[{"query": ["Her every word inspires confidence .", "Love , who will be your guide ?", "A man ! duped \u2014 cheated !", "I think I have seen your face before , sir ?", "Mr. Cutaway here , Madam !", "There she is , beautiful as ever .", "True , but there is no resisting him . Love is a torrent \u2014 and his blindness is a cataract . Come , come ! the banns have been put up for the last month , at Croydon Church \u2014 the ring is in my waistcoat pocket \u2014 I 've appointed a father to give you away .", "Harriet ! Harriet , my love ! I can find no bundle .", "The ladder , where is the ladder ?", "Stands before your prison door \u2014 your only step is flight .", "Probably not , for though a father , he is not yet apparent . All is right ;\u2014 away ! fly ! when they say love is blind , they only mean he closes his eyes to transgressions like ours .", "All right so far !\u2014 the young lady here , and the old boy not here .", "Most unlucky ! Hymen has extinguished his link for the day , and here we are yet unlinked \u2014 too late for the parson ."], "true_target": ["Blue ! another omen \u2014 emblem of constancy .", "No matter ; some one else can represent you . The coach is unlike my heart \u2014 it can just admit another . Waiter !\u2014 shew us into a private room .", "True ; we are like odd gloves \u2014 a couple unpaired . No matter ; to-morrow will unite us for ever . This house has a hopeful name \u2014 \u201c The Anchor . \u201d", "How queer it is to be introduced to one 's self !\u2014 I 'm beside myself .", "Hem , she has got a new cloak by the way .", "I have a ladder , dearest ; will you descend it ?", "What bundle , sweetest ?", "Fortune favours the bold . This is an unexpected prize \u2014 found it in the knife room \u2014 and the dear creature at yonder window , she shall descend : then we 'll over the wall .\u2014 By-the-by , I wonder what has become of that inefficient representation of myself .\u2014 Harriet !", "Truly unfortunate and disagreeable !\u2014 my fair one torn from me in a manner most unfair . Miss Harriet missing \u2014 all is gone but hope !\u2014 and what does hope say ? Something false , as usual ? The lady loves the marvellous .\u2014 No , hope reminds me that Harriet is sent to Mrs. Chargely 's , in this neighbourhood ; and that if I could enter in a feigned name \u2014 true , I can learn at the door if the old lion be in the den \u2014 if the young dove be in her cage !\u2014 \u2018 gad , it will do !\u2014 What name can I take ?\u2014 I have it , Mr. Cotton has a foreman named Bolt \u2014 I 'll call myself Bolt ; I dare say I 'm like him ; I never saw him ; so do n't know the contrary . A happy exchange of names \u2014 The part of Bolt by Mr. Cutaway .", "This way , this way , charming Harriet ; your aunt has not missed you yet ; but she soon will ; she is now so taken up with her ribbons and beautiful purchases , that she is thinking but little of her beautiful niece .", "Yes , we can give away one another .", "Come to the arms of your ever-faithful Cutaway .", "Your desires are commands , lovely one .\u2014 She is hoarse ;\u2014 caught cold , poor thing ."], "play_index": 0, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["A pretty guide \u2014 he is blind himself .", "The faithless wretch ! brought a sham me .\u2014 Oh papa , papa !", "A flight of steps , each one more imprudent than the last . And what awaits me on my descent ?", "Then , papa , there will be three weddings .", "Single , another day ! what a misfortune !"], "true_target": ["Father ? I have n't seen him .", "But this step \u2014", "Yes , madam ; I am Harriet Cotton .", "Shocking , indeed ; to say nothing of the impropriety of my thus running about with you .", "The anchor ! the very house my aunt was to have brought me to , to send to Mrs. Chargely 's . My place is booked here for that purpose .", "Yes , papa ."], "play_index": 0, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Zounds ! she knows nothing , after all .\u2014 Yes , ma'am , you 've hit it . My name is Cutaway .", "Then , most worthy character , take off that mask , as I have unmasked you \u2014 take off that great coat , as I have dismantled your villainy \u2014 and your hat off , because , because , I want it \u2014 and now take yourself off .", "Oh , for a holiday ; just to get rid , ha , ha ! of a few loose sovereigns .", "So I will .", "No , nor do n't care , if it is the devil .", "Very likely not , ma'am .", "Miss Brown , you see , is now Mrs. Steele . Yes \u2014 my name is Steele , and this gentleman 's name is Addison .", "Well , as I said before , we must go . Farewell , my lo \u2014 o \u2014 ve !", "Do n't hurry yourself , ma'am ; I 'll settle it to-morrow . That 's what I called for ,\u2014 to tell you I 'd settle it to-morrow .", "There will be two of us .", "Not at all ! Curse me if there is n't another incident .", "Zounds ! there 's no avoiding it . Coachee swears he wont stir without the blunt . You , it seems , are booked here for some confounded person . We can n't pay ;\u2014 he says , \u201c Walk in , and they 'll pay for you ! \u201d So here we are .", "An unconscious auxiliary .", "More than I do anything else . If I am caught with this fellow , I shall be hanged ; and if I move , I shall be shot .", "A \u2014 hem !\u2014 you see , ladies \u2014 that is , you perceive \u2014 ahem !\u2014 you must be aware \u2014 you cannot be ignorant \u2014 ahem !", "Disguising myself as a thief .", "I 'll be blowed if we understand one another , now !", "Ha ! ha ! ha ! poor devil ! Now away with the ladder to the garden wall .Now we 'll ascend , and drop on the other side .", "Bless you ! he has married again since . One calls one 's mother-in-law \u201c mother \u201d you know .", "Sit down , ladies ,\u2014 sit down .", "True , true ! about Miss Brown . There is a little account \u2014", "There are no weapons in these pockets . You had better follow .", "Ahem !\u2014 There is one thing I have not confess 'd ; I mean , sir , my passion for this lady .", "Yes ! there is a most picturesque ruin of a pump \u2014", "Ah , I think we have taken a cup too much .", "True ,\u2014 all cats are alike in the dark .", "Precisely !", "Will you though ? Then give us your hand .", "Exactly !", "Ha ! ha ! ha ! Do n't be down-hearted Bobby \u2014 here is a third adventure ;\u2014 it will have an end . But give me time , my boy , and I 'll get through anything .", "Egad , as there is no exit , I must e'en make the best of it .This wing ?\u2014 a slice of the breast ? & c .", "To be sure it was lucky we overtook young Rattle , with his gig ;\u2014 if he had not given us a lift , we should not have been home till breakfast time .", "To be sure you did ! you are so sharp , ma'am . He ! he ! you found out Mr. Cutaway \u2014 He ! he ! ha !", "So you are , my chicken ; think yourself lucky if you do n't get your neck twisted .", "Oh , sir , we have done but our duty .\u2014 Come forward , Bobby .\u2014 I repeat it , our duty : our duty is to amuse these ladies and gentlemen ,\u2014 and if anything we have done has contributed to that desirable end , we certainly think our \u201c Day has been well Spent . \u201d", "Here is a shelter ; we 'll get in here .", "No matter ; he must n't pass us . Egad , he 's just here !", "I say , Bob , what did you send him in there for ?", "Came to lighten you of your odd moveables ,\u2014 to fork out your knives , and dish your plates .", "Well , anything to get off . Good by , ladies ,\u2014 good by .", "Not remarkably handsome , either .", "Oh ! we can n't get out , so we must consider our present situation . You evidently were book 'd ,\u2014 I was only a chance customer ; they set you down here as a matter of course \u2014 I might have gone on . Devilish odd , by-the-by , you crawling into the very coach upon which I jump 'd .", "Oh , yes , I 'm awake !", "Then we 'll call on Mrs. Stitchley . Yes , that 's the name on the plate .", "What two respectable individuals .", "How d'ye do , sir ?", "Lord bless you , Bobby ! it 's the young women I always look at , not the old men .", "Up the ladder , Bobby , my boy !", "I 've nothing more to say . Good morning , ma'am \u2014 nothing .\u2014Besides , the old man must be a mile off by this time .", "You have ; but pray do n't mention \u2014 do n't bear malice .", "That sounds deuced near the window . Help yourselves to the wings , ladies . Cut off the wings and they can n't fly .", "And do n't I look well ? A'n ' t I the thing ? Nothing like the shop , eh ? Nothing against me ?\u2014 nothing counter ?"], "true_target": ["Eh , that 's the hat ;\u2014 his castor 's an unlucky star ;\u2014 those are his unmentionables . We 'll turn down the next street .", "My head would follow , I 'm thinking .\u2014 No , I can see .", "Well , here we are \u2014 out !", "Eighteen-pence ! Oh \u2014 h \u2014 h ! that looks very unlike fowls and sherry .", "Poultry ! what pretty chickens !", "Oh , never mind him .", "Exactly !\u2014 only a pint of stout .", "Well , what do you think of this ?", "Well , my dear , if you will , I \u2014 heigho !\u2014 suppose you must .", "He is not ! No ! no ! my name is Cut \u2014 Cutaway !", "The devil ! oh ! he , he ! the tender creature ! Confusion ! Petrifaction !", "It 's confoundedly awkward !", "Ladies , what I have to say is \u2014\u2014", "Yes ; how snug you look , up there !", "Hollo ! thieves ! house ! ho !", "Say nothing , and you shall be my real wife .\u2014 Sir , you will consent to our union ?\u2014It 's a horrid plunge , but I can n't help it .", "Cause \u2014 ah \u2014 madam , the cause is the reason , ma'am \u2014 Ahem ! and the reason is the cause .\u2014She must have a customer named Smith . You doubtless know \u2014 Miss Smith ?", "Hey , ma'am ?", "Not in the least !\u2014 You may give him our dinner , if your larder is scanty .", "Smith wont do \u2014 I 'll try Brown . Miss Brown , madam , you know ?", "Egad , I 've succeeded in concealing myself among the statues and the shrubs , & c. I wish that wall was not so devilish high , and that gate not quite so firmly fastened . I wonder where Bobby is .", "Ah , true !I dare say you did not expect me . How d'ye do ?\u2014 The fact is \u2014 I am this young gent \u2014 ahem !\u2014 lady 's brother \u2014 Yes !", "Our wits will inspire us .", "Amazingly ! It is a spicy sort of pleasure \u2014 keeps one awake . I told you we should have something to laugh at .", "It is though , whether I say so or not ; and now I remember , I heard something chink on the ground , when I jumped off the wall .", "Not in the leastexcept of you .I 'll tell you what we must do , Bobby ,\u2014 we 'll tell the ladies all ; they can n't detain us in a public room ,\u2014 and then we 'll \u2014\u2014", "Ha ! ha ! ha ! ha ! ha !", "Ha , ha , ha ! Yes .\u2014Dear Steele ! She jumps at it .\u2014 I 'm magnetic steel .I say , what 's the meaning of this ?", "Zounds ! we are blockaded . Bolt , Bolt , thy courage is out .", "The fact is \u2014 ahem !\u2014 the facts are these : there is no such person as Miss Brown ; Miss Brown has ceased to be Miss Brown \u2014 and I 'm a happy man .", "Now who the devil can this be ?", "I say , Bob \u2014 we shall go halves .", "There she goes again , with her \u201c dear Steele . \u201d \u2014 The fact is \u2014\u2014", "I , madam , will settle that account .", "Yes , yes !\u2014 good by ! You may settle this discussion among yourselves .", "Well , here is a new feature .", "Oh ! do n't say so ! we are all right , you know . Have not I got through beautifully ? steered through all the windings and intricacies ? Do you suppose a skilful coachman would give a fig for a drive on a smooth road ?\u2014 No ! it is turning the sharp corners that displays ingenuity .", "What are you staring at now ?", "Here , Bobby , how much have you got ?", "Yes , we are in for the plate .", "Snail , do you call me ! Ah , you do n't know what I am .", "Well , but where shall we go ?", "The devil you have ? Then we are bowled out . Madam , we throw ourselves upon your mercy !", "Ha ! ha ! Bobby , the lady and I understand each other now , do n't we ?", "The very thing ! I dote upon stout , and so does Mrs. Steele .", "Have you got any onions ?", "Precisely ; I see she has not disclosed the tender secret .", "Well ! we 'll go in .Here is the key \u2014 No ! curse it , there is not !\u2014 nor in this pocket !\u2014 nor in that !\u2014 Bobby , did I give you the key ?", "We 'll run .", "To walk in after that respectable gentleman .", "The deuce ! then we have \u2014", "Zounds ! man , do n't keep watering my spirits in that way ; and do n't pull down the corners of your mouth , and make it look like a horseshoe on its legs . Laugh at our setting out , at least ."], "play_index": 0, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ha , ha ! it is funny , after all .", "While Mr. Addison is content with merely being a spectator .", "Done brown ? Yes , and so are we done brown \u2014 by Miss Brown , too ! Enter 2nd WAITER and COTTON , L. 2 E . 2nd WAITER . Here , sir ; there is a party the other side of the screen ; our inn is so full , sir .", "I say , Charley \u2014 how d'ye like that ? Bother your long-winded stories !\u2014 Oh !", "Hold your tongue ! you do n't know who is on the other side .", "Yes ! do n't say anything to old Cotton .", "Why the cursed officers are breaking open the door . I heard them ; so I gave him for a sop \u2014 Ha ! ha ! ha !", "Yes , the wrong side of our mouths . If ever I do go out with you again !", "Oh , we 're a couple of trumps . I wish I could cut out of this game .", "Did not we tell you so ?\u2014What makes her so d \u2014 d particular ?", "I 'm bless 'd if you do .", "Ah ! that 's the devil of it .", "Wonderful !", "Farewell , Mrs . Steele .\u2014Be divorced as soon as possible , Charley .", "But this damned street has no turning for the next quarter of a mile ! Confound it ! you must be so fond of enjoying yourself .", "The lady means a partnership .", "Mr. Bolt is not here ! no , nor Mizzle either ; this gentleman 's name is Cutaway \u2014 my name is Miss Harriet .", "Do n't you see something like an old man ?", "Ah ! you and I may look like them , if we take many more holidays .", "But it is worse , it 's \u2014 oh \u2014 h \u2014 h !\u2014 old master , between us and the door !", "Yes , out in our reckoning , may be .", "I believe you , I will ;\u2014 Come , look alive !\u2014 put it up !", "Then if you could get through that keyhole , it would be the best exercise for your ingenuity .\u2018 Gad it is coming on to rain like the very deuce !", "No ! you are not going to say the key is lost ? do n't say so !", "It is exceedingly probable .", "I say , Bolt , there a'n ' t two of you .", "Egad , there 's one chance ,\u2014 when master goes home , that fellow may shoot him through the head \u2014 he can n't find me out \u2014 that would be lucky : but one linendraper should never desert another ;\u2014 I 'll go into the kitchen \u2014 get the poker , and surprise the rascal in the rear .SCENE IX . Chamber , large cupboard in centre .\u2014 NEWGATE and BOLT discovered at back , taking plate , and putting it in bag . NEWGATE has a lighted lantern .\u2014 Dark .", "How do you like your day 's pleasure ?", "I say , Bolt , how do you like yourself ?", "A bundle I have left ; so do you bundle up the ladder and get it .", "A lucky escape !", "Good by , ma'am .\u2014I say , Bolt , I vote we go back to the shop ; this may be a prelude to something further .", "No !\u2014 and master would . A pretty figure we should have cut , if we 'd arrived in time to find him opening the shutters .", "Yes , ma'am , my name is Maddison \u2014 Ha , ha , ha !", "Here 's a new row ! I did n't want to come here .", "You have hit it to a nicety . Do n't you think , ma'am , we might take a turn about the country ?", "Four bread and cheeses , and a pint of stout .\u2014Egad , they sha'n ' t ruin us .", "Of course not ; everything goes wrong to-day .", "I say , Bolt , that lady belongs to you , you know ; if we 've any refreshment , you pay the heads \u2014 we do n't go halves .", "Hilloa ! you there !", "Wits ! I 've no wits , nor you either , or you would n't have advised this blessed expedition .", "A second me will walk in next .", "Waiter !", "Nothing at all ; it 's of a piece with the rest . They 'll take us to the station-house soon . We 're in limbo here ; admire the garden wall from the window . My eye ! what a barricado !", "Cotton ! I old master 's daughter ?"], "true_target": ["I shall not follow \u2014 better be sent home than shot .", "Yes , and the bottle of wine into the bargain . BOLT and MIZZLE go up .", "Bravo , Charley ! I 'll stand and see fair play .\u2014 Take care number one do n't come and fire some Dartford superfine in your face .", "Yes ! and we shall soon have the pleasure of seeing Old Cotton let himself in . Crikey ! what a well-spent day !", "Ah , she wont swallow it \u2014 she 's not soft steel .", "Yes , and he has two pistols \u2014 can blow out our brains in succession !\u2014 Highly advantageous .", "Decamp . The best plan ; only you be orator . The ladies look rather fierce .", "Why , Charley , what the deuce are you doing now ?", "To the devil , and taking me for company .", "Yes , we are off !\u2014 The devil take the hindmost \u2014 Good by , my own true love .", "No !No \u2014 I have not got it !", "No I sha'n ' t .", "Sanguinary wretch ! Do n't let him see you , Charley \u2014 he 'll blow out the few brains we have in no time .", "Ha ! ha ! ha ! I will , for I 'm thinking there will be devilish little chance of laughing when we return . Eh \u2014 what 's that ?", "True , madam ; stick to that . He told you so ; mind , I had nothing to do with it .", "Yes ! you are a regular good \u2018 un !", "Stay , my bundle ! oh , my bundle !", "I have not the slightest doubt of your being able to support the character . But why ?", "There they begin already ! I thought they looked like appetites .\u2014 Here , Waiter !", "You make me blush .", "If I could but pass that old curmudgeon ! Egad , I have it \u2014 they are all looking at the fowls , far more interesting objects than myself .", "Yes , like a broken nose \u2014 a very irregular feature . What are we to say ?", "He 'll settle himself if he does ; he must be flush to-day .", "We do n't know her ; who the deuce knows Mrs. Stitchley ?", "No brother !\u2014Here 's a go !\u2014 You 'll allow me to know my own relations ?\u2014 Oh \u2014 h \u2014 h !", "Ah ! Cotton 's foremen are always pretty blossoms .", "And attract his attention : a tallish man and a short one .", "It is ? I like that ! you were confoundedly awkward , you mean . Why did not you do as I do when I carry money ? put it in my breeches pocket , and tie pack-thread round .", "Ca n't you ? then here is one for you .", "Yes , ma'am , like second-pair lodgers , just before quarter-day .", "A decanter of water for the ladies , and butter instead of cheese .", "Quite ! my mother is particularly well .", "I 'm afraid we 've gone too far already .", "Charley , is that you ?", "But you must be so d \u2014\u2014 d bounceable with your loose sovereigns !", "No , we have sunk the shop , with a vengeance ! Hatchment , the undertaker , will be calling to know if master 's dead .", "Egad , this is jumping from the frying-pan into the fire . I hope the old woman wo n't be looking after me .", "They both send their compliments , Mrs .\u2014\u2014 ahem !", "Ah ! but do n't let me be on the box with the said ingenious coachman .", "I say , a'n ' t you fly ?", "Stay , I 've a thought !\u2014 there may be an Irish cousin , or naval officer , there . I 'll peep through .\u2014 Oh \u2014", "That old man may look at you , notwithstanding . Oh ! he draws nearer .\u2014 Oh , the devil ! it 's the old gentleman \u2014 master , I mean .", "Do n't ask me ; you 're the man of talent \u2014 I know the meaning of nothing .", "Yes , you may ha ! ha ! ha !\u2014 but I do n't see anything to ha ! ha ! at \u2014 No , nor to ho ! ho ! at neither . I have done with fun for ever .", "Oh ! what a devil of a chink that was !", "Half-a-crown ; and you ?"], "play_index": 0, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["This way , gentlemen ; my mistress will see you in a minute ."], "true_target": ["Miss Brown , ma'am ."], "play_index": 0, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What an ungallant husband !", "No , sir ! I have not that honour .", "Good morning , gentlemen . BOLT and MIZZLE . Good morning !\u2014 Good morning !", "Yes , my little gentleman , we can n't do better than follow suit .", "Hoity toity ! Certainly not !\u2014 and , Waiter , I hate dining in public ; I insist on that screen being put up .", "And a bonnet and feather ?", "What odd persons !\u2014 Yes , sir ; but Miss Brown ?", "Yes , yes , Mrs. Steele ; that gentleman , Mr. Steele , has confessed all . You sly creature .", "Oh dear , yes ! Miss Brown is one of my best customers .", "I 'll send my servant for a stamp directly , sir .", "Oh \u2014 h \u2014 h !\u2014There 's a great vulgarity about him .", "Oh , I should be charmed \u2014 delighted !"], "true_target": ["And I faint at the smell of cheese .", "Oh ! between me and Miss Brown ?\u2014He is a gentlemanly young fellow , after all .", "Yes , yes ! this gentleman told me he was your husband .", "May I ask the cause of this visit ?", "Mr. Addison is invisible .", "What is the matter , gentlemen ?", "Yes , but any place would be charming in such company .", "How d'ye do , Miss Brown ?\u2014 I beg pardon , Mrs. Steele , I mean .", "I do , my dear !", "But one thing more . Miss Brown is an intimate friend of mine , as well as a customer \u2014 now I do n't think I ever saw you before !", "You shall be righted .", "What ! do you mean that Miss Brown is married , and that you are \u2014"], "play_index": 0, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Lend me your arm , sir . We married folks lead the way . Two hearts lead .", "Husband ?", "The ironmould , and everything ! Mrs. Chargely , this veil is mine ; there are thieves in the house !\u2014 Had the lady a silk cloak ?", "But we will be righted .\u2014 Mrs . Chargely , do n't let your house be a nest of thieves \u2014 send for the officers .", "I will , indeed : I 'll recover my cloak \u2014 the villainy shall be uncloaked .", "Have you no poultry ?", "La , my dear , I like nothing so plebeian ; it 's taking away one 's character to say so .", "Here is my bosom friend , Mrs. Stitchley , says she would like to be of the party . This little gentleman will be a nice beau for her .", "What a charming place !", "That face , too ! oh , horror !", "Mrs. Steele ! what d'ye mean ?", "Mrs. Bridget , I think I heard you called .\u2014 Allow me to look at the veil ; observe , Mrs. Stitchley !", "Stay ! Have you nothing but bread and butter and cheese in the house ?"], "true_target": ["It may be an eccentric method of making an offer . He is not bad looking , and opportunities are \u2014 alas !\u2014 not too frequent . I 'll humour it .\u2014 And so my dear Steele 's confess 'd ?", "If he is only playing tricks I 'll be even with him .\u2014 My dear Steele , you have forgotten your gallantry ; do n't you ask us to take any refreshments ?", "Oh , you naughty man ; when you so faithfully promised to keep it a secret .", "Well , send them up instantly , with a bottle of your best sherry .\u2014 You know , Steele , your loose sovereigns will cover all expenses .", "My dear , wont you sit down ?\u2014 you must be tired .", "But , my dearest , where are you going ?", "It is all discovered !\u2014 You know we were wronged , Mr. Cotton ?", "My dear Steele , what is the matter ?", "Sir ! sir !", "Are you , indeed ? Then I 'll accompany you .\u2014 Now do n't look sulky , Steele ; you know I will \u2014 positively I will .", "You seem uneasy .\u2014 Well , I shall take off my cloak and bonnet .", "My dear !", "How !"], "play_index": 0, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Yes , sir .", "Yes , sir ; this way .\u2014 James , conduct the lady to the blue parlour .", "I am sorry to intrude , ladies and gentlemen , but have you any objection to a gentleman dining in this room ?"], "true_target": ["Hollo , James ! James ! bustle about ; four more on the stairs !\u2014 shew them in here ; all the other rooms are full . What a house we have to-day .", "To be sure .\u2014 Your fowls are done brown , ladies .", "A couple of fowls are roasting for my master 's dinner ; however , he will be most happy to let you have them .", "Yes , sir ."], "play_index": 0, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["My dear Mr. Cutaway , you should have explained to me you were the son of the great bobbin-maker , and my ideas on the subject would have been very different .\u2014 Come , ladies , if you can find your way in the dark . I have just discharged my servants , and am forced to wait on myself .", "I told you what he would turn out .", "Promised , madam ; may I ask to whom ?", "Ah , Mrs. Chargely , how d'ye do ?\u2014 I have brought some ladies with me .", "Daring scoundrel !", "Come , this troublesome day 's work is well over . You have some time had my forgiveness , Harriet ; I wish not to say anything unpleasant \u2014 but when I contrast your conduct with that of these two excellent young men \u2014\u2014", "Yes , and I know I had to pay for it .", "This is my foreman , ladies , Mr. Bolt , whom , for his valuable services , I intend instantly to take into partnership .", "Come along , Harriet ; we 'll see the end of this . To a nice house I seem to have brought you ! A pleasant day , we have had ,\u2014 a day beautifully spent !SCENE VII .", "What ! have you seen her before ?\u2014 Harriet , my dear !"], "true_target": ["And this gentleman \u2014\u2014?", "This , Harriet , will be your mother-in-law .", "Give me your hand , Bolt ; you 're a fine fellow !", "\u201c Curious case of stealing clothes \u201d \u2014 Um \u2014 um \u2014 sentence , transportation .", "What an extraordinary woman ! \u201c Mysterious disappearance . \u201d", "No , no , madam ; I do n't intend it .", "Yes , but it is though ; do n't you see the strong likeness ?", "Some impudent impostor , Mrs. Chargely .", "No matter ; this will do .Bring up some cold meat directly , and the paper .", "What the devil !\u2014 Why , Bolt !"], "play_index": 0, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Five shillings the lady , and three and sixpence the gentleman ;\u2014 they are rather short ; will you pay , my good girl ?"], "true_target": ["Any one going ?", "Yes ! yes ! we shall settle it right enough , I 'll warrant ."], "play_index": 0, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["R. 3 E. part of the house , with door and practicable window .\u2014 Dark ."], "true_target": ["CHARGELY 'S Garden .\u2014 At the back of stage a high wall ; to the", "CHARGELY discovered sitting , and BRIDGET busied about ."], "play_index": 0, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Happy to see any of your friends , Mr. Cotton ; but one little thing I must say to you ,do n't be too severe with your daughter .", "Harriet .", "Gentlemen ! young lady ! what a dispersion ! Why , at any rate ,", "To herself , to be sure .", "Oh ! did you leave all quite well at home ?", "And , I 'll confess the truth \u2014How are my benevolent designs frustrated \u2014 Mr. Cutaway was with her .", "Old Cotton ! what a respectful name to call her father !\u2014 I will not ; I am inclined to be friendly . I have some influence over him ;\u2014 I 'll prevail on him to pardon all .", "Yes , her love is disapproved of , and she is sent here to be far from the object of her affections . Heigho ! just my case .", "Oh ! my dear , excuse me for keeping you waiting ; but I know young ladies love moonlight .", "How embarrassed they seem \u2014 and I see through all : Miss Harriet seems afraid of Mr. Bolt seeing her . How well I understand her feelings .", "To-morrow !\u2014 to-morrow !", "A good one ! Her language is not particularly romantic .\u2014 Nay , more than that , I think I can persuade him to consent to your union .", "Come forward , Mr. Bolt ; come forward . Nobody here , except Mr. Cutaway .", "I am petrified ! thunderstruck ! why , another daughter Harriet came here just now , and is here still .\u2014 Bridget !", "Yes ! we do .\u2014 Fie , Miss Cotton ; do you think I do not recognise your clandestine lover , Mr. Cutaway ?", "Miss Harriet has no brother .", "Yes .", "Elegant remark !\u2014 But this gentleman ?", "I will .\u2014 Bridget ! Bridget ! Lock sham Miss Harriet 's door outside \u2014 send for the police !\u2014 What a horrid unromantic adventure ."], "true_target": ["Why , my dear , your father has been a widower these \u2014", "Ahem ! It might be so ; but , however , Bridget , it came to just the same thing in the end . My fate teaches me mercy . I am determined to shew every kindness to this Harriet , though my letter tells me that Mr. Cutaway is dauntless in pursuing her ;\u2014 just my case .", "I have promised to be her friend .", "A partnership ?\u2014 to be sure \u2014 for life \u2014 marriage !", "This is not your daughter Harriet ?", "Now , sir , you know you are nothing of the kind !", "Desire Mr. Bolt to walk in .\u2014 Do n't be frightened , my young friends , though I guess the cause of your alarm .", "Yes .", "But I have not introduced you .Mr. Bolt , Mr. Cutaway ; Mr. Cutaway , Mr. Bolt .", "Indeed ! my dear young lady \u2014 your name , I believe , is \u2014", "Bridget !", "Well , I will just go and adjust my head-dress . You will shew the young lady every attention if she should arrive meanwhile . Heigho ! I dare say her delicate heart is in a fine state of palpitation . Just my case .", "Oh ! Bridget , you must provide accommodations for the young lady 's brother !", "Indeed ! No ! I have discovered all .", "You start ; I guess the cause of surprise ;\u2014 yes , and Miss", "Mr. Bolt should vanish \u2014", "Ha ! ha ! you confess . You see I was too sharp for you ; I found out you were Mr. Cutaway .", "Miss Harriet Cotton , according to the letter I read to you , must soon be here . Heigho ! a persecuted being , like I was at seventeen .", "Indeed ! an impostor ! Oh , I see through all !\u2014 the daring Mr. Cutaway has introduced himself .\u2014 So , sir , you are the young lady 's brother ?", "Harriet ?"], "play_index": 0, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["But Mr. Bolt is at the street door .", "La , ma'am !", "Mr. Cotton , ma'am . BOLT , MIZZLE , and CUTAWAY .Who ?", "Why , ma'am , I thought the object of your affections ran away from you .", "Please , ma'am , Miss Harriet has bolted herself in one of the bed-rooms , and wont open the door . Her veil caught against the banister , ma'am ; here it is .", "Please , ma'am , Mr. Cotton 's foreman , Mr. Bolt , is here ."], "true_target": ["On the contrary , ma'am , your admirer seems to have been dauntless in pursuing the opposite direction .", "Madam , you have forgotten a something \u2014 the letter called Miss Harriet an only child .", "I wish she would come ; I should so like to see a young lady involved in a new adventure , instead of hearing an old lady recount a stale one .Bless me ! that is exceedingly like a coachman 's ring .", "Yes , ma'am .", "Mr. Cotton .", "Oh ! certainly ; eight and sixpence ; here , Coachman .\u2014 A gentleman , too ! It is a new fashion for ladies to bring their gentlemen with them ."], "play_index": 0, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Here , the door is open ; follow quick \u2014 good examples should always be followed .", "Do n't mumble , but pack , pack !", "Come , bustle about , man ; you 'll see twice as well if you take that mask off .", "And you left this same old Cotton ?", "Pshaw ! you 're not half a fellow ,\u2014 you 're a humbug , Peter .", "The streets are clear .\u2014 So you were old Cotton 's foreman ?", "That 's right . There go the spoons \u2014 there 's the salver \u2014 there 's the god-papa 's mug .", "What by taking the impression of the street-door key in wax ?\u2014 But why the devil did you not go in before ?"], "true_target": ["Come along , thick-headed snail !", "Where the devil are you ?", "Come along , man ; do n't crawl !", "It 's all up \u2014 we are floored . There they are \u2014 damn it , take this bull-dog \u2014 defend yourself .", "There 's some one in the room \u2014 we are in the wrong box . Put up that cup !", "Bolt , they call him ; I wish that Bolt was shot .", "Do n't look so frightened , man ; I have a bull-dog in each pocket .", "Ho , ho ! you call that a joke ?"], "play_index": 0, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["He made me leave , on account of a little exercise of my ingenuity . But you see I was down upon him .", "Cos I had not the pluck ; when I met with you , I was inspired .", "Yes , yes ! I 'll reform !\u2014 I feel a moral change already ."], "true_target": ["Oh , sir , I am very unwilling to be hanged .", "I do n't like it a bit .", "Yes , sure ! I was , some time ago !", "I 'm bless 'd if I like it . Oh \u2014 h ! I must put on the mask ;old Cotton knows my good-looking face as well as his own : if he caught a glimpse of me , I should be caught too ."], "play_index": 0, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Campbell : \u201c Well , Miss Rice , then \u2014 \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c Yes , certainly . \u201d", "Campbell , with an air of busy preoccupation : \u201c Do n't eavesdrop , please ; I was n't talking to you . The Merrills have the pleasure , and the Morgans are sorrow-stricken ; the \u2014 \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c And I liked your finesse . You are awfully inventive , Willis . Why , Willis , I 've just thought of something . Oh , it would be so good if you only would ! \u201d", "Campbell , regarding the letter : \u201c I have n't looked yet . He writes the most characteristic hand , for a man , that I ever saw . And he has the divinest taste in perfumes ! Oh , I wonder what that is ? Like a memory \u2014 a regret . \u201d She presses it repeatedly to her pretty nose , in the endeavor to ascertain .", "Campbell : \u201c You did n't expect me to say you might , did you ? Oh , how cruel ! \u201d She whirls out of the room , and Campbell stands in a daze , in which he is finally aware of Mr. Arthur Welling , seen through the open window , on the veranda without . Mr. Welling , with a terrified and furtive air , seems to be fixed to the spot where he stands . II MR. WELLING ; MR. CAMPBELL", "Campbell , over her shoulder , on going out : \u201c Willis , bring me the refusals and acceptances , wo n't you ? They 're up-stairs . \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c Invent something now to get us out of the scrape . \u201d", "Campbell , sinking back in her chair for the more luxurious perusal of the note : \u201c Indeed I shall not . \u201d She opens it and runs it hastily through , with various little starts , stares , frowns , smiles of arrested development , laughs , and cries : \u201c Why \u2014 why ! What does it mean ? Is he crazy ? Why , there 's some mistake . No ! It 's his hand \u2014 and here 's his name . I can n't make it out . \u201d She reads it again and again . \u201c Why , it 's perfectly bewildering ! Why , there must be some mistake . He could n't have meant it . Could he have imagined ? Could he have dared ? There never has been the slightest thing that could be tortured into \u2014 But of course not . And Mr. Welling , of all men ! Oh , I can n't understand it ! Oh , Willis , Willis , Willis ! What does it mean ? \u201d She flings the note wildly across the table , and catching her handkerchief to her face , falls back into her chair , tumultuously sobbing . Campbell , with the calm of a man accustomed to emotional superabundance , lifting the note from the toast-rack before him : \u201c Well , let 's see . \u201d He reads aloud : \u201c \u2018 Oh , my darling ! How can I live till I see you ? I will be there long before the hour ! To think of your asking me ! You should have said , \u201c I permit you to come , \u201d and I would have flown from the ends of the earth . The presence of others will be nothing . It will be sweet to ignore them in my heart , and while I see you moving among them , and looking after their pleasure with that beautiful thoughtfulness of yours , to think , \u201c She is mine , mine , mine ! \u201d \u201c Oh , young lord lover , what sighs are those For one that can never be thine ? \u201d I thank you , and thank you a thousand times over , for this proof of your trust in me , and of your love \u2014 our love . You shall be the sole keeper of our secret \u2014 it is so sweet to think that no one even suspects it !\u2014 and it shall live with you , and if you will , it shall die with me . Forever yours , Arthur Welling . \u2019 \u201d Campbell turns the note over , and picking up the envelope , examines the address . \u201c Well , upon my word ! It 's to you , Amy \u2014 on the outside , anyway . What do you suppose he means ? \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c Well , do , Willis , do think of something , or I shall go mad ! Help me , Willis ! Do n't be so heartless \u2014 so unfeeling . \u201d", "Campbell , sinking into her seat : \u201c Oh , Willis , how can you be so base ? Give me my letters . Do ! \u201d Campbell , sorting them over : \u201c You may have half . \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c There was no need of eavesdropping . I could have heard you out at Loon Rock Light , you shouted so . But as soon as I recognized Mr. Welling 's voice I came to the top of the stairs and listened . I was sure you would do something foolish . But now I think we had better make a clean breast of it , and tell Mr. Welling just what we 've done . We knew , of course , the letter was n't for me , and we thought we would n't vex you about it , but just send it to the one it was meant for . We 've surprised your secret , Mr. Welling , though we did n't intend to ; but if you 'll accept our congratulations \u2014 under the rose , of course \u2014 we wo n't let it go any further . It does seem so perfectly ideal , and I feel like saying , Bless you , my children ! You 've been in and out here so much this summer , and I feel just like an elder sister to Margaret . \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c I know I shall . That 's what I like about you , Willis : your being so helplessly a man always . \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c No ; I shall have all . I insist upon it . \u201d", "Campbell , laughing : \u201c Willis , you are delightful . I should like to see you really jealous once . \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c We 've been married a whole year now \u2014 \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c You know you 're not . Give me the letter , dearest . I know it 's for Margaret Rice , and I shall see her , and just feel round and find out if it is n't so , and \u2014 \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c Yes , I did . The idea of your setting up for an authority in such a thing as that ! \u201d", "Campbell , rushing in with extended hands : \u201c Do n't answer the wretch , Mr. Welling . Of course she can with you . Dansons ! \u201d She gives a hand to Miss Greenway and Welling each ; the others join them , and as they circle round the table she sings , \u201c Sur le pont d'Avignon , Tout le monde y danse en rond . \u201d THE END", "Campbell : \u201c Oh , I do n't know . Being so nice . \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c Oh , Willis , what are you going to do ? You see it 's a mistake . \u201d", "Campbell , detaching herself from him and confronting Mr. Welling : \u201c No ; worse ! She 'll think we 've been trying to hoax her , and she 'll be in a towering rage ; and she 'll show the note to Miss Greenway , and you 'll be ruined . Oh poor Mr. Welling ! Oh , what a fatal , fatal \u2014 mix ! \u201d She abandons herself in an attitude of extreme desperation upon a chair , while the men stare at her , till Campbell breaks the spell by starting forward and ringing the bell on the table .", "Campbell : \u201c Yes , I do : for saying I ought n't to have put on R. S. V. P . Do you take it back ? \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c Yes ; and just a printed card like all the rest . I did want to write him a note in the first person , and urge him to come , because I expected Miss Rice and Miss Greenway to help me receive ; but when I found Margaret had promised Mrs. Curwen for the next day , I knew she would n't like to take the bloom off that by helping me first ; so I did n't . \u201d", "Campbell , intensely : \u201c Do n't interrupt , Willis ! Well ? \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c Now this , I think , is the most exciting part of the whole affair , and the pleasantest . \u201d She is seated at breakfast in her cottage at Summering-by-the-Sea . A heap of letters of various stylish shapes , colors , and superscriptions lies beside her plate , and irregularly straggles about among the coffee-service . Vis-\u00e0-vis with her sits Mr. Campbell behind a newspaper . \u201c How prompt they are ! Why , I did n't expect to get half so many answers yet . But that shows that where people have nothing to do but attend to their social duties they are always prompt \u2014 even the men ; women , of course , reply early anyway , and you do n't really care for them ; but in town the men seem to put it off till the very last moment , and then some of them call when it 's over to excuse themselves for not having come after accepting . It really makes you wish for a leisure class . It 's only the drive and hurry of American life that make our men seem wanting in the convenances ; and if they had the time , with their instinctive delicacy , they would be perfect : it would come from the heart : they 're more truly polite now . Willis , just look at this ! \u201d Campbell , behind his paper : \u201c Look at what ? \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c Yes ; that is what took my fancy in you , Willis : that generosity , that real gentleness , in spite of the brusque way you have . Refinement of the heart , I call it . \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c Oh , my goodness ! And you did n't come to tell me ? Oh , if we had only known ! We 've lost our only chance , Willis . \u201d", "Campbell , with dignity : \u201c Oh , I 'm sorry if we seem to presume upon our acquaintance with the matter . We could n't very well help knowing it under the circumstances . \u201d", "Campbell , in an appealing shriek : \u201c Willis ! \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c No ; I shall have the men 's , too . Give me the men 's first . \u201d", "Campbell , fondly : \u201c Would you really like to open it ? I 've half a mind to let you , just for a reward . \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c I am . Mrs. Stevenson is bowed to the earth ; Colonel Murphree is overjoyed ; the Misses Ja \u2014 \u201d Campbell , putting his paper down : \u201c Look here , Amy . Do you know that you have one little infinitesimal ewe-lamb of a foible ? You think too much of young men . \u201d", "Campbell , admiring him across the table : \u201c Oh , Willis , how perfectly delightful you are ! \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c You wo n't go and tease that poor boy about his letter , will you ? Just hand it to him , and say you suppose here is something that has come into your possession by mistake , and that you wish to restore it to him , and then \u2014 just run off . \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c How could you tell which were the ladies \u2019 ? Come , now , Willis , do n't tease me any longer . You know I hate it . \u201d Campbell , studying the superscriptions , one after another : \u201c I want to see if I can guess who wrote them . Do n't you like to guess who wrote your letters before you open them ? \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c But how can you ? Remember how sensitive , how shrinking he is . Do n't , Willis ; you must n't . It will kill him ! \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c Do n't try to stop him ; he 's fiendish when he begins teasing . \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c I am very sorry , but I can n't help it . I must go . \u201d Campbell continues to prevent her flight , and she suddenly whirls about and makes a dash at the open window . \u201c Oh , very well , then ! I can get out this way . \u201d At the same moment Miss Rice and Miss Greenway appear before the window on the piazza . \u201c Ugh ! E \u2014 e \u2014 e ! How you frightened me ! But \u2014 but come in . So gl \u2014 glad to see you ! And you \u2014 you too , Miss Greenway . Here 's Mr. Welling . He 's been desolating us with a story about having to be away over my party , and just getting back for Mrs. Curwen 's . Is n't it too bad ? Ca n't some of you young ladies \u2014 or all of you \u2014 make him stay ? \u201d As Mrs. Campbell talks on , she readjusts her spirit more and more to the exigency , and subdues her agitation to a surface of the sweetest politeness . VIII MISS RICE , MISS GREENWAY , and the OTHERS Miss Rice , entering with an unopened letter in her hand , which she extends to Mrs. Campbell : \u201c What in the world does it all mean , Mrs. Campbell , your sending your letters flying after me at this rate ? \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c Well , I 'll give you some coffee ; but do n't you touch a single one of those letters \u2014 after what you 've said . \u201d", "Campbell , in her handkerchief : \u201c Oh , I do n't know ; I do n't know why he should address such language to me ! \u201d Campbell , recurring to the letter : \u201c I never did . \u2018 Oh , my darling \u2014 live till I see you \u2014 ends of the earth \u2014 others will be nothing \u2014 beautiful thoughtfulness \u2014 mine , mine , mine \u2014 our love \u2014 sweet to think no one suspects it \u2014 forever yours . \u2019 Amy , these are pretty strong expressions to use towards the wife of another , and she a married lady ! I think I had better go and solve that little problem of how he can live till he sees you by relieving him of the necessity . It would be disagreeable to him , but perhaps there 's a social duty involved . \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c I should have thought you 'd insist on my opening it , after that . \u201d", "Campbell , clutching the letter from him , and scanning it in a daze : \u201c What ! Oh , my goodness ! It is ! I have ! Oh , I shall die ! Run ! Call her back ! Shriek , Willis ! \u201d They rush to the window together . \u201c No , no ! It 's too late ! She 's given it to their man , and now nothing can save me ! Oh , Willis ! Willis ! Willis ! This is all your fault , with that fatal suggestion of yours . Oh , if you had only left it to me I never should have got into such a scrape ! She will think now that I 've been trying to hoax her , and she 's perfectly implacable at the least hint of a liberty , and she 'll be ready to kill me . I do n't know what she wo n't do . Oh , Willis , how could you get me into this ! \u201d Campbell , irately : \u201c Get you into this ! Now , Amy , this is a little too much . You got yourself into it . You urged me to think of something \u2014 \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c A shame ? How can you provide if you do n't know how many are coming ? I should like to know that . But of course I could n't expect you to give in gracefully . \u201d"], "true_target": ["Campbell : \u201c How sweet you are ! And you 're so funny always ! \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c Oh , Willis , do n't torment me ! What do you suppose it means ? Is it some \u2014 mistake ? It 's for somebody else ! \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c Yes , yes ! But the letter \u2014 \u201d", "Campbell , appearing through the porti\u00e8re that separates the breakfast-room from the parlor beyond : \u201c Yes ! \u201d She goes up and gives her hand to Mr. Welling with friendly frankness . \u201c And it was very nice of you to think of me at such a time , when you ought to have been thinking of some one else . \u201d Welling , with great relief and effusion : \u201c Oh , thank you , Mrs. Campbell ! I was sure you would understand . You could n't have imagined me capable of addressing such language to you ; of presuming \u2014 of \u2014 \u201d", "Campbell , instantly placated : \u201c Well , she 's the only girl who 's anywhere near it . I do n't say she 's faultless , but she has a great deal of character , and she 's very practical ; just the counterpart of his dreaminess ; and she is very , very good-looking , do n't you think ? \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c Well , now , what shall we do ? \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c Younger men , you mean . And you have a multitude of perfectly mammoth peccadilloes . You interrupt . \u201d She goes on opening and reading her letters . \u201c Well , I did n't expect the Macklines could ; but everybody seems to be coming . \u201d", "Campbell , spreading both arms over the letters : \u201c Willis , if you dare to touch them , I 'll ring for Jane , and then she 'll see you cutting up . \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c Had she got back ? \u201d", "Campbell , inclined to laugh : \u201c Ah , Willis , how funny you are ! \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c No ; or \u2014 Margaret may tell you afterwards ; or Mr. Welling may , now ! \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c To show your confidence . \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c Of course not ! And Willis has quite lost his head . I saw in an instant just how it was . I 'm so sorry you can n't come to my party \u2014 \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c What 's all wrong , Jane ? \u201d", "Campbell , tearing the note open : \u201c Well , it 's no use trying any sentiment with you , or any generosity either . You 're always just the same ; a teasing joke is your ideal . You can n't imagine a woman 's wanting to keep up a little romance all through ; and a character like Mr. Welling 's , who 's all chivalry and delicacy and deference , is quite beyond you . That 's the reason you 're always sneering at him . \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c What are you doing , Willis ? \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c The one that you 're engaged \u2014 the one that the note was really for ? \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c Why , taking it in the nice , sensible way you do . Now , some husbands would be so stupid ! Of course you could n't think \u2014 you could n't dream \u2014 that the letter was really for me ; and yet you might behave very disagreeably , and make me very unhappy , if you were not just the lovely , kind-hearted , magnanimous \u2014 \u201d Campbell , looking up from his coffee : \u201c Oh , hello ! \u201d", "Campbell , covering the letters with her hands : \u201c Indeed you wo n't ! \u201d", "Campbell , with hysterical rapture : \u201c Oh , how delicious ! What a ridiculous blunder ! I do n't wonder you were puzzled , Margaret . \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c Willis ! \u201d", "Campbell , springing to her feet : \u201c Willis , you are inspired ! Oh , how perfectly delightful ! And it 's so delicate of you to think of that ! I will just enclose his note \u2014 give it here , Willis \u2014 and he need never know that it ever went to the wrong address . Oh , I always felt that you were truly refined , anyway . \u201d He passively yields the letter , and she whirls away to a writing-desk in the corner of the room . \u201c Now , I 'll just keep a copy of the letter \u2014 for a joke ; I think I 've a perfect right to \u201d \u2014 scribbling furiously away \u2014 \u201c and then I 'll match the paper with an envelope \u2014 I can do that perfectly \u2014 and then I 'll just imitate his hand \u2014 such fun !\u2014 and send it flying over to Margaret Rice . Oh , how good ! Touch the bell , Willis ; \u201d and then \u2014 as the serving-maid appears \u2014 \u201c Yes , Jane ! Run right across the lawn to Mrs. Rice 's , and give this letter for Miss Margaret , and say it was left here by mistake . Well , it was , Willis . Fly , Jane ! Oh , Willis , love ! Is n't it perfect ! Of course she 'll have got his formal reply to my invitation , and be all mixed up by it , and now when this note comes , she 'll see through it all in an instant , and it will be such a relief to her ; and oh , she 'll think that he 's directed both the letters to her because he could n't think of any one else ! Is n't it lovely ? Just like anything that 's nice , it 's ten times as nice as you expected it to be ; and \u2014 \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c And I can say that I sent it at your suggestion , and then , instead of trying to help me out of the awful , awful \u2014 box , you took a cruel pleasure in teasing me about it ! But I shall not say anything , for I shall not see them . I will leave you to receive them and make the best of it . Do n't try to stop me , Willis . \u201d She threatens him with her fan as he steps forward to intercept her escape .", "Campbell , with affected distraction : \u201c What are you talking about ? I 'd refer them to you , and you could kill them . I suppose you killed lots of people in California . That 's what you always gave me to understand . \u201d She goes on with her letters .", "Campbell , gayly : \u201c Dansons ! \u201d She extends her hands to the gentlemen , and as they circle round the breakfast-table she sings , \u201c Sur le pont d'Avignon , Tout le monde y danse en rond . \u201d She frees her hands and courtesies to one gentleman and the other . \u201c Les belles dames font comme \u00e7a ; Les beaux messieurs font comme \u00e7a . \u201d Then she catches hands with them again , and they circle round the table as before , singing , \u201c Sur le pont d'Avignon , Tout le monde y danse en rond . Oh , dear ! Stop ! I 'm dizzy \u2014 I shall fall . \u201d She spins into a chair , while the men continue solemnly circling by themselves .", "Campbell : \u201c Put it in my desk , where I thought I put mine . But never mind it now . I can tell you what was in it just as well . Come in here a moment , Margaret . \u201d She leads the way to the parlor , whither Miss Rice follows . Miss Greenway , poutingly : \u201c Oh , may n't I know , too ? I think that 's hardly fair , Mrs. Campbell . \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c Well , then , do n't stand there talking , but run at once ! Oh , Willis ! Never tell me again that there 's no such thing as an overruling providence . Oh , what an interposition ! Oh , I can never be grateful and humble enough \u2014 Goodness me , Jane ! why do n't you go ? \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c \u2014 And I have n't known you do an unkind thing , a brutal thing . \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c No ; and are n't his eyes beautiful ? And that high , serious look ! And his nose and chin are perfectly divine . He looks like a young god ! \u201d", "Campbell , with dignity : \u201c I do n't like to guess who wrote other people 's letters . \u201d She looks down at the table-cloth with a menace of tears , and Campbell instantly returns all the notes .", "Campbell , springing from her chair and running to the window : \u201c Stop , you crazy things ! Here comes Jane ! Come right in here , Jane ! Did you get it ? Give it to me , Jane ! \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c You do n't see ! Why , is n't Margaret Rice the one \u2014 \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c These replies . Why , I do believe that more than half the people have answered already , and the invitations only went out yesterday . That comes from putting on R. S. V. P . I knew I was right , and I shall always do it , I do n't care what you say . \u201d", "Campbell , in a very awful voice : \u201c Willis ! Get me some water \u2014 some wine ! Help me ! Ah ! Do n't touch me ! It was you , you who did it all ! Oh , now what shall I do ? \u201d She drops her head upon Campbell 's shoulder , while Welling watches them in stupefaction .", "Campbell : \u201c Yes . Is n't it amusing ? \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c I do . Mrs. and Miss Rice accept , and her friend Miss Greenway , who 's staying with her , and \u2014 yes ! here 's one from Mr. Welling ! Oh , how glad I am ! Willis , dearest , if I could be the means of bringing those two lovely young creatures together , I should be so happy ! Do n't you think , now , he is the most delicate-minded , truly refined , exquisitely modest young fellow that ever was ? \u201d She presses the unopened note to her corsage , and leans eagerly forward entreating a sympathetic acquiescence .", "Campbell : \u201c But do n't you see ? He 's been writing to some other person at the same time , and he 's got the answers mixed \u2014 put them in the wrong envelopes . Oh dear ! I wonder who she is ! \u201d Campbell , studying her with an air of affected abstraction : \u201c Her curiosity gets the better of her anguish . Look here , Amy ! I believe you 're afraid it 's to some one else . \u201d", "Campbell , with a gasp : \u201c My letters ? \u201d She mechanically receives the extended note , and glances at the superscription : \u201c Mrs. Willis Campbell . Ah ! \u201d She hands it quickly to her husband , who reads the address with a similar cry .", "Campbell : \u201c I shall do nothing but exclaim . The Curwens accept , of course \u2014 the very first letter . That means Mrs. Curwen ; that is one , at any rate . The New York Addingses do , and the Philadelphia Addingses do n't ; I hardly expected they would , so soon after their aunt 's death , but I thought I ought to ask them . Mr. and Mrs. Roberts , naturally ; it was more a joke than anything , sending their invitation . Mrs. and the Misses Carver regret very much ; well , I do n't . Professor and Mrs. Traine are very happy , and so am I ; he does n't go everywhere , and he 's awfully nice . Mr. and Mrs. Lou Bemis are very happy , too , and Dr. Lawton is very happy . Mrs. Bridges Dear Mrs. Campbells me , and is very sorry in the first person ; she 's always nice . Mr. Phillips , Mr. Rangeley , Mr. Small , Mr. Peters , Mr . Staples , Mr. Thornton , all accept , and they 're all charming young fellows . \u201d Campbell , around his paper : \u201c Well , what of that ? \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c Write to him . I just sent a card . \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c Oh , how good ! Of course I was imagining how I should do it . \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c I can n't let you . Oh , is n't it horrible ! \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c Oh , how can you stand there mocking me ? Why do n't you go to him at once , and tell him the whole thing , and beg him , implore him , to help us ? \u201d", "Campbell : \u201c Oh , merciful goodness ! \u201d", "Campbell , after a moment 's reflection : \u201c No , I shall not do it . I 'm going to open them every one before you get a drop of coffee \u2014 just to punish you . \u201d"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 1}, {"query": ["Rice . \u201d"], "true_target": ["He said he would give it to Miss"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 1}, {"query": ["You 're saved , Welling . So are you , Amy . And so am"], "true_target": ["I \u2014 which is more to the point . \u201d"], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 1}, {"query": ["All wrong . \u201d"], "true_target": ["\""], "play_index": 1, "act_index": 1}, {"query": ["Our sport shall be to take what they mistake ;", "Thrice-blessed they that master so their blood", "Love , therefore , and tongue-tied simplicity", "When I from Thebes came last a conqueror .", "For you , fair Hermia , look you arm yourself", "Lovers and madmen have such seething brains ,", "This fellow doth not stand upon points .", "Come now ; what masques , what dances shall we have ,", "In glory of my kinsman Hercules .", "Why , gentle sweet , you shall see no such thing .", "True ; and a goose for his discretion .", "A local habitation and a name .", "How comes this gentle concord in the world", "I have some private schooling for you both .", "The lunatic , the lover , and the poet ,", "Call Philostrate .", "His discretion , I am sure , cannot carry his valour ; for the goose carries not the fox . It is well . Leave it to his discretion , and let us listen to the Moon .", "But earthlier happy is the rose distill 'd", "The lazy time , if not with some delight ?", "The forms of things unknown , the poet 's pen", "A very gentle beast , and of a good conscience .", "Where is our usual manager of mirth ?", "To fit your fancies to your father 's will ,", "To leave the figure , or disfigure it .", "To sleep by hate , and fear no enmity ?", "Or else to wed Demetrius , as he would ,", "Which by no means we may extenuate-", "How easy is a bush suppos 'd a bear ?", "In least speak most to my capacity .", "Joy , gentle friends , joy and fresh days of love", "Such shaping fantasies , that apprehend", "Now , fair Hippolyta , our nuptial hour", "One sees more devils than vast hell can hold ;", "Like to a step-dame or a dowager ,", "You can endure the livery of a nun ,", "Takes it in might , not merit .", "Draws on apace ; four happy days bring in", "Well mous 'd , Lion . Re-enter PYRAMUS", "Dispatch , I say , and find the forester . Exit an ATTENDANT", "But speak , Egeus ; is not this the day", "Crook-knee 'd and dew-lapp 'd like Thessalian bulls ;", "But I will wed thee in another key ,", "Whether , if you yield not to your father 's choice ,", "I must confess that I have heard so much ,", "That , if it would but apprehend some joy ,", "Say , what abridgment have you for this evening ?", "Uncouple in the western valley ; let them go .", "And his love Thisby ; very tragical mirth . \u2019", "I pray you all , stand up .", "Long withering out a young man 's revenue .", "Are of imagination all compact .", "Hippolyta , I woo 'd thee with my sword ,", "Demetrius , and Egeus , go along ;", "Each under each . A cry more tuneable", "My hounds are bred out of the Spartan kind ,", "She will find him by starlight . Here she comes ; and her passion ends the play .", "To ease the anguish of a torturing hour ?", "For aye to be shady cloister mew 'd ,", "If we imagine no worse of them than they of themselves , they may pass for excellent men . Here come two noble beasts in , a man and a lion .", "Accompany your hearts !", "Well run , Thisby .", "Know of your youth , examine well your blood ,", "More than cool reason ever comprehends .", "With pomp , with triumph , and with revelling .", "We 'll hold a feast in great solemnity .", "We will , fair Queen , up to the mountain 's top ,", "For never anything can be amiss", "Or on Diana 's altar to protest", "Take time to pause ; and by the next new moon-", "My mind did lose it . But , Demetrius , come ;", "Of something nearly that concerns yourselves .", "Of Learning , late deceas 'd in beggary . \u2019", "For disobedience to your father 's will ,", "And what poor duty cannot do , noble respect", "For ever the society of men .", "But , being over-full of self-affairs ,", "And , in conclusion , dumbly have broke off ,", "\u2018 The riot of the tipsy Bacchanals ,", "Tearing the Thracian singer in their rage . \u2019", "Another moon ; but , O , methinks , how slow", "We 'll none of that : that have I told my love ,", "And we will hear it .", "To whom you are but as a form in wax ,", "What say you , Hermia ? Be advis 'd , fair maid .", "What are they that do play it ?", "The pale companion is not for our pomp . Exit PHILOSTRATE", "Rather your eyes must with his judgment look .", "And since we have the vaward of the day ,", "That is an old device , and it was play 'd", "I will hear that play ;", "\u2018 The battle with the Centaurs , to be sung", "To death , or to a vow of single life .", "Our purpos 'd hunting shall be set aside .", "Throttle their practis 'd accent in their fears ,", "Awake the pert and nimble spirit of mirth ;", "Of this discourse we more will hear anon .", "And in the modesty of fearful duty", "Go , one of you , find out the forester ;", "Not sorting with a nuptial ceremony .", "Grows , lives , and dies , in single blessedness .", "And mark the musical confusion"], "true_target": ["Slow in pursuit , but match 'd in mouth like bells ,", "These antique fables , nor these fairy toys .", "These couples shall eternally be knit .", "He is no crescent , and his horns are invisible within the circumference .", "Where I have seen them shiver and look pale ,", "No doubt they rose up early to observe", "To greet me with premeditated welcomes ;", "How shall we find the concord of this discord ?", "What masque ? what music ? How shall we beguile", "I must employ you in some business", "To wear away this long age of three hours", "Go , bid the huntsmen wake them with their horns .Good-morrow , friends . Saint Valentine is past ; Begin these wood-birds but to couple now ?", "Fair lovers , you are fortunately met ;", "So flew 'd , so sanded ; and their heads are hung", "With the help of a surgeon he might yet recover and yet prove an ass .", "That is hot ice and wondrous strange snow .", "Came here in grace of our solemnity .", "I wonder if the lion be to speak .", "The wall , methinks , being sensible , should curse again .", "It appears , by his small light of discretion , that he is in the wane ; but yet , in courtesy , in all reason , we must stay the time .", "Not paying me a welcome . Trust me , sweet ,", "And with Demetrius thought to have spoke thereof ;", "Doth glance from heaven to earth , from earth to heaven ;", "And , for the morning now is something worn ,", "And as imagination bodies forth", "In Crete , in Sparta , nor in Thessaly .", "Such tricks hath strong imagination", "Come , Hippolyta .", "To undergo such maiden pilgrimage ;", "For now our observation is perform 'd ,", "That hatred is so far from jealousy", "Thanks , good Egeus ; what 's the news with thee ?", "Pyramus draws near the wall ; silence .", "That is some satire , keen and critical ,", "Of hounds and echo in conjunction .", "Turns them to shapes , and gives to airy nothing", "This old moon wanes ! She lingers my desires ,", "Upon that day either prepare to die", "Of saucy and audacious eloquence .", "Go , Philostrate ,", "To you your father should be as a god ;", "Would you desire lime and hair to speak better ?", "Egeus , I will overbear your will ;", "Stir up the Athenian youth to merriments ;", "Judge when you hear . But , soft , what nymphs are these ?", "It comprehends some bringer of that joy ;", "Where I have come , great clerks have purposed", "And come , Egeus ; you shall go with me ;", "My love shall hear the music of my hounds .", "Out of this silence yet I pick 'd a welcome ;", "For aye austerity and single life .", "I know you two are rival enemies ;", "For everlasting bond of fellowship-", "\u2018 The thrice three Muses mourning for the death", "That Hermia should give answer of her choice ?", "Against our nuptial , and confer with you", "To live a barren sister all your life ,", "No epilogue , I pray you ; for your play needs no excuse . Never excuse ; for when the players are all dead there need none to be blamed . Marry , if he that writ it had played Pyramus , and hang 'd himself in Thisby 's garter , it would have been a fine tragedy . And so it is , truly ; and very notably discharg 'd . But come , your Bergomask ; let your epilogue alone .The iron tongue of midnight hath told twelve . Lovers , to bed ; \u2018 tis almost fairy time . I fear we shall out-sleep the coming morn , As much as we this night have overwatch 'd . This palpable-gross play hath well beguil 'd The heavy gait of night . Sweet friends , to bed . A fortnight hold we this solemnity , In nightly revels and new jollity . Exeunt", "This passion , and the death of a dear friend , would go near to make a man look sad .", "What revels are in hand ? Is there no play", "Merry and tragical ! tedious and brief !", "Make periods in the midst of sentences ,", "Sees Helen 's beauty in a brow of Egypt .", "Re-enter PHILOSTRATE", "This is the greatest error of all the rest ; the man should be put into the lantern . How is it else the man i \u2019 th \u2019 moon ?", "Was never holla 'd to , nor cheer 'd with horn ,", "Let him approach .", "The other must be held the worthier .", "Moonshine and Lion are left to bury the dead .", "Than that which withering on the virgin thorn", "And won thy love doing thee injuries ;", "Here come the lovers , full of joy and mirth .", "Or in the night , imagining some fear ,", "Come , my Hippolyta ; what cheer , my love ?", "More strange than true . I never may believe", "I read as much as from the rattling tongue", "Now is the moon used between the two neighbours .", "Away with us to Athens , three and three ;", "By an Athenian eunuch to the harp . \u2019", "Either to die the death , or to abjure", "His speech was like a tangled chain ; nothing im paired , but all disordered . Who is next ?", "The rite of May ; and , hearing our intent ,", "Demetrius is a worthy gentleman .", "One that compos 'd your beauties ; yea , and one", "The sealing-day betwixt my love and me", "Between our after-supper and bed-time ?", "Turn melancholy forth to funerals ;", "But , in this kind , wanting your father 's voice ,", "The best in this kind are but shadows ; and the worst are no worse , if imagination amend them .", "For in the temple , by and by , with us", "In himself he is ;", "The poet 's eye , in a fine frenzy rolling ,", "With ears that sweep away the morning dew ;", "\u2018 A tedious brief scene of young Pyramus", "Chanting faint hymns to the cold fruitless moon .", "Go , bring them in ; and take your places , ladies .", "The kinder we , to give them thanks for nothing .", "When simpleness and duty tender it .", "That is the madman . The lover , all as frantic ,", "By him imprinted , and within his power", "Or else the law of Athens yields you up-", "Therefore , fair Hermia , question your desires ,"], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["So musical a discord , such sweet thunder .", "Four days will quickly steep themselves in night ;", "Of our solemnities .", "When in a wood of Crete they bay 'd the bear", "I am aweary of this moon . Would he would change !", "The skies , the fountains , every region near", "And then the moon , like to a silver bow", "Seem 'd all one mutual cry . I never heard", "How chance Moonshine is gone before Thisby comes back and finds her lover ? Re-enter THISBY", "I love not to see wretchedness o'erhYpppHeNcharged ,", "And all their minds transfigur 'd so together ,", "It must be your imagination then , and not theirs .", "\u2018 Tis strange , my Theseus , that these lovers speak of .", "More witnesseth than fancy 's images ,", "New-bent in heaven , shall behold the night"], "true_target": ["Beshrew my heart , but I pity the man .", "Well shone , Moon . Truly , the moon shines with a good grace .", "Methinks she should not use a long one for such a", "And duty in his service perishing .", "With hounds of Sparta ; never did I hear", "Four nights will quickly dream away the time ;", "Pyramus ; I hope she will be brief .", "But howsoever strange and admirable .", "I was with Hercules and Cadmus once", "But all the story of the night told over ,", "And grows to something of great constancy ,", "Such gallant chiding , for , besides the groves ,", "Indeed he hath play 'd on this prologue like a child on a recorder - a sound , but not in government .", "He says they can do nothing in this kind .", "This is the silliest stuff that ever I heard ."], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["Happy be Theseus , our renowned Duke !", "My lord , this is my daughter here asleep ,", "This man hath bewitch 'd the bosom of my child .", "And she is mine ; and all my right of her", "Which shall be either to this gentleman", "Knacks , trifles , nosegays , sweetmeats - messengers", "Stand forth , Demetrius . My noble lord ,", "And this Lysander , this Demetrius is ,", "Thou hast by moonlight at her window sung ,", "It is , my lord .", "With feigning voice , verses of feigning love ,", "And stol'n the impression of her fantasy", "Of strong prevailment in unhardened youth ;", "With bracelets of thy hair , rings , gawds , conceits ,", "Be it so she will not here before your Grace", "With duty and desire we follow you .", "Thereby to have defeated you and me :", "Turn 'd her obedience , which is due to me ,", "Full of vexation come I , with complaint", "And interchang 'd love-tokens with my child ;"], "true_target": ["Consent to marry with Demetrius ,", "I beg the ancient privilege of Athens :", "You of your wife , and me of my consent ,", "And what is mine my love shall render him ;", "They would have stol'n away , they would , Demetrius ,", "With cunning hast thou filch 'd my daughter 's heart ;", "Enough , enough , my Lord ; you have enough ;", "Scornful Lysander , true , he hath my love ;", "Stand forth , Lysander . And , my gracious Duke ,", "Thou , thou , Lysander , thou hast given her rhymes ,", "This man hath my consent to marry her .", "Or to her death , according to our law", "Immediately provided in that case .", "I do estate unto Demetrius .", "I wonder of their being here together .", "I beg the law , the law upon his head .", "Of my consent that she should be your wife .", "As she is mine I may dispose of her ;", "To stubborn harshness . And , my gracious Duke ,", "This Helena , old Nedar 's Helena .", "Against my child , my daughter Hermia ."], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["In earnest , shall I say ?", "\u2018 Puppet ! \u2019 why so ? Ay , that way goes the game .", "It cannot be but thou hast murd'red him ;", "By that which knitteth souls and prospers loves ,", "So is Lysander .", "Yea , and my father .", "Belike for want of rain , which I could well", "Hate me ! wherefore ? O me ! what news , my love ?", "But , gentle friend , for love and courtesy", "I would my father look 'd but with my eyes .", "Upon faint primrose beds were wont to lie ,", "Now I but chide , but I should use thee worse ,", "Be it so , Lysander : find you out a bed ,", "Wherein it doth impair the seeing sense ,", "My good Lysander !", "That he hath turn 'd a heaven unto a hell !", "Methinks I see these things with parted eye ,", "From sleeping Hermia ? I 'll believe as soon", "Nor how it may concern my modesty", "With half that wish the wisher 's eyes be press 'd !", "Take comfort : he no more shall see my face ;", "This whole earth may be bor 'd , and that the moon", "It stands as an edict in destiny .", "In such a presence here to plead my thoughts ;", "From lovers \u2019 food till morrow deep midnight .", "If Hermia meant to say Lysander lied !", "There my Lysander and myself shall meet ;", "Lysander ! What , remov 'd ? Lysander ! lord !", "To pluck this crawling serpent from my breast .", "So far be distant ; and good night , sweet friend .", "Emptying our bosoms of their counsel sweet ,", "Help me , Lysander , help me ; do thy best", "Durst thou have look 'd upon him being awake ,", "It pays the hearing double recompense .", "Beteem them from the tempest of my eyes .", "Now much beshrew my manners and my pride ,", "What love could press Lysander from my side ?", "Dark night , that from the eye his function takes ,", "Why are you grown so rude ? What change is this ,", "I am as fair now as I was erewhile .", "May through the centre creep and so displease", "Lysander , look how I do quake with fear .", "O cross ! too high to be enthrall 'd to low .", "Never so weary , never so in woe ,", "When every thing seems double .", "Heavens shield Lysander , if they mean a fray !", "You , mistress , all this coil is long of you . Nay , go not back .", "I do entreat your Grace to pardon me .", "As he to me . Would he have stolen away", "Lysander and myself will fly this place .", "Farewell , sweet playfellow ; pray thou for us ,", "Why , get you gone ! Who is't that hinders you ?", "And stol'n my love 's heart from him ?", "What 's this to my Lysander ? Where is he ? Ah , good Demetrius , wilt thou give him me ?", "Keep word , Lysander ; we must starve our sight", "By his best arrow , with the golden head ,", "The sun was not so true unto the day", "I can no further crawl , no further go ;", "Out , dog ! out , cur ! Thou driv'st me past the bounds", "Seem 'd Athens as a paradise to me .", "O me ! you juggler ! you cankerblossom !", "I know not by what power I am made bold ,", "Could not a worm , an adder , do so much ?", "And thence from Athens turn away our eyes ,", "See me no more whether he be dead or no . Exit", "For thou , I fear , hast given me cause to curse .", "Such separation as may well be said", "And kill me too .", "My soul consents not to give sovereignty .", "How low am I ? I am not yet so low", "And are you grown so high in his esteem", "And from thy hated presence part I so ;", "Nay , good Lysander ; for my sake , my dear ,", "His folly , Helena , is no fault of mine .", "Since night you lov 'd me ; yet since night you left me .", "Why then , you left me - O , the gods forbid ! -", "By the simplicity of Venus \u2019 doves ,", "So will I grow , so live , so die , my lord ,", "God speed fair Helena ! Whither away ?", "Because it is a customary cross ,"], "true_target": ["Do you not jest ?", "Ere I will yield my virgin patent up", "In number more than ever women spoke ,", "What ! Can you do me greater harm than hate ?", "You thief of love ! What ! Have you come by night ,", "Am not I Hermia ? Are not you Lysander ?", "I frown upon him , yet he loves me still .", "When the false Troyan under sail was seen ,", "Her height , forsooth , she hath prevail 'd with him .", "For I upon this bank will rest my head .", "The worst that may befall me in this case ,", "Becomes a virtuous bachelor and a maid ,", "Her brother 's noontide with th \u2019 Antipodes .", "Alack , where are you ? Speak , an if you hear ;", "What ! with Lysander ?", "O , then , what graces in my love do dwell ,", "Mine ear , I thank it , brought me to thy sound .", "I understand not what you mean by this .", "If I refuse to wed Demetrius .", "If thou hast slain Lysander in his sleep ,", "Speak , of all loves ! I swoon almost with fear .", "Unto his lordship , whose unwished yoke", "Than thine , thou serpent , never adder stung .", "To-morrow truly will I meet with thee .", "O , once tell true ; tell true , even for my sake !", "Then let us teach our trial patience ,", "I swear to thee by Cupid 's strongest bow ,", "The ear more quick of apprehension makes ;", "Ay me , for pity ! What a dream was here !", "Bedabbled with the dew , and torn with briers ,", "An adder did it ; for with doubler tongue", "Lysander , whereto tends all this ?", "Here will I rest me till the break of day .", "I am amazed at your passionate words ;", "What , out of hearing gone ? No sound , no word ?", "By all the vows that ever men have broke ,", "And good luck grant thee thy Demetrius !", "Before the time I did Lysander see ,", "I give him curses , yet he gives me love .", "Henceforth be never numb'red among men !", "I pray thee , tell me then that he is well .", "Lie further off yet ; do not lie so near .", "I am amaz 'd , and know not what to say . Exit", "My legs can keep no pace with my desires .", "And by that fire which burn 'd the Carthage Queen ,", "Wishes and tears , poor Fancy 's followers .", "As due to love as thoughts and dreams and sighs ,", "\u2018 Lower \u2019 hark , again .", "I scorn you not ; it seems that you scorn me .", "And hast thou kill 'd him sleeping ? O brave touch !", "A privilege never to see me more .", "Thy love ne'er alter till thy sweet life end !", "But that my nails can reach unto thine eyes .", "In that same place thou hast appointed me ,", "Now I perceive that she hath made compare", "How low am I , thou painted maypole ? Speak .", "O spite ! too old to be engag 'd to young .", "Lie further off , in human modesty ;", "Lysander riddles very prettily .", "To seek new friends and stranger companies .", "But why unkindly didst thou leave me so ?", "Sweet , do not scorn her so .", "Being o'er shoes in blood , plunge in the deep ,", "And you sat smiling at his cruel prey .", "Between our statures ; she hath urg 'd her height ;", "But I beseech your Grace that I may know", "O hell ! to choose love by another 's eyes .", "Of maiden 's patience . Hast thou slain him , then ?", "Either death or you I 'll find immediately . Exit", "If then true lovers have ever cross 'd ,", "\u2018 Little \u2019 again ! Nothing but \u2018 low \u2019 and \u2018 little \u2019 ! Why will you suffer her to flout me thus ? Let me come to her .", "So should a murderer look - so dead , so grim .", "The more I hate , the more he follows me .", "Thou art not by mine eye , Lysander , found ;", "And in the wood where often you and I", "Sweet love ?", "No ? Then I well perceive you are not nigh .", "Because I am so dwarfish and so low ?", "You speak not as you think ; it cannot be .", "And with her personage , her tall personage ,", "Methought a serpent eat my heart away ,"], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["Quick , come .", "Lysander , speak again . Thou runaway , thou coward , art thou fled ? Speak ! In some bush ? Where dost thou hide thy head ?", "Lest , to thy peril , thou aby it dear .", "These things seem small and undistinguishable ,", "When thou hold'st up thy hand . O , let me kiss", "The one I 'll slay , the other slayeth me .", "Here , therefore , for a while I will remain .", "So should the murdered look ; and so should I ,", "O , why rebuke you him that loves you so ? Lay breath so bitter on your bitter foe .", "Well roar 'd , Lion .", "Let her alone ; speak not of Helena ;", "Fann 'd with the eastern wind , turns to a crow", "Never so little show of love to her ,", "Tell you I do not nor I cannot love you ?", "I charge thee , hence , and do not haunt me thus .", "Yet you , the murderer , look as bright , as clear ,", "Melted as the snow , seems to me now", "And leave thee to the mercy of wild beasts .", "You spend your passion on a mispris 'd mood :", "As yonder Venus in her glimmering sphere .", "I will not stay thy questions ; let me go ;", "The object and the pleasure of mine eye ,", "And the ill counsel of a desert place ,", "No die , but an ace , for him ; for he is but one .", "And dar'st not stand , nor look me in the face .", "To what , my love , shall I compare thine eyne ?", "An if I could , what should I get therefore ?", "Or , if thou follow me , do not believe", "Follow ! Nay , I 'll go with thee , cheek by jowl .", "The very best at a beast , my lord , that e'er I saw .", "No remedy , my lord , when walls are so wilful to hear without warning .", "But , my good lord , I wot not by what power-", "Tempt not too much the hatred of my spirit ;", "If e'er I lov 'd her , all that love is gone .", "You do impeach your modesty too much", "But by some power it is - my love to Hermia ,", "Nor is he dead , for aught that I can tell .", "And all the faith , the virtue of my heart ,", "Yea , art thou there ?", "I am not guilty of Lysander 's blood ;", "In her behalf that scorns your services .", "Pierc 'd through the heart with your stern cruelty ;", "Which now in some slight measure it will pay ,", "So sorrow 's heaviness doth heavier grow", "Nay , then , thou mock'st me . Thou shalt buy this dear , If ever I thy face by daylight see ; Now , go thy way . Faintness constraineth me To measure out my length on this cold bed . By day 's approach look to be visited .", "Seem to break loose - take on as you would follow ,", "Was I betroth 'd ere I saw Hermia .", "You are too officious", "Now I do wish it , love it , long for it ,", "Hence , get thee gone , and follow me no more .", "But , like a sickness , did I loathe this food ;", "There is no following her in this fierce vein ;", "And by the way let us recount our dreams . Exeunt", "And here am I , and wood within this wood ,", "Lysander , keep thy Hermia ; I will none .", "My lord , fair Helen told me of their stealth ,", "Or , rather , do I not in plainest truth", "Relent , sweet Hermia ; and , Lysander , yield", "No , no , he will", "Crystal is muddy . O , how ripe in show"], "true_target": ["Where is Lysander and fair Hermia ?", "That yet we sleep , we dream . Do not you think", "For debt that bankrupt sleep doth sorrow owe ;", "A weak bond holds you ; I 'll not trust your word .", "O Helen , goddess , nymph , perfect , divine !", "That we are awake ? It seems to me", "If for his tender here I make some stay .", "Which in my childhood I did dote upon ;", "To leave the city and commit yourself", "Because I cannot meet my Hermia .", "There to remain .", "Are you sure", "But yet come not . You are a tame man ; go !", "But I shall do thee mischief in the wood .", "I had rather give his carcass to my hounds .", "Disparage not the faith thou dost not know ,", "I love thee not , therefore pursue me not .", "Take not her part ; for if thou dost intend", "This princess of pure white , this seal of bliss !", "No wonder , my lord : one lion may , when many asses do .", "Thou shalt aby it .", "But , as in health , come to my natural taste ,", "Thy lips , those kissing cherries , tempting grow !", "Is only Helena . To her , my lord ,", "Why , then , we are awake ; let 's follow him ;", "Not so , my lord ; for his valour cannot carry his discretion , and the fox carries the goose .", "He dares not come there for the candle ; for , you see , it is already in snuff .", "And then came Pyramus .", "And will for evermore be true to it .", "Stay on thy peril ; I alone will go . Exit", "Where art thou now ?", "A mote will turn the balance , which Pyramus , which Thisby , is the better - he for a man , God warrant us : She for a woman , God bless us !", "I 'll run from thee and hide me in the brakes ,", "Of this their purpose hither to this wood ;", "No , sir , she shall not , though you take her part .", "Abide me , if thou dar'st ; for well I wot", "Fair Helena in fancy following me .", "Thou told'st me they were stol'n unto this wood ,", "Like far-off mountains turned into clouds .", "I say I love thee more than he can do .", "And I in fury hither followed them ,", "Thou run'st before me , shifting every place ,", "Into the hands of one that loves you not ;", "With the rich worth of your virginity .", "The Duke was here , and bid us follow him ?", "As the remembrance of an idle gaud", "Ay , and Wall too .", "Why , all these should be in the lantern ; for all these are in the moon . But silence ; here comes Thisby . Re-enter THISBY", "It is the wittiest partition that ever I heard discourse , my lord .", "I would I had your bond ; for I perceive", "My heart to her but as guest-wise sojourn 'd ,", "He should have worn the horns on his head .", "And thus she moans , videlicet : -", "If she cannot entreat , I can compel .", "Look where thy love comes ; yonder is thy dear .", "Do I entice you ? Do I speak you fair ?", "And now to Helen is it home return 'd ,", "Thy crazed title to my certain right .", "That pure congealed white , high Taurus \u2019 snow ,", "To trust the opportunity of night ,", "For I am sick when I do look on thee ."], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["I am belov 'd of beauteous Hermia .", "We 'll rest us , Hermia , if you think it good ,", "Now follow , if thou dar'st , to try whose right ,", "How can these things in me seem scorn to you ,", "For you love Hermia . This you know I know ;", "Helen , to you our minds we will unfold :", "Ay , by my life !", "Let me have Hermia 's ; do you marry him .", "Less than an ace , man ; for he is dead ; he is nothing .", "Amen , amen , to that fair prayer say I ;", "Half sleep , half waking ; but as yet , I swear ,", "So quick bright things come to confusion .", "Of thine or mine , is most in Helena .", "Of all be hated , but the most of me !", "There will I stay for thee .", "Steal forth thy father 's house to-morrow night ;", "As well possess 'd ; my love is more than his ;", "You minimus , of hind'ring knothYpppHeNgrass made ;", "Be certain , nothing truer ; \u2018 tis no jest", "She sees not Hermia . Hermia , sleep thou there ;", "And touching now the point of human skill ,", "Who will not change a raven for a dove ?", "I will , my Hermia .", "My lord , I shall reply amazedly ,", "To prove him false that says I love thee not .", "You are unkind , Demetrius ; be not so ;", "And , which is more than all these boasts can be ,", "And here will rest me .", "War , death , or sickness , did lay siege to it ,", "Where I did meet thee once with Helena", "Why seek'st thou me ? Could not this make thee know", "I swear by that which I will lose for thee", "Lysander 's love , that would not let him bide-", "I mean that my heart unto yours is knit ,", "I cannot truly say how I came here ,", "Why should he stay whom love doth press to go ?", "Or , if there were a sympathy in choice ,", "I am , my lord , as well deriv 'd as he ,", "I had no judgment when to her I swore .", "I have a widow aunt , a dowager", "Devoutly dotes , dotes in idolatry ,", "Demetrius loves her , and he loves not you .", "For if but once thou show me thy grey light ,", "And he did bid us follow to the temple .", "I will be with thee straight .", "Ay me ! for aught that I could ever read ,", "Demetrius , I 'll avouch it to his head ,", "From Athens is her house remote seven leagues-", "Stay , gentle Helena ; hear my excuse ;", "A good persuasion ; therefore , hear me , Hermia .", "In Hermia 's love I yield you up my part ;", "When I come where he calls , then he is gone .", "Away , you Ethiope !", "And to that place the sharp Athenian law", "The deepest loathing to the stomach brings ,", "O , take the sense , sweet , of my innocence !", "Therefore be out of hope , of question , of doubt ;", "The will of man is by his reason sway 'd ,", "And now I do bethink me , so it is-", "And reason says you are the worthier maid .", "For lying so , Hermia , I do not lie .", "Than all yon fiery oes and eyes of light .", "Why should not I then prosecute my right ?", "To honour Helen , and to be her knight ! Exit", "Demetrius , I will keep my word with thee .", "What , should I hurt her , strike her , kill her dead ? Although I hate her , I 'll not harm her so .", "You bead , you acorn .", "And here , with all good will , with all my heart ,", "Wait in your royal walks , your board , your bed !", "And won her soul ; and she , sweet lady , dotes ,", "And so the lion vanish 'd .", "To-morrow night , when Phoebe doth behold", "Here is my bed ; sleep give thee all his rest !", "Proceed , Moon .", "My love , my life , my soul , fair Helena !", "Thou canst compel no more than she entreat ;", "Bearing the badge of faith , to prove them true ?", "For , as a surfeit of the sweetest things", "Through Athens \u2019 gates have we devis 'd to steal .", "Was to be gone from Athens , where we might ,", "Be not afraid ; she shall not harm thee , Helena .", "This lion is a very fox for his valour .", "Decking with liquid pearl the bladed grass ,", "Made love to Nedar 's daughter , Helena ,", "The jaws of darkness do devour it up ;"], "true_target": ["He goes before me , and still dares me on ;", "But , as I think - for truly would I speak ,", "And never mayst thou come Lysander near !", "You have her father 's love , Demetrius ;", "And in the wood , a league without the town ,", "So thou , my surfeit and my heresy ,", "Swift as a shadow , short as any dream ,", "But either it was different in blood-", "Or I will shake thee from me like a serpent .", "And yours of Helena to me bequeath ,", "How now , my love ! Why is your cheek so pale ? How chance the roses there do fade so fast ?", "Where art thou , proud Demetrius ? Speak thou now .", "That I do hate thee and love Helena .", "Or else it stood upon the choice of friends-", "Come , thou gentle day .", "I followed fast , but faster he did fly ,", "Hang off , thou cat , thou burr ; vile thing , let loose ,", "In their nativity all truth appears .", "That fallen am I in dark uneven way ,", "Helen , I love thee , by my life I do ;", "So that but one heart we can make of it ;", "As you on him , Demetrius dote on you . Exit", "The villain is much lighter heel 'd than I .", "Could ever hear by tale or history ,", "Reason becomes the marshal to my will ,", "Get you gone , you dwarf ;", "Upon this spotted and inconstant man .", "Without the peril of the Athenian law-", "Scorn and derision never come in tears .", "I 'll find Demetrius , and revenge this spite .", "Why should you think that I should woo in scorn ?", "Not Hermia but Helena I love :", "And run through fire I will for thy sweet sake . Transparent Helena ! Nature shows art , That through thy bosom makes me see thy heart . Where is Demetrius ? O , how fit a word Is that vile name to perish on my sword !", "A time that lovers \u2019 flights doth still conceal ,", "To do observance to a morn of May ,", "And then end life when I end loyalty !", "And ere a man hath power to say \u2018 Behold ! \u2019", "She hath spied him already with those sweet eyes .", "Then by your side no bed-room me deny ,", "One turf shall serve as pillow for us both ;", "So then two bosoms and a single troth .", "The tedious minutes I with her have spent .", "Pardon , my lord .", "So I , being young , till now ripe not to reason ;", "The hate I bare thee made me leave thee so ?", "Whom I do love and will do till my death .", "Fair Helena , who more engilds the night", "He hath rid his prologue like a rough colt ; he knows not the stop . A good moral , my lord : it is not enough to speak , but to speak true .", "Content with Hermia ! No : I do repent", "Look when I vow , I weep ; and vows so born ,", "That , in a spleen , unfolds both heaven and earth ,", "Helena , adieu ;", "Love 's stories , written in Love 's richest book .", "Or as the heresies that men do leave", "Of great revenue , and she hath no child-", "And never did desire to see thee more .", "If not with vantage , as Demetrius \u2019 ;", "Thy threats have no more strength than her weak prayers", "Two bosoms interchained with an oath ,", "And , all my powers , address your love and might", "Helen , it is not so .", "Now she holds me not .", "Or else misgraffed in respect of years-", "One heart , one bed , two bosoms , and one troth .", "And she respects me as her only son .", "I came with Hermia hither . Our intent", "Fair love , you faint with wand'ring in the wood ;", "Her silver visage in the wat'ry glass ,", "Love takes the meaning in love 's conference .", "Brief as the lightning in the collied night", "Cannot pursue us . If thou lovest me then ,", "Things growing are not ripe until their season ;", "And , to speak troth , I have forgot our way ;", "Keep promise , love . Look , here comes Helena .", "Making it momentary as a sound ,", "Are hated most of those they did deceive ,", "Thy love ! Out , tawny Tartar , out ! Out , loathed med'cine ! O hated potion , hence !", "And leads me to your eyes , where I o'erlook", "There , gentle Hermia , may I marry thee ;", "And tarry for the comfort of the day .", "The course of true love never did run smooth ;", "More than to us", "If thou say so , withdraw , and prove it too .", "My fortunes every way as fairly rank 'd ,", "Re-enter PUCK and DEMETRIUS"], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["I will go tell him of fair Hermia 's flight ;", "I thought you lord of more true gentleness .", "Unworthy as I am , to follow you .", "You would not do me thus much injury .", "If so , my eyes are oft'ner wash 'd than hers .", "It is not night when I do see your face ,", "But herein mean I to enrich my pain ,", "The sisters \u2019 vows , the hours that we have spent ,", "Than to be used as you use your dog ?", "Then to the wood will he to-morrow night", "When cowardice pursues and valour flies .", "O , I am out of breath in this fond chase !", "Which death , or absence , soon shall remedy .", "So he dissolv 'd , and show'rs of oaths did melt .", "To call me goddess , nymph , divine , and rare ,", "So , with two seeming bodies , but one heart ;", "You sway the motion of Demetrius \u2019 heart !", "Nor doth this wood lack worlds of company ,", "Your virtue is my privilege for that :", "Is true as steel . Leave you your power to draw ,", "For parting us - O , is all forgot ?", "What though I be not so in grace as you ,", "Lysander , if you live , good sir , awake .", "Two lovely berries moulded on one stem ;", "But by your setting on , by your consent ?", "But fare you well ; perforce I must confess", "Because in choice he is so oft beguil 'd .", "I am a right maid for my cowardice ;", "Is't not enough , is't not enough , young man ,", "O , that a lady of one man refus 'd", "Ay , do - persever , counterfeit sad looks ,", "Have with our needles created both one flower ,", "And sleep , that sometimes shuts up sorrow 's eye ,", "Save that , in love unto Demetrius ,", "But yet an union in partition ,", "What wicked and dissembling glass of mine", "No touch of bashfulness ? What ! Will you tear", "Call you me fair ? That fair again unsay .", "Fie , fie ! you counterfeit , you puppet you !", "Who even but now did spurn me with his foot ,", "I have no gift at all in shrewishness ;", "The rest I 'd give to be to you translated .", "To set against me for your merriment .", "Ay , in the temple , in the town , the field ,", "Abate thy hours ! Shine comforts from the east ,", "Because she is something lower than myself ,", "But you must join in souls to mock me too ?", "To strike me , spurn me , nay , to kill me too ;", "Your eyes are lode-stars and your tongue 's sweet air", "So I , admiring of his qualities .", "Love can transpose to form and dignity .", "Use me but as your spaniel , spurn me , strike me ,", "You do advance your cunning more and more .", "With your derision ! None of noble sort", "Your vows to her and me , put in two scales ,", "What worser place can I beg in your love ,", "The more I love , the more he hateth me .", "That I did never , no , nor never can ,", "But you must flout my insufficiency ?", "I pray you , though you mock me , gentlemen ,", "If you were civil and knew courtesy ,", "You see how simple and how fond I am .", "I told him of your stealth unto this wood .", "Yours would I catch , fair Hermia , ere I go !", "But fare ye well ; \u2018 tis partly my own fault ,", "But yet you draw not iron , for my heart", "O spite ! O hell ! I see you all are bent", "O , when she is angry , she is keen and shrewd ;", "To her he hates ? And wherefore doth Lysander", "Stay , though thou kill me , sweet Demetrius .", "And as he errs , doting on Hermia 's eyes ,", "And now both rivals , to mock Helena .", "My legs are longer though , to run away . Exit", "Is all the counsel that we two have shar 'd ,", "How came her eyes so bright ? Not with salt tears ;", "I am your spaniel ; and , Demetrius ,", "And I shall have no power to follow you .", "Will even weigh ; and both as light as tales .", "So methinks ;", "O weary night , O long and tedious night ,", "Sickness is catching ; O , were favour so ,", "And even for that do I love you the more .", "Your hands than mine are quicker for a fray ;", "The wildest hath not such a heart as you .", "He followed you ; for love I followed him ;", "Weigh oath with oath , and you will nothing weigh :", "He will not know what all but he do know .", "O excellent !", "When truth kills truth , O devilish-holy fray !", "To bait me with this foul derision ?", "And , though she be but little , she is fierce .", "And now , so you will let me quiet go ,", "To have his sight thither and back again . Exit", "Should of another therefore be abus 'd ! Exit", "Our sex , as well as I , may chide you for it ,", "More tuneable than lark to shepherd 's ear ,", "With Demetrius .", "And when this hail some heat from Hermia felt ,", "Make mouths upon me when I turn my back ,", "To follow me and praise my eyes and face ?", "Yes , sooth ; and so do you .", "Let her not hurt me . I was never curst ;", "Pursue her ; and for this intelligence", "Wings and no eyes figure unheedy haste ;", "How happy some o'er other some can be !", "That I can match her .", "I will not trust you , I ;", "And tender me , forsooth , affection ,", "Let her not strike me . You perhaps may think ,", "Then how can it be said I am alone", "All school-days \u2019 friendship , childhood innocence ?", "Have you not set Lysander , as in scorn ,"], "true_target": ["And will you rent our ancient love asunder ,", "And Hippolyta .", "You would not use a gentle lady so :", "As if our hands , our sides , voices , and minds ,", "And therefore is wing 'd Cupid painted blind .", "And therefore is Love said to be a child ,", "And I am sick when I look not on you .", "Do , as a monster , fly my presence thus .", "When at your hands did I deserve this scorn ?", "Injurious Hermia ! most ungrateful maid !", "And yet a place of high respect with me ,", "To conjure tears up in a poor maid 's eyes", "Run when you will ; the story shall be chang 'd :", "As waggish boys in game themselves forswear ,", "Now I perceive they have conjoin 'd all three", "That I may back to Athens by daylight ,", "Have you conspir 'd , have you with these contriv 'd ,", "Precious , celestial ? Wherefore speaks he this", "Had been incorporate . So we grew together ,", "Lo , she is one of this confederacy !", "Wherefore was I to this keen mockery born ?", "Mine own , and not mine own .", "We , Hermia , like two artificial gods ,", "Do not say so , Lysander ; say not so . What though he love your Hermia ? Lord , what though ? Yet Hermia still loves you ; then be content .", "She was a vixen when she went to school ;", "We should be woo 'd , and were not made to woo .", "Nor none , in my mind , now you give her o'er .", "Good troth , you do me wrong , good sooth , you do ,", "So hung upon with love , so fortunate ,", "The more you beat me , I will fawn on you .", "Happy is Hermia , wheresoe'er she lies ,", "Two of the first , like coats in heraldry ,", "If I have thanks , it is a dear expense .", "This you should pity rather than despise .", "Makes speed to catch the tiger - bootless speed ,", "Steal me awhile from mine own company .", "If you have any pity , grace , or manners ,", "To vow , and swear , and superpraise my parts ,", "Deny your love , so rich within his soul ,", "Both warbling of one song , both in one key ;", "In such disdainful manner me to woo .", "Nor longer stay in your curst company .", "It is not friendly , \u2018 tis not maidenly ;", "But he hath chid me hence , and threat'ned me", "Can you not hate me , as I know you do ,", "But who is here ? Lysander ! on the ground !", "When we have chid the hasty-footed time", "Due but to one , and crowned with one crest .", "For ere Demetrius look 'd on Hermia 's eyne ,", "Nor hath Love 's mind of any judgment taste ;", "Good Hermia , do not be so bitter with me .", "These vows are Hermia 's . Will you give her o'er ?", "My tongue should catch your tongue 's sweet melody .", "Dead , or asleep ? I see no blood , no wound .", "So the boy Love is perjur 'd everywhere ;", "From these that my poor company detest .", "When I am sure you hate me with your hearts .", "A poor soul 's patience , all to make you sport .", "Never did mockers waste more idle breath .", "O that your frowns would teach my smiles such skill !", "This sport , well carried , shall be chronicled .", "Impatient answers from my gentle tongue ?", "You would not make me such an argument .", "Deserve a sweet look from Demetrius \u2019 eye ,", "We cannot fight for love as men may do ;", "No , no , I am as ugly as a bear ,", "Made me compare with Hermia 's sphery eyne ?", "Apollo flies , and Daphne holds the chase ;", "I evermore did love you , Hermia ,", "A trim exploit , a manly enterprise ,", "Did ever keep your counsels , never wrong 'd you ;", "You draw me , you hard-hearted adamant ;", "Fine , i \u2019 faith !", "You do me mischief . Fie , Demetrius !", "Both on one sampler , sitting on one cushion ,", "He hail 'd down oaths that he was only mine ;", "You both are rivals , and love Hermia ;", "But what of that ? Demetrius thinks not so ;", "Have you no modesty , no maiden shame ,", "Were the world mine , Demetrius being bated ,", "But miserable most , to love unlov 'd ?", "O that my prayers could such affection move !", "Neglect me , lose me ; only give me leave ,", "When wheat is green , when hawthorn buds appear .", "O , wilt thou darkling leave me ? Do not so .", "For beasts that meet me run away for fear ;", "Therefore I think I am not in the night ;", "Demetrius loves your fair . O happy fair !", "And made your other love , Demetrius ,", "The more my prayer , the lesser is my grace .", "The dove pursues the griffin ; the mild hind", "Your wrongs do set a scandal on my sex .", "To join with men in scorning your poor friend ?", "Love looks not with the eyes , but with the mind ;", "For you , in my respect , are all the world .", "Though I alone do feel the injury .", "Things base and vile , holding no quantity ,", "For she hath blessed and attractive eyes .", "Through Athens I am thought as fair as she .", "A foolish heart that I leave here behind .", "Therefore no marvel though Demetrius", "To Athens will I bear my folly back ,", "And I have found Demetrius like a jewel ,", "And follow you no further . Let me go .", "When all the world is here to look on me ?", "My ear should catch your voice , my eye your eye ,", "Like to a double cherry , seeming parted ,", "If you were men , as men you are in show ,", "Would so offend a virgin , and extort", "To fashion this false sport in spite of me .", "Wink each at other ; hold the sweet jest up ;", "None , but your beauty ; would that fault were mine !", "O , teach me how you look , and with what art"], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["\u2018 Odious \u2019 - odorous !", "You , Nick Bottom , are set down for Pyramus .", "At the Duke 's oak we meet .", "You can play no part but Pyramus ; for Pyramus is a sweet-fac 'd man ; a proper man , as one shall see in a summer 's day ; a most lovely gentleman-like man ; therefore you must needs play Pyramus .", "Some of your French crowns have no hair at all , and then you will play bare-fac 'd . But , masters , here are your parts ; and I am to entreat you , request you , and desire you , to con them by to-morrow night ; and meet me in the palace wood , a mile without the town , by moonlight ; there will we rehearse ; for if we meet in the city , we shall be dogg 'd with company , and our devices known . In the meantime I will draw a bill of properties , such as our play wants . I pray you , fail me not .", "Speak , Pyramus . Thisby , stand forth .", "Is all our company here ?", "Why , what you will .", "Francis Flute , the bellows-mender .", "Bottom ! O most courageous day ! O most happy hour !", "Pat , pat ; and here 's a marvellous convenient place for our rehearsal . This green plot shall be our stage , this hawthorn brake our tiring-house ; and we will do it in action , as we will do it before the Duke .", "Ay , marry , must you ; for you must understand he goes but to see a noise that he heard , and is to come again .", "What sayest thou , bully Bottom ?", "Well , it shall be so . But there is two hard things - that is , to bring the moonlight into a chamber ; for , you know , Pyramus and Thisby meet by moonlight .", "\u2018 Ninus \u2019 tomb , \u2019 man ! Why , you must not speak that yet ; that you answer to Pyramus . You speak all your part at once , cues , and all . Pyramus enter : your cue is past ; it is \u2018 never tire . \u2019", "Yea , and the best person too ; and he is a very paramour for a sweet voice .", "Flute , you must take Thisby on you .", "You , Pyramus \u2019 father ; myself , Thisby 's father ; Snug , the joiner , you , the lion 's part . And , I hope , here is a play fitted .", "Marry , our play is \u2018 The most Lamentable Comedy and most"], "true_target": ["Let us hear , sweet Bottom .", "If that may be , then all is well . Come , sit down , every mother 's son , and rehearse your parts . Pyramus , you begin ; when you have spoken your speech , enter into that brake ; and so every one according to his cue .", "A lover , that kills himself most gallant for love .", "An you should do it too terribly , you would fright the Duchess and the ladies , that they would shriek ; and that were enough to hang us all .", "Ay ; or else one must come in with a bush of thorns and a lantern , and say he comes to disfigure or to present the person of Moonshine . Then there is another thing : we must have a wall in the great chamber ; for Pyramus and Thisby , says the story , did talk through the chink of a wall .", "Yes , it doth shine that night .", "Cruel Death of Pyramus and Thisby . \u2019", "You may do it extempore , for it is nothing but roaring .", "Have you sent to Bottom 's house ? Is he come home yet ?", "It is not possible . You have not a man in all Athens able to discharge Pyramus but he .", "Robin Starveling , the tailor .", "No , no , you must play Pyramus ; and , Flute , you Thisby .", "Here is the scroll of every man 's name which is thought fit , through all Athens , to play in our interlude before the Duke and the Duchess on his wedding-day at night .", "Well , we will have such a prologue ; and it shall be written in eight and six .", "Bless thee , Bottom , bless thee ! Thou art translated .", "That 's all one ; you shall play it in a mask , and you may speak as small as you will .", "O monstrous ! O strange ! We are haunted . Pray , masters ! fly , masters ! Help !", "It is the lady that Pyramus must love .", "Answer , as I call you . Nick Bottom , the weaver .", "Robin Starveling , you must play Thisby 's mother . Tom Snout , the tinker ."], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["Masters , I am to discourse wonders ; but ask me not what ; for if I tell you , I am not true Athenian . I will tell you everything , right as it fell out .", "Peter Quince !", "Scratch my head , Peaseblossom . Where 's Mounsieur Cobweb ?", "Some man or other must present Wall ; and let him have some plaster , or some loam , or some rough-cast about him , to signify wall ; and let him hold his fingers thus , and through that cranny shall Pyramus and Thisby whisper .", "I grant you , friends , if you should fright the ladies out of their wits , they would have no more discretion but to hang us ; but I will aggravate my voice so , that I will roar you as gently as any sucking dove ; I will roar you an \u2018 twere any nightingale .", "Enough ; hold , or cut bow-strings . Exeunt", "Well , I will undertake it . What beard were I best to play it in ?", "I 'll speak in a monstrous little voice : \u2018 Thisne , Thisne ! \u2019", "I shall desire you of more acquaintance , good Master", "I cry your worships mercy , heartily ; I beseech your worship 's name .", "A very good piece of work , I assure you , and a merry . Now , good Peter Quince , call forth your actors by the scroll . Masters , spread yourselves .", "You were best to call them generally , man by man , according to the scrip .", "That will ask some tears in the true performing of it . If I do it , let the audience look to their eyes ; I will move storms ; I will condole in some measure . To the rest - yet my chief humour is for a tyrant . I could play Ercles rarely , or a part to tear a cat in , to make all split . \u2018 The raging rocks And shivering shocks Shall break the locks Of prison gates ; And Phibbus \u2019 car Shall shine from far , And make and mar The foolish Fates . \u2019 This was lofty . Now name the rest of the players . This is Ercles \u2019 vein , a tyrant 's vein : a lover is more condoling .", "Methinks , mistress , you should have little reason for that . And yet , to say the truth , reason and love keep little company together now-a-days . The more the pity that some honest neighbours will not make them friends . Nay , I can gleek upon occasion .", "I pray you , commend me to Mistress Squash , your mother , and to Master Peascod , your father . Good Master Peaseblossom , I shall desire you of more acquaintance too . Your name , I beseech you , sir ?", "Thisby , the flowers of odious savours sweet-", "What do you see ? You see an ass-head of your own , do you ? Exit SNOUT Re-enter QUINCE", "I had rather have a handful or two of dried peas . But , I pray you , let none of your people stir me ; I have an exposition of sleep come upon me .", "We will meet ; and there we may rehearse most obscenely and courageously . Take pains ; be perfect ; adieu .", "An I may hide my face , let me play Thisby too .", "-odours savours sweet ; So hath thy breath , my dearest Thisby dear . But hark , a voice ! Stay thou but here awhile , And by and by I will to thee appear . Exit", "I will discharge it in either your straw-colour beard , your orange-tawny beard , your purple-in-grain beard , or your French-crown-colour beard , your perfect yellow .", "Mounsieur Cobweb ; good mounsieur , get you your weapons in your hand and kill me a red-hipp 'd humble-bee on the top of a thistle ; and , good mounsieur , bring me the honey-bag . Do not fret yourself too much in the action , mounsieur ; and , good mounsieur , have a care the honey-bag break not ; I would be loath to have you overflown with a honey-bag , signior . Where 's Mounsieur Mustardseed ?", "I see their knavery : this is to make an ass of me ; to fright me , if they could . But I will not stir from this place , do what they can ; I will walk up and down here , and will sing , that they shall hear I am not afraid .The ousel cock , so black of hue , With orange-tawny bill , The throstle with his note so true , The wren with little quill .", "Give me your neaf , Mounsieur Mustardseed . Pray you , leave your curtsy , good mounsieur .", "\u2018 Ah Pyramus , my lover dear ! Thy"], "true_target": ["What is Pyramus ? A lover , or a tyrant ?", "Thisby dear , and lady dear ! \u2019", "Not a whit ; I have a device to make all well . Write me a prologue ; and let the prologue seem to say we will do no harm with our swords , and that Pyramus is not kill 'd indeed ; and for the more better assurance , tell them that I Pyramus am not Pyramus but Bottom the weaver . This will put them out of fear .", "There are things in this comedy of Pyramus and Thisby that will never please . First , Pyramus must draw a sword to kill himself ; which the ladies cannot abide . How answer you that ?", "Not a word of me . All that I will tell you is , that the Duke hath dined . Get your apparel together ; good strings to your beards , new ribbons to your pumps ; meet presently at the palace ; every man look o'er his part ; for the short and the long is , our play is preferr 'd . In any case , let Thisby have clean linen ; and let not him that plays the lion pare his nails , for they shall hang out for the lion 's claws . And , most dear actors , eat no onions nor garlic , for we are to utter sweet breath ; and I do not doubt but to hear them say it is a sweet comedy . No more words . Away , go , away ! Exeunt", "First , good Peter Quince , say what the play treats on ; then read the names of the actors ; and so grow to a point .", "I have a reasonable good ear in music . Let 's have the tongs and the bones .", "When my cue comes , call me , and I will answer . My next is \u2018 Most fair Pyramus . \u2019 Heigh-ho ! Peter Quince ! Flute , the bellows-mender ! Snout , the tinker ! Starveling ! God 's my life , stol'n hence , and left me asleep ! I have had a most rare vision . I have had a dream , past the wit of man to say what dream it was . Man is but an ass if he go about to expound this dream . Methought I was - there is no man can tell what . Methought I was , and methought I had , but man is but a patch 'd fool , if he will offer to say what methought I had . The eye of man hath not heard , the ear of man hath not seen , man 's hand is not able to taste , his tongue to conceive , nor his heart to report , what my dream was . I will get Peter Quince to write a ballad of this dream . It shall be call 'd \u2018 Bottom 's Dream , \u2019 because it hath no bottom ; and I will sing it in the latter end of a play , before the Duke . Peradventure , to make it the more gracious , I shall sing it at her death . Exit", "No , make it two more ; let it be written in eight and eight .", "The finch , the sparrow , and the lark , The plain-song cuckoo grey , Whose note full many a man doth mark , And dares not answer nay - for , indeed , who would set his wit to so foolish a bird ? Who would give a bird the lie , though he cry \u2018 cuckoo \u2019 never so ?", "Well , proceed .", "Let me play the lion too . I will roar that I will do any man 's heart good to hear me ; I will roar that I will make the Duke say \u2018 Let him roar again , let him roar again . \u2019", "If I were fair , Thisby , I were only thine .", "Are we all met ?", "Nothing , good mounsieur , but to help Cavalery Cobweb to scratch . I must to the barber 's , mounsieur ; for methinks I am marvellous hairy about the face ; and I am such a tender ass , if my hair do but tickle me I must scratch .", "Truly , a peck of provender ; I could munch your good dry oats . Methinks I have a great desire to a bottle of hay . Good hay , sweet hay , hath no fellow .", "Why , then may you leave a casement of the great chamber window , where we play , open ; and the moon may shine in at the casement .", "A calendar , a calendar ! Look in the almanack ; find out moonshine , find out moonshine .", "Why do they run away ? This is a knavery of them to make me afeard . Re-enter SNOUT", "Nay , you must name his name , and half his face must be seen through the lion 's neck ; and he himself must speak through , saying thus , or to the same defect : \u2018 Ladies , \u2019 or \u2018 Fair ladies , I would wish you \u2019 or \u2018 I would request you \u2019 or \u2018 I would entreat you not to fear , not to tremble . My life for yours ! If you think I come hither as a lion , it were pity of my life . No , I am no such thing ; I am a man as other men are . \u2019 And there , indeed , let him name his name , and tell them plainly he is Snug the joiner .", "Masters , you ought to consider with yourself to bring in - God shield us ! - a lion among ladies is a most dreadful thing ; for there is not a more fearful wild-fowl than your lion living ; and we ought to look to't .", "Ready . Name what part I am for , and proceed .", "No , I assure you ; the wall is down that parted their fathers . Will it please you to see the Epilogue , or to hear a Bergomask dance between two of our company ?", "Where 's Peaseblossom ?", "Good Master Mustardseed , I know your patience well . That same cowardly giant-like ox-beef hath devour 'd many a gentleman of your house . I promise you your kindred hath made my eyes water ere now . I desire you of more acquaintance , good Master Mustardseed .", "Not so , neither ; but if I had wit enough to get out of this wood , I have enough to serve mine own turn .", "Where are these lads ? Where are these hearts ?"], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["If he come not , then the play is marr 'd ; it goes not forward , doth it ?", "Must I speak now ?", "Nay , faith , let not me play a woman ; I have a beard coming .", "As true as truest horse , that would never tire ,", "O sweet bully Bottom ! Thus hath he lost sixpence a day during his life ; he could not have scaped sixpence a day . An the Duke had not given him sixpence a day for playing Pyramus , I 'll be hanged . He would have deserved it : sixpence a day in Pyramus , or nothing .", "You must say \u2018 paragon . \u2019 A paramour is - God bless us ! - A thing of naught .", "Athens ."], "true_target": ["What is Thisby ? A wand'ring knight ?", "Most brisky juvenal , and eke most lovely Jew ,", "I 'll meet thee , Pyramus , at Ninny 's tomb .", "O- As true as truest horse , that yet would never tire . Re-enter PUCK , and BOTTOM with an ass 's head", "Of colour like the red rose on triumphant brier ,", "Here , Peter Quince .", "No ; he hath simply the best wit of any handicraft man in", "Most radiant Pyramus , most lily-white of hue ,"], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["I believe we must leave the killing out , when all is done .", "Here , Peter Quince ."], "true_target": ["I fear it , I promise you .", "He cannot be heard of . Out of doubt he is transported ."], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["O Bottom , thou art chang 'd ! What do I see on thee ?", "Here , Peter Quince .", "By'r lakin , a parlous fear ."], "true_target": ["Therefore another prologue must tell he is not a lion .", "Doth the moon shine that night we play our play ?", "You can never bring in a wall . What say you , Bottom ?", "Will not the ladies be afeard of the lion ?"], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["Have you the lion 's part written ? Pray you , if it be , give it me , for I am slow of study ."], "true_target": ["Masters , the Duke is coming from the temple ; and there is two or three lords and ladies more married . If our sport had gone forward , we had all been made men ."], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["That would hang us , every mother 's son ."], "true_target": ["Where shall we go ?"], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["Swifter than arrow from the Tartar 's bow . Exit", "Already to their wormy beds are gone ,", "Despised the Athenian maid ;", "That , when he wak 'd , of force she must be ey 'd .", "A stranger Pyramus than e'er played here ! Exit", "Were met together to rehearse a play", "In the sight", "Now when thou wak'st with thine own fool 's eyes peep .", "And sometime lurk I in a gossip 's bowl", "And , when she drinks , against her lips I bob ,", "Sometime for three-foot stool mistaketh me ;", "That you have but slumb'red here", "Telling the bushes that thou look'st for wars ,", "If we have unearned luck", "When I did him at this advantage take ,", "And forth my mimic comes . When they him spy ,", "Weeds of Athens he doth wear :", "A million fail , confounding oath on oath .", "And the youth mistook by me", "When thou wak'st ,", "A merrier hour was never wasted there .", "And neigh , and bark , and grunt , and roar , and burn ,", "Neighing in likeness of a filly foal ;", "That must needs be sport alone ;", "Here , villain , drawn and ready . Where art thou ?", "To your eye ,", "And \u2018 tailor \u2019 cries , and falls into a cough ;", "This is he , my master said ,", "Sever themselves and madly sweep the sky ,", "I jest to Oberon , and make him smile", "Thou coward , art thou bragging to the stars ,", "All the power this charm doth owe :", "Take heed the Queen come not within his sight ;", "No more yielding but a dream ,", "Pleading for a lover 's fee ;", "Through bog , through bush , through brake , through brier ;", "Shall we their fond pageant see ?", "And wilt not come ? Come , recreant , come , thou child ;", "And jealous Oberon would have the child", "And waxen in their mirth , and neeze , and swear", "In your waking shall be shown :", "Helena is here at hand ,", "Like horse , hound , hog , bear , fire , at every turn .", "Or russet-pated choughs , many in sort ,", "She never had so sweet a changeling ;", "The shallowest thickskin of that barren sort ,", "As this their jangling I esteem a sport .", "But Athenian found I none", "That every man should take his own ,", "I 'll whip thee with a rod . He is defil 'd", "On the ground", "In forty minutes . Exit PUCK", "Troop home to churchyards . Damned spirits all", "But room , fairy , here comes Oberon .", "Titania wak 'd , and straightway lov 'd an ass .", "I 'll follow you ; I 'll lead you about a round ,", "And on her withered dewlap pour the ale .", "That draws a sword on thee .", "And we fairies , that do run", "But she perforce withholds the loved boy ,", "Goblin , lead them up and down .", "Some sleeves , some hats , from yielders all things catch .", "What , a play toward ! I 'll be an auditor ;", "Night and silence - Who is here ?", "Lord , what fools these mortals be !", "Made senseless things begin to do them wrong ,", "And here the maiden , sleeping sound ,", "And those things do best please me", "At whose approach ghosts , wand'ring here and there ,", "Sleep sound ;", "Follow my voice ; we 'll try no manhood here . Exeunt", "And now they never meet in grove or green ,", "If we shadows have offended ,", "I am fear 'd in field and town .", "Because that she as her attendant hath", "Jack shall have Jill ;", "That the graves , all gaping wide ,", "Gentle lover , remedy .", "Now are frolic . Not a mouse", "He murder cries , and help from Athens calls .", "Now the wasted brands do glow ,", "So , good night unto you all .", "And the wolf behowls the moon ;", "In very likeness of a roasted crab ,", "And yonder shines Aurora 's harbinger ,", "Else the Puck a liar call .", "Then slip I from her bum , down topples she ,", "I 'll put a girdle round about the earth", "As wild geese that the creeping fowler eye ,", "Near this lack-love , this kill-courtesy .", "And left sweet Pyramus translated there ;", "Here she comes , curst and sad .", "Follow me , then ,", "Knight of his train , to trace the forests wild ;", "A lovely boy , stolen from an Indian king .", "I will lead them up and down .", "Then fate o'erhYpppHeNrules , that , one man holding troth ,", "For night 's swift dragons cut the clouds full fast ;", "I led them on in this distracted fear ,", "Up and down , up and down ,", "I do hear the morning lark .", "Of thy former lady 's eye ;", "So near the cradle of the Fairy Queen ?"], "true_target": ["Their sense thus weak , lost with their fears thus strong ,", "That befall prepost'rously .", "In remembrance of a shroud .", "Shall disturb this hallowed house .", "Whilst the screech-owl , screeching loud ,", "I am sent with broom before ,", "The wisest aunt , telling the saddest tale ,", "Ay , there it is .", "Think but this , and all is mended ,", "I 'll apply", "And must for aye consort with black-brow 'd night .", "An ass 's nole I fixed on his head .", "Rising and cawing at the gun 's report ,", "So at his sight away his fellows fly ;", "This flower 's force in stirring love .", "Gentles , do not reprehend .", "For briers and thorns at their apparel snatch ;", "Thus to make poor females mad .", "Come hither ; I am here .", "Fear not , my lord ; your servant shall do so . Exeunt", "Intended for great Theseus \u2019 nuptial day .", "A hog , a headless bear , sometime a fire ;", "Captain of our fairy band ,", "That I have \u2018 nointed an Athenian 's eyes ;", "An actor too perhaps , if I see cause .", "My mistress with a monster is in love .", "Now the hungry lion roars ,", "On the dank and dirty ground .", "Near to her close and consecrated bower ,", "Now to scape the serpent 's tongue ,", "Then will two at once woo one .", "By the Athenian garments he had on ?", "Anon his Thisby must be answered ,", "I took him sleeping - that is finish 'd too-", "In the church-way paths to glide .", "For I must now to Oberon . Exit", "That work for bread upon Athenian stalls ,", "When in that moment , so it came to pass ,", "Creep into acorn cups and hide them there .", "To plainer ground . Exit LYSANDER as following the voice", "And so far am I glad it so did sort ,", "This is the woman , but not this the man .", "I am that merry wanderer of the night .", "Give me your hands , if we be friends ,", "Thou tak'st", "For fear lest day should look their shames upon ;", "From the presence of the sun ,", "Churl , upon thy eyes I throw", "So awake when I am gone ;", "Cupid is a knavish lad ,", "When thou wak'st let love forbid", "We will make amends ere long ;", "While these visions did appear .", "Believe me , king of shadows , I mistook .", "Crowns him with flowers , and makes him all her joy .", "What hempen homespuns have we swagg'ring here ,", "Yet but three ? Come one more ;", "All with weary task fordone .", "And at our stamp here , o'er and o'er one falls ;", "Following darkness like a dream ,", "And , as I am an honest Puck ,", "By fountain clear , or spangled starlight sheen ,", "Re-enter LYSANDER", "And this weak and idle theme ,", "And the Athenian woman by his side ;", "I remember .", "On whose eyes I might approve", "And Robin shall restore amends . Exit", "While she was in her dull and sleeping hour ,", "When I a fat and bean-fed horse beguile ,", "True delight", "And then the whole quire hold their hips and laugh ,", "Ho , ho , ho ! Coward , why com'st thou not ?", "Pretty soul ! she durst not lie", "Nought shall go ill ;", "Every one lets forth his sprite ,", "I go , I go ; look how I go ,", "But they do square , that all their elves for fear", "If you pardon , we will mend .", "Who Pyramus presented , in their sport", "And so far blameless proves my enterprise", "Did not you tell me I should know the man", "By the triple Hecate 's team", "And the country proverb known ,", "How now , spirit ! whither wander you ?", "Sometime a horse I 'll be , sometime a hound ,", "Now it is the time of night", "My fairy lord , this must be done with haste ,", "Thou speakest aright :", "That in cross-ways and floods have burial ,", "Two of both kinds makes up four .", "They wilfully themselves exil 'd from light ,", "The man shall have his mare again , and all shall be well .", "Puts the wretch that lies in woe", "The King doth keep his revels here to-night ;", "A crew of patches , rude mechanicals ,", "Sleep his seat on thy eyelid .", "Whilst the heavy ploughman snores ,", "For Oberon is passing fell and wrath ,", "Fairy King , attend and mark ;", "Through the forest have I gone ,", "To sweep the dust behind the door .", "Here comes one .", "Forsook his scene and ent'red in a brake ;"], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["Are not you he ?", "And hang a pearl in every cowslip 's ear .", "Over hill , over dale ,", "In those freckles live their savours .", "In their gold coats spots you see ;", "You do their work , and they shall have good luck .", "Call 'd Robin Goodfellow . Are not you he", "Or else you are that shrewd and knavish sprite", "That frights the maidens of the villagery ,", "Over park , over pale ,", "And I serve the Fairy Queen ,", "I do wander every where ,", "And bootless make the breathless housewife churn ,", "And sometime make the drink to bear no barm ,"], "true_target": ["Skim milk , and sometimes labour in the quern ,", "Thorough flood , thorough fire ,", "Either I mistake your shape and making quite ,", "I must go seek some dewdrops here ,", "Farewell , thou lob of spirits ; I 'll be gone .", "Those be rubies , fairy favours ,", "Thorough bush , thorough brier ,", "Mislead night-wanderers , laughing at their harm ?", "Our Queen and all her elves come here anon .", "Swifter than the moon 's sphere ;", "Those that Hobgoblin call you , and sweet Puck ,", "To dew her orbs upon the green .", "And here my mistress . Would that he were gone !", "The cowslips tall her pensioners be ;"], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["What hast thou done ? Thou hast mistaken quite ,", "The next thing then she waking looks upon ,", "To take from thence all error with his might", "And each several chamber bless ,", "Every fairy take his gait ,", "There lies your love .", "Hast thou the flower there ? Welcome , wanderer .", "And Helena of Athens look thou find ;", "With sighs of love that costs the fresh blood dear .", "Silence awhile . Robin , take off this head .", "Trip we after night 's shade .", "Thou shalt fly him , and he shall seek thy love .", "Quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine ,", "What thou seest when thou dost wake ,", "We may effect this business yet ere day . Exit OBERON", "Well , go thy way ; thou shalt not from this grove", "Re-enter PUCK", "Ere the leviathan can swim a league .", "But do it when the next thing he espies", "And make him with fair Aegles break his faith ,", "Cupid , all arm 'd ; a certain aim he took", "It fell upon a little western flower ,", "And maidens call it Love-in-idleness .", "As I can take it with another herb ,", "Here comes my messenger . How now , mad spirit !", "Dance in Duke Theseus \u2019 house triumphantly ,", "Sound , music . Come , my Queen , take hands with me ,", "I pray thee give it me .", "Love and languish for his sake .", "And back to Athens shall the lovers wend", "I 'll to my queen , and beg her Indian boy ;", "Fetch me this herb , and be thou here again", "Opening on Neptune with fair blessed beams ,", "With a disdainful youth ; anoint his eyes ;", "Even till the eastern gate , all fiery red ,", "I with the Morning 's love have oft made sport ;", "Quench 'd in the chaste beams of the wat'ry moon ;", "Then , my Queen , in silence sad ,", "And make his eyeballs roll with wonted sight .", "And then I will her charmed eye release", "To hear the sea-maid 's music .", "With Ariadne and Antiopa ?", "Be it ounce , or cat , or bear ,", "Through this house each fairy stray .", "But who comes here ? I am invisible ;", "Let her shine as gloriously", "I 'll make her render up her page to me .", "Hit with Cupid 's archery ,", "And the imperial vot'ress passed on ,", "Ever shall be fortunate .", "We the globe can compass soon ,", "On meddling monkey , or on busy ape ,", "Never mole , hare-lip , nor scar ,", "The starry welkin cover thou anon", "May be the lady . Thou shalt know the man", "And the blots of Nature 's hand", "Uttering such dulcet and harmonious breath", "Fetch me that flow'r , the herb I showed thee once .", "By some illusion see thou bring her here ;", "And there the snake throws her enamell 'd skin ,", "Why should Titania cross her Oberon ?", "Which by us shall blessed be ;", "And from each other look thou lead them thus ,", "Whiles I in this affair do thee employ ,", "And laid the love-juice on some true-love 's sight .", "Effect it with some care , that he may prove", "With league whose date till death shall never end .", "In maiden meditation , fancy-free .", "When thou wak'st , if she be by ,", "Ever true in loving be ;", "Through this palace , with sweet peace ;", "Yet mark 'd I where the bolt of Cupid fell .", "But hast thou yet latch 'd the Athenian 's eyes", "I wonder if Titania be awak 'd ;", "Welcome , good Robin . Seest thou this sweet sight ? Her dotage now I do begin to pity ; For , meeting her of late behind the wood , Seeking sweet favours for this hateful fool , I did upbraid her and fall out with her . For she his hairy temples then had rounded With coronet of fresh and fragrant flowers ; And that same dew which sometime on the buds Was wont to swell like round and orient pearls Stood now within the pretty flowerets \u2019 eyes , Like tears that did their own disgrace bewail . When I had at my pleasure taunted her , And she in mild terms begg 'd my patience , I then did ask of her her changeling child ; Which straight she gave me , and her fairy sent To bear him to my bower in fairy land . And now I have the boy , I will undo This hateful imperfection of her eyes . And , gentle Puck , take this transformed scalp From off the head of this Athenian swain , That he awaking when the other do May all to Athens back again repair , And think no more of this night 's accidents But as the fierce vexation of a dream . But first I will release the Fairy Queen .Be as thou wast wont to be ; See as thou was wont to see . Dian 's bud o'er Cupid 's flower Hath such force and blessed power . Now , my Titania ; wake you , my sweet queen .", "Stand close ; this is the same Athenian .", "Will cause Demetrius to awake .", "And lead these testy rivals so astray", "To the best bride-bed will we ,", "Then , what it was that next came in her eye ,", "Upon the next live creature that it sees .", "Weed wide enough to wrap a fairy in ;", "And will to-morrow midnight solemnly", "And the owner of it blest", "More fond on her than she upon her love .", "I 'll charm his eyes against she do appear .", "And look thou meet me ere the first cock crow .", "As it should pierce a hundred thousand hearts ;", "When they next wake , all this derision", "And certain stars shot madly from their spheres", "Thou seest these lovers seek a place to fight .", "With the love-juice , as I did bid thee do ?", "Beg of her for remedy .", "Like to Lysander sometime frame thy tongue ,", "Enter PUCK", "Which she must dote on in extremity .", "Pard , or boar with bristled hair ,", "Didst not thou lead him through the glimmering night", "So shall all the couples three"], "true_target": ["Than common sleep of all these five the sense .", "And rock the ground whereon these sleepers be .", "Stand aside . The noise they make", "Hop as light as bird from brier ;", "That the rude sea grew civil at her song ,", "Titania , music call ; and strike more dead", "Shall upon their children be .", "Ever shall in safety rest .", "From monster 's view , and all things shall be peace .", "Sing and dance it trippingly .", "Wedded , with Theseus , an in jollity .", "And loos 'd his love-shaft smartly from his bow ,", "There shall the pairs of faithful lovers be", "But , notwithstanding , haste , make no delay ;", "Of thy misprision must perforce ensue", "As the Venus of the sky .", "Shall seem a dream and fruitless vision ;", "Shall not in their issue stand ;", "Turns into yellow gold his salt green streams .", "Will make or man or woman madly dote", "Hie therefore , Robin , overcast the night ;", "Through the house give glimmering light ,", "Fare thee well , nymph ; ere he do leave this grove ,", "Having once this juice ,", "Do you amend it , then ; it lies in you .", "Then stir Demetrius up with bitter wrong ;", "Now , until the break of day ,", "My gentle Puck , come hither . Thou rememb'rest", "Knowing I know thy love to Theseus ?", "Now thou and I are new in amity ,", "Whose liquor hath this virtuous property ,", "Flower of this purple dye ,", "She shall pursue it with the soul of love .", "Sink in apple of his eye .", "Wake when some vile thing is near . Exit", "Give me that boy and I will go with thee .", "Till o'er their brows death-counterfeiting sleep", "Till I torment thee for this injury .", "With this field-dew consecrate ,", "But I might see young Cupid 's fiery shaft", "About the wood go swifter than the wind ,", "With leaden legs and batty wings doth creep .", "Flying between the cold moon and the earth", "Since once I sat upon a promontory ,", "And drop the liquor of it in her eyes ;", "What night-rule now about this haunted grove ?", "Glance at my credit with Hippolyta ,", "And , like a forester , the groves may tread", "By the Athenian garments he hath on .", "Lull 'd in these flowers with dances and delight ;", "Nor mark prodigious , such as are", "I do but beg a little changeling boy", "Re-enter PUCK", "From Perigouna , whom he ravished ?", "And make her full of hateful fantasies .", "Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows ,", "Trip away ; make no stay ;", "I 'll watch Titania when she is asleep ,", "This is thy negligence . Still thou mistak'st ,", "Swifter than the wand'ring moon .", "And the issue there create", "How canst thou thus , for shame , Titania ,", "This falls out better than I could devise .", "With drooping fog as black as Acheron ,", "By the dead and drowsy fire ;", "With sweet musk-roses , and with eglantine ;", "All fancy-sick she is and pale of cheer ,", "Before milk-white , now purple with love 's wound ,", "And this ditty , after me ,", "Tarry , rash wanton ; am not I thy lord ?", "Be it on lion , bear , or wolf , or bull ,", "The juice of it on sleeping eyelids laid", "A sweet Athenian lady is in love", "As one come not within another 's way .", "There sleeps Titania sometime of the night ,", "But we are spirits of another sort :", "And with the juice of this I 'll streak her eyes ,", "Some true love turn 'd , and not a false turn 'd true .", "In thy eye that shall appear", "When thou wak'st , it is thy dear .", "Ill met by moonlight , proud Titania .", "Meet me all by break of day . Exeunt all but PUCK", "Despised in nativity ,", "And I will overhear their conference .", "And heard a mermaid on a dolphin 's back", "Then crush this herb into Lysander 's eye ;", "And sometime rail thou like Demetrius ;", "Take thou some of it , and seek through this grove :", "To be my henchman .", "At a fair vestal , throned by the west ,", "How long within this wood intend you stay ?", "And ere I take this charm from off her sight ,", "Or else committ'st thy knaveries wilfully .", "When his love he doth espy ,", "I know a bank where the wild thyme blows ,", "Every elf and fairy sprite", "Do it for thy true-love take ;", "That very time I saw , but thou couldst not ,", "And bless it to all fair prosperity ."], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["The squirrel 's hoard , and fetch thee new nuts .", "But with thy brawls thou hast disturb 'd our sport .", "To Theseus must be wedded , and you come", "And grow big-bellied with the wanton wind ;", "Not for thy fairy kingdom . Fairies , away . We shall chide downright if I longer stay .", "That I sleeping here was found", "When we have laugh 'd to see the sails conceive ,", "When thou hast stolen away from fairy land ,", "That rheumatic diseases do abound .", "And for her sake I will not part with him .", "Playing on pipes of corn , and versing love", "We are their parents and original .", "Hath every pelting river made so proud", "And on old Hiems \u2019 thin and icy crown", "From our debate , from our dissension ;", "But she , being mortal , of that boy did die ;", "I pray thee , gentle mortal , sing again .", "To fetch me trifles , and return again ,", "Come , sit thee down upon this flow'ry bed ,", "I 'll give thee fairies to attend on thee ;", "Full often hath she gossip 'd by my side ;", "Music , ho , music , such as charmeth sleep !", "First , rehearse your song by rote ,", "The childing autumn , angry winter , change", "To dance our ringlets to the whistling wind ,", "And when she weeps , weeps every little flower ;", "Then I must be thy lady ; but I know", "To the winding of horns , enter THESEUS , HIPPOLYTA ,", "Sleep thou , and I will wind thee in my arms .", "Would imitate , and sail upon the land ,", "If you will patiently dance in our round ,", "And I will purge thy mortal grossness so", "To each word a warbling note ;", "An odorous chaplet of sweet summer buds", "Following- her womb then rich with my young squire-", "Their wonted liveries ; and the mazed world ,", "Thou art as wise as thou art beautiful .", "The fold stands empty in the drowned field ,", "Fall in the fresh lap of the crimson rose ;", "To fan the moonbeams from his sleeping eyes .", "By paved fountain , or by rushy brook ,", "Come , wait upon him ; lead him to my bower .", "As in revenge , have suck 'd up from the sea", "Is , as in mockery , set . The spring , the summer ,", "Mine ear is much enamoured of thy note ;", "Out of this wood do not desire to go ;", "And kiss thy fair large ears , my gentle joy .", "Some war with rere-mice for their leathern wings ,", "Your buskin 'd mistress and your warrior love ,", "The moon , methinks , looks with a wat'ry eye ;", "I am a spirit of no common rate ;", "No night is now with hymn or carol blest ;", "And sat with me on Neptune 's yellow sands ,", "And light them at the fiery glow-worm 's eyes ,", "Then to your offices , and let me rest .", "Come , my lord ; and in our flight ,", "Nod to him , elves , and do him courtesies .", "Then , for the third part of a minute , hence :", "By their increase , now knows not which is which .", "And thy fair virtue 's force perforce doth move me ,", "What , jealous Oberon ! Fairies , skip hence ;", "Therefore the moon , the governess of floods ,", "O , how I love thee ! how I dote on thee !", "To give their bed joy and prosperity ?", "The nine men 's morris is fill 'd up with mud ,", "And crows are fatted with the murrion flock ;", "Come from the farthest steep of India ,", "Feed him with apricocks and dewberries ,", "The honey bags steal from the humble-bees ,", "Marking th \u2019 embarked traders on the flood ;"], "true_target": ["And see our moonlight revels , go with us ;", "For lack of tread , are undistinguishable .", "To have my love to bed and to arise ;", "At our quaint spirits . Sing me now asleep ;", "Will we sing , and bless this place .", "As from a voyage , rich with merchandise .", "While I thy amiable cheeks do coy ,", "Peaseblossom ! Cobweb ! Moth ! and Mustardseed !", "If not , shun me , and I will spare your haunts .", "So doth the woodbine the sweet honeysuckle", "The clamorous owl that nightly hoots and wonders", "That thou shalt like an airy spirit go .", "And thorough this distemperature we see", "My Oberon ! What visions have I seen ! Methought I was enamour 'd of an ass .", "Tie up my love 's tongue , bring him silently . Exeunt", "The fairy land buys not the child of me .", "Or say , sweet love , what thou desirest to eat .", "The human mortals want their winter here ;", "I have forsworn his bed and company .", "On the first view , to say , to swear , I love thee .", "Met we on hill , in dale , forest , or mead ,", "Which she , with pretty and with swimming gait", "And in the shape of Corin sat all day ,", "Pale in her anger , washes all the air ,", "The summer still doth tend upon my state ;", "How came these things to pass ? O , how mine eyes do loathe his visage now !", "Therefore the winds , piping to us in vain ,", "And pluck the wings from painted butterflies ,", "And never , since the middle summer 's spring ,", "With purple grapes , green figs , and mulberries ;", "With these mortals on the ground . Exeunt", "The ox hath therefore stretch 'd his yoke in vain ,", "Perchance till after Theseus \u2019 wedding-day .", "And they shall fetch thee jewels from the deep ,", "Gently entwist ; the female ivy so", "Hand in hand , with fairy grace ,", "Fairies , be gone , and be all ways away . Exeunt FAIRIES", "So is mine eye enthralled to thy shape ;", "His mother was a vot'ress of my order ;", "Lamenting some enforced chastity .", "To amorous Phillida . Why art thou here ,", "Some to kill cankers in the musk-rose buds ;", "And this same progeny of evils comes", "What angel wakes me from my flow'ry bed ?", "And sing , while thou on pressed flowers dost sleep ;", "These are the forgeries of jealousy ;", "To make my small elves coats ; and some keep back", "Set your heart at rest ;", "And for night-tapers crop their waxen thighs ,", "Contagious fogs ; which , falling in the land ,", "And the quaint mazes in the wanton green ,", "Come now , a roundel and a fairy song ;", "Hop in his walks and gambol in his eyes ;", "And I do love thee ; therefore , go with me .", "Tell me how it came this night", "Thou shalt remain here whether thou wilt or no .", "I have a venturous fairy that shall seek", "And , in the spiced Indian air , by night ,", "The ploughman lost his sweat , and the green corn", "Hath rotted ere his youth attain 'd a beard ;", "The FAIRIES Sing", "And stick musk-roses in thy sleek smooth head ,", "That they have overborne their continents .", "And for her sake do I rear up her boy ;", "What , wilt thou hear some music , my sweet love ?", "Or in the beached margent of the sea ,", "EGEUS , and train", "Enrings the barky fingers of the elm .", "But that , forsooth , the bouncing Amazon ,", "Be kind and courteous to this gentleman ;", "The seasons alter : hoary-headed frosts"], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["Newts and blind-worms , do no wrong ,", "Thorny hedgehogs , be not seen ;"], "true_target": ["You spotted snakes with double tongue ,", "Come not near our fairy Queen .", "Hence away ; now all is well . One aloof stand sentinel . Exeunt FAIRIES"], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["Come our lovely lady nigh .", "Never harm", "Nor spell nor charm", "Philomel with melody , etc ."], "true_target": ["So good night , with lullaby .", "Sing in our sweet lullaby .", "Philomel with melody", "Lulla , lulla , lullaby ; lulla , lulla , lullaby ."], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["Weaving spiders , come not here ;", "Hence , you long-legg 'd spinners , hence ."], "true_target": ["Worm nor snail do no offence .", "Beetles black , approach not near ;"], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["Ready .", "Hail , mortal !"], "true_target": ["Ready .", "Peaseblossom ."], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["Ready .", "Cobweb ."], "true_target": ["Hail !", "And I ."], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["And I ."], "true_target": ["Hail !"], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["And I .", "Hail !"], "true_target": ["Mustardseed .", "What 's your will ?", "Ready ."], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["And now have toil 'd their unbreathed memories", "But by ten words , my lord , it is too long ,", "A play there is , my lord , some ten words long ,", "There is a brief how many sports are ripe ;", "No , my noble lord ,", "Which is as brief as I have known a play ;", "Hard-handed men that work in Athens here ,", "It is not for you . I have heard it over ,", "Which makes it tedious ; for in all the play", "Extremely stretch 'd and conn 'd with cruel pain ,", "And it is nothing , nothing in the world ;", "The passion of loud laughter never shed ."], "true_target": ["Make choice of which your Highness will see first .", "With this same play against your nuptial .", "Here , mighty Theseus .", "And tragical , my noble lord , it is ;", "So please your Grace , the Prologue is address 'd .", "For Pyramus therein doth kill himself .", "There is not one word apt , one player fitted .", "To do you service .", "Which when I saw rehears 'd , I must confess ,", "Which never labour 'd in their minds till now ;", "Unless you can find sport in their intents ,", "Made mine eyes water ; but more merry tears"], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["But wonder on , till truth make all things plain .", "Our true intent is . All for your delight", "Consider then , we come but in despite .", "You shall know all , that you are like to know ,", "This beauteous lady Thisby is certain .", "If we offend , it is with our good will .", "We do not come , as minding to content you ,", "That is the true beginning of our end ."], "true_target": ["Wall , that vile Wall which did these lovers sunder ;", "We are not here . That you should here repent you ,", "That you should think , we come not to offend ,", "But with good will . To show our simple skill ,", "The actors are at hand ; and , by their show ,", "This man , with lime and rough-cast , doth present", "This man is Pyramus , if you would know ;", "And through Wall 's chink , poor souls , they are content", "Gentles , perchance you wonder at this show ;"], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["Thus have I , Wall , my part discharged so ;", "Did whisper often very secretly .", "This loam , this rough-cast , and this stone , doth show", "That had in it a crannied hole or chink ,", "Through which the lovers , Pyramus and Thisby ,", "And this the cranny is , right and sinister ,"], "true_target": ["And such a wall as I would have you think", "In this same interlude it doth befall", "And , being done , thus Wall away doth go . Exit WALL", "That I , one Snout by name , present a wall ;", "That I am that same wall ; the truth is so ;", "Through which the fearful lovers are to whisper ."], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["Thisby !", "I trust to take of truest Thisby sight .", "Tongue , lose thy light ;", "But stay , O spite !", "Now die , die , die , die , die .", "To spy an I can hear my Thisby 's face .", "Approach , ye Furies fell .", "Thou wall , O wall , O sweet and lovely wall ,", "Thanks , courteous wall . Jove shield thee well for this !", "O Fates ! come , come ;", "Quail , crush , conclude , and quell .", "O grim-look 'd night ! O night with hue so black !", "Curs 'd be thy stones for thus deceiving me !", "O night , which ever art when day is not !", "No , in truth , sir , he should not . Deceiving me is Thisby 's cue . She is to enter now , and I am to spy her through the wall . You shall see it will fall pat as I told you ; yonder she comes .", "That stand'st between her father 's ground and mine ;", "Think what thou wilt , I am thy lover 's grace ;", "And thou , O wall , O sweet , O lovely wall ,", "I thank thee , Moon , for shining now so bright ;", "Sweet Moon , I thank thee for thy sunny beams ;", "My soul is in the sky .", "Now am I fled ;", "That liv 'd , that lov 'd , that lik 'd , that look 'd with cheer .", "For , by thy gracious golden , glittering gleams ,", "O wherefore , Nature , didst thou lions frame ?", "I see a voice ; now will I to the chink ,"], "true_target": ["Cut thread and thrum ;", "Eyes , do you see ?", "O night , O night , alack , alack , alack ,", "What dreadful dole is here !", "Now am I dead ,", "Moon , take thy flight .", "Where heart doth hop .", "I fear my Thisby 's promise is forgot !", "But what see what see I ? No Thisby do I see .", "Ay , that left pap ,", "What ! stain 'd with blood ?", "O dainty duck ! O dear !", "Wilt thou at Ninny 's tomb meet me straightway ?", "O , kiss me through the hole of this vile wall .", "How can it be ?", "Show me thy chink , to blink through with mine eyne .", "The pap of Pyramus ;", "Thus die I , thus , thus , thus .", "Since lion vile hath here deflower 'd my dear ;", "Not Shafalus to Procrus was so true .", "But mark , poor knight ,", "Out , sword , and wound", "O wicked wall , through whom I see no bliss ,", "And like Limander am I trusty still .", "Thy mantle good ,", "Come , tears , confound ;", "Which is - no , no - which was the fairest dame"], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["This cherry nose ,", "His eyes were green as leeks .", "Since you have shore", "Lovers , make moan ;", "And I like Helen , till the Fates me kill .", "Tide life , tide death , I come without delay .", "For parting my fair Pyramus and me !", "My cherry lips have often kiss 'd thy stones ,", "Thus Thisby ends ;", "Thy stones with lime and hair knit up in thee .", "What , dead , my dove ?", "I kiss the wall 's hole , not your lips at all .", "And farewell , friends ;", "My love ! thou art my love , I think .", "Come , blade , my breast imbrue .", "As Shafalus to Procrus , I to you .", "Lay them in gore ,"], "true_target": ["With shears his thread of silk .", "Come , trusty sword ;", "O Sisters Three ,", "This is old Ninny 's tomb . Where is my love ?", "These lily lips ,", "Are gone , are gone ;", "O wall , full often hast thou heard my moans ,", "Asleep , my love ?", "Must cover thy sweet eyes .", "Speak , speak . Quite dumb ?", "With hands as pale as milk ;", "O Pyramus , arise ,", "These yellow cowslip cheeks ,", "Come , come to me ,", "Tongue , not a word .", "Dead , dead ? A tomb", "Adieu , adieu , adieu ."], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["O-", "For , if I should as lion come in strife", "When lion rough in wildest rage doth roar .", "Then know that I as Snug the joiner am"], "true_target": ["May now , perchance , both quake and tremble here ,", "You , ladies , you , whose gentle hearts do fear", "The smallest monstrous mouse that creeps on floor ,", "Into this place , \u2018 twere pity on my life .", "A lion fell , nor else no lion 's dam ;"], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["All that I have to say is to tell you that the lanthorn is the moon ; I , the Man i \u2019 th \u2019 Moon ; this thorn-bush , my thorn-bush ; and this dog , my dog .", "Myself the Man i \u2019 th \u2019 Moon do seem to be ."], "true_target": ["This lanthorn doth the horned moon present ;", "This lanthorn doth the horned moon present-"], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 2}, {"query": ["Could I but live them , rather than salt tears", "But \u2018 twas when his kind nephew did relieve him :", "Away , thou villain !", "Was chok 'd , and now it runs too fast ;", "Cannot the picture of my misery", "And makes \u2018 em big", "O , sir , care and ambition seldom meet ;", "That misery takes some rest that dwells alone ;", "Wound me , then , that will kill thee , if I can :", "Your hazard is now all pass 'd , sir .", "Richard , have you any further news yet from our shipping ? RICH Not yet , sir ; but by account from the last , when they put from Dover , this tide should bring them into Saint Catherine 's pool ; the wind has been friendly .", "Here I disclaim the title of a brother ;", "What idol kneels that heretic to ?", "Away again ; should not the sea sometimes", "Ne'er to so low an ebb was Foster driven .", "Your charity to a number of poor prisoners .", "Son-in-law , often complains and grudges at it ,", "Were not my ships in their full pride at Dover ;", "In loathsome prisons thus to starve and die .", "I prythee , bar me of no privilege", "Dam up thy mouth", "And fix them right to look upon that face ,", "With disinheritance for this disorder ?", "You were kind to him in his tatter 'd state ;", "O , speak not of them ! do not kiss and kill me ;", "I am sea-sick , sir , and heave my hands to heaven ;", "Why , did I ever cherish him ! have not I threaten 'd him", "Chiefly does arise : she has observed this in her", "Where love remains with pity , duty , grace .", "I know him not :", "O my misfortune ! never man like me", "Why , thy voice is good enough .", "Sir , your money shall be ready , and your bills ; other business I have none .", "Be thou engag 'd for any debts of his ,", "To pay thy virtues , love and charity .", "And th \u2019 other 's my brother .", "But what my love has done for him :", "The merchant 's casualty :", "That 's my son .", "Thou devil in red : com'st thou in scarlet pride", "Thine uncle sends defiance to my woe ,", "The loss of all that 's mine , with my dear curse .", "Alive and buried ?", "For rich men seldom meet with such distress :", "I have no son nor brother that esteems me ,", "Ha !", "Did not command it .", "To make by this sad prologue ? I am no traitor ,", "Let us be thrifty ; titles will faster come ,", "Well , well ! what book must I read over now ?", "I prythee , split me too .", "Break , and take Ludgate .", "If not , take off these leaves that cover me ,", "Dally not with torments ,", "Dear to me as", "Destruction meet thee ! Turn the key there , ho !", "Why , where are you , sir ?", "Purchase such fruitless recompence .", "For your own love 's sake : but to that my vow", "So much blood rise in 's cheeks ?", "Hence from my sight , dissembling villain ! go !", "Be it the worst , then : that place I did assign", "My heart still hates thee .", "Take your adoption with you , sir .", "For shame thou shouldst not make these white hairs sad :", "What has my poor boy done , that you have made", "He grows more kind , and he in wasting worse ;", "That they can take no hold upon your duty ?", "Hang thee , hang thee !", "What of him ? he 's in Ludgate again .", "Well fare rich widows , when such beggars flourish ;", "For nothing but a prison can contain him ,", "My unthrifty brother , Ludgate , must now be mine .", "And by that disclaim hast thou lost thy child 's part :", "I will not trust the iron hearts of men ;", "His decayed fortunes to a fair estate ;", "RICH I shall do both , sir .", "I chid , forbad . Still he holds on his course ,", "And damn 'd ; the devil 's thumbs stop thine ears !", "See , wife , here comes Richard ; now listen ,", "Upon my bed of riot , as he did ,", "I would you had enjoin 'd me some great labour", "Are all my words with you so light esteem 'd ,", "from his purse", "Thou bring'st this golden rubbish , which I spurn ;", "Or weighed his disposition to be kind ,", "Stands fix 'd against ; I 'm deaf , obdurate", "Forget this minute my forgetful hours .", "Sink me at once .", "A certain ready sum for your half traffic .", "Condition of my estate ; I 'm lately married", "I 'll take my blessing from thee whilst I live ,", "Hear me , sir ; I have of wares , that are now vendible ,", "Ay , by vulgar blemish , but not by any good account :", "Shall I meet you half-way ?", "From any further mischievous relation .", "Who will kill a man at Tyburn shortly .", "You must be out of prison first , sir .", "To swallow nearer home .", "Few married men are ignorant of .", "Wouldst thou strike ?", "Of nature 's drink , cold water , but to save", "I 'll be no father to so vile a son .", "Choke with thy dunghill-muck ! and vex me not .", "Enter ROBERT .", "Before I understood his virtuous mind ,", "With two yards of rope ; counterfeit two villains ;", "Undone for ever ! Where could this mischief fall ?", "Or from thy hand . Out , villain ! tell that cur ,", "You would not urge another addition .", "Do so .Come , sir , I yield myself your prisoner : You are the keeper of this Ludgate ?", "Good angels guard you , sir ; my prayers shall be", "Which , well I know , my cruel creditors", "Tell it : none 's stole . My woes can ne'er be told !", "I am sure you cannot but hear what quicksands", "Plays the lewd wanton with our dancing sails ,", "To punish that which has a pay from heaven :", "Her out . I had a limb cut from my body", "O , curse not ; they come too fast !", "My life one minute : whence should pity come ,", "When my best friends do beat it from this room ?", "Denied relief to him ; this child , kind and good ,", "Nay , will you see a present proof of it ?", "Hold , woman ! hold , prythee ! \u2018 tis none of his fault .", "I did that froward work ; this now great man", "He cannot be nam 'd without unthrifty , sir ;", "But now't has left me well , and I left it .", "Such a delivery heaven send us ;", "I prythee , get thee gone ,", "This air has a sweet breath , Master Brewen .", "Be partner with us , our wealth would swallow us .", "Bread , bread ! one penny to buy a loaf of bread for the tender mercy !", "No matter ; lands to him in heaven will fall .", "As is his love to me , and mine to him .", "But come not near my house ;", "Due to a free citizen : thou knowest me well ?", "There 's punishment for thee ; for thee there 's worse :", "And let them in my woes be buried .", "By concealing of his pilferings .", "If what is left they 'll take , do thou agree ;", "Cold water to my comfort , and wouldst thou", "Let him first pay his old score , and then reckon :", "Rise , mischief , rise ! Away , and get thee gone !", "No wonder , woman , he would do that in Ludgate ;", "So boundless is his riot : twice have I rais 'd", "And windows are of iron , and barr 'd to keep", "As his distressed uncle ; at this", "Ha ! what art thou ? Call for the keeper there ,", "This goodly apple has a rotten core .", "Better than your husband 's hate could wish me ,", "How , married ? No woman of repute would choose so slightly .", "With us . The wind brought it ; let the wind blow \u2018 t", "So !", "Yet , wife , I disinherited this boy .", "Of iron-hearted creditors , that force men lie", "But with as fruitless charity as if I had thrown", "If e'er I know thou keep'st him company ,", "In his loud thunder all the city over ;", "And know not the cause ?", "One penny for the tender mercy !", "And hear me crown 'd the wealthiest London merchant .", "A rose upon a bramble ? Did there e'er flow", "So much as will defray your utmost penny ;", "And I for ever hate their memory .", "My safe-landed substance back into the sea ;", "A waste-good , a spendthrift \u2014\u2014", "Of my abundant wealth . Now go with George .", "This worthy gentleman shall know the cause ,", "I 'll starve ere I eat bread", "How now , woman ? Wrecked in the haven of felicity ? What ail'st thou ?", "Get thee from my sight ,", "O wife , my losses are as numberless", "Believe me , sir , I account myself a large gainer by you .", "Shall I , like a full adventurer , now bid you", "We always venture on uncertain odds ,", "Ere it offend to look on thee .", "And I disdain 'd to know his brotherhood ,", "Had ever woven ; tell him I lie not so ,", "Makes prize of all his fingers \u2018 light upon", "Merchant , or wrack my estate for ever :", "But thou must come to scorn and laugh at it ?", "Here you shall dig, and find your lading .", "Stay !", "And venture is return 'd at sixtyfold increase .", "Enter MISTRESS FOSTER .", "I have seen the fair outside of this tomb before ;", "The brazen cannon proclaim the arrival", "To teach me how to play the hypocrite .", "They both would give me poison first in gold ,", "I think no less ,", "Thou fatal bird , no more .", "To relieve his unthrifty uncle .", "Listen their arrival , and bid the gunner speak it"], "true_target": ["Forgive me , my good boy , I went astray :", "Sirrah , when saw you my son Robert ?", "What can so baleful be , as thou wouldst seem", "Was an unthrifty wretch , a prodigal then ,", "Poor tyranny ! when lions weak lambs kill .", "Broadcloths , kerseys , cochineal , such as will not stay two days upon your hands .", "He has not , worthy sir ;", "\u2018 Tis in neither well , sir : for note but the", "Even now thy baleful utterance", "But time must ripen it . Are our accounts made even ?", "Get you both gone !", "Into a bad inn , and look for worse attendance :", "That yesterday had thousands , beg and cry", "Thy love for my sake ; I had rather bruise", "Thy barking uncle , that I lie not here", "That kill'st me with thine eyes . Nay , never kneel ;", "To get a penny : O my misery !", "Will you accept of them , and save this charge", "So oft , so chargeable , and so expensive ,", "Ay , ay , a beggar 's gallop up and down .", "Then stay , and listen to the prison-grate ,", "I hope so too ; his hate is better than his friendship .", "Tut , tut , these are babbles .", "Why , these", "And brother , too . O grief !", "I had thought you had been in Ludgate , sir ?", "Nor thou in 's company , if thou'lt obey :", "And thrust him out of doors , or lock me up .", "life ; I had a son", "For one in debt . How came you out of prison , sirrah ?", "My soul with torments for a thousand years ,", "Poison and health together in one tide ?", "Ay , and in good , I hope : this halcyon gale", "As the sea-sands that swallowed them ! And shall I ,", "And censure for us both with equity .", "But , wife , my wealth will five times double his", "To tread on thy poor brother in a jail ?", "Ha ?", "\u2018 Tis partly your fault , sirrah ; you see't and suffer it .", "A jail , a prison , a tomb of men lock 'd up ,", "To either of them .", "Thou art a beam i n't , and I 'll tear it out ,", "Ay , do ; let him sear up his arm , and scarf it up", "Tingle the merchants \u2019 ears at the report", "Let him requite it now .", "Fie , fie ! \u2018 tis fabulous .", "Before their hollow palms ten drops should hold", "O my dear wronged boy !", "For a beggar to beg , sir , is no shame ;", "Your duty did belong to me , and I", "Cut off that , thou cruel man ?", "I give him to you now , sir .", "What servile oar must I be tied to here ,", "Why , sir , if so you please , I 'll ease your cares ;", "Is there but one small conduit-pipe that runs", "As evenly we will lay our bosoms", "\u2018 Tis his proper epithet : would you conceit", "He finds out ; as dice , cards , pigeon-holes ,", "Will thunder on me . Go , get thee gone !", "Why , what 's the matter , woman ?", "I must plainly now confess , master alderman ,", "A present remedy . Sirrah , go call \u2018 em in :", "Or I shall curse thee , strike thee ; prythee , away !", "Shall I bid your venture at a venture ?", "What worse can woe report ?", "And lead a father 's love out of the way :", "So in one hour become full heir to two .", "Ay , sir , that work is good , and therein could I", "Thou canst not be to nature so uneven ,", "Are oracles , doubtful enigmas !", "I 'm born a man : reason may step aside ,", "My wealth is lost , now let them take my blood .", "Against my contradiction , did him relieve ,", "He 'd make my state his prodigality .", "I see mine error now . O , can there grow", "And thou must bring it . Hence ! thou basilisk ,", "And in that rage I threw away my son .", "And for the iron grate , it bears an emblem", "How can I choose ? Thou makest me mad :", "That heaven may bless you for this charity !", "Churl , beat not my poor boy ; let him not lose", "Although we bear hope 's emblem , the anchor ,", "I shall hear him cry there again shortly .", "Thy malice draw from him : see , here 's thy gold ;", "And that enjoy", "Or dress in pity some corrupted jade ,", "Do , sir , or turn your adoration that way ;", "If this old walnut-tree , after all this cudgelling ,", "My credit 's lost , my wealth the sea has swallowed ,", "Prythee , content thyself , I 'll see", "Cover 'd with all the villanies which man", "Was so thrown down and cast to misery .", "Removed from ; but this is not a place fit", "Of my infinite substance .", "For ever : evermore my blessings fly", "Nay , thou'lt be heard too far .", "To buy a venture , which the sea has soak 'd ;", "None comes to do me good ,", "There let him howl ; \u2018 tis the best stay he hath ;", "Throw dice at all , and either be a complete", "Why , sir , how should I minister remedy", "Ha ! is not this Ludgate ?", "My rage continued , as it had begun ,", "And he should kick me for my courtesy .", "In reckoning them , my sad griefs multiply ?", "Or if thou'lt laugh thy fill at my poor state ,", "The other 's in Ludgate .", "And which is more , should I not restrain it ,", "And all that you gave me , I do bestow ;", "I scorn 'd my child , now he may scorn his father .", "Wrack 'd at my door , even in the mouth o \u2019 th \u2019 Thames ;", "Be drawn , and hung out to the eyes of men ,", "And you , sir ?", "And hear thy father , an old wretched man ,", "But I am rid of half my ague now .", "So , so !", "If you like my payment , \u2018 tis the one-half in ready cash , the other seal 'd for six months .", "with vaporous embryo .", "Now , sir ,", "But ill shall they fare that flourish o'er such beggars .", "Not I , sir ; he 's a stranger to me . Save your knee ; I have no blessing for you .", "That laughs to see my back with sorrows bow :", "O , at what crevice , then , hath comfort ,", "But glad in this , the heavens mine eyeballs turn ,", "As our bottoms , with love as merchandise ,", "I have taken a surfeit of misfortunes , and here", "Bread , bread ! some charitable man remember the poor prisoners : bread for the tender mercy ! one penny !", "Sir , I have no such thing akin to me .", "Look , on my knees I beg it \u2014 not for joy", "I will : would he my wants relieve , I 'd scorn to take what he would yield to give . My heart be still my friend , although no other . I 'll scorn the help of either son or brother . My portion 's begging now : seldom before , In one sad hour , was man so rich and poor . FOOTNOTES :There were several works published about this time containing the results of the various writers \u2019 experiences and observations in the new plantations in America .You acquired citizenship in right of your father , and without personal service .An allusion to Godfrey of Boulogne or Bulloigne .Innocent , it must be remembered , in the language of our old dramatic writers , denotes an idiot .Doll Tearsheet says of Pistol , in the \u201c Second Part of Henry IV ., \u201d \u201c These villains will make the word captain as odious as the word occupy , which , was an excellent good word before it was ill-sorted , \u201d]\u201c Tallies , \u201d says Johnson , \u201c are sticks cut in conformity to others , by which accounts were kept . \u201d Jack Cade reproaches the Lord Say , \u201c with having caused printing to be used , whereas before no other books were made use of by their forefathers but the score and tally . And Cade has the Exchequer Office on his side , where accounts are still partially kept after this most barbarous fashion . \u201dThe name of a tooth-drawer , real or imaginary , who attended fairs . In 1592 Chettle printed his tract called \u201c Kindhart 's Dream . \u201d Dilke observes : \u201c I am inclined to think , however , that kind-heart was the \u2018 travelling name \u2019 of some notorious quack tooth-drawer , or a cant name given to the whole race of them . So the stage-keeper , in the induction to \u2018 Bartholomew Fair , \u2019 when expressing his fear of the author 's success , says : \u2018 He has ne'er a sword-and-buckler man in his fair , nor a little Davy , to take toll of the bawds there , as in my time ; nor a kind-heart , if anybody 's teeth should chance to ake in his play . \u2019 And further , it is part of the \u2018 covenant and agreement , \u2019 in the same induction , that the audience shall not \u2018 look back to the sword-and-buckler age of Smithfield , but content themselves with the present . Instead of a little Davy , to take toll of the bawds , the author doth promise a strutting horse-courser , with a leer drunkard , two or three to attend him in as good equipage as you would wish . And then for kind-heart the tooth-drawer , a fine oily pig-woman , with , \u2019 \u201d & c ., & c .The artemisia or southern wood is meant .Jane has been too successful in her play on the names and qualities of the flowers to have chosen this at random ; and I am inclined to think the following extract from the \u201c Winter 's Tale \u201d will serve to elucidate her meaning \u2014 \u201c The fairest flowers o \u2019 the season Are our carnations and streak 'd gilliflowers . Which some call nature 's bastards : of that kind Our rustic garden 's barren ; and I care not To get slips of them .", "This was your work , to let this bandog loose .", "Bread , bread ! some Christian man send back", "You say true ; \u2018 tis my enemy indeed .", "Upon my curse I charge no nearer come :", "From writs , arrests , and executions ,", "O torment to my soul ! what mak'st thou here ?", "Have but one cluster left , thou shalt have that too ;", "To a wealthy widow , from whom my substance", "Sir , if your daughter cast any eye of favour upon this unthrift , restrai n't , he 's a beggar . Mistress Jane , take heed what you do .", "I could preventyou : is't not my unthrifty brother ?", "And what English Charybdis has the devil digg 'd", "It was the hand of heaven struck me thus low ,", "But to make void that false construction .", "Whilst here in Ludgate I secure my body", "Join with your good intents ; but to relieve", "Him and thee I curse ;", "But all my wealth and state lies in the sea 's bottom .", "Indeed , that is a place you hardly can be", "I have no such fat legacy left me ,", "Manent STEPHEN and ROBERT .", "In prison rot with him ; my goods shall not", "Did he not say he 'd beg for you ? you 'd best make use of 's bounty .", "Than we shall wish to have them .", "And with thy diligence assist thy mistress", "And that which after me should bless thy \u2018 state .", "Like a sunbeam , crept in ? for all the doors", "I have no other end , sir ; let our factors peruse and deal for both .", "Go , send him in .", "It whole redounds again , for I am yours ;", "Ere this tide ebb again : I wonder I hear not", "Slave-like to tug within this Christian galley ?", "To keep that little left to help herself ;", "Yes , and my heart had every hour a fit ;", "Of wax and parchment ?", "Twenty thousand pounds ?", "This is the rich merchantman ;", "Sir , in a word take it : your full lading", "Pity , I mean , and duty .", "I shall gain much by you . The half of your ship", "What is it , sir ?", "Bread , bread , for the tender mercy ! one penny for a loaf of bread !", "To confiscate my goods : speak , whate'er it be .", "The gentleman is merry .", "I 'll see a fury first ; hence ! clap to the door , I pray thee .", "\u2018 Tis my curse then ; get thee out of mine eye :", "Pull off these white locks ! rend them from my head !", "But that she \u2014\u2014", "Why dost thou look so sadly ?", "If not , I am resolv 'd here to stay and die .", "And what foul broils such civil discords bring ,", "Beg under a hedge , and share your bounty :", "Undone for ever ! My credit I have crack 'd", "O , never !", "\u2018 Twill ne'er be music , \u2018 tis so full of frets .", "O , let my shame my bosom 's centre break ! Love is so young , it coys , but cannot speak .", "Content thee ; forgive her ; she 'll do so no more . She was a rich widow : a wife he 'll make her poor .", "Must swallow pills , with poison to recure me :", "And sound nothing when they are crack 'd ,", "Pray stay , sir , I have bethought me : let me once", "And I do thank it . Get thee gone , I say ,", "Prythee , no more ! I am come sick", "I pay for their meetings , I am sure : that boy", "Defrays my full cost .", "And may they both increase t \u2019 infinities ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["When she returns laden with merchandise ,", "More worth than twenty argosies", "And part of your treasure lies buried with him .", "Near Norton Folgate , therefore , have I bought", "I 'll once more move ,", "Enter OLD MASTER FOSTER and his WIFE .", "Your partner , sir .", "Enter GEORGE .", "A work which I have promis 'd unto heaven ;", "You seal those writings as assurance for the rest ,", "If my grave were capable of grief , sure it would , sir .", "A word , Master", "When he outbought my full share in the fraught ,", "You 're welcome , Mistress Foster .", "Yet I 'll do my best : your father hath so good news ,", "Nor doubtful hazard of an uncle 's kindness", "Whose travels this way bend , the hospital shall", "I rejoice at it , sir , and shall not grudge your gains ,", "Free succour be for three days and three nights", "Come , where 's Master Foster ? O , you lose time , sir ,", "Which I 'll give freely with a willing heart .", "We 'll visit them . Now , Jane , bid your friends welcome .", "Which is inseparable : he 's now in Ludgate , sir .", "Had I such a brother , I should think", "Well , sir , go call my daughter forth of the garden , and bid her bring her friend along with her : troth , sir , I must not leave you thus ; I must needs make him your son again .", "When such high waves do mount him .", "Since I can win no nearer friendship .", "Now , George ?", "In wares and money .", "Heaven take the glory ! a wondrous blessing ;", "With wares I lately from your brother bought :", "Nay , leave out th \u2019 adjective", "Unto your enemy . Look , here he comes .", "Of the world 's richest treasure .", "A better fate , sir ,", "Come , gentlemen , we 'll make few words about it :", "\u2018 Tis all I desire from thence . Sir , I can furnish you", "For I have given the work and house to heaven ,", "For succour to the poor ; for in all ages", "\u2018 Tis no more yet ; but then our fraught is full ,", "Well-said , wag ; are there sparks kindled ?", "Sojourn : diet", "And call 'd it Domus Dei , God 's house ;", "Unless it please your majesty to change it ,", "Though multiplied to thousands .", "Fie , fie , gentlemen ! this is not well ;", "Well , sir , I 'll follow you .", "Haste home , good lads , and return for the rest .", "as much in coin", "For I shall favour one for pity ,", "And safe deliver 'd with our customage .", "And when \u2018 tis finish 'd , o'er the gates shall stand", "In troth , the same .", "\u2018 Tis a most strange fate !", "And", "Nor think , sir ,", "But women 's tongues are dangerous stumbling-blocks", "So , sir , you have clos 'd it well ; if so ill it prove ,", "The Lord Mayor and Aldermen stay at the Guildhall", "Leave it to proof , and wish not misery", "Who with my lord the Cardinal comes along", "\u2018 Tis impossible ; they rid at Dover safe", "O , no more , no more , good sir !", "A sheriff of London .", "Where", "And your son Robert a natural nephew 's part", "Not in my house ; I pray , be quiet , gentlemen .", "Thy uncle 's state ! how , for heaven 's love ?", "Let me entreat .", "And I am satisfied for this time .", "That I shall soon resolve you , sir . Enter FACTORS . Come hither , George .", "Now , my kind partner , have we good news ?", "That rich men by giving may increase their store .", "To see the dedication of my house ,", "For my best charity to work upon :", "Does he ? Prythee , request himGentlemen , please you taste the sweetness of my garden awhile , and let my daughter bear you company .", "Mine is returned . George , here 's a new business ; you and Richard must deal for some commodities betwixt us ; if you find \u2018 em even gain or but little loss , take carriage presently , and carry \u2018 em home .", "Ill news ? what is't ?", "Yonder 's my daughter busy with her suitors ;", "All this may be , sir ; yet examples daily show", "Jane , bring your friends to th \u2019 door .", ";", "To touch you with somewhat that concerns you .", "I find your purpose ; you 'd have your warehouses empty for the receipt of your full fraught : I 'll be your furtherer ; make so your rates that I may be no loser .", "There must be such .", "As to elect you for the following year", "We 'll talk of that anon . See , sir , here comes you wife .", "Will speak calm and smooth ; you must help with hope , sir :", "I lately from your brother brought , are all your own .", "For to stand idly by ; for I have vow 'd ,", "Then you have bargain 'd , George ?", "Is yet but young .", "To sunder your blessings and his duty .", "Ay , and I 'd make you gainer by it , too ;", "You have my hand and heart to't , be she pleased so .", "If that name offend , I 'll sing that tune no more .", "Gramercy , Dick , thou mak'st a good construction ;", "I call it Domus Dei .", "For then would I lay by my trouble , and begin", "Mother-o \u2019 - pearl ! sir , \u2018 tis a shrewd task ;", "They both are suitors , sir , yet both shoot wide ;", "My vows flew up to heaven , that I would make", "Built for the weary travellers to rest in ;", "Go , go , and rest on Venus \u2019 violets :", "The wind may turn , sir .", "That I hope \u2018 twill be a fair motive to't ;", "So : now request you Master Foster in , George ; but hark ! does that news hold his own still , that our ships are so near return , as laden on the Downs with such a wealthy fraughtage ?", "If now a string be touch 'd , which hath too long", "And the loudest roarer", "Prythee , be merry with them then awhile , if but for courtesy ; thou hast wit enough : but take heed they quarrel not .", "Then be not angry , gentle sir ,", "With me , sir ? and most welcome ; I rejoice to see you .", "Blazon of my estate ; but \u2018 tis no matter now ;", "Where good deeds are , there heaven itself doth dwell .", "Enter STEPHEN and ROBERT .", "Man is too weak to bound himself below ,", "At this advantage of my love to you", "Live in more charity , he is your brother ;", "Be they vendible , sir , I am your chapman :", "Mother-o \u2019 - pearl !Woman , shew your husband the cause ."], "true_target": ["And", "Ere your return to Master", "Now , daughter , where are your lusty suitors ?", "Nay , good sir , put up your sword .", "This may help happily to make all peace :", "To our eyes that prodigals return at last ;", "Faith , my old suit \u2014 to reconcile those breaches", "Here comes his father .", "Fie , fie !", "Most free and faithfully I dedicate .", "As shall , for three days more , defray their further travel :", "Show her a dozen of bachelor 's buttons , boy .", "Quench \u2018 em not for me : \u2018 tis not a father 's roughness ,", "Some pious work in the brass book of fame ,", "\u2018 Tis merchant-like and fair . George , you observe this ? Let the contents be drawn .", "You have scared the suitors from the mark , sir .", "Where 's my factor ?", "Sir , I acknowledge receipt of my full half debt ,", "And how does your uncle , Master Foster ?", "For in my zealous faith I know full well ,", "So we 'll participate in merchandise .", "I 'll bring it abroad again , ere it be long .", "Troth , sir , to honour me , I thank his highness ,", "O fie ! not so .", "Nay , then , you are too impenetrable .", "What are they , Master Foster ?", "This is a maxim sure , Some are made poor ,", "Stood at your elbow .", "Nay , sir , you must not stay at quantity ,", "And dedicate St Mary 's Hospital ;", "Here 's your exchange : and , as in love ,", "I now would wind it to a musical height .", "A house , a Domus Dei shall be rais 'd ,", "Well , daughter , well ; say a third trouble come ; say in the person of young Master Foster here came a third suitor : how then ?", "Touching the entertainment of the king ,", "Much good may it be to you , sir : but one thing", "O , keep us strong against these flowing tides !", "Foster .", "That I do tax your labours and mean myself", "Expecting you , as well to set down order", "Now heaven forbid !", "As , heaven be thanked , it still does !", "Mother-o \u2019 - pearl ! I rejoice i n't : this news", "Look you , sir , know you this duty ?", "Enter JANE .", "A sufficient gainer by my venture , sir .", "The other for your love 's sake .", "Please you go see them , for I would fain divide you ,", "Are the wares ready ?", "Pray you , do , sir .", "A good resolve : but now I must be bold", "return him back to love .", "There 's duty unregarded , while envy struts", "Not meeting fortune that comes to kiss you !", "Twelve thousand five hundred pounds ; it now remains", "So , so ,", "O , no quarrelling , I beseech you , gentlemen ! the reputation of my house is soiled if any uncivil noise arise i n't .", "In too much state : believe me , gentlemen ,", "And witness with me , noble gentlemen \u2014", "This unto heaven \u2014 be you testator , good my liege ,", "If heaven but bless this voyage now abroad ,", "What , are the square stones and timber brought , as I appointed ?", "Would they were cover 'd , George ; \u2018 tis too public", "And now all 's lost .", "Which shall to doomsday be established", "Where stands three hundred beds for their relief ,", "Good sir , speak of anything but this .", "\u2018 Twixt your kind son and you : let not the love", "and lodging , both sweet and satisfying :", "Nay , good sir , let not me be so employ 'd ,", "Merchants in bargaining must not , like soldiers", "Gentlemen , you 're welcome ; that once well-pronounced has a thousand echoes . Let it suffice , I have spoke it to the full . Here 's your affairs , here 's your merchandise \u2014 this is your prize . If you can mix your names and gentle bloods With the poor daughter of a citizen , I make the passage free , to greet and court , Traffic the mart of love , clap hands , and strike The bargain through ; she pleas 'd , and I shall like .", "Look , Master Foster ; turn your eye that way ;", "He wants no good from thee \u2014 no , not in report :", "My ears are guilty to hear such discords .", "Nay , good sir .", "With meat , drink , and some money , when they part ;", "Is scantier far than gold ; and one mine of that", "That might till doomsday lengthen out my name .", "I know not which to chide first .", "Nay , then you underrate your own value much : will you make it thirty ?", "Come , come ,", "And paid me down near thirty thousand pounds", "That shall preserve my name alive till doomsday .", "But strike at the first parley .", "Enter STEPHEN 'S WIFE .", "Till he forfeit the name of brother ,", "Go , get you together ; your father will be coming ; leave me with your suit to him , ply this yourself : and , Jane , use him kindly ; he shall be his father 's heir , I can tell you .", "How fare ye , gentlemen ? what cheer , sir knight ?", "Believe me , sir , he has answer 'd you well .", "But how , have you parley 'd with my daughter , sir ?", "I meet you there , sir : for five-and-twenty thousand pounds the full venture 's yours .", "The theme of all her time , with goodness mix 'd ,", "Why , I commend thee still ;", "Ground to erect this house , which I will call", "Broadcloths and wools , and other rich commodities ,", "Let him be ever blessed that sent! George , now call in the young man ; and hark ye , George , from him run to my partner , and request him to me . This news , I 'm sure , makes him a joyful merchant ; for my own part , I 'll not forget my vow . This free addition heaven hath lent my state , As freely back to heaven I 'll dedicate . Enter ROBERT FOSTER . Ay , marry , sir , would this were a third suitor to My daughter Jane ! I should better like him than All that 's come yet . Now , Master Foster , are Your father and yourself yet reconcil 'd ?", "To lie in the way of peace .", "Well , well !", "The happy woman that was never vex 'd .", "Lying at a siege , stay moneths , weeks , days ,", "Beshrew me , if I grudge it , being myself", "My daughter , sure , must be your kinsman 's bride .", "He needs would buy my part at any rate ;", "Can me deter . I must to your father ;", "Especially at home ; that golden traffic , love ,", "That heaven had made him as an instrument", "\u2018 Tis well done , sir , and you show duty i n't .", "To relieve his poor uncle .", "These are my ends : to all distressed Christians ,", "Does he rob !In troth , I commend him .", "Foster , call my daughter forth of the garden .", "I claim a third by this bond 's virtue ;", "In capital letters , these words fairly graven ,", "At your own good pleasure .", "He shows unto his uncle be any more a bar", "To leave some memorable relic after me ,", "Sounded so harshly over all the city ;", "Your brother , sir \u2014 \u2018 tis he that I would speak of .", "Faith , I desire none ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Put into the river . Master Foster , your partner ,", "Master Foster 's coming , sir .", "But by a merciless storm they all were swallowed ,", "Yes , and delivered , sir , to Master Foster 's servants , who conveyed them in carts to the Custom House , there to be shipped ; but going with them , sir , I met ill news .", "Their anchors up , and so to come for London ;", "Hath now receiv 'd more such intelligence , with", "They shall , sir .", "To the quantity of a penny , if his agree with mine . What 's yours , Richard ?", "Sir , here 's young Master Foster requests to speak with you .", "And the ware carried home , sir ; you must look", "But all the goods were lost .", "By Master Foster 's own appointment , sir , they weighed"], "true_target": ["I shall .", "To be little gainer ; but lose you cannot .", "purpose to", "Here , sir .", "Which , had he not done , you had lost your venture .", "Even in the Thames 's mouth : yet the men were sav 'd ,", "68 pieces at B , ss , and l ; 57 at l , ss , and o .", "Your venture is return 'd with treble blessings .", "Yes , sir , and the next tide", "Old Master Foster 's ships , so richly laden ,", "By strange misfortune , sir , are cast away .", "Yes , sir , and the workmen that daily ply the work are in number fourscore at least .", "Most o \u2019 the particulars of your merchandise ;"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Of goods .", "Good sir , resolve not thus ; return again ,", "I would you could conceit it , that I might", "Some men were sav 'd , but not one pennyworth", "Dear sir , be patient !", "And entrance of the Thames they were all cast away .", "Even in the mouth", "Five hundred sixty pounds . Read the gross sum of your broadcloths .", "This morning , sir ; he said he would go visit his uncle .", "I dare not call them so ; he is my second master ,", "I speak a screech-owl 's note . O , you have made", "Unto yourself , than by loving your son .", "I never could speak worse ."], "true_target": ["Nor know I better how to express my love", "Your debts are not so great that you should yield", "The most unhappiest bargain that ever merchant did !", "I 'll do my best , sir , to procure your peace .", "And methinks \u2018 tis far above my limits", "Your body thus to prison unconstrain 'd .", "Either to check or to complain of him .", "Not speak it .", "But the worst accent that ever you heard ;", "Sir , mine 's a servant 's duty , his a son 's ;", "Just : lead nineteen ton .", "Now you 've spoke it half ;", "\u2018 Tis sinking I must treat of : your ships are all sunk ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["My death would be a jubilee to some .", "Then worldly care did so o'erload my weakness ,", "Good sir , so hope , for I from heaven espy", "Crosses of this foolish world", "The charitable office of his kind nephew", "I could not be so cross 'd ; never at quiet ,", "How can they but o'erwhelm me ? He keeps a son ,", "The subjection of his whole estate : he did not", "Than it is now grown light", "So oft as widows marry , they are accurs 'd .", "It will be charity in you to spend ,", "Full and fair sails , no wrecks you e'er did dread ,", "Is critical to me .", "O my heart ; gossip , do you see this ? Was ever", "You would not waste your words in so vain expense :", "His uncle in the dicing-house ; for which", "Will be proud of little , and shoulder at the best .", "But I 'll complain , sir , where I will be heard .", "Even at my birth , and do still attend me .", "You have a light heart , gossip .", "That makes my state his prodigality ;", "Though I should give you a day to", "But love to that I had ; he now neglects", "May heavenly blessings guard you from all ill :", "Is now consum 'd to half .", "That art the mark unto the wrath of heaven :", "How will this upstart beggar shoulder up ,", "O , \u2018 tis your son , sir !", "To have been born a viper , and eat thy way", "Husband !", "Ay , ay , physicians \u2018 minister with ease ,", "O friend and gossip , where are you ? I am", "In Ludgate again shortly .", "Then all the kindness that he would apply ,", "And that shall disinherit thee , if thy father", "Thinking no joy till I had got a husband .", "I 'll make thy father turn thee out for ever ,", "Never a happy hour , not a minute 's content .", "Or else I 'll make him wish him in his grave .", "Your brother \u2014 your good brother , sir \u2014\u2014", "As I do grieve the kindred ; but I 'd make", "Who with his pilfering purloin 'd from me ,", "Still flows the tide of my unhappiness ;", "It is my gossip , man , the rich", "Scorn him still !", "You 'll keep you happy in your widowhood .", "Go , go , sir ; follow your uncle-father ,", "Never was woman vex 'd as I am still .", "It again may rise .", "You 'll witness with me , gossip , where I 've found him .", "Though you regard not of my just complaints ,", "Ere thou shouldst vex me thus .", "And fill this fatal stream , and poison her for ever .", "Let me curse somewhere , wretch , or else I 'll throw", "Gentle brother .", "By carts that may arise ;", "Mother ? hang thee , wretch ! I bore thee not ;", "I , to want and scorn !", "Let me turn my vengeance all on thee ; thou", "At my conception , and \u2018 twill never quench ,", "He laughs at you .", "Would any woman , \u2018 less to spite herself ,", "Will know no eldership .", "\u2018 Bout what you will ; heav'n , I am sure , prospers it ;", "That I must have a second stay ; I chose again ,", "And put thee a coffin into the cart", "intending for good uses .", "Woman thus abus 'd ?", "Had he been a husband , sir , I had no cause .", "Sweet husband !", "Neither in love to me , nor", "I cannot hold a joint still ! Dost wisp me , thou tatterdemalion ? I 'll do your errands ! if I have a husband . O that I could spit wild-fire ! My heart ! O my heart ! if it does not go pantle , pantle , pantle in my belly , I am no honest woman : but I 'll do your errands !", "Since his last reformation , he has flown", "to complain : I threw down at his feet", "Take Newgate rather .", "Endure the dressing with patience .", "Ay , thou know'st it well enough ; He 's the conduit-pipe", "No , he 's in Highgate ; he struts it bravely \u2014", "There would be bonfires made to warm defame :", "You may , sir ;", "And who is't , think you ? nay , you cannot guess ,", "With joy and comfort of this happy sight .", "Nor e'er felt any ; but even close ashore ,", "And between both my goods are swallowed up .", "While I have heat in me . Would I were cold !", "For I ne'er saw hour of comfort since I knew thee .", "Go , go to your uncle , sir ; you know where to find him ; he 's at his old haunt ; he wants more money by this time ; but I think the conduit-pipe is stopped from whence it ran .", "Wert thou mine own , I 'd see thee stretch 'd", "Ay , ay , be wise , Mistress Jane ; do not you trust to spleen in time worn to pity ,you 'll not find it so ; therefore , good gentlewoman , take heed .", "But beggars", "Rather than thus be thwarted for mine own .", "And there begins my griefs to multiply .", "I 'm sure you have heard the news ; he 's married , forsooth .", "You cannot see from whence your comforts come :", "And take the wall of you ! his new-found pride", "An alderman 's pace at least .", "Here comes your brother 's wife . Welcome , dear sister .", "But I am ever cross 'd : you have been bound", "The full quantity that I brought amongst \u2018 em", "Did not I tell you so ? ay , ay , there 's good counsel between you ; the one would go afoot to hell , the other the horseway .", "Ay , ay , sir , your tongue cannot defame his reputation .", "Your second choice will differ from the first ;"], "true_target": ["Them all on thee ; \u2018 tis thou , ungodly slave ,", "For this sad croak .", "Is suffer 'd to lay waste those worldly blessings ,", "Through thy mother 's womb into the world ,", "Into your smarting wounds ; therefore , dear husband ,", "I know not where to ease me .", "O thou fatal raven ! let me pull thine eyes out", "I grew into my longing peevishness .", "riddle it :", "Full fourteen years I liv 'd a weary maid ,", "The one the hand , the other is the maw ;", "Although the patient do receive in pain :", "So much profane the sacred name of wedlock :", "preserving me", "No , no , \u2018 tis thine , thou wretch ; and therefore", "Do , do , we have paid for't aforehand .", "Why do you not perform it ?", "The keeper is your friend , and pours true balm", "Than to tempt my displeasure .", "I 'll have no eyes to see .", "All ominous stars were in conjunction", "Try , try , you shall not need to wish ;", "To him a brother , one of the city scandals .", "Ay , \u2018 tis up now , the next step down .", "That throws it forth into the common shore .", "And made room for that the sea hath drunk before thee .", "Do you observe , sir , he will not know you now ? Jockey 's a gentleman now .", "By all the rightful laws , heavenly or humane \u2014", "No ; he 's in my house , approving to my face", "Why dost not speak ? hast lost thy tongue ?", "You may well shame ,", "Shall I not live to breathe a quiet hour ?", "Ay , sister , he and you may set", "No , no , no ; he does this to spite me ; as who should say ,", "Or if the hangman die , he may have his office .", "The stars shoot mischief , and every hour", "O'erladen with my griefs , and but in your bosom", "I do , indeed , for all .", "An arm to pluck you from this misery .", "Would I could think but of one joyful hour !", "I thriv 'd ere I knew thee .", "In a hard father 's bosom !", "Nothing could please : soon after it he died .", "Nay , I pray you , friend , bear me company a little this way ; for into this dicing-house I saw my good son-in-law enter , and \u2018 tis odds but he meets his uncle here .", "Thy enemies will laugh , and scorn thy fall .", "Hast made hot haste to empty all my warehouses ,", "You 'll sing another song , and bear a part", "But many afflictions I have borne for thee :", "Has set him at liberty ; if this may be suffer 'd ,", "Maid , wife , and widow , and wife again \u2014 have spread", "Ay , that 's it mads me too .", "Some awkward star threw out 's unhappy fire", "The very quintessence of discretion :", "Do so ; choose here then . O my heart ! but I 'll do your errand ! O that my nails were not pared ! but I 'll do your errand ! Will you go , gossip ?", "Which I enclosed long ,", "Yet stay and hear him . O unnatural strife", "Out again , and in my sight relieved", "In my grief 's descant , when you 're vex 'd at heart :", "I 'll lie with him , I 'll warrant him .", "Why ,", "I 'll rouse \u2018 em up ,", "I would I were a beggar with content", "Yes , worse than all ,", "But you are wise to heed at others \u2019 harms ;", "For three great voyages , yet ne'er run aground \u2014", "Cannot be great .", "May serpents breed ,", "I 'm sunk , and \u2018 midst of all my wealth made poor .", "Of those offices .", "I had been a fishwife in my younger days .", "Widow of Cornhill .", "Nay , sir , I will be heard :", "The one a stranger , the other a servant \u2014", "A dove to couple with a stork , or a lamb a viper ?", "Out , raggamuffin ? dost thou talk ? I shall see thee", "Ay , I am well recompens 'd to complain to you ? Had you such a kindred \u2014\u2014", "Or no husband to me .", "Did never grieve my heart with torments more ,", "Nay , he 'll approve his good deeds , I warrant you .", "I 'll see thee hanged first .", "A woman , in whose breast I 'd thought had liv 'd", "Are you my husband ? then is she his wife .", "That 's neither grave nor wise ;", ",", "Marry me for love 's sake , nor for pity ;", "Ne'er had woman more sinister fate ;", "From other injuries , both which you 're tied to", "Be an honest man : thou hadst been better", "I would I could ! I would I had ne'er seen thee ,", "The love he had before : a prodigal", "Besides , your debts being truly counted", "Help him to spend what thrift has got together ;", "I had one lov 'd me well , and then ere long", "Unless seven witches had set spells about me ,", "Because your charity it was to lend .", "Either he shall be no father to him ,", "Nay , sir , if you knew all ,", "Would I could ! that I might laugh another while :", "I think the devil 's mine enemy .", "Ay , ay , you may make mirth of my sorrow .", "No son nor brother ; for they deserve neither", "But your dim eyes so thick with tears do run ,", "O , you were born to wealth and happiness ;"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["And should dispersed be through all men 's hands .", "Sir , I am your opposite .", "To buy meat for a poor bird I have ,", "O me !", "To make the burden lighter .", "O my abortive fate !", "Good sir , I 'm gone ; I will not stay to grieve you .", "Have made my satisfaction .", "Yet must confess , as it was well , \u2018 twas ill ;", "Your heat of burning sorrow , I have got", "Two hundred pounds , and glad it is my lot", "That means to visit London .", "What tortures dost thou feel ! Earth ne'er shall find", "To nail me to the earth , if I relieved", "Whilst thus you live in moan .", "What shall I say ? Accept my hand and heart ,", "My charity ! you can a virtue name ,", "To lay them all on my own .", "I first adopted was , charity was there :", "Whose anger now so great is multiplied ,", "Your credit is the better , uncle .", "reliev 'd my poor uncle ;", "So far aside ; if custom lawful make ,", "I 'll buy more blessings : take thou all my store ,", "Now mine own father here must beg for bread ,", "Bethink yourself , sir , of some course that might", "I come to thrust my back under your load ,", "I will depart , and wish I soon may die ;", "A son 's duty even beneath", "And love unto my uncle : as well you may", "I him relieving was thrust forth of door .", "I would I were divided in two halves ,", "O me , my shame ! I know that voice full well ;", "Son to mine uncle by adoption ;", "Even what your grace shall please to make of me :", "O my poor father ! This loss will break his back .", "Fame will soon speak it loud , sir .", "You would not scorn me so . See , sir , to cool", "O happy comfort ! curses to the ground", "But , uncle , you must not then heap", "O , if I be thus hateful to your eye ,", "Tied in a true love 's knot , never to part .", "Nay , good uncle !", "Dear sir , for pity hear me .", "Though my estate be poor , revenues scant ,", "To put the arbitration . I have again", "From this sad place of Ludgate here I freed", "His fall'n repute ; he rag 'd ; I did it still ,", "He 's hard at hand , I saw him coming", "I thank you both . Uncle , what my joy conceives , I cannot utter yet .", "I am glad you 're merry , uncle ; but this is fix 'd", "Which now", "Bid me", "For I would take all sorrows from your back ,", "Enter STEPHEN .", "Your fortunes .", "They love not heaven , nor him that dwells above it ;", "What was my father 's , striving thereby to save", "Get you gone , varlets , or there 's hold to be taken !", "Yet let your blessing , sir , but fall on me .", "Nor with gunpowder neither , i \u2019 faith ; yet I 'll make you yield , if I can .", "But not at dice nor drabbing .", "That sits so sadly in the cage of late ,", "Since he so hates my sight ! the prison door ,", "What was good in you , makes sin in me .", "Good troth , sir , I 'll have none o n't back ,", "Yes , sir .", "How bitter is thy taste ! yet I will drink", "You lost the whole bedstead .", "That by which man up in a minute flies ,", "After my father 's most unnatural part", "By his late marriage to the wealthiest widow", "Whilst I have any left , you shall not want .", "I crave but your blessing with me , sir .", "Good uncle ! alas !", "Ay , but your course , uncle ?", "For where my duty fail 'd , my love was strong .", "And I am back expuls 'd into despair .", "Were most unnatural that should hate the dam .", "Nay , good uncle , throw not foul language ;", "Sir , \u2018 twas my business in your courteous tongue", "love :", "Befit your estate , and let me guide it .", "To lay it down with reverence at your feet ;", "For I thereby ruin 'd my own estate :", "If man to man join not a love on earth ,", "This is but heat , sir , and I doubt not but", "Of his good fortunes .", "For by the violent instigation", "Alack the day !", "O , knew you for your woes what pains I feel ,", "With the Lord Mayor and Aldermen .", "You 'll say my father did it : O , throw away", "\u2018 Tis now blotted quite :", "I was the son to this distressed father ,", "I shall be plucking at your honesty .", "It shall not need ; I 'll not deny that I was with my uncle .", "To take from a father for an uncle 's food", "You shall have love to boot too , sweet Jane .", "You were born", "Why , forty shillings , uncle , shall not keep back", "Dear sir ,", "Which gapes for comers-in , that mouth of hell ,", "I think he 'll die for sorrow .", "Why for my good am I thus paid with hate !", "How cheap are good prayers ! a poor penny buys", "In laws of love and nature , how much rather", "But that mine uncle throws me forth of door ,", "O my dear father , hither am I come ,", "That London had ; who has not only made him", "First struck me : now with blessings I am crown 'd .", "And threw me from his love ; then I became", "You were best go fish for better manners , or I shall bob for eelswith you .", "Uncle , is this the reformation that you promised me ?", "An uncle , and I lost a father for it ;", "I 'll tell you that in your ear .", "Look you , uncle , there 's forty shillings for you .", "Each hath a knee for duty , the other for petition .", "Mother , I am sorry you have trod this path .", "I get a blessing from my father 's hands .", "Tut ! that bond shall ne'er be cancell 'd , sir .", "He has no weapon .", "You know , when you lay here , I succour 'd you ,", "love my maker , and neglect", "You could not use me worse than you do ."], "true_target": ["From me their griefs take their original .", "Sir , \u2018 tis not want I fear , but want of blessing", "Since part was mine having adoption ;", "such fuel .", "Would cut my hand off .", "I am sure he 's now , sir .", "For that I come", "I 'd be loth to anticipate the fame", "Father , let 's fly the thunder of his rage .", "You cannot make a separation , sir ,", "Well in my love , methought , ill to my fate ,", "You have fair roses , have you not .", "O me ! mine uncle sees me .", "Come , Roger , will you go ?", "O misery ! is nature quite forgot ?", "And for mine uncle \u2014\u2014", "For the same cause he took me in before ,", "But in his brow , his bounty and behaviour", "Shut me out with a churlish cold farewell :", "Till your persuasions", "Never to call or bless me as a child ;", "Charity 's a virtue generally stands ,", "That foul excuse ; let not discretion stray", "Faith , aunt , \u2018 tis gone ;", "Not like a threat'ning storm t \u2019 increase your wrack ,", "In thunder on me , threatening with black storms", "I should be glad to wrong you so , uncle .", "So that might reconcile your harsh division .", "Baffled , revil 'd , and disinherited :", "Might I abridge an uncle for a father ?", "I dare not venture in the eye of either ,", "I am the suppliant plaintiff , royal Henry ;", "Confirms my hopes as rich as with my father 's ,", "I joy at mine uncle 's happiness , widow .", "I did ; would I might never see man more ,", "Such is my duty ; a strong correlative", "You are sav 'd , believing so : your belief 's true .", "I read it all most plainly .", "I 'll feed my father ; though , like the pelican ,", "Not forgetting my duty to my father :", "Was play 'd on misery 's stage , mine uncle comes", "Betwixt an uncle and a nephew 's love ;", "For still the richest does despise his heir ,", "Nor were those wasted goods only your own ,", "son 's ;", "Of my cruel stepmother , his vows and oaths", "Why , man ?", "Unto my uncle \u2014 why , he 's half yourself .", "About the entertainment of the king ,", "So let me now help him .", "And teach the use , yet never knew the same .", "From his commission ; I to my uncle gave", "Could but one penny of it save my life .", "To cool this rage with my obedience :", "Then would you keep't alone ? For when your heir", "Ache but your finger , I , to make it well ,", "outweighs my father 's far ,", "Until he took his paternity off ,", "Lord of herself , but of her whole estate .", "To your impartial censure for a doom .", "So toss 'd betwixt two fathers , yet knows not one ;", "Thy strongest poison : fret what mischief can ,", "Unhappy fate , my lord ; yet thus I plead :", "I fear not that fate neither ; but if I walk into your garden , I shall be tasting your sweets .", "Alas ! I mock ye not , but come in love", "Heaven can tell ,", "Then do me right , my lord , yet do no wrong ,", "To bless us both ; my knee shall practise", "I was going , sir ,", "He dares not do't abroad , believe me , sir .", "I can instruct you so far , sweet beauty .", "Feed him , myself must beg . O misery ,", "Till you have conferr 'd with him .", "O listen , uncle ! That 's my poor father 's voice .", "My sweet mistress !", "Are stamp 'd against me , ne'er to acknowledge me ,", "Were I your own ,", "That shortly will o'erspread the city", "My father once being rich , and uncle poor ,", "I broke his precepts , and did unchildly swerve", "Beats sorest \u2018 gainst my bosom . If \u2018 twere good", "The creature which he hath bid me", "Betwixt the duty that belongs to me", "Nay , prythee , Roger , do not cry .", "Let pity then for me turn to yourself :", "Now is my father here , whom if I succour ,", "Mine uncle being rich ; and yet , if I", "But tell me one thing I apprehend not : why didst lay thy cap upon the sword 's point ?", "Who likewise that hath ta'en away again ,", "Dear uncle .", "Sir , so well ,", "Then sin were lawful for example sake ;", "There shall no augurism fright my plain dealing : sweet , I fear no hours .", "To support a weak house falling to decay .", "I 'll help my father , though myself grow poor .", "Gladness o'erwhelms my heart ! With joy I cannot speak !", "I 'll help thy wants , although thou curse me still .", "I beseech you , sir , let not me see him", "My knee was bent for ; for mine uncle 's state ,", "O my soul ,", "If he knew me , sure he would not say so ;", "Although his blessing ne'er return to me .", "I 'll keep no coin , and see my father poor .", "Yet I have comfort , if by any means", "I peck mine own breast for him .", "I then must lose my uncle 's love and favour .", "A son so true , yet forc 'd to be unkind .", "Sir , it was my duty to let my uncle loose .", "And thrown me back to poverty : never was son", "How errs your judgment then ? seeing , you see ,", "You may do a good office , and make yourself a peaceful moderator betwixt me and my angry father , whom his wife hath moved to spleen against me .", "And natural duty , sir , to beg your blessing ;", "\u2018 Las , sir ! that lamb", "And mounts to heaven .", "His love excepted only .", "Giving you all the comely dues of parents ; yet", "No comfort in the world to me is sweet ,", "Where'er I meet him , he shall have my knee ,", "with fair excuse", "For this my father 's hate I might deserve ,", "Kind gentlewoman , you have some patience .", "Misconstrue not , I beseech you .", "How now ? what 's the matter ?", "Your blessing 's all I crave .", "My poor old father ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["I 'll turn him forth of doors : make him thy heir ,", "The next time I meet thee , though it be i \u2019 the street ,", "Unpardonable in me , should I not succour him !", "The keeper knows my mind . Wife , I have paid", "The plumbers and the workmen have survey 'd", "Dice , mine host . Is there no other room empty ?", "But pray resolve me , master alderman ,", "Thou sayest most right :", "Hath justly now rewarded him .", "You 'd venture that my coz might call you father .", "to upbraid me with that scorn", "I 'll gild thy painted posts", "That churlish wretch your father , that has taken", "From my love 's eye-watch ; too worthy to be fil 'd", "Why , I 'll beg for thee , boy ;", "\u2018 Tis all the portion I have . I have nothing to maintain me but my wit ; my money is too little , I 'm sure .", "I should do , knew he me , as I would know him .", "When drops but fell on me , thou poison 'd it :", "To lock the prison doors or let them loose :", "But after this day , I protest , coz , you shall never see me handle those bones again ; this day I break up school : if ever you call me unthrift after this day , you do me wrong .", "As proudly as the best . O , \u2018 twere a sin", "Come , wife . Go not to see your father , sir ,", "To laugh and triumph at my misery ;", "Thy soul on prisoners \u2019 prayers shall mount to heaven .", "And my care must be now to fetch them in .", "Yet , since they lay that load on me , I 'll bear it ,", "He would not cast out a poor line of thread ,", "And rail 'd against the boy , but my heart says", "Howe'er rough storms did in my brows appear ,", "Lamb me no lambs , sir !", "I 'll let out your leases for you , if you 'll allow me the power , I 'll warrant you .", "I 'll give you cause , I 'll warrant you .", "I think so too ; I have played at passage all this while , now I 'd go to hazard .", "But , for his father , hang him !", "We fear no counters now , mine host , so long as we have your bale so ready .Come , trip .", "I take him , and to him back do give", "I 'll hug thee in mine arms : lose life and limbs ,", "On time 's best record , a woman and a child .", "I have forgot that e'er I had such follies ,", "Why , gramercy , coz .Now if the dice do run right , this forty shillings may set me up again : to lay't on my back , and so to pawn it , there 's ne'er a damn 'd broker in the world will give me half the worth o n't : no , whilst \u2018 tis in ready cash , that 's the surest way : seven is better than eleven ; a pox take the bones !an they will not favour a man sometimes .", "In all thy deeds thou'rt govern 'd with good stars ;", "Had rais 'd itself by an uncertain fate ,", "Cousin , grieve", "Well may he speed , sir . Lambskin and Speedwell . Ha ! is't so ? I think I shall give you a medicine to purge this itch of love , sir .", "If you can supply me , sir , I 'll be your chapman .", "Pipes", "And I 'll proclaim thy baseness to the world ;", "In list of love , for such a bedfellow ,", "One small thing more \u2014 remorse of my own state ,", "Yes , as he did me ,", "If you 'll have my love .", "and , sirrah ,", "My throat ? Darest thou in despite", "My heart is full : I could e'en weep ,", "As full and free as I myself had sown", "And much ado they had from pouring down .", "You shall have one with some , an \u2019 you have me .", "And that his father be offended with him ,", "Prythee , take him from the grate ; and that", "Content thee , sweet , those days are gone \u2014", "rooms large and fair ;", "I 'll be no pupil to a woman . Leave your discipline .", "Thy father 's curse for love unto thy uncle .", "Why , a serjeant 's yeoman , man ; the supervisor himself is but a whole one , and he shares but a groat in the shilling with him .", "Proud sir , this son , which you have alienated", "To that unnatural : I charge you , rise .", "With me would you talk , gentlewoman ?", "Speak what you please , sir ; he 's a gentleman", "Shelter here in Ludgate . Go to , sir ! urge me not ,", "I did a father 's part , if it were bad ,", "If any man ask , where the dead 's goods became ,", "If he demand who sends it , tell him \u2018 tis", "Greedy desire he swallowed ,", "So , sir ; your pity will not quit your pains :", "Not yet , I 'll wrack his sorrows to the height ,", "The heavens oft scowl , clouds thicken , winds blow high ,", "Ha ! what is that to you ? If in my favour", "As good as either of you both ; and shall", "For which he 's now my son , my joy , my heir .", "I 'll stop that pipe that thou may'st pining sit ;", "He scorn 'd me in his height : now being poor ,", "And , casting off the shadow of a face ,", "That I may know the weight of all my cares ,", "But I of purpose keep aloof to try", "To win her love than both your states are worth .", "Than London gates lock safe up every night .", "To see such goodness in a son .", "I fear me , I shall find that bird to be", "Within that place I 'll raise some monument ,", "That but erewhile spread up a lofty sail", "How ? cast away ? where ?", "Thou art only wise in virtue ; as thou sett'st down ,", "I can make no blind bargain , unless I be in your bed , widow .", "I will o'erlook and cast up all accounts ,", "Nay , worse , I 'll stain thy ruff ; nay , worse than that ,", "O my good lord , I ever kept in mind", "Shall keep the Fosters \u2019 name engraven so high ,", "So near the prison ?", "I hope we shall have good cheer , when two caters and a tray go to the market .", "I pity that , i'faith .", "Charge in my name him and his son to appear", "Whose cruel father , for that", "A pox o \u2019 your box ! I shall ne'er be so happy to reward it better ; set me fair ; aloft now .", "No , keep it ; he perhaps that money stole", "Now , sir , to you I come ; we must be friends ,", "Were here but now , Speedwell and Lambskin .", "As many good angels guard thee , as thou hast given me bad ones to seduce me ! for these deputy devils damn worse than the old ones . Now , coz , pray listen ; listen after my transformation : I will henceforth turn an apostate to prodigality ; I will eat cheese and onions , and buy lordships ; and will not you think this strange ?", "are bent", "Well , sir .", "In doing me such wrong he does me right .", "to London , to convey", "Will still offend mine ear ; you mean the jarring", "Thou shalt take me so too , Hodge , for I 'll be thy fellow , though thy mistress 's husband . Give me thy hand .", "My slow request you have anticipated", "A-wooing , sweet , for what ?", "Nor him , nor her , at this time , gentle wife ;", "The like plead I , my lord : for when my state", "Show my heart 's true figure ; how have I striv 'd", "Seven still , pox o n't ! that number of the deadly sins haunts me damnably . Come , sir , throw .", "So shall he now .", "And of themselves they 'll then sink softly down .", "Thou speakest as I would have thee ;", "Hovering about the grate , where his father cried", "Cast him away , scorning his name and blood ;", "Of jails , miseries , curses , and despair ,", "You 'll sit warm , then bury all love to him ,", "As no black storm shall cloud their memory .", "Give 's a bale of dice .", "Where 's the keeper ? Go , sir , take my officers", "Keeper , go thou again after my brother ,", "Ride side by side in the best equipage", "That my heart has ; this is my kinsman , sweet .", "To fill my grave before me : I would not live to see that day .", "it was drown 'd in tears ,", "I took this outcast child , made him my own ,", "And now is swallowed : \u2018 tis but his hire ,", "The workmen are appointed for the business ;", "And what says your father yet , coz ?", "And on thy wings I 'll fly with thee to heaven .", "Can he read son there ?", "Why makes the king this visitation ?", "Selfsame place of woe , and felt those throes ,", "So let it be . Half my estate 's your own .", "Each festival day I 'll come unto thy house ,", "I 'll grow stouter when I 'm married .", "Yet without boast , my liege , let me relate", "I am glad they 're gone ; mine eyes with rain did swell ,", "For that we both have prisoners been in one", "And my dear brother 's worse succession :", "I should have begg 'd that bounty of your love ,", "With proffer 'd kindness ; and I thank you for it .", "If you complain upon mine honest coz ,", "Well , go thy ways , thou pattern of true virtue ;", "My brother 's debts ; and when he 's out of door", "You are muddy grooms", "Their wrongs against me , showing just cause", "Should now lie all on me : take thou the height", "Make them drink .", "Before the king ; to whom I will make known", "From Ludgate unto Newgate and the Counters .", "And wait in scarlet on my liege and king .", "The keeper is discharg 'd , sir ; your debts are paid , And from the prison you 're a free man made : There 's not a creditor can ask you ought . As your son did for me , so have I bought Your liberty with mine ; and to increase it more , Because I know bare liberty is poor Without assistance : to raise your state again , The thirds of mine are yours ,say you amen ?", "Nay , duty ; hear you , sir ? What ! shedd'st thou tears", "I 'll give her a wedding-ring on that condition ,", "And see your prisoners presently convey 'd", "No , widow , I 'll stand to no hazard of blind bargains ; either promise me marriage , and give me earnest in a handfast , or I 'll not budge a foot .", "For we are one : I an uncle-nephew ,", "True , sir : this was he ,", "A wolf could not have torn poor Lambskin worse", "To your own will ; down to the country ride ;", "Though you had scanted me to have give n't him ;", "Thou'dst been press 'd to death under two Irish rugs ,", "And to my chamber bring all books of debt ;", "\u2018 Tis sealed ; I am thine . Now , coz , fear no black storms : if thy father thunder , come to me for shelter .", "Com'st thou to stitch his wounds that seeks to cut", "Save you , master alderman , I have some business with you .", "I thank you , sir , and so much a loser ? there 's but the waistband of my suit left :now , sweet bones !", "Ha ! ha ! ha !", "To pay his score and take off all his wants :", "I 'll do thus .", "Brave him that dares ; and here lay down more gold", "I 'll bless her , then ; I ever drank so much , that I was never great feeder . Give me drink and my pleasure , and a little flesh serves my turn .", "To build their rotten state on you , and with your wealth", "No more he stand to beg , there is ten pound", "A taste of my love to thee : be thou my deputy ,", "An English sentence , which my tutor is ,", "And put a stone i n't worth a thousand pound , sir .", "As I went into prison , sirrah \u2014 by the keepers .", "His debts I have justly weighed , and find them light .", "Very good , sir ! my little Lambskin , I have you Here in sheep's-skin; look you , \u2018 tis so , i \u2019 faith . See , master alderman , these two crack 'd gallants Are in several bonds to my predecessor For a debt of full two thousand a-piece . Cousin , fetch me a sergeant straight .", "Come , wife .", "Thou shalt know that anon .", "A traitor to my trust , against my will", "Shall thrust him naked forth for clothing thee ;", "Believe me , reverend sir , I had much rather", "Therefore , if thou cry'st peace , I 'll not raise wars .", "Yourself , gentlewoman ? I would it were no worse . I have heard you reputed a rich widow .", "Than to ride honest Socrates , thy husband , thus ,", "Many jewels , my good lord ; a brother , wife , and child ,", "Shall keep our names alive till doomsday .", "Banish 'd for ever from my wealth and me .", "Foot ! I think my father threw three when I was begotten : pox o n't ! I know now why I am so haunted with threes .", "And kick thy sergeants .", "And once a year give up my stewardship .", "I charge you .", "The boy shall not miscarry for more wealth", "Sir , I am furnishing some shipping forth ,", "Paid by these foolish fellows , will by the boy", "Spend her estate ? were't five aldermen 's . I 'll put you in security for that ; \u2018 sfoot ! all my neighbours shall be bound for me ; nay , my kind sister-in-law shall pass her word for that .", "Keeper , away with him out of my sight ;", "There let him howl . Get you gone , and come not near him .", "The ground from Paddington ; whence I 'll have laid", "Soft , this die is false .", "Ludgate was once my dwelling , and to shew", "What did you with my brother ?", "I find much debts belonging to you , sweet ;", "Do something now that , whilst this city stands ,", "For him that had no care to see thy heart", "Oysters , new Walfleet oysters !", "Ha ! some rich widow ? By this penniless pocket , I think \u2018 twere not the worst way ."], "true_target": ["\u2018 Tis false , and I 'll have my money again .", "Be my adopted son , no more my kinsman :", "For him I might have rotted , and lain still :", "Coz , I grieve for thee , that thou hast undergone", "You meet another amply proffer 'd you ;", "Coz , shall I tell thee the truth ? I had diminished but sixpence of the forty shillings ; by chance meeting with a friend , I went to a tailor , bargained for a suit : it came to full forty : I tendered my thirty-nine and a half , andthe scabby-wristed rascal wouldtrust me for sixpence !", "Find here ; and with the loss of his inheritance ,", "To underprop their weakness :", "Chok 'd up my spirits ; and none better know", "What 's he that at the grate there begg 'd even now ?", "Ay , have at you , sir !", "But how , kind cousin , does your father use you ?", "Mistake me not , kind-heart .", "Keep my accounts , and order my affairs ;", "I 'll do bad enough , fear it not .", "For my love 's sake , shall by my love 's bounty", "You freed me with his gold , but \u2018 gainst his will :", "Wife , I must stand to the arbitrament .", "E'en order it how thou wilt .", "Yes , my good lord ,", "Is your name found again within his books ?", "Thou thrust'st a son 's name from thy cruel breast", "good ,", "I 'll go with you , sir .", "That excels beauty .", "Ay , even from my memory ;", "Yes ;", "His oblig 'd duty presently did prove", "Is to you .", "Thou ravest .", "Be merry , take your pleasure at home \u2014 abroad ;", "Your box is like your belly , mine host : it draws all . Now for a suit of apparel .", "Rather than thou shalt want .", "I would stay where I am , if I had any money .", "Roger , go , call your fellow-servants up to me ,", "Albe't long since blown o'er , so thou'lt consent ,", "You 're a company of coneycatching rascals : is this a suit to walk without a cloak in ?", "And all free citizens that live in Ludgate ,", "No , my liege , I would not", "I 'll take the prison down , and build it new ,", "To give it thee ; for which , to vex thy soul ,", "May I request your names ?", "Assist you . Go , despatch ! and take these with you .", "This , my good lord :", "Within my bosom it was always clear .", "Not at it ; that father , lost at home , you shall", "Ha , ha ! I laugh at your envy , sir . My business", "And bring me to the shore ; I had been dead ,", "\u2018 Gainst envy and her forces ; my young years", "Wouldst have me kiss him that would kill me ?", "Succouring that foe which I did love so ill", "Women are forgetful , children unkind ,", "But , as his father erst , so I again", "You had best ; I have given you warning ;", "Why , gramercy ! by this hand I 'll make thee an alderman , before I die , do but follow my steps .", "I will have't despatched , before \u2018 tis thought on .", "I 'll lay a wager , wife , that this two hundred pounds ,", "To disinherit both by course of law . Begone !", "Yet , sir , then ,", "Thine own free hand to lend him money .", "You 'd be as beggarly as I am .", "But yours can ; for all the city reports what an abominable scold he has got to his wife .", "Than new-born hate , and should be so refus 'd :", "For this I would have strove even with a father :", "into my heart ,", "He a nephew-uncle . But , my sweet self ,", "O gentlemen , you 're both welcome ;", "To make this forced counterfeit long-liv 'd ,", "O , let me now anticipate your grace ,", "We 'll have this marriage talk 'd of .", "Yes , I will do't , yet closely it shall be done ,", "My kinsman , whom I spied most dolefully", "Now , by my life , my boy , for this brave spirit", "Ha , a course ? \u2018 Sfoot ! I have't !Coz , canst lend me forty shillings ? Could I but repair this old decay 'd tenement of mine with some new plaister ; for , alas , what can a man do in such a case as this ?", "When the benefactor 's dead .", "Take the miller .", "To sing thy churlish cruelty .", "Shall bless his coming in : I 'll for his sake", "Some alms of comfort : keeper , you can speak it .", "How now , keeper ?", "And now it bursts . Come", "Let the constables of the wards", "That lifted me from want and misery ;", "Abus 'd , and quit with injury , what could I then", "And I 'll not call \u2018 em back : my cares", "Enter KEEPER .", "For clothing of his uncle ; now that uncle", "Made them both take their heels and run away .", "If e'er I live to see thee sheriff of London ,", "The factor and disposer of my business ;", "All that myself behind in \u2018 state shall leave .", "And do , sir , as I charg 'd you .", "Tush ! leave that to me , because thou shalt wonder at it : if you should see me in a scarlet gown within the compass of a gold chain , then I hope you 'll say that I do keep myself in good compass : then , sir , if the cap of maintenancedo march before me , and not a cap be suffer 'd to be worn in my presence , pray do not upbraid me with my former poverty . I cannot tell , state and wealth may make a man forget himself ; but , I beseech you , do not ; there are things in my head that you dream not of ; dare you try me , coz ?", "I 'll make thee wash those curses off with tears .", "\u2018 Tis fairly given ;", "What ho ! keeper , there ! a word , I pray .", "Be given his father .", "The executor swears he died a poor man .", "Wife , your two debtors", "Of quiet and content : let nothing grieve thee .", "And I will piss upon thy threshold .", "I am glad o n't , sir ; they are but such as seek", "\u2018 Twixt me and my brother ?", "I 'll break this leg , and bind it up again ,", "Blame him for both , there I my pattern had .", "Go , cousin , receive their money :", "If him thou pity , \u2018 tis thine own decay .", "Churl ! dog ! you churlish rascally miser !", "I 'll try that , sir .", "Lopp 'd from his side this branch that held me dear ;", "From your consent .", "That our adopted son might have no bar", "Pox on him ! if the tailor had been a man , I had had a fair suit on my back : so venturing for the other tester \u2014\u2014", "Thy songs are angels \u2019 tunes ,", "What prisoners feel than they that taste the woe .", "In debt , sir , in debt .", "\u2018 Sfoot ! if it were , I would be a chapman ; I 'd see for my pleasure , and buy for my love , for money I have none .", "Which virtue now gilds over . Pray ye , gentlemen ,", "How now ! what mak'st thou here , thou caitiff ? Ha !", "When charity tunes the pipe , the poor man sings .", "Yet the brightest sun clears all , and so will I .", "This is a woman that was never vex 'd .", "Come then , my dearest son , I 'll now give thee", "Sir , we 'll for this time leave you ; at fitter leisure", "And want some English traffic , broadcloths , kerseys ,", "Have you paid this money on your bonds yet ?", "Though envy wills not so , yet love contends", "\u2018 Twas my intent only", "They must be all your own : for you , dear sweet ,", "So boast mine own wife ; but it is a wonder", "This is my meaning , wife :", "My breath in black clouds flies : my thoughts are white .", "That Ludgate yields : my charity bestows", "Executors covetous , and take what they find ;", "Now , sir , what make you here", "I am deaf .", "At thy girdle , sweet , hang the keys", "I 'll dance i \u2019 th \u2019 dirt upon thy velvet cap ;", "How did he meet that unexpected kindness ?", "Thou liest , Xantippe ! it had been better", "To rid them from the presence of Mistress Jane ,", "No , he rests there .", "With mine own hands ; so doubtful is performance ,", "\u2018 Tis well .", "Or suchlike ; my voyage is to the Straits :", "By heaven !", "And I will take them up : it 's fit that weight", "cum privilegio ,", "Why , mistress , my shoulders were not made for a frock and a basket , nor a coal-sack ; no , nor my hands to turn a trencher at a table 's side .", "I 'll be honest with some ; if I can be honest with all , I will too .", "No , my lord , she 's exempt from the proverb .", "Then thou'rt a scurvy father and a filthy brother .", "In his abundance did my misery .", "Thou liest again .", "How now , sweet wife , what art thou musing on ?", "With leads to walk on ,", "The seed that brought him forth ; for this my love", "And teaches me to act my charity", "To keep your state , and give you all content .", "The fortune of the dice , you see .", "Thanks for thy excuse , good wife , but not thy love", "Fullam !", "To hear a brother begging in a jail ,", "There 's now a wonder in your sight .", "Unto his love .", "Visit your neighbours \u2014 aught that may seem good", "Than the bare name of sergeant : the very thought", "Spend what he will , my purse shall pay it all ;", "Thou liest again : \u2018 twill be at Moorgate , beldam , where I shall see thee in the ditch dancing in a cucking-stool .", "Nay , you must be well hanged ere you can be as I am .", "O nephew , are you come ! the welcom'st wish", "Drop blood ? He was unnatural , and heaven", "As good trust to hangmen as to executors . Who 's in the bowling-alley , mine host ?", "To march to Newgate , he shall be set free .", "Sweet water into Ludgate from fresh springs :", "And abuse his honest child .", "That I true feeling of his misery knew ,", "And I 'll not pity it no more than he", "Sir , here 's your factor .", "I hate no poison like that brother 's name .", "Say I must offer first a peace in tears .", "Relieve this dotard ?", "Ballads I 'll make , and make \u2018 em tavern music ,", "Mine host , my cloak was lined through with orange-tawny velvet .", "Yet I must run to th \u2019 end of it .", "To pull out pity from a stony breast ,", "He 's my life 's best health .", "Fawn not upon him , nor come not near him ,", "Only for hating him . My charity being thus", "For when myself lay there , the noisome air", "And he not know from whence his comforts come .", "Patience , my liege ;", "I have two jewels here shall never part", "Ere thou forsake thy love .", "Ha ? Let me recount these articles : seek her out ; promise her fair ; marry her ; let her estate fly . But where should I find her ?", "Rise , boy , thou art now my son , and owest no knee", "So that this borrowed bounty do not stray", "Their loves outstrip my merit :", "And at his parting hence the poorest prisoner ,", "You 'll be a whore , then .", "O , they are buried all , sir !", "For cares and troubles , lay them all aside ,", "If that he needs my help , he knows my door .", "And that his proud heart danc 'd on golden waves \u2014\u2014", "Do as you please ;", "I met the third part of a knave as I came .", "I brought thee nothing else , and that I 'll give thee .", "Not very brave neither , yet I make a shift .", "Uncivil churl , when all his sails were up ,", "And might have starv 'd for him .", "Good master alderman , I think that string", "In good sooth , you shall not ;", "What was't ?", "For here I disinherit him of all .", "Your scorns dare pattern him .", "With piteous voice for bread ; yet did I chide ,", "I being sunk , and drown 'd in mine own misery ,", "Why , you see where I am , sir .", "How now , wife , art vex 'd yet ?", "Might throw him from my love ? for worse is love abus 'd"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["I know not yet what grief is , yet have sought", "Prythee , be temperate , and suffer .", "The sorrow I can boast of .", "What 's all this ?", "did joy withal ,", "Well , sir , well , let not all this trouble you ; see , he 's come : will you begone ?", "Yes , what of it ?", "It was ; but very small . No sooner I", "He 's saucy , sir . Sirrah , you 'll begone ?", "Let there be store of that ; let bounty", "I am so wondrously fortunate .", "And outcross them that cross thee ; were I as thou art \u2014", "No , I bar that , sir ; let 's begin honestly , howe'er we end : marry , for the waste of my estate , spare it not ; do thy worst .", "And thus this slender shadow of a grief", "Have that way turn 'd a blessing . Is it not strange ?", "I like that resolution well ; but how comes it then that thy wit leaves thy body unfurnished ? Thou art very poor ?", "I 'll show thee the party . What sayest thou to myself ?", "The bottom would have sent it up again ,", "\u2018 Mongst such infinities of fish and buyers :", "That once conjoin 'd me and my dead husband ;", "You have put me to my choice , then ; see , here I choose : this is my husband ; thus I begin the contract .", "Ha , ha , ha ! thou makest me laugh at thee ; prythee , stay .", "I 'd be ashamed to take such a fruitless oath . I say , seek me out some rich widow ; promise her fair \u2014 she 's apt to believe a young man . Marry her , and let her estate fly . No matter : \u2018 tis charity . Twenty to one some rich miser raked it together . This is none of Hercules \u2019 labours .", "Now widow 'd , and mine own , yet all this while", "Your consanguinity renders ; I would not teach", "From the extremest verge of my remembrance ,", "Good sooth , gossip , I could laugh at thee , and only grieve", "The only fortune-tellers ; but he that goes", "The fire of your spleen wastes it :", "First , that this fish should snatch it as a bait ;", "Vanish 'd again .", "Prosperity hath kept so close a watch ,", "No , sir ? are you grown so stout already ?", "Nay , pray you , hear me , sir , I cannot chide ; I 'll but give you good counsel : \u2018 tis not a good Course that you run .", "To have a good destiny allotted him .", "Nothing can hinder fate .", "How am I vex 'd with blessings ! how think you , sir ,", "Had chang 'd a frailty to unchanging joys ;", "Yes , sir , but I was not robbed of it .", "\u2018 Twould make me better relish happiness .", "Then I that know not any chastisement ,", "But that thou canst not supply that course ,", "Shall be the voider . What fish is there , sirrah ?", "Bid \u2018 em haste to dress \u2018 em then .", "One taste more I had , although but little ,", "You 'll let me dispose of myself , I hope ?", "I have some scruples in my conscience ;", "A comfortable revelation prompts me then ,", "So , sir : I conceit you . Were I as well hanged , then , as you could imagine , I would tell some rich widow such a tale in her ear \u2014", "Not for my whole estate .", "Canst thou devise to lay them half on me ? And I 'll bear \u2018 em willingly .", "Nor reconcile ; I 'd have you make them plain .", "Give me thy hand ; go home with me , I 'll give thee better clothes ; and , as I like thee then , we 'll go further ; we may chance make a blind bargain of it .", "I have a lease of thousands at least , sir .", "Still in mine eye the memory of my loss ;", "Would thou hadst not swallowed it , or thou not bought it .", "You 'll be gone , sir , and see dinner ready .", "Would make me unhappy .", "In the dicing-house ?", "And singing hallelujahs \u2018 mongst a quire", "Ay , sir , \u2018 tis wonderful : but is it well ?", "That husband", "I shall rail and curse thee , I hope ; yet I 'd not have thee give over neither ; for I would be vexed . Here 's my hand ! I am thine , thou art mine : I 'll have thee with all faults .", "You only wonder at the epithet ;", "Sir , I do not disallow the kindness", "I think the fellow 's mad .", "Nay , kings and princes share them with their subjects :", "You cannot tire me , gossip , in your company ; \u2018 tis the best affliction I have to see you impatient .", "Thou shalt not stay the market , if thou'lt be ruled . I 'll find thee out a widow , and help in some of the rest too , if thou'lt but promise me the last , but to let her estate fly ; for she 's one I love not , and I 'd be glad to see that revenge on her .", "No , I 'll stay awhile , and tell \u2018 em out with patience .", "Of white-sainted souls : then again it spake ,", "When go you , sirrah ?", "Yes , sir , with you : you are a brave unthrift .", "What fate is mine that runs all by itself"], "true_target": ["I hope thou'lt vex me .", "In crossing of the Thames ,", "Not I , in good faith , were I sure marriage", "Thus \u2018 twas : the other day it was my hap ,", "I have too much , sir .", "You 'll begone , sirrah !", "An hundred ways for its acquaintance : with me", "How may I know my part of childhood ?", "Will you yet , sir , after your needless trouble ? Begone , and bid the maids dress dinner !", "What ails you , woman ?", "I know her sure , then ; \u2018 tis my gossip Foster . Request her in ; here 's good company , tell her .", "Had given it entertainment as a sorrow ,", "The thief ! what thief ? I never was so happy to be robbed .", "Yet it is not the course that I dislike in thee ,", "Nay , sure I am of this opinion ,", "That I had found a grief : and this is all", "Then that my servant needs must buy that fish", "The easiest of all . Why , man , they are more common than tavern-bushes ; two fairs might be furnished every week in London with \u2018 em , though no foreigners came in , if the charter were granted once : nay , \u2018 tis thought , if the horsemarket be removed , that Smithfield shall be so employed ; and then , I 'll warrant you , \u2018 twill be as well furnished with widows as \u2018 twas with sows , cows , and old trotting jades before .", "And said it was a sin for me to grieve", "Did never taste what was calamity ?", "When you have a clean shirt .", "At his best good , that I esteemed best :", "Furnish the table , and charity", "Methinks \u2018 tis good sport , i \u2019 faith .", "But straight it turn 'd unto my treble joy :", "His word is now a deed , sir .", "Yon shall now see an absolute contrary :", "Dost thou want money ? Thou art worthy to be tattered ! Hast thou no wit , now thy money 's gone ?", "It sank ; I priz 'd it dear \u2014 the dearer , \u2018 cause it kept", "About your business ! you have not pleased me in this .", "Yet I would aggravate to make the most o n't ;", "Sir , you now behold a wond'rous woman ;", "I would teach you a better , if you 'd stay where you are .", "And as I speak , I must remember heaven ,", "I have heard you say , that the child of heaven", "Methought I saw him stellified in heaven ,", "I cannot believe thy wit 's more than thy money \u2014 a fellow so well-limbed , so able to do good service , and want ?", "If you 'll give me leave .", "Sirrah , will the churchman come I sent you for ?", "That 's my hope , sir ; but you must be honest withal .", "How think you then , is not this a wonder ?", "Peace , sirrah ! How can your sorrows increase from him ?", "Is not this above wonder ?", "That a woman lives full seven-and-thirty years", "I have taken him so before you , sir : will you be quiet ?", "Yet I griev 'd", "To seek his fortune from them must never hope", "I can approve it good : guess at mine age .", "To drop that wedlock ring from off my finger", "\u2018 Twas not much amiss ; yet nearest to the last .", "Even from my weaning-hour unto this minute ,", "the loss ; and", "I would rejoice i n't , gossip .", "Would I had chang 'd bosoms with her for a time !", "Here 's witnessCome hither , sir \u2014 cousin I must call you shortly ; and you , sirrah , be witness to this match ; here 's man and wife .", "Sir , I did : and to this end :", "They are the only wizards , I confess ,", "I have not some cause of sorrow with thee :", "So , sir ; suppose it be for marriage ?", "That gave those blessings which I must relate :", "Suppose to make my will , how then ?", "Maid to a wife , and wife unto a widow ,", "For it is now my chief affliction .", "That even those things that I have meant a cross ,", "That had I suffered a draught to be made for it ,", "The very same .", "In unhappy happiness ? My conscience dreads it .", "Come , will you walk , sir ?", "Only this I 'll enjoin you : to be matrimonially honest to her for your own health 's sake . All other injuries shall be blessings to her .", "I 'll be hanged first .", "So should you , woman , would you be rul 'd by me . Come , we 'll dine together ; after walk abroad Unto my suburb garden ,where , if thou'lt hear , I 'll read my heart to thee , and thou from thence Shall learn to vex thy cares with patience . FOOTNOTES :The word factor is here used in a more limited sense than at present , as Richard and George appear to have been the exclusive servants of the other two .So Titania , in \u201c A Midsummer Night 's Dream \u201d \u2014 \u201c We have laugh 'd to see the sails conceive , And grow big-bellied with the wanton wind . \u201dThese are , I believe , the private marks of the merchants to denote the value of their goods , a sort of cipher known only to themselves . They may , however , allude to the marks affixed to the different packages in which the pieces were contained .ArgosiesGremio , in the \u201c Taming of the Shrew , \u201d talks of an argosy which he would settle on Bianca , and then tauntingly asks \u2014 \u201c What , have I chok 'd you with an argosy ? \u201dPigeon-holes seems to have been the game which is sometimes called trow-madame , or trol-my-dames . See Steevens 's note on \u201c The Winter 's Tale , \u201d act iv . sc . 2 ; and in Farmer 's note on the same passage , the reader will find a description of the manner of playing it .Roarer was the common cant word for the swaggering drunkard of our poet 's age . Its occurrence is sufficiently common . So in Dekker 's play , \u201c If it be not a Good Play , the Devil 's in it \u201d \u2014 \u201c Those bloody thoughts will damn you into hell .", "Some doubtful problems which I cannot answer", "You otherwise : I 'd speak with your uncle , sir ,", "It cannot be , friend ; your husband 's kind .", "Shall suffer many tribulations ;"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["\u2018 Twas well you came in good time .", "Yes , mistress , he will come ; but pray , resolve me one thing for my long service . What business have you with the churchman ? Is it to make your will , or to get you a new husband ?", "But it may be he has not that should please her .", "Nay , mistress , I 'll help \u2018 em too ; the maids shall first dress the pike and the cod , and thenI 'll dress the maids in the place you wot on .", "I have nothing to say to you , sir ; I aim at your uncle .", "You should be a calf by your white face .", "Ay , cursed widows are ; but if they had all stiff husbands to tame \u2018 em , they 'd be quiet enough .", "We have hunted well , mistress ; do you not see the hare 's in sight ?", "There was some pleasure ere you came to that .", "I 'll tell her so for my own credit 's sake .", "And they 'd be loth to keep their beds i \u2019 th \u2019 counter , mistress ; they are afraid of sergeants ; Master Lambskin knows that maceis a binder .", "Then I would desire you to remember me , mistress ; I have serv 'd you long , and that 's the best service to a woman : make a good will , if you mean to die , that it may not be said , Though most women be long-liv 'd , yet they all die with an ill-will .", "Ay , you have been a loose liver always : \u2018 tis time to look to you .", "It cost but sixpence : but had the fisher known the worth of it , \u2018 twould have cost you forty shillings . Is not this your ring ?", "Now do I see the old proverb come to pass \u2014 Give a woman luck , and cast her into the sea : there 's many a man would wish his wife good luck on that condition he might throw her away so . But , mistress , there 's one within would speak with you , that vexeth as fast against crosses as you do against good luck .", "Nay , I 'll be sworn upon a book of calico for that .", "That was a tedious time indeed .", "You love to be merry , mistress : come , come , give him four farthings , and let him go . He 'll pray for his good dame , and be drunk . Why , if your blood does itch that way , we 'll stand together .How think you ? I think here is the sweeter bit ;you see this nit, and you see this louse ! you may crack o \u2019 your choice , if you choose here .", "Yet I 'll stay a little , a n't be but to vex you .", "Do you not smell Poultry ware , Sir", "Where he has mistaken the place a little , being his wedding-day ; he is in nomine , when he should be in re .", "If she have a mind to a fresh husband or so , use her as well as you can ; let her enter into as easy bands as may be .", "You may talk with me , sir , in the meantime .", "Bring him away , Jug : yet the villain would not confess a word , till it was found about him .", "Then you do wrong , sir ; for you take money for \u2018 em : what woman can have a husband , but you must have custom for him ? and often the ware proves naught too \u2014 not worth the impost .", "Nay , I know that already : the one is a thing that was plucked into the world by the head and shoulders to be wondered at , and \u2018 tis called a knight ; the other is a coach-horse of the same overridden race , and that 's a foolish gentleman .", "That 's all one , I 'll take him as I find him .", "I will not go yet .", "I will make black Monday of this ! ere I suffer this disgrace , the kennel shall run with blood and rags .", "Here 's my master now , gentlemen .", "Little less , I promise you , if you lie with him .", "The good man of the house is within , forsooth ."], "true_target": ["I had rather", "I care not if I do , mistress , now my stomach 's ready ;", "Mistress , \u2018 tis fasting day to-day , there 's nothing", "Alas ! blame not the poor fish , mistress : he , being a phlegmatic creature , took gold for restorative .He took it fair ; and he that gets gold , let him eat gold .", "I was going the wrong way .", "Nay , at the second hand you 'll have a fee too ; you sell in the church ; andthey bring \u2018 em again to your churchyard , you must have tollage : methinks , if a man die whether you will or no , he should be buried whether you would or no .", "In your counting-house : if he were a kind husband , he would have been in another counting-house by this time : he 's tumbling over all his money-bags yonder ; you shall hear of him in the bowling-alley again .", "Marry , there is salmon , pike , and fresh cod , soles , maids ,and plaice .", "Marry , mistress , here are two creatures , scarce able to make one man , desire to speak with you .", "Bring him away , Jug : nay , you shall see the strangest piece of felony discovered that ever you saw , or your great grandmother 's grandam before , or after ; a pirate , a water-thief .", "Did you not lose your wedding-ring the other day ?", "I 'll make them drink , if they will . Come , gallants , empty your bags , and I 'll bumbast your bellies : this lean gentleman looks as if he had no lining in 's guts ; I could take him by the leg , and hurl him into the dog-house .", "No ! well , thank him that brings it home then , and will ask nothing for his pains . You see this salmon ?", "Dost not thou know the reason of that ? why , \u2018 twas to save my belly : dost thou think I am so mad to cast myself away for e'er a woman of \u2018 em all ? I 'll see \u2018 em hanged first !", "Nay , sir , you do wrong to give a woman so many lies : she had rather have had twice so many standings than one lie .", "You have had two husbands to my knowledge ; and if you had not one joyful hour between both , I would you were hanged , i \u2019 faith .", "I will first give him a caveat , to use you as kindly as he can .If you find my mistress have a mind to this coupling at barley-break , let her not be the last couple to be left in hell .", "But fish .", "Well , since there is no remedy . O tears ! be you my friend .", "O mistress ! where are you ? I think you are the fortunatest woman that ever breathed on two shoes : the thief is found .", "\u2018 Tis hard of digestion . Yes , my master is within . He masters you ; therefore I must be content . You have longed for crosses a good while , and now you are like to be farther off them than e'er you were ; for I 'm afraid your good husband will leave you ne'er a cross i \u2019 th \u2019 house to bless you with .", "Nay , then , I 'll go to vex you .", "Mistress , make him your friend ; for he knows what rate good husbands are at ; if there hath been a dearth of women of late , you may chance pick out a good prize ; but take heed of a clerk .", "Godfrey ?", "Your maid Joan , examining this salmon , that she bought in the market , found that he had swallowed this gudgeon .", "I 'll make you seek your fingers among the dogs , if you come to me . My fellow ? You lousy companion , I scorn thee . \u2018 Sfoot ! is't come to this ? Have I stood all this while to my mistress an honest , handsome , plain-dealing serving-creature , and she to marry a whoreson tityre tu tattere with never a good rag about him ?Stand thou to me , and be my friend ; and since my mistress has forsaken me \u2014\u2014", "That could be but little grief .", "Look where he comes .", "I do forbid the banns : alas ! poor shag-rag , my mistress does but gull him .You may imagine it to be twelfth-day at night , and the bean found in the corner of your cake , but \u2018 tis not worth a vetch , I 'll assure you", "Now you may see what hasty matching is . You had thought to have been vexed , and now you cannot ; you have married a husband , thatnow being my master-in-law , I do think he 'll prove the miserablest covetous rascal that ever beat beggar from his gate . But \u2018 tis no matter . Time was when you were fairly offered , if you would have took it . You might have had other matches , i \u2019 faith , if it had pleased you ; and those that would have crossed you . I would have sold away all that ever you had had ; have kept two or three whores at livery under your nose ; have turned you out in your smock , and have used you like a woman : whereas now , if you 'd hang yourself , you can have none of these blessings . But \u2018 tis well enough \u2014 now you must take what follows .", "Why , then , remember yourself , mistress : take heed how you give away the head ; it stands yet upon the shoulders of your widowhood : the loving , embracing ivy has yet the upper place in the house ; if you give it to the holly , take heed , there 's pricks in holly ; or if you fear not the pricks , take heed of the wands ; you cannot have the pricks without the wands : you give away the sword , and must defend yourself with the scabbard : these are pretty instructions of a friend ; I would be loth to see you cast down , and not well taken up .", "Help you to a close-stool , a n't please you ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Unparallel 'd ; this gift is singular ,", "No trip of fate ? Sure , it is wonderful .", "A heavenly blessing : do not appoint the rod ;", "For there 's but one : all women else are stars ,", "You would not suffer it ?", "This is a perfect contrary indeed .", "Full oft and many have I heard complain", "\u2018 Tis some affliction that you are afflicted", "You lost a husband \u2014 was it no grief to you ?", "I must not distaste what I have help 'd to make ;", "I am amaz 'd at it .", "This is but small .", "To groan under the superflux of blessings ,", "All these are blessings , and from heaven sent ;", "Of discontents , thwarts , and adversities ,", "To a better shade ; the prodigal 's return 'd .", "Health , wealth , and peace ; nor can they turn to curses", "It is your husband 's good ; he 's now transform 'd", "For there are none of like condition .", "Nay , now you wade too far , sir .", "The time is not passed , but you may feel enough .", "This is my duty ; pray, speak your mind ."], "true_target": ["At the half-way \u2018 twixt thirty and forty .", "To have ever been alien unto sorrow ,", "I would I knew your meaning , sir .", "\u2018 Tis I that join 'd you .", "But a second to yourself I never knew :", "\u2018 Tis good counsel , mistress ; receive it so .", "Yet wrest it not to misconstruction ;", "Leave still the stroke unto the magistrate :", "You hurt yourself most with impatience .", "And to you alone belonging : you are the moon ,", "All this was happy ; nor can you wrest it from", "For want of affliction ; cherish that :", "But by abuse . Pray , let me question you :", "Your man 's pregnantand merry , mistress .", "You sent for me , gentlewoman ?", "You \u2018 plain of that which thousand women want .", "Sir , this is none of my traffic ; I sell no husbands .", "A man of fair condition , well-reputed .", "\u2018 Tis a good doubt ; but make it not extreme .", "Come , come , know joy , make not abundance scant ;", "Spoil not a good text with a false comment ;", "For all your blessings are free gifts from heaven \u2014", "Seek not to cross it , then ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Honest traders , thrifty lads , they are rubbing o n't ; towardly boys , every one strives to lie nearest the mistress .", "Not a hole unstopped in my house but this , my thrifts .", "I come amongst you , you maledictious slaves ! I 'll utter you all ; some I 'll take ready money for , and lay up the rest in the stocks : look to my box , I say !", "Tush , you are young men ; \u2018 tis too soon to thrive yet . He that gathers young , spends when he 's old . \u2018 Tis better to begin ill and end well , than to begin well and end ill . Miserable fathers have , for the most part , unthrifty sons . Leave not too much for your heirs , boys .", "Nay , sweet sir , no bloodshed in my house ; I am lord of misrule ; pray you , put up , sir .", "Why , this is quarrelling : make after in time : some of your own crew , to try the weight , has lifted them : look out , I say ."], "true_target": ["Here , my brave wags .", "How , your cloak ? I ne'er knew thee worth one .", "I think he 's here , sir .", "How now , my fine trundletails ;my wooden cosmographers ; my bowling-alley in an uproar ? Is Orlando up in arms ? I must be stickler ; I am constable , justice , and beadle in mine own house ; I accuse , sentence , and punish : have amongst you ! look to my box , boys !He that breaks the peace , I brake his pate for recompense : look to my box , I say !", "Welcome still , my merchants of bona Speranza ; what 's your traffic , bullies ? What ware deal you in ?\u2014 cards , dice , bowls , or pigeon-holes ? Sort \u2018 em yourselves : either passage , Novem , or mumchance ?Say , my brave bursemen , what 's your recreation ?", "So all 's whist ; they play upon the still pipes now ; the bull-beggarcomes when I show my head . Silence is a virtue , and I have made \u2018 em virtuous . Let \u2018 em play still till they be penniless ; pawn till they be naked ; so they be quiet , welcome and welcome .How now ! how now ! my roaring Tamberlain ? take heed , the Soldan comes : and \u2018 twere not for profit , who would live amongst such bears ? Why , Ursa Major , I say , what , in Capite Draconis ? is there no hope to reclaim you ? shall I never live in quiet for you ?"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["He says well , i \u2019 faith : why should a man trust to executors ?", "Two quatres and a trey .", "Up with 's heels .", "Have at them , i \u2019 faith .", "Miscall us not for our money , good mine host ; we are none of your thrifts . We have \u2018 scaped that scandal long ago .", "The third part of a knave ? \u2018 sfoot ! what thing 's that ?"], "true_target": ["In still , two thieves and choose thy fellow .", "There will ever be thieves in a dicing house till thou be'st hanged , I 'll warrant thee .", "Out .", "Prythee , invoke not so : all sinks too fast already .", "Why , I prythee ?", "At whose suit , I pray ? You 're out again with the threes ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["I 'll be hanged , then ! where 's Putney , then , I pray you ?", "Yes , his thrifts we are , Jack , though not our own .", "That 's but the third part indeed : but goes he no further ?"], "true_target": ["Down with them .", "Good mine host , still \u2018 em ; civil gamesters cannot play for \u2018 em .", "Two treys and an ace ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["It will be found again in mine host 's box .", "Hold ! hold ! an \u2019 you be gentlemen , hold !", "Now the dice are mine ; set me now a fair board ; a fair passage , sweet bones ! Boreas !", "Twelve at all ."], "true_target": ["You shall have cold iron with your silver , then .", "Come , let 's give o'er .", "False ? you do him wrong , sir ; he 's true to his master .", "For a thief , I 'll warrant you ; who 'll you have next ?"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["We all will be engaged for him .", "\u2018 Sfoot ! mine host , where are our cloaks ?", "Then come , my boon fellows ,", "Though it lays us o \u2019 th \u2019 ground ."], "true_target": ["But come , my boon , & c .", "It keeps us from th \u2019 grave ,", "Let 's drink it around ,", "Begi n't , begi n't !"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Experience must work : legs be strong and bold :", "Let your experience make a trial .", "Ha , ha ! Is your coxcomb cut ? I see experience must board this fair pinnace . A word in private .", "\u2018 Tis good ware , believe me , sir : I know that by mine own experience , for I have handled the like many times in my first wife 's days . Ay , by knighthood ! sometimes before I was married , too ; therefore I know't by mine own experience .", "We come about the old business , the sickness of the purse , lady .", "Most horribly ; I 'll not endure the scent o n't .", "My shoulders love no such clappings ; I love tobacco ,", "When I look back , sir , I see your nose behind .", "I 'll shift for one .", "In loving your face , I love all the rest of your body , as you shall find by experience .", "Fair lady , we are your debtors , and owe you money :", "When sergeants wait at feasts , the cheer 's but cold .", "By this hand !", "An adventurer still , sir , to this new-found land .", "Two hundred pound we can lay down .", "You have confined him prisoner for ever : I hope your experience sees he 's a harmless thing .", "Your experience may see his coarse education ; but to the purpose , sweet female . I do love that face of yours .", "I doubt , sir , he will play the merchantwith us .", "For which your husband threaten 'd to arrest us ;", "Experience tells us that our bonds are forfeit ,", "But would be loth to drink in Wood Street pipes :"], "true_target": ["Where she is leader , there will be followers .", "Requite one , sweet chastity , and let it be Sir Godfrey , with the correspondency of your love to him . I will maintain you like a lady ; and it is brave , as I know by experience .", "Sweet virgin , to be prolix and tedious fits not experience . Short words and large deeds are best pleasing to women .", "A sergeant ? nay , then ,", "O , let him : I have a protection , sir .", "You say well , sweet modesty ; a good imagination is good , and shows your good experience .", "A match between us .", "Sir , you do interrupt and thwart my love .", "How dare you maintain that , sir ?", "Sir , let me advise you ; I see you want experience . Meddle no further in this case ; \u2018 twill be the more credit for your observation , for I find by my experience you are but shallow .", "Ha ! do you know us , sir ? you grow too bold ; my experience now hath found you : you were once a tattered fellow , your name is Foster ; have you such gold to give ?", "My name is Speedwell by my father 's copy .", "I speak , you see , with grave experience .", "Yes , sweet feminine ! I have served for it too ; for I found my nativity suited to my name . As my name is Speedwell , so have I sped well in divers actions .", "And hear ye , sir ; let him seek out his equals ; for some of us are in danger to make her a lady shortly : I know what I speak ; what I speak I 'll do ; yet I 'll do nothing but what comes from grave experience .", "I dare cross it with my sword , sir .", "Experience must bear with folly ; thou art all innocent , and thy name is Lambskin ; grave sapience guides me , and I care not a pin for thy squibs and thy crackers . My old dry wood shall make a lusty bonfire when thy green chips shall lie hissing in the chimney-corner . Remember , mistress , I can make you a lady by mine own experience .", "Your observation is corrupt , sir . Let me show mine own tale . I say , sweet beauty , my name is Speedwell . My godfather , by his bountytherefore called my name Godfrey , a title of large renown .My wealth and wit has added to those the paraphrase of knighthood , so that my name in the full longitude is called Sir Godfrey Speedwell , a name of good experience .", "With all my heart , sweet virgin .Ah ! ah ! this place promises well in the eyes of experience . Master Innocent , come you behind .", "Some money we will pay ere we go hence :", "Sweet lady , follow experience ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["has struck me ;", "He is no rival he , sir ,", "Knight , knight ! \u2018 Sfoot ! if an errand-knight run away , I were an errand ass to tarry , and be catched in the lime-bush : I love the wench well ; but if they have no hole to place me in but the hole in the counter , I 'll be gone and leave \u2018 em ; that 's flat .", "\u2018 Sfoot ! let 's show ourselves gallants or gallymawfries :shall we be outbraved by a cockney ?A word , my fair Zenocrates ; do you see , sir , here be those that have gone a-fishing , and can give you a gudgeon ?", "My father was of an occupation before he was a tradesman ; for , as I have observed in my father 's and mother 's report , they set up together in their youth . My father was a starch-maker , and my mother a laundress ; so , being partners , they did occupylong together before they were married ; then was I born .", "You observe very well , sweet virgin ; for his nativity is his doublet , which is the upper part of his suit ; and his name is in 's breeches , for that part , which is his name , he defiles many times .", "No , truly it makes me loose , for I never smell it , though it be two streets off , but it gives me a stool presently .", "And take up seven times as much if we knew where to get it ; but there 's our lamentable case : mistress , if you strip us any nearer , you 'll strip the skin and all , I 'll assure you .", "You may see his slender observation . Sweet virgin , I do love your lower parts better than your face .", "But shallow , sir ? Your experience is a little wide ; you shall find I will be as deep in this case as yourself . My observation has been where your experience must wait at door ; yet I will give you the fore-horse place , and I will be in the thills, because you are the elder tree , and I the young plant . Put on your experience , and I will observe .", "Then when I look back your nose stands here .", "That 's I ! In troth , I 'll be thy young Lambskin ; thou shalt find me as innocent as a sucking dove . Speak , sweet mistress , am I the youth in a basket ?", "Your observation 's good . I have carried the talliesat my girdle seven year together with much delight and observation , for I did ever love to deal honestly in the nick .", "But yourself and your cousin .", "Our names are in the heralds \u2019 books , I warrant you ;", "I 'll have no words in private , unless I hear too .", "Zounds ! knight , if the mayor come ,", "Your father , Mistress Jane ? I hope you have observation in you , and know our humours ; we come not a-wooing to your father .", "I dare maintain it with my purse , sir .", "He calls you tooth-drawer by way of experience .", "If you dare cross my purse with your sword , sir , I 'll lay an action of suspicion of felony to you ; that 's flat , sir .", "Truly a little after . I was the first-fruits , as they say . Then did my father change his copy , and set up a brewhouse .", "Let him but shake his blade at me , and I 'll throw down my purse and cry a rape ; I scorn to kill him , but I 'll hang his knighthood , I warrant him , if he offer assault and battery on my purse .", "And we are gentlemen .", "My name is Innocent Lambskin ; and this knight ,", "My godfather , seeing in my face some notes of disposition , in my cradle did give me the title of Innocent ,which I have practised all my lifetime ; and since my father 's decease , my wealth has purchased me in the vanguard of my name the paraphrase of gentility , so that I am called Master Innocent Lambskin .", "I will maintain you like a gentlewoman : and that may be better maintenance than a lady 's , as I have found by observation ."], "true_target": ["Hand ? Zounds ! by the four-and-twenty elements .", "You see , Sir Speedwell , what card is turned up for trump ;", "And let observation follow you .", "We are both to run at the ring of your setting-up , and you must tell us who deserves most favour .", "He sails about the point , sir ; but he cannot put in yet .", "Prythee , do not stand troubling the gentlewoman with thy musty sentences , but let her love be laid down betwixt us like a pair of cudgels , and into whose hands she thrusts the weapons first , let him take up the bucklers .", "No sheep , forsooth , but a poor Innocent Lambskin .", "I love you too , fair maid , double and treble , if it please you .", "I hold my life , this spruce citizen will forestall the market :", "Zounds ! Sir knight , we have stood beating the bush , and the bird 's flown away ; this city bowler has kissed the mistressat first cast .", "Yes , yes , \u2018 has won it betting at the bowling-alleys , or at the pigeon-holes in the garden-alleys .", "Had not your husbanddriven away the bird , We might have bidden you to a better breakfast ; But now you must take what we can set before you .", "Sir Godfrey Speedwell .", "Simply though he stands here , is known to be", "Nay , if names can do any good , I beseech you observe mine . My name is Lambskin , a thing both hot and harmless .", "I put my innocent case into your hands , mistress , as a simple country client thrusts his money into a lawyer 's , who stands upon no great terms to take it .", "Speedwell , live well , die well , and be hanged well , change your copy well , your experience will not carry it else .", "If it please you to place one of us for your conduct , otherwise this old coxcomb and I shall quarrel .", "Well , sir , I know by observation as much as you do by experience ; for I have known many gentlemen have taken up such ware as this is , but it has lain on their hands as long as they lived . This I have seen by observation .", "Else let me never stand but in a pillory .", "Right , sir ; but I put the gentlewoman before , and that is the thing I desire ; and there your experience halts a little .", "Ay , sir , I am your rival , and I will thwart your love ; for your love licks at the face , and my love shall be arsy-versy to yours .", "Zounds ! are you a striker ? Draw , sir knight .", "A man of gingerbread ; i \u2019 faith , I could find in my heart to eat him .", "O , these brisk factors are notable firkers .", "The shoulder-clappers are not far off .", "No itch neither , sir ; we have no scabs here"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["By my honesty , but you shall not , sir : I 'll hold you a handful of pennyroyal of that ; i \u2019 faith , if you touch my honesty there , I 'll make you eat sorrel to your supper , though I eat sullenwoodmyself : no , sir , gather first time and sage , and such wholesome herbs , and honesty and heart'shYpppHeNease will ripen the whilst .", "That man , where'er he be ,", "Then you never served for't , it seems", "You are the sweet youth , sir , whose pretty eyes", "\u2018 Tis not well done", "Sir , if you love nothing but my face , I cannot sell it from the rest .", "Would make me love ; but you must first be wise .", "May I", "Your eye hath baited at each face you met .", "What , before your father was married ?", "You 're rich too , at least yourself so say ;", "Nay , I dare take in hand to part \u2018 em without any danger ; but I beseech you , let me not be too long a prisoner . Will you walk , gentlemen .", "Three 's the woman 's total arithmetic : indeed I would learn to number no farther , if there was a good account made of that .", "Can you obtain but so much respite from", "I would desire no better wooing of so bad suitors .", "Ay , marry , sir , these are better conditions than the inheritance of three fathers . Let me have love in esse ; let lands follow in posse . Now I 'll have thee as fast as the priest can despatch us , let him read as fast as he can .", "Ay , then came your wealth in , sir .", "Or , at the best , I shall be counted but", "Doth he think so ? Could I but see him \u2014\u2014", "They must be welcome , sir , that come with you ;", "I must have one that can direct and guide me :", "Riches create no love : I fear you mean", "On , sir ; I would not interrupt you , because you should be brief .", "Nay , pray you , gentlemen , do not quarrel till you know for what .", "Your eye from gazing on her for awhile ?", "Afford the remedy as well as now", "A name of dignity ; not entertain 'd", "Fit to be seen \u2018 mongst other ornaments :", "To stand i \u2019 th \u2019 cloud ?", "Pray spare your oaths ; I do believe you do ,", "Gentlemen , my father 's not within ; please you to walk a turn or two in the garden ; he 'll not be long .", "I pity him indeed , poor heart . With whom ?", "Deserv 'd so ill from you !", "Nothing in all the store of nature could", "It must needs be a fair and comely suit , then .", "If you thus presume", "If I prove false , may be the last to me", "Is he become expression ?", "Sir Godfrey , you are a knight both tough and old ;", "As some staid piece of household stuff , perhaps ,", "Alas ! what ails him ? I 'll not be slack to do him any good .", "I use not to look after riches ; \u2018 tis", "If every quality you have be as large in relation as your name , sir , I should imagine the best of them , rather than hear them reported .", "I thank you too , sir ; I am so much beholding to you both ,", "The period of ill-wishes ? Sure , he never", "Other 's than thine .", "I do your grief , assure yourself that cure", "Never the more for that , father ; if I use him kindly , it shall be for something I like in himself , and not for any good he borrows of his father . But come , sir , will you walk into the garden ? for that 's the field I have best fortune to overcome my suitors in .", "Be secret , and love prosper thy design !", "Must I be stickler , then ?", "What , though you 're but a gilded man of clay .", "Nay , be n't afraid ; here 's none shall do you harm .", "But will you stand both at my disposing ?", "So lovingly ?", "A trouble unto any : if I could", "I 'm sorry I should be", "So , sir .", "I will not go to him , father , on any of these conditions .", "Is his fate", "I am like to have a couple of fair chapmen . If they were at my own dispose , I would willingly raffle them both at twelvepence a share . They would be good food for a new plantation . The one might mend his experience , and the other his observation very much .", "Taste sweetly , and welcome , sir ; for there grows honesty ,", "I hope heaven will not deal so rigidly", "Took to wipe off suspicion from some fairer ,"], "true_target": ["Swear you ne'er cast a glance on any , when", "And whoe'er hath me ,", "You send me to the galleys , sir ; pray you , redeem me as soon as you can : these are pretty things for mirth , but not for serious uses .", "In good time : and what trade was your father , sir ?", "To take me for formality only ;", "Yes , sir , roses ; but no gilliflowers .", "I know not how I may believe you : you 'll", "Sir Godfrey , you are the eldest ; pray , lead the way .", "Leave us , Priscilla ,", "I 'm foolish yet .", "Not all this while perceive \u2018 twas thee ? Why didst thou", "Spoke this .", "Love you the better something for that office ,", "For love , but state ; one of your train ; a thing", "I was glad of my release , sir . Suitors call you \u2018 em ? I 'd keep dish-water continually boiling , but I 'd seethe such suitors : I have had much ado to keep \u2018 em from bloodshed . I have seen for all the world a couple of cowardly curs quarrel in that fashion ; as the one turns his head , the other snaps behind ; and as he turns , his mouth recoils again : but I thank my pains for't , I have leagued with \u2018 em for a week without any further intercourse .", "It is", "Your expectation 's cross 'd , except you fail .", "With me , as to preserve me to th \u2019 unwelcome", "Performance of these sad injunctions .", "To triumph in their ruin .", "I call this kiss to witness \u2014 which I wish ,", "Well , sir , you love me , then ?", "You love me both , you say ?", "A very innocent resolution .", "Defer my joy thus long by suffering me", "The voice of angels to me . I had thought", "Very well , father ; we spake something , but did nothing at all : I requested him to pull me a Catherine pear , and had I not looked to him , he would have mistook and given me a poperin : and to requite his kindness I plucked him a rose , and had almost pricked my finger for my pains .", "It may be I might", "Only to raise my hopes awhile , and then", "Reverence that name , my father , till that you", "Shall be the birth of my next action .", "A rotten building cannot long time hold .", "That I am hard , you only ask denial ;", "To whom you have vow 'd homage .", "Is happier than yourself ; and were he here ,", "Nay , an \u2019 you play booty , I dare not trust you .", "Why , how now , Pris .? Who 's that that useth you", "Which friends pay dying friends \u2014 I ne'er will be", "His care must first reform .", "No , sir , I 'll believe you rather , and I thank you for't .", "You 'll not betray me with love-powder ?", "I can tell you .", "Be wholly mine , and yet my servant 's servant ?", "Take heed , sir ; I have had ill-handsel to-day ; perhaps \u2018 tis not the fortunate season ; you were best adjourn your journey to some happier time .", "Have added to that love wherewith I do", "If he might enter here .", "The person that I aim at .", "Demand your business ?", "A guardian rather than a husband ; for", "That care , sir , shall be mine .", "Should I wed you , the fire with frost must marry ,", "January and May ! I for a younger tarry .", "You should see him receiv 'd , and yourself scorn 'd .", "And wait without awhile .", "I am afraid I shall never requite it .", "Methinks you contradict yourself : how can you", "You would not else make all this stir to woo .", "I do fear you promise", "Your other sovereign 's service , as to keep", "My Littleworth ! Fool that I was , could I", "To thee ten thousand welcomes still are due .", "Will find me to be one of those things , which", "To scoff one ne'er did injure you ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["And old St Mary 's Spital , here by Shoreditch .", "You underprop it with be all your own .", "All your two thousand pound , gentlemen , we quit", "Why from Ludgate do you removeprisoners ?", "And as swift a marriage : be it as it will ,", "The grave 's good rest when women go first to bed .", "With your uncle 's gold your father you relieve .", "Divide by halves that love , and I 'll allow .", "Such wheels in children 's bosoms seldom run .", "Alas ! good old man , some sweet bird must sing ,", "I gladly shall agree", "A plenty to that liberty . I thought by this ,", "Why , this had been a blessing too good for me .", "Sister , that hand can raise that gives the fall .", "Say , sir , are ye content ?", "I thank ye , sir .", "So much ground to the work .", "And he strives to augment it ? I did mistake him .", "\u2018 Tis well if you can do't , and that the timber", "The brother to your husband \u2014 lay , you know ,", "In good deeds I 'll walk hand in hand with you ;", "What present money can you pay ?", "Why , \u2018 tis your brother , sir .", "Close to the gate , that was my father 's ,", "Did I from riot take him to waste my goods ,", "With mayor and aldermen , how to receive the king ,", "Now , good Sir Godfrey and Master Innocent .", "For souls fram 'd by one square to grow uneven !", "The match is fair ; and were that knot once tied ,", "Never so well content , believe me , sir ;", "Shall it be put to me ?", "How now , sweetheart ? what hast thou there ?", "A son 's love to a father none can blame :", "We were alike to you in poverty .", "O , they are my old debtors , Speedwell and Lambskin :", "For your two hundred : go , pay the money to my coz ,", "I must come a-wooing to you , sir .", "To our full substance .", "Perhaps at length thou wouldst have wasted my store :", "Thou wouldst have stuff 'd thy pockets full of gold ,", "That women are forgetful , yet ne'ertheless", "Come , I will work my husband : stay this grief . The longest sorrow finds at last relief . Enter CLOWN . Now , sir , your business ?", "I grieve for my poor gossip , his good wife ;", "And let me bear the storm : all hurts that are ,", "Good husband .", "Will the tide never turn ? Was ever woman", "Your mildness wears this mask of cruelty well .", "Sir , you see I have made a speedy choice", "Had you an ague , then ?", "Upon my trust , none here shall do you wrong .What is his business with the aldermen ?", "He 's rank 'd with the best citizens .", "Birth , and propinquity ; inheritor", "Stand valiantly ,", "As deriv 'd from us by conception ,", "I will not leave your brother 's iron heart ,", "\u2018 Tis like a war \u2018 mongst the great lights of heaven ;", "On the same bed of misery ; yet now", "Prythee , no more , I had rather be angry than flatter 'd .", "And thrown it at a hazard ; made ducks and drakes ,", "Saw you your sad father ?", "Thus burden 'd with unhappy happiness ?", "And baited fishes with thy silver flies ;", "There is a fair tenement adjoining", "We 'll shear no sheep so close .", "Would you kill a man lying at your feet ? Do good for ill .", "And give his sorrows present comforting .", "Set at the Guildhall in his scarlet gown ,", "My dear husband must not leave me behind ,", "What 's your meaning , sir ?", "I shall be happy i n't .", "Here \u2018 fore this reverend man I make it known ,", "Who comes to see Master Brewen 's hospital", "For your brother : O , \u2018 tis unmeet"], "true_target": ["Lost , and fetch 'd more : why , this had been my joy !", "You must thank heaven .", "And ruins in your bosoms I 'll repair .", "But I must go before him ;", "And receive your two bonds cancell 'd .", "I laugh at this jest : much good do them both :", "To any act that tends to charity .", "Blows given from heaven are our due punishment :", "Did you not say that women are forgetful ?", "Troth , would it might !", "Call it not borrow 'd , sir ; \u2018 tis all your own ;", "I know it well , sir .", "I like and love ; let him hold on the same ;", "I like the man : if his qualities afflict me ,", "Sir , I believe ,", "O let me kiss thee for this charity . But for your cousin , sir ?", "But in the noble bearing ; be content .", "My wager I had won , had I but laid .", "Made fairer from their ruins : he that I married \u2014", "and \u2018 tis said ,", "seek for crosses : the hopes I meant", "And this will break her heart-strings :", "To take some order for it : good sweetheart ,", "In good sooth , I 'll go and comfort her .", "And where 's that ?", "Sound sweetest .", "I 'll give it freely ; take it down , and add", "Suffers eclipse \u2014 so brother against brother .", "He 's now the Sheriff of London , and in council", "Till I have beat it soft with my entreats .", "She never met good fortune all her life ,", "Or bind thy large expense , but rather to add", "All shipwrecks are no drownings : you see buildings", "You cannot remember me , and him forget :", "One cannot lose his beauty , but the other", "I 'd send some angels to attend the bride .", "Let him be largely texted in your love ,", "Nothing , dear brother ;", "No , not to that , you are kind brothers now ,", "O , \u2018 tis well . Cousin , what make you here , I pray ?", "No , my lord , I 'll help it better : I do confess", "That all the city may read it fairly ;", "What good I can I 'll do for him , be bold .", "Go , call them in : and , my gentle sister ,", "Kill them not till they are fatter .", "I hope you both in smoother streams shall swim .", "Indeed all 's well : the course that he has run", "You make some doubts of me in this , sir :", "Frets make best music : strings the higher rack 'd", "Thou art our child as free by adoption ,", "I thank ye , sir : then tell me , gentlemen ,", "Nor my true purpose ; I did not wed to thrall ,", "I thank you . How fare you , brother ?", "Well , sir , I shall be bless 'd i n't . But where is he ?", "The easier then ta'en off .", "I am exempt : I know my fate , and find", "A good bargain , I hope . Enter CLOWN . Roger , where 's your master ?", "Not your master , sir ?", "Ha , ha ! prythee , do not mistake thyself ,", "Turn to despair , and smother in content .", "O , fear not , I 'll be your surety , sir .", "To whom commend me ; give to him this gold ;", "To-morrow , consecrated by th \u2019 Cardinal ,", "What are they ? Know their names .", "Comfort yourself and my imprison 'd brother ,", "Hark , coz , where 's your uncle 's money ?", "You cut large thongs of that 's another 's due ,", "Why , sir , all is his , and at his dispose ; Who shall dare to thwart him ?", "I 'm to new", "\u2018 Las ! they are poor and lean , and being so ,", "Sister , there 's no way to make sorrow light", "Not yet , sir ; but here they come like honest gentlemen", "And you will answer't ill. Now , in good troth ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Wherefore , gentle maiden ,"], "true_target": ["Do you neglect them ?"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Is come to Ludgate , and I am come in haste", "As all prisons have , sir .", "O , cry you mercy ! \u2018 tis his son :", "Come , come , be merry , sir ; do as mourners do at funerals , wear your hat in your eyes , and laugh in your heart .", "Yes , sir ;", "Well , sir , I shall .", "Yes , sir , I will .", "\u2018 Las , sir ! this house is poor .", "You must beg at the iron grate above ,", "What 's your pleasure , sir ?", "Yes , Master Foster , and I sorrow for your losses ,", "Master Foster , the new sheriff , your brother ,", "Sir , there 's one without desires to speak with you .", "Heaven bless your purpose , sir !"], "true_target": ["Sir , being the youngest prisoner in the house ,", "No ? Why , look ye , sir , you shall want neither meat , drink , money , nor anything that the house affords ; or if anything abroad like ye , sir , here 's money , send for what you will , sir . Nay , you shall beg no more at the grate neither .", "I shall , sir .", "Who would you speak with , sir ?", "As others do , for your relief and theirs .", "I 'll leave them .", "There be some fees to pay , sir , at your coming in .", "One Master Foster , sir , a decayed citizen new-come in . Cry you mercy , sir , you know him better than myself , I think .", "No matter , sir ; since you have good meat set before you , never ask who sent it . If heaven provide for you , and make the fowls of the air your caters , feed you fat , and be thankful ; and so I leave you .", "Yet doubt not but your son and brother \u2014\u2014", "Yes , sir .", "\u2018 Tis what you please to call it .", "Your name is register 'd amongst the prisoners .", "To know your pleasure , if you would see him ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["The prisoners are remov 'd , sir .", "But , turning to his son , he fetch 'd a sigh", "wept , having no power to speak .", "And built it fair , adding more ground to it ,", "And many hundred more , sir : you have re-edified", "Them fires for better comfort : all this is almost finish 'd .", "I am gone , sir ."], "true_target": ["Troth , sir , as a man o'ercome \u2018 twixt grief and gladness ;", "As you commanded , sir , I have discharged him .", "So violent as if his heart would break ,", "And", "And by pipes of lead from Paddington , drawn", "Likewise free , and a hundred pounds yearly , to make", "Water thither free for all prisoners : lodgings"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["me might , after", "You bless mine eyes with objects that become", "In the founder 's eye , not left unto succession .", "We 'll yield relief : it is first requisite", "End our days", "O , welcome is all love ; our people 's shouts", "In their heart 's language makes our bienvenues", "Rise , your duty 's done ; your petitions", "We would work most faithfully . But , bounteous sir ,", "A wonder in a woman ! What is't , I prythee ?", "Prythee , be a false prophet .", "chiefly to you , sir ,", "To royalise this place with our best presence ,", "A worthy work ! the better being done", "I wish you many scholars .", "The liveliest harmony that e'er I heard ! All instruments compar 'd to these sweet tunes Are dull and harsh : I joy to see so good a child , A woman wonder ; brothers reconciled .You , worthy sir , did invite us to a feast , We 'll not forget it , but will be your guest ; Because we 'll view these wonders o'er again , Whose records do deserve a brazen pen ; But this above the rest in golden text Shall be insculp 'd , A woman never vex 'd . FOOTNOTES :This speech is not appropriated in the original , although divided from the wife 's : neither are the words between brackets altogether an insertion of my own . The speech appears thus in the original :\u2014 \u2018 Tis fairely given . Thy soule on prisoners prayers shall mount to heaven : The Plummers and the Workemen have survey 'd the ground From Paddington ; from whence I'l have laid pipes Long to London to convey sweet water into Ludgate ; From fresh Springs : when charity tunes the pipe , the Poore man sings . Enter Keeper . How now , Keeper . As I had occasion to give a note here , I thought one sample of the original might gratify the reader 's curiosity , and he has a miniature of the whole work . The poet , who is here very minute in the description of Stephen 's charity , is justified by the inscription on the wall quoted by Stow . On this subject , however , Strype observes , \u201c The water I find not to be altogether his gift ; for that I perused lately a book , wherein I found a memorandum , that Sir Robert Knowlesgave maintenance for the supply of the prisoners of Ludgate and Newgate for ever \u201dThere can be little doubt , however , that this excellent man did something for the benefit of the prisoners , in regard to the supplying them with water .\u2014 Dilke .I suspect Arundel to have been of Cranmer 's school , and to have prophesied of what had actually happened . The following extract from a pamphlet of that time called , \u201c Thieves falling out , true Men come by their Goods , \u201djustifies the supposition : \u201c And Shoreditch will complain to Dame Ann a Clear , if we of the sisterhood , should not uphold her jollity . \u201d It is not through the inattention of the editor that this , and the preceding speech of Brewen 's , halt so lamentably ; he has , in fact , exercised his utmost skill ; but , as with many other passages in this drama , his success has not equalled his exertion .This lady proved a false prophetess .The 4o reads , \u201c What shall I say , except my hand and heart ; \u201d and Stephen may mean , What shall I offer except , & c .; but it seems a forced construction . THE ORDINARY EDITION . The Ordinary , a Comedy , Written by William Cartwright , M. A . Ch . Ch . Oxon . London , Printed for Humphrey Moseley , and are to be sold at his shop at the Sign of The Princes Armes in St Paul 's Churchyard . 1651 . 8o .FOOTNOTES :Among them are verses by a number of men of little note ; but this can hardly be said of the contributions of Jasper Mayne , James Howell , Sir R. Stapylton , H. Vaughan, Alexander Brome , and Izaak Walton . M. Lluellin has also added an ode to the collection ; and another poem on Cartwright is to be found in his , \u201c Men , Miracles , and other Poems , \u201d 1646 .\u2014 Collier . INTRODUCTION William Cartwright was , according to Lloyd ,born the 16th of August 1615 , though Woodsays he was born at Northway , near Tewksbury , Gloucestershire , in September 1611 , and christened on the 26th of the same month . There is as much difference between these two writers , with respect to his father , as there is concerning the time of his birth . Lloyd says he was the son of Thomas Cartwright of Burford , in Oxfordshire . Wood asserts that his father 's name was William Cartwright , one who had dissipated a fair inheritance , and was at last reduced to keep an inn at Cirencester . These contradictory accounts are totally irreconcilable . Wood 's , however , is probably the true one .That author says that Cartwright received part of his education under Mr William Top , master of the Free School at Cirencester ; was from thence sent to Westminster , where he completed his education under Mr Lambert Osbaldiston ; and in the year 1628was chosen a student of Christ Church in Oxford , and placed under the care of Mr Terrent . He took his several degrees of Bachelor and Master of Arts \u2014 the latter in 1635 ; and afterwards entering into holy orders , became , as Woodexpresses it , \u201c the most florid and seraphical preacher in the University . \u201d In October 1642 , Bishop Duppa conferred on him the place of Succentor in the Church of Salisbury ; and on the 12th of April 1643 , he was admitted junior proctor of the University . He died the 29th of November following of a malignant fever , universally lamented by every person who knew him , even by his sovereign , who showed him particular marks of his respect .He was buried at the upper end of the south aisle , adjoining to the choir of the cathedral of Christ Church . \u201c He was , \u201d says Langbaine , \u201c extremely remarkable both for his outward and inward endowments , his body being as handsome as his soul . He was an expert linguist , understanding not only Greek and Latin , but French and Italian , as perfectly as his mother tongue . He was an excellent orator , and yet an admirable poet , a quality which Cicero , with all his pains , could not attain to . Nor was Aristotle less known to him than Cicero and Virgil ; and those who heard his metaphysical lectures gave him the preference to all his predecessors , the present Bishop of Lincolnexcepted . His sermons were as much admired as his other composures ; and one fitly applied to our author that saying of Aristotle concerning AEschrion the poet , that he could not tell what AEschrion could not do . \u201d Ben Jonson said of him with some passion , My son Cartwright writes all like a man ; and Dr Fell , Bishop of Oxford , gave him this character : Cartwright was the utmost man could come to . Besides a sermon and some Greek and Latin poems , he was the author of four plays , one only of which , I believe , was published in his lifetime , viz .\u2014", "As is proposed .", "That we know of you , sir , the cause", "You fall betwixt two pillars , sir ; is't not so ?", "The theatre of kings to look upon .", "Most high and sovereign : we return all thanks", "You may boast it largely ; \u2018 tis a subject 's happiness", "Make known to all distressed travellers ,", "Let now our heralds in the streets proclaim", "Unto our loving citizens ;", "Above a queen 's . Have you suits to us ?", "What is't , I prythee ?", "It is too good to change : pray you , proceed ."], "true_target": ["What are these petitioners ?", "Accompanied with this reverend Cardinal :", "Each one relate his grief , and if it lie in us ,", "We hear ; speak on : we know the parties ;", "Shall need no knees , so your intents be honest :", "Does none here know them ?", "Would", "You have a wonder , master sheriff ; a priceless jewel .", "With an impartial ear we have heard", "You have prevented well , so has this good alderman ;", "Your loving story ; \u2018 tis both fair and honest .", "That we 'll accept his charitable house ;", "You have vex 'd her now , sir : how do you answer that ?", "The title and", "Of this your son his disinheritance .", "many broils ,", "What art thou ?", "The house of God ;", "How do you call your buildings ?", "This may your vices cause .", "An honourable work , and deserves large memory .", "office of this hospital ;", "in these religious toils :", "Such league should ever be in brotherhood .", "A wonder , Master Sheriff ? You mean for beauty ?", "This union 's good ;", "This Domus Dei shall be their free sojourn ,", "Whose pious work invites our majesty"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["This place , intended for a use so charitable ,", "I will , if I can , my lord .", "Should be unhallow 'd again by villanous inhabitants ,", "Would not this grieve you in your grave ?"], "true_target": ["Your hospital tenements turn 'd into stews ,", "But say , sir : now in some future age ,", "Say whores instead of Christians , and", "Perhaps some two or three hundred year behind us ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["A churl , a hind , that 's wholesome ; some raw thing", "So help you fortune , me philosophy .", "To win him o'er awhile into your service .", "To cosen and be cosen 'd makes the age .", "I saw", "Nay , hang me , if I e'er recant . You 'll take me", "To win that old eremite thing that , like", "Because I see your freer nature 's such", "Yes , to become a martyr , and be pictur 'd", "durst not", "This \u2018 twas . You must be venturing without your fancy-man .", "Chemists of manners \u2014\u2014", "Hark here .", "O \u2019 th \u2019 Declaration , or the abolishing", "You have no enemy but frailty .", "And leaves them bare immediately .", "It may stop some proceedings .", "Thunder , and make it stand , as if arrested", "How now ? So melancholy , sweet ?", "Or a false hand , without the cut or shuffle ,", "Bashaws , sir , you mean .", "As if her nose did strive t \u2019 outrun her heels .", "Rare rogue ! how I do love him now , methinks !", "Ne'er sail 'd so far as he hath steer 'd by land ,", "Never be done , I think , unless you do it .", "A gallant 's like a leg of mutton boil 'd", "He ne'er would have to do with you . But mark me \u2014", "\u2018 Tis thought the hairy child , that 's shown about ,", "You do not do it handsomely . You think", "More demonstrably evident , leave in", "Something to stake at first .", "How now , sweet Shape \u2019 ! So close alone", "It had been better that you ne'er had took it ;", "With child , I warrant ?", "\u2018 Tis almost ripe enough to crush . He hath not", "We owe pied colts unto the varied horse-cloth ,", "I love my country very well . Your high", "For witchcraft then , that 's all done by the force", "A grove of pikes are rushes to him : hail", "Let it go on ; let it work something farther :", "Using his colours both for mast and sail .", "doth move ,", "Man ,", "Upon entreaty , I 'm content for once ;", "Being y \u2019 are confident of me , and I", "English , and now and then a root or two Of Hebrew , which we 'll learn of some Dutch skipper That goes along with us this voyage . Now We want but a good wind ; the brethren 's sighs Must fill our sails ; for what Old England wo n't Afford , New England will . You shall hear of us By the next ship that comes for proselytes . Each soil is not the good man 's country only ; Nor is the lot his to be still at home : We 'll claim a share , and prove that nature gave This boon , as to the good , so to the knave . FOOTNOTES :Adultery .See Note to \u201c The Antiquary \u201dChange .Plenty , abundance .The story here alluded to is told in an old play , entitled \u201c The Famous Chronicle of King Edward the first , sir-named Edward Longshankes , with his returne from the holy land . Also the life of Llevellen rebell in Wales . Lastly , the sinking of Queene Elinor , who sunck at Charing cross , and rose againe at Potters hith , now named Queene-hith . By George Peele . \u201d 4o , 1593 , 1599 . See also a ballad on the same subject in Evans 's \u201c Old Ballads , \u201d vol i. p. 237 .Take hold of him .\u2014 T .Decorated or adornedSo in Milton 's \u201c Penseroso \u201d \u2014 \u201c Not trick 'd and frounc 'd as she was wont , With Attic boy to hunt ; But kerchief 'd in a comely cloud . \u201d \u2014 SteevensQuick reward .i. e ., A nuptial ditty : from Fescennia , or Fescennium , a town in Italy , where these kinds of songs were first practised .\u2014 Steevens .To bray , to pound , or grind small \u2014 \u201c I 'll burst him , I will bray His bones , as in a mortar . \u201d \u201c Except you would bray christendom in a mortar , and mould it into a new paste , there is no possibility of a holy war . \u201d \u2014 Bacon . See Johnson 's Dictionary , v. Bray . It also means only to stamp with the feet : thus in Fortescue 's \u201c Foreste of Histories , \u201d 1571 , fol . 68 : \u201c When Apelles his horse was brought into the place the other began to braie and stirre , as is their common usage . \u201d \u2014 Collier .This is intended to ridicule the Puritans of the times , who , on account of the severe censures of the Star Chamber , the greatness of the fines there , the rigorous proceedings to impose ceremonies , the suspending and silencing ministers for not reading in church \u201c The Book of Sports , \u201d and other grievances , sold their estates , and settled in New England . The emigrations , on these accounts , at length became so general , that a proclamation was put forth in 1635 to stop those who had determined to follow their friends . It is remarkable that amongst those who were actually on shipboard , and prevented by the proclamation from proceeding on their voyage , were the patriot Hampden and his cousin Oliver Cromwell . THE EPILOGUE", "Provide the wealthiest gamesters : there 's but one", "\u2018 tis they do believe . If they think \u2018 twill", "The prey and feeder are that civil thing", "Entreat this one thing of you : that you would not", "Put out with zeal , th \u2019 other with ignorance ;", "Y \u2019 have met with fools , I warrant .", "The crystal glass , brittle ; rude handling cracks him .", "Growing into a thing that will be worshipp 'd .", "When I lay agent last in New Atlantis ,", "To the great vestry-wit , the livery-brain ,", "Without the help of any secret word", "Slights a tempest ;", "We 're made , my boys , we 're made ! methinks I am", "His name is heard", "Engag 'd him to the hate of all , but what", "Crept high enough as yet to be sensible", "suppli 'd a breach :", "No fitter place .", "If that you please undo yourself ; you may :", "O \u2019 th \u2019 sudden for the sole tutors of the age .", "Like kit-strings ?", "The present colours plac 'd before their eyes ?", "Sir , let me tell you , this is not the least", "In Turkey for intelligence , the Great Turk ,", "You do forget \u2014\u2014", "Sir Thomas , if you 'll please so far to grace us ,", "just like a juggler drawing", "Of Saint John Baptist in his camel 's coat .", "\u2018 Tis but getting", "Yet did I think you true \u2014\u2014", "Speak for our credit , my brave man of war . What , Meanwell , why so lumpish ?", "In its mid-journey . If that such a one", "and Stafford ;", "My purse is no safe place for it .", "No need , that 's done", "The fraud 's the same in both ; there only wants", "And low men are but trifles ;", "Of her deficiency that , whate'er they think ,", "Upon my easy foolishness : \u2018 tis that", "or we venison ; eats", "That never was at London : one in whom", "Fancy can save or kill : it hath clos 'd up", "It may be , being they are such cunning fellows ,", "If that you cannot sleep at any time , we do", "An ache i \u2019 th \u2019 bones at sixteen passeth now", "Fill , choke your gaping throat : but if as yet", "New way of winning , but yet very sure .", "There lies a hoar-frost on her head , and yet", "In the most simple ; they being easiest won", "Make him believe the citizen 's his guest ;", "with it , I confess ; but lying", "Do you think \u2018 tis money I esteem ? I can", "Command each term by art as much as will", "That 's good , but \u2014", "See we not beasts conceive , as they do fancy", "The powerfull'st that way I e'er found yet :", "In Fox 's book ;", "I should be forthwith cut .", "He will but think he shall be abus 'd in such", "But make no custom of't . You do presume", "For high descent : it argues a great birth .", "But you , most noble guests , whose gracious looks", "The aid of salves , to think hath been a cure .", "True steel .", "His sword 's his knife ; his colours are his napkins ;", "If e'er I find you in this mood again ,", "Methinks this is truly coming to a reckoning . He doth account for 's sins with Item so .", "They shall increase above your conquer 'd spendings ,", "Think it done .", "In that you 've plac 'd your son in this good sort .", "For her gait , that 's such", "He 's gone abroad .", "Be so , it will be so : they do command", "Perhaps yet brought about : a match or so ;", "A proper fellow : \u2018 tis a trifle , that ;", "Your hollowed thumb join 'd with your wriggled box \u2014", "Take heed : if that you do't , he 'll guess you 're given", "Her nose the candle in the midst of it .", "Your breath may be discover 'd ; and you give", "And the white partridge to the neighbouring snow .", "In France a monsieur , only in the cutting", "O thou preaching devil !", "Shall utter nought but millions ; you shall measure ,", "Our house becomes a place of visit now .", "But for your deeds of valour , there is one ,", "Leave off these gins ,", "That nature pays those men in recompense", "We must apply good hope of wealth and means .", "Here is the only difference : others cheat", "Our life , methinks , is but the same with others :", "Dri 'd , powder 'd \u2014\u2014", "Come , my good vulture , speak ; what prey ? what mirth ?", "Thou hast forgotten wine , lieutenant \u2014 wine .", "With a long label out o \u2019 your mouth , like those", "your pois 'd dye ,", "Why , then ,", "Ptolemy ,", "Now the strongest fancies still are found to dwell", "Can I lie hid nowhere securely from", "For the bristle dye , it is", "The loud report when heaven hath discharg 'd .", "O \u2019 th \u2019 common prayers . Cheer up ; say something for us .", "Sunk like the Queen ; they 'll rise at Queenhive , sure !", "In heart .", "Write a geography by his own conquests :", "The Great Turk loves no music .", "Besides you come too near , when you salute .", "In spite of their excess . Your care shall be", "Wi \u2019 your widow !", "Within one fortnight you should see five thousand .", "Nay , he will pay you large \u2014 ly .", "Spill 'd quicksilver . An ear , an eye , a nose ,", "People feel Naples in their bodies ; and", "Endanger the whole arm . Your gallant 's , like", "Methinks , begins to be too hot for us .", "Both wind and limb at th \u2019 venture , will you not ?", "Religion !", "Knowing , then , how we must direct our steps ,", "Seeing you needs will cast me off , let me", "Something contriving for you , which may be", "Shall come to pass . But now the hardest will be", "But that the power of this art may be", "A constant thaw in her nose .", "To the most firm belief , who understand not", "A thing you care not for , I know . Have I", "In better sort , and am us 'd thus ? As for", "Counts lightning but a giving fire , and thunder", "My common-council pate , that doth determine", "Do you not hear her guts already squeak", "Let 's be sworn brothers .", "H \u2019 hath with his breath", "A company , and he 's abus 'd : he will", "You shall have it", "Black in his cradle ,"], "true_target": ["When he 's once fix 'd , no engine can remove him .", "Entice some o \u2019 th \u2019 seraglio , did command", "H \u2019 hath fought o'er Strabo ,", "Perfidious man ! there is no trust in thee !", "To be saluted so were to be wounded :", "Ne'er think to sum it , \u2018 tis impossible :", "To find out one that 's capable of thinking .", "Become a theatre , where I seek shelter ,", "Troth , he may", "I may", "For my good toothless countess , let us try", "As willingly go light as be your treasurer .", "Carry a shirt or shoes . Jack Mandevile", "He is", "And yet they think they 're eagles .", "By a Spanish cook : take him but by the one end ,", "Makes you so bold . Were it another man ,", "The citizen , that he is his .", "Low bloods are never worthy such infection .", "I 'll dash your hopes of marriage for ever .", "What ! how now , Master Credulous ? so merry ?", "Bravely contriv 'd !", "Not worth that hand that guides it : toys fit only", "I met with , what you now desire , a strange", "Why then , I 'll tell you , sweet .", "Good sir , I know your tricks ; you would entrap :", "That 's all one .", "More frights you than a shower of bullets him \u2014", "Nay , fare you well then , sir .", "Ottoman , sir , you mean .", "That can do us wrong \u2014 discovery .", "Must make a dish or two become a feast .", "And shake him , all the flesh falls from the bones ,", "Of one cross caper , rise a man , and come", "Allowance to our way . The commonwealth", "\u2018 Twill", "Lay open a kingdom 's paunches , show the bowels", "London air ,", "Into some other track : dam up the stream", "had he not been first", "His parts would fall asunder like unto", "Presume your lips are sealed up to silence ,", "Not walk \u2014 I mean , that rotten antiquary .", "Shall not be bound by any .", "Till that you have undone yourself , you mean .", "That you must trust to . Come , let 's to the church .", "By statute , but we do't upon no grounds .", "Wherefore our policy must be our charter .", "Down , to th \u2019 amazement of the standers-by ,", "Not that I covet any of your dross ,", "I will not strive to hinder you . There is", "If I do n't serve him", "when the balsam could not ; and without", "To idle spendings , and so cross the match .", "My hands all but some smaller sum to set ,", "Somewhat suspicious of me , lest I might", "Show you the virtue of't , though not the thing :", "A little pigeon-hole reformed ruff \u2014\u2014", "And inwards of a signiory or two ;", "You are not deaf to counsel , let me tell you ,", "Wounds ,", "They 're open to the eye . For cards , you may", "One drum 's his table , the other is his music :", "I had the first o n't , then . A coachman or", "Of that vast headlong monarchy , if that", "An image in a German clock ,", "Plotted to take you off from these , to match you", "A trick he thinks not of \u2014\u2014", "naked ;", "I confess I can", "Alas ! \u2018 twould only trouble me : I can", "The hostile paynim ,", "Be cheated without trouble . One eye is", "Would drop , like summer fruit from shaken trees .", "I do hope We shall grow famous ; have all sorts repair As duly to us , as the barren wives Of aged citizens do to St Antholin 's . Come , let us take our quarters ; we may come To be some great officers in time , And with a reverend magisterial frown Pass sentence on those faults that are our own . FOOTNOTES :The Declaration concerning \u201c The Book of Sports , \u201d set forth some time before . This was a matter very disgusting to the Puritans , who had an equal dislike to the Book of Common Prayer .This phrase signifies take courage , or summon up resolution . It is at present always written in this manner ; formerly it used ,to be , take heart at grass ; as in \u201c Euphues , \u201d p. 18 : \u201c Rise , therefore , Euphues , and take heart at grasse , younger thou shalt never bee : plucke up thy stomacke , if love have stong thee , it shall not stifle thee . \u201d Again , in Tarlton 's \u201c Newes out of Purgatory , \u201d p. 4 : \u201c Therefore taking heart at grasse , drawing more neere him , \u201d & c .", "Already : nothing left thee that may style thee", "Only to tame your riches , and to make them", "That sager heads call body politic .", "Let us chalk out our paths : you , Shape , know yours .", "I see the tide of fortune rolling in", "Had sworn him pilgrim unto conventicles ;", "As be a guest to-morrow here , we shall", "Committed to my custody but lately ,", "Take that , which I did never yet discover :", "No variety here ,", "And wars . There 's one , look on him \u2014\u2014", "He 's but one pin above a natural : but \u2014\u2014", "Like thunder , and that mere word Slicer hath", "Shall think you 'll win , you must win : \u2018 tis a due ,", "He want not means to compass his intents .", "Divert the torrent of the Turkish rule", "Thou art the fawning'st fellow , Slicer ! Meanwell ,", "\u2018 Tis true .", "Foh , foh ! She hath let fly .", "You 'll grant shall bear more rule in petty hazards .", "I must tell you one thing \u2014 and yet I 'm loth .", "Without resistance . Go , be close and happy .", "Not count your moneys ; your revenues shall", "Be proud and insolent , and unruly ;", "And solitudes become markets , \u2018 cause I 'm there ?", "Sufficed unto victory .", "I was born", "This is your snare , not your request .", "And was straight read on .", "Nor get your wench", "With a free heart .", "Riband out of his throat .", "Then", "The clown is too predominant . Refin 'd", "To the knight 's house .", "That 's as you speak \u2018 em .", "A slumber may seize on you .", "It works upon that which is not as yet :", "No , keep it and hoard it up ;", "Of any fall .", "Alter the course of nature , I presume ,", "Were not the danger great , I 'd \u2014\u2014", "Of mere imagination . That which can", "Imagine only that he shall be cheated ,", "Sooner than all Trithemius \u2019 charms .", "Furnish a navy . Had you but five pound", "Those names of want and beggary , mean : your tongue", "Is gross to this \u2014\u2014", "Pleaseth the stubborn , froward elect .", "A private oath given him at first entrance ,", "It would lay a devil", "The little Ethiop infant would have been", "Discover th \u2019 entrails of a state perhaps .", "For clerks to win poor costermongers \u2019 ware with .", "Left you in all the world , I 'd undertake", "Thou look'st as if thou plott'st the calling in", "The very soul of battle :", "Set nature free , and are", "I 've one", "The slur and suchlike are not to be talk 'd of ;", "White in the mother 's strong imagination .", "And he is cheated : all still comes to pass .", "Hath not declar 'd herself as yet for us ;", "Now you know the worst", "Or the pack 'd trick , have what you will yourself ;", "Came by the mother 's thinking on the picture", "That 's ballasted with quicksilver or gold ,", "We 're cri 'd up", "They have some business with you .", "To shake you by the hand : which often doth", "You shall have at least", "As doth deserve supplies , I 'll do my best", "There 's none to contradict you .", "To bind you to the peace , but that your strength", "Some twenty warrants sign 'd upon you straight :", "You may ,", "Borne weapons whither Coriat", "Travell 'd as far in arms as Lithgow", "A city-business with his gloves on 's head ,", "The rent you ask , here take it ; take your money ;", "Allow you to begin your pray'rs , that so", "Grow sober and obedient to your use .", "They have the trick of going invisible .", "They are good silly people ; souls that will", "You shall ne'er know what angels , pieces , pounds ,", "Why", "A groom , were fitter far for her .", "Then drinks o'er all his bandoleers , and fights \u2014", "Not upon you for a kingdom , good Joan . The Great Turk , Joan , the Great Turk !", "A true extemporary skeleton ;", "Of things wherein your wisdom shows itself ,", "No .", "Carves nourishing horse , as he is us 'd to do", "The throng and press of men ? Must every place", "The trunk-hose justices will try all means", "And check the course of fortune : they may stop", "Study hereafter to deserve the favour .", "Gunpowder with his meat instead of pepper ,", "Make me your table-talk at the next gossiping .", "Woman , but lust and tongue : no flesh but what", "Here 's Master Credulous and old Sir Thomas ;", "Advantage unto him you thus accost", "Stout Master Have-at-all ,", "The vices of the sex exact , to keep them", "I will invite him as to myself .", "Although I speak it to his face , that can"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Of China counsels , cover 'd with a lid", "Must be attentive , and believe . Do y \u2019 think", "Your plaster 'd face doth drop against moist weather .", "Should venture to commit her eldest son", "To him \u2018 tis but a meal ; to you \u2018 tis virtue .", "Become a tyrant . He 's the kingdom 's arm", "His ignorance i \u2019 th \u2019 mystery keeps him coward .", "Vouchsaf 'd to dwell a minute where a sullen", "The dishes , that does all ; else he that hath", "That weapons be not wanting ,", "Do instruct of states \u2014\u2014", "As hard to meet an honest action as", "No dish but must present artillery ;", "will bestir him .", "No , I 'm loth", "Hath newly put me on a piece of service ;", "The university ! \u2018 T had been the only way", "If this might all stand upon drum-heads , \u2018 twould", "Loss is in twenty dozen of bread , between", "We 'll bring your friends and ours to this large dinner :", "Of our profession , come off whole , unless", "With , the black blood of pagan Christians ,", "With the same lure : he knows t \u2019 a crumb how much", "Well , I must to his majesty : think o n't :", "But we ,", "\u2018 Twould be a policy worth hatching to", "Your choice is free .", "Converted a few infidels with it ;", "Do but view", "brave widow ,", "And force the enemy 's sword with as much ease", "Forcing our beards into th \u2019 orthodox bent \u2014\u2014", "Owe valour to their ordinaries , and fight", "Dost think the king would send me to the wars", "Her breath would rout an army sooner than", "Oliv 'd ,hash 'd \u2014\u2014", "Did apply himself to the knight all dinner !", "One that will do more good with 's tongue that way", "But let that pass . That man of peace there hath", "And caveary", "To us as to the Inns-of-Court : He 'll be", "December in her face ?", "Will serve for large-sized bullets ; then a dish", "Work somewhat better .", "Twelve yards of sausage by , instead of match ;", "Snipe , woodcock , partridge , pheasant , quail , will serve .", "Of Prester-Johnian whispers \u2014", "H \u2019 had been in prison with his wench .", "Discreet , and wisely done : I was about", ",", "Give me villany ,", "That Have-at-all is coming shall make room ,", "Venice would float in 's bladder ; Holland sail", "After this sealing forty weeks , deliver", "Close in some little gut , and ragioni", "Men of employment in these days . His majesty", "Eats only flesh , the understanding , valour :", "How think'st now ?", "Copies , and tenures ; he is deaf to th \u2019 rest .", "Take it then thus . All must be soldier-like ;", "The tenth or \u2018 leventh worthy \u2014 which you please :", "A liberal alderman or a court-nun .", "Good now , peace :", "Sir , when y \u2019 are cheated next , we are your servants .", "Old Credulous and his son , and Master Caster ,", "With pudding , or strut in some aged carp :", "He had return 'd , as slaves do from the galleys :", "The table look like a pitch 'd battle , then", "H \u2019 hath been an agent some few years", "See treachery writ in 's forehead . I well hop 'd", "I am afraid he plays the cunning factor ,", "They 're either gone or in the house , that 's certain .", "This two or three years : by that time she 'll be", "The sorrel stallion in my lord 's long stable .", "The form of trumpets . Then in order shall", "And malecotoons ,", "Debate these things another time , good friends .", "Honour her too much to think she deserves", "As sack and white wine . Some that have the itch", "He 's very furious when he 's mov 'd .", "The general and some sneaks .", "Item , a collar of good large fat brawn", "As any bell \u2014 hem ! was't not shrill , my girl ? ha !", "Duck , rabbit , pigeon ; for the more genteel ,", "Nothing but moieties , and lives , and farms ,", "Follow the officers : the captain first", "Would lead a troop , as well as now a masque ;", "Ne'er fear that , my wench :", "True perfect cat . They practise beforehand .", "Then to avoid the gross absurdity", "You do", "Reserv 'd , lock 'd up . The secrets of the King", "As his mistress 's bodkin : gallants would", "Undone here , only with less ceremony .", "Have him dissected , if \u2018 twere not too cruel .", "Our small provision .", "Shadows of bread , not bread . You never knew", "Come sweating in a breast of mutton , stuff 'd", "Redoubted knight", "Bring them to be your tributaries , if", "Those goodly juments of the guard would fight", "Most like to blood . Some shall bleed fainter colours ,", "As when the bears are in procession .", "There is no longer tarrying here : let 's swear", "A thing that can lust moderately : give her", "I 've worn some leather out abroad , let out", "Of tent would not be wanting \u2014 \u2018 tis a wine", "Without I had my weapons ? Eunuchs are not", "generally reek in all .", "Fair long black-puddings , lying by for drumsticks .", "Destruction , rapine , violence ! spare none .", "A buzzard only . Let the corporal", "They must come to that within", "But to one Spaniard , and \u2018 twas wondrous happy .", "In 's body without vent , that every morning ,", "The greatest range , would be the hardiest man .", "That which is broke by th \u2019 hand and that is cut .", "What anger hath destroy 'd , the title 's yours ;", "Make a commander , or a tripe-eater", "Say I can n't prophesy .", "What should the Great Turk 's father do with wealth ?", "We 'll bring the ancient weapons into play .", "And mantle were pull 'd off from things , \u2018 twould be", "He 's close ,", "You never yet", "O'errul ' d by a woman .", "Now will he meet with Have-at-all ; there 'll be", "By spittle , what by foot , what by the puff ,", "Item , a well-grown lamprey for a fife ;", "These foolish , puling sighs", "Concluded . Would you fight fair , or conquer by a spell ?", "What tallow 's lost in putting of \u2018 em out", "Some sconces would not be amiss , I think .", "A heathen soul or two , fed this good sword", "Come , come , have patience . Od 's my life , away !", "Tell you of pepper in the stead of powder ,", "A solemn son of bag-pudding and pottage", "And if I e'er come off", "You may have other pies instead of outworks :", "Following another model , do allow", "It works the better , eaten before witness .", "with other choicer plums ,", "There 's one will furnish you , I warrant you .", "Or two of peas for small ones . I could now", "Which way best keep his candles , bran or straw :", "Enough : it is thy foe doth vanquish 'd lie", "you may", "for princes , and as yet", "Th \u2019 art a dry devil , troubled with the lust", "We have got", "Either doth serve , I think . As for perdues ,", "A naked shorn thing , with a thin-dock 'd top ,", "Kiss him , chuck ;", "A spice o \u2019 the pox or so ; but now I am sound", "It shall be kept here ."], "true_target": ["After a crown meal .", "The main thing 's still behind . We must have there", "Smell like unto perfume at first , but then", "Take heart of grace , man .", "Humbling his crooked soul , but that he eats", "then prepar 'd for wild-fire .", "That doth procure those spirits , but the order", "As much of alicant ; the same quantity", "We 'll eat this ? \u2018 Tis but for formality .", "Most noble sons of fortune and of valour ,", "Teach thee ! I will inspire thee ; man , I 'll make", "Thou dost not know how I do love thee . Let me", "Of a dry battle , \u2018 cause there must some blood", "Next some good curious march-panes", "O that endeavouring face ! When will your costiveness have done , good madam ?", "Imprimis , six or seven yards of tripe", "Didst mark how he", "Till then you do but stand for't .", "He is gone o'er the fields .", "We 'll have a dozen of bones well-charg 'd with marrow", "High noble thoughts \u2014\u2014", "Then a fresh turbot brought in for a buckler ,", "Shows how they lie i \u2019 th \u2019 field . The soldier then", "How grave the rogue was !", "Let 's march in order military , sirs .", "Your cleanly feeder is your man of valour .", "At Spital-sermon .", "after six stone a day ;", "Do n't you see", "That can feed large and choicely .", "Yes , very well .", "Up and down all his veins ; Bavaria lie", "made into", "The spit would nourish great attempts : my lord", "And in another 's name wooes for himself .", "Peace , sir : learners", "Of Russia policies ; on them , a lay", "I 'll lay my neck to a farthing , then , they 're vanish 'd .", "The serjeant-major he may bustle in", "Table shall serve the turn ; \u2018 tis no great matter .", "An easy way , you 'll say : I 'll say , a true .", "May be thus rank 'd : the common one , chicken ,", "But that \u2018 tis not in fashion \u2018 mongst us gallants .", "Before he covers them with some warm thing", "Swimming in white broth , as he 's wont in blood :", "Of Tartary , of China , and some other", "Serv 'd for a drum , waited upon by two", "Doth not write forty .", "T \u2019 have prompted it .", "Is not for nought .", "Shall all be there .", "There 's Master Have-at-all is mad ; he 'll spit you", "Bread just in colour like it ? Courage ne'er", "When this is all prepar 'd , and when we see", "Faith , I have lost a joint or two ; as none", "Hunger may break stone walls , it ne'er hurts men :", "And see how this grave motion", "Peaches , apricocks ,", "You 're not quite", "Fidelity to one another , and", "Shall run with Rhenish that hath brimstone i n't .", "In lighting , which spend fastest . He must hear", "But you must oil it first .", "The Dutch come up like broken beer ;", "Here lies a row of Indian secrets , then", "For he is one the truest knight alive ,", "Something unto thee as thy act and deed ,", "What else , my jolly wench ?", "Or other , you may smell \u2018 em very strongly ;", "What by the holding downwards , and what by", "That searching head \u2014\u2014", "The sign o \u2019 th \u2019 half-moon , that hangs at your door", "What makes the peasant grovel in his muck ,", "You but deny to fight awhile .", "The extinguisher ; which wick will longest be", "To tell the very truth , ere now I 've had", "Learnedly cut into a logic mode .", "For ordnance , muskets , petronels , petards ;", "What language speak they ?", "Or an oil 'd paper-lantern .", "Pray for your health and happiness : you may", "Be spill 'd", "Counsels of moment , have been so long kept", "Nay , be once", "That of a cannon .", "Distinguish each of them by several scents \u2014", "Have there a rundlet of brisk claret , and", "Make use of this ; thou'lt have the like occasion .", "Di Stato", "Just like tobacco-leaves laid in a sweat .", "Some choice sous 'd fish brought couchant in a dish", "In my poor judgment , \u2018 tis as good my lady", "A combat worthy chronicle . Let 's go ,", "Did kill your man , then ?", "Among some fennel or some other grass ,", "Display 'd instead o \u2019 th \u2019 ensign .", "Now at thy mercy . Mercy not withstand ;", "Are good for nothing , but to endanger buttons .", "Enter HAVE-AT-ALL .", "O thou rich soul of roguery !", "All states would lie as open as his bowels :", "Some fort to scale ; a venison-pasty doth it .", "And manner of the meal \u2014 the ranking of", "Who am lieutenant , I 'm content there be", "Some military instrument in each .", "Kiss him , chuck , open-mouth 'd , and be reveng 'd .", "Than that uxorious show'r that came from heaven :", "Beware you say \u2018 tis yours ; confession is", "Next we 'll have true fat eatable old pikes ,", "Hark hither , Frank \u2014", "What income , my dear holiness ? what sport ?", "Pair of brown loaves darken 'd the dirty table ;", "\u2018 Tis not the casual eating of those meats", "And made another . When one fury hath", "Though conquer 'd now he lie on lowly ground .", "You grace us with your presence : you must pardon", "When this is done , fight boldly : write yourself", "So fare thee well . Thine , to his very death ,", "Thy name become a terror ; and to say", "With a long spitchcock for the sword adjoin 'd .", "That griping knight Sir Thomas must be call 'd", "So resolve for New England .", "I shall sleep one day in my chain and scarlet", "Colour at least for goodness . If the cloak", "Free of the gentry , till y \u2019 have marr 'd one man", "Now is the time , or never . This night , you know , he and his doxy meet ; Let me alone to give them their good-morrow . If that we carry things but one week longer Without discovery , farewell London then : The world 's our own . He ne'er deserves to thrive That doth not venture for it : wealth 's then sweet , When bought with hazard . Fate this law hath set ; The fool inherits , but the wise must get . FOOTNOTES :Faint .