{"id": "P1000", "label": "record held", "data_type": "Item", "description": "notable record achieved by a person or entity, include qualifiers for dates held", "label-zh": "纪录保持"}
{"id": "P1001", "label": "applies to jurisdiction", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the item (institution, law, public office, public register...) or statement belongs to or has power over or applies to the value (a territorial jurisdiction: a country, state, municipality, ...)", "label-zh": "管辖区"}
{"id": "P10019", "label": "term in higher taxon", "data_type": "Item", "description": "links a term with a superclass entity that is species-neutral or scoped to higher\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\torder taxa", "label-zh": "高级分类术语"}
{"id": "P1002", "label": "engine configuration", "data_type": "Item", "description": "configuration of an engine's cylinders", "label-zh": "发动机配置"}
{"id": "P10038", "label": "Conway polyhedron notation", "data_type": "String", "description": "notation that defines polytopes and tessellations", "label-zh": "康威多面体符号"}
{"id": "P10067", "label": "train melody", "data_type": "Item", "description": "music that tells you that a train is leaving or arriving at a train station", "label-zh": "火车旋律"}
{"id": "P10091", "label": "death rate", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the total number of persons dead per 1,000 population per year", "label-zh": "死亡率"}
{"id": "P101", "label": "field of work", "data_type": "Item", "description": "specialization of a person or organization; see P106 for the occupation", "label-zh": "工作领域"}
{"id": "P10107", "label": "specific impulse by weight", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "change of velocity per quantity of fuel, in seconds", "label-zh": "重量比冲"}
{"id": "P1011", "label": "excluding", "data_type": "Item", "description": "usually used as a qualifier", "label-zh": "不包含"}
{"id": "P10113", "label": "IMA Mineral Symbol", "data_type": "String", "description": "IMA approved symbols (abbreviations) for mineral names", "label-zh": "IMA矿物符号"}
{"id": "P1012", "label": "including", "data_type": "Item", "description": "usually used as a qualifier", "label-zh": "包含"}
{"id": "P10129", "label": "protective marking", "data_type": "Item", "description": "label applied to an intellectual work to indicate how the document should be\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\thandled, particularly from a security or privacy perspective", "label-zh": "保护性标记"}
{"id": "P1013", "label": "criterion used", "data_type": "Item", "description": "property by which a distinction or classification is made", "label-zh": "所用标准"}
{"id": "P10135", "label": "recording date", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "the date when a recording was made", "label-zh": "录制日期"}
{"id": "P10150", "label": "iTunes genre", "data_type": "Item", "description": "genre of media on media platform iTunes", "label-zh": "iTunes流派"}
{"id": "P1016", "label": "asteroid taxonomy", "data_type": "Item", "description": "type of asteroid classification", "label-zh": "小行星分类"}
{"id": "P10176", "label": "type host", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the host taxon from which a parasite type specimen was obtained", "label-zh": "模式宿主"}
{"id": "P10177", "label": "CSS property", "data_type": "String", "description": "name of a property in the Cascading Style Sheets series of specifications", "label-zh": "CSS属性"}
{"id": "P1018", "label": "language regulatory body", "data_type": "Item", "description": "regulatory body of a language", "label-zh": "语言监管机构"}
{"id": "P102", "label": "member of political party", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the political party of which a person is or has been a member or otherwise\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\taffiliated", "label-zh": "政党成员"}
{"id": "P10209", "label": "number of triples", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "total amount of triples in an RDF dataset", "label-zh": "三元组数"}
{"id": "P10228", "label": "facilitates flow of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the cargo/substrate actively transported or passively channeled by a protein", "label-zh": "促进流动"}
{"id": "P10229", "label": "next level in hierarchy", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier: indicates the value at the next hierarchy level which is true for this item, when more than one is possible at the next level", "label-zh": "层次结构中的下一级"}
{"id": "P10241", "label": "is an individual of taxon", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the taxon of an individual named organism (animal, plant)", "label-zh": "个体所属生物分类单元"}
{"id": "P10254", "label": "associated cadastral district", "data_type": "Item", "description": "cadastral district in which a place is located or is part of. Use only if distinct\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom administrative entities (P131) in predefined countries", "label-zh": "相关地籍区"}
{"id": "P1026", "label": "academic thesis", "data_type": "Item", "description": "thesis or dissertation written for a degree", "label-zh": "学位论文"}
{"id": "P10263", "label": "admission yield rate", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "percentage of admitted applicants who accept the admission offer", "label-zh": "录取率"}
{"id": "P1027", "label": "conferred by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person or organization who grants an award, certification, grant, or role", "label-zh": "授予"}
{"id": "P10273", "label": "Corruption Perceptions Index", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "Corruption Perceptions Index by Country", "label-zh": "腐败感知指数"}
{"id": "P1028", "label": "donated by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person or organization who donated the object", "label-zh": "捐赠者"}
{"id": "P10280", "label": "category for honorary citizens of entity", "data_type": "Item", "description": "category containing the honorary citizens of a settlement (administrative unit, country). Honorary citizens may or may not be citizens of the country", "label-zh": "实体荣誉公民类别"}
{"id": "P1029", "label": "crew member(s)", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person(s) that participated operating or serving aboard this vehicle", "label-zh": "机组人员"}
{"id": "P10290", "label": "hotel rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "star rating of the hotel", "label-zh": "酒店评级"}
{"id": "P103", "label": "native language", "data_type": "Item", "description": "language or languages a person has learned from early childhood", "label-zh": "母语"}
{"id": "P1030", "label": "light characteristic", "data_type": "String", "description": "description of a navigational light sequence or colour displayed on a nautical chart. Explicitly state white light (W)", "label-zh": "灯光特性"}
{"id": "P10300", "label": "DPI for original size", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "resolution in dots per inch (dpi) when printed at original size of painting or other work, value based on pixels of image and size of work (height, width)", "label-zh": "原始尺寸DPI"}
{"id": "P10308", "label": "director of publication", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the person who is legally responsible for a publication (text, images, audio, or\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvideo, including broadcast). Definitions and translations may vary depending on the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcountry and legislation.", "label-zh": "出版总监"}
{"id": "P1031", "label": "legal citation of this text", "data_type": "String", "description": "legal citation of legislation or a court decision", "label-zh": "本文的法律引用"}
{"id": "P10316", "label": "dpi for A4 printing", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "resolution in dots per inch (dpi) when printed on format A4 (210 × 297 mm), value based on pixels of image and aspect ratio", "label-zh": "用于A4打印的dpi"}
{"id": "P1032", "label": "Digital Rights Management system", "data_type": "Item", "description": "technologies  to control the use of digital content and devices after sale", "label-zh": "数字版权管理系统"}
{"id": "P10322", "label": "time in the pouch", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the time the animal spends in the pouch", "label-zh": "在育儿袋中的时间"}
{"id": "P1033", "label": "GHS signal word", "data_type": "Item", "description": "please use with items \"warning\" (Q15350847) and \"danger\" (Q15221217)", "label-zh": "GHS信号词"}
{"id": "P10339", "label": "semantic gender", "data_type": "Item", "description": "used when a word is only used to refer to people of this gender or to animals of this sex, independent of the grammatical gender", "label-zh": "语义性别"}
{"id": "P1034", "label": "main food source", "data_type": "Item", "description": "species, genus or family that an organism depends on for nutrition", "label-zh": "主要食物来源"}
{"id": "P1035", "label": "honorific suffix", "data_type": "Item", "description": "word or expression with connotations conveying esteem or respect when used, after a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tname, in addressing or referring to a person", "label-zh": "敬语后缀"}
{"id": "P10358", "label": "original catalog description", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "content of field labeled \"description\" in original institutional catalog metadata (for use on Wikimedia Commons)", "label-zh": "原始目录说明"}
{"id": "P10367", "label": "number of lanes", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of lanes on this road in a given direction", "label-zh": "车道数"}
{"id": "P1037", "label": "director / manager", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person who manages any kind of group", "label-zh": "主管"}
{"id": "P10374", "label": "computational complexity", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the most specific complexity class this computational problem has been proved to belong to; if available, provide the tight complexity, otherwise both hardness and membership can be specified", "label-zh": "计算复杂性"}
{"id": "P1038", "label": "relative", "data_type": "Item", "description": "family member (qualify with \"type of kinship\", P1039; for direct family member please use specific property)", "label-zh": "亲属"}
{"id": "P1039", "label": "kinship to subject", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier of \"relative\" (P1038) to indicate less usual family relationships (ancestor, son-in-law, adoptions, etc). Indicate how the qualificator item is related to the main item.", "label-zh": "亲属关系"}
{"id": "P1040", "label": "film editor", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person who works with the raw footage, selecting shots and combining them into sequences to create a finished motion picture", "label-zh": "剪辑"}
{"id": "P10408", "label": "created during", "data_type": "Item", "description": "media file created during a specific event or occurrence (for use on Wikimedia Commons)", "label-zh": "创建于"}
{"id": "P1041", "label": "socket supported", "data_type": "Item", "description": "socket for which the electronic part was made", "label-zh": "支持的插座"}
{"id": "P10449", "label": "trained by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "personal trainer of the athlete", "label-zh": "培训人员"}
{"id": "P1046", "label": "discovery method", "data_type": "Item", "description": "way an exoplanet was discovered", "label-zh": "发现方法"}
{"id": "P10464", "label": "KLADR ID", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier for a place in the KLADR database", "label-zh": "KLADR ID"}
{"id": "P10476", "label": "identifies", "data_type": "Item", "description": "this item uniquely and purposefully distinguishes instances of this class from each\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tother", "label-zh": "识别"}
{"id": "P1049", "label": "worshipped by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "religion or group/civilization that worships a given deity", "label-zh": "崇拜者"}
{"id": "P105", "label": "taxon rank", "data_type": "Item", "description": "level in a taxonomic hierarchy", "label-zh": "分类等级"}
{"id": "P1050", "label": "medical condition", "data_type": "Item", "description": "any state relevant to the health of an organism, including diseases and positive\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconditions", "label-zh": "医疗状况"}
{"id": "P10502", "label": "State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation ID", "data_type": "String", "description": "None", "label-zh": "俄罗斯联邦赫拉尔底州登记ID"}
{"id": "P10527", "label": "documentation files at", "data_type": "Item", "description": "institution that holds documentation files about the subject", "label-zh": "文档文件位于"}
{"id": "P10551", "label": "supports qualifier", "data_type": "Property", "description": "describes which qualifiers of the statement are supported by a reference", "label-zh": "支持限定符"}
{"id": "P1056", "label": "product or material produced", "data_type": "Item", "description": "material or product produced by a government agency, business, industry, facility, or process", "label-zh": "产品"}
{"id": "P10564", "label": "NAF code", "data_type": "String", "description": "standard French code for industry classification", "label-zh": "NAF代码"}
{"id": "P10568", "label": "maintains linking to", "data_type": "Item", "description": "this collection resource maintains a consistent linking to this other collection resource", "label-zh": "保持链接到"}
{"id": "P1057", "label": "chromosome", "data_type": "Item", "description": "chromosome on which an entity is localized", "label-zh": "染色体"}
{"id": "P10588", "label": "academic calendar type", "data_type": "Item", "description": "academic calendar system used by an educational institution", "label-zh": "学术日历类型"}
{"id": "P10594", "label": "taxonomic treatment", "data_type": "Item", "description": "subject has object as taxon treatment", "label-zh": "分类处理"}
{"id": "P106", "label": "occupation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "occupation of a person; see also \"field of work\" (Property:P101), \"position held\" (Property:P39)", "label-zh": "职业"}
{"id": "P1060", "label": "disease transmission process", "data_type": "Item", "description": "process by which a pathogen is transmitted, equivalent to \"transmitted by\" in the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\trelation ontology", "label-zh": "传播方式"}
{"id": "P10601", "label": "co-applicant", "data_type": "Item", "description": "co-applicant to a grant, program, or other funding agency", "label-zh": "共同申请人"}
{"id": "P10602", "label": "applicant", "data_type": "Item", "description": "applicant to a grant, program, or other funding agency or rating organization", "label-zh": "申请人"}
{"id": "P10604", "label": "type of a register in Germany", "data_type": "Item", "description": "type of a register in Germany represented by code", "label-zh": "德国的寄存器类型"}
{"id": "P10606", "label": "notable role", "data_type": "Item", "description": "role in a theatrical, motion picture, television, or other work that a performer is particularly known for", "label-zh": "显著角色"}
{"id": "P10607", "label": "athletics program", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the name of a school's athletics program, as opposed to individual teams in particular sports", "label-zh": "田径项目"}
{"id": "P10610", "label": "number of teachers", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of teachers at an educational facility", "label-zh": "教师数量"}
{"id": "P10611", "label": "has certification", "data_type": "Item", "description": "states that an item has a certain certification", "label-zh": "具有认证"}
{"id": "P10612", "label": "choreography for", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the song or work this item is the choreography for", "label-zh": "编舞"}
{"id": "P10613", "label": "surrounds the enclave", "data_type": "Item", "description": "inverse property of P501 (enclave within)", "label-zh": "包围飞地"}
{"id": "P10614", "label": "has surface", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the object is the 2-dimensional surface that partly or completely surrounds the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsubject in 3-dimensional space", "label-zh": "具有表面"}
{"id": "P10622", "label": "per capita income", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "average income earned per person in a given area (city, region, country, etc.) in a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tspecified year", "label-zh": "人均收入"}
{"id": "P10623", "label": "number of blood donors", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of people that have donated blood for an organization at a particular time", "label-zh": "献血者数量"}
{"id": "P10624", "label": "official observer status in organisation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Organisation by which the subject is granted observer status", "label-zh": "组织中的官方观察员"}
{"id": "P10627", "label": "web interface software", "data_type": "Item", "description": "software that generates the web interface for the source code repository", "label-zh": "网络界面软件"}
{"id": "P10629", "label": "suggested data fields", "data_type": "Property", "description": "Wikidata property that can be used as a header of a Common's tabular data field", "label-zh": "建议的数据字段"}
{"id": "P10630", "label": "medically indicated in case of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "medical condition for which the net benefit of a medical procedure is expected to be\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpositive", "label-zh": "医疗指示的情况"}
{"id": "P10636", "label": "number of conferences", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "None", "label-zh": "会议数量"}
{"id": "P10637", "label": "historic insurance number (building)", "data_type": "String", "description": "insurance number affixed to a building and used to identify it, historic numbering\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tscheme generally unique within a locality", "label-zh": "历史保险编号(建筑)"}
{"id": "P1064", "label": "track gauge", "data_type": "Item", "description": "spacing of the rails on a railway track", "label-zh": "轨距"}
{"id": "P10640", "label": "pole positions", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of races started in pole position", "label-zh": "杆位"}
{"id": "P10642", "label": "place of disappearance", "data_type": "Item", "description": "place where people or things have disappeared; link with P746 (date of disappearance)", "label-zh": "失踪地点"}
{"id": "P10643", "label": "code name", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "code word or name used, sometimes clandestinely, to refer to another name, word, project, or person; mainly for military purposes, or in espionage", "label-zh": "代号"}
{"id": "P10645", "label": "reports to", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the subject position reports to this position", "label-zh": "报告给"}
{"id": "P10648", "label": "podium finishes", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of podium finishes a participant achieved", "label-zh": "讲台饰面"}
{"id": "P10649", "label": "number of likes", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of likes, favorites, stars, upvotes, or reactions received on a social media post or profile", "label-zh": "点赞数"}
{"id": "P10650", "label": "number of dislikes", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of dislikes or downvotes received on a social media post", "label-zh": "不喜欢的数量"}
{"id": "P10651", "label": "number of comments", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of comments or replies received on a social media post", "label-zh": "评论数量"}
{"id": "P10654", "label": "rack system", "data_type": "Item", "description": "type of rack-and-cogwheel system used by a certain rack railway", "label-zh": "齿条系统"}
{"id": "P10655", "label": "oeconym", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "name of a family farm legally used as a personal name", "label-zh": "oeconym"}
{"id": "P10659", "label": "number of medals", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "None", "label-zh": "奖牌数量"}
{"id": "P1066", "label": "student of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person who has taught this person", "label-zh": "老师"}
{"id": "P10661", "label": "exhibited creator", "data_type": "Item", "description": "intellectual or creative entity (person or organization) responsible for the elements exhibited", "label-zh": "参展创作者"}
{"id": "P10663", "label": "applies to work", "data_type": "Item", "description": "work or narration for or in which this statement is true", "label-zh": "适用作品"}
{"id": "P10664", "label": "featured track(s)", "data_type": "Item", "description": "soundtrack of this audiovisual work", "label-zh": "特色曲目"}
{"id": "P10672", "label": "raw material processed", "data_type": "Item", "description": "raw or intermediate material, or a natural resource converted or consumed by a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfactory or industrial process, to manufacture a product, or to deliver energy (not\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tto be confused with P186 that is used with products)", "label-zh": "原材料加工"}
{"id": "P10673", "label": "debut date", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date when a person or group is considered to have \"debuted\"", "label-zh": "出道日期"}
{"id": "P10676", "label": "number of references", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of references of an item, e.g. of a scholarly article", "label-zh": "参考文献的数量"}
{"id": "P1068", "label": "instruction set", "data_type": "Item", "description": "set of machine code instructions on which a processor architecture is based", "label-zh": "指令集"}
{"id": "P10680", "label": "franchisor", "data_type": "Item", "description": "one who licenses some or all of its know-how, procedures, intellectual property, use of its business model, brand, and rights to sell its branded products and services to a franchisee", "label-zh": "特许人"}
{"id": "P10681", "label": "government debt-to-GDP ratio", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "ratio used to measure the level of debt in relationship to a country's GDP", "label-zh": "政府债务与GDP之比"}
{"id": "P10685", "label": "ionic radius", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "radius of an atom's ion in ionic crystals structure", "label-zh": "离子半径"}
{"id": "P10694", "label": "Royal Thai General System of Transcription", "data_type": "String", "description": "transcription of the Thai script in the Latin script using RTGS transcription", "label-zh": "泰国皇家通用转录系统"}
{"id": "P10695", "label": "introduced in", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item that introduced the subject", "label-zh": "引入"}
{"id": "P10703", "label": "Bill Number", "data_type": "String", "description": "number assigned to a bill to be submitted to the parliament of the state or local government", "label-zh": "法案编号"}
{"id": "P1071", "label": "location of creation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "place where the item was made; where applicable, location of final assembly", "label-zh": "创作地"}
{"id": "P10714", "label": "WikiProject importance scale rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "rating of an article on a WikiProject's importance scale", "label-zh": "WikiProject重要性等级评定"}
{"id": "P10718", "label": "CXSMILES", "data_type": "String", "description": "line notation based on the SMILES but extended to allow describing compound classes", "label-zh": "CXSMILES"}
{"id": "P1072", "label": "readable file format", "data_type": "Item", "description": "file format a program can open and read", "label-zh": "可读取文件格式"}
{"id": "P10726", "label": "class of property value", "data_type": "Item", "description": "class of the value of a property. Use on item properties only when class of the property value is narrower than the permitted range of the property that is described with \"value-type constraint\" (Q21510865)", "label-zh": "财产价值等级"}
{"id": "P10729", "label": "finisher", "data_type": "Item", "description": "finishing move used by an athlete in professional wrestling", "label-zh": "修整器"}
{"id": "P1073", "label": "writable file format", "data_type": "Item", "description": "file format a program can create and/or write to", "label-zh": "可写文件格式"}
{"id": "P10731", "label": "support of a function", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "subset of the domain containing those elements which are not mapped to zero", "label-zh": "函数的支持"}
{"id": "P10732", "label": "probability mass function", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "function that gives the probability that a discrete random variable is exactly equal\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tto some value", "label-zh": "概率质量函数"}
{"id": "P10733", "label": "probability generating function", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "power series representation (the generating function) of the probability mass\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfunction of the random variable", "label-zh": "概率生成函数"}
{"id": "P10734", "label": "Fisher information", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "way of measuring the amount of information that an observable random variable X\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcarries about an unknown parameter θ of a distribution that models X", "label-zh": "费希尔信息"}
{"id": "P10735", "label": "characteristic function", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "Fourier transform of the probability density function", "label-zh": "特征函数"}
{"id": "P10736", "label": "cumulative distribution function", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "probability that X will take a value less than or equal to x", "label-zh": "累积分布函数"}
{"id": "P10737", "label": "quantile function", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "value at which the probability of the random variable is less than or equal to the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tgiven probability", "label-zh": "分位数函数"}
{"id": "P10738", "label": "mean of a probability distribution", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "long-run average value of repetitions of the experiment it represents", "label-zh": "概率分布平均值"}
{"id": "P10739", "label": "median of a probability distribution", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "value separating the higher half of a data sample, a population, or a probability\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdistribution, from the lower half", "label-zh": "概率分布中值"}
{"id": "P1074", "label": "fictional or mythical analog of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "used to link an entity or class of entities appearing in a creative work with the analogous entity or class of entities in the real world", "label-zh": "虚构或虚构的类似物"}
{"id": "P10740", "label": "mode of a probability distribution", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "value that appears most often in a set of data", "label-zh": "概率分布模式"}
{"id": "P10741", "label": "dance style", "data_type": "Item", "description": "dance style that the subject participates or participated in or is associated with", "label-zh": "舞蹈风格"}
{"id": "P10743", "label": "variance of a probability distribution", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "expectation of the squared deviation of a random variable from its mean", "label-zh": "概率分布方差"}
{"id": "P10744", "label": "skewness", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "measure of the asymmetry of the probability distribution of a real-valued random\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvariable about its mean", "label-zh": "歪斜"}
{"id": "P10745", "label": "excess kurtosis", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "measure of the \"tailedness\" of the probability distribution of a real-valued random\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvariable", "label-zh": "过度峰度"}
{"id": "P10746", "label": "information entropy", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "expected value (average) of the information contained in each message", "label-zh": "信息熵"}
{"id": "P10747", "label": "moment-generating function", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "alternative specification of its probability distribution", "label-zh": "矩生成函数"}
{"id": "P1075", "label": "rector", "data_type": "Item", "description": "senior official in an educational institution", "label-zh": "校长"}
{"id": "P10751", "label": "declination component of proper motion", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the value μᵟ as a component of the proper motion of a star", "label-zh": "正常运动的赤纬分量"}
{"id": "P10752", "label": "right ascension component of proper motion", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the value μᵅ as a component of the proper motion of a star", "label-zh": "正确运动的赤经分量"}
{"id": "P10754", "label": "distributed from", "data_type": "Item", "description": "place or location where a good or service is distributed from", "label-zh": "分发自"}
{"id": "P10756", "label": "number of reblogs", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of reblogs, reposts, retweets, crossposts, or on-platform shares received on a social media post", "label-zh": "转发次数"}
{"id": "P10764", "label": "charge number", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "for a particle, quotient of its electric charge and the elementary charge", "label-zh": "电荷数"}
{"id": "P10768", "label": "Similarweb ranking", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the website's Similarweb global ranking", "label-zh": "Similarweb排名"}
{"id": "P10777", "label": "candidate position", "data_type": "String", "description": "numeric qualifier for position of a candidate in a particular election", "label-zh": "候选职位"}
{"id": "P1078", "label": "Valvetrain configuration", "data_type": "Item", "description": "configuration of the valvetrain utilized by this engine", "label-zh": "气门机构配置"}
{"id": "P10786", "label": "date of incorporation", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date when company, organization or city was incorporated", "label-zh": "成立日期"}
{"id": "P10788", "label": "in operation on service", "data_type": "Item", "description": "service that a vehicle is operating on", "label-zh": "在役运行"}
{"id": "P1079", "label": "launch contractor", "data_type": "Item", "description": "organization contracted to launch the rocket", "label-zh": "发射承包商"}
{"id": "P10795", "label": "coordination number", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of atoms, molecules or ions bonded to in a molecule or crystal", "label-zh": "配位数"}
{"id": "P108", "label": "employer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person or organization for which the subject works or worked", "label-zh": "雇主"}
{"id": "P1080", "label": "from narrative universe", "data_type": "Item", "description": "subject's fictional entity is in the object narrative. See also P1441 (present in work) and P1445 (fictional universe described in)", "label-zh": "所属虚构世界"}
{"id": "P10806", "label": "orchestrator", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person or body responsible for arranging a musical composition for orchestra", "label-zh": "管弦乐队"}
{"id": "P10808", "label": "preceding halt on service", "data_type": "Item", "description": "(qualifier) halt prior to this one at which the service stops", "label-zh": "服务暂停前"}
{"id": "P10809", "label": "following halt on service", "data_type": "Item", "description": "(qualifier) halt immediately following this one at which the service stops", "label-zh": "服务停止后"}
{"id": "P1081", "label": "Human Development Index", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "HDI value of a country", "label-zh": "人类发展指数"}
{"id": "P10814", "label": "number of housing units", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of housing units (dwellings) in a specific place (such as city, county,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tstate, country etc.)", "label-zh": "住房单元数量"}
{"id": "P10818", "label": "last entry", "data_type": "Item", "description": "time after which an establishment or attraction no longer admits entry, qualifier for P3025 (for closing time, use P8627)", "label-zh": "最后一次进入"}
{"id": "P1082", "label": "population", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of people inhabiting the place; number of people of subject", "label-zh": "人口"}
{"id": "P10822", "label": "homophone form", "data_type": "Form", "description": "form with the same or very similar pronunciation as this one", "label-zh": "同音形式"}
{"id": "P10823", "label": "fastest laps", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of fastest laps a driver is credited with over a series, season, or career", "label-zh": "最快圈数"}
{"id": "P1083", "label": "maximum capacity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of people allowed for a venue or vehicle", "label-zh": "最大容量"}
{"id": "P10836", "label": "inker", "data_type": "Item", "description": "comics artist responsible for outlining, interpreting, finalizing, and retracing a drawing by using a pencil, pen or a brush", "label-zh": "墨水器"}
{"id": "P10837", "label": "penciller", "data_type": "Item", "description": "artist who works on the creation of comic books, graphic novels, and similar visual art forms, with a focus on the initial pencil illustrations", "label-zh": "铅笔"}
{"id": "P10855", "label": "opus number", "data_type": "String", "description": "number that is assigned to a musical composition, or to a set of compositions, to indicate the chronological order of the composer's production", "label-zh": "作品编号"}
{"id": "P1086", "label": "atomic number", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of protons found in the nucleus of the atom", "label-zh": "原子序数"}
{"id": "P1087", "label": "Elo rating", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "quantitative measure of one's game-playing ability, particularly in classical chess", "label-zh": "埃洛评级"}
{"id": "P1088", "label": "Mohs' hardness", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "qualitative ordinal scale characterizing scratch resistance of various minerals", "label-zh": "莫氏硬度"}
{"id": "P10888", "label": "contains the statistical territorial entity", "data_type": "Item", "description": "(list of) statistical territorial entities which are direct subdivisions of another\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tstatistical or administrative territorial entity", "label-zh": "包含统计领土实体"}
{"id": "P10893", "label": "recordist", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the person or other agent who recorded the audio and/or video for this file", "label-zh": "记录员"}
{"id": "P10894", "label": "spoken by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the person who is speaking in this audio or video file", "label-zh": "发言人"}
{"id": "P1090", "label": "redshift", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the redshift measure of an astronomical object", "label-zh": "红移"}
{"id": "P10906", "label": "foliage type", "data_type": "Item", "description": "type of foliage characteristic of a plant, e.g. deciduous, semi-deciduous,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsemi-evergreen, or evergreen", "label-zh": "叶型"}
{"id": "P1092", "label": "total produced", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "quantity of item produced", "label-zh": "总产量"}
{"id": "P10927", "label": "counts instances of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "this counter word or numeral counts instances of", "label-zh": "统计"}
{"id": "P1093", "label": "gross tonnage", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "unitless index related to a ship's overall internal volume", "label-zh": "总吨位"}
{"id": "P10946", "label": "contraindicated in case of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "medical condition for which the net benefit of a medical procedure is expected to be\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnegative", "label-zh": "在以下情况下禁用"}
{"id": "P1096", "label": "orbital eccentricity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "amount of the deviation of an orbit from a perfect circle", "label-zh": "轨道离心率"}
{"id": "P10960", "label": "harvested organism(s)", "data_type": "Item", "description": "taxon or common name for the organism(s) that are harvested in this fishery,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tindustry, or other harvesting enterprise", "label-zh": "收获的生物体"}
{"id": "P10969", "label": "power series expansion", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "power series expansion of the subject", "label-zh": "功率系列扩展"}
{"id": "P1097", "label": "g-factor", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "characteristic property of any elementary particle (Landé factor)", "label-zh": "g系数"}
{"id": "P1098", "label": "number of speakers, writers, or signers", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of people who use a language", "label-zh": "使用者人数"}
{"id": "P1099", "label": "number of masts", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of masts a ship has", "label-zh": "桅杆数量"}
{"id": "P10994", "label": "KFCB classification (Kenya)", "data_type": "Item", "description": "rating in the film classification system of Kenya", "label-zh": "KFCB分类(肯尼亚)"}
{"id": "P10999", "label": "website title extract pattern", "data_type": "String", "description": "a regular expression extracting a probable label from the title tag of a website", "label-zh": "网站标题提取模式"}
{"id": "P110", "label": "illustrator", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person drawing the pictures or taking the photographs in a book", "label-zh": "插画家"}
{"id": "P1100", "label": "number of cylinders", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of cylinders in a piston engine or compressor", "label-zh": "气缸数"}
{"id": "P1101", "label": "floors above ground", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "above ground floor count of a building (ground floor and attic included)", "label-zh": "地上楼层"}
{"id": "P1102", "label": "flattening", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "measure of the compression of an ellipsoid of revolution", "label-zh": "扁平化"}
{"id": "P1103", "label": "number of platform tracks", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of tracks served by the platforms at a railway station", "label-zh": "站台轨道数量"}
{"id": "P11034", "label": "Gauss notation", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "Gauss notation for knots", "label-zh": "高斯符号"}
{"id": "P11035", "label": "crossing number", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "crossing number for mathematical knots; the crossing number of a knot is the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsmallest number of crossings of any diagram of the knot. It is a knot invariant.", "label-zh": "交叉编号"}
{"id": "P1104", "label": "number of pages", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of pages in an edition of a written work; see allowed units constraint for valid values to use for units in conjunction with a number", "label-zh": "总页数"}
{"id": "P11053", "label": "grammatical person", "data_type": "Item", "description": "grammatical person category (first, second, third, etc.) of pronouns", "label-zh": "语法人"}
{"id": "P11054", "label": "grammatical number", "data_type": "Item", "description": "grammatical number category (singular, plural, etc.) of pronouns and certain types\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tof nouns", "label-zh": "语法数字"}
{"id": "P1106", "label": "Sandbox-Quantity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "property to be used for testing the quantity datatype", "label-zh": "沙盒-数量"}
{"id": "P1107", "label": "proportion", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "to be used as a qualifier, value must be between 0 and 1", "label-zh": "比例"}
{"id": "P1108", "label": "electronegativity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "tendency of an atom or functional group to attract electrons", "label-zh": "电负性"}
{"id": "P11081", "label": "won sets", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of sets won", "label-zh": "获胜组数"}
{"id": "P1109", "label": "refractive index", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "refractive index of a substance with wavelength and temperature as qualifiers", "label-zh": "折射率"}
{"id": "P111", "label": "measured physical quantity", "data_type": "Item", "description": "value of a physical property expressed as number multiplied by a unit", "label-zh": "测量的物理量"}
{"id": "P1110", "label": "attendance", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of people (spectators, ticket holders) at an event or exhibition", "label-zh": "出席人数"}
{"id": "P11105", "label": "annotator", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the person responsible for annotating, extracting, and interpreting texts and meanings from ancient manuscripts and other documents", "label-zh": "注释者"}
{"id": "P11106", "label": "alphabetical index", "data_type": "Item", "description": "initial letter or character of entries found at pages starting with qualifier value in this book with alphabetically ordered entries. Use applicable qualifier such as P304.", "label-zh": "字母索引"}
{"id": "P11108", "label": "recorded participant", "data_type": "Item", "description": "agent taking an active role as a participant in a nonfiction moving image or other\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\trecorded work", "label-zh": "记录参与者"}
{"id": "P1111", "label": "votes received", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "qualifier stating the number of votes for a candidate in an election", "label-zh": "得票数"}
{"id": "P1113", "label": "number of episodes", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of episodes in a film/TV/radio series", "label-zh": "集数"}
{"id": "P1114", "label": "quantity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of instances of this subject in the universe of the subject (the actual number of instances in Wikidata may be lower or higher)", "label-zh": "数量"}
{"id": "P11140", "label": "embargoed until", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "qualifier of property P953 (full work available at URL) to indicate the date after\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhich the full work can be viewed or downloaded; typically used on items for\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tacademic journal articles and academic theses", "label-zh": "禁运至"}
{"id": "P11146", "label": "collection items at", "data_type": "Item", "description": "institution (museum, collection, etc.) holding items (specimens or other objects)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcollected by the subject (collector) or at the subject (e.g. site). (use archive\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlocation P485 for the archives)", "label-zh": "收集项目"}
{"id": "P1117", "label": "pKa", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "acid dissociation constant", "label-zh": "pKa"}
{"id": "P11197", "label": "build system", "data_type": "Item", "description": "build system used by a software during its development", "label-zh": "构建系统"}
{"id": "P112", "label": "founded by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "founder or co-founder of this organization, religion or place", "label-zh": "创办者"}
{"id": "P1120", "label": "number of deaths", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "total (cumulative) number of people who died since start as a direct result of an event or cause", "label-zh": "死亡人数"}
{"id": "P11200", "label": "tiratge", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of musical bars for each section of a sardana", "label-zh": "泰拉奇"}
{"id": "P11205", "label": "pinout", "data_type": "String", "description": "mapping of the physical contacts of an electrical connector or electronic component to their functions", "label-zh": "引脚"}
{"id": "P1121", "label": "oxidation state", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "this atom has or can have the oxidation number", "label-zh": "氧化态"}
{"id": "P1122", "label": "spin quantum number", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "dimensionless rational quantum number; the intrinsic spin angular momentum divided by the Dirac constant", "label-zh": "自旋量子数"}
{"id": "P11220", "label": "fruit color", "data_type": "Item", "description": "color of the fruit of a plant species, hybrid, or cultivar", "label-zh": "果实颜色"}
{"id": "P1123", "label": "parity quantum number", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "property of particles", "label-zh": "奇偶量子数"}
{"id": "P11231", "label": "has biological vector", "data_type": "Item", "description": "a taxon which functions as a vector for this pathogenic biological group", "label-zh": "具有生物载体"}
{"id": "P1125", "label": "Gini coefficient", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "measure of statistical dispersion intended to represent the income distribution of a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnation's residents", "label-zh": "基尼系数"}
{"id": "P1126", "label": "isospin quantum number", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "characteristic property of any particle", "label-zh": "同位旋量子数"}
{"id": "P11260", "label": "list item", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier for \"union of\" (P2737) and \"disjoint union of\" (P2738) to identify constituent entities", "label-zh": "列表项"}
{"id": "P11265", "label": "alt text", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "alternative text used when an image can't be rendered or when accessed from assistive technology such as a screen reader", "label-zh": "替代文本"}
{"id": "P11269", "label": "changeset", "data_type": "String", "description": "URI to a changeset in an online version control system", "label-zh": "变更集"}
{"id": "P1127", "label": "isospin z-component", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "characteristic property of any elementary particle", "label-zh": "同位旋z分量"}
{"id": "P11279", "label": "is a number of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "this entity is a number representing the quantity of this item", "label-zh": "是一个数字"}
{"id": "P1128", "label": "employees", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "total number of employees of a company at a given \"point in time\" (P585). Most recent data would generally have preferred rank; data for previous years normal rank (not deprecated rank). Add data for recent years, don't overwrite", "label-zh": "员工人数"}
{"id": "P1129", "label": "national team appearances", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "total number of games officially played by a sportsman for national team", "label-zh": "国家队参赛次数"}
{"id": "P113", "label": "airline hub", "data_type": "Item", "description": "airport that serves as a hub for an airline", "label-zh": "枢纽机场"}
{"id": "P11317", "label": "negates property", "data_type": "Property", "description": "this property negates the specified property", "label-zh": "否定属性"}
{"id": "P1132", "label": "number of participants", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of participants of an event, e.g. people or groups of people that take part in the event (NO units)", "label-zh": "参与者人数"}
{"id": "P11323", "label": "Mac OS creator code", "data_type": "String", "description": "code used formerly by Mac OS to identify file and program creators", "label-zh": "Mac OS创建者代码"}
{"id": "P11327", "label": "membership number", "data_type": "String", "description": "number given to an entity to identify them within an organization", "label-zh": "会员编号"}
{"id": "P1135", "label": "nomenclatural status", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the status of a scientific name, according to the relevant rules of nomenclature (taxonomy)", "label-zh": "命名状态"}
{"id": "P11356", "label": "grading system", "data_type": "Item", "description": "value indicators used by educators to evaluate the performance of the pupils in exams on the standard particular scales which is based on the points entirely and consist of the grades like A-F or range like 1-10", "label-zh": "评分系统"}
{"id": "P1136", "label": "solved by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person that solved a scientific question", "label-zh": "解决者"}
{"id": "P1137", "label": "fossil found in this unit", "data_type": "Item", "description": "fossils that are found in this stratigraphic unit", "label-zh": "发现于地层单元的化石"}
{"id": "P11385", "label": "camera lens", "data_type": "Item", "description": "camera lens item used by the photo or video camera; or in a photo item, the lens used to take it", "label-zh": "相机镜头"}
{"id": "P11387", "label": "image processor", "data_type": "Item", "description": "digital camera image processor", "label-zh": "图像处理器"}
{"id": "P1139", "label": "floors below ground", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "total number of below ground floors of the building", "label-zh": "地下楼层"}
{"id": "P114", "label": "airline alliance", "data_type": "Item", "description": "alliance the airline belongs to", "label-zh": "航空联盟"}
{"id": "P1141", "label": "number of processor cores", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of independent actual processing units (*not* threads)", "label-zh": "处理器核数量"}
{"id": "P11412", "label": "minimum focusing distance", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "minimum focusing distance between the camera and the object required by the objective to be able to focus", "label-zh": "最小对焦距离"}
{"id": "P11413", "label": "sampling rate", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "frequency at which a system measures a continuous-time signal", "label-zh": "采样率"}
{"id": "P11415", "label": "image stabilizer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "system to achieve image stabilization in photographs and video", "label-zh": "图像稳定器"}
{"id": "P1142", "label": "political ideology", "data_type": "Item", "description": "political ideology of an organization or person or of a work (such as a newspaper)", "label-zh": "政治意识形态"}
{"id": "P11424", "label": "service options", "data_type": "Item", "description": "options for eating at a restaurant, café, etc", "label-zh": "服务选项"}
{"id": "P1145", "label": "Lagrangian point", "data_type": "Item", "description": "libration point of an object (default: object-sun-earth)", "label-zh": "拉格朗日点"}
{"id": "P11463", "label": "travel advisory category", "data_type": "Item", "description": "advisory category issued by a government regarding travel to another country or territory", "label-zh": "旅行咨询类别"}
{"id": "P11464", "label": "model lexeme", "data_type": "Lexeme", "description": "model lexeme entity for a paradigm, conjugation class, etc.", "label-zh": "模型词位"}
{"id": "P1148", "label": "neutron number", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of neutrons of an isotope", "label-zh": "中子数"}
{"id": "P11484", "label": "does not use", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item or concept not used by the subject but that could have been expected", "label-zh": "不使用"}
{"id": "P11491", "label": "member of Roman tribe", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Roman tribe in which one was inscribed", "label-zh": "罗马部落成员"}
{"id": "P115", "label": "home venue", "data_type": "Item", "description": "home stadium or venue of a sports team or applicable performing arts organization", "label-zh": "主场"}
{"id": "P1151", "label": "topic's main Wikimedia portal", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Wikimedia portal associated with this topic", "label-zh": "话题的主要维基媒体主题"}
{"id": "P11527", "label": "applies to use with property", "data_type": "Property", "description": "qualifier that specifies that the statement refers to usage with the property", "label-zh": "适用于与属性一起使用"}
{"id": "P11547", "label": "Happy Planet Index score", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "The Happy Planet Index (HPI) is an index of human well-being and environmental\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\timpact that was introduced by the New Economics Foundation in 2006", "label-zh": "快乐星球指数得分"}
{"id": "P11558", "label": "digital equivalent of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the subject is the digital equivalent of what?", "label-zh": "数字等效"}
{"id": "P11577", "label": "said to be the same as (lexeme)", "data_type": "Lexeme", "description": "some source considers this lexeme to be the same lexeme or a spelling variant of another lexeme", "label-zh": "据说与(lexeme)相同"}
{"id": "P1158", "label": "location of landing", "data_type": "Item", "description": "location where the craft landed", "label-zh": "着陆位置"}
{"id": "P11590", "label": "Stamp perforation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "type of perforation for a series of stamps", "label-zh": "邮票穿孔"}
{"id": "P1163", "label": "MIME type", "data_type": "String", "description": "IANA-registered identifier for a file type (MIME)", "label-zh": "媒体类型"}
{"id": "P1164", "label": "group cardinality", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of elements in a finite group", "label-zh": "组基数"}
{"id": "P1165", "label": "home world", "data_type": "Item", "description": "home planet or natural satellite for a fictional character or species", "label-zh": "来源星球"}
{"id": "P1170", "label": "transmitted signal type", "data_type": "Item", "description": "type of signal transmitted by a device", "label-zh": "发送信号"}
{"id": "P1171", "label": "approximation algorithm", "data_type": "Item", "description": "method used to approximate a number", "label-zh": "近似算法"}
{"id": "P1174", "label": "visitors per year", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of people visiting a location or an event each year", "label-zh": "每年访客人数"}
{"id": "P118", "label": "league", "data_type": "Item", "description": "league in which team or player plays or has played in", "label-zh": "所属联盟"}
{"id": "P1181", "label": "numeric value", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "numerical value of a number, a mathematical constant, or a physical constant", "label-zh": "数值"}
{"id": "P1183", "label": "Gewässerkennzahl", "data_type": "String", "description": "a number to hydrographically order rivers and streams, use more specific properties where possible", "label-zh": "德国水文编号"}
{"id": "P119", "label": "place of burial", "data_type": "Item", "description": "location of grave, resting place, place of ash-scattering, etc. (e.g., town/city or cemetery) for a person or animal. There may be several places: e.g., re-burials, parts of body buried separately.", "label-zh": "墓地"}
{"id": "P1191", "label": "date of first performance", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date a work was first debuted, performed or live-broadcasted", "label-zh": "首演日期"}
{"id": "P1192", "label": "connecting service", "data_type": "Item", "description": "service stopping at a station", "label-zh": "所属路线"}
{"id": "P1193", "label": "prevalence", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "portion in percent of a population with a given disease or disorder", "label-zh": "感染率"}
{"id": "P1194", "label": "received signal type", "data_type": "Item", "description": "type of signal received by a device", "label-zh": "接收讯号"}
{"id": "P1195", "label": "file extension", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier for a file format (e.g. txt for a text file) used as suffix to the file name, don't use dot at start", "label-zh": "文件扩展名"}
{"id": "P1196", "label": "manner of death", "data_type": "Item", "description": "general circumstances of a person's death; e.g. natural causes, accident, suicide, homicide, etc.  Use 'cause of death' (P509) for the specific physiological mechanism, e.g. heart attack, trauma, pneumonia...", "label-zh": "死亡方式"}
{"id": "P1198", "label": "unemployment rate", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "portion of a workforce population that is not employed", "label-zh": "失业率"}
{"id": "P1199", "label": "mode of inheritance", "data_type": "Item", "description": "manner in which a particular genetic trait or disorder is passed from one generation\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tto the next", "label-zh": "遗传模式"}
{"id": "P1200", "label": "bodies of water basin category", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the Wikimedia category associated with the basin of a bodies of water", "label-zh": "流域水体分类"}
{"id": "P1201", "label": "space tug", "data_type": "Item", "description": "spacecraft vehicle designed to move the payload from a reference orbit to the target orbit, or direct it to an interplanetary trajectory", "label-zh": "太空拖船"}
{"id": "P1202", "label": "carries scientific instrument", "data_type": "Item", "description": "scientific instruments carried by a vessel, satellite, or device that are not required for propelling or navigating", "label-zh": "携带科学仪器"}
{"id": "P1204", "label": "Wikimedia portal's main topic", "data_type": "Item", "description": "primary topic of this Wikimedia portal", "label-zh": "维基媒体主题的主要话题"}
{"id": "P121", "label": "item operated", "data_type": "Item", "description": "equipment, installation or service operated by the subject", "label-zh": "运营"}
{"id": "P1210", "label": "supercharger", "data_type": "Item", "description": "supercharger or turbocharger used by an engine", "label-zh": "增压器"}
{"id": "P1211", "label": "fuel system", "data_type": "Item", "description": "fuel system that an engine uses", "label-zh": "燃料系统"}
{"id": "P1215", "label": "apparent magnitude", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "measurement of the brightness of an astronomic object, as seen from the Earth", "label-zh": "视星等"}
{"id": "P122", "label": "basic form of government", "data_type": "Item", "description": "subject's government", "label-zh": "政府类型"}
{"id": "P1221", "label": "compressor type", "data_type": "Item", "description": "type of mechanical compressor technology used by subject", "label-zh": "压缩机类型"}
{"id": "P1227", "label": "astronomical filter", "data_type": "Item", "description": "passband used to isolate particular sections of the electromagnetic spectrum", "label-zh": "天文滤波器"}
{"id": "P123", "label": "publisher", "data_type": "Item", "description": "organization or person responsible for publishing books, periodicals, printed music, podcasts, games or software", "label-zh": "出版商"}
{"id": "P1240", "label": "Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator level", "data_type": "String", "description": "Danish scientific level of research publications, coordinated with the nordic list\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tof publication channels. See also item", "label-zh": "丹麦书目研究指标等级"}
{"id": "P1247", "label": "compression ratio", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "compression ratio of a reciprocating combustion engine; for data compression, use P1107 with qualifiers", "label-zh": "压缩比"}
{"id": "P1249", "label": "time of earliest written record", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "first time a subject was mentioned in writing", "label-zh": "最早文献记录时间"}
{"id": "P1257", "label": "depicts Iconclass notation", "data_type": "String", "description": "Iconclass code depicted in an artwork. For linking Iconclass codes with their corresponding artistic themes or concepts, use P1256 (Iconclass notation).", "label-zh": "描绘的Iconclass符号"}
{"id": "P1259", "label": "coordinates of the point of view", "data_type": "GlobeCoordinate", "description": "point from which the scene depicted by the element is seen (element can be a photo,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ta painting, etc.)", "label-zh": "视角坐标"}
{"id": "P126", "label": "maintained by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person or organization in charge of keeping the subject (for instance an infrastructure) in functioning order", "label-zh": "维护者"}
{"id": "P1264", "label": "valid in period", "data_type": "Item", "description": "time period when a statement is valid", "label-zh": "有效期"}
{"id": "P1268", "label": "represents", "data_type": "Item", "description": "organization, individual, or concept that an entity represents", "label-zh": "代表对象"}
{"id": "P1269", "label": "facet of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "topic of which this item is an aspect, item that offers a broader perspective on the same topic", "label-zh": "所属主题"}
{"id": "P127", "label": "owned by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "owner of the subject", "label-zh": "拥有者"}
{"id": "P1279", "label": "inflation rate", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "percent change in the consumer price index (CPI)", "label-zh": "通货膨胀率"}
{"id": "P128", "label": "regulates (molecular biology)", "data_type": "Item", "description": "process regulated by a protein or RNA in molecular biology", "label-zh": "调控(分子生物学)"}
{"id": "P1282", "label": "OpenStreetMap tag or key", "data_type": "String", "description": "OpenStreetMap tagging schema (a Key:key, Tag:key=value, Relation:type, or Role:role)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfor classes, properties, and values", "label-zh": "OSM标签或关键词"}
{"id": "P1283", "label": "filmography", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item for the list of films a person has contributed to. Don't use it to add film\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\titems. Instead, add actors as \"cast member\" (P161) on items for films, directors\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twith \"director\" (P57)", "label-zh": "影片集锦"}
{"id": "P129", "label": "physically interacts with", "data_type": "Item", "description": "physical entity that the subject interacts with", "label-zh": "相互作用"}
{"id": "P1290", "label": "godparent", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person who is the godparent of a given person", "label-zh": "教父母"}
{"id": "P1295", "label": "emissivity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "ability of a substance to radiate thermal energy from its surface", "label-zh": "发射率"}
{"id": "P1299", "label": "depicted by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "object depicting this subject (object being creative works such as books, films,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpaintings)", "label-zh": "描绘作品"}
{"id": "P1301", "label": "number of elevators", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of elevators in a building", "label-zh": "升降机数量"}
{"id": "P1302", "label": "primary destinations", "data_type": "Item", "description": "major towns and cities that a road serves", "label-zh": "主要目的地"}
{"id": "P1303", "label": "instrument", "data_type": "Item", "description": "musical instrument that a person plays or teaches or used in a music occupation", "label-zh": "乐器"}
{"id": "P1304", "label": "central bank", "data_type": "Item", "description": "country's central bank", "label-zh": "中央银行"}
{"id": "P1308", "label": "officeholder", "data_type": "Item", "description": "persons who hold and/or held an office or noble title", "label-zh": "官员"}
{"id": "P131", "label": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the item is located on the territory of the following administrative entity. Use P276 for specifying locations that are non-administrative places and for items about events. Use P1382 if the item falls only partially into the administrative entity.", "label-zh": "所在行政领土"}
{"id": "P1310", "label": "statement disputed by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "entity that disputes a given statement", "label-zh": "争议参与者"}
{"id": "P1312", "label": "has facet polytope", "data_type": "Item", "description": "facet of a polytope, in the next-lower dimension", "label-zh": "维面"}
{"id": "P1313", "label": "office held by head of government", "data_type": "Item", "description": "political office that is fulfilled by the head of the government of this item", "label-zh": "政府首脑职位"}
{"id": "P1314", "label": "number of spans", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of spans a bridge has", "label-zh": "桥孔数量"}
{"id": "P1317", "label": "floruit", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date when the person was known to be active or alive, when birth or death not documented", "label-zh": "在世期"}
{"id": "P1318", "label": "proved by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person who proved something", "label-zh": "证明者"}
{"id": "P1319", "label": "earliest date", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "earliest date at which an event could have happened. Use as qualifier for other date properties", "label-zh": "最早日期"}
{"id": "P1321", "label": "place of origin (Switzerland)", "data_type": "Item", "description": "lieu d'origine/Heimatort/luogo d'origine of a Swiss national. Not be confused with\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tplace of birth or place of residence", "label-zh": "原产地(瑞士)"}
{"id": "P1322", "label": "dual to", "data_type": "Item", "description": "dual of a polytope, graph or curve", "label-zh": "对偶几何图形"}
{"id": "P1326", "label": "latest date", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "latest possible time that something could have occurred. Use as qualifier for other date properties", "label-zh": "最晚日期"}
{"id": "P1327", "label": "partner in business or sport", "data_type": "Item", "description": "professional collaborator", "label-zh": "专业或体育合作伙伴"}
{"id": "P1329", "label": "phone number", "data_type": "String", "description": "telephone number in standard format (RFC3966), without '", "label-zh": "电话号码"}
{"id": "P1332", "label": "coordinates of northernmost point", "data_type": "GlobeCoordinate", "description": "northernmost point of a location. For an administrative entity this includes\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\toffshore islands", "label-zh": "最北点"}
{"id": "P1333", "label": "coordinates of southernmost point", "data_type": "GlobeCoordinate", "description": "southernmost point of a place. For administrative entities this includes offshore\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tislands", "label-zh": "最南点"}
{"id": "P1334", "label": "coordinates of easternmost point", "data_type": "GlobeCoordinate", "description": "easternmost point of a location", "label-zh": "最东点"}
{"id": "P1335", "label": "coordinates of westernmost point", "data_type": "GlobeCoordinate", "description": "westernmost point of a location", "label-zh": "最西点"}
{"id": "P1336", "label": "territory claimed by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "administrative divisions that claim control of a given area", "label-zh": "领土主张"}
{"id": "P1339", "label": "number of injured", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of people with non-fatal injuries in an event", "label-zh": "受伤人数"}
{"id": "P1340", "label": "eye color", "data_type": "Item", "description": "color of the irises of a person's eyes", "label-zh": "眼睛颜色"}
{"id": "P1342", "label": "number of seats", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "total number of seats/members in an assembly (legislative house or similar)", "label-zh": "席次"}
{"id": "P1343", "label": "described by source", "data_type": "Item", "description": "work where this item is described", "label-zh": "记载于"}
{"id": "P1344", "label": "participant in", "data_type": "Item", "description": "event in which a person or organization was/is a participant; inverse of P710 or\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tP1923", "label-zh": "参与"}
{"id": "P1345", "label": "number of victims of killer", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "people killed by the subject, both legal and illegal", "label-zh": "杀手杀人数"}
{"id": "P1346", "label": "winner", "data_type": "Item", "description": "winner of a competition or similar event, not to be used for awards (instead use \"award received\" (P166) on awardee's item, possibly qualified with \"for work\" (P1686)) or for wars or battles", "label-zh": "获胜者"}
{"id": "P1347", "label": "military casualty classification", "data_type": "Item", "description": "allowed values:  killed in action (Q210392), missing in action (Q2344557), died of wounds (Q16861372), prisoner of war (Q179637), killed in flight accident (Q16861407), others used in military casualty classification", "label-zh": "军事伤亡分类"}
{"id": "P1349", "label": "ploidy", "data_type": "Item", "description": "ploidy of a genome, a taxon or an anatomical entity", "label-zh": "染色体倍性"}
{"id": "P135", "label": "movement", "data_type": "Item", "description": "literary, artistic, scientific or philosophical movement or scene associated with this person or work. For political ideologies use P1142.", "label-zh": "文化运动"}
{"id": "P1350", "label": "number of matches played/races/starts", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "matches or games a player or a team played during an event. Also a total number of\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmatches a player officially appeared in during the whole career.", "label-zh": "参赛次数"}
{"id": "P1351", "label": "number of points/goals/set scored", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "goals / points scored in a match or an event used as qualifier to the participant. Use P1358 for league points.", "label-zh": "得分或进球数"}
{"id": "P1352", "label": "ranking", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "subject's ordinal position as qualitatively evaluated relative to other members of a group", "label-zh": "排名"}
{"id": "P1353", "label": "original spelling", "data_type": "String", "description": "original spelling of a scientific name", "label-zh": "原拼法"}
{"id": "P1354", "label": "shown with features", "data_type": "Item", "description": "secondary features depicted in a work. Use as qualifier for \"depicts\" (P180)", "label-zh": "展现特征"}
{"id": "P1355", "label": "number of wins", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of sporting matches, games or events won", "label-zh": "胜者数量"}
{"id": "P1356", "label": "number of losses", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of sporting matches, games or events lost", "label-zh": "败者数量"}
{"id": "P1357", "label": "number of draws/ties", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of matches or games drawn or tied in a league or an event", "label-zh": "平局/平局数"}
{"id": "P1358", "label": "points for", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of points in a league table or decathlon. (Use P1351 for goals/points in a match)", "label-zh": "点"}
{"id": "P1359", "label": "number of points/goals conceded", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "points conceded or goals against (use in league table items)", "label-zh": "失分/球数"}
{"id": "P136", "label": "genre", "data_type": "Item", "description": "creative work's genre or an artist's field of work (P101). Use main subject (P921) to relate creative works to their topic", "label-zh": "类型"}
{"id": "P1360", "label": "Monte Carlo Particle Number", "data_type": "String", "description": "number given to each elementary particle", "label-zh": "蒙特卡罗粒子编号"}
{"id": "P1363", "label": "points/goal scored by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person who scored a point or goal in a game", "label-zh": "得分或进球者"}
{"id": "P1365", "label": "replaces", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person, state or item replaced. Use \"structure replaces\" (P1398) for structures. Use \"follows\" (P155) if the previous item was not replaced or predecessor and successor are identical", "label-zh": "取代"}
{"id": "P1366", "label": "replaced by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "other person or item which continues the item by replacing it in its role. Use P156 (\"followed by\") if the item is not replaced nor identical, but adds to the series (e.g. books in a series).", "label-zh": "后继者"}
{"id": "P137", "label": "operator", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person, profession, or organization that operates the equipment, facility, or service", "label-zh": "运营者"}
{"id": "P1372", "label": "binding of software library", "data_type": "Item", "description": "software library in another programming language provided by the subject software binding", "label-zh": "软件库绑定"}
{"id": "P1373", "label": "daily patronage", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of daily passengers, patrons or visitors in specified time period", "label-zh": "单日搭乘量"}
{"id": "P1376", "label": "capital of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "country, state, department, canton or other administrative division of which the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmunicipality is the governmental seat", "label-zh": "首府"}
{"id": "P138", "label": "named after", "data_type": "Item", "description": "entity or event that inspired the subject's name, or namesake (in at least one language). Qualifier \"applies to name\" (P5168) can be used to indicate which one", "label-zh": "名称由来"}
{"id": "P1382", "label": "partially coincident with", "data_type": "Item", "description": "object that partially overlaps with the subject in its instances, parts, or members", "label-zh": "部分重合物"}
{"id": "P1383", "label": "contains settlement", "data_type": "Item", "description": "settlement which an administrative division contains", "label-zh": "包含聚落"}
{"id": "P1387", "label": "political alignment", "data_type": "Item", "description": "political position within the left–right political spectrum", "label-zh": "政治立场"}
{"id": "P1389", "label": "product certification", "data_type": "Item", "description": "certification for a product, qualify with P1001 (\"applies to jurisdiction\") if\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tneeded", "label-zh": "产品认证"}
{"id": "P1390", "label": "match time of event", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "time into a game when an event occurs (use with a unit)", "label-zh": "比赛时间"}
{"id": "P1393", "label": "proxy", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person authorized to act for another", "label-zh": "代理人"}
{"id": "P1398", "label": "structure replaces", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the item this building or structure replaced, at the same geographic location", "label-zh": "先前取代建筑"}
{"id": "P1399", "label": "convicted of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "crime a person was convicted of", "label-zh": "宣判罪名"}
{"id": "P140", "label": "religion or worldview", "data_type": "Item", "description": "religion of a person, organization or religious building, or associated with this subject", "label-zh": "信仰"}
{"id": "P1402", "label": "Foundational Model of Anatomy ID", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier for human anatomical terminology", "label-zh": "解剖学基础模型ID"}
{"id": "P1403", "label": "original combination", "data_type": "Item", "description": "for animals: the combination (binomen or trinomen) where the species-group name used\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tin this taxon name was first published", "label-zh": "原始组合"}
{"id": "P1406", "label": "script directionality", "data_type": "Item", "description": "direction that a writing system goes in", "label-zh": "文字方向"}
{"id": "P1408", "label": "licensed to broadcast to", "data_type": "Item", "description": "place that a radio/TV station is licensed/required to broadcast to", "label-zh": "广播地区"}
{"id": "P141", "label": "IUCN conservation status", "data_type": "Item", "description": "conservation status assigned by the International Union for Conservation of Nature", "label-zh": "IUCN保护状况"}
{"id": "P1410", "label": "number of seats in legislature", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of seats a political party, faction, or group has in a given legislature", "label-zh": "所占席次"}
{"id": "P1411", "label": "nominated for", "data_type": "Item", "description": "award nomination received by a person, organisation or creative work (inspired from \"award received\" (Property:P166))", "label-zh": "提名或入围奖项"}
{"id": "P1412", "label": "languages spoken, written or signed", "data_type": "Item", "description": "language(s) that a person or a people speaks, writes or signs, including the native language(s)", "label-zh": "表达语言"}
{"id": "P1414", "label": "GUI toolkit or framework", "data_type": "Item", "description": "framework or toolkit a program uses to display the graphical user interface", "label-zh": "GUI工具包或框架"}
{"id": "P1416", "label": "affiliation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "organization that a person or organization is affiliated with (not necessarily\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmember of or employed by)", "label-zh": "所属机构"}
{"id": "P1418", "label": "orbits completed", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of orbits a spacecraft has done around a body", "label-zh": "完成轨道圈数"}
{"id": "P1419", "label": "shape", "data_type": "Item", "description": "shape of an object", "label-zh": "形状"}
{"id": "P1420", "label": "taxon synonym", "data_type": "Item", "description": "name listed as synonym of a taxon name", "label-zh": "同物异名"}
{"id": "P1423", "label": "template has topic", "data_type": "Item", "description": "topic related to template", "label-zh": "模板主话题"}
{"id": "P1424", "label": "topic's main template", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the main template relating to a topic", "label-zh": "话题主模板"}
{"id": "P1425", "label": "ecoregion (WWF)", "data_type": "Item", "description": "ecoregion of the item (choose from WWF's list)", "label-zh": "生态区(世界自然基金会)"}
{"id": "P1427", "label": "start point", "data_type": "Item", "description": "starting place of this journey, flight, voyage, trek, migration etc.", "label-zh": "行程起点"}
{"id": "P1429", "label": "has pet", "data_type": "Item", "description": "pet that a person owns", "label-zh": "宠物"}
{"id": "P143", "label": "imported from Wikimedia project", "data_type": "Item", "description": "source of this claim's value; used in references section by bots or humans importing data from Wikimedia projects", "label-zh": "导入自维基媒体项目"}
{"id": "P1431", "label": "executive producer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "executive producer of a movie or TV show", "label-zh": "执行制作人"}
{"id": "P1433", "label": "published in", "data_type": "Item", "description": "larger work that a given work was published in, like a book, journal or music album", "label-zh": "刊载处"}
{"id": "P1434", "label": "takes place in fictional universe", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the subject is a work describing a fictional universe, i.e. whose plot occurs in this universe.", "label-zh": "描述的虚构世界"}
{"id": "P1435", "label": "heritage designation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "heritage designation of a cultural or natural site", "label-zh": "文化遗产名称"}
{"id": "P1436", "label": "collection or exhibition size", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of items in a collection or exhibition", "label-zh": "收藏大小"}
{"id": "P1437", "label": "plea", "data_type": "Item", "description": "whether a person pleaded guilty, not guilty, etc.", "label-zh": "辩解"}
{"id": "P144", "label": "based on", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the work(s) used as the basis for subject item", "label-zh": "改编自"}
{"id": "P1441", "label": "present in work", "data_type": "Item", "description": "this (fictional or fictionalized) entity or person appears in that work as part of the narration (use P2860 for works citing other works, P361/P1433 for works being part of other works, P1343 for entities described in non-fictional accounts)", "label-zh": "出场作品"}
{"id": "P1443", "label": "score method", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier of \"points/goal scored by (P1363)\"", "label-zh": "计分法"}
{"id": "P1444", "label": "destination point", "data_type": "Item", "description": "destination for this route (journey, flight, sailing, exploration, migration, etc.)", "label-zh": "行程目的地"}
{"id": "P1445", "label": "fictional universe described in", "data_type": "Item", "description": "to link a fictional universe with a work that describes it: <universe> \"described in the work:\" <work>", "label-zh": "虚构世界描述于"}
{"id": "P1446", "label": "number of missing", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of people missing after an event - qualify with \"point in time (P585)\"", "label-zh": "失踪人数"}
{"id": "P1448", "label": "official name", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "official name of the subject in its official language(s)", "label-zh": "官方名称"}
{"id": "P1449", "label": "nickname", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "informal name (for a pseudonym use P742)", "label-zh": "昵称"}
{"id": "P1450", "label": "Sandbox-Monolingual text", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "sandbox for testing the monolingual text datatype", "label-zh": "沙盒-单语文本"}
{"id": "P1451", "label": "motto text", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "short motivation sentence associated to item", "label-zh": "格言"}
{"id": "P1454", "label": "legal form", "data_type": "Item", "description": "legal form of an entity", "label-zh": "法律形式"}
{"id": "P1455", "label": "list of works", "data_type": "Item", "description": "link to the article with the works of a person; use P358 for discographies", "label-zh": "作品列表"}
{"id": "P1456", "label": "list of monuments", "data_type": "Item", "description": "link to the list of heritage monuments in the place/area", "label-zh": "古迹列表"}
{"id": "P1457", "label": "absolute magnitude", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "absolute magnitude of an astronomic object", "label-zh": "绝对星等"}
{"id": "P1458", "label": "color index", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "color index of an astronomical object", "label-zh": "色指数"}
{"id": "P1461", "label": "Patientplus ID", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier of disease at Patient UK", "label-zh": "Patientplus编码"}
{"id": "P1462", "label": "standards body", "data_type": "Item", "description": "organisation that published or maintains the standard governing an item", "label-zh": "标准组织"}
{"id": "P1464", "label": "category for people born here", "data_type": "Item", "description": "category item that groups people born in this place", "label-zh": "出生地分类"}
{"id": "P1465", "label": "category for people who died here", "data_type": "Item", "description": "category item for people who died in this location", "label-zh": "死亡地分类"}
{"id": "P1470", "label": "maximum glide ratio", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "maximum glide ratio of an aircraft", "label-zh": "最大滑翔比"}
{"id": "P1471", "label": "reporting mark", "data_type": "String", "description": "reporting mark for railroads in North America", "label-zh": "报告码"}
{"id": "P1472", "label": "Commons Creator page", "data_type": "String", "description": "name of Commons Infobox template residing in \"Creator\" namespace on Wikimedia Commons", "label-zh": "共享资源作者页面"}
{"id": "P1476", "label": "title", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "published name of a work, such as a newspaper article, a literary work, piece of music, a website, or a performance work", "label-zh": "标题"}
{"id": "P1477", "label": "birth name", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "full name of a person at birth, if different from their current, generally used name", "label-zh": "出生姓名"}
{"id": "P1478", "label": "has immediate cause", "data_type": "Item", "description": "nearest, proximate thing that directly resulted in the subject as outcome or effect. Used in conjunction with 'has cause' (i.e. underlying cause) and 'has contributing factor'. See 'Help:Modeling causes'.", "label-zh": "直接原因"}
{"id": "P1479", "label": "has contributing factor", "data_type": "Item", "description": "thing that significantly influenced, but did not directly cause, this outcome or effect.  Used in conjunction with 'has cause' and 'has immediate cause'.  See '", "label-zh": "影响因素"}
{"id": "P1480", "label": "sourcing circumstances", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualification of the truth or accuracy of a source: circa (Q5727902), near (Q21818619), presumably (Q18122778), etc.", "label-zh": "来源情况"}
{"id": "P149", "label": "architectural style", "data_type": "Item", "description": "architectural style of a structure", "label-zh": "建筑风格"}
{"id": "P150", "label": "contains the administrative territorial entity", "data_type": "Item", "description": "(list of) direct subdivisions of an administrative territorial entity", "label-zh": "包含行政领土"}
{"id": "P1531", "label": "parent of this hybrid, breed, or cultivar", "data_type": "Item", "description": "None", "label-zh": "此杂交种、品种的父系"}
{"id": "P1532", "label": "country for sport", "data_type": "Item", "description": "country a person or a team represents when playing a sport", "label-zh": "体育代表国"}
{"id": "P1533", "label": "family name identical to this given name", "data_type": "Item", "description": "last name that is the same as a given first name. Use on items for given names", "label-zh": "相关姓氏"}
{"id": "P1534", "label": "end cause", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier to use together with the end date qualifier (P582) to specify the cause", "label-zh": "结束原因"}
{"id": "P1535", "label": "used by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item or concept that makes use of the subject (use sub-properties when appropriate)", "label-zh": "使用者"}
{"id": "P1536", "label": "immediate cause of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "immediate effect of this cause", "label-zh": "直接结果"}
{"id": "P1537", "label": "contributing factor of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "thing that is significantly influenced by this cause, but does not directly result from it.  See 'Help:Modeling causes' for examples and discussion.", "label-zh": "是该对象的影响因素"}
{"id": "P1538", "label": "number of households", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "total number of households in this place, includes dwellings of all types", "label-zh": "户数"}
{"id": "P1539", "label": "female population", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of female people inhabiting the place; number of female people of subject", "label-zh": "女性人口"}
{"id": "P1540", "label": "male population", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of male people inhabiting the place; number of male people of subject", "label-zh": "男性人口"}
{"id": "P1542", "label": "has effect", "data_type": "Item", "description": "effect of this item", "label-zh": "导致"}
{"id": "P1545", "label": "series ordinal", "data_type": "String", "description": "position of an item in its parent series (most frequently a 1-based index), generally to be used as a qualifier (different from \"rank\" defined as a class, and from \"ranking\" defined as a property for evaluating a quality).", "label-zh": "系列序号"}
{"id": "P1546", "label": "motto", "data_type": "Item", "description": "description of the motto of the subject", "label-zh": "座右铭"}
{"id": "P1547", "label": "depends on software", "data_type": "Item", "description": "subject software depends on object software", "label-zh": "依赖软件"}
{"id": "P1548", "label": "maximum Strahler number", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "highest Strahler number of a stream, creek, or river", "label-zh": "最大Strahler数"}
{"id": "P1549", "label": "demonym", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "demonym (proper noun) for people or things associated with a given place, usually based off the placename; multiple entries with qualifiers to distinguish are used to list variant forms by reason of grammatical gender or plurality.", "label-zh": "居民称谓词"}
{"id": "P155", "label": "follows", "data_type": "Item", "description": "immediately prior item in a series of which the subject is a part, preferably use as qualifier of P179 [if the subject has replaced the preceding item, e.g. political offices, use \"replaces\" (P1365)]", "label-zh": "前任"}
{"id": "P1552", "label": "has quality", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the entity has an inherent or distinguishing non-material characteristic. use a more-specific property when possible", "label-zh": "特性"}
{"id": "P1557", "label": "manifestation of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "inherent and characteristic embodiment of a given concept", "label-zh": "表现概念"}
{"id": "P1558", "label": "tempo marking", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualitative indication about the speed or pace of a given musical piece (use P1725 for numerical tempo markings)", "label-zh": "拍速标记"}
{"id": "P1559", "label": "name in native language", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "name of a person in their native language", "label-zh": "母语人名"}
{"id": "P156", "label": "followed by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "immediately following item in a series of which the subject is a part, preferably use as qualifier of P179 [if the subject has been replaced, e.g. political offices, use \"replaced by\" (P1366)]", "label-zh": "后继者"}
{"id": "P1560", "label": "given name version for other gender", "data_type": "Item", "description": "equivalent name (with respect to the meaning of the name) in the same language: female version of a male first name, male version of a female first name. Add primarily the closest matching one", "label-zh": "異性版名字"}
{"id": "P1561", "label": "number of survivors", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of people surviving an event", "label-zh": "幸存者人数"}
{"id": "P1568", "label": "definition domain", "data_type": "Item", "description": "set of \"input\" or argument values for which a mathematical function is defined", "label-zh": "定义域"}
{"id": "P157", "label": "killed by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person who killed the subject", "label-zh": "杀害者"}
{"id": "P1571", "label": "codomain", "data_type": "Item", "description": "codomain of a function", "label-zh": "到达域"}
{"id": "P1574", "label": "exemplar of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "property for manuscripts, autographs, incunabula, distinct printed copies", "label-zh": "原本"}
{"id": "P1576", "label": "lifestyle", "data_type": "Item", "description": "typical way of life of an individual, group, or culture", "label-zh": "生活方式"}
{"id": "P1582", "label": "natural product of taxon", "data_type": "Item", "description": "links a natural product with its source (animal, plant, fungal, algal, etc.)", "label-zh": "产自"}
{"id": "P1588", "label": "Statistics Indonesia area code", "data_type": "String", "description": "unique code for a place, last issued in 2021 by Statistics Indonesia (Badan Pusat\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tStatistik)", "label-zh": "印度尼西亚村落代码"}
{"id": "P1589", "label": "lowest point", "data_type": "Item", "description": "point with lowest elevation in the country, region, city or area", "label-zh": "最深点"}
{"id": "P159", "label": "headquarters location", "data_type": "Item", "description": "city, where an organization's headquarters is or has been situated. Use P276\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqualifier for specific building", "label-zh": "总部位置"}
{"id": "P1590", "label": "number of casualties", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of people dead or injured because of this event.  Used when precise data on number of deaths and number of injured is unavailable.", "label-zh": "伤亡人数"}
{"id": "P1591", "label": "defendant", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person or organization accused, at a trial", "label-zh": "被告人"}
{"id": "P1592", "label": "prosecutor", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person representing the prosecuting authority, at a trial", "label-zh": "检察官"}
{"id": "P1593", "label": "defender", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person representing the defendant, at a trial", "label-zh": "防守者"}
{"id": "P1594", "label": "judge", "data_type": "Item", "description": "judge, magistrate or equivalent, presiding at a trial", "label-zh": "法官"}
{"id": "P1595", "label": "charge", "data_type": "Item", "description": "offence with which someone is charged, at a trial", "label-zh": "控罪"}
{"id": "P1596", "label": "penalty", "data_type": "Item", "description": "penalty imposed by an authority", "label-zh": "刑罚"}
{"id": "P1598", "label": "consecrator", "data_type": "Item", "description": "bishop who presided as consecrator or co-consecrator of this bishop", "label-zh": "供奉者"}
{"id": "P16", "label": "transport network", "data_type": "Item", "description": "network the infrastructure is a part of", "label-zh": "交通网络"}
{"id": "P1603", "label": "number of cases", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "cumulative number of confirmed, probable and suspected occurrences", "label-zh": "案例数"}
{"id": "P1604", "label": "biosafety level", "data_type": "Item", "description": "level of the biocontainment precautions required to isolate dangerous biological\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tagents", "label-zh": "生物安全级别"}
{"id": "P1605", "label": "has natural reservoir", "data_type": "Item", "description": "host species for the pathogen in which it is endemic", "label-zh": "天然宿主"}
{"id": "P1606", "label": "natural reservoir of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "pathogen of which this species is a long-term host", "label-zh": "天然水库"}
{"id": "P161", "label": "cast member", "data_type": "Item", "description": "actor in the subject production [use \"character role\" (P453) and/or \"name of the character role\" (P4633) as qualifiers] [use \"voice actor\" (P725) for voice-only role]", "label-zh": "演员"}
{"id": "P1611", "label": "NATO code for grade", "data_type": "Item", "description": "NATO Code for Grades of Military Personnel", "label-zh": "北约等级代码"}
{"id": "P1612", "label": "Commons Institution page", "data_type": "String", "description": "name of the institutions's page on Wikimedia Commons (without the prefix \"Institution\")", "label-zh": "共享资源机构页面"}
{"id": "P1618", "label": "sport number", "data_type": "String", "description": "number worn on a player's (competitor's) uniform, equipment, etc", "label-zh": "队员号码"}
{"id": "P1619", "label": "date of official opening", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date or point in time an event, museum, theater etc. officially opened", "label-zh": "正式开放日期"}
{"id": "P162", "label": "producer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person(s) who produced the film, musical work, theatrical production, etc. (for film, this does not include executive producers, associate producers, etc.) [for production company, use P272, video games - use P178]", "label-zh": "制作人"}
{"id": "P1620", "label": "plaintiff", "data_type": "Item", "description": "party who initiates a lawsuit", "label-zh": "原告人"}
{"id": "P1622", "label": "driving side", "data_type": "Item", "description": "side of the road that vehicles drive on in a given jurisdiction", "label-zh": "道路通行方向"}
{"id": "P1625", "label": "has melody", "data_type": "Item", "description": "this work has the melody of the following work", "label-zh": "旋律"}
{"id": "P1629", "label": "Wikidata item of this property", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item corresponding to the concept represented by the property", "label-zh": "属性主题项目"}
{"id": "P163", "label": "flag", "data_type": "Item", "description": "subject's flag", "label-zh": "旗帜"}
{"id": "P1630", "label": "formatter URL", "data_type": "String", "description": "web page URL; URI template from which \"$1\" can be automatically replaced with the effective property value on items. If the site goes offline, set it to deprecated rank. If the formatter URL changes, add a new statement with preferred rank.", "label-zh": "格式化URL"}
{"id": "P1635", "label": "religious name", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "name taken or used as a member of a religious community", "label-zh": "宗教姓名"}
{"id": "P1636", "label": "date of baptism in early childhood", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date when a person was baptized. For times when only baptism records were available, this can be a good substitute for date of birth.", "label-zh": "洗礼日期"}
{"id": "P1637", "label": "undercarriage", "data_type": "Item", "description": "type of aircraft landing gear the item is equipped with", "label-zh": "起落架"}
{"id": "P1638", "label": "working title", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "temporary name of a product or project used during its development", "label-zh": "代号"}
{"id": "P1639", "label": "pendant of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "other work in a pair of opposing artworks, such as wedding portraits, commissioned together, but not always", "label-zh": "留下笔迹者"}
{"id": "P1640", "label": "curator", "data_type": "Item", "description": "content specialist responsible for this collection or exhibition", "label-zh": "馆长"}
{"id": "P1641", "label": "port", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "default communication endpoint in TCP, UDP, or other transport protocol", "label-zh": "端口"}
{"id": "P1642", "label": "acquisition transaction", "data_type": "Item", "description": "how the player was acquired; qualifier for P54 (member of sports team)", "label-zh": "收购交易"}
{"id": "P1643", "label": "departure transaction", "data_type": "Item", "description": "how the player was released or transferred from the roster; qualifier for P54 (member of sports team)", "label-zh": "离境交易"}
{"id": "P1647", "label": "subproperty of", "data_type": "Property", "description": "all resources related by this property are also related by that property", "label-zh": "父属性"}
{"id": "P1652", "label": "referee", "data_type": "Item", "description": "referee or umpire of a match", "label-zh": "裁判"}
{"id": "P1654", "label": "wing configuration", "data_type": "Item", "description": "configuration of wing(s) used by an aircraft", "label-zh": "机翼配置"}
{"id": "P1656", "label": "unveiled by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person who unveils a statue, sculpture, memorial or plaque, etc.", "label-zh": "揭幕者"}
{"id": "P1657", "label": "MPA film rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "US film classification administered by the Motion Picture Association of America", "label-zh": "美国电影协会电影评级"}
{"id": "P1659", "label": "related properties", "data_type": "Property", "description": "used to indicate another property that might provide additional information about the subject", "label-zh": "相关属性"}
{"id": "P166", "label": "award received", "data_type": "Item", "description": "award or recognition received by a person, organization or creative work", "label-zh": "所获奖项"}
{"id": "P1660", "label": "has index case", "data_type": "Item", "description": "initial patient in the population of an epidemiological investigation", "label-zh": "指示病例"}
{"id": "P1661", "label": "Alexa rank", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the website's Alexa ranking with \"point in time\" (P585) as a qualifier for each value", "label-zh": "Alexa排名"}
{"id": "P167", "label": "structure replaced by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the item which replaced this building or structure, at the same geographic location", "label-zh": "后继替代建筑"}
{"id": "P1671", "label": "route number", "data_type": "String", "description": "number of a rail or other public transport line", "label-zh": "路线编号"}
{"id": "P1672", "label": "this taxon is source of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "links a taxon to natural products it produces. Note that it does not say \"this taxon\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tis the source of\" or \"this taxon is a source of\" as this may vary. Some products may\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbe yielded by more than one taxon.", "label-zh": "产物"}
{"id": "P1673", "label": "general formula", "data_type": "String", "description": "molecular formula of a class of compounds", "label-zh": "通式"}
{"id": "P1674", "label": "number confirmed", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "qualifier; number of instances or occurrences classified as confirmed for reporting purposes", "label-zh": "确认数量"}
{"id": "P1675", "label": "number probable", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "qualifier; number of instances or occurrences classified as probable (vs. confirmed) for reporting purposes", "label-zh": "可能数量"}
{"id": "P1676", "label": "number suspected", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "qualifier; number of instances or occurrences classified as suspected for reporting purposes", "label-zh": "疑似数量"}
{"id": "P1677", "label": "index case of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "primary case, patient zero: initial patient in the population of an epidemiological\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinvestigation", "label-zh": "指示病例患者"}
{"id": "P1678", "label": "has vertex figure", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the figure exposed when a corner of a polytope is sliced off", "label-zh": "具有顶点图形"}
{"id": "P1680", "label": "subtitle", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "for works, when the title is followed by a subtitle", "label-zh": "副标题"}
{"id": "P1683", "label": "quotation", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "quotation supporting the statement claim (to be used in the reference or qualifier field only, no quote marks)", "label-zh": "引文"}
{"id": "P1684", "label": "inscription", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "inscriptions, markings and signatures on an object", "label-zh": "铭文"}
{"id": "P1685", "label": "Pokémon index", "data_type": "String", "description": "identification number of a Pokémon in a Pokédex or other official numbering system", "label-zh": "神奇宝贝索引"}
{"id": "P1686", "label": "for work", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier of award received (P166) to specify the work that an award was given to the creator for", "label-zh": "得奖作品"}
{"id": "P1687", "label": "Wikidata property", "data_type": "Property", "description": "main Wikidata property for this item", "label-zh": "维基数据属性"}
{"id": "P1689", "label": "central government debt as a percent of GDP", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "State debt in relation to gross domestic product", "label-zh": "中央政府债务占GDP百分比"}
{"id": "P169", "label": "chief executive officer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "highest-ranking corporate officer appointed as the CEO within an organization", "label-zh": "首席执行官"}
{"id": "P1692", "label": "ICD-9-CM", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier in the ICD adaption assigning diagnostic and procedure codes", "label-zh": "ICD-9-CM"}
{"id": "P1696", "label": "inverse property", "data_type": "Property", "description": "links a property to its inverse property (which relates the subject and object in reverse order)", "label-zh": "逆属性"}
{"id": "P1697", "label": "total valid votes", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "vote count for the elections (excluding invalid votes)", "label-zh": "有效票数"}
{"id": "P17", "label": "country", "data_type": "Item", "description": "sovereign state that this item is in (not to be used for human beings)", "label-zh": "国家"}
{"id": "P170", "label": "creator", "data_type": "Item", "description": "maker of this creative work or other object (where no more specific property exists)", "label-zh": "创作者"}
{"id": "P1703", "label": "is pollinated by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "how pollen from the male anthers is transferred to the female stigma of a flower", "label-zh": "授粉者"}
{"id": "P1704", "label": "is pollinator of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "plant that this animal visits for pollen (and that it pollinates)", "label-zh": "为其传粉"}
{"id": "P1705", "label": "native label", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "label for item in its official or original language", "label-zh": "母语标签"}
{"id": "P1706", "label": "together with", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier to specify the item that this property is shared with", "label-zh": "连同"}
{"id": "P171", "label": "parent taxon", "data_type": "Item", "description": "closest parent taxon of the taxon in question", "label-zh": "父级分类单元"}
{"id": "P1716", "label": "brand", "data_type": "Item", "description": "commercial brand associated with the item", "label-zh": "品牌"}
{"id": "P172", "label": "ethnic group", "data_type": "Item", "description": "subject's ethnicity (consensus is that a VERY high standard of proof is needed for\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthis field to be used. In general this means 1) the subject claims it themselves, or\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t2) it is widely agreed on by scholars, or 3) is fictional and portrayed as such)", "label-zh": "种族"}
{"id": "P1721", "label": "pinyin transliteration", "data_type": "String", "description": "hanyu pinyin transliteration of a Mandarin Chinese text (usually to be used as a qualifier)", "label-zh": "汉语拼音转写"}
{"id": "P1725", "label": "beats per minute", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "tempo of a musical work, indicated numerically (use P1558 for qualitative tempo markings)", "label-zh": "每分钟节拍数"}
{"id": "P1731", "label": "Fach vocal classification", "data_type": "Item", "description": "method of classifying opera singers according to the range, weight, and color of their voices", "label-zh": "面部声音分类"}
{"id": "P1734", "label": "oath of office date", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "when person swore the oath of office", "label-zh": "就职誓言日期"}
{"id": "P1740", "label": "category for films shot at this location", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the object is a category for films shot at or in the subject", "label-zh": "取景地分类"}
{"id": "P1748", "label": "NCI Thesaurus ID", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier in the United States National Cancer Institute Thesaurus, vocabulary for clinical care, translational and basic research, etc", "label-zh": "NCI同义词库ID"}
{"id": "P175", "label": "performer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "actor, musician, band or other performer associated with this role or musical work", "label-zh": "表演者"}
{"id": "P1750", "label": "name day", "data_type": "Item", "description": "day of the year associated with a first/given name. A qualifier should be used to identify the calendar that is being used. Distinguish from \"feast day\" (P:P841)", "label-zh": "命名日"}
{"id": "P1752", "label": "scale", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "proportional ratio of a linear dimension of a model, map, etc, to the same feature\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tof the original - 1:n. Use 1 for lifesize", "label-zh": "比例"}
{"id": "P1753", "label": "list related to category", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Wikimedia list equivalent to a Wikimedia category", "label-zh": "分类相关列表"}
{"id": "P1754", "label": "category related to list", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Wikimedia category that matches the Wikimedia list", "label-zh": "列表相关分类"}
{"id": "P176", "label": "manufacturer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "manufacturer or producer of this product", "label-zh": "生产商"}
{"id": "P1762", "label": "Hornbostel-Sachs classification", "data_type": "String", "description": "Hornbostel-Sachs classification of a musical instrument", "label-zh": "Hornbostel Sachs分类"}
{"id": "P177", "label": "crosses", "data_type": "Item", "description": "obstacle (body of water, road, railway...) which this bridge crosses over or this tunnel goes under", "label-zh": "跨越"}
{"id": "P1774", "label": "workshop of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "artist whose work group are the likely creator of an artwork", "label-zh": "工作室"}
{"id": "P1775", "label": "follower of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "for unknown artists who work in the manner of the named artist", "label-zh": "追随对象"}
{"id": "P1776", "label": "circle of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "for unknown artists who lived in the same time as the named author in a similar style, possibly a follower or someone who had contact with the named artist", "label-zh": "结伴同好(艺术家)"}
{"id": "P1777", "label": "manner of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "for unknown artists who worked in a similar style as the named author, but not necessary from the same period", "label-zh": "风格类同"}
{"id": "P1778", "label": "forgery after", "data_type": "Item", "description": "for an artwork trying to appear to be the work of the named author", "label-zh": "伪造"}
{"id": "P1779", "label": "possible creator", "data_type": "Item", "description": "for a creative work with considerable uncertainty about the author", "label-zh": "可能的创作者"}
{"id": "P178", "label": "developer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "organization or person that developed the item", "label-zh": "开发者"}
{"id": "P1780", "label": "school of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "for a creative work with author with a style influenced by the known author or circle, active in the same period, but a student or follower", "label-zh": "所属学派"}
{"id": "P1782", "label": "courtesy name", "data_type": "String", "description": "name bestowed upon a person at adulthood in addition to one's given name, mostly in East Asia", "label-zh": "表字"}
{"id": "P1785", "label": "temple name", "data_type": "String", "description": "name bestowed to a monarch after death (East Asia)", "label-zh": "庙号"}
{"id": "P1786", "label": "posthumous name", "data_type": "String", "description": "name given to a person after death (East Asia)", "label-zh": "谥号"}
{"id": "P1787", "label": "art-name", "data_type": "String", "description": "type of pseudonym of modern and historical artists as well as specifically traditionally adopted by writers and artists in East Asia", "label-zh": "号"}
{"id": "P1789", "label": "chief operating officer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the chief operating officer of an organization", "label-zh": "首席运营官"}
{"id": "P179", "label": "part of the series", "data_type": "Item", "description": "series which contains the subject", "label-zh": "所属系列"}
{"id": "P1791", "label": "category of people buried here", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Wikimedia category for people with a burial site within this area", "label-zh": "埋葬地分类"}
{"id": "P1792", "label": "category of associated people", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Wikimedia category for people associated with this place or organization", "label-zh": "相关人物分类"}
{"id": "P1793", "label": "format as a regular expression", "data_type": "String", "description": "regex describing an identifier or a Wikidata property. When using on property constraints, ensure syntax is a PCRE", "label-zh": "正则表达式格式"}
{"id": "P1796", "label": "International Standard Industrial Classification code Rev.4", "data_type": "String", "description": "code of industry by ISIC (International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities)", "label-zh": "国际标准行业分类代码(第4版)"}
{"id": "P180", "label": "depicts", "data_type": "Item", "description": "entity visually depicted in an image, literarily described in a work, or otherwise incorporated into an audiovisual or other medium; see also P921,  'main subject'", "label-zh": "描绘内容"}
{"id": "P1809", "label": "choreographer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person(s) who did the choreography", "label-zh": "编舞"}
{"id": "P1810", "label": "subject named as", "data_type": "String", "description": "name by which a subject is recorded in a database, mentioned as a contributor of a work, or is referred to in a particular context", "label-zh": "主体名为"}
{"id": "P1811", "label": "list of episodes", "data_type": "Item", "description": "link to the article with the list of episodes for this series", "label-zh": "剧集列表"}
{"id": "P1813", "label": "short name", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "short name of a place, organisation, person, journal, Wikidata property, etc.", "label-zh": "简称"}
{"id": "P1814", "label": "name in kana", "data_type": "String", "description": "the reading of a Japanese name in kana", "label-zh": "日语假名"}
{"id": "P1815", "label": "RSL scanned books identifier", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier of the Russian State Library", "label-zh": "俄罗斯国家图书馆扫描书籍标识符"}
{"id": "P1817", "label": "addressee", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person or organization to whom a letter or note is addressed", "label-zh": "收件人"}
{"id": "P1824", "label": "road number", "data_type": "String", "description": "number assigned to a stretch of public roadway", "label-zh": "道路编号"}
{"id": "P183", "label": "endemic to", "data_type": "Item", "description": "sole location or habitat type where the taxon lives", "label-zh": "原产于"}
{"id": "P1830", "label": "owner of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "entities owned by the subject", "label-zh": "拥有"}
{"id": "P1831", "label": "electorate", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of persons qualified to vote during elections", "label-zh": "选民数"}
{"id": "P1833", "label": "number of registered users/contributors", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of registered users on a website", "label-zh": "注册用户数/贡献者"}
{"id": "P1836", "label": "draft pick number", "data_type": "String", "description": "overall pick number with which a player is selected in a sports draft", "label-zh": "选秀编号"}
{"id": "P184", "label": "doctoral advisor", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person who supervised the doctorate or PhD thesis of the subject", "label-zh": "博士生导师"}
{"id": "P1840", "label": "investigated by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person or organization involved in investigation of the item", "label-zh": "调查者"}
{"id": "P1843", "label": "taxon common name", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "common or vernacular name of a biological taxon", "label-zh": "生物俗名"}
{"id": "P1845", "label": "anti-virus alias", "data_type": "String", "description": "alias issued by anti-virus companies to classify malware", "label-zh": "反病毒别名"}
{"id": "P185", "label": "doctoral student", "data_type": "Item", "description": "doctoral student(s) of a professor", "label-zh": "博士生"}
{"id": "P1851", "label": "input set", "data_type": "Item", "description": "a superset of the domain of a function or relation that may include some inputs for\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhich the function is not defined; to specify the set of only those inputs for which\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthe function is defined use domain (P1568)", "label-zh": "输入集"}
{"id": "P1853", "label": "blood type", "data_type": "Item", "description": "blood type of the human or animal", "label-zh": "血型"}
{"id": "P1855", "label": "Wikidata property example", "data_type": "Item", "description": "example where this Wikidata property is used; target item is one that would use this property, with qualifier the property being described given the associated value", "label-zh": "维基数据属性示例"}
{"id": "P186", "label": "made from material", "data_type": "Item", "description": "material the subject or the object is made of or derived from (do not confuse with P10672 which is used for processes)", "label-zh": "材料"}
{"id": "P1867", "label": "eligible voters", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of eligible voters for a particular election", "label-zh": "合资格选民数"}
{"id": "P1868", "label": "ballots cast", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "total number of ballot(s) cast, including invalid or blank ballots", "label-zh": "实际投票数"}
{"id": "P1872", "label": "minimum number of players", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "minimum numbers of players of a game", "label-zh": "最小玩家数"}
{"id": "P1873", "label": "maximum number of players", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "maximum numbers of players of a game", "label-zh": "最大玩家数"}
{"id": "P1875", "label": "represented by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person or agency that represents or manages the subject", "label-zh": "代表者"}
{"id": "P1876", "label": "vehicle", "data_type": "Item", "description": "vessel involved in this mission, voyage or event", "label-zh": "载具"}
{"id": "P1877", "label": "after a work by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "artist whose work strongly inspired/ was copied in this item", "label-zh": "原著作者"}
{"id": "P1878", "label": "Vox-ATypI classification", "data_type": "Item", "description": "classification for typefaces", "label-zh": "瓦克斯分类"}
{"id": "P1879", "label": "income classification (Philippines)", "data_type": "Item", "description": "classification grade of a Philippine local government unit based on income", "label-zh": "收入分类(菲律宾)"}
{"id": "P1880", "label": "measurement scale", "data_type": "Item", "description": "scale by which a phenomenon is measured", "label-zh": "测量刻度"}
{"id": "P1881", "label": "list of characters", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Wikimedia page with the list of characters for this work", "label-zh": "角色列表"}
{"id": "P1884", "label": "hair color", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person's hair color. Use P585 as qualifier if there's more than one value", "label-zh": "发色"}
{"id": "P1885", "label": "cathedral", "data_type": "Item", "description": "principal church of a religious district", "label-zh": "主教座堂"}
{"id": "P1887", "label": "vice-county", "data_type": "Item", "description": "geographical delineation utilized for biological records in the British Isles", "label-zh": "副县"}
{"id": "P1889", "label": "different from", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item that is different from another item, with which it may be confused", "label-zh": "区别于"}
{"id": "P189", "label": "location of discovery", "data_type": "Item", "description": "where the item was located when discovered", "label-zh": "发现地点"}
{"id": "P1891", "label": "signatory", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person, country, or organization that has signed an official document (use P50 for author)", "label-zh": "签署方"}
{"id": "P1897", "label": "highest note", "data_type": "Item", "description": "highest note that an instrument can play or singer can sing", "label-zh": "最高音"}
{"id": "P1898", "label": "lowest note", "data_type": "Item", "description": "lowest note that an instrument can play or singer can sing", "label-zh": "最低音"}
{"id": "P19", "label": "place of birth", "data_type": "Item", "description": "most specific known (e.g. city instead of country, or hospital instead of city) birth location of a person, animal or fictional character", "label-zh": "出生地"}
{"id": "P190", "label": "twinned administrative body", "data_type": "Item", "description": "twin towns, sister cities, twinned municipalities and other localities that have a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpartnership or cooperative agreement, either legally or informally acknowledged by\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttheir governments", "label-zh": "友好城市"}
{"id": "P1903", "label": "volcanic explosivity index", "data_type": "Item", "description": "scale indicating size of an explosive volcanic eruption", "label-zh": "火山爆发指数"}
{"id": "P1906", "label": "office held by head of state", "data_type": "Item", "description": "political office that is fulfilled by the head of state of this item", "label-zh": "国家元首职位"}
{"id": "P1909", "label": "side effect", "data_type": "Item", "description": "effect of a medication or procedure, that occurs next to the desired effect", "label-zh": "副作用"}
{"id": "P1910", "label": "decreased expression in", "data_type": "Item", "description": "indicates that a decreased expression of the subject gene is found in the object\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdisease", "label-zh": "表达减少"}
{"id": "P1911", "label": "increased expression in", "data_type": "Item", "description": "this property should link a gene and a disease and indicate that an increased\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\texpression of the gene is found in the disease", "label-zh": "表达增加"}
{"id": "P1912", "label": "gene deletion association with", "data_type": "Item", "description": "This property should link a gene and a disease due to a deletion", "label-zh": "基因缺失与"}
{"id": "P1913", "label": "gene duplication association with", "data_type": "Item", "description": "This property should link a gene and a disease due to a duplication", "label-zh": "基因重复与"}
{"id": "P1914", "label": "gene insertion association with", "data_type": "Item", "description": "This property should link a gene and a disease due to an insertion", "label-zh": "基因插入与"}
{"id": "P1915", "label": "gene inversion association with", "data_type": "Item", "description": "This property should link a gene and a disease due to an inversion", "label-zh": "基因反转与"}
{"id": "P1916", "label": "gene substitution association with", "data_type": "Item", "description": "This property should link a gene and a disease due to a substitution", "label-zh": "基因替代与"}
{"id": "P1917", "label": "posttranslational modification association with", "data_type": "Item", "description": "This property should link a protein-coding gene to a disease where the encoded\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprotein is associated with a posttranslation modification", "label-zh": "翻译后修饰与"}
{"id": "P1918", "label": "altered regulation leads to", "data_type": "Item", "description": "this property should link a gene and a disease due to altered regulation", "label-zh": "调节改变导致"}
{"id": "P1921", "label": "formatter URI for RDF resource", "data_type": "String", "description": "formatter URL for RDF resource: URI template from which \"$1\" can be automatically replaced with the effective property value on items (it is the URI of the resources, not the URI of the RDF file describing it)", "label-zh": "RDF资源格式化URI"}
{"id": "P1922", "label": "first line", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "first line (incipit) of a poem, first sentence of a novel, speech, etc.", "label-zh": "首行"}
{"id": "P1923", "label": "participating team", "data_type": "Item", "description": "like 'Participant' (P710) but for teams. For an event like a cycle race or a football match you can use this property to list the teams and P710 to list the individuals (with 'member of sports team' (P54) as a qualifier for the individuals)", "label-zh": "参与队伍"}
{"id": "P1924", "label": "vaccine for", "data_type": "Item", "description": "disease that a vaccine is for", "label-zh": "疫苗用于"}
{"id": "P193", "label": "main building contractor", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the main organization responsible for construction of this structure or building", "label-zh": "主要建筑承建商"}
{"id": "P1931", "label": "NIOSH Pocket Guide ID", "data_type": "String", "description": "Identifier for a chemical in the NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards", "label-zh": "NIOSH袖珍指南ID"}
{"id": "P1932", "label": "object named as", "data_type": "String", "description": "use as qualifier to indicate how the object's value was given in the source", "label-zh": "客体表述为"}
{"id": "P194", "label": "legislative body", "data_type": "Item", "description": "legislative body governing this entity; political institution with elected\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\trepresentatives, such as a parliament/legislature or council", "label-zh": "立法机关"}
{"id": "P1942", "label": "McCune-Reischauer romanization", "data_type": "String", "description": "romanization of Korean with the McCune-Reischauer system", "label-zh": "马科恩-赖肖尔表记法"}
{"id": "P1945", "label": "street key", "data_type": "String", "description": "identification number for a specific street within the street cadastre of a municipality", "label-zh": "街道钥匙"}
{"id": "P195", "label": "collection", "data_type": "Item", "description": "art, museum, archival, or bibliographic collection the subject is part of", "label-zh": "收藏于"}
{"id": "P1950", "label": "second family name in Spanish name", "data_type": "Item", "description": "second (generally maternal) family name in Spanish names (do not use for other double barrelled names)", "label-zh": "西班牙语姓名第二姓氏"}
{"id": "P1951", "label": "investor", "data_type": "Item", "description": "individual or organization which invests money in the item for the purpose of\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tobtaining financial return on their investment", "label-zh": "投资者"}
{"id": "P1956", "label": "takeoff and landing capability", "data_type": "Item", "description": "type of takeoff and landing the aircraft is designed to operate", "label-zh": "起飞和着陆能力"}
{"id": "P196", "label": "minor planet group", "data_type": "Item", "description": "is in grouping of minor planets according to similar orbital characteristics", "label-zh": "小行星族"}
{"id": "P1963", "label": "properties for this type", "data_type": "Property", "description": "when this subject is used as object of \"instance of\" or \"occupation\", the following properties normally apply", "label-zh": "此类型的属性"}
{"id": "P197", "label": "adjacent station", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the stations next to this station, sharing the same line(s)", "label-zh": "相邻车站"}
{"id": "P1971", "label": "number of children", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of children of the person", "label-zh": "子女数目"}
{"id": "P1981", "label": "FSK film rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "permitted audience of a film, according to the German film-rating system (add Prüfnummer with qualifier \"P2676\")", "label-zh": "FSK电影评级"}
{"id": "P1987", "label": "MCN code", "data_type": "String", "description": "code for item in the Mercosur Common Nomenclature", "label-zh": "MCN代码"}
{"id": "P199", "label": "business division", "data_type": "Item", "description": "organizational divisions of this organization (which are not independent legal\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tentities)", "label-zh": "业务部门"}
{"id": "P1990", "label": "species kept", "data_type": "Item", "description": "taxa, preferably species, present at a zoo, botanical garden, collection, or other\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinstitution. NOT specific animals, not for any geographic location", "label-zh": "保留的物种"}
{"id": "P1993", "label": "TeX string", "data_type": "String", "description": "string to show a concept in TeX or LaTeX", "label-zh": "TeX字符串"}
{"id": "P1995", "label": "health specialty", "data_type": "Item", "description": "main specialty that diagnoses, prevent human illness, injury and other physical and\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmental impairments", "label-zh": "医学专业"}
{"id": "P1998", "label": "UCI code of cycling team", "data_type": "String", "description": "three-character code uniquely identifying a cycling team according to UCI", "label-zh": "骑行队UCI代码"}
{"id": "P1999", "label": "UNESCO language status", "data_type": "Item", "description": "degree of endangerment of a language conferred by the UNESCO Atlas of World\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLanguages in Danger", "label-zh": "UNESCO语言状态"}
{"id": "P20", "label": "place of death", "data_type": "Item", "description": "most specific known (e.g. city instead of country, or hospital instead of city) death location of a person, animal or fictional character", "label-zh": "死亡地点"}
{"id": "P200", "label": "inflows", "data_type": "Item", "description": "major inflow sources — rivers, aquifers, glacial runoff, etc. Some terms may not be\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tplace names, e.g. none", "label-zh": "流入水域"}
{"id": "P2001", "label": "Revised Romanization", "data_type": "String", "description": "romanisation following the Revised Romanisation of the Korean language", "label-zh": "文化观光部2000年式"}
{"id": "P2009", "label": "Exif model", "data_type": "String", "description": "string as it appears in the EXIF generated by a camera", "label-zh": "EXIF型号"}
{"id": "P201", "label": "lake outflow", "data_type": "Item", "description": "rivers and other outflows waterway names. If evaporation or seepage are notable\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\toutflows, they may be included. Some terms may not be place names, e.g. evaporation", "label-zh": "流出河流"}
{"id": "P2010", "label": "Exif make", "data_type": "String", "description": "string of the manufacturer as it appears in the EXIF generated by a specific digital camera model", "label-zh": "EXIF制造商"}
{"id": "P2012", "label": "cuisine", "data_type": "Item", "description": "type of food served by a restaurant or restaurant chain or national food culture", "label-zh": "烹饪"}
{"id": "P2017", "label": "isomeric SMILES", "data_type": "String", "description": "dedicated SMILES for isomer", "label-zh": "异构SMILES"}
{"id": "P2021", "label": "Erdős number", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the \"collaborative distance\" between mathematician Paul Erdős and another person.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tUse point in time (P585) as qualifier and should be used with a source.", "label-zh": "Erdğs编号"}
{"id": "P2031", "label": "work period (start)", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "start of period during which a person or group flourished (fl. = \"floruit\") in their professional activity", "label-zh": "工作周期(开始)"}
{"id": "P2032", "label": "work period (end)", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "end of period during which a person or group flourished (fl. = \"floruit\") in their professional activity", "label-zh": "工作周期(结束)"}
{"id": "P2033", "label": "category for pictures taken with equipment", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Commons category for photos taken with that camera model or model line", "label-zh": "依相机拍摄的照片分类"}
{"id": "P2043", "label": "length", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "measured dimension of an object", "label-zh": "长度"}
{"id": "P2044", "label": "elevation above sea level", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "height of the item (geographical object) as measured relative to sea level", "label-zh": "海拔"}
{"id": "P2045", "label": "orbital inclination", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "orbital inclination of a stable orbit", "label-zh": "轨道倾角"}
{"id": "P2046", "label": "area", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "area occupied by an object", "label-zh": "面积"}
{"id": "P2047", "label": "duration", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "length of time of an event or process", "label-zh": "时长"}
{"id": "P2048", "label": "height", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "vertical length of an entity", "label-zh": "高度"}
{"id": "P2049", "label": "width", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "width of an object", "label-zh": "宽度"}
{"id": "P205", "label": "basin country", "data_type": "Item", "description": "country that have drainage to/from or border the body of water", "label-zh": "集水区国家"}
{"id": "P2050", "label": "wingspan", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "distance from one wingtip to the other, of an airplane or an animal", "label-zh": "翼展"}
{"id": "P2051", "label": "M sin i", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "exoplanet mass multiplied by the sine of the inclination angle", "label-zh": "M sin i"}
{"id": "P2052", "label": "speed", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "magnitude of the velocity of the item", "label-zh": "速度"}
{"id": "P2053", "label": "watershed area", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "size of a stream's watershed (drainage basin)", "label-zh": "集水面积"}
{"id": "P2054", "label": "density", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "density of a substance with phase of matter and temperature as qualifiers", "label-zh": "密度"}
{"id": "P2055", "label": "electrical conductivity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "electrical conductivity of a substance with phase of matter and temperature as qualifiers", "label-zh": "电导率"}
{"id": "P2056", "label": "specific heat capacity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "specific heat capacity of a substance, with phase of matter and temperature as qualifiers", "label-zh": "热容量"}
{"id": "P2058", "label": "depositary", "data_type": "Item", "description": "depositary of the treaty", "label-zh": "保管人"}
{"id": "P206", "label": "located in or next to body of water", "data_type": "Item", "description": "body of water on or next to which a place is located", "label-zh": "相邻水体"}
{"id": "P2060", "label": "luminosity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "total amount of energy emitted by an astronomical object per unit time", "label-zh": "光度"}
{"id": "P2061", "label": "aspect ratio (W:H)", "data_type": "Item", "description": "image width to height ratio of films, photographs, and other images", "label-zh": "长宽比"}
{"id": "P2066", "label": "molar fusion enthalpy", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "fusion enthalpy of a substance at the melting temperature", "label-zh": "熔合焓"}
{"id": "P2067", "label": "mass", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "mass (in colloquial usage also known as weight) of the item", "label-zh": "质量"}
{"id": "P2068", "label": "thermal conductivity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "property of a material that describes how efficiently heat is conducted", "label-zh": "导热系数"}
{"id": "P2069", "label": "magnetic moment", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "torque a particle will experience in an external magnetic field", "label-zh": "磁矩"}
{"id": "P2073", "label": "vehicle range", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "distance a vehicle can travel without refuelling", "label-zh": "行驶里程"}
{"id": "P2075", "label": "speed of sound", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "speed of sound waves in a material. Use qualifiers to specify the measurement conditions.", "label-zh": "声速"}
{"id": "P2076", "label": "temperature", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "qualifier to indicate at what temperature something took place", "label-zh": "温度"}
{"id": "P2077", "label": "under pressure", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "qualifier to indicate at what pressure something took place", "label-zh": "压力下"}
{"id": "P2079", "label": "fabrication method", "data_type": "Item", "description": "method, process or technique used to grow, cook, weave, build, assemble, manufacture\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthe item", "label-zh": "制作方法"}
{"id": "P208", "label": "executive body", "data_type": "Item", "description": "branch of government for the daily administration of the territorial entity", "label-zh": "行政机关"}
{"id": "P209", "label": "highest judicial authority", "data_type": "Item", "description": "supreme judicial body within a country, administrative division, or other organization", "label-zh": "最高司法机关"}
{"id": "P2093", "label": "author name string", "data_type": "String", "description": "stores unspecified author or editor name for publications; use if Wikidata item for author (P50) or editor (P98) does not exist or is not known. Do not use both.", "label-zh": "作者姓名字符串"}
{"id": "P2094", "label": "competition class", "data_type": "Item", "description": "official classification by a regulating body under which the subject (events, teams, participants, or equipment) qualifies for inclusion", "label-zh": "竞技类别"}
{"id": "P2095", "label": "co-driver", "data_type": "Item", "description": "rally team member who performs as a co-driver or co-pilot", "label-zh": "副驾驶"}
{"id": "P2096", "label": "media legend", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "qualifier to describe the media of the statement. This avoids legend storage in the local infobox when the media is defined at Wikidata. For the date, use P585 instead.", "label-zh": "媒体说明"}
{"id": "P2097", "label": "term length of office", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "length of time in years (unit: Q577) a person (usually a politician) is to serve in a particular office. Do not add bounds.", "label-zh": "职务任期时长"}
{"id": "P2098", "label": "substitute/deputy/replacement of office/officeholder", "data_type": "Item", "description": "function that serves as deputy/replacement of this function/office (scope/conditions\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvary depending on office)", "label-zh": "副职"}
{"id": "P21", "label": "sex or gender", "data_type": "Item", "description": "sex or gender identity of human or animal. For human: male, female, non-binary, intersex, transgender female, transgender male, agender. For animal: male organism, female organism. Groups of same gender use subclass of (P279)", "label-zh": "性别"}
{"id": "P210", "label": "party chief representative", "data_type": "Item", "description": "chief representative of a party in an institution or an administrative unit (use qualifier to identify the party)", "label-zh": "党委书记"}
{"id": "P2101", "label": "melting point", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "temperature at which a solid changes its state from solid to liquid at atmospheric pressure", "label-zh": "熔点"}
{"id": "P2102", "label": "boiling point", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "temperature at which a substance changes its phase from liquid to gas (indicate the corresponding pressure as qualifier)", "label-zh": "沸点"}
{"id": "P2103", "label": "size of team at start", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of players/sled dogs/etc. in a team at the start of a match or race", "label-zh": "开始团队大小"}
{"id": "P2105", "label": "size of team at finish", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of players/sled dogs/etc. in a team at the end of the race or match", "label-zh": "完成时的团队规模"}
{"id": "P2107", "label": "decomposition point", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "decomposition point of a substance", "label-zh": "分解点"}
{"id": "P2109", "label": "installed capacity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "power produced by the engine or plant (use with unit of power)", "label-zh": "装置容量"}
{"id": "P2112", "label": "wing area", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "area of an aircraft's wing surfaces", "label-zh": "机翼面积"}
{"id": "P2113", "label": "sublimation temperature", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "temperature at which a substance changes directly from solid to gaseous (indicate corresponding pressure qualifier)", "label-zh": "升华温度"}
{"id": "P2114", "label": "half-life", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "time required for the amount of something to fall to half its initial value", "label-zh": "半衰期"}
{"id": "P2116", "label": "molar enthalpy of vaporization", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "vaporization enthalpy of a substance with temperature as qualifier", "label-zh": "汽化焓"}
{"id": "P2117", "label": "combustion enthalpy", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "enthalpy difference of a substance for combustion", "label-zh": "燃烧焓"}
{"id": "P2118", "label": "kinematic viscosity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "viscosity of a substance, with phase of matter (P515) and temperature (P2076) as qualifiers", "label-zh": "运动黏度"}
{"id": "P2119", "label": "vapor pressure", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "pressure exerted by a vapor in thermodynamic equilibrium with its condensed phases", "label-zh": "蒸汽压"}
{"id": "P2120", "label": "radius", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "distance between the center and the surface of a circle or sphere", "label-zh": "半径"}
{"id": "P2121", "label": "prize money", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "amount in a specific currency", "label-zh": "奖金"}
{"id": "P2124", "label": "member count", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of people who are part of an organization at a particular time", "label-zh": "成员数目"}
{"id": "P2125", "label": "Revised Hepburn romanization", "data_type": "String", "description": "romanized Japanese following the Revised Hepburn romanization system", "label-zh": "修订平文式罗马字"}
{"id": "P2126", "label": "Georgian national system of romanization", "data_type": "String", "description": "transliteration of text from Georgian script  to Latin script according to the Georgian national system of romanization", "label-zh": "格鲁吉亚国家罗马化系统"}
{"id": "P2127", "label": "International Nuclear Event Scale", "data_type": "Item", "description": "international scale for rating nuclear events and accidents", "label-zh": "国际核事件分级表"}
{"id": "P2128", "label": "flash point", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "lowest temperature at which it can vaporize to form an ignitable mixture in air. Add qualifier for measurement method (P459): open cup or closed cup. Not equal to fire point.", "label-zh": "闪点"}
{"id": "P2129", "label": "immediately dangerous to life or health", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health value", "label-zh": "立即危及生命或健康"}
{"id": "P2130", "label": "cost", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "amount of money spent on building or producing an object", "label-zh": "花费"}
{"id": "P2131", "label": "nominal GDP", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "market value of all officially recognized final goods and services produced within a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcountry in a given period of time", "label-zh": "名义GDP"}
{"id": "P2132", "label": "nominal GDP per capita", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "country's total GDP divided by the population", "label-zh": "人均名义GDP"}
{"id": "P2133", "label": "total debt", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "amount of debt for a company, organization or public entity", "label-zh": "债务总额"}
{"id": "P2134", "label": "total reserves", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "total reserves comprise holdings of monetary gold, special drawing rights, reserves\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tof IMF members held by the IMF, and holdings of foreign exchange under the control\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tof monetary authorities", "label-zh": "总储备金"}
{"id": "P2135", "label": "total exports", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "amount of goods and services sold to other countries", "label-zh": "出口总额"}
{"id": "P2136", "label": "total imports", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "amount of goods and services bought from other countries", "label-zh": "进口总额"}
{"id": "P2137", "label": "total equity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "amount of equity value for an entity", "label-zh": "资产净值"}
{"id": "P2138", "label": "total liabilities", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "sum of all debts and other future sacrifices of economic benefits that an entity is obliged to make", "label-zh": "负债总额"}
{"id": "P2139", "label": "total revenue", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "income gained by an organization during a given time frame. Not to be confused with fiscal revenue", "label-zh": "营业额"}
{"id": "P2140", "label": "foreign direct investment net outflow", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "net outflow of equity capital, reinvestment of earnings, other long-term capital,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tand short-term capital", "label-zh": "外商直接投资净流出"}
{"id": "P2141", "label": "foreign direct investment net inflow", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "net inflow of equity capital, reinvestment of earnings, other long-term capital, and\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tshort-term capital", "label-zh": "外商直接投资净流入"}
{"id": "P2142", "label": "box office", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "box office takings accumulated by a film", "label-zh": "票房"}
{"id": "P2143", "label": "genome size", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "size of the genome in base pairs", "label-zh": "基因组大小"}
{"id": "P2144", "label": "frequency", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "frequency in Hz at which the subject works, for example the frequency a radio station can be received", "label-zh": "频率"}
{"id": "P2145", "label": "explosive energy equivalent", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "amount of energy discharged during an explosion", "label-zh": "爆炸当量"}
{"id": "P2146", "label": "orbital period", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the time taken for a given astronomic object to make one complete orbit about another object", "label-zh": "轨道周期"}
{"id": "P2147", "label": "rotation period", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the time that astronomic objects takes to complete one revolution around its axis of\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\trotation", "label-zh": "旋转周期"}
{"id": "P2148", "label": "distance from river mouth", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "qualifier for P974 statements on streams", "label-zh": "与河口距离"}
{"id": "P2149", "label": "clock frequency", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "CPU's specified clock frequency (use with determination method = Q73207925 or Q73208059 as appropriate)", "label-zh": "时钟频率"}
{"id": "P215", "label": "spectral class", "data_type": "String", "description": "spectral class of an astronomical object", "label-zh": "光谱型"}
{"id": "P2150", "label": "FSB speed", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "CPU front-side bus speed", "label-zh": "前端总线速度"}
{"id": "P2151", "label": "focal length", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "focal length of lens (telescope, etc.)", "label-zh": "焦距"}
{"id": "P2152", "label": "antiparticle", "data_type": "Item", "description": "particle with the same rest mass and opposite charges", "label-zh": "反粒子"}
{"id": "P2154", "label": "binding energy", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "energy required to disassemble a whole system into separate parts", "label-zh": "结合能"}
{"id": "P2155", "label": "solid solution series with", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the mineral forms a continous (true) or discontinous \"solid solution series\" with\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tanother mineral", "label-zh": "固溶体系列"}
{"id": "P2156", "label": "pseudo crystal habit", "data_type": "Item", "description": "possible macrosopic appearance of a crystal different to its molecular symmetry\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(crystal cell, specimens with twinning or synthetic material)", "label-zh": "伪晶体习性"}
{"id": "P2159", "label": "computes solution to", "data_type": "Item", "description": "problem that this algorithm or method solves", "label-zh": "解决问题"}
{"id": "P2160", "label": "mass excess", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "difference between its actual mass and its mass number in atomic mass units", "label-zh": "质量过剩"}
{"id": "P217", "label": "inventory number", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier for a physical object or a set of physical objects in a collection", "label-zh": "登记号码"}
{"id": "P2175", "label": "medical condition treated", "data_type": "Item", "description": "disease that this pharmaceutical drug, procedure, or therapy is used to treat", "label-zh": "用于治疗"}
{"id": "P2176", "label": "drug or therapy used for treatment", "data_type": "Item", "description": "drug, procedure, or therapy that can be used to treat a medical condition", "label-zh": "用药"}
{"id": "P2177", "label": "solubility", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "property of a chemical to dissolve in another chemical forming a solution. Provide solvent (P2178) and temperature (P2076) as qualifiers", "label-zh": "溶解度"}
{"id": "P2178", "label": "solvent", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier to show which substance is the solvent in a solution-process (use with P2177)", "label-zh": "溶剂"}
{"id": "P2179", "label": "ACM Classification Code (2012)", "data_type": "String", "description": "ACM Computing Classification Code of 2012 (8 digits)", "label-zh": "ACM分类编码(2012)"}
{"id": "P2183", "label": "ISO 9:1995", "data_type": "String", "description": "the Latin transliteration of Cyrillic text (used as qualifier)", "label-zh": "ISO 9:1995"}
{"id": "P2184", "label": "history of topic", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item about the historical development of an subject's topic, sample: \"history of\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tArgentina\" for \"Argentina\". To list key events of the topic, use \"significant event\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(P793)", "label-zh": "主题历史"}
{"id": "P2196", "label": "students count", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of students of any type in an educational organization. Qualify with \" point in time\" (P585). The most recent count would generally have preferred rank; data for previous years normal rank (not deprecated rank). Don't overwrite.", "label-zh": "学生人数"}
{"id": "P2197", "label": "production rate", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "amount of a given material produced in a given time", "label-zh": "生产率"}
{"id": "P2198", "label": "average gradient", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "gradient expressed as a percentage (between 0 and 1)", "label-zh": "平均坡度"}
{"id": "P2199", "label": "autoignition temperature", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "lowest temperature at which it will spontaneously ignite in a normal atmosphere without an external source of ignition", "label-zh": "自燃温度"}
{"id": "P22", "label": "father", "data_type": "Item", "description": "male parent of the subject. For stepfather, use \"stepparent\" (P3448)", "label-zh": "父亲"}
{"id": "P2200", "label": "electric charge", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "electric charge of a subatomic particle", "label-zh": "电荷"}
{"id": "P2201", "label": "electric dipole moment", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "None", "label-zh": "电偶极矩"}
{"id": "P2202", "label": "lower flammable limit", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the lower bound of the concentration range over which a flammable mixture of gas or vapour in air can be ignited at a given temperature and pressure (0-1)", "label-zh": "易燃性下限"}
{"id": "P2203", "label": "upper flammable limit", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "upper bound of the concentration range over which a flammable mixture of gas or\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvapour in air can be ignited at a given temperature and pressure (0-1)", "label-zh": "易燃上限"}
{"id": "P2204", "label": "minimum explosive concentration", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "minimum concentration at which a chemical can explode", "label-zh": "最小爆炸浓度"}
{"id": "P2208", "label": "average shot length", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "cinemetrical measure", "label-zh": "平均镜头长度"}
{"id": "P2210", "label": "relative to", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier: what a statement value is relative to", "label-zh": "相对于"}
{"id": "P2211", "label": "position angle", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "measurement relating to observed visual binary stars (use with P2210)", "label-zh": "位置角"}
{"id": "P2212", "label": "angular distance", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "size of the angle between the two directions originating from the observer and pointing towards these two objects (use with P2210)", "label-zh": "角距离"}
{"id": "P2213", "label": "longitude of ascending node", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "property of one of the orbital elements used to specify the orbit of an object in\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tspace", "label-zh": "上升节点的经度"}
{"id": "P2214", "label": "parallax", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "parallax of nearest stars", "label-zh": "视差"}
{"id": "P2216", "label": "radial velocity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "component of the object's velocity that points in the direction of the radius connecting the object and the point", "label-zh": "径向速度"}
{"id": "P2217", "label": "cruise speed", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "design cruise speed", "label-zh": "巡航速度"}
{"id": "P2218", "label": "net worth", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "totality of wealth possessed by a person", "label-zh": "个人净资产"}
{"id": "P2219", "label": "real GDP growth rate", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "percentage change in nominal gross domestic product from one year to the next minus\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthe inflation rate", "label-zh": "实际国内生产总值增长率"}
{"id": "P2220", "label": "household wealth", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "net worth of consumers", "label-zh": "家庭财富"}
{"id": "P2221", "label": "flux", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the observed flux in a particular wavelength band of an astronomical object", "label-zh": "通量"}
{"id": "P2222", "label": "gyromagnetic ratio", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "characteristic property of any elementary particle", "label-zh": "旋磁比"}
{"id": "P2223", "label": "decay width", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "characteristic property of any elementary particle", "label-zh": "衰减宽度"}
{"id": "P2225", "label": "discharge", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "volume rate of water flow which is transported through a given cross-sectional area", "label-zh": "流量"}
{"id": "P2226", "label": "market capitalization", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "total value of issued shares by a publicly traded company", "label-zh": "市值"}
{"id": "P2227", "label": "metallicity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "abundance of elements that are heavier than hydrogen or helium in an astronomical object", "label-zh": "金属性"}
{"id": "P2228", "label": "maximum thrust", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "maximum thrust specified for a jet- or rocketengine", "label-zh": "最大推力"}
{"id": "P2229", "label": "thermal design power", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "specified amount of heat a computer component generates under normal conditions that the cooling system must dissipate", "label-zh": "热设计功耗"}
{"id": "P223", "label": "galaxy morphological type", "data_type": "String", "description": "galaxy morphological classification code", "label-zh": "星系类型"}
{"id": "P2230", "label": "torque", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "torque of a machine, a motor/engine/powerplant, or a vehicle", "label-zh": "扭矩"}
{"id": "P2231", "label": "explosive velocity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "None", "label-zh": "爆炸速度"}
{"id": "P2232", "label": "cash", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the value of cash and securities held by a state government", "label-zh": "现金"}
{"id": "P2233", "label": "semi-major axis of an orbit", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "semi-major axis of a stable orbit (Astronomy)", "label-zh": "轨道的半长轴"}
{"id": "P2234", "label": "volume as quantity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "quantity of three-dimensional space", "label-zh": "体积量"}
{"id": "P2238", "label": "official symbol", "data_type": "Item", "description": "official symbol of an organisation", "label-zh": "官方标记"}
{"id": "P2239", "label": "first aid measures", "data_type": "Item", "description": "actions to take to help a person in the case of exposure to this hazard or malady\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(accidents, injuries, harmful chemicals)", "label-zh": "急救措施"}
{"id": "P2240", "label": "median lethal dose (LD50)", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the dose required to kill half the members of a tested population after a specified test duration (LC₅₀ → P2712)", "label-zh": "半数致死剂量(LD50)"}
{"id": "P2241", "label": "reason for deprecated rank", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier to indicate why a particular statement should have deprecated rank", "label-zh": "弃用原因"}
{"id": "P2243", "label": "apoapsis", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "distance, at which a celestial body is the farthest to the object it orbits", "label-zh": "脱顶"}
{"id": "P2244", "label": "periapsis", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "distance, at which a celestial body is the closest to the object it orbits", "label-zh": "近拱点"}
{"id": "P2248", "label": "argument of periapsis", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "angle from the body's ascending node to its periapsis", "label-zh": "围绕点论点"}
{"id": "P225", "label": "taxon name", "data_type": "String", "description": "correct scientific name of a taxon (according to the reference given)", "label-zh": "学名"}
{"id": "P2250", "label": "life expectancy", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "average life expectancy for this group or species", "label-zh": "预期寿命"}
{"id": "P2254", "label": "maximum operating altitude", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "ceiling or maximum density altitude at which an aircraft can operate", "label-zh": "最大工作高度"}
{"id": "P2257", "label": "event interval", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "standard nominal interval between scheduled or regularly recurring events. Include unit of time, e.g. \"year\" (Q577)", "label-zh": "周期事件的时间段"}
{"id": "P2258", "label": "mobile country code", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier for countries in ITU-T Recommendation E.212 for use in describing mobile\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnetworks", "label-zh": "移动设备国家代码"}
{"id": "P2259", "label": "mobile network code", "data_type": "String", "description": "code for mobile networks defined by ITU-T Recommendation E.212", "label-zh": "移动网络代码"}
{"id": "P2260", "label": "ionization energy", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "minimum amount of energy required to remove an electron from an atom, ion or molecule in the gaseous state", "label-zh": "电离能"}
{"id": "P2261", "label": "beam", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "width of a ship at its widest point measured at its nominal waterline", "label-zh": "梁"}
{"id": "P2262", "label": "draft", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "depth below the water line to the bottom of a vessel's hull. summer draft is implied unless stated otherwise.", "label-zh": "吃水深度"}
{"id": "P2263", "label": "ISOCAT id", "data_type": "String", "description": "numeric ID from the Data Category Registry", "label-zh": "ISOCAT id"}
{"id": "P2271", "label": "Wikidata property example for properties", "data_type": "Property", "description": "examples of using a property in an item statement", "label-zh": "属性类维基数据属性示例"}
{"id": "P2275", "label": "World Health Organisation international non-proprietary name", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "identifier for a drug", "label-zh": "国际非专利药品名称"}
{"id": "P2279", "label": "ambitus", "data_type": "Item", "description": "musical interval/range of a melody", "label-zh": "氛围"}
{"id": "P2283", "label": "uses", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item or concept used by the subject or in the operation (see also instrument [P1303] and armament [P520])", "label-zh": "使用"}
{"id": "P2284", "label": "price", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "published price listed or paid for a product (use with unit of currency)", "label-zh": "价格"}
{"id": "P2285", "label": "periapsis date", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "time for perihelion/perigee in each orbit for an astronomical object", "label-zh": "近拱点日期"}
{"id": "P2286", "label": "arterial supply", "data_type": "Item", "description": "arterial supply of an anatomical structure", "label-zh": "动脉供应"}
{"id": "P2288", "label": "lymphatic drainage", "data_type": "Item", "description": "lymphatic drainage of an anatomical structure", "label-zh": "淋巴引流"}
{"id": "P2289", "label": "venous drainage", "data_type": "Item", "description": "vein draining the anatomical structure", "label-zh": "静脉引流"}
{"id": "P229", "label": "IATA airline designator", "data_type": "String", "description": "two-character identifier for an airline", "label-zh": "IATA航空公司代码"}
{"id": "P2291", "label": "charted in", "data_type": "Item", "description": "chart where the element reached a position", "label-zh": "上榜"}
{"id": "P2292", "label": "consumption rate", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "rate at which a product is consumed", "label-zh": "消费率"}
{"id": "P2293", "label": "genetic association", "data_type": "Item", "description": "general link between a disease and the causal genetic entity, if the detailed\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmechanism is unknown/unavailable", "label-zh": "遗传关联"}
{"id": "P2294", "label": "balance of trade", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "exports minus imports. not to be confused with current account balance and balance\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tof payments", "label-zh": "贸易差额"}
{"id": "P2295", "label": "net profit", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "private entity profit after accounting for all costs", "label-zh": "净利润"}
{"id": "P2296", "label": "money supply", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "amount of currency the central bank has injected in the economy (MO, M1, M2, M3)", "label-zh": "货币供应"}
{"id": "P2297", "label": "employment by economic sector", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "employment divided by sector", "label-zh": "按经济部门分列的就业"}
{"id": "P2299", "label": "PPP GDP per capita", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "GDP divided by the population total and adjusted for CPI", "label-zh": "人均购买力平价GDP"}
{"id": "P230", "label": "ICAO airline designator", "data_type": "String", "description": "three letter identifier for an airline (two letters only until 1982) (for airports, see P239)", "label-zh": "ICAO航空公司代码"}
{"id": "P2300", "label": "minimal lethal dose", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "lowest concentration of a toxic substance in an environmental medium that kills individual organisms or test species under a defined set of conditions", "label-zh": "最小致死剂量"}
{"id": "P2302", "label": "property constraint", "data_type": "Item", "description": "constraint applicable to a Wikidata property", "label-zh": "属性约束"}
{"id": "P2303", "label": "exception to constraint", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item that is an exception to the constraint, qualifier to define a property constraint in combination with P2302", "label-zh": "约束例外"}
{"id": "P2304", "label": "group by", "data_type": "Property", "description": "qualifier to define a property constraint in combination with P2302 (Wikidata property constraint) that is used to group constraint violations in constraint violation reports", "label-zh": "分组依据"}
{"id": "P2305", "label": "item of property constraint", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier to define a property constraint in combination with \"property constraint\" (P2302)", "label-zh": "属性约束项目"}
{"id": "P2306", "label": "property", "data_type": "Property", "description": "qualifier to define a property constraint in combination with P2302 (property constraint), or to limit the scope of Q44292881 (wikidata statement)", "label-zh": "属性"}
{"id": "P2307", "label": "Wikimedia Commons namespace", "data_type": "String", "description": "qualifier used with the Commons link property constraint (Q21510852) to specify acceptable Wikimedia Commons namespaces that a property value can link to", "label-zh": "名字空间"}
{"id": "P2308", "label": "class", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier to define a property constraint in combination with \"property constraint\" (P2302)", "label-zh": "类"}
{"id": "P2309", "label": "relation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier to define a property constraint in combination with P2302. Possibly values are: \"instance of\", \"subclass of\" or \"instance or subclass of\". The qualifier to use with the property \"relative\" is \"type of kinship\" (P1039), not this.", "label-zh": "关系"}
{"id": "P2310", "label": "minimum date (property constraint)", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "qualifier to define a property constraint in combination with \"property constraint\" (P2302)", "label-zh": "最小日期(属性约束)"}
{"id": "P2311", "label": "maximum date (property constraint)", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "qualifier to define a property constraint in combination with \"property constraint\" (P2302). Use \"unknown value\" for current date.", "label-zh": "最大日期(属性约束)"}
{"id": "P2312", "label": "maximum value", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "qualifier to define a property constraint in combination with P2302. \"no value\" can be used to specify no upper bound", "label-zh": "最大数值"}
{"id": "P2313", "label": "minimum value", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "qualifier to define a property constraint in combination with P2302", "label-zh": "最小数值"}
{"id": "P2315", "label": "comment (DEPRECATED)", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "to be deleted: replace with \"syntax clarification\" (P2916) or add the usage note in the items description.", "label-zh": "注释(已弃用)"}