\u2014 T .Burning .\u2014 T .See notes to \u201c Midsummer Night 's Dream , \u201d act ii . sc . 1 ,Agreeable , pleasing .Disdainful .\u2014 T .See Stowe 's \u201c Survey of London , \u201d Strype 's edition , 1720 , vol . I. bk . ii . p. 18 .Gate .The name of Chaucer 's cock and hen .\u2014 Steevens .So that this play was written in 1634 .\u2014 Pegge .These rings were sometimes made out of the handles of decayed coffins , and in more ancient times were consecrated at the ceremony of creepingthe cross , of which an account is given in a note on the \u201c Merry Devil of Edmonton , \u201d with reference to the observations of Dr Percy on the \u201c Northumberland Household Book , \u201d 1512 .\u2014 Steevens . Cramp-rings were formerly worn as charms for curing of the cramp . See Brookes 's \u201c Natural History , \u201d vol . i. p . 206 .\u2014 Pegge . Andrew Borde , in his \u201c Book of the Introduction of Knowledge , \u201d 1542 , says : \u201c The kynges of Englande ... doth halowe every yere crampe rynges , the which rynges worne on ones fynger doth helpe them the whyche hath the crampe . \u201d Dr Percy , in his notes on the \u201c Northumberland Household Book , \u201d speaking of these rings observes \u201c that our ancient kings even in those dark times of superstition , do not seem to have affected to cure the king 's evil ; at least in the MSS . above quoted there is no mention or hint of any power of that sort . This miraculous gift was left to be claimed by the Stuarts : our ancient Plantagenets were humbly content to cure the cramp . \u201d I cite this passage merely to remark that the learned editor of the above curious volume has been betrayed into a mistake by the manner in which the cramp rings are mentioned in Mr Anstis 's MSS . The power of curing the king 's evil was certainly claimed by many of the Plantagenets . The above Dr Borde , who wrote in the time of Henry VIII ., says , \u201c The kynges of England , by the power that God hath given to them , doth make sicke men whole of a sickness called the Kynges Evyll . \u201d In Laneham 's \u201c Account of the Entertainment of Kennilworth Castle , \u201d it is said , \u201c And also by her highness accustomed mercy and charitee , nyne cured of the paynful and dangerous diseaz called the King 's Evil , for that kings and queens of this realm withoout oother medsinonly doo cure it . \u201d Polydore Virgil asserts the same , and William Tooker , in the reign of Queen Elizabeth ,published a book on this subject . For the knowledge of this last book I am obliged to Dr Douglas 's excellent treatise , called \u201c The Criterion , \u201d p. 191 , & c .Alluding to the old way of biting the wax , usually red , in sealing deeds .\u2014 Pegge . The form usually was this \u2014 \u201c And to witness this is sooth , I bite the wax with my wang tooth . \u201d See Cowell 's \u201c Interpreter , \u201d 1607 .Better .\u2014 T .Do .\u2014 T .An allusion to the effects of water on cloth ill-woven .i. e ., Those who write the customary verses during the Lent season at Oxford .\u2014 Steevens .i. e ., Scraps of anything ; ~ analego ~, colligo . Every one has heard of the collectanea and analecta poetarum .\u2014 Steevens .Robert Wisdom , a translator of the Psalms . Woodsays he was \u201c a good Latin and English poet of his time , and one that had been in exile in Queen Mary 's reign . He was also rector of Settrington in Yorkshire , and died in 1568 , having been nominated to a bishopric in Ireland in the time of Edward the 6th . \u201d His version of the Psalms is ridiculed in the \u201c Remains of Samuel Butler , \u201d 1759 , p. 41 \u2014 \u201c Thence , with short meal and tedious grace , In a loud tone and public place , Sings Wisdom 's Hymns , that trot and pace As if Goliah scann 'd \u2018 em . \u201d Again , p. 230 : \u201c Besides , when Rouse stood forth for his trial , Robin Wisdom was found the better poet . \u201dThe Author observes , in the opening of the tract : \u201c At fifteen years of age , her father being dead , her mother bestowed her in marriage upon one Master Philip Stubbes , with whom she lived four years and almost a half , very honestly and godly . \u201d Richard Brome , in his play of \u201c The Antipodes , \u201d act iii . sc . 2 , mentions one of them in the following manner \u2014 \u201c A booke of the godly life and death Of Mistress Katherine Stubs , which I have turn 'd Into sweet meetre , for the vertuous youth , To woe an ancient lady widow with . \u201d Again , Bishop Corbet in his \u201c Iter Boreale , \u201d says \u2014 \u201c And in some barn hear cited many an author , Kate Stubbs , Anne Ascue , or the Ladies Daughter . \u201di. e ., Been the mediator . The stickler now is called the sidesman . So in \u201c Troilus and Cressida , \u201d act v. sc . 8 \u2014 \u201c And , stickler-like , our armies separates . \u201d \u2014 Steevens .\u201c Moot is a term used in the Inns-of-Court , and signifies the handling or arguing a case for exercise . \u201d \u2014 Blount . For the regulations of Mooting and Reading-Days , see Dugdale 's \u201c Origines Juridiciales . \u201dThis was Dr Matthew Sutcliff , Dean of Exeter , in the reign of King James I .; a person who had been one of the opponents of Parsons the Jesuit , in defence of the Reformed Religion . In the year 1616 he procured an Act of Parliament for incorporating himself and other divines to be provost and fellows of a college then founded at Chelsea , for promoting the study of polemic divinity , and vindicating the doctrines of the Reformation against all Popish writers . To carry this design into execution , he settled on the college four farms in Devonshire , of the value of L300 per annum , and the benefit of an extent on a statute , acknowledged by Sir Lewis Stukely , for L4000 . By the Act of Parliament , the college was empowered to bring a stream of water from the river Lee for the use of the city of London a scheme similar to that then lately executed by Sir Hugh Middleton . This foundation , although patronised both by King James and his sons , Prince Henry and Charles I ., yet fell to decay . One range of building only , scarce an eighth of the intended edifice , was erected by Dr Sutcliff , at the expense of L3000 . After lingering some time , suits were commenced about the title to the very ground on which the college stood , and by a decree of the Court of Chancery , in the time of Lord Coventry , three of the four farms were returned to Dr Sutcliff 's heir . See \u201c The Glory of Chelsey Colledge Revived , \u201d by John Darly , 4o , 1662 . Sutcliff 's wit seems almost to have been proverbial . Beaumont , in his letter to Ben Jonson , says \u2014 \u201c \u2018 Tis liquor that will find out Sutcliff 's wit , Lie where he will , and make him write worse yet . \u201d", "Cried quit with t'other , and your lust repair 'd", "Of Newfoundland discoveries : next , a bed", "A theatre to valour . Let 's be close :", "Secrets are rank 'd and order 'd in his belly ,", "Turkey in 's bloody liver ; Italy", "T \u2019 have took him off his courage and his mettle :", "Why , faith , this was her suit to me just now .", "That 's circumspect and well-advis 'd , that doth", "Pox o \u2019 your liquorish lips ! If that she do n't", "The shape of some large turkey : for myself ,", "Freedom and courage , cherish and maintain", "the Irish", "Savour of usquebaugh ; the Spanish they", "Be found in 's reins ; Spain busy in his stomach ;", "Of that thou hast not , flesh .", "After a while end in a fatal steam \u2014", "I never lik 'd this Meanwell ; I did always", "Then listen . The design is by a dinner \u2014", "Surgeons will", "Shall be presented in a warlike cock ,", "We 'll give the word , fall to , slash , kill and spoil :", "One step to weakness ; private conscience is", "That is , a month or two , perhaps , D. Slicer .", "To put you to such charge . For once a long", "Something of 's own on them ; on that , another", "Ne'er fear't : the unknowing man", "We 'll to't , and get commanders .", "If he but know you are a usurer .", "Been trusted with kings \u2019 breasts \u2014", "There is a way , though I ne'er show 'd it yet"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["It blusters in her nostrils , like a wind", "For the last hundred pound by the same token", "He 's a good friend of mine , and I presume", "And the third hair , now doats on me ; on me ,", "A virtue in you which I must admire ,", "Yes , sir ; I fear \u2018 tis gone :", "Full of sincerity and true devotion .", "Sure , Caster 's farm is cast away !", "Are wont to keep an untouch 'd capon , till", "Some small pledge from you to assure your love ;", "I 'd almost lost mine eyes by't , being justled .", "You write your beef disburs 'd , are wont to call", "And pray for me . With that I thus dismiss 'd him .", "I am afraid he is not half so honest", "With the black puddings of my needy tailor :", "I must be gone \u2014 The race !", "Item , I entered into a chandler 's shop ,", "To ride beyond an inn to save my horse-meat .", "He 's very modest : \u2018 twas his first attempt", "Burning i \u2019 th \u2019 midst .", "Nay , faith , I can excuse her for that ; but", "I 'll pawn my life \u2018 tis a trick .", "Where I may find him ?", "Labour , a n't please you . Let me now begin", "Scarce yet are cold , extinguisheth all flames", "A rogue , a mere decoy ! and yet like me ?", "You burn daylight .", "May often lurk under the officer !", "Hard-griping citizen , that only feeds", "Thus to work gallants out of all ! It grieves me ,", "As you would wish , sir , I 'm in haste .", "Nosing a little treason \u2018 gainst the king ,", "This office for thee . Take my word for't , this", "Item , I 've often bought a Cheapside custard ,", "Nor suspect my smiles ,", "You 'll promise me you 'll not be jealous of me ?", "But alms I hope may yet redeem . Alms given", "What ? Grass , you mean ? Or sweet hay , which you please .", "Then thus he drawls it out , I do confess", "As you do seem .", "That only you , amongst so many , should", "Be sure to put him to't .", "Where'er I light on fortune , my commission", "Are now arriv 'd at matron . These young sparks", "Fail of your purchase .", "Be as it were an honest kind of exile .", "Come so much nearer pardon , as t \u2019 accuse", "And nobody clapp 'd up ?", "That you invited him to th \u2019 eating-house .", "Yourself by your own mouth .", "Or the same-colour 'd brother , which is worse .", "The third rent-capon . Then he answers me", "I know he hath not given half the worth o n't :", "Faith , sir ,", "My very best suit that I had !", "The second time that he hath cheated me ;", "The wolf ! \u2018 Sfoot , peace , we 're in the noose ;", "Allow 'd there : faith \u2014 faith is that they call for ,", "As I did walk the streets . Cloaking of sins ,", "Satan was strong ; they did provoke me much .", "In the king 's name , upon suspicion .", "A n't please your worship !", "This thing , whose prayer it hath been these ten", "Yes , I do commit you", "Moreover ,", "We are betray 'd ; yon 's Meanwell and the knight !", "The race go on his side , your worship may", "My bailiffship .", "Thus I come in peace to thy soul , good son .", "That do refuse all that are past sixteen .", "The cure by that time , twenty pieces , sir :", "Proffer him more , I say .", "Unto the council 's ear once , he might be", "That I 'll propose .", "I 'm going , sir , unto him ; do you know", "My business lies not here , sirs , fare you well .", "And took part with \u2018 em in their lovely reliques ;", "One that ne'er had the wisdom to be honest ,", "I am afraid I shall not know it long ;", "Years that she may obtain the second tooth", "Are rak 'd up , I presume , in sager embers .", "To hang up clothes or anything you please ;", "Would he were here ,", "Say much more , but I had rather have you", "I see no tears , no penitential tears .", "Somebody else .", "A ruffled boot .", "Wipe off my score ? If doubled , \u2018 t may do something .", "Nor yet keep count", "We make the emblem of mortality .", "Any to tempt me ?", "In troth , a stone of lustre . I assure you ,", "Be bashful , I am sure , and wo n't be known", "I do know", "On my life , a spy , a mere informer .", "Of any such thing at the first . You must", "Just fit for that meridian . No good work 's", "And so refresh 'd my soul under my cloak ,", "Whole widows \u2019 houses .", "At an horse-race some ten miles off .", "Bless 'd son , for now I dare pronounce thee bless 'd ,", "Great chests and forms against my chamber-door ;", "Imprimis , It hath ever been my custom", "Orchards , and gardens , some two hundred acres", "He 'll tell you all ,", "Sir , my master 's here ,", "You do not come on well .", "At seventeen may use that plea ; but you", "That my poor tenement too goes into th \u2019 sale .", "And we will bring it \u2018 em .", "Leave railing .", "Into the bargain : a base , thin-jaw 'd sneaksbill ,", "She 's just six yards behind when that appears . It saves an usher , madam .", "Most certain , these are two of them : for this", "Esteem 'd discreet , sage trainers up of youth .", "My good Andrew ,", "The rich gout rot his bones ! An hungry , old ,", "Bark something at the bishops , and we shall", "In a large manner , son . Wo n't fifty pounds", "Shall ne'er betray thee .", "These times require advice : if it should come", "Your last deliverance , play the sophister", "Give me", "Truly he is as good a man as any", "Be the sole turtle of the age .", "Of their parch 'd peas : my man being left to that"], "true_target": ["Your worship cannot want line-room . God be wi \u2019 you !", "With heaven . A sin or two ! why , I 've heard say", "Along with me . There is left one way more ;", "Lie thou there , watchman . How the knave that 's look 'd for", "She 's like a piece", "God give you luck o n't !", "Sent into other kingdoms , to win up", "As I 'd have it .", "The constable may call you anything", "This little ruby \u2014 this small blushing stone", "We are made", "When you invite , to think your meat laid out ,", "The memory of your husband 's ashes , which", "Sure , the surveyor", "O \u2019 th \u2019 brethren , son ; but that their reliques are", "Tender things", "To prison ! Must poor tradesmen be brought out ,", "A pox o n't !", "Of the highways will have to do with her", "The cat may yet perhaps light on all four .", "You 're wont to screw your wretched tenants up", "On whom I laugh ?", "True . That two chimneys ne'er yet smok 'd at once", "Sirs , dare you believe it ?", "It seems an eye upon your breast .", "the confessor .", "I believe", "Son , do not mince : pray , call it covetousness .", "Upon your secrecy .", "A very honest , charitable man ,", "Or two that clogs her ? Take heed ; do n't , so near", "Come , come ; you shall take it .", "Item , When once I had done so , and found", "No entertainment , I beguil 'd the children", "Nor mark", "Be easily receiv 'd .", "Will hold to take her up : I 'll ease my silken", "If that you once hold merits , I have done . I 'm glad I know what 's your religion .", "For fear I should slip from you ere you wake ?", "You are content ?", "Have had to do with't else . He sent me to you", "I ever yet confess 'd \u2014 do n't look that way \u2014", "Old knave , I 'll take my oath that he is one .", "Hark how", "That , after all this , ne'er a man to carry", "He 's nois 'd about for a deep-searching head .", "What ! sing that you might eat ? It is the sin", "From any gallant 's visit ?", "Were not my wit such ,", "Although they be but eating sins , I do", "That \u2018 twere absurd to call thee devil incarnate .", "In the small doleful tune of a country wench", "From your fair finger .", "Pronounce most dangerous . I find this so ,", "Examin 'd by th \u2019 official for the mischance", "Of a great belly caught at a Whitson-ale :", "Fie , how you writhe it ! Now it looks just like", "Never hire", "If you do perform", "Give me the chair : imagine me the knight", "I shall lose my acquaintance .", "And 's therefore knave , \u2018 cause \u2018 tis the easier art .", "But , O this brain of mine ! that 's it that will", "Corruption makes it able to walk out", "I 'm very ill ; fit only now for heaven .", "Nay , but hear me ;", "Take heed ;", "Unto your trusty friend : if you perform", "A very pretty thing . Besides the house ,", "Friends of that idle luggage we call money .", "If you 'll do something else", "Thou art so lean and out of case ,", "For the return of't just as for a debt ;", "Of firewood , dropping at one end , and yet", "Nor pin my smock unto your shirt a-nights ,", "If you but seem to trust him .", "Item , which grieves me most , I did make bold", "Alas ! I cannot weep , mine eyes are pumice :", "\u2018 Tis you must give it , father : I am ill ,", "I must confess she spoke , which is all one .", "Fed on the wholesome steam of candle-suet ,", "\u2018 Cause of thy resolution , I 'll perform", ", and", "O \u2019 my corporal oath ,", "On heirs \u2019 and orphans \u2019 goods , they say must have it :", "O , twenty ,", "God bless my master , and the devil take", "I 'd put out moneys of being Mayor .", "I 'll do't as strictly as mine enemy .", "\u2018 Tis a mere cheat .", "The pox and plague take all ill-fortune ! this", "Procur 'd him this infirmity . He will", "Of land that beareth as good country corn \u2014", "A sin or two that clogs her . But for a sin", "A gamester 's oath ! he hath some reservation .", "Bar me the city honour .", "How bright it flames ! Put out your nose , good lady ;", "Truly my soul did lust , they were temptations .", "If that you yet prove false , I may have something", "And visit the barn-door again . I could", "I thank my stars ; but Master Caster is", "It was my master 's seeking ; you would ne'er", "Can I be sav 'd no cheaper ? Take this , then ,", "You 'll never set", "I could not help it . Then it is your custom ,", "My soul would fain be flying , were't not for", "It darts a pretty light , a veget spark ,", "To th \u2019 utmost farthing , and then stand upon", "I 've been addicted to frugality .", "Keep in your wit .", "To witness your inconstancy . I 'll take", "Discover 'd all ! Religion is unlucky to me .", "In all your buildings . All most true . That you", "Invention , I applaud thee .", "For not keeping her countenance passable .", "In a foul chimney !", "That tend to kindling any love fire . \u2018 Tis", "No more of that , good Andrew , as you love me ;", "Money for the relief o \u2019 th \u2019 state , and so", "I once sung Psalms with servants , where I lodg 'd ,", "Whoe'er he be , I 'd give him somewhat more", "This vow , we may \u2014\u2014", "Your best way 's now to send it : if by chance", "I 'll save your worship that", "Being thou'st pour 'd thus out thy soul .\u2014 The wolf !", "My nods , my winks ?", "And eat my bread in secret , whilst my man"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["God save you , good Sir Thomas .", "No tender and wanton thing ; she is a staid", "His son , whom we have in our tuition ,", "That I have all this while liv 'd thus disguis 'd ,", "Pray you , be quiet .", "Thank you , sweetheart .", "For God 's sake , be contented , sirs ;", "More miserable than Littleworth .", "If I should tell you .", "Like his own sullied wares thrown by into", "They 'll fall with the least touch : from twelve to twenty", "There is one loves you that you think not on .", "What hands he suffer 'd ! Hands that do excuse", "If his sight can bring", "As to be accus 'd . To quit you of such thoughts ,", "It barr 'd men only o \u2019 th \u2019 sight of your body ;", "He is not virtuous , but well-stor 'd : a thing", "Some moneys will call back my father 's lands", "What is a paltry cloak to a man of worth ?", "Unless they 've cheated on that day .", "On Thursday morning last .", "The young fool spends whate'er the old knave got .", "Estates , reversions , incomes , and assurance", "What 's there defective", "I do acknowledge your desires most prone . This for your trouble .", "Dead to the world , and only living to", "If I prove not as thou", "They dare beyond your thought . When parted this", "You use't no better .", "May call you father .", "Granted me this access to win thee for him :", "Some cunning cheater , upon my life , won", "\u2018 Tis the breath", "Good-morrow to y \u2019 , good Andrew . This soft fool", "Your welcome , Master Credulous .", "Covet , not love . If any came from them ,", "A kind of rescue . Young man , \u2018 tis not well", "On a disease more mildly than on me ;", "Mistress Joan Potluck , vintner Potluck 's widow .", "Your virtuous daughter , told him he should meet her ,", "That are the thought , the care , the aim , the strife \u2014", "They are so beaten , that they smell an officer ,", "I should not err , if I should say the madness \u2014", "Being you will not take your lecture out ,", "\u2018 Tis in your power . He is very much ,", "And settled widow , one who 'll be a nurse", "He 'll surely love her , \u2018 cause she looks like some", "That fortune justly makes the city 's lot ;", "There 's a trunk they 've left behind ; I have", "I did receive a tempting letter from", "Of yours will be th \u2019 undoing of you , if", "But the least joy unto you \u2014 as perhaps", "If that you dare", "Good health unto you , sir .", "Only to you .", "Your worship speaks", "Something to ask , which yet my thoughts call boldness .", "List of our city virgins doat on \u2014 you", "Forgotten me , perhaps : I 'm somewhat chang 'd .", "To see thy aged father thus confin 'd .", "\u2018 Tis tenderness in gentlemen ; they are", "I will by no means bar you of your lady :", "If what I speak prove false , then stigmatise me .", "Just like yourself : methinks he 's noble", "Infectious to thee now ; that thou wouldst look", "Thus to see eager villains drag along", "As tender of you as that bless 'd one is ,", "Unto you in your latter days .", "Obedience is the first step unto science :", "Something that 's worth that name . My brain shall be", "Well-manag 'd knav'ry is but one degree", "That wit , Andrew ,", "But as for", "You see , your lost man 's found ; your vagabond", "All o'ercast looks , all broken sleeps are ow 'd", "O , would this soul of mine \u2014 But death 's the wish", "Something the first night of your wife ; but that 's", "And then you know that is not lawful wit .", "But venture with me home , I 'll almost promise", "For sure he shall be rich \u2014 one whom the whole", "I 'll count myself no child , till I have done", "Your living honest , \u2018 twere to take away", "Not to use farther circumstance , fair virgin", "I 'll make it plain they 've put a trick upon you .", "May this kiss be \u2014 that I may wish it worse ,", "That the same way I 'll seal my promise too .", "Th \u2019 indulgent prison , shackles being here", "I 'll never draw her from obedience .", "Make more of me than so . I 'll bring the man ,", "Fie , y \u2019 are troublesome !", "Alas ! I guess 'd I 'd been", "You do neglect .", "To be another 's spokesman : the man is", "The envy of my fortune did allow", "For the same reason , I 'd not have you dance .", "Being never better sacrificed , than when", "Was both in love to you and to your daughter :", "Have only sight to poison ; that you might not", "And your own too , as reverend as those ,", "He 's in the gin already ; for his daughter ,", "Shall be my zeal 's contrivement ; and when this", "Thus interrupts your better thoughts .", "You 'll take some pleasure in his misery \u2014", "The boldness of a stranger , who uncivilly", "Plot ruin with religion : his disgrace", "If you 'll be rul 'd by me . The hazard 's great :", "Young Master Credulous , a proper man \u2014", "You shall", "But empty noise , God knows ; the idle breath", "Know more , if you 'll walk in .", "Employment , friends , take this , I pray , and drink it .", "That cure is my request . If that this were", "And not so strong as to redeem ? Why should I", "Be thou no way averse ; \u2018 t shall be my care", "Of age and time let one young face be seen", "Think on your suburb beauties . Sweet intelligencer ,", "Stay , and be wise .", "Of something troubled with virginity .", "Walk an unskilful thing , and be to learn", "And so confute you .", "A Song within .", "I 'm flesh and blood as well as you . Lieutenant ,", "Where I agreed to meet your chambermaid :", "Methinks y \u2019 are strong enough and very lusty ,", "Below plain honesty .", "They ne'er deserve the name of friends ; they do", "To vex you more : that hundred pounds you sent", "The appearance of your daughter here suggests", "But to secure myself , and withal sound", "Sure , there is some design , some trick or other", "Counted not wrong , but duty . When that time", "Busy in his undoing ; and I will", "O , do not blot that innocence with suspicion ,", "Why was I made so patient as to view ,", "piece", "Th \u2019 affections of young Credulous unto", "Upon his ruin 'd fortunes , but your coldness ;", "Must swim in 's father 's wealth ! It is a curse", "Sent here , but yet unknown to them that send me ,", "If you deny her me , assure yourself", "In any case abuse you , let me be", "His virtues did incite him to good deeds ,", "A little over-boil 'd , or so .", "I do not think so , lady ; sure , you would", "Have outdone wonder . Naked piety", "Good , good old man ! alas ! thou'rt dead to me ,", "Your confessor ?", "That 's truly rich . Men may talk much of lines ,", "Conceive the rest , I know .", "If you will know it , then , he is in love .", "Rather well-victuall 'd than well-qualified ;", "The blame must all be mine .", "When once they 've pass 'd these limits , they make bold \u2014", "As a reward due to my service ; and"], "true_target": ["; blood", "Houses , descents and families ; they are", "I did not think it had been in the sex .", "What dost thou mean ?", "To what he holds . I value him as I", "And prize impartially , he will be rated", "Your handsomeness will now appear the better .", "As crows do powder .", "Bred out of splendid muck , that citizen ,", "These chamber-properties are such ripe things ,", "Thou must pretend some liking . \u2018 Twas thy father", "They are the sounder sort ; those foolish ones", "Rottenness , perhaps , in footmen or in yeomen :", ",", "Good sir , keep close awhile .", "Compassion , that which was not in those savage", "If you will know't \u2014 but , sure , you will not grant", "\u2018 T could be no other 's melody but yours .", "A country-fellow gull 'd you of .", "\u2018 Twould make him break the match off presently .", "There have been many of your sex much given", "Unto this kind of music .", "Some courtiers , I confess , do use it ; but", "Of service for a gentleman , to caper .", "Repress it , sir , awhile ; h \u2019 hath but begun .", "Take comfort , man ; I have good news for thee :", "Bring \u2018 em in .", "I dare not challenge her , I do confess ,", "That I frequented it without your leave ,", "And keep my sword dry ! O unequal nature !", "Of arms , of blood , of race , of pedigree :", "Appears at last .", "Him unto whom they crouch 'd ! to see him hal 'd ,", "Who never came so near a blemish yet ,", "Put on you by those men , who never sleep ,", "Of that puff nothing , honour ; formal words ,", "Runs in my mind , meets all my thoughts , and doth", "Peace , as you love yourself : if that the knight", "He hath more in him , sir , than he can show . He hath one fault : he 's something covetous .", "Arm 'd with the only name of son , I might", "Fit for the tongues of men that ne'er knew yet", "Shall give my actions growth , I will cast off", "I know not now what 's misery . Peace ! my fair", "My father still", "And if you please to cast your eye on me ,", "Seiz 'd it for you , so that you 'll be no loser .", "One , sir , to lead you home .", "He may be something in th \u2019 eye o \u2019 th \u2019 world ;", "I make no doubt of that . These implements ,", "By those two Janus \u2019 heads you had of us ,", "\u2018 T cannot be her , her voice was ne'er profan 'd", "\u2018 Tis an adventure , an exploit , no", "I like the vow so well ,", "Nay , I could tell", "By all that 's good , by your fair self , I am", "Should once perceive that he were given to gaming ,", "Between possessions and good parts , but view him ,", "Under favour thus :", "Sweetest of things , was't thou ? I \u2019 faith , I guess 'd", "Not to entrap you : that you might not be", "Dares more than fury well-appointed", "In foolish chastity , eat only salads ,", "Shall be the subject of my good revenge :", "I 'll speak the language of the wealthy to him ;", "Would an exchequer or a magazine .", "To Master Caster , Shape i \u2019 th \u2019 habit of", "I ? a confessor ?", "Y \u2019 had cast him off : alas ! you need not hide it :", "Even with your beauteous self .", "I cannot say to woo , that 's something modest \u2014", "Will be so shortly , if he ha n't ill-luck", "You shall enjoy it .", "That foolish son of Master Credulous .", "Mine own suit , I had us 'd no circumstance .", "In great revenues .", "My mouth shall swill with bags , revenues , fees ,", "Happy that man that meets such faithfulness !", "I have it from himself .", "I 'll live and see that thing of wealth , that worm", "What stem , what gentry , nay , what virtue lies", "Indeed I know not of't ; I 've all this while", "His cloak and suit too !", "That which is more than death , thy misery !", "And , sure , I may call him unhappy whom", "I do n't reflect", "That you may n't want", "Fie , Andrew , fie ! What , kiss your hand ! You smell not compliment .", "That only which she could not take away \u2014", "This brood of vipers , and will show that I", "Whoe'er he be , that loves you most . If I", "I swear", "Fit to get heirs : among your other pieces", "Pray , vex me not .", "For poverty is counted a contagion .", "Of him that fears ; he 's lazy that would die .", "Blinded by those who , like to venomous beasts ,", "Do hate the poison which I meant t \u2019 apply .", "Betray your breeding now . Quite rotten ! \u2018 Tis", "Out of his lime-twig fingers , and I shall", "Shall style me son again , I hope \u2018 twill be", "I will not love her to procure her ruin ,", "This is", "God save you , Master Credulous ; you have", "True ; but he has lost his too ,", "Love shall supply . True , Master Credulous", "Fair mistress , pardon", "A trade i \u2019 th \u2019 commonwealth ! the surgeons \u2019", "Ruin your daughter in a compliment .", "Shall be as famous as his avarice .", "His riches useful , free discretion .", "; I made promise ,", "Was only to avert the snare from you ,", "And knowing beasts , those engines of the law", "The grave could be a comfort : and shall I \u2014", "Come forth as gay as he .", "Of all young men : all sighs , all folded arms ,", "It was some vulture in a holy habit ,", "Is a rich man , but yet wants that which makes", "That strumpet that 's gone out", "But let a knowing man , that can distinguish", ", you are one", "That even killed as uncontroll 'd as that .", "Some unregarded corner ; and my piety", "And make m \u2019 affection prove her enemy .", "Appear 'd another to you than I am .", "How do I grieve when I consider from", "That have a care of health , which you shall not ,", "Only as chests and caskets , just according", "With such immodest numbers .", "Mine by consent in spite of misery .", "That you may", "The last that I shall take from thee . I am", "Mingle himself in all my cogitations .", "To tell you truth , he hath lost it at doublets .", "Had I been destitute of weapons , yet", "Than that which is due to departing souls \u2014", "To marry out of fashion .", "Who did intend your carcase , not your safety .", "That ne'er knew what compulsion was , but when", "See how my breast and tongue agree , I 'll leave", "Your sin , I assure you , will be honourable .", "Dare to behold , and yet not dare to rescue ?", "So to bring things about that thou shalt be", "Thine eyes shall be thine own before next morning .", "It flows to him that gave it . But , alas !", "She 'll be an easy purchase .", "This ring with you , till I return again .", "And your son", "But ask downright themselves .", "See how you", "Benefit would go down . You may go on", "Old ruin 'd piece , that was five ages backward .", "I vow", "You have it , then .", "They think that others are to sue to them ;"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["You might have pity , and not come with your nicknames ,", "Is my good-breeding and my honesty .", "How could I choose ,", "It was ! none but an infidel could have", "Out , you base companions ,", "Thus long i \u2019 my house , and ne'er demanded yet", "Peevish , I do confess . Here , take your money .", "Good lieutenant ,", "yet all", "I can endure no longer , though I should", "And shakings still an end ! I lately was", "Ay , good chuck , every inch of thee ; she were no true woman that would not .", "How dost thou ? Thou art mindful of thy promise .", "Be said you lost by loving me , take this .", "You stinking swabbers !", "Who is't that calls ?", "A heathen deed", "D'you think I have no more manners than so ?", "Rogue , rascal , villain !", "T \u2019 increase and multiply , as Master Christopher", "Here hath been Master Hearsay and Lieutenant", "Most foul-mouth 'd knaves to use a woman thus .", "Do feel such aguish qualms and dumps , and fits ,", "now gang in peace .", "Indeed I pity thee , poor thing ; or rather", "By this good blessed light , I will !", "I do remember what your promise was", "T \u2019 undo a widow-woman so ? I had", "Serve under any one .", "To be a widow out of term-time : I", "My husband died .", "The broken-bellied man the other day .", "I never yet did take press-money to", "Sin it may be no bet ,", "Thou must keep nothing from thy rib , good chuck :", "Enter SLICER .", "Hang you , base cheating varlet !", "Give me but leave to ask one question of you :", "Bear him in memory , I confess ; but when", "I am thy rib ,", "Will be for nought ; I may well lig and wink ,", "I hope they will be join 'd hereafter .", "Good sir .", "One penny rent for this ? I 'll have it all :", "You men call beauty ; all my handsomeness", "Kind Master Shape , you are exceeding welcome .", "Nay , faith you shall . Here , put it up , good sir .", "Search every corner : here 's no cheats . I 'm sure", "To sleep long as I 'm wont to done ,", "Though soft into my bed I gin to sink", "I cannot boast of that slight-fading gift", "The pains to reach it out . I am sometimes", "Anything \u2018 gainst God 's word . I do release you", "Nay , do n't abuse her that must be your wife .", "My question is , whether thou'st all thy parts ?", "A widow , whilst he breath 'd . His death did only", "Why , gentlemen \u2014\u2014", "What 's my religion ? \u2018 Tis well known there hath", "My meaning is ,", "Of all your promises ; and that it may not", "And must we part ? Alas ! and must we so ?", "Thou'lt be as good unto me as thy word ?", "But sleep shall there none in this heart ysink .", "Art thou entire and sound in all thy limbs ?"], "true_target": ["Though for a while our bodies now must part ,", "I 'll show your cheating tricks , i \u2019 faith : all shall", "MOTH . O !", "Been no religion in my house , e'er since", "Good Master Slicer , speak to him to take it . Sweet Master Shape , join with him .", "Be now laid open . Have I suffer 'd you", "The other must needs follow . Where 's your dwelling ?", "I hope you think me faithful .", "When he lay sick , it doth take something from", "O \u2019 th \u2019 women of the parish , as I did", "Now , God forbid ! and would you offer", "Being thou wert not here ? The time is come :", "Good Master Hearsay , nature ne'er intended", "You are all", "Master Hearsay ,", "Can be to you ?", "Slicer : you may guess at their business , but", "I do not ask thee about these diseases :", "That wo n't refuse a fortune when \u2018 tis proffer 'd .", "Request you that you would be pleas 'd to take it .", "If you can", "As true a heart as ever widow gave .", "But painting shows an harlot .", ", if you 'll but take", "I 'd have him know't , I scorn to be his harlot .", "I do", "You know you may have even my heart out of", "Now help , good heaven ! \u2018 tis such an uncouth thing", "Alas ! I am not any flickering thing :", "Heaven defend !", "Were he ten Williams and ten conquerors ,", "As lief the old vintner were alive again .", "Thy yoke-fellow must know all thy secrets .", "Good sweet lieutenant ,", "I could plant red where you now yellow see ;", "The heart to do it .", "Fie ! Master Geffery , I swear", "I pity thee , poor nothing !", "One woman should be joined to another :", "The house was clear before your worship enter 'd .", "Leave me , I can leave you . There are other men", "You make m \u2019 asham 'd \u2018 fore all this company .", "What is your pleasure , sir ?", "Come up , you lousy rascals .", "A wife , I do confess ; but yet I had", "Not made to be alone still .", "The holy blessing of all wedlock was", "Even when he lived unto the world : I was", "Should write thee husband ?", "Here then I give away my heart to you ;", "You 've spoke my meaning , though I do not know", "My belly", "What \u2018 tis you said . Now see the fortune o n't ;", "Whether that something is not wanting that", "Pray y \u2019 , look ,", "Throw off my womanhood .", "We do know one another 's souls already ;", "Make others know so much ; but yet \u2014", "Can you be constant unto me , as I", "Perhaps I may get you a contribution", "And call me turtle . Have I deserved this ?", "Let me", "The bitterness of sorrow . Woman was", "No husband ; he , alas ! was dead to me ,", "Did well observe last Sabbath . I 'll not do"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["To quarrel ? Speak , good tutor .", "I say \u2014\u2014", "For love 's sake , take it then : leave nothing that", "You keep your woman here so fine , that I", "Pray make your own conditions .", "See that I love you now . So , let me have", "The cause", "\u2018 Slid , father , you 're the strangest man \u2014 I wo n't .", "Is that the way ? Here 's to you , my friends , a whole one .", "He was provok 'd , and did it in defence :", "I 'll say your sentence out \u2014", "That is me :", "Honest , and say my prayers ; that he did .", "I 'll ne'er reckon :", "Good tutor , was quite rotten .", "If that we men have any such thing", "Courageous rascals ! Brave spirits ! soldiers in their days , I warrant !", "It is", "Th \u2019 embroider 'd belt ? no sign of them on earth ?", "Obscured deity \u2014 \u2018 Tis gone again .", "A rampant lion , war hath made a lamb .", "The clyster works you sent to purge gross humours .", "I do not care , though't be a dog , so that", "I 'm proper , handsome , fair , clean-limb 'd \u2014 I 'm rich .", "During our nonage : then the commons \u2019 voice ,", "Caesar shall not proceed , for private ends ,", "And I shall", "Confirms his regiment ;", "Their enemies \u2019 bones . Conducted thence , we saw", "Deface this goodly land : I am reveng 'd ;", "With my arms i n't , portray 'd in good blue thread ,", "I shall be in the Chronicle for this ,", "Another 's hands .", "Before I was aware . If anything", "I would", "I will not flinch . Alas ! you do n't know Andrew .", "With willing sympathy levies a band ,", "A mind to that , I pray , make use of't too .", "He was as like our Master Shape as could be ;", "Sure , this man ,", "Canst name or think on .", "For that Jove 's bird , imp 'd", "Shall be hung up i \u2019 th \u2019 parish church , instead", "Our uncle is the king who ,", "Sure pledges take of our revolt , and quickly", "Hungry notes are fit for knells .", "Faith , I thought I might", "\u2018 Tis the best deed that e'er I did . O \u2019 my conscience ,", "Pray y \u2019 , beat not out his eyes in", "For God 's sake , do n't you tell old Sim o n't , now .", "I do assure you ; take my word for that .", "He hath a fly only to win good clothes .", "And there I found her chambermaid !", "Take heed what you say , father ; she 's my wife .", "Painted like bears and wolves , and brinded tigers ,", "Ay , but my father bid me I should live", "I could have never lost it else so strangely .", "And a black beard , I should have sworn \u2018 twere he :", "Doth knock , I know , at heaven 's star-nail 'd gates :", "By art enclosed with a ditch and rampier :", "He knows the way , or hath the wit t \u2019 inquire it .", "The bagpipe sounds when that it swells .", "The linings of a crown , forsake my brain :", "Sir , though \u2014\u2014", "It was somebody in his clothes , I 'm sure .", "Farewell , honest Jany ;", "He hath his own clothes on . D \u2019 y \u2019 think that I", "thus tune we female plaints ;", "In antiphons", "What , lost your cloak and suit ? A jest , I vow ;", "Glad that we live and hunt , and reign o'er brutes \u2014", "Let 's ha't ; I love these ballads hugeously .", "Pardon my rash attempts .", "Barely to say I am your servant , sir \u2014\u2014", "With empty titles to beguile our thoughts ,", "Comes to my bed 's head , and cries , Matrimony ,", "There 's a thing each night", "May kill and stonify without all weapons .", "Fairest of things , tralucent creature , rather ,", "His throne establish 'd and his foes repuls 'd ,", "Fairest of things \u2014 \u2018 tis one", "Our message told unto the Scots ; their king", "Or innocent pine .", "Here 's a sufficient man ,", "Like puppet-lords dress 'd up with crown and scarf ,", "Would fain learn some religion .", "with our plumes , o'erflew", "One \u2014\u2014", "Led by Cadallan , hither march with speed .", "Thus join we standards ; and resign the keys", "A christian resolution , good Sir Christopher !", "I have a head for reformation :", "Shall justice and just Libra ne'er forsake", "To trouble my content , nor yet too narrow", "As I do hope for day , I will not .", "God save you , tutors both !", "From hence we must dislodge the boar .", "I am come off entire , and now am yours ,", "Receive eight thousand , whose most ugly shapes ,", "Told me that I should meet with Mistress Jane ;", "Father , do n't", "I do but compliment in that", "I must away , and shun the people 's eye .", "I doubt not but", "Ten thousand footmen , whose strange appetites", "Brave sport , i \u2019 faith !", "Fairest of things , tralucent creature \u2014 Hang me ,", "Of Troynovant with all our warlike forces .", "But your sweet self , may I lose one of mine !", "Both claim relenting pity . Whom peace made", "when he saw", "Let gracious favour smooth war 's rugged brow ;", "Most admirable ! A good eating song !", "Now , as my father saith , I would I were", "If I do know what 's next .", "By this light", "There had been blood shed if I had not stickled .", "Then do I shake all over .", "Tralucent creature \u2014 \u2018 tis \u2014 ay , that it is ,", "We choose you umpire for a friendly close .", "; if thou canst love ,", "You shall do what you will .", "In hose and doublet .", "Let me but send to th \u2019 ordinary .", "If I do look on any woman \u2014 nay ,", "Nay , hold , I mean he is a rogue , when that", "Now \u2018 tis o \u2019 this side : O , for a pair of cudgels !", "If I do cast a sheep 's eye upon any", "Of Troynovant : such custom claims our court .", "Go , James , provide . You are not merry yet .", "All my birthright to thee , my second self .", "My heart agrees . Henceforth , ye sovereign cares ,"], "true_target": ["Of a great silken flag to fan my grave :", "dead , my anger dies .", "Trials are vain when passion sits as judge .", "1 . CATCHMEY .", "All fear of God or man .", "Do what you will , I 'll trust you .", "To-morrow I shall have one \u2014 give me leave", "Cleave , thou blue marble ceiling , that heaven 's king", "But that I can n't , my losses do so vex me .", "I must forsake my country 's sight , and seek", "I vow , a pretty jest . \u2018 Odsnigs , I guess 'd so ;", "By my virginity", "No doctrines , nor no uses . Tutor , I", "That shut his eyes because he would not see .", "To feed a princely train .", "Matrimony , Andrew .", "With this word underneath \u2014 This , this was he", "To captivate our isle , whose clamorous curse", "I saw him have it on : it made him look as like you ,", "The father o n't . But know , tralucent creature ,", "Murder and then devour ; and dare gnaw and suck", "Had like t \u2019 have made a proper business o n't ,", "Blind me , good , now : being you mistrust , I will", "Tutor , your hand ; good tutor , lead me wisely .", "Ay , for trees transplanted do more goodly grow .", "The Pictish court , and friendly entertain 'd ,", "With hopeful terms . But let him stronger come .", "I come , I come .", "Indeed , I dare not stay ;", "No .", "Speak , tutor , do I use", "Nay , friends , do not quarrel .", "When our teeth keep triple time ;", "That inkhorn is a deadly dangerous weapon :", "This noddle here shall do it . I am rich .", "Cassibelane will compound ; all rage must end .", "How now !", "Then cry ,", "Bear you the sovereign power of this land .", "I will do anything for thee , that thou", "Save you , boon sparks ! Will't please you to admit me ?", "And , being my kinsman , shall be judg 'd by laws", "Usurpers use this method still : at first", "Are gods dim-sighted grown , or do they sleep", ", I never will .", "Bought with a fawning brow and popular grace ,", "I shall make a good justice of the peace .", "I am resolv 'd , all troubles brought asleep ,", "we appointed sharers ,", "A penny fagot .", "Or in a ballad else . This handkerchief", "I must be gone .", "Nor spend his brimstone bullets \u2018 gainst some hill", "As like you \u2014 \u2018 tis a rogue , a mere decoy .", "He is our uncle , and in danger 's mouth ;", "I cannot see to thank thee , my sweet Jany .", "Shall pull him down below us . Thou , Mandubrace ,", "Do prove amiss , indeed , la , you shall be", "Implore his aid , blow up his drooping fire", "I know their hatred just ; and here resign", "A diamond in my band-string ; if you have", "\u2014 by my virginity ,", "I can love too . La , thee there , now ! I 'm rich .", "Hold , who comes there ?", "Thus civil war by me and factious broils", "Marry , I 'll keep the other howsoe'er .", "These territories neither are too wide", "Here 's no proofs ,", "You shall a sceptre gain .", "Have broke a witty jest upon him , being", "Whole Andrew Credulous , your servant 's servant .", "I am affected towards you strangely .", "A cucumber , if I know what to do .", "He as protector slily got the stern ,", "The ocean 's wall , to seek her prey in Britain .", "Sir , though without my cloak at this time \u2014", "New fortunes with this emperor , in hope", "Then our music is in prime ,", "Pyes take him ! doth he play for cloaks still ? Surely", "Nay , take it ,", "I 've lost my cloak .", "By nature guarded round with woods and fens ,", "Some spirit that would join us .", "So am I too , i \u2019 faith .", "Upon my conscience , now he cheated me ;", "Fairest of things , tralucent creature , rather ,", "Do not think", "To leave you with a parting kiss .", "Obscured deity , sweet Mistress Jane ,", "\u2018 Tis one that brought his pigs to the wrong market .", "Give me away for this : try me once more .", "Would call him so when he is in your suit ?", "That mortal motions tumble thus by chance ?", "He shall not die .", "But any reasonable thing to lead me home ,", "Not far hence Verulam lies , his chiefest fort :", "Now see the luck o n't , lady ;", "Truly , Master Meanwell", "There it is for certain ,", "Cold meat will do it , will't not ?", "Going to foils e'en now , I put it off .", "It hath undone one quarter of the kingdom .", "Do not doubt that ;", "Grown big with prosperous fortune , proudly spurns", "With clearer aim may strike a tyrant 's crown ,", "Hark ! Indeed I love you .", "Be blinded with this handkerchief ; you shall", "Though I say't that should not say't ,", "No , no .", "State mysteries , false graces , jealous fears ,", "Take it , sweet . There is", "What 's that to you ? I 'd fain say something yet ,", "Lady , will you eat a piece of gingerbread ?", "I vow , I burn in love , as doth", "Be man and wife .", "Who ? tutor Meanwell ?", "The Song .", "Blaze out , sir reverence , if ye do not quench me .", "But plots and force beseem us . Thus great Caesar", "I 've any plots or projects in my head .", "More aid they promise , if more need . These forces ,", "No guest to me :", "Not be a leg of mutton here .", "Then shake again .", "To be rais 'd up by his now rising wheel .", "May lankness be", ", I do believe", "But that he had a patch upon his cheek", "Looks like an eye about me .", "What may I call your name , most reverend sir ?", "The morning , and carouse the afternoon ,", "I will souse them :"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["For counterfeiting of the king 's subjects .", "I understand you :", "Nay , nay , let me alone to give him breeding :", "\u2018 Snigs , and that 's considerable .", "But did he stand upon eleven at once ?", "You 're welcome , friends , as I may say \u2014\u2014", "Will deal with you . I may speak a word", "Nay , bailiff ,", "I would I had him here .", "To mine own face .", "A very honest man , and if you please him ,", "if that", "These yeomen have no policy i \u2019 th \u2019 world .", "Right , as I did say ,", "Godsnigs ! the farm is mine , and must be so .", "His grandfather was a good livery-man ,", "Here , here , make haste with it ; but , ere thou goest ,", "He is descended of no great high blood :", "Of land , that beareth as good country corn ,", "Thou hast the readiest invention", "As merry as a pismire . Come , let 's in .", "M \u2019 ambition 's only to contrive a match", "Paid scot and lot , old Timothy Credulous", "Fortune o \u2019 th \u2019 two .", "How cam'st thou hither ?", "That may be the She-Great-Turk , if she please me .", "\u2018 Snigs , how many fell ?", "He is safe", "Ay , the Coranti ; what doth that say ?", "Your master 's seeking , friend ; he would ne'er else", "Why somebody else , good brother ?", "Seen this long while ; he 's , sure , turn 'd vagabond ;", "These soldiers are so choleric , there is", "Found forty pounds . I pray , go fetch him .", "Imperious Andrew Mahomet Credulous \u2014", "And", "Hang thinking ; \u2018 snigs , I 'll be", "Will make men thrive i \u2019 th \u2019 brain .", "\u2018 Twill raise his fortunes somewhat .", "The empire 's destin 'd to our house directly .", "if", "The governor of some new little island ,", "What if I am he ?", "I never shall enjoy it .", "Sir Thomas , here 's my son ; he may be yours ,", "To th \u2019 race this morning by your man , my bailiff ?", "A jest !", "Shall be his kickshaws .", "Now is my wit up too . This land , I see ,", "Come , think not o n't , my boy ; I 'll furnish thee .", "Why , then ,", "As th \u2019 other two ; that somebody else is me :", "What have I done ? Now , wit , deliver me !", "Ought of the Turk 's designs ?", "And God knows where he 's gone : he hath not been", "Of fiddlers now !", "\u2018 Tis but an earnest : if he bring \u2018 t about ,", "Leave off your flouting : you 're a beardless boy ,", "Come hither :", "What , all your ordnance lost ?", "Have it directly . The twelve companies", "I 'll stay till he returns : \u2018 twill be by dinner .", "Nor holy Ananias :", "Yet what an ordinary means .", "Their villainy , o \u2019 my life ! Now , as I am", "Grease him i \u2019 th \u2019 fist , you mean ? There 's just ten pieces ;", "As God shall mend me , thou'rt the proudest thing \u2014\u2014", "For th \u2019 overthrow of kingdoms .", "For country corn , as may be .", "Now , sir , you shall hear all . Come , Andrew , tell me ,", "By'r Lady , a shrewd many !", "My deeds shall be slic 'd out in tailors \u2019 measures ;", "Does he not so ? Nor I. I 'll light tobacco", "And there plant faith and zeal ; but for the present ,", "One ground or other every month with pease ;", "Hang shop-books ; give us some wine ! Hey for a noise", "I would thou'rt in thy grave , then ; \u2018 twere the better", "My bailiff there , perhaps .", "What officer 's that fancy-man , lieutenant ? Some great commander , sure .", "What news from Brussels or the Hague ? D \u2019 y \u2019 hear", "Sure , it was", "My name 's not Tribulation ,", "I am as honest as the skin that is", "Tell me which name sounds best .", "Thy mother , I 'll be sworn : \u2018 t ne'er came from me .", "Whither do you steal now ? What ! Where 's your cloak ?", "Our vicar did hold bias .", "To little purpose . \u2018 Snigs , I pity him :", "Between thy brows .", "Would I were bray 'd in mine own mortar ,", "Thou show'st thy wit t \u2019 abuse an old man thus :", "Um ! that 's not quite so good", "That am a guest as well as you .", "Little think'st thee , how diligent thou art", "thou may'st be", "\u2018 Snigs , another ! A very perilous head ! a dangerous brain !"], "true_target": ["Good troth , a good one of a country one ;", "To put off anything : thou hadst it from", "Do not condemn before you hear . I 'll warrant ,", "He hath a perilous wit to be a cheat ;", "Faith , I 'm the same . I tried", "If he know I am he , he 'll cut my throat ;", "I see there 's wit there too . Then thou dost know it ?", "Tell me , is it a pretty thing ?", "Nay , to't , I say : help him , sir , help him .", "I would I were a pepper-corn ,", "\u2018 Snigs , I would fain now hear some fighting news .", "Come away from him , sirrah , come along .", "That rascal !", "Ev'n word by word . But prythee , stay a little ;", "For ever wooing . I have laid his father", "\u2018 Slid , a mighty slaughter ;", "So now the mortgage is mine own outright ;", "How now , good friend ? Where dost thou live ? Dost thou know Caster 's farm ?", "Come , let 's be mad : by yea and nay , my son", "Oatmealman Andrew ! Andrew Oatmealman .", "As God shall mend me , I will hamper thee .", "Nay , if the devil was against you , then \u2014\u2014", "Do so .", "Thou'st been disguis 'd here all this while , thou hast !", "Yes , Ottoman .", "Pray God they have not taken him along :", "Thou wilt not flinch for th \u2019 wetting ;", "They all employed in making Mistress Mahomet", "I swear by the faith of my body now ,", "Where is my son ? God bless , him !", "What metal thou wast made of : I perceive", "A freeman and a grocer , I had rather have", "But this once , and \u2014", "It sounds not well . Does't not ?", "That rascal Meanwell was the cause of all :", "In your behalf ; \u2018 two n't be the worse for you .", "What meadow-ground 's there ? Pasture in proportion ?", "Where is Andrew ?", "I 'll do what you told me .", "Shall have the Turkish monarchy ; he shall", "Now you shall see how he 'll abuse me here", "I 'd thought h \u2019 had been lieutenant .", "I see my son 's too happy : he is born", "To be some man of action ; some engine", "For him to manage : he may make perhaps", "\u2018 Slid , brother , thou hast paid him", "Thou can'st not compliment , but in caparisons .", "With what a lie you 'd flap me in the mouth !", "I 'll make those ten a hundred .", "Orchards , and gardens , some two hundred acres", "No dealing with \u2018 em . Then they 've lost the day ?", "My father \u2014 though I say it , that should not .", "I am a father of children .", "And so I will have green ones all the year .", "I was baptiz 'd in fashion ,", "Is there to dry wet linen in ?", "\u2018 Snigs , wiser yet than so . Where is thy master ?", "Between Sir Thomas Bitefig 's only daughter", "D \u2019 y \u2019 see ? Your chambermaid , Sir Thomas ! Out , you whore .", "To th \u2019 utmost , though he hath not paid thy master .", "I was now coming", "I did not hold the university", "Well , sir , what if I do ? Andrew the Great Turk ?", "To have paid it in .", "That 's the Turk 's arms , they say ;", "The Turkish monarchy 's a thing too big", "You did receive the hundred that I sent you", "It is a pretty thing \u2014 o \u2019 my corporal oath ,", "Then , Mistress Jane , Sir Thomas Bitefig 's daughter ,", "I do not call th \u2019 in question the next term ,", "A very pretty thing . Besides the house ,", "But one word more , and I have done : what place", "Pies at young Andrew 's wedding ; cry you mercy ,", "Though he be guilty , yet he 's innocent .", "New gowns against the time . Hang dirty wealth !", "Go , you are a gibing scab .", "I would say , gentlemen , the Great Turk 's wedding .", "O , this simplicity ! He does not know", "Now I am safe , the wretch must pardon me", "If you please to accept him .", "So now the case is alter 'd .", "I 'll make it else great Andrew Mahomet ,", "Andrew , address yourself to good Sir Thomas .", "Out of harm 's way ; there 's picking meat for him ,", "H 'd quickly come to be his Majesty 's taker .", "my son :", "What haste he makes to cheat himself , poor fool !", "No sight of him since the arrest of his father .", "And yet all kill 'd at last ! Hard fortune , faith !", "He hath a house , although he came of none .", "A plot , a plot , to take away my life and farm !", "Fit for the training up of such a spirit .", "\u2018 Snigs , and well-remember 'd .", "Have had to do with it : he that bought it is", "For his poor tenement ; all 's mine . I 'll sow", "With my sum-totals ; my debt-books shall sole"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["It was not wilfully .", "A bill of your directions , I 'll account", "Which shall supply the commonwealth with cudgels .", "My splitted , spitchcock 'd \u2014\u2014", "It works , \u2018 fore Mars , it works ; I 'll take my walk ,", "My strength rely merely upon itself .", "O sir !", "The plot of those base knaves , I hear , are gone ,", "\u2018 Tis destin 'd ; I 'll be valiant : I am sure", "No .", "Have you the pox , sir ? speak .", "Choose whether you will be hacked with my sword ,", "I do conceive", "And break his purse yet open for one hundred .", "Do not come near me now , nor yet thou , Caster :", "By my next meal , I wo n't ; nay , I do love", "I feel my strength increase with very thought o n't .", "An old rich clutch-fist knight , Sir Thomas Bitefig ,", "I 'll be the gaming worthy ;", "Or yeoman , or servingman . I think", "Breathe and be thankful .", "Roasted fury .", "In spite of nature with fresh succulent boughs ,", "Shall bastinado o'er the ordinaries .", "All at my charge .", "Or a cast captain when the reck'ning is", "I come t \u2019 excuse my ruder usage of you ;", "When he is full ; he ne'er lends money empty .", "I 'll be as free as \u2018 twere mine own .", "Waes-heal , thou gentle knight ? Speak , what art thou ? Speak quickly do . Villain , know'st thou not me ?", "Will't so ? Then we 'll have \u2018 em", "That vile , scorn 'd name , that stuffs all court-gate bills ?", "The way , I 'll eat myself into courage ,", "Pox ! thou fear'st I 'll beat thee ,", "Sword , sword , thou shalt grow fat ; and thou , battoon ,", "That 's well remember 'd , most complete lieutenant .", "To make my sword fetch blood ?", "What ? Who goes there ?", "You shall not say but I will show you favour :", "An ache in your bones ?", "If that be", "To teach me valour by the strength of wine ;", "Dost thou make me a smith , thou rogue ? a Tubal ?", "From every ward i \u2019 th \u2019 city .", "Stay here so long .", "I 'd best suppose him all , and beat him through", "Pox ! who 'd be", "This fatal arm . The Templars shall not dare", "Myself oblig 'd unto you for my safety .", "Others I 'll breathe to dust : none shall hold back", "And if I do find any one , by Jove \u2014\u2014", "Ne'er mounted any upon horseback yet .", "Pronounce unhappy shadow \u2014 happy yet", "In that thou'lt fall by me . Some men I will", "I cosen all men without opposition :"], "true_target": ["To give each rank its due . No one shall \u2018 scape ,", "Thou I first meet after this meal I do", "Most rare , by heaven !", "But then they will grow valiant", "My word shall be twice twelve . I think the dice", "I shall be beaten with more credit then", "I do not care for witchcraft ; I would have", "Than now I do escape . Lieutenant , has't", "Yet lower . So , then , thus I do bestride thee .", "I was in drink when that I did it : \u2018 twas", "A noise enough to wake an alderman ,", "Take that for history . O brave lieutenant , now thy dinner works !", "We will raise", "Speak into carcase ; some I 'll look to death ;", "The art is all in all . If that you 'll give", "Why , you said", "Every degree ; and so I shall not wrong him .", "No ! why then you are", "Pay , what else ?", "Thou ow'st thy life to my lieutenant , caitiff :", "Villain , dost abuse me", "Bethought thyself as yet ? Has't any way", "Think me a second Spaniard , worthy sir .", "My teeth", "About to pay .", "This cudgel then serves turn .", "Invite him too ; perhaps I may have luck ,", "And will devour valour enough quickly .", "Water 'd with wine , thou shalt revive , and spring", "I do to know whe'r he be a gentleman ,", "No gentleman ; Lieutenant Slicer says so .", "More provocation yet ? I 'll seal thy lips .", "Down lower yet .", "Or bruis 'd by my battoon .", "My friends howe'er . I do but think how I", "So , so , here he is ; how shall", "I 'll give him one rap more for making me", "What , no man yet march by ? Whoe'er comes next ,", "Are on an edge till I do eat . Now will", "But he I win of .", "Hold out , I prythee : when my labour 's done ,", "Naming that courage which was only fury :", "Fight , as I live , with any one . Lieutenant ,", "I fanci 'd you a beating ; you must have it .", "Arm 'd with my sword , battoon and foot , I 'll walk", "In unbaptized language ? Do not answer :", "Tripe-eaters ne'er made tyrants .", "I 'll plant thee in the Tower-yard , and there ,", "No fitter place . There is", "After I 've eaten . Dost thou think I 'll offer't ?", "T \u2019 attempt a rescue ; no mild words shall bury", "Lieutenant , thou may'st teach me valour yet .", "No , nor yet", "A usurer is somewhat exorable ,", "I will not foin , but I will beat you , sir ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["To deignous", "My fire yreken is in ashen cold .", "spousail or wedlock ,", "I bite thy red lip with my tooth .", "Come forth , mine duck , mine bride , mine honeycomb ;", "Werme kiss ! Thine lips ytaste like marrow-milk ;", "Which men do clyppen", "That is hight Good-fellow Robin ;", "Truth is a thing that ever I will keep ,", "I no where hoart yfeel but on mine head .", "Music by knocking hammers upon anviles .", "eke , that I was at kirk ;", "Lere me whylk way he wended .", "you bin", "And full of gergon", "pyes", "Ylike the skin of hound-fish . Sikerly", "Whose stomach fowls do tyren", "Me-thinketh that fresh butter runneth on them .", "now thyself ;", "Ey save you both ; for dern love sayen soothly", "Tubal the sonne of Lamech did yfind", "Denuncio vobis gaudium magnum ,", "Whider I shall call you my Lord Dan John ,", "Is hoten so from one that Aldrich hight ;", "to mine head .", "Mine head is white , but , O , mine taile is green .", "Under my foot to hell , above my head to heaven ;", "Eftsoons , sir knight , I greet thee lowting low .", "sykerly ;", "Brenning", "Maugre", "No .", "Upon my faith , art some officer .", "And yeke the sisterne nine Pierides", "Some dele ystept in age ! So mote", "thyself , and pyketh", "I am thine leek , thou Chaucer eloquent ;", "I rech", "What wends against the grain is lytherly .", "pie .", "And to witnesse", "Robertus de Tinea electus est in sedem hospitalem ,", "I suffer none .", "From curfew-time", "Alouten : what time \u2018 gan she brendle thus ?", "Sure sent thylke sweven", "I vow to God thou hast a full fair chine .", "A knight most gent .", "So fresh thou art , and therewith so lycand .", "Ycleped so from Thor the Saxon 's god .", "I gone ,", "A twenty-devil way ! So did the Saxon", "There dwelleth Robert Moth , thine paramour .", "From whence comes We'nsday , that is , Woden'sday ,", "ycalled is ,", "Mine cloak had not been furred half so werme .", "Blesse this house from wicked wight ;", "Joan Potluck , spinster ? Lore me o \u2019 thing mere", "Hence carlishnesse yferre . \u2018 Tis a sooth saw ,", "Wilhelm , hight the Conqueror .", "Saint Francis", "Mine mouth hath itched all this livelong day ;", "To the next prime .", "him , for dern love , hent him ; I done drad", "With nymphs and fauns , and hamadryades :", "Sleeketh thyself ; make cheer much digne ,", "Saint Idiot is his lord , i-wis .", "That highten vultures , as do tellen clerks .", "Y \u2019 blessed Thursday ,", "Then take it now .", "I Robert Moth , this tenth", "out of shete . Lo , thus", "As sharp as doth the Tityus in hell ,", "Wholesome counsel ! But", "she , say you ?", "You will not foin ,", "I nis not Edmond Ironside , God wot .", "So leteth me alone , \u2018 t shall be thy best .", "All night me met", "You snyb", "in fire of little Cupido .", "Or else of elders , that is , ancient men ;", "This is the palyes , where mine lady wendeth .", "Thylk bason of Joan Potluck , vintner 's widow ,", "This goeth aright : how highteth"], "true_target": ["good Robert :", "New foysons", "Harrow ,", "Hent", "Why intermete", "and Saint Benedight ,", "These thick stark bristles of mine beard will pricken", "Yclose by Aldersgate there dwelleth one", "full oft . Dan Cupido", "of what thou hast to done ;", "A jangler", "His visage foul , yfrounc 'd", "Upon thylke plain of Sarum done to death", "This goeth not aright ; I dread some covin .", "As Chaunticleer to Madam Partelot .", "I do arret thou shalt acquainted bin", "They being all coltish and full of ragery ,", "that this is sooth ,", "Keep it from all evil spirits ,", "Let go thine blows ; thylke art is no compleat .", "morglay", "Come , buss .", "Joy comes to our house : I , Robert Moth , am", "Et assumit sibi nomen Galfridi .", "Nad be , none pleasaunce is to me ylaft ,", "of our king ,", "But whencesoe'er this yate", "Or Dan Thomas , or Dan Robert , or Dan Albon .", "From the night-mare and the goblin ,", "mine old years , sans fail I wene", "My sepulchre ; I 'll be as faithful to thee ,", "Waes-heal ,thou gentle knight .", "By treachery the lords of merry Englond ,", "By Woden , god of Saxons ,", "Harrowalas ! Flet , Englond , flet , Englond ! Dead is Edmond .", "Reuthon my grey haires .", "I grant well now , I do enduren woe ,", "Or else , as heralds say , from Aluredus :", "\u2018 Tis hard to find a damosel unwenned ;", "thine head ; algate", "I is as jollie now as fish in Seine .", "Fairies , weazels , rats , and ferrets :", "as is a flecken", "I do not rech", "And do transmue", "Now , by my troth , I know not your name ;", "with glowing eyne .", "And with it my carcase entire I bequeathen", "Dre not thy true", "I was not what you mean ; depardieu ,", "Thou art mine pleasure , by dame Venus brent ;", "Kembeth", "byn ygraced with new titles .", "Nem esur Saxes .", "Had I but venged all mine herme ,", "alas ! I swelt", "The world is now full tickle", "Metamorphoseos wot well what I mean :", "not thine yeft ;", "Called from one Harlotha , concubine", "I can no whit of dalliance : if I kissen ,", "and a golierdis .", "Ah , benedicite ! I might soothly sayn ,", "One bean for all . This buss is a blive guerdon .", "Why laugh you every dele ? So mote I gone ,", "No .", "Huh , huh , huh , so ; ycapred very wele .", "ever more ,", "here as I go ;", "Unto thylke day in which I creep into", "Wights clepen Robert Moth ; now Aldersgate", "my name to Geffery .", "That were transmued into birds , nemp 'd", "Whoso with them maketh that bond anon ,", "And poynant", "Chesen into thylk hospital seat ,", "I am thine lefe , thine deere , mine Potluck Joan .", "A norice", "Or else of aldern-trees , which growden there ;", "Where is thylk amebly franklin , cleped Meanwell ?", "Wend you beforne ;", "This white top writeeth much my years , i-wis ,", "Harlot ! so", "My heart gan quapp", "Give to thee , Joan Potluck , my bigg'st cramphYpppHeNring :", "Come forth , mine cinnamon ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Good noble patron ; I 'll win soberly ,", "Want of his wonted opportunities ;", "Submitting all unto our wills", "Like the Lernaean adder , faster grows", "Sir , give me leave to think and worship . Stay :", "And provinces and nations strong", "And as protector for the whole take care .", "You led , fast-fetter 'd , through the staring streets ,", "On towns , and sacrifice ourselves , our wives ,", "To furnish all , unlikely : to neglect", "Our princes to rebel , to learn our strength .", "And Britael , deck 'd with the Demetian crown :", "Deny obedience , then with sword and fire", "\u2018 Twere best , I think , to let him land , lest view", "Your trouble less , your honour is the same ,", "Let 's then dismiss the legate with a frown :", "the beacons , strike alarums loud :", "It must , it must , good sir . I pray , go on .", "Shall have my farm outright now . What 's a piece", "Raise all the country \u2018 gainst this common foe .", "Who thinks", "For fortunes , my intentions are most fair .", "That princock", "But one for to be hit in all the time ,", "Entice him from his ships ; so cut the veins", "No custom shall bar justice . I command", "Attach the murderer , and if abettors", "Though every stamp he treads seems to conjure", "And under hatches hide themselves from death .", "Even in my face ; as though hell watch 'd a time", "Now take your choice , whether you 'd find", "We 'll purchase him ; I 'll take up for't . Old Simon", "And blast sweet virtue with a Syrian flame !", "That have been hurt in gaming : then build up", "Plainness of ground affording us no shelter .", "Whole towns shall tremble , and the ground shall quake .", "I will ascend to the groom-porters next ,", "Shall not ? your king and uncle says he shall .", "Spurtl 'd my robes , soliciting revenge . Belinus ,", "O'erthrown , and our men almost spent . Then , general ,", "We know our strength and his ; we 'll fight in field", "They 'll find the land as dangerous as the sea .", "I must to Verulam 's fenc 'd town repair ,", "Embraces woody Ordovic 's black hills .", "Rome as a friend or foe . \u201d", "Was , sure , against me .", "But undervalue this great courtesy .", "Enter CAPTAINS . He stands on a throne .", "This regal staff , whose massy weight would bruise", "CAESAR , VOLUSENUS , & c .", "Upon whose hairs Time 's child , Experience , hangs", "Now hot alarums die in fainter notes :", "Faithful Belinus , let a post command", "Then , friends and princes , on this blade take oath ,", "Below the nine-fold brazen gates of hell !", "The plague take all impertinences . Peace !", "I know thy loyal heart and prudent head ,", "Hide all the landing coasts . Ere next daybreak ,", "Belinus , thy authority must rouse", "Have stretch 'd their empire wide", "Meanwhile , Androgeus , hold unto your use", "Which I reserve for a foundation .", "May climb the capitol with triumphant car ;", "Build a cathedral next in Banbury ;", "Both horseman 's speed and footman 's stable strength )", "Since Romulus \u2019 race by will of Jove", "VOLUSENUS reads .", "His time and leisure would exhaust the state \u2014", "O , that base fortune should great spirits damp ,", "Buz not about sweet Hybla 's bloomy head .", "Madded their horse . The bowmen merrily shot .", "Numbers of train-men , and each captain pick 'd", "First , will I beggar all the gentlemen", "To see him laid with honour in the grave .", "Our harness still is worn . Through woods and lakes", "So a most kind adieu unto all three .", "His huge and expert army . Nothing stops him :", "The vulgar troops within thy", "Wonder ! what can their arsenals spawn so fast ?", "Summon our petty kings , and muster up", "And fawn on muddy slaves ! That envious fate", "The Fates from their infernal centre . None", "Back 'd with four hundred Gallic horse , all tried", "The jingling lances , rattling chariot-wheels ,", "Both rich and strong in metals and in men .", "Wisdom , confirm my sense ! what seem 'd their number ?", "We do admire .", "Old father Neptune : all ye powers divine :", "Whose clear reflex serves as her morning glass \u2014", "Legate , you may your message now declare .", "Any were dangerous as Pelides \u2019 heel ,", "Dreads he not our sea-monsters , whose wild shapes", "Weary our soldiers .", "I 'll wi n't again : \u2018 twas but the relics of", "We 'll now invite them to a martial feast ,", "Pox ! let it go ;", "And so root out th \u2019 unmusical elect .", "We will obey , but never serve .", "The whole and entire courtesy .", "Hath overrun : our charioteers still drive ;", "With weapons in our hands , and victory scorn :", "Laugh at his sullen wrinkles .", "We 'll tire his dainty soldiers ; then set fire", "Of his huge navy should our commons fright .", "Of which each quarter can maintain a king .", "At my last stake", "No , Comius . There is more behind than Caesar", "Come , sirs , to arms ! to arms ! Let speedy posts", "But where 's the answer which her idol gave ? Can you expound the sense ?", "Befall what will , in midst of horror 's noise", "But the assailants are the flower of Italy ,", "With homage due obey ;", "From East to West , hunting for blood and gain .", "Your age and pleasures ; yet this , nephews , know ,", "Here 's threescore \u2014\u2014", "Money to pay my ordinary : may I", "But one to bear and lose it ! All the world", "Burst , gall , and dye my actions in flame-colour !", "But render good for ill .", "Supposes fear , not manhood . No , let him march ,", "\u2018 T stood on eleven .", "Paint not a freezing night ; nor speckl 'd bees", "No rampires keep him back : he presses forward ,", "With holy water sprinkling all the meads ,", "And then those traitors with their train augment", "Have you obtain 'd , or is your suit denied ?", "Set down that heavy load with heavier hearts . Could virtuous valour , honourable thoughts , A noble scorn of fortune , pride and death , Myriads of vows and prayers sent to heaven ; Could country 's love or Britain 's genius save A mortal man from sleeping in his grave , Then hadst thou liv 'd , great Nennius , and outliv 'd The smooth-tongu 'd Greek . But we may more envy , And less bewail thy loss , since thou didst fall On honour 's lofty field-bed , on which stage Never did worthy act a statelier part . Nor durst pale death approach with cypress sad , Till flourishing bays thy conquering temples clad . A Funeral Elegy sung to the Harp . Turnus may conceal his name , Nennius had AEneas \u2019 fame . Hannibal let Afric smother , Nennius was great Scipio 's brother . Greece , forbear Achilles \u2019 story , Nennius had brave Hector 's glory . Thrush and nightingale , be dumb : Sorrowful songs befit a tomb . Turn , ye marble stones , to water : Isis \u2019 nymphs forswear all laughter : Sigh and sob upon your bed , Beli 's noble son is dead . A banquet served over the stage . ROLLANO , with a leg of a capon and a tankard of wine .", "I did not think they would gull me . I perceive", "Enter and hear my charge .", "\u201c Caesar , Proconsul of Gallia , to Cassibelane , King of Britain .", "Through all the arteries of this our isle .", "And works upon the world . Provide my fancy ,", "For they shall have no home . There shall not be", "That pleasure but I 'll balk : I 'll run o'er Nature ;", "Old Thomas shall keep home , I warrant him .", "Bold mandates are unwelcome to free princes . Legate , withdraw ; you shall be soon despatch 'd .", "The devil take all fortunes ! Never man", "Will check rash rebels , and as firmly stand", "Carving with falchions , and carousing healths", "Shall Britain stoop to Roman rods and hatchets ,", "Next , I 'll undo all gaming citizens ,", "\u2018 Tis well , our kings consent for common good .", "To crush our pomp and glory into sighs .", "For ancient freedom or perpetual bondage :", "Our lady-city Troynovant ,", "That he appear before us .", "The glory of so many ages pass 'd", "In their lives \u2019 moisture .", "A catalogue of mischiefs do concur :", "And my right hand . Now only doth he crave", "These granted may our friendship gain ;", "Since the great guide of all , Olympus \u2019 king , Will have the Romans his viceroys on earth ; Since the red fatal eyes of crow-black night Fling their malignant influence on our state ; Since Britain must submit ; it was her fame , None but a Julius Caesar could her tame .SCENE VII . CHORUS . 1st Song . Come , fellow-bards , and sing with cheer ; Since dreadful alarums we shall no more hear . Come , lovely peace , our saint divine , Olive and laurel do love for to twine . The Graces and Muses , and nymphs in a round : Let voice beat the air , and feet beat the ground . So hell 's black image chas 'd away , Eos doth dandle the goldy-lock 'd day ; So , Brumabanish 'd all forlorn , Cupid and Flora the spring do adorn : And so , the grim fury of Mars laid in grave , A merrier ending doth friendly peace crave . 2d Song . The sky is glad , that stars above Do give a brighter splendour : The stars unfold their flaming gold , To make the ground more tender : The ground doth send a fragrant smell , That air may be the sweeter : The air doth charm the swelling seas With pretty chirping metre : The sea with rivers \u2019 water doth Feedplants and flowers dainty : The planets do yield their fruitful seed , That beasts may live in plenty : The beasts doth give both food and cloth , That men high Jove may honour : And so the world runs merrily round , When peace doth smile upon her . O then , then O ! O then , then O ! This jubilee last for ever : That foreign spite or civil fight Our quiet trouble never . MERCURY reducing the ghosts of CAMILLUS and BRENNUS .", "Denied shall work your woe .", "To work this your design by : let me owe you", "A league \u2014 no yoke .", "Waste their dominions . For a traitor 's sake ,", "Angry to be refus 'd , sit still at home ;", "And gallant troops , join 'd in one martial body ,", "In desperate pride and valour 's scornful rage ,", "With unity and courage .", "Like brave Mulmutius \u2019 sons : make Romulus \u2019 wolf", "Last year his barks and galleys were debosh 'd ;", "If I should strive to pay you thanks , I should", "With the four kings of Kent , and so affront", "Unparallel 'd both as a friend and foe ,", "And with a whistle but deride his force .", "I 'll make thee news for the Coranti , dotard .", "Our lofty tombs upon their slaughter 'd heaps .", "Not a piece left .", "The Kentish kings to set upon his fleet ,", "By the same spear . Think on these objects ;", "There 's none that die so poor as they are born .", "And silence are loud names compar 'd with me .", "Comius , speak no more : he knows our mind .", "Of all our nations we 'll his camp beleaguer ,", "The same to famous Guerthed , whose command", "I am undone ! Ne'er let me live , if that", "Your ancestors , and your successors wrong ,", "The series break of seventy kings : nay , let", "Then choose them for your lords , who spoil and burn", "O , may their country 's heavy curse them sink", "We shall observe your will , so you impose", "Let not this dismal chance deface our joy ,", "The devil , sure , was in his hand , I think .", "O , did my brother live ! we 'd climb the Alps .", "Fire", "We 'll soon confront him in his full career :", "That do keep terms ; then build with what I win .", "Last , Kent 's unhappy rulers are at sea", "Then read the rest .", "Come , let 's go visit him . You may , lord general ,"], "true_target": ["Our goods and cattle , in one public flame ,", "In vain we strive , when deities do frown ;", "ey 'd her walls .", "Before my eyes , and grimly furious spake :", "I see you are incens 'd , and wish to use", "I like thy warning ; with united stroke", "Well-returned , Androgeus :", "Subjects and fellow-soldiers , we must now try", "The toll and tribute of delicious Kent ;", "Your wives and daughters ravish 'd , ransack 'd towns ,", "Heirs but of slavery ? O , this day make good", "Have you , Tenantius , Cornwall 's dukedom large ,", "Fancy doth much : see , how \u2018 tis come to pass !", "I 'll soon rebate this insolent disdain .", "Our first attempt doth prosper : they retiring", "Pox ! plague ! hell ! death ! damn 'd luck ! This \u2018 tis !", "My brother 's wound", "cleaves the eastern fogs ,", "Tempestuous night is gone : victorious joy \u2014", "Androgeus , haste you to the Scots and Picts ,", "Of dirty earth to me ? a clod ! a turf !", "\u2018 Twas ten to one , by heaven , all the while .", "On this side Thames his dismal ensigns shine .", "As hearty oaks , who bear off AEolus \u2019 blows ,", "The only name of victory sounds sweeter", "He threw twice twelve .", "Courage and policy could a kingdom save ,", "O hell ! Thou foolish thing ,", "And next to me , as general , to be led", "Most royal friends .", "Be all wrongs drench 'd in Lethe .", "\u2018 Twill yearly be \u2014 by heaven , I know not what \u2014\u2014", "Unto Mount Atlas \u2019 side :", "and all", "Now know I thou art sent for to solicit", "Take him away , his wine speaks in him now .", "But to instruct me , here is fourscore pound .", "All colleges that ruin hath demolish 'd ,", "Hide Kent with glitt'ring arms . More flaming sparkles", "Whole countries , and call desolation peace .", "This news more moves my choler than my fear .", "And noble lads for hostages", "That wind may blow our ashes in his face .", "ROLLANO alone .", "Fishes or crows , to be executors .", "special charge .", "And royal looks he will accept our faith ,", "Accept this surcoat , starrified with pearls", "His breath is gone , who was his country 's prop", "double service do perform \u2014", "Hold , hold ! my nephew 's slain before my face . Life shall be paid with life .", "I know your faithful love : Kent 's fourfold head", "Came off so : quite and clean defunct , by heaven !", "So , let them land . No matter which they choose ,", "Ay , ay , those treach'rous caitiffs ! rebel slaves !", "For new foes should imprint swift-equal fear", "On then ! charge close , before they gather head .", "Raise a new hospital for those maim 'd people", "Our valorous nations from the north and west .", "By their mysterious arts .", "And fill their arras-hangings with our story .", "We did our best ; but discord , child of hell ,", "Retire ourselves to some place of advantage ,", "Enter ANDROGEUS .", "Their theatres ne'er yet in picture saw ?", "We wish that you , hid in the sea ,", "hath spoil 'd", "Set Comius free ; we love not to insult ,", "Let us run headlong through their armed tents ,", "Doth paint with gaudy plumes the chequer 'd sky .", "And what are the particulars ?", "I itch till I have beggar 'd all the city .", "I should have slain the whelps with their good sire .", "To yield , as far as honour gives me leave .", "Whilst we here bate . Four thousand charioteers ,", "Should he return , our province dares him front .", "Howl horror in their streets , and Rome look pale ,", "Entreat their aid , if not for love , yet fear !", "What , \u2018 s he fox 'd too ? Some drunken planet reigns ,", "Keep in that tongue of thine ; or \u2014\u2014", "As when the Punic captain", "There is no third choice . The enraged foe", "Scud to the bosom of their fir-tree vaults ,", "Great bellies ripp 'd with lances , sprawling babes ,", "Give organs to each parish in the kingdom ;", "I saw Hirildas fall , and breathe his soul", "Fly higher games , and make my mincing knights", "And when I 've ransack 'd her , I 'll weary art :", "Thy tongue in senate and thy hands in field .", "Or interruption left unperfect .", "The more \u2018 tis prun 'd . They come their last . Lord deputy ,", "And servile tribute ? will ye so defame", "Speak free , Belinus .", "The spouse , about her husband 's neck , run through", "Two names which now Albania 's kingdom share :", "Till he rouse Death , and stride his future grave .", "And , blushing more and more , opes half her eye ,", "Your weapons , not your ears .", "If you please", "Gives lustre to our prowess : to keep him out", "Lead on the present troops , and levy new .", "His first arrival . But , before all , let", "This spring they sprout again : belike their navy ,", "Our priests and Druids , in their hallow 'd groves ,", "Devouring ships and men . But one mischance ,", "Heavens favour Cridous , fair Albania 's king :", "Let Britain 's climacterical year now run ,", "You do me wrong , to think that I 'd wrong you .", "Still do remain : with these and flocking voluntaries", "As if you wore the diadem of this isle .", "Turns all to wormwood . Why were ye dumb , ye idols ?", "Lay hands on him ! a spy !", "Propitiate the gods , and scan events", "Rivers nor rampiers , woods nor dangerous bogs .", "I will betray myself or you , whom I", "Which nourish both : enclos 'd he cannot \u2018 scape .", "Like Scythian wolves \u2018 midst of a bleating fold :", "Out of a province , make us bow or break .", "The nature of our soil wo n't bear a Roman ,", "No : Brennus \u2019 ghost forbid ! who this night stood", "For city dames to mock your habit strange ,", "Than all mellifluous rhetoric .", "Expect in prison thy revenge . Away with him !Belinus , have you muster 'd up our forces ?", "The rocks shall answer what the drum doth speak .", "I know you can produce an instrument", "Night", "I 'll pay all soldiers , whom their captains wo n't ;", "Ye country gods and nymphs , who Albion love :", "Witness my loyal care ! If human strength ,", "As I hope", "As Irish earth doth poison poisonous beasts .", "Although the people 's voice constrains me hold", "Here I 'll lay", "Fear not ; thou know'st I can even with a whistle", "Cingetorix , Carvilius , Taximagulus , Segonax ,", "My means , I 'm sure , will reach it . Let me see ,", "By all that 's good ,", "False-hearted Gaul , dar'st thou persuade e'en me", "First to your country to revenge her wrongs ;", "For rashly aiding Gaul :", "Our shores are large and level : then t \u2019 attend", "Uncertain \u2018 tis where \u2014 when , he makes inroad :", "An idle hundred .", "Yield , yield , that he , ennobled by our spoils ,", "Do likewise tribute pay .", "Make ready at our call .", "I 'll give you forty pound in hand \u2014\u2014", "All shall be done , renowned prince , whose worth ,", "From Danube 's banks", "Fate , and no fault of mine , makes me appear", "And diamonds , such as our own shores breed .", "Esteem above myself ? I have as yet", "Should ripen villany with a Syrian dew ,", "If I do e'er discover , may I want", "Thus far we hear you . If with honour 'd terms", "And make their camp a shambles ; so to raise", "Sorrow must doff her sable weeds , and joy Furbish the Court with fresh and verdant colours ; Else should we seem ungrateful to the gods . Triumphs must thrust out obsequies ; and tilt With tourney , and our ancient sport call 'd Troy , Such as Iulus \u2018 bout his grandsire 's tomb Did represent ; and at each temple 's porch , Games , songs , and holy murdering of beasts . A dancing masque of six enters , then the epinicionsung by two bards . The Roman eagle , threatening woe , The sea did shadow with her wing ; But our goose-quills did prick her so That from the clouds they down her bring .", "throw ames-ace", "And that , too , safe enough , to any one 's thinking :", "Strange things are done by it .", "Some dozen miles from sea . An open theatre", "For to betray my people to the sword ?", "To give a fuller stroke ; when we defendants ,", "As when pale Eos", "No sainted statue did foretell this grief .", "On anything that borders upon sadness ,", "Here 's fifty \u2014\u2014", "And crackling flames , when all is lost , we 'll die", "Walk musing in their knotty freeze abroad ;", "May he ne'er know what 's mirth , but when others", "The Cornish band made havoc of their ranks ,", "A milk-white badge of wisdom ; and canst wield", "proud !\u2014 ah , \u2018 twas a \u2018 scape in policy :", "One hundred left , some part of which \u2014\u2014", "One urn conclude our ashes and the world 's .", "We 'll give him once more battle . Let the captains", "Our Briton Hector Nennius dead ; our kings ,", "And dares proud Caesar back our untam 'd surges ?", "And soldiers , thicker than the sand on shore ,", "The conduits of his vital spring being ripp 'd ,", "But what need millions , when some thousand serve ?", "When all are join 'd , we shall o'erspread the hills ,", "But he durst be so bold .", "And purchase upon that . The foreman shall", "And draw our forces t'ward the sea , to join", "Scatter 'd along , can weak resistance make ;", "When destinies push , Atlas himself comes down .", "Down in your hands all but this little portion ,", "Do you think", "I 'll send some forty thousand unto Paul 's ;", "thrice together !"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Buy me a shroud \u2014 any old sheet will serve", "Frail and uncertain , let me counsel thee \u2014", "You do mean your partners my good friends ?", "My dinner only griev 'd me ; yet \u2018 cause life 's", "Y \u2019 have said enough already . How came you", "He is scarce yet at home .", "You 'll make him an estate convenient .", "I have the more", "I hope", "Why , this is he ,", "And only have the reverence of the aged .", "The mistress of the house imprimis ; for", "Although I do not use to eat at ordinaries ;", "Both for the benefit and its requital .", "If ever thou hast children , teach them thrift ;", "Watchman , call you forth", "And take my vengeance whilst my fury 's hot .", "The footsteps of my bearers . If there be", "For't cannot sink into me , that they durst", "For entertainment : prythee , see they have", "I 'm sorry that your son takes these lewd courses ;", "They had no time to get away .", "A confessor unto me .", "\u2018 Tis good to be beforehand still . First , then ,", "Mourn as thou pleasest for me ; plainness shows", "What , gone ! Upon my life , they did mistrust .", "If she 'll give her consent , y \u2019 are one .", "Caught by Sir Robert Littleworth 's son , if that", "Wretch that I was , to trust my bosom to", "I will rush in .", "Feign 'd only to secure your own designs ;", "Eatings and drinkings are no obsequies .", "Sir , if you be the master of this house ,", "Any so kind as to accompany", "Into an aged pair , yet still seem young .", "You 've harbour 'd here a company of cheating", "Though I am past the worst , and I perceive", "Marry , a very commendable fault .", "Reward this courtesy of yours , I shall", "They have their lurking-hole near hand most certain .", "Send for my daughter hither ; we 'll know all . What are you , sir ?", "One torch will be sufficient to direct", "I 'll strive no longer ,", "For fear I seem t \u2019 oppose felicity .", "In care to my daughter , not in hate to you .", "You may work on my daughter , and prevail", "May you stand fresh , as in your pictures , still ,", "I like his person well enough , if that", "But if thou'lt needs b \u2019 at charges of a tomb ,", "State is not meet for those that dwell in dust .", "Nay , do not weep , but hearken . When heaven shall", "Patience itself would now turn furious . Let 's for some officers .", "You could not choose but meet him :", "I do n't regard this thing that you call blood ;", "With a good hopeful word , or else a couple", "And adorn stench \u2014 no reverence to the dead ,", "By reason of the care you took in sending", "My body to the earth , let them not want", "Honest enough , I think , but that he 's poor ;", "You are mistaken , friends ."], "true_target": ["I cannot hold : I 'll break in as I am ,", "Of capital letters filled up with pitch ,", "As were your merits . But your fortunes are", "To make them crumble more luxuriously .", "\u2018 Twill save expense in clothes . And so now be", "Such as I set upon my sheep , will serve :", "You speak most honestly : I never did", "Born to more name than fortune .", "Fine linen ; \u2018 tis but to enrich the grave ,", "He is not fit to make a husband of .", "Please to call in this weary soul of mine ;", "An unexperienc 'd girl ; she 'd like to have been", "Confess myself engaged doubly to you \u2014", "\u2018 Tis her deliverance . She hath escap 'd two plagues , a lustful fool .", "Save you , sir .", "Unequal ; there 's the want .", "I thank you for your pains , Master Constable :", "That I forbad you my house , was only", "Five or six foot of common stone , engraved", "Be n't idle in expense about my burial :", "My last devotion with a scene of laughter .", "One so exactly bad that , if the book", "I know your former loves : grow up", "To smell to , as they walk along the streets .", "True grief . I give thee leave to do it for", "My blessing on thee , and my means hereafter .", "If you can find a way whereby I may", "Can she suggest yet any good , that is", "A sprig of rosemary dipp 'd in common water ,", "For that young stripling . \u2018 Tis a foolish wench ,", "To sing beneath the window ?", "So expert grown in this flesh-brokery ?", "A testimony to your life as large", "Of all men 's lives lay open to his view ,", "I 'll break my wonted custom .", "Would meet no sin unpractis 'd by himself .", "To clothe corruption ; I can rot without", "Villains we are come to apprehend .", "I 'd tread them o'er with comfort , that I might", "Raise no oppressing pile to load my ashes ;", "Make mirth of my repentance , and abuse", "I had not banish 'd him my house ; a youth", "\u2018 Tis a mere name , a sound .", "Though every step were so much toward my grave ,", "They 'll learn religion fast enough themselves .", "Well and pithy said !", "We 're cheated , friends : these men o \u2019 th \u2019 ordinary", "Think ill of your intents , but always gave", "Disclos 'd their villanies ; he is no cheat .", "If I thought otherwise , I do assure you , I 'd not venture hither . FOOTNOTES :i. e ., Prize\u2014 Collier .March-pane was a confection made of pistachio nuts , almonds , sugar , & c ., formerly in high esteem , and a constant article in the deserts of our ancestors . See the notes of Dr Gray , Mr Hawkins , and Mr Steevens , to \u201c Romeo and Juliet , \u201d act i. sc . 5 .This is called a St Stephen 's pudding : it used formerly to be provided at St John 's College , Cambridge , uniformly on St Stephen 's day .\u2014 Pegge .SeeOr , caveare . Giles Fletcher , in his \u201c Russe Commonwealth , \u201d 1591 , p. 11 , says : \u201c In Russia they have divers kinds of fish , very good and delicate : as the Bellouga or Bellougina , of four or five elnes long ; the Ostrina or Sturgeon , but not so thicke nor long . These four kinds of fish breed in the Volgha , and are catched in great plenty , and served thence into the whole realme for a great food . Of the roes of these foure kinds , they make very great store of Icary , or caveary . \u201d The introduction of these foreign delicacies is ridiculed by several writers of the times ; as Ben Jonson 's \u201c Cynthia 's Revels , \u201d act iii . sc . 1 : \u201c Come ; let us go and taste some light dinner , a dish of sliced caviare , or so . \u201d And in Marston 's \u201c What you Will , \u201d act ii . sc . 1 \u2014 \u201c A man can scarce put on a tuckt-up cap , A button 'd frizado sute ; scarce eate good meate , Anchovies , caviare , but hee 's satired , And term 'd phantasticall . \u201dThe malacoton is one of the late peaches . So in Ben Jonson 's \u201c Bartholomew Fair \u201d \u2014 \u201c A soft velvet head like a mellicotton . \u201d \u2014 Steevens .Olived is a term of cookery . In Murrell 's \u201c New Book of Cookery , \u201dis a receipt to make an olive-pie to be eaten hot . Olives are collops of any meat .\u2014 Steevens .Cartwright has fetched most of his antiquated terms from Chaucer . I have therefore given the explanation of them from Mr Tyrwhitt 's excellent glossary on that author .Snub , reprove .\u2014 T .Think , suppose .\u2014 T .A prater .\u2014 T .Fr . Goliardus , or Goliardensis , Lat . \u201c This jovial sect seems to have been so called from Golias , thename of a man of wit , toward the end of the 12th century ,\u201c Apocalypsis Goliae \u201d and other pieces , in burlesque Latin rhymes , some of which have been falsely attributed to Walter Mapes . In several authors of the 13th century , quoted by Du Cange , the Goliardi are classed with the joculatores or buffones . \u201d \u2014 T .Left .\u2014 T .So in Chaucer 's \u201c Reve 's Prologue , \u201d v. 3880 \u2014 \u201c Yet in our ashen cold is fire yreken . \u201d \u2014 Steevens . On this last line Mr Tyrwhitt observes : \u201c There is so great a resemblance between this line and the following in \u2018 Gray 's Elegy , \u2019\u2014 \u201c Ev'n in our ashes live their wonted fires , \u201d that I should certainly have considered the latter as an imitation , if Mr Gray himself had not referred us to the 169sonnet of Petrarch , as his original \u2018 Ch'i veggio nel pensier , \u2019 & c .Surely .\u2014 T .Very ill .\u2014 T .Uncertain .\u2014 T .Unspotted .\u2014 T .Wantonness .\u2014 T .Jargon , chattering .\u2014 T .Spotted .\u2014 T .Call , name .\u2014 T .A nurse .\u2014 T .Is she called .\u2014 T .Dreamed .\u2014 T .Tremble or quake .\u2014 T .Dream .\u2014 T .Combeth .\u2014 T .Pick as a hawk does his feathers .\u2014 T .Worthy .\u2014 T .Named .\u2014 T .High men and low men are false dice . See Florio 's \u201c Dictionary , \u201d 1598 , v. Pise . These terms so very oft occur in our ancient dramatic writers , that to quote examples would be endless .The epithet black does not agree with Sir Kenelm Digby 's \u201c Discourse touching the Cure of Wounds by the Power of Sympathy , \u201d 4th edition , 1664 , p. 104 : \u201c I told her sundry stories upon this subject ; as that of the Queen of Ethiopia , who was delivered of a white boy ; which was attributed to a picture of the Blessed Virgin , which she had always near the tester of her bed , whereunto she bore great devotion . I urged another , of a woman who was brought to bed of a child all hairy , because of a portrait of St John the Baptist in the wilderness , where he wore a coat of camel 's hair . \u201d Perhaps the original reading is the true one , and the corruption lies in the former line . I would read \u2014 \u201c It works upon that which is not as yet : The little Ethiop infant would have been Black in his cradle , had he not been first White in the mother 's strong imagination . \u201d The compositor 's eye might have caught had not from the following line \u2014 a very common accident . Without this emendation we have too much of not and had not in the course of three verses .\u2014 Steevens 's note", "Yet to accept your courtesy , good friends ,", "Now that I have made even , girl , with heaven ,", "I charge thee , lend no money ; next , serve God ;", "Peace !", "Sir Robert Littleworth his son : he hath", "This may b \u2019 your plot , and this discovery", "Discover this religious villany .", "Have gull 'd us all this while , and now are gone .", "Two or three years , if that thou shalt think fit ;", "You may dismiss your watch now ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["I pray you now .", "Beauty go with you , sir .", "Now ,", "Your acceptation is reward enough .", "Heigho !", "Doth it so ?", "This meant to me ?", "Indeed , this reverend man join 'd us i \u2019 th \u2019 prison .", "If that he had but law enough .", "Some pretty stories in the hangings there .", "I am not mercenary ;", "Sappho was", "Of his sweet strings . I 'd willingly arrive", "Of him that he could draw stones with the sound", "I 'd leave a book with you , but that I see", "Pray you try him , mistress . By my virginity , I think he 'll flinch .", "A very proper man !"], "true_target": ["At some perfection in the quality .", "Only to please you , sir .", "God forbid !", "Goodly , goodly .", "One of my breeding .", "I give my mistress notice of your presence .", "You might have better manners , than to scoff", "I 'm but her woman . Here she comes herself .", "Sweet sir , you are deceiv 'd ;", "That would willingly run out of doors ,", "Indeed now ?", "Excellent at it ; but Amphion he \u2014", "Who 'd have thought it ?", "Pray y \u2019 , entertain yourself awhile , until", "He was the man that outdid all : \u2018 tis said", "Alas !", "You are a gentleman : perhaps you 'll find"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["The tenderness of it , I do confess ,", "No gleanings , James ? No trencher-analects ?", "I am abstemious Rhymewell : I hate wine ,", "You err most orthodoxly , sweet Sir Kit .", "By the length of your London-measure beard .", "And thus I am prepar 'd to answer thee .", "He 'll bind them to the peace for troubling him .", "That may employ the teeth .", "O'ershadow ' d with thy rough beard like a wood .", "\u2018 Tis by cause", "To drink my beer , while others drink their sack .", "You are too forward , brother Catchmey .", "The colour bears't , if you 'll venture the stuff .", "Didst thou mistrust thy spectacles ?", "Thou thing ,", "Few vessels still do well . I carry this", "Caitiff , this holy instrument shall quail thee .", "If that same Justice be i \u2019 th \u2019 ordinary now ,", "Thou hadst been nothing ."], "true_target": ["It was no anger , \u2018 twas a rapture merely .", "Thou violent cushion-thumper , hold thy tongue ;", "Thou liest .", "Peace , inkhorn ; there 's no music in thy tongue .", "Come , my most noble order of the club ,", "Come , let 's be going .", "My muse doth sometimes take the selfsame flight .", "The Furies dwell in it !", "Since I spake treason last i \u2019 th \u2019 cellar . Here ,", "Had I not vow 'd some reverence to his presence ,", "Somewhat denies a grappling .", "His letter may procure a dinner yet .", "\u2018 Cause none will else , let 's make much of ourselves :", "Give me thy hand , thou child of fervency .", "No , mine own dish will serve ; I 'm singular .", "Anything", "Thy belly looks like to some strutting hill ,", "I do conceive you , though , Sir Christopher ;", "Yes , I say you are too forward \u2014", "Pray y \u2019 , good sir , reconcile them ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Sternhold 's or Wisdom 's metre .", "Why should he not , good sir ? It is his office .", "\u2018 Fore Mars , I was dry . This valour 's thirsty : fill to my antagonist .", "I see too much of the tithepig in thee .", "The last sand make his period .", "Nay , then I do defy thee thus .", "Any reversions yet ? Nothing transmiss 'd ?", "Set up an hour-glass ; he 'll go on , until", "And this shall send thee to thy cousin furies .", "Yes , to my betters ."], "true_target": ["His name 's Sir Kit .", "Born in the field , I do assure your worship . This quarrelling is meat and drink to them .", "I 'm beardless too ;", "It makes far better music when you nose", "Were't not for that good gentleman , thou'dst smoke for't .", "Cheer up , Sir Kit , thou look'st too spiritually :", "The yeast that makes your thin small sermons work .", "I hope you think not so of me", "Nor do desire : \u2018 tis merely froth and barm ,", "Good Israel Inspiration , hold your tongue ;"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["The future now , I love thee stubbornly .", "\u2018 Tis a trisyllable , a n't please your worship ;", "Name Master Paul , but urge St Knox ;", "But vulgar tongues have made bold to profane it", "In desperate hope of understanding us :", "My name is not so short :", "Marriage is a bond ;", "But quadragesimal wits", "Confirm an unsatisfi 'd sinner .", "Over the proud ambitious head hath carv 'd", ", by rote . But now the land", "And defy an offering ;", "May the parish surplice be", "When I", "Your beer is like my words , strong , stinging gear .", "Impulsive gentleness", "I will try :", "Ca n't earn their groat a day , unless it be", "The state of an orthodox clout .", "An holy wish . Once more , beloved \u2014", "Methinks I hear thee with thy begging tone ,", "Not one hair 's difference betwixt you both .", "And the stiff buckram-bag ! thou , that may'st call", "He hath a wolf in 's breast : food must appease him .", "When they , ev'n for that reason , truly thank", "A kind of disagreeing consent to't .", "sanctified rhymes", "Only a kind of unwilling consent .", "As a besieged city , and as dry", "The pen thy father and the ink thy mother ,", "Riddles and clouds are very lights of speech .", "\u2018 Tis my custom ;", "Pauci , pauci quos aequus amavit .", "Jest hath regain 'd my soul . Samson was strong ;", "If that my spectacles should once miscarry .", "Must I be strong again ? Thou human beast ,", "I will not be conceiv 'd by such mechanics .", "Whisper in a loud voice , and ev'n be silent ,", "Sir Kit again ! thou art a Lopez . When", "I must look out an animal conductive \u2014", "To wrap thy soft body about ;", "Spring up , and Dod 's blessing o n't .", "May speak to thy capacity , thou'lt be", "It is the holy cause , and I must quarrel .", "I feel a film come o'er mine eyes already :", "remov 'd \u2014", "Smutch 'd creatures thrust into white surplices ,", "Men should forgive ; but thou art far , yea far", "Perhaps my spirit will suggest some anger .", "As a Dutch commentator . This vile world", "He killed a thousand with an ass 's jaw-bone ,", "And so will I . \u2018 St ! \u2018 st !\u2014 good friend , d \u2019 y \u2019 hear ?", "God for thus taking this their brother to him .", "Thy subtlety is dulness . I am strong ;", "I was in body there , but not in mind ,", "O \u2019 th \u2019 spouse 's teeming , and I 'll go with you .", "\u2018 Twas godliness , verily :", "I love that , though I hate it ; and I have", "Thou'lt bear about a quire of wicked paper ,", "Of pitiful hard-heartedness . I 'm strong .", "The nature of his spirit asketh meat ;", "I 'm strong , I 'm strong . Good sir , you understand not !", "Or like a larger jug , that some men call", "So that my sin is but inchoately perfect ;", "Defiled with", "I 'll veil my careless anxious thoughts , as \u2018 twere", "Thou hold'st thy peace most vocally . Again !", "Fourthly and lastly , that I sung was only", "Henceforth I 'll speak , or rather not speak , for", "Professions should be slighted thus . The day", "When I do utter words . Words did I call them ?", "So no place fitter to perform it in !", "About the break of day , waking the brethren", "Rhymewell , and thy voice , Vicar Catchmey , and", "Your worship graceth us in condescending", ",", "And prove regenerate ,", "When thou shalt leave the cradle ,", "Show thy little sorrel pate ,", "I say , learn reverence to thy betters .", "And Lent thy good repast ;", "Making the vessel look like tyrant Eglon .", "This moisture shall dry up all injuries ,", "One of thy legs rots off", "They call a kit . Boy , learn more reverence .", "To level thus your presence , noble", "And idols in the frontispiece \u2014 that I", "Thou wilt visit windows .", "Reading of the Christian burial for the dead ;", "A knowing ignorance : he that 's conceiv 'd"], "true_target": ["Whereon the lewder hand of pagan workman", "A workman in the clergy .", "Secondly , I was drawn , as \u2018 twere , by their", "My coat allows no quarrel .", "Yes , verily ;", "And rejoice in thy Friday capon .", "Let 's walk in and practise it ; my bowels", "Let Christ-tide be thy fast ,", "For the good saint 's sake , part them : I am blind ,", "When cobblers were made churchmen ; and those black 'd", "Most strongly urg 'd !", "Of half an hour 's space ,", "It was a hymn I warbled .", "I 'm holy , \u2018 cause profane .", "Will come perhaps , when that the commonwealth", "Thy law too , Bagshot , is contemn 'd : \u2018 tis pity", "Thence grow up to hate a ring ,", "As ember weeks", "Thy injuries are courtesies . Strong again !", "And the good pillory thy cousin", "And so hereafter , which I 'm wont to call", "Of thy deep shallowness , am I profane ?", "From it , O Bagshot : thou'rt in \u2018 love with hate .", "I mean a dog .", "My noise no noise , my very language silence .", "By such is not conceiv 'd ; sense is non-sense ,", "Merciful cruelty , and as \u2018 twere a kind", "and fancies , lean", "Surfeits forsooth : poor labourers in divinity", "And learn to sing what others say .", "In a perspicuous cloud , that I may", "I 'm strong , I 'm strong again . Let 's keep these two", "And by that third course teaching", "Thou vile ingrosser of unchristian deeds .", "The sand thy brother and the wax thy sister ,", "He is not reconcilable with drink :", "Before thou be brought to the font .", "Here is a letter , friend , to Master Meanwell .", "Thou son of parchment , got between the standish", "And shalt begin to waddle ,", "I do beseech you , show", "Thy mind is bodily , thy soul corporeal ,", "Reformed thus into", "May'st thou conceive a grace", "I do acknowledge , but not the disgrace ,", "And I , though in a fault , did not offend ;", "My briefness is prolix .", "Hold , a blow I 'll have ,", "Look 'd like so many magpies , and did speak", "Level my larger thoughts unto the basis", "A ballad-monger .", "A Bellarmine , but we a Conscience ;", "I do approve the calumny : the words", "Thirdly , I deem 'd it not a woman 's shambles .", "Drink , and excuse it after . James , your help !", "Bless me ! I see the fiend still in his looks ;", "May need such men as we . There was a time", "One jerk at th \u2019 times , wrapp 'd in a benediction", "Thou'st got my love by losing it : that earnest", "Just as they", "He 'll ne'er love truly till he eat with me .", "And trudge in thy little apron ;", "Now thou , our future brother ,", "Ne'er thinks of qualities : good truth , I think", "Enter a SERVANT , as passing by .", "For an error that 's the flock 's ,", "Out of their morning-revelations .", "I will speak darkly .", "Thou lov'st , \u2018 cause thou dost hate :", "Let cheese come in , and preaching ,", "An idol large with beard episcopal ,", "Cut in pieces quite for thee ,", "\u2018 T hath much to answer for . Thy poetry ,", "Yearn till I 'm in charity with all .", "And at every reform 'd dinner ,", "So \u2018 twill better service do ,", "And that for three reasons . First , I did yield", "And all thy subtle faculties are not subtle :", "A Song .", "If understood by them . I 'm strong again .", "I 'm not so happy : Kit 's as hungry now", "That shalt make this spouse a mother ,", "And appear'st handsome while thou hid'st thyself ,", "With the short sound of that unhallow 'd idol", ", these I do doom unto", "And regard not an holy-day .", "Which I 'll remember only to forget ;", "Who'rt only eloquent when thou say'st nothing ,", "Come , man of voice , keep time , while that I drink .", "sir .", "My words shall be no words , my voice no voice ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Your words", "There 's one comfort then :", "The men of them , shall suffer now the scourge .", "Profane again , Sir Christopher , I take it .", "And death of Katharine Stubbs .", "I shall live to see thee", "Hell take your headlong zeal !", "Here , little lawyer , let 's be friends hereafter ;", "By your leave ,", "To testify thy age .", "You 're merry , James . Yes , by all means , good James .", "Thy half-crown library , and cry small books .", "In that point , we 'll sing a song of his .", "There 's nothing so ridiculous as the hungry :", "Are merely wind . James , ho ! what , James , some beer .", "Without good store of liquor .", "I love this reconcilement with my heart .", "Thou and thy rhyme lie both : the tongue of man", "A judgment shown upon a knot of drunkards :"], "true_target": ["Stand in a playhouse door with thy long box ,", "Admit , quoth he ! What else ? Pray , send him in .", "Good Samson , use not this your ass 's jaw-bone .", "To satisfy you", "Thou never couldst entreat that respite yet", "Buy a good godly sermon , gentlemen \u2014", "Is born to music naturally .", "Something profane , Sir Christopher !", "Of thy dishonesty as to get one hair", "You must be jerking at the times , forsooth .", "A pill to purge out popery : The life", "I hate this bilk .", "You fall on me now , brother .", "Peace , good Sir Kit .", "They 're mastiff dogs ; they wont be parted , sir ,", "I am afraid the times will \u2018 scape , and we ,", "I too forward !", "A fasting man is a good jest at any time .", "You will be brief !"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["The physician you sent for waits without .", "Sir , I have waited , as you commanded , near the house of the Egyptian lady : something is done that disturbs them all , divers run in and out , physicians are sent for : at last , I went in myself , and entered her chamber , found her on her bed almost distracted with torture : cries she is poisoned : curses her jealousy and curiosity , calls upon your name ; desires and then forbids you should be sent for .", "More blood been spill 'd , I warrant , than beer now .", "Sir , Lord Pindarus would speak with you .", "To ask if you 'll admit of him among you :", "Your hands , my lord : Arnaldo has restored her ;", "Upon my life .", "Perfection to what he has begun ."], "true_target": ["There is a gentleman without , that will 'd me", "The strange lady kisses", "Sad news ? How can this stranger have offended him ?", "I 'll follow , learn the issue , and the cause .", "She bid me say your sight can only give", "What means my lord to be pleas 'd with this", "He can n't endure to be in good company .", "Drink to \u2018 em , sir , if that you 'll have \u2018 em quiet .", "Parley a little with your stomachs , sirs ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Old Sutcliffs wit , & c .", "Then let us of his praises sing :", "When John-a-Nokes and John-a-Styles", "Is to conquer Bellarmine :", "Hunger deals in sullen prose :", "Distinctions then are budding .", "The benchers dare speak Latin .", "A mooting-night", "3 . RHYMEWELL .", "He that 's full doth verse compose ;", "2 . BAGSHOT .", "The empty spit", "4 . CHRISTOPHER .", "And by his skill", "A reading , & c .", "We 'll go with you .", "Turns human things into divine ,"], "true_target": ["Of love , that sweetens everything .", "First to breakfast , then to dine ,", "Minerva loves the larder .", "May lankness , & c .", "But after his bag-pudding .", "And guides our will .", "Ne'er cherish 'd wit ;", "Love only does our souls refine ,", "A reading-day", "Did never hit ,", "Take notice and discard her .", "The empty spit , & c .", "Do grease the lawyer 's satin .", "Old Sutcliff 's wit", "Frights French away ,", "brings wholesome smiles ,", "We are all ready ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Your best way is to make haste after him .", "Upon such desperate maladies .", "The gentleman !", "Any of your bold mountebanks in this .", "It is as common now with gentlemen ,", "Too high for my small quality . Verily", "Upon your word , sir ?", "If that you were content ? you answered , yes .", "What would you have ?", "How can I know what med'cines to apply ,", "Begin t \u2019 admonish \u2018 em .", "It is the custom of most gentlemen", "I must not , sir ,", "Gull 'd , by my swear : by my swear , gull 'd ! he told me", "\u2018 Tis no such heinous fault , as that you should", "These things desire deliberation ;", "Not to confess until they feel their bones", "Feel the first grudging o n't ? \u2018 Tis not broke out", "I find you just as I was told I should .", "Lieth the difference , that they keep in this", "By which it came was not more close . D \u2019 y \u2019 think", "Seek thus to hide it ; mere ill-fortune only \u2014", "A grief of youth or two : and that I should", "How could these milksop words e'er get him company", "B \u2019 w \u2019 y \u2019 , brother . \u2018 Fore God , a good one . O , the gentleman !", "O , O , the gentleman ! Is this the cure", "When did you", "Believe't , he loves you very well .", "You had confess 'd , and suffer 'd me in time ,", "And make me mine own patient . I 'm faithful", "Nor will not , truly . Trust me , you will wish", "Care is requir 'd .", "grief most trouble you ?", "Not rashly neither . Is your gristle sound ? Methinks \u2018 tis very firm as yet to the touch . You fear no danger there as yet , sir , do you ?", "Nay , be not so modest :"], "true_target": ["I am in earnest , sir .", "And secret , though a barber .", "That could procure the pox ?", "Let me alone :", "O , the gentleman \u2014\u2014", "Or mad ? I do protest , I ne'er did meet", "I would undo myself by twitting ? \u2018 Twere", "Are you wild", "So , I like you now .", "He knows not yet the world , I do perceive .", "Mine hands truly . I do profess , I am not", "Prefer your gain before your health .", "If that you tell me not where lies your grief ?", "As \u2018 tis to follow fashion : only here", "Indeed-and truly-verily-good brother !", "Perhaps , good brother , you might perish under", "Come , come ,", "Where do you feel", "O sir , the deed", "A gentleman of such perverseness yet .", "You", "Wary hereafter .", "I will not hinder you , if that you do", "When you shall come to dry-burnt racks of mutton ,", "Have twenty pieces for the cure . He ask 'd you ,", "I was in hope I had gain 'd a patient more .", "You had a small infirmity upon you ,", "He told me you 'd be shamefac 'd : you must be", "To laugh at you , good brother .", "In any place ?", "To bring the gallants all about mine ears ,", "I should perform ? Truly I dare not venture", "It shall be done", "Indeed , they are", "The syringe , and the tub .", "A little longer . I shall have so much"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Masters of our own time .", "You 're still dispos 'd \u2014\u2014", "This morning of me .", "Why , I would have", "I 'm very well : what mean you , brother ?", "That I was , thus to trust him .", "I pray you tell it out : we tradesmen are not", "You are but merrily dispos 'd ?", "Yes , sir .", "Jove 's will is finish 'd : and , though Juno frown , That no more Trojan blood shall dye the stage , The world 's fourth empire Britain doth embrace . The thunder-bearer with a Janus look At once views ruddy morn and cloudy west : Her wings , display 'd o'er this terrestrial egg , Will shortly hatch an universal peace ; For Jove intends a favour to the world . It now remains that you two martial wights Cease from your braving one another 's worth : You must be friends at last . The close is sweet , When , after tumults , hearts and hands do meet . Nec lusisse pudet , sed non incidere ludum . FOOTNOTES :The wife of Locrine . See Geoffrey of Monmouth , bk . ii . c. 4 .A coxcomb , or conceited person . So in \u201c The Emperor of the East , \u201d act iv . sc . 1 \u2014 \u201c I have a heart , yet As ready to do service for my leg As any princock , peacock of you all . \u201d And again , \u201c The Old Law , \u201d act iii . sc . 2 \u2014 \u201c That wet one has cost many a princock 's life . \u201d See also Mr Steevens 's note on \u201c Romeo and Juliet , \u201d act i. sc . 5 .This sentiment , and many others in the course of the play , are borrowed : it is a translation from a very well known passage in Tacitus : solitudinem faciunt , & c .\u2014 Collier .i. e ., Poignard , sword . So in \u201c The Return from Parnassus \u201d \u2014 \u201c Strikes his poynado at a button 's breadth . \u201dAlluding to Spenser 's celebrated poem .\u2014 Steevens .See note to \u201c Albumazar , \u201dThe Tower of London , said to have been built by Julius Caesar .The 4o has it \u2014 \u201c The sea with rivers \u2019 water doth The plants and flowers dainty . \u201d \u2014 Collier .Or broken-banked with the flood .The slaughter made at the battle of Allia , in the year of Rome 363 . THE LOST LADY . EDITION . The Lost Lady . A Tragy Comedy . Imprinted at London by Jo . Okes , for John Colby , and are to be sold at his Shop , at the Signe of the Holy Lambe on Ludgate-hill . 1639 . Folio .\u201c The Lost Lady \u201d was reprinted by Dodsley in 1744 , but excluded from the second and third editions of the collection . ] DRAMATIS PERSONAE .Men . LYSICLES . EUGENIO . AGENOR . CLEON . ERGASTO . PHORMIO . PINDARUS . PHYSICIAN . Women . MILESIA . HERMIONE . IRENE . PHILLIDA . ACANTHE . FOOTNOTES :THE LOST LADY . ACT I .", "I wont be fubb 'd , ensure yourself .", "Nay , good , now let me go .", "I am most ready", "Good brother , do n't delay me : I 'm in haste .", "Surely you do forget yourself .", "To do him any service truly . Pray you ,", "As any one can wish to deal with , verily .", "He is a little mad indeed : the gentleman"], "true_target": ["Of one that wrongs you not ; I do profess", "To pay me for the velvet that he bought", "I lose the taking , by my swear , of", "What would I have ? as if you did not know ! Come , come , leave jesting now at last , good brother .", "No , no : I pray y \u2019 , despatch me .", "You are i \u2019 th \u2019 right . Good friend , make haste ; I 've very urgent business .", "I see he is not to be cross 'd .", "I do perceive", "The gentleman did give you order now", "Well then ,", "Indeed he is a very honest man ,", "You should not make a laughingstock , good brother ,", "My money , sir ; the twenty pieces that", "No , I 'll assure you . He must have his humour :", "Now could I beat myself for a wise fool", "Good brother , go t \u2019 your chest .", "As much , whiles that I am receiving this .", "Told me so much just as I came along .", "So : now enough . Pray fetch me what you promis 'd ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["With these three other vagrant fellows here .", "This staff was made to knock down sin . I 'll look There shall be no advoutryin my ward , But what is honest . I 'll see justice done As long as I 'm in office . Come along . FOOTNOTES :So Falstaff says\u201c An I have not forgotten what the inside of a church is made of , I am a pepper-corn , a brewer 's horse . \u201dA noise of fiddlers is a company or concert of them ; as in Ben Jonson 's \u201c Epicaene , \u201d act iii . sc . 3 : \u201c The smell of the venison , going through the street , will invite one noise of fiddlers or other . \u201d So in \u201c Bartholomew Fair , \u201d act iii . sc . 6 : \u201c Cry you mercy , sir ; will you buy a fiddle to fill up your noise ? \u201d In Marmyon 's \u201c Fine Companion , \u201d act iv . sc . 1 : \u201c He come but with a troope of wenches , and a noyse of fidlers ; and play thee backe like Orpheus . \u201d Again , in Dekker 's \u201c Belman of London , \u201d 1608 , sig . G 2 : \u201c To bee up more earely then a noyse of shrugging fidlers . \u201d And in \u201c Miscellaneous State Papers from 1501 to 1726 , \u201d vol . i. p. 87 : \u201c After the which they had a very notable banquet ; the heavenly noise that was there , as well with strange instruments of music as otherwise , I cannot declare . \u201d See also the examples in Mr Steevens 's note on \u201c Henry IV ., Part II ., \u201d act ii . sc . 4 .i. e ., Be placed at the bottom of them , and act as the sole to the shoe .\u2014 Steevens .The old copy has it , Enter Have-at-all ; but it is an obvious error of the press .\u2014 Collier .See note to \u201c The Antiquary \u201dA term anciently used in salutation , or rather in drinking . See Selden 's notes on the ninth song of Drayton 's \u201c Polyolbion , \u201d andnotes on \u201c Macbeth , \u201d act i. sc . 7 , for a particular account of the origin of this phrase .\u2014 Steevens .To do .Morglay was the sword of Bevis of Southampton . It afterwards became a cant word for a sword in general . See \u201c Every Man in his Humour , \u201d Act iii . so . 1 ; also \u201c Every Woman in her Humour , \u201d 1609 , sig . D 4 \u2014 \u201c Had I been accompanied with my toledo or morglay . \u201dPity .Now complete . The passage requires this explanation , or poor Moth 's argument seems to want force , his present hopes being founded on a supposition that all possible discoveries to be made by beating have been already made .Moth here seems to allude to the following circumstance in the English History : \u201c But uppon the morne followynge , both hostes joyned agayne , and fought egerly : contynuyng whych fyghte , Edrycus espying Edmunde to be at advauntage of wynnyng of the feld , sodaynly pyght a dead mannes hed upon a speare head , and cryed to the host of Englyshmen , fle , fle , ye Englyshmen , and save youre selfes , lo here is the heade of Edmunde your kinge . \u201d \u2014 Fabyan 's \u201c Chronicle . \u201dVerstegan , in his \u201c Restitution of Decayed Intelligence , \u201d 1634 , p. 130 , gives the following account of this transaction :\u2014 \u201c King Hingistus prepared them a feast ; and after the Brittains were well whitled with wine , he fell to taunting and girning at them ; whereupon blowes ensued ; and the Brittish nobility there present , being in all three hundreth , were all of them slaine ; as William of Malmesbury reporteth : though others make the number more , and say that the Saxons had each of them a seaxclosely in his pocket , and that at the watch-word , Nem cowr seaxes , which is , take your seaxes , they suddainely , and at unwares , slew the Brittaines . \u201dCare not .Gift .In spite of .Always .A lively spark .So in \u201c Timon of Athens , \u201d act iv . sc . 3 \u2014 \u201c The tub-fast and the diet . \u201d See a note on that passage , Shakespeare , viii . 409 , edit . 1778 .\u2014 Steevens .", "I took one Andrew Credulous this morning", "I will take none . I 'll suffer no such sneaks", "T'your betters , sir .", "It was no hymn , it was a song . Is this", "I cry you mercy .", "Another tune .", "In dishonest adultery with a trull ;", "Lay hold on them ! lay hold on them , I say ! I 'll hamper them .", "I 'm glad you told me so , I will provide", "Confess , confess : where are your other comrades ?"], "true_target": ["As you to offend this way : it doth belong", "Make fast the doors , for fear they do escape . Let 's in , and ferret out these cheating rake-hells .", "Thou dost lie ,", "And , what is more , a constable ! What skin ?", "What skin between my brows ?", "Your ward accordingly . Drag \u2018 em out both .", "The ord'nary hath sent to you . No bail :", "You shall not ;", "And if he be your son , he is in prison .", "Let none escape .", "Your filthy rendezvous ? you shall be taught", "Yes , this is one I took at the window singing ,", "What skin , thou knave ? I am a Christian ;"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Master Hearsay", "Told us that Master Meanwell was new-married ,"], "true_target": ["And show ourselves to him in a Fescennine .", "And thought it good that we should gratify him ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Yes , it is a very neat house ; \u2018 tis at the , sign of the Bull ; \u2018 tis newly covered with calves \u2019 - skins , and paved with knuckle-bones . Thou shalt not deny me ; we 'll be there to-night ; and \u2018 tis but three hours \u2019 journey . Let me have thy bundles of necessaries an hour hence , and I 'll see \u2018 um safe sent before . Thou shalt be the lady o \u2019 th \u2019 town .", "Yes , but we want a pipe or two ; good mine host , let 's have some whiff .", "And when they 're gone , we 'll drink our very shirts out , and then pawn ourselves too . SCENE XII .", "You say true . If we had let \u2018 um alone , I warrant these boxes had been kept till they were mouldy , visited but once a quarter , and at last bequeathed by will and testament to some silly sober well-wisher of hers in her lifetime .", "I have been up this two hours , and have not visited one alehouse yet .", "Slaughter-calf do you say my name shall be ?", "Look here , Bristle , how like shorn sheep they look . Where shall we run ? they have cast me into a fit o \u2019 th \u2019 shaking palsy .", "I am thy scholar , and thou shalt find I 'll prove an apt one . If I am not as perfect at the art as thyself in a short time , may I never be made free , but always steal for others , and be hanged myself .", "If I do n't act my part well , may I be a changeling indeed , and be begged for the city fool . If she be coy , and by her obstinacy hinder our plot , I 'll quarter her out and sell her for cow-beef , make pettitoes of her fingers and trotters of her feet .", "Is't an eve , say you ? pray , what holiday is to-morrow ?", "Dost thou doubt that ? Dost thou not see I 'm sober ? Do I swear or kick for asking , if I want money ?", "Then a leg of beef shall walk round the table , like a city captain with a target of lamb before it : a snipe , with his long bill , shall be a serjeant , and a capon carry the drumsticks . Thou shalt be lady-general , and pick out the choicest of every dish for thy life-guard .", "O , like cobbler 's wax ; she stuck to my fingers : I could hardly get her off , and had much ado to persuade her not to undo herself quite . She would have had me gone home and took all ; nay , would have robbed her aunt too , but that I should cheat her sufficiently . This will be the best day 's work I have done this many a year .", "I 'll outfly the swift .", "Move forward ; we 'll be contracted at the next alehouse , be married to-morrow , and have half a dozen children the next day .", "Come , prythee , leave ; I myself do now laugh at my former ignorance . Thou hast infused a new soul into me ; thou hast played hocus-pocus with me , I think , and juggled Gusmond or country Tom 's legerdemain into me . There 's not such a change in all the Metamorphosis .", "Till anon good-bye .", "Why , wouldst have \u2018 um made of loadstones , to draw all that comes nigh \u2018 em ?"], "true_target": ["Pancha , and am tossed in a blanket .", "Sirrah , we 'll make you know who you mistake ; call one of your master 's best customers gentleman !", "Yes , a silver bodkin and thimble , and as many curds as would serve the court ladies for a twelvemonth , besides the box laden with all the plate and household stuff that her pitchy fingers could stick to in six years \u2019 service , with which I believe she now waits for me at the appointed place . What we can n't turn into money we will into ale , and drink it out . Mine host Welcome has a cup of blessed lull .", "A pair of silver-handled knives . These , I believe , she made when she lived with my Lady May'ress . Next , a pair of white gloves ; these she had at the funeral of a dear friend , for whose sake she meant to be buried in \u2018 um herself ; and how would Cerberus take it , to see one come to hell with a dog-skin pair of gloves ? A silken garter ! This , I warrant it , she had at a wedding , and intended to bestow it on her own bridemaid . Then a pair of scissors \u2014\u2014", "I 'll be thy squire , though I fare no better than Sanch", "Brooms , maids , brooms ! Old boots or shoes ! Come , buy my brooms ! You maidens that do cleanse the door , And make a looking-glass o \u2019 th \u2019 floor , That every night prepare the ground , For Oberon to dance a round , And do expect Queen Mab for you Should drop a tester in a shoe , And would sleep without pinching , come Quickly to me , and buy a broom , That will effect the thing you mean ; \u2018 Tis a new broom , and will sweep clean . Come , buy my broom , maids ! Maids , did I say ? Sure , there are none i \u2019 th \u2019 city ; or , if there be any , they have forsworn my custom . All the brooms I have sold to-day would not sweep half the ground I have gone ; and the money I have got will scarce buy ale enough to moisten my mouth after one cry . Sure , all the city are turned dustmen , and the whole corporation are of the company of Grobians . Women sweep their houses with their long coats , and men their shops with their scrubbed beards . There 's no use of a besom now but to make rods of and sweep the children 's backsides . \u2018 Tis better killing men for eightpence a day , or hanging of \u2018 em for thirteenpence halfpenny apiece , than follow this poor and idle life ; \u2018 tis easier canting out , A piece of broken bread for a poor man , than singing , Brooms , maids , brooms : come , buy my brooms ! I should e'en go hang myself now if I were worth a halter ; but who will spend a groat o n't , when he may be hanged at free cost ? I 'll go rob the sheriff , and not leave him enough to hire an executioner for me ; steal the judge 's gown , that he may not come to the assizes , and poison the jury , that they may not bring me in guilty .", "Thanks , good Bristle , for thy counsel . I mean to be as perfect a pickpocket , as good as ever nipped the judge 's bung while he was condemning him . Look to thy purse , Bristle , lest I practise on thee first . The fairies can n't creep through a lesser keyhole than I. O , for a dead man 's hand now ! \u2018 Tis as good as poppy-seed to charm the house asleep ; it makes \u2018 um as senseless as itself . Come , shall we turn knight-errants ? Name the first adventure . Dost thou know no enchanted castle , no golden ladies in distress or imprisoned by some old giant usurer ?", "Ho , ho ! What , furniture for a whole fair upon thy back at once ? Dressed up just like the wooden boys on haberdashers \u2019 stalls .", "Harmonious voice ! The Witney singers are but chattering magpies to this melodious nightingale , and the tabor and pipe but as the scraping on a brass pan to this organ ; sure , this is the beauty that I must court . If Cupid be not propitious now , I 'll cut my brooms into rods , and whip the peevish boy . Lady, to whom the snow and swan are black , whether thou art a goddess , and come down to punish men , and make them die with love , or a mortal which excellest all goddesses , pity a wounded heart , which can receive no ease from any thing but those eyes from whom it did receive its wounds . There 's no nectar or ambrosia but what thy pail affords ; the moon would willingly be that the Welshmen wish it , so thou wouldst give it room amongst thy cheeses . Be not unkind , sweet lady ; one cruel look will make this place my slaughter-house , and thee the butcher 's butcher .", "To neither ; but to the first most commendable alehouse-keeper that sold three cans for twopence ; he is the chief benefactor we have . Come , three cans to his health !", "I am as artificial at the trade as the master o \u2019 th \u2019 company . I could sell Jupiter , were he a bull again . I am perfectly changed ; I never knew Heath the broom-man or the price of a besom , never trafficked with maids o \u2019 th \u2019 kitchen , or shopboys for old boots and shoes .", "And I with brooms .", "O Bristle , welcome ! I perceive by thy merry note , that there 's music in thy pocket . What , dost jingle ?", "Ay , we 'll have dancing at our wedding too , when the cups of canary have made our heads frisk . O , how we shall foot it , when we can scarce stand , and caper when we are cut in the leg ! The first year shall be a leap-year with us .", "And you this bundle .", "And how do I look now ? Like one that was begotten under a butcher 's stall , I warrant , and born in a slaughter-house ? I know there 's never a Kill-cow i \u2019 th \u2019 city becomes a woollen apron better than I do .", "He had no legs to break if he had fallen , nor weight enough to crack his neck .", "I 'll be as faithful as thou art fair , and stick as close unto thee as my shirt does to my back on a sweltry sweating day . Come , thou shalt yield , and by yielding conquer me ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Stay a little , Heath . I have a design in my head that will outgo Don Quixote or Palmerin as far as they did the giants they overcame \u2014 a trick that shall load us with money without any fear of th \u2019 cart .", "Never fear it . Thou shalt be Queen o \u2019 th \u2019 Thames , and command the waves ; be crowned with water-cresses , and enrobed in watered grogerum . The Nymphs shall curl thy hair , and Syrens sing thy nuptials . The sea shall drink thy health , till it spews and purges again , and swell with pride , that it can carry thee .", "But scarce outgo an owl . This fellow will I so tutor , that he shall rob Mercury himself , surpass Prometheus , and steal the sun from heaven ! Filch away Venus 's box of beauty , and pawn it to ladies , not to be redeemed but by the golden apple that Paris gave her ! Jupiter 's thunder , too , and sell it to besieged towns for granadoes ! Enter JENNITING with a bundle . O , here comes my precious Hanna , never so lovely as now , when she brings a bundle along with her ! That beauty-spot makes her look fair . Come , my sweeting ; every minute was an age till thou camest . But why so wrinkled ? Those looks do not become a bride .", "Yes , yes ; and Triton 's trumpet shall echo up each mess , while we sound the bottom of our ocean cups , and drown god Neptune in a sea of wine ! But let not your sister Nancy hear of it for your ears . She 'll raise a tempest will ship-wreck all our hopes ; she 'll storm louder than the winds . Meet me here two hours hence with all your tacklings . I 'll see this bundle shall be safe . The ruddy sky promises a fair gale ; if the winds fail us and blow enviously , we 'll blast AEolus . SCENE X .", "Yes , truly , I am one of the gentle craft , though I have got somewhat of the tailor 's trade too ; some hangers on \u2014 fellow-travellers , that I cannot be rid of , though , are still upon my back : they put me to foul shifts sometimes .", "Canst thou be poor , and have a tongue Nay , then , \u2018 tis pity but thou shouldst be sent to the Mint thyself , and be stamped into farthings , to be bestowed on beggars ! I 'd dig to the Antipodes with my nails , but I 'd find a mine ; and , like the cripple , run up Paul 's steeple , but I 'd get the silver cock .", "One that never drank above four-shilling beer but once at a christening , and then had like to have got a red nose by it , cannot distinguish between a jug and a flagon , never was in an alehouse , knows not what a bush means , nor ever spent above twopence in his life , and that was upon a prayer-book .", "And now thou hastbargained with thy whey-faced wench , what hast thou gained by the project ? nothing but wit .", "She 'll say I am a pretty jewel to run away with her cabinet ; but \u2018 tis no matter . This box will make me flourish all the year long .", "And yet all my rhetoric could scarce persuade you to be wise .", "Sirrah , bid your master come in .", "What , did she melt easily ? Was she pliable ?", "Come , shall we join together ? we three are able to sponge up all the ale i \u2019 th \u2019 city , and raise the price of malt .", "Pox o \u2019 the ugly baboon ! she has got a face like a Bartholomew Fair baby , and a mouth like the whale that swallowed a whole fleet . Her fingers are rolling-pins , and her arms coal-staves ! Hang her , what should women do with money , or anything that 's good ?", "Come , we 'll outface \u2018 um .", "Is't so , i \u2019 faith ? then , mistress bride , pray take this box . You know it , I believe , and me too .", "No , no ; to the first finder out of the noble art of brewing ; for we should be forced to drink water else .", "How ? gentlemen ? untutored slave , saucy villain ! Gentlemen ? why , sirrah , do I look like a gentleman ? I scorn thy terms , and let this kick put thee in mind of better language .", "But how dar'st thou walk abroad before owl-light ? Dost think there 's no birds stirring still that will spy out these feathers ? Come , off with thy box of poetry , the Muses \u2019 warehouse , Calliope 's Cabinet . \u2018 Tis ominous to have the string about thy neck . If thou art taken with \u2018 um , thou may'st be condemned to make as many wry mouths as the squeaking owner did , when he last strained and vomited \u2018 um out at Smithfield or Pye Corner .", "Ay , ay , and mine Vamp ."], "true_target": ["Nor I for new , for all I 'm a shoemaker . But to the design . Stand here ; this is the road she walks ; if thou fail'st , may thy woollen apron be spun into halters to hang thee in , and a stall be thy gibbet .", "A devil on your snout ! oatmeal face and tallow-chops , how came you hither with a pox , trow ?", "Liker a calf than butcher ; yet thy sheep 's head will be some token thou cam'st from the Butch Row . Have a care thou dost not forget thyself , and talk of brooms instead of fly-flops , and old boots and shoes instead of calves \u2019 skins !", "Dolphins shall bring musicians on their backs , and spout out cans of beer beyond the conduits on the Mayor'shYpppHeNday .", "And I perceive by thy heavy countenance thy purse is light . Dost want coin ?", "Three strings to thy bow at once ? Sure , thou canst not break when thou hast such a triple cord to hold thee .", "Nor thou wit enough to be hanged . Thou hadst rather be starved than break open a cupboard , and die a good poor man or an honest beggar , than a rich thief or a gentleman rogue . Thou thinkest it more commendable , I warrant , to be carried in a chair from constable to constable , with a warrant from the churchwardens ; that thou art a poor man , and desirest their charity ; that thou art willing to work , but art almost starved ; hast half a dozen children , the eldest not above three years old , their mother having been dead this eight year ; and such pitiful complaints , with as many tears as would drown all the victuals thou eat'st , than ride a mile or two in a cart , with the sheriff attending on thee ! Thou believ'st that more may be gotten with a Good yourWorship to every Jack than a Sirrah , deliver your purse to the best lord i \u2019 th \u2019 land ; and all this grounded upon that precise axiom , \u201c A little with honesty is better than a great deal with knavery . \u201d", "I hope so , or else my plot fails me : if Heath speed with Nancy Curds as well as I have with Hanna Jenniting , we shall make quick work with \u2018 um ; we shall fledge ourselves before we fly . Let them husband what we leave \u2018 um as well as they can .", "Come , follow me .", "Yes , he is a saint amongst us , of whose votaries I am one , that each Monday morning liquor his altar with ale , and grease it with bacon .", "Now , by Jove , thou art fairer than Calisto, more divine than Cassiopeia ! Do but consider that every sow has a ring , and will not you have one ?", "Buy a save-all , buy a save-all ; never more need . Come , buy a save-all ! Buy a comb-brush or a pot-brush ; buy a flint , or a steel , or a tinder-box .", "Here 's a health to the brides , then , out of an extinguisher . I 'll find \u2018 um in mice-traps , brushes , steel and tinder-box all their lifetime .", "No , no ; two boys and so many wenches , that we will furnish the whole city with herb-women and costermongers of our own progeny ; there shall not be an apple-wife in the whole country but she shall be ingrafted into some branch of our family : not a day in the whole year shall pass but some tree of our stock shall be set , till we have enough to plant a wilderness and people it . Go , pack up thy treasure ; the time flies too fast , but we 'll outstrip it . To-night we 'll be at a place some ten miles off , where a house ready-furnished waits for thee , with all things necessary for the celebration of our nuptials . I 'll fit thee with a pair of shoes ; let 's see thy foot . It is of the eighteens ; thou shalt have a strapping pair . Make haste .", "She knows my name , sure .But \u2018 tis no matter for him . Hereafter I 'll know no saints but thee ; be not therefore unkind , but look with a favourable aspect on him that can expect no bad influence from so benign a star .", "Away , make haste , we 'll empty his cellar to-night , and draw his barrels out into our hogshead .", "Nay , I am fully satisfied ; but canst thou want money whilst thou hast fingers to tell it ?", "Come , my Jenniting , we will have twins every year .", "These are infallible signs indeed that thou dost want it .", "Yet still thou owest thy learning unto me ; if I had not been thy master , thou might'st have sat at home now with a cup of cold water and thy precious jewel , a contented mind , wishing thou hadst but money enough to pay a forfeit for being drunk , though thy empty pockets forced thee to be sober .", "Come , Heath , open thy treasury . What 's the first pearl ?"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["He 'd bite me , sure ?", "I dare not trust you , for all your fair words ; men of your profession make it a trade to cheat us .", "But I wonder , Hanna , that you , having been an apple-woman so long , cannot get a customer for yourself . You might go off for a queen-apple ! Come along ; the next chapman shall have us at an easy rate . I have fresh cheese , & c .", "What is't ?", "Take your farewell , you shall never kiss \u2018 um again .", "Faugh , how he stinks of smoke ! Does he think I 'll be his trull , and that he shall smutch my face thus with his charcoal nose ? No , I 'll see him burnt first ! Out upon him , beggar , burnt-arse rogue , devil-tinker ! I am afraid his ugly looks have soured my cream , and made all my cheese run to whey ; but if he come to me again thus , I 'll make him blue as well as black ."], "true_target": ["He has printed a kiss indeed .", "I have fresh cheese and cream ; I have fresh cheese and cream . Heigho ! But one suitor yet ? Must my sheets lie smooth till I am wrinkled ? Nay , then , I see beauty is not a cable-rope , to draw men 's hearts after it , nor our mouths a mouse-trap , our tongues a lure , and lips a gin ; our hairs are not fishing-lines , nor our noses hooks . These gudgeons will not swallow the bait that hangs there . Nay , we cannot catch these mermen , though our smocks were made of network , and we hung all o'er with looking-glasses . No , no ; I see , when these buzzards look after mates , they wink and choose . I think I must have my nose turned into a bill , and write upon it , Here is a house to be let . I am but six-and-twenty years old , and that 's young enough to play with a baby . O , how like the picture of Charity should I look with two sucklings at my breast !", "But black-and-white ribbons are worn only at burials , never at weddings : and I would be loth my wedding-sheet should be my shroud , and my bed a grave . Therefore , pray , be gone , and come when I send for you .", "I have fresh cheese and cream !", "O sister Hanna , I wanted you just now ; here was a tinker had like to have run away with me in his budget ; a copper-nosed rogue , brazen-faced rascal !", "You set upon weak women with your strong compliments , and overcome them , whether they will or no ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["To slip about thy neck . Do not , I pray , tread on me with the foot of disdain , lest thou crush my heart as flat as a pancake .", "Can cure the chill ague ,", "SCENE IX .", "And be there no stops ,", "Have you never a one called The honest Fresh Cheese and", "Thanks , pudding-pie Nancy .", "Give me leave to vouchsafe one kiss on those sweet silken parchment-lips .", "Well , I 'll try both ways .", "Well , I 'll try , though she squeeze me into verjuice , and stamp my bones into small coal , that they may be twice burnt .O my honeycomb , milksop Nancy , whiter than the powder of chalk , andable to scour off the dirt of sullied drabs , and paint them with a brightness as glustering as thy own .", "For if thou frown on me ,", "Sure I shall die .", "Stay , Ditty , she is deaf , and would not hear though", "And mine too .", "BOTH . Sure I shall die , & c .", "Good Ditty , go along with me ; if she be a pot before I come , I 'll weep it full of tears , and then be boiled to death i n't . SCENE XI . Enter GUM with the Tinker 's budget and Ballad-man 's box . Any old pots or kettles to mend ? Will you buy my ballads ? or have you any corns on your feet-toes ? Nay , I am Jack-of-all-trades now . Three is a perfect number , and so many I have . Nay , Master Tinker , you kicked me to-day ; but since you are so light of your heels , I 'll make you walk after your budget before you have it . \u2018 T shall be in trouble presently , not to be delivered without a fee . I 'll drink as much ale on the kettle as will fill it ; the rest o \u2019 th \u2019 tools shall go for jugs apiece ; and then , Master Ditty , I will be merry with your ballads , too . They must be in lavender a little , and soak . If they will but yield me draughts apiece , I care not , and the box shall serve to score on . But stay , had I not better burn it , to bake the toasts and warm the ale ? Hang't ! \u2018 tis but engaging the books twopence or a groat deeper , and have some three or four bundles of straws like faggots , and \u2018 twill be a-la-mode .", "Sweet sugar-candy mistress , grant me one thing before you go .", "O , do not frown ! Each wrinkle is a grave to me , and angry look a death'shYpppHeNhead . Do not despise me \u2018 cause I am black and you so white ; the moon wears beauty-spots , and the fairest ladies black patches . White petticoats are wrought with black silk , and we put black plums into white puddings .", "I will , I will ; I 'll mend her with sugar-nails and a Naples biscuit-hammer . But is there no way to persuade her to live still a woman ? I would be loth to carry my wife at my back , and have one with three legs .", "Well , I must strike whilst the iron 's hot . Good Vulcan , be assistant , and grant that some spark of love may be kindled in her heart , and that I may with my compliments , as with the bellows of rhetoric , blow the coals of good-will , and with my forked arguments stir up the fire of affection in her ! I have been filing my nose and anviling down my chin this two days , and yet just now there was scarce room enough for her sweet lips and mine to meet . She calls me Vulcan and Cyclops , and says I shall be hanged up for the sign of the Black Boy . But \u2018 tis no matter . It may be , when she calls me Vulcan , she would have me make her my Venus !", "And liquor of life .", "Desist from the strife ,", "What , and lead apes in hell ? What pity would it be to see you chained to a monkey !", "Thanks , kind Ditty ; walk along with me , and I will show thee the sweet empress of my heart . I am appeased . SCENE VII .", "Have you the Coy Maid ?", "Prythee , do , kind-hearted Ditty .", "Half a dozen ! We 'll score out all the chalk i \u2019 th \u2019 house , and make the tapster fetch one o \u2019 th \u2019 city clerks to sum up the reckoning .", "I like the song well ; but I would have a picture upon it like me .", "It is the city 's beauty !", "And my budget !", "Cream Woman ?", "What loves-ongs have you ? I would have a wooing ballad ."], "true_target": ["Ale 's a physician ,", "Thy eyes , like a cockatrice ,", "Sack and all drinks else ,", "Like the Spanish , I was beaten into love ; but at last have overcome , thanks to mine host , that took my part .", "Heart , do you say ?", "Ale is immortal ,", "They shine like the sun ,", "No mountebank bragger ,", "This is the ballad I 'll have . Come , Ditty , thou shalt teach me to sing it , and I 'll pay thee at the next good house .", "But what said my Nancy ? Did she smile , and say that all her denials were maiden 's nays ? Is she softened , and will she now let me taste her strawberry lips willingly ?", "Then I kicked you but in jest .", "Kill with a look :", "What is't ? Good Ditty , let me hear it .", "Did the letter work so strangely on her , are you sure ? I would not willingly venture my lips for a kiss , or my eyes for a look .", "Sweet Mistress Curds , be not so sour . Good Ditty , stop her mouth .", "O Ditty , there is a nail knocked into my heart ! It pricks , it pricks .", "In bonny lads quaffing ,", "Have you the Ballad of the Unfortunate Lover ?", "Now merrily :", "What , villain , do you make a puppy of me ! I 'll kick you into glove-dogs , you mongrels , hell-hounds , whelps !", "I 'd swear on a book .", "Ale 's th \u2019 only aqua vitae", "Not yet , Ditty ; but is't to the tune o \u2019 th \u2019 Bleeding", "Orpheus played , nor be moved though the stones and trees danced .", "Have you any work for a tinker ? Old brass , old pots , old kettles . I 'll mend them all with a tara-tink , and never hurt your metal .\u2014 Here she is ! Methinks she looks very smug upon me . Now to my \u2018 ration . Most beautiful , fair and virtuous mistress , whose face is a burning-glass , and hath set me on fire . My sugar-plum and stewed-prune lady , whose fine sharp nose , like Cupid 's darts , hath pricked me to the heart ! Whiter than the curds thou sell'st , softer than the silk thou wearest , milder than the four-shilling beer thou drink'st ! Venus , I believe , was a fresh cheese and cream woman , and , letting fall her pail , made the Milky Way , but yet came as far short of thee , my sweet , honey Nancy , as whey of butter-milk or skimmed milk of cream ! O , that I were a worm to crawl on that face of thine , or a flea \u2014\u2014\u2014", "I 'll wait here till thou returnest .", "Had he so , slave ?", "Though't be with the stagger .", "Sweet lady , smile on me .", "O Ditty ! I see by thy face there 's ill news .", "Can live without hops ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Hissing adders !", "I 'll pay them to the full .", "What shall we have at our wedding dinner ? We 'll be sure of a plum-pudding , that shall be the very flower of the feast .", "Or tied to you !", "Pray , leave off your suit ; I have no mind to marry ; I 'll always live a virgin .", "Lay hold of \u2018 um , sweet Budget \u2014 the slaves that cheated us in a disguise .", "I have been one in my days , when we kept the Whitson ale , where we danced The Building of London Bridge upon wool-packsand The Hayupon a grass-plat , and when we were aweary with dancing hard , we always went to the cushion dance ."], "true_target": ["Away , screech-owls !", "And I cheated into a bride ; he that stole away my box made up the match between you and me .", "Ay , and called me his pretty lamb and his sweetbread ; told me he would meet me here two hours ago , and promised me mountains ; but bid me I should not tell you o n't .", "Out , you sooty goblin , besmeared dolt ! dost think I 'll couple with a negro , to bring forth magpies , half white and half black ? Take me for a bee , to knit at the sound of a brass kettle or frying-pan ? Bundle of charcoal , furred crock , dost think I 'll hang in thy pot-hook arm ? Hence , or I 'll beat thee worse than the Bridewell crew does hemp !", "He has got my box of milled sixpences and Harry groats : the gilded scissors that were given me for a New Year 's gift , and my bodkin and thimble .", "Or a piece of clout be left in the next fresh cheese they eat , and strangle \u2018 um ; or a favourable spider drop into the cream , and drown himself , that he may poison them .", "Croaking toads ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["So you sacrifice the hog to get the bristles ?", "They are mere rogues , very jugglers ; they have cheated us both . Just so did the shoemaker do to me .", "Ay , sister , do not foul your mouth any more with the checker-faced scullion ; let him go .", "Such as shall be christened at Saint James \u2019 tide , I warrant !", "Was he a butcher , say you ?", "You do but flatter me ; I am not so good a one as you make me .", "Well , Vamp , you know how to take the length of women 's feet .", "Then you know Crispianus ?", "Come , buy pippins ."], "true_target": ["I would they might both feed upon nothing but rotten apples , and be choked with pears !", "Was he a suitor ? Did he woo you with posnets and skillets , and promise you a kettle next Bartholomew fair ? And how did you answer him ? Did you say , Fly , brass , the devil 's a tinker ? Or more mildly tell him you could not settle your affections on him ? But come , look sprightly . Somebody will stare so long upon the bright sun of our beauties , till they are blinded with beams . Thou knowest , when my mother died , she left us , beside some stringed pence and a granam 's groat , seven suitors , whereof all have forsaken us but Graftwell the gardener ; and my mother indeed used to say that I was born to be a gardener 's wife , as soon as ever I was taken out of her parsley-bed . But \u2018 tis no matter ; let \u2018 um go .", "The thing I was cheated of ! Art thou the thief too ? O , the very villain !", "Come , buy my pearmains , curious John apples , dainty pippins ; come , who buys ? who buys ?", "But you were even with him ? Nay , you are a whisket ! I \u2019 faith , I see beards are infectious as well as scabbed lips . Salute your apron , and \u2018 twill tell you who you kissed last .", "Is there no danger of drowning ? I am ready to sink every time I think of the water . I cannot choose but quake ever since I was in the ducking-stool .", "Thanks , kind Vamp ; all that I have is thine .", "These lines are strong enough to hold an anchor .", "We 'll have a fish-dinner , too , and the Lady o \u2019 th \u2019 Lobster shall be Mistress o \u2019 th \u2019 Feast ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Submit , bunch of grapes ,", "The Seven Wise Men of Gotam , a Hundred Merry Tales , Scoggin 's Jests , or A Book of Prayers and Graces for Young Children .", "Gentlemen , you may see how quickly a man may be shuffled into a wedding ; we liked at first sight , and why should we then defer our joys any longer ?", "The city 's beauty ? who 's that ? One of my lord major 's spaniels ?", "Why , I tell thee she was so nigh a dissolution when I left her , that I thought to have found her in a sand-box , or begged by some vintner to keep bottled wine in , before I could return .", "\u2018 Slife , losethis opportunity ; there she is ; on , I say , and I 'll be your second . I warrant she had been dead before this time , but that she smelt your breath hard by , or else knew by sympathy that you were coming .", "Who is this trough that he is about to run away with ?", "Though't be not wet .", "The honest Milkmaid , or I must not wrong my Dame .", "And good Neptune too ;", "Has Cupid played the joiner with you , then ? Who is't he has fastened to your heart with that nail ? What metal is she made of , that you cannot hammer her ?", "Come , new books , new books ; newly printed and newly come forth ! All sorts of ballads and pleasant books ! The Famous History of Tom Thumb and Unfortunate Jack ,A Hundred Godly Lessons , and Alas , poor Scholar , whither wilt thou go ? The second part of Mother Shipton 's Prophecies , newly made by a gentleman of good quality , foretelling what was done four hundred years ago , and A Pleasant Ballad of a bloody fight seen i \u2019 th \u2019 air , which , the astrologers say , portends scarcity of fowl this year .", "Yes , and give you cream to \u2018 um too . Why , she is almost mad for you , and has bespoke a place in Bedlam already . If you do not go quickly and recover her , she 'll either be turned into a kettle with grief , or melt into bell-metal , that she may be made a posnet of . Nay , and desired me to tell you that if after her transformation she chance ever to come under your hands to be mended , she would desire you to use her gently , and that you should know which was she , she had provided in her will that H. L. may be set on her handle for Nancy Curdwell .", "O Gum , have we found you out ? my box , you slave !", "Give me thy letter then \u2014 I 'll run after her and deliver it myself .", "Ay , ay ; but what makes you so pale , Budget ? There 's a cup of ale at mine host Welcome 's will make your nose of another colour .", "I have twenty of them . Look you , here 's one , and although I say it myself , as good a one as ever trod upon shoe-leather .", "Defer that health till to-morrow ; in the meanwhile let 's have onto the genius of good ale .", "O , here comes the chimney , the man of soot , the picture of smoke and cinders !", "From whence Venus grew .", "O , what a nimble Cupid shall I be ! Venus herself will mistake me for her boy .", "Ale 's froth was the sea ,", "No , truly , Master Gum , I have none of these books , but I have as good . I have very strange news from beyond seas .", "Ale 's a strong wrestler ,"], "true_target": ["I do not remember that ; but here is another , you shall hear me sing it . Once did I love a maiden fair , Down derry , down , down , down , down derry ; With silver locks and golden hair , Down derry , & c .; Her cheeks were like the rose so sweet , Down derry , & c .; Like marble pillars were her feet , Down derry , & c . How like you this ? \u2018 Tis a rare tune , and a very pleasant song .", "How now , Budget ? Can you sing your ballad yet ? Come , are you perfect ?", "I sold that just now ; but I have the Ballad of the", "Well , if ever I carry love-letters again , may they make a love-letter of me ; turn my skin to paper , my skull to an inkhorn , and make a pen of my nose ; it will be excellent for a fast hand , for it runs continually , and is so moist that it will write without ink ! Nay , if ever I thrust myself into wedding businesses again , may a piece of match be my bane ; may the bridegroom wring my ears off , hang me in the bride 's garter , or drown me in the sack posset ; and if he bury me , bestow this threadbare epitaph \u2014 Here lieth Tom Ditty under this stone , That carried love-letters ; reader , go on ,\u2014 But stay ! wouldst thou know the cause of his death ? Th \u2019 long-winded letter put him out of breath . The next epistle I carry for Budget , he shall carry himself ; I 'll not be his post , to be her beating-block too . Pox on 's kettledrum ! \u2018 tis good for nothing but to call the moon out of an eclipse , and he 'll serve for nought neither , but a chimney-sweeper 's shadow , or bugbear to fright froward children . I 'll have some revenge on him , and deliver him up into her hands . If she do not sufficiently punish him , I 'll forgive him .", "Ay , pox o n't ! I was set upon yonder by a company of women , and had like to have been scolded into a cripple for singing Room for Cuckolds t'other day .", "And I warrant he used to fling pisspots out o n't .", "Look you here ; here 's one as like you as if it had been spit out of your mouth ; your nose , eye , lip , chin ; sure , they printed it with your face ! and the most sweetest ballad that ever I sung \u2014 My love and I to medley , Upon a time would go : The boatmen they stood ready , My love and I to row ; Where we had cakes and prunes , And many fine things mo ; But now , alas , she has left me : Fa la , fa lero , lo !", "A porter would not have carried \u2018 um so far for the price .", "Come , what 's the matter ? we 'll have no quarrelling to-night ; we forgive all .", "If you make haste , you may chance to come before she is quite changed ; you may save a leg , perhaps , or an arm of flesh yet ; but I believe the most part of her is brass already .", "Come , then , and shake hands ; we 'll fine him for 's sauciness , and his ransom shall be half a dozen at mine host Welcome 's . Come , come , you shall be friends , and I 'll perfect the reconciliation with a song .", "London \u2018 Prentice , Guy of Warwick , or The Beggar of Bethnal", "And makes the ground slippery ,", "Green .", "Ay , ay , read him the same lesson you conned me !", "Ale is both Ceres", "The weak vine no longer", "Hold , good Budget , a jest is but a jest ; I spoke but in jest .", "Pox o \u2019 thy ugly face ! ca'st not sing but thou must cry too ? Look , there she is ; good Gum , hold my shop a little .", "The King of Morocco has got the black jaundice , and the Duke of Westphalia is sick of the swine-pox with eating bacon ; the Moors increase daily , and the King of Cyprus mourns for the Duke of Saxony , that is dead of the stone ; and Presbyter John is advanced to Zealand ; the sea ebbs and flows but twice in four-and-twenty hours , and the moon has changed but once the last month .", "Flings all it hath met ,", "To the strong barley ear :", "The laurel shall wear .", "No , but I have George of Green or Chivy Chase , Collins and the Devil , or Room for Cuckolds ; I have anything but that .", "Hold , hold , Nancy ! He thought all women like pots of ale , and that tinkers might call for \u2018 um as freely as the finest customer ; this crab-tree lecture will teach him better manners hereafter ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Ay , there 's an honest soaker ; the old blade swills himself i \u2019 th \u2019 sea all night , and quaffs from th \u2019 earth all day , and that makes him have such a ruby face . But what , no customers yet ?", "They shall have me too then , and for once I 'll obey their summons ; but let \u2018 um expect to pay for all they call for , and therefore for me .", "Sure , I have slept myself into an owl , and mistake night for day ? Can light dawn , and none see the way to my house for a morning 's draught ? No groats due ? Did all my mad lads go sober to bed last night ? Such a crime forfeits the city charter . What ho ! speak here , sirrah Bung .", "Then thou'dst have me give \u2018 um eightpence to be gone , ha !", "Set you merry , my merry , merry lads ; what , do the cans dance nimbly ?", "Well said , Bung : the crafti'st knave alive ! I should be glad to see both Budget and Ditty in the way of multiplying ; all their progeny cannot choose but be friends to the black pot , and will be notable tipplers , I warrant \u2018 um , as soon as they come to the sucking-bottle . I 'll go myself and contract \u2018 um . SCENE XIV .", "Budget 's and Ditty 's nuptials . Drink freely ; all is paid already , and you are Ditty 's guests to-night as well as mine . There sit the brides . You shall not leave my house to-night , that I may be sure of you to-morrow morning at the solemnities ; be merry then , and free . I 'll pardon you your groats to-morrow , and none shall forfeit but he that is not drunk .", "No , no , I 'll warm't myself , and it shall warm me . Come , here 's to all good swallows ! So , so , one cup of ale will shroud one better from the cold than all the furs in Russia .", "To see what luck a handsel will procure ! No sooner the cup out of my mouth but another called for ! It seems it stayed at me all this while ; a dry , shabby host is more absurd than a dumb Exchange . These are some boon fellows , I know ; the rogue is so perfect in his lerry .Ditty and 's comrades , perhaps ; the rascal can never sing well till he has wetted his whistle at my house . He made me set up the sign o \u2019 th \u2019 Flying Horse for a Pegasus . Budget the tinker , too , is as good at cracking a pot as any , and Bristle the merriest , cunningest whoreson ; he sells his traps twopence dearer , only by giving rules how to bait them \u2014 for a Dutch mouse , with butter forsooth , or bacon ; and then for a Welsh one , toasted cheese is the best .", "What are they ?", "Here 's a musician ; honest Ditty and Budget too : if they do not make up the consort , they are very much out of tune ."], "true_target": ["Well said , my whistling birds ; \u2018 tis spring with you all the year long , while the ale flourishes . Come , I have provided a supper will tire your teeth ; \u2018 tis but a prologue , though , of to-morrow 's feast . I hope your appetites need no provocations . It now waits for you , but will not be ready till you concoct it . Come then , cheer up , my buxom girls ; the cakes and posset my wife shall provide , and I 'll engage myself to be father to you both . Ditty 's ballads and his budget shall be cut out into favours and gloves . FOOTNOTES :See Hazlitt 's \u201c Handbook , \u201d art . Jack . Only a second part is at present known .It is well known that in our old inns the various rooms had separate names .The usual burden of a song .This points to the custom of the landlord , when he joined any guests at a table , contributing a free jug or bottle .This saying arose from the duty on wool , levied to defray the cost of rebuilding the bridgeNancy alludes to a dance so called .A well-known and often-quoted dance . See the poem by N. Breton , in \u201c England 's Helicon , \u201d 1600 , repr . Collier , p. 222 .Although Budget promises to await Ditty 's return , he appears to retire to the back of the stage .Old copy , hast thou .Ale . EPILOGUE . WELCOME the Host . Gentlemen and ladies , I am sent to you , Not to beg cast-by sheets , a shirt or two , Or clouts for th \u2019 teeming women , nor bespeak Gossips or guests against the christ'ning week : No off'ring for the married couple . What , then ? Only to bid you welcome , gentlemen , Before your parting ; and for th \u2019 women , beg That , when they travail , you'ld not sit cross-leg . But when their notes are turn 'd to childbirth cries , You 'd cry good speed to their deliveries ; And if our cries have wanted mirth or wit , There 's one more left , We cry you mercy yet ! THE SHEPHERDS \u2019 HOLIDAY . EDITION . The Shepheards Holy-day . A pastorall tragi-Comoedie . Acted before their Majesties at Whitehall by the Queenes Servants . With an Eligie on the death of the most Noble Lady , the Lady Venetia Digby . London , Printed by N. and I. Okes for Iohn Benson .... 1635 . 8o .A piece bearing the same title as Rutter 's was written by Sir W. Denny at a later date , and is printed from the original MS. in \u201c Inedited Poetical Miscellanies , \u201d 1870 . It seems to be a hypothesis sufficiently plausible to justify a passing notice , in that one of the suppressed printed at the end of the \u201c Private Memoirs of Sir Kinelm Digby , \u201d 1827 , the intimacy of Digby with a royal personage is described in very warm terms and colours , and that Rutter , who was in Digby 's family at one time , may have founded on what came to his ears the episode of Sylvia and Thyrsis in this production . ]This author wrote in the reign of Charles the First . He lived with the Earl of Dorset , as tutor to his son , and translated , at the desire of his patron , the Cid of Corneille , a tragi-comedy , in two partsIt appears , from his dedication of this pastoral to Sir Kenelm Digby , that he lived also with that gentleman for some time , but in what capacity I cannot tell . The plainness and simplicity of this pastoral is commended by Thomas May , author of \u201c The Heir \u201d and \u201c The Old Couple ; \u201d and also by Ben Jonson in the following lines \u2014 \u201c I have read And weigh 'd your play ; untwisted every thread , And know the woof and warp thereof ; can tell Where it runs round and even ; where so well , So soft , and smooth it handles , the whole piece , As it were , spun by nature off the fleece . \u201d DRAMATIS PERSONAE . THYRSIS , the lover of Sylvia . HYLAS , the lover of Nerina . MIRTILLUS , the common lover . DAPHNIS , the rich shepherd . MONTANUS , an ancient shepherd . CHARINUS , father to Nerina . ALCON , an ancient shepherd . NUNTIUS . Chorus of Shepherds . SYLVIA , beloved of Thyrsis . NERINA , a huntress , beloved of Hylas and of Daphnis . DORINDA , enamoured of Daphnis . DELIA , a court lady . EUARCHUS , king of Arcady . EUBULUS , his councillor . CLEANDER , son to Eubulus . Attendants . The Scene , Arcady . THE PROLOGUE FOR THE STAGE . To this fair company I am to say , You 're welcome all to a well-meaning play ; For such our author made it , with intent To defame none . His muse is innocent : A virgin yet , that has not found the ways Out of foul crimes to raise herself a praise ; And therefore she desires you would excuse All bitter strains , that suit a satire muse : And that which so much takes the vulgar ear \u2014 Looseness of speech , which they for jests do hear . She hopes none such are here , therefore she dares Venture this story , purg 'd from lighter airs : A piece entire , without or patch or maim , Round in itself , and everywhere the same . And if there be not i n't what they call wit , There might have been , had it been thought so fit . A shepherd 's muse gently of love does sing , And with it mingles no impurer thing . Such she presents unto your ears and eyes , And yet your Christian freedom not denies Of liking or disliking what you will : You may say this is well , or that is ill , Without dispute ; for why should you that pay For what you have , be taught what you should say ? Or made to judge by any square or rule , As if you came not to a stage , but school ? No , he that made it says , if you will eat , He will not force your stomachs : there 's your meat ; Which if you like , \u2018 tis well ; if not , all 's one ; There must be difference in opinion . Besides , he 's sure , whatever he could wish , Your taste , and not his art , must praise the dish . The Shepherds \u2019 Holiday .", "Come , sit down , my jovial boys , and roar . This night we 'll suck up all the dew .", "Ay , ay , \u2018 tis the rich face that keeps us from poverty . If the tailor 's countenance were in fashion now , and all that had fiery faces were counted comets , what a decay would there be amongst our houses of good fellowship . How our cans would rot and jugs grow musty for want of use ! I would the whole city were jugs and cans , that they might never be in good case but when they 're full of good liquor . I fear this will be a bad year for all of our profession ; salt meats are grown out of fashion , and Lent will be forgotten this year , and , for aught I know , the next Papist that 's drunk may make the people condemn it for superstition because he uses it . Forbid , thou who ever art patron of good fellowship !", "Come , set about , set about , my boon companions .", "We 'll drink ourselves into fish , and eat ourselves into cormorants ; we 'll not fast , though it be an eve to a surfeiting gawdy day .", "There \u2018 tis ; go , be nimble .We have had but small takings to-day ; men have got the squincy or stopping of the throat , I think \u2014 they drink so slowly . May it turn to the dropsy , that they may never be weary of drinking , but that every draught may but make room for two more ! \u2018 Twill never be a good world while there 's any but Welsh taverns , such as sell nothing but ale and tobacco ; these French and Spanish ones will be the undoing of us all ; men are grown such dottrels , that they had rather give five or six shillings to be drunk , like the Spaniard , with canary , or the Frenchman , with claret , than so many pence to be foxed with their own native beer .", "And when they mount so high as a penny , drink at Widow Grunt 's \u2014 she that has an eleven children , and say they are prodigal , merely out of charity to the poor orphan pigs ; but at th \u2019 hall , on a court-day , can be as drunk as so many tinkers at Banbury , or nurses at a christ'ning ! Pox on \u2018 um , tell \u2018 um I am busy with other company .", "Why , it is day with thee too , Bung , and I no owl . Speak , prythee ; how long is't since thou couldst grope the tap out ?", "Sure , all the beer that was drunk yesterday had poppy i n't instead of malt ; and people are not yet awake , or else they mistake my house for a prison , and my old lattice for grates . Come , Bung , we 'll give ourselves handsel ; go , fill 's a lusty pot of ale .This is a precious varlet , and has tricks enou \u2019 to furnish all the tapsters between Charing Cross and Fleet Bridge . The sleights of nicking and frothing he scorns as too common , but supplies that defect with little jugs and great glasses , and where he fears a dissolution , brings up his flagon , begins the king 's health , and with that decoy draws on another dozen or two , till the whole royal progeny is gone over . He wished it once as numerous as old Priam 's was , and another time had like to have been hanged for praying treason , that there were a hundred kings i \u2019 th \u2019 land , that men might be forced to drink all their healths for fear of displeasing any . Re-enter BUNG .", "How ? \u2018 tis cold ; the rogue has put ice into't instead of toast , or else one of 's hundred leger wafers the baker dried for him t'other day in 's oven , after his bread was drawn , for the yeast of two barrels .You rascal , cheat your master ?", "Who are they which they 're enamoured so with ?", "Who is't for ?"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Here 's a pipe o \u2019 th \u2019 best tobacco that Christendom affords ; it grew under the King of Spain 's own window .By and by ; what do you want , sirs ?", "The four churchwardens o \u2019 th \u2019 parish , that never exceed halfpence apiece at a morning 's draught , must have a flagon instead of a black-pot , and fire , toast and nutmeg over and above ; nay , sometimes a breakfast too .", "For a couple of strangers i \u2019 th \u2019 King 's Head ; they have sat preaching this two hours over two cans , and called me rogue and rascal for not giving attendance , and setting a chamber-pot for \u2018 um . They 've twopence to pay .", "By and by ! Who calls ? O master , good morrow to you .", "O master , master , yonder 's Ditty and Budget come in with two doxies ! Ditty swears he 'll have one of \u2018 um , though she cuckold him the first night , and clap a pair of horns upon his head , that will confine him to his chamber till rutting-time come , and he shed \u2018 um .", "Cry you mercy , I mistook you indeed .", "Anon , anon , sir . You are welcome , gentlemen . Please you , walk into th \u2019 George ; there 's a good fire , and no company .", "Here , sir , here 's a cup of stinging liquor ; it is so thick that you may slice it , and came drivelling out as if the loving vessel had been loth to part with it .", "Nay , sir , they protest they 'll have your jug in ."], "true_target": ["The one 's Nancy Curds and the other Hanna Jenniting ; Ditty and Jenniting are agreed already ; now , if you 'll go promote Budget 's suit , and make a conclusion between him and Curds , the wedding will be kept at our house , and we shall , besides the getting by the victuals , put off the barrel of sour beer by and by .", "Anon , anon , sir ; I have it in my hand .", "Anon , anon , sir ; I 'll be with you presently .", "I 'll be with you presently . Master , can you give me a groat and sixpence for a twopence .", "The gentlemen within desire your company .", "Not one , sir ; our old charwoman , Mary , has not called for her morning 's draught yet \u2014 she that 's the tub for all men 's snuffs , and devours me more tappings than would serve to make strong waters for an army .", "A groat and twopence for a sixpence , I mean .", "Cry you mercy , good sir ; I protest I had forgot who \u2018 twas for , and popped it in before I was aware ; but I 'll air it for you instantly , if you please .", "O sir , this two hours . I have cut two dozen of toasts , broached a new barrel of ale , washed all the cups and flagons , made a fire i \u2019 th \u2019 George ,drained all the beer out of th \u2019 Half-Moon the company left o \u2019 the floor last night , wiped down all the tables , and have swept every room . The sun has been up this hour almost ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Where 's Prince Lysicles ? Where 's Prince Lysicles ?", "Tapster , where are you ? Show 's a room here ."], "true_target": ["Where 's Prince Lysicles ? Where 's Prince Lysicles ?", "Come near , and take this oracle ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Then your books may be freed for eighteen-pence ; that 's all they are engaged for yet , and the budget but for two shillings .", "I knew a bitch of that name was a very pretty dog , and would fetch and carry as nimbly as any porter in the town .", "Have you any corns upon your feet or toes ? any teeth to draw ? O , for a flood now or a whole year of rain , that every step may be up to the ankles in water , and cover every toe with a corn ! May the shoemakers make all their shoes too strait , that they may pinch the sore-toed miser , and at every tread put him in mind of work for the corn-cutter ! May the toothache be an hereditary disease , and prove infectious , or so many aldermen be turned into marble that the whole city may get rotten teeth with eating of sugar-plums and sweetmeats at their funerals .", "Hold , hold ! here 's enough to tire the dove 's neck , before she gets home .", "What news-books , Ditty ? Any proclamations that they must forfeit all their toes that have no corns , or that they must never eat good victuals that have not the toothache ? Are red mufflers and slashed shoes come into fashion ? They are as sure signs of the ache of teeth and toes as a red lattice of an alehouse .", "Why , if you can n't wrench it out , we 'll send for a smith .", "Now do I look like one of the pillars in the Exchange .", "O , there 's no fear of that , though he that these call master had my neck in a slip . These are Ditty 's , and these Budget 's ; they gave \u2018 um me to hold a little ; but I 'll carry \u2018 um to the Flying Horse , and change \u2018 um for a cup of Helicon , which will in half an hour make me able to repay the paltry rhymes in heroic verse .", "These ale-suckers , too , are a-going to liquor some prize that their lime-twig fingers have seized upon .", "Sure , these villains have robbed an haberdasher , and stole a box of small-ware . HEATH sings . Come out to the light , Than which thou'rt more bright : This box thee no longer shall harbour . \u2018 Tis thou that hast made Me o \u2019 th \u2019 triple trade \u2014 A tailor , a sempster , a barber . With thee I will shave The barbarian slave , And trim up the youngsters of Poland , Make a jump of Aleppo , Of Friesland aJoppo , And a stately brave shirt of Holland ."], "true_target": ["Ay , ay , sir , we take it so ; you must think , if it had been in earnest , though it had been the best man i \u2019 th \u2019 land , he had kicked his last .", "Come , here 's a round to the first inventor of the famous art of drinking .", "Nor I , indeed , Master Budget .", "A single one , I believe , would spoil your drinking ; \u2018 twould tie up your guzzle .", "A match ; as far as these will go , I 'm for you .", "So , so ; here are companions that will help drink the sea dry : mere gulfs or whirlpools , that suck in all that comes nigh \u2018 um .", "I 'll cut their corns for nothing , and draw their teeth for a touch of their lips .", "What is't ? Do they want corn-cutters or tooth-drawers ? prythee , let 's hear it .", "Well sung of a woodcock . Come , thou must go have thy pipe tuned at mine host Welcome 's ; thou art like the glass pipe , that will never whistle but when there 's water i n't .", "Your tongues , methinks , run very glib ; I wonder they do not screek for want of liquor . What , tapster ? attendance here .", "Yes , when he had done kicking ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Sing then , ye hills and dales so-so clear ,", "That Ioe Paean all may hear .", "By the vervain , & c. Help us , help us , help us !", "By the vervain , & c. We 'll praise , we 'll praise , we 'll praise !", "They may us call isles fortunate ;", "All yield to them , they to our state :"], "true_target": ["ANDROGEUS and TENANTIUS play at foils , then", "Sing then , ye streams and woods so-so clear ,", "I swear on a book , & c .", "They sought for life here , not for fame .", "HIRILDAS and EULINUS play .", "The world knows but our double name .", "That Ioe Paean all may hear ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["London ."], "true_target": ["You 're welcome , gentlemen ; here 's a cup of the best ale in"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Then come , my boon fellows ,", "Though it lays us o \u2019 th \u2019 ground ."], "true_target": ["It keeps us from th \u2019 grave ,", "Let 's drink it around ;"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["The note , which thou attemper'st to my words ,", "As when my love , clothed in her clearest looks ,", "Of the green mantles which she wont to wear ,", "Our souls breath 'd forth upon each other 's lips ?", "Unless my constancy be here a sin .", "Feel any spring of joy to comfort me ?", "And must I thither ? whosoe'er you are ,", "Cannot deny us .", "With me it was a conjuration", "I do beseech you spare her noble life ,", "I a poor shrub , that may look up unto you", "I 'll level with the ground , until it be", "The Phoenix of true love and constancy :", "In their succession ? Shall we strive to leave", "That haste to cast dirt on the fairest things ,", "Sir , you are noble , I do see you are ,", "Enjoy your fortunes ; think how much your honour", "With their devices , as their custom is ;", "My royal father \u2014 for I am instructed", "My life is nothing but variety", "My old companions shall be welcome all ,", "I may adore her yet , and recompense", "Must suffer in this act ! For me , I find ,", "Pardon me , dear , if still I call you so \u2014", "And choicest flowers , to adorn my head :", "His name is , by whose gentle hands", "Since she is gone that deck 'd both him and them .", "When she is lost that did all beauty give ?", "Has doom 'd to die . There 's no condition", "To save my princess , and what 's more , to save", "Now let me , at the light of your bright eye ,", "As you do hope for peace in your last hour ,", "And now what beauty can there be to live ,", "Though then my case she ru 'd , and sigh 'd full oft ,", "Do I dream still ! What are you ?", "Binds us to love , the gods , who never yet", "Your great designs , your fights , whate'er they are ;", "Are come to entertain your majesty", "Pray , lead me where you please ; I 'm sure of this :", "Father , and he deserv 'd it for his care .", "They link 'd our hearts together : from that time ,", "Thyrsis admir 'd whatever Sylvia sung ,", "As desolate as I .", "Made her his prey ; and now has carried her", "Which when I wore , methought I did then grasp", "May they prove happy in each other 's love ,", "Your courtesy nor theirs .", "Seek out some hidden place to pine and die .", "So pine and languish they , as in despair", "Whilst Sylvia was , and Thyrsis was her love .", "Come , boy , and under this same hanging bough", "But \u2018 tis the order of the Fates , whose causes", "To take my life is justice .", "But yet the several matters which they work on \u2014", "Nature 's best piece , made to excuse the rest", "And chaste as purest virgins that have yet", "On her , and she was pleas 'd that I should look ,", "We exercise religion : let us not", "Come , let us practise : this our envious fates", "Ah Sylvia ,", "When she is gone , whose sun-like eyes did cherish", "And courtesy , they say , is ever there ,", "And I receiv 'd my vigour from her eye .", "And fortunes so asunder ? You 're a cedar ,", "This is the shepherd , sir ,", "My loss to me ; but my dear Sylvia being", "You 'll make me happy : it was this I look 'd for ,", "I may enjoy her looks , and though it be", "But when I think on you , and how your name", "Here in this grove I left her , here amongst", "Disturb that head which crowns will give no rest to .", "These poplars , laurels , and these sycamores ,", "And as these outward organs give our souls", "To desolation , till some horrid satyr ,", "You 're habited like those I 've seen at court ;", "Be careful of thy tender lambs , whilst I", "This earthly substance , and be pure as she", "Despatch me quickly , send me to my death .", "The more my present grief and passion is .", "And state , that is so eminent , must needs", "Who envies me this small repose ? Indeed", "Ill does he call for physic whom the law", "You come , as I 'm conjur 'd to follow you :", "Well , I can now remember", "Let hang disorder 'd , as their master 's hair ,", "Their bodies \u2019 and their souls material", "Presents my soul with all the pains of hell .", "With fair respect a gift so great as she ,", "Admire their wealth and them for what they have ,", "I was rescu 'd first", "Down , stubborn heart ,", "Can prove worse to me than my present one .", "Has justly reft her from me ,\u2014 is so much ,", "Seen nothing in a dream to warm their blood ,", "To call you so \u2014 if I have done amiss", "A soul divine and body capable", "It is enough that I have ever lov 'd you :", "To show their lustre , so again comes fortune", "Where her poor Thyrsis never more shall see her .", "That I have done to you or any else ,", "To draw my soul out , whilst I was so happy \u2014", "In which sometimes , until my fortune chang 'd ,", "Too sad to raise mirth out of . There 's no ill", "Profane to touch a hallowed thing like her ,", "An angel or a fiend , in such a name", "Our eyes out first , and then lose all our senses", "The sum of all my hopes \u2014 this lady here ,", "Angry with men , that gave us hearts alike", "What has my present state", "My infant life was sav 'd : now by the goodness ,", "Alike of drossy substance are compounded ,", "And nothing please , but what each other do ;", "Wilt thou not break yet ? In my death I find", "Though since , because I knew not how to use", "For so liv 'd Thyrsis and his Sylvia :", "What then shall we do ?", "Into his dark retirings , or some cave ,", "Bless 'd lady , though you are as innocent", "Of ruling us ? These senseless trees stand still ,", "Of that divinity and excellence .", "Though I do fear or doubt . What cruel fate ,", "Yet mingled with deceit . If you do mean", "Than I shall be in mine , though they consume me .", "That hither us 'd to come for its relief ;", "No , Sylvia , whom some better god , perhaps", "Till greedily I had devour 'd the hook ."], "true_target": ["That we were here together . As for me ,", "What she has made ; since , careless of her work ,", "From cold and death , since under his kind roof", "Or else it never will unto my grief :", "Guilty of her sad loss : and yet behold", "Burn like the bird whose fires renew her nest ;", "1 .", "Brought me to this , and so pull on my death", "And gave her pity to receive my words ,", "That only knows to form , not to preserve", "So great a part of me , that in her absence", "Of all men are alike , of the same substance ,", "And end me quickly ?", ",", "Deriv 'd from you unto your son , I have", "Whatever Thyrsis pip 'd , pleas 'd Sylvia ;", "Amidst my grief I feel some little joy ,", "To see how much of me each minute wasteth ,", "They do appear as fresh and full of verdure ,", "I bore a part .", "No , father , grief with me is best in season .", "But I will be reveng 'd : this wood , that now", "That time must put a period to my life ,", "Came you from heaven , where my Sylvia is ,", "\u2018 Tis true , divinest lady , that the souls", "Whene'er she saw me strike the furious boar ,", "Reveal 'd themselves in anything to us", "I do not often sleep : ha , who are you ?", "In hasting to this match , I ask your pardon .", "A heaviness", "Whom I call father stays without . Montanus", "If we be seen together , blame me not ,", "Shall we resolve to live thus , till we gaze", "I have borne yet ; \u2018 tis time that now I die ,", "We must not look into . But you , dear madam ,", "And me , to envy me a death so noble .", "Not only found my life , but my content .", "Or more or less room , as they are contriv 'd ,", "Yet some do reckon it the greatest ill ,", "Sir , these shepherds", "Her death will sit full heavy on your soul ,", "Is so bedeck 'd with leaves and fresh array ,", "Will hardly spare you , if it once be known", "Be scrupulous or fear ; the gods have care", "To one that 's desperate no way 's amiss .", "Once to enjoy her .", "Yet was she pleas 'd to see my victory ,", "Repose myself ; I 'll take the offer ; here", "Who are our daily objects ; loving them ,", "Was lost , and then shall turn another way .", "Of grief and troubles , which with constancy", "My trivial acts of life this of my death", "That , when our loves began , how first I gaz 'd", "How different they are , I need not tell you .", "And sees this ground rent with the crooked plough :", "She leaves to giddy Fortune the whole power", "Love gave me courage then to speak my thoughts ,", "No , Sylvia \u2014", "Did give them grace and lustre . Why do we ,", "As you are now ; I never shall forget", "Sir , as you hope your love shall ever prosper ,", "Sir , I have heard that by your piety", "The more I then enjoy 'd of heavenly bliss ,", "Without whose love my life had been a torment .", "Poor silly men , bred up in cares and fear ,", "The happiest alive .", "But their bright images , the fairest creatures", "To do with comfort ? If you see the trees", "Nor is that bird more glorious in her flames ,", "Foster 'd , and bred as his .", "Bred in these woods , and furious in his lusts ,", "Of us and of our piety .", "Unto your subject .", "If you do this ,", "The empire of the world . But what of that ?", "Sir , the shepherd", "And must I ,", "I shall leave you behind me to the world ,", "He pines and languishes ; their fleecy locks", "Then would she make me chaplets of the best", "With adoration , but ne'er reach your height .", "And can contemplate nothing but the earth .", "You lov 'd this lady once : by that dear love \u2014", "Thanks , good Mirtillus ; this indeed was proper", "That , when some gentle shepherd passes by ,", "Sing , and be happier than thy master , boy .", "It shall afford no shade to anything ,", "You wonder not if winter then appear .", "A passion of the mind , form 'd in the fancy ,", "Widow 'd of leaves , the earth grown hard , and spoil 'd", "Be not so cruel , madam , to yourself", "The life of her life , her unspotted honour .", "T \u2019 abuse me for your sport , this way will prove", "But henceforth be for ever infamous :", "With my religion the proud thoughts I had", "And bred to be the worst disease of reason .", "Who took me up first , whom till now I call 'd", "Weighs down my head , and would invite me to", "Madam , for my poor self I do not fear ;", "And in your height of kingly dignities", "All as the shepherd is , such be his flocks ,", "Nothing that 's terrible ; but this farewell", "A punishment . Will you be merciful ,", "But I must die first . Here is to be with thee .", "And darkens them , to whom the gods have given", "And gives me hope , that when I shall dissolve", "Of all her vulgar forms , ah me ! was left", "Yet the malicious world , the censuring people ,", "Enough : I 'll sigh the rest out . Go , my boy ,", "Before I do accuse the gods , that have", "And flourish too , and in their pride upbraid", "By the same Maker into all infus 'd ;", "And both their joys were equal or but one .", "Love is divine , for if religion", "For the reward of my well-tuned pipe ,", "Here , he may say , here \u2018 twas that Sylvia", "Sent down to me , made up of air and fire ;", "An everlasting summer in my life ,", "Nature and fortune have conspir 'd to make", "Receive a certain scandal and foul blot", "I 'll rest awhile , for I have need of it .", "Will recompense with glory ; I shall die", "Why should I doubt , or fear to go with her ?", "The nurse of our religion , stoop to Nature ,", "And that the earth may lightly clothe your ashes ,", "Let such base peasants as the gods do hate"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Y \u2019 have fed it with too many tears already ;", "He did .", "Out of my head ; cold blood and frozen limbs", "A choice . Nerina is as fair as she ,", "T'embrace a shadow , and to leave the substance !", "Thou wilt be punish 'd one day for thy mischief .", "They that practise tricks ,", "We are both come to do our duties to you ,", "How then ?", "They doat , Mirtillus \u2014 give it the right name ;", "See how fond you are", "More hopes than yours ; though she be young and coy ,", "You had ill luck , it seems ; \u2018 twas not your fault .", "Well , Thyrsis , since my words do but renew", "And carry on their backs more wool than hers .", "I know not ; I am sent unto the well", "Scarce known to any here , but by her name ,", "Love one , and seek no further . Thou wilt find", "O Mirtillus ,", "But yet , methinks , for one that is a stranger ,", "But as we go , I 'll tell thee : not to love", "Dorinda 's flocks are more than Sylvia 's ,", "In fruitful Arcady as fair as she :", "You have courted all ; who is it that Mirtillus", "And not my words , must cure your malady .", "Fright all those heats away , in place of which", "So he were safe .", "By thee , and thou must father it .", "But will", "Take comfort now ."], "true_target": ["Of Esculapius to fetch some water", "One time or other they may both have joy .", "To celebrate your joys . Within a while ,", "What will he do ?", "Has not profess 'd to love ?", "I 'm sure more rich and wise : make out of them", "No , I have heard that Stella was with child", "In old men 's bloods Cupid does quench his flames .", "I as being sent for , and Mirtillus with me ,", "I would thou wert ,", "The love of Hylas to Nerina has", "Alas , poor shepherd !", "The message came from Thyrsis .", "Discretion and sobriety should come .", "As his has done .", "The shepherds and the nymphs will all be here .", "But whilst you mourn thus , who looks to your flock ?", "Some shriek much like a woman 's .", "Our laws permit a ravisher to live ?", "For her recovery . I must be gone .", "Grey hairs have put the wilder thoughts of love", "At all is best ; but if you needs must love ,", "These plaints are overmuch . Besides , there are", "Persuasions to you ; for \u2018 tis time , I see ,", "Yet whilst Nerina is and Hylas too ,", "By these we know that season .", "Find them as jades , that throw \u2018 em first , then kick \u2018 em ,", "Good Thyrsis , do not make so much of grief ,", "The story of your grief , I 'll leave to use", "Enough of her , if once she prove unkind ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Since fortune , and not love , hath caus 'd my moan ?", "But use , if you would have me die ,", "To wound a breast so arm 'd with constancy .", "Which to a blessed union", "The best you can of art ,", "If you can pierce my heart ,", "No , her pure image I shall prize ,", "More than the fairest mistress \u2019 eyes ,"], "true_target": ["3 .", "Come then , you sharpest griefs , and try", "Imprinted in my breast ,", "Which in eternal bonds my fancy ties .", "That ever swain possessed ,", "Shall I , because my love is gone ,", "Struck our two loving hearts ,", "2 .", "Accuse those golden darts ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Did love the fairest , and enjoy their wishes :", "I cannot love . No , Hylas , know I love", "Nay , I will read \u2018 em : therefore stand aside .", "But , shepherd , what disease is't that so soon", "But newly made , and fashion 'd to my purpose ;", "Yours is too hot for any to endure :", "I have a song , which if your grace will hear ,", "Will be so squeamish that , if Sylvia", "He 'll cry anon , he has already ask 'd", "If less , because she loves , I 'll think her so .", "Then let 's away , and see what will betide", "Daphnis is mad , they say ; if you 've a mind", "Be happy in thy choice , and draw a war", "But first let her and all the Graces sing", "Present their darling Helena to him !", "I do not like his fumes : pray let 's away .", "No , \u2018 tis not strange ; it was his will to do so . But if you have an itch of dancing , friends , Next holiday we 'll ha't amongst ourselves , And every man shall dance with his own sweetheart : What say you , shepherds ? will't not be as well ?", "It may be , if you had , it needed not", "Love then , not tied to any interest", "CHORUS . Come then to me , & c .", "Has not Mirtillus courted , and obtain 'd", "Wherein my soul found rest when thou didst show", "Venus and the Graces sing .", "When the rude villain durst contend with him .", "I would comply , ne'er fear it ;", "Let go this nymph .", "What noise is this ?", "And in the honour of your nuptials", "Shall recompense with better cheer", "By time , or put out by a rival , straight", "The man , she will bestow herself , ne'er fear it .", "Whose equal or transcendent beauty pleads", "The invitation to your offering .", "Sir , I shall cool you , if you be so hot .", "Did the king send for you ?", "To that which we do here ; a mistress there", "To fright poor lovers from a better choice .", "And Hylas too \u2014 he 's drooping for his mistress :", "But you , that love with such intemperance ,", "Spent all his love , on others scorn ,", "For since my day springs only from that light ,", "To take another ; when that flame is spent", "In whining passion , walking still alone ,", "Dorinda with her : dare you stay th \u2019 encounter ?", "Perhaps some lady may have taken him", "I 'll go with you :", "Which lead'st my fancy to that sweet delight", "And leave these uncouth woods , and all", "Why , what is love , say you , if mine be not ?", "And sigh no more for one love lost :", "Before the king : dost like their properties ?", "Would I were in his place !", "Who \u2014 I ?", "Which , whilst she has , she knows to play the tyrant ,", "That thou canst make my joys essential", "There was an age , the nearest to the gods :", "Thou shalt be fed , which nature loves and I .", "Worse than Apollo laid upon the satyr ,", "Montanus . By this hand , I never lay", "Madam , I reverence it in you ,", "Thyrsis have done no mischief there : he 's handsome ,", "Contract myself into a straiter room", "A third supplies her place , perhaps more worthy ;", "No , I love her", "And shut out all that have a right as good ,", "Make of your love a glass , wherein you see", "Some favour from . But you will think , because", "No , for if they would believe me , I did swear", "And with variety", "Spoke like a lover of the ancient stamp !", "I 'm sure I love the fairest .", "I could get earnest of any one 's love ,", "Her shadow mine whose substance is not so ,", "With any woman in my life .", "I had no other . Pray , Montanus , tell me \u2014\u2014", "Will satisfy the longings of her lover ,", "Alas , poor soul ! will she not let thee sleep ?", "Orpheus , that on Eurydice", "Riches with love then were not valued \u2014", "The fairest nymph that ever Ida bless 'd ,", "Take me at that once \u2014 fathering of children ,", "Which is the best and safest ?", "The old companions of your Paris here ,", "The masquers , Hylas ; these are they must trip it", "Are these the hopes", "Look where she is !", "The lover of our fairest nymph Nerina \u2014", "See how the sea-born goddess and the Graces", "I have a thousand Cupids here ,", "And for his judgment in variety .", "Her sheep that was his choice , but every grace", "The man is that will give her leave to rule !", "Better and better !", "But keep away the honey and the sport .", "Would you , for all that fruitful Sicily", "He 's come to himself again !", "And outdo sleep ; let me not dream in vain ,", "Is a coy woman ! or how great a fool", "That can be worth the breaking of our sports ?", "When no man 's will nor woman 's was enforc 'd", "And took this way to mock her simple father :", "Go , leave your cursing ,", "Sleep , thou becalmer of a troubled sprite ,", "I do not fold my arms , and sigh , and spend", "Yourselves in love : he is a fair example .", "Perfect in all the rest . This night the king", "We are not men with him till after fifty .", "She has her share of beauty with the rest ,", "Which are but shadows now , be liberal ,", "CHORUS . Come then to me , & c .", "Ha \u2019 come to this .", "MIRTILLUS reads .", "She loves to keep the thing for which she is", "3 .", "I do confess it ,", "Where when I came to call him , he was gone .", "What , will you leave her thus ?", "That is but one , and still the same :", "For you have known the several ways of wooing ,", "When it is courted ; if not lov 'd , it dies .", "Without control , nor did the shepherd number", "This morning , when she made poor Hylas sick .", "Stay , Montanus ,", "To see one of mine own . I 'll tell thee truth ,", "Hylas , what , on the ground ! look up and speak :", "Wrap up mine eyes in an eternal night :", "Than the large subject might afford ."], "true_target": ["This riband and this hair you see me wear ,", "More fool you !", "You have another mistress , go to her ,", "And never trouble Hymen for the matter :", "I will not be her stale : and so by this means ,", "Why , who can say Mirtillus does not love ?", "What is't ,", "Unequal to myself in everything ,", "Change one poor lock of your fair mistress \u2019 hair ,", "Unless thou mean'st I ne'er shall sleep again .", "As just a title to't as hers can do ,", "And thou , more hard to be entreated than", "\u2018 Twill entertain the time .", "I see he is not such a novice as", "But why she only should take up your breast ,", "O fine invention ! sure , a woman 's wit", "No , gentle Hylas ?", "Of blood or fortune , hasten 'd to his end", "Turning his love unto a fairer object ;", "Which she denies me , I account the best", "Are they not ensigns of a lover ? Say ,", "Neither for yours nor any man 's besides .", "Well then , beware , my friends , how you engage", "A child 's a pretty thing , and I should joy", "Now proud with hopes , then cast down with despair ,", "CHORUS . Come then to me , & c .", "O , this is fine !", "Look this way , Hylas ; see OEnone here \u2014", "But , shepherds , did you never hear that once", "Up for herself , and he , I 'll lay a wager ,", "Fair sake to leave the honour of your woods ;", "4 .", "Yes , if she like", "You fed upon ? O , what a thing in nature", "To fool himself with !", "Each follow 'd nature 's laws , and by instinct", "Brought hither to make good my own positions", "That feed thy fancy with love 's gall ;", "your constancy .", "Dorinda , Chloris , Amarillis , all", "Alas , he 's dead !", "I took him for ; he can tell how to speak .", "\u2018 Tis true .", "And how ?", "Then , if they like not , they may look elsewhere .", "Your thrice-happy match", "Old man , believe her not , she means not so ;", "Upon a stale delight . Do , let her weep ,", "Who , she that 's gone ? Believe your eyes no more , they are false to you . Could you take one for her that 's nothing like her ? \u2018 Twas Chloris went from us .", "This gentle nymph Nerina .", "And make me common father of them all !", "Can yield , or all the wealth of Persia ,", "Inconstancy is but a name", "A goddess rather , Hylas . \u2018 Tis Nerina ,", "Being but now come to my knowledge , made me", "I know not what you mean by constancy :", "But , I have heard , old men do sometimes love .", "What shepherdess whom ever swain thought fair ,", "To die or to run mad , then be in love .", "My love 's too cold , you say ; but I am sure", "That did adorn her beauteous mind or face .", "The queen of love commands it : you , that are", "What cannot love do ? It revives the dead ,", "Mirtillus , he who has employ 'd his youth", "And make us slaves unto her scornful looks :", "Of a good grace and moving eloquence :", "The days , the gods have given me to rejoice ,", "And when this mistress frowns , I am content", "As I do others , with whom I compare her .", "Move in a well-pac 'd measure , that may show", "Could spend his force upon her ? she was well", "Ever in service of the fairest nymphs .", "Forgiveness of her .", "Finds the reward of foolish constancy .", "CHORUS . Come unto me ,", "Part of my life is that which gives me rest .", "Against the company of puling lovers ;", "An age we rather praise than imitate ;", "I cannot reach the reason , but admire", "Pray tell me , Daphnis \u2014 you are young and handsome ,", "Shepherd , hold ;", "He will go hang himself : what plots he had", "Shepherds , here let us end . I think we are", "Thy misspent labours and thy bitter cost .", "And that is all I could do ; for before", "How at the brink of death she kisses him ,", "The perfect'st pattern of a constant lover ,", "What paper 's that ?", "Let me be one myself ; and that 's a torture", "Does never fail her .", "And follow her ; let me alone with him .", "But whilst we talk thus , see , the flame has caught you ;", "Each thing much greater than indeed it is :", "And I confess she 's fit for love as any ;", "The goddess how you are content for her", "A mean , perhaps , \u2018 twixt these I might approve .", "The dance ended , enter a Messenger .", "Now on the banks of Hebrus torn ,", "On thee and thine , rather than set thy heart", "For beauty then itself most justifies ,", "2 .", "So much belov 'd \u2014 I mean her maidenhead \u2014", "Come , lovely boy , unto my court ,", "Which if I do not , and with good effect ,", "To any bent but its own motion ?", "Pure , uncompounded love \u2014 that could despise", "They live a heavenly life of love in court", "The whole world 's riches for a mistress \u2019 eyes .", "The mischief 's in my tongue , I ne'er do any .", "Whom ever love did to his altars call :", "Walking in a garden ,", "Court her departing shepherd , who is now", "There is no music in a voice", "It is no god :", "Love verses , as I live ! What 's here ? a dream !", "Your faith and", "Your beauteous flame , Nerina , is at hand ,", "And say thou art inconstant . Be so still ;", "And then her plot will be how to betray him \u2014", "Must see't , resolve on that .", "Come in his mind , he ne'er will do her reason ,", "To whom I made address , even she would say :", "Nor this nor that would do me any reason .", "\u2018 Tis strange the king should send for you : pray heaven", "Whilst she is yours , and you her shepherd are ?", "Sleep to the heated eyes of frantic men ;", "Mark her finesse ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["When I am dead \u2014 the martyr of your beauty ,", "Out of both which is made our constancy .", "And if you can , teach it the hardness of", "Attended by the Graces , which do range", "Whose breasts without are hills of whitest snow ,", "No , no , Montanus : let him live , and envy", "What god is it", "I knew I should be mock 'd , but I 'll divert him .", "Nor rural god , nor satyr , though he be", "Pity the error which thou wander'st in ,", "What of her ?", "Ah ! then I do not wonder", "The object of your choice but my Nerina ;", "O , it distracts them more :", "Your own , and make it marble , as yours is .", "Ask me if I would live amongst the gods ,", "You , that embrace the false delights alone ,", "Once more , and I shall flourish like those plants", "I must obey , yet , if I thought you would ,", "And am I not so still ? why do you now", "My tears \u2019 first sacrifice upon this tomb", "You Fates , if you will take a ransom for her ,", "And voice unto it .", "The only subject of all shepherds \u2019 song .", "That glories in the spoils of all my wealth .", "Mirtillus , though I know your stubborn heart", "The fairest , but the cruel'st nymph alive !", "Leaving behind nought but a worthless stem .", "A most religious votary .", "On that white innocence , to which I am", "To tempt such lovers as you seem to be :", "But since my presence is offensive to you ,", "Our present happiness .", "Purchas 'd a lasting pleasure without grief ;", "That water there , see now she comes again !", "She 's dead , and do I live ?", "Is it for that you slight her ?", "Regard of honour and pure chastity ;", "That think'st thou lov'st , and know'st not what it is .", "Still you err ;", "Alas , Mirtillus ! I do pity thee \u2014", "To love where he might not be lov 'd again ,", "Are a feign 'd lover or", "I prythee , come ,", "No , let 's withdraw , and watch her , where she goes .", "Two lives are forfeit . Nerina , gentle nymph ,", "But dare not ask the cure , nor did I then", "How can I , sweetest , when my heart is with you ?", "Shed one poor tear on my untimely grave ,", "Attempted anything to cast a spot", "And must I then be call 'd to life again ,", "You 'll say , already ; for in her one death", "And so compounded that , whosoe'er will taste", "I cannot die , when my best soul comes to me :", "Of my desires ; still I feel that sting ,", "To see my life expire before my face ?", "The sun gives life to : else I fall and wither ,", "How you profan 'd a name so sacred as", "From the Elysian fields ?"], "true_target": ["For , if you lov 'd the fairest , none had been", "Nerina , in whose form love ever dwells ,", "The sentence of my banishment is pass 'd ,", "When she did live ; but now , alas ! she 's dead .", "Within , the seat of blameless modesty ,", "With their disdain , and dazzl 'd with their lustre ,", "And say that Hylas was unfortunate ,", "Do any hurt : but since you think it was", "Fly from me thus ?", "My love thou canst not take without my life .", "For love has gall in it as well as honey ,", "It flies for ease unto your rosy lips .", "You will excuse the heat", "Then cherish me , for you best know I never", "Nerina 's is , whom never any swain ,", "Where no wolf ever came .", "That has the power to return my soul", "Nor may a loose thought ever harbour there", "Fain would it come for better harbour here ;", "Speak to thy Hylas , sweet Nerina , speak .", "I did offend you so .", "For pity then , fair nymph , receive it you ;", "But ask not this . Sir , have we your consent ?", "Must never see her face .", "Shall we live ever thus ?", "Of savage kind , would ever violate :", "You might , if there were any mean in love .", "Then take my life : but you are sure of that ,", "Tis she , it is no vision : hold , ravisher ,", "But , beaten thence with many a harsh denial ,", "This is the place where I am come to pay", "A fault , I do repent it , and am sorry", "In vain a fence is made to guard the sheep ,", "I know , Mirtillus , that no lover yet", "Yet did I think you would have been more tender", "Never to be recall 'd .", "Give me some comfort , give thy father some ,", "The cause why now I live , open these eyes", "Or else behold three lives fall in thy death .", "Nerina , she the glory of these woods ,", "O gentle Destinies , but spare this thread ,", "O my love ,", "Mirtillus cannot love .", "Though I myself by her too cruel sentence", "Some devil mocks me with a vision ,", "Could never entertain a lover 's thought ,", "It hangs upon your eyes where , being scorch 'd", "Themselves in order \u2018 bout her comely face :", "But here for ever it must be an exile .", "She lives ! give me some more of that \u2014\u2014", "My ashes would find rest . And so farewell :", "It was my dream , and I will send it to her ;", "none .", "What , Paris and OEnone \u2014 the old story ?", "The sweets of it , must take the bitter too ,", "Curse of your follies ! Do I live here whilst she is dying there ?", "Ah me most wretched ! What have I done ?", "Ha ! what do I hear ?", "The voice of my Nerina ! so she spake", "And cut a thousand coarser ! Speak , Nerina ;"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["O my heart ! What sudden joy thou strik'st into it now ! But yet methinks I fear thou dost not love me .", "Are natural and proper to our sex .", "It is thy cruel will and marble heart .", "Crack not my heart with such a load of grief", "When first you stole my heart : but I forgive you ,", "Of such a pleasing truth : give me thy hand ,", "Make your content such as you would yourself .", "And I had rather be so , than Nerina", "As I in mine : that , when thou art forlorn ,", "Whate'er become of me , I still must love you .", "You see she 's dead .", "Worthy to have a share in your salute ?", "If you would love", "I will , gentle Daphnis .", "Is she not so , Charinus ? Does she say anything that 's out of reason ?", "My blood , I hope , thy anger will appease ,", "And scorn , so press 'd as this is : if you do ,", "Ah me ! I would he were not rich nor handsome :", "Take me into thine arms , and I will be", "O Daphnis ! if thou mean'st not this as scorn ,", "Daphnis , am not I", "Venus forgive me if I do disclose him ,", "Thy slave .", "he that wounded me", "He would have lov 'd me too ; but as I am", "Which I did think , for he repents , I see .", "Were it to me he came ,", "My fate hath thrust me to this love , that all", "Have her to do ? you see she answers not", "Or laugh against my will , so violently", "Seal 'd and recorded in the court of heaven .", "Will you then slight my love because \u2018 tis offer 'd ?", "Why , do not you love him as much as I ?", "It may be then he would regard my sufferings .", "Yes , it is he , Nerina .", "Her will she must bestow herself , not you .", "The gods do love you , sure , that thus have left", "I shall think Daphnis never was unkind .", "Why do you not reply", "Should want a servant such as Daphnis is .", "Which thou may'st glut thyself with .", "Your thoughts so free for sport ; mine are not so .", "Why , is there any can deserve you more ?", "I cannot put it out , nor smother it .", "O Daphnis ! is it you ? This is not well", "Ah , good Nerina , you have spoken truth :", "The vow , Charinus , is not made to men :", "With all the wrongs I have sustain 'd for thee ;", "For love 's sake , say not so !", "My flame is got so much above my reach ,", "To mock me thus ; your looks , when arm 'd with frowns ,", "As much of grace in his comportment as", "And take thou mine ; whilst we walk thus entwin 'd ,", "I 've been too gentle , do not mock me with't :", "But he will do't himself : \u2018 tis he , Nerina .", "Yet it was no conquest", "Of better clay than he did other men ,", "He has a manly feature , and does show", "Have sought thy favours , and have sought in vain :"], "true_target": ["Even so you look 'd", "Many a swain and many a rural god", "It may warn other nymphs by my example ,", "It is not destiny that injures me ;", "There where you are belov 'd again , you might", "The gods will punish it ; for though they have", "O me unfortunate ! O cruel man !", "How happy would this fair encounter be !", "The laws have not to do with that which is", "Daphnis , my , love ,", "To every shepherd and to every nymph", "Neglected me thus long , they will revenge", "What you have said were false : it has a semblance", "Rather unequal to his high deserts ?", "Whither so fast ?", "I am past cure , for", "Women are ever credulous \u2014 most then ,", "Hapless Dorinda , why should he despise thee ?", "There is not that hard-heartedness in man", "Were all your vows then made but to abuse me ? Are there not pains to punish perjur 'd men ? And will they not o'ertake you ?", "My faculties confess their weakness ; and", "\u2018 Tis very strange .", "What would you", "In those same words to me , malicious Echo ?", "I cannot change a face or weep one tear ,", "How they profess their loves to any man :", "For he can love , I see , since you he loves ,", "Will hear my prayers , thou in thy love shalt thrive ,", "Do not you know him ?", "Her body you may link i \u2019 th \u2019 rites of Hymen ;", "That angry god pursues me in his fury ,", "Has left me quite disarm 'd , and robb 'd me of", "Love him , Charinus ! that you cannot do :", "Alas , she 's gone !", "Gave not my heart so deep a wound as this .", "The best of shepherds can ; him Titan made", "To contradict you .", "Great love , if yet thou art not satisfied", "Now thou art justly punish 'd with disdain .", "O cruel words , how they do pierce my heart !", "All those defensive arts which men will say", "I hear he boasts", "Worthless Dorinda , I am made his scorn ,", "And forces me to love where I am scorn 'd .", "Although his heart be flint and hardest rock .", "Go , cruel man , and if the god of love", "How much I love him .", "Vex not her soul , I pray , with often calling ;", "And you deserve it . Had he thought me worthy ,", "When knowledge of the truth would but afflict them .", "To deceive one that would be credulous :", "A simple maid , that lov 'd you !", "I dare not now distrust you , though I knew", "But Daphnis comes with him : for love 's sake , stay !", "Such injuries as these .", "Never ?", "Yet is his heart so hard , or are my parts", "But is this serious , Daphnis ? O , take heed ,", "Thou may'st remember her thou now dost scorn ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["With me ? Then tell me where , and see how soon", "How fain I would", "All is in vain , I cannot live ; dear father ,", "I do not flatter you \u2014 could sue to any", "Shepherd , I would you 'd leave to follow me .", "I must be disobedient ; if obedient ,", "Because a bee had stung her in the face :", "Then either , Love , give me my liberty ,", "I feel a heavy sleep sit on my head ,", "Nor any cruelty that causes this .", "Rather than him : for why should I love him ,", "O father , do you think that I am dead ? I am alive , as you are ; touch me , see .", "What , if within", "That howsoe'er my outward coyness is ,", "I never shall do that .", "That should I not requite him with my love ,", "Than he .", "Are you dead too , as well as I ?", "For ever to obey , has made him mine", "Love us no more ! when we love them again .", "How can I help it , if your destiny", "The sight of him !", "Yours , Daphnis ? How could you hope that without my consent ?", "Vow 'd to Diana my virginity ,", "Since , though his years have styled him man , he has", "Should yield myself to the impure delights", "Add but one minute to my life , that I", "What light is this I see ? Are the same things", "Alas ! I would you did ;", "What 's that ?", "No , no , Dorinda , if by love I be", "Of Hymen , and so violate my faith .", "Our flocks still fed together : I on him ,", "Give her thy heart . She has deserv 'd it , for she loves thee Daphnis .", "If I refuse it ,", "That law , which nature hath writ in my heart ,", "I know not what you mean :", "It keep a dog of prey , would they be safe ?", "For know , there 's none that can dispose of me", "So full of truth and gentle services ,", "Then let me die , take me into thy arms ,", "Thou art in love , I warrant , art thou not ?", "I forgive him :", "My father too , who says I must not love thee .", "Tell me , are you so , Hylas ?", "Sure , I am dead ; but yet I walk and speak ,", "Scorn him as much as he does thee ; for men", "For thy sake , Hylas ; but it cannot be :", "Then be not angry , if I now must tell you ,", "And for my thanks gave me a lustful kiss .", "Will ravish me ?", "Prythee , no more of him : I hate his name", "And he on me did feed his greedy eyes .", "This is a riddle :", "But tell me , Daphnis , in what place am I ?", "Well , if my heart be such as you will make it ,", "But could you practise tricks on those you love ?", "I would refer that to you : but you know", "Whilst Hylas lives , and languishes for me ?", "I neither can nor ought to make my choice ,", "Still , and will so continue , whilst I fly", "I am so much the gladder that it is", "Alas , poor wench ! tell me , who is the man", "But", "Durst she whom thou hast call 'd cruel Nerina", "Feign 'd you were stung too , and cried out your lips", "Daphnis , that wooes my father to win me ;", "Yes , many , that I could tell how to love", "Unfit for me to speak , yet you shall know", "What was that ?", "Alas ! my Hylas , my beloved soul ,", "But will you not declare how I came hither ?", "And since I cannot live the wife of Hylas ,", "Hylas , come help me ; see'st thou not that Daphnis", "I do not see in Daphnis anything", "You heard me speak in pity of her smart ,", "Remember that the gods do send us nothing", "Now heaven forbid that I , who have thus long", "Canst thou remember this , and yet not blush ?", "A charm my mother taught me , that , being said", "Paid so much duty to you as I ow 'd you ?", "Has courted me : but still with such a love ,", "Hylas , Hylas , speak ,", "But speak her thoughts , thou wouldst not think her so ;", "Will you forgive me , father , that I have not", "To thee she is not cruel , but to herself :", "By giving his consent , which had not been", "You never see me more : I cannot love", "Close to the place affected , takes away", "And I have heard that those who once are dead", "Love him ! I know no greater misery ,", "I shall restore it you .", "Seen in this new world as they are in th \u2019 other ?", "Continu 'd that first love with such respects ,", "Stay , shepherd , whither would you have me go ?", "But tell me first .", "May quit my soul of those two heavy burthens ,", "Daphnis , whom you would have to be my husband ,", "Cover 'd with tears , for many years now pass 'd", "Brought me to this supposed death and grave .", "Can you change death into a sleep ?", "Here , take thy glass again : what ails my head ?", "I 've heard you say that no sin was so heavy", "Then we convers 'd without suspect together .", "And so said Hylas , when we liv 'd together .", "Help me , shepherds , help !", "That I have grieved him ; I would beg life", "So full of innocence and simple truth ,", "Can never use their voice or action .", "The pain : which gave her ease . But you , uncivil ,", "I still debarr 'd him of . Hylas , thy hand !", "Nay , tell me first .", "Trust me , sweetheart , I cannot choose but wonder ,", "O most ungrateful chance ! how I do hate", "For though it was ill-meant , yet did it sort", "Since you will not remember ; though it be", "I die a virgin , though I die his wife .", "Sir , I would marry whom you please to give me ;", "Hylas !", "Taught me to love thee , Hylas , and obey", "But who is this I see here ? Daphnis , ha !"], "true_target": ["Yet let me die so . Sir , are you content ?", "Shorter than yours , the less will be my trouble .", "Ye gods , where am I now ? What place is this ?", "That this poor shepherd , whose swoll'n eyes you see", "To me that it was poison 'd .", "You bid me I should take : he has confess 'd", "I charitably lent my help to you ,", "Which bears the guilt of your foul misdemeanour ,", "My vital spirits .", "Do you distract me ? If I love my choice ,", "As much as I would do the loss of honour ,", "Or in the grave do men see waters , trees ,", "Shepherd , I oft have wish 'd you not to trouble", "At all , or if at all , not you : let this", "Ye Fates , that keep th \u2019 account of all our days ,", "O impudence !", "Take my good-will , I pray , instead of it .", "Than to love one that 's not of human race \u2014", "What is your pleasure , father ?", "Stay , good Dorinda , I 'll go with thee ; stay .", "Were pure and simple \u2014 as I hope they are", "Ah me ! my father ! prythee , let 's away .", "How much he owes to pity and to thee ;", "He is my daily suitor ; now I know", "By accident unto my good .", "My inclination never lay to marry .", "Sweet love , you 'll see my coffin strew 'd with flowers ,", "Heavy o \u2019 th \u2019 sudden ; I 'll go home and sleep .", "Was I here buried amongst these flowers ?", "You did , but what of that ?", "O , stay a little , death : here , take thou mine ,", "Which now oppress it : dry your eyes , good father ,", "But Hylas , who has long preserv 'd my heart ;", "Not dead ? How came I hither then ?", "Farewell for ever ! O , I die , I die !", "How just my anger is .", "Made up of so much rigid cruelty ,", "Well , shepherd , look", "To cause disdain .", "Then your discourse would tend another way .", "By the glass", "Hylas , who lov 'd me in my infancy ,", "It cannot be : good father ,", "For my part , I 'll not cherish in my breast", "Love you ! Know , I had", "Pray let me know what you do mean by it ?", "Settle your thoughts .", "It may be that my voice may have more virtue .", "To think that one of such a comely grace \u2014", "Let me go to him , and but touch his ear ,", "My father will be angry .", "Pray 'd me to say the same charm over there .", "The cause I shall tell you ,", "That I may shun him wheresoe'er I go .", "Then it must be Daphnis .", "And you , Dorinda , will you make a garland ?", "Did you do this ?", "As they have chang 'd their lives , so change their loves ?", "For love , who are much fitter to be lov 'd :", "And to you , shepherd .", "I must be link 'd to one I cannot love .", "Will you see me ravish 'd", "As is ingratitude .", "I know not where I am , it is so giddy :", "And being then a boy , was never well", "And something like a drowsiness has seiz 'd", "Enthrall 'd to any , Daphnis is not he .", "Me and yourself with words : I cannot love you .", "But tell me , Daphnis , was not I once dead ?", "Is it not Hylas ?", "But for our good ; and if my journey be", "Yes , yes , you may remember ,", "Rather embrace my death again than thee .", "O disproportion 'd love and duty , how", "Ay , so said Hylas , whilst I liv 'd with him .", "Content with any but his company .", "Lead you to love where you may not obtain ?", "Now you are paid with your own artifice :", "To follow her a huntress in these woods ,", "Whom never any flame impure had touch 'd :", "Somebody else may love you , I cannot .", "A tiger rather ; but a tiger is more mild", "My heart within tells me \u2018 tis only his .", "When tending of my flocks", "Alas , poor shepherd ! \u2018 tis my greatest grief ,", "Of one load yet ?", "Under the shade of yonder myrtle-tree .", "Of strength to be a fence unto my honour .", "And my strength fails me ; help me , sweet Dorinda ,", "Until he pay that debt , I shall despise him .", "But for this trick of yours .", "Turning my courtesy to your vile ends ,", "I live still . If I do , why then", "No .", "Or , Nature , from my duty set me free .", "Farewell . What shepherd 's that lies on the ground ?", "Before your face ? O Hylas ! O my love !", "Therefore , before I die , I pray give leave", "As I do now , and all things , as I liv 'd ?", "I should be guilty of ingratitude .", "Nor is it that :", "To what purpose", "Nerina calls thee ! speak to thy Nerina !", "Such company as you \u2014 - I thought you one", "Shall I dare", "My maid Corisca cried out for my help ,", "When with ungentle hands you held me fast ,", "That he may have my dying heart , which living", "To speak my thoughts , and so discharge my soul", "O , help my love , Mirtillus !", "No , Daphnis ; \u2018 tis not hardness of my heart ,", "I blush to tell it you , when first my thoughts", "For nothing but to make him satisfaction .", "And now my father , whom I did resolve", "Had from the same sharp point receiv 'd a wound :", "The man that would undo my chastity .", "Ah me most miserable !", "Must they in this new world ,", "Let me see it .", "If I was absent ; nor indeed was I", "Which he injuriously would rob me of .", "Mistrusting nothing of your purposes ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["I see you love my daughter , and you only", "You 'll come , I hope , to see her in her grave .", "Can it be ? Can Daphnis do this ? He had little reason .", "You have : it is in vain now to deny it . You see , Dorinda , what her vow 's come to !", "That we grew ripe in years , and were staid youths ,", "Bestow her where I please ?", "Then they will laugh at you , and find some other", "To put yourself beside her .", "To see my wither 'd face and hoary hair :", "Has wit at will : can pin her sheep in fold", "Young women will be chatting with young men ,", "To follow you with lies and flatteries .", "I cannot get her once to think of marriage ,", "The laws will not permit it to be so .", "Tis true , Nerina . How she remembers what her father said !", "And there she can do twenty things as well :", "Pray help us , shepherds , now to bear her hence ;", "Herself , she pities others .", "Before she ask her father 's leave and liking ?", "Daphnis , you 're welcome , very welcome to me ,", "Whate'er their fathers say . It was not so", "Son , son , she shall be yours : why , am not I", "Fit for their love ; where , if you do as I", "They can no sooner peep out of the shell ,", "Do not tell me of reason ; I would hear", "Come , to be short , answer me , and directly ;", "To see you wise .", "No , no , Mirtillus , you mistake my daughter .", "What made she here ? \u2018 Twill ne'er be otherwise ;", "And as I oft have told you , I do wish", "Is't possible ?", "And solemnise these nuptials .", "Who makes this outcry ?", "Which will not always last , and you go crooked ,", "Shall have her ; it is I that tell you so ,", "Attend his charge . And when the time was come ,", "Redeem what you have lost \u2014 my good opinion .", "That in all other things", "I am with anything that pleaseth thee .", "Yes , you have made a vow , I know , which is ,", "When I was young \u2014 a boy , as you are , shepherds .", "As well as any : knows when to drive them home ;", "A fine devotion , is it not ? to make", "No , daughter , do not you believe you can", "See but how true a lover Daphnis is ;", "But what I 'd have her wish or hope for only ?", "Your father calls you ; was not that my daughter", "She turns the head : she 'll be a Dryad , she ,", "Here , Hylas , take my daughter ,", "Do what thou wilt , sweetheart : see , my poor child ,", "Then there is no hope left :", "Daphnis , and I will have her love him too .", "In all I could , till you would find a trick", "A vow , and never ask your father leave !", "He comes just in the nick of my discourse :", "Our fathers would provide us wives : we did not", "How charitable she is : being half-dead"], "true_target": ["Look now , as if the Fates would have it so ,", "I might have seen thee married to Daphnis ,", "Well , we will think of this . Come , Daphnis , come ,", "And marry Daphnis : is he not rich and handsome ?", "Or one of those fond nymphs of Dian 's train .", "Now we must see thee buried . Ah me !", "Carve for ourselves , as nowadays they do .", "Thou always wert obedient .", "Fool , they 'll deceive you ; when this colour fades ,", "You do not hear ,", "And kindly too : be sure you take his gift .", "To what I now demand , that is , to marry", "Welcome him , daughter : look what he has for you .", "Of her obedience : therefore I say , be wise ,", "I will have her answer", "She is alive indeed ! How cam'st thou hither ?", "Whilst you are young , you will have all the youth", "That am her father .", "By what strange means , Nerina ?", "Ha ! have I found you ? Ho ! Nerina , stay !", "Why should she wish or hope for anything ,", "Command you , I have one will make you happy .", "My daughter here ! was she not buried ? Away , foul spirit , away ! Let 's part these shepherds .", "But they must love , forsooth . I would fain know ,", "And truly I do muse to see a wench ,", "Into your heart .", "Catch me with shifts and tricks : I see , I tell you ,", "What ! she bestow herself without my leave ?", "Give it that young thing , she knows what to do with it .", "That made away so fast ?", "Ay , do , my child ; speak freely .", "For she is thine : you , Daphnis , I did further", "Again , if you will marry Daphnis ? speak .", "Are you content to marry Daphnis , say ?", "And to my daughter : what is that you have there ?", "Ah me ! my daughter , hadst thou liv 'd , perhaps", "But now our children think themselves as wise ,", "Yet when I speak to her of marriage ,", "Nay , wiser than their fathers , and will rule \u2018 em :", "I am an old man , I , and therefore care not", "Her father , she my daughter ? May not I", "I know you shall do that which I command .", "And do as I would have you .", "I speak now of that skittish girl , my daughter \u2014", "Do not tell me of vows : I 'll have her marry ,", "Nor they with us : each one did carefully", "I durst have sworn that she had been my daughter .", "See her good nature . Ay , child , \u2018 tis enough ,", "Look to the shepherd there ! O my Nerina !", "Daughter , come hither ; use him courteously", "His hand is never empty when he comes .", "It seems , but what you list ; I ask you once", "We never durst keep company with women ,", "As if you sought your beauty lost i \u2019 th \u2019 ground ;", "Come , use him kindly now , and then you shall", "Whether \u2018 twere fit a maid should be in love \u2014", "Come , shepherds , let 's away ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["I live to be the servant of Nerina .", "Dead and here buried , we two might live", "Then \u2018 tis disdain of me .", "Is full of malice ; nothing troubles him .", "I gave it her .", "Then I see", "Be sure thou shalt .", "\u2018 Tis seldom seen , yet I have heard in cities", "Thy stubborn heart , I 'll see what gifts can do :", "Will you then slight my love because \u2018 tis offer 'd ?", "To mock my sense ? Did I not see her dead ?", "Leave me , I pray ; for something tells me you", "Besides , the world , not dreaming but you were", "That cast you into this deep lethargy :", "Fair nymph , as you pretend , receive my offer .", "Forgive me first , and then I will begin", "Of that which I adore , your beauteous form ;", "O good Charinus ! none must look in it ,", "As come from lovers .", "Into a sleep .", "She is dead , I see .", "My many ills", "The daughter 's eyes being blinded with our gifts ,", "However , if she take it , I am happy ,", "Daphnis , I 'm thine ; thou hast o'ercome at last .", "Yet leave with us a flame which we will cherish ,", "The ills that he has done fly from his thoughts ,", "To leave to trouble me : I cannot love you .", "Or death or victory", "For what I 've done already , not to heap", "Her father urges something , and I hope", "But true , Dorinda ; will you spit upon me ? Take your revenge , for I have well deserv 'd it .", "FOOTNOTES :", "I mean no scorn ; I come to ask your pardon", "A curse light on her importunity !", "What I must learn ; yet though most women be", "On my behalf ; let me observe a little .", "Forgiveness now , for \u2018 twere too much to hope", "She thinks of Hylas still : what shall I do ?", "By my device to keep me company .", "But if you will , whene'er that day shall come ,", "Did all return to me without your love ,", "Now , love , deliver me ;", "To make her mine , but sent her to the gods .", "It shall not serve thy turn , malicious shepherd ,", "And he rejoices that he did them quaintly ;", "To have my age so punish 'd as his is .", "More sins upon my head .", "that , whose'er shall look", "Yes , for a poison 'd glass \u2014 a precious jewel !", "O importunity !", "I had recourse unto this artifice :", "What can I hope , then , out of this poor present :", "I thought that it had been my love .", "But we may catch her too . This Alcon says ,", "In confidence of this , I will present it ,", "Seems not to have regard to what I give ,", "She breathes \u2014 she stirs \u2014 her eyes begin to open", "Such as he has deliver 'd , my Nerina", "My heart .", "And see what I can do with this my gift .", "You do not love me ?", "Tis true , Charinus , \u2018 twere not fit indeed . Who should bestow the daughter but the father ?", "A pleasant one of love 's invention ,", "Your looks , you will not blame my love .", "I did present you with a looking-glass .", "Rather be thine ; it will be pride in me", "To blame , that you 'd not tell me this , before", "There is no end of women 's reasoning ;", "And see my fortune ; sure , I must needs speed :", "Never .", "Nothing at all . Pray , go this way with me .", "Nerina , since nor tears nor prayers can move", "That by its languishing did seem to say ,", "Though thou hast ta'en my love away by tricks ,", "Make your content such as you would yourself .", "Here : but take heed it do not spoil her face .", "And must you come to trouble me ? Begone !", "Yet all thy cunning and thy practices", "And keep alive unto eternity .", "The gods , I see , will not let beauty die .", "If you , Nerina , would vouchsafe to love", "Did first advise me to this damned act .", "Yet you were", "But holds me and my gifts both at one rate .", "Why then it seems", "No , sweet ;", "I sued for love to her first , which obtain 'd ,", "Of any virgin 's love , being rough , and bred", "Which keeps them company ? Yes , sure , \u2018 tis she ;", "I have begun my youth as if I meant", "Him that loves you , and ever will , you might", "A present , which I mean to give my love .", "But can'st thou hope for such a strong illusion", "To trouble me ; if you disdain me not ,", "Or I will force you .", "The world in public ruin , or else show me", "O gods , again ! Nerina , think not on him ;", "You are deceiv 'd :", "Shall take his fires to kindle other hearts ,", "This old man", "From my revenge . To take away the life", "So , let her go , and let this work awhile .", "Then \u2018 tis no time to dally : come along ,", "Cannot so soon spy our deformities ,"], "true_target": ["How can I help it , if your destiny", "But I had rather she had told me so .", "Whate'er you can imagine ; equal \u2014 above", "Then know , fair shepherdess , that when I saw", "To be ambitious of it .", "To gain our wishes . First we get the father :", "As after sleep . O miracle !", "But she herself to whom it is presented .", "I have no share myself ?", "All that I e'er thought fair ; and if you be", "You must love me .", "They of my rank , whom most do deem unworthy", "I stuck disgraces on her ; let me ask", "The gods do laugh at such slight perjuries", "Thank you , good Charinus ;", "It is thy cruel will and marble heart .", "Shall not secure thee from my revenge .", "\u2018 Las , poor fool !", "Who 's this ? Dorinda ! I have done her wrong :", "Bless 'd soul , I will revenge thy death , and then", "O , say not so ; let me", "I 'll follow thee myself .", "She was a fool to cry ; I should ha \u2019 pleas 'd her", "As oft , Dorinda , have I spoke to you ,", "Come with me , and you shall .", "Unskill 'd in those hid mysteries , which Love 's", "Nerina 's chaste and fair , and I a villain .", "Under the name of friendship ! O ye gods !", "Alcon , th \u2019 hast made me happy by thy art", "I cannot stay to hear thy tedious follies .", "To manage the estates our fathers left us ,", "Together , without being known to any .", "To make you mine .", "Or else this might suffice thee \u2014 that I cannot ,", "Let 's lose no time . I long to see my love alive again .", "As I have done , so foul and impious .", "A looking-glass which , though within our plains", "Ere this , perhaps .", "My love , my services , my gifts , my vows ,", "She cast an eye upon me as she went ,", "Of that sweet innocent , without whose sight", "This is his magic glass , which had the virtue", "I can ,", "Lead you to love where you may not obtain ?", "My friend , her father , comes along with her .", "Shall crown my enterprise .", "Farewell , old man ; health to my dearest mistress .", "He knows our pleasure , and gives his consent .", "He will not now be found , the traitor . But ,", "In Daphnis \u2019 heart you live , and ever did .", "Such was the magic of it .", "How can I give thee part of that , whereof", "Th \u2019 embraces of my love and me shall be", "You are not dead .", "Her face in it , shall be at my dispose .", "No , nor I will not love thee .", "Gentle nymph .", "How do you , love ?", "Ask me not that ; but go along with me .", "Where love and silence shall befriend us best .", "What age can parallel so great a mischief ?", "And what must now be done ?", "It is not destiny that injures me ;", "O cruel words , how they do pierce my heart !", "A man whom age and observation taught", "You were ; but I , your servant , chang 'd that death", "Would she were mine , I 'd ask no portion .", "I pray , leave me ; I have other business now", "Your nuptial bed , which yet I dare not hope \u2014", "He knew I could not live , and to do this", "First , I would tear it piecemeal here before you .", "My services , I thought , would merit it ;", "I do repent me that I e'er begun it :", "Can find no faith with you , believe my tears :", "That she should love one stain 'd with such a deed", "They are as common as a lock of wool .", "Indeed they are not feign 'd .", "When you do see in that how lovely are", "O , she was born to be a plague unto me .", "Let her go where she will ; behold , sweet saint ,", "It was well done .", "Call not that wicked deed to my remembrance .", "For heaven 's sake ,", "So Alcon tells me ; and he knows full well", "A way to hide my shame .", "Do you so ! And , to do me a courtesy , you kill 'd her .", "Such , as the Cyprian boy from our abundance", "And did for love of you .", "To deserve something of you , if not love .", "Fool ! stop your mouth , no human help shall save thee .", "Professors only know , have yet a way", "Which you may well remember .", "Why should you fear ? By Pan , you are to me", "Enter DORINDA .", "I would not for a world have ended it :", "Where'er he be , nor heaven nor hell shall save him", "Discredit my repentance : if my words", "Let me hear them .", "By my endeavours and true services", "Content to hide my faults , and take me to", "But , O my fate ! is not that nymph Dorinda", "Cover , you gods ,", "Somebody else may love you , I cannot .", "Now I 'll come in ,", "This mirror here , the faithful representer"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["3 .", "Tell me what you think on earth", "The joy of Nature , not of Art ?", "Or ample wealth ,", "A. Riches , honour , and high birth .", "That these should wait on highest states .", "What 's honour worth or high descent ?"], "true_target": ["If love be banished the heart ,", "Q. Ah ! what is this ?", "If cares do breed us discontent ,", "2 .", "Or want of health ?", "A . It is the order of the Fates ,", "The greatest bliss ?"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["These are silent marks :", "It speak , it shall ; else further than my thoughts", "Invent the way to cure you ; I should soon", "Might take the heart of any lady living ,", "Religiously by \u2014\u2014", "Your state is better , madam , as you are .", "May be employ 'd to do your beauty 's service ;", "The shepherds come to Court .", "He must not sleep again : shepherd , look up .", "Your father will enlarge you , and ne'er think", "This is the garden which I saw him go to ,", "Lest they betray your counsels . This I vow", "I 'll stay until he wake ; but then suppose", "to be lov 'd", "Than the dull country , which can represent", "Nothing shall venture that you leave to me :", "As they shall never come within my dreams ,", "Sent to thee from thy Sylvia . Shepherd , rise ,", "asleep ;", "How could you hope", "And now forgotten : if you clear your looks ,", "I should be a queen indeed ; in the meantime ,", "\u2018 Tis strange ! but , madam , though in that disguise ,", "If you could crown me with your virtues , madam ,", "Madam , I have ,", "Let me alone to work out that .", "You should find anything there worth your love .", "He 's laid already , and", "Apply my help : yet , stay , this day it is", "And those my thoughts I 'll keep to such restraint ,", "I 'll undertake it ; but how shall I know him", "Madam , has not the Court more pleasure in it"], "true_target": ["How if I be deceived , and this should prove", "To know him by he bears .", "I guess the cause , sweet madam , but that 's pass 'd", "Nothing but what does taste of solitude ?", "That anybody come , and take me here ,", "On what you did , but that you are his daughter .", "And that is he ; for all the marks she gave me", "And follow me .", "As I am Delia , I 'll do this business .", "To make thee happy , if thou wilt go to her .", "Yet will I not despair to find him out .", "What will they think of me ? Best wake him . Shepherd !", "Not yet ? his sleeps are sound .", "Madam , you 're overheard .", "Yes , you mean Cleander ,", "Another man ! What then ? I can excuse it .", "Madam , I have no life , but what I wish", "Alas ! I would I could", "Without inquiring , which must breed suspicion ?", "\u2018 Twas something else that carried you away .", "It is a handsome youth : see what a grace", "My tongue is rul 'd by yours : what you would have", "Of him you held so dear ?", "What star directed him to find you out ?", "Son to Eubulus , who is now your keeper :", "Give me but leave to use my mother-wit . You would be gone together , would you not ?", "His griefs have made him wild .", "Stay , hold thy hand : she lives \u2014 thy Sylvia lives", "And wish 'd that they had sorted to your wishes .", "Madam , withdraw ; I hear your keepers coming .", "Love , madam ! Sure , it is impossible", "Ay , though she were a princess . Shepherd ! what ,", "Shows itself in his feature \u2014 such a face"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Call 'd Thyrsis ; and with him methought I could", "Privy to my departure , yet the cause", "And their contentions , which were void of malice ,", "By his eyes cast down and folding of his arms ,", "And did defend me from the avarice", "Never to let him know what flame I felt ;", "Some pity in thee : if not for pity 's sake ,", "We 'll go together : if we quit this country ,", "Thou , whose torch 's purer light", "And maiden modesty : \u2018 twas love that did it .", "Have thee to swear , nor would I thou shouldst think", "It is no matter : all the world to me", "Ever prove", "Greater than I or any else could think them :", "Near him I bought me land to feed them ; he", "Reward thee with thine own desires for this .", "Song .", "Willing , however , to be rid of him .", "In birth or honour , when the greatest men ,", "Thou speak'st my thoughts : do this , and I will crown", "Though I die for it : will it not devour", "Not to live a minute", "Thou know'st the shepherds that do dwell about", "As any one would judge it natural :", "Unto this cursed Court which , though it be", "One kiss I must not be denied .", "Alas , my Delia ! thou dost mistake ,", "I 'm sure th \u2019 hast heard already .", "To it , then , will I utter my complaints ,", "Do not much differ ; they make all things equal :", "Which from her cheeks his heart does burn ;", "Do , take his life , and glory in that act ;", "Unseason 'd boldness : told me he was not able", "I could not choose but open to his view", "Then did I leave the Court \u2014 I 've told thee all .", "He did address himself with fear to me ,", "will bury all thy honours ?", "Observ 'd me in the woods , walking alone :", "And instead of funeral fires", "Attends thy life , the same does govern mine :", "True and constant ; let not age", "Rather mine ;", "He only , with too much officiousness ,", "Conducted by the power of simple love ,", "It shall ; for I 'll not shame to publish him ,", "I care not , Delia .", "After his death .", "Save but the shepherd , and I 'll crown thy merit .", "An oath ; I know thou hast too much of goodness ,", "Yet for thine own good , spare his life , and take", "Our souls but one . Cleander , thou wert wont", "2 .", "Ha , Delia !", "Thy empty glories and thy puff'dhYpppHeNup nothings", "Of his appear unto the world , as now", "Never was more than to attain a kiss ,", "Brought me from thence , where I had set my heart ,", "Know their youthful heat t \u2019 assuage .", "Cleander , is it thou ? then I 'm betray 'd", "Thou dream'st : thou can'st not do it .", "He brought me with him , making no resistance :", "True , and beware thou ask ; the majesty", "His tedious complaints ; until at length", "Draw out my life rather than any other ,", "Which yet he hardly got . Thou seest , sweet Delia ,", "Of Smyrna , and from thence some goats I had", "But will you swear", "Before my father to commend his graces ;", "But what is that to me , if Thyrsis come not ?", "He came and utter 'd , as his manner was ,", "Love is divine , the seed of everything ,", "For his sake I did leave the court and thee ,", "I have chas 'd her fears away ,", "Thou couldst not tell , which I will now unfold ;", "The over-curious eyes of him I hate \u2014", "Which mine does for his absence , by these signs", "The king my father built , did use to come ,", "And this night 's silence will so favour us ,", "And to ingratiate himself the more ,", "Who cannot long outlive me : will you do't ?", "If I myself not flatter , thou shalt know him", "And now betraying him unto his end .", "And instead", "This piece , Cleander , and not blush to boast", "Such things my fancy then suggested to me :", "And often sighs that interrupt his words .", "At last I was surpris 'd , I could not help it ;", "Unworthy as thou art to be his rival .", "But can'st thou help me , now that I have open 'd", "To be more courteous ; and I do see", "The monuments of kings may show for them", "To show the secrets of my heart ; for others", "Do it , and when th \u2019 hast done , the god of love", "The colour and the weight of theirs and beggars \u2019", "Hold , I will not", "From his full virtue ? If but this one act", "Hymen , god of marriage-bed ,", "\u2018 Tis true , they come ;", "I find my soul so link 'd to thine , that death", "Although my liberty and free discourse", "Of virgin-head ,", "Let it be sung .", "My wound unto thee ?", "And , Thyrsis , be thou sure , whatever fate", "Have found , in place of him I thought a shepherd ,", "Thou shalt descry him .", "Often he came , and oft'ner was desir 'd", "Cannot divide us .", "The gods can tell how to bestow on men ?", "For love , alas ! is ever credulous \u2014", "And now , you know , it is a full month since", "How willingly I dwell upon this theme .", "\u2018 Tis true , my Delia ; for though thou wert", "No , Thyrsis , let not us profane that deity :", "And when I would have shunn 'd him , which perhaps", "I did return to Court , but left my heart", "That thou wilt save him .", "\u2018 Tis but the waiting of an old man 's death ,", "It must not be ; for know , my dearest shepherd ,", "Thy follies thus , seeking to take away", "Show 'd in his verse , thereto so well express 'd ,", "But swear"], "true_target": ["Had I not done , he had not so well known me :", "Of the old shepherds , which did think to make", "To colour my intents ; I am above", "Be thou ever honoured :", "Thyrsis my love . But yet , perhaps , at this time ,", "The characters of nobleness and worth ,", "And the lusty bridegroom say ,", "Of my departure or my strange disguise ,", "But I confess the rather , \u2018 cause there was", "Then I take my leave .", "Whose fortune envies them a worthy place", "So well he sung , so passionate his love", "Which is so cross 'd in love \u2014 the greatest good", "Nor do I care what idle ladies talk", "Cleander ,", "What pleasure can there be in highest state ,", "But take heed :", "You 'll find the same : and if , \u2018 mongst living men ,", "He said he would convey me where my father", "To let me know of it before he die ?", "And think I trust my honour in thy hands ,", "Or if he come , how shall he know me his ,", "As now they do , being sent for unto Court :", "That 's bred within thee , to betray a trust :", "Seem 'd glad of it , and thinking me a stranger ,", "And wish 'd I had been born just such an one .", "What they have been ; but look upon their dust \u2014", "Perfection and womanhood .", "May their love", "My place of birth and breeding , I do find", "And", "I thank thee , Delia ; but my evil genius ,", "Thou know'st the man .", "A princely lover .", "Still gazing on me . Knowing my love to him ,", "Father , your blessing .", "And see his face ?", "Without your leave .", "Yet never felt he flame , till this of me :", "Nor I the nymphs \u2019 ,", "That has pursu 'd my innocence with hate ,", "Us 'd me with such civility and friendship ,", "Can'st thou look on this ,", "And in our thoughts will equal them with kings .", "Had given o'er their strict inquiry of me ,", "Or to thee , friend , to whom my love will dare", "His love , forsooth ; for so he colour 'd his", "We cannot be too wary . Many things", "Given her a greater good :", "And I for daring to aspire so high", "Nothing but torment and affliction in it .", "Death 's sad tapers did affright ,", "Will be Arcadia , if I may enjoy", "I have offended in first loving him ,", "Since that my love , I fear , will ne'er be free :", "Be here denied me , yet the air is common :", "The accidents of wealth and noble blood ,", "Once my dear fellows ; but you , Mirtillus ,", "That I so much suspect thee , as to urge", "Mine ; for thou know'st , when I am dead , this kingdom", "My liberty is of no worth to me ,", "Of me ; nor did I shame in public there", "I do not care nor fear , so thou be faithful .", "A prey of what I had . At length I saw", "Should have no knowledge of me . I refused it ;", "Till the envious day return ,", "Or I enjoy his company ?", "The instrument of my undoing still ?", "One amongst them of a more comely grace", "Their envy or their malice :", "Kindled lovers \u2019 chaste desires :", "This place which , for their entertainments only ,", "Love", "My honour and my virgin chastity :", "Men full of age or foul deformity .", "And sheep , with them a rich commodity .", "I easily believ 'd he lov 'd me too \u2014", "Thy father will inherit or thyself .", "I 'll let thee know my fortunes , part of which", "My loving heart ; yet with this caution ,", "Which when I did , the whole Court , as they use ,", "Yet when I saw his tears , and heard his vows \u2014", "I know , Cleander , it is me you aim at :", "Persuasive speakers for affection \u2014", "Thy faith : thou shalt be queen instead of me .", "Consented with me , and did strive to make them", "I shall not tell one minute after thee ;", "Though you did scorn to love , yet could you sing", "For if his sorrow wears the liveries", "Maids , prepare the genial bed :", "And therefore , without further circumstance ,", "My fate with love consenting , so would have it :", "I feign 'd myself", "Ah me most wretched !", "Which then he vow 'd , and his ambition", "Thy company , my love .", "But for th \u2019 unlucky chance that sent to me", "And I the happiest maid that ever was ,", "Which sits upon his brow will say \u2018 tis he \u2014", "But , Thyrsis , I do love you . Love and death", "will look on those , and lay aside", "What man could have a heart for such a deed ,", "Behind me in those fields wherein I joy 'd .", "Oppose our wills ; yet , if you think it fit ,", "That he should ever bear respect unto", "Then thus we part ,", "To want my sight : and so , when every one", "Whom she has courted , bear the marks of slaves ,", "And though I was resolv 'd", "I do confess , this shepherd is my love ;", "No , they command it rather , that have made", "The second time ; but must thy fortune make thee", "To meet again , I hope .", "But , be thou sure , in him thou shalt kill two .", "Well , if you listed of it .", "As one would little look for of a shepherd ;", "The cause why now we live , and all the world .", "Then come , night , and hide that red ,", "But when thou hast , what wilt thou say to him ?", "I ever lik 'd their sports , their harmless mirth ,", "Nature has printed in the face of many", "They that think so are such as love excludes :"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["From foreign states , and within the circle", "And to the king , in which I us 'd to clothe", "\u2018 Tis probable .", "The king , I told you , when his wife grew near", "The charge I had must needs betray me to", "That , whosoe'er should find him might with that", "But say , Cleander , what fate guided thee", "No time ! who bid thee hasten to the ruin", "A circle \u2018 bout his neck , wherein was writ \u2014", "Well may the king take that dear life away", "Remember she 's your daughter !", "Depriv 'd thy father of a child , thyself", "Who 's this ?", "And thou shalt live to see , that not long after", "Till my return next day : then , when I told her ,", "That way is best which leads me to my grave .", "As dead , and buried an empty coffin .", "Passionate heat ; but yet she must not know ,", "Of life in you , which this love brought you to ,", "And make the world believe it was still-born .", "Thy only son shall wed thy only daughter .", "To be as careful of me as I was", "Enter MONTANUS , MIRTILLUS .", "It is ; and yet the king would needs interpret", "\u2018 Tis true .", "If she do live , I think", "His life shall be obscure : twice shall thy hate", "And lock this secret up : for \u2018 tis no jesting", "The child thou think'st is thine , thine shall not be ;", "In characters known only to myself", "I should not have reveal 'd what now you know .", "Of whom your majesty may , if you please ,", "If e'er thy issue male thou live to see ,", "Of thine own sister , whom but now thou knew'st ?", "The messages which come to do us hurt", "It was , but give it breeding as his own :", "Many took notice that my child was female ,", "Unto the haven of your happiness ,", "The king 's child and to make my daughter princess .", "Than for retirement , which she does pretend .", "That , being weak before , she shortly died .", "Go , take thy way , whither thou wilt , thyself ;", "To cut that life off .", "Than she expected . So we both agreed", "Where and with whom you liv 'd .", "He charg 'd me not reveal it unto any ,", "That brought you such a shepherd . Stay all here ,", "Of her , and we would work a better end", "Go , call him in .", "And this it is , which I have never shown", "And being loth that one not of his blood ,", "The child was thence remov 'd where I had left him .", "With kings , that may command our lives and fortunes :", "The king 's own child , conjur 'd me to preserve it ,", "With speed , and carry it to some abode .", "Archigenes , son of Euarchus and Eudora", "She will ; but yet you know we were commanded", "Therefore with some about her she had plotted", "You now perceive her , whom we call the princess ,", "Inquire a truth of one that is his princess .", "That , should it prove a man-child , \u2018 twas a bastard :", "Told me in private that , if it were male ,", "Of our great oracle whether the child should be", "With purpose to deliver it to some", "Has found me always real ; but this truth", "For fear of being discover 'd . On your life ,", "Take heed how you reveal this .", "Secret despatches when I writ to him", "Whilst I go to the king . This day will add", "Considering my charge ; for that I knew ,", "And you , whom love has brought through deep despair", "It will behove you then to be reserv 'd ,", "In a disguise to Smyrna , where she stay 'd", "The king , and then I could not hope for mercy", "You 're welcome both ; you may applaud your fortune", "Then let us watch my daughter , for I fear", "Time and good fortune did conspire to save", "Departure , I could fix on none but that .", "And not inquisitive to know whose child", "I laid it down there , cover 'd closely o'er ,", "Doom him to death . Yet shall he \u2018 scape that fate :", "I durst not ,", "As he conceived by this , should be his heir ,", "I am amaz 'd ; pray Jove thou be'st not mad .", "O my gracious lord ,", "Must be a brother 's friendship , not a lover 's", "With such ignoble love ; yet I confess ,", "I went unto the queen ,", "Now you 're at peace , I hope ?", "To this discovery ?", "What did you then ?", "\u2018 Tis well , Cleander ,", "Howe'er , next day I purposed to return", "Than what my son Cleander did before .", "If I were taken , though they spar 'd my life ,"], "true_target": ["Enjoy each other freely . Of you , brave shepherd ,", "My innocence , have brought this match about .", "She herein was ingenuous , and confess 'd", "The child thou think'st is thine , thine shall not be .", "For anything become a murderer .", "What hast thou done ! thou rash , inhumane boy ?", "The flight she made was for some other end", "His life shall be obscure : twice shall thy hate", "Thy only son shall wed thy only daughter .", "As great importance , this I will not hide .", "Sure , thou wilt come unto thyself anon ! Prythee , bethink thee .", "Of some outlawed thieves , that did infest", "That I her father am , and you her brother :", "Plain honest man , that would be careful of it ,", "I should believe they 're sent for to delight", "You shall do well : come , let us to the king .", "Unto the place where then Cleander found her :", "Of thy poor father and thy family ?", "And therefore I was fain to publish her", "With such impatience", "You are too far inquisitive ; yet because", "But why she left the court she will not tell .", "Son of Euarchus and Eudora :", "Till time did fit her , that with safety", "By all the ways that fit a subject , to", "What prince is this thou mean'st ?", "Your majesty", "Prythee , digest thy troubled thoughts , and tell me", "Instead of it , which I was to look out .", "It fortun 'd that your mother then was ready", "Revolving all the causes of her strange", "Thou dream'st : it cannot be .", "That she foresaw what search would be made for her :", "The place , I made all haste I could to \u2018 scape \u2018 em ,", "To be deliver 'd of your sister , and", "The queen protesting to me that it was", "This oracle is full of mystery .", "That did foretell their match .", "This day for ever let it holy be ,", "Ha !", "Are speedy ; but the good come slowly on .", "I am her father : but I lose my life", "\u2018 Tis strange thou shouldst be present at a murder .", "Jupiter forbid !", "And thou shalt live to see , that not long after", "How ! both , my lord ?", "To any but the queen . Here take and read it .", "Nothing more", "To publish his dishonour and his wife 's ,", "This is strange .", "This is my character , and this my seal .", "Doom him to death , yet shall he \u2018 scape that fate .", "Go , murderer , hadst thou no pity in thee !", "Which as mine own I could not ; for already", "He would not have it live ; yet , fearing most", "If I do that , as guilty of a treason .", "But now my prince , I shall inquire anon", "Proved to be a male , I should with care conceal", "If e'er thy issue male thou liv'st to see ,", "And trust me , son , had I not seen despair", "Show 'd her the state she was in , and besought her", "Sir , I have tried", "To be your sister , and the love you bear her", "Which he did never give : I will go tell him", "The time of her delivery , sent to know", "More years unto his life , when he shall say ,", "Your majesty , as they were wont .", "\u2018 Tis it \u2014 it is the same : Archigenes ,", "Rise , Calligone :", "But what is true ?", "I rode forth with the child a full night 's journey ,", "Some gold besides and jewels there I left ,", "No , for indeed I durst not", "See where they are !", "That , if the child she then did labour with", "No day shone brighter on Arcadia .", "When , being frighted with the noise of arms", "Your daughter too ?", "The oracle 's accomplishment will prove ,", "I left untold .", "Defray the charge of his education ;", "She might return in habit of a nymph", "Be well-inform 'd of all those passages", "He is deliver 'd to me for the shepherd ,", "I have engag 'd you in a secret of", "But take the child and see it made away ,", "Ha ! what 's that ?", "I grav 'd the king 's less seal , which then I kept .", "She did not ,", "The birth of it , and put a female child", "The gods are just , I see , that , favouring", "To hire a bark that might convey her hence", "Female or male , and what should be its fortune .", "It only was imparted unto me ,", "It cannot be : she will not stain her birth"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Here we must place our reverence .", "What thou desir'st . But something must be known", "Did startle me from mine ; my servants \u2019 hands", "Up in your coach ; your painted liveries", "Of this I am yet a sad party and a witness too .", "Would have transgress 'd the limits of all duty ,", "So sad a story ?", "But what did then become of the young prince ?", "Wouldst lie with her , and not kiss her ?", "\u2018 Fore Venus , he talks with authority . I know not well what he has said ; but methinks there is something in it : prythee , let 's hearken to him .", "What shall become of that ?", "A little to retire : \u2018 tis your honour", "From ancient kings , and years not far unsuiting", "Will you be pleas 'd to enter here ?", "I am charm 'd .", "I found her walking in the garden with", "I knew to strangle him was the readiest way ,", "How did you then ?", "I am : but if", "And if you please to go , perhaps , great sir ,", "Yes , sir , I do think ,", "Yes , and he stands gazing on her , as if he were begging of an alms .", "Verses , madam .", "But for losing .", "Thought this a dream of life , which certain death", "Besought me , as I ever hop 'd for peace ,", "You still may find them there .", "And know that I have news to make him live ,", "Pray , do not cross my purpose ; I shall do", "What a sight were this ,", "Of Lord Ergasto 's , written in celebration of the fair", "Prince Lysicles labours to recall him .", "Dost thou not see that all the fire is out of the coal ? If thou wouldst have it burn , lay thy lips to the spark that 's left , and blow it into flame .", "\u2018 Tis his love makes him do it ; not finding any thing on earth fit to express her , he searcheth heaven for a similitude .", "Was not so forward now ; they both do live ,", "To save her life , I 'll make no price of it :", "His actions need none .", "It will concern us to invent some way", "A shepherd \u2014 more of him I cannot tell ;", "Reach the mystery of your suppos 'd disguise", "Eugenio , your rival , still continues banish 'd .", "Look , Ergasto has found two of the ladies , and has set his face to begin to them .", "You royal pair , and testify yourselves .", "Sir , I do feel so much grief within me", "And will you marry now ?", "I scarce have found , I willingly would grant", "Not yet ? Then look upon this circle , that", "What ?", "Indeed , and execute his rage himself .", "You swore you would not marry till there were", "Will take away the blot of this disgrace", "I should preserve the princess ; this I promis 'd ,", "The same ; and I know you 'll confess she 's deserving .", "And would have dar 'd to tell you that this shepherd", "Heyday ! if within these two hours you do not forget the cause of this forgetfulness , I 'll be an eunuch . What , if the prince should be your rival ? I cannot tell , but my Lord Pindarus on a sudden fell from his anger to his daughter to a ceremony to you might be suspected .", "Yet could I not imagine that the king", "Belike those thieves had carried him away .", "I have not known any condemn 'd for playing ,", "How could the queen take this", "And whatsoever else he would desire .", "The same of her . In fine , I saw them both", "He thought to be the princess , was my sister ;", "And let him go . He ask 'd me why I stay 'd ;", "Not as a lover now , but as you are", "Hadst thou his power ; but by what conjuration can", "His sudden act , as I for mine . \u2018 Tis here", "After Phillida .", "If you 'll have Ergasto be of the parley , it must be of the ladies ; for he is desperately in love .", "That came so speedy with a fatal message ,", "What luck is this ? This is more haste than speed :", "Is he not somewhat startled at the report of thy debauchery ? For though your thickset woods and spreading vineyards make excellent shades to keep away the sun \u2014 I mean the piercing eye of censure \u2014 yet some suspicions common fame will raise .", "Madam , your father 's here !", "He will deserve it for his bold attempt .", "Might be redeem 'd , as slaves are .", "Unto our king , and I had married her .", "To put the fatal twist about his neck ,", "Did she hear it ?", "What think you of this , Phormio ?", "Then went I to my sister , and desir 'd", "Would the ladies heard you !", "Can shepherds then", "For this my act that , if my blood will serve", "Thou'lt have a damnable conceit of thy wife , by thy knowledge and opinion of all other women , unless you think her a phnix .", "And knowing that , in this affair , to keep it", "Trembled for fear ,", "Whether he would be married to the princess", "As full of joy as speed , with your glad message ,", "And your priz 'd liberty \u2014", "Is greater now than if sh \u2019 had been the daughter", "Shepherd , I will not honour thee so much", "I had no time to think of it before .", "Have made inquiry after him ?", "Despise that deity which we adore ?", "Phormio , what do you think of this ?", "Th \u2019 hast laid upon the princess .", "She wore , when from the woods I brought her home .", "And did you so ?", "Thy resolution , which in noble bloods", "He said he car 'd not how , so he might die .", "Unless I had means to appropriate one , you cannot suspect but I should wish a title unto all . But what hopes have you of your mistress ?", "Tell him Cleander lives to make him happy .", "Read them , and I 'll assure you you 'll find things well said and seriously ; and you will alter your opinion of him .", "I am resolv 'd , though my life lie at stake ,", "Who knows but he may be as sorry for", "Sir , I did well remember", "Why poor ?", "As to inquire thy name : thou hast done that", "Would wake him from , until I did assure him", "Madam , this is repugnant to your other virtues , that you should hate a man for loving you . Before he did profess himself your servant , I know you did receive him with indifferency at least . Whence then proceeds your hate ?", "If I were he , I 'd take an honourable composition , let her choose whom she pleas 'd for husband , and continue her secret servant still .", "Pardon me , madam , this mirth 's a liberty ; your cousin doth allow me . Here comes your father .", "If this be certain , \u2018 twill be long ere I be reputed virtuous .", "\u2018 Tis true .", "You say doth mask you .", "Unriddle , unriddle .", "Be done with all those locks of hair you have ?", "All which I did refer unto your knowledge .", "A law established that married men", "And have his liberties in the discourse of her friends , that her retiredness may be more magnified .", "The king ! To these EUARCHUS , EUBULUS .", "Archigenes .", "So great her scorn was , and my love so violent .", "Resolv 'd to make away this royal shepherd :", "The shepherd is a prince \u2014 your prince and mine ,", "But yet , sir , with your favour , might you not", "He bade him be assur 'd he would not start .", "Of being your servant .", "With a quick eye this golden circle here ,", "Henceforth I shall obey her as my princess ,"], "true_target": ["The king 's son is , I shall desire your pardon :", "What course will you take to redeem your fault ?", "I be too curious in asking where", "My princess and the daughter of my king .", "Before that time either from you or you .", "Why sent she for him , then ?", "Which death himself was ready to embrace :", "Before he died ; he thought that I had mock 'd him ,", "To save my sister , though the shepherd die ;", "To save her , though it cost her lover dear .", "I have known some their mistresses have forsaken , only because they were certain the world took notice they were deeply in love with them .", "I found agreeing to make up a truth ;", "We shall hear , if we draw nearer . A good evening , ladies !", "Presaging what a sin they were to act :", "What mean you , madam ?", "A rare fame you would purchase !", "But she was habited in that attire", "Then know , great sovereign , that , when I went", "Yes , and will ; \u2018 tis Hermione , Pindarus his heir .", "Pox o n't ! these waiting-women will not deal , unless they have earnest in their hands , and I was unprovided .", "Shepherd , know for this", "And both are married .", "Was not a match for great Arcadia 's heir ,", "To you well known , perhaps might make me worthy", "But your hasty son ,", "I told him that about his neck was sacred .", "He would have rent it off , but I forbad it .", "Was well-assur 'd , to kill him in my presence .", "Visit by the name of Madam Ruffiana is now", "No ? then come forth ,", "Courage , man ! If you have not lost your memory , your remedy is certain . There are more handsome faces will recompense this loss . Let us meet Phormio . FOOTNOTES :", "But , sir , remember what a strait we 're in :", "Which you before assur 'd me . Then I ask 'd him", "What said the oracle ? have you the answer ?", "And often call 'd him to despatch him quickly .", "I shall do my best .", "\u2018 Tis true , my sister", "To meet her father ? This would make him mad", "Supposed fairies , and she that you were wont to", "Secret , despatch was needful , I commanded", "Kiss her .", "And love her as my sister , not my mistress .", "That I do strive to save , as well as life .", "Did you give him cause to draw upon you in th \u2019 garrison ?", "This his so noble resolution", "I know not how to answer anything ,", "What do you intend ?", "Your aunt . All this I am perfect in , yet cannot", "From what part of the town came this fair day in a cloud , that makes you look so cheerfully ?", "I bade him choose his death ; when manfully", "And you an age yet longer .", "I slipp 'd away , not being seen by them ,", "\u2018 Tis not his outward feature \u2014 which how fair", "Which , with the computation of his years ,", "I should be tedious , and keep you from", "\u2018 Tis a sad story ; pray let us leave it . Have you no rivals ?", "I pray read them .", "And what shall", "Thou wilt pay dear for , and I hope thy death", "Never but in hyperboles ; tells her , her eyes are stars , which astronomers should only study to know our fate by .", "A strange contention ! Madam , will you please", "You bring me to think it ?", "Something that you may thank me for .", "No , sir , they live , and Hymen in his bands", "I would not for the world have those desires", "A potent rival takes away all : Lysicles does woo her .", "What you do long to hear : in short , I soon", "That came in time to rescue me from death ,", "They are his own .", "Would have been so enrag 'd ; or if he would ,", "He answered , nothing now , but hasty death ;", "Knit two such equal hearts and loves together .", "It is , I do not question \u2014 that can make him", "Another Heliogabalus thou wouldst be ,", "Dead to her honour .", "Because I would be sure to see him dead .", "Of his great state , and that his love , whom now", "But yet not mad . Go , sir , unto the king ;", "Shall be a queen .", "It was a comfort , sir , I do confess ,", "You 'll not believe me if I should say the contrary .", "Ergasto , my Lord Ergasto , what , have you left your tongue with your heart ?", "Noble or wise ; whereas my birth , deriv 'd", "Has tied them both ; the happiest knot that e'er", "If thou provest a lover , my next song is begun .", "In short , my lord ,", "For what , I prythee ?", "Those of your own \u2014 to these my education ,", "Then stripping off his doublet , I espied", "A cruel son sprung from so mild a father , if he did urge you to anything , might blast your honour .", "And this done voluntarily , which you will hardly avoid , though you have a thousand guards to prevent it . I , that have been your playfellow , shall be first suspected , and first banished .", "Nor yet one fit for my competitor .", "I dare not swear ; for \u2018 tis not in my power", "So great a prince of that which he was born to .", "When hastily I bid my servant hold ,", "And married to my sister .", "He knows none but distilling sighs at the altar of her beauty .", "Unless your majesty will sign my pardon .", "The Fates command it , \u2018 tis their proper work :", "How many ways I cast to save my sister", "She knows she is your daughter : look , sir , here ;", "Hermione .", "That all the gods forbid !", "To do what you command .", "And said I practis 'd tyranny upon him .", "But now you walk in shades , recluse , and shut", "I 'm sure many better go t'other way , if they be not marred in the voyage . But do you remember where you are to meet with Phormio ?", "I found the princess \u2014\u2014", "The devil thou hast !", "O , I 'm ravish 'd with the news : my joy", "What I had heard of th \u2019 oracle and you ,", "Nay , I 've told all .", "\u2018 Twas a necessity was laid upon me ,", "Somewhat exalted , sir , beyond myself ,", "But did the queen know this ?", "For , sure , it were injustice to deprive", "I will , by heaven .", "The prince , before he came", "Yes , and prayed for by bastards , that got better fathers than they were destined to by their mothers \u2019 marriages .", "Which I had then ; for , sure , my bolder love", "You know for certain , though you know not him .", "After the fatal message which I brought ,", "Madam , my duty bids me speak to you ,", "Fie , madam ! How low is this in you ?", "Sir , should I tell you", "Join hands and hearts together ; but the prince", "To stand the fury of th \u2019 enraged king :", "However you esteem them , such an elogy would make you think your glass had not yet flattered you .", "But since his death you are altered . I must confess it , for then the slenderness of your annuity allowed you but the election of some one sin : I mean a cherished sin , whilst the others repined , that thought themselves of equal dignity ; in time they had their turns , yet singly still : but since your brother 's death you have shown yourself a grateful gentleman , and recompensed those that have suffered for you to the full .", "A servant , of whose faith and courage I"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["And calls to speak with you .", "Shepherds , if you have any pity , come"], "true_target": ["The gentle nymph Nerina \u2014", "And see a woful spectacle .", "The last of her : I think see lies a-dying ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["But for a greater end : I fear my daughter ,", "Forth of my blood ; and whosoe'er he be", "Those characters thou writ'st about his neck ,", "How now , Eubulus ,", "Whose fortune mark 'd him out to be the object", "Within our confines , when so great a search", "Of this her love , shall find Ixion 's fate ,", "Are my presages true ? Shall I then sleep", "Some other time we 'll hear them :", "This was a riddle ever till this day ,", "But unto thee , my faithful councillor", "And therefore I have sent for her to see", "Why dost not answer ? Art thou frighted , man ?", "Their marriage has made it plain . Eubulus ,", "Ay , both .", "wonder", "For I suspect she loves some shepherd there .", "Call in Archigenes , and call thy daughter ,", "Read it , Eubulus ,", "The character is plain , it is the same", "With this disgrace , and let my neighbour princes", "I will not force her to't : some little time", "Of kindred , but the actions of a king", "With a base shepherd ? Go , Eubulus , quickly :", "Eubulus writ to me : ye heavenly powers ,", "No , Eubulus ;", "Eubulus , this is he ; Montanus , is it not ?", "That I may call him mine .", "First thinking him a bastard , then a shepherd ,", "Calligone is not my child ; proceed .", "Well , if she do so , I will let her forth \u2014", "Although I wonder , yet I do believe thee ,", "I will discover what my purpose is", "Let them be feasted all , And study something new to celebrate These nuptials , which I will have proclaim 'd Throughout my kingdom : and , Eubulus , see That everything be fitted for their honour . Come , let us to the temple , that we may With holy sacrifice appease the gods , Whose great decrees , though we did strive to hinder , Yet are they now fulfill 'd . It is in vain T \u2019 oppose the Fates , whose laws do all constrain . THE EPILOGUE TO THE KING AND QUEEN . To you , most royal pair , whose lives have brought Virtue in fashion , and the world have taught , That chaste innocuous sports become the stage , No less than civil manners do the age , We dedicate this piece , but yet with fears To have displeas 'd so chaste , so tender ears ; Which if you free us from , we 'll call this play No more the Shepherds \u2019 , but our Holiday . FUIMUS TROES : THE TRUE TROJANS EDITION . Fvimvs Troes , AEneid . 2 . The Trve Troianes , Being a Story of the Britaines valour at the Romanes first invasion : Publikely represented by the Gentlemen Students of Magdalen Colledge in Oxford . Quis Martem tunica tectum adamantina Digne scripserit ? London , Printed by I. L. for Robert Allott , and are to be sold at the signe of the Beare in Pauls-Churchyard , 1633 . 4o . INTRODUCTION Dr Jasper Fisher , a gentleman 's son , born in Bedfordshire , and entered a Commoner of Magdalen Hall in 1607 , is declared by Woodto be the author of this play . He afterwards took the degrees in arts , became divinity or philosophy reader of Magdalen College ; rector of Wilden , Bedfordshire about 1631 , and at length doctor of divinity . Besides this play he published some sermons . Oldys in his MSS . notes says he was blind . At what time he died is unknown . The title of this performance does not inform us when it was acted , nor is it spoken of as a republication .Langbaine mentions no other edition but that of 1633 ,FOOTNOTES :", "These sports with purpose to observe her looks .", "How for a whole month 's time she should abide", "Were made for her recovery ."], "true_target": ["As well as father ; private men respect", "He shall embrace a shadow . By my life ,", "Once more , and then call in my son and daughter .", "Why , what 's the matter ? speak , and speak it freely .", "Enter CLEANDER .", "And what have you discover 'd ?", "I have heard his relation : but", "Cleander , welcome ! how does Calligone ?", ",", "My blessings on them : and I long to see", "Dost plead for her , but yet am I her king", "Give me a heart that may be large enough", "Archigenes , come nearer , for thou art", "For his offence : the gods are just . Go on .", "Through all our countries , and loud proclamations ,", "To put them both to death .", "What , not dead , I hope ?", "Their profits and their private interests", "Rise both ; you have my blessing . But who are these ?", "Consider that , and then thou wilt forget her .", "\u2018 Tis true , that twice I did command his death ,", "Ay , thou still", "T \u2019 express my joy for these and thanks to you .", "The daughter of Euarchus match 'd herself", "Ha !", "In sending for these shepherds to my court .", "Let him be well rewarded .", "Is she not glad to come unto our presence ?", "Perhaps may make discovery of that secret .", "They both shall die .", "To honour and renown must be directed :", "Mock at my humble fortunes , when they hear", "Here take my signet ; let this be your warrant", "Why do you question me ? Have I not said they both shall die : despatch . Let me not see thee till they both be dead .", "The fair Calligone , that I may pour", "My faithful councillor .", "A stranger yet , although thou be my son ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["The same Nerina ?", "Of this rare mirror which I gave you , is", "Now I have put her in your hands , be sure", "Is but a lethargy ; though I profess not", "Which I bestow 'd on thee , ungrateful man ?", "Be confident : I 'll leave you to your fate .", "What cannot women 's words and flatteries", "It works , and can discourse \u2018 em .", "Here , where you found me ,", "In that I show 'd my love ;", "Reflects upon the eyes of him that looks i n't", "Go through with anything .", "Is she alive ? Will you believe your sense ?", "A poison straight will creep through all his veins ,", "She wont to wear \u2014 her father so would have it .", "A sleepy poison , which will stupefy", "Taught me the cordial water which he us 'd", "Effect with simple lovers ? Think on that .", "How now ?", "To restore spirits and heat unto those vitals ;", "Till it benumb his senses . This compounded ,", "For I did fear your resolution ,", "Of any colour . What a child is love !", "If you give credit to her words , you 're lost .", "Though I were certain of recovering her .", "Love is still full of fears : give me the water .", "This glass is made of , and I know th \u2019 effects", "Whether I lie or no .", "What have I wrong 'd you now ? Or is my present", "I 'll pay my life for hers ."], "true_target": ["Nay , if you prize my friendship at this rate ,", "And made into a glassy metal , soon", "Then help to lift this stone ; see where she lies \u2014", "I 'll leave you to your penance .", "To see the stone laid hollow on her grave ,", "Worthy the thanks you give me ?", "And I have brought it with me for our purpose .", "Have patience , and you shall : the glass , you see ,", "You do not let her go , and lose no time .", "She did appear so : what you thought was death", "The quintessence , extracted in a limbec ,", "If she be dead , you need not fear the change", "Yet am I well-inform 'd in everything", "Or make the sun look bloody by my art ,", "For fear of hurting her .", "You had not fail 'd : but you young men do never", "To draw the moon down from the sphere she is in ,", "Had you been sudden , as I counsell 'd you ,", "I waited on the funeral with purpose", "With it , to make th \u2019 effects more strong , is mingled", "Of the torpedo , which has such a quality", "I saw her laid , and buried in the clothes", "Are these the thanks I have for that rich jewel", "Made of a Memphian stone , that has the power", "I do confess \u2018 twas poison 'd .", "Here I 'll apply my medicine ; you shall see", "That if the fisher touch it with his hook ,", "Yet hear me , she is not dead ; and if she be ,", "To bring a deadly sleep on all the senses :", "The vital parts . Yet he that gave it me"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": [", blood and rage , and choler ,", "Ready to pour down cataclysms", "Well didst thou fly , or I had made thee taste", "We scorn such cruel craft . But death draws near ,", "May Victory her equal balance hang .", "Must pass , ere he could pass the Thames ; and then ,", "May have a hive , or spider find a loom :", "I twice broke through the ranks , yet cannot find", "Thine own provision . Now my wrath and pain", "And dash the empty air ! let planets drop", "But as for Nennius , know , I scorn this calm :", "Thrice-noble spirits , walk .", "spirit and the powerful name", "CAESAR , CAMILLUS 'S GHOST following .", "Whose glimmering sparks led their audacious pines", "These thousand years . Though Rhine and Rhone can serve ,", "Hang up thy rusty helmet , that the bee", "And flying die , and dying mangled lie .", "A giddy horror seizeth on my brain .", "And by thy death be styl 'd Britannicus .", "Within my tomb .", "Make up the temper of a captain 's valour .", "When falling kingdoms crack in fatal flames .", "We may despise what all the earth can do .", "Which binds the ball terrestrial to her poles ,", "Enter LABERIUS .", "For had he won this coast , yet many blows", "Die , Belgics ,", "We won the day , and all our foes are fled ?", "Death like a Parthian flies , and flying kills ;", "Give us fair warning , and e'en gild our spires ,", "Feeding imposthum 'd humours , to be lanc 'd", "And climb the craggy rocks of Caledon ,", "The new-come succours of the Scots and Picts .", "When cedars fall , whole woods are crush 'd ; nor die", "Protect this isle , confound all foreign plots :", "And we are next . Think ye the smoky mist", "Instead of soldiers \u2019 fare and lodging hard", "Leave not thy blade unsheath 'd : a tyrant 's heart", "Now , royal friends , the heirs of mighty Brute ,", "To his own sword a scabbard should impart .", "My purified soul mounts to her first best cause .", "The Latian shepherd 's brood", "Be tam 'd ; and then , before he Tweed can drink ,", "Whilst merrily we warm us at their fires .", "And we can bravely die . But our just cause ,", "In midst of conquest came my deadly wound .", "Tiber doth breed as venomous beasts as Nile .", "The three infernal ladies with wire whips", "The ruddy planet at my birth bore sway ,", "Beyond the craggy hills of grim-fac 'd Death ,", "With Dardan", "I long to try my blade , and prick that bladder", "My eyes do swim in death \u2014", "And glutted e'en with slaughter . There some fly ,", "Let supplications last for twice ten days :", "To lie so far from home in foreign soil .", "Redoubled from the concave shores of Gaul :", "Come faster , Death : I can behold thy grim", "Behind him lead the conquer 'd world , and hope", "He names me : sure , it is some friend which speaks . I 'll follow thee , though't be through Stygian lakes .", "Let altars smoke , and tholes expect our spoils ,", "Return , and take possession of our isle ,", "For olive-bough exchange thy hazel-bow :", "Death is but Charon to the fortunate isles ;", "I 'll follow thee o'er piles of slaughter 'd foes ,", "Embroider 'd canopy and scarlet gowns :", "This blade was steep 'd in poison : O , I 'm poison 'd !", "As they are now , whose flaming towns", "Fight , Britons , fight ! The day is ours . I 'm cloy 'd", "Honour , to thee I consecrate my breath .", "And ugly jaws with quiet mind . Now , now", "And spur the Pegasus of my mounting thoughts .", "Of sun-boil 'd seas can stop the eagle 's eye ?", "Their scalding jelly , and , all flame being spent ,", "Witness my words ; I leave my country free ,", "Is cheap , if death and dangers may it buy .", "By some outlandish surgeon ?", "Instead of bellowing drum"], "true_target": ["Dear brother , and thou holy priest of heaven ,", "Who , serpent-like , in poison bathes his sting !", "Grant Thames and Tiber never join their channels ;", "Of complimental souls taking their leave :", "Thou runn'st upon thy death .", "Farewell , heroic soul ; thou shalt not blush", "And all the dim and clamorous route which sounds", "Accursed weapon \u2014 more accursed man", "That vent'rous captain Caesar , on whose breast", "Yet we have gods and men and horse to fight ,", "Be lull 'd in lady 's lap with amorous lute .", "Stay , stay ! Thou art at home : here 's Campus Martius .", "And leaves his conquest in weak infancy .", "While that I offer hecatombs of men .", "of blood :", "But may a natural hate , deriv 'd from us ,", "Bright Honour keeps triumphant court , and deeds", "And envy Thames his never captive stream ,", "And die a victor . Thus with lighter wing", "Entomb the world in everlasting smoke !", "Yet maugre all , if we ourselves are true ,", "Caesar returns a victor !", "Nought but the ground they fight on for their grave :", "Let first the adamantine axle crack ,", "O , my wound rages , and tormented brain", "But our looks kill .", "Or can our wat'ry walls keep dangers out ,", "Methinks I hear their neighing steads , the groans", "CAESAR enters .", "Smother 'd in down , melting in luxury :", "Ye senators and gaily-gown 'd Quirites ,", "Your forward loves , and all our people edg 'd", "What though the Roman , arm 'd with foreign spoil ,", "I hear sweet music ; and my spirit flies .", "Dream golden dreams . Go , warlike Britain , go ,", "We have a world within ourselves , whose breast", "Caesar returns in triumph ! Basely flies ,", "Doth labour of a fury , not a Pallas .", "Prepare the laureate coach and snow-white steeds ,", "Before this land shall wear the Roman yoke ,", "The Britons , sought for , see thy frighted back :", "Yet we are next : who , charm 'd with peace and sloth ,", "And speckled snakes shall lackey close my steps ,", "Who hath the justest cause ; and on this combat", "Which never hurt but kill 'd ? Let it be plac 'd", "Of country , bid us hope for victory .", "Puff 'd with ambition and victorious fight .", "Follow ! what means that word ? who art ? thy will ?", "Of martial men live there in marble rolls .", ", lie", "and his sons ,", "Can Nennius private without company .", "Brother , advance . On this side I 'll lead up", "adust my humour ; and wild-fire", "You see what storm hangs hovering o'er this land ,", "To sink our island with his army 's weight :", "At Nennius \u2019 deeds . The smallest drop of fame", "Where Brutus ,", "Fairly encounter 'd : let our blades discuss", "With double force shall flow in purple streams .", "shall ban those stars ,", "Methinks I hear Bellona 's dreadful voice", "Fat bulls with garlands green and gilded horns :", "And knock at Pluto 's gate . I come . Come life or death ,", "Which fly aloft , that thus we snorting lie ,", "A life is spent \u2014 yea , many thousand lives .", "Thou mighty enginer of this wondrous globe ,", "CAESAR , & c .", "die like men ! Free minds need have", "great Dunwallo ,", "No foreigner hath unrevenged press 'd", "Live still in our long-trailed progeny \u2014", "Ere he touch Humber , many nations must", "Open the Capitol 's ivory gates , and lead", "Porter to Fame .", "Yet give thy words new vigour to my spirits ,", "I long even to behold those glorious cloisters ,", "Where is false Caesar 's sword , call 'd Crocea Mors ,", "Let ancient glory then inflame your hearts .", "and cheerful flute ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Democritus , make good thy fancy ; give me", "One question more : What dangers shall I pass ?", "Nor stay nine tedious months , but in a trice", "I strive against the stream .", "And yearly pay three thousand pound of silver", "I grieve to draw my sword against the stock", "By many eighths ,", "Stars , winter , sky , and tempests serve in pay ,", "We may confess they come of Trojan kind ;", "Nor stakes , lakes , fords , nor swords shall check our progress .", "And no more shall the fields bear vert , but gules :", "Nothing but sea and sky . Here is nil ultra .", "Into Rome 's empire , whose command encloses", "To outgo nature , and our empire stretch", "On every side ; yet still Cassibelane braves us ,", "When he bestrides the lion 's flaming fleece ,", "Our city 's second founder ! what dire fate", "A darling of the gods , under whose colours", "Charm 'd in the circle of a foaming flood ,", "Doth she move retrograde , and hoist us up ,", "Kindl 'd on high , may breed long-bearded stars ,", "Then let 's aboard , and", "Amaze our soldiers .", "And you receive this massy cup of gold ,", "Welcome thus far , partners of weal and woe ,", "convey", "Their kings departed , Nennius dead , whose loss", "The coast is clear ; our honour is the goal . In vain doth Tagus \u2019 yellow sand obey , Rhine 's horned front and nimble Tigris running For wager with the wind , which skims his top ; In vain from Ganges to Hesperian Gades , The bounds mark 'd out by Jove 's two base-born sonsOur echo 'd name doth sound , if we recoil From hence again not victors . Ye pilots old , who were begot mermaids , Whose element is their sea , bred and brought up In cradles rock 'd with storms and wooden walls . Fear not to grapple with the seas . Fear not Their bulks , brave veterans ; that extended mass Is not of iron , but can bleed and die : They were not dipp 'd in Styx , nor are they giants Or wild poetic Centaurs we assail . Let then this voyage quit out credit lost , And let rage lash on courage . Here 's the game ; Life may be lost , butwe 'll hold fast fame !CASSIBELANUS , BELINUS , & c ., Soldiers .", "I 'll hit the white .", "\u2018 Tis true : yet so we stop the people 's cry ,", "Play on our poops . When Hyperion 's son", "Her shining cheek , and wooes us with a smile .", "Are all your deities fled ? or was I bold", "The roots and pillars of this sea-clipp 'd isle .", "How differ they in nature ?", "You in our train kept honourable place ;", "On th \u2019 Euxine sea-nymph gapes , and fear doth stir ,", "Two legions over ; for I long to view", "Noises and nimble flashes , mix 'd with rain ,", "No doubt : this blow shall like an earthquake move", "Enough . I 'll once more cross the seas :", "What is a man ?", "Is this that Northern rout , the scourge of kingdoms ,", "The airy rulers are displeas 'd ; all day", "Thy weight did Romulus \u2019 sleepy mother press ?", "Young Mandubrace possess his father 's princedom .", "Hail , valorous prince ! disdain not this ingrafting", "which Pindus may re-beat ,", "Nor seek revenge on Trinobants , but let", "Mount Palatine , thou throne of Jove , and ye ,", "Had Britain nurs 'd but such another champion ,", "Shall paint her pale face with red crimson gore .", "For your good more than mine ; that happier sky", "And fed with sixty rivers , his wide mouth", "Which Caucasus may as a catch repeat ,", "Reign as the total monarch of this isle ,", "ROLLANO , armed cap-a-pie .", "Here 's nature 's shop : here men are made , not born ;", "Parents of love , the harbingers of leagues ;", "Learn their complotments , where invasion may", "I overcame : such foes deny such haste .", "Since we , thy brood degenerous , stand at gaze ,", "In what now lies their hope ?", "Love 's earnest and memorial of this day .", "So may'st thou sweetly rest , as I shall strive", "When we propose , and they do peace deny .", "And must be frighted , ere we shall be friends .", "We 'll rise to run our course .", "And Gaul lies bleeding in her mother 's lap .", "We 'll therefore wise embassadors despatch ,", "Each night torment my sleep , and cry revenge ?", "Whose lesser turrets pinnacle Rome 's head ,", "For her advanced pinions .", "What Lemnian chain shackles our mounting eagle ?", "Doth circling spread , and finds no brink nor bottom .", "The whole Levant , and whose large shadow hides", "All , all shall know our love .", "O thou preserver of our present race !", "Who wear Bellona 's favours in your scars ?", "Comius , your knowledge can correct our eyes .", "What furtherance , can you give at our arrival ?", "Until the arctic star for zenith stands .", "On Volusene , a legate and a spy .", "Shall putrifying reek , whose vapour 'd slime ,", "That 's cause enough . They shall not henceforth range", "Of thrice-renowned Troy ; but they are rude ,", "In sign of league you shall us pledges give ,", "What devil Cacus drags our fortune back !", "We grant thy suit . Fortune repents at last ;", "What land , what people , and what answer , show .", "Heaven , sea and wind , and all the elements ,", "The Phrygian powers ? have they Palladium got ?", "Our path is printed : Thames his maiden cheeks", "Her empire bounded only by the ocean ;", "By this suppose our senate calls you friend .", "Nor can I write now , I came over , and", "Whether they win or lose . With bloody drops", "The nest of hornets is awake . I think", "His ugly idol shall displace their gods ,", "Disclosing to our empire unknown lands ,", "Wider and deeper grows , and like a serpent", "A cloud of vultures shall attend our camp ,", "The moon is chang 'd , the globe doth to us turn", "Or do we basely faint ? Or is our might", "Be soonest entertain 'd . All this shall lie", "Vast Germany stands trembling at our bridge ,", "First , let 's advise ; for soon to ruin come", "That sea-mark for our ships", "Thus we determine : that crown still shall stand :", "Thou seem'st a worthy prince , and Caesar 's match .", "Perpetual spring , in gay perfum 'd attire ,", "But what firm signs of faith , what faithful aid ,", "But how proceeds our preparation ?", "in my brazen cap ."], "true_target": ["This Hellespont , or bridge it with a navy ,", "Than he beholds our provinces . Why , then ,", "Once the Pellaean duke did eastward march ,", "The triple-bounded earth and bellowing seas .", "Roar as thou didst at Troy , drown Stentor 's voice", "And know both march and skirmish by his drum .", "Raise trophies high of barbarous bones , whose stench", "Windbound , at length put forth and come in view ,", "And Taurus lough the same :", "Abroad for war ; we 'll bring him to their doors .", "Shall couch in west his foam-bedappl 'd jades ,", "And for that cause I Comius sent in haste", "Shall be more fairly built at my charge , as", "Our empire from Quirinus \u2019 narrow centre", "Never till now did Caesar fortune fear .", "Thence disappointed ever seem to fly .", "To make grief full , my daughter 's death I hear .", "New-rigg 'd and mended . I must needs confess him", "And won together . But methinks I ken", "Nature nor fates can valorous virtue stop .", "Let the four winds with dreadful clamours sing", "So Danow , crawling from a mountain 's side ,", "Titan no later sets nor earlier wakes ,", "It is my glory to end all with peace ;", "A story is't or fable that , stern Mars ,", "We stand on Nature 's western brink ; beyond ,", "What 's the moon ?", "What news , good Atrius ?", "For to conduct him hither .", "Their dear Penates , and in desolate streets", "A whitish cloud kissing the waves , or else", "Adorn 'd with Indian rubies : but the main", "Whether he will disgorge or swallow her .", "But to return , if gods do not withstand .", "Our landing cost us dearly , many lives Between the ships and shore being sacrific 'd : Our men , with heavy armour clogg 'd , and ignorant Of all the flats and shallows , were compell 'd To wade and fight , like Tritons , half above , Half under water . Now we surer tread , Though much diminish 'd by so many lost . Come on , come on . CASSIBELANUS , CRIDOUS , BRITAEL , GUERTHED , the four Kings of Kent , NENNIUS , ANDROGEUS , TENANTIUS , EULINUS , HIRILDAS , BELINUS , ROLLANO . Ensigns , drum . A march .", "Doth north-west roll his burning brand , whose fire", "Bade him retire . He was my type . This day", "Are toss 'd and torn ; our navy on the shore", "Or pyramid revers 'd , improves his bigness", "With civil discord break each other 's planks .", "Unto our treasury . So let these decrees", "Sirname your isle the garden of the west .", "These only have undaunted minds from Troy .", "May poison all the rest . I long to stride", "When , powerful fortune , will thy anger cease ?", "May squeak , it thunders , and dive into burrows .", "Now , Volusene ,", "Then , sirs , to ship ! Compell 'd , I leave this land ,", "The moon 's round concave is too strait a cage", "Rash weapons , which lack counsel grave at home .", "Till death unkings you . \u2018 Twere , Androgeus , best", "Conspire to work us harm . Our ships , in Gaul", "And Latium trembled with contrary fates .", "With brighter blaze to thaw the frozen isles .", "The likeliest cause without regard proves vain .", "What God adore you ?", "Blush with vermillion . Nations crave our league", "that pigmies small", "Atrius , let our ships be drawn on shore ,", "Now the Tarpeian rock o'erlooks the world ,", "And let Tenantius wear the royal wreath .", "Some chalky rocks surmount the barking flood .", "And trail our dastard pikes ? Burst , Janus \u2019 prison !", "And further view the ports , fathom the seas ,", "Where peace is first refus 'd , should come the sword .", "And boundless fame beats on the starry pole .", "Blow gently , Africus :", "Their tongue and manners not unlike ?", "What 's night ?", "What , still fresh supplies come thronging from their dens !", "What privilege hath this place ? have we or they", "Sprout up like mushrooms at war 's thunderclap .", "Enter Q. ATRIUS .", "Invites destruction , and gives to our eye", "Whose names , till now unknown , we judged Gauls \u2014", "Having quick feet , broad eyes , short tongues , long ears ,", "Troubles thy rest , that thou shouldst trouble mine ?", "The ocean 's blue lake cannot stop , but flies", "This unknown land and all their fabulous rites :", "No , no ; those gods our capitol keeps with joy ;", "A lasting monument of our arrival .", "Are ye the men , who never fought in vain ?", "We 'll talk at leisure more .", "Those downy swans shall hear more funeral notes .", "You must forgive the towns which did revolt ,", "Beyond her limits ? Pardon , then , my fault .", "Answer 'd with like , since Troy \u2018 gainst Troy doth fight ?", "Thou shalt not need .", "Welcome , brave bloods ! Now may our weapons sleep ,", "To warn the British court .", "That we may fall at height ? why doth Camillus", "As well as length ; till , viewing countries large ,", "His verdant hue . Bones , marrow , human limbs", "Ay , ye are they . What then benumbs our spirits ?", "Our glorious state , like the noon-pointed sun ,", "The grain , engrain 'd in purple dye , shall lose", "To tell more mischief , and outbeard Apollo .", "What most compendious way to happiness ?", "Men that may speak with mildness mix 'd with courage ,", "Be straight proclaim 'd through Troynovant , whose tower", "To trace your steps : nor let me live , if I", "Arise , unhappy prince , our deeds shall show", "More worlds to conquer , which may be both seen", "Nor will submit .", "Thus gain we ground ; yet still our foes will fight ,", "Would tears extort even from pumicean eyes :", "Since Ariovist in cock-boat basely flies ;", "We must make out a way .", "And gather margarites", "An hundred valiant Hectors here we find .", "A treacherous beck . Dare but resist , your shore", "May bless your towns with peace , your fields with plenty ;", "Thy anger through th \u2019 affrighted world .", "They might have stuck their darts on our barr 'd gates ,", "To rouse the drowsy sun , before he rose ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Is this the guerdonof my loving care ? You break the laws of nature , nations , friends . But look for due revenge at Caesar 's hand .", "Environ you call for a good conclusion ?", "But buy a friend with kindness , lest you buy", "Do not the dangers which", "Which made your victory fly with slower wing .", "To make atonement , ere the Roman leader", "Prevent with ease the hazard of a war ,", "No herb can ever grow where once he treads :", "Their secret aid unto the neighbour Gauls ;", "O , let not rage so blind your judgment , but", "Thus much I know , great Caesar \u2014 that they lent", "Him like a guest , not like an enemy .", "Health and good fortune on Cassibelane \u2018 tend :", "Displays her shining cliffs unto your sight ."], "true_target": ["If you 'll cashier your soldiers , and receive", "Of war , a word compos 'd of thousand ills .", "Nothing withstands his force . Be not too hardy ,", "Which I wish , as friend to both sides .", "His anger dearly .", "It is the Britain shore , which ten leagues hence", "Rather conclude some friendly peace .", "Fostering their fugitives with friendly care :", "I 'll undertake as much .", "So shall dead el'ments curse your causeless fury :", "Without discredit to appease his wrath ,", "Bring fire and spoil , and ruin on your heads .", "My love to you and Britain waft me hither", "O , be not cruel to yourselves ! I 'll undertake"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Or chiding torrent , whose late-risen stream", "What need consulting where the cause is plain ?", "Will curbed be with terms of civil right .", "And put to flight this nation with the noise .", "Been captive led in chains .", "Waken Gradivus", "Of Haemus , lull 'd with Boreas \u2019 roaring base ,", "I call to witness all the gods , I here", "How may I trust your faith ?", "Nor may a pigmy with a giant strive .", "Be like the winged bolt of angry Jove ,", "Provide for battle , but of truce no word .", "From mountains \u2019 bended top runs raging down ,", "A Roman never daunted was with looks ,"], "true_target": ["Then raise the camp , and strike a dreadful march ,", "Deflow'ring all the virgin dales .", "But \u2018 tis unlike their self-presuming might", "Come , will ye forsake your ensign , and fall off ?", "Now Caesar speaks like Caesar : stronger and stronger ,", "Else had not Samartane and Lybian bugbears", "A fly is not an eagle 's combatant .", ", where he sleeps on top", "Lay down your neck .", "And unawares pour vengeance on their heads .", "Shake thy brass harness , whose loud clattering may", "Now die , or yield thyself !", "Rise like a whirlwind ; tear the mountain 's pride ;", "Perform my duty . Thou canst not escape ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["We hope to use a lance far better than a quill . \u201d", "Forgets to sleep , and glancing makes no night .", "swim , which crawl 'd before .", "You 'll repent anon .", "Return 'd defiance :\u2014", "By me great Caesar greets the Briton state :", "Many strong ships are built , five legions arm 'd", "Some sudden stratagem . And now the scales", "The fields even wonder at their harvest-loads :", "And stormy Pleiads may our passage stop .", "With blue-stain 'd skins and long black dangling hair ,", "We saw a paradise , whose bosom teems", "With silver ore , whose seas are paved with pearl ,", "Despise us not because the sea and north us close :", "Who take arms but to keep our lives , our wives , and laws .", "Poise equal day and night , when rougher seas", "Then , for the men , their stature 's tall and big .", "Fring 'd all along with trembling poplar trees .", "The islanders consult , and", "Your stoical apathy will relent , I know .", "To lose what Jove you gave , you 'd think it but unjust ;", "You have your answer then ; defend this isle we must :", "Pardon , for this small brook could not divide our hearts .", "Devoutly kneeling at a broad oak 's foot .", "I scorn to take advantage ; rise and fight .", "Seeing your empire 's great , why should it not suffice ?"], "true_target": ["And much less fear our empire 's might : but thus", "As you from Troy , so we our pedigree do claim :", "Proconsul of Gallia .", "To covet more and more is tyrants \u2019 usual guise .", "If amity and like fear succour to Gaul imparts ,", "We hope the gods will help , and fortune back our cause ,", "Promise a barbarous fierceness . They scarce know ,", "\u201c Cassibelane , King of Britain , to Julius Caesar ,", "Now he awaits your doom .", "Embark your legions at the Iccian shore ,", "In crystal streams the scaly nations play ,", "Meantime unite , and range your scatter 'd troops :", "Then die , as thou desirest .", "My care and quickness shall deserve this kindness .", "This letter speaks the rest .", "Thus rudely we conclude : wage war , or change your will ,", "The sun in summer , loth to leave their sight ,", "Who can no farther go , must turn upon their foes .", "The meadows richly spread with Flora 's tapestry ;", "Which from the world cut off , and free from her first day ,", "And teach Erynnis", "Hath iron more for swords than gold for tribute 's pay .", "Ready to launch .", "This priest I caught within a shady grove ,", "Why should the branches fight when as the root 's the same ?", "intend"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["But murder outcries both . Give me then leave", "Is not so easily thrust out as admitted .", "A body politic must on two legs stand :", "And tear the element with a dolorous note :", "His death and slaughter ? but our case and cause ,", "A private life , and see a regal crown", "This trump gives warning of the king 's approach . CASSIBELANUS , COMIUS , LANTONUS .", "Such medicine is worse than the malady :", "In a white sheet come sliding to your bed ,", "We strive to lose it . This is holy strife .", "Keep then your right ; like those admired twins ,", "But here I vow , if e'er that sacred lace", "To expiate your wrongs .", "I do confess , you may complain aloud ,", "With no more envy than I see the sun", "Shall gird my temples , Rome must keep her bounds ,", "Whose jaws with double sword , whose back is arm 'd", "For any desperate course , can but complain ,", "All thanks I render : your will shall guide ours ;", "Call down Astraea from her crystal chair ,", "For my sake stay at home ; why will you fly ?", "Else would the manes of your father slain", "Shelter a boar , which spoil 's the ploughman 's hope :", "At higher price than a whole kingdom 's pomp .", "Or fish for tribute in the dreadful deep .", "His innocent friend , and we defend the fact ,", "With bristled pikes ; whose fume inflames the air ,", "And be reveng 'd on you . He gave you life ;", "Brothers have often for a kingdom fought ;", "O , do not so , dear brother ! so to part"], "true_target": ["Fetters of gold are fetters . No gap worse", "Brother , is not the same . Eulinus slew", "If to yourself unkind , be kind to me ;", "Were to divide one individual soul .", "Ay , we have made a rod for our own backs :", "And foam besnows the trampled corn . This beast", "And tasted once the fatness of our land ,", "Let us rejoice , mourn , live , and die together .", "Or call up Nemesis from the direful deep ,", "May I transfuse my soul or quite expire .", "And by that kiss", "I long to see come smoking to a feast .", "How can you better spend it , than to wreak", "One soul inform three bodies , keeping still", "With hostile noise drowning law 's reverend voice ;", "The same affections both in good and ill .", "And I 'll count men but stocks , when they do so .", "With treble-twisted love we 'll strive to make", "Glitter above me . Let not Lud 's two sons", "Think you a stepdame soil gives sweeter sap ?", "Now am I for a hunting-match . Yon thickets", "Fretting the bowels of our kingdom .", "I 'll bear a part , so to diminish envy .", "A foreign aid who , having seen our weakness ,", "And lose a brother .", "To let destruction in by , than to call", "The king our uncle doth not use us well .", "Nor think me so ambitious . I can live", "Be parted by a sea . I hold your presence", "To be a neutral : my young years , unfit"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["And , wounded all before , kept in their face", "Thick lay the Latins , and the glutted stream", "Put them from anchor ; suffering double war :", "The king and army do expect as much :", "Using the benefit of our natural mound .", "When freedom , life and kingdom lie at stake ?", "Full fifteen thousand brings , both horse and foot ,", "Yes , if it please your highness .", "The edge of their first furious shock .", "We forfeit fame and smother victory", "A few on firm land may keep out a million", "With gaudy pennons flickering", "And with curl'dhYpppHeNpated Humber , Neptune 's heir ,", "Each nation , being distinguish 'd into troops ,", "in the air .", "Nor were it safe to venture all at once ;", "To rush half-naked on their foes , enrag 'd", "Five thousand horse and twenty thousand foot ,", "Their men pitch 'd battle , and ships naval fight .", "I read disturbed passions on thy brow .", "A warlike frown .", "March twice three thousand , armed with pelts", "The clifts themselves are bulwarks strong : the shelves", "Rounded with Nereus \u2019 girdle , may enjoy", "And malcontents and rebels have a refuge .", "As by last year discretion now may guess .", "For what serve sart and engines , mounds and trenches ,", "Where Grampius \u2019 ridge divides the smiling dales ,", "Besides these , Kent is up in arms to blunt", "By idle lingering : the foe discomfited", "But to correct the nature of a plain ?", "Be pleas 'd to bless their plots .", "Spend something or lose all . Shall he maintain", "but what we give , he wants .", "Whose succour he expects , are beaten back", "Hail to heaven 's privy councillors ! The king", "He prospers by our spoil : we feed a viper ,", "And here 's the man .", "Yes , noble Nennius , scatter 'd on the shore ,", "All brave Loegrians , arm 'd with pike and spear ;", "lost her breath ,", "Yet would our tributary kings had succour 'd !", "Renown 'd Cassibelane , might my counsel speak ?", "Deck 'd with blue-painted shields , twelve thousand strong ;", "What then shall hinder to destroy their name ?", "Whose grey-goose winged shafts ne'er flew in vain .", "Then Guerthed , mounted on a shag-hair steed ,", "So none again shall venture : but our isle ,", "And feasted with the fat of bulls and rams ,"], "true_target": ["That every stormy blast may rend their cables ,", "His chief munition spent or lost : provision", "To ruinate kingdoms as by homebred strife .", "Do piecemeal float upon the waves : the horse ,", "What news , Rollano , that thy feet so strive", "Spews up her dead , whom death hath taught to swim ,", "Desires your judgment of these troublesome times .", "When fierce Androgeus , with revolted nations ,", "By friendly winds : his camp contracted is :", "Your province , bounded with that boiling stream", "Though ignorant alive : their flowing blood", "And flats refuse great ships : the coast so open ,", "And surely will make head again .", "Affords eight thousand cars , with hooks and scythes ,", "No mediator is so fit as Comius :", "Eternal peace .", "Of desperate Ordovicians , whose use is", "First Cridous leads from the Albanian realm ,", "Your will commands , and mine obeys .", "And pond'rous arms ; when as , receiv 'd within ,", "Weaken 'd by sea , false footing , billows \u2019 rage ,", "With a rude noise of pipes .", "All places may be strengthen 'd more or less ,", "That powers divine , perfum 'd with odours sweet ,", "Sweetly repos 'd upon their mother 's breast ,", "When one fought field being lost , swift ruin runs ,", "Nay , rather first let us parley for peace .", "With naked sword , calls on the lagging soldiers ;", "I rather judge , we should oppose his footing ,", "A tithe of soldiers left , the rest all slain :", "For charges \u2018 tis no season to dispute :", "Yes , when Britons lead , and Mandubrace , insulting", "A fleet t \u2019 enthral us , we detract small costs .", "Here comes my Belgic friend , Landora 's servant .", "Under the conduct of Demetia 's prince", "And fifty thousand expert men of war ;", "Thus , while we single fight , we perish all .", "To have precedence of each other ? Speak !", "And rushing throws down all .", "Greedy of fight , born soldiers the first day ,", "Whom the Silures flank , eight thousand stout ,", "Must needs be much amaz 'd ; his ships dismember 'd ,", "Three thousand chariots mann 'd . The Brigants come ,", "We are decay 'd , they much in number grown ,", "Where Sabrine", "and glaves ;", "Here is the fatal blade .", "Ushers his army . No way half so quick", "Made a new red sea . But those few we lost ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Softens the brain , unlocks the silent tongue ;", "And nobles of the land a triumph hold .", "I made their strongest captain fly : this hand ,", "I am by birth a Belgic , whence I fled", "I gave the onset , then receiv 'd his charge ,", "No fury could for pity cut her thread .", "Where never man nor beast did wrong the soil ,", "As with their breath . But , foolish thoughts , adieu :", "Prepares for you : his navy , rigg 'd in bay ,", "Disturb the air . At each look lightning flies ;", "What shall I do ? how shall I \u2018 scape ?", "When hogsheads bleed , and oxen mangled lie .", "By a poison 'd draught .", "Rising from shore , conjecture might descry", "And much inflam 'd with noise of trump and drum :", "Then , with your leave , she us 'd , upon receipt ,", "A pinnace landed from him brings command", "These sad , strange , sudden , dreary , dismal news .", "That scarce I can with broken sounds vent forth", "Jove \u2018 gainst the giants needed but his eyes .", "Beyond cold Thule", "No , sir ? O wretch ! Shall I deceive , when she remains so true ?", "A goodly army . Troynovant doth smoke ,", "And seeing your name , straight clapp 'd it to her heart ,", "Umh !", "Nay , stay , and brag Rollano did thee kill :", "Having run Gaul quite through with bloody arms ,", "My trembling heart quivers upon my tongue ,", "It 's sweeter live , than dead to be a story .", "Umh !", "A thousand ships with painted prows to pave", "All , sir .", "Had she not kill 'd herself , no cruel Atropos ,", "Did Troy dis-Troy . So Troynovant shall feel", "Ay , sir .", "Umh !", "Umh !", "Fat bullocks ! then the parks and forests send", "Only expects a gale . Farther , they say", "Her mother 's fate ; Achilles comes again ,", "Full thirty thousand wild beasts , arm 'd with horns", "I soon return 'd , and thought to hide my head", "Sans number : and some fish for succours serve \u2014", "So fairly pure , so kindly chaste , so \u2014\u2014", "O , what a world of victuals is prepar 'd", "In this soft halcyon 's nest , this Britain isle .", "Some peaceful god transport me through the air ,", "To print there a new copy ; as she 'd say ,", "And dangerous teeth : the main battalion", "Who spoil the rich for gain , and kill the poor", "Either to lose your freedom or your land .", "To plough the liquid glass ; no frame of Pallas ,", "As nations twenty-nine \u2018 gainst Troy built up", "No crafty Sinon ; but those wooden horse", "Where only swine or goats do live and reign .", "Umh !", "to all the world !", "No more shall barley-broth pollute my throat ,", "Did Nereus canopy , Titan 's taper veil ."], "true_target": ["Since I must fight , I am prepar 'd to fight !", "Command me anything .", "So will it", "Which wear no swords , nor shake a fatal pike ,", "Your servant to command , and then reward .", "My mistress is .", "Come , heavenly potion \u2014 wine , whose gentle warmth", "And Pergamus again shall sink in dust ;", "When Juno scolding and Mars malcontent", "She was the loadstone of all eyes , the whetstone", "And now , behold , Mars is a-nursing here ,", "The words went by her eyes too long a way .", "The ground danc 'd , and his nostrils blew the dust :", "So came he stalking with a beam-like spear :", "For sacrifice and feasting ! Forty thousand", "Ay , sir .", "Yet these may fight . Place me where quiet peace", "Hushes all storms ; where sleep and silence dwell ,", "But when their bridge bridled the stately Rhine ,", "And smells all like a kitchen . The king , princes ,", "Wit 's midwife , and our spirit 's vestal priest ,", "Consists of sheep , an hundred thousand fat :", "so he flies .", "Or crop the first-fruits , or made so much noise", "His brows were like a stormy winter night ,", "To Germany for fear of Roman arms :", "Now catch I must , or stand or fall with you .", "I like such slaughtering well of birds and beasts ,", "The briny fields of Neptune ; their broad sails", "I had rather be kill 'd quickly , quickly .", "Keeping alive the natural heat . A health ,", "But nectar \u2014 nectar of the grape 's sweet blood .", "Umh !", "Ten Caesars . Where are all these covetous rogues ,", "Or in a long trance ?", "And next blow cleft his morion :", "A health", "O my dear lady , hast thou slain thyself ?", "Arm 'd as the god of battle pictur 'd is .", "And \u2018 gins to speak aloud .", "Stay , let me flesh my sword , and wear thy spoils .", "CASSIBELANUS , BELINUS , & c .", "Methinks I am turn 'd lion , and durst meet", "Is no nook safe from Rome ? Do they still haunt me ?", "He was a match for Cyclops ; at each step", "This martial hand , I say , did make him fly .", "Music and songs , good cheer and wine ; and wine", "or the sun 's bedchamber ,", "O , let me wink first .", "For glory ? bloodsuckers and public robbers .", "And songs , and music and good cheer . Hei , brave !", "A merchant 's ship arriv 'd tells how the Roman ,", "A floating Delos of a thousand ships ,", "I yield , I yield ! O , save my life , I yield ! I am no Briton , but by chance come hither . I 'll never more lift weapon in their quarrel .", "They threaten .", "The wings are both supplied with birds and fowls", "No words , but silent joy purpl 'd her face ;", "\u2018 Tis he , \u2018 tis he . I care not for vain glory ;", "Of all brains , the touchstone of all hearts ! she was \u2014\u2014", "go round ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["The very word poison infects my breath .", "Pray leave this cynic humour , whilst I sigh", "Let sound ne'er give those notions airy robes .", "No kingly menace or censorious frown", "Types of as many virtues : then her daughter ,", "And weep in pearly dew ! blind Vesper mourn ;", "The mermaids skip on high , but to compare", "Then just Astrea kembs her golden hair :", "Whose garments shine with thirteen precious stones ,", "When hope doth fail , then knife or rope begin .", "And loving die , than living cease to love :", "Her lily white with blood of lovers slain ,", "That snowy white , I with dark sanguine stain 'd ;", "Her modest smiles both curb and kindle love .", "The jewel for which thou didst venture all ,", "Hang thy cold tears on ev'ry grassy blade !", "And painters \u2019 pencils : all the lively nymphs ,", "The feminine sex . There moves Cassiope ,", "Now \u2018 gin I rear my crest above the moon .", "And in those gilded books read lectures of", "With former chance comparing present deeds .", "Good Tethys , quench his beams , that he ne'er rise", "By which the orbs and elements agree ,", "So Venus joy 'd the golden ball to hold ;", "So Hercules joy 'd , the golden fruit being gain 'd ;", "\u2018 Twixt wrath and fear . But time may favour win ;", "Do I regard . Tanti", "A rhapsody of goddesses ; the elixir", "Though sweet Urania with her ten-string 'd lyre ,", "Bless 'd be these means , and happy the success !", "Whose ruddy flesh triangular boil 'd in flame ,", "And", "Their groans make music , and their scalding sighs", "So Midas joy 'd when he turn 'd all to gold .", "Odious before , now worse than hell-born goblin ,", "Of all their several perfections . She is", "Is lost , is lost ! And can I live to speak it ?", "Than they the earth .", "A paltry fancy last night in her bed", "He mounted not more proud whose burning throne", "Lead , poppy , slumber , stupefy my heart ;", "The Tritons blew their horns , and sea-gods dance .", "So that I still possess my dearest dear .", "By a small wind . Cursed be thou , my sword ,", "Of Tityus , Sisyphus \u2019 never-mossy stone ,", "When sympathy rules , all like what they obey .", "The idle streets , while weapons by their side", "Dragons , and mandrakes be thy gally-pots !", "Unto whose stroke the daily-rolling spheres", "All steel and adamant . \u2018 Tis beauty 's pride to stain", "Eclipse themselves for shame to see her eyes ,", "Let foggy mists envelope sun and stars ;", "Most impious thoughts ! O , let me rather perish ,", "As well as they . O , how my joys do swell !", "That breast I so could hug , that faithful breast ,", "Fall headlong , and lie buried in the deep ,", "Her body is a crystal cage , whose pure", "Fathom the land and seas , and reach both poles .", "Of Briton spirit doth enlive thy corpse .", "Though Boreas gallop on the tottering seas ,", "It grieves me see our martial spirits trace", "Cupid may break his bow , his arrows burn ,", "They strike me senseless .", "How died she ?", "O love ! whose nerves unite in equal bonds", "O no , Hirildas : bears can harmless play ,", "Did seem to say , Is this a friendly deed ?", "The gods repine , and nature would grow poor .", "A kinsman \u2014 more , a friend I dearly lov 'd :", "Ah me ! there 's none which truly loves , but I .", "More whets my passion : mutual love grows cold .", "Adieu .", "Syrens , and Dryads are but kitchen-maids ,", "To scorch the Moors , to suck up honey-dews ,", "A pewter-coat fits me as well as silk .", "My mistress \u2019 praise . Her beauty 's past compare :", "I can join Cupid 's bow and Mars his lance .", "And laugh at lovers \u2019 perjuries and guiles .", "The court is dark without her : when she rises ,", "For she is gone who made perpetual day .", "Shall ensigns be display 'd , and nations rage", "I know thou kill'st with speaking . Be then dumb :", "Thy rolling engines , and unbrace the seas ;", "Or to betray my person .", "Venus , be thou propitious to my wiles ,", "Raise a perfume , and vulture-like she gnaws", "I am a courtier and no warrior born ,", "Turmoil 'd my thoughts , which since I shap 'd in rhymes .", "There , there his soul goes : I must follow him .", "First may I stop black Cerberus \u2019 triple jaws .", "If you compare . To frame the like Pandore ,", "But the compunction of my guilt doth send", "Nay more , no cause provoking , but in rash", "Of pure beatitude wraps me round about ,", "Kindled the cedar-tops , and quaff 'd whole fountains ,", "This massy frame ! thou cement of the world !", "For here you find great Juno 's stately front ,", "And hopes are actuated beyond hope .", "for all your power !", "On , then ; so great a foe , so good a cause ,", "So shadows give a picture life : so flames", "These were but shadows of my bliss . A robe", "If law should not , I 'll make that law myself .", "Outshine their chrysolites , and more bless the skies", "Before , behind , about his ship they prance :", "And men to gods , are chang 'd , as poets say ;", "Suggest some tragedy . Speak \u2014 yet stay awhile ;", "No matter , I in you or you in me ,", "But Bedlam grief acts gambols in my brain .", "Surpasses melody , nectar , and all pleasures", "Dangle and lash their backs , as \u2018 twere to upbraid", "With treacherous intent ? How could thy venom", "So , and much more , rejoic 'd the Phrygian swain ,", "Of Ceres \u2019 daughter , and Medusa 's hair ,", "Or rather vicious quality ? may toads ,", "\u2018 Twas foully play 'd .", "O strange ! what , ignorant still ! when as so plainly", "Fling all into their first disorder 'd lump ;", "From thee and for thee \u2018 tis I breathe . Yet how", "Lions can dally , and sheathe up their claws ;", "O valiant coward , stay ! There 's not a spark", "Why do ye stare , ye grisly powers of night ?", "Of Tempe , and of Tempe 's eldest sister ,", "And hellish choler .", "Unto the roof and ceiling of the court :", "Before it hiss 'd .", "Whose silver sound did Theban towers raise :", "We 'll raise thee", "How eloquent is fear !", "by mortals call 'd Landora .", "False echo , do n't blaspheme that glorious sex ,"], "true_target": ["Or my desires : let day 's bright waggoner", "But prythee , tell what mistress you adore ?", "Let Caesar come : our land doth rust with ease ,", "Their dangling tresses with her silken hair \u2014", "By thy commanding power gods into beasts ,", "So Jason joy 'd , the golden fleece obtain 'd ;", "Is she dead ?", "Aurora 's rosy fingers , the small waist", "In full affection ; double vows then fill", "We must give way : here come our reverend bards", "And from the wound 's red lips his panting heart", "Let wind and hoary frost kill every flow'r ;", "Groan loud , ye woods , and tear your leafy hair !", "Women , all-good , all-perfect and all-gracious ,", "Borrow can I his shape , or use mine own ?", "Whose beauteous rays can strike rash gazers blind .", "O , bravely done ! here comes a straggling soldier .", "Were not her lips sufficient antidote ?", "The morning is her handmaid , strewing roses .", "Thus .", "The tale of Danaids \u2019 tub and Tantalus \u2019 gaping ,", "Though Orpheus \u2019 harp , Arion 's lute , the chimes", "Then quench his taper in a flood of tears .", "Durst thou presume to pass that coral porch ?", "We 'll draw thee , meteor-like , by our warm favour ,", "And dying live in their posterity .", "I 'll give a quittance .", "Those fabulous stones more enter , than my soul .", "White lilies droop , and blasted daisies wink ,", "Their needless use . Nor is it glory small", "And all my projects on her cruel heart", "Grow brighter by a fanning blast . Nor think", "I 'll visit her . Art may prolong her days ,", "Shall make our name more famous . So thinks Eulinus .", "Compacted , but th \u2019 extracted quintessence", "About love 's hemisphere . The lamps above", "Kick up our trembling dust , and must a Caesar", "But I in you enjoy Landora 's love .", "Who dares conceive against the female sex", "Durst thou descend through those close-winding stairs", "on fortune 's ladder .", "Thy holy raptures warm each noble breast ,", "With brand and chains to scare this dove , all quaking", "Fly then , ye winged hours , as swift as thought", "Die , die ! thou hast outliv 'd thyself . Thou only ,", "Wither , ye pleasant gardens , where she trod !", "This body was a casket for the graces ,", "But one base thought ? Lo , here I stand their champion ,", "The monstrous fish , glides with a starry crown :", "Her model is beyond all poets \u2019 brains", "Elysium : a banquet of all the senses !", "She may revive .", "O , could no tongue affirm it ! Is she dead ?", "The instrument of fury ! cursed hand ,", "When eager longers meet full-butt their scope ,", "A shudd'ring chilness through my veins inflam 'd .", "His sacred shrine . Yet this to me denied", "Confounded nature , stand amaz 'd ; dissolve", ",", "Phoenix of females , still dost bind and bound", "Rollano ! what , at stand ? pursue the chase .", "But I 'll ne'er call you councillor or friend .", "Like an AEtnean or Vesuvian salamander !", "Transparent mould , not of gross elements", "Which Nature wears on festival high days .", "But love triumphs when man and woman meet", "Begot between a bitch-wolf and an incubus .", "For thy chief paragon , thy rich masterpiece ,", "Are but flea-bitings to my smart . I 've slain", "I 'm rich , free , learned , honour 'd \u2014 all in this .", "Of sweetest forms distill 'd ; whose graces bright", "Do live immur 'd , but not exempt from sight .", "Pallas \u2019 grey eye , Venus her dimpled chin ,", "They set upon us last , when their proud arms", "What were his looks ?", "No cask for poison . With her dies all love .", "And tilting split his froth out , spurging waves", "As a tall rock maintains majestic state ,", "The Court is heaven , fair ladies are the stars .", "Wish more unto me than I have \u2014 Landora .", "And will maintain he is a beast , a devil ,", "Yet speak ! despatch me ; fear 's as bad as death .", "Which air did ever kiss . His brazen keel ,", "About so vile a wretch ? shall foreign hoofs", "Dance their just measures , should with tune and tone", "By which all living creatures joy to be ,", "Like henbane juice or aconite diffus 'd ,", "And when I faint , let her but hear my cry .", "Are but retorted to their author 's smart .", "These attributes describe her ? Why , she is", "Without a speck or blemish ; nor can invention", "A mind content , O , \u2018 tis a mind of pearl :", "Redeem my folly with a kingdom 's fall ?", "And ladies are the tissue-spangled suits ,", "The Court a spring : each madam is a rose .", "Sweetly inspiring more soul . Thy delight", "A mint of golden thoughts , a heaven on earth !", "O , would she were more kind , or not so fair !", "Let me adore your name !", "My kinsman and Hirildas , to my end ;", "The Centaur 's wheel , Prometheus \u2019 hawk , the vulture", "Alcides night outsleep :", "O , why dost thou complain ?", "Me from their sentence ? say , law bids me die ;", "May strike out valorous flashes from her veins .", "Why does Androgeus , kindly-cruel , keep", "No stratagems , can work Landora 's battery .", "Your words are earwigs to my vexed brain ;", "Whether she will or no .", "Proud of her burden , slic 'd the capering brine :", "Upon his surly breast ; so she resists ,", "O , my presaging thoughts in ugly form", "A world of injuries ; when see , all is split", "My runagate spirit in these walls of mud ;", "Which mad'st the thrust ! but most accursed part ,", "Men-making creatures , angels clad in flesh ;", "Nor love object ; for well my poet says :", "Militat omnis amans , each lover is a soldier :", "For she is gone who made continual May", "The court a wardrobe is of living shapes :", "I only , worst of brutes , kill friends in jest .", "I thought my love had cannon-proof been \u2018 gainst", "lose his virtue ,", "To sing in synod , as their custom is", "Some silly scout !", "And my Landora can become the skies", "Their bleeding hearts . No gifts , no learned flattery ,", "Tickle my air-bred ear ; yet can their notes", "And wants an object , whose resisting power", "Seize on her , and not", "Whose beauty without Perseus would have tam 'd", "When he convey 'd the fairest"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Whose passionate cry made me , though ignorant , weep .", "But hence learn courage , coz . Why stand you dumb ?", "But I ne'er mean to come .", "and amber fumes did fly", "My kinsman Mandubrace and I must try", "Coz , I commend you to the Cyprian queen ,", "An excellent instrument , to be the bawd", "Why , Landora loves not you , but me in you .", "With promise feign 'd I 'll \u2018 point a Cupid 's stage ,", "Pity such beauty such a monster hide !", "Than cable ropes . An altar we descry ,", "This is the point . You 'll promise all your aid ?", "Could open and divorce . A veil most fair", "Give me her name .", "Love should be blind .", "Then leads me with an amorous smile along :", "Do your worst , vain braggart .O , I 'm slain .", "Where incense-frank", "And let me speak", "Such sovereign balm would cure old Peleus dead .", "Ask what thou wilt , this is the ark of store .", "Thy fortunes shall be double-gilt . Be midnight .", "With rich enamell 'd locks , all which one key ,", "And that this night \u2014\u2014", ",", "Stomachs with kindness cloy 'd disdain must stir .", "The title , nature 's storehouse . Most strange here", "Well , so : your tongue 's your own , though drunk or angry .", "In little rolling curls : a reverend priest ,", "Than joy had dried those tears ; for , lo , I view", "O ye cross darts of Cupid ! this very lady ,", "What ! Landora , the Trinobantic lady ? How grow your hopes ? what metal is her breast ?", "But waking I reviv 'd , and found in bed", ",", "Slumb'ring at last , for love can hardly sleep ,", "You lie , \u2018 twas fairly hit .", "With flow'ry chaplet and red velvet gown ,", "This lady-wasp wooes me , as thou dost her ,", "Speak not a word , upon your life : be dumb .", "hot breath no sooner licks up dew", "He 's easily led whom beauty draws , more strong", "Whose bright gold \u2018 bout her silver neck did play ,", "There kneeling did his eyes in sorrow steep .", "Trembling , yet silent , doubtful what to crave ;", "A circular room , all built with marble clear ,", "Only some jar of late about a favour", "Which from her breast was fasten 'd along down", "And glorious dame doth vanish , and a dart ,", "To his dear lady ! But , Rollano , hark ;", "Lo ! with a stink and fearful screech this brave", "Nay , now thy silence is antedated : speak .", "No vows are here repuls 'd , she said . But I ,", "Our plots desire the night , not babbling day ."], "true_target": ["Flies you pursuing , we 'll catch her by a trick .", "Whilst I attend Diana in the forest :", "Why , then , let scorn succeed thy love : and bravely", "Seeing this crocodile pursues me flying ,", "I 'll lie , and yet I will not lie . My friend", "To waft you to your happy landing-place .", "With glances , jewels , bracelets of her hair ,", "Prythee let 's hear : I know thou art turn 'd poet .", "From this arch Cupid shot his darts of love .", "But in the night and secret , and disguis 'd ,", "Of silence , and that only you be used ?", "Our greyhounds \u2019 speed after a lightfoot hare .", "But O , the rich delight and glorious fire", "Nor any passage saw to get from thence .", "The Dream .", "You guard the door \u2014\u2014", "Which dazzled me ! no heart can more desire .", "It seem 'd : I know not how we came nor whence ,", "Straightways I dream 'd , for love doth revels keep ,", "O love , as deaf as thou art blind ! Good Eulinus ,", "Conquer thyself , if thou wilt conquer her :", "A damsel fair , and fashion 'd for delight", "No . Thou shalt be true , and she remain deceiv 'd .", "Eulinus , in my shape , shall climb her bed ,", "By love , who is't ? hath she no mortal name ?", "With snowy beard waving upon his breast ,", "But she enjoys not your love , \u2018 cause unknown .", "Ha , ha ! your tedious dream hath made me drowsy . But hark , we must attend the funeral pomp . SCENE VII . The funeral passes over the stage . NENNIUS 'S \u2018 scutcheon , armour , Caesar 's sword borne . Torches , mourners .", "I prythee , speak her", "I 'll winch up thy estate . Be Harpocrates .", "By one \u2014 for worse Saturnius left the sky .", "The kind Cordelia , loving and belov 'd :", "With gentle strain she took me by the hand", "All which my heart misconstrues as immodest ,", "Ay , falling stars .", "Women are women , and may be o'ercome .", "Phlegon 's", "By chance a scorpion 's tail behind her spied :", "Lascivious banquets and most eloquent eyes :", "You told her my conditions , and my oath", "Stay , stay . For now I mean with gentler breath", "In Venus \u2019 games all cosening goes for art .", "Here first my guide op 'd her spice-breathing door :", "With false light did her beauteous front improve ;", "Made me inveigh \u2018 gainst women . Come away ,", "Night having drawn the curtain , down I lie", "Call home thy soul , and tell thy mistress \u2019 name .", "It being pointed for another pole .", "Which still I quake at , struck me to the heart .", "Where thou , which art myself , shalt act my part .", "I give thee leave , I say . Speak , be not foolish .", "Surpris 'd with extreme joy and ecstasy ,", "What words , what looks did give my letter welcome ?"