{"id": "P2316", "label": "constraint status", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier to define a property constraint in combination with P2302. Use values \"mandatory constraint\" or \"suggestion constraint\"", "label-zh": "约束状态"}
{"id": "P2317", "label": "call sign", "data_type": "String", "description": "short form identifier for a radio operator or broadcaster and (as flag signal) previous for watercrafts", "label-zh": "呼号"}
{"id": "P2318", "label": "debut participant", "data_type": "Item", "description": "participant for whom this is their debut appearance in a series of events", "label-zh": "首次登台的参赛者"}
{"id": "P2319", "label": "elector", "data_type": "Item", "description": "people or other entities which are qualified to participate in the subject election", "label-zh": "选举人"}
{"id": "P2320", "label": "aftershocks", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of smaller earthquakes which follow a significant earthquake", "label-zh": "余震"}
{"id": "P2321", "label": "general classification of race participants", "data_type": "Item", "description": "classification of race participants", "label-zh": "总积分排名"}
{"id": "P2322", "label": "article ID", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier for an article in an online publication", "label-zh": "文章编号"}
{"id": "P2324", "label": "quantity buried", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of remains buried or interred", "label-zh": "埋设数量"}
{"id": "P2325", "label": "mean anomaly", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "element of orbital definition", "label-zh": "平均异常"}
{"id": "P2329", "label": "antagonist muscle", "data_type": "Item", "description": "None", "label-zh": "拮抗肌"}
{"id": "P233", "label": "canonical SMILES", "data_type": "String", "description": "Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry Specification (canonical format)", "label-zh": "SMILES"}
{"id": "P2341", "label": "indigenous to", "data_type": "Item", "description": "place or ethnic group where a language, art genre, cultural tradition or expression,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcooking style or food, or biological species or variety is found (or was originally\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfound)", "label-zh": "原产于"}
{"id": "P2348", "label": "time period", "data_type": "Item", "description": "time period (historic period or era, sports season, theatre season, legislative period etc.) in which the subject occurred", "label-zh": "时间周期"}
{"id": "P2351", "label": "number of graves", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of burial places In a cemetery or necropolis", "label-zh": "坟墓数量"}
{"id": "P2352", "label": "applies to taxon", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier for toxicological concentrations and doses, indicates species in which the drug was tested", "label-zh": "适用于分类单元"}
{"id": "P2353", "label": "statistical unit", "data_type": "Item", "description": "member of a dataset; type of statistical designation", "label-zh": "统计单位"}
{"id": "P2354", "label": "has list", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Wikimedia list related to this subject", "label-zh": "相关列表"}
{"id": "P2357", "label": "Classification of Instructional Programs code", "data_type": "String", "description": "code representing academic disciplines in the U.S. Department of Education's Classification of Instructional Programs", "label-zh": "教学程序代码分类"}
{"id": "P2358", "label": "Roman praenomen", "data_type": "Item", "description": "standard part of the name of a Roman, link to items for specific Roman praenomen only.", "label-zh": "罗马教士"}
{"id": "P2359", "label": "Roman nomen gentilicium", "data_type": "Item", "description": "standard part of the name of a Roman, link to items about the Roman gens only", "label-zh": "罗马名称龙胆"}
{"id": "P2360", "label": "intended public", "data_type": "Item", "description": "this work, product, object or event is intended for, or has been designed to that\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tperson or group of people, animals, plants, etc", "label-zh": "受众"}
{"id": "P2361", "label": "online service", "data_type": "Item", "description": "online service or online service provider tied to an item", "label-zh": "线上服务"}
{"id": "P2362", "label": "time to altitude", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "time required by the subject to reach the specified altitude, from sea level", "label-zh": "到达高度的时间"}
{"id": "P2363", "label": "NMHH film rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "rating of a film in the Hungarian film rating system", "label-zh": "NMHH电影评级"}
{"id": "P2364", "label": "production code", "data_type": "String", "description": "production code of a television episode", "label-zh": "产品码"}
{"id": "P2365", "label": "Roman cognomen", "data_type": "Item", "description": "standard part of the name of a Roman, link to items about specific Roman cognomen only.", "label-zh": "罗马地名"}
{"id": "P2366", "label": "Roman agnomen", "data_type": "Item", "description": "optional part of the name of a Roman, link to items about specific Roman agnomen only.", "label-zh": "罗马阿格诺门"}
{"id": "P2368", "label": "Sandbox-Property", "data_type": "Property", "description": "Sandbox property for value of property type \"Property\"", "label-zh": "沙盒-属性"}
{"id": "P237", "label": "coat of arms", "data_type": "Item", "description": "subject's coat of arms", "label-zh": "纹章"}
{"id": "P2370", "label": "conversion to SI unit", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "conversion of the unit into a coherent SI unit", "label-zh": "国际单位制单位转换"}
{"id": "P2371", "label": "FAO risk status", "data_type": "Item", "description": "UN Food and Agriculture Organization designation of status for a domesticated breed", "label-zh": "联合国粮农组织风险状态"}
{"id": "P2374", "label": "natural abundance", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "relative proportion of an isotope as found in nature (Earth's crust, or other\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlocation with qualifiers)", "label-zh": "丰度"}
{"id": "P2375", "label": "has superpartner", "data_type": "Item", "description": "partner particle, in supersymmetry; inverse of \"superpartner of\"", "label-zh": "具有超级合作伙伴"}
{"id": "P2376", "label": "superpartner of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "partner particle, in supersymmetry; inverse of \"has superpartner\"", "label-zh": "超级合伙人"}
{"id": "P2377", "label": "MediaWiki hooks used", "data_type": "Item", "description": "MediaWiki hooks used by this extension", "label-zh": "使用的MediaWiki钩子"}
{"id": "P2378", "label": "issued by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "organisation or other agent that issues or allocates an identifier, code,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tclassification number, etc.", "label-zh": "发行者"}
{"id": "P2379", "label": "deprecated in version", "data_type": "Item", "description": "software version it was deprecated in", "label-zh": "弃用版本"}
{"id": "P238", "label": "IATA airport code", "data_type": "String", "description": "three-letter identifier for designating airports, railway stations or cities (for airlines, see P229)", "label-zh": "IATA机场代码"}
{"id": "P2384", "label": "statement describes", "data_type": "Item", "description": "formalization of the statement contains a bound variable in this class", "label-zh": "声明描述"}
{"id": "P2386", "label": "diameter", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "diameter of a circular or spherical object", "label-zh": "直径"}
{"id": "P2388", "label": "office held by head of the organization", "data_type": "Item", "description": "position of the head of this item", "label-zh": "机构主管职位"}
{"id": "P2389", "label": "organization directed by the office or position", "data_type": "Item", "description": "organization which is directed by this office", "label-zh": "主管机构"}
{"id": "P239", "label": "ICAO airport code", "data_type": "String", "description": "four-character alphanumeric identifier for designating airports (for airlines, see P230)", "label-zh": "ICAO机场代码"}
{"id": "P2392", "label": "teaching method", "data_type": "Item", "description": "teaching method adopted by an educational institution", "label-zh": "教学法"}
{"id": "P2396", "label": "image of function", "data_type": "Item", "description": "set of values that a mathematical function actually takes", "label-zh": "功能图像"}
{"id": "P240", "label": "FAA airport code", "data_type": "String", "description": "three-letter or four-letter alphanumeric code identifying United States airports", "label-zh": "FAA机场代码"}
{"id": "P2402", "label": "total expenditure", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "amount of spending by this public or private entity, not to be confused with fiscal\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\texpenditure", "label-zh": "总计花费"}
{"id": "P2403", "label": "total assets", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "value of assets held by a private or public entity", "label-zh": "资产总值"}
{"id": "P2404", "label": "time-weighted average exposure limit", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "recommended or required concentration limit for chemical exposure in a workplace in a given work day", "label-zh": "时间加权平均暴露限值"}
{"id": "P2405", "label": "ceiling exposure limit", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "recommended or required maximum concentration for chemical exposure in a given work\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tday", "label-zh": "最高暴露限值"}
{"id": "P2406", "label": "maximum peak exposure limit", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "recommended or required maximum concentration for chemical exposure during a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfive-minute excursion within a certain period of hours", "label-zh": "最大峰值暴露限值"}
{"id": "P2407", "label": "short-term exposure limit", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "recommended or required concentration limit for chemical exposure during a brief\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttime window", "label-zh": "短期暴露限值"}
{"id": "P2408", "label": "set in period", "data_type": "Item", "description": "historical, contemporary, or future period, year, century or day the work or genre is set in or event featured in the story of the work", "label-zh": "时代背景"}
{"id": "P241", "label": "military branch", "data_type": "Item", "description": "branch to which this military unit, award, office, or person belongs, e.g. Royal\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tNavy", "label-zh": "军种"}
{"id": "P2410", "label": "WikiPathways ID", "data_type": "String", "description": "describes in which biological pathways a biological entity occurs", "label-zh": "维基路径ID"}
{"id": "P2411", "label": "Artsy gene", "data_type": "String", "description": "generalization of artwork type, technique, material, genre, movement, etc. from artsy.net", "label-zh": "Artsy基因"}
{"id": "P2414", "label": "substrate of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "substrate that an enzyme acts upon to create a product", "label-zh": "基底"}
{"id": "P2415", "label": "personal best", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "an individual's best performance in a given discipline", "label-zh": "个人最佳得分"}
{"id": "P2416", "label": "sports discipline competed in", "data_type": "Item", "description": "discipline an athlete competed in within a sport", "label-zh": "体育参赛项目"}
{"id": "P2417", "label": "stage classification", "data_type": "Item", "description": "stage results and ranking of a stage race", "label-zh": "阶段分类"}
{"id": "P2429", "label": "expected completeness", "data_type": "Item", "description": "describes whether a property is intended to represent a complete set of real-world items having that property", "label-zh": "预期完整性"}
{"id": "P2430", "label": "takeoff roll", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "distance required for an aircraft to take off (usually measured to the point where the aircraft reaches 50 feet)", "label-zh": "起飞滑跑距离"}
{"id": "P2433", "label": "gender of a scientific name of a genus", "data_type": "Item", "description": "determines the correct form of some names of species and subdivisions of species,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\talso subdivisions of a genus", "label-zh": "物种属的学名性"}
{"id": "P2436", "label": "voltage", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "difference in electric potential between two points (indicated in volt)", "label-zh": "电压"}
{"id": "P2437", "label": "number of seasons", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of seasons a television or radio series has had", "label-zh": "季度数"}
{"id": "P2438", "label": "narrator", "data_type": "Item", "description": "narrator, character or person that tells the story", "label-zh": "叙事者"}
{"id": "P2440", "label": "transliteration", "data_type": "String", "description": "conversion of text to alternate script (use as a qualifier for monolingual text statements; please use specific property if possible)", "label-zh": "转写"}
{"id": "P2441", "label": "literal translation", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "direct or word-for-word translation of a name or phrase (qualifier for name, title, inscription, and quotation properties)", "label-zh": "直译"}
{"id": "P2442", "label": "conversion to standard unit", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "translation of the value of a measurement to different units", "label-zh": "与标准单位间的转换"}
{"id": "P2443", "label": "stage reached", "data_type": "Item", "description": "ultimate point in an event or competition reached by a participant", "label-zh": "达到阶段"}
{"id": "P2444", "label": "homoglyph", "data_type": "Item", "description": "letter, number, or character which appears similar to another", "label-zh": "同字形"}
{"id": "P2445", "label": "metasubclass of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "relation between two metaclasses: instances of this metaclass are likely to be subclasses of classes that are instances of the target metaclass", "label-zh": "所属元类"}
{"id": "P2453", "label": "nominee", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier used with «nominated for» to specify which person or organization was nominated", "label-zh": "提名人"}
{"id": "P246", "label": "element symbol", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier for a chemical element", "label-zh": "元素符号"}
{"id": "P2462", "label": "member of the deme", "data_type": "Item", "description": "name of the deme in Ancient Attica to which the item belonged", "label-zh": "家族成员"}
{"id": "P248", "label": "stated in", "data_type": "Item", "description": "to be used in the references field to refer to the information document or database in which a claim is made; for qualifiers use P805; for the type of document in which a claim is made use P3865", "label-zh": "载于"}
{"id": "P249", "label": "ticker symbol", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier for a publicly traded share of a particular stock on a particular stock market or that of a cryptocurrency", "label-zh": "股票代码"}
{"id": "P2490", "label": "page at OSTIS Belarus Wiki", "data_type": "String", "description": "None", "label-zh": "OSIS白俄罗斯Wiki页面"}
{"id": "P2499", "label": "league level above", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the league above this sports league", "label-zh": "晋升为"}
{"id": "P25", "label": "mother", "data_type": "Item", "description": "female parent of the subject. For stepmother, use \"stepparent\" (P3448)", "label-zh": "母亲"}
{"id": "P2500", "label": "league level below", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the league below this sports league", "label-zh": "降级为"}
{"id": "P2501", "label": "results", "data_type": "Item", "description": "results of a competition such as sports or elections", "label-zh": "赛果"}
{"id": "P2502", "label": "classification of race", "data_type": "Item", "description": "race for which this classification applies", "label-zh": "种族分类"}
{"id": "P2505", "label": "carries", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item (e.g. road, railway, canal) carried by a bridge, a tunnel or a mountain pass", "label-zh": "承载"}
{"id": "P2507", "label": "corrigendum / erratum", "data_type": "Item", "description": "published notice that corrects or amends a previous publication", "label-zh": "更正/勘误"}
{"id": "P2512", "label": "series spin-off", "data_type": "Item", "description": "works that are spin-offs of this item", "label-zh": "系列番外"}
{"id": "P2515", "label": "costume designer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person who designed the costumes for a film, television programme, etc", "label-zh": "服装设计"}
{"id": "P2517", "label": "category for recipients of this award", "data_type": "Item", "description": "link to Wikimedia category for recipients of this award", "label-zh": "获奖者专用分类"}
{"id": "P2521", "label": "female form of label", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "female form of name or title", "label-zh": "标签女性化形式"}
{"id": "P2522", "label": "victory", "data_type": "Item", "description": "competition or event won by the subject", "label-zh": "获胜赛事"}
{"id": "P2527", "label": "earthquake magnitude on the moment magnitude scale", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "magnitude of an earthquake according to the moment magnitude scale", "label-zh": "矩震级"}
{"id": "P2528", "label": "earthquake magnitude on the Richter magnitude scale", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "magnitude of an earthquake according to the Richter magnitude scale", "label-zh": "里氏震级"}
{"id": "P2532", "label": "lowest atmospheric pressure", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "minimum pressure measured or estimated for a storm (a measure of strength for tropical cyclones)", "label-zh": "最低大气压力"}
{"id": "P2534", "label": "defining formula", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "mathematical formula representing a theorem or law. Maximum length: 400 characters", "label-zh": "公式定义"}
{"id": "P2535", "label": "Sandbox-Mathematical expression", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "Sandbox property for value of type \"Mathematical expression\"", "label-zh": "沙盒-数学表达式"}
{"id": "P2540", "label": "Aarne–Thompson–Uther Tale Type Index", "data_type": "String", "description": "index used to classify folktales", "label-zh": "Aarne–Thompson–Uther故事类型索引"}
{"id": "P2541", "label": "operating area", "data_type": "Item", "description": "geographic area or jurisdiction an organisation or industry operates in, serves, or\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\thas responsibility for", "label-zh": "业务区"}
{"id": "P2542", "label": "acceptable daily intake", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "estimate of the amount of a food additive, expressed on a body weight basis, that can be ingested daily over a lifetime without appreciable health risk", "label-zh": "每日可接受摄入量"}
{"id": "P2545", "label": "bowling style", "data_type": "Item", "description": "type of bowling employed by a cricketer", "label-zh": "保龄球风格"}
{"id": "P2546", "label": "sidekick of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "close companion of a fictional character", "label-zh": "亲密伙伴"}
{"id": "P2547", "label": "perimeter", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "linear distance around the outside of an object", "label-zh": "周长"}
{"id": "P2548", "label": "strand orientation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "orientation of gene on double stranded DNA molecule", "label-zh": "链取向"}
{"id": "P2550", "label": "recording or performance of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item is a recording or release of this composition", "label-zh": "记录或表演"}
{"id": "P2551", "label": "used metre", "data_type": "Item", "description": "rhythmic structure of the poetic text or musical piece", "label-zh": "已用米"}
{"id": "P2552", "label": "quantitative metrical pattern", "data_type": "String", "description": "description of a quantitative verse's metric", "label-zh": "定量计量模式"}
{"id": "P2553", "label": "in work", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier of award received and nominated for (P1411) to specify in which creative work the awarded or nominated creative work appeared causing the nomination/award win", "label-zh": "所在作品"}
{"id": "P2554", "label": "production designer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person(s) responsible for overall aesthetic of the story of this motion picture, play, video game or similar; responsible for visual concept, producing interior, exterior, location, graphics, etc; deals with many and varied logistic related to this", "label-zh": "艺术指导"}
{"id": "P2555", "label": "fee", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "fee or toll payable to use, transit or enter the subject (only for one-time fees, do NOT use it for an ongoing fee, tuition fee or trading fee)", "label-zh": "费用"}
{"id": "P2556", "label": "bore", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "cylinder bore represents the size, in terms of diameter, of the cylinder in which a piston travels", "label-zh": "气缸内径"}
{"id": "P2557", "label": "stroke", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "length of the motion in reciprocating engines and other mechanisms", "label-zh": "冲程"}
{"id": "P2559", "label": "Wikidata usage instructions", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "text describing how to use a property or item. Eventually, this statement is to replace usage instructions currently found in description. Until the corresponding feature is implemented, do not remove it from description", "label-zh": "维基数据使用说明"}
{"id": "P2560", "label": "GPU", "data_type": "Item", "description": "graphics processing unit within a system", "label-zh": "GPU"}
{"id": "P2561", "label": "nombre", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "name the subject is known by. If a more specific property is available, use that", "label-zh": "名称"}
{"id": "P2562", "label": "married name", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "name or surname adopted by a person upon marriage", "label-zh": "结婚后姓名"}
{"id": "P2563", "label": "superhuman feature or ability", "data_type": "Item", "description": "superhuman, supernatural, or paranormal abilities that the fictional subject exhibits", "label-zh": "超人的特征或能力"}
{"id": "P2564", "label": "Köppen climate classification", "data_type": "Item", "description": "indicates the characteristic climate of a place", "label-zh": "Köppen气候分类"}
{"id": "P2565", "label": "global warming potential", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "heat trapped by a certain gas in CO2 equivalents", "label-zh": "全球变暖潜力"}
{"id": "P2567", "label": "amended by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "document is amended by specified other document", "label-zh": "修改者"}
{"id": "P2568", "label": "repealed by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "document is repealed/inactived by specified other document", "label-zh": "取代者"}
{"id": "P2571", "label": "uncertainty corresponds to", "data_type": "Item", "description": "number of standard deviations (sigma) expressing the confidence level of a value", "label-zh": "不确定性对应于"}
{"id": "P2572", "label": "hashtag", "data_type": "String", "description": "reference keyword associated with this item for online communities (do not include the \"#\" symbol which is often used as a prefixed indicator)", "label-zh": "主题标签"}
{"id": "P2573", "label": "number of out-of-school children", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of out-of-school children reported for a place", "label-zh": "失学儿童人数"}
{"id": "P2575", "label": "measures", "data_type": "Item", "description": "physical quantity that this device measures", "label-zh": "测量目标"}
{"id": "P2577", "label": "admissible rule in", "data_type": "Item", "description": "this logic inference rule is admissible in that logical system", "label-zh": "中的可接受规则"}
{"id": "P2578", "label": "is the study of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the object that an academic field studies; distinct from field of work (P101), which\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tis used for human, organization, etc.", "label-zh": "研究对象"}
{"id": "P2579", "label": "studied by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "subject is studied by this science or domain", "label-zh": "研究学科"}
{"id": "P2583", "label": "distance from Earth", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "estimated distance to astronomical objects", "label-zh": "距离地球的距离"}
{"id": "P2587", "label": "has phoneme", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the language's phonology includes this sound", "label-zh": "具有音位"}
{"id": "P2591", "label": "grammatical option indicates", "data_type": "Item", "description": "what a particular option for a grammatical category indicates", "label-zh": "语法选项表明"}
{"id": "P2595", "label": "maximum gradient", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "maximum gradient on a route, expressed as a percentage", "label-zh": "最大坡度"}
{"id": "P2596", "label": "culture", "data_type": "Item", "description": "human culture or people (or several cultures) associated with this item", "label-zh": "文化"}
{"id": "P2597", "label": "Gram staining", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Gram stain type of a bacterial strain", "label-zh": "革兰氏染色"}
{"id": "P2598", "label": "serial number", "data_type": "String", "description": "an identifier for a specific object among the same product. Not a product code or model number", "label-zh": "序列号"}
{"id": "P2599", "label": "block size", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "size of block for this block cipher or hash function", "label-zh": "块大小"}
{"id": "P26", "label": "spouse", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the subject has the object as their spouse (husband, wife, partner, etc.). Use \"unmarried partner\" (P451) for non-married companions", "label-zh": "配偶"}
{"id": "P2610", "label": "thickness", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "extent from one surface to the opposite", "label-zh": "厚度"}
{"id": "P2614", "label": "World Heritage criteria", "data_type": "Item", "description": "selection criteria for UNESCO's cultural and natural 'World Heritage' designation since 2005", "label-zh": "世界遗产标准"}
{"id": "P2629", "label": "BBFC rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "British media content rating (add BBFC reference with qualifier \"P2676\")", "label-zh": "BBFC评级"}
{"id": "P263", "label": "official residence", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the residence at which heads of government and other senior figures officially reside", "label-zh": "官邸"}
{"id": "P2630", "label": "cost of damage", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "monetary value of damage caused by this event", "label-zh": "经济损失"}
{"id": "P2632", "label": "place of detention", "data_type": "Item", "description": "place where this person is or was detained", "label-zh": "拘留场所"}
{"id": "P2633", "label": "geography of topic", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item that deals with the geography of the subject. Sample: \"Rio de Janeiro\" uses\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthis property with value \"geography of Rio de Janeiro\" (Q10288853). For the location\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tof a subject, use \"location\" (P276).", "label-zh": "主题的地理学"}
{"id": "P2634", "label": "model", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person who appears in an artwork or photograph, in the role of an artist's model, rather than subject", "label-zh": "模特"}
{"id": "P2635", "label": "number of parts of this work", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the number of parts that a work consists of", "label-zh": "作品部分数量"}
{"id": "P2637", "label": "RARS rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "rating in the Russian media content rating system", "label-zh": "RARS评级"}
{"id": "P264", "label": "record label", "data_type": "Item", "description": "brand and trademark associated with the marketing of subject music recordings and music videos", "label-zh": "唱片公司"}
{"id": "P2643", "label": "Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education", "data_type": "Item", "description": "classification of colleges and universities in the United States", "label-zh": "卡内基高等教育机构分类"}
{"id": "P2645", "label": "mean lifetime", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "inverse of exponential decay rate; half-life is ln(2) times this value", "label-zh": "平均寿命"}
{"id": "P2647", "label": "source of material", "data_type": "Item", "description": "place the material used was mined, quarried, found, or produced", "label-zh": "材料来源"}
{"id": "P2650", "label": "interested in", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item of special or vested interest to this person or organisation", "label-zh": "研究领域"}
{"id": "P2652", "label": "partnership with", "data_type": "Item", "description": "partnership (commercial or/and non-commercial) between this organization and another\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\torganization or institution", "label-zh": "合伙人"}
{"id": "P2658", "label": "Scoville grade", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "scale measuring pungency of chili peppers (values from 0 to 16,000,000,000)", "label-zh": "斯科维尔等级"}
{"id": "P2659", "label": "topographic isolation", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "minimum distance to a point of higher elevation", "label-zh": "地形隔离"}
{"id": "P2660", "label": "topographic prominence", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "height of a mountain or hill relative to the lowest contour line encircling it (on\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tEarth, maximum 8,848 m)", "label-zh": "地形突出"}
{"id": "P2661", "label": "target interest rate", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "benchmark interest rate of the central bank", "label-zh": "目标利率"}
{"id": "P2662", "label": "consumption rate per capita", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "rate of consumption of a product divided by the population", "label-zh": "人均消费率"}
{"id": "P2663", "label": "common equity tier 1 capital ratio (CETI)", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "relation between the core capital or shareholder's equity of a Bank and its risk-weighted assets", "label-zh": "普通股一级资本比率(CETI)"}
{"id": "P2664", "label": "units sold", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "sales figures of an object", "label-zh": "销量"}
{"id": "P2665", "label": "alcohol by volume", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "percentage of alcohol in a fluid", "label-zh": "酒精度"}
{"id": "P2667", "label": "corresponding template", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the one-value-template that has the same meaning as this property", "label-zh": "对应模板"}
{"id": "P2668", "label": "stability of property value", "data_type": "Item", "description": "likelihood that statements with this property will change", "label-zh": "属性值稳定性"}
{"id": "P2669", "label": "discontinued date", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date that the availability of a product was discontinued; see also \"dissolved, abolished or demolished\" (P576)", "label-zh": "终止日期"}
{"id": "P2670", "label": "has part(s) of the class", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the subject instance (the subject is not a class) has one or more parts of the object class", "label-zh": "拥有一部分"}
{"id": "P2673", "label": "next crossing upstream", "data_type": "Item", "description": "next crossing of this river, canal, etc. upstream of this subject", "label-zh": "下一个上游跨越点"}
{"id": "P2674", "label": "next crossing downstream", "data_type": "Item", "description": "next crossing of this river, canal, etc. downstream of this subject", "label-zh": "下一个下游跨越点"}
{"id": "P2675", "label": "reply to", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the intellectual work to which the subsequent work is a direct reply", "label-zh": "回应"}
{"id": "P2676", "label": "rating certificate ID", "data_type": "String", "description": "reference certificate identifier of content rating decisions", "label-zh": "评级证书ID"}
{"id": "P2677", "label": "relative position within image", "data_type": "String", "description": "position of a motif within a larger image, defined by  x-offset (from left), y-offset (down from top), width w, and height h of the crop region (as a percentage of the whole image) values", "label-zh": "图像内的相对位置"}
{"id": "P2679", "label": "author of foreword", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person who wrote the preface, foreword, or introduction of the book but who isn't an author of the rest of the book", "label-zh": "序言作者"}
{"id": "P2680", "label": "author of afterword", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person who wrote the postface, afterword, or conclusion of the book but who isn't an author of the rest of the book", "label-zh": "后跋作者"}
{"id": "P2681", "label": "is recto of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the two-dimensional artwork that is on the back (verso) side of this artwork", "label-zh": "负责"}
{"id": "P2682", "label": "is verso of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the two-dimensional artwork that is on the front (recto) side of this artwork", "label-zh": "是"}
{"id": "P2684", "label": "Kijkwijzer rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Dutch media content rating system", "label-zh": "Kijkwijzer评级"}
{"id": "P2695", "label": "type locality (geology)", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the locality where a particular rock type, stratigraphic unit or mineral species is\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdefined from (can coincide but not the same as p189)", "label-zh": "类型位置(地质)"}
{"id": "P27", "label": "country of citizenship", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the object is a country that recognizes the subject as its citizen", "label-zh": "国籍"}
{"id": "P2700", "label": "protocol", "data_type": "Item", "description": "communication protocol to use to access a dataset or service", "label-zh": "协议"}
{"id": "P2701", "label": "file format", "data_type": "Item", "description": "file format, compression type, or ontology used in a file", "label-zh": "文件格式"}
{"id": "P2702", "label": "dataset distribution", "data_type": "Item", "description": "particular manner of distribution of a data set (database or file) that is publicly\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tavailable", "label-zh": "数据集分布"}
{"id": "P2710", "label": "minimal lethal concentration", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "lowest concentration of a toxic substance in an environmental medium that kills individual organisms or test species under a defined set of conditions", "label-zh": "最小致死浓度"}
{"id": "P2712", "label": "median lethal concentration (LC50)", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "statistically derived median concentration of a substance in an environmental medium expected to kill 50% of organisms in a given population under a defined set of conditions", "label-zh": "半数致死浓度"}
{"id": "P2715", "label": "elected in", "data_type": "Item", "description": "election in which a person gained a position (as qualifier), or a position or legislative term is/was elected (as main value)", "label-zh": "当选选举"}
{"id": "P2717", "label": "no-observed-adverse-effect level", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "greatest concentration or amount of a substance, found by experiment or observation, which causes no detectable adverse alteration of morphology, functional capacity, growth, development, or life span of the target organism under defined conditions of exp", "label-zh": "未观察到不良影响水平"}
{"id": "P2718", "label": "lowest-observed-adverse-effect level", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "lowest concentration or amount of a substance (dose), found by experiment or observation, which causes an adverse effect on morphology, functional capacity, growth, development, or life span of a target organism distinguishable from normal (control) organ", "label-zh": "观察到的最低不良影响水平"}
{"id": "P2719", "label": "Hungarian-style transcription", "data_type": "String", "description": "transcription of a monolingual text value in a non-latin script according to the guidelines of the Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Q7315098), Helyesírás (Q1035212), and Hungarian Wikipedia (Q53464)", "label-zh": "匈牙利式标音"}
{"id": "P272", "label": "production company", "data_type": "Item", "description": "company that produced this film, audio or performing arts work", "label-zh": "制作商"}
{"id": "P2720", "label": "embed URL template", "data_type": "String", "description": "formatter URL for embeddable content: URI template from which \"$1\" can be automatically replaced with the effective property value on items", "label-zh": "嵌入的URL模板"}
{"id": "P2737", "label": "union of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "every instance of this class is an instance of at least one class in that list of classes. Use \"list item\" P11260 as qualifiers to specify the list of classes", "label-zh": "并集"}
{"id": "P2738", "label": "disjoint union of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "every instance of this class is an instance of exactly one class in that list of classes. Use \"list item\" P11260 as qualifiers to specify the list of classes", "label-zh": "不相交并集属于"}
{"id": "P2739", "label": "typeface/font used", "data_type": "Item", "description": "style of type used in a work", "label-zh": "字体"}
{"id": "P274", "label": "chemical formula", "data_type": "String", "description": "description of chemical compound giving element symbols and counts", "label-zh": "化学式"}
{"id": "P2743", "label": "this zoological name is coordinate with", "data_type": "Item", "description": "links coordinate zoological names", "label-zh": "动物学名沿袭自"}
{"id": "P2744", "label": "PASE name", "data_type": "String", "description": "standardised name (including disambiguation number) given to a person in the Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England", "label-zh": "过去的名称"}
{"id": "P2746", "label": "production statistics", "data_type": "Item", "description": "amount of a certain good produced in/by the item", "label-zh": "生产统计"}
{"id": "P2747", "label": "Filmiroda rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "rating of a film in the former (2004–2011) Hungarian film rating system", "label-zh": "Filmiroda评级"}
{"id": "P275", "label": "copyright license", "data_type": "Item", "description": "license under which this copyrighted work is released", "label-zh": "许可协议"}
{"id": "P2754", "label": "production date", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "period of active production of (creative) work; the only date stated should refer to\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tend of production; production starts after pre-production ( planning) and is\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfollowed by publication date (P577); in general cases, use inception (P571)", "label-zh": "拍摄日期"}
{"id": "P2756", "label": "EIRIN film rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "category in the Japanese film rating system (add EIRIN number with qualifier P2676)", "label-zh": "映伦电影分级"}
{"id": "P2758", "label": "CNC film rating (France)", "data_type": "Item", "description": "category assigned to a film by the Board of Film Classification (CNC) which what audiences may view it in France", "label-zh": "CNC电影评级(法国)"}
{"id": "P276", "label": "location", "data_type": "Item", "description": "location of the object, structure or event. In the case of an administrative entity as containing item use P131. For statistical entities use P8138. In the case of a geographic entity use P706. Use P7153 for locations associated with the object.", "label-zh": "位置"}
{"id": "P2769", "label": "budget", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "assigned monetary amount for a project (for the estimated cost of a film, also\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcommonly referred to as budget, use P2130)", "label-zh": "预算"}
{"id": "P277", "label": "programmed in", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the programming language(s) in which the software is developed", "label-zh": "编程语言"}
{"id": "P2770", "label": "source of income", "data_type": "Item", "description": "source of income of an organization or person", "label-zh": "收入来源"}
{"id": "P2781", "label": "race time", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "officially recorded time elapsed in a sports race", "label-zh": "竞赛时间"}
{"id": "P2784", "label": "Mercalli intensity scale", "data_type": "Item", "description": "measurement of the intensity of an earthquake", "label-zh": "Mercalli强度等级"}
{"id": "P2786", "label": "aerodrome reference point", "data_type": "GlobeCoordinate", "description": "official coordinates for airport", "label-zh": "机场参考点"}
{"id": "P2787", "label": "longest span", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "length of the longest span of a bridge, a natural arch", "label-zh": "最长跨度"}
{"id": "P2789", "label": "connects with", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item with which the item is physically connected", "label-zh": "连接"}
{"id": "P279", "label": "subclass of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "this item is a subclass (subset) of that item; all instances of these items are instances of those items; different from P31 (instance of), e.g.: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform).", "label-zh": "上级分类"}
{"id": "P2790", "label": "net tonnage", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "dimensionless index calculated from the total moulded volume of the ship's cargo spaces by using a mathematical formula", "label-zh": "净吨位"}
{"id": "P2791", "label": "power consumed", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "electrical power consumed by an appliance", "label-zh": "消耗功率"}
{"id": "P2793", "label": "clearance", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "distance between surface under bridge and bottom of a bridge deck", "label-zh": "间隙"}
{"id": "P2795", "label": "directions", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "describe how to find the subject - directions, objects along way, comments", "label-zh": "方向说明"}
{"id": "P2797", "label": "sound power level", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "level of sound power at a reference value of 1 pW", "label-zh": "声能级别"}
{"id": "P2802", "label": "fleet or registration number", "data_type": "String", "description": "the fleet number or registration of the vehicle", "label-zh": "车队编号或车辆注册号"}
{"id": "P2803", "label": "Wikidata time precision", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "numeric value used by Wikidata to describe the corresponding time/date precision. There are 15 items with this property with values from 0 to 14 (second), year is 9.", "label-zh": "维基数据时间精度"}
{"id": "P2806", "label": "vibration", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "level of vibration measured", "label-zh": "振动"}
{"id": "P2807", "label": "molar volume", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "qualifier with e.g. P873", "label-zh": "摩尔体积"}
{"id": "P2808", "label": "wavelength", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "spatial period of a wave", "label-zh": "波长"}
{"id": "P281", "label": "postal code", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier assigned by postal authorities for the subject area or building", "label-zh": "邮政编码"}
{"id": "P2813", "label": "house publication", "data_type": "Item", "description": "media that speaks for an organization or a movement, and that is usually edited by\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tits members", "label-zh": "官方刊物"}
{"id": "P2817", "label": "appears in the heritage monument list", "data_type": "Item", "description": "heritage monument is a part of the list of heritage monuments", "label-zh": "出现于遗产古迹名单"}
{"id": "P282", "label": "writing system", "data_type": "Item", "description": "alphabet, character set or other system of writing used by a language, word, or text, supported by a typeface", "label-zh": "书写系统"}
{"id": "P2820", "label": "cardinality of this set", "data_type": "Item", "description": "measure of number of elements of a set", "label-zh": "此集合的基数"}
{"id": "P2821", "label": "by-product", "data_type": "Item", "description": "product of a chemical or industrial process, of secondary economic value", "label-zh": "副产品"}
{"id": "P2822", "label": "by-product of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "chemical or industrial process which produces the item as a by-product", "label-zh": "副产品自"}
{"id": "P2825", "label": "via", "data_type": "Item", "description": "intermediate point on a journey - stopover location, waystation or routing point", "label-zh": "通过"}
{"id": "P2827", "label": "flower color", "data_type": "Item", "description": "colour of flowers of a plant species, hybrid or cultivar", "label-zh": "花朵颜色"}
{"id": "P2828", "label": "corporate officer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person who holds a specific position", "label-zh": "组织干事"}
{"id": "P2831", "label": "totem", "data_type": "Item", "description": "in many indigenous cultures an individual or group has a particular totem (e.g. a type of animal)", "label-zh": "图腾"}
{"id": "P2834", "label": "individual tax rate", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "percentage tax rate on individuals by income", "label-zh": "个人税率"}
{"id": "P2835", "label": "lowest income threshold", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "lowest income for which the tax rate applies, qualifier for P2834 (individual tax rate)", "label-zh": "最低收入门槛"}
{"id": "P2836", "label": "highest income threshold", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "highest income for which the tax rate applies, qualifier for P2834 (individual tax rate)", "label-zh": "最高收入门槛"}
{"id": "P2838", "label": "professional name (Japan)", "data_type": "Item", "description": "name passed down by generation assumed by a master of a traditional Japanese art or\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsport such as kabuki or sumo", "label-zh": "专业名称(日本)"}
{"id": "P2839", "label": "gait", "data_type": "Item", "description": "gait of an animal", "label-zh": "步态"}
{"id": "P2841", "label": "age of onset", "data_type": "Item", "description": "age group in which disease manifestations appear", "label-zh": "发病年龄"}
{"id": "P2842", "label": "place of marriage", "data_type": "Item", "description": "location where the marriage was celebrated. Use as qualifier for property \"spouse\" (P26)", "label-zh": "结婚地点"}
{"id": "P2844", "label": "incidence", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "probability of occurrence of a given condition in a population within a specified period of time", "label-zh": "发病率"}
{"id": "P2846", "label": "wheelchair accessibility", "data_type": "Item", "description": "describes wheelchair accessibility of location or event", "label-zh": "轮椅使用性"}
{"id": "P2848", "label": "Wi-Fi access", "data_type": "Item", "description": "internet access availability through Wi-Fi", "label-zh": "Wi-Fi访问"}
{"id": "P2849", "label": "produced by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "links a class of biological features (such as a biochemical compound) with another\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tclass of biological entities known to produce it", "label-zh": "产生自"}
{"id": "P2851", "label": "payment types accepted", "data_type": "Item", "description": "types of payment accepted by a venue", "label-zh": "接受的付款方式"}
{"id": "P2852", "label": "emergency phone number", "data_type": "Item", "description": "telephone number to contact emergency services", "label-zh": "紧急救助电话"}
{"id": "P2853", "label": "electrical plug type", "data_type": "Item", "description": "standard plug type for mains electricity in a country", "label-zh": "电源插头形式"}
{"id": "P2854", "label": "disease burden", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "impact of a health problem as measured by financial cost, mortality, morbidity, or\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tother indicators. It is often quantified in terms of quality-adjusted life years\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(QALYs) or disability-adjusted life years (DALYs)", "label-zh": "疾病负担"}
{"id": "P2855", "label": "VAT rate", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "percentage value-added tax in this country or region. Do not use for sales tax. For specialised rates, use qualifiers", "label-zh": "增值税率"}
{"id": "P2859", "label": "X-SAMPA code", "data_type": "String", "description": "Extended Speech Assessment Methods Phonetic Alphabet (X-SAMPA) code for phoneme", "label-zh": "X-SAMPA代码"}
{"id": "P286", "label": "head coach", "data_type": "Item", "description": "on-field manager or head coach of a sports club (not to be confused with a general\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmanager P505, which is not a coaching position) or person", "label-zh": "主教练"}
{"id": "P2860", "label": "cites work", "data_type": "Item", "description": "citation from one creative or scholarly work to another", "label-zh": "引用作品"}
{"id": "P2868", "label": "subject has role", "data_type": "Item", "description": "role/generic identity of the item (\"subject\"), also in the context of a statement. For the role of the value of the statement (\"object\"), use P3831 (\"object has role\"). For acting roles, use P453 (\"character role\"). For persons, use P39.", "label-zh": "主体角色"}
{"id": "P2869", "label": "record or record progression", "data_type": "Item", "description": "links to item on the record or record progression", "label-zh": "记录或记录进展"}
{"id": "P287", "label": "designed by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person(s) or organization which designed the object", "label-zh": "设计者"}
{"id": "P2872", "label": "visitor centre", "data_type": "Item", "description": "official tourist office of this destination", "label-zh": "游客咨询处"}
{"id": "P2873", "label": "time in space", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "time in space by an astronaut or cosmonaut", "label-zh": "太空中时间"}
{"id": "P2875", "label": "property usage tracking category", "data_type": "Item", "description": "category tracking a Wikidata property in sister projects", "label-zh": "属性用途追踪分类"}
{"id": "P2876", "label": "type of unit for this property", "data_type": "Item", "description": "units for this property are all instances of this item", "label-zh": "用于此属性的单位类型"}
{"id": "P2881", "label": "promoted", "data_type": "Item", "description": "competitor or team relegated during competition", "label-zh": "晋级"}
{"id": "P2882", "label": "relegated", "data_type": "Item", "description": "competitor or team relegated during competition", "label-zh": "降级"}
{"id": "P2884", "label": "mains voltage", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "voltage of residential mains electricity in a country or region", "label-zh": "市电电压"}
{"id": "P289", "label": "vessel class", "data_type": "Item", "description": "series of vessels built to the same design of which this vessel is a member", "label-zh": "船级"}
{"id": "P2893", "label": "Skype username", "data_type": "String", "description": "username on the Skype instant messaging service", "label-zh": "Skype用户名"}
{"id": "P2894", "label": "day of week", "data_type": "Item", "description": "day of the week on which this item occurs, applies to or is valid", "label-zh": "日历日"}
{"id": "P2895", "label": "maximum sustained winds", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "maximum sustained wind evaluated by agency", "label-zh": "最大持续风"}
{"id": "P2896", "label": "publication interval", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "standard publication interval for daily or periodical publications", "label-zh": "出版间隔"}
{"id": "P2899", "label": "minimum age", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "minimum age for, for example, movie certification", "label-zh": "最低年龄"}
{"id": "P2900", "label": "fax number", "data_type": "String", "description": "telephone number of a facsimile line", "label-zh": "传真号码"}
{"id": "P2907", "label": "UTC timezone offset", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "difference between Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and this timezone", "label-zh": "时区偏移量"}
{"id": "P291", "label": "place of publication", "data_type": "Item", "description": "geographical place of publication of the edition (use 1st edition when referring to works)", "label-zh": "出版地"}
{"id": "P2911", "label": "time gap", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "time gap to winner time (P2781)", "label-zh": "时间间隔"}
{"id": "P2912", "label": "distinctive jersey", "data_type": "Item", "description": "distinctive jersey held by a class or stage leader in a cycling competition", "label-zh": "领骑衫"}
{"id": "P2913", "label": "date depicted", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date represented in a work (for narrative works use P2408)", "label-zh": "描绘日期"}
{"id": "P2916", "label": "syntax clarification", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "qualifier for P1793 (regular expression): to provide a textual description of the regex syntax of a value. Should be displayable after the text \"The value for the property should match\" and be followed by the regex.", "label-zh": "语法说明"}
{"id": "P2918", "label": "post office box", "data_type": "String", "description": "post office box number, as part of an address", "label-zh": "邮政信箱"}
{"id": "P2922", "label": "month of the year", "data_type": "Item", "description": "month of the year during which this item occurs, applies to or is valid in", "label-zh": "月份"}
{"id": "P2923", "label": "focal height", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "height of the lamp of a lighthouse from water level", "label-zh": "灯塔距水面高度"}
{"id": "P2925", "label": "domain of saint or deity", "data_type": "Item", "description": "domain(s) which this saint or deity controls or protects", "label-zh": "保佑领域"}
{"id": "P2927", "label": "water as percent of area", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "which percentage of the territory of this item inside coast line and international bounderies is water. Use \"percent\" (Q11229)  as unit", "label-zh": "水的面积百分比"}
{"id": "P2928", "label": "memory capacity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "memory storage capacity of some data storage device", "label-zh": "内存容量"}
{"id": "P2929", "label": "lighthouse range", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the distance at which the light can be seen. If the light has colors, there will be several ranges, one for each color. Use qualifier \"color\" (P462)", "label-zh": "灯塔范围"}
{"id": "P2935", "label": "connector", "data_type": "Item", "description": "connectors which the device has/supports", "label-zh": "连接器"}
{"id": "P2936", "label": "language used", "data_type": "Item", "description": "language widely used (spoken or written) in this place or at this event", "label-zh": "使用语言"}
{"id": "P2937", "label": "parliamentary term", "data_type": "Item", "description": "term of a parliament or any deliberative assembly", "label-zh": "议会任期"}
{"id": "P2955", "label": "point of penalty", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "point of penalty in a tournament", "label-zh": "处罚点"}
{"id": "P2957", "label": "throughput", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "volume of units that do or can pass through or be transported by the object", "label-zh": "吞吐量"}
{"id": "P2959", "label": "permanent duplicated item", "data_type": "Item", "description": "this item duplicates another item and the two can't be merged, as one Wikimedia project includes two pages, e.g. in different scripts or languages (only applies to some wikis, e.g.: cdowiki, gomwiki, nanwiki).  Use P31=Q17362920 for other wikis.", "label-zh": "永久重复项"}
{"id": "P296", "label": "station code", "data_type": "String", "description": "generic identifier for a railway station, when possible, use specific property on certain coding system (e.g. P1378 for China Railway TMIS codes)", "label-zh": "车站编号"}
{"id": "P2960", "label": "archive date", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date a document was archived", "label-zh": "存档日期"}
{"id": "P2962", "label": "title of chess person", "data_type": "Item", "description": "title awarded by a chess federation to a person", "label-zh": "棋手的头衔"}
{"id": "P2964", "label": "right to vote", "data_type": "Item", "description": "people who have right to vote at this election, referendum, etc.", "label-zh": "投票权人"}
{"id": "P2974", "label": "habitat", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the natural environment in which an organism lives, or the physical environment that\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsurrounds a species population", "label-zh": "栖息地"}
{"id": "P2975", "label": "host", "data_type": "Item", "description": "an organism harboring another organism or organisms on or in itself", "label-zh": "宿主"}
{"id": "P2976", "label": "patronym or matronym for this name", "data_type": "Item", "description": "patronym or matronym based on this given name", "label-zh": "衍生父名或母名"}
{"id": "P2978", "label": "wheel arrangement", "data_type": "Item", "description": "wheel/axle arrangement for locomotives, railcars and other rolling stock", "label-zh": "机车轴式"}
{"id": "P2979", "label": "maritime identification digits", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier used by radio communication facilities to identify their home country or base area in messages as part of their Maritime Mobile Service Identities", "label-zh": "海事识别数字"}
{"id": "P2989", "label": "has grammatical case", "data_type": "Item", "description": "case used in this language", "label-zh": "具有语义格"}
{"id": "P2992", "label": "software quality assurance", "data_type": "Item", "description": "quality assurance process in place for a particular software", "label-zh": "软件质量管理"}
{"id": "P2993", "label": "partition coefficient water/octanol", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "logarithm of the partition coefficient (n-octanol/water)", "label-zh": "水/辛醇分配系数"}
{"id": "P2997", "label": "age of majority", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "threshold of adulthood as recognized or declared in law. Use qualifiers \"statement is subject of\" (P805) to link to item for articles with more detail. Use \"start time\" (P580) or \"point in time\" (P585) for historic data", "label-zh": "法定年龄"}
{"id": "P2998", "label": "age of candidacy", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "minimum age at which a person can legally qualify to hold certain elected government offices", "label-zh": "候选人年龄"}
{"id": "P2999", "label": "age of consent", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "youngest age at which a person can legally consent to sexual activity", "label-zh": "最低合法性交年龄"}
{"id": "P30", "label": "continent", "data_type": "Item", "description": "continent of which the subject is a part", "label-zh": "大洲"}
{"id": "P3000", "label": "marriageable age", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "minimum age at which a person is generally allowed by law to marry. Use qualifier \"applies to part\" (P518), to specify if it applies only to males (Q6581097), females (Q6581072) or both genders (Q27177113)", "label-zh": "法定结婚年龄"}
{"id": "P3001", "label": "retirement age", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the age at which most people normally retire from work", "label-zh": "退休年龄"}
{"id": "P3005", "label": "valid in place", "data_type": "Item", "description": "place where a statement is valid", "label-zh": "有效地点"}
{"id": "P301", "label": "category's main topic", "data_type": "Item", "description": "primary topic of the subject Wikimedia category", "label-zh": "分类主话题"}
{"id": "P3013", "label": "surface tension", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "physical property of liquid", "label-zh": "表面张力"}
{"id": "P3014", "label": "laws applied", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the constitutional and statutory provisions that were the primary basis for a decision or law", "label-zh": "适用法律"}
{"id": "P3015", "label": "backup or reserve team or crew", "data_type": "Item", "description": "team or crew that is kept ready to act as reserve", "label-zh": "备份或保留的团队或机组人员"}
{"id": "P3018", "label": "located in protected area", "data_type": "Item", "description": "protected area where a place or geographical feature is physically located", "label-zh": "所在保护区"}
{"id": "P3019", "label": "railway signalling system", "data_type": "Item", "description": "type of signalling used on this railway line", "label-zh": "铁路信号系统"}
{"id": "P3020", "label": "residence time of water", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "residence time of water in a lake or sea", "label-zh": "水停留时间"}
{"id": "P3022", "label": "flag bearer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person who carries the national flag of their country at an opening or closing ceremony", "label-zh": "持旗手"}
{"id": "P3025", "label": "open days", "data_type": "Item", "description": "days in the week subject item is open within the opening season", "label-zh": "开放日"}
{"id": "P3026", "label": "closed on", "data_type": "Item", "description": "exceptions to open days (P3025), usually special dates", "label-zh": "关闭于"}
{"id": "P3027", "label": "open period from", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier to P3025 (open days) for season when open days apply", "label-zh": "开放时段始于"}
{"id": "P3028", "label": "open period to", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier to P3025 (open days) for season when open days apply", "label-zh": "开放时段终于"}
{"id": "P3032", "label": "adjacent building", "data_type": "Item", "description": "building adjacent to the item", "label-zh": "相邻建筑物"}
{"id": "P3033", "label": "package management system", "data_type": "Item", "description": "package management system used to publish the software", "label-zh": "包装管理系统"}
{"id": "P3036", "label": "precipitation height", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "maximum height of snow or rain during an event or space of time", "label-zh": "最大降水量"}
{"id": "P3037", "label": "spatial reference system", "data_type": "Item", "description": "frame of reference used to produce a map", "label-zh": "空间参照系统"}
{"id": "P3039", "label": "wheelbase", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "distance between centers of front wheel and rear wheel", "label-zh": "轴距"}
{"id": "P304", "label": "page(s)", "data_type": "String", "description": "page number of source referenced for statement. Note \"column(s)\" (P3903) and \"folio(s)\" (P7416) for other numbering systems", "label-zh": "页码"}
{"id": "P3041", "label": "luminous intensity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "measure of the emitted light intensity", "label-zh": "发光强度"}
{"id": "P306", "label": "operating system", "data_type": "Item", "description": "operating system (OS) on which a software works or the OS installed on hardware", "label-zh": "操作系统"}
{"id": "P3063", "label": "gestation period", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "amount of time needed for gestation for this animal taxon", "label-zh": "孕期"}
{"id": "P3067", "label": "GS1 country code", "data_type": "String", "description": "GS1 Prefix, the first three digits, usually identifying the national GS1 Member\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOrganization to which the manufacturer is registered (not necessarily where the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tproduct is actually made)", "label-zh": "GS1国家代码"}
{"id": "P3070", "label": "dynamic viscosity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "viscosity of a substance, with phase of matter (P515) and temperature (P2076) as qualifiers", "label-zh": "动态粘度"}
{"id": "P3071", "label": "standard molar entropy", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "entropy content of one mole of substance under standard conditions (25°C, 1 bar)", "label-zh": "标准摩尔熵"}
{"id": "P3075", "label": "official religion", "data_type": "Item", "description": "official religion in this administrative entity", "label-zh": "国教"}
{"id": "P3078", "label": "standard enthalpy of formation", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "change of enthalpy during the formation of 1 mole of the compound from its constituent elements, with all substances in their standard states at 1 bar and 25°C", "label-zh": "标准生成焓"}
{"id": "P3080", "label": "game artist", "data_type": "Item", "description": "game artist(s) that produced art assets for a role-playing games, collectible card\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tgames, video game, etc.", "label-zh": "游戏艺术家"}
{"id": "P3081", "label": "damaged", "data_type": "Item", "description": "physical items damaged by this event", "label-zh": "毁坏"}
{"id": "P3082", "label": "destroyed", "data_type": "Item", "description": "physical items destroyed by this event", "label-zh": "摧毁"}
{"id": "P3085", "label": "qualifies for event", "data_type": "Item", "description": "this event qualifies for that event", "label-zh": "活动资格"}
{"id": "P3086", "label": "speed limit", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "maximum speed allowed on a transport route or in a certain area", "label-zh": "时速限制"}
{"id": "P3087", "label": "fiscal/tax revenue", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "fiscal revenue of a public entity (not for private entities)", "label-zh": "财政/税收收入"}
{"id": "P3090", "label": "flight number", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier for a specific flight", "label-zh": "航班编号"}
{"id": "P3091", "label": "mount", "data_type": "Item", "description": "creature ridden by the subject, for instance a horse", "label-zh": "安装"}
{"id": "P3092", "label": "film crew member", "data_type": "Item", "description": "member of the crew creating an audiovisual work, used for miscellaneous roles qualified with the job title when no specific property exists. Don't use if such a property is available: notably for cast member (P161), director (P57), etc.", "label-zh": "电影摄制组成员"}
{"id": "P3093", "label": "recovered by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person, organisation or vehicle that recovered the item. Use the most specific value\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tknown.", "label-zh": "恢复者"}
{"id": "P3094", "label": "develops from", "data_type": "Item", "description": "this class of items develops from another class of items (biology)", "label-zh": "发展自"}
{"id": "P3095", "label": "practiced by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "type of agents that study this subject or work in this profession", "label-zh": "从业者"}
{"id": "P3096", "label": "KML file", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item with sitelinks to wikimedia page containing text of a relevant KML file", "label-zh": "KML文件"}
{"id": "P31", "label": "instance of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)", "label-zh": "隶属于"}
{"id": "P3103", "label": "has tense", "data_type": "Item", "description": "grammatical category expressing time reference of the language. To include a sample,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tuse qualifier \"quote\" (P1683), sample: \"He writes\". If an activity before is needed\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"He sees\". If an activity afterwards is needed: \"He reads\".", "label-zh": "具有时态"}
{"id": "P3113", "label": "does not have part", "data_type": "Item", "description": "expected part that the item does not have (for qualities, use P6477)", "label-zh": "不包含部分"}
{"id": "P3132", "label": "last line", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "last line (excipit) of a poem, last sentence of a novel, etc.", "label-zh": "末行"}
{"id": "P3137", "label": "parent peak", "data_type": "Item", "description": "parent is the peak whose territory this peak resides in, based on the contour of the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlowest col", "label-zh": "母峰"}
{"id": "P3148", "label": "repeals", "data_type": "Item", "description": "this document or act repeals that other document or act", "label-zh": "废止"}
{"id": "P3149", "label": "molecule conformation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier to be used with property \"electric dipole moment\" (P2201)", "label-zh": "分子构象"}
{"id": "P3150", "label": "birthday", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item for day and month on which the subject was born. Used when full \"date of birth\" (P569) isn't known.", "label-zh": "生日"}
{"id": "P3156", "label": "Australian Classification", "data_type": "Item", "description": "content rating of an audiovisual work or video game in the Australian Classification system", "label-zh": "ACB评级"}
{"id": "P3157", "label": "event distance", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "distance over which a race or other event is conducted or was achieved", "label-zh": "活动距离"}
{"id": "P3158", "label": "enclosure", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the type of structure enclosing another structure", "label-zh": "外壳"}
{"id": "P3161", "label": "has grammatical mood", "data_type": "Item", "description": "language has this grammatical mood/mode for signaling modality", "label-zh": "具有语气"}
{"id": "P3173", "label": "offers view on", "data_type": "Item", "description": "things, places this place offers views on", "label-zh": "可眺望的景物"}
{"id": "P3174", "label": "art director", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person credited as the art director/artistic director of this work; manages the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprocess of making the visuals, which is done by concept artists, graphic designers,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tset designers, costume designers, lighting designers; See also P8938 for\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\torganizations", "label-zh": "艺术总监"}
{"id": "P3176", "label": "uses property", "data_type": "Property", "description": "Wikidata property used, discussed, or otherwise analyzed in this work (not the meaning of the property itself)", "label-zh": "使用属性"}
{"id": "P3179", "label": "territory overlaps", "data_type": "Item", "description": "part or all of the area associated with (this) entity overlaps part or all of the area associated with that entity", "label-zh": "领土重合于"}
{"id": "P3189", "label": "innervated by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "nerves which innervate this anatomical structure", "label-zh": "受神经支配"}
{"id": "P3190", "label": "innervates", "data_type": "Item", "description": "anatomical structures innervated by this nerve", "label-zh": "支配"}
{"id": "P3195", "label": "league points system", "data_type": "Item", "description": "point system of an e.g. sports league", "label-zh": "联赛积分制度"}
{"id": "P3205", "label": "patient of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "was treated or studied as a patient by this person", "label-zh": "治疗由"}
{"id": "P3216", "label": "ClassInd rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "rating of an audiovisual work, video game or RPG in the Brazilian Advisory Rating System (ClassInd)", "label-zh": "ClassInd评级"}
{"id": "P3228", "label": "Schläfli symbol", "data_type": "String", "description": "notation that defines regular polytopes and tessellations", "label-zh": "施莱夫利符号"}
{"id": "P3238", "label": "trunk prefix", "data_type": "String", "description": "a digit or digits to be dialled before a telephone number to initiate a telephone call for the purpose of selecting an appropriate telecommunications circuit by which the call is to be routed", "label-zh": "干线前缀"}
{"id": "P3251", "label": "minimum viable temperature", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "lowest operating temperature where the culturing of micro-organisms and/or enzyme activity occurs", "label-zh": "最低存活温度"}
{"id": "P3252", "label": "maximum viable temperature", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "highest operating temperature where the culturing of micro-organisms and/or enzyme activity occurs", "label-zh": "最高存活温度"}
{"id": "P3253", "label": "optimum viable temperature", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "operating temperature where the culturing of micro-organisms and/or enzyme activity thrives best", "label-zh": "最佳存活温度"}
{"id": "P3259", "label": "intangible cultural heritage status", "data_type": "Item", "description": "status of an item that is designated as intangible heritage", "label-zh": "非物质文化遗产状态"}
{"id": "P3260", "label": "points awarded", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "points awarded to the winning person, team or work for a win, draw, tie or loss. If\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tno points are awarded for some category of finish (e.g. loss) use value 0 not", "label-zh": "获得积分"}
{"id": "P3261", "label": "anatomical branch of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "main stem of this blood vessel, lymphatic vessel or nerve", "label-zh": "解剖分支属于"}
{"id": "P3262", "label": "has anatomical branch", "data_type": "Item", "description": "branches of this blood vessel, lymphatic vessel or nerve", "label-zh": "解剖学分支"}
{"id": "P3263", "label": "base", "data_type": "Item", "description": "configuration of a polytop vertices around the symmetry axis", "label-zh": "底"}
{"id": "P3264", "label": "radix", "data_type": "Item", "description": "number of distinct digits in a positional numeral system", "label-zh": "底数"}
{"id": "P3270", "label": "compulsory education (minimum age)", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "minimum age for children when compulsory education starts. Qualifiers: \"subject of\" to link to more detail. If applicable, use qualifier P31 with value \"varies by state/province\" (Q27145860). Use \"start time\" or \"point in time\" for historic data.", "label-zh": "强制教育的最低年龄"}
{"id": "P3271", "label": "compulsory education (maximum age)", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "maximum age for children when compulsory education ends. Qualifiers: \"subject of\" to link to more detail. If applicable, use qualifier P31 with value \"varies by state/province\" (Q27145860). Use \"start time\" or \"point in time\" for historic data.", "label-zh": "强制教育的最高年龄"}
{"id": "P3274", "label": "content deliverer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "third party service (e.g. Google Books, Internet Archive, etc.) that made the content available where it was accessed", "label-zh": "内容递送者"}
{"id": "P3275", "label": "storyboard artist", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person credited as the storyboard artist of this work", "label-zh": "故事板艺术家"}
{"id": "P3279", "label": "statistical leader", "data_type": "Item", "description": "leader of a sports tournament in one of statistical qualities (points, assists,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\trebounds etc.). Don't use for overall winner. Use a qualifier to link to the item\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tabout the quality.", "label-zh": "统计负责人"}
{"id": "P3294", "label": "encoding", "data_type": "Item", "description": "format according to which a code is to be interpreted (use only as a qualifier)", "label-zh": "编码"}
{"id": "P3295", "label": "code", "data_type": "String", "description": "format used to represent a specific concept in a given encoding", "label-zh": "代码"}
{"id": "P3300", "label": "musical conductor", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the person who directs a musical group, orchestra or chorus", "label-zh": "音乐指挥"}
{"id": "P3301", "label": "broadcast by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "channel, network, website or service that broadcast this item over radio, television or the Internet", "label-zh": "广播业者"}
{"id": "P3303", "label": "third-party formatter URL", "data_type": "String", "description": "URI template from which \"$1\" can be automatically replaced with the effective property value on items; for sites other than the primary issuing body of the identifier concerned", "label-zh": "第三方格式化URL"}
{"id": "P3306", "label": "ICAA rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "rating in the Spanish motion picture content rating system", "label-zh": "ICAA评级"}
{"id": "P3310", "label": "muscle action", "data_type": "Item", "description": "action a muscle engages in", "label-zh": "肌肉动作"}
{"id": "P3320", "label": "board member", "data_type": "Item", "description": "member(s) of the board for the organization", "label-zh": "董事会成员"}
{"id": "P3321", "label": "male form of label", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "male form of name or title", "label-zh": "标签男性化形式"}
{"id": "P3323", "label": "opponent during disputation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "participant in the defense of a doctoral thesis", "label-zh": "争论中的对手"}
{"id": "P3335", "label": "associated hazard", "data_type": "Item", "description": "hazards implicit in the subject item: that a sign warns of; that one may encounter\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tin this place, on this thoroughfare; that are inherent properties of the subject;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tetc.", "label-zh": "现场风险"}
{"id": "P3337", "label": "generation time", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "average time from one generation to another within the same population", "label-zh": "世代时间"}
{"id": "P3342", "label": "significant person", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person linked to the item in any possible way", "label-zh": "重要人物"}
{"id": "P3349", "label": "designed to carry", "data_type": "Item", "description": "what the vehicle or class of vehicles is or was designed to carry", "label-zh": "设计运输"}
{"id": "P3354", "label": "positive therapeutic predictor for", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the presence of the genetic variant helps to predict response to a treatment", "label-zh": "阳性治疗预测因子"}
{"id": "P3355", "label": "negative therapeutic predictor for", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the presence of the genetic variant helps to predict no response or resistance to a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttreatment", "label-zh": "阴性治疗预测因子"}
{"id": "P3356", "label": "positive diagnostic predictor for", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the presence of the genetic variant helps to diagnose the presence of disease, used\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tas inclusion criteria", "label-zh": "阳性诊断预测因子"}
{"id": "P3357", "label": "negative diagnostic predictor for", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the presence of the genetic variant helps to diagnose the absence of disease, used\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tas exclusion criteria", "label-zh": "阴性诊断预测因子"}
{"id": "P3358", "label": "positive prognostic predictor for", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the presence of the genetic variant helps to prognose good outcome for the disease", "label-zh": "阳性预后预测因子"}
{"id": "P3359", "label": "negative prognostic predictor for", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the presence of the genetic variant helps to prognose poor outcome for the disease", "label-zh": "不良预后因子"}
{"id": "P3362", "label": "operating income", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "private entity operating income", "label-zh": "营业收入"}
{"id": "P3364", "label": "stereoisomer of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "target item is a stereoisomer of this item", "label-zh": "立体异构体"}
{"id": "P3373", "label": "sibling", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the subject and the object have at least one common parent (brother, sister, etc. including half-siblings); use \"relative\" (P1038) for siblings-in-law (brother-in-law, sister-in-law, etc.) and step-siblings (step-brothers, step-sisters, etc.)", "label-zh": "兄弟姊妹"}
{"id": "P3374", "label": "endianness", "data_type": "Item", "description": "order of the bytes that compose a digital word in computer memory", "label-zh": "字节序"}
{"id": "P3387", "label": "minimum frequency of audible sound", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "minimum frequency of audible sound for this species", "label-zh": "可听声音的最小频率"}
{"id": "P3395", "label": "heart rate", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "speed of the heartbeat measured by the number of contractions of the heart per\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tminute (bpm)", "label-zh": "心率"}
{"id": "P3402", "label": "CNC film rating (Romania)", "data_type": "Item", "description": "rating of a movie in the Romanian content rating system", "label-zh": "CNC电影评级(罗马尼亚)"}
{"id": "P3403", "label": "coextensive with", "data_type": "Item", "description": "this item has the same boundary as the target item; area associated with (this) entity is identical with the area associated with that entity", "label-zh": "空间重合"}
{"id": "P3415", "label": "start period", "data_type": "Item", "description": "initial period in which the statement is valid (including the period-value)", "label-zh": "开始时期"}
{"id": "P3416", "label": "end period", "data_type": "Item", "description": "last period in which the statement is still valid (including the period-value)", "label-zh": "终结时期"}
{"id": "P3424", "label": "Polish cultural heritage register number", "data_type": "String", "description": "reference in a Polish cultural heritage register", "label-zh": "波兰文化遗产登记号码"}
{"id": "P3428", "label": "INCAA film rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "rating of a movie in the Argentinian content rating system", "label-zh": "INCAA电影评级"}
{"id": "P3432", "label": "parent cell line", "data_type": "Item", "description": "closest parent cell line of the cell line in question", "label-zh": "亲本细胞系"}
{"id": "P3433", "label": "biological variant of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "a variant of a physical biological entity (e.g., gene sequence, protein sequence,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tepigenetic mark)", "label-zh": "变种自"}
{"id": "P3437", "label": "type of passengers/cargo", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the type of passengers or cargo a vehicle actually carries/carried", "label-zh": "乘客/货物类型"}
{"id": "P3438", "label": "vehicle normally used", "data_type": "Item", "description": "vehicle the subject normally uses", "label-zh": "常用车辆"}
{"id": "P3439", "label": "angular resolution", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "angular resolution of an optical or pointing instrument", "label-zh": "角分辨率"}