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["The praises of the flow'ry spring .", "He 's no bard , & c .", "He 's no bard that cannot sing The praises of the flow'ry spring . 2d Song . Thus spend we time in laughter , While peace and spring do smile ; But I hear a sound of slaughter Draw nearer to our isle . Leave then your wonted prattle , The oaten reed forbear ; For I hear a sound of battle , And trumpets tear the air . Let bagpipes die for want of wind , Let crowdand harp be dumb : Let little tabor come behind : For I hear the dreadful drum .Let no birds sing , no lambkins dance , No fountains murmuring go : Let shepherd 's crook be made a lance . For the martial horns do blow . FOOTNOTES :Bring you back . Reduco , Lat .\u2014 Steevens .Dux Nennius . The leaders of armies are on this account styled Dukes by many of our ancient English translators ; as Duke AEneas , Duke Hannibal , & c .\u2014 Steevens .The same turn of thought occurs in Mr Gray 's celebrated ode called \u201c The Bard \u201d \u2014 \u201c Think'st thou yon sanguine cloud , Raised by thy breath , has quench 'd the orb of day ? \u201d \u2014 Steevens .Imitated from the first speech of Gloster in \u201c King Richard III . \u201d\u201c In bis fuit Ariovistus , qui naviculam deligatam ad ripam nactus ea profugit . \u201d \u2014 Caesar \u201c De Bello Gallico , \u201d lib . i. s. 53 .See Caesar \u201c De Bello Gallico , \u201d lib , iv ., s. 17 , for an account of this bridge over the Rhine .Alexander the Great . Pella was a city of Macedon , where he was born .A term in archery .Erynnis is the common name of the sister Furies , but is frequently used by the poets for mischief in general .\u2014 Steevens .The ancient name of London .There is no place oftener mentioned by the ancients than Thule , nor any one about the situation of which there has been a greater variety of opinions . Sir Robert Sibbald , in the additions to Camden , has given a discourse concerning the Thule of the ancients , in which the sentiments of different writers on this subject are considered , and many of them refuted . Camden supposes Shetland to be the place so often distinguished by the name of Thule ; and Bishop Gibson appears to agree with him in the conjecture . See Camden 's \u201c Britannia . \u201d vol . ii . p. 411 , edit . 1772 .So in Shakespeare 's \u201c King Henry VIII . \u201d \u2014 \u201c These are stars indeed , And sometimes falling ones . \u201d \u2014 Steevens .", "He 's no bard , & c .", "He 's no bard , & c ."], "true_target": ["He 's no bard , & c .", "The gods bless Britain and Cassibelane .", "He 's no bard that cannot sing", "A spy ! a spy ! a traitor and a spy !", "To arms , to arms , to arms ! we 'll fight and die ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Their children cling about their armed thighs .", "Is fasten 'd only with fear 's slippery knot .", "As we for native liberty . With answer rough", "He writes more like a victor than a foe ;", "That soldiers may regreet their household gods ;"], "true_target": ["Whose greatness , risen from subdued nations ,", "In hell fast fetter 'd , sound we now retreat ,", "War being silenced , and envy 's rage", "Bid him defiance . So thinks Cridous .", "Nor can they fight so fierce for wealth or fame ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["I 'll write my answer in red characters .", "Great monarch , if thy summons call us back ,"], "true_target": ["We tender here our service , men and arms ,", "As duty bids and binds .", "Guerthed maintains the same , and on their flesh"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["and in that corner plant", "Pile up long pikes ,", "Not he , who ne'er on snaky perils trod ,", "There hang a gauntlet bright , here a stabb 'd buckler ,", "But happy he , who hath them stoutly pass 'd :", "Seven-headed Hydra , know , we scorn thy threats :"], "true_target": ["A weighty sword , brandish 'd by some centurion :", "For danger 's sauce gives joy a better taste .", "And place their trophies \u2018 bout their smoky halls ;", "Thou ravenous wolf , imperious monster , Rome ,", "And scourge usurpers with like cruelty .", "And thus thinks Britael .", "We can oppose thy hills with mounts as high ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["But her wings clipp 'd soon grow out ;", "Shall chant your gracious pity .", "Are join 'd in true love 's endless figure .", "Green bays their brows entwining ,", "Conjure up Neptune and th \u2019 AEolian slaves ;", "Belief doth beg relief .", "In outward signs of true obedience ,", "Or chaste Diana with a gilded quiver :", "The rest we 'll search out , if our skill do n't fail .", "By the vervain and lunary ,", "Thus all our wars were acted first on high ,", "That souls immortal are , I easily grant ;", "Drive back these proud usurpers from this isle .", "The human soul , and rank it with mere brutes ,", "As prayer , kneeling , sacrifice , and hymns ,", "According to the merits of this life .", "Chiefly night 's empress fourfold honour craves ,", "Behold our present grief ,", "Mighty in heaven and hell , in woods and waves .", "We dare unfold it .", "Both going around say \u2014", "Lies yet thus open . That disastrous fate", "Wait twenty thousand Naiades : thy crescent", "They give us blessings , and forgive our blames .", "Sometimes two hosts with fiery lances met ,", "In places fit for immaterial spirits ;", "And ye who keep the centre ,", "Both matchless captains on one throne behold .", "And blaze in lasting story", "The lion and the eagle do design", "Shed light on us , but lightning on our foe !", "Each month , each day , each hour ;", "And we taught what to look for .", "Contract both night and winter in a storm ,", "Green drops of Nereus trickling down thy cheeks ,", "Weary at last , conclude : the semicircles ,", "Doth thee delight \u2014 rise with a glorious face ,", "So may'st thou shun the dragon 's head and tail !", "By the dreadful misletoe ,", "By fern-seed planetary ,", "The gods foretold these mischiefs long ago .", "And ye whose habitations", "O thou first guide of Brutus to this isle ,", "Requires again help from immortal deities ,", "Ascends , as much descends again in pity ;", "Toss high the seas , with billows beat the banks ,", "And bodily contagion , they subsist", "First letters of the leaders \u2019 names", "Now time , best oracle of oracles ,", "In Eldell 's reign the earth and sky were fill 'd", "With honeysuckles crown 'd ;", "The boys and girls around ,", "High altars lost in vapour ,", "To see and hear our doings ,", "That Romans lose their way , and sooner land", "Whilst staring comets", "A golden chain reaching from heaven to earth .", "Are not transfus 'd from men to beasts , from beasts", "Which both the king and state shall see , before", "That ceremonious fear , which bends the heart", "Whose life , of reason void , ends with their sense ."], "true_target": ["Their future state distinguish 'd \u2014 joy or pain ,", "Shall make your music dying .", "Sweet tune and sweeter ditty ,", "So you debase the gods \u2019 most lively image .", "And then a sable hearse-cloth wraps up all ;", "So may Endymion snort on Latmian bed !", "Whether the name of Cynthia 's silver globe :", "Brute elephants adore , and man doth feel", "Where never light did enter ;", "With streamers red now march these airy warriors ,", "With prodigies , strange sights , and hellish shapes :", "Of generable moisture ; at whose feet ,", "Of mortal creatures , and displays itself", "Thy force run through the zodiac of his limbs .", "In a perfect circle bound .", "Your honour and your glory .", "With garments blue and rushy garlands dress 'd ,", "Father of truth , the true sense doth suggest", "We 'll praise then your great pow'r ,", "Young heifers free from labour ,", "All rites and orisons due shall be perform 'd :", "A lamp dispelling irksome night , the source", "Both come of Trojan race , both nobly bold ,", "Must be the prologue to a joyful close .", "High doth the queen of birds soar :", "Loud doth the king of beasts roar ,", "SCENE VII .", "And bloody drops speckled the grass , as falling", "The meaning , wrapp 'd up in cross doubtful terms ,", "Dread sovereign , thus runs the oracle \u2014", "To men again \u2014 wheel 'd round about by change .", "And with bright horns , united in full orb ,", "Behold , an oracle flies out from her shrine ;", "Draw near , ye heavenly powers ,", "Or dread Proserpina , stern Dis his spouse :", "On mossy pillows sleep ;", "Armour and horse being heard amid the clouds :", "Or soft Lucina , call 'd in childbed throes ,", "From their deep-wounded limbs :", "shook their flaming hair .", "Lady of lakes , regent of woods and deer ,", "But then , I rather think , being free from prison", "So may the fair game fall before thy bow :", "Our births , our wars , our wooings :", "Of Dian 's answer .", "Who dwell in starry bowers ;", "At sad Avernus , than at Albion 's strand .", "As promise , not as debt . We laud their names :", "Which doth on holy oak grow ,", "BRENNUS 'S GHOST , NENNIUS in night-robes .", "Draw near , draw near , draw near !", "Are still among the nations ;", "Till C. \u2018 gainst C. strike a round ,", "The bards with harp and rhyming ,", "Thou queen of heaven , commandress of the deep ,", "Were painted with those animals ; both fierce ,", "Both repent they are so stout .", "White lambs for suck still crying ,", "The Briton and the Roman states , whose arms", "And ye , who in the deep", "Thus gods and men do barter : what in piety"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["With all religious care .", "Let fire , and air , and water ,", "Are next indeniz 'd", "Help us , oppress 'd with sorrow ,", "Poor naked souls stripp 'd of warm flesh", "And with a nod she ratifies our suit .", "Of souls deceas 'd are shipp 'd", "What may be known or done , we 'll search , and help", "they do n't wear to be cast aside ,", "\u2018 Mong cedars tall , th \u2019 Arabian phoenix \u2019 nest ;", "Draw , slaves unwilling ; I dare meet my death ,", "Orion , Perseus , Hercules , may consult", "Run counter to old Nile , till thou discover", "A foil to glorify the day .", "Britain 's chief patroness : with humble cry", "and thrust together .", "Him whom all should serve .", "Methinks a gracious lustre spreads her brow ,", "Let fire consume the foeman ,", "According to desert of former deeds :", "His sacred head wrapt up in cloudy mountains ;", "The body hath in weight , the soul in length .", "Help us , beset with danger ,", "Repays in fine", "Which ties great Afric \u2014 shun the senate-house .", "And were it not more cruel to turn out", "Late in a grove , by night , a voice was heard", "Each vice and virtue wearing seemly shapes .", "Out of his channel ; dig that isthmus down ,", "And now your mercy double :", "Without more cost serve the succeeding age :", "March round about the Caspian sea ; search out ,", "A Brutus strong", "The valiant into lions ; coward minds", "Nature turns stepdame to her brood , and dams", "And turn away your anger ;", "Let gaping earth them bury :", "Be Saturn , and so thou shalt not be Tarquin ."], "true_target": ["If I do ill ; but not for suffering ill .", "In dismal league with Mars , portends some change .", "When danger 's black face frowns upon our state .", "Some die , and some are born , so may their ghosts", "And , rather than work fail , turn Hellespont", "And earth , conspire their slaughter .", "Deny their monstrous issue . Saturn , join 'd", "Throw Palatine on AEsquiline , on both", "Night 's sun .", "To die in a good cause .", "Chair of estate , where thy advanced head ,", "Help us , begirt with trouble ,", "Away , away , ye hearts and tongues profane !", "Let air infect the Roman :", "The brutish wrong", "Many by land and sea , as steps to glory .", "And lead my leader .", "Let us invoke the moon 's bright majesty .", "To Brutus \u2019 line .", "Fix , holy brother , now your prayers on one ,", "Soaring aloft ; but the perverse and peevish", "To cry aloud , Take heed : more Trojans come !", "Some unknown cave or coast , whither all the myriads", "Nay , reason rather says , as at one moment", "Among those heroes pictur 'd in the stars ,", "An hermaphrodite of soul and body .", "Bidding them wander ? then forsooth imagine", "Let seas entomb their fury ,", ",", "And fight for us to-morrow .", "And now 's the time , good brother , of their aid ,", "into wrinkled apes ,", "Without devotion mysteries are vain .", "Heap Aventine , to raise one pyramid for a", "For", "Into weak hares ; th \u2019 ambitious into eagles", "But enter straight less or more noble bodies ,", "With Jove himself : but shun the senate-house ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Let honour have the incense of thy breath .", "Dear Nennius , now 's the time to steel thy courage ;", "Follow me .", "But we may justly brag of two for one .", "\u2018 Tis ancient Brennus calls , whose victories", "Rome 's avarice and pride so come life or death ,", "Boast of her thraldom , and outbrave our walls .", "How bravely was he back repuls 'd again !", "Play thou a second Brennus : let thy lance ,", "First let thy eyeballs pour out poison 'd beams ,", "No , proud dictator , both do weary stand", "But made her swell , and bankruptwith their blood .", "And kill them with disdain , who dare but lift"], "true_target": ["But if they shall oppress , know , generous spirits", "How did he lose his sword , and fly apace !", "Europe and Asia felt , and still record .", "Among the worthies who spread wide her fame ?", "I wonder that such impudent owls should gaze", "Like an Herculean club , two monsters tame ,", "Against the splendour of our Briton cliffs :", "Ay , when our princes did conduct his host .", "Follow me , Nennius .", "Canst thou behold thy mother captive , then", "On equal terms : both wish a peaceful league .", "Will break this compact , like a spider 's web .", "Their hand against her . No : no consul must", "Look back upon thy ancestors , enroll 'd"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Confess , our valorous race hath now repaid", "And bid thee take a full revenge on this \u2014", "To fix their tents beside Euxinus \u2019 gulf .", "Trampling upon the ruins of our state ;", "Back 'd with great troops of warlike islanders .", "Gauls were indeed the bulk ; but Brennus led", "those armies ,", "How did again his army fill your coast !", "How did he wheel his sword in Nennius \u2019 face !", "Quenching the coals with blood , and kick 'd our ashes ,", "How bravely Caesar pass 'd the angry main !", "Mirror of captains , Julius , still hath won ."], "true_target": ["This nation , which did sack and burn down Rome ,", "How did they pierce through Isis \u2019 dangerous flood !", "In feats of war , be forc 'd to bear our yoke .", "Only to bid thee fight .", "Then led the Gauls in triumph thorough Greece ,", "Marius and Sylla , that this nation , fierce", "and our city 's flame :", "With all the courage of three Scipios ,", "To thee belongs to render bad for ill .", "Julius , stay here ; thy friend Camillus speaks .", "See how they yield , and yearly tribute pay .", "O , be my spirit doubled in thy breast ,", "The Allian massacre"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["whose power kingdoms feel \u2014", "But joyful shouts , mirth , olive-budding peace ,", "Fear , red-fac 'd anger , and confusion 's wheel ,", "Murder and desolation run before :", "But thou , heav'n ' s diamond , fair Phoebus \u2019 sister ,", "And laurel-crowned triumph at her back", "And with a tempest turn 'd them round in scorn .", "The earth , where furious monarchs play the priests :", "Do pace with stately steps . Thy temple is"], "true_target": ["The waters wrinkled frown or smoothly smile .", "Thanks to Andates ,", "Armies of men imbrue thy altar-stones .", "Batter 'd their ships , and dash 'd their bended sails ,", "Drawn by two rampant sea-horses , at whose beck", "Nor Delian dames nor the Ephesian towers", "Shall blazon more thy praise . Thy influence strong", "Struck up the sandy ooze , that madding waves", "Andates , greatest goddess : in whose train", "Thanks also to the trident-shaker 's mace ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Of noble lineage shall assure our faith ;", "Which undermin 'd , how high he pierc 'd the clouds ,", "Segontiacs , Ancalites , Bybrocs , and Cassians :", "Where a full choir sing of white surplic 'd swans .", "submit , and Cenimagnians ,", "For whom all fear , he justly feareth all .", "My father butcher 'd at his lawless will :", "Your injuries run low ; mine break all bounds .", "If pity can have room in angry breast ,", "Rear 'd up by ruins , thence may learn his fall :", "Ye nymphs and lares , fawns and sylvans wild ,", "Pardon , ye gods , if any haunt our land ,", "At death , and boldly trust", "By me the Trinobants", "If they but look awry . A tyrant 's growth ,", "Let 's waste no time , lest more unto him flock ,", "Thanks , gracious Caesar , for this kind acceptance ,", "As humours glide to guard the wounded member .", "His coz Androgeus also and whole regions", "There are but two ways to assail this town ,", "Revengeful fires , and be justly styled ,", "Six worthy nations do desire thy guard .", "His regiment bereft , his dearest blood", "To pledge his darling . He and thirty more", "Hence count they dangers benefits , and die", "Whose foreign shape and language may affright", "Having got crown , he then struck at my head ;", "I fly unseen , as charmersin a mist . Grateful revenge , whose sharp-sweet relish fats My apprehensive soul !though all were pared off Which doth accrue from fortune , and a man left As barely poor as nature thrust him out ; Nay worse \u2014 though spirits boil : rage , anger , care , And grief , like wild-horse , tear the affrighted mind ; Though wrongs excoriate the heart ; yet all is sweeten 'd If vengeance have her course . I recknot how ; Let commonwealth expire , and owls proclaim Sad desolation in our halls ; let heaps Of dust and rubbish epitaph our towns ; Let fire and water fight , who first shall spoil This universal frame . From north or south , Revenge , th \u2019 art welcome ! No sin worse than pity ; A tyrant 's only physic is phlebotomy . SCENE IX . Chorus . 1st Song . Rejoice , O Britain ! Britain , O , rejoice ! The stormy cloud pass 'd o'er , And only made a noise . A clattering sound was heard , And still we felt no wound : Rejoice , rejoice , Thou happy Britons \u2019 ground . O that sweet Plenides , Eloquent Orone , Were now to chant our victories With a melodious tone ; And rousing echo from the dales , With Harmony to sound : Rejoice , rejoice , Thou happy Britons \u2019 ground . 2d Song Gang , ye lads and lasses , Sa wimble and sa wight : Fewl mickle teen betide ye , If ye ligg in this plight . Be bonny , buxom , jolly , Trip haydeguesbelive ; And gif night gars the welkin merk , Tom piper do you blive . Hidder , eke and shidder , With spic 'd sew ycram 'd ; Sa that unneath thilke borrels May well ne yede , ne stand : As leefe as life do weete it , When timbarins giu sound ; Fore harvest gil prankt up in lathe , To loute it low around .FOOTNOTES :Helmet .i. e ., The roofs of the temples . \u201c De tholis pendent laqueata circum Arma . \u201dPallas being feigned by the poets to have been bred in Jupiter 's brain .i. e ., The Romans , who owed their founders , Romulus and Remus , to the care of Faustulus , who was shepherd to the tyrant Amulius .\u2014 Steevens .The goddess of the morning .\u2014 Steevens .The goddess of revenge . Baxter , in his \u201c Glossary , \u201d says she is corruptly so called , and that her true name should be Andrasta .A maceGeoffrey of Monmouth says , \u201c Hisfuneral exequies were performed with regal pomp , and Caesar 's sword put into the tomb with him , which he kept possession of when struck into his shield in the combat . The name of the sword was Crocea Mors , Yellow Death , as being mortal to everybody that was wounded with it . \u201d \u2014 Bk . iv . c. 4 , Thompson 's translation , 1718 , p. 102 .By Geoffrey of Monmouth said to be the great grandson of AEneas . After being banished from Italy , on account of accidentally killing his father , he arrived at Britain , to which he gave his own name . He built Trinovantum , or London , and dying , left the government of the nation to his sons .Dunwallo Molmutius , son of Cloton , King of Cornwall . After a reign of 40 years he died , and was buried at Trinovantum , near the Temple of Concord .\u2014 \u201c Geoffrey of Monmouth , \u201d bk . ii . c. 17 .So in \u201c King Henry IV ., Part . II . \u201d \u2014 \u201c And darkness be the burier of the dead . \u201d \u2014 Steevens .Frankincense .\u2014 Steevens .One of the horses of the Sun .\u2014 Steevens .Perhaps Pylius , i. e ., Nestor \u2014 \u201c Illius ad tactum Pylius juvenescere possit . \u201d \u2014 Steevens .The song of triumph .This expression of contempt I have seen in other ancient writers . It is used in the first scene of Marlowe 's \u201c Edward II . \u201d \u2014 \u201c As for the multitude , they are but sparks Rak 'd up in embers of their poverty ; Tanti ; I 'll fan first on the wind , \u201d & c . There is , perhaps , some omission after it , as the line is imperfect , which might explain the meaning of the exclamation .\u2014 Collier .Old copy , piles .i. e ., His government , authority . Hitherto it was misprinted \u2014 \u201c Bought with a frowning brow and popular grace . \u201d The right reading is restored from the quarto .\u2014 Collier .Alternate singing .\u2014 Steevens .Charmers are enchanters or magicians . So in \u201c Othello , \u201d act iii . sc . 4 \u2014 \u201c That handkerchief Did an Egyptian to my mother give ; She was a charmer , and could almost read The thoughts of people . \u201d And again in \u201c The Two Noble Kinsmen , \u201d act v. sc . 4 \u2014 \u201c Oh , you heavenly charmers , What things you make of us ! \u201d", "With freedom in their mouth and wilful rage .", "On princes \u2019 flesh , who lose both state and life ,", "Besides I pawn my life .", "See here Androgeus \u2019 heir , whose tender age"], "true_target": ["The tyrant lies on Isis \u2019 flow'ry banks ,", "That thus I bring a stranger on our coasts ,", "Wherefore , dread Caesar , let thy mercy strike", "But his foundation meets the humble dust ;", "Great numbers still remain : nay , worse , they laugh", "Thy wrath ring through the woods in dusty noise ,", "And so will we .", "As winds invade above and mines below .", "Once tread victorious steps . Be pleas 'd to view", "Hostile and civil foes shake top and root ,", "His doubtful rescues .", "I banish 'd from my lands , depos 'd from rule ,", "Wrongs now redress 'd , neglected first by you .", "To tell thy coming . No man 's built so lofty ,", "But let soft mildness wait on women ; let", "So deep he sinks .", "Both which I know . Your parted army must", "Thee , as her patron , in a true-love knot .", "Owing my life to night and flight .", "Our lazy clowns , and on my country 's back", "Favour a Briton prince , his father slain ,", "His anger , nurs 'd by jealousies , must feed", "Their souls who die in fight shall live in joy .", "With sharp stakes under water .", "Count me your loyal friend .", "My knee doth kiss the ground , my lip your knee .", "Nor can I safely suck my native air .", "Drawn by the sword of false Cassibelane ,", "His father ventures , and makes bold with nature", "The ford 's unlevel belly they have fenc 'd", "In open war withstand his violence ,", "Lo , Albion 's aged arms spread wide t'enchain", "Break through both at once , and so distract"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Came rushing like two rams , whose steeled horns", "Ambitious waves would climb the starry hill .", "Had darkness doubled , storms began to sound ,", "Our ships are batter 'd all , some forty sunk .", "Thunder and lightning daunt all ears and eyes :", "When ominous earth with shade and cloudy vapours"], "true_target": ["The winds and billows strive who loudest roar :", "Dart fiery sparks : the clouds", "No good news from Atrius .", "breathe out flames :", "The sky distill 'd in rain : his room to fill ,", "The dappl 'd south , rough-footed Aquilo ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["greater", "Of his known valour", "Harsh fate .", "I have not heard", "How from this ? unless the king should judge it", "Sir , I hope Lord Lysicles is not yet", "Pardon my interruption : pray proceed .", "But how , unfriended , banish 'd , the reproach", "Of traitor fix 'd upon him , he could find", "What furies govern man ! We hazard all", "Disasters violence my passions ?", "reputation", "What may the monstrous cause be ?", "Should strive to lose both for some secret end ,", "Is of such making as if Despair had been", "Too dangerous an honour to be given to one .", "Indeed this story", "I should , had you", "Retir 'd ?", "I could not mark them much ; but his whole frame", "A long life in him .", "In me , how shall I guard my heart , when sad", "There 's none he looks on with", "Demonstration of his love .", "Not promised the original of this"], "true_target": ["That sees this glorious youth groan under his", "not hope ,", "This minute I had not my despatches from the governor .", "And as the common voice reach 'd him in Athos ,", "And in the search of virtue tremble at shadows .", "Misfortune : and , trust me , it is a bold", "Sure , he was mad !", "Of such a love as this !", "\u2018 Twould seem a riddle that a gentleman", "I want a perspective for this dark mystery ;", "And but your knowledge doth dissolve my doubts ,", "Doth not much concern him , if I mistake not .", "This horrid act ?", "The way unto't more easy , I am ignorant .", "He has no heart to joy that can be otherwise ,", "I cannot yet arrive to .", "And came it to the Lord Lysicles ?", "The silent presentation hath struck amazement", "I fear my stay at the castle hath made", "This hour , my lord .", "My duty seem unmannerly ; but till", "I wish your lordship 's happiness .", "But how are you ascertain 'd that he did", "Our lives and fortunes to gain hated memories ;", "The architect . We may wish ,", "Curiosity , that makes me search into it ; for if"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Barbarously murder 'd by her perfidious uncle :", "I would say so too , but that I would not", "Practis 'd by men than error , which does make", "Were sure your enemies should only try", "You brave lords", "Out in his voice ; sometimes stood fix 'd , and gaz 'd ,", "He cannot think his virtues injured ,", "Which had the better cause :", "Had not pursu 'd him , he had certain died .", "It did ; and if you e'er had seen", "He 's lord of so much virtue ,", "Re-assumeth more by thinking she is not :", "Say'th he , have wept that day when fortune", "Her urn is in Cirrha , which my lord nightly", "His forts , which he designs , and learns the strength", "Is seen in him , who never dares approach", "She cannot think there is a greater crime", "Consulted fate who should be conqueror .", "His judgment is directed by the king so powerfully ,", "Both by his friends and enemies a traitor .", "had kill 'd it , had not heaven decreed", "He sent the summons of her death", "Till all this other world opens theirs ; nor", "\u2018 Twould afflict him strangely if any should", "Himself , in fear of the incensed people :", "To your wonder . I 'll bring you to your horse .", "Your grace , I will not be a means to cut your", "Religious awe which makes our priests retire ,", "Are offered . He 's now alone , and the", "Make him less guilty of this inhumanity .", "Ran in my name , and made that live : but now ,", "\u2018 Twould emblemise , but not express his grief .", "Did write his story , which our virgins sing .", "To Strimon , father of Prince Lysicles ;", "Delivers that he sought protection", "By giving death unto your enemy .", "Nor ever shall", "This he foresaw and sought , and did disguise", "Have , from the time two kings commanded all ,", "Anticipated years unto his fame ,", "Who , swoll'n with the great name of general ,", "Came with this message , little varied \u2014", "Us seem more vicious than in act we are .", "By her that had betray 'd her ; the report", "Now hear the strangest mistook piety ,", "Procur 'd our triumph . Here Lysicles", "Was found the next day in her pocket .", "Who , judging him to be their honour 's ruin ,", "Fame had the next sun blown this through the city ;", "Upon the point . This I think did preserve him ;", "An hour returns me with your commands", "Before they do adore th \u2019 incensed powers ,", "And as she bled , she writ unto her lord \u2014", "That ever entered in a virgin 's breast ,", "To whose dear memory his tears and griefs", "With all his secrets ; gives him means to view", "That your nearest friends have oft attempted", "To leave their armies . Ours committed his", "His innocence , which many mothers here ,", "Of his obliged faith . A severe search", "These noble kingdoms , Thessaly and Sparta ,", "And in ten bloody days none could decide", "Threaten 'd not till the reign of these two kings ,", "But from this conquest did begin the cause", "I know not that ; but this I am perfect in :", "Did make her spirits throng unto her heart ,", "Parts in the night , and partner of his fate", "Is made on his papers , his treasure valued", "Revenge doth master all our passions", "By a base traitorous servant certified", "By a large pension , and too soon entrusts", "Must die for .", "This caused a lasting war ; but the fierce storm", "\u201c That each were joy 'd in such an enemy ;", "If thou dost love young Lysicles , my hate", "The duke , defeated , posts unto the Court ,", "In honour of his cruelty .", "What a sad accent had each word he uttered ?", "His loss hath made his sorrow eloquent .", "His story ere his coming , else he should", "Had now the face of piety , which", "Twice deprehended in a seeming flight ,", "Of this great army , draws his forces out ,", "Sir , will you now take horse ?", "that were present , did my sword", "As if he had no sense of what he saw :", "By the public officer , and himself ,", "Torment did now give life ; at last he drew", "No , sir , he commanded immediate", "Found in the hall ; the head he carried with him ,", "His hand should be as black as his intent .", "That are not servants to her rage .", "Of all his misery .", "At his arrival here , he left his niece", "Suspected might be in the adverse party .", "His sword , and e'er he could be stay 'd , did fall", "Th \u2019 effects of what I can do in your service ,", "A hundred parents at one time deplore", "My lord !", "They will not let me make them innocent ;", "And", "can hardly be repell 'd .", "That should congratulate the new-made kings ,", "The virtues of each prince so prevalent ,", "Perform 'd . Yet I 'll observe you farther .", "Hath his fair niece , who is so innocent", "Should not exceed the sufferings of those", "She so much lov 'd this barbarous homicide ,"], "true_target": ["Since \u2018 tis discredited ; what before was spent ,", "Unquestion 'd whether fear or policy", "Neglects upon him , and to seem in doubt", "Calumniated , libell 'd , and disgrac 'd", "When it was mounting ; be constant , and this hand", "See ! he comes . If , when he parts , your haste", "Of love and confess 'd service ; but before", "The horrid'st tortures treason ever justified ,", "When you 're at Court , all tongues will speak her merit", "It was monstrous indeed . He lost his mistress ,", "And my revenge in thy own house begin .", "As sacrifice unto their brothers , sons ,", "Visits , and presents it all his contracted", "Will license you , I will relate the story", "At last concludes \u2014", "Should take the poison I can bring you .", "Continue miserable , as believ 'd", "My wound , because I would not hurt", "Let it not trouble you : he never shuts his eyes", "Shall by her death give thee a ling'ring one ,", "This story will resolve you . To this Court", "Of the Spartan king with all remonstrances", "Be thought to love his prince better than he .", "Sighs of the fled day ; but at his parting", "Sir , you are sad .", "As if one spirit had inspired both ,", "Nephews , and public loss . Sedition", "Sometimes he shriek 'd , as if h \u2019 had sent his soul", "The compact of their vows , with divers letters", "Wear your life like something you would fain", "Of each particular province ; and", "Shall strike thee dead ; thy hand pluck 'd back my honour", "By his own seeking and belief of others ,", "Does he sleep then , but with distracted thoughts", "And on the wounds of his brave enemy", "Then with a barbarous unheard-of cruelty", "Both crowned young , both of an equal age ;", "Of his dear mistress , even i \u2019 th \u2019 gates of death ,", "Put off . I will not undertake to counsel you , in", "The father 's sorrow and the mother 's tears \u2014", "Great King , you only repeal my honour 's fall", "Of such a beauty as did cause it .", "being mortal , and he fainting with", "Where he design 'd unto his dire revenge", "My lord , I have observ 'd you long , and see you", "\u2018 Tis late , and I 'll not trouble you with her story :", "Without suspect he might come to the borders .", "Before his king had hardly left the fight", "Made Strimon keep in his : but certainly this ,", "Relates his sufferings ; hopes that fame hath taught", "The lovers had exchang 'd . He storms and cries ,", "Murders his niece , and the same instant flies .", "And jealous of th \u2019 advantages which each", "The king with difficulty doth assure his life", "Sir , you know", "Without success : yet , if my life should issue", "Under both titles still been emulous ,", "Labours his fancy , to present him objects", "To live , to celebrate her memory ;", "makes his escape , and is received", "Th \u2019 obscurest path that ever time reveal 'd", "Though many should be nearer in his graces ,", "Their fears excepted . The ambassadors", "Her honoured tomb , till a just contemplation of", "His house was searched , the trunk of the dead lady", "Hither he comes , and at his entrance is", "That may advance his grief .", "Urgent affairs at home compell 'd each king", "I 'm call 'd unto my death , and I repent", "The unexpected deaths of their lost children ,", "She would not have him guilty of her death ;", "He parted , did that horrid act which Lysicles", "Of his unequall 'd sufferings .", "Sometimes he 'd swoon ; and if the memory", "That virtue , sharpen 'd by necessity ,", "Since her first glass : procures his king to throw", "For , not", "In her own blood did write her tragedy", "Fortune was but spectator . To conclude ,", "That which I hope you lov 'd . This bloody note", "Our prince resents his fate , confirms him his", "The Duke of Argos did command the Spartan ,", "With promise of his banishment .", "Madam , my innocence will plead my pardon ; I could not guess for whom my lord intended it . The truth is I feared , considering his deep melancholy , he intended to use it on himself , and therefore meant to make him out of love with death , by suffering the pains our souls do feel when they are violenced from us . I had provided antidotes , but could not till this hour learn on whom it was employed . Sure I was , it could be death to none , though full of torment .", "Should rust their swords , that fate had given to one", "Of the great love \u2018 twixt her and Lysicles ,", "Notice should be given of your coming .", "Days off , to make mine happy ever .", "With this design , that , when his plots were ripe ,", "If I", "To end himself , until he was persuaded", "She begg 'd some time for prayer , and retir 'd ;", "From him , because none else could vindicate", "The loss of blood , had not then strength enough", "And fac 'd us in our trenches . \u2018 Tis not yet", "He comes : is brought to th \u2019 king ; then with a modest freedom", "Parley ? Did you receive wounds on condition ?", "Command of all . \u201d In short , their forces met ,", "And parting wishes to her dear betroth 'd .", "Which nightly he doth do upon her tomb ,", "With the words I now will utter , I 'll boldly tell", "Thus then in short :\u2014", "Whither he now is gone .", "First raze his house , and then demand his life", "No more the fearful wisdom of old men", "And therefore with her own hands wounds herself ,", "He cannot fear it in a subject .", "Both having all the passions of their subjects ,", "Were these by compact ? All my blood is lost ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Is chain 'd unto my honour , which I will wear", "admire you , must exclude", "And exposition of this metamorphosis .", "But personated , did preserve a faith", "As I will now inform you .", "Governor in his place ; this , I know , will make", "My happiness ; and when he is fall'n ,", "Let my wing 'd love have passage through thy marble ,", "I shall not think that thou descendst from heaven ,", "That it will suffer them that dare be damn 'd", "In the sacred tie of marriage .", "Of all succeeding love ? Witness my loss", "I did prefer a loath 'd life , to revenge myself", "What now I ravish .", "Was not her death affliction enough ,", "Proceed , and let your case be both your judge and guide .", "The blessed instrument of thy destruction ,", "Not part with't willingly , till it does serve", "Must that be argument of cruelty ,", "In suddenly delivering these small packets ;", "When I embrace thee thus ? I will not ask", "Of the enjoying you . Here comes my lord !", "Those that do trace forbidden paths of knowledge", "And loves no virtue but what shines through wealth .", "This declaration of your favouring me will plead", "Ha ! what fate hath taken you from yourself ?", "And venturers on their art . Something I know", "My comforts ever were like winter suns ,", "If it be possible , call life into her for some minutes , her full confession will absolve my justice .", "Would do that for me I forbad thy passion .", "Foul soul , and made my grief , enrag 'd to madness ,", "You would have pardon 'd , when infidelity ,", "I will not use your art against myself . Let", "My actions ?", "If life be given as a blessing to us ,", "Ceremonious , and so bear any date , I now", "All that were guilty of my loss of peace ,", "Pardon me , sir , I could do no less , being to take", "So holy as theirs was ; this is my fault .", "Are the gods pleas 'd to work to ease affliction ?", "Too boldly do deliver what my actions", "Yet durst not but decline his severe laws ,", "Eyes , are you dry , where such an object calls", "That hide their light at noon . But be this true ,", "To tell them to the world .", "they should , see the joys of heaven in thee ?", "Can be felt here , let your ingredients", "Yes , I did ;", "To save the beauty of the world in you .", "How fortune , though it made my love unhappy ,", "I will myself to Arnaldo , who gave", "And frequent services should first have smooth 'd", "Your cursed charms betray 'd first ,", "A hopeful joy , to meet her must give freedom", "Of serving my best friend . How now !", "And I have life enough to let me see it ,", "Have wrung it from me , my joys ever flow 'd silent", "Mine was the first engagement , and the gods", "But curse your sufferings off on this devoted head ,", "From the cold ashes . How , when encompass 'd", "But ere you do begin to speak my fate ,", "Call them up . If his life were only", "Cypress grove the minute she is dead .", "Yet strive for empire . The flames that rise from hence", "New excellence by being compared to her :", "My false disguise , which her quick-sighted father", "A miracle could have restor 'd thee to my eyes ,", "Rebel against thy force ; a happiness", "Me for your servant , that I trembling haste ,", "Be gone , and learn your errors .", "That the all-seeing sun does not behold", "And calm .", "You have offended by your cursed arts :", "Would else have pierc 'd , who hates Eugenio ,", "Would make you blush for having doubted mine .", "If , where she is , she can discern and know", "It hath not light enough to let you see your friend .", "Which should be cause of pity ? And will you", "But what he takes from them . So peace and rest", "My father 's business calls me .", "Visit to her memory . Reserve your censure", "Of my despised hate and friendship .", "Itself over my soul and body . Up , and help", "And though I cannot credit that your power can procure it ,", "What unexpected mischiefs circle me ,", "To perfect the designs your malice labour 'd in .", "But he that was my friend , and suspects me ,", "That they behold thee , guilty of the close", "I will fall myself", "Of thy death and", "He that enjoys you shall not need that prayer \u2014", "My undiminish 'd grief tells me but now \u2014", "And gain her credit with some dissembled acts", "Where is he ?", "Hail , holy treasurer of all the wealth", "A lady that I love with equal ardour .", "In killing me ; and thou wouldst fly the light ,", "To take so full a joy in .", "As yet in clouds I have only seen", "Yet those that sell themselves to hell , can force", "My wandering soul unto that part of heaven", "Spotless as truth . Then thou shalt tell the shades ,", "How now , my lord ? What miracle can raise a tempest here , where so much beauty reigns ?", "To bear me till I fall eternally .", "From sleeping justice to revenge thy death .", "Thus all do press it ; yet had my grief relation only to myself , I would not part them from ; my heart and memory they justly do possess . But my father hath no more issue save myself , for to confer his name and fortunes on .", "Let me beg the honour of interceding ; your fortunes and conditions are so equal , it were a sin to part you .", "My reason . Ladies , I am your servant .", "And she", "Pardon the fault you forc 'd me to commit :", "Pour down your thunder , gods , upon this head ,", "For a fault my love unto my friend engag 'd me in :", "Yet let my vows gain thus much of you ,", "Than when she did consent I should receive", "That", "I know your father will not force you to't ,", "May I not know the reason ?", "Enter PINDARUS .", "For he , not knowing what hath pass 'd between you ,", "The gods have largely recompens 'd my intent", "Hold her up gently .", "And I believe't , nor should you pity her :", "I shall be ever happy .", "Egypt ne'er saw", "Upon your goodness as to make a way", "Thy spacious temples .", "He may confess my inquisition justice .", "Yes , to counsel you to pacify the gods", "Of re enjoying thee . And , holy tomb ,", "Now you throw oil upon the wound you make :", "The way they are to take . My happiness", "That I want pity , and am thought unworthy", "What I must suffer in your loss \u2014 your virtue ,", "First , wish me a captivity ; for as", "And , for her shows of virtue , they are masks", "Under the ruins of thy uncle 's house .", "Unless our words confess it ; hear me then :", "If you do measure time by what I suffer ,", "Offer up myself a servant to your virtues .", "Are not less violent , though less pleasing now ,", "Most true it is ! What god , that heard our vows ,", "Consented to this visit .", "Thou turn'st thy eyes upon thy holy relics ,", "You will not kill me then ?", "Do second my desires of joining us", "Bringing and taking fire of constant love", "Of piety , which levels her a passage", "Will do that for me which thy sword refuseth .", "That falls upon Parnassus ; if the red were here ,", "When magic mocks and frustrates all our vows ?", "She pays the fault of her abusing me ,", "The punishment has overta'en her here .", "They are too great and swoll'n to let it in .", "I am confident she is fled her country", "I have heard of her ; they say she knows", "Hath made him governor in my father 's place .", "There is but one Milesia ; besides ,", "Pardon me , dearest lady , if my words", "Who else had sold herself unto the rage", "If constant virtue , not enforcement , built", "Madam , I 've begg 'd leave of your noble father to", "That have oppress 'd me since the fatal stroke ,", "In her torment . Is not this strange ?", "My hopes it should be so will overcome", "Repute this day as their great festival .", "Yet now the height of my affliction is ,", "The gods have made , my heart capacious of .", "Weak fancies can give credit to , tell me ,", "Deliver us in thunder your intents ,", "But till I fall by my own hand , my life", "Of being happy by it , but we must expect ,", "My words have sacrific 'd to deities", "Slide into my breast ; my heart is too narrow yet", "Equal with you , you made so equal to ye ?", "If my thoughts e'er consented to replant", "That you are living .", "A cheaper sacrifice . This I 'll only add :", "Which I will prosecute , till I have made", "Me to revenge my wrongs : and to assure you more ,", "With my own praise ; but now my happiness", "That I may fly the world without regret ,", "Are not content with our hearts \u2019 sacrifice ,", "O my Eugenio , thy kindness hath undone me !", "Shut up with sorrow ? \u2018 Tis so , and a joy ,", "For my affection .", "To hide the rottenness that lies within ,", "An everlasting farewell , but give this", "Nature e'er lent the world ! be still the envy", "No more her sighs shall wander through the air ,", "The cause takes all away , and want of power", "Poison can force , for I must use it upon one", "From thy cold virgin-lips , where he and love", "To have power over those it has selected ?", "Let no profane air pierce thee but my sighs ;", "Whose eyes were turned inward on his grief ,", "So , this is the first degree to my revenge ,", "Some sad effects on it , and in her name and cause", "No ; she is white as lilies , as the snow", "Madam , you were not wont by a feign 'd praise", "Your pardon , madam , and when you lie embrac 'd", "To scorn those that admire you ; or would you", "Till the same power that plac 'd us here , commands", "My hopes of ever changing your resolves ?", "From the proud height it was arrived to .", "Who then is injur 'd if I kill myself ?", "Excuseth what I cannot yet express .", "Rather than not believe impossibles ,", "What is she ?", "His blessings on me , their quality would alter .", "FOOTNOTES :", "Of the proud monuments that do enclose", "What mean these sad expressions of sorrow ?", "But now I lost her ; if the sad minutes", "I hope have cancell 'd . For my Eugenio", "Of the curs 'd homicide : a full revenge", "Which necessarily must follow , if virtuous love", "Softly , good friend : gently let it", "Your virtues with that adoration ,", "I am your servant .", "I ne'er ador 'd . Those strains of love", "place .", "What law compels us to preserve it longer", "For any cause but hers ; else were my breast ,", "Would have us throng unto her palaces ,", "And wonder you durst tempt my just revenge ,", "Did not continue it to future ages .", "Me I am , what I must ever aim at ?", "Unless you did believe , you could confine", "Your composition procure the greatest torture", "Has employ 'd her here to execute .", "your tears forth ! My blood shall supply their", "And", "Made thee so excellent to keep on earth", "And court her frozen sepulchres .", "It further .", "It is an age of torments I have felt .", "Could not diminish it , nor press it one degree", "My father 's call 'd to court , and you are left", "No more , bless 'd shape !", "If it were a phantom rais 'd by her foul spells ;", "My tears and friendship to the best of men ,", "That bring such comforts to my languish 'd soul .", "I had not lived to show your mercy .", "And heaven , that hear'st this vow , pour on my head", "Let your consent complete the happiness", "You , to deliver his commission to you .", "Enter EUGENIO .", "Upon my head , and sink it down so low ,", "Thy beauty does enlighten .", "By you I might receive all happiness ,", "My tears and sacrifice could never gain", "Of doing virtuously , if it hath gain 'd so much", "The same Milesia ! Heaven does confess in this ,", "I do profane this place , for were my griefs", "Thus then to-morrow I 'll wait on you . Ladies , I am your servant .", "I will not wrong you to entreat your care", "As justice , that 's concern 'd to punish crimes , I will .", "Hark ! I am call 'd , the fatal news is come .", "In contemplation of his merits ,"], "true_target": ["Whatever I deserve ,", "What arts hath malice , arm 'd with fortune , found", "It must not be ; pardon me , virtue , that I begin an act will set a stain upon my blushing brow . Yet I must thorough . Lord Pindarus , my fortunes carry a pardon with them , when they make me err in acts of ceremonial decencies , they have been so heavy and so mighty , they have bent me so low to th \u2019 earth , I could not cast my face upwards to hope a blessing ; the cause you are perfect in .", "And I will be that she shall walk in hell .", "His memory , shall feel the power", "Faith and religious secrecy ,", "Milesia said she did ; and if it were", "Nor can there be a hell where such forms are .", "Of circling sorrows , lighting me a hope", "You 're sure this news is true ?", "When it had show 'd thee whom thy rage offended .", "O \u2019 th \u2019 curs 'd effects of her commanding magic ,", "If thou continuest thus in doubt of me ;", "Men to some other place , when they remove", "That my freed soul may owe her liberty", "Our causes are not equal .", "I did pretend a love unto Hermione ,", "Should be the ruin of my name and memory :", "Dire thunder , if I shrink in what I promise .", "By all that 's holy , I never did offend my friend \u2014", "By adding torments unto her affliction ?", "To those important mischiefs hell", "Is that word yet on earth ?", "Than we can see a possibility", "conspiracy ; I 'll try", "The blessed ghost you sent me to has told me", "Shall the mistaken tomb of false OEnone", "Bring him in , and stay in the next room . Enter PHYSICIAN . You are welcome : I must employ your trust and secrecy in something that concerns me . You must procure me instantly a powerful poison .", "Is there a wish beyond this happiness ,", "You ever did approve his virtue : his fortune now", "That I 'll divest myself for ever of thee ,", "To make us live , but not live happily .", "On with less adoration .", "Of joys ; if sorrow could have kill 'd me ,", "That have attempted thine . Look down , Milesia ,", "Ha ! how came she to know it ? She was not here ?", "For which I", "All but death are fled .", "Justice thus long . This curs 'd magician", "Must this be added to my former griefs", "O my good lord , I must entreat your pardon", "O , then you are .", "It is too late now ; let me beg thy kindness", "Kill me .", "What now you utter of me ; that I glory", "Our joys do multiply ; but , my dear friend ,", "Till ten days be over , and if I do not", "Upon my sepulchre . Nor must I die ,", "Shall make him pay the time he has outliv 'd", "Let no faint pity hinder thee the joys", "I have yet something that will add to yours .", "Bring it me instantly ; and if the pains of hell", "Are reconcil 'd , you may assure yourself", "The phoenix is created from her ashes ,", "Not in a thought .", "I did expect this from you ; and to inform you", "And now in pity you do show him me ,", "Which does but here begin .", "Thus insinuate what I should be by telling", "I can with so strong circumstance of truth", "Pardon me , Reason , that my wither 'd hopes", "Is hell afraid my constancy should conquer", "Yes , and horror seizeth me . Tis the idea", "And fan the sacred ashes , knowing no heat", "But I will come to her confession . Courage , my soul ,", "My griefs excepted .", "And then enforc 'd to leave their happy seats ,", "My pardon , if I do omit the ceremonial circumstance ,", "Thou art receiving ; triumph in their sufferings", "That rise late and", "How long are you arrived ?", "I did not think I ever could be mov 'd", "And as notably finish 'd .", "The gust and taste of this . We should adore , thee , death ,", "Doth wrong his master ; but yet the gods are not", "Whilst they were capable , thou didst ; but now", "Be moist'ned with my tears ; yet , since she died", "Our actions pass 'd and future .", "Thy story now : it is enough to know", "That she can only add unto thy beauty", "This is no inspiration of the gods ;", "In memory of us , all lovers shall", "But I must set him on the rack , that there", "This dagger to his heart that parted ours .", "As I have see n't enthron 'd , the rising day would get", "That makes him guilty , cannot be produc 'd , but with", "Shall be the first \u2014 she did reveal our loves ;", "Not knowing where to find thee : no more", "So much upon its mercy , as to lend", "Milesia , bless 'd saint , now I am sure thou art", "Of her offended father . Had you liv 'd ,", "But how knew he our loves ? Though torment since", "set betimes : set with thick clouds", "The glorious titles of great conquerors .", "How I did nightly pray to this sad tomb ,", "Let 's now unto my father , who expects", "I may not see thy glories . I confess", "Eugenio , I am conquered ; yet I hope thy kindness", "I may not for the world . Why should you die ?", "Do not abuse your mercy and my grief", "With your Eugenio , tell him , if my faith", "Because the gods thought me unworthy her ?", "Let them have entrance , whilst my tears do warm", "A single one had yielded to the hopes", "Eugenio did suspect his Lysicles ?", "The sun rise after you are gone .", "I am i \u2019 th \u2019 instant , if Heaven should pour", "Must attend less satisfaction than a stranger .", "Sir , good night .", "Though she bring thunder in her hand , I will not fail to come ,", "Nay , no ceremonies of denial . I give you my intents , not to be disputed , but obeyed . I know you walk not frequently in these rough ways ; but \u2018 tis not want of knowledge , but your will , makes you decline them .", "All places where I meet them shall be altars ,", "My love , may your dire thunder light", "She speaks again : good heaven , she speaks again !", "This poison to me . Let me have word sent to the", "My rage did choke my grief , which now did spread", "To make me wretched ? Could I e'er have thought", "Applaud my piety , that snatch 'd the sword", "Thy colder marble . Ha ! what miracle !", "To what strange laws does heaven confine itself ,", "But how our loves came to so sad a period ,", "Are not you Milesia ?", "I now must utter . Madam , I do love", "My power to make thee miserable :", "Is this a punishment for adoring her", "I am certain", "I could now force thee execute my wish", "When my friend 's life excus 'd the pious error .", "The altar where my heart is nightly offered ,", "Did I so easily digest her death ,", "Of these two perfect lovers ; I am confident", "Insidiating with my Milesia 's form ,", "One , that when misery had made so wretched ,", "But you must make me be the murderer ?", "Or is the passage which my soul should make ,", "My aim and end , whilst I do wear this ,", "And , sacred'st saint , if from thy place of rest ,", "I am most perfect in : be happy , lady ,", "Thy happy sight for one faint minute 's comfort ;", "to injure sacred love ;", "Pleas 'd with no object but what caus 'd their tears ,", "Be more beholden unto silence than", "Our friends , who have most power over us , both", "Dwell ever with thee .", "What thou resemblest , and dost know my secret'st thought .", "To save thy life , her ghost could not expect", "That I will lay before thee all my thoughts ,", "Thy quiet rest for inquisition", "Can be no hindrance , since our gracious king ,", "Can I hear this and live ?", "On which I 'll sacrifice the murderers ,", "As great as I would boast \u2018 em , I could not live", "Leave me alone awhile .", "Love thy Hermione : she deserves it . Friend ,", "The gods reserve unto themselves , do never do't ,", "Present thyself in all thy glories to me ,", "Briefly know , though I do loathe my life , I will", "Hear it , with my vows not to behold", "Since you have wrong 'd me , open to your point .", "Of thine for ever . See , Hermione ,", "Upon her sacred tomb , to expiate", "Argos nor Cyprus", "Why do you gaze upon me so ?", "\u2018 Tis true , the slave that frees himself by death ,", "To my sad prisoner , when my hand shall lead", "Know whom you do condemn , or whom make happy :", "Had not the double tie of friend and mistress ,", "The revelations of the best spirits", "So much depends , that you shall truly think", "With thousand horrors , death had been a rest", "Milesia , whom you and I supposed dead ,", "And if I durst to hear their voice , they call", "It cannot be she should consent my faith", "Her blessed spirit , nothing but truth dwells i n't .", "Pierce farther in their secrets than our", "If you do wish it a continuance , \u2018 tis in your power to make it last to ages . Since my Milesia 's death , I have not loved a lady equal with your Hermione ; in her I hope to lose my swollen misfortunes , and find out a joy that may extinguish them . \u2018 Tis now no time to tell her how much I am her servant ; for this lord here , that does pretend to her fair graces , before I had declared myself his rival \u2014 perchance you would believe me if I had said , he no way doth deserve her .", "Gods , could that man have liv 'd that dar 'd to say", "By me to-day is poison 'd , and lies dying", "So mighty is oppos 'd unto thy doubts ,", "FOOTNOTES :", "Admit it . By my honour , this is the cause .", "Hath told it you ? But if your eyes", "By asking pardon of your murtherer ;", "What means my friend ?", "No , my Milesia ,", "Fond man ! thou dost not know how much \u2018 tis in", "So much on death 's right , as to take a kiss", "On innocence . And to what purpose serves", "I 'd not implore your aid ;", "This may be", "That it ravished his desires to change ,", "Welcome , Eugenio , welcome , worthy friend ;", "Of my Milesia . Impenetrable powers !", "A beauty like to this ; let it be lawful for me to usurp", "So visible a divinity could not be look 'd", "To appease the spirit of my injur 'd mistress :", "Which usually makes way for this great truth", "All this I do confess ; but \u2018 twas for both your goods ,", "That it invents new plagues to batter me ?", "Not leaving one of worth behind me in it .", "Pure as the flames that made \u2018 em : still the same ,", "To no force , but impatient longing", "So nearly is concern 'd , you shall approve", "A restitution of His gift ? This is indeed a rule", "is conscious to herself", "This Moor then was confederate with your uncle 's passion ?", "The knowledge how thou com'st here doth disturb me ;", "And her upon the murderer .", "The voice of my most partial friends .", ",", "Have made it great ; for all things else I should", "If I should desire it , it were impossible .", "Accept my vows , and pardon me the life", "I may be ignorant of all things else ,", "Let it be lawful for thy Lysicles", "Lord Pindarus consent to both your wishes .", "To search , and then betray my resolution", "Expense of time ; and my revenge will not", "Do you depart to-night ?", "But of my want of merit to deserve", "Our laws cannot condemn ; because the circumstance", "My actions are thus favour 'd by your judgment .", "That for a month you will not marry him ;", "By making it immortal .", "This is the hour powerful Acanthe promis 'd", "And try if that can make me yet more wretched .", "To know what rigours or what joys expect me ,", "Assume the patronage of envious fortune ,", "My miseries indeed", "Come , my Milesia , tell my wounded heart", "Wash their impiety in their guilty blood .", "But as the gods , of which thou art a part ,", "Yet such a reverence I do owe thy image ,", "But lest you should believe they are merely", "Of infinite more mischiefs than are yet reveal 'd .", "Must I be miserable in losing you ,", "Have the gods hurl 'd this punishment on thy", "Yet this , as oft I wept as I was forc 'd", "The mischiefs that are rais 'd to swallow me ,", "All men that dare to name him , and not curse", "my life 's misery", "I thank you , my lord ; and when my friend and you", "If true , I meant her fears should aid", "You advise well . Run all to the physician :", "The crimes I have committed in deferring", "To touch thy sacred hand , and with it guide", "The countenance death should put on , when death", "For the ills she has done there , and now", "I should once more behold my lost Milesia .", "Being guilty of Milesia 's murder ,", "Inform you , I 'm concern 'd in nothing nearer .", "With her I will begin , then seek revenge", "Love that was flying hence , finding no object", "Satisfy you , condemn me .", "Your beauty only rais 'd from his dark seat", "Necessitous of us , but we of them .", "That , in the instant you profess to pity", "Worthy to fix him here .", "But with intent to ruin the believers ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Would I could .", "I will deal truly with thee : she has taken my heart out of", "I 'll swear I am bewitched .", "I 'll attempt it , let what will follow .", "True ; and let it be thy rule for all things else .", "Your limitation takes away much of my answer : but grant all that you say , I have no hope of obtaining my mistress .", "I had her father 's firm consent before he declared himself .", "You must deal by enchantment then ; for I am resolved to stick to my conclusions .", "No airy ones of liking and affection ; but mine are built on terra firma already , which her father looks on greedily , and proportions this to that grandchild , to the second this .", "A precipice , as being ashamed to live any longer .", "\u2018 Tis a fear that makes me tremble .", "I was an ass when I talk 'd so : Those damned books of chastity I read In my minority corrupted me ; but since I 'm practis 'd in the world , I find there are No greater libertines than married men . \u2018 Tis true \u2018 twas dangerous , this knot , in the First age , when it was a crime to break vows : But , thanks to Venus , the scene is alter 'd , And we act other parts . I 'll tell thee The privileges we enjoy when we are married . First , our secrecy is held authentic , which is Assurance will take up any woman At interest , that is not peevish ; then th \u2019 acquaintance which our wives bring us , to whom at times I carry my wife 's commendations ; and if their husbands be not at home , I do commend myself .", "By all means ; he was by in the nois 'd battle , saw the", "Ages of happiness attend them ! If I may hope to gain the graces of the fair Irene , I shall be happy too .", "Dig for in th \u2019 mine .", "Madam , what would you expect from him you had redeemed from captivity ?", "Since my brother 's death , the names of things Are changed ; my riots are the bounties of my nature , Carelessness the freedom of my soul : My prodigality , an easiness of mind proportion 'd To my fortune . Believe me , Cleon , this poverty Is that which puts a multiplying-glass upon our Faults , and makes \u2018 em swell , and fill the eye ; Our crimes cry highest then when they have brought us low .", "So far , as to make thyself less than another man .", "Madam , will you honour me and this gentleman with a sight of that which doth enrich the world ?", "I ever shall be yours .", "If you are angry , madam , with all that love you , there lives none that has more enemies , every eye that looks upon you you must hate .", "I 'll ne'er consider whom I offend in loving you : I wish her beauty centupled , that my first obligation to you might be leaving her . By this fair hand , I 'll never name any but you for mistress .", "Overthrow a third ; he is his trumpet .", "That would assist me ; and those gave largest counsels ,", "And I hope will , till I am full possess 'd of Hermione .", "One that I would sacrifice half my life to have but a week 's enjoying of .", "I have undone myself for ever .", "And do you think there is anything fitter to call down affection than submission ?", "Now we are met , what shall we do to keep us together ?", "For a good dancer , a good rider , a good \u2014\u2014, anything that I think will please \u2018 em .", "Rich orient diamonds could not equal them :", "Yes , of heaven , that it would furnish me with merits fit to deserve your cousin .", "Fortune might force them to supply my wants .", "By reason , which is a spirit will hardly be", "Hermione 's keeping .", "\u2018 Tis safer they should do so , than hate us for our insolence .", "Prince cleave this man to the twist ,", "Were parted , and he banish 'd for the insolence .", "What 's in my power to give him satisfaction ,", "Observe me .", "Father 's firm consent .", "What , in the name of doubt ?", "That did more than both ; yet sleep forgotten . \u2018 Tis", "You might condemn it , had not you been the cause o n't . I ne'er think of your name but with a reverence great as I pay the gods ; and they allow us bending to their images when we transfer our vows . The fair Irene is worthy all have not the hope of you ; but whilst you give me leave to cherish that ambition , I must not own so great an injury as to admit the proffered love of those who are so distant from your merit .", "Why , I 'll make buttons of \u2018 em , and had they half", "Excluded by your rigour , madam , I was entreating your fair cousin to present my vows .", "Is she gone ?", "Indeed will I .", "\u2018 Tis just ; but this may be no great favour to the slave , if his misery be only altered , not lessened .", "Frequent counsels \u2014 sometimes severe reproofs ,", "Rais 'd in you ; but thus it is . Whilst my brother", "D'ye think that there are such faces in Elysium ?", "And drew upon me . We had a little scuffle ,", "The value that I swore they had when I did beg \u2018 em ,", "What , the ladies ?", "Which his folly look 'd I should divine ; he met me on the guard ,", "offence , or his pretences ,", "Nor anything else ; her beauty makes me forget all things that has no reference to it ."], "true_target": ["Madam !", "How did she look ?", "Why , madam ?", "Thou wert an excellent fool in a chamber ; if you continue , you 'll be so in a comedy . Dost believe thou can'st swagger them out of their loves ?", "Is't possible ?", "Why , madam , this intemperance ?", "\u2018 Twill be my best resolution . But hark in thy ear , rogue : I could be content to think , and wish mine and all for the public good , and wear my horns with as much confidence , as the best velvet-head of \u2018 em all , and paint them in my crest with this inscription These he deserved for his love to the commonwealth .", "Alas , gentlemen ! I was born to know nothing of love but sighs and despairs . I can be servant to none that can have the election of two .", "I 'll pay thy dowry then within this half-hour : I 'll wait on her .", "None present that I can fear , having her", "That would give nothing else .", "Take this ring , and this .", "Why are you fair ? or why has my stars enforced me to love nothing else ?", "Nor knew then of any", "I spoil her good nature ?", "There were thousands that served for six sesterces ,", "Your wit doth make you cruel . But , madam , I have something to deliver unto you , which your father commanded no ear should hear but yours .", "She is so deserving , she thinks none worthy of her affections , and so can love none .", "But you can suffer yourself to be beloved ?", "I cannot tell ; but when I seriously direct them to you ,", "You mistake me ; I mean I could not tell , because no tongue can speak her to her merit .", "So breaks the morning forth , but the sun 's rays are not so quick and piercing as your eyes , for they descend even to our hearts .", "divide a second ,", "This caus 'd the ague , this the admonitions and", "Wilt thou be happy , Cleon , believe not fame", "Observed by those that were nearest in blood to me ;", "I told Hermione I never lov 'd Irene .", "If I heard her desire it , she should quickly have her wish .", "He has reason , for I have opened my breast to him , and he has seen my heart , and you enthroned i n't .", "I prophesy , good Cleon \u2014\u2014", "No more ! you cannot doubt it , madam . Turn in your eyes upon your beauties and perfections , and they will tell you how impossible it is to lose the empire they have gained upon our hearts and wills . Fortune and want of merit may make me lose the hope of your fair graces , but never so much traitor as to pay homage to any other beauty , or change the resolution I have fixed to be your servant only .", "\u2018 Twas the servant of Hermione that came to have me wait upon her lady .", "\u2018 Tis an excellent lady .", "Now time to meet the ladies on the walk .", "Madam !", "Most perfectly , and came to congratulate", "The Moor you heard of .", "He may command .", "And with fear , too , lest the ruin of my", "By Jupiter , never ! No , though \u2018 twould preserve a thousand smooth foreheads . If she be honest , your arts cannot alter her ; and if otherwise , had I not rather adopt a son of thine than a stranger 's ? And confess truly , Cleon : would you not for this public benefit be content to sacrifice a sister , that we might love no longer by obligations , but affection ; and seeing , liking , and enjoying , finished in a meeting .", "O yes ! it might have been forsworn else .", "A pretty satire this , to whip boys of nine ! Yet still I tell thee , I am another in the opinion of the world .", "Some came eas'ly , and some I was forc 'd to", "Liv 'd , my wildness was observed by \u2014\u2014", "Is she not strangely fair ?", "With the prince for her double recovery .", "A more lasting one than any monument you can repeat the epitaph of ; and would it not be glorious to be commemorated as the first founder of the commonalty of undisparaged cuckolds ?", "Thou'lt never be , unless it be this way ,", "Hear me , and be converted . I say I was", "You have met with rare fortunes .", "I am desperately in love .", "Indeed it was my enemy , whilst my elder brother lived .", "Ask him ; he made me do't .", "In her presence I will confirm this to you .", "I do , madam , and should be proud to hear I live in her memory .", "I was of your mind , till I had experience of the contrary .", "And cursed by surgeons that were undone by honest women 's practices .", "You mistake me , gentlemen ; I choose for myself , not for you .", "Every one curling himself from any hopes of mine ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Love of ourselves and reverence to our parents ?", "Of yours . What is't you fear ? Report ?", "I may believe you when time and your actions shall tell it me as well as your words .", "In your heart !", "When it hasgranted you , return to her , and renew your suit ; but if you stay till then , you must get spectacles to see her beauty with .", "What have you there , Cleon ?", "Help , help ! She dies !", "You have great reason to persuade me to take him you abhorred .", "Sure , there is magic in that mystic name ;", "Dear Hermione , pinch me , or I shall sink with laughter .", "I pardon him : for I am certain he", "Thou'rt in the right , Phillida ; this inconstancy is a monster without teeth , for it devours none , makes no son wear happy mourning , nor mother childless : and , for my part , I am of opinion that the gods give a blessing to it ; for none live happier than those that have greatest abundance of it .", "It will reproach your being obstinate .", "My father said so , till my mother wept .", "You must forgive this ; your Eugenio ,", "I will do anything for my release ; if he has offended me , let him learn hereafter to speak truer than he swears ; and in time he may get credit .", "Pray content yourself with the time you have made me lose , and let me go .", "For that must have reflection on your peace ,", "How is it , dearest cousin ?", "What have I deserved of you , good Cleon , that you should make me read his verses in his own presence ? If you think I have not already as ill an opinion of him as I can have , you lose your labour .", "I left her with her .", "I think I can .", "Indeed , sir ! And pray , what did it look like ?", "Cousin , the prince is come to see you .", "Have you such skill in perspective ?", "O no , my skin was always proof against his dart ; but he once found me laughing , and so thrust it down to my heart .", "Or breach of faith d'you fear ?", "See such impieties as are lodged there in a man , and not be struck with horror ! \u2018 tis impossible .", "Whose ?", "Yes , a husbandman , and let the gods after take care for my children .", "With the price of the entire destruction", "A very great one ; for , first , I believe he desires nothing more than to be assured she esteems him for her servant .", "That such a question was not to be ask 'd .", "Once believ 'd it himself .", "Nay , I am no expositor ; you come , my lord , to see my cousin Hermione .", "Pray give them me , I long to be working wonders .Rubies , Pearls , Roses , Heaven . Do you not think he has done my cousin a simple favour , comparing of her voice to that of heaven ?", "Enough of this ; wert thou with Ergasto ?", "Yes , you , by suff'ring her undeserved scorn , have bred such a delight and habit of it in her , that she can hardly forbear it when she strives to be complaisant to her best friends ; and , to say truth , we are all endangered by such as you , when we see that frowns procure us knees , and kind usage scarce gets us two good-morrows .", "We thank you , my lords ; but if we were superstitious , your company were no good omen .", "Well , if I did love", "Sure , she is dead : how pale she is !", "Can you doubt it ? I 'll assure you you do ; she 's never troubled with anything , but you presently are called into the comparison with it ; her teeth cannot ache , but she swears it is almost as great a vexation as your love : if any die , out of her pity to save the tears of a few mourners , she wishes it were you .", "Thou art so good-natured , that thou wilt pardon such a trifle for one reason ; but I have two : the first is , I would fain speak with him ; the other , knowing my cousin to be in an ill humour , if he press to see her , I hope she will give him such an answer , that he shall never dare to speak to her more .", "If thou talk'st a little longer , I shall guess as much as she knows . But who 's here ?", "If it be thus , retire into your reason ,", "She would not hear him ; and as it is , how much does he oblige her ? He 's now her servant , and would entreat her to let him be her master ; a request strangely modest !", "She speaks our language .", "Lasting griefs upon you , which your hopes might", "As far as goes to sighing , but no dying , for their breeches .", "But I love to be alone .", "By Venus , would it , Phillida ! as high as that of honour .", "Did he buy them , or found them without a father , and has adopted them for his own ?", "\u2018 Twould please you to hear with what arguments she justifies this cruelty , and swears it is not revenge enough for spoiling her good nature .", "Methinks your experience , uncle , should teach you", "As I live , he swore all this to me .", "He long importuned her to show her face , which after many urgings she consented to ; and he in recompense made a low reverence to her , and then thanks her for the great favour , and concludes he never did receive so great a one from any woman , since all else have done them with a reference to themselves ; but hers was merely goodness , for , before he saw her , he might have suspected her face , handsomely hid , for a piece of beauty , if her virtue would have suffered him to be longer in that error .", "You not declare yourself when you came hither ?", "Your future sufferings present ; and so call"], "true_target": ["To avoid the infinite troubles you procured her by your fruitless solicitations . D'ye think your tears shall cost me so many tears as they have done her ?", "As into another , for aught you know , uncle .", "D'you think that all the names of virtue shrink", "What law , what faith , can bind us to remove", "In seeking to avert this lady 's death", "Why should you labour your disquiet , cousin ?", "Most evidently ; for , being thus severe to none else , \u2018 tis manifest she confesseth a power over him , and pays his services with this coin of scorn and contempt , and having her stamp upo n't , he is bound to accept it .", "And for a time forget your passion .", "Then he has no reason to accuse you of inconstancy .", "If you be his friend , teach him to be wise .", "Is Lysicles less worthy than his rival ?", "Anticipating thus your knowledge , you will make", "He has not wronged me .", "If your love were considerable , what an obligation had your cousin to your stars ? Then these remonstrances of yours are impulsive , and not voluntary .", "My lord , our cares will be employed better", "Thou wouldst weep in thy grave , Phillida ; yet the worst is , thou wilt lose more within this seven years than thou hast got in ten ; for men are changeable , sweet Phillida .", "Into the sound of constancy ? Must this", "Dissipate , till heaven had made your mind", "And thy word may be taken as soon as any wench 's in Greece , or there be slanderers in the world . But she affects constancy .", "Pallas , Apollo , what may this portend ? My lord , have you not seen a face like this ?", "Heaven defend ! my heart would tremble , if they should .", "The disposing of his liberty .", "Unto your father , friends , and to yourself ;", "On this condition I admit him to a month 's service , and myself to a perpetual servitude .", "Well , I have considered , and my cousin 's example shall teach me .", "So you told him , and he , still courteous for all your anger , promised to give you what you wanted of a man , or teach you how to make one .", "Sir Cleon , our friends are engaged ; pray let us be o \u2019 th \u2019 party . What has called up this choler in my sweet cousin ? My lord , you have been begging favours .", "Alas ! good gentleman , \u2018 tis the first time he ever thought o n't ; what frequent thunders should I hear , if \u2018 twere as he would have it ? Let me counsel you : lay them aside till they have contracted an inch of dust , then with your finger write their epitaph , expressing the mutual quiet they gave men , and received from them ; or , as all poisons serve for some use , give them your physician , and let him apply them to his patient for a vomit \u2014 this way they may be useful .", "Thou hast reason , but she is secret as the night she resembles .", "All comforts seem importunate ; but yet Prince Lysicles \u2014\u2014", "Have you sent for the Egyptian lady ?", "She would be glad o n't , o \u2019 my conscience , though the scruple , of having you do anything for her sake would trouble her a little ; yet I can teach you to make advantage of all this .", "He 'll show it thee himself , dear Phillida , and thine too , if thou wilt have him ! But they make to us !", "It cannot ; I prevent it , and accuse it for not showing the hills of snow , the rubies , and the roses they say have being from me . But stay \u2014 heaven opens , and I see a tempest coming ; your poet is a prophet .", "Strong enough to encounter them .", "His dart may strike as far into me", "Whilst you believe you have such cause to grieve ,", "Their house 's honour and your happiness ?", "Do you believe what Phillida say'th is the voice of all your friends ?", "But yet their fortune is not ?", "Not a sigh older these seven years , if't please Sir Cupid ; for he blows our bellows .But look , yonder 's your servant , there 's no starting now ; you must stand to't . But before he comes to interrupt us , observe with me , how in that deep band , short cloak , and his great boots , he looks three storeys high , and his head is the garret where he keeps nothing but lists of horse-matches , and some designs for his next clothes .", "The gods for you have made it not a fault ,", "Proposing such an object as Prince Lysicles .", "If he were here , must speak as I do now ,", "Why did", "Here .", "Why , prythee ?", "That he lov 'd me ; but if he does not ,", "That you shall marry with Prince Lysicles .", "Than in deploring it .", "Make you forget the debt that you do owe", "Well , if any here will pass their words he can continue constant a week , I will be disposed by you .", "Not bargaining for his own happiness", "Bring some water here , she does but swoon . So , chafe her temples \u2014\u2014 O heavens ! What prodigy is here ! Her blackness falls away ! My lord , look on this miracle ; doth not heaven instruct us in pity of her wrongs , that the opinions which prejudice her virtue , should thus be washed away with the black clouds that hide her purer form ?", "\u2018 Tis festival to-day , my lords , and so I admit this mirth . But to-morrow , I will tell you , I am no more inclined to love than my cousin Hermione .", "him , \u2018 twas \u2018 cause I thought", "It could not else divide us from our reason :", "Granting his love be great as his profession ,", "But you consider not whom you may offend in this mirth ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["They favour me so much , they do applaud", "The wand'ring seaman . Must then nature change ,", "What said the stranger , Phillida ? I did not hear it .", "By this judge how miserable I am ?", "Yes , sir .", "Ungratefully have flung it off . If so you be not", "Or I must leave my duty or my life .", "Two things I am most proud of \u2014 my just grief", "O my lord , nature had not made our hearts", "Shall inform me that I shall ne'er enjoy Eugenio ,", "That did not visit you to have this honour .", "Since they have made him add unto my torment ,", "Have I been false for this to all my friends ?", "With pains nothing is able to express", "Or are you the Milesia that was pleas 'd", "And hope of seeing you preserv 'd them open .", "tapers light", "Of hate or friendship to undo this match ;", "That stands the shake of the impetuous winds", "Till the priest join 'd our hands ; yet , if you please ,", "You could descend to raise me to your height .", "His country and my hopes ; his rival labours", "Suspicions of new crimes unto your rage ;", "You are uncivil .", "And my own faith , irresolute to whom", "his commands ,", "O , you are welcome ! Here behold a rock ,", "With a new-piercing cold , which they will feel", "You 're the single lord of . If you speak this to try", "Do , and if yet you are not perfect in", "Her distrust and jealousy deserve a greater punishment .", "You shall oblige me , since she has wronged me ; Irene , hark you .", "Comes ! Madam , the excuse that justifies sick men", "A story that will punish your suspicion .", "My sufferings ; for our prince , Lysicles ,", "If you can suffer me one minute 's joy ,", "Must be the father of , which never yet", "Which death had long since shut , had not the love", "Than your soft snowy skin ;", "\u2018 Twould ill become a virgin 's mouth to utter ,", "Forget my anger , as I will the cause .", "No , I must yet keep", "Where did you borrow that last sigh", "The grave must be my bed then .", "Besides my father 's often urging me", "Were there proportion \u2018 twixt our births , my lord ,", "And let not your Milesia 's ashes shrink", "To call me friend ? or is she buried", "A womanish scorn to have my love reveal 'd ,", "Be credulous , will learn by this how far \u2018 tis safe to trust you .", "To see my blood shed to preserve my faith .", "Dear Irene , perfect the happiness of this day .", "\u2018 Twas unkindly done to undermine me .", "The virtuous Acanthe has been tormented", "By all things holy , this I swear to do ,", "My resolution for Eugenio .", "Howe'er unhappy , challenged that name \u2014", "Rise ; this is worse than your doubts were .", "I was engaged .", "You did applaud whilst my poor brother liv 'd .", "In them are equal .", "I 'll give you leave to die first \u2014 anything ,", "I know will not be wanting . See , the lady", "Have shipwreck 'd with delight .", "I dare not understand you ; you are too noble", "Be punish 'd , seeming to prefer one so unworthy", "What mighty growth of dangers are decreed me .", "By foolishly aspiring to that height", "Bring him in . Good gods !", "Whose virtue does deserve the honour of", "No more , Eugenio : if your words could add", "Would make her gifts but seem the pay of virtue ,", "Deliver it . Prince Lysicles to-morrow marries me ,", "Persuade my cousin to confess she loves him ,", "From his expression of his love .", "I dare not hear the sound of . Add not , sir ,", "My fears , as my life has my hopes .", "You can so far forget your birth and virtue ,", "I now obey your general commands ,", "My faith and love to him I do adore .", "But cannot take it in .", "Was given thee last .", "As in their oracle they speak , I come to know", "Let not my father know but he 's the cause ,", "So much of mine ; and after I have tried", "Good my lord , give me leave again to say ,", "That send for their physician , must beg my pardon ,", "Your justice . Bring me to the tomb ,", "But to condemn thee , not to get belief :", "Her knees , begging your pardon or your pity .", "Too much acquainted with my sad heart 's grief", "To hide her treasure from the envious world ,", "Was it no more ?", "As with a martyr , almost as much pleased with", "The way to truth , and let not vanity cozen you", "Shunn 'd , I will meet it boldly .", "Protect me , virtue !", "This secret as a friend , you may excuse", "Darkness shall seize me , ere", "It is confess 'd . Nor ever any man", "And your young love \u2014 which could not grow ,", "Enter ACANTHE the Moor .", "Of mine made me affect his vows ,", "Sir , I have taken an oath .", "No .", "I am determin 'd ; for knives , fire , and seas", "But what ! Forbear ; I fear thy thoughts", "Hath she found out to live securely in ,", "\u2018 Tis a just anger .", "The mark of fortune , and now 's so full of misery", "Tempers I shall suspect he has dissembled too .", "Me his : and if death cannot be", "Be the example of a constant love ,", "That you descend to visit those that style", "My anger to preserve my honour , and I dare not trust", "Knowing his violent nature , I consented", "My lord , I do not understand you .", "Made me receive his declaration of it", "Madam , it cannot be you should affect", "As an affront unto my honour , and when", "That virtue chose that dark inhabitation ,", "If it hath banish 'd hers your memory .", "Malice has given me yet a field to exercise", "Must be my ruin ! But if this lady 's knowledge", "Rich in all virtues , that make men desir 'd ,", "O my Eugenio ! we are miserable ,", "I 'll call an oath to be my witness .", "From the bless 'd sun , before they shall take in", "I was not made acquainted with so much ;", "From the attempts of men ? Come , my Irene ,", "They were design 'd , which was to speak you truly ,", "Thy oaths do serve thee for no other use", "To fright all others from them .", "Mysterious powers ! Instruct us in the way", "Them mourn 'd and celebrated by your friend .", "Not to be stain 'd with't . Sure , you cannot", "The king , our neighbour princes , all good men", "Can my heart e'er consent my tongue should say ,", "Hated , and die most miserable .", "Themselves your creatures , made such by your goodness ,", "What secret sin calls down this punishment ?", "That I may look on him , and not be his ,", "I finding nothing in myself deserving", "I meant no more but to communicate ,", "Eugenio and he are of such equal", "That follow virtue , as it is prescrib 'd ,", "Opposing sense , makes me doubt which to credit .", "I have ; and she 'll be here within this half-hour .", "Dear Irene ,", "What is't ?", "Your thunder else would not be aim 'd at those ,", "I am for any other but Eugenio ?", "O my best lord ! you now behold a face", "No , my dear love , though cruel fate hath sever 'd", "That you should hide yourself from her ?", "Capable of pity if we forbear it here :", "How much you do deserve ; that will excuse ,", "Here , take this paper : \u2018 tis the last legacy", "Posterity , as your now living fame is .", "Your knowledge .", "My lord , I thought at first how ill my words", "Give it me now , and let excess of happiness", "Yes , the prince hath the adoration of my heart ,", "It miserable : when an eye that doth", "You faintly but pretend to , I 'll confess", "I 'll call her to your grace .", "Unmoved , like the star that does direct", "Grant this a trial only of the weak proportion", "Nay , it is true .", "Of being refused by you .", "When I was seated . Marry you , my lord !", "And threat'ning misery if I declin 'd the least \u2014", "Only to have the shows of your affection ,", "Madam , this is the prince .", "Tears and sighs and groans , farewell .", "By Pallas \u2019 temple ? Truly , belief and memory ,", "Of being too rich , have I \u2014 smiles of contempt .", "Then he dissembled when he made love to me ?", "So far unequal . If I have ever gain 'd", "That your line may last as glorious to", "Why should you hinder your repose and mine ? You know I never loved you .", "As to believe me fit to be your wife ,", "Where cannot virtue dwell ? What a still shade", "Eugenio returned ! thou hast reason , Phillida , I should be dead with sorrow : \u2018 tis not fit we hear his name without a miracle . Where is he ? Send to bring him hither .", "When I conceived you worthy . If you", "I have complained unjustly of the gods :", "And that relenting groan ?", "But can you bring no comfort ? Have the gods", "But her own groans : she fears she 's poison 'd ;", "And let the ensigns of their wrath fall on me ,", "Not favours of her partial love .", "Her treasure there , where an excess of merit", "Though they will give no ease , they might advise ,", "Hath vanquish 'd my determination .", "Resemble this , teach it to weep betimes ,", "Talks of you , of tombs , and of Milesia ,", "Finish what sorrow cannot . But where 's this happiness", "A face branded with such a line , conclude", "Which I do know she does ; and he already", "Has made profession of his unto my prejudice :", "Whose memory before did make the sharpest glorious .", "You must needs :", "How now , my lord ! Courting another mistress ! I see I must lock up my winds , or you will seek the nearest harbour .", "Nor is my disobedience so swoll'n", "Knowledge", "\u2018 Gainst whom I arm 'd the virtues of my friend", "Choose amongst them . Irene , I will hope , though she", "By my life , if my faith were not given , I would", "That , though the gods resented what I suffer ,", "Can pierce . More water : she returns to life ,", "To glory in the conquest of a heart"], "true_target": ["The gods will punish , making them love you :", "Your faith so many ways , it would appear", "Song .", "Must curse me as a stain to those great virtues", "A fear from him . I should be happy yet ,", "The weakness of our sex would be prouder", "That and my eyes at once , if they behold you .", "Were we then or no deceiv 'd ?", "Their powers to hurt him ; and injur 'd Love ,", "What easy conquest you can make of all", "O yes ; and more endangering songs of Sirens !", "But , strengthen 'd by your approbation ,", "Black mark upon thee , thou may'st not dare", "As you esteem it by your passion :", "We must forget our safeties and the gods ,", "It is a grace our family must boast of", "Not part my sorrows with you .", "That you should think I can be so to you ? Add not", "thine did produce it , I must thank thee .", "But , madam , what did poor", "Hath forc 'd me to that error which himself", "Philly , take thy lute , and sing the song", "Their justice . To you now , in whom \u2018 tis said ,", "They might engage you to the love of one", "Not with a flatt'ring ambition", "Exceed their own assistance .", "Shut up their oracles as well as mercy ?", "Than real loves of any they can hope", "Nature and virtue too , that else would shine", "Must be its only object .", "Believe her words , whose faith was never lost , though you", "Enter ACANTHE the Moor .", "And in the midst of all her torture says", "Th \u2019 inquisitiveness of a rival .", "An Egyptian lady , lately come to Cirrha .", "Hermione deserve ,", "Eugenio the love .", "My heart foretold you !", "The cruel title of refusing you .", "To divest himself of that , removes with it", "I am sorry for it .", "As to believe you think it possible .", "And ease of their complaints , or pitying friends ;", "I wept you dead , the virgins did entomb you :", "Though violent diseases should enclose me ,", "It was Prince Lysicles , presented in his lustre ,", "There may be some that for their secret sins", "I thank you , sir ; my sex will be my pardon if I return not equal thanks . We think , if any manumit , before we license them to part , they do usurp a power is ours by nature . The posture I found you in was more than ordinary courtship gives .", "My heart could be allied to . Continue , prince :", "He came to take his leave , I left him", "Your love doth promise .", "I have a story that will break your heart", "With what harsh fate doth heaven afflict me ,", "This kingdom owes your courage .", "The song being ended , re-enter PHILLIDA .", "Ruins me with the honour of his search .", "Let 's in , and fortify ourselves with some sad tale", "Must fear it is perpetual .", "fears , how true", "That so being lost , it may not see those miseries", "Sir !", "That you accuse me for , you there shall find", "You are yet living ?", "Now I perceive the gods decreed you endless ,", "Here you see a virgin that hath long stood", "O my griefs !", "With justice to attain to .", "O , the prophecies of my just", "Are then my miseries grown infectious too ?", "My blushes to the forsworn Hymen 's rites .", "And the swoll'n seas .", "Is mask 'd with happiness , and if I grieve ,", "And will not fortune cease to persecute ? Good gods !", "Of virtue you have lent me , not the overthrow .", "Here , sir , on", "By your suspicions a crime to our misfortune .", "That we may put off misery by death .", "I am excluded both ; for my misfortune", "That all those blessings which make others happy", "Our stars , whose influence doth govern us ,", "Because", "My own fears light upon me , if the night that eves the day of marriage , doth not shut me from the world .", "They ne'er were spent but when I fear 'd for you ;", "To let thee know't that , deprehended with the", "what I dare to suffer for Eugenio ,", "You would be serv 'd , for we are ignorant ;", "The faults I have committed are enough to arm", "Ingratitude , not modesty , to show", "To any new affection ; and give me leave to say ,", "A seeming comfort : go , try all your power", "Be gone , and leave to love till thou hast found", "If any worthy love shadowed my shame", "By making him a part of you . My hopes ,", "As griev 'd with my affliction . Fortune in her", "Would it were killing , that my death might end", "I'th \u2019 instant that your heart shall be consenting", "A mistress \u2019 coldness .", "Though no ambitious pride could flatter me ,", "One that hath no desert but what you give ,", "I dare not look upon the mighty blessing", "Give not my want of power to serve your grace ,", "Who sees that fortune would usurp his power ,", "Shall lose their qualities , ere fate shall make", "Then he did talk by signs , he was long about it . What was't , Irene ?", "Such comforts as we give to those complain", "Both to Eugenio and this noble prince ?", "Yes , the virtuous Lysicles \u2014 for his respects to me ,", "That I should be accused of a fault", "Usurp what 's not their own .", "Gave up my will to his , and vows to heaven ,", "To believe that I am mov 'd , because you change :", "In the opinion I would obey my father .", "Nourish 'd with such poor heat as now it gives .", "Your mysteries , observe mine well ; and when you meet", "And kill me there ; my mother 's ghost will smile", "To a contract \u2018 twixt me and the Lord Ergasto .", "Sounds of your death dissolve my resolutions ;", "Forbear his character : but shall not I", "The groves and temples , and dark shades have heard", "I seem 'd to have made choice of made him", "Though thou hast spoken treason \u2018 gainst my love ,", "If the prince leave me , it is most certain", "My heart , the prize to both divided .", "I do not ; but their will to help me I must doubt ;", "Your mind can ne'er admit a noble love ,", "When I shall say our Greece ne'er saw your equal .", "Merit in others ! I will close my eyes", "My love shall ever give you : \u2018 twas design 'd", "That violate the laws we are taught to keep .", "When you have heard it , and mine , ere I", "He 'll use his power to make me take Ergasto .", "Hide thee , inconstant man , thou art so false", "Her father was of Greece a wealthy merchant , and his business enforcing him to leave his country , he married a lady of that place , where he lived , who , excellent in the mystery of divination , hath left that knowledge to her daughter , enriched with thousand other modest virtues , as is delivered to me by those are frequent with her .", "Forgive me , that I dare to utter this .", "The constancy of his affection to me ,", "Thou wilt never be old , wench , if thou still keep'st this humour .", "A thousand other imperfections", "She stirs", "The Lord Ergasto 's importunity ;", "Respects to one", "Sad crime I must account amongst my secret faults :", "Have made me hate thee ; yet I chose this way", "And call our faiths in vain to aid our loves .", "My vow 'd embraces , yet hath death ice enough", "Of those whose perjur 'd loves have made them live", "Though always blasted , could not apprehend", "Yet I fear that they have plung 'd me to extremes ,", "Which we can only pay by frequent prayers ,", "Yet must not quarrel , love , to take or give", "To know no other man for husband .", "Remain in this false earth . He that hath courage", "Of all you can desire , that 's possible", "Consent , till fortune chang 'd , but lessen 'd not", "If e'er by any willing act I have provok 'd", "That ever hath admir 'd you ; and to think", "To make me his ; my father resolute I should", "A flourishing land propos 'd , on which I might", "You must in honour dispossess me of ,", "Must that be added ? Pardon me , gentle lady ; this", "Your merits are so great , you may assure yourself", "Here offer up myself to be dispos 'd by you .", "To wound my constancy .", "When you her know , you will believe ,", "To trouble me again .", "Who ever had a misery like mine ?", "Her narrow hand excludes him , unwonted to bestow", "\u2018 Tis in your power , sir , to satisfy him .", "Nay , blush not , cousin , since you would not allow me", "Good gods \u2019 if you are mov 'd with tears ,", "Would kneel to .", "Love 's arrows sooner armour pierce ,", "With a young gentleman 's , now banished", "When we are silent of the mighty debt", "For those that know no reason of their hate", "Had juster claim than he against her ;", "You will not take our excuses , if we should say you find us now with more advantage to our beauties .", "Whose instrument you were of our deliverance ,", "Heaven hath some further ends in this than we", "And I must ever mourn unpitied .", "Rise , I can hold out no longer ; the bare", "And all the blackness of her face is gone .", "You shall know all . I have exchang 'd my heart", "Became a virgin ; but give \u2018 em the right sense :", "I fain would dream of ? Eugenio is return 'd ,", "That he may know that his unquestion 'd power", "All that are griev 'd have yet the liberty", "To grant , whom thousands worthier than myself", "The victory should yield . At last I left", "I will submit to all but breach of faith .", "Of doing virtuously in loving him", "Some saving power close up my drowned eyes ,", "And , you being lost , I have no use of them .", "For those that sigh , and not for love ,", "But let not me have so much leave to change ,", "He could not be so cruel to intend it ?", "We both have had satiety of that :", "Whilst thousand others \u2018 scape unpunished ,", "Let me entreat you , that you 'll see a lady ,", "An object that may startle my firm faith .", "That my malignant stars force them to change", "In your absence labours to marry me : yet death \u2014\u2014", "Expressions to your love , you had not had", "Who , though at first no inclination", "Anything on your goodness , I 'll not lose it", "Know it ?\u2014 I pray , say you do not \u2014 you 'll wrong", "Are poison , which thou wouldest fain infuse", "Your eyes can only teach us love ,", "To make my choice obeying", "No more : their virtues , that exceed all other men 's ,", "Are not malignant to us , but whilst we", "Were a presumption that swelling pride"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["As \u2018 tis , there be so many inquisitive rascals , that we have much ado to keep matters secret ; but if in despite of our care they be divulged , we shall be defamed on the Exchanges .", "Where is his cellarage ?", "I dare not , sir .", "You 'll find enou \u2019 to do it : is the Moor still with my lady ?", "Look to it , though \u2018 tis but a little weapon , yet I have known it make greater swellings than the sting of a bee . Do you long for a man ?", "Nothing , madam .", "These men have less reason than mice : they would know else how to shift places , and shelter themselves from a storm . If I were a man , and lost the happiness of seeing my mistress two days , I should lose the desire the third .Do you sigh , madam ? You are in love too .", "He waits on your commands without .", "I 'll be your compurgator for the handle of a fan ; I know love has brought many into the world , but let out none . Has he pierced you , ha ?", "If I should weep , as my lady does , for all the servants I have lost !", "O madam ! call all your sorrows to you , you are", "And our faces were not , \u2018 twere no matter . They should make haste , or we should overtake them , or prevent them . A commodity of beauty , that would last forty years , would bear a good price , madam ."], "true_target": ["She desires you to see her , and believe that ambition cannot gain more upon her than your affection .", "Yes , and told him that my lady sent for him : but to what intent did you make me lie ?", "Not sad enough to hear the news I bring .", "What is got by this whining constancy , but the loss of that beauty for one servant , which would procure us the vows ,sacrifice , and service of a thousand ?", "Court .", "But is not my lady a strange woman to weep thus for one servant , when she has another in his place ? For my part , I could never find such differences in men \u2014 to be sad when I had any .", "Is she ? I would fain ask her one question : but \u2018 tis no matter : \u2018 tis but taking physic at the worst .", "I would I were a man for his sake .", "Some ill-favoured woman , that meant to preserve her last purchase , which her want of beauty forfeited , invented that name .", "I heard your uncle say the governor did receive it with all appearances of joy , in hope this match will free him from this deep melancholy : and \u2018 tis determined the next feast joins your hands .", "\u2018 Tis a shame such people should be suffered near the", "You mistake me , madam ; Eugenio is returned ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["By the just gods , if I do come to know it ,", "And yours now , will teach you t \u2019 admit", "You have ill-luck else , niece .", "But you are not the same ; \u2018 twas never meant", "Alive or dead , I 'll give thee to the hands", "Vex 'd by thy folly into rage and madness ?", "My Lord Ergasto , you see with how much candour I have embraced your love ; yet , though I do put on a father 's strictness in my daughter 's presence , I cannot force her to an act whereon for ever will depend her happiness . My house shall still be open to you as my heart . My business calls me , get you home ; your servant .", "Your virtue promiseth more than I may hear", "My lord , you are not practised in the cares of fathers : I thought to have seen this gentleman my son to-morrow ; and she does refuse him . But \u2014\u2014", "He should enjoy you if your brother died .", "How long is't you have undertaken to be your own disposer ?", "My lord , this reconcilement will make way", "I am not resolute in my intents :", "You may excuse them by consenting to your friend 's desires .", "Nor will I argue more to make you doubt ,", "Make any deep impression in you ,", "To know him to thy shame . Do not confess it !", "Is Lysicles unworthy ? or your knowledge ,", "Of Lysicles .", "So much , they will not let her take the blessings they", "My love unto my child hath thrown upon you .", "I will attend him in the walks . Where 's this", "Nor I no child , if you continue thus :", "\u2018 Tis a noble sorrow ; but your deep melancholy gives it too large a growth .", "Sir , your own love of my Hermione ,", "Your faith !", "What colour now to cover disobedience ?", "Hopes of being allied to you : heaven bless you both !", "Where you pretend , who can ? But heaven , that designed a blessing to my child , it had been pride to hope for , hath made her still averse to his pretences ; but giving her the liberty of refusing , I know he is removed ."], "true_target": ["If my Lord Ergasto now were satisfied ,", "Into Eugenie 's virtues ? I tremble ,", "Talking to graves at night , and making love i \u2019 th \u2019 day ? My lord , I nor my daughter have deserved this .", "From you . Once more , heaven bless you !", "My daughter to him , I would not have him", "I know the priest that gave it . Do you not blush , being so young , to know how to distinguish the difference of desires ! And this so wildly , that you will put off your obedience rather than lose one that you dare not say hath interest in you ; but by my hopes of rest , I 'll use the power custom and nature give me to force you to your happiness .", "Most willingly I give it , since I 've lost the", "Tell my Lord Lysicles", "After my cares had sought you out a man that brings all blessings that the world calls happy , you must refuse him !", "Has chosen so well that , without my leave ,", "I shall be at peace ; for , having promised", "An easy satisfaction for the troubles", "Canst thou hope either from my injur 'd patience ,", "Does it pierce farther than the eyes of all", "I 'll sacrifice thee on thy mother 's tomb .", "I would do anything .", "Unto my pardon : I have not been wanting", "Is't possible , Irene , do you love Ergasto ?", "Think that by me he 's injur 'd .", "She hath made herself her own disposer .", "Our Greece would mourn if such a glorious stock should end in the most flourishing branch .", "Welcome , my lords , do you know this lady ?", "In my promise to you ; but my daughter thinks she", "When I think thou may'st have cause", "If I have any power , she shall be yours .", "If ever love", "I am deceiv 'd .", "Do offer ?", "Ungrateful child whom the just gods have curs 'd"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["With a heaviness that sinks despairing sinners .", "Reason can pacify your father 's rage ;", "I think I understand you .", "Tortures again do seize me .", "Threaten like danger to us both .", "Will not resolve upon some hazard , and", "Will not desist for such suppos 'd slight lets ;", "They seldom let us know what is to come ,", "You must oppose your passion unto his ,", "Do not destroy the comforts of my soul ;", "I have heard as much ; but", "would you could ; with what great willingness", "With the furies that torment me .", "An obligation to him that impos 'd it .", "Time that I saw him since I came to Cirrha ,", "First , dearest lady , do not think my power", "Assisted with the ghost of my dear Lysicles ?", "contradictions", "That , if you should rely o n't , I shall seem", "You measure your or their affection", "This was well manag 'd .", "Remotest from him .", "You must dissemble with the prince , and seem", "The poison with the present I receiv 'd ?", "Fear not their power .", "I was surprised in considering I must", "Fame of a constant lover will eternise it", "I mean your constant love , which I will teach", "You may believe her , madam , she loves him ; now you may revenge her , persuading you to leave Eugenio , by smiling on Ergasto ; \u2018 twill advance your cousin 's ends too , if you do as I 'll advise you , whilst we descend .", "With opposition that may shake your judgment ,", "Grant this to recompense my martyrdom ,", "And I had thank 'd you , if you had forborne", "I 'd haste to meet and ease you of your fears .", "When I am dead , who I was : but if", "\u2018 Twas my too perfect knowledge of my want", "Cold in your service , when it does not answer", "I feel death entering me ; love the memory", "That broke with vows and friendship for your love ,", "And then your father will force you t \u2019 his will .", "Not force us in our actions . Let me observe your face .", "To make his innocence the instrument", "It is not that ;", "And love will be victorious , being the noblest .", "There is another remedy more proportion 'd", "Dares not death shut those eyes , where love", "Our knowledge cannot hinder , must sit still ,", "To-morrow I will bring more certain counsel .", "My jealousy hath thrown upon your innocence .", "You are the mark of all disasters .", "By my own sufferings , how much you did love me ,", "Tell the prince that you 're engag 'd , but he", "Have given me the tortures that advance it :", "Of faithful love . Pardon me , my lord , her injur 'd spirit inspires me", "What a division do I feel within me !", "To punish me ! I feel a torment", "For your disease , but not for you that suffer ,", "Show you have lost a mistress .", "O \u2019 th \u2019 tortures of my body , does feel a joy", "Which may preserve our faith .", "My Lysicles , I am by miracle preserv 'd ;", "In the prince 's actions do amaze me :", "Why should your grief make me repent the joys", "Had been a word to express full misery ,", "Of what hath pass 'd betwixt you and the prince :", "Whilst I yet live , my dying obsequies", "They say he loves your friend , and labours now", "I have conjur 'd my servants not to tell you ,", "Like Semele I die , who could not take", "I am but half-tormented ; my soul in spite", "Have there been any new storms since I went ?", "Partake of all your fortunes ; for our ascendants", "If I deserve this , your inflicting hands", "Be only hers , to think of a new choice .", "What fires , what seas , must your Eugenio pass ,", "Be sure , when he first speaks of love , seem not", "E'er could expiate the crimes we have committed ,", "Madam , I cannot stay to know particulars", "I see love is a child still ; what a trifle", "And prosecuted those that desired my ruin ?", "To advance your hopes , you dare deliver", "From the best Lysicles : I burn , I burn ,", "The gods give us permission to be false", "You might have laid it on , until my name", "May never learn his error . Sir , if torments", "Pursue our lives ; but now the apprehension", "Below , and make them learn again to love", "Prefer one so far beneath him , may provoke", "Hermione , Irene , is Lysicles yet come ?", "Have you", "Should I embrace a share of what afflicts you ?", "The cause of your disquiet , you shall find a closet ,", "For heaven 's sake , hold his hands . O my best Lysicles ,", "Which is this :", "The full God in her arms .", "Doth now disturb him ! You will not get your health", "Unto the shades the glorious title of your wife :"], "true_target": ["Let your obedience unto this command", "Of your love ? Could there be added more", "Those that in dangers that do press them nearly ,", "And mourns your loss of faith , that now begin .", "Do reach unto the shades , lay it on there .", "Is but conjectured ; for our stars incline ,", "You then did send", "Unto my happiness , than to be confirm 'd", "If I may live so long to hear but this", "May I die loath 'd ! What funeral pomp", "O , O , O gods ! If I have merited your hate ,", "I have but one wish more , that I may bear", "Mine might challenge your pardon and your pity :", "And , therefore dying ; but , before I go ,", "For to recall him ; and that every night", "Contribute to their aid our best endeavours .", "A just neglect from him . Then for Ergasto ,", "With so much zeal pronounc 'd by him I love ?\u2014\u2014", "That we may still implore their aid to help us :", "A fault irreparable ; and think not", "Give leave to chance to govern what", "Only tell me how he relish 'd your saying you", "Herself express her sorrow ?", "\u2018 Tis not impossible , but he , seeing you", "If not a fort , to vindicate your fears .", "Hath enter 'd once , or am I in the shades", "Besides the time you gain , there may succeed", "Who have died for it .", "They will not hear us , madam , unless we", "Can there be greater than for me to hear ,", "I have thought a way may for a time secure you :", "What is expected from it . All I know", "Good gods ! If I do bow under your wills ,", "A thousand ways to hinder his pretence .", "Unto her tomb , you there shall see her .", "Let me obtain your pardon for the wrongs", "And wait their preservation from a miracle .", "Shall make you deviate from your resolve ,", "With this boldness .", "Were promis 'd to Ergasto ?", "Without repining at your sad decrees ,", "My grave should swallow thee , makes me to welcome it", "Does Eugenio know you love him ?", "To make him worthy you ? Methinks I feel", "And for her sake murder 'd , as she for you ;", "Had you been snatch 'd from her .", "To both divided !", "When they exclude us from all other ways", "Not lately lost a lady that did love you dearly ?", "I shall do something in your service ; and", "He courts his former flame , hid in the ashes", "His fame doth make him known to all that are", "What unknown ways have the gods invented", "To understand him .", "Knowing me unworthy of thy firm constant love ,", "To love Ergasto .", "Good sir , withdraw a little , I shall deliver", "Most perfectly she does ,", "You need not tell me it , though this be the first", "If e'er I did expect a happier death ,", "O , O ! Why do you kneel to me ?", "Yet something I can tell ; if hope or force", "I never thought that death could be a terror ,", "Too long acquainted with the miseries", "Why does he doubt it ?", "Of your Milesia , and forgive \u2014\u2014", "No tyranny e'er parallell 'd , yet must confess", "His soul sigh for a trial of his faith .", "Great as my will to serve you ; \u2018 tis so weak", "Their weakness shall discover't , let it be hid", "You are the subject of their hate : or if", "Of his lost mistress .", "At the price of saying you are sick . I know", "That meets departed spirits in the blest shades .", "That he that is the author of my sufferings ,", "I ever begg 'd of heaven \u2014 the knowledge", "Good madam , use some means that I may speak", "Forbear ; uncivil lord .", "Why do you ask ?", "After so many vows , so many oaths , you would", "Now if to one , whose interest doth force her", "With him before he goes : my heart doth promise", "Of merit to deserve , made me doubt yours :", "What you believe none knows besides yourself .", "By merit or advantages of fortune ,", "You conclude too fast : if this night you 'll come", "Be constant , and be happy ; when you meet", "O gods ! deny me not a death , since you", "More than a numerous issue ; would you hear", "Of your dire wrath . Hermione , Irene ,", "Longer I dare not stay . I am your servant .", "And death dares not seize me , frighted", "O , say not so ; live , I command you , live ;", "Your urn 's cold ashes should have hid her fire", "Remember what affliction \u2018 tis to weep", "Pronounc 'd by Lysicles , I die in peace .", "Though , since the gods repent them of their succours ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["If I could make jointures , I would not take this pains for your honour . Cleon , whither slip you ?", "Marry , and get out of it ; there may be some little straining at the first offer of the present ; but if she send not for it before you get home , I 'll ne'er trust my eyes more .", "In verse or prose ?", "Believe me , Ergasto , these severe beauties , that are to be looked on with the eyes of respect , are not for us : we must have them , that love to be praised more for fair ladies than judicious .", "FOOTNOTES :", "I wo n't think at all , for fear I judge amiss . The mazes of a woman are so intricate , no precept can secure us . Yet this I 'm resolved on : she will not love you .", "Conceitof yourself makes you of the opinion I mentioned . You think \u2018 tis impossible for all men , what you cannot attain to ; what arts have you used to gain her ?", "Faith , to deal truly , much like the wheel of fortune which , turning round , puts the same persons sometimes at top , sometimes at bottom : but at last love shot his dart thorough the axle-tree , and fixed you regent .", "I mean , neither so ill-favoured as to have no ground for what we say , for there belief will hardly enter ; nor so handsome as to have it often spoke to her . For your indifferent beauties are those whom flattery surpriseth , there being so natural a love and opinion of ourselves , that we are adapted to believe that men are rather deceived in us , than abuse us .", "Heyday ! if the ballad of the rose and honeycomb do not do it more than she deserves , or almost any woman , let me be condemned to sing the funerals of parrots .", "Who 's that ?", "You have more cause to doubt that she will never affect you , than that already she is not in love : what , a young handsome lady , that carries the flame of her heart in her cheeks , not have yet seen any one to desire ? \u2018 Tis impossible .", "Ne'er fright me with the lightning of her eyes ; on me she may open or shut her eyes as she please , but my happiness is not at her disposing .", "Nay , it is most certain , the town is full of it :", "And what success ?", "A most excellent girl ! would she were poor .", "\u2018 Tis not ill-done ; but does he not speak to her ?", "And I would fain meet you when you are so . Will you give me leave to speak with your scholar ?", "\u2018 Tis enough .", "At these games of love we set all ; but the best is , we cannot stake , and there 's no loss of credit in the breaking . Cleon , hast thou seen him with his mistress ?", "What , Epictetus in a petticoat ! She that disputes love into nothing \u2014 or , what 's worse , a friendship with a woman ?", "Quit your interest in Hermione , and renew", "If he be subject to that frenzy , I will counsel him to take any trade upon him rather than that of love .", "Eugenio is made governor ; though you were constant ,", "Pray , sir , let him do it himself : the task is not so hard to require a mediator .", "Your own election which 'll else be enforcement :", "Let 's take some argument may last an hour of mirth .", "Calumny is so general , that truth has lost her credit . But to th \u2019 purpose \u2014 what rivals ? what hopes ?", "And they did wisely ; for , the victory being got , they were to prepare for a new triumph , and not , like your city officers , ride still with the same liveries . Somehave miscarried in it , but \u2018 twas because their provision of beauty was spent before they came to composition .", "And yielding looks , and with their eyes do melt", "If ever there were a Sybil at sixteen , this lady is one . By this day , you have a high place in my heart .", "Why , I beseech you ?", "Sooner than soften their hearts by my tears ; and though a river should run through me , I would seal up my eyes , before a drop should come that way : for our unmanly submissions raise them to that height , that they think we are largely favoured if they hearken to us with contempt .", "Right ; but does this usage show it ?", "The faster . Eugenio , too , was servant to your", "I will not deny but I may love her , if she please . But if she be not pleased with my love , if it continue two hours , I 'll give her leave to tie me to her monkey .", "They would believe me , though they would be sorry your honours should . But what , this love \u2014 has it transformed us all ? Cleon , you can tell who \u2018 tis he thus admires ?", "Then thou hast yet a year of happiness : but why , I prythee ?", "He tells you true , lady .", "As good as any chiromancer in Egypt , madam .", "If the disease grow old in him , I 'll pay the physician ; but be it so , and let it be lawful to change as often as we will .", "Alone , and you must strain to make him go", "Woman-art \u2014 if they perceive a lover to desist", "For your sake , I will do all I can . Ergasto , wilt thou be happy ? Marry this lady ! Wilt thou be revenged on thy proud mistress ? Marry her ! Wilt thou be sure to father wise children ? Do as I bid thee .", "Us , \u2018 twere endless . But I 'll along with you ,", "Be confident , and prosper .", "Will not lose a servant whilst he lives ,", "She would live rarely by her \u2014\u2014"], "true_target": ["Wit ! I would be a good customer .", "The discourse of them and themselves too , if we could arrive to it . But what is she you love ?", "Do ; and if I do not dispossess you of all your opinions , let me be \u2014\u2014", "As how ?", "Prince Lysicles spurs coldly whilst he rides", "Nay , let her go on ; I 'll hearken an age .", "Faith , for that , whoever marries , must sacrifice to fortune ; and she , whose wisdom makes her snow to you may be fire to another . Some odd wrinkled fellow , that conquers her with wit , may throw her on her back with reason . Take this from the oracle , that for the general calamity of husbands all women are reputed vicious , and for the quiet of particulars every one thinks his wife the phoenix .", "What wouldst thou have me do ?", "\u2018 Tis not amiss if she have neither of the extremes .", "The devil that advis 'd her can tell you : they", "Never , till you pardon him .", "Nay , despise it not , you 'll find good company there .", "And guess at more .", "Away , unthrift !", "Good night . I will dispute it no more , whether thou shouldst have her or no ; for I now conclude it is impossible .", "You can have no longer hopes of Hermione :", "I have a strange capricio of love entered me : I must court that shade .", "Should I think all the ways they have to cosen", "Fie ! say not so ; that 's as great an injury as not pardoning him : he has , and shall come naked to receive his punishment . See , he dares not look for comfort ; let him take it in at his ears .", "Your suit to Irene .", "O my sweet lady ! be merciful , like the gods you resemble . They have as often pardon in their hands as thunder ; and the truth is , if they will not forgive this fault of inconstancy , they must live alone , or at least without men . This was the last gasp of his dying friendship to her ; and now he is entirely yours .", "Yes ; but the mischief is , she 'll ne'er think so of him . If polygamy were in fashion , I would persuade him to marry her , to be governess to the rest ; but not till then . Wouldst thou be content to lie with a statue , that will never confess more of love than suffering the effects of thine ?", "Faith , ashamed ; she loved you so well , and sorry she had no reason to love you better .", "The ice of doubts their fears contracted : perhaps", "Yes , and can give reasons for't , besides experience ; and when this act is known \u2014 this resolute encounter , rich widows of threescore will not doubt my prowess .", "A halter you shall as soon ! Come , come , I 'll intercede , and be your surety . Look , she stays to pardon you ; down on your knees .", "Yes .", "Then , for all thy jesting , there 's some hope thou art yet in thy wits .", "He 'll ask no more , but leave the rest to his respects and services .", "FOOTNOTES :", "Therefore let me advise you , make that seem", "Mistress , and Lysicles and he parted good friends .", "That hath sent forth this wind , since I left you ?", "You are little curious ! Why do you not ask who this concerns ? Well , I 'll tell you ; you have redeemed Ergasto , and he kneels to know your commands .", "Be thankful , and bestow it upon her in recompense ; she will accept it , doubt not ; she has taken such pains to redeem it . Look how she casts her eyes upon thee ! She 's thine own for ever , and has been long .", "\u2018 Tis the best holdfast your foolish devil has ; but strong reasons shall be your exorcism . Tell me first , what is she you love ?", "Though they command him to be murder 'd . \u2018 Tis the", "Milesia , I know not how , is alive again :", "Open him the heaven of their beauty in smiles", "Not for five hundred crowns .", "What mountain have you pierc 'd ,", "You wrong your beauty to expect an assurance from time . Ordinary faces require it to perfect the impressions they make ; yours strikes like lightning in an instant . If he did not adore you till now , you must attribute it to some fascination ; but , his judgment cleared , he will be forced to continue the adoration he has begun .", "Though thou hadst hers too , be wise , and despair betimes . In this point women are commonwealths , and are obliged to their faiths no farther than the safety and honour of the state is concerned . If thou wert the first example , I would excuse thee for being the first cosened . But stay , who 's here ? Enter PHILLIDA veiled , beckons to ERGASTO . O \u2019 my conscience , an embassage from some of your kind mistresses , that would fain take their leaves , before you go to captivity .", "In the name of darkness , d'ye think I am not in earnest , that you coy it thus ?", "Nothing more opposite ; for languishing transports , whinings and melancholy make us more laughed at than beloved of our mistresses \u2014 and with reason : for why should we hope to deserve their favours , when we confess we merit not a lawful esteem of ourselves ?", "If thou hadst ever been used to talk sense , I should wonder at thee now ; why , I should sooner hope to gain a lady after the murder of her family , than after she had an opinion I deserved to be slighted by her .", "What advantage , my delicate sweet lady ?", "Through fear , distrust , or harsher usage , they"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Nothing can add a comfort where I am ,", "Than if a crown were added to her", "She is the cause that I do walk in shades .", "Expos 'd to dangers , that have yet no name ,", "Thy narrow heart is capable of love ,", "I know it ; but we were betray 'd", "Faith is not tied to pass the confines", "Did place me here , to search into your thoughts ;", "Of this life ; yet Hermione 's happiness", "My closed fires . Why did not fate give me", "Conquer 'd love and virtue .", "Did you suspect her , that you conceal 'd this from her ?", "I shall desire to live if this be true ;", "My uncle 's cruelty and hate of you procur 'd our separation .", "That I might meet thy love with equal merit .", "Impious , inconstant Lysicles ! Cannot", "And now is prouder of this discovery ,", "A mortal shape persuade thee there are gods", "In thy dissembling ? Do not I know", "But the assurance of your love . I know", "To punish falsehood , that thou still persistest"], "true_target": ["My dearest Lysicles , promise to be", "My glory and my happiness !", "Thy holy flame doth lend me light to see", "All that I ever did she 's conscious of ;", "My best , best Lysicles , I am again in love ,", "You living , when", "By the Moor you spake with yesterday .", "And jealous of your love unto Hermione ,", "Then know I was betray 'd . O love ! here 's company , I must retire .", "So large a field to exercise my faith ?", "I am jealous of you .", "This miracle of my reassuming", "I envy thee this trial , and would be", "For thy Hermione ? whom thou wouldst persuade", "To me , which are indeed but trophies of thy dead", "By mocking of my ashes , and erecting tombs", "Thy heart is swoll'n with vows thou hast laid up", "Forbear , and hear me . If you approach , I vanish \u2014\u2014", "Does trouble me . You 'll think I lov 'd", "Discover more than you yet hop 'd to know .", "By one that serv 'd me , and the doubt 's confirm 'd", "But temperate in your anger , and I will"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Distorted from him ; his soul doth labour", "You are all goodness , and my services ,", "Teach you to pity those are distract with it .", "Because I will not wrong th \u2019 election", "You cannot wish me such an hated office !", "If you incline to mercy , and forget me .", "Which heaven did seal , be cancell 'd ? \u2018 Twas my virtue", "Who can hear this , and not be turn 'd to marble ? Good sir , impart your sorrows ; I may bring comfort .", "Virtue itself would lose her quality", "The conquest of a miserable man ,", "Though I can never merit this great honour ,", "By him that is most virtuous ? Ye gods ,", "Ever directed by your will , shall show ,", "I have done't already . They were trusting you", "People will say that Lysicles did want", "Your gracious pity forceth on your judgment .", "On those you favour , and then your happiness", "Your leave to die : I must not live , when", "The effects and virtue of it : I come to punish", "Do shine upon our cottage , must our faiths ,", "Under some heavy burden , which my passion", "Unto your marriage .", "Wretched Eugenio ! did thy coward fate", "The faith of my Hermione ?", "To sheathe this in your breast , let yours pierce me ;", "You did accuse me of ! I would not live so long", "Did shake and raze it . With what disturbed mind", "I must not hear that name now ; you have lost", "From your fair conquer 'd soul they now possess ?", "By which I only did pretend my claim .", "What have you said that is not ? But heaven avert this last !", "Of you I can have none , but what excuse you :", "O'er whom their cruel'st influences reign .", "Hell and furies ! Because your specious titles ,", "Not dare to strike thee , till thou turn'dst thy back ?", "So much his hopes , he knows not what to wish \u2014", "I do release you , as I know heaven has ;", "To think you can survive your dying friend .", "Must I return from banishment to find", "Look then upon me .", "And tear them from your heart .", "Since pity of my love made you decline it :", "I only seek , that you may find I shrink not", "Call up your reason and your courage to you ,", "Or take your full revenge ; let your own griefs", "Those that by breach of vows provoke their justice", "What once you promis 'd to my perfect love ,", "If he should tell me that it does deceive me :", "It is the voice of comfort ; none would strive", "To be a sad relator . I 'll call him . Holla !", "To a longer faith in you ; you must not be", "When they shall hear him sunk below her succour .", "An ease or torment ? If it be a joy ,", "What should I do ? I dare not trust my sense ,", "Can there be greater than for me to see", "When I believe there is no other means", "I do not kneel for mercy , but to beg", "An imminent ruin , inspire me with fit words", "You had made me miserable , had not your faith", "I will do nothing shall deprive me of", "Or joys or sorrows ? When remedies are despair 'd of ,", "Who in his justice cannot have consented", "So , \u2018 tis well ;", "To ease your misery , had you continued mine .", "I will not rise until you pardon me .", "For myself , my love in his last act shall recompense", "And forc 'd her father to compel her voice", "You have attempted my Hermione ,", "With my life 's happiness . Draw , and restore the vows", "Titles your father 's rage ; and your own judgment", "To appease my injur 'd mistress . Hear me :", "Can you deny but that you have attempted", "I dare not venture you beyond my help .", "To punish him your justice has condemn 'd ."], "true_target": ["My hopes are banish 'd ? Did I for this love virtue ,", "Here he is .", "Do seldom fear profaning of their names ;", "Should I have look 'd on you my heart ador 'd ,", "Then hear a wretched man , that has outliv 'd", "Yielded to those assaults ; as worth and greatness", "And hale inconstancy along with her ,", "Who are all truth ? I will not speak", "Will be as great as is your beauty .", "Your friendship does it .", "Part of that courage fame did speak him lord of ,", "They will more freely shine on your Lysicles .", "But must \u2014\u2014", "But these are tears your fortune did lay up", "Turn not your face away ; would you revenge ?", "Her horrid to the valiant to be ruin 'd", "The laws of friendship , and commit those faults", "See how your passions blind you ! Is death", "Your grief 's too great for me to trust your life with't :", "The injuries \u2018 t has done to your repose ,", "Pardons make my offence most horrible , and hell", "Then draw your sword , and as I lift my arm", "To injure me , but you must raise up virtue to suppress", "A notable wooing this !", "Ere he forsook her , and his words do fall", "But to resist the batteries of fortune .", "Never ; it shall live here to honour me ,", "Me ? If I suffer it , I shall deserve it .", "And your suns , clear 'd from their last clouds ,", "Your breach of faith .", "The beauty I have lost by my own fault ?", "The injuries you have done me .", "Or may I doubt them , seeing they come from you ,", "Did hinder me from seeing . Sir , forgive ,", "Time enough to revenge , though not prevent", "May the gods give you , madam , a content", "As high as you have power to bestow", "Be happy in your choice : give to his merit", "And you 'll exhale her soul into your wounds ,", "Though it be fasten 'd to my strings of life .", "Then let my eyes dwell o n't . What punishment", "Your flames of vice .", "May I believe all advantageous words ,", "Whereto you tend : you would have me untie", "Too mighty to redeem the greatest faith", "Won her fair graces , which still outshine", "How undeserving I am of these favours ,", "Was envy , malice , fortune impotent", "Which was not given you only for the wars ,", "The honour of your love and favour .", "Whether to live or die ; yet life for this", "You that by powerful prayers have diverted", "They will be , when you 're dead . How you mistake", "To ease you , I will do't .", "Your spreading vineyards , and your gilded house", "Why should you envy it your dearest friend ?", "The gods were ever witness to . I know", "On this condition I may do your will .", "You have still leave to die . Perhaps she lives ,", "Madam , forbear your tears : they are a ransom", "Pursued her rugged paths , when danger made", "To hide their perjuries will put it on them .", "Why should you doubt it ?", "Is here without them ; take a middle way", "And be the death of her you mourn for living .", "And love made miserable ? Still you weep \u2014\u2014", "Fie ! how unmanly 's this ? Can sounds affright you ,", "You made Hermione ; or I will leave you dead ,", "By killing me ; then must injustice fly ,", "Which yet you know not whether they do bring", "Will you die now ?", "At length his hope hath taught despair to fear .", "What is't ?", "The knot that bound our loves , and I will do't ,"], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["He rush 'd into my chamber , his sword drawn ,", "Resolve to die : thy blood shall hide the stains .", "How , my dear friend ?", "The lights were all put out . Then hastily", "To search unknown the truth of this report ,", "\u2018 Tis true , my uncle did design my death", "My heart , farewell ! After this visit our loves", "I heard my Lysicles should marry you ,", "Appear 'd most godlike to me . You all did run", "Of my dear Lysicles , when at the tomb I did", "His power to help , he wish 'd it were undone :", "O , you are pleasant ! Here comes my lord .", "Brings lights to see the body , and perceiv 'd", "As I descended ; and lest pity should", "My enemy 's blood ; yet soon did pity seize me ,", "Who", "Grew to that height that you have heard of .", "Stain of thy kindred 's honour , he exclaims ,", "And took this time to write unto my lord .", "And practis 'd in the private actions", "But , knowing yet no fault , could beg no pardon .", "I found his eyes on mine , and ere I could", "Of our dishonour .", "And tears , yet not of sorrow and repentance ,", "Have chose this way to reunite our houses .", "But he that was our greatest enemy ?", "Her latest groans ; and now the act was pass 'd", "That betray 'd me to tell them I was coming ,", "I could presage the future . Thus was I", "Create remorse , in their obdurate hearts ,", "I have but one grief left .", "And snatch 'd me by the arm . I fell down ,", "Till I have farther means to thank you , receive this ring .", "The shame of doubting such a faith kept my desires in .", "That expected me . My uncle heard", "For loving Lysicles ; for , at his coming hither ,", "Sweet madam , let me obtain this for him . He dies if you deny him .", "Resolv 'd to leave me here . I swore obedience ,", "You were the cause o n't . At my arrival here", "And on the trunk did leave a note which told", "An oath so made , till I had seen Lysicles ,", "Of pity , glided unseen of me into my heart ,", "Sought by you , thus", "If I deserv 'd so great a blessing :", "To hate him as the ruin of his honour ;", "found the faith", "guessing by my sighs that love had made them ,", "And therefore kept the habit I was in ,"], "true_target": ["He charg 'd me , by all ties that were between us ,", "And whilst I thought myself but charitable ,", "At length out of his bosom he pull 'd a paper :", "The strange mistake . By signs and lifted eyes", "He did . Forgive it him ; \u2018 twas for his friend .", "Remove them , heard him say , he 'd thank his fortune", "Yes , but it springs from an excessive joy", "My clothes with hers was slain ; then takes the head off ,", "What I hereafter shall do in your service", "But knew not what offence it was to keep", "But left me speechless that I could not say ,", "My fair dear friend , you shall know all my story .", "I wore when I first came to you .", "From hunting of the boar . All but his name", "She went , but by the way was seiz 'd", "Confess 'd heaven 's hand was i n't ; yet would not leave", "This is all truth , my lord , I can assure you .", "I nurs 'd my infant love with milk of pity ,", "To stop his wounds , and I thought I might see", "I had a servant unsuspected of me ,", "Betray 'd them to my uncle . On Pallas \u2019 eve", "Was there no other man to ease your lust", "His house ; till I escap 'd in that disguise", "Till he grew strong enough to take me prisoner .", "Commands his cruel slaves to murder me", "It was the contract betwixt my lord and me ;", "He was ; for leaving me oppress 'd with sighs", "Were conscious of the fact \u2014 immures me in", "Of some near friends , got an opinion", "To see him bleed . Thus , love taking the shape", "For this last wound , if \u2018 twere the cause", "Awhile our eyes did only speak our thoughts ;", "Of finding such admired worth in you .", "And yet , for some dark ends I understood not ,", "My name was heard . I then entreated her", "His revenge here \u2014 commands his slaves to change", "Of seeing me ; then took his leave ,", "My death for loving Lysicles , in hope my ruin ,", "Knowing his noble nature , would be his .", "And strangled by those murderers", "The gods have made this trial in my sufferings ,", "Which at your house I did , when he came wounded", "At midnight quits this town , leaving none behind", "Heaven , said I , has approv 'd it , and the gods", "Must wear the name of gratitude , not love .", "Appear his ghost , and had reveal 'd myself , had not", "But fear that I should leave my dearest servant ,", "And ask 'd me if I would avow the hand ."], "play_index": 3, "act_index": 3}, {"query": ["Planning the welfare of our war-worn land .", "Service , at which my heart revolts ; but , sir ,", "\u2018 T is even as you heard , my brave young friend .", "Deathlike in solitude . The sentinels ,", "The blow ere this had fallen that would have bruis 'd", "And superstition 's guides , now passes by ;", "What , Bland !", "The habiliment of death , the badge of dire ,", "You 're from the South , if I presume aright ?", "No second tale-bearer , who heard the news .", "The solemn hour , \u201c when night and morning meet , \u201d", "Known , but till now , the darling child of Honour .", "Cannot , as mercenary soldiers may ,", "Ne'er rises on his slumbers ; by the dawn", "Sounds through the camp . Alas ! all is not well ;", "And man , the murderer , marshalls out his hosts", "Lady , I have no power .", "To spread around him death and desolation .", "For us the die , prov 'd false , and play 'd us foul .", "And what I tell , I tell from well-prov 'd knowledge ;", "Fear nothing , Madam , \u2018 t is an empty threat : A trick of policy . They dare not do it .", "Point out , of war , the folly , guilt , and madness .", "Good wishes go with you .", "That soil defending which his ploughshare turn 'd ,", "My meditating mood may work me woe .", "He offer 'd bribes to tempt the band that seiz 'd him ;", "As you drew near , plain truth advanced to meet you .", "For rather would I lose my rank in arms ,", "Still , age succeeds to age , and war to war ;", "We see him mounted gaily in the field ,", "To him I leave your guidance . Good wishes", "And well , my brave young friend . But why do you ,", "Those laws , his father chose , and he approv 'd ,", "Why waited not yourself ?", "I am on guard to-day . But see your son ;", "How might I be deceiv 'd ? I 've heard him , seen him ,", "Yet not a heart but pities and would save him ;", "In drowsy tones , from post to post , send on", "On foot , and thus alone ?"], "true_target": ["Be brib 'd to sell the public-weal for gold .", "Necessitous coercion . \u2018 T is not well .", "Of chance , we must have lost the glorious game .", "The brave young man , who this day dies , was seiz 'd", "Mysterious time , to superstition dear ,", "But the rough farmer , for his country arm 'd ,", "How long ! how long !\u2014\u2014", "Prosper you !", "Than , gain \u2018 mongst military men all praise ,", "\u2014 Methinks I hear the tread of feet this way .", "Of cause so microscopic , that the tongues", "I am sorry that my duty should require", "Of inattentive men call it the effect", "Lady , I do . Retire !", "At this dead hour of night , approach the camp ,", "More interest at stake ; when he , who held", "Or find him wrapt in meditation deep ,", "But for a circumstance of that nice kind ,", "Advance and give the countersign .", "The General 's doors to you are ever open . But why , my worthy friend , this agitation ? Our Colonel , your husband \u2014\u2014", "In all the gaiety of festive pomp ,", "You will not need the last , for the blest sun", "Lady , thou say'st true ;", "Madam , duty forbids further attendance .", "Wanting the touch of sweet humanity .", "At midnight 's depth , deck 'd in this murderous guise ,", "Else , why stand I , a man , the friend of man ,", "The signal of the passing hour . \u201c All 's well , \u201d", "\u2014 In vain the enlighten 'd friends of suffering man", "Aye , Major Andr\u00e9 .", "The tender plant which we have striven to rear ,", "Crush 'd to the dust , no more to bless this soil .", "Andr\u00e9 's his name .", "Within our bounds , in rustic garb disguis 'd .", "Never had people on a single throw", "For all confirm that he is brave and virtuous ;", "Justice is ours ; what shall prevail against her ?", "And stand cashier 'd for lack of discipline ,", "Our soldiers wait in arms . All is prepar 'd \u2014\u2014"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 4}, {"query": ["Is trained to pour from far the leaden death ,", "Thou shalt not die !", "On whose manly brow sits fortitude enamour 'd !", "A Mars , abhorring vice , yet doom 'd to die", "High praise !\u2014 Then bless me , Madam ;", "Still mayest thou say it , for thy heart 's the same .", "Hudson .", "I have a sword , and arm , that never fail 'd me .", "M'Donald comes with her . I would not meet him :", "I surely shall prevail \u2014", "The parching sun , and chilling dew of even .", "O , Andr\u00e9 , spurn me , strike me to the earth ;", "The lustihood of youth hath yet defied", "Confess my fault , and gain , if not his love ,", "The hardy hunter , skill 'd to fell the deer ,", "I would require the meaning of thy words .", "To labour firmly under scorching skies ,", "Whose lonely taper through the crannied wall", "His case is singular : his station high ;", "O , thou art Pierre 's reality ! a soldier ,", "Suspense \u2014 uncertainty \u2014 man 's bane and solace !", "All further parley . But strong solicitation", "I am ; and , Melville , I am fraught with news ?", "A troublesome companion . I was wrong .", "Arise in their remembrance ; when their ready", "Touching this business :\u2014 should they arrive too late \u2014\u2014", "Binds me in ties indissoluble to him .", "Whose words and actions , when by mine compar 'd ,", "But whence this grief , these tears , my mother ? Why are these little cheeks bedew 'd with sorrow ?", "Hast thou no sense of honour ?", "I will proclaim thee through the camp a coward .", "\u2014 and turn the rigour", "I bring dispatches for our great Commander ;", "Hoar wisdom to intemperance ! who could lie !", "The weather-cock of passion ! fool inebriate !", "Confin 'd , soon had I sunk , victim of death ,", "Melville , my friend , you here ?", "At any other time , I should not dare ,", "And gave to every look , to every act ,", "The callous coldness of thy heart to cover ,", "M'DONALD", "If I have brav 'd all dangers for my country ;", "Against thy honour ; ready to be raised", "Was , on this day , as such , to suffer death .", "Thou shalt not die for this . Straight will I fly \u2014", "This tongue , debased , to own , it slander 'd thee ,", "To cheer his hours \u2014 perhaps , now languishes", "Shall far outweigh the lack of discipline .", "Else helpless and forlorn \u2014", "Of friendship in thy cause , has not been heard .", "My friend must pardon me . Thou wilt not blame", "No more solicitations . Harsh , indeed ,", "Howe'er misled by passion , still my mind", "Bless 'd with each polish 'd gift of social life ,", "Anxious to know the truth of those reports", "O , let me steal away and hide my head ,", "What warded off the blow ?", "Of Honour stern , than sweet Humanity .", "I will not think more of it ; I was again the sport of erring passion .", "Speak it .", "And that a Briton , tried and prov 'd a spy ,", "For I have pass 'd through many a bustling scene", "How racking now to me ! My mother comes .", "By heaven thou shalt not die !", "Oh , name it not !", "Silent . Nay , then \u2018 t was from a duteous wish", "Appointed . Andr\u00e9 , thy friend , is now no more !", "It doth in truth appear , that as a \u2014 spy \u2014", "To me , and many more my countrymen .", "To vulgar gaze \u2014 halter 'd \u2014 distorted \u2014 Oh ! !", "Bring to your mind the blessings of his deeds ,", "Curse them !", "Cold-blooded reasoners , such as thee , would blast", "Yet , erewhile ,", "I ne'er till now did hear of Andr\u00e9 's mistress .", "Restor 'd us light , and partial liberty .", "What mean'st thou , madam ? Why these tears ?", "All those , who , or by open force , or dark", "There wait till morn .", "To virtue and to glory .", "But he , perhaps , now wants an Andr\u00e9 's care ,", "And hasted hither with design to wait", "My father and my friend ! !", "A death of infamy ; thy corse expos 'd", "My General favours me , and loves my father \u2014", "Who could with ruffian hand strive to provoke", "Thou canst advance for this ; but to thy heart", "Thou dost not sure deserve it . Betray 'd , perhaps \u2014", "Pardon me , sir , I never shall deserve it .The country that forgets to reverence virtue ; That makes no difference \u2018 twixt the sordid wretch , Who , for reward , risks treason 's penalty , And him unfortunate , whose duteous service Is , by mere accident , so chang 'd in form , As to assume guilt 's semblance , I serve not : Scorn to serve . I have a soldier 's honour , But \u2018 t is in union with a freeman 's judgment , And when I act , both prompt . Thus from my helm I tear , what once I proudly thought , the badge Of virtuous fellowship .My sword I keep .Would , Andr\u00e9 , thou hadst never put thine off ! Then hadst thou through opposers \u2019 hearts made way To liberty , or bravely pierc 'd thine own !", "Of War 's iron law from him , the best of men ,", "An unoffending child of him thou weep'st .", "Pardon me , Melville . Oh , that well-known name ,", "The General \u2014 Seward \u2014?", "Since I have seen a father or a mother .", "I hope it \u2014 but I yet have no assurance .", "For I must yet a trial undergo ,", "Thus , thus to meet him on the brink of death \u2014", "Through its round , and maddens each emotion .", "Andr\u00e9 , my friend ! look up .", "The guise of falsehood . Oh , it cannot be !", "My father \u2014 Andr\u00e9 \u2014 and self-condemnation !", "To me , a saviour from the pit of death ,", "That father dies for thee .", "I now would shun him ; but that his shorten 'd", "Be blest in the example . Be it thy suit :", "What cause to think him nothing more the pupil", "So link 'd with circumstances infamous !\u2014", "Condemn 'd without due circumstance made known ?", "Would be disarm 'd of half its gorgon horrors ;", "Think on this act accurst , and lock complaint in silence .", "Much lov 'd Chief , sold and betray 'd , were captur 'd .", "No consolation for thee ; thou must die ;", "My mother !", "My one request \u2014 mine , and humanity 's .", "Thanks , my mother .", "Where'er I look cold desolation meets me .", "When a boy , at school , in our allotted tasks ,", "Where is that martial fire , that generous warmth ,", "Thou liest !", "My gallant father ! would that he were here !", "In any soil where thou hast pleas 'd to plant it .", "And secret machinations , seek to shake", "To the lov 'd object there remains no hope ,", "Why seek I Andr\u00e9 now ? Am I a man ,", "But now , my tongue , all shameless , dares to name", "Seward , my friend !", "Was ill to thee alone : I 'm sorry for it .", "And I retaining life !", "Dismounted ; and , from yon sequester 'd cot ,", "Thou wilt prevail . Take with thee in each hand", "I know not what excuse , to martial men ,", "All those who seek to bring this land to woe !", "Damnation ! !", "Oh ! could my words portray him what he is ;", "Our General hath received another flag .", "Thou shalt not die ! Curse on the laws of war !\u2014 If worth like thine must thus be sacrificed , To policy so cruel and unjust , I will forswear my country and her service : I 'll hie me to the Briton , and with fire , And sword , and every instrument of death Or devastation , join in the work of war ! What , shall worth weigh for nought ? I will avenge thee !", "I do remember ,", "To climb the steep , to struggle with the stream ,", "Seward , I must make bold . Leave us together ,", "As gallant soldier as e'er faced a foe ,", "And utter 'd \u2014 I could curse it \u2014 utter 'd falsehood .", "Presumptuously , to shew my sense of it ;", "Now is urg 'd to gain the wish'dhYpppHeNfor favour .", "\u2018 T was said , that Arnold , traitor like , had fled ;", "Andr\u00e9 ! Oh no , my friend , you 're sure deceiv 'd \u2014", "The worst of deaths ; no circumstance abated .", "Thou wilt need none , good Melville .", "The colour of my hasteful business suit .", "Amidst those horrors whence thou sav 'd'st his son !", "Can never know erasure .", "What mean'st thou , Andr\u00e9 ?", "Rather perversion monstrous of all good ,", "If Andr\u00e9 lives , the prisoner finds a friend ;", "Where I , and many a suffering soldier lay ,", "And , like an angel , seeking good for man ,", "Yet I will do it . Summon up some courage \u2014", "I have but now", "Or gain 'd the approbation of her champion ,", "That he can think he leaves his love alone ,", "Makes the current of my life course wildly", "Every social tie of humanized man .", "His qualities admired ; his virtues lov 'd .", "As ever land on earth might call its own ;", "One for my soul to rest on . But , to know", "Shew white as innocence , and bright as truth .", "Memory of thee holds here a second place !", "While thro \u2019 the fever-heated , loathsome holds ,", "Yet he is doom 'd to death , and I am free !", "Sought out the pit obscene of foul disease ,", "The giant thoughts of Otway . I was Pierre .\u2014", "He comes , with smiles , and all the air of triumph ;", "The Briton , there , plays at no mimic war ;", "Which , granted , pays all service , past or future ,", "And , gratitude , that first , that best of virtues ,\u2014", "Thou didst no more than was a soldier 's duty ,"], "true_target": ["We , by our puny acts , strove to portray", "If my brave father has deserved ought ;", "Could never lead to ill. By such an act ,", "That gallant Andr\u00e9 never yet put on", "Such a threat ! Is it not enough , just heaven ,", "Haste , my mother !", "By vehemence of passion hurried on ,", "Where Virtue 's image , when \u2018 t is once engrav 'd ,", "Retains that sense of honest rectitude", "Still , as I pass 'd , struck varying on my ear ,", "I 'll pawn my life , my ever sacred fame ,", "Myself sustained the injury , most true ;", "SCENE , the Encampment , by starlight .", "My father knew not Andr\u00e9 .", "To serve the cause thou wast in honour bound \u2014", "The dewy breeze of morn , or evening 's coolness ,", "By heaven thou shalt not die !\u2014SCENE , the GENERAL 'S Quarters . Enter M'DONALD and SEWARD , in conversation . M'DONALDThree thousand miles the Atlantic wave rolls on , Which bathed Columbia 's shores , ere , on the strand Of Europe , or of Afric , their continents , Or sea-girt isles , it chafes .\u2014", "Rememberest thou , when cover 'd o'er with wounds ,", "All warm affection ; asunder sever", "To serve the part on which he drew his sword .", "Which glow 'd his manly countenance throughout ,", "If I have done my duty as a soldier ;", "Meant only for the worst .", "The best of men .", "But as I past along , many strange tales ,", "Which , from the many mouths of busy Fame ,", "Lingering , I come to crush the bud of hope", "And every virtue of humanity .", "A prisoner of war \u2014 I long have known it \u2014", "Yet sure a deed of mercy , from thy hand ,", "That Arnold had prov 'd false ; but he was ta'en ,", "A death so infamous ! Heav'n grant my prayer .", "My General 's favour , or a soldier 's honour ,", "This , and that heaven-inspir 'd enthusiasm", "The boon , the precious recompense , I wish ,", "Prosper , kind heaven ! and recompense his cares .", "Then to prove it .", "All has not yet been tried . The powerful voice", "I pleaded for thy precious life alone ;", "Aye , swagger , lie , and brag !\u2014 Liar ! Damnation ! !", "And hung , or to be hung \u2014 I know not what .", "Yet let not censure fall on Andr\u00e9 .", "Of that I spoke not .", "Say , madam , is there no change of counsel ,", "Call all to mind \u2014 and cancel all \u2014 but grant", "Damnation ! my blood boils . Indignation", "Thou knowest that Andr\u00e9 's not a spy .", "all men tower above me !", "Brave spirits , rous 'd by glory , throng our camp ;", "And screen thee from the brave man 's detestation .", "Detested word !\u2014 brave Andr\u00e9 must be view 'd .", "My breath has , flattering , to existence warm 'd .", "I dare not thee resist . Yet why , O , why", "While I am sinking with remorse and shame :", "On thy behalf .", "SCENE , the GENERAL 'S Quarters .", "Signal of death", "The South teems with events ; convulsing ones :", "Is thy accurs 'd , detestable opinion .", "Duty and honour call 'd me from my friend .\u2014", "His rising , or awake him with the sun .", "His late intent \u2014", "Not every record cancel 'd \u2014 Oh , there are hearts ,", "That name sounds like a friend 's .", "And all the race of civilized man", "Or start the sluggish bear from covert rude ;", "And gallant Andr\u00e9 is among the best !", "Perhaps , thro \u2019 dire necessity , heap 'd on us ;", "\u2018 T will well become thy character and station .", "It shall be so .", "Melville , my friend ,", "Farewell , farewell , brave spirit ! O , let my countrymen ,", "To pardon him would not encourage ill .", "It was thy duty so to serve thy country .", "That the same blow deprives them both of life \u2014", "She revives \u2014 Andr\u00e9 \u2014 soft , bend her forward .", "Colonel , I used thee ill this morning .", "Oh , there are Englishmen as brave , as good ,", "With gallant face he moves , and gallantly is met .", "The import of the message : harsh , indeed .", "Judge how my heart is tortur 'd .\u2014 Gracious heaven !", "If thou wilt not my aid \u2014 take it thyself .", "As honest as the heart of man e'er felt ;\u2014", "Seest thou these blushes ? They proceed from warmth", "And not a clown that comes , but from his youth", "Of Britain ? To a loathsome prison-ship", "Yet that you shouldst the felon 's fate fulfill \u2014", "The Tree of Liberty , or stop its growth ,", "This wasting conflict of my wildering passions ,", "Pity me !", "Andr\u00e9 !", "Forgive me , O my father ! if in this war ,", "Detested sophistry !\u2014 \u2018 T was Andr\u00e9 sav 'd me !", "But made so without blemish to his honour ,", "But not with shame unmingled , while I force", "At least the approbation of my judgment .", "To the last thyself !", "If \u2018 t would not damp thy present cheerfulness ,", "Breath 'd on our parching skins , he pass 'd along ,", "Me he mark 'd out his own . He nurst and cur 'd ,", "When I shall tell what cause I have to love him :", "Against thy life . If this my deep remorse \u2014", "But the intent of what I said and did", "Betray our yeoman soldiers to destruction ?", "Which ever animates the patriot 's breast ,", "Say nothing .", "But , by benevolence urg 'd , this best of men ,", "The stern and blood-stain 'd brow of War", "A few short hours scarce past , when this vile hand", "Speech would pour forth torrents in their foe 's dispraise ,", "Of floating hulks , dungeons obscene , where ne'er", "All men will bless the act , and bless thee for it .", "Thy coolness goes to freezing : thou'rt a coward .", "Another told , that all our army , with their", "Which makes the memory of an evil deed", "Here do I myself Devote , my fortune consecrate , to thee , To thy remembrance , and Honora 's service !\u2014", "Save \u2014 save them both ! This way \u2014 haste \u2014 lean on me .", "A death of aggravated miseries ;", "And is that Andr\u00e9 ! Oh , how chang 'd ! Alas !", "Or new determination ?", "I 'll brand thee \u2014 Damnation !", "Thread of life , gives me no line to play with .", "Hard is the task to friendship ! hard to say ,", "For what a wretch am I , in Andr\u00e9 's mind ,", "And in my heart he liv 'd , till , when exchang 'd ,", "Nor view a man , condemn 'd to harshest death ,", "Young Arthur Bland .", "To guard these little ones , and point and lead ,", "Some one approaches .", "He lov 'd and made his friend . I liv 'd by him ,", "You hold the fate of my most lov 'd of friends ;", "His sentence he confesses strictly just .", "Each making th \u2019 other void . Nor does delay", "\u2018 T is well . Just heaven ! O , grant that thus may fall", "Thus hurry me away \u2014?\u2014", "Have I , adventurous , grop 'd my darksome way .", "\u2018 T is past the stroke of nine .", "And how is call 'd this \u2014 honourable spy ?", "Curst be thy sophisms ! cunningly contriv 'd", "Thou didst not mean to tempt our officers ?", "That I must lose this man ? Yet there was left", "Thou shalt know None with impunity speaks thus of me . That to rouse thy courage .Dost thou not yet feel ?", "That will require a consciousness of virtue .", "Sheds its faint beams , and twinkles midst the trees ,", "Attempted on thee insult ; and was raised", "A friend .", "I fly to save thee !\u2014", "If from my country ought I 've merited ,", "And soon exchang 'd , returns unto his friends ,", "Diffusing blessings ; still his power exerting ,", "Blest , blest be heaven ! whatever was the cause !", "Without the which man sinks beneath the brute ,\u2014", "But , as I nearer drew , at yonder cot ,", "My servant , and my horses , spent with toil ,", "Threat'nings , now ;", "Surely , the scene would move you to forget", "The tone of high chivalrous animation ?\u2014", "The which denied , my indignation barr 'd", "And monstrous rumours , have my ears assail 'd :", "I 'll save my friend .", "This lady bears dispatches of high import ,", "I know his value ; owe to him my life ;", "More humanized customs be induced ;", "This gallant youth , then favour 'd , high in power ,", "Little I bring to cheer thee , Andr\u00e9 .", "The present moment claims my thought . Andr\u00e9 \u2014", "O'erpays the utmost I can e'er achieve .", "And left upon the field , I fell the prey", "To alleviate the woes which ruthless war ,", "What means that cannon 's sound ?", "ANDR\u00c9", "When occasion offers . \u2018 T will be friendly .", "O Andr\u00e9 !\u2014 I have but now arrived from the south \u2014 Nor heard \u2014 till now \u2014 of this \u2014 I cannot speak . Is this a place ?\u2014 Oh , thus to find my friend !", "And bear , unshrinking , winter 's roughest blast .", "To soothe the sorrows of a suffering friend ?", "Henceforward , when the cruelties of war"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 4}, {"query": ["Humanity , call loudly , that we make", "Her good alone his aim ; and if his fall", "His mood is all untoward ; let us leave him . Tho \u2019 he may think that he is bound to rail , We are not bound to hear him .", "From death protected ; and retaliation ,", "And met it like a man , my brave M'Donald .", "What I shall judge most for that country 's good ,", "And strove to make their fellow-subjects slaves .", "The discipline of men to order train 'd ,", "\u2018 T is mine , brave yeomen , to assert your rights ;", "That shall I do . When doubtful , I consult", "\u2018 T is well , sir ; bear this message in return .", "In strict regard to consequence I act ;", "Promotion shall immediately attend thee .", "If fit , its fitness is the best assurance", "\u2018 T is hard , quite hard , we may not please ourselves , By our great deeds ascribing to our virtue .", "The very refuse of the English arms ,", "\u2018 T is this alone which saves thee , O my country !", "But the destiny of millions , millions", "Ask her , my friend , to send by thee her pacquets .", "Encourag 'd treason ? That pride encourag 'd ,", "Must yield , to shield thy lacerated breast", "Thy merits are not overlook 'd .", "Yet ever keep in mind that man is frail ;", "And , till that spirit flies these western shores ,", "In Andr\u00e9 's case there are no doubts : \u2018 t is clear :", "My country 's friends ; never her enemies .", "That not in vain you sue ; but , if unjust ,", "Conduct it hither .", "Thousands who never heard the hero 's tale .", "Merely a captive ; by the laws of arms", "Perhaps the reckoning 's near . I , likewise , am", "Unquestion 'd , have our countrymen consign 'd", "To that tribunal , eminent \u2018 mongst men ,", "As they term it , threaten , if we our purpose hold .", "To death , when captur 'd , mocking their agonies .", "An individual 's virtue is , by them ,", "\u2018 T is short : I will put form aside , and read it .", "Yet to admit ,", "No power on earth shall crush thee !", "Thou wond'rous principle of god-like action !", "I hope they know that to themselves they owe it :", "Of this moment . The haughty Briton laughs", "Seward , support her \u2014 my heart is torn in twain .", "And much should doubt to call that action right ,", "Who , by a clemency ill-tim 'd , ill-judg 'd ,", "From its determined opposition change .", "And have the power to bring their acts for trial ,", "The men entrusted with thy country 's rights", "Thy merits , nor the merits of thy race ,", "Gaze on their deeds astonish 'd . See the youth", "He is a soldier , and , I think , a brave one .", "Millions demand the death of this young man .", "Worthy M'Donald , though it suits full well", "Be less profuse of words , and name your wish ;", "Hath caus 'd those ills which thou hast now portray 'd ?", "Stands firm , and meets me at the bayonet 's point ;", "Rest all content upon the dampsome earth ;", "Rocks of error . Should he sink thus shipwreck 'd ,", "The prisoners he retains he must account for .", "I know the virtues of this man , and love them .", "Or toil or danger , poverty or death .", "Captain , no more .", "Hoping his threaten 'd death will Andr\u00e9 save .", "Sir Henry Clinton knows the laws of arms :", "To that prompt hardihood with which they meet", "He careless slept , his rural labour o'er ;", "My injur 'd country , he his forfeit life", "Which , by denying us the rights of nations ,", "His tide of passion struggling still with Reason 's"], "true_target": ["Will lament his fall , they will lament in blood .", "That still they deem the spy we have condemn 'd ,", "Here have I intimation from the foe ,", "To that good discipline which they observe ,", "Sweeping away all trace of civil life .", "Ere Britons dar 'd to violate those laws ,", "\u2018 T is mine to teach the foe , that , though array 'd", "Sure it is not Virtue 's voice that triumphs", "Bland is the victim they have singled out ,", "Sir Henry Clinton knows it .", "In his ruin . I must seek rest . Adieu !", "In rude simplicity , ye , yet , are men ,", "You are welcome , sir . What further says Sir Henry ?", "Fearless of all the unusual din of war ,", "Mankind who know not whence that spirit springs ,", "Swells in the hearts of thousands on these plains ,", "Think'st thou thy country would not curse the man ,", "Start from his plough , and straightway play the hero ;", "Can further fire that country to resistance ,", "Which fill 'd the breast of great Leonidas ,", "Cannot its nature alter , nor my mind ,", "With your permission .", "He will , with smiles , yield up his glorious life ,", "However specious , whose apparent end", "And count his death a gain ; and tho \u2019 Columbians", "\u2018 T is well . Each sentinel upon his post", "Why , why , my country , did I hesitate ?", "Wherever liberty is found , there reigns", "No thanks for that ; you 've courtesy for office .", "No more , my good young friend : it is in vain .", "Erected by the policy of nations ,", "As rebels have been treated , not as men .", "Brief , my young friend , briefly , your purpose .", "Follow undaunted to the deathful charge ;", "Our prisoners , brave and generous peasantry ,", "From torture .", "To hear , be tortur 'd , and refuse at last \u2014", "His former peaceful mates . O patriotism !", "To scorn our armies and our councils . Mercy ,", "ANDR\u00c9 meeting BLAND .", "The love of country . Now the self-same spirit", "To stem the flood of ills , which else fell war", "Rash , headstrong , maddening boy ! Had not this action past without a witness , Duty would ask that thou shouldst rue thy folly \u2014 But , for the motive , be the deed forgotten . SCENE , a Village . At a distance some tents . In front muskets , drums , and other indications of soldiers \u2019 quarters .", "Slander that would not wound .", "The virtuous man to frown on all misdeeds ;", "Since they have hurl 'd war on us , we must shew", "As highly prized as it can be by thee .", "Which holds at bay all Britain 's boasted power ,", "The sweet reward of wholesome toil enjoying ;", "Yet unborn , depends upon the rigour", "Whose death you threaten , for himself drew not", "Unmurmuring bear such toils as veterans shun ;", "Have weigh 'd , attentive , every circumstance .", "O , Bland ! my countryman !", "SCENE , the Prison .", "Would pour , uncheck 'd , upon the sickening world ,", "Admit her .Oh , for the art , the precious art , To reconcile the sufferer to his sorrows !", "Was misery to man . That brave officer", "And rank among the foremost . Oft their scouts ,", "Resting secure as erst within his cot", "Those boasted laws by which themselves are govern 'd ,", "While in his tent the weary soldier lies ,", "Our now despised power be felt , vindictive .", "That by the laws of war we will abide ;", "Driving his unstable Bark upon the", "A soldier ; entrusted by my country .", "Who know its value , and in whom \u2018 t is virtue :", "His sword \u2014 his country 's wrongs arous 'd his mind ;", "Fair and favourable gale , and adverse", "Or , when occasion asks , lead to the breach ,"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 4}, {"query": ["They know to whom they owe their present safety .", "Free from th \u2019 extremes of poverty and riches ;", "Had lost all memory of the other !", "M'Donald never spares to lash our pride .", "Oh ! would to heaven", ",", "Of viand-pamper 'd luxury , might ne'er be heard ;\u2014", "Cutting off intercourse , till either side", "Or tyrant lordling , curses of creation ;\u2014", "I will lead you to him .", "Where the faint shrieks of woe-exhausted age ,", "All unguarded , might ne'er be view 'd , flitting", "Hast thou no nobler motives for thy arms", "\u2018 T is wond'rous !", "Of a polluted daughter , stained by lust", "Nought can the lovely suitor satisfy ,", "Shall other nations break their galling fetters ,", "The men of other climes from this shall see", "Sit on a visage from the sallow south .", "In her changeling mood , hath hurl 'd , unpitying ,", "Folly 's chimeras rather : guides to error .", "SCENE , A Chamber .", "Of all defiling city ; where the child \u2014\u2014", "Then might , perhaps , one land on earth be found ,", "Dreams , dreams ! Man can know nought but ill on earth .", "Tastes not of charity . Andr\u00e9 , I mean .", "Captain ! I 'm glad to see the hue of health"], "true_target": ["What you suggest of one , whom fickle Fortune ,", "Beauty , by villainy seduced , by knowledge", "How all resistless is an union 'd people :", "From her topmost height to lowest misery ,", "Sure never man such spectacle of sorrow", "Where the blasted form of much abused", "You have much shew of reason ; yet , methinks", "Peace shall again return . Then Europe 's ports", "Refusal would cause madness .", "That in mid-way between these sever 'd worlds ,", "I will not cross your purpose .", "Than those , her mercenary sons , who , now ,", "Raving , in feeble madness , o'er the corse", "And re-assume the dignity of man .", "Rose barriers , all impassable to man ,", "Where ne'er a scepter 'd tyrant should be known ,", "But conference with thee , and much I fear", "Saw before . Motionless the rough-hewn soldiers", "And hence , from our success", "Soon shall our foes , inglorious , fly these shores .", "Shall pour a herd upon us , far more fell", "Threaten our sore chastisement .", "Than love of property and thirst of vengeance ?", "Mere theoretic dreaming !", "Silent view her , or walk aside and weep .", "How easy \u2018 t is to shake oppression off ;", "Obscene , \u2018 tween lamp and lamp , i \u2019 th \u2019 midnight street"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 4}, {"query": ["Ever remembering , that the race who plan 'd ,", "I may not always the distinction make .", "Descend upon the son .", "That selfish rule of action , which commands", "Grasping , with ken unbounded , mighty thoughts ,", "Thou knowest thou tell'st a falsehood .", "In others , I can shun the snare accurst ,", "Thy father !", "If I were Bland I boldly might advise", "Say to thyself , \u201c I am not what I was ;", "My parents , and I thank them , cross 'd the seas ,", "And many an ill attendant ; but from thence", "Ne'er may it grasp a sword", "The tempter 's part , and lure men to their ruin !", "Invaluable temperance \u2014 by all", "However just , between the blow intended", "Oh , freely , freely ! you I never rail on .", "May every child be taught to lisp the tale :", "No link , but in remembrance salutary . \u201d", "Misleading reason , casting in the way", "Who acquiesced , or did the deeds abhor 'd ,", "Has been the offspring of deliberate judgment ;", "Who is so dull would doubt their shameful flight ?", "Rises not man for ever \u2018 gainst oppression ?", "Perversion monstrous of man 's moral sense !", "That none hath power to wound it , save myself .", "I will not stir my finger to redeem them .", "Would'st thou behold \u2014\u2014", "Blest wisdom", "I 'm changed ; I am a man ; Virtue 's firm friend ;", "He sav 'd thy life , and thou art grateful for it .", "Their trade the trade of honour \u2014 high-soul 'd honour \u2014", "And all unsettled as the thoughts of vice ,", "In all the wond'rous deeds which we perform ,", "And gestures wild , o'erthrow that manly calmness", "I know him one . Thou hast acknowledg 'd it .", "Has pass 'd from off the earth ; and , in its stead ,", "And may my sleep give pleasing repetition", "My honour is so much , so truly mine ,", "But in defense of justice .", "My General how to act . Free , and in safety ,", "So wanting in the common sense of nature ,", "But from their proper , individual deeds .", "Is necessary , in these times accurs 'd ,", "Like him and thee , still be Americans .", "That we our preference make of men ,", "I hope so ; and I hope my every act", "Why , now this glads me ; for thou now art right .", "I may not , haply , ever be thus guarded ;", "With better will his sword than does M'Donald .", "Hear this ! hear this , mankind !", "From Europe shall enriching commerce flow ,", "I am not now the instrument of vice ;", "Or brute 's , or madman 's blow , can never reach it .", "To rise , by strong necessity , impell 'd ;", "Enforced upon thee , thou wilt still persist", "Shame on thy ruffian tongue ! how passion", "These things prove gossamer , and balance air :\u2014", "In truth I know of nought to make you proud .", "Is worth : \u2018 t is truth ; \u2018 t is virtue ; \u2018 t is a thing ,", "With room to grow and thrive in . I have thriven ;", "None above what thou art .", "Triumph of virtue !", "At which , if chance my mother had , good dame ,", "There shall my mate give comfort and refreshment :", "And serving as a beacon in the storms", "And our much-suffering soldiers : yet , when weigh 'd", "It is the law of life ; he can n't avoid it .", "Without inquiry murder , and yet call", "So high pre-eminent , that a boy 's breath ,", "How self intrudes , delusive , on man 's thoughts !", "Yet honour shall accord in act with falsehood .", "That happiness alone proceeds from justice .", "How capable of yet unthought perfection ! ]", "SCENE , the GENERAL 'S Quarters .", "A resting spot for man , if he can stand", "And walk on earth self-ruled ? I much do fear it .", "Plunges in vice , takes falsehood for his buoy ,", "That , having broke Coercion 's iron yoke ,", "Truly , yes :", "Fortune and chance , Oh , most convenient words !", "Firm in his place , while Europe howls around him ,", "Oh , what a temper doth in man reside !", "To aid the cause of darkness , murder man \u2014", "And shewing , by its bright and noontide blaze ,", "Such are the dictates of the heart , not head .", "He does no more than duty . Gratitude ,", "Above what once thou wast , some few do rise ;", "Are other nations in that happy state ,", "Oh , may thy tongue , henceforward , utter nought", "That man-created virtue blinds thy reason .", "In healthful equipoise , ready for action ;", "Of justice stumbling-blocks , cannot be virtue .", "No European influence , tempt to misstate ,", "And all from impulse of unbridled feeling .\u2014", "Boy , boy !", "Man runs the wild career of blind ambition ,", "Oh , that proud man should e'er descend to play", "And pour in arms her legions on our shores ;", "A brave young man ; in many things a good ;", "With ignorance curst , to that simplicity ,", "And nothing feel but pity .", "Starting , like Love divine , from womb of Night ,", "Think better of it ! Proclaim not thine own shame .", "Where good and ill , in strange commixture , float ,", "The reasons for this necessary rigour"], "true_target": ["SCENE , the Prison .", "For thee I feel . And tho \u2019 another 's acts", "Affrighted . Now , I see in this new world", "The motives , doubly deep detest the actors ;", "Curses , in \u201c good set terms , \u201d poor Lady Fortune .", "For I am honour 's votary . Honour , with me ,", "Illuming all , to order all reducing ;", "By nature , or by early habit , grac 'd", "Then to my quarters , lady ,", "And having judg 'd that this young Briton 's death ,", "Oh , may the children of Columbia still", "Given me to see the day , I should have shrunk", "To death , by sword , by prison , or the halter :", "But Truth 's sweet precepts , in fair Virtue 's cause !", "I mean him , too ; sunk by misdeed , not fortune .", "The best , and foremost in the cause of virtue ,", "Guard thee against its influence debasing .", "SCENE , the Prison .", "What spur now goads thy warm imagination ?", "I 'll to my bed , for I have watch 'd all night ;", "Hold ! Shroud thy raven imagination ! Torture not me with images so curst !", "And may , in times to come , no foreign force ,", "Or awe the tongue of eloquence to silence .", "Seems , from out the chaos of the social world ,", "His sacrifice now stands the only bar", "Of what becomes my character and station :", "By knowledge blest ; unknown the gulf between .", "Each nation in its turn threats him with feeble malice .", "Mars thee ! I pity thee ! Thou canst not harm ,", "Yes , my good Seward , and yet nothing wond'rous .", "I think there 's none within the camp that draws", "With sense of injuries past , and dread of future .", "Which , or assum 'd or felt , so well becomes thy friend ?", "Of these my waking dreams ! Virtue 's incentives .", "But plain effects from causes full as plain .", "You slander me .", "Thou payest high praise to virtue . Whither now ?\u2014", "A man who values fame , far more than life ;", "And made me native of fair Nature 's world ,", "I love this country for the sake of man .", "Each circumstance of calculative gain ,", "Never let memory of the sire 's offence", "These bands of mercenary Europeans ,", "I will now suppose my counsel needless .", "I still feel for thy father . Yet , remember ,", "And feel my mind unshackled , free , expanding ,", "To every faculty , and keeps the mind", "Shall likewise flow blest Science . Europe 's knowledge ,", "Even \u2018 though attended by thy father 's murder ,", "Trust me , young friend , I am alone the judge", "With that blest quality which gives due force", "No more , no more . \u2018 T is past . Remember it", "Sever 'd for ever from my former self ;", "Man owes to man all love ; when exercised ,", "Or would'st thou , by thy looks", "Not for their worth , but that they did us service ,", "Be taught by every teacher of mankind ,", "Utters vile falsehood ; adds injury to insult ;", "But when I see the havoc which it makes", "Deceit and honour badly pair together .", "Then , tho \u2019 all-powerful Europe league against us ,", "O , passion , passion !", "If thou could'st make me one , I then might grieve .", "Give me thy hand .", "By words intemperate , a virtuous man .", "But when the love of property unites", "Or wounded pride , which prompted our oppressors :", "Is it then wonderful , that he should brave", "Both good and great thou art : first among men :", "In vain solicitations . Imitate", "Stand men who challenge love or detestation", "To be acquired , yet scarcely known to any .", "He sav 'd thy life , yet strove to damn thy country ;", "End of the First Act .", "Yet , feeling second 's reason 's cool resolves .", "O , Bland ! my countryman , surely I know thee !", "I have a home to guard . My son is \u2014 butcher 'd \u2014", "To provoke , and one that 's meant to injure .", "A lesser evil to avoid a greater ?", "Striving with blood to seal such foul injustice ;", "Nay , not so .", "Doom 'd millions to the haughty Briton 's yoke ;", "Prophet of ill ,", "Nay , much I wonder , Bland , having so oft", "Who doubt our safety , and our glorious triumph ?", "My older frame , through former uncheck 'd habit :", "They can submit to Order 's gentle voice ,", "One trial , now , we prove ; and I have met it .", "It is so .", "By sharp experience bought , we should appropriate ;", "As to ourselves , in truth , I nothing see ,", "Still may our children 's children deep abhor", "Cast no dishonour on the worthy man ,", "Striving thus to leap from that simplicity ,", "One of your sex can best your sorrows soothe .", "By thy enlighten 'd judgment much condemn 'd ;", "I pity thee ! for passion sometimes sways", "No ! Thyself thou used'st most vilely , I remember .", "With gratitude , for that he sav 'd thy life ,", "But as thou would'st the action of another ,", "As , without shame , to sell themselves for pelf ,", "Between the wanton cruelties of war ,", "In Scotia , our revered parent soil ,", "Thy passions yet may raise . Remorse is vice :", "And when he feels the waves of ruin o'er him ,", "Oh ! I could hate , if I did not more pity ,", "When every thought of man is ting 'd with blood ,"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 4}, {"query": ["I glow 'd with martial heat , my name to raise", "And leave that helpless one thou sworest to guard ,", "Hath controul 'd my destiny . Such tokens", "Frank undissembling probity and faith ,", "What mean'st thou , Bland ? Surely my General", "Well , well !", "And is death then so fearful ? I have brav 'd", "Threats not retaliation . In vengeance ,", "Was once my woe . I little thought to joy", "Thou dost look pale , Honora \u2014 sick and wan \u2014", "Me to the fatal spot ; but she was gone .", "She sinks \u2014 assist me , Bland ! O , save her , save her !", "Neutral esteem 'd , I landed , and was met .", "From mere appearances , shew your country ,", "Unto the tomb , nor knew to blush , nor knew", "The pearly tear may steal from either eye ;", "I feel assurance that my last request", "His heart home to its mistress ; degenerate", "His country , fame , and honour to betray ;", "On ground , unoccupied by either part ,", "What then is infamy ?\u2014 no matter \u2014 no matter .", "Of frosty Age , arm 'd with parental power ,", "Him , fearless , in the field , and steel 'd my breast", "That e'er he dealt withal . I cannot think", "Against my reason , my declared opinion ;", "To be turn 'd off the felon 's \u2014 murderer 's cart ,", "To prevent injustice :\u2014 From death to save", "Night came . I sought the vessel which had borne", "So did ambition lead me , step by step ,", "Firmly my mind against injustice strives ,", "To light me to my shame . Frail nature shrinks .\u2014", "\u2014 and let her die .", "And actions retrospected choke the tale .", "Oft in the generous heat of glowing youth ,", "I am ready .", "Lov 'd excellence !", "Expos 'd to every ill. Oh ! think not of it .", "My last convulsive pangs , and I 'm content .", "Concealment with the traitors of your army .", "Dooms not some better man to die for me ?", "Leave me , my friend , awhile \u2014 I yet have life \u2014", "Who calls me friend ?", "The day began to dawn : I then was told", "Not married ?", "What is \u2018 t o'clock ?", "A mid-air spectacle to gaping clowns :\u2014", "Still is my heart the same . But there has past", "Kind is my Bland , who to his generous heart ,", "What ! cannot one , so trifling in life 's scene ,", "O mayest thou never feel ! The morn draws nigh", "Above the vulgar herd , who live to die ,", "A husband 's rights : more than a transient pang", "In not possessing , as I erst possest ,", "For thou mayest feel a transient pang , nor wrong", "And he did tell me so . I reverenced age ,", "Without one devious track , or doubtful line ;", "Ta'en in the act of stealing from the poor ,", "That the pall 'd ear loaths the repeated tale .", "Who brought this threat . I will my last entreaty", "Art thou silent , Bland ?", "How could I but believe Honora 's father ?", "Fall , without drawing such a ponderous ruin ?", "Such is my doom . Oh ! have the manner changed ,", "Perhaps thou canst gain that \u2014\u2014?", "That mode of death which error represented", "And high-ton 'd honour 's scruples disregarded .", "And with a fortitude too true to start", "A pang for me ! And thou , revered matron ,", "Of Coeur de Lion 's day , would , dying , send", "Linking his name to infamy eternal .", "Was stopt and seiz 'd by some returning scouts .", "Why , then I know my task . The mind of man ,", "A soldier .", "Soldier I , send but some blotted paper .", "Mark 'd by benevolence thy every deed ;", "Whose name is woven in them ; whose image", "Yet knew , age was not virtue . I believed", "No more , as thou dost love me .", "In confidence it was to be propos 'd ,", "No more of this ; and , if I die , believe me ,", "Let me , Oh ! let me die a soldier 's death ,", "Each young romancer chooses for his theme", "And should I dare to talk of honest truth ,", "It is in vain . All has been tried . Each friendly argument \u2014", "My thoughts glanc 'd not on thee . Imagination", "To quit my martial designating badges ,", "\u2018 T is she ! !", "Against his thousand horrors ; but his cool ,", "My country 's glory , and my mounting fame ;", "Its sov'reignty exerts . Now , from my thoughts ,", "Howe'er accomplished , is not infamous .", "That she , in me , destroys a man who might", "Thou hast a father , captive \u2014", "This blow will kill her !", "Thy father , thee to save from utter desolation .", "Rather my blood should bathe these hostile shores ,", "To mourn ; well satisfied that she I love ,", "And of mere death I 'll think not . Dost thou think \u2014?", "Forgot my former purity of thought ,", "Happy in holy union with another ,", "For this ? To see my death ? Witness my shame ?", "Couldst bless thy child , and yield thy breath in peace !", "It may in me be merely prejudice , The effect of young-opinion deep engraved Upon the tender mind by care parental ; But I must think your country has mistook Her interests . Believe me , but for this I should Not willingly have drawn a sword against her . Having crossed the stage , he goes out as still conversing with them . Another detachment of Infantry , with muffled and craped drums , close the procession : as soon as they are off \u2014 Scene draws and discovers the distant view of the Encampment . Procession enters in same order as before , proceeds up the stage , and goes off on the opposite side .", "If death now comes , he finds the veriest coward", "How speeds Honora ?", "One hapless hour , thy feet are led astray ;\u2014", "End of the Fourth Act .", "It all avails thee nought , if in one hour ,", "But that I know her happy : and the happy", "No wife shall weep , no child lament , my loss .", "Why is this ?", "Memory would crimson o'er my burning cheek ,", "Against my conscience , and a soldier 's fame ?", "I dare not ask \u2014", "Shall return to thee .", "Thy happy deeds , all blotted from remembrance ;", "Will not be slighted . Safely thy father", "\u2014 to see me hung !", "And then , bewilder 'd in the guilty scene ,", "Is it not hard , my friend ? Is \u2018 t not unjust ?", "Honora ! Yet she is left alone \u2014 expos 'd \u2014", "For a dying man . Take thou these verses ;", "Shares not my wayward fortunes . Nor would I", "To plan with him the means which should ensure"], "true_target": ["Hold , hold , my friend ; thy country 's woes are full .", "Bland , it is in vain . But , hold \u2014 there is a service thou may'st do me .", "In close concealment . Within your posts convey 'd ,", "That till the night I must my safety seek", "As variously . A gallant Knight , erewhile ,", "And when , as I conceiv 'd , my danger o'er ,", "Thy country 's downfall . Nothing then I saw", "Single in misery ; no one else involving ,", "A day , an hour \u2014 which ne'er can be recall 'd !", "Of fortitude the source and every virtue \u2014", "Or by disease of body quite unton 'd ,", "Have liv 'd to virtue .", "Are rather out of date . Fashions", "O , Honora !", "Generous Bland !", "The woes of youthful hearts , by the cold hand", "I have been ever favour 'd .", "Is there no way to escape that infamy ?", "If , at this moment ,", "Is given by anxious wishes to redeem", "That Andr\u00e9 may at least die as he lived ,", "See what employment", "Eternal blessings on thee , matchless woman !\u2014", "Kind heaven be thank 'd for that I stand alone", "Unhappy man ! tho \u2019 all thy life pass pure ;", "Which nought but conscious rectitude can give .", "Welcome , my Bland ! Cheerly , a welcome hither !", "Break my heart !", "I have destroy 'd myself and thee !\u2014 Alas !", "What does she here ? Stand off \u2014", "Restrain thy ardour \u2014 but ceaselessly intreat ,", "Didst thou not marry him ?", "Her weak and grief-exhausted frame . Alas !", "Still finds excuses for his erring friend .", "Send by him . My General , sure , will grant it .", "And have it said , \u201c he died a gallant soldier , \u201d", "And , after my decease , send them to her", "Thou , my thrice honour 'd sire , in peace went'st down", "While friendly clouds of smoke shroud from all eyes", "Hast thou rude seas and hostile shores explor 'd", "Nay , nay ; be cautious ever to admit", "Retreat that way cut off , again I sought", "O blind , blind wretch !\u2014 Thy father told me \u2014\u2014", "Support thee !\u2014 O heaven ! What !\u2014 And must I die ? Die !\u2014 and leave her thus \u2014 suffering \u2014 unprotected !\u2014", "Thy father \u2014", "Oh , think , and as a soldier think ,", "May cause a cloud pass o'er thy lovely face ;", "My martial garb , and put on curs 'd disguise !", "Thy love , Honora ! Andr\u00e9 's death , perhaps ,", "Infamous : Now let me rise superior ;", "A little space of life \u2014 let me exert it", "But now my deeds will rise against my words ;", "No , men will say that cowardice did urge me .", "I found myself involv 'd in unthought dangers .", "She has known sorrow ! Who could injure her ?", "Still dost thou call me friend ? I , who dared act", "And all was well with those I leave behind .", "\u2018 T is I have murder 'd thee !\u2014", "And end it on a gibbet .\u2014\u2014", "How pale she looks ! how worn that tender frame !\u2014", "Farewell ! farewell , sweet image ! Now for death .", "Soliciting for me ?", "I am sorry for it . Would that I were dead ,", "Forgive me , Bland ,", "His sure approach , requires a fortitude", "There are in love as in all else ; they change", "So often told , with scanty variation ,", "All bribery base , all treacherous tricks in war :", "Seek thou the messenger", "Pleas 'd with the honours daily shower 'd upon me ,", "The out-spread map , which shews the way thou'st trod ,", "Can think on misery and share it not .", "Now these tokens send , remembrance to awaken ,", "Go thou and guide Honora from this spot .", "Is there that state on earth which friendship cannot cheer ?", "Bland , such an act would justly thee involve ,", "My fellowmen from pain ; surely my end ,", "In grief , in shame , and ruin . \u2018 T is my comfort .", "Gracious heaven ! how woes are heap 'd upon me !", "Whose voice was that ? My senses !\u2014 Do I dream \u2014?", "His snowy locks , and yet they did deceive me !", "Attentive hear and judge me .\u2014", "Thus may I consolation find in what", "End of the Third Act .", "How I must die \u2014 The manner of my death \u2014", "Clings to the world \u2014 the world that holds Honora !", "Thy country for my death incurs no blame .", "Come , come , it matters not .", "But confidential favour in the service ,", "Deny my name , and sink into the spy .", "Still is my heart the same : still may I say it :", "Asunder torn . But I long since have ceas 'd", "Ill-fated maid ! why didst thou not forget me ?", "Mine is a story of that common kind ,", "That duty can beget dissimulation .", "Than with my country 's gold encourage treason ,", "In this sad hour of life 's brief pilgrimage !", "In my mind 's weakness , I did wish to shun", "Like the base ruffian , or the midnight thief ,", "When the pangs of death already touch me ,", "When , avarice or ambition Arnold tempted ,", "Cancel 'd the record of thy former good .", "Thus in a peasant 's form I pass 'd your posts ;", "When made another 's both by vows and laws \u2014", "Didst thou not give thy hand away", "And thereby purchase gratitude and fame .", "A godlike power , which e'en o'er circumstance", "Hath o'er its thoughts a power \u2014 energy divine !", "What ! wouldst thou make me cause another traitor ?", "And the last impulse to my vital powers", "Pictur 'd only , then , her orphan state , helpless ;", "Why , then , \u2018 t is almost o'er . But to be hung \u2014", "Arnold now granted passes , and I doff 'd", "Languid thy fainting limbs \u2014", "To run a short , an envied course of glory ,", "To treat with traitors , and encourage treason ;", "I understand . \u2018 T is well . \u2018 T will soon be past . Yet , \u2018 t was not much I ask 'd . A soldier 's death . A trifling change of form .", "Oft have I said how fully I despis 'd", "Of dying . Void of fortitude , each thought", "But ere my conference was with Arnold clos 'd ,", "And die to be forgotten . Thus I stood ,", "Why , \u2018 t is near the time . But tell me , Bland , say \u2014 is the manner chang 'd ?", "Enough ! Let me not see her more \u2014 nor think of her \u2014", "If not by vice debas 'd , debilitated ,", "From me ?"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 4}, {"query": ["Pacquets for the General ."], "true_target": ["Express from Colonel Bland ."], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 4}, {"query": ["What art of reasoning , or what magic words ,", "Nurtur 'd , midst camps and arms ; unknowing man ,", "Nought new , my son . The tale of misery is told unheard . The widow 's and the orphans \u2019 sighs Fly up , unnoted by the eye of man , And mingle , undistinguish 'd , with the winds . My friend, attend thy duties . I must away . 2nd CHILD . You need not cry , Mama , the General will do it , I am sure ; for I saw him cry . He turn 'd away his head from you , but I saw it .", "His death expecting . Andr\u00e9 's execution", "Poor thing ! come let us home and weep . Alas ! I can no more , for war hath made men rocks .", "Unconscious on the brink of what a perilous", "Ensures to me a husband , them a father .", "Never , never !", "Bless thee , my boy ! O bless him , bless him , Heaven ! Render him worthy to support these babes ! So soon , perhaps , all fatherless \u2014 dependent .\u2014", "Thy father \u2014\u2014", "We make not certainties , my pretty loves ; I do not like \u201c perhaps 's \u201d more than you do . 2nd CHILD . Oh ! do n't say so , Mama ! for I 'm sure I hardly ever ask you anything but you answer me with \u201c may be so , \u201d \u201c perhaps , \u201d \u2014 or \u201c very likely . \u201d \u201c Mama , shall I go to the camp to-morrow , and see the General ? \u201d \u201c May be so , my dear . \u201d Hang \u201c may be so , \u201d say I .", "He cannot come , dear love ; they will not let him . 2nd CHILD . Why , then , they told him lies . Oh , fie upon them !", "The wife 's , the mother 's fears ? Ye innocents ,", "No , my brave boy ! I oft have fear 'd , but never", "M'Donald sent me hither . My woes are past .", "From sympathy . Children of sorrow , nurst ,", "So , your dear father , by his letters , told me . 2nd CHILD . Why , then , I am sure he will be here to-day . When he can come to us , I 'm sure he will not stay among those strange Englishmen and Hessians . I often wish 'd that I had wings to fly , for then I would soon be with him .", "Come , lady , home with me .", "Must soon be offer 'd . Even now , endungeon 'd ,", "Gives signal for the murder of thy father \u2014", "Read , Melville . 1st CHILD . Do not cry , Mama , for I 'm sure if Papa said he would come home to-day he will come yet : for he always does what he says he will .", "Thy father , by the foe releas 'd , already", "But as man 's fell destroyer ; must ye now ,", "Can still the storm of fears these lines have rais 'd ?", "I am . But vain is my entreaty . All unmov 'd He hears my words , he sees my desperate sorrow . Fain would I blame his conduct \u2014 but I cannot . Strictly examin 'd , with intent to mark The error which so fatal proves to me , My scrutiny but ends in admiration . Thus when the prophet from the Hills of Moab , Look 'd down upon the chosen race of heaven , With fell intent to curse ; ere yet he spake , Truth all resistless , emanation bright From great Adonai , fill 'd his froward mind , And chang 'd the curses of his heart to blessings .", "Andr\u00e9 now dies !\u2014"], "true_target": ["Dear boy !", "But one can pardon Andr\u00e9 .", "My doom is known .", "I said , perhaps . 2nd CHILDPerhaps ! 1st CHILD . I do n't like perhaps 's . 2nd CHILD . No , nor I neither ; nor \u201c may be so 's . \u201d", "Precipice ye stand , unknowing that to-day", "What fears assail me ! Oh ! I did not want A letter now !My husband ! doom 'd to die ! Retaliation !\u201c One man has power . \u201d I fly to save the father of my children !End of the Second Act .", "And every thought be turn 'd to this sad scene .", "His life , a sacrifice to Andr\u00e9 's manes ,", "O , lead me , lead me to him ! Let me kneel ,", "For you \u2014\u2014", "Is in safety . This be forgotten now ;", "Alas ! alas ! what dares not power to do ?", "Ye are cast down the gulf , poor babes , ye weep", "To crown your piteous fate , be fatherless ?", "Yes , ever be this day a festival In my domestic calendar . This morn Will see my husband free . Even now , perhaps , Ere yet Aurora flies the eastern hills , Shunning the sultry sun , my Bland embarks . Already , on the Hudson 's dancing wave , He chides the sluggish rowers , or supplicates For gales propitious ; that his eager arms May clasp his wife , may bless his little ones . Oh ! how the tide of joy makes my heart bound , Glowing with high and ardent expectation ! Enter two CHILDREN . 1st CHILD . Here we are , Mama , up , and dress 'd already .", "Let these , my children , kneel , till Andr\u00e9 , pardon 'd ,", "Like a vile felon , on the earth he lies ,", "O my good friend ! M'DONALDI know thy cause of sorrow . Art thou now from our Commander ?", "There is but one on earth can save my husband \u2014", "Sorrow 'd for thee .", "Well said , Sir Pertness . 1st CHILD . But I am sure , Mama , you said , that , to-day , Papa would have his liberty .", "My Arthur , O my Arthur !", "I still must hover round this spot until", "Where is this lovely victim ?", "And why were ye so early ? 1st CHILD . Why , did not you tell us that Papa was to be home to-day ?", "My son , I have been wishing"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 4}, {"query": ["This moment , sir , a messenger arrived", "And craves admittance .", "With shew of trial and condemnation ,", "With well confirm 'd and mournful information ,"], "true_target": ["Of Britain taken , after cruel mockery", "Another flag hath from the foe arriv 'd ,", "That gallant Hastings , by the lawless scouts", "On the next tree was hung ."], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 4}, {"query": [", on him alone it falls not .", "Be murder 'd ; the sequel of our strife , bloody ,", "Your pleasure , sir . It may my mission further .", "You now are busy bringing on your country .", "Think of the many captives in our power .", "This from him .", "He calls on you to think what weighty woes", "He bids me say , that , if your sentence reach", "The prisoner 's life"], "true_target": ["Already one is mark 'd ; for Andr\u00e9 mark 'd ;\u2014", "Of war 's stern law , and justice 's feign 'd pretence ,", "I shall , sir .", "If this brave officer , by cruel mockery", "Weigh consequences .", "Unsparing and remorseless , you will make .", "And when his death , unparallel 'd in war ,", "The signal gives , then Colonel Bland must die .", "Thus am I answered ?", "He bids me loud proclaim it , and declare ,"], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 4}, {"query": ["As must prevail to save thee . Thus the daughter", "Cheer up , I feel assur 'd . Hope wings my flight ,", "And when thou shalt be safe , thou wilt support me .", "O , never , never !", "Where is he ?", "Inhuman , thou art not .", "Sin execrable , not to break thy orders \u2014", "The plan of this my visit . I am strong ,", "For pity 's sake , and heaven 's , conduct me to him ;", "Compar 'd with what I was . Hope strengthens me ;", "Now we will go . Come , love ! Where is he ? All gone !\u2014 I do remember \u2014 I awake \u2014 They have him . Murder ! Help ! Oh , save him ! save him !SCENE , the Encampment . Procession to the execution of ANDR\u00c9 . First enter Pioneers \u2014 Detachment of Infantry \u2014 Military Band of Music \u2014 Infantry . The Music having passed off , enter ANDR\u00c9 between MELVILLE and AMERICAN OFFICER ; they sorrowful , he cheerfully conversing as he passes over the stage .", "Yes , it is Andr\u00e9 !", "Indeed , when I did hear of thy estate", "Nay , even solicitude supports me now ;", "Unless thou grant'st his life . All forms away !", "All will be well . But was it kind to leave me as thou didst \u2014? So rashly to desert thy vow-link 'd wife ?\u2014", "I come to bless thee , Andr\u00e9 ; and shall do it .", "Indeed , I feel not much in spirits . I wept but now .", "To death !\u2014 Impossible ! Has my delay ,", "Of years mature , with power and liberty ,", "I must see him .", "Go home with thee ?", "Nay , nay , here is my place , or here , or lower ,", "My father , dying , gave me cause to think", "Thy General heard of me , and instant form 'd", "Andr\u00e9 \u2014!", "Art thou my Andr\u00e9 's mother ? We will home", "It almost kill 'd me :\u2014 I was weak before \u2014"], "true_target": ["To bring thee tidings of much joy to come .", "Thou wast deceived . They hurried me away ,", "And rest , for thou art weary \u2014 very weary .", "And wait the issue of our conference .", "Oh , \u2018 t would be murder of the blackest dye ,", "The mighty seas , far , far \u2014 ne'er to offend again .\u2014", "Yielded protection and lov 'd fellowship .\u2014", "A long-known friend who came to join her lord ,", "What meanest thou ?", "That arts were us 'd to drive thee from thy home ;", "Oh , it is false !", "It is enough ! He lives , and I shall save him .", "Thou didst too soon believe them .", "Thou grantest my request ?", "Marry !", "May repair the ills her cruel sire inflicted .", "To none but thee , and but in will to thee .", "Spreading false rumours to remove thy love \u2014", "Who shall oppose his wife ? I will have way ! They , cruel , would have kept me from thee , Andr\u00e9 . Say , am I not thy wife ? Wilt thou deny me ? Indeed I am not dress 'd in bridal trim . But I have travel 'd far :\u2014 rough was the road \u2014 Rugged and rough \u2014 that must excuse my dress .Thou art not glad to see me .", "I bear such offers from thy kind Commander ,", "But what those arts I knew not . An heiress left ,", "I am his wife \u2014 \u2018 tis I have ruin 'd him \u2014", "Are they here ? Here again !\u2014 The same \u2014 but they shall not harm me \u2014 I am with thee , my Andr\u00e9 \u2014 I am safe \u2014 And thou art safe with me . Is it not so ?", "All shall be well .", "Then , murder 'd him ?\u2014 A momentary respite \u2014", "Thus will I clasp thy knees , thus cling to thee .\u2014", "Oh , save him ! Give him to me ! Let us cross", "I straight resolv 'd to seek thee o'er the seas ."], "play_index": 4, "act_index": 4}, {"query": ["Have given me for my good : since I am free ,", "Kill to that wall a spider ; you will jest 500", "125", "Nor doth she use to seeke out any man :", "Like to so many torrents ; all your glories 85", "So here 's for me ! I think you are", "To worst eies womanish , though we change thus soone", "Honors and horrors , thorow foule and faire , 95", "To make their physick work ; spend a man 's life", "All daring heaven and opening hell about you \u2014", "When will she send ?", "And service , as I heare , beeing deepely vowed", "And struck a churlish silence through his pow'rs . 40", "That he makes kings of his subordinate slaves : 30", "He puts on his robes . A omits .", "Keepe all upright \u2014 let me but hawlk at him ,", "This poore stillado here gainst all the starres ,", "With any fit fore-warning ? This strange vision , 20", "But since I know he would as much abhorre", "Madam , \u2018 tis farre from that : I only heard", "Define life nothing but a courtiers breath . 85", "Brave Earle , come forth , and keep your scandall in !", "My motion must be rebell to my will ,", "So no man riseth by his reall merit ,", "To right and expiate , then be you my King ,", "See you not a crowne 395", "He shall confesse all , and you then may hang him .", "learne to set my looks", "That time to part asks , as his comming had ;", "I crave , to double this my short lifes gift ,", "To whom my love hath long been vow 'd in heart , Although in hand , for shew , I held the Duchesse . And now through bloud and vengeance , deeds of height , And hard to be atchiev 'd , tis fit I make 215 Attempt of her perfection . I need feare No check in his rivality , since her vertues Are so renown 'd , and hee of all dames hated . Exit . LINENOTES : Montsurry , and Attendants . A , Beaumond , Nuncius . 11 Where . A , When . 27 their . A , his . 70 Sparkl 'd . So in A ; B , Spakl 'd . 105Emend . ed . : Beau . Qq ; see note 30 , p. 149 . 120 a foot . A , an eie . 128 th \u2019 . A , the . 129 spirit . A , spirits . 133 All slaine outright ? So in A ; B , All slaine outright but hee ? 135 freckled . A , feebled . 166 true . A , full . 185 violent . So in A ; B , daring . 204 law . A , King . 206 cumEmend . ed . : Qq , cum Beau . See note 30 , p. 149 . 207 Mort dieu . A ; B omits . 210-218 And now . . . hated . A omits , inserting instead :", "Of thy abashed oracle , that , for feare", "I would out of the roughnesse of my root", "As well as to one sorrowfull , \u201c be not griev 'd . \u201d", "Will he appeare to me when I invoke him ?", "Hath been untainted , even in envies eye ,", "The King hath knowne me long as well as hee ,", "With God , and your soule to the Devill tender", "35", "Of some plot dangerous , and imminent .", "With a good carriage , tell them idle tales ,", "But only is a meane to make it worke :", "Ramme hardnesse in my lownesse , and , like death", "And consorts fit to sound forth harmony", "To shine in darknesse , and see ever best", "The Cyclops ramme in Joves artillerie .", "doth deter me .", "in all warres 35", "In which our faulty apprehensions forge", "Let me but hawlk at him , and like the other ,", "Many will say , that cannot rise at all , 140", "Your eyes thrust out .", "That y'are for perjuries the very prince 490", "Who to himselfe is law , no law doth need ,", "Kept onely to shew men for servile money :", "What else , sir ? come , pay me home , ile bide it bravely .", "And griefe 's a naturall sicknesse of the bloud , 30", "That there is any act within my nerves , 415", "For lust ; kisse horror , and with death engender :", "A man may say t'a dead man , \u201c be reviv 'd , \u201d", "Now , sir , take your full view : who does the object please ye ?", "\u2018 Tis not our fault , if you enforce the spot ; 65", "Raising each other into steeples heights ;", "This killing spectacle , this prodigie .", "Though politick Monsieur , or the violent Guise .", "Laid in one scale of your impertiall spleene , 120", "Of the hot surfets cast out of the clouds ,", "That false hagge often paints him in her cloth", "Venting their quintessence as men read Hebrew \u2014", "I wil not : Ile court her in despight of 170 him . Not court her ! Come madam , talk on ; feare me nothing .Well mai'st thou drive thy master from the Court , but never D'Ambois .", "I stand here as a bulwark , and project 60", "T'instruct and cheere it ; now then I will claime", "I have beene frighted with your death and mine ,", "That ever any man was blest withall .", "In an eternall brake , or practise jugling ,", "Nor shall my value", "Or beare", "Into the synagogue of theeves and atheists ;", "In golden vapours , and with awfull wings .", "Is murther 'd , being made knowne to serve my love ;", "I should have power to raise him , though it wanted", "Let me be King my selfe", "And power to doe , as to be tyranniz 'd .", "His eyes as hollow as his mistresse heart :", "Set to the fals of kingdomes . Shall the hand", "In three of us the secret of our meeting", "Nothing is made of nought , of all things made", "And doe a right , exceeding Law and Nature .", "Or thou great Prince of Shades , where never sunne", "I should thank you for this kindnesse , 260 if I thought these perfum 'd musk-catsdurst but once mew at us .", "Is the old Frier slaine ?", "Tis well , my lord , and so your worthy greatnesse 120", "Upon my spirit , and make them spring a crowne 120", "Will it not enter here ? 45", "That you did never good , but to doe ill ,", "Alas ! he will not think it .", "Beneath the chariot of the snowy Beare :", "Shew me a clergie man that is in voice 40", "If I obeyed this summons .", "Till farther service call , all blisse supply you ! 60", "Monsieur Maffe ? Then , good Monsieur Maffe ,", "Thou liest , proud Guiserd ; let me flie , my Lord ! 80", "To your discretion ?", "Goe , at your pleasures ; Ile be your ghost to haunt you ; and yee sleepe a n't , hang me . 245 L'An . Goe , goe , sir ; court your mistresse .", "But in his merit .", "Let it shine : 55", "Performance of his free and gentle vow 30", "Defil 'd , and crown 'd with vertues forced soule : 510", "If he be wise , not . 70", "All the commandements ere you break your fast ;", "As rhetorick yet workes not perswasion ,", "O lying Spirit : welcome , loved father ,", "Or rude inanimate vapour without fashion .", "T'appeare in greater light , and make more plain", "And who she should send is as farre from thought ,", "Prop me , true sword , as thou hast ever done !", "O , my heart is broken .", "Till he dissolve and free them .", "I must fare well , how ever , though I die , 70", "The prime of all the fruits the kingdome yeelds :", "What might I call your name ?", "Your servant cannot help ; authority here", "what he gives . 190", "Sin is a coward , madam , and insults 20", "Till death hath made me marble . O my fame", "Who have we here ? 150", "Will my deare mistresse send ?", "Cry you mercy , madam !", "No , I thinke not .", "And from your whole strength tosse you into the aire .", "So short a head ?", "That affects royaltie , rising from a clapdish ;", "May we not heare them ?", "Let him peace first", "But for one bout betwixt us : by the reverence", "For each mans good , when which nicke comes , it strikes ; 135", "To your perfections ; which my ready presence , 280", "My death consenting with his augurie .", "All your prerogatives , your shames , and tortures ,", "His rugged oracle . I long to know", "Where men are blindest , open now the heart 50", "Of all their sighes together", "If you have wrong 'd one man , you are so farre", "Hence ! prate no more !", "Serve you the Monsieur ?", "Who lets thee ?", "A temperate look , and a luxurious gut ;", "Why they were made lords ; or please humorous ladies", "That to themselves left would feare him asleepe .", "Friends , and associates fall into your chace :", "And now his restlesse spirit would fore-warne me 15", "stirre my thoughts", "Forbeare them , father ; \u2018 tis enough for me", "And you , my lord , their fautor ; for true signe", "Beasts of most rapine , but to put them up ,", "Tis our Kings motion , and we shall not seeme", "Knits nets of catterpillars , with which you catch", "Is the Guise onely great in faction ?", "And still fight hous 'd behind the shield of Nature ,", "At the well head ? Alas ! what should I doe", "Incur 'd in this discovery ? He had better", "Thanks , honoured father .", "But when it cries \u201c clincke \u201d in his raisers spirit .", "How fares my dearest mistresse ?", "May sing his fame for giving ; yours for delivering", "The formes of dragons , lions , elephants , 25", "I will not touch him . Take your life , my lord ,", "To rack mens freedomes with the ruder wrongs ,", "And learning-hating policie is ignorant 125", "Attract Court loves , be in parts ne 're so grosse . 110", "Onely in royall hope to kill the King .", "Great men would rather heare their flatteries ,", "Why , then , your Prince of Spirits may be call 'd", "may quit my worthlesse fall 110", "A hundred , sir ! Nay , doe his Highnesse right ;", "That made the first warre .", "Than the deare jewell of your fame in me", "Have any glory in my death , but this ,", "An Emperour might die standing , why not I ?", "O fraile condition of strength , valour , vertue", "What hand she now holds on the troubled bloud", "Of blister 'd tongues for cleare and weighty truth :", "And therefore", "By this my honour 'd father that your conscience", "To what end ?", "Ten times more monstrous than he is in troth . 30", "Of both their understandings till this houre .", "And if Vespasian thought in majestie 90", "I , madam , must not they judge of all gamings i'th \u2019 Court ?", "As law it selfe doth ; and to tyrannise ,", "Takes on her swarthy shoulders Heccate", "I , any thing \u2014 but killing of the King .", "It must be shortly , then ,", "The purest christall , and a breath that will", "When I am wrong 'd , and that Law failes to right me ,", "Wake , wake , the drowsie and enchanted night 45", "Ile make you sport enough , then . Let me have", "Into the ocean of all humane life ,", "Hee 'll put his plow into me , plow me up ;", "To the eternall dwellers ; that a thunder", "Look't to have struck , and shook the firmament ! Moritur .", "That y'ave a tongue so scandalous , \u2018 twill cut", "Crown 'd with a grove of oakes ! flie where men feele", "And shall your royal bountie centuple ,", "Is like an easterne winde , that , where it flies ,", "Piling a stack of billets from the earth ,", "What , utter plainly what I think of you ?", "Maffe .", "Serve , my lord !", "Of which unfain 'd remission , take my sword ;", "So you might Have your great nose made lesse indeede , and slit . 77-79 In B four lines , broken athow , have , out , thee peace . 92 roughnesse . A , toughnesse . 96 the . A omits . 103 minde . A , spirit . 104 desert . A , effect . 112 steales on to ravish . A , is comming to afflict . Enter . . . Pero , placed in A after under in 134 . Exeunt . . . Monsieur . A omits . She seemes to sound . A omits . 151-154 Sweet . . . enough . A has instead :\u2014 Sweete lord , cleare up those eies , for shame of noblesse : Mercilesse creature ; but it is enough . B has three lines broken at forehead , warres , enough . 180 fingers . A , hand . 181 comes . . . him . Punctuated by ed . ; Qq , comes my stain from him ? 193 Even . . . curst seed . A , Even to his teeth , whence , in mine honors soile . 205-209 papers hold . . . for it . Omitted in A , which has instead :\u2014 Be not nice For any trifle , jeweld with your honour , To pawne your honor . 212 well . A , much . 217 this touch . A , my lord . 232 But I will to him . A , Ile attend your lordship . 234 Meet . A , Speake . 236 To him . . . him . A omits .A Room in Montsurry 's House . ]", "That mens soules are without them ? Be a duke ,", "Now you have opened my dull eies , I see you ,", "Decline not to the greater insolence ,", ", from their veines", "Mans first houres rise is first step to his fall .", "Durst take into his Epimethean breast", "She rather would convert it many times", "That sleepes with dead eyes in this heavy riddle !", "What cold dull Northern brain , what foole but he ,", "My lord !", "Tis leape yeare , lady , and therefore very 85 good to enter a courtier .", "like a box tree", "I , and \u2018 gainst all your treacheries , which are more :", "that of all my height", "That back woorst men ; valour to them must creepe", "That with thy musique-footed horse dost strike", "And haste thee where the gray-ey 'd morn perfumes 100", "Ile play the vulture , and so thump his liver", "His greatnesse is the peoples , mine 's mine owne . 75", "My fight hath still 'd into't with charmes of spirit .", "In which thy proud soule sits and braves thy soveraigne . 70", "And would be glad to see the good you speake of :", "Were your King brother in you ; all your powers", "Passion of death ! Were not the King here , he should strow the chamber like a rush .", "Ile sooth his plots , and strow my hate with smiles , Till all at once the close mines of my heart 180 Rise at full date , and rush into his bloud : Ile bind his arme in silk , and rub his flesh To make the veine swell , that his soule may gush Into some kennell where it longs to lie ; And policy shall be flanckt with policy . 185 Yet shall the feeling Center where we meet Groane with the wait of my approaching feet : Ile make th'inspired threshals of his Court Sweat with the weather of my horrid steps , Before I enter : yet will I appeare 190 Like calme security before a ruine . A politician must , like lightning , melt The very marrow , and not taint the skin : His wayes must not be seene ; the superficies Of the greene Center must not taste his feet , 195 When hell is plow 'd up with his wounding tracts , And all his harvest reap't by hellish facts . Exeunt . Finis Actus Quarti . LINENOTES : Enter D'Ambois and Frier and 1-19 I am . . . despaire . A omits . 18 thEmend , ed . ; B , th .", "If your selfe first will tell me what you think", "And hurlst instructive fire about the world ,", "Melt , like two hungry torrents eating rocks ,", "What violent heat is this ? me thinks the fire Of twenty lives doth on a suddaine flash Through all my faculties : the ayre goes high 5 In this close chamber and the frighted earth Thunder . Trembles and shrinks beneath me ; the whole house Nods with his shaken burthen . Enter UmbFrier . Blesse me , heaven ! UmbNote what I want , deare sonne , and be fore-warn 'd . O there are bloudy deeds past and to come . 10 I cannot stay ; a fate doth ravish me ; Ile meet thee in the chamber of thy love . Exit .", "To make a difference of the grounds you play on , 75", "But make it flie out of the mouths of Kings", "Of all the maladies breeding in all men :", "As well as men cast headlong from the skie .", "Died he a naturall death ?", "If my wrong passe the power of single valour 200", "Now , honour 'd mistresse ,", "And be appeas 'd . Pistolls shot within .", "The Prince of lyers .", "He knockt his chin against his darkned breast ,", "Her rosie chariot with Sab\u00e6an spices !", "That in our one soule are as one united :", "Dipping her twisting fingers in a boule", "To the succession worth the thinking on ?", "My will to life ; if , when I have obay 'd ,", "Doe you alow a man then foure mistresses , when the greatest mistresse is alowed but three servants ?", "Why wrongfull to suppose the doubtlesse right 400", "And dearest life you are the onely spring ,", "My Lord , 185", "That Barrisors blood should something touch your honour , 275", "And , where it would protect , a sanctuarie .", "No merit in the world , sir .", "And rise in Court for vertue , speed his plow ! 130", "In one poore suit ; brave barks , and outward glosse", "Let me but hawlk at him , as at the rest ,", "Still shall we chide , and fome upon this bit ?", "Now let me pray you that my weighty bloud ,", "Of priviledge law , treachery , or beastly need ,", "No devill , since y'are like to be no King ;", "And if I trusse not , let me not be trusted .", "Two tongues , and be good only for a shift ; 90", "Shall I learne this there ?", "I know \u2018 tis farre from her intent to send : 80"], "true_target": ["But penetrable flesh , and must my mind", "As freely and as heartily of me ,", "Follow my blood ? Can my divine part adde 80", "Stand you so firme ?", "The burning axeltree ; and those that suffer 105", "I'le venture that ; men that fall low must die ,", "I am no mote to play i n't , as great men are .", "If I may bring up a new fashion ,", "To jest at all men may be taught indeed", "But me against the world , in pure defence", "Of my kind mistresse kill me ?", "My lucerns too , or dogs inur 'd to hunt", "Since you affect it in such serious termes ,", "Since he imagin 'd I was courting you", "A fit paire of sheeres", "And lead me to the field .", "Spouted with lawyers mouthes , and gushing bloud ,", "How my deare mistresse fares , and be inform 'd", "190", "But ill of all sorts , free and for it selfe :", "This is a grace that", "Nay , without help , in which I will exceed him ;", "Whipt ! Such another syllable out a th'presence , if thou dar'st , for thy Dukedome .", "My sunne is turn 'd to blood , in whose red beams 135", "Into your phesants and your partriches ; 45", "No , slave ! nor goest thou off .", "Think your thoughts like my mistresse , honour 'd lady ?", "Why this swims quite against the stream of greatnes :", "And I can poetise ; and", "I , in a thrid-bare suit ; when men come there ,", "But were there danger of such violence ,", "Shew me a lawyer that turnes sacred law", "His forehead bent , as it would hide his face ,", "Stickes his far-darted beames , whose eyes are made", "What you have given , my lord , is ever yours . Exit Rex cum", "That I may so make good what Law and Nature", "Goe , y'are a rascall ; hence , away , you rogue !215", "A mistresse and a servant . Let my death", "That was a speeding sleight , and well resembled .", "Prince , that is the subject", "On her owne bosome , even to many deaths .", "And lastly", "Saucie ! Companion ! tis the Guise , but yet those termes might have beene spar 'd of the guiserd . Companion ! He 's jealous , by this light . Are you blind of that side , Duke ? Ile to her againe for that . Forth , princely mistresse , 125 for the honour of courtship . Another riddle .", "And if they be not made fooles , are not wise .", "Binde me , or force it ; or , I lay my life ,", "Ile not attempt her , sir ; her sight and name", "Of all these your retir 'd and sole discourses .", "His shadowes fright us : and like empty clouds", "Perhaps led with a traine", "Made to expresse it : like a falling starre", "The equall thought I beare of life and death 95", "So the large licence that your greatnesse uses", "She offers to help him .", "O , \u2018 tis a sacred witnesse of her love . 100 So much elixer of her bloud as this , Dropt in the lightest dame , would make her firme As heat to fire ; and , like to all the signes , Commands the life confinde in all my veines . O , how it multiplies my bloud with spirit , 105 And makes me apt t'encounter death and hell . But come , kinde father ; you fetch me to heaven , And to that end your holy weed was given . Exeunt . LINENOTES : with tapers . A omits .", "That", "Who told me that by any invocation 25", "With reminiscion of the Spirits promise ,", "And doe a justice that exceeds the Law :", "That is to passe your charge to my poore use ,", "Into the damned sinnes it punisheth , 55", "My kinde and honour 'd father , well reviv 'd !", "And make it bitter , only with my bloud . 140", "That I am , sir .", "His hinde should argue what he gives his friend , 220", "Fate nor these murtherers , Monsieur nor the Guise ,", "Shall make me faint on no side ; I am up .", "I care not much", "O then the coward Fates", "Did your great masters goodnesse leave the good ,", "What insensate stocke ,", "Worthy the browes of Titan , worth his chaire .", "Worth millions of the seed crownes he will send .", "I am a poet as I am a souldier ,", "Never had my set braine such need of spirit", "Like to disparking noble husbandmen ,", "I forgive them all ;", "What ! writ in bloud !", "\u2018 Save you , ladyes !", "And shew your owne face in your owne affaire ;", "Who are Fates ministers ?", "And", "Who then", "And", "But on our weaknesse , in his truest valour :", "They must have high naps , and goe from thence bare :", "Nor the wreak yours , if you performe it not .", "Of which with any friend of yours Ile lay 480", "I , and gone without , sir .", "He that will winne , must wooe her : she 's not shameless .", "Stands he not by himselfe ? Proves he th'opinion 85", "I will not . I say , mistresse , and I will stand unto it , that if a woman may have three servants , a man may have threescore mistresses . 160", "Set close downe by you ; all your stormy lawes", "In me", "Against these base foes that insult on weaknesse ,", "Made some deepe scruple with a false report", "How is it with my honour 'd mistresse ?", "Turning the rents of his superfluous cures", "Why should we feare then ? for my selfe , I sweare , 35", "Why be judged by the groome-porters . 110", "But beleeve backwards , make your period 100", "That 's very perfect , sir .", "There is a deepe nicke in Times restlesse wheele", "t'unfold their art ,", "Learne to commit them ? Tis a great mans part .", "Goes with corruption , something like some states 40", "So ! have you said ?", "Due to the sacred space twixt kings and subjects ,", "Note what he wants ! He wants his upper weed ,", "He wants his life , and body : which of these", "A box of such plagues as the danger yeelds", "He shall confesse all , and you then may hang him .", "That your politicall head is the curst fount 495", "Here , like a Roman statue , I will stand", "That Guise and Monsieur , death and destinie ,", "Can well resolve your conscience is most false .", "That hath good living , and a wicked life ;", "Ent", "Pamphlet !", "If to his bounteous Grace I sing the praise", "With all forgivenesse to your matchlesse wife .", "Waid in the other : and be reconcil 'd", "You have a face yet . So ! in thy lifes flame", "Of the witch policy makes him like a monster", "Come behind D'Ambois . Is my body , then ,", "Of all the violence , rapine , cruelty ,", "A life to her renowne that ever yet", "Himselfe and them graduate like woodmongers", "Ile hawlk about your house for one of them .", "Terror of darknesse ! O , thou King of flames !", "Of her incensed lord : me thought the Spirit 35", "By any wrong it does , my life her slave :", "So , sir , and was that the subject of your ridiculous joylity ? L'An . What 's that to you , sir ?", "Bumbasts his private roofes with publique riches ;", "Fly where the evening from th'Iberean vales", "Ile not complaine to earth yet , but to heaven ,", "Making you terrible , like enchanted flames ,", "Nothing of all his forg 'd predictions .", "What would you wish me ?", "That your foule body is a Lernean fenne", "Into a Harpy , that eates all but 's owne ,", "What will he send ? some crowns ? It is to sow them", "Have maim 'd themselves , and ever lost their honour !", "May sway the forfeit of my worthy love", "Dare they not come ?", "The cleare light out of chrystall on dark earth ,", "For his dark words have tyed my thoughts on knots 165", "Take that , Sir , for your aptnesse to dispute . Exit .", "Yet could my fortune never fit the length", "Nor make you think it a prerogative", "Let him convey this on the turning props", "Sir , I have observ 'd all your fleerings ; and resolve your selves yee shall give a strickt 225 account for't .", "Serve you the Monsieur ?", "let no law make , 195", "Crie you mercy !", "And tell them all that D'Ambois now is hasting", "Pray let me know you better .", "Mounted on earthquakes , I would trot through all", "O lying Spirit , 85", "Of your rare lady , to whose spotlesse name", "Flatter great lords , to put them still in minde", "Whose there ? Look to the dore , and let him in ,", "Never so great grudge for his greater pleasure .", "How shall I quite your love ?", "To keep my face still fast , my heart still loose ;", "To say the Frier was dead ! Ile now beleeve", "And creeds last article , \u201c I beleeve in God \":", "In sights and visitations , that will make 95", "No ayd to th'earthly in extremity ?", "When I was bold to change words with the Duchesse ,", "Take not into your noble veines the blood 55", "? Can your Worship dance ? 195", "Onely give free course to it from my selfe ,", "But his unsweating thrift is policie ,", "From making him amends that all his race ,", "Fall in the durt ; and Lachesis still drawes it ,", "To doe none good , but those that have no need ;", "I know his hand is larger , and perhaps 185", "Is onely guarded , and three friends as one", "Their abstract being a dreame but of a shade .", "Ventur 'd his breast in the consuming reach 35", "With a fit volley for my funerall .", "I'le be as open in my thoughts of you .", "He , sir .", "I may deserve more than my outside shewes .", "I would the King would make his presence free", "Her hand should so reward me , they must arme it , 75", "He is not ; I am noble ,", "Onely sleight fooles griev 'd suddenly are glad .", "Should be the want he meanes , and may supply me", "He shall confesse all , and you then may hang him .", "Because I have a little spirit to dare ,", "Silently glanc't , that like a thunderbolt 145", "Of some ill it includes , would faine lie hid ,", "Of these base villaines , nor the light reports", "Pindus and Ossa", "Empalethe forehead of the great King Monsieur ?", "Tyrannie , & atheisme flowing through the realme :", "I can sing pricksong , lady , at first sight ; and why not be a courtier as suddenly ?", "Live in despight of murther ! take thy wings", "Were I the man ye wrong 'd so and provok 'd , 90", "You call 'd me lately D'Amboys ; has your Worship", "To cut the threds of kings and kingly spirits , 65", "Sooner shall torture be the sire to pleasure ,", "Then doe not doubt", "I burne the first rites to my mistresse fame .", "Where is that angry Earle ? My lord ! come forth ,", "That you are utterly without a soule ; 505", "And noblesse in his blood hath no gradation ,", "Then these divines are but for forme , not fact ;", "Sir ?", "And therefore made his quarrell , his long love", "Of Protean law , and", "Both in the men you scandall and the matter .", "look upwards even in death .", "And rise thou with it in thy greater light !", "A lark of heaven , in heart a mowle of earth ;", "Man is of two sweet courtly friends compact ,", "Or , by thy villans bloud , thou prat'st thy last !", "Presum 'd on with my father at this season", "Or", "Should not my powers obay when she commands ,", "By his owne brightnesse , and th'inherent valour", "What dismall change is here ! the good old Frier", "How , Ambo , Sir ?", "So Hydra had more heads .", "Threw his chang 'd countenance headlong into clouds ;", "My hand", "And it shall finde the way to victory", "And health be grievous to one long time sick ,", "I lothe as much a deed of unjust death ,", "Since he is dead whose only mean she us 'd . Knocks .", "In all submission kisseth th'other side .", "Have ever beene esteem 'd , as our three powers", "Of faire great noses , and to you of long ones .", "Take it , and onely give it motion , 115", "To gaine being forward , though you break for haste", "A man may drowne the parts of ten rich men", "A barbarous groome grudge at his masters bountie !", "Of all intelligencers ; and your voice", "When Clotho slept , and let her breathing rock", "Cut my throat ? cut a whetstone , young Accius Noevius ! Doe as much with your 130 tongue as he did with a rasor . Cut my throat !", "I will goe fetch the paper .", "That hand dares not doe't ; y'ave cut too many throats already , Guise , and robb 'd the realme of many thousand soules , more precious than thine owne . Come , madam , talk on . Sfoot , can you not talk ? Talk on , I say . Another 145 riddle .", "For he died splinted with his chamber groomes .", "That", "And so our ignorance tames us , that we let", "The powerfull words and decent rites of art .", "And for your life , the thred of that was spunne", "Or stood the bullets that", "For the more care of your so curious honour ,", "Will never nourish any politick seed .", "Here would I make thee cast that popular purple", "40", "Where you may have your nose made lesse and slit ,", "Blood into gold , and justice into lust :\u2014", "Tush , valour stands not in number : Ile maintaine it that one man may beat three boyes . 250", "Fed with bare cockscombs and with crooked hammes ,", "With that enchanted glasse ? See devils there ? 85", "And , therefore , may doe worst ?", "But killing of the King , that is not yours .", "Shew me a great man", "Thinke me not impudent , lady ; I am yet no courtier ; I desire to be one and would gladly take entrance , madam , under your princely colours .", "When they hold no proportion , the slie charmes", "that by his greatnesse", "And told my mistresse hand should be my death , 90", "O is it true , then , that my sense first told me ? Is my kind father dead ?", "Be made an out-cast to your infamy ;", "So , sir ? Your descants doe marvellous well fit this ground ; we shall meet where your buffonly laughters will cost ye the best blood in your bodies . 240", "That rules so much more than his suffering King ,", "To fit his seed-land soyl ; a smooth plain ground", "Offends no law , and is a King indeed .", "Cut my throat ! I would the King fear 'd thy cutting of his throat no more than I feare thy cutting of mine .", "I am for honest actions , not for great :", "What qualities have you , sir ,"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["As a loose downfall ; for , you know , their falls", "But where to begge it ; whether at my house ,", "What , stricken dumb ! Nay fie , lord , be not danted :", "The Countesse of Mountsurreaue , Beaupre .", "His great heart will not down , tis like the sea , 175", "Thou and thy most renowmed noble brother", "Hath gotten such opinion of his vertues ,", "Not so the sea raves on the Libian sands ,", "Be true to the end . I have obtained a kingdome with my friend .A Room in Montsurry 's House . ] Montsur, Tamyra , Beaupre , Pero , Charlotte , Pyrha .", "My grossest faults , as grosse-full as they were ?", "Take", "And wise make scapes to please advantage ,", "And hee , I thinke , makes show t'affect his doctrine . 160", "Your wife , my lord ! Think you that 295 possible ?", "Thou eat'st thy heart in vinegar , and thy gall", "No more . 120", "Epaminondas", "In the strick't forme of all thy services 355", "He still is taken . Shall we then attempt", "One on whom Nature spent so rich a hand", "And in those humours would'st envie , betray ,", "Before the frantick puffes of blind borne chance ,", "Exeunt Mons", "Tis but our breath . If something given in hand 170", "Dames maritorious ne 're were meritorious :", "With whom I would make him suspicious", "Nor foure times triumpht . If Epaminondas 70", "Still hold mens candels : they direct and know", "or at some cookes-shop ,", "I will not then ; to prove which , by my love", "Y'are an ill-favour 'd fellow in my eye , \u201d", "Tush , thou wilt sing encomions of my praise !", "What had my bounty drunk when it rais 'd him ?", "I have thy heart , I know thy braine-pan yet", "A sure lease of it but for some few dayes ,", "Imagin 'd here in France : speake , man , and let", "Ile try that temper in him .\u2014 Come , you two", "Light to the banquet Fortune sets before thee", "And pursues another .", "The place is markt , and by his venery 165", "\u201c Honour and husband ! \u201d", "The Divell take him ! Ile no more of him .", "Be worse provided than a common archer ?", "Callest thou men great in state , motes in the sunne ?", "Peace , peace , I pray thee , peace ! Who dares doe that ? the brother of his King ! 80", "470", "Have two strings to a bow , and shall great Cupid", "Is this your great portion ?", "shall reele and fall", "Had no more suites then backes , but you two shar 'd", "Or did the slie Guise put thee 270", "Then much good doo't thee , Pero ! hast a letter ?", "Not I , it is a work without my power ,", "Her last houre ? Why that comes upon her the more she flies it . Does D'Ambois so , 300 think you ?", "As plague to thy damn 'd pride , rot as thou liv'st :", "My sweet heart !", "D'Ambois ! 210", "Searching , judiciall ; let me then from thee", "They bearing it with so unmov 'd aspects ,", "Is like a spirit rais 'd without a circle ,", "Into another great Augustus C\u00e6sar ; 105", "Farewell , good \u201c husband \u201d ! Exit Mons", "Diffus 'd quite through , to make them of a peece ,", "Is so much past his that you cannot move him :", "D'Ambois againe , till I have told Montsurry , 335", "Mutually profitable , so our lives", "All things amisse in all men , and their women", "Poore , loving lady , she'le make all good yet ;", "As fortune swings about the restlesse state", "What turne I meant to serve with you ?", "Goe , call the Count Montsurry ,", "Made yee my sawcy bon companions ?", "Which is above life , taking th'under value 175", "Which still are hid in dark and standing foggs ,", "You hit my pleasure well , when D'Ambois hit you ;", "And fetch my surgeon to her . Come , my lord ,", "O , so he spreds and flourishes .", "Empty their noses in the cates they love , 60", "O , my loves glory ! heire to all I have", "No more , I sweare . Farewell . ExMons, Esper, Soiss", "Drawn from her highest and most bloudy humors .", "The man ! why , madam , d'ee not know his name ?", "That passeth all our studies to exquire :", "Leave the troubled streames ,", "Can never be discovered to the bow ,", "Knowne for a covert practise , yet beleev 'd", "Bristled with surges , never will be wonne , 180", "Horror of death ! could I but please your eye ,", "Through all the proofes of his chaste ladies vertues ?", "Meere Swisser , apt for any execution .", "Dost not offend thee ?", "To be in counsell : I have here a friend", "Tumbling her billowes in each others neck :", "Up to my bosome in this dangerous secret !", "Our selves good names , but doe to others give 80", "Abides : an easie losse where no lack 's found .", "Dost never search thy thoughts , what my designe", "And set a snare with him to free my feares .", "That in thy valour th'art like other naturalls", "You and your trunkes \u2014 I feare me , I offend thee .", "In his uprightnesse , worthy to survive", "He loses them for ever . Then be wise ;", "For there is no such trap to catch an upstart", "Right .", "Why , now I see thou lov'st me ! come to the banquet ! Exeunt . 515 Finis Actus Tertii . LINENOTES : Henry . . . Attendants . A , Henry , D'Ambois , Monsieur , Guise , Mont ., Elenor , Tam ., Pero . 1 my . A ; B omits . 4 sparrowes . A , nothing . 16 man . A , truth . 29 than . So in A ; B , by . 53 besieged . A , oppressed . 58 the rest . A , the tother . 67 bout . A , charge . 71-72 Three lines in Qq , i. e . Peace . . . thee peace | Let . . . warre | He 's . . . man . 76 noblier . Emend . ed . Qq , nobly ; see note , p. 154 . 88 Stay . . . D'Ambois . B , Stay them , stay D'Ambois . 89 honour 'd . A , equall . 96 empire . A , eminence . 104 one stick out . A , out one sticke . 105 bound our lifes . A , was compris 'd . 107 ingenious . A , ingenuous . 117 hold . A , proove . vertue . A , rodde . 121 Decline not to . A , Engender not . 131-138 And hope . . . D'Amb, Ladies . Omitted in A , which after 130 has : Exeunt Henry , D'Amb ., Ely , Ta . 140 worthy . A , proper . 149 ranging . A , gadding . 153 for , you know . A , and indeed . 160-161 the hart , Being old , and cunning in his . A , being old , And cunning in his choice of . 163-164 where . . . his hinde . A has :\u2014 Where his custome is To beat his vault , and he ruts with his hinde . 168 chiefest . A , greatest . 172 the cunningst . A , an excellent . 173-177 I have broken . . . hope there . A has :\u2014 I have already broke the ice , my lord , With the most trusted woman of your Countesse , And hope I shall wade through to our discovery . 178 Gui . A , Mont . omitting the speech Nay . . . there . 179 Starting back . Omitted in A , which instead continues Montsurry 's speech with : And we will to the other . 180 indeed . A omits . 185 Nay . A , Pray . 189-193 Well said . . . to thee . Printed in doggerel form in Qq , the lines ending with hands , me , mistresse , thee . 192 of . A , concerning . 193 sworne to thee . A , promised . 194 that assurance . A , that you have sworne . 198-199 so wee reach our objects . A , so it bee not to one that will betray thee . 202 Excellent . . . me . So punctuated by ed . ; A , Excellent Pero thou reviv'st me ; B , Excellent ! Pero thou reviv'st me . 203 to perdition . A , into earth heere . 205 watching . A , wondring . 206 stole up . A , stole . 209 her selfe reading a letter . A , she set close at a banquet . 213 I sweare . A , No , my lord . 215-216 Why this . . . Oh , the . A omits , possibly by mistake . 220 fraught . A , freight . 221 never dreaming of D'Amboys . A omits . 225 this . A , his . 226 should . A , could . 227 made . A , performed .", "Dost understand thy selfe ? I pray thee tell me ,", "His wedded lady ; emptied even the dregs", "Goe , th'art a devill ! such another spirit", "Made safe your selfe , I pray ; hast , flie about it .", "I am no such great foole , and therefore charge thee", "Manly slaughter 150", "Thou dream'st awake : object in th'empty aire !", "Organs and faculties fitted to her greatnesse ;", "To which work lend your hands , and let us cast", "Your honour , having read it , to return it .", "Holding all learning but an art to live well , 170", "Be all your object , and you ayme at honour 80", "Of your chast lady , and conceive good hope 175", "You would give me the like , ere you would loose me .", "Horns at Mountsurry , would it not strike him jealous", "And an asse confident . Well , my lord , more will come forth shortly ; get you to the banquet . 310", "I feare thee not ; for , though I be not sure", "50", "That when tis calmest , is most dangerous !", "And gave her those rites that he sayes shee merits .", "Hot comming from it , as twere not", "What , woman , what are those portions ?", "I must not speak , my lord ; but if you'l use", "His enemy surviving , he should die , 170", "The chiefest meane to that discovery here ,", "Came to the Court first in a keele of sea-coale .", "And live where thrivers doe , at the well head .", "Leave us to lodge your ambush .", "As for thy gentry , I dare boldly take", "Exit Mon", "Take me for wisedom ; he that you can love", "Thy absence so long suffered oftentimes", "Thou shalt have glosse enough , and all things fit", "Well , let 's favour our apprehensions 230 with forbearing that a little ; for , if my heart were not hoopt with adamant , the conceipt of this would have burst it : but heark thee . Whispers .", "His wife hath arm 'd his forehead !", "Slander , blaspheme , change each houre a religion ,", "And make her name her conceal 'd messenger ,", "With none but hee , except it be the Guise .", "In equall ballance , to scourge that offence", "He shall , I say .", "Never so foule , live still the sounder friends .", "All that I know , madam .", "all ,", "And for whose fury he hath learnt no limit . 385", "stabs Pero , and exit .", "He 's the better man .", "Your snipe , your wood-cocke , larke , or your red hering , 245", "Till he come to me .", "But putting forth his strength he rescu 'd both", "Exceeds all positive law ; and what that leaves", "Out of the dung-hill ? cast my cast ward-robe on thee ?", "To be as emptie a dull piece of wainscot", "Tis with a woman \u2014 women that woorst may 155", "Never , my lady .", "Beare it as rarely ! Now to laugh were manly .", "Durst thou doe this ?", "As my long love will to Monsurries Countesse . Exit .", "Since he had added to a murther 'd fame", "Or else", "To touch the reputations of true men .", "And so you shall be sure to have him come", "To shew her gifts come swift and suddenly , 115", "Rust and consume it ? If Themistocles 65", "Did you not , think you ?", "In living close to him , get you from Court ,", "I shall perswade th'importance to Montsurry ,", "I shall wade thorow to some wished shore", "But leave courting his wife then .", "I have broken", "That partly by his owne internall heat ,", "Come , let 's away ; my sences are not proofe", "Grant , thou great starre , and angell of my life , 375", "The most renowmed souldier , 240", "By those abus 'd soules that they teach and governe", "That dares as much as a wilde horse or tyger , 440", "In this thy fall of friendship !", "Should never beare th'account of wilfull murther ,", "Contempt of these", "And I am answer 'd .", "Rage of death !", "This was cruelly done , y'faith .", "Well , leave these jests ! how I am over-joyed", "Beleeve me , I cannot riddle it . 275", ", Guise . Lead her out .", "Now , my lords , what fruit of our inquisition ? feele you nothing budding yet ? Speak , good my lord Montsurry . 290", "Or English usurer , to force possessions 445", "T'eternize the cookes trust , and score it up .", "The yce to it already with the woman", "No more then wives adulteries by their husbands , 165", "And leave for other friends no fragment of yee :", "Behind the arras , of your stoutest men", "Approach , and make all sure .", "this rope of pearle ; 90", "As there is paine ith \u2019 losing . Archers ever 65", "Justice will soone distinguish murtherous minds", "Peace , peace , I pray thee , peace !", "Yet as the winds sing through a hollow tree ,", "Into thy entrails , of desert to swell", "Doe what I charge thee .", "Devoure each other with your vertues zeale , 185", "Well said ! a spirit of courtship of all hands . Now , mine owne Pero , hast thou remembred 190 me for the discovery I entreated thee to make of thy mistresse ? Speak boldly , and be sure of all things I have sworne to thee .", "When in their hearts are Scylla and Caribdis ,", "Slave , cut-throat , tinkers bitch , compar 'd before ;", "With thy wish 'd presence , and how fit thou com'st ,", "As ever arm 'd the scalpe of any courtier ; 275", "When I tooke in such two as you two were ,", "All check to it but Natures ; and her altars", "Is thought t'embrace his vertues .", "That pipes through empty men and makes them dance . 45", "From just revengers . Had my friend beene slaine ,", "To true mens valours", "From any common groome , but let me heare", "When he is entred , and you heare us stamp ,", "The divers frames , but chiefly by the moone ,", "He onely jested , spake of splene and envie ; 215", "Nor Cerberus ever saw the damned nookes 320", "To strike him under th'\u00c6tna of his pride .", "Away , my lord ; you are perfectly disguis 'd ;", "And thou thy selfe breathes out concerning me ,", "And make the dores fast ; I will speak with none", "Precious ! then it is a fate that plagues me", "T'enchase in all shew thy long smothered spirit :", "Against those plaints .", "Your case is common ; were it ne 're so rare , 120", "With shewes of love , and liberall promises ?", "His manhood breathes spirit , and meanes , and luster .", "All the most youthfull company of men .", "Which in the wrong it did was forfeit to him ;", "O , fie upon thee !", "But one suite twixt you both , when both your studies", "Discern 'd not me , his rising soveraigne ,", "I urg 'd her modestie in him , my lord ,", "O no , my Lord ! it would make cowards feare 165", "I wonder , Guise , you will thus ravish him", "Swell , being enrag 'd even from their inmost drop ,", "That prove we in our full dissection", "Enter D'Ambois .", "Send you some other , and see all the dores 340", "Pray thee , what mean'st thou ?", "You have .", "To her great labours ; she hath breath 'd a minde", "a murthered man ;", "He 's greater knowne .", "I , marry , wench , I think thy portion is a right riddle ; a man shall never finde it out : but let 's heare it . 265", "But stop at humours , that are more absurd ,", "The full and plaine state of me in thy thoughts .", "And therefore beare their disproportion .", "If I had told the secret , and he knew it , 390", "Shewne to thy vertues , and by all fruits else", "Frequenting all our common sports and triumphs ,", "Where never day shines , nothing ever growes", "Thy honourable othe : and yet some say", "The peece , or hound \u2014 yet where , behind some queich ,", "Though this same Clermont hath a D'Ambois spirit ,", "Doe , my lord ,", "He had not five times beene Dictator there ,", "As how , as how ?", "What you may be by me , nor what without me ;", "Taught yee to call our greatest Noblemen 260", "In this mans foolery ; I may be murthered ,", "Till he be crown 'd with his owne quiet fome ."], "true_target": ["Who 's there ? Take in this maid , sh'as caught a clap ,", "Could not be still 'd from all th'Armenian dragons .", "If brave Camillus had lurckt so in Rome ,", "Enter Montsurry disguis 'd , with the murtherers .", "Behold what thoughts the many-headed beast 195", "If you knew all .", "But a tree solid", "Endangering him that ignorantly rais 'd him ,", "O were brave Bussy living !", "Ere D'Ambois were engag 'd in some sure plot , 325", "Tis true thou art his brother , but durst thou", "Heark , sweet heart , here 's a bar set to your valour ! It cannot enter here , no , not to notice Of what your name is ; your great eagles beak 55had as good encounter An Albion cliffe as her more craggy liver .", "To me ? Now out upon her ! 145", "Resolve , my masters , you shall meet with one", "Might be to entertaine thee and thy brother ? 230", "Does he read to the Guise ? Tis passing needfull ,", "Have I blowne both for nothing to this bubble ?", "Partly the starrs daily and nightly motion ,", "Than any painted bawd ; which not to sooth ,", "Think you not so , my lord ? Mont", "We cannot finde one trusty that is witty ,", "That 's all one , so wee reach our objects : forth , I beseech thee .", "How most unseasonable thou playest the cucko ,", "Be rul 'd by me then . The old Scythians", "To study calumnies and treacheries ;", "Pray thee forbeare !", "Come , I'le enseame thee . Ladies , y'are too many", "Whose there ?", "Doe any thing but killing of the King . 450", "I pray thee , talk no more , but shut the dores :", "For common women serve : \u201c my honour ! husband ! \u201d", "And thou wilt loath leane darknesse like thy death .", "Right : now I see", "If thou out-live me , as I know thou must ,", "Is nere the further from you .", "After long use he shin 'd ; for as the light", "Your chastity ! Let me begin with the end of it ; how is a womans chastity neerest man , when tis furthest off ? 280", "What , not if I should name the gardener", "Of divine fabrique they are , not mens hands : 125", "By the corruption of their names \u2014 Jack , Tom ?", "For which let this balme make thee fresh and faire !", "And court our greatest ladies chiefest women", "Wilt thou not leave that wrongfull supposition ?", "Hackster to any whore , slave to a Jew ,", "Not only serves to shew , but render us", "And in this fact only preserves a man", "And breathes his brothers valour , yet his temper", "Excellent Pero , thou reviv'st me ; may I sink quick to perdition if my tongue discover it !", "Will try what proofes your privy coats are made on :", "That I had better have one negligent .", "Not any wrinkle creaming in their faces , 315", "In acts exemplarie not only winne", "Thus had I bin endanger 'd .", "Or , were thy wit good , am I therefore bound", "How now ? what leap'st thou at ?", "I will , I sweare . I think thee , then , a man", "Not if I nam 'd the man", "No , tis enough I feele it .", "Indeed , that 's the way to make ye right openarses . But , alas , ye have no portions fit for such husbands as we wish you .", "When only they are left to impe the law ,", "The King himselfe . Thou understand'st me , dost not ?", "Millions of such as murther men alive .", "Of what I am .", "And glorifie thee like a Jupiter Hammon , 465", "they rend up by the root : 40", "Still you stand on your husband ; so doe all", "And make him with some studied stratagem", "To keepe thee for my table ?", "Married mens ensignes are not made with fingers ;", "So this whole man", "Of that toad-poole that stands in thy complexion ,", "He 's noblier borne .", "Stay but a while here , and I'le send to thee .", "For which I now am bound , my higher aymes", "Into my bosome t'undermine my projects ?", "T'unclaspe thy bosome .", "A bargain , of mine honour ! and make this , 435", "The devill and D'Ambois !", "Hid with the veiles of womens vertuous lookes .", "So much consum 'd her vertuous treasurie .", "A ragged couple of decaid commanders , 235", "Once give me leave", "Who would beleeve thy mettall could let sloth", "That in thy valour", "Thy words be borne as naked as thy thoughts . 200", "Which if my hast with any spark should light", "All close and soundly arm 'd ; and let them share 135", "Nay , they are two , my lord .", "Thou hast the theorie ; now goe there and practise . 105", "To buy you both to any thing i'th ' earth \u2014", "We'l now peruse our letter .", "I , and Count Montsurry .", "So Joves great ordinance shall be here implide", "Do'st thou not dreame , wench ?", "But weeds and poysons that no states-man knowes ;", "That I may cleare my bosome of the snake", "On thy part made with personall appearance .", "Even out of earth", "I feare him strangely ; his advanced valour", "A fellow onely that consists of sinewes ;", "And she must fashion hornes out of her nature .", "Then have at you here !", "Of his worst thoughts of mee even to my teeth ; 205", "Ile part engendring vertue . Men affirme , 180", "You may have him at home ; these common put-ofs", "Th'art more ridiculous and vaine-glorious", "Come , we'l disguise all with seeming onely to have courted .\u2014 Away , dry palm ! sh'as a livor as dry as a bisket ; a man may goe a 245 whole voyage with her , and get nothing but tempests from her windpipe .", "with Pages . Manet Buss", "You must not buy it under . Exeunt Guise and Monsieur .", "For , of mine honour , I was sending for thee .", "Xerxes had made both him and it his slaves .", "Honour , what 's that ? your second maydenhead : 60", "But my friend only sav 'd his fames deare life ,", "How thinkest thou ? Doe I flatter ? 475", "A worthy man should imitate the weather ,", "Had liv 'd obscur 'd thus in th'Athenian State ,", "The thing remaines ; the rose is pluckt , the stalk", "Had liv 'd so still , he had beene still unnam 'd ,", "Being old , and cunning in his layres and haunts ,", "Here 's something to those points . Soft , you must pawne", "Offending past law equall life is laid", "When a French-crowne would plentifully serve", "That I would have him think hath grafted him ?", "But what thinkst thou ? Had I no end i n't , think'st ?", "And showing hee hath learn 'd it in his life ,", "Though thou art learn 'd , thast no enchanting wit ;", "Any of these here ?", "The ravenous wolfe of thy most caniball valour", "Have brav 'd the Guise ; mauger his presence , courted", "He has more titles .", "A spirit amongst them that would serve a thousand .", "Where we may set snares for his ranging greatnes .", "Nature 's a courtier and regards no merit .", "Tis fine hypocrisie , and cheape , and vulgar ,", "Onely for thy company , 405", "To make retreat into his setled home ,", "Avant , about thy charge !", "thou would'st turne", "Within the thirsty reach of your revenge .", "Which if her favorite be not swift to take ,", "Now vanish horrors into Court attractions", "Are th'ends of all mens rising . If great men", "What doe men thinke of me , I pray thee , Clermont ? 190", "And should that perish like a common spirit ,", "Put me in some little doubt thou do'st not love me .", "Or thou would'st tire thee like a tinkers strumpet ,", "Were not what meate to dine with , if your partridge ,", "Starting back ?", "All things amisse in them ; through whose charm 'd mouthes", "Yet , for my love , would not have fear 'd to anger 225", "That", "You would say so , 60", "Nay bought you both out-right ,", "From imminent ruine ; and , like burnisht steele , 75", "Even from the root of thy free heart display mee . 430", "The common sex of you , when y'are encounter 'd", "Still in that discord , and ill taken note ?", "Being thereby strong in his perswading others ,", "Is this like D'Ambois ? I must vexe the Guise ,", "That close and most inennerable pander ,", "That have strange gifts in nature , but no soule", "O the unsounded sea of womens bloods ,", "That I would gladly enter in your graces . 75", "And paid his country nor himselfe their right :", "Never was any curious in his place", "Pray thee regard thine owne good , if not mine ,", "Exit Maffe .", "of morgaged estates ;", "Sweet heart , come hither ! what if one should make", "And this had worthily beene wilfull murther ;", "Tis true , my lord ; and as this doting hand", "And", "But what a cloud of sulphur have I drawne", "Why ?", "And wherefore doe you this ? To please your husband ?", "Brought thee to Court to , as I did thy brother ?", "Than any mountibank , and impudent", "And though you be not amorous , yet be wise :", "Dost not offend thee ?", "Or else hath Nature no proportion 'd end", "When the most royall beast of chase , the hart , 160", "Your wife , you know , is a meere Cynthia ,", "I charge thee utter", "Plaine as truth . 425", "Their heat and light , and partly of the place", "And to all mischiefes \u2014 but to kill the King .", "How am I tortur 'd with this trusty foole ! 370", "And now forth with thy service to the Duchesse , 210", "You live in Court here by your owne election , 75", "Matter for vertuous deeds , by which wee live .", "Already sprung from that still flourishing tree ,", "Thou understand'st thy selfe .", "A free mans eminence may supply and take .", "Heare what I am .", "Be a true glasse to mee , in which I may", "They say so that would have thee freeze in shades ,", "We may see all the close scapes of the Court .", "No , thou needst not learne ;", "Speak plaine , and say \u201c I doe not like you , sir , 85", "To thy friends slaughters like a scrich-owle sing ,", "struck this giant , 145", "For Bussy lives not ; hee durst anger mee ,", "And murther market folks ; quarrell with sheepe ,", "The devill he is , and thy lady his dam ! Why this was the happiest shot that ever flewe ; 215 the just plague of hypocrisie level 'd it . Oh , the infinite regions betwixt a womans tongue and her heart ! is this our Goddesse of chastity ? I thought I could not be so sleighted , if she had not her fraught besides , and therefore plotted this 220 with her woman , never dreaming of D'Amboys . Deare Pero , I will advance thee for ever : but tell me now \u2014 Gods pretious , it transformes mee with admiration \u2014 sweet Pero , whom should she trust with this conveyance ? Or , all the dores 225 being made sure , how should his conveyance be made ?", "The learning of a noble man , and read , 130", "Turns all thy blood to poyson , which is cause", "I feare it , afore heaven , and will not see", "A husband and a friend all wise wives have .", "By whom convay the letter to her love ; 130", "With whatsoever may hereafter spring , 420", "That sings in tempests , and being cleare , is silent .", "And cheere my love for that : you doe not know", "As headstrong and as bloody ; and to feed", "Of vertue now throwne into all mens hate .", "Or at the Guises", "That none may eat but they . Do thou but bring", "Would I had never knowne it , for before", "You shall presently : how fares my Pero ? Enter Servant .", "By law of reputation , which to men 155", "And makes thee with a cold and earthy moisture ,", "Doe any thing , but killing of the King :", "My ends and new upstarted state in Brabant ,", "A poxe upon you !", "Or I", "True .", "I were blowne up ; he would be , sure , my death .", "That with an ominous eye she wept to see 35", "Yet shall you see it here ; here will be one", "Why doe I love thee , then ? Why have I rak 'd thee", "Speak I not like a trusty friend to thee ?", "Sharpen their hopes of more , \u2018 twill be well ventur 'd .", "Or made by custome nothing . This same D'Ambois", "Tis grosse and fulsome : if your husbands pleasure", "At our next meeting .", "100", "Young , learned , valiant , vertuous , and full mann 'd ;", "Dare then to poure out here thy freest soule", "While he stands on protection of his folly .", "Beleeve it , there 's as small lack in the losse", "Which I have still in thought ; but that 's no payment", "Before which , lodge an ambush in her chamber ,", "That this ambitious Guise , embracing him ,", "To doe things justly , but he was an asse :", "I cherisht there , and I will then defie", "He breaks his gall , and rutteth with his hinde ,", "I think it best , amongst our greatest women : 150", "Wilt thou doe one thing therefore now sincerely ? 410", "Th'art mine , sweet heart ! See , here 's the Guises Duches ;", "And runne as mad as Ajax ; serve a butcher ;", "let 's it stand ;", "Not so the surges of the Euxian Sea", "Or never looke to heare free truth . Tell me ,", "Shall crack with vessels crown 'd with ev'ry liquor 380", "Thy soule , more learn 'd , is more ingenuous ,", "Out of my bosome , that first gave the life", "It being a spice of justice , where with life", "Turn 'd to earth , alive ! Up man , the sunne shines on thee .", "And what is that ? a word : the word is gone ,", "I may have power t'advance and pull downe any .", "What , more than two ?", "Painted blinde Fortunes powerfull hands with wings ,", "I pray thee , get thee gone ; thou art so tedious", "Farewell , riddle . 285", "With one ye cannot fancie : all men know", "Childish and villanous than that hackster , whore , 455", "make it quite break loose .", "Train D'Ambois to his wreak , his maid may tell it ; 330"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Tis good to please him , yet Ile take no notice", "Is your name D'Ambois ?", "Pray doe so ,", "Makes his compunction willing to relieve you ? 175", "Will have him for his jester ; and , berlady ,", "May I not know what other merit in you", "His Highnesse might perhaps have bestow 'd better .", "To be some poet . Have you given my lord 165", "I cry thee mercy , D'Amboys . 210", "I hope \u2018 tis no rude office to aske reason 170", "If you be thriftie , and play the good husband , you may make", "And sweare he could not be more bountifull ;", "I , is not your name Ambo ?", "Such men are now no fooles ; \u2018 tis a knights place .", "T'abate his bountie , I should not be heard ; 200", "Swagger , and drinke healths to his Graces bountie , 180", "His Graces pleasure is to give your good 155", "By your no better outside , I would judge you", "Sir , y'are very hot . I doe serve the Monsieur ;", "For then I should be sure to have the eares", "That you may use me better . For your selfe ,", "But in such place as gives me the command", "Will still be grave and serious , lest he thinke", "Some pamphlet ?", "His Grace hath sent you a whole hundred crownes ."], "true_target": ["A thousand crownes I bring you from my lord ;", "That is strange . Y'are a poore souldier , are you ?", "Monsieur Maffe . 160", "I feare his woodden dagger . Here , Sir Ambo !", "These crownes are set in bloud ; bloud be their fruit ! Exit . LINENOTES : 5 continuall . A , incessant . 8 forming . A , forging . 10 men meerely great . A , our tympanouse statists . 20 wealth . A , powers . 25 faine . A , glad . 31 earth . A , world . 40 meane . A , poore . 43 possible . A , likely . 44 good to . A , fit I . 57 Callest . A , Think'st . 80 doe . A , doth . 82 me ? A , me doe . 92 humorous . A , portly . 102-3 And . . . part . Repunctuated by ed . Qq have :\u2014 Andt'unfold their Art Learne to commit them , Tis a great mans Part . 110 loves . A , eies . 113 old . A , rude . 117 be wise . A , be rul 'd . 122-125 Like . . . ignorant . A omits . 126 To fit his seed-land soyl . A , But hee 's no husband heere . 130 for . A , with . 153 After this line B inserts : Table , Chesbord & Tapers behind the Arras . This relates not to the present Scene , but to Scene 2 , where the King and Guise play chessEither it has been inserted , by a printer 's error , prematurely ; or , more probably , it may be an instruction to the \u201c prompter \u201d to see that the properties needed in the next Scene are ready , which has crept from an acting version of the play into the Quartos . 156 His passe . A , A passe . 157 respect . A , good fashion . 167 your great masters goodnesse . A , his wise excellencie . 170 rude . A , bad . 180 Graces . A , highnes . 192 bounteous Grace . A , excellence . 193 and to you of long ones . A has :\u2014 And to your deserts The reverend vertues of a faithfull steward . 196 pleasant . A , merrie . 197 berlady . A , beleeve it . 199 his Grace . A , my Lord .", "Of all his other servants : and because", "His passe through my command , me thinks you might", "This a good standing living ; \u2018 tis a bountie ,", "What shall your subject be ?", "And have commanded ?", "What meane you , sir ?", "I would to heaven I were an errant asse ,", "How ?", "Though he did not , sir ,", "Why , very good , sir ;", "How that his Grace gives me in charge , goes from me ?", "So there 's nine hundred crounes sav 'd . Here , tall souldier ,", "A pleasant fellow , faith ; it seemes my lord", "Pamphlet , sir , I say .", "I see the man : a hundred crownes will make him", "Of his preferment , but in policie 205", "Use me with more respect .", "If I", "should urge him", "I pray , then , give me leave . If for no pamphlet ,", "Of these great men , where now their jesters have them ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["A room in the Court . ]", "How . . . D'Amboys . A omits ."], "true_target": ["Henry , Guise , Montsurry , Elenor , Tamyra , Beaupre , Pero ,", "Charlotte , Pyra , Annable .", "212 If you be thriftie , and . A , Serve God ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Who knowes with what wounds in my heart for woe", "That lately turn 'd your breaths to flouds of gold ;", "But wherein is this Clermont such a rare one ?", "Duchesse of Guise , your Grace is much enricht", "Of many thousands .", "Take in the dead , and make this fatall roome", "under the hand", "As if the thick complexions of men", "Much greater than themselves ; flatterers are kites", "Govern 'd within them .", "With your ambitious , mad idolatrie ;", "is now in Court , and neare ,", "In the attendance of that English virgin ,", "And this bloud I shed is to save the bloud 50", "To D'Ambois sudden bravery , and great spirit .", "Saw you his sawcie forcing of my hand", "Rather than any in the English Court ,", "the famous D'Ambois tombe . Exeunt .", "More than the Court , where they are bred , is equall 'd .", "What service bring'st thou ? make it short ; the Guise", "Wee came indeede too late , which much I rue ,", "Of your so wounded faith I made these wounds ,", "Well , take your will , sir ;\u2014 Ile have mine ere long .\u2014", "See , sir , I am come"], "true_target": ["Whose ladies are not matcht in Christendome", "Truths words like jewels hang in th'eares of kings .", "Ladies , ye have not done our banquet right ,", "Nor lookt upon it with those cheereful rayes", "So cleare and free as heretofore , but foule 5", "Aversus .", "To D'Ambois freedome ?", "This desperate quarrell sprung out of their envies", "FINIS .", "To stirre a stone ; nor is a rocke , oppos 'd", "To justifie it before men and God ,", "Speak home , my Bussy ! thy impartiall words", "For gracefull and confirm 'd behaviours ,", "That check at sparrowes ; thou shalt be my eagle ,", "Come , Baligny , we now are private ; say ,", "Your looks , me thinks , are not drawne out with thoughts", "Forc't to it by an insolence of force 45", "To all the billowes of the churlish sea ,", "Of your prefer 'd instructions and command , 5", "Are like brave faulcons that dare trusse a fowle", "That will initiate her prime of youth ,", "And would have kept this Clermont as my crowne .", "And may observe us .", "And beare my thunder underneath thy wings : 5", "More beate and eaten with them then was I"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["My sure friend Baligny !", "Signe then this writ for his deliverie ;", "Colour 'd with nothing but being great with mee . 5", "The jealous ill pursuing them in others . 35", "Your hand was never urg 'd with worthier boldnesse :", "Who sayes that death is naturall , when nature", "Shrincke at in spight of me , their solidst part", "On whom she no such worthy part bestowes .", "Neither is worth their envie .", "Knit in my hand-kerchiefe another lot , 5", "And leave it headlesse , for a perfect man ,", "Hath all the wondrous fabrique man should have ,", "Since reason , judgement , resolution ,", "I hate my selfe , that , seeking to rule Kings , 10", "This softnesse from my flesh , farre as my reason ,", "Who would live sinking in it ? and not spring", "I cannot curbe my slave . Would any spirit", "Up to the starres , and leave this carrion here ,", "But with as much proportion she may make 25", "Come , pray , sir , signe it . Why should Kings be praid", "While this same sincke of sensualitie swels ,", "The word being , \u201c Y'are a dead man if you enter \u201d ;", "And these words this imperfect bloud and flesh", "Thus", "An ever-yong and most immortall goddesse .", "There 's no way else to set my true man cleere . 25", "In my word for my Clermont , what a villaine", "And scorne of what we feare , will yeeld to feare ? 15", "Of their great nobles ; and of their old Queene", "And I have drawne beneath my trencher one ,", "One foote out of the way for death and hell !", "Hee was that whisper 'd in your jealous eare"], "true_target": ["But now thy dangers are dispatcht , note mine .", "That at the barricadoes spake to mee ,", "Is with the onely thought of it dismaid ?", "Let my false man by falshood perish here ;", "Makes them despis 'd , and showes they sticke and tyre 10", "In what their free powers should be hot as fire .", "thou seest how all good men would thrive ,", "Without an end more excellent then those 30", "Farre as my resolution not to stirre", "That which doth oft succeed and by th'events", "He that observes but like a worldly man", "His owne blacke treason in suggesting Clermonts ,", "Now , sir , I hope you 're much abus 'd eyes see", "For wolfes , and vultures , and for dogges to teare ?", "Melting like snow within mee with colde fire .", "And why then can ye not disclose your thoughts ?", "\u201c Let 's leade my lord to Reimes \u201d ?", "Think you he faines , my lord ? what hold you now ? Doe we maligne your wife , or honour you ?", "O Clermont D'Ambois , wert thou here to chide 20", "Hast thou not heard of that admired voyce", "Free , manly , princely , wish to live to be", "Values the worth of things , will think it true", "I like not their Court-fashion ; it is too crestfalne 10", "I have had lotteries set up for my death ,", "Did not the good thou prompt'st me with prevent", "In all observance , making demi-gods", "Commanded by this masse of slaverie ,", "A thing that from the feet up to the throat", "To acts of justice ? tis a reverence", "Nay : stay , my lord , and heare him answere you .", "As give a full man valour , vertue , learning ,", "That Nature works at random , just with you :"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["For their divided empires : which griefe now in them", "He will have pardon , sure .", "Then in the shamefac't . Who can then distinguish", "With modest out-parts ; what they should doe still", "Shunne common and plebeian formes of speech ,", "Many times mixe too ; and in none more shamefull 35", "Grac 'd with good show , though deedes be ne'er so ill .", "To dry is to breede any quench to thine .", "Looke out for fresh life , rather then witch-like", "Every illiberall and affected phrase , 40", "Affect thy spirits ? Thinke , for shame , but this ,", "They are your owne faint spirits that have forg 'd", "Tis not violent ;", "Hold severall scepters in us , and have times", "Still on this hant ? Still shall adulterous bloud 25", "Doth prove as proper to his diadem .", "To clothe their matter , and together tye", "Yet modestie , the matter of their lives , 45", "Exit .", "Learne to kisse horror , and with death engender ."], "true_target": ["Be it adulterate , should be painted true", "Lies in the bloud as lust lyes ; and together", "Oh sir , has she met you ? Exeunt Henry , D'Amb, Ladies .", "Matter and forme with art and decencie ;", "And therefore now", "Speed me , vengeance ! 55", "The fearefull shadowes that your eyes deluded :", "Twixt their affections ; or tell when hee meetes", "The fiend was in you ; cast him out , then , thus ! 70", "30", "None can be alwayes one : our griefes and joyes", "With one not common ? Yet , as worthiest poets", "So worthiest women should shunne vulgar guises ,", "This bloud , that cockatrice-like thus thou brood'st ,", "Come you not willingly ?", "No question shee 's the rarest Queene in Europe .", "Who have you let into my house ?", "Strange crosse in nature , purest virgine shame", "And though they cannot but flye out for change ,", "Cowards ! a fiend or spirit beat ye off !"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Now stirre the humour , and begin the brawle ."], "true_target": ["But what 's that to her immortality ? 15", "Come , follow me ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Had all beene held together with the nerves ,", "Than in her Court , her kingdome . Our French Court", "Com'st thou from D'Ambois ?", "For that she feares steales on to ravish her ;", "Had all preserv 'd her in her prime like D'Ambois ;", "Man in his native noblesse , from whose fall", "True courtiers should be modest , and not nice ; 65", "with D'Amb", "The slenderest pittance of commended vertue ,", "To be again so violent .", "A wise man may shun her , she not her selfe ;", "And therefore , cousen Guise , let us avoid her .", "From death to life : and , D'Ambois , let your life", "Holding our worthes more compleat for their vaunts .", "We proud that they are proud of foolerie , 55", "Brother , I know your suit ; these wilfull murthers", "Where she finds any filth in men , she feasts ,", "I see almighty \u00c6ther in the smoak 115", "Hid in the dim ostents of tragedy .", "On what events the other have arriv 'd .", "Before a tempest , when the silent ayre 110", "So full of majestic and roiall parts ,", "To jet in others plumes so haughtely ;", "No envie , no disjunction had dissolv 'd ,", "Being sound and healthfull ; but if she but taste", "This would make every man that thinks him wrong 'd , 160", "Should this fact , though of justice , be forgiven .", "Fly at him and his brood ! I cast thee off ,", "Her Court approves it : that 's a Court indeed ,", "In affectation of outlandish scumme ;", "Enjoy what thou intreat'st , we give but ours . 205", "Dance a continuall haie ; our roomes of state", "No Queene in Christendome may vaunt her selfe .", "Your honour 'd disposition brooks so ill", "Well , brother , rise , and raise your friend withall 180", "The sanctuaries of a princes eyes .", "I entreat your presence ; 130", "Without these definite terms of Mine and Thine , 100", "That passes all the bodies soundest parts ,", "In all the beautie , state , and worth they hold ,", "Than a rude market-place : and though our custome", "All slaine outright ?", "Here 's nought but whispering with us ; like a calme", "All our dissentions rise ; that in himselfe", "Use not to seeke her out in any man . 65", "And hope you , madam , will take one carowse", "Where the Kings change doth breed the subjects terror ,", "Worth with the greatest . Kings had never borne 95", "knowes he comprehends", "Come , my brave eagle , let 's to covert flie !", "But they have faults , and we more : they foolish-proud", "Bold , but not impudent ; pleasure love , not vice .", "Keepe this assur 'd confusion from our eyes ,", "And with her black throat bruits it through the world", "Is a meere mirror of confusion to it :", "& Ladies .", "She feeds on outcast entrailes like a kite : 5", "Some fate doth joyne our eares to heare it comming .", "Are ever past our pardon .", "Of all his clowds descending , and the skie", "Both to a banquet where weele sacrifice", "Layes her soft eare close to the earth to hearken", "Past there no sort of words at their encounter ?", "She surfets of it , and is like a flie 15"], "true_target": ["We have expected th'offer of your service ;", "Be purg 'd from more such foule pollution ;", "So doe they all men else .", "Lesse than either", "A man so good that only would uphold 90", "Will make the gall of envie overflow ;", "With any precious oyntment , and you kill her . 10", "If you have woo 'd and won , then , brother , weare him . 70", "Relate at large what thou hast seene and heard .", "Have power to find none there , she forges some :", "Beene turn 'd unjustly to the hand of Fortune ,", "Lay on this violence ; and all vaunt themselves", "No question they much wrong their reall worth", "She makes that crooked ever which is strait ;", "D'Ambois , I thinke .", "The genius , and th'ingenious soule of D'Ambois .", "The king and subject , lord and every slave ,", "In which the world of Saturne bound our lifes , 105", "Exit Henr", "Or is offended , or in wrong or right ,", "Her courtship is more pure then heretofore .", "But , as Courts should be th'abstracts of their Kingdomes ,", "In which foule heape , if any ill lies hid ,", "\u2018 Tis nere the lesse essentially unsightly ,", "Had all maintain 'd the spirit and state of D'Ambois ;", "Or pluck 'd one stick out of the golden faggot", "Assure you , cosen Guise , so great a courtier ,", "So is hers , amplie , and by her inform 'd .", "Which we must not affect , because in kingdomes ,", "Stay them ! stay , D'Ambois ! Cosen Guise , I wonder", "Full cups to confirmation of your loves ;", "Thy felt report cals on ; we long to know", "Let my hand therefore be the Hermean rod", "That all things gave in her originall", "Corruption is her nutriment ; but touch her", "Whither soever she flies from her harmes ,", "Such boundlesse empire over other men ,", "We like your alteration , and must tell you ,", "And dwels upon the sores ; or if her squint eie", "Calls valour giddinesse , justice tyrannie : 20", "She sticks her beak into it , shakes it up ,", "To this of ours , and then compare them both ; 35", "Which they would soone see , would they change their forme", "Not in my face , my eagle ! violence flies", "Marke , Duchesse of Guise , there is one is not bashfull .", "Not mixt with clowneries us 'd in common houses ; 20", "Nor on your scape , nor valour , more presuming", "For we", "You have the mate . Another ?", "For reconcilement of your lord and servant .", "To part and reconcile , and so conserve you ,", "Thanks to ye both : and kindly I invite ye", "As my combin 'd embracers and supporters . 110", "With more proportion and expression , 25", "Such often soonest end .\u2014", "Law-menders and supplyers , though meere butchers ,", "At which", "She beares her foe still claspt in her own armes :", "Kept like our stables ; no place more observ 'd 30", "Pure innovation is more grosse than error .", "But me thinks", "Nor had the full impartiall hand of Nature ,", "And once more give thee surname of mine eagle . 20", "The world is not contracted in a man ,", "And hurl 's it all abroad , that all may view it ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["And shall be till I know your former merits ,", "If you were not a D'Ambois , I would scarce 75", "Speak : will you write ?", "By this kisse , receive", "When you appear 'd , did turne me worse than woman ,", "I , for thy monstrous idoll is not done yet .", "But to prevent and shame thy victory ,", "As they have ever ap't us in attire ;", "Excuses damne her : they be fires in cities 65", "Would I have sworne to give it him againe ,", "Said like a D'Ambois , and if now I die ,", "Come , y'are a \u2014", "The princely author of the slavish sinne ,", "Come home delivered of a fine French suit : 45", "I know not if himselfe will vaunt t'have beene", "Thy venoms sok 'd through , making most of death ,", "And then , you must heare from me , there 's no meane", "Till thou writ'st ,", "If you obtaine it .", "Of her thrice damn 'd and whorish fortitude :", "The gravity of her religious face", "Her back-part upwards , and with that she braves", "Come to the Presence then , and see great D'Ambois", "What new flame breakes out of the firmament", "This toole hath wrought enough . Now , Torture , use", "And thee ; let penitence spend thy rest of life .", "That basilisks drink their poyson from their eyes ,", "And since I must afford thee victorie , 30", "By all truth , no :", "How 's that ?", "And apt to leape out of themselves as they ;", "Now I shall grace your conquest .", "And having freed her husbands jealousie", "Hee 's a most learned and religious man . 115", "Cannot extinguish . Will she but disclose", "Sit joy and all good on thy victorie ! 110", "When he might challenge them as his just prise ?", "Ile visit thy more comfortable beauties .", "Tis false ; I savour the rancke bloud of foes", "Good father , cease your terrors . 35", "That Prince doth high in vertues reckoning stand", "To thine chac 'd with my fury .", "Where are your other fellowes of my guard ?", "Why , what 's the matter ?", "Shorten the world , preventing the last breath 55", "In just oblivion their eternall grave ;", "Now is it true , earth moves , and heaven stands still ;", "And here 's a peacock seemes to have 250 devour 'd one of the Alpes , she has so swelling a spirit , & is so cold of her kindnes .", "If shee except not you of all men onely ,", "From being at peace within her better selfe ?", "As when she rageth under vertues cloake .", "Which of one base is base , and so Ile die .", "Look up , my love , and by this kisse receive", "No , sir , Ile fight now , and the terror be", "Thy faire eyes owe him : shall we now to bed ?", "How monstrous is this !", "Nay , there 's small hope there .", "To move such bold feete into others roofes .", "No question we shall see them imitate", "Stand like an Atlas under our Kings arme ;", "Alas , what troubled my true love , my peace , 90", "Joyne in mee all your rages and rebutters ,", "I must not yeeld to pity , nor to love", "The spirits in fainting , teaching to preserve", "He starts up .", "In doing their justice there with any shew", "My vow hath charged it .", "But Lord Renel ?", "That ever lapt up an adulterous vomit ,", "Take comfort then", "For their most compleat issue ; hee 's sole heire", "Which greatnesse with him Monsieur now envies", "Murmurs within me , which I must digest ,", "Stand", "I doe forgive thee , and upon my kneeswish that mine honour 205 Would suffer reconcilement to my love : But , since it will not , honour never serve My love with flourishing object , till it sterve ! And as this taper , though it upwards look , Downwards must needs consume , so let our love ! 210 As , having lost his hony , the sweet taste Runnes into savour , and will needs retaine A spice of his first parents , tillIt sees and dies , so let our love ! and , lastly , As when the flame is suffer 'd to look up 215 It keepes his luster , but being thus turn 'd downeHis owne stuffe puts it out , so let our love ! Now turne from me , as here I turne from thee ; And may both points of heavens strait axeltree 220 Conjoyne in one , before thy selfe and me ! Exeunt severally . Finis Actus Quinti & Ultimi . LINENOTES : Thunder . . . Tamyra . A has : Intrat umbra Comolet to the Countesse , wrapt in a canapie . 1-6 Up . . . not study . Omitted in A , which has instead :\u2014 Revive those stupid thoughts , and sit not thus , Gathering the horrors of your servants slaughterInto an idle fancie ; but devise . 9 revenged . A , engaged . 14 t'have . A ; B , have . 15-22 It is . . . opens . Omitted in A , which has instead :\u2014", "Sing , and put all the nets into thy voice", "By my too sterne injurious jelousie .", "That will entreat a vice , and not command : 125", "And pawn 'd mine honour to him for a paper .", "I did but thus farre dally ; now observe .", "That , in thy laps steed , I may digge his tombe ,", "With all my love before , I sweare forgivenesse .", "Fights , and D'Ambois hurts him .", "Shee 's passionate still , to thinke we ever parted", "In every corner .", "Well , I must on .", "What thinke y'a this now ?", "Who shall remove the mountaine from my brest , 45", "That her illusions have imprest in her 170", "Fame growes in going ; in the scapes of vertue", "To outrages that I shall ever rue :", "Well might he die for thought : methinks the frame And shaken joynts of the whole world should crack To see her parts so disproportionate ; 180 And that his generall beauty cannot stand Without these staines in the particular man . Why wander I so farre ? here , here was she That was a whole world without spot to me , Though now a world of spots . Oh what a lightning 185 Is mans delight in women ! What a bubble He builds his state , fame , life on , when he marries ! Since all earths pleasures are so short and small , The way t'enjoy it is t'abjure it all . Enough ! I must be messenger my selfe , 190 Disguis 'd like this strange creature . In , Ile after , To see what guilty light gives this cave eyes , And to the world sing new impieties . He puts the Frier in the vault and follows . She raps her self in the arras . ExeuntLINENOTES : by the haire . A omits . 1-4 O , help . . . my lord . A omits . 21 than that . A , than it . 28 secret . A , hateful . 32 tread . A , touch . 35 your terrors . A omits . 35-6 Good . . . distracted . B punctuates :\u2014 Good father cease : your terrors Tempt not a man distracted . 40 Heaven . A , God . you . A , ye . 42-4 Father . . . safety . A omits . 45 brest . A , heart . 46 Standthe opening . Emend , ed . ; A , Ope the seven-times heat ; B , Stand the opening . 48 woes . A , cares . 51 devouring . A , enraged . 60 Heaven . A , God . 68 rig 'd with quench for . A , laden for thy . 91 devoure . A , distract . consort . A , state . 95 faults . A , sins . 129 with any shew . . . cruelty . A omits . 140 ever . A , still . 141 parallel . A , like in ill . Enter Servants . A omits . with a sword drawne . A omits . Falls and dies . A omits . 174 worthy . A , innocent . He . . . arras . Exeunt . A omits ; B places He . . . arras after Exeunt .A Room in Montsurry 's House . ]", "Feast in his rotten entrailes !", "Tis late night now , indeed : farewell , my light ! Exit .", "\u2018 Twas from my troubled bloud , and not from me .", "95", "Till they embrace within their wives two breasts", "Farewell , winter plum .", "the fashions of our Courts , 40", "Negligent trayters ! Murther , murther , murther !", "Be pleased ; Ile strait returne . Exit cum Guise .", "My presence is so onely deare to thee 130", "the opening furnace of my thoughts ,", "And into dust ram this same race of Furies ; 65", "Murther , murther !", "Or any other ; he would have resolv 'd me ,", "Hee gives his hand to Cler", "The cranks and cavernes of his braine , and study", "And yet I feele life for another vennie . 90", "Thou wilt admit mee .", "To all the morall vertues that first greetes", "Shall take the day to serve them ; every night", "And mourning his fall , more than her own fault !", "Use the most madding paines in her that ever", "Why write you not ?", "Who , when they travell to bring forth rare men ,", "My noblest Lord Renel ! past all men welcome ! Wife , welcome his lordship . Osculatur .", "Any such doubt a thought , for she is cleare ,", "Y'have given it me ,", "Holy Writ so calls him .", "Keepe it then ,", "Mont", "So servile and so trayterous : cease , my bloud ,", "The spawne of Venus , and in which ye danc 'd ;", "That adders lie a sunning in their smiles ,", "Enrag 'd with those winds that lesse lights extinguish .", "To wrastle with my honour , fame , and judgement . 190", "One quits another ; forme gives all their essence .", "Or how could sleepe forbeare to seize thine eyes ,", "But fetcheth blood still , being the least abus 'd .", "To fetch and use the sword thy brother gave mee ,", "Are to their lawes , as to their pardons are", "Tempt not a man distracted ; I am apt", "That was my lives joy , being best inform 'd .", "Rely on my love to her , which her fault", "Challenge ! Ile touch none .", "Then cut him up , and with my soules beams search", "Ile ever dedicate to thy delight .", "Thou know'st he is a bachelor , and a courtier ,", "With which thou drew'st into thy strumpets lap 70", "Come syren , sing , and dash against my rocks", "The King and D'Ambois now are growne all one .", "Fights , and fals downe .", "Of all you champions to such as shee . 60", "Then come , my love , now pay those rites to sleepe", "The windes shall burst and the devouring seas", "Of the like cruell cruelty : thine armes have lost 130", "Remember their deserts .", "Flowes through my entrailes , and a headlong chaos", "Good father , leave us : interrupt no more", "As thou art of adultry ; I will ever 140", "Till they be fetter 'd , nor secure before 90", "I know not how I fare ; a sudden night", "Rag 'd being discouraged ; my whole heart is wounded", "Pray thee , let him decide it .", "Sing", "Your name and memory , altogether crave", "I , \u2018 tis the ink of lovers .", "A D'Ambois breathes here ; and necessitie"], "true_target": ["The light with a new fashion , which becomes them", "Till my head be the miracle of the world .", ", nay , triumph ,", "To tell you briefly all \u2014 the man that left me", "turnes a key .", "Stay , hold ! One thought hath harden 'd me ,", "Disgrace thy bravos conquest , die , not fight . Lyes downe .", "When he was bravely giving up his life .", "I usde thee as my soule , to move and rule me .", "But thunder , or to take into my throat", "Then will I never more sleepe night from thee :", "Your tongue will still admire , 145", "Death ! who have wee here ? 120", "Thy tyrannies have invented in my entrails , 105", "Had you not come , not by his word , but writing , 200", "The mists that hide the most inscrutable pander", "She prayes , for urgent cause , your instant presence .", "I beleev 'd", "Have eaten through her back ; and now all see", "No man can adde height to a womans sinne . 100", "And keepe fire in your bosome !", "You make me horns .", "Who was the secret minister of her love ,", "Hereafter ! tis a suppos 'd infinite", "By him ?", "O bloudy strumpet !", "And it must murther ; tis thine owne deare twinne .", "No , no , come and kill mee .", "Even the same . Each naturall agent works but to this end , To render that it works on like it selfe ; Which since the Monsieur in his act on D'Ambois 125 Cannot to his ambitious end effect , But thatthe King hath powerto convert The point of Monsieurs aime on his owne breast , He turnes his outward love to inward hate : 130 A princes love is like the lightnings fume , Which no man can embrace , but must consume . Exeunt . LINENOTES : Enter D'Ambois . . . pearle . A , Bucy , Tamyra . 1-2 Sweet . . . spice . A omits . 28 servile . A , Goddesse . 34 our one . So in A : B omits our . 35 selfe . A , truth . 37 one . A , men . 45-61 Now let . . . Descendit Frier and D'AmbA omits . 92 thine eies . A , thy beauties . 118 under our Kings arme . A , underneath the King .A room in the Court . ] Henry , D'Ambois , Monsieur , Guise , Dutches , Annabell , Charlot , Attendants .", "Alas , I know she flies him like her last houre .", "My soule amongst thy spirits , for supply", "I must have more , my lord .", "Take but my honourable othe , I will not .", "I doe not show this basenesse that I feare thee ,", "My soule for hostage , till I see my love .", "Ile write in wounds", "And crown thy selfe ; thou part'st with victory :", "Ho ! Guard ! Villaines !", "Servants .", "How she is riveted with hypocrisie .", "Now give me breath a while .", "The plague of Herod", "For this night yet , beare with my forced absence :", "Who never is deceiv 'd in her deceit .", "Turnes to th'Antipodes ; and all the formes", "That from this point will rise eternally .", "Ber lady , a likely suspition , and very neere the life \u2014 especially of my wife .", "Haile to my worthy sonne !", "That I may see the devill , and survive", "How now ; would any speake with me ?", "Prove thee my parallel , being most a monster .", "Was this the way ? was he the mean betwixt you ?", "You must make good the rest .", "Ascending from my infamie unseene ;", "Their priviledge in lust , and in their torture", "Where all these have bin broken , they are kept", "The chaine-shot of thy lust is yet aloft ,", "Their braines lie with their tailors , and get babies", "Even heaven it selfe must see and suffer ill .", "That she may weigh her wrongs with them \u2014 and then", "It followes needfully as childe and parent ;", "With the sunne 140", "Yet still they wander there , and are not stay 'd", "That have beene lighted at it . Though they know 85", "Thus they must pay it . Stabs her .", "Sweet , you must needs forgive me , that my love", "But love me , and performe a wifes part yet ,", "When any least thought in you is but touch't , 170", "Nothing but this : D'Ambois is thought negligent in observing the Duchesse , and therefore she is suspicious that your neece or my wife closely entertaines him .", "Well as ever , Being well as ever thought on by her lord : Wherof she sends this witnesse in her hand , And praies , for urgent cause , your speediest presence . 91-92 I beleeved . . . give . One line in B .A Room in Montsurry 's House . ]", "Vice never doth her just hate so provoke ,", "Change lives with you , I feele so great a change", "Not I :\u2014 I pawne mine honour for a paper !", "The course I must runne for mine honour sake . 25", "O , is it he ? Tis well : attend him in .I must be vigilant ; the Furies haunt mee . Doe you heare , dame ? Enter Renel , with the Souldier . RenelBe true now , for your ladies injur 'd sake , Whose bountie you have so much cause to honour : 105 For her respect is chiefe in this designe , And therefore serve it ; call out of the way All your confederate fellowes of his guard , Till Monsieur Baligny be enter 'd here .", "For now it nothing fits my woes to speak ,", "Give me leave", "Thy ruffin gally rig 'd with quench for lust :", "Thou know'st my businesse ; and with how much weight", "All mine owne businesse , all the Kings affaires , 100", "Sinke earth , open heaven ,", "Where men cannot get out , for all the comets", "This hemisphere that long her mouth hath mockt : 165", "Nor break the limits of a man nor husband .", "Write , write a word or two .", "This other engine on th'habituate powers 145", "Perhaps tis with some proud string of my wives .", "That I may hang him , and then cut him downe , 80", "Trust to his priviledge , he should trust to death :", "Then at all . 85", "As bitterly and deadly as the Guise . 120", "In any passion I shall feele for you . 175", "That kils the living , and regenerates death .", "The trump of Heaven , with whose determinate blasts 50", "To quicken life in dying , and hold up", "That other mens appeare worse than they be :", "That turnes up counsels never knowne before ? 160", "full", "Be drunk up in his sounds , that my hot woes", "I pray thee , resolve mee : the Duke will never imagine that I am busie about 's wife : 235 hath D'Ambois any privy accesse to her ?", "Of their owne shame and sorrow \u2014 leave my house .", "That 's not worth the answering . Tis miraculous to think with what monsters womens imaginations engrosse them when they are once enamour 'd , and what wonders they will work 305 for their satisfaction . They will make a sheepe valiant , a lion fearefull .", "The errant wildernesse of a womans face ,", "; and then take from mine eyes 75", "Away ! forsake my house ; forbeare complaints", "Perverse , and traiterous miscreant !", "Write ! for it must be \u2014 by this ruthlesse steele ,", "May change the case here .", "What , skittish , servant ?", "All Pelion and Cyth\u00e6ron with their beasts .\u2014", "that doth all men conquer , 80", "I , and a Prince : and their prerogatives 120", "By this impartiall torture , and the death", "Your hands of weapons and your hearts of valour ,", "Ent", "And set fit out-cries for a soule in hell ?", "Pray thee beare with him :", "Sdeath ! the vault opens . The gulfe opens .", "Love is a rasor , cleansing , being well us 'd ,", "Charlotte above .", "Have I not told you I will speake with none", "See how she merits this , still kneeling by ,", "Because he lov 'd the Duchesse and left you .", "I will not passe the verge that bounds a Christian ,", "Torments in ashes that will ever last .", "Their reservations , after Parliaments \u2014", "To be a devill , and then learne to wive !", "Stand , vengeance , on thy steepest rock , a victor ! 150", "Treason ! murther ! murther !", "All this fault is found 10", "And stab 'd me to the heart , thus , with his fingers . 180", "And through what maze he serv 'd it , we are friends .", "Where thou hast bred them : here all things", "Thus I expresse thee yet . Stabs her againe .", "And let fall vengeance !", "Author of prodigies !", "I might convert to vapour", "Never were men so weary of their skins ,", "Like apes , disfigur 'd with the attires of men . 50", "All cares devoure them , nor in humane consort", "In his one purple soule shed , drowne it all . Fight .", "Out on thee , damme of divels ! I will quite", "and his wife .", "But doth she ? dare you charge her ? speak , false prince .", "Thy right of sufferance . Write !", "It shall be great and brave , if one request", "And no way there to coast out to their hearts ,", "Good day , my love ! what , up and ready too !", "O shame of women , whither art thou fled ! 55", "Sweet lord , forbeare . Show , show your purpose , sir ,", "In my tall spirits breath 'd , I thinke , with the breath", "And quit his manhood with a womans sleight ,", "Farewell ! I hartily forgive thee ; wife ,", "Was not the Monsieur here ?", "Your love had bin much clearer then to give", "The too huge bias of the world hath sway 'd", "In this one relicke of the Ambois gall ,", "So farre beare with him ; should another man", "And not drowne her in my confusions , 165", "O all you aking fore-heads that have rob 'd"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Blowes up , with sodaine violence and horror ,", "and for your brothers love", "Now shall we see that Nature hath no end", "And as illiterate men say Latine prayers 5", "Sir , I have brought a gentleman to court ;", "Else Heaven forgive not me ! Come on , brave friend ! 140", "Ships that", "There is a glasse of ink where you may see", "Beyond their voluntary faculty ,", "And either men rule in them , or some power", "To see and fore-see , is stark blind her selfe ;", "Gives that which we call merit to a man ,", "Not knowing what she does ; but usually", "Now prove her vertue and her greatnesse one ,", "When the great triall of a King and subject", "Ends such a work , fills it , or leaves it empty 10", "How to make ready black fac 'd tragedy :", "Her gasping wrinkles and fames sepulchres .", "Not knowing what they say , so Nature layes", "For nothing can recover their lost faces . 25", "But here the moons are chang 'd"], "true_target": ["Like to his jewell !", "Honour and happinesse , that effects his ruine . 15", "If ever Nature held her selfe her owne ,", "And pray , you would vouchsafe to doe him grace .", "Yet is my mistresse gratious ?", "And beliefe must arrive him on huge riches ,", "Even as in ships of warre whole lasts of powder", "By rote of heart and dayly iteration ,", "Doe that you could not doe , not being a King .", "You now discerne , I hope , through all her paintings , 115", "See how hee hangs upon the eare of Guise ,", "When a disorder 'd spark , that powder taking ,", "Or by the meere necessity of matter ,", "Come , mine owne sweet heart , I will enter thee .", "Are laid , me thinks , to make them last , and gard them ,", "Of strength , or vertue , error , or cleare truth ,", "Met in one bloud , both from one belly springing ,", "That she , that makes so many eyes and soules", "Or make the t'one the greater with the t'other , 145", "A deale of stuffe together , and by use ,", "In her great works responsive to their worths ;", "had sayl 'd long , with terror . 20"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Or glasse to shew them how they wax and wane ,", "But the old Frier , who bring to me .", "In all their powers , and make them wax and wane :", "Not only is the most appropriate image 10", "Imperiall influences that command", "Or still-unwean 'd sweet moon-calves with white faces ,", "Unfelt he strikes into the braine of man ,", "Not only are paterns of change to men ,", "Fate is more strong than arms and slie than treason ,", "Murther 'd ! By heaven , he is my murtherer", "And rageth in his entrailes when he can ,", "Sweet mistresse , cease ! your conscience is too nice ,", "By some of Monsieurs cunning passages ,", "Are the most perfect idols of the moone ,", "His fight i'th \u2019 face , upon whose hand sits death ,", "Driving him all enrag 'd and foming on us ;", "\u2018 Tis not like , my lord ,", "And I at all parts buckl 'd in my fate . 40", "The vicious vertue of his busie sence 5", "200", "Perform it princely , and obtaine my pardon .", "If I scape Monsieurs pothecarie shops ,", "For as the moone , of all things God created", "To D'Ambois reach ? or look with any odds 30", "Though entring like so many moving armours .", "And bites too hotly of the Puritane spice .", "O , tis a subtle knave ; how like the plague 15", "That men in women rule , but contrary ;", "Worse than the poison of a red hair 'd man .", "To know if any have reveal 'd unto him", "I am suspitious , my most honour 'd father ,", "O royall object !", "Who use Truth like the Devill , his true foe ,", "Would I might live to see no Jewes hang there", "Slave flattery"], "true_target": ["Cleares or is cloudy , make men glad or sad . 20", "So then they rule in men , not men in them .", "But as the tender moon-shine of their beauties", "Murther 'd ! Who dares give all the room I see", "Though I be something altered in attire .", "In the command of good aeriall spirits ,", "Sit up to night , and watch : Ile speak with none", "That he trails hotly of him , and will rowze him ,", "And bound in chaines ; Truth seldome decks kings eares .", "And therefore have entreated your deepe skill", "with kings soothed guts", "To assume these magick rites , and call up one , 10", "They should have mall 'd me here 35", "When I was rising . I am up and ready .", "Give me the colour", "Cast by the angell to the pit of feares , 10", "Murther 'd ! I know not what that Hebrew means :", "Mons . }", "Any thing touching my deare love and me .", "To scent the haunts of mischiefe have so us 'd", "That his still ranging and contentious nose-thrils", "Whose sword hath wings , and every feather pierceth ?", "But in her height and motion likewise beares", "Foutir for Guises shambles ! \u2018 Twas ill plotted ;", "Let in my politique visitants , let them in ,", "So women , that , of all things made of nothing , 15", "Swadled and strappl 'd , now lives onely free .", "Guise . } Why enter not the coward villains ?", "And trust my cunning then to lay it on .", "Abhorreth not the very sleepe of D'Amboys ?", "In steed of jewels \u2014 sycophants , I meane ,", "That shewes me not a murtherer : what such bugge", "Now is the time ; y'are princely vow 'd my friend ;", "That word had ne 're bin nam 'd had all bin D'Ambois . 25", "That 's still my name , my lord , 60"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["If you enter him in our graces , my lord , me thinkes , by his blunt behaviour he should come out of himselfe .", "Ye all take that for granted that doth rest", "Would be found there to doe that for my servant ."], "true_target": ["As merry and as free in thought as ever . 45", "Yet to be prov 'd ; we all are as we were ,", "If I should faile , my lord , some other lady"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Is sinne , when it hath gathered head above us ;", "Whose wings none flye that wrath or tyrannie 5", "Is given to no end but t'have power to grieve .", "That can be wrested from thy rivals armes ,", "That", "He exercises when he hath expugn 'd !", "Of injur 'd ladies , till we crowne thy browes", "So weake a guilty . O , the dangerous siege", "With torturous darknesse , such as stands in hell ,", "No root in comforts ; all his power to live", "I see y'are servant , sir , to my deare sister ,", "Enter , O enter ! and , though length of time", "O Earth ! why keep'st thou not as well his spirit , 15", "Revenge , that ever red sitt'st in the eyes", "Twere pittie else :", "O my deare Bussy , I will lye , and kisse", "O may my lines , 20", "Man is a tree that hath no top in cares ,", "No roofe , no shelter can secure us so ,", "So confident a spotlesse conscience is , 10", "And mark 'd the place , to show thee where was done", "I think not on you , sir ; y'are one I know not .", "For though his great spirit something overflow ,", "Earth", "In sighes , and kisses , and sad tunes to thine . She sings .", "And would change firmnesse with an aspen leafe :", "I have set open all the dores of danger", "But he will drowne our cheeks in feare or woe .", "Justice for all our honours injurie ;", "Whence endlesse flames it sheds in my desire .", "But now am subject to the heartlesse feare", "Mixt with a gushing storme , that suffer nothing 15"], "true_target": ["Have ruthlesse made and bloudy , enter here ,", "With bloudy lawrell , and receive from thee", "Flew sparkling up into the sph\u00e6re of fire", "Before I was secure against death and hell ;", "I ? none .", "But such a sudden courtier saw I never .", "Has he never beene courtier , my 80 lord ?", "Fixe thy steele foot-steps ; here , O here , where still 10", "To stirre abroad on earth but their own rages ,", "The cruell'st murther that ere fled the sunne .", "Fill 'd with the poyson of a womans hate ,", "Of every shadow , and of every breath ,", "All faults are still borne , that from greatnesse grow :", "My loves faire figure , drawne in his deare bloud ,", "To my encompast honour , and my life : 5", "When he shall open them , shrink up his curst eyes", "Sinne layes about us , and the tyrannie", "Stuck full of inward horrors , never lighted ;", "With which are all things to be fear 'd , affrighted . 25", "O , help me , father !", "O , my deare servant , in thy close embraces", "Spirit into thy bloud , or breathe out mine", "O father , have my dumb woes wak 'd your death ? 10", "The lady of her loved Baligny .", "yeelded and embrac 'd", "Yet now prevent that length . Flye , flye , and here", "To give his forme life ? No , that was not earthly ;", "Never lets any scape thy constant justice ,", "Me thinks the man hath answer 'd for us well .", "Here be my daily pallet ; here all nights 20", "When will our humane griefes be at their height ?", "Like to the horror of a winter 's thunder ,", "Away , deliver it . Exit Pero ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["He was too sudden , which indeed was rudenesse . 5"], "true_target": ["And why did the toy take him inth \u2019 head now ?"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["You talke like a gamester .", "The groome-porters !", "Nay , I know not that . 135"], "true_target": ["No my lord , he is much guilty of the bold extremity . 90", "Where find you that statute sir .", "Soft sir , you must rise by degrees , first 100 being the servant of some common Lady or Knights wife , then a little higher to a Lords wife ; next a little higher to a Countesse ; yet a little higher to a Duchesse , and then turne the ladder . 105"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Descendit Frier and D'Amb", "Come , bring me to him . I will tell the serpent", "That with least terror I may brook his sight . 50", "Poore man ! O , my father !", "O honour 'd spirit , flie into the fancie", "That , from my cradle , counseld for my soule ,", "I will , I will . 175", "Enchantments , dead sleepes , all the friends of rest ,", ": not all this night made I", "Was reason of your quarrell ; and because 290", "Happy had I beene then , as others are", "And make my loves corruption generate murther .", "Had aw 'd my throat from exclamation .", "Knowne to my lord and husband , nor to any", "None of your services : make sure the dores , 155", "Better then those that ne'er led faultie lives . 95", "O how can we , that are but motes to him ,", "That he importun 'd me for his Court service ,", "Must be unrighteous . If I right my friend ,", "And he I love will loath me , when he sees", "In pennance pine ; too easie tis to die .", "That wrapt it closer on : when the calme sunne 85", "Father , look up ! O , let me downe , my lord ,", "Had he encounterd me with such proud sleight ,", "Of our abuse , and your defence of me , 170", "Now is the peoples voyce the voyce of God ;", "Of all that breath ! all heaven turne all his eyes", "You know how apt best men are to suspect us", "True , my lord , and never", "Riots within me : not my name and house ,", "Some secret tokens that decipher it . 30", "It rests as all Kings seales were set in thee .", "Your faith in him will liberally allow .", "And therefore as we should avoid with feare", "Hitherto bribing the eternall Justice :", "How his guilt shunn 'd me ! Sacred innocence", "To death given over , rid me of my paines ;", "Before he can make good his beames to us ,", "Never shine good thought on thy memory !", "You could all this time be at concord with him ,", "Of my offended lord ; and doe not let him", "The whole worlds beauty ere my sunne leaves me .", "Hath a strong finger in each one of us ?", "Yes , to good purpose ;", "The duty of my friend I leave undone .", "For thy deare pardon .", "Hee that to wound a woman vants so much ,", "Adulterous are , even in the married ;", "I cannot live at quiet in my chamber", "A hostage for it , and with it conferre", "The fiction of the north winde and the sunne , 80", "And you this chaine of pearle , and my love onely !", "Oft-times the formes and copies of our soules ,", "might as well as they .", "Misery on misery ! O me wretched dame ,", "And rais 'd the chaste Athenian prince from hell : 185", "And call your other fellowes to their rest .", "How you are turn 'd to stone . With my heart blood", "They come .", "Eating my heart , shunning the steps of men ,", "Who", "Now it comes", "That have offended : binde me face to face 115", "As she was borne , and with that sort of pleasure", "Your angers just cause given by him on me ? 