{"id": "P344", "label": "director of photography", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person responsible for the framing, lighting, and filtration of the subject work", "label-zh": "摄影指导"}
{"id": "P3440", "label": "time signature", "data_type": "Item", "description": "specification of beats in a musical bar or measure", "label-zh": "拍号"}
{"id": "P3441", "label": "FIFA country code", "data_type": "String", "description": "three-letter country code assigned by FIFA", "label-zh": "FIFA国家代码"}
{"id": "P3447", "label": "mirrors data from", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the website automatically crawls or mirrors another website as its data source", "label-zh": "镜像数据取自"}
{"id": "P3448", "label": "stepparent", "data_type": "Item", "description": "subject has the object as their stepparent", "label-zh": "继父母"}
{"id": "P3450", "label": "sports season of league or competition", "data_type": "Item", "description": "property that shows the competition of which the item is a season. Use P5138 for\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"season of club or team\".", "label-zh": "体育赛季所属赛事"}
{"id": "P3452", "label": "inferred from", "data_type": "Item", "description": "statement added based on related statement found on the following item, not the entity described by the item (to be used in a reference field)", "label-zh": "推断依据"}
{"id": "P3457", "label": "case fatality rate", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "proportion of patients who die of a particular medical condition out of all who have\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthis condition within a given time frame", "label-zh": "病死率"}
{"id": "P3460", "label": "colonel-in-chief", "data_type": "Item", "description": "ceremonial position in a military regiment", "label-zh": "上校"}
{"id": "P3461", "label": "designated as terrorist by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "country or organization that has officially designated a given group as a terrorist\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\torganization (e.g. for India, listed on", "label-zh": "指定其为恐怖组织"}
{"id": "P3464", "label": "medicine marketing authorization", "data_type": "Item", "description": "medicinal product's marketing authorization status", "label-zh": "药品上市授权"}
{"id": "P3465", "label": "maximum frequency of audible sound", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "maximum frequency of audible sound for this species", "label-zh": "可听见声音的最大频率"}
{"id": "P348", "label": "software version identifier", "data_type": "String", "description": "numeric or nominal identifier of a version of a software program or file format, current or past", "label-zh": "软件版本"}
{"id": "P3485", "label": "bite force quotient", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "regression of the quotient of an animal's bite force in newtons divided by its body\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmass in kilogrammes", "label-zh": "咬合力商"}
{"id": "P3486", "label": "normal respiratory rate", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "normal number of respiratory cycles (inspiration and exhalation) per minute,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmeasured in an individual", "label-zh": "正常呼吸频率"}
{"id": "P3487", "label": "maximal incubation period in humans", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "maximal time between an infection and the onset of disease symptoms in infected humans", "label-zh": "疾病最长潜伏期"}
{"id": "P3488", "label": "minimal incubation period in humans", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "minimal time between an infection and the onset of disease symptoms in infected\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\thumans", "label-zh": "疾病最短潜伏期"}
{"id": "P3489", "label": "pregnancy category", "data_type": "Item", "description": "official categorisation of safety of medicine in pregnancy", "label-zh": "怀孕类别"}
{"id": "P3490", "label": "muscle origin", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the anatomic entity to which the beginning of a muscle is anchored", "label-zh": "肌起端"}
{"id": "P3491", "label": "muscle insertion", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the anatomic entity to which the end of a muscle is anchored", "label-zh": "肌末端"}
{"id": "P3492", "label": "basic reproduction number", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of infections caused by one infection within an uninfected population", "label-zh": "基本复制编号"}
{"id": "P3493", "label": "legal status (medicine)", "data_type": "Item", "description": "legal status for pharmaceutical drugs, e.g. general sales list for paracetamol in the UK", "label-zh": "法律状态(医学)"}
{"id": "P3494", "label": "points classification", "data_type": "Item", "description": "classification established according to points scored by runners", "label-zh": "点分类"}
{"id": "P3496", "label": "teams classification by points", "data_type": "Item", "description": "teams classification by points", "label-zh": "按分数分组"}
{"id": "P3497", "label": "teams classification by time", "data_type": "Item", "description": "teams classification by time", "label-zh": "按时间分组"}
{"id": "P35", "label": "head of state", "data_type": "Item", "description": "official with the highest formal authority in a country/state", "label-zh": "国家元首"}
{"id": "P3501", "label": "Christian liturgical rite", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Christian liturgical rite associated with this item", "label-zh": "天主教仪式"}
{"id": "P3512", "label": "means of locomotion", "data_type": "Item", "description": "method that the subject uses to move from one place to another", "label-zh": "移动方式"}
{"id": "P3529", "label": "median income", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "median household income in a place", "label-zh": "收入中位数"}
{"id": "P3530", "label": "par", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "predetermined number of strokes a 0-handicap golfer should require to complete a hole, a round or a tournament", "label-zh": "标准杆"}
{"id": "P355", "label": "has subsidiary", "data_type": "Item", "description": "subsidiary of a company or organization; generally a fully owned separate\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcorporation. Compare with \"business division\" (P199). Opposite of parent\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\torganization (P749).", "label-zh": "子组织"}
{"id": "P3559", "label": "maximum size or capacity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "maximum allowed/supported/usable (data) size", "label-zh": "最大大小或容量"}
{"id": "P3575", "label": "data size", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "size of a software, dataset, neural network, or individual file", "label-zh": "数据大小"}
{"id": "P3578", "label": "autologous cell line", "data_type": "Item", "description": "cell line originating from the same individual", "label-zh": "自体细胞系"}
{"id": "P358", "label": "discography", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item for list pages with discography of artist or band", "label-zh": "唱片目录"}
{"id": "P3592", "label": "Saros cycle of eclipse", "data_type": "Item", "description": "None", "label-zh": "萨罗斯日食周期"}
{"id": "P36", "label": "capital", "data_type": "Item", "description": "seat of government of a country, province, state or other type of administrative\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tterritorial entity", "label-zh": "行政中心"}
{"id": "P360", "label": "is a list of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "common element between all listed items", "label-zh": "列表所属项目"}
{"id": "P3602", "label": "candidacy in election", "data_type": "Item", "description": "election where the subject is a candidate", "label-zh": "竞选"}
{"id": "P361", "label": "part of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "object of which the subject is a part (if this subject is already part of object A which is a part of object B, then please only make the subject part of object A). Inverse property of \"has part\" (P527, see also \"has parts of the class\" (P2670)).", "label-zh": "从属于"}
{"id": "P3610", "label": "fare zone", "data_type": "Item", "description": "fare zone that the station is in", "label-zh": "收费区"}
{"id": "P3618", "label": "base salary", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "gross salary of a position or a person (not including bonuses or other forms of\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tremuneration)", "label-zh": "基本工资"}
{"id": "P3625", "label": "Kirshenbaum code", "data_type": "String", "description": "Kirshenbaum symbol for a IPA phoneme", "label-zh": "Kirshenbaum代码"}
{"id": "P3629", "label": "age at event", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the age of the subject according to the cited source at the time of an event. Used as a qualifier of significant event property", "label-zh": "此时年龄"}
{"id": "P364", "label": "original language of film or TV show", "data_type": "Item", "description": "language in which a film or a performance work was originally created. Deprecated for written works and songs; use P407 (\"language of work or name\") instead.", "label-zh": "影视作品原始语言"}
{"id": "P3643", "label": "significant environmental impact", "data_type": "Item", "description": "types of environmental issues determined to have a significant impact on the object", "label-zh": "重大环境影响"}
{"id": "P3648", "label": "NatureServe conservation status", "data_type": "Item", "description": "conservation status assigned by NatureServe", "label-zh": "自然服务保护状态"}
{"id": "P3650", "label": "JMK film rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "rating of a film in the Austrian film rating system", "label-zh": "JMK电影评级"}
{"id": "P366", "label": "has use", "data_type": "Item", "description": "main use of the subject (includes current and former usage)", "label-zh": "用途"}
{"id": "P3679", "label": "stock market index", "data_type": "Item", "description": "stock market indexes for companies traded on this stock exchange", "label-zh": "股市指数"}
{"id": "P3680", "label": "statement supported by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "entity that supports a given statement", "label-zh": "主张者"}
{"id": "P369", "label": "Sandbox-Item", "data_type": "Item", "description": "sandbox property for value of type \"Item\"", "label-zh": "沙盒-项"}
{"id": "P37", "label": "official language", "data_type": "Item", "description": "language designated as official by this item", "label-zh": "官方语言"}
{"id": "P370", "label": "Sandbox-String", "data_type": "String", "description": "Sandbox property for value of type \"String\"", "label-zh": "沙盒-字符串"}
{"id": "P3701", "label": "incarnation of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "incarnation of another religious or supernatural being", "label-zh": "化身自"}
{"id": "P3709", "label": "category for value different from Wikidata", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item for categories of pages with template parameter value different from Wikidata", "label-zh": "维基数据相异值专用分类"}
{"id": "P371", "label": "presenter", "data_type": "Item", "description": "main role in presenting a radio or television program or a performing arts show", "label-zh": "主持人"}
{"id": "P3712", "label": "has goal", "data_type": "Item", "description": "desired result or outcome", "label-zh": "项目目标"}
{"id": "P3713", "label": "category for value not in Wikidata", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item for categories of pages with template parameter value not as property value in  Wikidata", "label-zh": "非维基数据内部值专用分类"}
{"id": "P3716", "label": "social classification", "data_type": "Item", "description": "social class as recognized in traditional or state law", "label-zh": "社会阶层"}
{"id": "P3719", "label": "regulated by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "organization that acts as regulator of an activity, financial market, or stock exchange", "label-zh": "规定者"}
{"id": "P3721", "label": "public key fingerprint", "data_type": "String", "description": "short sequence of bytes to identify a longer cryptographic public key", "label-zh": "公钥指纹"}
{"id": "P3729", "label": "next lower rank", "data_type": "Item", "description": "lower rank or level in a ranked hierarchy like sport league, military ranks. If\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthere are several possible, list each one and qualify with \"criterion used\" (P1013),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tavoid using ranks and date qualifiers. For sports leagues/taxa, use specific\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tproperties instead.", "label-zh": "下一级"}
{"id": "P373", "label": "Commons category", "data_type": "String", "description": "name of the Wikimedia Commons category containing files related to this item (without the prefix \"Category:\")", "label-zh": "共享资源分类"}
{"id": "P3730", "label": "next higher rank", "data_type": "Item", "description": "higher rank or level in a ranked hierarchy like sport league, military ranks. If\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthere are several possible, list each one and qualify with \"criterion used\" (P1013),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tavoid using ranks and date qualifiers. For sports leagues/taxa, use specific\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tproperties instead.", "label-zh": "上一级"}
{"id": "P3734", "label": "category for value same as Wikidata", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item for categories of pages with template parameter value same as Wikidata", "label-zh": "维基数据相同值专用分类"}
{"id": "P3737", "label": "maximum wavelength of sensitivity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "maximum wavelength that the item can detect", "label-zh": "最大波长(灵敏度)"}
{"id": "P3738", "label": "minimum wavelength of sensitivity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "minimum wavelength that the item can detect", "label-zh": "最小波长(灵敏度)"}
{"id": "P3739", "label": "inflorescence", "data_type": "Item", "description": "placement of flowers on the stem of a flower plant", "label-zh": "花序"}
{"id": "P3740", "label": "number of works", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "qualifier on identifiers, e.g. for creators or locations, giving the number of works in the external database associated with the subject of the identifier", "label-zh": "作品数量"}
{"id": "P3741", "label": "seed dispersal", "data_type": "Item", "description": "mode used by the item to disperse its seeds", "label-zh": "种子传播"}
{"id": "P3744", "label": "number of subscribers", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of subscribers for subscription-based companies, e.g. telecommunication companies, newspapers, pay-TV channels, software, etc.", "label-zh": "订阅者数量"}
{"id": "P375", "label": "space launch vehicle", "data_type": "Item", "description": "type of rocket or other vehicle for launching subject payload into outer space", "label-zh": "发射载具"}
{"id": "P3752", "label": "worst-case time complexity", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "time complexity of an algorithm at most", "label-zh": "最差性能"}
{"id": "P3753", "label": "best-case time complexity", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "time complexity of an algorithm at least", "label-zh": "最佳性能"}
{"id": "P3754", "label": "average time complexity", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "time complexity of an algorithm on average", "label-zh": "平均性能"}
{"id": "P3755", "label": "worst-case space complexity", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "space complexity of an algorithm at most", "label-zh": "最坏情况下的空间复杂性"}
{"id": "P3756", "label": "best-case space complexity", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "space complexity of an algorithm at least", "label-zh": "最佳情况空间复杂性"}
{"id": "P3757", "label": "average space complexity", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "space complexity of an algorithm on average", "label-zh": "平均空间复杂性"}
{"id": "P376", "label": "located on astronomical body", "data_type": "Item", "description": "astronomical body on which features or places are situated", "label-zh": "所在天体"}
{"id": "P3761", "label": "IPv4 routing prefix", "data_type": "String", "description": "range of IPv4 addresses", "label-zh": "IPv4路由前缀"}
{"id": "P3764", "label": "pole position", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person, who starts race at first row (leader in the starting grid)", "label-zh": "头位"}
{"id": "P3771", "label": "activator of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "protein for which this chemical acts as an activator", "label-zh": "激活剂"}
{"id": "P3772", "label": "agonist of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "protein for which this chemical acts as an agonist", "label-zh": "激动剂"}
{"id": "P3773", "label": "antagonist of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "protein for which this chemical compound acts as an antagonist", "label-zh": "拮抗剂,对于"}
{"id": "P3774", "label": "blocker of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "protein (e.g. channel/pore protein) for which this chemical compound acts as a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tblocker", "label-zh": "阻断剂,对于"}
{"id": "P3775", "label": "disrupting agent for", "data_type": "Item", "description": "protein/protein complex for which this chemical compound acts as a disrupting agent", "label-zh": "干扰剂"}
{"id": "P3776", "label": "inhibitor of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "protein for which this chemical compound acts as an inhibitor; only specify the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinhibited function if the protein has more than one function (qualifier \"of\")", "label-zh": "抑制剂"}
{"id": "P3777", "label": "antisense inhibitor of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "protein/gene for which this chemical (e.g. a miRNA/siRNA) acts as an antisense\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinhibitor", "label-zh": "反义抑制剂"}
{"id": "P3778", "label": "positive allosteric modulator of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "protein for which this chemical acts as a positive allosteric modulator", "label-zh": "正变构调节剂"}
{"id": "P3779", "label": "negative allosteric modulator of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "protein for which this chemical compound acts as a negative allosteric modulator", "label-zh": "负变构调节剂"}
{"id": "P3780", "label": "active ingredient in", "data_type": "Item", "description": "is part of and forms biologically active component. Inverse of \"has active\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tingredient\"", "label-zh": "是活性成分于"}
{"id": "P3781", "label": "has active ingredient", "data_type": "Item", "description": "has part biologically active component; inverse of \"active ingredient in\" (P3780)", "label-zh": "有活性成分"}
{"id": "P3792", "label": "rate of fire", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the frequency at which a specific weapon can fire or launch its projectiles", "label-zh": "射速"}
{"id": "P3793", "label": "IPv6 routing prefix", "data_type": "String", "description": "range of IPv6 addresses", "label-zh": "IPv6路由前缀"}
{"id": "P38", "label": "currency", "data_type": "Item", "description": "currency used by item", "label-zh": "货币"}
{"id": "P3803", "label": "original film format", "data_type": "Item", "description": "film format used to create a work (aliases: film gauge, film size)", "label-zh": "原始底片格式"}
{"id": "P3815", "label": "volcano observatory", "data_type": "Item", "description": "institution that monitors this volcanic landform or phenomenon", "label-zh": "火山观测站"}
{"id": "P3816", "label": "film script", "data_type": "Item", "description": "script version for subject film is described at", "label-zh": "电影剧本"}
{"id": "P3818", "label": "KMRB film rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "rating of a film in the South Korean film/video rating system", "label-zh": "KMRB电影评级"}
{"id": "P3822", "label": "rules for classification", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the rules for classification of a sports league", "label-zh": "分类规则"}
{"id": "P3823", "label": "Ethnologue language status", "data_type": "Item", "description": "language status identifier by Ethnologue.com using EGIDS scale", "label-zh": "Ethnologue语言状态"}
{"id": "P3828", "label": "wears", "data_type": "Item", "description": "clothing or accessory worn on subject's body", "label-zh": "穿着"}
{"id": "P3831", "label": "object has role", "data_type": "Item", "description": "(qualifier) role or generic identity of the value of a statement (\"object\") in the context of that statement; for the role of the item the statement is on (\"subject\"), use P2868", "label-zh": "客体角色"}
{"id": "P3833", "label": "diaspora", "data_type": "Item", "description": "diaspora that a cultural group belongs to", "label-zh": "散居者"}
{"id": "P3834", "label": "RTC film rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "rating of a film in the Mexican film classification system", "label-zh": "RTC电影评级"}
{"id": "P3840", "label": "slope rating", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the slope rating of a golf course is a measure of its difficulty for bogey golfers", "label-zh": "斜坡评级"}
{"id": "P3842", "label": "located in the present-day administrative territorial entity", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the item was located in the territory of this present-day administrative unit;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\thowever the two did not at any point coexist in time", "label-zh": "目前所在行政区"}
{"id": "P3858", "label": "route diagram", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Wikimedia route diagram template", "label-zh": "路线图"}
{"id": "P3864", "label": "suicide rate", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "amount of suicides per 100,000 people in the place or group", "label-zh": "自杀率"}
{"id": "P3865", "label": "type of reference", "data_type": "Item", "description": "used to specify the type of a reference", "label-zh": "参考资料类型"}
{"id": "P3871", "label": "tributary orientation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "specify if the stream confluence is a left bank or right bank tributary", "label-zh": "支流方向"}
{"id": "P3872", "label": "patronage", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of passengers, patrons or visitors in specified time period", "label-zh": "载客量"}
{"id": "P3876", "label": "category for alumni of educational institution", "data_type": "Item", "description": "category containing people who studied at this institution", "label-zh": "教育机构校友专用分类"}
{"id": "P3878", "label": "Soundex", "data_type": "String", "description": "phonetic algorithm for indexing names by sound, as pronounced in English. Format:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinitial of word followed by 3 digits (0–6)", "label-zh": "Soundex"}
{"id": "P3879", "label": "Cologne phonetics", "data_type": "String", "description": "phonetic algorithm which assigns to words a sequence of digits, the phonetic code", "label-zh": "科隆发音学"}
{"id": "P3880", "label": "Caverphone", "data_type": "String", "description": "phonetic algorithm", "label-zh": "洞穴石"}
{"id": "P3886", "label": "number of perpetrators", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of perpetrators in an event, as reported by reliable sources", "label-zh": "加害者人数"}
{"id": "P3891", "label": "observing time available", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "amount of observing time available at a telescope (or other instrument)", "label-zh": "可用观测时间"}
{"id": "P3893", "label": "public domain date", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date the item enters into the public domain in a jurisdiction", "label-zh": "公有领域日"}
{"id": "P3896", "label": "geoshape", "data_type": "Geographic shape", "description": "geographic data from Wikimedia Commons", "label-zh": "地理形状"}
{"id": "P39", "label": "position held", "data_type": "Item", "description": "subject currently or formerly holds the object position or public office", "label-zh": "职务"}
{"id": "P3902", "label": "had as last meal", "data_type": "Item", "description": "components of the last meal had by a person before death", "label-zh": "最后进食"}
{"id": "P3903", "label": "column", "data_type": "String", "description": "typographical column in the page of a document, column number of source referenced for statement", "label-zh": "列"}
{"id": "P3909", "label": "last words", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "last words attributed to a person before their death", "label-zh": "临终遗言"}
{"id": "P3912", "label": "newspaper format", "data_type": "Item", "description": "physical size of a newspaper (berliner, broadsheet, tabloid, etc.)", "label-zh": "报纸格式"}
{"id": "P3917", "label": "IPA number order (BEING DELETED)", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the IPA order number of an IPA phoneme", "label-zh": "IPA数字顺序"}
{"id": "P3919", "label": "contributed to creative work", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person is cited as contributing to some creative or published work or series\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(qualify with \"subject has role\", P2868)", "label-zh": "贡献至发行作品"}
{"id": "P3921", "label": "Wikidata SPARQL query equivalent", "data_type": "String", "description": "SPARQL code that returns a set of entities that correspond with this category or list. Include ?item", "label-zh": "维基数据SPARQL查询等价物"}
{"id": "P3922", "label": "light sector", "data_type": "String", "description": "visibility sector of a navigational light, if applicable specified by color, given in compass directions/azimuth from the viewing location", "label-zh": "照明区"}
{"id": "P393", "label": "edition number", "data_type": "String", "description": "number of an edition (first, second, ... as 1, 2, ...) or event", "label-zh": "版本号"}
{"id": "P3931", "label": "copyright holder", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person or organisation who holds the copyright of a work according to the Berne Convention", "label-zh": "版权所有者"}
{"id": "P3934", "label": "face value", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "value printed on a coin, stamp or banknote by the issuing authority", "label-zh": "面值"}
{"id": "P3938", "label": "named by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person or organisation that coined the name; use as qualifier for P2561 and its subproperties", "label-zh": "命名者"}
{"id": "P395", "label": "licence plate code", "data_type": "String", "description": "distinguishing signs or parts of license plate associated with the subject. For countries: international licence plate country code or distinguishing sign of vehicles", "label-zh": "牌照代码"}
{"id": "P3966", "label": "programming paradigm", "data_type": "Item", "description": "programming paradigm in which a programming language is classified", "label-zh": "编程范型"}
{"id": "P3967", "label": "final event", "data_type": "Item", "description": "final event of a competition", "label-zh": "最终事件"}
{"id": "P3969", "label": "signed form", "data_type": "Item", "description": "manually coded form of this language", "label-zh": "手势、手语形式"}
{"id": "P397", "label": "parent astronomical body", "data_type": "Item", "description": "major astronomical body the item belongs to", "label-zh": "母星体"}
{"id": "P3970", "label": "channel number", "data_type": "String", "description": "channel number of given TV channel; use with the mandatory qualifier P137", "label-zh": "频道号码"}
{"id": "P3975", "label": "secretary general", "data_type": "Item", "description": "leader of a political or international organization, sometimes below the chairperson\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(P488)", "label-zh": "总书记"}
{"id": "P398", "label": "child astronomical body", "data_type": "Item", "description": "minor body that belongs to the item", "label-zh": "卫星"}
{"id": "P3983", "label": "sports league level", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the level of the sport league in the sport league system", "label-zh": "体育联赛级别"}
{"id": "P3985", "label": "supports programming language", "data_type": "Item", "description": "programming language which is supported by this programming tool", "label-zh": "支持编程语言"}
{"id": "P3989", "label": "members have occupation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "all members of this group share the occupation", "label-zh": "成员职业"}
{"id": "P399", "label": "companion of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "two or more astronomic bodies of the same type relating to each other", "label-zh": "伴天体"}
{"id": "P3994", "label": "racon signal", "data_type": "String", "description": "signal that a radar beacon responds in morse code, when triggered by radar", "label-zh": "雷达信标信号"}
{"id": "P3999", "label": "date of official closure", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date of official closure of a building or event", "label-zh": "正式关闭日期"}
{"id": "P40", "label": "child", "data_type": "Item", "description": "subject has object as child. Do not use for stepchildren", "label-zh": "子女"}
{"id": "P400", "label": "platform", "data_type": "Item", "description": "platform for which a work was developed or released, or the specific platform version of a software product", "label-zh": "平台"}
{"id": "P4000", "label": "has fruit type", "data_type": "Item", "description": "morphology of the fruit of this taxon, as defined in botany", "label-zh": "拥有果实类型"}
{"id": "P4002", "label": "WFD Ecological status", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Ecological status of a Water Body in accordance with the Water Framework directive.", "label-zh": "WFD生态状态"}
{"id": "P4006", "label": "overrules", "data_type": "Item", "description": "case that supersedes another case", "label-zh": "否决"}
{"id": "P4010", "label": "GDP (PPP)", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "gross domestic product (GDP) at purchasing power parity (current international $)", "label-zh": "GDP(PPP)"}
{"id": "P4020", "label": "ISQ dimension", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "property of an observable physical quantity being a product of the SI base\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdimensions (length, mass, time, etc.)", "label-zh": "量纲"}
{"id": "P403", "label": "mouth of the watercourse", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the body of water to which the watercourse drains", "label-zh": "河流出口"}
{"id": "P4032", "label": "reviewed by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person who reviewed/refereed the work, e.g., scientific peer-reviewer", "label-zh": "评审者"}
{"id": "P4036", "label": "field of view", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "angular extent of the observable world that can be seen or sensed by the item", "label-zh": "视野"}
{"id": "P404", "label": "game mode", "data_type": "Item", "description": "a video game's available playing mode(s)", "label-zh": "游戏模式"}
{"id": "P4043", "label": "emulates", "data_type": "Item", "description": "emulates the identified platform, CPU, or system", "label-zh": "模拟"}
{"id": "P4044", "label": "therapeutic area", "data_type": "Item", "description": "disease area in which a medical intervention is applied", "label-zh": "治疗领域"}
{"id": "P4045", "label": "Sandbox-Tabular data", "data_type": "Tabular data", "description": "A sandbox type per available data type", "label-zh": "沙盒-表格数据"}
{"id": "P4047", "label": "Sandbox-Geographic shape", "data_type": "Geographic shape", "description": "A sandbox type per available data type", "label-zh": "沙盒-地理形状"}
{"id": "P405", "label": "taxon author", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the author(s) that (optionally) may be cited with the scientific name", "label-zh": "分类单元命名人"}
{"id": "P406", "label": "soundtrack release", "data_type": "Item", "description": "music release that incorporates music directly recorded from the soundtrack of an audiovisual work", "label-zh": "原声专辑"}
{"id": "P407", "label": "language of work or name", "data_type": "Item", "description": "language associated with this creative work (such as books, shows, songs, broadcasts or websites) or a name (for persons use \"native language\" (P103) and \"languages spoken, written or signed\" (P1412))", "label-zh": "作品或名称语言"}
{"id": "P4070", "label": "identifier shared with", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier, to be used on external identifier IDs, indicating another Wikidata item is also matched to this ID", "label-zh": "共享ID"}
{"id": "P4078", "label": "SKIP code", "data_type": "String", "description": "kanji classification according to the System of Kanji Indexing by Patterns", "label-zh": "跳过代码"}
{"id": "P408", "label": "software engine", "data_type": "Item", "description": "software engine employed by the subject item", "label-zh": "软件引擎"}
{"id": "P4080", "label": "number of houses", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of houses in given territorial entity", "label-zh": "房屋数量"}
{"id": "P4082", "label": "captured with", "data_type": "Item", "description": "equipment (e.g. model of camera, lens microphone), used to capture this image,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvideo, audio, or data", "label-zh": "摄影器材"}
{"id": "P4091", "label": "Irish Grid Reference", "data_type": "String", "description": "grid location reference from the Irish Grid reference system used in Ireland", "label-zh": "爱尔兰国家格网参考"}
{"id": "P4092", "label": "checksum", "data_type": "String", "description": "small-sized datum derived from a block of digital data for the purpose of detecting errors. Use qualifier \"determination method\" (P459) to indicate how it's calculated, e.g. MD5.", "label-zh": "校验和"}
{"id": "P4099", "label": "metrically compatible typeface", "data_type": "Item", "description": "typeface metrically compatible with this typeface: glyph position, width and height match", "label-zh": "度量兼容的字体"}
{"id": "P410", "label": "military rank", "data_type": "Item", "description": "military rank achieved by a person (should usually have a \"start time\" qualifier),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tor military rank associated with a position", "label-zh": "军衔"}
{"id": "P4100", "label": "parliamentary group", "data_type": "Item", "description": "parliamentary group to which a member of a parliament belongs", "label-zh": "党团"}
{"id": "P4101", "label": "dissertation submitted to", "data_type": "Item", "description": "institution to whom a thesis or dissertation is submitted", "label-zh": "论文提交机构"}
{"id": "P4103", "label": "assets under management", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "total market value of financial assets which a financial institution manages on\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbehalf of its clients and itself", "label-zh": "管理资产"}
{"id": "P4105", "label": "EGF rating", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "rating given by EGF (European Go Federation) to European go players", "label-zh": "EGF评级"}
{"id": "P411", "label": "canonization status", "data_type": "Item", "description": "stage in the process of attaining sainthood per the subject's religious organization", "label-zh": "规范化状态"}
{"id": "P412", "label": "voice type", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person's voice type. expected values: soprano, mezzo-soprano, contralto, countertenor, tenor, baritone, bass (and derivatives)", "label-zh": "声部"}
{"id": "P413", "label": "position played on team / speciality", "data_type": "Item", "description": "position or specialism of a player on a team", "label-zh": "球员在球队中的专长"}
{"id": "P4131", "label": "annual energy output", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "annual energy output of a power plant", "label-zh": "年度能源产量"}
{"id": "P4132", "label": "linguistic typology", "data_type": "Item", "description": "classification of languages according to their linguistic trait (as opposed to historical families like romance languages)", "label-zh": "语言类型学"}
{"id": "P4135", "label": "maximum age", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "highest age a person is eligible to do something, for example be member in youth organisation or sport teams, some positions like judges, clinical trials, etc", "label-zh": "最高年龄"}
{"id": "P4137", "label": "muzzle velocity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "speed of a projectile at the moment it leaves the muzzle of a gun", "label-zh": "初速"}
{"id": "P414", "label": "stock exchange", "data_type": "Item", "description": "exchange on which this company is traded", "label-zh": "证券交易所"}
{"id": "P4140", "label": "energy storage capacity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "storage capacity of a battery or energy storage system", "label-zh": "储能容量"}
{"id": "P4147", "label": "conjugate acid", "data_type": "Item", "description": "species formed by accepting a proton (H⁺)", "label-zh": "共轭酸"}
{"id": "P4149", "label": "conjugate base", "data_type": "Item", "description": "species formed by losing a proton (H⁺)", "label-zh": "共轭碱"}
{"id": "P415", "label": "radio format", "data_type": "Item", "description": "describes the overall content broadcast on a radio station", "label-zh": "无线电格式"}
{"id": "P4150", "label": "weather history", "data_type": "Tabular data", "description": "link to a Commons tabular data file with the weather history of a certain place", "label-zh": "天气历史"}
{"id": "P4151", "label": "game mechanics", "data_type": "Item", "description": "constructs of rules or methods designed for interaction with the game state", "label-zh": "游戏机制"}
{"id": "P4152", "label": "file format identification pattern", "data_type": "String", "description": "pattern or string which is used to identify a file as having a particular known\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tformat", "label-zh": "文件格式识别模式"}
{"id": "P4153", "label": "offset", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "qualifier of \"magic number\" for the number of bytes before the magic number to be searched in a file", "label-zh": "偏移"}
{"id": "P4155", "label": "separator", "data_type": "Property", "description": "parameter for single-value constraint; multiple values are allowed under that constraint if they have different values for this property", "label-zh": "分隔符"}
{"id": "P416", "label": "quantity symbol (string)", "data_type": "String", "description": "symbol for a mathematical or physical quantity", "label-zh": "量符号"}
{"id": "P4163", "label": "magnification", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "amount of optical magnification provided", "label-zh": "放大率"}
{"id": "P417", "label": "patron saint", "data_type": "Item", "description": "patron saint adopted by the subject", "label-zh": "主保圣人"}
{"id": "P4176", "label": "effective firing range", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "distance within which a weapon can be used effectively", "label-zh": "有效射程"}
{"id": "P4179", "label": "tabular population", "data_type": "Tabular data", "description": "same as population (P1082); used when there is data for many different points in time", "label-zh": "表格式人口"}
{"id": "P418", "label": "has seal, badge, or sigil", "data_type": "Item", "description": "links to the item for the subject's seal", "label-zh": "印章描述"}
{"id": "P4183", "label": "angle from vertical", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "angle the principal axis of an item makes with the vertical; use degree (Q28390) as\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tunit", "label-zh": "垂直角"}
{"id": "P4184", "label": "slope", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "angle the surface of an item makes with the horizontal", "label-zh": "斜率"}
{"id": "P4185", "label": "iconographic symbol", "data_type": "Item", "description": "identifying element typically depicted as accompanying or worn by this religious figure, hero, fictional or historical character", "label-zh": "肖像符号"}
{"id": "P4187", "label": "Wylie transliteration", "data_type": "String", "description": "transliteration from Tibetan to Latin script with the Wylie method", "label-zh": "威利转写"}
{"id": "P4188", "label": "Tibetan pinyin", "data_type": "String", "description": "official Chinese transliteration method for Tibetan", "label-zh": "藏语拼音"}
{"id": "P4189", "label": "THL Simplified Phonetic Transcription", "data_type": "String", "description": "transliteration from Tibetan to Latin script with the method developed by the Tibetan and Himalayan Library (THL)", "label-zh": "西藏和喜马拉雅图书馆藏文转写"}
{"id": "P4195", "label": "category for employees of the organization", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Wikimedia category for people who work or worked at this organization", "label-zh": "组织员工专用分类"}
{"id": "P4196", "label": "cytogenetic location", "data_type": "String", "description": "cytogenetic location of the gene or region", "label-zh": "细胞遗传位置"}
{"id": "P4202", "label": "WFD Chemical status", "data_type": "Item", "description": "chemical status of a Water Body in accordance with the Water Framework directive of\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthe European Environment Agency", "label-zh": "WFD化学状态"}
{"id": "P421", "label": "located in time zone", "data_type": "Item", "description": "time zone for this item", "label-zh": "时区"}
{"id": "P4213", "label": "Unicode code point", "data_type": "String", "description": "hexadecimal code point in Unicode", "label-zh": "Unicode十六进制代码点"}
{"id": "P4214", "label": "longest observed lifespan", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "age of the oldest specimen of a taxon for which the age can be verified", "label-zh": "观察到的最长寿命"}
{"id": "P4218", "label": "shelf life", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "length of time that a commodity may be stored without becoming unfit for use or consumption", "label-zh": "保质期"}
{"id": "P4220", "label": "order of battle", "data_type": "Item", "description": "arrangement of units and hierarchical organization of the armed forces involved in the specified military action", "label-zh": "作战序列"}
{"id": "P4224", "label": "category contains", "data_type": "Item", "description": "category contains elements that are instances of this item", "label-zh": "分类包含"}
{"id": "P4225", "label": "IPA Braille", "data_type": "String", "description": "representation of a IPA phoneme in the Braille system", "label-zh": "IPA盲文"}
{"id": "P423", "label": "shooting handedness", "data_type": "Item", "description": "whether the hockey player passes or shoots left- or right-handed", "label-zh": "射击用手"}
{"id": "P4239", "label": "vocalized name", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "item name with full vowel marks", "label-zh": "发音名称"}
{"id": "P424", "label": "Wikimedia language code", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier for a language or variant as used by Wikimedia projects", "label-zh": "维基媒体语言代码"}
{"id": "P4240", "label": "regular expression syntax", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier to indicate which syntax/variant of regular expressions applies to a particular pattern", "label-zh": "正则表达式语法"}
{"id": "P4241", "label": "refine date", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier to narrow down the precision of a date not fully specified by the Wikidata time datatype precision field", "label-zh": "确切时间"}
{"id": "P4242", "label": "maximal rate of climb", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "maximum rate of positive altitude change with respect to time for an aircraft", "label-zh": "最大爬升率"}
{"id": "P4243", "label": "candidate number", "data_type": "String", "description": "number of the candidate in an election", "label-zh": "候选人号码"}
{"id": "P425", "label": "field of this occupation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "field corresponding to this occupation or profession (use only for occupations/professions - for people use Property:P101, for companies use P425)", "label-zh": "职业领域"}
{"id": "P4250", "label": "defined daily dose", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "average maintenance dose per day for a medicine used for its main indication in adults", "label-zh": "定义每日剂量"}
{"id": "P4253", "label": "number of constituencies", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of constituencies related to a legislative body", "label-zh": "选区数量"}
{"id": "P426", "label": "aircraft registration", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier assigned to an individual aircraft by civil aircraft registry", "label-zh": "航空器注册编号"}
{"id": "P4268", "label": "half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50)", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "measure of the effectiveness of a substance in inhibiting a specific biological or biochemical function", "label-zh": "半数最大抑制浓度(IC50)"}
{"id": "P4269", "label": "half maximal effective concentration (EC50)", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "concentration of a drug, antibody or toxicant which induces a response halfway between the baseline and maximum after a specified exposure time", "label-zh": "半数最大有效浓度(EC50)"}
{"id": "P427", "label": "taxonomic type", "data_type": "Item", "description": "name-bearing genus or species of this nominal family or genus (or subfamily or\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsubgenus)", "label-zh": "模式分类"}
{"id": "P4271", "label": "rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier to indicate a score given by the referenced source indicating the quality or completeness of the statement", "label-zh": "等级"}
{"id": "P4290", "label": "official app", "data_type": "Item", "description": "official app for this organization or other entity (a downloadable application for Android, iOS, etc.)", "label-zh": "官方应用"}
{"id": "P4292", "label": "possessed by spirit", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item which is spiritually possessing this item", "label-zh": "精神附体"}
{"id": "P4295", "label": "readership", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "average number of readers of a newspaper or other periodical, per issue", "label-zh": "读者"}
{"id": "P4296", "label": "stellar rotational velocity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "measured parameter for stars", "label-zh": "恒星自转速度"}
{"id": "P4312", "label": "camera setup", "data_type": "Item", "description": "filmmaking method that the cameras were placed by. Use single-camera (Q2918907) or multiple-camera (Q738160)", "label-zh": "摄像头设置"}
{"id": "P4316", "label": "kinship equivalent in SPARQL at Wikidata", "data_type": "String", "description": "part of a SPARQL query that lists this type of ?relative of a ?person. Use with relationship properties (except \"relative\" (P1038)). See instructions for applicable format", "label-zh": "维基数据上SPARQL中的亲属等价物"}
{"id": "P4320", "label": "mountains classification", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person ranked for this cycling stage or race", "label-zh": "米"}
{"id": "P4321", "label": "best combative classification", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person ranked as \"best combative\" for this cycling stage or race", "label-zh": "最佳战斗分类"}
{"id": "P4322", "label": "best sprinter classification", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person ranked as \"best sprinter\" for this cycling stage or race", "label-zh": "最佳短跑运动员分类"}
{"id": "P4323", "label": "young rider classification", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person ranked as young participant for this cycling stage or race", "label-zh": "年轻骑手分类"}
{"id": "P4324", "label": "combination classification", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person ranked in \"best at combination\" for this cycling stage or race", "label-zh": "组合分类"}
{"id": "P4325", "label": "APA phoneme code", "data_type": "String", "description": "symbol of a phoneme in the Americanist Phonetic Notation", "label-zh": "APA音素代码"}
{"id": "P4329", "label": "template or module that populates category", "data_type": "Item", "description": "this category is populated by the following template or module", "label-zh": "填充该分类的维基媒体模板"}
{"id": "P433", "label": "issue", "data_type": "String", "description": "issue of a newspaper, a scientific journal or magazine for reference purpose", "label-zh": "期号"}
{"id": "P4330", "label": "contains", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item or substance located within this item but not part of it", "label-zh": "包含"}
{"id": "P4341", "label": "synodic period", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "time between two passes of an object in front of a distant star seen from another\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\torbiting object", "label-zh": "总结期"}
{"id": "P4345", "label": "director of archaeological fieldwork", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person leading the archaeological or anthropological investigation at a given site", "label-zh": "考古田野调查主任"}
{"id": "P4350", "label": "salinity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "amount of dissolved salt in a body of water", "label-zh": "盐度"}
{"id": "P4353", "label": "nominated by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "who nominated a person for an office or award; can be used as a qualifier", "label-zh": "提名者"}
{"id": "P4354", "label": "search formatter URL", "data_type": "String", "description": "web page search URL; URI template from which \"$1\" can be automatically replaced with the string to be searched for. $1 can be whatever you want.", "label-zh": "搜索格式化统一资源定位符"}
{"id": "P437", "label": "distribution format", "data_type": "Item", "description": "method (or type) of distribution for the subject", "label-zh": "发行方式"}
{"id": "P4379", "label": "youth wing", "data_type": "Item", "description": "group of younger people associated with this organization", "label-zh": "青年翼"}
{"id": "P4387", "label": "update method", "data_type": "Item", "description": "method used by an app/OS to receive updates or self-update", "label-zh": "更新方法"}
{"id": "P4390", "label": "mapping relation type", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier to more precisely define the relation of the item to the external identifier using SKOS", "label-zh": "映射关系类型"}
{"id": "P4403", "label": "caliber", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "inner diameter of the gun barrel for a weapon", "label-zh": "口径"}
{"id": "P4424", "label": "mandates", "data_type": "Item", "description": "action or status required or requested by a motion", "label-zh": "授权"}
{"id": "P4425", "label": "mtDNA haplogroup", "data_type": "Item", "description": "mitochondrial DNA haplogroup of a person or organism", "label-zh": "mtDNA单倍群"}
{"id": "P4426", "label": "Y-DNA Haplogroup", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Y-DNA haplogroup of a person or organism", "label-zh": "Y-DNA单倍型"}
{"id": "P4428", "label": "implementation of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "implementation of a standard, program, specification or programming language", "label-zh": "实现对象"}
{"id": "P4437", "label": "FPB rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "rating of a film or video game in the South African media content rating system", "label-zh": "FPB额定值"}
{"id": "P444", "label": "review score", "data_type": "String", "description": "review score received by a creative work or other entity", "label-zh": "评论得分"}
{"id": "P4441", "label": "hydraulic head", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "hydraulic head of a dam or hydroelectric power station", "label-zh": "扬程"}
{"id": "P4442", "label": "mean age", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "mean age in a given place", "label-zh": "平均年龄"}
{"id": "P4443", "label": "card network", "data_type": "Item", "description": "credit or debit card network", "label-zh": "卡片网络"}
{"id": "P4444", "label": "reward", "data_type": "Item", "description": "reward, bonus, or prize received as part of a membership or loyalty program", "label-zh": "报酬"}
{"id": "P4445", "label": "grace period", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "period immediately after the deadline for an obligation during which a fee is waived", "label-zh": "宽限期"}
{"id": "P4446", "label": "reward program", "data_type": "Item", "description": "reward program associated with the item", "label-zh": "奖励计划"}
{"id": "P4447", "label": "minimum spend bonus", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "reward for spending a sum of money", "label-zh": "最低支出奖金"}
{"id": "P4448", "label": "cash back", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "Cash or Points received for spending money as part of a loyalty program", "label-zh": "现金返还"}
{"id": "P4452", "label": "Thibaudeau classification", "data_type": "Item", "description": "a classification (created by Francis Thibaudeau) for typefaces", "label-zh": "Thibaudeau分类"}
{"id": "P447", "label": "review score by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "issuer of a review score", "label-zh": "评分者"}
{"id": "P449", "label": "original broadcaster", "data_type": "Item", "description": "network(s) or service(s) that originally broadcast a radio or television program", "label-zh": "首播电视台"}
{"id": "P4496", "label": "NACE code rev.2", "data_type": "String", "description": "code in the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE rev.2)", "label-zh": "NACE代码第2版"}
{"id": "P450", "label": "astronaut mission", "data_type": "Item", "description": "space mission that the subject is or has been a member of (do not include future\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmissions)", "label-zh": "航天任务"}
{"id": "P4500", "label": "family relationship degree", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "kinship degree, degree of consanguinity, generation of people with this kinship type\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhen clearly identifiable.", "label-zh": "家庭关系程度"}
{"id": "P4501", "label": "albedo", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "ratio of reflected radiation to incident radiation", "label-zh": "反照率"}
{"id": "P4506", "label": "Formal Public Identifier", "data_type": "String", "description": "string that identifies uniquely an item using a Formal Public Identifier according\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tto the ISO/IEC 9070:1991 standard", "label-zh": "正式公开标识符"}
{"id": "P451", "label": "unmarried partner", "data_type": "Item", "description": "someone with whom the person is in a relationship without being married. Use\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"spouse\" (P26) for married couples", "label-zh": "非婚伴侣"}
{"id": "P4510", "label": "describes a project that uses", "data_type": "Item", "description": "essential component or tool that was used in the project described in this output", "label-zh": "描述一个项目使用实体"}
{"id": "P4511", "label": "vertical depth", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "vertical distance from a horizontal area to a point below. Compare with \"horizontal depth\" (P5524)", "label-zh": "垂直深度"}
{"id": "P4519", "label": "payload mass", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "amount of mass that can be transported by the vehicle", "label-zh": "有效载荷质量"}
{"id": "P452", "label": "industry", "data_type": "Item", "description": "specific industry of company or organization", "label-zh": "产业"}
{"id": "P453", "label": "character role", "data_type": "Item", "description": "specific role played or filled by subject -- use only as qualifier of \"cast member\" (P161), \"voice actor\" (P725)", "label-zh": "人物角色"}
{"id": "P4543", "label": "has listed ingredient", "data_type": "Item", "description": "substance that's listed as ingredient on the packaging of the product; use P1545 to qualify the order of the listed ingredients", "label-zh": "配料"}
{"id": "P4545", "label": "sexually homologous with", "data_type": "Item", "description": "body part that originates from the same tissue or cell during fetal development in\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthe opposing sex", "label-zh": "异性生物的同源器官"}
{"id": "P4552", "label": "mountain range", "data_type": "Item", "description": "range or subrange to which the geographical item belongs", "label-zh": "所属山脉"}
{"id": "P4565", "label": "electoral district number", "data_type": "String", "description": "number of the constituency/electoral district established by law. Only to be used if\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthe number is established by law, regulation, or other legally-binding decision; not\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tto be used for database identifier numbers which lack legal force, even if contained\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tin a government database.", "label-zh": "选举区编号"}
{"id": "P4566", "label": "awarded for period", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "period during which the achievement must have been made to be eligible for an award", "label-zh": "授予期限"}
{"id": "P457", "label": "foundational text", "data_type": "Item", "description": "text through which an institution or object has been created or established", "label-zh": "成立文书"}
{"id": "P4573", "label": "Merchant Category Code", "data_type": "String", "description": "four-digit number used to classify businesses by the type of goods or services they provide", "label-zh": "商户类别代码"}
{"id": "P4575", "label": "HTML entity", "data_type": "String", "description": "escaping sequence in the source code of an HTML document that represents a textual character, either in the content of a text element or a tagged comment, or in the given value of an attribute", "label-zh": "HTML实体"}
{"id": "P4584", "label": "first appearance", "data_type": "Item", "description": "work in which a fictional/mythical character or entity first appeared", "label-zh": "首次出场"}
{"id": "P4586", "label": "type foundry", "data_type": "Item", "description": "company releasing or distributing a font or typeface", "label-zh": "类型铸造"}
{"id": "P459", "label": "determination method", "data_type": "Item", "description": "how a value is determined, or the standard by which it is declared", "label-zh": "断定方法"}
{"id": "P4595", "label": "post town", "data_type": "String", "description": "town/city part of the postal address, can be different from administrative location", "label-zh": "邮镇"}
{"id": "P4599", "label": "monomer of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "polymer composed of this monomer subunits", "label-zh": "是其单体"}
{"id": "P460", "label": "said to be the same as", "data_type": "Item", "description": "this item is said to be the same as that item, but it's uncertain or disputed", "label-zh": "相似"}
{"id": "P4600", "label": "polymer of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "monomer of which this polymer compose", "label-zh": "是其聚合物"}
{"id": "P4602", "label": "date of burial or cremation", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date on which the person was buried or cremated soon after death", "label-zh": "埋葬或火化日期"}
{"id": "P4608", "label": "scenographer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person who designed the stage or film set of this item", "label-zh": "布景师"}
{"id": "P461", "label": "opposite of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item that is in some way the opposite of this item", "label-zh": "相反面"}
{"id": "P4614", "label": "drainage basin", "data_type": "Item", "description": "area where precipitation collects and drains off into a common outlet, such as into\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ta river, bay, or other body of water", "label-zh": "集水区"}
{"id": "P462", "label": "color", "data_type": "Item", "description": "color of subject", "label-zh": "颜色"}
{"id": "P4622", "label": "trophy awarded", "data_type": "Item", "description": "trophy awarded at the end of a selection process or of a competition, usually to winners or finishers under the form of a cup, a medal, a diploma", "label-zh": "颁发奖杯"}
{"id": "P4624", "label": "squadron embarked", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the aircraft squadrons that served/serving on an aircraft carrier", "label-zh": "中队登船"}
{"id": "P4626", "label": "identity of object in context", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier to specify the identity that applies to a statement when the object of the statement has another identity covered by another item", "label-zh": "文中客体身份"}
{"id": "P4628", "label": "ICTV virus genome composition", "data_type": "Item", "description": "classification of viruses of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses by\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthe molecular composition of the virus genome (DNA, RNA, double or single stranded\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tand translational polarity)", "label-zh": "国际病毒分类委员会病毒基因组成分"}
{"id": "P463", "label": "member of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "organization, club or musical group to which the subject belongs. Do not use for membership in ethnic or social groups, nor for holding a political position, such as a member of parliament (use P39 for that)", "label-zh": "所属组织"}
{"id": "P4633", "label": "name of the character role", "data_type": "String", "description": "name by which a character role is recorded in a database or mentioned in the context of a work, use as qualifier for cast; notably a specific performance of a theatrical production of a play", "label-zh": "角色名称"}
{"id": "P4634", "label": "premiere type", "data_type": "Item", "description": "indicates the premiere type (world premiere, language premiere, country premiere) of a performing arts production", "label-zh": "首演类型"}
{"id": "P4646", "label": "representation of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "performing arts production the item is a representation of", "label-zh": "表示"}
{"id": "P4647", "label": "location of first performance", "data_type": "Item", "description": "location where a work was first debuted, performed or broadcasted", "label-zh": "首演地点"}
{"id": "P4649", "label": "identity of subject in context", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier for subjects which may have different identities which are covered by different items, the identity to which the qualified statement applies", "label-zh": "文中主体身份"}
{"id": "P465", "label": "sRGB color hex triplet", "data_type": "String", "description": "sRGB hex triplet format for subject color (e.g. 7FFFD4) specifying the 8-bit red, green and blue components", "label-zh": "sRGB HEX色值"}
{"id": "P4653", "label": "partition table type", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier for \"partition identifier\" that determines what type of partition table is used with the identifier", "label-zh": "分区表类型"}
{"id": "P4654", "label": "partition type identifier", "data_type": "String", "description": "string that contains the identifier of a partition type specified in a partition table", "label-zh": "分区类型标识符"}
{"id": "P466", "label": "occupant", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person or organization occupying property", "label-zh": "占用者"}
{"id": "P4661", "label": "reservoir created", "data_type": "Item", "description": "reservoir created upstream of a dam by this dam", "label-zh": "建立的水库"}
{"id": "P4669", "label": "tabular software version", "data_type": "Tabular data", "description": "historical list of software versions and their release dates. alternative to P348", "label-zh": "表格式软件版本"}
{"id": "P467", "label": "legislated by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "indicates that an act or bill was passed by a legislature.  The value can be a particular session of the legislature", "label-zh": "立法者"}
{"id": "P4675", "label": "appears in the form of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "this fictional or mythical entity takes the form of that entity", "label-zh": "形态"}
{"id": "P468", "label": "dan/kyu rank", "data_type": "Item", "description": "rank system used in several board games (e.g. go, shogi, renju), martial arts (e.g.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tjudo, kendo, wushu) and some other games", "label-zh": "段位/级数"}
{"id": "P4680", "label": "constraint scope", "data_type": "Item", "description": "defines the scope where a constraint is checked – can specify the usage scope (main value of a statement, on qualifiers, or on references) and the datatype (Wikibase item, property, lexeme, etc.)", "label-zh": "约束范围"}
{"id": "P4688", "label": "geomorphological unit", "data_type": "Item", "description": "topographic or bathymetric feature to which this geographical item belongs", "label-zh": "地貌单位"}
{"id": "P469", "label": "lake on watercourse", "data_type": "Item", "description": "lake or reservoir through which the river or stream flows", "label-zh": "流经湖泊"}
{"id": "P47", "label": "shares border with", "data_type": "Item", "description": "countries or administrative subdivisions, of equal level, that this item borders,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\teither by land or water. A single common point is enough.", "label-zh": "接壤"}
{"id": "P470", "label": "Eight Banner register", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Manchu household register for people of the Qing Dynasty", "label-zh": "旗籍"}
{"id": "P4714", "label": "title page number", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "qualifier to indicate the number of the page of a document in which the title page is located. Don't use for the actual cover page.", "label-zh": "标题页数"}
{"id": "P473", "label": "local dialing code", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier dedicated to subject city by the area communication network", "label-zh": "电话区号"}
{"id": "P4733", "label": "produced sound", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item for the sound generated by the subject, for instance the cry of an animal", "label-zh": "产生声音"}
{"id": "P474", "label": "country calling code", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier for a country - dialed on phone after the international dialing prefix\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(precede value by +)", "label-zh": "国际电话区号"}
{"id": "P4743", "label": "animal breed", "data_type": "Item", "description": "subject item belongs to a specific group of domestic animals, generally given by\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tassociation", "label-zh": "品种"}
{"id": "P4745", "label": "is proceedings from", "data_type": "Item", "description": "this work contains articles presented at the given event", "label-zh": "诉讼程序来自"}
{"id": "P4770", "label": "hydrated form of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "given compound is an anhydrous form of this compound", "label-zh": "水化形式"}
{"id": "P4774", "label": "biological phase", "data_type": "Item", "description": "biological period or stage when this biological process or phenomenon occurs", "label-zh": "生物阶段"}
{"id": "P4775", "label": "lot number", "data_type": "String", "description": "takes a number; used as a qualifier in combination with new property for \"Wikidata:Property proposal/Auction sale\";  section number for unconnected segments of an artwork or other works", "label-zh": "批号"}
{"id": "P4776", "label": "MAC Address Block Large ID", "data_type": "String", "description": "unique identifier of an organisation registered with the IEEE", "label-zh": "MAC地址块大ID"}
{"id": "P4777", "label": "has boundary", "data_type": "Item", "description": "element that's on the two dimensional border that surrounds the subject; the limit\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tof an entity", "label-zh": "边界"}
{"id": "P478", "label": "volume", "data_type": "String", "description": "volume of a book or music release in a collection/series or a published collection of journal issues in a serial publication", "label-zh": "卷"}
{"id": "P4788", "label": "storage device", "data_type": "Item", "description": "data storage device supported by a machine (e.g. camera or mobile phone)", "label-zh": "所用的数据存储类型"}
{"id": "P479", "label": "input device", "data_type": "Item", "description": "input device used to interact with a software or a device", "label-zh": "输入设备"}
{"id": "P4791", "label": "commanded by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "commander of a military unit/army/security service, operation, etc.", "label-zh": "指挥者"}
{"id": "P4792", "label": "dam", "data_type": "Item", "description": "construction impounding this watercourse or creating this reservoir", "label-zh": "水坝"}
{"id": "P4794", "label": "season starts", "data_type": "Item", "description": "month or season when sports competition begins", "label-zh": "赛季开始"}
{"id": "P4805", "label": "make-up artist", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person responsible for the make-up of cast members in a theatrical production, TV or\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfilm", "label-zh": "化妆师"}
{"id": "P4809", "label": "sets environment variable", "data_type": "Item", "description": "an environment variable which a software program sets", "label-zh": "设置环境变量"}
{"id": "P4810", "label": "reads environment variable", "data_type": "Item", "description": "an environment variable which a software program reads and may be effected by", "label-zh": "读取环境变量"}
{"id": "P4815", "label": "Technical Element Score", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "for figure skating scores breakdown", "label-zh": "技术总分"}
{"id": "P4825", "label": "deductions (in figure skating)", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "for figure skating scores breakdown", "label-zh": "扣除额(花样滑冰)"}
{"id": "P4826", "label": "Program Component Score", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "for figure skating scores breakdown", "label-zh": "项目组成部分得分"}
{"id": "P483", "label": "recorded at studio or venue", "data_type": "Item", "description": "studio or location where a musical composition/release was recorded", "label-zh": "录制地点"}
{"id": "P4837", "label": "has command line option", "data_type": "String", "description": "an option which is accepted by the software from the command line", "label-zh": "有命令行选项"}
{"id": "P4841", "label": "total fertility rate", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "average number of children that would be born to a woman over her lifetime who lives\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tin this territorial entity", "label-zh": "总和生育率"}
{"id": "P4843", "label": "development of anatomical structure", "data_type": "Item", "description": "biological development of this anatomical structure", "label-zh": "解剖结构的发展"}
{"id": "P4844", "label": "research intervention", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the focus of an experiment, also called the experimental variable, research\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tactivity, or study intervention", "label-zh": "干预研究"}
{"id": "P485", "label": "archives at", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the institution holding the subject's archives", "label-zh": "存档于"}
{"id": "P4850", "label": "permitted food additive", "data_type": "Item", "description": "food additive which is permitted to be present within a food item", "label-zh": "允许的食品添加剂"}
{"id": "P4851", "label": "maximum food additive use level", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "maximum allowed level of food additive permitted in a quantity of food", "label-zh": "食品添加剂最大使用量"}
{"id": "P4856", "label": "conscription number", "data_type": "String", "description": "number identifying a building in one cadastral area/village/neighborhood", "label-zh": "征兵编号"}
{"id": "P4863", "label": "recognition sequence", "data_type": "String", "description": "DNA sequence recognized by a restriction enzyme, DNA binding domain, etc, written\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom 5' to 3'", "label-zh": "识别序列"}
{"id": "P4864", "label": "cutting site of restriction enzyme", "data_type": "String", "description": "DNA cutting site of restriction enzyme, written from 5' to 3'", "label-zh": "限制酶切割位点"}
{"id": "P4867", "label": "RFE symbol", "data_type": "String", "description": "symbol of the phonetic alphabet of the Revista de Filología Española corresponding\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tto an AFI phoneme", "label-zh": "RFE符号"}
{"id": "P487", "label": "Unicode character", "data_type": "String", "description": "Unicode character representing the item", "label-zh": "Unicode字符"}
{"id": "P4873", "label": "isoschizomer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "isoschizomers of the restriction restriction enzyme, which have the same recognition\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsequence and the cutting site.", "label-zh": "异舒唑酮"}
{"id": "P4875", "label": "neoschizomer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "neoschizomers of the restriction restriction enzyme, which have the same recognition\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsequence but a different cutting site.", "label-zh": "新分裂体"}
{"id": "P4876", "label": "number of records", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of values of an identifier or records in a catalog", "label-zh": "记录数量"}
{"id": "P4878", "label": "symbolizes", "data_type": "Item", "description": "symbolism of an artistic element; can also be used as a qualifier for \"depicts\" (P180) statements", "label-zh": "象征"}
{"id": "P488", "label": "chairperson", "data_type": "Item", "description": "presiding member of an organization, group or body", "label-zh": "领导者"}
{"id": "P4882", "label": "segmental innervation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "specific level(s) of spinal cord responsible for the function of this muscle or\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\torgan", "label-zh": "节段神经支配"}
{"id": "P4884", "label": "court", "data_type": "Item", "description": "specific court a legal case is/was heard/decided in", "label-zh": "法院"}
{"id": "P489", "label": "currency symbol description", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item with description of currency symbol", "label-zh": "货币符号"}
{"id": "P4895", "label": "time index", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "indicate when something happens relative to its beginning", "label-zh": "时间索引"}
{"id": "P490", "label": "provisional designation", "data_type": "String", "description": "designation of an astronomical body after its discovery and before its official name", "label-zh": "临时编号"}
{"id": "P4900", "label": "broader concept", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier to indicate a broader concept that the present item is part of, as mapped by an external source. The statement being qualified should be an exact match.", "label-zh": "广义概念"}
{"id": "P4908", "label": "season", "data_type": "Item", "description": "season of a television show or podcast series", "label-zh": "电视剧季"}
{"id": "P4909", "label": "number of players in region", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of registered players in a sport or people practicing a sport in a region", "label-zh": "区域内玩家数量"}
{"id": "P4912", "label": "century breaks", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "in snooker, the number of career century breaks at officіal professional tournaments", "label-zh": "世纪转折"}
{"id": "P4913", "label": "dialect of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "language of which an item with this property is a dialect. Use in addition to\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"subclass of\" (P279) if a languoid is also considered a dialect.", "label-zh": "方言属于"}
{"id": "P4914", "label": "produces cohesive end", "data_type": "String", "description": "overhang DNA sequence generated by restriction enzyme, written from 5' to 3'", "label-zh": "产生内聚端"}
{"id": "P4915", "label": "isocaudomer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "isocaudomer of the restriction restriction enzyme, which have the different\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\trecognition sequence but produces the same termini", "label-zh": "等深线"}
{"id": "P4934", "label": "calculated from", "data_type": "Item", "description": "value of the subject item cannot be measured directly or can be calculated from the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfollowing measurands or attributes", "label-zh": "根据"}
{"id": "P495", "label": "country of origin", "data_type": "Item", "description": "country of origin of this item (creative work, food, phrase, product, etc.)", "label-zh": "原产地"}
{"id": "P4951", "label": "INCI name", "data_type": "String", "description": "uniform, nonproprietary, systematic name internationally recognized to identify a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcosmetic ingredient", "label-zh": "INCI名称"}
{"id": "P4952", "label": "safety classification and labelling", "data_type": "Item", "description": "classification data for the identification and labelling of chemical risks associated with a product", "label-zh": "安全分类和标签"}
{"id": "P4954", "label": "may prevent", "data_type": "Item", "description": "disease which may be prevented by this substance", "label-zh": "可能预防"}
{"id": "P4958", "label": "classification of the best at metas volantes", "data_type": "Item", "description": "secondary classification for bicycle race statistics used in hispanic language\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcountries", "label-zh": "metas volantes的最佳分类"}
{"id": "P4967", "label": "prerequisite", "data_type": "Item", "description": "prior event or achievement that a person or team needs to complete before joining or\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tobtaining the item topic, e.g. a qualifying round of a sports event, a lower-level\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcourse in an educational program, or a lower level of a professional qualification", "label-zh": "先决条件"}
{"id": "P4968", "label": "relevant qualification", "data_type": "Item", "description": "practitioners of this industry get this degree, licence or certification after\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tspecialist education, apprenticeship, or professional review. This includes\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqualifications that one needs to obtain in order to join the industry or\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqualifications that one obtains after a certain level of experience in the industry\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tin order to progress further in their career.", "label-zh": "相关资格"}
{"id": "P4969", "label": "derivative work", "data_type": "Item", "description": "new work of art (film, book, software, etc.) derived from major part of this work", "label-zh": "衍生作品"}
{"id": "P4970", "label": "alternative name", "data_type": "String", "description": "qualifier for alternative name(s) given for a subject in a database entry", "label-zh": "又名"}
{"id": "P4988", "label": "test method", "data_type": "Item", "description": "method in science, engineering or medicine, which determines the subject quantity,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqualitative property or any other measurable attribute", "label-zh": "测试方法"}
{"id": "P4998", "label": "key press", "data_type": "String", "description": "keyboard shortcut sequence. See property talk page for applicable syntax", "label-zh": "快捷键"}
{"id": "P4999", "label": "number of clubs", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of clubs active in a given sport for a region", "label-zh": "俱乐部数量"}
{"id": "P50", "label": "author", "data_type": "Item", "description": "main creator(s) of a written work (use on works, not humans); use P2093 when Wikidata item is unknown or does not exist", "label-zh": "作者"}
{"id": "P500", "label": "exclave of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "territory is legally or politically attached to a main territory with which it is\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnot physically contiguous because of surrounding alien territory. It may also be an\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tenclave.", "label-zh": "飞地从属于"}
{"id": "P5004", "label": "in opposition to", "data_type": "Item", "description": "object of a social action", "label-zh": "反对"}
{"id": "P5008", "label": "on focus list of Wikimedia project", "data_type": "Item", "description": "property to indicate that an item is of particular interest for a Wikimedia project. This property does not add notability. Items should not be created with this property if they are not notable for Wikidata. See also P6104, P972, P2354.", "label-zh": "维基媒体项目关注列表"}
{"id": "P5009", "label": "complies with", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the product or work complies with a certain norm or passes a test", "label-zh": "符合"}
{"id": "P501", "label": "enclave within", "data_type": "Item", "description": "territory is entirely surrounded (enclaved) by the other territory", "label-zh": "被包围"}
{"id": "P5012", "label": "special rank", "data_type": "Item", "description": "non-military rank given to a civil office holder in Russia", "label-zh": "特殊等级"}
{"id": "P5017", "label": "last update", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date a reference was modified, revised, or updated", "label-zh": "最后更新"}
{"id": "P502", "label": "HURDAT identifier", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier per HURDAT (North Atlantic hurricane database)", "label-zh": "HURDAT识别码"}
{"id": "P5021", "label": "assessment", "data_type": "Item", "description": "subject took the test or exam, or was assessed per test or method", "label-zh": "参与考试"}
{"id": "P5022", "label": "test score", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "score that the item achieved in a test; use as qualifier for \"test taken\" (P5021)", "label-zh": "测试得分"}
{"id": "P5023", "label": "activity policy in this place", "data_type": "Item", "description": "policy for activities in this place, for example no photos, photos allowed, no flash, lighting fires, flying drones, etc.", "label-zh": "此地点的活动方针"}
{"id": "P5024", "label": "choral conductor", "data_type": "Item", "description": "musical conductor of a choir", "label-zh": "合唱指挥"}
{"id": "P5025", "label": "gens", "data_type": "Item", "description": "a clan or group of families from Ancient Rome who shared the same nomen", "label-zh": "古罗马家族"}
{"id": "P5026", "label": "lighting designer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person responsible for lighting on a stage", "label-zh": "照明设计师"}
{"id": "P5027", "label": "number of representations", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of shows (including the premiere) of a concert tour or a performing arts production", "label-zh": "展演次数"}
{"id": "P5028", "label": "sound designer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person responsible for the sound on a stage, in a film or in a radio drama", "label-zh": "音效设计师"}
{"id": "P5030", "label": "talk show guest", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person invited in a talk show", "label-zh": "脱口秀嘉宾"}
{"id": "P504", "label": "home port", "data_type": "Item", "description": "home port of the vessel (if different from \"ship registry\"): For civilian ships, the primary port from which the ship operates. Port of registry →P532 should be listed in \"Ship registry\". For warships, this will be the ship's assigned naval base", "label-zh": "母港"}
{"id": "P5040", "label": "GHS hazard pictogram", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier for P4952 for GHS hazard pictograms", "label-zh": "GHS危险象形图"}
{"id": "P5041", "label": "GHS hazard statement", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier for P4952 for GHS H-statements (also EUH-statements, AUH-statements)", "label-zh": "GHS危险说明"}
{"id": "P5042", "label": "GHS precautionary statement", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier for P4952 for GHS P-statements", "label-zh": "GHS防范说明"}
{"id": "P5043", "label": "number of abstentions", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of abstentions in a voting round of a election", "label-zh": "弃权票数"}
{"id": "P5044", "label": "number of spoilt votes", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of spoilt votes in a voting round for a specfic position in a election (excluding blank votes; use P5045 instead)", "label-zh": "无效票数"}
{"id": "P5045", "label": "number of blank votes", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of blank votes in a voting round for a specific position in a election", "label-zh": "空白票数"}
{"id": "P5046", "label": "International Classification for Standards", "data_type": "String", "description": "classification system for technical standards", "label-zh": "国际标准分类法(ICS)"}
{"id": "P505", "label": "general manager", "data_type": "Item", "description": "general manager of a sports team. If they are also an on-field manager use P286\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinstead", "label-zh": "总经理"}
{"id": "P5051", "label": "towards", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier for \"adjacent station\" (P197) to indicate the terminal station(s) of a transportation line or service in that direction", "label-zh": "行车方向"}
{"id": "P5052", "label": "supervisory board member", "data_type": "Item", "description": "member(s) of the supervisory board for the organization", "label-zh": "监事会成员"}
{"id": "P5053", "label": "fastest lap", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person who does the fastest lap during a motorsport race", "label-zh": "最快圈速者"}
{"id": "P5054", "label": "member of cabinet", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier for \"position held\" (P39) to indicate the cabinet to which belongs a minister", "label-zh": "内阁"}
{"id": "P5056", "label": "patronym or matronym for this person", "data_type": "Item", "description": "part of a person's name that comes from the given name of a parent, in naming traditions that require it", "label-zh": "此人名字中的父名或母名"}
{"id": "P5059", "label": "modified version of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "indicates the work or one of its versions which served as a basis for the adaptation or arrangement resulting in the given version of the work", "label-zh": "版本修改自"}
{"id": "P5061", "label": "unit symbol", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "abbreviation of a unit for each language; if not provided, then it should default to\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tEnglish", "label-zh": "单位符号"}
{"id": "P5065", "label": "wind speed", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "wind flow velocity recorded during a given moment or period of time", "label-zh": "风速"}
{"id": "P5066", "label": "operating temperature", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "temperature at which a device operates. Use qualifier \"criterion used\" (P1013) and values such as \"maximum\" (Q10578722), \"minimum\" (Q10585806), etc.", "label-zh": "操作温度"}
{"id": "P5067", "label": "non-operating temperature", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "temperature that a device can bear when it's turned off", "label-zh": "非操作温度"}
{"id": "P5069", "label": "service life", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "product's total life in use from the point of sale to the point of discard", "label-zh": "服务寿命"}
{"id": "P5070", "label": "French standard size for oil paintings", "data_type": "Item", "description": "standard for sizes of canvases for use by artists", "label-zh": "用于油画的法国标准尺寸"}
{"id": "P5071", "label": "boiler pressure", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "pressure at which a steam boiler operates. Use P1013 as qualifier to indicate if it is maximum pressure.", "label-zh": "锅炉压力"}
{"id": "P5072", "label": "presented in", "data_type": "Item", "description": "event at which a talk, film, paper, or poster was presented", "label-zh": "提出于"}
{"id": "P509", "label": "cause of death", "data_type": "Item", "description": "underlying or immediate cause of death.  Underlying cause (e.g. car accident, stomach cancer) preferred.  Use 'manner of death' (P1196) for broadest category, e.g. natural causes, accident, homicide, suicide", "label-zh": "死因"}
{"id": "P5095", "label": "fault", "data_type": "Item", "description": "geological faults involved in the event", "label-zh": "故障"}
{"id": "P5096", "label": "member of the crew of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person who has been a member of a crew associated with the vessel or spacecraft. For\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tspacecraft, inverse of crew member (P1029), backup or reserve team or crew (P3015)", "label-zh": "船员所在船只"}
{"id": "P5102", "label": "nature of statement", "data_type": "Item", "description": "(qualifier only) the underlying circumstances of this statement", "label-zh": "陈述环境"}
{"id": "P5109", "label": "has grammatical gender", "data_type": "Item", "description": "specific form of noun class system of a language. Use qualifier \"statement is\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsubject of\" (P805) to link to language specific item if present", "label-zh": "拥有语法性"}
{"id": "P511", "label": "honorific prefix", "data_type": "Item", "description": "word or expression used before a name, in addressing or referring to a person", "label-zh": "头衔"}
{"id": "P5110", "label": "has grammatical person", "data_type": "Item", "description": "grammatical feature relating to the identity of participants in an event", "label-zh": "拥有语法人称"}
{"id": "P512", "label": "academic degree", "data_type": "Item", "description": "academic degree that the person holds", "label-zh": "学位"}
{"id": "P5125", "label": "Wikimedia outline", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item about an outline of the topic at Wikimedia sites", "label-zh": "维基媒体大纲"}
{"id": "P5126", "label": "assistant director", "data_type": "Item", "description": "assistant stage director of a performing arts, film or television production", "label-zh": "助理导演"}
{"id": "P5131", "label": "possible medical findings", "data_type": "Item", "description": "possible medical findings of a medical condition", "label-zh": "可能的医学表现"}
{"id": "P5132", "label": "suggests the existence of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "medical conditions associated with the subject medical finding", "label-zh": "可能指征"}
{"id": "P5133", "label": "has evaluation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "evaluation or interpretation corresponding to the subject attribute or examination", "label-zh": "已评估"}
{"id": "P5134", "label": "evaluation of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the subject finding is an evaluation or interpretation of the object attribute or\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttest", "label-zh": "评估"}
{"id": "P5135", "label": "greater than", "data_type": "Item", "description": "instances of the item have a greater value than corresponding instances of the object, for the given measure", "label-zh": "大于"}
{"id": "P5136", "label": "less than", "data_type": "Item", "description": "instances of the item have a lesser value than corresponding instances of the object, for the given measure", "label-zh": "小于"}
{"id": "P5137", "label": "item for this sense", "data_type": "Item", "description": "concept corresponding to this sense of a lexeme. Do not use on items or properties", "label-zh": "意义项目"}
{"id": "P5138", "label": "season of club or team", "data_type": "Item", "description": "club or team that played the season", "label-zh": "赛季所属俱乐部或团队"}
{"id": "P5139", "label": "Möllendorff transliteration", "data_type": "String", "description": "transliteration from the Manchu alphabet to Latin script following the Möllendorff  system", "label-zh": "穆麟德转写"}
{"id": "P514", "label": "interleaves with", "data_type": "Item", "description": "stratigraphic relation in which two units overlap each other marginally", "label-zh": "与其交错"}
{"id": "P5140", "label": "coordinates of geographic center", "data_type": "GlobeCoordinate", "description": "coordinates of the center of an area. Use qualifier \"determination method\" (P459) to\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tindicate how", "label-zh": "地理中心坐标"}
{"id": "P5141", "label": "coastline", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "length of the coastline (sea shore) of the region. Use qualifier \"determination method\" (P459) to define how it's determined/which granularity is used.", "label-zh": "海岸线"}
{"id": "P515", "label": "phase of matter", "data_type": "Item", "description": "state or phase of the matter at which the measure was made", "label-zh": "物质阶段"}
{"id": "P5150", "label": "IGAC rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "rating of a film or theatrical production in the Portuguese classification system", "label-zh": "IGAC评级"}
{"id": "P5152", "label": "KAVI rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "rating in the Finnish film and television rating system", "label-zh": "KAVI评级"}
{"id": "P516", "label": "powered by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "equipment or engine used by the subject to convert a source or energy into mechanical energy", "label-zh": "发动机"}
{"id": "P5166", "label": "established from medical condition", "data_type": "Item", "description": "cell line or xenograft established from an individual person or animal with a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tspecific medical condition", "label-zh": "根据医疗状况确定"}
{"id": "P5167", "label": "vehicles per thousand people", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of vehicles per 1000 people. Use qualifier determination method (P459) to describe how it's done.", "label-zh": "每千人拥有车辆"}
{"id": "P5168", "label": "applies to name of subject", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "(qualifier) label or alias name to which the claim applies (subject of the statement). To refer to name of the value, use \"applies to name of object\" (P8338)", "label-zh": "适用名称"}
{"id": "P517", "label": "interaction", "data_type": "Item", "description": "subset of the four fundamental forces (strong (Q11415), electromagnetic (Q849919),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tweak (Q11418), and gravitation (Q11412) with which a particle interacts", "label-zh": "相互作用"}
{"id": "P518", "label": "applies to part", "data_type": "Item", "description": "part, aspect, or form of the item to which the claim applies", "label-zh": "适用部分"}
{"id": "P5185", "label": "grammatical gender", "data_type": "Item", "description": "grammatical gender of the word", "label-zh": "语法性"}
{"id": "P5186", "label": "conjugation class", "data_type": "Item", "description": "conjugation class this lexeme belongs to. On items for languages, use \"has\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconjugation class\" (P5206)", "label-zh": "变位类"}
{"id": "P5187", "label": "word stem", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "word stem of the subject lexeme", "label-zh": "词干"}
{"id": "P5188", "label": "Sandbox-Lexeme", "data_type": "Lexeme", "description": "sandbox property, use this to experiment linking to Lexeme entities", "label-zh": "沙盒-词位"}
{"id": "P5189", "label": "Sandbox-Form", "data_type": "Form", "description": "sandbox property, use this to experiment linking to a Form of a Lexeme entity", "label-zh": "沙盒-词形"}
{"id": "P5191", "label": "derived from lexeme", "data_type": "Lexeme", "description": "most direct lexeme(s) this one has developed from", "label-zh": "词源"}
{"id": "P5192", "label": "Wikidata property example for lexemes", "data_type": "Lexeme", "description": "example where this Wikidata property is used; target lexeme is one that would use this property, with qualifier the property being described given the associated value", "label-zh": "词位类维基数据属性示例"}
{"id": "P5193", "label": "Wikidata property example for forms", "data_type": "Form", "description": "example where this Wikidata property is used; target form is one that would use this property, with qualifier the property being described given the associated value", "label-zh": "词形类维基数据属性示例"}
{"id": "P5194", "label": "officialized by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the item which officialized this lexeme", "label-zh": "将此正式化的实体"}
{"id": "P5196", "label": "output device", "data_type": "Item", "description": "output device used to interact with a software or video game console", "label-zh": "输出方法"}
{"id": "P520", "label": "armament", "data_type": "Item", "description": "equippable weapon item for the subject", "label-zh": "武器"}
{"id": "P5201", "label": "IMDA rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "rating in the Singaporean film and video game rating system", "label-zh": "IMDA评级"}
{"id": "P5202", "label": "adapted by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person responsible for the arrangement or adaptation resulting in this version of\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthe original work", "label-zh": "改编者"}
{"id": "P5203", "label": "topographic map", "data_type": "Item", "description": "topographic map covering this geographic object", "label-zh": "地形图"}
{"id": "P5204", "label": "date of commercialization", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date when a product was first commercialized", "label-zh": "商品化日期"}
{"id": "P5205", "label": "stroke count", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of strokes in a Chinese, Japanese, Korean or Vietnamese character", "label-zh": "笔划数"}
{"id": "P5206", "label": "has conjugation class", "data_type": "Item", "description": "conjugation pattern for group of verbs in the language. Use on items for languages.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFor lexemes, use \"conjugation class\" (P5186).", "label-zh": "拥有变位类"}
{"id": "P521", "label": "scheduled service destination", "data_type": "Item", "description": "airport or station connected by regular direct service to the subject; for the destination of a trip see P1444", "label-zh": "航点"}
{"id": "P522", "label": "type of orbit", "data_type": "Item", "description": "orbit a satellite has around its central body", "label-zh": "轨道类型"}
{"id": "P523", "label": "temporal range start", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the start of a process or appearance of a life form or geological unit relative to the geologic time scale", "label-zh": "初现地质年代"}
{"id": "P5230", "label": "chromosome count", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "karyological information on the number of chromosomes typical for a species", "label-zh": "染色体数量"}
{"id": "P5236", "label": "prime factor", "data_type": "Item", "description": "one of the prime numbers that can be multiplied to give this number", "label-zh": "素因数"}
{"id": "P5237", "label": "pronunciation variety", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier for IPA transcription (P898), pronunciation audio (P443) or spoken text audio (P989) to indicate the associated spoken language variant", "label-zh": "发音变体"}
{"id": "P5238", "label": "combines lexemes", "data_type": "Lexeme", "description": "lexemes combined in this lexeme", "label-zh": "合成词源自"}
{"id": "P524", "label": "temporal range end", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the end of a process such as a geological unit or extinction of a life form relative to the geologic time scale", "label-zh": "灭绝地质年代"}
{"id": "P5244", "label": "reading pattern of Han character", "data_type": "Item", "description": "None", "label-zh": "汉字阅读模式"}
{"id": "P5248", "label": "medical evacuation to", "data_type": "Item", "description": "site to which those injured are evacuated immediately after a catastrophic event or a battle", "label-zh": "医疗转移至"}
{"id": "P5249", "label": "sports competition competed at", "data_type": "Item", "description": "edition of sports competitions at which the club or team that played a season competed at. Use this to link items for team seasons to items for specific seasons of competitions.Sample: 2012–13 FC Barcelona season → 2012–13 UEFA Champions League", "label-zh": "参与体育竞赛"}
{"id": "P527", "label": "has part(s)", "data_type": "Item", "description": "part of this subject; inverse property of \"part of\" (P361). See also \"has parts of the class\" (P2670).", "label-zh": "可分为"}
{"id": "P5276", "label": "Slavic phonetic alphabet transcription", "data_type": "String", "description": "system of pronunciation recording", "label-zh": "斯拉夫语音字母转写"}
{"id": "P5277", "label": "grade of kanji", "data_type": "Item", "description": "degree of difficulty of kanji", "label-zh": "汉字等级(日本)"}
{"id": "P5278", "label": "gender inflection of surname", "data_type": "Item", "description": "surname version for other gender", "label-zh": "姓氏的性别变化"}
{"id": "P5279", "label": "hyphenation", "data_type": "String", "description": "positions where a word can be hyphenated", "label-zh": "断字"}
{"id": "P528", "label": "catalog code", "data_type": "String", "description": "catalog name of an object, use with qualifier P972", "label-zh": "目录编号"}
{"id": "P5280", "label": "radical", "data_type": "Item", "description": "radical of Chinese character", "label-zh": "部首"}
{"id": "P5281", "label": "residual stroke count", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "(qualifier) number of residual stroke in addition to radical of Chinese character", "label-zh": "剩余笔划数"}
{"id": "P5286", "label": "Portable Game Notation", "data_type": "String", "description": "move of a chess game provided as a string in Portable Game Notation", "label-zh": "便携式游戏符号"}
{"id": "P529", "label": "runway", "data_type": "String", "description": "name (direction) of runway at airport/airfield/airstrip", "label-zh": "跑道"}
{"id": "P53", "label": "family", "data_type": "Item", "description": "family, including dynasty and nobility houses. Not family name (use P734 for family name).", "label-zh": "家族"}
{"id": "P530", "label": "diplomatic relation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "diplomatic relations of the country", "label-zh": "邦交国"}
{"id": "P5304", "label": "type locality (biology)", "data_type": "Item", "description": "geographical place of capture, collection or observation of the name-bearing type", "label-zh": "模式产地(生物)"}
{"id": "P5307", "label": "display technology", "data_type": "Item", "description": "technology used by the display of this device", "label-zh": "显示屏技术"}
{"id": "P531", "label": "diplomatic mission sent", "data_type": "Item", "description": "location of diplomatic mission, i.e. consulate of A in the capital city of B", "label-zh": "派驻外交机构"}
{"id": "P5314", "label": "property scope", "data_type": "Item", "description": "constraint system qualifier to define the scope of a property", "label-zh": "属性范围"}
{"id": "P5317", "label": "jockey", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person riding the horse in the race", "label-zh": "骑师"}
{"id": "P532", "label": "port of registry", "data_type": "Item", "description": "ship's port of registry. This is generally painted on the ship's stern (for the \"home port\", see Property:P504)", "label-zh": "船籍港"}
{"id": "P5323", "label": "attested in", "data_type": "Item", "description": "document where the lemma or form of a Lexeme entity, word or name is used, but not\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdescribed", "label-zh": "文献出处"}
{"id": "P5328", "label": "revival or touring version of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "indicates the original performing arts production which served as a basis for the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tgiven production (which uses the same performance plan)", "label-zh": "是其复演版本"}
{"id": "P533", "label": "target", "data_type": "Item", "description": "target of an attack or military operation", "label-zh": "目标"}
{"id": "P534", "label": "streak color", "data_type": "Item", "description": "color of a mineral or material when abraded", "label-zh": "条纹颜色"}
{"id": "P5348", "label": "angular diameter", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "angular measurement describing how large a sphere or circle appears from a given point of view", "label-zh": "角直径"}
{"id": "P5349", "label": "laps completed", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of laps completed by a race participant", "label-zh": "完成圈数"}
{"id": "P5350", "label": "Alexander polynomial", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "invariant of a knot or link. Use 't' as variable and list monomials in decreasing\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\torder.", "label-zh": "亚历山大多项式"}
{"id": "P5351", "label": "Conway polynomial", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "invariant of a knot. Use z as variable and list monomials in decreasing order.", "label-zh": "康威多项式"}
{"id": "P5352", "label": "Jones polynomial", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "invariant of a knot or link. Use q as variable and list monomials in decreasing\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\torder.", "label-zh": "琼斯多项式"}
{"id": "P5353", "label": "school district", "data_type": "Item", "description": "school district to which a settlement or other item belongs", "label-zh": "学区"}
{"id": "P537", "label": "twinning", "data_type": "Item", "description": "type of twins a crystal forms", "label-zh": "孪生"}
{"id": "P538", "label": "mineral fracture", "data_type": "Item", "description": "fracture types in a mineral", "label-zh": "断裂类型"}
{"id": "P5386", "label": "JMA Seismic Intensity Scale", "data_type": "Item", "description": "maximum intensity scale of this earthquake given by JMA Seismic Intensity Scale", "label-zh": "JMA地震烈度表"}
{"id": "P5389", "label": "permanent resident of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "country or region where a person has the legal status of permanent resident", "label-zh": "永久居民"}
{"id": "P54", "label": "member of sports team", "data_type": "Item", "description": "sports teams or clubs that the subject represents or represented", "label-zh": "效力运动队"}
{"id": "P5401", "label": "auxiliary verb", "data_type": "Lexeme", "description": "auxiliary verb to be used with this verb", "label-zh": "助动词"}
{"id": "P5402", "label": "homograph lexeme", "data_type": "Lexeme", "description": "lexeme in the same language with the same spelling as this one", "label-zh": "同形词位"}
{"id": "P541", "label": "office contested", "data_type": "Item", "description": "title of office which election will determine the next holder of", "label-zh": "竞选职位"}
{"id": "P5412", "label": "romanization of Belarusian (2007 system)", "data_type": "String", "description": "romanization of Belarusian (2007)", "label-zh": "白俄罗斯文拉丁化(2007)"}
{"id": "P542", "label": "officially opened by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person that officially opened the event or place", "label-zh": "宣布开幕者"}
{"id": "P5422", "label": "has pattern", "data_type": "Item", "description": "pattern, design, or motif intrinsic to, incorporated into, or applied to the surface\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tof the subject", "label-zh": "有图案"}
{"id": "P5423", "label": "floor number", "data_type": "String", "description": "floor number in a street address. To be used as a qualifier of Property:P6375\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"located on street\" or as a property of a place", "label-zh": "楼层编号"}
{"id": "P5425", "label": "Han character in this lexeme", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Han character(s) this lexeme consists of", "label-zh": "这个词位中的汉字"}
{"id": "P5426", "label": "tone or pitch accent class", "data_type": "Item", "description": "type of an tone or pitch accent of a lexeme with respect to the classifications for\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ta given tonal or pitch accented language", "label-zh": "日语声调类型"}
{"id": "P5427", "label": "position of accent nucleus", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "(qualifier) position of the accented syllable or mora", "label-zh": "重音核的位置"}
{"id": "P5428", "label": "position of devoiced vowel", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "(qualifier) position of syllable or kana with devoiced vowel", "label-zh": "变元音的位置"}
{"id": "P543", "label": "oath made by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person(s) that made the oath at an event, like the Olympic Games", "label-zh": "宣誓人"}
{"id": "P5436", "label": "number of viewers/listeners", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of viewers of a television or broadcasting program; web traffic on websites", "label-zh": "观众/听众数量"}
{"id": "P5438", "label": "signum", "data_type": "Item", "description": "familiar nickname of the ancient Romans of Greek origin developed during the 3rd century", "label-zh": "信号"}
{"id": "P5439", "label": "research measurement", "data_type": "Item", "description": "a measurement of an experimentally observed variable", "label-zh": "研究测量"}
{"id": "P5444", "label": "model year", "data_type": "Item", "description": "year a specific model of a product (such as a car) was released, likely different from the actual year of production", "label-zh": "型号年份"}
{"id": "P5446", "label": "reference value", "data_type": "Item", "description": "value or range of values for a medical test (subject item), used to evaluate whether\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthe results of the test are normal or not", "label-zh": "参考值"}
{"id": "P5447", "label": "lower limit", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "lower limit of a range or an interval; (qualifier) used with a dummy value which specifies the type of the range or interval", "label-zh": "下限"}
{"id": "P5448", "label": "upper limit", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "upper limit of a range or an interval; (qualifier) used with a dummy value which specifies the type of the range or interval", "label-zh": "上限"}
{"id": "P545", "label": "torch lit by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person that lit the torch at an event, like the Olympic Games", "label-zh": "火炬点燃者"}
{"id": "P546", "label": "docking port", "data_type": "Item", "description": "intended docking port for a spacecraft", "label-zh": "停泊港口"}
{"id": "P5460", "label": "grants", "data_type": "Item", "description": "confers degree, honor, award, prize, title, certificate or medal denoting achievement to a person or organization", "label-zh": "授予学位"}
{"id": "P5461", "label": "model year code", "data_type": "String", "description": "letter or digit in position 10 of a vehicle identification number (VIN) indicating the model year (MY) for years 1980 to 2009, repeating for 2010 to 2039, etc. Format: not I,O,Q,U,Z,0. Year 2018 is J.", "label-zh": "年款代码"}
{"id": "P547", "label": "commemorates", "data_type": "Item", "description": "what the place, monument, memorial, or holiday, commemorates", "label-zh": "纪念对象"}
{"id": "P5471", "label": "2022 Harmonized System Code", "data_type": "String", "description": "code in the Harmonized System for a category of object traded internationally", "label-zh": "协调制度代码"}
{"id": "P5474", "label": "section number", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number assigned to a section of sportspeople in a sporting competition; e.g. \"3\" for a \"quarter-final 3\"; use together with property \"stage reached\" (P2443)", "label-zh": "段号"}
{"id": "P5475", "label": "CJKV variant character", "data_type": "Item", "description": "equivalent forms of Han characters used in different regions or writing systems", "label-zh": "中日韩越异体字"}
{"id": "P5479", "label": "ultimate tensile strength", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "material property measuring the tensil strengh at break", "label-zh": "极限抗拉强度"}
{"id": "P548", "label": "version type", "data_type": "Item", "description": "type of version (qualifier for P348, software version), e.g. alpha, beta, stable", "label-zh": "版本类型"}
{"id": "P5480", "label": "tensile modulus of elasticity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "material proprety linking the elastic deformation to the yield strengh.", "label-zh": "拉伸弹性模量"}
{"id": "P5481", "label": "position of nasal sonant", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "(qualifier) position of character or kana with nasal sonant", "label-zh": "鼻探头位置"}
{"id": "P5483", "label": "hardness", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "measure of how resistant solid matter is to various kinds of permanent shape change when a force is applied", "label-zh": "硬度"}
{"id": "P550", "label": "chivalric order", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the chivalric order which a person belongs to", "label-zh": "骑士团"}
{"id": "P551", "label": "residence", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the place where the person is or has been, resident", "label-zh": "居住地"}
{"id": "P5514", "label": "accredited by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "optionally use together with \"subject has role\" (P2868)", "label-zh": "认证"}
{"id": "P5518", "label": "four-corner method", "data_type": "String", "description": "The four-corner code(s) for the character", "label-zh": "四角法"}
{"id": "P5519", "label": "Cangjie input", "data_type": "String", "description": "the cangjie input code for the character", "label-zh": "仓颉码"}
{"id": "P552", "label": "handedness", "data_type": "Item", "description": "handedness of the person", "label-zh": "利手"}
{"id": "P5520", "label": "toughness", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "material property measuring the ability of a material to absorb energy and plastically deform without fracturing", "label-zh": "韧性"}
{"id": "P5522", "label": "Unicode block", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Unicode block that a character or code point is in", "label-zh": "Unicode区块"}
{"id": "P5523", "label": "fanqie", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the pronunciation of a monosyllabic Chinese character represented by two other\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tChinese characters", "label-zh": "范奇"}
{"id": "P5524", "label": "horizontal depth", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "spatial extent for 3D object along the third axis, what is most commonly referred to as its depth. Compare with \"vertical depth\" (P4511)", "label-zh": "水平深度"}
{"id": "P5526", "label": "valency", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of arguments controlled by a verbal predicate", "label-zh": "配价"}
{"id": "P5529", "label": "yield strength", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "material proprety measuring the stress above which materials begin to permanently deform", "label-zh": "屈服强度"}
{"id": "P553", "label": "website account on", "data_type": "Item", "description": "website that the person or organization has an account on (use with P554) Note: only used with reliable source or if the person or organization disclosed it.", "label-zh": "开设账户网站"}
{"id": "P5537", "label": "Hangul of a Chinese character", "data_type": "Item", "description": "The modern Korean pronunciation(s) for this character in Hangul", "label-zh": "汉字朝鲜文"}
{"id": "P554", "label": "website username or ID", "data_type": "String", "description": "username or identifier on a website that the person or movement has an account on, for use as qualifier of \"website account on\" (P553)", "label-zh": "网站用户名"}
{"id": "P5548", "label": "object form", "data_type": "Form", "description": "(qualifier) statement applies only to listed forms of statement's object", "label-zh": "对象形式"}
{"id": "P555", "label": "doubles record", "data_type": "String", "description": "win/lose balance for a player in doubles tournaments", "label-zh": "双打记录"}
{"id": "P556", "label": "crystal system", "data_type": "Item", "description": "type of crystal for minerals and/or for crystal compounds", "label-zh": "晶体系统"}
{"id": "P5560", "label": "passive voice", "data_type": "Item", "description": "specify the type of passive voice of (German) verbs", "label-zh": "被动语音"}
{"id": "P5564", "label": "registration district", "data_type": "Item", "description": "reference property indicating location for references to a civil or ecclesiastical registry", "label-zh": "登记区域"}
{"id": "P5572", "label": "expressed in", "data_type": "Item", "description": "gene or protein is expressed during a specific condition/cell cycle/process/form", "label-zh": "表达于"}
{"id": "P5575", "label": "coefficient of friction", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "dimensionless scalar value which describes the ratio of the force of friction\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbetween two bodies and the force pressing them together", "label-zh": "摩擦系数"}
{"id": "P5582", "label": "number of arrests", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the number of arrests made by public officials during or resulting from an event", "label-zh": "逮捕人数"}
{"id": "P5588", "label": "invasive to", "data_type": "Item", "description": "region which a taxon is not endemic to where the taxon has a tendency to spread to a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdegree believed to cause damage to the environment, human economy or human health", "label-zh": "入侵到"}
{"id": "P5589", "label": "microstructure", "data_type": "Item", "description": "very small scale structure of a material, defined as the structure of a prepared\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsurface of material as revealed by a microscope above 25× magnification", "label-zh": "微观结构"}
{"id": "P559", "label": "terminus", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the feature (intersecting road, train station, etc.) at the end of a linear feature", "label-zh": "端点"}
{"id": "P5591", "label": "normalized Unicode character", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Unicode character that represents the given item in NFC (Normalization Form\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tCanonical Composition)", "label-zh": "规范化Unicode字符"}
{"id": "P5592", "label": "number of works accessible online", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "qualifier on external identifiers, for the number of works in a collection or items in a database which are freely accessible online (if different from P3740)", "label-zh": "可在线访问的作品数量"}
{"id": "P5593", "label": "Poisson's ratio", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the negative of the ratio of (signed) transverse strain to (signed) axial strain", "label-zh": "泊松比"}
{"id": "P5594", "label": "moisture absorption", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "quantity of moisture a material would absorb in given conditions", "label-zh": "吸湿性"}
{"id": "P5595", "label": "number of platform faces", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of continuous platform edges facing a track or vehicle guideway in a station (often, but not always, the same as P1103 and the number of platform numbers). See property talk page for illustrated samples", "label-zh": "站台边数"}
{"id": "P5596", "label": "relative humidity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor to the equilibrium vapor pressure of water at a given temperature", "label-zh": "相对湿度"}
{"id": "P560", "label": "direction", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier to indicate the direction of the object relative to the subject item (for direction to the object, see P654)", "label-zh": "方向"}
{"id": "P5606", "label": "class of station", "data_type": "Item", "description": "class of a railway station, assigned by its operator; \"issued by\" is a mandatory qualifier.", "label-zh": "车站等级"}
{"id": "P5607", "label": "located in the ecclesiastical territorial entity", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the item is located on the territory of the following ecclesiastical entity. Use P708 (diocese) for dioceses", "label-zh": "位于宗教领土实体"}
{"id": "P5608", "label": "fatigue limit", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "amplitude (or range) of cyclic stress that can be applied to the material without causing fatigue failure", "label-zh": "疲劳极限"}
{"id": "P561", "label": "NATO reporting name", "data_type": "String", "description": "official reporting name assigned by the ASCC for NATO use", "label-zh": "北约代号"}
{"id": "P562", "label": "central bank/issuer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "central bank or other issuing authority for the currency", "label-zh": "中央银行或发行机构"}
{"id": "P5623", "label": "type of water supply", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the type of water supply for fountains, mountain huts, and other entities where\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twater can be obtained", "label-zh": "供水类型"}
{"id": "P5624", "label": "pitting resistance equivalent number", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "predictive measurement of a stainless steels resistance to localized pitting corrosion", "label-zh": "耐点蚀当量数(PREN)"}
{"id": "P5625", "label": "Vietnamese reading", "data_type": "String", "description": "reading of Han character in Quốc Ngữ", "label-zh": "越南语阅读"}
{"id": "P5630", "label": "prisoner count", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of inmates or prisioners held in this prison", "label-zh": "囚犯数量"}
{"id": "P564", "label": "singles record", "data_type": "String", "description": "win/lose balance for a player in singles tournaments", "label-zh": "单打记录"}
{"id": "P5642", "label": "risk factor", "data_type": "Item", "description": "factor associated with a high prevalence of a particular gene, disease or\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcharacteristic. These factors can be country of origin, country of citizenship,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\trace, gender, occupation, anamnesis, etc.", "label-zh": "风险因素"}
{"id": "P565", "label": "crystal habit", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the form and proportions of a crystal or mineral", "label-zh": "晶体习性"}
{"id": "P5658", "label": "railway traffic side", "data_type": "Item", "description": "indicates for a country or a railway line whether rail traffic usually runs on the left or right hand side", "label-zh": "铁路通行方向"}
{"id": "P566", "label": "basionym", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the legitimate, previously published name on which a new combination or name at new\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\trank is based", "label-zh": "基名"}
{"id": "P5668", "label": "bulk modulus", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "measure of how resistant to compressibility that substance is", "label-zh": "体积模量"}
{"id": "P5669", "label": "compressive strength", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "capacity of a material or structure to withstand loads tending to reduce size", "label-zh": "抗压强度"}
{"id": "P567", "label": "underlies", "data_type": "Item", "description": "stratigraphic unit that this unit lies under (i.e. the overlying unit)", "label-zh": "底层"}
{"id": "P5670", "label": "glass transition temperature", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "transition in amorphous materials from a hard and relatively brittle \"glassy\" state into a viscous or rubbery state as the temperature is increased", "label-zh": "玻璃化转变温度"}
{"id": "P5672", "label": "linear thermal expansion coefficient", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "measures the fractional change in size per degree change in temperature at a constant pressure", "label-zh": "线性热膨胀系数"}
{"id": "P5673", "label": "shear modulus", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "ratio of shear stress to the shear strain", "label-zh": "剪切模量"}
{"id": "P5674", "label": "thermal diffusivity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "measures the rate of transfer of heat of a material from the hot side to the cold side", "label-zh": "热扩散率"}
{"id": "P5675", "label": "relative permittivity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "measure of capacitance that is encountered when forming an electric field in a particular medium expressed as a ratio relative to the permittivity of vacuum", "label-zh": "相对介电常数"}
{"id": "P5676", "label": "relative permeability", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "measure of the ability of a material to support the formation of a magnetic field within itself", "label-zh": "相对渗透率"}
{"id": "P5677", "label": "flexural strength", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the stress in a material just before it yields in a flexure test", "label-zh": "抗弯强度"}
{"id": "P5678", "label": "dissipation factor", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "measure of loss-rate of energy of a mode of oscillation (mechanical, electrical, or electromechanical) in a dissipative system", "label-zh": "耗散系数"}
{"id": "P5679", "label": "electrical resistivity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "quantifies how strongly a given material opposes the flow of electric current", "label-zh": "电阻率"}
{"id": "P568", "label": "overlies", "data_type": "Item", "description": "stratigraphic unit that this unit lies over (i.e. the underlying unit)", "label-zh": "上层"}
{"id": "P5681", "label": "flexural modulus", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "ratio of stress to strain in flexural deformation", "label-zh": "弯曲模量"}
{"id": "P5682", "label": "heat deflection temperature", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "temperature at which a polymer or plastic sample deforms under a specified load", "label-zh": "热偏转温度"}
{"id": "P5685", "label": "tear resistance", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "measure of how well a material can withstand the effects of tearing", "label-zh": "抗撕裂性"}
{"id": "P569", "label": "date of birth", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date on which the subject was born", "label-zh": "出生日期"}
{"id": "P5692", "label": "dummy value", "data_type": "String", "description": "known test or sample values for identifier or scheme", "label-zh": "虚值"}
{"id": "P57", "label": "director", "data_type": "Item", "description": "director(s) of film, TV-series, stageplay, video game or similar", "label-zh": "导演"}
{"id": "P570", "label": "date of death", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date on which the subject died", "label-zh": "死亡日期"}
{"id": "P5703", "label": "airline accounting code", "data_type": "String", "description": "number, referenced by IATA and unique among all the airlines, used to identify the airline in various accounting activities such as ticketing", "label-zh": "航空公司会计代码"}
{"id": "P5706", "label": "shear strength", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "strength of a material or component against the type of yield or structural failure when the material or component fails in shear", "label-zh": "剪切强度"}
{"id": "P5707", "label": "samples from work", "data_type": "Item", "description": "audio or video which this work uses a raw excerpt of", "label-zh": "样本"}
{"id": "P5708", "label": "force", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "quantitative value of the interaction between two objects", "label-zh": "力"}
{"id": "P5709", "label": "abrasion resistance", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "resistance to the process of scuffing, scratching, wearing down, marring, or rubbing away", "label-zh": "耐磨性"}
{"id": "P571", "label": "inception", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "time when an entity begins to exist; for date of official opening use P1619", "label-zh": "成立或创建时间"}
{"id": "P5713", "label": "requires grammatical feature", "data_type": "Item", "description": "grammatical features required or generally used with lexeme or form of lexeme", "label-zh": "需要语法特征"}
{"id": "P574", "label": "year of taxon publication", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "year when this taxon was formally described (for animals); year when this taxon name was formally established (for plants)", "label-zh": "分类单元发表年份"}
{"id": "P575", "label": "time of discovery or invention", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date or point in time when the item was discovered or invented", "label-zh": "发现或发明时间"}
{"id": "P5753", "label": "ideographic description sequences", "data_type": "Item", "description": "method to describe composition of Han characters using ideographic description\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcharacters and character components", "label-zh": "表意组字序列"}
{"id": "P576", "label": "dissolved, abolished or demolished date", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "point in time at which the subject (organisation, building) ceased to exist;  see \"date of official closure\" (P3999) for closing a facility, \"service retirement\" (P730) for retiring equipment,  \"discontinued date\" (P2669) for stopping a product", "label-zh": "解散、废除或拆毁日"}
{"id": "P5769", "label": "editor-in-chief", "data_type": "Item", "description": "a publication's editorial leader who has final responsibility for its operations and policies and the selection of authors, translators, illustrators, and formats for publishing articles or books in collections or periodical papers", "label-zh": "主编"}
{"id": "P577", "label": "publication date", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date or point in time when a work was first published or released", "label-zh": "出版日期"}
{"id": "P5778", "label": "Cooperative Patent Classification code", "data_type": "String", "description": "patent classification code used between the European Patent Office and United States Patent and Trademark Office", "label-zh": "合作专利分类代码"}
{"id": "P578", "label": "Sandbox-TimeValue", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "Sandbox property for value of type \"TimeValue\"", "label-zh": "沙盒-时间值"}
{"id": "P579", "label": "IMA status and/or rank", "data_type": "Item", "description": "status given to each mineral by the IMA (International Mineralogical Association)", "label-zh": "IMA状态和/或等级"}
{"id": "P5798", "label": "Thomson Reuters Business Classification", "data_type": "String", "description": "use for companies, industries, products", "label-zh": "汤森路透商业分类"}
{"id": "P58", "label": "screenwriter", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person(s) who wrote the script for subject item", "label-zh": "编剧"}
{"id": "P580", "label": "start time", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "time an entity begins to exist or a statement starts being valid", "label-zh": "始于"}
{"id": "P5800", "label": "narrative role", "data_type": "Item", "description": "narrative role of this character (should be used as a qualifier with P674 or restricted to a certain work using P10663)", "label-zh": "故事角色"}
{"id": "P5802", "label": "stage crew member", "data_type": "Item", "description": "member of the technical crew who supervises and operates the various technical aspects of the production during a stage performance", "label-zh": "舞台工作人员"}
{"id": "P5804", "label": "has program committee member", "data_type": "Item", "description": "None", "label-zh": "有项目委员会成员"}
{"id": "P5805", "label": "OSI Model layer location", "data_type": "Item", "description": "location of a network protocol in one of the OSI Model layers", "label-zh": "OSI模型层位置"}
{"id": "P5810", "label": "cryptocurrency code", "data_type": "String", "description": "the symbol or identifier of a cryptocurrency based on the Naming Consistency of CCXT", "label-zh": "加密货币代码"}
{"id": "P5811", "label": "elongation at break", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "material property; the ratio between changed length and initial length after breakage of the test specimen. It expresses the capability of a material to resist changes of shape without crack formation.", "label-zh": "断裂伸长率"}
{"id": "P5816", "label": "state of conservation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "to indicate state of conservation of a building, monument, etc. It is not related\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twith its heritage protection (P1435), but to its present state of conservation. Ex.:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\truinous, demolished, correct, etc.", "label-zh": "保护状态"}
{"id": "P5817", "label": "state of use", "data_type": "Item", "description": "to indicate state of use of a building, monument, etc. It is not related with its\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\theritage protection (P1435), but to its present state of use. Ex.: abandoned, in\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tuse, temporarily closed, etc.", "label-zh": "使用状态"}
{"id": "P582", "label": "end time", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "time an entity ceases to exist or a statement stops being valid", "label-zh": "终于"}
{"id": "P5822", "label": "admission rate", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "ratio of the number of applicants admitted to the total number of applicants", "label-zh": "入院率"}
{"id": "P5824", "label": "is retracted by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "(article) is retracted by (retraction notice)", "label-zh": "由收回"}
{"id": "P5825", "label": "ISO 15919 transliteration", "data_type": "String", "description": "representation according to the named ISO standard for transliterating Brahmic scripts", "label-zh": "ISO 15919转写"}
{"id": "P5826", "label": "majority opinion by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "judicial opinion agreed to by more than half of the members of a court", "label-zh": "多数意见"}
{"id": "P5828", "label": "seed", "data_type": "Item", "description": "seeding information of a participant of a sports event", "label-zh": "种子"}
{"id": "P5830", "label": "subject form", "data_type": "Form", "description": "(qualifier) statement applies only to listed forms of statement's subject", "label-zh": "主题表格"}
{"id": "P5831", "label": "usage example", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "example of how a lexeme might be used (Do not use this property on a Sense, but\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinstead a statement on the Lexeme itself)", "label-zh": "用例"}
{"id": "P5832", "label": "political coalition", "data_type": "Item", "description": "agreement for cooperation between different political parties", "label-zh": "政治联盟"}
{"id": "P5841", "label": "Status in the Red List of Threatened Species in the Czech Republic", "data_type": "Item", "description": "endangerment status of species in the national Red List of the Czech Republic", "label-zh": "捷克共和国濒危物种红色名录中的地位"}
{"id": "P585", "label": "point in time", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "time and date something took place, existed or a statement was true", "label-zh": "日期"}
{"id": "P5852", "label": "item inherits value from", "data_type": "Item", "description": "this value is inherited from the parent (super)class; parent class has exactly the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsame statement as this statement (To be used in a source field)", "label-zh": "项目继承值"}
{"id": "P5869", "label": "model item", "data_type": "Item", "description": "defines which item is a best practice example of modelling a subject, which is\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdescribed by the value of this property, usage instructions at Wikidata:Model items", "label-zh": "模型项"}
{"id": "P5872", "label": "perfume note", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the note of a perfume", "label-zh": "香水说明"}
{"id": "P5873", "label": "place of devotion", "data_type": "Item", "description": "place where a religious devotion was practiced and for which this devotional image (or text) was produced", "label-zh": "奉献之地"}
{"id": "P5878", "label": "Taxonomic Literature 2 number", "data_type": "String", "description": "catalogue number in Taxonomic Literature 2", "label-zh": "分类文献2号"}
{"id": "P588", "label": "coolant", "data_type": "Item", "description": "substance used by the subject to dissipate excess thermal energy", "label-zh": "冷却剂"}
{"id": "P5880", "label": "video designer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person responsible for the creation and integration of film and motion graphics on a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tstage", "label-zh": "视频设计师"}
{"id": "P5881", "label": "projection designer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person responsible for producing all moving and still images that are displayed\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tduring a live performance", "label-zh": "投影设计师"}
{"id": "P5886", "label": "mode of derivation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "(qualifier) the way that a term is derived in P5191", "label-zh": "词源的样式"}
{"id": "P589", "label": "point group", "data_type": "Item", "description": "crystal subdivision", "label-zh": "点组"}
{"id": "P5893", "label": "work hardening strain", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the strengthening of a material by the specified ratio of plastic deformation", "label-zh": "加工硬化应变"}
{"id": "P5894", "label": "tuition fee", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the tuition fee at an educational instition (default duration:1 year, use duration qualifier to specify)", "label-zh": "学费"}
{"id": "P5895", "label": "foreign transaction fee", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "foreign transaction fee applies to payments in foreign currencies", "label-zh": "国外交易费"}
{"id": "P5896", "label": "trading fee", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "fee charged when buying stock or commodities at exchanges or at a bank", "label-zh": "交易费"}
{"id": "P5897", "label": "account charge / subscription fee", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "a monthly/yearly fee for using a service or account; use qualifier duration to\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tspecify the billing cycle", "label-zh": "账户收费或订阅费用"}
{"id": "P5898", "label": "borrowing rate", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the p.a. borrowing/lending rate", "label-zh": "借款利率"}
{"id": "P5899", "label": "interest rate", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the yearly interest rate", "label-zh": "利率"}
{"id": "P59", "label": "constellation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the area of the celestial sphere of which the subject is a part (from a scientific\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tstandpoint, not an astrological one)", "label-zh": "星座"}
{"id": "P5900", "label": "JMA Magnitude", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "magnitude of an earthquake according to Japan Meteorological Agency", "label-zh": "日本气象厅震级"}
{"id": "P5901", "label": "official number of town quarter", "data_type": "String", "description": "official number for the administrative division or section, region or part of a town", "label-zh": "城镇区官方编号"}
{"id": "P591", "label": "EC enzyme number", "data_type": "String", "description": "classification scheme for enzymes", "label-zh": "EC编号"}
{"id": "P5910", "label": "ENI number", "data_type": "String", "description": "European Vessel Identification Number for ships capable of navigating on inland European waters", "label-zh": "ENI编号"}
{"id": "P5911", "label": "paradigm class", "data_type": "Item", "description": "paradigm this lexeme belongs to, pattern of forms of the lexeme", "label-zh": "范例类"}
{"id": "P5913", "label": "has inflection class", "data_type": "Item", "description": "inflectional pattern for groups of lexemes in the language", "label-zh": "具有拐点等级"}
{"id": "P5920", "label": "root", "data_type": "Lexeme", "description": "part of word that does not have a prefix or a suffix", "label-zh": "词根"}
{"id": "P5923", "label": "creates lexeme type", "data_type": "Item", "description": "morpheme creates this type of lexeme", "label-zh": "创建词位类型"}
{"id": "P5929", "label": "limiting oxygen index", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the minimum concentration of oxygen, expressed as a percentage, that will support combustion of a polymer", "label-zh": "极限氧指数"}
{"id": "P593", "label": "HomoloGene ID", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier in the HomoloGene database", "label-zh": "同源基因ID"}
{"id": "P5940", "label": "plot expanded in", "data_type": "Item", "description": "a narrative of this creative work is expanded in another work while ", "label-zh": "图展开"}
{"id": "P5947", "label": "Vicat softening point", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the temperature at which the specimen is penetrated to a depth of 1 mm by a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tflat-ended needle with a 1 mm2 circular or square cross-section", "label-zh": "维卡软化点"}
{"id": "P5949", "label": "Unicode range", "data_type": "String", "description": "set of Unicode code points covered by this element", "label-zh": "Unicode范围"}
{"id": "P5961", "label": "depicted part", "data_type": "Item", "description": "use as qualifier for \"depicts\" (P180)", "label-zh": "描绘部分"}
{"id": "P5967", "label": "reference vocabulary", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the controlled vocabulary used to supply the form in which the value of a statement\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twas given in the source being referenced", "label-zh": "参考词汇"}
{"id": "P5970", "label": "Medierådet rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "rating of a film in the Danish movie content rating system", "label-zh": "Medierådet评级"}
{"id": "P5972", "label": "translation", "data_type": "Sense", "description": "sense (meaning) of a lexeme in another language that corresponds exactly to this sense (meaning) of the lexeme", "label-zh": "翻译"}
{"id": "P5973", "label": "synonym", "data_type": "Sense", "description": "sense of another lexeme with the same meaning as this sense, in the same language", "label-zh": "同义词"}
{"id": "P5974", "label": "antonym", "data_type": "Sense", "description": "sense of a lexeme with the opposite meaning to this sense, in the same language", "label-zh": "反义词"}
{"id": "P5975", "label": "troponym of", "data_type": "Sense", "description": "this verb describes more narrowly the action of the more general verb used as value", "label-zh": "本名"}
{"id": "P5976", "label": "false friend", "data_type": "Sense", "description": "word in another language whose spelling is almost identical but whose meaning is\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdifferent", "label-zh": "假朋友"}
{"id": "P5977", "label": "Wikidata property example for senses", "data_type": "Sense", "description": "example where this Wikidata property is used; target sense is one that would use this property, with qualifier the property being described given the associated value", "label-zh": "意义类维基数据属性示例"}
{"id": "P5978", "label": "classifier", "data_type": "Lexeme", "description": "classifier word used with this sense", "label-zh": "分类器"}
{"id": "P5979", "label": "Sandbox-Sense", "data_type": "Sense", "description": "sandbox property for value of type \"sense\"", "label-zh": "沙盒感知"}
{"id": "P598", "label": "commander of (DEPRECATED)", "data_type": "Item", "description": "for persons who are notable as commanding officers, the units they commanded", "label-zh": "指挥官"}
{"id": "P5980", "label": "object sense", "data_type": "Sense", "description": "(qualifier) statement applies only to listed senses of statement's object", "label-zh": "物体感测"}
{"id": "P5982", "label": "annual number of weddings", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of marriages per year in a location", "label-zh": "年度婚礼数量"}
{"id": "P5991", "label": "carbon footprint", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "total emissions caused by an individual, event, organisation, or product, expressed\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tas carbon dioxide equivalent; has to be calculated via a scientificly proven\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmethodology", "label-zh": "碳足迹"}
{"id": "P5992", "label": "attenuation coefficient", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "Characterizes how easily a volume of a material can be penetrated by a beam of\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlight, sound, particles, or other energy or matter. Beam type is to be secified\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tusing P1013.", "label-zh": "衰减系数"}
{"id": "P5993", "label": "compressive modulus of elasticity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the ratio of mechanical stress to strain in an elastic material when that material is being compressed", "label-zh": "压缩弹性模量"}
{"id": "P5994", "label": "recycling code", "data_type": "String", "description": "used to identify the material from which an item is made, to facilitate easier\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\trecycling or other reprocessing", "label-zh": "回收代码"}
{"id": "P5995", "label": "kit supplier", "data_type": "Item", "description": "official supplier of sports goods to a given club or a national sports team", "label-zh": "套件供应商"}
{"id": "P5996", "label": "category for films in this language", "data_type": "Item", "description": "link to category entity contains films in this language", "label-zh": "用于此语言电影的分类"}
{"id": "P5997", "label": "object stated in reference as", "data_type": "String", "description": "for use in a reference section, to indicate how the object of the statement was\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tstated in reference, if this is different to how the object of statement would have\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbeen referred to in the statement's original context", "label-zh": "在参考资料中陈述为"}
{"id": "P5998", "label": "distributary", "data_type": "Item", "description": "stream that branches off and flows away from the river", "label-zh": "分流"}
{"id": "P6", "label": "head of government", "data_type": "Item", "description": "head of the executive power of this town, city, municipality, state, country, or other governmental body", "label-zh": "政府首脑"}
{"id": "P6000", "label": "water footprint", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "total volume of fresh water used to produce the goods and services consumed by the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tindividual or community or produced by the business", "label-zh": "水足迹"}
{"id": "P6001", "label": "applies to people", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier to a specific group of people, members of a group or organization", "label-zh": "适用于人"}
{"id": "P6014", "label": "flexural strain at break", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the strain of material specimen after break in a flexural test", "label-zh": "断裂弯曲应变"}
{"id": "P6022", "label": "expression, gesture or body pose", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier on \"depicts\" (P180) for human position of an individual in an artwork", "label-zh": "表情、姿势或体态"}
{"id": "P606", "label": "first flight", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date or point in time on which aircraft, rocket, or airline first flew", "label-zh": "首航日期"}
{"id": "P6069", "label": "INEP IGC continuous score", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "None", "label-zh": "INEP IGC连续得分"}
{"id": "P607", "label": "conflict", "data_type": "Item", "description": "battles, wars or other military engagements in which the person or item participated", "label-zh": "军事冲突"}
{"id": "P6072", "label": "subject sense", "data_type": "Sense", "description": "(qualifier) statement applies only to listed senses of statement's subject", "label-zh": "主体感"}
{"id": "P6073", "label": "permeability", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the penetration of a permeate (such as a liquid, gas, or vapor) through a solid", "label-zh": "渗透率"}
{"id": "P6075", "label": "embodied energy", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "sum of all the energy required to produce any goods or services, considered as if\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthat energy was incorporated or 'embodied' in the product itself", "label-zh": "体现能量"}
{"id": "P6076", "label": "biobased content weight percentage", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "weight percentage of content coming from the biomass", "label-zh": "生物基含量重量百分比"}
{"id": "P608", "label": "exhibition history", "data_type": "Item", "description": "exhibitions where the item is or was displayed", "label-zh": "展览历史"}
{"id": "P6084", "label": "location of sense usage", "data_type": "Item", "description": "for senses which are considered regional, the main locations where the sense is used", "label-zh": "感测使用位置"}
{"id": "P6086", "label": "dramaturge", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person responsible for dramaturgical aspects in a performing arts production", "label-zh": "起草"}
{"id": "P6087", "label": "coach of sports team", "data_type": "Item", "description": "sports club or team for which this person is or was on-field manager or coach", "label-zh": "运动队教练"}
{"id": "P6088", "label": "beer bitterness", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "bitterness of beer in International Bittering Units scale", "label-zh": "啤酒苦味"}
{"id": "P6089", "label": "beer color", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "color of beer in Standard Reference Method", "label-zh": "啤酒色"}
{"id": "P609", "label": "terminus location", "data_type": "Item", "description": "location of the terminus of a linear feature", "label-zh": "起止地点"}
{"id": "P6095", "label": "INEP IGC discrete grade", "data_type": "Item", "description": "None", "label-zh": "INEP IGC离散品位"}
{"id": "P6099", "label": "clinical trial phase", "data_type": "Item", "description": "step designation for a clinical trial", "label-zh": "临床试验阶段"}
{"id": "P61", "label": "discoverer or inventor", "data_type": "Item", "description": "subject who discovered, first described, invented, or developed this discovery or invention", "label-zh": "发现者或发明者"}
{"id": "P610", "label": "highest point", "data_type": "Item", "description": "point with highest elevation in a region, or on the path of a race or route", "label-zh": "最高点"}
{"id": "P6104", "label": "maintained by WikiProject", "data_type": "Item", "description": "WikiProject that maintains this property, item, or linked pages. If the WikiProject is hosted outside of Wikidata, define the scope using the qualifier \"of (P642)\"", "label-zh": "受此维基专题维护"}
{"id": "P6106", "label": "uses capitalization for", "data_type": "Item", "description": "lexical classes and subclasses of words as well as other uses in the language where\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthe first letter is written as a capital letter", "label-zh": "使用大写字母"}
{"id": "P611", "label": "religious order", "data_type": "Item", "description": "order of monks or nuns to which an individual or religious house belongs", "label-zh": "宗教团"}
{"id": "P6112", "label": "category for members of a team", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Wikimedia category for players playing for a sports team", "label-zh": "用于组织成员的分类"}
{"id": "P6116", "label": "chord progression", "data_type": "Item", "description": "series of chords used in this musical work", "label-zh": "和弦进行"}
{"id": "P6118", "label": "season ends", "data_type": "Item", "description": "to indicate what month of the year a sports season ends", "label-zh": "赛季结束"}
{"id": "P612", "label": "mother house", "data_type": "Item", "description": "principal house or community for a religious institute", "label-zh": "母屋"}
{"id": "P6125", "label": "number of volunteers", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of people who volunteer for an organization at a particular time", "label-zh": "志愿者人数"}
{"id": "P613", "label": "OS grid reference", "data_type": "String", "description": "grid location reference from the Ordnance Survey National Grid reference system used\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tin Great Britain", "label-zh": "英国国家格网参考系统"}
{"id": "P6149", "label": "running mate", "data_type": "Item", "description": "second person on a presidential or other electoral ticket", "label-zh": "竞选搭档"}
{"id": "P6153", "label": "research site", "data_type": "Item", "description": "place where this item was researched", "label-zh": "研究地点"}
{"id": "P6166", "label": "quotes work", "data_type": "Item", "description": "other creative work which this work quotes from textually, verbally or lyrically", "label-zh": "引用原文出处"}
{"id": "P617", "label": "yard number", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier of a ship assigned by its builder (shipyard)", "label-zh": "堆场编号"}
{"id": "P618", "label": "source of energy", "data_type": "Item", "description": "describes the source of energy an animated object (machine or animal) uses", "label-zh": "能量来源"}
{"id": "P6184", "label": "reference has role", "data_type": "Item", "description": "role, or specific nature, of the given reference", "label-zh": "参考资料角色"}
{"id": "P6185", "label": "tautomer of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "target item is a tautomer of this one", "label-zh": "互变异构体"}
{"id": "P6186", "label": "category for eponymous categories", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Wikimedia category that contains subcategories dedicated to specific instances of the said item", "label-zh": "用于齐名分类的分类"}
{"id": "P619", "label": "UTC date of spacecraft launch", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date of spacecraft launch in UTC", "label-zh": "航天器发射日期"}
{"id": "P6191", "label": "language style", "data_type": "Item", "description": "to denote of the way a sense of a word is used, e.g., slang, vulgarism, babytalk,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcolloquialism, etc.", "label-zh": "语言风格"}
{"id": "P6193", "label": "ratified by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "used to specify that a treaty has been ratified by a given state or subject of international law", "label-zh": "批准方"}
{"id": "P6195", "label": "funding scheme", "data_type": "Item", "description": "is supported under the funding scheme", "label-zh": "募款计划"}
{"id": "P620", "label": "UTC date of spacecraft landing", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date of spacecraft landing in UTC", "label-zh": "航天器着陆日期"}
{"id": "P6208", "label": "award rationale", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "qualifier to add short citation explaining the official reason for awarding a prize to a winner by the person or organization who gives the award. Do not use this property to annotate or add comments about a person's award. No quote marked needed.", "label-zh": "获奖理由"}
{"id": "P621", "label": "time of object orbit decay", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "point in time for when an object previously in planetary orbit enters dense enough atmosphere to rapidly aerobrake and deorbit; on Earth considered to be at the entry interface at about 400,000 feet AMSL.", "label-zh": "航天器轨道衰减日期"}
{"id": "P6212", "label": "heat treating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Industrial and metalworking processes used to alter the physical, and sometimes chemical, properties of a material.", "label-zh": "热处理"}
{"id": "P6216", "label": "copyright status", "data_type": "Item", "description": "copyright status for intellectual creations like works of art, publications, software, etc.", "label-zh": "版权状态"}
{"id": "P622", "label": "spacecraft docking/undocking date", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date and time of spacecraft docking or undocking event, in UTC", "label-zh": "航天器对接/分离日期"}
{"id": "P6224", "label": "level of description", "data_type": "Item", "description": "position of the unit of description in the hierarchy of the fonds", "label-zh": "描述级别"}
{"id": "P6237", "label": "real estate developer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person or organization responsible for building this item", "label-zh": "房地产开发商"}
{"id": "P624", "label": "guidance system", "data_type": "Item", "description": "guidance system of a missile", "label-zh": "指导系统"}
{"id": "P6241", "label": "collection creator", "data_type": "Item", "description": "entity (person, organization, etc.) that caused a record or collection to be\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tproduced or gathered", "label-zh": "集合创建者"}
{"id": "P6243", "label": "digital representation of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "faithful digitized representation of the indicated object or work. For use on Commons MediaInfo entities.", "label-zh": "数字描绘物"}
{"id": "P6249", "label": "narrative age", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "age of a fictional character (use qualifiers like P10663 (applies to work) to restrict the age to a certain work)", "label-zh": "叙述年龄"}
{"id": "P625", "label": "coordinate location", "data_type": "GlobeCoordinate", "description": "geocoordinates of the subject. For Earth, please note that only WGS84 coordinating\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsystem is supported at the moment", "label-zh": "地理坐标"}
{"id": "P6251", "label": "catchphrase", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "commonly used phrase by which someone or something may be recognized", "label-zh": "名言"}
{"id": "P6254", "label": "subject lexeme", "data_type": "Lexeme", "description": "lexeme described or discussed in this item", "label-zh": "主词位"}
{"id": "P6257", "label": "right ascension", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "astronomical equivalent of longitude", "label-zh": "赤经"}
{"id": "P6258", "label": "declination", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "astronomical equivalent of latitude", "label-zh": "赤纬"}
{"id": "P6259", "label": "epoch", "data_type": "Item", "description": "epoch of an astronomical object coordinate", "label-zh": "纪元"}
{"id": "P626", "label": "Sandbox-GeoCoordinateValue", "data_type": "GlobeCoordinate", "description": "Sandbox property for value of type \"GeoCoordinateValue\"", "label-zh": "沙盒-地理坐标值"}
{"id": "P6260", "label": "galactic longitude", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "galactic longitude of an astronomical object", "label-zh": "银河经度"}
{"id": "P6261", "label": "galactic latitude", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "galactic latitude of an astronomical object", "label-zh": "银河纬度"}
{"id": "P627", "label": "IUCN taxon ID", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier for a taxon in the International Union for Conservation of Nature\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdatabase; source for conservation status (P141)", "label-zh": "IUCN分类单元编号"}
{"id": "P6271", "label": "demonym of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item that this sense is a demonym of", "label-zh": "是此事物的区域居民称谓词"}
{"id": "P6272", "label": "specific rotation", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "angle through which plane-polarized light is rotated by an optically active substance or a solution of that substance", "label-zh": "比转数"}
{"id": "P6274", "label": "concentration", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "qualifier: amount of substance in a mixture (solution) during measurement", "label-zh": "浓度"}
{"id": "P6275", "label": "copyright representative", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person or organisation who represents the copyright for this person or work of art", "label-zh": "版权代表人"}
{"id": "P6280", "label": "Berlin protected area ID", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier of protected areas in Berlin, Germany", "label-zh": "柏林保护区ID"}
{"id": "P629", "label": "edition or translation of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "is an edition or translation of this entity", "label-zh": "译本原作或再版原作"}
{"id": "P6291", "label": "advertises", "data_type": "Item", "description": "cause, organization or product targeted by the advertising campaign, character, jingle or slogan", "label-zh": "广告"}
{"id": "P631", "label": "structural engineer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person, group or organisation responsible for the structural engineering of a building or structure", "label-zh": "结构工程师"}
{"id": "P6333", "label": "title of broader work", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "title of website, journal or other work in which an article (or other publication) is published in. Use \"published in\" (P1433) instead if possible.", "label-zh": "刊载处标题"}
{"id": "P6338", "label": "colorist", "data_type": "Item", "description": "artist in charge of adding colors to drawings, comics, movie film, etc.", "label-zh": "调色师"}
{"id": "P6339", "label": "reports periodicity", "data_type": "Item", "description": "physical quantity corresponding to the interval of time between two measurements or\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\treported data", "label-zh": "报告周期"}
{"id": "P634", "label": "team captain", "data_type": "Item", "description": "captain of this sports team", "label-zh": "队长"}
{"id": "P6343", "label": "urban population", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of people living within the territorial entity who live in its urban parts", "label-zh": "城市人口"}
{"id": "P6344", "label": "rural population", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of people living within the territorial entity who live in its rural parts", "label-zh": "农村人口"}
{"id": "P6346", "label": "statutory purpose", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "main statutory purpose of an organization as defined in its articles of association", "label-zh": "共同目的"}
{"id": "P6354", "label": "closest approach", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "qualifier for minimum distance from an astronomical object that this spacecraft flies", "label-zh": "最接近距离"}
{"id": "P636", "label": "route of administration", "data_type": "Item", "description": "path by which a drug, fluid, poison, or other substance is taken into the body", "label-zh": "给药途径"}
{"id": "P6364", "label": "official color", "data_type": "Item", "description": "official colors chosen to represent or identify an item", "label-zh": "官方颜色"}
{"id": "P6365", "label": "member category", "data_type": "Item", "description": "category item for members of the organization", "label-zh": "成员分类"}
{"id": "P6375", "label": "street address", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "full street address where subject is located. Include building number, city/locality, post code, but not country; use also P669 if the street has its own separate item", "label-zh": "所在街道地址"}
{"id": "P6379", "label": "has works in the collection", "data_type": "Item", "description": "collection that has works of this person or organisation (use archive location P485 for the archives)", "label-zh": "作品收藏处"}
{"id": "P641", "label": "sport", "data_type": "Item", "description": "sport that the subject participates or participated in or is associated with", "label-zh": "体育运动"}
{"id": "P642", "label": "of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "(This property will be deprecated; see usage instructions) qualifier stating that a statement applies within the scope of a particular item", "label-zh": "属于"}
{"id": "P6424", "label": "affiliation string", "data_type": "String", "description": "qualifier to provide the published string form of affiliation attached to an author", "label-zh": "附属字符串"}
{"id": "P6426", "label": "RightsStatements.org statement according to source website", "data_type": "Item", "description": "standardized RightsStatements.org rights statement that owning institution or similar authority has applied to this work", "label-zh": "根据源网站的RightsStatements.org声明"}
{"id": "P6427", "label": "trading name", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "alternative name under which an entity legally trades", "label-zh": "商品名称"}
{"id": "P6432", "label": "Alexander–Briggs notation", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "common notation of abstract knots and links", "label-zh": "亚历山大-布里格斯符号"}
{"id": "P6437", "label": "day of regular release", "data_type": "Item", "description": "day(s) when parts of this creative work are released, aired, published, etc", "label-zh": "定期发布日"}
{"id": "P6438", "label": "Euler characteristic", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "topological invariant of a space; the alternating sum of the dimensions of the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(co)homology of a space", "label-zh": "欧拉特性"}
{"id": "P6439", "label": "has lyrics", "data_type": "Item", "description": "work whose text is used as the lyrics of this work", "label-zh": "有歌词"}
{"id": "P644", "label": "genomic start", "data_type": "String", "description": "genomic starting coordinate of the biological sequence (e.g. a gene)", "label-zh": "基因组起始"}
{"id": "P6440", "label": "maintenance method", "data_type": "Item", "description": "method or steps that maintain, clean up, or repair this item and lengthens its\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlifespan", "label-zh": "维护方法"}
{"id": "P645", "label": "genomic end", "data_type": "String", "description": "genomic ending coordinate of the biological sequence (e.g. a gene)", "label-zh": "基因组终止"}
{"id": "P6452", "label": "CBFC rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "rating in the Indian film rating system", "label-zh": "CBFC评级"}
{"id": "P647", "label": "drafted by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "which team the player was drafted by", "label-zh": "起草人"}
{"id": "P6477", "label": "does not have quality", "data_type": "Item", "description": "expected quality that the item does not possess", "label-zh": "不拥有特点"}
{"id": "P6497", "label": "drag coefficient", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "dimensionless quantity that is used to quantify the drag or resistance of an object\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tin a fluid environment, such as air or water", "label-zh": "阻力系数"}