140", "doe not let him know", "Ah !", "Last night your pillowes ; here my wretched armes ,", "I cannot cloake it ; but , as when a fume ,", "Our bodies are but thick clouds to our soules ,", "Turn 'd in flight from thee that had thee in chace !", "That wholly mist the comfort of my bed ?", "Not to be strange to that I most esteeme .", "With this kinde letter , to performe the wreake", "Of all our honors ; make your honour then", "Forgive it for the bloud with which \u2018 tis stain 'd ,", "Hide , hide thy snakie head ; to cloisters flie ;", "Your rage affecteth ; here then are my breasts ,", "O lord \u2014", "Our powers to it , as to the line , the stone , 70", "You have beheld some Gorgon : feele , O feele", "Forgive thou me , deare servant , and this hand", "Your finger to the storme , and hold it up ,", "That", "I could extreamly chide , but that I feare", "And sweare your presence does me so much good", "If he goe back , I die ; I must prevent it ,", "Indeed you did ; you should have stayed ;", "O father , but at this suspicious houre", "And , father , you must on my lord impose", "I would have put that project face of his 15", "And till these wounds", "This is my comfort , that the sunne hath left", "I , every thought in our false clock of life 75", "Offerd me by him .", "Y'are a vile fellow ; and Ile tell the King 100", "When men are at your mistresse ; have I taught you", "Or any torture that your wraths invention", "But use calme warnings , and kinde manly meanes ,", "Nay , good my lord , esteeme not my desires", "O wretched piety , that art so distract", "The cruelty and the bloud I know his hand 175", "And yet I live .", "O no , my lord ! your holy frier sayes 110", "I'le shew you his own hand , set down in blood ,", "Never vow 'd faith but purpos 'd to deceive ; 175", "Heaven , I ask thee remission of my sinnes ,", "Even to his venom 'd teeth", "Will you wreak", "His raiser , and preserver ?", "That is too common for the rare revenge", "is past your pardon .", "Which made him cast off both his cloake and coate ;", "True , for it argued his no due conceit", "With an infamous lords detraction : 105", "By all that thou hast seene seeme good in mee , 215", "And that containes all lawes to temper me , 55", "To all but my approaching friends and me !", "You shall not pull downe me ; my husbands height", "Is crowne to all my hopes , and his retiring", "Than death when life parts ; and that holy man", "Nor never honour 'd beene in bloud or mind ;", "They sit in high formes there that know mens names .", "O , my lord ,", "I will flie ,", "And that 's the most ; though every step he takes 245", "But clok't it privately and made it common ;", "Dissolve your selfe againe , or you will grow", "Farewell , my light and life ! but not in him , 145", "Thy best will doe me mischiefe ; if thou spar'st me ,", "Exceeds his prisons strength that should containe it ,", "Or in her superficies begot ,", "The schoole of modesty not to learne learnes dames :", "That slew Chym\u00e6ra , rescued Peleus", "How 's that , my lord ?", "Needs must that sweep away the silly cobweb", "Her living brother will revenge her dead ,", "Deare servant , till your powerfull voice revoke him ,", "My lord is only here : here speak thy worst ;", "I will not have it were it worth the world .", "And haunt his company .", "I , and stand him still ,", "Ascendit Frier and D'Ambois .", "I strike on all offence .", "Favour my lord , my love , O , favour him !", "Beleeve what there the wicked man hath written . 110", "And all proofes of it", "Now all yee peacefull regents of the night ,", "Not , like your selfe , for forme . Ile this night trouble", "That 's not my study . One way I am sure 55", "Any such waiting womans quality ? 110", "Of the like licence ; I had then beene honour 'd , 180", "Hath my lord slaine my woman ?", "Not onely sure amends , but make us wives", "See , see , a vault is opening that was never", "Additions take away from each chiefe thing . 50", "by death be cur 'd ,", "Letting her husband give her servant place :", "Why will not you appeare to him your selfe ,", "Unlesse I compasse that which holds my death ;", "Sadnesse of heart , and ominous securenesse ,", "In wreak of great faults to engender greater , 95", "And that in wives most prostitute will winne", "By pity of the wound this touch hath given me ,", "One that your selfe will say I well may trust .", "Is spread , alleadging that his love to me", "Goe , maid , to bed ; lend me your book , I pray ,", "In all her acts , not her sooth 'd fantasie .", "He is , my love ; 50", "With a firme husband joyning a lose friend .", "I never more will grieve you with my sight ;", "Farewell , wicked lord !", "And , Pero , here I charge thee , by my love ,", "I wrong my husband ; if his wrong I shunne , 170", "Fix like the Center ! make the violent wheeles 165", "Matter of death , were I some husbands wife : 115", "Ascendit Frier .", "Languishing windes , and murmuring falls of waters , 160", "are the prizes", "Must stay the vapours times that he exhales", "You shall not think I faine it for my glory", "But how the circumstances may excuse mee ,", "Would that would please me !", "As late the wished confines of your life : 125", "To temper his hot spirit , and disperse", "What is alike at all parts ? every day", "Yet unanswered ? 50", "Never made conscience of any sinne ,", "Though all the dores are sure , and all our servants", "Accuse me more than any enemy .", "That ever wrought upon the life of man ,", "Father , I thank you now a thousand fold . 295", "Whose grave and worthy doctrine , well I know ,", "Alas ! that in the wane of our affections", "charg 'd him with still beames ,", "By this light , my lord ,", "Your occupation of dishonouring ladies ,", "Or how should sleepe possesse my faculties ,", "Exit Tamyra and D'Amb", "Will cut short off these long and dull delayes", "My neerest woman here in all she knowes ; 210", "Man is a name of honour for a King :", "That fits her state , but she must be defam 'd", "No , I will writewhere I will defie him , Were he ten times the brother of my King . 235 To him , my lord ,\u2014 and ile to cursing him . Exeunt . LINENOTES : with a letter . A omits . 5 foule . A , fare . 16 idols . A , images . 21 So then . . . in them . A omits . 24 faculty . A , motions . 26-29 None . . . diadem . A assigns these lines to Bussy . 28 divided empires . A , predominance . 29 prove . A , claime . 38 priviledge . A , tyrannous . 65 and . A , but . 70-78 If he . . . and slit . Omitted in A , which has instead :\u2014", "So should we be as curious to shunne 270", "And", "When extreame cold hath stroke it to her heart ,", "And look on no side till I be arriv 'd .", "I have too long liv 'd to heare this from you . 160", "Mine honour 's in mine owne hands , spite of kings .", "In harty envie thus on one poore dame .", "See her letter , sir . Hee reades .", "When all the starres , and even the sunne himselfe , 80", "Can fright all pitie from the world withall . 120", "Of execution ?\u2014 till death and time", "Good father , raise him in some beauteous forme ,", "Enforceth my offence to make it just . 65", "Of which", "As my deare servant here must doe with Monsieur .", "Of my deare servant ."], "true_target": ["And see that none of these deceits annoy him ? 20", "The man 's a courtier at first sight .", "Into the image of all tyrannie .", "Will showre upon our heads , if you put not", "Lie forth to night , and since I cannot sleepe", "That makes me hold up both my hands embrew 'd 130", "In mine owne dark love and light bent to another .", "Indeed sir , \u2018 tis most true that a report", "That you may be the man , whose spirit shee knowes", "Had not your worthy friend beene of your bringing ,", "Powre on thy powder ; cleare thy breast of me . 220", "O husband ! deare friend ! O my conscience ! 185", "But him that brings the man I love , and me .", "O woe is me ! She seemes to sound .", "See ; this is the vault where he must enter ;", "When he is absent I sit up to night ;", "Can judge of spirits that have her sulphure in them .", "To see the dangerous paper : papers hold 205", "Yet , sweet lord , do no stay ; you know my soule", "And cheare his onset with my sight at least ,", "Under a medicine as good cheap as it : 95", "O my servant ! Let us embrace .", "O , servant , help , and save me from the gripes", "Your holiest charges , and the Churches power ,", "What ! he that was but yesterday his maker ,", "Wanting the proper closer of mine eyes ?", "And y'are to blame . What though my lord and husband", "Not all the fearefull danger that besieged us", "Not these unmanly rages . You have heard", "That , where thou fear'st , are dreadfull , and his face 190", "See , how he flies me still ! tis a foule heart", "Nor of our sex : all which", "Quiet and fervent , and therein was constant ,", "My lord , my fault", "As sure bound with their sleepes ; yet there is One 265", "That wakes above , whose eye no sleepe can binde :", "No greater than the shadow of a haire ; 260", "Stay not , sweet lord . 30", "We cannot keepe our constant course in vertue :", "She writes to mee as much , and much desires", "Alas , I fear my strangenesse will retire him .", "Of shame and infamy . Our love is knowne ;", "For oportunities almost to rapes", "These lines come from my wounds & not from me . Writes .", "Trust not his othe . 40", "Liv 'd without envie ; custome had benumb 'd", "As you are absent .", "That feares his owne hand . Good my lord , make haste", "To runne so madly on a man unknowne . The Vault opens .", "\u2018 Twas the Earle , my husband , in his weed that brought thee .", "My selfe unready , or could sleep a wink .", "Resolve my lord , and leave me desperate .", "Our loves like sparkles are that brightest shine", "My fruitlesse love shall let your serious honour ; 135", "I now must make an agent for my bloud .", "I know , will come t'effect it instantly . 15", "We should supply it with a full dissembling ,", "Not as thy mistresse now , but a poore woman", "It is my beauty , and that innocence proves", "What , my lord ?", "Wise wives they are that on such strings depend , 70", "And is it therefore that you come , good sir ?", "And cast my selfe off , as I ne 're had beene . Exit .", "Differs from other , every houre and minute ;", "No place , no good , so good , but ill compriseth .", "I , sir , shee sent him", "And know not how to order these affaires , 40", "In which I writ the summons of thy death \u2014", "Like whom should men doe . If yee wish your wives", "That his throat lies , and he shall curse his fingers 195", "Which when the winde attempted , hee roar 'd out", "But , my dearest father ,", "O , it breakes my heart .", "Hide in some gloomie dungeon my loth 'd face ,", "now not seeme to be", "Ill playes on both sides ; here and there it riseth ;", "Of Time and Fortune stand , and great Existens ,", "Disperse our passions fumes , with our weak labours , 85", "That you may doe well ;", "So , of a sudden , my licentious fancy", "Be sure to use the policy he advis 'd ;", "Now let us call my father , whom I sweare 45", "And let condemned murtherers let me downe", "Father !", "Extend your utmost strengths , and this charm 'd houre", "Good madame , I rue your fate more then mine ,", "May let my penitent miseries make you know .", "Sweet lord , enjoyne my sinne", "But I must tell you that I make no doubt", "O happy woman ! comes my stain from him ,", "We must be sometimes one , sometimes another .", "Ahlas , love give her joy ! I am so farre", "That you know ! Speak it .", "Not of my paines : husband , O help me , husband !", "Never endure that any roofe shall part", "Sweet lord , forgive me , and I will be gone ;", "Frailty is fruitfull , one sinne gets another : 150", "And then it tosseth temples in the aire , 40", "Husband ! my lord ! None but my lord and husband !", "He sees through dores , and darknesse , and our thoughts ;", "should have made more maners", "All couplings in the day that touch the bed", "Clermont ascends .", "The more it is comprest , the more it rageth ,", "Outragious blasts at him to force it off ,", "In which each youngest maid is grown a mother .", "Then crave I now your pardon and my fathers , 285", "Cannot subdue them to your worthier pleasure : 105", "Now break them , as you please , and all the bounds", "O who is turn 'd into my lord and husband ?", "I flie my sex , my vertue , my renowne , 175", "My fame had beene untouch 'd , my heart unbroken :", "Ascendit Frier with a sword drawne .", "To some dead woman , taken from the cart", "I , father , but you went away too soone .", "Not to the stone , the line should be oppos 'd .", "As hee did mee , a man dares never touch .", "Where now I thinke hee is .", ";", "Farre from her sought nest , still \u201c Here tis \u201d shee cryes .", "They come , alas , they come ! Feare , feare and hope", "To a more test than did her Dutchesship .", "I love what most I loath , and cannot live ,", "Lest fury in your too quick knowledge taken", "All cause that other think not ill of us .", "What sayes he ? 135", "In graines of dust dissolve me , Ile endure ;", "Both working on a traveller , and contending", "Those with faire warnings might have beene reform 'd ,", "That all I have it bindes to your requitall .", "In thine owne constancie , and in thy right", "And I will write .", "Which I beleeve , since her unmatched spirit 10", "Silently-gliding exhalations ,", "What shall weak dames doe , when th \u2019 whole work of Nature", "And of his Court . A lady cannot live", "Is so long time with out me , and I dead ,", "When they goe out ; most vice shewes most divine .", "O had I never married but for forme ;", "From all the savage beasts in Peleon ,", "From envie of her honour , that I sweare ,", "The morne shall let me see you ?", "That lead thy life to this unworthy end ; 125", "Hee will lie like a lapwing ; when shee flyes", "Of his foule sinne would empty in my lap .", "To any meane state , shall be my aspiring .", "Of one thing , at one instant , fight in me : 170", "Some other penance than what makes it worse : 110", "What vault ? hold your sword . 5", "How shall I looke on him ? how shall I live , 180", "O , good my lord , forbeare", "That still hath plaid such discords on your honour .", "Wandring at random in his ordered rayes ,", "All barres made engines to his insolent fury :", "In any cause that makes suspicious shadow", "Deserve more welcome .", "Then I pray be answer 'd :", "my abhorred food :", "Through which they cannot shine when they desire .", "Hot , drie , and grosse , within the wombe of earth 35", "Nor my religion to this houre observ 'd ,", "But", "But to betray a friend with shew of friendship ,", "Both", "All sense of scruple and all note of frailty ;", "That will in parting breake more strings in me ,", "And your cause is as good to seek him too ,", "A wives pleas 'd husband must her object be", "Should leave dislik 'd things , seeke it not with rage , 90", "Out on my fortune , to wed such an abject ! 45", "Can stand above it ; I must utter that 45", "For that enrages ; what yee give , yee have :", "To that vaine purpose : good sir , then come in .", "Which had most power to take his cloake from him :", "For being so govern 'd by his filthy soule .", "On whom the dead impos 'd the taske , and hee ,", "Though he did manly , she should be a woman .", "By this here in my bosome , and by this", "For all the world .", "The forced summons \u2014 by this bleeding wound ,", "For in good faith , my lord , I doe not like you", "To make him so suspicious of my love ,", "It is not I , but urgent destiny", "To think amisse our selves before his search ,", "Awayaway ! thou wilt be murther 'd .", "Deare husband , be not crueller than death ! 135", "All suffering with me , they for womens lusts ,", "Heaven knowes , and your more temperate minde hereafter 60", "I am in no powre earthly , but in yours .", "And not consume in blushes ? I will in ;", "It is the bloud you lately shed you smell .", "Come sir , good sir , hold him .", "In meane time ,", "How fares my lord ? Takes my love any thing to heart he sayes ?", "In that sort you like .", "Who would endure the Court if these attempts ,", "Of open and profest lust must be borne ?\u2014", "Both of the place , and greatnesse of the persons ,", "O kill me , kill me !", "By him , my lord . I have admir 'd", "Yes , good my lord .", "They stand on such occurrents .", "And all the ill which thou shouldst spit from thee ;", "Knew all , my lord ? what meane you ?", "Of manhood , noblesse , and religion .", "That are more thick and black than all earths vapours ?", "He was , he was , kind worthy man , he was .", "Come then \u2014 ho ! Father , ope and take your friend . 50", "Mine eyes and heaven ; but to the open deserts 200", "Whose there ? come on , dame , you are at your book", "Such doters on their humours that my judgement", "Your Monsieur hath a paper where is writ", "Hang me in chaines , and let me eat these armes", "Ile write , but with my bloud , that he may see", "I for a mans , that the Egean stable", "Of our still-undone labours , that layes still", "So ill prepar 'd , that I may take a poyson", "Goes to my heart . Ile rather die than seeme", "To what end should I goe to bed , my lord , 95", "Oft times inverts the whole circumference :", "For life 's meere death , loving one that loathes me ,"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["See all their grave and serious miseries plaid ,", "From the cleare fount , then of the fount it selfe .", "Farre : because", "How stands the state of Cambray ?", "The Arch-Bishop of Lyons tels me plaine", "All writing that our plots catastrophe ,", "Though they could gaine him never such advancement ;", "Hee hath the crowne of man and all his parts ,", "I have receiv 'd from all parts , both without", "What ever fits a most accomplisht man ;", "Magistratibus apparet .", "His detestation of his speciall friends , 30", "Waightie and secret , which th'advertisements 55", "The flexibilitie of his most anger ,", "And not be thundring threates against the Guise ?", "Rightly to vertue fram 'd in very nature ; 15", "I come . It cannot be ; hee will not dare To touch me with a treacherie so prophane . Would Clermont now were here , to try how hee Would lay about him , if this plot should be : 30 Here would be tossing soules into the skie . Who ever knew bloud sav 'd by treacherie ? Well , I must on , and will ; what should I feare ? Not against two , Alcides ; against two , And Hercules to friend , the Guise will goe . 35 He takes up the Arras , and the Guard enters upon him : hee drawes .", "Sirrha , Ile have you whipt out of the", "Offers it selfe to him ; his sweet disposure ,", "These spirits seld or never hanting men", "Ile satisfie her expectation , as far as an unkle may .", "Will be the fountaine to a purple sea .", "He must downe ;", "Of vicious Monsieur . But now for the maine point", "Which Bussy , for his valours season , lackt ;", "No more . Flourish short .", "Would he rise , 105", "A bold and glorious licence to deprave ,", "I shall be said then to abandon France", "Hee will be fiery , when hee sees it crost ,", "Yet thou lov'st neyther , but the good of both . 155", "As much abhorring to behold as doe", "Take say of her , my lord , she comes most fitly .", "Well , let us leave these vaine disputings what", "Why stand'st thou still thus , and applyest thine eares 100", "Your bastard Teucers , that , their mischiefes done , 50", "When thou hear'st mine shed . Is there no friend here", "Which Learning is ; and that so true and vertuous 85", "Lorraine and Savoye , gives me cause to thinke ,", "When are you for your government in Cambray ? 125", "Y'are ingag 'd indeed . 180", "To shunne the malice of her deadliest charge ;", "Or rather , as great Troys Euphorbus was 105", "Thankes with my last breath : recommend me , then ,", "And bring us the successe .", "That takes more winde than we with all our sailes .", "Where treacherie guards , and ruine makes men great !", "Court for this insolence .", "Come , my lord , I have the blind side of one of them . Exit Guise cum Mont", "On this his sacred right hand I lay mine .", "Of your slaine friend .", "In his most gentle and unwearied minde ,", "To whom the day and fortune equall are ;", "Y'ave stuck us up a very worthy flag , 140", "When any object of desertfull pittie", "Respect me as your friend , and love my Clermont .", "Yet , stay a little : see , she sends for you .", "Upstarts should never perch too neere a crowne .", "Cease your courtshippe , or , by heaven ,", "O pitious and horrid murther !", "Will beare my love to him ?", "In his most firme inexorable spirit", "Nay , that 's not fit .", "To their dens length still . Woe be to that state", "Gives yet no light , will raine a poyson 'd shower", "No doubt of that : and \u2018 tis the cunningst point", "I know not you ; whom doe you serve ?", "soone would let that fall ,", "Thou shalt my mistresse be ; me thinkes my bloud Is taken up to all love with thy vertues . 190 And howsoever other men despise These paradoxes strange and too precise , Since they hold on the right way of our reason , I could attend them ever . Come , away ; Performe thy brothers thus importun 'd wreake ; 195 And I will see what great affaires the King Hath to employ my counsell which he seemes Much to desire , and more and more esteemes . Exeunt . LINENOTES : 53 doth oft like . Emended by ed . ; Q , doth of like . 58 Lorraine . Emended by ed . ; Q , Soccaine ; see note on 55-61 . 90 Repunctuated by ed . ; Q hasat the end of the line . 141 All . . . renowne . Q , All the desert of good , renowne your Highnesse . 176 On . Shepherd , Phelps ; Q , Or .A Room at the Court . ]", "And in defence of it , yet when he lists", "With all your service ; onely , if I send ,", "Even in the maine careere and fury of it , 35", "That 's your white pretext ;", "About it then , my worthy Baligny ,", "I , tis enough . 130", "And eyes to nothing ?", "Whom hee of industry doth imitate ;", "Remember , poultron ! 165", "That men aspire to by their knowing vertues ,", "These are your Machevilian villaines ,", "His scorne of all things servile and ignoble ,", "His grace affects , in which submissive signe", "But it is better ; see by this the ice", "I would have these things", "Any unnaturall and bloudy action ;", "Will bloudy prove , dissolving all our counsailes .", "To be remov 'd from any thing hee chuseth", "Could beare a minde so more then divellish ?", "Let me see , my lord .", "Fixt in himselfe , hee still is one to all .", "Broke to thine owne bloud , which thou wilt despise", "In short , this Senecall man is found in him ,", "Of our devis 'd investigation .", "O Baligny !\u2014 who would beleeve there were", "That it gives power to doe as well as say", "For propagation of the Catholique cause , 60", "Of taste so much deprav 'd that they had rather", "Sharpe against him or would present most hard ,", "To the most worthy of the race of men . Dyes . Exeunt .", "Marry thy worthiest mistresse now being blinde .", "Where will you find such game as you would hawlk at ? 60", "How strangely thou art lov 'd of both the sexes ;", "All , quod you ? tis enough I assure you ; but tell me . 242 life \u2014: between this word and especially A inserts : if she marks it . 243 disguise . A , put off . 247 from . A , at . 253 are . A , be . 269in . Emend . ed ; Qq , in . 273 great . A omits . 279 it . A , you . 284 wee . A , I. our mercies . A , my mercy . 303 miraculous . A , horrible . 308 Well , my lord . A , My lord , tis true , and . 311-312 Come . . . of them . A omits . 317 dark and standing foggs . A , monster-formed cloudes . 322-336 But what . . . feares . Omitted in A , which has instead :\u2014 I will conceale all yet , and give more time To D'Ambois triall , now upon my hooke ; He awes my throat ; else , like Sybillas cave , It should breath oracles ; I feare him strangely , And may resemble his advanced valour Unto a spirit rais 'd without a circle , Endangering him that ignorantly rais 'd him , And for whose furie he hath learn 'd no limit . 337-391 Whose there . . . sweet heart ! A omits , though 382-5 , with some variations , appear as 326\u2014 330 in B. Cf . preceding note . 358 D'Ambois . . . lord . So punctuated by ed . ; B has : D'Ambois ! why my lord ? 394 browes . A , head . 397 Prince . A , Sir . 400-408 Why wrongfull . . . oftentimes . A omits . 409 Put me in some little doubt . A , This still hath made me doubt . 410 therefore now . A , for me then . 413-414 How . . . friendship . A omits . 414-416 Then . . . not yours . Omitted in A , which has instead : Come , doe not doubt me , and command mee all things . 417 to prove which , by . A , and now by all . 419 still flourishing tree . A , affection . 420 With . . . spring . A omits . 425 Plaine as truth . A omits . 438 pay me home , ile bide it bravely . A , begin , and speake me simply . 447 strumpet . A , wife . 460 thy . A , that . the . A , my . 461 hath reference . A , I carrie . 499 The purest . A , A perfect . ACTUS QUARTI SCENA PRIMA .Henry , Monsieur with a letter , Guise , Montsurry , Bussy , Elynor , Tamyra , Beaupre , Pero , Charlotte , Anable , Pyrha , with foure Pages ."], "true_target": ["How little safetie lies in treacherous steele . 60", "What events are these !", "Ile doe't , by this hand . 140", "Of the streame troubled , wandring ne'er so farre", "Th'art not nobly borne ,", "In spight of temporising ; the great rising 25", "Sir , know you me ? 115", "Beyond decorum ; where this absolute Clermont , 90", "His liberall kinde of speaking what is truth ,", "Here 's onehas swallowed a porcupine , shee casts pricks from her tongue so .", "Of any sluttish corner on a man ,", "Thy brothers spirit ! pray thee mocke me not .", "Thy love being judgement then , and of the minde ,", "Will thrive like shifters purchases ; there hangs", "To you , my lord .", "After Pithagoras , so is Brutus , Clermont .", "For worthinesse ; or beare the lest perswasion", "But you will finde one drop of bloud shed lawlesse", "A Room in Montsurry 's House . ]", "Impossible est viri cognoscere mentem ac voluntatem , priusquam in", "So , sir , your full swindge take ; mine death hath curb 'd . 65", "Welcome , Aumall !", "Or , by that poyson 'd vapour , not the King", "Of your late resolution for revenge", "For all parts ; he exceeds his brother Bussy .", "A blacke starre in the skies , to which the sunne", "Of his high birth and greatnesse", "Shall back your murtherous valour against me . 65", "That you so much professe , hereafter prove not 115", "That all my paines did to this height exhale .", "No more ! Ill fortune ! 290", "He is as true as tides , or any starre", "Thou dream'st awake now ; what was here to see ?", "I seale to that , and so the manly freedome ,", "In all , Romes Brutus is reviv 'd in him ,", "When he perceiv 'd their tyrannous will to doe ,", "Such loving lines to D'Ambois as she us 'd 125", "Continue your designements with the King ,", "And , were not Brutus a conspirator \u2014", "Is to be done , and fall to doing something .", "As once they were in Athens and olde Rome .", "Goe home , my lord , and force your wife to write", "Mort dieu , who would have pardon 'd such a murther ? Exit .", "Vertuous digression we will thanke the scoffes", "As for the painted glory of the countenance , 125", "And so was rapt with outrage oftentimes", "Hee can containe that fire , as hid in embers .", "Against ill fortune , as shee set her selfe", "Clermont , farewell ! O didst thou see but this !", "Come , y'are a glorious ruffin and runne proud", "In so important an occasion ; 65", "Is in his motion ; and for his rare learning ,", "Made show to his dull eyes beneath the worth 295", "And might right well , my Clermont ; and for this 375", "When she desir 'd his presence .", "Hee may with heavens immortall powers compare ,", "Leave your courting .", "And in this kingdome , as from Rome and Spaine ,", "Runne to your shield for shelter ; Cacusses", "Come faire or foule , whatever chance can fall , 45", "Farewell , medlar .", "Against the pure forme and just power of law , 55", "But bastard to the Cardinall of Ambois .", "That cut their too large murtherous theveries", "Holde , murtherers ! They strike him downe . So then , this is confidence In greatnes , not in goodnes . Wher is the King ? The King comes in sight with Es, Sois, & others . Let him appeare to justifie his deede , In spight of my betrai 'd wounds ; ere my soule Take her flight through them , and my tongue hath strength 40 To urge his tyrannie .", "I must not doe so .", "And therefore they had rather drowne their substance", "Go to companion ; your courtship 's too saucie . 120", "In his contempt of riches , and of greatnesse 20", "France never bred a nobler gentleman", "But this thy brothers spirit startles mee ,", "That Clermont is my love ; 80", "In estimation of th'idolatrous vulgar ;", "then lay the cost", "A man that", "Any injustice that they could revenge ;", "By no meanes . 40", "Be what it will , twas a presage of something", "Of the Kings headlong graces ; hold your breath ,", "Alas , poore soule !", "Flitting in Kings , doth good for nought esteeme ,", "Into your entrailes , that will make you feele", "Hee is not", "Servile observers , and polluted tongues \u2014", "But some mishap ensues .", "And the more ill hee does , the better seeme .", "And that mine enemies", "His just contempt of jesters , parasites , 40", "The present lust and shift made for Kings lives ,", "True as truth :", "Exit Guise . Manet Bal", "In superfluities of brickes and stones", "Or their abjection basely to sustaine", "To me his hand shall hold the Hermean vertue", "Ile cut your throat .", "Though", "And learning of his soule so much the more", "To what is base , or fitteth not his object ;", "Delight and satisfie themselves to drinke 100", "Built with Gods finger , and enstil 'd his temple .", "Without which greatnesse is a shade , a bubble .", "Brought upon stages , to let mightie misers 320", "I would have given a million to have heard", "His scoffes retorted , and the insolence"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Does your confident spirit doubt that , sir ? Follow us and try . L'An . Come , sir , wee 'll lead you a dance . 265 Exeunt . Finis Actus Primi . LINENOTES : 2 that . A , this . 4 the . A omits . 10 Court-fashion . A , Court forme . 11 demi-gods . A , semi-gods . 14-15 No question . . . immortality . A omits . 18 vaunt . A , boast . 20 clowneries . A , rudenesse . 32 confusion . A , deformitie . 47 sole heire . A , first borne . 53 more . A omits . 54 To jet . . . haughtely . A , To be the pictures of our vanitie . 56 Holding . . . vaunts . A omits . 58 a . A , this . to court . A , t'attend you . 60-61 That 's . . . attire . Printed as prose in Qq . 62 , 63 We . A , I . 67 So in A : B has only : They that will winne , must wooe her . 71 sweet heart . A , my love .", "I have heard of a fellow , that by a fixt imagination looking upon a bulbaiting , had a visible paire of hornes grew out of his forhead : and I beleeve this gallant overjoyed with the conceit of Monsieurs cast suit , imagines himselfe 200 to be the Monsieur . L'An . And why not ? as well as the asse stalking in the lions case , bare himselfe like a lion , braying all the huger beasts out of the forrest ? 205", "Here 's a sudden transmigration with D'Ambois , out of the Knights ward into the Duches bed . 150 L'An . See what a metamorphosis a brave suit can work .", "If you aske my opinion , sir , I think your suit sits as well as if't had beene made for you . 220", "For lifes sake , let 's be gone ; hee 'll kill 's outright else .", "By no meanes ; let the new suit work ; 155 wee 'll see the issue ."], "true_target": ["Why here 's the lion skar 'd with the 185 throat of a dunghill cock , a fellow that has newly shak 'd off his shackles ; now does he crow for that victory . L'An . Tis one of the best jiggs that ever was acted . 190", "Not , sir ?", "True , when he curvets in the blanquet .", "Lord blesse us , let 's away . 215", "O miraculous jealousie ! Doe you think your selfe such a singular subject for laughter that none can fall into the matter of our merriment but you ? 230 L'An . This jealousie of yours , sir , confesses some close defect in your selfe that wee never dream 'd of .", "Marrie , let him look , sir ; what will you say now if the Guise be gone to fetch a blanquet for him ? L'An . Faith , I beleeve it , for his honour sake . 210"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["I , marrie , sir . L'An . Sfoot , see how he stares on 's .", "Whom does the Guise suppose him to be , troe ? L'An . Out of doubt , some new denizond Lord , and thinks that suit newly drawne out a th \u2019 mercers books . 195", "Slight ! step to the Guise , and discover him ."], "true_target": ["Wee held discourse of a perfum 'd asse , that being disguis 'd in a lions case imagin 'd 235 himself a lion : I hope that toucht not you .", "But , if D'Ambois carrie it cleane ? Exeunt Ladies .", "And be advis 'd ; we shall have odds against you .", "Peace ! he looks this way ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["What Atlas or Olympus lifts his head 25", "So farre past covert , that with aire enough", "Sticks in my jawes , and labours with event . 30"], "true_target": ["A tale so worthy , and so fraught with wonder ,", "I may be seene and heard through all the world ?", "My words may be inform 'd , and from their height"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Every mans look shew 'd , fed with eithers spirit ; 45", "Bent to his root , which being at length made loose", "Entring with fresh powers his two noble friends ;", "In my young travels through Armenia ,", "Shot like a pointed comet at the face", "At last , the deadly bitten point tugg 'd off ,", "All which arriv 'd at the evenest peece of earth", "That Barrisor should fight with firie D'Ambois ; 75", "By which time all the life strings of th'tw ' other", "Were cut , and both fell , as their spirit flew ,", "And under that ods fell surcharg 'd Brisac , 115", "Of manly Barrisor , and there it stucke :", "That the ne 're shutting wounds they needs must open", "never would expose", "Charge with too swift a foot a jeweller , 120", "And so were life and death mixt at their heights ,", "But Barrisors friends", "So drew they lots , and in them Fates appointed ,", "Sorrow and fury , like two opposite fumes 110", "Who thrust still as he pluckt ; yet", "As one had beene a mirror to another ,", "As Hector , twixt the hosts of Greece and Troy ,", "did much much more than scorne 70", "That life and death in all respects are one .", "And then , like flame and powder , they commixt", "Nor love of life , for death : but in their browes 50", "That his wrong should incense him so like chaffe ,", "His foes uncurbed sword stopt in his heart :", "And , ere he could get shelter of a tree ,", "Brake from the earth , and with them rose Revenge ,", "held up his brasen launce", "Storme-like he fell , and hid the feare-cold earth \u2014", "An angrie unicorne in his full cariere", ", he gan to nodde", "When face to face the three defendants met them ,", "This way and that , as loth his curled browes", "He kist their pale lips , and bade both farewell :", "Which were the famous souldiers , Barrisor ,", "So fell stout Barrisor , that had stood the shocks", "Great D'Ambois shrunke , and gave a little ground ;", "To goe so soone out , and like lighted paper", "He with his subtile eye , hand , body , scap't .", "His friends and enemies ; whose sterne fight I saw ,", "All slaine outright but he ,", "Advanc 'd his naked rapier twixt both sides ,", "I saw fierce D'Ambois and his two brave friends 35", "Might , as they open 'd , shut , and never kill . 80", "So spritely , that I wisht they had beene spirits ,", "Alike prepar 'd , and resolute alike .", "That watcht him for the treasure of his brow ,"], "true_target": ["Enter the field , and at their heeles their foes ;", "sole D'Ambois stood", "Then , as in Arden I have seene an oke", "That", "Like bonfires of contributorie wood", "Then laid in ballance with six idle words ;", "Met in the upper region of a cloud ,", "At the report made by this worthies fall ,", "That you could see no feare of death , for life ,", "Who eying th'eager point borne in his face , 125", "And heare him speak ; so Barrisor", "Pyrrho 's opinion in great letters shone :", "For signall that both hosts should cease from armes ,", "L'Anou , and Pyrrhot , great in deeds of armes .", "And giving backe , fell back ; and , in his fall ,", "Should stoope : and yet , his radicall fivers burst , 100", "His life alone to that they all deserv 'd .", "Pyrhot with Melynell , with Brisac L'Anou ;", "And at the heart of Barrisor seal 'd his anger .", "But D'Ambois sword", "Thrice pluckt he at it , and thrice drew on thrusts", "Or else that he and D'Ambois might conclude", "From him , and the rest ,", "And heard their words before , and in the fray .", "The field afforded , the three challengers 40", "90", "Untoucht , save only with the others bloud .", "D'Ambois", "And for the other offer of remission", "Upwards , and still hunt Honour at the view . 130", "\u2018 Gainst the sole souldier of the world , Navarre .", "Approve his spirit at once both fire and ashes .", "Long shooke with tempests , and his loftie toppe 95", "Offer 'd remission and contrition too ,", "And now", "The friend of D'Ambois , before fierce L'Anou ;", "Naile him with his rich antler to the earth :", "Which D'Ambois seeing , as I once did see ,", "On fell his yet undaunted foe so fiercely ,", "135", "The others dangers . D'Ambois lik 'd the last ;", "From him that of himselfe was free as fire , 85", "So D'Ambois ranne upon reveng 'd L'Anou ,", "Ript up the quarrell , and compar 'd six lives 60", "Of ten set battels in your Highnesse warre ,", "And see the bravest man the French earth beares !", "But soone return 'd , redoubled in his danger ,", "Turn 'd head , drew all their rapiers , and stood ranck't ;", "Who kneeling in the warme life of his friends ,", "Like formes of life and death each took from other ;"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["she scarce was modest ,", "I see ther 's change of weather in your lookes . Exit cum suis .", "To entertaine him .", "Why"], "true_target": ["Ile speake it heere ,", "Ile leave you , madam , to your passions ;", "When she perceived the Duke , her husband , take", "Those late exceptions to her servants courtship , 20"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["You shall , my lord .", "To tell you truth , my lord , I have made 200 a strange discovery .", "My lord !\u2014 my lord hath plaid a prodigals part , 225", "Furies rise 150", "To break his stock for nothing , and an insolent ,", "To a false train ; to blow up long crown 'd peace", "I sweare he is the man .", "That when it growes most , most you", "Portions , my lord ! yes , and such portions as your principality cannot purchase . 260", "Riddle my riddle , my lord .", "Out of the black lines , and torment his soule !", "Even he , my lord .", "I hope it rather be a bitter volume", "Borne to their honours ? But I will to him .", "And when tis farthest off , \u2018 tis neerest ?"], "true_target": ["What violence is this , to put true fire", "I will \u2014 yet I will watch to know why you watch . Exit .", "With sudden outrage ; and beleeve a man , 230", "Even this , my lord .", "Sworne to the shame of women , \u2018 gainst a woman", "in it ,", "No , my lord ; tis my chastity , which you shall neither riddle nor fiddle .", "To cut a Gordian when he could not loose it .", "Nay , my lord , that amazes me : I cannot by any study so much as guesse at it .", "That when you sow , you never reap ?", "Tis thus , then : this last night my lord lay forth , and I , watching my ladies sitting up , 205 stole up at midnight from my pallat , andI saw D'Ambois and her selfe reading a letter !", "Of worthy curses for your perjury .", "Why , my lord , when you cannot get it , it goes to th'heart on you ; and that I think comes most neere you : and I am sure it shall be farre enough off . And so wee leave you to our mercies . Exeunt Women .", "That when tis commonest , tis dearest ,", "What 's that , that being most rar 's most cheap ?", "And still you lose it , when you win it ? 270"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["All I have done ;", "The only agent , and the first orbe move", "Nothing lesse deare than if your selfe had sought : 195", "Their full force to supply her utmost weaknesse .", "And", "Impious earle , forbeare ;", "You know besides that our affections storme , 190", "Should be the object of her fearefull love ; 185", "Yet will I justifie upon my soule", "You know her worths and vertues , for report", "That you", "Your judgement will esteeme her peace thus wrought", "earth or aire"], "true_target": ["Good sonne , you have amaz 'd me but to make", "Come , worthiest sonne , I am past measure glad", "Of all that know is to a man a knowledge :", "Though she seeke then their satisfaction", "Rais 'd in our blood , no reason can reforme .", "If any spirit i'th", "Since both your wit and spirit can adapt", "The least doubt of it , it concernes so neerely", "The faith and reverence of my name and order . 15", "your selfe must seeme", "Take violent hand from her , or , by mine order ,", "The King shall force thee .", "Can give you the resolve , doe not despaire .", "In this our set and cunning world of love ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["That would ope more sinne , and prove springs of slaughter ;", "Shee must never know", "Too soone !", "He will not touch thee ; think'st thou him a pagan ?", "250", "To have a man think that she never seekes", "And sweetest sleeper ; doe not touch her , then ;", "If not dissemble , nor a little chide ,", "I warrant thee , my dearest daughter ,", "And he could not resolve mee . Send one , then ,", "The stony birth of clowds will touch no lawrell ,", "That did that deed of darknesse ; we will know 40", "What shall become of us ?", "From the last nights black depth I call 'd up one 80", "O wrack of nature ! Falls and dies .", "That Monsieur hath to shew to Count Montsurry .", "Show us all their persons ,", "Madam !", "There 's too much distance , and too many locks 105", "Twixt you and them", "To know on what events the secret loves", "What now the Monsieur and Mountsurrie doe ,", "That so beyond your expectation ,", "Sustain 'd on her part : for , learne this of me ,", "Till he returnes", "visit you :", "May it be worth it to you , honour 'd daughter ! Descendit Fryar . Finis Actus Secundi . LINENOTES : 1-49 He will . . . bloud . These lines and the direction , Montsur . . . Pyrha , are found in A only . 50 B , which begins the scene with this line , inserts before it : Enter Monsieur , Tamyra , and Pero with a booke . 71 joyning a lose . A , weighing a dissolute . 76 common . A , solemne . 135 honour . A , profit . 146 In . . . another . A omits . 147 wane . Emend ., Dilke ; Qq , wave . 158 yee . A , the . 172 which . A , that . 173 For life 's . . . me . A , For love is hatefull without love againe . The Vault opens . B places this after 173 ; A omits . 177-181 See . . . in . Instead of these lines , A has :\u2014 See , see the gulfe is opening that will swallow Me and my fame forever ; I will in . with a book . A omits . 266 wakes . A , sits . 274 Made some deepe scruple . A , Was something troubled . 275 honour . A , hand . 278-280 his long love . . . perfections . A omits . 280 ready . A omits . 286 good . A , comfort .", "Shee keepes one letter written in his blood : 205", "But out of all way to the health of soules ;", "This frailty sticks in them beyond their sex , 235", "Much lesse to touch her with a bloudy hand .", "And see the secret paper that the Monsieur 65", "You must say thus , then : that you heard from mee", "That you know any thing of any love", "Stand sure together , then , what ere you see , And stir not , as ye tender all our lives . He puts on his robes . Occidentalium legionum spiritualium imperatorveni , veni , comitatus cum Asaroth locotenente invicto . Adjuro te , per Stygis 55 inscrutabilia arcana , per ipsos irremeabiles anfractus Averni : adesto \u00f4 Behemoth , tu cui pervia sunt Magnatum scrinia ; veni , per Noctis & tenebrarum abdita profundissima ; per labentia sydera ; per ipsos motus horarum furtivos , Hecatesqaltum silentium ! 60 Appare in forma spiritali , lucente , splendida , & amabili !", "Worthy his high respect , and your owne soules !", "You will pardon me , I hope ,", "Nor is't a path for Christian feet to tread ,", "Hath urg 'd his acceptation , of all which", ", I , and ten to one ,", "We soone will take the darknesse from his face", "Shew you the confirmation in his blood , 220", "My lord , remember that your soule must seek 5", "For the direct is crooked ; love comes flying ;", "What now the Monsieur and your husband doe ;", "Shall have all circumstance of worth in him 255", "Stand close !", "Of your presumed presence . And with this", "Your wives offence serves not", "Of these two honour 'd persons shall arrive .", "must in them be fed ,", "Nor is it manly", "Which to reforme , reason is too perplex :", "His honor and his soule lies for thy safety . Exit .", "How much her selfe was toucht in conscience", "The height of love is still wonne with denying . 225", "To her that is more gentle than that rude ;", "What is contain 'd within the secret paper", "Out of thine owne command to fetch the paper", "Now , honour 'd daughter , is your doubt resolv 'd ?"], "true_target": ["You ever to this houre have prov 'd your selfe", "And , by my power of learned holinesse", "Chosing by my direction this nights depth ,", "To which ends", "To merit as free welcome as myselfe .", "Nor any sleeper : your wife is your lawrell ,", "I", "Did love her dearely , and with all fit meanes", "She will so kindly thank and entertaine you", "In whom kind nature suffer 'd one offence", "That your maine quarrell grew about her love ,", "That my care will presume to bring with me ,", "If she dissemble , she thinks tis not done ; 230", "I have put on these exorcising rites , 45", "Was by you made to his elected mistresse :", "To sever your eternall bonds and hearts ;", "But to set off her other excellence .", "Of the great Guises Duchesse in the Presence", "That you shall so have circumstantiall meanes", "Does her more good than to have all she likes :", "And represent the place , with all their actions .", "To come to the direct , which must be used :", "I would see", "In any thing a woman does alone ,", "And so made me your meane now to resolve her ,", "Offer 'd by Monsieur , and your loves events .", "A sinne impossible to be forgiven ,", "To expiate any frailty in your wife 15", "Are yet encounter 'd .", "Offer 'd to Count Montsurry ; longing much", "Urge reason to them , it will doe no good ;", "He will , be sure .", "Our resolution of a raised spirit .", "Of the inferiour ablest ministers ,", "Hath ever beene admitted ; and that friend ,", "I know your serious disposition well . Come , sonne , the morne comes on .", "A noble , zealous , and obedient sonne", "Her peace as well as your revengefull bloud .", "Doe not stirre .", "T'our holy mother : be not an apostate .", "For any man to interrupt their secrets .", "To carrie their affections by it bred . 240", "Be not more rude than the wild seed of vapour 20", "You know that my accesse at any time", "Give her her wish , she is not satisfi 'd ;", "Lest you should think report and she did faine ,", "With churlish strokes , or beastly ods of strength .", "With a report", "Tis this , good sonne :\u2014 Lord Barrisor", "at your motion", "Lord Barrisor imagining your courtship 210", "Humour", "It is a damn 'd work to pursue those secrets 30", "What rape of honour and religion ! 155", "Then Heaven inspire you both with thoughts and deeds 40", "Vouchsaft me from above , I will command", "without greater proofes", "Tell me if Monsieur and the Count Montsurry 90", "For the more cleare avoiding of all note 215", "Which he that dares commit \u2014"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["No , my lord , D'Ambois neglects herand is therefore suspicious that either your lady , or the lady Beaupre , hath closely entertain 'd him . 240"], "true_target": ["No , my lord , I am not so fit for your service ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Nay , pardon me now , my lord ; my lady expects me . 185", "Sticke in his hands thus ! She gets downe .", "Renel", "This for your lordships welcome into Cambray ."], "true_target": ["For that life which I offer , in her service ,", "Madame , I am bound to her vertuous bounties", "To the revenge of her renowned brother . 5", "Death of my father , what a shame is this !", "Gentle sir , forbeare !"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["You rush upon her with these Irish warres ,", "Doe your set looks print in your words your thoughts ? 150", "T'was nobly done ; 140", "Madam , be comforted ; my lord but tries you .", "Building on that assuranceI may speak ; and much the rather because my 195 lady hath not trusted me with that I can tell you ; for now I cannot be said to betray her .", "She has not liv 'd to beare a triall now ."], "true_target": ["What does your lordship meane ?", "Sweet lord , cleare up those eyes ,", "You have shot home , your words are in her heart ; 155", "And I forgive his lordship from my soule .", "Madam ! Help , good my lord , are you not mov 'd ?", "Unbend that masking forehead . Whence is it", "More full of sound then hurt ? But it is enough ;"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["His mournfull sister .", "Dispute , when you should fight ! Wrong , wreaklesse sleeping , Makes men dye honorlesse ; one borne , another 105 Leapes on our shoulders .", "To see their strength , and readinesse for service .", "One of our bloud and name , be't true or false ?", "One wreakt in time", "Cowardise evermore", "And full of sulphure as this letters truth :", "With my false husband live , and both these slaine !", "A D'Ambois beare in wrong so tame a spirit ! 120", "Advantage to diminish eminent virtue .", "If a poore woman , votist of revenge ,", "Against thy selfe ; thy sister would have sham 'd", "And undertaking on me .", "How 's that ?", "Had not beene dull and drossie in performing", "Weary and wounded , I would long ere this", "Would not performe it with a president", "When time is found for facts ; and found , not lost .", "I am provided , then , to take his place 35", "Outlawes in Arden , durst have tempted thus 155", "Some foole hath put this tricke on you , yet more", "Prevents all other . Then shines vertue most", "Gone , a day since , into the countries confines , 25", "True , tis past thought false .", "That 's a meere bugge-beare , an impossible mocke . 150", "To wreake a murther , done so like a villaine .", "That 's a lye .", "Is it not equall ?", "And wer't not I , fresh , sound , should charge a man 100", "Out at the chesse .", "What newes ?", "To the begetting of an act so tender", "They are but words in him ; beleeve them not .", "I would performe this combat .", "Well done , my brother ! I did love thee ever ,", "Strip off my shame with my attire , and trie"], "true_target": ["Not to be nam 'd , that but to forme one thought , 175", "Let us forsake the world in which they raigne ,", "To all you bungling , foggy-spirited men .", "Madame , since wrath nor griefe can helpe these fortunes ,", "First showne in lingring my deare brothers wreake .", "But now adore thee : losse of such a friend 200", "Ere I returne to him , Ile turne to earth .", "I sweare to your Grace , all that I can conjecture touching my lady , your neece , is a strong affection she beares to the English Mylor .", "None should survive , of such a brother", "Alas ! I doe ;", "But for our birth-rights honour , doe not mention 170", "I care not much if twere", "My brother speakes all principle . What man", "I would once 165", "What Prince , what King , which of the desperat'st ruffings ,", "T'uncover your defect of spirit and valour ,", "Have prov 'd what I presume on .", "Since I am charg 'd so by my mistresse ,", "Wreake of the deare bloud of my matchlesse brother ,", "Send him a challenge . Take a noble course", "Is mov 'd with your soule ? or hath such a thought", "If hee , and him I bound by nuptiall faith ,", "It is . In cloisters then let 's all survive . 210", "And for their wisht amends to God complaine .", "We are no windfalls , my lord ; ye must gather us with the ladder of matrimony , or we'l hang till we be rotten . 255", "To apprehend him !", "It comprehends so blacke a circumstance", "One syllable of any word may goe", "See what it is to give the envious world 95", "In single combat sticke so in her fingers . 95", "Come , my lord , you and I will fight this dreame", "It is or can be so , would make me mad .", "And all his notice , too , without all truth .", "In any rate of goodnesse ?", "To have thy brothers wreake with any man", "Flyes to the shield of reason ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["As I was gathering a fit guard to make", "The Guise shall speak with you ?", "D'Ambois , my lord , shall know \u2014", "You'l speak with none but with the Count Montsurry ?", "See , even by this there 's one exception more ;", "And yet my teeth must still be hit with D'Ambois .", "Well , my lord . Exiturus .", "Your Grace will say I hit it to a haire .", "I cannot help it ; what should I do more ?", "The man of bloud is enter 'd .", "Your Grace must be more firme in the command , 345", "My passage to the dores , and the dores sure ,"], "true_target": ["D'Ambois ! why , my lord \u2014", "And Count Montsurry ?", "Your Grace must pardon me , that I am bold", "To urge the cleare and full sence of your pleasure ; 350", "I had my head broke in his faithfull service ;", "I would be glad the wrong I had of D'Ambois \u2014", "Or else shall I as weakly execute .", "I had no suit the more , nor any thanks ,", "I goe , my lord .\u2014 365", "I hope so , or I would be glad \u2014", "I will my lord , and yet 360", "Which when so ever I have knowne , I hope"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Before your contemplation , and not study", "And strike away this heartlesse trance of anguish :", "A omits . 8 Nods . A , Crackes . Enter . . . Frier . Placed after heaven in Qq . 9 deare . A , my . 15-16 and now . . . imminent . A omits . 17 upper . A , utmost . 49 shine . A , see . 50 men are . A , sense is . Thunders A omits", "A omits . 78 Articulat . In some copies of B this is printed : Articular . 80 one . A ; B , on . 103Emend , ed . ; Qq , Monsieur . 113 where you may . A , wherein you . Enter . . . letter . A omits . Montexit . Emend . ed . ; A , Exit Mont ., which it places after y'faith in l. 140 ; B , Exit Mont . and stabs Pero . ] 143 rather be a bitter . A , be , at least , if not a . 145 To you . . . me ? A omits . Enter servant . A omits . 155 die . A , stay . 156 In . A , With . her . Emend . Dilke ; Qq , his . See note , p. 159 . 162 And curb . . . policies . A , And let him curb his rage with policy . 193 taint . A , print . 197 by . A , from . ACTUS QUINTI SCENA PRIMA .Montsurry bare , unbrac't , pulling Tamyra in by the haire ; Frier ; One bearing light , a standish , and paper , which sets a table .", "How to prevent it ? Watch when he shall rise ,", "Ascendit"], "true_target": ["Blow his retreat before he be revenged .", "Friar . Up with these stupid thoughts , still loved daughter ,", "And , with a suddaine out-crie of his murther ,", "Intrat Umbra Frier and discovers Tamyra .", "Look to the end of woes : oh , can you sit", "Be like the sunne , and labour in eclipses .", "Mustering the horrors of your servants slaughter 5"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["I come ; and tell thee that , if thou obey", "Her hand shall be thy death .", "The summons that thy mistresse next will send thee ,"], "true_target": ["Thus , to observe my vow of apparition", "What would the holy frier ?", "In greater light , and explicate thy fate , 55"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["I will . Cartophylax ! thou that properly 85", "This is your slacknesse , not t'invoke our powers When first your acts set forth to their effects . 100 Yet shall you see it and themselves . Behold They come here , & the Earle now holds the paper . EntMons, Gui, Mont, with a paper .", "To make this augurie plainer , when the voyce", "Thunders . Exit .", "All which I know ; and command legions", "Of that inscrutable darknesse , where are hid", "In her forc 'd bloud , he shall remaine untoucht :", "All deepest truths , and secrets never seene ,", "Why calledst thou me to this accursed light ,", "The spirit will strait return , and then Ile shew thee . See , he is come . Why brought'st thou not the paper ? 95", "Shining in greater light , and shew him all 160", "So , father , shall your selfe , but by your selfe .", "The Guise and Monsieur .", "No , she lives .", "Are now together .", "If D'Ambois mistresse die not her white hand 155", "Being call 'd thus late , is briefe , and darkly this :\u2014", "If thou yeeld", "To her next summons . Y'are faire warn 'd ; farewell !", "That will betide ye all . Meane time be wise ,"], "true_target": ["No , and yet lives not . 60", "Perswasion hath already enter 'd him", "Both them and the Guise", "Soone as I set againe , where late I rose .", "Any of this my guard that circle me 75", "Fate .", "Vast murmurs use to break , and from their sounds", "Glide through all barres to it , and fetch that paper .", "All I can say ,", "I must not tell thee .", "In these blew fires , and out of whose dim fumes", "Of D'Amboys shall invoke me , I will rise", "Hast in thy power all papers so inscrib 'd ,", "Beyond reflection ; peace , till their departure !", "He did .", "Articulat voyces , can doe ten parts more", "And curb his valour with your policies . Descendit cum suis .", "Of knowing spirits that can doe more then these .", "Than open such sleight truths as you require .", "To these light purposes ? I am Emperor 70"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["He hath prevented me , and got a spirit"], "true_target": ["Rais 'd by another , great in our command ,", "To take the guard of it before I came ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["A omits . 76 or . A , and . with a letter written in bloud . A omits . 85-98 O lying Spirit . . . calls him . Omitted in A , which has instead :\u2014"], "true_target": ["Surgit Spiritus cum suis ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Doing those deedes that fit eternitie ;", "80", "Led by your husband , shadowed in my weed ,", "Rather without the body then within , 85", "And be above them all in dignitie . Exit .", "Your true friend ,", "Assay to gratulate and pacifie", "All that I can doe \u2014 See ! the cave opens . Exit .", "Forbeare ! The ayre , in which My figures liknesse is imprest , will blast . Let my revenge for all loves satisfie , 50 In which , dame , feare not , Clermont shall not dye . No word dispute more ; up , and see th'event . Exeunt Ladyes . Make the guard sure , Renel ; and then the doores Command to make fast , when the Earle is in . Exit RenThe blacke soft-footed houre is now on wing , 55 Which , for my just wreake , ghosts shall celebrate With dances dire and of infernall state . Exit . LINENOTES : 2 loved . Shepherd , Phelps ; Q , lou 'd . 4 her service . Ed . ; Q , her vertuous service ; vertuous , which is obviously hypermetrical , has been repeated by mistake from the previous line .", "Look up , and see thy spirit made a starre .", "The soule fled from this worthy by performing", "And rather to your God still then your selfe .", "Of punishment and wreake for every wrong ,", "Fri. Farewell ! brave reliques of a compleat man ,", "The Christian reconcilement he besought", "The wrong I suffer 'd . What corrupted law", "Fri . Remove , deare daughter , and content thy husband : 165", "Cheere with new sparks of old humanity .", "With balme of thine owne teares ; or be assur 'd", "Son of the earth , whom my unrested soule", "That make us deathlesse , which by death is onely 90", "More then the present , like illiterate vulgars ;", "Rues t'have begotten in the faith of heaven , 155", "That makes the world last , which proportion is", "Fri. Forgive thy murtherers .", "Showes that mans will must rul 'd be by his power :", "Fri. What have ye done , slaves ! irreligious lord ! 75"], "true_target": ["kept in your fleshes bounds", "Away , then ! use the meanes thou hast to right", "is ever", "As well as for right a reward as strong : 95", "Fri . It is the misery of our creation . 15", "Spread to a world of fire , and the aged skie", "To be His image is to doe those things", "Leaves unperform 'd in Kings , doe thou supply ,", "Never to rest free from my haunt and horror .", "So piety wills thee , and thy servants peace .", "Thy radiant forehead in the firmament , 150", "Danger", "When by true doctrine you are taught to live", "Betwixt thee and thy lady ; let her wounds ,", "And those deedes are the perfecting that justice", "To live to Him is to doe all things fitting", "Now enters the dark vault .", "Fri . Breath thee , brave sonne , against the other charge .", "D'Amboys at the gulfe .", "Fri. My power is limited ; alas ! I cannot ;", "The curbe to your tame spirits ; you respect not", "Make the vast chrystall crack with thy receipt ;", "His image in which like Himselfe we live ;", "Your minde", "Joine flames with Hercules , and when thou set'st", "Tis the just curse of our abus 'd creation , Which wee must suffer heere , and scape heereafter : He hath the great mind that submits to all He sees inevitable ; he the small That carps at earth , and her foundation shaker , And rather than himselfe , will mend his maker . 16 Your . . . friend . In B ends preceding line . Enter . . . above . A omits . 30 To . Some copies of B have T . 33-36 If I . . . and ready . A omits . 41 Why . . . villains ? A omits . Enter . . . dore . A omits . all but the first . A omits . 53 Qq punctuate wrongly :\u2014 Where is that angry Earle my lord ? Come forth . all the murtherers . A , others . D'Ambois . . . downe . A omits . Pistolls shot within . Inserted before 72 in B ; A omits . 90-93 And if . . . groomes . A omits . She offers to help him . Inserted before 95 in B . A omits . 119 Now . A , And . 135 in . A , gainst . 136 drifts of . A , endless . 146 struck . Emend . ed . ; Qq , stuck .", "Manlessly digg 'd in her , be eas 'd and cur 'd 160"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["To all that know him ."], "true_target": ["Defend us heaven ! Exeunt all but the first .", "Our duties binde us ; hee is now but dead . 35"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Pandora 's box , and let its evils loose among mankind ."], "true_target": ["= Epimethean .= Epimetheus , the brother of Prometheus , opened"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Tartarus , by furnishing him with thunderbolts ."], "true_target": ["Cronos , the Cyclopes aided the former , who had released them from", "= Or stood . . . artillerie .= In the war of Zeus against"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Give me a place , and my Lieutenant make", "Put into battaile , when hee comes , hee may", "This , sir , then , in short .", "A capitall eye on him . And", "Command his apprehension : which", "Let fire into my heart , that burn 'd to beare", "see for him your forces", "Saw , and through mine eyes", "To traine him to some muster , where he may", "LINENOTES :", "Growes ripe , and must be gather 'd into hold ;", "To what will this declining kingdome turne ,", "Where when I have him , I will leave my house ,", "To Cambray with me", "Better a man were buried quicke then live", "Swindging in every license , as in this", "And faine some service out about the confines ;", "Here 's a discharge", "When , in the meane time , if you please to give 20", "To fright adulterie ! what will policie", "To serve the kingdome , given by sute to men 5"], "true_target": ["Which caus 'd by th'King is rude and tyrannous :", "For their advancement ! suffered scarcrow-like", "A propertie for state and spoile to thrive . Exit .", "Why exclaime you so ?", "To worke his apprehension : and with that", "At length bring under his capacitie ?", "With some close stratageme be apprehended : 25", "An insolence so giantly austere .", "The faction of the Guise", "Of which my brother Clermont being a part", "Wee must aske country swindge and open fields .", "My hand needes never be discern 'd therein .", "Murther made paralell with Law ! Murther us 'd", "Exceeding capitall , deserves to have", "For this your prisoner , my good Lord Lieutenant .", "The filler of it !", ",", "For otherwise your whole powers there will faile", "Command to my lieutenant , by your letters ,", "So foule a scandall never man sustain 'd ,", "Stupide permission of brave D'Ambois Murther ?", "And therefore I have wrought him to goe downe 15"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["All order 'd clockes are tyed up ; so , when glory ,", "Then no man could be good but he was punisht .", "All browes that smil 'd beneath them , frown 'd ; hearts griev 'd", "Flatterie , and smooth applauses of things ill ,", "Your prisoners discharge autenticall .", "Were once most royall ; Kings sought common good , 20", "Tyrants , being still more fearefull of the good", "God save you , lady !", "Dismaid with this strange fortune . All observe you :", "Deliverances , and coronations , 10", "Vertuous and well distinguisht formes of time ,", "I should never looke", "And his whole governments sayles : you heard of late", "As shadowes and detractions to their owne .", "To order armes well , that makes smockes his ensignes ,", "What said a friend to Pompey ?", "Why , how now , friend , retir 'd ! take heede you prove not", "You see , sir , there", "We celebrate with all the cities bels", "Manag 'd with curbs and dangers , and esteem 'd 30", "in my meanes"], "true_target": ["To quit or merit .", "The deadly waightie secret of this houre ? 20", "For better of him ; never trust a man 5", "Then of the bad , their subjects vertues ever", "Are gag 'd and tongue-tide . But wee have observ 'd", "Done all before him .", "Mens manly liberties , though ne'er so meane ,", "Jangling together in untun 'd confusion ,", "What gentleman is this , with whom you trust", "By imitation ; vertue quite was vanisht , 25", "All things ; for as , when the high births of Kings ,", "Uphold th'inordinate swindge of downe-right power , 15", "Rule in more regular motion : things most lawfull", "For any justice , that is rapt with pleasure ;", "Justice , and truth that tell the bounded use ,", "Your government 's as much markt as the Kings .", "Noblest of ladies , tis beyond all power", "Hee had the foure and twenty wayes of venerie", "And all men studi 'd selfe-love , fraud , and vice .", "And had their owne swindge so more free , and more .", "But when pride enter 'd them , and rule by power ,"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["As well as yours , and being a righteous man", "For th'universall right of your estate ,", "Will this dull vow be ? \u201d And , I vow to heaven ,", "But when hee saw mee enter so expectlesse ,", "Webs , whose strange matter none before can see ;", "How to be truely noble , truely wise .", "Soisson . Monsieur taking leave of the King . ]", "No rocke so steepe , but if a bird could scale it ,", "Now all is peace , no danger , now what followes ?", "Marke the event , none stand where that must fall . Exeunt .", "Differ not men from oxen ?", "To liken you here to the King of Kings ;", "Is a most lingering and tedious life ;", "Both of the hare and deere . You shall be honor 'd", "Nor would shee value Creons written lawes", "Hee may complaine of heaven for wrong to him .", "but of some thing", "And an abuse of life .", "Of these your shadie counsels , who will else 15", "And kept your lordship then the dore ?", "Infected with the least dishonestie :", "Which", "For , as no mans worth can be justly judg 'd 135", "Why , is not all the world esteem 'd a stage ?", "A Room in the House of the Countess of Cambrai . ]", "Farre over-runnes at every race and hunting", "We worke on all respects of kinde and vertue ,", ", Espernone ,", "Your virtues past the reaches of this age ,", "Of both those in their order and first end ,", "Meanes for accesse to him , through all his guard .", "And over-topping turrets ; fame was wealth ;", "Yet more newes , brother ; the late jesting Monsieur", "And battailes all our troopes and companies ; 245", "Noblest of princes !", "In apishnesse and envy of attire .", "By no suite would consent to satisfie 80", "That clothe them like the poore web of a spinner .", "Such deprest nobles", "By seeming one affected with their faction 125", "You Ile leade no more ; 105 It was to ominous and foule before . Exeunt . Finis Actus quarti . LINENOTES : 105 to the . Shepherd , Phelps ; Q , to'th . ACTUS QUINTI SC\u00c6NA PRIMA .Ascendit Umbra Bussi .", "And till the Lord Renel hath found some meane 240", "Conspirator , my lord ! Doth that empaire him ?", "There is no looking home , then ?", "Since they make good that guard to preservation 40", "Whose errand I must carrie to the King ,", "At all parts you 'll be welcom 'd to your wonder .", "A challenge to him , and my selfe must beare it ;", "No question , hee 's a true , learn 'd gentleman . 95", "200", "That great Guise gave you , that all th'horse in France", "Nor any mans particular offence", "Sometimes in training out in skirmishes", "Dare sweare him cleare of any power to be", "Yet now none are wise", "And fit for service : for whose readinesse", "I will , my lord . Exeunt . LINENOTES : Enter Henry . . . King . Placed by editor after 144 instead of 145 , as in Q. Soisson . Ed . ; Q , Foisson . 167 at . Added by ed . 174 t'embrace . Ed . ; Q , t'mbrace . 260 Noblemen . Two words in Q . 268 Mons . Q omits ; added in MS. in one of the copies in the Brit . Mus . 278-284 The lines are broken in the Q at King , see , selfe , better , Right , True , too , upon you , deedes . 285 you were . Shepherd , Phelps ; Q , you 're . 335 moralist . Shepherd , Phelps ; Q , Moralists . 359-61 Heard . . . wares . So punctuated by ed . ; Q , Heard hee a trades-man swearing | Never so thriftilyA Room in Montsurry 's house . ] Tamyra sola .", "To use my utmost to revenge my brother :", "To satisfie you , twas the Massacre .", "O , sir , by all meanes ; 255", "O , it was hainous !", "As having sworne my service in the search", "And discontented humours gainst the state :", "That one accident was made my charge .", "Savouring of that which all men else despise , 150", "At all parts , being dead as he presag 'd . 100", "That makes against you .", "Who could not doe , yet prais 'd , and envi 'd not ;", "In publike warres , not private brawles , their spirits ;", "As , being a subject of the worlds whole sway", "One that", "The Guise & his deare minion , Clermont D'Ambois ,", "You might conceive I flatter 'd : which", "\u201c When , when , will this revenge come ? when perform 'd", "then , like babes and fooles ,", "Up would our youth flie to . A foe in armes 45", "Charg 'd in it to his person ; though my conscience", "When you command , my lord .", "Whom you discover you neglect ; but ope", "Tis nobly said , my lord .", "Is wonder 'd at for wisedome and sincerenesse .", "Tis easie to make good suspected still ,", "In daring enemies , arm 'd with meanest armes , 40", "Beare", "So to prevent warre ; men with giving gifts ,", "Yet that sinceritie , wee politicians", "The Guise .", "In sparing no good that seemes bad to him :", "Ambition then was onely scaling walles ,", "Makes now your brothers dying prophesie equall", "With Gods unwrit edicts , since they last not", "My brother Bussy 's sister", "Nor is comparison a flatterer 45", "My vowes performance , that I almost feare 115", "Life of that nature , howsoever short ,", "Made mee thinke noblesse lost , in him quicke buried .", "Honour with worth , and wealth well got or none .", "I bring this challenge .", "to make sure", "And arm 'd with guard still .", "Which is our heaven here ; and a miserie", "Should be unpierst and sound kept ; for not those", "And undertake himselfe Bussy 's revenge .", "But thus digresse a little , for my learning ,", "Give , and then take , like children !", "Eyther exempt from censure or exception ;", "Must say , growes out of envie since it cannot 135", "Well , thou most worthy to be greatest Guise ,", "If th'Earle dares take it , he resolves to send", "Kings may doe what they list , and for Kings , subjects ,", "Brutus would be the Gods just instrument .", "What said the Princesse , sweet Antigone ,", "No mans particular", "Against the worlds sway , to offence at yours", "wrong", "Soft , sir ! let first your challenge be received . Hee would not touch , nor see it .", "Civile behaviour flourisht ; bountie flow 'd ;", "Nobly , my lord . All thankes . Exit Bal", "full of her brothers fire ,", "Idlenesse rusts us , since no vertuous labour", "In my so brave command wee 'll spend the time ,", "In the grave Greeke tragedian , when the question", "Where Kings lawes alter every day and houre ,", "Take and repent gifts ? why are wealth and power ? 25", "From any other businesse I entend .", "To which deliverie I can use no meanes ,", "Y'are mad . Had mine entent beene so , like yours ,", "Keepes off her kinde embraces , and still askes ,", "Something performed , that hath not farre to goe . 30", "The supreame Rectors generall decrees ,", "To heare his base exclaimes of \u201c murther , murther , \u201d", "Grudge at their particular wrong , if so it seeme 50", "More then receiving , made our countrey strong ;", "These virtuosi are the poorest creatures ;"], "true_target": ["Ile leave it here then .", "Left it , in his despight . 150", "Pouder about them . Counsels", "Though his lawes were a Kings , they were not Gods ;", "Me of my vow made to my wife , his sister ,", "You must be then more secret in the waight", "So sternely , and so past her sexe she urges", "Incomparable , and most truely hellish , 60", "And in that change imply a bounded power .", "Great vessels into lesse are emptied never ,", "And the more bad we make the most of good , 140", "He is so barricado 'd in his house ,", "Treacherie for Kings is truest loyaltie ,", "Would make one Guise . There is a true tenth Worthy ,", "But when he shines in some authoritie ,", "It had beene done ere this .", "That ever takes occasion to be raising", "No doubt , my lord , and therefore let me pray you", "Well , sir , my wrong aspir 'd past all mens hopes . 70", "Of all such malecontents and their designes ,", "Come , to the King ; if he reforme not all ,", "Thus must wee play on both sides , and thus harten", "But , as they gather , sow gifts to the graces ?", "Your Highnesse knowes", "See Monsieur taking now his leave for Brabant ; 145", "I will be honest , and betray for you 30", "In any ill those men whose good wee hate .", "So these , out of an unseene good in vertue ,", "Of all ils under heaven you most abhorre . 70", "The more our service to the King seemes great ,", "Twixt her and Creon is for lawes of Kings ? 115", "Nor is to beare the name of treacherie ,", "How many millions of our other Nobles", "Your creature , Clermont D'Ambois , and my selfe", "Without which best conditions are most cursed :", "I , my lord ?", "Avarice to upland boores , slaves , hang-men banisht . 60", "Not courting strumpets , and consuming birth-rights", "I told the Guise , beginnes ; and wee must haste .", "But doth this fire rage further ? hath it taken", "Best parts , best deedes , were best nobilitie ; 50", "Aspire to policies greatnesse ; and the more", "But in the noblest and most manly course , 90", "My wifes heart stands with haste of the revenge ,", "Ends ought rewarded ; ease , securitie ,", "Make arguments of right and comfort in her , 145", "So no authoritie should suffer censure", "All law , all conscience , concludes it wrong .", "Given to the King about his Guisean greatnesse ,", "Y'are a decaid lord to tell me of rudenesse ,", "Had , since , his apparition , and excitement", "Nor doth my brother Clermont scape my counsaile", "A reason of my speeches ; lest perhaps", "A ruinous passage to your owne best hope . 20", "My love of her with marriage , till I vow 'd", "And rankes you with the best of th'ancient Romanes .", "Who , did not one act onely blemish him \u2014", "And where they have given , rather give againe", "As you , my selfe , my lord , will finde a time", "Your Majestie fare ever like it selfe . 75", "When to revenge your wrongs .", "But Clermont D'Ambois", "All restitution to your worthiest lordship !", "Knowing his daring spirit , of much danger 130", "Then of a mistresse never so be-painted .", "And sometimes breathe your brave Scotch running horse ,", "Now all the palme weares . Wee made warre before 35", "Like the great Guise himselfe , above the King . 250", "Is shee so passionate ?", "There 's a redoundance past their continent ever . 140", "Nor the religion of the Gods , could serve 110", "Whispering together , not of state affaires ,", "But grave , deepe policie . All acts that seeme", "As in the maine sway of the Universe", "Not showing her , before I speake , the bloud", "To see her , when I have a while beene absent ,", "For looke how spinners weave out of themselves", "Stirr 'd up a much more lust of his encounter", "I thought it not amisse to yeeld your Highness", "I thinke I did my part to .", "I durst lay wagers ,", "Ride shortly downe .", "Tis base , tis base ; and yet they thinke them high .", "Well , sir , I cannot , when I meete with you , 235", "To whom heaven promises defence , and blessing ,", "Stickes by him still , and will distaine him ever .", "But now the voyage we resolv 'd for Cambray ,", "Your Highnesse knowes my vowes .", "But by a man of more authoritie .", "There lye the chalenge . Exit Mon", "The tender tynder of my wifes sere bloud ?", "Being", "Brought to decay , disgrace , and quite defencelesse , 55", "Must hold him wrong 'd ; no , not though all mens reasons ,", "Brother , I brought you downe to much good purpose .", "Vertue subdu 'd all .", "hath possest the King ,", "I have prepar 'd", "To curbe the insolence of his proud lawes ,", "And", "Brother and father ; for I know", "C\u00e6sar beganne to tyrannize ; and when vertue ,", "This day and the next , but every day and ever , 120", "To suffer none but his hand in his wreake ; 85", "Ill in particular respects are good 35", "No labour then was harsh , no way so deepe ,", "Twas abhorr 'd and beastly . 10", "Make with thy greatnesse a new world arise .", "She so much thirsts for , freckling hands and face .", "In any subject ; who as little may", "As much decaid in manners as in meanes .", "To use all speede ; for so on needels points", "The more our policie searcheth , and our service", "Or rather no life , but a languishing , 65", "Your sworne wreake on her husband , though this fail 'd ,", "Epict . ]", "Strong , my lord ,", "To guard the mightie globes of earth and heaven ,", "What should Kings doe , and men of eminent places ,", "Countries we wonne with as few men as countries :", "Which hee hath vow 'd , and so will needes acquite", "This is my purpose , sir ; from Clermont D'Ambois", "You cannot be too carefull of his love ,", "That thinke not heavens true foolish , weigh 'd with that . 70", "Where good , and God , are made but cloakes for ill .", "Yet loathing any way to give it act ,", "As they respect your universal rule :", "To live depriv 'd of our Kings grace and countenance ,", "That makes their bodies fat . I faine would know", "Hee yet is thought to entertaine strange aymes .", "Which when he urges , shee replies on him", "That may so chance to our state-merchants too ;", "That shee imagines I neglect my vow ; 110", "Our matchlesse race of souldiers then would spend"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Madame , be sure there will be time enough", "Upon a man that 's busie with his wife !", "Horror of humane eyes ! O Clermont D'Ambois ! Madame , wee staid too long , your servant 's slaine . 205", "The spirit of Bussy .", "The merchant for his wealth is swolne in minde ,", "She wept her faire eyes from her ivory browes ,", "Of all these foule digressions and revolts", "Vile men advanc 'd live of the common bloud .", "Suppose this true now .", "To make one humane and a letcher too .", "See here , honour 'd lady ,", "Most practise what they most may doe with ease ,", "Goe on ; Ile take no care what comes of you ;", "The people", "\u201c Maillard , your brothers Lieutenant , that yesterday invited you to see his musters , 75 hath letters and strickt charge from the King to apprehend you . \u201d", "Tis now quite otherwise . But to note the cause", "To watch a time when all his wariest guards", "As with an angell ; I could heare you ever .", "A Countesse that in loves mishap doth equall", "With what he likewise prophesied on him !", "Well , sir , all", "And weare your time and wits in those discourses .", "As soone repented as they happen rare . 20", "That meanes lay on mee , 95", "And know besides , his brother will and must", "A good man happy is a common good ;", "Tis right ; but who , save onely you , performes it ,", "Is much your honour .", "Then come up , madame . He helps the Countesse up .", "and to the Countesse ,", "And hee", "That 's the maine point , my lord ; insist on that .", "I make no doubt : 75", "If it be true , as you imagin 'd once ,", "The woes are bloudy that in women raigne .", "Here 's from your friend , the Guise ; here from the Countesse , 80", "Heaven shield ! what are they ?", "Heaven shield the Guise from seconding that truth", "Is in the issue well : and", "Out of this place the sunne shall see him live .", "Sure death delaid is a redoubled death .", "I know to be your lady mistresse hand ;", "I feare your servant , madame : let 's descend . Descend Ren& Coun", "When yet the chiefe lord of it is the winde .", "You will then goe ?", "Exit Ren", "Thou shall leave thy life first . 135", "Most worthily great , and live right royally .", "Will never know , unlesse in death thou trie , 30", "Tis well ; his favour with the King hath made him", "Tis well your lordship will confesse your errour", "drives in Mont", "So wilde , so mad ,", "They all fight and Bal", "In meane time , I could wish the wrong were righted", "I joy in it , my best and worthiest friend ;", "This , indeede ,", "120", "Heaven forbid ! And all with honour your arrivall speede ! Exit .", "Most gladly , worthiest ladie . Exeunt Charand Ren", "Fed his desires with .", "No more true men are then so many toads .", "Of your slaine servants brother ; in whose love , 25", "That by her lost eyes for her servants love 30", "No , madame , but hurt", "At any single danger , when it stands", "\u201c Get on your Scotch horse , and retire to your strength ; you know where it is , and there it expects you . Beleeve this as your best 85 friend had sworne it . Fare-well if you will . Anonymos . \u201d What 's that ?", "If you 'll be cald a gentleman well quallified , 10", "Power and wealth move to tyranny , not bountie ;", "Th'unrested spirit of your slaughtered brother ,", "\u201c Your brother absents himselfe of purpose . \u201d 80", "I know , and must prepare you now to please", "Men ignorant are idle ; idle men 65", "But the pretext to see these battailes rang 'd", "Will joyne with all helps in her friends revenge . 105", "Tis more then natures mightie hand can doe", "Besides , you know , his lady , by his suite"], "true_target": ["Now makes him worthy of your worst advantage : 125", "That their parts onely stood in praising others .", "Looke how a wolfe doth like a dogge appeare ,", "In so good time yet .", "His apparition show 'd it . The complot 85", "Is now laid sure betwixt us ; therefore haste", "Home ! Medea", "Threaten 'd to be", "For his late treachrous apprehension ,", "At getting money , which no wise man ever", "Indure no hand in this revenge but his .", "Erring , to enter on mans right-hand path ?", "Made not her presence and blacke hants more dreadfull .", "Which I can strangely make . My last lands sale ,", "Free as my selfe . Watch then , and cleare his entrie .", "What should I say ? As good consort with you", "Get you the challenge writ , and looke from me", "Was not this well handled ?", "The dore ! 130", "Now lives with him againe , and shee , I know ,", "And action too , was rude to enter thus . 125", "Whose satisfaction is no lesse important .", "What one considers this ,", "And I have cast a project with the Countesse", "That thou know'st how to beare adversitie .", "Fashion and favour ; all their studies ayming", "Shee cannot live and this unwreakt sustaine . 35", "She might conjure him from this sterne attempt ,", "Will cast no danger where her sweete feete tread . 100", "You sir , why ?", "Both to your great friend", "Voluptuaries , and these belly-gods , 15", "With all her hearbs , charmes , thunders , lightning , 40", "Which being noble , and refus 'd by th'Earle ,", "O , y'have a princely fautor of the Guise .", "So like a friend is an adulterer ;", "Retire , my lord ; get off .", "By his great suite , stands now on price with him ,", "Lov 'd vertue so , they prais 'd and us 'd it to ;", "Had rather doe then say ; their owne deedes hearing 55", "Promist to bring her to this mortall quarrie ,", "By others glorified , then be so barraine", "passing covetous ,", "From our first natures , this tis in a word :", "It was strange . 115", "\u201c You are betraid into this countrie . \u201d Monstrous !", "Hold , or thy death shall hold thee . Hence , my lord !", "With that blinde greedinesse that followes gaine ,", "And would have wept her soule out , had not I", "In divers parts of him .", "Just : and then our nobles", "At all parts your wrong 'd selfe , and is the mistresse", "Since good arts faile , crafts and deceits are us 'd :", "This was a sleight well maskt . O what is man , 140 Unlesse he be a politician ! Exit . Finis Actus primi . LINENOTES : 4 honours . Emended by Phelps ; Q , humors . Enter Montsurry . Emended by all editors ; Q , Monsieur . 28 dry . Emended by all editors ; Q , dye . 52 affections . Q , affectons . 62 Mont . Emended here , and in the stage-directions to the end of the Scene , by Shepherd , Phelps ; Q , Mons . 100 it is . Ed . ; Q , tis .", "Bounties are", "Your brothers mistresse , the contents whereof", "Of all that are thus out ? or once endevours ,", "Sir , your intent ,", "And your great brother ? Madame , where is he ?", "Madame , you see , his spirit will not checke", "Shee knowes his death fixt , and that never more", "The course yet taken is allow 'd by all ,", "Shall not exempt him . Therefore give him breath ;", "The Sicile gulfe keepes feare in lesse degree ;", "You talke of manners , that thus rudely thrust", "Of your slaine brother in law , brave Bussy D'Ambois .", "Thus merrily firme against an host of men ,", "There is no tyger not more tame then shee .", "For all the vengeance your great spirit can wish .", "To heare your passage clear 'd no long time after .", "God save your lordship !", "Heaven will not see it ill , how ere it show .", "I much joy 115 In your returne here .", "You must doe so ,", "Twas answer 'd like the man you have describ 'd .", "In which", "armes for his surprise ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["That vulgar great ones make their pride and zeale ,", "Some doctrine of stabilitie and freedome ,", "Hee 's now whisp'ring in"], "true_target": ["High places , offices .", "Being onely servile traines , and sumptuous houses ,", "Contempt of outward greatnesse , and the guises 155"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Yet in some", "As tis unusuall and rarely knowne .", "Commends , admires it \u2014"], "true_target": ["Truth still fares worse , as hardly being beleev 'd ,", "To suspect truth then falshood : and of both", "For tis more cunning held , and much more common ,", "His vertues are held false for th'others vices : 175"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["As how , sir ?", "My Scotch horse to their armie \u2014", "Of eyther fortune ?", "Where the Court lyes ? what stirre ? change ? what avise", "Now , to my challenge . What 's the place , the weapon ?", "You come something latter", "Are not you perjur 'd ?", "Nor could you learne the person ?"], "true_target": ["Is every day encreasing with th'affaires ,", "You have much joy too ;", "From England , Italie ?", "I made you sport . Yet , but I pray you tell mee ,", "No , let him use it .", "Who ever saw me differ in acceptance", "From Court , my lord , then I : and since newes there 5", "Must I not aske now , what the newes is there ?"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Then to the poorest and the most despis 'd ? 25", "With things without him , and above his worth ,", "Leade to the Court , sir .", "But to consider great Necessitie", "He stood and laught . Heard hee an holy brother ,", "A march of Captaines over the Stage .", "And what 's th'event of all ? Twelve rods before thee ;", "How strange is this ! The Guise amongst these spirits , 120", "No time occurres to Kings , much lesse to vertue ; 110", "The stage and actors are not so contemptfull", "To'th other falshood and confusion !", "Laught at them all , were worthy the enstaging . 355", "I then love out of judgement , the desert 160", "And his great brother Cardinall , both yet living !", "Where othes are honourable .", "The best and worst of both . \u201d If but for this then ,", "To which my sister needes would have him sworne ,", "I end with him :", "Bloud-hound to mischiefe , usher to the hang-man , 95", "Himselfe alone ?", "When they were shut up in this bodies shade .", "And therefore little pompe in men most great 55", "As one teare is to her whole passion . 60", "Like one of the most ancient honour 'd Romanes", "He that to nought aspires , doth nothing neede ;", "For neither flyes love milke , although they drowne", "I had no thought of it before I made", "When many a foole in both is great as they :", "Huge heapes of out-side in these mightie men ,", "Decrees within them , for disposing these , 20", "farre be both off as the fact", "Y'have a minde", "Here , then .", "Me thinkes this double disticke 20", "As I will , since I goe .", "And these true shadowes of the Guise and Cardinall ,", "Of my fain 'd apprehension .", "Great and immodest braveries againe ,", "Thinke they are riding , when with wanton toile", "In their communities of faith and reason .", "Exeunt . Q , Exit .", "Had faith , nor shame , all hospitable rights", "Gifts and observance upon one or other :", "Take ; doe thine office .", "The Universals course with his poore way ,", "Not cast me after him into the sea , 190", "no part so divine", "Valiant , and learn 'd , and liberall as the sunne ,", "When first my brother mov 'd it , and have found", "True , as you are chang 'd ;", "Nay , we must now have nothing brought on stages ,", "So great in Athens grew that he erected", "Goe to ! I must doo't . Stand and be searcht ; you know mee .", "So our wits sharpnesse , which wee should employ 20", "Who cares to lose the rest ? if any man", "You us 'd to her , prophaning her faire hands .", "The place still sacred , though with other feete", "To lend me some one captaine of your troopes ,", "Never so much tis scandal 'd and polluted .", "Why", "I every houre set downe to guide my life .", "Made me the desperate organe of his danger ,", "Of holding on our free and proper way .", "So coy to be searcht ?", "And who would thinke they could winne with their worths", "That in this one thing , all the discipline", "Their lives so base are , and so rancke their breaths .", "The Massacre ! I thought twas some such blemish . 205", "Thus bold with you , since tis such ruberb to you .", "Which , within limits kept , may without danger 75", "And therefore , since hee saw the treacherie 115", "More foule and mezel 'd , nor more sterv 'd of minde . 195", "Are overturn 'd as soone as given their places . 60", "In love of women my affection first", "And if in worst events his will be done ,", "Shee doth it with a temperate appetite ,", "But what one great man dreames of that but you ?", "Of circumstance so blacke on that supposure ,", "To which his birth , or meanes , or knowledge ties him . 50", "Like other lovers ; but , fruition past ,", "Who sayes so ? 220", "Why not ? by your direct charge from the King .", "Never to rise more .", "Never doubt it , sir . 255", "Of his deare time like a most thriftie husband .", "Nor can we call it vertue that proceedes", "And value of their virtuous services ,", "Were broke , and melted into chamber-pots . 50", "Justice to live doth nought but justice neede , 130", "I ever saw ; from head to foote in forme", "Perhaps I shall .", "For what the good Greeke moralist sayes of them : 335", "Should take on it the part of publike lawes .", "Out of his owne free fore-determin 'd course .", "There 's the chaste matron , Madame Perigot ,", "That the Shattilions ghost to should thus joyne 125", "The consort sweetest , th'end being proofe and crowne", "Musicke , and the Ghost of Bussy enters , leading the", "All in one bottome put , all quite put off ,", "As these high men doe , low in all true grace ,", "The ape-lov 'd issue of his braine ; and never", "Attend him in .Now comes this plot to tryall ; I shall descerneSome sparkes will flye from his dissembling eyes . Ile sound his depth .", "Of their deceased bodies , and can take ,", "But what excites the beds desire in bloud ,", "In this worlds practise few men better be .", "First you shall torture him", "And as of Homers verses , many critickes", "None favouring goodnesse , none but he respecting", "She sure expects mee .", "Like statues much too high made for their bases ,", "These clouds , I doubt not , will be soone blowne over .", "Now answer 'd single ; not a minute more", "Tis well bestow 'd on ye ; meate and men sicke", "Turne not your face ; throw not your lookes about so .", "Have spirit to cow them : so our soft French Nobles", "More glory in the outward grace of goodnesse", "Wrathfull , revengefull , and insatiate 15", "And as you make your hate to him no let", "Shadowes , rebatoes , wires , tyres , and such trickes ,", "If I can act it ; if not , mine shall adde", "I had an aversation to this voyage ,", "That bloud would flow in rivers .", "Which farre I am from thinking ; and despise 160", "Ghost", "Us 'd upon stages , and for stages fitted ,", "My brothers spirit , urging his revenge .", "But crossing God in his great worke , all earth", "The proper robe is ; of the spirit , the bloud ;", "In Ilion , and about it ? Were the Greekes ?", "So children mounted on their hobby-horse", "As you were late a wofull .", "ACTUS TERTII SC\u00c6NA PRIMA .", "With that must I beginne then to unclothe ,", "Ensue what can ;", "But , Captaines all , you know me nobly borne ; 80", "Every way whisking ; gloryfying Plebeians ;", "Tis well ; Ile come ; my hand .", "Theres no disputing with the acts of Kings ;", "In things that crost the vulgar then he would", "For your complexion , poudring of your haire ,", "As well as yours ; there shall not any else 10", "Saw you nothing here ?", "I over-tooke , comming from Italie ,", "And certaine knowledge of their use and ends ,", "But to decide that , you make me remember 80", "And is in friendship chaste and masculine .", "Not going to field ; and there to , being so mounted", "is it a greater shame", "If it be other , never pittie mee . 105", "To beare the murtherous Earle .", "And", "His strange aymes are to crosse the common custome", "Severely inflicting , gravely giving lawes ,", "Never so weeping , wringing of her hands", "But where they went upright before , they stoopt , 180", "I heard him make that reason , and am sorie", "To any thing the high and generall Cause ,", "Doe ill for no ill ; never private cause", "For whosoever there came new from countrie ,", "Strong'st , noblest , fairest , if they set not downe", "Wee must wreake our wrongs", "Ile see my lord the Guise againe before", "For constancie , sleepe when thou would'st have sleepe ,", "Which now I thinke on , let mee begge you , sir ,", "You shall make such a carrier of me , 220", "Whose most uncomely and ridiculous pride", "We have examples of it , cleare and many . 40", "This is the beastly slaughter made of men ,", "Stand , or I vow to heaven , Ile make you lie , 215", "On Atlas shoulders , and from thence lookes downe ,", "Takes fire out of the fraile parts of my bloud ;", "Are for their greatnesse but the greater slaves , 170", "Refus 'd it , and no foote was mov 'd to stirre", "\u201c Is a man proud of greatnesse , or of riches ?", "Does never know the goodnesse of his stomacke 210", "But policie must still on mischiefe feede .", "And of the bloud , the body is the shrowd .", "I would not take it , but had rather die .", "This is to mee , compar 'd with her much mone ,", "Being one to onely one .", "Is spent in gathering it ; nor those that fat 175", "Noble and Christian !", "Erected many statues , which", "Guise , O my lord , how shall I cast from me", "And trembling but to thinke of their sure deaths , 270", "Ne'er so impetuously , hee stood and laught .", "And could I play the worldling", "The Locrian princes therefore were brave rulers ;", "Wee let in nought to make them over-flow .", "Receive it freely .", "And keepe her from the field with all endeavour . 145", "A good knights place . Many a proud dubb 'd gallant", "Would'st thou lay on such cost , toile , spend thy spirits ?", "And come at th'other . Now , then , as a ship 175", "With which I note , how dangerous it is", "For her lost lord , still the philosopher laught . 370", "Made upon tryall twixt what reason loves ,", "I am engag 'd both in my word and hand .", "Womanly practises emply your spirit ;", "A little time abide about the graves 135", "If you will die so like a beast , you shall ;", "And looke how lyons close kept , fed by hand ,", "Without both will and care to shunne the worst ,", "To stay and serve the world . Nor did it fit", "Who was in fault for all the slaughters made", "Hee stood and laught . Heard hee a trades-man swearing , 360", "Is that your reason ?", ",", "\u1f08\u03bc\u1f75\u03c7\u03b1\u03bd\u03bf\u03bd", "My wisht attendance on my noblest mistresse ,", "A property for vice , by thrusting on", "All power to beare with comfort , since hee sees", "And know yee all", "Twixt men and beasts , and not their names nor formes .", "When hee had satisfied , they could not use ,", "in common Nobles fashions ;", "Let vertue some good from your graces gather .", "And appertaines to one celestiall borne . Exeunt omnes .", "Tis for societie confinde in reason .", "Matter that still fed his ridiculous humour .", "Some informer ,", "Tis stale , he tolde you it .", "But he that knowing how divine a frame", "That by that deede , the actions difference make", "All must be borne , my lord ; and yet this chance 150", "Close up , to shunne rebating of their sharpnesse :", "When truth is over-throwne , his lawes corrupted ;", "To feede theeves , beasts , and be the slave of power ?", "Kissing Patricians hands , rot at their dores ; 130", "Faines many strange , miraculous images ,", "Thou hast created , thou hast ruinde mee . Exit .", "To all things vertuous and religious ,", "So the unprofitable things of life ,", "Of my lov 'd brother rest in endlesse peace !", "Not onely dust-like shivers with the sway ,", "Strange ones , and fit for a novation ;", "To beare all ill , not to be wreakt with good .", "Shall we revenge a villanie with villanie .", "For letters .", "And a Kings brother . 280", "To love nothing outward ,", "The more they crouch and stirre , the more are spide .", "The toward victor of the whole Low Countryes ? 220", "Without a name .", "And the most poore man , to be griev 'd with poorenesse ,", "Never so blest as when hee writ and read", "That , when they goe , they draw their seeres and tallons", "To whose fore-sights our acts and thoughts lie open :", "That 's a sound one .", "Their greediest labours , lest they there be left", "That lyons free breathe , forraging for prey , 160", "On that , sir ? I , and that so worthily , 120", "And to your ashes be the earth no lode !", "Thinke you you could doe more ?", "Till hee sees meate before him . Were I dar 'd ,", "Not , sir , if you note", "One act ! what one ?", "That , gathering much , use never what they keepe ;", "Affecting wives , maides , widowes , any women :", "Which reason and which justice is perform 'd", "On beasts , or fowles , doe any thing therein", "With upright gasping and sloath dull as death :", "Those fictions true seeme and have reall act :", "To take those honours that one cannot quit .", "My good friend , friendly welcome ! How tooke my noblest mistresse the chang 'd newes ?", "All dores are sure made , and you cannot scape", "In this our comforts made our miseries .", "And he", "And care not for their coites , so let a man", "Though the desire and the delight be gone ,", "Though learnedst men hold that our sensive spirits", "No , by my love and service .", "From vicious fury . I repent that ever", "And not a pezzants entrailes you shall finde", "When soules are smother 'd in the flatter 'd flesh ,", "You must be watching , starting out of sleepes ;", "Then for their hugenesse , that procur 'd their hate :", "No rust nor length of time corrupted one ; 45", "Speake and doe basely ; every day bestow", "Of her I love still sticking in my heart ,", "That Cambray or , I thinke , the Court affords . 140", "You make amends for enmitie to him ,", "Like to a savage vermine in a trap : 20", "Things outward care , but you neglect your minde .", "So as wee take not more .", "Out of his way , stalke proud as hee were in ;", "The humane soule is ; of the soule , the spirit", "Repeate not that , sir ; the amends makes all . 75", "\u201c Not to have want , what riches doth exceede ?", "That to sustaine it thus abhorr 'd our mettall . 40", "A good man happy is a common good ;", "Against which of us ?", "Not to be subject , what superiour thing ?", "That doth the whole world at all parts adorne ,", "He so conceited that he could distill thence", "Saw hee a youthfull widow", "A double conquest to you , that alone", "And that full glory merits at all hands 155", "The whole world is , and of it all can name", "That e'er I yeelded to revenge his murther . 115", "Not plucking from the whole his wretched part ,", "Well , sir , \u2018 twere 265", "I shall approve how vile I value feare", "Countesse of Cambray ; to whose house this night", "And now become as glad a messenger , 95", "Demetrius Phalerius , an orator ,", "What gentleman ?", "Tis their fault .", "It actuates with his motion , and thereby 50", "For as in sleepe , which bindes both th'outward senses", "Many such ends have fallen on such proud honours ,", "Would neyther live nor dye in his free choise ,", "But as of lyons it is said and eagles ,", "Or of the discipline of publike weales ;", "It is enough , your will is infinite", "The armie now in battaile that should act it .", "Nor did you any since that I have heard ;", "Have a respect due to them , if but onely", "Would cover all , being like offenders hid ,", "Excuse me to her , with returne of this ,", "Dwels not farre hence ; Ile ride and send her to you .", "And for these idle outward things", "A little to forbeare , and let me use", "Wake when thou would'st wake , feare nought , vexe for nought , 140", "I see all , and will haste as it importeth . 90", "Any thing common ; you can never finde", "For which this fault is still to be accus 'd ;", "Brought to the backe-gate to mee .", "Love honey , though the labour of her life", "So , now my master cals , my ship , my venture", "My brothers bloud shall stay for his revenge , 15", "In nature with enough art understands ,", "With innovations , gossips tales , and mischiefes .", "And so am bold with you .", "To apprehend me , never spice it more", "With lifes deare odors , a good minde and name ;", "Goes on most God-like . Hee that strives t'invert", "If you have this , or not this ; but as children 15", "With all the ceremonies of her favour ,", "But this is it that makes me thus retir 'd , 45", "Put no difference", "And so being sure of every thing we love ,", "Or partchment rul 'd with lead , smooth 'd with the pumice ,", "Revenge your wounds now , madame ; I resigne him", "Ere you were borne", "Enter or touch you : I conferre no guards ,", "140", "If next charge speede not , Ile resigne to you .", "Of death at all times ; but to be too rash ,", "Slaine bodies are no more then oxen slaine .", "All to his good makes , spight of death and hell . 140", "For her then you ? come , I will be the bands", "Good heaven ! wherein ? what one act can you name", "True , sir , tis in fortune .", "Revenge is impious on their sacred persons .", "The Iliads and Odysses had beene lost .", "Fresh water , victuals , precious stones , and pearle ,", "And might not any foole have beene so too ,", "He may be well ; yet not , as you thinke , strange .", "The vile part in us that the part divine", "If you have charg 'd them ,", "Chain 'd up in ease and numbd securitie", "In vile and vulgar admirations .", "Retyre , then , from them all .", "My sister ! know you her ?", "Give me an expert actor , Ile shew all ,", "Make not your forward spirit in vertues right 70", "It being an offer so much for his honour .", "Read on .", "I should survive ; and shall be wondred at 155", "Bound richly up , and strung with crimson strings ;", "With Guise that bore a chiefe stroke in his death ,", "LINENOTES :", "Now , alas ! good sir ,", "Wee take our journey ?", "To make the proudest out-side that most swels", "of Rome ,", "And to be voide of perturbation ,", "To scorne all goodnesse : none great fill their fortunes ;", "But like Gods image followes to the death ,", "Suffers a needfull separation . 160", "Not for their good , but his , hee stood and laught .", "Or else were simply vaine , I take no care ;", "of his blouds revenge ,", "What ?", "But his free power in well disposing them .", "Labour with iron flailes to thresh downe feathers", "That lyons the more soft kept , are more servile ?", "Of what they winne by chance or just reward .", "And endlesse protestation of my service ;", "In whole-sale altogether for the Court .", "Wishing the compleate Universe might be", "But by your valour .", "What is your message ? and from whom , my friends ? 1From the Lieutenant , Colonell , and the Captaines , Who sent us to informe you that the battailes Stand ready rang 'd , expecting but your presence To be their honor 'd signall when to joyne , 155 And we are charg 'd to runne by , and attend you .", "Of Lac\u00e6demon ; breach of shame and faith ,", "Avant ! yee rascols , hence !", "Three or foure times sit for the whole tribunall ;", "Mishap and miserie no lesse extends", "No trulier noble men then lions pictures , 155", "Which , till I have enjoy 'd , is passionate", "Of any love to mee , no more beares hee 110", "I have here my challenge ,", "This our revenge ! This certainely presages", "Sweare you have nothing .", "like fictions make ."], "true_target": ["They beare what should beare them . A man may well 175", "And the sense common to , th'imagining power", "It seemes that now he doth approve the act ;", "And that the rest with them with joy thus celebrate", "Good sister , trouble not your selfe with this : 130", "That spirits should rise in these times yet are fables ;", "Maillard , Chalon , Aumall following with Souldiers .", "But still hee laught , how grave soere they were .", "So , when humanitie rules men and women ,", "The too much men devoure abhorring nature , 180", "Checke at all goodnesse there , as being prophan 'd :", "Take other ladyes care ; practise your face .", "To all the skill and worth wee truely owne ?", "As well as you ?", "No paines wilt thou bestow ? no cost ? no thought ?", "No more because the men on whom they fell", "All objects , were they ne'er so full of teares ,", "Had it beene free , at least , and of your selfe ; 70", "Nor imitate the murtherous course you tooke ,", "Let all fall that would rise unlawfully !", "And Demades", "These are too grave for brave wits ; give them toyes ; 125", "Even what you please to thinke .", "So I conceive it , sister : ile not wrong 90", "Her power , in me urg 'd , makes y'another man", "Late practis 'd by my brother Baligny ,", "Never so thriftily selling of his wares ,", "That all things to be done , as here wee live ,", "Before she would consent to marry him . 120", "It selfe to those formes that the common sense", "None safely live but those that study ruine .", "As yet it is not , though this should be true .", "But see wherein ; in the understanding rules", "Storme not , nor beate your selfe thus gainst the dores ,", "The ship to put off ready , to leave all 180", "All set on out-side , looke upon within ,", "Was not the wolfe that nourisht Romulus", "As hee himselfe ; and therefore will confine", "Ile therefore search no more . If you are charg 'd", "Can force me from my glad obedience", "And gives them nothing in them .", "Who breakes no law is subject to no King . \u201d 25", "Since I could skill of man , I never liv 'd", "More humane then the men that did expose him ? 225", "And miserie to my most noble mistresse , 115", "And none is noble but who scrapes and saves .", "Doe not so shame man , and a Nobleman . 25", "Subject to such a ragge of it as hee ; 145", "That if the King , in spight of your great service ,", "Freely mine owne minde in lamenting him .", "She shall attend you , sister , and with these", "Would take my apprehension , if it chance ,", "His owne true estimate how much it waigh 'd ;", "Is th'end of all skill , power , wealth , all that is .", "Gone under saile , and I left negligent 185", "Fore-running thus their bodies , may approve 130", "With tenne parts more love and desert of mee ;", "As of one man the soule and body is ,", "In celebration of this just revenge", "Holde , take my sword , here ; I forgive thee freely ;", "Exhibite Circean games ; make publike feasts ; 135", "Then runne a mixt course . Good and bad hold never 55", "Are done before all times in th'other life .", "And good friend , since I must delay a little", "That you shall .", "Further then all your powers can fetch you off .", "Of his unmatched poeme sinke beneath ,", "No , not a jot .", "Hee , all acknowledging , said t'was not fit", "Their housholds being lesse , so Fortune raises 310", "My purpos 'd recreation in these parts ;", "Viewing how farre off other high ones creepe ;", "The garment or the cover of the minde 170", "But friendship is the sement of two mindes ,", "Ile call yee straight againe .", "Let me learne anything that fits a man , 330", "A man to joyne himselfe with th'Universe", "And thus wee see", "Sweet sister ,", "And as the foolish poet that still writ", "LINENOTES :", "And , on my life , Ile set your life at large .", "I come , my lord ! Clermont , thy creature , comes .", "And in the citie askt , \u201c What newes ? \u201d was punisht :", "In greedy search thereof ; nor doth the bee", "You did no princely deedes", "From whence his noblest familie was deriv 'd ; 90", "Should be esteem 'd with wise men as the price 30", "But not a manly reason . Wee so tender", "He was beside of spirit passing great ,", "But for the least they loose , extreamely weepe .", "Possible ! How did you then ?", "Of judgement , resolution , uprightnesse ,", "All worthy men should ever bring their bloud", "Chance what can chance mee , well or ill is equall In my acceptance , since I joy in neyther , 160 But goe with sway of all the world together . In all successes Fortune and the day To mee alike are ; I am fixt , be shee Never so fickle ; and will there repose , Farre past the reach of any dye she throwes . 165 Excum PedissFinis Actus tertii . LINENOTES : 114 as't . Emended by ed . ; Q , as . ACTUS QUARTI SC\u00c6NA PRIMA .", "In every thing without their power to change .", "No , I cannot doo't .", "I promist my repaire , and know most truely ,", "No , my lord , 105", "Was it not Paris ravishing the Queene", "Spoke and writ sweetly , or of learned subjects ,", "Reduceth to the prime celestiall cause ;", "Yet in his workes behold him , and hee show 'd", "With what bloud charge you her ? it may be mine", "Give me an actor , Ile shew every eye 340", "As the world esteemes it .", "But single here will have my former challenge", "For you to show your backe .", "Would send me instant promise of enlargement ,", "Beene broke by Troy , Greece had not made that slaughter . 230", "Perceiving me great with the worthy Guise ,", "He did compose it all of industrie", "To call my selfe t'account , how this affaire", "10", "Are married women publique ?", "Her men a shore goe , for their severall ends ,", "Of England , the most goodly fashion 'd man", "Moves men to meate , as farre as her power rules ,", "Then in the good it selfe ; and then tis said ,", "It is very noble ,", "Besotted with their pezzants love of gaine ,", "of the Guise , Monsieur , Cardinall Guise , and", "What would you , sir ?", "If't be your pleasure : you 're my friend , I know ,", "I thinke you had .", "Of manners and of manhood is contain 'd :\u2014", "Your honourable othe ! Plaine truth no place has", "Approv 'd by reason can be cowardise .", "All yet intentive , when the master cals ,", "Of that importeth , willingly obay", "Exclaime not ; tis in vaine , and base in you ,", "The first or last feete , and the perfect parts 35", "Head of that Massacre ?", "Which he that yeelds to with a mans applause ,", "With such proud tumours as this Monsieur is ,", "Read them , good my lord . 70", "Seemes prettily too to stay superfluous longings :", "And cheeke by cheeke goes , crossing it no breath , 150", "Those servile observations .", "Rich , poore of reason , wander ; all pale looking ,", "The farre remov 'd shores to all vertuous aimes ,", "And all the lawes of hospitalitie ? 215", "For hee despis 'd it , and esteem 'd it freer", "At my inconstancie in these decrees", "Yes , and right worthily ; and stages too", "The bands and coverts hindring me from thee ?", "If you would Consull be", "Though", "How can the best be better ? all is one .", "Out of his way , to be officious ,", "On those stand of which times old moth hath eaten", "For when love kindles any knowing spirit ,", "Of all hee can give others spher 'd in him .", "That all things have been likened to the mirth", "On earths sad bosome . Let me pray yee all 145", "Nor know their use ? and therefore they are puft 305", "One with that all , and goe on round as it ;", "God hath the whole world perfect made and free ;", "A Room at the Court in Paris . ]", "It ends in vertue and effects divine ,", "I come . I pray you see my running horse", "His parts to th'use of th'All . Men , then , that are", "Which I will pray my brother Baligny 380", "Some instant death both to the Guise and Cardinall .", "Like to a ditcher . So these painted men ,", "All his most selfe-lov 'd verse in paper royall , 185", "That was a merry saying ; he tooke measure", "When , wheresoever goodnesse comes , shee makes", "Rare and most absolute ; hee had a face", "And so resisting th'All is crusht with it : 65", "Affecting , as't the end of noblesse were ,", "Fearefull , and passionate , insulting , raging , 120", "So tis as hard to curbe affections so", "Let me not see them more . 85", "My sister truely said , there hung a taile", "For my part , though of noble birth , my birthright", "Parts of that All , must , as the generall sway 60", "But killing of the King !", "Then yet you ever were .", "Your lordship must by all meanes .", "Their height being priviledge to all things base .", "Is a man fraid with povertie and lownesse ?", "Since commonly such braines are most delighted 15", "Now whether hee suppos 'd all these presentments", "I tell you , shee 's the onely fashion-monger ,", "Here , take this ponyard .", "Religious Guise had never massacerd .", "Lose quite th'innative fire of spirit and greatnesse", "Put it to fortune now , and use no ods .", "Wealthy possessions , when , wonne to their hands ,", "Both being so easily borne by expert actors ,", "But when the spirit of a man may save you ,", "Hung up for signes , are lions . Who knowes not", "And in our most health is our most disease :", "And as tis hard so well mens dores to barre", "Since good acts faile , crafts and deceits are us 'd .", "I suppose the worst ,", "Which I teach Guise to heighten , and make sweet", "What hee laments so , and so much doth flye ,", "Had that beene sav 'd", "To live with little , and to keepe within", "The cause alike doth", "Twas but your fancie , then , a waking dreame :", "Condition I would set this message by ,", "O tis a vexing sight to see a man ,", "And I can shunne it too , in spight of all ,", "So it would you .", "And vermine bred to rapine and to ruine ,", "I am the man in fate ; and since so bravely", "held dangerous ,", "235", "The things themselves that touch him not esteeme ,", "But in his life time all were overthrowne .", "In his affections , what man will denie", "For any love : for as when onely nature", "Waightie , unheard of , mischievous enough .", "Yet false policie 90", "To keepe the cat out and th'adulterer : 30", "Of his right royall armie then in field ,", "But I denie that any man doth love , 170", "Makes mightily and strongly to the guard", "That", "In that sense I accept your othe , and thanke you . I gave my word to goe , and I will goe . Exit Cler", "Resolving this", "In his maine sway , and make", "And more then whore-like tricke of treacherie", "And grow so grosse that mastifes , curs , and mungrils", "hate to you .", "Good sir , beleeve that no particular torture", "Who more joy takes that men his good advance 35", "In colde condenc't ayre , the same formes they had", "Would willingly enforce a man to cast off", "To match with his whole fabricke , hath ordainde ;", "But as their signe or badge ; for that bewrayes", "Enabled onely by the goods they have", "That can within his greatest glory fall .", "Men thither come to laugh , and feede fool-fat , 325", "a philosopher ,", "To theeves or beasts , or be the countries slaves :", "Rest , worthy soule ; and with it the deare spirit", "54 We 're . Q , We'are .", "To a brutish sense ,", "Soft lie thy bones ; Heaven be your soules abode ;", "Be frozen up stiffe", "Living , my lord !", "What 's that ?", "The things are yet the same . 55", "But joying in himselfe , admiring ever : 190", "Beares not so cursed and so damn 'd a birth . 75", "We see in hell , and shrinke not . Who was first", "Untruth , for all his ends , truths name doth sue in ;", "for their owne worths purchase , 300", "To keepe his owne way straight , and swore that hee", "Well , in , my lord , and spend time with my sister ,", "Suppos 'd his staine that Ile not prove his luster ?", "To quite your kindnesse .", "Nor will doe ever any , as all thinke .", "\u201c Who hath no faith to men , to God hath none : \u201d", "Acts that are done by Kings , are not askt why . Ile not dispute the case , but I will search you .", "All good forbid it !", "An accident of high and noble note ,", "To beare the message of my haplesse service", "Had Faith and true Religion beene prefer 'd", "Tyrants may kill but never hurt a man ;", "Ladies in these have all their bounties lost . 145", "Pietie or man-hood \u2014 shall I here survive ,", "Yet perjurie , I hope , is perjurie .", "When Homer made Achilles passionate ,", "Shee did live by retailing mayden-heads", "And should ; for all faults found in him before", "Retaine you that , sir ? who said so ?", "Wee easily may beleeve it , since we see", "Use yee t'assault such men as I with lackyes ?", "Yet now neglected it . I wonder much", "And t'was the Earle of Oxford : and being offer 'd 95", "And bore their heads much lower for their hornes : Simil", "Perhaps , as he was , I durst doe like him .", "Hee kils himselfe .", "Is stupid negligence and worse then feare .", "For any man to prease beyond the place", "What but the sole support ,", "At that time , by Duke Cassimere , the view", "Had rather make away his whole estate 110", "All things , as well refract as voluntarie ,", "You being charg 'd your selfe , to apprehend mee ,", "At his pleasure . In meane time , what 's your will , Lord Lieutenant ?", "Your faith to mee !", "Touching at strange and farre removed shores ,", "Had little left it , and I know tis better", "And most expectant hope of all our France ,", "To please men worldly , and shall I in death", "This other suites you not , nor fits the fashion .", "With forc 'd tearmes of your love , but say : I yeeld ;", "Of their opinions , lives , and actions ;", "The splenative philosopher , that ever", "Thirstie of honour for some huge state act ,", "For hollow ostentation , at his prayers", "Sdeath ! you 're passing diligent .", "In any stables showne , as well as stages .", "And must they take mee ?", "My well knowne brother for Anonymos .", "In left margin of Q .", "All take their births and birth-rights left to them", "That quite the earth he leaves , and up hee leapes", "No ; Ile not fight against my brothers sword ; 35", "Of servile Nobles ; in which hee 's so ravisht , 265", "Avert it heaven !", "Freely his whole powers in his proper part , 70", "Which must chance still , since the comparison", "And fits the subject of my late discourse", "Seekes out a poore knights living from such emrods .", "Up to your full will , since hee will not fight . 50", "Finis Actus secundi .", "Avarice of all is ever nothings father .", "Thy owne tongue damne thy infidelitie !", "But as hee sees necessitie will have it", "Then in the good it selfe , does it by chance .", "Come , be not furious ; when I have done ,", "Antig .", "Playing at coites ever regard their game ,", "Your lordship stands mee , scape but one more charge ,", "Respect their pleasures , making such a jarre", "I , and you better . You are a Kings sonne borne .", "Heard he a lawyer , never so vehement pleading ,", "In her minoritie ; but now shee deales 135", "I : would hee would not doe so ! Honour never", "Rather then here live , readie every houre", "To all the horrors of the vicious time ,", "Ill men advanc 'd live of the common bloud . 135", "And what affection , makes in mee the best 165", "That praise at no part moves mee , but the worth 260", "Observant , wary , serious , and grave ,", "If there were love in mariage , so I would ;", "Shall wee equall be with villaines ? 100", "In Germanie a great and famous Earle 85", "To let men see that men of most renowne ,", "And those we cannot compasse , we affect ;", "This is not caus 'd by that ; twill be as sure", "Onely with that poore colour : tis the common 100", "Dead , that alone gave meanes of life to me ? 150", "For which hee onely loves me , and deserves", "Welcome , worthy friend !", "Can in no other be contain 'd that 's fit ,", "Nought that is", "to deserve it ; 285", "Hee would not honor his hand with the justice", "To their destruction , with all that they pris 'd ,", "My love and life , which through all deaths I vow : 275", "All that doth profit and wee have , neglect , 40", "That man is truely wise , and every thing", "Shattilion ; they dance about the dead body , and exeunt .", "35", "Compare them to those foolish great-spleen 'd cammels ,", "and then pay I my vow .", "Tis so ; rancke custome raps men so beyond it .", "Hee that , unpleas 'd to hold his place , will range ,", "Agree like this and you : and yet even this", "Tis nothing so . 210", "I cannot tell . A man", "It hath enough , twas grac 'd with truth in one ;", "A mans owne strength still , and in mans true end ,", "Labour bestow 'd on these is harsh and thriftlesse .", "These words , this end , makes full amends and more . 115", "So , in the strength of our conceits awake ,", "Would have the world imagine . And besides", "Flitting in ayre .", "Shall I live , and hee", "Ever preferd , what most love , valuing lest .", "They are the breathing sepulchres of noblesse :", "Betwixt my death and life , when death should make 165", "See how small cause hee has to be so blowne up ; 345", "As much to you , good Captaine . What 's th'affaire ? 185", "That to their high heads beg 'd of Jove hornes higher ;", "But puppetry , and pide ridiculous antickes :", "Or not within our owne powers to command ; 5", "What tis to make a coward valiant .", "The worst and most accursed of things creeping", "Not that I feare it , but since tis a tricke", "Rusting at home , and on each other preying ,", "Were onely maskeries , and wore false faces ,", "What can come neere him that hee doth not well ?", "In noblest knowledge , wee should never waste", "Though shee be deare , lay't on , spare for no cost ;", "And ignorant sweater out of zealous envie 350", "Like covetous and basely getting men", "And into straites , or into nought revert ,", "The souldiers love her so , and shee so madly", "Three hundred statues of him ; of all which ,", "That native power in me was never vaine ; 10", "As every innovating Puritane ,", "Of which one cannot sever but the other", "Saw hee a great man never so insulting , 365", "They neyther can judge justly of their value ,", "In spirits tenne parts more then fleshy men ;", "I , wondring at it , askt for it his reason , 100", "I thanke you , sir , and doubt not yet to live", "In which act it so painfully applyes", "And yet he cast it onely in the way , 105", "But as those men that make their houses greater ,", "Is to be manag 'd , if the worst should chance :", "I shall my lord , with studie .", "No , sir . Pray proceede . 250", "By no meanes justly can be construed love ; 185", "Like to my sister , but have patience now ;", "Grew insolent and left their vertues state ,", "It shall be done . This heavily prevents 110"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["The motions of their bodies ; so poore wives", "So said you , when you woo 'd . So souldiers tortur 'd", "That", "Teach that no lines , nor superficies ,", "Ile make him reade it . Exit Tamy", "50", "Then doe they tyrannize at their owne rude swindges ,", "Freedome of lawes , all former government ;", "But having once set foote within the wals ,", "Like parasites and slaves , fit their disposures .", "And got the reynes of power into their hands ,", "60", "Seaze all their goods , their liberties , and lives , 70", "Propound conditions of most large contents , 65"], "true_target": ["And ever shall .", "And make advantage , and their lusts , their lawes .", "To their austerities of lookes , and laughters ,", "But to their husbands earnests , and their jests ,", "These tortur 'd fingers and these stab'dhYpppHeNthrough armes 75", "That is so farre from all yee seeke of us", "Our actions to our owne affections :", "But as geometricians", "You doe more then I .", "With tedious sieges of some wel-wall 'd towne ,", "Keepe that law in their wounds yet unobserv 'd ,", "Must not pursue , nor have their owne affections ,", "Doe move themselves , but still accompanie 55", "Forgivenesse ! that grace you should seeke of mee :", "We must not take the ayre , wee must not fit"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Upon your honour , my lord shall be free 110", "From any hurt , you say ?"], "true_target": ["And it is hee that stayes you . 100", "I will not faile , my lord . Exit Souldier .", "I , sir ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["All shee commands , she flyes at ; and the more", "Can raise her into ayre , a mightie way", "Goe lodge their ambush , and thou God , that art", "Beneath his hill of pride this gyant Guise . Exeunt .", "You not our subjects but our patrons call .", "Seeke , and lay hands on him ; and take this hence ,", "Fautor of princes , thunder from the skies", "Tis well conceited .", "before her shady wings", "On whose lids Fate with her dead waight shall lie ,", "As all good subjects hold , that love our favour .", "Showes he to others thus ?", "Deceit hath eyes that see into the minde .", "Your eyes have witnest oft th'ambition 30", "If what wee most hold in our hearts take winde ;", "Ile not forget . Haste to thy government ,", "A Room in Montsurry 's House . ]", "Their blouds , for all you , on my conscience ! Exit .", "Friends of my Guard , as yee gave othe to be", "And carry D'Ambois with thee . So farewell . Exit .", "Bursts with like threates , the skarlet Cardinall \u2014", "The more Kings beare at subjects hands , the more 5"], "true_target": ["And therefore they that serve us must excuse us ,", "The waightie and the goodly-bodied eagle ,", "Wee trust in it , and thanke ye . Baligny ,", "Wee have spies set on us , as we on others ;", "Thankes , honest Baligny .", "But this plot shall be quicker then their twinckling , 25", "But treason ever sparkled in his eyes ;", "And apprehend I this man for a traitor ?", "Her thundry stoope from that on which shee preyes .", "Goe , take my letters for him , and release him . 55", "For which I thanke and love thee . Thy advise", "That never made accesse to me in Guise", "Tis true : the simile at all parts holds ,", "Close by the ground she runnes ; but being aloft , 10", "True to your Soveraigne , keepe it manfully .", "Who", "Death in her seres beares , the more time shee stayes", "And confidence that lightens ere she die .", "Still thou art right , my vertuous Baligny ,", "Their lingring justice gathers ; that resembles", "Which if you free us of , our safetie shall", "Well , sir , Ile beare it ; y'have a brother to"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Of Bacchus and Alcides .", "So many men , so arm 'd , so gallant horse ,", "Me thinkes a man might passe th'insulting Pillars 5", "Wee joy you take a chance so ill , so well .", "Villaines , not hold him when ye had him downe ! 1Who can hold lightning ? Sdeath a man as well Might catch a canon bullet in his mouth , And spit it in your hands , as take and hold him ."], "true_target": ["Please you , sir ?", "Honour , and all things noble !", "I thinke no other government in France", "So soone could bring together . With such men", "These troopes and companies come in with wings :"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["To feast and honour him , and yet now leaves him", "At such an instance .", "I much wonder"], "true_target": ["Come , souldiers : you are downewards fit for lackies ; Give me your pieces , and take you these coates , To make you compleate foot men , in whose formes You must be compleate souldiers : you two onely Stand for our armie . 1That were much .", "Our Lord Lieutenant brought his brother downe", "What , love bad like good ! How should one learne that ?"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Wee may impolitique our selves", "No : I swore for the King . 45", "It is , sir , and I yeeld it him with gladnesse .", "Tis nothing so ; the propertie is alter 'd :", "As hee esteem 'd them lately in your hearing ;", "Tis onely in my love to honour you", "Sir , the poore honour we can adde to all", "For whom he must leave brother , wife , friend , all things . 10", "Where nothing is .", "Are perjur 'd treachers , but being publique once ,", "Wee must not argue that . The Kings command", "You 'll nothing finde", "Alas , sir , I usurpe that stile , enforc't ,", "Twas the Kings command ;", "Downe this steepe hill , spends time with equall profit . 45", "His forces are not in so bad estate", "Of my soule ,", "Before they wed them , they are harlots then ,", "But went himselfe to witnesse their estate . 230", "Twas I .", "With what would grace the King : but since I see", "Know I desir 'd this out of great affection , 225", "Feedes him with bane , and makes him fat with death .", "Sdeath , sir , use a captaine like a carrier !", "With the realmes body politique , are no more", "Till they have brought him in some ambuscado", "A childe by her , hath every yeere a month", "And send for Clermont , in whose honour all", "That hath a fruitfull wife , and every yeere", "Ile goe before .", "To touch no woman", "I beseech you , 210", "Wee never can be of the damned crew ;", "without disputing .", "It may be once so ; but so ever , never .", "But when they wed them , they are honest women :", "Disgrace my lord , his owne Lieutenant here ,", "Whose faction tis you know , and who is held 90", "To keepe her low , and in her proper place ;", "Take you , sir ! O heaven ! 195", "Lay sure hand on him , plucking him from horse ?", "Pursue , enclose him ! stand or fall on him , 5", "And send them for him , running by his side ,", "To breathe himselfe , where hee that gets no childe", "It is Vertues fortune ,", "Me thinkes tis prettie .", "Unlesse it be mine owne wife or my friends ; 50", "How foule soever , done for private ends ,", "An argument a paribus .", "We close may lodge for him , and sodainely", "When they have seaz 'd him , the ambush shal make in .", "Now leave your coates .", "LINENOTES :", "Is neede and right enough : and that he serves , 15", "What thinke you if wee should disguise a brace", "Y'are no lawyer . Or say that othe and othe", "Let him come at his will , and goe as free ;", "And could not be without them : so I say", "For which he would not trust me with the confines ,", "Harke ! our last troopes are come .", "That is , sworne-married to the publique good \u2014 65", "Made my assistants , and have right and trust", "Search mee ! for what ?", "I may make bold with him .", "Faction chokes every corner , streete , the Court ;", "Men publique , that is , being sworne-married", "And as I am true batcheler , I sweare ,", "Is fault in us sworne to the publike good : 50", "Whereof indeede we 're members ; you misse termes .", "Height hath no roome for her . But as a man 30", "Exit .", "Wee soone shall know it ; see Aumall return 'd . 50", "My faith to God ; all 's one :", "Differ extreamely , as , for flat example ,"], "true_target": ["What tis to be a captaine , and your selfe .", "Past shadowes waights , and is most capitall .", "To the good publique , being one body made 70", "Alarum still , and enter Chalon .", "Nothing you seeke , I sweare . I beseech you ,", "Doe not admit one thought of such a shame", "Of generation is for that an harlot ,", "This martiall preparation wee pretend .", "That you may see both how well arm 'd they are", "Because for that shee was so , being unmarried : 75", "To a commander .", "In presentation of what strength consists", "So private men , when they forsweare , betray ,", "By my charge from the King ! would he so much 205", "You are no politician : not a fault ,", "For marriage makes them , being the publique good ,", "My lord your brothers government , is readie .", "Come , let us put all quickly into battaile , 60", ";", "But thus forswearing is not perjurie .", "You forget", "Reason must beare him .", "No : the Kings will is", "Advance and put themselves in battailia ,", "I sorrow for it , sir .", "To such dishonour of my lord , your brother .", "How strong is every troope and companie ,", "Expressely to conceale his apprehension", "In all the waightie secrets like my selfe .", "More then a widow married , for the act", "From whence our wils to honour you should turne", "Spares her rich drudge , gives him in labour breath ,", "Pardon me , sir . You amaze me to conceive 200", "From my Lord Governour . Observ 'd yee not ? 20", "Let us ply Clermont , our whole charge is hee . Exeunt .", "By all my faith to you , there 's no such thing . 240", "Of your unhappy apprehension .", "The fautors right hand : how high his aymes reach", "Who hath no faith to men , to God hath none .", "This goes to mine eare well , I promise you .", "To leave your owne horse , and to mount the trumpets .", "She never lets him rest , where fruitfull Vice", "Hath not a nights rest", "What doe you meane , sir ?", "Of our best souldiers in faire lackies coates , 70", "Nought but a crowne can measure . This must fall", "And yee may take him . Sdeath ! they make him guards . Exit .", "So , let one marry this same barraine Vertue , 35", "Your studyed welcome to this martiall place ,", "At length wee have you , sir .", "To give me his command without his forfaite ?", "And hope you know it was not my aspiring .", "Thinke you now on that ?", "Private , nor can be perjur 'd , though forsworne ,", "Ile watch you whither . Exit Mail", "You still sustaine a jealous eye on mee , 5", "Againe peruse the letters . Both you are", "Y'are happy , sir , in all things , but this one", "Are still the same in number , yet their species", "If a man be mad ,", "Into the kingdomes body politique ,", "Ile therefore take heede of the bastarding", "Clermont solus .", "Ambition is abroad , on foote , on horse ;", "When politique widowes trye men for their turne , 60", "To th'end my lord may know out of your witnesse", "Your hand , sir ! Come , your word ; your choise be us 'd .", "Whole innocent races ; tis a fearefull thing .", "How ready , and how well prepar 'd for service .", "I have made all his troopes and companies 190", "Publique good ;", "This prettie talking , and our horses walking", "Dare I , without him , undertake your taking ?", "Sfoote ! you make m'a hanghYpppHeNman ;"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Yet when he bore himselfe , their saucie fingers", "even then", "O now some rude hand hath laid hold on him ! 40", "Then all the freedome he enjoy 'd before .", "In which he shew 'd as if he were the light ,", "Turnes flesh to ayre possest , and in a storme", "His fixt eyes cast a blaze of such disdaine ,", "Shruncke their steele hornes and gave him glorious passe .", "Save your ladiship !", "Againe sinkes to it , and againe doth rise , 30", "doth onely grasse ,", "But they too farre , and that with waight opprest", "Had spit his iron vomit out amongst them . 20", "Strike earth , and up againe into the ayre ,", "He turnd wilde lightning in the lackies hands ,", "Ease to your bands , sir !", "Then fell to earth ; and yet", "What spirit breathes thus in this more then man ,", "The confines of his government , whose view", "I will , my lord . 70", "Hee drave as if a fierce and fire-given canon"], "true_target": ["Of no such sodaine expedition .", "Is the pretext of his command , hath neede", "O sir , the Guise is slaine !", "Past all their reaches ; till , all motion spent ,", "Flew as too hot off , as hee had beene fire .", "It piece-meale shivers any let it proves \u2014", "Who , though their sodaine violent twitch unhorst him , 15", "Teares men about the field like autumne leaves ?", "All the desert of good renowne your Highnesse !", "Enter Maillard , Chalon leading Clermont , Captaines and", "All stood and star 'd , and untouch 'd let him lie ,", "See , prisoner led , with his bands honour 'd more", "The ambush then made in , through all whose force", "And as a great shot from a towne besieg 'd 25", "And keepes such strength that when it softliest moves", "At foes before it flyes forth blacke and roring ,", "His spirits convulsions made him bound againe 35", "And they but earth , who , wondring what hee was ,", "The battailes then in two halfe-moones enclos 'd him ,", "So flew brave Clermont forth , till breath forsooke him ,", "As something sacred fallen out of the skie . A cry within .", "Souldiers following ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["I see that good lives never can secure", "Is come , and new arriv 'd ; and made partaker", "Exeunt . 10", "Of all the entertaining showes and feasts", "What fight souldiers most for ? 1Honour onely .", "As well to save blood as to make him sure :", "But knowes not hee of your command to take", "No question ; for since hee is come to Cambray ,", "Put at the heeles of him will faile to take him .", "How tooke his noblest mistresse your sad message ?", "25", "Tis well said , worthy souldiers ; hast , and hast him .", "To make good our severe command on him , 65", "For if hee come on his Scotch horse , all France", "Command the horse troopes to over-runne the traitor .", "Men from bad livers . Worst men will have best 40", "Prettie , from toyes !", "Wee must bethinke us , ere wee apprehend him ,", "Yet here are crownes beside .", "Disguis 'd in lackyes coates .", "Why should all this stirre be , then ?"], "true_target": ["Well , sir , say it so ; And having brought him to the field , when I Fall in with him , saluting , get you both Of one side of his horse , and plucke him downe , 20 And I with th'ambush laid will second you . 1Nay , we shall lay on hands of too much strength To neede your secondings . 2I hope we shall . Two are enough to encounter Hercules .", "O , but tis passing hard to stay one thus .", "Slaves , hee is a traitor ;", "The malecontent , decaid Marquesse Renel , 95", "As are our consorts . Marquesse malecontent 100", "His brother Clermont ?", "His manly sister . Such wee are esteem 'd", "I long to heare , sir , how your mistresse takes this .", "As you should at all parts . Goe now to Clermont D'Ambois , and informe him , Two battailes are set ready in his honour , And stay his presence onely for their signall , When they shall joyne ; and that , t'attend him hither 15 Like one wee so much honour , wee have sent him \u2014 1Us two in person .", "Tis a shrow 'd one .", "A Room in the Governor 's Castle at Cambrai . ]", "Tis true ; 5 You two must doe , or enter , what our armie Is now in field for . 2I see then our guerdon Must be the deede it selfe , twill be such honour .", "Harke ! our last foote .", "They are no lackyes , sir , but souldiers", "of some stratageme", "O happy man ! This may enough hold to redeeme your bands .", "Exeunt . Q , Exit .", "LINENOTES :", "That welcom 'd Clermont to the brave virago ,", "As ill as they , or heaven to hell they 'll wrest .", "Comes where hee knowes his vaine hath safest vent ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["More steepe and head-long .", "Some other had beene master of my message .", "As great rich men take sodaine povertie .", "Then , madame , thus it fares ; he was envited ,", "Can manacle or quench his fiery hands .", "And knowledge for the chearfull patience", "He is .", "From vice in any ill , and though the crowne", "Your hope is just and happy ; see , sir , both 65", "Of soveraigne law , shee should be yet her footstoole ,", "To traine him to the musters and betray him", "To leave him here thus ! hee hath slaine himselfe . 195", "I grieve that vertue lives so undistinguisht", "By way of honour to him , to take view", "Collours for all the ill that can be told . Trumpets within .", "I wonder how this chanc 'd you .", "In both the looks of these .", "rusht on him , and tooke", "Nor a more ruthfull sorrow : I well wisht 55", "And other captaines", "Hee feeles the touch of such a stratageme ,", "We will forbeare ,", "Proves that these foule adulterous guilts will runne", "of all this , nothing .", "Makes his so glorious and divine name hold", "Of all her rigor .", "His love to you , as to the best of men .", "That Bussy made , for which he", "And to Bastile hee 's now led prisoner .", "Your message shall be done , sir : I , my selfe , 125", "And taken up thus , so to make his fall", "Hath in his government ; which rang 'd in battailes , 30", "Be not so passionate ; rise , cease your teares .", "Tis safe and common .", "Tis not choicest brace of all our bands", "Or else I cannot doe him that desire", "And this rich cabinet .", "So in hearts hollow , friendship", "Through the whole bloud , which not the cleare can shunne . 45", "It came too late sir , for those loveliest eyes", "Who knowes not", "Your ladiship must use some patience ,", "Subject to censure , all the shame and paine"], "true_target": ["As Clermont D'Ambois , should be now found tripping ,", "Their dearest sights quite vanisht with her teares .", "The King will so conceit it .", "Newes that I wish some other had the charge of . 10", "The bumbast politie thrusts into his gyant ,", "His princely life ; who sent", "She wept quite out , and , like two falling starres ,", "No service to him by me ?", "Makes the gay rainebow girdle to a storme ,", "What ! lye and languish , Clermont ! Cursed man ,", "The more your friend dares trust , the more deceive him .", "Madame , tis onely this ; his libertie \u2014", "Meane space use your spirit", "Of this so strange and sodaine consequence . 130", "You 'll againe prevent me .", "It must be sure and strong hand ; for if once 75", "O madame , this will kill him ; comfort you 100", "To their supprise ; which , with Chalon in chiefe ,", "And all for sleight encounter of a shade , 85", "Having receiv 'd strickt letters from the King ,", "Sir , shee commends her kindest service to you ,", "Happy change ! I ever will salute thee with my service . Exit .", "Will be for you a messenger of ill .", "Tis strange a man that had , through his life past ,", "So sure a foote in vertue and true knowledge 25", "Sir , we are glad , beleeve it , and have hope", "To make his wisedome seeme of size as huge ,", "Sent for to Councill by the King , an ambush 140", "I never witness 'd a more noble love ,", "But for your servant , I dare sweare him guiltlesse .", "They haplesly and guiltlesly perform 'd ;", "Doe as you please ; his blamelesse spirit deserves 80", "So hee be toucht , hee would have hainous made ?", "On him againe . Will't please you to returne 85", "Of all the powers his brother Baligny", "He urg 'd with such affection to your graces .", "Well , madame , I must tender my attendance", "Maillard , Lieutenant to the Governour ,", "There was a merit for this , in the fault", "And leave you free , sir . Exeunt .", "With full assurance of his quicke acquitall ;", "And as through dewie vapors the sunnes forme", "I , madame , and conferre such newes from him \u2014"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["The King desires your Grace to come to Councill .", "Sir , my Lord Governours Lieutenant prayes", "Now at the fore-gate by a gentleman ."], "true_target": ["Accesse to you .", "Here are two lackies , sir , have message to you . 150", "Here is a letter , sir , deliver 'd mee"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Hee would not tell his name ;", "Instantly . Exit Mess", "Beleeve it , sir , his count'nance chang 'd in turning ."], "true_target": ["Hee said , hee had not time enough to tell it ,", "If hee goes , hee proves 245 How vaine are mens fore knowledges of things , When heaven strikes blinde their powers of note and use , And makes their way to ruine seeme more right Then that which safetie opens to their sight . Cassandra 's prophecie had no more profit 250 With Troyes blinde citizens , when shee foretolde Troyes ruine ; which , succeeding , made her use This sacred inclamation : \u201c God \u201d\u201c Would have me utter things uncredited ; For which now they approve what I presag 'd ; 255 They count me wise , that said before , I rag 'd . \u201dLINENOTES : 12 Rulers . Shepherd , Phelps ; Q , Rubers . 74 your . Ed . ; Q , you . 149 in . Added by ed . 155 Arden . Q , Acden . 162 Char . Q , Cler .A Camp near Cambrai . ]", "And say the little rest hee had to say . 65", "Alone , sir . 180"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["This might have beene before , and sav 'd much charge . Exit . LINENOTES : 5 brack 's . Emended by all editors ; Q , brack . 20 and should ; expresse it all . So punctuated by all editors ; Q , and should expresse it all . 31 Maillard . Q , Mailiard .A Room at the Court in Paris . ]"], "true_target": ["Desires accesse to you .", "Madame , a captaine come from Clermont D'Ambois"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["And not himselfe ?"], "true_target": ["Is he not slaine yet ?"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["In heavens course comfort seeke , in earth is none . Exeunt . 215", "All our ill built upon that is no more", "And had I of my courage and resolve", "Raigne justly , and raigne safely . Policie", "Kings are like archers , and their subjects , shafts :", "And hee breake , some brack 's in the frame of nature 5", "His lawes are not so true to him , as he .", "O knew I how to free him , by way forc 'd 70", "For as when archers let their arrowes flye ,", "They call to them , and bid them flye or fall , 55", "Full in all right , in nought superfluous ,", "But I will never die , before I give", "Must to them by their owne examples strength ,", "Straight shooting , compasse given it by the archer ,", "Of all the good estate wee hold in earth ;", "Lesse broke in breaking faith twixt friend and friend", "Hee would beleeve , since he would be beleev 'd ; 80", "Nor nothing straining past right for their right .", "So Kings to subjects crying , \u201c Doe , doe not this , \u201d", "Through all their armie , I would flye , and doe it :", "Exit Ush", "O my most faithfull servant , thou betraid ! 40", "Venter 'd in desarts , without guide or path .", "They could not all have taken Clermont D'Ambois", "The last houre of his promise now runne out !", "Then wee may beare , and should ; expresse it all . 20", "That forceth his breach ."], "true_target": ["As if twere in the free power of the shaft", "Tis fit and onely needfull : leade me on ;", "To flye or fall , when onely tis the strength ,", "Your noblest natures are most credulous .", "Who gives no trust , all trust is apt to breake ;", "Will Kings make treason lawfull ? Is societie", "Hee 's to be prais 'd or blam 'd , and not the shaft : 60", "Why , that 's the ground", "With their slave blouds : but he was credulous ;", "Maillard an hundred slashes with a sword , 75", "What change is here ! how are my hopes prevented !", "And lay the fault in them for flying amisse .", "Kings punish subjects errors with their owne .", "Hate like hell mouth who thinke not what they speake .", "The straightnesse of their acts , and equall compasse ,", "Then twixt the King and subject ? let them feare", "Without their treacherie ; he had bought his bands out", "Kings presidents in licence lacke no danger . 45", "That makes it hit or misse ; and doing eyther ,", "Not shoote them forth with faultie ayme and strength , 65", "Give subjects power t'obey them in the like ;", "But tenne such more , they should not all retaine him .", "Chalon an hundred breaches with a pistoll .", "Is but a guard corrupted , and a way 50", "Fetch me straight My little cabinet . Exit AncilTis little , tell him , And much too little for his matchlesse love : But as in him the worths of many men Are close contracted ,Ancil) so in this are jewels 90 Worth many cabinets . Here , with thisCommend my kindest service to my servant , Thanke him , with all my comforts , and , in them , With all my life for them ; all sent from him In his remembrance of mee and true love . 95 And looke you tell him , tell him how I lye She kneeles downe at his feete . Prostrate at feet of his accurst misfortune , Pouring my teares out , which shall ever fall , Till I have pour 'd for him out eyes and all .", "Kings are compar 'd to Gods , and should be like them ,", "Hee would not for his kingdome traitor be ;", "That 's not well . Attend him in ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Come all my miserie ! Ile hold , though I burst .", "Doe it , for heavens love , doe it ! if you serve 15", "So doth an undissembled sorrow , teares .", "His libertie ! Without that health is nothing . Why live I , but to aske in doubt of that ? Is that bereft him ?", "My life hath to scape death . Teares please me better", "It must be so ; he liv 'd but in the Guise ,", "Who 's that ?", "Then must my life cease . Teares are all the vent", "No more , I sweare ; I must heare , and together 25"], "true_target": ["As I in him . O follow life mine eyes !", "O , what charge ? what newes ?", "Then all lifes comforts , being the naturall seede 105", "Is hee in health ?", "Of heartie sorrow . As a tree fruit beares ,", "All welcome ! Come you from my worthy servant ?", "His kinde desires , I will have patience .", "Hee raises her , and leades her out . Exe", "Such newes ! what newes ?"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Measures the bloudy acts of impious men", "And set you more on fire to doe more good ;", "Batter together still ; though", "That all the joynts and nerves sustaining nature", "all these , this might suffice", "Leaving", "Though th'ill and pennance still together goe .", "And all her lawes whose observation", "As any one good unrewarded die ,", "And bide the cold dampe of this piercing ayre ,", "To fray yee from your vicious swindge in ill 25", "Whose lawes yee thinke are nothing but your lusts ;", "That since the world", "Or any one ill scape his penaltie . The Ghost stands close ."], "true_target": ["Up from the chaos of eternall night", "Cleft to her bosome , one halfe one way swaying , 20", "To urge the justice whose almightie word 5", "Includes th'infliction , which like chained shot", "As well may breake , and yet the world abide , 30", "When leaving", "Set in the midst of Christendome , and her head", "once more I ascend ,", "So men thinke pennance of their ils is slow ,", "Stands by proportion , all may thence conclude", "Stands upon faith , above the power of reason \u2014", "Reforme , yee ignorant men , your manlesse lives 15", "The body of felicitie , religion ,", "With equall pennance , who in th'act it selfe", "Another th'other , all the Christian world"], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Away , dispute no more ; get up , and see ! 45"], "true_target": ["Clermont must auchthor this just tragedie ."], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 5}, {"query": ["Bagoas and his attendant are unveiling Judith .", "The next morning but one .", "Afternoon of the same day ."], "true_target": [": The same morning , later .", "A few hours later than Act II , Scene III , the same night . The sole light is that of torches , and watchfiresThe gatemen are at the gates . There is a knocking on the outside of the gates .", "The same night . Wine and food are set by the couch . A lamp is burning .", "Fifth century B. C . Towards evening . Ozias is standing alone in the street , drinking from a leathern bottle . Enter Chabris , back left ."], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 6}, {"query": ["Who hath demanded this licence from Joachim ?", "Yea !", "What words ?", "Thou hungerest for Achior . Wouldst thou marry a heathen , thou a Hebrew woman ?", "Oh ! I will not speak smoothly for a pretence ! Thou knowest that my jealousy smokes against Achior . Yea , and against Holofernes also .", "It is Ozias .", "What art thou doing ?", "Oh ! If I did not love thee , would I not undo thee !", "Old man , your memory is terrible . Have pity !", "Let every armed man in the city be roused , and publish the order of Ozias that the Captains lead their bands swiftly into the valley by the secret way to fall upon the Assyrians .", "It is indeed marvellous .", "She is said to take the air in her tent daily at this hour .", "Make a way clear to the gates .", "Send to me the officer of the watch .", "Ho ! Let the gates of the city be opened , that the lady Judith may go forth .", "Thou goest not with the people ?", "She is exceeding beautiful .", "Friend !", "I spoke to the people according to their understanding . Have you not said it is not meet for the people to know the thoughts of the ruler ? Hearken again ? And I will speak now to the wise woman . I flattered the people with vain praise of their courage , when they have no courage . I affrighted the people with a prophecy of terror , when there is no terror \u2014 for Holofernes is a great warrior , and has compassion in his greatness , for he is a Babylonian . I gave them hope of succour when succour is none \u2014 for , with a hundred and twenty thousand footmen and twelve thousand horse against usto count upon the mercy of the Lord is presumption .", "All is possible to the Lord . Yet may his purposes be hidden from us .Until the Lord vouchsafe new wisdom to me , his servant , bind fetters about the feet of Achior , and take him to the house of bondage , and set a guard over him , for a spy is not more dangerous than a fool .", "Old man ! It is years since I saw you . How came you past the guard , old man ?", "Stand instead of God !", "Why ?", "I cannot suffer it , for if any shame come upon you I will not live .", "Great is the Lord of Israel !", "What is thy tale , Haggith ?", "I say it will be so .", "Who among you will be the spokesman ?", "Did I not give an order to bar the street ?", "Much harm . Nebuchadnezzar has decided to be God . He has decreed that all nations and tribes shall call upon him as God . And he has conquered the whole earth , excepting only Judea ; and Bethulia is the gate into Judea , and Bethulia has not listened to his decree , and I am the governor of Bethulia . So Nebuchadnezzar the great king is very angry and Holofernes is the tool of his wrath .", "Friend , keep the licence and render it back to Joachim , the high priest in Jerusalem . For I need it not , and I demanded it only by excess of prudence such as becomes the governor of a city besieged and thirsting . But we Bethulians are a faithful and a constant people , and we have trusted in the Most High . And if perchance any have drunk of the sanctified wine unknown to me\u2014 it shall be denied utterly , for the sake of seemliness .", "How knowst thou that he will not find her ?", "What am I without you , O Judith ? Before Manasses loved you , did I not love you ? For three years have I not watched over you in all honour and respect , and troubled you not with my importunity until this day , which is the day of days ? What am I without you , and what shall be my dominion and my satrap 's throne if you do not sit in majesty by my side , O Rose of Sharon and matchless among women ? JudithMy lord , you are like a rushing river .", "A hundred and twenty thousand foot and twelve thousand horse .", "And if it be so , what then ? Old man , you are so old that to confess in your ear is sweet , like murmuring secrets into the grave . If I do come to this place to watch for the marvellous vision of Judith , what then ?", "What is heavier than lead , and what is the name thereof , but an aged fool ?", "Lady , it was well said \u2014 if the slave said it .I demanded of you : How came you here ?", "Get back to your places .", "What is your affair with me ?", "That is what is in my heart ! Behold my heart , and the depths of my heart . Look deep , and deeper , and still you will see naught therein but the beauty and the subtlety of Judith .", "I beseech you \u2014\u2014", "Where is thy mistress , wench ?", "It is a wicked device for our undoing .", "The people in the extremity of their thirst compelled me to an oath , which I will not break .", "My hand is terrible .", "On what errand will you go ?", "All that you have spoken is truth , and there is none to gainsay your words . From the beginning of your days we have known your wisdom , and your understanding is manifest ....But we are thirsty .", "DO the people complain ?", "Lady , greetings .", "I am the governor of this great city of Bethulia .", "Even the children ?", "Ozias .", "O , loveliness ! O , lily of the field ! Who shall withstand you , and who shall say you nay ?", "Get hence ! Dogs !", "Unbind him !Take him off ! Speedily ! Away ! All ! Let none remain ! Hasten , I say !", "Who are you ?", "Bethulia is besieged .", "It behoves you to understand , old man , that my solemn duty as governor is to maintain my own strength , for if I fell the city would fall . Without me to inspire them the populace would yield in a moment . What is the populace ? Poltroons , animals , sheep , rabbits , insects , lice !", "Great is the Lord of Israel !", "Make an end .", "Nothing .", "Friend , return ye to Joachim and say to him that the Lord has delivered Bethulia from the Assyrians by the subtlety of his servant Ozias .", "Plainly this fellow lies , and he has come subtly with a tale to spy out our strength . Presently he will seek to escape from us again to the Assyrians .", "Has none told you ?", "But not all at once . Will you begin , honourable Charmis ? You know that I am the servant of the citizens .", "Never heard the name of the chief captain of Nebuchadnezzar ? Have you heard the name of Nebuchadnezzar , by chance ?", "Has the watch aught to drink ?", "Is the secret way shut ?", "Come up here .Look ! A hundred and twenty thousand foot-soldiers . Twelve thousand archers on horseback . Oxen and sheep for their provisions . Twenty thousand asses for their carriages . Camels without number . Infinite victuals ; and very much gold and silver . The like was never seen before .", "Before he went down to his place , didst thou not sin with him ?", "Loose him .And how come you here ? Speak the truth \u2014 and fear .", "Why are the gates opened ? What is this ?", "You have seen my heart .", "An injury ? I ? Have I not said that I am the servant of the citizens ?", "Close the gates . Light the watchfires .", "Get hence , everyone to his own charge . Soldiers ! Clear the street !The men to the walls and towers . The women and children to their houses .Take the aged fool away , girl .Get home , all of you . Rabble ! Insects ! Lice !After a pause , Judith enters slowly , in widow 's apparel and sackcloth .", "I am .", "Blessed be our God !", "There is no miracle ; but that which I had planned with the lady Judith has come to pass . Take women and old men Charmis , and go ye to the wells and bring water to the city , for the wells are delivered into my hands .", "And killed each other . Why should Holofernes sacrifice thousands of lives to take the heights when he can reach the same result by letting his men sit still and watch ?", "Forgive me , Rose of Sharon .", "Judith and I . The history of the world is full of miracles . Meanwhile , I live , and the strong savour of life inflames my nostrils ; and the ever-increasing magnificence and terror of war is like wine in my mouth . I shake with delight at the vastness and the mystery of the future .... And there is woman !", "Your condition ?", "Go quickly . For who is the governor of this city ? Is it thou or is it I ?", "The wells are at the foot of the hills , and Holofernes has seized them all .", "You will answer that Ozias , knowing the weakness of Holofernes , sent down to him secretly a woman , a certain Judith of Bethulia , and upon the counsel of Ozias the woman by wiles compassed the death of Holofernes as I have told you .", "Shut the gates , for I will enquire into this matter .", "It is war .", "Whither is thy mistress gone , and why does she tarry ?", "How did thy mistress accomplish this mighty deed ?", "There is still woman . A fracas is heard , back . Enter Rahel , running , followed by two soldiers and a mixed group of Bethulians , including Charmis , an elder .", "And what say you ? There is the sudden sound of a disturbance . Enter , from back , soldiers , holding Achior , and a group of excited citizens . Haggith appears at the house-door .", "Charmis , I appoint you to lead the people to the Temple , where are the banners of the Assyrians which we have captured this day , and each woman shall take a banner , and all shall return to this place before the house of the Lady Judith ."], "true_target": ["Your face is turned from me , because of the youth . Yet you came out to see the governor of the city , and the governor could do no other than I have done .", "Slain Holofernes ! Thou art mad in thy raving .", "What is this humbleness ?", "It is true . This day I hold the people lightly . But when the great madness and desperation of thirst comes at last upon them , who shall hold them ? In that day they will seize the things forbidden , and they will drink the wine sanctified and reserved for the priests that serve the Lord . And to avert from me the wrath of Joachim , the high priest of Jerusalem , I have sent already a messenger to Jerusalem to bring a licence that this matter may be lawful .", "I hear .", "She is the widow of Manasses , who died of the heat in the barley harvest . And she is childless . And she is very rich ; for Manasses left her gold and silver and menservants and maid-servants and cattle and lands . And she has remained a widow in her house three years and four months , and never has she come forth . And there is none to give her an ill word , for she fears the Lord greatly .", "Judith , canst thou not lift thy thoughts beyond good and evil , and canst thou not contemplate the marvellous greatness of man ? I will abase myself before none but thee , and in my ear there is no commandment but thine ; and all other decrees will I mock . I would have thee in marriage , and I would have no other but thee . Wilt thou take me to thee , and wilt thou yield thyself without fear to the terrible flame of my love ? For thus shalt thou fulfil thyself and me . But give heed before thou answerest , and know that if thou turnest from me , I will make all the nations of the earth to tremble with my fury .", "Once thou didst love me .", "That sounds much safer . How comely is the wisdom of old men !", "She is beautiful to behold .", "Thou art not then afraid of my wrath !", "The secret way is opened . I will lead you to it .", "Hearken to me , Judith . I swear it was for thee that I boasted . My aim was that thy mighty deed should gain preferment in Jerusalem . But thou art a woman and therefore preferment is not for thee . Yet now by reason of my boasting I shall be greatly advanced and lifted up , and in all Judea there will be none higher than me , and thus wilt thou also be advanced and lifted up .", "And what answer gave you ?", "What licence ?", "What bottle ?", "It is as empty as the cisterns .", "Stay !", "No hope ? Am I then a dead body ? Am I a rotting corpse ? True , the city will be taken , and when the city is taken I may be killed . But in your meditations , old man , has it not occurred to you that death must be highly interesting ? Or I may be seized for a slave . But either I should cease speedily to be a slave , or I should become the most powerful slave in Babylon .We might be enslaved together .", "And who appointed you to say that which you said ?", "Judith , I entreat you ! For you are the light of my eyes , and without you the world is not .", "Woman , has the lady Judith perchance dreamed a dream ?", "What say you ?", "Your waiting-woman said that you would speak with me .", "Yea !", "What is Achior but a simpleton !", "Ten other Assyrians ! It is a trick !", "Alas ! And you or I may be the next . We are all in like case . But what is to be done ?", "Your eyes behold him .", "Yet when thou didst thy mighty deed didst thou not deceive cruelly ?", "But I would have it in thy behalf ; and my appetite is double . I rage for glory and dominion , and I rage also for thee . And I will offer thee glory and dominion , for I seek these things as a gift to thy beauty . And if I cannot lay them on thy lap my heel shall spurn mankind and I will tread it to dust . My desires are terrible ; they will not be withstood ; they consume me daily , but daily I am renewed . I am on fire , but by the fierceness of the fire I am strengthened . I was conceived for greatness and my mother bore me for mastery , and the huge earth shall shake with the terror of my commands .... And I am held between thy fingers .", "But to speak truth did not content you . Having answered Holofernes , you must needs offer counsel to your lord and governor ! Who were you to offer counsel to the greatest of all the captains of the earth ? The protection of the mighty conqueror covered you , and lo ! in your folly did you estrange yourself from him . Fool !", "Let them await my enquiry where they stand .", "What has brought you at last out of your house ? Are you come to prophesy once more ?", "It must be opened .... Stand ! I will see to it .", "The God of Israel hath save Israel ,\u2014 by my hand . Go ye , and when you have eaten and drunk , set ye forth again for Jerusalem .", "Ah !", "The Lord reigns ! That which I said to the people did not please the ear of Judith ?", "Take him to the guard-house and chain him to Achior .", "Then pray you to the Most High for the city , even for all of us , and the Lord will send rain for our cisterns and we shall faint no more . Pray , for you are a godly woman , and the God of Israel shall listen .", "Will you , too , faint , and will your tongue be like the tongue of a dog ?", "I invited them to go away .", "Speak quickly , for the government of this city in this hour is no common matter , and the whole charge of it lies upon me .", "But hear me , lady . The peril from the archers far off \u2014", "And you ?", "I dare not .", "Let it be so . But before Achior I will not speak .", "No ! I come here to reflect upon my plans for the saving of the city , and because of this vantage-point , to view the army of the Assyrians .", "The subtlety of women is past knowing .", "You go to Holofernes !", "Ah ! Lady ! In your wisdom and your understanding you have comprehended what it is to be the governor of a besieged city . You , alone !", "Let Holofernes suffice thee , and drive not me also to death with the softness of thy voice . Art thou not aware that the soul of my soul burns for thee and will not wait \u2014 the more so since thou hast done a mighty deed and art proved a woman beyond all women ?", "It is the house of Judith , the daughter of Merari .", "It is thirty-four days since Holofernes took the wells . If you have received water up to yesterday your great-grandchild must indeed have thirsted that you might drink . I have distributed water by measure , but now the cisterns are empty , and women and young men fall down in the streets , and there is no water in Bethulia . We are all in like case , the high and the lowly .", "Forgive your servant .", "It is true . In the heavy multitude of my cares I had forgotten this matter of the licence .", "The perils of the heathen will surround you , and harm will surely befall you , for Holofernes will work lamentable evil upon you . And I cannot suffer it .", "Open the gates .", "Old man , meditation is good and solitude is good , but think not because you sit staring all day at your own belly that the sun and stars have ceased to revolve round the earth and the kings of this world to make war . Is it possible that you do not know what has happened ?", "Slave , who hath dared to loose thee ?", "I saw the vastness of the future as in a vision . If the God of Israel perchance is merciful , and the city is saved at the eleventh hour , then it will be said in Jerusalem that there is none like Ozias of Bethulia for steadfastness , for he alone by his ardour revived the fainting populace and held firm the city ; and great will be my recompense .... But that is a dream . Always I have faced the substance of things , and the substance is that Nebuchadnezzar has decreed to rule over the whole earth , and from the east to the west there is no living man that shall not bow down before Nebuchadnezzar . Bethulia will fall . I , the governor , shall be taken captive and shown to Nebuchadnezzar , and in that day Holofernes shall say to Nebuchadnezzar : Lo ! Here is Ozias the Israelite who resisted thy mighty armies for thirty-four days and yet five days more . Use him if it seem good to thee . And I shall be lifted up to be a satrap of Nebuchadnezzar , and I shall partake of the bright glory of Nebuchadnezzar . And \u2014", "Yea , this night the head of Holofernes is set on a spear in the square before the temple , and the Assyrians flee one from another in disorder , and my hosts are about to descend upon them and rend them to pieces where they stand foolishly in the valley .", "O daughter , blessed be thou above all the women of the earth . Thou art the exaltation of Jerusalem and the great glory of Israel , for the Lord hath directed thee to the cutting off of the head of the chief of our enemies , and thou hast revenged our ruin .", "Seize this fellow and bind him with fetters .", "Where art thou going ?", "What ! Are my commands no more than the wind in the corn , and is there to be naught but tumult within the walls of this city ?", "Do not go !", "It is a day memorable beyond all the days of Bethulia \u2014 because Judith , the widow of Manasses , has issued from her house and from her secrecy , and because after long years she has lightened the city with her countenance .", "It seemed to me \u2014", "The populace !... Mice ! Rats ! Beetles !", "Old man , you have eyes .", "Ah !What tidings do you bear ?", "The lady Judith comes out of her house after three years .", "Who is the heathen Achior that you should prefer him and make your mouth sweet to him ?", "The soul of my soul goes with you into the valley .", "Holofernes .", "Surely thou canst not . For thou too art great . And my greatness yearns to thine .", "It is a sign that suffices not . Shall it be said that Ozias was deceived , and shall Ozias imperil his renown , by reason of the glance of a youth when he looks at a woman \u2014 even you ?... And if he lies not , then he is a fool and his folly was great .", "Nevertheless it is meet that Joachim should be astonished , for with five thousand have I set at naught one hundred and two and thirty thousand , and in the chronicles of Israel there is written down no deed to match the delivery of Judea from the Assyrians .", "Friends , it would seem that Charmis has made an end . His words are excellent and full of pity . Who follows him ? Who will speak next ? My ear waits .Ah ! Then give heed . The words of Charmis are full of pity , but I also have pity . Do not I too cherish our women , and our maidens and our young children ? And because I pity I would not yield to the monster Holofernes . Yes , the monster ! This is not war that he wages . Once our enemy strove fairly with the warriors of Israel . Now he makes our women and children to die of thirst . The magnificence of war is gone from the earth , and Holofernes by the excess of his hosts has rendered war ridiculous .The peoples of the earth will perceive that henceforward the institution of war cannot continue , and after this there will be no more war . But meanwhile , if I go crouching to the feet of Holofernes , what will happen and what will come to pass ? Surely it will come to pass that the monster who has sat down to watch us die of thirst will slay our little children and our old men , and dishonour our women , and ravish our innocent virgins ; for the enslaving of the conquered will not content his anger nor satisfy the lust of his great hosts . Shall these things be ? I say they shall not be . But what am I , save the servant of the citizens of Bethulia ? And what do I speak , save the thought that is in your hearts ? There is no cowardice in you . You are not sheep , nor rabbits , nor beetles , nor lice . You are valiant men , and women lion-hearted . Without you I am naught , and if I defy Holofernes , my fortitude is yours and my resolve springs from you . Charmis has invoked the holy name of the God of Israel . Let Israel not forget its God , for never has the Most High forsaken Israel . Brethren , be of good courage . Let us yet endure five days . Five short days . And if these days pass and the God of Israel turn not his mercy towards us , then will I do according to the word of Charmis . Such is my oath to you . And so it shall be . Haggith enters from the house of Judith .", "Thirst has overcome him ?", "Oh ! How comely a thing is the judgment of grey hairs !", "And she has fasted all the days of her widowhood , except the eves of the Sabbaths and the Sabbaths , and the eves of the new moons and the new moons , and the feasts and solemn days of the House of Israel .", "Lady , he is a fair youth , and fearless . But by what sign know you that he has spoken truly ?", "YOU are more beautiful than aforetime \u2014 were it possible .", "I also will go with you , for it is right that the governor should do honour to the lady Judith .", "Judith \u2014\u2014", "Who then commands the watch by the watchfires this night ?", "Brethren , hearken ! This night I go to Jerusalem , for I am called to higher things , because I have delivered Israel . And I shall not return to this little city ; but ye will have tidings of me in the years to come , and ye will say proudly to the strangers within your gates : He was a Bethulian and once he ruled over us .", "Shall we not go into your house , you and I ?", "I wish to speak privily with the lady Judith , now !", "Take the sack . It is my command .", "A profession full of risks .", "Shut the gates , I say ."], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 6}, {"query": ["I only know that I cannot eat pulse without water to drink .", "Yet the city is doomed . You can have no hope .", "I have given up prophesying .", "Then give me your bottle .", "No , no ! In my time soldiers fought fairly .", "Who is besieging Bethulia ?", "What then ? And the populace of Bethulia dying of thirst ?", "Then I will return to my house and drink again . No ! I will remain , and my eyes shall regard the women , as of old .", "The draught has revived me . So Merari married and had a daughter . What manner of woman is she ?", "That is not fighting .", "You ask me what has brought me at last out of my house . I will tell you . Thirst ! Thirst has brought me out of my house . Every morning and every evening my great-grandchild serves me with pulse and water . For five days she has furnished less and less water , and this day \u2014 not a drop ! Can one eat pulse without water to drink ? Half an hour ago I went to her to reason with her , and she lay on her bed cracked , and raved that she herself had not drunk for three days and that there was no water left in all Bethulia . So I came at last out of my house into the streets of this city famous for its cool fountains which never fail . And lo ! I meet the governor of this city , and he is Ozias ! Ozias ! Seven days do men mourn for him that is dead , but for an ungodly man all the days of his life ! Why is there no water in Bethulia , sprig ?", "Ah ! So this is Ozias , the son of Ezbon . Before your father could walk I have nursed him on my knee ; and he was filled like the full moon \u2014 with naughtiness .", "What is that up yonder ?", "Who ?", "I seem to remember it .", "Ah ! Merari , the son of Ox , the son of Oziel \u2014 Oziel and I were little playful boys together \u2014 the son of Elcia , the son of Raphaim , the son of Eliab , the son of Nathanael , the son of \u2014\u2014", "I have never heard his name . Who is he ?", "And that is why you are here , Ozias .", "Give it to me , or I will cry through the streets that you are concealing water .Ah !", "I pass my endless days in meditation and solitude .", "Why ! Because plainly war cannot continue on such a scale . Or if it does , mankind is destroyed . Nebuchadnezzar has rendered war ridiculous .", "At any rate this will be the last war .", "Then it was she who peepedfrom the tent a moment since ."], "true_target": ["I feel I can eat my pulse now .", "This vantage-point is new since my day . You have built it here , not to see the Assyrians , but to see Judith . And that is why you have set a guard to keep the street empty .", "Ay ! There is still woman !", "Why has Nebuchadnezzar set about this thing ? What harm has Bethulia done to him ?", "And what do you do , sprig ?", "It remains that I cannot eat pulse without water to drink .And surely Bethulia has more wells than any other city of Judea .", "Old ? Old ? I am not yet a hundred . Who are you ?", "They say there is now much water in Bethulia .", "I say this is not war . Once I travelled many days to Nineveh . It is a city of extravagance , and when I beheld its mad , new-fangled ways , I knew that the last day was nigh . I was right . Three thousand and five hundred years since Jehovah created Adam , and Eve from his rib ... Too long ! Too long ! And what is pulse without water ? I must have water .", "I see nobody but my daughter 's granddaughter , and her I forbid to speak to me , because being a woman she has the tongue of a woman , and a woman 's tongue is unfavourable to meditation . How should I be told ?", "It is the draught of water .", "You are most deeply versed in her life . Is she exceeding beautiful ?", "Now I understand my misfortune . And the truth was in me when I said to your mother as she lay dying : Better it is to die without children than to have them that are ungodly .", "Where is Ozias , and what does he do ?", "How many did you say ?", "Let her lie . She will come to of herself \u2014 or not , as God wills .", "Whose house is this ?", "Yes . But what manner of woman is she ?", "What is the deed of Judith ?The streets of the city are empty . I say the streets of the city are empty .", "You are responsible for this city ?", "I saw you put it from your lips as I came .", "Give me the bottle .", "Oh ! That manner of woman !"], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 6}, {"query": ["Water !", "This moment !"], "true_target": ["What , grandad ! You are abroad once more !", "Why did you go forth alone , grandad , frightening me when I looked and could not find you ? At your age ! Come back with me this moment ."], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 6}, {"query": ["Lord , they whine and snivel mightily .", "Yea , Haggith , we have still a little .", "What do ye , dogs ? Stop , and await the order of the lord", ", Not mine , lord .", "Thou dost not attire her ?", "And the ten Assyrians , great lord ?", "Lord Ozias , if they flee ?", "What ?", "Him ?He knows ! In truth now , thinkest thou he would expect us soldiers to keep guard without water ? He knows ! But he is a great lord , and in seemliness he asks for a lie , and that which he asks is given to him \u2014 in seemliness .", "Lord Ozias ! We saw this man lying bound at the foot of the hill , and we descended and loosed him and brought him privily into Bethulia by the secret way . And now we present him to my lord .", "Ozias .", "Look not over , booby . Thy fool 's face might meet the point of an Assyrian spear .", "Ah ! It is the business of a worshipful officer to scorn deceit and to suffer .", "Who can tell the heart of a master ? Not I ! When dost thou depart ?", "It is madness .", "Haggith ? It is the voice of Haggith ; yet it may also be devils .Run ! Rouse the lord Ozias .", "Lord ! turn away from me vain hopes and concupiscence .", "He raves on the bed , lord , and his tongue is like the tongue of a dog ."], "true_target": ["The people are the people . But we soldiers are soldiers \u2014 and must drink , or we cannot guard .Eh ! I could lie down and snore for seven years , but I am appointed to watch all night .", "AS my lord wills .", "Haggith , lord , with water that is stronger than wine .", "My lord knows that no drop is left in the gourds .", "What meanest thou ?", "None can enter the city till sunrise . And not then if I like not the aspect of his phiz .", "What journey ? There can be no journey for thee , unless thou leave the city and wend to the Assyrians .", "Lord ! Your command !", "Shut and barred , lord .", "Ah ! But thou wilt need an ass for this cargo .", "Yea , it is indeed Haggith . Where is thy mistress , and whence comest thou , my beloved water-carrier , for thou art my beloved ?", "My lord , some of these are elders of high authority , and would pass . As for the girl \u2014\u2014", "Pull , then , dogs . If there is water and it is wet I will taste it . But if there is not water , I will slay the first soul that enters .Hold ! No wider !", "Haggith ! Thou art marvellously and desirably changed .", "Yea , lord .Gatemen !", "Lord , the honourable lieutenant lies sick .", "And this is thy baggage ?", "I , lord . The watchfires wait the torch ."], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 6}, {"query": ["She is the fourteenth I have seen faint from thirst in the streets this day .", "Dodderer ! The whole city is afoot on the hill-side , and all the", "We are all spokesmen .", "Lord Ozias , may the God of Israel judge between us and you , for you have done us a great injury .", "It shall be done , Ozias .", "What is the miracle that I hear , Ozias ?"], "true_target": ["I obey , lord Ozias .", "Seeing that I have toiled mightily seven hours this day in charge of six score crazy carriers to carry water up from the wells ! Would that Ozias had granted me a whip to sharpen their brains ! And now Ozias hath left me in charge of the gates .", "Women and old men ? But the onslaught against the Assyrians of which I hear ?", "Even the children . In our extremity we are all spokesmen .", "And I say again that you have done us a great injury , in that you have not asked peace of the Assyrians . For we have no helper , and the God of Israel has sold us into the hands of the Assyrians . We are thrown down before them with thirst and with great destruction . Therefore now we demand \u2014\u2014 I say we demand that you call the Assyrians , and deliver the whole city for a spoil to the people of Holofernes and to all his army . For it is better for us to be made a spoil than to die of thirst . We will be the slaves of Holofernes , so that our souls may live and so that we may not see the death of our infants before our eyes , nor our wives nor our children die .We take to witness against you the heaven and the earth and our God and the God of our fathers , which punishes us according to our sins and the sins of our fathers ; and we demand of you that you deliver up the city to Holofernes and his host .", "Assyrians left alive are fled in panic into the East .", "He stands here beyond the gates to receive Judith and the women who have gone forth to meet her ."], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 6}, {"query": ["I ask pardon . When I saw thy great handsomeness I grew afraid , and my tongue was stiffened . In my country there is no man so handsome as thou art .", "Mistress ! Is it possible ?", "I am the ass .", "My lord Ozias !", "Mistress , I have been with the man Ingur !In obedience to your command . At Bethulia , being busied all my days with the ordering of your possessions , I had no time for traffic with men ; neither desire . And I deemed them terrible and masterful creatures . And when you commanded me to go forth into the camps and delude and entangle with wiles whatever Assyrian I should meet , I was afraid . For it was in my heart that I could not accomplish this thing . Yet I have done it prettily . And it is easier to me far than sweeping with a besom . Either all men are simpletons and besotted with self-conceit , or Ingur exceeds greatly in folly . I have been given to him for his slave , but he is mine and knows it not .", "It may be . But would the lord Ozias invite the displeasure of my mistress ? It is day . Let my lord sit in the sun .", "Dreams lift up fools .", "I have figs fit for a great king .", "The lady Judith is a widow .", "My mistress , the lady Judith , will speak with you . She comes .", "And let Ingur also be received into Israel , for he has repented of his idolatries . And he shall be my husband , yet shall he not rule me .", "Is he a great captain ?", "Open the mouth of the sack , and let my lord behold the head of Holofernes and see that I am mad .A torch , that the Lord Ozias may discover the manner of my raving .", "And my mistress is the right hand of the Lord .", "Assyrian , to use him thus . It is true that I have not the habit .", "There are many hussies in the camps , thousands and thousands , mistress . This lord is the chief eunuch .", "Mistress I would not suffer that you should pass from my sight , and I followed you , and Ingur followed me gladly , and at last the guard seized him for that he was found within the precincts of the prince 's quarter , which is forbidden to his rank , and many stripes will be his . Mistress , you eat not .", "For such as my high-born mistress , it is an offence . But for the handmaid \u2014 pooh ! She eats as she can , and the Lord turneth away his glance until she has finished her platter . Moreover , did you not lay it upon me to beguile the dolt ? And verily , mistress , I have rejoiced much this day ; and Ingur \u2014\u2014", "My mistress having eaten ... having eaten naught , is gone to \u2014 to \u2014 to \u2014 pray .", "I have water with me . Many gourds ! Fresh water ! Cool water !", "Then thou has lied to the governor ?", "It is greater and more magnificent than the temple at Bethulia .But unclean . Have they no besoms ?... Ah !The bigness of it makes me small like a child before it can walk . I could not live comfortably in such a great windy place . No ! I prefer our own house to all this royalty .", "Is this the tent of the monster ?", "Seven times more fair .", "The lady Judith .", "But the officer raving as thou hast said with thirst ?", "Could I lie to thee ? I have escaped from the city , which is given over to be consumed . I sought water for my thirst , for in Bethulia there is no water , and the people faint in the streets .", "Yes , my roaring lion .", "Sweet warrior ! Would I could rest thee !", "Women of the Prince 's tents ?", "I am a woman of the Hebrews , and I have come from Bethulia .", "It may be .", "My mistress has dreamed no dream . Why does the lord Ozias ask ?", "My mistress commanded me , when I encountered any noble", "I go with my mistress upon a journey .", "My mistress has slain Holofernes in his tent in the night , and the power of Assyria is undone .", "The most high Prince Holofernes \u2014 if he so wills my mistress would speak with his highness .", "Eat , mistress ."], "true_target": ["Nothing .", "Lord , it cannot be so . For the lady Judith commanded me to bring Achior also , for her protection , seeing that the youth came from the Assyrians at the bidding of the God of Israel to give comfort to Israel , and for a sign to my mistress .", "Thou wilt not harm me .", "Because the Lord of Israel is a sharp sword and protecteth his servants .... And also because my mistress is most cunningly hidden .", "Let him alone ; he is my bondman and I have tamed him .", "My mistress is hidden in a sure place in the valley , for there is one among the Assyrians who fears not God . And he is Bagoas , the chief eunuch of Holofernes , and he has sworn an oath to kill my mistress , for that by guile she did cut off the head of Holofernes . And Bagoas searches for my mistress in the folds of the valley . But he will not find her .", "Haggith .", "By my command they are chained by their necks , neck to neck . Fetch in the gourds , men , and give the people to drink .", "There are yet ten other Assyrians outside the gates , carrying gourds for me .", "He so softly entreated me .", "I have eaten and drunk \u2014 with Ingur .", "Lord Ozias , I came up from the valley to bring water , and to give tidings . Now I go down again to the valley with Ingur and his men to seek out my mistress , and to take new raiment to her , and lead her to the city ; for since the Israelites are fallen upon the Assyrians , my mistress is no longer in danger .", "I ! I , who have charge over all that is hers ! Wilt thou tell me , then , what is the task of her tiring-women ? Idle sluts !", "AS for that , she will tell it to my lord with her own voice when she shall come . And now will my lord give ear to the commands of the lady Judith , which she doth lay upon my lord by me , Haggith ? First , the head of Holofernes shall be set upon a spear on the highest wall in the great square before the temple . So shall all the Israelites know that God yet watcheth over Israel .Take the sack and do as my lady hath ordained by me , Haggith .", "Chut ! If thou hast heard a word , let it die with thee \u2014 it will not burst thee .", "I know not my mistress 's purpose .", "And so thou sleepest not this night !... Neither do I sleep .", "It is Haggith , servant of the lady Judith . Open the gates quickly , for I am become a woman of much consequence .", "Thus hath the lady Judith spoken by me , Haggith .", "I can hide nothing from thee , mighty wolf . I am , indeed , but just risen from my bed . The night before last night I set forth secretly , and came into the valley yesterday at noon , and lay soft in a cave where three springs bubbled , and drank , and slept until this morning 's sunrise .", "He shall not go , lord Ozias . For as my mistress beguiled Holofernes , so did I beguile Ingur , and he is my slave . But I have not cut off his head , and he is dear to me because I have not cut off his head . And he is mine , and let none touch him, or my anger , which is the anger of the lady Judith , shall be upon that man .What do I see ? The sluts are in the tent of my mistress , which is forbidden them . Out , sluts !", "Ye \u2014 es , mightiness .", "And all the people ?", "I am practising to thy profit for that which lies before me and my mistress .", "Nevertheless we go upon a journey .", "Next , ye shall send men for water to the wells beneath the city that all may drink , for already the Assyrians are fled from the wells , knowing that Holofernes is dead . And ye shall send forth all your army into the valley to fall upon the Assyrians , for they are afraid of the judgment of God , and none dare abide in the sight of his neighbour . Neither can they stand against the chosen race of God .", "All is prepared , mistress .", "My mistress is attiring .", "My mistress is washing herself in a fountain of water by the cave . She sent me forward in peace and friendliness to announce her coming .", "So thou hast no water ?", "Lost ?", "If it please thee , I am a woman .", "I know only that if Holofernes \u2014\u2014", "Hold thy mouth , gaby ! Wouldst thou flee with thy neck chained to nine necks ? Moreover , where will they flee ? For the camps of the Assyrians are broken , and in their terrible confusion the Assyrians fall one upon another .", "A cruse of oil , a bag of parched corn , fine bread , three lumps of figs \u2014 and a bottle of wine \u2014 yea , the last !", "My mistress commanded me to say to the lord Ozias that he should remain in the city to prepare for her a welcome .Bestir thy legs , booby !", "Nevertheless I do what I can .", "I am the forerunner of my mistress , who has sent me , and before many hours are passed the lady Judith will come also ."], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 6}, {"query": ["Judith is coming , after three years ! Judith ! The widow !"], "true_target": ["An Assyrian ! An Assyrian !"], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 6}, {"query": ["But why shall I not go ?", "Why is my lord against the pleasure of the Most High ? Do I not say , and has it not been revealed to me , that Bethulia shall not perish until its inhabitants have sinned before God ? Listen , illustrious Prince , I will remain this night . And when the time comes I will go into the valley , and I will pray to God , and mayhap He will tell me when the Israelites in Bethulia have committed their sin . And I will come and show it to you , and thereupon my lord and governor shall go forth with all his army , and none shall resist him .", "Will the wise man cast away a pearl , and will my lord in anger lose his servant for ever ?", "Achior , go into my house , and do honour to my dwelling , and repose in it .", "Death is fallen upon them , and they will provoke their God to anger , for their water is scant , and they faint in their thirst ; and they will drink the holy wine which was sanctified and reserved for the priests who serve before the face of our God : which thing is not lawful for any of the people so much as to touch with their hands .", "My ear has heard that the Israelites in Bethulia have committed their sin , and at sunrise the Assyrians shall assault Bethulia and none shall withstand them .", "In truth thou art set apart to be his . HOLOFERNESThy body trembles .", "There is but one God .", "As my lord wills .", "What has taken thee ?", "With this greatness of thine goes deceit and laxity of mind .", "Kiss my lips .", "Mightiness ! Mightiness ! I am your bondwoman , but it is appointed by heaven that I shall speak with the illustrious Prince Holofernes himself .", "What is the urgency that oppresses you , Ozias , and why are you troubled in the hour of triumph ?", "Before I escaped from Bethulia , as I lay on my bed , a vision came to me , and it was the vision of Holofernes in the likeness of his majesty and his might . And I saw the vision by my bed , and so it was that I came down into the valley ....And wouldst thou that I should have uttered this secret to any but thee !", "No ! It is I , the woman , who should ask to be absolved .", "It may be .", "He is a fair youth , and has spoken truly and feared not .", "But thou hast other wives .", "It shall not be so .", "He has not answered .", "My house is not ready to receive you , Ozias .", "I have done that which I had to do , and the power of Assyria is fallen .Take the head by the beard , and put it in thy sack , and let us depart .", "This promise that you have uttered to deliver the city to our enemies , unless within five days the Lord turn to help . Who are you that seek to stand instead of God among the children of men ?", "Leave Achior , and let us come at once to the matter that presses .", "The secret way ? I will take no secret way .", "Silence with thy prattle . Bethink thee of the dread business upon which I am come down from Bethulia into the valley ?", "I came not to meet Ozias , but the governor of Bethulia . From my tent I hearkened to the words which he spoke to the people , and the Lord said to me : Go down to him , thou , a woman . And I am here .", "Yes , I know it now better than thou .", "Who can search out heaven ?", "But what I have to say I would have said before them .", "I supplicate then , mighty Bagoas , that you lead me quickly to the illustrious Prince Holofernes .", "But not of his provision ?", "Let us feast .", "The word of Achior is true . For the Israelites shall not be punished , and the sword shall not prevail against them , except they sin against their God .", "But Holofernes is dead .", "I am Judith .", "Enquire not of my act , for I will not declare it until the things are finished that I do . But this I declare , that the Lord has inclined himself to me , and now he has sent Achior for a sign .", "I am ready to depart .", "What did I say to you , lord Ozias ? I said : You shall stand this night in the gate of the city , and I will go forth . My desire is that you command the gatemen to open the gates , so that I and my waiting-woman may pass out before all men , and in the sight of the Lord .", "I will utter my errand to the illustrious Prince Holofernes alone .", "Would you forestall God , and would you speak the decrees of God before they are uttered ?", "Who am I to hasten the God of Israel ? In the night time , and in the darkness , when all men sleep ,\u2014 then it is that my God condescends towards me , and my ear hears his secret purposes .", "I know it . Think you that in these years I have not seen the depths of your heart , Ozias ? Think you that I was blind in my tent ? Think you that I watched not upon you ? You were comely in my sight . But this day you have revealed your pride . For you seek not God , but the vanity of the earth , and you would make all Israel the instrument of your glory , denying the Lord . And I am sad .", "AS I came towards the city with Achior , the messenger from Jerusalem met us in the way , and he was full to bursting of the word of Ozias , and that Ozias had delivered Israel , and that what I did I did by thy device and at thy command . But the messenger in speaking knew not that he spoke to Judith , and I let him go .", "I will not eat of my lord 's meat , nor drink of his wine , lest there be offence ; I have brought provision by my waiting-woman .", "Yea , highness .", "And if I am ?", "It cannot be so .", "Did I not say that I should come in the night ?", "I would speak with the illustrious prince \u2014 and with Bagoas also .", "And the knife ?", "Where are the people ?", "Nebuchadnezzar is your god ? Is it not so , Bagoas ?", "Let them stay , Lord Ozias , for that which I do , I do not in secret , neither shall it be hidden .", "I have no power , save that which is given to me from on high .", "Where hast thou left him ?", "Let them loose him , Lord Ozias . His eyes are not the eyes of treachery .", "Thou art great also in thy loving .", "There is but one truth , brethren , whether it please or whether it displease .", "Yet it seems to me that thou wast ignorant of all that which I went out to do , and my plan was hidden from thee .", "Shame him not with fetters , lord Ozias .", "Did not Ozias say that Holofernes was a great warrior and had compassion in his greatness ?", "My provision will not fail before the Lord works by my hand the things which He has determined . Bagoas claps his hands . Enter an attendant .", "Yes ! It has been whispered to me that thou hast many wives , and concubines without number .", "O mighty child , where is thy strength , and where is thy terribleness ? Rest thee a moment on the couch , and thy soul 's captive will tend thee .", "Thinkst thou then that I was not afraid for thee ? But my fear is gone from me , for now I know thy fate and the decree of heaven concerning thee .", "This I tell you , that there may be peace and good intelligence between us . Is there peace between us ?", "It touches my lord and governor , because , knowing all this , I am fled from Bethulia , which shall be accurst ; and the God of Israel has sent me to work things with my lord and governor whereat the whole earth shall be astonished .", "I am here .", "It has befallen me that this moment the God of Israel has spoken and my ear has heard his command .", "My message concerns the fate of Bethulia , and of all the Assyrians , and of my lord . Life and death are in it , for I have communed with heaven .", "Perhaps you dismissed the people because it is not meet for them to see all the workings of the mind which has authority over them .", "If it pleases my lord .", "It is a sin and an offence for thee , being an Israelite .", "The lord Ozias is called to greatness . Peace go with him .", "There are yet hid greater things than this , and thou hast yet seen but a few of his works .", "I will drink again .", "It may be . But I love him and he shall rule me ... for he came hither for a sign from the Lord .", "I deny not thy greatness .", "Nay !", "I will speak to my lord in my lord 's tent .", "I go to prepare myself for that which I have to do ."], "true_target": ["Mighty Bagoas , deign to answer a question I will put .", "Nay ! I but looked upon thee in kindness . But now I will not go to thee in marriage .", "It cannot be so .", "Why ?", "Why then did you speak thus to the people ? And to what end did you deceive them ? I beseech you yet again to show me your heart , for it is right that I should know .", "I humbly thank your mightiness .", "Hear me again , Ozias . This night I will do a thing which shall go throughout all the generations to the children of Israel . You shall stand this night in the gate of the city , and I will go forth from the city with my waiting-woman ; and within the days that you have promised to deliver the city to our enemies the Lord will visit Israel by my hand .", "By the glance of his eyes I know .", "Nay ! I have done naught ; but the Lord hath saved Israel by thy hand .", "I said : I will pray to God and mayhap he will tell me .", "The great feast of the captains is over ?", "Does my lord shrink from his handmaid ?", "Nothing is forgotten ?", "This is a day memorable beyond all the days of Bethulia .", "God will not see his handmaid shamed . Moreover I regard not myself in this thing , but the welfare of the people of Israel .", "No .", "I will not deny that the Lord is in this thing . And for thy comfort I will tell thee that which thou knowest not .", "And now let the priests and the elders enter with me into my house , and Achior shall follow them , so that he may be received into Israel , and I will be betrothed to him with all the ceremonies of the law , for he came to me as a messenger from God . And when the marriage has been performed , I will submit myself to him as a wife to her husband .", "If we are thirsty , let us give thanks to the Lord our God , who tries us , even as he did our fathers .", "Illustrious Prince .", "Dare ! I am not afraid .", "There is no requisition in the grave whether you have lived ten or an hundred or a thousand years . But the God of Israel is a shield .", "How so ?", "Mighty Bagoas !", "And hearken further ! I will lead my lord and governor in the midst of Judea , until he comes to Jerusalem ; and I will set his throne in the midst of Jerusalem , and a dog shall not so much as open his mouth at my lord and prince . For these things were declared unto me from on high , and I am sent to tell them .", "Not even the sword of my lord and governor , except they sin against their God .But they will sin .", "Thou that wouldst go against the pleasure of the Most High ! Thou that wouldst defile Judea ! Thou that hast dishonoured with thy kiss the widow of Manasses ! Thou that hast compelled me to guile and deceit and much lying so that I might perform the will of God ! The grave shall be thy house !", "Who am I , to forgive my brother ? Peace be upon you !", "Stand afar off , Holofernes , and meddle not with her that communes with the Most High .", "I will speak to my lord alone .", "Wilt thou listen ?", "If there be a God in Israel , and if the Lord has not abandoned us , may not this youth be the messenger of the Most High to bring us comfort , and for a warning to the vainglory of Holofernes ?", "Let us speak here .", "Stay , I pray you , Achior .", "Hear me now , for the words you have spoken before the people this day are not right .", "Yea , it is so .", "Brethren , bewail not ! Remember what things the Lord did to Abraham , and how he tried Isaac , and what happened to Jacob in Mesopotamia . For the Lord has not tried us in the fire as he did them , neither has he taken vengeance upon us . But the Lord scourges them that come near to him , to admonish them .O Lord God of my father Simeon , the Assyrians are multiplied in their power ; they trust in shield , and spear , and bow , and sling ; and know not that thou art the Lord which breakest battles ; the Lord is thy name . Behold their pride , and send thy wrath upon their heads ; give into my hand , which am a widow , the power that I have conceived . For thy power standeth not in multitude , nor thy might in strong men . Smite the Assyrians by the deceit of my lips ; break down their stateliness by the hand of a woman . And make my speech and deceit to be their wound and stripe , who have purposed cruel things against thy covenant and against the top of Zion . And make every nation and tribe to acknowledge that thou art the God of all power , and that there is none other that protecteth the people of Israel but thou .", "Touch not your handmaid , and touch not the goblet .", "The men of Bethulia took him , and he declared to them all that he had spoken to my lord Prince . And many approved him .", "Give me food , Haggith . Where hast thou been ?", "I have seen it .", "A miracle in thy tent , O great warrior !", "I desire no preferment .", "Great prince , receive the words of your servant and suffer your handmaid to speak in your presence , and I will declare no lie to my lord .", "And ?", "Holofernes came out of the mountains from the north , and his horsemen covered the hills ; and he bragged that he would burn up the borders of Israel , and kill her young men with the sword , and make the virgins as a spoil . But the Almighty Lord hath disappointed the Assyrians by the hand of a woman ; and my sandals ravished the eye of Holofernes , and my beauty took his mind prisoner , and the knife passed through his neck . Let all creatures serve the Lord !", "You have not done this thing ?", "It was well said .", "Oh ! Brave ! Oh ! Men of courage and high valour !", "We hold converse with words , but the shadow of destruction is over us , and our hearts are darkened , and we hide our hearts in speech . Ozias , governor of Bethulia , show me your heart .", "Who are you that have tempted God this day ? For you cannot find the depth of the heart of man ,\u2014 how then shall you search out God or comprehend his purpose ? Brother , provoke not the Lord our God to anger . For if he will not help us within these five days , he has power to defend us when he will , even every day . Do not bind the counsels of God . For God is not as man that he may be threatened , neither as the son of man that he should be wavering . Therefore let us wait for salvation from him , and he will hear our voice ,\u2014 if it please him . Moreover , this city is the key and the gateway to all Judea . If it be obstinate in resistance , Judea is not defiled , but if it be taken the whole land shall lie waste and God will require the profanation of it at our mouth .", "Prince .", "My desire also was to have speech privately with the great conqueror , Holofernes .", "As the Lord liveth , my countenance deceived him to his destruction , yet did he not shame me .", "And thou , if I had not accomplished the will of the Lord , and if thou hadst been carried to Babylon as thou saidst , wouldst thou not have denied the Most High and gone after other gods ? But Achior believeth in our God , and this day will be joined into the house of Israel .", "Say you the people , Ozias ? As for them , you hold them lightly , and they are as naught in your eyes . So much you have avowed .", "No !But he shall be my slave to serve me . Pour out the wine , great slave .", "I will come to thee in the night , great prince .", "By Nebuchadnezzar , I heard none .", "And in the moment when the youth came you asked of me my counsel .", "Is all prepared ?", "It is no common man that with the parched tongue of thirst can talk thus while unspeakable calamity assails the city .", "As Nebuchadnezzar is your god , so is the Lord of Israel mine . And my God laid a secret command upon me to speak with Prince Holofernes alone and with none other in his tent . Thus , and thus only , was it that I refused to speak in the presence even of the mighty Bagoas . But as I withstood you in the valley there , the God of Israel descended upon me and I heard the voice of God in my ear , and the voice said : \u2018 It is permitted to thee to speak with Bagoas also . \u2019 Therefore I yielded to the importunity of Prince Holofernes and of Bagoas .", "I will speak to my lord alone .", "If my lord is alone and there is none with him . For it is not right that any should see me .", "I command thee that thou be happy . For thy captive has no other desire .", "To Holofernes .", "Before I go , I will look into the valley whither I descend .", "Yes , I eat . Do thou eat for me .", "To find water , and to have speech with the most illustrious", "Truth-teller !", "I cannot . My soul rejects it , and my body is on fire with expectation and suspense .Stay thou where thou art , for I will go forth alone . I must commune with the God of Israel for my tranquillity , and I dare not seek him in the tent of the heathen .", "Ozias , you have shown me your heart .", "Greetings , Lord Ozias .", "O lord and governor , I say : Reject not the word of Achior , but lay it up in your heart .", "There are beautiful women in Judea , but no man of Judea would look twice at such as I , a shrunken widow , like dried fish .", "Hush !", "I deceived not for myself , but for Israel ; and my guile was for the glory of God . But thy heart is set only upon advancement and power , which is corruption .", "And when the city has fallen while the Assyrians sit and watch , and when all men whisper one to another that the greatest captain of the earth conquered by a device because he dared not attack boldly with spear , and bow , and sling \u2014 in that day will my lord and governor be content ? Or will he be ashamed , and blush to lift up his eyes ?", "No , lord . I prayed for the forgiveness of the transgressions of thy handmaid .", "If Nebuchadnezzar laid a command upon you , would you disregard it ?", "Thou ! Thou art Ozias , but I am she who cut off the head of a mightier than thou , even Holofernes in his tent . Go thy ways and fulfil greatness . As for me I will remain obediently in my house , and truth and righteousness shall reign in my house .", "But how does this matter touch thee , and what is my virtue in thy regard ?"], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 6}, {"query": ["An Assyrian ! An Assyrian !", "So be it !", "Water ! Water ! Or we die !", "Water ! Water !", "Spy ! Stone him ! Rend him !", "Gentile dog ! Shall we not render him to pieces ?"], "true_target": ["His name shall live for ever .", "So be it .", "The Assyrian ! The Assyrian !", "Slay him ! Stone him ! Whip the dog !", "It is true .", "It is true . It is true !"], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 6}, {"query": ["Thus it happened . When the children of Israel had shut up the passages of the hill country and had fortified all the tops of the high hills , Holofernes was very angry . And he called the captains of Ammon and said to them : Tell me now , ye sons of Chanaan , who these Israelites are that dwell in the hill country , and wherein is their power and strength , and why they have determined not to come and meet me , more than all the inhabitants of the west ? And I , Achior , answered the question of Holofernes .", "To Holofernes , my lord and governor , I spoke truth ; and to you also I speak truth . Never has my mouth lied , nor my tongue uttered deceit . If death is ordained for my recompense , so be it .", "Gladly , O lady !", "I said to Holofernes , my lord and governor , that which I was appointed to say \u2014 that , no more and no less .", "I said to Holofernes : This people is descended of the Chaldeans . But they left the way of their ancestors and would not follow the gods of their fathers ; and they worshipped the God of heaven . So they were cast out from the face of the gods of Chaldea , and they fled into Mesopotamia . And they came to Chanaan . But when a famine covered all the land of Chanaan they went down into Egypt , and the king of Egypt brought them low with labouring in brick and made them slaves . Then they cried to their God , and he smote all the land of Egypt with plagues .... And God dried the Red Sea for them .", "And they came to Chanaan , and drove before them the inhabitants of that land , and they dwelt in that country many days . And while they sinned not before their God they prospered , because the God that hates iniquity was with them .", "Captain of all the Ammonites in the army of Holofernes ."], "true_target": ["Thus . When I had finished speaking to Holofernes , all they that were about my lord and governor rose up in wrath and cried : Kill him . And the face of Holofernes darkened , and he said : And who art thou , Achior , that thou hast prophesied among us to-day that we should not make war with the people of Israel because of their God ? And who is God but Nebuchadnezzar ? Nebuchadnezzar by my hand will destroy the Israelites , and their God shall not deliver them . Their mountains shall be drunken with their blood and their fields shall be filled with their dead bodies .And thou , Achior , shalt be delivered up to the Israelites in Bethulia , and when thou seest me again thou shalt fall among the slain .... And he commanded his servants , and they took me , and carried me secretly to the foot of the hill of Bethulia . And here am I !", "My mouth shall say truth , but I will not fear .", "And I said to Holofernes : But now this people are returned to their God , and have possessed Jerusalem , and are seated in the hill country .And I said further to Holofernes : Now therefore , my lord and governor , if there be any error in this people , let us go up and we shall overcome them . But if there be no iniquity in their nation , let my lord now pass by , lest their Lord defend them and we become a reproach before all the world .", "But when they departed from the way which their God appointed , then they were destroyed in many battles very sore , and were led captives into a land that was not theirs , and the temple of their God was cast to the ground .", "I spoke the truth to Holofernes .", "There was none left to guard , and I came forth .", "Achior ."], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 6}, {"query": ["Ay ! Wives ! Concubines ! Virgins ! Beyond counting . Didst thou think in thy Hebrew pride , that the Prince was a savage and a barbarian ?... Down , damsel ! Here is Bagoas . Embrace the earth for thy life 's sake .", "Um ! And what else hast thou ? Let me touch thee , Haggith .Yes , thou art outlandish , and no doubt mad , but comely . Comely ! Thou hast the likeness and feel of a woman . Always have I hankered after strange women , and now lo ! one falls ripe into my mouth .In a way of speaking ! In a way speaking ! For thou art not in my mouth . And so thou earnest to slake thy thirst ?", "I will not tear thee to pieces , but thou shalt come away with me .Thou hast not the habit of this stroking .", "But it is a long journey from Bethulia , and thou art fresh and delicate as though just risen from thy bed .", "Mightiness , a woman of the Hebrews escaped from Bethulia to find water ! And by my subtlety I have captured her .", "Fetch her !Stay ! Bagoas is approaching , and he may have seen thee . His eyes are sharp . Stand off .But when I tell thee , fall down on thy face .", "Fetch her !", "Thy \u2014 thy mistress ? Ye are two ? Where then is thy mistress ? Tell me upon the instant \u2014 is she fairer than thou ?", "Ingur , mightiness , commanding twenty footmen .", "Thy name is as strange as thy errand , and as thyself ; and surely thou art a woman of the Hebrews , which is a race of lunatics , as I am told ."], "true_target": ["No . Thou art a hedgehog .", "Your slave captured the mistress . Reward him with this outlandish wench .", "Mightiness , pardon your slave .", "What art thou ?", "Listen ! Thou hast saved thy life with water . But thou art lost .", "His mightiness is the chief eunuch of the Prince , and there is none greater than he save only the Prince himself , for Bagoas has charge over all the women of the Prince 's tents .", "A woman of the Hebrews ! From Bethulia !Stand back from my face .This is a rare strange tale .", "And there is another yet to appear ,\u2014 her mistress , seven times fairer .", "Ay ! A woman in the camps of the Assyrians \u2014 she is undone . She is a lamb in a den of terrible tigers .No , no ! I will protect thee , but I warn thee that thou art undone . I am honest .", "What is thy name ?", "Ah !And what then is thy country ?"], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 6}, {"query": ["I will lead her by the path to the cave , for the Prince will surely not come that way .Follow me , lady .", "No , prince .", "Aha ! A widow ! And the Hebrew hag would speak with Prince Holofernes !", "Lady , in my heat I admonished you with hard words and much vituperation .", "Ah ! We are well met , you and I . For I am Bagoas , chief eunuch to the illustrious Prince .Run . Fetch the box of veils .", "To hear is to obey .", "Or that ?", "The veils ! The veils ! Where is the rascal ? The attendant rushes in panting with the box of veils . He is followed by Ingur .", "Her mistress may be seven times fairer than this eyesore , and yet ugly .Who is thy mistress ?", "Animal , wouldst thou dare to behold that which is thy lord 's ? Leave the last veil , and away with thee .", "Highness !", "Deign to ask , lady , and my humility shall answer ; for your beauty has blinded Holofernes this day and he is your captive , and his servant is your servant , and there is no law in the camps of the Assyrians save your glance .", "Judith ! A name fit only for a cat ! Why is she here ? How is she here ? What is her secret and detestable purpose ? For there is a trick in this thing .", "May heaven be with us , for the woman is against us !", "Let her not speak with my lord alone in my lord 's tent .", "The Prince comes to look upon you in his tent .", "The Council awaits your highness .", "So be it , highness . Nevertheless , the Prince has promised to his captains a mighty feast , and the word of Holofernes is a rock that cannot be shaken .", "Terrible master , she is full of guile and deceitfulness , and came not at all for water , but for a hidden purpose against you . Therefore enquire of her closely .", "Speak with the Prince ? Speak with the Prince ? Ha-ha !What is the state of thy mistress ?", "I humbly think the thought of his highness .", "I will send for the skins on the instant , highness .", "Begone from my sight . This morning the Prince condescends to walk through the camp , that all the armies may take joy in his countenance . It is not meet that he should be seen of any lower than a lieutenant .", "What ? Thou queasy chit ! Thou minx ! Thou jade ! Baggage ! Mopsy ! Shamelesss wench ! Thou wilt not obey Bagoas , chief eunuch in the camps of the Assyrians ! I will make thee the slave of my slave and the plaything of scullions .Thou shalt be abandoned to the sutlers and the ass-drivers , and thus thou shalt learn who is Bagoas and what is his power !The strumpets of the kitchens shall scorn thee ! I \u2014 I \u2014\u2014", "Ah ! Prince ! What guard could restrain her ?", "Prince ?", "Then it is right that my lord remains not . And moreover the", "What mean you \u2014 it cannot be so ?", "She is bound , illustrious prince .", "To your beds , all of you . Let none remain .The waiters are gone , Prince . There is no one left to disturb the night .", "It is a device .", "Fetch Haggith , the waiting-woman of the lady Judith ! Quickly !Prince , shall the Hebrew woman eat and drink of her provision in my lord 's tent ?", "Your god is a wise god and has discernment .", "Well ?", "Prince , has any woman yet slipped through these hands ? This girl is the waiting wench of the lady Judith .Where is thy mistress , wench ?"], "true_target": ["I have heard how you have escaped out of Bethulia and come hither in order to find water .Aught else ?", "There is peace between us . And in the closeness of our intelligence you and I will rule them that rule all Assyria .", "Yea , highness . But my lord has but this moment appointed a great feast with his captains at sunset . How then shall he eat and drink with the lady Judith ?", "It is a true word .", "The moon is clouded , highness .", "It may well be so , Prince . But I have not seen the whole earth .", "It is a device against my lord .", "If the Prince so much as sees her before the city is taken , never will the city be taken , and we shall all be her captives .", "Woman , Prince ?", "Well , if it is appointed by heaven , so shall it be . Forget my words . They had no evil intent , for I was trying you , as my duty is .The sweetness of her glance dissolves my backbone .", "Callest thou the illustrious one by his name ? The most high Prince Holofernes , foul wench .", "In my ear , privily . Approach .", "A woman of the Hebrews !Rise , scum , and let me behold thy deformity .", "Surely ! Surely ! It is my pleasure to content you .This dried fish by her damnable beauty will reach great power , and if I speak not softly to her now she will undo me in that day .", "Council humbly waits for my lord .", "But if thy provision fail ?", "Bring her . Her god may wait , but not the illustrious Prince . Run with both thy legs .", "Queen of the night of Holofernes !", "Nebuchadnezzar is henceforward the god of the Assyrians and of all the lands which their spears conquer . It is an official order .", "If this be an example of the Bethulian women , I shall have a momentous business upon me when their city falls .", "I would she had , the jade !Prince , she cannot escape . Every path from the valley is guarded .", "The fool goeth out to seek his own damnation . Take her .", "It is but a night breeze .", "Holofernes !Hide her , rascals , or Assyria is undone .", "But it is necessary that you should relate to me your little affair . For no woman speaks to the illustrious Prince until she has spoken to me .", "Follow me , lady .Thinkest thou the Prince will come this way ?", "I looked , O illustrious .", "I would not , for my skin is very valuable to me .", "Persuasion shall be used , highness . My arts are many and various .", "You are very beautiful .", "Who art thou ?", "Tell me thy mistress 's purpose , or I will have thee smothered .", "Prince , let not the benevolence of your heart be your undoing , for in the loveliness of her face is cunning and great peril . I have lived all my days amid the craftiness of women , and my lord also knows somewhat of their strange tricks , which bring ruin to the carnal .", "Ah ! It is of Judith that the Prince deigns to speak . Lo ! I had caught her and was bringing her to your highness .Stand aside , dogs .", "Did I not say that you and I shall rule them that rule Assyria ?"], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 6}, {"query": ["Yea , mightiness .", "Yea , mightiness !", "Yea , mightiness ."], "true_target": ["Yea , mightiness .", "Yea , mightinesss .", "Yea , mightiness .", "Yea , mightiness ."], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 6}, {"query": ["Art thou in truth here , or do my eyes behold that which is not ?", "Come closer .Look into my eyes .Sorceress , thou knowest thy power .", "And he is Nebuchadnezzar . Speak thy tale .", "What has all this to do with me ? There is no god but", "It will be a shame for our person if we let such a woman go , not having delighted in her company . If we do not draw her to us she will laugh us to scorn .", "Say not my captive . For it is I that am thy prisoner . And I will set thee on my throne , and in my great boldness I will dare to sit beside thee . But thou shalt reign . And we will live together in Assyria long years .", "Do thy thinking outside .", "To-morrow is appointed for my triumph , but this night also shall I exult .Let us eat and drink together , for we are alone in the night , and thou hast promised .", "Thou wilt go thyself to fetch them , elephant . And come not back without the finest skins in my wardrobe . See to it .", "Where is she ? Has she fled ? If she has escaped me , this shall be thy last day , Bagoas . What is this girl here ?", "Bagoas , with thine arts thou shalt persuade the Hebrew woman to come to us and to eat and drink with us this night .", "Speak now , I command thee .", "At what hour is the Council of Captains ?", "There is not such a woman from one end of the earth to the other , both for beauty of face and wisdom of words .", "But didst thou look ?", "The captains are departed , drunken with wine and their pride . But thy feast and my feast is not begun .", "Which heaven ? Thine or mine ?", "This night ?", "Is there moonlight ?", "This day will I attack the city and take it , and though I make fifty thousand widows and orphans in Assyria I will compass Bethulia , and not one house in it shall be left standing , nor one Israelite alive .", "What saith thy god ?", "Thou dost not . For I am mad for thee , and thou hast set thy seal upon me for evermore . My heart cannot hold thee , for thou hast filled it to overflowing , and all men see that my heart is full of thee and runneth over . Yea , I have a hundred and two and thirty thousand that bow themselves at my feet and that live and die by my glance . And I am at thy feet and thy glance is my joy and my sorrow according to thy whim . Judith , I entreat thee , command me something . For whatever thou command me , that will I execute . And be not afraid in thy command , for my power is very great and there is none like it save only my lord Nebuchadnezzar 's .", "What things ? And what have I to do with thy god ? I need not thy god , for after the Israelites have drunk their wine they will thirst again ; and when the city is broken with fainting , it will fall safe into my hands while I sit and watch .", "It is a lie . For from this night I have put away from me all women but thee , and there is not one among them to compare with thee .And since the judgment of heaven hath done a miracle by thee in the tent of Holofernes this night , wilt thou deny , O tenderness ! that thou hast been divinely appointed to me , and I to thee ?", "Let her follow me .", "Arise , sorceress .Go fetch leopard skins for her repose .", "And thou wilt eat and drink with me in my triumph ?", "Did the slave reach Bethulia ?", "Speak out all thy heart , and quickly !", "Tell me .", "A miracle !", "Thou hast done well to come to me , that strength may be in my hands and destruction upon them that lightly regard Nebuchadnezzar , the one god . Thou art ravishing in countenance , and if thou do as thou hast spoken , thou shalt dwell in my house which is over against the house of King Nebuchadnezzar , and thou shalt be renowned through the east and through the west . Bagoas , prepare meat and wine for her .", "I will kiss thy lips , and thou art mine , O fragrance !", "Where is this woman ?", "I have done it .", "Didst thou demand of him that he should tell thee if the Israelites in Bethulia had committed their sin , and if the time of my triumph was at hand ?", "What guard could restrain such a woman ?", "Rise .And Achior ?", "So thou hast escaped out of Bethulia to find water for thy thirst ?", "Thou hast prayed , and thy god hath not answered ?", "Thou wast praying to thy god ?", "Begone to thy post !", "Sorceress !"], "true_target": ["Wait !", "Woman, be of good comfort , and fear not in thy heart , for I never hurt any that was willing to serve Nebuchadnezzar , the god of all the earth . And if thy people that dwell in the mountains had not held me lightly , I would not have lifted up my spear against them , but they have done these things to themselves .", "Speak .", "Fairest among women ! Can it be !... The way of God is wondrous .", "She shall eat and drink in my tent , and she shall not leave it .", "Bagoas , she has escaped back to her own people .", "Why didst thou not demand of him what I ask thee ?", "Take off thy tunic ; thou art in thy own house . Let Holofernes be thy tire-woman .", "Thou wilt come to me when the time is at hand for my triumph !", "Thou art bold .", "Thou saidst thou wouldst pray to thy god this night and that he would tell thee when the Israelites in Bethulia had committed their sin , and that thou wouldst come to me to proclaim the hour of my triumph .", "This night ?", "The wind is rising .", "In my tent ! Who art thou who defiest me , and what is thy licence , heathen slave , to defile the tent of Holofernes ? Bind her . Take her away , and twist the cords about her neck , and strangle her , and cast her insolence into the lake .", "Who would despise these Hebrews that have among them such women as she ?Surely it is not good that one man among them should be left ; for if one were let go he might deceive the whole earth .", "And thou wilt come to me in the night and tell me thy message ?", "It is a true word .", "Chastise thy tongue , ere it overthrow thee , fiend . There is no guile in that face .Tell me now thy message and wherefore in truth thou art come . And tremble not , for thou shalt live this night .", "Not even my sword ?", "And what sayest thou of Achior ?", "I will be alone . But Bagoas shall stand at the door of the tent .", "Hear me , Judith . Thy god shall be my god .", "Hast thou seen her ?", "Dost thou verily know thy power and thy dominion , Judith ?", "My great joy has overthrown me .", "Yea , I trusted thee . I trusted thee so much that at the feast of the captains I commanded that all my hosts shall attack Bethulia , with bow , and sling , and spear , at sunrise , and also I gave the word of Holofernes for a pledge that naught in the heavens or on the earth should resist the onset of the Assyrians ; for some among them feared the word of Achior which they had heard .", "I feared that in the strictness of thy Hebrew scruples thou wouldst not drink of my wine .", "Dost thou echo me ?", "He is no god , then , thy god . Let us drink .", "This Hebrew woman , I say ! One Ingur has run among the tents chattering , and the rumour of her has spread through the camps like a plague . By Nebuchadnezzar the one god , where is she , for it has been told to me that her beauty excels the beauty of all the women of the East and ravishes the eye exceedingly ?", "Wait !", "What has befallen thee ?", "Thou art offended .", "And I have told thee that thy god shall be my god ; but in secret , because of that which I owe to King Nebuchadnezzar . Yet shall the whole earth know that thou , Judith , alone art my god .", "Veil her , that her face and form be not seen as she passes to my tent , for she is mine .", "Ah ! They will sin ? In what will they sin ?", "Thou wilt eat of my meat and drink of my wine , which I will give thee ?", "Oh ! What a calamity is love ! And there is no slave so trodden down as him that is the slave of desire .... Bah ! I will eat and drink quickly with the captains , and the woman shall await me here .", "To-morrow is appointed to be the day of my triumph .", "Give me wine .Bagoas !", "Thick-skull ! Speak not to me of my captains ! The Council of the Captains was as dust in my mouth , and I could not away with it . Therefore I sharply dismissed the Council , and soothed their damnable pride with the promise of a mighty feast . But what care I for the captains ? My heart thirsts horribly for this Hebrew woman , and I am full of a great madness .", "I cannot lose thee .Unbind her .", "Nebuchadnezzar .", "No !"], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 6}, {"query": ["It is a tale which fathers shall tell to their children , and to their children 's children , and men shall wonder thereat for all time . And now your servant will say to you a thing which has not been told to him but which his ear has heard . It was said among the mighty that if my lord Ozias should save Judea from the heathen , he would receive notable advancement and be raised up among the great ones of the land .Yet will Joachim not be astonished , for it was spoken in Jerusalem that among all the Israelites there is none like the lord Ozias for cunning and obstinacy in defence .", "The licence for the people of Bethulia to drink the wine which is sanctified and reserved to the priests which serve the Lord .", "But in the days of trial to come , will not the lord Ozias have need of the licence ?", "What says my lord ?", "But this thing is marvellous beyond the understanding of man !", "The lord Ozias sent a messenger to Jerusalem to beseech that the licence should be granted . And my lord 's messenger travelled so swiftly that in the moment when he reached the temple at Jerusalem he fell sick and vomited , and I have come to Bethulia in his place , for after he had vomited he unfolded to me the secret way into the city .", "And when Joachim enquires of me who hath taken Holofernes the great captain to behead him , and by what device , what shall I answer to Joachim ?"], "true_target": ["And here is the licence .", "I bear the licence from Joachim .", "Do my eyes behold the great lord Ozias , governor of Bethulia ?", "The God of Israel hath saved Israel .", "And Joachim hath bidden me to say privily that if any have already in their extremity drunk of the sanctified wine it shall be denied utterly \u2014 for the sake of the church .", "I am a messenger .", "And I am no common messenger . I come with wings through the night from Jerusalem , from Joachim , the high priest .", "It is not yet dawn , nevertheless the streets of the city are full of a great going and coming , but I found none to lead me to the house of the lord Ozias . Yet when I saw my lord 's visage my heart said : \u2018 This is he . \u2019"], "play_index": 6, "act_index": 6}, {"query": ["We all that are engaged to this loss", "We see th \u2019 appearing buds ; which to prove fruit", "Flatt'ring himself in project of a power", "I bring you certain news from Shrewsbury .", "And waste for churlish winter 's tyranny .", "Tell thou the Earl", "Upon mine honour , for a silken point", "The horse he rode on and , upon my life ,", "Much smaller than the smallest of his thoughts ;", "That if we wrought out life \u2018 twas ten to one ;", "Which if we find outweighs ability ,", "It was , my lord ; who lin 'd himself with hope ,", "Beyond his power to build it ; who , half through ,", "I 'll give my barony . Never talk of it .", "Which is almost to pluck a kingdom down", "Like one that draws the model of a house", "Come , we will put forth , body and goods .", "We fortify in paper and in figures ,", "Then we must rate the cost of the erection ;", "The plot of situation and the model ,", "Lives so in hope , as in an early spring", "Proper to madmen , led his powers to death ,", "To build at all ? Much more , in this great work \u2014", "Conjecture , expectation , and surmise", "Kill 'd by the hand of Douglas ; young Prince John ,", "Question surveyors , know our own estate", "But if without him we be thought too feeble ,", "The question then , Lord Hastings , standeth thus :", "And , winking , leapt into destruction .", "Eating the air and promise of supply ,", "And , in the fortune of my lord your son ,", "He was some hilding fellow that had stol'n", "May hold up head without Northumberland ?", "Gives o'er and leaves his part-created cost", "What do we then but draw anew the model", "Whether our present five and twenty thousand", "Indeed the instant action , a cause on foot-", "Knew that we ventured on such dangerous seas", "And Harry Monmouth 's brawn , the hulk Sir John ,", "Consent upon a sure foundation ,", "Yes , if this present quality of war-", "And he is furnish 'd with no certainties", "Spoke at a venture . Look , here comes more news ."], "true_target": ["My lord , I 'll tell you what :", "This strained passion doth you wrong , my lord .", "And when we see the figure of the house ,", "A naked subject to the weeping clouds", "Of aids incertain , should not be admitted .", "Here comes the Earl . Exit PORTER", "Chok 'd the respect of likely peril fear 'd ;", "So fought , so followed , and so fairly won ,", "And set another up \u2014 should we survey", "To weigh against his opposite ; or else", "Since Cxsar 's fortunes !", "Hope gives not so much warrant , as despair", "Yea , marry , there 's the point ;", "If my young lord your son have not the day ,", "And so , with great imagination", "I spake with one , my lord , that came from thence ; A gentleman well bred and of good name , That freely rend'red me these news for true .", "More than he haply may retail from me .", "My judgment is we should not step too far", "My lord , I over-rode him on the way ;", "Is prisoner to your son . O , such a day ,", "Using the names of men instead of men ;", "In fewer offices , or at least desist", "Till we had his assistance by the hand ;", "Came not till now to dignify the times ,", "That the Lord Bardolph doth attend him here .", "The PORTER opens the gate", "And yet we ventur 'd , for the gain propos 'd", "How able such a work to undergo-", "Who \u2014 he ?", "And Westmoreland , and Stafford , fled the field ;", "The King is almost wounded to the death ;", "That frosts will bite them . When we mean to build ,", "As good as heart can wish .", "Who keeps the gate here , ho ?", "And since we are o'erset , venture again .", "For , in a theme so bloody-fac 'd as this ,", "Prince Harry slain outright ; and both the Blunts", "Who is it like should lead his forces hither ?", "I cannot think , my lord , your son is dead .", "Noble Earl ,", "We first survey the plot , then draw the model ;", "Where is the Earl ?", "What , is the King but five and twenty thousand ?"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["Please it your honour knock but at the gate ,", "What shall I say you are ?"], "true_target": ["And he himself will answer .", "His lordship is walk 'd forth into the orchard ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["Is apter than thy tongue to tell thy errand .", "How doth my son and brother ?", "Keep the wild flood confin 'd ! Let order die !", "Get posts and letters , and make friends with speed \u2014", "But I must go and meet with danger there ,", "Out of his keeper 's arms , even so my limbs ,", "Hath left a witness 'd usurpation .", "Fain would I go to meet the Archbishop ,", "I pray thee , loving wife , and gentle daughter ,", "Thou art a guard too wanton for the head", "Being sick , have in some measure made me well ;", "I knew of this before ; but , to speak truth ,", "But Priam found the fire ere he his tongue ,", "Fair daughter , you do draw my spirits from me", "And I my Percy 's death ere thou report'st it .", "Reign in all bosoms , that , each heart being set", "That what he fear 'd is chanced . Yet speak , Morton ;", "Go in with me ; and counsel every man", "So dull , so dread in look , so woe-begone ,", "The tongue offends not that reports his death ;", "And as the wretch whose fever-weak'ned joints ,", "Tell thou an earl his divination lies ,", "In poison there is physic ; and these news ,", "Thou tremblest ; and the whiteness in thy cheek", "Give then such instances of loss ?", "What news , Lord Bardolph ? Every minute now", "See what a ready tongue suspicion hath !", "And darkness be the burier of the dead !", "I will resolve for Scotland . There am I ,", "For this I shall have time enough to mourn .", "Of Hotspur , Coldspur ? that rebellion", "But many thousand reasons hold me back .", "Yet , for all this , say not that Percy 's dead .", "Till time and vantage crave my company . Exeunt", "This thou wouldst say : \u2018 Your son did thus and thus ;", "Even such a man , so faint , so spiritless ,", "And make thee rich for doing me such wrong .", "Say , Morton , didst thou come from Shrewsbury ?", "Sounds ever after as a sullen bell ,", "To feed contention in a ling'ring act ;", "Thou hast a sigh to blow away this praise ,", "Now , Travers , what good tidings comes with you ?", "But let one spirit of the first-born Cain", "As with the tide swell 'd up unto his height ,", "Like strengthless hinges , buckle under life ,", "Put not you on the visage of the times", "Beshrew your heart ,", "Why should that gentleman that rode by Travers", "To speak a truth . If he be slain , say so :", "With new lamenting ancient oversights .", "Not he which says the dead is not alive .", "On Tuesday last to listen after news ."], "true_target": ["The ragged'st hour that time and spite dare bring", "Give even way unto my rough affairs ;", "A scaly gauntlet now with joints of steel", "And find me worse provided .", "Are thrice themselves . Hence , therefore , thou nice crutch !", "Ending with \u2018 Brother , son , and all , are dead . \u2019", "I see a strange confession in thine eye ;", "That makes a still-stand , running neither way .", "Impatient of his fit , breaks like a fire", "Foretells the nature of a tragic volume .", "So looks the strand whereon the imperious flood", "And be , like them , to Percy troublesome .", "Stopping my greedy ear with their bold deeds ;", "Yea , this man 's brow , like to a title-leaf ,", "Said he young Harry Percy 's spur was cold ?", "Alas , sweet wife , my honour is at pawn ;", "To frown upon th \u2019 enrag 'd Northumberland !", "Why , he is dead .", "And he doth sin that doth belie the dead ,", "Rememb'red tolling a departing friend .", "And I will take it as a sweet disgrace", "Here comes my servant Travers , whom I sent", "Your brother thus ; so fought the noble Douglas \u2019 \u2014", "Full of high feeding , madly hath broke loose", "He that but fears the thing he would not know", "The aptest way for safety and revenge .", "And but my going nothing can redeem it .", "Having been well , that would have made me sick ,", "And would have told him half his Troy was burnt ;", "And let this world no longer be a stage", "Ha ! Again :", "Now bind my brows with iron ; and approach", "And bears down all before him .", "On bloody courses , the rude scene may end", "Yet the first bringer of unwelcome news", "Which princes , flesh 'd with conquest , aim to hit .", "Come , come , go in with me . \u2018 Tis with my mind", "How is this deriv 'd ? Saw you the field ? Came you from Shrewsbury ?", "Drew Priam 's curtain in the dead of night", "Must glove this hand ; and hence , thou sickly coif !", "Should be the father of some stratagem .", "Let heaven kiss earth ! Now let not Nature 's hand", "Or it will seek me in another place ,", "Thou shak'st thy head , and hold'st it fear or sin", "But in the end , to stop my ear indeed ,", "Good , an God will !", "Hath but a losing office , and his tongue", "Had met ill luck ?", "Hath by instinct knowledge from others \u2019 eyes", "This present grief had wip 'd it from my mind .", "Never so few , and never yet more need . Exeunt", "Weak'ned with grief , being now enrag 'd with grief ,", "The times are wild ; contention , like a horse"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["That stopp 'd by me to breathe his bloodied horse .", "And that young Harry Percy 's spur was cold .", "With joyful tidings ; and , being better hors 'd ,", "He told me that rebellion had bad luck ,", "A gentleman , almost forspent with speed ,", "With that he gave his able horse the head", "My lord , Sir John Umfrevile turn 'd me back"], "true_target": ["Up to the rowel-head ; and starting so ,", "And , bending forward , struck his armed heels", "I did demand what news from Shrewsbury .", "Staying no longer question .", "He ask 'd the way to Chester ; and of him", "Against the panting sides of his poor jade", "He seem 'd in running to devour the way ,", "Out-rode me . After him came spurring hard"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["To Harry Monmouth , whose swift wrath beat down", "And they did fight with queasiness , constrain 'd ,", "\u2018 Let us make head . \u2019 It was your pre-surmise", "Sweet Earl , divorce not wisdom from your honour .", "Even to the dullest peasant in his camp \u2014", "The bloody Douglas , whose well-labouring sword", "More than that being which was like to be ?", "I hear for certain , and dare speak the truth :", "I ran from Shrewsbury , my noble lord ;", "Which once in him abated , all the rest", "Or what hath this bold enterprise brought forth", "Yet did you say \u2018 Go forth \u2019 ; and none of this ,", "Gasping for life under great Bolingbroke ;", "My lord your son had only but the corpse ,", "Suppos 'd sincere and holy in his thoughts ,", "You are too great to be by me gainsaid ;", "Gan vail his stomach and did grace the shame", "For that same word \u2018 rebellion \u2019 did divide", "That in the dole of blows your son might drop .", "Lend to this weight such lightness with their fear", "Would lift him where most trade of danger rang 'd ;", "Being bruited once , took fire and heat away", "Your spirit is too true , your fears too certain .", "Fly from the field . Then was that noble Worcester", "Had three times slain th \u2019 appearance of the King ,", "As fish are in a pond . But now the Bishop", "This word \u2018 rebellion \u2019 \u2014 it had froze them up ,", "But for my lord your son \u2014", "In few , his death \u2014 whose spirit lent a fire", "Than did our soldiers , aiming at their safety ,", "And summ 'd the account of chance before you said", "The gentle Archbishop of York is up", "Tells them he doth bestride a bleeding land ,", "But shadows and the shows of men , to fight ;", "Seem 'd on our side , but for their spirits and souls", "The never-daunted Percy to the earth ,", "To fright our party .", "That which I would to God I had not seen ;", "Upon enforcement flies with greatest speed ,"], "true_target": ["That arrows fled not swifter toward their aim", "And as the thing that 's heavy in itself", "As men drink potions ; that their weapons only", "Derives from heaven his quarrel and his cause ;", "You cast th \u2019 event of war , my noble lord ,", "Of wounds and scars , and that his forward spirit", "Is that the King hath won , and hath sent out", "You knew he walk 'd o'er perils on an edge ,", "Stumbling in fear , was took . The sum of all", "From whence with life he never more sprung up .", "He 's follow 'd both with body and with mind ;", "Though strongly apprehended , could restrain", "More likely to fall in than to get o'er ;", "Too soon ta'en prisoner ; and that furious Scot ,", "\u2018 Tis more than time . And , my most noble lord ,", "Turns insurrection to religion .", "I am sorry I should force you to believe", "Where hateful death put on his ugliest mask", "You were advis 'd his flesh was capable", "Rend'ring faint quittance , wearied and out-breath 'd ,", "A speedy power to encounter you , my lord ,", "From the best-temper 'd courage in his troops ;", "Under the conduct of young Lancaster", "So did our men , heavy in Hotspur 's loss ,", "Of those that turn 'd their backs , and in his flight ,", "Of fair King Richard , scrap 'd from Pomfret stones ;", "Lean on your health ; the which , if you give o'er", "Who with a double surety binds his followers .", "The action of their bodies from their souls ;", "And doth enlarge his rising with the blood", "The stiff-borne action . What hath then befall'n ,", "Turn 'd on themselves , like dull and heavy lead .", "The lives of all your loving complices", "And more and less do flock to follow him .", "But these mine eyes saw him in bloody state ,", "With well-appointed pow'rs . He is a man", "For from his metal was his party steeled ;", "To stormy passion , must perforce decay .", "Douglas is living , and your brother , yet ;"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["I 'll follow you , good Master Robert Shallow .Bardolph , look to our horses .If I were sawed into quantities , I should make four dozen of such bearded hermits \u2019 staves as Master Shallow . It is a wonderful thing to see the semblable coherence of his men 's spirits and his . They , by observing of him , do bear themselves like foolish justices : he , by conversing with them , is turned into a justice-like serving-man . Their spirits are so married in conjunction with the participation of society that they flock together in consent , like so many wild geese . If I had a suit to Master Shallow , I would humour his men with the imputation of being near their master ; if to his men , I would curry with Master Shallow that no man could better command his servants . It is certain that either wise bearing or ignorant carriage is caught , as men take diseases , one of another ; therefore let men take heed of their company . I will devise matter enough out of this Shallow to keep Prince Harry in continual laughter the wearing out of six fashions , which is four terms , or two actions ; and \u2018 a shall laugh without intervallums . O , it is much that a lie with a slight oath , and a jest with a sad brow will do with a fellow that never had the ache in his shoulders ! O , you shall see him laugh till his face be like a wet cloak ill laid up !", "I have a whole school of tongues in this belly of mine ; and not a tongue of them all speaks any other word but my name . An I had but a belly of any indifferency , I were simply the most active fellow in Europe . My womb , my womb , my womb undoes me . Here comes our general .", "Thou art a very ragged wart .", "I am glad to see you well , good Master Robert", "She lives , Master Shallow .", "I can get no remedy against this consumption of the purse ; borrowing only lingers and lingers it out , but the disease is incurable . Go bear this letter to my Lord of Lancaster ; this to the Prince ; this to the Earl of Westmoreland ; and this to old Mistress Ursula , whom I have weekly sworn to marry since I perceiv 'd the first white hair of my chin . About it ; you know where to find me .A pox of this gout ! or , a gout of this pox ! for the one or the other plays the rogue with my great toe . \u2018 Tis no matter if I do halt ; I have the wars for my colour , and my pension shall seem the more reasonable . A good wit will make use of anything . I will turn diseases to commodity .", "He 's no swagg'rer , hostess ; a tame cheater , i \u2019 faith ; you may stroke him as gently as a puppy greyhound . He 'll not swagger with a Barbary hen , if her feathers turn back in any show of resistance . Call him up , drawer .", "Mouldy and Bullcalf : for you , Mouldy , stay at home till you are past service ; and for your part , Bullcalf , grow you come unto it . I will none of you .", "And a famous true subject took him .", "Yea , marry , let 's see Bullcalf .", "God save thee , my sweet boy !", "What trade art thou , Feeble ?", "If the cook help to make the gluttony , you help to make the diseases , Doll . We catch of you , Doll , we catch of you ; grant that , my poor virtue , grant that .", "Prick him .", "Pistol , I would be quiet .", "This apoplexy , as I take it , is a kind of lethargy , a n't please your lordship , a kind of sleeping in the blood , a whoreson tingling .", "Let it alone ; I 'll make other shift . You 'll be a fool still .", "Stand here by me , Master Robert Shallow ; I will make the King do you grace . I will leer upon him , as \u2018 a comes by ; and do but mark the countenance that he will give me .", "He that buckles himself in my belt cannot live in less .", "Didst thou hear me ?", "Will you sup with me , Master Gower ?", "Come hither , hostess .", "Let me see them , I beseech you .", "Kiss me , Doll .", "This Davy serves you for good uses ; he is your serving-man and your husband .", "These fellows will do well . Master Shallow , God keep you ! Master Silence , I will not use many words with you : Fare you well ! Gentlemen both , I thank you . I must a dozen mile to-night . Bardolph , give the soldiers coats .", "Never , never ; she would always say she could not abide Master Shallow .", "My lord , I will not undergo this sneap without reply . You call honourable boldness impudent sauciness ; if a man will make curtsy and say nothing , he is virtuous . No , my lord , my humble duty rememb'red , I will not be your suitor . I say to you I do desire deliverance from these officers , being upon hasty employment in the King 's affairs .", "Is thy name Wart ?", "From the court ? Let him come in .", "Yea ; I thank your pretty sweet wit for it . But look you pray , all you that kiss my Lady Peace at home , that our armies join not in a hot day ; for , by the Lord , I take but two shirts out with me , and I mean not to sweat extraordinarily . If it be a hot day , and I brandish anything but a bottle , I would I might never spit white again . There is not a dangerous action can peep out his head but I am thrust upon it . Well , I cannot last ever ; but it was alway yet the trick of our English nation , if they have a good thing , to make it too common . If ye will needs say I am an old man , you should give me rest . I would to God my name were not so terrible to the enemy as it is . I were better to be eaten to death with a rust than to be scoured to nothing with perpetual motion .", "No abuse , Hal , o \u2019 mine honour ; no abuse .", "No more of that , Master Shallow , no more of that .", "Fore God , a likely fellow ! Come , prick me Bullcalf till he roar again .", "Fore God , you have here a goodly dwelling and rich .", "My king ! my Jove ! I speak to thee , my heart !", "To wake a wolf is as bad as smell a fox .", "Let him be damn 'd , like the Glutton ; pray God his tongue be hotter ! A whoreson Achitophel ! A rascal-yea-forsooth knave , to bear a gentleman in hand , and then stand upon security ! The whoreson smooth-pates do now wear nothing but high shoes , and bunches of keys at their girdles ; and if a man is through with them in honest taking-up , then they must stand upon security . I had as lief they would put ratsbane in my mouth as offer to stop it with security . I look 'd \u2018 a should have sent me two and twenty yards of satin , as I am a true knight , and he sends me security . Well , he may sleep in security ; for he hath the horn of abundance , and the lightness of his wife shines through it ; and yet cannot he see , though he have his own lanthorn to light him . Where 's Bardolph ?", "A good shallow young fellow . \u2018 A would have made a good pantler ; \u2018 a would ha \u2019 chipp 'd bread well .", "Enter PISTOL", "No , I think thou art not ; I think thou art quit for that . Marry , there is another indictment upon thee for suffering flesh to be eaten in thy house , contrary to the law ; for the which I think thou wilt howl .", "My lord , I was born about three of the clock in the afternoon , with a white head and something a round belly . For my voice \u2014 I have lost it with hallooing and singing of anthems . To approve my youth further , I will not . The truth is , I am only old in judgment and understanding ; and he that will caper with me for a thousand marks , let him lend me the money , and have at him . For the box of the ear that the Prince gave you \u2014 he gave it like a rude prince , and you took it like a sensible lord . I have check 'd him for it ; and the young lion repents \u2014 marry , not in ashes and sackcloth , but in new silk and old sack .", "So is all her sect ; and they be once in a calm , they are sick .", "Sir , I will be as good as my word . This that you heard was but a colour .", "Away , varlets ! Draw , Bardolph . Cut me off the villian 's head . Throw the quean in the channel .", "A wassail candle , my lord \u2014 all tallow ; if I did say of wax , my growth would approve the truth .", "Very well , my lord , very well . Rather a n't please you , it is the disease of not listening , the malady of not marking , that I am troubled withal .", "Why , now you have done me right .", "\u2018 Tis the more time thou wert us 'd .", "Hark thee hither , Mistress Doll .", "\u2018 When Arthur first in court \u2019 \u2014 Empty the", "Dost thou hear ? It is mine ancient .", "Ha ! a bastard son of the King 's ? And art thou not Poins his brother ?", "The young Prince hath misled me . I am the fellow with the great belly , and he my dog .", "You must excuse me , Master Robert Shallow .", "How now ! whose mare 's dead ? What 's the matter ?", "Fear no colours ; go with me to dinner . Come , Lieutenant Pistol ; come , Bardolph . I shall be sent for soon at night . Re-enter PRINCE JOHN , the LORD CHIEF JUSTICE , with officers", "I am bound to thee , reverend Feeble . Who is next ?", "No more words ; let 's have her .", "A better than thou . I am a gentleman : thou art a drawer .", "Will your lordship lend me a thousand pound to furnish me forth ?", "Let it do something , my good lord , that may do me good , and call it what you will .", "How now , Pistol ?", "As I am a gentleman ! Come , no more words of it .", "Thou dost give me flattering busses .", "Where 's he ?", "I would you had but the wit ; \u2018 twere better than your dukedom . Good faith , this same young sober-blooded boy doth not love me ; nor a man cannot make him laugh \u2014 but that 's no marvel ; he drinks no wine . There 's never none of these demure boys come to any proof ; for thin drink doth so over-cool their blood , and making many fish-meals , that they fall into a kind of male green-sickness ; and then , when they marry , they get wenches . They are generally fools and cowards-which some of us should be too , but for inflammation . A good sherris-sack hath a two-fold operation in it . It ascends me into the brain ; dries me there all the foolish and dull and crudy vapours which environ it ; makes it apprehensive , quick , forgetive , full of nimble , fiery , and delectable shapes ; which delivered o'er to the voice , the tongue , which is the birth , becomes excellent wit . The second property of your excellent sherris is the warming of the blood ; which before , cold and settled , left the liver white and pale , which is the badge of pusillanimity and cowardice ; but the sherris warms it , and makes it course from the inwards to the parts extremes . It illumineth the face , which , as a beacon , gives warning to all the rest of this little kingdom , man , to arm ; and then the vital commoners and inland petty spirits muster me all to their captain , the heart , who , great and puff 'd up with this retinue , doth any deed of courage \u2014 and this valour comes of sherris . So that skill in the weapon is nothing without sack , for that sets it a-work ; and learning , a mere hoard of gold kept by a devil till sack commences it and sets it in act and use . Hereof comes it that Prince Harry is valiant ; for the cold blood he did naturally inherit of his father , he hath , like lean , sterile , and bare land , manured , husbanded , and till 'd , with excellent endeavour of drinking good and good store of fertile sherris , that he is become very hot and valiant . If I had a thousand sons , the first humane principle I would teach them should be to forswear thin potations and to addict themselves to sack . Enter BARDOLPH How now , Bardolph !", "Thou whoreson mad compound of majesty , by this light flesh and corrupt blood , thou art welcome .", "God send the companion a better prince ! I cannot rid my hands of him .", "Some sack , Francis .", "My lord , this is a poor mad soul , and she says up and down the town that her eldest son is like you . She hath been in good case , and , the truth is , poverty hath distracted her . But for these foolish officers , I beseech you I may have redress against them .", "For one of them \u2014 she 's in hell already , and burns poor souls . For th \u2019 other \u2014 I owe her money ; and whether she be damn 'd for that , I know not .", "As it were , to ride day and night ; and not to deliberate , not to remember , not to have patience to shift me \u2014", "Let it shine , then .", "A n't please your lordship , I hear his Majesty is return 'd with some discomfort from Wales .", "What disease hast thou ?", "As I am a gentleman !", "Let them go . I 'll through Gloucestershire , and there will I visit Master Robert Shallow , Esquire . I have him already temp'ring between my finger and my thumb , and shortly will I seal with him . Come away . Exeunt", "It shows my earnestness of affection-", "There 's a merry heart ! Good Master Silence , I 'll give you a health for that anon .", "Dost thou hear , hostess ?", "Shallow .", "Farewell , farewell .", "Give me my rapier , boy .", "Will you tell me , Master Shallow , how to choose a man ? Care I for the limb , the thews , the stature , bulk , and big assemblance of a man ! Give me the spirit , Master Shallow . Here 's Wart ; you see what a ragged appearance it is . \u2018 A shall charge you and discharge you with the motion of a pewterer 's hammer , come off and on swifter than he that gibbets on the brewer 's bucket . And this same half-fac 'd fellow , Shadow \u2014 give me this man . He presents no mark to the enemy ; the foeman may with as great aim level at the edge of a penknife . And , for a retreat \u2014 how swiftly will this Feeble , the woman 's tailor , run off ! O , give me the spare men , and spare me the great ones . Put me a caliver into Wart 's hand , Bardolph .", "Men of all sorts take a pride to gird at me . The brain of this foolish-compounded clay , man , is not able to invent anything that intends to laughter , more than I invent or is invented on me . I am not only witty in myself , but the cause that wit is in other men . I do here walk before thee like a sow that hath overwhelm 'd all her litter but one . If the Prince put thee into my service for any other reason than to set me off , why then I have no judgment . Thou whoreson mandrake , thou art fitter to be worn in my cap than to wait at my heels . I was never mann 'd with an agate till now ; but I will inset you neither in gold nor silver , but in vile apparel , and send you back again to your master , for a jewel \u2014 the juvenal , the Prince your master , whose chin is not yet fledge . I will sooner have a beard grow in the palm of my hand than he shall get one off his cheek ; and yet he will not stick to say his face is a face-royal . God may finish it when he will , \u2018 tis not a hair amiss yet . He may keep it still at a face-royal , for a barber shall never earn sixpence out of it ; and yet he 'll be crowing as if he had writ man ever since his father was a bachelor . He may keep his own grace , but he 's almost out of mine , I can assure him . What said Master Dommelton about the satin for my short cloak and my slops ?", "Fore God , would you would .", "I would be sorry , my lord , but it should be thus : I never knew yet but rebuke and check was the reward of valour . Do you think me a swallow , an arrow , or a bullet ? Have I , in my poor and old motion , the expedition of thought ? I have speeded hither with the very extremest inch of possibility ; I have found'red nine score and odd posts ; and here , travel tainted as I am , have , in my pure and immaculate valour , taken Sir John Colville of the Dale , a most furious knight and valorous enemy . But what of that ? He saw me , and yielded ; that I may justly say with the hook-nos 'd fellow of Rome-I came , saw , and overcame .", "God save thy Grace , King Hal ; my royal Hal !", "\u2018 Your brooches , pearls , and ouches . \u2019 For to serve bravely is to come halting off ; you know , to come off the breach with his pike bent bravely , and to surgery bravely ; to venture upon the charg 'd chambers bravely \u2014", "Old , old , Master Shallow .", "Comes the King back from Wales , my noble lord ?", "Master Shallow , I owe you a thousand pounds .", "I think I am as like to ride the mare , if I have any vantage of ground to get up ."], "true_target": ["She is pistol-proof , sir ; you shall not hardly offend her .", "I did not think Master Silence had been a man of this mettle .", "Yea , marry , let me have him to sit under . He 's like to be a cold soldier .", "He a good wit ! hang him , baboon ! His wit 's as thick as Tewksbury mustard ; there 's no more conceit in him than is in a mallet .", "Go to ; well .", "What , is the old king dead ?", "Pay the musicians , sirrah .\u2014 Farewell , hostess ; farewell , Doll . You see , my good wenches , how men of merit are sought after ; the undeserver may sleep , when the man of action is call 'd on . Farewell , good wenches . If I be not sent away post , I will see you again ere I go .", "No , no , no ; not so ; I did not think thou wast within hearing .", "The fiend hath prick 'd down Bardolph irrecoverable ; and his face is Lucifer 's privy-kitchen , where he doth nothing but roast malt-worms . For the boy \u2014 there is a good angel about him ; but the devil outbids him too .", "That can hardly be , Master Shallow . Do not you grieve at this ; I shall be sent for in private to him . Look you , he must seem thus to the world . Fear not your advancements ; I will be the man yet that shall make you great .", "I bought him in Paul 's , and he 'll buy me a horse in", "Come , sir , which men shall I have ?", "I am as poor as Job , my lord , but not so patient . Your lordship may minister the potion of imprisonment to me in respect of poverty ; but how I should be your patient to follow your prescriptions , the wise may make some dram of a scruple , or indeed a scruple itself .", "\u2018 Tis so .", "Master Gower , if they become me not , he was a fool that taught them me . This is the right fencing grace , my lord ; tap for tap , and so part fair .", "What 's the news , my lord ?", "Do you choose for me .", "We have heard the chimes at midnight , Master Shallow .", "I know not . Here he is , and here I yield him ; and I beseech your Grace , let it be book 'd with the rest of this day 's deeds ; or , by the Lord , I will have it in a particular ballad else , with mine own picture on the top o n't , Colville kissing my foot ; to the which course if I be enforc 'd , if you do not all show like gilt twopences to me , and I , in the clear sky of fame , o'ershine you as much as the full moon doth the cinders of the element , which show like pins \u2019 heads to her , believe not the word of the noble . Therefore let me have right , and let desert mount .", "It were superfluous ; for his apparel is built upon his back , and the whole frame stands upon pins . Prick him no more .", "What 's your name , sir ? Of what condition are you , and of what place , I pray ?", "It hath it original from much grief , from study , and perturbation of the brain . I have read the cause of his effects in Galen ; it is a kind of deafness .", "But to stand stained with travel , and sweating with desire to see him ; thinking of nothing else , putting all affairs else in oblivion , as if there were nothing else to be done but to see him .", "Peace , good Doll ! Do not speak like a death'shYpppHeNhead ; do not bid me remember mine end .", "Away , Bardolph ! saddle my horse . Master Robert Shallow , choose what office thou wilt in the land , \u2018 tis thine . Pistol , I will double-charge thee with dignities .", "Master Gower , shall I entreat you with me to dinner ?", "My lord , I beseech you , give me leave to go through Gloucestershire ; and , when you come to court , stand my good lord , pray , in your good report .", "You make fat rascals , Mistress Doll .", "My good lord ! God give your lordship good time of day . I am glad to see your lordship abroad . I heard say your lordship was sick ; I hope your lordship goes abroad by advice . Your lordship , though not clean past your youth , hath yet some smack of age in you , some relish of the saltness of time ; and I most humbly beseech your lordship to have a reverend care of your health .", "I am old , I am old .", "Health and long life to you , Master Silence !", "Will I live ?Go , with her , with her ; hook on , hook on .", "Shadow will serve for summer . Prick him ; for we have a number of shadows fill up the muster-book .", "His Grace says that which his flesh rebels against .", "You may ; but if he had been a man 's tailor , he 'd ha \u2019 prick 'd you . Wilt thou make as many holes in an enemy 's battle as thou hast done in a woman 's petticoat ?", "I come , Master Shallow ; I come , Master Shallow .", "Get you down stairs .", "Why , sir , did I say you were an honest man ? Setting my knighthood and my soldiership aside , I had lied in my throat if I had said so .", "Because their legs are both of a bigness , and \u2018 a plays at quoits well , and eats conger and fennel , and drinks off candles \u2019 ends for flap-dragons , and rides the wild mare with the boys , and jumps upon join'dhYpppHeNstools , and swears with a good grace , and wears his boots very smooth , like unto the sign of the Leg , and breeds no bate with telling of discreet stories ; and such other gambol faculties \u2018 a has , that show a weak mind and an able body , for the which the Prince admits him . For the Prince himself is such another ; the weight of a hair will turn the scales between their avoirdupois .", "I would it were otherwise ; I would my means were greater and my waist slenderer .", "Quoit him down , Bardolph , like a shove-groat shilling . Nay , an \u2018 a do nothing but speak nothing , \u2018 a shall be nothing here .", "Well said , Master Silence .", "What , dost thou roar before thou art prick 'd ?", "I pray thee now , deliver them like a man of this world .", "I would thou wert a man 's tailor , that thou mightst mend him and make him fit to go . I cannot put him to a private soldier , that is the leader of so many thousands . Let that suffice , most forcible Feeble .", "Shadow , whose son art thou ?", "My lord , my lord \u2014", "I will deliver her .", "I give thee leave to tell me so ! I lay aside that which grows to me ! If thou get'st any leave of me , hang me ; if thou tak'st leave , thou wert better be hang 'd . You hunt counter . Hence ! Avaunt !", "And I hear , moreover , his Highness is fall'n into this same whoreson apoplexy .", "No more , Pistol ; I would not have you go off here . Discharge yourself of our company , Pistol .", "Fare you well , gentle gentlemen .On , Bardolph ; lead the men away .As I return , I will fetch off these justices . I do see the bottom of justice Shallow . Lord , Lord , how subject we old men are to this vice of lying ! This same starv 'd justice hath done nothing but prate to me of the wildness of his youth and the feats he hath done about Turnbull Street ; and every third word a lie , duer paid to the hearer than the Turk 's tribute . I do remember him at Clement 's Inn , like a man made after supper of a cheese-paring . When \u2018 a was naked , he was for all the world like a fork 'd radish , with a head fantastically carved upon it with a knife . \u2018 A was so forlorn that his dimensions to any thick sight were invisible . \u2018 A was the very genius of famine ; yet lecherous as a monkey , and the whores call 'd him mandrake . \u2018 A came ever in the rearward of the fashion , and sung those tunes to the overscutch 'd huswifes that he heard the carmen whistle , and sware they were his fancies or his good-nights . And now is this Vice 's dagger become a squire , and talks as familiarly of John a Gaunt as if he had been sworn brother to him ; and I 'll be sworn \u2018 a ne'er saw him but once in the Tiltyard ; and then he burst his head for crowding among the marshal 's men . I saw it , and told John a Gaunt he beat his own name ; for you might have thrust him and all his apparel into an eel-skin ; the case of a treble hautboy was a mansion for him , a court \u2014 and now has he land and beeves . Well , I 'll be acquainted with him if I return ; and \u2018 t shall go hard but I 'll make him a philosopher 's two stones to me . If the young dace be a bait for the old pike , I see no reason in the law of nature but I may snap at him . Let time shape , and there an end . Exit", "What money is in my purse ?", "My lord !", "Is thy name Mouldy ?", "What wind blew you hither , Pistol ?", "No abuse , Ned , i \u2019 th \u2019 world ; honest Ned , none . I disprais 'd him before the wicked \u2014 that the wicked might not fall in love with thee ; in which doing , I have done the part of a careful friend and a true subject ; and thy father is to give me thanks for it . No abuse , Hal ; none , Ned , none ; no , faith , boys , none .", "Now comes in the sweetest morsel of the night , and we must hence , and leave it unpick 'd .More knocking at the door ! Re-enter BARDOLPH How now ! What 's the matter ?", "Go to ; peace , Mouldy ; you shall go . Mouldy , it is time you were spent .", "Come here , Pistol ; stand behind me .O , if I had had to have made new liveries , I would have bestowed the thousand pound I borrowed of you . But \u2018 tis no matter ; this poor show doth better ; this doth infer the zeal I had to see him .", "Well said , good woman 's tailor ! well said , courageous Feeble ! Thou wilt be as valiant as the wrathful dove or most magnanimous mouse . Prick the woman 's tailor \u2014 well , Master Shallow , deep , Master Shallow .", "I hope , my lord , all 's well . What is the news , my lord ?", "What stuff wilt have a kirtle of ? I shall receive money a", "Boy , tell him I am deaf .", "Wait close ; I will not see him .", "A rascally slave ! I will toss the rogue in a blanket .", "Have you turn 'd him out a doors ?", "Well then , Colville is your name , a knight is your degree , and your place the Dale . Colville shall still be your name , a traitor your degree , and the dungeon your place \u2014 a place deep enough ; so shall you be still Colville of the Dale .", "Let them play . Play , sirs . Sit on my knee , Don . A rascal bragging slave ! The rogue fled from me like quick-silver .", "I know not how they sold themselves ; but thou , like a kind fellow , gavest thyself away gratis ; and I thank thee for thee . Re-enter WESTMORELAND", "Fie ! this is hot weather . Gentlemen , have you provided me here half a dozen sufficient men ?", "Master Surecard , as I think ?", "Good Master Silence , it well befits you should be of the peace .", "No abuse , Hal .", "What ! a young knave , and begging ! Is there not wars ? Is there not employment ? Doth not the King lack subjects ? Do not the rebels need soldiers ? Though it be a shame to be on any side but one , it is worse shame to beg than to be on the worst side , were it worse than the name of rebellion can tell how to make it .", "Welcome , Ancient Pistol . Here , Pistol , I charge you with a cup of sack ; do you discharge upon mine hostess .", "If I do , fillip me with a three-man beetle . A man can no more separate age and covetousness than \u2018 a can part young limbs and lechery ; but the gout galls the one , and the pox pinches the other ; and so both the degrees prevent my curses . Boy !", "Glasses , glasses , is the only drinking ; and for thy walls , a pretty slight drollery , or the story of the Prodigal , or the German hunting , in water-work , is worth a thousand of these bed-hangers and these fly-bitten tapestries . Let it be ten pound , if thou canst . Come , and \u2018 twere not for thy humours , there 's not a better wench in England . Go , wash thy face , and draw the action . Come , thou must not be in this humour with me ; dost not know me ? Come , come , I know thou wast set on to this .", "His effect of gravy , gravy ,", "Come , thou shalt go to the wars in a gown . We will have away thy cold ; and I will take such order that thy friends shall ring for thee . Is here all ?", "My devotion \u2014", "Come , I will go drink with you , but I cannot tarry dinner . I am glad to see you , by my troth , Master Shallow .", "A rascal ! to brave me !", "Carry Master Silence to bed . Master Shallow , my Lord Shallow , be what thou wilt \u2014 I am Fortune 's steward . Get on thy boots ; we 'll ride all night . O sweet Pistol ! Away , Bardolph !Come , Pistol , utter more to me ; and withal devise something to do thyself good . Boot , boot , Master Shallow ! I know the young King is sick for me . Let us take any man 's horses : the laws of England are at my commandment . Blessed are they that have been my friends ; and woe to my Lord Chief Justice !", "As good a man as he , sir , whoe'er I am . Do you yield , sir , or shall I sweat for you ? If I do sweat , they are the drops of thy lovers , and they weep for thy death ; therefore rouse up fear and trembling , and do observance to my mercy .", "Thy mother 's son ! Like enough ; and thy father 's shadow . So the son of the female is the shadow of the male . It is often so indeed ; but much of the father 's substance !", "Come , manage me your caliver . So \u2014 very well . Go to ; very good ; exceeding good . O , give me always a little , lean , old , chopt , bald shot . Well said , i \u2019 faith , Wart ; th'art a good scab . Hold , there 's a tester for thee .", "Keep them off , Bardolph .", "My lord \u2014", "What is the gross sum that I owe thee ?", "O base Assyrian knight , what is thy news ? Let King Cophetua know the truth thereof .", "As I was then advis 'd by my learned counsel in the laws of this land-service , I did not come .", "Not so , my lord . Your ill angel is light ; but hope he that looks upon me will take me without weighing . And yet in some respects , I grant , I cannot go \u2014 I cannot tell . Virtue is of so little regard in these costermongers \u2019 times that true valour is turn 'd berod ; pregnancy is made a tapster , and his quick wit wasted in giving reckonings ; all the other gifts appertinent to man , as the malice of this age shapes them , are not worth a gooseberry . You that are old consider not the capacities of us that are young ; you do measure the heat of our livers with the bitterness of your galls ; and we that are in the vaward of our youth , must confess , are wags too .", "Sirrah , you giant , what says the doctor to my water ?"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["A proper gentlewoman , sir , and a kinswoman of my master 's .", "Seven groats and two pence .", "He 's gone into Smithfield to buy your worship horse .", "He said , sir , the water itself was a good healthy water ; but for the party that owed it , he might have moe diseases than he knew for .", "Away , you rascally Althaea 's dream , away !", "Tearsheet .", "None , my lord , but old Mistress Quickly and Mistress Doll", "Pray thee go down .", "Sir ?"], "true_target": ["And for mine , sir , I will govern it .", "Ephesians , my lord , of the old church .", "Away , you scullion ! you rampallian ! you fustilarian ! I 'll tickle your catastrophe .", "You must speak louder ; my master is deaf .", "Sir , here comes the nobleman that committed the", "Marry , my lord , Althaea dreamt she was delivered of a firebrand ; and therefore I call him her dream .", "The music is come , sir .", "Prince for striking him about Bardolph .", "He said , sir , you should procure him better assurance than", "\u2018 A calls me e'en now , my lord , through a red lattice , and I could discern no part of his face from the window . At last I spied his eyes ; and methought he had made two holes in the alewife 's new petticoat , and so peep 'd through ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["But since all is well , keep it so : wake not a sleeping wolf .", "Well , the truth is , Sir John , you live in great infamy .", "Not a penny , not a penny ; you are too impatient to bear crosses . Fare you well . Commend me to my cousin Westmoreland .", "Hear your own dignity so much profan 'd ,", "And , as you are a king , speak in your state", "My person , or my liege 's sovereignty .", "That guards the peace and safety of your person ;", "Now , Master Gower , what news ?", "How doth the King ?", "And so they are .", "Do you set down your name in the scroll of youth , that are written down old with all the characters of age ? Have you not a moist eye , a dry hand , a yellow cheek , a white beard , a decreasing leg , an increasing belly ? Is not your voice broken , your wind short , your chin double , your wit single , and every part about you blasted with antiquity ? And will you yet call yourself young ? Fie , fie , fie , Sir John !", "You speak as having power to do wrong ; but answer in th \u2019 effect of your reputation , and satisfy the poor woman .", "Sir John , I sent for you before your expedition to Shrewsbury .", "I cannot now speak . I will hear you soon . Take them away .", "Which cannot look more hideously upon me", "And never shall you see that I will beg", "Well , I am loath to gall a new-heal 'd wound . Your day 's service at Shrewsbury hath a little gilded over your night 's exploit on Gadshill . You may thank th \u2019 unquiet time for your quiet o'erposting that action .", "You have misled the youthful Prince .", "You follow the young Prince up and down , like his ill angel .", "Behold yourself so by a son disdain 'd ;", "Sir John Falstaff , a word with you .", "And then imagine me taking your part", "The image of the King whom I presented ,", "Pray thee , peace . Pay her the debt you owe her , and unpay the villainy you have done with her ; the one you may do with sterling money , and the other with current repentance .", "I sent for you , when there were matters against you for your life , to come speak with me .", "How now , Sir John ! what , are you brawling here ?", "Doth this become your place , your time , and business ?", "I think you are fall'n into the disease , for you hear not what I say to you .", "To pluck down justice from your awful bench ,", "Have you your wits ? Know you what \u2018 tis you speak ?", "The service that I truly did his life", "The majesty and power of law and justice ,", "How comes this , Sir John ? Fie ! What man of good temper would endure this tempest of exclamation ? Are you not ashamed to enforce a poor widow to so rough a course to come by her own ?", "Take all his company along with him .", "There is not a white hair in your face but should have his effect of gravity .", "I 'll to the King my master that is dead ,", "I am sure he is , to the hearing of anything good . Go , pluck him by the elbow ; I must speak with him .", "Peace be with us , lest we be heavier !", "The image of his power lay then in me ;", "What tell you me of it ? Be it as it is .", "I hope , not dead .", "Sir John , Sir John , I am well acquainted with your manner of wrenching the true cause the false way . It is not a confident brow , nor the throng of words that come with such more than impudent sauciness from you , can thrust me from a level consideration . You have , as it appears to me , practis 'd upon the easy yielding spirit of this woman , and made her serve your uses both in purse and in person .", "What 's the matter ?", "I know he doth not , and do arm myself", "He that was in question for the robb'ry ?", "I then did use the person of your father ;", "Sweet Princes , what I did , I did in honour ,", "And in th \u2019 administration of his law ,", "To punish you by the heels would amend the attention of your ears ; and I care not if I do become your physician .", "For what sum ?", "Question your royal thoughts , make the case yours ;"], "true_target": ["What ! you are as a candle , the better part burnt out .", "Whiles I was busy for the commonwealth ,", "Be now the father , and propose a son ;", "To welcome the condition of the time ,", "Well God mend him ! I pray you let me speak with you .", "And tell him who hath sent me after him .", "He hath .", "John ?", "I would his Majesty had call 'd me with him .", "Sir John , you loiter here too long , being you are to take soldiers up in counties as you go .", "Whereon , as an offender to your father ,", "Your Majesty hath no just cause to hate me .", "Good morrow , and God save your Majesty !", "Nay , more , to spurn at your most royal image ,", "What , to York ? Call him back again .", "I have heard better news .", "To trip the course of law , and blunt the sword", "If truth and upright innocency fail me ,", "Your Highness pleased to forget my place ,", "Go , carry Sir John Falstaff to the Fleet ;", "Sir", "Well , the King hath sever 'd you . I hear you are going with Lord John of Lancaster against the Archbishop and the Earl of Northumberland .", "What is the matter ? Keep the peace here , ho !", "You shall have letters of me presently . Come , go along with me , good Master Gower .", "Be you contented , wearing now the garland ,", "Come all his forces back ?", "Stand from him , fellow ; wherefore hang'st thou upon him ?", "And mock your workings in a second body .", "A ragged and forestall 'd remission .", "Where lay the King to-night ?", "I am assur 'd , if I be measur 'd rightly ,", "What 's he that goes there ?", "After this cold considerance , sentence me ;", "Well , God send the Prince a better companion !", "And , in your power , soft silencing your son .", "Well , be honest , be honest ; and God bless your expedition !", "To have a son set your decrees at nought ,", "Hath left me open to all injuries .", "What foolish master taught you these manners ,", "You should have been well on your way to York .", "Your means are very slender , and your waste is great .", "What I have done that misbecame my place ,", "Than I have drawn it in my fantasy .", "I gave bold way to my authority", "Led by th \u2019 impartial conduct of my soul ;", "O God , I fear all will be overturn 'd .", "I talk not of his Majesty . You would not come when I sent for you .", "See your most dreadful laws so loosely slighted ,", "Now , the Lord lighten thee ! Thou art a great fool .", "And struck me in my very seat of judgment ;", "And did commit you . If the deed were ill ,"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["You mistake me , sir .", "Sir John !", "Sir John Falstaff !"], "true_target": ["He , my lord ; but he hath since done good service at Shrewsbury , and , as I hear , is now going with some charge to the Lord John of Lancaster .", "Falstaff , a n't please your lordship .", "Sir , my lord would speak with you .", "I pray you , sir , then set your knighthood and your soldiership aside ; and give me leave to tell you you in your throat , if you say I am any other than an honest man ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["A peace is of the nature of a conquest ;", "Then take , my Lord of Westmoreland , this schedule ,", "Troop in the throngs of military men ;", "What well-appointed leader fronts us here ?", "And might by no suit gain our audience :", "What doth concern your coming .", "My brother general , the commonwealth ,", "He is retir 'd , to ripe his growing fortunes ,", "It was young Hotspur 's case at Shrewsbury .", "The dangers of the days but newly gone ,", "Their cold intent , tenour , and substance , thus :", "His foes are so enrooted with his friends", "Believe me , I am passing light in spirit .", "Briefly to this end : we are all diseas 'd", "The time misord'red doth , in common sense ,", "And present execution of our wills", "Here doth he wish his person , with such powers", "To you , my noble Lord of Westmoreland .", "All members of our cause , both here and hence ,", "As his misdoubts present occasion :", "And knit our powers to the arm of peace .", "And with our surfeiting and wanton hours", "Have brought ourselves into a burning fever ,", "And , ere they be dismiss 'd , let them march by .", "What is this forest call 'd", "That may repeat and history his los", "So , so , thou common dog , didst thou disgorge", "Before , and greet his Grace . My lord , we come .", "Thou that threw'st dust upon his goodly head ,", "And therefore will he wipe his tables clean ,", "Before he was what thou wouldst have him be !", "Concurring both in name and quality .", "An habitation giddy and unsure", "To new remembrance . For full well he knows", "Thy glutton bosom of the royal Richard ;", "And have the summary of all our griefs ,", "The commonwealth is sick of their own choice ;", "And are enforc 'd from our most quiet there", "For then both parties nobly are subdu 'd ,", "I am not here against your father 's peace ;", "Our peace will , like a broken limb united ,", "Of dainty and such picking grievances ;", "Revives two greater in the heirs of life ;", "Thou , beastly feeder , art so full of him", "And true obedience , of this madness cur 'd ,", "And we must bleed for it ; of which disease", "When we are wrong 'd , and would unfold our griefs ,", "But , my most noble Lord of Westmoreland ,", "Past and to come seems best ; things present , worst .", "And , my most noble friends , I pray you all", "Stoop tamely to the foot of majesty .", "That your attempts may overlive the hazard", "Will you thus break your faith ?", "And neither party loser .", "When time shall serve , to show in articles ;", "We are denied access unto his person ,", "Not to break peace , or any branch of it ,", "I make my quarrel in particular .", "O thou fond many , with what loud applause", "Grow stronger for the breaking .", "And fearful meeting of their opposite .", "And publish the occasion of our arms .", "\u2018 Tis well done .", "What wrongs our arms may do , what wrongs we suffer ,", "Are now become enamour 'd on his grave .", "And find our griefs heavier than our offences .", "As he is striking , holds his infant up ,", "Criest now \u2018 O earth , yield us that king again ,", "Whose dangerous eyes may well be charm 'd asleep", "With grant of our most just and right desires ;", "But to establish here a peace indeed ,", "Go , good Lord Hastings ,", "I must acquaint you that I have receiv 'd", "Crowd us and crush us to this monstrous form"], "true_target": ["For this contains our general grievances .", "Against ill chances men are ever merry ;", "Hath put us in these ill-beseeming arms ;", "That hath enrag 'd him on to offer strokes ,", "That , plucking to unfix an enemy ,", "And purge th \u2019 obstructions which begin to stop", "Which long ere this we offer 'd to the King ,", "To brother horn an household cruelty ,", "Here stand , my lords , and send discoverers forth", "Whereon this hydra son of war is born ;", "Whose memory is written on the earth", "I have in equal balance justly weigh 'd", "And keep no tell-tale to his memory", "They that , when Richard liv 'd , would have him die", "My friends and brethren in these great affairs ,", "If we do now make our atonement well ,", "With yet appearing blood , and the examples", "That thou provok'st thyself to cast him up .", "For he hath found to end one doubt by death", "Acquitted by a true substantial form ,", "To hold our safety up . I sent your Grace", "To diet rank minds sick of happiness ,", "\u2018 Tis very true ;", "Good my Lord of Lancaster ,", "Speak plainly your opinions of our hopes-", "When through proud London he came sighing on", "He doth unfasten so and shake a friend .", "Each several article herein redress 'd ,", "The which hath been with scorn shov 'd from the court ,", "That was uprear 'd to execution .", "So that this land , like an offensive wife", "To know the numbers of our enemies .", "And take thou this ! \u2019 O thoughts of men accurs 'd !", "The parcels and particulars of our grief ,", "\u2018 Tis very true , Lord Bardolph ; for indeed", "After th \u2019 admired heels of Bolingbroke ,", "New-dated letters from Northumberland ;", "We see which way the stream of time doth run", "But heaviness foreruns the good event .", "And now thou wouldst eat thy dead vomit up ,", "Wherefore do I this ? So the question stands .", "Their over-greedy love hath surfeited .", "And being now trimm 'd in thine own desires ,", "My lord , we will do so . Exit WESTMORELAND", "Nor do I as an enemy to peace", "Even by those men that most have done us wrong .", "The which he could not levy ; whereupon", "Say on , my Lord of Westmoreland , in peace ,", "By the rough torrent of occasion ;", "I take not on me here as a physician ;", "Need not be dreaded .", "To Scotland ; and concludes in hearty prayers", "But , as I told my Lord of Westmoreland ,", "I do not doubt you .", "We come within our awful banks again ,", "But rather show awhile like fearful war", "And therefore be assur 'd , my good Lord Marshal ,", "As might hold sortance with his quality ,", "And hangs resolv 'd correction in the arm", "Our very veins of life . Hear me more plainly .", "I take your princely word for these redresses .", "And howl'st to find it . What trust is in these times ?", "To us and to our purposes confin'd-", "Of every minute 's instance , present now ,", "Didst thou beat heaven with blessing Bolingbroke", "And come against us in full puissance", "He cannot so precisely weed this land", "That are insinewed to this action ,", "Thus have you heard our cause and known our means ;", "That he should draw his several strengths together", "Our late King , Richard , being infected , died .", "Let us on ,", "Hath he that buildeth on the vulgar heart .", "No , no , my lord . Note this : the King is weary", "And first , Lord Marshal , what say you to it ?"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["Their eyes of fire sparkling through sights of steel ,", "Their neighing coursers daring of the spur ,", "And good from bad find no partition .", "Why not to him in part , and to us all", "That by indictment and by dint of sword", "To lay a heavy and unequal hand", "Then threw he down himself , and all their lives", "Shall we go draw our numbers , and set on ?", "What thing , in honour , had my father lost", "But he hath forc 'd us to compel this offer ;", "And it proceeds from policy , not love .", "And the loud trumpet blowing them together \u2014", "You wish me health in very happy season ,", "There is a thing within my bosom tells me", "We shall be winnow 'd with so rough a wind", "For I am on the sudden something ill .", "Upon our honours ?", "Well , by my will we shall admit no parley .", "I well allow the occasion of our amis ;", "Be it so .", "Here is return 'd my Lord of Westmoreland .", "My father from the breast of Bolingbroke ,", "That feel the bruises of the days before ,", "The just proportion that we gave them out . Let us sway on and face them in the field .", "And then that Henry Bolingbroke and he ,", "Being mounted and both roused in their seats ,", "That no conditions of our peace can stand .", "Shall to the King taste of this action ;"], "true_target": ["Is this proceeding just and honourable ?", "That need to be reviv 'd and breath 'd in me ?", "O , when the King did throw his warder down \u2014", "His own life hung upon the staff he threw \u2014", "Their armed staves in charge , their beavers down ,", "Re-enter WESTMORELAND", "And suffer the condition of these times", "Was force perforce compell 'd to banish him ,", "And dash themselves to pieces .", "That , were our royal faiths martyrs in love ,", "To the last man .", "This had been cheerful after victory .", "Have since miscarried under Bolingbroke .", "Then , then , when there was nothing could have stay 'd", "Thus do the hopes we have in him touch ground", "I think it is my Lord of Westmoreland .", "How , in our means , we should advance ourselves", "Yea , but our valuation shall be such", "If not , we ready are to try our fortunes", "That even our corn shall seem as light as chaff ,", "The King that lov 'd him , as the state stood then ,", "Your Grace of York , in God 's name then , set forward .", "Yea , every idle , nice , and wanton reason ,", "But gladly would be better satisfied", "So much the worse , if your own rule be true .", "Upon the power and puissance of the King .", "To look with forehead bold and big enough", "That every slight and false-derived cause ,"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["To lay down likelihoods and forms of hope .", "I have no certain notice .", "Besides , the King hath wasted all his rods", "The utmost man of expectation ,", "This news of peace . Let them have pay , and part .", "Of what conditions we shall stand upon ?", "Of great Northumberland , whose bosom burns", "Fear you not that : if we can make our peace", "May offer , but not hold .", "So that his power , like to a fangless lion ,", "The very instruments of chastisement ;", "If they miscarry , theirs shall second them ;", "For his divisions , as the times do brawl ,", "As our conditions shall consist upon ,", "Each hurries toward his home and sporting-place .", "With him , we may .", "In very ample virtue of his father ,", "Upon such large terms and so absolute", "And heir from heir shall hold this quarrel up", "Our peace shall stand as firm as rocky mountains .", "Should be still-born , and that we now possess 'd", "Baying at his heels . Never fear that .", "The Duke of Lancaster and Westmoreland ;", "And our supplies live largely in the hope", "Are in three heads : one power against the French ,", "We are time 's subjects , and time bids be gone .", "To us no more ; nay , not so much , Lord Bardolph ;", "We have sent forth already ."], "true_target": ["On late offenders , that he now doth lack", "With an incensed fire of injuries .", "Must take up us . So is the unfirm King", "And so success of mischief shall be born ,", "And though we here fall down ,", "To five and twenty thousand men of choice ;", "I think we are so a body strong enough ,", "My lord , our army is dispers 'd already .", "Whiles England shall have generation .", "I know it will please them . Hie thee , Captain .", "If he should do so ,", "Against the Welsh , himself and Harry Monmouth ;", "Our present musters grow upon the file", "We have supplies to second our attempt .", "But who is substituted against the French", "He leaves his back unarm 'd , the French and Welsh", "Hath the Prince John a full commission ,", "East , west , north , south ; or like a school broke up ,", "Grant that our hopes \u2014 yet likely of fair birth \u2014", "Even as we are , to equal with the King .", "In three divided ; and his coffers sound", "With hollow poverty and emptiness .", "\u2018 Tis Gaultree Forest , a n't shall please your Grace .", "To hear and absolutely to determine", "Go , Captain , and deliver to the army", "And one against Glendower ; perforce a third", "Now , what news ?", "Like youthful steers unyok 'd , they take their courses", "But , by your leave , it never yet did hurt"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["O , run Doll , run , run , good Come .She comes blubber 'd .\u2014 Yea , will you come , Doll ? Exeunt", "Here 's goodly stuff toward !", "It is more than for some , my lord ; it is for all \u2014 all I have . He hath eaten me out of house and home ; he hath put all my substance into that fat belly of his . But I will have some of it out again , or I will ride thee a nights like a mare .", "Yea , in truth , my lord .", "Pray thee , Sir John , let it be but twenty nobles ; i \u2019 faith , I am loath to pawn my plate , so God save me , la !", "I am undone by his going ; I warrant you , he 's an infinitive thing upon my score . Good Master Fang , hold him sure . Good Master Snare , let him not scape . \u2018 A comes continuantly to Pie-corner \u2014 saving your manhoods \u2014 to buy a saddle ; and he is indited to dinner to the Lubber 's Head in Lumbert Street , to Master Smooth 's the silkman . I pray you , since my exion is ent'red , and my case so openly known to the world , let him be brought in to his answer . A hundred mark is a long one for a poor lone woman to bear ; and I have borne , and borne , and borne ; and have been fubb 'd off , and fubb 'd off , and fubb 'd off , from this day to that day , that it is a shame to be thought on . There is no honesty in such dealing ; unless a woman should be made an ass and a beast , to bear every knave 's wrong . Enter SIR JOHN FALSTAFF , PAGE , and BARDOLPH Yonder he comes ; and that arrant malmsey-nose knave , Bardolph , with him . Do your offices , do your offices , Master Fang and Master Snare ; do me , do me , do me your offices .", "Throw me in the channel ! I 'll throw thee in the channel . Wilt thou ? wilt thou ? thou bastardly rogue ! Murder , murder ! Ah , thou honeysuckle villain ! wilt thou kill God 's officers and the King 's ? Ah , thou honey-seed rogue ! thou art a honey-seed ; a man-queller and a woman-queller .", "By my troth , Captain , these are very bitter words .", "Good Captain Peesel , be quiet ; \u2018 tis very late , i \u2019 faith ; I beseek you now , aggravate your choler .", "Well , fare thee well . I have known thee these twenty-nine years , come peascod-time ; but an honester and truer-hearted man \u2014 well , fare thee well .", "I \u2019 faith , sweetheart , methinks now you are in an excellent good temperality . Your pulsidge beats as extraordinarily as heart would desire ; and your colour , I warrant you , is as red as any rose , in good truth , la ! But , i \u2019 faith , you have drunk too much canaries ; and that 's a marvellous searching wine , and it perfumes the blood ere one can say \u2018 What 's this ? \u2019 How do you now ?", "By my troth , this is the old fashion ; you two never meet but you fall to some discord . You are both , i \u2019 good truth , as rheumatic as two dry toasts ; you cannot one bear with another 's confirmities . What the good-year ! one must bear , and that must be you . You are the weaker vessel , as as they say , the emptier vessel .", "O God , that right should thus overcome might ! Well , of sufferance comes ease .", "Good people , bring a rescue or two . Thou wot , wot thou ! thou wot , wot ta ? Do , do , thou rogue ! do , thou hemp-seed !", "Francis .", "Here 's a goodly tumult ! I 'll forswear keeping house afore I 'll be in these tirrits and frights . So ; murder , I warrant now . Alas , alas ! put up your naked weapons , put up your naked weapons .", "Well , you shall have it , though I pawn my gown . I hope you 'll come to supper . you 'll pay me all together ?", "Where 's your yeoman ? Is't a lusty yeoman ? Will \u2018 a stand to't ?", "O \u2019 my word , Captain , there 's none such here . What the good-year ! do you think I would deny her ? For God 's sake , be quiet .", "Thou atomy , thou !", "Good my lord , be good to me . I beseech you , stand to me .", "God 's blessing of your good heart ! and so she is , by my troth .", "O the Lord , that Sir John were come ! He would make this a bloody day to somebody . But I pray God the fruit of her womb miscarry !", "Master Fang , have you ent'red the action ?", "Sick of a calm ; yea , good faith ."], "true_target": ["Ay , come , you starv 'd bloodhound .", "No , good Captain Pistol ; not here , sweet captain .", "Are you not hurt i \u2019 th \u2019 groin ? Methought \u2018 a made a shrewd thrust at your belly . Re-enter BARDOLPH", "Will you have Doll Tearsheet meet you at supper ?", "If he swagger , let him not come here . No , by my faith ! I must live among my neighbours ; I 'll no swaggerers . I am in good name and fame with the very best . Shut the door . There comes no swaggerers here ; I have not liv 'd all this while to have swaggering now . Shut the door , I pray you .", "All vict'lers do so . What 's a joint of mutton or two in a whole Lent ?", "What 's the matter ?", "Why , that 's well said ; a good heart 's worth gold . Lo , here comes Sir John .", "Faith , you said so before .", "Yea , good Master Snare ; I have ent'red him and all .", "O , the Lord preserve thy Grace ! By my troth , welcome to", "O My most worshipful lord , a n't please your Grace , I am a poor widow of Eastcheap , and he is arrested at my suit .", "No , nor I neither ; I 'll be at your elbow .", "Marry , if thou wert an honest man , thyself and the money too . Thou didst swear to me upon a parcel-gilt goblet , sitting in my Dolphin chamber , at the round table , by a sea-coal fire , upon Wednesday in Wheeson week , when the Prince broke thy head for liking his father to singing-man of Windsor \u2014 thou didst swear to me then , as I was washing thy wound , to marry me and make me my lady thy wife . Canst thou deny it ? Did not goodwife Keech , the butcher 's wife , come in then and call me gossip Quickly ? Coming in to borrow a mess of vinegar , telling us she had a good dish of prawns , whereby thou didst desire to eat some , whereby I told thee they were ill for green wound ? And didst thou not , when she was gone down stairs , desire me to be no more so familiarity with such poor people , saying that ere long they should call me madam ? And didst thou not kiss me , and bid me fetch the thirty shillings ? I put thee now to thy book-oath . Deny it , if thou canst .", "Come , I 'll drink no proofs nor no bullets . I 'll drink no more than will do me good , for no man 's pleasure , I .", "Do I ? Yea , in very truth , do I , an \u2018 twere an aspen leaf . I cannot abide swagg'rers .", "No , thou arrant knave ; I would to God that I might die , that I might have thee hang 'd . Thou hast drawn my shoulder out of joint .", "No , I warrant you .", "Cheater , call you him ? I will bar no honest man my house , nor no cheater ; but I do not love swaggering , by my troth . I am the worse when one says \u2018 swagger . \u2019 Feel , masters , how I shake ; look you , I warrant you .", "Pray ye , pacify yourself , Sir John ; there comes no swaggerers here .", "Who knocks so loud at door ? Look to th \u2019 door there ,", "By this heavenly ground I tread on , I must be fain to pawn both my plate and the tapestry of my dining-chambers .", "Tilly-fally , Sir John , ne'er tell me ; and your ancient swagg'rer comes not in my doors . I was before Master Tisick , the debuty , t \u2019 other day ; and , as he said to me \u2014 \u2018 twas no longer ago than Wednesday last , i \u2019 good faith !\u2014 \u2018 Neighbour Quickly , \u2019 says he \u2014 Master Dumbe , our minister , was by then \u2014 \u2018 Neighbour Quickly , \u2019 says he \u2018 receive those that are civil , for \u2019 said he \u2018 you are in an ill name . \u2019 Now \u2018 a said so , I can tell whereupon . \u2018 For \u2019 says he \u2018 you are an honest woman and well thought on , therefore take heed what guests you receive . Receive \u2019 says he \u2018 no swaggering companions . \u2019 There comes none here . You would bless you to hear what he said . No , I 'll no swagg'rers .", "Alas the day ! take heed of him ; he stabb 'd me in mine own house , and that most beastly . In good faith , \u2018 a cares not what mischief he does , if his weapon be out ; he will foin like any devil ; he will spare neither man , woman , nor child .", "O Lord , ay ! good Master Snare ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["A rescue ! a rescue !", "It is ent'red .", "Snare , we must arrest Sir John Falstaff ."], "true_target": ["Sir John , I arrest you at the suit of Mistress Quickly .", "An I but fist him once ; an \u2018 a come but within my vice !", "If I can close with him , I care not for his thrust .", "Sirrah , where 's Snare ?"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["Here , here ."], "true_target": ["It may chance cost some of our lives , for he will stab ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["Are march 'd up to my Lord of Lancaster ,", "John .", "At Basingstoke , my lord .", "I must wait upon my good lord here , I thank you , good"], "true_target": ["Sir", "No ; fifteen hundred foot , five hundred horse ,", "Against Northumberland and the Archbishop .", "The King , my lord , and Harry Prince of Wales", "Are near at hand . The rest the paper tells ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["It shall serve among wits of no higher breeding than thine .", "Peto , how now ! What news ?", "Therefore thou best of gold art worst of gold .", "The noble change that I have purposed !", "Let God for ever keep it from my head ,", "By heaven , Poins , I feel me much to blame", "Accusing it , I put it on my head ,", "The quarrel of a true inheritor .", "What wouldst thou think of me if I should weep ?", "Shall I tell thee one thing , Poins ?", "Did with the least affection of a welcome", "Yea ; and you knew me , as you did when you ran away by", "God witness with me , when I here came in", "Ere you with grief had spoke and I had heard", "How now ! Rain within doors , and none abroad ! How doth the King ?", "Let me no more from this obedience rise ,", "Belike then my appetite was not-princely got ; for , by my troth , I do now remember the poor creature , small beer . But indeed these humble considerations make me out of love with my greatness . What a disgrace is it to me to remember thy name , or to know thy face to-morrow , or to take note how many pair of silk stockings thou hast \u2014 viz ., these , and those that were thy peach-colour 'd ones \u2014 or to bear the inventory of thy shirts - as , one for superfluity , and another for use ! But that the tennis-court-keeper knows better than I ; for it is a low ebb of linen with thee when thou keepest not racket there ; as thou hast not done a great while , because the rest of thy low countries have made a shift to eat up thy holland . And God knows whether those that bawl out of the ruins of thy linen shall inherit his kingdom ; but the midwives say the children are not in the fault ; whereupon the world increases , and kindreds are mightily strengthened .", "See now , whether pure fear and entire cowardice doth not make thee wrong this virtuous gentlewoman to close with us ? Is she of the wicked ? Is thine hostess here of the wicked ? Or is thy boy of the wicked ? Or honest Bardolph , whose zeal burns in his nose , of the wicked ?", "And never live to show th \u2019 incredulous world", "For the women ?", "And found no course of breath within your Majesty ,", "Where sups he ? Doth the old boar feed in the old frank ?", "My gracious liege ,", "YOU whoreson candle-mine , you , how vilely did you speak of me even now before this honest , virtuous , civil gentlewoman !", "Sirrah , you boy , and Bardolph , no word to your master that I am yet come to town . There 's for your silence .", "The course of it so far . There is your crown ,", "By this hand , thou thinkest me as far in the devil 's book as thou and Falstaff for obduracy and persistency : let the end try the man . But I tell thee my heart bleeds inwardly that my father is so sick ; and keeping such vile company as thou art hath in reason taken from me all ostentation of sorrow .", "Which I with more than with a common pain", "Before God , I am exceeding weary .", "Nay , they will be kin to us , or they will fetch it from", "How might we see Falstaff bestow himself to-night in his true colours , and not ourselves be seen ?", "I shall drive you then to confess the wilful abuse , and then I know how to handle you .", "Even such kin as the parish heifers are to the town bull . Shall we steal upon them , Ned , at supper ?", "Coming to look on you , thinking you dead-", "Borne with black vapour , doth begin to melt", "\u2018 I commend me to thee , I commend thee , and I leave thee . Be not too familiar with Poins ; for he misuses thy favours so much that he swears thou art to marry his sister Nell . Repent at idle times as thou mayst , and so farewell . Thine , by yea and no \u2014 which is as much as to say as thou usest him \u2014 JACK FALSTAFF with my familiars , JOHN with my brothers and sisters , and SIR JOHN with all Europe . \u2019", "Instruct us , boy ; what dream , boy ?", "You , gentlewoman \u2014", "And drop upon our bare unarmed heads .", "Heard he the good news yet ? Tell it him .", "How cold it struck my heart ! If I do feign ,", "Give entertainment to the might of it ,", "O , pardon me , my liege ! But for my tears ,", "Preserving life in med'cine potable ;", "A crown 's worth of good interpretation . There \u2018 tis , boy .", "But if it did infect my blood with joy ,", "Who saw the Duke of Clarence ?", "Then plain and right must my possession be ;", "It would be every man 's thought ; and thou art a blessed fellow to think as every man thinks . Never a man 's thought in the world keeps the road-way better than thine . Every man would think me an hypocrite indeed . And what accites your most worshipful thought to think so ?", "Which my most inward true and duteous spirit", "That doth with awe and terror kneel to it !"], "true_target": ["Not to dispraise me , and call me pander , and bread-chipper , and I know not what !", "Hast eat thy bearer up . \u2019 Thus , my most royal liege ,", "And to thee .", "Long guard it yours !", "When tempest of commotion , like the south ,", "And the boy that I gave Falstaff . \u2018 A had him from me Christian ; and look if the fat villain have not transform 'd him ape .", "From a god to a bull ? A heavy descension ! It was Jove 's case . From a prince to a prentice ? A low transformation ! That shall be mine ; for in everything the purpose must weigh with the folly . Follow me , Ned .", "Look whe'er the wither 'd elder hath not his poll claw 'd like a parrot .", "And yours , most noble Bardolph !", "That had before my face murd'red my father \u2014", "That 's to make him eat twenty of his words . But do you use me thus , Ned ? Must I marry your sister ?", "Fare you well ; go . Exeunt BARDOLPH and PAGE", "My Lord of Warwick !", "The moist impediments unto my speech ,", "If any rebel or vain spirit of mine", "Has not the boy profited ?", "And thus upbraided it : \u2018 The care on thee depending", "Well , thus we play the fools with the time , and the spirits of the wise sit in the clouds and mock us . Is your master here in London ?", "I never thought to hear you speak again .", "So idly to profane the precious time ,", "Give me my sword and cloak . Falstaff , good night .", "Peace !\u2018 I will imitate the honourable Romans in brevity . \u2019 -", "If he be sick with joy , he 'll recover without physic .", "Faith , it does me ; though it discolours the complexion of my greatness to acknowledge it . Doth it not show vilely in me to desire small beer ?", "What company ?", "This Doll Tearsheet should be some road .", "Why , thou globe of sinful continents , what a life dost thou lead !", "Or swell my thoughts to any strain of pride ;", "Teacheth this prostrate and exterior bending !", "Very true , sir , and I come to draw you out by the ears .", "To try with it \u2014 as with an enemy", "Hath fed upon the body of my father ;", "And dead almost , my liege , to think you were-", "But thou , most fine , most honour 'd , most renown 'd ,", "Than as your honour and as your renown ,", "What pagan may that be ?", "Sup any women with him ?", "Saturn and Venus this year in conjunction ! What says th \u2019 almanac to that ?", "And he that wears the crown immortally", "If I affect it more", "I had forestall 'd this dear and deep rebuke", "You won it , wore it , kept it , gave it me ;", "O , let me in my present wildness die ,", "And how doth thy master , Bardolph ?", "Other , less fine in carat , is more precious ,", "\u2018 Gainst all the world will rightfully maintain .", "Marry , I tell thee it is not meet that I should be sad , now my father is sick ; albeit I could tell to thee \u2014 as to one it pleases me , for fault of a better , to call my friend \u2014 I could be sad and sad indeed too .", "I spake unto this crown as having sense ,", "No ; I will sit and watch here by the King .", "And make me as the poorest vassal is ,", "I do allow this well to be as familiar with me as my dog ; and he holds his place , for look you how he writes .", "Would not this nave of a wheel have his ears cut off ?"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["I would think thee a most princely hypocrite .", "By this light , I am well spoke on ; I can hear it with mine own ears . The worst that they can say of me is that I am a second brother and that I am a proper fellow of my hands ; and those two things , I confess , I cannot help . By the mass , here comes Bardolph .", "He sure means brevity in breath , short-winded .", "Let 's beat him before his whore .", "God send the wench no worse fortune ! But I never said so .", "Why , because you have been so lewd and so much engraffed to Falstaff .", "No abuse !", "Put on two leathern jerkins and aprons , and wait upon him at his table as drawers .", "\u2018 John Falstaff , knight \u2019 \u2014 Every man must know that as oft as he has occasion to name himself , even like those that are kin to the King ; for they never prick their finger but they say \u2018 There 's some of the King 's blood spilt . \u2019 \u2018 How comes that ? \u2019 says he that takes upon him not to conceive . The answer is as ready as a borrower 's cap : \u2018 I am the King 's poor cousin , sir . \u2019", "Is't come to that ? I had thought weariness durst not have attach 'd one of so high blood .", "Deliver 'd with good respect . And how doth the martlemas , your master ?", "I warrant you , as common as the way between Saint Albans and London .", "Marry , the immortal part needs a physician ; but that moves not him . Though that be sick , it dies not .", "Very hardly upon such a subject ."], "true_target": ["And look whether the fiery Trigon , his man , be not lisping to his master 's old tables , his note-book , his counsel-keeper .", "My lord , I 'll steep this letter in sack and make him eat it .", "My lord , he will drive you out of your revenge and turn all to a merriment , if you take not the heat .", "The reason ?", "Come , you virtuous ass , you bashful fool , must you be blushing ? Wherefore blush you now ? What a maidenly man-at-arms are you become ! Is't such a matter to get a pottle-pot 's maidenhead ?", "Yes , faith ; and let it be an excellent good thing .", "Why , a prince should not be so loosely studied as to remember so weak a composition .", "How ill it follows , after you have laboured so hard , you should talk so idly ! Tell me , how many good young princes would do so , their fathers being so sick as yours at this time is ?", "I am your shadow , my lord ; I 'll follow you .", "Why , this is a certificate .", "O that this blossom could be kept from cankers ! Well , there is sixpence to preserve thee .", "Is it not strange that desire should so many years outlive performance ?", "Answer , thou dead elm , answer .", "Go to ; I stand the push of your one thing that you will tell ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["Sir , a word with you . I have three pound to free Mouldy and Bullcalf .", "O joyful day ! I would not take a knighthood for my fortune .", "The army is discharged all and gone .", "Well , my lord . He heard of your Grace 's coming to town . There 's a letter for you .", "Pardon , sir ; I have heard the word . \u2018 Phrase \u2019 call you it ? By this day , I know not the phrase ; but I will maintain the word with my sword to be a soldier-like word , and a word of exceeding good command , by heaven . Accommodated : that is , when a man is , as they say , accommodated ; or , when a man is being-whereby \u2018 a may be thought to be accommodated ; which is an excellent thing .", "My captain , sir , commends him to you ; my captain , Sir John Falstaff \u2014 a tall gentleman , by heaven , and a most gallant leader .", "Hold , Wart . Traverse \u2014 thus , thus , thus .", "Be gone , good ancient ; this will grow to a brawl anon .", "An I might see you there , Davy !", "You must away to court , sir , presently ;", "At the old place , my lord , in Eastcheap .", "Go to ; stand aside .", "I am glad to see your worship .", "Away , you whoreson upright rabbit , away !", "Go to ; stand aside ."], "true_target": ["God save your Grace !", "I have no tongue , sir .", "An you do not make him be hang 'd among you , the gallows shall have wrong .", "I beseech you , which is Justice Shallow ?", "Pray thee go down , good ancient .", "Well said ; th'art a good fellow .", "Bid Mistress Tearsheet come to my master .", "Yea , sir . The rascal 's drunk . You have hurt him , sir , i \u2019 th \u2019 shoulder .", "Sir , pardon ; a soldier is better accommodated than with a wife .", "Yea , my lord .", "Come , get you down stairs .", "Yea , sir , in a pottle-pot .", "In bodily health , sir .", "And I 'll stick by him , sir .", "A dozen captains stay at door for you .", "Mistress Tearsheet !"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["I have given over , I will speak no more . Do what you will ; your wisdom be your guide .", "O , fly to Scotland"], "true_target": ["Have of their puissance made a little taste .", "Till that the nobles and the armed commons"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["Did all the chivalry of England move", "For recordation to my noble husband .", "First let them try themselves . So did your son ;", "For those who could speak low and tardily", "O , yet , for God 's sake , go not to these wars !", "Had my sweet Harry had but half their numbers ,", "He was so suff'red ; so came I a widow ;", "Have talk 'd of Monmouth 's grave .", "To-day might I , hanging on Hotspur 's neck ,", "Did seem defensible . So you left him .", "To look upon the hideous god of war", "For his , it stuck upon him as the sun", "That fashion 'd others . And him \u2014 O wondrous him !", "If they get ground and vantage of the King ,", "To do brave acts . He was indeed the glass", "To make strength stronger ; but , for all our loves ,", "And never shall have length of life enough", "And speaking thick , which nature made his blemish ,", "In military rules , humours of blood ,", "Wherein the noble youth did dress themselves .", "In diet , in affections of delight ,", "Then join you with them , like a rib of steel ,", "He had no legs that practis 'd not his gait ;"], "true_target": ["When you were more endear 'd to it than now ;", "In disadvantage , to abide a field", "To seem like him : so that in speech , in gait ,", "There were two honours lost , yours and your son 's .", "Second to none , unseconded by you \u2014", "Where nothing but the sound of Hotspur 's name", "The time was , father , that you broke your word ,", "Threw many a northward look to see his father", "Never , O never , do his ghost the wrong", "That it may grow and sprout as high as heaven ,", "Became the accents of the valiant ;", "Who then persuaded you to stay at home ?", "He was the mark and glass , copy and book ,", "When your own Percy , when my heart 's dear Harry ,", "To hold your honour more precise and nice", "Would turn their own perfection to abuse", "O miracle of men !\u2014 him did you leave \u2014", "Bring up his powers ; but he did long in vain .", "The Marshal and the Archbishop are strong .", "To rain upon remembrance with mine eyes ,", "For yours , the God of heaven brighten it !", "With others than with him ! Let them alone .", "In the grey vault of heaven ; and by his light"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["Sir , Ancient Pistol 's below and would speak with you .", "Why , then , cover and set them down ; and see if thou canst find out Sneak 's noise ; Mistress Tearsheet would fain hear some music ."], "true_target": ["What the devil hast thou brought there-apple-johns ? Thou knowest Sir John cannot endure an apple-john .", "Sirrah , here will be the Prince and Master Poins anon ; and they will put on two of our jerkins and aprons ; and Sir John must not know of it . Bardolph hath brought word ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["I 'll see if I can find out Sneak ."], "true_target": ["Mass , thou say'st true . The Prince once set a dish of apple-johns before him , and told him there were five more Sir Johns ; and , putting off his hat , said \u2018 I will now take my leave of these six dry , round , old , withered knights . \u2019 It ang'red him to the heart ; but he hath forgot that ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["By the mass , here will be old uds ; it will be an excellent stratagem ."], "true_target": ["Dispatch ! The room where they supp 'd is too hot ; they 'll come in straight ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["Come , you rogue , come ; bring me to a justice .", "I cannot speak . If my heart be not ready to burst ! Well , sweet Jack , have a care of thyself .", "I \u2019 faith , and thou follow'dst him like a church . Thou whoreson little tidy Bartholomew boar-pig , when wilt thou leave fighting a days and foining a nights , and begin to patch up thine old body for heaven ?", "I make them ! Gluttony and diseases make them : I make them not .", "By my troth , I kiss thee with a most constant heart .", "So you do , hostess .", "Why does the Prince love him so , then ?", "Ah , you sweet little rogue , you ! Alas , poor ape , how thou sweat'st ! Come , let me wipe thy face . Come on , you whoreson chops . Ah , rogue ! i \u2019 faith , I love thee . Thou art as valorous as Hector of Troy , worth five of Agamemnon , and ten times better than the Nine Worthies . Ah , villain !", "I love thee better than I love e'er a scurvy young boy of them all .", "Hang him , swaggering rascal ! Let him not come hither ; it is the foul-mouth'dst rogue in England .", "Goodman death , goodman bones !", "Sirrah , what humour 's the Prince of ?", "Charge me ! I scorn you , scurvy companion . What ! you poor , base , rascally , cheating , lack-linen mate ! Away , you mouldy rogue , away ! I am meat for your master .", "By my troth , thou't set me a-weeping , an thou say'st so . Prove that ever I dress myself handsome till thy return . Well , hearken a \u2019 th \u2019 end .", "Captain ! Thou abominable damn 'd cheater , art thou not ashamed to be called captain ? An captains were of my mind , they would truncheon you out , for taking their names upon you before you have earn 'd them . You a captain ! you slave , for what ? For tearing a poor whore 's ruff in a bawdy-house ? He a captain ! hang him , rogue ! He lives upon mouldy stew 'd prunes and dried cakes . A captain ! God 's light , these villains will make the word as odious as the word \u2018 occupy \u2019 ; which was an excellent good word before it was ill sorted . Therefore captains had need look to't ."], "true_target": ["Nut-hook , nut-hook , you lie . Come on ; I 'll tell thee what , thou damn 'd tripe-visag 'd rascal , an the child I now go with do miscarry , thou wert better thou hadst struck thy mother , thou paper-fac 'd villain .", "Better than I was \u2014 hem .", "I pray thee , Jack , be quiet ; the rascal 's gone . Ah , you whoreson little valiant villain , you !", "Come , you thin thing ! come , you rascal !", "What says your Grace ?", "For God 's sake thrust him down stairs ; I cannot endure such a fustian rascal .", "Away , you cut-purse rascal ! you filthy bung , away ! By this wine , I 'll thrust my knife in your mouldy chaps , an you play the saucy cuttle with me . Away , you bottle-ale rascal ! you basket-hilt stale juggler , you ! Since when , I pray you , sir ? God 's light , with two points on your shoulder ? Much !", "How , you fat fool ! I scorn you .", "They say Poins has a good wit .", "Can a weak empty vessel bear such a huge full hogs-head ? There 's a whole merchant 's venture of Bourdeaux stuff in him ; you have not seen a hulk better stuff 'd in the hold . Come , I 'll be friends with thee , Jack . Thou art going to the wars ; and whether I shall ever see thee again or no , there is nobody cares . Re-enter FRANCIS", "I pray thee , Jack , I pray thee , do not draw .", "Do , an thou dar'st for thy heart . An thou dost , I 'll canvass thee between a pair of sheets .", "Yea , joy , our chains and our jewels .", "I 'll tell you what , you thin man in a censer , I will have you as soundly swing 'd for this \u2014 you blue-bottle rogue , you filthy famish 'd correctioner , if you be not swing 'd , I 'll forswear half-kirtles .", "Hang yourself , you muddy conger , hang yourself !", "A pox damn you , you muddy rascal ! Is that all the comfort you give me ?"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["As nail in door . The things I speak are just .", "Come , give 's some sack .", "God bless thy lungs , good knight !", "Fear we broadsides ? No , let the fiend give fire .", "Untwine the Sisters Three ! Come , Atropos , I say !", "These be good humours , indeed ! Shall packhorses ,", "Puff in thy teeth , most recreant coward base !", "Harry the Fifth 's the man . I speak the truth .", "Give me some sack ; and , sweetheart , lie thou there .", "A foutra for the world and worldlings base ! I speak of Africa and golden joys .", "And helter-skelter have I rode to thee ;", "And tidings do I bring , and lucky joys ,", "The bragging Spaniard .", "Puff !", "King Cerberus ; and let the welkin roar .", "\u2018 Tis \u2018 semper idem \u2019 for \u2018 obsque hoc nihil est . \u2019 \u2018 Tis all in every part .", "And Troiant Greeks ? Nay , rather damn them with", "God save you , Sir John !", "Sweet knight , I kiss thy neaf . What ! we have seen the seven stars .", "\u2018 Si fortune me tormente sperato me contento . \u2019", "I know you , Mistress Dorothy .", "Thrust him down stairs ! Know we not Galloway nags ?", "God let me not live but I will murder your ruff for this .", "By most mechanical and dirty hand .", "Under which king , Bezonian ? Speak , or die .", "Then to you , Mistress Dorothy ; I will charge you .", "I 'll see her damn 'd first ; to Pluto 's damn 'd lake , by this hand , to th \u2019 infernal deep , with Erebus and tortures vile also . Hold hook and line , say I . Down , down , dogs ! down , faitors ! Have we not Hiren here ?", "Sir John , I am thy Pistol and thy friend ,", "Hal 'd thither", "Not I ! I tell thee what , Corporal Bardolph , I could tear her ; I 'll be reveng 'd of her .", "I will discharge upon her , Sir John , with two bullets ."], "true_target": ["For Doll is in . Pistol speaks nought but truth .", "What ! shall we have incision ? Shall we imbrue ?", "Die men like dogs ! Give crowns like pins ! Have we not Hiren here ?", "Harry the Fourth \u2014 or Fifth ?", "Not the ill wind which blows no man to good . Sweet knight , thou art now one of the greatest men in this realm .", "Why , then , lament therefore .", "What , I do bring good news ?", "The heavens thee guard and keep , most royal imp of fame !", "Rouse up revenge from ebon den with fell Alecto 's snake ,", "Then feed and be fat , my fair Calipolis .", "And hollow pamper 'd jades of Asia ,", "When Pistol lies , do this ; and fig me , like", "Then , Pistol , lay thy head in Furies \u2019 lap .", "A foutra for thine office !", "Shall we fall foul for toys ?", "There roar 'd the sea , and trumpet-clangor sounds .", "Shall dunghill curs confront the Helicons ?", "Sir John , thy tender lambkin now is King ;", "And make thee rage .", "Compare with Caesars , and with Cannibals ,", "And shall good news be baffled ?", "Thy Doll , and Helen of thy noble thoughts ,", "Why , then , let grievous , ghastly , gaping wounds", "Let vultures vile seize on his lungs also ! \u2018 Where is the life that late I led ? \u2019 say they . Why , here it is ; welcome these pleasant days ! Exeunt", "My knight , I will inflame thy noble liver", "Which cannot go but thirty mile a day ,", "Is in base durance and contagious prison ;", "Then death rock me asleep , abridge my doleful days !", "Sir John , God save you !", "And golden times , and happy news of price .", "Si fortuna me tormenta , spero me contenta .", "Come we to full points here , and are etceteras nothings ?"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["And there are twenty weak and wearied posts", "Bare-headed , sweating , knocking at the taverns ,", "I met and overtook a dozen captains ,"], "true_target": ["And asking every one for Sir John Falstaff .", "Come from the north ; and as I came along", "The King your father is at Westminster ;"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["Be it thy course to busy giddy minds", "For competence of life I will allow you ,", "For he is gracious if he be observ 'd .", "So surfeit-swell 'd , so old , and so profane ;", "I met this crown ; and I myself know well", "You shall be as a father to my youth ;", "And how accompanied ?", "He loves thee , and thou dost neglect him , Thomas .", "Where is my Lord of Warwick ?", "For all the soil of the achievement goes", "Thou seest with peril I have answered ;", "Of mediation , after I am dead ,", "Thy wish was father , Harry , to that thought .", "Give you advancement . Be it your charge , my lord ,", "But write her fair words still in foulest letters ?", "By whose fell working I was first advanc 'd ,", "Yea , for my sake , even to the eyes of Richard", "And steep my senses in forgetfulness ?", "The cank'red heaps of strange-achieved gold ;", "Who take the ruffian billows by the top ,", "By number into hours of happiness .", "Who like a brother toil 'd in my affairs", "Are these things then necessities ?", "Our substitutes in absence well invested ,", "Into the sea ; and other times to see", "The muzzle of restraint , and the wild dog", "Find him , my lord of Warwick ; chide him hither .", "And everything lies level to our wish .", "Changes the mood ; for what in me was purchas 'd", "And wear it in my heart . Why , then , be sad ;", "And the division of our amity .", "Such are the poor , in health \u2014 or else a feast ,", "Now where is he that will not stay so long", "And with what danger , near the heart of it .", "His temper , therefore , must be well observ 'd .", "Then get thee gone , and dig my grave thyself ;", "O me ! come near me now I am much ill .", "The tutor and the feeder of my riots .", "The virtuous sweets ,", "I know thee not , old man . Fall to thy prayers .", "O Westmoreland , thou art a summer bird ,", "That I and greatness were compell 'd to kiss \u2014", "Enter WESTMORELAND", "And lull 'd with sound of sweetest melody ?", "May waste the memory of the former days .", "Now doth it turn and ebb back to the sea ,", "That dares do justice on my proper son ;", "Wounding supposed peace . All these bold fears", "Leave gormandizing ; know the grave doth gape", "Thou seek'st the greatness that will overwhelm thee .", "Laud be to God ! Even there my life must end .", "In equal rank with the best govern 'd nation ;", "That with the hurly death itself awakes ?", "And flow henceforth in formal majesty .", "Sorrow so royally in you appears", "For in his tomb lie my affections ;", "And takes away the stomach \u2014 such are the rich", "As humorous as winter , and as sudden", "Make mountains level , and the continent ,", "Confound themselves with working . Learn this , Thomas ,", "The lifting up of day .", "We would , dear lords , unto the Holy Land . Exeunt", "Under the canopies of costly state ,", "Now call we our high court of parliament ;", "So great indignities you laid upon me ?", "I cut them off ; and had a purpose now", "Are fifty thousand strong .", "How chance thou art not with the Prince thy brother ?", "Upon uneasy pallets stretching thee ,", "And he , the noble image of my youth ,", "With me into the earth . It seem 'd in me", "Falls upon thee in a more fairer sort ;", "Where is the Prince your brother ?", "Till his friend sickness hath determin 'd me ?", "God shorten Harry 's happy life one day . Exeunt", "And wherefore should these good news make me sick ?", "The Prince hath ta'en it hence . Go , seek him out .", "How ill white hairs become a fool and jester !", "Pleading so wisely in excuse of it !", "Our thighs with wax , our mouths with honey pack 'd ,", "The Prince of Wales ! Where is he ? Let me see him . He is not here .", "Towards fronting peril and oppos 'd decay !", "So will I those that kept me company .", "With foreign quarrels , that action , hence borne out ,", "Acting that argument . And now my death", "\u2018 Northumberland , thou ladder by the which", "O my son ,", "That thou mightst win the more thy father 's love ,", "And well consider of them . Make good speed . Exit page", "Into some other chamber . Softly , pray . Exeunt", "Is it good morrow , lords ?", "And in the visitation of the winds ,", "O , thou wilt be a wilderness again .", "And how accompanied ? Canst thou tell that ?", "She either gives a stomach and no food-", "My sleep my death ?", "He hath a tear for pity and a hand", "What , canst thou not forbear me half an hour ?", "And see the revolution of the times", "In loathsome beds , and leav'st the kingly couch", "As flaws congealed in the spring of day .", "Nothing but well to thee , Thomas of Clarence .", "Re-enter PRINCE HENRY", "In that Jerusalem shall Harry die . Exeunt", "Depart the chamber , leave us here alone .", "Between his greatness and thy other brethren .", "You , cousin Nevil , as I may remember \u2014", "I pray you take me up , and bear me hence", "Dost thou so hunger for mine empty chair", "Into the hands of justice . \u2019 You did commit me ;", "To lead out many to the Holy Land ,", "Give that which gave thee life unto the worms .", "Too wide for Neptune 's hips ; how chances mock ,", "And pause us till these rebels , now afoot ,", "Th \u2019 immediate heir of England ! Was this easy ?", "From every region , apes of idleness .", "Shall never leak , though it do work as strong", "But , being moody , give him line and scope", "You all look strangely on me ; and you most . You are , I think , assur 'd I love you not .", "Unless some dull and favourable hand", "Now , neighbour confines , purge you of your scum .", "Then check 'd and rated by Northumberland ,", "For God doth know , so shall the world perceive ,", "From this bare wither 'd trunk . Upon thy sight", "Exit WARWICK", "Therefore omit him not ; blunt not his love ,", "As you have done \u2018 gainst me . There is my hand .", "Is overspread with them ; therefore my grief", "By seeming cold or careless of his will ;", "Their sons with arts and martial exercises ;", "With all appliances and means to boot ,", "To the wet sea-boy in an hour so rude ;", "When gold becomes her object !", "Which daily grew to quarrel and to bloodshed ,", "The beachy girdle of the ocean", "\u2018 The time will come that foul sin , gathering head ,", "Nor lose the good advantage of his grace", "Nature 's soft nurse , how have I frightened thee ,", "That war , or peace , or both at once , may be", "And laid his love and life under my foot ;", "Thou hast stol'n that which , after some few hours ,", "Thou hast a better place in his affection", "This part of his conjoins with my disease", "\u2018 Tis seldom when the bee doth leave her comb", "As things acquainted and familiar to us ;", "For this they have engrossed and pil 'd up", "And noble offices thou mayst effect", "Till that his passions , like a whale on ground ,", "But , ere they come , bid them o'erhYpppHeNread these letters", "Our coronation done , we will accite ,", "Sits not so easy on me as you think .", "Not Amurath an Amurath succeeds ,", "Where is the crown ? Who took it from my pillow ?", "Shall break into corruption \u2019 so went on ,", "But being awak 'd , I do despise my dream .", "To this debate that bleedeth at our doors ,", "Revel the night , rob , murder , and commit", "And thou wilt have me die assur 'd of it .", "Stretches itself beyond the hour of death .", "Why did you leave me here alone , my lords ?", "England shall double gild his treble guilt ;", "Yields his engrossments to the ending father .", "We will , according to your strengths and qualities ,", "Offend you , and obey you , as I did .", "My gain of it by their assistances ;", "Seal up the ship-boy 's eyes , and rock his brains", "But that necessity so bow 'd the state", "Unto the lodging where I first did swoon ?", "\u2018 Happy am I that have a man so bold", "Let me but bear your love , I 'll bear your cares .", "Deny it to a king ? Then , happy low , lie down !", "With this remembrance \u2014 that you use the same", "Pluck down my officers , break my decrees ;", "But Harry Harry . Yet be sad , good brothers ,", "Why rather , sleep , liest thou in smoky cribs ,", "To be again displac 'd ; which to avoid ,", "And thou shalt prove a shelter to thy friends ,", "Is not his brother , Thomas of Clarence , with him ?", "O thou dull god , why liest thou with the vile", "By what by-paths and indirect crook 'd ways", "Rotten opinion , who hath writ me down", "Did feast together , and in two years after", "But health , alack , with youthful wings is flown", "When means and lavish manners meet together ,", "That would deliver up his greatness so", "Than in the perfum 'd chambers of the great ,", "I should rejoice now at this happy news ;", "Humphrey , my son of Gloucester ,", "In forms imaginary , th'unguided days", "Since Richard and Northumberland , great friends ,", "And in the calmest and most stillest night ,", "And , as we hear you do reform yourselves ,", "To see perform 'd the tenour of our word .", "Will Fortune never come with both hands full ,", "A watch-case or a common \u2018 larum-bell ?", "For all my reign hath been but as a scene", "I have long dreamt of such a kind of man ,"], "true_target": ["Curling their monstrous heads , and hanging them", "More would I , but my lungs are wasted so", "God put it in thy mind to take it hence ,", "That thou wilt needs invest thee with my honours", "My worldly business makes a period .", "Will whisper music to my weary spirit .", "Th \u2019 unstained sword that you have us 'd to bear ;", "And hear , I think , the very latest counsel", "Go call the Earls of Surrey and of Warwick ;", "Now , lords , if God doth give successful end", "Which ever in the haunch of winter sings", "Only we want a little personal strength ;", "For when his headstrong riot hath no curb ,", "In which you , father , shall have foremost hand .", "Reply not to me with a fool-born jest ;", "Then let us meet them like necessities ;", "Where it shall mingle with the state of floods ,", "May this be wash 'd in Lethe and forgotten ?", "You are right , Justice , and you weigh this well ;", "Hath proudly flow 'd in vanity till now .", "As I have done the rest of my misleaders ,", "When rage and hot blood are his counsellors", "Approach me , and thou shalt be as thou wast ,", "But as an honour snatch 'd with boist'rous hand ;", "Let all the tears that should bedew my hearse", "With deafing clamour in the slippery clouds ,", "After my seeming . The tide of blood in me", "That lack of means enforce you not to evils ;", "Chide him for faults , and do it reverently ,", "I will take your counsel .", "Have but their stings and teeth newly ta'en out ;", "Thou bring'st me happiness and peace , son John ;", "\u2018 The time shall come \u2019 \u2014 thus did he follow it \u2014", "This new and gorgeous garment , majesty ,", "This Percy was the man nearest my soul ;", "For me , by heaven , I bid you be assur 'd ,", "As I before rememb'red , all our state ;", "Open as day for melting charity ;", "To frustrate prophecies , and to raze out", "When Richard , with his eye brim full of tears ,", "But wherefore did he take away the crown ?", "For the fifth Harry from curb 'd license plucks", "For now a time is come to mock at form-", "We will our youth lead on to higher fields ,", "And rotten times that you shall look upon", "Be happy , he will trouble you no more .", "Look here 's more news .", "Canst thou , O partial sleep , give thy repose", "The happiest youth , viewing his progress through ,", "Our navy is address 'd , our power connected ,", "That strength of speech is utterly denied me .", "I 'll be your father and your brother too ;", "Yet notwithstanding , being incens 'd , he is flint ;", "The blood weeps from my heart when I do shape ,", "To your well-practis 'd wise directions .", "When I am sleeping with my ancestors .", "No ?", "Foretelling this same time 's condition", "How foul it is ; what rank diseases grow ,", "That thou no more will weigh my eyelids down ,", "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown .", "Were thine without offense ; and at my death", "As aconitum or rash gunpowder .", "How troublesome it sat upon my head :", "It hath been prophesied to me many years ,", "Most subject is the fattest soil to weeds ;", "Only compound me with forgotten dust ;", "So shall I live to speak my father 's words :", "Lest rest and lying still might make them look", "And not less happy , having such a son", "That I have turn 'd away my former self ;", "How quickly nature falls into revolt", "And I do wish your honours may increase", "Have broke their sleep with thoughts ,", "With divers liquors ! O , if this were seen ,", "That thou art crowned , not that I am dead .", "Why then , good morrow to you all , my lords . Have you read o'er the letters that I sent you ?", "And with his spirits sadly I survive ,", "Which thou hast whetted on thy stony heart ,", "Come hither , Harry ; sit thou by my bed ,", "Look , look , here comes my John of Lancaster .", "What wilt thou do when riot is thy care ?", "My father is gone wild into his grave ,", "And changes fill the cup of alteration", "Weary of solid firmness , melt itself", "To mock the expectation of the world ,", "Till then I banish thee , on pain of death ,", "Warwick ! Gloucester ! Clarence ! Re-enter WARWICK , GLOUCESTER , CLARENCE", "Their brains with care , their bones with industry ;", "My voice shall sound as you do prompt mine ear ;", "I stay too long by thee , I weary thee .", "That the united vessel of their blood ,", "That it will quickly drop ; my day is dim .", "And let us choose such limbs of noble counsel ,", "For this the foolish over-careful fathers", "To thee it shall descend with better quiet ,", "Make less thy body hence , and more thy grace ;", "For this they have been thoughtful to invest", "But bear me to that chamber ; there I 'll lie ;", "Which vainly I suppos 'd the Holy Land .", "Though then , God knows , I had no such intent", "And helps to end me . See , sons , what things you are !", "What , rate , rebuke , and roughly send to prison ,", "Were they at wars . It is but eight years since", "Therefore still bear the balance and the sword ;", "O , with what wings shall his affections fly", "They say the Bishop and Northumberland", "Come underneath the yoke of government .", "Let there be no noise made , my gentle friends ;", "Down , royal state . All you sage counsellors , hence .", "And I had many living to upbraid", "Before thy hour be ripe ? O foolish youth !", "Yet weep that Harry 's dead , and so will I ;", "I should not die but in Jerusalem ;", "Set me the crown upon my pillow here .", "Better opinion , better confirmation ;", "That have abundance and enjoy it not .", "And , were these inward wars once out of hand ,", "When you perceive his blood inclin 'd to mirth ;", "And , Princes all , believe me , I beseech you ,", "My cousin Bolingbroke ascends my throne \u2019 \u2014", "And bid the merry bells ring to thine ear", "England shall give him office , honour , might ;", "In the dead carrion .", "Than a joint burden laid upon us all .", "And all my friends , which thou must make thy friends ,", "Enter HARCOURT", "And draw no swords but what are sanctified .", "When thou dost hear I am as I have been ,", "Why art thou not at Windsor with him , Thomas ?", "Be drops of balm to sanctify thy head ;", "Than all thy brothers ; cherish it , my boy ,", "O my poor kingdom , sick with civil blows !", "And I will stoop and humble my intents", "Yet , though thou stand'st more sure than I could do ,", "Who 's here ? Westmoreland ?", "When that my care could not withhold thy riots ,", "\u2018 Tis not ten years gone", "And \u2014 God consigning to my good intents-", "For thee thrice wider than for other men \u2014", "With the like bold , just , and impartial spirit", "Is he so hasty that he doth suppose", "What perils past , what crosses to ensue ,", "Are murd'red for our pains . This bitter taste", "Re-enter WARWICK", "For which I do commit into your hand", "Thou art not firm enough , since griefs are green ;", "We bring it to the hive , and , like the bees ,", "That the great body of our state may go", "Have you a ruffian that will swear , drink , dance ,", "The oldest sins the newest kind of ways ?", "Thy life did manifest thou lov'dst me not ,", "A hoop of gold to bind thy brothers in ,", "And by whose power I well might lodge a fear", "And grant it may with thee in true peace live !", "As , force perforce , the age will pour it in \u2014", "So thou the garland wear'st successively .", "This is the English , not the Turkish court ;", "And to the English court assemble now ,", "Stay but a little , for my cloud of dignity", "Brothers , you mix your sadness with some fear .", "O God ! that one might read the book of fate ,", "Too near unto my state . Therefore , my Harry ,", "When , like the bee , tolling from every flower", "Mingled with venom of suggestion \u2014", "To stab at half an hour of my life .", "But entertain no more of it , good brothers ,", "Presume not that I am the thing I was ,", "Would shut the book and sit him down and die .", "Till you do live to see a son of mine", "Is held from falling with so weak a wind", "Not to come near our person by ten mile .", "Lo where he comes . Come hither to me , Harry .", "But Harry lives that shall convert those tears", "Wilt thou upon the high and giddy mast", "Thou hast seal 'd up my expectation .", "Harry the Fifth is crown 'd . Up , vanity :", "That I will deeply put the fashion on ,", "Then you perceive the body of our kingdom", "How might a prince of my great hopes forget", "Gave him defiance . But which of you was by \u2014", "Peopled with wolves , thy old inhabitants !", "How I came by the crown , O God , forgive ;", "In cradle of the rude imperious surge ,", "That ever I shall breathe . God knows , my son ,", "And that same word even now cries out on us .", "Doth any name particular belong", "For , by my faith , it very well becomes you .", "Did speak these words , now prov 'd a prophecy ?", "No prince nor peer shall have just cause to say ,", "My Lord Chief Justice , speak to that vain man .", "How many thousands of my poorest subjects", "Are at this hour asleep ! O sleep , O gentle sleep ,", "And hush 'd with buzzing night-flies to thy slumber ,", "Thou hid'st a thousand daggers in thy thoughts ,", "Shall flesh his tooth on every innocent .", "And now my sight fails , and my brain is giddy ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["Like a strange tongue , wherein , to gain the language ,", "How many nobles then should hold their places", "Be patient , Princes ; you do know these fits", "Turning past evils to advantages .", "With good advice and little medicine .", "Figuring the natures of the times deceas 'd ;", "With a near aim , of the main chance of things", "Shall bring this prize in very easily .", "He 's walk 'd the way of nature ;", "To go to bed . Upon my soul , my lord ,", "Is all too heavy to admit much talk .", "\u2018 Tis needful that the most immodest word", "And these unseasoned hours perforce must ad", "Not so much noise , my lords . Sweet Prince , speak low ;", "With gentle eye-drops . He is coming hither .", "Unto your sickness .", "That great Northumberland , then false to him ,", "Your Highness knows , comes to no further use", "Speak lower , Princes , for the King recovers .", "The powers that you already have sent forth", "\u2018 Tis one o'clock , and past .", "A certain instance that Glendower is dead .", "The Prince will , in the perfectness of time ,", "We have , my liege .", "Rumour doth double , like the voice and echo ,", "Your Majesty hath been this fortnight ill ;", "To comfort you the more , I have receiv 'd", "\u2018 Tis call 'd Jerusalem , my noble lord .", "Indeed , I think the young king loves you not .", "Both which we doubt not but your Majesty", "As yet not come to life , who in their seeds", "That must strike sail to spirits of vile sort !", "The which observ 'd , a man may prophesy ,", "That tyranny , which never quaff 'd but blood ,", "Which should not find a ground to root upon", "Which to his former strength may be restored", "Here comes the Prince .", "My Lord Northumberland will soon be cool 'd ."], "true_target": ["What would your Majesty ? How fares your Grace ?", "With such a deep demeanour in great sorrow ,", "When we withdrew , my liege , we left it here .", "Unless on you .", "Exceeding well ; his cares are now all ended .", "Would , by beholding him , have wash 'd his knife", "O that the living Harry had the temper", "We do remember ; but our argument", "Be look 'd upon and learnt ; which once attain 'd ,", "King Richard might create a perfect guess", "The King your father is dispos 'd to sleep .", "And , by the necessary form of this ,", "Many good morrows to your Majesty !", "There is a history in all men 's lives ,", "It is but as a body yet distempered ;", "Would of that seed grow to a greater falseness ;", "By which his Grace must mete the lives of other ,", "Of he , the worst of these three gentlemen !", "How now , my Lord Chief Justice ; whither away ?", "My lord , I found the Prince in the next room ,", "The numbers of the feared . Please it your Grace", "My gracious lord , you look beyond him quite .", "Washing with kindly tears his gentle cheeks ,", "Stand from him , give him air ; he 'll straight be well .", "But to be known and hated . So , like gross terms ,", "Cast off his followers ; and their memory", "This door is open ; he is gone this way .", "The Prince but studies his companions", "Call for the music in the other room .", "Shall as a pattern or a measure live", "Are with his Highness very ordinary .", "Such things become the hatch and brood of time ;", "Less noise ! less noise !", "It cannot be , my lord .", "Here comes the heavy issue of dead Harry .", "Will't please your Grace to go along with us ?", "And weak beginning lie intreasured .", "Shall soon enjoy .", "And to our purposes he lives no more ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["By the mass , I could anger her to th \u2019 heart . She was then a bona-roba . Doth she hold her own well ?", "Well conceited , Davy \u2014 about thy business , Davy .", "With red wheat , Davy . But for William cook \u2014 are there no young pigeons ?", "\u2018 A must , then , to the Inns o \u2019 Court shortly . I was once of Clement 's Inn ; where I think they will talk of mad Shallow yet .", "And how doth my cousin , your bed-fellow ? and your fairest daughter and mine , my god-daughter Ellen ?", "Marry , then \u2014 Mouldy , Bullcalf , Feeble , and Shadow .", "Peter Bullcalf o \u2019 th \u2019 green !", "\u2018 Tis so , indeed .", "Why , there spoke a king . Lack nothing ; be merry .Look who 's at door there , ho ! Who knocks ?", "She never could away with me .", "I cannot perceive how , unless you give me your doublet , and stuff me out with straw . I beseech you , good Sir John , let me have five hundred of my thousand .", "Give Master Bardolph some wine , Davy .", "That", "I am Robert Shallow , sir , a poor esquire of this county , and one of the King 's justices of the peace . What is your good pleasure with me ?", "Go to ; I say he shall have no wrong . Look about ,", "Give me pardon , sir . If , sir , you come with news from the court , I take it there 's but two ways \u2014 either to utter them or conceal them . I am , sir , under the King , in some authority .", "By the mass , you 'll crack a quart together \u2014 ha ! will you not , Master Bardolph ?", "Marry , have we , sir . Will you sit ?", "It is very just . Look , here comes good Sir John . Give me your good hand , give me your worship 's good hand . By my troth , you like well and bear your years very well . Welcome , good Sir John .", "Shall I prick him , sir ?", "Yea , Davy ; I will use him well . A friend i \u2019 th \u2019 court is better than a penny in purse . Use his men well , Davy ; for they are arrant knaves and will backbite .", "Go to ; I have spoke at a word . God keep you .", "By God 's liggens , I thank thee . The knave will stick by thee , I can assure thee that . \u2018 A will not out , \u2018 a ; \u2018 tis true bred .", "Yea , marry , Sir John ; which I beseech you to let me have home with me .", "O , Sir John , do you remember since we lay all night in the windmill in Saint George 's Field ?", "The same Sir John , the very same . I see him break Scoggin 's head at the court gate , when \u2018 a was a crack not thus high ; and the very same day did I fight with one Sampson Stockfish , a fruiterer , behind Gray 's Inn . Jesu , Jesu , the mad days that I have spent ! and to see how many of my old acquaintance are dead !", "Ha , cousin Silence , that thou hadst seen that that this knight and I have seen ! Ha , Sir John , said I well ?", "He greets me well , sir ; I knew him a good back-sword man . How doth the good knight ? May I ask how my lady his wife doth ?", "Here is two more call 'd than your number . You must have but four here , sir ; and so , I pray you , go in with me to dinner .", "It doth , it doth , it doth .", "Barren , barren , barren ; beggars all , beggars all , Sir John - marry , good air . Spread , Davy , spread , Davy ; well said , Davy .", "Four of which you please .", "It is best , certain .", "Ha , \u2018 twas a merry night . And is Jane Nightwork alive ?", "A colour that I fear you will die in , Sir John .", "Come on , come on , come on ; give me your hand , sir ; give me your hand , sir . An early stirrer , by the rood ! And how doth my good cousin Silence ?", "By the mass , I was call 'd anything ; and I would have done anything indeed too , and roundly too . There was I , and little John Doit of Staffordshire , and black George Barnes , and Francis Pickbone , and Will Squele a Cotsole man \u2014 you had not four such swinge-bucklers in all the Inns of Court again . And I may say to you we knew where the bona-robas were , and had the best of them all at commandment . Then was Jack Falstaff , now Sir John , boy , and page to Thomas Mowbray , Duke of Norfolk .", "Jesu , Jesu , dead ! drew a good bow ; and dead ! \u2018 A shot a fine shoot . John a Gaunt loved him well , and betted much money on his head . Dead ! \u2018 A would have clapp 'd i \u2019 th \u2019 clout at twelve score , and carried you a forehand shaft a fourteen and fourteen and a half , that it would have done a man 's heart good to see . How a score of ewes now ?", "Let it be cast , and paid . Sir John , you shall not be excused ."], "true_target": ["It doth so .", "Be merry , Master Bardolph ; and , my little soldier there , be merry .", "Sir John , the Lord bless you ; God prosper your affairs ; God send us peace ! At your return , visit our house ; let our old acquaintance be renewed . Peradventure I will with ye to the court .", "Ha , ha , ha ! You can do it , sir ; you can do it . I commend you well . Francis Feeble !", "Nay , you shall see my orchard , where , in an arbour , we will eat a last year 's pippin of mine own graffing , with a dish of caraways , and so forth . Come , cousin Silence . And then to bed .", "I will not excuse you ; you shall not be excus 'd ; excuses shall not be admitted ; there is no excuse shall serve ; you shall not be excus 'd . Why , Davy !", "That we have , that we have , that we have ; in faith , Sir John , we have . Our watchword was \u2018 Hem , boys ! \u2019 Come , let 's to dinner ; come , let 's to dinner . Jesus , the days that we have seen ! Come , come .", "And is old Double dead ?", "Sir John !", "Honest gentleman , I know not your breeding .", "There , is many complaints , Davy , against that Visor .", "Harry the Fourth .", "Do you like him , Sir John ?", "A good varlet , a good varlet , a very good varlet , Sir", "Davy , Davy , Davy , Davy ; let me see , Davy ; let me see , Davy ; let me see \u2014 yea , marry , William cook , bid him come hither . Sir John , you shall not be excus 'd .", "By yea and no , sir . I dare say my cousin William is become a good scholar ; he is at Oxford still , is he not ?", "It is well said , in faith , sir ; and it is well said indeed too . \u2018 Better accommodated ! \u2019 It is good ; yea , indeed , is it . Good phrases are surely , and ever were , very commendable . \u2018 Accommodated ! \u2019 It comes of accommodo . Very good ; a good phrase .", "Nay , she must be old ; she cannot choose but be old ; certain she 's old ; and had Robin Nightwork , by old Nightwork , before I came to Clement 's Inn .", "What think you , Sir John ? A good-limb 'd fellow ; young , strong , and of good friends .", "Honest Bardolph , welcome ; if thou want'st anything and wilt not call , beshrew thy heart . Welcome , my little tiny thief and welcome indeed too . I 'll drink to Master Bardolph , and to all the cabileros about London .", "\u2018 A shall answer it . Some pigeons , Davy , a couple of short-legg 'd hens , a joint of mutton , and any pretty little tiny kickshaws , tell William cook .", "Come , Sir John , which four will you have ?", "By cock and pie , sir , you shall not away to-night . What , Davy , I say !", "Visor is an arrant knave , on my knowledge .", "It doth so .", "Under King Harry .", "Good morrow , honest gentlemen .", "Davy !", "Peace , fellow , peace ; stand aside ; know you where you are ? For th \u2019 other , Sir John \u2014 let me see . Simon Shadow !", "Certain , \u2018 tis certain ; very sure , very sure . Death , as the Psalmist saith , is certain to all ; all shall die . How a good yoke of bullocks at Stamford fair ?", "I thank thee with all my heart , kind Master Bardolph .And welcome , my tall fellow . Come , Sir John .", "Sir John , Sir John , do not yourself wrong . They are your likeliest men , and I would have you serv 'd with the best .", "Shall I prick him , Sir John ?", "Thomas Wart !", "He is not his craft 's master , he doth not do it right . I remember at Mile-end Green , when I lay at Clement 's Inn \u2014 I was then Sir Dagonet in Arthur 's show \u2014 there was a little quiver fellow , and \u2018 a would manage you his piece thus ; and \u2018 a would about and about , and come you in and come you in . \u2018 Rah , tah , tah ! \u2019 would \u2018 a say ; \u2018 Bounce ! \u2019 would \u2018 a say ; and away again would \u2018 a go , and again would \u2018 a come . I shall ne'er see such a fellow .", "Death is certain . Is old Double of your town living yet ?", "Ha , ha , ha ! most excellent , i \u2019 faith ! Things that are mouldy lack use . Very singular good ! In faith , well said , Sir John ; very well said .", "Where 's the roll ? Where 's the roll ? Where 's the roll ? Let me see , let me see , let me see . So , so , so , so ,\u2014 so , so \u2014 yea , marry , sir . Rafe Mouldy ! Let them appear as I call ; let them do so , let them do so . Let me see ; where is Mouldy ?", "Where 's Shadow ?", "No , Sir John ; it is my cousin Silence , in commission with me ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["Thereafter as they be \u2014 a score of good ewes may be worth ten pounds .", "Is't so ? Why then , say an old man can do somewhat . Re-enter DAVY", "A cup of wine that 's brisk and fine ,", "Your good worship is welcome .", "By my troth , I was not there .", "And Robin Hood , Scarlet , and John .", "And dub me knight .", "This Sir John , cousin , that comes hither anon about soldiers ?", "An we shall be merry , now comes in the sweet o \u2019 th \u2019 night .", "\u2018 Tis merry in hall when beards wag an ;", "Is't not so ?", "Samingo .", "Who , I ? I have been merry twice and once ere now . Re-enter DAVY", "You were call 'd \u2018 lusty Shallow \u2019 then , cousin .", "Ah , sirrah ! quoth-a \u2014 we shall", "By'r lady , I think \u2018 a be , but goodman Puff of Barson .", "Dead , sir .", "And a merry heart lives long-a .", "And welcome merry Shrove-tide ."], "true_target": ["When flesh is cheap and females dear ,", "Alas , a black ousel , cousin Shallow !", "That 's fifty-five year ago .", "Good morrow , good cousin Shallow .", "Indeed , sir , to my cost .", "So merrily ,", "And lusty lads roam here and there ,", "Do nothing but eat and make good cheer ,", "Fill the cup , and let it come ,", "Be merry , be merry .", "And praise God for the merry year ;", "For women are shrews , both short and tall ;", "We shall all follow , cousin .", "Be merry , be merry , my wife has all ;", "Do me right ,", "And ever among so merrily .", "And drink unto the leman mine ;", "I 'll pledge you a mile to th \u2019 bottom .", "Here come two of Sir John Falstaffs men , as I think ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["Yea , a n't please you .", "Spent !"], "true_target": ["And , good Master Corporal Captain , for my old dame 's sake , stand my friend . She has nobody to do anything about her when I am gone ; and she is old , and cannot help herself . You shall have forty , sir .", "Here , a n't please you .", "I was prick 'd well enough before , an you could have let me alone . My old dame will be undone now for one to do her husbandry and her drudgery . You need not to have prick 'd me ; there are other men fitter to go out than I ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["My mother 's son , sir ."], "true_target": ["Here , sir ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["Here , sir ."], "true_target": ["Yea , sir ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["I would Wart might have gone , sir .", "A woman 's tailor , sir .", "I will do my good will , sir ; you can have no more ."], "true_target": ["It shall suffice , sir .", "Here , sir .", "By my troth , I care not ; a man can die but once ; we owe God a death . I 'll ne'er bear a base mind . A n't be my destiny , so ; a n't be not , so . No man 's too good to serve \u2018 s Prince ; and , let it go which way it will , he that dies this year is quit for the next .", "Faith , I 'll bear no base mind . Re-enter FALSTAFF and the JUSTICES"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["A whoreson cold , sir , a cough , sir , which I caught with ringing in the King 's affairs upon his coronation day , sir .", "O Lord , sir ! I am a diseased man ."], "true_target": ["Good Master Corporate Bardolph , stand my friend ; and here 's four Harry ten shillings in French crowns for you . In very truth , sir , I had as lief be hang 'd , sir , as go . And yet , for mine own part , sir , I do not care ; but rather because I am unwilling and , for mine own part , have a desire to stay with my friends ; else , sir , I did not care for mine own part so much .", "O Lord ! good my lord captain-", "Here , sir ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["In goodly form comes on the enemy ;", "West of this forest , scarcely off a mile ,"], "true_target": ["And , by the ground they hide , I judge their number", "Upon or near the rate of thirty thousand ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["This will I show the general . Please you , lords ,", "This offer comes from mercy , not from fear ;", "Health to my sovereign , and new happiness", "To build a grief on . Were you not restor 'd", "There is not now a rebel 's sword unsheath 'd ,", "To give admittance to a thought of fear .", "Retreat is made , and execution stay 'd .", "The dove , and very blessed spirit of peace-", "Whose learning and good letters peace hath tutor 'd ,", "You , reverend father , and these noble lords ,", "Then , my lord ,", "That might so much as think you enemies .", "The Prince is here at hand . Pleaseth your lordship To meet his Grace just distance \u2018 tween our armies ?", "Were set on Hereford , whom they doted on ,", "Of forg 'd rebellion with a seal divine ,", "Will not go off until they hear you speak .", "Led on by bloody youth , guarded with rags ,", "Unto your Grace do I in chief address", "Health and fair greeting from our general ,", "Our battle is more full of names than yours ,", "I muse you make so slight a question .", "What peer hath been suborn 'd to grate on you", "Cried hate upon him ; and all their prayers and love", "That is intended in the general 's name .", "And bless 'd and grac 'd indeed more than the King .", "Pleaseth your Grace to answer them directly", "Turning your books to graves , your ink to blood ,", "The substance of my speech . If that rebellion", "In sight of both our battles we may meet ;", "That he will give you audience ; and wherein", "Say you not , then , our offer is compell 'd .", "He ne'er had borne it out of Coventry ;", "Into the harsh and boist'rous tongue of war ;", "Either from the King or in the present time ,", "Your noble and right well-rememb'red father 's ?", "When ever yet was your appeal denied ;", "But if your father had been victor there ,", "And consecrate commotion 's bitter edge ?", "Here at more leisure may your Highness read ,", "Here come I from our princely general", "Our men more perfect in the use of arms ,", "I say , if damn 'd commotion so appear 'd", "O my good Lord Mowbray ,", "To know your griefs ; to tell you from his Grace", "The manner how this action hath been borne", "You speak , Lord Mowbray , now you know not what .", "Shall show itself more openly hereafter .", "Whose see is by a civil peace maintain 'd ,", "Your pens to lances , and your tongue divine", "Wherein have you been galled by the King ;", "It shall appear that your demands are just ,", "And either end in peace \u2014 which God so frame ! -", "Upon mine honour , all too confident", "Prince John , your son , doth kiss your Grace 's hand ."], "true_target": ["And you , Lord Archbishop , and you , Lord Mowbray ,", "Our armour all as strong , our cause the best ;", "But this is mere digression from my purpose .", "But Peace puts forth her olive everywhere .", "Whose beard the silver hand of peace hath touch 'd ,", "I do arrest thee , traitor , of high treason ;", "The Earl of Hereford was reputed then", "Of capital treason I attach you both .", "For , lo ! within a ken our army lies-", "Mowbray . you overween to take it so .", "To a loud trumpet and a point of war ?", "That you should have an inch of any ground", "And not the King , that doth you injuries .", "Had not been here to dress the ugly form", "You shall enjoy them , everything set off", "Or to the place of diff'rence call the swords", "Came like itself , in base and abject routs ,", "Good tidings , my Lord Hastings ; for the which", "My sovereign lord , cheer up yourself , look up .", "For all the country , in a general voice ,", "Added to that that am to deliver !", "Who knows on whom fortune would then have smil 'd ?", "Which must decide it .", "The leaders , having charge from you to stand ,", "There is no need of any such redress ;", "To all the Duke of Norfolk 's signiories ,", "You would drink freely ; but my love to ye", "That argues but the shame of your offence :", "Out of the speech of peace , that bears such grace ,", "A rotten case abides no handling .", "Yet , for your part , it not appears to me ,", "How far forth you do like their articles .", "Mowbray , the Bishop Scroop , Hastings , and all ,", "Of base and bloody insurrection", "Or if there were , it not belongs to you .", "I am glad of it . Health to my lord and gentle cousin , Mowbray .", "And you shall say , indeed , it is the time ,", "I have bestow 'd to breed this present peace ,", "Are brought to the correction of your law .", "Whose white investments figure innocence ,", "That you should seal this lawless bloody book", "Wherefore you do so ill translate yourself", "I pledge your Grace ; and if you knew what pains", "Therefore be merry , coz ; since sudden sorrow", "Is your assembly so ?", "Construe the times to their necessities ,", "And countenanc 'd by boys and beggary-", "In England the most valiant gentleman .", "Then reason will our hearts should be as good .", "Serves to say thus , \u2018 Some good thing comes to-morrow . \u2019", "With your fair honours . You , Lord Archbishop ,", "In his true , native , and most proper shape ,", "The Prince , Lord John and Duke of Lancaster .", "With every course in his particular ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["My father 's purposes have been mistook ;", "And both against the peace of heaven and him", "As we will ours ; and here , between the armies ,", "To York , to present execution .", "And some about him have too lavishly", "Your exposition on the holy text", "Discharge your powers unto their several counties ,", "The subjects of His substitute , my father ,", "Thine 's too thick to shine .", "Encircled you to hear with reverence", "I promis 'd you redress of these same grievances", "You are well encount'red here , my cousin Mowbray .", "The King hath call 'd his parliament , my lord .", "But all are banish 'd till their conversations", "They know their duties . Re-enter HASTINGS", "Thine 's too heavy to mount .", "Fondly brought here , and foolishly sent hence .", "I will perform with a most Christian care .", "He hath intent his wonted followers", "Shall better speak of you than you deserve .", "To us the speaker in His parliament ,", "My Lord of York , it better show 'd with you", "Go , my lord ,", "Treason 's true bed and yielder-up of breath . Exeunt", "Let 's drink together friendly and embrace ,", "Some guard these traitors to the block of death ,", "My lord , these griefs shall be with speed redress 'd ;", "A famous rebel art thou , Colville .", "As far as France . I heard a bird so sing ,", "And our dull workings . O , who shall believe", "Now , have you left pursuit ?", "In shadow of such greatness ! With you , Lord Bishop ,", "I give it you , and will maintain my word ;", "Whose music , to my thinking , pleas 'd the King .", "Upon my soul , they shall . If this may please you ,", "I like them all and do allow them well ;", "I am the sorrier ; would \u2018 twere otherwise .", "Under the counterfeited zeal of God ,", "It was more of his courtesy than your deserving .", "Most shallowly did you these arms commence ,", "I like this fair proceeding of the King 's .", "Whereof you did complain ; which , by mine honour ,", "YOU are too shallow , Hastings , much to shallow ,", "But for you , rebels \u2014 look to taste the due", "Come , will you hence ? Exeunt", "As a false favourite doth his prince 's name ,", "Strike up our drums , pursue the scatt'red stray .", "Wrested his meaning and authority ."], "true_target": ["Employ the countenance and grace of heav'n", "We bear our civil swords and native fire", "The very opener and intelligencer", "That man that sits within a monarch 's heart", "Send Colville , with his confederates ,", "Fare you well , Falstaff . I , in my condition ,", "Shall all be very well provided for ;", "Between the grace , the sanctities of heaven ,", "Have here up-swarm 'd them .", "Good morrow , cousin Warwick , good morrow .", "That all their eyes may bear those tokens home", "I pawn 'd thee none :", "We meet like men that had forgot to speak .", "The heat is past ; follow no further now . Call in the powers , good cousin Westmoreland .", "But you misuse the reverence of your place ,", "In deeds dishonourable ? You have ta'en up ,", "And let our army be discharged too .", "It is even so . Who hath not heard it spoken", "To sound the bottom of the after-times .", "Meet for rebellion and such acts as yours .", "Good day to you , gentle Lord Archbishop ;", "EPILOGUE", "You stand in coldest expectation .", "Turning the word to sword , and life to death .", "Re-enter WESTMORELAND", "Than now to see you here an iron man ,", "The word of peace is rend'red . Hark , how they shout !", "Now , cousin , wherefore stands our army still ?", "And so to you , Lord Hastings , and to all .", "And ripens in the sunshine of his favour ,", "Blunt , lead him hence ; and see you guard him sure .", "How deep you were within the books of God ?", "Though no man be assur 'd what grace to find ,", "Cheering a rout of rebels with your drum ,", "Well , peace be with him that hath made us heavy !", "Is thy name Colville ?", "I trust , lords , we shall lie to-night together .", "Alack , what mischiefs might he set abroach", "Of our restored love and amity .", "When that your flock , assembled by the bell ,", "To us th \u2019 imagin 'd voice of God himself ,", "And thereupon I drink unto your Grace .", "And swear here , by the honour of my blood ,", "Would he abuse the countenance of the king ,", "I will lay odds that , ere this year expire ,", "God , and not we , hath safely fought to-day .", "Appear more wise and modest to the world .", "Health , peace , and happiness , to my royal father !"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["I am , my lord , but as my betters are", "I think you are Sir John Falstaff , and in that thought yield me .", "That led me hither . Had they been rul 'd by me ,", "You should have won them dearer than you have ."], "true_target": ["I am a knight sir ; and my name is Colville of the", "Dale .", "It is , my lord .", "Are not you Sir John Falstaff ?"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["I do not know , my lord .", "Comfort , your Majesty !", "Had found some months asleep , and leapt them over .", "Unfather 'd heirs and loathly births of nature .", "Windsor .", "This apoplexy will certain be his end .", "The people fear me ; for they do observe"], "true_target": ["The seasons change their manners , as the year", "O , good my lord , you have lost a friend indeed ; And I dare swear you borrow not that face Of seeming sorrow \u2014 it is sure your own .", "No , my good lord , he is in presence here .", "I think he 's gone to hunt , my lord , at", "Exceeding ill .", "He alt'red much upon the hearing it .", "He came not through the chamber where we stay 'd ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["Hath wrought the mure that should confine it in", "We left the Prince my brother here , my liege ,", "Well , you must now speak Sir John Falstaff fair ;", "O my royal father !", "What would my lord and father ?", "He is not there to-day ; he dines in London .", "No , no ; he cannot long hold out these pangs .", "I am here , brother , full of heaviness .", "That our great grandsire , Edward , sick 'd and died .", "I shall observe him with all care and love ."], "true_target": ["Th \u2019 incessant care and labour of his mind", "Who undertook to sit and watch by you .", "Doth the King call ?", "Let us withdraw into the other room .", "And the old folk , Time 's doting chronicles ,", "Say it did so a little time before", "Which swims against your stream of quality .", "His eye is hollow , and he changes much .", "The river hath thrice flow 'd , no ebb between ;", "With Poins , and other his continual followers .", "So thin that life looks through , and will break out ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["Are by the shrieve of Yorkshire overthrown .", "The Earl Northumberland and the Lord Bardolph ,", "This packet , please it you , contains at large .", "With a great power of English and of Scots ,"], "true_target": ["As those that I am come to tell you of !", "From enemies heaven keep your Majesty ;", "The manner and true order of the fight", "And , when they stand against you , may they fall"], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["No worse than they are backbitten , sir ; for they have marvellous foul linen .", "Your worship ! I 'll be with you straight .", "A n't please your worship , there 's one Pistol come from the court with news .", "Here , sir .", "Doth the man of war stay all night , sir ?", "A cup of wine , sir ?", "Now , sir , a new link to the bucket must needs be had ; and , sir , do you mean to stop any of William 's wages about the sack he lost the other day at Hinckley fair ?"], "true_target": ["I hope to see London once ere I die .", "Marry , sir , thus : those precepts cannot be served ; and , again , sir \u2014 shall we sow the headland with wheat ?", "I beseech you , sir , to countenance William Visor of Woncot against Clement Perkes o \u2019 th \u2019 hill .", "Yes , sir . Here is now the smith 's note for shoeing and plough-irons .", "Where are you , Sir John ? Come , come , come , off with your boots . Give me your hand , Master Bardolph .", "Sweet sir , sit ; I 'll be with you anon ; most sweet sir , sit . Master Page , good Master Page , sit . Proface ! What you want in meat , we 'll have in drink . But you must bear ; the heart 's all .", "I grant your worship that he is a knave , sir ; but yet God forbid , sir , but a knave should have some countenance at his friend 's request . An honest man , sir , is able to speak for himself , when a knave is not . I have serv 'd your worship truly , sir , this eight years ; an I cannot once or twice in a quarter bear out a knave against an honest man , I have but a very little credit with your worship . The knave is mine honest friend , sir ; therefore , I beseech you , let him be countenanc 'd .", "There 's a dish of leather-coats for you ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["Very well . Exeunt", "If it do , you shall have a dozen of cushions again ; you have but eleven now . Come , I charge you both go with me ; for the man is dead that you and Pistol beat amongst you ."], "true_target": ["Come , come , you she knight-errant , come .", "The constables have delivered her over to me ; and she shall have whipping-cheer enough , I warrant her . There hath been a man or two lately kill 'd about her ."], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 7}, {"query": ["The scene is a bedchamber in a one-storied house . The walls consist of a few courses of huge irregular boulders roughly squared and fitted together ; a thatched roof rises steeply from the back wall . In the centre of the back wall is a doorway opening on a garden and covered by two leather curtains ; the chamber is partially hung with similar hangings stitched with bright wools . There is a small window on each side of this door . Toward the front a bed stands with its head against the right wall ; it has thin leather curtains hung by thongs and drawn back . Farther forward a rich robe and a crown hang on a peg in the same wall . There is a second door beyond the bed , and between this and the bed 's head stands a small table with a bronze lamp and a bronze cup on it . Queen HYGD , an emaciated woman , is asleep in the bed ; her plenteous black hair , veined with silver , spreads over the pillow . Her waiting-woman , MERRYN , middle-aged and hard-featured , sits watching her in a chair on the farther side of the bed . The light of early morning fills the room ."], "true_target": ["is copyright by Gordon Bottomley in the United States of America , 1915 ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["parts the curtains of the door at the back , stands there a moment , then goes away noiselessly . The lish baby otter Is sleeky and streaming , With catching bright fishes , Ere babies learn dreaming ; But no wet little otter Is ever so warm As the fleecy-wrapt baby \u2018 Twixt me and my arm . Sleep big mousie ....", "This is not hers : she 'd not receive such words .", "Come here , mad thing \u2014 come back ! Your shadow will wake the Queen .", "What do you mean ? Young madam , will you mock ?", "She does what she must do : let her alone . I know her watch is now : get gone and send her .", "Was Merryn long in finding you ?", "Of menial fingering and servile thought .", "And violently begun the common life", "While your blind virgin power still stood apart", "Put down the crown : your hands are base hands yet . Give it to me : it issues from my hands .", "Can draw a virtue from such abounding presence ,", "Ay , she is in her chamber . She is there .", "Meddling in conduct , natures , life 's privacies .", "Of Britain for a prince to follow me ,", "Stealthily hangs her lady 's jewels or pearls .", "She cannot sleep for ever . When she wakes", "She is better quiet . Come ....", "Queen HYGD awakes at his last noisy words as he disappears .", "Believes that medicine is in a jewel .", "Goneril , Gormflaith , Gormflaith .... Have you seen Gormflaith ?", "In an unused , unviolated life ,", "Virgin I chose you for that , first crops are strongest \u2014", "And tell her that she is to be deposed ....", "It shall be tried again .... What has she said ?", "We are not helpless serfs", "Her blood can never nourish her . Come away .", "And your eyes shifty eyes . Ah , but I love you , Gormflaith .... \u201d", "Girl , you are changed : you yield more beauty so . They go out hand in hand by the doorway at the back . As they pass the crumpled letter GORMFLAITH drops her handkerchief on it , then picks up handkerchief and letter together and thrusts them into her bosom as she passes out .", "He follows GONERIL out .", "Doctors are ever itching to be priests ,", "Who pries and fumbles in her lady 's clothes", "She must be wedded and broken , I cannot do it .", "Passions or privy acts , shall be as hard", "Goldilocks , when the crown is couching in your hair", "And those two mingled golds brighten each other 's wonder ,", "Whose , then , can her affection be but mine ?", "Daughter , she is bleeding : she is slain .", "And you shall write your will upon it yet .", "There is no cause . How should there be a cause ?", "Go back ; bear back the crown :", "The state of Britain that inheres in me", "To keep my lands from crumbling into mouthfuls", "seats himself and takes GORMFLAITH 'S hand .", "You shall be tiring-maid to the next queen", "She had long been dying , and she would have died", "She knows a woman 's duty and a queen 's :", "When night makes life unwary and looses the strings of being ,", "Not touched by my humanity or sin ,", ", continuing in an undertone . Where is the young Scotswoman ? Where is Gormflaith ? It is her watch .... I know ; I have marked your hours . Did the Queen send her away ? Did the Queen Bid you stay near her in her hate of Gormflaith ? You work upon her yeasting brain to think That she 's not safe except when you crouch near her To spy with your dropt eyes and soundless presence .", "Her slumber was then no fault : go you and find her .", "If you would be a queen , cleanse yourself quickly", "A letter \u2014 a letter \u2014 what read you in a letter ?", "Fresh cool-breathed women to lie down at her side", ", continuing meanwhile . Doff it .Enough .Unless you domy willI shallI shallI 'll have yousentto\u2014\u2014", "I thought she had been broken long ago :", "My emerald !", "Find me some certain drug to medicine it :", "And steal them for our joy .", "Enough : what do you know ?", "If her strong inward pain is a real pain", "Come to the garden : you shall hear me there .", "That now you cannot save yourself from me .", "Hang up the crown again .", "Seek you a common stone . I 'll not do it .", "The two women return to the bedside .", ", King of Britain . HYGD , his Queen . GONERIL , daughter to Lear and Hygd . CORDEIL , daughter to Lear and Hygd . GORMFLAITH , waiting-woman to Hygd . MERRYN , waiting-woman to Hygd . A PHYSICIAN . TWO ELDERLY WOMEN ."], "true_target": ["And I will come again .", "There is no other letter if you have none .", "again parts the door-curtains at the back , and , seeing GORMFLAITH , enters . At the first slight rustle of the curtains GORMFLAITH stealthily slips the letter back into her bosom before turning gradually , a finger to her lips , to see who approaches her .", "A tawny fox with your high-stepping action ,", "By fault against your fellows ; and the state ,", "But you have mingled in mortality", "What have you done ? She is not breathing now .", ", with rising voice . Shatter my emerald ? My emerald ? My emerald ? A High King of Eire gave it to his daughter Who mothered generations of us , the kings of Britain ; It has a spiritual influence ; its heart Burns when it sees the sun .... Shatter my emerald ! Only the fungused brain and carious mouth Of senile things could shape such thought .... My emerald !", "Had all her dutiful daughters tended her bed .", "In secrecy , if that is your desire :", "I did not know that she could die to-day . She had a bloodless beauty that cheated me : She was not born for wedlock . She shut me out . She is no colder now .... I 'll hear no more . You shall be answered afterward for this . Put something over her : get her buried : I will not look on her again . He breaks from GONERIL and flings abruptly out by the door near the bed .", "When common beings have decayed past help ,", "I will announce my purpose in the need", "For nothing ought to be denied to kings .", "Her back is now not half so white as yours ,", "Must the King also stand in the presence now ?", "How can I hurt her \u2014 she is still my queen ?", "And try her crown on every day o \u2019 your life", "The filth is suitably dead . You are my true daughter .", ", opening the letter . But this is not my hand :Where is the other letter ?", "He urges the PHYSICIAN roughly away by the shoulder .", "He follows the PHYSICIAN out by the door at the back .", "For the short jaws of my three mewling vixens .", "No , no , no , no ;", "You have been long in coming :", "You shall produce a son from flesh unused \u2014", "You cannot have the nature of a queen If you believe that there are things above you : Crowns make no queens , queens are the cause of crowns . Gormflaith , slipping from his knee . Then I will take one . Look . She tip-toes lightly round the front of the bed to where the crown hangs on the wall .", "What has she said ?", "There is no wise man", "enters by the garden doorway , leading GORMFLAITH by the hand .", "Children speak of the punishments they know .", "And plenish her with vigour ; for sick or wasted women", "Let her eat heartily : she is spent with fasting .", "We have been coupled now for twenty years ,", "Only Merryn and Gormflaith understand .", "What is to do ?", "She is safe in bed .", "There must be still some drug for a king to use ;", "It is enough that you have failed with one .", "You judged me in my weakness , and because", "Girl , by the black stone god , I did not think", "With her red hands , or on her soily neck", "You had the nature of a chambermaid ,", "To let you grind the edges off their teeth .", "Punishment once taught you daughterly silence ;", "Why are you here ? Are you here for ever ? Where is the young Scotswoman ? Where is she ?", "Old bone-patcher , old digger in men 's flesh ,", "The Queen is not herself ; she speaks without sense ;", "And I and he shall rein my hot-breathed wenches", "To think things are forbidden", "\u201c Open your window when the moon is dead ,", "And she has never turned from me an hour \u2014", "With your untiring power and glittering eyes ,", "She breathed here lately . Is she truly dead ?", "enters by the door near the bed .", ", taking the jewel-chain from his neck and slipping it over GORMFLAITH 'S head while she still holds the emerald . Wear it within your breast to fill the gentle place That cherished the poor letter lately torn from you .", "The men say everywhere that you are faithless ....", "I felt you unflawed I could not answer you ;", "And savage to you as to a murderess .", "To hold my lands together when I am done ,", "No , you are better here : the guard would see you .", ", leaning over the side of her chair . Lady , what do you read ?", "Even by the breath , and most of all by sleep .", "The Queen should have young women about her bed ,", ", tearing the letter from her , crumpling it , and flinging it to the back of the room . Pest ! You should not carry a king 's letters about , Nor hoard a king 's letters .", "Hatch for me such a youngster from my seed ,", "Let her stand up and walk : she is so still"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["Slept , and her utterance faded .", "She had not slept until her mistress slept", "By the Queen 's child-bed , twenty years ago .", "Princess , what has she done ? Who has left her ? She must have been alone .", "When I awoke her and she saw the Queen", "She should be blamed with rods , as I was blamed", "Have come from Brita 's child-bed to their drinking", "After a bodiless name .", "Shield me from sudden death , worse than two death-beds ;", "She could not speak for fear :", "Save the red cancer , growing where it will .", "And I ask everybody else for her ;", "Send me no more ; I am old with running about", "And streek my limbs according to my will ,", "Taking her beads from her girdle , she kneels at the foot of the bed .", "Not the hard will of fumbling corpse-washers .", "As a straw mattress is .", "My duty has two hours ere she returns .", "We shall not know \u2014 it came while Gormflaith nodded .", "For slumber , after a day and a night of watching ,", "O sweet Saint Cleer , and sweet Saint Elid too ,", "By the cook 's fire , for soon she 'll be past handling .", "And give my clothes away and calm my features", "I 'd best be finding if the wisdom-women", "Mercy o \u2019 mercies , everybody asks me", "Yet let my time come not ere I am ready \u2014", "If I believed that I might suffer so :", "Even her sleep , come now at last , thwarts death ,", "And I have lately seen him hobble thither .", "Shield me from rooting cancers and from madness :", "It is useless , lady :"], "true_target": ["O , Sire , move softly ; the Queen sleeps at last .", "However we cover our faces and pretend", "Let me not lie like this unwanted queen ,", "When the rekindling lamp showed certainly", "Yet this one cannot die who longs to die :", "She loitered in the hall when she should sleep .", "And ended at a godlier hour by slumber ,", "And lulled her ; but I asked her how her mistress", "Child , she is gone and will not come again", "MANY , many must die who long to live ,", "The bed-clothes stirring about our lady 's neck ,", "Sire , midnight should have ended Gormflaith 's watch ,", "She knew there was no death , she breathed , she said", "She hurries out by the door near the bed .", "A letter in her hand , the night-lamp out .", "I must be hasty , or she 'll be as stiff", "Ah , cruel , cruel ! The shame , the pity \u2014", "For Gormflaith , then for Gormflaith , then for Gormflaith ,", "This is no leech 's work : she 's a dead woman .", "Grant space enow to relish the watchers \u2019 tears", "But Gormflaith had another kind of will", "I could not sit beside her every night", "goes out by the door beyond the bed . Is it a portent now to sleep at night ? What change is here ? What see you in the Queen ? Can you discern how this disease will end ?", "There 's fever at the cowherd 's in the marsh ,", "And Wynoc broods above it twice a day ,", "hurries round to the front of the bed and supports HYGD on her other side .", "But she is nowhere , and the King will foam .", "I am sure I am not made to be diseased ,", "I feel there is no malady can touch me \u2014", "She will be there if we uncover them .", "She prays silently .", "Although sleep lures us all half way to death ...."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["If you will waste it for her she shall be holpen .", "What is most strange is that the Queen sleeps", "I have indeed attempted this already ,", "And in the texture of women I have found", "From wry-mouthed earls \u2019 women had no force .", "That drew the life , sucklings too long at breast .", "The eyes so cold and keen in her white mask ,", "That would be let alone , is always hers \u2014", "For the mere anguish there is such a potion .", "And we consent to go : by the Queen 's touch ,", "Surmise might spring and healing follow yet ,", "But the poor emeralds I could extort", "Who would not sleep for all my draughts of sleep", "That nought can make it be unhurt again .", "The way she moves \u2014 or does not move \u2014 in bed ,", "And sink with this blind pain because they nursed", "If I could find a trouble that could heal ;", "In the last days . When did this change appear ?", "I know she has consented .", "Yet she was sorely tender : it may be", "Harder determination than in men :", "But these strong inward pains that keep her ebbing", "The gum of warpy juniper shoots is seethed"], "true_target": ["It is not strange that a bought watcher drowses ;", "And mingled there ; that broth must cool in moonlight .", "Speak lower , low ; for your good fame , speak low \u2014", "The harried mind is from the body estranged ,", "Do you know such a cause in this poor lady ?", "Where , then , did her affection most persist ?", "Some bitterness or burden in the mind", "There are not many emeralds in Britain ,", "We cannot die wholly against our wills ;", "In two more dawns it will be late for potions ....", "I must not leave her ere the woman comes \u2014", "The snarling look of a mute wounded hawk ,", "With the torn marrow of an adder 's spine ;", "And there is none for vividness and strength", "Have not their source in perishing flesh .", "The body grows impatient of enduring ,", "We should be careful \u2014 the mind can so be hurt", "I have seen women creep into their beds", "Or will some other woman ....", "Some wound in her affection will not heal .", "An unflawed emerald is pashed to dust", "Like the great stone that hangs upon your breast :", "If she should waken thus ...."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["I have forgot ....", "She is an early fruit that will not keep ,", "Her worship most , for men hate such denials ,", "No , Gormflaith ; Gormflaith .... Not my loneliness .... Everything .... Pay Gormflaith .... Her head falls back over GONERIL 'S shoulder and she dies .", "turns to look at the speakers ; then , turning back , closes her eyes again and lies as if asleep .", "O , will she bring my crown to me once more ?", "Freshness of hill-swards , wind and trodden ling ,", "And learn happiness once while yet blind men", "Brave splendid daughter , how easily you save me :", "It is yet dawn , but you have been afoot", "All gods are cruel , bitter , and to be bribed ,", "When we are losing them for ever .", "points at the far corner of the room .", "Will you not hang a shawl across the corner", "And all the generations must serve youth .", "And any woman scorns her unwed daughter .", "For woman is a thing of a season of years ,", "Where have you been , my falcon ?", "But in a while ; for I am heavy now ....", "The poorest kind of woman \u2014 and she says", ", raising herself in bed excitedly , and speaking so vehemently that her utterance strangles itself . Go , go , thou evil child , thou ill-comer .", ", softly . My little curse . Send her away \u2014 away ....", "I think I am only faint .... Give me the cup of whey ....", "Each time I wake and think . I could sleep now .", "Ah , she is coming ! Do not let her touch me !", "Where sped you from that height ? Did Regan join you there ?", "Yes , Gormflaith , yes .... Daughter , pay Gormflaith well .", "With a rending sob she buries her face in GONERIL 'S bosom .", "God Wind and Those who built his Stones with him :", ", suddenly irritable . Be quiet .... I cannot bear it . She turns her head away from GONERIL and closes her eyes . As GONERIL watches her in silence , GORMFLAITH enters by the door beyond the bed . She is young and tall and fresh-coloured ; her red hair coils and crisps close to her little head , showing its shape . Her movements are soft and unhurried ; her manner is quiet and ingratiating and a little too agreeable ; she speaks a little too gently .", "Send her away , she had a savage mind .", "And women more unborn than his next child", "My girls shall live untroubled while they may ,", "That is to be a Christian : avoid then", "That fierce old virgin , Cornish Merryn , prays", ", recovering consciousness . Whence come you , dearest daughter ? What have I done ? Are you a dream ? I thought I was alone . Have you been hunting on the Windy Height ? Your hands are not thus gentle after hunting . Or have I heard you singing through my sleep ? Stay with me now : I have had piercing thoughts Of what the ways of life will do to you To mould and maim you , and I have a power To bring these to expression that I knew not . Why do you wear my crown ? Why do you wear My crown I say ? Why do you wear my crown ? I am falling , falling ! Lift me : hold me up .", "Because a woman gives herself for ever", "May take him yet with youth", "Be wild and calm and lonely while you may .", "A child 's hands beat on the outside of the door beyond the bed .", "Life is free to the quick up in the wind ,", "These are your nature 's joys , and it is human", "For women are not meant for happiness .", "She must give herself for ever and have faith ;"], "true_target": ["Have injured not their freedom ;", ", fingering back the bed-curtain again . How have they vanished ? What are they doing now ?", "It is no use ....", "And tides of heaviness pour over me", "But women-gods are mean and cunning as well .", "To a young woman , yes and even a virgin \u2014", "Only to recognize our natures \u2019 joys", "And give yourself with the high heart of youth", "Does he remember love-ways used with me ? Shall I never know ? Is it too near ? I 'll watch him at his wooing once again , Though I peer up at him across my grave-sill . She gets out of bed and takes several steps toward the garden doorway ; she totters and sways , then , turning , stumbles back to the bed for support . Limbs , will you die ? It is not yet the time . I know more discipline : I 'll make you go . She fumbles along the bed to the head , then , clinging against the wall , drags herself toward the back of the room . It is too far . I cannot see the wall . I will go ten more steps : only ten more . One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven . Eight . Nine . Ten . Sundown is soon to-day : it is cold and dark . Now ten steps more , and much will have been done . One . Two . Three . Four . Ten . Eleven . Twelve . Sixteen . Nineteen . Twenty . Twenty-one . Twenty-three . Twenty-eight . Thirty . Thirty-one . At last the turn . Thirty-six . Thirty-nine . Forty . Now only once again . Two . Three . What do the voices say ? I hear too many . The door : but here there is no garden .... Ah ! She holds herself up an instant by the door-curtains ; then she reels and falls , her body in the room , her head and shoulders beyond the curtains .", "More lavishly than a queen gives anything .", "You pulse and glow ; you are too vital ; your presence hurts ....", "I do not matter : my time is done ... nigh done ...", "But soon will Gormflaith come , she stays for ever .", "And the wind bares you for a god 's descent \u2014", "Plenish the cup for me .... Not now , not now ,", "For men to pass among them when they choose .", "For wind is a spirit immediate and aged .", "I have not slept ; I did but close mine eyes A little while \u2014 a little while forgetting .... Where are you , Merryn ?... Ah , it is not Merryn .... Bring me the cup of whey , woman ; I thirst .... Will you speak to me if I say your name ? Will you not listen , Gormflaith ? ... Can you hear ? I am very thirsty \u2014 let me drink .... Ah , wicked woman , why did I speak to you ? I will not be your suppliant again .... Where are you ? O , where are you ?... Where are you ? She tries to raise herself to look about the room , but sinks back helplessly . The curtains of the door at the back are parted , and GONERIL appears in hunting dress ,\u2014 her kirtle caught up in her girdle , a light spear over her shoulder \u2014 stands there a moment , then enters noiselessly and approaches the bed . She is a girl just turning to womanhood , proud in her poise , swift and cold , an almost gleaming presence , a virgin huntress .", "Afar and long : where could you climb so soon ?", "And you do well to worship harsh men-gods ,", "Old Wynoc 's potions loiter in my veins ,", "Why is the King 's mother standing there ?", "I should have known that Goneril stands here .", "She should not wear her crown before me now .", "Ay , you do well to worship on that height :", "I know not .... She will be about some duty .", "Who are you ? No , no , no ! Stand farther off !", "To keep her father from another woman .", "And lose him with their potence .", "To hope for reverence for what has been ;", "Cordeil the useless had to be conceived", "Live you your fill of a harsh purity ;", "We are good human currency , like gold ,", "And I lie here .", "Leap down the glades with a fawn 's ignorance ;", "stirs uneasily in her sleep .", "But when a woman gives herself", "So that she cannot stare at me again ?", "Bought hands can well prepare me for a grave ,", "She can be drained and as a husk survive", "While man renews himself into old age ,", "The hour comes for you to turn to a man", "And gives himself according to his need ,", "Yester-eve .... Yester-morn ...."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["In the tost mind ? She has suffered you twice over ,", ", with a sudden strong movement , shuts the resisting door and holds it rigidly . The little hands beat on it madly for a moment , then the child 's voice is heard in a retreating wail .", "Do not speak low : your voice sounds guilty so ;", "In the wild helpless hour when fitful life", "enters by the door beyond the bed , carrying the filled cup carefully in both hands .", "As any mothy owl that hunts quick mice .", "Together they raise HYGD , and carry her to bed .", "Pierced it from eye to eye ; and it was dead ,", "To be so bitterly thought of .", "Received them to such purpose suddenly ?", ", taking the crown and putting it on the dead Queen 's head . Mother and Queen , to you this holiest circlet Returns , by you renews its purpose and pride ; Though it is sullied with a menial warmth , Your august coldness shall rehallow it , And when the young lewd blood that lent it heat Is also cooler we can well forget . She steps to GORMFLAITH . Rise . Come , for here there is no more to do , And let us seek your chamber , if you will , There to confer in greater privacy ; For we have now interment to prepare . She leads GORMFLAITH to the door near the bed . You must walk first , you are still the Queen elect . When GORMFLAITH has passed before her GONERIL unsheathes her hunting knife .", "That which could add a further agony", "She bends over HYGD and kisses her ; they laugh softly together .", "She picks up the cup and goes out by the door beyond the bed .", "You are too noisy . Must I make you go ?", "Seating herself on the bed , she sings .", "Ruler of lands and dreaded judge of men ,", "On Raven Crag near by the Druid Stones ;", "But is not she your choice ?", "What woman should be here ?", "Stay here : and know , if the Queen is left again ,", "She lived to see you give her crown away ;", "They went crying , crying , but I lost them", "Before I stept , with the first tips of light ,", "I am not woman yet , but I can feel", "And speared it at a cast and shouldered it ,", "Then my untroubled mind came back to me .", "climbs on the bed and supports HYGD against her shoulder . It is the bed that breaks , for still I sink . Grip harder : I am slipping !", "And lisps like innocence , all gentleness .", "Come ; let these washers do what they must do :", "I did not know death could come all at once :", "I do not understand how men can govern ,", "Lipping the prints of her supplanter 's feet ,", "I felt shame light my face from deep within ,", "Yield her her own . Approach her : do not fear ;", "You cannot touch me now I know your nature :", "She is a very little child , mother ,", "I leave you to caretakers \u2019 cold gentleness ;", "And there is no more need \u2014 she will not wake .", "The Queen has had no food since yester-night .", "Now you have done a murder with your mind", "While she was still to use , spoil , forsake ,", "Continue in your joy of punishing evil ,", "To watch and even heal base men and poor \u2014", "You shall be beaten with two rods at once .", "She has been here ,", "You have no daughter to take thought for you \u2014", "I am wicked , rapt in joys of breath and life ,", "Anticipate treason , treachery meet with treachery ,", "Seek him , and come back quickly , and do not dare", ", taking a letter from her girdle . I found a warrant in her favoured bosom , King : She wore this on her heart when you were crowning her .", "And drave the bed-clothes spreading to the floor :", "I hunted it , I caught it up to me", "Or shall your Queen be wrapped and coffined awry ?", "Smeary and hot as they , for craps to suck .", "goes straight to the cauldron , passing the women as if they were not there : she kneels and washes her knife and her hand in it . The women retire to the back of the chamber .", "Can you see any murderer put to death ?", "And loathing and contempt shake in my bowels ,", "enters by the door near the bed : her knife and the hand that holds it are bloody . She pauses a moment irresolutely .", "Straight in their eyes with mournful , trustful gaze ,", "Nay , not to me :", "Your graceful consort steals from us too soon : Will you not tell her that she should remain \u2014 If she can trust the faith you keep with a queen ? She steps to GORMFLAITH , who is sidling toward the garden doorway , and , taking her hand , leads her to the foot of the bed . Lady , why will you go ? The King intends That you shall soon be royal , and thereby Admitted to our breed : then stay with us In this domestic privacy to mourn The grief here fallen on our family . Kneel now ; I yield the eldest daughter 's place . Why do you fumble in your bosom so ? Put your cold hands together ; close your eyes , In inward isolation to assemble Your memories of the dead , your prayers for her . She turns to LEAR , who has approached the bed and drawn back the curtain . What utterance of doom would the king use Upon a watchman in the castle garth Who left his gate and let an enemy in ? The watcher by the Queen thus left her station : The sick bruised Queen is dead of that neglect . And what should be the doom on a seducer Who drew that sentinel from his fixt watch ?", "And , more than all , when there 's a queen a-dying ....", ", laying HYGD down in bed again . Send horsemen to the marshes for the leech , And let them bind him on a horse 's back And bring him swiftlier than an old man rides .", "As with an unseen beauty long awaited ;", "I tremble within to have seen her fallen down .", "Is there another letter ? What should it say ?", "If life is so ill-seated no one is safe .", "You are a queen , and speak from the top of life ,", "Their elfin and thin yelping pierced my heart", "When I believed you a cruel flawless man .", "So I paused there and , stooping , pressed my hand", "And speared it ere it leapt ; so steady and clear", "But under the first trees and without thought", "And I must force myself to think of you .", "But why", "Though I am shamed \u2014 you must have other food ,", "The old Queen thought so , for I found her here ,", "My shining hand in cold stern adoration", "Until I heard a moor-bird cry like you .", "I never heard such scornful wickedness", "Gormflaith has left you lonely :", "Out in the scullery , after pig-killing ,", "Untorn , unsullied , and with flawless fur .", "Unhappy mother ,", "With empty hands :", "Indeed , he is not here ....", "Of fairer hours or any lost delight .", "But a baby does nothing \u2014", ", opening the door a little way . Hush ; hush \u2014 you hurt your mother with your voice . You cannot come in , Cordeil ; you must go away : Your father is not here ....", "\u2018 Tis Gormflaith who shall pay .", "Does Regan worship anywhere at dawn ?", ", rising from the cauldron with dripping hands . Yes , she is slain : I did it with a knife : And in this water is dissolved her blood ,That now I scatter on the Queen of death For signal to her spirit that I can slake Her long corrosion of misery with such balm \u2014 Blood for weeping , terror for woe , death for death , A broken body for a broken heart . What will you say against me and my deed ?", "Against the stony bed of the clear stream ;", "Then , as I took those dead things in my hands ,", "Though she is wilful , obeying only the King ,", "Hunt a pale coney in a soundless rush ,", "Prostrate in homage , on her face , silent .", "Startled another drinking at a tarn", "To be your Queen , she was my mother , Sir .", "Had the god in his fastness made my mind .", "Then you must haste to find him ;", "I heard far hounds give shivering aery tongue ,"], "true_target": ["Dearest , I am an evil daughter to you :", "Woman , help !", "What things would she be like to babble over", "For what is gone and will not come again ?", "To come without him .", "No more can choose what thoughts it shall encourage", "You are not of her kin or house ; but I", "Wait awhile , Merryn .... No , no , no ; not yet !", "She will not chide you or forgive you now .", "Unkingly and untrue ?", "You are the Queen 's , to serve her even in death .", "Upon the morning ; I went down from there", ", after a silence . Hard and unjust my father has been to me ; Yet that has knitted up within my mind A love of coldness and a love of him Who makes me firm , wary , swift and secret , Until I feel if I become a mother I shall at need be cruel to my children , And ever cold , to string their natures harder And make them able to endure men 's deeds ; But now I wonder if injustice Keeps house with baseness , taught by kinship \u2014 I never thought a king could be untrue , I never thought my father was unclean .... O mother , mother , what is it ? Is this dying ?", "Wynoc the leech must help us now . Go , run ,", "Then I shall lull you , as you once lulled me .", "I lost my thoughts before the giant Stones ...", "She never knows how \u2014", "Her name stands twice therein : her perfume fills it :", "And how some men desire deceit from us .", "Your passion of just revenge upon wrong-doers ,", "And Regan sidles among their greasy skirts ,", "Can sing for themselves ;", "Lift .", "takes the cup and , supporting HYGD , lets her drink .", ", speaking to herself . The way is easy : and it is to be used . How could this need have been conceived slowly ? In a keen mind it should have leapt and burnt : What I have done would have been better done When my sad mother lived and could feel joy . This striking without thought is better than hunting ; She showed more terror than an animal , She was more shiftless .... A little blood is lightly washed away , A common stain that need not be remembered ; And a hot spasm of rightness quickly born Can guide me to kill justly and shall guide .", "To the last agony , the daily poison", "She breathes , but something flitters under her flesh :", "Of her late , withering life ; but never word", "Where is Gormflaith ?", "Your force upon my mind was only terrible", "Coldness awoke me ; through the waning darkness", "There is too little here . When was it made ?", "I dreamt that I was swimming , shoulder up ,", "Those others must have woe .", "She is quite warm \u2014 though nothing moves in her .", "Straightway I bring you meat ....", "These blows you dealt now , but what elder wounds", "And she has left the Queen . This is her deed .", "But O , I did not think that they dare leave you .", "I found the Queen alone . I heard her cry your name .", "He may be riding now ....", "Can you \u2014", "Do you say this to me with a sore heart ?", "Hide your handies and ley lei lo .", "And took my honoured spear from my bed-side", "I stole on conies at play and stooped at one ;", ", meeting her near the door and speaking in a low voice . Why did you leave the Queen ? Where have you been ? Why have you so neglected this grave duty ?", "Until I knew you unkingly and untrue .", "Who sings to her now .", "My knife went through it ere I found it on her .", "Soon we follow him : But , ah , poor fragile beauty , you cannot rise While this grave burden weights your drooping head . Laying her hand caressingly on GORMFLAITH 'S neck , she gradually forces her head farther and farther down . You were not nurtured to sustain a crown , Your unanointed parents could not breed The spirit that ten hundred years must ripen . Lo , how you sink and fail .", "And sped as lightly down the dewy bank", "As I outsprang it , and with this thin knife", "Remote , withdrawing , suddenly faint and near ;", "My gladness left me ; I careered no more", "Where none but I may touch its purity ,", "I swung out on the heath and woke a hare", "I leapt and saw a pack of stretching weasels", "That such unclean coarse blows from me had issued", "has sprung to her feet at the first sound of GORMFLAITH 'S voice .", "Go on your knees ; the crown still holds you down .", "What had you caused her to remember most ?", "The smallest brown squirrel", "But women need not wed these men .", "Use craft and exercise the duty of cunning ,", "And when anew the earth assembled round me", "Even as the first great gleam went up the sky .", ", thrusting her forward with the haft of the knife . On . On . On . Go in . She follows GORMFLAITH out . After a moments interval two elderly women , one a little younger than the other , enter by the same door : they wear black hoods and shapeless black gowns with large sleeves that flap like the wings of ungainly birds : between them they carry a heavy cauldron of hot water .", "I must be pardoned if I scorn your ways :", "And when you choose to wish for others \u2019 joys", "Ay , if he is in time .", "Have you been there already ? Could you not wait ?", "The owlets in roof-holes", "Have you no memory , either , of her youth ,", "The sweaty half-clad cook-maids render lard", "Where are you ? What have you done ? Speak to me . Turning and seeing HYGD , she lets the cup fall and leaps to the open door by the bed . Merryn , hither , hither .... Mother , O mother ! She goes to HYGD . MERRYN enters .", "Sleep then , ladykin , peeping so ;", "Then entered I the circle and raised up", "Mother , were you calling ? Have I awakened you ? They said that you were sleeping . Why are you left alone , mother , my dear one ?", "And yet believe a woman because she looks", "As that a king 's physician so should choose", "Wolf-skin and cloak I buckled over this night-gear ,", "Share blood with her , and , though she grew too worn", "Cannot we leave her like herself awhile ?", "Your Gormflaith could not answer a woman 's eyes .", "I never thought of you \u2014 O , never once \u2014", "I did not need to read her in a letter ;", "You cannot know this feeling that I know ,", "She goes out by the garden doorway .", "To crush delicate things to bloody mash", "Yes , she had long been dying in her heart .", "I led her to her chamber lately , Sir .", "She died to see you fondle a menial :", "What untruths are instinctive in my kind ,", "That maims your new contentment with a longing", ", throwing the whole length of her body along HYGD 'S body , and embracing it . Come back , come back ; the things I have not done Beat in upon my brain from every side : I know not where to put myself to bear them : If I could have you now I could act well . My inward life , deeds that you have not known , I burn to tell you in a sudden dread That now your ghost discovers them in me . Hearken , mother ; between us there 's a bond Of flesh and essence closer than love can cause : It cannot be unknit so soon as this , And you must know my touch , And you shall yield a sign . Feel , feel this urging throb : I call to you . Come back .", "This is not death : death could not be like this .", "She must hark to her mother", "Your animal thoughts and hungry powers , this day ,", "Both scampers and delves ;", "No servant 's love to shame a daughter with ,", ", advancing to meet them with a deep obeisance . O , Sir , the Queen is dead : long live the Queen . You have been ready with the coronation .", "And blemish their fur when I would only kill ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["He promised I should ride with him at dawn", "Mother , Goneril is unkind to me .", "He is not in the stable or with Gormflaith :", "He must be here :", "And sit before his saddle and hold his hawk ,", "And hang the longest feathers in my hair ."], "true_target": ["He is not in his chamber or the hall ,", "And ride with him and ride to the heron-marsh ;", "Father .... O , father , father .... I want my father .", "He said that he would give me the first heron ,", "But Gerda said she saw him enter here .", "Let me look ....", ", a child 's voice , outside . Father .... Father .... Father .... Are you here ? Merryn , ugly Merryn , let me in .... I know my father is here .... I want him .... Now .... Mother , chide Merryn , she is old and slow ...."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["No , Sire .", "This is the instant of my duty , Princess :", "You had best take care ,", "For where my neck has bruises yours shall have wounds .", "Hush ! Hush ! It is too late ;", ", outside , singing to a quick , chattering tune . If you have a mind to kiss me You shall kiss me in the dark : Yet rehearse , or you might miss me \u2014 Make my mouth your noontide mark ....", "I read a letter , Sire .", "LEAR nods .", ", seating herself on his knee again , and crowning herself . Let anger keep your eyes steady and bright To be my guiding mirror : do not move . You have received two queens within your eyes . She laughs clearly , like a bird 's sudden song . HYGD awakes and , after an instant 's bewilderment , turns her head toward the sound ; finding the bed-curtain dropt , she moves it aside a little with her fingers ; she watches LEAR and GORMFLAITH for a short time , then the curtain slips from her weak grasp and she lies motionless .", "My King , you leave me !", "Wait , wait \u2014 I might be seen . The Queen may waken yet . Stepping lightly to the bed , she noiselessly slips the curtain on that side as far forward as it will come . Then she returns to LEAR , who draws her to him and seats her on his knee .", "turns the chair a little away from the bed so that she can watch the far door , and , seating herself , draws a letter from her bosom .", "Not when we reach the pathway near the apple-yard . They rise .", "As briefly as a gleam of Winter sun .", "Come back ! Help me and shield me ! She disappears through the curtains .", "Hush .", "Hush , hush ! That angry voice", "Even to grasp a precious meeting for us two ;", ", still crowned , enters by the garden doorway .", "stumbles forward on her knees and lays the crown on the bed , then crouches motionlessly against the bedside .", "He will protect me .", ", rising . Pardon my troubled mind ; you have taken my letter from me .", "You need not crown me . Let me put it on", "I dare not leave the Queen .... Yes , yes , I come .", "Merryn has left her Queen in unwatched loneliness ,", "You must not , ah , you must not do these masterful things ,"], "true_target": [", taking off the crown and holding it up blindly toward GONERIL with one hand . Take it and let me go !", ", taking another letter from her girdle . Your words to me \u2014 my lonely joy your words .... \u201c If you are steady and true as your gaze \u201d \u2014", ", playing with LEAR 'S emerald . Did Merryn .... Has Merryn been .... She loitered long before she came , For I was at the women 's bathing-place ere dawn .... No jewel in all the land excites me and enthralls Like this strong source of light that lives upon your breast .", "I will not even warm it with my hair .", "Ah , no , my King , my faithful ... Ah , no ... no ... The Princess Goneril is right ; she judges me : A sinful woman cannot steadily gaze reply To the cool , baffling looks of virgin untried force . She stands beside that crumbling mother in her hate , And , though we know so well \u2014 she and I , O we know \u2014 That she could love no mother nor partake in anguish , Yet she is flouted when the King forsakes her dam , She must protect her very flesh , her tenderer flesh , Although she cannot wince ; she 's wild in her cold brain , And soon I must be made to pay a cruel price For this one gloomy joy in my uncherished life . Envy and greed are watching me aloof, Longing to see me ruined , but she 'll do it .... It is a lonely thing to love a king .... She puts her cheek gradually closer and closer to LEAR 'S cheek as she speaks : at length he kisses her suddenly and vehemently , as if he would grasp her lips with his : she receives it passively , her head thrown back , her eyes closed .", "Will surely wake the Queen .", "I thought to find her here : is she not here ?", "She lifts the crown from the peg , and returns with it .", "And yet your daughter Princess Goneril has said", "Did Merryn at your bidding , then , forsake her Queen ?", "So old and trusted and favoured , and so callous .", "From midnight until now was Merryn 's watch .", "That if the Queen is left again I shall be whipt .", "I dare not go again .", "The King knows of your wolfish snapping at me :", ", turning in the doorway . What will you do ?", ", to herself , reading . \u201c Open your window when the moon is dead , And I will come again . The men say everywhere that you are faithless , The women say your face is a false face And your eyes shifty eyes . Ah , but I love you , Gormflaith . Do not forget your window-latch to-night , For when the moon is dead the house is still . \u201d", "That one so old as Merryn should act thus \u2014", "I will seek food \u2014 I will prepare it now .", "And even you can never fight the silent women", ", shaking her head sadly . Life holds no more than this for me ; this is my hour . When she is dead I know you 'll buy another Queen \u2014 Giving a county for her , gaining a duchy with her \u2014 And put me to wet nursing , leashing me with the thralls . It will not be unbearable \u2014 I 've had your love . Master and friend , grant then this hour to me : Never again , maybe , can we two sit At love together , unwatched , unknown of all , In the Queen 's chamber , near the Queen 's crown And with no conscious Queen to hold it from us : Now let me wear the Queen 's true crown on me And snatch a breathless knowledge of the feeling Of what it would have been to sit by you Always and closely , equal and exalted , To be my light when life is dark again .", "Madam , that is too monstrous to conceive :", "The Queen has seen me .", "For the reproach and chiding are so hard to me ,", "In hidden league against me , all this house of women .", "Your anger is not too great , Madam ; I grieve"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["Find your own pennies : then you can steal them safely .", "Let go .", "It is mine :", "Did she struggle ?", ", starting back . Oh ! The ELDER WOMAN breaks the cord and thrusts the jewel into her pocket ."], "true_target": ["We were listening . We were listening .", ", curtseying in turn . Three days together , my Lady , y'have had me ducked For easing a foolish maid at the wrong time ; But now your breath is stopped and you are colder , And you shall be as wet as a drowned cat Ere I have done with you .", "Ah , you have always been a friend to me : Many 's the time I have said I did not know How I could even have lived but for your kindness . The ELDER WOMAN draws down the bedclothes from the Queen 's body , loosens them from the bed , and throws them on the floor .", "I found it .", "Aie ! Aie ! Aie ! Old thief ! You are always thieving ! You stole a necklace on your wedding-day : You could not bear a child , you stole your daughter : You stole a shroud the morn your husband died : Last week you stole the Princess Regan 's comb .... She stumbles into the chair by the bed , and , throwing her loose sleeves over her head , rocks herself and moans ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["And draw away the under sheet for you ;", "Lend me a pair of pennies to weight her eyes .", "Poor , masterful King , he is no easier ,", "We were both listening .", "Leave it , I say . Will you not ? Will you not ? An eye for a jewel , then ! She attacks the face of the YOUNGER WOMAN with her disengaged hand .", ", fumbling in the folds of the robe that hangs on the wall . Her pocket is empty ; Merryn has been here first . Hearken , and then begin : You have not touched a royal corpse before , But I have stretched a king and an old queen , A king 's aunt and a king 's brother too , Without much boasting of a still-born princess ; So that I know , as a priest knows his prayers , All that is written in the chamberlain 's book About the handling of exalted corpses , Stripping them and trussing them for the grave : And there it says that the chief corpse-washer Shall take for her own use by sacred right The coverlid , the upper sheet , the mattress Of any bed in which a queen has died , And the last robe of state the body wore ; While humbler helpers may divide among them The under sheet , the pillow , and the bed-gown Stript from the cooling queen . Be thankful , then , and praise me every day That I have brought no other women with me To spoil you of your share .", "Friend of the worms , help me to lift her clear", "The louse made off unhappy and wet ;\u2014", "Old gossip , we must hasten ; the Queen is setting .", "And let us be gone with what we can get \u2014", "That I have been sweet-natured from my birth ,", "She could not struggle long . They set down the cauldron at the foot of the bed .", "Praise you the gods of Britain , as I do praise them ,", "She sings .", ", resuming her clothes-folding and her song . \u201c The lady 's linen 's no longer neat ; \u201d \u2014 Ahumm , Ahumm , Ahee \u2014 \u201c Her savour is neither warm nor sweet ; It 's close for two in a winding-sheet , And lice are too good for worms to eat ; So here 's no place for me . \u201d"], "true_target": ["A wilful girl shall prick and thwart him now .", "He 's looking for us , the little pet ;", "And that I lack your unforgiving mind .", ", running to the vacant side of the bed . What have you there ? Give it to me .", "I never could put damp linen on a corpse .", ", curtseying to the Queen 's body . Saving your presence , Madam , we are come To make you sweeter than you 'll be hereafter , And then be done with you .", "Her ring for thee , her gown for Bet ,", "Ahumm , Ahumm , Ahee \u2014", "Although his tearful wife is gone at last :", "So haste , for her chin 's to tie up yet ,", ", seizing the jewel . Leave it .", "Still work for old Hrogneda , little Princess ?", "Then go and spread the shroud by the hall fire \u2014", "Pull her feet straight : is your mind wandering ? She commences to fold the bedclothes , singing as she moves about . A louse crept out of my lady 's shift \u2014 Ahumm , Ahumm , Ahee \u2014 Crying \u201c Oi ! Oi ! We are turned adrift ; The lady 's bosom is cold and stiffed , And her arm-pit 's cold for me . \u201d While the ELDER WOMAN sings , the YOUNGER WOMAN straightens the Queen 's feet and ties them together , draws the pillow from under her head , gathers her hair in one hand and knots it roughly ; then she loosens her nightgown , revealing a jewel hung on a cord round the Queen 's neck .", "Her pocket turned out for me ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": [", indignantly , as he reaches to THORGERD 'S bowl . She shall have yours ; go you and make us more ... He is interrupted by a distant wailing which is heard through the storm .", "To prove I love you ; and to buy another", ", holding out his hand for the lantern . Hearken and haste ; give me the lantern \u2014 now !", "Will not let down their milk to you at all ,", "She dare not sleep with half your tasks undone ,", "Hours ere the thin late dawn , she was afoot ,", "Canst find a rope ?", "Will the storm pause ?", "and THORGERD draw stools to the table ; BLANID carries the pot to the outhouse and returns to the quern ; supper proceeds in silence for a few moments , then HIALTI rises and offers his bowl to BLANID .", "Best get to bed .", "And if she loves me she will know it too", "To set you equally against a thrall .", "The roof-drip at the door would fill her pails .", "Let her alone ; you know that I must love you ,", "Will that dark Crier linger ? I must go . She catches his outstretched hand and kisses it ere , snatching it away , he flings the house door wide open and dashes outside . Soon the sound of his footsteps is lost in the storm .", "She said you took them from her ; so I sought ,", "You drag their teats so : waking-time comes soon \u2014", "By the slow moaning of her weary churn ,", "Now give the lass some supper ; fill her bowl .", "To milk , but go yourself although three cows", "Like rain in a wild rose 's shadowy curve", ", out of doors . I come ; I am nigh .", "And gave her them again , and lit the fire .", ", within . I come . I come . Reach down the lantern and light it , light it , light it . Standing on a stool , BLANID lifts a lantern from a nail in one of the beams and , carrying it to the hearth , kneels there and seeks to light it with an ember .", "Since now you will not have the lass go with me", ", within . Is there a woman 's voice inside the wind ?", "The butter will not come now without fire ,", "To-morrow I must drive the sold ewes home", "Would need more money than eight red-polled stirks .", ", within . Is that the lass sobbing a song in sleep ?", "And hurt herself far more than you can hurt her .", ", within . It is the Crier ; break sleep no more for that .", "You need not ask ; you had it all to hoard ."], "true_target": ["Up from the water-side and down all day ....", "Where is she now ?", "Yet in her land \u2018 tis you would be the thrall .", ", a Northman . THORGERD , His Wife . BLANID , an Irish Bondmaid . AN OLD STRANGE MAN .", "Where is she now ?", "I have no mind to waste a half-spent thrall", "He who paid . The outside door opens and , as the rain drives in , BLANID enters carrying two pails of water by a yoke . Her short-sleeved , frayed , hempen smock is dripping-wet ; an old cart-strap is buckled about her middle ; her ankles are bare , but her feet are covered by shapeless brogues ; her matted hair is cut short , and she has an iron collar about her neck . She sets down her pails , and with difficulty shuts and bolts the door against the wind . Then she carries her pails into the outhouse ; as she moves about within she is heard to sing to a tired , monotonous tune .", ", leaping to the door in front of BLANID , and setting his back to it . No , no ; back , girl , get back .You murderess , You know it is the Crier of the Ford , Who wakens when the clashing waters rise And the thick night is choked with level rain . He is not seen ; he was not born ; he gathers His bodiless being from the treacherous tarn . His aged crying gropes about the storm To snare the spent wayfarer to the ford , Or draw some pitiful helper to the ford , And drown them where the unknown water swirls And strangle them with long brown water-weed : He seeks their souls for his old soul to feed on , Because it has no body to nourish it .", "So we must be a-stirring by lantern-light ,", "And lead more bedding from the bracken-fell", "You shut the hens in from the storm all day ,", "You drive her over hard . In the cold dark ,", "You would not kill her ?", "If the storm clears \u2014 it is well stacked and dry ;", "THE lass is late about ; where is she now ?", "But you slept and your sleep was all her rest ;", "Under each dark grey lash a long tear slid ,", "Bowed in the wind about the morning twilight .", "You drive her over hard .", "But she must trudge with peat-mull in a swill", "But I was wakened in the frosty night", ", within . So ; stand you from the door . Get donned ; make up the fire ; have water boiling ; And send the wench to lie in your warm form Ready to cherish what stiffening thing I bring .", "I love you overmuch", ", within . Has the flood washed into the shippon ?", ", far off , shouting ever more madly . Thorgerd , Thorgerd ... your hands ... the world slips past me ... Save ... under ... under ... under ... Aa-h ... The shouting ceases suddenly at its height .", "It is not true ; you know it is not true .", "Share with me , lass ; I need no more to-night . Before BLANID can taste the porridge THORGERD strikes the bowl from her hand .", "An owl , storm-beaten , drowns down the long mere .", "Is it too hard , the thought of that lost vale ?", "And she has been afoot each moment since :", ", taking a rushlight in his hand . Here are enough of your unfaithful words ; I 'll alter this to-morrow .", "enters the sleeping-chamber ; after watching the door close upon him , THORGERD , her hands clenched and her arms rigid , swiftly steps half way toward the outhouse ; then , suddenly relaxing into a pause and smiling with tight lips as she shakes her head slightly and sharply , she turns to the table again , doffs her coif and draws her hair down , blows out the remaining rushlight , and follows HIALTI into the sleeping-chamber . Henceforth the cottage is only lit by the ever-dying fire . A long , empty silence ensues , broken only by the tumult of the storm and the tinkle of the sinking embers . Then the outhouse door opens slowly and from it BLANID steps listeningly across the house , in front of the hearth , to the door of the sleeping-chamber , remaining there for a little time with her ear against the door-boards ; then she returns noiselessly across the house , behind the hearth , pausing near the house door .", "And when I rose she stood here without shoes \u2014", ", in a subdued voice . It is the wind across the chimney-slates ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": [", fiercely . Where are you ?... O , the Crier is heaving o'er ... A gust of wind and rain is heard to sweep into the cottage through the open doorway , shifting the rustling floor-rushes as though feet touched them . THE OLD STRANGE MAN has entered .", "And so I use her as I use my gear ....", "You shall not die ere I have done with you ;", "And things that never happened long ago", "If this is over hard , what will it be \u2014", "My father gave her to me for my own ,", "To reach the copse just at the young moon 's setting \u2014", "That I have missed it though \u2018 tis bright for singing ?", "And an unknown , impossible , shadowy land", ", gently and with an eager smile . Ay , lass , good lass ; go , lass , and seek for him \u2014 Maybe he sinks amid the marshy reeds ; Bring him to warmth and supper and a bed . I 'll shut the door ; the light will only daze you .", "Your songs of faery and nameless kings", "You kept some back ; who bought them ?", "Are useless as the starlight after moonset", "I know gear must wear out , being well used ;", "And leave you to go to your straw 's wench ?", ", within . The ox-goad shall reward you when dawn comes ... Wake us once more and you shall waken often , Ay , very often , until you dread to sleep ...", "I am the huswife \u2014 leave the house to me", "Choose between her and me ; if you take her ,", "When have I grown kind-hearted ? She lays her hand on his shoulder and , leaning her mouth to his ear , speaks in a low , distinct voice . Slit nose and lip and where 's her beauty then ? He starts from his stool . Nay , are my kinsfolk as far off as hers ? He turns away as BLANID enters with an iron pot which she hangs from a hook over the fire , and a pitcher of milk which she sets on the table .", "Vineland the Good and the old Western sea .", "She takes them and puts them on the fire .", "Shoes must be trodden under-foot all day ,", ", laughing . I am glad he is dead ; now I may only love him , And know no more that last distress of stooping So far from me as this at my feet must be . No vengeancing could pay for thoughts of her : I will not know that such can be in life , So I will neither yield nor succour her . She speaks no more , nor moves .", "If you must sing , sing truth to gut-strong tunes", "takes the pot from the fire . Here 's too much water ; it will never boil , And if it did the mess would be too thin . She pours water from the pot upon the floor , then hangs the pot over the fire again . Set out the bowls , and finger not their lips .", "I could not find her till i \u2019 the night-hid copse", "You wail about the house will make me share it .", ", within . The wind , the wind , and so as much as she .", "Put them to breed , and leave my stock to me .", ", within . You shall not go ; it is a lie of hers ; You shall not go ... A brief struggle in the sleeping-chamber is heard .", "Ay , to-morrow .", "Until you are too feeble even to suffer .", ", within . ... the unclean Crier croaking ... cover your ears ...", "I spilt the water ; she must needs draw more .", "\u201c She will not last \u201d say you ? Well , what of that ?", ", pouring milk over the porridge . There 's but enough for two ; I 'll make no more . Here , take the pot and scrape it at the quern .", ", hastily yet sullenly . How should I know ? She grips BLANID 'S shoulder and hurries her to the outhouse . Get in with you to your straw . She thrusts her into the outhouse and shuts the door upon her ; then she turns to HIALTI . Fool , now I know you love her behind your heart .", "What is it to you ?", "What money did the calves fetch at the fair ?"], "true_target": ["Yet all the shapeless , creeping , shivering sounds", "What money did the calves fetch at the fair ?", ", swinging her aside by the collar on her neck . Set on the water for the porridge ; go .", "Come here ; give me your shoes ; quickly , I say .", "To supple you ?", "Have done ; I know ; you left the fair at noon", "That will not light men homeward from the fair \u2014", "It shall not be so long ; sing while you can .", "Get to your feet ... What , shall I seek a way", "Is there some joy so deep within you still", "And death shall only come by suffering", "Why must you go shod softly ? Give me your shoes .", "But the bowls are full .", "That is nought to me ;", ", within . A woman ? Let her drown .", "Useless as starlight or the aimless wind .", "Of Gunnar or of Freya or Andvari ,", ", the porridge being made . Come , drudge , lift off the pot and fill the bowls .", "Spare her and have my firing spoilt ? Not I . Had it been sodden , how could you light her fires ?", "My little shears are sharp as any knife .", "A woman 's voice sobbed \u201c If he would but come ... \u201d", "I take the land .", "And buy me new gear when the old is rotten .", "draws in a long breath so sharply that it sounds to stab her repeatedly . Ay , you will hate me as you used to do \u2014 Will you not hate me as you used to do ? I was so happy when you still could hate me .... I fear it , but you make me go .... Speak once .... After a long silence BLANID is heard to rise and go slowly to the door .", "Fodder and yoke your neats , see to your swine ,", "You are too mean to stir his life one thought ; It was the Crafty Crier \u2014 I heard that wail ... The fire is now wholly out , so that the cottage is absolutely dark and nothing is visible .", "I am made glad , hearing your misery ;", "She is my lass to handle as I will \u2014", ", laying down her distaff to make porridge . Ay , But is there meal in plenty for next month ? You may be dead then ; therefore you must toil , That I may need to do no aching tasks Until my man can buy another drudge From the next herd ; for so we shall forget you .", ", rushing from the sleeping-chamber in her night-gear . Where is the wench ?... Make haste \u2014 another light : I heard him dying . O , this prater 's breath Will blow his life out ... Kindle a light and come ...", "Let the lass be . What is the lass to you ?", "Fetch at the fair last week ?", "I hear you say it : and afterward ?... Perhaps", "What , do I touch you when I touch your fields ?", "What money did the calves", "Last week she still could smile sometimes , so yet", "Though in the mire they go and to the mire ;", "She smiles too often for my happiness .", "The hearth-fire wastes the irons used to tend it :", "Nay , useless as its melting down thin water :"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["is heard to drag her prostrate body through the rushes toward THORGERD .", "Master , a man is calling in the night .", "O , do not hurt me again ... He dies ... it is my deed ... I dare not come ...", "I will tell you somewhat that will yield a vengeance", "goes yet again to the outhouse and returns with a bag of grain . You know what grain is for ; why do you stand ? Your feet are mine . Down to the quern . Get down .", "The wind is all the souls of those sad dead Who will not stay in Heaven for love of earth ; Hither and thither they surge to find the gate They see and know not on its new , strange side , For they have learned too much to be let back . Ah , some have learned too much before they die . As she crosses the house at the back HIALTI turns and , catching her hands in his , draws her toward him .", "I die , but you can ne'er have done with me .", "There is a pitiful shrieking in the dark .", "It is too hard , because I must so love it", "For you to work ; so do not let me go ....", ", being heard to start to her feet . There is another breathing in the house ... He is here ... this darkness is not black enough , The darkness at light 's core alone could hide me ... Grope for my hand \u2014 hold fast and take me home ... She is heard to sink to the floor again .", ", in a hushed voice . If day were only darkness melting down From darkness into darkness like this rain , Lost ere \u2018 tis known , then I might always sleep And sleep and dream I was a queen once more \u2014 She does not know I was a jewelled queen , For so I spoil her of new heights of joy In which she might for haughtiness fondle me . O , I would sleep in that old Crier 's arms , Enduring silence harder than all else , A mote shut into one cold , kneaded eyelid Of the dead mere ; and dream into the wind , And cling to stars lest I should slip through space ; And dream I am the body of him I love , Who yields me only kindness , never love \u2014 O me , that misery of hopeless kindness . But I 'll not die and leave him to her lips ; Though I can never have him she shall not ; For I can use this body worn to a soul To barter with that Crier of hidden things That , if he tangles him in his chill hair , Then I will follow and follow and follow and follow , Past where the imaged stars ebb past their light And turn to water under the dark world . She goes out into the storm , leaving the door open behind her . Presently she is heard singing to a chant-like , ever-falling melody . I stand in the sick night , whose hid shape is my own shape , As dazed life in the flickering hearts of old men ; I think like a lean heron with bald head and frayed nape Motionlessly moulting in a flat pool of a grey fen , Whose sleep-blinked horny eyes know it can ne'er moult again . My age-long cry droops in the hoar unseen stars that shake Until their discordant rays make darkness inside the sky ; My bare cry shivers along the slimy rushes of the drowned lake \u2014 Weariful waters , do you hear a soul 's hair tingling your veiled feet nigh ? I stand outside my keen body , yearning into you as I cry .", "\u2018 Tis the eternal suffering of love", "Yea , He is dreaming me a little while \u2014", "Lest I should hate it . I must always suffer ,", "Nay ! Nay ! Nay ! I dare not , I dare not ... That Crier will drown me too ...", "Master , it will not light ....", "Whilst ages may be altered by one dream \u2014", "Now I hear words \u2014 is there a woman 's wail ?", "O , I am but a troubled dream of God 's ,", "Wherein I was once born where salt winds sweep", "When mass is said and the priest 's cup is wiped ....", "But those who cannot weep must sing for ease ,", "The bird in my heart 's a-calling through a far-fled , tear-grey sea To the soft slow hills that cherish dim waters weary for me , Where the folk of rath and dun trail homeward silently In the mist of the early night-fall that drips from their hair like rain . The bird in my heart 's a-flutter , for the bitter wind of the sea Shivers with thyme and woodbine as my body with memory ; I feel their perfumes ooze in my ears like melody \u2014 The scent of the mead at the harping I shall not hear again . The bird in my heart 's a-sinking to a hushed vale hid in the sea , Where the moonlit dew o'er dead fighters is stirred by the feet of the Shee , Who are lovely and old as the earth but younger than I can be Who have known the forgetting of dying to a life one lonely pain ... She returns from the outhouse .", "Returning then to be unknown in Him ;", ", running to the sleeping-chamber door . Master , I hear a calling .... After an interval she strikes the door , crying loudly . Master ! Master !", ", winding her arms about his arms from one side , so that he cannot touch her , and burying her face in his hood . Kisses . \u2018 Hast drained my soul 's blood in each kiss .", "I have slain him and I fear to go to him ...", "Master , I hear one calling in the night .", "No joy ever sank deep enough for singing ;", "Nay , but I touch toward my joy at last ,", "Must stir the sad unrest that ends in song .", "shuts the door . The fire has now sunk so low that as she crosses the house she is only visible in the half-dark as a dim shape . She pauses by the hearth .", "Trouble and all the sorrowful ways of men", "Ohey ! Ohey !", ", to herself , lighting the lantern and smiling mischievously . Yea , I shall cherish a stiffening thing for her . Lantern , you are as dim as a little soul , Yet the least soul can light a man to Heaven , And you might lead him home ; but I am like God , Who makes souls from His aches \u2014 I will not ache , You shall not have a soul , I suck it back . She extinguishes the light . HIALTI hurries in half-dressed .", ", still out of doors , singing . Old father of many waters , can you feel my soul touching yours ? I know that to greet your calling leaves me no more any yea or nay ; Yet I too am of kin with lost woods and sedgy shores , So come secret as your black wind and take the dark core of my heart away , Ere you beget me on death to be still-born to an unlit day . Ohey ! Ohey ! Ohohey !", "Ah , God , awake , and so forget me soon .", "Nay ;"], "true_target": ["All earthly truth is true but for a time ,", "Ay , he is nigh ; but soon he will be far . I dare not thus fall through the world for him . O , I shall hear him ... do not let me hear him ... She throws herself on her face on the floor and , covering her head with the strewn rushes and clasping her hands over them , lies there moaning .", "I lick your feet all over with my tongue ,", "Put out my eyes , and rope me with the dogs \u2014", "I feel as if my long , long hands could reach", "Down to the water 's heart to pluck him from it .", "Joy seeks but peace and silence and still thought ;", "goes into the outhouse ; THORGERD continues to HIALTI . Why must you hold her hands and hold her eyes ?", "The wailing of the waters of the West .", ", pointing . Behind the settle there . To herself . \u2018 Tis a good rope and has two rotten strands ; \u2018 Twas meant to make good tinder on the morrow .", "The things that matter happen in the heart ...", "Nay , strangle me to-morrow ; but save me now .", ", always in an eager , suppressed voice . I have known joy \u2014 I know not what it was , Mead-fumes that filled me cooling to one drop ; I have known misery \u2014 a self-numbed sting That showed me but another joy to lose ; These were too small , I will have only rest , And lose my soul in your soul evermore . But if I die into your drooping limbs I must be mingled there with him I love ; You may not reach him by your hoary crying , But raise some human wail for help and light And he will come and I must follow him Past where the imaged moon shakes like a soul Pausing in death between two unknown worlds .", "I shall be Him again when He awakes .", "And even His will can alter not His dreams ;", "Mistress , I am your thrall ; you will keep your own ...", "Must search me somehow with love 's pitilessness", "Things need not happen that they may be true ;", "To make me know all souls ; what matter how ?", "I heard that trailing cry like maddened fir-boughs ;", "That were I free I should go there no more ,", "The things that matter happen in the heart .", "The sound of death is ever in mine ears ,", ", kneeling by the quern between the window and the door , and commencing to grind grain . You hate me far too subtly to forget me ; There is not enough kindness in your heart To let you thus forego your joy of hate . Then , too , despite the accident of death , I cannot go from here against my will .", "Although impossible , they may be true \u2014", "I only suffer this way rather than that \u2014", "Monotonous as the night 's infinity", "I must be dreamed out to the hardest end ,", "And Christ and all His Saints go out like candles", "There 's meal in plenty for to-morrow .", ", speaking at longer and longer intervals . O , you have saved me from such evil things As writhed like tangled tree-roots outside space Ere God made Himself from them ; and for this My Virgin shall reach down from God 's two knees Whereon She sits , and kiss you for Her own . My body was yours ; now you have saved my soul My soul is utterly yours to serve in living , To clothe your soul and be your very heart In love and soft , unconscious giving of life . Mother , I have done evil \u2014 punish me ; Because we loved him , love me and punish me : I have sinned , I have parted lovers \u2014 be cruel to me And cleanse me that I may keep near you two ... Think in how many ways you can torture me ; Let me rake up the fire and heat an iron For you to have your will upon my body \u2014 One thigh is yet unseared ... Will you not speak ? ... I love him , I tell you ... I love him , I love him , I love him ... I kissed his hand ; do you hear ? I kissed his hand \u2014 Our Hialti 's hand ... I 'll make you hurt me yet , Cold anger is shuddering down your tense thighs ; Feel , this is your foot upon my upturned face , I lift it across my eyes , wide-open eyes \u2014 Bear down and crush them full of eternal night ... Speak to me now ... O , will you never speak ? You thrust me down into that Crier 's bosom ; For in your heart you make me be unborn Within a lonely place you never heard of , Yet if I loose your feet he will return And I must follow and follow and follow and follow Past where my imaged thoughts repeat the world , Till shattered waters break the imaged dream ... You saved me once ; will you undo that greatness ?... We are the tears that God wipes from His eyes : Lone thoughts will thrust me forth \u2014 save me from them ... Ah , but my lonely love can succour me : Think , if I drown , \u2018 tis to my Hialti 's arms , To cast you from his heart for ever more ; He will not even know you are forgotten ... Sister ... Thorgerd ....", "goes again to the outhouse , and , returning , sets three bowls with spoons on the table , and a jar of meal by the hearth . Though porridge needs meal you shall not think for me ; Do nought until I bid you \u2014 once . The grain .", ", muffled and choking . Her name ... her name ... why did he not think my name ? ... But she has lost him , and I kissed his hand ...", ", muttering behind her hands . I will not go ... I can do nothing else ... It shall not enter ... O , it is in my heart ... She totters fearfully to the door , after many hesitant backward glances , and opens it slowly and as if she had never known how to open it . She reels against the wall and stands there motionlessly , clutching it with flat hands and outspread arms , as a stooping figure swathed in a rain-coloured , rain-soaked cloak and deep hood enters . Wisps of white hair flutter in the mouth of the hood , and one flicker of the fire-light shows in its depths a soft , shrunken , beardless face with an almost lipless , sunken mouth .", "Master , one lost is helpless in the night .", ", relighting the lantern and starting up . Master , Master , the light ! Pausing and sending the lantern crashing on the hearth with both hands . He shall not have it ! She stands with her hands gripping her breasts , leaning forward toward the open door ; her breathlessness is all that is heard ; she stretches her arms to the night .", "And in the sound forget the thought that smote it .", "re-enters the house hurriedly ; she shuts and bolts the door , hardly knowing what she does ; she falls on her knees with her back to the door , breathing quickly and hard , and swaying backward and forward , her face hid in her hands . Again and again a terrible blast of wind strains at the unyielding door .", ", having filled two bowls . The pot is empty .", "I clasp your feet , I kiss your clutching feet ,"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["Ohohey ! Ohey !", "Ohey ! Ohey ! Ohohey !", "The water laps our waists ! Help , help ! A light !", "Help ; help ! A light ! Come for the woman 's sake !", "Ohey ! Ohohey ! Ohey !", "Yes ?", "Ohohey ! Ohohey !", "The curtain descends on silence and darkness ."], "true_target": [", close at hand . Open , open ; I cannot open ; open . I cannot come to you unless you open .", "Ohey ! Ohohey !", "Will no one ever come ?", "In the cottage THORGERD is heard to fall heavily to the floor .", ", outside . Ohohey ! With a laugh of abandonment BLANID is heard to run into the night ; there is a brief silence ; then one far-off , long shriek is heard from her .", ", sounding nearer on a gust of wind . Ohohey ! Ohohey !", "Ohey ! Ohohey !", ", near at hand . Ohohey ! Ohey !", ", immediately and far away . Help ; help ; the marsh-lights \u2018 wilder us ! A light !"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["Your man is drowned and this is it who bargained", "Its death for his ; will you not give it to me ?", "I see you , you white terror with shaking flanks ,", "But now I need you not ; not yet ; not yet .", "I go , I go ; make me not come again , For I am in you , you must melt to me Past where the imaged dark shuts bending lovers \u2019 Close , unseen-imaged faces within life .... Keeping his face turned toward BLANID , he recedes to the door , where he ceases to be seen in the wind that scurries past ."], "true_target": ["Give it to me ; it is mine , give it to me ;", "I cannot take it while it touches you .", "Straining to feel me with your hard-shut eyes ,", ", his voice growing fainter and fainter . Ah , come , you daughter of an ancient earth , Come down among the folk your heart can know , You darling of the past , you long-dead queen . Your aged soul is strange among these men , As strange as it would be in Paradise ; But once I knew you ere you were begot , And in the unchanging silence of my heart There waits a star for you to finish it . A silence . You little trembler of a dew-drop dawn , You are as old as water that makes new dew ; And when the dew falls it runs down to peace . The end of sorrow is in sorrow 's heart With those who loved and knew the unknown end Of mothering you a thousand years ago . Come , then , from her who shapes new pangs for you , And rest and rest and rest for evermore . A silence . One day you will awake and call to me ; And I shall listen for the doubting cry Until the stars have worn the sky too thin , And I am drowned within the light beyond .... His voice is lost in the gradual wail of a gust of wind ; then it is heard outside and afar . Ohey !", "A silence .", "A sign , a plighting , and I do your will ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["Sister of that old race dead in the hills ,", "To reach the unlit places of your heart ,", "Which are the night within my unknown eyes"], "true_target": ["Beyond all stars ; so let me touch you once .", "You know you must go down a long withdrawing", "Why will you make me come to you once more ?"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["No one could mind such things in such an hour .", "Shall keep that snow from filling those poor eyes .", "You 'll not part it ?", "And take that with him to walk upon the deck", "But let the yarn run clean from knots and snarls ,", "Wrought on a distaff ?", "Snow shall be heavier upon some eyes", "In night and storm .", "And hold him when the darkness comes ....", "Are there spells", "Sometimes when I awaken in the night", "He chose a ship , but men who rode with him", "I have no shears with me .", "Of crackling beams , beams falling , and loud flames .", "That do not happen than by absent men .", "To fit the songs about him ?", "Then you may spin all night for what I care ;", "Ay , and the hungry cattle should sing us to sleep . The others laugh . ORMILD goes out to the left ; RANNVEIG is following her , but pauses at the sound of a voice .", "And said .... What said he , girls ?", "Yea , Gunnar surely . Is he not big enough", "What can these women be who sleep like horses ,", "Than you can tell of \u2014 ay , and unseen earth"], "true_target": ["Nay , he 's been topmost in so many fights", "My throbbing ears are mocking me with rumours", "Or I shall have the blame when you are gone .", "The bill is singing !", ", lifting one of the pieces . O me ! A wonder has vanished .", "stands spinning at the far side ; near her ASTRID and STEINVOR sit stitching a robe which hangs between them .", "Fire is a hurrying thing , and fire by night", "Say that his horse threw him upon the shore ,", "And knew he need not seek another country", "Will fire eat through me ....", "When I am old I shall be some man 's friend ,", "His face toward the Lithe and his own fields ;", "Can see its way better than men see theirs .", "That he believes he shall fight on untouched .", "Standing up in the darkness .... What will they do ....", "Plainly he saw his fetch come down the sands ,", "This void house is more void by brooding things", "My name is Oddny .", "They must be witches \u2014 and it was my distaff \u2014", "I like not dwelling in an outlaw 's house .", "As he arose he trembled at what he gazed on", "\u2018 Tis an unlikely tale : he never said it ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["I will ride home again and never leave it . \u201d", "\u201c Fair is the Lithe :", "Severing ear or nose . And yet the feud", "That too many love him , too many honour him", "Otkell was slain : then Gunnar 's enviers ,", "Burden our eyes , intrude upon our dreams ,", ", entering by the dais door . Now they have found the weather-ropes and lashed them Over the carven ends of the beams outside : They bear on them , they tighten them with levers , And soon they 'll tear the high roof off the hall .", "NIGHT is a Winter long : and evening falls .", "And he is outlawed by defiance of doom .", "Why will he break the atonement that was set ?", "Yet I am sore with fearing and expecting", ", pointing to the weapons by the high-seat . The bill that Gunnar won in a far sea-fight Sings inwardly when battle impends ; as a harp Replies to the wind thus answers it to fierceness , So tense its nature is and the spell of its welding ; Then trust ye well that while the bill is silent No danger thickens , for Gunnar dies not singly .", "and ODDNY disappear with STEINVOR .", "But Gunnar said it should come home and wait \u2014", "Night , night and Winter and the heavy snow", "He kept you his \u2014 yes , and maybe saved you", "If Gunnar burns and we go forth unsinged .", "And Gunnar 's place be emptied either way", "Foretold his death if he should slay twice over", "Tumbled in the loft with ragged kirtles .", "O , mistress , you have hurt us all in this :", "Never return . Perhaps they went but now ,", "This late last harvest , and night creeping in .", ", turning as they bear her out . Fire suffuses only her cloudy brain : The flare she walks in is on the other side Of her shot eyes . We heard a passionate voice , A shrill unwomanish voice that must be Mord , With \u201c Let us burn him \u2014 burn him house and all . \u201d And then a grave and trembling voice replied \u201c Although my life hung on it , it shall not be . \u201d Again the cunning fanatic voice went on \u201c I say the house must burn above his head . \u201d And the unlifted voice \u201c Why wilt thou speak Of what none wishes : it shall never be . \u201d", "Two in one stock would prove old Njal 's fore-telling ,", "Before the Longcoat helps at thy awaking ....", "The land will not be nobler or more holpen", "Its corn is white , its meadows green after mowing .", "For ere it reached the ambry I came on it", "And then gave it to you . The half of Iceland", "Kolskegg , who kept his back in famous fights ,", "I have heard a queen offered her daughter for it ,", "Who could not crush him under his own horse", "And so there may not be much need of weapons .", "Mistress , indeed you are a cherished woman ."], "true_target": ["And make of loneliness an earthly place .", "Yet Gunnar bides although that doom is on him", "To let him die , lest the most gleaming glory", "He is so great and manly , our master Gunnar ,", "You have cut off your strength , you have maimed yourself ,", "Tells fabulous legends of a fabulous thing ,", "Best mind thy comb-pot and forget our king", "You sowed with Otkell 's house shall murder Gunnar .", "Because they do not come . They will not come .", "Yet has he done these things and will not care .", "Of our grey country should be there put out .", "I like not this forsaken quiet house ,", "The bill sings !", "takes ORMILD , who has just reached her , and goes out with her by the dais door , which closes after them . Hallgerd , go in : I shall be here thereafter .", "Whence came these mounds of dread to haunt the night ? It doubles this disquiet to have them near us .", "To avenge his father ; for should he be slain", "From a debasement that could madden or kill ,", "So much of Iceland 's fame in foreign places ,", "O , Gunnar , we shall serve you .", "So fair I never thought it was so fair .", "The house-men out at harvest in the Isles", "Because that doom is on him for the slayings ;", "At the big horse-fight , stirred up Otkell 's son", "Sailed long ago and far away from us", "For those high helpless men who cannot fill it .", ", ODDNY , and STEINVOR go out by the dais door .", "For women thieves ere now have felt a knife", "I like not this forsaken quiet house .", "Yet never saw it : I know they never saw it ,", "In the same kin or break the atonement set :", "When Gunnar dies no other man dare take you .", "You are losing power and worship and men 's trust .", "There are not many ready to meet his weapons :", "He is so noble and clear , so swift and tender ,", "That wise old Njal who has the second sight", "That veil is worth a lifetime 's weight of coifs :"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["He works with night , he has stolen death 's tool frost", "I know not what has gone : when the men came", "This bragging land of freedom that enthralls me", "Who treads the dark like snow , of old king Sleep .", "Is still the fastness of a secret king"], "true_target": ["totters up the hall from pillar to pillar .", "That makes the breaking wave forget to fall .", ", tucking up her skirts . Then are we out of peril in the darkness ? We should do better to nail up the doors Each night and all night long and sleep through it , Giving the cattle meat and straw by day .", "enters from the left , white and with her hand to her side , and walking as if she is sick .", "And then I followed the shadow . Who is dead ?", "I hid in the far cowhouse . I think I swooned ...."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["For heroisms and profitless loftiness", "Only by the Norns ,", "I tell you , women , we have no duty here :", "goes out by the dais door .", "Yet she may kindle to it ere my heart quickens .", "Unto the ship , his horse stumbled and threw him ,", "Mistress , my heart is big with mutinies", "To hold this house with Gunnar , who refused them", "He takes deliberate heed of death \u2014 to meet it ,", "But women are let forth free when men go burning ?", "Is it not law that you could loose this marriage \u2014", "In his new mighty house so carven and bright ,", "Nay , that he loosed it shamefully years ago", "Or the Norns themselves .", "Woman , let us out \u2014 help us out \u2014 The burning comes \u2014 they are calling out for fire . She shrieks again . ODDNY and ASTRID , who have come behind her , muffle her head in a kirtle and lift her .", "His face toward the Lithe and his own fields .", "He has sent his sons harvesting in the Isles .", "And if you did withdraw your potent presence", "Dishonouring you to lesser women and chiefs ?", "Nay , but bewitch us .", "And I shall wonder if Hallgerd cares about it :", ", as she turns with ASTRID and ODDNY to the dais . If beds are made for sleep we might sit long . They go out by the dais door .", "For your proud sake : does not your heart mount up ?", "Fire would not spare this house so reverently .", "He would not sail because , when he rode down", "Arrh \u2014 do not touch me , unclean flyer-by-night :", "And if we are past the foolish ardour of girls", "Let us get gone to-night while there is time ,", "See , it burns up again at the stroke of thought .", "He is an outlaw now and could not hold you"], "true_target": ["By a hard blow that bruised your innocent cheek ,", "Skarphedin ugly and brave and Hauskuld with him ,", "Come , leave him , mistress ; we will go with you .", "And they 'll not sit with human folk to-night .", "Is he not thinking death would ride with him ?", "Olaf the Peacock bade him be with him", "He rides to motes and Things before his foes .", "If you should choose to leave him . Is it not law ?", "He said that would be well , yet never goes .", "Like those whom Odin needs . He is fey , I tell you \u2014", "enters with the veil folded . HALLGERD takes it with one hand and shakes it into a heap . This is the cloth . He brought it out at night , In the first hour that we were left together , And begged of me to wear it at high feasts And more outshine all women of my time : He shaped it to my head with my gold circlet , Saying my hair smouldered like Rhine-fire through , He let it fall about my neck and fall About my shoulders , mingle with my skirts And billow in the draught along the floor . She rises and holds the veil behind her head . I know I dazzled as if I entered in And walked upon a windy sunset and drank it , Yet must I stammer at such strange uncouthness And tear it from me , tangling my arms in it \u2014 I could not so befool myself and seem A laughable bundle in each woman 's eyes , Wearing such things as no one ever wore , Useless ... no head-cloth ... too unlike my fellows . Yet he turns miser for a tiny coif . It would cut into many golden coifs And dim some women in their Irish clouts \u2014 But no ; I 'll shape and stitch it into shifts , Smirch it like linen , patch it with rags , to watch His silent anger when he sees my answer . Give me thy shears , girl Oddny .", "Ay , many would pile for you the silks he grudges ;", ", shuddering . Is it not rare .", "Whose name can kindle men as yours can do \u2014", "Did not Njal offer to send his sons ,", "Despised , cast out , unclean , and loose men 's night-bird .", "throws open the dais door and rushes through with a high shriek .", "What is a wonder less ? She has done finely , Setting her worth above dead marvels and shows .... The deep menacing baying of the hound is heard near at hand . A woman 's cry follows it . They come , they come ! Let us flee by the bower ! Starting up , she stumbles in the tissue and sinks upon it . The others rise . You are leaving me \u2014 will you not wait for me \u2014 Take , take me with you .... Mingled cries of women are heard .", "I tell you Gunnar is done .... His fetch is out .", "For death is making narrowing passages", "Have ye birds \u2019 feet to match such bat-webbed fingers ?", "Gunnar has seen his death : he is spoken for .", ", recovering herself . Women are sent to spy . The sound of a door being opened is heard . GUNNAR enters from the left , followed by three beggar-women , BIARTEY , JOFRID , and GUDFINN . They hobble and limp , and are swathed in shapeless nameless rags which trail about their feet ; BIARTEY 'S left sleeve is torn completely away , leaving her arm bare and mud-smeared ; the others \u2019 skirts are torn , and JOFRID 'S gown at the neck ; GUDFINN wears a felt hood buttoned under her chin , the others \u2019 faces are almost hid in falling tangles of grey hair . Their faces are shrivelled and weather-beaten , and BIARTEY 'S mouth is distorted by two front teeth that project like tusks .", "Saying he would not lead young men to death ?", "The bill !", "\u2018 Tis much to have to be a hero 's wife ,", "We shall get gone when bedtime clears the house .", "And leave this house to Rannveig and his sons :", "And find new harbouring ere the laggard dawn ,", "There is no woman in the country now", "About this hushed and terrifying house ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["Of singular virtues to the dull world 's ease of mind ;", "Gunnar should have kept the atonement set ,", "I lose two sons when Gunnar 's eyes are still ,", "I will not let your murderous mind be near him", "When they are slackening in their attack .", "Lest too much right should make men hate each other", "There is no comfort in my breast to-night :", "Because a woman is made so evil fair ,", "Being eager for a bold uncovered head .", "She kisses the weapon , then shakes it on high .", "This wifely hair-pin will be sharp enough .", "Is an old woman 's life desired as well ?", "Door of the house you rule .... Son , son , command it .", "When he no more can choose and does not know .", "You have cast the head-ring of the nobly nurtured ,", "O , lonesome thing ,", "Up , lass , and get thy coats about thy knees ,", "Before the master knows \u2014 or he will go ,", "When all his fate is treasured in her mouth .", ", turning both ways , while HALLGERD watches her gleefully . Gunnar , my son , my son ! What shall I do ....", "And no man will refuse the rapture of killing", ", an old wimpled woman , enters as if from a door at the unseen end of the hall .", "The bill , the bill is singing .... The bill sings !", "So few , so few , for I can last ten years", "And trusted that they held a precious thing \u2014", "Indeed he shall lose nothing but his life", "With this unshrunken body and steady heart .", "Ah , do not fear \u2014", "To be forgot and left in such a night .", "If you do stir I 'll choke you with your hair .", "follows GUNNAR in .", "Order your limbs \u2014 stretch out your length of beauty ,", "I 'll wipe it with my hair ... Nay , keep it so ,", "A bare place for a weapon on my son", "The colour on it now has gladdened you .", "Yet your mean passionate wastefulness poured out", "You shall go warm to bed \u2014 I 'll put you there .", "That you can play at being a bower-maid", "For we must cleanse the byre and heap the midden", "The old grey shift of Odin , the hide of steel .", "But some will waken . She rises .", "My son , my son , get on the rattling war-woof ,", "You had a rare toy when you were awake \u2014", "Bar the great door , I say , or I will bar it \u2014", "And waited to be told the thing I knew ?", "That holds too many fiercenesses too straitly ,", "Slip your feet down , and let me smooth your hands ;", "Hallgerd , come ;", "And there is peril for him in every darkness .", "How shall I stir ?", "Gunnar , my son , we are alone again .", ", tearing off her wimple . She will not mar her honour of widowhood . O , widows \u2019 manes are priceless .... Off , mean wimple \u2014 I am a finished widow , why do you hide me ? Son , son who knew my bosom before hers , Look down and curse for an unreverend thing An old bald woman who is no use at last . These bleachy threads , these tufts of death 's first combing , And loosening heart-strings twisted up together Would not make half a bowstring . Son , forgive me ....", "In a long gown although no beasts are foddered ?", "And the great door shall keep thy back for thee .", "Who will not lose the joy of hurting him ."], "true_target": ["Cannot you wait this time ? \u2018 Twill not be long .", "Stand thou , my Gunnar , in the porch to meet them ,", "When outlawry has made it cheap and righteous .", "O , they have hurt you ... but that is forgot .", "And bring him from the loft .", "Let down your hands and close those deepening eyes ,", "It is a bargaining with vanities ,", "Go to the bower : the women will care for you .", "Handle the snake with edges , the fang of the rings .", "Their lives for joy of seeing something done with .", ", intercepting him . Nay , let me take him . It is not safe \u2014 there may be men who hide .... Hallgerd , look up ; call Gunnar to you there :", "Ay , you are ready with your widowhood :", "Wasteful and white and proud in harmful acts .", "It shall lie near you .", "Be still , my daughter ....", "It measures men by the most vicious men ;", "I saw none come .", "Two men have had you , chilled their bosoms with you ,", "It is the latch . Cry out , cry out for Gunnar ,", ", following her . The night take you indeed ....", "Only for two ? Take it : ask more of me . I wish the measure were for all of you .", "\u2018 Tis good : the woman 's cunning for once is faithful .", "Law is not justice , but the sacrifice", "This little land is no more than a lair", "I see a peril nigh and all its blitheness .", "A murdered man should have a murdered wife", "And cannot lift you up and lay you in ,", "We must shut fast the door , bar the great door ,", "Think you that men are yonder ?", "She raises the bill : the deep hum follows .", "So long as any one perceives he knows", "For then will Kolskegg never more turn home ....", "Do not , my son : rouse them not up again", "My son has enemies , girl , enemies ,", "Then sleep and sleep . Ay , all the world 's asleep ;", "Boy , it is bedtime ; though I am too changed ,", "And other men shall fall by it through Gunnar :", "I crossed the yard , Hearing a noise , but a big bird dropped past , Beating my eyes ; and then the yard was clear . The deep baying of the hound is heard again .", "Or they 'll be in on us and murder him .", "If Gunnar would but sail three years would pass ;", "But close your eyes beneath my fingers \u2019 touch ,", "She goes up the hall , mounts to the loft and stoops beside him .", "The wolf , the carrion bird , and the fair woman Hurry upon a corpse , as if they think That all is left for them the grey gods need not . She twines her hands in HALLGERD 'S hair and draws her down to the floor . O , I will comb your hair with bones and thumbs , Array these locks in my right widow 's way , And deck you like the bed-mate of the dead . Lie down upon the earth as Gunnar lies , Or I can never match him in your looks And whiten you and make your heart as cold .", "Or you can never stiffen as you should .", "You are conversant with a widow 's fancies ....", "covers her face with her hands .", "For then those men would turn to other quarrels .", "Thinking old women do not need to hear ,", "Have I sat down in comfort by the fire", "And hasten the last battle of all the nations .", "Only three years of banishment said the doom \u2014", "Have any men come home to the young women ,", "What is there now \u2014 are terrors surging still ?", "Cease : are you not immortal in shame already ?", "His hand shall twitch to fit a weapon in .", "No ; it remembers him ,"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["Is it not rare to sit and wait o \u2019 nights ,", "It is my joy that Gunnar stays with me :", "re-enters by the dais door , holding a pair of shears .", ", seating herself in the high-seat . It is an Irish hound , from that strange soil Where men by day walk with unearthly eyes And cross the veils of the air , and are not men But fierce abstractions eating their own hearts Impatiently and seeing too much to be joyful .... If Gunnar welcomed ye , ye may remain .", "Thus I was shapen , and it is my pride", "Ay , Gunnar , Gunnar !", "O , I will make a battle of the Thing ,", "I will not be made less by a less man .", "And then I should have lost him .... Yet he smote me ....", "And said he 'd not partake with any thief ;", "A divine malice , a disquieting voice :", "I have planned thefts and breakings of his word", "Could I not take the hearts of generations ,", ", who has been biting her nails . And then ... and doubtless ... and strangely ... And not more thriftiness in Bergthorsknoll Where Njal saves old soft sackcloth for his wife . O , I must sit with peasants and aged women , And keep my head wrapped modestly and seemly ; She turns to RANNVEIG . I must be humble \u2014 as one who lives on others . She snatches off her wimple , slipping her gold circlet as she does so , and loosens her hair . Unless I may be hooded delicately And use the adornment noble women use I 'll mock you with my flown young widowhood , Letting my hair go loose past either cheek In two bright clouds and drop beyond my bosom , Turning the waving ends under my girdle As young glad widows do , and as I did Ere ever you saw me \u2014 ay , and when you found me And met me as a king meets a queen In the undying light of a summer night With burning robes and glances \u2014 stirring the heart with scarlet . She tucks the long ends of her hair under her girdle .", "I will not stir . Your mother had best go in .", "A warm unsounded peril , a flashing mischief ,", "That Gunnar took from some outlandish ship", "If he is steadfast for his blamelessness .", ", snatching the distaff from Biartey . Out and be gone , be gone . Lie with the mountains , Smother among the thunder ; stale dew mould you . Outstrip the hound , or he shall so embrace you ....", "Mother , what will you do ? Unloose me now \u2014", "Knowing that murderousness may even now", "And watch my Gunnar kindling at the peril ,", "Well , death is terrible . Was I not worth it ?", "He did not set your motherhood between us .", "Without being ear-pruned like a pilfering beggar .", "Stand at the casement , watch them how they come .", "Heroes , heroes , are ye undefeated ?", "I 'll shorten it .", "When my pent heart grew sore with fermentation", ", tossing back her hair . Then now I call to your mind that bygone blow You gave my face ; and never a whit do I care If you hold out a long time or a short .", "And then ?", "Shoot , shoot it out , and I 'll come up to mock them .", "And tramp and learn your difference from me .", "I drave a thrall to steal and burn at Otkell 's", "I drove them forth a breath ago .", "Look to your ears if you touch ought of mine :", "Arrows maybe could drop on them from there .", "One man has held ye from an open door :", "So long ago is best not spoken of .", "Heroes , what deeds ye compass , what great deeds \u2014", "Am I a wandering flame that sears and passes ?", "O , never :", "Although I stole to injure his despiser ....", "His wife I was , and yet he never judged me :", "While the whole dance goes merrily before us", "Nor kill without a knife ; and where 's the man", "Here 's a fine shift for summer : and another .", "A high-born woman may handle what she fancies", "Then at our feast when men rode from the Thing", "Let me alone \u2014 I stand here for my sons .", "And deemed a thing from Greekland or from Hind :", "His banishment is not just ; his wrongs increase ,", "Where men vow holy peace , to magnify him .", "I spread the stolen food and Gunnar knew .", ", starting up as RANNVEIG half loosens her to take a hair-pin from her own head . She is mad , mad .... O , the bower is barred \u2014 Hallgerd , come out , let mountains cover you .... She rushes out to the left .", "Now have I gashed the golden cloth awry : \u2018 Tis ended \u2014 a ruin of clouts \u2014 the worth of the gift \u2014 Bridal dish-clouts \u2014 nay , a bundle of flame . I 'll burn it to a breath of its old queen 's ashes : Fire , O fire , drink up .... She throws the shreds of the veil on the glowing embers : they waft to ashes with a brief high flare . She goes to JOFRID . There 's one of you That holds her head in a bird 's sideways fashion : I know that reach o \u2019 the chin .... What 's under thy hair ?\u2014 She fixes JOFRID with her knee , and lifts her hair . Pfui , \u2018 tis not hair , but sopped and rotting moss \u2014 A thief , a thief indeed .... And twice a thief .... She has no ears . Keep thy hooked fingers still While thou art here , for if I miss a mouthful Thou shalt miss all thy nose . Get up , get up ; I 'll lodge ye with the mares ....", "Does ought lie on it ?", "And thereby take his blood-feud into my hands .", "For many men would soon have judged me thief", "Now I shall close his nostrils and his eyes ,", "And we can warm our hearts at such a flare ."], "true_target": ["They turned foul-mouthed , they beckoned evil toward us \u2014", "I am a hazardous desirable thing ,", "Does not the light change on me as I breathe ?", "\u2018 Tis bed-time ; get to sleep \u2014 that stills much hunger .", "And tear it down the folds . So . So . So . So .", "And Gunnar is great , or he had died long since .", "But denied Gunnar as if he were suppliant :", "Ye get nought here . The supper is long over ;", ", beyond the door of the women 's dais . Dead men have told me I was better than fair , And for my face welcomed the danger of me : Then am I spent ? She enters angrily , looking backward through the doorway . Must I shut fast my doors And hide myself ? Must I wear up the rags Of mortal perished beauty and be old ? Or is there power left upon my mouth Like colour , and lilting of ruin in my eyes ? Am I still rare enough to be your mate ? Then why must I shame at feasts and bear myself In shy ungainly ways , made flushed and conscious By squat numb gestures of my shapeless head \u2014 Ay , and its wagging shadow \u2014 clouted up , Twice tangled with a bundle of hot hair , Like a thick cot-wife 's in the settling time ? There are few women in the Quarter now Who do not wear a shapely fine-webbed coif Stitched by dark Irish girls in Athcliath With golden flies and pearls and glinting things : Even my daughter lets her big locks show , Show and half show , from a hood gentle and close That spans her little head like her husband 's hand .", "Who would not sell to us in famine time", ", in an undertone to RANNVEIG , looking out meanwhile to the left . Mother , come here \u2014 Come here and hearken . Is there not a foot , A stealthy step , a fumbling on the latch Of the great door ? They come , they come , old mother : Are you not blithe and thirsty , knowing they come And cannot be held back ? Watch and be secret , To feel things pass that cannot be undone .", "The women shall not let ye know the food-house ,", "O brave ! O brave !\u2014 he 'll dare them with no shield .", "Or bad old women used to govern by fear . To bed , to bed \u2014 we are all up too late .", ", laughing as she leans forward and holds her breasts in her hands . O , clear sweet laughter of my heart , flow out ! It is so mighty and beautiful and blithe To watch a man dying \u2014 to hover and watch .", "Fetch it from the ambry in the bower .", "But if he had abandoned me as well", "That blow upon the face", "Or ye 'll be thieving in the night . Ye are idle ,", "There is no man so great as my man Gunnar :", "Your eyes would not look so at me alone .", "Ye suck a man 's house bare and seek another .", "Indeed the offence is theirs who hunted him ,", "\u2018 Tis I who should have been unmated now ;", "O , Gunnar smote me and had shame of me", "Steinvor , I have remembered the great veil ,", ", shaping the tissue with her shears . I need no witch to tell I am of rare seed , Nor measure my pride nor praise it . Do I not know ? Old women , ye are welcomed : sit with us , And while we stitch tell us what gossip runs \u2014 But if strife might be warmed by spreading it .", "Although it drives me too and is not my own deed ....", "To nourish all the fires that mingled me .", "Though men have sunk in me as in a quicksand .", "We must bide here , good Steinvor , and be quiet .", "That I shall put before this goodly Gunnar ?", "Not I : I 'd rather set the door wide open", "I have set men at him to show forth his might ;", "You gather poison in your mouth for me .", ", at the same time , her voice high over theirs . Pack , ye rag-heaps \u2014 or I 'll unravel you .", "For then they 'd swarm upon him from the roof .", "And shut me from this land until I died \u2014", "is motionless . Lad , she beckons . I say you shall not come .", "Be coming down outside like second darkness", "She throws the tissue on the ground , and goes out by the dais door .", "Walking among their dreams ? O , I have might ,", "Nay nay . Get thou , my Gunnar , to the loft ,", "He smote me upon the face ... indeed he smote me ....", "Bah \u2014 here 's a bleached assault ....", "By the great door : they cried about the night .", "She turns from ASTRID .", "Who could not enter at a gaping door .", "Without a man a woman cannot rule ,", "Leave him up there and he can bay both armies ,", "I am not long moved , I do not mar my face ,", "Keeping them back \u2014 shaming men for ever", "The woven cloud , the tissue of gold and garlands ,", "What are these women , Oddny ? Who let them in ?", "His honour and his following shall increase", "No matter ; I can start it with my teeth", "Because my man is greater ?", "Of malice too long undone , yet could not stir him .", "Ay , you shall join the mumping sisterhood", "What , are you there again ? Let Gunnar alone .", ", attacking them with the distaff . Into the night .... Dissolve ....", "I 'll find my shears and chop out waists and neck-holes ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["I know not why it is I must be fighting , For ever fighting , when the slaying of men Is a more weary and aimless thing to me Than most men think it ... and most women too . There is a woman here who grieves she loves me , And she too must be fighting me for ever With her dim ravenous unsated mind .... Ay , Hallgerd , there 's that in her which desires Men to fight on forever because she lives : When she took form she did it like a hunger To nibble earth 's lip away until the sea Poured down the darkness . Why then should I sail Upon a voyage that can end but here ? She means that I shall fight until I die : Why must she be put off by whittled years , When none can die until his time has come ? He turns to the hound by the fire . Samm , drowsy friend , dost scent a prey in dreams ? Shake off thy shag of sleep and get to thy watch : \u2018 Tis time to be our eyes till the next light . Out , out to the yard , good Samm . He goes to the left , followed by the hound . In the meantime HALLGERD has seated herself in the high-seat near the sewing-women , turning herself away and tugging at a strand of her hair , the end of which she bites .", "For they will never dare to close on me", ", as he ascends to the loft . O , spendthrift fire , do you waft up again ? Hallgerd , what riot of ruinous chance will sate you ?... Let the door stand , my mother : it is her way . He looks out of the casement . Here 's a red kirtle on the lower roof . He thrusts with the bill through the casement . A MAN 'S VOICE , far off . Is Gunnar within ?", "Get back and bolt the women into the bower .", ", dropping the bow and seizing his bill . Ay , Thorbrand , is it thou ? That 's a rare blade , To shear through hemp and gut .... Let your wife have it For snipping needle-yarn ; or try it again .", "One foot at once , or heaved a shoulder up \u2014", "Forth ? Whence ?", "Who are ye ? Whence come ye ? What do ye seek ?", "The head is twisted \u2014 I must cut it clear .", "To be first at our feast ,", "Get to the fire until she shall return .", "Well , you come .", ", laughing . Fierce woman , teach me to be brave in age , And let us see if it is safe for you . He leads RANNVEIG out , his hand on her shoulder ; the hound goes with them .", "Even by death thou warnest \u2014 but it is meant", "Hallgerd , I 'll ask no more from you , no more .", "Who race up the night", "goes out again to the left . The old women approach the young ones gradually . Little ones , do not doubt us . Could we hurt you ? Because we are ugly must we be bewitched ?", "I think no mother ever suckled you :", "And I 've not yet used upall my hands . As he thrusts another man rises a little farther back , and leaps past him into the loft . Others follow , and GUNNAR is soon surrounded by many armed men , so that only the rising and falling of his bill is seen . The threshing-floor is full .... Up , up , brain-biter ! We work too late to-night \u2014 up , open the husks . O , smite and pulse On their anvil heads : The smithy is full , There are shoes to be made For the hoofs of the steeds Of the Valkyr girls ....", ", shaking the bill again . Ay , brain-biter , waken ... Awake and whisper Out of the throat of dread thy one brief burden . Blind art thou , and thy kiss will do no choosing : Worn art thou to a hair 's grey edge , a nothing That slips through all it finds , seeking more nothing . There is a time , brain-biter , a time that comes When there shall be much quietness for thee : Men will be still about thee . I shall know . It is not yet : the wind shall hiss at thee first . Ahui ! Leap up , brain-biter ; sing again . Sing ! Sing thy verse of anger and feel my hands .", "Men treat thee sorely , Samm my fosterling :", "Yet saw no thin steel moving in the dark ?", ", thrusting at THORBRAND with the bill . I think it is : So you shall go before me in the dark . Wait for me when you find a quiet shelter .", ", thrusting with the bill . Then bide you there .", ", handling his bow . The wind has changed : \u2018 tis coming on to snow . The harvesters will hurry in to-morrow .", "Wife , here is something in my arm at last :", "Carry too many tales from stead to stead \u2014", "These women will tell the mistress all I grant you ;", "Nought but my life lies on it ;", "With immortal spears", "And sometimes heavier gear than breath and lies .", "RANNVEIG speak .", "Men are yonder .", "And borne a weapon of pride , has a proud heart", "The wise hound knew them , and knew them again .", ", entering by the same door . I like you when you bear your head so high ; Lift but your heart as high , you could get crowned And rule a kingdom of impossible things . You would have moon and sun to shine together , Snow-flakes to knit for apples on bare boughs , Yea , love to thrive upon the terms of hate . If I had fared abroad I should have found In many countries many marvels for you Though not more comeliness in peopled Romeborg And not more haughtiness in Mickligarth Nor craftiness in all the isles of the world , And only golden coifs in Athcliath : Yet you were ardent that I should not sail , And when I could not sail you laughed out loud And kissed me home ....", ", parrying the blows with the bill . Ay , Asbrand , thou as well ? Thy brother Thorbrand was up here but now : He has gone back the other way , maybe \u2014 Be hasty , or you 'll not come up with him . He thrusts with the bill : ASBRAND lifts a shield before the blow . Here 's the first shield that I have seen to-night . The bill pierces the shield : ASBRAND disappears and is heard to fall . GUNNAR turns from the casement . Hallgerd , my harp that had but one long string , But one low song , but one brief wingy flight , Is voiceless , for my bowstring is cut off . Sever two locks of hair for my sake now , Spoil those bright coils of power , give me your hair , And with my mother twist those locks together Into a bowstring for me . Fierce small head , Thy stinging tresses shall scourge men forth by me .", "First in the play", ", going to the weapons by the high-seat . There are not enough moments to get under That heavy fleece : an iron hat must serve ...."], "true_target": ["You must have dragged your roots up in waste places", "And do you , then , indeed wend alone ?", "To fight with honest men is worth much friendship :", "The baying is succeeded by one wild howl .", "If I can keep my bow bended and singing .", "Get in to the light .", "They have not come , they have gone .", "The Easterling from Sandgil might be dying \u2014 He has gone down the roof , yet no feet helped him . A shouting of many men is heard : GUNNAR starts back from the casement as several arrows fly in . Now there are black flies biting before a storm . I see men gathering beneath the cart-shed : Gizur the White and Geir the priest are there , And a lean whispering shape that should be Mord . I have a sting for some one \u2014 He looses an arrow : a distant cry follows . Valgard 's voice .... A shaft of theirs is lying on the roof : I 'll send it back , for if it should take root A hurt from their own spent and worthless weapon Would put a scorn upon their tale for ever . He leans out for the arrow .", "That feels upon the night for a way out .", "She goes her heart 's way , and I go to earth .", ", turning again to the weapons . \u2018 Tis good , for now I hear a foot that stumbles Along the stable-roof against the hall . My bow \u2014 where is my bow ? Here with its arrows .... Go in again , you women on the dais , And listen at the casement of the bower For men who cross the yard , and for their words .", "Ye wail like ravens and have no human thoughts . What do ye seek ? What will ye here with us ?", "Nay , nay !", "Yet the hound scented you like any evil", ", loosing the arrow . Hoia ! Swerve down upon them , little hawk . A shout follows . Now they run all together round one man : Now they murmur .... A VOICE . Close in , lift bows again : He has no shafts , for this is one of ours . Arrows fly in at the casement .", "They must be spies : yonder is news of them .", "Of the Valkyr girls", "Is made for hoarding , like all other gold :", "And asks not twice for any little thing .", "In deadly holes ....", "A spendthrift woman 's gold upon her head", "Like marshy breath or shadows on the wall ;", "Yea has he mouthed ye ? ... What men send ye here ?", "You appear by night , rising under my eyes", "That our two deaths will not be far apart .", ", outside . Samm , it is well : be still . Women , be quiet ; loose me ; get from my feet , Or I will set the hound to wipe me clear ....", "You shall go over , for tramping shameless women", "A grasping woman 's gold upon her head", "He lifts his bow and loosens arrows at intervals while HALLGERD and", "For the hoofs of the steeds", "I 'll strive with them again .", "You may bide here this night , but on the morrow", ", as he enters hastily from the left . Where are those women ? There 's some secret in them : I have heard such others crying down to them .", "I had a brother there . Brother , where are you ....", "Every man who has trod a war-ship 's deck ,", "Is made for spending on herself . Let be \u2014", "Nay but I entered there and passed them not . Mother , where are the women ?", ", lifting down the great bill from the wall . Let me but reach this haft , I shall get hold Of steel enough to fence me all about . He shakes the bill above his head : a deep resonant humming follows . The dais door is thrown open , and ODDNY , ASTRID , and STEINVOR stream through in their night-clothes .", "Came you from the West or the sky-covering North ,", "Stand clear , stand clear \u2014 it moves ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["All night among the mountains of the East ;", "Not ere the hour when night turns on itself", "My fair fierce girl , tell me your noble name .", "That Gunnar 's house may profit by his guesting :", "Among her mothers Brynhild , the lass of Odin ,", "Not in a litten house :", "When Sigmund , Gunnar 's kinsman , guested here .", "The bane of Fafnir the Worm , the end of the god-kings ;", "We have abided in the mountain places ,", "But that was to be looked for in a high one", "You lavished Gunnar 's treasure and gear on him", "Clouds of the cliffs come down my eyes again ....", "Come , trust me with your distaff ....", "Thou art a merciful man and we shall thank thee .", "Good Oddny , let me spin for you awhile ,", ", taking the distaff . Trust well the aged knowledge of my hands ; Thin and thin do I spin , and the thread draws finer . She sings as she spins . They go by three , And the moon shivers ; The tired waves flee , The hidden rivers Also flee . I take three strands ; There is one for her , One for my hands , And one to stir For another 's hands . I twine them thinner , The dead wool doubts ; The outer is inner , The core slips out ....", "I pray you let some thrall bring us to food .", "We enter many dales and many halls :", "And foam rides on the breakers as I was taught ....", "You were not grasping or ought but over warm", "Chanted our woes among the black rocks crouching ;", "Sweet voice , tell us , was that verily Gunnar ?", "Ay , Sigmund took your feuds on him and died", "Lady , we are hungered ; we were lost", "Now it is easy to be seeing what spoils you .", "His slayings and his fate outside the law .", "But wild and wandering and friends with the earth ?", "To draw him on , and did not call that thieving .", "I will crouch here . Tell us , was it Gunnar ?", "The maddener of swords , the night-clouds \u2019 rider .", "We walk about the whole old land at night ,"], "true_target": ["I am only a cowed curst woman who walks with death ;", "And mumble by the fire and blink ....", "Wander with us and learn to be old yet living .", "Would you not be proud to be no man 's purse-string ,", "Would you not shout to be riding in a storm ?", "Doomed and fey , my sisters .... We are too old ,", "Ah ... h , girls learnt riding well when I was a girl ,", ", as all three cower suddenly . Succour upon this terrible journeying . We have a message for a man in the West , Sent by an old man sitting in the East . We are spent , our feet are moving wounds , our bodies Dream of themselves and seem to trail behind us Because we went unfed down in the mountains . Feed us and shelter us beneath your roof , And put us over the Markfleet , over the channels . We are weak old women : we are beseeching you .", ", who spins through all that follows . Lady , the man of fame who is your man Gave us his peace to-night , and that of his house . We are blown beggars tramping about the land , Denied a home for our evil and vagrant hearts ; We sought this shelter when the first dew soaked us , And should have perished by the giant hound But Gunnar fought it with his eyes and saved us . That is a strange hound , with a man 's mind in it .", "We 'd win fine food with you to beg for us .", "He is a man .", "My fair fierce girl , you could fight \u2014 but can you ride ?", "She is a fair free lady , is she not ?", "Yet I 'd not marvel if we outlasted him .", "And shakes the silence : not while ye wake together .", "Now is all done ... all done ... and all your deed ! She broke the thread , and it shall not join again . Spindle , spindle , the coiling weft shall dwindle ; Leap on the fire and burn , for all is done .... She casts the spindle upon the fire , and stretches her hands toward it .", "Who counts among her fathers the bright Sigurd ,", "She has kept sweet that father 's lore of bird-speech ,", "Oddny , when you are old", "Why will his manhood urge him to be dead ?", "You followed him , you were too kind with him ,", "She wears that mother 's power to cheat a god .", "Arising in the East where no men dwell .", ", interrupting him . Out of the bosoms of cairns and standing stones . I am Biartey : she is Jofrid : she is Gudfinn : We are lone women known to no man now . We are not sent : we come .", "Not West , not North : we slept upon the East ,", "And everywhere is talk of Gunnar 's greatness ,", "As Gunnar shall . Men have much harm by you .", ", as the three rush toward the door . Sisters , away : Leave the woman to her smouldering beauty , Leave the fire that 's kinder than the woman , Leave the roof-tree ere it falls . It falls .", "Sisters , she does well to be proud ....", "Sisters , that is a fair fierce girl who spins ....", "The last ship has not gone : why will he tarry ?"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["joins her . Each time Hallgerd flags they turn as they chant , and point at her . We shall cry no more in the high rock-places , We are gone from the night , the winds and the clouds are empty : Soon the man in the West shall receive our message ."], "true_target": ["He he he ! No man speaks thus .", "joins her in a sing-song utterance . From the East , from the East we drove and the wind waved us , Over the heaths , over the barren ashes . We are old , our eyes are old , and the light hurts us , We have skins on our eyes that part alone to the star-light . We stumble about the night , the rocks tremble Beneath our trembling feet ; black sky thickens , Breaks into clots , and lets the moon upon us ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["No man , no man : he must be doomed somewhere ."], "true_target": [", starting up . Three men , three men , Three men have wived you , and for all you gave them Paid with three blows upon a cheek once kissed \u2014 To every man a blow \u2014 and the last blow All the land knows was won by thieving food .... Yea , Gunnar is ended by the theft and the thief . Is it not told that when you first grew tall , A false rare girl , Hrut your own kinsman said \u201c I know not whence thief 's eyes entered our blood . \u201d You have more ears , yet are you not my sister ? Our evil vagrant heart is deeper in you .", "joins her voice to the voices of the other two . Far from the men who fear us , men who stone us , Hiding , hiding , flying whene'er they slumber , High on the crags we pause , over the moon-gulfs ; Black clouds fall and leave us up in the moon-depths Where wind flaps our hair and cloaks like fin-webs , Ay , and our sleeves that toss with our arms and the cadence Of quavering crying among the threatening echoes . Then we spread our cloaks and leap down the rock-stairs , Sweeping the heaths with our skirts , greying the dew-bloom , Until we feel a pool on the wide dew stretches Stilled by the moon or ruffling like breast-feathers , And , with grey sleeves cheating the sleepy herons , Squat among them , pillow us there and sleep . But in the harder wastes we stand upright , Like splintered rain-worn boulders set to the wind In old confederacy , and rest and sleep ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": [", raising his sword . I must be getting back ere the snow thickens : So here 's my message to the end \u2014 or farther . Gunnar , this night it is time to start your journey And get you out of Iceland ...."], "true_target": ["sinks backward from the wall and is heard to fall farther . Immediately ASBRAND THORLEIKSSON starts up in his place ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["head rises above the wall near GUNNAR . What , are you there ?"], "true_target": ["head sinks : THORGEIR 'S rises in the same place . How many heads have you ?"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["Receive the blade", "It shall not be ."], "true_target": ["And wrench it round ....", "In the breast of a shield ,"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["The riders go down quickly over the wall-top , and disappear .", "Your words must be forgiven you , old mother ,", "For no man 's house was ever better by her .", "Home , home , before the dawn shows all our deed .", "Is not this Gunnar , Gunnar , whom we have slain ?", "To lie beneath a cairn that we shall raise .", ", an old white-bearded man , to the other riders . We have laid low to earth a mighty chief : We have laboured harder than on greater deeds , And maybe won remembrance by the deeds Of Gunnar when no deed of ours should live ; For this defence of his shall outlast kingdoms And gather him fame till there are no more men .", "He goes out ."], "true_target": ["Ay , drive her out ;", "We 'll never do it :", "enters from the left .", "For none has had a greater loss than yours .", "We ask that you will grant us earth hereby", "Why would he set himself against us all ....", "Let no man lift a blade or finger a clout \u2014", "Of Gunnar 's earth , for two men dead to-night"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["Come down and splinter those old birds his gods", "That perch upon the carven high-seat pillars ;"], "true_target": ["Rive out his gear , drive off his forfeit beasts .", "Wreck every place his shadow fell upon ,"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["FOR THE SUMMER OF 1900", "AND THE DEAR MEMORY OF"], "true_target": ["JAMES HAMILTON HAY", "AT CARTMEL"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["No moaning ladder 's and open doors \u2019 groped passing ,", "Dreaming a dew-dull wash of unborn moonlight", "And so she 's gotten shawls and shoes as well .", "To make it up , ay , and her two best shawls ,", "Under the roof-drip each to her stalling ;", "Our scapemell moods howe'er we prim our mouths .", ", continuing . Hey , here 's a woman ... Lib , did you tell the slatterns at Cherry-Close mill ? Nay , \u2018 tis some rag-bag sleeper under hedges ....", "Ere now I might have had him for myself .", "When I came in to milk soon after seven", "}", "If he would let her use a gown sometimes .", "And lest we startle at o'erhYpppHeNexpected footfalls", "I milked her last of all , and now my fetch", "A heifer has milk fever .", "One darned across the neck-place , one loom-new ;", "The song ceases in the distance .", ", BET and URSEL ascend the road to the left and enter the barn as NAN ceases singing . They are white-hooded , clumsily shod , gownless ; in the right hand NAN carries a willow frail , the others stoneware greybeards ; each holds several hay-rakes on her left shoulder .", "BET }", "I shall bide here till dawn", "From dove pairs far too wise to be asleep ,", "And through the wind 's drifting of leaves yet green", "Sometimes I hear a cooing up warm nights", ", approaching BET swiftly from behind and grasping her shoulder . Is the cow dead ?", "A very likely maid for her to know", "Into the empty meal-webbed granary .", "But mistress bides awake for no such music .", "All works with us ; for at the forenoon drinking", "Until this heat is past ; or they will grow", "In darkness sinkingly close as a bat 's coat ,", "Saying he 'd give me his wife 's milking coats", "Full udders crusht shagged thighs between", "Yet I 'd be very fain to see my man ....", "\u201c Hou , hou , \u201d neared the neatherd 's calling ....", "Yet more slob-cheeked and sodden and dough-limbed", "Had it been Mease he 'd not have chaffered kisses .... You know more now than you will learn to-night , You will wed more than all we see to-night \u2014 We shall win nought beyond a secret spice Of unclipt gossip in a tasty hour .... A loitering dull sound is heard of cart-wheels and horse-hooves out in the lane .", "Or with night-carried voices rouse the farm ,", "Keeps out the bats that flap toward pale shapes ,", "And then she bade Giles carry our gear and bedding", "He had to hire a wench for the first time", ", rigidly , her head having been long averted to the barn 's doorway . I hear my feet .", "I told him I would liefer have her shoes \u2014", "Nought could have fallen better ; now we have", ", as they set down their burdens to lean the rakes against the wall , where four flails are hung , on the left of the door . Nay , there is comfort in the rainy nights , The long moist twilights of the cider time When girls hold fitful talk sat in the press-spot Among the hid sweet apple heaps that gleam In firelight to a humming out of doors Of soddening water oozing down the soil ; And there is comfort too at Candlemas From looking through the casement in the dark , The last thing ere you chafe your toes in bed , On the crisp quiet of the woods and fields , Wondering if \u2018 tis snow or all the moonlight , Peering so anxiously along the wall That shades still ewes and whiter first-dropped lambs .... Ay , but I 'm tired , lasses , tired now Because the haysel 's over and \u2018 twas fair And the land 's savour wears me with delight . I 'm for indoors and resting \u2014 and , beside , I 'm fainest of my supper o \u2019 baking days .", "And we should keep her without more sitting up ....", "Then at each hiring she stayed on for less ,", "I heard dame Stir-Wench mutter \u201c These kesh-pithed lasses", "Throughout the holiest of the mothering year .", "That frightened him so well he stammered off .", "And childless ; both stock and land are his :", "By moon-estranged eyes in gradual darkness .", "URSEL } Kitchen and Dairy Girls .", "How have I parted ?... Where am I in deed ?... What of me is unseen ?... Go .... The woman having disappeared to the left , still opening her arms to NAN , NAN turns and totters to the door 's edge on that side ; thence she feels her way supportedly along the door , but when she comes to its end she slides to her knees ; after moving a little farther so , she sinks forward on her face and crawls blindly toward URSEL 'S feet . At the fall URSEL 'S hands drop ; she reaches to NAN , kneels by her , feels her heart and hands , holds her own hand before NAN 'S mouth and nostrils ; then with one swift movement she loosens her own raiment nearly to her waist , and , lying against NAN , clasps her in her arms and gathers her into her bosom .", "I must .", "I own through love ?", "Maudlin and Lib will warn us by dove-cooings \u2014"], "true_target": [", continuing . O , Ursly , where have I gone ? I have lost myself , for I was here but now .... She remembers and shakes . Dear soul , what did you see ?", "No stocking feet need pad the dairy flags ;", "Till in the third year 's end he wedded her ;", "Only a silverly weathered latchless board", "Have you left Lib and Maudlin hiding somewhere ;", "Dusked seemed the eve as the cows trod in", "I never saw maids look more like green sickness . \u201d", "I missed a savoury chance , for he is old", "Or do they home by now ?", "The neat-house door is open on her stall", "Nay .", "A heifer has milk fever . There is a silence .", "Quick-Pattens", "But Sib had heard ; she drew him with her eyes ,", "He said the deathly loosening was pinched", "The dark damp closeness of the garret thatch ,", ", turning her head and calling . Ursel , Ursel , She 's from the farm \u2014 our granary has been searched ; For see , she wears my old plum petticoat \u2014 Come , let us strip her and pen her in a sty ... But ... I have on my old plum petticoat ... And how can she come from the farm when she goes to the farm ?...", "As cows will do to helpless dying things ....", "Were warm to my hands in the chill air 's palling ;", "Might image that ... although we should not see her ....", ", leaning out toward her with her hands pressed over her heart . Her unapparent features make me feel How others must feel my face .... The droop of her skirt Is creeping on my hips .... I have watched my feet Draw sideways so .... Her shadow is long like mine About the bosom ... I wish I could touch her hair \u2014 I know so well the tingle and smell of my hair ... Is this a fetch ? She reaches forward as if she would follow , until she is in the middle of the road ; the woman passes from , sight to the right . NAN 'S body loosens ; she turns confusedly to the barn and sees URSEL 'S face pale in the shade .", "And said she 'd go for three pounds and the shawls", "Why did you shrink from me ?", "To MAUDLIN .", "That nigh their heads leans low upon the floor ,", "Why will she care to watch with us to-night ?", ", sinking back faintly in URSEL 'S arms . Does ... it return and ... call ?...", "I look so deeply that I cannot see ... I cannot listen for it for listening .... There is a long silence which pulses slowly with half-caught heavy breaths and slight restless rustlings of the hay in which the women seem motionless .", "But how came Bet near Mease up in the corn-spot ?", "holds out her arms to her ; again she draws away from NAN . Nannie , I cannot help it ... I cannot help it .... There 's more than this world in you , and I know not What you might do to me past your own will : You have seen your fetch and are not one of us , For we know not your being 's dim half-conditions ... And maybe if you touch ought that has life You make it that your fetch can take it too \u2014 So died the heifer .... Or maybe your least touch Draws life from others to win you a few hours ; Or you are of the dead , and call folk to them Through sympathy of the senses \u2019 understanding .... Poor Nannie ... O , poor Nannie ... O , poor Nannie .... She sobs loudly , stooping to wipe her eyes with her petticoat-hem .", "And in the barn make happiness till dawn .", "To see if ... I return and go out ... out ....", "When Gib at Hornbeam-Shallows lost his wife", "And if she knows the need o \u2019 the staple loose", "The consciousness of death .... Though that be all , It is too much : even if this fetch abides Unnumbered years ere I see it depart , Yet all is made unsure and I may sink Before I have felt half I need to feel . I must make every passion in myself , Have each emotion of my wilful sowing \u2014 The pain of sap , the pain of bud and bloom , Of hard green fruit sun-bruised to thick gold juice , The pain of the sharp kernel in the pulp, The pain of orderly corruption too \u2014 Of the withdrawing sap , of the sick falling Into long grass beneath the rain-soaked boughs , Of gentle decomposing for small roots ; So that if death 's the end , the true completion , I could believe myself fulfilled and ripe , A sufferer of the topmost joy and grief , And past the need of any eternity ... O , I desire old age , because old age Has more capacity , more ways of joy .... Her sobs hide her words . URSEL leads her to the hay and seats her among it again and herself by her , putting her arms about her and drawing her head down upon her bosom .", "And waits to let us into the large night", "And offered me four pounds for the half year ,", "MAUDLIN }", "MEASE , a Cowherd .", "Even ere she rounded must have been a likely ,", "ROGER , a Carter .", "Has milked her too ; will ... it ... take all from me", "We shall see nought but what is in our thoughts .", "Nay , I 'll not meet it \u2014 perhaps it is not mine ... I will not know aforetime to despoil The gradual joy of waking to a man \u2014 I will not lose one feeling of dear change , Or slur it by being conscious of the next .... Yet even then love should be marvellous As the surprise of secret lights expected ... O , if I meet some one I do not want .... Come , maids , join hands and let us go together \u2014 Still , we might make too sure .... When NAN is across the threshold the others huddle back . The steps come nearer . In the road beyond NAN a woman appears quietly from the left ; so far as it is possible to see , her features and array are the counterpart of NAN 'S .", ", numbly . I must be going to die .... I cannot feel so ... There 's nought I want to do when I am dead ... She is silent a moment , then seems startled into sobbing . O , Ursel , Ursel , I cannot let me die ....", "Shall sleep no longer three-a-bed beneath", ", as they all seat themselves by MAUDLIN . Could any watch you as you slipped away ?", "Yet \u2014 the other cows pushed in and nosed her", "Here in the barn , where we may crouch un-thought-of", "And the large stillness of her weary eyes", "Ay , if I had gone quietly to him", "And at next Martimas hiring came to me", "LIB }", "Was it my fetch ?", "And hints the pool out in the yard beyond"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["Her ears are well tied up beneath her night-cap ,", "And if the body may not be made fruitful", "From a cold house whence it shall lead a soul ;", "To feel which should be wedded within the year ;", "A stifled cry from BET is heard from the neat-house .", "And touch behind the hive-house shadow-hung ....", "The milk-eyed goodies with grey loose-skinned throats ,", "And let our brief days yield their sweetness up .", "But , when we hear her bed-stocks creak and know", "Tiptoe I over-reach the joy of it", "We feel uneasily yet willingly", ", taking her in her arms . I saw what you saw .", "Or ... or ... too many hinds might creep to be", "Although the Summer is but newly kindled ,", "Down the long pocket of her petticoat ,", "Because I tremble lest it be slipping past me", "A tolerance of affection more remote", "Than strait denial ; and such maternity", ", in alarm . I had forgot the beast ; will Mease sleep with her ?", "And watch it as immortals ; and consider", "Folk say a fetch is seen at its departing", "They waked in some lone shade far from all sleepers", "And shows where we may greaten for its sake .", "Each thing that happens may happen to us too ,", "But this comes like a child-birth closing in ,", "To know our own duration ; we must touch", "Comes into us and makes us live it swiftly", "So straightway to the granary Mease she sped", "Peering unseen as breath is in June nights .", "Each lovesome thing lest it or we should fade ,", "Of trees or sheep , songs or some man or woman ,", "Nan .... O , Nan .... The two lie quite still ; the stirred dust settles on them slowly and greyly in the moonlight .", "And we are cheated by each grief unsuffered \u2014", "Are ours by love , for all that we must leave", "My soul creeps in me like the low pale night-mist", "Small is our chance of watching now ....", "Then a near comprehension that is love", "There 's bowl and bucket rinsing to be done ,", "Down in the lane where , wisping the close trees ,", "The spirit chooses its own fruitfulness :", "\u2018 Tis life 's beginning ; we perceive the earth", "Effectual perfection of ripe life ;", "And go down into it and nestle to it", "All that we miss is happening in others ,", "Under our breath , and hither they steal this eve .", "September , O , September 's in the song \u2014", "Thoughts shaping for their women 's heedless souls ,", "Defeatedly before its larger thought :", "Lass , do not make us speak , or we may miss it ....", "Because we grow aware that we must leave", "We can grow old so quickly in our souls ....", "The earth and all the darling ways of it", "Be neither meek nor eager in your toil ,", "But think not to connect it with ourselves \u2014", "Numbly we measure ourselves by all we see ,", "The longer shall we hold the house from sleep ;", "Lie dim along the bed , and never whisper ;", "Who maunder of rarer girlhoods none can prove ,", "Shakes us one day and nothing is the same ,", "Maudlin at Grassgarth , Lib at Appletoft", ", shivering . Hush , do not laugh ; it creeps up in the roof , And drips on us again like the thick water Through the black pulpy thatch-leak in November .... That laugh sounded as lonely as one flail .... There is a silence .", ", in alarm . Nan , do not go ....", "We knew we must not tell you ere the hour ,", "I think it was a fetch .", ", while seeking to still her . Let us turn home to bed : we shall not sleep ; But once we 're stripped we can relax our bodies , Lying past thought for misery till insight Returns again and brings us the proportion Of all ... and us ....", "To rake behind the last dim cart ; and now", "How others are in us , and so we creep", ", in a low voice . I bade them hide until we came .... Lib ... Maudlin ...."], "true_target": ["Seek the pale hollyhocks across the garden", "Do nought but cast your shoes \u2014 there 's but one wall", "The year 's sad luscious over-ripening .", "Between her chamber and the granary \u2014", "To oil the lock and drive a staple in .", "Others are feeling all we yearn to feel ,", "And if we will not let ourselves forget", "Surely such dainties rilled no cow-slow eyes ;", "Beside , the longer we do loiter here", "Out slip Bet 's staple and ourselves as well .", "Such is the consciousness of death \u2014 ah , such", "Mam Patch-Waist counts more eggs than four \u2014 she knows", "We shall not hear it slowly any more", "It follows us like a mournful sound of change .", "Spring wenches \u2019 whifts let loose to sniff the night ;", "The ending of so much deliciousness ,", "Insists that every love in earth shall feed it ,", "Must joy for me be ever in things gone ?...", "Before my eagerness will let me feel it .", "How love has wrung us we pass through it with them ....", "Then , though we hear the lock shoot and her steps", "Hush , \u2018 tis Bet 's voice .... After a brief interval filled with slight sounds , BET appears in the neat-house doorway ; she peeps before her until she sees the two women in the hay .", "Old age must sit and wait as we must wait ...", ", continuing . What , Roger , Mease .... Why bring you not the cart and top the mow , To feel in each limb 's ebb hay harvest 's spent ?", "Our bodies \u2019 possibilities and times ,", ",", "Until she drives us off to bed unwashed .", "Hush , Nan \u2014 here come the lads .... They lift their burdens , and stand aside for the cart to enter the barn ; but as it comes in sight it passes along the road from the left to the right . It is piled with a roped load of hay ; ROGER and MEASE , in long smocks and flapping hats , knee-breeches and ribbed stockings , accompany it , ROGER leading the horse , MEASE holding to the shelvings behind with one hand and with the other slanting several hay-forks and a scythe against his shoulder .", "Or Mother Dish-Clout in our gust will read", "Listen , Bet ; no cool sheets are yours to-night .", "Some deed afoot ; we 'll wrangle sluggishly", "Their own drowsed leering loutish prophecies .", ", laughing with NAN . Ay , Bet 's the market woman , to be sure .", "The consciousness of death that breaks in all .", "We find ourselves in others and thus learn", "But Nan and I mean watching and have bid", "Death , which we think a deeply moving thing", "And knows her own , seeing her own alone ,", "I will not have September in my heart ,", "Must be made yours ; mayhap this is the way .", "Tell that at midnight on Midsummer-Eves", "The very joy that lights ourselves for us", "So sure we are all 's possible to us .", "And if a maid will watch she sees her own", "For the year 's unknown husbands \u2019 images", ", in a hushed voice . If all your days are used Your fetch can meet you at the neat-house door \u2014 Ah , stay , for Nan will need us when ... that goes ....", "Ah , wonder , joy , of contact that enlarges", "Yet here 's the haysel done with : how it hurt", "To know that in a moment past this moment", "We stand outside the process of the earth", "Come , maids , we 'd best get in ere mistress seeks us \u2014", "Until the searching quiver of contact reaches", "To large experiences we could not think \u2014", "When love has come maternity must follow ,", "Waits not for any bearing through the body \u2014", "And so perchance it does but signify", "One utters a love-call and no answer comes ,", "One suffers motherhood within one 's heart", "And supper to set out if we would eat it .", "Come then like swoons from some where ... ay , from some where ....", ",", "To keep it from the unsafety of ignorance", "And makes us conscious where we can be lovesome ;", "Sink down the out-stair as she dips the key", "And gathers life for us to nourish ....", "Of cold unconscious children who can render", "Lest we should miss some thing . So that one love", "Yea , ever we interrogate decay"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["So that the curled leaves finger on the panes", "Where is this moon-swayed peeping , then , to be ,", ", overcoming her tears gradually . We fled from here When ... when ... and reached the neat-yard ere we knew ; We climbed the knoll and passed behind the barn ; Then through the corn land , dew-wet to our hearts , We beat the thick rye down that choked our feet Amid its shaggy sighing stilly weight , Until the cottages at Damson-Closes Hung o'er us like a dark broody-winged hen We shunned the watcher 's light where the old woman Waits for her death , and dripped into the lane Soft as cast shadows .... Ever all feared to speak : Yet I went with the others through lost fields , Straining to see the thing we prayed to miss , Because I knew I dared not near the homestead ; Until I felt that neither should I dare A more remote returning by myself \u2014 When , loitering unnoticed by those trances , I sought even you rather than be alone .", "And sharp nights make her yield our loft again", "The codlin tree that o'er each moonset stretches", "Because she finds us cuddled on its threshold .", "Gib says young wives are better worth their fodder", "That I must feign to be content with one ?", ", in an undertone of wonder . Why are their coats alike ?", "When Sib would hire a lass Gib said his other", "Am I so old or wistful to be ringed", "Let all times slip to haste the barley week ,", "For then our nearest dancing-time will ripen ...", "I need to speak , but what I have forgotten ....", ", shrinking from her touch . Nannie , the cow is dead .", "With such a goodly woman in the yard ;", ", in a low eager tone . Ursel , Ursel .... URSEL rises and goes toward her . The cow has died ... in the dark .... When I returned but now by the yard door I missed the boust and groped into her stall \u2014 And did not know until I heaved and spread Up a flat softness that went sick beneath me With long stiff shakings , while her unearned wind Broke far within , then slid against my cheek ... I could have borne it if she had been cold ; But she was nearly cold , so that I felt A thread-thin warmth I could not stay nor make ...", "A creeping spider-shadow on the gable", "Made cow-teats horny ; then at Whitsun hiring", "Do I feel something ? Do we feel something growing ?... Quiet steps are heard to shift the lane 's pebbles . The women look sharply at each other , start soundlessly to their feet and lean toward the door ; they move forward half eagerly , yet each seeks to put the others before her , so that as they near the door > NAN poises unwillingly foremost ; when the light catches their faces they seem about to laugh .", "Nan must surely see more than that to-night .", "Mothering , mothering , mothering \u2014 Cannot we find our lives except that way ? The moon seems to be high over the mist now , for there is light everywhere outside ; so that , on peering into the night , it is with surprise all is found obscure and not easily definable or detachable amid the faint daze of light that feigns to illumine the valley . The women have become only black shapes upon the square litten patch which is the doorway surrounded by the blackness of the barn . A dog howls somewhere far away .", ", LIB , and MAUDLIN hurry and crowd into the mistal unheedingly . Meanwhile the woman has passed from left to right along the road , turning always to NAN and holding out her arms to her .", "I should not wait three years for any man ....", "And herds us to an outhouse . Girls , those apples", "To drive the cart and take a side of thatch ....", "To learn which one it is , Nanikin sly .", "Will all be basketed before their time ,", "Aa \u2014 h ....", "And he had ringed her but to save her wage :"], "true_target": ["But stopped him soon , saying that men 's hands", ", continuing . Lib ... Lib ... is she asleep or dead ?", "Hid in a wheat stook till she fell asleep ?", "When midnight winds are sturdy enough to lift it ;", "Than worn ones . Truly she has a gown sometimes ,", "So now she has to herd and fork and winnow ,", "To pick much grass seed from my smock and coats .", "It is weight-arched against our garret window ,", "I 'll miss nought here , although you count me least .", "Dare we lie still , inside the dark , and wait In such suppression for such unknown things ? As BET speaks they leave the barn to the right ; NAN resumes her song faintly and more faintly .", "He says the other 's gear will last her days .", "At first he sent the hind to milk for her ,", "But I 'm for bed to get me doffed and stripped", "Fills out its fruit weeks earlier this year ,", "I did not shrink from you ; what need is there ?", "He let him go , grutching it was waste", "Had done without for seven and thirty years ,", "Was it not Lib who was dew-drenched last harvest ,", "And the one bough with apples onion-roped", "Mam Pantry knows and fears bare orchard-shelves", ", in a low tone . Come through the neat-house ere we too see ours \u2014 Ursel , come ... come ....", "Dove-cooing Lib will be a thing to brood on \u2014", "Mease for two kisses left the staple loose .", "She said green sickness but she meant green apples .", "For she goes ever in an old woman 's wear \u2014", "Mouths , even as eyes , were made to earn our wills .", "Ere threshing heaps the granary once more", "Nay , she might die ... I saw a cow die once : She tried to turn her head across her shoulder And looked at me as if \u2018 twas all my doing , Then laid it down again with a straight throat ... I fear for that old wrong I never did .... A deep-voiced woman is heard making low dove-sounds . Comes Lib .... They rise to meet the newcomer , but draw back half in laughter , half in uneasy amazement as she appears to the left . She is stockinged and shod , but her topmost apparel is nightgown and nightcap .", ", wildly . Again .... Wherever shall I go alone ?... She tugs her cap-strings loose and her cap over her eyes ; she breathes so deeply that her trembling is heard by her breath as she fumbles her way into the mistal . The quiet steps are heard again ; as NAN approaches the threshold the woman reappears to the right and passes down the lane to the left , always holding out her arms to NAN , whose arms hang tensely at her sides while her fingers twitch at her petticoat as she holds back and back from meeting the embrace . URSEL tries to go to NAN , but she cannot trail her feet after her nor draw down her hands that cover her face .", "Is one the mended ladder will not reach ;", "This blest eavesdropping on a mood of fate ?"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": [", as they go into the mistal together . Surely there was ; But the girls say she 'll make it wait till harvest . I never hired to any stead before Where last year 's cider trickled into June .... All is soundless again save for the cow 's moaning . The twilight deepens no farther , and presently its dead gold brownness becomes cooler in tone ; the mist , which had been merged in the nightfall 's dimness , imperceptibly becomes apparent again , being suffused by an oozing of silveriness through the pervading brownness ; moon-rise is evident , although the moon is hidden by the permeating mist which it fills . Perhaps a crying of bats is heard , but this is not certain . An owl cries somewhere \u2014 probably from one of the gable-holes , for it sounds both inside and outside at once ; after many tentative Tu-whits it launches a full Tu-whoo and swings out far and low across the valley : a chirping of frogs begins in the nearest ditches . A closer sound stills all these , being evidently that of a woman 's voice feigning dove-notes ; it ceases , light cautious hurried steps are heard ; it sounds again , Maudlin slips round the door corner to the left and enters the barn . She is white-capped , her gown skirt is bunched about her waist , her bodice sleeves are turned back beyond her elbows .", ", halting . As we trailed up from Pear-tree Dale past Sheep-mires Under a thick dew-breath we seemed to steal As \u2018 tween chill bed-clothes in December nights ; Into the load it soaked two fingers \u2019 length , So now we needs must throw it off and spread it To wait to-morrow 's sun out in the yard Ere it is ripe to top the sweating stack ."], "true_target": ["turns into the barn with MEASE 'S bundle of hay-forks , and lays them in the empty cart as he sings . I get no sleep in lambing nights , My woman gets no sleep ; We fold the ewes if we sniff a thaw , And when they yean as we crouch i \u2019 their straw She takes the lambs by our horn-fogged lights While I do handle the sheep . Footsteps are heard within the neat-house .", "and MEASE go forward with the horse and cart up the road to the right .", ", calling through the neat-house door . Is the sick beast grown easier by now ?"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["Drink the mulled cider you are going to make .", "Moreover , we are wetter than the crop ;"], "true_target": ["To take our smocks and dry them off while we", "Wherefore be homing , russet-apple-faces ,", ", entering from the neat-house . Poor Dapple-Back , milk fever 's bad on her . \u2018 Twas her first calf and though \u2018 twas smoothly dropped She could not gather , but heaped a shapeless flank Like a maid swooning ; when the farrier came \u201c She 'll die , she 'll die , \u201d he said . \u201c She 'll not , \u201d said I : But nothing served at first \u2014 her slackened fell Dried hard and never any sweat would stir , The udder turned a dull and shivering white ; Yet now her ears twitch up to greet my voice , The hide-hair moistens and the udder shrinks . There 'll be no need to wake with her to-night \u2014 I 'll not unwrap her till an hour ere dawn . Come through and look at her as we wend in .... When you got up the cider for the meadows Was there a butt still left ?"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["There is a long silence .", "What is the moaning through that little door ?", "Women , what does it see ? They say dogs howl when someone 's fetch goes by .", "It threads the mind ....", "Nan ... Ursel ... Nan ... Lib ... Appletoft Lib , hast come ? There 's no one here \u2014 I wish they might forget And sleep , and let me feel a little lonely . I need much loneliness wherein to suckle The sadness that alone can bring content : I am too burdened by long laughing days , And as I wavered through this solemn vapour Of the worn earth , the comfort-smelling earth , Where unexpected trees rose wearily And sank again like ashen-bosomed sighs , I felt a new , delighting mournfulness That made me know where I am sensitive To the deep things of life ; even the late Maybloom , That stays the tiring Spring in this strange valley , Loses its too self-conscious hope to-night \u2014 The pink would fain be white , and the spent white Still fog and sink to the moon and make an end . I must be much alone in sorrowful nights . I should have ease if Summer would but go , Its green-lit glory fail ; I am so eager For overgrown too-mellowness loth to pass , For dripping trees o'er soft decaying grass , Bare orchards and shorn meadows and stripped gardens , Brown cloudy woods that drooping mists make taller About washed fields and muffled hills , subduing All to a low remote romance and charm .... Yet soon with other maids I may behold A change that comes to snirp these buds in me .... She lays herself on her back among the tumbled hay ; soon she sings in a low voice . Fetch the porridge pot hither to me , The porridge pot and the dairy key , And bring me a clout to wind my hair Or the swarming bees will tangle there : They drip from the hive in the orchard long , And coil the green-cherried boughs among As they follow the tanking tune I ring Under the cherry leaves \u2019 shivering .... They settle , they knit \u2014 come Ailce with the skep \u2014 Step along , Mistyhead \u2014 Smearycap , step \u2014 Steady it while I draw the bough Warily down and shake it .... Now .... After a little silence she resumes . The maids went down to dip in the pool When the mirrored moon had cooled the water ; But they never told the farmer 's daughter , For they knew she would tell her mother , the fool , That the girls were out And awaking the water , With never a clout Though the night was cool . She hums the latter melody a little while . Without premonition URSEL , NAN and BET enter singly and noiselessly from the right , each holding a hand of the one before her . They are hoodless , white-capped , and barelegged now .", "So secretly , why life can leak such whiteness ,", "Our lambs and three fat beasts must take the road", "And all we feel and see must alter it", "So I said I would sleep along the settle", "None smelt me , but I must start home by three ....", "Girls , she did that quite calmly : ere he would take ,", "And if we feel it change , and how in it", "O , do not speak to us , or we may miss it ....", "And set the hinds their drinking ere they trudge .", "Mab had to cover his eyes with a warm cloth ,", "I know , I know .... But we can shut our eyes \u2014", "The heifer ceased to moan a moment past \u2014"], "true_target": ["It seems as if it holds its breath to listen ....", "And even o \u2019 nights to wear her mother 's clothes .", "We sow hid things that never were in us \u2014", "Much strangeness comes in it :", "\u201c Here , lass , have mine ; I know , and you shall know . \u201d", "Ere dawn to reach the morrow 's far-off fair ;", "O she did cry , until the mother said", ", sitting up . Lib is not here : there 's no one nigh at all ; And in the lanes nought moves but squirrel whifts , Save that long gazing into the green darkness Seems to show boles half stirred by creeping light Amid the darker dark of trees impending .", "\u2018 Tis grave to suckle across the brood like that \u2014", "My fingers know just what they ought to do .", "Nay , fear would lift them \u2014 let us enter blindfold ;", "From white to white that seems but white to us ?", "I knew a woman and her daughter once", "I 've wondered what there is in me to gather", ", under her breath . My mother 's grandmam Saw her own fetch a week before she died ....", "Who went together .... The young one 's died ; she cried ,", ", rising eagerly . Let me look \u2014 I have not touched milk fever once , nor seen it ; I want to know what sense it can be like , I am made to know with what sick thought it takes them , To watch it wane and learn to handle it . Ah , let me feel her , Nan , dear Nannie ....", "Can it be that our thoughts go into it ,"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["That dog sounds from some low-set roadside farm ;", "He will so wonder how she has grown the mistress ....", "Before she is fit for kitchen toil again", ", in a low voice . Women have that .... Why are we thankful for a deal of trouble ?... My sister Jen was pleased and proud with herself ; And when her second obedience came to her She was well eased \u2014 but goody Slippy-Stockings , Who went for wisdom-dame , bore the hot jug Too brimmed when it was time to draw the milk .... They had to dry the milk , and it , being eager , Went the wrong way and oozed into her head : The little one died so soon . She lay there Sooing the oldest milking-croon of all \u2014 \u201c Baby calf-lips nuzzle not nigh you , \u2018 Tis my fingers firm that try you Knowingly ; Patch-Eye , Teaty , I 'll not wry you , Let your warm milk down to me .... \u201d Then she would wear her wedding gown all night , And in the orchard we could hear her sing Mall , go , gather a Posy \u2014 Lasses turn Grey \u2014 Wander , Wonder \u2014 and , Peg was clouting her Nightcaps ; She sank heavily to uneasy stillness , Then mooed a baby-noise ; till , the fourth dawn , She hollowed her arms gently across her body , \u201c Cold , cold , \u201d she said , and then \u201c Cover us up \u201d .... And she grew colder ....", ", entering the barn . Do I not seem the shadow of a husband ? Am I too late ? I could not choose my coming : \u2018 Tis churning day to-morrow , and nought would serve The old one but that we must scald the churn And wipe the cream-pots \u2019 lips and set them nigh Before we slept \u2014 she was so cross because One cow had broken , one cast before its time , Some hens had laid away , farmer had blamed her For standing over us to make us strip The cows too hard ; so she was queer with us . That kept us late from bed , and when at last Our fallen skirts were cooling on the floor I had to lay me down beside Ruth Until she slept ; for Candle-Face tells tales \u2014 \u2018 Twas she who lost us the low garden-chamber Where hang the dry sweet herbs , and earned instead One with a lattice up against the stars , By peaching of my clambering through the casement \u2018 Mid dropping plums that night I went somewhere ; But when I heard her wet mouth on the pillow I left her , stuffed my coats within my arm And out along the landing . As I neared The old one 's chamber-door a warped board chirped , My limbs went loose and motionless with fear ; On I slid again and down the stairs , And in the kitchen found I had no raiment . I dared not grope for it nor make a light ; So two unmended stockings on the settle , My shoes upon the hearth , were all I had : But in the warm night it was comforting To feel myself half indistinguishable From the grey , stirless oats I stood among , Or the evasive gleams and thinner places Of mist-lit woodlands , or from slim birch boles ; And when a woman met me by the brook I was so pale and slow she ran from me . The others laugh as they lead her to crouch with them in the hay . Why is there moaning through that little door ?", "What does it hear ? There is a short silence .", "Bobbed up a mouth all blackberry-stains to kiss ...", ", hastily and below her breath . Fetches and wraiths ... fetches and wraiths ... fetches and wraiths ... Peering about her . Is there no way from here ?", "Rubs up against the boust at milking-time ;"], "true_target": ["He lets her hair down every eve to spread it", "BET laughs .", "Ah , but Sib knows him : he does so fondle her ;", "We could not hear you for this listening ....", "Bidding her \u201c Stand over \u201d as when a cow", "To stint the widows , he would bend down as she", "While , when they gleaned their harvest fields by moonlight", "And feel the pleasure of the comb 's sleek goings ,", "Mayhap it is the husband-shapes a-coming ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["Wild dusky peacock-flashing sins they played ,", "At once to be a queen and be forgot ;", "Lost in the common light of righteousness . \u201d", "But queens clean-hearted leave us and grow less ,"], "true_target": ["From KING RENE 'S HONEYMOON : A MASQUE , Scene vii .", "\u201c And , O , perchance it is the fairest lot", "Behind the curtain a woman sings to the accompaniment of a harp and a bell . I WILL sing of the women who have borne rule , The severe , the swift , the beautiful ; I will praise their loftiness of mind That made them too wise to be true or kind ; I will sing of their calm injustice loved For the pride it fed and the power it proved . Once in Egypt a girl was queen Ashamed that her womanhood should be seen ; She wore a beard , she called herself king , She was uneasy with governing ; She believed a king was greater than she , So she found a king and his mastery . In Smyrna sits a queen to-night Who does not shine by another 's light ; She has laid her husband on time 's dust-heap , But for that she holds not her title cheap ; New radiance comes on woman by her , New force in woman is seen to stir . She has taken the land and the sea from men ; She has shewn men the power of their source again .... The curtain rises . A lofty chamber of mingled Hellenic and Asiatic architecture is seen . The walls are of black stone : on the right a portal toward the front of the stage is concealed by a curtain embroidered with parrots and Babylonian branch-work ; high and toward the back is a double window , with open cedar lattices , of an inner room : high in the opposed wall is a short arcade with a projecting gallery . An open colonnade extends across the rear wall at two-thirds of its height ; its pillars support the roof : the platform of this colonnade is accessible by an open stair recessed in the wall .", "For queens are oft remembered by the weighed"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["A passionate thirst within the eyes ;", "March 8th , 1909 .", "If the great crew could still express", "As those our pristine Summers poised", "Your rotund Jacobean name ;", "For country things and queens \u2019 mad tales", "What days could ever be so long", "For a fair theme I need not strive", "These quieter verses of your praise :", "First-comer of my friends , the years", "While manhood knows as boyhood knew", "J. FLETCHER", "The shrunken world imparts its fears ,", "Their hearts in their dim place of Fame ,", "Their bright slow-breaking tides unnoised ?", "Such fellows have not filled your days ,", "I have received from you ."], "true_target": ["As once at Globe or Mermaid-ales ,", "Its wonder joins us changelessly", "Most men their early power forget .", "Then Dials were new and came to stir", "O'er a charmed valley isled among", "But art stays true for us , and we", "So it is left for me to chime", "The joys of art , the joys of life ,", "Of poets unearthly wise .", "Your name stands here with mine .", "Each dawn was a discoverer", "But in this troublous newer time", "With love your liking they would greet", "And lines with sounding feet .", "Behold much friendship fade and set ;", "O RARE Ben Fletcher , oft I bless", "In it are steadfast : for a sign"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["Not in a day , but in a day and night :", "Ay , so .", "Your heart lifted , and I will keep you back .", "Then are you both completed and concluded .", "Into the place of ships , but not my guest :", "I purge one thought thereby and make repayment .", "Haretas the Pisidian shall go down", "You speak too loudly . Madam , you will remain :", "Sweetheart , little heart , noiseless and alert ?", "The women go out .", "Wherein your mother and such noble women", "With all you speechless ones to disarray me ,", "A pause .", "It has been said that some Ephesian men", "Arise , you humbled ones , jealous too long ;", ", who has entered noiselessly and come close behind DANAE . Ay , do you consort with mine enemies ?", ", starting up . Mysta , Mysta , my joy ! What have you there ? The thing a mother called Antiochus ? To RHODOGUNE . Do you not know your fellow and my hand ?", "Perhaps a word malicious , has crept here :", "I have done this \u2014 my cherished , still keep mine ....", "Bear to the columns and cast her forth to sea ,", "For he may sleep a little yet . Ay , so ....", "She shall have burial as one who ceases", "The women strip DANAE of all but her under-robe .", "Put your own on her . Give me the jewels : I wish to play with the jewels .", "I am learned and I need some graver pang \u2014", "Much unknown empires are attained in night \u2014", "Yes . And then ?", "She claps her hands : BARSINE , a Persian , enters .", "That is from Ephesus , not Antioch ....", "Is it because my heart is cold ? Men say it .", "You said you looked at him almost penitently .", "I am ever rich in your discerning service . Why came you by the sea ? She sees that SOPHRON 'S gaze is fixed on DANAE , who does not look at him . Girl , stand behind me .", "A pause .", "Does not the way by land still fit mine urgence ?", ", slipping an arm about her . Nay , Rose-Locks , calm thy heart ; I did but tease Thy mothering this lost child , kings \u2019 waif and surplus . Rare nurses his : the next will be the last : Some treachery will ever draw toward him . Rest you again upon the Persian couch , And I will sit with you and comfort you . Leading her to the divan . Do not forget the cherishing of a queen : I could not catch your Sophron for you , child .", "Safe with her suckling , in her suckling 's name ?", "A pause .", "And in the dawn , white hour of clearest thought ,", "If not to Babylon , yet far enough .", "I more withdrawn apart from my main kingdom ,", "In this barbaric land , this bright harsh dye-pot ,", "O , he goes out .... Dear , I am very cold .", "Since that dread night when Mysta stept not down", "They use my palace : examine those about you .", "Must be as Babylonish as her earth .", "Was I not made the Sister , natural wife ?", "Must I keep house in Smyrna still , my man ? Play queen in a corner harmlessly ?", "And hairy men of soiled uncertain hue ,", "Could higher estate persuade such disbelief ?", ", snatching the necklace roughly . \u2018 Tis well for you it did not strangle you When caught : but ye are all so envious yet . There , Danae , my hands shall finish you . A painted wonder this I have created \u2014 I am no better than the rest before it , And I will do my homage , knees and lips .", "Has surely turned from me too easily", "Till I can kneel and lay him in the dimmest ,", "No more ? Was there no more , my little one ?", "While uncle Egypt plucks my crown for it .", "To open your arms . Hold me and I will nestle ,", "Perhaps not Babylon , yet far enough .", "Peopled by camels and cynocephali", "Even at what point of my research in him", "Ah , well ... I am tired , and it is your dear turn", "The old brass coffer in my inner house \u2014", ", in a dull voice . She was as false as all the rest of you ; But she was brave . Remember that she died ; Be cowards still , and so be false and safe . She had a lulling hand .... Put me to sleep .", "To cheat me of the places that have known you .", "To make me drowsy \u2014 I must sleep some moments .", "She has been dying many moments now ,", "Tell me the common talk of Egypt 's plan ;", "Men ; bring me men and torches and sharp spears \u2014", "I can charm snakes and even pith their fangs .", "Yet such delight to lead him to your arms :", "That he has wiped the seas ... till you slip out .", "Lies in the nearness of wise and powerful men \u2014", "No ; larger cushions with no rough gold in stitchings .", "Make ready her precious body to be tangled", "To Antioch to sell herself in bondage", "I am uneasy now and should disturb you \u2014", "The climbing vine of gold up Shushan 's front ,", ", taking the child and scanning it . Let me read here : This is the mould , wrongly retouched and spent \u2014 It is his child and yet I have not known it .... Clasping it closely to her . I am the changeless mother of this race , And this a younger seed . By the opened womb I have decided being : and I decide . Much Asia has been spanned to leave it here , More Asia will be narrowed by her searchers ; Mysta might die next time . It must die . I reached my hand and took it to make sure My order and number of children still were true . I have looked on it \u2014 its purport is completed .", "And did I poison him , my Danae ?", "And you ?", "Tell me why Sophron fled , and what he knew .", "Perhaps I am cold with night \u2014 come down and warm me .", "That I had poisoned you three hours ago ,", "It is not novel : with a secret call", "She must have long , long quiet for her thoughts .", "There in the shadowed seat beyond the breeze .", "We 'll sail about the limit of the lands", "You have not time . These wait . Indicating the surrounding women .", "I will go down and take him back .... Hui ....", "Winds , bring to me a ship from Antioch .", "Let this strong captain be well feasted now", "Lie still . A silence .", "A pause .", "Briefly interrupted by casual suns .", ", peeping behind the veil . Bound so beneath the eyes ? Show slipper-tips ? Indeed you are ended , Danae , and shall part . Farewell ! Farewell ! Fare delicately ! Fare swiftly ! Will you go down by Ephesus , my rose ; Or all the sea ?", ", watching DANAE . Make ready fragrantly and freshly Chamber for Sophron next to that of Smerdis . Then send Smerdis with knives and drugs to me .", "I have required you here because a word ,", "Where Berenice buys , that she may nurse", "Indeed , my Danae , it is not so .", "As once for famous high Leontion ,", "May I so still you ? Then you shall to sea .", "Knot elbows too , and lift her to the columns .", "I am sending you to such a farther country ,", "What are you watching like a larger cat ,", "Ho , are we dropping roses all the time ?", "Ay , Sophron , fall on him .", "Conversed with poets and heroes in lit groves ,", "Have bartered for my town with Ptolemy \u2014", ", clapping her hands . It is the hour , and you shall launch to-night . Women , women , come hither every woman . The faces disappear from the upper windows : eleven women appear on the colonnade , some from each side , and descend the stair rapidly . Get to your knees about us \u2014 both knees . Stand up , my Danae , be overbearing . Women , when any woman has a kingdom And is a regnant being , does it not suit That in the disposition of her state Women should figure her and power afar ? This kingdom I control has thrones of cities , So many that I , when I would sit therein , Must cast my shadow there : and chief of these Is Babylon the nest of bygone things . \u2018 Tis to that Babylon I now appoint My bosom 's clasp , my Danae , for satrap ; She shall oppress among dead queens and gods , Keep house where sheer dominion walks , command Enamelled palaces with copper roofs , Pillars with gardens for their pediments \u2014 Staircase for Anakim in Babylon : And when ye are as dear to me as she Ye shall advance upon such larger ways .", "But in true Asia", "You are good enough to obey me on bare feet .", "In clotted skeins of her affiliate province .", "I must make sure that you will lie quite still :", "It is my custom .", "Though Berenice sits in Antioch", "I poison by a motion of the heart .", "You must shut up your port , let out no ship ;", "Great ladies must live veiled ; they are too choice"], "true_target": ["I have ached by watching ships that were not yours . Were you in Sophron 's vessel ? Did he know ?", "For foreign casual sight .", "What do men say ?", "I am taken with an inward shivering :", "That philosophic courtesan your mother .", "Keep off : I must unloose them ,", "Worn by such royal girls of Babylon ;", "And , more than all , a ship of Antioch .", "Then Ptolemy shall be more sure each night", "Conceive the night , my Danae , the night \u2014", "Yes , but my dainty cannot dance all day \u2014", "Find me a ship , ships ; dark ones , strange ones .", "Aha , Mysta .", ", leaping to her . Unwind , dishevel , give it up to me . Clapping her hands . Let there be lights above : I must see closely . If I embrace you I shall touch it too . A woman hangs a lamp from long chains over the gallery on the left , then withdraws . After a moment she passes along the colonnade from left to right and disappears . A moment later she leans from the latticed windows on the right to light two lamps suspended from the roof to a point immediately below her . The lights are such that , when the twilight has gone , the figures of the persons are more definite than their features , and the upper part of the chamber is almost unlit . In the meantime Mysta has continued .", "I must have ships , so find them , little heart ;", ", holding up a sleeve . Can it be so ? Pure Greeks conceive not slavery of sleeves .", "The herb ....?", "And leave the amount of kingdoms to my boy ,", "And what device to handle Ptolemy", "If I had done so I should here avouch", "Danae , pile me cushions and hollow them \u2014", "Where she shall be my satrap of the darkness .", "Ay , but the disposition is in the seed ;", "The tide will take you not until more day ,", "Not even sandals ?", "You are not mine : this earth shall not contain you .", "Bid this Ephesian governor to me .", "He is found treasonous , and must be undone .", "I had well-nigh forgotten to appoint", "Is in your friendly mind .", "The gems , the flower-striped silks , the mousse-lines", "Tell even where your thoughts are following him .", ", slowly . I have not need of rinds and lees to-night ; Come , take these out and burn them .", "Surely .... It is sure .", "And life subtled ? Have you not longed for them ?", "Yes , yes ; but rapture , for your mind severe ,", "In a strange ship , unfriended on the deeps .", "That is quite well . He has no years for you ;", "I need you to cast gums upon the censer", "Baffled from drainage of the unended East .", "But , O , you have so tumbled your hair to cull it \u2014", "O , storax .", "When something in you fades and alters so ....", "How should I do without you so many hours ?", "Are there Egyptians seen in Ephesus ?", "There is the disbelief .", "And see you disbelieve \u2014 begin to believe .", "Until you reach the river of Babylon .", "I like your mind . Also , I have considered", "One softer for his head \u2014 now hold it there", "The cedar palaces of Ecbatana ,", "Sophron a chamber .", "Do you drop me a sleepy kiss , maiden , my rare one ?", ", severing DANAE 'S bonds with her dagger , then rending away her veil and upper garments . Your rigid mortal bonds , ... Your isolating veil , ... Your scarf of earthly flowers , ... Your robe that once was royal , ... Your chill , worn-out simarre , Slide as the world slides .... Put off your useless shoes To enter a holy place .... Get to your high estate .", "Her love is more than yours , for she had crept", "I am awaiting now too many things", "It is the natural state of being and space ,", "Yea , very well . Whereto did Sophron flee ?", "Something as unsuspected as to tell you", "Ha .... Yes .... And did you speak with any such ?", "In winy webs of my embroidering \u2014", "Take off her Greekish marks of my poor service ,", "A valuable heir of all the lands .", "Let be ; but tell me of his quietest scheme .", "And thence your restlessness would chafe me more .", "How could she keep him ? Needing me he turned :", "BE silent now ; I let you sing too much .", ", a Queen of the Seleucid House in Asia . DANAE , MYSTA , RHODOGUNE , BARSINE , and other Waiting-Women . Three Women-Musicians . SOPHRON , Seleucid Governor of Ephesus . In Smyrna . B. C . 246 .", "And then , indeed , there was no more at all ?", ", pointing at the FOURTH WOMAN . Thrust her down , you .", "Several of the women hastily untie their sandals .", "Will murmur for you to hear along your neck .", "Nay , go not now ; be my great guest this night .", "Was it not best for him to die still needing me", "Did he not change me for a daughter of Egypt", "I need more counsel from you for my deeds .", "Come hither , kneel , and I will bind it up .", "What shall we do to-morrow , Danae ?", "Or \u2014 no \u2014 a purple suits his temper best ;", "One night can be a very proper length .", "Entrust your ring to this , and she will bear it .", "Which can make fruitful even stones and virgins ;", "I could not do it \u2014 then await a sign .", "She laved her body daily in Nile water ,", ", turning her head and looking up at DANAE suddenly . Why do you tremble , girl ? There 's nought to fear . As she begins to speak DANAE 'S hair is shaken loose ; a rose falls from it and breaks on LAODICE 'S shoulder . LAODICE laughs and plays with the petals , continuing without pause .", "Why do they so consider me the cause ?", "And send a slave to him for him to rule .", "Him ?", "It soon brought forth the mud 's accustomed spawn ,", "Do you know any of these ? Do they live ?", "I could unmake the stars to ensure darkness ,", "I have turned snakes upon such things before .", "Silk , silky silk so delicious to finger .... Rose I held ; ruby-glows ; then dark hair in my hands .... Nay , I am hot ; I burn ; stay there and fan me .... Dear , do not cease at all . To SOPHRON . Well , my captain ?", "We come to the necklace .", "So rare a satrap as we do devise", "She sweeps out followed by BARSINE .", "It shall be mine again ere Danae 's advent .... Danae , sister of pearls , do I displease you ?", "You trifle to gain moments .", "O friend , I do reproach you , for your gay heart", ", to the SECOND WOMAN . You white-faced marvel , body of straight lines , Give me your necklace dropt inside your chiton .", "A boat to cut the Centaur 's rudder-ropes \u2014", "The child for Berenice \u2014 and for me ,", "The women laugh .", "Your sandal-thongs :", "O , do you not remember nights of Athens", "Built well about with marbles and clear skies ,", "Ay , so .", "To bear this fret of waiting till you end", "And I can think again . Be quietly gone .", "You shall not watch me like a prim wise cat .", "Barsine , now disburden of its store", "Tie up these arms and bind these feet together ;", "Is that hoarse dashing how the surge receives her ?", "Have you not dreamed that I did poison her ?", "Away from this shrunk mummy of live earth .", "Robed with a satrapy , crowned by an isle ?", "Mysta shall need my ritual bath and wardrobe ; Serve me by delicate sleep . Mysta must go . She kisses MYSTA and leads her to the portal . MYSTA goes out passively ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["As LAODICE claps her hands BARSINE hurries in breathlessly .", "Madam , I have searched well ; yet until now", "The seedling draws its venom from the earth \u2014", "Is something darker , swifter than the sea ....", "Trust them ever to do their will with me .", "An ocean-threatening centaur for its prow .", "I have given him to mine enemies . She 'll not kill him .", "Now a great ship with tawny sails comes on ,", "Madam , you mock me ; I have passed from him .", "A VOICE , from within the cedar lattice .", "Let us descend upon the sea to-morrow ,", "She takes a letter from her bunchy hair ....", "Madam , I will go .", "He said he did .", "I had him soon . And then I tired of him .", "To lean a cheek against in burning noons ;", "obeys . Why came you by the sea ?", "Ah , yes .... When he would never look at me", "An unseen smoky glare is mirrored now ....", "descends and reclines by LAODICE . Haughty and passive and obedient , May not my queen 's bosom receive your head ? When I worked empery in Ephesus That Sophron , governor \u2014 did he not love you ?", "Ditizele \u2014", "I went to him at night in a slave 's skirt ,", "Storax alone , or juniper ?", "Then pay me for my spent devotion first .", ", standing in her under-garment . Gather your jewels .", "\u2018 Tis the earth 's natural need for such event .", "His wincing mind , until he stooped to me .", "The Queen is smouldering again to-night ,", "No deep-sea ship has passed the promontory ;", "In his choice corner \u2014 where she bit his lip ,", "Let me go loose , and I will go indeed", "Your Parthian has a witch of snakes for you \u2014", "She descends the stair slowly .", "I did not want him : he is better gone .", "Does uncouth things delicious to the senses .", "I have not seen him since . We left that city . You have my faith . You know I am all yours .", "Let not these spittly weeds close in and choke me ;", "She hangs lit snakes of sea-weed down her bosom ;", "It is unwise to let men be too sure ,", "Babble no more to me \u2014 I must be watching .", "Nearing the shore by now .", "I do not know .", "Steep in her wine the herb that makes insane \u2014", "As the cold perils sober her to pallor .", "And for that reason I hung up my silks", "Maybe ....", "There was no more of Sophron afterward ....", "Permeant as my pulse veiled by your cheek .", "Ay , Sophron , get you gone \u2014 I am whole again ;", "Because you poisoned him at Ephesus", "Save for the waters \u2019 converse just beneath ,", "The viscous plant that grows i \u2019 your chamber :", "Give me one kiss .", "Put her away in a safe place till morning \u2014", "Danae .", "again shakes her head , but more eagerly .", "And mixt untamed with hers , for you to read", "Will make us tie her up with her own serpents ....", ", wailing . Ah ... Ah ... I sickened with the secret thing , The too faint sound that crept about my neck .", "LAODICE yawns .", "goes to a recess in the wall near the portal , and takes out a painted bowl . She pours grains from it slowly upon the brazier ; brief cloudy flames illumine her face . Did the Silk-People shape that bowl ?", "But you did not .", "Although I looked at him almost penitently ....", "Tell out your purpose , though I wreck by it .", "They say you fled to Sardis and to Smyrna"], "true_target": ["Ah , I am yours .... You have not doomed me yet .", "Strange longer serpents shall be swiftly snared", ", faintly . What is the end , ah me !", "You must be kept in life .... Down there , down there", "Who is it calls me ?", "Sophron !", "She laughs and leans over , holding the pillar .", "I am here .", "Then let her laughing teeth take light of moon .", "Yet I have loved you .", "I felt I could not live outside his arms .", "Rule your own kingdom by your cedarn barge :", "You hold the physician Smerdis in more favour .", "To make an end of conflicts and of burdens .", ", obeying . Lady , I coiled it carelessly .... Indeed Such ministration is my precious pardon .", "Madam , I know you not \u2014 when must I leave you ?", "Your heart is warm to me .", "Fair mistress , I can dance for you to-morrow .", "You bade them sing to make one moment brief .", "Her gaping and ridiculous tragedy", ", to LAODICE . Yet I have served you well .", "As far as your desire \u2014 serving you yet .", "Queen with the wells of night for human eyes ,", "With my rare private unguent , and concealed her", "Now I must waken and repent my dreams :", "And heard his feet when a room echoed .", "I could burn up the world like this to-night ,", "I watch a girl sway slightly , near the tide ,", "O , Sophron , out by the land ! Nay , he knows more \u2014 And she , and she ; watch-towers divide this earth , Horses go here ; and he may save a ship . She draws aside the curtain to look beyond . May women 's skirts impede you , ravening queen . She ascends swiftly to the colonnade : a starry night shows her form dimly . Fishers \u2019 small lights , be drenched \u2014 you show too much At height of settling gulls above the water .... Ah ... h , nothing , nothing . Something will not happen , And let this life go on again . Nothing . Yet ... yet ... the air is beating on my temples As though a rabble murmured beyond hearing .", "looks at SOPHRON and shakes her head .", "About the border of your Persian mantle ?", "I said he did .", "You mean that I am poisoned after all .", "I am the Queen 's indeed . Is she yet mine ?", "I am the Queen 's \u2014 and O , farewell , farewell .", "Sophron , your bare grand neck 's a tawny pillar", "The sea is suddenly empty \u2014 and all places .", "O , what is this you do ? I am lost in it . A WOMAN . But how ? The duplicate queen holds Babylon .", "So much in one rapt day ? The days of life can never compass that .", "ceases fanning without LAODICE heeding .", "And , if she sees your epileptic mummer ,", "I know him not : I never knew his mind . Several women appear dimly at the latticed windows and the gallery .", "We will recline together , hushed as here \u2014", "Antiochus the God , your king and spouse .", "The queen has spoilt my rose \u2014 throw me a young one . A rosebud falls from the lattice : DANAE sets it in her hair . Thanks , dear .... She has put up my hair awry \u2014 It will remind her she put up my hair . She shakes down her hair and knots it again , holding the rose-stalk in her mouth until she can replace it . These Asiatic nights ruin the hair , Their humid heat puts out its inner lights \u2014 Mine waves with gleams no more than manes of Iran .... Now she has left the shore \u2014 now she will set Her feet upon the stairs like setting-of teeth .... The child cries a little once : DANAE goes to it . O , baby , the old silence of palaces Is settling on you steadily . Your crying Is shut within \u2014 and shall be farther enclosed . One light small cry shows all so much too quiet .", "Your house shall be the firmer by your sentence . She takes the sleeping child in her arms , and mounts the stair quickly .", "On a swart Nabataean , having smeared her", "disappears while the FOURTH WOMAN stealthily mounts the stair . LAODICE has thrown herself on the divan , with her back to the colonnade . To-morrow will be soon . To-morrow I will sit with men in council , And muster men to leaguer Ephesus . These fretting hens , these women , burden me \u2014 I know their eyes too well ; let them keep hid . To-morrow I will walk upon the harbour , And board my ships and see them manned and ready \u2014 No , no , I will not step toward the sea ....", "Which fingers mixed the poison ? See , I kiss them ,", "As if rehearsing dance-steps in her heart ;", "Undrape these silk and Asiatic jeers ;", "That was his boat : he is gone .... Sophron , Sophron !", "How tiny a girl looks under these deep rocks ....", "Your careless eyes look deeplier than you know ;", "And by humiliating actions soothed", ", pausing by a column . The common run of men make small account Of high religion ; and they are very right . I saved my lover , and I now receive This recognition from the Powers who still Dispose of us : Laodice killed hers , And she is held deserving of all that honour .", "Must I go out ?", "Dear lady , surely .", "This is a rare one and , if she is drunken ,", "lets the contents of the bowl slide into the brazier ; a shaft of flame flares high , she averts her face .", "opens her mouth as if to speak \u2014 the flames fall as she holds the bowl poised motionlessly .", "Thereon he made too sure of me too soon :", "Then shall I wing the bright and silken birds", "There is no poison in a poppy-seed ;", ", in a low voice . O , what are you doing ?"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["Madam , the governor of Ephesus", "Her lair could well be traced by emptied streets .", "Shall I not bring her for the Queen to use ,", "Who loves delights like dangers come too near ?", "Like wine-cups \u2019 lines of light , black rubies \u2019 gleams .", "goes out . LAODICE lays a hand on DANAE 'S heart . It is now twilight . SOPHRON enters .", "While in the night they circle and streak for answer", "enters .", ", outside . She-dog , come back and you shall have but whips . A dirty woman runs in , bearing a bundle within her ragged robe ; RHODOGUNE follows her .", "retires .", "You are not the Queen , although the Queen 's plaything ;", "goes toward her ."], "true_target": ["A praise of poisonous snakes and the fools of wine ,", "That follow her as freshets a drowned body ,", "Madam , must I go down ?", "Deign not your high commandments unto us .", "Where is the Queen ?", "Comes newly from the harbour to your will .", "I have a drunken woman with nine snakes", "Danae , are you here ?", "She is too drunk to speak , but sings the better", "She goes out .", "Then lift wise sibilant heads in guardian swaying ;", ", a Parthian waiting-woman , enters ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": [", in stupefaction . Slip ... out ?", "Yes , all these cities of men , take hands with us .", "Graciousness , yours : let me but stay my seamen .", "There 's but a common fear of Egypt 's secret .", "The coast is safer here than at Ephesus ,", "You shall have men 's minds searched in Ephesus .", "There are none known : such could not sell past me .", "Queen , am I swift enough to your commanding ?", "We cannot meet him yet unless the cities ,"], "true_target": ["Lady ... the sea ?...", "There is no need : I know them to be clean .", "Madam ,", ", eagerly . Yes , yes : These things shall be , and you shall not complain .", "None since the aged men who mummied the king .", "Retreat on Sardis safer and more ready .", "To search the straits for masts of Ptolemy .", "The seas were void of alien keels to-night .", "Your safety 's urgence made it seem most good"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["The pointed citron shoes .", "In the horn sphere : press on the metal hands .", "Curves on the head , no heavier than your hand ....", "Coils chime upon the ankles \u2014 the East walks slowly .", "Round to the temples , so : this drops upon the brow ....", "Yes , but it is lacking .", "But none was hoarded .", "And widening muffling sleeves .", "goes out . Put out your hand , young princess , dip your hand Among these herded common indiscretions , And gratefully they 'll mouth it . Nay , I 'll lead you .", "enters , her arms heaped with robes : LAODICE fingers them . These are your pretties . Greeks know not how to use Layers of denial \u2014 you Persian , can you say ?", "Hang hidy in the hair . I will unbind"], "true_target": ["That breast of gold \u2014 pierced roses , diamond dew \u2014", "Sophron \u2014 none can find him ; he has gone .", ", veiling DANAE . This is the veil .", "The strings of golden tears and yellow stones", ", attiring DANAE in the new garments . These silken trousers tied above the knees , Yet falling to the feet , are first .", "Then this brocady robe with fan-flung train", "and SOPHRON go out . LAODICE nods to herself . I saw his ring : it was a new green scarab .", "There needs a shawl like gardens for a girdle ,", "Queen , Queen ....", "Your lady 's locks and shew you .", "And now this inner gown shrinks close ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["Touch not my hair ; \u2018 tis foul from many ships .", "Come back merely to boast and make display", "How lusty a baby grows in careful hands ,", "I am dry nurse to the undoubted queen ,", "Come , take us out and burn us ."], "true_target": ["Nay , we are but harbour-drift from Antioch :", "It could be hid for ever : let it live .", "I was the handmaid of a displaced queen ;", "holds out the child to her . \u2018 Twas warm and quiet so long . Let it live .", "She did not trust me soon to tend her child , Returning oft like the uneasy cat : When I had slipt these rags on it and me I herded with night-women by the shore . Ere there , I passed a rift in palaces , Moment of empty street and Berenice Marching with hunger in her bright fixed eyes , Champing her golden chain \u2014 one hand on it Tugged her mouth downward \u2014 one hand smote a spear Upon the stones as she stepped on and on Toward the house of Caeneus your known friend . They spied the harbour ; I must leave by land ; Then was some tale of fishers , trading sloops : Sophron knows not the thief like a fierce mother Whose hard feet last left ship at Ephesus \u2014 Where Ptolemy is looked for eagerly . As she speaks LAODICE has drawn a scarf from her shoulders , twisted it and strained it in her hands ; it tears and she throws it down .", "How noble I to carry a living king ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["Madam , remember me when you are mighty .", ", sobbing in the corner near the stair . My necklace Save my dear gems !"], "true_target": ["O , do you see it ? I cannot let it go \u2014", "It was my sister 's , and she is dead since .... Ah ... h ..."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["Joy \u2014 but wherewith , O Light ?"], "true_target": ["Not Babylon by sea !"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": [", kneeling to bind DANAE 'S feet . Forget not me to heel , my mighty lady .", "It is the old recession of the waves ;"], "true_target": ["No pallor could emerge . There is no sound .", ", from the colonnade . She is not here . She falls .", "The rocks are bare . No movement could be seen ;"], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": [", as LAODICE speaks . Ai ! Ai ! Is she down ? Not yet .... I cannot see .... No one can see ."], "true_target": ["The child ; she has the child ."], "play_index": 8, "act_index": 8}, {"query": ["And perishes , as life on life burns through .", "Wildfires of tempest and league-scouring snows ,", "Squat chimneystack , hither and thither blown ,", "And ghosts of reivers gather in the gloom", "Squareset and stark to every blast that blows ,", "It bears the brunt of time , withstands anew", "\u201c From one generation to another .\u201d"], "true_target": ["Dour and unshaken by any mortal doom ,", "Yet , was it built by patient human hands :", "About it , muttering , when the lych-owls scream .", "The reek of human fires still floats in air ,", "And bedded it secure ; and from the square", ":", "Timeless , unstirred by any mortal dream :", "Hands , that have long been dust , chiselled each stone ,"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 9}, {"query": [":", "My eyes , and other people \u2019 s tongues , in those days :", "I \u2019 m old and broken : you \u2019 ve broken me , among you .", "The red-haired girl had lived at Krindlesyke ,", "To egg them on against me . Peter went first :", "Your sons .", "If you \u2019 ll not go for my sake , go for Jim \u2019 s . If you were fond ...", "Ah , God : they \u2019 re at the door ! As she speaks , JIM and PH\u0152BE BARRASFORD enter , talking and laughing . JUDITH ELLERSHAW shrinks into the shadow behind the door , while they come between her and the settle on which EZRA is nursing the baby unseen . ELIZA stands dazed in the middle of the room .", "First Peter came : it snowed the night he came \u2014", "But , think of her , the bride , and her home-coming .", "Come , give the bairn to me . Come , woman , come !", "Jim and ... To think it \u2019 s you !", "Though they only cling till they can stand alone .", "The rushing and the music and the dazzle .", "But yours is not a son . If I \u2019 d only had", ":", "And died at forty ,", "I \u2019 ve kept the hard road , daughter , forty-year :", "Another woman doing her work , finoodling", "Will search the marrow . Jim will have his hands full ,", "Buzzing like fury : but he never blinked \u2014", ":", ":", ":", "The coil and cumber ! If I could have left one son ,", "Her head like a young blood-mare , that \u2019 s mettlesome", "Since I took them from your mother \u2014 things some woman \u2019 s", "In the candleshine against the wet black glass ,", "In that sort . Jim \u2019 s well shot of her ; he \u2019 ll not", "With another woman in the house . Needs must", "Flogging them senseless , till their little bodies", "Ay , tongues cut deeper than any fang can bite ,", "Steady east wind to teach some folk ; and then", ":", "Nay , God forbid ! At least , I \u2019 m spared that bildert .", "Past mending ; while your father was sixty-nine", "Have saved me little : they \u2019 ve never seen to the bottom", ":", "How little \u2014 I , who \u2019 ve dwelt this forty-year", "I thought I \u2019 d got by heart each turn and twist", ":", "They \u2019 re overdried to profit by their learning .", "Yes , I was young , and agape", "I \u2019 ll go . \u2019 Twas cruel to leave them in this heat ,", "Dare say , we \u2019 ll manage :", "Sore-rankling wounds .", "And she \u2019 s the true heart , Ph\u0153be , true as death ,", "You \u2019 ve still a tongue , though with a difference :", "Likely , you \u2019 re hungry , and could do with a bite ?", "Here ? You \u2019 d not stay ?", "Come , husband : sup your tea , before it \u2019 s cold :", "The ditch may be easier going , after all :", "I wasn \u2019 t minding money : I \u2019 d lost a son .", "An inch of shade . You harp on sight : but eyes", "Young , ay ! And you , as gallant as the stallion ,", "So that \u2019 s the last .", "The lass . She \u2019 d big cow-eyes : there \u2019 s little good", "Past \u2019 s past , with them .", "If he \u2019 d gone with Peter , they \u2019 d have tracked his hobnails ...", "Likely the new bride \u2014 though \u2019 twasn \u2019 t at the time", "To-day !", "Krindlesyke and its gear to its new mistress .", ":", "And they \u2019 ll be here ...", "Has slept the night at Krindlesyke . Forty-year ,", "At Krindlesyke .", "Kenspeckle in that clamjamfrey of copers .", "Big bumblebees ... I never felt such heat .", "And each the spit of the father that drove them wild ,", "It \u2019 s life , itself , she \u2019 s trying to escape ;", "Your mother died with patient , quizzical eyes ,", "And bairns , while we can hold them safe in our arms ,", "Only the mothers lose them : and all for nothing ,", "At half-past one : they \u2019 d walk it in two hours ,", "Ay , even though its mother ...", ":", "O God !", "With none but men ! They \u2019 ve kept me at it ; and now", "For company .", ":", "The snowflakes in my head \u2014 hot , stinging bees ...", "Dry flakes that stung my face like swarming bees ,", ":", "And now Jim ends ...", "Your precious hoard from your own flesh and blood .", "It wasn \u2019 t in the box \u2014", "Decent folk don \u2019 t keep open house for your sort", "His daffing \u2019 s likely fresh to her , though his jokes", "She may be different : she may hear them now :", ":", ":", "And cannot quit ... But , I \u2019 m getting old ...", "While I sit mum . But it takes forty years \u2019", "It \u2019 s ill work , calling names .", "The difference !", "Wedded , and settled down at Krindlesyke ,", "Yourself , I take it , won \u2019 t be over-eager", "Unless she \u2019 s used to menfolk and their ways ,", ":", "You lose but little : too well I ken", "Not quite :", "I \u2019 ll tell you all . You \u2019 ll never have the heart ...", "Peter , twelve-year since , that black Christmas Eve :", ":", "Come , hold your foolish tongue . You don \u2019 t know what you \u2019 re saying . Come , sit down .", "Using her oven , washing her cups and saucers ,", "You \u2019 re not going", "God kens ... And yet ...", "Like a vane , when the wind \u2019 s blown east so long , it \u2019 s clogged", ":", "A wedding , woman ?", "And stepping daintily down the lilylea .", "As you were braw .", ":", "They \u2019 d soon be home now .", "It \u2019 s heavy , traiking the fell-tracks with a baby :", "Ay , the braw birkie of that gairishon", "Before I crossed the threshold . I took my arles ,", "Your own bairn such , poor innocent . It \u2019 s not", "Perhaps , that makes it harder . I \u2019 ve got set", "I might ... But we must dree our weird . And yet ,", "It snowed that night ... The snowflakes buzz like bees", "Such heat : it smothers me : it \u2019 s like a nightmare ,", "Don \u2019 t talk of money now : I want to think .", "And Jim \u2014 yet she seemed fond enough of Jim :", "I \u2019 ve seen the day that lie \u2019 d have roused ... But now ,", "Another man to fool : they don \u2019 t come back :", ":", ":", "For good and all : he \u2019 s taken Peter \u2019 s road .", "As every mother thinks she knows her sons ,", "And where should I away to ?", ":", "Since your mother died . She barely outlived my coming ;", "Left in the old home to do his parents credit .", "But you must prate of weddings \u2014 you , and all !", ":", ":", ":", ":", "Through this world , and the next . The bit in her teeth ,", ":", "I noticed them : too heedless and new-fangled .", "Scrawled with a bit of writing in his hand :", "And never saw a grandchild . I wonder ... Yet ,", ":", ":", "A man ; and so ,", "And he \u2019 ll not see me till he gets new eyes", "To some : but Ph\u0153be \u2019 s not a fancicle tauntril ,", "No , no ; you \u2019 re dull , indeed . It \u2019 s Ph\u0153be Martin .", "Only , I cannot wake ... It snowed the night", "Things over that I \u2019 ve done over for forty-year ,", "The devil \u2019 s own ; and whatever \u2019 s gone from you ,", "When you wake with your head in the blankets , all asweat :", "My faith , you \u2019 ve got a memory like a milk-sile ! You \u2019 ve not forgotten Jim \u2019 s away to wed ? You \u2019 re not that dull .", "A dozen times in your life : and then , to come ,", "As a locket round your neck , if you \u2019 d have kept", ":", "But , don \u2019 t stand there . You \u2019 re looking pale and peaked .", "And you , too , son . Ay , we \u2019 re a faithless lot .", "Hear tell of her : that sort can always find", "The pity of it ! A maid blooms only once :", "I lost him , in a drift down Bloodysyke ...", ":", ":", "God forbid", "Nay , forty-year of Krindlesyke , and all !", ":", "Six sons , I had . My sons , you say . You \u2019 re right :", "Just wagged his head , swaying them , till they dropped ,", "Home , at all hazards , little realizing", "The three of us : but , she \u2019 s the stoniest bit", ":", "Whatever it may seem .", "And no one \u2019 s heard a word . I couldn \u2019 t thole", "I reckoned , little dreaming \u2014 and , least of all ,", "Likely ... It \u2019 s my turn now , and long in coming .", "Why she \u2019 d wed ...", "Why , that \u2019 s no way to hush the teelytoon .", "Judith , you ken .", "God kens where you \u2019 d be , if you \u2019 d not wed young .", ":", "As white and worn as an old table-cloth ,", "To do his parents credit , and carry on ...", "And they \u2019 ve been at it all the blessed day ,", "True enough ,", "The last of your sons to leave you . Jim \u2019 s gone now .", "I found a paper in the empty chest ,", "She died ; and since your mother was carried out ,", "A bairn \u2019 s a bairn \u2014", "Outwitted me . Six sons , and not one left ;", ":", ":", "Of all Jim \u2019 s stupid cunning : but even he \u2019 s", "Golden Italian queens ... My father spent", "Without a by-your-leave .", "The snaffle , till he \u2019 s tewed . I \u2019 ve kenned that look", "To-day , of all days , just when Jim ...", "When you talked of weddings , you \u2019 d hit the truth :", "And they still need the breast , make up for much :", "Shame on you , woman , to call", "Comes sore and difficult at my time of life .", "But now he \u2019 s settling down , happen I \u2019 ll see", "And had to do my darg . And another bride", "To stay and shame us , when you ken all .", "They \u2019 re noisy enough .", "There \u2019 s nothing else for it ."], "true_target": [":", "Carry them : only women are brought to bed :", "With ribboned tail and mane , that pranced to the crack", "That \u2019 s a kind of pride , and yet , not haughty \u2014 held", "There \u2019 ll be no holding her , though Jim may tug", "For mistress . But she flitted one fine night .", "I \u2019 ve not known the lass to lie ...", "Though bride and groom .", "But , who can ever tell why women marry ?", "I , too , was young , once , daughter .", "\u2019 Twas Judith I \u2019 d to share with : though Jim fancied", "And plodging deeper .", "This heat \u2019 s a judgment on me , pressing down", "In the hot , crowded darkness , dripping honey ...", "It \u2019 s Jim and Ph\u0153be \u2014", "Where \u2019 ve you sprung from ? It \u2019 s long since you \u2019 ve shown face", "That Peter went ...", "Calling ? Ay !", "Almost in spite of her .", "And Jim \u2019 s the lave . But he may settle down .", "Till the pains were on me ... And they buzzed like bees ,", "And so , without a complaint , and keeping her secrets ,", "With fingers itching to hansel new-fangled flerds .", "With none to water them . This heat \u2019 s a judgment .", "But I \u2019 m expecting company ; and you", "You fetched me from my home . If I \u2019 d but known", "You liked ... But come , I \u2019 ll set", ":", "I couldn \u2019 t quite make out . Hardly Jim \u2019 s sort ...", "In women \u2019 s eyes , and mares \u2019, though , with a difference .", "About the prickling thistles in my head \u2014", "Come !", "You \u2019 re growing duller every day . I said", "Nay , lass , you said ...", "Came home .", "The kist beneath the bed .", "When I went to make the bed .", "And now , another , wringing out my dishclout ,", "My head \u2019 s a skep of buzzing bees ; and I pant", "We \u2019 ve known the worst .", ":", "I spared her all I could . Ay , that was it :", "Ph\u0153be seemed different .", "For all I ken or care ,", ":", "I looked for them by this :", "You crack your gallows-jokes on your own sons \u2014", "Welcome ? I hardly know .", "His father \u2019 s son .", "I had no call to open it .", "Like an old ewe under a dyke , when the sun gives scarce", "Nettles don \u2019 t sting each other .", "If she \u2019 d turned up ,", "She couldn \u2019 t abide to watch me trying to spare her ,", "Who kens what a lass runs away from , crazed to quit", "Your chair outside , where you can feel the sun ;", "With cockering them and cursing them ; one moment ,", "To leave him , Ph\u0153be ? You cannot : you \u2019 re his wife ;", "Six sons \u2014 and only the youngest of the bunch", "I \u2019 ll show you how to handle babies . There !", "At jobs she \u2019 d do so smartly , tidying her hearth ,", "Can \u2019 t folk have scones and bannocks and singing-hinnies ,", "Aren \u2019 t everything : my sight \u2019 s a girl \u2019 s : and yet", "That forty-year . We \u2019 re out on the selfsame road ,", ":", "Come in , and rest a moment , if you \u2019 re tired .", "For menfolk have no children : only women", "One daughter ...", "There \u2019 s something in a young girl seems to work", "A feeding-storm of fisselling dry snow .", "For your wheedling flum , till it fleeched my self from me .", "A decent lass \u2014 though something in her eye ,", "Instead of me , this forty-year : and I \u2014", "Policemen throng", "Life , the same jobs and same jests over and over .", "Ay , but it \u2019 s time to bar the stable door .", ":", "Bairn \u2019 s bairns at Krindlesyke , before I die .", "I \u2019 ve come", "Young and daft .", "Ay \u2014", "Ay , Jim has gone ...", ":", "A sight of money on Italian queens :", "In these parts ; and we \u2019 d seen the last of you ,", "But you \u2019 ve still time ...", "Hardly a woman \u2019 s crossed the threshold , and none", "I lay and watched flakes fleetering out of the dark", "And I \u2019 m to set the peelers on my son ?", "All gone in bitterness \u2014 firstborn to reckling :", "Scouring her tables , redding up her rooms ,", "Ay , fairs have much to answer for .", "And yet , six lads have left you ,", "Was all ahum ; and I was fair betwattled ...", "And you \u2019 d a tongue to glaver a guff of a girl ,", "My sons , as well : though I lost my hold of each", "You cannot bide here long : I \u2019 m sorry , lass ;", ":", "To think what my life might have been , if only \u2014", "For there \u2019 s a kind of comfort in their clinging ,", "In time !", "I \u2019 ve not set eyes ...", "Against her better sense , and gives her up ,", ":", "Daughter , may you ...", "Nay , daughter , not till I learn The father \u2019 s name .", "Now it \u2019 s all edge .", "Fooling them to their bent , the moment after ,", "You , Judith Ellershaw ! I thought \u2019 twas Jim .", "Get used to it . Your mother found it strange ,", "Been doing at Krindlesyke since the first bride", "Are last week \u2019 s butter . Last week \u2019 s ! For forty-year", "Of my father \u2019 s whip , when first I saw you gaping ,", "And blinded me ... and buzzing , till my head", "The paper was in .", "Won Ph\u0153be Martin .", "Turning my household , likely , howthery-towthery ,", "\u2019 Twill need a wrench to shift my bent ; for change", "To seek me himself .\u201d", "Daughter ,", "Her father turned her out ,", "I caught my foot against the splintered lid ,", ":", "As on the day I came to Krindlesyke .", "Not a brass farthing .", "They were my sons : I bore and suckled them .", "Go , daughter , go . What ill-chance made you come to-day , of all days ?", ":", "Half-pitying , fixed on mine ; and dying , left", "Ay : likely enough .... Poor bairn , poor little bairn \u2014 It \u2019 s strange , but , as you snuggled to my breast , I could have fancied , a moment , \u2019 twas Jim I held In my arms again . I \u2019 m growing old and foolish , To have such fancies .", "And Jim ...", "All of a bunch , into an upturned skep ....", "He \u2019 s taken them with him too .", ":", "The heat this morning seems to suffocate me ,", "I couldn \u2019 t follow further : the snow closed in \u2014", "Nay : let her go . You \u2019 re young and hard : And I was hard , though far from young : I \u2019 ve long Been growing old ; though little I realized How old . And when you \u2019 re old , you don \u2019 t judge hardly : You ken things happen , in spite of us , willy-nilly . We think we \u2019 re safe , holding the reins ; and then In a flash the mare bolts ; and the wheels fly off ; And we \u2019 re lying , stunned , beneath the broken cart . So , let the lass go quietly ; and keep Your happiness . When you \u2019 re old , you \u2019 ll not let slip A chance of happiness so easily : There \u2019 s not so much of it going , to pick and choose : The apple \u2019 s speckled ; but it \u2019 s best to munch it , And get what relish out of it you can ; And , one day , you \u2019 ll be glad to chew the core : For all its bitterness , few chuck it from them , While they \u2019 ve a sense left that can savour aught . So , let the lass go . You may have the right To question her : but folk who stand on their rights Get little rest : they \u2019 re on a quaking moss Without a foothold ; and find themselves to the neck In Deadman \u2019 s Flow , before they \u2019 ve floundered far . Rights go for little , in this life : few are worth The risk of losing peace and quiet . You \u2019 ll have Plenty to worrit , and keep you wakeful , without A pillow stuffed with burrs and briars : so , take An old wife \u2019 s counsel , daughter : let well alone ; And don \u2019 t go gathering grievances . The lass ...", "Of menseless slubberdegullions : and I trusted", "Darned , washed , and ironed to a shred of cobweb ,", "Ay , we \u2019 re old .", "And there \u2019 s been little dazzle since , or music .", "Due east it \u2019 s blown", "Before he could finish himself , soak as he might .", "And Jim brings home his bride to-day . Even now ...", "The lass , at one time . He \u2019 s had many fancies :", "Of the blackness of men \u2019 s hearts . The very sons", "Ay : but Krindlesyke would be", "With naked hands . They swarmed on his beard , and hung ,", "To travel still \u2014 the bride just setting out ,", "It \u2019 s not worth while ... worth while . I \u2019 ve never felt", "Ay : that was it \u2014", "And going about my jobs in her own fashion ;", "Nature has more than enough to answer for .", "For he \u2019 d a way with bees . He \u2019 d handle them", "And past the minding . She \u2019 d the quietness", "\u2019 Twas whispered ; and he \u2019 s never named her , since :", "And rank , when I came to Krindlesyke , to find", "A muckheap-lie-on , with that cloffy slut", "It snowed again , the night he went .... In the smother", ":", "And hearken to the curlew ; and be the first", "Like moths about a lanthorn ... I lay and watched ,", "Light come , light go , it \u2019 s always been with Jim .", "Though now they only see skin-deep , those eyes", "Have been pitch night to me . We never learn .", ":", "Fifty golden bees \u2014", ":", "She \u2019 s only been here once before ; and now", "With dust , and cannot whisk with the chopping breeze .", ":", "Handling her treasures , and wearing out her gear .", "And then , that a man should ruin ... But , you \u2019 ve your bairn :", "Allendale way . Jim met her at Martinmas fair .", "And I , but little .", "Almost before he was off my lap , with you", ":", "I \u2019 ve tholed them , all twice-borrowed , from dad and granddad ,", "Ay , you \u2019 re Jim \u2019 s dad .", "\u201c Tell dad I \u2019 ve gone to look for his lost wits :", "And how should I ken where you \u2019 re bound for ? I thought you might be making home .", ":", "At any time . Your foot \u2019 s not dirtied that doorstone", "Then", "Ph\u0153be .", "Maybe : and yet , somehow ,", "Of my body , I reckoned to ken through and through ,", "It \u2019 s hard on three o \u2019 clock , and they \u2019 ll be home Before so very long now .", "On my brain like a redhot iron ...", "And only women labour : and , when they go ,", "The music and the dazzle in their heads :", "Round Krindlesyke , as bees about a thistle !", "Happen \u2019 twas on a roundabout that Jim", "To welcome Jim and Ph\u0153be as man and wife .", "I \u2019 d count the pens of a hanging hawk : yet my eyes", ":", "Comes now . They \u2019 ll soon be here : the train was due", "Nay , lass ! How could you bide ? They \u2019 ll soon ... But , you \u2019 ll not meet them , if you go ...", "Were one blue bruise .", "My head \u2019 s a hive of buzzing bees \u2014 bees buzzing", "And yet ,", "The key \u2014 you should have chained the kist , itself ,", "Marriage means little more than a new gown", "Jim \u2019 s bride \u2019 s to take the work from my hands , and do", "To blame for being a chance-bairn . Yet ... O Jim !", "Without a touch of vice . She \u2019 ll gan her gait", "And I was just as foolish", "She \u2019 ll be here all the time . I \u2019 ll find it strange"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 9}, {"query": ["But , you \u2019 re an early riser , and your tongue", "It \u2019 s nature .", "You \u2019 d got to be up betimes to get round Ezra :", "That he was straked and chested , the old dobby", "Some trapsing tatterwallops ,", "Your sons aren \u2019 t common thieves , I trust . And Jim", "Love at first sight !", "Though his forbears lifted a wheen Scots \u2019 beasts in their time \u2014", "A clatter all day now , with two women \u2019 s tongues ,", "And has slipped by his old dad without a word ?", "A nimble tongue to bandy words with mine .", "Within a week , if I ken aught of Jim .", "Betwixt one gimmer and another gimmer ,", "But crept away , like a wounded pheasant , to die", ":", "Some bletherskite he \u2019 s picked up in a ditch ,", "But I \u2019 ve never let another man laugh last .", "The old ewe \u2019 s got the staggers . Boodyankers !", "I couldn \u2019 t hear the curlew \u2014 not a note .", "His turn had come ; and he was cock of the midden ,", "But let the varmints off too easily :", "And you must fetch the peeler .", "But , where \u2019 s your daughter , Jim ? I want to hold", "Who \u2019 s there ? Not you ,", "Clack-clack against each other , in the house \u2014", "This countryside and you would still be strangers .", "Come , let me take it , daughter . I \u2019 ve never held", "You mean Jim \u2019 s gone for good ?", "Round a handsome lad , as wasps about a bunghole .", "Was right , you see . Though I be blind and deaf ,", "As I never heard in all my born days , never .", "Is always up before you , and with an edge ,", "In the hot pocket of a vagabond ,", "And yet she \u2019 s left me alone , to starve to death \u2014", "Jim \u2019 s little lass .", "And hitty-missy ways ; and she \u2019 d turn to ,", ":", "I never larruped enough ,", ":", "Likelier the tops have the spunk to run ramrace ;", "Some fond fligary flirtigig , clarty-fine ,", "In the countryside , is a useless bag of bones now .", "You \u2019 d never have clapped eyes on Krindlesyke :", "And scrambled , follow-my-leader , over the crag \u2019 s edge ,", "An arm like a bullock-walloper , and a fist", "Strung safely on a bootlace next my skin ?", "Gone out of it , and it \u2019 s turned to a shuffle , it \u2019 s still", "Ay , and hers , \u201c if ifs and ans !\u201d", "But I \u2019 m none certain she \u2019 d have seen it , either .", "And round and round we went \u2014 the music braying", "And all the hoggerels have turned lowpy-dyke ,", "But she was bonnie , when I saw her first ,", "And shoulder-high , packed snug in a varnished box .", "Cackling like guinea-fowl when a hawk \u2019 s in air !", "I \u2019 ve ever found them faithless , first and last .", "You cuddled up against me , snug and warm :", "We \u2019 ve hardly blown the froth off , and smacked our lips ,", "I told you to step out . What \u2019 s wrong ? What \u2019 s wrong ?", "And , at the worst , he \u2019 ll be no braxy carcase", "Whistling to heel : you came at the first \u201c Isca !\u201d", "The gawky \u2019 s gone for good ? He couldn \u2019 t leave ...", "Don \u2019 t you abuse my father . A man , he was \u2014", ":", ":", "\u2019 Twill take him all his time to catch her up :", "\u2019 Twas an ancient bird wouldn \u2019 t answer my call : and now", "And well they kenned their master . No tawse to chide ,", "Young carroty-pow must have been in a fine fantigue ,", "That morning at the fair \u2014 so fresh and pink .", "For all their crowing . The blind old bird \u2019 s still game .", "Your voice was a bird \u2019 s : but you laugh little now ;", "Your mother and I . Run , lad : there \u2019 s fifty-sovereign !", "I haven \u2019 t looked on her face for eleven-year :", "Where was the money ?", "My wits just failed me once , the day I married :", "And I must sit , tied to a chair , and hearken", "At farls and bannocks ; and her singing-hinnies", "May chivvy a blind kestrel . Ay , I \u2019 m old", "But now I \u2019 m old and sightless ; and any tit", "I wish he \u2019 d married Judith :", "Gives in , at last , to rheumatics and lumbago .", "He \u2019 d hirple it barefoot on the coals of hell ,", "As yours are like to be . She \u2019 d no habnab", ":", "A giggling red-haired besom ; and we were trysted", ":", "It \u2019 s safer fetching turnips than a wife .", ":", "Spanghew his jacket , when you \u2019 ve riped his pockets \u2014", "Like red-hot iron , clamping back and thighs .", "When he \u2019 s cold mutton . Ay , I \u2019 m losing grip ;", "Blabbering of heat and snow :", ":", "That \u2019 s brooding on her nest , while the red giglet \u2019 s", "Not one ; and Jim \u2019 s the lave of the clutch ; and he", "But , he \u2019 s a rum dad ...", "Till I find him , brizzling on the coals of hell .", "Pink as a dog-rose were your plump cheeks then :", "Are the curlew calling ?", "You \u2019 re wambling like a wallydraigling waywand .", "I \u2019 d spent last hiring with another wench ,", "But not one \u2019 s made me granddad , to my knowledge :", "No fonder of his glass than a man should be .", "Unblunted by the dewfall , and as busy", "She kenned I could do nothing for myself :", "Though I \u2019 d have sworn I heard the old wife waigling ,", "A thief to catch a thief ! He \u2019 s lifted all :", "He \u2019 d travelled a donkey \u2019 s gallop , though he skelped along", "The heels of that damned thief , hot-foot for the gallows ,", "I \u2019 m going watty . My mind \u2019 s so set on dogging", "She chattered enough , before she went \u2014 such havers !", ":", "And weak \u2014 so waffly in arms and shanks , that now", "Was good to think on of a nippy morning :", "Play tiggy round his shanks and nibble his toes ;", "While my hard-earned sovereigns lie snug and warm", "How could you open it , when I \u2019 d the key", "Come , pull yourself together ; and step lively .", "And no mistake , the nickering , red-haired baggage .", "Before the parson had time to read the prayers .", "Will flaffer about my lugs like channering peesweeps ,", "Cut peats for that hearth \u2019 s kindling . Set alow ,", "That shock of flame a shrivelled , grizzled wisp", "And Jim \u2019 s ...", "Was hot , and I \u2019 d a relish \u2014 such a relish !", "Had put himself outside of all his money \u2014", "It \u2019 s not for naught I \u2019 ve tended ewes and lambs ,", "For this old carcase , once counted the best herd \u2019 s", "Might prove gey ill to live with ; ay , and a swarm", "They must be minded : sheep can \u2019 t tend themselves .", "I \u2019 ll warrant . Well , these days , the lads are like", "I hear his footsteps echoing in my head .", "Though little pink about you now , I \u2019 d fancy .", "Eyes or no eyes , I \u2019 ll break", "I \u2019 ll have him , bibbering on his bended knees", "That can do nothing but baa and baa and baa .", "Though she was merry , she \u2019 d big rabbit-teeth ,", "And when we alighted from the roundabout ,", "And mind you clout and clapperclaw the cull :", "And \u2014 well , maybe , your voice is still a bird \u2019 s .", "Cannot take hold of ; so , I \u2019 d best be quiet \u2014", "Yet , mark my words , the hemp \u2019 s ripe for the rope", "The knife that spreads the butter", "They \u2019 d heard no squeak of . They \u2019 d to thole my choice ,", "To go myself \u2014 ay , blind bat as I am .", "A bull-trout \u2019 s gape and a salamander thrapple \u2014", "So , boys can threaten me , and go unskelped :", "I never guessed she \u2019 d go , and leave me alone .", "It \u2019 s a wise father knows his own child . Ay !", ":", "A man , and no mistake !", "With neither guts nor gall . He just butts blindly \u2014", "Dead-certain , as \u2019 twould do in the good old days .", "You talk of tongues ! I \u2019 m deaf :", "About a wedding : but , nowadays , words tumble", "But , if you cop him , I \u2019 ll give you half , although", "Aiblains , the old ram \u2019 s cassen , but he \u2019 s no trake yet :", "My heart \u2019 s a younker \u2019 s still ; but even love", "Conceit enough of Jim , at one time \u2014 proud", "Will never lord it at Krindlesyke till I \u2019 m straked .", "I cannot catch a note :", "I heard a foot : yet , she couldn \u2019 t come so soon .", "I \u2019 m not so dull as some folk think . There \u2019 s others", "Nay : this is not the wench . I want Jim \u2019 s bride \u2014", "Eliza !", "I could have had her without wedding her ,", "No backbone \u2014 any trollop could twiddle him", "Forsaken of wife and bairns ; and left to die \u2014", "That never knew housewarming , \u2019 twill be glowing .", "Jim might do worse .", "Were half as handsome as I \u2014 you ken , yourself ,", "Has a head for whisky or wenches ; and not one", ":", "A son \u2014 a thief ! I \u2019 ll have the law of him :", ":", "But I was a scatterpenny : and you were bonnie \u2014", "Before he mates . In my \u2014 yet , come to think ,", "Ah , a brat \u2014 Jim \u2019 s bairn !", "At shearing-time , and clip with any man .", "To meet at the Shambles : and I was awaiting her ,", "Keen as a kestrel ... and now ...", "A broken-winded , hirpling tattyjack", "It \u2019 s against nature .", "To have the fondy flummoxed , till his wits", "As a yearling tup with the ewes , till I \u2019 d the pains ,", ":", "A woman , she was . You \u2019 ve never had her hand", "We sat the livelong day in a golden carriage ,", "And , whiles , they use them when you least expect .", "Tuts ! Girls take their chance . And you \u2019 d", "That \u2019 ll throttle you one day , you gallows-bird .", "Ay ! and some woman \u2019 s tongue \u2019 s been going it ,", "Are getting on in years , forby old Ezra .", "Ay , he \u2019 d have garred the young eels squirm .", ":", "\u2019 Twill scarcely leave enough to bury us", "Scarce kenned her name when I sprung my bride on them ;", "Skirlnaked , yarked my hurdies till I yollered ,", ":", "As a pipit that \u2019 s hatched a cuckoo : and if the gowk", "You \u2019 re welcome , daughter .", "But , that \u2019 s not empty !", ":", "That Judith was the lucky lass . You said", "Thieves cheated by a thief !", "A notion , that , to hatch , full-fledged and crowing ! You must have brooded , old clocker .", "But , Jim , my boy , though you \u2019 re a baa-waa body ,", "Help ! Murder ! Thieves !", "I didn \u2019 t say overmuch . My dad and mammy", "They \u2019 ve a longer run ; and , in the end , the gallows", "Could fell a stot ; and faiks , but he welted me", "Has half my spunk , my relish . I \u2019 d not trust", "And by this there \u2019 ll scarce be a stump in her yellow gums ,", "\u2019 Twould be no flighty heifer you \u2019 d to face ,", "Black-out : and when we , too , lie in the house", "Though some have ears to hear the churchyard worms", "Lump it or like it . I \u2019 d the upper hand then :", "Dozing his day out in a syke , while minnows", "And the ninneyhammer let her go \u2014 he let her !", "They \u2019 ll eat me out of house and home : my God ,", "So you can bray ; and I must hold my peace :", "Before we \u2019 ve reached the bottom of the pot :", "A posical name ; I never heard the like . She \u2019 ll be a flighty faggit , mark my words .", "Do you reckon I \u2019 d let a woman I \u2019 d fetched home", "Slink through the bent . I \u2019 m deafer than an adder \u2014", "Only this morning : and the scent \u2019 s still fresh .", ":", ":", "And none was a shrewder judge of ewes , or women .", ":", "Nay , not so gite ; for I was handsome then .", "That \u2019 s all that \u2019 s left me .", "Their judgment of a ewe , let alone a woman :", ":", ":", "And you , Jim , I \u2019 d have broken your back like a rabbit \u2019 s ,", "Some fly-by-the-sky , outlandish name : but I", "Who \u2019 ll turn a slattern-shrew and a cap-river", "Six lads ?", "For forty-year , and mistake it , though the spring \u2019 s", "I must have snoozed ; yet , I caught the gabble . There \u2019 ll be", "This comes of marrying into a coper \u2019 s family :", "The last ? The last of what ?", "Was a gowk \u2019 s at the end of June . Do you call to mind", "They \u2019 ve never had his spirit , the young cheepers ,", "I \u2019 m getting old , and deaved as well as darkened .", "Of a hobbled ewe , much less make off with a flock \u2014", "I thought \u2019 twas swedes you were after : and , by gox !", "Don \u2019 t noose them , kicking and squealing like snarled rabbits ,", "Wenches and wives , are all just weathercocks .", "I can \u2019 t make head or tail of all the wrangling \u2014", "And no braw cockerel \u2019 s hustled him from it yet ,", "Takes after me : and wenches buzz", "I \u2019 ve found little difference", "I , who was master , and did all the bidding .", "Trust a wench for kenning .", "The money gone \u2014 all gone ? Why didn \u2019 t you tell me about it right away ?", "He \u2019 s never had", "We cannot all be needles :", "Calling to one another down the slacks :", "And not a red hair to her nodding poll \u2014", "I \u2019 ve to meet the wife who \u2019 d be a maid again :", "But I \u2019 ve still got a kind of hold on life ;", "Queer , all went wild , your sons , like collies bitten", "Contrary , to the last , she wouldn \u2019 t answer :", "At one time , if you \u2019 d talked to me like that ."], "true_target": ["I might have kenned : thieving runs in their blood .", "When I caught the glisk of your eye : but she was late ;", "I liked ...", "If I \u2019 d that fortune now safe in my kist !", ":", "I thought \u2019 twas Judith Ellershaw .", "If he \u2019 s the devil , you \u2019 re the devil \u2019 s brat ,", "Fools , or no fools . And you could laugh in those days ,", "And I think no worse ...", "Three hundred years since the first herd", "The music and the dazzle ...", ":", "And Judith ...", "And so , lightheels picked up her skirts , and flitted ,", ":", "You \u2019 ve spoken truth for once , Jim : womenfolk ,", "She \u2019 s three months \u2019 start of him . The gonneril ,", "If she turned mankeen . But , I liked the runt .", "Like a ewe turned lowpy-dyke ; and left the nowt ,", "Round her little finger : just the sort a doxy ,", "Dad was the boy ! Got through three bottles a day ,", "Jim \u2019 s gone : and so , there \u2019 s none to look to the sheep .", "And I \u2019 m the devil \u2019 s daddy . Happen you came", "Is not a corpse yet : and it well may happen", "Will slice the loaf . But it \u2019 s sharper than my teeth .", "And they \u2019 re all clingclang like the Yetholm tinkers .", "Was blind and crippled . The scurvy rats skidaddled", "To go and wed , and never tell your dad !", ":", "Nor apron-strings to hold young Ezra then :", "On the live coals , leaps back to the frying-pan .", "I \u2019 d just to whistle for a wench at Jim \u2019 s age :", "And all that money gone \u2014 my hard-earned savings !", "And the devil where you \u2019 d be , if we hadn \u2019 t met", "I \u2019 ll have the law of him : I \u2019 ll have him gaoled ,", "And mortal , swilling an eggcupful ; a gill", "But this what \u2019 s-her-name the gaby \u2019 s bringing ...", "With a red-hot prong at his hurdies to prog him on ,", "Once and for all , it \u2019 s seen a wheen lives burn", "Would scarce have pluck to sneak a swede from the mulls", "But the money , you dam of thieves \u2014", "To wed , is he , the limb ? I thought he \u2019 d gone", "And she , so hale ; while I was crutched and crippled .", "Few like him now : I \u2019 ve not his guts , and Jim \u2019 s", "Ay ... but they \u2019 d not the spunk to scoot till I", "Buck-teeth and freckled noses and saucer-eyes ,", "To be forsaken on his wedding-day :", "Gather your wits together .", "Before we \u2019 d to quit Rawridge , because the dandy", "As the old barn-roof fell in . While I \u2019 d my sight ,", "Fair melted in the mouth \u2014 not sad and soggy", "Should quit the steading till she was carried , feet-first", "Jim couldn \u2019 t leave ...", "You \u2019 ll ken the road he \u2019 d take , the fox \u2019 s track \u2014", "And vixen and cub , to boot ! But , he made off", "And never turned a hair , when his own master ,", "They \u2019 d scarce the nerve to look me in the eye ,", "But , what do you say \u2014 the empty chest \u2014 what chest ?", "For swedes ; though now , I mind some babblement", "And we were rushing round and round , the music \u2014", "Squandering a fortune , forby the tanner I dropt ?", "The mother of his daughter . Judith , lass ,", "Well , we \u2019 d our time of it ,", "No herd could leave his sheep to an old wife \u2019 s care :", "As a scythe in the grass at Lammas . So Jim \u2019 s away", "Your hair \u2019 d the gloss and colour of clean straw :", "Cures dogs of that kidney , peppering them one fine night", "You \u2019 ve , aiblains , found out now that petticoats", "Though he should take the short cut to the gallows ,", "I couldn \u2019 t even hold down a hog to be clipped :", "That hiring-day at Hexham , on the minute .", "The reesty nags will neither heck nor gee :", "Where are you , woman ? Speak ! There \u2019 s no one here \u2014", ":", "And Steel would have him by the heels before", "But , welcome home ! Is this the bonnie bride ?", "And who \u2019 s to tend the ewes ? He couldn \u2019 t go \u2014", "In time , poor mealy-face , for all your roses ,", "Stirring beneath the mould , and think it time", "I felt her passing , in my very bones .", "And beating in my blood : the gold aglitter ...", "The laughing-stock of the countryside . He should", "Such a gillaber and gilravishing ,", "I knew her foot : you cannot hear a step", "The splintered lid ! And the kist \u2014 the kist ! You say \u2019 twas empty ?", "This sixty-year .", "Why don \u2019 t you speak ? You yammered enough , just now \u2014", "Just sit in my chair , and starve . It wasn \u2019 t like her .", ":", "You \u2019 re welcome , daughter , home to Krindlesyke .", "They wouldn \u2019 t stop to let me pick it up ;", "And when , at darkening , the naphtha flares were kindled ,", "Where are you ? Come , I want to nurse my grandchild \u2014", "From a chink in a stell ; but , when they \u2019 re two-legged curs ,", "And all the red and blue and gold aglitter \u2014", "Is overrun with a plague of thieving rats .", "The young cockgrouse , who doesn \u2019 t consult his dad", "Though little her mug would matter , now I \u2019 m blind ;", "With decency , when we have starved to death ,", "I wish he \u2019 d married Judith .", "She never spared herself .", "And gan about like a goose with a nicked head ,", "Eh , what \u2019 s that ?", "Ay : though you \u2019 re just a splurging jackalally ,", "Until I nod myself into my coffin :", "He \u2019 ll not escape . He thinks he \u2019 s the laugh of me ;", ":", "Ay , just sit still all day , and nod and nod ,", "While you \u2014 but you were young then ...", "I \u2019 ve always had a way with bairns , and women .", "I caught no footfall , though once I \u2019 d hear an adder", "You needed no coaxing : I wasted little breath", "A grandchild in my arms . Six sons I \u2019 ve had ,", "He \u2019 ll not be the first at Krindlesyke to lie ,", "Go gallivanting off at her own sweet will ?", "Were fozy as a frosted swede . Do you reckon", "To swarm the house with whinging wammerels .", "How did she think I could get along without her ?", "And spattering its silly brains out on a rock :", "Now , I \u2019 m no better than an old bell-wether ,", "You \u2019 re wandering , woman \u2014 maffling like a madpash . Jim \u2019 s stolen your senses , when he took my gold .", "He \u2019 s got the gallows \u2019 brand . But none of your sons", "So Jim \u2019 s back :", "Before me yet , even if I have to wait", "To an old wife , havering of bumblebees ,", "And the breath \u2019 s scarce out of her body , before the place", "\u2019 Twas somebody else : I cannot mind the name \u2014", "The foumart \u2019 s back , in this world or the next :", "He \u2019 ll come a cropper yet , the scrunty wastrel .", "Ay , you may find your nose put out of joint ,", "Cow-eyed , you called the wench ; but cows have horns ,", ":", "They ? And who be they ?", "I \u2019 m ancient myself \u2014 an old , blind , doddering heron ,", "But , I remember . Give me back the bairn .", "Some skunk had pouched it : may he pocket it", "A woolly-witted ram , bashing his horns ,", "And didn \u2019 t snigger like the ginger fizgig .", "Yet the last may prove the tastiest drop , who kens ?", "But I forget my manners . Jim , you dog ,", "Weddings were merrymakings in my time :", "As if she carried a hoggerel on her shoulders .", "Gaping and squealing round the table at dinner ,", "We \u2019 re beggared , woman \u2014 beggared by your son :", "And all a hazegaze with the hubblyshew ;", ":", "Such havers ! Haven \u2019 t you gone ? What \u2019 s keeping you ?", "If she \u2019 s a spirited wench .", "No chap was cuter in all the countryside ,", "Have used his fist to teach her manners . She seemed", "Cold as a slug , with pennies on his eyes .", "If I wasn \u2019 t so crocked and groggy , I \u2019 d make a fend", "Drums banging , trumpets braying , rattles craking ;", "But , wife , it \u2019 s Judith , after all ! I kenned", "That was the mischief . They should have had my dad \u2014", "There \u2019 s birds and birds . Then , \u2019 twas a cushy-doo \u2019 s", "The blinking , slinking squealers !", "Teeming it down his throat in liquid gold ,", ":", ":", "For all his bluster , he \u2019 s a gaumless nowt ,", "Like a wag-at-the-wa \u2019, in this steading , three hundred years ,", ":", "To be nibbled to death by rats : de \u2019 il scart the vermin !", ":", ":", "We met ...", "Words tumbling from her lips in a witless jumble .", "The giglet ; and that coppertop of hers", "Before his wife , that he \u2019 s the draft of the flock .", "The reckoning seldom came till the morrow \u2019 s morn .", "The same footfall . Why didn \u2019 t she answer me ?", ":", "If I \u2019 d my way with him : de \u2019 il scart the hanniel !", "One foot in the grave for hard on eleven-year !", ":", "And calling me their dad , as likely as not :", "And I could whistle , too , like any curlew .", ":", "Swallowing stock and plenishing , gear and graith .", ":", "I \u2019 m an old man , now ; and must do as I \u2019 m bid like a bairn \u2014", "Two pendulums in one clock . Lucky I \u2019 m deaf .", "\u201c Dance for your mammy , Dance for your daddy ...\u201d", ":", "Gone where , the tyke ? After his wife , I \u2019 ll warrant .", "When she found I \u2019 d mizzled . Yet , if she \u2019 d turned up", ":", "Like a plucked hen \u2019 s . But she \u2019 d a merry eye ,", "I little looked to taste her funeral ham .", "The noodle couldn \u2019 t stand up to a woman \u2019 s tongue :", "In the breeches \u2019 pocket of a rascal thief \u2014", "Or better at a bargain ; and it took", "Eliza ? You can \u2019 t be back already , woman ?", "No wench I \u2019 d ringed , and had a mind to hold ,", "And I was gay when I was young \u2014 as brisk", "The bairn .", "Rarely the shots of the flock turn lowpy-dyke ;", "What \u2019 s that ? What \u2019 s that ? I can \u2019 t hear anything now .", "Once in the fire , no wife , though she may crackle", "And a young wench in the house makes all the difference .", "With a taste for mutton bleeding-hot . Cold lead", "My spirit . No woman \u2019 s ever bested me .", ":", "She \u2019 s none the worse for being a ruddled ewe .", "And you were a sonsy lassie , fresh and pink ;", "Who \u2019 s Ph\u0153be Martin ? I ken naught of her .", "I thought I heard ...", "Nattering me into my grave ; and , likely , your words", "I \u2019 ll sprag his wheel : for all his pretty pace ,", "The scurvy scrunt !", "There \u2019 s no one else ; and you must go to Rawridge \u2014", "In season and out , and made me the man I am .", ":", ":", "But I could size a wench up , at a glance ;", "Or a drop too much , sets dancing , heels in air :", "Up and away !", "Through my old head like turnips through a slicer ;", "You \u2019 re havering !", "He hasn \u2019 t lost much time , has Jim , the dog !", "Tick-tocking the same things over .", "Whose brat ? And who should ken \u2014 although they say ,", "Just loosed on them a gisseypig out of a poke", "Give me the baby : I \u2019 ll not let it fall :", "Just a lamb \u2019 s head , gets half-cocked on a thimble ,", "Are kittle-cattle , the whole rabblement .", ":", "Like bracken after a heathfire ; that creamy skin ,", "To think she should go first , when I have had", "But Jim , your husband : and not for me to say ,", "Before he \u2019 d even bedded her \u2014 skelped off", "And when you were dizzy ,", "Yet , she set out for Rawridge , to fetch a man ...", "Would send him randy , reeling to the gallows .", "But , something \u2019 s happening that a blind man \u2019 s sense", "I \u2019 d let a lass ...", "And naught I ken who the bowdykite \u2019 s to wed \u2014", "I \u2019 ve come to this \u2014 an old blind crippled dobby ,", "And some folk \u2019 s tongues are sharper than their wits .", "No daundering on the road ; and tell John Steel", "Unless ... Nay , sure , \u2019 twas Judith Ellershaw .", "But , for my sins , I cannot be deaf to yours ,", "Yet , till thon spirt of hot tar blinded me ,", "When the ram \u2019 s among them . But , where does she hail from ?", "What \u2019 s wrong ? What \u2019 s wrong ?", "Like Willie Pigg \u2019 s dick-ass . But how do you ken", "Deaf as the stone-wall Johnny Looney built", "And then , to sit and yammer like a yieldewe :", "Alone . She \u2019 s gone before me , after all \u2014", ":", "To think a man begets the thieves to rob him ! But , how ...", "This must be death : the crows are gathering in . I don \u2019 t feel like cold carrion , but corbies will gather , And flesh their bloody beaks on an old ram \u2019 s carcase , Before the life \u2019 s quite out .", "Of little sandy moppies like their doe ,", "He must send someone ... Though my money melt", "A step , for sure ! You \u2019 re back ? Though how you \u2019 ve travelled So quickly , Eliza , I can \u2019 t think . And when \u2019 s John Steel to turn us out , to follow Jim And the other vagabonds ? And who \u2019 s he sending ? He \u2019 s not a man to spare ... But , sheep are sheep : Someone must tend them , though all else go smash . I \u2019 ve given my life to sheep , spent myself for them : And now , I \u2019 m not the value of a dead sheep To any farmer \u2014 a rackle of bones for the midden ! A bitter day , \u2019 twill be , when I turn my back On Krindlesyke . I little reckoned to go , A blind old cripple , hobbling on two sticks . Pride has a fall , they say : and I was proud \u2014 Proud as a thistle ; and a donkey \u2019 s cropt The thistle \u2019 s prickly pride . Why don \u2019 t you speak ? I \u2019 m not mistaken this time : I heard you come : I feel you standing over me .", "But I was merry , till I fetched you home ,", "So Jim , the fox , has cheated Peter , the fox \u2014", "And the hawk hangs overhead . But then the blood", "A narrow squeak .", "When I was young , I liked to hear the whaups", "Fifty gold sovereigns !", "Come , stir your stumps ; and clap your bonnet on :", "Around the frog that worried him with croaking .", "When I lie cold .", "Red-hot in hell through all eternity !"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 9}, {"query": ["You \u2019 ve no right to ask .", ":", "You \u2019 ve never tramped the road I \u2019 ve had to travel .", "I lie ! You mean ...", ":", "While I must slink in the ditch , among the nettles .", "The shock ; for all her heart was set on Jim .", "What did you hear ?", "You \u2019 ve come from Bellingham hiring ?", "I mind .", "Is Ruth \u2019 s .", "I \u2019 m the mother of Jim \u2019 s daughter .", "The father of my bairn is \u2014 William Burn \u2014", "In losing all for love \u2014 a crazy joy", "You \u2019 re overtired .", "Happen you never loved .", "Come , lass .", "I \u2019 ll bathe them for you , Jim , before you go :", "Yet I didn \u2019 t leave , till she was safely off", "And what he \u2019 d been to me . I \u2019 d had no news", "As I \u2019 ve hated Jim , whiles , when I thought of all .", "Not that door ... I can \u2019 t hide behind that door", "They mustn \u2019 t find you here .", "The bride comes home to-day .", "It \u2019 s you \u2019 ve the knack of only recollecting", "And yet , no liar . You \u2019 d tongue enough just now", "You \u2019 d never heed", "And you and I ...", ":", "I \u2019 ve known the road :", "Come , woman , don \u2019 t be foolish .", "For good and all .", "Before your company comes .", "I \u2019 ve known the road , too ;", "Why don \u2019 t you finish ? \u201c Ay , even though its mother ...