{"id": "P6498", "label": "illiterate population", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of illiterate people within a territorial entity (typically determined during a census)", "label-zh": "文盲人口"}
{"id": "P6499", "label": "literate population", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of literate people within a territorial entity (typically determined during a census)", "label-zh": "识字人口"}
{"id": "P65", "label": "site of astronomical discovery", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the place where an astronomical object was discovered (observatory, satellite)", "label-zh": "天文发现地"}
{"id": "P6507", "label": "taxon author citation", "data_type": "String", "description": "valid author citation for a taxon using the appropriate nomenclature (ICBN, ICZN,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tect.)", "label-zh": "分类单元作者引用"}
{"id": "P6509", "label": "total goals in career", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "goalscoring statistic", "label-zh": "职业生涯总目标"}
{"id": "P6510", "label": "stall speed", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "minimum airspeed from which an aircraft can take off and maintain flight", "label-zh": "失速速度"}
{"id": "P6524", "label": "expression of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "realization of a work through words, sound, image etc. in the FRBR model", "label-zh": "表达"}
{"id": "P6529", "label": "provisional house number", "data_type": "String", "description": "house number used for recreational and provisional buildings in Czechia, formerly also in Slovakia (eg. cottages)", "label-zh": "临时门牌号"}
{"id": "P6530", "label": "has role in modeling", "data_type": "Item", "description": "relation between a research artefact and an entity that is used to study, in virtue\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tof its replicating or approximating features of the studied entity", "label-zh": "在建模中发挥作用"}
{"id": "P6531", "label": "observed in", "data_type": "Item", "description": "to be used as reference to location, condition, variant where upon the subject\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tproperty object statement is based", "label-zh": "在中观察到"}
{"id": "P6532", "label": "has phenotype", "data_type": "Item", "description": "a relationship that holds between a biological entity and a phenotype, equivalent to\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"has property\" in the relation ontology", "label-zh": "具有表型"}
{"id": "P6533", "label": "type of front suspension", "data_type": "Item", "description": "system of tires, tire air, springs, shock absorbers and linkages that connects a vehicle to its front wheels and allows relative motion between the two", "label-zh": "前悬架类型"}
{"id": "P6534", "label": "type of rear suspension", "data_type": "Item", "description": "system of tires, tire air, springs, shock absorbers and linkages that connects a vehicle to its rear wheels and allows relative motion between the two", "label-zh": "后悬架类型"}
{"id": "P654", "label": "direction relative to location", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier for geographical locations to express the direction relative to the object (for direction to the subject, see P560)", "label-zh": "方位"}
{"id": "P6540", "label": "multi-channel network", "data_type": "Item", "description": "multi-channel network of which this YouTube channel is a member", "label-zh": "多通道网络"}
{"id": "P6543", "label": "total shots in career", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "sports statistic", "label-zh": "职业生涯中的总投篮次数"}
{"id": "P6544", "label": "total points in career", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "sports statistic", "label-zh": "职业生涯总分"}
{"id": "P6545", "label": "total assists in career", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "goalscoring statistic", "label-zh": "职业生涯总助攻数"}
{"id": "P6546", "label": "penalty minutes in career", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "sports statistic", "label-zh": "职业生涯罚分"}
{"id": "P6547", "label": "career plus-minus rating", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "sports statistic", "label-zh": "职业正负评级"}
{"id": "P655", "label": "translator", "data_type": "Item", "description": "agent who adapts any kind of written text from one language to another", "label-zh": "译者"}
{"id": "P6553", "label": "personal pronoun", "data_type": "Lexeme", "description": "personal pronoun(s) this person goes by", "label-zh": "首选代词"}
{"id": "P656", "label": "RefSeq", "data_type": "String", "description": "qualifier to specify Reference Sequence identifier for the Protein and RNA (either p637 or p639)", "label-zh": "参考顺序"}
{"id": "P6563", "label": "key performance indicator", "data_type": "Item", "description": "measure used to track progress towards a target", "label-zh": "关键绩效指标"}
{"id": "P6568", "label": "inscription mentions", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item about a person or an object mentioned in the inscription's text. Use on Wikimedia Commons on media files", "label-zh": "铭文所提项目"}
{"id": "P6569", "label": "taxon especially protected in area", "data_type": "Item", "description": "species and other taxa especially protected in a area, whether still actually\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpresent or not. Do not use for countries/subnational entities: use red lists\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tproperties instead.", "label-zh": "该地区特别受保护的分类单元"}
{"id": "P6570", "label": "number of words", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of words in text. Text is available at Wikisource.", "label-zh": "字数"}
{"id": "P6571", "label": "collective noun for animals", "data_type": "Lexeme", "description": "applicable term to describe a group of such animals (e.g. \"swarm\" for \"bee\" as in \"a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tswarm of bees\")", "label-zh": "动物的集体名词"}
{"id": "P658", "label": "tracklist", "data_type": "Item", "description": "audio tracks contained in this release", "label-zh": "曲目"}
{"id": "P6586", "label": "Cook Partisan Voting Index", "data_type": "String", "description": "a measurement of how strongly a United States congressional district or state leans toward the Democratic or Republican Party, compared to the nation as a whole", "label-zh": "库克党投票指数"}
{"id": "P6587", "label": "league system", "data_type": "Item", "description": "league system the league belongs to", "label-zh": "联赛系统"}
{"id": "P6589", "label": "endowment", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "sum of donations for the ongoing support of a not-for-profit institution", "label-zh": "捐赠"}
{"id": "P659", "label": "genomic assembly", "data_type": "Item", "description": "specify the genome assembly on which the feature is placed", "label-zh": "基因组组装"}
{"id": "P6590", "label": "highest break", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "highest break made by a snooker player in their career or in a tournament", "label-zh": "最高断裂"}
{"id": "P6591", "label": "maximum temperature record", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "maximum temperature reached at this location", "label-zh": "最高温度记录"}
{"id": "P6592", "label": "OpenStreetMap zoom level", "data_type": "String", "description": "raster zoom level (or vector zoom +1) that would be requested for a 512×512-pixel\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOSM map that could contain the boundaries of this item", "label-zh": "OSM缩放级别"}
{"id": "P6593", "label": "hyperonym", "data_type": "Sense", "description": "word whose meaning includes this one", "label-zh": "远名"}
{"id": "P66", "label": "ancestral home", "data_type": "Item", "description": "place of origin for ancestors of subject", "label-zh": "籍贯"}
{"id": "P660", "label": "EC enzyme classification", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the Enzyme Commission (EC)-based accepted name of any enzyme classifications of the protein or RNA molecule", "label-zh": "EC酶分类"}
{"id": "P6604", "label": "Sandbox-Musical Notation", "data_type": "MusicalNotation", "description": "Sandbox property for value of type \"Musical Notation\"", "label-zh": "沙盒音乐符号"}
{"id": "P6606", "label": "study or design for", "data_type": "Item", "description": "finished work of art for which the subject is a preliminary study, design, or conceptual drawing", "label-zh": "研究或设计"}
{"id": "P6607", "label": "constraint clarification", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "qualifier to provide details on the function or purpose of a property constraint on a given property", "label-zh": "约束澄清"}
{"id": "P6608", "label": "General Material Designation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Canadian archival term indicating the broad class of material to which the item\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbelongs", "label-zh": "一般材料名称"}
{"id": "P6609", "label": "value hierarchy property", "data_type": "Property", "description": "property which specifies less precise items than the indicated value for which statements using the subject property would still be true", "label-zh": "值层次结构属性"}
{"id": "P6639", "label": "capacity factor", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "percentage of maximum power output provided on average by a given power station or power generation unit", "label-zh": "容量系数"}
{"id": "P664", "label": "organizer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person or institution organizing an event", "label-zh": "主办方"}
{"id": "P6648", "label": "position in Forsyth-Edwards Notation", "data_type": "String", "description": "board position in a chess game described in Forsyth–Edwards Notation (FEN)", "label-zh": "福斯夫-爱德华兹记号法位置"}
{"id": "P6657", "label": "CHVRS Classification", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Canadian movie classification", "label-zh": "CHVRS分类"}
{"id": "P6658", "label": "RCQ classification", "data_type": "Item", "description": "movie classification for the Régie du Cinéma Québécois", "label-zh": "RCQ分类"}
{"id": "P667", "label": "ICPC 2 ID", "data_type": "String", "description": "classification method for primary care encounters", "label-zh": "ICPC 2 ID"}
{"id": "P6670", "label": "musical quotation or excerpt", "data_type": "MusicalNotation", "description": "quotation or excerpt from this musical work, in LilyPond syntax", "label-zh": "音乐引用或摘录"}
{"id": "P6684", "label": "first attested from", "data_type": "Item", "description": "to indicate the first", "label-zh": "首次认证自"}
{"id": "P6686", "label": "musical motif", "data_type": "MusicalNotation", "description": "short recurring melodic or rhythmic musical phrase in this musical work, in LilyPond\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsyntax", "label-zh": "音乐主题"}
{"id": "P669", "label": "located on street", "data_type": "Item", "description": "street, road, or square, where the item is located. To add the number, use Property:P670 \"house number\" as qualifier. Use property P6375 \"street address\", if there is no item for the street", "label-zh": "所在街道"}
{"id": "P6695", "label": "number of sentences", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of sentences in text, text is available at Wikisource", "label-zh": "句数"}
{"id": "P6697", "label": "Football Money League rank", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "rank in the Deloitte Football Money League", "label-zh": "足球金钱联赛排名"}
{"id": "P670", "label": "house number", "data_type": "String", "description": "number in the street address. To be used as a qualifier of Property:P669 \"located on street\"", "label-zh": "门牌号码"}
{"id": "P6707", "label": "approach angle", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "angle of a ramp on which a vehicle can climb, use degree (Q28390) as unit", "label-zh": "接近角"}
{"id": "P6708", "label": "departure angle", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "angle of a ramp from which a vehicle can descend, use degree (Q28390) as unit", "label-zh": "离去角"}
{"id": "P6709", "label": "Løøv classification", "data_type": "String", "description": "classification system for literature on Sami matters", "label-zh": "Løv分类"}
{"id": "P6710", "label": "linear reference", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "nominal distance commonly used to describe location along a route. Defined by operator/authority, it might not reflect physical distance", "label-zh": "线性参考"}
{"id": "P6711", "label": "data transfer speed", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "transfer speed through a bus or a communication medium", "label-zh": "数据传输速度"}
{"id": "P6712", "label": "precedes word-initial", "data_type": "Lexeme", "description": "letter that a following word starts with which determines the form of the subject\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlexeme", "label-zh": "在词首字母之前"}
{"id": "P6718", "label": "music video", "data_type": "Item", "description": "short film integrating this composition with imagery", "label-zh": "音乐视频"}
{"id": "P6719", "label": "specified by sense", "data_type": "Sense", "description": "(qualifier) descriptive sense that when attached to the hypernym, evaluates to the definition of the more specific subject sense", "label-zh": "由感官指定"}
{"id": "P6731", "label": "Commons quality assessment", "data_type": "Item", "description": "assessment on Wikimedia Commons of the file: featured picture, valued image, quality images, picture of the day, picture of the year etc. Use on media entities only", "label-zh": "共享资源质量评价"}
{"id": "P6733", "label": "National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities code", "data_type": "String", "description": "classification code for American nonprofit organizations", "label-zh": "豁免实体国家分类法代码"}
{"id": "P674", "label": "characters", "data_type": "Item", "description": "characters which appear in this item (like plays, operas, operettas, books, comics, films, TV series, video games)", "label-zh": "角色"}
{"id": "P6753", "label": "number of polling stations", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of polling stations, and correspondively of electoral precincts, in certain electoral district or during certain elections", "label-zh": "投票站数量"}
{"id": "P6757", "label": "exposure time", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the length of time a image sensor or photographic film is exposed to light.", "label-zh": "曝光时间"}
{"id": "P6758", "label": "supported sports team", "data_type": "Item", "description": "sports team for which a person or a group is a supporter", "label-zh": "支持的运动队"}
{"id": "P676", "label": "lyrics by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "author of song lyrics", "label-zh": "作词者"}
{"id": "P678", "label": "incertae sedis", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier for P171 (parent taxon) to mark which intermediate ranks are incertae sedis", "label-zh": "地位未定"}
{"id": "P6789", "label": "ISO speed", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "light sensitivity of film or digital sensor (e.g. ISO/ASA 100)", "label-zh": "ISO速度"}
{"id": "P6790", "label": "f-number", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "ratio of the system's focal length to the diameter of the entrance pupil. Sample: 4 (generally written \"ƒ/4\") for a lens with 200 mm focal length using an entrance pupil diameter of 50 mm.", "label-zh": "焦距比数"}
{"id": "P6793", "label": "WMI code", "data_type": "String", "description": "None", "label-zh": "WMI代码"}
{"id": "P6794", "label": "minimum wage", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "lowest wage which can be paid legally in a state for working", "label-zh": "最低工资"}
{"id": "P6798", "label": "UPA transcription", "data_type": "String", "description": "transcription in the Uralic Phonetic Alphabet", "label-zh": "UPA转录"}
{"id": "P680", "label": "molecular function", "data_type": "Item", "description": "represents gene ontology function annotations", "label-zh": "分子功能"}
{"id": "P6801", "label": "number of hospital beds", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of inpatient beds", "label-zh": "病床数量"}
{"id": "P6803", "label": "taxon found at location", "data_type": "Item", "description": "plant or animals taxon described as present in location, not countries or\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfirst-level subnational entities. Requires reference. Ref should cover a limited\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnumber of taxa for specific location.", "label-zh": "在位置发现分类单元"}
{"id": "P681", "label": "cell component", "data_type": "Item", "description": "component of the cell in which this item is present", "label-zh": "细胞成分"}
{"id": "P6819", "label": "calligrapher", "data_type": "Item", "description": "calligrapher of a work", "label-zh": "书法家"}
{"id": "P682", "label": "biological process", "data_type": "Item", "description": "is involved in the biological process", "label-zh": "生物过程"}
{"id": "P6824", "label": "replacement property", "data_type": "Property", "description": "another property should be used, with or without the same value, while violating a constraint", "label-zh": "替代属性"}
{"id": "P6826", "label": "feed-in tariff", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "monetary value in a given currency, where a renewable power station gets paid for\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthe amount of power they generate", "label-zh": "上网电价"}
{"id": "P6833", "label": "title in HTML", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "(qualifier) for title property (P1476), to write title with HTML markup, if the string can't render it normally. Allowed tags are: sup, sub, i", "label-zh": "HTML标题"}
{"id": "P6835", "label": "title in LaTeX", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "(qualifier) for title property (P1476), to write title in LaTeX/math notation, if the string can't render it normally. Enclose normal text with \"\\text{\" and \"}\"", "label-zh": "LaTeX标题"}
{"id": "P684", "label": "ortholog", "data_type": "Item", "description": "orthologous gene in another species (use with 'species' qualifier)", "label-zh": "正射测井"}
{"id": "P6840", "label": "student organization of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the members of this organization (club or society) are students of the target college or university", "label-zh": "学生组织"}
{"id": "P6855", "label": "emergency services", "data_type": "Item", "description": "emergencies treated by hospital or health care organization", "label-zh": "应急服务"}
{"id": "P6856", "label": "average speed", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "average speed of a transport line, service or network, or of a vehicle when used on such a line, service or network", "label-zh": "平均速度"}
{"id": "P6872", "label": "has written for", "data_type": "Item", "description": "publication an author has contributed to", "label-zh": "投稿于"}
{"id": "P6875", "label": "motif represents", "data_type": "Item", "description": "object or concept from which this motif is derived, or which it represents", "label-zh": "图案代表"}
{"id": "P6876", "label": "solar irradiance", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "power per unit area received from the Sun in the form of electromagnetic radiation", "label-zh": "太阳辐照度"}
{"id": "P6879", "label": "effective temperature", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the temperature of a black body that would emit the same total amount of\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\telectromagnetic radiation as measured star or planet", "label-zh": "有效温度"}
{"id": "P688", "label": "encodes", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the product of a gene (protein or RNA)", "label-zh": "生物编码"}
{"id": "P6883", "label": "LilyPond notation", "data_type": "MusicalNotation", "description": "musical notation in LilyPond syntax", "label-zh": "LilyPond符号"}
{"id": "P6884", "label": "target muscle", "data_type": "Item", "description": "muscle that is targeted in a physical exercise", "label-zh": "目标肌肉"}
{"id": "P6885", "label": "historical region", "data_type": "Item", "description": "geographic area which at some point in time had a cultural, ethnic, linguistic or\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpolitical basis, regardless of present-day borders", "label-zh": "历史区域"}
{"id": "P6886", "label": "writing language", "data_type": "Item", "description": "language in which the writer has written their work", "label-zh": "书写语言"}
{"id": "P6887", "label": "match interval", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the part of a sporting match when an event takes place", "label-zh": "匹配间隔"}
{"id": "P6889", "label": "microarchitecture", "data_type": "Item", "description": "processor microarchitecture", "label-zh": "微体系结构"}
{"id": "P689", "label": "afflicts", "data_type": "Item", "description": "type of organism, organ or anatomical structure which a condition or disease\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tafflicts", "label-zh": "损害"}
{"id": "P6897", "label": "literacy rate", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "percentage of the population that is not illiterate", "label-zh": "识字率"}
{"id": "P69", "label": "educated at", "data_type": "Item", "description": "educational institution attended by subject", "label-zh": "就读学校"}
{"id": "P690", "label": "space group", "data_type": "Item", "description": "symmetry classification for 2 and 3 dimensional patterns or crystals", "label-zh": "空间组"}
{"id": "P6902", "label": "era name", "data_type": "Item", "description": "era name for rulers in East Asia", "label-zh": "年号"}
{"id": "P693", "label": "cleavage", "data_type": "Item", "description": "way that crystalline materials cleave", "label-zh": "解理"}
{"id": "P6938", "label": "seconded by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "a person who seconds a motion as parliamentary procedure", "label-zh": "借调人员"}
{"id": "P6939", "label": "moved by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "a person who moves a motion as parliamentary procedure", "label-zh": "由移动"}
{"id": "P694", "label": "replaced synonym (for nom. nov.)", "data_type": "Item", "description": "previously published name on which a replacement name (avowed substitute, nomen\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnovum) is based.", "label-zh": "被替代异名"}
{"id": "P6942", "label": "animator", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person creating animated sequences out of still images", "label-zh": "动画师"}
{"id": "P6948", "label": "video system", "data_type": "Item", "description": "video system hardware that the item uses", "label-zh": "视频系统"}
{"id": "P6949", "label": "announcement date", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "time of the first public presentation of a subject by the creator, of information by the media", "label-zh": "公告日期"}
{"id": "P6954", "label": "online access status", "data_type": "Item", "description": "property or qualifier for an ID property indicating whether linked content is\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdirectly readable online", "label-zh": "在线获取状态"}
{"id": "P6962", "label": "narrative motif", "data_type": "Item", "description": "thematic unit in a narrative or literary work used to develop a theme, mood or plot", "label-zh": "叙事主题"}
{"id": "P697", "label": "ex taxon author", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person(s) whom the author(s) of a name credited for the idea, followed in an author citation by \"ex\" (via P405)", "label-zh": "前物种记载者"}
{"id": "P6977", "label": "review of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "this property connects a review to the work it reviews", "label-zh": "审查"}
{"id": "P6978", "label": "Scandinavian middle family name", "data_type": "Item", "description": "middle name of some people from Denmark or Norway where a family name, usually the mother's, is taken on as a \"middle name\". For given names based on family names, use \"given name\" (P735). For Spanish names, use P734/P1950.", "label-zh": "斯堪的纳维亚中部姓氏"}
{"id": "P7008", "label": "unabbreviated text", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "(qualifier) text in inscription with the abbreviations expanded in a fairly reliable way", "label-zh": "未缩写文本"}
{"id": "P7010", "label": "imprimatur granted by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person or organization authorizing publication of the book", "label-zh": "批准人"}
{"id": "P7015", "label": "surface gravity", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "gravitational acceleration experienced at the equator of an astronomical body surface", "label-zh": "表面重力"}
{"id": "P7018", "label": "lexeme sense", "data_type": "Sense", "description": "(qualifier) lexeme version of monolingual text (linked to specific sense)", "label-zh": "词位"}
{"id": "P702", "label": "encoded by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the gene that encodes some gene product", "label-zh": "编码基因"}
{"id": "P703", "label": "found in taxon", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the taxon in which the item can be found", "label-zh": "在分类单元中发现"}
{"id": "P7045", "label": "chassis", "data_type": "Item", "description": "chassis type for cars, buses, trucks, etc.", "label-zh": "底盘"}
{"id": "P7047", "label": "enemy", "data_type": "Item", "description": "opponent character or group of this fictive character or group", "label-zh": "敌人"}
{"id": "P706", "label": "located in/on physical feature", "data_type": "Item", "description": "located on the specified (geo)physical feature. Should not be used when the value is only political/administrative (P131) or a mountain range (P4552).", "label-zh": "所处地理环境"}
{"id": "P7069", "label": "IAAF competition category", "data_type": "String", "description": "competition quality ranking assigned by the International Association of Athletics\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFederations used for comparison and future Olympic qualification", "label-zh": "IAAF竞赛类别"}
{"id": "P707", "label": "satellite bus", "data_type": "Item", "description": "general model on which multiple-production satellite spacecraft is based", "label-zh": "卫星平台"}
{"id": "P7075", "label": "mod of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "video game this mod is based on", "label-zh": "型号"}
{"id": "P7078", "label": "typing discipline", "data_type": "Item", "description": "specifies the typing discipline implemented, used, or mandated in a programming language", "label-zh": "打字纪律"}
{"id": "P7079", "label": "shrinkage", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "reduction in the size of something, or the process of becoming smaller, typically when a material return to room temperature after heating", "label-zh": "收缩"}
{"id": "P708", "label": "diocese", "data_type": "Item", "description": "administrative division of the church to which the element belongs; use P5607 for other types of ecclesiastical territorial entities", "label-zh": "教区"}
{"id": "P7080", "label": "specific absorption rate", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "measure of the maximum energy absorbed by a unit of mass of exposed tissue of a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tperson using a mobile phone, over a given time or more simply the power absorbed per\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tunit mass", "label-zh": "比吸收率"}
{"id": "P7081", "label": "quotation or excerpt", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "quotation or excerpt from this work. No quotation marks needed", "label-zh": "引用或摘录"}
{"id": "P7083", "label": "surface roughness", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "component of surface texture quantified by the deviations in the direction of the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnormal vector of a real surface from its ideal form", "label-zh": "表面粗糙度"}
{"id": "P7084", "label": "related category", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Wikimedia category is related to this item", "label-zh": "相关分类"}
{"id": "P7086", "label": "start grade", "data_type": "Item", "description": "lowest educational year (aka grade) taught by this institution", "label-zh": "起始坡度"}
{"id": "P7087", "label": "inverse label item", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item with label/aliases of the inverse relationship of a property", "label-zh": "逆标签项目"}
{"id": "P7095", "label": "end grade", "data_type": "Item", "description": "highest educational year (aka grade) taught by this institution", "label-zh": "端坡"}
{"id": "P710", "label": "participant", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person, group of people or organization (object) that actively takes/took part in an event or process (subject).  Preferably qualify with \"object has role\" (P3831). Use P1923 for participants that are teams.", "label-zh": "参与者"}
{"id": "P7103", "label": "start of covered period", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "start of period covered by an archive set, a historical book, or a collection", "label-zh": "覆盖期开始"}
{"id": "P7104", "label": "end of covered period", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "end of period covered by an archive set, a historical book, or a collection", "label-zh": "覆盖期结束"}
{"id": "P7108", "label": "location of the point of view", "data_type": "Item", "description": "geographic location of point of view, may or may not be depicted", "label-zh": "视角位置"}
{"id": "P711", "label": "Strunz 8th edition (series ID, updated)", "data_type": "String", "description": "mineral classification 8th edition, series identifier, silicate classification modified by Athena", "label-zh": "施特龙茨分类第8版(序列编号,已更新)"}
{"id": "P712", "label": "Nickel-Strunz 9th edition (updated 2009)", "data_type": "String", "description": "mineral classification Nickel-Strunz version 9 (updated 2009, deprecated), a PDF\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tformat file. Superseeded by Nickel-Strunz '10th ed'", "label-zh": "施特龙茨分类第9版(2009年更新)"}
{"id": "P7122", "label": "opinion joined by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "who joins a judicial opinion", "label-zh": "意见加入者"}
{"id": "P7124", "label": "date of the first one", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "qualifier: when the first element of a quantity appeared/took place", "label-zh": "第一个日期"}
{"id": "P7125", "label": "date of the latest one", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "qualifier: when the latest element of a quantity appeared/took place", "label-zh": "最近一次的日期"}
{"id": "P7126", "label": "Mac OS type code", "data_type": "String", "description": "code used formerly by Mac OS to identify file types and programs", "label-zh": "Mac OS类型代码"}
{"id": "P713", "label": "Nickel-Strunz '10th ed', review of (9th ed/ 2009 update)", "data_type": "String", "description": "mineral classification Nickel-Strunz version 10 (MinDat)", "label-zh": "尼克尔-施特龙茨分类第10版终稿(第9版再审稿,2009年更新)"}
{"id": "P7137", "label": "acknowledged", "data_type": "Item", "description": "persons or institutions acknowledged on a creative work", "label-zh": "已确认"}
{"id": "P7141", "label": "musical bars shown", "data_type": "String", "description": "qualifier of the initial and final musical bars shown in a quotation or excerpt", "label-zh": "小节"}
{"id": "P7150", "label": "epigraph", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "short quotation introducing a literary work", "label-zh": "铭文"}
{"id": "P7152", "label": "copyright exemption", "data_type": "Item", "description": "copyright exemption this file is covered by", "label-zh": "版权豁免"}
{"id": "P7153", "label": "significant place", "data_type": "Item", "description": "significant or notable places associated with the subject", "label-zh": "重要地点"}
{"id": "P7160", "label": "manner of inhumane treatment", "data_type": "Item", "description": "manner of torture and other cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishments as\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcovered by the UN Convention experienced by the subject", "label-zh": "不人道待遇的方式"}
{"id": "P7162", "label": "cases consolidated", "data_type": "Item", "description": "what other cases this case consolidated", "label-zh": "合并病例"}
{"id": "P7163", "label": "typically sells", "data_type": "Item", "description": "type of goods particular type of shops typically sell", "label-zh": "通常销售"}
{"id": "P7165", "label": "noun class", "data_type": "Item", "description": "noun class of the lexeme, use \"grammatical gender\" (P5185) where applicable", "label-zh": "名词类"}
{"id": "P7167", "label": "does not have effect", "data_type": "Item", "description": "expected effect or usual effect of members of this class absent here", "label-zh": "无效"}
{"id": "P7169", "label": "substitute director/manager", "data_type": "Item", "description": "substitute of the director/manager of an organization", "label-zh": "替代董事/经理"}
{"id": "P7174", "label": "school class", "data_type": "Item", "description": "(qualifier) class of a given year/time period to which the person belonged in an educational institution", "label-zh": "学校班级"}
{"id": "P720", "label": "asteroid spectral type", "data_type": "Item", "description": "spectral classifications of asteroids based on  spectral shape, color, and albedo", "label-zh": "小行星光谱分类"}
{"id": "P7209", "label": "ordeal by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "manner of judicial practice by which the guilt or innocence of the accused was determined", "label-zh": "磨难"}
{"id": "P7219", "label": "periphrastic definition", "data_type": "Sense", "description": "concept used as subject to form a periphrastic definition together with a related\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlexeme as qualifier (such as \"manner\" to define \"slowly\" with the qualifier \"slow\")", "label-zh": "外围定义"}
{"id": "P7220", "label": "lexeme sense for periphrastic definition", "data_type": "Sense", "description": "sense of a related lexeme used in periphrastic definition (such \"slow\" to define \"slowly\")", "label-zh": "用于边缘定义的词位意义"}
{"id": "P7221", "label": "link for periphrastic definition", "data_type": "Sense", "description": "optional qualifier to define the link between the concept and the lexeme", "label-zh": "外围定义的链接"}
{"id": "P7228", "label": "access restriction status", "data_type": "Item", "description": "status of any access restrictions on the object, collection, or materials. Indicates\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhether the material is available to the general public or not.", "label-zh": "访问限制状态"}
{"id": "P7235", "label": "in defining formula", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "any symbol used in the defining formula (P2534)", "label-zh": "定义公式"}
{"id": "P7243", "label": "pronunciation", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "lexeme form pronunciation, usually identical to the form's representation, but may\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinclude other indicators (pronunciation audio/IPA text may be attached as\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqualifiers, and duplicate values are OK if more than one pronunciation exists)", "label-zh": "发音"}
{"id": "P725", "label": "voice actor", "data_type": "Item", "description": "performer of a spoken role in a creative work such as animation, video game, radio\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdrama, or dubbing over [use \"character role\" (P453) as qualifier] [use \"cast member\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(P161) for live acting]", "label-zh": "配音演员"}
{"id": "P7250", "label": "mobile formatter URL", "data_type": "String", "description": "web page URL of mobile version; URI template from which \"$1\" can be automatically replaced with the effective property value on items", "label-zh": "移动格式器URL"}
{"id": "P7252", "label": "degree of difficulty", "data_type": "Item", "description": "difficulty level of an item", "label-zh": "难度"}
{"id": "P7253", "label": "color produced", "data_type": "Item", "description": "color or color range produced by a dye, alone or with a mordant", "label-zh": "产生的颜色"}
{"id": "P7256", "label": "computer performance", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "performance of a computer in FLOPS", "label-zh": "计算机性能"}
{"id": "P726", "label": "candidate", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person or party that is an option for an office in this election", "label-zh": "候选人"}
{"id": "P7261", "label": "use restriction status", "data_type": "Item", "description": "status of any use restrictions on the object, collection, or materials", "label-zh": "使用限制状态"}
{"id": "P729", "label": "service entry", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date or point in time on which a piece or class of equipment entered operational service", "label-zh": "服务起始日期"}
{"id": "P7290", "label": "FCC Product Code", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier of a product assigned by the grantee in an application to the Federal\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tCommunications Commission of the United States", "label-zh": "FCC产品代码"}
{"id": "P7295", "label": "Gregorian calendar start date", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date the Gregorian calendar was first used", "label-zh": "公历开始日期"}
{"id": "P7297", "label": "cumulative elevation gain", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "measure of the difference in height between two points on the terrain, when following a track", "label-zh": "累积高程增益"}
{"id": "P730", "label": "service retirement", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date or point in time on which a piece or class of equipment was retired from operational service", "label-zh": "服务终止日期"}
{"id": "P7309", "label": "climbing route", "data_type": "Item", "description": "route used to get closer to a high point", "label-zh": "攀爬路线"}
{"id": "P7315", "label": "IP Code", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier which classifies and rates the degree of protection provided by mechanical casings and electrical enclosures against intrusion, dust, accidental contact, and water", "label-zh": "IP代码"}
{"id": "P7316", "label": "number of decimal digits", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of decimal digits of a natural number", "label-zh": "小数位数"}
{"id": "P7327", "label": "OFLC classification", "data_type": "Item", "description": "rating in the media content rating system of New Zealand", "label-zh": "OFLC分类"}
{"id": "P7328", "label": "amount cataloged", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "amount or size of the collection that has been described or cataloged", "label-zh": "已编目金额"}
{"id": "P7330", "label": "Hardware Version Identification Number", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier of an electronic device model as registered in the Radio Equipment List\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tof Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada", "label-zh": "硬件版本标识号"}
{"id": "P7338", "label": "regnal ordinal", "data_type": "String", "description": "(qualifier) the ordinal number used with this name. Generally to distinguish it among persons with the same name who held the same office", "label-zh": "规则序数"}
{"id": "P734", "label": "family name", "data_type": "Item", "description": "part of full name of person", "label-zh": "姓"}
{"id": "P735", "label": "given name", "data_type": "Item", "description": "first name or another given name of this person; values used with the property should not link disambiguations nor family names", "label-zh": "人名"}
{"id": "P736", "label": "cover art by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "name of person or team creating cover artwork for book, record album, single record etc.", "label-zh": "封面艺术家"}
{"id": "P7367", "label": "content descriptor", "data_type": "Item", "description": "content descriptors for this video game or film", "label-zh": "内容描述符"}
{"id": "P737", "label": "influenced by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "this person, idea, etc. is informed by that other person, idea, etc., e.g.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t“Heidegger was influenced by Aristotle”", "label-zh": "影响自"}
{"id": "P7374", "label": "educational stage", "data_type": "Item", "description": "educational stage of a specific school; qualifier of \"educated at\" (P69): the education stage of someone's attendance of school", "label-zh": "教育阶段"}
{"id": "P7376", "label": "worn by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person who wears or wore a garment or object", "label-zh": "佩戴者"}
{"id": "P7377", "label": "tussenvoegsel", "data_type": "Item", "description": "component of Dutch family name or similar of other languages, generally an unaffixed\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprefix. Depending on the language, country and application, it may be ignored in\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsorting. Note differences in capitalization and affixation (spaces)", "label-zh": "柞蚕"}
{"id": "P7378", "label": "item disputed by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "concept described by the item is criticized by other item(s)", "label-zh": "有争议的项目"}
{"id": "P7379", "label": "fineness", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "relative purity of precious metal, use  \"carat\" (Q1072404) or \"millesimal fineness\" (Q1790688) as units", "label-zh": "细度"}
{"id": "P7380", "label": "identified in image by", "data_type": "String", "description": "qualifier for the identification of a value/object with a number, letter or sign inscribed in the image", "label-zh": "在图片中识别者"}
{"id": "P7383", "label": "name in hiero markup", "data_type": "String", "description": "hieroglyphs written in Wikihiero syntax", "label-zh": "层次标记中的名称"}
{"id": "P739", "label": "ammunition", "data_type": "Item", "description": "cartridge or other ammunition used by the subject firearm", "label-zh": "弹药"}
{"id": "P7391", "label": "graph radius", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the minimum eccentricity of any vertex of a graph", "label-zh": "图形半径"}
{"id": "P740", "label": "location of formation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "location where a group or organization was formed", "label-zh": "成立地点"}
{"id": "P7406", "label": "style of karate", "data_type": "Item", "description": "style of karate of the element", "label-zh": "空手道风格"}
{"id": "P741", "label": "playing hand", "data_type": "Item", "description": "hand used to play a racket sport", "label-zh": "擅长手"}
{"id": "P7416", "label": "folio(s)", "data_type": "String", "description": "folio number of reference for statement", "label-zh": "张数号码"}
{"id": "P7419", "label": "gender educated", "data_type": "Item", "description": "genders educated at this educational institution", "label-zh": "受性别教育"}
{"id": "P742", "label": "pseudonym", "data_type": "String", "description": "alias used by someone (for nickname use P1449)", "label-zh": "化名"}
{"id": "P7421", "label": "line(s)", "data_type": "String", "description": "line number(s) of reference for claim", "label-zh": "行"}
{"id": "P7422", "label": "minimum temperature record", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "lowest temperature reached at this location", "label-zh": "最低温度记录"}
{"id": "P744", "label": "asteroid family", "data_type": "Item", "description": "population of asteroids that share similar proper orbital elements", "label-zh": "小行星族"}
{"id": "P7442", "label": "glacier status", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Indicates whether a glacier is retreating, surging, or stable. Qualify each value\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twith \"point in time\" (P585) to indicate when.", "label-zh": "冰川状态"}
{"id": "P7443", "label": "number of processor threads", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "total number of logical cores of a CPU", "label-zh": "处理器线程数"}
{"id": "P7452", "label": "reason for preferred rank", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier to allow the reason to be indicated why a particular statement should be considered preferred", "label-zh": "首选级原因"}
{"id": "P746", "label": "date of disappearance", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date or point of time a missing person was seen or otherwise known to be alive for the last time", "label-zh": "消失日期"}
{"id": "P7462", "label": "graph diameter", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "maximum eccentricity of any vertex in the graph", "label-zh": "图形直径"}
{"id": "P7469", "label": "orientation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "axis of alignment of an item, or direction perpendicular to its primary face (specify with P518 if necessary)", "label-zh": "方向/面向"}
{"id": "P747", "label": "has edition or translation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "link to an edition of this item", "label-zh": "版本"}
{"id": "P7470", "label": "URN formatter", "data_type": "String", "description": "formatter to generate Uniform Resource Name (URN) from property value. Include $1 to be replaced with property value", "label-zh": "URN格式"}
{"id": "P7479", "label": "key col", "data_type": "Item", "description": "highest col connecting to an even higher point", "label-zh": "按键列"}
{"id": "P748", "label": "appointed by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "who appointed the person to the office, can be used as a qualifier", "label-zh": "任命人"}
{"id": "P7481", "label": "variety of lexeme, form or sense", "data_type": "Item", "description": "dialect, graphic or phonetic variety that this lexeme, form or sense is used in", "label-zh": "词位、形式或意义的变化"}
{"id": "P7482", "label": "source of file", "data_type": "Item", "description": "broad nature of the origin of the file", "label-zh": "文件来源"}
{"id": "P7486", "label": "grammatical aspect", "data_type": "Item", "description": "grammatical category that expresses how an action, event or state, denoted by a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tverb, relates to the flow of time: perfective, progressive, prospective, habitual,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tetc.", "label-zh": "语法方面"}
{"id": "P749", "label": "parent organization", "data_type": "Item", "description": "parent organization of an organization, opposite of subsidiaries (P355)", "label-zh": "母组织"}
{"id": "P750", "label": "distributed by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "distributor of a creative work; distributor for a record label; news agency; film\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdistributor", "label-zh": "经销商"}
{"id": "P7500", "label": "comorbidity", "data_type": "Item", "description": "presence of one or more additional conditions co-occurring with (that is,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconcomitant or concurrent with) a primary condition", "label-zh": "共病"}
{"id": "P7501", "label": "audio system", "data_type": "Item", "description": "audio system hardware used in the item", "label-zh": "音响系统"}
{"id": "P7508", "label": "election called by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person who summoned an election", "label-zh": "由召集的选举"}
{"id": "P751", "label": "introduced feature", "data_type": "Item", "description": "feature introduced by this version of a product item", "label-zh": "引进的功能"}
{"id": "P7514", "label": "landscape architect", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person or architectural firm that designed this outdoor area, possibly including landmarks and structures", "label-zh": "景观建筑师"}
{"id": "P7527", "label": "charge conjugation quantum number", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "charge conjugation (or c-parity) has a multiplicative quantum number that applies\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhen all quantum charges are reversed, i.e. when a particle is transformed into its\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tantiparticle", "label-zh": "电荷共轭量子数"}
{"id": "P7528", "label": "statement is regarded as spoiler for", "data_type": "Item", "description": "exposing this information might ruin the experience of receiving this work", "label-zh": "声明被视为"}
{"id": "P7532", "label": "room number", "data_type": "String", "description": "number or identifier of a room, which can qualify the address (P6375) of a place to\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcomplete it", "label-zh": "房间编号"}
{"id": "P7535", "label": "scope and content", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "a summary statement providing an overview of the archival collection", "label-zh": "范围和内容"}
{"id": "P756", "label": "removed feature", "data_type": "Item", "description": "which feature was removed by this version of a product item", "label-zh": "移除的功能"}
{"id": "P7561", "label": "category for the interior of the item", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Commons category for media files depicting interior views of this item (object, place)", "label-zh": "用于某项内部的共享资源分类"}
{"id": "P7573", "label": "IFCO rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "rating certificate of a film in the Irish content classification system", "label-zh": "IFCO评级"}
{"id": "P7581", "label": "IAST transliteration", "data_type": "String", "description": "transliteration of Devanagari and other related Brahmic scripts", "label-zh": "IAST转写"}
{"id": "P7582", "label": "Wildlife Protection Act 1972 (India) schedule", "data_type": "Item", "description": "classification of species found in India as per legal protection status under Wildlife Protection Act 1972", "label-zh": "《1972年野生动物保护法》(印度)附表"}
{"id": "P7584", "label": "age estimated by a dating method", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "estimation of the age of a star, geological feature, fossil or object", "label-zh": "用测年法估计的年龄"}
{"id": "P7588", "label": "effective date", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date on which a statutory or administrative law or other official document comes into force. This date may differ for different sections of the law. This may also be retrospective, predating the date of enactment.", "label-zh": "生效日期"}
{"id": "P7589", "label": "enacted date", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date on which a piece of legislation is enacted (whether by assent or some other procedure)", "label-zh": "批准日期"}
{"id": "P7598", "label": "ascending scale", "data_type": "MusicalNotation", "description": "sequence of notes starting from a tonic in one octave and ending with the tonic one\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\toctave above", "label-zh": "升序"}
{"id": "P7599", "label": "descending scale", "data_type": "MusicalNotation", "description": "sequence of notes starting from a tonic in one octave and ending with the tonic one\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\toctave below", "label-zh": "降序"}
{"id": "P7600", "label": "primary note", "data_type": "Item", "description": "most prominent note in a raga", "label-zh": "主钞"}
{"id": "P7601", "label": "secondary note", "data_type": "Item", "description": "second-most prominent note in a raga; usually a fifth from the primary note, although there are exceptions", "label-zh": "副钞"}
{"id": "P7603", "label": "CITES Appendix", "data_type": "Item", "description": "appendix of a taxon according to CITES convention", "label-zh": "CITES附录"}
{"id": "P7604", "label": "supervised by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "natural person who has the authority of giving instructions and/or orders to\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsubordinates and is held responsible for the work and actions of subordinates", "label-zh": "监督人"}
{"id": "P7605", "label": "Hunterian transliteration", "data_type": "String", "description": "transliteration of different Indic scripts", "label-zh": "亨特式转写"}
{"id": "P7643", "label": "covered period", "data_type": "Item", "description": "historical period covered, for instance by a source", "label-zh": "覆盖期"}
{"id": "P765", "label": "surface played on", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the surface on which a sporting event is played", "label-zh": "比赛场地"}
{"id": "P7668", "label": "file page", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "property to indicate a page number of a pdf file or similar. The page number is sometimes different from the numbering of the text reproduced in the document. Should allow to link the page when combined with the file URL", "label-zh": "文件页"}
{"id": "P767", "label": "contributor to the creative work or subject", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person or organization that contributed to a subject: co-creator of a creative work\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tor subject", "label-zh": "创作作品或主题贡献者"}
{"id": "P768", "label": "electoral district", "data_type": "Item", "description": "electoral district this person is representing, or of the office that is being contested. Use as qualifier for \"position held\" (P39) or \"office contested\" (P541) or \"candidacy in election\" (P3602)", "label-zh": "选区"}
{"id": "P769", "label": "significant drug interaction", "data_type": "Item", "description": "clinically significant interaction between two pharmacologically active substances\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(i.e., drugs and/or active metabolites) where concomitant intake can lead to altered\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\teffectiveness or adverse drug events.", "label-zh": "显著药物相互作用"}
{"id": "P770", "label": "cause of destruction", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item which caused the destruction of the subject item", "label-zh": "破坏原因"}
{"id": "P7706", "label": "nominalized form", "data_type": "Lexeme", "description": "property to link a verb or adjective that is used as a noun to the lexeme for the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnoun", "label-zh": "名词化形式"}
{"id": "P7719", "label": "generalization of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the subject statement is a particular case of this object statement, or the truth of\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthis object statement is implied by the truth of the subject statement", "label-zh": "概括"}
{"id": "P7725", "label": "litter size", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of young born/laid at the same time by one animal", "label-zh": "产仔数"}
{"id": "P7727", "label": "legislative committee", "data_type": "Item", "description": "committee in which the legislation is discussed", "label-zh": "立法委员会"}
{"id": "P7763", "label": "copyright status as a creator", "data_type": "Item", "description": "states if the body of work published during the lifetime of this creator is still copyrighted or in the public domain", "label-zh": "创作者著作权状态"}
{"id": "P7767", "label": "serving temperature", "data_type": "Item", "description": "serving temperature of a food dish", "label-zh": "工作温度"}
{"id": "P7770", "label": "egg incubation period", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "amount of time needed for incubation of eggs for this animal taxon (birds, fish,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\treptiles, monotremes)", "label-zh": "卵孵化期"}
{"id": "P7779", "label": "military unit", "data_type": "Item", "description": "smallest military unit that a person is/was in", "label-zh": "军事单位"}
{"id": "P7781", "label": "exonerated of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "crime of which the subject was found not to be guilty after having previously been found guilty by a court for that crime", "label-zh": "免除"}
{"id": "P7782", "label": "category for ship name", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Commons category for a name of a ship", "label-zh": "船名分类"}
{"id": "P7787", "label": "heading", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "direction of an object or structure (eg. building) or direction (yaw) of a camera (or the viewer), measured as clockwise angle from the North, given in degrees, radians or other units", "label-zh": "航向"}
{"id": "P7793", "label": "filename in archive", "data_type": "String", "description": "qualifier and referencing property to identify the specific file within a compressed archive that is relevant to a statement", "label-zh": "存档中的文件名"}
{"id": "P78", "label": "top-level Internet domain", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Internet domain name system top-level code", "label-zh": "顶级域名"}
{"id": "P780", "label": "symptoms and signs", "data_type": "Item", "description": "possible symptoms or signs of a medical condition", "label-zh": "症状"}
{"id": "P783", "label": "hymenium type", "data_type": "Item", "description": "type of spore-bearing surface or that mushroom", "label-zh": "处女膜型"}
{"id": "P784", "label": "mushroom cap shape", "data_type": "Item", "description": "property classifying the shape of the cap of a mushroom", "label-zh": "蘑菇帽形状"}
{"id": "P785", "label": "hymenium attachment", "data_type": "Item", "description": "how the hymenium of the mushroom attaches to the stem", "label-zh": "子囊附着物"}
{"id": "P7855", "label": "attested as", "data_type": "String", "description": "how the word is attested in a text, if different from the current way to write it. Should be used with \"attested in\" (P5323)", "label-zh": "证明为"}
{"id": "P786", "label": "stipe character", "data_type": "Item", "description": "indicates whether a mushroom has a universal or partial veil", "label-zh": "点画字符"}
{"id": "P7861", "label": "category for files created with program", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Commons category for files created with that program", "label-zh": "使用程序创建的文件的类别"}
{"id": "P7862", "label": "period of lactation", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the period during which the animal is fed milk", "label-zh": "哺乳期"}
{"id": "P7863", "label": "aperture", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "aperture of a camera lens", "label-zh": "孔径"}
{"id": "P7867", "label": "category for maps", "data_type": "Item", "description": "name of the Wikimedia category specifically for maps or plans of this item", "label-zh": "地图分类"}
{"id": "P787", "label": "spore print color", "data_type": "Item", "description": "color of a mushroom spore print (see documentation for allowed values)", "label-zh": "孢子印颜色"}
{"id": "P788", "label": "mushroom ecological type", "data_type": "Item", "description": "property classifying the ecological type of a mushroom", "label-zh": "菌类生态类型"}
{"id": "P7887", "label": "number of reviews/ratings", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "qualifier on review score to state the number of user reviews, user ratings or critic reviews", "label-zh": "审查/评级数量"}
{"id": "P7888", "label": "merged into", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the subject was dissolved and merged into the object, that existed previously", "label-zh": "合并至"}
{"id": "P789", "label": "edibility", "data_type": "Item", "description": "whether a mushroom can be eaten or not", "label-zh": "可食性"}
{"id": "P790", "label": "approved by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item is approved by other item(s) [qualifier: statement is approved by other item(s)]", "label-zh": "批准自"}
{"id": "P7903", "label": "gained territory from", "data_type": "Item", "description": "(qualifier) territorial entity from which the subject item gained territory as a result of the event in the statement", "label-zh": "从获得领土"}
{"id": "P7904", "label": "gave up territory to", "data_type": "Item", "description": "(qualifier) territorial entity to which the subject item gave up some of its territory as a result of the event in the statement", "label-zh": "放弃领土"}
{"id": "P792", "label": "chapter", "data_type": "String", "description": "title or number of the chapter where a claim is made", "label-zh": "章"}
{"id": "P793", "label": "significant event", "data_type": "Item", "description": "significant or notable events associated with the subject", "label-zh": "重大事件"}
{"id": "P7936", "label": "business model", "data_type": "Item", "description": "business model a business enterprise or creative work operates under", "label-zh": "商业模式"}
{"id": "P7937", "label": "form of creative work", "data_type": "Item", "description": "structure of a creative work", "label-zh": "作品形式"}
{"id": "P7938", "label": "associated electoral district", "data_type": "Item", "description": "constituencies/electoral districts in which a place is located or is part of. If a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmunicipality/county is split into or part of several districts: add several values.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tUse only if distinct from administrative entities (P131) in predefined countries", "label-zh": "所属选区"}
{"id": "P795", "label": "located on linear feature", "data_type": "Item", "description": "linear feature along which distance is specified from a specified datum point", "label-zh": "所处线性特征"}
{"id": "P7959", "label": "historic county", "data_type": "Item", "description": "traditional, geographical division of Great Britain and Ireland", "label-zh": "历史郡"}
{"id": "P7964", "label": "corresponding HTML autocomplete attribute", "data_type": "String", "description": "the appropriate value of the autocomplete attribute in HTML", "label-zh": "对应的HTML自动完整属性"}
{"id": "P797", "label": "authority", "data_type": "Item", "description": "entity having executive power on given entity", "label-zh": "权限"}
{"id": "P7971", "label": "food energy", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "amount of chemical energy that animals (including humans) derive from this item", "label-zh": "食品能源"}
{"id": "P7973", "label": "quantity symbol (LaTeX)", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "symbol for a mathematical or physical quantity in LaTeX", "label-zh": "数量符号(LaTeX)"}
{"id": "P798", "label": "military designation", "data_type": "String", "description": "officially assigned designation for a vehicle in military service", "label-zh": "军事名称"}
{"id": "P7984", "label": "depicted format", "data_type": "Item", "description": "property to help describe the format type of depicted subject, commonly confused with genre", "label-zh": "描绘格式"}
{"id": "P799", "label": "Air Ministry specification ID", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier for an aircraft specification issued by the United Kingdom Air Ministry", "label-zh": "空气部规范ID"}
{"id": "P800", "label": "notable work", "data_type": "Item", "description": "notable scientific, artistic or literary work, or other work of significance among\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsubject's works", "label-zh": "主要作品"}
{"id": "P8000", "label": "electron configuration", "data_type": "String", "description": "distribution of electrons of an atom or ion, using a standard notation", "label-zh": "电子排布"}
{"id": "P8001", "label": "endorsed by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "public support given by a person or organization to a political or other campaign", "label-zh": "推荐者"}
{"id": "P8004", "label": "ordered by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "subject that ordered the act", "label-zh": "订购人"}
{"id": "P8005", "label": "research subject recruitment status", "data_type": "Item", "description": "categoric way to express whether a research project is or was open for enrolling research subjects meeting certain characteristics", "label-zh": "研究对象招募状态"}
{"id": "P8006", "label": "footedness", "data_type": "Item", "description": "dominant foot or preferred stance of this person", "label-zh": "足部"}
{"id": "P8009", "label": "IM channel URL", "data_type": "String", "description": "address of a multi-user chat, room or group", "label-zh": "网聊频道"}
{"id": "P8010", "label": "number of recoveries", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of cases that recovered from disease", "label-zh": "回收次数"}
{"id": "P8011", "label": "number of medical tests", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "cumulative number of medical tests", "label-zh": "医学检验数"}
{"id": "P8017", "label": "generational suffix", "data_type": "Form", "description": "suffix used in name", "label-zh": "代后缀"}
{"id": "P802", "label": "student", "data_type": "Item", "description": "notable student(s) of the subject individual", "label-zh": "学生"}
{"id": "P8026", "label": "LiverTox likelihood score", "data_type": "Item", "description": "categorization of the likelihood that a medication is associated with drug induced\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tliver injury that was developed by the Drug-Induced Liver Injury Network (DILIN)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tNetwork and published in NCBI's LiverTox", "label-zh": "LiverTox可能性评分"}
{"id": "P803", "label": "professorship", "data_type": "Item", "description": "professorship position held by this academic person", "label-zh": "教授席位"}
{"id": "P8030", "label": "size designation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "organizational size classification or designation used to indicate relative size of an entity within an organization (property under development)", "label-zh": "尺寸名称"}
{"id": "P8031", "label": "perpetrator", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person or organization who carried out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act", "label-zh": "加害人"}
{"id": "P8032", "label": "victim", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person(s) who were harmed from an act or event", "label-zh": "受害人"}
{"id": "P8045", "label": "organized response related to outbreak", "data_type": "Item", "description": "specific action taken or system used as a reaction to an outbreak", "label-zh": "有组织地应对疫情"}
{"id": "P8046", "label": "Latvian transcription", "data_type": "String", "description": "transcription of name in Latvian (lv) orthography", "label-zh": "拉脱维亚抄本"}
{"id": "P8047", "label": "country of registry", "data_type": "Item", "description": "country where a ship is or has been registered", "label-zh": "船舶国籍"}
{"id": "P8049", "label": "number of hospitalized cases", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of cases that are hospitalized", "label-zh": "医院收治病例数"}
{"id": "P805", "label": "statement is subject of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "(qualifying) item that describes the relation identified in this statement", "label-zh": "相关项"}
{"id": "P8054", "label": "ARK formatter", "data_type": "String", "description": "formatter to generate Archival Resource Key.  Include $1 to be replaced with property value", "label-zh": "ARK格式化程序"}
{"id": "P8058", "label": "symbol of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item of which the image is a symbol", "label-zh": "符号象征"}
{"id": "P807", "label": "separated from", "data_type": "Item", "description": "subject was founded or started by separating from identified object", "label-zh": "分离自"}
{"id": "P8093", "label": "donations", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "sum of donations an organization receives", "label-zh": "捐赠"}
{"id": "P8097", "label": "network bands", "data_type": "Item", "description": "network bands supported by the device", "label-zh": "网络频段"}
{"id": "P81", "label": "connecting line", "data_type": "Item", "description": "railway line(s) subject is directly connected to", "label-zh": "线路"}
{"id": "P8107", "label": "bus", "data_type": "Item", "description": "bus used on computer hardware, mainly relevant for supercomputer nodes interconnect", "label-zh": "总线"}
{"id": "P811", "label": "academic minor", "data_type": "Item", "description": "minor someone studied at college/university", "label-zh": "副修专业"}
{"id": "P8111", "label": "recommended unit of measurement", "data_type": "Item", "description": "unit in which a quantity is measured as recommended by a standard (SI, ISO, IEC, etc.)", "label-zh": "测量单位"}
{"id": "P8112", "label": "CSS color keyword", "data_type": "String", "description": "keyword that refers to the element, according to the CSS standard", "label-zh": "CSS颜色关键字"}
{"id": "P8115", "label": "eligible recipient", "data_type": "Item", "description": "party that is eligible to receive something, like an award, grant or prize", "label-zh": "合格收件人"}
{"id": "P812", "label": "academic major", "data_type": "Item", "description": "major someone studied at college/university", "label-zh": "大学主修"}
{"id": "P8127", "label": "tournament format", "data_type": "Item", "description": "format of a sports tournament", "label-zh": "锦标赛格式"}
{"id": "P813", "label": "retrieved", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date or point in time that information was retrieved from a database or website (for use in online sources)", "label-zh": "检索日期"}
{"id": "P8131", "label": "dialect of computer language", "data_type": "Item", "description": "computer language of which an item with this property is a dialect (a relatively small variation)", "label-zh": "计算机语言方言"}
{"id": "P8138", "label": "located in the statistical territorial entity", "data_type": "Item", "description": "statistical territorial entity in which a place is located or is part of. If a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmunicipality or county is split into or part of several regions: add several values", "label-zh": "所在统计领土实体"}
{"id": "P814", "label": "IUCN protected areas category", "data_type": "Item", "description": "protected areas category by the World Commission on Protected Areas. Used with\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdedicated items for each category.", "label-zh": "IUCN保护区分类"}
{"id": "P816", "label": "decays to", "data_type": "Item", "description": "what isotope does this radioactive isotope decay to", "label-zh": "衰变为"}
{"id": "P817", "label": "decay mode", "data_type": "Item", "description": "type of decay that a radioactive isotope undergoes (should be used as a qualifier for \"decays to\")", "label-zh": "衰变模式"}
{"id": "P8183", "label": "general property-based URL formatter", "data_type": "String", "description": "formatter URL to look up information about a class of items in an online resource. Use with properties generally found on an item. Sample: {P478} for volume or {P304} for page(s), {P433} for issue. Special value {page} for the first value of {P304}", "label-zh": "基于通用属性的URL格式器"}
{"id": "P8193", "label": "hardiness of plant", "data_type": "Item", "description": "recommended hardiness zone for plant, ability of plant to survive adverse growing\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconditions", "label-zh": "植物的硬度"}
{"id": "P8194", "label": "hardiness zone", "data_type": "Item", "description": "geographic climate area relevant to plant growth and survival, on USDA scale or\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsimilar", "label-zh": "硬度区"}
{"id": "P8196", "label": "voting system", "data_type": "Item", "description": "system used for this election or vote", "label-zh": "投票制度"}
{"id": "P820", "label": "arXiv classification", "data_type": "String", "description": "arXiv classification of pre-print articles", "label-zh": "arXiv分类"}
{"id": "P8203", "label": "supported metadata", "data_type": "Item", "description": "metadata, information or properties that can be stored by a system, message or structure", "label-zh": "支持的元数据"}
{"id": "P8204", "label": "tabular case data", "data_type": "Tabular data", "description": "tabular data on Wikimedia Commons of confirmed cases, recoveries, deaths, etc. due to a medical event; corresponds to P8011, P1603, P8049, P8010, P1120. Try to avoid deleting such statements.", "label-zh": "表格案例数据"}
{"id": "P8206", "label": "Gazette of India notification", "data_type": "String", "description": "notification number and date, published in the Gazette of India", "label-zh": "印度公告"}
{"id": "P8208", "label": "tilt", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "direction of the camera, measured as an angle from the Nadir to the Zenit", "label-zh": "倾斜"}
{"id": "P822", "label": "mascot", "data_type": "Item", "description": "mascot of an organization, e.g. a sports team or university", "label-zh": "吉祥物"}
{"id": "P8225", "label": "is metaclass for", "data_type": "Item", "description": "all instances of the subject are subclasses of the object", "label-zh": "为其元类"}
{"id": "P8228", "label": "lighting", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the way the photo got the light or the kind of natural light", "label-zh": "照明"}
{"id": "P823", "label": "speaker", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person who is speaker for this event, ceremony, keynote, presentation or in a literary work", "label-zh": "演讲者"}
{"id": "P8241", "label": "type of age limit", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier on minimum age (P2899) to describe the type of age limit", "label-zh": "年龄限制类型"}
{"id": "P8247", "label": "nominal share capital", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "total of the nominal values of the issued ordinary and preference shares of the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tentity", "label-zh": "名义股本"}
{"id": "P825", "label": "dedicated to", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person or organization to whom the subject was dedicated", "label-zh": "呈献对象"}
{"id": "P8258", "label": "field of training", "data_type": "Item", "description": "profession, position or activity someone learnt during a training, traineeship or apprenticeship", "label-zh": "培训领域"}
{"id": "P826", "label": "tonality", "data_type": "Item", "description": "key of a musical composition", "label-zh": "音调"}
{"id": "P8263", "label": "curriculum topics", "data_type": "Item", "description": "topic or subject included in the curriculum", "label-zh": "课程主题"}
{"id": "P8264", "label": "attribution text", "data_type": "String", "description": "the attribution string as specified by the licensor, that re-users are obliged to name", "label-zh": "归因文本"}
{"id": "P8265", "label": "based on tabular data", "data_type": "Tabular data", "description": "Commons tabular data file that a Commons file (or statement) derives from", "label-zh": "基于表格数据"}
{"id": "P8274", "label": "living people protection class", "data_type": "Item", "description": "when used with living people this project falls under the category described in our Living People policy", "label-zh": "在世人物保护种类"}
{"id": "P8275", "label": "position in biological sequence", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "index or position of a nucleotide in a genomic sequence, or of an amino acid in a protein's amino acid sequence; used as qualifier", "label-zh": "生物序列中的位置"}
{"id": "P8276", "label": "region within image", "data_type": "String", "description": "qualifier to identify a polygon within an image that the main statement applies to", "label-zh": "图像内的区域"}
{"id": "P828", "label": "has cause", "data_type": "Item", "description": "underlying cause, thing that ultimately resulted in this effect", "label-zh": "起因"}
{"id": "P8283", "label": "ISCO-08 occupation class", "data_type": "String", "description": "International Standard Classification of Occupations code according to the International Labour Organization (ILO) classification structure as of 2008", "label-zh": "ISCO-08职业等级"}
{"id": "P8289", "label": "parish church", "data_type": "Item", "description": "church which acts as the religious center of a parish", "label-zh": "教区教堂"}
{"id": "P8306", "label": "has grouping", "data_type": "Item", "description": "section or grouping used in the appendix, list or table", "label-zh": "有分组"}
{"id": "P8307", "label": "has sorting", "data_type": "Item", "description": "entries are sorted by this in the appendix, list or table", "label-zh": "有排序"}
{"id": "P8308", "label": "has column", "data_type": "Item", "description": "columns for entries in the appendix, list or table", "label-zh": "有列"}
{"id": "P831", "label": "parent club", "data_type": "Item", "description": "parent club of this team", "label-zh": "附属俱乐部"}
{"id": "P832", "label": "public holiday", "data_type": "Item", "description": "official public holiday that occurs in this place in its honor, usually a non-working day", "label-zh": "公立假日"}
{"id": "P8324", "label": "funder", "data_type": "Item", "description": "entity that gives money to a person, organization, or project for a specific purpose", "label-zh": "赞助商"}
{"id": "P8327", "label": "intended subject of deprecated statement", "data_type": "Item", "description": "(qualifier) this statement is deprecated as it is actually about another subject", "label-zh": "弃用陈述的预期主体"}
{"id": "P8328", "label": "Democracy Index", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "Democracy Index rating of a country", "label-zh": "民主指数"}
{"id": "P8329", "label": "principal investigator", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person(s) in charge of conducting a research project", "label-zh": "主要研究者"}
{"id": "P833", "label": "interchange station", "data_type": "Item", "description": "station to which passengers can transfer to from this station, normally without extra expense", "label-zh": "换乘车站"}
{"id": "P8330", "label": "file page offset", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "offset between page numbering of the file (pdf/djvu) and the main numbering used in the reproduced work. Sample: if the  book has page number 2 and that is on page 30 of the pdf: offset is 28 (30-2)", "label-zh": "文件页分支"}
{"id": "P8331", "label": "strike tone", "data_type": "Item", "description": "dominant note of bell", "label-zh": "打击音"}
{"id": "P8338", "label": "applies to name of object", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "(qualifier) label or alias (of the claim object) to which the claim applies", "label-zh": "适用值名"}
{"id": "P8339", "label": "entry receptor", "data_type": "Item", "description": "receptor protein or protein whose receptor is being used by this subject\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvirus/microorganism group to enter cells", "label-zh": "进入受体"}
{"id": "P834", "label": "train depot", "data_type": "Item", "description": "depot which serves this railway line, not public stations", "label-zh": "机务段"}
{"id": "P8340", "label": "estimated value", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "estimated value of a house, company, patent, etc", "label-zh": "估算值"}
{"id": "P8345", "label": "media franchise", "data_type": "Item", "description": "this creative work belongs to this media franchise", "label-zh": "跨媒体制作"}
{"id": "P835", "label": "author citation (zoology)", "data_type": "String", "description": "short form of the name used after a taxon this person has authored", "label-zh": "作者引文(动物学)"}
{"id": "P8359", "label": "Dewey Decimal Classification (works and editions)", "data_type": "String", "description": "DDC number assigned to a publication", "label-zh": "杜威十进分类法(著作和版本)"}
{"id": "P8360", "label": "Library of Congress Classification (works and editions)", "data_type": "String", "description": "Library of Congress Classification number assigned to a publication", "label-zh": "国会图书馆分类(作品和版本)"}
{"id": "P8361", "label": "Universal Decimal Classification (works and editions)", "data_type": "String", "description": "UDC number assigned to a publication", "label-zh": "国际十进分类法(著作和版本)"}
{"id": "P8362", "label": "Regensburg Classification (works and editions)", "data_type": "String", "description": "RVK number assigned to a publication", "label-zh": "雷根斯堡分类(作品和版本)"}
{"id": "P8363", "label": "study type", "data_type": "Item", "description": "classification system for clinical trial, experiment, research", "label-zh": "研究类型"}
{"id": "P8368", "label": "number of branches", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of branches or stores affiliated with a chain, brand or company", "label-zh": "分支数量"}
{"id": "P837", "label": "day in year for periodic occurrence", "data_type": "Item", "description": "when a specific holiday or periodic event occurs. Can be used as property or qualifier", "label-zh": "节日日期"}
{"id": "P8371", "label": "references work, tradition or theory", "data_type": "Item", "description": "creative work, tradition or theory this creative work references by allusion, quote\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tor similar means (for citations in scholarly and legal works use P2860, for other\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmore specific properties have a look at \"see also\" on the property page)", "label-zh": "参考作品、传统或理论"}
{"id": "P8378", "label": "Dowker-Thistlethwaite notation", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "descriptive property of mathematical knots, also known as Dowker notation", "label-zh": "道克-Thistlethwaite符号"}
{"id": "P8379", "label": "qualifier for this property", "data_type": "Property", "description": "qualifier that is commonly used with this property. Note the difference to \"allowed qualifiers constraint\" (all that can be used) and \"mandatory qualifier constraint\" (all that should be used)", "label-zh": "此属性的限定符"}
{"id": "P8394", "label": "gloss quote", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "gloss for a lexeme, which originates from a citable source", "label-zh": "光泽引用"}
{"id": "P8395", "label": "use with property value", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier for \"properties for this type\" (P1963): value to be used with property in a statement. Sample: instances of bell tower have \"parts of the class\" statements with the value \"bell\".", "label-zh": "与属性值一起使用"}
{"id": "P8396", "label": "use with qualifier", "data_type": "Property", "description": "qualifier for \"properties for this type\" (P1963): indicate the qualifier to be used with the property in a statement. Sample: instances of bell tower have \"parts of the class\" statements with value \"bell\" and these are to be qualified with \"quantity\"", "label-zh": "与限定符一起使用"}
{"id": "P8397", "label": "prompt when missing", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier for \"properties for this type\" (P1963): item with text to display when statement is missing", "label-zh": "缺失时提示"}
{"id": "P8398", "label": "offset from vertical", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "distance from a vertical line at a given height, e.g. overhang in metres of a leaning tower at its top", "label-zh": "垂直偏移"}
{"id": "P84", "label": "architect", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person or architectural firm responsible for designing this building", "label-zh": "建筑师"}
{"id": "P840", "label": "narrative location", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the narrative of the work is set in this location", "label-zh": "故事发生地"}
{"id": "P8402", "label": "open data portal", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the item for the open data portal belonging to this entity", "label-zh": "开放数据门户"}
{"id": "P8403", "label": "theorised by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "subject who suggested or proposed this concept or invention", "label-zh": "理论化者"}