\u201d you were saying .", "Once and for all : like me , she \u2019 s born for marriage :", "Then you \u2019 re not the mother of Michael Barrasford ?", "If you remembered all these walls have seen ?", "Alone ? And who do you think that ...", "Ay , son : she breathed her last an hour ago .", ":", "And it \u2019 s not every day ...", "Jim wedded ; and ...", "He left you ?", "As long as she has need . She \u2019 ll not lie long ,", "And a heftier man than you , over a dyke ,", "And draw your petticoats about you tight ,", "You needn \u2019 t fear", "But , I \u2019 ve not slept a wink since , you may guess .", "That you must call me liar !", "Before I go . I \u2019 ve half a mind to stay .", "Tell all you ken of me right out : no word", "I never heard ...", "Hunted ?", "A doting dobby \u2019 s blethering , would you , lass \u2014", "You \u2019 ll scorn me , as I often scorn myself :", "Jim meant so much to me once : I can \u2019 t forget ,", "Before they lift her .", "Might meet her eyes , and tell ... It isn \u2019 t good", "I \u2019 ve been through much .", "Ruth spared that madness : and kenning she \u2019 s just myself", "But , she can keep the highway ,", "I loved Jim ; so , I trusted him .", "As a yeanling in a maud-neuk .", "That hasn \u2019 t stung me to the quick already .", "The heart ! If it will set your mind at ease ,", "Is given . It \u2019 s something to have loved , at least :", "I cannot . How could I leave ...", "For she \u2019 s the sort that \u2019 s steady with the steady ,", "But Jim \u2019 s not my sort ; he \u2019 s an honest lad ;", ":", "An old , blind , crazy creature ...", "In this life ; though it \u2019 s caring \u2019 s broken me .", "And you shall have a pair of Michael \u2019 s boots .", "You mustn \u2019 t stop : and yet , I cannot go . How could I leave the bairn ?", "From scandal ?", ":", "But look her in the eyes , and tell her all ;", ":", "The bairn ... Speak ! Speak ! Have you no tongue at all ?", "Are at the hiring .", "Its an ellerish yelling :", ":", "Or , had her , till last night :", "Again .", "I \u2019 ll speak my shame ... I \u2019 ll speak my shame right out ...", "To think that Jim \u2014 and after all these years ... And then , to come like that ! I wonder what ... I wish he hadn \u2019 t gone without the boots .", "The father \u2019 s name from me .", "So , it \u2019 s too late to blush and stammer now ,", "The bairn \u2019 s no bairn of yours . Come , lad , speak out ;", "You shall not stay .", "And dead , this fifteen-year : she didn \u2019 t last", "Safe ?", "More than you can guess .", "It fears to make your cheeks burn \u2014 I ken that ;", ":", "You heard no good of it ,", "Come , don \u2019 t mince matters : your tongue \u2019 s not so modest", "Ay ... But when you spoke of hanging ,", "And don \u2019 t stand gaping . You ken as well as I", ":", ":", "I never should have crawled out of the ditch .", "You \u2019 d weigh an old man \u2019 s gossip Against my word ? O woman , pay no heed To idle tongues , if you \u2019 d keep happiness .", "But Jim ?", "Your cry might tell her heart too much : my eyes", "Though why , God kens ! I liked the singing-hinny :", "And you , to touch his pipe !", "Husband and father , born , day in , day out ,", "And learned its bitter ...", "Nay : I \u2019 ve only asked", "Though , knowing myself , I dreaded what might chance ,", "Ay .", "And he had searched the Scriptures to some purpose .", "When Jim ?", ":", "And when the question is a woman \u2019 s virtue ,", "What \u2019 s kenning got to do with love ? It makes", "Nay ! I \u2019 ll not have their home", "Doesn \u2019 t Jim live here , now ?", "At Bellingham .", "For bride and bridegroom . Happen , we should meet them ,", "Ruth and Michael", "You little ken ...", "For all your ready tongue .", "Brides should come home : it \u2019 s right a man should bring", "You thought \u2019 twas Jim ?", "What you \u2019 ve a mind to . How could you have come", "Why should I spare him ? He \u2019 s not spared me much ,", ":", "You , surely , never think I \u2019 d ...", ":", "Life takes French-leave : your heart \u2019 s beneath the hoofs", "No woman , no ! I spoke the truth .", "Ay , you \u2019 ve a tongue .", "They \u2019 re mixter-maxter , hate and love : and , often ,", ":", "The heart !", "Your home ? But you can \u2019 t stay here .", ":", "Ruth keeps her counsel . I \u2019 d not even heard", "All ?", "Who gave him all a woman has to give .", "But , kenning the worst , in my heart of hearts , I hanker ...", "Peace and quiet", "Since it was built , there \u2019 s not been such a home", "No ! They \u2019 ll wonder ... I bring no luck to weddings ... I must go ...", "A ditch-born nettle , but , among the nettles ,", "You cannot stay .", "Fire smoulders still : and still might burst to flame .", ":", "And , think you , I \u2019 d be here ,", "And shame the ears of decent folk . Whisht , whisht !", ":", ":", "He \u2019 s the best of husbands \u2014", "I !", "Not your home now .", "Born over , how could I sleep with the dread upon me ?", "God send it stretch not forty-year !", "Whisht , whisht , my canny hinny , my bonnie boy ! Your wee warm body \u2019 s good to cuddle after ... Whisht , whisht !First , Ph\u0153be \u2014 and then , Bell ... Oh , Jim ! Steps are heard on the threshold , and MICHAEL and RUTH enter , carrying their sleeping sons , NICHOLAS , aged five , and RALPH , aged three . They put down the children on the settle by the hearth , where they sit , dazed and silent , sleepily rubbing their eyes .", "It \u2019 s Ruth \u2019 s and Michael \u2019 s .", ":", ":", "There are things in this life you don \u2019 t understand ,", "I bear no malice : but you cannot bide .", "I took you for Jim \u2019 s wife .", "Bell ! What has happened , woman ? Are you hurt ? Oh , but your brow is bleeding !", "And a featherhead with featherheads . She \u2019 s sense :", "I never should have come \u2019 mid decent folk :", "You must not cry to him : I must not lift", "I \u2019 ll go .", "Jim \u2014 O Jim !", "After you \u2019 ve traiked so far ? Michael and Ruth ...", "There \u2019 s never been a luckier lass than Ruth :", "There are no whys and wherefores , when you love .", ":", ":", "Ay , and my bairn \u2019 s home , if it be not here ?", ":", "Home ? You \u2019 ve come home , Jim ?", "My bastard brat ?", "But what has happened , Bell ? Don \u2019 t say \u2019 twas Jim !", "Only a woman , naked to every sting :", "At Krindlesyke : it \u2019 s only been a house ...", "How I \u2019 m a byword among honest women ,", "In the ditch-bottom ; and their slimy touch", "Your husband \u2019 s word , and on your wedding-day ?", "You shall not wreck their happiness . I \u2019 d not dreamed", "I \u2019 m forgetting nothing .", "Though she \u2019 s a fendy lass ; she \u2019 s too like me ,", "Oh , Bell , what has he done ? What has he done ?", "A stranger to these parts . Now , let me pass .", "There \u2019 s nothing else ?", ":", "Whoever spoke .", "Too many hazards for me .", "Soft , did you say ? I \u2019 ve seen him hike a man ,", "It rattles like a reaper round a wheatfield ,", "In the ditch , as they pass by , if we should chance", ":", "Ken ? I ken nothing , but what you tell me .", "You have been faithful , Bell .", "O Jim ,", "And quick about it , it \u2019 s your own look-out .", "And a good home are worth ...", "And needs a helpmate , or she \u2019 ll waste herself ;", "Nay , nay :", ":", ":", "For a bride to know too much . So , we must hide", "Such happiness as theirs could be in this world .", "All fashion after their father .", "Yet , Mistress Barrasford ?", "Then Jim is his father ?", "We drove you ?", "The eyes ? Then you \u2019 ll not take my word for it ,", "And there are slugs and slithery toads and paddocks", "You \u2019 ll not wait for them ?", "You \u2019 ll trust his oath . If he denies the bairn ,", "And , with another man , she might have wrecked ,", "But , Jim , how could I leave ...", "Home , lass ? I \u2019 ve got no home : I \u2019 ve long been homeless : I ...", "You never loved him . I loved Jim ...", ":", "I \u2019 ve trudged it , too , lad : and your feet are bleeding .", "Kens what I am . I wonder he lets you talk", "My pious father had a holy tongue ;", "He \u2019 s steady ?", "Tastes differ .", ":", "A fearsome end .", "Never been", "As old as that ? But I could never rest , till I \u2019 d made sure . Knowing myself , I did not question Ruth ...", "When the wits go first .", ":", "Jim !"], "true_target": ["Only an owl , son .", "I might be making home ? And where \u2019 s my home \u2014", "Come , I \u2019 ll undress you , and tuck you into bed :", "To work ...", "Go ? You \u2019 ll not go without a sup of tea ,", "If it hadn \u2019 t been for Ruth ...", ":", "His bride home \u2014 ay ! And we must go , my wean ,", "Like me , Ruth \u2019 s easy kindled ; hard to quench \u2014", "I \u2019 m famished . Cake ! We \u2019 re grand , to-day , indeed ! And scones and bannocks \u2014 carties , quite a spread ! It \u2019 s almost like a wedding .", "Lest any draggletail of mine should smutch them .", "See , how she \u2019 s badgered me ; and all because ...", "Jim , what ails you ? Tell me what you \u2019 ve done . I \u2019 m sorry , Jim ...", "I \u2019 ll speak my shame right out , before you all .", "Yet , you \u2019 ve kept house ...", "She \u2019 s on my bed .", "But we must go our way to \u2014 God kens where !", ":", "His name , till late last night ; and then by chance :", "Ay , bitter enough to set my teeth on edge .", "He turned like death : and when he threatened you ,", "To answer your son \u2019 s wife , and save the lad", "Come and lie down , And I \u2019 ll see what ...", "He once ran into something hard .", "Cracking about my ears : and have you none", ":", "The boy", "Good-bye ! If you \u2019 d only bide a while ... Come back ! You mustn \u2019 t go like that ... Bell , Bell !", ":", "Haven \u2019 t I shamed myself enough already \u2014", "God save us , woman ! Whatever did ...", "With me . Come ...", "You do not ken me for the thing I am :", "The boy \u2019 s grandmother .", "Come , set her mind at ease . Don \u2019 t spare me , Jim ;", ":", "She \u2019 d throw herself away ; would burn to waste ,", "Though she deserves it , too ; and it \u2019 s but seldom", "And Michael ...", "Michael , your mother \u2019 s here .", "A better daughter !", "And so , Jim \u2019 s gone", "The father of my bairn ...", "To talk so lightly . I have come through hell :", ":", ":", "Nothing you ken of broken hearts , or hell ,", "Ay : and yet ,", "Ay : and still ,", "Home \u2014 home !", "When the downpour comes , too late .", "I find I cannot thrive on nettle-broth :", ":", "It wasn \u2019 t Jim , then ?", "Pulled down about their ears by any man ;", "On any other ?", "A little happiness of life : I \u2019 ve starved", "It takes more than four walls to make a home ,", "To make me blush by calling me any name", "And you \u2019 ll sleep sound , my lamb , as sound and snug", "I saw blue-murder in his eyes .", "You ken my worth : yet , if you care for Jim ,", "A flying spark , and the heather \u2019 s afire in a gale ;", "Get their deserts in this life .", "You \u2019 re Mistress Barrasford ?", ":", ":", "If I \u2019 d not cared : I \u2019 d hate myself as much", "Whisht , whisht ! my little lass ! You mustn \u2019 t cry ,", "I understand as little as you , it seems :", "Ay , to his dying day , he \u2019 ll not forget", "My heart went cold within me , thinking of Jim ,", "Give me the bairn . You \u2019 ll never learn", "Before ...", "That finding out makes little difference .", "And such a home as Michael \u2019 s made for Ruth .", ":", "Then , you \u2019 ll believe ? You \u2019 d surely never doubt", "Ay , it \u2019 s been rattling round .", "Speak out now ,", ":", "There never were such boys .", "I \u2019 ve lost her , now , it seems .", "Are few , and far to seek .", "My eyes to his . We \u2019 re nothing now to him .", "You \u2019 re going , Jim ?", "And you would nurse my brat ?", ":", "To meet them on the road \u2014 their road and ours \u2014", "Mercy ! It \u2019 s Ruth :", ":", "To spare her blushes . We \u2019 re no company", ":", "What might already ...", "Yet , it \u2019 s only caring counts for anything", "You bear no malice : and she died of it !", "I \u2019 ll come .", ":", ":", "Ruth needs a careful man :", "Go ?", "Instead of building . She \u2019 s got her man , her mate :", ":", "And he \u2019 ll speak truly . If he denies the bairn ...", "And let your teeth trip up your tongue . Speak out !", "I wish ...", "Why not to-day ? Come , woman , I \u2019 d ken that ,", "Jim !", "Few , good or bad . But Ruth has everything \u2014", "Ay , but it \u2019 s sad", "I \u2019 ve said a lot , in my time .", "Come , woman , let me pass .", "For happiness , God kens .", ":", "Of all that \u2019 s happened since I left the day", "The best of fathers : he ...", ":", "Snow on the felltop , now : but underground", ":", "Before Jim brings the bride home . You \u2019 ve your wish :", "Not murder ?", "You never saw such laleeking lads : and they", "I \u2019 m Judith Ellershaw .", "I fancied he , perhaps ...", "For she \u2019 s your wife ; and has a right to ken", "Is worse to bear than any nettle ...", "And yet you said ...", "He works to keep a home for wife and weans .", ":", "And yet you saw his body ...", "Leave , say you ?", "I \u2019 m coming , Ph\u0153be , coming home with you !", ":", "Jim !", "Together , for themselves", "I \u2019 m tired enough , God kens \u2014", "Your wife is waiting ; if you don \u2019 t tell her true ,", ":", "If you but guessed , you \u2019 d fling the door wide open ,", "Don \u2019 t think of me . You \u2019 ve naught to fear from me .", "Go , where ?", "And Jim brings home ...", "But you have never loved . What \u2019 s given in love ,", "And their three boys .", "Bone-weary : but we \u2019 ll not stay long , to shame you :", "I \u2019 ve wondered if I loathed , or loved , Jim most .", "From Jim \u2019 s ? Well , Jim", "To fetch the company ?", "And you ?", ":", "And least of all by you \u2014 the home they \u2019 ve made ...", "Thank God , it wasn \u2019 t Jim .", "You never cared : I couldn \u2019 t have borne myself ,", "Or keep from dwelling on the might-have-been .", "I \u2019 ve changed my mind . \u2019 Twas Jim I came to see \u2014", "In flinging all your faggots on the blaze ,", "I \u2019 m in the ditch , and spattered to the neck .", "Long years of suffering cannot quench , I \u2019 d have", "But let a dotard \u2019 s clatterjaw destroy you ?", "If I had not been fond of Jim ? And yet ,", "Ay : in your pride , you think you \u2019 ve the best of life . You \u2019 re missing more than you reckon , the best of all .", "He \u2019 s quiet ?", "And Michael ?", ":", ":", "Though , in my eager trustfulness , I missed it .", "And I have Ruth .", "We ?", "The liberty of stepping in to rest .", "And yet , you \u2019 ve kept ...", "And who are you to stop me ? Come , make way \u2014", ":", "No ! No !", "Why not ? Have I no right ?", "Jim brings you home a daughter ...", "Happen , there \u2019 ll be some more for me , if I stay .", "What right have you ...", "But what do you think he \u2019 s done \u2014", ":", "She \u2019 s welcome to my bed ,", "Deceived and broken ...", "Well , you \u2019 ll have a daughter now .", "Not for three hours , at earliest .", "Me ?", "A twelvemonth after \u2014 it proved too much for her ,", ":", ":", "I \u2019 ll help you into bed .", ":", "Good lasses are the lucky ones ; and few", "And as little cares if it \u2019 s cutting grain or poppies .", "I meant no harm . I thought , perhaps , Jim might ... Though , doubtless , he was married long ago ?", "When you left Krindlesyke , you quitted it", "You \u2019 re not far out .", "It won \u2019 t sleep long .", "For yarking a lame beast . That drover \u2019 ll mind \u2014", "You cannot bide .", "Dead ?", "Though there \u2019 s a joy in giving recklessly ,", ":", "Come : be a man : and speak .", "If you had loved , you \u2019 d ken", "The bride comes home . Brides come home every day .", "Ay , cheap .", "Nay : but I \u2019 m not", "Why do you call on Jim ? He \u2019 s not come home yet ? But I must go , before your son brings back ... Give me the bairn ...", "The same road , though we \u2019 re travelling different ways .", "If you \u2019 re not tongue-tied : tell her all you ken \u2014", "Of yours can hurt me now : I \u2019 m shameless , now :", ":", "I \u2019 d have thought Ezra ...", "You cannot bide here , Jim .", "No difference , once you \u2019 ve given ...", "When I heard \u201c Barrasford of Krindlesyke ,\u201d", "I wouldn \u2019 t be in your shoes , anyway .", "A home , a steady husband , and her boys .", "And should I be more welcome , then ,", ":", "I \u2019 ve never seen him .", "And you can send us packing in good time ,", "Suffering as I have ...", "I stay ? O God , what have I done ! That I \u2019 d never crossed the threshold !", "I knocked ; but no one answered ; so , I \u2019 ve taken", "If Jim denies ...", "Eliza , too ?", "Fancied \u2019 twas Jim , your son \u2014", ":", "Small wonder you \u2019 d be duberous of mine .", "Ruth \u2019 ll love", ":", "To tell me what I was \u2014 a cruel tongue", "And what should Jim \u2019 s bride have to say to me ? Come , let me by .", "Come ...", "True : neighbours , hereabouts ,", "No , \u2019 twas Ph\u0153be Martin :", "And the fell \u2019 s burned to the rock \u2014 naught but black ash ,", ":"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 9}, {"query": ["In that , at least : though she got her sting in first", "And you look fleyed : there \u2019 s nothing here to scare you :", "With any mare , I see . I doubt you \u2019 ll prove", "To set you adither : you don \u2019 t see anything wrong \u2014", "It \u2019 s got to \u201c shall not \u201d now ?", "And when you , too , looked ... Nay , how could you learn ?", "You \u2019 re sorry ? I don \u2019 t know . How can I tell ?", "And on my wedding-day \u2014 stark , staring mad !", "Did Sep : I \u2019 ll say that for him \u2014 tried so hard", "You kenned the face ?", ":", "Till I was more myself . I don \u2019 t like strangers ,", ":", "If I \u2019 ve got to carry you , chested : sink my soul !", "And casting them in my teeth ? Why must you lug", ":", "They \u2019 ve got a trick of staring at a man :", "A rackle ramstam wife , if you \u2019 ve your head .", ":", "You \u2019 ve not deceived me , Judith ? You \u2019 ve not trapped ...", "We \u2019 re quiet folk at Krindlesyke . Come , mother ,", "You diddled me out of house and home , among you :", "And hollered them to rouse the countryside ,", "In my old home .", "Well , I don \u2019 t blame the wench : she should ken best .", "Twenty-year syne . Why should you still bear malice ?", "I \u2019 ve a mind to have a partner for this polka .", "The sooner it \u2019 s over , the better I \u2019 ll be pleased .", "Else why the devil should they stare like that ?", "So you don \u2019 t know ? I fancied everyone kenned .", "Made me an April-gowk and laughing-stock ,", "I don \u2019 t know .", "A termagant : and I \u2019 m well shot of her .", "It \u2019 s a dry bottom : and when the family \u2019 s snoring", "The soles bid a fond farewell to the uppers : I \u2019 ve been", "I \u2019 ve done with women : they \u2019 re a faithless lot .", "I \u2019 m desperate , Judith ... and I don \u2019 t mind much ...", ":", "A woman all over ; must be raking up", "I vowed that I \u2019 d sleep sound at Krindlesyke ,", "Have you no word of welcome for the lass ,", "A poor lad can \u2019 t come home , but he \u2019 s cross-questioned ,", "But I \u2019 m all right : there \u2019 s naught amiss with Jim ,", "Come , lass ,", "Ay , first and last , the old gaol is my home .", "You \u2019 ve put the notion in my head , the curs", "To charity \u2014 Jim Barrasford \u2019 s come to mooch", "And stared at like ... Why do you stare like that ?", "A respectable married man , this twenty-year .", "Since I \u2019 ve a married daughter I can live with .", "With \u201c cannots \u201d and clavers of eyes . Why can \u2019 t you let", "She \u2019 s lying , Ph\u0153be !", "You \u2019 ll come to me . Just whicker like a peesweep", "You \u2019 ll see ! Now that I \u2019 m home , I mean to clag", "Ay , but you \u2019 ve fettled things nicely , the lot of you ,", "They \u2019 ll never turn against their bairn \u2019 s granddad :", ":", "You \u2019 re sly , you faggit ; but don \u2019 t get over Jim", "Now you \u2019 re talking sense . Leave me \u2014", "I \u2019 ll go : but , mind , you \u2019 re not yet shot of me .", "And packet of twist , and a pot of nappy beer ,", ":", "And settled down at Krindlesyke for life :", "For granddad in it , surely \u2014 an armchair", "And this young cuckoo , calls himself my nephew ,", "So , I may have young master \u2019 s cast-off boots ,", "By the unexpected pleasure . Your pardon , mistress ,", "What have I done ? Ay , wouldn \u2019 t you like to ken ,", ":", "And beggared them of bit and brat : and so", "Well , I \u2019 ve come into a family ,", "Ay \u2014 ay ...", "Hot-fettled four-ale , handy on the hob ?", "Moidart and mismeaved and beside himself .", "And has made himself free and easy of my nest ?", "I \u2019 d see you straked , before I \u2019 d let you go ...", "And for all I care , that luggish slubberdegullion", "Can \u2019 t wink : and twopence shuts their bravest stare .", "Where , you hell-hag ?", "If he don \u2019 t stop his yammer , I \u2019 ll slit his weasen \u2014", "A sappy-crack with that old windywallops ,", "Well , now I \u2019 m home , I \u2019 ll make myself at home .", "Not even when they \u2019 re my own flesh and blood :", "But still , what should there be to flabbergast you", "Have you always got a brat about you , Judith ?", "Married to Peter \u2019 s son : though how the deuce", "The ashes into a glow , and puffing them red ,", "She \u2019 ll come to her senses soon , and bid you welcome .", "Old friends are best : and I \u2014 I always liked you .", "Were always easy-going , and fond of me \u2014", "What ails the old runt now ?", "Before I tackled the young folk . Poor relations", "As soon as my hurdies were turned on Krindlesyke ,", "To wet my whistle since forenoon : and dod !", "And may hell blast ... You \u2019 re sorry ? Nay , but Jim \u2019 s", "Coupled to Ph\u0153be : and I \u2019 ve brought her home .", "The road again , alone . You \u2019 ll come ...", "A body , woman ? No man \u2019 s hung there this hundred-year .", "For charity at Krindlesyke ! Shanks \u2019 s mare \u2019 s", "We two are tokened to end our days together ?", "Of mine , Ph\u0153be , I swear ...", "What \u2019 s that to do with me ?", "For we were always marrows , you and I .", "It doesn \u2019 t do to let you womenfolk", "I \u2019 ll teach you manners . That \u2019 s a good three-halfpence", "I hear the yapping : they \u2019 re too cunning to yelp .", "To be taken here than elsewhere : and I \u2019 m dead beat :", "Where I was born and bred , I \u2019 d like to ken ?", "I \u2019 m all to rovers , my wit \u2019 s all gone agate :", "Since ...", "And settled yourself in the ingle ?", "I want a quiet life , to be let alone :", "And I \u2019 m a married man , copt fair and square ,", "Just stuck my silly head into a bee-bike !", "I fancied I \u2019 d be in clover at Krindlesyke ,", "A good night \u2019 s rest would pull my wits together .", "Trust you for that ! And I \u2019 ll lie low :", "Between me and my senses , we \u2019 d have wed ,", "Why do you keep cuckooing \u201c cannot , cannot \u201d?", "With heads together , to lay me by the heels .", "And who the hell are you ? and what do you mean ?", "It \u2019 s I should be agape , to find you here :", "The way they gaped : so I thought I \u2019 d just win home", "The brat \u2019 s no brat", ":", "Who meant ?", "You \u2019 d hardly care to be in my shoes , Judith ?", "My daughter \u2019 s and her man \u2019 s : their home \u2019 s my home .", ":", "Come , dad , and jog your wits , and stir your stumps ,", ":", "You cadger-quean ! You \u2019 ve set them on . I \u2019 ll crack you over the cruntle \u2014 You rummel-dusty ... You muckhut ... You windyhash ! I \u2019 ll slit your weazen for you : I \u2019 ll break your jaw \u2014 I \u2019 ll stop your gob , if I \u2019 ve to do you in ! You \u2019 ll not sleep under Winter \u2019 s Stob to-night .", "I still ken a bran from a brimmer \u2014 bless your heart !", "Judith , you \u2019 re right :", "But if I go , I will not go alone :", "Likewise the mistress , too ... By gox , I \u2019 ve come", "But I don \u2019 t ken your name . You dog my heels :", "Ay , and I \u2019 ve seen that phisgog many times :", "But , lass !", "Friends ? I \u2019 ve no friends .", "But , I \u2019 m your husband ; and I bid you bide .", "I trust tea \u2019 s ready , mother : I \u2019 m fairly famished .", "You began it , anyway \u2014", "Hanged ?", "But , that \u2019 s all over ; and you \u2019 re not huffed now .", "It suits you to get rid of me ; and you judge", "When someone \u2019 s potted dad and mammy crow .", "On an empty waim : and I never had a head .", "Let the lass bide , and sup with us . I \u2019 ll warrant", "And it always brought ill-luck .", ":", "What \u2019 s turned you vicious ? I only want to smoke", "And all I want is to be let alone \u2014", "She talks sense , whiles . So let the poor lass go .", "Is on the muckheap now ; and all the hens", "I \u2019 d find you alone , and make my peace with you ,", "It \u2019 s seemed even he had blabbered out my secrets ,", "And I couldn \u2019 t make head or tail of his hiccuping ,", "Leave me ?", "With naught but wind to fill my waim \u2014 small wonder", "I \u2019 d best cut over Gallows Rigg . My God ,", "But even here I don \u2019 t feel safe now .", "She died : I learned it at the time \u2014 you sneaked", ":", "If I \u2019 ve got to take the road again ,", "But you \u2019 re just a wheepie-leekie weathercock", ":", "And draw all eyes on me . But , I must mizzle .", "Since I \u2019 d a wink of sleep ... And , anyway ,", "Beneath these tatters : just a two-legged boggart ,", "I bear no malice .", "Once a man \u2019 s astriddle her who \u2019 ll stand no capers .", "Why can \u2019 t you let bygones be bygones ? But that \u2019 s", "Till I couldn \u2019 t face the neighbours \u2019 fleers . By joes !", ":", "At Krindlesyke . I \u2019 m ravenous as a squab ,", "The dindum : felt fair-clumpered in that cluther \u2014", "If ever I heard it : you kept even that", "Sooner or later : so , it \u2019 s just as well", "Of a clay in my pouch : and I \u2019 m half-dead for a puff .", "Once and for all , by Ph\u0153be and you , that day \u2014", "Leave me ? She \u2019 s mad ! I never heard the like \u2014", ":", "And old and watty : but there \u2019 s no harm in him .", "I \u2019 m hollow as a kex in a ditch-bottom :", "To Krindlesyke , like martins to the byre-baulks :", "The hearth , to get me out of Krindlesyke .", ":", "Don \u2019 t look for gratitude . My eyes were opened ,", "Mum \u2019 s my best friend , the only one ... though , whiles ,", "A pretty picture :", "Don \u2019 t tell me I \u2019 m a grandfather ?", "And yet , I \u2019 m here again ,", "And they lived happy ever afterwards ,", "Nay : I \u2019 ll be taken here .", "Aren \u2019 t made too welcome in this ungrateful world \u2014", "Are clucking round him . I ken what it is :", "But now we \u2019 ve got to hoof it to the end .", "Though it hadn \u2019 t entered my noddle till this minute .", "I \u2019 ve lammed a wench for less . I \u2019 ve half a mind", "Who but you ?", "It takes my fancy : and the dear old grannie ,", "But , you \u2019 ll come , lass ?", "Nay , I \u2019 m my own fetch !", "You picked him up , is more that I can fashion .", "To be as snod and spruce as a young shaver ?", "Till then : they can \u2019 t be on my track so soon :", "What , another !", "But you shan \u2019 t drive me from my home again .", ":", "I \u2019 m all a-swither , sweating like a brock .", "No , no ! What should you see ? I startled you .", "Just let alone ... By God , why can \u2019 t they let me", "Naught wrong in coming home , I hope ? By gox ,", "His pipe , no less ! Young cock-a-ride-a-roosie", "Atop of them : though they follow a chap round the room ,", "Yet , you can set your hoofs , and champ your bit", "You \u2019 ve got me on the hop ; and I must hirple ;", "Already , dang you , with your hettle-tongue :", "Well , if you fail ,", "Yet the shying filly may prove a steady mare ,", "Like maggots in a muckheap , while I went cawdrife .", "And whine God bless the master of this house ,", "First \u201c cannot ,\u201d then ...", "Yet , she \u2019 d a way with her , she had , the filly !", "That \u2019 s that : and so ...", "Nothing can keep us parted , seemingly :", "I \u2019 ll wring his neck for him !", "But I \u2019 ve a little rummelgumption left :", "From me , her dad . But , anyway , she \u2019 s mine :", "Get away from eyes ... But they \u2019 ll not freeze my blood ,", "When every mongrel \u2019 s yowling for his carcase .", "Mischancy roads ; and I \u2019 m fair muggert-up .", "Except too much of nothing in his belly .", "And so , this is my baby ? Who \u2019 d have dreamt ...", "\u2019 Twas just about as homely as a hearse", "I \u2019 ve seen the world , a sight too much : and I mean", "Than when I saw you last \u2014 you mind the day ,", "Of expecting a mislucket man like me", "A good square meal , and a pipe , and a decent night \u2019 s rest ,", "Seeking the coppers to clap them to ... dead eyes", "To her , the tawpy tauntril , for my sake !", "Stolen , I \u2019 d say .", "Yet , why should that stagnate you ? Where \u2019 s the sense", "We \u2019 ve not a wedding-party every day", "You \u2019 ll be to blame .", "My sang ! \u2019 twill be a honeymoon for me ,", "Like a cleaver to a flagstone : they \u2019 ll have to lift", "That night ... and sink me , but I saw it last", "It \u2019 s cheaply done at the price of a pair of tackities .", "To wink and nod when I turn my back , colloguing ,", "I \u2019 ll wait for you beneath the Gallows Rigg ,", "To get it over , once and for all . That \u2019 s that .", "What \u2019 s taken you ? What \u2019 s set you agee with me ?", "Ay , don \u2019 t be hard on her . Though mother \u2019 s old ,", "I say !", ":", "If I intrude . By crikes ! But I \u2019 m no ghost", "Yet , I don \u2019 t know . Why should I go ? No worse", ":", "The dead to light \u2014 dead days ? ... I \u2019 m not afraid", "Who talked ?", "You \u2019 ve got to pad it with me : for I \u2019 m tired", "Do you hear , I bid ... The blasted wench , she \u2019 s gone \u2014", "I \u2019 ve seen your face ... I saw it on that night \u2014", "You didn \u2019 t see the face ?", "You scarting randy !", "By gum , that \u2019 s so ! it seems like twenty-year", "So walls have eyes as well as ears ? I can \u2019 t", "A man in my case can \u2019 t tell who to trust ,"], "true_target": ["Gone ! I \u2019 ve a mind ... If I don \u2019 t hang for her ...", "I little dreamt you \u2019 d turn against me , Judith :", "True , egox !", "Like the lave of women , when a man \u2019 s mislucket ,", "I mustn \u2019 t smoke young master \u2019 s pipe , it seems \u2014", "When a man can \u2019 t trust his feet , and his own legs", "And who the hell are you , to say me nay ?", "If you don \u2019 t turn up by ten o \u2019 clock , I \u2019 ll come", "Jim , granddad three times over ?", "And a pretty tale it is : for I \u2019 d a drink ,", "While I tramped the hungry roads . He \u2019 s pinched my job :", "This twenty-year : that \u2019 s what \u2019 s been wrong with me ,", "No other , Judith . I \u2019 ll be bound you weren \u2019 t", "You \u2019 ve got to let a woman learn who \u2019 s master ,", ":", "The gowk \u2019 s grown croupy . But , lass , I never thought", "Such a hubblyshew of gowks and flirtigigs ,", "I couldn \u2019 t stand", "Three times , and I \u2019 ll be with you in a jiffy .", ":", "You mustn \u2019 t heed him , Ph\u0153be , lass : he \u2019 s blind", "Are on my scent : and now , I cannot rest .", "You used to like me ; and you always seemed", ":", "Ay , Ph\u0153be , let her go . She tells the truth .", "Has given you a gliff , and set you chittering ?", "De \u2019 il rive your sark ! It \u2019 s long since I \u2019 ve had the price", "Take off your bonnet ; and make yourself at home .", "But getting married is gey hungry work .", "Was just the drop too much : and he got fuddled .", "You stole her from me once , when you made off", "Last time you sprang a daughter on me , and now ...", "Come , shake yourself , before I rax your bones ;", "And I \u2019 d have relished breaking her in . But you", ":", ":", "Ay , fond and faithful . Look , how you stood up", "Nigh twenty-year since : and they \u2019 ve not been shut ...", "And I left him in the gutter , trying still .", ":", "I \u2019 m damned ! Nay , lass , I bid you bide :", "While you \u2019 ve been sitting doose ...", "I hardly ken ... I \u2019 ve been that hunted and harried .", ":", "Happen , they \u2019 re slinking now up Bloodysyke ,", "With that sort ramping round .", "Ay , Jim \u2014", "And you ... And you ...", "Our daughter , I should say : and she , no less ,", "And batter on that door to wake the dead :", "Since he \u2019 s stepped into my shoes \u2014 a fair swap !", "But I \u2019 ve had my fill of it , Judith , Hexham-measure :", "You \u2019 re maiselt , to see a scarecrow stottering in \u2014", "To snap you like the stopple , you yackey-yaa !", "Its mammy \u2019 ll soon be home .", "But you \u2019 re a nice one to welcome home a traveller", "What \u2019 s dozzened you ? She \u2019 ll find her wits soon , Ph\u0153be :", "And welcome ... What the devil \u2019 s this ? Whose brat ...", "Get out of hand . It \u2019 s time I came , i \u2019 faiks ,", "A ragtag hipplety-clinch : but I \u2019 ve been travelling", "As dumb and slick as adders ... But I \u2019 m doitered ,", "I \u2019 ll have no naggers , narr-narring all day long :", "There \u2019 s no one in the other room , is there ?", ":", "I swore I \u2019 d sleep ... but I couldn \u2019 t close an eye , now", "The rats make free of the rick : and so , you doubled ,", "Ay , Judith \u2014 in a manner of speaking ,", "You can \u2019 t gainsay it \u2019 s my home .", "At the notion of a new mistress at Krindlesyke \u2014", "But where \u2019 s the canny couple ?", "To settle down , and end my days in peace", "Up Bloodysyke : and they were following ?", "Give under him , in his need , and bring him down", "Leastways , they cannot glower when once the mould \u2019 s", "A menseful body : and I lippened to you .", "Sep had already had his fill of cheerers ,", "Or stare me out of countenance : they \u2019 ve no tongues", "My bride , the lady I have made my wife .", "Smashed into smithereens : and all for nothing .", ":", "Ay , Sep was mortal-clay , the addled egg :", "Of travelling lonesome : I \u2019 ve a mind to have", ":", "We trysted in , in the old days \u2014 do you mind ?", "How you \u2019 d crawled back to Krindlesyke with your daughter \u2014", "They \u2019 ll take me here , as sure as death .", "No slinking skeadlicks , nosing and sniffing round ,", "On a luckless wench : but let bygones be bygones .", "The cockmadendy \u2019 s been too easy with you .", "And when its dad and mammy come back ...", "I swear I never set out", "That suits my book . I \u2019 d a notion , Judith lass ,", "Things rest , and not hark back , routing things out ,", "I \u2019 ve hardly had a bite , and not a sup", "Hirpling it , barefoot \u2014 ay , kind lady , barefoot .", "Then I \u2019 ll wait", ":", "I \u2019 ve had enough of travelling the turnpike ,", "Unless I \u2019 m dreaming . It seems we all come back", "You call the lass to mind , though you look moidart ?", "I \u2019 m home for good : and isn \u2019 t she my daughter ?", "Then who the devil \u2019 s home ...", ":", "So , ghosts won \u2019 t trouble my rest at Krindlesyke .", ":", "So sit down , Ph\u0153be , before I clear the board .", "The niffy-naffy don \u2019 t-come-nigh-me nonesuch ?", "I thought ... But I mistook her . Let her go .", "And Krindlesyke won \u2019 t be a bed of roses ,", "My wedding-day ? A fine fligarishon", "I \u2019 ll stand no fantigues . If the cull \u2019 s too soft ...", "Eh , lass ? Well , mother : I \u2019 ve done the trick : all \u2019 s over ;", "To sit in the ingleneuk , while granddad hoofs it ?", "I \u2019 ve heard the story , all the goings-on ;", "Even if the brat were mine ?", "But , Jim \u2019 s fly , too . No : mum \u2019 s the word .", "If she \u2019 d \u2014 and the devil to pay ! So it \u2019 s good riddance ...", "She \u2019 d tasted no singing-hinnies this long while back .", "Would rouse you , if you were straked . I \u2019 ll have you with me ,", "I \u2019 m a travelled man : I \u2019 ve seen the world ; and so ,", "Whose face ? ...", "And , but for you and your brat , I \u2019 d settled down ,", "The hunt \u2019 s afoot ... But it may be a trap \u2014", "Ay : and so the grandam \u2019 s", "Ay : there \u2019 s the chair : I \u2019 d best secure it now .", "And you won \u2019 t heckle me and stare at me :", "I \u2019 m getting on in years : and you \u2019 re no younger", "But I bear no grudge : it \u2019 s not a job I \u2019 m after ,", "I never reckoned you \u2019 d be a reesty nag :", "Nay : I \u2019 m not fleyed of a bit of whitewashed plaister .", "For a little peace and quiet . Where \u2019 s my daughter ,", "Though he tried to make himself plain : he did his best ,", "He \u2019 s that sort , is he ? My luck is out again .", ":", "On the other side of the ingle , with a pipe", "Judith Ellershaw ! Why , lass , where ever have ...", "And how can I travel in these boots ? A week since", "Fetch up the swipes and shag . I can reach the cutty ...", "She \u2019 s answered what you asked ; though , why , unless ...", ":", "And settled yourselves couthily in my calfyard ,", "I \u2019 d have wrung the pullet \u2019 s neck for her one day ,", "You witch ... You witch ! You \u2019 ve got the evil eye . Don \u2019 t look at me like that ... Come , let me go !", "Like an angry bee . But , Judith , doesn \u2019 t it seem", "All \u2019 s well that ends well . And what odds , my lass ,", "And now , let Judith go . Come , Ph\u0153be , lass :", "Has gone to my noddle : drink \u2019 s the very devil", "My chickens have come home to roost , it seems .", "It draws us back \u2014 can \u2019 t keep away , nohow .", "A sorry nag at best ; and lets you down ,", "And married to me in a church , and all !", "Just let me get my fingers ... But , I \u2019 m betwattled", "And wasn \u2019 t she the high and mighty madam ,", ":", "To pull you up , and keep you in your place .", "I \u2019 ve only her and you to turn to now :", "For I \u2019 m not quite myself : I \u2019 ll own to that \u2014", "They \u2019 re in a mullock , all turned howthery-towthery", "O Christ !", "I \u2019 ll make such a rumpus , such a Bob - \u2019 s-adying ,", "But I \u2019 m forgetting how the years have flitted .", "Sep Shanks , in a bar at Bellingham : and he let out", ":", "The cuckoo \u2019 s changed his tune ; but I can \u2019 t say", "Happen I look a wee bit muggerishlike \u2014", "Just having a crack and talking old times over ,", "You \u2019 re surely forgetting ...", "A devasher in the ditch as the dogs are on him !", ":", "God \u2019 s truth ! there \u2019 s little else but skin and bone", "Just looking to see me : you seem overcome", "What \u2019 s that ? I thought ...", ":", "A cutty in peace : and you go on the rampage .", "With you and all : but , sink me , if I haven \u2019 t", "And I \u2019 m in luck .", "There \u2019 s naught in me to take a scunner at .", "The sleichers slither after me on their bellies ,", "And give my bride the welcome due to her \u2014", "May lounder my hurdies ; and go to Hecklebarney !", "The hounds that sleuth me : it \u2019 s only in my head", "To roast a man for what he did , or didn \u2019 t ,", "To tittle-tattle : they \u2019 re no tell-tale-tits ,", "It \u2019 s well you broke it piecemeal : the old callant \u2019 s", "I like the new note better : it \u2019 s too harsh :", "And doting like a dobby . I want to sleep ...", "And tug my forelock , like a lousy tinker ;", "And I \u2019 ll be fit as a fiddle . I \u2019 ve hardly slept ...", ":", ":", "But I \u2019 ve forgiven her : I bear no malice .", "To holler on the hounds ?", "Eh , Ph\u0153be , lass ! But you \u2019 ve stopped laughing , have you ?", "Alone ! But you are kind and comfortable :", "I thought \u2019 twould be more couthy-like with you ,", "A wrinkled hide or swell a scrankit belly .", "Craking and cackling like a gabble of geese :", "When I ...", "You \u2019 d be harsh with me : yet even you \u2019 ve turned raspy ...", "Before I met him ; and that last rum-hot", "You made of it between you , you and Ph\u0153be :", "Ay , ay : she showed some sense of decency", "To do it , Judith ; and the thing was done ,", "Like a brock in his earth : I \u2019 ll not be trapped and torn ...", "I \u2019 ll not be taken here ,", "I thought you \u2019 d a tender heart . Don \u2019 t be too hard", "The brat \u2019 s asleep .", "About a man \u2019 s returning to his home ?", "So let bygones be bygones .", "Well , I \u2019 ll not deny", "Too old a bird to be caught with chaff . You \u2019 re fly :", "What \u2019 s that you say ?", "With jookery-pawkry , Judith : I may be maiselt ,", "We \u2019 ll let bygones be bygones , won \u2019 t we , Judith ?", "Houffling and hirpling like a cadging faa :", "And who \u2019 s to turn me out of Krindlesyke ,", "And no mistake \u2014 a happy family :", "My only bairn : I cannot mind her name ,", "My doxy with me . By crikes ! I \u2019 m fleyed to face", "A waffly heart ; and any sudden joy", "But no , I \u2019 m not surprised : you can \u2019 t surprise me :", "Ay \u2014 ay ... I \u2019 ve seen it :", "In my young days : but my luck \u2019 s turned , it seems .", "But what matter", ":", "She bought , on the chance of borrowing a cow .", ":", "Least so , by those who \u2019 ve taken the bread from their mouths ,", "We \u2019 ll take the road together , bonnie lass ;", "While the cat calleevers the hills of Back-o \u2019 - Beyont ,", "And just as dry as Molly Miller \u2019 s milkpail", "Why do you leave her out ? And there \u2019 s a corner", "With hoity-toity Ph\u0153be \u2014 ay , I ken", "A poor , lone widower I \u2019 ve been any time", "For plover \u2019 s eggs and heather-broth don \u2019 t sleek", "Like adders through the bent ... Nay , they don \u2019 t yelp ,", "In the bar at Bellingham : your eyes were on me .", ":", "The devil !", ":", "Where the burn skirts the planting , in the slack", "That you gape like a foundered ewe at us ? What ghost", "If only that flirtigig , Ph\u0153be , hadn \u2019 t come", "Poor lass , she \u2019 s quaking like a dothery-dick .", "Do you take me for a cangling cadger , to haggle ...", ":", "Before I came to my senses : that \u2019 s God \u2019 s truth :", "I \u2019 m not myself ... Though who the devil I am", "Sooner or later , for certain \u2014 the last straw ,", "They \u2019 ve taken even her from me .", ":", "To make himself plain , he got us both chucked out :", "Forgimety ! I cannot ... God \u2019 s truth , I dare not !", "And folk kept looking : I might have been a bizen ,", "After the rig I \u2019 ve run . But , hearken , Judith :", "Hunted \u2019 s the word : and I \u2019 m too old for the sport .", ":", "I \u2019 ve a feeling in my bones somebody \u2019 s listening .", "Whether you ken or not ? You \u2019 ve done for me", "Like a stoorded tup ! And this is my wedding-day !", "Just sets it twittering : but the more the merrier !", "Mother , another cup . Draw up your chairs .", "For they might blab . I \u2019 d best be hooking it .", "Of corpses : the dead are dead : their eyes are shut :", "Then I \u2019 ll be taken here :", "She \u2019 ll not say nay : she \u2019 s a peckish look , as though", "I \u2019 m davered , surely : Seppy Shank \u2019 s rum", "I little looked to harvest my wild oats .", "The other lass was a lamb to woo , but wed ,", "And I was born to be a family-man .", "Well ... anyway , you \u2019 ll not desert me , Judith ."], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 9}, {"query": ["Of what men said ; for he was truth itself .", "My father \u2019 s daughter couldn \u2019 t but be trustful", "You \u2019 ll surely never have the heart to keep", ":", "Who has a better right .", "Ay , more than glad : she was loth to let me go ;", "I heard it from the lips", "Nay ! But I see you \u2019 ll come . We \u2019 ll live and work ,", "That uttered it just now .", "Ay , unless you \u2019 d stay ? You \u2019 ve the right .", "I might , God knows \u2014 for I was fond of you ,", "Maybe : and yet , you shall not cross that doorsill ,", "A child , with children . Unless you are too proud ...", "That name before .", "I \u2019 ve not been used to doubting people \u2019 s word .", "If only he \u2019 d lived , I mightn \u2019 t ...", ":", "You shall not go .", ":", "And trusted ...", "Not until I know the name", "We were getting home .", "I \u2014 I \u2019 m Jim \u2019 s bride .", ":", ":", "Come , lass , it \u2019 s time", ":", ":"], "true_target": ["That much he told me about you : he spoke the truth", "So far , at least : but I have still a home ,", "You shall not go .", ":", "Though , trusting Jim , as she trusted everyone ,", "I heard your name . I \u2019 ve heard", "Judith , you \u2019 re ready ?", "If I \u2019 ve no right ,", "And tend the bairn , as sisters , we who care .", "The name from me ? You \u2019 ll set my mind at ease ?", "If only for your baby \u2019 s sake . She \u2019 s just", "If Jim can look me in the eyes , and swear ...", ":", "She said but little : and she \u2019 ll welcome you ,", "Until I know .", "Of your baby \u2019 s father .", "Come , Judith .", "Judith , you lie .", "You say I \u2019 ve no right . Pray God , you speak the truth :", "Judith , it \u2019 s time we were getting home .", "But there may be no woman in the world", ":", "O Jim , if you had only told the truth ,", "While the tongue lies , the eyes speak out the truth .", "My mother will be glad to see me back \u2014", ":", "I married your bairn \u2019 s father .", "To-day ,"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 9}, {"query": ["Just hold your gob , you ...", "It looked so queer \u2014 till you called my name .", "I feared \u2019 twas mother . Lucky , she \u2019 s out ; it \u2019 s easier to do \u2014 Well , you ken what , when she \u2019 s ... But didn \u2019 t I bid You keep well out of sight , you and the lad ?", "Hearken , how she gammons !", "By crikey , no ! You \u2019 ll not catch me : I cannot \u2014", ":", "Come , woman : what the devil are you up to ? What \u2019 s this new game ?", "There \u2019 s nothing to bide here for : we \u2019 re too late . Jim \u2019 s stolen a march on us : there \u2019 s no loot left .", "I only saw", "No ; I didn \u2019 t see it :", "Only hark !", "Ay .", "And dad won \u2019 t hurt , meanwhile : he \u2019 s gey and tough .", "She \u2019 ll tell you she \u2019 s blood-royal , likely as not \u2014", "So let \u2019 s be going .", "Asleep , I think .", "A hunched-up shoulder , poking through the curtain .", "For there was someone lying on the bed ,", "I dared not stoop :", "Someone will come from Rawridge to see to the sheep :", "Dead !", "Nay , I \u2019 ll be jiggered ...", "I \u2019 ve a mind ...", "We \u2019 d best be making tracks : there \u2019 s nothing here :", "I didn \u2019 t see the box .", "Come , Bell :", "What can we do for them , anyway ? We can \u2019 t", "Well , dad , she \u2019 s Bell \u2014 Bell Haggard , tinker-born \u2014"], "true_target": ["It seems", "Just setting about it , when you interrupted ...", "The valance hangs too low .", ":", "Little enough I owe them :", "The devil ! BELL HAGGARD , a tall young tinker-woman , with an orange-coloured kerchief about her head , appears in the doorway with her young son , MICHAEL .", "You \u2019 ll smart yet , dad .", "Before my mother \u2019 s back .", "I couldn \u2019 t take my eyes from that hunched shoulder \u2014", "Bring back the dead to life : and , sooner or later ,", "And this lad happens to be hers and mine ,", ":", "You , Bell ? Lass , but you startled me .", ":", ":", "Somehow , though we \u2019 re not married .", "You \u2019 re biding here ?", ":", "Ay , my mother , or her fetch .", "Easy on ! Peter \u2019 s no lad to take a leathering , now . Your time \u2019 s come round for breeches down , old boy : But don \u2019 t be scared ; for I \u2019 m no walloper \u2014 Too like hard work ! My son \u2019 s a clean white skin : He \u2019 s never skirled , as you made me . By gox , You gave me gip : my back still bears the stripes Of the loundering I got the night I left . But I bear no malice , you old bag-of-bones : And where \u2019 s the satisfaction in committing Assault and battery on a blasted scarecrow ? \u2019 Twas basting hot young flesh that you enjoyed : I still can hear you smack your lips with relish , To see the blue weals rising , as you laid on , Until the tawse was bloody . Not juice enough In your geyzened carcase to raise one weal : and I never Could bear the sound of cracking bones : and you \u2019 re All nobs and knuckles , like the parson \u2019 s pig . To think I feared you once , old spindleshanks ! But I \u2019 m not here for paying compliments : I \u2019 ve other pressing business on that brings me To the God-forsaken gaol where I was born . If I make sense of your doting , mother \u2019 s out : And that \u2019 s as well : it makes things easier . She \u2019 d flufter me : and I like to take things easy , Though I \u2019 m no sneak : I come in , bold as brass , By the front , when there \u2019 s no back door . I \u2019 ll do the trick While she \u2019 s gone : and borrow a trifle on account . I trust that cuddy hasn \u2019 t cropt your cashbox , Before your eldest son has got his portion .", ":", "There \u2019 s no one here to nab us ; Jim \u2019 s gone off :", "With thon in the other room . I never could bear ...", ":", "By gox , she is !", ":", "But I \u2019 d as lief be through with it , and away ,", "I thought \u2019 twas better the bairn ..."], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 9}, {"query": ["What \u2019 s happiness ?", "After a day in the open . When I came ,", "Best pick yourself up sharp , and shake the thorns out ,", ":", "They \u2019 ve done their duty by others . Who \u2019 d have dreamt", "Alone , at last : and I \u2019 d as lief be gone ,", ":", "And it tastes salt on the lips ... It \u2019 s choking me ...", "He \u2019 ll prove a Haggard , yet . Nay \u2014 he said \u201c husband \u201d:", "And I \u2019 ll not haunt you : ghosts enough , with Ezra ,", "Well : you \u2019 re a bonnie lass , I must admit :", "In Krindlesyke ; to think I walked into this trap", "How should I know ?", "And after closing time , and all . You \u2019 ve done", "For certainties myself : no sheep for me :", "Than three-parts mutton , with a strain of reynard \u2014", "The cage door opening ? More to it than that :", "You \u2019 re , surely , never laughing at a lady ?", "I slept till midnight , when a clank of chains", "But , you \u2019 ve no turn", "Bolt-upright , as the coffin lid flew off :", "\u2019 Twas on Spadeadam Waste we \u2019 d camped that time ...", "And well you may , to see ... I little guessed", "To murder .", "To cut your heart out , if you doubted it :", ":", "No Haggard I \u2019 ve heard tell on \u2019 s been a husband :", "And what \u2019 s it got to do with you , the man", "Something to do with sheep . I see ... To think", "At Krindlesyke : and from this on I , too ,", "And still , \u2019 twas shabby to pinch the lot : a case", "He \u2019 ll keep the beaten track , the road that leads", "Or flap of the wings to warm your heart again .", "The flames leapt up ; and roaring to the stars ,", "Michael ! The lad will sit mumchance", "You needn \u2019 t fear for him . But I must go .", "But , son , remember a man \u2019 s decency", "Rose in the night to give meat to her household .", "Calleevering over all the countryside ,", "Ground out his two tunes like a hurdygurdy ,", "Of Haggard in the young limb , after all :", "I might have known you were no Prodigal son : He didn \u2019 t bring home even a single sausage , For all his keeping company with swine . But , what should I do with a daughter , lad ? Do you fancy , if I \u2019 d had a mind for daughters , I couldn \u2019 t have had a dozen of my own ? One petticoat \u2019 s enough in any house : And who are you , to bring your mother a daughter ?", "The young housesparrow . Granddad , Peter \u2019 s home", ":", "We cannot let them string up Michael \u2019 s uncle ?", "That \u2019 s how folk look , awake , at Krindlesyke .", "My own I knew by hearsay . But , what luck", "To talk with here ; and too much time for brooding ,", "A night or so may seem to matter little ,", "A slick tongue spares", "It \u2019 s all about me ... blood-red in my eyes ...", "As a kestrel in a hencoop . Ay , you \u2019 re decent :", "Yet the weathervanes", "To clap the clicking jimmies round your wrists .", "And when his wits went cranky , he just havered \u2014", "To overtake Jim on the road to the gallows ;", "You want run-honey , when it \u2019 s the honeycomb", "I \u2019 m eager to be off : we don \u2019 t seem welcome .", "The tinker \u2019 s brat", "But I question they \u2019 ll wait till ten o \u2019 clock : they seemed", "Has gained her ends , and seen you settled down", "Am dead to you . You \u2019 ll soon enough forget me :", ":", "Cain against Abel , ay , and hairy Esau", "You \u2019 d see me sitting ... I \u2019 ve watched many fires", "My bones have been restless in me all day long :", "I chose for my son \u2019 s father ? Chose \u2014 God help us !", "That \u2019 s got no use for parents , once he \u2019 s mated :", "Why harp on Jim ? I \u2019 ve not clapped eyes on Jim ,", "No soul of her kin to tend her at the last ?", "A closer look : yet I saw that each was carrying", "The jack-knife , turned into a pair of scissors \u2014", "Guessing the hanniel was up to little good .", ":", "A welsher in the end : I \u2019 ll have had my fling ,", "A butter-won \u2019 t-melt-in-my-mouth young sobersides ,", "Turned in , while I could wink an eye , before :", "Ananias and I came for our share , too late :", "Swear that I told you that upon my oath \u2014", "And it \u2019 s just the change and chances of the ring", "When a breath tickles it . Sheep will be sheep ,", "I little ettled I \u2019 d look on you again .", "Against a stone in falling ... I could fancy", "At the last trump , among a flock of bleaters .", "The harrygad !", "You \u2019 d no cause to worrit", "I \u2019 ve got a daughter , too . Alone , you say ?", "And scrunch the life out ... But I \u2019 m havering \u2014", "Hooked it :", "While you \u2019 ve a roof to shelter me , eh , son ?", "Ay \u2014 we see life at Krindlesyke , God help us !", "And shifted naught : just burnished up the brasses ,", "But , choose or not , we \u2019 ve got to pay the piper .", "Out of the night , to tell outlandish tales ,", "You \u2019 re merry , sir ! Will you not share the jest ?", "You mean so well ; and understand so little .", "Till we \u2019 ve served our turn . Mine \u2019 s talking , you \u2019 ll have gathered !", "A mongrel breed , say you ? And who but a man", "I \u2019 m a wildcat , all bristling fur and claws :", "A sanded floor ; and the glow and smother of peat :", "But , Michael \u2019 s happy ?", "How Michael throve : although I hadn \u2019 t ettled", "I stumbled ; and I hurt my side in falling :", "Before all \u2019 s shrivelled to black dust . But , tombstones ,", "And no mistake ! I \u2019 m in the dowie dumps \u2014", "I \u2019 d back", "What \u2019 s worth the kenning \u2019 s seldom learned by speiring .", "But I \u2019 d rather be a lean pig , running free ,", "Of shutting me in . But you \u2019 ll be snug enough", ":", "Who \u2019 s old enough to ken she doesn \u2019 t ken .", "As a ferret among the bobtails , old and dull .", "And horses , horses , till the day of judgment .", "As , blind as other mothers , I \u2019 d have sworn", "Beneath the daisies ; but the gowans must wait .", "Turning things over and over in my own mind ,", "Too snell to fire her blood : she \u2019 s always relished", "The oracle has spoken . And so , old image , you \u2019 ve found your tongue at last : Small wonder you mislaid it , in such a mug . Help , say you ? But , you needn \u2019 t bleat so loud : There \u2019 s none within three miles to listen to you , But me and Peter and Michael ; and we \u2019 re not deaf : So don \u2019 t go straining your voice , old nightingale , Or splitting your wheezy bellows . And \u201c thieves ,\u201d no less ! Tastes differ : but it isn \u2019 t just the word I \u2019 d choose for welcoming my son and heir , When he comes home ; and brings with him his \u2014 well , His son , and his son \u2019 s mother , shall we say , So \u2019 s not to scandalize your innocence ? And , come to think , it \u2019 s none too nice a word For grandson \u2019 s ears : and me , his tender mammy , Doing all I can to keep the lamb \u2019 s heart pure . And as for \u201c murder \u201d\u2014 how could there be murder ? Murder \u2019 s full-blooded \u2014 no mean word like \u201c thieves \u201d: And who could murder a bundle of dried peas-sticks ? Flung on the fire , happen they \u2019 d crackle and blaze : But I \u2019 m hot enough , to-day , without you frizzling . Still , \u201c thieves \u201d sticks in my gullet , old heel-of-the-loaf . Yet I \u2019 m not particular , myself , at times : And I \u2019 ve always gathered from your dutiful son Manners were taken for granted at Krindlesyke , And never missed : so I \u2019 ll overlook the word . You \u2019 ve not been used to talking with a lady , Old scrag-end : still , I \u2019 m truly honoured , sir , In making your acquaintance : for I \u2019 ve heard Some pretty things about you from your son .", "And yet , there \u2019 s always some new twist to learn .", "If I \u2019 m acquainted with Bell Haggard . Well ,", ":", "Though it won \u2019 t need any witch , my jackadandy ,", "This time , and Whinny Muir and Brig-o \u2019 - Dread ...", "Some folk can only thrive in gaol \u2014 no nerve", "You found him out ?", "Naffing and nickering like a three-year-old ?", "You shy at shadows ; and shrink from the crack of the whip ,", ":", "Nay \u2014 I must shuffle them quietly off ; and lay", "Ay : but not mine . What should a tinker \u2019 s trollop", "What \u2019 s this jackadandy ,", "And you \u2019 re too proud \u2014", "No dash of brandy in your stirabout :", "It seems the old witch drew me here once more", "Are tarradiddles ? Jim \u2019 s not mucked that step", ":", "Nay : he \u2019 ll not dangle in a hempen noose .", ":", "About the sovereigns Jim made off with : he missed", "Of curly lambkins , bleating round the board .", "It \u2019 s Jill fell down , and cracked her crown , this journey .", "In little things \u2014 I \u2019 m honesty itself", "She must be chuckling , thinking how she \u2019 s done me :", "My proud nose to the grindstone . My turn , now \u2014", "While I go hunting with the jinneyhoolets \u2014", "Me ! I \u2019 m a fool \u2014", "Anger \u2019 s the stuff to loose a tongue grown rusty :", "He can turn his horns on me ? Michael , my son ,", "Oh ! amn \u2019 t I the wiseacre , the downy owl ,", "Be sleeping under Winter \u2019 s Stob ? But Jim \u2014", "But I was full-tilt on Jim \u2019 s track , then : and so ,", "Jigging and bobbing to the twitching strings :", "Pat it comes :", "Than waste the day in seeking gates to slip through :", "Your teeth grit on the stone , instead of cracking", ":", "A dip burned to the socket . May chance puff out", "Who \u2019 ve always done the choosing , and never yet", "Ay \u2014 but the flare ,", "But bring a blush to his children \u2019 s cheeks ? God help them ,", "If I lay down , the walls would close on me ,", "Struck twelve , there was a crack that brought us to ,", ":", "Before the bitter winter that finished Ezra :", "Seem closing ... It would be the queerest start", "Or , wasn \u2019 t life the dark horse ? I have talked", "Of bitters over the tongue gives bite to the pepper :", "With a rattle \u2014 not a breath to whisper fifty .", "Sang through my blood ; or poaching foxes barked", "For Michael is a Barrasford , blood and bone :", "The bleat of sheep , till Ruth \u2019 s voice kittled your ear ?", "As always when you \u2019 ve business in Bellingham .", "More than a little for you young know-alls to learn ,", "As well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb ?", ":", "Aren \u2019 t you the sparky blade , the daffing callant ,", "So , you can do your duty by the sheep ,", "You \u2019 ll think his thoughts ; and mutter them in your mind ,", "It \u2019 s time enough to moulder , underground .", "Crikey ! You \u2019 re not blate", "Even old hard-boiled drew the line somewhere .", "Jealous \u2014 I wonder ? Anyhow , it seems ,", "Already cold and stiffening .", "And purring , when her darlings pull my tail \u2014", "Where you \u2019 ll find yourself , if you get nobbled ...", "Before your feet get frozen to the flagstones :", "It \u2019 s over dour and dearn for me in this loaning", "A faithful fool ,", "The odds : and I \u2019 ll not grouse if life should prove", "It \u2019 s eight-year since he quitted Krindlesyke ,", "Time plucks the feathers off you ; and you lie ,", "Could startle her , though she \u2019 d no notion of it .", "Or else he \u2019 s a deaf mute ; though , likely enough ,", "That gives the crunch and flavour . Would you be", "Till the whole world grills , at last , on hell \u2019 s gridiron .", "Tell me what \u2019 s kittling you , old skeleton ,", "I \u2019 ve got my self-respect . For all my talk ,", "That \u2019 s the true husband \u2019 s voice : for husbands think ,", "Peter \u2019 s own brother , too ; and guessed \u2019 twas Jim :", "And so , you quitted your mammy , without a word ,", "Bed , did you say ?", "My sharp tongue \u2019 s minced my very wits to words .", "Even if I \u2019 d not struck Jim , I \u2019 d meant to come ,", "My mouth is watering for the old savoury mess \u2014", "You \u2019 ve been a galled jade , fretting for the stable .", "That it might be turned into a tinker \u2019 s dosshouse ,", "But you \u2019 ve no taste for bitters , or devilled collops \u2014", "Life got me by the scruff of the neck , and held", "For circuses : your heart \u2019 s a pipeclayed hearthstone \u2014", "Once she has any truck with men . But , carties !", "I little dreamt he \u2019 d ever turn lobstroplous :", "Ay : so it seems :", "A little image of a Barrasford :", "Lad , look well round on your ancestral halls :", "You \u2019 re master here : well , that \u2019 s for Ruth to settle :", "Now she and you \u2019 ve got no more use for me :", "To turn life inside-out in my own mind ;", "Peter , I \u2019 m biding here .", "And race , the pair of you , neck and neck , for hell :", "And when , at length , the cart got on the road ,", "Without your aid . You \u2019 ll die a thousand deaths ,", "The last laugh , though it choke me . And what \u2019 s death ,", "The family-secrets to , unsnecking the cupboard ,", "To light me to cover at the keeper \u2019 s step .", "Till you find a lass to your mind ; and set me free", "When the owls are hooting to the hunter \u2019 s moon ,", "And you \u2019 re in heaven !", "Well done , for you , Ruth , lass ; you \u2019 ve kindled him ,", "By candle-light , the night before the funeral ,", "The flick of my tongue can nettle him at last :", "The saucer of skim-milk that young skinflint spares me ,", "What have you heard this fifteen-year , except", "Too much of life for easy scorn : I \u2019 ve learnt", "If they weren \u2019 t split already . Yet my clapper", "Going , Peter , where ?", "Maundering and moonging like a spancelled cow :", "If I \u2019 d turned tail , she \u2019 d have bared her toothless gums", "And , happen , on like errand to your own .", "But now I can kick Eliza \u2019 s shoes sky-high :", "Something \u2019 s gone topsy-turvy with creation ,", "You \u2019 re wanted for ? They might be friends of yours ,", ":", "\u2019 Twould be about his measure .", "That \u2019 s through , I trust : those ewes have taken a deal", "A weak flame , easily snuffed out : the stink", ":", "And have a prowl round the old gaol , and see", "Had emptied of wits . He \u2019 d count them , over and over \u2014", "I \u2019 ll be elsewhere . I \u2019 ve never knuckled down", "But , have you never gabbed to keep your heart up ?", "To catch the click of the cell-door behind me :", "My death \u2019 ll come quick and chancy , as I \u2019 d have had", "But , it looks innocent , wooden-faced humbug : yet", "To think you \u2019 d wed , without a word !", "And how they \u2019 d hate to leave it , or be parted", ":", "The Haggard blood is pricking in my veins .", "I followed him , full-pelt , hot on his heel ,", "I \u2019 ve some respect for murderers : they , at least ,", "Of coffins , Judith ... Shut in a black box !", "You \u2019 ll stop , till Michael \u2019 s old enough to manage", "If I \u2019 ve my way , there \u2019 ll be stampeding hoofs", "Without a word , is not the son I thought him .", "Since last I sat beside this hearth \u2014 good fires :", "With her own dishclout . Needs must , the fire will burn ,", "When keeper \u2019 s sneaked his bunny , and broken his snare ?", "I little guessed she \u2019 d play this cantrip on me :", "You go about your business ,", "And the king for landlord . While I \u2019 ve eaten my head off ,", "But , Jim was greedy ...", "Though I \u2019 d guess your bairn \u2019 s a gentler strain : yet mine \u2019 s", "Nid-nodding , Michael and I , just as the clock", "Hark , how the lych-owl screeches !", ":", "And I \u2019 d a mind to see the marble halls", "That took the bit in her teeth , and bolted : although", "You dreamt you dwelt in .", "But , at least , you leapt sky-high , before you tumbled :", ":", "I take it ?", "To keep an edge on my tongue .", "A tattered corpse against the hagging moon ,", "Dead men \u2019 s knuckles !", "I \u2019 d be no husk : still ripe and milky , I \u2019 d have him", "I couldn \u2019 t have that wastrel making mischief", ":", "The sheep without your aid : then you may spurt", ":", ":", "To sup off cold peaseporridge : and it \u2019 s the wash", "You \u2019 ll split the scalp , some day . I \u2019 ve not been used", ":", ":", ":", "And till the day he fetches home a bride ,", "I \u2019 ve floundered in so long ; and , snuffing the wind ,", ":", "Your mothers \u2019 lives between you ? I \u2019 m to be", "The rest of the week , is the most you \u2019 d ask of life \u2014", "Nay ... nay ... it wasn \u2019 t Jim ... I stumbled , Judith :", "To bring strange lasses to disturb my peace ,", "So , I must bide within this whitewashed gaol ,", "I was the first to look on her dead face ,", "You \u2019 ve just to twitch the wire and the bell rings :", "A fly , caught in the web of a dead spider .", "Except by accident . I did ... and yet ,", "Before death gets the stranglehold : I \u2019 ll have", "For all I ken : though I \u2019 ve never taken , myself ,", "But he was never a rapscallion ripstitch \u2014", "And a double dose of his blue blood will run", "For gallivanting ; as most folk are by the time", ":", "On a shiny night to the cackle of wild geese ,", "And marriage-lines make all the difference , don \u2019 t they ?", "Respectable ... it wouldn \u2019 t be respectable ...", "And a tinker \u2019 s baggage went out of her way", "But , Judith sent some message by her daughter ?", "Nursing a bloody head . But , mind you , Judith :", "Life with a smack in it : death with a tang ...", "I \u2019 ve never told him mine : I \u2019 ve kept him easy ,", "In the other room : I \u2019 d advise you to lie down ,", "Brooding among these God-forsaken fells ,", "The chancy life for me \u2014 not certain death ,", "Are baked as black as your heart . You \u2019 d better take", ":", "Tastes differ : but it \u2019 s just that you \u2019 re not my sort", "A drunken blether-breeks", "To doing any man \u2019 s bidding , as you should ken :", "The kindled peatstack fires the steading ? Far better", ":", "The devil only kenned ; and he \u2019 s forgotten .", "You \u2019 re right : for doubting is a kind of dotage :", "The lessons of the road .", "\u2019 Twixt your dead grannie and you , too strong for me", "And who \u2019 s the brass to say he \u2019 s not my son ?", "The morn I came : if she \u2019 d but lived a day \u2014", "But , son , you \u2019 ve lived with me for all these years ;", "Who \u2019 m I , to scorn ? You \u2019 re not my sort : but I ken", ":", ":", "Where Michael finds", ":", "To your wife \u2019 s apron-strings : for menfolk seem", "He \u2019 s not his mother \u2019 s son : he banks his money ;", "Winter \u2019 s but six months off , you ken . It \u2019 s time", "A hearthfire yet at Krindlesyke . Anyway ,", "There must be blood somewhere : I seemed to smell it .", "Have you gone gite , now ?", "And put my best foot foremost before darkening :", ":", "Your fingers \u2019 twixt the cleaver and the block ?", "To die alone , folk say ; but I don \u2019 t know .", "The time came , as it comes to every man ,", "You would have done that fifteen-years-hard willingly ?", "In Michael : and as for you , my lass , you \u2019 re just", "I \u2019 m out of place in any decent house ,", "As a sobering lout will quit the bramble-bush", "But , though he \u2019 s Ezra \u2019 s stubbornness , he \u2019 s naught", "Before me , and a sudden , unlooked-for ending .", "After the taste you had of it the last time ?", ":", "If , after all ... But , dod , I \u2019 ve got the dismals ,", "As canny as he \u2019 s cute , for his own ends ,", "Since that old egg-with-whiskers committed me .", "So proper a gentleman , \u2019 twill be hard to tell", ":", "For one of us , who \u2019 d ken our pretty ways ;", "Free of the coil of cumber and trouble ... I never", "\u2019 Twould be manslaughter with the likes of him .", "And you cannot reckon up a stranger \u2019 s wits", "And scooted him when Michael could manage the sheep .", "Like blind white faces ; and you never ken", "I fancied", "To do with coffins ? Let us talk of fires :", "In putting money on dead-certainties .", "\u2019 Twas hundreds Peter blabbed of \u2014 said our share", "Careless and cold : yet , both came the same cropper \u2014", ":", "To having my own way .", "For every woman \u2019 s lonely in her heart .", "Has never made a housewife of a gipsy \u2014", "And darning hose , and making meals for men ,", "It stiffens some . But , why take accidents", "And send the old witch skiting on her broomstick .", "If I ken Michael : likes things proper , he does ;", "Whatever they may say , you stick to that :", ":", "Ay , the green bracken-shoots ,", "Although my ghost should prove a match for any ,", "I \u2019 ve a deal to say to the bridegroom , before I go .", "Of your mug , and have one lout the less to do for .", "Even an older flame of his than you :", "You let life hurt you :", "In fellside ditches underneath the stars ;", "Silence , old misery :", ":", "Before I brook a master ; so , good-night ,", "No gallivanting with the dark-eyed stranger ,", "A husband , born , as I was never born", "And the daylong patter of raindrops on the roof :", "Before he comes : I \u2019 ve far to travel to-night :", "In that particular , heaven would suit me better :", "Or I \u2019 ll joggle your bones till they rattle like castanets .", "As I could never do , for all my chaff .", "I \u2019 m through with Krindlesyke . Good-bye , old gaol !", "Then , what would you have ?", "As thrang as Throp \u2019 s wife when she hanged herself", "Flames roaring ... roaring ... roaring ...", ":", "Do in the house of Michael Barrasford ,", "I must have supped off toadstools on a tombstone ,", "Stuck to your own , and rightly : I \u2019 d not swap mine", "I \u2019 m glad I came .", "Only my skirt torn ; and it always draggled .", "I \u2019 m too much of a Haggard , to want to rise ,", "Ants ? They \u2019 d need be kaids ,", "They \u2019 ll fit her , as they never fitted me :", "He kens , he kens :", "While I picked myself up , scatheless ; not a scratch ;", "In an absent-minded fit \u2014 and pretty tales", "He burnt his fingers so badly : but he \u2019 s not kindled", ":", "Lying in wait for me the day I came ?", "For my fancy man , who may have departed this life ,", ":", "The selfsame day , within an hour or so .", "Of pot and kettle , but I \u2019 d have scorned to bag", "A fiery , flaming , roaring funeral ,", "\u2019 Twould make your lugs burn \u2014 such a gillaber about you .", "I \u2019 ve puffed away my pipeful . Ay : Ruth \u2019 s safe .", "My ghost will ride a broomstick ....", "Better than most menfolk \u2014 a bonnie sparrer ,", "And so , you \u2019 re faithful , even to a fool ;", "To be hanged by the neck till you are dead .", "Murder ? Nay : it takes a man", "But that \u2019 s not my line : please to step this way", "Till then I \u2019 d jumped , and bit , at my own sweet will .", "But ghosts and graves ! I \u2019 m down-in-the-mouth to-day :", "It \u2019 s only men grow sober and faint-hearted :", "I never looked on a lonelier face .", ":", "Have slackened their cold clutch ; and your dead grannie", "And you \u2019 ll find the fun of the fair \u2019 s in taking chances :", "Impatient for your company , deuce kens why :", "It seems as though a woman can \u2019 t escape ,", "I didn \u2019 t guess ! Why is it , any man", "You \u2019 re not sent back by the penitent , then , to pay", "They couldn \u2019 t keep old Ezra in : the lid", "For nourishment : and that \u2019 s what you call life !", "And the Prince has brought her home \u2014 to wash the dishes .", "For Michael to be his son , I \u2019 d need to be", "You \u2019 re here to welcome the young pair .", "I warrant , in his time ; but past his best", "Too wise to put", ":", "But he got here before me : so I waited", "Just one day longer , she \u2019 d have let me go .", "I \u2019 ve heard the name ;", "Nay : but I \u2019 ll not lie down :", "At all costs : hurly-burly , razzle-dazzle \u2014", "Is like to curdle : or , happen , I should say ,", "Early to bed and early to rise ... I \u2019 ve never", "As you might put it ; seeing that Jim \u2019 s brother", "Of smoke , like coffin-elder ... And the blaze \u2014", "From being a mother ?", "Travelling from sea to sea far overhead :", "Time \u2019 s drawn your teeth , but hasn \u2019 t dulled your tongue \u2019 s edge .", "I \u2019 d hear him counting , counting in the dark ,", "Coal , coke , and peat , but wood-fires in the main .", "More than need be , because you were ashamed .", "A deal", "No fushenless , brashy , mim-mouthed mealy-face ,", "They knew , who named me ... Talking to gain time ...", "Cock-a-whoop , my lad !", "His mother \u2019 s deathbed in his young wife \u2019 s arms \u2014", "The job too soon ; so I \u2019 ll get shot of the sight", ":", "Take things into their own hands , and don \u2019 t wait", "A husband born . No need to fear for Ruth :", "You \u2019 ve surely not forgotten Bell Haggard \u2019 s tongue ,", "Who kens what green sod \u2019 s to be broken for him ?", "You pull", "No ring for hoofs to trample to the clang", "Then , where \u2019 s the need for shame ,", "He \u2019 s not gone poseying in the kitchen garden .", "But , who \u2019 d have guessed he \u2019 d ... Surely , there \u2019 s a strain", "Though naught that ever happens is an ending ;", "In the flames just now : and I \u2019 ll not rot to death :", "In Bellingham this morning , oddly enough .", "With none but strangers \u2019 hands to lay her out \u2014", "I \u2019 d fancy : though I never kenned her , living :", "But we were talking of your friends :", "Rides the high-horse now , mounted on prime mutton .", "Swallow the kernel , and spit out the shell ,", "Like a badger from his earth . I left them talking .", "The box was empty : and , often , in the night ,", "In a treacle-trap \u2014 the gold all gone : naught left", ":", "For any hammy , halfnabs , and hang-gallows", "Does the daft beast fancy", "Come , Peter : let \u2019 s away from this mouldy gaol ,", "It \u2019 s the uncertainty makes the race \u2014 no sport", "To that old dotard , counting the fifty sovereigns", "And they \u2019 re all huddled up against the dykes ,", "That \u2019 s their look-out ; they \u2019 ve got no call to do them :", ":", ":", "She \u2019 s done her best for you ; and scrubbed and scoured ,", "To face the risks outside ; and never happy", "Though I could wag a tongue with Solomon ,", "Even should they happen to ken the old folk by sight :", "Is my son \u2019 s father ; though how it came to happen ,", "And study every thread of it , warp and weft .", "Quite anxious about you , they seemed .", "And pleasant dreams ; and a long family", "Lightheaded from the tumble ... mother-wit \u2019 s", "At Krindlesyke , I \u2019 m a ewe overhead in a drift", "Your home respectable ; though , in her heart ,", "I hardly ken him , with his dander up ,", "His haunches quiver , for all his woolly coat ;", "Cook , slut , and butler here this fifteen-year ,", "Like the Queen of Sheba herself : I doubt if she", "You \u2019 ve seen my face before .", "To four walls , and the same bed every night .", "After the razzle-dazzle ... Concubines !", "To think I fashed myself to give you warning :", "We laid them out , together , side by side ,", "Too steady to shy even at the crack of doom :", "And always had a weakness for black lambs .", "A crookt corpse , yellow as his lost gold , I found him ,", ":", "When first I came to Krindlesyke , I felt", "You \u2019 ve got your way : and you \u2019 re to be a herd .", "And it \u2019 s silly to lie moaning in the prickles :", "Ay , true enough ; I \u2019 ve been", "Of his first breeches : and , like the most of men ,", "And old granddaddy sat up in his shroud .", "With lollering tongues too baked to bleat \u201c Stop thief !\u201d", "You didn \u2019 t swallow that gammon ? Why should I", "And I ... I slutted , fifteen ... I \u2019 d an inkling", "Doubtless , they helped each other ; and got through", "Anyway , you burned :", "Counting his ghostly sovereigns all night long ,", "That \u2019 s so .", "My head in chancery ; but I \u2019 ll soon be free", "My wits out , till I \u2019 m like a drunken tipster ,", "Or , rather , the hunter , bogged in a quaking moss ,", ":", "In my time : Ezra thought he \u2019 d followed you .", ":", "I couldn \u2019 t obey , where I have bid ; nor risk", "Trinkets and toys and fairings . Son , you say ,", "Pride \u2014 we \u2019 ve both pride ; yours , hot and fierce , and mine", "A family failing \u2014", "His tinker-mother , squatted by the hearth ,", "If I \u2019 d been married , before a week was through ,", "To snuggle on the corner of a settle ,", ":", "Age never yet brought gumption to a ninny :", "Ah , where ? You \u2019 d like to learn ?", "A lamb , or let a ewe slip through his hands ,", "Till doomsday : and I \u2019 m through with Krindlesyke ,", "So , don \u2019 t try on your pretty tricks with me .", "Had suckled you ? Even your dad \u2019 s no more", "The times I \u2019 ve polished you , the elbow-grease", ":", "Like an urchin with a withy \u2014 must be slashing \u2014", "Much worse than let young Michael pick them for me :", "With all the cock-a-whoop of ignorance :", "Nay , God forbid ! I \u2019 m no tame pussycat ,", "The shepherd from the sheep . Someone must rear", "I hadn \u2019 t ettled to darken the door again ;", "I smelt the blood ... but , it \u2019 s not there , the pain ...", ":", "And sharing potluck by the roadside fire .", "They felt their freedom coming , before I kenned .", "Swelling and bridling like a bubblyjock .", "Slept with his fathers ... I wonder he could sleep ,", "I don \u2019 t trust doors myself ; they \u2019 ve got a knack", "Though I like to fancy I pick my steps , and choose", "And not a soul the wiser . But it turns out", "Uneasy on the loose , and never happy", "However long I stayed , I \u2019 d have to go", "It \u2019 s talking I \u2019 ve missed most : I \u2019 ve always been", "It must be her he favours : and he \u2019 s got", "The lad along with you : he cannot learn", "A gorly , gousty , blusterous day that sets", "She \u2019 d hardly die more lonely than she lived :", "Little to choose , \u2019 twixt ends .", "All \u2019 s fish that comes to their net . I was made", "Till he \u2019 d found someone else to victual him ,", "While I would just be faithful to myself .", "Held me for your sake . Ay : there seemed some link", "Why should you go half-way to meet your funeral ?", ":", ":", "And so , we \u2019 re each kept going , in our own kind ,", "Of cymbals , blare of trumpets , rattle of drums :", "Soon push through the black litter of charred heath :", "For any man \u2019 s : but , you \u2019 re the bride the bridegroom", "Of a sleeping woman \u2019 s back \u2014 his minney \u2019 s , and all !", "Between that door and you . It \u2019 s crazy and old ,", "The creaking of his wits between the words .", ":", "Fankit in sluthery strothers , belly-deep ,", ":", "No living woman could have held me here :", "Awakened me : and , looking up , I saw", ":", "Come , none-so-pretty , cough the old wheeze up ,", "Like a flea in harness , that draws a nutshell-coach .", ":", "To cross the doorstone \u2014 just to come and go ,", "But elm just smoulders \u2014 it \u2019 s the coffin-wood ...", "Like crocks in a mugger \u2019 s cart : but I \u2019 ve had few", "Your skirt-tail whisking round the doorcheek .", "I \u2019 ve got the chance of a crack , my tongue goes randy ;", "Now there \u2019 s a sweet , domestic picture for you !", "If your nose were tapped . Who \u2019 d ever guess my dugs", "And who \u2019 s to tell me I \u2019 m too old to marry ?", "I \u2019 ve always sat late ... And I \u2019 d sit it out", "I \u2019 ve never done what I would blush to own to :", "The clock has struck for her ; and the dancing \u2019 s done ;", "The handle downwards towards you , and the beer", "To the last accident that lays us out \u2014", "Once we had got the plunder ; and were trapped", "When the cuckoo \u2019 s turned domestic , and starts to rear", "Behind the door , till I speak with them .", ":", ":", "\u2019 Twas you they meant .", "How should I ken ?", "It doesn \u2019 t do to rattle broken ribs \u2014", "The crazy clapper , seemingly ... But , coffins \u2014", "For Michael \u2019 s twenty-one .", "Till the words bite hot as ginger on the tongue .", "The sleeping spit of Michael at the age .", "After I \u2019 d slutted to keep it respectable", "He always kens a trick worth two of mine ;", "That just because he \u2019 s in his own calfyard", "Flames roaring in my head ... I hear ... I hear ...", "The day we came here , with no thought to bide ,", "He \u2019 ll waste no matches , lighting wayside fires .", "Be fit again ... Bell isn \u2019 t done for , yet :", "I \u2019 m not that bad ... I say , I \u2019 ll not lie down ...", "Life , with an edge , and a free hand with the pepper .", "Fee-fo-fum !", "A wasp , rampaging in her spider \u2019 s web .", ":", "For want of use , and spoiling for a fight .", "What \u2019 s turned my thoughts to death ? It \u2019 s these white walls ,", "Always a prim and proper little man ,", "There must be blood , somewhere ... I thought I smelt it ...", "Can still get on the silly side of me ,", "That \u2019 s how we women gammon ourselves . Deuce kens", "When they \u2019 ve to do with women . Witch , say you ?", "It was a tinker \u2019 s baggage mothered you \u2014", "You should ken best who \u2019 s after you , and what", "And not shut up between four glowering walls ,", "And keep it in good fettle for all chances .", "I hear them roaring now ... the flames ... I hear ...", "Coffins ? Who muttered coffins ? Let \u2019 s not talk", "Of saying nothing : no sparks to strike off him ;", "And the hole they \u2019 d howked for him , chockful of slush :", "Flew off ; and old granddaddy sat up , girning ...", "On either side the poor , but pious , hearth .", "When you \u2019 d to make a choice betwixt two women .", "Out of the way for . You say I \u2019 ll scorn you , woman .", "Your mother was out . But , we \u2019 ve no time to potter .", "You \u2019 re not the vanished bride ? Then who \u2019 ve I blabbed", "There \u2019 s something of his mammy , after all ,", "After all , there \u2019 s something of the mother in me .", "If I pricked him now , he \u2019 d bleed red blood \u2014 not ewe \u2019 s milk :", "Or happen the droppy weather makes me dyvous :", "It might just smoulder with muckle funeral-plumes", "As though they \u2019 d crush the life out : and I felt", "Hotching with maggots like a reesty gowdy ,", "But the chink of coins in an old man \u2019 s noddle , that age", "When the whole world \u2019 s hoddendoon and draggletailed ,", ":", "I ken , I ken . Well ... He \u2019 s got what he wanted , anyway .", "To the little boy-blues . But , carties , I \u2019 d have fancied", "There \u2019 s no scandal", "That \u2019 s cropped the grass round its feet , and mumbles its wool", "The almighty lot choice has to do with it !", "Wouldn \u2019 t be missed \u2014 or I \u2019 d have never set foot", "Truth slips out .", "Can put the blinkers on us ? But , was I blind ,", "For fifty-pound , that wasn \u2019 t even here !", "A body on the gibbet ...", "But not till I \u2019 m done with you .", ":", "Just often enough to keep me in good conceit .", "My cue \u2019 s to vanish in a puff of smoke", ":", "And I \u2019 m not so young ... And Michael mustn \u2019 t find", "I \u2019 d not lie down ... You cannot dodge your luck :", "For fifteen-year .", "Till they twinkled as Zillah \u2019 d kept them , while she could ...", "Like a tap that needs a washer : and , by carties ,", ":", "And you are staying , too .", "Let \u2019 s talk no more of coffins : what have I", "But I could die of laughing , split my sides ,", "And yet ken me so little ? Grannie \u2019 s mutch-frills !", "They \u2019 re roaring to the stars ... roaring ... roaring ...", "So often he \u2019 s pressing business , must be seen to \u2014", "Yet your mother must do her best for you . A mattress", "You \u2019 ll learn the trick , soon , Ruth .", "Murderers and suicides ...", ":", "They call me that : but I \u2019 m Bell Haggard still ;", "I \u2019 ve served my sentence : the cell-door opens : and yet ,", "No streak of me . All Barrasford , I judged him :", "Fancying myself as knowing as a signpost ?", "For those who can \u2019 t be scandalized \u2014 just news :", ":", "And rest ; you \u2019 re looking trashed : and , come to think ,", "A plucky plunger , than a canny crone", "For our mischances , they should make a match :", "Grannie \u2019 s frilled mutch ? I leave you , Michael ? Son ,", "But can \u2019 t just mind ... Ay ! You \u2019 re the hard-mouthed wench", "For the fancy goods and fakish faldalals ,", "For a plaguey husband : and if I \u2019 m to dangle ,", "In value for my money .", "A petticoat , no less !", "Before it chokes you . Let me clap your back .", "For the wife of Michael Barrasford . Well , boy ,", "To keep her tongue from wagging . Well , my son ,", ":", "Too staid and sober for his tinker-mother :", "Of whitewash makes me queasy \u2014 sets me listening", ":", "I \u2019 m duberous I could kindle it with an izle :", "When the wind blows snell : but it \u2019 s something to be stirring ,", "Barred in the grate : burn \u2014 nay , I \u2019 ve only smouldered", ":", "I \u2019 ve little mind to risk a second time :", "Ay ; so they call me .", "I \u2019 ve little time to lose : I \u2019 m getting old \u2014", "His crony sprawling , splurging in the gutter ,", "Better to break your neck at the first ditch ,", "Your worship ; though I fear I must plead guilty", "And , in your heart , you know it \u2019 s for the best ,", "Only , our ways are different ; and here they part .", "And so , with not a coffin-board betwixt them ,", "The world would end if a man could not forget", "They seemed dead-set ... You needn \u2019 t jump like that :", "I \u2019 ve slipt my apron off ; and you \u2019 re tied now", "Should I ... you can \u2019 t hang any man alone ...", "And patters like a cheapjack \u2019 s , or a bookie \u2019 s", "I \u2019 d an inkling", "But I hear the owls call : and my fur \u2019 s a-tingle :", "It won \u2019 t let go its clutch on your life until", "As the field sweeps out of sight ."], "true_target": ["Till the night he stopped at forty-nine , stopped dead ,", ":", ":", "But I \u2019 m , somehow , out of place within four walls ,", "Quiet !", "It \u2019 s running out so quick ... And mum \u2019 s the word :", "Rats ! Rats ! Good dog ! ... And now we \u2019 re rid of vermin .", "Work ? Michael , too , had business", "For him for fifteen-year , and never know it ?", "I saw its face \u2014 before it disappeared ,", "But , I \u2019 d to stay on , listening all day long", "Of foxy Peter : and grows more like Eliza ,", "She \u2019 s done with me .", "For all I ken or care .", "And , all this while , life \u2019 s had the upper hand :", "You \u2019 re safe enough :", "The moment it heard your step ?", "Safe as a linnet in a cage , for life :", ":", "Best not to ask .", "You \u2019 ve got a sweet-tooth ; and don \u2019 t relish life :", "At Bellingham ? A happy ending , eh !", "It hasn \u2019 t served", "Let alone for others , in this haphazard life .", "If you don \u2019 t put a jerk in it .", "And a parson took a hand in it for certain ,", "Yours is a good thick fleece \u2014 no skin that twitches", "Sore-punished , I \u2019 m not yet knocked out : life \u2019 s had", "I \u2019 ve wasted on you : but I never made", "Ay , guttered out \u2014", "To mumble your name , when he was raiming on", "While our two bastards , Ruth and ...", "Or whenever , waking in the quiet dark ,", "Husbands they \u2019 ve no more use for between meals .", "Of Haggard blood \u2014 for ewe \u2019 s milk laced with brandy", "Says Sleepyhead : tarry awhile , says Slow :", "My own bent , now that that old witch \u2019 s fingers", "Till the blackbird nips you ? None escapes his crop .", "I \u2019 ve had to fall back on the wormy Bible", "The Bank of England in the time . What \u2019 s up ?", ":", "I \u2019 ve always taken the whiphand with men .", "Before they pluck Bell Haggard \u2019 s kerchief off ,", "Ay , Ruth , you \u2019 ve kindled him ! Good luck to you :", ":", ":", "Craitching and craking like a doitered crone .", "Jim \u2019 s wasted a sight of matches , since that day", ":", ":", "And an old blind cripple who cannot do a hand \u2019 s-turn ,", "But I \u2019 ll not drag you down : you \u2019 re free of me :", "I \u2019 ll get the box .", "And reek of brimstone , like the witch I am .", "But , now it seems ,", "Think what would happen if they strung Jim up ;", "Talk of the devil \u2014 but he \u2019 s coming now", "And that dead woman were too strong for me :", "How did I come here , honey ? But , now I mind \u2014", "For want of watching ; though he go for nights", "Though he might have travelled with horses : and it \u2019 s sheep", "Your friends .", "And so , you should ken better", "So , it \u2019 s good-bye till doomsday .", "And don \u2019 t come to their senses till their carcase", ":", "For any man .", "Nay ! What am I saying ?", "It seems as if Eliza had me fey :", "Too proud a prig to stoop ? Did you expect", "Seeping me sodden : I \u2019 d liefer it teemed wholewater ,", "I feel cold bracelets round my wrists , already .", "Up Bloodysyke : ay , and there \u2019 s someone with him \u2014", "Might be ashamed to do the things I \u2019 ve done :", "He \u2019 d popped up to say fifty : but he dropped back", "Ready for the young wife to step into .", "No need to read your hand , to tell your fortune :", "Queer , that I \u2019 ll lie , like any innocent", "Even when they \u2019 d nailed him down , and we were watching", "So bitterly ? It \u2019 s all a rough-and-tumble", "Where am I ? Judith , is that you ?", "You hit Aunt Sally and get a good cigar ,", "In a sweel of melted tallow .", ":", "Well : they were none of mine . Last night I slept", "A woman is never too old for anything :", "And Judith \u2019 s just the sort whose soul is set", "For women are mostly fools , where men come in .", "Drooked through and through ; and blury , gurly days", "And live ...", "I \u2019 d kenned him , inside-out , since he was \u2014 nay !", "A woman ?", "Leastways , his company-side , since he does business", "I was fated to get here in the nick of time :", "They said that you \u2019 d make tracks for Krindlesyke :", "The dear old grannie in the ingleneuk ;", "A dothering haiveril in your chimney corner ,", "At most ,", "What if I choose to be a tinker \u2019 s baggage ?", "Your man and mine were born in lawful wedlock :", "In a bar at Bellingham : and I recognized", "Too milled to ken the dark horse from the favourite .", "Exit the villain : ring the curtain down", "Thank God , she \u2019 s never been respectable \u2014", "A deal of virtue in a wedding-ring :", "But when", ":", "They talked .", "And crackle , and tossing flames , and golden smoke ;", "Nay : not yet : all in good time .", "What are teeth for , if we must live on pap ?", "It \u2019 s such a soggy , sodden world to-day ,", "Before the lash stings : and life loves no sport", "Burning ... burning ... burning ...", "Think what would happen should I ... Don \u2019 t you see ,", "Though he \u2019 s had to serve as a whetstone , this long while ,", "That flames might swarm walls and rooftree , and Krindlesyke ,", "Your minney \u2019 s very spit .", "Not quite ... for you were hurt to death almost :", "Well , Michael", "If I couldn \u2019 t watch it , myself ... Ay , Long Nick Salkeld ,", "So , Michael \u2019 s granddad , and your girl \u2019 s , went home", "If you \u2019 ve no sliver of rowan in your pocket :", "From one another , even by a foot of earth ,", "And here \u2019 s the reckling image , seemingly \u2014", "And hide my grizzled wisps in a mutch with frills ?", ":", "A pitchy night , with just a star or so", "And , if I \u2019 d fancied daughters , I might have done", "Or crack a jest , or start quarrel with you ,", "To break ; though it \u2019 s been strained to the snapping-point ,", "To tie her chin up with , and ripe her pockets", "No dry-rot in her bones , while she \u2019 s alive :", "As canny as I \u2019 m spendthrift , he \u2019 s the sort", "There \u2019 s a dead woman lying in the house \u2014", "Ay : you \u2019 ve found Michael \u2019 s minney ! As for his dad ,", "And may your hearthfire warm you to the end .", "Ladies don \u2019 t listen : but not being a lady", "That props the broken looking-glass : so , now", ":", "For company .", "Sorely to fire the peatstack in a west wind ,", "And reckoned naught I could tell of Jim to Jim \u2019 s wife", "Of seeing to : and I \u2019 m lonely as a milestone ,", "You \u2019 re you : I \u2019 m I . It takes all turns for a circus :", "You think too much for a man with a small head :", "I saw", ":", "For what we have , or haven \u2019 t ; and I believe", "His heart is set on still . But , I \u2019 ve no turn", "Scarting and scolding never yet scared death :", "Gaping for turnips , Michael ?", "Tripped to the beck of any man , or bobbed", "It \u2019 s meat to me ; but then , I like mixed pickles \u2014", ":", "As we stood round ... The flames leapt up , and roaring ...", "At one time to some purpose \u2014 didn \u2019 t dribble", "Nay : but I \u2019 m no ratcatcher .", "Than the fattest flitch of bacon on the rafters .", "Before your end comes , peacefully in bed .", "It \u2019 s dragged you into the grave with it : even then ...", "It \u2019 s time that we were stepping , Deadwood Dick .", "You did . What then ?", "Jim called me witch : and the old spaewife and I", "And Michael never twigged ! Son , don \u2019 t you mind", "And so , got stuck at Back-o \u2019 - Beyont , like wasps", "In hell ; for old Nick \u2019 s ever been matchmaker .", "Roast scrag on Sunday : cold mutton and boiled \u2019 taties", "I \u2019 m far from the same woman who came here :", "Offering you odds against the favourite , life :", "I mustn \u2019 t rouse her ... She sleeps couthily ,", "A witch ? Ay , wise men always carry witch-bane", "Birch kindles best , and has the liveliest flames :", "You didn \u2019 t relish it ?", "Married , and so lived happily ever after ?", "Of what I \u2019 ve been itching after all these years ?", "What licks me is , what it \u2019 s to do with you ?", "Life \u2019 s an old thimblerigger ; and , it seems ,", "The box to bounce itself into your arms ,", "You shine like that ... You \u2019 re winking red eyes at me :", "The undertakers couldn \u2019 t strake him rightly .", ":", "The sweetest marrow \u2019 s in the hardest bone ,", "I couldn \u2019 t daunder : or I \u2019 d have stopped to have", "A trump tucked out of sight , that takes the trick .", "With most notes missing and a creaky handle .", "She \u2019 s taught me much : for I \u2019 ve had time and to spare ,", "Against that smooth sneak Jacob . Jim ? He \u2019 s likely", "Ay : men and women", "Under a roof ; and sheep to keep you busy \u2014", "I take", "Where I am mistress , there can be no master :", "I \u2019 d fancied we were bound for the Happy Return :", "No drop of the wild colt \u2019 s blood . Ewe \u2019 s milk you \u2019 d bleed", "Whiles has advantages : and when he left", "Life , piping hot : for I \u2019 m no man-in-the-moon ,", "Before the wind began to pile the drifts :", "And I could laugh , if it wasn \u2019 t for the pain ...", "Just as I \u2019 m getting used to Krindlesyke ?", "She \u2019 ll not be sorry to lose me : I fancy , at times ,", "Porridge in peace , with a door \u2019 twixt you and the weather ;", ":", "I \u2019 d not lie down again at Krindlesyke .", "You \u2019 ve been a good son to me , in your way :", "Outside , until I heard him blustering ;", "The second time , for good .", "You \u2019 ve got to mend your manners : for I \u2019 m used", "I \u2019 m far from corpse-cold yet ; and it may be years", ":", "God help their father !", "She must have died alone . It \u2019 s an ill thing", "The shell , and savouring the bitter kernel .", "Till doomsday , as he says . He kens his mind :", "I \u2019 m better here . I \u2019 ll soon", "You never took to horseflesh like a Haggard :", "Was room for two grandmothers in one house .", "You \u2019 re Jim \u2019 s wife \u2014 though you \u2019 ve not taken his name \u2014", "She held me \u2014 forced my feet into her shoes \u2014", "Even though some woman \u2019 s wried to let him do it :", "He \u2019 s played so long : and had a deal of practice ,", "Keep your cocksureness , while you can : too soon ,", "Your life in smother : and what are faggots for ,", "I \u2019 ve given up \u2014 just senseless marionettes ,", "And turning in the wound it makes \u2014 a gulley ,", "I \u2019 m burning ... What have I to do with worms !", "If only they are headstrong and high-handed ,", ":", "But , shed no tears for me : he only left me ,", "Will be a full-grown shepherd before we leave \u2014", ":", "Whatever they may say ... I stumbled , Judith .", "Bat , don \u2019 t you see", "Between these four white walls by a dead woman ?", "Or give her corns : she \u2019 s the true Cinderella :", "Ay , and the gossip of nights about the campfire \u2014", "The job \u2019 s the easier done . There \u2019 s not a woman ,", "Collops and chitterlings , if she \u2019 s asleep ,", "Spouts out . No hope for you , Ruth : lass , you \u2019 re safe \u2014", ":", "At least : and yet talk \u2019 s cheap ...", "What \u2019 s kept you this half-year ? I could have burgled", "To any living woman \u2014 I \u2019 m free to follow", "But , if your taste \u2019 s for husbands , lass , you \u2019 re suited ,", "To stand her life , even for a dozen years .", "Alow for my delight , if it would burn .", "To think I \u2019 ve borne a son to a calf that \u2019 s fleyed", "You \u2019 re the wench", "He went , sore-skinned ; and gay to go ; escaped", "Thistles for choice : and not once , since I came ,", "What could I do , but prove I could stick it out ?", "Against the grain , this fifteen-year : my son", "Experience ages and decays ; while folk", "Your galluses , give the tinker \u2019 s baggage credit .", "They \u2019 ll soon be here . As I came up Bloodysyke ...", "I might have kenned \u2014 Peter never told the truth ,", "It \u2019 s been a fine ploy , while it lasted ...", "And when I \u2019 m a toothless , mumbling crone , you \u2019 ll be", "Before they \u2019 d travelled the twelve-mile to the church-yard :", "Of asking questions : I \u2019 ve not been so riddled", "But your heart \u2019 s open to the day ; while mine \u2019 s", "Dirt-cheap :", "Depends on his braces ; and it \u2019 s I who \u2019 ve sewn", "You \u2019 re honest , to your hurt : your honesty \u2019 s", ":", "Like sodden peat . Ay , true , I \u2019 ve drudged ; and yet ,", ":", "I \u2019 m sick of dozing by a dumb hearthstone \u2014", "On lucky chances , like the rest of us \u2014", "Time and to spare for decency in the grave .", "Peter stuck longer , tangled in the brambles .", "To grin at me : and how could I go through life ,", "A bit of paper , instead : and what have I ,", ":", "And make his bed , and darn his hose ; and you", "This time , I hope \u2014 though you can never tell .", "And he , so wried and geyzened ,", "So help me God , and all \u2014 my bible-oath .", "You \u2019 d quarrel with the juiciest plum , because", "Before ... What was I saying ? Well , old hob ,", "I can draw my hocks out of the clungy sump", "Tied to one spot \u2014 that never wander the world .", "Because they were come-by-chances ? A mean thief", "I \u2019 m to be mistress here . But hark , old bones ,", "To break your heart , \u2019 twill trample you ...", "At first , these four walls seemed to close in on me ,", "And the peat , with never a click or crackle in it \u2014", ":", "The world for your convenience ; and have planned", "If not for firing ? But , you \u2019 ve suffered , woman ,", ":", "He speaks so slowly , you can almost catch", "The job the quicker , working well together :", "And his old woman , Zillah , died together ,", "Is that you , Prodigal son ? You \u2019 re late , to-day ,", "I \u2019 d as lief rig myself in widow \u2019 s weeds", "Famished for news .", "You thrive on misery .", "And kenning how they loved their caravan ,", "You \u2019 d best turn tail , before the terriers sight you .", "Well , you \u2019 ve a knack of getting your own way :", "Have I had a real good shindy to warm my blood .", "To take the road again \u2014 if I \u2019 m not too doddery", "I \u2019 m proud of Michael : and you \u2019 re proud of Ruth ,", "That \u2019 s what you \u2019 re fashioned for \u2014 not bracken-beds", "Great-grandchildren , too , to Ezra , on both sides .", "For me ... and now she has me ! Well , what odds ?", "That bleaches you ? But you \u2019 ll look whiter yet ,", "And I \u2019 ve no mind to meet them in the road .", "To burrow through your fleece , and prog your skin .", "And setting the skeleton rattling his bones ? I took you", "And not too dainty to mind the smatch of smoke .", "Three-shots-a-penny ; and it \u2019 s not every time", "The owner the fag of thinking : it \u2019 s the listeners", "Though why grudge travelling-expenses to good-riddance ?", "It \u2019 s pluck that counts , and an easy seat in the saddle :", "He \u2019 s tumbled in , blind-drunk \u2014 or was it an anthill", "My flame , while it still burns steady , and not sowse it", "And he \u2019 s kept you going , too , with Ruth to live for .", "The bride found here \u2014 and the mother of a daughter ;", "I \u2019 m better ... already ... I fancy ... and I \u2019 ll go", "Before he sends me spinning to the ropes .", "If you behave yourself : and when you \u2019 re lifted ,", "And me ... That tumble \u2019 s cracked the bell ... not stopt", "The tunes I dance to ; happen , that \u2019 s my pride ;", "All Barrasford , with not a dash of Haggard ,", "No Haggard stops to ask a parent \u2019 s leave ,", ":", "\u201c Far above rubies \u201d has never been my line ,", "Of accidents , from the accident of birth", "The living skeleton or let the fat lady starve :", "And you would leave your mother , lying dead ,", "But not a ewe of Michael \u2019 s : his were folded", "She \u2019 s safe with Michael , safe for life .", "A rib or so \u2019 s gone smash .", "And these white walls ... \u2019 Twould be the queerest start !", "The give-and-take of tongues : mine \u2019 s getting stiff", "A fox \u2019 s heart , for all his weak sheep \u2019 s head .", "When the jockey whistled ?", ":", "Put on the pot , says Greedygut ... I swore", "For tying a white apron round the waist", "Nay ! not that bed \u2014", "Though I \u2019 m no peachy milkmaid . Ay : I fancied", "I only saw her , dead .", "No wind has ever blown too etherish ,", "And still say that ? Ay , you \u2019 re his grandson , surely \u2014", "The lot , and leave the old folk penniless .", "Make the old game worth the candle : variety", "I stumbled , Judith : you must stick to that ,", ":", ":", "Since he found his own feet . Yet , the blade that \u2019 s wed \u2014", "And life would not be life , without the hazards .", "Before I kenned him ; little fight left in him :", "That you and Ph\u0153be , both \u2014 and kenning him !", "And you have Ruth .", "And anyway , it wouldn \u2019 t be much fun ,", "Can still bamboozle me with his hanky-panky :", "What traveller your wayside fire will draw", ":", "Who never doubt themselves die young \u2014 at ninety .", "In bottomless mosshags , where no heat can touch it ,", "Should be the doose bedfellows , after all .", ":", "And so say I :", "You were watering those sheep , before their tongues", "To his forefathers , and theirs \u2014 both Barrasfords :", "Just let me rest a moment by the hearth ,", "Let \u2019 s sup before we go !", "Though he lets me spot the pea beneath the thimble", "I doubt if he \u2019 d the guts to stick a porker :", "Her body alow and birselling like a whinfire .", "Is thon the strong-room ?", "A dogged patience well-nigh crazes me :", "He \u2019 ll never guess your heart , unless you blab .", "I \u2019 m coming , hoolet , my old cat with wings !", "On my side : I \u2019 ve long kenned \u2019 twas bound to come :", "Ghosts ! Nay , I \u2019 ve been the mare between the limmers", ":", "In Michael \u2019 s house : I didn \u2019 t quit Krindlesyke", "To trip me up ... He kicked me , as I lay \u2014", "And gather cowgrass , if you \u2019 d break the spell ,", "And the sting of the reek in the nostrils !", "The fatted calf \u2019 s to be killed for the prodigal mother ?", "And full of useless wisdom , in her service .", "Fratished and perished in the howl-o \u2019 - winter .", "Times out of mind , whenever a hoolet \u2019 s screech", ":", "And a good hotchpotch I \u2019 m fairly famished for :", "And sober , honest , dutiful sons they \u2019 ve proved :", "Even then , they \u2019 ll have to tug the chin-clout tight ,", "Tumble a smoking ruin of blackened stone .", "\u2019 Twon \u2019 t be for that , but something worth putting myself", "Your venerable grandsire is asleep ,", "Yet , none of us kens what life \u2019 s got up his sleeve :", "When I fetched my candle .", "And who \u2019 s to say what burns to waste , even when", "I found the body , huddled on the bed ,", "The coffers of Krindlesyke , the very day", "And you \u2019 d not care to have me like old Ezra ,", "Her very patience was a kind of cunning", "I \u2019 d make the model mother , after all ?", ":", "These whitewashed walls , they \u2019 re too like \u2014 well , you ken", ":", "I \u2019 d have picked my husband \u2019 s pocket , to buy rats \u2019 bane :", "But , I could talk , at one time ! There are days", "Are always cocks , not hens .", "To serve her turn and save the happy home .", "Bed , it \u2019 s not bedtime , is it ? To bed , to bed ,", "The evening through : he \u2019 s got a powerful gift", ":", "Just asks for pelting . It \u2019 s shame makes life bad travelling \u2014", "Is stolen ; and keeps munching it to the core .", "And I \u2019 m not partial to Methuselahs .", "Hearken , Ruth :", "I \u2019 ve a sort of honesty \u2014 a liar and thief", "And you can prate of money !", "About me , startled at the crack of doom .", "For you \u2019 re too young to dare to doubt your wisdom .", "The biggest flare-up ever I set eyes on ,", "Lost before bedtime ?", "You \u2019 ve had her to yourself , without the worrit", "Michael \u2019 s sense itself \u2014 a cob", "When you lie cold and stiffening , my pretty bleater .", "I \u2019 ve waited for you to say that : and it comes pat .", "There \u2019 ll be a grandson still at Krindlesyke :", "Each instant of life : but still there are risky years", "When you meet Judith Ellershaw : for havers", "The gipsy-hearted ganwife that she was .", "My own son \u2019 s fathering me in second childhood :", ":", "So , all \u2019 s settled : you \u2019 ve arranged", "The mutton and wool , to keep us warm and fed ;", "While the good housewife goes about her duties :", "Against the grain , for all these years , to keep", "Ay : you may gape like a brace of guddled brandling :", "Who get the headache . And yet , I could talk", "You can \u2019 t , without being spotted : but you can hide", "I do .", "To mind the sheep : and you \u2019 ll not be turned out ,", "What a fashion To introduce a boy to his grandfather \u2014 And such a dear , respectable old sheep \u2019 s head !Look well on granddad , son , and see what comes Of minding sheep .", "And one or two things happened , before you were born .", "Mine , laced with rum , by a camp-fire under the stars ;", "You deafy nut \u2014 you gibbet \u2014 you rusty corncrake !", "She \u2014 the cat \u2019 s mother ? You \u2019 ve no manners , Peter :", "Think not , lass ?", "And there \u2019 s not room for two such in one house .", "Ken Judith Ellershaw ? You \u2019 ll ask me , next ,", "The devil a chance", ":", "But what a jest \u2014 Jerusalem , what a jest !", "A go-as-you-please , and the devil take the hindmost .", "I \u2019 m not that bad ... and , anyhow , I swore", "I gave myself to Peter , with a difference .", ":", "There \u2019 s naught like izles for dancing flames and singing :", "But , once a ghost has got a grip of you ,", "A breakneck business , ending with a crash ,", "I \u2019 ve just put on my nightcap , ready for bed \u2014", "Great flakes of fire ... They \u2019 ve set the world alow ...", "But , the old wife \u2019 s satisfied , at last : she should be :", "For hard on fifty-year . We took naught out ,", ":", "But I \u2019 ve travelled the wrong road too far to turn now .", ":", "And this is all the thanks I get ! Well , well \u2014", "Now ... But I \u2019 m dizzy ... And that old witch , Eliza \u2014", "At Krindlesyke , I \u2019 ve been a wildcat , caged :", ":", "It \u2019 s time I was away : there never yet", "And old Eliza , darning ghostly stockings .", "She \u2019 s had my best years : I \u2019 ve grown old and grizzled ,", "Your naked hurdles cannot hold the wind .", "They had to screw him down ... And Solomon", "As you \u2019 ve found with Ruth , I take it .", "So long !", "If they take after me , if they \u2019 ve a dash", "But you \u2019 re too honest for the tricky game .", "And his old mother , trapped between four walls \u2014", "I \u2019 d die between them : but , after all ... And yet ,", "You \u2019 d have wed Jim : I just let Peter travel", "Of her last pennies to shut up her eyes .", "I \u2019 m dowf and blunkit , why , deuce only kens !", "In the veins of your small fry \u2014 if fish have veins .", "When did I give you leave", "He takes no risks .", ":", "The ghosts of horses whinneyed in my heart .", "It \u2019 s well to keep a civil tongue with witches ,", "Perishing in a crackle and golden flare-up ,", ":", "And the coffin slipt with a splash into the sluther .", "I judged you \u2019 d lost your hold on me , Eliza :", "Well , every man must follow his own bent ,", "Life , cowping creels through endless flaming hoops ,", "It \u2019 s a wise man , or a fool , can speak for himself ,", "That door ? Well , you ken best what \u2019 s been", "Could have a wildcat-hunter making his bed", "For my lost son ?", "And judged it time to choke his cracking-croose .", "For wife . But , happen , you ken him , well as I ,", "It was a kind of funeral , you might say \u2014", "Or even pot a milky coconut :", "On such a sultry day : I \u2019 m choked for air .", "To some acquaintance with the family ,", "I \u2019 m done for , Judith ... It \u2019 s all up with me ...", "You think ?", "Well , fumble-fingers ?", ":", "To set you well on yours : and now she turns .", "With one eye open for the chance-thrown titbit ,", "These walls ... these walls ... They \u2019 re closing on me now !", "I fell ... He must have hidden in the heather", "But , tripe and trotters , you can look on him ,", ":", "It had to be ... And I must dree my weird .", "Hacking and jabbing , and thirsting to draw blood ;", "Babbling of vanished gold ? I read my fortune", "A knife that cuts through all ; and will be cutting \u2014", "I bear you no ill-will : you set me free .", "The stone in the shoe that lames you . Other folk", "There \u2019 s none but sheep in sight for three miles round :", "Play-acting ? Ay : I \u2019 m through :", "But grin , and keep yourself heartwhole ;", "Than to hang yourself , before the judge gives sentence :", "The lurcher that slinks with drooping tail and lugs", "I \u2019 m no man \u2019 s wife : but what \u2019 s to hinder me", "Then sharp \u2019 s the word :", "Can pouch his cutty , half-smoked , ten minutes after", ":", "She \u2019 s a tough customer \u2014 she \u2019 s always been", "With me , to keep the others from pestering ;", "Step lively , then . I find this welcome too warm", "The day we came \u2014 was I a tabby then ?", "But now I \u2019 m free : and I \u2019 ll away to-night .", ":", "He \u2019 d pillowed his fuddled head on ? Anyway ,", "You \u2019 ll likely not clap eyes on them again .", "Well , I \u2019 ve no turn for penal servitude .", "I came . I had to come : the old witch drew me .", "If I \u2019 ve a heart ,", "But what a windyhash ! My wit \u2019 s wool-gathering ;", "On a dowly day . Best pull myself together ,", "Come , frisk your feet , the pair of you ; and go :", "I haven \u2019 t got the bracelets in my pocket .", "Else the following hoofs will bash you . Give life leave", "You \u2019 ve made your choice : and chosen well : but I ,", "It rattles in my head", "A sousing , drooking downpour , any time .", ":", "She felt she \u2019 d got more than she \u2019 d bargained for \u2014", "She \u2019 s lost a daughter ; and got", "You said", "With knees to chin . They \u2019 d got to screw him down :", "Half-suffocated by the stink of sheep ,", "By counting his bare patches and grey hairs :", "That snivels , because the fruit he relishes", "Being buried with the Barrasfords is a chance", ":", "I kenned the face .", ":", "Nigh all the jests life cracks have bitter kernels .", "And will be to the day I die , and after :", "Michael \u2019 s not that sort : he \u2019 s respectable \u2014", "I \u2019 ve always loved a fire : I \u2019 d set the world", ":", "Who hears the hunters gallop gaily by ;", "Of difference that \u2019 s made !", "For me in this world \u2014 likely , in the next !", "Seem born to take the job out of my hands .", "Looked on a lonelier face ... The flames ... the flames ...", "And they \u2019 d sore work to get him underground \u2014", "Until ...", "If only in the big drum . The devil \u2019 s to pay", ":", "Puzzles me why you gave yourself to Jim .", "Is snapt : I \u2019 ve proved her wrong : she cannot hold me .", "Nay : my pernicketty , fine gentleman ,", "Ay , likely enough .", "Your pockets overmuch , that I can see ?", "As I found them when I came \u2014 a slattern stopgap \u2014", "These fifteen years .", "Just so .", ":", "Yet here I am : and even now the walls", "I \u2019 d fancy , with a fair field , and no favour .", "For your sake , and for Ruth \u2019 s sake , and for mine .", "I back the dark horse ; stake my soul against", "Nay :", "And left the gibbet bare .", "You \u2019 d best turn deazil , crook your thumbs , my callant ,", "Look slippy ! I \u2019 m half-scumfished by these walls \u2014", "Ay , Judith : I just caught a squint of them", "In the things that matter \u2014 few enough , deuce kens :", "For ever scrubbing flagstones , and washing dishes ,", ":", "Unless they \u2019 re clinging to some woman \u2019 s skirt .", ":", "Swelling yourself in sweet deliciousness ,", "You can speak", "But give me a young fool , rather than an old \u2014", "And , seemingly , I cracked my cruntle a bit \u2014", "The heather \u2019 s all turned gold ... and golden showers \u2014", "You didn \u2019 t see it ?", "It \u2019 s fire and salt and candle-light for me", "At their own image in the window-glass ;", ":", "Is spiked with smarting splinters . But I \u2019 m your mother ,", "Can a hawk be caged so long , it \u2019 s scared to watch", "Its owner so much better : yet it \u2019 s my fortune ,", "From Krindlesyke \u2014 he always had the luck \u2014", "That little business , Peter \u2014 though it \u2019 s not bulged", ":", "You \u2019 ve squeezed me dry betwixt you .", "Like yarking a shivering hide : you ask for it .", "The money more than the son \u2014 small blame to him :", "Done in some doxy in a drunken sleep :", "He \u2019 s a wise showman ; and doesn \u2019 t overfeed", "Ruth , lass , you \u2019 re safe , you \u2019 re safe \u2014 if safety \u2019 s all :", "Though , happen , there \u2019 ll be marriage and giving in marriage", "The interest on the loan he took that morning", "In the van , as they \u2019 d slept in it , night after night ,", "They turned me false to my nature ; broke me in", "I never guessed he \u2019 d an eye for aught but ewes :", "Before old heeltaps takes a fit . Your son", "Life , with a tossing mane , and clattering hoofs ,", "A wedding , least of all .", "Of a man to wear your soul out , all these years .", "Just stopping to curse Jim , when he called to mind", "And I \u2019 ll take up my old life with a difference ,", "With no one to look after them \u2014 and they ,", "When barely breeched , he chose to bide with sheep ;", "The clatter and creak of the lurching caravan ;", "I \u2019 ll be upsides with life , and teach it manners ,", "To perish in a flare , than smoulder away", "The old wife \u2019 s shoes decently by the hearth ,", "Birds of a feather \u2014 ay , and fleece with fleece :", "Ay : we fratched , at first ;", ":", "Your trouser-buttons on ; so , when you fasten", "When I \u2019 ve already lost full fifteen-year :", "Your father and mother ?", "A score of gimmers perished in the snow ,", "With the tune of the horn tally-hoing through her blood ,", "Till lagged for life : meals punctual and no cares :", "The barguest bays ; and boggles , brags , and bo-los", "I slipt , the day I came ; and lost my grip :", "And that old witch would be the death of me :", "I \u2019 m dead to them : I \u2019 ve bid good-bye to them", "For all her youth , they will not gall her heels ,", "A funeral such as I ... but no such luck", "Or a woman \u2019 s fetch , would scare me from good gold .", "As it sounds to your young lugs , the world went round ,", "Poor fool : though I \u2019 ve no cause to call her so ;", "Nay , a cup of milky tea by a white hearth \u2014", "For all my blether , there \u2019 s no bitterness", "You can \u2019 t make a good hotchpotch with only \u2019 taties :", "I never could thole the mooth and muggy mizzle ,", "To set us twittering ? I \u2019 ll be no frightened squirrel :", "His peatstacks never fire : he \u2019 ll never lose", "Though , kenning only Peter , I \u2019 m inclined", "Me ! lapping with blinking eyes and possing paws ,", "The coffin was jolted twice into the drifts ,", "On the happy ending \u2014 bride and bridegroom seated", "When he \u2019 s a mind to crack me like a nut ,", "As happy as a maggot in a medlar ,", "Among the cluther outside the circus-tent :", "It \u2019 s in my side ... I must have dunched my side", ":", ":", "Before he can give them tongue , Ruth . He \u2019 s not said", "\u2019 Twould take a pyramid to keep him down !", ":", ":", "That challenged me , hinting I \u2019 d not have grit", "Your fancy man made off with , when he cleaned out", "The nowt felt like a poacher ,", "Above me black .", "Or only wanting not to see \u2014 afraid", "But then , what \u2019 s one man \u2019 s meat ...", "And when they gossiped of Krindlesyke ... Oh , I ken", "Ay , well enough to reckon I \u2019 m her elder :", "To spar another round or so with him ,", "Since he sat down with Adam : he \u2019 s always got", "With the stink of tar and sheepdip in my nostrils .", "You haven \u2019 t introduced us .", ":", "Haunted by her dead smile ? But now the spell", "She must have been an ancestor of mine :", "But never fool enough to wear a ring", ":", "But she was dead ; and so , I had to stay \u2014", "An unexpected thing since he grew out", ":", "And takes no hazards ; never risks his shirt :", "Ay : but my fingers have itched", "I \u2019 ve that to do which I must do alone .", "And I \u2019 m waffling like a ... But I \u2019 d best be stepping ,", "Cold-blooded crawlers I \u2019 ve no sort of use for .", "While I can carry myself on my two pins .", "A banging , bobberous bletherskite , has Bell \u2014", "And why I answer your delicate questions , woman ?", ":", "To fancy Jim may be the better man .", "But we \u2019 ve landed at the Undertaker \u2019 s Arms \u2014", "To any man : and I \u2019 ll be coffin-cold", "I long for the rumble of wheels beneath me ; to hear", "His honour can put the black cap on for himself ,", "Should be relieved to learn it \u2019 s a first offence .", ":", "Naked and skewered , with not a cock-a-doodle ,", "Snow overnight had reached the window-sill :", "And they \u2019 d cop you here , for certain \u2014 dig you out", "Envying the spiders who can gobble up", "Follow the hunt . How \u2019 s that for witchcraft , think you ?", "\u2019 Neath Winter \u2019 s Stob ...", "She \u2019 s gone to earth .", "What are hats for , if not for talking through ?", ":", "Yet , for all my appetite ,", "For she \u2019 d traik any distance for a crack ,", "For he \u2019 d a tongue of his own ; and could use it , too ,", "Quick , this way : step lively , or they \u2019 ll catch", "You took the leap , and landed in the quickset :", ":", "But , where \u2019 s the box ?", "Stiff-jointed in my wits , that once were nimble", "Eh , lad , but you \u2019 ve been walking widdershins :", "Shew a clean pair of heels to Krindlesyke .", "To stretch his lousy carcase in at ease ,", "Without a nap . The day of Ezra \u2019 s funeral ,", "At dead of night we fired the caravan ...", ":", "And flying izles ... falling sparks ... I hear", "Keeps wagging : and I \u2019 m my own passing-bell \u2014", "But I wasn \u2019 t born to kick my heels in air", "Jirbled and jumbled ... I came such a flam .", "You scarcely look it , either . Old Ezra used", "What could I do against that old dead witch ,", "But that old bull-trout \u2019 s grandsire to you both ;", "Not your tame wife , lad : and I \u2019 ll go my gait .", "You \u2019 ve not the hard heart of the young cockrobin", "I \u2019 ve starved on the lean fare of Krindlesyke :", "When you \u2019 re away .", "And it \u2019 s broken , it \u2019 s a broken stone , sunk deep", "They \u2019 re getting their own way : they charge , head-down ,", "And you would leave a woman , lying dead ;", "Ay ... I was born to take my luck . But I must go .", "On a husband and a hearthstone : I ken that .", "It \u2019 s seldom sense that makes a bald head shine :", "I \u2019 ve ever had of a gossip : and , as for news ,", "Eliza \u2019 s bed ! The old witch lay in wait", "Izles and flying embers and falling stars ...", "I said ?"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 9}, {"query": ["And husband and a lawful family .", "You \u2019 ve lost no son ; but gained", "I \u2019 ve brought you a daughter to keep you company .", ":", "The hoggerel you lift up turns a sheep", ":", "Of a man \u2019 s working to keep a decent home ,", ":", "Nay : still as nimble and nippy as a flea !", "My mother , on the road , a tinker \u2019 s baggage ,", ":", "Wind ? Ay , I \u2019 m fairly tewed and hattered with words :", "Judith !", "I \u2019 d as lief ask leave of the tricky wind as you :", "Wildcats and hunters and the Queen of Sheba \u2014", "You shall not go . You say I ken my mind ...", "You \u2019 ve had a quiet day of it , I warrant ?", "When you \u2019 ve a hearth to sit by , snug and clean ?", ":", "Of stinging ants bumming about my lugs", "Enough of shameless talk . I \u2019 m master , now :", "When you \u2019 ve done play-acting ...", "There are worse things for a woman than a home", ":", "To that tag-rag-and-bobtail ? What \u2019 s the use", "You shall not go , I say . I \u2019 m master here :", "Life , with a clattering tongue , you mean to say .", "My mother here ?", "And I won \u2019 t let you shame me . I \u2019 ve been decent ;", "I \u2019 ll have no tinker \u2019 s tattle .", "Mother , why should you go ?", "Mother !", "And yet , for all your wind , you shall not go .", "Dry , do you say ?", "The Tyne \u2019 s in spate ; and we must swim for life ,", "I mean to be a shepherd .", "To bridle your loose tongue : so mind yourself :", "Leave , say you ?", "To part us . None of your games ! I \u2019 m no young wether ,", ":", "But you don \u2019 t mean to leave us ?", "She was till ten o \u2019 clock : Ruth Barrasford ,", ":", "You \u2019 ll always have your jest . I said no word :"], "true_target": ["For days beforehand .", "Her husband . Ruth \u2019 s my bride . Ruth Ellershaw", "And you \u2019 d go back again", "Eh , Ruth ? But , you \u2019 ll soon get used ...", "For words breed words : and I \u2019 d not have a swarm", "Better a sound tup than a spavined nag .", "That job \u2019 s through : and I \u2019 ve made the best of bargains .", "Before you set it down again . Well , Judith ,", "And have always done my duty by the sheep ,", "As with a woman ...", "A mongrel breed , eh , Ruth ?", ":", "Ay : they \u2019 re heavy .", ":", ":", "Till doomsday , now .", "You shall not go , for all your crazy cackle \u2014", "And , leave or not , I \u2019 d see you damned , if you tried", ":", "Come , hold your tongue :", "And I \u2019 ll not have Ruth hear this radgy slack .", ":", "I \u2019 ve taken the last trip , mother :", ":", ":", "I \u2019 d as soon argue with a weathercock", "I never heard ...", "To bring a wife to : and , for all your jeers ,", "For scandal .", "If you \u2019 ve no shame yourself , I \u2019 ll find a way", "A daughter . You \u2019 ll always live with us .", "A royal family , Ruth , you \u2019 ve married into !", "While I \u2019 ve a roof to shelter her !", "Trotting beside her ...", "You surely never mean to say ...", "You \u2019 ll not be lonely , now , when I \u2019 m not here :", "Wildcats and hunters \u2014", "Why should you want to travel the ditch-bottom ,", "You shall not go .", "You \u2019 re not going ? I thought you only havered . You can \u2019 t go . Do you think I \u2019 d let you go , and ...", "Working to keep a decent home together", "To be let keep his old dam company ;", "When his own mother tries to drag him down ?", ":"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 9}, {"query": [":", "Mother , you !", "Mothers are always jealous , when their sons", ":", "She \u2019 d gone without a word ...", "And neighbours said she was out \u2014 been gone some time :", ":", "About the mutch with frills , and all thon havers ?", "In all my life done such a thing .", "Don \u2019 t lack for ...", "Nay : mother \u2019 ll never marry .", ":", "She doesn \u2019 t ken I \u2019 ve come : nay , doesn \u2019 t dream", "She \u2019 s not dead ?", "So , I had to come . I can \u2019 t think what has happened .", "Mother ? Nay , she \u2019 s too old : you said you knew her .", "I always fancied she \u2019 d turn up again ,", "Your bed ? But you ...", ":", "But I \u2019 d not come between you ...", "This morning ; but I couldn \u2019 t : she started so ,", "As usual : then , when we were married , went back", "So , I pretended to set out for work", "My arms are fairly broken ."], "true_target": ["And Michael was impatient to be home :", "Well : I \u2019 ve a tongue for two : and you , yourself ,", "Well , I \u2019 m not sorry to be home again :", ":", "Nay : I left a letter :", "She \u2019 s only talking wild , because she \u2019 s jealous .", "Michael , you \u2019 ll never let her go alone ?", "Even my mother come between us now :", "Might come between us : and I couldn \u2019 t let", "I hated leaving her like that : I \u2019 ve never", "In spite of all her raivelling \u2014 Michael , you mind ,", "With Michael , to break the news . But the door was locked :", ":", "I don \u2019 t know why ; but I feared some word of hers", "\u2019 Twas all I could do .", "I \u2019 d never interfere ...", "I \u2019 m married even ; though I meant to tell her", "When I let slip Michael \u2019 s name ; and turned so pale .", "To Krindlesyke to die .", "But where we are to put her I can \u2019 t think :", "Bring home a bride : though she needn \u2019 t be uneasy :", "There \u2019 s not a bed for her .", "So , after all , the poor old soul crept back", "You ken my mother ?"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 9}, {"query": ["I like to feel the shivers in my hair .", "Bo ! Fearent of hoolets !", "Like dad : but I can \u2019 t bide the silly baas .", "When I \u2019 m a man I \u2019 ll ride the fells by moonlight ,", "I \u2019 ll ride ! I \u2019 ll ride !", "And Ralph still says he wants to be a herd ,", "When I \u2019 m a man I \u2019 ll be a circus-rider ,", "And I like to hear the jinneyhoolets scritching :"], "true_target": ["It gives me such a queer , cold , creepy feeling .", "The reivers , dad says ...", "And gallop , gallop ! I \u2019 m clean daft on horses .", "Bo-los or horneys or wirrakows can \u2019 t scare me :", ":", "They used to gallop on their galloways ,", ":", "Grannie , we saw the circus :", "Like the mosstroopers , when the owls are skirling ."], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 9}, {"query": ["I thought it was a bo-lo .", "Grannie , what \u2019 s that ?"], "true_target": ["Oh , there it is again ! Grannie , I \u2019 m freckened ...", "What \u2019 s in the other room ? I want my dad and mammy ."], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 9}, {"query": ["BORDERLANDS 1914", "DAILY BREAD 1910", ": MACMILLAN & Co ., Ltd .", "BATTLE 1915", "LIVELIHOOD 1917", "THOROUGHFARES 1914"], "true_target": ["STONEFOLDS 1907", "WHIN 1918", "FRIENDS 1916", "FIRES 1912", "NEIGHBOURS 1920", "BY THE SAME WRITER"], "play_index": 9, "act_index": 9}, {"query": ["I am now in search of her , for this morning I have received intelligence that leaves me at liberty to confess more respecting that girl , than I have hitherto dared to tell .", "I do ; to this alone is my wife indebted for my seeking her . I would rather have died , than have been the first to advance one step towards a reconciliation , after her deliberate attempt yesterday at publicly exposing me .\u2014", "My dear Sir , you well know the temper of my wife , and the pains that she takes to make herself wretched . Be assured that her suspicions are groundless .", "Quitting life !", "Where are you going in such haste ?", "Sit still , and hear him out .", "Was there any sin in that ?", "Yes , yes !\u2014", "That is a mystery that I dare not disclose , even to you .", "Save my secret , and I will preserve yours . END OF ACT I .", "\u2014 \u201c BOW STREET .\u2014 Matrimonial Squabble \u2014 The chief magistrate was occupied all the morning , investigating a case of assault , arising out of a matrimonial squabble . It appears that the wife of the complainant is a woman of violent passions , and so excessively jealous , that her husband 's life is endangered . \u201d Do you hear that , my dear ? you are not singular in your temper , you see .", "Ha ! Ha ! very , indeed .", "Stay you here , I will follow him and have revenge .", "It shall , Emmeline , it shall .\u2014", "Then you have not seen your wife ?", "No , madam \u2014 no .", "But I have now a clue to him , which I will not forsake till his heart 's blood atones for my injuries .", "Yes , yes , and I thought you were dead , as I could get no reply ; you are as difficult to come at as a grand sultan .", "\u2014 My dear fellow , open the door .", "What do you call flirting ?", "I must .", "You certainly could not expect to remain here unknown .", "True \u2014 \u2018 twas wrong in me to forget that few women can endure to hear another admired .", "Some arrival .\u2014", "Good morning , my friends ; I am going to leave you ; do n't you hurry away on my account .", "I am .", "Yes \u2014 yes \u2014 mere business .", "You 'll starve yourself , love , and die !", "It was , eh ? And pray , what end has the paltry trick answered ?", "What is the matter ?", "\u2014 Ring the bell .", "She , poor thing , is so hot . When he is below freezing point , she is above fever heat .", "No , no , calm your fears .", "Be warned \u2014 if you leave me now \u2014 it must \u2014 it shall be for ever .", "They did .", "Adieu , my friends , adieu . Good morning , Mrs. L. If I do not return by five , you need not expect me till late . Adieu .", "The woman of the house gave me your whole history , when I called a quarter of an hour ago . I expect two or three of our friends here in a moment . Dismal , I have left at the door .", "Nay , nay , keep your seats , my friends \u2014 keep your seats . I will not have a soul stir a foot to expostulate with her ; let her take her own course . I have been in error , I confess ; but not to the extent that she supposes ; her causeless jealousies \u2014 her unceasing suspicions have wearied me , and she is free to go \u2014 pray do not be disturbed on my account \u2014 make yourselves happy ; I am sorry that our meeting should have ended thus \u2014 but my wife is to blame \u2014 she would not hear \u2014 would not listen to me , and now \u2014\u2014 I leave this house , never to return .", "We heard both him and Mr. Coddle here not long since .", "Come to the drawing-room , I must make some excuse for your leaving the table .\u2014 Now be bold .", "Of what misery ?", "Oh yes , my dear \u2014 they are my very old friends .", "Your own daughter , and that to save your secret , I undertook her charge .", "Proceed , Mr. Dove .", "Your second .", "Proceed , sir , I beg ; consider Mr. Coddle 's anxiety .", "You eat nothing at dinner yesterday ?", "You shall first know that you have good cause to be so ; that villain in early life wronged my sister ; she afterwards married ; had her previous intimacy with this man been known , ruin , in the noble sphere in which she moved , must have awaited her ; I kept her secret religiously , and as you know , at the expence of my own peace ; I was as a father to the girl ; and though she left the asylum in which I placed her , yet \u2018 twas for an honourable and a happy marriage .", "Save one , my dear .", "I thought you were perfectly acquainted with them .", "Remember , you have sworn it .", "To whom ?", "I dared not confess as much before . I was bound , sworn to secrecy by my sister ; but her death now makes me free to tell you all .", "\u2014 Coddle , my dear fellow , where are you running ? let us follow him , my friends , and assist each other in search of our wives , and do our best , to gain mutual forgiveness .", "I shall certainly lead a quieter life \u2014\u2014", "My wife has this moment mentioned her name \u2014\u2014", "Of what , dear ?", "He and his wife have also separated ; indeed , I hear that of the whole party of married people that sat down to my table yesterday , not one couple are now living together .", "Almost a year , I think .", "Quite well , Mrs. Coddle ?", "If you once quit the house , we never meet again .", "Excellent , indeed \u2014 my love , we must turn authors ; and between us , publish a book of conjugal aphorisms . However , I plead guilty to your first charge , and implore your mercy \u2014 proceed to the next .", "Be seated , I beg .\u2014\u2014 Excuse me for a few minutes .", "No , my love \u2014 Me miserabile dolorous homine \u2014", "Not this morning .", "\u2018 Tis no doubt , Dismal , our brother in misfortune .", "\u2014 Now , my dear , I trust you are perfectly satisfied ; and in this instance , I hope , you will confess that you were in error .", "That will be so unpleasant : I shall be fidgetty at the thought of your becoming impatient , and then half the little matters that I may have to arrange , may escape my memory . You had better name to-morrow for our walk ."], "true_target": ["How d'ye do ? How d'ye do ?", "She has left me .", "Now , let us drop the subject . Mrs. Coddle , I trust that you will not respect or love your husband the less , for this late disclosure ?", "Name them , my dear ?", "\u2014 Who has dared to utter that name to you ? who has dared to breathe a word of that person ?", "With more confidence than were she to know \u2014\u2014", "I had forgotten my purse \u2014", "Precisely .", "\u2014 Villain ! Villain ! what do you here ?\u2014\u2014 I am unarmed , or you should not leave this place alive ; come , Emmeline , come with me .", "Oh dear , no .", "Emmeline !\u2014\u2014 appearances , I confess , are against me ; but you know not all . You know not the cause which compels me to this course ; be patient .", "I am grateful for the informationand now having discussed a very conjugal breakfast , I shall prepare for my morning walk .", "Do , then , as I request you .", "Do not equivocate .", "Sit still , my friend ; be composed .", "And never more , dear Emmeline will I give you cause ; on the conduct of the husband chiefly rests the virtue of the wife , and I here renounce all my follies for ever . But for that villain \u2014\u2014", "So I hear .", "Because you did not dare confess to your wife that you had incurred such a responsibility ,\u2014 but now you are anxious to acknowledge her .", "I know more than you thought , Mr . Coddle .\u2014 Now , Sir , you see the plot is not one of such very great difficulty to execute . If you will not assist me , I must proclaim \u2014", "\u2014 Certainly .", "Indeed ! Could you think of no better plan to convict me ?\u2014", "No , \u2018 twas merely a note .", "Your hearing such a report is no evidence of its truth .", "Do , do \u2014 rely upon me . Ha ! Ha !", "My wife has , by some means , yet unknown to myself , discovered my connexion with a young female .", "On your moral courage depends your own safety , and my happiness .", "Emmeline , I \u2014\u2014 What ! the mystery is now clear \u2014 that woman has traced me \u2014 has told my wife , but my secret is safe .", "Yes , perfectly .", "What did I do ?", "The house not only belongs to an inspector of the police , but a", "Shall I read the whole of the police report ?", "By heaven , you shall .\u2014", "A word with you ;\u2014\u2014 I left you here when I went out this morning \u2014 did any one call during your stay ?", "\u2018 Tis in your power to relieve me from my embarrassment .", "What can she mean ? Does she threaten me with retaliation ? Who can have been here \u2014 through what channel can she have heard ? But I must avoid all explanation ; I dare not reveal aught connected with that unhappy girl .", "Yes , dear \u2014 I returned to you .", "She disappeared , and all trace of her had been lost .", "There are other women in the world , excessively jealous , beside yourself .", "You must publicly declare this girl to be your own .", "Business must be attended to , my dear .", "\u2014 They 're your friends , Mr. and Mrs. Coddle ; they will amuse you during the ten minutes that I require for dressing . What a strange couple \u2014 so oddly assorted ; poor Coddle , is the thinnest , chilliest man in the world . You must shut all your windows .", "Nay , I insist \u2014\u2014", "Leave it to me ; we will see this woman to-morrow , and make some arrangement with her .", "And the least appearance of timidity may ruin us ; now , are you ready ?", "Ah , my friends \u2014 absence , like death , leads us to dwell on the better qualities of those that are away .", "I am compelled to avoid all explanation respecting her .", "They surely will not talk of it ?", "Depend upon me \u2014 and be at peace . But be sure you do not equivocate in the question of this girl . The school-mistress with whom she lived is now here \u2014 at my very table . Remember ! I , at your request , placed the girl under her care .", "I do , indeed .", "Certainly , my love , if you wish it .", "The quality of making yourself extremely disagreeable \u2014 why do n't you take breakfast ?", "This young female , I , some time since , placed at a country school for protection \u2014\u2014", "Who has been here ?", "Who ? listen , Emmeline ; the deceiver of my sister , and the father of that girl , through whom we separated and thus meet again .", "I freely confess it was for love .", "Quite safe , depend upon it ; I will explain all at another opportunity .", "I think you are , my dear \u2014 if I may judge by the hard words that you ever use to me .\u2014 Proceed with your charges , I beg \u2014", "Bow-street officer occupies the floor above you .", "Certainly , my love \u2014 if you wish it .\u2014", "Are you mad ? will you hear me ?", "You did not sup last night ?", "What intrigues , dear ?", "But you are safe ; and who has saved you ?", "I have been rightly informed , my wife is here . Now that I have no further occasion for secresy , she shall know all ; and if I can awake her to a sense of the mischiefs that will arise from a too watchful jealousy , I will henceforth pursue that line of conduct which must and shall ensure happiness .\u2014\u2014 What ! who is that ?\u2014\u2014 he speaks to my wife \u2014 she repulses him \u2014 he follows her . Villain !\u2014CODDLE heard without , L. H .", "Do n't you feel interested in the case ? Have you no sympathy with the poor woman ?", "Yet , now I think of it ,\u2014 I have two or three places to call at , where I may be detained .", "We shall see .", "\u2014 Surely they can n't have heard \u2014 no \u2014 no \u2014 yet they may . Ha , a thought strikes me . Sir , you have more than professed a friendship for me ?"], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 10}, {"query": ["Do you know him , that you speak thus ?", "Your immediate attention to it , has convinced me of your perfidy .", "No , no \u2014 I 'll go myself .", "Forgive me \u2014 I \u2014 I am satisfied .", "\u2014 I 'm certain there 's an understanding between them .\u2014", "I do n't want any .", "Ha !", "I shall not attempt to explain my insinuations \u2014 I only desire that you will leave me to myself , and that your visits here may be less frequent .", "Ah Lionel \u2014 is it , is it you ? Oh bless you , bless you .\u2014\u2014 I have brought this upon myself .", "Right , Madam .", "I confess that we have had a trifling disagreement , this morning .", "You wo n't take me this morning ?", "Then I am happy in being the cause of renewing a friendship that seems so warm on either side ; come , Mr. Dove , lead me to the dining-room \u2014 our friends have arrived , no doubt . Mr. Dove , will you favour me with your arm ?", "No more , no more , dear Lionel ; I have been a weak , and foolish woman , but never will I doubt you again .", "\u2014 Nay , nay , I implore you stay near me \u2014 about me \u2014 leave me not again .", "To-morrow , at five .", "If you meet my husband , pray be silent on this matter , and be here to-morrow , I beg ; and should I be compelled to take a desperate resource to conquer the feelings that now consume me , you will know how to pity and to pardon me .\u2014", "\u2014 And that she is that man 's wife .", "I surely never felt the passion of jealousy till this moment ; all my past suspicions have been mere faults of temper , compared with the restlessness , the wretched thoughts , and sinking of the heart , that I now endure . Who can this girl be ? Where is she now ? He knows full well \u2014 no doubt he visits her \u2014 may at this moment be in her society . I 'll leave the house \u2014 him \u2014 all \u2014 for this agony is more than I can bear \u2014", "I am acquainted with a sufficiency , believe me .", "I never heard of this .\u2014 Who could the girl have been ? What was her age ?", "No , sir .", "Yes , Sir .", "Especially when the only business of a man is pleasure .", "I have little occasion to tax my invention further , Sir ; I now feel quite assured of my misery .", "Nay , nay , be satisfied , be at peace ; and let mutual confidence henceforth secure to us that happiness to which we have so long been strangers .", "\u2014 Restrain your curiosity , sir ; you will know all in a moment , there is a lady below .", "And if your husband can countenance your conduct , I am not so lost to every sense of self-respect , as to submit to it .", "Ah ! those people have arrived ; my husband has neither seen them , nor heard of their having been here . I shall watch him well when they first meet .", "I shall rely on you being here \u2014 you will not disappoint me ?\u2014", "Ha ! now I am , indeed , firmly \u2014 wretchedly convinced . What , Sir ! your agitation leaves you defenceless ?\u2014 Where are your arts \u2014 your falsehoods \u2014 your equivocations , now ?", "\u2014 The servant is in altercation with some one at the door ; who can it be ?", "Indeed !", "\u2014 Falsehood , all falsehood ! I 'm convinced .", "\u2014 What , sir \u2014 not a word ! quite confounded !", "You will go out ?", "On a matter of business ?", "Indeed !", "There 's the postman .", "I shall not name .", "I am obliged to you for being so faithful to your promise .", "I 'm in a maze \u2014 bewildered \u2014 who can this girl have been ? Did she \u2014 did she seem attached to him ?", "Certainly , as I have no opposing evidence to the veracity of your story ; though , still , I think it very \u2014 very strange , that you should have so troubled yourself on Mr. Coddle 's account , if \u2018 twere a mere act of friendship ; the most famed heroes of antiquity have never been surpassed .", "\u2014 My wretched fate is fixed ; I have suffered beyond the bounds of endurance , and can suffer no more .", "I think on such a very fine morning as this , you might , for once , take me with you .", "Indeed ! pray , madam , what might be the subject of your whispers ?", "You must allow that they do endeavour to accommodate themselves to each other 's foibles , and not oppose them , and use them as the means of tormenting , as some people do ?", "You are right , Madam \u2014 it is the same ; there is not the slightest shadow of a doubt but \u2018 tis the same ;\u2014 and this person that he placed with you , what was she ?", "Of course you were not so much annoyed at your disappointment , but you sought amends in some more certain amusement ?", "You told her , in my presence , that she was very pretty .", "Will you compel me to ring the bell ?", "Indeed , I am .", "The servant shall see you to the door .\u2014", "\u2014 If he does go out , I 'll follow him ; watch him , and enjoy his disappointment .", "Ah ! will he take me ?\u2014", "I was informed that you knew these good people ?\u2014", "The father !", "That is my wish , sir .", "I have been patient long enough , and will endure no more ; this is the last moment that I pass under your roof ."], "true_target": ["Those are best known to yourself .", "\u2014 I look upon you , madam , as a dangerous woman .", "This letter is for you , Madam .", "\u2014 Who is this ? Mr. and Mrs. Younghusband ! how provoking \u2014 just as I 'm going out .\u2014 What can bring them here ? they are a couple that I can n't endure ; though married but three months , they are perpetually contradicting and annoying each other ; if , now , they had suffered the five years of matrimony that I have \u2014 there might be some excuse for them , but to disagree so early in their career , is sad , indeed .", "\u2018 Twas not only a very great familiarity on your part , sir \u2014 but a want of respect for me .", "I hope you have been gratified by your walk ?", "You have taken good care to destroy all my sympathies ; indeed , almost every feeling and quality that I once possessed .", "I had no appetite .", "\u2014 So soon returned .", "I think the last time we walked out with Mr. and Mrs. Coddle , that you might have offered me your arm , and not have left me to the care of the husband , while you flirted with the wife .", "Surely you are not that base woman , who , under the mask of friendship , seeks to ruin my peace . I have watched your behaviour before , madam , and I am now convinced there is some secret correspondence existing between you and my husband ; and how Mr. Coddle can sit there , and affect to be blind to your actions , I am at a loss to conceive .", "\u2014 My husband !", "That is best known to myself .", "I 'm not in very good spirits .", "\u2014 Wretched woman that I am \u2014 why did I ever give power to any man so to torment me ? I 'll now follow him , and enjoy his disappointment .", "May I ask , madam , why you whispered my husband ?", "Well \u2014 well .", "You were not at home on that evening \u2014 indeed , I do n't know when you are at home ; always out \u2014 always running about \u2014 calling on this lady , and meeting that \u2014 receiving notes of assignation , and \u2014 but I 'll not endure it longer , Mr. Lynx \u2014 you may provoke me beyond the bounds of endurance , and then beware \u2014", "Very well , Sir .\u2014\u2014 Perfidious man , you will bitterly repent this treatment of me .\u2014 There is some one in the hall .", "I shall not trouble myself so much .", "You little thought that your note of assignation \u2014 your note of \u201c mere business , \u201d was written by me .", "Is it possible that you can have no particular appointment ? Have you had neither pink , nor blue note this morning ?", "What , then , is the information that you bring me ?", "Was it from any one that I am acquainted with ?", "I do n't comprehend you , madam \u2014 I can only observe , that your conduct to my husband , a moment since , was as ill-mannered as it seemed suspicious .", "My husband ?", "Well , sir , what is that one ?", "Then you are going out ?", "Now , Sir , I think I have you in my snare \u2014 \u2018 tis my own letter that has arrived \u2014 bearing a fictitious signature , and appointing to meet him in the park alone ;\u2014 he will receive it \u2014 read it \u2014 then what should he do ? What should a good and true husband do under such circumstances ? Show the letter to his wife . Will he do that ? If he does , I will freely forgive \u2014 forget \u2014 and think all that I have heard and seen to be delusions and falsehoods ;\u2014 but if he neither gives it me , nor alludes to it in any way , I shall then be convinced of his perfidy , and my course shall be resolved on . Re-enter LYNX , singing carelessly , \u201c I have pluck 'd the fairest flower , \u201d & c. & c . By Jove , I must dress ,\u2014 \u2018 tis near elevenmy love , I think I shall dine at my club to-day .", "To see !\u2014 quit my house , and from this moment I trust that neither of you will ever enter it again .", "The possession of a husband , who practices concealment .\u2014\u2014 I did not intend to breathe a syllable of what I have heard ; but I cannot resist . I must tell him \u2014 perhaps he may be guiltless . Lionel ! is the name of Harriet Seymour known to you ?", "Her name ?", "I did not require it .", "Whispering \u2014 laughing \u2014 and affecting to have ,\u2014 or really having , a quantity of interesting secrets .\u2014 Do n't ask me for a definition of the word , Sir \u2014 I am not a dictionary .", "You may do just as you please .", "You think so , do you ?", "Then you will be happy .", "Well , then , sir \u2014 my dress-maker could not call yesterday , but you must make yourself ridiculous .", "The name is perfectly correct .", "A letter for you , no doubt .\u2014 I thought it would be strange if a morning passed without the arrival of some mysterious billet for Mr. Lynx \u2014\u2014 Oh , Sir , do n't check your impatience \u2014 anticipate your servant , and run to the door , I beg .", "Was the letter that you have just received an invitation to meet some one there ?", "\u2018 Twas some victim to his villainy , no doubt . How to discover the mystery \u2014 how to come upon him , when he may be unprepared for equivocation ! I have it \u2014 my friends ,\u2014\u2014 If you should meet Mr. Lynx , let me implore you not to breathe a syllable of this matter to him \u2014 let me be the first to tell him . Pray oblige me by dining here to-morrow ,\u2014\u2014 you shall then be introduced to my husband , and should it indeed be the person that placed that girl under your care , he cannot dare to deny it . You , my friends \u2014\u2014 will also be here \u2014 nay , I will invite every soul that I am acquainted with , and publicly expose his villainy .", "Let me beg of you not to allude to this young person till after dinner , I will then lead the conversation to that subject \u2014 and then I hope you will freely and truly state all that you may know respecting her .", "My dear friends \u2014 pray cease your bickering .", "And few men think their wives to be possessed of any superior charms to the first doll they may meet .", "Which , of course , you will attend to ?", "It is , sir , for ever .\u2014", "I should be sorry to make your husband unhappy , madam \u2014", "Who \u2014 and what is he ?", "Lionel , will you bring Mrs. Dove ?", "His wife will immediately open them .", "Where is she now ?", "Hold , Sir ! would you use violence ? Would you conceal your shame , by rage ? Listen to me ! Ere I quite decide upon my course , I will give you one opportunity of justifying yourself \u2014 one chance of a full and fair explanation . Promise me to be at home to-morrow ,\u2014 I will not , in the mean time , allude to this matter , by a single word ; no , no \u2014 till then I will conquer my feelings and be silent . I shall be sorry to proceed in the revenge that I contemplate ; but should I have cause \u2014 remember , \u2018 twas your own hand that cast down the fire-brand here ; and if I do take it up , and set the home of our happiness in flames , you alone are to blame .", "She tells me that her name is Coddle .\u2014\u2014", "I can wait for you .", "I heard of your being in a private box at the theatre two evenings since \u2014 and with some strange female .", "And have more opportunities for carrying on your intrigues .", "There 's no necessity for that ; I shall be alone the whole day .", "Ask them to walk up , I shall then be satisfied ."], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 10}, {"query": ["Ah , Mrs. Lynx !", "\u2014 No , no ! I 'd sooner face a thousand fiends than look once again on that dreadful being . My dear , my love !\u2014\u2014 you do n't know what I have suffered \u2014 what I have endured through that woman ! In the first place , I was decoyed \u2014 trapped ; she left me \u2014 I once thought she was dead \u2014 but \u2014\u2014", "\u2014 I 'm very cold \u2014 ugh", "Ha ! ha ! now I feel happy ; now my mind is at ease , and I 'll be comfortable . How that Mrs . Dismal fixes her eyes on me ! Now fill your glasses ; Mr. Dove , take care of your lady .", "\u2014 Sit down , Sir .", "Well , Sir ! this information \u2014\u2014"], "true_target": ["I tell you , it is warmth that I want \u2014 warmth .", "\u2014 Ugh \u2014 do n't , dear , you chill me to the bone to hear you .", "No , do n't , do n't \u2014 I shall jump out of one of \u2018 em , if you do . My inhuman wife would drag me from my warm fire-side this morning , although I told her there was an incipient easterly wind fluttering about . If it should blow in full force before I get home , I shall die .", "What can it be ? Shall I let him in ?", "Mary , come back ; come back ; hear me .\u2014\u2014 I dare not follow her ; I shall meet the other . No , no ; I must fly \u2014 I must leave the country \u2014 \u2018 tis now no home for me .", "I can n't \u2014 I 'll leave the house \u2014 I 'll \u2014\u2014 Ah , this door \u2014\u2014 leads to the canal ; I 'll drown myself \u2014 I 'm desperate enough \u2014 the sun has been on the water all day , so I 've nothing to fear \u2014 I am resolved upon my course \u2014 felo-de-see , nothing else \u2014 adieu , my friends \u2014 I 'm a discovered , a guilty monster \u2014 and this is the last time that you will ever see the distracted , wretched , Samuel Coddle .\u2014"], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 10}, {"query": ["Go into a rage , Mr. Coddle .", "Coddle , your mind is diseased .", "Oh ! no , no ; I merely feel hurt that he should have thought it necessary to have concealed the circumstance . Had I been a violent , jealous , bad-tempered woman , there might have been some cause for secresy ; but as every body knows what a kind , indulgent creature I really am , he might have made me his confidant ! and the poor girl should have been brought home . Where is she now ?", "Do , do \u2014 make him wretched , there 's a love \u2014 but for once .", "You anticipate me \u2014 not what ?", "How very odd ! how very strange ! though this note arrived last night , I have scarcely done anything since but read it .\u2014\u2014 \u201c My dear Mrs. Coddle , pray pardon the warmth of my temper that led me to use certain expressions to you , of which , at the time , I was not conscious \u2014 though now , on recollection of them , I express my sorrow . Forgive me , and dine with us at five to-morrow , do not dissappoint me on your life , as I have a strong reason for inviting you ; bring Coddle with you , of course . Sincerely yours , Emmeline Lynx . \u201d What a strange woman ! who would suppose , that yesterday , she desired me to quit the house and never enter there again . Well , I 'm resolved to go . What a length of time Coddle takes for dressing ; \u2018 tis now half-past four , and I have been ready this hour .\u2014\u2014 Coddle , you drone , make haste .", "Very well \u2014 but so hot . Phew ! Pray open your windows and give me some air .", "I never betray confidence .", "\u2014 Ah ! you are a happy woman in possessing such a husband ! Look at him , Coddle ; observe his manner \u2014 his air . Why do n't you dress in that fashion ?", "You seem dull , Mrs. Lynx .", "\u2014 Do n't send up your name at present \u2014 the poor creature is in a rabid state .\u2014", "And the cause is not so much bodily infirmity as mental anxiety .", "I have very strange and very terrible suspicions ! \u2018 tis surely no poor creature that you , in the hey-day of your youth \u2014\u2014", "As she is not within , I shall look in again . I am resolved to see her , for the more I reflect , the more I am incensed against my husband . Oh ! I am a wretched woman .", "He 's a fine spirited man .\u2014", "Samuel !", "The unhappy creature , Mrs. Belvidera Coddle , is lodging here , you tell me .\u2014", "I went home , but Coddle never came near the house ; he has absconded , no doubt ; I did not close my eyes all night .", "\u2018 Twas a fine bracing night breeze \u2014 but out of kindness to Coddle , I immediately closed the windows \u2014 Phew . Oh , gracious , had you but have felt the heat \u2014 I fainted away in the easy chair \u2014 Coddle rang the bell \u2014 the servants came \u2014 and to my horror , we discovered that Coddle had clandestinely introduced a German stove into the bed-room , and there it was , red hot . Think what a person of my temperament must have endured . I 've been ill ever since .", "Base equivocator \u2014 you shall have no rest , depend upon it , till I am perfectly acquainted with the cause of your agitation . I have watched your actions , Sir , more than you are aware of ; \u2018 tis something in which Mr. Lynx is concerned ; I observed you , when you returned from his house yesterday , you came home quite an altered man \u2014 you that were not to be roused by any thing that did not interfere with your own immediate comfort , seemed suddenly to have changed your nature : the servant left your room door open , unchecked ; a broken pane close to your ear escaped your notice \u2014 you ate no supper \u2014 you ordered no fire in your bed-room \u2014 and your sleep was disturbed by sighs and groans , and words of guilt .\u2014 Ha !\u2014 I have made you tremble \u2014 now , Sir , I shall leave you , and in the meantime you will do well to prepare for a confession that I am resolved to wring from you .\u2014\u2014 I have shaken him from his lethargy at last .", "Indifference ! I am sure the apathy of my husband was never equalled ; I have flirted with a dozen young men in one evening , to excite him to a little harmless jealousy , but in vain ; and I really think , he would neither have stirred , nor cared , had I eloped with three captains at once . And now to discover that he has another wife ! Oh , if I could see him again \u2014 I think I should assassinate him ! a monster ! a \u2014 oh !\u2014", "\u2014 A word with you \u2014\u2014 Eh ? Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! it would be very droll , now \u2014 would it not ?", "You are fainting \u2014 let me open the windows .", "Surely your agitation , and your sudden faintness cannot arise from any apprehension ?", "Stay stay , I 'll go myself .\u2014", "Now , Coddle , I 'm quite ready .", "Bless me , Mrs. Lynx , what do you mean ?", "You pass 'd a wretched night .", "What has caused this fever ?", "You talk 'd in your sleep .", "Tell me \u2014 what is this matter that has so suddenly disconcerted you ?", "Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", "I do n't wonder at your fainting , my only surprize is that you can breathe at all , in such an atmosphere ; there 's not a breath of air permitted to enter the room . Phew ! I 'm stifled ; excuse me a moment , my friends , I wish to speak to Coddle alone .\u2014\u2014 No , no \u2014 do n't leave the room .", "Our friends are as much surprised at receiving an invitation from Mrs. Lynx as we were .", "Mr. and Mrs. D. have also received an invitation to dine at Lynx 's to-day \u2014 and have called , in passing , to know if we were also going .", "Mad !", "You 'll suffocate me some day , Coddle \u2014 I know you will . You do n't know what a life I lead with him , Mrs. Lynx \u2014 five blankets in July \u2014 think o'that ."], "true_target": ["That this elderly lady , in black , is \u2014\u2014", "For me !\u2014\u2014 What is this ?\u2014 Oh , I can n't read it \u2014 I shall faint , I have no power to read , pray take it \u2014 some one , Mr .\u2014 any body \u2014 pray read it .\u2014ALL ,\u2014 Read it , Mr. Dove .", "I strongly suspect you .\u2014", "Except Mr. Coddle \u2014 were Venus herself to rise from the sea before him , he 'd take to his heels for fear of catching cold from the foam .", "Come in , come in ; there is nobody here but Coddle .", "He thinks of nothing but his own personal ease .", "He 's the most apathetic creature living \u2014 no life , no passion , no impulse . I do like to see a husband subject to some little caprices of temper . If Coddle , now , were inclined to jealousy \u2014 and would scold me well \u2014 and throw things about \u2014 and go into a fury now and then \u2014 I should be the happiest woman in the world ; but he wont \u2014 there he sits , from morning till night , as carefully wrapped up as an Egyptian mummy . I really think he is one ; he is \u2014 he 's King Cheops . Cheops \u2014\u2014 oh , Mrs. Lynx , I 'd give the world to make him jealous . But what is the matter with you , have you had words with your husband ?", "\u2014 This is delicious ;\u2014 if Coddle would but listen to her .", "Because I could discover , through all your eccentricities , a natural goodness of heart .", "A mere matter of pleasantry .", "\u2014 What !", "Do n't you stir from this house , Coddle , till you are perfectly convinced of the baseness of her inuendoes . Be jealous , and demand an explanation ; if you do n't , I 'll tear the list from all the doors at home .", "My friends !\u2014 ladies !\u2014 bless me , we are all in tears ! this must not be ; what would our husbands say if they knew of our weakness ? No , no \u2014 we must not break our hearts for such creatures : we must rally and laugh . Ha ! ha ! ha ! laugh , ladies , laugh \u2014 and make your arrangements for the future with resolution and spirit . You , Mrs. Lynx , will , I presume , for the present lodge here . I shall now step to my friends and return in half an hour . Mrs. Dove , you are a sensible and well-educated woman ; pray accompany me , and give me your advice ! we may hear of Mr. Dove while we are gone . Mrs. Y ., you , of course , will stay with Mrs . Dismal for the present . Good bye , my dears \u2014 good bye ! Now pray , do n't fret ; be women \u2014 be women \u2014 do n't weep about a man . What are men ?\u2014 mere self-elected law-makers . Do n't despair , ladies ; the time is fast coming when we shall have voices in the legislation of the country , and then let them look to their questions . The wrongs done to our sex , for centuries , shall be well revenged in the first session .", "And I 'm dying for air .", "Merely a stiff neck , Mrs. Lynx ?", "My dear love \u2014 \u2018 tis nothing but a fine refreshing breeze , and one that you ought to be very grateful for .", "Where your property is situated .\u2014", "Good morning , my friends .", "And he wears six \u2014 how the man can exist in such a state , I know not ; and what is the matter with him , I am equally at a loss to guess ; he has been overpowered with nervous agitation , and in a high fever all the morning \u2014 has been talking in his sleep all night . I could only catch the words \u201c Dont ,\u2014 I 'll say any thing \u2014 declare any thing \u2014 but do n't ; \u201d \u2014 the man has something on his mind \u2014 what can it be ?\u2014 He surely can n't have committed any crime \u2014 a robbery , nor a murder ?\u2014 oh , the monster ! I must question him .\u2014\u2014 Well , my dear , are you better ?", "He 's the most charming creature living , is that husband of yours . I wish my poor drone was like him .", "Ah ! we poor wives all have our little troubles .", "What d'ye think he did a week ago , Mrs. Lynx ? I had retired early : in the middle of the night I awoke in such a state of alarm \u2014 I really thought the room beneath us was on fire \u2014 the air of my apartment was so hot , so sultry , that I could not draw my breath . I gasped for air ; What can be the matter , I said to myself ? Surely I 've been suddenly transported to the Indies , and there is a thunder-storm brewing . I rose \u2014 I opened the windows \u2014", "And I shall quit my wretch .\u2014\u2014 From this moment , sir , we separate ; go to your wife , the woman who lawfully claims you , and never look me in the face again . We were an ill-assorted pair from the first ; but your affected apathy is now accounted for \u2014 it arose from an evil conscience . Cold-hearted , deliberate deceiver ! farewell for ever !\u2014", "I 'm sure I can n't tell , he keeps the cause of his illness a profound secret .", "The man 's mad \u2014\u2014", "Yes , yes , aloud \u2014 aloud \u2014 let the whole world hear it .", "How delightful !\u2014 Coddle , why do n't you go into a passion and knock me down .", "But one word more \u2014\u2014", "Sufficient to rouse my suspicions .", "What 's the matter , dear ? do you feel cold ?", "\u2014 Silence Samuel ! you have deceived me ; I could have pardoned any thing but this . As to the subject of the poor girl , that you have stated belongs to you , that I freely forgave .", "I shall endeavour \u2014\u2014", "And it 's air that I want \u2014 fine , fresh , blowing , whistling air .", "No , no , you will kill him if you do .\u2014", "Give me your hand .\u2014\u2014 Dear \u2014 dear \u2014 what a burning fever you are in \u2014 your hands are like live coals ; and what a pulse .\u2014\u2014 Heaven 's , Samuel !\u2014 you are ill !", "What 's the matter ?\u2014 what 's the matter ?", "Answer me , Sir ; what have you done ?", "I 'm sorry that you are going out .\u2014\u2014 I thought to have passed a very pleasant morning in your society ."], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 10}, {"query": ["Yes ; no lining \u2014 no , Mrs. Coddle has heard all \u2014 and has forgiven all ; she is now convinced how I was duped by my first wife ; has had proof of her leaving me \u2014 of her plundering me \u2014 of her coming here merely to make a property of me , of the illegality of the marriage ; and here we are united and happy again ; and there stands my friend and preserver , of whom I shall ever think with gratitude .\u2014", "Oh you villain \u2014 why do n't you wear a Welsh wig ? you would escape all these troubles , then ?", "Here we are ! here we are ! Belvidera has retreated in confusion ; and the conquering hero , with his only lawful wife , stands before you in all the conscious pride of innocence , and a complete suit of Nankeen .", "\u2014 Oh !", "I did .", "Yes .", "\u2014 I shall be ready immediately \u2014 I am now putting on my fourth waistcoat .", "Blind \u2014 me affect to be blind \u2014 what is there to see , madam ?", "And Mrs. D. was weary of the same life , no doubt ?", "I have been criminating myself \u2014 \u2018 twas while I was dreaming of being hanged .\u2014\u2014 What will become of me ?", "Of what ?", "What will become of me ? If I escape the imputation of bigamy , the subject of that girl will be sufficient to bring my wife 's vengeance on my head ; I 'll run and drown myself in a warm bath . I 'll \u2014 no , no \u2014 I must rouse , I must rouse ; I must summon all my courage \u2014 all my fortitude \u2014 and bring out what little of the devil I have left in me .", "I will \u2014 I swear it \u2014 there \u2014", "That girl ? my adopted daughter , you mean ?", "So am I .\u2014\u2014 Come along , I shall be very gay to-day ; you will wonder what possesses me . I shall be so gay ; come Mrs . Dismal , take my arm , my dear ; \u2018 tis bad taste to walk with one 's wife . D ., look to Mrs. Coddle !", "Ah \u2014 she do n't know \u2014 I breathe again .", "\u2014 Oh ! I wish I could vanish through the floor .", "Highly necessary \u2014 we are more liable to take cold in hot weather , than in any other . I always have four colds , one rheumatism , and two stiff necks every July .", "I know it , I know it .", "Bless you \u2014 what would Mrs. Coddle say ? My dear boy she 'd murder me . I could not support such an assertion for the world \u2014 how could I ever look in my wife 's face afterwards ?", "Lord ! cook ! Go on !", "And the heart that can then but refer to faults , is one of which we ought to be ashamed . If the second Mrs. Coddle had but consulted my comforts a little more than she did , and not look 'd for raptures and passions in one , who had them not in his nature \u2014 she would have been a divinity .", "Bless me ! what two reprobates we are .", "And have proved it , too . Did n't I visit you every week , when you lodged in that airy situation at Hampstead ?", "Well ?", "I \u2014 I \u2014 do n't know .", "And almost killed me on the spot ; there was a strong north wind blowing at that moment \u2014 enough to wither one .\u2014 Imprudent woman .", "There 's somebody else , who can it be ?", "And you , Mrs. Lynx , married him from the same impulse ?", "\u2018 Twas the only thing I could hit upon . I sat upon my wife 's music-stool \u2014 for five whole days . I ate , drank , lived and twirled upon a music-stool ;\u2014 all through sitting in a draught \u2014 do shut your windows , there 's a dear .", "What ?\u2014 I 'm a dead man !", "I 'm obliged ; there 's no one else thinks of it for me .", "No , no .", "And we poor husbands , too . Mrs. Coddle wont let me wear a hair-skin comforter \u2014 did you ever hear of such cruelty ?", "Not a word , on your life \u2014 plunge me into a cold bath , make me sleep a whole night on the top of the Monument \u2014 compel me to do any thing for which I have a horror \u2014 but breathe not a word of that \u2014 of that \u2014", "No \u2014 no !", "In what way ?", "No !\u2014\u2014 Did I \u2014 what did I say ?", "\u2014 Ah !", "You rogue !", "And you , Mr. and Mrs. Dove , married \u2014 because \u2014\u2014", "You have a window open somewhere , Mrs. Lynx \u2014 pray shut it . I sat in a draught last week , that so completely fixed my head on my shoulders , that I could'nt have moved it without turning my whole body at the same time , had it been to save my life .", "Then , of course , she has discovered your trick ?", "Well ?", "We are all wretched creatures ; and I 'm the most wretched among you ; you may be reconciled some day or other , but for me \u2014 I am without hope .\u2014\u2014 Hush !\u2014 who 's there ?\u2014", "You can n't come in .", "That 's me \u2014 oh \u2014", "Excuse my coming in so unceremoniously \u2014 I knew you were here \u2014 I saw you come home \u2014 merely called to oblige Mrs. Coddle . There 's that window still open ; permit me to shut it .\u2014\u2014 Mrs. Lynx has hinted to my wife that a familiarity exists between you and her , and one that I ought not to shut my eyes to ; now , I candidly confess that I have opened them as wide as I can , and what Mrs. Lynx can possibly see I am at a loss to guess . But entirely to oblige my wife , I call here , at the risk of my life \u2014 as I did not intend coming out any more to-day \u2014 to ask if such a familiarity really exists ? Mrs. Coddle demands it , for my own satisfaction . If I am not satisfied , she insists on my fighting you ; and if I am , she is determined to make Mrs. Lynx beg her pardon . Now , what is to be done ?", "And you , Mr . Dismal ?", "Ah , Mr . Dismal !\u2014 I was thinking of you .", "Huzza ! Huzza ! you 've told the truth , Dove \u2014 you 've told the truth \u2014 Belvidera has retreated and left me master of the field . Be grateful , you villain , be grateful . She would have torn your eyes out , murdered you , had it not been for me .", "I \u2014 I \u2014 left off my life-preserving under-waistcoat , yesterday .", "Why ?", "They found my example so very pleasant , I suppose , they could not resist following it .\u2014", "And you , Mr. and Mrs. Younghusband , married \u2014\u2014", "Yes \u2014 yes , ugh !\u2014", "I know they are ; and I am convinced it has all originated in my wife 's anxiety to excite me .", "No , no , no \u2014 oh , dear ! no , no .", "What ?", "My dear , do n't speak to me in that fierce manner , you make me tremble from head to foot .", "I 'll say any thing \u2014 do any thing \u2014 give any thing , only conceal the affair from my wife .", "My dear , if I were to go into a passion , and suddenly cool , as I know I should , the checking of the perspiration would be the death of me \u2014 I should die . Re-enter LYNX , dressed for walking .", "Where you 've but one . \u2018 Tis a comfort so peculiarly singular , that once pluralized , it is destroyed .", "Hush , Mrs. Dove ; allow your husband to select his own words at pleasure \u2014 yield a little to each other , \u2018 tis the best and only way to secure domestic peace . I shall yield everything . Look at me ; I that three days ago was all flannel and under-waistcoats , now intend to defy air , draughts , open-windows , corner-houses , everything ; and I and Mrs. Coddle are going in search of the North Pole . Lynx , my boy , have you cleared up your mystery and satisfied your wife ? that 's right , now let us forgive and forget ; forget all but those qualities that first induced us to marry . Mrs. Sam , what did you have me for ?", "I have a horrid presentiment of evil ; a moment since I was glowing like a furnace , with joy \u2014 and now I freeze again , with terror .", "No , no , not one . Come , my dear \u2014 I 've the rheumatics in my right shoulder , already \u2014 I tremble from head to foot \u2014 I 've taken cold , and you 'll have to nurse me for a month \u2014 Come , dear , come ."], "true_target": ["I have , but tell me \u2014 who is this girl ?", "Eh ! an elderly lady in black \u2014 \u2018 twas she , he told me she was in black .\u2014", "I am .", "Huzza , huzza !\u2014 an illegal marriage ! I 'm free \u2014 it can be put aside , it can be put aside ! Tol de rol lol .\u2014\u2014 You hear , she was obliged to leave the country ; she imposed upon me ; she left me ; she 's here but to annoy me \u2014 but I 'm free . Lynx , unbolt the door and let me out .\u2014\u2014 Mr. Dove , let me collar you ; you shall never leave me till I have seen and satisfied the lawful Mrs. Coddle . You are my witness , and must come to your aunt , and then to my wife ; follow us , my dear friends \u2014 follow us ; seek your wives and be reconciled ; I 'll set you the example . Do n't attempt to get away from me ;\u2014\u2014 you are my best friend , and I shall never quit my hold of you . I would n't part with you for a million of money . My dear friend , my preserver , my every thing on earth to me \u2014 come with me to your aunt , to Belvidera \u2014 never mind hat , coat , any thing . My dear , my only Mrs. Coddle , open your arms , and receive your husband and his friend .\u2014", "Not \u2014 I do n't know ? what were you going to say ?", "\u2014 I 'm a dead man .", "They have promised to be secret , but what will be my feelings , in their presence !\u2014 when either of them speak , I shall die with apprehension .", "Not much \u2014 I feel very faint .", "Doctor Heavysides recommended it ; he said \u2018 twas the only thing that could save my life , and rescue me from a threatened pulmonary complaint . I 've had a wheezing cough ever since its removal \u2014 barbarous woman !\u2014", "Well , then , whenever a disagreement breaks out among you in future , recall the memory of those inducements which first led you to think of each other , and you will find it to be a wonderful help to the restoration of peace . Do you all agree to this ?", "He sha'nt come in , I wont have any more visitors . I came here to conceal myself , and here is my whole circle of acquaintance around me already ; well , sit down , sit down , as you are here .\u2014\u2014 What poor unhappy wretches we all are !", "Then follow my example , and ratify the agreement by a hearty conjugal embrace ; I will give the word of command . Make ready !\u2014\u2014 Present !\u2014\u2014 Fire !\u2014", "Do n't \u2014 do n't look so astonished , you frighten me .", "So she is \u2014 my night-caps are never thoroughly aired .", "No , no , I must now introduce you to my wife . Where is she ? Mrs . Coddle !\u2014\u2014 Mrs. Coddle ! they told me she was here ; where are you , my dear , where are you ? She can n't be in the house ; then we 'll run all over London , but we 'll find her . Come , Dove , my friend , my preserver , come .", "There , this is the way that all matrimonial quarrels should end \u2014 and if you are of the same opinion \u2014\u2014 then , indeed , will our conjugal joy be complete , and our light lesson not have been read in vain . You have seen the result of perpetual jealousy , in the case of Mr. and Mrs. Lynx ; of continual disputes and contradiction in that of Mr. and Mrs. Younghusband ; of a want of cheerfulness and attention in Mr. and Mrs . Dismal ; of the impolicy of public correction in the instance of Mrs. Dove ; and the necessity of assimilating habits and tempers in the singular case of Mr. and Mrs. Coddle ; and though these may not be one half the causes of quarrel between man and wife \u2014 yet , even their exposure may serve as beacon lights , to avoid the rocks of altercation when sailing on the sea of matrimony . So think of us , all ye anticipating and smiling single people ; for you must , or ought , all to be married , and the sooner the better \u2014 and remember us ye already paired ; and let our example prove to you that to mutual forbearance , mutual confidence , mutual habits , mutual everything , must we owe mutual happiness . And where can the best of happiness be found , but in a loyal and affectionate Married Life ? Disposition of the Characters at the fall of the Curtain .", "No , no , I 'll never part with my witness ; come , you delightful fellow , come , you shall never leave me till I am restored to happiness .\u2014", "Misfortune !", "Come along , Dove , come along ; my wife is here . Come , my best friend \u2014 my preserver .", "Oh , it 's my excellent friend Lynx .\u2014\u2014 Come in , come in ; quick , quick .\u2014\u2014 Now what 's the matter ? how did you find me out ? what brought you here ? any of the police after me ? any warrant granted ? Speak , speak .", "What have we done ?", "You shall see me to advantage , to-day ; I feel a new man ; you may open all the doors and windows in the house . I 'll do any thing desperate , to-day \u2014 walk to Lynx 's , without my coat , hat , any thing \u2014 come , my love .\u2014 Come Dismal .\u2014 Fol de rol , de rol lol .\u2014", "I thought so .", "Which ?", "I can n't ;\u2014\u2014 my love , we are in a thorough draught ; that woman wants to destroy me . Let us leave the house , if you wish to see me alive an hour hence . Be satisfied \u2014 I 'll call on Mr. Lynx , and demand an explanation .", "Which do you think the easiest method of quitting life ?", "\u2014 Considerably better .", "Mrs. Samuel Coddle !", "All my wife 's fault . I sat for five days in this attitude \u2014\u2014 If I wanted to look at any body on my left , I was obliged to turn my whole body thus . If any one spoke to me on my right , I could only attend to them by pivotting so . If I wished to see what was going on behind me , I was obliged to whirl round like a weathercock at a sudden change in the wind ;\u2014 but how dy'e think I did it ? How dy'e think I managed my movements ?", "No , no , no \u2014 my dear ! How can you think \u2014 how can you dream of such a thing ? I never had any hey-day \u2014 never ; do n't think that of me . Come , come \u2014 let us go to Lynx 's to dinner . Get ready , dear ; get ready .", "The elderly lady in black .", "Lord !\u2014 do you \u2014 do you think so ?", "Oh ! I am a doomed man .\u2014", "I have been running all over the house to look for Lynx ,\u2014 I thought I heard his voice here \u2014 how I tremble ! he must know that Mr. and Mrs . Dismal have seen that wretched woman \u2014 though they have promised secrecy , yet I cannot expect they will be always silent .\u2014\u2014 Oh , my friend ! I have been looking for you \u2014 they are all at dinner , but I can n't eat in the state of mind I am in . Mr. and Mrs . Dismal saw you talking to her .", "For what ? tell me for what ?", "Aunt !", "\u2014 What is it ?", "My love !", "Who ?", "I am a grand sultan , I rejoice in a plurality of wives . Oh , that Turkey , what a blessed country ! where bigamy is a virtue , and a man 's consequences is rated not by the number of voices he can command in a parliament , but by the number of wives he can command at home . But tell me , how did you discover my retreat ?", "I know it , I know it \u2014 \u2018 tis a terrible secret ; a story of horror and despair ; when we are alone , you shall know all \u2014 but not a word now . I beg \u2014 I implore \u2014 I pray \u2014 ah , my wife !\u2014Re-enter MRS. CODDLE , with a glass of water .", "Me ! as thinly clad as Mr. Lynx is now \u2014 would you see me in my grave ? Ugh ! I shudder to look at him .", "Go on , go on .", "Wait a moment .\u2014\u2014 When I expect to be excited , I like to be guarded against taking cold \u2014 against the effects of draughts and currents of air . My courage is rising \u2014 it 's up \u2014 now I 'm ready \u2014 give me your arm \u2014 there , look at me ! Did you ever see a finer illustration of desperate courage ? Never .\u2014 Now to the field of action \u2014 to mortal strife \u2014 and death or victory .", "Well \u2014\u2014", "No \u2014 no \u2014 not for worlds .", "As you love me \u2014 if you do not wish to see me lifeless at your feet , breathe not a syllable relative to the elderly lady in black \u2014 mention not her name .", "Then whenever you are inclined to be angry with me , always think of that , and I in return will ever remember the affection that first led me to seek you . Lynx , what did you marry for ?", "\u2014 Do n't , do n't , pray do n't excite me ; if you get to words , I must interfere , and any interference , at this moment , might be fatal .", "Then her real name was \u2014\u2014", "Belvidera Montemar ?", "Left you !", "Who can that be ? I told the woman of the house on no account to admit a soul , or to tell any one who had taken her rooms ; but if she should be obliged to confess , to give out that a half-crazy gentleman occupies them , who will not allow a creature to approach him but herself . I think I am safe here , nobody knows me ; I 've changed my name , I have paid a month 's rent in advance , have closed and fastened the shutters and door , and intend to live in future by candle-light ; so here I am alone \u2014\u2014 with two wives claiming me , yet alone , that 's something . What a night I have passed ! One minute trembling with apprehension , the next with cold ; the loose windows rattling all night like the chains of a sleepless felon \u2014 nothing but draughts all over the room , and a corner house too , its edges worn away by the wind constantly whistling round it \u2014 ugh !\u2014\u2014 It must have been the landlady that knocked ; she thought I was asleep , no doubt , so would n't disturb me ; how cold I am , there is a terrible wind somewhere . This is the most miserable place I ever was in , in my life ; where can that rush of air come from ? I must find out , here 's my tow \u2014\u2014 with this and a skewer , I can stop every crevice .\u2014\u2014 Ah , here 's the place \u2014 a thorough draught , enough to kill me .\u2014\u2014 It has blown the candle out ; what a horrid place !\u2014\u2014 Who 's there ? \u2018 tis the foot-step of a man , it is not the landlady ;\u2014\u2014 officers of justice , perhaps , who have dogged me here ,\u2014 hush !\u2014\u2014 Shall I answer ? I will \u2014 I must \u2014 this suspense will drive me mad \u2014 who \u2014 who 's there ?", "Well ?", "Changed her name ! To what \u2014 to what ?", "Yes , yes .", "Not since we parted at your house yesterday . I can never face her again . How is Mrs. Lynx ?", "What will Mary say ?", "Aye , of committing suicide ?\u2014 hanging , poisoning , suffocation , drowning , or the pistol ? For to one of these escapes from my terrors , I am determined to apply .", "Was it you that knocked at the door , a few minutes ago ?", "\u2014 What can she be going to say ?", "True .", "I am a lost man \u2014 I knew my day of reckoning would arrive . Mary suspects something , that 's clear \u2014 um !\u2014 and I 'm going out to dinner too \u2014 what a dinner it will be to me ; it must be a feast of poison , and a flow of woe \u2014 if my secret is preserved , my promise to Lynx must lead to a commotion .\u2014 Who can this girl be that I undertake to own ? Ha ! ha !\u2014 now I think of it , I am safe ; he dare not betray me , he is as much in my power as I am in his \u2014 yet how could he have discovered my unhappy situation ? He wo n't acknowledge that . No \u2014 no ; he considers that mystery adds to his strong hold upon me . I have borrowed a book of criminal jurisprudence , from my attorney .\u2014 I want to learn the utmost penalty of the law for my offence .\u2014\u2014 Here it is \u2014 bigamy !\u2014\u2014 \u201c If guilty , \u201d \u2014 what ? \u201c transportation for life . \u201d Oh !\u2014\u2014 Think of my being at Botany Bay \u2014 working night and day \u2014 summer and winter \u2014 in trousers without lining \u2014 only a shirt on my back \u2014 and a chain round my leg ; no umbrella to put up when it rains , no such thing as a yard of Welch flannel within a thousand miles of me , and nothing aired for me \u2014 I should die \u2014 the first damp night would send me to the tomb of the Coddles \u2014 oh !\u2014Re-enter MRS. CODDLE , introducing MR. and MRS . DISMAL .", "I shall fall flat on the floor , something is going to happen .", "Hush ! here 's Mrs. Lynx .", "No one but Mr. and Mrs. Younghusband ."], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 10}, {"query": ["Now , pray , do n't trifle with me ; think of my dreadful suspense \u2014 think of my feelings at this moment .", "\u2014 Now what course shall I take ?\u2014 that my husband is guilty , I have abundant of proof \u2014 and that I can never , never live with him again , is equally sure . I have sought a refuge here , in a miserable lodging-house ; for where had I to go ? Where could an outraged and a homeless wife seek for shelter ? with friends \u2014 with relations ? No , no ; I could not endure that bitter humiliation . If I am to be wretched , it shall be unseen and alone ; I 'll have no cold and affected sympathy \u2014 no pity from my kindred . Pity ! there is no such feeling ! \u2018 tis disguised triumph , and we know it too ; else why does the soul rise up within us and spurn it ?\u2014\u2014 Ah , he here ! the writer of the letter I received yesterday ? then he has traced me to this house . What shall I do ? he must not see me . Hark !\u2014\u2014 he is making enquiries concerning me ; how shall I avoid him ? To retaliate upon my husband , I affected to encourage that man , and he thus presumes upon it . But now , though I shall never return again to my home , I must avoid all that would make me cease to respect myself \u2014 I 'll to my room .", "The time has almost arrived that will either relieve me from the dreadful suspense that I now endure , or plunge me still deeper into misery ; since yesterday I have scarcely uttered a word in his presence ; I have religiously adhered to the resolution that I would not touch upon a subject that has so filled me with conflicting emotions ; but to-day , in an hour , I shall know the worst ; and if he be the guilty one , that I am madly certain he is , his friends and the world shall know how I have been wronged , and for what purpose I have assembled them here .\u2014\u2014 Were it not for tokens like these , I should almost think that I had ceased to charm \u2014 had ceased to be looked upon even with interest , by the meanest of earth 's creatures ; here is one that tells me he loves me ; my husband once told me so , but then I was younger and had a free heart to give ; that now , alas , is gone for ever ; here is one who offers me wealth \u2014 splendour and affection \u2014 if I will forsake a husband that slights me \u2014 that torments and maddens me \u2014 what shall I do ? I have now the means of revenge \u2014 of a full and bold revenge . Shall I use them but to awe my husband , or shall I listen , and so make him rue the day that he first roused my jealousy ? But he may not be guilty \u2014 this girl may have no claim on him \u2014 beyond one of compassion or kindness . I may have suspected wrongly , and he may still have a lingering love for me , that may one day revive in all its early strength ; and then were I to know him innocent \u2014 and myself the only guilty one , I should go mad \u2014 should die \u2014 should \u2014 oh , heaven help me .\u2014", "I really can n't guess ."], "true_target": ["Yes , yes \u2014 pray tell me .", "The poor woman had better be asked up .", "It was \u2014 it was as I suspected , a black falsehood .", "An elderly lady in black .", "\u2014 \u2018 Tis false , Mrs. Coddle ! I asked the question of the bearer of that letter \u2014 I thought that she might be the parent of the girl \u2014 but , no , no ; your husband has but supported mine in a falsehood ; he never had a daughter . And you , sir ,\u2014\u2014 are discovered and laid bare ; but I shall leave you this day for ever ."], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 10}, {"query": ["\u2014 I shall go home alone .", "Well , that is information .", "You did \u2014 I 'll burn it when I go home .", "I am .", "For what , then ?", "But it is .", "Never .", "Hush ! remember , dear ; you have promised never to contradict me again .", "I will \u2014 and I 'll wear my dirty yellow one to vex you .", "You 're a hideous man .", "I would not go to my aunt \u2014 I changed my mind , called on Mrs . Dismal and sat up with her , I am determined not to return home till Frederick fetches me ; it was Uncle Tolloday that gave me the thimble .", "I tell you , I 'm certain it is the same .", "No , they a'nt ; a pretty relief , indeed , to break one 's heart with crying .", "\u2014 Step up , Mrs. Dove , and bring your husband with you .", "It is .", "That 's the kindest thing you have said since our marriage .", "I have .", "Do you mean that ?", "Well , then \u2014 Mrs. Dove , you must know , was a widow ; and formerly the mistress of a large boarding school ; but has now retired , after marrying her footman . They are the oddest couple you ever met with . She is perpetually drilling her husband into politeness and correct pronunciation , which the poor man will never comprehend as long as he lives . Oh , had you but seen them last night ! whenever a bell rang , poor Mr. Dove could scarcely help starting from his chair , and running to attend to it ; and could only be checked by the alarming eyes of Mrs. Dove . Ha ! ha !\u2014 Oh , those eyes \u2014 how they did remind me of my school-days ! just the looks that she used to dart at us , poor refractory girls .", "There is .", "I will \u2014", "There is poor Mrs. Dove in an agony about her Henry . She left Mrs. Coddle \u2014 came to us \u2014 was told that her husband was in this house \u2014 and he is still no where to be found .", "It was .", "I am not . I shall never go home any more .", "There is no necessity for it .", "My dear Mrs. Lynx , pray do n't allow this matter to affect you so seriously .", "Take it away , sir , I do n't want wine . Oh , sir , you need not sit there looking so fierce ;\u2014 I was certain we should have a disagreement before the day was out ; you contradicted me about my silver thimble \u2014 you insisted that aunt Sarah gave it me .", "Last night , at a friend 's house , we accidentally met Mr. and Mrs. Dove \u2014 when she informed us that she had given up her school , and was now in London for the purpose of collecting some old debts , and amongst the names of the persons that she had to call on , was that of a Mr. Lynx \u2014\u2014", "I follow and torment you , sir ?", "I 'm not used to contradict , but you must . Though I am wretched , if I can assist in restoring happiness to others , Mrs. Frederick Younghusband is not the woman to be idle in such a matter . So come , dear D ., smile and look pleasant !", "There is .", "No , it was in Kent .", "You 're an aggravating man , and \u2014\u2014", "It is .", "\u2018 Twas you that made the noise .", "Mrs. Dove is now below , with her husband ; shall I ask her to walk up ?\u2014 then she can relate this strange circumstance herself ."], "true_target": ["I will .", "\u201c The monster to whom you are married , has another wife . I am that person ; the enclosed is a copy of my marriage certificate \u2014 \u2018 tis dated twenty years back ; my object in coming to England is to claim a maintenance , and expose the villain . \u201c Your obedient Servant , \u201c Belvidera Coddle . \u201d", "I am sure I have mentioned all that is necessary .", "I should have done so , if you had not interrupted and contradicted me , as you always do .", "For the same reason precisely .", "Ah , when you lose me .", "No , he wont \u2014 sit still ; you will only make matters worse .", "Then I 'll go to my aunt Sarah ;\u2014 he shall never see me again , an aggravating creature . How I could ever marry him , I can n't think ! It was uncle Tolloday that gave me the silver thimble \u2014 I know it was ; but he will contradict me . He does it on purpose to vex me \u2014 and oppose me \u2014 and worry me \u2014 and break my heart ; but I 'll go this moment to my aunt 's , and I 'll never \u2014 never set foot in his house again .", "I do .", "A charming consoler you are \u2014 how did you console me yesterday , when that frightful bonnet was sent home ?", "In Kent , I tell you .", "When I tried it on , you told me that I never looked so frightful in all my life .", "Uncle Tolloday .", "\u2014 Do n't weep , Mrs . Dismal ; do n't weep ; I wont , if \u2014 if \u2014 I break my heart . Y. sha'n ' t say that I ever dropped a tear at his absence \u2014 an aggravating creature ; though I could be comfortable with him , if he would not contradict me in every thing I say \u2014 and do \u2014 and \u2014 and \u2014 oh !\u2014", "I do .", "There is n't .", "Yes it is", "Call him back ! Mr . Lynx !\u2014\u2014 he 'll do himself a mischief \u2014 I know he will .", "Good bye , Mrs. Lynx ; if you wish to see us , we are only next door to you \u2014 you know . And pray , if you hear anything of our husbands apprize us immediately , and we will do the same for you .\u2014\u2014 Now , if Mr . Dismal passes the house again , I will call him in .", "I 'm completely miserable \u2014 miserable .", "To tell any body of any matter is to inform them ; and to inform people , is , of course , to give them information . How you do contradict me !", "Mrs. Lynx wo n't mind us .", "There , you hear , sir ; Mrs. Lynx allows it to be information .", "Reading \u2014 \u201c Madam , the writer of this is an injured woman \u2014 the monster \u2014\u2014", "She did n't \u2014 \u2018 twas uncle Tolloday gave it me .", "I hate you .", "It was not .", "Your heart ! you never had one .", "Your husband .", "Yes , it is .", "Come , Frederick , we 'll soon leave poor Mrs. Lynx ; people do n't like to have their sorrows intruded upon .", "No it is'nt \u2014 how do you know ?\u2014 you never cry , you harden 'd creature .", "A young lady ! My husband place a young lady under your care ?", "What ! Mr. and Mrs. Lynx , and embracing too : then you have explained and made it up , as we have done . Well , this is delightful ! Mr. and Mrs . Dismal are friends ; I saw him watching his house ; I rushed out \u2014 dragged him in .\u2014 Y ., who was with him , followed ; we pouted a little \u2014 coquetted a little \u2014 cried a little \u2014 and then rushed into one another 's arms ; did n't we , Frederick ?", "That is the thing I detest .", "Mrs. Lynx \u2014 Mr. and Mrs . Dove .\u2014 Will you be kind enough to relate to Mrs. Lynx the purport of your enquiry ?", "I will ."], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 10}, {"query": ["You insisted on having a fall of blond in the front of it .", "You shall . If you do n't know your duty , I 'll teach it you . Come", "You 're a provoking woman .", "No , I \u2014\u2014", "For my own part , I freely confess , that I never was more miserable in all my days , and really begin to think that a wife is an indispensable comfort .", "In Sussex !", "You drive me to madness ; I shall go home ; and I can only tell you , madam , since you threaten me , that when you arrive there , you will receive no welcome from me .", "It a n't .", "For the same reason , as our friends Mr. and Mrs. Lynx married .", "No .", "I had once .", "There is n't .", "Nay , madam , before you distress yourself , you had better be assured that the Mr. Lynx alluded to , is your husband .", "Where my wife can be I am at a loss to guess . Not at her aunt 's , I have been there , and they have not seen her . I am getting quite distracted .", "You shall not \u2014", "Louisa , how can you ? why will you thus agitate Mrs . Lynx ?\u2014 you are not sure the Mr. Lynx , that Mrs. Dove is looking for , is the husband of our friend \u2014 we merely surmised that it was .", "It can n't be the same .", "You do n't .", "You do n't .", "\u2018 Twas aunt Sarah .", "Indeed you shall not .", "\u2018 Twas your own taste .", "There is no necessity for calling up Mr. Dove .", "Then give me your arm , if you wo n't go home to your wife , you must and shall help me to regain mine . It is a man 's duty sir , to advance the first step towards a reconciliation .", "No it a n't .", "My dear , why do n't you keep to that portion of the narrative , most interesting to Mrs. Lynx ; she do n't want to hear of great eyes and refractory girls .", "You have not .", "Allow me to tell Mrs. Lynx \u2014 you must know , madam , that some years ago , my wife was sent to the boarding-school of Mrs. Dove , in Sussex .", "It is n't .", "You are not !", "It is n't ; you have not informed Mrs. Lynx of anything , yet .", "My wife 's great fault is her perpetual proneness for contradiction ; were she to qualify her opposition , by presuming that I mistake , or by merely thinking that I am wrong , I should be satisfied , but her flat contradictions on every subject are unbearable , and I wo n't put up with it ; she sometimes makes me quite furious , zounds !"], "true_target": ["\u2014 Ah , my friend , we have found you out at last .", "Louisa ! how can you be so absurd . Louisa , why do n't you wait for me ? you 're the most aggravating woman I ever met with .", "I am sure you are not .", "Louisa , why do you check the feelings of our friend ? you ought to be aware that tears are a great relief when one is suffering from mental agitation .", "I did n't .", "You do \u2014 often \u2014 often .", "If you aggravate me in this manner , I 'll go home again .", "I tell you , there is .", "It can n't be .", "I 'm going home .", "Sir , come .\u2014", "They are here ; do n't make a noise .", "How can that be ?", "You ought first to tell Mrs. Lynx , who and what the people are , before you introduce them to her .", "You shall not .", "\u2018 Twas not .", "It is a relief .", "Merely to tell her that a person wishes to see her .", "We ought rather to stay and console her .", "It is the very thing that you ordered .", "I prefer preserving my tears for a certain event .", "So she did .", "You have not .", "He wont , sit still \u2014 if you follow and torment him as you do me , sometimes \u2014 you will , indeed , drive him to desperation .", "I do .\u2014", "No , it is n't .", "You shall not \u2014", "That wont break my heart .", "There is .", "You have not .", "Yes , dear .", "\u2014 Open the door , we wish to see you .\u2014"], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 10}, {"query": ["When you 're exasperated .", "Elucidate !", "Henry , my dear , silence .", "So am I .", "But had sold his commission , and married .", "Where are you going ?", "But love is blind \u2014\u2014", "My lamb , you forget yourself .", "Henry \u2014 how can you so expose yourself ?", "Harriet Seymour .", "No , Henry , I forgot myself ; I never shall correct you more , dear .", "Hush , love , we must forget the school now !", "Thank you , Sir , you are very kind .\u2014", "\u2018 Tis some time since we met .", "\u2014 Henry !", "\u2018 Tis the height of ill-manners to disappoint one 's friends in an invite to dinner .", "We must defer it , my dear .\u2014", "No , no ; sit still , dear .", "The gentleman 's Christian cognomen was Lionel .", "Ah , Mr. Lynx , how d'ye do ?\u2014 surprised to see me here , no doubt ?", "A young lady of great personal attractions .", "Dear , dear ! what wretched lives some people do lead , do n't they , love ?", "Shall my dear Dove follow him ?", "Ah ! I hear his welcome voice .", "Pointed .", "\u2014 Henry , come back . I declare the man has gone to the door . Henry ! DOVE re-enters .", "\u2014 Oh , Henry !\u2014 Once reconciled , I will never correct you again ; you may select your own words from any dictionary you may think proper .", "Being a widow , and accustomed to a sharer in my joys and sorrows \u2014\u2014", "Henry ! languid .", "Henry ! look at me , and forgive me .", "At the time of the young lady 's disappearance there remained a small balance in my favour on her account , for extra 's , and of which I think it probable that Mr. Lynx is not aware .", "Henry \u2014 Henry \u2014 I will not hear you make use of such language . Had I been aware that you were so illiterate \u2014 I would have broken my heart ere I would have married you \u2014", "At that time seventeen .", "My dear Henry \u2014\u2014", "Good morning , Mrs. Lynx \u2014 Good morning , Madam ,\u2014 Good morning , Sir \u2014\u2014 Now , my dear ,\u2014 Do n't forget to leave the room like a gentleman .\u2014", "Pounds , dear \u2014 speak in the plural .", "That I should not have seen the absurdity of uniting myself with one so opposite to me !", "Acquire , verb active , to gain ; inquire , verb neuter , to ask questions \u2014 acquire the art ."], "true_target": ["How can I calmly sit and hear my husband commit himself in every syllable that he utters ? respect for you and for myself , renders it necessary that I should correct you .", "My dear Henry , can n't you console poor Mrs . Dismal ?", "Henry .\u2014", "She was placed at my establishment , not so much with a view to education , as with reference to the meeting with a comfortable and respectable home at a moderate charge .", "I have been in a state of perfect distraction since my unhappy disagreement , with Henry \u2014 where can he have gone ?", "What do you mean , Henry , by being taken up ?", "Not till you know how , my love .", "Silence , dear .", "Silence , Henry !", "Good day to you , Madam \u2014 I hope you find yourself in perfect health ?", "Where they were ; I was \u2014 they were .", "Give Mrs. Lynx your arm .", "Resolute !\u2014\u2014 Cruel Henry ! I shall faint \u2014 Help ! Henry !\u2014 Water !\u2014 oh ! oh !\u2014END OF ACT II .", "Do n't aspirate , love .", "Point !\u2014\u2014", "That question I am quite incompetent to answer \u2014 she resided with me a year and a half \u2014 and at the end of that time suddenly disappeared .", "Henry \u2014", "Certainly not . Good morning , Madam .\u2014 Now , Henry , your arm .", "Sit down , my dear , sit down .", "You cannot intend to be so base ?", "How often have I told you never to touch \u2014", "Henry , my dear \u2014", "Now , my dear Henry , mind your behaviour .", "Very .", "Then to-morrow at five , Mrs. Lynx .", "Henry !", "Divinely , dear ,\u2014 think of your v 's .", "I was told that he had been in the army .", "Contrast ! besides , you are so stupid ; you could not , during dinner , hear a bell or a knock at the door , but you must be running to answer it . I sat on thorns for you .", "The purport of my enquiry is to ascertain , whether the Mr. Lynx , that I am informed is residing here , is the identical person who , two years ago , placed a young lady under my care ?", "We will do ourselves that honour .", "Insult you .", "An apricot \u2014 Henry , dear , you mis-apply your indefinite article .", "\u2014 Nay , nay ; dear , dear ; pray do n't get to words \u2014 my darling , Henry , hand that lady some wine ; sit still , there 's a dear .\u2014\u2014 Emulate Mr. Dove and me , we never utter a cross word to each other \u2014 do we , dear ?", "Do n't be an idiot , love .", "We shall be punctual , Madam .", "Your aunt Hobbs !", "Silence , my dear !"], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 10}, {"query": ["I feel very languishing .", "A hundred a-year , and bring your own silver knife , fork , spoon , and six towels !", "He called once , and I happened to enter the room quite promiscuously where they was .", "Eleven months ! I ought to know , because we war n't united when", "Deuce take them bells , I never can hear one without running to answer it .", "You 're a brute , precious .", "Oh , Mr. Coddle , let me go , let me go .", "I do \u2014 you 've put me in a passion , and when I am in a passion I 'm dissolute .", "And changed her name \u2014\u2014", "Mr. Lynx used to give me half a crown for \u2014\u2014", "But Mr. Coddle , my coat is separating ; let me go .", "That 's it .", "Pounds , love ?", "Aunt , says I \u2014\u2014", "Acquire the hart !", "An individual \u2014\u2014", "Why \u2014 altering my pronounciation every minute , as you do .", "Yes , and deaf too , if I may judge from my own situation ; just as if you could n't have found out my pronounciation then as well as now . I know 'd there was a great contract between us .", "As I was a rushing through the streets \u2014 resolved to do as I liked \u2014 and talk as I liked , and to remove every obelisk that stood in my way of so doing , who should I run against but a lady in black \u2014\u2014", "Henry , says she , I am here on a matter that demands me to be very circumflex , and I beg you will not make known to any one that you have met me . Aunt , says I \u2014 I \u2014 owe you a grudge ; do you remember how you used to use me , when I cleaned the boots in that family where you was cook ?\u2014\u2014", "And very stupid too \u2014 to refuse wittles .", "That is what was on a trunk he sent to our house ; that 's all I know , my precious .", "Jane Hobbs .", "Well , then , that was werry kind of you . I would n't do such a thing for my father ; but do n't call me stupid \u2014 if you talk of bad language , what 's that , I wonder ? Good bye !\u2014 you wont see me again , in a hurry .", "Oh , bother , dear .", "Pointed . You use me shameful , dear .", "That 's the way you always serves me \u2014 you never promise to take me any where , but I am continually disappinted .", "Lionel Lynx , Esquire .", "To \u2014 I forget \u2014 Bel \u2014\u2014", "\u2014 Well , I declare , this is genteel life .", "Now , you are going to begin again , love !", "I can n't swim , duck !", "You took me into partnership , at my master 's dissolution .", "No , love .\u2014", "Well \u2014 now all the people have gone , I 've something to say \u2014 and something that I mean , too ; I wo n't be taken up , as I always am , before people .", "Well , insult me again \u2014 you know how wiolent I am when I 'm exaggerated .", "Well , I do n't like it \u2014 and I warn you not to result me again .", "Where they were ; and I saw the young lady a dissolving away into tears upon his shoulder ; I was then Mrs. D 's . footman !", "Then allow me to observe , while you were pillaging your wardrobe , your gratitude might have jogged your memory a little , respecting the condition of your preserver 's clothes ; this is quite the result of your own exuberance .", "Point !\u2014 and I do n't care if I never see you again .", "Martha ! are you here ? Oh , look at me !", "The door 's opened ; there 's an individual \u2014\u2014"], "true_target": ["Languid !\u2014 how she does take me up before people .\u2014", "Bless me , says I , why , Ma'am , I know you ; pray , a n't we united by ties of iniquity ? she looked at me \u2014 I looked at her , and she became mutilated to the spot \u2014\u2014", "Martha !", "Well then \u2014 you must know \u2014 yesterday \u2014 after you had all gone , Mrs. D. exaggerated me to such a pitch , that I flew out of the house \u2014 never intending to be united again .", "Let go my hand , Martha ; I mean what I say ; and do n't follow me , because I wont be follow 'd .", "Yes , yes !\u2014", "Oh yes , love ! have a hapricot , Ma'am ?", "But my dear , if you do n't let me practise , how am I ever to enquire the art ?", "Martha !", "Eh !\u2014\u2014 What am I to do ?", "I want to speak to Mr. Coddle , on a pint of vast prominence to him .", "\u2014 It 's me .", "Now he 's gone \u2014 shall I follow him , love ?", "She played the harp diwinely .", "I do n't know where I 'm going , nor I do n't care ; you 've wounded me in a tender pint .", "Hang them we 's \u2014 I shall never get over \u2018 em .", "Mr. H. Dove .", "Yes \u2014 you never used to find fault with my language when we used to sit under the apple-tree of an evening .", "Well , what 's it matter ! you perfectly compromise my meaning .", "\u2014 Good day , Madam , feel yourself pretty well ?", "My darling , you never will let me talk .", "We think she eloped , for every now and then somebody used to come and sing under the windows , to such a degree that all the girls in the house went raving mad .", "Eight pound odd .", "We 're all bachelors again , I hear ! I a n't seen Mrs. Dove since yesterday ; she worked upon my feelings , and aspirated me to that degree , that I went and got cummy fo ; and now I am afraid to go home .", "Oh , la ! Ah , I forgot .", "Yes ; she went out to the West Indies , in a doctor 's family , on account of some unlawful willanies . She went to Antigua \u2014\u2014", "Oh them eyes \u2014 I never can answer \u2018 em .", "You read it , Ma'am .\u2014", "But to alleviate a long story , suffice it to say \u2014 that I found out she calls herself \u2014\u2014", "Yes , dear .", "Opposite to you !\u2014 you never would let me be opposite to you ; you was never easy but when I was by your side ; you know you was n't !", "Yes , darling .", "I \u2014 I can n't .", "Gardens .", "Yes , sir ,\u2014 but first allow me to collect my loose memorandums ; my head 's a little circumfused .", "Do I ?\u2014 console the lady yourself , love .", "\u2014 I never shall get over answering the door , when a knock comes .\u2014", "Forgive you , Martha ! yes , that I will , after what I 've suffered since our abduction . This is all Mr. Coddle 's doings ; I was his witness , and he would n't let me leave him , till I had seen aunt Hobbs and Mrs. Coddle , in his presence . We have seen \u2018 em ; aunt Hobbs is gone off again ; and Mr. and Mrs. Coddle are coming here with all their differences re-united .", "Aunt , says I \u2014 a n't you afraid of being exercised and taken before the conjugal authorities ?", "Ha ! how d'ye do , gentlemen all ? We meet , again , under very conspicuous circumstances .", "Do n't ask questions now , dear ; when we are alone I 'll liquidate every thing .", "\u2014 You said you 'd take me to the Jewological"], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 10}, {"query": ["I am .", "So am I , Mrs. Coddle ."], "true_target": ["He will always contradict me .", "Shall I read it , Mrs. Coddle ?"], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 10}, {"query": ["I confess my weakness .", "Tell Mr. Coddle the strange result of our inquiries , respecting Mr. Lynx 's conduct .", "You do ; I 've been sitting here for this hour , and you have never spoken a word to me .", "That she had taken lodgings there for a short time , her object being to discover her husband , who had left her in the West Indies , and whose name , strange to say , was \u2014\u2014", "\u2014 Just like you brutes of men \u2014 It 's quite heart-breaking to see how we poor creatures are treated !", "The young person that we saw Mr. Lynx following , and striving to speak to , was joined by an elderly lady in black .", "You need not allude to my age , sir , before people .", "How ill poor Mr. Coddle looks !", "For the last time we called there the poor woman thought proper to be jealous of me .", "And though you know how fond I am of the wing of a fowl , you would send me a leg at dinner .", "I wo n't hear of it .", "No , no ; you shall not .", "He 's like me \u2014 he loves to pine in solitude , and brood over unrevealed sorrows .", "Just like my Dismal ; when we go into company , he always gets as far away from me as he can \u2014 never notices me \u2014 never smiles at me \u2014 never looks as if he loved me . I \u2014 I \u2014 I am a very ill-used woman .\u2014", "But she has a cause for her jealousy ."], "true_target": ["So am I .", "He 's better now .", "Did n't we see him , yesterday , following a young person past our house ?", "Indeed ! I shall take you at your word , sir \u2014\u2014 but , remember , all my property is settled on myself .", "I 'm a wretched woman .", "Here , here are my salts .", "If you had not come to me , Mrs. Y ., I should have died before morning ; as it is , Mr. D 's . cruel indifference has worn me to a shade .", "\u2014 I 'm going home .", "Of a very masculine appearance \u2014 Mr. Lynx seemed to enter into earnest conversation with her ; when they parted , the two ladies entered a boarding-house , next door to us ; our servant , gossiping with the footman , there ascertained that the elderly lady in black \u2014\u2014", "Had just arrived from Antigua \u2014\u2014", "Yes , \u2018 twas at the door of this house that I saw Mr. Lynx talking to her yesterday .", "And my George has vowed to be as kind , and as attentive in future , as \u2014\u2014", "You 're an unkind man , and if we never meet again \u2014 I sha'n ' t be sorry .", "Get him some water \u2014 ring the bell .", "Do n't you intend to come with me ?", "The fact is \u2014 I had no business to marry you ."], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 10}, {"query": ["I had nothing to say .", "Open the windows \u2014 open the windows .", "I forgot to tell you , he was asking for you when I came up ; he says that he has something to tell you respecting your first wife .", "You love to be a fool .", "I have advanced .", "I had no idea that a restless night , by myself , could have made me think so favourably of Mrs . Dismal .", "Pooh ! tell him yourself .", "Serves me right \u2014 after living a bachelor fifty years , I had no right to alter my situation , but I 'll apply for a divorce \u2014 I will \u2014 \u2018 twill be granted too ; I 've an excellent plea \u2014 mutual insanity .", "Certainly , when you are present .", "Did n't I walk by the house ?", "I did , and I wo n't go again .", "What does it matter ? who cares how old you are ? you 're fifty odd \u2014 so am I ; and we have been married a year and a half \u2014 more fool I \u2014 more fool you .", "What is the matter with him ?", "Then the gratification will be mutual .", "He 's fainted \u2014\u2014"], "true_target": ["I wont \u2014 I 've been used very ill \u2014 I walked before my house for an hour this morning , and though Mrs. D. was seated at the window , she would n't turn her head to notice me .", "You women always want the wing .", "\u2018 Twas your own \u2014\u2014", "So am I .", "There was only that wanting to prove her madness .", "Much better .", "Well , go .", "Mr. Dove is below , and wants to see you .", "Because I was tired of living alone .", "What of that ? \u2018 tis a natural impulse to which our sex are peculiarly subject .", "What is it to you ; nobody ill treats you !", "No .", "My wife 's great defect is her want of cheerfulness ; and expecting me every moment to be petting her like a Dutch pug . I can n't fondle , and be continually my dearing ; my amiable moments are periodical .", "Now you speak the truth , we both ought to have known better ; when people have lived single for fifty years , they should learn to look on matrimony as a misery they have luckily escaped .", "As I can .", "Raving ."], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 10}, {"query": ["Gone , quite gone .", "No , no ; sit still ."], "true_target": ["Shall I open the folding doors ?", "Sit still all of you \u2014 I know him \u2014 when he comes in sight of water , his courage will cool ; sit still ."], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 10}, {"query": ["Yes , yes .", "Nankeen !"], "true_target": ["Nay , nay .", "Bless me ! dear , dear , dear ! What a wretch \u2014 what a monster !"], "play_index": 10, "act_index": 10}, {"query": ["To be so moral when he shall endure", "Dost thou look up ?", "Good morrow , Benedick . Why , what 's the matter", "Some haste , my lord ! well , fare you well , my lord . Are you so hasty now ? Well , all is one .", "As water in a sieve . Give not me counsel ,", "Myself would on the rearward of reproaches", "With candle-wasters \u2014 bring him yet to me ,", "What is it , my good friends ?", "Faith , niece , you tax Signior Benedick too much ; but he 'll be meet with you , I doubt it not .", "That you have such a February face ,", "Save this of hers , fram 'd by thy villany !", "Never came trouble to my house in the likeness of your Grace ; for trouble being gone , comfort should remain ; but when you depart from me , sorrow abides and happiness takes his leave .", "Wherefore ? Why , doth not every earthly thing", "Wash 'd it with tears ? Hence from her ! let her die .", "Was not Count John here at supper ?", "Almost the copy of my child that 's dead ,", "Although against her will , as it appears", "Why seek'st thou then to cover with excuse", "Into a pit of ink , that the wide sea", "You must not , sir , mistake my niece . There is a kind of merry war betwixt Signior Benedick and her . They never meet but there 's a skirmish of wit between them .", "I must leave you .", "O , when she had writ it , and was reading it over , she found", "If such a one will smile and stroke his beard ,", "We here attend you . Are you yet determin 'd", "You will never run mad , niece .", "Indeed , neighbour , he comes too short of you .", "But they shall find awak 'd in such a kind", "And sing it to her bones \u2014 sing it to-night .", "So full of frost , of storm , and cloudiness ?", "His May of youth and bloom of lustihood .", "And what they weigh , even to the utmost scruple ,", "Possess the people in Messina here", "Both strength of limb and policy of mind ,", "My lord , my lord \u2014", "O God , counterfeit ? There was never counterfeit of passion came so near the life of passion as she discovers it .", "How innocent she died ; and if your love", "Ability in means , and choice of friends ,", "There 's little of the melancholy element in her , my lord . She is never sad but when she sleeps , and not ever sad then ; for I have heard my daughter say she hath often dreamt of unhappiness and wak 'd herself with laughing .", "These hands shall tear her . If they wrong her honour ,", "Why had I not with charitable hand", "Nor my bad life reft me so much of friends ,", "Drink some wine ere you go . Fare you well .", "Dear my lord , if you , in your own proof ,", "And made a push at chance and sufferance .", "And let it answer every strain for strain ,", "To visit me . You know your office , brother :", "That may be wish 'd for .", "Confirm 'd , confirm 'd ! O , that is stronger made", "A third is fled \u2014 that had a hand in it .", "Well then , go you into hell ?", "For , did I think thou wouldst not quickly die ,", "The sight whereof I think you had from me ,", "Hath the fellow any wit that told you this ?", "Who lov 'd her so that , speaking of her foulness ,", "Patch grief with proverbs , make misfortune drunk", "How now , brother ? Where is my cousin your son ? Hath he provided this music ?", "This shame derives itself from unknown loins \u2019 ?", "Time hath not yet so dried this blood of mine ,", "In the true course of all the question .", "Strike at thy life . Griev 'd I , I had but one ?", "Call her forth , brother . Here 's the friar ready .", "O , my lord , wisdom and blood combating in so tender a body , we have ten proofs to one that blood hath the victory . I am sorry for her , as I have just cause , being her uncle and her guardian .", "Did he break out into tears ?", "Which falls into mine ears as profitless", "That could endure the toothache patiently ,", "Hath drops too few to wash her clean again ,", "A victory is twice itself when the achiever brings home full numbers . I find here that Don Pedro hath bestowed much honour on a young Florentine called Claudio .", "Marry , thou dost wrong me , thou dissembler , thou !", "Cousin , you apprehend passing shrewdly .", "Daughter , remember what I told you . If the Prince do solicit you in that kind , you know your answer .", "Take their examination yourself and bring it me . I am now in great haste , as it may appear unto you .", "Can counsel and speak comfort to that grief", "Hear you , my lords !", "Were I not old . Know , Claudio , to thy head ,", "By my troth , niece , thou wilt never get thee a husband if thou be so shrewd of thy tongue .", "\u2018 Benedick \u2019 and \u2018 Beatrice \u2019 between the sheet ?", "Are they good ?", "I pray thee cease thy counsel ,", "To-morrow then I will expect your coming ;", "Bring me a father that so lov 'd his child ,", "Thou hast so wrong 'd mine innocent child and me", "Valuing of her \u2014 why , she , O , she is fall'n", "And since you could not be my son-in-law ,", "Where is but a humour or a worm .", "But such a one whose wrongs do suit with mine .", "O , in a tomb where never scandal slept ,", "You must be father to your brother 's daughter ,", "That , when I note another man like him ,", "A sin of perjury : she not denies it .", "And I of him will gather patience .", "Canst thou so daff me ? Thou hast kill 'd my child . If thou kill'st me , boy , thou shalt kill a man .", "I may avoid him . Which of these is he ?", "No ? Come , brother , away !\u2014 I will be heard .", "Mine innocent child ?", "And made defeat of her virginity \u2014", "Then half Signior Benedick 's tongue in Count John 's mouth , and half Count John 's melancholy in Signior Benedick 's face \u2014", "Can labour aught in sad invention ,", "Indeed he looks younger than he did , by the loss of a beard .", "No , not so , villain ! thou beliest thyself .", "Well , daughter , and you gentlewomen all ,", "No , no ! \u2018 Tis all men 's office to speak patience", "As under privilege of age to brag", "However they have writ the style of gods", "No , and swears she never will . That 's her torment .", "My lord , I am for you , though it cost me ten nights \u2019 watchings .", "What do you mean , my lord ?", "Bring you these fellows on .\u2014 We 'll talk with", "How they might hurt their enemies , if they durst ;", "So , by being too curst , God will send you no horns .", "Not till Monday , my dear son , which is hence a just sevennight ; and a time too brief too , to have all things answer my mind .", "Until to-morrow morning , lords , farewell .", "If he do fear God , \u2018 a must necessarily keep peace . If he break the peace , he ought to enter into a quarrel with fear and trembling .", "And when I send for you , come hither mask 'd .", "She doth indeed ; my daughter says so . And the ecstasy hath so much overborne her that my daughter is sometime afeard she will do a desperate outrage to herself . It is very true .", "Would the two princes lie ? and Claudio lie ,", "That I am forc 'd to lay my reverence by", "There thou speak'st reason . Nay , I will do so .", "Which they themselves not feel ; but , tasting it ,", "Charm ache with air and agony with words .", "I cannot bid you bid my daughter live-", "I thank you princes for my daughter 's death .", "And that shall Claudio know ; so shall the Prince ,", "But mine , and mine I lov 'd , and mine I prais 'd ,", "He hath an uncle here in Messina will be very much glad of it .", "Count , take of me my daughter , and with her my fortunes . His", "Whose joy of her is overwhelm 'd like mine ,", "Fetter strong madness in a silken thread ,", "Record it with your high and worthy deeds .", "O Fate , take not away thy heavy hand !", "Friar , it cannot be .", "I know not . If they speak but truth of her ,", "Why ever wast thou lovely in my eyes ?", "And she alone is heir to both of us .", "Pedro .", "In every lineament , branch , shape , and form .", "Thine , Claudio ; thine I say .", "I 'll wait upon them . I am ready ."], "true_target": ["That eye my daughter lent her . \u2018 Tis most true .", "All this is so ; but what of this , my lord ?", "Sweet Prince , why speak not you ?", "I dare make his answer \u2014 none .", "The Prince and Claudio promis 'd by this hour", "Were it good , think you ?", "I say thou hast belied mine innocent child ;", "Bid sorrow wag , cry \u2018 hem \u2019 when he should groan ,", "I might have said , \u2018 No part of it is mine ;", "Scambling , outfacing , fashion-monging boys ,", "Ant .", "Upon the error that you heard debated .", "Being that I flow in grief ,", "Shall fact to face be brought to Margaret ,", "To-morrow morning come you to my house ,", "Tush , tush , man ! never fleer and jest at me", "And give her to young Claudio .", "No , no . We will hold it as a dream till it appear itself ; but I will acquaint my daughter withal , that she may be the better prepared for an answer , if peradventure this be true . Go you and tell her of it .Cousin , you know what you have to do . \u2014O , I cry you mercy , friend . Go you with me , and I will use your skill .\u2014 Good cousin , have a care this busy time .", "And salt too little which may season give", "But Margaret was in some fault for this ,", "Thou seest that all the grace that she hath left", "I learn in this letter that Don Pedro of Arragon comes this night to Messina .", "Do not live , Hero ; do not ope thine eyes ;", "Niece , will you look to those things I told you of ?", "What would you with me , honest neighbour ?", "Their counsel turns to passion , which before", "Hold you content . What , man ! I know them , yea ,", "Come , Friar Francis , be brief . Only to the plain form of marriage , and you shall recount their particular duties afterwards .", "And mine that I was proud on \u2014 mine so much", "Go , I discharge thee of thy prisoner , and I thank thee .", "She died , my lord , but whiles her slander liv 'd .", "Brother Anthony \u2014", "That lie and cog and flout , deprave and slander ,", "My lord , my lord ,", "How many gentlemen have you lost in this action ?", "As freely , son , as God did give her me .", "What is he that you ask for , niece ?", "O Lord , my lord ! if they were but a week married , they would talk themselves mad .", "There 's for thy pains .", "Good morrow , Prince ; good morrow , Claudio .", "Well , niece , I hope to see you one day fitted with a husband .", "Come , cousin , I am sure you love the gentleman .", "That I myself was to myself not mine ,", "Have vanquish 'd the resistance of her youth", "Signior Benedick , no ; for then were you a child .", "Who smirched thus and mir 'd with infamy ,", "No , nor I neither ; but most wonderful that she should so dote on Signior Benedick , whom she hath in all outward behaviours seem 'd ever to abhor .", "That which appears in proper nakedness ?", "Brief , I pray you ; for you see it is a busy time with me .", "O , by no means ! She mocks all her wooers out of suit .", "No , that you shall not till you take her hand", "But there is no such man ; for , brother , men", "What I have done being young , or what would do ,", "Before this friar and swear to marry her .", "By my troth , my lord , I cannot tell what to think of it , but that she loves him with an enraged affection . It is past the infinite of thought .", "Brother \u2014", "Despite his nice fence and his active practice ,", "To be married to her . Friar , you come to marry her .", "Nor age so eat up my invention ,", "To those that wring under the load of sorrow ,", "Be yet my nephew . My brother hath a daughter ,", "If you swear , my lord , you shall not be forsworn .Let me bid you welcome , my lord . Being reconciled to the Prince your brother , I owe you all duty .", "My soul doth tell me Hero is belied ;", "The smallest twine may lead me .", "Which was before barr 'd up with ribs of iron !", "To quit me of them throughly .", "I charge thee do so , as thou art my child .", "\u2018 Twas bravely done , if you bethink you of it .", "My heart is with your liking .", "Grace hath made the match , and all grace say Amen to it !", "Thought I thy spirits were stronger than thy shames ,", "Cry shame upon her ? Could she here deny", "And speak off half a dozen dang'rous words ,", "I 'll prove it on his body if he dare ,", "Would give preceptial medicine to rage ,", "We 'll have dancing afterward .", "So say I. Methinks you are sadder .", "From Claudio , and the Prince ; but what 's your will ?", "I pray thee peace . I will be flesh and blood ;", "To-day to marry with my brother 's daughter ?", "Nay , never lay thy hand upon thy sword ;", "O , one too much by thee ! Why had I one ?", "But no man 's virtue nor sufficiency", "I would have sworn it had , my lord \u2014 especially against Benedick .", "My lord , will you walk ? Dinner is ready .", "What effects , my lord ? She will sit you \u2014 you heard my daughter tell you how .", "And , with grey hairs and bruise of many days ,", "I fear thee not .", "Withdraw into a chamber by yourselves ,", "That were impossible ; but I pray you both ,", "Who I believe was pack 'd in all this wrong ,", "Hir 'd to it by your brother .", "For there was never yet philosopher", "Please it your Grace lead on ?", "Nor let no comforter delight mine ear", "Is that she will not add to her damnation", "This says she now when she is beginning to write to him ; for she 'll be up twenty times a night , and there will she sit in her smock till she have writ a sheet of paper . My daughter tells us all .", "My griefs cry louder than advertisement .", "Here stand a pair of honourable men \u2014", "Hath no man 's dagger here a point for me ?", "You may light on a husband that hath no beard .", "What shall become of this ? What will this do ?", "Art thou the slave that with thy breath hast kill 'd", "And bid him speak to me of patience .", "The proudest of them shall well hear of it .", "The like himself . Therefore give me no counsel .", "I speak not like a dotard nor a fool ,", "And this is all .", "Do challenge thee to trial of a man .", "Which is the villain ? Let me see his eyes ,", "As thus for thus , and such a grief for such ,", "Give her the right you should have giv'n her cousin ,", "And all of them that thus dishonour her .", "Child I for that at frugal nature 's frame ?", "And she lies buried with her ancestors-", "Measure his woe the length and breadth of mine ,", "So are the Prince and Claudio , who accus 'd her", "And so dies my revenge .", "Her mother hath many times told me so .", "Thy slander hath gone through and through her heart ,", "Are these things spoken , or do I but dream ?", "Nor fortune made such havoc of my means ,", "Death is the fairest cover for her shame", "The story that is printed in her blood ?", "Go anticly , show outward hideousness ,", "O , she tore the letter into a thousand halfpence , rail 'd at herself that she should be so immodest to write to one that she knew would flout her . \u2018 I measure him , \u2019 says she , \u2018 by my own spirit ; for I should flout him if he writ to me . Yea , though I love him , I should . \u2019", "All thy tediousness on me , ah ?", "I thank thee for thy care and honest pains .", "But , brother Anthony \u2014", "Hang her an epitaph upon her tomb ,", "To her foul tainted flesh !", "The revellers are ent'ring , brother . Make good room .", "Neighbours , you are tedious .", "To-night I take my leave . This naughty man", "I would fain know what you have to say .", "A kind overflow of kindness . There are no faces truer than those that are so wash 'd . How much better is it to weep at joy than to joy at weeping !", "Nay , that 's impossible ; she may wear her heart out first .", "Took up a beggar 's issue at my gates ,"], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 11}, {"query": ["Don Pedro is approach 'd .", "He hath done good service , lady , in these wars .", "In great measure .", "I will hold friends with you , lady .", "I know none of that name , lady . There was none such in the army of any sort .", "Much deserv 'd on his part , and equally rememb'red by Don Pedro . He hath borne himself beyond the promise of his age , doing in the figure of a lamb the feats of a lion . He hath indeed better bett'red expectation than you must expect of me to tell you how .", "And a good soldier too , lady .", "My lord , they stay for you to give your daughter to her husband ."], "true_target": ["He is most in the company of the right noble Claudio .", "A lord to a lord , a man to a man ; stuff 'd with all honourable virtues .", "Is't possible ?", "O , he 's return 'd , and as pleasant as ever he was .", "I see , lady , the gentleman is not in your books .", "I have already delivered him letters , and there appears much joy in him ; even so much that joy could not show itself modest enough without a badge of bitterness .", "But few of any sort , and none of name .", "He is very near by this . He was not three leagues off when I left him ."], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 11}, {"query": ["No , sure , my lord , my mother cried ; but then there was a star danc 'd , and under that was I born . Cousins , God give you joy !", "Indeed , my lord , he lent it me awhile , and I gave him use for it \u2014 a double heart for his single one . Marry , once before he won it of me with false dice ; therefore your Grace may well say I have lost it .", "If thou dost love , my kindness shall incite thee", "The fault will be in the music , cousin , if you be not wooed in good time . If the Prince be too important , tell him there is measure in everything , and so dance out the answer . For , hear me , Hero : wooing , wedding , and repenting is as a Scotch jig , a measure , and a cinque-pace : the first suit is hot and hasty like a Scotch jig \u2014 and full as fantastical ; the wedding , mannerly modest , as a measure , full of state and ancientry ; and then comes Repentance and with his bad legs falls into the cinque-pace faster and faster , till he sink into his grave .", "Yea , and I will weep a while longer .", "Yea , \u2018 Light o \u2019 love \u2019 with your heels ! then , if your husband have stables enough , you 'll see he shall lack no barnes .", "How now , cousin Hero ?", "I love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest .", "Speak , Count , \u2018 tis your cue .", "I cry you mercy , uncle , By your Grace 's pardon .", "You dare easier be friends with me than fight with mine enemy .", "And how long is that , think you ?", "Why , he is the Prince 's jester , a very dull fool . Only his gift is in devising impossible slanders . None but libertines delight in him ; and the commendation is not in his wit , but in his villany ; for he both pleases men and angers them , and then they laugh at him and beat him . I am sure he is in the fleet . I would he had boarded me .", "Not till God make men of some other metal than earth . Would it not grieve a woman to be overmaster 'd with a piece of valiant dust ? to make an account of her life to a clod of wayward marl ? No , uncle , I 'll none . Adam 's sons are my brethren , and truly I hold it a sin to match in my kinred .", "Against my will I am sent to bid You come in to dinner .", "I am stuff 'd , cousin ; I cannot smell .", "What should I do with him ? dress him in my apparel and make him my waiting gentlewoman ? He that hath a beard is more than a youth , and he that hath no beard is less than a man ; and he that is more than a youth is not for me ; and he that is less than a man , I am not for him . Therefore I will even take sixpence in earnest of the berrord and lead his apes into hell .", "Use it for my love some other way than swearing by it .", "Yea , my lord ; I thank it , poor fool , it keeps on the windy side of care . My cousin tells him in his ear that he is in her heart .", "Stand I condemn 'd for pride and scorn so much ?", "Alas , he gets nothing by that ! In our last conflict four of his five wits went halting off , and now is the whole man govern 'd with one ; so that if he have wit enough to keep himself warm , let him bear it for a difference between himself and his horse ; for it is all the wealth that he hath left to be known a reasonable creature . Who is his companion now ? He hath every month a new sworn brother .", "To bind our loves up in a holy band ;", "Do , do . He 'll but break a comparison or two on me ; which peradventure , not marked or not laugh 'd at , strikes him into melancholy ; and then there 's a partridge wing saved , for the fool will eat no supper that night .We must follow the leaders .", "And a good soldier to a lady ; but what is he to a lord ?", "So I would not he should do me , my lord , lest I should prove the mother of fools . I have brought Count Claudio , whom you sent me to seek .", "Yea , signior , and depart when you bid me .", "A very even way , but no such friend .", "Sweet Hero ! she is wrong 'd , she is sland'red , she is undone .", "Foul words is but foul wind , and foul wind is but foul breath , and foul breath is noisome . Therefore I will depart unkiss 'd . Bene . Thou hast frighted the word out of his right sense , so forcible is thy wit . But I must tell thee plainly , Claudio undergoes my challenge ; and either I must shortly hear from him or I will subscribe him a coward . And I pray thee now tell me , for which of my bad parts didst thou first fall in love with me ?", "Will you go hear this news , signior ?", "You kill me to deny it . Farewell .", "What pace is this that thy tongue keeps ?", "\u2018 Then \u2019 is spoken . Fare you well now . And yet , ere I go , let me go with that I came for , which is , with knowing what hath pass 'd between you and Claudio .", "No , truly , but in friendly recompense .", "It is so indeed . He is no less than a stuff 'd man ; but for the stuffing \u2014 well , we are all mortal .", "Benedictus ? why benedictus ? You have some moral in this \u2018 benedictus . \u2019", "Is \u2018 a not approved in the height a villain , that hath slandered , scorned , dishonoured my kinswoman ? O that I were a man ! What ? bear her in hand until they come to take hands , and then with public accusation , uncover 'd slander , unmitigated rancour \u2014 O God , that I were a man ! I would eat his heart in the market place .", "No , not till a hot January .", "Speak , cousin ; or , if you cannot , stop his mouth with a kiss and let not him speak neither .", "You always end with a jade 's trick . I know you of old .", "It is a man 's office , but not yours .", "Why , how now , cousin ? Wherefore sink you down ?", "You have no reason . I do it freely .", "O Lord , he will hang upon him like a disease ! He is sooner caught than the pestilence , and the taker runs presently mad . God help the noble Claudio ! If he have caught the Benedick , it will cost him a thousand pound ere \u2018 a be cured .", "Princes and Counties ! Surely a princely testimony , a goodly count , Count Comfect , a sweet gallant surely ! O that I were a man for his sake ! or that I had any friend would be a man for my sake ! But manhood is melted into cursies , valour into compliment , and men are only turn 'd into tongue , and trim ones too . He is now as valiant as Hercules that only tells a lie , and swears it . I cannot be a man with wishing ; therefore I will die a woman with grieving .", "Will you not eat your word ?", "Talk with a man out at a window ! - a proper saying !", "No ; but to the gate , and there will the devil meet me like an old cuckold with horns on his head , and say \u2018 Get you to heaven , Beatrice , get you to heaven . Here 's no place for you maids . \u2019 So deliver I up my apes , and away to Saint Peter \u2014 for the heavens . He shows me where the bachelors sit , and there live we as merry as the day is long .", "And , Benedick , love on ; I will requite thee ,", "They swore that you were well-nigh dead for me .", "What fire is in mine ears ? Can this be true ?", "I would rather have one of your father 's getting . Hath your Grace ne'er a brother like you ? Your father got excellent husbands , if a maid could come by them .", "You have stayed me in a happy hour . I was about to protest I loved you .", "I have a good eye , uncle ; I can see a church by daylight .", "O , on my soul , my cousin is belied !", "Why then , God forgive me !", "Good morrow , sweet Hero .", "No , truly , not ; although , until last night ,", "A dear happiness to women ! They would else have been troubled with a pernicious suitor . I thank God and my cold blood , I am of your humour for that . I had rather hear my dog bark at a crow than a man swear he loves me ."], "true_target": ["For them all together , which maintain 'd so politic a state of evil that they will not admit any good part to intermingle with them . But for which of my good parts did you first suffer love for me ?", "Hero ! why , Hero ! Uncle ! Signior Benedick ! Friar !", "That I was disdainful , and that I had my good wit out of the \u2018 Hundred Merry Tales . \u2019 Well , this was Signior Benedick that said so .", "The Count is neither sad , nor sick , nor merry , nor well ; but civil count \u2014 civil as an orange , and something of that jealous complexion .", "Very ill too .", "I would not deny you ; but , by this good day , I yield upon great persuasion , and partly to save your life , for I was told you were in a consumption .", "Believe it better than reportingly .", "As strange as the thing I know not . It were as possible for me to say I loved nothing so well as you . But believe me not ; and yet I lie not . I confess nothing , nor I deny nothing . I am sorry for my cousin .", "Do not swear , and eat it .", "In spite of your heart , I think . Alas , poor heart ! If you spite it for my sake , I will spite it for yours , for I will never love that which my friend hates .", "Just , if he send me no husband ; for the which blessing I am at him upon my knees every morning and evening . Lord , I could not endure a husband with a beard on his face . I had rather lie in the woollen !", "Will you not tell me who told you so ?", "Do , good friend .", "What means the fool , trow ?", "I wonder that you will still be talking , Signior Benedick .", "Yes faith . It is my cousin 's duty to make cursy and say , \u2018 Father , as it please you . \u2019 But yet for all that , cousin , let him be a handsome fellow , or else make another cursy , and say , \u2018 Father , as it please me . \u2019", "I pray you , is Signior Mountanto return 'd from the wars or no ?", "Ah , how much might the man deserve of me that would right her !", "Is it possible Disdain should die while she hath such meet food to feed it as Signior Benedick ? Courtesy itself must convert to disdain if you come in her presence .", "How tartly that gentleman looks ! I never can see him but I am heart-burn 'd an hour after .", "Taming my wild heart to thy loving hand .", "Kill Claudio .", "Yea , as sure is I have a thought or a soul .", "Contempt , farewell ! and maiden pride , adieu !", "Do not you love me ?", "With a good leg and a good foot , uncle , and money enough in his purse , such a man would win any woman in the world \u2014 if \u2018 a could get her good will .", "Did he never make you laugh ?", "For the letter that begins them all , H .", "Good Lord , for alliance ! Thus goes every one to the world but I , and I am sunburnt . I may sit in a corner and cry \u2018 Heigh-ho for a husband ! \u2019", "He set up his bills here in Messina and challeng 'd Cupid at the flight , and my uncle 's fool , reading the challenge , subscrib 'd for Cupid and challeng 'd him at the burbolt . I pray you , how many hath he kill 'd and eaten in these wars ? But how many hath he kill 'd ? For indeed I promised to eat all of his killing .", "Scratching could not make it worse an \u2018 twere such a face as yours were .", "You had musty victual , and he hath holp to eat it . He is a very valiant trencherman ; he hath an excellent stomach .", "Nobody marks you .", "\u2018 Tis almost five o'clock , cousin ; \u2018 tis time you were ready . By my troth , I am exceeding ill. Hey-ho !", "In faith , I will go .", "Nor will you not tell me who you are ?", "Yea , just so much as you may take upon a knives point , and choke a daw withal . You have no stomach , signior . Fare you well .", "Are much deceiv 'd ; for they did swear you did .", "Nay , if they lead to any ill , I will leave them at the next turning .", "I am sure you know him well enough .", "I took no more pains for those thanks than you take pains to thank me . If it had been painful , I would not have come .", "No . An he were , I would burn my study . But I pray you , who is his companion ? Is there no young squarer now that will make a voyage with him to the devil ?", "He were an excellent man that were made just in the midway between him and Benedick . The one is too like an image and says nothing , and the other too like my lady 's eldest son , evermore tattling .", "For others say thou dost deserve , and I", "Very easily possible . He wears his faith but as the fashion of his hat ; it ever changes with the next block .", "Very ill .", "I have this twelvemonth been her bedfellow .", "I am gone , though I am here . There is no love in you . Nay , I pray you let me go .", "I am out of all other tune , methinks .", "Dead , I think . Help , uncle !", "Why , then my cousin , Margaret , and Ursula", "A bird of my tongue is better than a beast of yours .", "Too curst is more than curst . I shall lessen God 's sending that way , for it is said , \u2018 God sends a curst cow short horns , \u2019 but to a cow too curst he sends none .", "O , God help me ! God help me ! How long have you profess 'd apprehension ?", "It appears not in this confession . There 's not one wise man among twenty , that will praise himself .", "It is not seen enough . You should wear it in your cap . By my troth , I am sick .", "No glory lives behind the back of such .", "Why , no ; no more than reason .", "I answer to that name . What is your will ?", "No , my lord , unless I might have another for working days : your Grace is too costly to wear every day . But I beseech your Grace pardon me . I was born to speak all mirth and no matter ."], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 11}, {"query": ["There shalt thou find my cousin Beatrice", "Where honeysuckles , ripened by the sun ,", "If I know more of any man alive", "Which is as bad as die with tickling .", "Of the false sweet bait that we lay for it .", "Always excepted my dear Claudio .", "To praise him more than ever man did merit .", "God give me joy to wear it ! for my heart is exceeding heavy .", "Made proud by princes , that advance their pride", "They know that do accuse me ; I know none .", "Good Margaret , run thee to the parlour .", "No , pray thee , good Meg , I 'll wear this .", "My cousin means Signior Benedick of Padua .", "Consume away in sighs , waste inwardly .", "I may say so when I please .", "Is all of her . Say that thou overheard'st us ;", "Containing her affection unto Benedick .", "He is of a very melancholy disposition .", "Disdain and scorn ride sparkling in her eyes ,", "And never gives to truth and virtue that", "These gloves the Count sent me , they are an excellent perfume .", "Maintain 'd the change of words with any creature ,", "Out of myself , press me to death with wit !", "To listen our propose . This is thy office .", "When I do name him , let it be thy part", "Than that which maiden modesty doth warrant ,", "How wise , how noble , young , how rarely featur 'd ,", "Refuse me , hate me , torture me to death !", "They did entreat me to acquaint her of it ;", "Is it not Hero ? Who can blot that name", "O , that exceeds , they say .", "If speaking , why , a vane blown with all winds ;", "And counsel him to fight against his passion .", "Why , every day to-morrow ! Come , go in .", "Proposing with the Prince and Claudio .", "And surely as I live , I am a maid .", "At hours unmeet , or that I yesternight", "That only wounds by hearsay .", "She is so self-endeared .", "I talk 'd with no man at that hour , my lord .", "Against that power that bred it . There will she hide her", "But I persuaded them , if they lov 'd Benedick ,", "She would swear the gentleman should be her sister ;", "Bear thee well in it and leave us alone .", "Good Ursula , wake my cousin Beatrice and desire her to rise .", "And here 's another ,", "Whisper her ear and tell her , I and Ursley", "No ; rather I will go to Benedick", "My talk to thee must be how Benedick", "Made a foul blot ; if tall , a lance ill-headed ;", "Writ in my cousin 's hand , stol'n from her pocket ,", "To stain my cousin with . One doth not know", "Fie upon thee ! art not ashamed ?", "Let all my sins lack mercy ! O my father ,", "Indeed he hath an excellent good name .", "When I like your favour , for God defend the lute should be like the case !", "How much an ill word may empoison liking .", "He is the only man of Italy ,", "But she would spell him backward . If fair-fac 'd ,", "As Beatrice is , cannot be commendable ."], "true_target": ["And when I liv 'd I was your other wife ;", "But Nature never fram 'd a woman 's heart", "There thou prick'st her with a thistle .", "And bid her come hither .", "It were a better death than die with mocks ,", "As haggards of the rock .", "So you walk softly and look sweetly and say nothing , I am yours for the walk ; and especially when I walk away .", "As we do trace this alley up and down ,", "Nothing certainer .", "I do .", "And truly , I 'll devise some honest slanders", "Then go we near her , that her ear lose nothing", "Values itself so highly that to her", "None , my lord .", "One Hero died defil 'd ; but I do live ,", "If black , why , Nature , drawing of an antic ,", "Forbid the sun to enter \u2014 like favourites ,", "If silent , why , a block moved with none .", "If low , an agate very vilely cut ;", "O , God defend me ! How am I beset !", "But who dare tell her so ? If I should speak ,", "I 'll show thee some attires , and have thy counsel", "Is my lord well that he doth speak so wide ?", "Is sick in love with Beatrice . Of this matter", "Why , you speak truth . I never yet saw man ,", "Is little Cupid 's crafty arrow made ,", "Our talk must only be of Benedick .", "Prove you that any man with me convers 'd", "Of prouder stuff than that of Beatrice .", "Nor take no shape nor project of affection ,", "\u2018 True ! \u2019 O God !", "All matter else seems weak . She cannot love ,", "Why then , your visor should be thatch 'd .", "And seem 'd I ever otherwise to you ?", "To wish him wrestle with affection", "Misprizing what they look on ; and her wit", "Some Cupid kills with arrows , some with traps .", "Therefore let Benedick , like cover 'd fire ,", "With any just reproach ?", "Help to dress me , good coz , good Meg , good Ursula .", "I know her spirits are as coy and wild", "As much as may be yielded to a man :", "Which is the best to furnish me to-morrow .", "So turns she every man the wrong side out", "No , not to be so odd , and from all fashions ,", "Walk in the orchard , and our whole discourse", "O god of love ! I know he doth deserve", "Why , how now ? Do you speak in the sick tune ?", "No , truly , Ursula , she is too disdainful .", "Good morrow , coz .", "My cousin 's a fool , and thou art another . I 'll wear none but this .", "Which simpleness and merit purchaseth .", "Now , Ursula , when Beatrice doth come ,", "And never to let Beatrice know of it .", "And when you lov 'd you were my other husband .", "What kind of catechising call you this ?", "I will do any modest office , my lord , to help my cousin to a good husband .", "So says the Prince , and my new-trothed lord .", "And bid her steal into the pleached bower ,", "If it prove so , then loving goes by haps ;", "She would mock me into air ; O , she would laugh me"], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 11}, {"query": ["What ? sigh for the toothache ?", "Speak low if you speak love .", "Dapples the drowsy east with spots of grey .", "And thou shalt have her . Wast not to this end", "Why , what 's the matter ?", "I would bend under any heavy weight", "She were an excellent wife for Benedick .", "Good morrow to this fair assembly .", "We will not fall .", "There is no appearance of fancy in him , unless it be a fancy that he hath to strange disguises ; as to be a Dutchman to-day , a Frenchman to-morrow ; or in the shape of two countries at once , as a German from the waist downward , all slops , and a Spaniard from the hip upward , no doublet . Unless he have a fancy to this foolery , as it appears he hath , he is no fool for fancy , as you would have it appear he is .", "Good den , brother .", "She doth well . If she should make tender of her love , \u2018 tis very possible he 'll scorn it ; for the manhath a contemptible spirit .", "For my life , to break with him about Beatrice !", "Who have you offended , masters , that you are thus bound to your answer ? This learned constable is too cunning to be understood . What 's your offence ?", "First , I ask thee what they have done ; thirdly , I ask thee what 's their offence ; sixth and lastly , why they are committed ; and to conclude , what you lay to their charge .", "Yea , marry . Dost thou hear , Balthasar ? I pray thee get us some excellent music ; for to-morrow night we would have it at the Lady Hero 's chamber window .", "Yea , that she did ; but yet , for all that , an if she did not hate him deadly , she would love him dearly . The old man 's daughter told us all .", "Hath any man seen him at the barber 's ?", "But , soft you , let me be ! Pluck up , my heart , and be sad ! Did he not say my brother was fled ?", "My visor is Philemon 's roof ; within the house is Jove .", "By my troth , I speak my thought .", "To link my dear friend to a common stale .", "As I am an honest man , he looks pale . Art thou sick or angry ?", "I am sorry you must hear . Upon my honour ,", "He is compos 'd and fram 'd of treachery ,", "I charge thee on thy allegiance .", "A thousand times in secret .", "And I will break with her and with her father ,", "As Hector , I assure you ; and in the managing of quarrels you may say he is wise , for either he avoids them with great discretion , or undertakes them with a most Christianlike fear .", "If thou dost love fair Hero , cherish it ,", "Do it in notes .", "Who hath indeed , most like a liberal villain ,", "The former Hero ! Hero that is dead !", "What 's the matter ?", "The greatest note of it is his melancholy .", "In faith , lady , you have a merry heart .", "It is the witness still of excellency", "You have put him down , lady ; you have put him down .", "I will not hear you .", "What should I speak ?", "Come , shall we hear this music ?", "He doth indeed show some sparks that are like wit .", "And hath challeng 'd thee .", "What a pretty thing man is when he goes in his doublet and hose and leaves off his wit !", "How then ? sick ?", "Talk with a ruffian at her chamber window ,", "See you where Benedick hath hid himself ?", "You know he does .", "That he 'll enjoin me to .", "And the conclusion is , she shall be thine .", "In practice let us put it presently .", "And so will he do ; for the man doth fear God , howsoever it seems not in him by some large jests he will make . Well , I am sorry for your niece . Shall we go seek Benedick and tell him of her love ?", "Benedick 's head ?", "The sixth of July . Your loving friend , Benedick .", "Do so . Farewell .Come hither , Leonato . What was it you told me of to-day ? that your niece Beatrice was in love with Signior Benedick ?", "Dost thou wear thy wit by thy side ?", "And thou shalt see how apt it is to learn", "How now ? two of my brother 's men bound ? Borachio one .", "Good morrow , masters . Put your torches out .", "Welcome , signior . You are almost come to part almost a fray .", "What secret hath held you here , that you followed not to", "And yet , to satisfy this good old man ,", "Nay , pray thee come ;", "Officers , what offence have these men done ?", "But what was true , and very full of proof .", "What need the bridge much broader than the flood ?", "Confess 'd the vile encounters they have had", "Now , signior , where 's the Count ? Did you see him ?", "I shall see thee , ere I die , look pale with love .", "Nothing , unless you render her again .", "But , on my honour , she was charg 'd with nothing", "And then to Leonato 's we will go .", "That is the sum of all , Leonato . Signior Claudio and Signior Benedick , my dear friend Leonato hath invited you all . I tell him we shall stay here at the least a month , and he heartly prays some occasion may detain us longer . I dare swear he is no hypocrite , but prays from his heart .", "And , as I wooed for thee to obtain her , I will join with thee to disgrace her .", "Nay , \u2018 a rubs himself with civet . Can you smell him out by that ?", "Why , what effects of passion shows she ?", "That thou began'st to twist so fine a story ?", "Ha , no , no , faith ! Thou sing'st well enough for a shift .", "Why , then are you no maiden . Leonato ,", "Well , you will temporize with the hours . In the meantime , good Signior Benedick , repair to Leonato 's , commend me to him and tell him I will not fail him at supper ; for indeed he hath made great preparation .", "Let there be the same net spread for her , and that must your daughter and her gentlewomen carry . The sport will be , when they hold one an opinion of another 's dotage , and no such matter . That 's the scene that I would see , which will be merely a dumb show . Let us send her to call him in to dinner .", "We have some haste , Leonato .", "Look , what will serve is fit . \u2018 Tis once , thou lovest ,", "I would she had bestowed this dotage on me . I would have daff 'd all other respects and made her half myself . I pray you tell Benedick of it and hear what \u2018 a will say .", "And you too , gentle Hero ?", "And take her hearing prisoner with the force", "It were good that Benedick knew of it by some other , if she will not discover it ."], "true_target": ["Look , here she comes .", "Nay , do not quarrel with us , good old man .", "Yea , or to paint himself ? for the which I hear what they say of him .", "Thou wilt be like a lover presently", "He hath indeed a good outward happiness .", "Will you have me , lady ?", "County Claudio , when mean you to go to church ?", "Runs not this speech like iron through your blood ?", "And when please you to say so ?", "Your hand , Leonato . We will go together .", "Then after to her father will I break ,", "Come , let us hence and put on other weeds ,", "Good Signior Leonato , are you come to meet your trouble ? The fashion of the world is to avoid cost , and you encounter it .", "And tell fair Hero I am Claudio ,", "I stand dishonour 'd that have gone about", "And strong encounter of my amorous tale .", "May be she doth but counterfeit .", "That she is worthy , I know .", "Leonato and his brother . What think'st thou ? Had we fought , I doubt we should have been too young for them .", "I do but stay till your marriage be consummate , and then go I toward Arragon .", "I will assume thy part in some disguise", "He is in earnest .", "Why , how now , Count ? Wherefore are you sad ?", "She cannot endure to hear tell of a husband .", "To be whipt ? What 's his fault ?", "But when shall we set the savage bull 's horns on the sensible", "Your silence most offends me , and to be merry best becomes you , for out o \u2019 question you were born in a merry hour .", "I will but teach them to sing and restore them to the owner .", "She shall be buried with her face upwards .", "Before the wheels of Phoebus , round about", "Thou wast ever an obstinate heretic in the despite of beauty .", "You have it full , Benedick . We may guess by this what you are , being a man . Truly the lady fathers herself . Be happy , lady ; for you are like an honourable father .", "That would I know too . I warrant , one that knows him not .", "Come , you shake the head at so long a breathing ; but I warrant thee , Claudio , the time shall not go dully by us . I will in the interim undertake one of Hercules \u2019 labours , which is , to bring Signior Benedick and the Lady Beatrice into a mountain of affection th \u2019 one with th \u2019 other . I would fain have it a match , and I doubt not but to fashion it if you three will but minister such assistance as I shall give you direction .", "Or if thou wilt hold longer argument ,", "Hang him , truant ! There 's no true drop of blood in him to be truly touch 'd with love . If he be sad , he wants money .", "O day untowardly turned !", "Well , if ever thou dost fall from this faith , thou wilt prove a notable argument .", "How , how , I pray you ? You amaze me . I would have thought her spirit had been invincible against all assaults of affection .", "I will not think it .", "Come , Balthasar , we 'll hear that song again .", "And fled he is upon this villany .", "With me in your company ?", "Gentlemen both , we will not wake your patience .", "By my troth , a pleasant-spirited lady .", "And I will fit thee with the remedy .", "Nay , that would be as great a soil in the new gloss of your marriage as to show a child his new coat and forbid him to wear it . I will only be bold with Benedick for his company ; for , from the crown of his head to the sole of his foot , he is all mirth . He hath twice or thrice cut Cupid 's bowstring , and the little hangman dare not shoot at him . He hath a heart as sound as a bell ; and his tongue is the clapper , for what his heart thinks , his tongue speaks .", "The wolves have prey 'd , and look , the gentle day ,", "I know we shall have revelling to-night .", "I \u2019 faith , lady , I think your blazon to be true ; though I 'll be sworn , if he be so , his conceit is false . Here , Claudio , I have wooed in thy name , and fair Hero is won . I have broke with her father , and his good will obtained . Name the day of marriage , and God give thee joy !", "By my soul , nor I !", "I pray thee sing , and let me woo no more .", "My heart is sorry for your daughter 's death ;", "And in her bosom I 'll unclasp my heart", "Myself , my brother , and this grieved Count", "An he should , it were an alms to hang him ! She 's an excellent sweet lady , andshe is virtuous .", "Any hard lesson that may do thee good .", "See , see ! Here comes the man we went to seek .", "The fairest grant is the necessity .", "None , but to desire your good company .", "And Benedick is not the unhopefullest husband that I know . Thus far can I praise him : he is of a noble strain , of approved valour , and confirm 'd honesty . I will teach you how to humour your cousin , that she shall fall in love with Benedick ; and I ,with your two helps , will so practise on Benedick that , in despite of his quick wit and his queasy stomach , he shall fall in love with Beatrice . If we can do this , Cupid is no longer an archer ; his glory shall be ours , for we are the only love-gods . Go in with me , and I will tell you my drift .", "Indeed that tells a heavy tale for him . Conclude , conclude , he is in love .", "And tire the hearer with a book of words .", "No child but Hero ; she 's his only heir . Dost thou affect her , Claudio ?", "Thanks to you all , and leave us . Fare you well .", "Well , as time shall try . \u2018 In time the savage bull doth bear the yoke . \u2019", "Come , lady , come ; you have lost the heart of Signior Benedick .", "In private ?", "In everything but in loving Benedick .", "Amen , if you love her ; for the lady is very well worthy .", "Lady , will you walk a bout with your friend ?", "You embrace your charge too willingly . I think this is your daughter .", "Draw it .", "Hath she made her affection known to Benedick ?", "Well , we will hear further of it by your daughter . Let it cool the while . I love Benedick well , and I could wish he would modestly examine himself to see how much he is unworthy so good a lady .", "Did see her , hear her , at that hour last night", "I 'll tell thee how Beatrice prais 'd thy wit the other day . I said thou hadst a fine wit : \u2018 True , \u2019 said she , \u2018 a fine little one . \u2019 \u2018 No , \u2019 said I , \u2018 a great wit . \u2019 \u2018 Right , \u2019 says she , \u2018 a great gross one . \u2019 \u2018 Nay , \u2019 said I , \u2018 a good wit . \u2019 \u2018 Just , \u2019 said she , \u2018 it hurts nobody . \u2019 \u2018 Nay , \u2019 said I , \u2018 the gentleman is wise . \u2019 \u2018 Certain , \u2019 said she , a wise gentleman . \u2019 \u2018 Nay , \u2019 said I , \u2018 he hath the tongues . \u2019 \u2018 That I believe \u2019 said she , \u2018 for he swore a thing to me on Monday night which he forswore on Tuesday morning . There 's a double tongue ; there 's two tongues . \u2019 Thus did she an hour together transshape thy particular virtues . Yet at last she concluded with a sigh , thou wast the proper'st man in Italy .", "Lady Beatrice , I will get you one .", "The Lady Beatrice hath a quarrel to you . The gentleman that danc 'd with her told her she is much wrong 'd by you .", "Leonato 's ?", "Why , these are very crotchets that he speaks ! Note notes , forsooth , and nothing !", "Good den , Good den .", "Wilt thou make a trust a transgression ? The transgression is in the stealer .", "You say not right , old man .", "Nay , if Cupid have not spent all his quiver in Venice , thou wilt quake for this shortly .", "To put a strange face on his own perfection .", "What , a feast , a feast ?", "My love is thine to teach . Teach it but how ,"], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 11}, {"query": ["Surely I do believe your fair cousin is wronged .", "Why , i \u2019 faith , methinks she 's too low for a high praise , too brown for a fair praise , and too little for a great praise . Only this commendation I can afford her , that were she other than she is , she were unhandsome , and being no other but as she is , I do not like her .", "Sir , sir , be patient .", "No , you shall pardon me .", "Is't possible ? Sits the wind in that corner ?", "Should with your body .", "I do love nothing in the world so well as you . Is not that strange ?", "This looks not like a nuptial .", "It is in my scabbard . Shall I draw it ?", "Peace ! I will stop your mouth .", "Enough , I am engag 'd , I will challenge him . I will kiss your hand , and so I leave you . By this hand , Claudio shall render me a dear account . As you hear of me , so think of me . Go comfort your cousin . I must say she is dead-and so farewell .", "And do it with all thy heart .", "Why , then your uncle , and the Prince , and Claudio", "Much like to you , for you have just his bleat .", "Signior Leonato , truth it is , good signior ,", "In my chamber window lies a book . Bring it hither to me in he orchard .", "Have been deceived ; for they swore you did .", "I know that , but I would have thee hence and here again .I do much wonder that one man , seeing how much another man is a fool when he dedicates his behaviours to love , will , after he hath laugh 'd at such shallow follies in others , become the argument of his own scorn by falling in love ; and such a man is Claudio . I have known when there was no music with him but the drum and the fife ; and now had he rather hear the tabor and the pipe . I have known when he would have walk 'd ten mile afoot to see a good armour ; and now will he lie ten nights awake carving the fashion of a new doublet . He was wont to speak plain and to the purpose , like an honest man and a soldier ; and now is he turn 'd orthography ; his words are a very fantastical banquet \u2014 just so many strange dishes . May I be so converted and see with these eyes ? I cannot tell ; I think not . I will not be sworn but love may transform me to an oyster ; but I 'll take my oath on it , till he have made an oyster of me he shall never make me such a fool . One woman is fair , yet I am well ; another is wise , yet I am well ; another virtuous , yet I am well ; but till all graces be in one woman , one woman shall not come in my grace . Rich she shall be , that 's certain ; wise , or I 'll none ; virtuous , or I 'll never cheapen her ; fair , or I 'll never look on her ; mild , or come not near me ; noble , or not I for an angel ; of good discourse , an excellent musician , and her hair shall be of what colour it please God . Ha , the Prince and Monsieur Love ! I will hide me in the arbour .", "brother", "When I know the gentleman , I 'll tell him what you say .", "Soft and fair , friar . Which is Beatrice ?", "A most manly wit , Margaret : it will not hurt a woman . And so I pray thee call Beatrice . I give thee the bucklers .", "Ha ! \u2018 Against my will I am sent to bid you come in to dinner . \u2019 There 's a double meaning in that . \u2018 I took no more pains for those thanks than you took pains to thank me . \u2019 That 's as much as to say , \u2018 Any pains that I take for you is as easy as thanks . \u2019 If I do not take pity of her , I am a villain ; if I do not love her , I am a Jew . I will go get her picture .", "Tongue .", "To call young Claudio to a reckoning for it .", "Sir , your wit ambles well ; it goes easily .", "Fare you well , boy ; you know my mind . I will leave you now to your gossiplike humour . You break jests as braggards do their blades , which God be thanked hurt not . My lord , for your many courtesies I thank you . I must discontinue your company . Your brother the bastard is fled from Messina . You have among you kill 'd a sweet and innocent lady . For my Lord Lackbeard there , he and I shall meet ; and till then peace be with him .", "An he had been a dog that should have howl 'd thus , they would have hang 'd him ; and I pray God his bad voice bode no mischief . I had as live have heard the night raven , come what plague could have come after it .", "Think not on him till to-morrow . I 'll devise thee brave punishments for him . Strike up , pipers ! Dance .THE END", "God keep your ladyship still in that mind ! So some gentleman or other shall scape a predestinate scratch 'd face .", "Bull Jove , sir , had an amiable low ,", "Lady , were you her bedfellow last night ?", "If Signior Leonato be her father , she would not have his head on her shoulders for all Messina , as like him as she is .", "Like the old tale , my lord : \u2018 It is not so , nor \u2018 twas not so ; but indeed , God forbid it should be so ! \u2019", "With anger , with sickness , or with hunger , my lord ; not with love . Prove that ever I lose more blood with love than I will get again with drinking , pick out mine eyes with a ballad-maker 's pen and hang me up at the door of a brothel house for the sign of blind Cupid .", "Signior Leonato , let the friar advise you ;", "You are a villain . I jest not ; I will make it good how you dare , with what you dare , and when you dare . Do me right , or I will protest your cowardice . You have kill 'd a sweet lady , and her death shall fall heavy on you . Let me hear from you .", "How now ? interjections ? Why then , some be of laughing , as , ah , ha , he !", "The savage bull may ; but if ever the sensible Benedick bear it , pluck off the bull 's horns and set them in my forehead , and let me be vilely painted , and in such great letters as they write \u2018 Here is good horse to hire , \u2019 let them signify under my sign \u2018 Here you may see Benedick the married man . \u2019", "Serve God , love me , and mend . There will I leave you too , for here comes one in haste .", "By my sword , Beatrice , thou lovest me .", "Lady Beatrice , have you wept all this while ?", "Then is courtesy a turncoat . But it is certain I am loved of all ladies , only you excepted ; and I would I could find in my heart that I had not a hard heart , for truly I love none .", "Think you in your soul the Count Claudio hath wrong 'd Hero ?", "Hang it !", "Is Claudio thine enemy ?", "Nay , mock not , mock not . The body of your discourse is sometime guarded with fragments , and the guards are but slightly basted on neither . Ere you flout old ends any further , examine your conscience . And so I leave you .", "If I do , hang me in a bottle like a cat and shoot at me ; and he that hits me , let him be clapp 'd on the shoulder and call 'd Adam .", "Yet is this no charm for the toothache . Old signior , walk aside with me . I have studied eight or nine wise words to speak to you , which these hobby-horses must not hear .", "Come , bid me do anything for thee .", "Is very much unto the Prince and Claudio ,", "Tarry , sweet Beatrice .", "If their singing answer your saying , by my faith you say honestly .", "Your answer , sir , is enigmatical ;", "Shall I speak a word in your ear ?", "Friar , I must entreat your pains , I think .", "Beatrice \u2014", "Why , that 's spoken like an honest drovier . So they sell bullocks . But did you think the Prince would have served you thus ?", "Your niece regards me with an eye of favour .", "O God , sir , here 's a dish I love not ! I cannot endure my Lady", "How doth the lady ?", "And if their wisdoms be misled in this ,", "Only foul words ; and thereupon I will kiss thee .", "I will live in thy heart , die in thy lap , and be buried thy eyes ; and moreover , I will go with thee to thy uncle 's .", "Hear me , Beatrice !", "I have the toothache .", "Would you buy her , that you enquire after her ?", "I will swear by it that you love me , and I will make him eat it that says I love not you .", "And though you know my inwardness and love", "\u2018 Tis no such matter . Then you do not love me ?", "Will your Grace command me any service to the world 's end ? I will go on the slightest errand now to the Antipodes that you can devise to send me on ; I will fetch you a toothpicker now from the furthest inch of Asia ; bring you the length of Prester John 's foot ; fetch you a hair off the great Cham 's beard ; do you any embassage to the Pygmies \u2014 rather than hold three words \u2019 conference with this harpy . You have no employment for me ?", "I should think this a gull but that the white-bearded fellow speaks it . Knavery cannot , sure , hide himself in such reverence .", "Thy wit is as quick as the greyhound 's mouth \u2014 it catches .", "Now divine air ! Now is his soul ravish 'd ! Is it not strange that sheep 's guts should hale souls out of men 's bodies ? Well , a horn for my money , when all 's done .", "Troth , no ; no more than reason .", "Gallants , I am not as I have been .", "And some such strange bull leap 'd your father 's cow", "Yet , by mine honour , I will deal in this", "And , by my two faiths and troths , my lord , I spoke mine ."], "true_target": ["In so high a style , Margaret , that no man living shall come over it ; for in most comely truth thou deservest it .", "What offence , sweet Beatrice ?", "Pray thee , sweet Mistress Margaret , deserve well at my hands by helping me to the speech of Beatrice .", ", Hero , Beatrice , Margaret ,", "Even to the next willow , about your own business , County . What fashion will you wear the garland of ? about your neck , like an usurer 's chain ? or under your arm , like a lieutenant 's scarf ? You must wear it one way , for the Prince hath got your Hero .", "I know not what to say .", "The flat transgression of a schoolboy who , being overjoyed with finding a bird 's nest , shows it his companion , and he steals it .", "Well , every one can master a grief but he that has it .", "Suffer love !\u2014 a good epithet . I do suffer love indeed , for I love thee against my will .", "You hear , Count Claudio . I can be secret as a dumb man , I would have you think so ; but , on my allegiance \u2014 mark you this-on my allegiance ! he is in love . With who ? Now that is your Grace 's part . Mark how short his answer is : With Hero , Leonato 's short daughter .", "To bind me , or undo me \u2014 one of them .", "Troth , my lord , I have played the part of Lady Fame , I found him here as melancholy as a lodge in a warren . I told him , and I think I told him true , that your Grace had got the good will of this young lady , and I off'red him my company to a willow tree , either to make him a garland , as being forsaken , or to bind him up a rod , as being worthy to be whipt .", "O , stay but till then !", "Ho ! now you strike like the blind man ! \u2018 Twas the boy that stole your meat , and you 'll beat the post .", "If you use them , Margaret , you must put in the pikes with a vice , and they are dangerous weapons for maids .", "And got a calf in that same noble feat", "Two of them have the very bent of honour ;", "May stand with ours , this day to be conjoin 'd", "I would your Grace would constrain me to tell .", "Question : why , an hour in clamour and a quarter in rheum . Therefore is it most expedient for the wise , if Don Wormfind no impediment to the contrary , to be the trumpet of his own virtues , as I am to myself . So much for praising myself , who , I myself will bear witness , is praiseworthy . And now tell me , how doth your cousin ?", "What 's he ?", "Tarry , good Beatrice . By this hand , I love thee .", "Well , you are a rare parrot-teacher .", "Yea , and a case to put it into . But speak you this with a sad brow ? or do you play the flouting Jack , to tell us Cupid is a good hare-finder and Vulcan a rare carpenter ? Come , in what key shall a man take you to go in the song ?", "Nay but Beatrice \u2014", "I would my horse had the speed of your tongue , and so good a continuer . But keep your way , a God 's name ! I have done .", "That I neither feel how she should be loved , nor know how she should be worthy , is the opinion that fire cannot melt out of me . I will die in it at the stake .", "An old , an old instance , Beatrice , that liv 'd in the time of good neighbours . If a man do not erect in this age his own tomb ere he dies , he shall live no longer in monument than the bell rings and the widow weeps .", "The practice of it lives in John the bastard ,", "A miracle ! Here 's our own hands against our hearts . Come , I will have thee ; but , by this light , I take thee for pity .", "Beat \u2014", "Come , will you go with me ?", "What , my dear Lady Disdain ! are you yet living ?", "And so am I , being else by faith enforc 'd", "I 'll tell thee what , Prince : a college of wit-crackers cannot flout me out of my humour . Dost thou think I care for a satire or an epigram ? No . If a man will be beaten with brains , \u2018 a shall wear nothing handsome about him . In brief , since I do purpose to marry , I will think nothing to any purpose that the world can say against it ; and therefore never flout at me for what I have said against it ; for man is a giddy thing , and this is my conclusion . For thy part , Claudio , I did think to have beaten thee ; but in that thou art like to be my kinsman , live unbruis 'd , and love my cousin .", "Boy !", "Come , come , we are friends . Let 's have a dance ere we are married , that we may lighten our own hearts and our wives \u2019 heels .", "Fair Beatrice , I thank you for your pains .", "And I do with an eye of love requite her .", "Is there any way to show such friendship ?", "This can be no trick . The conference was sadly borne ; they have the truth of this from Hero ; they seem to pity the lady . It seems her affections have their full bent . Love me ? Why , it must be requited . I hear how I am censur 'd . They say I will bear myself proudly if I perceive the love come from her . They say too that she will rather die than give any sign of affection . I did never think to marry . I must not seem proud . Happy are they that hear their detractions and can put them to mending . They say the lady is fair \u2014 \u2018 tis a truth , I can bear them witness ; and virtuous \u2014 \u2018 tis so , I cannot reprove it ; and wise , but for loving me \u2014 by my troth , it is no addition to her wit , nor no great argument of her folly , for I will be horribly in love with her . I may chance have some odd quirks and remnants of wit broken on me because I have railed so long against marriage . But doth not the appetite alters ? A man loves the meat in his youth that he cannot endure in his age . Shall quips and sentences and these paper bullets of the brain awe a man from the career of his humour ? No , the world must be peopled . When I said I would die a bachelor , I did not think I should live till I were married .Here comes Beatrice . By this day , she 's a fair lady ! I do spy some marks of love in her .", "And how do you ?", "In which , good friar , I shall desire your help .", "They swore that you were almost sick for me .", "Yet it had not been amiss the rod had been made , and the garland too ; for the garland he might have worn himself , and the rod he might have bestowed on you , who , as I take it , have stol'n his bird 's nest .", "I noted her not , but I look 'd on her .", "First , of my word ! Therefore play , music . Prince , thou art sad . Get thee a wife , get thee a wife ! There is no staff more reverent than one tipp 'd with horn .Mess . My lord , your brother John is ta'en in flight , And brought with armed men back to Messina .", "Ursula ,", "In the state of honourable marriage ;", "With no sauce that can be devised to it . I protest I love thee .", "Good day , my lord .", "I have almost matter enough in me for such an embassage ; and so I commit you \u2014", "As secretly and justly as your soul", "Alas , poor hurt fowl ! now will he creep into sedges . But , that my Lady Beatrice should know me , and not know me ! The Prince 's fool ! Ha ! it may be I go under that title because I am merry . Yea , but so I am apt to do myself wrong . I am not so reputed . It is the basedisposition of Beatrice that puts the world into her person and so gives me out . Well , I 'll be revenged as I may .", "In a false quarrel there is no true valour . I came to seek you both .", "Not now .", "Thou and I are too wise to woo peaceably .", "I look for an earthquake too then .", "And therefore will come .The god of love , That sits above And knows me , and knows me , How pitiful I deserve \u2014 I mean in singing ; but in loving Leander the good swimmer , Troilus the first employer of panders , and a whole book full of these quondam carpet-mongers , whose names yet run smoothly in the even road of a blank verse \u2014 why , they were never so truly turn 'd over and over as my poor self in love . Marry , I cannot show it in rhyme . I have tried . I can find out no rhyme to \u2018 lady \u2019 but \u2018 baby \u2019 \u2014 an innocent rhyme ; for \u2018 scorn , \u2019 \u2018 horn \u2019 \u2014 a hard rhyme ; for \u2018 school \u2019 , \u2018 fool \u2019 \u2014 a babbling rhyme : very ominous endings ! No , I was not born under a rhyming planet , nor cannot woo in festival terms .Sweet Beatrice , wouldst thou come when I call 'd thee ?", "I pray you , what is he ?", "Do not you love me ?", "For my part , I am so attir 'd in wonder ,", "But , for my will , my will is , your good will", "Count Claudio ?", "Were you in doubt , sir , that you ask 'd her ?", "Ha ! not for the wide world !", "In every good thing .", "You take pleasure then in the message ?", "May a man do it ?", "Is't come to this ? In faith , hath not the world one man but he will wear his cap with suspicion ? Shall I never see a bachelor of threescore again ? Go to , i \u2019 faith ! An thou wilt needs thrust thy neck into a yoke , wear the print of it and sigh away Sundays .Look ! Don Pedro is returned to seek you .", "O , she misus 'd me past the endurance of a block ! An oak but with one green leaf on it would have answered her ; my very visor began to assume life and scold with her . She told me , not thinking I had been myself , that I was the Prince 's jester , that I was duller than a great thaw ; huddling jest upon jest with such impossible conveyance upon me that I stood like a man at a mark , with a whole army shooting at me . She speaks poniards , and every word stabs . If her breath were as terrible as her terminations , there were no living near her ; she would infect to the North Star . I would not marry her though she were endowed with all that Adam had left him before he transgress 'd . She would have made Hercules have turn 'd spit , yea , and have cleft his club to make the fire too . Come , talk not of her . You shall find her the infernal Ate in good apparel . I would to God some scholar would conjure her , for certainly , while she is here , a man may live as quiet in hell as in a sanctuary ; and people sin upon purpose , because they would go thither ; so indeed all disquiet , horror , and perturbation follows her .", "I will not desire that .", "Whose spirits toil in frame of villanies .", "We 'll be friends first .", "I can see yet without spectacles , and I see no such matter . There 's her cousin , an she were not possess 'd with a fury , exceeds her as much in beauty as the first of May doth the last of December . But I hope you have no intent to turn husband , have you ?", "Do you question me , as an honest man should do , for my simple true judgment ? or would you have me speak after my custom , as being a professed tyrant to their sex ?", "Not I , believe me .", "That a woman conceived me , I thank her ; that she brought me up , I likewise give her most humble thanks ; but that I will have a rechate winded in my forehead , or hang my bugle in an invisible baldrick , all women shall pardon me . Because I will not do them the wrong to mistrust any , I will do myself the right to trust none ; and the fine is, I will live a bachelor .", "Sir , I shall meet your wit in the career an you charge it against me . I pray you choose another subject ."], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 11}, {"query": ["I thank you . I am not of many words , but I thank you .", "My lord and brother , God save you .", "Even she \u2014 Leonato 's Hero , your Hero , every man 's Hero .", "Let us to the great supper . Their cheer is the greater that I am subdued . Would the cook were o \u2019 my mind ! Shall we go prove what 's to be done ?", "Sir , they are spoken , and these things are true .", "Will it serve for any model to build mischief on ? What is he for a fool that betroths himself to unquietness ?", "Come let us go . These things , come thus to light ,", "What life is in that to be the death of this marriage ?", "Show me briefly how .", "Signior , you are very near my brother in his love . He is enamour 'd on Hero . I pray you dissuade him from her ; she is no equal for his birth . You may do the part of an honest man in it .", "There is not chastity , enough in language", "Are you not Signior Benedick ?", "I will presently go learn their day of marriage .", "O plague right well prevented ! So will you say when you have seen the Sequel .", "I know not that , when he knows what I know .", "Come , come , let us thither . This may prove food to my displeasure . That young start-up hath all the glory of my overthrow . If I can cross him any way , I bless myself every way . You are both sure , and will assist me ?", "And when I have heard it , what blessings brings it ?", "Only to despite them I will endeavour anything .", "I am sorry for thy much misgovernment .", "The word is too good to paint out her wickedness . I could say she were worse ; think you of a worse title , and I will fit her to it . Wonder not till further warrant . Go but with me to-night , you shall see her chamber window ent'red , even the night before her wedding day . If you love her then , to-morrow wed her . But it would better fit your honour to change your mind .", "I heard him swear his affection .", "A very forward March-chick ! How came you to this ?", "You may think I love you not . Let that appear hereafter , and aim better at me by that I now will manifest . For my brother , I think he holds you well and in dearness of heart hath help to effect your ensuing marriage \u2014 surely suit ill spent and labour ill bestowed !"], "true_target": ["I make all use of it , for I use it only .", "Come , let us to the banquet .", "Without offence to utter them . Thus , pretty lady ,", "I came hither to tell you , and , circumstances short'ned, the lady is disloyal .", "A proper squire ! And who ? and who ? which way looks he ?", "Not to be spoke of ;", "Means your lordship to be married tomorrow ?", "Who ? the most exquisite Claudio ?", "Sure my brother is amorous on Hero and hath withdrawn her father to break with him about it . The ladies follow her and but one visor remains .", "It is so . The Count Claudio shall marry the daughter of Leonato .", "I will disparage her no farther till you are my witnesses . Bear it coldly but till midnight , and let the issue show itself .", "Any bar , any cross , any impediment will be med'cinable to me . I am sick in displeasure to him , and whatsoever comes athwart his affection ranges evenly with mine . How canst thou cross this marriage ?", "I had rather be a canker in a hedge than a rose in his grace , and it better fits my blood to be disdain 'd of all than to fashion a carriage to rob love from any . In this , though I cannot be said to be a flattering honest man , it must not be denied but I am a plain-dealing villain . I am trusted with a muzzle and enfranchis 'd with a clog ; therefore I have decreed not to sing in my cage . If I had my mouth , I would bite ; if I had my liberty , I would do my liking . In the meantime let me be that I am , and seek not to alter me .", "Smother her spirits up .", "Grow this to what adverse issue it can , I will put it in practice . Be cunning in the working this , and thy fee is a thousand ducats .", "If you dare not trust that you see , confess not that you know . If you will follow me , I will show you enough ; and when you have seen more and heard more , proceed accordingly .", "There is no measure in the occasion that breeds ; therefore the sadness is without limit .", "Fie , fie ! they are not to be nam 'd , my lord \u2014", "If it please you . Yet Count Claudio may hear , for what I would speak of concerns him .", "I remember .", "I wonder that thougoest about to apply a moral medicine to a mortifying mischief . I cannot hide what I am : I must be sad when I have cause , and smile at no man 's jests ; eat when I have stomach , and wait for no man 's leisure ; sleep when I am drowsy , and tend on no man 's business ; laugh when I am merry , and claw no man in his humour .", "What proof shall I make of that ?", "If your leisure serv 'd , I would speak with you .", "Who comes here ? What news , Borachio ?"], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 11}, {"query": ["I never tempted her with word too large ,", "To-night I 'll mourn with Hero .", "That know love 's grief by his complexion !", "O Hero ! what a Hero hadst thou been", "Yea , my good lord . How still the evening is ,", "O , ay ! -Stalk on , stalk on ; the fowl sits . \u2014 I did never think that lady would have loved any man .", "Give me your hand before this holy friar . I am your husband if you like of me .", "By these exterior shows ? But she is none :", "You speak this to fetch me in , my lord .", "Sweet Hero , now thy image doth appear", "That I love her , I feel .", "You will say she did embrace me as a husband ,", "Have left their places vacant , in their rooms", "Can the world buy such a jewel ?", "But in mistaking .", "To witness simple virtue , Would you not swear ,", "Tush , fear not , man ! We 'll tip thy horns with gold ,", "In the rare semblance that I lov 'd it first .", "He is a very proper man .", "No , but the barber 's man hath been seen with him , and the old ornament of his cheek hath already stuff 'd tennis balls .", "And so she doth , cousin .", "If there be any impediment , I pray you discover it .", "She 's but the sign and semblance of her honour .", "Marry , beshrew my hand", "Her blush is guiltiness , not modesty .", "Can lay upon my sin . Yet sinn 'd I not", "Against whose charms faith melteth into blood .", "Leonato , stand I here ? Is this the Prince , Is this the Prince 's brother ? Is this face Hero 's ? Are our eyes our own ?", "Good day to both of you .", "If I see anything to-night why I should not marry her to-morrow , in the congregation where I should wed , there will I shame her .", "Hath Leonato any son , my lord ?", "Before God ! and in my mind , very wise .", "Out at your window betwixt twelve and one ?", "Now , signior , what news ?", "Give not this rotten orange to your friend .", "Nay , but his jesting spirit , which is new-crept into a lutestring , and now govern 'd by stops .", "O , what men dare do ! what men may do ! what men daily do , not knowing what they do !", "Is she not a modest young lady ?", "We 'll fit the kid-fox with a pennyworth .", "My villany ?", "Another Hero !", "Nay then , give him another staff ; this last was broke cross . Pedro . By this light , he changes more and more . I think he be angry indeed .", "But fare thee well , most foul , most fair ! Farewell ,", "How know you he loves her ?", "Out on the seeming ! I will write against it .", "I pray you leave me .", "And never could maintain his part but in the force of his will .", "Your over-kindness doth wring tears from me .", "Is this the monument of Leonato ?", "But , as a brother to his sister , show 'd", "Never tell him , my lord . Let her wear it out with good counsel .", "Silence is the perfectest herald of joy . I were but little happy if I could say how much . Lady , as you are mine , I am yours . I give away myself for you and dote upon the exchange .", "In mine eye she is the sweetest lady that ever I look 'd on .", "Most sincerely .", "My liege , your Highness now may do me good .", "Neither , my lord .", "I had well hop 'd thou wouldst have denied Beatrice , that I might have cudgell 'd thee out of thy single life , to make thee a double-dealer , which out of question thou wilt be if my cousin do not look exceeding narrowly to thee .", "Saying I lik 'd her ere I went to wars .", "God bless me from a challenge !", "May this be so ?", "I wish him joy of her .", "For thee I 'll lock up all the gates of love ,", "Then down upon her knees she falls , weeps , sobs , beats her heart , tears her hair , prays , curses \u2014 \u2018 O sweet Benedick ! God give me patience ! \u2019", "No .", "All you that see her , that she were a maid", "And never shall it more be gracious .", "Now you talk of a sheet of paper , I remember a pretty jest your daughter told us of .", "And she is exceeding wise .", "I know not how to pray your patience ;", "All , all ! and moreover , God saw him when he was hid in the garden .", "Yes , and his ill conditions ; and in despite of all , dies for him .", "O , very well , my lord . The music ended ,", "What man was he talk 'd with you yesternight ,", "And Hymen now with luckier issue speeds", "If this should ever happen , thou wouldst be horn-mad .", "I hope he be in love .", "I think he thinks upon the savage bull .", "I look 'd upon her with a soldier 's eye ,", "Not to knit my soul to an approved wanton .", "Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues ;", "Thou pure impiety and impious purity !", "And trust no agent ; for beauty is a witch", "She knows the heat of a luxurious bed ;", "As once Europa did at lusty Jove", "Than Venus , or those pamp'red animals", "Bashful sincerity and comely love .", "Yea , and text underneath , \u2018 Here dwells Benedick , the married man \u2019 ?", "Nay , but I know who loves him .", "Away ! I will not have to do with you .", "Marry , that can Hero !", "Know you any , Hero ?", "But did my brother set thee on to this ?", "I do embrace your offer ; and dispose", "All prompting me how fair young Hero is ,", "If he dote on her upon this , I will never trust my expectation .", "Comes not that blood as modest evidence", "If this were so , so were it utt'red .", "Than this for whom we rend'red up this woe .", "As hush 'd on purpose to grace harmony !", "Who wrongs him ?", "He is then a giant to an ape ; but then is an ape a doctor to such a man .", "But lest my liking might too sudden seem ,", "Disloyal ?", "O , what authority and show of truth", "She did indeed .", "And I take him to be valiant ."], "true_target": ["What , courage , man ! What though care kill 'd a cat , thou hast mettle enough in thee to kill care .", "There , Leonato , take her back again .", "Stand thee by , friar . Father , by your leave :", "We have been up and down to seek thee ; for we are high-proof melancholy , and would fain have it beaten away . Wilt thou use thy wit ?", "Friendship is constant in all other things", "How sweetly you do minister to love ,", "And all Europa shall rejoice at thee ,", "You must hang it first and draw it afterwards .", "Benedick , didst thou note the daughter of Signior Leonato ?", "O mischief strangely thwarting !", "\u2018 Tis true indeed . So your daughter says . \u2018 Shall I , \u2019 says she , \u2018 that have so oft encount'red him with scorn , write to him that I love him ? \u2019 \u201d", "No . I pray thee speak in sober judgment .", "To-morrow , my lord . Time goes on crutches till love have all his rites .", "If it should give your age such cause of fear .", "Faith , like enough .", "And when was he wont to wash his face ?", "For henceforth of poor Claudio .", "I have drunk poison whiles he utter 'd it .", "And I 'll be sworn upo n't that he loves her ;", "As chaste as is the bud ere it be blown ;", "Not sad , my lord .", "That you have in her , bid her answer truly .", "I would scarce trust myself , though I had sworn the contrary , if", "\u2018 Tis certain so . The Prince wooes for himself .", "Will you with free and unconstrained soul", "Hero thinks surely she will die ; for she says she will die if he love her not , and she will die ere she make her love known , and she will die , if he woo her , rather than she will bate one breath of her accustomed crossness .", "Thou thinkest I am in sport . I pray thee tell me truly how thou lik'st her .", "May counterpoise this rich and precious gift ?", "Thus answer I in name of Benedick", "Yet say I he is in love .", "Save in the office and affairs of love .", "Never any did so , though very many have been beside their wit . I will bid thee draw , as we do the minstrel \u2014 draw to pleasure us .", "That lik 'd , but had a rougher task in hand", "Let every eye negotiate for itself", "Hero itself can blot out Hero 's virtue .", "Hero would be my wife .", "You seem to me as Dian in her orb ,", "But now I am return 'd and that war-thoughts", "Yea , the same .", "Epitaph . Done to death by slanderous tongues Was the Hero that here lies . Death , in guerdon of her wrongs , Gives her fame which never dies . So the life that died with shame Lives in death with glorious fame . Hang thou there upon the tomb ,Praising her when I am dumb . Now , music , sound , and sing your solemn hymn . Song . Pardon , goddess of the night , Those that slew thy virgin knight ; For the which , with songs of woe , Round about her tomb they go . Midnight , assist our moan , Help us to sigh and groan Heavily , heavily , Graves , yawn and yield your dead , Till death be uttered Heavily , heavily .", "To what end ? He would make but a sport of it and torment the poor lady worse .", "About thy thoughts and counsels of thy heart !", "In faith , my hand meant nothing to my sword .", "No , Leonato ,", "If it will not be , I 'll leave you .", "But hear these ill news with the ears of Claudio .", "Which I mistrusted not . Farewell therefore Hero !", "Hearken after their offence , my lord .", "You know me well . I am he .", "Yet I must speak . Choose your revenge yourself ;", "And what have I to give you back whose worth", "For the which she wept heartily and said she cared not .", "I 'll hold my mind , were she an Ethiope .", "Why then , she 's mine . Sweet , let me see your face .", "A halting sonnet of his own pure brain ,", "I 'll bring you thither , my lord , if you 'll vouchsafe me .", "Give me this maid your daughter ?", "That .", "This is an accident of hourly proof ,", "That rage in savage sensuality .", "Can cunning sin cover itself withal !", "If he be not in love with some woman , there is no believing old signs . \u2018 A brushes his hat o \u2019 mornings . What should that bode ?", "For this I owe you . Here comes other reckonings . Which is the lady I must seize upon ?", "Beatrice .", "That 's as much as to say , the sweet youth 's in love .", "I would have salv 'd it with a longer treatise .", "\u2018 Tis even so . Hero and Margaret have by this played their parts with Beatrice , and then the two bears will not bite one another when they meet .", "Now , if you are a maid , answer to this .", "Pedro .", "Well , I will meet you , so I may have good cheer .", "Now unto thy bones good night ! Yearly will I do this rite .", "Whither ?", "To turn all beauty into thoughts of harm ,", "And I , my lord .", "I \u2019 faith , I thank him , he hath bid me to a calve 's head and a capon , the which if I do not carve most curiously , say my knife 's naught . Shall I not find a woodcock too ?", "When he would play the noble beast in love .", "And , in faith , my lord , I spoke mine .", "Behold how like a maid she blushes here !", "And by that fatherly and kindly power", "When you went onward on this ended action ,", "] .", "And so extenuate the forehand sin .", "To the tuition of God . From my house \u2014 if I had it \u2014", "Sweet Prince , you learn me noble thankfulness .", "Fashion 'd to Beatrice .", "But you are more intemperate in your blood", "O my lord ,", "He hath ta'en th \u2019 infection . Hold it up .", "I know what you would say . If I have known her ,", "Let me but move one question to your daughter ,", "Than to drive liking to the name of love ;", "To make you answer truly to your name .", "O noble sir !", "Not to be married ,", "Bait the hook well ! This fish will bite .", "If half thy outward graces had been plac 'd", "Impose me to what penance your invention", "If he be , he knows how to turn his girdle .", "Come thronging soft and delicate desires ,", "Good morrow , masters . Each his several way .", "Rightly reasoned , and in his own division ; and by my troth there 's one meaning well suited .", "And on my eyelids shall conjecture hang ,", "Who ? Hero ?", "We had lik 'd to have had our two noses snapp 'd off with two old men without teeth .", "In most profound earnest ; and , I 'll warrant you , for the love of", "If my passion change not shortly , God forbid it should be otherwise .", "For here 's a paper written in his hand ,"], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 11}, {"query": ["And she is dead , slander 'd to death by villains ,", "Well , I am glad that all things sort so well .", "Farewell , my lords . We look for you to-morrow .", "If you go on thus , you will kill yourself ,", "I saw him not .", "This same is she , and I do give you her .", "A good sharp fellow . I will send for him , and question him yourself .", "As I dare take a serpent by the tongue .", "And shall , or some of us will smart for it .", "Win me and wear me ! Let him answer me .", "Come , follow me , boy ,. Come , sir boy , come follow me .", "Which I will do with confirm 'd countenance .", "Therein do men from children nothing differ .", "Some of us would lie low .", "If he could right himself with quarrelling ,", "As the event stamps them ; but they have a good cover , they show well outward . The Prince and Count Claudio , walking in a thick-pleached alley in mine orchard , were thus much overheard by a man of mine : the Prince discovered to Claudio that he loved my niece your daughter and meant to acknowledge it this night in a dance , and if he found her accordant , he meant to take the present time by the top and instantly break with you of it .", "Nay , as I am a gentleman , I will ."], "true_target": ["At a word , I am not .", "Boys , apes , braggarts , jacks , milksops !", "Come , \u2018 tis no matter . Do not you meddle ; let me deal in this .", "At a word , I am not .", "He is very busy about it . But , brother , I can tell you strange news that you yet dreamt not of .", "Sir boy , I 'll whip you from your foining fence !", "Content yourself . God knows I lov 'd my niece ,", "In faith , she 's too curst .", "That dare as well answer a man indeed", "To tell you true , I counterfeit him .", "And \u2018 tis not wisdom thus to second grief", "Yet bend not all the harm upon yourself . Make those that do offend you suffer too .", "But that 's no matter ; let him kill one first .", "Against yourself .", "Here comes the Prince and Claudio hastily .", "He shall kill two of us , and men indeed", "Well , niece , I trust you will be rul 'd by your father ."], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 11}, {"query": ["Yes , it is apparel .", "I will owe thee an answer for that ; and now forward with thy tale .", "All this I see ; and I see that the fashion wears out more apparel than the man . But art not thou thyself giddy with the fashion too , that thou hast shifted out of thy tale into telling me of the fashion ?", "Away ! you are an ass , you are an ass .", "To the death , my lord .", "I wonder at it .", "No ; \u2018 twas the vane on the house .", "You should hear reason .", "And thought they Margaret was Hero ?", "Here , man . I am at thy elbow .", "I am a gentleman , sir , and my name is Conrade ."], "true_target": ["Masters , masters \u2014", "Masters \u2014", "Yes , the fashion is the fashion .", "Can you make no use of your discontent ?", "Off , coxcomb !", "What the goodyear , my lord ! Why are you thus out of measure sad ?", "Marry , sir , we say we are none .", "Is it possible that any villany should be so dear ?", "A commodity in question , I warrant you . Come , we 'll obey you .", "If not a present remedy , at least a patient sufferance .", "Yea , but you must not make the full show of this till you may do it without controlment . You have of late stood out against your brother , and he hath ta'en you newly into his grace , where it is impossible you should take true root but by the fair weather that you make yourself . It is needful that you frame the season for your own harvest ."], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 11}, {"query": ["No , by my soul , she was not ; Nor knew not what she did when she spoke to me ; But always hath been just and virtuous In anything that I do know by her . Dog . Moreover , sir , which indeed is not under white and black , this plaintiff here , the offender , did call me ass . I beseech you let it be rememb'red in his punishment . And also the watch heard them talk of one Deformed . They say he wears a key in his ear , and a lock hanging by it , and borrows money in God 's name , the which he hath us 'd so long and never paid that now men grow hard-hearted and will lend nothing for God 's sake . Pray you examine him upon that point .", "If you would know your wronger , look on me .", "Go then ; find me a meet hour to draw Don Pedro and the Count Claudio alone ; tell them that you know that Hero loves me ; intend a kind of zeal both to the Prince and Claudio , as \u2014 in love of your brother 's honour , who hath made this match , and his friend 's reputation , who is thus like to be cozen 'd with the semblance of a maid \u2014 that you have discover 'd thus . They will scarcely believe this without trial . Offer them instances ; which shall bear no less likelihood than to see me at her chamber window , hear me call Margaret Hero , hear Margaret term me Claudio ; and bring them to see this the very night before the intended weddingand there shall appear such seeming truth of Hero 's disloyalty that jealousy shall be call 'd assurance and all the preparation overthrown .", "I mean the fashion .", "What , Conrade !", "Tush ! I may as well say the fool 's the fool . But seest thou not what a deformed thief this fashion is ?", "So did I too , and he swore he would marry her tonight .", "Yea , even I alone .", "Sir , I say to you we are none .", "Seest thou not , I say , what a deformed thief this fashion is ? how giddily \u2018 a turns about all the hot-bloods between fourteen and five-and-thirty ? sometimes fashioning them like Pharaoh 's soldiers in the reechy painting , sometime like god Bel 's priests in the old church window , sometime like the shaven Hercules in the smirch 'd worm-eaten tapestry , where his codpiece seems as massy as his club ?", "I think I told your lordship , a year since , how much I am in the favour of Margaret , the waiting gentlewoman to Hero .", "Even he .", "Master Constable \u2014", "Yea , and paid me richly for the practice of it .", "Yea , my lord ; but I can cross it .", "Two of them did , the Prince and Claudio ; but the devil my master knew she was Margaret ; and partly by his oaths , which first possess 'd them , partly by the dark night , which did deceive them , but chiefly by my villany , which did confirm any slander that Don John had made , away went Claudio enrag 'd ; swore he would meet her , as he was appointed , next morning at the temple , and there , before the whole congregation , shame her with what he saw o'ernight and send her home again without a husband .", "Mass , and my elbow itch 'd ! I thought there would a scab follow .", "Not honestly , my lord , but so covertly that no dishonesty shall appear in me ."], "true_target": ["We 'll wait upon your lordship .", "Sweet Prince , let me go no farther to mine answer . Do you hear me , and let this Count kill me . I have deceived even your very eyes . What your wisdoms could not discover , these shallow fools have brought to light , who in the night overheard me confessing to this man , how Don John your brother incensed me to slander the Lady Hero ; how you were brought into the orchard and saw me court Margaret in Hero 's garments ; how you disgrac 'd her when you should marry her . My villany they have upon record , which I had rather seal with my death than repeat over to my shame . The lady is dead upon mine and my master 's false accusation ; and briefly , I desire nothing but the reward of a villain .", "The poison of that lies in you to temper . Go you to the Prince your brother ; spare not to tell him that he hath wronged his honour in marrying the renowned Claudioto a contaminated stale , such a one as Hero .", "Stand thee close then under this penthouse , for it drizzles rain , and I will , like a true drunkard , utter all to thee .", "I can , at any unseasonable instant of the night , appoint her to look out at her lady 's chamber window .", "Marry , it is your brother 's right hand .", "Didst thou not hear somebody ?", "That shows thou art unconfirm 'd . Thou knowest that the fashion of a doublet , or a hat , or a cloak , is nothing to a man .", "Thou shouldst rather ask if it were possible any villany should be so rich ; for when rich villains have need of poor ones , poor ones may make what price they will .", "Marry , on Hero , the daughter and heir of Leonato .", "Proof enough to misuse the Prince , to vex Claudio , to undo Hero , and kill Leonato . Look you for any other issue ?", "Being entertain 'd for a perfumer , as I was smoking a musty room , comes me the Prince and Claudio , hand in hand in sad conference . I whipt me behind the arras and there heard it agreed upon that the Prince should woo Hero for himself , and having obtain 'd her , give her to Count Claudio .", "Not so neither . But know that I have to-night wooed Margaret , the Lady Hero 's gentlewoman , by the name of Hero . She leans me out at her mistress \u2019 chamber window , bids me a thousand times good night \u2014 I tell this tale vilely ; I should first tell thee how the Prince , Claudio and my master , planted and placed and possessed by my master Don John , saw afar off in the orchard this amiable encounter .", "We are like to prove a goodly commodity , being taken up of these men 's bills .", "I came yonder from a great supper . The Prince your brother is royally entertain 'd by Leonato , and I can give you intelligence of an intended marriage .", "And that is Claudio . I know him by his bearing .", "Be you constant in the accusation , and my cunning shall not shame me .", "Conrade , I say !", "Therefore know I have earned of Don John a thousand ducats ."], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 11}, {"query": ["Well , I would you did like me .", "Because you talk of wooing , I will sing ,", "Note this before my notes :", "Which is one ?", "And an ill singer , my lord .", "There 's not a note of mine that 's worth the noting .", "To her he thinks not worthy , yet he wooes ,"], "true_target": ["O , good my lord , tax not so bad a voice", "The best I can , my lord .", "Since many a wooer doth commence his suit", "Amen .", "I love you the better . The hearers may cry Amen .", "Yet will he swear he loves .", "No more words . The clerk is answered .", "To slander music any more than once ."], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 11}, {"query": ["For a hawk , a horse , or a husband ?", "Clap 's into \u2018 Light o \u2019 love . \u2019 That goes without a burden . Do you sing it , and I 'll dance it .", "Will you then write me a sonnet in praise of my beauty ?", "And God keep him out of my sight when the dance is done ! Answer , clerk .", "Not a false gallop .", "Moral ? No , by my troth , I have no moral meaning ; I meant plain holy thistle . You may think perchance that I think you are in love . Nay , by'r lady , I am not such a fool to think what I list ; nor I list not to think what I can ; nor indeed I cannot think , if I would think my heart out of thinking , that you are in love , or that you will be in love , or that you can be in love . Yet Benedick was such another , and now is he become a man . He swore he would never marry ; and yet now in despite of his heart he eats his meat without grudging ; and how you may be converted I know not , but methinks you look with your eyes as other women do .", "And yours as blunt as the fencer 's foils , which hit but hurt not .", "Give us the swords ; we have bucklers of our own .", "Well , I will call Beatrice to you , who I think hath legs .", "I like the new tire within excellently , if the hair were a thought browner ; and your gown 's a most rare fashion , i \u2019 faith . I saw the Duchess of Milan 's gown that they praise so .", "Troth , I think your other rebato were better .", "I 'll make her come , I warrant you , presently .", "O illegitimate construction ! I scorn that with my heels ."], "true_target": ["Well , an you be not turn 'd Turk , there 's no more sailing by the star .", "To have no man come over me ? Why , shall I always keep below stairs ?", "Ever since you left it . Doth not my wit become me rarely ?", "Nothing I ; but God send every one their heart 's desire !", "Of what , lady ? of speaking honourably ? Is not marriage honourable in a beggar ? Is not your lord honourable without marriage ? I think you would have me say , \u2018 saving your reverence , a husband . \u2019 An bad thinking do not wrest true speaking , I 'll offend nobody . Is there any harm in \u2018 the heavier for a husband \u2019 ? None , I think , an it be the right husband and the right wife . Otherwise \u2018 tis light , and not heavy . Ask my Lady Beatrice else . Here she comes .", "God match me with a good dancer !", "So would not I for your own sake , for I have many ill qualities .", "Get you some of this distill 'd carduus benedictus and lay it to your heart . It is the only thing for a qualm .", "I say my prayers aloud .", "By my troth , \u2018 s not so good , and I warrant your cousin will say so .", "A maid , and stuff 'd ! There 's goodly catching of cold .", "By my troth , \u2018 s but a nightgown in respect of yours \u2014 cloth-o \u2019 - gold and cuts , and lac 'd with silver , set with pearls down sleeves , side-sleeves , and skirts , round underborne with a blush tinsel . But for a fine , quaint , graceful , and excellent fashion , yours is worth ten o n't .", "\u2018 Twill be heavier soon by the weight of a man ."], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 11}, {"query": ["So rare a gentleman as Signior Benedick .", "I know you by the waggling of your head .", "Why did you so ? Doth not the gentleman", "She 's lim 'd , I warrant you ! We have caught her , madam .", "And greedily devour the treacherous bait .", "I know you well enough . You are Signior Antonio .", "Is couched in the woodbine coverture .", "She knew his love , lest she 'll make sport at it .", "I pray you be not angry with me , madam ,", "That Benedick loves Beatrice so entirely ?", "Madam , you must come to your uncle . Yonder 's old coil at home . It is proved my Lady Hero hath been falsely accus 'd , the Prince and Claudio mightily abus 'd , and Don John is the author of all , who is fled and gone . Will you come presently ?", "For shape , for bearing , argument , and valour ,", "As ever Beatrice shall couch upon ?", "But are you sure", "And did they bid you tell her of it , madam ?", "You could never do him so ill-well unless you were the very man . Here 's his dry hand up and down . You are he , you are he !", "Fear you not my part of the dialogue ."], "true_target": ["Speaking my fancy : Signior Benedick ,", "His excellence did earn it ere he had it . When are you married , madam ?", "Madam , withdraw . The Prince , the Count , Signior Benedick , Don John , and all the gallants of the town are come to fetch you to church .", "Deserve as full , as fortunate a bed", "Sure I think so ;", "I will , lady .", "So angle we for Beatrice , who even now", "The pleasant'st angling is to see the fish", "Cut with her golden oars the silver stream", "Come , come , do you think I do not know you by your excellent wit ? Can virtue hide itself ? Go to , mum you are he . Graces will appear , and there 's an end .", "She cannot be so much without true judgment", "Yet tell her of it . Hear what she will say .", "And therefore certainly it were not good", "Sure , sure , such carping is not commendable .", "O , do not do your cousin such a wrong !", "Well .", "Goes foremost in report through Italy .", "as to refuse"], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 11}, {"query": ["I am here already , sir ."], "true_target": ["Signior ?"], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 11}, {"query": ["Sing no more ditties , sing no moe ,", "Men were deceivers ever ,", "Converting all your sounds of woe", "To one thing constant never .", "Into Hey nonny , nonny .", "By my troth , a good song .", "And be you blithe and bonny ,", "Since summer first was leavy ."], "true_target": ["One foot in sea , and one on shore ;", "Sigh no more , ladies , sigh no more !", "But let them go ,", "The fraud of men was ever so ,", "Pedro .", "Then sigh not so ,", "Then sigh not so , & c .", "Of dumps so dull and heavy !"], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 11}, {"query": ["For look where Beatrice like a lapwing runs"], "true_target": ["Close by the ground , to hear our conference ."], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 11}, {"query": ["Pray thee , fellow , peace . I do not like thy look , I promise thee .", "Dost thou not suspect my place ? Dost thou not suspect my years ? O that he were here to write me down an ass ! But , masters , remember that I am an ass . Though it be not written down , yet forget not that I am an ass . No , thou villain , thou art full of piety , as shall be prov 'd upon thee by good witness . I am a wise fellow ; and which is more , an officer ; and which is more , a householder ; and which is more , as pretty a piece of flesh as any is in Messina , and one that knows the law , go to ! and a rich fellow enough , go to ! and a fellow that hath had losses ; and one that hath two gowns and everything handsome about him . Bring him away . O that I had been writ down an ass !", "Come , let them be opinion 'd .", "Are you good men and true ?", "Prince 's officer coxcomb . Come , bind them .\u2014 Thou naughty varlet !", "Why , you speak like an ancient and most quiet watchman , for I cannot see how sleeping should offend . Only have a care that your bills be not stol'n . Well , you are to call at all the alehouses and bid those that are drunk get them to bed .", "Truly , by your office you may ; but I think they that touch pitch will be defil 'd . The most peaceable way for you , if you do take a thief , is to let him show himself what he is , and steal out of your company .", "Pray write down Borachio . Yours , sirrah ?", "Why then , take no note of him , but let him go , and presently call the rest of the watch together and thank God you are rid of a knave .", "One word , sir . Our watch , sir , have indeed comprehended two aspicious persons , and we would have them this morning examined before your worship .", "Is our whole dissembly appear 'd ?", "Comparisons are odorous . Palabras , neighbour Verges .", "Gifts that God gives .", "Flat burglary as ever was committed .", "Marry , sir , I would have some confidence with you that decerns you nearly .", "I leave an arrant knave with your worship , which I beseech your worship to correct yourself , for the example of others . God keep your worship ! I wish your worship well . God restore you to health ! I humbly give you leave to depart ; and if a merry meeting may be wish 'd , God prohibit it ! Come , neighbour .", "You have . I knew it would be your answer . Well , for your favour , sir , why , give God thanks and make no boast of it ; and for your writing and reading , let that appear when there is no need of such vanity . You are thought here to be the most senseless and fit man for the constable of the watch . Therefore bear you the lanthorn . This is your charge : you shall comprehend all vagrom men ; you are to bid any man stand , in the Prince 's name .", "Write down that they hope they serve God ; and write God first , for God defend but God should go before such villains ! Masters , it is proved already that you are little better than false knaves , and it will go near to be thought so shortly . How answer you for yourselves ?", "A marvellous witty fellow , I assure you ; but I will go about with him . Come you hither , sirrah . A word in your ear . Sir , I say to you , it is thought you are false knaves .", "Write down Prince John a villain . Why , this is flat perjury , to call a prince 's brother villain .", "Marry , that am I and my partner .", "Goodman Verges , sir , speaks a little off the matter \u2014 an old man , sir , and his wits are not so blunt as , God help , I would desire they were ; but , in faith , honest as the skin between his brows .", "Why then , let them alone till they are sober . If they make you not then the better answer , You may say they are not the men you took them for .", "One word more , honest neighbours . I pray you watch about Signior Leonato 's door ; for the wedding being there tomorrow , there is a great coil to-night . Adieu . Be vigitant , I beseech you .", "Nay , that were a punishment too good for them if they should have any allegiance in them , being chosen for the Prince 's watch .", "God save the foundation !", "Five shillings to one o n't with any man that knows the statutes , he may stay him ! Marry , not without the Prince be willing ; for indeed the watch ought to offend no man , and it is an offence to stay a man against his will ."], "true_target": ["Write down Master Gentleman Conrade . Masters , do you serve God ?", "If you meet a thief , you may suspect him , by virtue of your office , to be no true man ; and for such kind of men , the less you meddle or make with them , why , the more your honesty .", "God 's my life , where 's the sexton ? Let him write down the", "Yea , marry , that 's the eftest way . Let the watch come forth .", "I praise God for you .", "O villain ! thou wilt be condemn 'd into everlasting redemption for this .", "Why then , depart in peace and let the child wake her with crying ; for the ewe that will not hear her lamb when it baes will never answer a calf when he bleats .", "Your worship speaks like a most thankful and reverent youth , and", "Marry , sir , they have committed false report ; moreover , they have spoken untruths ; secondarily , they are slanders ; sixth and lastly , they have belied a lady ; thirdly , they have verified unjust things ; and to conclude , they are lying knaves .", "Come , bring away the plaintiffs . By this time our sexton hath reformed Signior Leonato of the matter . And , masters , do not forget to specify , when time and place shall serve , that I am an ass .", "Yea , in \u2018 twere a thousand pound more than \u2018 tis ; for I hear as good exclamation on your worship as of any man in the city ; and though I be but a poor man , I am glad to hear it .", "Come hither , neighbour Seacoal . God hath bless 'd you with a good name . To be a well-favoured man is the gift of fortune , but to write and read comes by nature .", "First , who think you the most desartless man to be constable ?", "True , and they are to meddle with none but the Prince 's subjects . You shall also make no noise in the streets ; for the watch to babble and to talk is most tolerable , and not to be endured .", "Come you , sir . If justice cannot tame you , she shall ne'er weigh more reasons in her balance . Nay , an you be a cursing hypocrite once , you must be look 'd to .", "Go , good partner , go get you to Francis Seacoal ; bid him bring his pen and inkhorn to the jail . We are now to examination these men .", "A good old man , sir ; he will be talking . As they say , \u2018 When the age is in , the wit is out . \u2019 God help us ! it is a world to see ! Well said , i \u2019 faith , neighbour Verges . Well , God 's a good man . An two men ride of a horse , one must ride behind . An honest soul , i \u2019 faith , sir , by my troth he is , as ever broke bread ; but God is to be worshipp 'd ; all men are not alike , alas , good neighbour !", "This is the end of the charge : you , constable , are to present the Prince 's own person . If you meet the Prince in the night , you may stay him .", "Truly , I would not hang a dog by my will , much more a man who hath any honesty in him .", "Masters , I charge you in the Prince 's name accuse these men .", "Marry , this it is , sir .", "Ha , ah , ha ! Well , masters , good night . An there be any matter of weight chances , call up me . Keep your fellows \u2019 counsels and your own , and good night . Come , neighbour .", "It shall be suffigance .", "We will spare for no wit , I warrant you . Here 's that shall drive some of them to a non-come . Only get the learned writer to set down our excommunication , and meet me at the jail .", "Well , stand aside . Fore God , they are both in a tale . Have you writ down that they are none ?", "It pleases your worship to say so , but we are the poor Duke 's officers ; but truly , for mine own part , if I were as tedious as a king , I could find in my heart to bestow it all of your worship .", "Yea , marry , let them come before me . What is your name , friend ?"], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 11}, {"query": ["If you hear a child cry in the night , you must call to the nurse and bid her still it .", "Yes , I thank God I am as honest as any man living that is an old man and no honester than I .", "And we must do it wisely .", "Marry , sir , our watch to-night , excepting your worship 's presence , ha \u2019 ta'en a couple of as arrant knaves as any in Messina .", "Let them be in the hands \u2014", "\u2018 Tis very true .", "Nay , by'r lady , that I think \u2018 a cannot .", "Well , give them their charge , neighbour Dogberry .", "Yea , by th \u2019 mass , that it is ."], "true_target": ["Here , here comes Master Signior Leonato , and the sexton too ., and the Sexton . ]", "And so am I .", "Nay , that 's certain . We have the exhibition to examine .", "If he will not stand when he is bidden , he is none of the", "Yes , in truth it is , sir .", "You have been always called a merciful man , partner .", "By'r lady , I think it be so .", "Yea , or else it were pity but they should suffer salvation , body and soul .", "Prince 's subjects .", "O , a stool and a cushion for the sexton ."], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 11}, {"query": ["Hugh Oatcake , sir , or George Seacoal ; for they can write and read .", "You 'll be made bring Deformed forth , I warrant you ."], "true_target": ["Call up the right Master Constable . We have here recover 'd the most dangerous piece of lechery that ever was known in the commonwealth .", "And that Count Claudio did mean , upon his words , to disgrace Hero before the whole assembly , and not marry her .", "This man said , sir , that Don John the Prince 's brother was a villain ."], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 11}, {"query": ["How if the nurse be asleep and will not hear us ?", "Marry , that he had received a thousand ducats of Don John for accusing the Lady Hero wrongfully .", "Peace ! stir not !", "And one Deformed is one of them . I know him ; \u2018 a wears a lock .", "Some treason , masters . Yet stand close .", "Never speak , we charge you . Let us obey you to go with us .", "Well , sir ."], "true_target": ["How if \u2018 a will not stand ?", "How if they will not ?", "We charge you in the Prince 's name stand !", "Well , masters , we hear our charge . Let us go sit here upon the church bench till two , and then all to bed .", "If we know him to be a thief , shall we not lay hands on him ?", "We will rather sleep than talk . We know what belongs to a watch .", "I know that Deformed . \u2018 A bas been a vile thief this seven year ; \u2018 a goes up and down like a gentleman . I remember his name .", "Both which , Master Constable \u2014"], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 11}, {"query": ["Claudio , Benedick , Hero , Beatrice ,"], "true_target": ["Bastard , Leonato , Friar", ","], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 11}, {"query": ["Let her awhile be secretly kept in ,", "That appertain unto a burial .", "And every lovely organ of her life", "In angel whiteness beat away those blushes ,", "The virtue that possession would not show us", "Will fashion the event in better shape", "Hear me a little ;", "I 'll tell you largely of fair Hero 's death .", "Upon the instant that she was accus 'd ,", "The tenure of my book ; trust not my age ,", "Which with experimental seal doth warrant", "As best befits her wounded reputation ,", "And on your family 's old monument", "Let this be so , and doubt not but success", "And let my counsel sway you in this case .", "There is some strange misprision in the princes .", "Know you any , Count ?", "Th \u2019 idea of her life shall sweetly creep", "Yea , wherefore should she not ?", "\u2018 Tis well consented . Presently away ;", "Pause awhile", "And my help .", "Here comes the Prince and Claudio .", "Into his study of imagination ,", "Lady , you come hither to be married to this count ?", "And given way unto this course of fortune ,", "For I have only been silent so long ,", "Whiles it was ours . So will it fare with Claudio .", "Whiles we enjoy it , but being lack 'd and lost ,", "Change slander to remorse . That is some good .", "If this sweet lady lie not guiltless here", "But on this travail look for greater birth .", "Lady , what man is he you are accus 'd of ?", "No , though he thought his accusation true .", "A thousand blushing apparitions", "Against her maiden truth . Call me a fool ;", "To start into her face , a thousand innocent shames", "All this amazement can I qualify ,", "Maintain a mourning ostentation ,"], "true_target": ["Than I can lay it down in likelihood .", "Meantime let wonder seem familiar ,", "And in her eye there hath appear 'd a fire", "Why , then we rack the value , then we find", "When he shall hear she died upon his words ,", "In some reclusive and religious life ,", "For to strange sores strangely they strain the cure .", "To burn the errors that these princes hold", "Your daughter here the princes left for dead ,", "Than when she liv 'd indeed . Then shall he mourn", "If either of you know any inward impediment why you should not be conjoined , I charge you on your souls to utter it .", "Will quench the wonder of her infamy .", "But if all aim but this be levell 'd false ,", "By noting of the lady . I have mark 'd", "Into the eye and prospect of his soul", "And if it sort not well , you may conceal her ,", "Trust not my reading nor my observation ,", "And to the chapel let us presently .", "When , after that the holy rites are ended ,", "More moving , delicate , and full of life ,", "Come , lady , die to live . This wedding day", "Shall come apparell 'd in more precious habit ,", "Perhaps is but prolong 'd . Have patience and endure .", "Have comfort , lady .", "Hang mournful epitaphs , and do all rites", "She dying , as it must be so maintain 'd ,", "And publish it that she is dead indeed ;", "To do what , signior ?", "That what we have we prize not to the worth", "Under some biting error .", "You come hither , my lord , to marry this lady ?", "Of every hearer ; for it so falls out", "Did I not tell you she was innocent ?", "Out of all eyes , tongues , minds , and injuries .", "Shall be lamented , pitied , and excus 'd", "The supposition of the lady 's death", "And wish he had not so accused her \u2014", "Marry , this well carried shall on her behalf", "But not for that dream I on this strange course ,", "My reverence , calling , nor divinity ,"], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 11}, {"query": ["And this is more , masters , than you can deny . Prince John is this morning secretly stol'n away . Hero was in this manner accus 'd , in this manner refus 'd , and upon the grief of this suddenly died . Master Constable , let these men be bound and brought to Leonato 's . I will go before and show him their examination .", "Which be the malefactors ?", "But which are the offenders that are to be examined ? let them come before Master Constable ."], "true_target": ["What else ?", "Master Constable , you go not the way to examine . You must call forth the watch that are their accusers .", "What else , fellow ?", "What heard you him say else ?"], "play_index": 11, "act_index": 11}, {"query": ["Oh .", "What d'you mean ? Why d'you hope ?", "Oh , yes .... DAN stands with one knee on the sofa , and turns over the pages of his Bible .\u201c ... The Victim 's Past \u201d ... with another picture of me underneath !Oh , taken at Tonbridge the year before the war ; really it is n't right ....\u201c The Bungalow of Death !... Gruesome finds .... Fiendish murderer still at large .... The enigma of the missing head ... where is it buried ? \u201d ... Oh , yes !DAN\u201c ... Blessed is the man ... that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly ... nor standeth in the way of sinners ... nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful .... \u201d", "He 'll have to marry you .", "No , dear , just wheel me \u2014\u2014 DANI think you 'll be more comfortable with a cushion .\u201c I 'm a pretty little feller , everybody knows ... dunno what to call me ... \u201d He goes deliberately across , humming , and picks up a large black cushion from the sofa . His hands close on the cushion , and he stands silent a moment . He moves slowly back to the other side of her ; he stands looking at her , his back three-quarters to the audience and his face hidden : he is holding the cushion in both hands .", "\u201c Put not your trust in banks \u201d is my motto , and always will be .", "Oh ... it was Olivia 's .", "Of Scotland Yard .", "No , no , dear . This has its effect on OLIVIA . DAN sits on the left of the table , where \u201c East Lynne \u201d is open on the table . I 'm sick of patience . DAN\u201c You old-fashioned child \u2014 \u201d", "Hush , do n't talk like that , dear .", "It 's as long as my arm . OLIVIAI 'm afraid it 's made like that . She crosses the room , and comes back again .", "Horrors .... I 'm freezing . Get me my shawl off my bed , will you , dear ?...My shawl , dear ! DAN starts , collects himself and smiles his most ingratiating smile .", ": It 's not a joke ; it 's a libel .", "What a funny look on your face , dear . Smiling like that ....You look so kind ... He begins to raise the cushion slowly . So kind ...What are you going to do with that cushion ?... The lights dim gradually into complete darkness , and the music grows into a thunderous crescendo .", "And they wo n't be paid for either \u2014 not if I have to go to law about it . A pause . She coughs absently .", "I suppose it 'll have to be . NURSEWell , I 've that confined lady still waiting in Shepperley .Toodle-oo !", "I do n't have to tell you everything I 've been through . I do n't have to tell you about my husband , how unkind and ungodly he was \u2014 I would n't have minded so much him being ungodly , but oh , he was unkind ...And I do n't have to tell you how unkind he was . You know . You just know ... whatever else I 've not been , I was always a great one on psychology .", "What are you walking up and down for ? What 's the matter with you ? Are n't you happy here ?", "Silly boy ... silly boy .... OLIVIA comes in quickly from the kitchen . She is dressed to go out and carries a suitcase . Where are you off to ?", "Did you ask him to play the piano ? HUBERT comes back from the sun-room . HUBERTHello , house on fire or something ?", "Hark at the walking dictionary !", "Nobody 's going to murder you ! Besides , we 've got Danny to look after us . He 's as strong as an ox , and no silly nerves about him .... What is it you 're afraid of ? OLIVIA : I \u2014", "Go away , and do n't interfere . OLIVIA goes to the left window . DORA rises .So you 're going to have a child . When ? DORALast August Bank Holiday ....", "That girl should have carried it in . Anything to annoy me . Tomorrow \u2014Danny !Danny ! DAN runs back from the kitchen .", "Of course . DANI remember those mornings \u2014 on some sea \u2014 very misty pale it is , with the sun like breathing silver where he 's comin \u2019 up across the water , but not blowing on the sea at all ... and the sea-gulls standing on the deck-rail looking at themselves in the water on the deck , and only me about and nothing else ...", "Picked her up , I suppose ?", "I want to lie down now , and be examined . DANAnything you say , mother o \u2019 mine .... Will you have your medicine in your room as well , eh ?", "Miss Grayne 's always moping round the woods . Perhaps she can tell you something .", "Then do n't talk such nonsense . Clear the breakfast things . OLIVIA hesitates , then crosses to the kitchen door .Sense of humour indeed , never heard of such a thing .... OLIVIAMrs. Terence , will you clear away ? She goes to the left window , and looks out .", "Of course it 's silly . BELSIZENo , go on . OLIVIA : Well , we woke up this morning , thinking , \u201c Here 's another day . \u201d We got up , looked at the weather , and talked ; and here we all are , still talking .... And all that time \u2014\u2014", "Not too frightened to make arrangements with him , eh ?", "Meaning whisky ?", "I do n't know yet ... Give me some more .... He pours one out for her , and for himself . They drink . All alone , I was ...Just an old woman calling for help ...and no answer .... DANPoor old mum , runnin \u2019 about lookin \u2019 for Danny \u2014\u2014", "Lonely ? All these lovely woods ? What are you talking about ? Do n't you like nature ?", "I must go this minute and have a look at my pampas grass . And if they 've damaged it I 'll bring an action .", "And I 'll stop the Crown Derby out of your wages . DORAOh !", "Is n't paid ? Is she mad ?Are you mad ? Why do n't you pay her ? OLIVIABecause you do n't give me the money to do it with .", "Oh , that 's nothing ; she writes poetry . Jingle jingle \u2014", "And I 'll have my supper-tray in my room .Get me back into my chair , dear , will you ? DANO. K .... He crosses to the invalid-chair .", "You can leave , that 's all . You can leave . Appalled , DORA drops the tray and breaks the saucer . That settles it . Now you 'll have to leave . DORAOh , please I ...Oh , ma'am \u2014 I 'm not meself , you see ....I 'm in a terrible trouble ....", "I dropped off . Why did n't somebody wake me ? Have I been missing something ?", "I suppose you 're going to tell me you 're from Scotland Ya \u2014", "No , I do n't . Where does he come from ?", "The clock chimes .", "Oh . DANAs a matter o \u2019 fact \u2014", "Mr. Laurie ! The piano stops . HUBERT 'S VOICEYes ?", "Criminal Investigation", "That boy 's got understanding .", "Spencer ?", "You have n't had any telegram . OLIVIANo , I have n't !", "She ought n't to talk to me like that . I know she steals my sugar .", "So it was ... DAN\u201c The body was nude . Attempts had been made to ... turn to foot of next column .... \u201d\u201c Attempts had been made to ... era \u2014 eradicate fingerprints with a knife .... \u201d\u201c ... The head was severed by a skilled person , possibly a butcher . The murderer \u2014 \u201d", "What were you going to say ?", "I have n't anybody at all .", "Oh , he 's been in rare spirits all day .", "Oh , do n't be \u2014\u2014", "Oh ?", "Yes , dear .", "You 've missed out about Lady Isabel taking up her cross and the weight of it killing her . I may be a fool , but I do know East Lynne .", "What 's the matter ?", "Yes ! A sort of \u2014 thumping noise .... She looks at him suddenly , leans forward , and puts her right hand inside his jacket . Why , Danny , it 's you ! It 's your heart ... beating ! He laughs . Well ! Are you all right , dear ?", "Running around the house shouting like a lunatic ! Sensation mad ! Silly woman ! DORA runs in from kitchen .", "Well , they wo n't ferret long , not among my pampas grass !...Olivia !... Oh , that girl 's never there .Leave me alone . I do n't want to be pushed into the nettles to-day , thank you ...Come out of my garden , you ! Come out !", "Wheel me out , and do n't talk so much .", "Oh , dear , I thought \u2014 DANI was only putting the paraffin away . Now \u2014", "You read so nicely , Danny .", "Mind you call again Wednesday . In case my neuritis sets in again . NURSEI will that . And if paralysis pops up , let me know . Toodle-oo ! She marches cheerily out of the front door .", "That Tallboys again \u2014", "Well , I think it 's a disgrace \u2014\u2014", "Pale ? Did you say pale ?", "The Bible ?", "Oh , thank you , dear . The one by the mortuary ?... Oh , my back .... Nurse !... Her voice is lost in the bedroom . The daylight begins to fade . The church bells die away .", "You went through my side like a knife \u2014\u2014", "Hurry it up , dear . I do n't want to wake up in the morning with a nasty cold . DAN\u201c ... Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment , nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous .... For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous ... But the way of the ungodly ... shall perish ... \u201d A pause . He shuts the Bible loudly , and lays it on the table . MRS. BRAMSON can hardly keep awake . That 's the end .", "Well , he did offer to fetch some money yesterday for the dairy . But I would n't give him the key ! Oh , no !", "Were n't you going for a walk ?", "Writing poetry ! That 's a hobby and a half , I must say ! \u201c Flame of passion ... \u201d well ! OLIVIAIt 's only a silly poem I amused myself with at college . It 's not meant for anybody but me .", "Go away !", ": I suppose you think that china came from Marks and", "Yes . What ?", "You 've forgotten again . Medicine 's overdue . Most important . OLIVIA crosses to the medicine cupboard and fetches the medicine . MRS. TERENCE comes in from the kitchen with a vase of flowers and barges between the sofa and the wheelchair .", "But it 's true ! As true as you are my witness , and nobody else \u2014Now look here , about that girl \u2014", "Well , now I come to talk to you , you seem so much better class \u2014 I mean , you know so much of the world \u2014", "Thank God ...Ah ... ah ... ah ... DAN throws his cigarette away , lays his hat on the occasional table , throws his mackintosh on the left window-seat , and sits beside her , patting her , looking round to see no one has heard her cries . I 'll never forgive you , never . Oh , my heart ... Oh \u2014 oh \u2014 oh \u2014 - He runs across to the medicine cupboard and brings back a brandy bottle and two glasses .", "I thought this morning I 'd never be able to face the day .", "Well ? DANMornin \u2019 , all !", "Do I want to see him waylaid and attacked , and my key stolen ? Oh , no , I told him , that key stays on me \u2014", "Lunch to-morrow ?... Let me see ....", "Danny !... Danny ! The clatter of footsteps in the garden . DORA runs in from the hall , breathless and terrified .", "You 've found something ?", "Look here , Olivia , you 're downright rude to that boy , and if there 's one thing that never gets a woman anywhere , it 's rudeness . What have you got against him ?", "Isabel \u2014\u2014 \u2019 \u201d", "And what does that mean ?", "Oh ?... And the same palpitations ?", "I expect she was so drunk she fell flat and never came to .", "Leave her alone , the little sneak-thief ? Fetch her here .", "Just listen to him ! Now do n't make me laugh , dear , because there 's always my heart . DANYou 've lost your heart , you know you have , to the little feller that pushes your pram \u2014 you know you have !", "Every day for two weeks . Just before lunch .", "Well , I have the most terrible palpitations . I \u2014", "Yes , dear . DANAnd now it 's time for your walk ....It 's all right , I got trousers on ....Listen to me talking about your walk , when you 'll be in a chair all the time ....That 's funny , is n't it !...Come on , I got your shawl and your rug in the hall ....", "What d'you want me to say ?", "What did she mean by that ?", "Very nearly . This is Mr .\u2014 er \u2014 Bel \u2014", "DAN : O. K .", "Nasty .I know it 's neuritis .", "Testament 's a bit risky , do n't you think so ?", "Thank you , dear .... Let me smell your breath .Clean as a whistle . Smells of peppermints .", "It 's very silly of you , trying to scare an old woman with a weak heart . What have you got to be frightened of ?", "Catch him quick !", "Is it about my maid having an illegitimate child ?", "So you wo n't stay to tea , Mr .\u2014 er \u2014\u2014", "Party ? DANWell , it 's ladies , is n't it ?", "The only visitor 's been the doctor \u2014 and the district nurse .", "Sly , are n't you ?... Where are you staying to-night ?", "I think you deserve better \u2014Talking of the right thing , what about Dora ? DANOh , I know I 'm to blame ; I 'm not much of a chap , but I 'd put things straight like a shot if I had any money ... But , you see , I work at the Tallboys , get thirty bob a week , with tips \u2014 but listen to me botherin \u2019 you with my worries and rubbish the state you 're in ... well !", "What does he want ?", "I do n't like having people in my house that I do n't know . BELSIZEI 'm afraid the law sometimes makes it necessary .", "What ?", "What are you \u2014", "Come along now ! Out with it !", "They can think all they like , that was a beautiful thought .And when you think you 're just an ignorant boy , it 's ... it 's startling . DANThat 's right .", "You can go .", "You do n't see many books like East Lynne about nowadays .", "Mrs. Henry Wood ? Who 's Mrs. Henry Wood ? Pack the other half of Mrs. Henry Wood ? What are you talking about ?", "Does n't make you deaf , though , dear , does it ?", "Go on . OLIVIA\u201c ... Lady Isabel humbly crossed her attenuated hands upon her chest . \u2018 I am on my way to God , \u2019 she whispered , \u2018 to answer for all my sins and sorrows . \u2019 \u2018 Child , \u2019 said Miss Carlyle , \u2018 had I anything to do with sending you from ... \u2019\u2018 ... East Lynne ? \u2019 Lady Isabel shook her head and cast down her gaze . \u201d", "Answer my question !", "You 're a dark horse , you are .", "Where 's the telegram ?", "Did you know she 's having a baby ?", "What 's that ?", "He may have .", "I told him ! Do you wonder I stick to the key , I said \u2014 what is the matter with you , all these questions ?", "You know , you must n't think just because this house is lonely you 're going to get a rise in salary . Oh , no .... I expect you 've an idea I 'm worth a good bit of money , have n't you ?... It is n't my money you 're after , is it ? OLIVIAI 'm sorry , but my sense of humour can n't stand the strain . I 'll have to go .", "Now , young man , what about Dora ? I \u2014", "Oh !", "That 's a nice way to talk to an invalid .", "Lot of stuff and nonsense . From a policeman too . Anybody 'd think you 'd been brought up on penny dreadfuls . OLIVIA turns and goes to the window . BELSIZEDid you see about the fellow being hanged for the Ipswich murder ? In last night 's papers ?", "Come in .", "A steak , let me see .... Yes , with baked potatoes \u2014", "Yes , dear ....", "I want to be read to now . DANO. K .What 'll you have ? The old East Lynne ?", "Goodness me ... my jewel-box ... what a fool I was to let her go \u2014 my earrings ... the double-faced \u2014 She wheels herself furiously into her bedroom . DORA , her hat and coat on , comes in from the kitchen in time to see her go .", "Would you believe it ? Says she 's frightened .... A pause . Come along with the shawl , dear . I 'm freezing .... DANDo n't know what 's up with me \u2014 He goes to the table and looks at a newspaper . MRS. TERENCE comes in from the kitchen , her coat on .", "Sh !", ": She 'll be joining Scotland Yard next .... Go on , dear .", "There 's no sun now , dear ; it 's night ! A pause . He drums his fingers on the Bible .", "You ought to learn to be a little less bitter , my dear . Never hook a man if you do n't . With him and that Dora , I 'm not so sure it was n't six of one and half a dozen of the other . I know human nature , and , mark my word , that boy 's going to do big things . A scurry in the garden . MRS. TERENCE rushes in from the front door , madly excited .", "D'you wonder I would n't let you have the key ?", "What 's she like ?", "I 'll get hold of what he 's thinking , all right . I 've had my knife into that sort ever since I was a girl .", "Now that 's what I call a beautiful character .", "Well ? Go on ! DANThin eyebrows , with white marks , where they was pulled out ... to be in the fashion , you know .... Her mouth ... a bit thin as well , with red stuff painted round it , to make it look more ; you can rub it off ... I suppose . Her neck ... rather thick . Laughs a bit loud ; and then it stops .She 's ... very lively .You can n't say I do n't keep my eyes skinned , can you ?", "NURSE LIBBY enters from the front door .", "It is n't a shawl , it 's a cape .", "Yes . I feel absolutely dead . NURSEAnything new re the murder ?", "So you 're Baby-face ?", "At random 's nice , do n't you think , dear ?", "BELSIZE", "Oh yes , I thought I recognised it .... What nonsense !... DAN looks at her ; chuckling . DORAI 'm ever so disappointed .... She goes into the kitchen . OLIVIA goes to the armchair by the fireplace .", "How did it happen ? DANWell ... we went ... did you have a nice bank holiday ?", "Fetch that girl here . This minute .", "Oh , Danny ... He hurries to the medicine cupboard and pours medicine into a spoon . HUBERT comes in from the front door . HUBERTHave you heard ?", "I should think so \u2014\u2014 MRS. TERENCE comes into the room . DAN strikes a match for his cigarette .", "Department !"], "true_target": ["Oh , the print 's too small .... DANShall I read it to you ?", "In the kitchen , of course .", "But , Danny , what on earth are you \u2014 DANBut all the time the daylight 's movin \u2019 over the floor , and by the end of the sermon the air in the church is turnin \u2019 grey .... And people is n't able to think of holy things so much no more , only of the terrible things that 's goin \u2019 on outside , that everybody 's readin \u2019 about in the papers !Because they know that though it 's still daylight , and everythin 's or'nary and quiet ... to-day will be the same as all the other days , and come to an end , and it 'll be night ....I forgot it was Sunday !", "What ?", "That place in those detective books ? Do n't be so silly .", ": At random in the Old", "There 's plenty of food ! Stay to lunch !", "And my chocolates ?", "If you were very good , I might let you call me ... mother ! DANO. K ., mother .", "So that 's the game . Would n't think butter would melt in her mouth .... You 'll have to go , of course ; I can n't have that sort of thing in this house \u2014 and stop squeaking ! You 'll bring my heart on again . It 's all this modern life . I 've always said so . All these films and rubbish .", "You can n't expect the girl to gather firewood with one hand and clear breakfast with the other . Clear away .", "Would they ?", "I saw that ! Leave me alone , and do n't interfere . A pause . DAN makes a quick movement and puts one card on another .Oh , yes , dear , of course .... OLIVIANo , that 's a spade .", "No .", "What is it ?", "DAN", "Can you hear something ? Oh , I 'm scared ....", "Well , some people would call it something else . OLIVIAOh , wo n't you see ...", "Yes !", "Broken three of my Crown Derby , that 's all . Thought if she planted them in the rose-bed I would n't be well enough ever to see them , I suppose . Well , I have seen .", "What does it say ?", "Playing with fire , that 's the game nowadays .", "You 've cut them too young . I knew you would .", "Can you afford to go ? OLIVIAYou know I can n't .", "Good gracious ... what 's come over you , Danny ? DANOh , I speechify like anything when I 'm roused ! I used to go to Sunday school , see , and the thoughts sort of come into my head . Like as if I was readin \u2019 off a book !", "Everybody seems to be going . What is all this ?", "Yes , dear .... Olivia , you never got a new bottle yesterday ! DANI got it to-day while you were with the chap .... Popped in at the chemist 's .", "What ?... Oh !", "Have you got my pills ?", "A what ?", "Pram ! Well !It 's wicked to laugh , with this \u2014 this thing all round us . DANI forgot .Not in a draught , are you ?D'you remember , Mr. Laurie , me pulling your leg about you havin \u2019 done it ? Funniest thing out !... Talk about laugh !", "Yes , dear , do .... He shuts the Bible with a bang , throws it on the sofa , and takes the paper from her . OLIVIA watches him intently ; he smiles at her slowly and brazenly as he shakes out the paper . DAN\u201c ... The murderer committed the crime in the forest most \u2014 in the forest , most likely strippin \u2019 beforehand \u2014 - \u201d DORA comes in from the kitchen , and stands at the door , arrested by his reading . She is dressed , in Sunday best .", "Oh .... DAN\u201c \u2018 You old-fashioned child ! \u2019 retorted Mrs. Vane . \u2018 Why did you not put on your diamonds ? \u2019 \u2018 I-did-put on my diamonds , \u2019 stammered Lady Isabel . \u2018 But I \u2014 took them off again . \u2019 \u2018 What on earth for ? \u2019 \u201d That 's the other lady speaking there \u2014", "I 'm tired of them .", "Why not ?", "He 's a friend of Miss Grayne 's here . Keeps calling .", "Good night here , good night there ; anybody 'd think it was the night before Judgment Day . What 's the matter with ...Talking to myself . Wish people would n't walk out of rooms and leave me high and dry . Do n't like it .Where 's my chocolates ?... She looks round again , gets up out of her chair for the first time in the play , walks quite normally across the room to the mantelpiece , sees her chocolates are not there , walks up to the occasional table , and takes up the box . That girl 's been at them again .... She walks back to her chair , carrying the chocolates , and sits in it again . She begins to munch . She suddenly stops , as if she has heard something . What 's that ?... She listens again . A cry is heard far away . Oh , God ... Danny ! The cry is repeated . Danny ! The cry is heard a third time . It 's an owl ... Oh , Lord ! She falls back in relief , and eats another chocolate . The clock strikes the half-hour . Silence . The silence gets on her nerves .Danny !...What 's the boy doing in that kitchen ? She takes up the newspaper , sees a headline , and puts it down hastily . She sees the Bible on the table , opens it , and turns over pages .I 've got the jitters . I 've got the jitters . I 've got the jitters ....Danny ! She waits ; there is complete silence . She rises , walks over to the kitchen door , and flings it wide open .Danny !He 's gone ... They 've all gone ... They 've left me ...Oh , Lord , help a poor old woman ... They 've left me !Danny ... where are you ?... Danny ... I 'm going to be murdered ... I 'm going to be murdered !... Danny ...Danny ! Danny ! Danny ! She stops suddenly . Footsteps on the gravel outside the front door .There 's something outside ... something outside ... Oh , heavens ...Danny , where are you ? Where are you ? There 's something outs \u2014 The front door bangs . She collapses on the sofa , terrified , her enormous Bible clasped to her breast . Oh , Lord , help me ... help me ... Oh , Lord , help me ...Forgive us our trespasses ... The curtains are suddenly parted . It is DAN , a cigarette between his lips . He stands motionless , his feet planted apart , holding the curtains . There is murder in his face . She is afraid to look , but is forced to at last . Danny ... Oh ... Oh ... DANThat 's all right ... It 's only Danny ...", "You ought to be ashamed of yourself . DANOh , I am .", "When did you first meet her ?", "I think so .", ": The Old Testament .", "Do n't like men , I suppose ? Never heard of them , I suppose ? Do n't believe you . See ? OLIVIAI see . It 's going to be a fine day .", "That woman knows . In the kitchen somewhere .", "Not at all . I like it ! OLIVIA stubs out her cigarette with a resigned look and goes on making notes . DAN enters from the kitchen , keeping time to the music , carrying a bunch of roses , wearing overalls over flannel trousers and a brown golf jacket , and smoking . He goes to the fireplace and clumps the roses into a vase on the mantelpiece , humming the tune . He crosses to the gramophone , still in rhythm , MRS. BRAMSON keeping time skittishly with her hands . He turns off the gramophone and looks over OLIVIA 'S shoulder at what she is writing . DAN\u201c Their home addresses ... and their caresses ... linger in my memory of ... those beautiful dames \u201d ...That 's me ! OLIVIA looks at him coldly and continues her notes .", "I feel dead .Oh , it 's you .... I feel dead . DANDo n't you be a silly old \u2018 oman , you look as pretty as a picture \u2014 strawberries and cream in your face , and not a day over forty ; and when I 've made you a nice cup of tea you 'll be twenty-five in the sun and eighteen with your back to the light , so you think yourself lucky !", "You 'll burn your fingers ! Set yourself on fire ! Absent-minded !... I woke up all of a cold shiver . Had a terrible dream . DANWhat about ?", "Of your mother ?Oh ...", "DAN", "Say what you know , and do n't talk so much .", "Get three .", "But I 've never had a policeman coming to see me before ! DORA runs in from the kitchen . DORAThere 's a man there ! From the p'lice ! \u2018 E said something about the Tallboys ! \u2018 E \u2014 \u2018 e \u2018 as n't come about me , \u2018 as \u2018 e ?", "Be QUIET !", "I 'm ready for him .The sooner he 's made to realise what his duty is , the better . I 'll give him baby-face !", "Oh , you caution ! You 'll be the death of me ! DANAh-ha !Now what 'd you like a drop of in your tea \u2014 gin , whisky , liqueur , brandy , or a nice dollop of sailor 's rum , eh ?", "All right , dear ; makes a nice change .... Not that I do n't often dip into it .", "Dear , dear .... You should have been a preacher . You should ! DAN laughs loudly and opens the Bible . DORAI never knew \u2018 e \u2018 ad so many words in \u2018 is \u2018 ead ....", "It wo n't come out .... DAN shrugs his shoulders , stands behind MRS. BRAMSON 'S chair , and studies her play . OLIVIA follows his example from her side . OLIVIALook .", "Has she put the glass by the bed for my teeth ? DANI put it there myself . He helps her into the chair and pulls it over towards the bedroom .", "Oh ... Well , I have . Nobody knows it better than me .", "You 're not skipping , are you ?", "A knock at the front door .", "Through the forest ? Not too frightened for that , I see .", "Oh , you are in a mood to-day !I want to be read to now . DANYour servant , mother o \u2019 mine .... What 'll you have ? The Channings ? The Red Court Farm ?", "I think I 'll go to bed now . DANO. K .", "What !", "If he marries you at once .", "\u201c Mighty Lak a Rose . \u201d What rubbish !...", "You smoke , I see .", "That 's right ; nothing like visitors to brighten your mornings , eh ? I 'll deal with him .", "What 's the matter with you ?", "A pause . He looks at her .", "You wait , my girl . Pride comes before a fall . Wo n't catch a husband with your nose in the air , you know .", "And do n't call me \u201c mum \u201d !", "Something of what ?", "It 's the way you talked about your mother . That 's what it was .", "You know my maid , Dora Parkoe , I believe ?", "Oh !...That horrible boy again , when the one thing I want is to blot the whole thing out of my mind .", "You 'll be saying she 's been murdered next !", "I think I 'll go to bye-byes .... We 'll have the rest to-morrow , shall we ?Help me , dear , help me , you know what I am \u2014\u2014 DANWait a minute ... I \u2014 I 've only got two more verses \u2014\u2014", "And what d'you expect the policeman to do about it ?", "Stay to lunch . DANWell \u2014 I do n't like to impose myself \u2014", "Oh yes , dear , so it is ! OLIVIAThe ironmonger says there were two extra gallons of paraffin not paid for .", "That sounds convincing , I must say . Well , you can go , but when you come back , I 'm not so sure I shall answer the door . Think that over in the morning .", "Tttt !... DANI think I better get the tea before I get into hot water . He goes towards the kitchen .", "See who it is .", "Is it ?... Ah , well , it 's been a long day \u2014\u2014", "Johnny Walker , indeed ! Impertinence ! DANJohnny Walker ?", "Who ?", "What men ?", "I was n't running about as much as all that ... Oh , the relief when I saw your face \u2014\u2014", "If he were n't so observant , that Dora might n't be in the flummox she is now . DANThat 's true , ma'am . OLIVIAYou do n't sound very repentant . DANWell , what 's done 's done 's my motto , is n't it ? She goes into the sun-room . He makes a grimace after her and holds his left hand out , the thumb pointing downwards .", ": \u201c \u2018 It is the ree-finement of affectation , Lady", "Crown Derby to you , my girl . DORABeg pardon , mum ?", "Olivia !", "Had n't you better sit down ? DANThank you .", "What 's all the fuss about ? Has there been a robbery or something ?", "I would n't let a soul touch it . Not a soul . Not even Danny . She snaps the safe , locks it , and slips the keys back into her bosom .", "I have n't finished with him yet .", "Do n't you dictate to me about my body . Nobody here understands my body or anything else about me . As for sympathy , I 've forgotten the meaning of the word .What 's the matter with your face ? OLIVIAI \u2014 I really do n't know .", "Danny , d'you think Olivia 's a thief ?", "Yes . Clear away .", "A bit achy . Glad to get to bed . Hope that woman 's put my bottle in all right . Bet she has n't \u2014\u2014", "; It 's against the law , what she 's done , is n't it ?Go back in there till he sends for you . DORA creeps back into the kitchen . OLIVIAHe is n't a policeman , as a matter of fact . He must be a plain-clothes man .", "Very convenient when you want your walk , eh ? Yes , I am a fool , I suppose , as well as an invalid .", "Olivia !", "My dear girl , who are you to expect a policeman \u2014\u2014 BELSIZEIf you please ! I want to hear what she 's got to say .Well ?", "Have you got to go back ?", "Oh !...", "It 'll cloud over , I expect .", "Doctor 's orders . You know every mouthful 's agony to me . HUBERTThere 's a man here in Weston-super - Mare who stood on his head for twenty minutes for a bet , and he has n't come to yet .", "What !", "What are you reading , dear ? DANOnly the murder again . About the clues that was n't any good .", ": A purely informal visit , I assure you .", "Never you mind , dear .... Any more of those terrible people called ? Reporters ? Police ? DANThere 's a definite fallin \u2019 off in attendance to-day . Sunday , I expect .", "You 're the only one that understands me , Danny , that 's what you are \u2014\u2014 DANThat 's right \u2014\u2014", "I 'm glad those other people have gone . Awful screeching common women . Answer back , answer back , answer back .... Is n't it time for my medicine ? He hands her glass back . They both drink . DAN sits smiling and nodding at her . That day you said to me about me reminding you of your mother ....These poets and rubbishy people can think all they like about their verses and sonnets and such \u2014 that girl Olivia writes sonnets \u2014 would you believe it \u2014", "The most disgraceful thing I 've ever heard \u2014", "What 's that there ?", "Where d'you throw it ? OLIVIA : I \u2014 I \u2014\u2014", "Oh ...What 's this ?A sonnet . \u201c The flame of passion is not red but white , not quick but slow \u2014 \u201d OLIVIADo n't !", "They say they 've got permits to look for that silly woman \u2014 who are they , I 'd like to know ? If there 's anything I hate , it 's these men who think they 've got authority .", "No fear ! She unlocks the cupboard ; it turns out to be a small but very substantial safe .Wo n't go into Shepperley , indeed ... never heard of such impertinence .... She takes out a cash-box from among some deeds , unlocks it with the smaller key , and takes out a mass of five-pound and pound notes . The way these servants \u2014 what are you staring at ? OLIVIA : Is n't it rather a lot of money to have in the house ?", "I 've had a relapse since then . My heart 's going like anything . Give me a chocolate . OLIVIA rises and fetches her a chocolate from a large box on the table .", "Tch ! tch ! DAN\u201c ... He buried the body shallow in the open pit , cunnin'ly chancin \u2019 it bein \u2019 filled , which it was next day , the eleventh \u2014\u2014 \u201dThat was the day \u2018 fore I come here ....", "Missing woman indeed ! She 's more likely than not at this very moment sitting in some saloon bar . Or the films , I should n't wonder .pass me my wool , will you .... OLIVIA crosses to the desk . A knock at the kitchen door : DORA appears , cautiously .", ": I think I 'd like the Bible .", "Yes ...", "Oh , Danny , you are a terror !He 's been at me like this all the way . I must say it keeps me alive . DANBut you feel dead . I get you .", "I 'll make him keen . Who is the gentleman ?", "I 'm very annoyed with you . How are you going to get there ?", "It 's enough to have those policemen prying , you forward girl , without \u2014\u2014 OLIVIAPlease ! Has he ?", "Where is it ?...", "Just the nice ripe sort of place for mischief , it always looked to me . All those lanterns .... What 's his character , the good - for-nothing scoundrel ?", "Tch , tch !... All this sensation-mong \u2014\u2014 DAN drowns her speech by deftly pouring the spoonful of medicine down her throat . He pushes her chocolate-box towards her , and strides briskly into the hall . Horrid .... DANGood for you , though , the way you are ....", "A page-boy or something of the sort . DORA comes back to the front door , looks back , and beckons . She is followed by DAN , who saunters past her into the room . He is a young fellow wearing a blue pill-box hat , uniform trousers , a jacket too small for him , and bicycle-clips : the stub of a cigarette dangles between his lips . He speaks with a rough accent , indeterminate , but more Welsh than anything else . His personality varies very considerably as the play proceeds : the impression he gives at the moment is one of totally disarming good humour and childlike unself-consciousness . It would need a very close observer to suspect that there is something wrong somewhere \u2014 that this personality is completely assumed . DORA shuts the front door and comes to the back of the sofa .", "Oh ?", "You do n't mean to tell me they 're still at it ? But they 've been pottering about since ... when was that day Mr. Dan left the Tallboys ? DORAMister Dan ? DANAhem !...", "No such thing ; it 's a club . It 's got a wiggle on it .", "The boy 's a teetotaller .", "Danny !", "Yes !You 're a funny boy to be a page-boy . DAND'you think so ?", "You 're a proper one to talk about next summer , when Dora there 'll be up hill and down dale with a perambulator . Now look here , young man , immorality \u2014", "I \u2014\u2014 wheel me over to that cupboard . OLIVIA is about to do so , when she catches DAN 'S eye . OLIVIAPerhaps you 'd go into the kitchen and get the paper from Mrs. Terence ? DANOf course I will , madam ! Anythin \u2019 you say ! Anythin \u2019 you say ! He careers into the kitchen , still carrying the Bible . MRS. BRAMSON has fished up two keys on the end of a long black tape . OLIVIA wheels her over to the cupboard above the fireplace .", "What 's she like ? DANBut I thought you said \u2014 or somebody said \u2014 something about \u2014 a murder ?", "My niece . Gone for the night , if you please .", "Sh !", "I 'll never forget that . Not as long as I live ...I want a chocolate now .", "Oh , Danny .... You 're the only one ... She shuts her eyes . He stands behind her , and puts the chocolate into her mouth . His fingers close slowly and involuntarily over her neck : she feels his touch , and draws both his hands down , giggling , so that his face almost touches hers .What strong hands they are .... You 're a pet , my little chubby-face , my baby-face , my Danny .... Am I in a draught ? A pause . DAN draws his hands slowly away , walks to the back , and shuts the plush curtains . I 've got to take care of myself , have n't I ? DANYou have . He picks up the paraffin can briskly and goes towards the kitchen .", "So was I ... East Lynne 's nice , though .", "The Tallboys ? D'you mean that new-fangled place all awnings and loud speakers and things ?", "Good , is n't it ? DANOh , yes , reelistic ....\u201c \u2018 I see you mean to set up among that class of people who pree-tend to dee-spise ornyment , \u2019 scornfully ree-marked Mrs. Vane . \u2018 It is the ree-finement of aff-affectation , Lady Isabel \u2014\u2014 \u2019 \u201d An excited knock at the kitchen door . DORA enters . DAN turns back the page and surveys what he has been reading , scratching his head .", "Ca n't be done ? What d'you mean , can n't be done ? It 's a scandal . What are you paid for ?", "Oh .Go at once into Shepperley and order some . At once !", "That piece you were reading .... It 's Sunday .... Is n't that nice ... all the aches and pains quiet for once ... pretty peaceful .... DAN\u201c Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly , nor standeth in the way of sinners , nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful .... \u201d", "No , I do n't feel like anything sentimental to-night .... DANWhat 'll you have , then ?", "Then why did n't somebody wake me ? Dan , what did he want ?", "I 've lived long enough not to believe the papers .", "You seem very far away , dear . What 's the matter with you ?... Dan !", "What were you thinking , then ?", "Well !", "What 's the matter with her ?", "Go away ! DORA creeps back into the kitchen . You walked out with her last August Bank Holiday ?", "Have you been stealing ? DORAOh , no ! OLIVIAAre you going to have a baby ? After a pause , DORA nods . DORAThe idea of me stealing .... I do go to Sunday school , anyways ....", "What are you staring at ? HUBERTFunny , I can n't get out of my mind what Olivia said about the man being somewhere who 's done it .", "No , I can stand it . OLIVIA comes back from the sun-room .", "Yes ?"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 12}, {"query": ["Good afternoon . Shall I wait for you in your bedroom ?", "Do n't choke \u2018 im , there 's a love ....", "That 's better , eh ?", "Archibald , \u2019 whispered Lady Isabel . \u201d", "Be good , all ! She bustles out of the front door . A pause . DAN sits looking before him , drumming his fingers on the sofa . DORAWhat 's the matter with him ?", "How does it feel ?", "You 'd two helpings of bacon at breakfast , remember \u2014\u2014", "Will that be all for to-day ?", "OLIVIA"], "true_target": ["\u2018 Forgive me , \u2019 she said loudly and in agitation . \u2018 I want to see", ": \u201c \u2018 Thank God , \u2019 inwardly breathed Miss Corny ....", "You know , Mrs. Bramson , what you want is n't massage at all , only exercise . Your body \u2014\u2014", "What ?", "We picked you up ten minutes ago , and I 'd say it was twenty minutes before that , roughly-like , that you passed away .", "So you would ! Just like the pictures .... \u2018 Old your \u2018 ead up , love .", "Very pretty . But the poor thing 'd have felt that much better tucked up in \u2018 ospital instead of lying about her own home gassing her \u2018 ead off \u2014\u2014", ": Sorry .", "Oh , yes !...Shh , he 's coming to .... DAN opens his eyes and looks at her . Welcome back to the land of the living !", "There , lovey , you wo n't be long now .... Ever so much steadier already .... What a bit o \u2019 luck me blowin \u2019 in to-day !... Tt ! tt ! Pouring with sweat , the lad is . Whatever 's he been up to ?"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 12}, {"query": ["He opens the press-cutting ledger .", "Do n't be silly .", "A bore ?Me , a bore ? Upon my word , Olivia , I think you 're a bit eccentric , I do really . Sorry to be rude , and all that , but that 's put the kybosh on it ! People could call me a thing or two , but I 've never been called a bore !", "Look here , this is going a bit too far \u2014 you can n't do this to a chap \u2014", "But last night when you opened the port \u2014\u2014", "Oh .", "The lad pushing the go-cart ?... He 's the devoted son all right , is n't he ? OLIVIAI do n't talk to him much .", "Oh . My holiday 's up on the twenty-seventh .", "Not at all ... I ...Here , you deal with this . It 's beyond me . DANDid you see the picture of me when I was a little fellow ?", "HUBERT", "Well , I did n't \u2014 er \u2014", "What ?", "Everybody likes a good murder , as the saying goes ! Remember those trials in the Evening Standard last year ? Jolly interesting . I followed \u2014 BELSIZEI 'd be very grateful if you 'd all keep your eyes and ears open , just in case ...Good morning ... good morning ... good morning , Mrs. Bramson . I must apologise again for intruding \u2014 He turns to OLIVIA , who is still looking out of the window . Good morning , Miss ... er ... A pause . OLIVIAI 'm so sorry .", ": Good-bye .", "I say , this is a bit thick , you know \u2014 spying \u2014 OLIVIAWe may never have the house to ourselves again . She runs to each window and looks out across the forest . MRS. TERENCE returns carrying luggage : one large and one small suitcase . DORA follows , lugging an old-fashioned thick leather hat-box . MRS. TERENCE places the suitcases on the table ; DORA plants the hat-box in the middle of the floor .", "\u2014 no , thank you ....", "I think I 'll get off before it 's dark . Good-bye , Mrs. Bramson . Good-bye ,", "Why ... his Christian name ?", "Sorry .", "No , really you have to laugh !", "Fed up ?", "Ever seen her ?", "Mr .\u2014 er \u2014\u2014", "The missing female ! In front of the tall man .... You remember the photograph of her in the Mirror ?", "Were you in love with the wench ?", "Ye-es .", "She 's a good one to talk about putting away . Crikey ! She 'll be found murdered one of these days ....\u201c In India a population of three and a half hundred million is loyal to Britain ; now \u2014\u2014 \u201d", "OLIVIA", "Just another servant-girl .... Sorry , Dora .... DORAO. K . OLIVIABus ticket to Thorburton , some snaps ...", "Quite . What 's your idea of him ?", "She looks a bit off-colour , does n't she ?", "Isabel . \u2018 I have prayed Joyce to bring him to me , and she will not \u2014\u2014 \u2019 \u201d", "Oh .How do you do ?", "OLIVIA", "Nice fellow . I 've thought a lot about that prying into his things \u2014 pretty bad show , really , you know .I wonder if they 'll ever nab him ? OLIVIAWhat do you mean ?", "DAN raises his cup as if drinking a toast to MRS. BRAMSON .", "That 's true enough .", "A penny for \u2018 em .", "Well , it was very interesting , he said . Bit ghoulish , of course \u2014", "Damn clever job , you know , quietly .... That was a rum touch , finding that broken lipstick in the rubbish-heap .... You know , the fact they still have no idea where this woman 's head is \u2014\u2014 OLIVIADo n't ....", "That \u201c mighty-lak-a-rose \u201d thing , you mean ? Oh , but it 's a pretty well-known one \u2014", "I 've only been in the county two weeks .... But is he from the", "Well ?", "So I was , by Jove ! Well , I 'll charge off . Bye-bye . He goes out of the front door . OLIVIAYou 're very observant .", "We should n't be doing this \u2014 I feel as if I were at school again \u2014", "The fellow who did it .... Wonder what he 's doing now .", "Turned out to be a squirrel .", "She follows suit .", "Oh , come , come ! You 're being a bit hard on the old countenance , are n't you ?", "I was only joking .", "Dora 's found a belt !", "Who ? A pause .", "Oh , yes , Shakespeare .... Never knew you did a spot of rhyming , Olivia ! Now that 's what I mean about you .... We 'll have to start calling you Elizabeth Bronte ! She turns away . He studies her . You are bored , are n't you ? He walks to the sun-room . She rouses herself and turns to him impetuously .", "Er \u2014", "Then why do n't you leave ?", "Yes .... Very jolly . DANDid you ? It was in the inside of my wallet .", "I should jolly well think it is awkward for a chap ! Though of course , never having been in the same jam myself \u2014", "Well , I \u2014", ": Good-bye , Hubert . I 'm sorry .", "An all-round chap , really \u2014 that 's me .", "DAN", "You seem to have succeeded . DANI 've thought about it a good bit since , I can tell you . Though it 's a bit awkward talking about it in front of strangers ; though you all look very nice people ; but it is a bit awkward \u2014", "I say , what a shame !...", "How they all love it .... How 's the old lady bearing up in the old invalid chair , eh ?"], "true_target": ["She 's coming back .... OLIVIA rises and goes to the right window . HUBERT hurries into the sun-room . MRS. BRAMSON is wheeled back from the kitchen by MRS. TERENCE , to the centre of the room . Shehas found the pretext for the scene she has been longing to make since she got up this morning .", "Did n't realise it was one till I 'd said it . Sorry .", "Really .", "D'you think he 's a thief or something ? By Jove , I left my links on the washstand before lunch !", "There 's nothing to be ashamed of in being steady . I 'm steady myself .", "No bigger than my hand ! Funny thing to happen , I thought .", "Terrible ....", "Oh ....It is n't about my car , is it ?", "Yes , I was , as a matter of fact . DANOh ....", "Sorry ; my mistake .", "You do say some jolly rum things , Olivia , upon my soul .", "I suppose you 'd be more likely to say \u201c Yes \u201d if I were an unmitigated bounder ? OLIVIAOh , do n't be silly .... HUBERTYou 're a rum girl , Olivia , upon my soul you are . P'raps that 's why I think you 're so jolly attractive . Like a mouse one minute , and then this straight-from-the-shoulder business .... What is a sonnet ?", "Well \u2014 OLIVIAPerhaps I 'd better introduce myself . I 'm Olivia Grayne , Mrs. Bramson 's niece . I work for her .", "Exactly .", "Not a thing . By Jove , fancy walking in the woods and stumbling over a dead body ! Most embarrassing !", "Though , again , I 'm not the sort that gets into corners with a pipe and never opens his mouth from one blessed year 's end to the other . I can talk .", ": Is it another man ?", "Do n't want to sound rude , et cetera , but women do n't get men proposing to them every day , you know ...Gosh , what a wizard machine \u2014 OLIVIAI can n't think why you want to marry me , as a matter of fact . It is n't the same as if I were very pretty , or something .", "Oh , you do ?", "I should say you do ! A living portrait , if ever there was one , what ? Now \u2014", "Tallboys ?", "DAN", "OLIVIA", "Letter ?", "Ca n't be helped .... It 'll get dark early to-day , I think . Funny how the evenings draw in this time of year . Good night .", ": No , you do n't .", ": \u201c \u2018 I want to see Archibald , \u2019 whispered Lady", "That 's true . That 's why he 's made such a hit with her . Funny I have n't been able to manage it . In two weeks , too ... it 's uncanny .", "And nobody 's seen her since ?", "Good God !...", "I believe her head was cut off at one stroke . NURSEOh , poor thing .... She goes into the bedroom . DAN returns from the kitchen , carrying a tray of tea and cakes .", "I \u2014 er \u2014 did catch a glimpse of it , yes .", ": Is she , by Jove !... Do n't look at me like that , Mrs. Bramson !", "I 'm going out for a breath of air . He takes his hat and stick as he goes through the hall , and goes out through the front door .", "Oh ... yes , of course ....", "Oh .", "Why , d'you know her ?", "Yes .", "Sorry . OLIVIAIt 's a bit of a strain . HUBERTThen why do n't you leave ?", "What man could I possibly meet , cooped up here ?", "Johnny Walker , judging by the whiff of breath I got just now .", "But look here , we can n't do this \u2014 OLIVIA snaps open the lid of the larger suitcase with a jerk . A pause . They look , almost afraid . DORA moves to the back of the table .", "In that case I 'm going for my stroll ... He makes for the door to the hall .", ": Thank you very much .", "That 's all right .", "What is it ?", "I 'm wondering if I 'm going to be able to stand it myself . Coming over here every day for another week . OLIVIAThere 's nothing to prevent you staying at home every day for another week ... is there ? HUBERTOh , yes , there is . What d'you think I invite myself to lunch every day for ? You do n't think it 's the old geyser , do you ? OLIVIANo . She comes down to the table .", "Are you shy with ladies ? DANOh , yes . OLIVIA moves away coldly . DAN turns to MRS. BRAMSON .", "Sorry . Ca n't be helped . Sorry . DANThere we are .\u2014 Nice outing , eh \u2014", "You do n't think he 's a wrong \u2018 un , do you ?", "Surely he 's got more to say for himself to-day than when I met him before ?", "What gentleman ? What duty ?", "\u201c Always carry a stick 's \u201d my motto . I 'd like to see a tramp try anything on with me . Ah-ha ! Swish !", "He looks pretty honest .", "Oh , we don'tknow , of course , but there might have been , might n't there ? DANYes , there might have been , yes !", "What 's changed you ?", "Oh .", ": Dan . Just Dan .", "But you could , if you married me ! Now , look here \u2014\u2014You said you 'd tell me to-day . So here I am \u2014 er \u2014 popping the question again . There 's nothing much to add , except to go over the old ground again , and say that I 'm not what you 'd call a terribly brainy chap , but I am straight .", "You can n't ? But you told me that day we might make a go of it , or words to that effect \u2014\u2014", "This wench is rather fetching .", "I wonder how soon the old girl 'll get his number ?... Oh , but fair play , we 're talking about the chap as if he were the most terrible \u2014\u2014", "As a matter of fact , funny thing did happen to me . Tuesday afternoon it was , I remember now .", "DAN sits in HUBERT 's chair ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 12}, {"query": ["What awful things ?", "It crossed my mind for a minute . You stand a pretty poor chance there , you know . DANWhat d'you bet me ? OLIVIA turns from him , annoyed , and puts the wool away .", "I 'm sure of it .", "He does . For her .", "What do we know about him ?", "But I thought you were so much better \u2014\u2014", ": I do n't know what to think now . I suppose not .", "You work at the Tallboys , do n't you ?", "Oh , it 's no use \u2014 She goes to the armchair below the fireplace and sits in it . DAN returns from the kitchen , with a copy of the \u201c News of the World , \u201d the Bible tucked under his arm , a cigarette stub between his lips .", "And what was there to your life at the Tallboys ?", "I 'm concerned in \u2014 DANIt 's all right .I 'm the feller . Anything I 'm concerned in , I run all by myself . If there 's going to be any putting me on a public platform to answer any questions , I 'm going to do it by myself ...or not at all . I 'll manage myself all right \u2014", "There 's been a murder , you know .", "I do n't think so . The trees look beautiful with the sun on them . Everything looks so clean .Shall I pack the other half of Mrs. Henry Wood ?", "Getting up at seven , mending my stockings or washing them , having breakfast with a vixenish old woman and spending the rest of the day with her , in a dreary house in the middle of a wood , and going to bed at eleven .... I 'm plain , I have n't got any money , I 'm shy , and I have n't got any friends . DANDo n't you like the old lady ?", "Half ticket to Shepperley Palais de Danse ...", "She 's gone into the clearing for some firewood .", "No . DANWell , everybody else does ! OLIVIAYour eyes are set quite wide apart , your hands are quite good ... I do n't really know what 's wrong with you . DAN looks at his outspread hands . A pause . He breaks it , and goes nearer to her . DANYou know , I 've been looking at you too . You 're lonely , are n't you ? I could see \u2014", "Does he talk to you at all ? DORAOh ... only how-do-you-do and beg-your-pardon . I 've never really spent any time in \u2018 is company , you see . Except , o \u2019 course \u2014", "What do you mean ?", "Yes , I do . That incredible vanity ... they always have it . Always .", "It can n't be in this room .... It must be a light in the wood .", "Oh , Dan 's room used to be the box-room .", "Of course it was n't . DORAOh .... Please , mum , \u2018 e 's \u2018 ere .", "Did he \u2014 know how much money there is in there ?", "It does n't interest me very much what I look like .", "I 'm sorry , Hubert , but I can n't .", "Would you like some food , Hubert ?", "Yes , of course , it 's mine ! I missed it last week ....", "Nothing 's changed me , Hubert . I 've just thought the matter over , that 's all . A pause . He crosses towards the fireplace .", "You have n't a very high opinion of women , have you ? DAN makes a gesture with his hands , pointing the thumbs downwards with a decisive movement .", "Yes , terrible .", "Has ... anybody else asked you for it ?", "Mrs. Terence is getting the tea . DANShe do n't make tea like me . I 'm an old sailor , Miss Grayne . Do n't you forget that . He goes into the kitchen .", "I could kill her . A pause . She realises what she has said . DANOh , no , you could n't !... Not many people have it in them to kill people .... Oh , no ! She looks at him . A pause . He studies the palms of his hands , chuckling to himself .", "I 'll tell you why , then , if it makes you feel any better . You 're cautious ; and you want to marry me because I 'm quiet . I 'd make you a steady wife , and run a home for you .", "You do live in your imagination , do n't you ? DANYes .... It 's the only way to bear with the awful things you have to do .", "Yes , auntie ?", "She wrote your favourite book \u2014 East Lynne .", "Well , here we all are , perfectly ordinary English people . We woke up ... no , it 's silly .", "Arrangements ?", "I \u2014 I threw it away .", "Am I ?", "I was just thinking ... I often wonder on a very fine morning what it 'll be like ... for night to come . And I never can . And yet it 's got to ....It is silly , is n't it ? DORA comes in from the kitchen with a duster and crosses towards the bedroom . She is a pretty , stupid , and rather sluttish country girl of twenty , wearing a maid 's uniform . She looks depressed . Who are those men , Dora ?", "You do n't mean she may be ... she may n't be alive ?", "So am I . The front door opens and DAN wheels in MRS. BRAMSON . He is as serene as ever , but more animated than before . He is dressed the same as in the previous scene , and is smoking his usual cigarette . HUBERT sits at the table . DANBack home again .\u2014 I put your gloves away \u2014\u2014", "Yes .", "Wait a minute , was n't there another one ?Oh , yes .... HUBERTOh , this ; yes ....", "She 's bursting out of it with health . And loving it more than anybody . This is my latest job \u2014 a press-cutting book . There was a picture of her in the Chronicle yesterday ; she bought twenty-six copies . HUBERTShe 'll get to believe she did it herself in the end .... Is she in ?", "Did Mrs. Bramson call me , do you know ? A pause . He surveys her from under drooping lids , rolling his cigarette on his lower lip .", "N-no , I do n't think so .", "Over there , behind the clearing .", "The morning ?... DAN 'S VOICE\u201c ... their home addresses ... and their caresses ... linger in my memory of those beautiful dames ... \u201d OLIVIA listens , holding her breath ; she tries to say something to MRS. BRAMSON , and fails . She makes an effort , and runs out of the front door . It bangs behind her . DAN comes back from the bedroom , carrying a shawl . DANWhat was that at the door ?", "What on earth do you mean ?", "It 's a bit lonely , but I 'll get used to it .", "And what do they think ?", "I 've never seen a dead body before .... I climbed through the window and nearly fell over it . Like a sack of potatoes , or something . I thought it was , at first .... And that 's murder . As he looks up at her . But it 's so ordinary .... I came back ... As he lights his cigarette . expecting ... haI do n't know ... and here I find you , smoking a cigarette ... you might have been tidying the room for the night . It 's so ... ordinary ....Why do n't you say something !", "Only how ... strange it is .", "I 'm sorry , it 's a waste of time doing your stuff with me . I 'm not the type .Are you playing up to Mrs. Bramson ?", "I think I can diagnose you all right .", "Do I ?", "Good-bye . She goes to the right window-seat .", "I 'm frightened .", "Well ?", "Perhaps there were two pages stuck together .", "All that time ... there may be something ... lying in the woods . Hidden under a bush , with two feet just showing . Perhaps one high heel catching the sunlight , with a bird perched on the end of it ; and the other \u2014 a stockinged foot , with blood ... that 's dried into the openwork stocking . And there 's a man walking about somewhere , and talking , like us ; and he woke up this morning , and looked at the weather . ... And he killed her ....The cat does n't believe a word of it , anyhow . It 's just walking away .", "Oh , Hubert !I thought I 'd cured you of that .", "What 's the matter ?", "I 'd rather spend to-night in the forest than in this house .", "It 's not for me to say . As I told you before , I 'm really a servant here . DANYou 're not a very ordinary servant , though , are you ? OLIVIAN-no ...", "Why ?", "My dear auntie , you can n't have a baby by just sitting in the pictures .", "I wo n't say any more . I know how silly it sounds . DORA runs into the kitchen , snivelling .", "I ... I 've told you .... He smiles at her slowly and shakes his head . She sits at the table and closes her eyes . I got as far as the edge of the wood . I could see the lights in the village .... I came back . She buries her head in her arms . DAN rises , looks at her a moment regretfully , puts away his cigarette , and stands with both hands over the invalid chair . DANShe did n't keep any money anywhere else , did she ?", "I know you will . I just can n't realise it .", "And you are acting all the time , are n't you ? DANActin \u2019 ? Actin \u2019 what ?Look at the way I can look you in the eyes . I 'll stare you out .... OLIVIAI have a theory it 's the criminals who can look you in the eyes , and the honest people who blush and look away . DANOh .... OLIVIAIt 's a very blank look , though , is n't it ? DANIs it ?", "Yes , I know .", "He 's acting ... every minute of the time . I know he is ! But he 's acting pretty well , because I do n't know how I know .... He 's walking about here all day , and talking a little , and smiling , and smoking cigarettes .... Impenetrable ... that 's what it is ! What 's going on \u2014 in his mind ? What 's he thinking of ?He is thinking of something ! All the time ! What is it ? DAN enters from the front door and smiles broadly at them .", "Enough to marry Dora ?", "I 'm sorry . Is my cigarette worrying you ?", "Uncanny ?... I think it 's clever .", "What light ?", "I \u2014 I could n't afford it .", "I 'm being silly , I know \u2014 of course I ought to get married , and of course this is a wonderful chance , and \u2014 HUBERTGood egg ! Then you will ? OLIVIAGive me a \u2014 another week or two \u2014 will you ?", "I can n't stay in this house to-night .", ":", "I wonder if I would ...."], "true_target": ["Oh .... She senses his insolence , goes self-consciously to the desk and takes out the wool .", "I 'm not interested , I 'm afraid .", "The atmosphere must be getting her down too .", "Why ?", "Looks ?It 's rather frightening to think what a face can hide .... I sometimes catch sight of one looking at me . Careful lips , and blank eyes .... And then I find I 'm staring at myself in the glass ... and I realise how successfully I 'm hiding the thoughts I know so well ... and then I know we 're all ... strangers . Windows , with blinds , and behind them ... secrets . What 's behind his eyes ?You 're quite right , it is morbid .", "Disappointed ?", "Would you like me to read some more ?", "You can talk too .", "I \u2014 I 've had a telegram . A friend of mine in London 's very ill .", "Murderers . A pause . They stare at her .", "What d'you think of Dan ?", "I was .", "I never have . Nobody has . You 've stopped acting at last . You 're real . Frightened . Like a child .They must n't come in ....", "In Langbury , with Hubert Laurie and his sister .", "I 've read a lot about evil \u2014\u2014 DAN realises his hands are wet with paraffin and wipes them on his trousers .", "I do n't want a husband .", "They 're from Scotland Yard , and they do n't wear helmets .", "You have n't any feelings ... at all .... He looks slowly up at her . She has struck home . But you live in a world of your own .... A world of your own imagination .", "Why can n't I ?", "It 's more than that . I 've kept on saying to myself : No , murder 's a thing we read about in the papers ; it is n't real life ; it can n't touch us . ... But it can . And it 's here . All round us . In the forest ... in this house . We 're ... living with it .Bring his luggage in here , will you , Mrs. Terence ?", ":", "A clean pair of socks ... packet of razor-blades ...", "I never expected to come across it in real life . DANYou did n't ought to read so much . I never got through a book yet .... But I 'll read you all right ....You have n't had a drop to drink , and yet you feel as if you had . You never knew there was such a secret part inside of you . All that book-learnin \u2019 and moral-me-eye here and social-me-eye there \u2014 you took that off on the edge of the wood same as if it was an overcoat ... and you left it there !", "Has Dan said any more about marrying you ?", "Yes ! It 's got all my letters in it !", "You 've only had two weeks of her . I 've had six . A pause . She sighs restlessly .", "I do n't believe a word of it .", "That 's the fifth action she 's threatened to bring this week .", "I have n't seen anything , I 'm afraid .... Oh \u2014 I saw some men beating the undergrowth \u2014", "Walking .", "Oh ...", "That 's just it \u2014 and then he 's suddenly so ... extraordinary . I 've felt it ever since I heard him sing that song \u2014 I told you \u2014", "It is trying , is n't it ?", "It 's all right . You wo n't die . I 'll tell them I made you do it . I 'll tell lies \u2014 I 'll tell \u2014\u2014 A third and louder knock at the front door . She realises she must answer , goes into the hall , opens the front door , and comes back , hiding DAN from view . BELSIZEGood evening .... Sorry to pop back like this \u2014\u2014 He comes into the room , followed by DORA and MRS. TERENCE , both terrified .", "Yes , auntie ?", "But that 's hundreds of pounds ! It \u2014\u2014", "What ? DORAThis ! She holds out her left arm and lets jail from her fist the length of a soiled belt . A pause . OLIVIA puts down her pencil and pad , goes to her , and looks at the belt .", "It 's such a very inadequate expression , do n't you think ?...How bright the sun is to-day .... She is pensive , far-away , smiling .", "You 're very conceited , are n't you ? DANYes ....", "Asking questions . DANCarry on ! He studies his outspread hands . OLIVIAAre you sure you were ever a sailor ? Are you sure you were n't a butcher ? A pause . He looks at her , slowly , then breaks the look abruptly . DANAw , talkin 's daft ! Doin 's the thing !", "But when you 're alone ?", "I 've thought it over since then , and I 'm afraid I can n't . A pause .", "And that 's all .", "Do n't !... I 'm frightened of you !... DANWhy ? OLIVIAHow do you know I lie awake at night ? Shall I tell you why ? Because you 're awake yourself ! You can n't sleep , can you ?...You can n't sleep ! There 's one thing that keeps you awake ... is n't there ? One thing you 've pushed into the back of your mind , and you can n't do any more about it , and you never will .... And do you know what it is ?... It 's a little thing . A box . Only a box . But it 's ... rather heavy .... DAN looks at her . A long pause . He jerks away with a laugh and sits at the sofa again . DANThe way you was going through my letters the other day \u2014 that had to make me smile .... His voice dies away . Without warning , as if seeing something in his mind which makes him lose control , he shrieks loudly , clapping his hands over his eyes : then is silent . He recovers slowly and stares at her .It 's the only thing that keeps me awake , mind you ! The only thing !But I do n't know what to do .... You see , nothing worries me , nothing in the world , only ... I do n't like a pair of eyes staring at me ...with no look in them . I do n't know what to do ... I do n't know ... Without warning he bursts into tears . She sits beside him and seems almost about to put her arms about him . He feels she is there , looks into her eyes , grasps her arm , then pulls himself together abruptly .But it 's the only thing ! I live by myself ...inside here \u2014 and all the rest of you can go hang ! After I 've made a use of you , though ! Nothing 's going to stop me ! I feel fine ! I \u2014 BELSIZE crosses outside . A sharp knock at the front door . She half rises . He motions her to sit again .All right ! Anybody 's there , I 'll deal with \u2018 em \u2014 I 'll manage myself all right ! You watch me ! He goes to the front door and opens it . BELSIZEHello , Dan ! How 's things ? DANNot so bad .... He brings BELSIZE into the room . BELSIZEAfternoon , Miss Grayne ! OLIVIAHow do you do .... She makes an effort to compose herself and hurries across to the sun-room . BELSIZE 'S attitude is one of slightly exaggerated breeziness : DAN 'S is one of cheerful naivete almost as limpid as on his first appearance .", "He 's common and insolent , and I dislike him intensely .", "I do n't think they 're quite as bad as men who think they 've got charm . She goes back into the sun-room . DAN whistles .", "I 'm sorry , I thought ... Why , inspector , what are you doing with my box ?", "Here 's a group .... Look , Hubert .... HUBERT joins her in front of the table .", "DAN", "You 've been drinking , have n't you ? DANYou do n't miss much , do you ? OLIVIANo . DANI 've been drinking , and I feel fine ! ...You would n't like another dose of reading ?", "I 'll keep it in my wardrobe ; it 'll be safer there .... With sudden feverish resolution , she picks up the box and carries it into the kitchen . DAN looks the other way as she passes him .", "They 've got it in the papers !", "You are acting , are n't you ? DANYes ! OLIVIAAnd what are you like when you stop acting ?", "Here it is ....\u201c Disappeared mysteriously ... woods round the village being searched \u201d ... then her description ... tall ... blonde ....", "Listen to me . I 've never known before what it was to be terrified . But when I saw today beginning to end , and to-night getting nearer and nearer ... I felt my finger-tips getting cold . And I knew it was fright ... stark fright . I 'm not a fool , and I 'm not hysterical ... but I 've been sitting in my room looking at myself in the glass , trying to control myself , telling myself what are real things ... and what are n't . I do n't know any longer . The day 's over . The forest 's all round us . Anything may happen .... You should n't stay in this house to-night . That 's all .", "I hate you . I ... hate you ! DANAnd same as anybody out for the first time without their overcoats , you feel as light as air ! Same as I feel , sometimes \u2014 only I never had no overcoat \u2014Why \u2014 this is my big chance ! You 're the one I can tell about meself ! Oh , I 'm sick o \u2019 hearin \u2019 how clever everybody else is \u2014 I want to tell \u2018 em how clever I am for a change !... Money I 'm goin \u2019 to have , and people doin \u2019 what they 're told , and me tellin \u2019 them to do it ! There was a \u2018 oman at the Tallboys , was n't there ? She would n't be told , would she ? She thought she was up \u2018 gainst a soft fellow in a uniform , did n't she ? She never knew it was me she was dealin \u2019 with \u2014\u2014 me ! And this old girl treatin \u2019 me like a son \u2018 cause I made her think she was a chronic invalid \u2014 ha ! She 's been more use to me to-nightthan she has to any other body all her life . Stupid , that 's what people are ... stupid . If those two hadna \u2019 been stupid they might be breathin \u2019 now ; you 're not stupid ; that 's why I 'm talkin \u2019 to you .You said just now murder 's ordinary .... Well , it is n't ordinary at all , see ? And I 'm not an ordinary chap . There 's one big difference \u2018 tween me and other fellows that try this game . I 'll never be found out . \u2018 Cause I do n't care a \u2014\u2014The world 's goin \u2019 to hear from me . That 's me .You wait ....But you can n't wait , can you ?", "You follow me perfectly well . He shrugs his shoulders , laughs , and goes on whittling .", "Pneumonia .", "The maid 's going to have a baby .", "It 's a poem of fourteen lines .", "It 's himself .", "I \u2014 I can .", "I prefer talking . DANCarry on .", "What awful writing ....", "Oh ?", "I know you are . HUBERT : Then why are n't you keen ? OLIVIABecause you 're an unmitigated bore .", ": Well ?", "If you give me the key , I 'll get it for you .", "She 's gone over to Breakerly to interview a local paper .", "DAN", "What 's Dora done now ?", "Here 's something ... \u201c A keeper in the Shepperley woods was closely questioned late last night , but he had heard nothing , beyond a woman 's voice in the woods on the afternoon in question , and a man 's voice , probably with her , singing \u2018 Mighty Lak a Rose . \u2019 Enquiries are being pursued .... \u201d", "Bores never are . People are too bored with them to call them anything .", "Has he asked you for it ?", "But what you 've just seen ... that 's exactly what I mean ! It 's acting ! He 's not being himself for a minute \u2014 it 's all put on for our benefit ... do n't you see ? HUBERTD'you know , I think you 're in love with him . OLIVIADo n't be ridiculous .", "Yes , you can .", "Yes . There were some in the kitchen .", "What ?", "I wonder .", "Somebody 's watching the bungalow .... He looks at her , as if he did not understand . DANNobody 's watching !...I 'm the one that watches ! They 've got no call to watch me ! I 'll go out and tell them that , an \u2019 all !I 'm the one that watches ! The light crosses the window again . He stares , then claps his hands over his eyes .Behind them trees .Hundreds back of each tree .... Thousands of eyes . The whole damn world 's on my track !...What 's that ?... Like a big wall fallin \u2019 over into the sea ....OLIVIAThey must n't come in .... DANYes , but ...you 're lookin \u2019 at me as if you never see 'd me before ....", "I 've nothin \u2019 to go on , but I think she 's been ... murdered .", "I do n't know , but I feel so strongly ... Is Dora there ?...Dora !", "I 've never heard you make a joke before , Hubert .", "How extraordinary ....", "I do n't know .... Suppose there is something ... inside it ? A pause . They stare at her , fascinated by her thought . The front door bangs . They are electrified into action : but it is too late . It is DAN . He goes briskly to the table .", "I know I 'm being tiresome , but \u2014"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 12}, {"query": ["The paperboy 's at the back door and says you 're in the News of the World again .", "And \u2018 e says there 's a placard in Shepperley with your name on it .", "Would you be wanting anything ?", "Something ?", "If it 's them police again , I 'll bash their helmets in with this . If it lands me three months , I will .", "How can I leave , with the whole village waitin \u2019 on me to tell \u2018 em the latest ?I \u2018 eard \u2018 er \u2018 ead must have been off at one stroke . One stroke ....", "I do n't want to go . I might \u2018 ave to be arrested for stealing sugar .", "What d'you want for lunch tomorrow ?", "Now , now , turnin \u2019 against the apple of your eye ; can n't \u2018 ave that goin \u2019 on \u2014\u2014 A sharp knock at the front door . DAN starts up and goes towards the hall .", "Oh , terrible , terrible . There 's one word for it ; it 's terrible . Forty-eight hours since they found \u2018 er . They 'll never get \u2018 im now .", "Oh yes .... It 's the \u2018 eadline in this one .\u201c Do n't know what to call you , but you 're mighty lak a rose . \u201d ... Those men have done rummaging in the garden , anyway .", "There was another charabanc load just after two o'clock . All standin \u2019 round the rubbish - \u2018 cap eatin \u2019 sandwiches . Sensation , that 's what it is .", "I do n't walk . I cycle .", "Why , what 's \u2018 e done ?", "King Kong out ....", "Conked out .", "Yes , I 'm \u2018 alf-way there . What d'you think ?", "You do n't still think \u2014", "Mangled , she was , mangled .... Did you see your name in the Express , sir ?", "All this furniture ...", "That 's Dora 's job . Where 's Dora ?", "\u201c ... Next time you strike Newcastle , O. K . by me , baby .... \u201d Ooh !", "Chalfont ? Oh , yes ! Dyed platinum blonde \u2014 widow of a colonel , so she says , livin \u2019 alone , so she says , always wearin \u2019 them faldalaldy openwork stockings . Fond of a drop too . That 's \u2018 er .", "\u2018 Is luggage ?Give me a \u2018 and . Wide-eyed , she goes into the kitchen , followed by DORA .", "Are you sure you did n't do it , sir ?", "Look at \u2018 er !... The impudence , \u2018 er being taken in a bathing-suit !...", "Terrible liar , o \u2019 course . But then a lot of us are . Told me he used to \u2018 unt to \u2018 ounds and \u2018 ave \u2018 is own pack . Before \u2018 e went up in the world and went as a page-boy , I suppose . OLIVIAYou see ? He would n't try that on with us , but could n't resist it with her .", "You \u2018 ave a nice long walk while you get the chance ; you wait on \u2018 er too much ....Ooh , ai n't it dark .... Got the torch , Dora ?", "Ask me no questions , I 'll tell you no lies . BELSIZEWell , anyway ... Mrs. Chalfont left the Tallboys last Friday afternoon , without a hat , went for a walk through the woods in this direction , and has never been seen since . He makes his effect .", "Oh ... come in , sir .It 's a civilian for a change . She is followed by HUBERT . HUBERTI say , this is all getting pretty terrible , is n't it ?", "They 've got it in the papers ! D'ye want any ?", "That 's a living lie .Here are your roses .", "A p'liceman . A bobby .", "Why , Mr. Laurie , it might be you ! After all , there 's nothing in your face that proves it is n't !", "Something light . O. K . Good night . She goes back into the kitchen . DAN scans the newspaper casually .", "Made my blood run cold . \u201c Danny ! \u201d she screamed . \u201c Danny , where are you ? \u201d she said . She wanted \u2018 im back , she did , to save \u2018 er \u2014\u2014", "He 's lookin \u2019 at himself in the glass .... A pause . DANThis is the real thing , my boy . Actin \u2019 .... That 's what she said , was n't it ? She was right , you know ... I 've been playin \u2019 up to you , have n't I ? I showed you a trick or two , did n't I ?... But this is the real thing .Got a cigarette ?...You 're not goin \u2019 to believe what she said ? About helpin \u2019 me ? BELSIZENo .Plenty of women get a bit hysterical about a lad in your position . You 'll find \u2018 em queuing up all right when the time comes . Proposals of marriage by the score . DANWill they ?", "He says he wants to see you very particular \u2014 A sharp rat-tat at the front door .On a very particular matter ....And do n't you start callin \u2019 me silly ! Going to the front door , and opening it . This way , sir .... BELSIZE enters , followed by MRS. TERENCE . He is an entirely inconspicuous man of fifty , dressed in tweeds : his suavity hides any amount of strength .", "They 're still looking for the \u2018 ead . HUBERTNo , thanks . I had lunch .", "Where from ?", "What 'll you \u2018 ave for tea , scones or crumpets ? Ca n't make both .", "Better ask \u2018 im . I know my conscience is clear ; I do n't know about other people 's .", "Oh ... was it ?", "The way you worked us all up ! Does n't it all go to show \u2014 She hears DAN return , and looks round apprehensively . He goes to the table slowly and looks at the two suitcases . DANWould you mind please givin \u2019 me a hand with the tidyin \u2019 up ?...And carryin \u2019 the other one ?...Looks as if we 're goin \u2019 on our holidays , does n't it ?... OLIVIA is alone for a moment . She stares before her , perplexed . DAN returns . She looks away . He looks at her , his eyes narrowed . A pause . Studying her , he takes from a pocket of his jacket a formidable - looking clasp-knife , unclasps it , and tests the blade casually with his fingers . He glances at the mantelpiece , crosses to it , takes down a stick , and begins to sharpen the end of it . OLIVIA watches him . A pause . OLIVIA : Did you do it ? He whittles at the stick .", "If you 're an invalid , I 'm the Prince of Wales . She goes back into the kitchen .", "Who by ?", "Wo n't let me pay the butcher , so I wo n't know where she keeps \u2018 er purse ; but I do know , so put that in your pipe and smoke it ! DANThey say down at the Tallboys she 's got enough inside of \u2018 er purse , too . MRS. TERENCE : Well , nobody 's seen it open . If you \u2018 ave a peep inside , young fellow , you 'll go down in \u2018 istory , that 's what you 'll do ...Something 's boiling over . She rushes back into the kitchen as OLIVIA comes back from the sun-room .", "She was n't interfered with , though . She goes into the kitchen .", "But \u2018 es 's such a \u2014 such a ordinary boy \u2014", "I 've bought three !", "Singlet ...", "Blonde ? I should think she is ... I can n't find it !", "Then you come out and pick the ones you want , and you 'll only \u2018 ave yourself to blame .", "Oh , I expect it 's nothing after all ....", "Do n't be silly , dear , your wife 'll do it to you \u2018 undreds of times ....Pooh ....\u201c Dear Baby-Face my own ... \u201d Signed Lil ....", "Dora !Dora !", "Ooh , Miss Grayne , you give me the creeps ! I 'm glad it is morning , that 's all I can say ....", "Of course he \u2018 as n't \u2014", "Then they 're going to get \u2018 urt ....I can tell by their looks what they think . And they better not think it , neither ."], "true_target": ["She did mention it in conversation .", "D'you mean ... this woman they 're looking for ?", "Well , I must go on me way rejoicin \u2019 .", "I 'm not paid ! And \u2018 ave n't been for two weeks ! And I 'm not coming to-morrow unless I am ! Put that in your copybook and blot it . She goes back into the kitchen , banging the door .", "Oh , it 's a proper \u2018 aunt !", "First time I ever \u2018 eard of Shepperley being in print before \u2014 hi ! She races out of the front door .", "\u2018 Ow many copies d'you want ?", "Good night ! DORAGood night !", "Scotland Yard , I should think . BELSIZE is seen outside , crossing the left window to the front door .", "What ?", "Ca n't be done .", "Oh ... it 's only the paraffin boy ....And you bring stuff on a Saturday night another time . DAN is standing behind MRS. BRAMSON 'S chair .", "It 's a scandal the way the days are drawin \u2019 in .... \u2018 Ave another sip \u2014\u2014 DANYou have n't such a thing as a nip of brandy ? NURSEYes , lovey , I nearly gave you a drop just now \u2014 - DAN takes a flask from her and gulps ; he takes a second mouthful . He gives it back , shakes himself , and looks before him .", ": Waiting \u2018 and and foot on Madame Crocodile , enough to wear", "She \u2018 eard . And then she \u2018 as to save \u2018 er face and pretend she \u2018 as n't . She knows nobody but me 'd stay with \u2018 er a day if I went .", "Dan ? Oh , \u2018 e 's all right . Bit of a mystery .", "Better ?", "The paper-boy 's at the back gate , and says there 's a placard in Shepperley , and it 's got \u201c News of the World \u2014 Shepperley Mystery \u201d on it !", "Well , \u2018 e 's not going to walk about with bloodshot eyes and a snarl all over his face , is he ? She goes into the kitchen .", "All right , you sour-faced old hag . HUBERT drops his pipe . MRS. BRAMSON winces and looks away . MRS. TERENCE clears the table . HUBERTWhat \u2014 what was that she said ?", "I tell you we did \u2018 ear her ! Plain as plain ! And we 'd gone near a quarter of a mile \u2014\u2014", "Do n't frighten the girl ; she 's simple enough now .", "This is all .", "The butcher wants paying . And \u2018 e says there 's men ferreting at the bottom of the garden looking for that Mrs. Chalfont and do you know about it .", "They think it 's me . I know they think it 's me . She goes into the hall and opens the front door . HUBERTGood afternoon , Mrs. Terence .", "I should think he got it from a box-room at the Tallboys \u2014 OLIVIABut it looks so extraordinary \u2014They look at her . She is staring at the box . A pause .", "I 'll give you lurk , my girl , look at the egg on my toby ! Why do n't you learn to wash up , instead of walkin \u2019 about talking like three-halfpennyworth of trash ?", "I said , \u201c That murderer 's been at \u2018 im , \u201d I said , \u201c and it 's the next victim . \u201d I did !", "Oh , she wo n't know anything . She 's as \u2018 alf-witted as she 's lazy , and that 's sayin \u2019 a lot . She 'd cut \u2018 er nose off to stop the dust-bin smelling sooner than empty it , she would . DORA comes in from the kitchen , wiping her hands on her apron .", "A dirty shirt ...", "When I walked in that door and saw \u2018 im lyin \u2019 full stretch on that floor everything went topsy-wopsy .It did ! The room went round and round ....", "You going out ?", ": \u201c Mrs. Bramson Talks . \u201d", "Little did you think , sir , when you was digging that pit for my rubbish , eh ? \u2018 E may \u2018 ave been watchin \u2019 you digging it ... ooh ! I have to sit in my kitchen and think about it .", "Look at \u2018 er bust !", "Passed away , do n't frighten the boy !... Whatever come over you , dear ?", "D'you know what I said to meself when I saw \u2018 im lyin \u2019 there ?", "That Inspector Belsize called .", "Playing with fiddlesticks . We 're only young once ; that \u2018 ot summer too . She 's been a fool , but she 's no criminal . And , talking of criminals , there 's a p'liceman at the kitchen door .", "Oh , leave the child alone .", "She goes back towards the kitchen .", "But you can n't leave \u2018 er \u2018 ere by herself !", "She wants to kiss you good morning , what d'you think .... She collects the table-cloth , fetches a vase from the mantelpiece , and goes into the kitchen . DORA enters gingerly from the bedroom , carrying a cup and saucer on a tray .", "Laws , I 'd be frightened goin \u2019 off by meself .... Well , we 'd best \u2018 urry , Dora .... Good night , Dan . Pity you are n't comin \u2019 our way \u2014 - DAN 'S VOICE : See you in the morning ! Good night !", "Ye-es !", "I could talk me \u2018 ead off and not talk as much as some people I could mention . OLIVIA is alone . A pause . She spreads her paper on the table and finds DAN 'S hat under it . She picks it up and looks at it ; DAN comes in from the kitchen with a ball of tangled string , a cigarette between his lips . He is about to take the books into the kitchen , when he sees her . He crosses to her .", "This way .... She follows BELSIZE into the hall .", "Well , I 've told \u2018 im all I 've seen . A bit o \u2019 love now and again . Though \u2018 ow they make do with all them pine-needles beats me .", "Thought the murderer 'd got you ! A pause . DAN stares , then sits up abruptly .", "Never set eyes on \u2018 er . But you know how people talk . Partial to that there , too , I 'm told .", "You 're wanted .", "Looks ever so sexy , does n't she ?", "Fancy Shepperley bein \u2019 in print .", "Oh ! Ca n't you see this is paraffin ?", "\u2018 E says they 're sellin \u2019 like ninepins \u2014", "Been ever so gay .", "If people knew what to do with their money , they 'd put electric light in their \u2018 omes \u2018 stead of dangerin \u2019 people 's lives . She goes into the kitchen . DAN stares before him , the match flickering .", "I 've stumbled over bodies in them woods afore now . But they was n't dead . Oh , no .", "Got a nice face , \u2018 as n't he ?"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 12}, {"query": ["No . She \u2018 as n't brought it up again , either .", "Well , ma'am , I was going to say I do n't know how to thank you for your generosity .... She goes into the kitchen . The clock chimes .", "He 's not in this one , is \u2018 e ? HUBERTOh , I say ... there she is !", "Oh , yes , it is .... Oh ....", ": Mister Dan first came to work for you , mum , a week last", "The monster 's lurking again . Mechanically DAN takes a box of matches and a cigarette from his pocket .", "Oh , mum , if I got him to let you speak to him \u2014 d'you think I could stay on ?", "Oh ....Oh ... oh ... OLIVIACome along , Dora , it 's not as bad as all that .", "A hand ... Somebody 's hand !... Oh , Miss Grayne ... somebody 's hand .... She runs whimpering into the kitchen , as OLIVIA rises and runs to the left window and looks out .", "Thank you , ma'am . She goes out through the front door .", "\u2018 Ere 's one of a little boy \u2014", "Old-fashioned , is n't it ?", "What 's up with her ? DANThinks she 's been robbed .", "Oh , he 's nice , really . He done the wrong thing by me , but he 's all right , if you know what I mean ....", "There 's something sticking out ....", "Did somebody say Dora ?", "My sister says all this is wearin \u2019 me to a shadow .", "That 's right . On the by-pass .", "Shall I \u2014As a matter of fact , ma'am , he 's gone on a message on his bicycle to Payley Hill this morning , and he said he might pop in to see me on the way back \u2014", "It 's awful to think she may be dead . Awful ....", "BRAMSON stare at DORA ; a pause .", "The men lookin \u2019 for that Mrs. Chalfont . A pause . DAN hums \u201c Dames \u201d under his breath .", "Oh , I do n't think he 's keen ....", "You \u2018 ave n't gone without me , \u2018 ave you ?", "O. K ., honey .", "Did you want me , mum ?", "My boy fr \u2014 my gentleman friend , ma'am , from the Tallboys .", "I can n't wash up properly in that kitchen , with that light . Them little oil lamps is n't any good except to set the place on fire . She goes into the kitchen . DAN drums his fingers on the sofa . MRS. BRAMSON wheels herself from the bedroom .", "No good arguin \u2019 with her \u2014 do n't I know it !", "The little Eton collar .... Oh , dear ... ever so sweet , is n't it ? MRS. TERENCE : Now that 's what I call a real innocent face .... HUBERTWell , that 's that ...."], "true_target": ["As if you was waiting for something to \u2018 appen .", "You ought to know . She goes into the kitchen . DAN and OLIVIA are alone . DAN crosses to the sofa with a laugh , humming gaily .", "Like an explosion . A bomb , or something . OLIVIAI do n't think that 's very likely ....Have you talked to Dan at all this week ?", "Because she was bein \u2019 murdered . I knew it ! I 'd never a \u2019 run like that if I \u2018 ad n't \u2018 eard \u2014\u2014", ": I 've found something !", "You did give me a turn !I think I 'll \u2018 ave a choc .I could n't \u2018 ave walked a step in those trees all by myself . Coming ? DANI 'd have come with you with pleasure , only I 'm going the other direction . Payley Hill way .", "What men , miss ?", "I \u2018 ave n't got a penny only what I earn \u2014 and if I lose my job \u2018 ere \u2014", "What 's \u2018 e doin \u2019 ?", "They 've got it in the papers !", "Them men 's in the wood again .", "A boy I know ; Dan his name is \u2014 \u2018 leas \u2019 \u2018 e 's not a gentleman . He 's a page-boy at the Tallboys .", "If I was , they 'd wait for me . Good afternoon , Miss Grayne . Good afternoon ... sir . DANAre you sure they 'd wait ?", "Yes ....Oh , ma'am \u2014", "Oh ....Oh . \u2018 Ad n't seen them . What are they doing poking about in that bush ? OLIVIAI do n't know . I saw them yesterday too , farther down the woods . DORAI expect they 're looking for something . She goes into the bedroom .", "DAN 'S humming stops abruptly ; he swivels round and looks at", "They 're diggin \u2019 ... in the rubbish-pit ...", "Oh ? DANYes . I still feel a bit funny .", "DORA , his face unseen by the audience . OLIVIA and MRS .", "Plain as plain \u2014\u2014", "Never get the chance . \u2018 E 's too busy dancin \u2019 attendance on Madame Crocodile .... DAN comes back from the bedroom , his cigarette stub between his lips .", "Monday ....", "Was it about me ?", "Oh , \u2018 ere 's a pocket-book . With a letter .", "He 's sort of Welsh , I think . \u2018 E 's been to sea , too . He 's funny , of course . Ever so open . Baby-face they call him . Though I never seem to get \u2018 old of what \u2018 e 's thinking , somehow \u2014", "You look that worried , too , Miss Grayne .", "Conked out ? Oh , dear .... D'you think \u2018 e see 'd something ? I 'll tell you what it is !", "Oh ....\u2018 E 's all right . Takes \u2018 is fun where \u2018 e finds it . And leaves it .... Cracks \u2018 imself up , you know . Pretends \u2018 e does n't care a twopenny , but always got \u2018 is eye on what you 're thinking of \u2018 im ... if you know what I mean .", "She 'll scream the place down ! DANI asked her , this very minute , and she do n't seem to mind . You know what she is . Said it 'd do me good , and wo n't hear of me stayin \u2019 . It 's no good arguin \u2019 with her . DORA puts the chocolates down on the occasional table . She and MRS. TERENCE follow DAN into the hall .", "Oh , is that all .... That 's the fourth time this month she 's thought that . One of these days something will \u2018 appen to her , and will I be pleased ? Oh , baby !... Where 's Mrs. Terence ?"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 12}, {"query": [": Good night !", "The door bangs . A pause ."], "true_target": ["DAN 'S VOICE", "What for ?", ": O. K .!... Toodle-oo !"], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 12}, {"query": ["No .", "How 's the old lady ? DANNot so bad , thanks , inspector ! Gone to bed , and says she did n't want to be disturbed \u2014\u2014", "Ah , well , it 's only natural .... I got a bit of a funny feeling bottom of my spine myself crossing by the rubbish-heap .", "Not yours ?", "Oh ? HUBERTI was walking back to my cottage from golf , and I heard something moving stealthily behind a tree , or a bush , or something . BELSIZEOh , yes ?", "You know , I do n't mind telling you , they reckon the fellow that did this job was a bloodstained clever chap . DANYou do n't say ? BELSIZEHe was blackmailing her , you know .", "DAN turns to follow him . DORA is in the way .", "No , do n't bother .... Good morning . He goes out . MRS. TERENCE shuts the door after him .", "I get you . Like a bit of limelight , eh ? DANWell ... BELSIZELet 's have a look at your hands , old boy , will you ? With an amused look at OLIVIA , DAN holds out his hands . Without warning , BELSIZE claps a pair of handcuffs over his wrists , DAN stares at them a moment , then sits on the sofa and starts to pull at them furiously over his knee . He beats at them wildly , moaning and crying like an animal . He subsides gradually , looks at the others and rises . DANHurt meself ....", ": I 'll tell you . I \u2014", "DAN", ": Well , you see ,", "Come along , old chap , I 'll use a straighter word if it 'll help you . But you 're stalling . She was seen by two of the maids talking to you in the shrubbery . Well ? A pause . DAN bursts into tears , but with a difference . His breakdown a few minutes ago was genuine ; this is a good performance , very slightly exaggerated . BELSIZE watches him dispassionately , his brows knit .", "Unidentified . DANThank you , sir ....Well , though it be clever to leave the lady unidentified and not be caught ... has n't it been more clever to leave her identified ... and still not be caught ?", "No , thanks . I 've got another inquiry in the village ....Oh , just one thing \u2014 might as well just do it , we 're supposed to with all the chaps we 're questioning , matter of form \u2014 if you do n't mind . I 'll have a quick look through your luggage . Matter of form ....", "Oh .", "First door facing \u2014\u2014", "What ?", "So you did have an affair with her ?", "Look here , Dan , any self-respecting murderer would have taken care to mutilate the body to such a degree that nobody could recognise it \u2014 and here we come and identify it first go !Call that clever ?... What d'you think ? DAN catches his eye and crosses to the sofa .", "Why did n't you sleep in your bed on the night of the tenth ? A pause . DAN stiffens almost imperceptibly .", "Well ...", "Mrs. Bramson ? I 'm sorry to break in on you like this . My card ....", "Why did n't you sleep in your bed on the night of the murder ?", "Where d \u2019 you hang out ? DANThrough the kitchen ... here , sir .... First door facin \u2019 ...", "Yes .Regular film star . Made his name . DANIf you can make your name withou nobody knowin \u2019 what it is , o \u2019 course . BELSIZEYes , of course .... But I do n't reckon he 's been as bright as all that . DANOh , you do n't ?", "I 'm very sorry , miss .", "Well , young feller , I 'll be off . You might tell the old lady I popped in , and hope she 's better . DANThank you , sir .... Good day , sir .", ": Come along \u2014\u2014", "Smell of paraffin ... DANYou know what she 's like , inspector , a bit nervy these days \u2014 As BELSIZE goes to the bedroom and flashes a light into it . I 'd no sooner got round the corner she screamed for me \u2014 \u201c Danny , Danny , Danny ! \u201d she was screamin \u2019 \u2014 \u201c Danny , \u201d she calls me , a pet name for Dan , that is \u2014 As BELSIZE goes into the sun-room .I told her so then . I said , \u201c It 's dangerous , that 's what it is , havin \u2019 so much paraffin in the house . \u201d That paraffin \u2014 she should n't ha \u2019 so much paraffin in the house \u2014 His voice trails away . Silence . BELSIZE comes back , his face intent , one hand in coat pocket . A pause . BELSIZEWhat are you doing here ?", "What time was that ?", "All these blood-curdlers , eh ?", "We found her bag in her room ; and maniacs can n't get far without cash ... however dipso or nympho they may be ....", "I 'll find it .", "Bearing up , eh ?", "But it was in ...", "Oh ?... Whose is it , then ?", "We 'll soon find out who 's right .... Now then \u2014\u2014Hello , Dan ! DANHello . BELSIZESecond time to-day , eh ?...", "They always find you out , you know .", "I 've offended her ....", "Ah ... too bad ! Mind if I sit down ?", "I 'm afraid", "That 's better .... Better come along quietly .... He goes up towards the hall . DAN follows him , and takes his hat from the occasional table . As puts it on he catches sight of his face in the mirror .", "Sugar ?... As a matter of fact , you might be useful . Any of you may be useful . Mind my pipe ?"], "true_target": [": She 'll be all right , sir ....", "They occasionally print facts . And murder 's occasionally a fact .", "Mmm .Are you feeling hot ?", "How do you do , sir ....", "Very funny . Anything else ?", "Whoever he was .", "Oh , I see . Thanks . Well now ... HUBERTI know a chap on the Stock Exchange who was taken last year and shown over the Black Museum at Scotland Yard . BELSIZEReally \u2014", "It 's possible .", "Anything else ?", "I 've seen \u2018 em .", "We have n't scared you all out of the house yet , I see !", "Oh , I see ....", "No , thanks , this 'll do ....I see you keep apace of the news ?", "I expect so ....Now I wonder if any of you 've seen anything in the least out of the ordinary round here lately ? Anybody called \u2014 anybody strange wandering about in the woods \u2014 overheard anything ? They look at one another .", "I beg your pardon ?... Oh no ! That sort of thing 's hardly in my line , thank God ... Lonely spot ...Long way for you to walk every day , is n't it ?", "We 've had the woods pretty well thrashed .Those would be the men you saw . Now she was ... HUBERTShe may have had a brain-storm , you know , and taken a train somewhere . That 's not uncommon , you know , among people of her sort .And if what we gather from our friend here 's true \u2014 and she 's both a dipsomaniac and a nymphomaniac \u2014", "I see .... You 're a bit of a milk-sop , are n't you ? DANAm I , sir ?", "Yes .... That 'll be all for to-day . I 'll let you off this once .", "I have n't .", "There 's a lady missing .", ": The remains of the lady ! I wish you would n't talk like that .", "Good day . He goes out through the front door into the twilight , closing it behind him .", "That 's been known .", "Your shirt 's wet through . DANI 've been sawin \u2019 some wood .", "Had you remembered something ? OLIVIA : Oh , no ....", "A piano is heard in the sun-room , playing the \u201c Merry Widow \u201d waltz .", "Why did n't you tell us you were having an affair with the deceased woman ?", "No ! They 'll nab him in no time .", "I see you 've all your wits about you !", "Belsize .", "Yes , I 'm coming to that . But no tramps , for instance ?", "No more news for me , I suppose ?", ": She was a very flashy type of wo \u2014 she is a flashy type ,", "No , thanks . DANWould you like to see Mrs. Bramson , sir ?", "I do n't think the lady can quite describe herself as ordinary , after that little flight of fancy !", "A Mrs. Chalfont .", "Been calling long ?", "DAN", "I should say . At least I hope I should say ...", "The Tallboys .", "I can only hope she 's wrong , or it 'll mean a nice job of work for us ! ... Well , if anything funny happens , nip along to Shepperley police station . Pity you 're not on the \u2018 phone . Good morning .... Good morning ....", "Oh , plenty of time . How 's she bearing up ?", "Yours ?", "I just thought if she walked she might use some of the paths , and have seen \u2014 something ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 12}, {"query": ["OLIVIA", "There you are , fresh as a daisy .\u2014 Three lumps , as per usual , and some of the cakes you like \u2014\u2014", "There 's a funny twitching in your neck when you talk \u2014 very slight , of course \u2014 nerves , I expect \u2014 But I hope your doctor knows all about it ... D'you mind if I ask what your ailments are ?", "Not much doin \u2019 round here for a girl , is there ? No answer . It is not a very entertaining quarter of the world for a young lady , is it ? He gives it up as a bad job . DORA comes in from the kitchen . DORAWhat did she ...Oh , beg pardon , miss .... She hurries back into the kitchen . DAN jerks head after her with a laugh and looks at OLIVIA . OLIVIAI 'm not a snob , but , in case you ever call here again , I 'd like to point out that though I 'm employed by my aunt , I 'm not quite in Dora 's position .", "That 's right .", "Carry on .", "This is a club .", "Oh , no , I did n't pick her up ! I asked her for a match , and then I took her for a bit of a walk , to take her mind off her work \u2014", "Why ? OLIVIAOh , I do n't know .... Because nothing much has ever happened to me , and it 's a dull day , and it 's the depths of the country .... I do n't know .... A piercing scream from the bottom of the garden . A pause .", "Yes .... Clears the brain no end .... Makes you understand better ....Makes you see what a damn silly thing it is to get the wind up about anything . Do things ! Get a move on ! Show \u2018 em what you 're made of ! Get a move on !... Fainting , indeed .... Proper girl 's trick , I 'm ashamed of myself ....The light 's going .... The daytime 's as if it 's never been ; it 's dead ....Daft , is n't it ? DORA brings in an oil lamp from the kitchen ; she is wearing her outdoor clothes . She crosses to the table , strikes a match with her back to the audience and lights the lamp , then the wall lamp . The twilight is dispelled . NURSEYou 'll be all right ; a bit light-headed after the fall , I expect .Well , got an abscess the other side of Turneyfield , and a slow puncture . So long , lovey . DANSo long !", "What you say ?", "I got them in my pocket .", "Disappointed ? OLIVIAYes , I suppose I am .", "Well , I do n't know , do I ? And I carry your rug on my shoulder ....See you later ! Be good ! Shutting the front door , his voice dying as the chair passes the left window . Down this way to-day .... A pause . HUBERT and OLIVIA look at each other . OLIVIAWhat do you think of him ? HUBERTHim ? Grannie 's white-headed boy , you mean ? Oh , he 's all right .A bit slow on the uptake , of course . I wish he 'd occasionally take that fag-end out of his mouth .", "She 's a nice bit of ice for next summer , is n't she ?", "You got in your hand .", ": Good day sir ....", "Yes ...", "Well , if I can n't call you Mrs. Bramson , what can I call you ?", "Now have a drop of this ...Go on , do you good ...I am sorry , I am really ... You see , they wanted me to see them to the main path , past the rubbish - heap , see , in case they was frightened . ... Now that 's better , is n't it ? They are seated side by side on the sofa .", "You would n't be bad-lookin \u2019 without them glasses .", "Yes , miss .Twenty-four hours a day , miss . HUBERTThen perhaps you can tell us something about the female who 's been murdered ?\u2014 An unaccountable pause . DAN looks slowly from OLIVIA to HUBERT , and back again . Well , can you tell us ? You know there was a Mrs. Chalfont staying at the Tallboys who went off one day ?", "Gone , I think . DORAOh , law , no !Mrs. Terence !", "What 's the matter ? He looks hastily towards the hall to see no one has heard .", "D'you still think there 's been a bit o \u2019 dirty work ?", "Why , will ye be late for courting ?", "Oh , sir ... it 's been on my conscience ... ever since ...", "Oh , about ... oh , you know how you wake up in the night and do n't know what time it is .... BELSIZEMmm ...", "Can you hear something ?", "Well , when I say I 'll never be found out , what I mean is , no living soul will be able to tell any other living soul about me .Can you think of anybody ... who can go to-morrow ... and tell the police the fire at Forest Corner ... was n't an accident at all ?", "I did . BELSIZEYou did n't .", "Just a friendly call .", "Oh , yes .", "I 'm sure you do .Now where 'll I read ?", "She wants to sit in the sun now and have a bit of East Lynne . Talk about changin \u2019 your mind \u2014 He sees the suitcases on the table before him , and is motionless and silent . A pause . The others dare not move . He finally breaks the situation , takes up \u201c East Lynne \u201d from the table , and walks slowly back to the front door . He stops , looks round at HUBERT , smiles , and comes down to him . His manner is normal \u2014 too normal . Could I have it back , please ? It 's the only one I got ....", "\u201c \u2018 What on earth for ? \u2019 ... \u2018 I did not like to be too fine , \u2019 answered Lady Isabel , with a laugh \u2014 \u201d\u201c \u2014 and a blush . \u2018 They glittered so ! I feared it might be thought I had put them on to look fine . \u2019 \u201d", "Good night . HUBERTGood-bye .", "No chance !", "Oh , yes !", "I could never sleep when I was at sea , neither , sir .", "It 's only fancy , I suppose ... but ... you remind me a bit of her .", "I 'd sooner have anythin \u2019 than a spy .Bar a murderer , o \u2019 course . A pause . He is arranging his property in his wallet . HUBERTWhat \u2014 what did you say ? DANBar a murderer , o \u2019 course ! OLIVIA steps forward . MRS. TERENCE steps back from the chair on which the hat-box has been placed . OLIVIATalking of murder , do you know anything about Mrs. Chalfont 's whereabouts at the moment ? DAN turns to her , and for the first time sees the hat-box . He stands motionless . A pause .", "I dunno ; \u2018 cause I like it ....Now what d'ye say if I ask a question or two for a change ?Just for a change .... Why can n't you take a bit of an interest in some other body but me ? OLIVIAI 'm not interested in you . Only you do n't talk . That 's bound to make people wonder .", "I know you would ....", ": \u201c Their home addresses ... and their caresses ... \u201d", "Then I act more than ever I do .", "At random .... Yes ....", "I can talk a lot sometimes . A drop o \u2019 drink makes a power o \u2019 difference to me .You 'd be surprised .... Ah .... He returns to his work .", "I got them in my pocket too . Here 's your hat \u2014 better put it on yourself .", "Well , d'you know , you ought to get used to letting other people do things for you .", "Only takin \u2019 the paraffin tin in the kitchen . He goes into the kitchen .", "Her eyes was n't very wide apart .", "East Lynne .", "I 'll post them for you .", "Not as nice as the Bible .", "I 'm sorry . Is my cigarette worrying you ?", "Playin \u2019 up ?", "Well , I 'm up against a very serious problem , I am . But the answer to it is as simple as pie , to a feller like me , simple as pie ...She is n't going to be the only one ... found to-morrow ... in the fire at Forest Corner ....Are n't you frightened ? You ought to be !Do n't you think I 'll do it ?", "She died when I was six . I know that , because my dad died two years before that .", "Yes ... it 's night now .\u201c The ungodly are not so , but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away \u2014\u2014 \u201d", "Oh , no , it 's a daft thing \u2014", "Gone ... for the night ?", "Do n't you believe it ....Tch !... Clumsy ....Ah .... He crosses to the table .", "I dunno . Felt sick , I think .Say no more about it , eh ? Do n't like swinging the lead ....", "I 've knocked about a good bit , you know . Never had any advantages , but I always tried to do the right thing .", "I forgot it was Sunday .... They 're goin \u2019 to church in the villages . All got up in their Sunday best , with prayer-books , and the organ playin \u2019 , and the windows shinin \u2019 . Shinin \u2019 on holy things , because holy things is n't afraid of the daylight .", "They both got wiggles on \u2018 em .", "Palpitations !But the way you get about !", ":", "Well ... oh !What about the Bible ?", "And a nice roly-poly puddin \u2019 , the kind you like ?", "No chance !", "I 'm that relieved , sir ! BELSIZEBut do n't try and keep things from the police another time .", "I only keep one ten-bob note in this wallet , for emergencies ....That 's funny . It 's gone . He looks at HUBERT . The others look blankly at one another . ... I expect I dropped it somewhere .... What did you think of the letter ?", "Women do n't have to be drunk to talk .... You do n't talk that much , though ; fair play .You 're a dark horse , you are . A pause . She rises abruptly and stands at the fireplace , her back to him . She takes off her spectacles . Ye know , this is n't the life for you . What is there to it ? Tell me that ! OLIVIAWhat is there to it ...?", "Yes .Oh , I 'm sorry . I always forget my manners with a cigarette when I 'm in company ....I always been clumsy in people 's houses . I am sorry .", "There 's somebody in this room 's holdin \u2019 a flashlight .", "Well , it 's no good her thinkin \u2019 she 's got any , is it ?", "And the sun . Just me and the sun .", "Oh , no , sir , not that ! I avoided her ever after that day she stopped me , sir !... You see , sir , a lady stayin \u2019 where I was workin \u2019 , and for all I knew married , and all the other fellers she 'd been after , and the brazen way she went on at me .... You 're only human , are n't you , sir , and when they asked me about her , I got frightened to tell about her stopping me .... But now you know about it , sir , it 's a weight off my mind , you would n't believe !...As a matter of fact , sir , it was the disgust-like of nearly gettin \u2019 mixed up with her that was keepin \u2019 me awake at nights .", "It 's open , I think . BELSIZE goes into the kitchen . A pause , DAN looks slowly round the room .You can n't miss it .... A pause . The noise of something being moved beyond the kitchen . Dan sits on the sofa with a jerk , looking before him . His fingers beat a rapid tattoo on the sides of the sofa . He looks at them , rises convulsively and walks round the room , grasping chairs and furniture as he goes round . He returns to the sofa , sits , and begins the tattoo again . With a sudden wild automatic movement he beats his closed fists in rapid succession against the sides of his head . BELSIZE returns , carrying the hat-box . BELSIZEThis one 's locked . Have you got the key ? DAN rises , and takes a step into the middle of the room . He looks at the hat-box at last . DANIt is n't mine .", "Yes , sir , bearin \u2019 up , you know ....", "Are you quite comfortable ?", "Yes , sir . Would you like a cup o \u2019 tea , sir ?", "I dunno , it 's so long since I stopped .", "I 'm passing Shepperley post office on the bike before post time to-morrow morning . With pleasure !", "Well , we have met , yes ...", "Well , will you have a cigarette , sir ?...Only a Woodbine \u2014\u2014", "No .", "Oh ... But I do n't like to talk too much about my mother .Makes me feel ... sort of sad ...She had the same eyes very wide apart as you , and \u2014 and the same very good hands ."], "true_target": ["Though this one seems to have made a bit more stir than any of the others , do n't he ?", "My mother , as a matter of fact ... With finely controlled emotion , practically indistinguishable from the real thing . I can just remember her .", "Means well , does Lil ; but we had a row .She would spy on me . And if there 's anythin \u2019 I hate , it 's spyin \u2019 . Do n't you agree ?", "Yes , they would ! I do know , as a matter of fact . I 've known people with palpitations . Somebody very close to me ...They 're dead now ...", "I should say so !", "Yes .... Excuse me smiling , but it sounds funny when you put it like that , does n't it ?", "I bet you was n't half glad , eh ?", "Mrs. Who ? OLIVIA : You can n't pretend you 've never heard of her . DANOh , Mrs. Chalfont 's whereabouts ! I thought she said her name was Mrs. Chalfontswear .Silly .... Swear \u2014 about \u2014 could n't think \u2014\u2014", "Neither do I , but it sounds wonderful .I never saw my mam , and I never had a dad , and the first thing I remember is ... Cardiff Docks . And you 're the first \u2018 oman I ever told that , so you can compliment yourself . Or the drink .I think it 's the drink .", "It 's a pretty bad thing to have , you know . D'you know that nine women out of ten in your position 'd be just sittin \u2019 down givin \u2019 way ?", "My life ? Well .... The day do n't start so good , with a lot of stuck-up boots to clean , and a lot of silly high heels all along the passage waitin \u2019 for a polish , and a lot of spoons to clean that 's been in the mouths of gapin \u2019 fools that looks through me as if I was a dirty window had n't been cleaned for years ....Orders , orders , orders ; go here , do this , do n't do that , you idiot , open the door for me , get a move on \u2014 I was never meant to take orders , never !... Down in the tea - place there 's an old white beard wigglin \u2019 . \u201c Waiter , my tea 's stone cold . \u201dI 'm not a waiter , I 'm a millionaire , and everybody 's under me !... And just when I think I got a bit o \u2019 peace ....there 's somebody ... lockin \u2019 the bedroom door ...wo n't let me get out ; talk , talk , talk , wo n't fork out with no more money , at me , at me , at me , wo n't put no clothes on , calls me everythin \u2019 , lie on the floor and screams and screams , so nothin \u2019 keeps that mouth shut only ...It 's rainin \u2019 out of the window , and the leaves is off the trees ... oh , Lord ... I wish I could hear a bit o \u2019 music ...And I do , inside o \u2019 myself ! And I have a drop of drink ... and everything 's fineAnd when it 's the night ... OLIVIAGo on ! A pause . He realises she is there , and turns slowly and looks at her . DANAha ! I 'm too fly for you ! You 'd like to know , would n't you ? Aha ! Why would you like to know ?Why d'you lie awake ... all night ?", "Yes , I do .", "I should say so ! They can n't hardly wait for the latest on the case in this house , sir .", "You can n't miss it .", ": Was it ?", "Aw , yes ! D'you hear me just now ? She 's right , you know , I should ha \u2019 been a preacher . I remember , when I was a kid , sittin \u2019 in Sunday school \u2014 catching my mother 's eye where she was sitting by the door , with the sea behind her ; and she pointed to the pulpit , and then to me , as if to say , that 's the place for you ....I never forgot that . A pause .", "Why was you so keen on finding me out ? OLIVIAIn the same way any sane , decent-minded human being would want \u2014 would want to have you arrested for the monster you are ! DANWhat d'you come back for ?", "Have you got a son ?", "He sits on the end of the sofa .", "I 'm sorry , I do n't know your name .", "Neither am I . He unpicks a knot , and begins to hum absentmindedly . The humming gradually resolves itself into faint singing .\u201c I 'm a pretty little feller ... everybody knows ... \u201d OLIVIA looks up ; a thought crosses her mind . She turns her head and looks at him . The Curtain begins to fall slowly .\u201c Do n't know what to call me \u2014 but I 'm mighty lak a rose .... \u201d THE CURTAIN IS DOWN", "Affair ? What 's that ?", "Sure you 're comfortable ? Would n't you like a cushion back of your head ?", "Oh , I know \u2014", "Yes .", "No chance !", "And the same palpitations . You do n't mind me talking about your health , do you ?", "Wait a minute ...Are you sure you 're comfortable like that ? Do n't you think , Mrs. Bramson , you ought to be facin \u2019 ... a wee bit more this side , towards the sun more , eh ?You 're looking pale , you know .I am sorry . Excuse rudeness ... Another thing , Mrs. Bramson \u2014 you do n't mind me sayin \u2019 it , do you ?\u2014 but you ought to have a rug , you know . This October weather 's very treacherous .", "I dunno . It is n't mine . OLIVIA stands at the sun-room door .", "Sorry , mum .", "Now ? Well , no , not really ... I 've finished on duty now I done that errand , and this is my half day .", "Through here ? He tosses the books on the sofa and hurries into the kitchen . MRS. BRAMSON holds out her hands and studies them with a new interest .", "Well ... you was n't round these parts the day she bunked , was you ?", "Oh , I hope not ...Though I 'll be putting it all right for Dora . I 'm going to marry her . And \u2014 OLIVIAI do n't believe you . DANYou do n't like me , do you ?", "Well , sir , I 'm a slow thinker , I am , but though it might be clever to leave the lady unide \u2014 unide \u2014\u2014", "Very kind of you , my lady .\u201c But his delight is in the Law of the Lord ; and in His law doth he meditate day and night \u2014 \u201d", "What ?", "Oh , yes , here they are .... HUBERTIs she feeling off colour again ? DANOff colour ? She 's never been on it , man ! To hear her go on you 'd think the only thing left is artificial respiration , And chocolates ....Coming ! He goes , shutting the front door behind him .", "Excuse me a minute ....Would you mind sayin \u2019 something ?", "They say she had several chaps on a string , and \u2014\u2014There was one fellow , a London chap , a bachelor , very citified \u2014 with a fair moust \u2014\u2014HUBERTWhat are you looking at me for ?", "I know .", "Yes I did . Oh \u2014 except for about half an hour \u2014 that 's right . I could n't sleep for toffee and I went up the fire-escape \u2014 I remember thinkin \u2019 about it next day when the woman was missing , and trying to remember if I could think of anything funny \u2014\u2014", "Fine . I been running along the path , see ....I been out of training , I suppose ; when I was at sea I never missed a day running round the decks , o \u2019 course ....", "Clumsy ....", "Well , it 's been a bit of a shock for her , them finding the remains of the lady at the bottom of her garden , you know .", "He says they 're sellin \u2019 like hot cakes !There you are , I 've found the place for you \u2014 whole page , headlines an \u2019 all ....", "Lunch ? To-morrow ?...What about a nice little steak ?", "And here 's your shawl .", "Oh , no , you can n't .", "Well ...Ah-ha !... I have n't had as much to drink as all that !Ah-ha !...", "Washed out .The minute I saw you just now , I said to myself , now there 's a lady that 's got a lot to contend with .", "No , I 'm sure ... Oh , it must be terrible to watch everybody else striding up and down enjoying everything , and to see everybody tasting the fruit \u2014 As she looks at him , appreciation of what he is saying grows visibly in her face . I 'm sorry ...I did n't ha \u2019 ought to say that .", "Thank you . He salutes her , goes to the desk , and takes out the pills . They watch him .", "DAN", "I do n't understand so very well , not bein \u2019 so very liter-er-airy .", "Well ...That 's very kind of you , Mrs. Bramson ...", "Oh , yes . I used to take cigarettes an \u2019 drinks for her .", "What 's she like ?...\u2014 She 's ... on the tall side . Thin ankles , with one o \u2019 them bracelets on one of \u2018 em .Fair hair \u2014 A sudden thought seems to arrest him . He goes on looking at OLIVIA .", "I am sorry , mum . In the Land of Nod , I was ! Let me see , what was it your highness was after ? A shawl ? No sooner said than done .... You watch me ! One , two , three ! He runs into the bedroom .", "You was .", "Yes ....", "It 's Sunday , you know . I was brought up on it !", "A pause , DAN crumples to the floor in a dead faint .", "Oh , yes ... I forgot about you ....Poor little fellow . Poor little chap ....You know , I 'd like somethin \u2019 now I never wanted before . A long walk , all by meself . And just when I can n't have it .That 's contrary , is n't it ? BELSIZEComing ? DANJust commin \u2019Well , I 'm goin \u2019 to be hanged in the end .... But they 'll get their money 's worth at the trial . You wait ! He smiles , and raises his hand to his hat-brim with the old familiar jaunty gesture of farewell . He walks past BELSIZE and out through the front door . BELSIZE follows him . The bang of the front door . OLIVIA falls to the sofa . The sound of DORA 'S sobbing . CURTAIN NIGHT MUST FALL was first presented in London by J. P. Mitchelhill at the Duchess Theatre on May 31st , 1935 , with the following cast : The Lord Chief Justice ERIC STANLEY Mrs. Bramson MAY WHITTY Olivia Grayne ANGELA BADDELEY Hubert Laurie BASIL RADFORD Nurse Libby DOROTHY LANGLEY Mrs. Terence KATHLEEN HARRISON Dora Parkoe BETTY JARDINE Inspector Belsize MATTHEW BOULTON Dan EMLYN WILLIAMS The play produced by MILES MALLESON .", "No .", "Well \u2014 I do n't know ... all right , so long as you let me help a bit this morning ... Do n't you want some string for this ? Where 's it kep \u2019 ?", "But everything 's slippin \u2019 away . From underneath our feet .... Ca n't you feel it ? Starting slow ... and then hundreds of miles an hour .... I 'm goin \u2019 backwards !... And there 's a wind in my ears , terrible blowin \u2019 wind .... Everything 's going past me , like the telegraph-poles .... All the things I 've ever seen ... faster and faster ... backwards \u2014 back to the day I was born .I can see it coming ... the day I was born !...I 'm goin \u2019 to die . A pause . A knock at the front door . It 's getting cold . Another knock , louder . She presses his head to her .", "What d'you come back for ? OLIVIATo find you out . You 've kept me guessing for a fortnight . Guessing hard . I very nearly knew , all the time . But not quite . And now I do know .", "Tch ! tch ! Was he ?", "Bit of an \u2018 eadache , that 's all .", "Oh ... Mrs. Bramson 'll be that relieved . And the whole country besides ....", "Excuse me ...I think I 'll hang it in the hall , same as if I was a visitor ... He does so , then takes up the book , sits on the sofa , and begins to unravel the string . A pause . You do n't mind me stayin \u2019 and havin \u2019 a bit o \u2019 lunch ... in the kitchen , do you ?", "How long I been like that ?", "Well , the ladies , you know ...", "Is it really getting dark ?", "You ought to be very careful .", "It can n't be . A flashlight crosses the window-curtains . OLIVIA turns and stares at it .", "Right you are !...A nice one with a soft centre , the kind you like .... Why , here 's one straight away ....Now shut your eyes ... open your mouth ...", "Should n't be surprised .", ": Shall I pack these books ?", "She had a lot of fellows on a string , though , did n't she ? BELSIZEThat 's true .", "Anybody seen my lady 's pills ? It 's a matter of life and death .... I thought I had \u2018 em . HUBERT chuckles . OLIVIAOh , yes . They 're in the top drawer of the desk . I 'm so sorry .", "Er \u2014 bank holiday morning .", "I thought you were goin \u2019 to stay the night at that feller 's .", "QUICK CURTAIN", "Fancy .", "That 's me .Silly name , is n't it ?I must apologise to all and sundry for this fancy dress , but it 's my working togs . I been on duty this mornin \u2019 , and my hands is n't very clean . You see , I did n't know as it was going to be a party .", "You know , when I told you all that about meself just now , I 'd made up my mind then about you .That 's what I am , see ? I make up me mind to do a thing , and I do it .... You remember that first day when I come in here ? I said to meself then , There 's a girl that 's got her wits about her ; she knows a thing or two ; different from the others . I was right , was n't I ? You \u2014\u2014What 's that light in here ?", "Yes . Where I should be keeping my money , only any bit of money I have I always keep on me .Safer , do n't you think ? HUBERTYe-es ....", "Well , this is the nearest you get to comfort in this house , sir ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 12}, {"query": ["Danny ! HUBERTWhat in God 's name are you getting at ? DAN smiles and shrugs his shoulders regretfully at him , and goes out through the front door . OLIVIA sits at the table ."], "true_target": ["Danny ! DAN rises slowly , his back to the audience . OLIVIA turns and suddenly sees him . Horror grows in her face . The blare of music . The lights dim out ."], "play_index": 12, "act_index": 12}, {"query": ["We shall be glad to produce on the same terms !"], "true_target": ["Well , scarcely . You see the Londoners did not take up your book very warmly ; but we have made an arrangement to dispose of the rest of the issue in the country at a considerable reduction ."], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 13}, {"query": ["And An English Hamlet ?"], "true_target": ["Well , if you have n't got the popular novels I have already mentioned , I will have a book by RIDER HAGGARD , STEVENSON , MEREDITH , or RUDYARD KIPLING .", "Well , an amusing volume of travels or recollections . Can you recommend one ?"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 13}, {"query": ["Dear me , what an odd gentleman ! He 's the first as has read An Oppressed Ophelia , although I have had it in the shop these six months !Illustration : A Man of Letters . Illustration : \u201c Question time . \u201d Illustration : The \u201c Seasonable \u201d Lawyer .", "Oh , yes , we have , Sir . Here , for instance , is one of this year 's novels . It 's called An Oppressed Ophelia . AuthorOh , you have got that , have you ?"], "true_target": ["Got it ! Why , the whole place is full of them ! To tell you the truth , Sir , it came down by mistake . We ordered books by BLACK , MEREDITH , STEVENSON , and the rest of them , and they sent us back , by accident , I suppose , a dozen copies of An Oppressed Ophelia . If you would like it , Sir , I will look you out a copy with some of the leaves cut . AuthorNo , thankee , I 've read it !", "We did have several books of that kind in the Season , Sir , but just now our stock is a little low . AuthorWhy , I do n't believe you have a book in the shop . You seem to be out of everything !", "All out , Sir . Wo n't you have something else ?"], "play_index": 13, "act_index": 13}, {"query": ["Lights there , lights ! Exeunt DUCHESS", "Look on \u2018 t , \u2018 tis gold ; hath it not a fine colour ?", "For I know none by him .", "The presence \u2018 gins to fill : you promis 'd me", "Come , let us walk further from t .", "By the almanac , I think ,", "The Lord Ferdinand", "Pray , sir , tell me ,", "I knew him in Padua ,\u2014 a fantastical scholar , like such who study to know how many knots was in Hercules \u2019 club , of what colour Achilles \u2019 beard was , or whether Hector were not troubled with the tooth-ache . He hath studied himself half blear-eyed to know the true symmetry of Caesar 's nose by a shoeing-horn ; and this he did to gain the name of a speculative man .", "Shows his ambition now ! Unfortunate fortune !", "He has worn gun-powder in \u2018 s hollow tooth for the tooth-ache .", "No , from mine own allowance .", "Much \u2018 gainst his noble nature hath been mov 'd", "Yet in our noble sufferings she hath none .", "To know whither it is flying .", "Now the echo hath caught you .", "Fie , Antonio ,", "That politic safe conveyance for the midwife", "Do you lie here ?", "I misdoubt it ;", "But nets to entrap you . The Marquis of Pescara ,", "You instruct me well .", "Speak to her all happy comfort .", "And not behold your face , which to mine eye", "Your fancy merely .", "Like a deadly cannon", "I think he would run away from a battle ,", "Believe it ,", "I cannot think they mean well to your life", "You want money , but I have brought you some .", "Petitioner for some part of your land ,", "Methinks \u2018 twas yesterday . Let me but wink ,", "And to yond side o \u2019 th \u2019 river lies a wall ,", "For her keeping close .", "Lest the physicians should re-poison her .", "For your repair to Milan , they appear", "That lightens ere it smokes .", "For that you may pretend", "Now , sir , your promise : what \u2018 s that cardinal ?", "That do deprive you of your means of life ,", "A marginal note in the muster-book , that he is", "Try the sound on \u2018 t .", "Grew from the ruins of an ancient abbey ;", "I heard so , and Was arm 'd for \u2018 t , ere I came . Let us make noble use Of this great ruin ; and join all our force To establish this young hopeful gentleman In \u2018 s mother 's right . These wretched eminent things Leave no more fame behind \u2018 em , than should one Fall in a frost , and leave his print in snow ; As soon as the sun shines , it ever melts , Both form and matter . I have ever thought Nature doth nothing so great for great men As when she \u2018 s pleas 'd to make them lords of truth : Integrity of life is fame 's best friend , Which nobly , beyond death , shall crown the end . Exeunt . < 1 > Malfi . The presence-chamber in the palace of the Duchess . < 2 > Prevent . < 3 > The same . < 4 > The reference is to the knightly sport of riding at the ring . < 5 > At the expense of . < 6 > Rolls of lint used to dress wounds . < 7 > Surgeons . < 8 > A small horse . < 9 > Ballasted . < 10 > A lively dance . < 11 > Throws into the shade . < 12 > At the point of . < 13 > Coaches . < 14 > Spy . < 15 > Cheats . < 16 > Spy . < 17 > Malfi . Gallery in the Duchess \u2019 palace . < 18 > Lustful . < 19 > Genesis xxxi ., 31-42 . < 20 > The net in which he caught Venus and Mars . < 21 > Housekeepers . < 22 > Produced . < 23 > Qq . read STRANGE . < 24 > Guess . < 25 > The phrase used to indicate that accounts had been examined and found correct . < 26 > Using words of present time ; i. e ., \u201c I take , \u201d not \u201c I will take . \u201d < 27 > Knot . < 28 > More firmly . < 29 > Of difficult disposition . < 30 > Malfi . An apartment in the palace of the Duchess . < 31 > Chief part . < 32 > Bullies; lawyers< 33 > Royal journey . < 34 > Turning a boat on its side for repairs . < 35 > Scabbed . < 36 > Empty . < 37 > Face-modeling\u201c There 's a plain statement of your practises . \u201d < 38 > Blue like those of a woman with child . < 39 > Scurf . < 40 > Person of highest influence . < 41 > Hysteria . < 42 > This year . < 43 > Clearly . < 44 > Youngster . < 45 > A hall in the same palace . < 46 > Crossness . < 47 > Always . < 48 > The meaner servants . < 49 > At once . < 50 > Cast his horoscope . < 51 > The court of the same palace . < 52 > Making an astrological calculation . < 53 > Going to the root of the matter . < 54 > Write . < 55 > i. e ., on his handkerchief . < 56 > Addressing the lantern . < 57 > \u201c The rest not considered . \u201d < 58 > A piece of news . < 59 > Cleverly contrived . < 60 > Rome . An apartment in the palace of the Cardinal . < 61 > Religious recluse . < 62 > Experienced . < 63 > Sick . < 64 > Medicinal . < 65 > Strong broth . < 66 > Another apartment in the same palace . < 67 > The mandrake was supposed to give forth shrieks when uprooted , which drove the hearer mad . < 68 > Unchaste . < 69 > Supposed to be a sign of folly . < 70 > Throw the hammer . < 71 > Boil to shreds .Qq , TO BOIL . < 72 > Malfi . An apartment in the palace of the Duchess . < 73 > Wealth . < 74 > Lampoons . < 75 > Plowshares . < 76 > Spying . < 77 > Deceptions . < 78 > Soothing . < 79 > The bed-chamber of the Duchess in the same . < 80 > Qq . read SLIGHT . < 81 > Powder of orris-root . < 82 > Wheels of craft . < 83 > Certificate that the books were found correct . < 84 > The badge of a steward . < 85 > Spies . < 86 > Lot . < 87 > For Plutus . < 88 > Quick steps . < 89 > Miss . < 90 > Remains . < 91 > Profession . < 92 > An apartment in the Cardinal 's palace at Rome . < 93 > A decorated horse-cloth , used only when the court is traveling . < 94 > The first quarto has in the margin : \u201c The Author disclaims this Ditty to be his . \u201d < 95 > Near Loretto . < 96 > Small birds . < 97 > His vizard . < 98 > Malfi . An apartment in the palace of the Duchess . < 99 > Curtain . < 100 > The wife of Brutus , who died by swallowing fire . < 101 > By artificial means . < 102 > Profession . < 103 > Spying . < 104 > Another room in the lodging of the Duchess . < 105 > Band . < 106 > Bands . < 107 > Boil . < 108 > Punning on the two senses of \u201c dye \u201d and \u201c corn . \u201d < 109 > From exporting his grain . < 110 > Optical glass . < 111 > The Geneva Bible . < 112 > Petticoat . < 113 > Coach . < 114 > A warm drink containing milk , wine , etc . < 115 > Receptacle . < 116 > A drug supposed to ooze from embalmed bodies . < 117 > Curdled . < 118 > Trial . < 119 > An exclamation of impatience . < 120 > Milan . A public place . < 121 > In escheat ; here , in fee . < 122 > Disbeliever . < 123 > Fraught . < 124 > A gallery in the residence of the Cardinal and Ferdinand . < 125 > A dog which worries sheep . < 126 > A fabulous serpent that killed by its glance . < 127 > Cut a caper . < 128 > Broth . < 129 > Skeletons . < 130 > So Dyce . Qq . BROUGHT . < 131 > Perfumed sweetmeats for the breath . < 132 > Smoke . < 133 > A fortification . < 134 > Milan . An apartment in the residence of the Cardinal and Ferdinand . < 135 > Reality . < 136 > Mistake . < 137 > i. e ., the dead body . < 138 > Another apartment in the same . < end of play >< end of play >< end of play >< end of play >< end of play >", "How fares it with the duchess ?", "He would have undertook to have borne his horse ,", "Very fine !", "It were within this half hour .", "For calling him pot-gun ; he made his head", "Antonio is betray 'd . How fearfully", "Very well :", "Old friends , like old swords , still are trusted best .", "Have a bore in \u2018 t like a musket .", "Battles in model .", "Exit .", "He makes it his dwelling and a prison", "With a letter sent from Malfi . I do fear", "He hath read all the late service", "My life keeps rank with yours .", "Yond \u2018 s the cardinal 's window . This fortification", "Under whom you hold certain land in cheat ,< 121 >", "To entangle those shall feed him .", "And keeps two pewterers going , only to express", "I \u2018 ll second you in all danger ; and howe'er ,", "With your husband , my mistress .", "What course do you mean to take , Antonio ?", "She 'll use some prepar 'd antidote of her own ,", "No , sir ?", "So weary of each other . If he had had a good back ,", "Give out that Bosola hath poison 'd her", "So hollow and so dismal , and withal", "No employment , my lord ;", "Will play his five thousand crowns at tennis , dance ,", "So plain in the distinction of our words ,", "Lady , I know not whether", "Pray , why ?", "To save it from taking prisoner .", "Contempt of pain , that we may call our own .", "Your own virtue save you !", "At such time as you are non-resident"], "true_target": ["And , for my faith , lay this unto your breast ,\u2014", "There is the Citadel of Saint Bennet ,", "The throwing down salt , or crossing of a hare ,", "To such a creature .", "I saw a Dutchman break his pate once", "I heard one say the duke was highly mov 'd", "What say the common people ?", "\u2018 Tis but the shadow of your fear , no more :", "Because you deni 'd this suit to me , and gave \u2018 t", "I told you \u2018 twas a pretty one . You may make it", "Of the lord cardinal ?", "For though they have sent their letters of safe-conduct", "I wish you all the joys of a bless 'd father ;", "I \u2018 ll fetch your eldest son , and second you .", "Then the law to him", "With some demesnes , of late in the possession", "In such a deformed silence witches whisper their charms .", "His breech was so pitifully sore .", "They pass through whirl-pools , and deep woes do shun ,", "That many have suppos 'd it is a spirit", "Is like a foul , black cobweb to a spider ,\u2014", "A huntsman , or a falconer , a musician ,", "It may be that the sight of his own blood", "Is going to bed .", "Spread in so sweet a figure may beget", "Court ladies , and one that hath fought single combats .", "Your duchess plotted ?", "Your living .", "Have you prepar 'd", "To make me the partaker of the natures", "Which would be politic , what censure they ?", "Hark ! the dead stones seem to have pity on you ,", "Is somewhat leaner , verily I should dream", "To be invested in your revenues .", "And give you good counsel .", "Exeunt .", "You have given too much of him . What \u2018 s his brother ?", "And your graver heads", "Gives the best echo that you ever heard ,", "Of some of your great courtiers .", "Piece of a cloister , which in my opinion", "Than time . Take time for \u2018 t ; be mindful of thy safety .", "And so long since married ? You amaze me .", "Make use , then , of this forc 'd occasion .", "Who the event weigh ere the action \u2018 s done .", "With good speed : I would wish you ,", "With these apricocks ; that will give some colour", "Here comes the marquis : I will make myself", "Is this her wit , or honesty , that speaks thus ?", "Little bound to you .", "How superstitiously we mind our evils !", "I would not have you go to the cardinal 's to-night :", "An easy one :", "I never knew man and beast , of a horse and a knight ,", "Those ladies to attend her ; and procur 'd", "Twins ?", "The more compassion . However , fare you well .", "Are at this instant making it their suit", "Do not .", "I was bold to come and see you .", "A voluntary lord .", "As the City-Chronicle relates it ;", "To seize those lands ; and some of his dependants", "I have brought you no commendations from your husband ,", "You play the wire-drawer with her commendations .", "Though in our miseries Fortune have a part ,", "Of Antonio Bologna ,\u2014 please you bestow them on me .", "To daunt whole man in us . Sir , fare you well :", "That \u2018 s his mistress \u2019 scarf .", "That answers .", "I mean his temper ? They say he \u2018 s a brave fellow ,", "Or singing of a cricket , are of power", "Or a thing of sorrow .", "Bleeding at nose , the stumbling of a horse ,", "Sir , I am", "I did , sir : and how fares your noble duchess ?", "Do not doubt me .", "Hath not this news arriv 'd yet to the ear", "To choose good days and shun the critical ;", "Wisdom doth not more moderate wasting sorrow"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["I have seen it .", "My nose bleeds .", "I will remain the constant sanctuary", "Right the fashion of the world :", "The duchess \u2019 lodgings , till you have quit yourself .\u2014", "Having three amorous goddesses in view ,", "They never dream of .", "Like wanton boys whose pastime is their care ,", "That it were able to raise one to a galliard .< 10 >", "Echo , I will not talk with thee ,", "Shall be the more approv 'd by it .", "That only have thy benefit in death ,", "In quality .", "Yes .", "To draw her chariot ; I must have another .\u2014", "Nor in prison , nor a suitor at the court ,", "To the pale empty reed ; Anaxarete", "Their very names", "There speaketh so divine a continence", "She \u2018 s expos 'd", "Either of joy or sorrow , to divide", "I did , or else I dream 'd .", "Could I take him at his prayers ,", "all the officers here ?", "I will not blame the cause on \u2018 t ; but do think", "Is safe , that hangs upon our enemies \u2019 will .", "With others \u2019 ears ; will seem to sleep o \u2019 the bench", "For thou art a dead thing .", "And it seems did wish", "To any safety I can shape myself .", "Which have got little in your service , vow", "All her particular worth grows to this sum ,\u2014", "To the cardinal 's worst of malice . I have got", "Conceive not I am so stupid but I aim < 24 >", "If he laught heartily , it is to laugh", "Lov 'd the church so well , and gave so largely to \u2018 t ,", "I \u2019 the morn you shall be safe .\u2014", "Saucy slave , I \u2018 ll pull thee up by the roots .", "In a couple .", "When they seek shameful ways to avoid shame .", "Are the gates shut ?", "Why , here \u2018 s a man now would fright impudence", "And other strangers \u2019 that are now in court ?", "Presented me a face folded in sorrow .", "Most true :", "We read how Daphne , for her peevish", "Only to entrap offenders in their answers ;", "\u2018 Tis a hard question . This was Paris \u2019 case ,", "You counsel safely .", "To appear myself .", "When he shall see it fraight < 123 > with love and duty ,", "They do observe I grow to infinite purchase ,< 73 >", "He never pays debts unless they be shrewd turns ,", "Two letters , that are wrought here for my name ,< 55 >", "After man 's creation , the sacrament of marriage ;", "Our foot upon some reverend history ;", "That I should write somewhat .", "To the Arragonian brethren ?", "Do signify your tears .", "That , standing on my guard , I might relate", "Somewhat that looks like danger .", "He is so quiet that he seems to sleep", "Nay , that \u2018 s but one ; Venus had two soft doves", "As once his brother did our noble duchess .", "Hang at his lips ; and verily I believe them ,", "Takes a long slumber o'er a dying fire ,", "I pray , do .", "To see the little wanton ride a-cock-horse", "Lest thereby they should make them odious", "Upon a painted stick , or hear him chatter", "Would often reason thus .", "For the most part , keep worse-favour 'd waiting-women", "All mine should be so .", "Exeunt", "\u2018 Tis very like my wife 's voice .", "Right fortunately well : she \u2018 s an excellent", "You had no breath at all .\u2014 Now , sir , in your contemplation ?", "What appears in him mirth is merely outside ;", "I have been setting a figure < 52 >", "Would not have savour 'd flattery .", "Ay , sure , that suits it best .", "I do not hold it fit that you come near", "She held it less vain-glory to talk much ,", "A clock or watch , when it is out of frame ,", "You are this night , dear friend , to post to Rome :", "You must pardon me :", "But the rising of the wind .", "I am lost in amazement : I know not what to think on \u2018 t. Exeunt .", "Are you scarce warm , and do you show your sting ?", "This fellow will undo me .\u2014", "Best of my life , farewell . Since we must part ,", "That sure her nights , nay , more , her very sleeps ,", "May draw the poison out of him , and work", "Were able to benight the apprehension", "You would use it on yourself .", "Churches and cities , which have diseases like to men ,", "More than yourself .", "Truth speak for me ;", "And let my son fly the courts to princes .", "Traitors are ever confident", "No : it may be \u2018 twas", "These words should be mine ,", "Which makes it lunatic beyond all cure .", "O , be of comfort !", "In my conceit , none are to be suspected", "A friendly reconcilement . If it fail ,", "This ominous , when it merely comes by chance .", "We never tread upon them but we set", "> From sauciest beggars .", "\u2018 Twere stranger < 23 > if there were no will in you", "And all the parts you have spoke , if some part of it", "I shall .\u2014 Here comes the great Calabrian duke .", "And let her talk to herself : I have divers times", "It locally contains or heaven or hell ;", "My brothers have dispers 'd", "Which now lies naked to the injuries", "I take \u2018 t , as those that deny purgatory ,", "Do not weep :", "I fear it hath :", "But that ; and on the sudden a clear light", "O my unworthiness !", "The devil , that rules i \u2019 th \u2019 air , stands in your light .", "How I do play the fool with mine own danger !", "I do love these ancient ruins .", "Procures this , not her humour . O , the inconstant", "You would look up to heaven , but I think", "With the wild noise of prattling visitants ,", "With which I sound my danger : fare you well .", "No truce , though hatch 'd with ne'er such politic skill ,", "To endure vexation . I do not ask", "She hath had two children more , a son and daughter .", "Shall I never see her more ?", "Than your penance to hear her . Whilst she speaks ,", "To attend them , and cannot endure fair ones .", "To Delio .", "Ambition , madam , is a great man 's madness ,", "Indeed , my rule is only in the night .", "Pray heaven they were not poison 'd !", "Became a fruitless bay-tree ; Syrinx turn 'd", "Each officer be lock 'd into his chamber", "Doth bear himself right dangerously .", "I \u2018 d have you first provide for a good husband ;", "Are missing in the duchess \u2019 cabinet .", "You may see , gentlemen , what \u2018 tis to serve", "Shut up the posterns presently , and call", "You only will begin then to be sorry", "Bloodhounds abroad ; which till I hear are muzzl 'd ,", "Feeder of pedigrees ; since you last saw her ,", "There \u2018 s no third place in \u2018 t .", "Blessed comfort !\u2014", "Men cease to build where the foundation sinks .", "So please your beauteous excellence .", "Nobly , my lord : as out of the Grecian horse issued many famous princes , so out of brave horsemanship arise the first sparks of growing resolution , that raise the mind to noble action .", "A-loth to part from \u2018 t ; yet parts thence as cold", "You gave the duchess apricocks to-day :", "Could carry these words from you , I should wish", "\u2018 Tis that must colour", "To bring \u2018 t in better order .", "Lightens in great men 's breath .", "This hath a handle to \u2018 t ,", "Must have like death that we have .", "But for their sister , the right noble duchess ,", "The common rabble do directly say", "Jewels , to the value of four thousand ducats ,", "Cast in one figure , of so different temper .", "Who keeps the key o \u2019 th \u2019 park-gate ?", "O , much better .", "For the duchess \u2019 jewels .", "Are drown 'd in blood !", "But for your brothers ?", "Betray 'd . How came he hither ? I should turn", "Indeed , I must persuade one .", "Unto the worst of torture , pain , and fear .", "Thus tell him ; I will not come .", "For , did I think that anything but th \u2019 air", "Became flowers , precious stones , or eminent stars .", "Is , you \u2018 ll weep shortly ; for to me the pearls", "Will your grace hear me ?", "Were there nor heaven nor hell ,", "Heaven hath a hand in \u2018 t ; but no otherwise", "She stains < 11 > the time past , lights the time to come .", "I do understand your inside .", "Let all sweet ladies break their flatt'ring glasses ,", "For how was \u2018 t possible he could judge right ,", "My banishment , feeding my melancholy ,", "Some such flashes superficially hang on him for form ; but observe his inward character : he is a melancholy churchman . The spring in his face is nothing but the engend'ring of toads ; where he is jealous of any man , he lays worse plots for them than ever was impos 'd on Hercules , for he strews in his way flatterers , panders , intelligencers , atheists , and a thousand such political monsters . He should have been Pope ; but instead of coming to it by the primitive decency of the church , he did bestow bribes so largely and so impudently as if he would have carried it away without heaven 's knowledge . Some good he hath done \u2014\u2014", "For better fall once than be ever falling .", "Very near my home .\u2014 Bosola !", "O , you have been a stranger long at court :", "What was \u2018 t ?", "Private access to his chamber ; and intend", "Is dancing in this circle .", "I fear she \u2018 s fall'n in labour ; and there \u2018 s left", "And those he will confess that he doth owe .", "Make scrutiny through the passages", "Of being a father , or the weak delight", "Lose all , or nothing .", "I \u2018 ll not come at them .", "You libel < 54 > well , sir ?", "Themselves with my ruin !", "Make patience a noble fortitude ,", "And he was blind in \u2018 t , and there was a great cause ;", "My interpretation", "Pray thee , Cariola , let \u2018 s steal forth the room ,", "I should be honest : I have long serv 'd virtue ,"], "true_target": ["It puts me in mind of a question I would ask .", "Till dooms-day . But all things have their end ;", "O , \u2018 tis far from me : and yet fear presents me", "Than as some curious artist takes in sunder", "And rotten ground of service ! You may see ,", "Unto the people . For other obligation", "Were by a gracious influence transhap 'd", "What said you ?", "There is a saucy and ambitious devil", "Nobles stand bare to th \u2019 prince ; and the distinction", "Now I look on both your faces so well form 'd ,", "As well as a point : turn it towards him , and", "Say a man never marry , nor have children ,", "Bosola !\u2014", "To warm them .", "When wilt thou marry , Cariola ?", "Your time so insensibly hasten .", "My heart is turn 'd to a heavy lump of lead ,", "And her little ones , I hope sweetly . O heaven ,", "You are studying to become a great wise fellow .", "\u2018 Tis rather to be question 'd what design ,", "\u2018 Tis even like him , that in a winter night ,", "It groan 'd methought , and gave", "Her days are practis 'd in such noble virtue ,", "Mere accident .\u2014 For you , sir , I \u2018 ll take order", "That is not kept in chains and close-pent rooms ,", "He speaks with others \u2019 tongues , and hears men 's suits", "Go set a figure for \u2018 s nativity .< 50 >", "They thought it should have canopied their bones", "That we may imitate the loving palms ,", "At the hearing of sad tidings ; I am glad", "A prince with body and soul .", "You never fix 'd your eye on three fair medals", "But in fair lightsome lodgings , and is girt", "Puff 'd up with your preferment , you continue", "Yes , you see what power", "And , questionless , here in this open court ,", "O my most trusty Delio , we are lost !", "And thy sweet armful .\u2014 If I do never see thee more ,", "My life lies in your service .", "To get wealth under them , will not complain ,", "How now ! who knocks ? More earthquakes ?", "How they fortify", "I mark 'd not one repetition of the echo", "Of your own life , you \u2018 ll find it impossible", "Some men have wish 'd to die", "To visit him about the mid of night ,", "Will then flock to her .", "Yet it shall rid me of this infamous calling ;", "For to live thus is not indeed to live ;", "As cuts off all lascivious and vain hope .", "The Lord Ferdinand , that \u2018 s newly come to court ,", "I \u2018 ll case the picture up : only thus much ;", "Exeunt .", "That I shall do \u2018 t in sadness .< 135 > I would not now", "Are more in heaven than other ladies \u2019 shrifts .", "Let him bring \u2018 t presently .", "Makes you a night-walker .", "I must lie here .", "From the duchess \u2019 lodging .", "And ne'er ta'en wages of her .", "Yes , your excellent self .", "And they stark naked ? \u2018 Twas a motion", "They that do flatter him most say oracles", "The tempest out , as dormice do in winter .", "Yes .", "And dress themselves in her .", "\u2018 Tis a noble old fellow .", "Be still in motion !", "Wish my wounds balm 'd nor heal 'd , for I have no use", "Where ?", "Let me seal your lips for ever :", "I do not love the fruit .", "What think you of my hope of reconcilement", "Rewards by hearsay .", "And may our sweet affections , like the spheres ,", "Into her bed-chamber . She is very sick .", "Begin with that first good deed began i \u2019 the world", "To take your fortune : but your wiser buntings ,< 96 >", "Which is no more than a poor ling'ring life ,", "Our noble friend , my most beloved Delio !", "A very deadly accent .", "Those houses that are haunted are most still", "One that were superstitious would count", "Shut up the court-gates .", "I shall .", "The process of my death ; only commend me", "You are still my lov 'd and best friend . Exeunt .", "O , I am gone ! Thou hast ended a long suit", "< 80 >", "Best emblem of a peaceful marriage ,", "Till the devil be up .", "Necessity compels me .", "So fasten the keen edge in his rank gall .", "The necessity of my malevolent star", "Because you would not seem to appear to th \u2019 world", "How now , madam !", "I love to see her angry . Softly , Cariola .", "She throws upon a man so sweet a look", "What takes that from him ? Only the bare name", "Would amend it , if she could ; for , say they ,", "As when he first sat down .", "I have .", "Methought show 'd reverently .", "For the devil speaks in them .", "> From decay 'd fortunes every flatterer shrinks ;", "And save them from the tiger : fare you well .", "I do wonder why hard-favour 'd ladies ,", "The particulars of your revenue and expense .", "The left hand way ; and all suppose the duchess", "Of an ague ; merely a preparative to rest ,", "Which married , or prov 'd kind unto their friends ,", "Last , for this brother there , the cardinal ,", "Of love or marriage between her and me", "Yes : we are", "Of the severest counsellor of Europe .", "I am strongly arm 'd to brook my overthrow ,", "Kindle a little life in me .", "What \u2018 s your conceit in this ?", "For heaven \u2019 sake , tend her well : I \u2018 ll presently < 49 >", "To bring ourselves to nothing .\u2014 Farewell , Cariola ,", "Now they are fledg 'd , are gone .", "When all men were commanded to their lodgings ,", "Whereto your favours tend : but he \u2018 s a fool", "The duke there ? A most perverse and turbulent nature .", "This mole does undermine me .\u2014 Heard you not", "You have made me stark blind .", "Nor begg 'd the reversion of some great man 's place ,", "That lay in a dead palsy , and to dote", "There were hope of pardon .", "These poor men", "In a minute .", "This out-of-fashion melancholy : leave it , leave it .", "You are still an heretic < 122 >", "When she doth end her speech , and wish , in wonder ,", "To fly your fate .", "A noise even now ?", "For her discourse , it is so full of rapture ,", "Give him all .", "That , being a-cold , would thrust his hands i \u2019 the fire", "What \u2018 s that to you ?", "Should have such large and unconfined means", "Till the sun-rising ; and to send the keys", "That fortune may not know an accident ,", "You are an impudent snake indeed , sir :", "My duchess is asleep now ,", "Came you along with the Lord Ferdinand ?", "Be a good mother to your little ones ,", "To marry again .", "Nor troubled with an old wife , which doth make", "Ha ! what means this ?", "I \u2018 ll fetch your grace", "I would this terrible thing would come again ,", "I heard some noise .\u2014 Who \u2018 s there ? What art thou ? Speak .", "A most wretched thing ,", "No time for her remove .", "As commonly men bear with a hard year .", "Come , I \u2018 ll be out of this ague ,", "Man , like to cassia , is prov 'd best , being bruis 'd .", "This to thee , for that .", "You have parted with it now .", "O , fie upon this single life ! forgo it .", "That never bore fruit , divided !", "The lord cardinal 's", "Exit .", "Gentlemen ,", "\u2018 Tis the duchess \u2019 pleasure", "Pleasure of life , what is \u2018 t ? Only the good hours", "The great are like the base , nay , they are the same ,", "We follow after bubbles blown in th \u2019 air .", "Our fixed wishes !", "My warrantable love .\u2014", "How ?", "All honesty out of fashion .", "You have not been in law , friend Delio ,", "I will not henceforth save myself by halves ;", "Into the olive , pomegranate , mulberry ,", "Serv 'd her the like , when she hath chaf 'd extremely .", "It is a mockery and abuse of life .", "Was frozen into marble : whereas those", "All the officers o \u2019 th \u2019 court .", "Great princes , though they grudge their officers", "Heaven fashion 'd us of nothing ; and we strive", "Dooms men to death by information ;", "Of all their chests and of their outward doors", "Of your good name .", "We have lost much plate , you know ; and but this evening", "She is a strumpet .", "I am all yours ; and \u2018 tis very fit", "It may be that the sudden apprehension", "Her lying-in .\u2014 Sir , this door you pass not :", "This night I mean to venture all my fortune ,", "Exit .", "Of stormy weather , some men lie interr 'd", "To put my life to . In all our quest of greatness ,", "And think not how unkindly we are us 'd :", "Like a taught starling .", "Indeed , madam ,", "Fie , fie , the physicians", "Exeunt", "Till they are discover 'd . There were jewels stol'n too :", "She entreats you take \u2018 t not ill : the innocent", "I have seen , in colder countries than in France ,", "On that sweet countenance ; but in that look", "Of danger ,\u2014 for I \u2018 ll go in mine own shape ,\u2014", "Ha !"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["By what authority didst thou execute", "She and I were twins ;", "Or dip the sheets they lie in in pitch or sulphur ,", "Call them your children ;", "Of young wolves is never to be pitied .", "Call him hither .", "You are a widow :", "Damn her ! that body of hers .", "How doth our sister duchess bear herself", "What \u2018 s he ?", "Why should he not as well sleep or eat by a deputy ? This might take idle , offensive , and base office from him , whereas the other deprives him of honour .", "Sir , I \u2018 ll take nothing from you that I have given .", "You are for Loretto :", "Wrap them in \u2018 t , and then light them like a match ;", "Can you guess ?", "A visor and a mask are whispering-rooms", "Rally the vaunt-guard , or the day is lost ,", "To whom nature denies use to sound his name ;", "The horrid murder .", "In you , or in myself ; for I do think", "You live in a rank pasture , here , i \u2019 the court ;", "Can prescribe man obedience !\u2014", "Nay , I have done .", "I am confident , had I been damn 'd in hell ,", "Never look upon me more .", "I will throttle it .", "That mak'st", "Now for some gravity .\u2014 Why , my lord ?", "That are witches . I will never see thee more .", "Rhubarb , O , for rhubarb", "Let me not know thee . I came hither prepar 'd", "That hid thy husband 's bones , and folded it", "For playing a villain 's part , I hate thee for \u2018 t ,", "Fill 'd with unquenchable wild-fire ?", "At the leaguer .", "Mine ! was I her judge ?", "For that", "I will send her masques of common courtezans ,", "When I have hew 'd her to pieces .", "O , I \u2018 ll tell thee ;", "That known , I \u2018 ll find scorpions to string my whips ,", "Yes .", "Such a room for him as our anchorites", "He that can compass me , and know my drifts ,", "In your own innocency .", "About my heart .", "Th \u2019 alarum ! Give me a fresh horse ;", "Again . Why didst thou not pity her ? What", "And give \u2018 t his lecherous father to renew", "A worthy fellow he is : pray , let me entreat for", "Shake my sword over you ; will you yield ?", "And I am grown mad with \u2018 t .", "Antonio !", "Into her bed-chamber .", "The devil ! My brother fight upon the adverse party ! He wounds the CARDINAL , and , in the scuffle , gives BOSOLA his death-wound . There flies your ransom .", "This morning , the provisorship o \u2019 the horse ;", "I \u2018 ll tell thee", "Who took the ring oftenest ?< 4 >", "Made him suspect you .", "This great Count Malatesti , I perceive ,", "And the hand as sure as the ring ; and do not doubt", "What say to that ? Whisper softly : do you agree to \u2018 t ? So ; it must be done i \u2019 th \u2019 dark ; the cardinal would not for a thousand pounds the doctor should see it . Exit .", "Ay , and give the devil suck .", "Exeunt .", "That their curs 'd smoke might not ascend to heaven ;", "To bring her to despair .", "I will force confession from her . You told me", "Distrust doth cause us seldom be deceiv 'd .", "Let me have his beard saw 'd off , and his eye-brows fil 'd more civil .", "Yes , if I could change", "Hold opinion all things are written there .", "It would beget such violent effects", "Before my occasion to use you . I give you that", "Blended together , show like leprosy ,", "Cover her face ; mine eyes dazzle : she died young .", "Death told them , they should find him in great battles ,", "But I can laugh at your fool , my lord .", "I will vault credit and affect high pleasures", "Not to devour the corpse , but to discover", "Thou \u2018 st forfeited thy life , and thou shalt die for \u2018 t .", "I will leave this ring with you for a love-token ;", "With a strange disdain .", "What should I name \u2018 t unless a hollow bullet", "Hath got employment ?", "How thrives our intelligence ?< 76 >", "It is some sin in us heaven doth revenge", "So you have some virgins", "And of a jest she broke of < 5 > a captain she met full of wounds : I have forgot it .", "I never may have knowledge of thy name ;", "Exeunt .", "Very likely ;", "You see the oft shaking of the cedar-tree", "Exeunt .", "My sister , O my sister ! there \u2018 s the cause on \u2018 t .", "By their dead parents : \u2018 Stay , \u2019 quoth Reputation ,", "To make us love whether we will or no ?", "And women like variety of courtship .", "Thine ! thy heart !", "And should I die this instant , I had liv 'd", "Eagles commonly fly alone : they are crows , daws , and starlings that flock together . Look , what \u2018 s that follows me ?", "Let me be ever deaf to \u2018 t :", "The thing I am not . I could kill her now ,", "And those joys ,", "Let her have lights enough . Exit .", "Hot-burning coulters .< 75 >", "Beyond death .", "\u2018 Tis a deed of darkness .", "I \u2018 ll give it to my handkercher ; and now \u2018 tis here ,", "Unless in hell ? See , like a bloody fool ,", "Which do fore-run man 's mischief .", "Stay it ; let it not haunt me .", "These presentations are but fram 'd in wax", "Can your faith give way", "What was the meanness of her match to me ?", "To think there \u2018 s power in potions or in charms ,", "This darkness suits you well .", "For thee , as we observe in tragedies", "Her time to a minute .", "For let me but examine well the cause :", "Whether her beggarly brats were ever christ'ned .", "O horror ,", "Exit .", "Or is it true thou art but a bare name ,", "To note all the particulars of her haviour ,", "As I would wish .", "Whether he can aid you .", "Give me thy hand ; I thank thee :", "Keep your old garb of melancholy ; \u2018 twill express", "Exit .", "Who rails into his belief all his defects .", "What do you think , then , pray ?", "Yet strive not to come near \u2018 em . This will gain", "Dost thou know what reputation is ?", "Yield , yield ! I give you the honour of arms", "One that was in the galleys \u2014\u2014", "Lest it bewray him .", "Eyes with a basilisk .", "That they should part , and take three several ways .", "Fastens it more at root .", "Those lustful pleasures , are like heavy sleeps", "Or my imagination will carry me", "And no essential thing ?", "Pray , do , and bury the print of it in your heart .", "Made of so slight weak bulrush as is woman ,", "That carries coals up to her privy lodgings .", "Whate'er thou art that hast enjoy 'd my sister ,", "Shine on him till he \u2018 s dead ; let dogs and monkeys", "I \u2018 ll instantly to bed ,", "The largest bounty I can study to do thee .", "Why , to make soft lint for his mother 's wounds ,", "You must .", "You must give great men leave to take their times .", "Whether we fall by ambition , blood , or lust ,", "Could you have liv 'd thus always ; for , indeed ,", "Now , Bosola ,", "Have you heard on \u2018 t ?", "And whom she best affects . She \u2018 s a young widow :", "Like diamonds , we are cut with our own dust .", "Enjoy thy lust still , and a wretched life ,", "So !", "I would , then , have a mathematical instrument made for her face , that she might not laugh out of compass .\u2014 I shall shortly visit you at Milan , Lord Silvio .", "Can force the will ? Some trials have been made", "My brother , here , the cardinal , could never", "The sin of his back .", "Will wed twice .", "If thou hadst borne her to some sanctuary !", "now upon < 12 > parting . Good Lord Silvio ,", "Than that which thou wouldst comfort , call 'd a soul .", "Sorcery ! to what purpose ?", "Let me see her face", "If she can sleep the better for it , let her .", "That were never built for goodness ,\u2014 fare ye well \u2014", "Use me well , you were best . What I have done , I have done : I \u2018 ll confess nothing .", "What I \u2018 ll give thee .", "Her guilt treads on", "I \u2018 ll tell thee ,\u2014 to small purpose , since the instruction", "This bloody sentence ?", "Lurks about Milan : thou shalt shortly thither ,", "Happily with some strong-thigh 'd bargeman ,", "You shall do well in \u2018 t .\u2014 How is \u2018 t , worthy Antonio ?", "Sister , I have a suit to you .", "Thou toldest me thy wife could not endure fighting .", "If once I part from any man I meet ,", "May say he hath put a girdle \u2018 bout the world ,", "To purge this choler ! Here \u2018 s the cursed day", "That e'er will trust their honour in a bark", "Foolish men ,", "There let them practise together , sing and dance ,", "\u2018 Mongst quiet kindred that had nothing left", "He \u2018 s no soldier .", "Leave me .", "If thou do wish thy lecher may grow old", "Faults , were they apparent in you . Go , be safe", "For they whose faces do belie their hearts", "You envy those that stand above your reach ,", "To which you have vow 'd much love ; the ring upon \u2018 t", "> From true legitimate issue , compassionate nature", "Lower !", "On that condition .\u2014 And for thee , vile woman ,", "You are a villain .", "Enter BOSOLA", "Or else to-boil < 71 > their bastard to a cullis ,", "Constantly .", "There is a kind of pity in mine eye ,\u2014", "And lay her general territory as waste", "Or cities plagu 'd with plagues : Love gives them counsel", "Whores by that rule are precious .", "Such weddings may more properly be said", "Leave me .", "For true substantial bodies .", "A slave that only smell 'd of ink and counters ,", "I pour it in your bosom , my fix 'd love", "I am never found again . \u2019 And so for you :", "Their livers are more spotted", "Write to the Duke of Malfi , my young nephew", "Hide me from him : physicians are like kings ,\u2014", "And made him invisible . So , fare you well :", "In her imprisonment ?", "Subtler than Vulcan 's engine :< 20 > yet , believe \u2018 t ,", "And thou hast ta'en that massy sheet of lead", "Die , then , quickly !", "Intemperate agues make physicians cruel .", "Let it be a new-laid one , you were best .", "As she hath done her honours ."], "true_target": ["To purge infected blood , such blood as hers .", "An excellent honest man mightst thou have been ,", "Now hear me :", "Doom her to not-being ? Did a complete jury", "Access to private lodgings , where yourself", "My palsy ?", "And act their gambols to the full o \u2019 th \u2019 moon :", "But you shall have the heart too . When you need a friend ,", "You have it ;", "Away !", "Or , bold in a good cause , oppos 'd thyself ,", "I would have their bodies", "Away ! these are mere gulleries ,< 77 > horrid things ,", "Get thee into some unknown part o \u2019 the world ,", "Would strongly excuse , extenuate , nay , deny", "Go kill my dearest friend , and thou hast done \u2018 t .", "By her .", "But your whore 's blood .", "And never in \u2018 s life look 'd like a gentleman ,", "Have her meat serv 'd up by bawds and ruffians ,", "For I am weary .\u2014 I am to bespeak", "In this foolish practice , but the ingredients", "Were lenitive < 78 > poisons , such as are of force", "The howling of a wolf", "I will no longer study in the book", "Had been far fitter .", "You gave .", "Swears by equivocation they are in love .", "Would I could be one ,", "I have this night digg 'd up a mandrake .< 67 >", "You are a good horseman , Antonio ; you have excellent riders in France : what do you think of good horsemanship ?", "And more secure conveyances for lust", "Till of her bleeding heart I make a sponge", "Between her innocence and my revenge !", "The smarting cupping-glass , for that \u2018 s the mean", "And sounded all her quick-sands .", "I shall not be at your ceremony ; fare you well .\u2014", "Only converse with him , and such dumb things", "Virtue , where art thou hid ? What hideous thing", "To be executed than celebrated .", "Methinks I see her laughing ,\u2014", "And fix her in a general eclipse .", "Yes .", "To prompt my memory ; and here \u2018 t shall stick", "To abuse us . Do you think that herbs or charms", "I am of Pliny 's opinion , I think he was begot by the wind ; he runs as if he were ballass 'd < 9 > with quicksilver .", "Do not ask , then :", "I bade thee , when I was distracted of my wits ,", "Your inclination to shed blood rides post", "Let not youth , high promotion , eloquence \u2014\u2014", "Only I must confess I had a hope ,", "I am studying the art of patience .", "The whiter , the fouler . I make it a question", "The wolf shall find her grave , and scrape it up ,", "O most imperfect light of human reason ,", "They brook no contradiction .", "She had by her first husband , and acquaint him", "Thy pity is nothing of kin to thee , Antonio", "Than towns of garrison for service .", "so unhappy to foresee", "Giving her a poniard .", "Draw me out an hundred and fifty of our horse ,", "This was my father 's poniard , do you see ?", "That I may never see thee .", "I come to seal my peace with you . Here \u2018 s a hand", "Yes , and \u2018 tis", "She hath had most cunning bawds to serve her turn ,", "Why , there 's a wit were able to undo all the chirurgeons < 7 > o \u2019 the city ; for although gallants should quarrel , and had drawn their weapons , and were ready to go to it , yet her persuasions would make them put up .", "And meet me at the foot-bridge .", "Did any ceremonial form of law", "We must not now use balsamum , but fire ,", "That , that damns her . Methinks her fault and beauty ,", "Will come to light .", "Apt every minute to sink it !", "That not the fear of him which binds the devils", "Can you fetch your frisks , sir !\u2014 I will stamp him into a cullis ,< 128 > flay off his skin to cover one of the anatomies < 129 > this rogue hath set i \u2019 th \u2019 cold yonder in Barber-Chirurgeon'shYpppHeNhall . \u2014 Hence , hence ! you are all of you like beasts for sacrifice .There \u2018 s nothing left of you but tongue and belly , flattery and lechery .", "Where shalt thou find this judgment register 'd ,", "Root up her goodly forests , blast her meads ,", "By the curious master in that quality ,< 102 >", "my sister , I \u2018 ll not stir :", "I would have you give o'er these chargeable revels :", "The witch-craft lies in her rank blood . This night", "You have shook hands with Reputation ,", "Is music to thee , screech-owl : prithee , peace .\u2014", "For this murder .", "Do not keep a paraquito , lest she learn it ;", "Go to , mistress !", "Rogues do not whisper \u2018 t now , but seek to publish \u2018 t", "Marry ! they are most luxurious < 18 >", "What cannot a neat knave with a smooth tale", "Or one o \u2019 th \u2019 wood-yard that can quoit the sledge < 70 >", "Your darkest actions , nay , your privat'st thoughts ,", "There is a kind of honey-dew that \u2018 s deadly ;", "Where are you ?", "What suitors do solicit her for marriage ,", "That a good actor many times is curs 'd", "\u2018 Tis yours : is \u2018 t not worth thanks ?", "I never gave pension but to flatterers ,", "Hypocrisy is woven of a fine small thread ,", "One of Pasquil 's paper-bullets ,< 74 > court-calumny ,", "Excellent hyena ! Talk to me somewhat quickly ,", "Strangling is a very quiet death .", "\u2018 Do not forsake me ; for it is my nature ,", "No ?", "You have bespoke it worthily .", "Your work is almost ended .", "Burnt in a coal-pit with the ventage stopp 'd ,", "All the mad-folk , and place them near her lodging ;", "And , for my sake , say , thou hast done much ill well .", "I will never see you more .", "The provisorship of your horse .", "Antonio , the great-master of her household ,", "I \u2018 ll give thee a pardon", "Do us commend to all our noble friends", "And glory in them : there \u2018 s in shame no comfort", "To inquire for him \u2018 mongst unambitious shepherds ,", "Invented by some cheating mountebanks", "Where I may kill , to pardon .\u2014 Where are your cubs ?", "Apply desperate physic :", "That e'er you made ; like the irregular crab ,", "Re-enter ANTONIO with a pistol ,", "For I am sure thou hear'st me , for thine own sake", "Thou art undone ;", "Gives her a dead man 's hand .", "But in the audit-time .\u2014 Go , go presently ,", "Into a cold sweat . In , in ; I \u2018 ll go sleep .", "To move forth the common hospital", "The great Count Malatesti .", "Exit .", "Abide you .", "Which nev'r will slack till it hath spent his fuel :", "May be some oblique character in your face", "For I account it the honorabl'st revenge ,", "Or toss the bar , or else some lovely squire", "Comes now too late .", "Why do you laugh ? Methinks you that are courtiers should be my touch-wood , take fire when I give fire ; that is , laugh when I laugh , were the subject never so witty .", "To drive six snails before me from this town to Moscow ; neither use goad nor whip to them , but let them take their own time ; \u2014 the patient'st man i \u2019 th \u2019 world match me for an experiment :\u2014 an I \u2018 ll crawl after like a sheep-biter .< 125 >", "Her melancholy seems to be fortified", "Do not you ask the reason ; but be satisfied . I say I would not .", "Curse upon her !", "Exeunt .", "I do account this world but a dog-kennel :", "Do not speak .", "Such a kind of thriving thing", "I \u2018 d be loth to see \u2018 t look rusty , \u2018 cause \u2018 twas his .", "Than Laban 's sheep .< 19 >", "Is she dead ?", "An infinite mass of treasure by her death :", "I \u2018 ll go hunt the badger by owl-light :", "I would not have her marry again .", "Till I entertained thee . Farewell .", "To make the patient mad ; and straight the witch", "I had beheld thee : therefore use all means", "Which , though \u2018 t goes backward , thinks that it goes right", "You were too much i \u2019 th \u2019 light :\u2014 but no more ;", "Upon a time Reputation , Love , and Death ,", "At a higher place by \u2018 t .", "Send it to him that ow 'd it ; you shall see", "That drew a stream of gall quite through my heart .", "Till I know who", "In thy embracements , I would have thee build", "To work thy discovery ; yet am now persuaded", "A gentleman here , Daniel de Bosola ,", "If thou do love him , cut out thine own tongue ,", "That friend a great man 's ruin strongly checks ,", "To live i \u2019 the court here , and observe the duchess ;", "Vincentio Lauriola , and she takes them", "You are my sister ;", "Be yourself ;", "To holier use inhabit . Let not the sun", "What we can least prevent ! Pursue thy wishes ,", "Of another 's heart . Inform her what I told you .", "That I might toss her palace \u2018 bout her ears ,", "To wipe it out .", "For though our national law distinguish bastards", "Are seldom purg 'd of . Yet , say that it were true ,", "May , like a politic dormouse \u2014\u2014", "I have cruel sore eyes .", "With \u2018 s mother 's honesty .", "The death", "Here \u2018 s the Lord Silvio is come to take his leave .", "I would wish thee ; and ere long thou mayst arrive", "So I will only study to seem", "You know already what man is ; and therefore", "But to be past all bounds and sense of shame .", "It had been well ,", "No ?", "You had got , within these two days , a false key", "Our sister duchess \u2019 great-master of her household ? Give him the jewel .\u2014 When shall we leave this sportive action , and fall to action indeed ?", "Think \u2018 t the best voyage", "Give me some wet hay ; I am broken-winded .", "To mark who note them . O , confusion seize her !", "To see her in the shameful act of sin .", "Familiar ! What \u2018 s that ?", "And , \u2018 cause she \u2018 ll needs be mad , I am resolv 'd", "I \u2018 ll bequeath this to her bastard .", "Deliver her conviction up i \u2019 the court ?", "There \u2018 s gold .", "Would travel o'er the world ; and it was concluded", "With thy advanced sword above thy head ,", "\u2018 Tis not your whore 's milk that shall quench my wild-fire ,", "And should have heard of this , it would have put me", "Excellent , as I would wish ; she \u2018 s plagu 'd in art .< 101 >", "Makes them all equal .", "Have not you", "A husband for you .", "Is it that doth eclipse thee ?", "A pestilent air , which princes \u2019 palaces", "There is a place that I procur 'd for you", "As would damn us both . I would not for ten millions", "Had she continu 'd widow , to have gain 'd", "You are a fool : how is \u2018 t possible I should catch my shadow , unless I fall upon \u2018 t ? When I go to hell , I mean to carry a bribe ; for , look you , good gifts evermore make way for the worst persons .", "Make a woman believe ? Farewell , lusty widow .", "And that was the main cause ,\u2014 her marriage ,", "While that my blood run pure in \u2018 t , was more worth", "\u2018 T will poison your fame ; look to \u2018 t. Be not cunning ;", "Now you \u2018 re brave fellows . Caesar 's fortune was harder than Pompey 's ; Caesar died in the arms of prosperity , Pompey at the feet of disgrace . You both died in the field . The pain \u2018 s nothing ; pain many times is taken away with the apprehension of greater , as the tooth-ache with the sight of a barber that comes to pull it out . There \u2018 s philosophy for you .", "Where dowries were not talk 'd of , and sometimes", "We", "To feed a fire as great as my revenge ,", "Are witches ere they arrive at twenty years ,", "Aloud ; and with a covetous searching eye ,", "Why , some", "Because it goes its own way : but observe ,"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["What \u2018 s that Bosola ?", "Yes , he protests", "He comes to the leaguer with a full intent", "Antonio Bologna , my lord .", "Till the scent be gone , and straight return to court .", "He is indeed a guarded sumpter-cloth ,< 93 >", "I am .", "Then he \u2018 ll fight by the book .", "He is horribly afraid"], "true_target": ["To eat fresh beef and garlic , means to stay", "Gun-powder will spoil the perfume on \u2018 t .", "Sir , I shall .", "He would do much for that taffeta .", "I would he had made a touch-hole to \u2018 t .", "True , my lord , he reels from the tilt often .", "That cardinal hath made more bad faces with his oppression than ever Michael Angelo made good ones . He lifts up \u2018 s nose , like a foul porpoise before a storm .", "Your brother , the lord cardinal , and sister duchess .", "Your grace shall arrive most welcome .", "Only for the remove of the court ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["Rather it would make me have a good stomach to quarrel ; for they say , your roaring boys eat meat seldom , and that makes them so valiant . But how shall I know whether the people take me for an eminent fellow ?", "Methinks , my lord , you should not desire to go to war in person .", "He cannot speak , you know , but he makes faces ; my lady cannot abide him .", "\u2018 Tis the very main < 31 > of my ambition .", "That she would , my lord .\u2014 How do you like my Spanish gennet ?< 8 >", "True , my lord : I myself have heard a very good jest , and have scorn 'd to seem to have so silly a wit as to understand it ."], "true_target": ["Nor endure to be in merry company ; for she says too much laughing , and too much company , fills her too full of the wrinkle .", "It is fitting a soldier arise to be a prince , but not necessary a prince descend to be a captain .", "She told him , my lord , he was a pitiful fellow , to lie , like the children of Ismael , all in tents .< 6 >", "Believe my experience , that realm is never long in quiet where the ruler is a soldier .", "No , my lord ; he were far better do it by a deputy .", "I would be a very merry president .", "True , my lord ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["Yes , yes , \u2018 tis he :", "Why , sir ? What \u2018 s the danger ?", "The Lord Ferdinand 's chamber shook like an osier .", "Forobosco .", "How comes this ?", "Fie upon his counterfeiting !"], "true_target": ["But , I \u2018 ll see him hang 'd ere I \u2018 ll go down to him .", "At her pleasure .", "You would not bawl so loud then . MALATESTI . Come , come , let \u2018 s go to bed : he told us this much aforehand .", "Let \u2018 s follow him aloof ,", "He is all fire .", "And note how the cardinal will laugh at him ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["That \u2018 s jealously ; since I am very certain", "Hath undone thee ; thou \u2018 rt poison 'd with that book .", "Fail not to come . There is the master-key", "You may thank me , lady ,", "For such a secret ?", "Do not rise , I entreat you .", "Why , I thank you .", "That hath a little fing'ring on the lute ,", "Be well advis 'd , and think what danger \u2018 tis", "Raise the watch ! We are betray 'd !", "I mean , to him .", "You have divers men who never yet express 'd", "Doth more distract him . I pray , all to bed ;", "When thou wast with thy husband , thou wast watch 'd", "No more ; thou shalt know it .", "To view another spacious world i \u2019 th \u2019 moon ,", "And it end both together .", "Were strangl 'd .", "And language : since which apparition ,", "Where are you ?", "Thou hast thy payment too .", "That seems to strike at me .", "I suffer now for what hath former bin :", "Of our lodgings ; and by that you may conceive", "Grown a notorious strumpet .", "Great sums of money , for sure he \u2018 s in want ;", "Say you ?", "It cannot wield it .", "Who \u2018 s that ?\u2014\u2014", "Now you know me for your fellow-murderer .", "Of taking the French king prisoner ?", "Must now be your director .", "Exit .", "O , by no means ;", "Will fall into your husband 's bosom , lady ,", "How now ? How settles this ? Think you your bosom", "Some secret deed which I desire the world", "Our sister cannot marry ; and I have thought", "Him to reveal it . There are a thousand ways", "His nature is too honest for such business .\u2014", "For having any confidence in prayer .", "So most widows say ;", "Like to an oft-dy 'd garment : she shall now", "It may be , to make trial of your promise ,", "Satisfy thy longing ,\u2014", "Here \u2018 s a plot upon me ; I am assaulted ! I am lost ,", "A man might strive to make glass malleable ,", "And feign myself in danger .", "He comes : I \u2018 ll leave you .", "Fare you well . Wisdom begins at the end : remember it .", "Very well :", "Sooth , generally for women ,", "You are deceiv 'd in him .", "For your intelligence .< 14 > I would not be seen in \u2018 t ;", "By any means I had intelligence", "And two of her young children , four nights since ,", "I would pray now ; but the devil takes away my heart", "And therefore many times I have slighted him", "Fitly resembles deaf men 's shrill discourse ,", "As men convey 'd by witches through the air ,", "Without thy husband ?", "His grace is very well recover 'd .", "What to do ?", "Thus ignorance , when it hath purchas 'd honour ,", "Help me ; I am your brother !", "Come to me after midnight , to help to remove", "Of an excellent match for her . Do this , and style me", "He cannot live .", "Be sure you entertain that Bosola", "In our duchess \u2019 death ; for , though I counsell 'd it ,", "Delio 's confessor , and see if you can bribe", "No ? Come , I will swear you to \u2018 t upon this book .", "So far upon the left side !< 69 >", "To tie knots than unloose them . \u2018 Tis a secret", "Is \u2018 t possible ? Can this be certain ?", "Why do you make yourself", "Above the world . Come , I \u2018 ll love you wisely ,", "I \u2018 ll leave you .", "JULIA", "Nay , I must have you promise", "His loyal friend . Set eye upon that fellow ;", "None of our family dies but there is seen", "To aid thee in the murder .", "You fear", "As doth intemperate anger . Chide yourself .", "Sit : thou art my best of wishes . Prithee , tell me", "The only way to make thee keep my counsel", "Appear 'd to him ; when crying out for help ,", "Lay him by . How tedious is a guilty conscience !", "The first argues folly .", "Lightning moves slow to \u2018 t .", "And take your own choice ; privately be married", "By her nephews for her riches . Such a figure", "Shall I die like a leveret ,", "Are you come ? so .\u2014", "Nothing .", "Those giddy and wild turnings in yourself .", "Without any resistance ?\u2014 Help , help , help !", "Thou art a witty false one ,\u2014", "Would be quit of .", "I have honours in store for thee .", "O , fie !", "Will you rack me ?", "In tune .", "Speak lower .", "Nor anything without the addition , honour ,", "Very well : why , imagine I have committed", "I have bound thee to \u2018 t by death .", "Their strong desire of rest but by unrest ,", "Sorrow is held the eldest child of sin .", "What fellows haunt the Jews for taking up", "Throw to the devil", "I must feign somewhat .\u2014 Thus they say it grew .", "Let him enter : I \u2018 ll withdraw . Exit .", "What trick didst thou invent to come to Rome", "Thou look'st ghastly ;", "Though he had a cold tomb-stone o'er his bones ,", "There sits in thy face some great determination", "Of Antonio 's citadel .", "Thy melancholy . The fire burns well ;", "\u2018 Tis thus . Antonio lurks here in Milan :", "You are most welcome .", "What trust I plant in you .", "A greater smother ?< 132 > Thou wilt kill Antonio ?", "This fellow must not know", "My constancy , because you have approv 'd < 62 >", "One night , as the prince sat up late at \u2018 s book ,", "You have heard it rumour 'd , for these many years", "O justice !", "My dukedom for rescue !", "He \u2018 s rode to Naples , to take possession", "With the Prince Ferdinand , unless I know it .\u2014", "Be laid by and never thought of .", "Unless some rescue !", "I will instantly solicit the state of Ancona", "By himself ; and he seem 'd to urge it sensibly .", "If you \u2018 ll do one thing for me I \u2018 ll entreat ,", "The full of all th \u2019 engagement seem 'd to grow", "To fetch the body . When he hath serv 'd my turn ,", "Shall our blood ,", "But what delight was that ? \u2018 Twas just like one", "Ere he should make them fixed .", "With whom ?", "A man might find to trace him ; as to know", "To contain them . I pray thee , yet be satisfi 'd ;"], "true_target": ["Who plac 'd thee here ?", "Why do you weep ?", "How idly shows this rage , which carries you ,", "In this distraction he may reveal", "You \u2018 ll repent it .", "And let you fly at it .\u2014 I pray thee , kiss me .\u2014", "Help ! we are betray 'd !", "Yes ,", "Read there ,\u2014 a sister damn 'd : she \u2018 s loose i \u2019 the hilts ;< 68 >", "I am puzzl 'd in a question about hell ;", "To such a voluntary torture , which proceeds", "I \u2018 d make you what you would be .", "Doth she make religion her riding-hood", "I am slain !", "What cause hast thou to pursue my life ?", "Without this rupture . There is not in nature", "Here in the camp , that hath been long approv 'd", "He that had the honour", "I will allow thee some dozen of attendants", "Wherefore com'st thou hither ?", "The sword 's at my throat !", "We are to part from you ; and your own discretion", "Had need have their breasts hoop 'd with adamant", "Ha !\u2014 Help ! our guard !", "After her death .", "He says , in hell there \u2018 s one material fire ,", "Mix 'd with some fear .", "Kiss it .", "Or else to go to the picture-makers , and learn", "Must we turn soldier , then ?", "Yet cannot tune it :\u2014 still you are to thank me .", "Who talk aloud , thinking all other men", "The royal blood of Arragon and Castile ,", "Here i \u2019 th \u2019 rushes . And now , I pray , let me", "Nor any of your followers .", "I may with better privacy convey", "You may flatter yourself ,", "It hurries thee to ruin : I \u2018 ll not tell thee .", "Follow him to mass ; may be Antonio ,", "Let none , upon your lives , have conference", "A thing that makes man so deform 'd , so beastly ,", "Although he do account religion", "Inquire him out , and kill him . While he lives ,", "The shape of an old woman , which is given", "FERDINAND .", "The murder .", "Is the entrance into some prison .", "Some of his mad tricks , and cry out for help ,", "Thou hast hurt me .", "I have taken you off your melancholy perch ,", "Dejects you ; but be you of happy comfort :", "May accompany him ; or else go inquire out", "O , the fortune of your master here the prince", "Yond \u2018 s my lingering consumption :", "There is a gentleman call 'd Delio", "Upon your honours , for I was enjoin 'd to \u2018 t", "On violent whirlwinds ! This intemperate noise", "Spread in thy veins , and kill thee seven year hence .", "Why ?", "Out of your own guilt .", "Methinks I see a thing arm 'd with a rake ,", "Who bought < 130 > her picture lately : some of these", "Do , and be happy . Exit .", "Happily may take .", "Now you shall never utter it ; thy curiosity", "May never hear of .", "Force him up .", "Are tears your justification ? The self-same tears", "Because I knew thou couldst not keep my counsel ,", "When I look into the fish-ponds in my garden ,", "Take up that body .", "No ,", "And yet it shall not burn all men alike .", "She died o \u2019 th \u2019 plague ; \u2018 twill breed the less inquiry", "We had need go borrow that fantastic glass", "Ha , Bosola !", "To have them banish 'd .", "Sway your high blood .", "He gave us these large wounds , as we were struggling", "Now , art thou come ?", "You cannot make me cuckold .", "Under the eaves of night \u2014\u2014", "I can be angry", "Look to my brother :", "But commonly that motion lasts no longer", "To keep her from the sun and tempest ?", "Examine thine own frailty ; \u2018 tis more easy", "Thou hadst only kisses from him and high feeding ;", "Are the galleys come about ?", "The noise , and change of object in his eye ,", "Than the turning of an hour-glass : the funeral sermon", "Is , not to tell thee .", "Rest firm , for my affection to thee ,", "By my appointment the great Duchess of Malfi", "I am busy ; leave me <.>", "He dies .", "A fortune attends thee .", "When he did court our furtherance , as this morning .", "The marriage night", "No more ; there is", "Revenues with thee .", "I do not think but sorrow makes her look", "The reason why I would not suffer these", "How now ! put off your gown !", "Invented by Galileo the Florentine", "And though you hear him in his violent fit ,", "With a loud protestation that you love him", "What need we keep a stirring of \u2018 t , and make", "And look to find a constant woman there .", "Unequal nature , to place women 's hearts", "Are you stark mad ?", "So wild a tempest ?", "But a school-name , for fashion of the world", "Curs 'd creature !", "Will be a grave dark and obscure enough", "Be thus attainted ?", "Exit .", "When he \u2018 s asleep , myself will rise and feign", "By vexing of themselves . Come , put yourself", "About my brother , is , because at midnight", "Like a tame elephant :\u2014 still you are to thank me :\u2014", "Take comfort from me . Why do you look so wildly ?", "What \u2018 s the prodigy ", "To receive a prince 's secrets . They that do ,", "What an excellent shape hath that fellow !", "I \u2018 ll have thee hew 'd in pieces .", "Thy advancement .", "I am weary of her , and by any means", "Bore you upon my fist , and show 'd you game ,", "That body to her own lodging . I \u2018 ll give out", "To have their imperfection .", "By tradition to us to have been murder 'd", "All on a cold sweat , alter 'd much in face", "Antonio !", "About this hour I appointed Bosola", "I may not tell you .", "> From Ferdinand .\u2014 Now , sir , how fares our sister ?", "The gentleman of \u2018 s chamber found his grace", "That , like a ling'ring poison , may chance lie", "O , mercy !", "He hath grown worse and worse , and I much fear", "You fly beyond your reason .", "Do not put thyself", "You shall not watch to-night by the sick prince ;", "Julia 's body to her own lodging . O , my conscience !", "Hold ; and I will faithfully divide"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["I shall instantly .", "\u2018 Twas a foul storm to-night ."], "true_target": ["They are , my lord .", "He doth this pretty well ;", "But it will not serve to laugh me out of mine honour ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["O , \u2018 twill increase your melancholy !", "\u2018 Tis the wild consort < 105 >", "\u2018 Tis Bosola .", "This is a vain poetry : but I pray you , tell me ,", "Mine innocence .", "Both shall be safe ;", "Or go visit the Spa", "Some half and hour hence .", "A deal of life in show , but none in practice ;", "Yes , but you shall live", "As warily as those that trade in poison", "Reign most in her , I know not ; but it shows", "I am damn 'd ; I have not been at confession", "Hath plac 'd about your lodging . This tyranny ,", "In my opinion ,", "A fearful madness . I owe her much of pity .", "Pray , sir , do ; and when", "Of madmen , lady , which your tyrant brother", "I am not prepar 'd for \u2018 t , I will not die ;", "Sir , you are the happy father of a son :", "He attends you .", "In Germany ; for , if you will believe me ,", "Perpetually for this ! My turn is next ;", "I think , was never practis 'd till this hour .", "Pray , dry your eyes . What think you of , madam ?", "Look , madam , what a troop of armed men", "Like to your picture in the gallery ,", "I will first come to my answer ,< 118 > and know", "That you have cleft my heart , you shall read there", "You must attend my lady in the gallery ,", "If you kill me now ,"], "true_target": ["She were better progress to the baths at Lucca ,", "Hence , villains , tyrants , murderers ! Alas ! What will you do with my lady ?\u2014 Call for help !", "For I \u2018 ll conceal this secret from the world", "What is \u2018 t ?", "Or rather like some reverend monument", "I will not die , I must not ; I am contracted", "This two years .", "Like a madman , with your eyes open ?", "Whether the spirit of greatness or of woman", "To shake this durance off .", "Let me but speak with the duke . I \u2018 ll discover", "To a young gentleman .", "If there were propos 'd me , wisdom , riches , and beauty ,", "Make toward us !", "Yes , out of question .", "Your wife commends him to you .", "O my sweet lady !", "Treason to his person .", "In three several young men , which should I choose ?", "This feigned pilgrimage .", "You are deceiv 'd , sir ,", "Whose ruins are even pitied .", "I am quick with child .", "I do not like this jesting with religion ,", "Re-enter BOSOLA", "I will die with her .", "How I have offended .", "Is \u2018 t not so ordered ?", "with a Guard", "Keep poison from their children .", "Never , my lord .", "O , you are damn 'd"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["We \u2018 ll sing , like swans , to welcome death ,", "With silly smelts and shrimps ? And darest thou", "Exit ANTONIO .", "As if the gifts we parted with procur 'd < 22 >", "How they swell me !", "Are forc 'd to express our violent passions", "As if a mine beneath my feet were ready", "By his confederacy .", "But he was basely descended .", "Plagues , that make lanes through largest families ,", "Would do as much as they do .", "So , sir , you have your pass .", "In the presence ?", "What hideous noise was that ?", "We \u2018 ll bell , and bawl our parts ,", "Is all our train", "Till I had sign 'd your quietus ;< 83 > and that cur 'd you", "Scatter the tempest .", "What would it pleasure me to have my throat cut", "And Antonio lets the bonds be forfeit .", "Exeunt", "Since \u2018 tis the treasury of all my secrets !", "Thy protestation", "So would I find concealment .", "Bless , heaven , this sacred gordian < 27 > which let violence", "No : they taste of musk , methinks ; indeed they do .", "From my brother ?", "O , they are very welcome :", "In the removing of a piece of felt .", "All !", "Or , if you please , my hand to help you : so .", "Thou art happy that thou hast not understanding", "I wink 'd and chose a husband .\u2014 Cariola ,", "That \u2018 s the greatest torture souls feel in hell ,", "O , let me shrowd my blushes in your bosom ,", "Stuck with a magical needle , and then buried", "Must ! You are a lord of mis-rule .", "I am acquainted with sad misery", "Good dear soul ,", "Indeed , I thank him . Nothing but noise and folly", "Must pull down heaven upon me :\u2014", "Man is most happy when \u2018 s own actions", "I affectionately kiss it .", "Be you the example to the rest o \u2019 th \u2019 court ;", "You had the trick in audit-time to be sick ,", "No , I \u2018 ll go curse .", ": he kneels .", "To see you dead , or part with you .\u2014 Farewell , boy :", "Of sorrow .\u2014 In the eternal church , sir ,", "Till irksome noise have cloy 'd your ears", "Were I a man ,", "And compar 'd myself to \u2018 t : naught made me e'er", "Whither , then ?", "Only to make themselves of strength and power", "You get no lodging here to-night , my lord .", "Remember , my curse hath a great way to go .\u2014", "In th \u2019 other world ?", "I hope \u2018 twill multiply love there . You do tremble :", "One of your eyes is blood-shot ; use my ring to \u2018 t .", "\u2018 Tis so ; a bettering of nature .", "> From them I should learn somewhat , I am sure ,", "And \u2018 cause you shall not come to me in debt ,", "You have cause to love me ; I ent'red you into my heart", "My laurel is all withered .", "You shall judge : pray , taste one .", "If they would bind me to that lifeless trunk ,", "Who am I ?", "That he so much distrusts my husband 's love ,", "Indeed , I thank you : they are wondrous fair ones . What an unskilful fellow is our gardener ! We shall have none this month .", "I mean to follow thee .", "Be cas 'd up , like a holy relic ? I have youth", "Our value never can be truly known ,", "That Charon 's boat serves to convey all o'er", "I \u2018 d make them my low footsteps . And even now ,", "Never untwine !", "Were not one better make it smiling , thus ,", "Were chang 'd to pearls .", "Thank Jupiter we both have pass 'd the net !", "Let me see it :", "Of an excellent picture-maker ? \u2018 Twould disgrace", "With their hands full of money , use to give o'er", "His face-making , and undo him . I prithee ,", "Alas , your shears do come untimely now", "I will have none .", "What noise is that ?", "Bent to all sways of the oppressor 's will :", "\u2018 O , \u2019 quoth the salmon , \u2018 sister , be at peace :", "As the tann 'd galley-slave is with his oar ;", "Go right but heaven 's scourge-stick .", "To thy known secrecy I have given up", "You are very cold :", "All that you have .", "Past sorrows , let us moderately lament them ,", "Thy breath smells of lemon-pills : would thou hadst done !", "So to great men the moral may be stretched ;", "Doth not the colour of my hair \u2018 gin to change ?", "In gold and sugar ?", "Antonio !", "Prepare us instantly for our departure .", "O , that \u2018 s soon answer 'd .", "You shall get no more children till my brothers", "Sad tales befit my woe : I \u2018 ll tell you one .", "Shall I swoon under thy fingers ? I am", "Churchmen forget them !\u2014", "Pray , sir , hear me .", "With this rough language ; \u2018 Why art thou so bold", "Per verba", "Is Antonio come ?", "More than my life ,\u2014 my fame .", "Of all the other princes of the world ,", "Which tradesmen use i \u2019 the city ; their false lights", "And a little beauty .", "You shall take charge of all my coin and jewels ,", "All discord without this circumference", "Thou art a superstitious fool :", "Therefore by all my love I do conjure you", "Came from a dying father . Your kiss is colder", "Shall this move me ? If all my royal kindred", "But I intend to make you overseer .", "Say her prayers ere she sleep .", "I fear I am undone !", "They say \u2018 tis very sovereign . \u2018 Twas my wedding-ring ,", "To be blown up .", "To circumvent us In riddles .", "Where I shall find nor path nor friendly clue", "Consent to be your gossips . Have you lost your tongue ?", "Of this thy dismal preparation ,", "This is a prison ?", "Must go upon their knees", "Being now my steward , here upon your lips", "\u2018 Tis ceremony more than duty that consists", "Touching mine honour .", "Antonio , the master of our household ,", "\u2014 Come , violent death ,", "Of this Antonio .", "Pray thee , why dost thou wrap thy poison 'd pills", "I hope in time \u2018 twill grow into a custom ,", "I \u2018 d not be tedious to you .", "For I do play a part in \u2018 t \u2018 gainst my will .", "Against .\u2014 Call up our officers .", "I have got well by you ; you have yielded me", "Kneels at my husband 's tomb . Awake , awake , man !", "Of simple virtue , which was never made", "My brother stood engag 'd with me for money", "I have not gone about in this to create", "Exit .", "An upright treasurer : but you mistook ;", "presenti < 26 > is absolute marriage .", "Thou dost blanch mischief , Would'st make it white . See , see , like to calm weather At sea before a tempest , false hearts speak fair To those they intend most mischief .\u2018 Send Antonio to me ; I want his head in a business . \u2019 A politic equivocation ! He doth not want your counsel , but your head ; That is , he cannot sleep till you be dead . And here \u2018 s another pitfall that \u2018 s strew 'd o'er With roses ; mark it , \u2018 tis a cunning one :\u2018 I stand engaged for your husband for several debts at Naples : let not that trouble him ; I had rather have his heart than his money ':\u2014 And I believe so too .", "O , but you must", "With such a pity men preserve alive", "Go , howl them this , and say , I long to bleed :", "Dost live in shallow rivers , rank'st thyself", "And , because I intend to be rid of him ,", "They say they are restorative .", "Without help of a doctor .\u2014 Gentlemen ,", "I thank you , Bosola : they were right good ones ,", "For I am chain 'd to endure all your tyranny .", "I \u2018 ll starve myself to death .", "Wear their hats on \u2018 fore that king .", "Be not amaz 'd ; this woman \u2018 s of my counsel :", "I stand", "Here , sir .", "Take pen and ink , and write : are you ready ?", "The people 's curses for your stewardship .", "I have seen children oft eat sweetmeats thus ,", "Thou art very plain .", "Bestow upon my women , will you ?", "Yes , to help your eye-sight .", "I now am blind .", "Runs upon enginous wheels :< 82 > short syllables", "You have left me heartless ; mine is in your bosom :", "Must stand for periods . I must now accuse you", "And progress through yourself .", "To behold my tragedy .\u2014 How now !", "But to my second husband .", "To be executed again . Who must despatch me ?", "To waste thy pity on a thing so wretched", "His action seem 'd", "If they do not make me sick .", "What \u2018 s laid up yonder for me .", "The apoplexy , catarrh , or cough o \u2019 th \u2019 lungs ,", "A many hungry guests have fed upon me ;", "And reading brings us to a truer sense", "I have had three children by him .", "You may look quite through him . When I choose", "Be sudden .\u2014 I am your adventure , am I not ?", "We are forc 'd to woo , because none dare woo us ;", "I \u2018 ll stop your mouth .", "You were ill to sell yourself :", "What devil art thou that counterfeit'st heaven 's thunder ?", "They go on such strange geometrical hinges ,", "I have so much obedience in my blood ,", "I \u2018 d beat that counterfeit face < 97 > into thy other .", "You saw this apparition ?", "Here , when ? thou art such a tedious lady ; and", "Poor ! he hath amply fill 'd his coffers .", "Like the old tale in ALEXANDER AND LODOWICK ,", "Shall make you howl in hell for \u2018 t .", "Necessity makes me suffer constantly ,", "I prithee , who is greatest ? Can you tell ?", "Men oft are valu 'd high , when they 're most wretched .\u2014", "For a tyrant , which I would account mercy .", "But I intend , since they were born accurs 'd ,", "Pity !", "What do you think of marriage ?", "Best gift is they can give or I can take .", "So troubled with the mother !< 41 >", "And let me freeze to death .", "Even in this hate , as men in some great battles ,", "Yes .", "O , you jest .\u2014", "Curses shall be their first language .", "For when I said I meant to make inquiry", "I do here put off all vain ceremony ,", "What witchcraft doth he practise , that he hath left A dead man 's hand here ?", "Pass by our dog-ship without reverence ? \u2019", "Farewell , Cariola .", "I am exceeding short-winded .\u2014 Bosola ,", "I am Duchess of Malfi still .", "Kneel .", "No :", "When Fortune 's wheel is over-charg 'd with princes ,", "What \u2018 s laid up for to-morrow .", "I \u2019 th \u2019 market then my price may be the higher ,", "You have ta'en my cares upon you .", "Consume them !\u2014", "Indeed , I have not leisure to tend so small a business .", "Yes , and the more dangerously , since thy sickness is insensible .", "So late ?", "Than that I have seen an holy anchorite", "And custom makes it easy . Who do I look like now ?", "This talk fit for a charnel .", "Than were \u2018 t my picture , fashion 'd out of wax ,", "Thou art a fool :", "That violent distraction ?", "Yes , I know him .", "Persuade a wretch that \u2018 s broke upon the wheel", "Dost thou think we shall know one another", "That must but echo this .\u2014 Maid , stand apart :", "Indeed , I thank you . I look young for your sake ;", "Hire a house there ; I \u2018 ll send after you", "Never be remembered but for the ill they have done ;", "After these triumphs and this large expense", "He will by no means believe his heart is with him", "\u2018 Tis not the figure cut in alabaster", "But , sir , I am to have private conference with you", "To whom ? To our next neighbours ? They are mad-folks .", "For me , sir ! Pray , who is \u2018 t ?", "To take your eldest son , and fly towards Milan .", "The place that you must fly to is Ancona :", "Magnanima menzogna , a noble lie ,", "To the haven .", "Is only to be pitied , and not fear 'd :", "Give to a dead man 's skull .", "Leave me ; but place thyself behind the arras ,", "It came so roundly off .", "And on a sudden all the diamonds", "But hold some two days \u2019 conference with the dead !", "You violate a sacrament o \u2019 th \u2019 church", "Fie upon him !", "What good deed shall we first remember ? Say .", "Fie , fie , what \u2018 s all this ?", "To know thy misery ; for all our wit", "On the wild benefit of nature live", "A count ! He \u2018 s a mere stick of sugar-candy ;", "Towards the satisfying of your accounts ,", "Do you visit me for this ?", "A salmon , as she swam unto the sea .", "Yet stay ; heaven-gates are not so highly arch 'd", "In some foul dunghill ; and yon \u2018 s an excellent property", "As I taste comfort in this friendly speech ,", "I stay for after this . It wastes me more", "Happier than we ; for they may choose their mates ,", "Let us not venture all this poor remainder", "I forgive them :", "And yet , O heaven , thy heavy hand is in \u2018 t !", "Sir , you are loth", "Should wear these masks and curtains , and not we .", "Why might not I marry ?", "O misery ! methinks unjust actions", "Our bodies being blest ,", "I would have this man be an example to you all ;", "I would have you , sir , provide for me a litter ;", "I would ask you pardon .", "Unto your marriage-bed :", "Why should not we bring up that fashion ?", "Portia ,< 100 > I \u2018 ll new kindle thy coals again ,"], "true_target": ["Let them , like tyrants ,", "Lay in my way unto this marriage ,", "Ha ! lights !\u2014\u2014 O , horrible !", "Did you ever in your life know an ill painter", "I have heard", ", turn your eyes ,", "At his pleasure .\u2014", "\u2018 Tis welcome :", "That noblemen shall come with cap and knee", "What \u2018 s laid up for to-morrow , I did mean", "Beauteous !", "Gasping for breath . Dost thou perceive me sick ?", "I fear you are not well after your travel .\u2014", "Is he mad too ?", "Very good :", "Leave us .", "Am not I thy duchess ?", "How ?", "Indeed , I am very near it .", "I know death hath ten thousand several doors", "Whither , within few days ,", "The earth of flaming sulphur , yet I am not mad .", "And only do appear to you a young widow", "In th \u2019 other world ?", "I never shall know here . I \u2018 ll tell thee a miracle :", ", and , I pray , sir , tell me ,", "Your arm , Antonio : do I not grow fat ?", "For h'as done that , alas , you would not think of ,", "Methinks his presence , being now in court ,", "And as a tyrant doubles with his words ,", "Such a one as the Duchess of Florence rode in .", "We shall one day have my brothers take you napping .", "There \u2018 s no deep valley but near some great hill .", "Let them come in .", "Ha ! my tomb !", "Mercy ! Dies .", "My treasure and my jewels . Our weak safety", "Thou art deceiv 'd :", "To be my guide .", "Shrunk to this poor remainder ?", "Whom ?", "The like soft music !", "Until he see it : the devil is not cunning enough", "He left this with me .", "Lights to my chamber !\u2014 O good Antonio ,", "I pray thee , look thou giv'st my little boy", "Never live long in cages .", "A million of loss : I am like to inherit", "As fearful to devour them too soon .", "Of nothing ;", "Met with a dog-fish , who encounters her", "Ta'en up of certain Neapolitan Jews ,", "Methought I wore my coronet of state ,", "Thou hast given me : I shall shortly grow one", "Remove him .", "I sent for you : sit down ;", "So I through frights and threatenings will assay", "Can keep me in my right wits ; whereas reason", "I know not which is best ,", "Sure , you came hither", "I thank you , gentle love :", "O , I remember .", "To its first chaos .", "Pray , let \u2018 s hear it .", "The church enjoins fasting :", "Take hence the lights .\u2014 He \u2018 s come .", "Being no eminent courtier , but one", "Shall lead me by the hand .", "Will you hear me ? I \u2018 ll never marry .", "Of beasts and fatal fowl !", "Mine bleeds for \u2018 t .", "Go tell my brothers , when I am laid out ,", "This dangerous venture . Let old wives report", "To appease my humorous < 29 > kindred ; and if you please ,", "Th \u2019 heaven o'er my head seems made of molten brass ,", "Quickening , and make", "Dispose my breath how please you ; but my body", "That claims you for her husband , and , like a widow ,", "Must I , like to slave-born Russian ,", "O misery ! like to a rusty o'ercharg ' d cannon ,", "In one unlucky bottom .", "So I were out of your whispering . Tell my brothers", "Exeunt .", "Sir ,", "May do it : thus . Is it fit ?", "And Fortune seems only to have her eye-sight", "Say that he was born mean ,", "The weight makes it move swift : I would have my ruin", "I would thou wert hang 'd for the horrible curse", "Knowing to meet such excellent company", "I have heard you say that the French courtiers", "And I did vow never to part with it", "Now what you please :", "And fearfully equivocates , so we", "What death ?", "Bring the caroches .< 13 >\u2014 We \u2018 ll bring you down", "At last , whenas our choir wants breath ,", "I mean not to publish .\u2014 Use your fortune elsewhere .", "For men to take their exits ; and \u2018 tis found", "The misery of us that are born great !", "To be our after-ruin ; tell them so .", "To seem the thing it is not . Go , go brag", "Even when I am nearest to the cook and fire . \u2019", "Their patients .", "By apprehending danger , have achiev 'd", "You may discover what a wealthy mine", ",", "For me , sir ?", "I cannot stand upright in \u2018 t nor discourse ,", "Even now thou said'st", "Till in the fisher 's basket we be shown :", "As cannot pity itself . I am full of daggers .", "To mix thyself with our high state of floods ,", "Some deadly dogged howl ,", "Put on your hat first .", "Let heaven a little while cease crowning martyrs ,", "O , sir , where are they ? I have heard of none to-year < 42 >", "The robin-red-breast and the nightingale", "I do hope we shall not part thus .", "Before you would vouchsafe to call for the keys .", "No , sir :", "Of such a feigned crime as Tasso calls", "Will you see my husband ?", "Now she pays it .", "We \u2018 ll only lie and talk together , and plot", "About a scandalous report is spread", "Let all the zealous prayers of mortified", "Commends him and prefers him .", "It is some mercy when men kill with speed .", "What did I say ?", "When I muse thus , I sleep .", "Thou wast a tomb-maker .", "I account this world a tedious theatre ,", "With cassia ? or to be shot to death with pearls ?", "Puff , let me blow these vipers from me .", "Not a whit :", "I had a very strange dream to-night .", "If I had a husband now , this care were quit :", "You are in this", "And die in love and rest .", "As ravens , screech-owls , bulls , and bears ,", "When I wax gray , I shall have all the court", "Pull , and pull strongly , for your able strength", "I make your lord of .", "To purchase a night 's lodging of their wives .", "Peace ; it affrights not me .", "You must instantly part hence : I have fashion 'd it already .", "To have all his bones new set ; entreat him live", "How do you affect it ?", "I would have you lead your fortune by the hand", "Where thou mayst overhear us . Wish me good speed ;", "Some syrup for his cold , and let the girl", "Their league is like that of some politic kings ,", "Why ?", "I sign your Quietus est .< 25 > This you should have begg 'd now .", "Diamonds are of most value ,", "So , now the ground \u2018 s broke ,", "Why , do we grow fantastical on our deathbed ? Do we affect fashion in the grave ?", "If you will know where breathes a complete man", "To be eaten .", "Here by a Madman this song is sung to a dismal kind of music", "Your knowledge of him", "What can the church force more ?", "And hereupon", "Shall I never fly in pieces ?\u2014 Come , to what prison ?", "What are you ?", "I am making my will", "Should make you keep your own bed ; but you \u2018 ll say", "It \u2018 s fit , like thrifty husbands ,< 21 > we inquire", "Thine will be a poor reversion .", "Away !", "Happily , not to your liking : but for that ,", "How can the church build faster ?< 28 >", "I wish it in their veins to do them good .", "In my last will I have not much to give :", "Powder their hair with arras ,< 81 > to be like me .", "Almost impossible actions", "We now are man and wife , and \u2018 tis the church", "That I perceive death , now I am well awake ,", "For I am going into a wilderness ,", "Love mix 'd with fear is sweetest . I \u2018 ll assure you ,", "And carol their sweet pleasures to the spring .", "I suspect some ambush ;", "To fear more than to love me . Sir , be confident :", "When were we so merry ?\u2014 My hair tangles .", "BOSOLA .", "O , I am in an extreme cold sweat !", "With diamonds ? or to be smothered", "Sir \u2014\u2014", "Be arguments and examples of his virtue .", "To Ancona .", "O , you are", "And silence make me stark mad . Sit down ;", "Of the miracles of pity . I \u2018 ll go pray ;\u2014", "Pheasants and quails , when they are not fat enough", "I would say , too wilful : my reputation", "I have seen my little boy oft scourge his top ,", "Serve for mandragora to make me sleep !\u2014", "Sounding as from the threatening throat", "Sir , your direction", "Saint Winifred , that were a strange will !", "This puts me in mind of death : physicians thus ,", "O , you render me excellent music !", "The dismal lake , but brings none back again .", "They say , that have pass 'd through most jewellers \u2019 hands .", "They have done wisely .", "I could curse the stars .", "This dark'ning of your worth is not like that", "But come , whither you please . I am arm 'd \u2018 gainst misery ;", "Bring me the casket hither , and the glass .\u2014", "Is safe .", "For those to come , seek wisely to prevent them .", "To me , sir ?", "In hell , that they must live , and cannot die .", "Let me look upon you once more , for that speech", "This goodly roof of yours is too low built ;", "Very proper ;", "This good one that you speak of is my husband .", "I would know what are your opinions", "And thou comest to make my tomb ?", "To hear of greater grief would lessen mine .", "I would fain put off my last woman'shYpppHeNfault ,", "We do confiscate ,", "You may open them both ways : any way , for heaven-sake ,", "What do you think of these ?", "To rob us of our dainties . \u2018 Tis a delicate fruit ;", "I pray , sir , hear me : I am married .", "\u2018 Cause it must shield our honours .\u2014 Hark ! they are coming .", "Let me know fully therefore the effect", "Who would be afraid on \u2018 t ,", "Account it praise to suffer tyranny ?", "O bless 'd comfort ! This deadly air is purg 'd . Exeunt", "Yet , should they know it , time will easily", "Hath dealt so falsely with me in \u2018 s accounts .", "Of a loving wife .", "Do not think of them :", "Any new world or custom .", "Let me be a little merry :\u2014 of what stuff wilt thou make it ?", "That for the calmest and fresh time o \u2019 th \u2019 year", "As princes \u2019 palaces ; they that enter there", "To intend so much .", "Thou art a fool , then ,", "I will plant my soul in mine ears , to hear you .", "They then may feed in quiet .", "For know , whether I am doom 'd to live or die ,", "Make not your heart so dead a piece of flesh ,", "Desire to have his dwelling next door to the shop", "I can do both like a prince .", "And revive the rare and almost dead example", "In riddles and in dreams , and leave the path", "Are to rid bad wares off : and I must tell you ,", "Into a Russian winter ; nay , the world", "That gallery gave him entrance .", "The birds that live i \u2019 th \u2019 field", "O , let us howl some heavy note ,", "Too strict ; and were you not my princely brother ,", "And those three smiling seasons of the year", "And follow him ; for he retires himself", "This is terrible good counsel .", "Good comfortable fellow ,", "O , that it were possible we might", "In a winding-sheet ?", "A husband , I will marry for your honour .", "I think this speech between you both was studied ,", "They strangle her .", "My brother 's bills at Naples are protested", "I have heard lawyers say , a contract in a chamber", "So shall you hold my favour ; I pray , let him ;", "I am not mad yet , to my cause of sorrow :", "There needs small conjuration , when your finger", "Lay a naked sword between us , keep us chaste .", "I use but half a blush in \u2018 t .", "This green fruit and my stomach are not friends :", "There is not between heaven and earth one wish", "Thou speak'st as if I lay upon my death-bed ,", "Banish 'd Ancona !", "Is ingenious and hearty ; I believe it .", "Discourse to me some dismal tragedy .", "Sit , Cariola .\u2014 Let them loose when you please ,", "Why should only I ,", "Without I raise it higher . Raise yourself ;", "To punish them !\u2014", "Than in deep groans and terrible ghastly looks ,", "To clip the bird 's wings that \u2018 s already flown !", "In heaven .", "Thou art not mad , sure : dost know me ?", "And corrosiv 'd your hearts .", "What is \u2018 t distracts you ? This is flesh and blood , sir ;", "I think she did .\u2014 Come hither , mend my ruff :"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["He \u2018 s nothing else but murder ; yet he seems", "You were undone .", "What \u2018 s the matter ?", "Exit .", "I have a present for your grace .", "And go no farther in your cruelty :", "Rais 'd by that curious engine , your white hand ,", "Yet , methinks ,", "And what of this ?", "How greedily she eats them !", "O , she \u2018 s gone again ! there the cords of life broke .", "The weakest arm is strong enough that strikes", "Unto a wretch hath slain his father .", "O , fie !", "Never to see you more , he comes i \u2019 th \u2019 night ;", "Turn Christians , and serve you for this act .", "And though I loath 'd the evil , yet I lov 'd", "Like English mastives that grow fierce with tying ,", "In honour of this trophy of a man ,", "But by what means shall I find him out ?", "He fashions all sins on him , and the blows", "It seems you would create me", "When your ingratitude", "That shows us hell ! That we cannot be suffer 'd", "Now , for this act I am certain to be rais 'd ,", "Shine in your chamber . He will kiss your hand ,", "Next to her delicate skin , and furnish her", "Can drive thee . I \u2018 ll not waste longer time ; there !", "Last , the neglected poets of your time ,", "He did suspect me wrongfully .", "I would wish your grace to feign a pilgrimage", "That throws men down only to raise them up !", "Let \u2018 s walk towards it .", "He \u2018 s reconcil 'd to your brothers ; the Pope hath wrought", "Let these lie still .", "And may it arrive welcome , for it brings", "In what a shadow , or deep pit of darkness ,", "That any ill happen 'd unto thee , considering thy fall", "Feed in a lord 's dish , half asleep , not seeming", "A politician is the devil 's quilted anvil ;", "We seem to sweat in ice and freeze in fire .", "What art thou ?", "To reveal this ?", "Never in mine own shape ;", "Prefers but gain or commendation :", "The reward due to my service .", "Will you make yourself a mercenary herald ,", "\u2018 Tis ready to part from me . I do glory", "To make a pippin grow upon a crab ,", "\u2018 Tis rumour 'd she hath had three bastards , but", "Which hell calls angels ! These curs 'd gifts would make", "The office of justice is perverted quite", "You may discern the shape of loveliness", "Carry a quiver of darts in them sharper", "His dirty stirrup riveted through their noses ,", "Delays :\u2014 throttle her .", "O , fie ! despair ? Remember", "The spring bathes the tree 's root , the grateful tree", "I have depended on him ,", "When we know black deeds must be cur 'd with death .", "I am Bosola , your friend .", "How Now !", "Believe me , you have done a very happy turn .", "He seems to come to himself ,", "You have in a wanton humour thrown away ,", "Exit", "Would he not count me a villain ?", "That usually is sent to condemn 'd persons", "The business shall be comfort .", "So .", "We value not desert nor Christian breath ,", "O , they were frozen up ! Here is a sight", "Pray , and be sudden . When thou kill 'd'st thy sister ,", "I have this cardinal in the forge already ;", "As gives a majesty to adversity :", "His fame shall likewise flow from many a pen ,", "Have so much goodness in \u2018 t as to prefer", "Yes , and I am glad", "Such a mistake as I have often seen", "Nay , resolve me first , of what fashion ?", "For thou fall'st faster of thyself than calamity", "Demand the cause , let him not put you off", "FIRST SERVANT .", "Sometimes the devil doth preach .", "Your bright eyes", "And arm you thus : yet this is wondrous strange .", "Never .", "To other dependance .", "Now he \u2018 s so near the bottom .", "So , so , there \u2018 s no question but her techiness < 46 > and most vulturous eating of the apricocks are apparent signs of breeding , now ?", "You shall want < 89 > him :", "Shall not deny me . Then I \u2018 ll post to Milan ,", "Mine is another voyage .", "That I might find a great man like yourself ,", "I \u2018 ll whisper one thing in thy dying ear", "You are very fair .", "Slain by this hand ; for lustful Julia", "Was accompanied with virtue .", "Than shun it ; a behaviour so noble", "And heaven in it seems to ope , that late was shut ,", "I \u2018 ll suffer your retreat to Julia 's chamber ,", "And should I take these , they 'd take me", "Glories , like glow-worms , afar off shine bright ,", "No more than base ; I \u2018 ll be mine own example .\u2014", "And when they have done , go hide themselves i \u2019 th \u2019 grave", "My intelligence will freeze else . List , again !", "Again !", "As here for proof . What rests < 90 > but I reveal", "All love and safety .", "Are never heard : he may work in a lady 's chamber ,", "The precedent \u2018 s here afore me . How this man", "There are a many ways that conduct to seeming", "I am a tomb-maker .", "Haunts me : there , there !\u2014 \u2018 Tis nothing but my melancholy .", "Mercy upon me , what a fatal judgment", "I shall . Exit .", "Yes , madam , he is living ;", "You are : you must see your husband no more .", "The physician 's whore , because she cozens < 15 > him .", "Strange !\u2014This is cunning .", "Will you reject that noble and free league", "Fortunate lady !", "To suffer death or shame for what is just :", "> From the duchess \u2019 lodgings . There \u2018 s some stratagem", "And I will set my hand to \u2018 t .", "Is that terrible ? I would have you tell me whether", "Unless you imitate some that do plot great treasons ,", "A barren , beggarly virtue .", "\u2018 Tis a pretty art ,", "The humble and fair seminary of peace ,", "I was lur 'd to you .", "Now I shall :\u2014", "When ?< 119 >", "Fail not to effect it .", "Their life a general mist of error ,", "They that think long small expedition win ,", "Your longing . Come , come , I \u2018 ll disarm you ,", "Let me show you what a most unvalu 'd jewel", "I think I shall", "I would see that wretched thing , Antonio ,", "To appear a true servant than an honest man .", "Your brothers mean you safety and pity .", "Why do you do this ?", "Know you me , I am a blunt soldier .", "Let me see : you have a reasonable good face for \u2018 t already , and your night-cap expresses your ears sufficient largely . I would have you learn to twirl the strings of your band with a good grace , and in a set speech , at th \u2019 end of every sentence , to hum three or four times , or blow your nose till it smart again , to recover your memory . When you come to be a president in criminal causes , if you smile upon a prisoner , hang him ; but if you frown upon him and threaten him , let him be sure to scape the gallows .", "These tears , I am very certain , never grew", "When heralds shall want coats to sell to men .", "A man merely for worth , without these shadows", "That long hath ta'en a sweet and golden dream :", "He hath left a sort < 86 > of flattering rogues behind him ;", "I should have discover 'd apparently < 43 >", "Now all the court \u2018 s asleep , I thought the devil", "You have a pretty way on \u2018 t to discover", "> From fair Ancona ; so may you depart", "This grafting .", "Who , I ? No ; only , by the way now and then , mention your frailties . The orange-tree bears ripe and green fruit and blossoms all together ; and some of you give entertainment for pure love , but more for more precious reward . The lusty spring smells well ; but drooping autumn tastes well . If we have the same golden showers that rained in the time of Jupiter the thunderer , you have the same Danaes still , to hold up their laps to receive them . Didst thou never study the mathematics ?", "Look you , there sleeps your mistress .", "This fellow doth breed basilisks in \u2018 s eyes ,", "Remove that noise .", "The manner of your death should much afflict you :", "More perfect in her tears than in her smiles :", "Your brother and yourself are worthy men !", "O foolish woman ,", "With the emperor : if he be , like the mice", "This is manly sorrow ;", "By whom we may go read i \u2019 the stars .", "Yes .", "Very likely .", "Some cordial drink !\u2014 Alas ! I dare not call :", "It made so little noise of \u2018 t .", "And execute thy last will ; that \u2018 s deliver", "Yes , if we could find spectacles to read them .", "O , by no means . Physicians that apply horse-leeches to any rank swelling use to cut off their tails , that the blood may run through them the faster : let me have no train when I go to shed blood , less it make me have a greater when I ride to the gallows .", "Only a dead wall between . Well , good Antonio ,", "To-morrow I \u2018 ll expect th \u2019 intelligence .", "Sure , your pistol holds", "I forgot to tell you , the knave gardener ,", "Of wealth and painted honours ? Possible ?", "Soldiers , \u2018 twould make the very Turks and Moors", "Do you so ?", "For to suspect a friend unworthily", "The provisorship o \u2019 the horse ? Say , then , my corruption", "Nay , you are too much swell 'd already .", "That , ruin 'd , yield no echo . Fare you well .", "One of no birth .", "That you", "Strew your hair with powders sweet ,", "There \u2018 s no more credit to be given to the face", "Of intelligencer ! Why , every quality i \u2019 the world", "May then play with your eye-lid .", "Only to raise his profit by them the sooner ,", "Rather to examine men 's pedigrees than virtues ?", "Those pleasures she is kept from .", "You are a Christian .", "O poor Antonio , though nothing be so needful", "A crucifix let bless your neck .", "In their own money : flatterers dissemble their vices ,", "Seem 'd to have years too many .", "To take me up to mercy .", "We are merely the stars \u2019 tennis-balls , struck and banded", "Rewards it with his shadow : you have not done so .", "More reverend than all the cabinets", "And prays you gently neither torch nor taper", "I have it , I will work upon this creature .\u2014", "There was taken even now a Switzer in the duchess \u2019 bed-chamber \u2014\u2014", "Are your own chronicle too much , and grossly", "Good ; her colour rises .", "Antonio hereabout did drop a paper :\u2014 Some of your help , false friend .< 56 >\u2014 O , here it is . What \u2018 s here ? a child 's nativity calculated !\u2018 The duchess was deliver 'd of a son , \u2018 tween the hours twelve and one in the night , Anno Dom . 1504 , \u2019 \u2014 that \u2018 s this year \u2014 \u2018 decimo nono Decembris , \u2019 \u2014 that \u2018 s this night \u2014 \u2018 taken according to the meridian of Malfi , \u2019 \u2014 that \u2018 s our duchess : happy discovery !\u2014 \u2018 The lord of the first house being combust in the ascendant , signifies short life ; and Mars being in a human sign , joined to the tail of the Dragon , in the eighth house , doth threaten a violent death . Caetera non scrutantur . '< 57 > Why , now \u2018 tis most apparent ; this precise fellow Is the duchess \u2019 bawd :\u2014 I have it to my wish ! This is a parcel of intelligency < 58 > Our courtiers were cas 'd up for : it needs must follow That I must be committed on pretence Of poisoning her ; which I \u2018 ll endure , and laugh at . If one could find the father now ! but that Time will discover . Old Castruccio I \u2019 th \u2019 morning posts to Rome : by him I \u2018 ll send A letter that shall make her brothers \u2019 galls O'erflow their livers . This was a thrifty < 59 > way ! Though lust do mask in ne'er so strange disguise , She \u2018 s oft found witty , but is never wise .", "By yours .", "I am come to kill thee .", "Shall I go sue to Fortune any longer ? \u2018 Tis the fool 's pilgrimage .", "Leave this vain sorrow .", "I serv 'd your tyranny , and rather strove", "Last benefit , last sorrow .", "That forsake falling houses , I would shift", "Nothing so dangerous ! I must look to my footing :", "I know not : yet I wish your grace had par 'd \u2018 em .", "Arise from merit . The virgins of your land", "Say you ?", "As I have seen some", "Break , heart !", "Of my undoing !\u2014 The last part of my life", "That was an actor in the main of all", "Worth my dejection .", "To bless the man shall find him . He was an excellent", "Thou art deceiv 'd ; they are out of thy howling .", "Not to have notice of the duchess \u2019 death .", "To let in rescue .", "As the adamant draws iron . Fare you well , sir ;", "Let me know", "The duchess us 'd one when she was great with child .", "In the confining all our courtiers", "In my mother 's milk . My estate is sunk", "Make not yourself such a promise of that life", "Look you , the stars shine still <.>", "Treachery !", "She shames to acknowledge .", "O sacred innocence , that sweetly sleeps", "Had least to do here ; I came to say my prayers ;", "That these are rogues that in \u2018 s prosperity ,", "Not I : did you ?", "\u2018 Cause once he rashly made a solemn vow", "Your length in clay \u2018 s now competent :", "Without thunderbolts i \u2019 the tail of them .\u2014 Whose throat must I cut ?", "You , not I , shall quake for \u2018 t .", "You \u2018 d have her . But here begin your pity :", "No question but : many an unbenefic 'd scholar", "Think so .", "Sir , I would speak with you .", "Come , I \u2018 ll bear thee hence ,", "Sure , he was too honest . Pluto ,< 87 > the god of riches ,", "Hath fall'n upon this Ferdinand !", "No , sir : copy it out ,", "Together with an intelligencer 's heart-string ,", "And yet it seemed a private whisp'ringhYpppHeNroom ,", "And the sound came , if I receiv 'd it right ,", "Most ambitiously . Princes \u2019 images on their tombs do not lie , as they were wont , seeming to pray up to heaven ; but with their hands under their cheeks , as if they died of the tooth-ache . They are not carved with their eyes fix 'd upon the stars , but as their minds were wholly bent upon the world , the selfsame way they seem to turn their faces .", "For you have made your private nuptial bed", "On the devil 's errand , he rides post and comes in by scuttles .< 88 >", "And if it do offend you I do so ,", "To the nets ? You have heark'ned to the last too much .", "Wherefore I should be thus neglected . Sir ,", "Sure I did hear a woman shriek : list , ha !", "Upon your rotten purposes to me ?", "That , now you know directly they are dead ,", "Fie , lady !", "Look there .", "From whence ?", "You are happily o'erta ' en .", "Bears up in blood ! seems fearless ! Why , \u2018 tis well ;", "For the imputation !", "If that these apricocks should be poison 'd now ,", "Makes her too passionately apprehend", "Here your perfect peace is sign 'd .", "Was wont to lodge .\u2014 O , my fate moves swift !", "The man I would have sav 'd \u2018 bove mine own life !", "Let good men , for good deeds , covet good fame ,", "Will you do this ?", "Fix your eye here .", "A long war disturb 'd your mind ;", "The screech-owl and the whistler shrill", "Begun upon a large and ample base ,", "The young springal < 44 > cutting a caper in her belly .", "When one thief hangs another . Who shall dare", "Candies all sins o'er ; and what heaven terms vile ,", "Where somewhat I will speedily enact", "Since place and riches oft are bribes of shame .", "Us 'd on the duchess .", "O , uncharitable !", "I think not so ; her infelicity", "An intelligencer .< 16 >", "That have no dowries shall hope your example", "e'er should make me", "Nothing but perfumes or kissing-comfits .< 131 >", "You kept her counsel ; now you shall keep ours .", "You have a pair of hearts are hollow graves ,", "Here is a present from your princely brothers ;", "Fall right , my sword !\u2014", "Is that note worse that frights the silly birds", "Bosola and my death . Listen ; I hear one 's footing .", "And two sweet children \u2014\u2014", "In sooth , I \u2018 ll tell you :", "My trade is to flatter the dead , not the living ;", "You are falling into ingratitude : I challenge", "There cannot be a surer way to trace", "And this last cruel lie : when you send me next ,", "I \u2018 ll not give thee so much leisure as to pray .", "We are only like dead walls or vaulted graves ,", "Are both unseasonable .", "Your credit \u2018 s saved .", "Which is not yours to dispose of .", "Which I will wear on th \u2019 inside of my heart !", "She will muse for hours together ; and her silence ,", "Than sun-beams .", "No ."], "true_target": ["Other sins only speak ; murder shrieks out .", "Gentlemen o \u2019 the wood-yard , where \u2018 s your Switzer now ?", "I am angry with myself , now that I wake .", "To store them with fresh colour .\u2014 Who \u2018 s there ?", "Alas , how have these offended ?", "Where \u2018 s the waiting-woman ? ?", "And they dissemble their lies ; that \u2018 s justice .", "You shall shortly hear from \u2018 s .", "And wherefore should you lay fair marble colours", "I do suspect there hath been some sorcery", "Poison 'd ! a Spanish fig", "Yet take heed ;", "I will not imitate things glorious .", "I fear too much .", "And reconcile himself ; but for his vow", "And bear him where the lady Julia", "As devilish to acknowledge it too much .", "To our Lady of Loretto , scarce seven leagues", "Their death a hideous storm of terror .", "All our good deeds and bad , a perspective", "Give it me in a breath , and let me fly to \u2018 t .", "You may be brothers ; for treason , like the plague ,", "Both his virtue and form deserv 'd a far better fortune :", "Antonio , put not your face nor body", "He told me , as he mounted into the saddle ,", "To make her dote on some desertless fellow", "By the Arragonian brethren ; for Antonio", "I \u2018 ll seek thee out ; and all my care shall be", "Ah , and how falls your question ? Do you find it radical ?< 53 >", "Did ripen them in horse-dung .", "What do you intend to do ?", "Flatter yourself .", "No , no , but you callcareening < 34 > of an old morphewed < 35 > lady , to make her disembogue < 36 > again : there \u2018 s rough-cast phrase to your plastic .< 37 >", "O , fearful !", "For , but for that and the loose-bodied gown ,", "But , look 'd to near , have neither heat nor light .", "All the ill man can invent ! Thus the devil", "Nobly : I \u2018 ll describe her .", "Thus it lightens into action :", "Do not sup o \u2019 nights ; \u2018 twill beget you an admirable wit .", "I am very sorry .", "Are murder 'd .", "O Penitence , let me truly taste thy cup ,", "Some of thy blood already . It may be ,", "What follows ?", "Thy body to the reverend dispose", "Shalt end in a little point , a kind of nothing .", "Thou seem'st to have lov 'd Antonio .", "That some preferment in the world can yet", "The dead bodies you saw were but feign 'd statues .", "He \u2018 s much distracted . Off , my painted honour !", "Do I not dream ? Can this ambitious age", "Shall make thy heart break quickly ! Thy fair duchess", "Doth womanish and fearful mankind live !", "Doth not death fright you ?", "Don clean linen , bathe your feet ,", "For know an honest statesman to a prince", "In a mist ; I know not how :", "This proclaims your breeding .", "Nay , then , I see I must stand upon my guard .", "That comes on God 's name comes slowly ; but when he 's sent", "You have bloodily approv 'd the ancient truth ,", "You are so well prepar 'd for \u2018 t .", "To be frost-nail 'd well , they may break their necks else ;", "Rather to welcome the end of misery", "Instructs him the next way to suspect you ,", "I will first receive my pension .", "Take him up , if thou tender thine own life ,", "Not out of his wits , as the Lord Ferdinand ,", "When he \u2018 s sent by Jupiter to any man ,", "Faith , end here ,", "A villain . O , that to avoid ingratitude", "No .", "What would I do , were this to do again ?", "To their several wards : I must have part of it ;", "Well , I \u2018 ll not freeze i \u2019 th \u2019 business :", "And I want compliment .", "She is what", "Is a black register wherein is writ", "Ha ! \u2018 twas the cardinal 's voice ; I heard him name", "For musing much o \u2019 th \u2019 end cannot begin .", "With feign 'd excuse ; discover the main ground on \u2018 t .", "For pity-sake , hold !", "If the great cardinal now should see me thus ,", "That names he complimental .", "To listen to any talk ; and yet these rogues", "Bear her into the next room ;", "Couldst not thou have poison 'd him ?", "Than remote strangers .", "Is like a cedar planted by a spring ;", "There was a young waiting-woman had a monstrous desire to see the glass-house \u2014\u2014", "\u2018 Cause you shall not unbarricade the door", "O , you are an excellent lady !", "And follow 'd after \u2018 s mule , like a bear in a ring ;", "Below the degree of fear : where were", "You look wildly .", "As direful to my soul as is the sword", "Fetch her : some other strangle the children .", "With beads and prayer-books .", "Exit .", "Her lust , as she intended .", "What \u2018 s that ?", "In so good a quarrel . O , this gloomy world !", "Now I \u2018 ll bring him to th \u2019 hammer . O direful misprision !< 136 >", "I will ; and if you love me ,", "And what from you ?", "I will .", "Yes .", "Rotten , and rotting others ; and your vengeance ,", "The element of water moistens the earth ,", "So :", "While with vain hopes our faculties we tire ,", "But no further .", "You say you would fain be taken for an eminent courtier ?", "Love-powder !", "Come , be of comfort ; I will save your life .", "Here \u2018 s an example for extortion : what moisture is drawn out of the sea , when foul weather comes , pours down , and runs into the sea again .", "She \u2018 s sad as one long us 'd to \u2018 t , and she seems", "By degrees to mortification . Listen .", "He goes limping , to signify that wealth", "And", "Your country with more honour , and your flight", "Let me quicken your memory , for I perceive", "Excellent lady !", "Of what is \u2018 t fools make such vain keeping ?", "No , sir ?", "It may be \u2018 twas the melancholy bird ,", "In a play . O , I am gone !", "O , sir , the opinion of wisdom is a foul tetter < 39 > that runs all over a man 's body : if simplicity direct us to have no evil , it directs us to a happy being ; for the subtlest folly proceeds from the subtlest wisdom : let me be simply honest .", "You a corrupter , me an impudent traitor ;", "And prompts him to deceive you .", "Without my knowledge ?", "And I hear that he is fall'n in some disgrace", "Yes .", "Grew out of horse-dung : I am your creature .", "But to have waited on his fortune , could have wish 'd", "Come , you must live .", "For all the wealth of Europe .\u2014 She stirs ; here \u2018 s life :\u2014", "Hath took horse , and \u2018 s rid post to Rome .", "Upon thy pale lips I will melt my heart ,", "A whirlwind strike off these bawd farthingales !", "Kills the Servant .", "Best friend of silence and of solitariness ,", "hell .", "The atonement .", "Give me leave to be honest in any phrase , in any compliment whatsoever . Shall I confess myself to you ? I look no higher than I can reach : they are the gods that must ride on winged horses . A lawyer 's mule of a slow pace will both suit my disposition and business ; for , mark me , when a man 's mind rides faster than his horse can gallop , they quickly both tire .", "Why , to know the trick how to make a many lines meet in one centre . Go , go , give your foster-daughters good counsel : tell them , that the devil takes delight to hang at a woman 's girdle , like a false rusty watch , that she cannot discern how the time passes .", "Why , then ,", "You that did counsel it ; and rather sought", "O , the secret of my prince ,", "Will seem a princely progress , retaining", "Made their first-born intelligencers ;< 85 > thought none happy", "Alas , poor gentleman !", "Never since he was in my debt .", "Why , a very quaint invisible devil in flesh ,\u2014", "Shall thank you , in your grave , for \u2018 t ; and make that", "Methinks , expresseth more than if she spake .", "Fie , madam ! Forget this base , low fellow \u2014\u2014", "Two politicians \u2019 rotten bladders , tied", "Thou took'st from Justice her most equal balance ,", "I do not", "I am the common bellman", "My death is plotted ; here \u2018 s the consequence of murder .", "That thou , which stood'st like a huge pyramid", "Hereafter you may wisely cease to grieve", "You are a fine courtier .", "To your palace .", "Yes , I hold my weary soul in my teeth ;", "Thou art some great woman , sure , for riot begins to sit on thy foreheadtwenty years sooner than on a merry milk-maid 's . Thou sleepest worse than if a mouse should be forced to take up her lodging in a cat 's ear : a little infant that breeds its teeth , should it lie with thee , would cry out , as if thou wert the more unquiet bedfellow .", "To do good when we have a mind to it !", "I have confin 'd your flight :", "And men that paint weeds to the life are prais 'd .", "His breast was fill 'd with all perfection ,", "It may be pain , but no harm , to me to die", "The thing thou bear'st .< 137 >", "Will not your grace pare them ?", "Now , by my life , I pity you .", "\u2018 Tis his cunning : I must follow his example ;", "Any thing ;", "Would have prostituted their daughters to his lust ;", "Shall pray for you for this deed , and rejoice", "His discourse rather delighted to judge itself than show itself :", "This cord should terrify you .", "Kills FERDINAND .", "What do you believe ?", "I do not ask thee that .", "Poison 'd by this man ; and lastly for myself ,", "Thou art a box of worm-seed , at best but a salvatory < 115 > of green mummy .< 116 > What \u2018 s this flesh ? a little crudded < 117 > milk , fantastical puff-paste . Our bodies are weaker than those paper - prisons boys use to keep flies in ; more contemptible , since ours is to preserve earth-worms . Didst thou ever see a lark in a cage ? Such is the soul in the body : this world is like her little turf of grass , and the heaven o'er our heads like her looking-glass , only gives us a miserable knowledge of the small compass of our prison .", "On , on , and look thou represent , for silence ,", "It seems she was born first :", "Let me think :", "Will raise them to rich husbands . Should you want", "So pity would destroy pity .\u2014 Her eye opes ,", "The duke your brother is ta'en up in a whirlwind ;", "a coffin , cords , and a bell", "Would needs down with thee , it cannot be said yet", "Do .", "Which way please them .\u2014 O good Antonio ,", "Sin their conception , their birth weeping ,", "Now it seems thy greatness was only outward ;", "Much you had of land and rent ;", "For the good deed you have done me , I must do", "The owl , that screamed so .\u2014 Ha ! Antonio !", "I would have you curse yourself now , that your bounty", "All to my lord ? O , this base quality < 91 >", "Of those were actors in \u2018 t ?", "Than depend on so changeable a prince 's favour .", "Much \u2018 gainst mine own good nature , yet i \u2019 the end", "Have cut his throat in a dream . What \u2018 s my place ?", "That kindred commonly do worse agree", "Doth take much in a blood . I stand like one", "Shows the Children strangled .", "These are your children ?", "Than to a sick man 's urine , which some call", "Methinks \u2018 tis very cold , and yet you sweat :", "The cardinal is grown wondrous melancholy ;", "Sir , uncertainly :", "Honour , and some of them very dirty ones .", "Security some men call the suburbs of hell ,", "You are a false steward .", "There \u2018 s for you first ,", "Why , fare thee well .", "I am come to make thy tomb .", "A damson on a black-thorn .\u2014", "Shortly grow the common bier for church-yards .", "Their doom must follow . Princes pay flatterers", "Your usual train about you .", "To satisfy yourself than all the world :", "Let us grow most amorously familiar :", "Most certainly .", "Fare thee well , Antonio ! Since the malice of the world", "Send her a penitential garment to put on", "And left her naught but her sword .", "For that which cannot be recovered .", "To thy estate as pity , yet I find", "Of living princes . For Antonio ,", "I would not change my peace of conscience", "Hath done me best service .", "Above all sights i \u2019 th \u2019 world .", "I have .", "And I your loyal servant : but I cannot", "Neglected .", "Of amity and love which I present you ?", "\u2018 Tis so ; and this restraint ,", "Thy prayers and proffers", "I \u2018 ll join with thee in a most just revenge .", "Than that of an old fox .", "Apricocks , madam .", "\u2018 Twas to bring you", "One of your familiars .", "Of some good women : that the cruel tyrant", "Return , fair soul , from darkness , and lead mine", "Well , never look to have the like again :", "You shall find me ready .", "Must I see her again ?", "Smother thy pity , thou art dead else .\u2014 Antonio !", "Never rain 'd such showers as these", "This is your last presence-chamber .", "But such as were born under his blest planet ,", "Do you not weep ?", "Of these most cruel biters that have got", "That makes thy sleep so broken :", "Let worthy minds ne'er stagger in distrust", "With the sword of justice . Still methinks the duchess", "Leave my calling .", "May be the ruin will crush you to pieces .", "Come , despatch her .\u2014", "Every small thing draws a base mind to fear ,", "Exeunt .", "On turtles \u2019 feathers , whilst a guilty conscience", "Courtier and most faithful ; a soldier that thought it", "Doth he study physiognomy ?", "In such slippery ice-pavements men had need", "Revenge for the Duchess of Malfi murdered", "Now my revenge is perfect .\u2014 Sink , thou main cause", "Where \u2018 s Castruccio her husband ?", "O , sir , you are lord of the ascendant ,< 40 > chief man with the duchess : a duke was your cousin-german remov 'd . Say you were lineally descended from King Pepin , or he himself , what of this ? Search the heads of the greatest rivers in the world , you shall find them but bubbles of water . Some would think the souls of princes were brought forth by some more weighty cause than those of meaner persons : they are deceiv 'd , there \u2018 s the same hand to them ; the like passions sway them ; the same reason that makes a vicar go to law for a tithe-pig , and undo his neighbours , makes them spoil a whole province , and batter down goodly cities with the cannon .", "I will teach a trick to know it : give out you lie a-dying , and if you hear the common people curse you , be sure you are taken for one of the prime night-caps .< 32 >You come from painting now .", "When he hath shot his sting into your hand ,", "To such a forc 'd expression of fear ;", "Is come to visit you , and sends you word ,", "Take your devils ,", "Exit CARDINAL .", "Out of the corn , or that which doth allure them", "\u2018 Tis now full tide \u2018 tween night and day ;", "To none .", "Can they prattle ?", "End your groan , and come away .", "Your elder brother , the Lord Ferdinand ,", "These penitent fountains while she was living ?", "He doth present you this sad spectacle ,", "Ha !", "To put thee into safety from the reach", "All comfort to your grace !", "I would sooner swim to the Bermoothes on", "Why , from your scurvy face-physic . To behold thee not painted inclines somewhat near a miracle . These in thy face here were deep ruts and foul sloughs the last progress .< 33 > There was a lady in France that , having had the small-pox , flayed the skin off her face to make it more level ; and whereas before she looked like a nutmeg-grater , after she resembled an abortive hedge-hog .", "To remember my service .", "Is judge , I am so .", "Strangling ; here are your executioners .", "Call upon our dame aloud ,", "Hark , now everything is still ,", "Yes , from the Lord Ferdinand your brother", "Look you , here \u2018 s the piece from which \u2018 twas ta'en .", "Things being at the worst begin to mend : the bee", "One would suspect it for a shop of witchcraft , to find in it the fat of serpents , spawn of snakes , Jews \u2019 spittle , and their young children 's ordure ; and all these for the face . I would sooner eat a dead pigeon taken from the soles of the feet of one sick of the plague , than kiss one of you fasting . Here are two of you , whose sin of your youth is the very patrimony of the physician ; makes him renew his foot-cloth with the spring , and change his high-pric 'd courtezan with the fall of the leaf . I do wonder you do not loathe yourselves . Observe my meditation now . What thing is in this outward form of man To be belov 'd ? We account it ominous , If nature do produce a colt , or lamb , A fawn , or goat , in any limb resembling A man , and fly from \u2018 t as a prodigy : Man stands amaz 'd to see his deformity In any other creature but himself . But in our own flesh though we bear diseases Which have their true names only ta'en from beasts ,\u2014 As the most ulcerous wolf and swinish measle ,\u2014 Though we are eaten up of lice and worms , And though continually we bear about us A rotten and dead body , we delight To hide it in rich tissue : all our fear , Nay , all our terror , is , lest our physician Should put us in the ground to be made sweet .\u2014 Your wife \u2018 s gone to Rome : you two couple , and get you to the wells at Lucca to recover your aches . I have other work on foot .I observe our duchess Is sick a-days , she pukes , her stomach seethes , The fins of her eye-lids look most teeming blue ,< 38 > She wanes i \u2019 the cheek , and waxes fat i \u2019 the flank , And , contrary to our Italian fashion , Wears a loose-bodied gown : there \u2018 s somewhat in \u2018 t. I have a trick may chance discover it , A pretty one ; I have bought some apricocks , The first our spring yields .", "But blood flies upwards and bedews the heavens .", "Slain by my hand unwittingly .", "And wore his livery : and do these lice drop off now ?", "Like two chain'dhYpppHeNbullets , still goes arm in arm :", "The night before they suffer .", "And bid her quickly don her shroud !", "As beastly to know his own value too little", "He dares not see you .", "That \u2018 s forfeited by my intelligence < 103 >", "Out of this sensible hell :\u2014 she \u2018 s warm , she breathes :\u2014"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["I am in haste , sir .", "Do you call this painting ?", "Nay , pray , let me go . I will hear no more of the glass-house . You are still < 47 > abusing women !"], "true_target": ["It seems you are well acquainted with my closet .", "What \u2018 s that , sir ?", "From what ?"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["\u2018 Twas a French plot , upon my life .", "O , gentleman o \u2019 th \u2019 court , the foulest treason !"], "true_target": ["By this hand , \u2018 twas credibly reported by one o \u2019 the black guard .< 48 >", "With a pistol \u2014\u2014"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["To see what the devil can do !", "There was a cunning traitor ! FIRST SERVANT . And all the moulds of his buttons were leaden bullets ."], "true_target": ["O wicked cannibal !", "A Switzer !"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["Here ."], "true_target": ["We are ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["That in his works said such a day o \u2019 the month", "Pray , question him . I \u2018 ll leave you .", "Exit .", "And so the imposthume < 107 > broke : the self-same cure", "I am come to tell you", "The duke intends on you .", "I brought him hither ,", "Mad \u2018 cause he was hind'red transportation :< 109 >", "Madam , a gentleman ,", "That \u2018 s come post from Malfi , desires to see you .", "Your husband \u2018 s come ,", "Quite beside himself with care to keep in mind", "Here stay , sir , and be confident , I pray ;", "That , to my thinking , hath put him out of his wits .", "O , misfortune !", "A doctor that hath forfeited his wits", "To have reconcil 'd him to the cardinal .", "Yes .", "One that wishes you long life .", "Where are you , sir ?"], "true_target": ["Your husband , old Castruccio , is come to Rome ,", "Or \u2018 How do you , \u2019 she employ 'd him in each morning ;", "You 'd think the devil were among them .", "Of a deep melancholy , presented him", "With the study of new fashions ; a gentleman-usher", "By jealousy ; an astrologian", "He says", "Should be the day of doom , and , failing of \u2018 t ,", "Ran mad ; an English tailor craz 'd i \u2019 the brain", "Being full of change and sport , forc 'd him to laugh ,", "And let one broker that \u2018 s mad loose to these ,", "Hath deliver 'd a letter to the Duke of Calabria", "With several sorts < 106 > of madmen , which wild object", "A great physician , when the Pope was sick", "I \u2018 ll fetch you a dark lantern .", "A farmer , too , an excellent knave in grain ,< 108 >", "Your brother hath intended you some sport .", "The number of his lady 's salutations", "Most pitifully tir 'd with riding post .", "There \u2018 s a mad lawyer ; and a secular priest ;"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["Now you \u2018 ll say", "Tell your echo this ,", "What they hear though most imperfect , and not me ;", "You shall not need", "You have prevail 'd with me", "Why , my lord , I told him", "I know not whither .", "You are like some cannot sleep in feather-beds ,", "O , you are much alter 'd :", "Is but a troublesome familiar", "In courtship cannot make you do amiss ,", "I hear he \u2018 s come to Rome .", "My lord , I am grown your poor petitioner ,", "A great man 's letter here , the cardinal 's ,", "How , my lord !", "So , my lord .", "The only remedy to do me good", "Sir , you are welcome .", "It hath no smell , like cassia or civet ;", "So , sir , you are well met .", "Of roughness .", "I , that have been a secret to your heart", "As well as merry ? Or do you suspect", "The fault is not i \u2019 th \u2019 stone , but in me the thief", "You cannot part with part of it ? Or think you", "I should have courted you .", "I am wanton : this nice modesty in ladies", "Sir , I \u2018 ll go ask my husband if I shall ,", "Under my chamber-window , even there", "To my husband .", "Nay , the doors are fast enough :", "Come , I must be your secretary , and remove", "Do not keep lodging for ladies .", "Nay , if you lay beauty to my charge ,", "Are you so far in love with sorrow", "To-morrow ! get you into my cabinet ;", "Bid me do somewhat for you presently", "For I betray 'd your counsel to that fellow .", "Is to kill my longing .", "Sure , there wants fire where there are no lively sparks", "Therefore may not I know it ?", "Sir , you hear :", "Yes , when I was at Malfi .", "For if that you be true unto yourself ,", "As adultery . Sir , never was occasion", "Did you e'er find them ?", "I have a bird more beautiful .", "Follow the wars : I \u2018 ll be your maintenance .", "Whereas now I woo you .", "I cannot love your grace when you are sad", "Now , sir , I will make you confess your treachery .", "And spake like one in physic .< 63 >", "You shall see my wind my tongue about his heart", "This lead from off your bosom : what \u2018 s the matter ?", "No ; he might count me a wanton ,", "\u2018 Tis weakness ,", "You will mar me with commendation ,", "You have conceal 'd for me as great a sin", "Sir , will you come into supper ?", "Not leave an ungrateful", "You shall have it with you . Do not delay me ,", "You told me of a piteous wound i \u2019 th \u2019 heart ,", "Compare thy form and my eyes together ,", "Now you dally with me .", "Cunningly .", "Why would you know this ?", "We that are great women of pleasure use to cut off", "The better :", "Will satisfy you no : our Roman prelates", "You \u2018 ll find my love no such great miracle .", "It lies not in me to conceal it ."], "true_target": ["This equal piece of justice you have done ;", "Beyond my strongest thoughts ; I would not now", "And the pretty excuse together . Had you been i \u2019 th \u2019 street ,", "Most religiously .", "Love-powder into my drink ?", "It lay not in me to conceal it .", "To tell one 's secrets unto all or none .", "Sir , I thank you ;", "And in an instant join the sweet delight", "Which makes your grant the greater .", "If you have a heart to do well .", "Persuade us seethe \u2018 t in cullises .< 65 > I \u2018 ll tell you ,", "Or flatterers , that like echoes still report", "I came to visit an old anchorite < 61 >", "Yes .", "Here for devotion .", "Unto your tongue ?", "Exit .", "To court you in my favour .", "Pray , let me know your business and your suit", "I have already suffer 'd for thee so much pain ,", "Like a skein of silk .", "He over-heard it ; that was the cause I said", "And should be an ill beggar , had I not", "No more than I do you : I am like one", "As briefly as can be .", "For if I see and steal a diamond ,", "Draw it from you : it is an equal fault ,", "These uncertain wishes and unquiet longings ,", "Why , ignorance", "These many winters , cannot be the same", "That haunts them .", "But must have blocks for their pillows .", "How now , my lord ! what ails you ?", "Exit .", "Signior Delio ! \u2018 tis one of my old suitors .", "And straight return your answer .", "But the last tyranny .", "No , judgment shall", "Too much to think what should have been done . I go ,", "I forgive you", "To express I love you .", "Not lay a scruple of offence on you ;", "That is condemn 'd ; I have my pardon promis 'd ,", "Till now : sir , I beseech you \u2014\u2014", "Find you inconstant .", "I \u2018 ll go home", "And he shall know how doubly I am engag 'd", "This is a creature bred by \u2014\u2014", "And a sick liver , when you woo 'd me first ,", "Nor is it physical ,< 64 > though some fond doctors", "For perfect trial of my constancy", "Never .", "General for the love of a sweet lady !", "O heaven ! sir , what have you done !", "I must hear the condition , ere I be bound to take it .", "Why should I fall in love with such a face else ?", "Your laughter", "I must plead unguilty .", "You have undone yourself , sir .", "Yes , confess to me", "From my husband ?", "Sure , your own experience", "A lute-string far exceeds it .", "But I would see it seal 'd . Go , get you in :", "This is very well , my lord .", "That purloins it . I am sudden with you .", "Put yourself to the charge of courting me ,", "I \u2018 ll know .", "Both in your gift , and speediness of giving", "Which of my women \u2018 twas you hir 'd to put", "Is my pity ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["He could not abide to see a pig 's head gaping :"], "true_target": ["I thought your grace would find him a Jew .", "Some said he was an hermaphrodite , for he could not abide a woman ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["How scurvy proud he would look when the treasury was full ! Well , let him go ."], "true_target": ["You would have had more money ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["Yes , and the chippings of the buttery fly after him , to scour his gold chain .< 84 >"], "true_target": ["He stopped his ears with black wool , and to those came to him for money said he was thick of hearing ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["And the famous Lannoy .", "At Naples .", "Exeunt", "Nothing , my lord .", "Why doth your lordship love this solitariness ?", "If your throat were cutting ,", "\u2018 Tis your shadow .", "Listen .", "Hearing your worth that way , ere you attain 'd", "Impossible , if you move , and the sun shine .", "O sad disaster !", "Neither .", "Why , \u2018 tis not the cardinal ."], "true_target": ["With the right fortunate soldier the Marquis of Pescara ,", "The same .", "How came Antonio by his death ?", "O sir , you come too late !", "I \u2018 d not come at you , now I have protested against it .", "This reverend garment , joins you in commission", "Good my lord , suffer us .", "O , my lord , you are angry with nothing .", "Thou wretched thing of blood ,", "To rock his own child .", "Here \u2018 s a plot drawn for a new fortification", "\u2018 Twas nothing put pure kindness in the devil", "The emperor ,"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["The noble Delio , as I came to th \u2019 palace ,", "I \u2018 ll down to him , howsoever , and with engines", "How now , my lord !", "How fatally , it seems , he did withstand", "A very salamander lives in \u2018 s eye ,", "Prince Ferdinand \u2018 s come to Milan ,", "Sick , as they give out , of an apoplexy ;", "Look ruddier upon me ? I am glad", "Mark Prince Ferdinand :", "All health of mind and body .", "To visit him .", "His own rescue !", "Upon my friend ; \u2018 tis a gratification", "These are your true pangs of death ,", "They carry fire in their tails , and all the country", "We \u2018 ll leave your grace ,", "The Lord Ferdinand laughs .", "Shall I sprinkle the pure blood of innocents", "I am glad on \u2018 t .", "Bosola arriv 'd ! What should be the business ?", "So , sir ; we shall not .", "Returns again unto so foul an use", "Force ope the doors .", "Some falling-out amongst the cardinals .", "Do you know what it was ?", "What \u2018 s that ? I need a dictionary to \u2018 t .", "What accident hath brought unto the prince", "Doctor , he did not fear you thoroughly .", "This land , ta'en from the owner by such wrong ,", "Your doctor .", "By course of law , but ravish 'd from his throat", "To me ?", "He entreats for you", "Let our honours bind this trifle .", "To mock the eager violence of fire ."], "true_target": ["To the banish 'd Bologna .", "A pretty gentleman , his son and heir .", "To make those followers I call my friends", "I could not have thought of a friend I could rather", "Pray thee , what \u2018 s his disease ?", "Nor fit for me to give , nor you to take .", "This strange distraction ?", "Foxes , when their heads are divided ,", "Told me of Antonio 's being here , and show 'd me", "The Citadel of Saint Bennet , that belong 'd", "I \u2018 ll be a noble giver .", "The pangs of life , that struggle with great statesmen .", "The accent of the voice sounds not in jest :", "Only due to a strumpet , for it is injustice .", "To ask noble things of me , and you shall find", "He wish 'd you should not come at him ; but , believe \u2018 t ,", "By the cardinal 's entreaty . It were not fit", "I will give you ample reason for \u2018 t", "Knows your grace", "Wishing to the sick prince , our noble lord ,", "I should bestow so main a piece of wrong", "Exit .", "About them goes to wrack for \u2018 t .", "These factions amongst great men , they are like", "You are my friend ; but this is such a suit ,", "But some say \u2018 tis a frenzy : I am going", "As salary for his lust . Learn , good Delio ,", "It was Antonio 's land ; not forfeited", "Rise , good my lord .", "Now , doctor , may I visit your patient ?", "How now , my lord !", "Why ?", "Soon in private :\u2014 here \u2018 s the cardinal 's mistress .", "\u2018 Tis a noble virtue .", "Pleasure with it : \u2018 tis yours ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["Will bring him sooner to th \u2019 bottom . Come , let \u2018 s hence .", "Fortune makes this conclusion general ,", "All things do help th \u2019 unhappy man to fall .", "Exeunt .", "No question .\u2014 They come .Two Pilgrims . Arms and honours deck thy story , To thy fame 's eternal glory ! Adverse fortune ever fly thee ; No disastrous fate come nigh thee ! I alone will sing thy praises , Whom to honour virtue raises , And thy study , that divine is , Bent to martial discipline is , Lay aside all those robes lie by thee ; Crown thy arts with arms , they \u2018 ll beautify thee . O worthy of worthiest name , adorn 'd in this manner , Lead bravely thy forces on under war 's warlike banner ! O , mayst thou prove fortunate in all martial courses ! Guide thou still by skill in arts and forces ! Victory attend thee nigh , whilst fame sings loud thy powers ; Triumphant conquest crown thy head , and blessings pour down showers !< 94 > FIRST PILGRIM . Here \u2018 s a strange turn of state ! who would have thought So great a lady would have match 'd herself Unto so mean a person ? Yet the cardinal Bears himself much too cruel .", "What was it with such violence he took", "Off from her finger ?"], "true_target": ["But by what justice ?", "I have not seen a goodlier shrine than this ;", "Yet I have visited many .", "Alas , Antonio !", "No matter who sets hand to \u2018 t , his own weight", "But I would ask what power hath this state", "Of Ancona to determine of a free prince ?", "If that a man be thrust into a well ,"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["To pay her vow of pilgrimage . I expect", "The dukedom which she held as dowager .", "They are a free state , sir , and her brother show 'd", "Sure , I think by none ,", "A noble ceremony .", "How that the Pope , fore-hearing of her looseness ,", "Is this day to resign his cardinal 's hat :"], "true_target": ["His sister duchess likewise is arriv 'd", "Which he vow 'd shortly he would sacrifice", "They are banish 'd .", "Only her brother 's instigation .", "To his revenge .", "The Cardinal of Arragon", "\u2018 Twas her wedding-ring ;", "Hath seiz 'd into th \u2019 protection of the church"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["Doom'shYpppHeNday not come yet ! I \u2018 ll draw it nearer by a perspective ,< 110 > or make a glass that shall set all the world on fire upon an instant . I cannot sleep ; my pillow is stuffed with a litter of porcupines .", "You do give for your crest a woodcock 's head with the brains picked out on \u2018 t ; you are a very ancient gentleman ."], "true_target": ["What \u2018 s he ? a rope-maker ?", "I have skill in heraldry .", "Come on , sir , I will lay the law to you ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["O , rather lay a corrosive : the law will eat to the bone .", "Hast ?"], "true_target": ["No , no , no , a snuffling knave that , while he shows the tombs , will have his hand in a wench 's placket .< 112 >", "Hell is a mere glass-house , where the devils are continually blowing up women 's souls on hollow irons , and the fire never goes out ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["Woe to the caroche < 113 > that brought home my wife from the masque at three o'clock in the morning ! It had a large feather-bed in it .", "He that drinks but to satisfy nature is damn 'd ."], "true_target": ["Greek is turned Turk : we are only to be saved by the Helvetian translation .< 111 >", "Get me three hundred milch-bats , to make possets < 114 > to procure sleep ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["I have pared the devil 's nails forty times , roasted them in raven 's eggs , and cured agues with them ."], "true_target": ["All the college may throw their caps at me : I have made a soap-boiler costive ; it was my masterpiece . Here the dance , consisting of Eight Madmen , with music answerable thereunto ; after which , BOSOLA , like an old man , enters .", "If I had my glass here , I would show a sight should make all the women here call me mad doctor ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["Yes .", "Here \u2018 s your wedding-ring ."], "true_target": ["She bites and scratches .", "We are ready ."], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["By my direction .", "I \u2018 ll go a nearer way to work with him", "Very well recover 'd .", "Steal forth to church-yards in the dead of night ,", "His on the inside ; bade them take their swords ,", "Such melancholy humour they imagine", "Of a relapse . If he grow to his fit again ,", "They call lycanthropia .", "Let me have some forty urinals filled with rosewater : he and I \u2018 ll go pelt one another with them .\u2014 Now he begins to fear me .\u2014 Can you fetch a frisk ,< 127 > sir ?\u2014 Let him go , let him go , upon my peril : I find by his eye he stands in awe of me ; I \u2018 ll make him as tame as a dormouse .", "To take the air here in the gallery", "Than ever Paracelsus dream 'd of ; if", "Themselves to be transformed into wolves ;", "Stand aside ; he comes .", "In those that are possess 'd with \u2018 t there o'erflows", "I \u2018 ll tell you .", "They \u2018 ll give me leave , I \u2018 ll buffet his madness out of him ."], "true_target": ["Rip up his flesh , and try . Straight I was sent for ,", "I must do mad tricks with him , for that \u2018 s the only way on \u2018 t .\u2014 I have brought your grace a salamander 's skin to keep you from sun-burning .", "And dig dead bodies up : as two nights since", "If \u2018 t please your lordship ; but he \u2018 s instantly", "Now let me come to him .\u2014 Are you mad , my lord ? are you out of your princely wits ?", "Said he was a wolf , only the difference", "One met the duke \u2018 bout midnight in a lane", "Was , a wolf 's skin was hairy on the outside ,", "The white of a cockatrix 's < 126 > egg is present remedy .", "And , having minister 'd to him , found his grace", "A very pestilent disease , my lord ,", "Upon his shoulder ; and he howl 'd fearfully ;", "Yet not without some fear", "Now he begins to fear me : now let me alone with him .", "True ; I was somewhat too forward .", "Behind Saint Mark 's church , with the leg of a man"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["Thou art a dead thing .", "Deadly accent .", "Be mindful of thy safety .", "Ay , wife 's voice .", "That suits it best ."], "true_target": ["A thing of sorrow .", "Like death that we have .", "Never see her more .", "Do not .", "O , fly your fate !"], "play_index": 14, "act_index": 14}, {"query": ["What are these grievances ?", "Madam , my second Duchess", "Elbows the noble in the public streets .", "And others surfeit ? I did not make the world .", "Shall , after Holy Mass , preach you a sermon", "No , I have changed my mind , You will stay here , and like a faithful wife Watch from the window for our coming back . Were it not dreadful if some accident By chance should happen to your loving Lord ? Come , gentlemen , my hounds begin to chafe , And I chafe too , having a patient wife . Where is young Guido ?", "Should be contented with that state of life", "Is it not ?", "If they are wretched here .", "Somewhere in Holy Writ , that every man", "More lustily , fellow , put more heart in it ! Here is another ducat for you .", "Upon the Beauty of Obedience .", "The devil take her !", "And have no need on you to waste kind words .", "Are often very beautiful in others .", "Which has apportioned that some men should starve ,", "Rich abbey-lands , and tithes , and large estates", "There were state reasons .", "Go , Petrucci ,", "Still as our gentle Duchess has so prayed us ,", "Then you should bless the taxes", "Why , you shall take the air from morn to night .", "Unto your noble and most trusting father ,", "Well , Madam , you will sit at home and spin .", "You , my lord ,", "That the low peasant hardly doffs his hat ,", "A good reason ! here is a ducat for you ! Will you not cry for me God save the Duke ?", "There is a man in Germany called Luther ,", "Are you not blessed in that ? Why , poverty", "And very good food too ,", "I know , Lord Cardinal , you have great revenues ,", "By Saint James , Our Duchess waxes bold !", "Being mine own , you shall do as I will ,", "Why then , this palace shall your prison be ;", "The gentle Duchess for whose hand I yielded", "Lies in the chapel of Bartholomew ,", "Guido , your arm . Come , gentlemen , let us go", "And so they go to Abraham 's bosom , Madam .", "If you are poor ,", "Asked the same question once : her monument", "Is one of the Christian virtues ,", "And spur our falcons for the mid-day chase .", "People who shout so loud , my lords , do nothing ;", "Anathema , maranatha , against him ?", "God calls him to ? Why should I change their state ,", "Touching your grievances , I promise this -", "They should thank me for sending them to Heaven ,", "Whose gluttonous appetite is your only god ,", "How now , what 's this ?", "For preaching voluntary poverty .", "A good name ! Why were you called Dominick ?", "You feed toss up their hats and mock at you .", "Nor shall be ,", "As for these rebels -", "Why , I could set you on a sorry jade"], "true_target": ["Madam , you keep us waiting ;", "I cannot now recall Why I did not surrender Orvieto According to the word of my contract . Maybe it was because I did not choose .Why look you , Madam , you are here alone ; \u2018 Tis many a dusty league to your grey France , And even there your father barely keeps A hundred ragged squires for his Court . What hope have you , I say ? Which of these lords And noble gentlemen of Padua Stands by your side .", "I do protest , sirs , the domestic virtues", "Than anywhere in Italy .", "When I have shorn their fleeces I may feed them .", "Pisa , and Genoa , and Orvieto .", "The only men I fear are silent men .", "Shut that door there ; this morning air is cold .", "At Genoa they say ,", "I had forgotten there was hunting there .", "I hold you in the hollow of my hand", "And lead you through the town , till the low rabble", "Or meddle with an all-wise providence ,", "You wrong us , Madam ,", "Reform Lord Cardinal , did YOU say reform ?", "Three of the fairest towns in Italy ,", "You see , Lord Cardinal , how my people love me .", "Ye shall hold your tongues , whether you starve or not .", "Come hither , fellow ! what is your name ?", "Bethink you , Madam , you are here alone .", "And tell the captain of the guard below", "I give it to my horses .", "While I am Duke in Padua : listen , Madam ,", "There are wild boars at Pisa in a forest", "Ay ! the peaches Are not so big this year as they were last . I crave your pardon , my lord Cardinal , I thought you spake of peaches .What is that ?", "With mouths chock-full of treason .", "That , on next Sunday , the Lord Cardinal", "Is it not said", "Who would reform the Holy Catholic Church .", "My lords , this age is so familiar grown ,", "Were to lack both courtesy and love ,", "Do what I bid you .", "Runs larger in the harbour of that town", "Nay ! louder , fellow , louder .", "They should drink wine ; water is quite unwholesome .", "Why , gentlemen , this simple fellow 's love Touches me much .Go !This is the way , my lords , You can buy popularity nowadays . Oh , we are nothing if not democratic !Well , Madam , You spread rebellion \u2018 midst our citizens .", "Indeed I doubt them not , that the red mullet", "What , pale face , do you dare to stand against me ?", "I dare say I shall see him soon enough .", "No , my Lord Cardinal , I weary of her ! Why , she is worse than ugly , she is good .", "So , so , you argue with me ? This is she ,", "And if it be my will you walk abroad ,", "Close to the city : when I promised Pisa", "It matters not ,", "And to refuse so beautiful a beggar", "Which make you temperate .", "Wrought in red marble ; very beautiful .", "These ragged knaves who come before us here ,", "Tut , man , they waste their strength upon their lungs !", "Unless you beat him ; and the raw mechanic", "Have you not made him heretic , and uttered", "And if it be my will you keep the house ,", "To clear the square . Do you not hear me , sir ?", "Could satisfy our Duchess on that point .", "You keep my dogs waiting ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 15}, {"query": ["Sent by some Indian soldan to the Doge ?", "My liege , I have not seen him", "For a full hour past .", "Which is philosophy .", "Your Grace , there are two thousand people there Who every moment grow more clamorous .", "Ay ! that will I .", "This is the Duke of Parma 's rightful heir ."], "true_target": ["It is most strange when women love their lords ,", "I do not think that they will let him speak .", "See , is she not", "Now by Saint Paul", "And when they love them not it is most strange .", "By Saint James ,", "Ay ! I can bear the ills of other men ,", "Like that white tigress which we saw at Venice ,"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 15}, {"query": ["That treacherously stabbed your sleeping lord .", "To listen to their grievances .", "Your Grace is very cruel to this man .", "And there seem many evils in this town ,", "To bring the guilty soul from purgatory .", "True , it is Christian to bear misery ,", "Which in your wisdom might your Grace reform .", "To urge the wavering sinner to repent", "Our prayers and holy masses much avail", "It is most natural", "Yet mercy is the sovereign right of princes .", "And to confess to Holy Church 's ear", "To be incensed against the murderous hand"], "true_target": ["Alack , my son ,", "I have no power with the secular arm .", "Nay , the Church", "For if the sinner doth repentant die ,", "Of which we are but dust , as Jerome saith ,", "For the great power of our mother Church ,", "I beseech your Grace", "Yet it is Christian also to be kind ,", "The dreadful secrets of a sinful mind .", "My task begins when justice has been done ,", "He would have led the sheep out of the fold , We do but ask of you to feed the sheep .", "Nay , my son ,", "Ends not with this poor bubble of a world ,", "Ordains us to forgive our enemies ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 15}, {"query": ["That stops my life on this side of the grave ,", "Upon thine honour ,", "Virtue where virtue was not ; cleanses men", "I cannot be beside you , cannot breathe", "I did not think to see you , but am glad , That you may know the thing I mean to do .", "This world my heaven for a little space .", "That when he wakes -", "It cannot be .", "Life is as silent as the common reeds", "But you , fond heart ,", "It is enough for us", "In bloody deeds o \u2019 night , stabs in the dark ,", "Waiting a guilty soul ?", "Everything is dead ,", "So I think", "I hardly know where to begin my tale ,", "Our souls will go together .", "Methinks I am bold to look upon you thus :", "Who has no mercy for your stricken head ,", "O thou churlish gaoler ,", "Or has this storm laid palsy on thy tongue ,", "But first I must repair to the Duke 's chamber ,", "Fail of its purpose . Let me go hence , I pray ;", "That on this very night , when I had yielded", "Death had been stalking ever through the house ,", "You talk of love ! You know not what it is .", "Kiss me , Beatrice !", "That it is woman 's mission by their love", "Ay ! gladly , Madam .", "You know \u2018 tis not .", "And your clogged ears , losing their natural sense ,", "The air you breathe ; I cannot any more", "In night perpetual ? No , murder has set", "Has set God 's little maid upon the stair ,", "I would have killed him in the open square ,", "Which , if their hearts be pure who live in it ,", "If you must know ,", "So great that all the waters of the main", "Have shut you from the music of the world .", "My father would be glad to see me coming ,", "Which led unto the chamber of the Duke ,", "Why , the headsman .", "And by the love thou bearest my father 's name ,", "For they can take the common lives of men", "And do foul murder .", "\u2018 Twas but the passion-flower of your love", "Let those who have not walked as we have done ,", "White as her own white lily , and as tall ,", "It is enough , my lord .", "My good Lord Cardinal , in a Christian land ,", "With this same dagger , which by chance I found", "Soiled with the money-getting of our age ,", "I smote the treacherous villain to the heart", "Nay , nay , nay ,", "Sold to the scaffold , bartered to the block ,", "Of this good town of Padua .", "You the white angel of God 's purity ,", "A hundred times a day . Why , had this man", "You stabbed Love with a sharp knife to the heart .", "O God , God !", "How could we sit together at Love 's table ?", "Father , I think thou knowest my resolve , And with this nobler vengeance art content . Father , I think in letting this man live That I am doing what thou wouldst have done . Father , I know not if a human voice Can pierce the iron gateway of the dead , Or if the dead are set in ignorance Of what we do , or do not , for their sakes . And yet I feel a presence in the air , There is a shadow standing at my side , And ghostly kisses seem to touch my lips , And leave them holier .O father , if \u2018 tis thou , Canst thou not burst through the decrees of death , And if corporeal semblance show thyself , That I may touch thy hand ! No , there is nothing .\u2018 Tis the night that cheats us with its phantoms , And , like a puppet-master , makes us think That things are real which are not . It grows late . Now must I to my business .When he wakes , And sees this letter , and the dagger with it , Will he not have some loathing for his life , Repent , perchance , and lead a better life , Or will he mock because a young man spared His natural enemy ? I do not care . Father , it is thy bidding that I do , Thy bidding , and the bidding of my love Which teaches me to know thee as thou art .", "Can we not lie together in one grave ?", "I dare not look at you :", "Striking from pinnacle to pinnacle", "\u2018 Tis but twelve hours since I parted from her ,", "I will die with you .", "It matters not , my lord .", "I will return within a moment 's space ,", "Into thy hands the vengeance that is thine ,", "Throw that poor life against some desperate spear .", "Only he", "Tell me again you love me , Beatrice .", "So I can live ; life never seemed so sweet", "Will you not say you love me ?", "But who were sad at such a feast as this", "The barrier was murder , and your hand", "And in one moment bare this gory fruit ,", "For us to kiss across it .", "We cannot meet again .", "So suddenly , and with such violent passion ,", "I like your law .", "I thought that every gust would break the cords !", "I am resolved not to keep that oath .", "I am so wounded by that bolt myself", "No ! God hath no minister but his own hand . I will not kill this man .", "My reverend father ,", "Oh , horrible !", "Ay ! with that purport I confess , my lord .", "Why , in this dull and common world of ours", "I am resolved .", "Who was indeed himself incarnate Love ,", "The days are over when God walked with men ,", "Then must I need them , lady .", "Even as my noble father trusted him ;", "My father is avenged .", "You have poured poison in the sacred wine ,", "Crime was the barrier , you have set it there .", "O God !", "O God !", "Then he will know who held him in his power", "And bade him come before thy judgment seat .", "Ah ! There it is ,", "Then give my body to the headsman there .", "And yet , these are but empty images ,", "What ! am I fallen so low That I may not have leave to die for you ?", "Love like a wounded thing creeps out and dies .", "Great thunder in the heavens , and wild lightnings", "With Lord Christ 's face of mercy looking down", "Even of poisons niggard !", "Get to your tirewomen .", "It is nothing .", "And reached my hand out for the scarlet cloth", "My loyal service to thee unto death .", "You must forget that name , and banish me", "Ay , that I must ! Have I not sworn an oath ?", "Die unabsolved , unshrived ? And if not so ,", "O God ! how wonderful", "Sure thou hast come from Heaven with a message", "And as he lies asleep lay on his breast", "Fondle and paddle with her innocent hands ?", "Christ ! What a night :", "I do not think so ,", "Sat at his board , drank of his wine , and was", "Is there no other neck in court but mine ?", "Ask of the little lark , that will not sing", "I dare not look across it : when you stabbed him", "And wanders through this charnel house , and weeps", "When a man loves a woman , then he knows", "And reverent judges of this worthy court ,", "\u2018 Twas thou that hindered me ;", "Leave Padua .", "Which then I knew not , or I had forgot .", "Farewell then all the joy and light of life ,", "I alone did this thing : be satisfied ,", "More than the others .", "I 'd not been born to this distressful world .", "See , I must steal the cuckoo 's voice , and tell", "First , let me tell you of what birth I am .", "I was resolved not to kill the Duke .", "I did not give it , and I dare not take it .", "When Love and Death are both our cup-bearers ?", "O God ! you have not drunk it , Beatrice ? Tell me you have not ?", "I am the son of that good Duke Lorenzo", "And is afraid to look at the great sun", "And there I will , being now sick of life ,", "Has set the God within it . Without love", "Enough , enough .", "The Duchess has gone forth into the square , And stands between the people and the guard , And will not let them shoot .", "And so I love you , Beatrice , and let him", "Ah ! dear Beatrice ,", "Unless you cure me , dear Physician .", "And chilled thy utterance ?", "Who was with damned treachery done to death", "Men have died looking for such moments as this", "The sin was mine , if any sin there was .", "Of all the vile pollutions of this world ;", "Say , none the less , you do , for on your tongue", "To give the fondest secrets of his life", "The wind is rising : how my ladder shook !", "Who is he ?", "O God !", "I thank thee , my Lord Justice , heartily ;", "Not roar their will , as bid me hold my peace !", "O treacherous love ,", "Ah ! who art thou", "Flits like a ghost about its desolate tomb ,", "Ah ! give it to me .", "And slew him not : this is the noblest vengeance", "I have been often sadder at a feast ,", "I cannot speak at all .", "Farewell ! Some day , Lord Moranzone ,", "So strangely dreadful is this history .", "You whom the little children laughed to see", "Get thee gone :", "No , you mistook :", "Nay , doubt would kill me , and if I must die ,", "That foul unnatural murder has been done .", "And so by Love 's immortal sovereignty", "Alas , I will not see her face again .", "Hast thou no love to give me ?O dear saint , If I have been too daring , pardon me ! Thy beauty sets my boyish blood aflame , And , when my reverent lips touch thy white hand , Each little nerve with such wild passion thrills That there is nothing which I would not do To gain thy love .Bid me reach forth and pluck Perilous honour from the lion 's jaws , And I will wrestle with the Nemean beast On the bare desert ! Fling to the cave of War A gaud , a ribbon , a dead flower , something That once has touched thee , and I 'll bring it back Though all the hosts of Christendom were there , Inviolate again ! ay , more than this , Set me to scale the pallid white-faced cliffs Of mighty England , and from that arrogant shield Will I raze out the lilies of your France Which England , that sea-lion of the sea , Hath taken from her ! O dear Beatrice , Drive me not from thy presence ! without thee The heavy minutes crawl with feet of lead , But , while I look upon thy loveliness , The hours fly like winged Mercuries And leave existence golden .", "Sweet , it was not yourself ,", "Sweet , there is nothing there :", "None , love , nor shall be .", "Out of your life for ever .", "It shuts out God .", "And with love make them beautiful .", "There is no house so lowly or so mean ,", "The dagger and this writing ; when he awakes", "Play with her lips ? Could I with murderous eyes", "Unhand me , knaves ! I tell thee , my Lord Justice ,", "To see a nobler and a holier vengeance", "Thou with thy finger wouldst have touched the man ,", "And young hands clutching at a palsied throat .", "There lies a barrier between us now ,", "Can not avail to quench it . Will you not speak ?", "Which I had plucked in thought a thousand times .", "I do not care : Death has no power on love .", "As at this moment .", "Art thou that Beatrice , Duchess of Padua ?", "Stand still , thou hurrying orb in the high heavens , And make this hour immortal !", "And this too , that I waited till he grew", "I confess", "But Love , which is his image , holds his place .", "My lord , I do confess", "Could I with lips fresh from this butchery", "Dost thou think my father , that great gentleman ,", "There are men who paint pictures , and carve statues ,", "Farewell , dear love , for I must drink this poison .", "But on the other we shall meet again .", "And thinking of a most dear father murdered ,", "Makes innocence to blossom like a rose .", "Sweet , women make it true .", "Did I so soon let love into my heart ,", "A barrier between us far too high", "Into my keeping , till he fawned on me ,", "The winter whirlwind , or the Alpine storm ,", "In letting this man live , than doth reside", "I will not kiss you Until the blood grows dry upon this knife ,Back to your dead !", "Oh !", "Madam , I wait .", "Sweetened my meats , seasoned my wine with it ,", "That I may draw it from them ?", "A man may die as well under that name as any other .", "It was some devil tempted you .", "For fear of too much splendour , but my eyes ,", "That with untended wounds I lie a-dying ,", "Why , let me die for joy and not for doubt .", "You never loved me .", "Each grim and gaping wound shall find a tongue ,", "Oh , with mine own lips let me break that seal ! You love me , Beatrice ?", "The dead man is a ghost , and our love too ,", "My Lady , my white Beatrice , I begin", "Because you brought the sunlight where you passed ,", "God 's secret , and the secret of the world ."], "true_target": ["In the red fire of passion , those whose lives", "Beatrice ,", "O damned stars", "I say nothing .", "Ah , if we die together , love , why then", "Knock at the Palace gate and is let in ,", "Away ! away !Now is life fallen in ashes at my feet And noble love self-slain ; and in its place Crept murder with its silent bloody feet . And she who wrought it \u2014 Oh ! and yet she loved me , And for my sake did do this dreadful thing . I have been cruel to her : Beatrice ! Beatrice , I say , come back .Ah ! what is that ? Torches ablaze , and noise of hurrying feet . Pray God they have not seized her .Beatrice ! There is yet time to escape . Come down , come out !This way went he , the man who slew my lord .", "O Beatrice !", "Your hand wrought murder , but your soul was pure .", "Lastly , my lord , I do entreat the Court", "I pray you speak no more , for I must go", "Forget you ever looked upon me .", "Then let high Paradise", "Had I so soon forgot my father 's death ,", "To give me leave to utter openly", "These things are only unreal shadows .", "O dear God !", "Throbs with no ardour . Your eyes full of rheum", "And surfeit sense with beauty .", "Save one thing only , which shall die to-night !", "Within your veins , old man , the pulse of youth", "By a strong rope I scaled the palace wall ,", "But come to proffer on my bended knees ,", "And Murder dips his fingers in the sop .", "Why , the Duke .", "Do you close that against me ?", "Madam , I tarry here .", "Or their great rival , who , by the sea at Venice ,", "Would have crept at night-time , like a common thief ,", "Oh , tell me may I stay , or must I go ?", "That generous soldier , that most chivalrous lord ,", "Thou mightst as well bid the untrammelled ocean ,", "Oh , horrible !", "That with the purport of a just revenge ,", "You do well to talk :", "The dreadful secret of this mystery ,", "My soul was murderous , but my hand refused ;", "Falsehood for very shame would turn to truth .", "O daring eyes ! are grown so venturous", "No , I will never see her .", "Which I can take .", "You will understand my vengeance .", "Who sin for love .", "Ask of the roses if they love the rain ,", "You are my lady , and you are my love ! O hair of gold , O crimson lips , O face Made for the luring and the love of man ! Incarnate image of pure loveliness ! Worshipping thee I do forget the past , Worshipping thee my soul comes close to thine , Worshipping thee I seem to be a god , And though they give my body to the block , Yet is my love eternal !Sweet , lift up The trailing curtains that overhang your eyes That I may look into those eyes , and tell you I love you , never more than now when Death Thrusts his cold lips between us : Beatrice , I love you : have you no word left to say ? Oh , I can bear the executioner , But not this silence : will you not say you love me ? Speak but that word and Death shall lose his sting , But speak it not , and fifty thousand deaths Are , in comparison , mercy . Oh , you are cruel , And do not love me .", "Whom my soul loathes as I loathe wickedness ,", "Ay ! he will come soon enough .", "Why have you not left a drop for me ?", "Bade every man forgive his enemy .", "Nay , you heard rightly ; I 'll not kill this man .", "However he had wronged him : tell me that .", "From the high seat of Judgment , shall a man", "Fall into Tartarus ! for I shall make", "Do you not see ?", "The gentle violet hides beneath its leaf", "No ! revenge :", "The passing shadow of the man on guard .", "More wretched , were thy son a murderer .", "Nay , I know you now ;", "Will you not say you love me ?", "That as with stealthy feet I climbed the stair", "That she has shut her heart against me now :", "What , art thou empty ?", "There is better knowledge in the other world ;", "All dear recorded memories , farewell ,", "Tarry for me ,", "The one tale over .", "I do not fear the headsman , but I would die", "A most just vengeance on a man of blood ,", "That like fixed stars they stand , gazing at you ,", "That you had done so ! May be better still", "Here in thine arms , kissing thy mouth : farewell !", "After that I have laid the dagger there ,", "Died half so often as I wished him to ,", "I can endure no longer . This is my love , and I will speak to her . Lady , am I a stranger to your prayers ?", "Forth from your life and love , and make a way", "Oh , do not cease at all ; I thought the nightingale sang but at night ; Or if thou needst must cease , then let my lips Touch the sweet lips that can such music make .", "And to point out the very guilty one", "For one man 's life . Why , love , I could be merry ;", "Canst thou not speak ?", "What , art thou here ?", "It is the fire which purges gold from dross ,", "Night lit her candles for me , and I saw", "Away , away ,", "If I speak it not ,", "And in my fancy slew the accursed Duke", "Be sure I shall not stir .", "Farewell all love ! Could I with bloody hands", "Better perhaps", "Lack mercy up in heaven ! Kiss me , sweet .", "If you do not love me ,", "And leave this letter and this dagger there ,", "The wicked cannot love .", "If any such there be , who have not loved ,", "I entered the Duke 's household , served his will ,", "Has builded it so high it shuts out heaven ,", "Did you not hear a voice ?", "Dost thou think", "And followed by a dozen of the citizens Has come into the Palace .", "Lord Moranzone ,", "Who know what a thing temptation is ,", "Stood face to face with beauty ? That is enough", "And trusted me in every private matter", "The moon , your mistress , shine no more to-night .", "Ah ! What is that ?", "O love , love , love ! Nay , sweet , lift up your head , Let me unlock those little scarlet doors That shut in music , let me dive for coral In your red lips , and I 'll bear back a prize Richer than all the gold the Gryphon guards In rude Armenia .", "Stand face to face with beauty , which unnerves", "Or Raphael , whose Madonnas are divine", "This old man 's blood still hot upon mine hands ?", "Now then I know you have not loved at all .", "Give it to me , I say . O God , your very hands are wet with blood ! This place is Hell , I cannot tarry here . I pray you let me see your face no more .", "I swear I would not have lived otherwise .", "Would strike men blind , and make each eyeball reel", "Till day break , if it loves to see the day : -", "Flooded with silver light the darkened room ,", "Which in the quarry lies , before the sculptor", "That mercy is more noble than revenge ?", "Ah , dear love ,", "Let me find mercy when I go at night", "It is the fan which winnows wheat from chaff ,", "The right revenge my father 's son should take .", "Lo ! the white moon that sailed in the great heaven", "Ask of the sea-bird if it loves the sea ,", "Love is the sacrament of life ; it sets", "Silence , liar ! The very moon in heaven is not more chaste . Nor the white stars so pure .", "Quench your vile cresset-lights in tears , and bid", "That through the marshes or by rivers grow ,", "Who with this dagger last night slew the Duke .", "And must I banish love , and let in murder", "Which shook and shivered in the gusty door ,", "Listen , Lord Moranzone ,", "What , Beatrice , have I not", "Are dull and colourless , in a word let those ,", "Cast stones against you . As for me -", "And cry against you .", "No .", "That beats and clamours at the outer gate ?", "Is there no poison still upon your lips ,", "Thou man of blood !", "And murder had not slept .", "I killed the Duke . Now , my Lord Justice , if I may crave a boon , Suffer me not to see another sun Light up the misery of this loathsome world .", "Your Grace , I lack no favours from the Duke ,", "It was , I think , for love 's sake that Lord Christ ,", "And have no music in them .", "Ay ! without love", "Because they are mothers merely ; yet I think", "But here ,", "Had it been so , Love would have stayed your hand .", "Love will not enter ; but if bloody murder", "It was for all time said .", "The day I saw him first .", "I am resolved not to kill this man .", "Women are the best artists of the world ,", "O God !", "This which men call your sin , what was it ?", "It is the spring which in some wintry soil", "That is the signal for the guard to come .", "The world 's not wide enough To hold us two ! Farewell , farewell for ever .", "Oh , how I love you !", "Vengeance is God 's , let God himself revenge .", "My shaking heart , and makes my desperate hand", "And stabbed an old man sleeping in his bed ,", "This man , whose trade is death , hath courtesies", "Can bring me out of Padua .", "Whose little eyes grew tender over a whipt hound ,", "To save the souls of men : and loving her ,", "That sittest on the stair , like unto Death", "Lord Moranzone ,", "I take them back .", "Turn not thine axe on me before the time :", "Guilty ?\u2014 let those", "Within the chamber .", "That for this thing I waited .", "That to spill human blood is deadly sin .", "You come to me with too pronounced a favour ;", "You bring me but cold comfort .", "His intimate : so much I will confess ,", "On which you cannot follow .", "I will take service with the Doge at Venice ,", "I will be brief : Last night at twelve o \u2019 the clock ,", "There is no love where there is any guilt .", "Yet not to-night ; nay , it must be to-night .", "O God !", "Who knows if it be time for me to die ?", "Paul of Verona and the dyer 's son ,", "Look in those violet eyes , whose purity", "And come not back till you have waked your dead .", "O Love !", "By a most wicked villain , lately Duke", "Have against Beauty closed their filmy doors ,", "What , is he dead ?", "Your lips are roses that death cannot wither .", "\u2018 Twas nothing , sweet .", "They do not sin at all", "What , love ?", "I purpose to ascend to the Duke 's chamber ,", "My Lords Justices ,", "This is the punishment God sets on sin .", "If any sin there be upon my soul ?", "Are all thy secret ways ! Who would have said", "The man I hated , cursing in his sleep ;", "I shall not die till I have uttered voice .", "\u2018 Twas I who nurtured murder in my heart ,", "Dear , shall we play or sing ? I think that I could sing now .", "Mere shadows of my love , which is a fire", "Nay , tell me that you love me .", "No , my lord , I said", "To-night it shall be .", "That in one moment leapt to terrible life ,", "May I not tell this dreadful tale of sin ,", "And bid him pack me straightway to the wars ,", "Across the city , till the dim houses seem", "Sin was the barrier , you have raised it up ;", "And have not found them .", "I do not know , my lord ,", "Dashes adown the street .", "O white and spotless angel of my life ,", "Do you not hear ? \u2018 Twas nothing .", "There lies a barrier between us two We dare not pass .", "Get hence to-night from Padua .", "My lord , I say this also ,", "Life is no better than the unhewn stone", "Between us lies a thin red stream of blood ;", "O damned saint ! O angel fresh from Hell ! What bloody devil tempted thee to this ! That thou hast killed thy husband , that is nothing - Hell was already gaping for his soul - But thou hast murdered Love , and in its place Hast set a horrible and bloodstained thing , Whose very breath breeds pestilence and plague , And strangles Love .", "To shudder and to shake as each new glare", "Get hence , I say , out of my sight .", "Ay ! though ye put your knives into my throat ,", "Not on the lonely scaffold .", "With purport to revenge my father 's murder -", "I love you only .", "Nay , \u2018 twas nothing :", "That when you slew your lord you slew it also .", "No , do not touch me ,", "This much I will acknowledge , and this also ,", "Tarry here for me .", "We love and die together ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 15}, {"query": ["To Venice , Madam ?"], "true_target": ["Here comes the Duchess ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 15}, {"query": ["With heavy dust and soiling mildew filled ,", "You dare not burden my o'erburdened soul", "He was asleep ;", "To prick this prating fellow from our way ?", "You could look upon me ever , for your eyes", "So much as makes your monstrous revenues", "That you will not fetch me one cup of water", "Or I will tear your body limb from limb ,", "Let every man be clad in solemn black ;", "Creeps through their sunless lanes , and with sharp knives", "Over the world .", "None but the wretched needs my prayers , my lord .", "I do beseech your Grace to give us audience .", "Proceed , sir , without compliment .", "I did not .", "Very submissive to a cruel Lord ,", "Has cheated them : so they die cursing sleep", "Who would have tempted you to kill the man .", "Are you the officer on guard ?", "The poor , who love each other , are so rich .", "With the same malady .", "In poor attire , and will follow you", "Dear love , I would", "When who wakes ?", "Though the vile world should with its lackey Slander", "The winter cannot hurt him with its snows ;", "Death fills right up the lying mouths of men .", "Barrier ! Barrier !", "Before you came between me and my love .", "And then he groaned no more ! I only heard", "Come here , Count Bardi : are you honourable ?", "Nay , if we lie together , will not my lips", "Keep you from sleeping ! Sure it is the guilty ,", "I am what he hath made me .", "Has wrecked its bark upon the rocks of sin .", "Oh , thank God for that !", "Is dead for ever : the fire cannot warm him :", "I have spilt blood , and therefore I must die .", "There is my cloak : the horse is at the bridge ,", "There are many citizens of Padua", "Well , we will weep together ; I will serve you ;", "Guido , my heart is that long-empty room ,", "It was for your sake that I wrought this deed", "Ye do not wait the tedious law 's delay", "Guido , why are we here ? I think this room", "Ah , dear ,", "Do you remember saying that women 's love", "The child is hungry , and the fire black .", "And straightway pack him to that narrow house ,", "Room for the headsman .", "It matters not , for Death is there already ,", "The stars have fought against me , that is all , And thus to-night when my Lord lieth asleep , Will I fall upon my dagger , and so cease . My heart is such a stone nothing can reach it Except the dagger 's edge : let it go there , To find what name it carries : ay ! to-night Death will divorce the Duke ; and yet to-night He may die also , he is very old . Why should he not die ? Yesterday his hand Shook with a palsy : men have died from palsy , And why not he ? Are there not fevers also , Agues and chills , and other maladies Most incident to old age ? No , no , he will not die , he is too sinful ; Honest men die before their proper time . Good men will die : men by whose side the Duke In all the sick pollution of his life Seems like a leper : women and children die , But the Duke will not die , he is too sinful . Oh , can it be There is some immortality in sin , Which virtue has not ? And does the wicked man Draw life from what to other men were death , Like poisonous plants that on corruption live ? No , no , I think God would not suffer that : Yet the Duke will not die : he is too sinful . But I will die alone , and on this night Grim Death shall be my bridegroom , and the tomb My secret house of pleasure : well , what of that ? The world 's a graveyard , and we each , like coffins , Within us bear a skeleton .", "And if in after time you think of me ,", "While we have love we have the best of life :", "What would you more ? Come , it is almost morning .", "Stiffens their limbs , and fevers come , and so -", "Is echo dead , that when I say I love you", "Fetch me some water , I will wash it off :", "Why , then I will be gone ! and may you find More mercy than you showed to me to-night !", "Alas ! I am so fallen in estate", "You came , and in the passion of your eyes", "Spending its wealth on what is nothing worth .", "And if you go you take my love away .", "For I shall lie within thine arms to-night .", "I have heard", "Will you not speak ?", "Can you do nothing ? Water , give me water ,", "Are set for you ; this is a wedding feast .", "Beyond all hope of pardon .", "As pure I think as any gentle girl", "And wash my scarlet sins as white as snow ? -", "Though each small fibre doth so hold my heart", "This public outlaw to his righteous doom ;", "Lovers are happiest when they are in doubt", "This poison gnaws my heart : I did not know", "When we unlock some long-disused room", "Nay , give him back , you know not how I love him .", "Have sweeter scent when they are trodden on", "With some red bruise across a careworn face ,", "And then he groaned ,", "But murder , horrible murder .", "Let as not talk of this ! Let us go hence :", "There is no barrier , Guido ; why , I will go", "He lied to me , and shall I for that reason", "Why has the bell stopped ringing ?", "No love where there is any guilt ! O God ,", "I do not think you understand me , Guido :", "But it will burn hereafter .", "Think of me as of one who loved you more", "We do not need these heavy fires now ,", "Poor castaways upon a lonely sea ,", "Lonely to Hell .", "Slays the state also , widows every wife ,", "Is there no gentleman amongst you all", "Refuse to shine upon the unjust earth", "In gorgeous pomp and state , gaunt poverty", "Look , my Lord Cardinal ,", "Music ! It should be merrier ; but grief", "There is not one .", "Methought I saw a face with eyes of flame", "A moment , my Lord Justice .", "Where no voice is , but with a little dust", "I think we women do not love like that .", "I would that I could tear thee from the state", "Which saw thee die .", "And fling the broken shutters to the air ,", "For those who lack it .", "Set barriers in my path where I should go ?", "I would not have you either stay or go ;", "Women grow mad when they are treated thus :", "What is your name ?", "No , no , your lips are pure , and mine are soiled ,", "I say he shall not speak : What need have we of further evidence ? Was he not taken in the house at night In Guilt 's own bloody livery ?", "Fills up the sum of life ?", "How differently do we love from men !", "A VOICE OUTSIDE", "So terrible that the amazed stars", "Till I have learned your secret .", "Harry the lazy steeds of lingering day ,", "I have been starved for love , and kindliness", "And no word said .", "Is of the fashion now \u2014 I know not why .", "I like your law : and now I pray dispatch", "Turns every grimy particle of dust", "Guilty beyond all women , and indeed", "Touched my dumb soul to music , so I loved you .", "The tongue its natural utterance , and bid", "Being at Court at Fontainebleau , the King", "That when I was a child in my dear France ,", "I would , old Cardinal , I could burn that hand ;", "Though right be wrong in such a case as this -", "Striving to find some haven for its love", "I let you take my heart away from me ;", "Die for me ?\u2014 no , my life is a vile thing , Thrown to the miry highways of this world ; You shall not die for me , you shall not , Guido ; I am a guilty woman .", "Dream of green fields and pleasant water-courses ,", "The right to pity , and the right to mercy .", "If I can n't see the porter 's livery", "And so now ,", "Alas ! my lord ,", "Yet out of these", "Since my Lord went there .", "Let us bethink us of the desperate hand", "Throw ashes on the head of Padua ,", "Drive me not to some desperate resolve :", "You have not spilt blood , and so need not die :", "And from the windows take the rusty bar ,", "Some murder done for hire , not for love ,", "My heart would , like a bleeding pilgrim , follow", "Why did he say there was a barrier ?", "I see that , Guido , now .", "Who left it at the gate ! I will not rest", "Under the arches of the public bridges", "Come closer , love , and I will tell you all .", "I did it all for you ;", "For if I cut his image from my heart ,", "Will you not speak to me ?", "Has lost its music .", "Nay , nay , I doubt not that thou sayest right ,", "No , you are not going ? You will not leave me as you did before ?", "About an hour ago I waked from sleep ,", "Which men call Desolation .", "Thou accursed law ,", "He will not laugh ; and if you stab him now", "I read love 's meaning ; everything you said", "What should Revenge do coming to my door ?", "Brake you your word as ever .", "That the chill rain , the snow , and the rude blast ,", "I have seen to that .", "I will be very meek and very gentle :", "And sweep the house , and do the common service ,", "And he will sell it if we give him money .", "That image through the world , and call it back", "And wake the toad with hooting , and the bat ,", "But a great outlaw , and a most vile traitor ,", "The feet of armed men upon the stair .", "I have just killed him .", "What barrier but he ? -", "I wish that you and I were very poor ;", "Thou com'st between us two a second time ;", "Than if he came with mighty ordonnance ,", "And wrestle with him for me .", "Is one sin not enough , but must it breed A second sin more horrible again Than was the one that bare it ? O God , God , Seal up sin 's teeming womb , and make it barren , I will not have more blood upon my hand Than I have now .", "You may go , sir .", "Promised , my Lord , not yielded : in that matter", "Nay , you know he has .", "Which would find utterance .", "Who said that ? I forget .", "Being of my Lord 's household , is he stranger here ?", "What shall I say then ?", "Ay , it is well to preach and prate of law :", "There is an antidote against each poison ,", "I have it not : the first day that I saw you", "And drew it from the sheath , and felt the edge ,", "Oh !", "We have no time : send for a leech , I say :", "And as I looked upon his evil face", "Give him unto the officer and his hook", "There is a fire eating at my heart", "And took my dagger from beneath my pillow ,", "To quench this fire ?", "There is no barrier between us now .", "Well , I will go .", "Would fall from heaven , and the palsied moon", "And makes each child an orphan , and no less", "To be dragged gaolwards straightway ?", "Let us get hence at once . Where are the horses ?", "I saw the scaffold as I crossed the square ,", "Nay , it is from some girl .", "You see I have no power with the Duke ,", "This is no common murderer , Lord Justice ,", "But women when they love give everything ;", "Were from your lips : well , well , that is no matter .", "And what I have is yours , and what I have not", "I thank thee , my Lord Justice , heartily ;", "Look at us through the doorway .", "It does but bring the sweetness out of them ,", "That is the slave of dim Persephone ,", "If he does not beat her a second time", "Must I say all at once ? \u2018 Twere a good lesson", "I think I wrong them not . Which of you all", "Which now you would dig up , uproot , tear out ,", "But it must be to-night .", "And Orvieto ?", "Cuts the warm throats of children stealthily", "Then slay me now ! I have spilt blood to-night , You shall spill more , so we go hand in hand To heaven or to hell . Draw your sword , Guido . Quick , let your soul go chambering in my heart , It will but find its master 's image there . Nay , if you will not slay me with your sword , Bid me to fall upon this reeking knife , And I will do it .", "That I here care to live ; God knows my life", "There is many a woman here in Padua ,", "Is red with blood , and that my desperate soul", "To stay the workings of this poison in me ?", "Until you came to Padua I lived", "Love will bring music out of any life .", "Finds his wife sitting by a fireless hearth ,", "Thou shalt die silent , and thy secret with thee .", "A tale of love so musical that all", "You are my lord ,", "Better for me I had not seen your face .", "Tear up the shrieking mandrakes from the earth", "He was a very royal man , King Francis , Yet he was not royal as you are . Why need I tell you , Guido , that I love you ?Do you not know that I am yours for ever , Body and soul ?Oh , what is that ?", "Nay but , my lord the Duke , be generous ;", "And leave Padua .", "With a stark winding-sheet , and bitter herbs :", "May I not by the virtue of mine office", "What state reasons are there", "And let The floodgates of my passion swell and burst Till , like the wave when rivers overflow That sweeps the forest and the farm away , Love in the splendid avalanche of its might Swept my life with it ? Must I drop by drop Gather these waters back and seal them up ? Alas ! Each drop will be a tear , and so Will with its saltness make life very bitter .", "Do not speak ,", "Shall climb the ladder to the bloody block .", "No , no , time will not stop for anything ,", "There was a drought in Italy , and no water :", "And the pit black , so I must go before", "There is no barrier between us two .", "With such sweet patience as ye counsel me .", "Not him who stanched my husband , but another", ",", "Go quickly .", "I have loved much", "I hardly know what I should say to you .", "Revenge !", "You for whose sake this hand has murdered life ,", "Seem narrowed to one single ecstasy ,", "Are polished mirrors , and when I peer", "Is to be held a public enemy ,", "Blame him not .", "Trying to hush the child who cries for hunger ,", "Away , we have no need of you : I tell you", "Was it not said blood should be spilt for blood ?", "With some poor chattel thrust into his rags ,", "Will you not kiss me now ?", "But you had loved me very faithfully .", "And not Death 's sable throne . O Guido , Guido ,", "The little birds sing sweeter for those vows .", "You came too late .", "You dare not !", "Trample and tread upon my life ; why should I ?", "If ye are hurt in pocket or estate ,", "We should be on our way to Venice now .", "Had taken all the agonies to itself ;", "A little lower than me : yes , just so , sweet ,", "We do or suffer anything .", "I am thy handiwork .", "And turned to fall upon it , when I marked", "Adjourn this court until another day ?", "Silence , thou evil genius of my life !", "I have a particular reason for wishing my face not to be seen .", "I can but give thee a poor meed of thanks .", "Turns women into martyrs ; for its sake", "With that red star of blood upon his heart ,", "My almoner shall from my private purse ,", "The second bridge below the ferry house :", "Come , gentlemen .", "For breaking holy promises to a state ?", "Nor the sun stay its courses , though Repentance", "Suddenly like a flame there flashed across me ,", "O God ! \u2018 Twas thou who took my love away from me .", "The bell has stopped from ringing , and I hear", "I see when men love women", "Calling it back grow hoarse ; but you , my love ,", "Alas ! I have no right", "He hath changed my heart into a heart of stone ,", "Guido , you shall not : it would be a thing", "Are you not sorry that you ever saw me ?", "And bid it not have been ! Put back the sun ,", "Robs one brief minute from your boyish life .", "Why , I had sat and watched at your bedside", "Yet I know that had I done so ,", "Nor let this brawling traitor have his way .", "For your sake only .", "Put vision in the glazed eves , and give", "Is that not true ?", "An evil dream sent by an evil god ,", "O God , put back the sun a little space ,", "Who , being very wretched , need love most .", "My Lord , the poor have rights you cannot touch ,", "Cannot , Lord Justice ? By what right do you", "The old man sleeping , full of years and sin ;", "Your fancy lends me , like a prodigal", "With my Lord 's life still hot upon his hands ,", "The dripping of the blood upon the floor .", "These greybeards and their council ; bid them come ;", "For I must ride to Venice instantly .", "Get horses ready , we will fly to-night .", "And die more miserably because sleep", "Have you no word of kindness ever for me ?", "Who ?", "The birds stopped singing ! Oh , give him back to me .", "I will not tarry then to hear this man", "The ruined body of my murdered lord ,", "It was in wine I pledged you , not in poison .", "Which have no perfume , on being bruised die", "With the young lives this dull world seeks to crush ,", "Until it met your arrow .", "It seems it is not so .", "To make her life a sacrifice to love ,", "Where never foot of man has come for years ,", "Why did you open them - ?", "I must see the prisoner alone .", "For walls and gates , bastions and forts , and things", "They give them but a little of their lives ,", "To touch my lips is not to touch my heart .", "Get hence , for every moment is a worm", "In scarlet letters writ , the word Revenge ?", "\u2018 Twas branded there last night , but in the day-time", "And when in purgatory thou seest my Lord", "Around your white throat , coming up behind", "Is it not curious I should feel no pain ? -", "It is too late ."], "true_target": ["There is the barrier which Guido spoke of :", "I set it there .", "I would not have you cured ; for I am sick", "Where have I got to go if you reject me ? -", "Can wipe the bloody stain from off my hands ,", "Swore that you loved me , and I trusted you .", "Before us lies the future : shall we not have", "We are not bound by law ,", "The Duke said rightly that I was alone ; Deserted , and dishonoured , and defamed , Stood ever woman so alone indeed ? Men when they woo us call us pretty children , Tell us we have not wit to make our lives , And so they mar them for us . Did I say woo ? We are their chattels , and their common slaves , Less dear than the poor hound that licks their hand , Less fondled than the hawk upon their wrist . Woo , did I say ? bought rather , sold and bartered , Our very bodies being merchandise . I know it is the general lot of women , Each miserably mated to some man Wrecks her own life upon his selfishness : That it is general makes it not less bitter . I think I never heard a woman laugh , Laugh for pure merriment , except one woman , That was at night time , in the public streets . Poor soul , she walked with painted lips , and wore The mask of pleasure : I would not laugh like her ; No , death were better .O Mary mother , with your sweet pale face Bending between the little angel heads That hover round you , have you no help for me ? Mother of God , have you no help for me ?", "Who will love you , and not murder for your sake .", "You for whose sake my soul has wrecked itself", "I 'll from the window look , and try", "They say the common field-flowers of the field", "And to the common gibbet nail your head", "Bethink you , my Lord Justice , Is it not very like that such a one May , in the presence of the people here , Utter some slanderous word against my Lord , Against the city , or the city 's honour , Perchance against myself .", "It was such pain to die : I thought that life", "Go , go at once .", "That I may run my fingers through your hair ,", "Sit down here ,", "And thought of you , and how I loved you , Guido ,", "Which gnaws your life away : nay , sweet , get hence ,", "Forget the vows of love you made to me ?", "Love me a little : in my girlish life", "This time , my lord , I think the turn is mine .", "Which wrought and brought this ruin on our state ,", "Very obedient to unjust commands ,", "Canst thou not see across my forehead here ,", "I have less power in Padua to-night", "Stand between me and the angel of death ,", "Why do you tarry , get to the upper chamber ;", "So that you are beside me .", "I would not die companionless , or go", "I had not been thus humbled in the dust ,", "What if I do not speak at all ? They say", "Wheel through the sombre air on wandering wing !", "What was it , said you ?\u2014 murder merely ? Nothing", "You did not tell me", "And bid them make us music , and tell the mole", "Before her child !\u2014 that is how women love .", "Loathe what I love , and what I worshipped , hate ?", "For , if that is the little cuckoo 's song ,", "He hath poisoned the wells of pity in my breast ,", "No more than he was cruel to her Grace .", "Nor any of these noble gentlemen ,", "You must escape !", "Rose up between us two .", "They say the bread , the very bread they eat ,", "The past is a bad dream , we will forget it :", "There lay he muttering curses in his sleep ,", "With little cries of love .", "He hath withered up all kindness at the root ;", "I got no mercy , and I give it not .", "Pour balm into my wounds , heal up my hurts ,", "Why did you come into my life at all , then , Or in the desolate garden of my heart Sow that white flower of love - ?", "I should so love mine enemy ?", "No , no , you cannot : you do not understand ,", "No , that could not be \u2014 Oh , do you think that love", "He shall not speak , but , with gags in his mouth ,", "Think , while we sit", "Whose music seems to linger in my ears ,", "Into those mirrors I can see myself ,", "Ay !", "Ay ! he is dead .", "Lain in my bed : O Guido , if you love me", "Who are in Love 's hand ? I do not think I 'd care", "Have you not sometimes noted ,", "The nightingale is hoarse , and the loud lark", "And then wake up with red thirst in their throats ,", "Nay , you must live .", "If , as thou sayest it , this is the law -", "This dreadful bell , whose every ringing stroke", "Wherefore now ,", "He will not wake again .", "Whose husband spends the wages of the week", "I think I never harmed a little child .", "Wore such a collar .", "Leave us .A moment , sir . For what hour is . . .", "To say I did it .", "They say the water , Set in the public cisterns for their use ,To stagnant pools and muddy puddles turned .", "Guido ! what do you here so late ?", "I will kiss you ,", "Oh , how it sears and burns into my brain :", "But if you go into the court without ,", "Poor heart , that lived its little lonely life", "Not a word of this ,", "I did not think", "Get a horse ready for me at my house ,", "The secret wells of love I had sealed up ?", "You are out of place , sir ; and , besides , \u2018 tis summer .", "What is there more ?", "Why did you come into my life ? Why open", "And try and smile , and only be too glad", "He will not answer ; if you mock him now ,", "And yet I did not tell you of my love .", "Oh , I am burned up ,", "What , wilt thou keep me here against my will ?", "As though it were a morris-dancer 's platform ,", "Methinks , my haughty lords of Padua ,", "I will not ride to-day .", "Into whose open portals he did pour", "Send for a leech ,", "That sailors dying of thirst upon a raft ,", "\u2018 Twas there he stood , and there he looked at me ;", "No , no , we will not laugh , but , when we weep ,", "You scorch us .", "Wretched indeed , but with no murderous thought ,", "Alas , you cannot , Guido ,", "Thou mayest speak to the confessional", "And reeling home late on the Saturday night ,", "This is the hand he kissed , and these the ears", "Poor people ,", "You must not weep : do we not love each other ? -", "Taken in open arms against the state .", "Unwilling thief , that without meaning it", "There speaks the man ! yet had you come to me", "And struck his head off with an axe .", "Guido , though all the morning stars could sing", "I dare do anything", "Nothing but fire .", "Ay ! is it not strange", "Whose horror now chills my young blood to ice ,", "Wither the tongue that says so ! Give him back .", "Do not tarry , Guido ,", "Sirs , put up your swords :", "Waiting with his dim torch to light my way .", "And then I see the dead face in the coffin", "Shrivel to sightless sockets , and the worms ,", "May the plague", "Had ye been men , finding this fellow here ,", "He hath sown rank nettles in a goodly field ,", "And the state 's regent ?", "And filch my jewel from it ! O strange theft ,", "Love , you are strong , and young , and very brave ;", "And Death has gone away , I am glad of that .", "Though I am cast away upon the sea", "How is that ? Does not the Duke show thee sufficient honour ?", "I love you , Guido .", "Which are our groomsmen , eat away your heart ?", "Tell him that I will give him Padua ,", "Alas !", "Will you not kiss me once ?", "To beat and batter at our city gates -", "Is not the barrier broken down between us ?", "All through the autumn nights , till the wet mist", "If you are going , touch me not , but go .", "Why , you : that with your shaft did pierce my heart !", "It was spilt upon the ground , like my Lord 's blood ;", "Whose common elements are wood and stone", "They lied who told you that I drank your poison .", "And left me poorer , and yet glad of it !", "May be raised up , but who can raise again", "Where I had hidden it to serve my need ,", "Go , my Lord Justice , search the statutes well ,", "Finding a thief within his house at night ,", "I hardly know", "For there are times when all existences", "And let the bright sun in , how the good sun", "Something has gone from him ; if you call him now ,", "Will stop and parley with him ? do ye not", "There are many other women in the world", "And so dispatch the messengers at once ,", "I remember ,", "Oh !", "And let the night , thy sister , come instead ,", "Until the carrion crows have stripped it bare .", "Here by this chair he knelt a half hour since ;", "Is not so full of joy , yet , for all that ,", "Nay , Guido , listen for a while :", "Are tenants also with them ; others sleep", "And I will cut it out .", "For one short hour of life : I will not die .", "He will not bleed .", "To light the candles for your coming hither .", "And see your face turn upwards like a flower", "My Lord , I cannot go .", "With spilt-out blood : there is blood on the ground ;", "For Guilt has been my paramour , and Sin", "Is made of sorry chaff .", "Whence all good things have perished utterly :", "As I kneel now at yours , and with sweet vows ,", "To meet my kiss .", "If I did love you , sir ; but , if I do not ,", "Ay , there it is !", "Than when they bloom alone , and that some herbs", "Sir , by what right - ?", "And every Monday morn shall bread be set", "And pour his poisons in your ear , and so", "And bid it live and laugh ?", "But you will stay : listen , I love you , Guido .", "Better you had crossed a hungry lioness", "Show me the book : \u2018 tis written in blood-red .", "Is it not so ?", "Is this the law ?", "O God , How I have loved this man !", "With any heavy sin upon your soul ,", "For when I stand before God , face to face ,", "No , no .", "Guido ! Guido !", "For I have sinned .", "Alas , my Lord ,", "Give me a knife ; not that one , but another ,", "Ye would have haled him out into the court ,", "With two dead men ! I think one is enough .", "I shall be going back in a few minutes . As I pass through the corridor do not let them try and lift my mask .", "I would that I could wake him !", "Have you no word of pity even for me ?", "I will not tarry .", "Ay ! what can harm us now ,", "Yet the wife loves him ! and will rise next day", "A grave is but a narrow wedding-bed .", "Then you are not sorry ? How strange that seems .", "\u2018 Tis true men hate thee , Death , and yet I think", "Death ,", "And makes them lovelier often . And besides ,", "No , no , We are each our own devil , and we make This world our hell .", "There is no answer ?", "Divide a hundred ducats \u2018 mongst you all .", "Were I to deny it ,", "I should be ever loved : do you indeed", "O dear love !", "For you ! For you ! I did it all for you : have you forgotten ? You said there was a barrier between us ; That barrier lies now i \u2019 the upper chamber Upset , overthrown , beaten , and battered down , And will not part us ever .", "Is poorly furnished for a marriage chamber .", "Oh , I have been", "And slew love in the trial : Oh , what is that ?", "Who in vile tenements live so full of holes ,", "Forgiveness ? what is that ? I never got it . They come at last : well , my Lord Justice , well .", "Are there no rivers left in Italy", "Is tremulous with their music , and outside", "Bid them come quickly , else I think my heart", "And from them he draws music ; so I think", "Gilded all life . Do you not think that love", "While we sit here within a noble house", "The cold meats of my husband 's funeral feast", "And all the spears of Venice at his back ,", "Oh , I am sick to death ; no , do not touch me ,", "Why do you tarry ? Can your ears not hear", "And know it is no dream , but that my hand", "Nay , is more dangerous to our commonwealth ,", "With fearful jests , and horrid merriment ,", "For having sent them dreams : I will not curse you", "You need not die for that .", "To dig deep down thy cold and narrow bed ,", "You said there lay a barrier between us ,", "Tell him I sent thee hither .", "With sable banners hang each silent street ,", "With all Arabia round them ; so it is", "Now , traitor , tell me what does this sign mean , A dagger with two leopards wrought in steel ?", "I am what thou hast made me ; look at me well ,", "Why should you die ?", "That is enough . Death , what do you here ?", "Thou dost but waste thy time .", "Murder did you say ? Murder is hungry , and still cries for more , And Death , his brother , is not satisfied , But walks the house , and will not go away , Unless he has a comrade ! Tarry , Death , For I will give thee a most faithful lackey To travel with thee ! Murder , call no more , For thou shalt eat thy fill . There is a storm Will break upon this house before the morning , So horrible , that the white moon already Turns grey and sick with terror , the low wind Goes moaning round the house , and the high stars Run madly through the vaulted firmament , As though the night wept tears of liquid fire For what the day shall look upon . Oh , weep , Thou lamentable heaven ! Weep thy fill ! Though sorrow like a cataract drench the fields , And make the earth one bitter lake of tears , It would not be enough .Do you not hear , There is artillery in the Heaven to-night . Vengeance is wakened up , and has unloosed His dogs upon the world , and in this matter Which lies between us two , let him who draws The thunder on his head beware the ruin Which the forked flame brings after .", "The singer , who is Love , will make a pipe", "Than any common woman ; they will kill you .", "Will beat itself to bursting : not indeed ,", "No , no , \u2018 tis not too late : you must get hence ; The horse is by the bridge , there is still time . Away , away , you must not tarry here !A VOICE OUTSIDE Room for the Lord Justice of Padua !", "I think there are many women in the world", "With your hot kisses fresh upon my lips", "But with it we bind others .", "But you have let love in , and with its gold", "Until thy lips grow weary of their tale ,", "Tell no other tale !", "No , I have sinned , and yet", "Is that my lesson ?", "Beyond all women punished . Do you think -", "For I have stained the innocent hands of love", "They could not tell the measure of my love .", "Now I will wager it is from some girl Who would have you wear her favour ; I am so jealous I will not give up the least part in you , But like a miser keep you to myself , And spoil you perhaps in keeping .", "You dare not leave me now : nay , Guido , listen .", "Less by the value of one ferry toll ,", "How well this collar lies about your throat .", "For they are part of nature now ; the air", "The heart to beat again : that cannot be :", "They tarry long ,", "Some workman 's wife , or ruder artisan 's ,", "And Passion sets a seal upon the lips .", "All through the night-time , lest Remorse might come", "Or if there are , they all are withered now", "I ever heard since I had come from France", "I would not have you , with a scarlet thread", "Into a little thing of dancing gold ?", "I had resolved to kill myself to-night .", "For he who slays the man who rules a state", "And make me what I was an hour ago !", "I think there are no roses in the grave ,", "Be in her sphere eclipsed , and the great sun", "That if you break one , my heart breaks with it ?", "No , no , I will not die , I will not die .", "Oh , give him back to me , give him back , I say ,", "What !", "When you have thrown him . Oh , have you no cordial ,", "And from the roll of time blot out to-night ,", "For if you stay you steal my love from me ,", "Turns men to angels ? well , the love of man", "I think you will not drive me from your side .", "Sweet days of love beneath our vines and laugh ? -", "And then sets to and beats his wife because", "It is most meet that I should hear this man .", "Am I not Duchess here in Padua ,", "Thou wilt be kinder to me than my lover ,", "Than anything on earth ; think of me , Guido ,", "What happened , but a steaming mist of blood", "Speak , my Lord Justice .", "Is that poison ?", "I need not wear it , need I , my Lord Cardinal ?", "But the grave is black ,", "Or else more poison . No : I feel no pain -", "O Guido , Guido , will you not kiss me once ?", "From the wild tempest of this raging world ,", "Fall into dust , and your enamoured eyes", "Rail with rude tongue against our sacred person .", "Did break into my fenced treasury", "As of a woman merely , one who tried", "You came : ah ! Guido , the first kindly words", "I thought he meant to part us . Tell me , Guido ,", "Have ever need at all to think about ;", "At last ! He can escape now in this cloak and vizard , We are of a height almost : they will not know him ; As for myself what matter ? So that he does not curse me as he goes , I care but little : I wonder will he curse me . He has the right . It is eleven now ; They will not come till twelve .So this is poison . Is it not strange that in this liquor here There lies the key to all philosophies ?It smells of poppies . I remember well That , when I was a child in Sicily , I took the scarlet poppies from the corn , And made a little wreath , and my grave uncle , Don John of Naples , laughed : I did not know That they had power to stay the springs of life , To make the pulse cease beating , and to chill The blood in its own vessels , till men come And with a hook hale the poor body out , And throw it in a ditch : the body , ay , - What of the soul ? that goes to heaven or hell . Where will mine go ?How peacefully here he sleeps , Like a young schoolboy tired out with play : I would that I could sleep so peacefully , But I have dreams .Poor boy : what if I kissed him ? No , no , my lips would burn him like a fire . He has had enough of Love . Still that white neck Will \u2018 scape the headsman : I have seen to that : He will get hence from Padua to-night , And that is well . You are very wise , Lord Justices , And yet you are not half so wise as I am , And that is well . O God ! how I have loved you , And what a bloody flower did Love bear !What if I drank these juices , and so ceased ? Were it not better than to wait till Death Come to my bed with all his serving men , Remorse , disease , old age , and misery ? I wonder does one suffer much : I think That I am very young to die like this , But so it must be . Why , why should I die ? He will escape to-night , and so his blood Will not be on my head . No , I must die ; I have been guilty , therefore I must die ; He loves me not , and therefore I must die : I would die happier if he would kiss me , But he will not do that . I did not know him . I thought he meant to sell me to the Judge ; That is not strange ; we women never know Our lovers till they leave us .Thou vile bell , That like a bloodhound from thy brazen throat Call'st for this man 's life , cease ! thou shalt not get it . He stirs \u2014 I must be quick :O Love , Love , Love , I did not think that I would pledge thee thus !I do not come to ask your pardon now , Seeing I know I stand beyond all pardon ; Enough of that : I have already , sir , Confessed my sin to the Lords Justices ; They would not listen to me : and some said I did invent a tale to save your life ; You have trafficked with me ; others said That women played with pity as with men ; Others that grief for my slain Lord and husband Had robbed me of my wits : they would not hear me , And , when I sware it on the holy book , They bade the doctor cure me . They are ten , Ten against one , and they possess your life . They call me Duchess here in Padua . I do not know , sir ; if I be the Duchess , I wrote your pardon , and they would not take it ; They call it treason , say I taught them that ; Maybe I did . Within an hour , Guido , They will be here , and drag you from the cell , And bind your hands behind your back , and bid you Kneel at the block : I am before them there ; Here is the signet ring of Padua , \u2018 Twill bring you safely through the men on guard ; There is my cloak and vizard ; they have orders Not to be curious : when you pass the gate Turn to the left , and at the second bridge You will find horses waiting : by to-morrow You will be at Venice , safe .Do you not speak ? Will you not even curse me ere you go ? - You have the right .You do not understand There lies between you and the headsman 's axe Hardly so much sand in the hour-glass As a child 's palm could carry : here is the ring : I have washed my hand : there is no blood upon it : You need not fear . Will you not take the ring ?", "My life is as some famine murdered land ,", "Already the low rabble throng about it", "For what is done , is done : and what is dead", "Has passed me by .", "Officer , your men are somewhat rough .", "What was it ? There are times it seems a dream ,", "You do not know me .", "No , no , it held but death enough for one .", "Guido !", "\u2018 Twas you who sought me out , knelt at my feet", "How cold the night is ! We must ride faster .", "You were not bidden to this table , sir ;", "What if I force my way out of the court ?", "And so I know my image lives in you .", "Such common things as neither you nor I ,", "In a coarse revel , or a tavern brawl ,", "Who is thy minister , scream from his tower", "Which made you richer though you knew it not ,", "Love me so much as now you say you do ?", "And drape the world in mourning ; let the owl ,", "Perchance my sin will be forgiven me .", "And they will strew it", "But ere we turn to these sad rites of mourning", "But here thou shalt not speak .", "I would to God that I could wake the dead ,", "Who now would turn in horror from my hands -", "I did it all for you . I would not have you do it , had you willed it , For I would keep you without blot or stain , A thing unblemished , unassailed , untarnished . Men do not know what women do for love . Have I not wrecked my soul for your dear sake , Here and hereafter ?", "As easy as I tear thee from this book ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 15}, {"query": ["Ay ! so it is ,", "So they would ;", "Well , well , it will go hard with him I doubt not .", "This is a strange day for Padua , is it not ?\u2014 the Duke being dead .", "Tut , thou need'st not be afraid ; they never cut the heads of common folk : they do but hang us .", "That is a kind word ,", "God save the Duke !", "He hath a hard heart .", "But how does the Duchess ?", "Ay ! sharper than thy wits are ; but the edge is not towards him , mark you .", "Nay , \u2018 tis for the Duchess .", "Have a watch , neighbour Anthony , the officer is looking at thee .", "God save the Duke !", "Marry , because I was born on St. George 's day .", "God save the Duke .", "He means to give us something ."], "true_target": ["Why , God save the Duchess again !", "God save the Duchess , say I .", "They will try him first , and sentence him afterwards , will they not , neighbour Anthony ?", "I \u2019 faith , that will not fill our stomachs !", "Dominick , sir .", "Good morrow , neighbour Anthony .", "Thou dost break silence in bidding us keep it , Master Tipstaff .", "\u2018 Tis a wise saying that , and brings you far .", "Nothing but chaff .", "That be his villany : knaves nowadays do look so honest that honest folk are forced to look like knaves so as to be different .", "Ay ! she is in the Duke 's place now .", "Here be one of the household coming . Well , Dame Lucy , thou art of the Court , how does thy poor mistress the Duchess , with her sweet face ?", "Why , look at that : he has a pitiful heart , and does not like murder ; they will let him go for that .", "What is that word reform ? What does it mean ?", "But come to the Duchess , good gossip : what of her ?", "Marry , he will lighten the taxes !", "I warrant they will come soon enough for the prisoner ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 15}, {"query": ["Were there no law there 'd be no law-breakers ,", "Or a dole of bread , think you , for each man ?", "I like no law at all :", "These great folk have not much sense , so Providence makes it up to them in fine clothes .", "Marry , he should tell that to the headsman : \u2018 tis a good sentiment .", "Faith , the same which his godfathers gave him : what else should it be ?", "Marry , it means leaving things as they are ; I like it not .", "I care not if he does but look at me ; he cannot whip me with the lashes of his eye .", "Is that so ?", "Am I thy looking-glass , Master Tipstaff , that thou callest me knave ?", "That is a good thing for Padua ; the Duchess is a very kind and merciful Duchess ; why , she cured my child of the ague once .", "They be very long a-coming ,", "We cannot buy wine .", "Why , he that is accused of the Duke 's murder .", "I think our Duke 's blood was black like his soul .", "He has a knife in his heart , which they say is not healthy for any man .", "Good morrow , neighbour Dominick .", "Yon be the headsman then ! O Lord ! Is the axe sharp , think you ?", "Why , the prisoner , sir ."], "true_target": ["So all men would be virtuous .", "Alack , your Grace , the taxes which the customs", "God save her .", "I tell you , neighbour Dominick , I have not known such a day since the last Duke died .", "If we be good , why should we stand back ?", "True .", "Nay , for he might \u2018 scape his punishment then ; but they will condemn him first so that he gets his deserts , and give him trial afterwards so that no injustice is done .", "A sermon is but a sorry sauce , when", "There be the prisoner surely .", "Who is he in scarlet ? Is he the headsman ?", "I think the Cardinal will speak for us .", "Why , that he is a well-behaved , and a well-meaning , and a well - favoured lad , and yet wicked in that he killed the Duke .", "O poor lady , how pale she is ! Will she sit there ?", "You have nothing to eat with it .", "Nay , be silent , neighbour ;", "Why , if it is a coincidence , they may not kill the young man : there is no law against coincidences .", "Surely it is a grievous thing to shed a Duke 's blood .", "I \u2019 faith , I like it not so near .", "Take at the city gate are grown so high"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 15}, {"query": ["Marry , sir , he was taken by the heels .", "He looks honest .", "Good my Lord ,", "Why , those that did lay hold of him .", "What are the trumpets for ? Is the trial over ?", "They say a Duke has blue blood .", "Nay , he is the Lord Justice .", "He was but six years old ; I am so poor ,"], "true_target": ["Ay , and has given us bread : do not forget the bread .", "Fill up our mouths with bread ; we 'll hold our tongues .", "That I cannot tell you , sir .", "I cannot bury him .", "\u2018 Twas the first time he did it : may be the law will not be hard on him , as he did not do it before .", "Ay ! marry , that is true ,", "My little son died yesternight from hunger ;", "What think you of this young man who stuck the knife into the Duke ?"