{"id": "P8404", "label": "DOI formatter", "data_type": "String", "description": "formatter string where '$1' can be automatically replaced to create a DOI", "label-zh": "DOI格式器"}
{"id": "P841", "label": "feast day", "data_type": "Item", "description": "saint's principal feast day", "label-zh": "圣人纪念日"}
{"id": "P8411", "label": "set in environment", "data_type": "Item", "description": "environment (geographic feature, building type, etc.) the narrative work is set in", "label-zh": "环境设定"}
{"id": "P8413", "label": "academic appointment", "data_type": "Item", "description": "this person has been appointed to a role within the given higher education institution or department; distinct from employment or affiliation", "label-zh": "学术任命"}
{"id": "P8416", "label": "Dowker-Thistlethwaite name", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "unambiguous systematic identifier scheme for mathematical knots", "label-zh": "Dowker Thistlethwaite名称"}
{"id": "P8423", "label": "version control system", "data_type": "Item", "description": "version control system used by a content repository", "label-zh": "版本控制系统"}
{"id": "P8428", "label": "interactive elements", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier on ESRB rating (P852) to describe interactive elements", "label-zh": "互动元素"}
{"id": "P8431", "label": "course", "data_type": "Item", "description": "course type of a food dish (appetizer, dessert, drink, main course, salad, side dish)", "label-zh": "课程"}
{"id": "P8450", "label": "peak bagging classification", "data_type": "Item", "description": "recognised peak bagging classification of a mountain or hill", "label-zh": "峰值装袋分类"}
{"id": "P8453", "label": "public transport stop", "data_type": "Item", "description": "general (e.g. nearest) public transport stop (bus, tram, train, subway)", "label-zh": "公共交通站点"}
{"id": "P8459", "label": "descriptive solubility", "data_type": "Item", "description": "(qualifier for P2177) qualitative level of solubility, when a numerical value is not available", "label-zh": "描述性溶解度"}
{"id": "P8460", "label": "applies if regular expression matches", "data_type": "String", "description": "the statement is only true, if the id matches this regular expression", "label-zh": "如果正则表达式匹配,则应用"}
{"id": "P8461", "label": "energy consumption per transaction", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "energy footprint per transaction for a cryptocurrency", "label-zh": "每笔交易的能耗"}
{"id": "P8464", "label": "content partnership category", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Wikimedia Commons category for media files contributed by this institution", "label-zh": "内容合作伙伴类别"}
{"id": "P8465", "label": "van der Waals constant a", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "constant used in the van der Waals equation in the pressure factor", "label-zh": "范德瓦尔斯常数a"}
{"id": "P8466", "label": "van der Waals constant b", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "constant used in the van der Waals equation in the volume factor", "label-zh": "范德瓦尔斯常数b"}
{"id": "P847", "label": "United States Navy aircraft designation", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier for an aircraft of the United States Navy", "label-zh": "美国海军飞机命名"}
{"id": "P8470", "label": "order number", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier given to rolling stock at the point of purchase, sale, or manufacturing", "label-zh": "订单号"}
{"id": "P8471", "label": "pertainym of", "data_type": "Sense", "description": "links an adjective to a noun (e.g. lunar → moon), or an adverb to an adjective (e.g.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tslowly → slow); the sense pertains/relates to the target sense", "label-zh": "关于"}
{"id": "P8476", "label": "BTI Governance Index", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "measures change of countries towards democracy and market economy", "label-zh": "BTI治理指数"}
{"id": "P8477", "label": "BTI Status Index", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "measures change of countries towards democracy and market economy", "label-zh": "BTI状态索引"}
{"id": "P8480", "label": "Ofsted inspection rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "grade for a school inspection by Ofsted", "label-zh": "标准检验等级"}
{"id": "P8485", "label": "distribution map of taxon", "data_type": "Geographic shape", "description": "dynamic distribution map of taxon", "label-zh": "分类单元分布图"}
{"id": "P8497", "label": "height of center of mass", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "None", "label-zh": "质心高度"}
{"id": "P8498", "label": "road number formatter", "data_type": "String", "description": "template from which “$1” can be automatically replaced by a bare road number to obtain the alphanumeric abbreviation of a numbered road", "label-zh": "道路编号格式"}
{"id": "P85", "label": "anthem", "data_type": "Item", "description": "subject's official anthem", "label-zh": "国歌"}
{"id": "P8500", "label": "Vietnamese middle name", "data_type": "Item", "description": "middle name of a Vietnamese person; use P735 qualified by P1545 for the middle name of a partially westernized name", "label-zh": "越南语中间名"}
{"id": "P8503", "label": "heraldic attitude", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the attitude or posture of a charge on a coat of arms (e.g. lion rampant)", "label-zh": "纹章姿态"}
{"id": "P852", "label": "ESRB rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "North American video game content rating", "label-zh": "ESRB评级"}
{"id": "P853", "label": "CERO rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Japanese video game rating system", "label-zh": "电脑娱乐分级机构评级"}
{"id": "P8530", "label": "alternative form", "data_type": "Form", "description": "link to spelling variant between two or more forms", "label-zh": "替代形式"}
{"id": "P8533", "label": "SMARTS notation", "data_type": "String", "description": "notation used for specifying substructural patterns in chemical molecules", "label-zh": "SMARTS符号"}
{"id": "P8535", "label": "tala", "data_type": "Item", "description": "musical meter for Indian music", "label-zh": "塔拉"}
{"id": "P8536", "label": "raga", "data_type": "Item", "description": "melodic framework for Indian music", "label-zh": "拉加"}
{"id": "P8546", "label": "recording location", "data_type": "Item", "description": "location where a media item (sound, video, etc.) was recorded", "label-zh": "记录位置"}
{"id": "P8550", "label": "law identifier", "data_type": "String", "description": "a sequence of numbers assigned to laws/acts that were passed by countries or local governments", "label-zh": "法律标识符"}
{"id": "P8554", "label": "earliest end date", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "(qualifier) earliest date on which the statement could have begun to no longer be true", "label-zh": "最早结束日期"}
{"id": "P8555", "label": "latest start date", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "(qualifier) latest date on which the statement could have started to be true", "label-zh": "最晚开始日期"}
{"id": "P8556", "label": "extinction date", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date that a species or language is thought to have gone extinct", "label-zh": "灭绝日期"}
{"id": "P8558", "label": "Butcher tableau", "data_type": "Mathematical expression", "description": "table containing the coefficients of a Runge-Kutta method", "label-zh": "屠夫画面"}
{"id": "P8570", "label": "front and back matter", "data_type": "Item", "description": "front and back matter of a book", "label-zh": "前后物质"}
{"id": "P8571", "label": "external auditor", "data_type": "Item", "description": "external company or person appointed to audit a business' or an organization's\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbooks, requirement for many companies", "label-zh": "外部审计师"}
{"id": "P859", "label": "sponsor", "data_type": "Item", "description": "organization or individual that sponsors this item", "label-zh": "赞助者"}
{"id": "P8594", "label": "ride height", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "ground clearance of vehicle or distance between the base of a vehicle tire and the lowest point", "label-zh": "底盘高度"}
{"id": "P8596", "label": "category for the exterior of the item", "data_type": "Item", "description": "category for multimedia files depicting exterior views of this item (object, place)", "label-zh": "项目外部类别"}
{"id": "P8597", "label": "axle track", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "distance between the centerline of two roadwheels on the same axle", "label-zh": "轴轨"}
{"id": "P86", "label": "composer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person(s) who wrote the music [for lyricist, use \"lyrics by\" (P676)]", "label-zh": "作曲"}
{"id": "P8615", "label": "Oakeshott typology", "data_type": "Item", "description": "catalogue of medieval swords", "label-zh": "奥克肖特类型学"}
{"id": "P8620", "label": "construction point", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the steepest point on a ski jumping hill", "label-zh": "施工点"}
{"id": "P8621", "label": "turning radius", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "radius of smallest circle a particular automobile or similar vehicle can turn along", "label-zh": "转弯半径"}
{"id": "P8622", "label": "hill size", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "ski jumping hill size", "label-zh": "山丘大小"}
{"id": "P8625", "label": "bibliography", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Wikimedia page that gives a selection of relevant texts on the given topic", "label-zh": "参考书目"}
{"id": "P8626", "label": "opening time", "data_type": "Item", "description": "time when an establishment or attraction opens, qualifier for P3025", "label-zh": "打开时间"}
{"id": "P8627", "label": "closing time", "data_type": "Item", "description": "time when an establishment or attraction closes, qualifier for P3025", "label-zh": "关闭时间"}
{"id": "P8628", "label": "engine displacement", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "measure of the cylinder volume of an engine", "label-zh": "发动机排量"}
{"id": "P8646", "label": "expansion of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "expansion pack of a game (video game, tabletop or board game)", "label-zh": "游戏扩展包"}
{"id": "P8652", "label": "Netflix maturity rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "content rating used and determined by Netflix in countries where local ratings do not apply to streaming media", "label-zh": "Netflix成熟度评级"}
{"id": "P8659", "label": "TDD number", "data_type": "String", "description": "TDD number (textphone/teletype for deaf people) in standard format (RFC3966),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twithout '", "label-zh": "TDD编号"}
{"id": "P8670", "label": "character designer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person in charge of developing the style and concept of a character in a video game, anime or other creative work", "label-zh": "角色设计"}
{"id": "P868", "label": "foods traditionally associated", "data_type": "Item", "description": "foods usually during the ceremony or associated with a certain settlement", "label-zh": "传统上的食物"}
{"id": "P8682", "label": "number of negative votes", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of votes that a referendum, proposal, bill, etc. has been rejected in a vote", "label-zh": "不同意票数"}
{"id": "P8683", "label": "number of support votes", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of votes that a referendum, proposal, bill, etc. has received support in a vote. Other vote-counting properties are aimed at general elections where voting translates into support, but there is no explicit option to vote for / against", "label-zh": "同意票数"}
{"id": "P8684", "label": "x-offset", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "offset on the x-axis or primary axis", "label-zh": "x偏移"}
{"id": "P8685", "label": "y-offset", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "offset on the y-axis or secondary axis", "label-zh": "y偏移"}
{"id": "P8687", "label": "social media followers", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of subscribers on a particular social media website (use as main statement only; see P3744 instead for qualifier). Qualify with \"point in time\" and property for account. For Twitter, use numeric id.", "label-zh": "社交媒体关注者"}
{"id": "P8693", "label": "fandom", "data_type": "Item", "description": "fan group name of a celebrity, musical group, or an artist", "label-zh": "粉丝"}
{"id": "P87", "label": "librettist", "data_type": "Item", "description": "author of the libretto (words) of an opera, operetta, oratorio or cantata, or of the book of a musical", "label-zh": "剧作者"}
{"id": "P870", "label": "instrumentation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "combination of musical instruments employed in a composition or accompanying a (folk) dance", "label-zh": "使用的乐器"}
{"id": "P8701", "label": "has census", "data_type": "Item", "description": "general population census of the country or region", "label-zh": "有人口普查"}
{"id": "P8702", "label": "parallel street", "data_type": "Item", "description": "closest street(s) that run parallel to the item", "label-zh": "平行街道"}
{"id": "P8703", "label": "entry in abbreviations table", "data_type": "String", "description": "abbreviation of name of concept in a publication's list of abbreviations", "label-zh": "缩写表中的条目"}
{"id": "P8706", "label": "ritual object", "data_type": "Item", "description": "ceremonial or ritual objects associated with, and used as part of, rites and rituals practiced in everyday life and in rarer cultic and communal rites", "label-zh": "礼器"}
{"id": "P872", "label": "printed by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "organization or person who printed the creative work (if different from \"publisher\")", "label-zh": "印刷自"}
{"id": "P873", "label": "phase point", "data_type": "Item", "description": "phase point to describe critical point and triple point (see talk page for an example)", "label-zh": "相变点"}
{"id": "P8733", "label": "number of rooms", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of rooms in a building", "label-zh": "房间数量"}
{"id": "P8738", "label": "permits", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the norm or license permits people to engage in the object", "label-zh": "许可证"}
{"id": "P8739", "label": "prohibits", "data_type": "Item", "description": "subject proscribes a prohibition of the object (use qualifiers to specify context)", "label-zh": "禁止"}
{"id": "P874", "label": "UN class", "data_type": "String", "description": "UN hazard classification code", "label-zh": "UN等级"}
{"id": "P8744", "label": "economy of topic", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item that deals with the economy of the subject", "label-zh": "经济话题"}
{"id": "P8745", "label": "check-in time", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the earliest time of day at which a reserved room in a hotel, inn or lodge is available to an arriving guest", "label-zh": "值机时间"}
{"id": "P8746", "label": "check-out time", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the latest time of day a guest may check out of a hotel or lodge without incurring additional cost", "label-zh": "退房时间"}
{"id": "P875", "label": "UN classification code", "data_type": "String", "description": "code for classification of dangerous goods defined by UN", "label-zh": "UN分类代码"}
{"id": "P8751", "label": "die axis", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "measurement of a coin that describes how the obverse and reverse dies were aligned to each other when it was struck, either in degrees (0-360) or hours (12-11)", "label-zh": "模具轴"}
{"id": "P8753", "label": "annual average daily traffic", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "daily traffic through a certain point, as yearly average", "label-zh": "年平均日交通量"}
{"id": "P8757", "label": "maximum current", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "maximum current for this item, specify unit (e.g. Ampere)", "label-zh": "最大电流"}
{"id": "P876", "label": "UN packaging group", "data_type": "String", "description": "packaging code according to UN transportation rules", "label-zh": "UN包装组"}
{"id": "P8763", "label": "birth rate", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "the total number of live births per 1,000 population", "label-zh": "出生率"}
{"id": "P8764", "label": "port calls", "data_type": "Item", "description": "harbor or port at which the ship stopped; port of call", "label-zh": "端口调用"}
{"id": "P877", "label": "NFPA Special", "data_type": "String", "description": "NFPA code for a chemical's other hazards in white (bottom) quadrant", "label-zh": "NFPA特殊危害"}
{"id": "P8770", "label": "format as language specific regular expression", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "regex describing a string in a given language; use the language code to define which language it applies to", "label-zh": "格式为特定于语言的正则表达式"}
{"id": "P878", "label": "avionics", "data_type": "Item", "description": "notable sensors, electronics, and other avionics installed in the subject aircraft", "label-zh": "航空电子"}
{"id": "P8786", "label": "dedicated heritage entity", "data_type": "Item", "description": "heritage entity dedicated to or associated with the item's subject", "label-zh": "专用遗产实体"}
{"id": "P8789", "label": "defining mutations", "data_type": "Item", "description": "genetic mutations that define a haplogroup", "label-zh": "定义突变"}
{"id": "P879", "label": "pennant number", "data_type": "String", "description": "the number or designation associated with individual ships, often painted on the hull", "label-zh": "舷号"}
{"id": "P8791", "label": "digitised by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "institution or person who digitised an exemplar of this item. Qualify with\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"criterion used\" (P1013) to indicate which step was done.", "label-zh": "数字化"}
{"id": "P8798", "label": "for color scheme", "data_type": "Item", "description": "which color scheme this statement is designed for", "label-zh": "颜色方案"}
{"id": "P88", "label": "commissioned by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person or organization that commissioned this work", "label-zh": "委托人"}
{"id": "P880", "label": "CPU", "data_type": "Item", "description": "central processing unit found within the subject item", "label-zh": "CPU"}
{"id": "P881", "label": "type of variable star", "data_type": "Item", "description": "type of star", "label-zh": "星座类型"}
{"id": "P8810", "label": "parent", "data_type": "Item", "description": "parent of the subject. Only use if neither father (P22) nor mother (P25) is\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tapplicable.", "label-zh": "亲代"}
{"id": "P8822", "label": "epithet", "data_type": "Item", "description": "has an epithet (byname), for a human, a character or a deity", "label-zh": "绰号"}
{"id": "P8824", "label": "attraction to", "data_type": "Item", "description": "sexual attraction or arousal arising from an entity", "label-zh": "吸引"}
{"id": "P8839", "label": "hairstyle / hairlength", "data_type": "Item", "description": "style or length of cutting, arranging, or combing the hair on the subject's scalp", "label-zh": "发型"}
{"id": "P8843", "label": "poverty incidence", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "proportion of households with per capita income/expenditure less than the per capita\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpoverty threshold to the total number of households", "label-zh": "贫困发生率"}
{"id": "P885", "label": "origin of the watercourse", "data_type": "Item", "description": "main source of a river, stream or lake", "label-zh": "水源"}
{"id": "P8852", "label": "facial hair", "data_type": "Item", "description": "style of cutting, arranging, or combing the hair on the subject's face (usually on\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthe chin, cheeks, and upper lip region); beard", "label-zh": "面部毛发"}
{"id": "P8864", "label": "identity element", "data_type": "Item", "description": "value of the identity element of the mathematical operation", "label-zh": "标识元素"}
{"id": "P8865", "label": "mathematical inverse", "data_type": "Item", "description": "inverse element with respect to binary operation given as a qualifier", "label-zh": "数学逆"}
{"id": "P8866", "label": "has operator", "data_type": "Item", "description": "mathematical operator associated with this algebraic structure", "label-zh": "有操作员"}
{"id": "P887", "label": "based on heuristic", "data_type": "Item", "description": "indicates that the property value is determined based on some heuristic (Q201413); to be used as source", "label-zh": "基于启发法"}
{"id": "P8872", "label": "has marker", "data_type": "Item", "description": "a gene or a protein published as a marker of a species-specific cell type", "label-zh": "有标记"}
{"id": "P8874", "label": "Hong Kong film rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Hong Kong film classification system", "label-zh": "香港电影分级"}
{"id": "P8875", "label": "indexed in bibliographic review", "data_type": "Item", "description": "bibliographic review(s) and/or database(s) which index this academic journal", "label-zh": "收录于题录数据库"}
{"id": "P8876", "label": "number of taxpayers", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of persons liable for a tax", "label-zh": "纳税人人数"}
{"id": "P8881", "label": "ITRANS", "data_type": "String", "description": "ASCII transliteration with ITRANS scheme for Indic scripts, particularly for Devanagari script", "label-zh": "伊坦"}
{"id": "P8882", "label": "complementary property", "data_type": "Property", "description": "property expressing opposing information (e.g. start date and end date). For inverses, use P1696. For properties that negate each other, use P11317. For relations among items, use P461.", "label-zh": "互补属性"}
{"id": "P8884", "label": "number of points/goals attempted", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "shots or other attempts to score points in a sporting event", "label-zh": "尝试的点数/目标数"}
{"id": "P8887", "label": "water area", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "area/surface of a geographical entity that is covered by water", "label-zh": "水域"}
{"id": "P8889", "label": "MTRCB rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "rating of a film or television program in the Philippines", "label-zh": "港铁评级"}
{"id": "P8890", "label": "power consumption index", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "value of the relative energy consumption from the energy certificate of a building", "label-zh": "功耗指标"}
{"id": "P8891", "label": "heating energy consumption index", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "value of the relative heating consumption from the energy certificate of a building", "label-zh": "采暖能耗指标"}
{"id": "P8898", "label": "road name formatter", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "template from which “$1” can be automatically replaced by a bare road number to obtain the full name of a numbered road", "label-zh": "道路名称格式器"}
{"id": "P8901", "label": "ELSPA rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "rating of a video game in the British ELSPA rating system (1994 - Spring 2003)", "label-zh": "ELSPA评级"}
{"id": "P8927", "label": "kunya", "data_type": "Item", "description": "teknonym in Arabic names, the name of an adult derived from their eldest child or from their characteristics", "label-zh": "昆雅"}
{"id": "P8933", "label": "category for the view from the item", "data_type": "Item", "description": "category for the view from this item (object, place)", "label-zh": "项目视图的类别"}
{"id": "P8938", "label": "artistic director", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person responsible for the overall artistic vision of an organization and for its\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\texecution. See also P3174 for works.", "label-zh": "艺术总监"}
{"id": "P8942", "label": "word lookup", "data_type": "String", "description": "formatter to look up a word or a name in database or website. If it appears in search results, use \"search formatter URL\" (P4354). Qualify with \"applies to part\" (P518), if applicable; with \"uses\" (P2283) for conversion (ex: \"lowercase\" Q4444253)", "label-zh": "单词查找"}
{"id": "P8952", "label": "inappropriate property for this type", "data_type": "Property", "description": "property that should not be present for instances of that element", "label-zh": "此类型的属性不合适"}
{"id": "P8956", "label": "compatible with", "data_type": "Item", "description": "this work, product, object or standard can interact with another work, product, object or standard", "label-zh": "与此兼容"}
{"id": "P8963", "label": "National Library at Kolkata romanization", "data_type": "String", "description": "transliteration scheme in dictionaries and grammars of Indic languages", "label-zh": "加尔各答国家图书馆罗马化"}
{"id": "P8966", "label": "URL match pattern", "data_type": "String", "description": "regex pattern of URL that an external ID may be extracted. Qualifier \"URL match replacement value\" can overwrite the default \\1. Use non-capturing groups when needed \"(?:www)?\"", "label-zh": "URL匹配表达式"}
{"id": "P8967", "label": "URL match replacement value", "data_type": "String", "description": "(qualifier only) optional qualifier to overwrite the default \\1", "label-zh": "URL匹配替换值"}
{"id": "P897", "label": "United States Army and Air Force aircraft designation", "data_type": "String", "description": "identifier for a US Army and Air Force aircraft until 1962", "label-zh": "美国陆军和空军的飞机命名"}
{"id": "P898", "label": "IPA transcription", "data_type": "String", "description": "transcription in the International Phonetic Alphabet", "label-zh": "IPA"}
{"id": "P8981", "label": "lunar coordinates (BEING REPLACED)", "data_type": "GlobeCoordinate", "description": "coordinates of a place on Earth's Moon", "label-zh": "月球坐标(正在更换)"}
{"id": "P8986", "label": "graph girth", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "length of a shortest cycle contained in the graph", "label-zh": "图形周长"}
{"id": "P8989", "label": "category for the view of the item", "data_type": "Item", "description": "category for the view of this item (object, place)", "label-zh": "项目视图的类别"}
{"id": "P8991", "label": "ALA-LC romanization", "data_type": "String", "description": "transliteration schemes for non-Roman scripts approved by the Library of Congress and the American Library Association", "label-zh": "ALA-LC罗马化"}
{"id": "P9002", "label": "liturgical rank", "data_type": "Item", "description": "rank of a feast day in a religious calendar used for public worship", "label-zh": "礼仪等级"}
{"id": "P9021", "label": "Bharati Braille", "data_type": "String", "description": "transcription of Indic scripts in a national standard Braille script", "label-zh": "印度盲文"}
{"id": "P9028", "label": "CCC classification", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Chilean video game content rating as dictated by Decree 51", "label-zh": "CCC分类"}
{"id": "P9030", "label": "solution to", "data_type": "Item", "description": "a mathematical object that satisfies the criteria for a mathematical problem", "label-zh": "溶液"}
{"id": "P9047", "label": "archaeological site of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "at this archeological site the object has been uncovered", "label-zh": "考古遗址"}
{"id": "P9052", "label": "date postally canceled", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date of a postal marking on a postage stamp or postal stationery to deface the stamp and to prevent its reuse", "label-zh": "取消日期"}
{"id": "P9059", "label": "subdivision of this unit", "data_type": "Item", "description": "name of subdivision of this unit/currency", "label-zh": "本单元的细分"}
{"id": "P9071", "label": "character type", "data_type": "Item", "description": "character type (e.g. character archetype, stock character, character stereotype etc.) this fictional character represents", "label-zh": "字符类型"}
{"id": "P9072", "label": "derived from organism type", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the taxon that the organism from which the subject cell line was derived belonged to\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(different from found in taxon (P703) because cell lines are derived only once from\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ta single individual)", "label-zh": "源自生物体类型"}
{"id": "P9073", "label": "applicable 'stated in' value", "data_type": "Item", "description": "value suitable for \"stated in\" (P248) when property is used in references to refer to the primary publication/website/database associated with the property", "label-zh": "适用的“说明”值"}
{"id": "P9077", "label": "number of aid beneficiaries", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of people reached with international aid programmes, actions and humanitarian activities. Qualify with \"point in time\" (P585) where appropriate", "label-zh": "援助受益人人数"}
{"id": "P908", "label": "PEGI rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "European video game content rating system", "label-zh": "PEGI评级"}
{"id": "P9086", "label": "BAMID film rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "rating in the Taiwanese movie content rating system", "label-zh": "BAMID胶片评级"}
{"id": "P91", "label": "sexual orientation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the sexual orientation of the person relative to their declared gender — use ONLY IF they have stated it themselves, unambiguously, or it has been widely agreed upon by historians after their death", "label-zh": "性取向"}
{"id": "P910", "label": "topic's main category", "data_type": "Item", "description": "main Wikimedia category", "label-zh": "话题主分类"}
{"id": "P9107", "label": "number of vaccinations", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of people vaccinated, qualify with \"point in time\" (P585)", "label-zh": "疫苗接种数量"}
{"id": "P912", "label": "has facility", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the subject item has this type of facility, e.g. toilet, car park", "label-zh": "拥有设施"}
{"id": "P9126", "label": "Commons media contributed by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "which institution an image is sourced from", "label-zh": "公共媒体投稿"}
{"id": "P913", "label": "notation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "mathematical notation or another symbol", "label-zh": "符号"}
{"id": "P9139", "label": "first family name in Portuguese name", "data_type": "Item", "description": "first (generally maternal) family name in Portuguese names", "label-zh": "葡萄牙语名字中的第一个姓氏"}
{"id": "P914", "label": "USK rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "German video game content rating - see talk page for appropriate values", "label-zh": "USK评级"}
{"id": "P9140", "label": "time played", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "time (usually minutes) played by a participant in a sporting event", "label-zh": "播放时间"}
{"id": "P9149", "label": "coordinates of depicted place", "data_type": "GlobeCoordinate", "description": "coordinates of the place depicted in the work (or Commons image)", "label-zh": "描绘地点的坐标"}
{"id": "P915", "label": "filming location", "data_type": "Item", "description": "actual place where this scene/film was shot. For the setting, use \"narrative location\" (P840)", "label-zh": "拍摄地点"}
{"id": "P916", "label": "GSRR rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Taiwanese video game content rating system", "label-zh": "GSRR评级"}
{"id": "P9161", "label": "thesis committee member", "data_type": "Item", "description": "member of the committee for this thesis or dissertation; for any type of thesis\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(bachelor's, master's, doctoral, etc.). Qualify with \"object has role\" (P3831) to\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tindicate chair", "label-zh": "论文委员会成员"}
{"id": "P9180", "label": "number of at bats", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of batting attempts in a baseball career or game(s)", "label-zh": "蝙蝠数量"}
{"id": "P9184", "label": "number of hits", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of hits earned in a baseball career or game(s)", "label-zh": "命中数"}
{"id": "P9188", "label": "bases on balls", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of walks in a baseball career or game(s)", "label-zh": "基于球的基础"}
{"id": "P9190", "label": "runs batted in", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of RBIs attributed to a baseball player in a career or game(s)", "label-zh": "击球得分"}
{"id": "P9191", "label": "letterer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person responsible for drawing the comic book's text, word balloons, etc.", "label-zh": "字母"}
{"id": "P9192", "label": "sensors", "data_type": "Item", "description": "notable sensors in the electronic device", "label-zh": "传感器"}
{"id": "P92", "label": "main regulatory text", "data_type": "Item", "description": "text setting the main rules by which the subject is regulated", "label-zh": "主要规管文献"}
{"id": "P921", "label": "main subject", "data_type": "Item", "description": "primary topic of a work (see also P180: depicts)", "label-zh": "作品主题"}
{"id": "P9215", "label": "set during recurring event", "data_type": "Item", "description": "recurring event (e.g. season, month, holiday) during which this fictional work is set", "label-zh": "在重复事件期间设置"}
{"id": "P9217", "label": "stolen bases", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of bases stolen by a baseball player in a career or game(s)", "label-zh": "被盗基地"}
{"id": "P922", "label": "magnetic ordering", "data_type": "Item", "description": "magnetic ordering of a substance", "label-zh": "磁性排序"}
{"id": "P9220", "label": "doubles hit", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of doubles hit by a baseball player in a career or game(s)", "label-zh": "双打命中"}
{"id": "P9225", "label": "triples hit", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of triples hit by a baseball player in a career or game(s)", "label-zh": "三重命中"}
{"id": "P923", "label": "medical examination", "data_type": "Item", "description": "examinations that might be used to diagnose and/or prognose the medical condition", "label-zh": "医学检查"}
{"id": "P9234", "label": "supplement to", "data_type": "Item", "description": "subject work or edition updates or otherwise complements the object work or edition", "label-zh": "补充"}
{"id": "P9235", "label": "seismic classification", "data_type": "Item", "description": "seismic risk zone which the administrative entity that receives the seismic classification is in", "label-zh": "地震分类"}
{"id": "P9237", "label": "reissue of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "reissue of musical work, release", "label-zh": "重新发布"}
{"id": "P9238", "label": "staking percentage", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "percentage of the funds that participates actively in a proof-of-stake network", "label-zh": "标桩百分比"}
{"id": "P9239", "label": "affiliated worker organisation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "organization representing workers in a specific company", "label-zh": "附属工人组织"}
{"id": "P924", "label": "possible treatment", "data_type": "Item", "description": "health treatment used to resolve or ameliorate a medical condition", "label-zh": "疗法"}
{"id": "P9241", "label": "demographics of topic", "data_type": "Item", "description": "item that deals with demographics of the subject", "label-zh": "专题人口统计"}
{"id": "P925", "label": "presynaptic connection", "data_type": "Item", "description": "neuron connects on its presynaptic end to", "label-zh": "突触前连接"}
{"id": "P9259", "label": "assessment outcome", "data_type": "Item", "description": "outcome of the test or assessment when the test isn't a score", "label-zh": "测试结果"}
{"id": "P926", "label": "postsynaptic connection", "data_type": "Item", "description": "neuron connects on its postsynaptic end to", "label-zh": "突触连接"}
{"id": "P9260", "label": "music transcriber", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person who transcribed a musical work into musical notation; for composers of music, use P86", "label-zh": "音乐转录器"}
{"id": "P927", "label": "anatomical location", "data_type": "Item", "description": "where in the body or cell does this feature lie or happen", "label-zh": "解剖位置"}
{"id": "P9274", "label": "subsidy", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "fiscal tool a government uses to encourage economic development, help disadvantaged\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tgroups, or advance other national objectives", "label-zh": "补贴"}
{"id": "P9275", "label": "inverse agonist of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "substance whose binding to a protein produces the opposite response as an agonist\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbinding to that protein", "label-zh": "反向激动剂"}
{"id": "P9279", "label": "Egapro gender equality index", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "index value for a company per regulations in France", "label-zh": "Egapro性别平等指数"}
{"id": "P928", "label": "activating neurotransmitter", "data_type": "Item", "description": "which neurotransmitter activates the neuron", "label-zh": "激活神经递质"}
{"id": "P929", "label": "color space", "data_type": "Item", "description": "mathematical model describing the way colors can be represented as tuples of numbers", "label-zh": "色彩空间"}
{"id": "P9295", "label": "transitivity", "data_type": "Item", "description": "possible grammatical property of a verb accepting a object complement", "label-zh": "传递性"}
{"id": "P930", "label": "type of electrification", "data_type": "Item", "description": "electrification system scheme and/or voltage", "label-zh": "电气化方式"}
{"id": "P9302", "label": "script style", "data_type": "Item", "description": "style of script of a document or typeface", "label-zh": "脚本样式"}
{"id": "P931", "label": "place served by transport hub", "data_type": "Item", "description": "territorial entity or entities served by this transport hub (airport, train station, etc.)", "label-zh": "机场服务地区"}
{"id": "P9310", "label": "pHash checksum", "data_type": "String", "description": "perceptual hash for file on Commons, value which tells whether two images look nearly identical", "label-zh": "pHash校验和"}
{"id": "P9311", "label": "Jyutping transliteration", "data_type": "String", "description": "Jyutping transliteration of Cantonese words", "label-zh": "香港语言学学会粤语拼音方案"}
{"id": "P9313", "label": "Yale romanization", "data_type": "String", "description": "Yale romanisation of Cantonese words", "label-zh": "耶鲁粤语拼音"}
{"id": "P9317", "label": "Cantonese Pinyin", "data_type": "String", "description": "Cantonese Pinyin transliteration of Cantonese words", "label-zh": "教育学院粤语拼音方案"}
{"id": "P9323", "label": "Cantonese Transliteration Scheme transliteration", "data_type": "String", "description": "Cantonese Transliteration Scheme transliteration of Cantonese words", "label-zh": "广州话拼音方案"}
{"id": "P9325", "label": "Gedong Kirtya Classification", "data_type": "Item", "description": "classification of Balinese palm-leaf manuscript based by Nyoman Kadjeng", "label-zh": "格东Kirtya分类"}
{"id": "P9344", "label": "has graphical element", "data_type": "Item", "description": "mark, motif, coat of arms, map, or other graphic element added to a creative work", "label-zh": "具有图形元素"}
{"id": "P935", "label": "Commons gallery", "data_type": "String", "description": "name of the Wikimedia Commons gallery page(s) related to this item (is suitable to allow multiple links to more gallery pages)", "label-zh": "共享资源图库"}
{"id": "P9353", "label": "does not have cause", "data_type": "Item", "description": "expected cause, assumed cause or usual cause absent here", "label-zh": "没有原因"}
{"id": "P937", "label": "work location", "data_type": "Item", "description": "location where persons or organisations were actively participating in employment, business or other work", "label-zh": "工作地点"}
{"id": "P9373", "label": "Ukrainian national romanization", "data_type": "String", "description": "romanized Ukrainian text method for Ukrainian text (transliteration from Ukrainian Cyrillic alphabet to Latin alphabet)", "label-zh": "乌克兰国家罗马化"}
{"id": "P9376", "label": "law digest", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "short text that summarizes a law, decree and other legal rulings, part of the preamble", "label-zh": "法律摘要"}
{"id": "P9382", "label": "Unicode character name", "data_type": "String", "description": "official character name assigned by the Unicode Consortium", "label-zh": "Unicode字符名"}
{"id": "P9396", "label": "trade union membership rate", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "rate of members of trade unions in proportion to the total number of workers", "label-zh": "工会会员率"}
{"id": "P941", "label": "inspired by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "work, human, place or event which inspired this creative work or fictional entity", "label-zh": "启发自"}
{"id": "P9410", "label": "placeholder text element ID", "data_type": "String", "description": "unique identifier (id attribute) of the <text> or <tspan> element in the SVG file whose contents should be replaced by text described by the value of the P6568 claim", "label-zh": "占位符文本元素ID"}
{"id": "P9419", "label": "personal library at", "data_type": "Item", "description": "institution holding the subject’s personal library", "label-zh": "个人图书馆"}
{"id": "P942", "label": "theme music", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the theme music/song used by the item", "label-zh": "主题音乐"}
{"id": "P943", "label": "programmer", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the programmer that wrote the piece of software", "label-zh": "程序员"}
{"id": "P944", "label": "code of nomenclature", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the code that governs the scientific name of this taxon", "label-zh": "命名法规"}
{"id": "P9440", "label": "pH value", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "acidity and alkalinity of an aqueous solution", "label-zh": "pH值"}
{"id": "P9448", "label": "introduced on", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date when a bill was introduced into a legislature", "label-zh": "介绍于"}
{"id": "P945", "label": "allegiance", "data_type": "Item", "description": "country (or other power) that the person or group serves", "label-zh": "效忠对象"}
{"id": "P9453", "label": "ALA-LC romanization for Ukrainian", "data_type": "String", "description": "romanization method for Ukrainian text (transliteration from Ukrainian Cyrillic alphabet to Latin alphabet)", "label-zh": "乌克兰语的ALA-LC罗马化"}
{"id": "P9488", "label": "field of usage", "data_type": "Item", "description": "specialized area or terminology where this sense is used", "label-zh": "使用领域"}
{"id": "P9493", "label": "artist files at", "data_type": "Item", "description": "institution or collection that holds artist files about the subject", "label-zh": "艺术家文件位于"}
{"id": "P9496", "label": "degrees day", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "thermal degree days value for a locality (integral of temperature above or below a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\treference during a time period)", "label-zh": "华氏度"}
{"id": "P952", "label": "ISCO-88 occupation class", "data_type": "String", "description": "International Standard Classification of Occupations code according to the International Labour Organization (ILO) classification structure as of 1988", "label-zh": "ISCO职业代码"}
{"id": "P9531", "label": "identifier shared with lexeme", "data_type": "Lexeme", "description": "qualifier used to state which other lexemes are also matched to this identifier", "label-zh": "与词位共享的标识符"}
{"id": "P9533", "label": "audio transcription", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "transcription of the word/text being spoken in this file", "label-zh": "音频转录"}
{"id": "P9547", "label": "counterpart position", "data_type": "Item", "description": "ruling party position which this opposition political party position is the counterpart of or shadows", "label-zh": "对应位置"}
{"id": "P9548", "label": "earned run average", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "earned run average of a baseball pitcher in a career or season", "label-zh": "运行平均收益"}
{"id": "P9549", "label": "official podcast", "data_type": "Item", "description": "official podcast of this person or organization", "label-zh": "官方播客"}
{"id": "P9566", "label": "diel cycle", "data_type": "Item", "description": "pattern of diel activity in animals, such as \"nocturnal\" (Q101029366), \"diurnal\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(Q4284186)", "label-zh": "电介质循环"}
{"id": "P9567", "label": "intended background color", "data_type": "Item", "description": "this transparent image is intended to be used in front of a background color", "label-zh": "预期背景色"}
{"id": "P9570", "label": "scope note", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "note that describes what a term means in the context of a particular controlled\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsubject vocabulary; use as a qualifier for identifier statements when a controlled\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvocabulary has a scope note", "label-zh": "范围注释"}
{"id": "P958", "label": "section, verse, paragraph, or clause", "data_type": "String", "description": "paragraph, or other kind of special indication to find information on a page or on a document (legal texts etc.)", "label-zh": "段落"}
{"id": "P9597", "label": "type of lens", "data_type": "Item", "description": "type of lens used in a lighthouse, telescope, camera, etc.", "label-zh": "透镜类型"}
{"id": "P9600", "label": "oral history at", "data_type": "Item", "description": "None", "label-zh": "口腔病史"}
{"id": "P9611", "label": "district heating grid", "data_type": "Item", "description": "district heating (or cooling) grid of region/locality connecting producers and\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tresidential or commercial consumers in the area", "label-zh": "区域供热管网"}
{"id": "P965", "label": "burial plot reference", "data_type": "String", "description": "string of references which identify a specific plot in a burial area, e.g. cemetery", "label-zh": "墓地信息"}
{"id": "P9652", "label": "personality trait of fictional character", "data_type": "Item", "description": "particular personality trait which applies to this fictional character", "label-zh": "虚构人物的性格特征"}
{"id": "P9660", "label": "not found in", "data_type": "Item", "description": "publication or database relevant to the topic that would generally include similar subjects, but in which the subject isn't described or attested. Use if there is no external-id property for the work.", "label-zh": "未在中找到"}
{"id": "P9664", "label": "named place on map", "data_type": "Item", "description": "property linking a map to a place named on it", "label-zh": "地图上的命名地点"}
{"id": "P9667", "label": "date of resignation", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date of official resignation of the head of a government in parliamentary-based states, triggering the government to stay in place until the formation of a new executive", "label-zh": "辞职日期"}
{"id": "P967", "label": "guest of honor", "data_type": "Item", "description": "guest(s) of honor invited to an event, e.g. a convention", "label-zh": "荣誉嘉宾"}
{"id": "P9675", "label": "MediaWiki page ID", "data_type": "String", "description": "numeric identifier of a page in a MediaWiki wiki", "label-zh": "MediaWiki页面标识符"}
{"id": "P9680", "label": "consequence of text", "data_type": "Item", "description": "legislative or executive or other text that was the cause of the statement", "label-zh": "文本的后果"}
{"id": "P9681", "label": "voted on by", "data_type": "Item", "description": "a legislative house in which a legislative act was voted on", "label-zh": "投票人"}
{"id": "P9683", "label": "Qualis rank", "data_type": "Item", "description": "rank of an academic journal on the Qualis/CAPES system", "label-zh": "鹌鹑等级"}
{"id": "P9687", "label": "author given names", "data_type": "String", "description": "qualifier for string representation of given or secondary sorting portion of a name as represented in a bibliographic reference file (for example BibTeX)", "label-zh": "作者姓名"}
{"id": "P9688", "label": "author last names", "data_type": "String", "description": "qualifier to provide string representation of family or primary sorting portion of name as represented in a bibliographic reference file (for example BibTeX)", "label-zh": "作者姓氏"}
{"id": "P97", "label": "noble title", "data_type": "Item", "description": "titles held by the person", "label-zh": "贵族头衔"}
{"id": "P970", "label": "neurological function", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the function of a neurological structure", "label-zh": "神经功能"}
{"id": "P9700", "label": "delta of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "river that empties water and sediment into its delta", "label-zh": "三角洲"}
{"id": "P971", "label": "category combines topics", "data_type": "Item", "description": "this category combines (intersects) these two or more topics", "label-zh": "分类结合话题"}
{"id": "P9714", "label": "taxon range", "data_type": "Item", "description": "geographic area(s) where a taxon is found", "label-zh": "物种分布"}
{"id": "P972", "label": "catalog", "data_type": "Item", "description": "catalog for the item, or, as a qualifier of P528 – catalog for which the 'catalog code' is valid", "label-zh": "目录"}
{"id": "P9729", "label": "replacement value", "data_type": "Item", "description": "value to use instead, use as qualifier for constraint definitions, with or without \"replacement property (P6824)\"", "label-zh": "替换值"}
{"id": "P9731", "label": "announced at", "data_type": "Item", "description": "event at which product or creative work was announced", "label-zh": "公布于"}
{"id": "P9733", "label": "International Tables for Crystallography space group number", "data_type": "String", "description": "space group number as assigned in International Tables for Crystallography Vol. A", "label-zh": "国际晶体学空间组号表"}
{"id": "P974", "label": "tributary", "data_type": "Item", "description": "watercourse that flows into an other one (for lake inflows use P200)", "label-zh": "支流"}
{"id": "P9740", "label": "number of request signatories", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of persons who signed a given petition, initiative, request for a referendum, or other large scale proposal/request", "label-zh": "请求签字人数量"}
{"id": "P9745", "label": "translation of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "edition, version, or expression that this translation is translated from", "label-zh": "翻译"}
{"id": "P9758", "label": "symbol represents", "data_type": "Item", "description": "qualifier for \"in defining formula\" (P7235) which indicates the quantity or operator represented by a symbol in the \"defining formula\" (P2534)", "label-zh": "符号含义"}
{"id": "P9759", "label": "bridge number", "data_type": "String", "description": "numeric or alphanumeric identifier of a bridge (for US bridges, use P3676)", "label-zh": "桥号"}
{"id": "P9763", "label": "syntactic dependency head relationship", "data_type": "Item", "description": "type of dependency relationship between the part being qualified and its\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcorresponding head (denoted with \"syntactic dependency head position\")", "label-zh": "句法依存关系"}
{"id": "P9764", "label": "syntactic dependency head position", "data_type": "String", "description": "position (as a value for P1545 on another P5238 statement of the same lexeme) of the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\thead to which the \"syntactic dependency head relationship\" value qualifying this\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tP5238 statement points", "label-zh": "句法依赖头部位置"}
{"id": "P9767", "label": "edition/version", "data_type": "Monolingual text", "description": "the official edition or version name of a resource; this name is not considered part of the title or subtitle of the resource", "label-zh": "版本/版本"}
{"id": "P9788", "label": "performed at (BEING DELETED)", "data_type": "Item", "description": "a venue or location that a person or group performed at", "label-zh": "执行时间(正在删除)"}
{"id": "P9790", "label": "Smithsonian trinomial format regex", "data_type": "String", "description": "regex to describe the format of Smithsonian trinomials for a U.S. territorial entity", "label-zh": "史密森三项式格式正则表达式"}
{"id": "P9793", "label": "setlist", "data_type": "Item", "description": "performances of songs or other music at an event; concert program", "label-zh": "设置列表"}
{"id": "P9798", "label": "Classification of the Functions of Government", "data_type": "Item", "description": "UN classification to compare government agencies across countries", "label-zh": "政府职能分类"}
{"id": "P98", "label": "editor", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person who checks and correct a work (such as a book, newspaper, academic journal, etc.) to comply with a rules of certain genre", "label-zh": "编辑"}
{"id": "P9803", "label": "UEFA stadium category", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Category of the sports facility according to the UEFA Stadium Infrastructure Regulations", "label-zh": "欧洲足联体育场类别"}
{"id": "P9810", "label": "remix of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the song this audio track is a remix of", "label-zh": "混音"}
{"id": "P9813", "label": "container", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the type or representing item that is located outside of and is not part of the item\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tand fully contains it to protect it from outside elements", "label-zh": "容器"}
{"id": "P9831", "label": "release of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "release group this release belongs to", "label-zh": "发布"}
{"id": "P9866", "label": "GRAC rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "age rating category as designated by the South Korean Game Rating and Administration Committee (GRAC)", "label-zh": "GRAC评级"}
{"id": "P9883", "label": "created for", "data_type": "Item", "description": "a work, event, etc. for which the subject work was created (e.g., a presidential\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinauguration that a poem was written for; a competition that a play was created for;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ta film that a screenplay was written for)", "label-zh": "为创建"}
{"id": "P9887", "label": "Candomblé nation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "lineage of a terreiro (temple) in Candomblé religion, representing the place of origin or ethnical group of the founders, the dialet used and other liturgy aspects", "label-zh": "加拿大"}
{"id": "P9888", "label": "NZTCS conservation status", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the conservation status from the New Zealand Threat Classification System assigned by the New Zealand Department of Conservation", "label-zh": "NZTCS保护状态"}
{"id": "P9895", "label": "Mexican video game rating category", "data_type": "Item", "description": "content rating category by the Secretariat of the Interior of Mexico", "label-zh": "墨西哥视频游戏分级类别"}
{"id": "P9897", "label": "App Store age rating", "data_type": "Item", "description": "content rating category by Apple for software published at the App Store", "label-zh": "App Store年龄分级"}
{"id": "P9899", "label": "music created for", "data_type": "Item", "description": "a work, event, etc. for which a musical composition was created (e.g., a play for which incidental music was composed; a ballet for which ballet music was written; a film for which motion picture music was created)", "label-zh": "为"}
{"id": "P9901", "label": "issuing agent of work", "data_type": "Item", "description": "organization, agency, or other entity responsible for issuing a serial or other\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcontinuing resource, such as the official publication of the entity; distinct from\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcommercial publisher of the resource", "label-zh": "工作发布代理"}
{"id": "P9905", "label": "relevant date for copyright", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "relevant date that qualifies a copyright status", "label-zh": "版权相关日期"}
{"id": "P991", "label": "successful candidate", "data_type": "Item", "description": "person(s) or political organization(s) elected after the election", "label-zh": "当选人"}
{"id": "P9924", "label": "number of evacuated", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of people who have to be evacuated as a result of an event such as a natural or human disaster", "label-zh": "疏散人数"}
{"id": "P9926", "label": "template populates category", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Wikimedia category which is populated by a template", "label-zh": "模板填充分类"}
{"id": "P9927", "label": "number of tries marked", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "number of tries marked during a rugby competition", "label-zh": "标记的尝试次数"}
{"id": "P9929", "label": "madhhab", "data_type": "Item", "description": "Islamic school of thought within Fiqh", "label-zh": "马达加斯加"}
{"id": "P993", "label": "NFPA Health", "data_type": "String", "description": "NFPA rating for a chemical's hazard to health (blue quadrant in fire diamond)", "label-zh": "NFPA健康危害"}
{"id": "P994", "label": "NFPA Fire", "data_type": "String", "description": "NFPA rating for a chemical's flammability (red quadrant in fire diamond)", "label-zh": "NFPA可燃性"}
{"id": "P9945", "label": "dissertation program", "data_type": "Item", "description": "an academic department or degree program within a university or college that authorized the granting of a degree for a thesis or dissertation; the department, school, college, etc. within a university where a student submitting a dissertation was based. U", "label-zh": "论文计划"}
{"id": "P9946", "label": "date of probate", "data_type": "Point in time", "description": "date on which the person's will was proved", "label-zh": "遗嘱认证日期"}
{"id": "P995", "label": "NFPA Instability", "data_type": "String", "description": "NFPA rating for chemical or physical reactivity (yellow quadrant in fire diamond)", "label-zh": "NFPA反应活性"}
{"id": "P9969", "label": "catalogue raisonné", "data_type": "Item", "description": "a catalogue raisonné for an artist", "label-zh": "目录理由"}
{"id": "P9970", "label": "predicate for", "data_type": "Item", "description": "action that is described by this verb/predicate", "label-zh": "谓词"}
{"id": "P9971", "label": "has thematic relation", "data_type": "Item", "description": "role played by an argument of a verb or verb phrase, or by an (express or implied)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcomponent of a noun or noun phrase, with respect to a particular sense", "label-zh": "具有主题关系"}
{"id": "P9972", "label": "illustrative content", "data_type": "Item", "description": "the type or types of illustrative content present in a resource", "label-zh": "说明性内容"}
{"id": "P9974", "label": "ITU radio emission designation", "data_type": "String", "description": "designation of a radio emission according to International Telecommunication Union's\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tRecommendation ITU-R SM.1138-2 Appendix 1", "label-zh": "ITU无线电发射名称"}
{"id": "P9977", "label": "isotopically modified form of", "data_type": "Item", "description": "given molecular entity is a form with natural isotopic composition", "label-zh": "同位素修饰形式"}
{"id": "P9989", "label": "stylized name", "data_type": "String", "description": "a widely used but non-standard form of a name (rather than a different name entirely\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tor a pseudonym)", "label-zh": "风格化名称"}
{"id": "P9994", "label": "record number", "data_type": "String", "description": "number or string identifying a record, document or certificate (e.g. birth\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcertificate or death certificate) that is visible on the record", "label-zh": "记录编号"}
{"id": "P9998", "label": "excitation energy", "data_type": "Quantity", "description": "energy difference of an excited state from the ground state of its physical system", "label-zh": "励磁能量"}
{"id": "P236", "label": "ISSN", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "International Standard Serial Number (print or electronic)", "label-zh": "P236"}
{"id": "P4769", "label": "GameFAQs game ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a game on GameFAQs", "label-zh": "GameFAQ游戏ID"}
{"id": "P649", "label": "NRHP reference number", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier in the National Register of Historic Places assigned by the National Park\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tService of the USA", "label-zh": "NRHP参考号"}
{"id": "P1225", "label": "U.S. National Archives Identifier", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for the United States National Archives and Records Administration's\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tonline catalog", "label-zh": "美国国家档案标识符"}
{"id": "P1846", "label": "distribution map", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "distribution of item on a mapped area (for range map of taxa, use (P181).)", "label-zh": "分布图"}
{"id": "P5467", "label": "GlyphWiki ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of GlyphWiki, in which glyphs of Han characters are managed", "label-zh": "象形文字W"}
{"id": "P998", "label": "Curlie ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "category path at Open Directory Project", "label-zh": "卷发ID"}
{"id": "P590", "label": "GNIS ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for geographic objects in the US issued by the USGS. For Antarctica, use\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tProperty:P804", "label-zh": "GNIS标识"}
{"id": "P3789", "label": "Telegram username", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "this item's username, channel or group on Telegram", "label-zh": "电报用户名"}
{"id": "P1755", "label": "Aviation Safety Network accident ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an accident description per the Aviation Safety Network's database", "label-zh": "航空安全网络事故ID"}
{"id": "P6337", "label": "PCGamingWiki ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for PC video games tracked on PCGamingWiki", "label-zh": "PCGamingWiki ID"}
{"id": "P809", "label": "WDPA ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier in World Database on Protected Areas", "label-zh": "WDPA ID"}
{"id": "P299", "label": "ISO 3166-1 numeric code", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a country in numeric format per ISO 3166-1", "label-zh": "ISO 3166-1数字代码"}
{"id": "P9922", "label": "Flipboard ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for account on Flipboard", "label-zh": "翻板ID"}
{"id": "P2751", "label": "Roller Coaster Database ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier in Roller Coaster Database", "label-zh": "过山车数据库ID"}
{"id": "P9345", "label": "Discord server numeric ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "numeric identifier for a Discord server; use as main value with qualifier P9078\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"Discord invite ID\"", "label-zh": "服务器数字ID不一致"}
{"id": "P5063", "label": "Interlingual Index ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "None", "label-zh": "语言间索引ID"}
{"id": "P2347", "label": "YSO ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a concept in the General Finnish Ontology YSO", "label-zh": "伊索ID"}
{"id": "P5885", "label": "Microsoft Store product ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a product in Microsoft Store", "label-zh": "Microsoft商店产品ID"}
{"id": "P6479", "label": "IEEE Xplore author ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an author in IEEE Xplore", "label-zh": "IEEE Xplore作者ID"}
{"id": "P8505", "label": "traffic sign template image", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "image used as a template for creating traffic sign images (P14) for specific\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinstances of this sign or members of this highway system", "label-zh": "交通标志模板图像"}
{"id": "P3108", "label": "Yelp ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a place, in Yelp.com", "label-zh": "Yelp ID"}
{"id": "P212", "label": "ISBN-13", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a book (edition), thirteen digit", "label-zh": "ISBN-13"}
{"id": "P7294", "label": "itch.io URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "URL of a project hosted on itch.io", "label-zh": "itch.io URL"}
{"id": "P1157", "label": "US Congress Bio ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a person on the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress", "label-zh": "美国国会生物ID"}
{"id": "P6278", "label": "Epic Games Store ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a video game available on the Epic Games Store", "label-zh": "史诗游戏商店ID"}
{"id": "P950", "label": "Biblioteca Nacional de España ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier from the authority file of the Biblioteca Nacional de España. Format for\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpersons: \"XX\" followed by 4 to 7 digits", "label-zh": "西班牙国家图书馆ID"}
{"id": "P4229", "label": "ICD-10-CM", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier in the ICD-10-CM (International Classification of Diseases, 10th\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tRevision, Clinical Modification)", "label-zh": "ICD-10-CM"}
{"id": "P4481", "label": "INDUCKS creator ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for creators and authors related to the Disney Universe", "label-zh": "INDUCKS创建者ID"}
{"id": "P158", "label": "seal image", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "image of subject's seal (emblem)", "label-zh": "印章图像"}
{"id": "P2606", "label": "PlayStation ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "unique identifier of PlayStation software and hardware assigned by Sony Computer\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tEntertainment Inc.", "label-zh": "PlayStation ID"}
{"id": "P718", "label": "Canmore ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier in the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tScotland's Canmore database", "label-zh": "Canmore ID"}
{"id": "P2725", "label": "GOG application ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an application (or film) available from the distribution platform\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGOG.com", "label-zh": "GOG应用程序ID"}
{"id": "P6466", "label": "Hulu movie ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "movie identifier in Hulu", "label-zh": "Hulu电影ID"}
{"id": "P10027", "label": "official forum URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "website whose main topic is the entity and users can discuss, post questions, answer\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\texisting questions to help other users", "label-zh": "官方论坛URL"}
{"id": "P6060", "label": "MoEML ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "ID for a place, person, organisation, or work at the Map of Early Modern London\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tproject of the University of Victoria, Canada", "label-zh": "MoEML ID"}
{"id": "P3065", "label": "RERO ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier in the Library network of Western Switzerland's RERO database", "label-zh": "雷罗ID"}
{"id": "P3615", "label": "Vision of Britain unit ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of an administrative unit in the University of Portsmouth's Vision of\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tBritain database", "label-zh": "英国愿景单位ID"}
{"id": "P1842", "label": "Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online", "label-zh": "全球再洗礼家门诺百科全书在线ID"}
{"id": "P227", "label": "GND ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier from an international authority file of names, subjects, and\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\torganizations (please don't use type n = name, disambiguation) - Deutsche\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tNationalbibliothek", "label-zh": "GND ID"}
{"id": "P10283", "label": "OpenAlex ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for works, grants, authors, institutes, venues, concepts/subjects in\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOpenAlex", "label-zh": "OpenAlex ID"}
{"id": "P4238", "label": "webcam page URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "URL of a page broadcasting pictures by a webcam situated in this location or mounted\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ton this element", "label-zh": "网络摄像头页面URL"}
{"id": "P7749", "label": "Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "nomenclature for object naming and classification, maintained by Canadian Heritage\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tInformation Network (CHIN) and American Association for State and Local History\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(AASLH)", "label-zh": "博物馆编目术语"}
{"id": "P5104", "label": "New Zealand Gazetteer place ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a place in the New Zealand Gazetteer", "label-zh": "新西兰地名索引位置ID"}
{"id": "P11063", "label": "USK ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a work in the USK database", "label-zh": "USK ID"}
{"id": "P6200", "label": "BBC News topic ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a topic, on the BBC News website", "label-zh": "BBC新闻主题ID"}
{"id": "P7213", "label": "newspaper archive URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "online repository of newspaper", "label-zh": "报纸存档URL"}
{"id": "P827", "label": "BBC programme ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for the corresponding item on the BBC website and internal systems", "label-zh": "BBC节目ID"}
{"id": "P7192", "label": "TuneIn artist ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an artist on TuneIn site", "label-zh": "TuneIn艺术家ID"}
{"id": "P9487", "label": "GLEIF registration authority code", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "National registration authority code in the GLEI RAL list", "label-zh": "GLEIF注册机构代码"}
{"id": "P771", "label": "Swiss municipality code", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a municipality in Switzerland", "label-zh": "瑞士市代码"}
{"id": "P1216", "label": "National Heritage List for England number", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "number on the National Heritage List for England", "label-zh": "英格兰国家遗产名录编号"}
{"id": "P3418", "label": "Google Play Store app ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "package name of an app registered on Google Play", "label-zh": "Google Play Store应用程序ID"}
{"id": "P2326", "label": "GNS Unique Feature ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for geographic entities according to the National Geospatial-Intelligence\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAgency's GEOnet Names Server", "label-zh": "GNS唯一功能ID"}
{"id": "P3267", "label": "Flickr user ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a person or organisation, with an account at Flickr", "label-zh": "Flickr用户ID"}
{"id": "P7844", "label": "Joconde object type ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for object types from the Service des Musées de France Joconde authority\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfile", "label-zh": "Joponde对象类型ID"}
{"id": "P1482", "label": "Stack Exchange tag", "data_type": "URL", "description": "tag on the Stack Exchange websites", "label-zh": "堆栈交换标签"}
{"id": "P7597", "label": "Lutris game ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a video game in the Lutris database", "label-zh": "卢特里斯游戏ID"}
{"id": "P5944", "label": "North America PlayStation Store ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a game available on the PlayStation Store (NA region)", "label-zh": "北美PlayStation商店ID"}
{"id": "P2984", "label": "Snapchat username", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "this item's username on Snapchat", "label-zh": "Snapchat用户名"}
{"id": "P7827", "label": "Spanish Vikidia ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "name of the article in Spanish Vikidia", "label-zh": "西班牙Vikidia ID"}
{"id": "P2034", "label": "Project Gutenberg ebook ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "ebook identifier at Project Gutenberg", "label-zh": "古腾堡项目电子书ID"}
{"id": "P2503", "label": "Historical Gazetteer (GOV) ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "Historical Gazetteer", "label-zh": "历史地名录(GOV)ID"}
{"id": "P1407", "label": "MusicBrainz series ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a series per the MusicBrainz open music encyclopedia", "label-zh": "MusicBrainz系列ID"}
{"id": "P2581", "label": "BabelNet ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "ID in BabelNet encyclopedic dictionary", "label-zh": "BabelNet ID"}
{"id": "P10674", "label": "FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a type or class of archaeological object, in the FISH Archaeological\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tObjects Thesaurus", "label-zh": "FISH考古对象同义词库ID"}
{"id": "P8785", "label": "AniDB tag ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a tag in the AniDB database", "label-zh": "AniDB标记ID"}
{"id": "P454", "label": "Structurae structure ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a building in the Structurae database", "label-zh": "结构结构ID"}
{"id": "P10049", "label": "Glitchwave genre ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a video game genre in the Glitchwave database", "label-zh": "Glitchwave流派ID"}
{"id": "P4768", "label": "cinematografo.it name or company ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a person or company in cinematografo.it", "label-zh": "cinematografo.it名称或公司ID"}
{"id": "P4342", "label": "Store norske leksikon ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of an article in the online encyclopedia snl.no", "label-zh": "商店norske leksikon ID"}
{"id": "P5019", "label": "Brockhaus Enzyklopädie online ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an article in the online version of Brockhaus Enzyklopädie", "label-zh": "Brockhaus Enzyklopädie在线ID"}
{"id": "P3977", "label": "Songkick venue ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a venue, on Songkick", "label-zh": "Songkick场地ID"}
{"id": "P5858", "label": "Index Herbariorum code", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "code in Index Herbariorum for plant collections", "label-zh": "索引草药代码"}
{"id": "P8671", "label": "Deutsche Bahn station code", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for train stations and other operating points used by Deutsche Bahn", "label-zh": "德国铁路车站代码"}
{"id": "P5933", "label": "tweet ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a status on Twitter", "label-zh": "推特ID"}
{"id": "P11245", "label": "YouTube handle", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "unique identifier of a person, organization or channel on YouTube; do not include\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthe \"@\" symbol", "label-zh": "YouTube手柄"}
{"id": "P1019", "label": "web feed URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "news feed (RSS, Atom, etc.) of this person/organisation/project", "label-zh": "web提要URL"}
{"id": "P6783", "label": "speedrun.com game ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for games on speedrun.com", "label-zh": "speedrun.com游戏ID"}
{"id": "P1005", "label": "Portuguese National Library author ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an author in the Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal", "label-zh": "葡萄牙国家图书馆作者ID"}
{"id": "P3836", "label": "Pinterest username", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "username of the Pinterest account of a person or an organization", "label-zh": "Pinterest用户名"}
{"id": "P5494", "label": "GameSpot game ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier at the GameSpot database of video games", "label-zh": "GameSpot游戏ID"}
{"id": "P1367", "label": "Art UK artist ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "authority control identifier for artists (creators of publicly owned oil paintings\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tin the UK)", "label-zh": "英国艺术艺术家ID"}
{"id": "P4117", "label": "Historic England research records ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "Historic England identifier for archaeological, architectural, and maritime sites", "label-zh": "英格兰历史研究记录ID"}
{"id": "P1149", "label": "Library of Congress Classification", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "subject classification identifier used in the Library of Congress Classification\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsystem", "label-zh": "国会图书馆分类"}
{"id": "P1973", "label": "RSL editions", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "catalogue number of the Russian State Library of Moscow (see also P1815 and P947)", "label-zh": "RSL版本"}
{"id": "P4431", "label": "Google Doodle", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "Google Doodle celebrating this entity or event", "label-zh": "谷歌涂鸦"}
{"id": "P2919", "label": "label in sign language", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "media file showing label of this item in sign language. Use \"language of work or\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tname\" (P407) as qualifier to indicate which language", "label-zh": "手语标签"}
{"id": "P435", "label": "MusicBrainz work ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a work per the MusicBrainz open music encyclopedia", "label-zh": "MusicBrainz作品ID"}
{"id": "P3984", "label": "subreddit", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "name of the Reddit forum associated to this subject", "label-zh": "子插件"}
{"id": "P436", "label": "MusicBrainz release group ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a release group per the MusicBrainz open music encyclopedia (album,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsingle, etc.)", "label-zh": "MusicBrainz发行组ID"}
{"id": "P1667", "label": "Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier in the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names", "label-zh": "盖蒂地名辞典ID"}
{"id": "P8229", "label": "Co-Optimus ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a video game in the co-optimus.com database", "label-zh": "Co Optimus ID"}
{"id": "P1968", "label": "Foursquare City Guide venue ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "ID of a place in Foursquare City Guide", "label-zh": "Foursquare City Guide场馆ID"}
{"id": "P5181", "label": "Relationship Science organization ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an organization in the Relationship Science database", "label-zh": "关系科学组织ID"}
{"id": "P297", "label": "ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a country in two-letter format per ISO 3166-1", "label-zh": "ISO 3166-1字母-2代码"}
{"id": "P1566", "label": "GeoNames ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier in the GeoNames geographical database", "label-zh": "地名ID"}
{"id": "P10466", "label": "CNKI author ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an author in the CNKI database", "label-zh": "CNKI作者ID"}
{"id": "P6192", "label": "Hembygdsportalen ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "Hembygdsportalen is a site containing local history material added by +600 local\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\thistory communities in Sweden", "label-zh": "Hembigdsportalen ID"}
{"id": "P4073", "label": "Fandom wiki ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a topic's wiki, in Fandom.com", "label-zh": "粉丝维基ID"}
{"id": "P7564", "label": "OGDB game title ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a video game in the Online Games-Datenbank", "label-zh": "OGDB游戏标题ID"}
{"id": "P2772", "label": "FIS alpine skier ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an alpine skier, in the International Ski Federation database", "label-zh": "FIS高山滑雪运动员ID"}
{"id": "P1324", "label": "source code repository", "data_type": "URL", "description": "public source code repository", "label-zh": "源代码存储库"}
{"id": "P1315", "label": "NLA Trove people ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for people or organizations per National Library of Australia (see also\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tP409 for the older Libraries Australia identifier). Format: 5 to 7 digits.", "label-zh": "NLA Trove人员ID"}
{"id": "P8256", "label": "Super Mario Wiki ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a Super Mario Wiki article", "label-zh": "超级马里奥Wiki ID"}
{"id": "P4171", "label": "World Heritage Tentative List ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a site on the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative Lists", "label-zh": "世界遗产暂定名单ID"}
{"id": "P2397", "label": "YouTube channel ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "ID of the YouTube channel of a person or organisation (not to be confused with the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tname of the channel) The ID can also be used for music.youtube.com IDs.", "label-zh": "YouTube频道ID"}
{"id": "P3142", "label": "EDb person ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a person at the Israeli movie database EDb", "label-zh": "EDb人员ID"}
{"id": "P7555", "label": "UVL game ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a video game in the Universal Videogame List", "label-zh": "UVL游戏ID"}
{"id": "P1394", "label": "Glottolog code", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a languoid in the Glottolog database", "label-zh": "Glottolog代码"}
{"id": "P6366", "label": "Microsoft Academic ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an object or topic in the Microsoft Academic Graph (until 31 December\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t2021)", "label-zh": "Microsoft学术ID"}
{"id": "P1954", "label": "Discogs master ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a musical work in the Discogs database", "label-zh": "Discogs主ID"}
{"id": "P1190", "label": "Universal Decimal Classification", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "type of library classification", "label-zh": "通用十进制分类"}
{"id": "P5385", "label": "IGN game ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "external identifier for video games at IGN", "label-zh": "IGN游戏ID"}
{"id": "P4275", "label": "Japanese Database of National important cultural properties", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a site in the Japanese Database of National important cultural\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tproperties (kunishitei.bunka.go.jp)", "label-zh": "日本国家重要文化遗产财产"}
{"id": "P6921", "label": "MangaSeek person ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a mangaka on the MangaSeek website", "label-zh": "MagaSeek人员ID"}
{"id": "P2847", "label": "Google+ ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "Google Plus, account identifier of this person or organization: either starting with\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ta \"+\" or consisting of 21 digits", "label-zh": "Google+ID"}
{"id": "P244", "label": "Library of Congress authority ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "Library of Congress name authority (persons, families, corporate bodies, events,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tplaces, works and expressions) and subject authority identifier [Format: 1-2\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tspecific letters followed by 8-10 digits (see regex). For manifestations, use P1144]", "label-zh": "国会图书馆权限ID"}
{"id": "P10688", "label": "Personality Database work ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of an audiovisual work on the Personality Database website", "label-zh": "个性数据库工作ID"}
{"id": "P9426", "label": "Generals of World War II ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "alphabetical identifier for a person on the Generals of World War II website at\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tgenerals.dk", "label-zh": "二战将领ID"}
{"id": "P2671", "label": "Google Knowledge Graph ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for Google Knowledge Graph API (application programming interface),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tstarting with \"/g/\". For IDs starting with \"/m/\", use Freebase ID (P646)", "label-zh": "Google知识图ID"}
{"id": "P3185", "label": "VK ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a person or organization in VKontakte", "label-zh": "VK ID"}
{"id": "P2716", "label": "collage image", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "image file that assembles two or more other images of item", "label-zh": "拼贴图像"}
{"id": "P7619", "label": "The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a cardinal in the website The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church", "label-zh": "神圣罗马教会的红衣主教ID"}
{"id": "P6634", "label": "LinkedIn personal profile ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a person, on the LinkedIn website", "label-zh": "LinkedIn个人资料ID"}
{"id": "P3950", "label": "narrower external class", "data_type": "URL", "description": "more specific subclass included in other ontology but not in Wikidata", "label-zh": "较窄的外部类别"}
{"id": "P3383", "label": "film poster", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "poster used to promote and advertise this film (if file is available on Commons).\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tUse P154 for logos, P18 for movie stills and related images. Items about film\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tposters can be linked with the qualifier \"subject of\" (P805).", "label-zh": "电影海报"}
{"id": "P214", "label": "VIAF ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for the Virtual International Authority File database [format: up to 22\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdigits]", "label-zh": "通路ID"}
{"id": "P1581", "label": "official blog", "data_type": "URL", "description": "URL to the blog of this person or organization", "label-zh": "官方博客"}
{"id": "P8246", "label": "Natural Atlas ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a place on the Natural Atlas website", "label-zh": "自然图集ID"}
{"id": "P4806", "label": "Gaming-History ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for the Gaming-History videogame database", "label-zh": "游戏历史ID"}
{"id": "P11109", "label": "Onestop ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for public transporation-related entities in Transitland database", "label-zh": "一站式ID"}
{"id": "P305", "label": "IETF language tag", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for language or languoid per the Internet Engineering Task Force; can\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinclude a primary language subtag, subtags for script, region, variant, extension,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tor private-use. Format: 2 or 3 letters, followed by \"-\" if subtags present", "label-zh": "IETF语言标签"}
{"id": "P5971", "label": "Europe PlayStation Store ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a game available on the PlayStation Store (EU region)", "label-zh": "欧洲PlayStation商店ID"}
{"id": "P1144", "label": "Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) (bibliographic)", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "record number for entries in the LoC bibliographic catalog (for authority records\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tuse P244)", "label-zh": "国会图书馆控制编号(LCCN)(书目)"}
{"id": "P2622", "label": "Companies House company ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "numeric identifier for company registered with Companies House in the United Kingdom", "label-zh": "公司房屋公司ID"}
{"id": "P906", "label": "SELIBR ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier per National Library of Sweden Libris library catalog", "label-zh": "SELIBR ID"}
{"id": "P269", "label": "IdRef ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for authority control in the French collaborative library catalog (see\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\talso P1025). Format: 8 digits followed by a digit or \"X\"", "label-zh": "IdRef ID"}
{"id": "P231", "label": "CAS Registry Number", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a chemical substance or compound per Chemical Abstract Service's\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tRegistry database", "label-zh": "CAS注册号"}
{"id": "P1417", "label": "Encyclopædia Britannica Online ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an article in the online version of Encyclopædia Britannica", "label-zh": "大英百科全书在线ID"}
{"id": "P3749", "label": "Google Maps Customer ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "in Google Maps, Customer identifier for a place", "label-zh": "谷歌地图客户ID"}
{"id": "P3479", "label": "Omni topic ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a topic, used by Omni and Aftonbladet", "label-zh": "综合主题ID"}
{"id": "P8714", "label": "GADM ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier in the Global Administrative Area database", "label-zh": "GADM ID"}
{"id": "P7534", "label": "MIC market code", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "ISO 10383 market identifier code", "label-zh": "MIC市场代码"}
{"id": "P5749", "label": "Amazon Standard Identification Number", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a product on Amazon.com websites", "label-zh": "亚马逊标准识别号"}
{"id": "P10221", "label": "UNESCO ICH ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of an item on the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists", "label-zh": "联合国教科文组织"}
{"id": "P2468", "label": "Theatricalia theatre ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a theatre in the theatricalia.com database", "label-zh": "剧院ID"}
{"id": "P8419", "label": "Archive of Our Own tag", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "tag for this item on \"Archive of Our Own\"", "label-zh": "我们自己的标签存档"}
{"id": "P8680", "label": "FVLB work ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a film or video game on FVLB's official website", "label-zh": "FVLB工作ID"}
{"id": "P1401", "label": "issue tracker URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "web page where bugs, issues, and feature requests for a particular software program\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcan be listed or reported", "label-zh": "问题跟踪URL"}
{"id": "P2004", "label": "NALT ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for subject headings in the Agricultural Thesaurus of the United States\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tNational Agricultural Library", "label-zh": "新ID"}
{"id": "P1442", "label": "image of grave", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "picture of a person or animal's grave, gravestone or tomb", "label-zh": "坟墓图像"}
{"id": "P3832", "label": "Europeana Fashion Vocabulary ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for clothing and fashion terms", "label-zh": "欧洲时尚词汇ID"}
{"id": "P2864", "label": "OpenCritic ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a video game on OpenCritic", "label-zh": "OpenCritic ID"}
{"id": "P3502", "label": "Ameblo username", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "this item's username on Ameblo", "label-zh": "Ameblo用户名"}
{"id": "P7193", "label": "YesAsia author ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an author on YesAsia site", "label-zh": "YesAsia作者ID"}
{"id": "P1153", "label": "Scopus author ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an author assigned in Scopus bibliographic database", "label-zh": "Scopus作者ID"}
{"id": "P1766", "label": "place name sign", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "image of (road) sign with place name on it", "label-zh": "地名标志"}
{"id": "P10234", "label": "Der Spiegel topic ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for topics in the German news portal \"Der Spiegel\"", "label-zh": "《明镜周刊》主题ID"}
{"id": "P6455", "label": "Bilibili user ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "this item's user ID on Bilibili", "label-zh": "Bilibili用户ID"}
{"id": "P2816", "label": "HowLongToBeat ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a video game at the website HowLongToBeat", "label-zh": "HowLongToBeat ID"}
{"id": "P8519", "label": "RKD thesaurus ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier in the RKD thesaurus (Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie)", "label-zh": "RKD同义词库ID"}
{"id": "P2270", "label": "Emporis building complex ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "former identifier for a building complex, as opposed to a single building, in the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdefunct Emporis architecture database", "label-zh": "Emporis建筑群ID"}
{"id": "P1296", "label": "Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an item in the Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana", "label-zh": "加泰罗尼亚大广场ID"}
{"id": "P1320", "label": "OpenCorporates ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a corporation, in the OpenCorporates database. Format: country\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprefix, optional subnational entity abbrevation, \"/\", alphanumeric id", "label-zh": "开放公司ID"}
{"id": "P9100", "label": "GitHub topic", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "GitHub topic for a repository or subject", "label-zh": "GitHub主题"}
{"id": "P3422", "label": "INSEE countries and foreign territories code", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "French identifier for countries and foreign territories", "label-zh": "INSEE国家和外国领土代码"}
{"id": "P3627", "label": "Survey of English Place-Names ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a place in the Survey of English Place-Names website", "label-zh": "英文地名调查ID"}
{"id": "P409", "label": "Libraries Australia ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier issued by the National Library of Australia (see also P1315 for the newer\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tPeople Australia identifier). VIAF component. Format: 1-12 digits, removing leading\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tzero-padding.", "label-zh": "澳大利亚图书馆ID"}
{"id": "P679", "label": "ZVG number", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of GESTIS database", "label-zh": "ZVG编号"}
{"id": "P9732", "label": "URL for citizen's initiatives", "data_type": "URL", "description": "URL for a service where citizens can start a petition or initiative", "label-zh": "公民倡议的URL"}
{"id": "P1053", "label": "ResearcherID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a researcher in a system for scientific authors, redirects to a Web\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tof Science ID, along with P3829", "label-zh": "研究者ID"}
{"id": "P4710", "label": "Guardiana ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier in the SEGA videogame database Guardiana", "label-zh": "瓜地那ID"}
{"id": "P3481", "label": "Parks & Gardens UK record ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an open space, in the Parks & Gardens UK database", "label-zh": "英国公园和花园记录ID"}
{"id": "P5143", "label": "amateur radio callsign", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "callsign assigned to licensed Amateur Radio operator", "label-zh": "业余无线电呼号"}
{"id": "P349", "label": "NDL Authority ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for authority control per the National Diet Library of Japan", "label-zh": "NDL机构ID"}
{"id": "P7363", "label": "ISSN-L", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "linking ISSN (ISSN-L) is a specific ISSN that groups the different media of the same\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tserial publication", "label-zh": "P7363"}
{"id": "P41", "label": "flag image", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "image of the item's flag", "label-zh": "标志图像"}
{"id": "P5337", "label": "Google News topics ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a subject in the news on Google News", "label-zh": "谷歌新闻主题ID"}
{"id": "P856", "label": "official website", "data_type": "URL", "description": "URL of the official page of an item (current or former) [if the page changes, add an\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tadditional statement with preferred rank. Do not remove the former URL]", "label-zh": "官方网站"}
{"id": "P10987", "label": "RailScot location ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a location of interest on the RailScot website", "label-zh": "RailScot位置ID"}
{"id": "P2163", "label": "FAST ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "authority control identifier in WorldCat's “FAST Linked Data” authority file", "label-zh": "快速ID"}
{"id": "P2038", "label": "ResearchGate profile ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a person, used by ResearchGate profiles", "label-zh": "ResearchGate配置文件ID"}
{"id": "P7023", "label": "Biyografya ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a person in the Internet Encyclopedia of Turkey's Famous People", "label-zh": "Biyografya ID"}
{"id": "P954", "label": "IBNR ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a railway station (Internationale Bahnhofsnummer)", "label-zh": "IBNR编号"}
{"id": "P7101", "label": "privacy policy URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "privacy policy of subject", "label-zh": "隐私策略URL"}
{"id": "P10804", "label": "Twitter list ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a list of accounts on Twitter", "label-zh": "推特列表ID"}
{"id": "P6760", "label": "Know Your Meme ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a Know Your Meme article", "label-zh": "了解你的Meme ID"}
{"id": "P2804", "label": "World Sailing member ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "member identifier for a sailor in the World Sailing database", "label-zh": "世界帆船赛会员ID"}
{"id": "P51", "label": "audio", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "relevant sound. If available, use a more specific property. Samples: \"spoken text\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\taudio\" (P989), \"pronunciation audio\" (P443)", "label-zh": "音频"}
{"id": "P6839", "label": "TV Tropes identifier", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier in the TV Tropes online wiki", "label-zh": "电视奖杯标识符"}
{"id": "P4264", "label": "LinkedIn organization ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an official company, school, organisation page, or showcase page, on\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLinkedIn", "label-zh": "LinkedIn组织ID"}
{"id": "P2888", "label": "exact match", "data_type": "URL", "description": "URL used to link two items or properties, indicating a high degree of confidence\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthat the concepts can be used interchangeably", "label-zh": "完全匹配"}
{"id": "P1902", "label": "Spotify artist ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an artist on Spotify", "label-zh": "Spotify艺术家ID"}
{"id": "P3219", "label": "Encyclopædia Universalis ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an article in the online version of Encyclopædia Universalis", "label-zh": "世界百科全书ID"}
{"id": "P605", "label": "NUTS code", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a region per NUTS", "label-zh": "NUTS代码"}
{"id": "P2924", "label": "Great Russian Encyclopedia Online ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an entry on the official website of the Great Russian Encyclopedia", "label-zh": "伟大的俄罗斯百科全书在线ID"}
{"id": "P9702", "label": "Gameblog.fr game ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a video game in the Gameblog.fr database", "label-zh": "Gameblog.fr游戏ID"}
{"id": "P3365", "label": "Treccani ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for the Treccani website", "label-zh": "摩洛哥ID"}
{"id": "P7305", "label": "Online PWN Encyclopedia ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an entry in the online release of the Online PWN Encyclopedia", "label-zh": "在线PWN百科全书ID"}
{"id": "P7471", "label": "iNaturalist place ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a place in iNaturalist", "label-zh": "自然场所ID"}
{"id": "P443", "label": "pronunciation audio", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "audio file with pronunciation", "label-zh": "发音音频"}
{"id": "P9060", "label": "POSIX locale identifier", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a language per the POSIX standard, as defined in ISO/IEC 9945 and\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tISO/IEC 15897", "label-zh": "POSIX区域设置标识符"}
{"id": "P9937", "label": "Postimees topic ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for topics in the online version of Estonia's daily newspaper Postimees", "label-zh": "发布主题ID"}
{"id": "P8214", "label": "curriculum vitae", "data_type": "URL", "description": "URL of the subject's curriculum vitae", "label-zh": "简历"}
{"id": "P7591", "label": "VideoGameGeek game ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a video game in the VideoGameGeek database", "label-zh": "VideoGameGeek游戏ID"}
{"id": "P5737", "label": "Moegirlpedia ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "Chinese-, Japanese-, or English-language articles and categories about ACG culture\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\thosted on any of the Moegirlpedia family of wikis", "label-zh": "Moegirpedia ID"}
{"id": "P2013", "label": "Facebook ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an official (preferably) Facebook person, product or organization\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpage (everything that follows URL part '", "label-zh": "Facebook ID"}
{"id": "P300", "label": "ISO 3166-2 code", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a country subdivision per ISO 3166-2 (include country code)", "label-zh": "ISO 3166-2代码"}
{"id": "P717", "label": "Minor Planet Center observatory code", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an astronomical observatory assigned by the Minor Planet Center", "label-zh": "小行星中心天文台代码"}
{"id": "P8447", "label": "Unique Street Reference Number", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "unique 8 digit number assigned to streets, roads, footpaths or public rights of way\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tin the United Kingdom", "label-zh": "唯一街道参考号"}
{"id": "P11212", "label": "sitemap URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "URL to the sitemap of the subject's official website", "label-zh": "站点地图URL"}
{"id": "P3225", "label": "Corporate Number (Japan)", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier assigned to companies and other organizations by the National Tax Agency\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tof Japan", "label-zh": "公司编号(日本)"}
{"id": "P1209", "label": "CN", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a newspaper or magazine issued by State Administration of Press,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tPublication, Radio, Film and Television of the People’s Republic of China", "label-zh": "P1209"}
{"id": "P2002", "label": "Twitter username", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "this item's username on Twitter; do not include the “@” symbol", "label-zh": "Twitter用户名"}
{"id": "P6295", "label": "ARTIC artist ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an artist on the Art Institute of Chicago website", "label-zh": "艺术家ID"}
{"id": "P3348", "label": "National Library of Greece ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "authority ID from the National Library of Greece Authority Records", "label-zh": "希腊国家图书馆ID"}
{"id": "P4297", "label": "MIL-STD-2525 Symbol Identification Code", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "20 or 30 digit code which denotes a military symbol as specified in MIL-STD-2525", "label-zh": "MMIL-STD-2525符号识别码"}
{"id": "P7886", "label": "Media Arts Database ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for the Media Arts Database created by the Japanese government department\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tBunkacho", "label-zh": "媒体艺术数据库ID"}
{"id": "P4051", "label": "Legislation of Ukraine ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier in the Verkhovna Rada database of laws and regulations of Ukraine", "label-zh": "乌克兰ID立法"}
{"id": "P6619", "label": "XING company ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a company on XING", "label-zh": "XING公司ID"}
{"id": "P5033", "label": "Filmweb.pl person ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a person at filmweb.pl", "label-zh": "Filmweb.pl人员ID"}
{"id": "P402", "label": "OpenStreetMap relation ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a relation in OpenStreetMap", "label-zh": "OpenStreetMap关系ID"}
{"id": "P3667", "label": "IWF athlete ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "ID of an athlete by International Weightlifting Federation", "label-zh": "IWF运动员ID"}
{"id": "P7818", "label": "French Vikidia ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "ID of the article in French Vikidia", "label-zh": "法国维基迪亚ID"}
{"id": "P6276", "label": "Amazon Music artist ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "artist identifier at Amazon Music", "label-zh": "亚马逊音乐艺术家ID"}
{"id": "P757", "label": "World Heritage Site ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "the identifier for a site as assigned by UNESCO. Use on one item per site, link\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tparts with property \"has part\" (P527)", "label-zh": "世界遗产ID"}
{"id": "P3553", "label": "Zhihu topic ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "numeric id of topics (tags) of questions on Zhihu, a Chinese question-and-answer\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twebsite", "label-zh": "知乎主题ID"}
{"id": "P9748", "label": "Wikimedia Incubator URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "active Wikimedia Incubator project in the language", "label-zh": "维基媒体孵化器URL"}
{"id": "P2963", "label": "Goodreads author ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of an author on the Goodreads website", "label-zh": "Goodreads作者ID"}
{"id": "P646", "label": "Freebase ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a page in the Freebase database. Format: \"/m/0\" followed by 2 to 7\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcharacters. For IDs starting with \"/g/\", use Google Knowledge Graph ID (P2671)", "label-zh": "自由基ID"}
{"id": "P1613", "label": "IRC channel", "data_type": "URL", "description": "official IRC channel of an institution or project", "label-zh": "IRC通道"}
{"id": "P4671", "label": "Hall of Light ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier in the database of Amiga video games Hall of Light", "label-zh": "光厅ID"}
{"id": "P10245", "label": "MedlinePlus drug identifier", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a drug in the MedlinePlus database", "label-zh": "MedlinePlus药物标识符"}
{"id": "P8408", "label": "KBpedia ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for the KBpedia knowledge graph, which provides consistent mappings\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tacross seven large-scale public knowledge bases including Wikidata, and is used to\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpromote data interoperability and extraction of training sets for machine learning", "label-zh": "KBpedia ID"}
{"id": "P4606", "label": "National Film Board of Canada film ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "film identifier used by the National Film Board of Canada website", "label-zh": "加拿大国家电影委员会电影ID"}
{"id": "P5247", "label": "Giant Bomb ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier at the Giant Bomb database of video games, fictional characters and voice\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tactors", "label-zh": "巨型炸弹ID"}
{"id": "P7829", "label": "English Vikidia ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "ID of the article in English Vikidia", "label-zh": "英语Vikidia ID"}
{"id": "P4559", "label": "IJF judoka ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a judoka on the International Judo Federation website", "label-zh": "IJF柔道ID"}
{"id": "P1014", "label": "Art & Architecture Thesaurus ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier in the Art & Architecture Thesaurus by the Getty Research Institute", "label-zh": "艺术与建筑同义词库ID"}
{"id": "P968", "label": "email address", "data_type": "URL", "description": "email address, prefixed with mailto:", "label-zh": "电子邮件地址"}
{"id": "P3500", "label": "Ringgold ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for organisations in the publishing industry supply chain", "label-zh": "Ringgold ID"}
{"id": "P6867", "label": "Gamepedia wiki ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "wiki name for this topic on Gamepedia", "label-zh": "Gamepedia维基ID"}
{"id": "P5555", "label": "schematic", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "illustration of the structure or operation of an object, system, or process", "label-zh": "示意图"}
{"id": "P9475", "label": "Encyclopedia of Korean Culture ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an article in the Encyclopedia of Korean Culture", "label-zh": "韩国文化百科全书ID"}
{"id": "P11556", "label": "credits URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "URL of an official webpage with a list of credits and roles attributed to various\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpeople, organizations or applications that contribute(d) to this item's existence", "label-zh": "学分URL"}
{"id": "P1621", "label": "detail map", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "map containing details about the entire location", "label-zh": "详图"}
{"id": "P1185", "label": "Rodovid ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a person on rodovid.org", "label-zh": "Rodovid ID"}
{"id": "P7429", "label": "Bundle ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "unique identifier for an application used in iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsystems", "label-zh": "捆绑ID"}
{"id": "P496", "label": "ORCID iD", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a person", "label-zh": "ORCID iD"}
{"id": "P6263", "label": "Mindat mineral ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a mineral or related material (rock, mixture) in the Mindat.org\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdatabase", "label-zh": "Mindat矿物ID"}
{"id": "P8224", "label": "molecular model or crystal lattice model", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "graphical representation of a molecule or crystal lattice", "label-zh": "分子模型或晶格模型"}
{"id": "P3619", "label": "Ski-DB skier ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "ID for a ski racer at Ski-DB Alpine Ski Database", "label-zh": "滑雪DB滑雪者ID"}
{"id": "P1729", "label": "AllMusic album ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an album in AllMusic database", "label-zh": "AllMusic专辑ID"}
{"id": "P345", "label": "IMDb ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for the IMDb [with prefix 'tt', 'nm', 'co', 'ev', 'ch' or 'ni']", "label-zh": "IMDb ID"}
{"id": "P8076", "label": "The Cover Project game ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a video game in The Cover Project database", "label-zh": "封面项目游戏ID"}
{"id": "P1713", "label": "biography at the Bundestag of Germany URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "link to the biography pages of the German parliament", "label-zh": "德国联邦议院传记URL"}
{"id": "P10046", "label": "Apple Maps ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a place in Apple Maps", "label-zh": "苹果地图ID"}
{"id": "P4736", "label": "IBM graphic character global ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a character/grapheme in the IBM graphic character identification\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsystem", "label-zh": "IBM图形字符全局ID"}
{"id": "P2753", "label": "Dictionary of Canadian Biography ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "entry of the item in the Dictionary of Canadian Biography", "label-zh": "加拿大传记ID词典"}
{"id": "P1986", "label": "Biographical Dictionary of Italian People ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a person in the Biographical Dictionary of Italian People", "label-zh": "意大利人物传记词典ID"}
{"id": "P2734", "label": "Unz Review author ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "author identifier at The Unz Review (unz.org), a content-archiving website", "label-zh": "Unz Review作者ID"}
{"id": "P2186", "label": "Wiki Loves Monuments ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "unique ID for the monuments included in Wiki Loves Monuments national lists", "label-zh": "Wiki喜爱古迹ID"}
{"id": "P2025", "label": "Find A Grave cemetery ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier assigned to a cemetery at Find A Grave", "label-zh": "查找墓地ID"}
{"id": "P9214", "label": "FAQ URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "FAQ (frequently asked questions) page of the subject", "label-zh": "常见问题URL"}
{"id": "P7117", "label": "Media Arts Database console games ID (former scheme)", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a console game in the Media Art database created by the Japanese\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tgovernment department Bunkacho (former scheme, use P7886 for new identifier with\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'C/M' prefix)", "label-zh": "媒体艺术数据库控制台游戏ID(前方案)"}
{"id": "P5815", "label": "Olympics.com athlete ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an athlete (sportsperson) at Olympics.com, a website of the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tInternational Olympic Committee (IOC) - same ID as former website OlympicChannel.com", "label-zh": "Olympics.com运动员ID"}
{"id": "P7029", "label": "National Library of Russia ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for authority control used by the National Library of Russia,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSaint-Petersburg", "label-zh": "俄罗斯国家图书馆ID"}
{"id": "P1651", "label": "YouTube video ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a video on YouTube; qualify trailers with \"object has role\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(P3831)=\"trailer\" (Q622550). For channels, use P2397; for playlists, use P4300", "label-zh": "YouTube视频ID"}
{"id": "P8072", "label": "CAB ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a subject in CAB Thesaurus", "label-zh": "驾驶室ID"}
{"id": "P434", "label": "MusicBrainz artist ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an artist in the MusicBrainz open music encyclopedia", "label-zh": "MusicBrainz艺术家ID"}
{"id": "P1278", "label": "Legal Entity Identifier", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a legally distinct entity per ISO 17442", "label-zh": "法律实体标识符"}
{"id": "P6352", "label": "OLAC video game genre vocabulary ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of video game genre vocabulary of the OLAC (Online Audiovisual\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tCatalogers)", "label-zh": "OLAC视频游戏类型词汇ID"}
{"id": "P525", "label": "Swedish municipality code", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a municipality in Sweden \"kommunkod\" (four-digit)", "label-zh": "瑞典市代码"}
{"id": "P1466", "label": "WALS lect code", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a language", "label-zh": "WALS选择代码"}
{"id": "P1246", "label": "patent number", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a patented invention", "label-zh": "专利号"}
{"id": "P10225", "label": "official shop URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "official URL where the agent sells products/merchandise", "label-zh": "官方店铺URL"}
{"id": "P8410", "label": "Oxford Bibliographies ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a topic in Oxford Bibliographies", "label-zh": "牛津书目ID"}
{"id": "P6269", "label": "API endpoint", "data_type": "URL", "description": "base URL of a web service", "label-zh": "API端点"}
{"id": "P3899", "label": "Medium username", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "username of the Medium account of a person or an organization", "label-zh": "中等用户名"}
{"id": "P8885", "label": "Namuwiki ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of an article on Namuwiki", "label-zh": "Namuwiki ID"}
{"id": "P7014", "label": "terms of service URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "URL linking to terms of service of the subject", "label-zh": "服务条款URL"}
{"id": "P3180", "label": "Visual Novel Database ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier at the Visual Novel Database", "label-zh": "视觉小说数据库ID"}
{"id": "P3499", "label": "Gentoo package", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "name of the official Gentoo package of this application", "label-zh": "Gentoo软件包"}
{"id": "P4300", "label": "YouTube playlist ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a playlist (official) on YouTube containing videos for this item", "label-zh": "YouTube播放列表ID"}
{"id": "P3347", "label": "PermID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an entity or concept, in Thomson Reuters Open PermID", "label-zh": "PermID"}
{"id": "P10206", "label": "Comparably company ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a company on the Comparably website", "label-zh": "可比公司ID"}
{"id": "P6981", "label": "ACNP journal ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a journal in ACNP, the Italian catalog of periodicals", "label-zh": "ACNP日记帐ID"}
{"id": "P989", "label": "spoken text audio", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "audio file for the spoken work or Wikipedia article, including audio descriptions", "label-zh": "口语文本音频"}
{"id": "P4030", "label": "PLU code", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identification numbers affixed to fruits and vegetables for sale, used in checkout\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tand inventory", "label-zh": "PLU代码"}
{"id": "P953", "label": "full work available at URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "URL of a web page containing the full body of this item", "label-zh": "URL提供完整工作"}
{"id": "P5647", "label": "Baidu ScholarID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a scholar at the Baidu Scholar website [with prefix 'CN-']", "label-zh": "百度奖学金ID"}
{"id": "P8087", "label": "GameTDB game ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a video game in the GameTDB database", "label-zh": "GameTDB游戏ID"}
{"id": "P213", "label": "ISNI", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "International Standard Name Identifier for an identity. Format: 4 blocks of 4 digits\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tseparated by a space, first block is 0000", "label-zh": "ISNI"}
{"id": "P7848", "label": "Frick Art Reference Library Artist File ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for artist file from the Frick Art Reference Library Photoarchive", "label-zh": "弗里克艺术参考库艺术家文件ID"}
{"id": "P1712", "label": "Metacritic ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for Metacritic", "label-zh": "Metacritic ID"}
{"id": "P8512", "label": "size comparison diagram", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "property for the diagram file that compares the item size with the size of another\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tknown object", "label-zh": "尺寸比较图"}
{"id": "P9601", "label": "official map URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "URL of an official map, plan or geographic information system (GIS) for the place", "label-zh": "官方地图URL"}
{"id": "P6394", "label": "ELNET ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier assigned by the ELNET consortium of Estonian libraries. Format: \"a\", 7\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdigits, \"x\" or another digit.", "label-zh": "ELNET ID"}
{"id": "P477", "label": "Canadian Register of Historic Places ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier in the Canadian Register of Historic Places", "label-zh": "加拿大历史遗迹名录ID"}
{"id": "P1325", "label": "external data available at", "data_type": "URL", "description": "URL where external data on this item can be found", "label-zh": "外部数据"}
{"id": "P3202", "label": "UAI code", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "official identifier of a French educational establishment", "label-zh": "UAI代码"}
{"id": "P4388", "label": "Mappy place ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for place in Mappy", "label-zh": "地图位置ID"}
{"id": "P3077", "label": "Cineplex Germany film ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for films in the Cineplex database", "label-zh": "德国影城电影ID"}
{"id": "P1728", "label": "AllMusic artist ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an artist, musical group, or record label in the AllMusic database\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(record labels are listed as \"artists\")", "label-zh": "AllMusic艺术家ID"}
{"id": "P3451", "label": "nighttime view", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "image at night or in twilight", "label-zh": "夜景"}
{"id": "P963", "label": "streaming media URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "URL where the subject's media stream exists", "label-zh": "流媒体URL"}
{"id": "P1874", "label": "Netflix ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a creative work on Netflix", "label-zh": "Netflix ID"}
{"id": "P7775", "label": "RationalWiki ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an item at RationalWiki", "label-zh": "理性Wiki ID"}
{"id": "P973", "label": "described at URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "item is described at the following URL", "label-zh": "在URL中描述"}
{"id": "P709", "label": "Historic Environment Scotland ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a building in the Historic Environment Scotland database", "label-zh": "苏格兰历史环境ID"}
{"id": "P2181", "label": "Finnish MP ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "code of the entry on the Finnish parliament database", "label-zh": "芬兰MP ID"}
{"id": "P6467", "label": "Hulu series ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "TV series identifier in Hulu", "label-zh": "Hulu系列ID"}
{"id": "P6378", "label": "charter URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "link to an organization's charter documents, including articles or certificate of\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tassociation, incorporation or organization, or its by-laws", "label-zh": "章程URL"}
{"id": "P5648", "label": "AniDB character ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a character in AniDB database, if multiple identifiers are available\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfor one character, use the smallest number one", "label-zh": "AniDB角色ID"}
{"id": "P5395", "label": "Canadian Encyclopedia article ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for articles in the Canadian Encyclopedia", "label-zh": "加拿大百科全书文章ID"}
{"id": "P8768", "label": "online catalog", "data_type": "URL", "description": "URL of the website where an item's catalog can be browsed", "label-zh": "在线目录"}
{"id": "P5999", "label": "Japan PlayStation Store ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a game available on the PlayStation Store (JP region)", "label-zh": "日本PlayStation商店ID"}
{"id": "P1670", "label": "Canadiana Authorities ID (former scheme)", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "obsolete identifier for authority control per the Library and Archives Canada.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFormat: 4 digits + 1 letter + 4 digits + optional F", "label-zh": "加拿大当局ID(前方案)"}
{"id": "P8973", "label": "Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Tasking Manager project ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a project in the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Tasking Manager", "label-zh": "人道主义OpenStreetMap任务管理器项目ID"}
{"id": "P3608", "label": "EU VAT number", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "VAT number assigned in the EU", "label-zh": "欧盟增值税编号"}
{"id": "P7707", "label": "PlayStation DataCenter URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "identifier in the PlayStation DataCenter database", "label-zh": "PlayStation数据中心URL"}
{"id": "P10", "label": "video", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "relevant video. For images, use the property P18. For film trailers, qualify with\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"object has role\" (P3831)=\"trailer\" (Q622550)", "label-zh": "视频"}
{"id": "P6814", "label": "NWBib ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "Authority ID in the spatial classification of the North Rhine-Westphalian\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tBibliography (NWBib)", "label-zh": "NWBib ID"}
{"id": "P8988", "label": "Mapy.cz ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a point of interest in Mapy.cz", "label-zh": "Mapy.cz ID"}
{"id": "P6367", "label": "Bahamut Gamer's Community ACG Database ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "a Taiwanese database for Games, Animation, Comic, Light Novels", "label-zh": "巴哈姆特玩家社区ACG数据库ID"}
{"id": "P7350", "label": "Gazetteer for Scotland place ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a geographical item on the Gazetteer for Scotland website", "label-zh": "苏格兰地名索引"}
{"id": "P7877", "label": "GameStar ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a video game in the GameStar database", "label-zh": "GameStar ID"}
{"id": "P3192", "label": "Last.fm ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an artist, group or work, on Last.fm", "label-zh": "最后一分钟ID"}
{"id": "P9494", "label": "accessibility statement URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "link to the accessibility statement of a website", "label-zh": "可访问性声明URL"}
{"id": "P7859", "label": "WorldCat Identities ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "Id for a bibliographic page of an entity on WorldCat. Use P243 OCLC control number\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfor books", "label-zh": "WorldCat标识ID"}
{"id": "P11201", "label": "official demo URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "demo website, that is officially recommended by the developers of the software,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere the software can be tried out directly in the web browser", "label-zh": "官方演示URL"}
{"id": "P5915", "label": "Shazam track ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an audio or audiovisual creative work on Shazam", "label-zh": "Shazam轨道ID"}
{"id": "P5456", "label": "TasteAtlas ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an item at TasteAtlas", "label-zh": "品尝大西洋ID"}
{"id": "P3691", "label": "International Swimming Hall of Fame honoree ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an honoree on the International Swimming Hall of Fame website", "label-zh": "国际游泳名人堂获奖者ID"}
{"id": "P4223", "label": "Treccani's Enciclopedia Italiana ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for the Enciclopedia Italiana on Treccani website", "label-zh": "摩洛哥的Enciclopedia Italiana ID"}
{"id": "P14", "label": "traffic sign", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "graphic symbol describing the item, used at the side of or above roads to give\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinstructions or provide information to road users", "label-zh": "交通标志"}
{"id": "P10311", "label": "official jobs URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "web page for jobs an employer offers", "label-zh": "正式工作URL"}
{"id": "P10285", "label": "Indeed company ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "alphabetical identifier for the company on the employment website Indeed", "label-zh": "确实是公司ID"}
{"id": "P3962", "label": "Global Trade Item Number", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "GTIN (or EAN, UCC) is used to identify products via their barcodes", "label-zh": "全球贸易项目编号"}
{"id": "P8189", "label": "National Library of Israel J9U ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier used by the National Library of Israel", "label-zh": "以色列国家图书馆J9U ID"}
{"id": "P1801", "label": "commemorative plaque image", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "image of plaque or inscription commemorating or mentioning the subject. For graves,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tuse grave picture (P1442)", "label-zh": "纪念牌匾图像"}
{"id": "P218", "label": "ISO 639-1 code", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "2-letter identifier for language or family of languages defined in ISO 639-1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tstandard", "label-zh": "ISO 639-1代码"}
{"id": "P7314", "label": "TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for the Islamic Encyclopedia created by the Turkish religion authority\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tDiyanet", "label-zh": "TDV slam Ansiklopedisi ID"}
{"id": "P4154", "label": "National Forest Foundation ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an American national forest on the National Forest Foundation website", "label-zh": "国家森林基金会ID"}
{"id": "P7211", "label": "Line Blog user ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "user ID on LINE BLOG", "label-zh": "Line博客用户ID"}
{"id": "P1839", "label": "US Federal Election Commission ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier assigned by the US Federal Election Commission for federal candidates,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tparties, and other committees", "label-zh": "美国联邦选举委员会ID"}
{"id": "P3151", "label": "iNaturalist taxon ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier in iNaturalist", "label-zh": "自然分类单元ID"}
{"id": "P5290", "label": "Redump.org ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier at the Redump.org database of video games", "label-zh": "Redump.org ID"}
{"id": "P2699", "label": "URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "location of a resource", "label-zh": "网址"}
{"id": "P2014", "label": "Museum of Modern Art work ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a work held at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)", "label-zh": "现代艺术博物馆作品ID"}
{"id": "P6655", "label": "stroke order", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "media file showing the order of strokes in a CJKV character", "label-zh": "冲程顺序"}
{"id": "P4548", "label": "Commonwealth Games Federation athlete ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an athlete on the Commonwealth Games Federation website", "label-zh": "英联邦运动会联合会运动员ID"}
{"id": "P829", "label": "OEIS ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier on the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences", "label-zh": "OEIS ID"}
{"id": "P5585", "label": "SMS Power identifier", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a video game in the SMS Power database of Sega 8-bit console games", "label-zh": "SMS电源标识符"}
{"id": "P3473", "label": "Ubuntu package", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "name of the official Ubuntu package", "label-zh": "Ubuntu软件包"}
{"id": "P7595", "label": "Disney+ movie ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a film on Disney+", "label-zh": "迪斯尼+电影ID"}
{"id": "P7067", "label": "Album of the Year album ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an album or other release on the Album of the Year (AOTY) website", "label-zh": "年度专辑专辑ID"}
{"id": "P3414", "label": "Yle Areena item ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "program or series ID in Yle Areena service", "label-zh": "Yle Areena项目ID"}
{"id": "P7271", "label": "Hiking Project area ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an area on the Hiking Project website", "label-zh": "徒步旅行项目区域ID"}
{"id": "P1739", "label": "CiNii Books bibliography ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for books/journals that are held in university libraries or research\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinstitutions in Japan, maintained by NACSIS-CAT cataloging system and accessible\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthrough CiNii Books", "label-zh": "CiNii图书书目ID"}
{"id": "P5184", "label": "Daum Encyclopedia ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for content in the Daum Encyclopedia", "label-zh": "Daum百科全书ID"}
{"id": "P3943", "label": "Tumblr username", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "account name on Tumblr", "label-zh": "Tumblr用户名"}
{"id": "P2520", "label": "UNESCO Biosphere Reserve URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "URL to the entry on the UNESCO biosphere reserve website", "label-zh": "联合国教科文组织生物圈保护区URL"}
{"id": "P9138", "label": "service status information URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "URI with information about the status of the service", "label-zh": "服务状态信息URL"}
{"id": "P11268", "label": "press information", "data_type": "URL", "description": "URL to the official page of the subject's press kit", "label-zh": "新闻信息"}
{"id": "P3222", "label": "NE.se ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "ID of article on the Swedish Nationalencyklopedin (NE.se) site", "label-zh": "网元ID"}
{"id": "P3040", "label": "SoundCloud ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a person, band, radio station, album, or other entity, on SoundCloud", "label-zh": "SoundCloud ID"}
{"id": "P3265", "label": "Myspace ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a person or organisation, at Myspace", "label-zh": "Myspace ID"}
{"id": "P996", "label": "document file on Wikimedia Commons", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "file on Wikimedia Commons related to the content of the source/book/report", "label-zh": "Wikimedia Commons上的文档文件"}
{"id": "P9122", "label": "SportsLogos.net team ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a sports organization on Chris Creamer's Sports Logos Page", "label-zh": "SportsLogos.net团队ID"}
{"id": "P2942", "label": "Dailymotion channel ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of the Dailymotion channel of a person, or organization", "label-zh": "每日运动频道ID"}
{"id": "P2625", "label": "PASE ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "numerical identifier for a person in the Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England", "label-zh": "密码"}
{"id": "P1281", "label": "WOEID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a location on Yahoo! GeoPlanet and Flickr", "label-zh": "悲哀"}
{"id": "P8239", "label": "MACRIS ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a structure or a building in the Massachusetts Cultural Resource\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tInformation System database", "label-zh": "MACRIS ID"}
{"id": "P2713", "label": "sectional view", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "image file that shows a sectional view of the item", "label-zh": "截面图"}
{"id": "P7280", "label": "PlaymakerStats.com team ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a association football (soccer) team at PlaymakerStats.com (formerly\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTheFinalBall.com)", "label-zh": "PlaymakerStats.com团队ID"}
{"id": "P1362", "label": "Theaterlexikon der Schweiz ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier in the online edition of the Theater Dictionary of", "label-zh": "Schweiz ID的干扰"}
{"id": "P8365", "label": "Thesaurus Sozialwissenschaften ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a concept in the Thesaurus Sozialwissenschaften (Thesaurus for the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSocial Sciences)", "label-zh": "同义词库Sozialvisenschaften ID"}
{"id": "P5437", "label": "EuroVoc ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an area of government activity, in the European Union's EuroVoc\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthesaurus", "label-zh": "EuroVoc ID"}
{"id": "P3454", "label": "Arch Linux package", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "name of the official Arch Linux package", "label-zh": "Arch Linux软件包"}
{"id": "P724", "label": "Internet Archive ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an item on Internet Archive", "label-zh": "互联网档案ID"}
{"id": "P8814", "label": "WordNet 3.1 Synset ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "Synset identifier in Princeton’s WordNet Version 3.1", "label-zh": "WordNet 3.1语法集ID"}
{"id": "P220", "label": "ISO 639-3 code", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "3-letter identifier for language defined in ISO 639-3, extension of ISO 639-2", "label-zh": "ISO 639-3代码"}
{"id": "P3634", "label": "The Met object ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "object identifier for artworks at the Metropolitan Museum of Art", "label-zh": "Met对象ID"}
{"id": "P4291", "label": "panoramic view", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "panoramic view of the object", "label-zh": "全景视图"}
{"id": "P3311", "label": "image of design plans", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "image representing the plan of a building or place", "label-zh": "设计计划图像"}
{"id": "P1065", "label": "archive URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "URL to the archived web page specified with URL property", "label-zh": "存档URL"}
{"id": "P7712", "label": "Joconde domain ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for the general context (domain) of a cultural artifact from the Service\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdes Musées de France Joconde authority file", "label-zh": "Joponde域ID"}
{"id": "P2694", "label": "ISU figure skater ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a figure skater in the International Skating Union database", "label-zh": "ISU花样滑冰运动员ID"}
{"id": "P7033", "label": "Australian Educational Vocabulary ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "ID for curriculum term in one of the controlled vocabularies at Australian education\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvocabularies", "label-zh": "澳大利亚教育词汇ID"}
{"id": "P8886", "label": "CIP data sheet", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "CIP data sheet of the object", "label-zh": "CIP数据表"}
{"id": "P10227", "label": "National Library of Ireland ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a National Library of Ireland authority record", "label-zh": "爱尔兰国家图书馆ID"}
{"id": "P11266", "label": "contact page URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "URL to the official page listing the subject's contact information or a contact form", "label-zh": "联系人页面URL"}
{"id": "P1258", "label": "Rotten Tomatoes ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier on Rotten Tomatoes", "label-zh": "烂番茄ID"}
{"id": "P1733", "label": "Steam application ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an application available from the Steam distribution platform", "label-zh": "蒸汽应用ID"}
{"id": "P9906", "label": "inscription image", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "image of an inscription on the object that is the subject of the item. Use\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"commemorative plaque image\" (P1801) for images of plaques with inscriptions about\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthe subject", "label-zh": "铭文图像"}
{"id": "P10565", "label": "Encyclopedia of China (Third Edition) ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an article in the online version of Encyclopedia of China (Third\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tEdition)", "label-zh": "中国大百科全书(第三版)ID"}
{"id": "P11483", "label": "Anadolu Agency infographic ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an infographic by Anadolu Agency", "label-zh": "阿纳多卢通讯社信息图ID"}
{"id": "P8309", "label": "Yle topic ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for topics in Finland's national broadcaster Yle's web services", "label-zh": "Yle主题ID"}
{"id": "P1944", "label": "relief location map", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "relief location map of place", "label-zh": "地形位置图"}
{"id": "P9318", "label": "Ávvir topic ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a topic in the Northern Sámi publication Ávvir", "label-zh": "Ávvir主题ID"}
{"id": "P4265", "label": "Reddit username", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "username on the social news website Reddit", "label-zh": "Reddit用户名"}
{"id": "P486", "label": "MeSH descriptor ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for Descriptor or Supplementary concept in the Medical Subject Headings\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcontrolled vocabulary", "label-zh": "MeSH描述符ID"}
{"id": "P6460", "label": "Swedish Organization Number", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "sequence of two numberpairs that is unique to a Swedish company or organization\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tgiven out by the responsible government department", "label-zh": "瑞典组织编号"}
{"id": "P2206", "label": "Discogs release ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a musical work (release) in the Discogs database, if there is no\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmaster ID (P1954)", "label-zh": "Discogs发布ID"}
{"id": "P3442", "label": "Debian stable package", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "name of the official Debian stable package", "label-zh": "Debian稳定包"}
{"id": "P15", "label": "route map", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "image of route map at Wikimedia Commons", "label-zh": "路线图"}
{"id": "P4201", "label": "PagesJaunes ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a professional in France in the PagesJaunes website", "label-zh": "页面Jaunes ID"}
{"id": "P2910", "label": "icon", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "pictogram suitable to represent the item. For logos of a subject, use \"logo image\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(P154); for favicons, use \"small logo or icon\" (P8972)", "label-zh": "图标"}
{"id": "P5797", "label": "Twitch channel ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "ID of a Twitch channel", "label-zh": "Twitch频道ID"}
{"id": "P2624", "label": "MetroLyrics ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a song or artist at the MetroLyrics website (discontinued as of June\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t2021)", "label-zh": "大都会歌词ID"}
{"id": "P3827", "label": "JSTOR topic ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a topic at JSTOR", "label-zh": "JSTOR主题ID"}
{"id": "P8836", "label": "SPOnG game ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a video game in the SPOnG database", "label-zh": "SPOnG游戏ID"}
{"id": "P3035", "label": "ISBN publisher prefix", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "part of an ISBN(-13) specific to a publisher", "label-zh": "ISBN出版商前缀"}
{"id": "P6178", "label": "Dimensions author ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "unique identifier for an author in Dimensions", "label-zh": "维度作者ID"}
{"id": "P10214", "label": "URL for freedom of information requests", "data_type": "URL", "description": "URL pointing to a form or other page allowing citizens to make freedom of\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinformation request to public organizations", "label-zh": "信息自由请求的URL"}
{"id": "P11101", "label": "model image", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "image of a model of the item", "label-zh": "模型图像"}
{"id": "P243", "label": "OCLC control number", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a unique bibliographic record in OCLC WorldCat", "label-zh": "OCLC控制编号"}
{"id": "P946", "label": "ISIN", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a security", "label-zh": "伊辛"}
{"id": "P8084", "label": "Nintendo eShop ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a video game in Nintendo eShop", "label-zh": "任天堂eShop ID"}
{"id": "P3012", "label": "Statistics Canada Geographic code", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "system by Statistics Canada for categorizing and enumerating the census geographic\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tunits of Canada", "label-zh": "加拿大统计局地理代码"}
{"id": "P4391", "label": "The-Sports.org athlete ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an athlete on The-Sports.org", "label-zh": "The-Sports.org运动员ID"}
{"id": "P7902", "label": "Deutsche Biographie (GND) ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "GND identifier for an item in the Deutsche Biographie", "label-zh": "德国传记(GND)ID"}
{"id": "P9966", "label": "United Nations Treaty Collection object ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier in the United Nations database of treaties registered with the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSecretariat", "label-zh": "联合国条约收集对象ID"}
{"id": "P3134", "label": "TripAdvisor ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a place (region, hotel, restaurant, attraction), in TripAdvisor", "label-zh": "TripAdvisor ID"}
{"id": "P242", "label": "locator map image", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "geographic map image which highlights the location of the subject within some larger\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tentity", "label-zh": "定位器地图图像"}
{"id": "P1042", "label": "ZDB ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for serials German National Serials Database", "label-zh": "ZDB编号"}
{"id": "P10144", "label": "Famitsu game ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a video game in the Famitsu database", "label-zh": "Famitsu游戏ID"}
{"id": "P6521", "label": "Crew United person ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for persons in the Crew united database of German films, TV series, and\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\trelated productions", "label-zh": "机组联合人员ID"}
{"id": "P2850", "label": "Apple Music artist ID (U.S. version)", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a musical artist or author in the U.S. version of Apple Music", "label-zh": "苹果音乐艺术家ID(美国版)"}
{"id": "P4857", "label": "AtariAge ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier in the AtariAge database of Atari videogames", "label-zh": "AtariAge ID"}
{"id": "P154", "label": "logo image", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "graphic mark or emblem commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations and\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tproducts", "label-zh": "徽标图像"}
{"id": "P4033", "label": "Mastodon address", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "address on the Mastodon decentralized social network. The form is:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'user@server.domain' . There is no leading '@' as is usually written to distinguish\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tMastodon addresses from email addresses.", "label-zh": "Mastodon地址"}
{"id": "P821", "label": "CGNDB unique ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier(s) for a geographical feature contained in the Canadian Geographical\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tNames Data Base (CGNDB)", "label-zh": "CGNDB唯一ID"}
{"id": "P7701", "label": "SNESmusic.org game ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a video game in the SNESmusic.org database", "label-zh": "SNESmusic.org游戏ID"}
{"id": "P947", "label": "RSL ID (person)", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "person identifier in the Russian State Library", "label-zh": "RSL ID(人)"}
{"id": "P2205", "label": "Spotify album ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an album or single on Spotify", "label-zh": "Spotify专辑ID"}
{"id": "P9151", "label": "Can I use feature ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a browser feature, technology or web standard on Can I use...", "label-zh": "我可以使用功能ID吗"}
{"id": "P109", "label": "signature", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "image of a person's signature", "label-zh": "签名"}
{"id": "P6802", "label": "related image", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "less fitting image, used only because a better alternative is not available. If an\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tappropriate image of the item is available, use P18 instead. Value should not be a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tgeneric placeholder.", "label-zh": "相关图像"}
{"id": "P2425", "label": "service ribbon image", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "an image depicting the ribbon associated with a medal, order, etc.", "label-zh": "服务功能区图像"}
{"id": "P836", "label": "GSS code (2011)", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "nine-character UK Government Statistical Service code, introduced in 2009 to replace\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tolder ONS codes", "label-zh": "GSS代码(2011)"}
{"id": "P7705", "label": "superfamicom.org URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "url of a video game in the superfamicom.org database", "label-zh": "超级家庭网站URL"}
{"id": "P4217", "label": "UK Electoral Commission ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier issued by the Electoral Commission in the UK to identify a political\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tparty", "label-zh": "英国选举委员会ID"}
{"id": "P8303", "label": "ESRB game ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a video game on ESRB's official website", "label-zh": "ESRB游戏ID"}
{"id": "P3120", "label": "TOID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "TOpographic IDentifier assigned by the Ordnance Survey to identify a feature in\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGreat Britain", "label-zh": "三角肌"}
{"id": "P3861", "label": "App Store app ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a mobile application in App Store", "label-zh": "应用商店应用ID"}
{"id": "P3509", "label": "Dagens Nyheter topic ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a topic, used by the Swedish daily newspaper Dagens Nyheter", "label-zh": "Dagens Nyheter主题ID"}
{"id": "P7085", "label": "TikTok username", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "this item's username on TikTok; do not include the “@” symbol", "label-zh": "TikTok用户名"}
{"id": "P4652", "label": "ESCO Occupation ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an occupation, in the European multilingual database ESCO v1", "label-zh": "ESCO职业ID"}
{"id": "P4404", "label": "MusicBrainz recording ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a recording in the MusicBrainz open music encyclopedia", "label-zh": "MusicBrainz录制ID"}
{"id": "P2024", "label": "German cattle breed ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a cattle breed in German national law", "label-zh": "德国牛品种ID"}
{"id": "P3916", "label": "UNESCO Thesaurus ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a concept in the UNESCO Thesaurus", "label-zh": "联合国教科文组织同义词库ID"}
{"id": "P650", "label": "RKDartists ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier in the RKDartists database (Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tDocumentatie)", "label-zh": "RKDartsist ID"}
{"id": "P5282", "label": "ground level 360 degree view URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "URL to access a service that allows to visually navigate through images at ground\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlevel in the proximity of the item", "label-zh": "地面360度视图URL"}
{"id": "P6267", "label": "Multiplayer ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a video game from the website Multiplayer.it", "label-zh": "多层ID"}
{"id": "P7785", "label": "LaunchBox Games Database game ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a video game in the LaunchBox Games Database", "label-zh": "LaunchBox游戏数据库游戏ID"}
{"id": "P4839", "label": "Wolfram Language entity code", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "input form for an entity in Wolfram Language", "label-zh": "Wolfram语言实体代码"}
{"id": "P94", "label": "coat of arms image", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "image of the item's coat of arms - for the shield part only use P4004", "label-zh": "纹章图像"}
{"id": "P4427", "label": "GACS ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a concept in the Global Agricultural Concept Scheme", "label-zh": "GACS ID"}
{"id": "P3579", "label": "Sina Weibo user ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "Sina Weibo user's identifier", "label-zh": "新浪微博用户ID"}
{"id": "P7516", "label": "Software Preservation Society ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a video game in the Software Preservation Society database", "label-zh": "软件保护协会ID"}
{"id": "P18", "label": "image", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "image of relevant illustration of the subject; if available, also use more specific\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tproperties (sample: coat of arms image, locator map, flag image, signature image,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlogo image, collage image)", "label-zh": "图像"}
{"id": "P117", "label": "chemical structure", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "image of a representation of the structure for a chemical compound", "label-zh": "化学结构"}
{"id": "P219", "label": "ISO 639-2 code", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "3-letter identifier for language, macro-language or language family, defined in ISO\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t639-2 standard", "label-zh": "ISO 639-2代码"}
{"id": "P6262", "label": "Fandom article ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of an article on Fandom (Wikia). Format: subdomain:Page_title", "label-zh": "粉丝文章ID"}
{"id": "P298", "label": "ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a country in three-letter format per ISO 3166-1", "label-zh": "ISO 3166-1字母-3代码"}
{"id": "P9753", "label": "Wikidata language code", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a language or variant at Wikidata. Use P424 (Wikimedia language code)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tto identify the language of a Wikimedia wiki.", "label-zh": "维基数据语言代码"}
{"id": "P1286", "label": "Munzinger Pop ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier on the Munzinger Archiv", "label-zh": "芒辛格流行ID"}
{"id": "P11093", "label": "TUBITAK Sosyal Bilimler Ansiklopedisi ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "Turkish social sciences encyclopedia published by TÜBİTAK", "label-zh": "TUBITAK Sosyal Bilmler Ansiklopedisi ID"}
{"id": "P4418", "label": "New Zealand Sports Hall of Fame ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an inductee on the New Zealand Sports Hall of Fame website", "label-zh": "新西兰体育名人堂ID"}
{"id": "P4685", "label": "Nintendo of America Game Store ID (former scheme)", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for software sold on the Nintendo of America Game Store", "label-zh": "美国任天堂游戏商店ID(前方案)"}
{"id": "P2088", "label": "Crunchbase organization ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "Identifier for an organization, in the Crunchbase database of companies and\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tstart-ups, operated by TechCrunch", "label-zh": "Crunchbase组织ID"}
{"id": "P8766", "label": "rank insignia", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "image of the insigna for a rank (such as a military rank)", "label-zh": "军衔徽章"}
{"id": "P8326", "label": "Australian Classification ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a creative work on the Australian Classification Board's official\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twebsite", "label-zh": "澳大利亚分类ID"}
{"id": "P5968", "label": "CPPAP ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "ID issued by the French \"Commission paritaire des publications et des agences de\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpresse\" for a registered periodical", "label-zh": "CPPAP-ID"}
{"id": "P7541", "label": "Planète Aventure ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a game in the Planète Aventure database", "label-zh": "复仇计划ID"}
{"id": "P11472", "label": "Yahoo! Japan News publisher ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a publisher on Yahoo! Japan News", "label-zh": "雅虎!日本新闻发布者ID"}
{"id": "P990", "label": "audio recording of the subject's spoken voice", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "audio file representing the speaking voice of a person; or of an animated cartoon or\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tother fictitious character", "label-zh": "受试者说话声音的录音"}
{"id": "P6157", "label": "Google News publication ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a news source in the news on Google News", "label-zh": "Google新闻出版物ID"}
{"id": "P6363", "label": "WordLift URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "a Linked Open Data permanent ID of publicly available entities curated by online\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpublishers and distributed in various formats", "label-zh": "WordLift URL"}
{"id": "P8592", "label": "aerial view", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "image of the subject taken from the air", "label-zh": "鸟瞰图"}
{"id": "P6766", "label": "Who's on First ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier from the Who's on First database", "label-zh": "谁是第一ID"}
{"id": "P8934", "label": "mailing list archive", "data_type": "URL", "description": "archive of the mailing list for the object", "label-zh": "邮件列表存档"}
{"id": "P5400", "label": "GeoNLP ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "Japan identifier for a place", "label-zh": "GeoNLP ID"}
{"id": "P3478", "label": "Songkick artist ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an artist on Songkick", "label-zh": "Songkick艺术家ID"}
{"id": "P5794", "label": "Internet Game Database game ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a game on the Internet Game Database", "label-zh": "互联网游戏数据库游戏ID"}
{"id": "P8061", "label": "AGROVOC ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a subject in AGROVOC thesaurus", "label-zh": "AGROVOC ID"}
{"id": "P10858", "label": "Truth Social username", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "this item's username on Truth Social", "label-zh": "Truth Social用户名"}
{"id": "P7172", "label": "shmup.com ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier in the shmup.com database of shoot them up video games", "label-zh": "shmup.com ID"}
{"id": "P2078", "label": "user manual URL", "data_type": "URL", "description": "link to the user manual of the object (product, program)", "label-zh": "用户手册URL"}
{"id": "P7415", "label": "code (image)", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "Commons image file of code used to represent a specific concept in a given encoding", "label-zh": "代码(图像)"}
{"id": "P2427", "label": "GRID ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "institutional identifier from the GRID.ac global research identifier database", "label-zh": "网格ID"}
{"id": "P8351", "label": "vglist video game ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a video game on vglist", "label-zh": "vglist视频游戏ID"}
{"id": "P10757", "label": "Personality Database profile ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a human, fictional character, or other entity on the Personality\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tDatabase website", "label-zh": "个性数据库配置文件ID"}
{"id": "P1972", "label": "Open Hub ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for free software at OpenHub.net", "label-zh": "打开集线器ID"}
{"id": "P2167", "label": "UNSPSC Code", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for taxonomy of products and services for use in eCommerce", "label-zh": "UNSPSC代码"}
{"id": "P7012", "label": "World Encyclopedia of Puppetry Arts ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for the online encyclopedia kept by the Union International de la\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tMarionette", "label-zh": "世界木偶艺术百科全书ID"}
{"id": "P535", "label": "Find a Grave memorial ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of an individual's burial place in the Find a Grave database", "label-zh": "查找坟墓纪念ID"}
{"id": "P2627", "label": "ISO 9362 SWIFT/BIC code", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "Identifier ISO 9362 SWIFT/BIC code", "label-zh": "ISO 9362 SWIFT/BIC代码"}
{"id": "P2730", "label": "ISSF athlete ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an athlete in the International Shooting Sport Federation database", "label-zh": "ISSF运动员ID"}
{"id": "P691", "label": "NKCR AUT ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier in the Czech National Authority Database (National Library of Czech\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tRepublic)", "label-zh": "NKCR自动ID"}
{"id": "P442", "label": "China administrative division code", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for administrative divisions of People's Republic of China (with spaces)", "label-zh": "中国行政区划代码"}
{"id": "P3587", "label": "Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of an information security vulnerability", "label-zh": "常见漏洞和风险ID"}
{"id": "P10767", "label": "Twitter moment ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a moment feed on Twitter", "label-zh": "推特时刻ID"}
{"id": "P1984", "label": "Anime News Network manga ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a manga (or a light novel) in Anime News Network", "label-zh": "动漫新闻网漫画ID"}
{"id": "P5775", "label": "image of interior", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "image of the inside of an architectural structure, vehicle or other enclosed space", "label-zh": "内部图像"}
{"id": "P3171", "label": "Olympic.org athlete ID (archived)", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an athlete (sportsperson) at Olympic.org, a former website of the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tInternational Olympic Committee", "label-zh": "Olympic.org运动员ID(存档)"}
{"id": "P2355", "label": "UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for endangered languages listed by UNESCO", "label-zh": "联合国教科文组织世界濒危语言地图集ID"}
{"id": "P4742", "label": "Uniform Resource Identifier Scheme", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "IANA-assigned uniform resource identifier scheme which identifies items within this\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tclass or set", "label-zh": "统一资源标识符方案"}
{"id": "P1933", "label": "MobyGames game ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for MobyGames", "label-zh": "MobiGames游戏ID"}
{"id": "P4527", "label": "UK Parliament thesaurus ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier in the thesaurus of subject headings maintained by the librarians in the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tHouse of Commons in the UK", "label-zh": "英国议会同义词库ID"}
{"id": "P2930", "label": "INSPIRE-HEP author ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for authors in INSPIRE-HEP, a major database for high energy physics", "label-zh": "INSPIRE-HEP作者ID"}
{"id": "P9878", "label": "Encyclopaedia of Islam (first edition) ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "code of the article from the Encyclopaedia of Islam (First Edition)", "label-zh": "伊斯兰百科全书(第一版)ID"}
{"id": "P3797", "label": "autonomous system number", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "unique identifier for a collection of connected Internet Protocol (IP) routing\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprefixes under the control of one or more network operators", "label-zh": "自主系统编号"}
{"id": "P3417", "label": "Quora topic ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a topic on Quora (English language version)", "label-zh": "Quora主题ID"}
{"id": "P722", "label": "UIC station code", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a railway station in Europe, CIS countries, the Far East (China,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tMongolia, Japan, Korea, Vietnam), North Africa and the Middle East", "label-zh": "UIC车站代码"}
{"id": "P9881", "label": "Every Noise at Once ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a music genre, style, or scene on the Every Noise at Once website", "label-zh": "一次发出每个噪音ID"}
{"id": "P4477", "label": "Humble Store ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for an application sold on the Humble Store", "label-zh": "简陋商店ID"}
{"id": "P2003", "label": "Instagram username", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "item's username on Instagram", "label-zh": "Instagram用户名"}
{"id": "P9819", "label": "Daum Cafe ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier for a Daum Cafe forum account", "label-zh": "Daum咖啡馆ID"}
{"id": "P8607", "label": "The Cutting Room Floor ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier in The Cutting Room Floor wiki", "label-zh": "切割室楼层ID"}
{"id": "P10689", "label": "OpenStreetMap element", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "way or node in OpenStreetMap for the item", "label-zh": "OpenStreetMap元素"}
{"id": "P7622", "label": "TheGamesDB game ID", "data_type": "External identifier", "description": "identifier of a video game in TheGamesDB database", "label-zh": "TheGamesDB游戏ID"}
{"id": "P1943", "label": "location map", "data_type": "Commons media file", "description": "blank geographic map image suitable for overlaying coordinate points, as defined at\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tc:Category:Location maps", "label-zh": "位置图"}