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 15}, {"query": ["What of thy murdered father ?", "Now it is time , and , like some green-faced girl ,", "If not to kill him , then ?", "Thy murdered father laughs for joy to-night .", "You will not slay him ?", "And then ?", "Go , my Lord Justice , search thy conscience well ,", "Why , what is life ?", "My lord ,", "He does not love you , Madam .", "What will you do ?", "A voice that cries for vengeance . We waste time ,", "And your white Duchess ,", "Take out the knife , get to the Duke 's chamber ,", "Is the Duke dead ?", "Nay , but it shall .", "It will be morning soon ; are you resolved", "What , has he left you ?", "Did you not say that ?", "Neither to-night , nor any other night .", "You will not kill the Duke ?", "You said that with that dagger in your belt", "How was he taken ? Tell me .", "That passion from their seat within his heart", "To live an hour .", "Who sufferest this man who sold that father", "Nor let a man be sent to death unheard .", "Like all true lovers : Oh , I have done the tricks !", "Swore I would die for love , and did not die ,", "Of noble vengeances .", "Alters your message in the giving it .", "That was in Palestine , not Padua ; And said for saints : I have to do with men .", "Ay ! he would laugh for joy .", "Guido Ferranti ,", "It cannot be but age has dulled my powers ,", "This devil who had sold his father 's life ,", "It was not yet time ;", "And in their place set vengeance ; yet I marvel", "Who is accused of having killed him ?", "Is merely passion with a holy name .", "Why are you here ,", "And bring me back his heart upon the blade .", "Seeing he left me in such different mood .", "Oh , in my time , boy , have I walked i \u2019 the moon ,", "Thou art God 's minister of vengeance .", "My name ? Revenge !", "Now hast thou got thy enemy in thy hand .", "But who is the prisoner ?", "O wretched father , lying unavenged .", "Save as a plaything .", "Surely my ears are traitors , speak again :", "That he escaped not ."], "true_target": ["That when you have your enemy in your grasp", "But who seized him ?", "Weak fool , to let love in upon your life ,", "Farewell !", "I know the partings and the chamberings ;", "I thank him now that I have got no son !", "Ay , waiting for your coming .", "Madam , I tell you you will never see him ,", "What of thine oath , thou traitor , what of thine oath ?", "When he is dead , then you can talk to me", "You are a coward ,", "What will she do to thank you ?", "I do not thank God often ; but I think", "And yet , you love her ;", "What did you say ?", "I always hear ,", "We are all animals at best , and love", "With the dull hinds that reared you .", "You let him go ! I would that I had left you", "Where is Guido ? I cannot find him anywhere .", "I ask again what proof have ye ?", "She did it ! Nay , I saw it in her eyes . Boy , dost thou think I 'll let thy father 's son Be by this woman butchered to his death ? Her husband sold your father , and the wife Would sell the son in turn .", "I almost knew thine answer ere you gave it .", "You said not that ; it is my senses mock me ;", "First , I would have you know my well-laid plans ;", "So be it justice it can go its way ;", "Tarry , my Lord Justice .", "From the dim confines of some sepulchre ,", "Or else this midnight air o'ercharged with storm", "You would avenge your father 's bloody murder ;", "Wrote love bad verses ; ay , and sung them badly ,", "We will ride hence , and by to-morrow night -", "But if it be not justice -", "This is the woman , is it , whom you loved ?", "Thrust all his boyish theories of love ,", "The Duchess ! There is something strange in this .", "There is some mystery about this : I cannot understand it .", "Ignoble son of a noble father ,", "How was the alarm given ?", "My Lord Justice ,", "Thou wilt not suffer this injustice here .", "Swore I would live on kisses and on blisses ,", "You have sworn an oath , see that you keep that oath . Boy , do you think I do not know your secret , Your traffic with the Duchess ?", "Thou pratest of forgiveness .", "Which leads to Parma : when you have done your business", "Listen : I have set horses at the gate", "Never , boy .", "It is most likely when he saw the man ,", "I am an old man now : what did you say ?", "Saw I not such a dagger Hang from your Grace 's girdle yesterday ?Ah ! my Lord Justice , may I speak a moment With this young man , who in such peril stands ?", "And you , what bastard blood flows in your veins", "Yet it is strange he should have killed the Duke ,", "I mean , what is his name ?"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 15}, {"query": ["Silence , knave .", "Silence in the Court !", "Silence in the Court there ."], "true_target": ["Ay ! to the gallows , knave .", "Silence in the Court !", "Guido Ferranti is his name , my lord ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 15}, {"query": ["Well well , I knew some harm would happen to the house : six weeks ago the cakes were all burned on one side , and last Saint Martin even as ever was , there flew into the candle a big moth that had wings , and a'most scared me .", "Ay ! And the dagger was in his hand \u2014 the Duchess 's own dagger .", "Well , well , God keep murder from us , I say , as long as we are alive ."], "true_target": ["It was the Duchess herself who pointed him out .", "O well-a-day ! O miserable day ! O day ! O misery ! Why it is just nineteen years last June , at Michaelmas , since I was married to my husband , and it is August now , and here is the Duke murdered ; there is a coincidence for you !", "Marry , it is time you should ask after her , poor lady ; she is distraught almost . Why , she has not slept , but paced the chamber all night long . I prayed her to have a posset , or some aqua-vitae , and to get to bed and sleep a little for her health 's sake , but she answered me she was afraid she might dream . That was a strange answer , was it not ?", "Why , marry , that it was with the Duchess 's dagger that the Duke was killed ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 15}, {"query": ["As your own Grace did rightly signify ,", "You cannot leave this court until the prisoner", "Lest his own city , righteously incensed ,", "For , though the cause be just , yet anarchy", "Who art thou that bid'st justice tarry , sir ?", "This man being alien born , not Paduan ,", "Thou hast leave to speak .", "Who may by any casual sword be slain", "Of the Duke 's murder ?", "So merciful are the laws of Padua", "Namely , the treacherous murder of thy Lord ,", "Is it your pleasure we proceed to trial", "Save such as common nature doth lay down ,", "Nay , shall be much entreated by the Court ,", "We find ,", "Thou standest on the extreme verge of death ;", "Whence , like a mighty river , justice flows ,", "Be purged or guilty of this dread offence .", "Upon the meanest officer of this Court ,", "For that reason , Madam ,", "Who now lies in his coffin .", "What dreadful charge men lay against thee here ,", "Must with dumb lips and silence reverent", "The laws of Padua are most certain here :", "Is traitor , and a public enemy ,", "Unto the stranger living in her gates .", "To see the murder of the Duke avenged .", "Have a care ,", "Doth he confess ?", "Listen unto his well-deserved doom ,", "Who is this ?", "And much considered of your Grace 's wisdom ,", "Is the usher here ? Let him stand forth .Thou knowest thy business , sir .", "Being the fountain-head of life and death", "And by those laws the common murderer even", "And unjust causes unjust victories gain .", "The law , my liege .", "Such as pertain to other citizens ,", "Thou canst not force the Court to give thee way .", "That any citizen , who by force or craft", "Conspires against the person of the Liege ,", "And wars spring up against the commonwealth :", "Guido Ferranti is thy name in Padua .", "My liege , the law .", "Guido Ferranti , while the crumbling sand Falls through this time-glass , thou hast leave to speak . This and no more .", "To make some formal pleading for his life ,", "Without the slayer 's danger ; nay , if brought", "And you , sir .", "What dost thou say in answer ?"], "true_target": ["The sand within the time-glass flows apace . Come quickly to the murder of the Duke .", "There stands the man who did this heinous thing .", "Most gracious Lady , and our sovereign Liege ,", "Yet still the right of public utterance", "Before the people and the open court ;", "Madam , you cannot stay a trial for blood .", "Nor has the privilege of open speech .", "What is thy name ?", "To wrest the law from its appointed course ,", "Ay , until seven years of service spent", "Your Grace Can read the law .", "Whose slightest penalty is certain death ,", "May it please your Grace ,", "Nor by allegiance bound unto the Duke ,", "Ay , willingly , my lord , and may you turn him To make a full avowal of his guilt .", "Hath , though accused of treasons manifold ,", "This dagger , Which from his blood-stained hands , itself all blood , Last night the soldiers seized : what further proof Need we indeed ?", "Into the presence of the tribunal ,", "Is ipso facto outlaw , void of rights", "Let there be silence while the prisoner speaks .", "Ay , there is more , your Grace .", "Set the prisoner forth .", "See that thou speakest nothing but the truth ,", "And fails of purpose : thou must tarry here .", "Thou art not ignorant", "Simone Gesso , Duke of Padua ;", "Without thy presence justice is dried up", "Madam , it were a precedent most evil", "Thy boon is granted , thou shalt die to-night . Lead him away . Come , Madam", "Naught else will serve thee .", "Dies before nightfall .", "Sir , thou art come in time", "May with his own lips plead , and make defence .", "The first man who draws his sword", "It is the law most certainly , my liege .", "My liege ,", "Your Grace , it cannot be :", "Might on this licence touch these golden scales", "Count Maffio , have a care ,", "Should with an unjust trial tax our state ,", "We pray thy will be not against the law .", "And never wisdom spake from fairer lips -", "Say you no more ?", "It will avail thee nought to mock this prince", "Sir , this violence Avails you nothing ; for save the tribunal Give thee a lawful right to open speech , Naught that thou sayest can be credited .Madam , myself , and these wise Justices , Will with your Grace 's sanction now retire Into another chamber , to decide Upon this difficult matter of the law , And search the statutes and the precedents .", "He cannot be a Paduan citizen .", "We have long pondered on the point at issue ,", "Guido Ferranti -", "The Court needs not thy voice , Lord Moranzone ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 15}, {"query": ["To the late Duke .", "A very noble gentleman , and well known"], "true_target": ["I do not think your Grace can stay the law .", "Madam , I think you wrong our nobles here ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 15}, {"query": ["Hush ! she may hear thy chatter .", "Look at the Duchess .", "That she should so have loved the wicked Duke ?"], "true_target": ["Is it not strange", "What a philosopher thou art , Petrucci !", "I always thought him noble ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 15}, {"query": ["And words of thine will never blunt its edge .", "My young fellow ,", "Seeing my axe is close upon thy neck ,", "Why , God love you , sir ,", "Thou mightest plead unto the Churchman yonder :"], "true_target": ["Indeed I know he has a kindly soul .", "I do not know why thou shouldst care to speak ,", "But if thou art so bent upon it , why", "The common people call him kindly here ,", "I 'll do you your last service on this earth ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 15}, {"query": ["Turn not my duty to discourtesy ,"], "true_target": ["In all humility I beseech your Grace", "Nor make my unwelcome office an offence ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 15}, {"query": ["END OF ACT IV ."], "true_target": ["CURTAIN"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 15}, {"query": ["See who that is .", "I am , madam .", "I had thought , Pietro , that the Duchess was omnipotent .", "I am afraid that is impossible .Stand without there .", "Sixes again ! good Pietro .", "By Saint James , a pretty hand ! I wonder who she is . Some woman who loved him , perhaps .", "I meant I had thought our Duchess could do anything .", "At twelve o'clock , madam , we have orders to lead him out ; but I dare say he wo n't wait for us ; he 's more like to take a drink out of that poison yonder . Men are afraid of the headsman .", "Why , then , they will kill him .", "You need not be afraid , madam ."], "true_target": ["Ay , madam , and very sure poison too .", "It is only very ugly or very beautiful women who ever hide their faces . Let her in .", "Silence ! You will wake the prisoner ; he is asleep .", "Well , well , he was a wicked Duke .", "Is she pretty ?", "I do not think that stout Hugh , as you call him , will do the business for him after all . This Guido is of gentle birth , and so by the law can drink poison first , if it so be his pleasure .", "Is that so ?", "Madam , with this ring you can go in and out as you please ; it is the Duchess 's own ring .", "They mean no harm .", "Why , then , he might be any age ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 15}, {"query": ["And so he should not have touched him ; if one meddles with wicked people , one is like to be tainted with their wickedness .", "What matter ? He will get sleep enough when he is buried . I warrant he 'd be glad if we could wake him when he 's in the grave .", "I \u2019 faith , lieutenant , I will play with thee no more . I will lose everything .", "True , she is well-favoured ; I know none so comely .", "They say the Duchess wanted to pardon him ."], "true_target": ["Old enough to do wrong , and not old enough to be wise .", "Ay , and he has done a grievous thing ; for , look you , to murder one of us who are but flesh and blood is a sin , and to kill a Duke goes being near against the law .", "Nay , for he is now given over to the Justices , and they will see that justice be done ; they and stout Hugh the headsman ; but when his head is off , why then the Duchess can pardon him if she likes ; there is no law against that .", "Ay , and did much entreat the Lord Justice , but he would not .", "Ay , ay , he cannot take them from me ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 15}, {"query": ["Except thy wits ; thou art safe there !", "I can n't tell . She is masked , lieutenant .", "Ay , that is true . How old is the prisoner ?"], "true_target": ["And if he does not drink it ?", "Nay ! for when he wakes there it will be judgment day .", "It is a woman , sir .", "No ; for thou hast no wits to give him ."], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 15}, {"query": ["Ha ! ha ! ha !"], "true_target": ["Ha ! ha ! ha !"], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 15}, {"query": ["That wants the sops , to fill their rauenous throats ,", "Oh Sir I groane vnder your courtesies ,", "Prethee see me so no more .", "They are onely good men , that pay what they owe .", "They haue in it confirm 'd on me such glory ,", "I haue nothing left to grant .", "That you which are an honest man and worthy ,", "Lye still my toung and bushes , cal 'd my cheekes ,", "Hee was immortall , though I vow I grieue ,", "How ?", "Diuell o n't ,", "Yet rather then my fathers reuerent dust", "Flow into one another , make one source ,", "Farewell , vnciuill man , let 's meet no more . 490", "A flatterers poyson , or the losse of honour . 210", "Can I become a suytor ?", "Of famish 'd Orphants , are the feasts that take you .", "Borrow , that haue not meanes to pay , nay am", "Breath , marry , breath , and kisses , mingle soules", "Of this his Countries foule ingratitude ,", "So I not heard \u2018 em , beate me , not being there .", "From flying to her succours , and in that 70", "What should it be ? Romont , I heare you wish 410", "Two hearts , and bodies , heere incorporate : 320", "Shuffled againe to Chaos , but ther 's none .", "For my part they should scoffe their thin wits out ,", "Graue Sir , I buried sorrow , for his death ,", "No one can whisper , but thou apprehend'st", "Is Romonts libertie .", "They are too old to learne , and I too young", "That to be in your danger , with more care", "What they will do : and it may well become me ,", "Without all dowry is a Princes ayme , 300", "Of dying , Sir , they do not , but all dye , 230", "Should softer this suspition : no man laughes ;", "And yet these eares", "Valiant without detect , right defin 'd", "And to these", "This beautie being your daughter , in which yours", "One single piece of this great heape : why should I 265", "For euer lose mee .", "That I may know I dream't and find this vanisht", "And curses for their barbarous cruelties . 240", "Too well acquainted with my dearth of meanes ,", "In the graue with him . I did neuer thinke 225", "As base , and mercenary in your meanes", "Thus seale it in the sight of Heauen and men .", "For", "With the most sauage beast ? Blest , blest be euer", "In which our noble Ancestors lye intomb 'd ,", "Sufficient ? My Lord , you sit at home ,", "To giue them counsell , since if they partake", "Should dye alike .", "To thinke it has orecome ? They are determin 'd", "Come lead me where you please : captiuity", "Honord Rochfort .", "More then my fathers bones vnder his wrongs , 325", "My future life shall be a wooing tyme .", "A swearer .", "Shall want a place in that faire monument ,", "His conference and his scorne reflects on thee : 350", "And though with little wooing I haue wonne", "Through fire , ayre , water , earth , nay , were they all", "Attempt impossibilities : you friend , being", "I hope they are not 235", "Which can returne them nothing , but ill fame ,", "And Rochfort is your father .", "I thanke your Lordships ,", "A very bankerupt , euen in flattering hope", "That nothing but my life can euer pay ,", "Then we ariue at her . One Cerberus there", "Wayte on the triumph of their cruelty ?", "And euery day , new as the bridall one .", "Of euer raysing any . All my begging ,", "A Gentleman .", "Shall I goe whine , walke pale , and locke my wife", "But you shall wonder too , I will not take", "The vnderstanding , and the hearts of men ,", "Giue nothing , will but sue for that againe . 245", "Before the Court I offer vp my selfe", "And be againe contemn 'd ?", "Thy skill , Romont , consists in camps , not courts .", "You must find other proofs to strengthen these But mere presumptions . Du Croy Or we shall hardly Allow your innocence . with C-G. 39 a and b : You must produce Reasons of more validity and weight To plead in your defence , or we shall hardly Conclude you innocent . The last passage cited for comparison also exhibits another feature normal to the work of this dramatist : the splitting of an observation , frequently a single sentence , between two speakers ; so ll . 38-9 , and again , l. 59 . The Scene and play are rounded off with the pointing of a moral , so indispensable to Massinger 's satisfaction . To sum up , therefore , disregarding for practical purposes the slight touches of Field in I , ii , ll . 146-end ; III , i , ll . 317-343 ; V , ii , ll . 80-end ; and perhaps in V , i ;\u2014 and the apparent Massinger touches in IV , i , and possibly at one or two other points in the Field Scenes , we may divide the play as follows :", "And though your fees are boundlesse at the barre : 190", "So ignorant in any way of profit ,", "Come , tis thy Iealous nature : but I wonder", "And that the teares of widows , and the cries 205", "Must hope for no accesse : why should I then", "Your fingers tye my heart-strings with this touch", "But your wills be obeyd . To these I turne ,", "Why ? do you know"], "true_target": ["By which you get your wealth , I will not vrge", "To robbe them of the glory they expect", "Faith , my Lord ,", "315", "To let it doe so .", "A likelyhood or possibility vnto the contrarie ?", "That haue worne out his life , in my best strength", "And take thy selfe away , lest I draw mine .", "And see no reason why the vicious ,", "That offter thankes in words , for such great deeds . 280", "For nothing , from her births free liberty ,", "The damnd , with more ease may ascend from Hell ,", "You are the fayrest virgin in Digum ,", "Which is", "Like Cristall riuers indiuidually", "Assurance of redresse : where now", "As lowd , and fertyle headed , and the Client 75", "You doe amaze mee :", "The Court to take away one scruple from 200", "But begging nothing , euery man will giue't .", "My wifes continuance of Chastity .", "In you to mend your disposition with .", "As are obnoxious , to those foolish things", "Should be auoyded , then infectious ayre ,", "Faire Beaumelle , can you loue me ?", "Nay surely , I that can", "Or being so , thou art mad , I must not buy", "With griefe , worke vpon such as haue chang 'd natures", "Thou art not my friend ,", "Thou knowst I durst pursue such iniury", "How much too worthy ! Waken me , Romont ,", "And choose my dwelling where no Sun dares enter ,", "Is this the payment , Sir , that you expect ? 295", "And since you are as mercilesse in your natures ,", "Ile run to th \u2019 incounter of cold hunger ,", "They will preuent my words and teares : if not ,", "Which neuer man distinguish , lesse deuide :", "And therein differ not : but I haue done .", "The loath 'd embraces of diseased women ,", "A prisoner for it : loade me with those yrons 215", "That comes with honour , is true liberty . 255", "In true-loue knots , which nought but death shall loose .", "Forbids the passage , in our Courts a thousand ,", "In the manner", "So he may be releas 'd .", "To these soft-hearted men , that wisely know", "You need not question me , if I can you .", "Not looke on me !", "Into mine eyes : see , foolish that I am ,", "As no time can take from me : I am ready ,", "So pleasing as the groanes of men in prison ,", "I am a Frenchman , no Italian borne .", "The right of their lawes , or one good thought", "What can perswasion , though made eloquent 65", "Take it , tis granted .", "To get their owne , by seeking it from that", "How ill , Sir , it becomes those haires to mocke ?", "No man will grant mee any thing I sue for .", "Had no gards to keepe off wrongd innocence ,", "That open 'd mine to me ? yes ; if I doe", "Are thriftie in the charges of the warre ,", "Leaue , leaue these fits , to conscious men , to such", "The name of cuckold then , dog me with scorne . 495", "That nothing granted , is euen all I haue , 240", "As they can gibe at .", "Be constant in it ,", "Out of my brest , that thou hast lodg 'd there , or", "Heere our long web of friendship I vntwist .", "I must conceiue necessitie of her vertue", "The memory of that happy age , when iustice", "not a brabbler ,", "Vertuous , valiant and vnworthy man", "As to neglect a possibility", "From my submisse intreaties .", "I spy 'd the liuely picture of my father ,", "To make my entrance that way ?", "Thou art know'n 355", "Or teach their pride from my humilitie , 175", "Hump , stay and take this wolfe", "Nothing , my Lord .", "I know there is no musique in your eares", "Then thus , Faire Beaumelle , I write my faith", "Your life and fortunes , to redeeme their shames .", "You shall orecome .", "I can be so againe . Put vp thy sword , 480", "Why , you participate me more in debt ,", "You Curtius-like , haue throwne into the gulfe ,", "Thy friendship at this rate ; had I iust cause , 485", "Then , as shee is , for poore and worthlesse I ,", "To what vaine purpose do I make my sorrow ,", "Passing your gallery , and that cast this water", "If they will not , 60"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["Or that : the perrill , if you will runne on ,", "Of a full theater of perfect men ,", "What a perfume the Muske-cat leaues behind him !", "You much weaken 80", "That holy Mother of all issues , good ,", "And a true friend to boote , I sweare \u2018 tis shamefull .", "Then with your patience lend me your attention", "Rather to be vncourtly , then immodest .", "His credit with the Iudge , vnlesse he study", "But when inhumane lusts transforme vs , then", "To play the parasite to a gilded knaue ,", "Vnder your hand ,", "I know it not , but doubt it , these the grounds", "But left the world nor ashes , nor an heire .", "Carted an age before , though three parts rotten ,", "Heauen hath bestowed vpon you . So good morrow to your Lordship . 200", "You must endeauour not alone to bee ,", "To qualifie the rigour of the Lawes ,", "A free discouery to a good end ;", "No doubt . But on . 220", "With too much ardor for a stranger , and", "Let me see , this first is right ,", "A noble Iustice .", "And with the next dayes sunne you shall heare from me .", "145", "Fixt on you , with a pittying earnestnesse ,", "That friendship 's rays 'd on sand ,", "Ten dissemblers", "That reuerent old mans fortune .", "without , more circumstance", "Sweeten the eager relish of the law ,", "Of whose so many glorious vndertakings ,", "By my heart 's loue to you , and ioyne to that ,", "And am now more affraid you know not me ,", "Whose white hand", "Their enuy that commanded , here at home", "The politique Lewis , or the more desperate Swisse ,", "May it please the Court , I may be heard .", "Ha , they name you .", "By thy hand .", "Touching the Generall , the graue Generall dead ,", "I raue indeed , and could eate this Nouall", "And I must tell you , t'was in your behalfe", "The hopefull Pontalier ? whom I haue seene", "And I will venture \u2014 So the dore is fast . Locke the dore .", "And it may be the Pander .", "If you not satisfie me suddenly ,", "On syllable more with thee , vntill thou bring", "Of thy officious basenesse ? wert thou worthy", "Of innocent Charaloys . Doe you know this Character ?", "From whence I was redeem 'd ! twill weare you old ,", "As brauely , and you are not onely free ,", "Can bring more to the making vp of a man ,", "And while you liue , your riotous heires vndoe you ,", "As Caesar , did hee liue , could not except at ,", "And had you found me", "Rogues ,", "Our chastest dames put off their modesties ,", "Vpon your forhead for your hornes to sprowt on ,", "Make me not parent to sinne : you will know", "If that curses ,", "Mal . Pont . Bau . All faire blisse vpon it . 330", "Your heart else I assure you .", "To keepe their Lands out of your parchment toyles :", "Of such necessitie , not to be deferd ,", "But when I thinke of the grosse iniuries", "We are men", "Your boye 's gone . 160", "Like lightening", "A happy man indeede !\u2014 pray you in what ?", "I haue obseru 'd you , and doe know you well ,", "But doe your parts .", "I cannot helpe it .", "Your sable habit , with the hat and cloake , 55", "Exeunt .", "Women haue no cunning", "Why , to this purpose , Lady , 145", "Do cast away good counsaile ? I haue lou 'd you ,", "In your whole constitution , thus preuailes , 430", "Hum hum : reuerend sir ,", "Inuite you to demand their furtherance", "And wilbe satisfied : till which time , keepe from me .", "Which now thy tardy sluggishnesse will admit . 465", "To drowne the tempest of a pleaders tongue ,", "As a forbidden sweete . An heyre and rich ,", "She has her right : see , I am calme as sleepe ,", "That is so low , and cold himselfe i n't . Woman ,", "I stand so engag 'd", "Lose not , Sir , your selfe . 400", "A checke like this ?", "Without losse ,", "Thy challenge now I answere . So die with him .", "Come off with honour . Heere they come .", "Your bounties to him , you will find it safer 165", "Towres , Castles , but the ponderous republique ,", "Picking his toes , or any office else", "That meete no obiect so base as their Master ,", "To see the great acts of your father , will not ,", "Now you are Noble .", "Why thinke you so sir ?", "Could it determine me torments , and shame .", "That hold the Charter of your wealth & freedome ,", "If I seeme rude , your pardon , Lady ; yours", "Vpon the tree of marriage , let me shun it ,", "A swords point to thee , this side you may shun , 475", "Sweet temper 'd Lord adieu : what Apoplexy", "I yeeld vp my sword", "Ist possible ? farewell , fine , honest man ,", "Bee taught to know their duties .", "These glorious weedes spring from the sordid dunghill", "The strictnesse of your fowre decrees , enacted", "How strong art thou , how easily beguild ? 500", "Her father ! ha ?", "Then can be hop 'd from thee : thou art his creature , 115", "As if you had no drop of choller mixt", "Now noble Charaloys , collect your selfe ,", "That waite vpon him to pronounce the censure ,", "Snuffes others titles , Lordships , Offices , 180", "Or flowing of our passions can change , 10", "Madam .", "With the least part , nay haire of the dead Marshall , 120", "May it please your Lordships , reade it ,", "The seruant of your wife now young Nouall , 415", "For I will beate you honest .", "And one that will with as much hazzard guard it ,", "Detraction 's a bold monster , and feares not", "And yet , but that \u2018 tis fit I spare the dead ,", "Be sensible of the plagues they shall bring with them .", "To saue you charges , Lady .", "I haue vrg 'd that .", "Their malice out of that would raise an engine", "Write this , sir , nay you must . Drawes Inkehorne and paper .", "The difficulties that you incounter with , 180", "Already is discharg 'd : the other part", "And therefore aske this Cammell , if these blessings", "As if thou ere wer't angry", "But when we conquer our intestine foes ,", "And therefore flatter not your selfe with hope ,", "Kickes \u2018 em .", "Make choice of any one , and that the meanest", "Some testimony vnder good mens hands ,", "Confesse the time , the meeting , nay the act ;", "Hope for like opportunity ?", "Thou art a Christian . I suspect thee strongly , 120", "Wealth , bribes , and lyues , vnder his rauenous iawes .", "Thou purple-colour 'd man , I am one to whom", "In fauor of the greedy creditors", "Offer't againe .", "If you will be a Cuckold ? Heere I shew", "Or do you conclude , an aduocate cannot hold", "I do desire you should proue such a wife", "Be silent \u2014 or \u2014", "The house where she was borne , euer spake word , 85", "Set ore her fathers threshold , nor within", "A breach in thankfulnesse , should I not discouer ,", "As would compell a mayde , whose foot was neuer", "Of such an impudence .", "Where chastity , like a Phoenix", "Laugh yee ? eene so did your wife ,", "Rob you of all your rest , contract your sight , 380", "And force corruption to giue backe the hire", "In Nouall I cannot .", "To th \u2019 end thou mayst be wretched , I wish many ,", "But crownd with praise for euer .", "At whose great helme he sits : helps he the poore", "One more such", "And note my friendship to an after-age .", "You will with too much griefe receiue .", "That in their bowels would haue made your tombe", "Tell me the truth , and by my hope of Heauen", "Aduance your pious ends .", "To wound the fame of Princes , if it find", "I grew inraged thus , yet had rather dye , 365", "Yes", "This", "And I will rather choose a Spittle sinner 210", "About your pates .", "Why does your Lordship thinke , the mouing of", "Would saue the rest of pleaders .", "My intents 135", "They haue ; and rather then indure the racke ,", "Be plac 'd in the blacke list of the delinquents .", "Fits not so old a Souldier as I am .", "Not for your selfe , but in remembrance of , 130", "How fortunes that ?", "I not accuse thy wife of act , but would", "Drawes a pocket dag .", "This Elephant carries on his back not onely", "Would you consider , that to game their fauors , 95", "To your so many fauours , that I hold it", "His face more then the cause for which he pleades ?", "As true a friend and seruant to your Honour , 140", "And keepe her", "I know you for", "holds a File", "How thou dost racke vs by the very hornes ?", "Ambitious to atchieue , by your example", "At Charaloys , as a lamented story .", "Well , Sir .", "Not for the world .", "Why Ile tell you ,", "That sudden fire of anger shewes in you !", "And heere you wish a sudden death may light", "Vrg 'd iustly , and breath 'd forth so , euer fell", "Sir , it is most true . I am the witnes .", "Your thankes , or suffer with you \u2014 O how bravely", "And took to cure your honour , breed more scruple", "Ere liue to haue mens marginall fingers point", "But with thy Taylor , and yet that poore shred", "To pose Arithmeticke , or whose eyes would", "And I will .", "Scaena 4 .", "D'ee take mee", "The honor to determine , can deserue 95", "By your leaue , sirs .", "To see and ouertake impieties , 85", "burn 'd ,", "That I choose rather not to vnderstand", "Which was not vshered with pure virgin blushes ,", "By being Knaues and Cuckolds that ne 're prayd ,", "That pleaded for the Marshalls funerall ,", "And you , the master Rogue , the coward rascall ,", "May misery in thy life make thee desire one ,", "Or cannot you , that haue the power 100", "I must weepe when I thinke o n't .", "And of your owne , nor speach but to wish thus", "What may it be , sir ?", "Halfe of the danger 115", "He brake that oath , to make this manifest", "They would disdaine for Seruants .", "Against the orethrowne debter ?", "But losse of life , \u2018 twould fright adultery", "So I respect you ,", "And therefore I sue to the Court , she may not 195", "The seruice of my sword and life is yours :", "Yet I , that in my seruice done my Country ,", "But to appeare worthy such loue and seruice .", "This obstinate spleene ,", "As if it nere had bin : but doe you know", "Of extreme danger suffer like your selfe .", "See sir , our Aduocate .", "You must haue patience \u2014\u2014", "A cause more honest then this Court had euer", "Your nasty scoffe then ,\u2014", "Who is your father , and whose wife you now are ,", "Be therefore wonne to vse the meanes , that may 100", "Good Lady Loosenes ? your whole sex is like you , 310", "Are in this subtile deuill . You beleeue this ?", "A modest entertaynment : you embrac 'd him", "Keepe your wife chaste .", "But any blemish in their liues to worke on .", "To couer what remaynes of our great soldyer :", "And melt each others , like two circling flames , 425", "Theres more expected from the sonne and friend", "May all your wiues proue whores , your factors theeues , 135", "If I be knowne none such , how vainly , you 360", "As lothsome to vs in the first consent ,", "In a iust businesse ? nay , does he not crosse", "Then the faire obiect being good deserues it ,", "Met him with kisses neyther chaste nor comely :", "And that man 's mad that seekes to better any :", "And for denying of a little earth ,", "Puffe . I am a fire", "Who are to sit on him ?", "Of him , whose fatall losse now shakes our natures ,", "Whats this vnto my freedome ? I dare dye ;", "If this be", "Disdaine to bee put in the scale with thee ,", "But learne you to forget him , as I will", "Now sir , lose not this offerd means : their lookes 30", "It neuer shall goe further .", "Is high fed , proud : so is his Lordships horse , 175", "A face of anger , or the least dislike .", "Our reason suffering vs to like no longer", "Vse that legge again ,", "The most rebellious tyrant powerfull loue , 105", "Spur 'd headlong by hot lust , to her owne ruine ,", "I must do something worthy Charaloys friendship . 230", "ne 're to frequent", "I shall obey your pleasure Sir , though ignorant", "Much lesse allure . Now , my Lord , your hand .", "I breake no Iests , but I can breake my sword", "To what is tends ?", "I haue begun well , imitate , exceed . 145", "What would you more ? onely this matron made"], "true_target": ["And prize a vertue better then my life :", "With what you are . I call you not to that", "A promise from her to inioy his wishes , 185", "A dull Dutch rather : fall and coole", "Multiplying kisses , as if they meant 420", "The strength of your good cause . Should you but thinke", "Would I had perish 'd in the prisons iawes :", "That can belong to man , sift passion ,", "Something I must doe mine owne wrath to asswage ,", "To mannage the conuayance \u2014\u2014 Follow him .", "You'l finde him breaking a young horse .", "Then sighs , or teares ,", "Why , \u2018 tis exceeding well .", "To what you would : for those that had no eyes ,", "The worst of spirits , that striue to rob the tombes", "For what I must deliuer , whispered onely", "Boyle not in zeal of thy friends hurt , so high ,", "Vpon your body , and hell take your soule , 190", "Which from a cold proceeding had receiu 'd", "An Emperour put away his wife for touching", "And take it for a blessing , rather then", "From any fashion sorrow can put on ,", "\u2018 Twixt you and your faire Mistresse Beaumelle ,", "A wanton gigglet honest , very shortly", "And yet must freely speake ; so young a tutor ,", "Tis true , this bile of state weares purple Tissue .", "To fix you now , thus stupid hearing this ?", "Be gone , and quickly , or Ile leaue no roome", "Now put on your Spirits . 25", "Young , beautifull , yet adde to this a wife ,", "Bleed \u2014 what a plague , a vengeance i'st to mee ,", "But priuacy : call vp your blood againe , sir ,", "For vsurers , bred by a riotous peace : 160", "What make", "Do you admit him for a property ,", "Then open the great cause a syllable further .", "To inuent some ways of Luxury ne 're thought on .", "Sure , I sleepe not .", "To iniure innocence is more then murther :", "To be lamented . Nor did Charalois euer", "Noe .", "Without a murmure , or I will vndoe you ;", "With your blacke suits : but grant me wit , or iudgement ,", "Would I had seene thee grau 'd with thy great Sire ,", "Stirre not , nor spend your voyce .", "To spend on such , as know how to admire", "Performd against the subtill Fox of France ,", "And Ile cut off the other .", "As he hath done in this : the glory got", "But Sir , you haue a cause , a cause so iust ,", "For the well cutting of his Lordships cornes ,", "Bee first burnt out , with gazing on the others .", "And beares as rich Caparisons . I know ,", "Nothing but lyne your brayne-pan , sir , with lead ,", "It shall be so \u2014 my Lord .", "Made powerfull by the authority of a father ,", "I will shrinke from my selfe , I will deserue", "Tell me how farre the passages haue gone 165", "Will crowne the vndertaking \u2014 Heaven ! you weepe :", "Or what is worse , thy selfe in . And thy yeeres , 140", "You haue them ready .", "To warme a dead man , that waste out myselfe .", "Why stand you silent thus ? what cold dull flegme ,", "Speake truth , and be ill vnderstood ?", "Of Charaloys acquitall , I lament", "And by the freedome of an honest man ,", "We cannot but by pieces call our owne :", "Our passions breed within vs , and of those", "This is no vision : ha !", "And did hee not each morning new create", "And dare stand by you thus .", "The mouth of his conspiracy against the life 180", "Best friend , well met , 55", "Such coloured stuffe . In me there is now speaks to you", "Would I were not . 80", "Mayest in thy feare that they will fall vpon thee ,", "Nothing . They laugh 'd and vs 'd their scuruy wits vpon mee . 345", "Will warrant and giue priuiledge to his counsailes . 240", "To ouerthrow your honor . In my fight", "Summon your spirits , muster all your strength", "The generall Antipathy of all vertue ?", "The sonne vnto your fathers Enemy", "Had I not worne a sword , and vs 'd it better", "In any place , but in the streete , I should", "So I conceiue it .", "Of anything from me , but my contempt ,", "But mollifie one rudenesse in his nature , 185", "Before you haue experience in that Art , 385", "You see great men in birth , esteeme and fortune , 90", "Done , Popinjay ? why , dost thou thinke that if", "That 's a true victory , which , were great men", "But yet bee carefull .", "This potion that hath wrought so virulently ,", "Vpon my soule nor should the blood you chalenge", "Shall I still then 65", "Continue to that resolution constant ,", "Meete with an ill construction . His wisedome", "And thou , the patron of their cruelty .", "Be fettered to the hellish slauery", "I ere had dreamt that thou hadst done me wrong ,", "To your good purpose .\u2014 This such a dulnesse", "And then , the Diuell your father 's cald vpon , 165", "On this assurance ?", "Produce his bands and hers .", "Be spent in vaine now , that thou from this instant 130", "From euery veine , and whatsoeuer ensues , 405", "Yes , and pursue a foe", "And men religious , part with fame , and goodnesse ?", "As the matter may be carried , and hereby", "Your Lordships pleasure ? 155", "How after he abiur 'd her company ,", "Beare witnes the great spirit of my father , 460", "I looke upon you now with more true ioy ,", "Hath knit fence vp ? Is this Romonts reward ?", "Doe in the field such seruice , as then made you 5", "Answerd with this ridiculous scorne ?", "Thou wouldst stinke and be forgotten . Ile not change", "Which but reueal 'd , brings on the blabbers , ruine .", "Another man , but thou wouldst haue thine tasted 470", "Had bin , long since , torne from that guiltie head ,", "Give fuell to it , since you are on a shelfe , 195", "Pish , pish , what needs this my Lord ?", "And thou thy selfe slaue to some needy Swisse ,", "When you are pleased , take a little from", "Than when I saw you married .", "What meane you , Lady ?", "Vnforc 'd . Oh Charaloys .", "Withall , sir , you must sweare , and put your oath", "He did sollicite Beaumelle , how he had got", "Passion transports you .", "Be not affraid , I do beseach you , sir ,", "What new change haue you next ?", "With a deceiuing reed .", "For a fidler ? ya 're deceiu 'd : Looke . Ile pay you .", "For though I be not learnd , I euer lou 'd", "Confesse my selfe vnworthy to bee valued", "Oh it will strike disease into your bones", "\u2018 Twill make all mankinde Panders \u2014 Do you smile ,", "Bin learnd to speake , but what euen now I saw ,", "But when you feare the rich heires will grow wise ,", "With his life , assure you .", "Are they so Rascals ? I will be-friend you then .", "And you receiue the glory , pray you now practise . \u2018 Tis well .", "All doubts that may concerne you .", "It is not doubted .", "Deseru 'd not thankes : and yet to stay a woman", "So keepe this last article", "As if when nature made him , she had made 190", "I saw their mouthes engender , and their palmes", "The recompence of striuing to preserue", "Then I can be of all the bellowing mouthes 170", "Thinke not so , Sir ,", "A man for doing well could entertaine", "You vs 'd familiarity beyond 160", "Tye heart to heart , one in anothers armes ,", "I shall grow rough else .", "And as thou hast denied the dead a graue ,", "Had bin sheath 'd in a Tygre , or she Beare ,", "As when \u2018 tis wayted on by punishment .", "Rather then lose a scruple of their right ,", "Must I be still her sport ?", "Of your fayth giuen , and stead of threatnings , sir , 195", "Fawne basely vpon such , whose gownes put off ,", "If she were well inclin 'd to keepe her so ,", "But may I build 180", "No though the ribons helpe , haue power to worke \u2018 em", "By my hopes 20", "You thinke becomes your sorrow , and sorts wel 50", "But Ile bee plainer with you : had the people 155", "Submit , and craue forgiuenesse of a beast ?", "By ouerthrowing outward enemies , 100", "But hearing pardon mee : if these fruts grow", "Since strength and fortune are maine sharers in it ,", "Make sacrifice of Gold , poets of wit ,", "Then in thy prayers thou ere didst thy tongue . 115", "To Charaloys", "The godlesse wrong done , to my Generall dead ,", "How in this cause they may dispence with Law ,", "I can adde to their euidence , to proue", "A lsoule-esse Dromodary .", "To gull the world .", "No , but a man .", "By wishing my submission to Nouall ,", "Dare you euer", "In your soft conscience , then if your sword 90", "Beleeue it wicked one I will . Heare , Heauen , 205", "Glew 'd , as if Loue had lockt them , their words flow", "Tis fit freedome :", "On what assurance ? 140", "If euer more you see her , but by chance ,", "To pollish roughest customes , and in you 200", "Of what is their inheritance , from the dead .", "And therefore frame not you their answere for them ,", "I am some-what eas 'd in this yet .", "What heresie ? Speake .", "Out of their families , and make lust appeare", "Sent you for me , sir ?", "From all taynt and suspition .", "To be the whetstone of your wit : preserue it", "And there speake like your birth : wake sleeping justice ,", "Let vs not do like women . To the Court ,", "To blinde and slow-pac 'd iustice , wings , and eyes", "\u2018 Tis well , and something", "My thankfulness that still liues to the dead ,", "And I could do so too , but that I know ,", "Like beasts we are to suffer , not like men 95", "Haue done ,\u2014 not talk 'd to you . Are you the Captaine ?", "This Ladies company , nor euer send 185", "Not onely innocent from crime , but free", "Vpbraid not me heereafter , as the cause of", "On those that did deserue them ; let not mine", "Token , or message , or letter , to incline", "Ile dye first .", "I am not stubborne , I can melt , you see , 195", "The Aduocate", "This braue reuenge , which they would haue cal 'd murther , 5", "I would do more then this , more , you Court-spider .", "And her indulgent father .", "From whom ?", "yeelding Lady .", "Can I looke on ? Oh murderous wretch ,", "So foolish and vntimely as \u2014", "Leaue you no eyes but to see misery ,", "But not a word of it , \u2018 tis Fairies treasure ;", "A weake excuse .", "Put on , and suddaily a milder looke ,", "Though put in act , that euer Gowneman practizd .", "I will be your confounder , if you doe not . 170", "And doore 's lockt , yet for no hurt to you ,", "A pardon , were it offred , you haue giuen", "Of so much dung as will conceale a Dog ,", "Though with some imputation to my selfe , 245", "My Lord ,", "How if I breake this to him ? sure it cannot", "Has made what I intended on a businesse .", "Euery deserued souldier and scholler ,", "I shall be with you suddenly .", "That causes your affliction .", "And you shall finde there , with what vehemency", "Thou shouldest outliue it ?", "Is my free counsayle", "A corrupt Elder .", "Setting no price vpon the breach of fayth , 110", "And you shall , in contempt of their worst malice , 120", "The entertaiment of your visitation", "But I come furnished with what will stop", "Iealousy , discontent , slaughter and ruine :", "I do not aske : come , do not dare to shew mee", "Thou owest the meanes thou hast of sitting there", "Indulgence or protection .", "Performe an act so worthy the applause", "Is harder then to prop a falling towre", "These dogs in doublets heere ?", "Neerer to basenesse !", "Which men and all the Elements keepe from thee :", "And neuer stoops for't , with his strong breath trunk", "Like a damnd villaine , assoone as recorded ,", "Or dare the Axe . This is a way will sort 190", "Lockes the doore .", "I haue been warnd of , touching her , nay , seene them", "Preuent her Praecipuce , to thy dishonour ,", "You know not , Sir ,", "Which euery sudden gust of discontent ,", "Out , rogue , do not I know ,", "How sauagely , and blasphemously hee spake", "Beyond the cure of physicke , drinke your blood ,", "Soldiers forget their honors , vsurers", "Sure a Legion has possest this woman .", "I doe ,", "As euer man did goodnesse .\u2014 But then Lady ,", "With what a healthfull hope I administer", "You say so .", "Come fright your foes with this : sir , I am your friend ,", "I am desperate of my life , and command yours .", "Farewell , continue merry , and high Heauen", "And \u2018 twyll outwaygh all the good purpose , 125", "There was no hurt in that .", "Now wealth I see change manners and the man :", "This secret that I burne with .", "Vse your youth better , and this excellent forme", "The nose thou wearst , is my gift , and those eyes 110", "Madam , deserue not this ; nor do I stay", "Of all thy Lordships liue not to be owner", "And was checkt for it by Nouall .", "It tooke against her : let examples moue you ."], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["You must find other proofes to strengthen these 165", "The iniurie : you haue sustain 'd , appeare", "The parts of an accuser .", "Your state , my Lord , againe is yours .", "When a mans presence speakes in his owne cause ,", "With what will be their answere : they will say ,", "Might rather haue continu 'd your poore seruant , 10", "And \u2018 tis freely granted .", "15", "my fee .", "I shall deserue this better yet , in giuing", "Then sit here as your Iudge .", "Forbeare .", "That it would please his Lordship , as the presidents ,", "Their Lordships here are coming ,", "A guard : disarme him .", "I foresaw this .", "Or two , make his request : there is a minute 20", "Then I shall doe with pleading .", "What proofe haue you she did play false , besides 100 your oath ?", "\u2018 Cause I am familiar", "And at your seruice", "In this , my Lord \u2014", "I must goe get me a place , you'l finde me in Court ,", "This is not well .", "More then to doe the office that they fit for :", "I hope I haue giuen no cause 85"], "true_target": ["I would you had liu 'd so , my Lord that I ,", "Some of the bench , that watch to give it ,", "\u2018 Tis euident .", "So worthy of the mercy of the Court ,", "In your defence for this ?", "But more presumptions .", "We are taught By this sad president , how iust foeuer Our reasons are to remedy our wrongs , We are yet to leaue them to their will and power , 220 That to that purpose haue authority . For you , Romont , although in your excuse You may plead , what you did , was in reuenge Of the dishonour done vnto the Court : Yet since from vs you had not warrant for it , 225 We banish you the State : for these , they shall , As they are found guilty or innocent , Be set free , or suffer punishment . Exeunt omnes . FINIS First Song . Fie , cease to wonder , Though you are heare Orpheus with his Iuory Lute , Moue Trees and Rockes . Charme Buls , Beares , and men more sauage to be mute , Weake foolish singer , here is one , 5 Would haue transform 'd thy selfe , to stone . Second Song . A Dialogue betweene Nouall , and Beaumelle . Man . Set Phoebus , set , a fayrer sunne doth rise , From the bright Radience of my Mrs. eyes Then euer thou begat'st . I dare not looke , Each haire a golden line , each word a hooke , The more I striue , the more I still am tooke . 5 Wom . Fayre seruant , come , the day these eyes doe lend To warme thy blood , thou doest so vainely spend . Come strangled breath . Man . What noate so sweet as this , That calles the spirits to a further blisse ? Wom . Yet this out-sauours wine , and this Perfume . 10 Man . Let 's die , I languish , I consume . CITTIZENS SONG OF THE COURTIER . Courtier , if thou needs wilt wiue , From this lesson learne to thriue . If thou match a Lady , that Passes thee in birth and state , Let her curious garments be 5 Twice aboue thine owne degree ; This will draw great eyes vpon her , Get her seruants and thee honour . COURTIERS SONG OF THE CITIZEN . Poore Citizen , if thou wilt be A happy husband , learne of me ; To set thy wife first in thy shop , A faire wife , a kinde wife , a sweet wife , sets a poore man vp . What though thy shelues be ne 're so bare : 5 A woman still is currant ware : Each man will cheapen , foe , and friend , But whilst thou art at tother end , What ere thou seest , or what dost heare , Foole , haue no eye to , nor an eare ; 10 And after supper for her sake , When thou hast fed , snort , though thou wake : What though the Gallants call thee mome ? Yet with thy lanthorne light her home : Then looke into the town and tell , 15 If no such Tradesmen there doe dwell . NOTESCharalois \u2014 the name Charalois is a corruption of Charolais , the Count of Charolais being the hereditary title of the heir-apparent of the Duchy of Burgundy , for whom the county of Charolais , an arriere-fief of Burgundy , was reserved as an appanage . This domain had been purchased by Philip the Bold for his son , John the Fearless . I , i , 4. argue me of \u2014 obsolete construction : \u201c accuse me of . \u201d Cf . Ray , Disc . II , v , 213 : \u201c Erroneously argues Hubert Thomas ... of a mistake . \u201d I , i , 7. dispence with \u2014 give special exemption from . Cf . I , ii , 87 . I , i , 33 . This such \u2014 This for this is is a common Elizabethan construction . Cf . \u201c O this the poison of deep grief \u201d \u2014 Hamlet , IV , v , 76 ; \u201c This a good block \u201d \u2014 Lear , IV , vi , 187 . I , i , 45. tooke vp \u2014 borrowed . Cf . Shakespeare , Henry IV , Part II , I , ii , 46 : \u201c if a man is through with them in honest taking up , they stand upon security . \u201d I , i , 55-6 . Your sable habit , with the hat and cloak ... haue power \u2014 the details of hat , cloak , and ribbons , interposed between subject and verb , have attracted the latter into the plural , to the violation of its agreement with its substantive . I , i , 70. in that \u2014 i. e ., in the fact that justice had no such guards . I , i , 73-7 . For the allusion to Cerberus and the sops , cf . Virgil 's picture of Aeneas \u2019 journey to Hades\u201c Huge Cerberus makes these realms to resound with barking from his tripple jaws , stretched at his enormous length in a den that fronts the gate . To whom the prophetess , seeing his neck now bristle with horrid snakes , flings a soporific cake of honey and medicated grain . He , in the mad rage of hunger , opening his three mouths , snatches the offered morsel , and , spread on the ground , relaxes his monstrous limbs , and is extended at vast length over all the cave . Aeneas , now that the keeperis buried, seizes the passage and swift overpasses the bank of that flood whence there is no return . \u201d \u2014 Davidson 's trans . I , i , 75. fertyle headed \u2014 many headed , fertyle is used in the now obsolete sense of abundant . I , i , 92. such , whose \u2014 for the construction , cf . Shakespeare : \u201c Such I will have , whom I am sure he knows not from the enemy . \u201d \u2014 All 's Well , III , iv , 24 . I , i , 99. men religious \u2014 the adjective is regularly placed after its noun in Eliz . Eng . when the substantive is unemphatic and the modifier not a mere epithet , but essential to the sense . See Abbott , S. G. Sec . 419 . I , i , 137-8 .\u2014 The thought of these lines is undeveloped , the phrasing being broken and disconnected . It is a scornful observation on the part of Romont that whether or not Novall takes papers depends on how the matter is brought before him \u2014 and he is about to add that there is a way in which Charalois can manage to gain his point , when he breaks off with the cry , \u201c Follow him ! \u201d Conuayance = contrivance . I , i , 164. parchment toils \u2014 snares in the shape of documents upon parchment , such as bonds , mortgages , etc . I , i , 166 . Luxury \u2014 used here in the modern sense ,\u2014 not , as more commonly in Elizabethan times , with the meaning , laciviousness , lust . The thought of the somewhat involved period which ends with this line is , that the creditors prayed only on an occasion when they feared to lose their clutch on some rich spendthrift \u2014 on which occasion they would pray to the devil to invent some new and fantastic pleasure which would lure their victim back into the toils . I , ii , 11 . Dijon \u2014 the scene of the drama ,\u2014 situated on the western border of the fertile plain of Burgundy , and at the confluence of the Ouche and the Suzon . It was formerly the capital of the province of Burgundy , the dukes of which acquired it early in the eleventh century , and took up their residence there in the thirteenth century . For the decoration of the palace and other monuments built by them , eminent artists were gathered from northern France and Flanders , and during this period the town became one of the great intellectual centers of France . The union of the duchy with the crown in 1477 deprived Dijon of the splendor of the ducal court , but to counterbalance this loss it was made the capital of the province and the seat of a parlement . To-day it possesses a population of some 65 , 000 , and is a place of considerable importance . I , ii , 21-3 . Nor now ... that I vndertooke , forsake it .\u2014 The expression is elliptical , the verb of the preceding period being in the future indicative \u2014 whereas here the incomplete verb is in the conditional mood . In full : Nor now ... that I undertook , would I forsake it . I , ii , 56. determine of \u2014 of is the preposition in obs . usage which follows determine used , as here , in the sense of decide , come to a judicial decision , come to a decision onCf . IV , iv , 82 . I , ii , 57. to \u2014 in addition to . I , ii , 66. become \u2014 modern editors , beginning with Mason , read became ; but become may be taken as a variant form of the past tenseI , ii , 91-2 . May force you ... plead at \u2014 i. e. \u201c may cause your dismissal from the bar . \u201d I , ii , 107. purple-colour 'd \u2014 Novall wears the official red robe of judge . I , ii , 123-4. the subtill Fox of France , The politique Lewis \u2014 Louis XI of France , an old enemy of Burgundy . I , ii , 127 . If that , etc .\u2014 Gradually , as the interrogatives were recognized as relatives , the force of that , so , as , in \u201c when that \u201d , \u201c when so \u201d , \u201c when as \u201d , seems to have tended to make the relative more general and indefinite ; \u201c who so \u201d being now nearlyas indefinite as \u201c whosoever . \u201d ... In this sense , by analogy , that was attached to other words , such as \u201c if \u201d , \u201c though \u201d , \u201c why \u201d , etc .\u2014 Abbott , S. G. Sec . 287 . Cf . \u201c If that rebellion Came like itself , in base and abject routs . \u201d Henry IV , Part II , IV , i , 32 . The same construction appears in V , iii , 95 . I , ii , 163 . Writ man \u2014 i. e ., wrote himself down as a man . I , ii , 170 . Granson , Morat , Nancy \u2014 the \u201c three memorable overthrows \u201d which Charles the Bold suffered at the hands of the Swiss cantons and Duke Rene of Loraine . The battle of Granson took place March 3 , 1476 ; that of Morat , June 22 , 1476 ; that of Nancy , January 5 , 1477 . On each occasion the army of Charles was annihilated ; and finally at Nancy he was himself slain . These defeats ended the power of Burgundy . I , ii , 171 . The warlike Charloyes \u2014 Charles the Bold , the Duke of Burgundy . I , ii , 185 . Ill ayres \u2014 noxious exhalations , miasma . I , ii , 194-5 . They are onely good men , that pay what they owe .", "As I could runne , the hazard of a checke for \u2018 t. 10", "What reply you", "I loue the cause so well ,", "But giue me", "Read the Inditement .", "Some twenty yeeres , my Lord .", "Haue they tooke their oathes ? 190", "Lord Charalois , 200", "The letter of the Law , they yet acquit you .", "More then the tongues of twenty aduocates .", "Forbeare .", "That notwithstanding you haue gone beyond", "Open the casket . Peruse that deed of gift .", "For offering them the motion .", "And Counsaylors of Court come by , to stand", "Heere , and but shew your selfe , and to some one", "Du Croy I am sorry for you .", "Heere mee .", "My Lord some counsell ,", "\u2018 Tis against law , and argue me of Ignorance 5", "And forget"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["In which he hath with such integrity ,", "Is purpos 'd to resigne a place , my Lords ,", "The ease that you prepare your selfe , my Lord ,", "a trouble in the State ,", "Or strength .", "That as his life transcends all faire examples 10", "Which you would haue your successor , and in me ,", "\u2018 Tis apparent .", "In giuing vp the place you hold in Court ,", "Perform 'd the first and best parts of a Iudge ,", "What 's your answer ?", "The Court allows it .", "Of primier President , which this reuerent man 5", "The court is vp , make way .", "To take the place , we will proceed .", "To be so prodigall .", "A President they may imitate , but not equall .", "The Court can grant , but with assurance you", "Of such as were before him in Dijon ,", "With honour to dispose the place and power"], "true_target": ["If your Lordship please", "Twas his fault", "In this o'recome your modestie .", "May aske it and obtaine it .", "Will proue", "Speake it freely .", "And that no slight one .", "Let the loue", "So it remaines to those that shall succeed him ,", "You know him .", "Or we shall hardly", "It must not be . 280", "Your Lordship will be pleasd to name the man ,", "All promise to confirme it .", "There is nothing", "Graue Rochfort ,", "Which is ,", "The Court intreats ,", "And thankfulnes we are bound to pay to goodnesse , 15", "Allow your innocence ."], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["To tell you that she was my ages comfort ,", "You haue out-wept a woman , noble Charolois .", "As free a man as hee ; your fathers debts", "Sir , the loue I bore your father , and the worth", "The building of my life for seuenty yeeres", "I doe , and much lament the sudden fall 35", "And can search deeper into th \u2019 intents of men , 290", "Worthiest Sir , 220", "Though I forget to suffer like a man ,", "A nobler match was fought for , and the houres", "Be it right or wrong , tis at the Iudges perill .", "Angels themselues must breake Baumont , that promise", "Though guilt hath dide him black , something good in him , 5", "It is granted , speake \u2014", "Would you ought with me ?", "Of his braue house . It is young Charloyes .", "That I will not consent to haue you liue", "And well considerate , you throw away", "Your fauours should be lost . Besides , \u2018 tas beene", "Rising aboue his fortune , seemes to me", "So early vp and ready before noone , 135", "Nor she hope it . 140", "Sir , ha \u2019 you any suite to me ? Ill grant", "Why how now Beaumelle , thou look'st not well .", "You met my wishes , Gentlemen .", "To grace what ere he vndertooke , that freely", "I look 'd on you , as a wrong 'd husband , but 165", "Of red died cruelty , but in returne ,", "Oh bee temperate , 205", "Put off your wonder , and heere freely take", "Moue you to anything , that may dis-become", "Beyond the strength and patience of Angels .", "No more , my glory , come , let 's in and hasten", "Or you will vndergoe a heauy censure 165", "Does your fine story", "Worthy a better fortune , but howeuer", "A goodly Oake whereon to twist my vine ,", "Like to a Recluse in a cloyster : goe", "Keeper , this prisoner I will see forth comming", "Nouall slayne ,", "\u2018 Tis I alone am sorry , that I rays 'd", "In no act of my life I haue deseru 'd", "Heere is your friend ,", "They do not .", "And you shall find , for still methinks I doe ,", "Was equall to the iniurie that was done 275", "You clos 'd your eyes against me , as a father .", "Repentant teares can neuer expiate ,", "A braue resolution rather ,", "A bold Petitioner , and \u2018 tis not fit 265", "My businesse fills my little time so full ,", "Recant your sterne contempt , and slight neglect", "Made me thus send for you . And tender heere 250", "No ! it giues me eyes ,", "Yes , to the shame of this vngrateful State ; 40", "Since that the politique law prouides that seruants ,", "Vpon so sure a ground , that all the vices 20", "This virgin by the hand , and call her wife , 290", "No mists of policy can hide offendors .", "Nor now , if age had not depriu 'd me of", "That such a Master in the art of warre ,", "All , to supply your wants , and free your selfe .", "Vniustly taken of the rich , but what 's 260", "Their full releases : stay , I want a witnesse :", "Is handmayd to my will , especially", "Keepe from me \u2014 could not one good thought rise vp ,", "The motion honest .", "From these mens malice , and breake ope the prison ,", "And zealous in defence of your wrong 'd honour ,", "I then desire the liberty of Romont ,", "And presse your loues no further .", "Sir , if you please", "He kills her .", "Hath made me Master of : I pray the Court", "Nor can she wish to liue no sunne shall rise ,", "I may not sit to heare this .", "Feeds no affection in them , but desire", "To other men ! I haue a suite to you Sir .", "Serue for a Prologue ?", "It lent him such a powerfull Maiesty", "Vpon my word \u2014 Sit downe good Colonell . Exit keeper .", "Neuer abus 'd his goodnesse ; the great vertues 230", "What euer you will take , gold , Iewels , both ,", "Practis 'd to ruine man , though brought against me ,", "What present mony haue I ?", "To send these gray haires to the graue with sorrow .", "Is proper to me only .", "You incourage", "And all suites , which her penitance can proffer ,", "But I haue done , my good Lord , pardon me", "But ther 's a Heauen aboue , from whose iust wreake", "But there are suters waite heere , and their causes", "Should thus vnciuilly vsurpe on what", "You something , any thing .", "Pay \u2018 em those summes vpon the table , take", "The performance", "It is not now to be disputed , therefore", "Sir", "And that my Lord Nouall , whose priuate wrong", "Now free mine eyes , I dare vnmou 'd looke on her ,", "The deed shall make this my request more plaine .", "To be at his disposing ; had his person", "In ioyning my poore empty name to yours ,", "The piety and braue behauior of", "The Prouince that I vndertooke , forsake it .", "Obiect vnto you , since you proue vngratefull ,", "This in my daughter ? doe not wrong her .", "Yes .", "Some one seeke for me , 235", "Louely I must confesse , or far fain 'd valour , 30", "Angels guard me ,", "Neuer , Sir . 135", "Iustice for innocent blood .", "I follow you \u2014 Baumont .", "Towards you hath rendred me most miserable ,", "For entring , nay , possessing this young man , 25", "I might haue borne it better : but when goodnesse", "Iudge you malicious in your disposition ,", "And now signe his enlargement .", "But I pronounc 'd it", "Am I denyed then \u2014", "And yet for proofe , I die in peace , your pardon", "This celebration .", "I cannot stand to talke : I know , thy duty 150", "That your compassion of my age , nor his ,", "Be aduis 'd , young Lord , 225", "I embrace it , 45", "Princelike , to will , not aske a courtesie .", "As a Iudge onely , and friend to iustice ,", "His Honour , wicked woman , in whose safety", "My Lord Nouall this is a vertue in you .", "With whom ?", "Your conscience , and these Iudges free you from", "And piety it selfe in her best figure", "I liu 'd , grew teadious to you : my compassion 180", "Begot by a weake man , and borne a woman , 170", "May be of more necessity to be heard ,", "With an vntruth .", "Vpon your soule then : it must leaue your body . 120", "To vrge my many merits , which I may", "Meet with an end so infamous .", "The honourable trust that was impos 'd", "And fortifie my sentence , with strong reasons .", "One boone , that parted with it . And to confirme", "It will continue so : if now her birth", "Or rather act a woman ?", "Sweete and gentle nature , 235", "So farre that if you trouble me againe", "For this great fauour shall preuent your trouble .", "Yet remember 115", "I am not of the world , if it can prosper , 120", "My thankes", "And though old age , when one foot 's in the graue , 30", "Though you seeke company else where , your absence 305", "You shall haue iustice .", "I thanke your Lordships .", "And foolish charity vndone my selfe :", "And Beaumelle my daughter in the place", "That she is one .", "So noble , and so highly meriting ,", "Of the whole Court , and him , and opportunity ,", "Then those that are lesse knowing \u2014 How appear 'd", "Then I haue beene , againe to set him free", "But looke on him .", "Drawes a Curtayne .", "Or he could leaue to his posterity ?", "Good morrow Colonell .", "This iniury from the court , that any heere", "Followes not any : for her mind , I know it", "In many , when all humors else are spent"], "true_target": ["Call it a fitter name \u2014 190", "The wrong that 's done to the chaste married bed ,", "In a new shape , and euery on more horrid :", "I haue some priuate conference with my daughter ,", "Heauen take mercy", "Is an offence as great as to commit it .", "Concerning any thing or any body ,", "And name my Lord Nouall .", "He is a man , and cannot put off nature .", "A wholesome remedy for these mayden fits , 145", "And well they may , it is so seldome seene .", "I would not willingly blend my last words", "That may perhaps worke with a wiser man", "And Charolois . I giue you to your friend", "And you haue kild here ?", "In liuing well , and learning how to dye so .", "Each mans opinion freely is his owne ,", "Off all the courts of mercy .", "What Heauen still blessing my poore industry ,", "And that I may haue liberty to vse ,", "Employ the small remainder of my life , 40", "What ?", "Your Lordships bountifull in your fauours to me ; 260", "Or wherefore did not thankfulnesse step forth ,", "Her fame depending on it , be most sure", "Call in my daughter : still I haue a suit to you .", "And stand but by , to see this money pay 'd ,", "I finde it now , it was my state was aym 'd at ,", "From this forgetfull Country , should , for want", "Vse all fit liberty .", "Good counsayle were it , a prayse worthy deed .", "If they abuse our trust : what can you looke for , 125", "Should learne to be good , and continue so . 300", "Me thinkes , from his example , the whole age", "Nay , would you make me now your debter , Sir .", "\u2018 Tis well .", "To such a nature .", "To pierce the heart of designe against me .", "Broke all the tyes of nature : and cast off 160", "That are the map of dressing through all France .", "Nothing is quickly granted .", "With thy lust , a theefe hath now stolne from him ,", "With expedition to the great Nouall :", "I haue that confidence in your goodnesse , I , 295", "Your grace towards me , against all such as may 270", "The loue and soft affection of a father .", "\u2018 Tis most true .", "The better cause you were sent for , though sayd otherwise .", "You haue aduanc 'd for me no flag of mercy :", "And be assured , to pardon such a sinne ,", "But study to repent what I haue done", "To ease me of my burthen , that I may", "Enfranchist ere you spake . I giue him you , 270", "No man but has , or must bury a father .", "And therefore wish that mine may be defer 'd , 50", "This is my onely child : what shee appeares , Enter Baum . Beau .", "As an assurance of their fauour to me ,", "You are a scholler , Baumont ,", "Flinty-hearted Charaloys ?", "Holds a neere neyghbour-hood , with ill wrought on me ,", "As soone as made , are with contempt throwne", "Will make this protestation worth my thanks .", "Is lodg 'd , and can agree , men should kneele downe ,", "But ere it set , shall shew her vgly lust", "Be not too meane for Charolois , take her", "I see in you , so much resembling his .", "Fie ! he was faulty \u2014 295", "All he receiu 'd from his braue Ancestors ,", "To whose care we commit our goods shall die ,", "To what strange Tragedy does this destruction 90", "Is she dead then ?", "My first and last request ?", "Sir , though I would perswade , I'le not constraine :", "Vertue workes strangely with vs : and his goodnesse", "Or send your seruants . Nor , Sir , shall you vse", "Of one to be arraign 'd .", "Sonne to the Marshall , from whom he inherits", "All his lifes ioyes , and comforts were locked vp , 130", "And that should teach my modesty to end heere", "She seemes to send vp yonder , are beate backe , 145", "I am strangely taken with this Charaloyes ;", "Indowd with all my fortunes : blesse me so ,", "The place on which you sit .", "The summes he tooke vp for the generall good , 45", "In me it is not so , I rest content", "Requite mee thus , and make mee happier ,", "Could neuer vndermine , and no way left", "Pray you sir , no more .", "Let mee intreat you Colonell , to walke in ,", "A custome many yeeres , at the surrendring", "O Beaumelle , my daughter .", "Directly gotten , and yet by the Law .", "To whose charge this most hopefull Lord gaue vp", "On pious vses . Ile goe seeke a graue .", "I now preferre it to you .", "To adde height to the mountaine of their riches :", "That may not be , nor can your Lordships goodnes ,", "That is not sensible of it , with which , wise man", "You are most welcome : fye , no more of this :", "A miserable father , yet be carefull 45", "Since your imployments haue confer 'd vpon me", "Vpon my weaknesse since you witnesse for me ,", "You say you are sorry for him :", "doe you bestow it", "The place I now giue vp , to grant the President", "Tis well and courtly ; you must giue me leaue ,", "And theirs haue hearing .", "Vertue that was my patronesse betrayd me :", "My wish bring comfort to you .", "And ere you say adultresse againe ,", "It was not ill discharg 'd , I will not mention , 20", "Till her faire branches grow vp to the starres .", "Which , so affected , Romont , you weare , 160", "To beare your selfe as fits a Gentleman ,", "Is to aduise you from this yron carriage ,", "Your Lordship well may see her education 285", "Begin from this ?", "Nay , euen those prayers , which with such humble feruor", "With the honours , and estate I now possesse , 35", "Sufficient wealth , deny the vse of it ,", "And therefore \u2014", "And could not therefore , but partake of frailety ?", "Or any other seeming good , that yet", "Then if my state were multiplied ten fold .", "O my heart .", "I gaue myselfe vp with my liberty ,", "\u2018 Tis well :", "And giue him all he has .", "Though it containe his body .", "I in your cause , put on a Scarlet robe", "Were brib 'd to by destruction , can you blame me , 35", "Your bounty is imployd vpon a subiect", "Where heauenly vertue in high blouded veines", "Th \u2019 art sad of late , come cheere thee , I haue found", "Why I did wish you hither , noble sir ,", "How silken is this well comparatiuely", "Are taken off .", "A griefe in which I must not haue a partner :", "And for you , daughter , off with this , off with it :", "A weake old man , and pray adde to that", "As soone as he returnes .", "His fame and vertues onely .", "In ought of this , a poore mans fee , or bribe ,", "Of your dead father vindicate themselues ,", "With a report like this , I shall not onely 290", "To be far fayrer then her shape , and hope", "Mocke ? thunder strike mee then .", "Your sentence life or death .", "In publique very shortly .", "To the dignity of the Court , will pardon it ,", "What you are charg 'd with . So farewell for euer .\u2014", "Your liberty , and ioyes of life together :", "I aske , and as you grant it me , may Heauen 125", "Be wel aduis 'd 110", "Call in the gallants , let them make you merry ,", "Detract my actions , and life hereafter ,", "Your friend Romont :", "Young Charloyes to you ?", "Not mine ,", "Be neere at hand , successe crowne my intent ,", "The house is at your seruice : but if not ,", "Pray vse my garden , you shall dine with me . 140", "Adore , and sacrifice all that they haue ; 255", "It does concerne you and your friends , it was 215", "To pity and to counsell yee submit", "The little strength I had to gouerne well ,", "When it presents nothing but good and fit .", "What answere makes the prisoner ?", "Of meanes to satisfie his creditors ,", "To my owne cause . Already I haue found", "Will not be much lamented \u2014"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["Your Lordship 's seated . May this meeting proue prosperous to vs , and to the generall good Of Burgundy .", "Remember what we are ."], "true_target": ["The time calls vs .", "My good Lord !", "His father died in prison two daies since ."], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["If he loue Lords , a Gods name let him weare \u2018 em ,", "Se . The president were ill .", "Exit Nouall .", "That you would euer sweare thus . 100", "Sweet wench , I come .", "Ouer the place you plead at .", "So are many that rake dunghills .", "Perpetuall spring dwell on thy rosy cheekes ,", "Se . Speaks to the cause . 60", "se . I know not One reason why you should not doe like others : I am sure , of all the herd that fed vpon him , I cannot see in any , now hee 's gone , 50 In pitty or in thankfulnesse one true signe Of sorrow for him .", "Mend this a little : pox ! thou hast burnt me . oh fie vpo n't , O Lard , hee has made me smelllike a flaxe , or a red headed womans chamber : powder , powder , powder .", "With the next opportunity .", "Remember what you haue vow 'd \u2014\u2014 to his Mrs .", "Thus sawcily , what are you ?", "That had a winter ly'n perdieu i'th rayne .", "se . Force ope the doors \u2014 O monster , caniball , 185 Lay hold on him , my sonne , my sonne .\u2014 O Rochfort , \u2018 Twas you gaue liberty to this bloody wolfe To worry all our comforts ,\u2014 But this is No time to quarrell ; now giue your assistance For the reuenge .", "se . You hinder our proceeding .", "Mistresse .", "What , thou wouldst mony ; there . 335", "Good morne vnto your Lordship ,", "Made tryall of my loue in any thing 285", "se . You come not To raile againe ? but doe , you shall not finde , Another Rochfort .", "What meane you , sir ? My people .", "Hence feare ,", "Hold , hold , ile speake . I vow to heauen and you , 175", "Se . Speake to the poynt .", "Se . Away with him to prison .", "Pox a this glasse ! it flatters , I could find in my heart to breake it .", "Where time and place met oportunity", "May force you to leape", "If loue himselfe laugh at it , so will I .", "That shall concerne thyselfe .", "Go home , and with more care peruse the Statutes :", "Pox of this Gunne .", "Starre of Dijum , the lustre of all France ,", "That I did meane to breake , and then \u2018 tis quit .", "Fight thou as thy minde moues thee , \u2018 tis thy trade ,", "se . See , equall Iudges , with what confidence The cruel murtherer stands , as if he would Outface the Court and Iustice !", "To draw this harsh vnsauory language from you ?", "Against such roaring roagues .", "Not so , you haue a iewell in her , Madam .", "What 's this change ?", "I looke aboute , and neigh , take hedge and ditch ,", "And we were now in serious discourse .", "Deuoted to my Mrs .", "Se . Sirra , you that prate 105", "Thy gall sure 's ouer throwne ; these are my Councell ,", "Se . Shall such an Insolence passe vnpunisht ?", "Your presence and the place , makes him presume", "Se . Strange boldnes !", "Very good . 125", "And therefore I would haue thee beate him , for", "To keepe it off my heeles ; yet my Aymour ,", "A fashionable Gentleman and a peacefull :", "se . If all may be beleeu 'd A passionate prisoner speakes , who is so foolish That durst be wicked , that will appeare guilty ? 160 No , my graue Lords : in his impunity But giue example vnto iealous men To cut the throats they hate , and they will neuer Want matter or pretence for their bad ends .", "How ? I would not for a 1000 crownes she had see n't . Deare Liladam , reforme it . 80", "Giue some rellish", "I now want onely my misters approbation , who is indeed , the most polite punctuall Queene of dressing in all Burgundy . Pah , and makes all other young Ladies appeare , as if they came from boord last weeke out of the country , Is't not true , Liladam ? 45", "This heauenly piece , which nature hauing wrought ,", "My helpe , is past my cure . You yet may , Lady , 80", "To esteeme that an iniury to me", "On my sollicitous wrongs she consented", "But for her marriage .", "Scaena 2 .", "se . Away 70 I onely know now to hate thee deadly : I will doe nothing for thee .", "With your graue exhortations , Collonell .", "Oh fie vpon him , how he weares his cloathes ! To see his friends , and return 'd after Twelfetyde . 120", "The first sweetes , Bellapert .", "Without corruption ; I am your friend ,", "He should take of it too , Sir what are you ?", "And ready for all day .", "Which was to you conuenient : that is past", "With too much feruor", "Iu . Flie not to these excuses : thou hast bin", "That we could lend you of our yeeres .", "As vpon your fayth .", "No paine is due to louers periury . 210", "No i'le not fight vnder a Lord .", "Your cause being good , and your proceedings so , 115", "My hand to this ?", "Se . How dare you moue the Court ,", "See Flora turn 'd in her varieties .", "I marry ? were there a Queene oth \u2019 world , not I .", "Speake your desires .", "\u2018 Tis done , sir .", "Helpe , saue me , murrher , murther .", "Within my power , but this .", "Euer to work so liuely and so faire .", "Whose breath is perfume to our Continent , 70", "Or the next motion fauoring of this boldnesse , 90", "Thou \u2018 idst haue me be a dog : vp , stretch and shake , 100", "Practis 'd in Court ?", "Because your lips robd it of such a right .", "Vpon my patience .", "So wee shall meete \u2014 Madam .", "Thou hast nothing else to doe ; fight with Romont ? 130", "Feede in my neighbours pastures , picke my choyce", "Nay , fayth , thou art a reasonable neat Artificer , giue the diuell his due .", "Se . How long haue you Sir"], "true_target": ["Wedlocke ? no padlocke , horselocke , I weare spurrs He capers .", "Hope would not then forsake me .", "But he tasted", "A man is stak 'd , or pown 'd , and cannot graze", "I am very valiant , 125", "Which Charaloyes", "Hee 's good for nothing else .", "Se . By your grosse ignorance it should appeare ,", "Like a free wanton iennet i'th meddows , 80", "And but I am assur 'd he 's not so giuen ,", "By Parlament , to the terror of all banquerouts ?", "Peace , peace ,", "They fight , Nouall is slaine .", "Se . Pray you demand", "Looke they bring vp their troups .", "The moyety of my estate , or any thing", "She lost her needle and did then despaire , 75", "I haue so long lou 'd and still loue you , Mistresse ,", "In recompence of all my dutious seruice ,", "Can anything that thou canst say , make voyd 5", "What will you doe ?", "One word more of this", "Gods me , hee 's angry . 335", "se . Yes , \u2018 tis my sonnes .", "Se . Strange rashnesse .", "Tis well .", "If I should strike him , I know I shall kill him :", "Se . You are too violent ,", "Good diuell to your rogueship . No man 's safe :", "False in thy promise , and when I haue said", "I dare not ,", "Nay , a my soule , \u2018 tis so , what fouler obiect in the world , then to see a young faire , handsome beauty , vnhandsomely dighted and incongruently accoutred ; or a hopefull 50 Cheualier , vnmethodically appointed , in the externall ornaments of nature ? For euen as the Index tels vs the contents of stories , and directs to the particular Chapters , euen so does the outward habit and superficiall order of garmentsgiue vs a tast of the spirit , and 55 demonstratiuely poyntall the internall quality , and habiliment of the soule , and there cannot be a more euident , palpable , grosse manifestation of poore degenerate dunghilly blood , and breeding , then rude , vnpolish 'd , disordered and slouenly outside . 60", "Nay , there \u2018 tis .", "I am your enemie . Am I a man", "Or as you are , perswade you to continue 25", "But valour shall not make me such an Asse .", "Se . Let him alone ,", "Vngratefull , all is spoke .", "Harke you .", "What haue I done , Sir , 105", "I know whats to be done .", "You shew in it", "hath enioyd ?", "Se . He had fro the state", "A fathers care . I haue a sonne my selfe , 130", "The noble exercise of your knowing iudgement .", "To grant me all requests .", "Best day to natures curiosity ,", "What vse is there of valour", "Pontallier ,", "You are tyr 'd", "To what purpose , trifler ?", "Not twentie dayes .", "Since ther 's no remedy", "To the dispensing with an Act confirmd", "The marriage ? or those pleasures but a dreame ,", "Shee 's yet vntouch't , more then her face and hands :", "Se . The Court must grant you that .", "I swore , that 's all one , my next oath \u2018 ile keepe", "Your house is so inhospitable , we must quit it .", "se . As farre as my griefe Will giue me leaue , I thanke you .", "Despaire of safety now in me proue courage .", "Ha , ha , ha , what are my courses vnto thee ? 350", "No autumne , nor no age euer approach", "se . That I Till now was neuer wretched , here 's no place To curse him or my stars .", "If you haue any suit , moue it in Court . 135", "Become my Creditresse .", "Now out vpon him !", "\u2018 Tis sure , or to be kill 'd , or to be hang 'd .", "Ha , ha , would'st ha \u2019 me challenge poore Romont ?", "Prouided these consent .", "To fight in such a cause .", "Your bribes can worke on ? ha ?", "My Lord , I am sorry ,", "I take no papers in corners .", "Doe not mistake me", "How this may appeare possible .", "Ile haue a Cannon planted in my chamber , Exit .", "I cannot call her innocent ; for I yeeld", "But this , you should haue found then \u2014 But it skills not .", "Beyond his owne hedge .", "But apprehend one reason how this might be ,", "That I could .", "Fight with close breeches , thou mayst think I dare not .", "You haue what you desire .", "Sufficent entertainment for the Army .", "Good Cousin Pontalier , meddle with that", "Gentlemen .", "Of all their faire-maind-mares : but married once ,", "Mounsieur Aymour , I prethy sing the song 130", "Pish : no more , 95", "Mrs , you heare the news : your father has resign 'd his Presidentship to my Lord my father .", "You shall haue my consent \u2014 But would you had", "I rise to say my prayers , sir , heere 's my Saint .", "Tell you why sir ? Are you my confessor ?", "Ha ?", "I haue already done you too much wrong , 80", "Monsieur Liladam , Aymour , how allow you the modell of these clothes ? 10", "I thus recant , yet now your hand looks white"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["That he was neuer bound for .", "Vpon the sonne , and we release the body . 250", "He is well-shaped and has a villanous tongue ,", "\u2018 Tis the City Doctrine , 195", "We stand bound to maintaine it .", "Will please to do your knowledge , we offer , first", "Accept it by all meanes : let 's shut him vp ,", "Yes faith , wee are pay 'd .", "\u2018 Tis the first mony aduocate ere gaue backe ,", "And sweares hee 'll be a soldier , tis an humor", "Tis nothing . Whats a blow or two ? As much \u2014", "Thrift forbid . 170", "That lye vpon the father , bee return 'd", "That if I minister to him in his drinke", "What meane you sir ?", "Our thankefull hearts heere , as a bounteous earnest", "I haue a sonne ,"], "true_target": ["That will hold out against him .", "And should he study that way of reuenge ,", "\u2018 Tis the City Doctrine .", "Why let our executions", "To what we will adde .", "\u2018 Twill cure his foolish frensie .", "If your eares are fast ,", "And that your Lordship 105", "Powder , made of this banquerout Marshalls bones ,", "That talkes of nothing but of Gunnes and Armors ,", "Beare witnesse , Sirs . 155", "As I dare almost sweare he loues a wench , 245", "Provided that the carcase rot aboue ground", "I would diuert him from , and I am told 125", "Though hee sayd nothing .", "We will beare this , rather then hazard that .", "We haue no wiues , nor neuer shall get daughters"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["His Colonell lookes fienely like a drouer .", "To helpe him to some Church-preferment : \u2018 tis", "I grant you , Sir , we are , and you would haue vs", "Appeares to me , as it would tire a Beadle ,", "Aym . Heere will be sport for you . This workes .", "A good dumbe mourner .", "How euer they haue liu 'd ; to end that way .", "Friends , you mistake 110", "Vds light , my Lord one of the purles of your band isout of his ranke .", "But I , as one in fauour , in his sight ,", "May harken to you for my profit . Sir ,", "Nay , my Lord , we will not offer to dishonour you so much as to stay by you , since hee 's alone ."], "true_target": ["Heeres more .", "The way to winne my Lord , he must not heare this ,", "I pray heare em .", "Stay and be more abus 'd .", "Wee'l waite on you .", "A courtlike hand to touch it .", "Aym . trim Nouall , whilst Bell her Lady .", "His backe 330", "How is it ? Fayth , your Lordship may doe well , 320", "And then he has a knotted brow , would bruise", "Obserue him now .", "Now the fashion , for men of all conditions ,"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["The Marshall stood ingag 'd vnto vs three ,", "We are defeated of . For which great losse 120", "Speake you for all .", "Very well .", "Nor is that cruelty .", "Oh , they are charitable ,"], "true_target": ["Two hundred thousand crownes , which by his death", "To such as would grow rich .", "And so they are .", "Heauen blesse his Lordship , I did thinke him wiser . 275", "We ayme at nothing but his rotten flesh ,", "And so they are .", "These chastisements , as vsefull are as frequent"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["Trueth , I haue borne my part already , friends . In the Court you shall haue more .", "Looke vpon mee better ,", "Be well aduis 'd ."], "true_target": ["Are these the ensignes of so coorse a fellow ?", "But that this man is lawlesse ; he should find that I am valiant . 150", "You are rude . I say , he shall not passe ."], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["And fayling by the fortune of the warres ,", "That what their crueltie doth forbid , your pittie", "The father of this young Lord heer , my Clyent ,", "With married to that Iustice .", "And though it be a Maxime in our Lawes ,", "It will erect a trophy of your mercy", "I will , my Lord : to say , the late dead Marshall", "With losse of liberty ended his life .", "May giue allowance to .", "Grant freely to their slaues ; may it therefore please", "Which the sworne enemies of the Christian faith", "Is in it selfe so noble , that it needs not", "Or Rhetorique in me that plead , or fauour 55", "Your Lordships , so to fashion your decree , 80", "From your graue Lordships , to determine of it ."], "true_target": ["Might taske me of impertinence to repeate ,", "All suites dye with the person , these mens malice 75", "By giuing them the attributes they now merit ,", "These thriftie men , I will not wrong their credits ,", "The cause", "Hath done his Country great and faithfull seruice ,", "He was arrested , and for want of bayle", "Denying him the decent Rytes of buriall ,", "He in his life , become indebted to", "In death find matter for their hate to worke on ,", "Imprisond at their suite : and not long after", "Of meanes to free himselfe , from his ingagements , 70", "Since to the prayse of your impartiall iustice", "What your graue Lordships cannot but remember , 65", "We come to offer to your Lordships censure ,"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["Officers with Rom ."], "true_target": ["omnes , praeter Roch . & Beaumont ."], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["Was he to be free therefore from the Lawes ,", "And in it saued an hundred thousand liues ,", "That any man hath done the Common wealth", "In which he did not seruice to his Country ; 165", "Then scorne of death , or duty to the dead .", "I know youll grant ; After those great defeatures ,", "To yield vnto an honourable peace .", "lost treasure , men and life ,", "Thus low my duty", "Writ man before he was so , and confirmd it ,", "In those three memorable ouerthrowes", "And ceremonious forme in your decrees ?", "Not that I feare to speake my thoughts as lowd ,", "At Granson , Morat , Nancy , where his Master , 170", "And yet , my Lord , this much", "Which in their dreadfull ruines buried quick , Enter officers .", "Winke at his least of ills : what though my father", "Which", "To serue his Countrey , forc 'd him to take vp ? 175", "In the few words"], "true_target": ["To end his owne , that was sure proofe against", "He forst the proud foe , in his height of conquest , 180", "Would seeme to most , rather a willingnesse 155", "Courage and hope , in all men but himselfe ,", "In a most loathsome prison .", "his zeale ,", "Illayres , the Cannon , and the enemies sword , 185", "That will not for the many seruices 160", "The scalding Summers heate , and Winters frost ,", "To be excus 'd , from payment of those summes", "I therefore bring the tribute of my prayse", "Of all that 's wretched , so to haste my end ,", "To quit the burthen of a hopelesse life ,", "The warlike Charloyes", "Answeres your Lordships counsaile . I will vse", "By numbring that day , no part of his life ,", "And with a liberty beyond Romont :", "Or else because he did as much as man", "To your seueritie , and commend the Iustice ,", "But that I know , for me that am made vp", "the temper that you wish mee . 150"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["Onely your fee againe : ther 's so much sayd 220", "I should not bee heard , or laught at for it ."], "true_target": ["Already in this cause , and sayd so well ,", "That should I onely offer to speake in it ,"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["He a states-man , he an asse Pay other mens debts ?"], "true_target": ["What thinke you of the offer ?"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["We will make knowne our power ."], "true_target": ["And I .", "And if perswasion will not worke him to it ,"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["By being won too soone : yet if you please", "Humpe .", "Had reuerence to this likening : you will grant", "It is my wonder ,", "Since I want language to expresse it fully ;", "Of any summe a priuate man has use for .", "That though I did not well towards you , I yet 75", "And sure the Collonell \u2014", "My Lord ."], "true_target": ["Exit .", "Sufficient warrant , you will say and truely , 70", "Did wisely for my selfe .", "But to remember , all my hopes and fortunes", "Would you requite mee .", "My father found too much obedience in me ,", "Romont will come , sir , straight .", "There is no want", "Prethy peace , wench , thou dost but blow the fire , that flames too much already . 85", "You come to chide me , seruant , and bring with you"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["And I must vse them . True , but not t'offend ,", "That \u2018 tis not fit for me to hope , or you", "Then heretofore it hath done ; but I finde", "Ha , ha , \u2018 tis such a groome .", "Vae any meanes to vexe him ,", "And this , and this .", "That are canoniz 'd worthy of our sex ,", "Againe to please a suyter .", "So vniforme in spite of handsomnesse ,", "My father , that owes more to yeeres then he , 275", "To thinke of mercy ; onely I presume 15", "I will make vp your oath , twill want weight else . 185", "Seruant , tye my hand . 125", "My sorrow for it , and beleeue , these teares", "It is not fit you should : yet you shall finde ,", "Before I lost you ; and my misery made", "If I expound it to you . Heer 's a Tyrant", "I confesse", "That almost would haue made me sweare , some Curate", "One stampe more would do well : yet I desire not", "Prethee , distinguish me a mayd & wife .", "Those that are better seene , in what concernes", "As you are carefull to continue mine ,", "Fate hath wrong 'd loue , and will destroy me too .", "Tis not vselesse ,", "I prithee tell me , Florimell , why do women marry ?", "Tis true , Florimell : and thou wilt make me too good for a yong Lady . What an electuary found my father out for 10 his daughter , when hee compounded you two my women ? for thou , Florimell , art eene a graine to heauy , simply for a wayting Gentlewoman .", "Can thinke secure enough , ere my behauiour", "Spares neyther man nor woman .", "They must not murmur at it . If my Lord", "This prety rag about your necke shews well ,", "It was begot and nourished .", "You haue something to informe him :", "You are come to warme meate , and perhaps cleane linnen :", "To heare me speake . I know my fault is farre", "That iudge me otherwise .", "Deceyued grauely , but to little purpose , 180", "Shall call my fame in question .", "You waite well , in your absence , my Lords friend 270", "O my fate ,", "I thought a parting kisse", "In the forbidden Labyrinth of lust ,", "Oh , feare not you , sir ,", "And this strong belt in which you hang your honor 170", "The fact I am charg 'd with , and yeeld my selfe", "In this life", "Preferring his complaint : but be thou perfect ,", "A womans cunning .", "The strictest course of life that iealousie 285", "And by what you shall heare , you'l easily finde ,", "Yet such as liue vpon my meanes , shall know 200", "These obiects", "Stole very much of my attention from me ,", "Grew mad with loue of you .", "I would meete loue and marriage both at once .", "I shall grow angry .", "Shews such a bold contempt of comelinesse ,", "Of keeping a Lady that is married , 315", "Or render me suspected .", "Conuert your heresie .", "Vpon my life as I forespake , hee 's now", "How your lips blush , in scorne that they should pay", "Not to be contradicted . You will say", "The glasse , in which I now behold your vertue :", "To intreate , you would be pleas 'd to looke vpon", "And you the Master-spy , I yet would vse ,", "Had stolne into the person of Romont ,", "What is a husband ?", "I dare not moue you", "Yet something I remember , to speake truth ,", "Of our faire minds , made one ; but since I wandred 55", "O , you are welcome ,", "That tis not strange your Laundresse in the League , 175", "Ah my sweete Bellapert thou Cabinet", "You are angry with me , and poore I laugh at it .", "Though I was bold enough to be a strumpet ,", "By this kisse ,", "Do you come from the Campe , which affords onely", "And kisse the executioner ; my lust", "I must restrayne such fauours now ; looke therefore", "Most miserably guilty ."], "true_target": ["To set downe to a Lady of my ranke ,", "And sword ,", "And study to forget .", "That I no more be visited . Ile endure", "What , you will not beate mee ,", "Enter Nouall Iu . Malatine , Liladam , Aymer , Pontalier .", "That makes thy Lady wither thus in youth .", "A Visitation , Sir . 310", "And from your memory , wash the remembrance", "They are base 150", "The conuersation of cast suburbe whores ,", "Will out-last twenty scarfs .", "And for assurance , the request you make", "The vnderstanding , graue and wise Romont .", "Within your better iudgement , you repent of", "Hows this seruant ,", "I vnderstand you ,", "My passions are much fitter to desire ,", "Has brought me vp to musique , language , Courtship ,", "And we will fit him .", "And of two , by the vertuous harmony", "A Ladies honour and faire same , condemne it .", "I approue his sentence ,", "I dare not yet liue one : let those fam 'd matrones 70", "Reproue me for it .", "To all my counsels , thou dost know the cause 35", "You prune and set me forth , as if I were 265", "Already matcht beyond my hopes ? yet still", "Feed , weare it , and bee thankefull . For me , know , 195", "Sir , I am yours . Oh if my teares proue true , Exit Daug", "Oh seruant , vertue strengthen me .", "I yet will equall them in dying nobly ,", "Feast , kisse , imbreace , perhaps grant larger fauours :", "Ambitious of no honour after life ,", "Performe I must .", "Then my Lords friendship giues commission for . 110", "That neuer would consent that I should see ,", "But there is honor , wench .", "Tis thy fault , foolish girle , pinne on my vaile ,", "Bee now growne yellow , and has chose out you", "That though a thousand watches were set on mee ,", "While I was good , I was a part of you ,", "You should grow horne-mad , till you haue a wife .", "Transcend me in their sanctity of life ,", "Lymits of entertainment ? 190", "And in the praise of goodwife honesty ,", "And all else about you Cap a pe", "You will vndoe me , if you speake againe .", "This is something more", "Tribute to hands , when lips are in the way !", "Yes .", "To serue his Iealouzy that way , tell him this ,", "Now you are to succeed him .", "To what tends this ?", "Ile shift into a thousand , but I will", "Are the true children of my griefe and not", "And being coorse and little worth , it speakes you ,", "Shall not be long vnanswered . Pray you sit , 85", "From young Nouall , would haue displeasd no more 280", "But that when I am dead , you will forgiue me . 75", "And then with welcome follow me .", "Is now run from me in that blood ; in which", "My Father .", "Then to be sued to .", "I will not weare those iewels . Am I not", "Courting my woman ?", "As terrible as thrifty .", "Had read an homely .", "The liberty that best likes mee . I will reuell ,", "What was inseparable , is by me diuided .", "That ere I was like to some vicious purpose 60", "Beyond qualification , or excuse ,", "With iustice therefore you may cut me off ,", "How worthy thou wert both of loue and duty 50", "And he has traueld to bring home a iudgement", "Vndone foreuer .", "Thy presence blowes round my affections vane :", "Stay Bellapert .", "Yes , my Lord . 305", "From entertayning seruants .\u2014", "See wench ! 250"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["Well .", "Faith eene such a woman wilt thou make . By this light , Madam , this wagtaile will spoyle you , if you take delight in her licence .", "Of what I owe her Honour .", "Of this discouery ; but due payment", "I may bee euen with you ."], "true_target": ["Well sayd , wherligig .", "My Ladies good opinion , thats the motiue 90", "At the start my fellow has got of me in", "Why truly Madam , I thinke , to lye with their husbands .", "Sir , tis not enuy", "And thou Bellapert , a graine too light ."], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["Well , go thy wayes goodly wisdom , whom no body 15 regards . I wonder , whether be elder thou or thy hood : you thinke , because you serue my Laydes mother , are 32 yeeres old which is a peepe out , you know .", "You are a foole : She lyes , Madam , women marry husbands ,"], "true_target": ["To lye with other men . 5", "You are deceyu 'd : I want a peg ith \u2019 middle . 20 Out of these Prerogatiues ! you thinke to be mother of the maydes heere , & mortifie em with prouerbs : goe , goe , gouern the sweet meates , and waigh the Suger , that the wenches steale none : say your prayers twice a day , and as I take it , you haue performd your function . 25"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["I will", "The sport direct , where not alone the louer", "I doe not know , you that are perfect Crittiques", "Now . 260", "My Lord away", "That stay till twenty . Then sir , for the pleasure ,", "If it proue otherwise , spare not , poyson me", "That pleasure makes loue to you vnattended", "Physicke , that tumbling in your belly , will make you sicke ith \u2019 stomacke : the onely distinction betwixt a husband and a seruant is : the first will lye with you , when he please ; the last shall lye with you when you please . Pray tell me , 50 Lady , do you loue , to marry after , or would you marry , to loue after .", "Tother must beare no mans .", "By danger or repentance ?", "Tis the course", "That Charalois hath inioyed her , \u2018 tis most true", "And stay my counsayle , and direction for", "When I say courtesie , doe not think I meane 30", "I yet could say that you receiue aduantage ,", "Faith , Madam , one may beare any mans children , 45", "The best part of my old Lords state . Still better ,", "The enioying 15", "With the next gold you giue me .", "Begin . The games afoot , and wee in distance .", "Such a disease", "A Captaine turne Informer against kissing ?", "In womens bookes , may talke of maydenheads .", "Would he were hang 'd vp in his rusty Armour : 255", "The closet is priuate and your couch ready :", "Confirme that I am faithfull .", "If this new preacher with the sword and feather 300", "You say my Ladie 's married . I confesse it ,", "Sometimes you may weare him on your shoulder , now and then vnder your arme : but seldome or neuer let him 65 couer you : for \u2018 tis not the fashion .", "A kisse , the tying of her shoo or garter ,", "Continue idle : this choise Lord will finde", "But that the first , or last , should be your hindrance , 25", "Your next dayes dressing . I haue much to doe , 60", "An houre of priuate conference : those are trifles .", "O Lord : Per se , Lord , quintessence of honour , shee walkes not vnder a weede that could deny thee any thing .", "That with her , hee 's already Master of", "To haue one at thirteene ; but they are mad", "\u2018 Tis a faire protection", "In this word courtesy , we that are gamesters point at", "He wrong 'd you shrewdly ,", "But heare me onely .", "More I could say \u2014 but briefly , she doates on you ,", "Blessing on you .", "While she went for , and was , I sweare , a Virgin ,", "So fit imployment for you ."], "true_target": ["Oh diuine Lord !", "If I haue been forgetfull .", "Such as are faire , and yet not foolish , study 45", "Shall , in the full possession of your wishes ,", "We should haue a fine world .", "But say so , and tis done .", "And if you please that I shall loose the key ,", "He toyl 'd to climbe vp to the Phoenix nest ,", "There is in deed , for which ere I would dy .\u2014", "Rich cloathes , choyse faire , and a true friend at a call ,", "D'ee stand 205", "Could proue his doctrine for Canonicall ,", "As an entrance to", "I vtterly deny : for but obserue me :", "Rellish , and taste , and make the banquet easie : 20", "With all the pleasures the night yeelds , forsake vs .", "Humming and hawing now ?", "Which word expounded to you , such a courtesie", "In what you thinke a losse , would you vouchsafe me", "What courtesie could she with her honour giue", "That you were neuer in the way till now 10", "That our great Ladies take .", "Harke , the Court 's broke vp . Goe helpe my old Lord out of his Caroch , and scratch his head till dinner time .", "Fy Madam , how you walke ! By my mayden-head 30 you looke 7 yeeres older then you did this morning : why , there can be nothing vnder the Sunne vanuable , to make you thus a minute .", "The Coach stayes : now haue your wish , and iudge ,", "Good my Lord ,", "And in his prints leaues your ascent more easie . 40", "Or you receiue with safety \u2014 take me with you ,", "I had forgot to tell your Ladiship 65", "Of such a mouldy murrion on it selfe ;", "To say , This is my Cuckold , then my Riuall . 50", "Doe you expect , and sudden .", "Nor will your Ladiship know , time is precious ,", "With safety to arriue at your desires ,", "This onely is not the contentment more ,", "Feare not mee , pox on him :", "Why then you are out of the fashion , and wilbe contemn 'd ; forthere are few women i'th world , 55 but either they haue married first , and loue after , or loue first , and marryed after : you must do as you may , not as you would : your fathers will is the Goale you must fly to : if a husband approach you , you would haue further off , is he your loue ? the lesse neere you . A husband in these days is but a 60 cloake to bee oftner layde vpon your bed , then in your bed .", "The fauour of the mistris : you are together 55", "To say Adulterie 's sweeter , that is stale .", "Your Taylor and your Tire-woman waite without", "In this I must not with your leaue obey you .", "But if our fresh wits cannot turne the plots", "Brings his Artillery , but vses it . 35", "And I am perfect in my qu .", "Of what you most desire , I say th \u2019 enioying", "\u2018 Gainst all arrests of feare , or shame for euer ."], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["Would you haue him your husband that you loue ,", "One way or other you shall crowne your will ."], "true_target": ["And can n't not bee ? he is your seruant though , 40", "Vd'dhYpppHeNlight , enioy your wishes : whilst I liue ,", "And may performe the office of a husband ."], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["By this meanes shall I with one banquet please", "By the Lard , sweet Lard , thou deseru'st a pension o \u2019 the State .", "A rascall ?", "Song aboue .", "Tis cal 'd The happy husband .", "Y'are tedious ,", "Are you a Consort ?", "Pray you grace with your acceptance .", "He has brought a battaile in his face , let 's goe .", "Wee are beleaguerd .", "A silent blacke . As if he had come this Christmas from St. Omers .", "My good Lord Charalois , I thinke my house 35", "Stay him I am vndone ,", "A Curryer when his hides grown deare .", "With more delight .", "I 'll ne 're aske him what he takes me for ?", "With your intent my Lord , you should haue found me", "Vpon thyselfe , and dye ; and rob the world", "I vow and affirme , your Taylor must needs be an expert 20 Geometrician , he has the Longitude , Latitude , Altitude , Profundity , euery Demension of your body , so exquisitely , here 's a lace layd as directly , as if truth were a Taylor .", "Offer to kicke a Gentleman , in a Noblemans chamber ? A pox of your manners . 145", "And they discouered .", "To the backe gate , and serue the banquet vp :", "Will to your eares conuey the harmony", "That face would doe well in a surplesse ."], "true_target": ["This little distance from the instruments", "Lest thou deare Lord", "Hee lookes like", "Admirably , admirably , oh sweet Lord ! assuredly it 's pity the wormes should eate thee .", "Better prouided : now such as it is ,", "Of natures copy , that she workes forme by .", "But must laugh out .", "Much honor 'd in your presence .", "should doate", "Ah ! 65", "What , he that weares a clout about his necke ,", "Musique and a Song , Beaumelle within \u2014 ha , ha , ha .", "Let the Coach be brought Enter Aymiere .", "We doubt the cause , and will not disparage you , so 155 much as to take your Lordships quarrel in hand . Plague on him , how he has crumpled our bands .", "I would he were well of \u2014 perhaps your Lordship", "Come let 's bee gone ,", "His cuffes in 's pocket , and his heart in 's mouth ?", "Set to a lighter note , may please you better ;", "Flatters , detracts , impayres , yet put it by ,", "Two companies , those within and these Guls heere . 50", "Had I beene one houre sooner made acquainted", "Likes not these sad tunes , I haue a new Song 60", "By gad , my Lord , you haue the diuinest Taylor of Christendome ; he hath made you looke like an Angell in your cloth of Tissue doublet .", "You are right , Mounsieur his vestaments fit : as if they grew vpon him , or art had wrought \u2018 em on the same loome , as nature fram 'd his Lordship as if your Taylor were 30 deepely read in Astrology , and had taken measure of your honourable body , with a Iacobs staffe , an Ephimerides .", "That women , when they are well pleas 'd , cannot hold ,"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["A long thing with a most vnpromising face .", "Euen to your death , beyond , and on your Tombe , 115", "Will you sit downe", "By euery Lacquay ; season now your youth ,", "The benefits you haue done me , are not lost ,", "He curry not some of you .", "Is past already . I by your example 10", "With one braue thing , and it shall keep the odour", "Marriage of Charalois with Beaumelle , & c .", "And obiect flattery helpt to digge his graue :", "One of \u2018 em there the lower is a good , foolish , knauish sociable gallimaufry of a man , and has much taught 95 my Lord with singing , hee is master of a musicke house : the other is his dressing blocke , vpon whom my Lord layes all his cloathes , and fashions , ere he vouchsafes \u2018 em his owne person ; you shall see him i'th morning in the Gally-foyst , at noone in the Bullion , i'th euening in Quirpo , and all night 100 in \u2014", "By whom you were rais 'd , haue practis 'd to be so", "Ile make mine owne : what ere betide you , I", "No , Ile none , Ile not be bought a slaue ,", "I was bound to seeke you , sir .", "You will except against me . You shall meete", "This is a three-leg 'd Lord , ther 's a fresh assault , oh that men should spend time thus ! 90 See see , how her blood driues to her heart , and straight vaults to her cheekes againe .", "Shall doe him seruice .", "This Collonell Romont , for the foule wrong", "\u2018 Tis all the towne talkes , and beleeue , sir , 110", "If my Lord deny , they deny , if hee affirme , they affirme : they skip into my Lords cast skins some twice a yeere , and thus they liue to eate , eate to liue , 105 and liue to prayfe my Lord .", "You know my blunt way , and my loue to truth :", "Take heede", "Can your Lordship 45", "To beare your challenge , if you 'll write , your fate : 120", "Your sonnes death shall be reueng 'd ?", "Such magpies are admitted , whilst I daunce", "He had weakenesses , but such as few are free from ,", "Nor cast away , they are purs 'd heere in my heart ,", "And such a mans , so good , so popular ,", "I pitty you .", "Has made me worthy , worthy of .", "Attendance .", "Three hours to speake w'ee , and not take it well ,", "Or you will plucke a thousand mischiefes on you . 345", "Confesse the truth .", "But in Nouall , I doe condemne him thus . 205", "Imagine , while I liue and weare a sword ,", "I prethee cure him of \u2018 em .", "I come to call you to account , for what", "To my good Lord Nouall , by whom I liue ;", "Fell not in such vnthankfull ground : \u2018 tis true", "In the reuenge , had been trusted to me ,", "Without this", "Exit . Hoboyes .", "I haue waited , sir , 85", "It may be the discouering what you were ,", "Then to defend your vices , or to sooth \u2018 em .", "A Barber Surgeon ?", "You let it sleep in , to perswade , importune , 105", "And like a drunken porter , you sleepe vnder .", "With all the hazzard of my life and fortunes , 15", "Forsake the pursuit of this Ladies honour ,", "If your tough sense persist thus , you are vndone ,", "What 's that ?", "But let me pay you , sir , a fayrer way", "I receiue 215", "With this disgrace ? You are abus 'd most grosely . 340", "Arrested ? This is one of them whose base"], "true_target": ["I yet could wish the iustice that you seeke for", "My Lord is sorely troubled with two scabs .", "When your vnfortunate master tooke you vp , 75", "Of what I durst doe for him : but howeuer ,", "Which like a burthen , he hath layd on you ,", "Your fathers worth , though you haue sau 'd my life ,", "\u2018 Tas rob 'd me of a noble testimony", "More curious in preseruing of your honour .", "And not the vncertaine issue of the lawes : 60", "Moue on then , starres , worke your pernicious will .", "Of perfume and apparell , can you rise", "Vtterly lost , you will be scornd and baffled", "Onely the wise rule , and preuent your ill .", "Here a passage ouer the Stage , while the Act is playing for the", "That haue liu 'd by you , by your side will dye .", "I borrow 'd it of you ; and now will pay it ;", "No , to your trade againe , put off this case ,", "I see by this , Nouals reuenge needs me ,", "Sent like sweet oyles and Frankincense ; sir , this life", "My forfait life redeem 'd by him though dead ,", "A Pander , or a Parasite , for all", "No more but scorne ?", "A Gentleman and a souldier , there 's no doubt", "And I shall doe .", "Winke at your follyes : that will ruine you . 340", "Oh no , \u2018 t would spoyle their cloathes , and put their 110 bands out of order .", "And though none sooth 'd them lesse then I : for now 55", "Sir , would you be", "Rescued me often from my wants , I must not", "He is not worth your pitty , nor my anger .", "Your reputation , from this lethargy", "For no companions fit , but fooles and knaues .", "And spend 5 houres in dressing talke , with these ?", "To say that I foresaw the dangers that", "Farewell , sir ,", "Come Malotin .", "Trim , \u2018 twere more manly . I am come to wake", "Which once you sau 'd , I ne 're since counted mine ,", "All his bounties yet", "The vengeance , which my loue not built on vertue ,", "That has a hand i n't ; and since you allowe me", "Art not thou", "Of thankfulnesse to the dead Generall", "With a faire enemy , you vnderstand 20", "Did neuer comfort France .", "Troth , \u2018 tis pity , sir .", "The right I looke for , and must haue .", "I will make good on you , or any man ,", "I tender you the seruice of my sword", "Nay , to prouoke you , sir , to call to account", "Such louing Lords walke their dead honours graues ,", "Would rise from cherishing them , were but vntimely .", "Whose least disgrace that is , or may be offred ,", "Now you doe see her made another mans ,", "S'death will you suffer this ? 325", "May moue compassion in your creditor .", "One word , my Lord Nouall .", "Goe to the basket and repent .", "A brauer hope of so assur 'd a father 115"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["And Lord Charolois vndone foreuer .", "Dare these men euer fight , on any cause ?"], "true_target": ["Good sir , tell me one thing .", "A Bawdy house .", "What are these ?"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["After the Song , Enter Rochfort , & Baumont ."], "true_target": ["Musicke ."], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["I thanke you .", "His maine dependance from the young Lord Nouall :", "I dare not stay to doe my duty to him , 35", "Good my Lord .", "No , he feares his cloaths ,", "These writings to confirme it , are new seal 'd", "I must goe seeke him out , can you direct mee ?", "Among our greatest Gallants ; but yet holds 15", "To doe him seruice , keepes you company .", "Yet to all these , my Lord", "As something sacred , and then curse his daughter ,", "But heere comes the prisoner ,", "Whats the matter ?", "That neuer brake his word , inrag 'd againe 25", "Had you seene him ,", "Which not a barbarous Sythian durst presume", "More then his flesh", "Enter Charalois , with Officers .", "But \u2014", "Nor would grieue Rochfort , but Lord Charaloys", "Is my Lord Charaloys in his faire bride !", "So faire , so chaste , so vertuous : so indeed", "And ere it was beleeu 'd , though spake by him", "These men , Sir , waite without , my Lord is come too . 210", "Yet rest assur 'd , all possible meanes in me", "You would not onely iudge him worrhy pitty ,", "I grieue for the distaste , though I haue manners ,", "But with more frequent violence himselfe , 30", "But suffer with him .", "And I most fortunate to present him with them ,", "well receiu 'd", "As to my griefe I haue now promis 'd patience ,", "Your Lordship and Romont .", "Yes , and they will speake", "Why , sir , my Lord Nouall", "Assisted by Charmi ."], "true_target": ["As if he had bin guilty of her fault ,", "All that is excellent .", "Something that shall remoue it . Oh how happy", "Collonell , good fortune", "That you'l hereafter be a friend to Musique .", "To meet you thus : you looke sad , but Ile tell you 215", "All he does now possesse in Burgundy : 225", "So far as to make warre vpon those heires", "As all Musicians haue , and more of him", "By being incredulous of your report ,", "Mounsieur Du Croy", "Some tricks and crotchets he has in his head ,", "He is a Gentleman ,", "The same 15", "Should haue an equall hearing .", "They are here to be seene .", "A dower sufficient .", "A faythfull friend .", "My calling of him .", "Pray you remember", "Their knowledg in this cause , when thou thinkst fit", "Nor will I \u2014", "I may presume , your Lordship so will like him , 20", "I dare sweare , you would thinke so good a Lady ,", "You are modest . Begin the last new ayre .", "No , sir .", "To vse the temper which to me you promis 'd . 40", "I dare not author : but when you haue heard him ,", "To haue them cal 'd vpon .", "How like you this ?", "In this you expresse", "Not to inquire the cause , falne out betweene", "Being the accuser , cannot be the Iudge ,", "He preuents", "To touch , but with a superstitious feare ,", "Her father giues the full addition of"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["I dare not bee seene with you . You may doe 95", "What you thinke fit , which wil be , I presume ,", "The office of a faithfull and tryed friend"], "true_target": ["I haue obserued too much , nor shall my silence", "To my young Lord .", "Preuent the remedy \u2014 yonder they are ,"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["A day of hearing .", "From the tribunall which I am to plead at .", "Vnfitly so demean 'd himselfe , to giue", "The good he did , he made me master of 65", "But if obsequious vsage , and faire warning 90", "Nature does preuaile 175", "Could any one freed by you , presse this further", "When with my friends , euen hope it selfe had left me", "Dye like a sheepe .", "That must be kept to a wiues iniury ,", "You are not .", "And benefits are bonds to tie the taker", "Your Lordships pleasure . For the fact , as of", "He may peruse it : but with your best language", "To right mine honour , not for a reuenge 75", "Away , thou curious impertinent", "Ha , ha .", "They were wife . 435", "Women inhabit , vrge your owne deserts , 35", "Whom foolishly I haue abus 'd and iniur 'd ,", "That I was purchas 'd by your choyse and practise", "And yet stand doubtfull ?", "When I first pleas 'd her , in this merry language ,", "Must of necessity be more terrible to me , 70", "Though I were all credulity , hope againe", "With all good men forgiue mee .", "Then I will speake , to haue my pardon sign 'd", "That his great wealth was not the marke I shot at , 105", "Nor euery man a Coward that can weepe .", "Such prayses on ?", "Scaena 3 .", "Thus doe I put thee off , and confident 450", "His heart being neuer warm 'd by lawfull fires", "With pity or dare practise any meanes", "What you haue done , and as you desperately", "Most equall Iudge , the prisoner your faire Daughter ,", "Prethee Romont , what caus 'd this vprore ?", "And puts the habit of a Gouernor on ,", "Why should my gentlenesse beget abuse ?", "I loue a friend ,", "Exeunt .", "The fire of my iust vengeance to the height , 45", "A Iudge in my owne cause without their warrant :", "The former , I confesse it , but with what", "An vpstart cran 'd vp to the height he has .", "With this Nouall here dead .", "In heate of blood , and after die my selfe ,", "I then may kill you : and yet say \u2018 twas done", "Beare this to the Caroach \u2014 come , you haue taught me 95", "Such whose bloods wrongs , or wrong done to themselues", "Nor did his bounty end there , but began :", "Dare not conceiue her so vnreasonable ,", "Was to my wife , in way of our French courtship ,", "To strike thy rankling sting into my heart ,", "By a sad murmur breaking through their silence ,", "Of their whores , daring looke on her againe .", "From what it should be aim 'd at .\u2014 Good my Lord , 100", "A murtherer , they rather all put on 45", "Or did I stand ingag 'd to buy my freedome", "Truth witnesse with me , in the place of seruice", "To my owne thoughts . If this be to me , rise ;", "Her owne confession to her father . I aske him for a witnesse .", "This is madnesse .", "Had his faire daughters mind bin like her feature , 85", "Before his daughter dy 'd by his owne sentence ,", "By flight , it is impossible : though I might 70", "The insupportable yoake of slaue or wittoll .", "To know you better , sir , has brought me hither", "In her faire life hereafter ?", "And multiply the sinne , with impudence ,", "Whose vemon , time , nor medicine could asswage .", "As mine was", "To this mans charity for my liberty ,", "Pray sing it .", "Thou buzzing drone that \u2018 bout my eares dost hum ,", "For there I must begin . The slayne Nouall", "Yet I may be deceiu 'd , and should be sorry 55", "As one vncourtly and malicious to him .", "True ,", "But ten words more , I were lost \u2014 one knocks , go in .", "He holds not worth enough to counteruaile 445", "My griefes are now , Thus to be borne .", "For all I stand accus 'd of .", "I loue it to the worth of it , and no further .", "In such a cause come doe not shame thy selfe :", "For whom I owed so much to you : your daughter ,", "Nor shall you , though you doe the worst fate can ,", "Hereafter ile finde time and place to mourne .", "Nor she accuse her father , as a Iudge 150", "Y'are but to keepe him company you loue .", "Goe , thou sedicious sower of debate :", "Too farre on what is proper to my selfe ,", "Didst thou neuer see me", "But he that lets me know thus much in death ,", "She gaue me thanks .", "Shall fall on me , like brittle shafts on armour ,", "Though all conspire", "Ioyn 'd to the hate betweene his house and mine ,", "To keepe her worth my loue , could preserue her", "All your attempts", "They are fools that iudge me by my outward seeming ,", "All termes of satisfaction . Draw .", "To shake their heads , or to reuile me for", "Whose voyce for Song , and excellent knowledge in", "In my behalfe ? wherein hath Charalois", "To witnesse my repentance .", "I haue declaym 'd against , and to Romont .", "To powre downe riches , with a liberall hand ,", "As boldly as securely , that poore men", "So long as he continues in the bounds", "For my content elsewhere , wasting on others", "And knowing what blood my sword hath drunke", "In making me a witnesse to your skill ,", "Vpon a poore mans wants , if that must bind him", "But yet consider , my most honourd Lords ,", "So , set it downe before", "For me ? I am the accuser .", "Or any man , because he sau 'd my hand ,", "Made shipwracke of your fayth to be a whore ,", "In a well varied note vpon the Lute : 30", "You have reason", "As freely as vnask 'd he gaue it to me .", "I might with opportunity and ease 145", "Which Brennus tooke from Delphos , whose possession", "and though on these presumptions ,", "One day their husbands , but obseruers euer :", "Deny what I haue seene , or iustifie", "I am slayne .", "Only a morall man to looke on you ,", "Or for some little blemish I had sought", "That might inioy in such a man , a friend ?", "I then here accuse ,", "Doe I heare this ,", "To aggrauate that guilt with circumstance", "Can you Beaumelle ,", "I dare not say .", "That when by this prou 'd vsage you haue blowne", "By making my selfe here and fame hereafter ,", "Set forth by yours , to whose so rare perfections ,", "I finde that I must take another course ,", "But to a noble purpose , shall not now", "But still he had the freedome as before", "And idle searcher of such leane nice toyes .", "Nothing but meanes to quench his wanton heate ,", "My appou 'd friend Romont , I gaue no credit 150", "Heer 's one in Court , Baumont , by whom I sent 110", "I but attended", "But I am sorry for't , a poore satisfaction :", "A Iudge should feele no passions .", "Brought with it ruine to himselfe and Army .", "Fly to such matches , where the bridegroome doubts :", "But how it came to my most certaine knowledge ,", "For the dignity of the court and my owne honour", "In wreake of that disgrace , they yet forbare", "Which crediting from others I admire . 40", "The Iudgement seate , and stand you at the bar :", "Or want of me in merit ; tell me how ,", "Speake , though it make mee monstrous .", "Vse th \u2019 armes of such a one , and such defence , 30", "Hold yet a little \u2014 doe not hope to scape", "I must and will preserue my liberty .", "Why , yet as I came hither ,", "An obiect that may sway her equall doome", "And mark't me out the way , how to defend it .", "The least occasion to the loosest tongue ,", "Hauing deceiued so great a trust as mine , 20", "I neuer was an enemy to't , Baumont ,", "Is't done ? \u2018 tis well . Raise officers , and take care ,", "Let her die then .", "To make my sufferings lesse , or giue iust cause", "Why should I then , though for vnusuall wrongs ,", "And yet stand doubtfull in her quarrell , to", "Were too much cruelty .", "Pray beare this to my father , at his leasure", "Shall stand triumphant , and your malice serue", "Mourne not for him that dies as he hath liu 'd , 210", "As thou denouncest : with a Souldiers arme ,", "Bondslaues to mens scorne and calumnious tongues ?", "A man I may encounter and subdue it 390", "To thee in lust , or basenesse , \u2018 twere still short of", "To be a false advltresse .", "On all aduantage take thy life , and iustly ;", "By great examples , in all places , where"], "true_target": ["Your too propheticke counsell , may well moue you", "I thinke it be .", "You had continued chast : see how you force me 65", "Can it be cal 'd magnificence in a Prince , 75", "In my owne cause Romont ?", "And yet mistake me not : for it is more", "How pity steales vpon me ! should I heare her", "Declare this foe of mine , and lifes , that like", "When all was mine , and told that he abus 'd it", "All they can charge me with , or will I spare", "In mine owne innocency , and desert ,", "To my few wordes there are some other proofes", "For shame , Romont ,", "To witnesse this for truth , when I was married :", "For Gods sake speake the cause .", "Better prepar 'd I am . Sure I could not take her ,", "To throw aspersions on him , or so weakely 370", "To write my selfe in the blacke list of those", "Haue found a way for my reuenge , I did not ;", "The people apt to mocke calamity ,", "Was cal 'd vpon by you , vse other waies ,", "Shall we not see them ? 45", "You thought her worth the hazard of your soule ,", "By her owne fault ,", "Doe th \u2019 office of a hangman , I reserue it", "My body and her dowry ; my forhead then", "To thinke your meeting me going to my death ,", "Are married to those wiues that bring them wealth ,", "He did continue in his first pursute", "It shall be needelesse , I my selfe , my Lords ,", "I may not be , denide it for my selfe , 55", "Vpon vncertaine suppositions , rashly", "I am conscious , I haue wrong 'd you , and allow me", "Thy family , with all that are allyed", "To shew in spite of malice , and their lawes ,", "All graunts and writings backe , which made it mine ,", "Intreat his instant presence : you haue sworne", "You haue done but what 's warranted ,", "I tooke them in the act . I know no proofe beyond it .", "And no eye but was readier with a teare", "On such thin ayrie circumstance as this", "Though they are too familiar : I deserue them .", "To the reporter , but reprou 'd him for it", "As with a willing necke to vndergoe", "Stay , iust Iudge , may not what 's lost", "Is by Heauens will , because I made my selfe", "Till you haue taught me better , I repent not .", "Choise forme with the whole world giuen for a dowry ,", "But let vs see this wonder .", "Stand boldly vp , and tell me to my teeth ,", "In my defence , childlike , I can say nothing ,", "Will be my owne accuser , and confesse 50", "May be forth comming . Do I appeare much mou 'd ? 100", "And tread on the oppress 'd , made no hornes at me , 40", "That I againe should loue you .", "That as for them you will vouchsafe me hearing :", "A generall face of sorrow , waighted on", "But speake of something , else this is a theame", "Need a defence from any but himselfe ?", "Nor yet doe I subscribe to the opinion", "Nor on the other side in fauour of it ,", "A willing visitant , and you'l crowne my welcome", "But cries of yeelding enemies , neighing of horses , 25", "Partiall against her .", "Feare nothing . I will onely blind your eyes ,", "With mine owne reason , as a Scholler should 395", "I may not then forgiue her .", "You haue made me know the iustice of my cause ,", "\u2018 Tis rare ,", "To all the world , to thinke what I must doe 25", "Weighed vp my fortunes , to what now they are :", "To witnesse \u2018 twas shed for me , then I could 50", "If it be strength , Ile meet it : if a fault", "Or as thou hast liu 'd like a goate , thou shalt", "They seeke to loade me with : onely I pray ,", "The chiefest parts of Musique , you bestow", "Presume my head and heart are at his seruice ? 80", "Deseru 'd the brand of base ingratitude :", "To say you must and shall : I wrong you not ,", "I am ready . Scaena 3 .", "Than any death the Iudges can pronounce", "To shelter you from shame : that you might sinne 40", "So worthy in her owne parts : and that worth 105", "I am not worthy the looking on , but onely", "How 's this ? It is my Ladies laugh ! most certaine", "be forgotten", "Doubt me not , by Heauen , I will doe nothing 5", "From such a friendship with the scorne that answered", "Aboue your vertue .", "Fell from her vertue , like the fatall gold", "Who with the losse of your faire name haue caus 'd it , 10", "But foame and splinters , my innocence like these", "O Beaumelle ,", "This sword , my fathers sword , that nere was drawne ,", "Yes , sir , this is her heart blood , is it not ? 155", "But you had been too great a blessing , if", "Affirme the world was made by musicall discord ,", "And did it by your doome", "Be honest , coward , nor yet valiant , knaue ?", "A little longer yet ile striue to keepe it ,", "So poore , that though with thee , it should cut off", "Angry , Romont ?", "Your dowre from the lowe gulfe of pouerty ,", "Thou dost strike", "Prescrib 'd by friendship , but when he vsurpes 5", "Discerne a face made vp with scorne against me .", "When I shall vrge by what vnanswerable reasons", "Venture your body .", "The Lion is not angry that does sleepe 375", "But that I held it , when faire Beaumelle", "Thinke you so ?", "For Iustice should do so , when \u2018 tis to meete", "The hydeous monster which you so conceal 'd ? 440", "What should I doe ? let any freeborne spirit", "I have deseru 'd from you .", "To haue meanes", "Against that life which I am weary of ,", "You haue confirm 'd me . Who would loue a woman 115", "That breake themselues ; or like waues against a rocke ,", "Oh , my heart !", "How soone weak wrong 's or'throwne ! lend me your hand ,", "Wouldst ha me be a foole ?", "Ther 's none but slaues will receiue courtesie ,", "You did not see \u2018 em on my Couch within ,", "To get beleefe ? no , no , if you looke on me", "Or that the happinesse of our life consists", "Clashing of armour , lowd shouts , drums , and trumpets :", "A most deuoted seruant , but yet aym 'd at 140", "Determine truly , if that thankfulnesse , 95", "That leaue no signe of their ridiculous fury 170", "There is no dramme of manhood to suspect ,", "Protected his owne honor , as it should", "Belonging to my mind , Ile cut it off", "Still constant and vnmou 'd : what 's falne vpon me ,", "A deathfull coldnesse to my hearts high heate ,", "What could I more , my Lords ? yet after this", "Condemne my selfe , as over-partiall", "Why , darest thou neyther", "I was compel 'd to what I did , which yet", "But what may stand with honour : Pray you leaue me", "But for a trumpet ; to proclaime my conquest", "That you can speake so well , and doe so ill !", "To give you warrant for't ; my falling off 60", "For after my enlargement , cherishing", "O , are you touch 'd ? 95", "Could neuer heate , are yet in the defence 85", "A fit encounter for that hate which iustly", "Great ties of thankfulnesse I must acknowledge ,", "From being a whore , and yet no cunning one ,", "I chose vnusuall meanes to right those wrongs ,", "Not to reueale what I haue done .", "I take no pleasure in : what 's this Aymeire , 10", "It shall not haue one such effect in mee ,", "If to receiue a fauour , make a seruant , 70", "Hoter then euer , and at length obtaind it ; 155", "For what I haue done", "Meere complement and courtship . Was this tale", "Ile not consent .", "Then I confesse my Lords , that I stood bound , 60", "Keepe from me , garde thy life , 90", "Like George a horse-backe on her , nor a bed ?", "Base wrongs I was vnwillingly drawne to it , 135", "The vertue and the beauty of his wife .", "To play the soothing parasite to his vices ?", "To the imperious will of him that giues ,", "To feed contempt and scorne , and that from you", "How ere condemne , affright an honest man . 175", "And then to cleere my selfe ,", "Giue some apparent cause : but touching you , 75", "I almost pay 'd Idolatrous sacrifice", "And shrinkst my liuer like the Calenture .", "All you can apprehend within the house", "His plea must speed that hath an honest cause . 195", "To this , because my honour will not yeeld", "Hence busiebody , thou'rt no friend to me , 455", "To my false Lady , or Nouall , I can", "Of those old Captaines , that thought nothing musicall ,", "Could strengthen so an honest man with patience ,", "To put Nouall in ballance against me ,", "His onely daughter , and his whole estate :", "So to offend , and yet the fault kept from me ?", "Since they must fetter vs to our dishonours .", "With some vnseemely licence , by my friend"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["Oh sweet Lord ! 5"], "true_target": ["Nouall sits in a chaire ,"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["O saue the glasse my Lord , and breake their heads , they are the greater flatterers I assure you . 70", "Ile eene away with \u2018 em , for this souldier beates man , woman , and child .", "S'foote , I thinke they haue the better on him , though they be kickd , they talke so .", "O th \u2019 Taylors , two such Lords were able to spread 65", "I , if hee would but cut the coate according to the cloth still . 40", "An admirable ! lecture . Oh all you gallants , that hope to be saued by your cloathes , edify , edify .", "That 's his Perfumer . Barber orders his haire ,"], "true_target": ["Taylors ore the face of a whole kingdome .", "It seemes he knows you one , he bumfiddles you so . 140", "I beleeue .", "You are deceiu 'd , they 'll be bound to you , you must 35 remember to trust \u2018 em none .", "Here 's a fine Cell ; a Lord , a Taylor , a Perfumer , a Barber , and a paire of Mounsieurs : 3 to 3 , as little will in the one , as honesty in the other . S'foote ile into the country 15 againe , learne to speake truth , drinke Ale , and conuerse with my fathers Tenants ; here I heare nothing all day , but vpon my soule as I am a Gentleman , and an honest man .", "Colbran d'ee call him ? hee'l make some of you smoake ,", "That 's his Taylor . Taylor sets his clothese .", "That were a miracle . 25"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["Let him but giue his worde I shall be paide ,", "Or I will see to your comming forth .", "The gallant is turn 'd Taylor , and all friends .", "But sir , I must haue present moneys , or", "Scaena 2 .", "Exeunt .", "Assurance to secure me , when I shall .\u2014", "And you are free .", "But for your owne you would ; looke to them fellows .", "Enter old Nouall , and Pontalier ."], "true_target": ["Were the next way .", "Oh deare Lord ,", "I am bound t'ee Gentlemen .", "There I beleeue you . 10", "To let you goe", "I must haue ernest :", "For theirs you will not ,", "Perfumer giues powder ,", "But see ! heeres your old Lord ,", "I cannot pay my debts so .", "Then here our quarrell ends ."], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["In the expression of a knaue are these", "Against my will haue wak 'd me . This rich sword", "Why doe you call them fellows ? doe not wrong", "I will not run away .", "That smell ranke of the dancing schoole , or fiddle ,", "And therefore vse a conscience , though it be 90", "And from thence brought by my young Lord , now dead , 95", "Pray you let them loose me : for their satisfaction 20", "With officers of the hanger , and leaue swordmen ,", "Oh that I were the Infanta Queene of Europe , 75", "With a haire breadth 's errour , ther 's a shoulder piece cut , and the base of a pickadille in puncto .", "Was there euer so base a fellow ?", "A thrifty cape compos 'd of broad cloth lifts , 85", "A Taylor , faythfull , apt to beleeue in Gallants 25", "You should vndoe your selfe .", "Who", "What shall I doe ? you haue done me a disgrace", "Or call your trade in question for't . But when", "To all the street , to thinke I cannot stand", "Magpies ? what d'ee take me for ?", "To be Synonima . Looke therefore to it ,", "Let 's leaue the mad Ape . 150", "And let vs part in peace , I would be loth 35", "Be of the brotherhood .", "In euery ten , one : peraduenture two , 100", "And where as now this beauer sits , full often", "\u2018 Sfoot , Colbran , the low gyant . 135", "I am of your sect , and my gallantry but a dreame ,", "Aym . Humph \u2014", "You haue prouided for my enterance in :", "Out of which these two fearefull apparitions 80", "S'lid , I will put him to't :", "Without these two supporters for my armes :", "Hath bin receiu 'd here for a compleate Mounsieur .", "In the arrest , but more in giuing cause", "Let him alone , let him alone , thou shalt lose thy arme , fellow : if we stirre against thee , hang vs .", "Eate vp three manchets , and no man obserue you ,"], "true_target": ["I haue with ioy bin oft acquainted with ,", "Euen those of the first ranke , and you will finde", "The pantofle or pressing yron : but hereafter", "His Lordship owing me three times your debt ,", "You are a companion at a ten crowne supper", "You study your debt-booke , and hold correspondence 30", "To me that as I haue beene , will againe", "I can be but denied : or what say you ? 40", "The learned conclude , the Taylor and Sergeant", "If you arrest him at my suite , and let me", "Your reputation so , as you are meerely", "Grew suddenly out of a taylors bodkin ;", "Oh my good Lord , deliuer me from these furies .", "Crosse-leg 'd , and yet vngartred , hath beene seene ,", "shouldst marry me .", "Goe run before to see the action entred .", "And now I thinke o n't better ,", "For cloth of bodkin , and may with one Larke", "Nor you , Captaine .", "True my Lord , as if any thing your Lordship could say , could be othewrise then true .", "\u2018 Twould be a witty iest .", "I will , brother , your hand , your hand , sweet brother .", "Oh my Lord , 65", "Nere kin vnto the cushion where I sate .", "Forbidden in our hall towards other men ,", "My suites againe : there cannot be much losse ,", "Our breakefasts famous for the buttred loaues ,", "Plague o n't ,", "Nor wonder at it : for but tythe our gallants ,", "A most vnciuill Groome ?", "These hangers from my vailes and fees in Hell :", "That comming forth you talke of , concernes me . 15", "Additions more you know of , and what wants", "\u2018 Tis but the turning of the lace , with ones 105", "I will worke out .", "Weele talke of this . I will surrender vp", "Vnto Dijon , and with him till this houre"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["Doe not , sir , 90"], "true_target": ["For hee'l goe neere to tell you ."], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["In other mens affaires , proue not a Mole", "As you loue iustice once more put them on :", "In what concernes your selfe . Take you your seate :", "That to be mercifull should be a sinne .", "I will be for you presently .", "Exit Beaumelle . Enter Rochfort ."], "true_target": ["That doe 's require such an integrity ,", "The tryall of your constancy , and goodnesse : 85", "And looke that you that haue beene Eagle-eyd", "I must not be denyed \u2014 here are your robes , 80", "There is a cause to be determind of", "O , sir , most welcome . Let me take your cloake ,", "As you haue euer vs 'd \u2014 ile put you to"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["He was a prentice to Le Robe at Orleance ."], "true_target": ["I know him now :"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["What distaste 15"], "true_target": ["Receiues my Lord ?"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["Shall be my leaders . I haue lost a sonne ,", "From his accursed homicide ."], "true_target": ["A sonne , graue Iudges , I require his blood 130", "Ile be mine owne guide . Passion , nor example"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["also Gabrielle D'Annunzio : Il Piacere , p. 90 : \u201c \u2018 Have you noticed the armpits of Madame Chrysoloras ? Look ! \u2019 \u201d \u201c The Duke di Beffi indicated a dancer , who had upon her brow , white as a marble of Luni , a firebrand of red tresses , like a priestess of Alma Tadema . Her bodice was fastened on the shoulders by mere ribbons , and there were revealed beneath the armpits two luxuriant tufts of red hair . \u201c Bomminaco began to discourse upon the peculiar odour which red-haired women have . \u201d IV , i , 13 . Cell \u2014 so in the Q. and all later texts . Yet the word is utterly unsatisfactory to the sense of the passage ; it should almost certainly be coil \u2014 i. e ., tumult , confusion , fuss , ado . Cf . Field in Amends for Ladies , II , iv : \u201c Here 's a coil with a lord and his sister . \u201d IV , i , 23. a lace \u2014 a trimming of lace . IV , i , 27. pickadille \u2014 the expansive collar fashionable in the early part of the seventeenth century . IV , i , 27. in puncto \u2014 in point ; i. e ., in proper condition , in order . IV , i , 32 . Iacobs staffe \u2014 an instrument formerly used for measuring the altitude of the sun ; a cross-staff . IV , i , 32 . Ephimerides \u2014 a table showing the positions of a heavenly body for a series of successive days . IV , i , 39-40. if he would but cut the coate according to the cloth still \u2014 \u201c to cut one 's coat after one 's cloth \u201d was : \u201c to adapt one 's self to circumstances ; \u201d \u201c to measure expense by income . \u201d The point of its employment here is not plain ; it is doubtful if anything were very clear in Field 's own mind , who was merely trying to hit off an epigrammatical phrase . Perhaps , \u201c make the coat match the man . \u201d IV , i , 72 . Narcissus-like \u2014 like Narcissus , in classic myth . See Ovid , Meta ., iii , 341-510 . IV , i , 72. should \u2014 G ., f. read shouldst , but the breach of agreement between subject and verb is to be explained by the attraction of the verb to the third person by the interposed Narcissus-like ; just as four lines further on we find shouldst for should , because of the similar intrusion between subject and verb ofIV , i , 92. a Barber Surgeon \u2014 formerly the barber was also a regular practitioner in surgery and dentistry . Cf . Beaumont & Fletcher , The Knight of the Burning Pestle , III , iv . IV , i , 96. ouerthrowne \u2014 M ., f. read overflown , i. e ., become excessive or inordinate ; so full that the contents run over the brim . The reading of the Q ., however , is quite intelligible ,\u2014 taking overthrown in the sense of thrown too strongly . IV , i , 135 . Colbran \u2014 more properly Colbrand or Collebrand , a wicked giant in the medieval romance of Guy of Warwick . He is the champion of the invading King of Denmark , who challenges the English King , Athelstan , to produce a knight who can vanquish Colbrand , or to yield as his vassal . In this hour of need Guy appears , fights with the giant , and kills him . IV , i , 137. hee'l make some of you smoake ,\u2014 i. e ., \u201c make some of you suffer . \u201d Cf . Beaumont & Fletcher , The Knight of the Burning Pestle , I , ii , 136 : \u201c I 'll make some of \u2018 em smoke for't ; \u201d and Shakespeare , Titus Andronicus , IV , iii , 111 : \u201c Or some of you shall smoke for it in Rome . \u201d IV , i , 138. a Consort \u2014 \u201c In the author 's age , the taverns were infested with itinerant bands of musicians , each of whichwas called a noise or consort : these were sometimes invited to play for the company , but seem more frequently to have thrust themselves , unasked , into it , with an offer of their services : their intrusion was usually prefaced with , \u2018 By your leave , gentlemen , will you hear any music ? \u2019 \u201d \u2014 Gifford . IV , i , 145. of \u2014 formerly sometimes substituted , as here , for on in colloquial usage . So also on for of , as in l. 148 . Cf . also l. 182 . IV , i , 197-8 . \u2018 tis Fairies treasure Which but reueal 'd brings on the blabbers ruine .\u2014 To confide in any one about a fairy 's gift rendered it void , according to popular tradition , and drew down the fairy giver 's anger . In instance , see John Aubrey 's Remains\u201c Not far from Sir Bennet Hoskyns , there was a labouring man , that rose up early every day to go to worke ; who for a good while many dayes together found a nine-pence in the way that he went . His wife wondering how he came by so much money , was afraid he gott it not honestlye ; at last he told her , and afterwards he never found any more . \u201d There are numerous literary allusions to this superstition : e. g ., Shakespeare , The Winter 's Tale , III , iii , 127 , ff . : \u201c This is fairy gold , boy ; and \u2018 twill prove so . Up with't , keep it close .... We are lucky , boy ; and to be so still requires nothing but secrecy . \u201d And Field himself in Woman is a Weathercock , I , i : \u201c I see you labour with some serious thing , And thinkto reveal it , Will cause it vanish . \u201d IV , i , 210-1. louers periury , etc .\u2014 that Jove laughed at and overlooked lovers \u2019 perjuries was a familiar proverb . Cf . Massinger , The Parliament of Love , C-G. 192 a : \u201c Jupiter and Venus smile At lovers \u2019 perjuries ; \u201d and Shakespeare , Romeo and Juliet , II , ii , 92 : \u201c at lovers \u2019 perjuries , They say , Jove laughs . \u201d The saying goes back to Ovid 's Art of Love , book I ;\u2014 as Marlowe has translated it : \u201c For Jove himself sits in the azure skies , And laughs below at lovers \u2019 perjuries . \u201d IV , ii , 71 . On all aduantage take thy life \u2014 i. e ., \u201c Taking every advantage of you , kill you . \u201d IV , ii , 84 . Such whose bloods wrongs , or wrong done to themselues \u2014 the Q . ' s regular omission of the possessive apostrophe has in this instance confused later editors in their understanding of the passage . We would write blood 's ,\u2014 with the meaning : \u201c Those whom wrongs to kindred or to themselves , \u201d etc . IV , iii , 12. so \u2014 there is no direct antecedent , but one is easily understandable from the general sense of what precedes ; to be so \u2014 i. e ., \u201c as you were in thankfulness to the General . \u201d IV , iv , 10. it \u2014 another case of a pronoun with antecedent merely implied in the general sense of what precedes ; it = \u201c the fact that I am not worthy the looking on , but only , \u201d etc . IV , iv , 30. such defence \u2014 i. e ., \u201c the defence of such a one . \u201d Such = qualis . IV , iv , 66 . To this \u2014 i. e ., to tears . IV , iv , 70. those fam 'd matrones \u2014 cf . Massinger in The Virgin Martyr , C-G. 33 a : \u201c You will rise up with reverence , and no more , As things unworthy of your thoughts , remember What the canonized Spartan ladies were , Which lying Greece so boasts of . Your own matrons , Your Roman dames , whose figures you yet keep As holy relics , in her history Will find a second urn : Gracchus \u2019 Cornelia , Paulina , that in death desired to follow Her husband Seneca , nor Brutus \u2019 Portia , That swallowed burning coals to overtake him , Though all their several worths were given to one , With this is to be mention 'd . \u201d IV , iv , 112. on it \u2014 i. e ., \u201c on what you say . \u201d IV , iv , 156. be \u2014 \u201c be \u201d expresses more doubt than \u201c is \u201d after a verb of thinking . Cf . Abbott , S. G ., Sec . 299 . V , i , 5. lay me vp \u2014 imprison me . V , i , 7. varlets \u2014 the name given to city bailiffs or sergeants . Perhaps here , however , it is applied merely as a term of abuse . V , i , 9 . Innes of court man \u2014 a member of one of the four Inns of Court, legal societies which served for the Elizabethan the function which our law-schools perform to-day . Overbury says of the Inns of Court Man , in his Characters : \u201c Hee is distinguished from a scholler by a pair of silk-stockings , and a beaver hat , which make him contemn a scholler as much as a scholler doth a school-master .... He is as far behind a courtier in his fashion , as a scholler is behind him .... He laughs at every man whose band sits not well , or that hath not a faire shoo-tie , and he is ashamed to be seen in any mans company that weares not his clothes well . His very essence he placeth in his outside .... You shall never see him melancholy , but when he wants a new suit , or feares a sergeant .... \u201d V , i , 13. coming forth \u2014 appearance in court , or from prison . V , i , 28. manchets \u2014 small loaves or rolls of the finest wheaten bread . There seems to have been a commonplace concerning the huge quantities of bread devoured by tailors . Cf . l. 88 below , and Note . V , i , 31. leaue swordmen \u2014 i. e ., swordmenon leave . It is possible , however , that leaue is a misprintfor leane = hungry . V , i , 83. hangers \u2014 not \u201c short-swords \u201d , as in l. 31 , but here \u201c pendants \u201d , perhaps a part of the hat-band hanging loose , or else loops or straps on the swordbelt , often richly ornamented , from which the sword was hung . Cf . Shakespeare , Hamlet , V , ii , 157-167 . V , i , 83 . Hell \u2014 a place under a tailor 's shop-board , in which shreds or pieces of cloth , cut off in the process of cutting clothes , are thrown , and looked upon as perquisites . Cf . Overbury 's Characters , A Taylor : \u201c Hee differeth altogether from God ; for with him the best pieces are still marked out for damnation , and without hope of recovery shall be cast down into hell . \u201d V , i , 88 . Our breakefasts famous for the buttred loaues \u2014 Cf . above l. 28 , and Note ; also Glapthorne 's Wit in a Constable , V , i : \u201c as easily as a Taylor Would do six hot loaves in a morning fasting , And yet dine after . \u201d V , i , 90. vse a conscience \u2014 show or feel compunction ; be tender-hearted . V , i , 91. hall \u2014 a house or building belonging to a guild or fraternity of merchants or tradesmen . At such places the business of the respective guilds was transacted ; and in some instances they served as the market-houses for the sale of the goods of the associated members . V , i , 97. compleate Mounsieur \u2014 perfect gentleman . V , i , 102. pantofle \u2014 slipper ; here used figuratively for : the shoe-maker 's profession . V , ii , 27. a barbarous Sythian \u2014 Cf . Purchas \u2019 Pilgrimage\u201c Theycut off the noses of men , and imprinted pictures in the flesh of women , whom they overcame : and generally their customes of warre were bloudie : what man soever the Scythian first taketh , he drinketh his bloud : he offereth to the King all the heads of the men he hath slaine in battell : otherwise he may not share in the spoile : the skinnes of their crownes flaid off , they hang at their horse bridles : their skinnes they use to flay for napkins and other uses , and some for cloathing .... These customes were generall to the Scythians of Europe and Asia\" V , ii , 40. made no hornes at me \u2014 to \u201c make horns \u201d at any one was the common method of taunting one with having horns ,\u2014 i. e ., with being a cuckold . V , ii , 51. made vp with \u2014 set with the expression of . V , ii , 102. by pieces \u2014 in part . V , iii , 8 .\u2014 Charmi 's speech is addressed to Charalois , as is that of Du Croy which follows it . V , iii , 18 ff .\u2014 M ., f. insert when after that of l. 18 . This is probably the correct reading . It would be possible , however , to let the line stand without alteration , if the that of l. 20 be taken as coordinate with the that of l. 18 , introducing a second clause depending on am sorryWith this reading , leftwould be taken as an ellipsis for being left ; with the emended reading , for was left . Though the construction is in doubt , the sense is easy . V , iii , 22. vndermine \u2014 an object , it , is understood ,\u2014 i. e ., the building of my life . V , iii , 34. her \u2014 its was rare in Elizabethan usage . Cf . Abbott , S. G ., Secs . 228 , 229 . V , iii , 46. compassion of \u2014 former obsolete construction for \u201c compassion for . \u201d Cf . Shakespeare , Henry VI , Part I , IV , i , 56 ; \u201c Mov 'd with compassion of my country 's wreck . \u201d V , iii , 59. motion \u2014 C ., f. read motion 's ,\u2014 an uncalled-for emendation , since ellipsis of is was not infrequent . Cf . Shakespeare , Henry V , IV , i , 197 : \u201c \u2018 Tis certain , every man that dies ill , the illupon his own head . \u201d V , iii , 93. and yet the fault kept from me \u2014 loose construction , not easily parsed , though the sense is clear . V , iii , 98 . As ... to vndergoe \u2014 again a loose construction . It should be , properly : That ... he would undergo , etc . V , iii , 107-9. like the fatall gold , etc .\u2014 In this passage the two leaders of the Gauls known to history by the same name appear to be confounded \u2014Brennus , who sacked Rome in 390 B. C ., and consented to withdraw after receiving a large ransom of gold ;\u2014 andBrennus , who led the irruption of the Gauls into Greece in the second century B. C ., and attempted to despoil Delphi of its treasure , but did not succeed in doing so . The fact that their respective expeditions are said to have borne an immediate sequel of disaster and death for both alike , may be responsible for the dramatist 's mistake . V , iii , 131. homicide \u2014 formerly , as here , = murderer . V , iii , 139. in way of \u2014 in the manner of . V , iii , 144. the hate betweene his house and mine \u2014 cf . III , i , 416 . V , iii , 166. more presumptions \u2014 C ., f. read mere presumptions , which is probably correct . An alternative possibility should be noted , however : that presumptions by mis-reading from the Ms .may be a mis-print for presumptious= presumptive , in which case more would be retained , with the passage to mean : \u201c You must find other proofs to strengthen these , and they must , moreover , be of a nature to give more reasonable grounds for presumption . \u201d V , iii , 174-5 .\u2014 The last two lines of Charalois \u2019 speech are addressed to his judges ; what preceded them to Novall . V , iii , 190. bands \u2014 the emendation bawds , proposed by Coxeter and followed by all subsequent editors , seems almost surely correct . \u201c Bawd \u201d prior to 1700 was a term applied to men as well as \u2014 and , indeed , more frequently than \u2014 to women . Cf . Shakespeare , Hamlet , I , iii , 130 . V , iii , 190. tooke \u2014 where the common Elizabethan custom of dropping the - en inflectional ending of the past participle rendered a confusion with the infinitive liable , the past tense of the verb was used for the participle . Cf . Abbott , S. G ., Sec . 343 . V , iii , 193. this matron \u2014 i. e ., Florimel . V , iii , 205. in Nouall \u2014 i. e ., \u201c in the person of Novall . \u201d V , iii , 207 . Thy challenge now I answere \u2014 this phrase would indicate that Romont crosses swords with Pontalier , and after a moment of fencing runs him through ; instead of striking him unawares , as the modern stage direction , \u201c Stabs Pontalier , \u201d would imply . V , iii , 226. these \u2014 i. e ., Aymer , Florimel , and Bellapert ."], "true_target": ["III , i , 134-5 ; i , 139 ; i , 332 ; IV , ii , 61 . II , i , 65. viperous \u2014 according to various classical authorities, the young of vipers eat their way forth to light through the bowels of their dam . The figure here seems to be somewhat confused , as the dead hero is the son of the country , his mother , who devours him . The thought , perhaps , in the mind of the dramatist , albeit ill-expressed , was that the mother-country owed her existence to her son , and , viper-like had devoured the author of her life . II , i , 66. eate \u2014 owing to the tendency to drop the inflectional ending - en , the Elizabethans frequently used the curtailed forms of past participles , which are common in Early English : \u201c I have spoke , forgot , writ , chid , \u201d etc .\u2014 Abbott , S. G ., Sec . 343 . Cf . broke , II , ii , 27 ; spoke , III , i , 3 ; begot , IV , iv , 154 ; 170 . II , i , 83. golden calf \u2014 the figure , from its immediate application to a dolt of great wealth , is transferred to the false god whom the children of Israel worshipped at the foot of Mount Sinai . II , i , 93-4 . Would they not so , etc .\u2014 the Q. reading is to be preferred to either of the modern emendations . It is probably in the sense of \u201c Would they no more but so ? \u201d , with the ensuing declaration that in that case they would keep their tears to stopbottlesII , i , 98-9 . Y'are ne 're content , Crying nor laughing \u2014 The meaning is , of course : \u201c You are never content with us , whether we are crying or laughing . \u201d II , i , 100 . Both with a birth \u2014 i. e ., both together , at the same time . II , i , 137 . Burmudas \u2014 The Bermuda islands , known only through the tales of early navigators who suffered shipwreck there , enjoyed a most unsavory reputation in Elizabethan times , as being the seat of continual tempests , and the surrounding waters \u201c a hellish sea for thunder , lightning , and storms . \u201d Cf . Shakespeare , The Tempest , I , ii , 269 : \u201c the still-vexed Bermoothes . \u201d They were said to be enchanted , and inhabited by witches and devils . They were made famous by the shipwreck there in 1609 of Sir George Somers ; the following year one of his party , Sil . Jordan , published A Discovery of the Bermudas , otherwise called the Isle of Devils . Field has another reference to \u201c the Barmuthoes \u201d in Amends for Ladies , III , iv ; but there it is not clear whether he means the islands or certain narrow passages north of Covent Garden , which went by the slang name of \u201c the Bermudas \u201d or \u201c the Streights . \u201d It is in this latter sense that the word is used in Jonson 's The Devil is an Ass , II , i . II , i , 139 . Exact the strictnesse \u2014 i. e ., require a strict enforcement of the sentence which limits Charalois to the confines of the prison . II , i , 144. vsurers relief , etc .\u2014 a rather awkward expression , so phrased for the sake of the end-scene rhyme . The thought seems to be : \u201c The relief which usurers have to offer mourns , if the debtors havetoo much grief . \u201d Charalois \u2019 remark is , of course , ironical . II , ii , 10. electuary \u2014 a medicinal conserve or paste , consisting of a powder or some other ingredient mixed with honey , preserve , or syrup of some other kind . Beaumelle means that Florimal is the medicine and Bellapert the sweet which makes it palatable . II , ii , 17. serue \u2014 G. and S. read served , which is certainly correct . Not only is there nothing throughout the play to suggest that Beaumelle 's mother is still alive , but she herself has just spoken of \u201c you two my women \u201dII , ii , 18. a peepe out \u2014 a \u201c pip \u201dis one of the spots on playing cards , dice , or dominoes . The allusion is to a game of cards called \u201c one-and-thirty \u201d ; thirty-two is a pip too many . II , ii , 21-2. the mother of the maydes \u2014 a title properly applied to the head of the maids of honour in a Royal household . II , ii , 22. mortifie \u2014 there is a significant ambiguity to the word Bellapert uses . It means \u201c bring into subjection , \u201d \u201c render dead to the world and the flesh ; \u201d it formerly had also a baleful meaning : \u201c to kill ; \u201d \u201c to destroy the vitality , vigor , or activity of . \u201d II , ii , 32. vanuable , to make you thus \u2014 valuable is used in its generic sense of value-able , of sufficient value . II , ii , 71. turn 'd in her varieties \u2014 G ., S. read : trimm 'd in her varieties \u2014 i. e ., \u201c decked in her varieties\" But adherence to the Q. is possible , with the meaning , \u201c fashioned in her varieties . \u201d II , ii , 82. walkes not vnder a weede \u2014 i. e ., \u201c wears not a garment , \u201d \u201c is not in existence . \u201d II , ii , 88 . Tissue \u2014 a rich kind of cloth , often interwoven with gold or silver . So again in II , ii , 175 . II , ii , 89. a three-leg 'd lord \u2014 the meaning is that Young Novall cannot independently \u201c stand upon his own legs , \u201d but requires the triple support of himself , Liladam , and Aymer . II , ii , 96. musicke house \u2014 a public hall or saloon for musical performances . II , ii , 99-100. in the Galley foyst , etc .\u2014 a Galley-foist was a state barge , especially that of the Lord Mayor of London . This , however , can hardly be the meaning of the word here , used as it is in connection with Bullion , which were trunk-hose , puffed out at the upper part , in several folds ; and with Quirpo , a variant of cuerpo \u2014 i. e ., in undress . \u201c Galley-foist \u201d may be the name of some dress of the period , so-called for its resemblance to the gaily bedecked Mayor'shYpppHeNbarge . But it is not unlikely , as Mason suggests , that The Galley-foist and The Bullion were the names of taverns of that day ; or else of houses of public resort for some kind of amusement . II , ii , 104. skip \u2014 so in all texts . But Field has elsewhere\u201c and then my lord ... casts a suit every quarter , which I slip into . \u201d It is probable that the word was the same in both passages ,\u2014 though whether skip or slip I have no means of determining . II , ii , 119 . St Omers \u2014 more properly , St. Omer , a town of northern France . A College of Jesuits was located there , and the point of Novall 's comparison is perhaps an allusion to the mean appearance of Jesuit spies who would come from thence to England on some pretext , such as to see their friends during the Christmas season . II , ii , 122. ly'n perdieu \u2014 \u201c to lie perdu \u201d is properly a military term for , \u201c to be placed as a sentinel or outpost , \u201d especially in an exposed position . Ly'n is one of the many obsolete forms of the past participle of the verb \u201c to lie . \u201d II , ii , 125. tye my hand \u2014 i. e ., tie the ribbon-strings which depended from the sleeve over the hand . II , ii , 163. slight neglect \u2014 contemptuous disrespect . II , ii , 174. bile \u2014 all editors after the Q. read boil . Bile was an old spelling for boil ; but in the other sense , one of the \u201c four humours \u201d of medieval physiology , the passage is perfectly clear , and the figure perhaps even more effective . II , ii , 186. eager relish \u2014 acrid taste . The figure is that the law in itself is often like a sharp and bitter flavor , but that a good judge will sweeten this . II , ii , 250 s. d. Drawes a Curtayne \u2014 the curtain of the alcove or back-stage , within which was placed the \u201c treasure , \u201d thus to be revealed . II , ii , 298. in which yours \u2014 i. e ., \u201c because of the fact of her being yours . \u201d II , ii , 301. for poore and worthlesse I \u2014 I for me , like other irregularities in pronominal inflection , was not infrequent in Elizabethan times . Cf . Abbott , S. G ., Sec . 205 . II , ii , 326 . Curtius-like \u2014 like Marcus Curtius , legendary hero of ancient Rome . See Livy , vii , 6 . II , ii , final s. d. while the Act is playing \u2014 i. e ., while the interlude music is played , at the close of the Act . III , i , 18. relish \u2014 a trace or tinge of some quality , a suggestion .\u2014 In III , i , 20 : a flavor ; or , if read with the Q . ' s punctuation , a verb : give a relish . It appears preferable , however , to take the passage as punctuated by G ., S ., which makes relish a noun . III , i , 29. take me with you \u2014 understand me . III , i , 37. sudden \u2014 adv . for suddenly . The - ly suffix was frequently omitted in Elizabethan times . III , i , 45 . Such as are faire , etc .\u2014 the connection goes back to l. 42 , Bellapert taking up again the thread of her remark which Novall 's objection and her summary answer thereto had broken in upon . III , i , 120 . Christian \u2014 probably used here in the colloq . sense of : a human being , as distinguished from a brute ; a \u201c decent \u201d or \u201c respectable \u201d person . Cf . Shakespeare , Twelfth Night , I , iii , 89 : \u201c Methinks ... I have no more wit than a Christian , or an ordinary man has . \u201d III , i , 122 . The entertaiment of your visitation \u2014 i. e ., the entertainment which your visit received . III , i , 123. on\u2014 i. e ., a visitation . III , i , 126 . Muske-cat \u2014 the civet-cat ; applied as a term of contempt to a fop , as being a person perfumed with musk . III , i , 139. there is now speaks to you \u2014 G ., S. omit is , at the same time clearing the construction and securing a more regular metre . The Q. reading , however , is perfectly possible , as an ellipsis , by omission of the subject relative , for , there is that now speaks to you, or even , by a change of punctuation , there is \u2014 now speaks to you \u2014, etc . III , i , 148 . As Caesar , did he liue , could not except at \u2014 see Plutarch 's Life of Julius Caesar , Chapters 9 & 10 , wherein it is narrated how Caesar divorced his wife , Pompeia , when scandal assailed her name , although he denied any knowledge as to her guilt ; \u201c \u2018 Because \u2019 said he , \u2018 I would have the chastity of my wife clear even of suspicion . \u2019 \u201d III , i , 148. except at \u2014 take exception at . III , i , 159. pointed \u2014 all editors after the Q. read painted , an absolutely unnecessary and unwarranted emendation . Pointed means \u201c fitted or furnished with tagged points or laces ; \u201d \u201c wearing points ; \u201d \u201c laced . \u201d Cf . Maurice Hewlett 's novel , The Queen 's Quair , p. 83 : \u201c saucy young men , trunked , puffed , pointed , trussed and doubleted . \u201d Huloet in his Dictionaryhas : \u201c Poynted , or tyed with poynts , ligulatus . \u201d III , i , 167 . This pretty rag \u2014 i. e ., the \u201c clout \u201d mentioned in II , ii , 123 . III , i , 173. in spite of \u2014 in scorn of , in defiance of . III , i , 184. thy \u2014 so the Q . All later editors read this . It is not impossible , of course , that Romont should begin an oath \u201c By thy hand , \u201d and Beaumelle flash back at him \u201c And sword , \u201d transferring the thy from herself to him . But Romont would be more likely to swear by his own hand than by Beaumelle 's . III , i , 188. cast suburb whores \u2014 prostitutes who had been cashiered from service . Houses of ill-fame were customarily located in the suburbs . III , i , 191. legion \u2014 i. e ., of evil spirits . Cf . Mark , v , 9 . III , i , 193. horne-mad \u2014 the word was originally applied to horned beasts , in the sense : \u201c enraged so as to horn any one ; \u201d hence of persons : \u201c stark mad , \u201d \u201c mad with rage , \u201d \u201c furious . \u201d By word-play it acquires its sense in the present passage . \u201c mad with rage at having been made a cuckold . \u201d III , i , 202. yellow \u2014 this color was regarded as a token or symbol of jealousy . III , i , 211 . Carted \u2014 carried in a cart through the streets , by way of punishment or public exposureIII , i , 261. in distance \u2014 within reach , in striking distance . III , i , 331. as it would tire \u2014 as appears to be used for as if ; in reality the if is implied in thesubjunctive .\u2014 Abbott , S. G ., Sec . 107 . III , i , 331. a beadle \u2014 it was one of the duties of a beadle to whip petty offenders . III , i , 352 . So I not heard them \u2014 Abbott explains this construction , not uncommon in the Elizabethan period , as an omission of the auxiliary verb \u201c do \u201dBut here the main verb is heard , whereas , according to his explanation , grammar would require hear . May not the construction be better taken as a simple , though to our ears cumbrous , inversion of , So I heard them not ? III , i , 366. cause \u2014 affair , business \u2014 so also in III , i , 377 . III , i , 388 . Calenture \u2014 a disease incident to sailors within the tropics ; a burning fever . III , i , 428-9. flegme ... choller \u2014 in the old physiologies the predominance of the \u201c humour , phlegm , \u201d was held to cause constitutional indolence or apathy ,\u2014 the predominance of \u201c choler \u201d to cause irascibility . III , i , 432 . \u2018 em \u2014 grammatical precision would require him , as is substituted in M ., f. In Field 's rapid , loose style , however , a change of construction in mid-sentence is not improbable , and the Q. reading may very well reproduce accurately what he wrote . III , i , 441. thou curious impertinent \u2014 the epithet is from The Curious Impertinent of Cervantes , a story imbedded in Don Quixote , Part I . III , i , 463 . I not accuse \u2014 cf . note on l. 354 . III , i , 467 . Ere liue \u2014 Ere I should live is required in full by strict grammar , but Field 's verse is frequently elliptical . Gifford 's emendation to lived for the sake of grammatical regularity , which is followed by all later editors , is unwarranted . III , i , 467. mens marginall fingers \u2014 the figure is an allusion to the ancient custom of placing an index hand in the margin of books , to direct the reader 's attention to a striking passage . So does Romont picture men 's fingers pointing to the story of Charalois as a noteworthy and lamentable thing . Cf . IV , i , 56 . III , i , 469-470 . An Emperour put away his wife for touching Another man .\u2014 The source of this allusion is not apparent . Can it be a perversion in the mind of Field of the story of Caesar 's divorce of his wife , to which Massinger has already referred above? IV , i , 3. a flaxe \u2014 the flax wick of a lamp or candle . IV , i , 3. a red headed womans chamber \u2014 Since early times red-haired individuals have been supposed to emit an emanation having a powerful sexually exciting influence . In the Romance countries , France and Italy , this belief is universally diffused .\u2014 Iwan Block : The Sexual Life of our Time \u2014 transl . by Eden Paul \u2014 p. 622 .", "Shakespeare in The Merchant of Venice , I , iii , 12 ff . :"], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["Song , l . 4 .\u2014 This is a most unduly long line . It seems probable that , in the Ms. from which the play was printed , the three phrases , \u201c A faire wife , \u201d \u201c a kinde wife , \u201d and \u201c a sweet wife , \u201d were three variant readings , which , by mistake , were all incorporated in the text . Any one of them used alone would give a perfectly normal line ."], "true_target": ["Song , l. 3. first \u2014 i. e ., \u201c in the front part of , \u201d to meet the customers and be herself an attraction and an object of display , while the husband remains \u201c at tother end \u201dof the store ."], "play_index": 16, "act_index": 16}, {"query": ["But are not all things for the better alter 'd ? Our house fill 'd often with the best of company ?", "Fall in my master 's way .\u2014 Consider this .", "In this last act , so be yourself the messenger .", "You 've quite reviv 'd my spirits with the thought . I think the whole is like to fall on Jefferson .", "My mistress is a perfect saint , compar 'd", "Had just now seiz 'd you , she dispatch 'd me hither ,", "With tidings of your health , to her so precious .", "But if for certain", "Be to a trial brought \u2014 So chance direct !", "From a passion for you ,", "Or she will wait on you .", "I cannot \u2014 O ! I must not .", "Receiv 'd the tidings of a secret key :", "My lady , sir , is up , and begs to see you ;", "Did you but see in what distress she languishes ,", "A lucky hit , and works as I could wish .", "The poor infatuated man her husband ,", "No patience can submit to such indignities .", "they fought awhile ;", "Heav'n ! how you frighten me ! I would not for the world do such an act .", "Again it rings ; and with unusual violence .\u2014", "I know the inmost secrets of his soul :", "And should he persevere , that you 'll disclose", "And young lord Weston will be bless 'd indeed .", "My lord ! my lord !", "O ! but my lord .\u2014", "with indecent conduct ;", "And still persist in your old-fashion 'd ravings .", "Madam , the coach .", "Among the rest , the beauteous , gentle Lucia ,", "In my poor judgment , \u2018 twould undo us all .", "Bit quick recovering , with doubled fury", "On your base neighbour Wilson , the inventer ,", "Who releas 'd you ?", "Inform 'd your husband he shou 'd find it there .", "And so return", "Avail ourselves of something , whilst all 's going ?", "But I must hear what passes at this meeting ;", "That she some honourable claims might answer ,", "I disturb you .", "To the dull , lonely life you once pursued ?", "I 'm sure \u2018 twould pierce your heart ; as I well know ,", "And swear a thousand oaths , that I am innocent .", "If not temptation proof , it matters not ,", "Of whom my mistress would have sought these favours .", "Hath he not wrong 'd you ?\u2014\u2014\u2014 beyond all redress ?", "Where entering , with amazement I beheld", "What , not to him ? That gallant , gen'rous nobleman ! your friend !", "Should he not be secured ?", "Lord Belmour there , and her upon her knees :", "Sudden , my master , with an unsheath 'd sword", "At the near wedding of our master 's daughter .", "But we forget \u2014 his lordship waits admission .", "In her chamber , sir .", "Alas ! my poor mistress !", "I 've brought my husband to a shameful end .", "With violence unusual from the chamber", "But , why again , should we distress ourselves", "And what of this ?", "I thought that those unfortunate discoveries", "With honour to yourself .", "Forbid it your good angel ! \u2018 twould destroy you .", "And live for ever in forlorn obscurity .", "Rush 'd on lord Belmour 's sword , and fell with him .", "He hath our master plunder 'd , as \u2018 tis rumour 'd ,", "Know then , her very ill success at play ,", "Nor shall I \u2018 scape the bitter tongue of scandal .", "You surely must have seen it ? It destroys him .", "Madam , a ticket from this inn informs me ,", "Bless us ! where are your boasted gains of late ,", "Again I am at ease \u2014", "This passion for the loveliest of women :", "I must away \u2014 What fights may meet me now !\u2014", "We now shall execute the scheme I plann 'd .", "I spoke to him , but he declin 'd an answer ,", "My hopes are surety still for his compliance .", "That were our worthy master gone to rest ,", "Who was before the paragon of temperance .", "No , madam .", "He left the city , early .", "His ceaseless ravings were of you , confirm 'd \u2018 it .", "Labour 'd to blast your spotless fame for ever ,", "Well , my good lord , to save my injur 'd mistress \u2014The backway thro \u2019 the warehouse is the safest , When the moon 's down ; for \u2018 twill be late to-night , When she returns from lady Meldmay 's supper .", "I must not now discover , how her husband", "Sure none so well deserv 'd this noble prize :", "Heard you the bell ? \u2018 tis he , just come to town .", "Whilst every countenance but your 's speaks joy ,", "None can advise you better on this subject .", "That should be punish 'd .", "Whom fondness hath made blind to her misconduct .", "Mercy ! O mercy ! and I 'll tell the whole . Oh ! she is innocent \u2014 I , all to blame \u2014", "Madam , I 'm griev 'd to see your spirits sinking .", "Had lower 'd your spirits so , you had resolv 'd", "A fever , that he lately had , in which", "Which will be most convenient , should my husband", "Absconded with some thousands .", "I doubt not but he told you so ; and yet ,", "It is the only means I can devise ,", "With everlasting infamy to wait", "Some overtures injurious to your honour ,", "And wanders often , as would one insane .", "You 're young and beauteous ; he , in his decline .", "My deepest skill , or I 'm undone for ever .", "Prithee , forbear till you revolve it further .", "The mischief is at hand , and \u2018 twill require", "Alas ! what shall I do ? \u2018 tis I , \u2018 tis I ,", "And she 's become indebted to such numbers ,", "But must retire , unless your goodness serves her .", "But hear me , and I think I can propose", "This is the second time . What can this mean ?", "Then , his unusual absence , now a month ,", "When first she fails , or by whose means it happens ;", "One look from you will banish every fear ,", "I see you are as obstinate as usual ,", "Undone again !", "But pardon me , if I 've been too officious .", "Most gen'rous youth ! she shall know all your goodness .", "She would not rest , until reveng 'd of mine .", "Of late , I think you use too much of that .", "Then you must quit your honourable friends ,", "Most happy youth ! there does not live another ,", "What is't your fears suggest ?", "Yet , what ?", "Why you are virtuous , yet cannot avoid", "Whilst you are innocent ?", "Does not experience daily prove that wealth", "This is my mistress , and from her bedchamber .", "As I could wish ."], "true_target": ["It is a locket with her precious hair ,", "Nor any cause assign 'd .", "What again ?", "When with a hideous groan lord Belmour reel 'd ,", "To what have I agreed ?\u2014 Yet why repent ?", "Six months are scarcely past since one cashier ,", "For that we cannot help ?", "At his assailant made \u2014 when , she , quite wild ,", "Pray have you ever found me such a trifler ?", "In secret languishes : it is too plain :", "No youth more wins our sex 's admiration .", "And now as to her present exigencies ?", "From time to time , nor heeds our pressing calls ?", "Good sir ! she has been greatly indispos 'd :", "Thus far however , I 'll be bold to utter ;", "He scorns such thoughts ; ev'n in his younger days , as in his mien , so in all noble deeds , Fair rumour tells , he was surpass 'd by none .", "Woe ! woe unutterable !\u2014 fights of horrour ! All welt'ring in their gore \u2014 haste ! haste with me .", "Made me convey the key into his trunk .", "Was not that Jefferson ?", "He shuns all company , neglects his food ,", "And where the sum you just receiv 'd from Jefferson ?", "You 'd hazard worlds to minister relief .", "His arms are there .", "The work this , of my old officious husband .Now for due vengeance for the killing flights , That youth , the scornful Jefferson , hath cast On me , and my ill-fated fondness for him .What think you of a further application To the cashier ; your worthy friend young Jefferson ?", "In which my mistress lay , I thither flew ;", "But if you knew from whom I am a messenger ,", "As to retort this charge on your fair character ,", "I fear we have too much on hand already .", "You dream too much .", "She often speaks with gratitude of Jefferson :", "Alas ! alas ! my poor lady ! good sir ! What hath she done to merit this unkindness ? You 've always been the tenderest of husbands .", "And sure all must approve his well-judg 'd choice ! In charms and virtues there are none surpass her .", "To keep at home this night .", "You love her tenderly , as she does you .", "Is he in town , and up at this late hour ?", "You know I am devoted to your service .", "You must not , till our purpose is effected .", "I , not any \u2014 do you but write this letter ;", "The broker thinks the pledge is not sufficient .", "Which way ?", "Wherefore , your honour calls aloud for vengeance .", "You 're too severe , too scrupulous ; why , man ,", "You mention earnestly , his having made", "I will , I will . Hearing the bell twice rung", "At once to wipe away this foul aspersion ,", "Were you to see her , you 'd not lose a moment", "Alone gives honour ; poverty disgrace ?", "Though ev'ry art be practis 'd to conceal it .", "But let not scruples rule you at this crisis :", "So , to your chamber , and prepare the letter ,", "Madam , despair not ; this will soon blow over ,", "Like her be resolute , and scorn despair .", "I also think , I should not be unwelcome .", "But pray , why should not we as well as others ,", "Undone !\u2014 undone for ever !\u2014 My poor husband !\u2014", "Each eye observes and marks them now unseemly ,", "But chiefly , sir , with you .", "There is no danger he 'd not risk to serve you .", "Wherefore , I 'll to the closet next the chamber ,", "At all events , there are two hundred pieces ,", "But why these moping , melancholy looks ?", "But to the last I will assert my innocence .", "And most impatient waits for my return", "And Jefferson by note , without his signature ,", "Cruel as false , respecting the lord Belmour ,", "With some of those I formerly have serv 'd .", "In rage rush 'd in , and instantly assail 'd him ,", "O heav'n !", "You are the only man her heart would choose .\u2014", "Your safety only , and a rash resentment", "His \u2018 prenticeship has full two years expir 'd ,", "And rush 'd into the street .", "I cannot .", "Her present troubles are beyond expression . Oh ! her distress is great .", "Then , let this letter , as it were by chance ,", "But I have gone too far .", "Oh ! but this is not all .", "Hath she not got in loan from us our earnings", "As otherwise she would have shudder 'd at .", "It cannot sure be wrong to make reprisals !", "If she refills , I 'll stand out to the last ,", "I fear she can no more appear in publick ,", "Think not of it . It is not possible to save them now .", "He cannot quit the house", "He 'll not lend more than two .", "A scheme by which it may be so contriv 'd ,", "The heart of man , and which he cannot hide .", "That some one in the house has wish 'd to see me .", "Alas ! his doom is fix 'd :", "On him , and his , how innocent soever ;", "Consult your friend , the faithful lady Belmour ;", "Which she has sent by me . Refuse it not .", "I tell you , madam , \u2018 tis the height of fondness .", "Fortune has been of late to adverse to her ,", "I do n't .\u2014 You under-prize yourself .\u2014 View this .\u2014", "Do but consent to let me call him hither ;", "In whom you know he plac 'd the highest confidence ,", "And many a tale has reach 'd her husband 's ear .", "But I 'll withdraw .", "About a thousand .", "Her honour .", "For which ten thousand blisters scald your tongue !", "O ! cou 'd I venture , I could say much more .\u2014", "Yet vers 'd in gallantry .", "Where usually they meet for private conference .", "Is he here now ?", "Besides , of late , he 's often much intoxicated ,", "This breach of truth and friendship to your husband ?", "And twice he hath prepar 'd him for the Indies .", "That answers well ; suppose then , in a letter ,", "Again I say , your own defence demands it . It is the sole resource you have to save you .", "Doubtless she 's daily plunging into ruin", "Hath led her to use means , and such assistance ,", "But if you knew how much she 's indispos 'd ,", "But somewhat eas 'd , was in a friendly slumber ,", "Alas ! my master cruelly hath charg 'd her ,", "The rest be mine \u2014 but soft !\u2014 my master 's voice \u2014", "Less will not do .", "Some friends staid later here last night than usual .", "Till rous 'd at hearing that some sudden ailment", "For that good reason , act like lady Belmour ;", "\u2018 Tis not a wonder he should be distress 'd .", "Be not distress 'd \u2014 I 'll urge a fit excuse .", "Nor may she be insensible to you .", "You can command him , as best suits your pleasure ;", "As violent perhaps , as e'er possess 'd", "Unlock each chest , and lay its stores before you .", "And all the other mischiefs that may follow .", "Lord Belmour !\u2014 Wondrous ! You might have pass 'd me twenty times unknown . But pray , my lord , the purpose of this meeting ?"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 17}, {"query": ["But since it is his will I must obey .", "And well he came so late , or he had met", "With looks as madness wild , into the room ,", "I shou 'd not hesitate to name the forger .", "Nor to be wondered at .", "Ev'n \u2018 midst the dank inclemency of night .", "Wherefore , as ev'n a moment 's loss were dangerous ;", "He 's in the house ; and heaven grant , Maria ,", "Think'st thou to tempt me by a thought so vile ?", "Would in his second marriage he had met", "Still steady to my trust , nor love , nor fear ,", "\u2018 Tis impossible . Say , is there one of more exalted virtues ? Or one who so esteems and honours you ?", "But time will quickly shew the truth of all .", "Were that the rule , \u2018 twould be a desp'rate world .", "He crav 'd my pardon ; then , from my bruis 'd arms", "And would you now forgive this tell-tale honesty ,", "To think on what of late I daily see ,", "To speak my fears , receive them as he may .", "With folded arms and downcast looks he saunters ,", "Wears to the eye a visage of fourscore :", "I shall obey .", "Who day and night pursue this misled woman .", "Why this alarm ?", "And ever have receiv 'd the kindest treatment .", "Here in this house , then but the late lord 's nephew ,", "With the near ruin of this worthy family ;", "O ! it is seen by all . Oft through his groves ,", "And key , with which she op 'd the iron chest .", "Who are resolv 'd", "He holds his reason : for he rush 'd impetuous ,", "Tore it ! how got she it ?", "A slender pittance , earn 'd by honest industry ,", "Wilson and Goodwin , his most faithful friends \u2014", "Where is it ?", "She 's not long gone to rest .", "All forgery .", "Our unhappy master .", "\u2018 Twas left last night .", "And hearing near the compting-house a noise ,", "Then know , last night , that as I lay awake ,", "I rose , and in the dark mov 'd softly towards it ;", "\u2018 Tis true ,", "Some accident .", "\u2018 Twas here we met each other ; here we wedded ,", "What then would be the transport of the thought ,", "A wasted fortune and a sinking credit ,", "Nor is it worth a single moment 's thought .", "And ruin is their sport . Is not each servant", "I almost wish I knew not how to answer :", "When I", "With which his heart is full ?", "On their retreat , that group of restless rioters ,"], "true_target": ["A fondness which commenced in his apprenticeship ,", "Without a sabbath 's rest ?", "There 's something more in this , than yet you know of .", "Which from her husband she receives to pay .", "suppose \u2018 twere of a wife ,", "I know a truer flame was ne'er profess 'd :", "Scarcely a month beyond his fiftieth year ,", "Her conduct has of late been foully censur 'd .", "I meant you well .How piteous is his case !", "The thought materially concerns us both .", "Then , sir , the letter is a black contrivance .", "And never man appear 'd more desperate .", "A shameless crew of fashionable pillagers ;", "But I 've disclos 'd the whole to our kind neighbours", "A worn-out victim to those midnight revels ,", "With one more suited to his years and rank !", "From our good friend her father .", "All this concerns this transient world alone ;", "Ungenerous thought !", "But what disturbs me most \u2014 I have been privy", "It has been countermanded .", "Where I sat tied ; when falling on his knees ,", "Quickly from thence , and in her hands a light ,", "Heav'n grant my fears are groundless ! but , Maria ,", "Quickly to lay his desp'rate state before him .", "Nor next in heirship to estate or title .", "Towards the compting-house .", "It is the bell again . I am resolv 'd", "Ay , as she wastes the honest tradesman 's dues ,", "Prepare then for the shock . It was your wife . Boldly I speak the truth ; for much she 's wrong 'd , If since she has been link 'd with those high miscreants , Who , whilst they plunder , hold her in derision , Her foul 's not ripe for ev'ry desp'rate project .Patience , good sir ! I rest not on suspicion .", "He was three times , and now I hear his voice .", "He cut the cords , and hastily ran off .", "But would her crime be an excuse for ours ?", "The best saidst thou ? O ! no , the worst of all ,", "Surpasses mines of wealth acquir 'd by fraud .", "To brand me with the name of faithless steward", "Duty and love and gratitude demand it .", "So \u2018 tis said ,", "Afflicts my soul .", "No ; I defy ev'n Envy 's cankering tongue", "An honest master ,", "Though poverty and want were my reward !", "To matters which I should not have conceal 'd", "Dare then your faithful servant speak some truths ,", "So lov 'd , so doted on ?\u2014", "I 'll for his neighbours speed , Wilson and Goodwin .", "beheld her passing", "Shall reason from my soul , its inbred honesty .", "I dare not \u2014 yet \u2014", "Might rather seem a rake-frequented tavern ;", "That I , from wreck had sav 'd this shatter 'd bark ,", "This outward room is large , the air more free .", "So that this bank house , by their nightly riot ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 17}, {"query": ["The remnant of my wealth ; yet this \u2014 all this ,", "Setting her heart on every vain pursuit ,", "I cannot credit it .", "In his fidelity I so confided ,", "She droops ; she dies \u2014 and oh ! by saving me \u2014", "Ha ! what , gone off ! how guilt betrays itself ! Here is some secret scheme \u2014 \u2018 tis in my wife 's hand . The superscription to my old friend Wilson \u2014 I never yet approv 'd of opening letters By any , save by those to whom address 'd ; But to detect deceit , such means are just ; And here it seems , as matters were on foot , With which , \u2018 tis meant I should not be acquainted . Besides , of late , I have at times surpriz 'd them in close and intimate discourse together ; When , it now strikes me , they seem 'd much confounded . Upon the whole , I think I ought to read it : Necessity demands the doubtful deed .\u201c Sir , I might have thought the repulse you so lately receiv 'd , with the declaration I then made of acquainting my husband with your conduct , would have deterred you from ever making any further attempt .\u2014 How fatal might the consequences prove should I discover your behaviour to him ? Is this your friendship ? Know , base man ! that whatever my follies and indiscretions may be in other respects , there is not any distress shall lead me to an act against the honour of Elizabeth Andrews . \u201d Am I awake ! or is this all a dream ? My friend \u2014 seduce my wife ? it cannot be !It surely is her hand \u2014 it must be so . She 's now but in her prime , and few so beautiful \u2014 Then his strict charge this morning , not to mention What he himself had told me was reported Of her and the lord Belmour , with this letter , Are proofs which make this matter nearly certain . What ruin is at hand !\u2014\u2014\u2014Enter MARIA hastily . Woman , your business ?", "Save those which its fell purposes excite !", "To that condition you had freely chosen .", "Away all thoughts of peace henceforth for ever .", "Are you sure ?", "With his most firm behaviour , so unlike", "Such letter I receiv 'd , yet it is said ,", "It matters not .", "With my first wife , whose intimate she was ,", "Faint !\u2014 very faint !\u2014 support me to yon couch .I hop 'd at length heav'n ' s goodness had determin 'd To give my soul its so long wish'dhYpppHeNfor peace .", "May there not yet be help ?", "To several of the first in rank and fortune ,", "I choose the latter .", "In justice prompts , though death were the event .", "And how hast thou this once soft bosom chang 'd !", "In truth 's fair characters , her matchless worth ,", "From whom ? and to whom ?", "Or wild despair , to expiate your guilt .", "We both must in one ruin be involv 'd .", "Whilst the mind 's quiet is an object priz 'd ;", "And thou curs 'd instrument !\u2014 Yet hold , my heart !\u2014", "She would impede or contradict my wish .", "This woman is so hackney 'd in all baseness ,", "\u2018 Tis clear as noonday light \u2014 burst \u2014 burst , my brain !\u2014", "Then , all my woes should cease ; then , would I write ,", "When scarce a single day knew us asunder ;", "Thus she precipitates our common ruin .", "I cou 'd with patient resignation bear ,", "Withdraw awhile ; but wait within a call .", "And toil with pleasure for an honest pittance .", "\u2018 Tis opportune ; return when he departs .", "Her hours became so late and so uncertain ,", "Equals the union of two souls in virtue .", "For some time past we 've slept in separate chambers .", "All sense disclaims the thought ; these neglected ,", "Her temper is so chang 'd , so sour 'd of late , Which with her sad misconduct still increases ; And she so prides herself on her alliances , And the caresses of her vain associates , That neither I , nor her neglected children , Dare ev'n attempt the least discourse with her . Did you know all , \u2018 twould rend your tender heart .", "Hah !\u2014 And know you who he is ?", "Which ev'ry want will bring to your remembrance ?", "And is this surely so ? my blood runs chill .", "O ! there 's no rank can sanctify such outrage . Lord Belmour ! say \u2014", "This also treasure in your mind ; that man ,", "Against the safety ev'n of an enemy ,", "They nearly are a-kin \u2014 and yet of late", "That I could ne'er conceive that ev'n in thought ,", "As my neglected finances disclose .", "Oh what a fatal change in my affairs !", "On those , to whom , each law divine and human", "Did you receive some lines from me to-day ?", "And let me also fly these scenes of horrour ,", "I am the veriest wretch that breathes the air ,", "Had her condition far exceeded all", "His uncle , the lord Belmour , hath of late ,", "\u2018 Tis the extreme that constitutes the fault ,", "The Speedwell cast away ! a heavy loss ! Ills upon Ills in train pursue each other . Heard you of this before ?", "To his adult'rous purpose to seduce her ,", "Soft ! have a care .", "The toil , fatigue and numerous disappointments ,", "No \u2014 no ; it lies not in their decent use ;", "The murderer of my peace ? By heav'n ! he dies .", "Whom I to serve , would have risk 'd every blessing", "Somewhat in her behaviour that would warrant", "Have you not wrong 'd me ? injur 'd me most basely ?", "In youth be idolized , in age revered .", "Than she was once \u2014 and now to be so chang 'd \u2014", "But cou 'd you see your friend so deeply wrong 'd ? Wrong 'd in the tenderest point ! and yet be silent ? What says the world of this lord Belmour 's visits ? You start \u2014", "Ay , there !\u2014 Proceed .", "Inhuman ! barbarous ! most abandon 'd woman !", "Of late we 're so for weeks .", "As in his frame , so is his spirit rough ;", "I have it not , she tore it .", "He was my second self , as I was his ,", "Where is your mistress ?", "Spreads o'er her bloom , which ev'ry art abash 'd ,", "My rest was quite disturb 'd .", "Abounds in mercy , as he doth in justice ;", "Spotless , and free as Virtue 's self from blemish .", "Of that lov 'd life remains , and sooth thy woes .", "Your most misguided conduct hath induc 'd", "How wond'rous condescending of a sudden !", "Forbear this idle talk ; attend your mistress .What fool was I to trust her with this letter ! Yet , why was she so hasty to destroy it ? Heav'n ! in what deep perplexities I 'm plung 'd !", "And feel soft pity throbbing in my bosom :", "What prevents you ?", "I once thought Jefferson the child of virtue .", "Now , mark me well \u2014 the man who dares insult", "His visits have been rather more than usual .", "I will , I 'll speak thee as my soul conceives thee ,", "Oh ! that most vile seducer lady Belmour !", "True honour only lies in virtuous deeds .", "How great soe'er , that sunder 'd us at times .", "Had bound you in affection 's strongest ties ,", "All he has mentioned of her and lord Belmour ,", "O Gaming ! cursed vice ! parent of all !", "The past offence will to the mind recur ,", "And all that once had charm 'd be quite forgot .", "Constantia ! stay ; come nearer to your father .", "Have you yet thought , how you could bear the change ,", "Reward your goodness heav'n !", "They were discover 'd there , favour him much .", "Oh ! \u2018 twas a desp'rate act !\u2014 Could'st thou conceive ,", "Re-enter THOMAS .", "Sad-fated youth ! my own distracted state", "This cannot be \u2014 \u2018 tis the sick fancy 's dream .", "These thirty years ; no brothers e'er lov 'd better :", "The peal of her death bell , I shou 'd not wonder .", "There 's not an angel in the heav'nly mansions ,", "Most strange mistake ! I wrote them for that villain .", "Which on the way by accident I seiz 'd ;", "Enter WILSON .", "\u2018 Twere better to have liv 'd whole years in penitence ,", "My children \u2014 oh my children \u2014 must ye suffer !", "Spoken of this , to which he once consented ,", "My love of her !\u2014\u2014 -", "How callous grow the hearts of all thy votaries !", "Most gen'rous , injur 'd friend , this is too much .", "Not more : you also know , that shortly after ,", "And Hymen 's altars then for ever blaze .", "If any thing by chance hath reach 'd your ear ,", "Ah ! lovely woman , didst thou ne'er design", "And nought but desperation is before me .", "\u2018 Tis , \u2018 tis too much \u2014", "Not more than beauty to its thirst for empire ,", "Peace , villain , peace !\u2014 how came you in her chamber ?", "For the destructive course she now pursues ,", "But lose no time yourself : that righteous judge ,", "What then ? he may , ev'n when I sleep in town ,", "Stain not your fair repute with the foul secret .", "And passion 's transitory joys are pall 'd ,", "And is this mode of life to us peculiar ?", "The faithful tongue will utter what the heart", "So is the sex from its sweet purpose chang 'd \u2014", "I would to the alliance of an emperour ,", "The tide of fashion , in these days of riot ,", "Each knew no joy the other did not feel ,", "In my disgrace exult \u2014 yet more \u2014 yet more \u2014", "Wou 'd I had lov 'd her less , or ne'er had seen her ! Retire awhile , I pray \u2014 I wou 'd be private .", "Have you observ 'd it , Thomas , yet been silent ?", "Tir 'd nature hath got respite for a while ,", "Cold sweats bedew my feeble , trembling limbs , And ev'ry object round me grows a blank . Good heav'n ! support me , to these tasks unequal \u2014\u2014\u2014", "It matters not ;", "For tho \u2019 by birth and family allied ,", "Wipe out this only speck in her rich volume !", "If lured alike ; so violate the whole .", "What ,\u2014 my old faithful steward !\u2014 O ! impossible .", "Had been enquiring for me here to-day ?", "To sooth those cares , which from his state still flow ,", "But had you been the daughter of a prince ,", "Audacious wretch , away !\u2014 quick , shun my rage !", "But in thy proper sphere alone to shine ,", "From my ill-fated wife to this deceiver ,", "That she who best submits will surest reign ;", "Whence also , I am often whole days absent ;", "What an unhappy man !\u2014 It is impossible \u2014", "That the remorseless billows should ingulf", "Relate them , if not irksome .", "Alas ! my friend is stranger to these matters !", "With which she met me in the hours of leisure .", "Of the great human soul are by this vice ,", "But what of this ? shou 'd it be heav'n ' s high will ,", "And ev'n long after , such was her behaviour ,", "Go on , I am prepar 'd .", "Daggers !\u2014\u2014\u2014 daggers ! Wasted \u2014 all wasted , in the general wreck .", "What monsters trust will make us when we yield", "I know , I feel it all .", "It must be near the dawn . Go on , I 'll follow .", "Oh ! tell me then , what says report of her ?", "In terms of discontent ; which , if as told ,", "And yet , this finding of the secret key", "Were sooth 'd and sweeten 'd by the fond endearments ,", "Do but conspire to aggravate the misery ,", "Without due heed , \u2018 twere speaking to the winds .", "Which now quite weighs me down .", "For when she had exchang 'd her harmless life", "They 've been unseen by me . My health 's weak state", "My happiness too great for long continuance .", "Straightaway , convey her hence to mine own chamber .", "By heav'n , \u2018 tis false !You have perus 'd my letter .", "But when perverse contention marks her conduct ,", "Wherefore , till this affair be further canvass 'd", "Shall pluck forth the rude tongue that utter 'd them .", "To all those evils ; I to all my misery .", "Your seeming tender fears ; or did I hear", "Then might I undisturb 'd behold this havock .", "O ! many things you should not have committed .", "Which \u2018 twixt our souls in harmony subsisted ,", "Causes a thousand fears in my fond heart .", "Yet did not that the least affect her conduct ,", "Cease ! cease ! pour self-convicting mourner , cease !\u2014", "For ever lost \u2014 yet , yet to think \u2014 O heav'n !", "Most infernal villain !", "No husband then rests master of his fate ."], "true_target": ["All that e'er center 'd in a virgin frame ,", "How came he there ?", "Which she still suited to our humbler station ;", "Love 's purest flame might gild the nuptial days ,", "But oh ! what mode of patience can endure", "Heav'n !", "Were but a needless waste of time and speech .", "Has not the writer 's name \u2014 that causes doubt \u2014", "Unluckily destroy 'd .", "Deaf , deaf to all ,\u2014 away ,\u2014 away with counsel !\u2014", "Time might have sooth 'd the anguish of my soul ;", "What tho \u2019 your charms and virtue shou 'd surpass", "Yet , should this change in your condition happen ,", "Then , at your instance only ;\u2014 \u2018 twas a letter ,", "My neighbour ! my companion ! Oh ! the man ,", "Condemn not all for some ; and prize their worth .", "Which my whole soul engross 'd \u2014 to see another ,", "A loss each day felt more \u2014 yet , my Constantia ,", "That even vice , in its appearance mansk 'd ,", "Come , deep and sweet revenge ! \u2018 twere virtue here .", "However she 's insur 'd , and highly too . Go fetch the policy , I wish to see it . Or rather wait me in the compting-house .", "Pays homage at its shrine .", "Oh ! that her foul disgrace clos 'd with her eyes !", "Are manifest .", "Yet , may not both be true ?\u2014 distracting state !", "I see contrition in his mournful eye ,", "Whose tears are not less pow'rful than its smiles .", "Would I could sooth her tortur 'd soul to rest !", "Perverse and obstinate ! as adders deaf !", "Good heav'n ! that she could injure me so deeply \u2014\u2014\u2014 My credit \u2014\u2014\u2014 but I cannot bear to expose her ! Means have been us 'd to stop all further mischief , On some suspicions of mine own before . So for the present , must appear to doubt it .For this , I owe you my most grateful thanks . I 've ever found you faithful to my interest ; Yet , as your zeal may have alarm 'd your fears , Speak not of this , until I weigh it further , Not even to your wife .", "Ay , ay , come on \u2014 \u2018 Tis fit I shou 'd be punish 'd . Take , drag me hence , ye ministers of justice ! Death , death , or madness only can relieve me .", "Oh ! canst thou then forgive my wild upbraiding ?", "Nor of my family , nor of myself ;", "Is he not then the blackest of all villains ?", "A scanty pittance for life 's common wants ,", "I had entrusted him \u2014 and now he 's lost ;", "On somewhat of much moment ere we part .", "More happily than I with my first wife .", "May be a base invention for his purpose \u2014", "What 's to be done ! distress crowds on distress \u2014\u2014\u2014", "That this unhappy woman , once so virtuous ,", "Welcome ! thrice welcome ! truest , best of friends .", "Who daily with his toil-tir 'd arm acquires", "Then , under friendship 's show masking his treachery ,", "Or I shall wilder be than the chain 'd wretch", "Oh ! I have been too hasty \u2014 much too rash .\u2014\u2014\u2014", "This quick impatience is self-accusation . I have not even hinted at it yet .", "O Wilson ! every passion , every power", "And yet you may remember , no man liv 'd", "Like streams whose currents mix and flow together .", "Life 's now a curse ; death then my only wish .", "Done \u2014 What done ? all is not done as yet \u2014 this \u2014", "Pass nights with her , and all unknown to me .", "With winning grace , and smooth life 's rugged paths .", "Is my wife up ?", "My fears anticipate some dread event .", "The bitter change from affluence to poverty ,", "Your picture is as just as it is gloomy . But you can firmly stem th \u2019 infection 's tide , And \u2018 scape the censure we so justly merit . Yet you 'd not blame your friend , if you knew all .", "Deluded youth !\u2014 no object for revenge \u2014", "Abandon 'd , faithless woman !", "A crime , to the Almighty so offensive ,", "For them , we ev'ry toil and danger court ,", "No virtue with that thought is safe a moment .", "Whom you have so repeatedly offended ,", "O ! \u2018 tis most true ; and I have often thought", "You never did ; it is against your nature . You 've ever been affectionate as dutiful ; But the postponing thus a second timethe purpos 'd wedding , Which all must say , our station weigh 'd with his , Besides his princely qualities of mind , Would highly honour us , disturbs me much : Yet , wou 'd I hope , th \u2019 affections of your heart Are not so fix 'd upon this noble youth , you cou 'd not wean them thence , shou 'd it be fit .", "True \u2014 Melancholy hath been long my portion ; As I 've too long the fatal cause conceal 'd : But ev'ry duty now , to heaven , to you , To my poor children , to myself , all , all Demand it from the husband and the father , That you , oh ! you , are the sole , fatal cause .", "That lead to glory and make fame immortal .", "Perfections such as thine ne'er \u2018 scape malignity .", "Prithee , proceed .", "By them we are refin 'd ; by them inspir 'd ;", "Yet weaken 'd much \u2014 my final rest is near .", "Trust me , my friend , there 's no terrestrial blessing", "Oft hath she vow 'd , that she despis 'd the profit ,", "Was she attended ?", "And pray'r is at his throne a pow'rful advocate .", "She did not deny it .", "The consciousness of guilt , when in his presence", "Endeavour falsely to accuse another \u2014", "Then , his surprize , which seem 'd so unaffected ,", "Of the first rank , who would exult to win him ,", "Recal your words , base slanderer , else this hand", "Of the cash-chest ,", "But have you any proof for this your hint ?", "Using with modesty each winning art ,", "How can I meet him , and we both survive it ! Dread interval ! would I had ne'er been born .", "Heav'n ! what contempt and scorn her looks betray !", "Against appearances !\u2014 impossible .", "This war of words is wandering from the purpose .", "And was withal of such a gentle nature ,", "By which , ev'n Virtue 's sacred self might err ;", "Wherein th \u2019 attempts he made", "To fix , as well as captivate the heart ,", "To find the traitor in my bosom friend !", "Whilst your more tender sex was form 'd by heav'n ,", "Guilty ! O guilty ! every thing confirms it .", "Yet she appear 'd of such congenial manners", "You seem confus 'd \u2014 What paper 's that ?", "About sixteen ,", "Again , \u2018 tis false .", "O ! could I wean her from this one sad vice !", "This breach of friendship , gratitude and honour .", "Sad victim to the world 's most baleful fashions !", "There 's not a peasant in the clay-built hut ,", "Take ! take the vile adultress from my sight .", "O Wilson ! I confess your charge is just .", "Go tell her I am here , and wish to see her .", "A tender parent and a loving wife .", "When once a woman deviates from discretion ,", "A woman 's modesty , must have descry 'd", "That even truth from her would be disgrac 'd .", "Now vainly practis 'd to repair its ruin !", "Sweeps all before it that its torrent meets .", "Tell me \u2014 Oh tell me ! what would you advise ?", "My wife !", "Physicians , surgeons , ev'ry help be sent for !\u2014", "I will not see her more \u2014 and yet \u2014 O heav'n !\u2014", "Will not admit my sleeping in the city ;", "Her reputation !", "Come to thy father 's arms , thou sweet resemblance", "Was she not up all night ? Was ever seen", "O ! \u2018 tis a jewel of such brilliant lustre ,", "These intermissions aggravate the misery .", "But oh ! to lose that precious , treasur 'd gem ,", "That beats the dungeon walls .", "Too much her practised course . Unthinking woman !", "And I in years superiour to her father .", "This fatal vice of all , quite , quite absorb 'd ,", "Did not I , find you on your knees to him ?", "Had my sworn enemy distress 'd me thus ,", "But they who break a single law , would others ,", "I ne'er knew one in ev'ry thought more pure", "And medals in his trunk \u2014 but then the letter ,", "Would for thy other failings make atonement ;", "What strange disorder runs thro \u2019 all this house ! It seems more like a place of midnight revelling , Than habitation of a sober family , And every servant in it looks a spectre .\u201c This from your late unfortunate cashier , serves to inform you that he never wrong 'd you ; \u2018 tis true , he was deficient much when he departed , yet , by that Power to whom all thoughts lie open ! he knows not how it happened ; but , if the present rumours are not false , your greatest foe is nearest to your heart . \u201d Such secret notices of late are frequent . When was this letter brought ?", "What , into my house ?", "Such outrage of abuse .\u2014 Is this your hand ?", "Again I thank my friend ; but tell me wherefore ,", "Neglect of virtue is the sure attendant ,", "Nor blush to boast the fondness of my heart .", "Shou 'd this be a true charge in this dread letter ,", "Nay , ev'n dislike , \u2018 gainst reason , oft must yield ,", "That will not sue for thee .", "Can you continue friend to such lost fortune ?", "To seek to wound me in the tenderest point !", "Whose state is not a paradise to mine !", "Thanks for this hint , it shall be so this night .", "Fond love no limit knows to its submission ,", "\u2018 Twere fit you suitably demean 'd yourself ,", "Wer't not for her , my wife had been a stranger", "Did not you tell me that my neighbour Wilson", "Oh ! tell me , how , or when I 've been thine enemy ,", "Constantia singled out , preferr 'd to numbers", "To be the choice of this exalted youth", "And all our evils were by sharing lighten 'd :", "He seem 'd confus 'd , and mutter 'd to himself ;", "I know not what I am .", "Man , or woman ?", "What horrid images crowd on my soul ! Yet worse may follow \u2014 blood perchance and murder \u2014 But will not injur 'd honour ,\u2014 ruin 'd peace , For ever ruin 'd , justify revenge !\u2014I am resolv 'd \u2014 So for this writing now \u2014\u201c Most injured Sir , Inclos 'd you have my will by which , as some small recompense for the many wrongs I have done you , I have bequeathed you all the little fortune I have left . Oh ! lend your prayers , and pity a repentant wretched sinner . William Jefferson . \u201d Some recompense !\u2014 There can be none for me . The moment is at hand , the fearful moment , When I 'm to seek for that , which , when discover 'd , My sure perdition seals \u2014 yet even certainty Were ease to that I feel \u2014 tremendous state ! Like some benighted traveller quite \u2018 wilder 'd , I see no friendly ray to guide my steps \u2014 But \u2018 midst my woes , I 've let this hapless youth , Plung 'd in despair , escape me unattended . I 'll haste to seek him out \u2014 Yet , cannot now : Troubles more intimate claim ev'ry thought . Enter one of his CLERKS . I near despair 'd of seeing you : \u2018 tis almost light . What has delay 'd you so ?", "\u2018 Tis demonstration only can convince me .", "And so exalted was , so pure the friendship ,", "We meet not now as we were wont ? time was", "Can I now pass that way ?", "Will rouse up ev'ry baneful blast of envy ,", "Giving me information of this matter", "I wou 'd not fend him to a public prison .", "No , no , I 'll watch thee whilst a single spark", "Have you at any time beheld these scenes ?", "It led me to this early second marriage .", "Is suited ill to intercourse with heaven .", "But all the halcyon days I once enjoy 'd ,", "\u2018 Tis easily explain 'd .", "To number all the mischiefs which your conduct ,", "Her sorrows rend my heart .\u2014 Oh thou sweet penitent !", "And ev'n the firmest may be then seduced ;\u2014", "I wedded with the present .", "The truth is , I 'm no longer master here ,", "Some message from my wife \u2014 withdraw awhile .", "What , innocent !", "Yet how ? Did not the blush of conscience mark his visage ? The thought , the very thought , inflames to madness .", "Such rapid havock as this life of riot", "That thou could'st calmly mean me all this mischief .", "\u2018 Tis as the noon-day plain .\u2014 Who ? who 's the villain ?", "Forbear to question me . I am not well .", "O ! cou 'd I hope for doubt !", "That with the dearest treasure of my soul", "Prefer the badge of want .", "And so resistless wins the admiration ,", "Give me your hand , I wish a private conference", "Cou 'd ever thus have chang 'd . O Goodwin ! Goodwin !", "That I insensibly forgot my loss ;", "Our reason to its rage , and let it rule !", "Of the perfections of your much-lov 'd mother ;", "Nor is her form less alter 'd than her mind .", "Oh ! my wife 's letter proves beyond all question ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 17}, {"query": ["Most true , I have myself paid several ;", "Your house is grown a nuisance to its neighbours ,", "Without remorse or shame .", "That urg 'd my wonder , was the heavy purses", "Nor boast we more that wholesome plain economy", "The just return to him , who , from his friends ,", "After the night had been near three part wasted ,", "In utmost hurry rous 'd us from our beds ,", "More fatal far , which claim our instant aid .", "\u2018 Tis fit a magistrate be sent for instantly ;", "In curses dar 'd assail all-ruling Providence", "Who best were suited to her state in life .", "In all their harmony and mirthful innocence ;", "Of deep and black contrivance is on foot ;", "And are these all the grounds on which you charge", "Whose ruffian-like attendants in the street ,", "A little time must prove its truth , or falsehood ;", "What can these ruffians mean ? whom do you seek ?", "Affliction is heav'n ' s trial of our patience ,", "Deluded , undone man !", "Their manners as their education different .", "There is no prize ,", "Unhappy state ! Have you discours 'd her calmly on these matters ? Few of her sex possess superiour talents .", "It has not \u2018 scap 'd the busy tongue of censure ,", "Whilst vain professors vanish in the gloom .", "Not with the approbation of your friends .", "But have our sex surrender 'd their prerogative ? Or have I liv 'd to see the world revers 'd ? You are a man \u2014", "Where twice in every week , if not more frequent ,", "Their beauties too , are as their hearts deceitful ,", "Yet let appearances be what they may ,", "I hope \u2018 twill speedily be in my power ,", "Wealthy , or noble , which she doth not merit .", "Too sure fore-runners of the loss of freedom .", "Unhappy man ! \u2018 twas never in my thoughts .", "Nor is it strange .", "Then , the first object \u2018 midst this wild assembly ,", "But what is more \u2014\u2014\u2014 I shall proceed too far .", "To hazard future ills for present joy :", "Upon their knees , with hands and eyes uplifted ,", "To our eternal shame !\u2014 All sense is fled ,", "But in its stead a splendid , wasteful vanity", "Your state then seems quite hopeless of relief ?", "Again , I tell you , I 'm an utter stranger", "Alarm the peaceful , and disturb their quiet .", "Your love admits some doubt .", "O my good lord !", "You then were us 'd to join your happy friends ,", "That friendship you have said you so esteem .", "Where lies the blame ?", "Some grinn 'd in rage , some tore their hair , whilst others ,", "This morning pass 'd between us \u2014 Give it , pray .", "I cannot longer justify myself ,", "Two bills this very day , went off unpaid ,", "But you and yours have quite estrang 'd yourselves ,", "Some like discourse as is in part there hinted ,", "He 's quite insensible . Perhaps this woman can inform us \u2014 speak \u2014", "An old and faithful friend with such a breach", "Ev'n half of this unmerited ill-treatment .", "This is too much for ev'n a brother 's bearing . Nor can I longer answer for myself .", "On the most happy marriage of your daughter .", "To hush the sad ideas of suspicion .", "Yes \u2014 he \u2014 or why that name ?", "Destroying wantonly her precious health ?", "To save a family .", "As \u2018 tis my wish sincere , to give you joy", "I have said it ,", "Give me the letter , \u2018 twas design 'd for me .", "Nor patience press too far : but for that amity ,", "Waste the whole night , destroying health and fortune ,", "While art supplies the spoil of their excesses .", "Of the sad fate of his unhappy uncle ;", "At your instance .", "To ev'ry charge in your impassion 'd letter ,", "It might induce him to conclude me guilty .", "Wherefore , at present it will be most prudent ,", "Than of this world . The clamour then grew great ;", "Ev'n so .", "Glar 'd in the ghastly visages of several ."], "true_target": ["To be a mute spectator of such ruin ,", "I think she 's innocent .", "Licentious railer , cease your foul invective ,", "The innocent society of those ,", "Which made our ancestors so justly fam 'd", "His purse on like occasion ne'er withhYpppHeNheld .", "Whilst ev'ry torturing passion of the foul", "These two nights past , since his return to town ,", "A stroke too fatal , e'er to be recover 'd .", "Scorning to mingle in our humble circles .", "Against we meet on the Exchange to-day ,", "Which were display 'd there , even by the women ,", "Nor know I what it means .", "But friendship urges the unpleasing task \u2014", "In which we 've liv 'd , I cou 'd not have endur 'd", "Our women even then were greatly alter 'd ,", "Besides , the person charg 'd is of high rank .", "You 've lost that fortitude you once possess 'd .", "As hourly threatens this respected family .", "Nor is there one in the black list of crimes ,", "To flatter , or conceal would ill become", "This letter just now brought from our friend Andrews , Is superscrib 'd to me , and yet most surely , By its contents , it was design 'd for you .", "He hath repos 'd with me .", "Your wife was then but Young ?", "With smiles delusive , other crimes decoy ,", "For there 's no mischief , but that artful woman", "As of its love sure proof ; and oft \u2019 our benefit .", "Of that sage judgment which he once possess 'd !", "Distrust and anxious fears its birth attend ;", "Ha ! villain in my teeth , what mean you , sir ?", "Fear not .\u2014 I pity him ; he 's much disturb 'd .", "Her reputation \u2014", "Shou 'd I shun him ,", "Once , on the invitation of your spouse .", "\u2018 Tis then , the faithful heart displays itself ,", "O most abandon 'd woman ! weak as wicked .", "Full half the meeting more like spectres seem 'd", "It is the current rumour of the neighbourhood ,", "The loss was great . \u2018 Tis now about ten years ?", "Of ev'ry social duty quite regardless .", "Hath heart and head to scheme .", "Of virtue , honour , and of all that 's worthy ?", "I will revolve it well .", "Under the varied names of Fate and Fortune .", "Pervades each rank , and all distinction levels :", "You puzzle me .", "Whilst on a cast their trembling fortunes hung .", "The surest test of friendship is affliction .", "How it would grieve me could you even doubt it !", "Do you not tamely see her , ev'ry day ,", "A motley crowd at midnight hour assembles ;", "\u2018 Tis better done by him , than by our friend .", "As also meet assistance to these wounded ,", "No gleam of pleasure for eternal woes ;", "The feelings of his heart o'erpow ' r him so , He cannot give them vent ; it may prove fatal \u2014\u2014\u2014 He 's all convuls 'd : let 's place him on this seat .", "I 'm happy in the thoughts of being single .", "But heav'n hath will 'd it , and we must submit .", "And pray 'd us to haste hither with all speed ,", "Its inside too", "Who seem to need it much .", "And such might have remain 'd , had she not quit", "Is not less riotous ; where this same medly", "He shall not sink for that : I 'll be his pledge .", "You tell me , you sleep mostly in the country ?", "\u2018 Tis fit lord Weston should be straight appriz 'd", "He has abundance more to hear of yet ;", "She had all the virtues that adorn her sex .", "And ev'ry social pleasure with their virtues .", "And wild distraction waits its guilty end .", "A messenger ,", "Gaming alone no transient rapture knows ,", "Else I should ne'er have dar 'd to wound your ear ;", "My heart is open then , and can n't acquit you .", "How this insidious woman hath depriv 'd him", "By heav'n ! some stratagem ,", "For honestly , and every gen'rous deed ;", "There are disasters yet within these walls ,", "Which these infernals seem 'd not prompt to perpetrate ,", "Madness indeed ! all may be mere surmise ;"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 17}, {"query": ["Hath just now charg 'd my father , that henceforth", "O ! but lord Belmour , his relentless uncle ,", "And , but I know lord Weston has a soul ,", "Alas ! I fear some deep distress affects him .", "Which shew like havens on a treach'rous shore ,", "Vowing most solemnly , that shou 'd we wed ,", "The best of parents and of friends offended .", "Oft have I wish 'd", "Ever-honour 'd sir ! let not a thought for me", "His visits here be countenanced no more ;", "I wou 'd far rather wed in mine own rank ,", "He 'd disinherit him . Besides in speech", "Why thus conceal the truth which must be known ?", "Where truth and happiness are oft'ner found ,", "To close with intercourse of souls the day !", "My fortune , independent of my father ,", "He hath much flighted us .", "Full well you know how long he hath been absent :", "And I the sovereign of unbounded realms ,", "Oh ! Lucia , Lucia , I shall die with terrours \u2014 What can these noises mean ?Heard you that groan ?", "Protect us , heaven !\u2014 what are you ?", "Far more than this for which you have engag 'd ,", "You some distress had met , or that Constantia ,", "Withdraw awhile \u2014", "To dread those prospects of illusive fortune ,", "No more must I of that chos'n youth have hope ,", "To make him partner of that heart and throne :", "Of late , these fierce attacks give fresh alarm . Preserve him , heav'n ,\u2014 O sir ! behold your daughter .\u2014", "Do not distress me thus \u2014 you know my heart ;", "What have I done ! I have betray 'd myself .", "That did my faithful heart approve him more", "In whom my ev'ry thought , my soul is center 'd .", "My task should be , to tear it thence for ever .", "Or that we had been rear 'd , \u2018 midst rural innocence ,", "Or love in woman . O my friend , my Lucia !", "From such examples , Lucia , we may learn", "I 'm but the daughter of a bankrupt citizen ,", "Go , whilst my wav'ring heart can hold its purpose .", "Wherein he every wholesome seed implanted ,", "Would heav'n this interview had not been now !", "\u2018 Tis that distracts my soul .\u2014 How hath he vow 'd ,", "Possess 'd of every virtue heav'n bestows ,", "To which I had been us 'd ; I , therefore fear 'd ,", "These tell-tale eyes proclaim an interest there ,", "Than midst the glaring grandeur of the great .", "I 've thought , you did not see me with that pleasure", "I 've told you all \u2014 You know a parent 's right ;", "And that its choice was not with your assent ,", "True , he is all that 's gen'rous , great and noble ,", "Oh sirs !\u2014 heav'n grant \u2018 Tis not too late \u2014 some sad event , I dread \u2014They 're from the room where Mrs. Andrews sleeps .", "Shall be our pledg 'd security .", "That if a day pass 'd by , and we asunder ,", "\u2018 Tis fit , lord Weston knows my father 's orders ,", "Led me to break my father 's strict injunction .", "He is your uncle , and can much befriend you .", "Lord Belmour would renounce you then for ever ;", "O Lucia ! I 'm of women most unhappy ;"], "true_target": ["Protect my father , heav'n ! undone \u2014 undone \u2014", "Instill 'd by you , will so direct my steps ,", "Ha ! Lucia ! whence these fears ? am I despis 'd ?", "Yet , stay again \u2014 where is my father now ?", "He felt it as the absence of an age !", "To meet in wedded state , the due compliance", "But now this meeting might to both prove fatal .", "Speak nought of this , but leave me to despair !", "than I have truly told you ,", "You would yourself on serious thoughts condemn me .", "I cannot rest , till Lucia knows it all .", "It is forbid \u2014 forbid , most sure , for ever !", "Say , I am indispos 'd \u2014 retir 'd \u2014 yet stay .", "Heav'n hath ordain 'd , or I expect its blessings ?", "As well you know , that on that truth alone", "My tender frame had shared the harvest toil ,", "Had witlessly ,", "That I no more admit his visits here .", "What is't I hear ! undone ! be still , my heart !", "Haste , Lucia , if thou lov'st me , make excuse :", "Which time or fortune never can erase .", "All that stirs envy and respect in man ,", "My lord , you have by this untimely visit ,", "Distress your tenderness . Heav'n be my judge !", "Thou know'st not half the fondness of mine heart :", "A father , dear as my heart 's vital drops .", "How soon we yield to that the heart approves ! Who waits without ?Conduct lord Weston hither .", "Good heav'n ! of two such parents make me worthy .", "Thanks , best of friends ! but you shall never suffer .", "O ! if you ever lov 'd me \u2014 prize my peace !", "But O ! in what enchanting , phrase , he urg 'd", "Of whom , shou 'd you think more \u2014", "A low , yet happy pair ; with what delight ,", "Could you then hope from an unduteous daughter ,", "And lure us to our ruin .", "I would repose my ev'ry hope in life .\u2014", "Be still , my flutt'ring heart !", "And watch 'd with never ceasing care their growth .", "O most indulgent !", "My lord , these honours far exceed my merit .", "Gainst my soul 's feelings , to this matchless youth !", "And \u2018 tis most fit , my lord , you should comply .", "What can I say ? my tongue denies its office .", "My dear lost mother , with the wholesome lessons", "The example of that honour to her sex ,", "Tell him , I cannot , must not , dare not see him \u2014", "Of honour , friendship , confidence and love ,", "O sir ! how you alarm me ! heav'n ! what fears ?", "You make your daughter happy ; for of late ,", "How have I suffer 'd by this forc 'd behaviour ,", "O ! I conjure thee , by the sacred tie", "His love , his fears and never-failing constancy !", "Hath not a letter , sir , disclos 'd the cause ?", "That he had been the guardian of a flock ,", "I may those blasts escape your fondness fears .", "Parent , not only of my life , but mind ,", "Oh ! oh ! forbear ,\u2014 I shudder at the thought .", "Say , what would you advise ? pause not , but speak ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 17}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis , sir \u2014 \u2018 tis a letter \u2014"], "true_target": ["From , sir ,\u2014 Why , \u2018 tis \u2014"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 17}, {"query": ["Close to that heart which is for ever hers .", "What of her ? speak \u2014\u2014\u2014", "Until at length , the mountain torrents sweep", "Say , are you truly serious in this matter ? Or , but amusing me with idle hopes ?", "Gratefully thank her for the precious token .", "Which I must straight impart to our good master ;", "And how am I now chang 'd from what I was !", "Why to speak truly , I had just now sought", "To what may they amount ?", "Too gen'rous maid !", "Rest well assur 'd , no motive should compel it ,", "A dose I this night drank will rid me speedily", "May have excluded me , alas , for ever !", "But oh ! when we indulge one vicious passion ,", "I pray return it with a thousand blessings \u2014", "\u2018 Twou 'd be some comfort to my fainting soul .", "A train of others unforeseen will follow ,", "And I deceive myself .\u2014 Ha ! here 's Maria .", "Refuse it !\u2014 O ! whilst life exists I 'll wear it ,", "Why ?", "Not thus a wretched outcast of the world \u2014", "In those blest dwellings , whence my foul offences", "And in the dread abyss for ever sinks .", "Nor am I to her outward charms insensible .", "Oh ! cou 'd I hope for your assisting prayers ,", "How quickly every resolution vanishes !", "Let the event be fatal as it may .", "Her virtue !", "This fruitless passion , I 've so long indulg 'd", "Of that sad life I can endure no longer .", "Heart-rending kindness !\u2014 Oh !\u2014 again farewell !", "The deadly drug , works far , and I grow faint \u2014", "Like some weak skiff , that for a while had stood", "Will meet the due reward of all your virtues .", "For which , this night I fought him at his villa ,", "Besides the mischief I have done my master ,", "But her demands encrease with my compliance ,", "Forbear this now . None prize her virtues more :", "Some private intercourse with mine own heart .", "I pray inform me , where I now may find him .", "My fate draws near \u2014 - so now , farewel for ever !", "I know no other banker cou 'd support it .", "Transporting sounds ! My soul is all attention !\u2014 Pray proceed .", "It matters not .", "Such rumour was"], "true_target": ["Nor dare I lift or eye or hand for mercy .", "No , speak your business quickly .", "Safe on the tranquil bosom of the flood ;", "But you will shortly have sufficient vengeance .", "And my heart 's secret won .", "Alas ! from one transgression to another ,", "I am indeed accurs 'd ; I have betray 'd", "Have been more frequent than occasions warrant .", "O ! had my truant , and ungrateful heart", "But this is foreign to me , present business .", "First , tell her then , that she shall be supply 'd ,", "O heav'n ! I gave the money to his wife .", "And blessings wait upon thee for this kindness !", "I stand myself upon the verge of ruin .", "\u2018 Tis quite impossible .", "I am all ecstacy , delicious woman !", "Be not surpriz 'd ; it is an old acquaintance . Have a few moments absence so estrang 'd you ?", "Yet much she hath profess 'd herself my friend ,", "And crush me at a blow : but oh ! this passion ,", "But when the heart is to one object wedded ,", "Where in large gulps the foamy brine it drinks ,", "View what ?", "But much to my surprize , he was not there .", "You never more may from this moment see me :\u2014", "On the Exchange to-day , but not with certainty .", "I shall obey .\u2014 He never judg 'd more justly .", "For this enchanting woman , drives me on ,", "\u2018 Tis , \u2018 tis too true \u2014", "In honour , as in virtue have been happy ,", "No lure can win it thence .\u2014\u2014\u2014 You flatter me ?", "The most indulgent master , best of friends !", "I should not else have urg 'd it to you thus .", "I cannot say I have , and yet \u2014\u2014", "Wou 'd I cou 'd shun her ! as of late her visits", "And I have injur 'd much the best of masters .", "My actions must at length fall heavy on me ,", "There are some matters of most deep concern", "\u2018 Tis now too late ,", "To fix me such , your lessons were not wanting .", "And you , as sure as that Great Pow'r is just ,", "Her merit justly priz 'd , I might this day ,", "Its faint resistance headlong to the deep ,", "Until at length all virtue is extinguish 'd .", "You are so good , you cannot but have interest", "When I go hence , I pray you read this paper \u2014", "Full well you know , how I 'm inclin 'd to serve her ;"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 17}, {"query": ["My lady rose too early .", "\u2018 Tis Mrs. Andrews , madam , in her chariot ."], "true_target": ["\u2018 Tis past the noon , but it is scarce four hours", "Since you lay down to rest ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 17}, {"query": ["Sir , your friend Andrews .", "Mrs. Andrews waits upon your ladyship .", "Madam , lord Weston 's in the anti-chamber ."], "true_target": ["I had conceiv 'd it was your general order .", "Your neighbour Andrews sent it to your house .", "Lord Belmour , madam , tenders his respects ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 17}, {"query": ["By the contents were otherwise intended .", "And at some near-appointed station wait ,", "You \u2014 conduct him hither . I dread the event .And yet well know your fortitude and temper .", "This , or some other night , you should return ?", "And have you ever found him in a falsehood ?", "Shall give you notice of the secret visit ?", "The purposes you covet to accomplish .", "\u2018 Twere better sure , to sift this matter calmly ;", "To my surprize I did , which I suppose", "Where is the letter ?", "His bosom glows with all the heav'nly feelings Of gen'rous amity and social love . So boundless too , he cou 'd not rest and know , That ev'n a worthy stranger felt distress . Enter a SERVANT and delivers a letter to Mr. Goodwin , which he opens and peruses . \u2018 Tis all a mystery ; or perfect madness . It can n't be meant for me .Where got you this ?", "The tempest may th \u2019 inferior regions shake ,", "What proof this of his sad distracted state ! Nor wonder ; his distress encreases hourly . Midst which , one of his ships , it is reported , with a rich cargo , fraught from India 's shores , Was lately wreek 'd ; and that by some neglect , It had not been insur 'd .\u2014 \u2018 Tis rumour 'd too , That some of his acceptances are noted .", "Until some friendly watch , whom you can trust ,", "To sleep as usual at your rural dwelling ,", "Since you so press it , I will thus far venture \u2014", "As firmly is denied : wherefore , it lies", "This fatal scene exhibits to our view .", "\u2018 Tis plain , two misdirections have been written ;", "Forbear , I pray ! you will alarm my family .", "Despond not thus , there 's nothing certain yet ;", "O heav'n ! what havock 's here !Alas ! my friend , What have you done ?", "Suppose , that after you have left the city ,", "Permit me then to speak between you both ."], "true_target": ["Your utmost fortitude .", "Mean while , you must be calm , or may prevent", "A dangerous request !", "You 've known him long ?", "Yet , let me stipulate this one condition ,", "What is the whole demand ?", "And bear with manly fortitude these trials :", "O ! my good friends , forbear ; I 've heard too much .", "Above the threaten 'd ruin !", "What is affirm 'd on one side , on the other", "I hear his voice .", "Passion but mars the purpose it pursues .", "Rather think him innocent .", "Wherefore , compose awhile your ruffled spirit ,", "Its rumours may be false \u2014 however ,", "I 'll join you in the bonds .\u2014 Prepare them , sirs .", "That you command yourself ; for \u2018 twill require", "I have by accident , as I inform 'd you .", "Do you withdraw .I pray you hear it read .\u201c That you are the blackest of all villains you must yourself admit . What , induce me to suspect my wife with anotherin order to carry on your own adulterous schemes ? such an attempt against my honour , peace of mind , and all that is most dear to me ! If you regard your safety you will be cautious of our meeting . \u201c James Andrews \u201d", "On him who made the charge to shew his proof .", "And do you choose to meet him ?", "He seem 'd surpriz 'd , but shew 'd no sign of guilt .", "Whilst those of higher sphere rest undisturb 'd", "What would your madness do ? too much already ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 17}, {"query": ["Betray the fondness it would fain conceal ;", "Canst speak the anguish of the love-sick heart ,", "Though none stood higher once in fair repute .", "Should but the modest blush , the fault'ring speech ,", "He hath a soul superior to all falsehood .", "My dear Constantia ! banish all such thoughts .", "Affairs , \u2018 tis said , of moment call 'd him hence ,", "And from the hand that wounds implore relief :", "Most distressful !", "You quite astonish me \u2014 it cannot be . Even the day was fix 'd for your espousals .", "Sure life expir 'd with it !\u2014 A woman 's voice \u2014", "From this fond heart , and its lost peace restore !\u2014 -", "Not rashly cast away a gem so precious .", "Alas ! \u2018 tis my poor heart betrays itself .", "And rumours are unkind to him of late ,", "And wastes the virgin bloom . Nor is this all ;", "Or the disorder of the conscious soul ,"], "true_target": ["The deadly shaft , that rooted rankles there ,", "Hath yet lord Weston heard these fatal tidings ?", "But deep distress seem 'd on his brow imprinted ,", "I but now met him , and methought he shunn 'd me .", "I know not ; he went forth some hours ago .", "Not only cold indifference , but neglect ,", "But soft ! I hear my dear Constantia 's voice .", "I 'd see him , for the reason you have mention 'd ;", "Unusual this from his most gentle nature .", "How by the tyrant custom art thou favour 'd !", "And his return is ev'ry hour expected .", "Is full too oft the base return we meet .\u2014", "Happy man !", "Why to despair ? by all those sacred ties !", "Thou wert not in my thoughts in what I 've utter 'd .", "O Jefferson ! would I cou 'd tear thee hence ,", "Whilst we in silent secrecy must shelter"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 17}, {"query": ["He is ; I 'll shew the room .", "A person in a common peasant 's habit ,"], "true_target": ["Came here some moments since and sent for you ,", "Upon some pressing business , as he told me ."], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 17}, {"query": ["Yet hold awhile ; I nearly had forgot . This night , the gentle Lucia fought you here , But disappointed , left you this remembrance . \u2018 Tis for five hundred pounds .", "Then almost waned , descry 'd a man and woman", "She seems not less disturb 'd than him she fought .", "Unhappy youth ! He told me I should ne'er behold him more .", "One went in before her .", "Try the new tavern in th \u2019 adjacent alley .", "Until lord Belmour and Maria pass 'd me", "Which from her scatter 'd words I could not gather .", "Close standing at the wicket of the gate ,", "Wherefore , permit me to rejoice to see you", "But whence this sudden ghastliness of visage", "For waiting , as \u2018 twas your desire I should ,", "I may for ever forfeit his regard .", "Besides , she mutter 'd strangely to herself .", "Lord Belmour , sir .", "What shall I do ? I am enjoin 'd to secrecy .", "His errand hither ,", "His countenance betray 'd some desp'rate fortune .", "Whilst every countenance betrays distress .", "It was your wife ."], "true_target": ["Towards the house .", "As I exist \u2014", "That leads into the lane . I stood conceal 'd ,", "As may excuse me in such breach of confidence ?", "O Jefferson ! those moments have occasion 'd", "Was to have seen our master .", "You may ; I lock 'd the doors , and have the keys .", "Yes , sir , she 's but at home some moments .", "Are you full sure they 're of such high concern", "And walking \u2018 twixt the dwelling and the warehouse ,", "Should you disclose who pointed out your course ,", "A man , sir .", "The hue of death itself !", "\u2018 Twas he indeed !", "Many and various rumours of your fortune ;", "\u2018 Tis fit I follow her , and seek her meanings ,", "Yes , sir .", "Some sad disasters are I fear approaching ,", "I by a light , which glimmer 'd from the moon ,", "But , Jefferson ,", "\u2018 Till I could warn you of your wife 's return ,"], "play_index": 17, "act_index": 17}, {"query": ["I hardly know , sir .", "Very good , sir .GEORGE stares gloomily at the card tables . BURNEY comes in front the hall .", "Yes , sir .", "Not a penny , I suppose ?", "Yes , sir .Shall I leave the sunset , sir ? But GEORGE has crossed to the curtained door ; he opens it and says : \u201c Clare ! \u201d Receiving no answer , he goes in . PAYNTER switches up the electric light . His face , turned towards the curtained door , is apprehensive .", "No , ma'am . Good-night , ma'am .", "Mr. and Mrs. Fullarton .", "Sir Charles and Lady Dedmond were coming at half-past nine ; and Captain Huntingdon , too \u2014 Mr. and Mrs. Fullarton might be a bit late , sir .", "The master , my lady ?", "Naturally , ma'am !", "Rector , like ?"], "true_target": ["I could n't get you a little anything , ma'am ?", "She and the Governor do n't hit it ! One of these days she 'll flit \u2014 you 'll see . I like her \u2014 she 's a lady ; but these thoroughbred \u2018 uns \u2014 it 's their skin and their mouths . They 'll go till they drop if they like the job , and if they do n't , it 's nothing but jib \u2014 jib \u2014 jib . How was it down there before she married him ?", "Not to me , sir .", "I asked the mistress , sir .", "We are much obliged , ma'am .", "She had a mere nothing at seven , sir .", "Where 's she gone ?", "Just so , my lady .", "The Governor ! BURNEY withdraws through the curtained door . GEORGE DEDMOND enters from the hall . He is in evening dress , opera hat , and overcoat ; his face is broad , comely , glossily shaved , but with neat moustaches . His eyes , clear , small , and blue-grey , have little speculation . His hair is well brushed .", "Country homes \u2014 I know \u2018 em . What 's her father , the old", "Yes , sir \u2014 that is , yes . The \u2014 er \u2014 mistress was not dressed at all . A little matter of fresh air , I think ; sir ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 18}, {"query": ["Oh ! Quiet , of course .", "Yes , sir .", "Thank you , sir .", "Oh ! very steady old man . The mother dead long before I took the place ."], "true_target": ["I 've put out the mistress 's things , sir .", "Just walks about , I fancy .", "No ; and seven of them .", "I do n't think she meant it , sir .", "Yes , sir . The mistress said : \u201c I hope it 'll be a pleasant evening , Burney ! \u201d"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 18}, {"query": ["It will never be done by you \u2014 understand that !", "Well , it 's true and you 've no answer .", "Did your mistress say anything before she went out ?", "I 'm not speaking to you , sir .", "The facts are that we 're married \u2014 for better or worse , and certain things are expected of us . It 's suicide for you , and folly for me , in my position , to ignore that . You have all you can reasonably want ; and I do n't \u2014 do n't wish for any change . If you could bring anything against me \u2014 if I drank , or knocked about town , or expected too much of you . I 'm not unreasonable in any way , that I can see .", "Italy \u2014 this Spring \u2014 some place or other where they could n't speak English .", "Did you imagine I was going to let you vanish without an effort \u2014\u2014", "That remains to be seen .", "From a common sense of decency .", "Ca n't you make it up ?", "Ah !", "You like making a fool of me !", "D'you mean to stay in this pigsty with that rhapsodical swine ?", "Where 's Mrs. Dedmond ?", "Then there is something between you and this fellow .", "Look here ! I 'm sorry . God knows I do n't want to be a brute . I know you 're not happy .", "Once for all , I do n't mean to allow you to make fools of us both .", "That 's not my opinion ; nor the opinion of anyone , so long as you behave yourself .", "Pish !", "I do n't want to know what you do n't think , I want the fact .", "Clare !", "Oh ! leave it alone , mother .", "What time did my mother say they 'd be here for Bridge ?", "We used \u2014\u2014", "I wish the deuce we 'd never met him . Comes of picking up people you know nothing of . I distrust him \u2014 and his looks \u2014 and his infernal satiric way . He can n't even \u2018 dress decently . He 's not \u2014 good form .", "I do n't want to discuss it . There 's never anything in particular . We 're all anyhow , as you know .", "I 've told you I wo n't stand a separation for no real reason , and have your name bandied about all over London . I have some primitive sense of honour .", "Paynter ! Take that table into the dining room .", "Not particularly .", "We 've got to face the facts .", "Look here , Clare ; you do n't mean you 're expecting me to put up with the position of a man who 's neither married nor unmarried ? That 's simple purgatory . You ought to know .", "By Jove ! You can be the most maddening thing in all the world !After behaving as you have this evening , you might try to make some amends , I should think . CLARE moves her head from side to side , as if in sight of something she could not avoid . He puts his hand on her arm .", "What I can n't stand is being made a fool of before other people .", "Send Burney .", "Why do you let him come ? What d'you find interesting in him ?", "I told her this morning you were coming in to Bridge . Appears she 'd asked that fellow Malise , for music .", "Do n't go like that ! Do you suppose we 're the only couple who 've found things are n't what they thought , and have to put up with each other and make the best of it .", "I believe she did tell me .", "I tell you plainly , as a man of the world , I do n't believe in the guide , philosopher and friend business .", "Do n't talk wild nonsense !", "As a matter of fact , she 's not in .", "Damn ! He again goes to the curtained door , and passes through . PAYNTER , coming in from the hall , announces : \u201c General Sir Charles and Lady Dedmond . \u201d SIR CHARLES is an upright , well-groomed , grey-moustached , red-faced man of sixty-seven , with a keen eye for molehills , and none at all for mountains . LADY DEDMOND has a firm , thin face , full of capability and decision , not without kindliness ; and faintly weathered , as if she had faced many situations in many parts of the world . She is fifty five . PAYNTER withdraws .", "Oh !\u2014 Thanks .", "To let everybody see that we do n't get on \u2014 there 's only one word for it \u2014 Disgusting !"], "true_target": ["I will go when you do .", "You know we did .", "Reggie Huntingdon , and the Fullartons .", "Clare is n't that sort .", "Then why do you do it ? I 've always kept my end up . Why in heaven 's name do you behave in this crazy way ?", "At all events , I wo n't \u2014 I wo n't see a woman who once \u2014I wo n't see her go to certain ruin without lifting a finger .", "You need n't have gone out of your way to tell a lie that would n't deceive a guinea-pig .Pleased with yourself to-night ?Before that fellow MALISE ; as if our own people were n't enough !", "I do n't pretend to be subtle or that kind of thing ; but I have ordinary common sense . I do n't attempt to be superior to plain facts \u2014\u2014", "Well , why do you imagine they do it ?", "For God 's sake , Clare , drop cynicism !", "Clare , you 're pretty riling .", "It 's that now . Your mistress said nothing ?", "Ordinary friction one can put up with . But that \u2014\u2014", "Why not ?", "Will you come ?", "I can n't bear my affairs being messed about \u2014\u2014", "You mad little fool ! Understand this ; if you 've not returned home by three o'clock I 'll divorce you , and you may roll in the gutter with this high-souled friend of yours . And mind this , you sir \u2014 I wo n't spare you \u2014 by God ! Your pocket shall suffer . That 's the only thing that touches fellows like you . Turning , he goes out , and slams the door . CLARE and MALISE remain face to face . Her lips have begun to quiver .", "We can try .", "Are you coming ?", "You can n't dislike him more than I do . But there 's nothing one can object to .", "In future \u2014 see ?", "Will you come outside and speak to me ?", "How are you ? Clare ! Mr. MALISE !", "Then what do you talk about \u2014 your minds ?Will you answer a straight question ? Is he falling in love with you ?", "I do n't say I am . But why can n't we be ?", "You try me pretty high , do n't you , forcing me to come here , and speak before this fellow ? Most men would think the worst , finding you like this .", "Dined in ?", "Afraid she 's late .", "For God 's sake be just ! I 've come here to say certain things . If you force me to say them before him \u2014 on your head be it ! Will you appoint somewhere else ?", "Look here , Paynter ! When I send up from the Club for my dress things , always put in a black waistcoat as well .", "Oh ! for goodness \u2019 sake drop that hifalutin \u2019 tone . It does n't suit you . Look here ! If you like to go abroad with one of your young sisters until the autumn , I 'll let the flat and go to the Club .", "I do n't know that you deserve anything of me . But on my honour , as a gentleman , I came here this morning for your sake , to warn you of what you 're doing .And I tell this precious friend of yours plainly what I think of him , and that I 'm not going to play into his hands .", "Could n't help behaving like a shop-girl ? My God ! You were brought up as well as I was .", "Clare !", "There are things one does not do .", "So am I .", "And at once began to do it again ! It seems to me you delight in rows .", "Has she gone out , since ?", "God knows ! I try , and I believe she does .", "You are my wife , I suppose .", "Look here . Did that fellow Malise put all this into your head ?", "You rather miss the point , I 'm afraid . I did n't come here to tell you what you know perfectly well when you 're sane . I came here to say this : Anyone in her senses could see the game your friend here is playing . It would n't take a baby in . If you think that a gentleman like thatchampions a pretty woman for nothing , you make a fairly bad mistake .", "Well ?", "Deuced funny one ! To have a mind \u2014 as you call it \u2014 it 's not necessary to talk about Art and Literature .", "Are you mad ?"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 18}, {"query": ["What !", "It 's distressin \u2019 \u2014 for us , you know , my dear fellow \u2014 distressin \u2019 .", "Saving your presence , you know , Reginald , I 've often noticed parsons \u2019 daughters grow up queer . Get too much morality and rice puddin \u2019 .", "What ?", "By Jove ! That fellow smells a rat !", "My dear girl , \u2018 pon my soul , you know , I can n't grasp your line of thought at all !", "What are we goin \u2019 to say ?", "Good God !", "You will be good enough to repeat that out loud , sir .", "Where did you pick him up ?", "Do n't mean that ? Then we shall have to wait for \u2018 em .", "Good ! Leave your mother to make up something . She 'll do it !", "For God 's sake do n't laugh like that !", "Ah ! George . Good dinner ?", "Do n't know that I find that .", "CHARLES and LADY DEDMOND turn to him with relief .", "I \u2014 I want to speak .My dear , if you feel like this , I can only say \u2014 as a \u2014 as a gentleman \u2014\u2014", "What !", "We 'll make him play Bridge . Do him good , if he 's that sort of fellow .", "Who 's that ?", "You smoke , Mr. MALISE ?", "What was she like when you were kids ?", "You play Bridge , sir ?", "By Gad ! Yes !", "How d'you do , sir ?"], "true_target": ["I 'm sure George does n't gallop her on the road . Very steady-goin \u2019 fellow , old George .", "I should think so .", "George ?", "Good ! The door is opened , and PAYNTER announces \u201c Mr. Kenneth Malise . \u201d MALISE enters . He is a tall man , about thirty-five , with a strongly marked , dark , irregular , ironic face , and eyes which seem to have needles in their pupils . His thick hair is rather untidy , and his dress clothes not too new .", "Oh ! That chap !", "Ca n't you put in a word yourself ?", "I do n't know whether old George is a bit too matter of fact for her . H 'm ?", "I 'm always thinkin \u2019 of writin \u2019 my experiences .", "I 'm fond of her . Nothing she wants that she has n't got , is there ?", "Hullo ! Where are they ? H 'm ! As he speaks , GEORGE re-enters .", "What ! Are n't we goin \u2019 to get a game ?", "Gone out on purpose ? What !", "Very fine sunset ! Quite softly CLARE begins to laugh . All look at her first with surprise , then with offence , then almost with horror . GEORGE is about to go up to her , but HUNTINGDON heads him off .", "PAYNTER , reappearing , announces : \u201c Captain Huntingdon . \u201d SIR", "George 's .", "Let me alone ! I can only say that \u2014 damme , I do n't know that I can say anything ! He looks at her very grieved , then turns and marches out , followed by LADY DEDMOND , whose voice is heard without , answered by his : \u201c What ! \u201d In the doorway , as they pass , GEORGE is standing ; he comes in .", "Does n't tie you ! What !", "Deuce you did !", "But , my dear girl , what the devil 's to become of", "By Jove ! I do n't know , I do n't know ! What !", "H 'm ! Not \u2014 not had a rumpus ?", "He 's having a palaver with that man of", "No , no ! Nobody 's spied on you . What !", "Um ! That 's the worst of travellin \u2019 .", "Ah ! Must smoke when you think a lot ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 18}, {"query": ["You know , my dear boy , I 've been meaning to speak to you for a long time . It is such a pity you and Clare \u2014 What is it ?", "I forget , Mr. Malise \u2014 you write , do n't you ?", "I should have thought ordinary decent feeling \u2014 Good heavens , girl ! Ca n't you see that you 're being played with ?", "Oh ?", "George is outside , Clare .", "Without letting you know ?", "Mr. Malise , I 'm sure , will see \u2014\u2014", "Are we early ?", "Ah ! It 's you , Reginald !", "But , my good girl , if you 'd let us know where you were , like a reasonable being . You can n't possibly be left to yourself without money or position of any kind . Heaven knows what you 'd be driven to !", "My dear ,", "If we are to talk this out , it must be in private .", "For the sake of the simple right ,", "Is this the natural place for me to find my son 's wife ?", "Clare !", "Well , George . Where 's Clare ?", "Be careful , Charles !", "You must see , Clare , that \u2014\u2014", "But surely \u2014\u2014", "That may be he . Quick !GEORGE goes out into the hall , leaving the door open in his haste . LADY DEDMOND , following , calls \u201c Paynter ! \u201d PAYNTER enters .", "What was the trouble ?", "George is most willing to take up things just as they were before you left .", "The fact is , Reginald , Clare 's out , and George is waiting for her . It 's so important people should n't \u2014\u2014", "Well ! it would be better for you and Clare to be supposed to be out together , than for her to be out alone . Go quietly into the dining-room and wait for her .", "I know it 's been going on for a long time .", "It 's terrible \u2014 this state of mind ! It 's really terrible ! CLARE breaks into the soft laugh of the other evening . As if galvanized by the sound , SIR CHARLES comes to life out of the transfixed bewilderment with which he has been listening .", "But , my dear , you must live .", "Well , my dear !", "Yes , I know . But you need n't say so . Do you understand ?", "I should be rather careful about him , I think .", "They ought to have had children ."], "true_target": ["He 's literary .You \u2014 you do n't think he \u2014 puts \u2014 er \u2014 ideas into her head ?", "Delightful profession .", "Charles !", "Mr. Twisden , will you \u2014\u2014?", "Mr. Malise does n't play Bridge , it appears . Afraid we shall be rather in the way of music .", "Quite frankly \u2014 what is it you want ?", "Charles !", "Do n't say anything about your master and mistress being out . I 'll explain .", "Clare will be so grieved . One of those invitations", "That Mr. Malise .", "If you will do these things \u2014 come to a man 's rooms \u2014\u2014", "Could Reggie Huntingdon do anything , now he 's home ? Brothers sometimes \u2014\u2014", "Have n't you any religious sense at all , Clare ?", "Charles ! Clare , you must know this is all a fit of spleen ; your duty and your interest \u2014 marriage is sacred , Clare .", "Is anyone else coming ?", "I think you ought to have dropped him . These literary people \u2014 -From exchanging ideas to something else , is n't very far , George .", "Will you listen to Reginald ?", "I know . But she catches up notions very easily . I think it 's a great pity you ever came across him .", "It 's getting serious , Reginald . I do n't know what 's to become of them . You do n't think the Rector \u2014 you do n't think your father would speak to Clare ?", "You ought to be horribly ashamed . CLARE . Of the fact-I am .", "How do you do ? My son and daughter-in-law are so very sorry . They 'll be here directly .", "No . Only , the great thing is that she should n't be encouraged . Listen !\u2014 It is her-coming in . I can hear their voices . Gone to her room . What a blessing that man is n't here yet !Tt ! There he is , I expect .", "I shall simply say they 're dining out , and that we 're not to wait Bridge for them .", "But you are hurting everybody . Do \u2014 do be reasonable !", "Well , if we 're going to play , Charles ?", "If you have any decency left , sir , you will allow my son , at all events , to speak to his wife alone .We 'll wait below .", "Now you will be able to have your music .", "I see .", "There 's a Mr. Malise coming here to-night . I forget if you know him .", "But , George , I 'm afraid this man has brought it to a point \u2014 put ideas into her head .", "Charles ! The door is opened . CLARE DEDMOND in a cream-coloured evening frock comes in from the hall , followed by GEORGE . She is rather pale , of middle height , with a beautiful figure , wavy brown hair , full , smiling lips , and large grey mesmeric eyes , one of those women all vibration , iced over with a trained stoicism of voice and manner ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 18}, {"query": ["I was going into the dining-room to get rid of my cigar ; and he said : \u201c Not in there , sir . The master 's there , but my instructions are to the effect that he 's not . \u201d", "Well , what 's to be done ? If my pay would run to it \u2014 but it simply wo n't .", "My dear old girl , I do n't want to be a brute ; but it 's a bit difficult to believe in that , except in novels .", "I mean , you \u2014 you chose him yourself . No one forced you to marry him .", "Never heard her say so .", "George may be a bit prosaic . But , my dear old girl , if that 's all \u2014\u2014", "And you 've got to think of the girls . Any trouble would be very beastly for them . And the poor old Governor would feel it awfully .", "I asked Greyman , the novelist , about him ; seems he 's a bit of an Ishmaelite , even among those fellows . Ca n't see Clare \u2014\u2014", "Rather ! They draw together , as people do , discussing the misfortunes of members of their families .", "My dear child , do give us a reason .", "GEORGE takes up the tray , stops to look at CLARE , then allows", "Look here , Clare !", "Yes . Rather a thorough-bred mongrel .", "Do n't know where the mischief lies .", "Say they 're dining out , and we 're not to wait Bridge for them ."], "true_target": ["We 've met , I think . He gives MALISE that peculiar smiling stare , which seems to warn the person bowed to of the sort of person he is . MALISE 'S eyes sparkle .", "Expect they 're pretty glad now they have n't . I really do n't know what to say , ma'am .", "Well , my child , there 's just one thing you wo n't go sailing near the wind , will you ? I mean , there are fellows always on the lookout .", "This is working up for a mess , old girl . You can n't do this kind of thing with impunity . No man 'll put up with it . If you 've got anything against George , better tell me .You ought to know I should stick by you . What is it ? Come ?", "How d'you do ? How are you , sir ? What 's the matter with their man ?", "Ca n't you try to see George 's side of it a bit ?", "Afraid the Governor 's hardly well enough . He takes anything of that sort to heart so \u2014 especially Clare .", "Oh , yes ; George is all right , sir .", "Oh , all right . Could be rather a little devil , of course , when her monkey was up .", "Do n't head for trouble , old girl . Take a pull . Bless you ! Good-night . CLARE kisses him , and when he has gone turns away from the door , holding herself in , refusing to give rein to some outburst of emotion . Suddenly she sits down at the untouched Bridge table , leaning her bare elbows on it and her chin on her hands , quite calm . GEORGE is coming in . PAYNTER follows him .", "Well ! I do n't know him . He may be all right , but he 's not our sort . And you 're too pretty to go on the tack of the New Woman and that kind of thing \u2014 have n't been brought up to it .", "HUNTINGDON to shepherd him out .", "Look here ! It 's not as if George was n't quite a decent chap . And it 's no use blinking things ; you are absolutely dependent on him . At home they 've got every bit as much as they can do to keep going .", "My dear old thing ; you must n't get into fantods like this . If it 's like that , do n't think about it .", "Bring the tray along , old man ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 18}, {"query": ["I knew that fellow \u2014\u2014"], "true_target": ["What !"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 18}, {"query": ["Well ?", "No use lying any longer \u2014 you 'd know it tomorrow .", "Nothing to tell you , child . At that touch of tenderness she goes up to his chair and kneels down beside it . Mechanically MALISE takes off his hat .", "Two thousand .He 'll settle it on you .Masterly ! By one stroke , destroys his enemy , avenges his \u201c honour , \u201d and gilds his name with generosity !", "Was there a man on the stairs as you came up ?", "It makes my blood boil to think of women like you . God help all ladies without money .", "Have you ever acted ?You might n't think so , but I 've heard there 's a prejudice in favour of training . There 's Chorus \u2014 I do n't recommend it . How about your brother ?", "Quite right . You 've had enough of that . There is a long silence . Without looking at him she takes up her hat , and puts it on .", "Stones yield no blood .", "Never apologize for being fey . It 's much too rare .", "Ah ! Proud to have given you that advice . When ?", "You do n't trust me ?", "Show them in ! TWISDEN enters-a clean-shaved , shrewd-looking man , with a fighting underlip , followed by SIR CHARLES and LADY DEDMOND . MRS. MILER goes . There are no greetings .", "Do you wish me to go ?", "You poor \u2014\u2014 He clasps and kisses her , then , drawing back , looks in her face . She has not moved , her eyes are still closed ; but she is shivering ; her lips are tightly pressed together ; her hands twitching .", "We English love liberty in those who do n't belong to us . Yes .", "Full of smoke . He drops paper and pen , and crossing to the room on the left goes in . CLARE re-enters with a small leather box . She puts it down on her typing table as MALISE returns followed by MRS. MILER , wearing her hat , and carrying His overcoat .", "Not going ?", "Prison . Break out !", "He 's begun to haunt them , I 'm told .", "Now , now ! This is n't the time to brood ! Rouse up and fight .", "Mrs. Miler , just see who it is ; and then go , for the present .", "No , no ! We shall find something . Keep your soul alive at all costs . What ! let him hang on to you till you 're nothing but \u2014 emptiness and ache , till you lose even the power to ache . Sit in his drawing-room , pay calls , play Bridge , go out with him to dinners , return to \u2014 duty ; and feel less and less , and be less and less , and so grow old and \u2014 die !", "I beg your pardon !", "Thank God for that !", "Delicious !", "I beg \u2014 I beg you ! What does it matter ? Use me ! Get free somehow .", "No , no ! Let me shelter you ! Let me !", "I understand .", "I can n't let you go .", "Good !", "But you \u2014 poor dainty thing !", "Such is my weakness .", "Ah-h-h !Play me something .", "Let him . Let him go for his divorce . Get rid of him . Have done with him \u2014 somehow . She gets up and stands with face averted . Then swiftly turning to him .", "Thick as blackberries . I just go out and cry , \u201c MALISE , unsuccessful author , too honest journalist , freethinker , co-respondent , bankrupt , \u201d and they tumble !", "You are right . Your words and mine will never kiss each other .", "What ! Spreading your wings ?", "Is n't he a dun ?", "Nothing could be better .", "Mrs. Dedmond , there 's a whole world outside yours . Why do n't you spread your wings ?", "Confidence in me is not excessive .", "Not back to him ?Thank God ! But where ? To your people again ?", "Sanctimonious dogs !", "What 's he like , this gentleman ?", "Out of five books I have made the sum of forty pounds .", "By God , if you do n't go , I 'll kill you ."], "true_target": ["Yes , I will kill you . He goes stealthily along the wall , takes up from where it lies on the pile of books the great black knobby stick , and stealthily approaches GEORGE , his face quite fiendish .", "Let me give you a hand . PAYNTER and MALISE carry one of the Bridge tables out , GEORGE making a half-hearted attempt to relieve MALISE .", "Where are you going ? CLARE does not answer . She is breathing rapidly . There is a change in her , a sort of excitement beneath her calmness .", "I 'll say good-night . He shakes hands with CLARE , bows to MRS. FULLARTON , and makes his way out . HUNTINGDON and FULLERTON foregather in the doorway .", "I give you my solemn word \u2014\u2014", "Do n't spoil it !", "Nothing \u2014 desperate ?", "That is inconceivable .", "By the wayhe 'd no means of tracing you ?", "Indeed !", "D'you imagine they 'll let you off , out there \u2014 you with your face ? Come , trust me trust me ! You must !", "Only by the head .", "We 're not going to let them down us , are we ?Life on sufferance , breath at the pleasure of the enemy ! And some day in the fullness of his mercy to be made a present of the right to eat and drink and breathe again .Fine !That 's the last groan they get from me .", "Too much .", "Afraid not !", "This great damned world , and \u2014 you ! Listen !Into that ! alone \u2014 helpless \u2014 without money . The men who work with you ; the men you make friends of \u2014 d'you think they 'll let you be ? The men in the streets , staring at you , stopping you \u2014 pudgy , bull-necked brutes ; devils with hard eyes ; senile swine ; and the \u201c chivalrous \u201d men , like me , who do n't mean you harm , but can n't help seeing you 're made for love ! Or suppose you do n't take covert but struggle on in the open . Society ! The respectable ! The pious ! Even those who love you ! Will they let you be ? Hue and cry ! The hunt was joined the moment you broke away ! It will never let up ! Covert to covert \u2014 till they 've run you down , and you 're back in the cart , and God pity you !", "Wait , Mrs. Miller !", "Very good , Mrs. Miler .", "It is not .", "Blackberrying ! Our train 's not till six . He goes into the bedroom . CLARE gets up and stands by the fire , looking round in a dazed way . She puts her hand up and mechanically gathers together the violets in the little vase . Suddenly she twists them to a buttonhole , and sinks down into the armchair , which he must pass . There she sits , the violets in her hand . MALISE comes out and crosses towards the outer door . She puts the violets up to him . He stares at them , shrugs his shoulders , and passes on . For just a moment CLARE sits motionless .", "Delicious !", "Will you go in there for a minute ? Or shall we let them ring \u2014 or \u2014 what ? It may not be anything , of course .", "Blessed be the respectable ! May they dream of \u2014 me ! And blessed be all men of the world ! May they perish of a surfeit of \u2014 good form !", "A man of the world should know better than that .", "Do the other room .", "It is not .", "Or think when you smoke a lot .", "Thank the stars for your good fortune .", "Who are they ?", "Then what \u2014 tell me \u2014 come !", "Yes , I slept .", "Sooner than you should hurt his dignity by working , your husband would pension you off .", "No , no ! This is not the house of a \u201c gentleman . \u201d", "On the spur of the moment .", "Mr. Robert Twisden . Sir Charles and Lady Dedmond .", "I could n't even get the costs .", "I remember the gentleman .", "\u201c Not a word , not a whisper of Liberty from all those excellent frock-coated gentlemen \u2014 not a sign , not a grimace . Only the monumental silence of their profound deference before triumphant Tyranny . \u201d While he speaks , a substantial woman , a little over middle-age , in old dark clothes and a black straw hat , enters from the corridor . She goes to a cupboard , brings out from it an apron and a Bissell broom . Her movements are slow and imperturbable , as if she had much time before her . Her face is broad and dark , with Chinese eyebrows .", "You can get on now ; I 'm going to shave . He looks at the clock , and passes out into the inner room . MRS. MILER , gazes round her , pins up her skirt , sits down in the armchair , takes off her hat and puts it on the table , and slowly rolls up her sleeves ; then with her hands on her knees she rests . There is a soft knock on the door . She gets up leisurely and moves flat-footed towards it . The door being opened CLARE is revealed .", "Thank God for beauty !", "Good luck , then ! Good luck ! He releases her hand . Just touching his bent head with her other hand , CLARE turns and goes . MALISE remains with bowed head , listening to the sound of her receding footsteps . They die away . He raises himself , and strikes out into the air with his clenched fist .", "To \u201c The Watchfire . \u201d The door closes behind him , and MRS. MILER goes up to CLARE holding out a little blue bottle with a red label , nearly full .", "I lied .", "Jolly of you to come . Can I do anything ?", "My God !", "Fifty to a hundred pounds a year . Leave me to gnaw my way out , child . CLARE stands looking at him in distress , then goes quickly into the room behind her . MALISE takes up his paper and pen . The paper is quite blank .", "Bravo !", "Well ?"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 18}, {"query": ["Well , I think we 've talked enough .", "I see . Will you please thank Mr. Dedmond , and say that I refuse ?", "Do n't !", "Give it to me !", "I have just learnt it .", "I want to know . Do you ?", "I do n't want to be horrid . But I am in earnest this time .", "I suppose there are lots of women who feel as I do , and go on with it ; only , you see , I happen to have something in me that \u2014 comes to an end . Ca n't endure beyond a certain time , ever . She has taken a flower from her dress , and suddenly tears it to bits . It is the only sign of emotion she has given .", "Yes .", "Good-bye !", "I 'm sorry I called you a coward . It 's the whole thing , I meant .", "Why ?", "Perfectly beastly of me ! I 'm so sorry . I simply can n't help running amok to-night .", "I do n't know \u2014 no pluck this morning ! You see , I 've got to earn my living \u2014 no money ; only a few things I can sell . All yesterday I was walking about , looking at the women . How does anyone ever get a chance ?", "I 'm sure you are .", "Mrs. Fullarton ?Ask them to come in .", "Give it to me !", "You know that 's only cupboard love .", "Have you got sisters ?My brother 's in India . I sha'n ' t meet him , anyway .", "I had the sense to keep them .", "I came in because I was sorry .", "No , I do n't ; really .", "My brother 's got nothing to spare , and he wants to get married ; and he 's going back to India in September . The only friend I should care to bother is Mrs. Fullarton , and she 's \u2014 got a husband .", "Take your wages ; and give him this when he comes in . I 'm going away .", "Did I ? How funny !", "I 'm quite packed . Shall I pack for you ?Ca n't we have more than three days at the sea ?You did sleep last night .", "It 's real to me \u2014 this \u2014 you see !", "To save me ?", "Yes .Now !", "You must . He looks into her face ; then , realizing that she means it , suddenly bends down to her fingers , and puts his lips to them .", "Which ?", "Very !", "Yes , we met on the door-mat .", "The morning after you gave it me ...", "I came to Mr. Malise because he 's the only person I know with imagination enough to see what my position is ; I came to him a quarter of an hour ago , for the first time , for definite advice , and you instantly suspect him . That is disgusting .", "No , no \u2014 no !", "You mean your name , do n't you ?", "Please do n't have me followed when I leave here . Please !", "Bad head ?By this time the day after to-morrow the case will be heard and done with . You 're not worrying for me ? Except for my poor old Dad , I do n't care a bit . MALISE heaves himself out of the chair , and begins pacing up and down .", "Thank you .", "After this !", "Why did you spy , HERE ?", "Where ?", "Take care . But MALISE , after one convulsive movement of his hands , has again become rigid .", "No ; my own evil nature .", "It was horrible . There were the children \u2014 and my old nurse . I could never live at home now . They 'd think I was \u2014\u2014. Impossible \u2014 utterly ! I 'd made up my mind to go back to my owner \u2014 And then \u2014 he came down himself . I could n't d it . To be hauled back and begin all over again ; I simply could n't . I watched for a chance ; and ran to the station , and came up to an hotel .", "Yes . Why ?", "I must \u2014 I will keep him . He 's all I 've got .", "My dear father 's a saint , and he 's getting old and frail ; and I 've got a sister engaged ; and three little sisters to whom I 'm supposed to set a good example . Then , I 've no money , and I can n't do anything for a living , except serve in a shop . I should n't be free , either ; so what 's the good ? Besides , I ought n't to have married if I was n't going to be happy . You see , I 'm not a bit misunderstood or ill-treated . It 's only \u2014\u2014", "You had better ask him .", "To be left alone . Quite frankly , he made a mistake to have me spied on .", "Is it worth while to rag me ? I know I 've behaved badly , but", "There \u2014 is \u2014 nothing .", "A mind .", "It 's not you . I can see for myself . Do n't make it harder ; help me . Get a cab .", "His woman .", "Yes . I have n't yet , have I ?", "I 've thought of nursing , but it 's a long training , and I do so hate watching pain . The fact is , I 'm pretty hopeless ; can n't even do art work . I came to ask you about the stage .", "If I did n't know all that , Reggie , I should have gone home long ago .", "It has been done .", "I HAVE \u2014 have n't you ?", "Are n't I ?", "But not where you think . You say I need advice . I came here for it .", "Besides , I should be besieged day and night to go back . I must lie doggo somehow .", "A man once said to me : \u201c As you have n't money , you should never have been pretty ! \u201d But , you see , it is some good . If I had n't been , I could n't have risked coming here , could I ? Do n't you think it was rather sporting of me to buy thesewith the last shilling over from my cab fare ?", "I do n't know what to do ! I do n't know what to do !", "I ran over a dog , and had to get it seen to .", "Now will you go !", "I do n't think so , thank you .", "I 'm sorry .", "I can try .", "Look !If George saw that for the first time he 'd just say , \u201c Ah , Westminster ! Clock Tower ! Can you see the time by it ? \u201d As if one cared where or what it was \u2014 beautiful like that ! Apply that to every \u2014 every \u2014 everything .", "Please .", "I 'm not going to hide .", "I do n't feel . And without \u2014 I can n't , can n't .", "They 're playing Bridge in the dining-room . Mr. Malise does n't play . Mr. Malise \u2014 Mrs. Fullarton , Mr. Fullarton .", "I know all those \u201c certain things . \u201d \u201c You must come back . It is your duty . You have no money . Your friends wo n't help you . You can n't earn your living . You are making a scandal . \u201d You might even say for the moment : \u201c Your room shall be respected . \u201d", "It 's inhuman !", "I 'm going to seek my fortune . Wish me luck !", "\u201c That chap , Malise , you 'd better avoid him ! \u201d Why ?", "Let me go ! You 'd be much happier with any other woman .", "Thank you . Do you think you quite grasp the alternative ?", "That 's not your fault , is it ? You see , I 've been beaten all along the line . And I really do n't care what happens to me .I really do n't ; except that I do n't take charity . It 's lucky for me it 's you , and not some \u2014\u2014 The supper-party is getting still more boisterous , and there comes a long view holloa , and a blast of the horn .", "You need not have come \u2014 or thought at all .", "Facts !", "It 's all right ! Do n't be unhappy ! Please !", "\u201c With a hey ho , chivy , hark forrard , hark forrard , tantivy ! \u201d", "It does n't matter .", "There are other things to be got , are n't there ?", "I only want to breathe .", "I 'd been walking up and down the Embankment for about three hours . One does get desperate sometimes .", "Unfortunately , there 's something stronger than reason .", "Please tell me quickly , what you 've come for .", "What else ? Tell me .", "Will you go , please ?", "Have n't kept my end up . Lots of women do ! You see : I 'm too fine , and not fine enough ! My best friend said that . Too fine , and not fine enough .I could n't be a saint and martyr , and I would n't be a soulless doll . Neither one thing nor the other \u2014 that 's the tragedy .", "Well , Reggie ?", "I went down to my people . I knew it would hurt my Dad frightfully , but somehow I thought I could make him see . No good . He was awfully sweet , only \u2014 he could n't .", "I have a cigarette ?", "Yes .", "Please do n't , Dolly ! Let me be !", "To make use of you in such a way ! No .", "Yes , I 'm enjoying it . Had a pretty poor time lately ; not enough to eat , sometimes .", "I know .", "Not yet please ! I 'm enjoying this . May", "If you insinuate anything against Mr. Malise , you lie .", "Ca n't you see that I 'm fighting for all my life to come \u2014 not to be buried alive \u2014 not to be slowly smothered . Look at me ! I 'm not wax \u2014 I 'm flesh and blood . And you want to prison me for ever \u2014 body and soul .", "And truth ?", "Give me a kiss ! He turns and kisses her . But his lips , after that kiss , have the furtive bitterness one sees on the lips of those who have done what does not suit their mood . He goes out . She is left motionless by the armchair , her throat working . Then , feverishly , she goes to the little table , seizes a sheet of paper , and writes . Looking up suddenly she sees that MRS. MILER has let herself in with her latchkey .", "Who are those two ?", "It 's all right , thank you . The YOUNG MAN sits down again , uncomfortable , nonplussed . There is silence , broken by the inaudible words of the languid lord , and the distant merriment of the supper-party . ARNAUD brings the plovers \u2019 eggs .", "Yes .", "Haggle ?What have I got to make terms with ? What he still wants is just what I hate giving .", "It 's all right , Dolly . I 'm not coming .", "Yes . The YOUNG MAN turns to look for the waiter , but ARNAUD is not in the room . He gets up .", "I do ! But I can n't take when I 'm not giving .", "Go away ! Go away !", "Nor with it ?", "Where are you going ?", "Then you are to lose that , too ?I know about it \u2014 never mind how .", "You are very kind .", "I could n't help it , really !", "No .", "You would n't let me come to you for a bit , till I could find my feet ?", "I 'm sorry .", "Jarring out into a discordant whoop , it sinks .", "Spying !", "I did try .But what 's the good \u2014 when there 's nothing before you ?\u2014 Do I look ill ?", "Yes .", "Oh ! But that would mean they thought I \u2014 oh ! no !", "You say George is generous ! If he wanted to be that he 'd never have claimed these damages . It 's revenge he wants \u2014 I heard him here . You think I 've done him an injury . So I did \u2014 when I married him . I do n't know what I shall come to , Dolly , but I sha n't fall so low as to take money from him . That 's as certain as that I shall die .", "I see no reason , except that you are you , and I am I .", "Kenneth , do you care for me ?Am I anything to you but just prettiness ?"], "true_target": ["Tell him to come for my trunk . It is packed .", "And if I go back ?", "Right ? Whatever else is right \u2014 our life is not .I swear before God that I 've tried and tried . I swear before God , that if I believed we could ever again love each other only a little tiny bit , I 'd go back . I swear before God that I do n't want to hurt anybody .", "Is Mr. Malise in ?", "I do n't wish to see him . By what right have you come here ?Please come in , Mr. Malise .", "Yes . It was my mother 's .", "I do mean it . You ruin him because of me . You get him down , and kick him to intimidate me .", "Will they make you bankrupt , then ?But that does n't mean that you wo n't have your income , does it ?What is your income , Kenneth ?A hundred and fifty from \u201c The Watchfire , \u201d I know . What else ?", "Yes ?", "Reggie lives on his pay .", "I like that . Oh , wo n't there be a row !And the usual reconciliation .", "No .", "Nothing more , Mrs. Miler , not even a wedding ring .", "Nothing more wanted , thank you , Paynter . You can go home , and the maids can go to bed .", "You are cowards .", "Oh ! no .", "Mr. Malise , I know what I ought to be to you , if I let you in for all this . I know what you want \u2014 or will want . Of course \u2014 why not ?", "I do n't feel very Christian . She opens the door , passes through , and closes it behind her . GEORGE steps quickly towards it , stops , and turns back into the room . He goes to the window and stands looking out ; shuts it with a bang , and again contemplates the door . Moving forward , he rests his hand on the deserted card table , clutching its edge , and muttering . Then he crosses to the door into the hall and switches off the light . He opens the door to go out , then stands again irresolute in the darkness and heaves a heavy sigh . Suddenly he mutters : \u201c No ! \u201d Crosses resolutely back to the curtained door , and opens it . In the gleam of light CLARE is standing , unhooking a necklet . He goes in , shutting the door behind him with a thud .", "No ?", "You see , I love him .", "You 're not going to find out my name . I have n't got one \u2014 nothing . She leans her bare elbows on the table , and her face on her hands .", "No .", "I 'm awfully grateful to you . You do n't make me feel just an attractive female . I wanted somebody like that .All the same , I 'm glad not to be ugly .", "Ah-h !", "I thought I was .", "I do n't know .", "Oh , yes ; I 've had people , and a husband , and \u2014 everything \u2014\u2014 And here I am ! Queer , is n't it ?This is going to my head ! Do you mind ? I sha'n ' t sing songs and get up and dance , and I wo n't cry , I promise you !", "So have I up till now . I sha n't ask anything from him \u2014 nothing \u2014 do you understand ?", "No ?", "One does n't always know the future , does one ?", "Eat and drink , for tomorrow we \u2014 Listen !", "If I do n't go back to him I could n't take it .", "I do n't know . Women manage somehow .", "And they twain shall be one \u2014 spirit .", "Except what I make myself .", "Would you say \u2014 a lady .", "None , if it 's religion to live as we do .", "Everything has a beginning , has n't it ?", "First of June ! This day last year I broke covert \u2014 I 've been running ever since .", "Good-night . HUNTINGDON sees them out . Left alone CLARE clenches her hands , moves swiftly across to the window , and stands looking out .", "Will you have to pay ?", "She 's my chief pal . He was in the Navy . She goes forward . MRS. FULLERTON is a rather tall woman , with dark hair and a quick eye . He , one of those clean-shaven naval men of good presence who have retired from the sea , but not from their susceptibility .", "I do . Oh ! do n't let 's talk about it .", "That is noble .", "It 's no use doing things by halves , is it ? I 'm \u2014 in for it \u2014 wish me luck !In for it \u2014 deep !Down , down , till they 're just above water , and then \u2014 down , down , down , and \u2014 all over ! Are you sorry now you came and spoke to me ?", "Go !", "I want advice-badly .", "I love him ! I love him !", "No , thank you .", "British home-made summer goods , light and attractive \u2014 do n't wear long .They seem \u2018 to be going , Reggie .", "Yes . As he sits down , ARNAUD returns and stands before them .", "\u201c This day a stag must die . \u201d Jolly old song !", "He can do what he likes \u2014 it 's nothing to me .", "If I must bring you harm \u2014 let me pay you back ! I can n't bear it otherwise ! Make some use of me , if you do n't mind !", "No ! if I can n't be that to you \u2014 it 's not real . And I can n't . It is n't to be manufactured , is it ?", "No , thanks .", "I have .", "Did you see the sunset ? That white cloud trying to fly up ?", "From the supper-party comes the sound of an abortive chorus :", "Kenneth , do you understand why he does n't claim damages , after what he said that day-here ?It is true that he does n't ?", "I sha n't be coming back .I 'm leaving Mr. Malise , and sha n't see him again . And the suit against us will be withdrawn \u2014 the divorce suit \u2014 you understand ?", "It 's not all \u2014 it 's nothing . I can n't explain , Reggie \u2014 it 's not reason , at all ; it 's \u2014 it 's like being underground in a damp cell ; it 's like knowing you 'll never get out . Nothing coming \u2014 never anything coming again-never anything .", "I expect I shall have to go back .", "This last business \u2014 what do you mean by that ?", "Oh .", "Not yet .", "Alas !", "Good-night .", "That 's splendid . Those poor women in the streets would give their eyes , would n't they ?\u2014 that have to go up and down , up and down ! Do you think I \u2014 shall \u2014\u2014 The YOUNG MAN , half-rising , puts his hand on her arm .", "Well , I 'll die running !", "Where was it ?", "We do n't .", "If I were dying , and it would save me , I would n't take a penny from my husband .", "Put the fire out with a penny hose .I am not coming back to you , George . The farce is over .", "I can n't take , for nothing .", "Ah !", "Even you wo n't back me , Dolly ?", "I wonder !", "Let them come .", "Well ? \u201c The Watchfire ? \u201d You may as well tell me .", "Well !", "Kenneth , when this is paid , I shall have made two pound seventeen in the three months , and saved you about three pounds . One hundred and seventeen shillings at tenpence a thousand is one hundred and forty thousand words at fourteen hundred words an hour . It 's only just over an hour a day . Ca n't you get me more ? MALISE lifts the hand that holds his pen and lets it fall again . CLARE puts the cover on the typewriter , and straps it .", "Mr. Malise will stay here , please , in his own room .", "Will you go out and do something for me ?Take this with the note to that address \u2014 it 's quite close . He 'll give you thirty pounds for it . Please pay these bills and bring me back the receipts , and what 's over .", "Yes . What 's the other side ? The YOUNG MAN puts out his hand and touches her arm . It is meant for sympathy , but she takes it for attraction .", "Do n't ! It 's all right . Good-bye ! She walks out and away , not looking back . MRS. MILER chokes her sobbing into the black stuff of her thick old jacket .", "Thank God for beauty ! I hope I shall die pretty ! Do you think I shall do well ?", "I know .", "Get married , and find out after a year that she 's the wrong person ; so wrong that you can n't exchange a single real thought ; that your blood runs cold when she kisses you \u2014 then you 'll know .", "Must I order ?", "No , Dolly ; even you do n't understand . All day and every day \u2014 just as far apart as we can be \u2014 and still \u2014 Jolly , is n't it ? If you 've got a soul at all .", "No , Dolly !", "It really is time we parted . I 'd go clean out of your life . I do n't want your support unless I 'm giving you something for your money .", "\u2018 Le vin est tire , il faut le boire \u2019 !", "Thanks , old boy , of course not .", "Thank you .", "No . GEORGE glances at MALISE , who is leaning against the wall with folded arms .", "He means to have revenge on you ! And it 's all my fault .", "But you told me yourself", "On the door-mat ! And they 'd whitewashed me so beautifully ! Poor dears ! I wonder if I ought \u2014\u2014", "Marriage ! My marriage has become the \u2014 the reconciliation \u2014 of two animals \u2014 one of them unwilling . That 's all the sanctity there is about it .", "Oh !Our life 's a lie . It 's stupid ; it 's disgusting . I 'm tired of it ! Please leave me alone !", "Horrible ! She turns away , shuddering , and sits down on the edge of the armchair , covering her eyes with the backs of her hands . MALISE picks up the stick , and fingers it lovingly . Then putting it down , he moves so that he can see her face . She is sitting quite still , staring straight before her .", "How d'you do ?", "I think I 'll come back later .", "Not by thousands .", "How much am I valued at ?", "Ca n't you borrow ?", "I do n't give satisfaction . Please give me notice !", "Do they ?", "I believe \u2014 I 'm sure I could earn my living . Quite serious .", "Yes , incredible , when you have n't tried .", "\u201c If I could be the falling bee , and kiss thee all the day ! \u201d", "No .", "Five years , and four of them like this ! I 'm sure we 've served our time . Do n't you really think we might get on better together \u2014 if I went away ?", "You 'd miss your \u2014 reconciliations .", "No .", "When every day and every night !\u2014 Oh ! I know it 's my fault for having married him , but that does n't help .", "That is \u2014 behave as you think right .", "It does seem monstrous , does n't it ?", "And you \u2014 are you happy ?", "Yes ?", "No .", "Too long ago \u2014 if ever . GEORGEI \u2014 still \u2014\u2014", "I have nothing against my husband \u2014 it was quite unreasonable to leave him .", "Please . MALISE resigns the stick , and the two men , perfectly still , glare at each other . CLARE , letting the stick fall , puts her foot on it . Then slowly she takes off her hat and lays it on the table .", "But if we are already ! Look at us . We go on , and on . We 're a spectacle !", "Do n't !", "I am twenty-six ; he is thirty-two . We can n't reasonably expect to die for fifty years .", "Thank you , Mrs. Miler \u2014 I 'm glad to know .", "I do n't want to torture him . If I strike \u2014 I 'll go clean . I expect I shall strike .", "Only makes it worse afterwards . It seems so frightful to them , too .", "No \u2014 Really ! Only \u2014 I must break out sometimes ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 18}, {"query": ["Clare , Clare ! For God 's sake do n't be desperate .", "How are things , Clare ?Have you done what I suggested ? Your room ?", "I 'm going . But , men are hard to keep , even when you 've not been the ruin of them . You know whether the love this man gives you is really love . If not \u2014 God help you !Good-bye , my child ! If you can \u2014\u2014", "Oh ! do n't do anything desperate , Clare \u2014 you are so desperate sometimes . You ought to make terms \u2014 not tracks .", "If you love him , what will it be like for you , knowing you 've ruined him ?", "Can you \u2014 can you keep him ?", "Of course I 'll back you , all that 's possible , but I can n't invent things .", "That was Mr. Malise , then ?", "Clare , Clare !She does n't mean it ; please be patient .", "Love !\u2014 you said !", "My dear girl ! Mr. Twisden is not personally concerned . How can you ?", "To us , then ?", "Why not ?", "Do you know , Clare , I think it 's awful about you ! You 're too fine , and not fine enough , to put up with things ; you 're too sensitive to take help , and you 're not strong enough to do without it . It 's simply tragic . At any rate , you might go home to your people .", "Mr. Twisden to tell you something . May I stay ?", "Look here , my child ; this wo n't do . You must get a rest . Ca n't Reggie take you with him to India for a bit ?"], "true_target": ["Clare ! My dear ! How are you after all this time ?", "Yes , lovely , Clare .We can n't stay for Bridge , my dear ; I just wanted to see you a minute , that 's all .Edward , I want to speak to Clare . How d'you do , Captain Huntingdon ?", "You used to say you 'd never love ; did not want it \u2014 would never want it .", "My dear ! You 'll have the whole world against you .", "You can n't be \u2014 you aren'thYpppHeNhappy , here ?", "\u201c The falling dew , \u201d Edward . We simply must go ,", "Clare . Good-night .", "Oh ! my dear ! Do n't look like that , or you 'll make me cry .", "I brought", "We 've only come for a minute .", "It 's awful , really .", "Of course \u2014 the only thing is that \u2014\u2014", "Please leave me alone with her , do n't say anything to Mr. Dedmond yet .", "But , Clare \u2014\u2014", "I must speak , Clare ! I do think you 're hard on George . It 's generous of him to offer to withdraw the suit \u2014 considering . You do owe it to us to try and spare your father and your sisters and \u2014 and all of us who care for you .", "My dear sweet thing , do n't be cross with metHow can I help wanting to see you saved from all this ghastliness ?", "Oh ! Clare ! Save yourself \u2014 and all of us !"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 18}, {"query": ["I say , Mrs. Dedmond , you would n't sing me that little song you sang the other night ,\u201c If I might be the falling bee and kiss thee all the day \u201d ? Remember ?"], "true_target": ["Most awfully jolly dress , Mrs. Dedmond .", "It suits you down to the ground-that dress ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 18}, {"query": ["FULLARTON is accompanied not by FULLARTON , but by the lawyer ,", "MILER resigns it , CLARE takes the cork out , smells , then tastes it from her finger . MRS. MILER , twisting her apron in her hands , speaks .", "FULLARTON turns from her ashamed and baffled , but her quick eyes take in the room , trying to seize on some new point of attack .", "TWISDON . They come in .", "HUNTINGDON ."], "true_target": ["MILER comes out with her hat on , passes enigmatically to the door , and opens it . A man 's voice says : \u201c Mr. Malise ? Would you give him these cards ? \u201d", "FULLARTON automatically gazing at CLARE while he talks with", "FULLARTON , taken aback , cannot refrain from her glance at", "MILER opens the door wide , says \u201c Come in , \u201d and goes . MRS .", "MILER carries it out . Then , from the doorway , gazing at CLARE taking her last look , she sobs , suddenly . At sound of that sob CLARE throws up her head ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 18}, {"query": ["Yes ; I do n't know as I ought to \u2018 ave told you .You see , I do n't take notice of Mr. MALISE , but I know \u2018 im very well . \u2018 E 's a good \u2018 arted gentleman , very funny , that 'll do things to help others , and what 's more , keep on doin \u2019 \u2018 em , when they hurt \u2018 im ; very obstinate \u2018 e is . Now , when you first come \u2018 ere , three months ago , I says to meself : \u201c He 'll enjoy this \u2018 ere for a bit , but she 's too much of a lady for \u2018 im . \u201d What \u2018 e wants about \u2018 im permanent is a woman that thinks an \u2019 talks about all them things he talks about . And sometimes I fancy \u2018 e do n't want nothin \u2019 permanent about \u2018 im at all .", "He took it once before . He must get his sleep .", "I see him first yesterday afternoon . I 'd just been out to get meself a pennyworth o \u2019 soda , an \u2019 as I come in I passed \u2018 im on the second floor , lookin \u2019 at me with an air of suspicion . I thought to meself at the time , I thought : You 're a'andy sort of \u2018 ang-dog man .", "I do n't want to , but what with the worry o \u2019 this \u2018 ere divorce suit , an \u2019 you bein \u2019 a lady an \u2019 \u2018 im havin \u2019 to be so careful of yer , and tryin \u2019 to save , not smokin \u2019 all day like \u2018 e used , an \u2019 not gettin \u2019 \u2018 is two bottles of claret regular ; an \u2019 losin \u2019 his sleep , an \u2019 takin \u2019 that stuff for it ; and now this \u2018 ere last business . I 've seen \u2018 im sometimes holdin \u2019 \u2018 is \u2018 ead as if it was comin \u2019 off .I can see yer fond of him ; an \u2019 I 've nothin \u2019 against yer you do n't trouble me a bit ; but I 've been with \u2018 im eight years \u2014 we 're used to each other , and I can n't bear to see \u2018 im not \u2018 imself , really I can n't . She gives a sadden sniff . Then her emotion passes , leaving her as Chinese as ever .", "Put your coat on . It 's a bitter wind .", "It 's a pretty thing .", "I would n't interrupt yer with my workin , \u2019 but \u2018 e likes things clean .That 's \u2018 im ; \u2018 e 's cut \u2018 isself ! I 'll just take \u2018 im the tobaccer ! She lifts a green paper screw of tobacco from the debris round the armchair and taps on the door . It opens . CLARE moves restlessly across the room .", "The cards .", "I never meant to say anything to yer .", "The porter 's outside , cleanin \u2019 the landin \u2019 winder .", "The lady wants a cab . Wait and carry \u2018 er trunk down . CLARE comes from the bedroom in her hat and coat .", "Wo n't take \u2018 im long . What name ?", "In the bathroom chest o \u2019 drawers , where \u2018 e keeps \u2018 is odds and ends . I was lookin \u2019 for \u2018 is garters .", "Well-peekin \u2019 down through the balusters , I see \u2018 im lookin \u2019 at a photograft . That 's a funny place , I thinks , to look at pictures \u2014 it 's so dark there , ye \u2018 ave to use yer eyesight . So I giv \u2019 a scrape with me \u2018 eelan \u2019 he pops it in his pocket , and puts up \u2018 is \u2018 and to knock at number three . I goes down an \u2019 I says : \u201c You know there 's no one lives there , do n't yer ? \u201d \u201c Ah ! \u201d \u2018 e says with an air of innercence , \u201c I wants the name of Smithers . \u201d \u201c Oh ! \u201d I says , \u201c try round the corner , number ten . \u201d \u201c Ah ! \u201d \u2018 e says tactful , \u201c much obliged . \u201d \u201c Yes , \u201d I says , \u201c you 'll find \u2018 im in at this time o \u2019 day . Good evenin \u2019 ! \u201d And I thinks to meselfRats ! There 's a good many corners hereabouts .", "That 's what I thinks ; but it do n't \u2018 elp , do it ? \u201c \u2018 Tai n't the circulation , \u201d \u2018 e says , \u201c it 's the principle , \u201d \u2018 e says ; and then \u2018 e starts in swearin \u2019 horrible . \u2018 E 's a very nice man . And Mr. Malise , \u2018 e says : \u201c Well , that about does for me ! \u201d \u2018 e says .", "Now . They go into the bedroom to get the trunk . CLARE picks up from the floor the bunch of violets , her fingers play with it as if they did not quite know what it was ; and she stands by the armchair very still , while MRS. MILER and the PORTER pass her with trunk and bag . And even after the PORTER has shouldered the trunk outside , and marched away , and MRS. MILER has come back into the room , CLARE still stands there .", "They do n't be'ave like that ; you ought to know , sir . He 's after no good .Ai n't he to be put a stop to ? If I took me time I could get \u2018 im , innercent-like , with a jug o \u2019 water .", "It 's about your divorce case . This \u2018 ere \u201c Watchfire , \u201d ye see , belongs to some fellers that wo n't \u2018 ave their men gettin \u2019 into the papers . So this \u2018 ere friend of Mr. Malise \u2014 very nice \u2018 e spoke about it : \u201c If it comes into Court , \u201d \u2018 e says , \u201c you 'll \u2018 ave to go , \u201d \u2018 e says . \u201c These beggars , these dogs , these dogs , \u201d \u2018 e says , \u201c they 'll \u2018 oof you out , \u201d \u2018 e says . An \u2019 I could tell by the sound of his voice , \u2018 e meant it \u2014 proper upset \u2018 e was . So that 's that !", "So this mornin \u2019 , there e \u2019 was again on the first floor with \u2018 is \u2018 and raised , pretendin \u2019 to knock at number two . \u201c Oh ! you 're still lookin \u2019 for \u2018 im ? \u201d I says , lettin \u2019 him see I was \u2018 is grandmother . \u201c Ah ! \u201d \u2018 e says , affable , \u201c you misdirected me ; it 's here I 've got my business . \u201d \u201c That 's lucky , \u201d I says , \u201c cos nobody lives there neither . Good mornin \u2019 ! \u201d And I come straight up . If you want to see \u2018 im at work you 've only to go downstairs , \u2018 e 'll be on the ground floor by now , pretendin \u2019 to knock at number one . Wonderful resource !"], "true_target": ["Mr. Malise is not in my confidence . We keep each other to ourselves . Perhaps you 'd like to read the paper ; he has it fresh every mornin \u2019 \u2014 the Westminister . She plucks that journal from out of the armchair and hands it to CLARE , who sits doom again unhappily to brood . MRS. MILER makes a pass or two with a very dirty duster , then stands still . No longer hearing sounds , CLARE looks up .", "There 's a man \u2018 angin \u2019 about below . MALISE looks up ; seeing that she has roused his attention , she stops . But as soon as he is about to write again , goes on .", "Well , it 's to do with this \u2018 ere \u201c Watchfire . \u201d One of the men that sees to the writin \u2019 of it \u2018 e 's an old friend of Mr. Malise , \u2018 e come \u2018 ere this mornin \u2019 when you was out . I was doin \u2019 my work in therean \u2019 the door open , so I \u2018 earl \u2018 em . Now you 've \u2018 ung them curtains , you can n't \u2018 elp it .", "Come \u2018 ere !", "Yes . But \u2018 e 's dressin \u2019 .", "If \u2018 e a'n ' t told yer , I do n't know that I 've any call to .", "You make my \u2018 eart ache sometimes .", "Without him ? When 'll you be comin \u2019 back ?", "The tobaccer . The lady 's waitin \u2019 . CLARE has stopped before a reproduction of Titian 's picture \u201c Sacred and Profane Love . \u201d MRS. MILER stands regarding her with a Chinese smile . MALISE enters , a thread of tobacco still hanging to his cheek .", "I 'm gettin \u2019 be'ind ' and , sir . She comes and stands before him . MALISE writes .", "He takes his claret fresh-opened \u2014 not like these \u2018 ere bawgwars .", "D'you want this \u2018 ere , too ?", "It 's a pity to part with it ; ai n't you got another ?", "Just like the men you see on the front page o \u2019 the daily papers . Nasty , smooth-lookin \u2019 feller , with one o \u2019 them billycock hats you can n't abide .", "Gawd knows I do n't want to upset ye . You 're situated very hard ; an \u2019 women 's got no business to \u2018 urt one another \u2014 that 's what I thinks .", "There 's a lady and gentleman out here . Mrs. Fuller \u2014 wants you , not Mr. Malise .", "It 's against the rules . But if you 'll sit down a moment I 'll see what I can do .A lady to see you .This is my hour . I sha n't make much dust .I 'm particular about not disturbin \u2019 things .", "I 've settled the baker , the milk , the washin \u2019 an \u2019 the groceries \u2014 this \u2018 ere 's what 's left . She counts down a five-pound note , four sovereigns , and two shillings on to the little table . CLARE folds the letter into an envelope , then takes up the five-pound note and puts it into her dress .", "You know he 's takin \u2019 thisto make \u2018 im sleep ?", "He likes \u2018 is \u2018 abits regular . Making a perfunctory pass with the Bissell broom , she runs it to the cupboard , comes back to the table , takes up a bottle and holds it to the light ; finding it empty , she turns it upside down and drops it into the wastepaper basket ; then , holding up the other bottle , and finding it not empty , she corks it and drops it into the fold of her skirt ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 18}, {"query": ["I 'm afraid the answer is that we appear to have been justified .Now , Mrs. Dedmond , I 'm a lawyer and I know that appearances are misleading . Do n't think I 'm unfriendly ; I wish you well .What we want to say to you is this : Do n't let this split go on ! Do n't commit yourself to what you 'll bitterly regret . Just tell us what 's the matter . I 'm sure it can be put straight .", "In that case I do n't know that I can usefully stay .", "What 's open to you if you do n't go back ? Come , what 's your position ? Neither fish , flesh , nor fowl ; fair game for everybody . Believe me , Mrs. Dedmond , for a pretty woman to strike , as it appears you 're doing , simply because the spirit of her marriage has taken flight , is madness . You must know that no one pays attention to anything but facts . If now \u2014 excuse me \u2014 you \u2014 you had a lover ,you would , at all events , have some ground under your feet , some sort of protection , butas you have not \u2014 you 've none .", "Mrs. Dedmond , I am bound to put the position to you in its naked brutality . You know there 's a claim for damages ?", "Mrs. Dedmond , go back ! You can now . It will be too late soon . There are lots of wolves about .", "As you 're not defending this case , Mrs. Dedmond , there is nobody but yourself for me to apply to .", "Come , now ; is n't there anything you feel you 'd like to say \u2014 that might help to put matters straight ?", "Of course , if you want to play at wild asses there are plenty who will help you .", "Mrs. Dedmond , I told you once that I wished you well . Though you have called me a coward , I still do that . For God 's sake , think \u2014 before it 's too late .", "I do n't know it , Mrs. Dedmond .", "Have you ever done any sort of work ?", "You realize what the result of this suit must be : You will be left dependent on an undischarged bankrupt . To put it another way , you 'll be a stone round the neck of a drowning man .", "I am instructed by Mr. Dedmond to say that if you will leave your present companion and undertake not to see him again , he will withdraw the suit and settle three hundred a year on you .Do n't misunderstand me , please \u2014 it is not \u2014 it could hardly be , a request that you should go back . Mr. Dedmond is not prepared to receive you again . The proposal \u2014 forgive my saying so \u2014 remarkably Quixotic \u2014 is made to save the scandal to his family and your own . It binds you to nothing but the abandonment of your present companion , with certain conditions of the same nature as to the future . In other words , it assures you a position \u2014 so long as you live quietly by yourself ."], "true_target": ["Nothing could be more bitter than those words . Do you really wish me to take them back to him ?", "Mr. Malise ? How do you do , Mrs. Dedmond ? Had the pleasure of meeting you at your wedding .I am Mr. George Dedmond 's solicitor , sir . I wonder if you would be so very kind as to let us have a few words with Mrs. Dedmond alone ? At a nod from CLARE , MALISE passes into the inner room , and shuts the door . A silence .", "But , my dear young lady , there are two sides to every contract . After all , your husband 's fulfilled his .", "I am sorry .I am sorry . Good morning .", "Yes ! Mrs. Dedmond ! There 's the bedrock difficulty . As you have n't money , you should never have been pretty . You 're up against the world , and you 'll get no mercy from it . We lawyers see too much of that . I 'm putting it brutally , as a man of the world .", "In your position , Mrs. Dedmond \u2014 a beautiful young woman without money . I 'm quite blunt . This is a hard world . Should be awfully sorry if anything goes wrong .", "Come , that 's good .", "Mrs. Dedmond I must apologize , but you \u2014 you hardly gave us an alternative , did you ?Your disappearance has given your husband great anxiety . Really , my dear madam , you must forgive us for this \u2014 attempt to get into communication .", "Never mind that . Think ! With the curious little movement of one who sees something he does not like to see , he goes . CLARE is leaning her forehead against the mantel-shelf , seemingly unconscious that she is not alone . MRS. FULLARTON approaches quietly till she can see CLARE 'S face .", "Mrs. Dedmond , I say without hesitation you 've no notion of what you 're faced with , brought up to a sheltered life as you 've been . Do realize that you stand at the parting of the ways , and one leads into the wilderness .", "Any conception of the competition nowadays ?", "Are you \u2014 you ought n't to take a step without advice , in your position .", "Of two evils , if it be so \u2014 choose the least !"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 18}, {"query": ["Gaddesdon Hunt , my lord \u2014 always have their supper with us , Derby night . Quiet corner here , my lord . Arnaud ! ARNAUD is already at the table , between screen and palm . And , there ensconced , the couple take their seats . Seeing them safely landed , the MANAGER , brisk and noiseless , moves away . In the corridor a lady in black , with a cloak falling open , seems uncertain whether to come in . She advances into the doorway . It is CLARE ."], "true_target": ["Four shillin \u2019 apiece to-night , see ?"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 18}, {"query": ["At once , Sare .", "Not at all , Madame ; a pleasure .A young man , tall , thin , hard , straight , with close-cropped , sandyish hair and moustache , a face tanned very red , and one of those small , long , lean heads that only grow in Britain ; clad in a thin dark overcoat thrown open , an opera hat pushed back , a white waistcoat round his lean middle , he comes in from the corridor . He looks round , glances at CLARE , passes her table towards the further room , stops in the doorway , and looks back at her . Her eyes have just been lifted , and are at once cast down again . The young man wavers , catches ARNAUD 's eye , jerks his head to summon him , and passes into the further room . ARNAUD takes up the vase that has been superseded , and follows him out . And CLARE sits alone in silence , broken by the murmurs of the languid lord and his partner , behind the screen . She is breathing as if she had been running hard . She lifts her eyes . The tall young man , divested of hat and coat , is standing by her table , holding out his hand with a sort of bashful hardiness .", "Nice table , Madame . CLARE moves to the corner of it . An artist in observation of his clients , ARNAUD takes in her face \u2014 very pale under her wavy , simply-dressed hair ; shadowy beneath the eyes ; not powdered ; her lips not reddened ; without a single ornament ; takes in her black dress , finely cut , her arms and neck beautifully white , and at her breast three gardenias . And as he nears her , she lifts her eyes . It is very much the look of something lost , appealing for guidance .", "Madame is waiting for some one ?Then Madame will be veree well here \u2014 veree well . I take Madame 's cloak ? He takes the cloak gently and lays it on the back of the chair fronting the room , that she may put it round her when she wishes . She sits down .", "It is not rowdy here , Madame , as a rule \u2014 not as in some places . To-night a little noise . Madame is fond of flowers ?These smell good !", "Madame ! Madame !Bon Dieu !", "Madame feels the \u2018 eat ?You wish something , Madame ?", "Non , Madame , it is not necessary . A glass of water .I have not the pleasure of knowing Madame 's face .", "Monsieur finds \u2014\u2014"], "true_target": ["Madame will find it veree good \u2018 ere , veree quiet .", "Sare \u2014 not bad at all . Madame likes it frappe , but not too cold \u2014 yes ?", "Madame . A peach or two , after . Veree good peaches . The Roederer ,", "Milord !", "Yes , Sare . From the inner room a young man and his partner have come in . She is dark , almost Spanish-looking ; he fair , languid , pale , clean-shaved , slackly smiling , with half-closed eyes-one of those who are bred and dissipated to the point of having lost all save the capacity for hiding their emotions . He speaks in a \u2014\u2014", "The boss . Quick !\u2018 Monsieur , elle a fui ! Elle est morte \u2019 !", "At once , Milord . CLARE sits tracing a pattern with her finger on the cloth , her eyes lowered . Once she raises them , and follows ARNAUD 's dark rapid figure .", "Pardon !The bare-necked ladies with large hats again pass down the corridor outside , and again their voices are wafted in : \u201c Tottie ! Not she ! Oh ! my goodness , she has got a pride on her ! \u201d \u201c Bobbie 'll never stick it ! \u201d \u201c Look here , dear \u2014\u2014 \u201d Galvanized by those sounds , CLARE has caught her cloak and half-risen ; they die away and she subsides .", "The plovers \u2019 eggs veree good to-night , Sare . Veree good ,"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 18}, {"query": ["Waiter !", "The Roederer ."], "true_target": ["Waiter !", "Awful row they 're kickin \u2019 up in there , Mr. Varley . A fellow with a horn ."], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 18}, {"query": ["But I say , what about your people ? You must have people of some sort . He is fast becoming fascinated , for her cheeks have begun to flush and her eyes to shine .", "By George ! One simply can n't believe in this happening to a lady .", "By Jove ! I do n't know-really , I do n't \u2014 this makes me feel pretty rotten . I mean , it 's your being a lady .", "Anyway it must have been like riding at a pretty stiff fence , for you to come here to-night .", "I think you 're getting much too excited . You look all \u2014 Wo n't you eat your peach ?Do ! Have something else , then \u2014 some grapes , or something ?", "You \u2014 you been down there to-day ?", "No , but \u2014 I say-are you really quite cut off from everybody ?Something rather awful must have happened ?", "Are you absolute stoney ?Butyou 're so awfully well \u2014\u2014", "Well , then \u2014 yes , I do .", "By George !I 've often wondered .", "I say \u2014 these are jolly , are n't they ? They do you pretty well here .", "I remember awfully well my first day . It was pretty thick \u2014 lost every blessed bob , and my watch and chain , playin \u2019 three cards on the way home .", "Well , then , what d'you think ? It 's awfully hot in here , is n't it ? Would n't it be jollier drivin \u2019 ? Shall we \u2014 shall we make a move ?", "What ! D'you mean it 's really the first \u2014\u2014?", "Look here ! I 'm afraid you must feel me rather a brute , you know .", "I say \u2014 do n't talk like that !", "Of course I can see that you 're not \u2014 I mean , that you 're a \u2014 a lady .And I say , you know \u2014 if you have to \u2014 because you 're in a hole \u2014 I should feel a cad . Let me lend you \u2014\u2014?", "No ; simply awfully pretty ."], "true_target": ["My God ! She was a lady . That 's all I know about her .", "Of course , if I \u2014 if you were waiting for anybody , or anything \u2014 I \u2014\u2014", "Rowdy lot !I say \u2014 I admire your pluck .", "It 's all right . He drains his glass , then sits bolt upright . Chivalry and the camaraderie of class have begun to stir in him .", "I say , you know \u2014 I wish you 'd let me lend you something . I had quite a good day down there .", "By Jove , no ! It may be caddish , but I 'm not .", "D \u2014 - n that waiter ! Wait half a minute , if you do n't mind , while I pay the bill . As he goes out into the corridor , the two gentlemen re-appear . CLARE is sitting motionless , looking straight before her .", "Do n't know \u2014 not been much about town yet . I 'm just back from India myself . You said your brother was there ; what 's his regiment ?", "Not really ! How damnable ! I say \u2014 do have something more substantial . CLARE gives a sudden gasp , as if going off into hysterical laughter , but she stifles it , and shakes her head .", "The wine , quick .", "I do n't understand a bit . You \u2014 must have had a \u2014 a \u2014 some one \u2014\u2014 But there is such a change in her face , such rigidity of her whole body , that he stops and averts his eyes . When he looks again she is drinking . She puts the glass down , and gives a little laugh .", "A peach ?", "I say \u2014 about things having beginnings \u2014 did you mean anything ?", "How d'you do ? Did n't recognize you at first . So sorry \u2014 awfully rude of me . CLARE 'S eyes seem to fly from him , to appeal to him , to resign herself all at once . Something in the YOUNG MAN responds . He drops his hand .", "You must have had awful luck !", "Do n't you ever go racing , then ?", "Did you really ? D \u2014 - d sporting !", "The Derby . What ? Do n't you generally go down ?May I ?", "You 've never been here ?By Jove ! I thought I did n't know your face .I mean \u2014 not \u2014\u2014"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 18}, {"query": ["Good God !"], "true_target": ["A lady !", "What 's this ? Friend of yours ?"], "play_index": 18, "act_index": 18}, {"query": ["Yesterday made us prisoners , and as we were", "\u2018 Pray make an end .", "\u2018 Tis turn 'd to earnest now .", "Heaven is a witness of our happy contract ,", "Do you think that the wrong you have off'red me ,", "To be a Gentleman ; and he that is a Judge", "Not as I am a Gentleman .", "I can but grieve I have known you .", "Away , away .", "\u2018 Twill yield us meat and wine .", "I know your place and honour due unto it ,", "For together they shall go .", "I am not mad yet , I may be by and by .", "La-w. You know how you us 'd me when I would not fight ,", "La-writ . You come in time , Sir ,", "I would you did , and had one ;", "I charge you in the Kings name , play the man ,", "No more vexation : bid my wife send me some puddings ;", "The man that should have been your bedfellow", "As I will do through thine , shake , and be satisfied .", "And I ne'r knew him yet , but to his honour", "Most willingly .", "La-writ . Then let 's talk quickly ,", "With an old man ? Two Beards together , that 's preposterous .", "Thou hast eaten Canker-like into my judgement", "Against these Gentlemen , I want a second ;", "La-writ . It shall suffice ,", "Nor any Man of Honour , or Understanding ,", "Expose me like a Jade to tug , and hale through ,", "Your servant Sir , and Friend .", "La-writ . Do you think so ?", "La-w . I chuse no Fool , Sir .", "Yours about corn , yours about pins and glasses ,", "Come , you must be more merciful .", "You do wisely .", "Command Dinant and Cleremont ; nor Beaupre ,", "Ingage me like an Asse ?", "I dare not , softly sweet Lady \u2014\u2014 heart ?", "Do you hear me ? do you understand me ? \u2018 Plague dam your Whistles .", "Why were you absent ?", "I have a Priest too , shall be ready .", "\u2018 Pray be rul 'd Sir ,", "There 's no time past yet Gentlemen ,", "I want now such a foolish courtesie .", "I'le know now who sleeps by me , keep your standing .", "La-writ . I am a Lawyer , Sir , I am no fighter .", "The man he smiles upon .", "Nor Verdone scents it : for the Ladies , they", "When you have done , then stir your resolutions ,", "It lay so long conceal 'd , but I must part with you ,", "To hide his head then , when his honour call 'd him ?", "And carry it with honour .", "When you shall think fit ,", "Thy Lady is a scurvy Lady , and a shitten Lady ,", "Rise Lady", "Would you had done too ,", "Declare what business , our Embassadour .", "But to betray mine own throat you must pardon .", "I would have hired the best of all our Poets", "Why this is vengeance , horrid , and dire .", "Come on then bravely ;", "Be not so hastie ,", "And fight enough , but a short turn or two ,", "Fear nothing .", "To all the world : I lay with her in jeast ,", "Walk in , walk in , I am your scout for once ,", "What was he that traduc 'd ?", "The great fool , the greater still the better .", "Pray Heaven I may get off as honourablie ,", "This is the place , I cannot see him yet ;", "Pox o \u2019 dangerous .", "This night incountring with those outlaws that", "The man shall follow presently .", "Love thee ?", "This shirt , five times , victorious I have fought under ,", "Upon my soul , no harm .", "My business is within this half hour .", "If I perceiv 'd any trick i n't .", "To halt and slip the coller ? by my life ,", "How he is metamorphos 'd !", "\u2018 Thas not seen Sun these ten years .", "And down again \u2014", "La-writ . I am no Cutler ,", "I am sure most valiant . Well Dinant , as you satisfie me ,", "For shame forbear .", "As you are honest Gentlemen ,", "How it grumbles !", "You shall not outdo me ,", "This is unanswerable .", "I thank you ,", "If you dare not fight , do not stay to beg my pardon .", "Look on my face ?", "You do not know how far it may concern you .", "A Lords Cousin to me is a kind of Cockatrice ,", "Geld me ,", "And last himself ,", "\u2018 Tis a friends part , we 'll meet in Africa ,", "Of that nights joy , that Ovids afternoon ,", "Peace , good Madam ,", "Goe forward .", "And me thought the thing was angry with it self too", "A strange Antipathy .", "You that breed quarels , Sir , know best to satisfie .", "I say no more : I am loaden like an Armorer .", "I never lov 'd cold Iron there .", "Ye shall fight Gentlemen ,", "Bear your self in your language , smooth and gently ,", "This is a Challenge , Sir ,", "And valour with its hands bound ?", "Send in your witnesses , what will you have me do ?", "La-writ . I do not say I'le fight ;", "This beautie 's mine ,", "La-writ . I tell you , I will not be gratified ,", "La-wr . I am sorry for't , I am sure I'le stay no longer then ,", "For every cause a Cousin .", "That while we live , rest confident you shall", "I would have given my life I had never known thee ,", "Stay but the next , and then I'le take my fortune ,", "The happier man , to be at your command then .", "And so , and so .", "I will not fight , I cannot fight , my Causes \u2014", "Dost", "You have a carrying face , and you shall carry it .", "And tell her , if there be an extraordinary feather ,", "I am sorry I have no time to see this game out ,", "La-writ . If I do fight ;", "I never knew him last .", "And yet I have a foolish itch upon me ,", "La-w. Let him learn , let him learn ,", "Help me , I am almost breathless . La-writ . With all my heart , there 's a cold pye for you , Sir .", "Can you pretend an excuse now may absolve you ,", "Exceeding hastie , Sir , I am going to the Parliament ,", "Your minute moves not yet .", "But I have mew 'd that coat , I hate a Lawyer ,", "Your valour would have ask 'd a good foundation . La-writ . Hang him , I'le kill him fasting .", "The grove will witness with me , that this night", "I have no liking to't , \u2018 tis a foolish matter ,", "So is my business ,", "Our predecessors in this place , were not", "And do not anger me but leave me quietly .", "What face shall I put on ? if I come in earnest ,", "Most like a Gentleman .", "La-w. Be banish 'd then ;", "La-writ . The next a kin then to his Lordships favour ;", "I have a Cause to run through , requires puddings ,", "Hold fast .", "Not so forward , first you must talk ,", "How we are freed , I will discover it ,", "Why if thou wilt needs know", "Depending there , be short , and let me hear it ,", "When your swords argue .", "To th \u2019 mercy of two swords , and two approv 'd ones .", "I tell you that , my honest friend , for ever ;", "Let 's render \u2018 em honest , and fair , Gentlemen ,", "We will expect you .", "Nor worthy of the honour of my Kindred .", "Then keep it , be sure you keep it .", "I am an Advocate , Sir .", "Are you provided ?", "That boyish sleight \u2014", "Had not a block-head undertaken it .", "And by a mortal woman ?", "And Hunt away your youth in rare adventures ,", "Or any thing like honest , to bring you off ?", "Stand further off yet , and stand quietly ,", "You see these Gentlemen ?", "And if I fight not like a man \u2014 Fy Dinant ,", "La-writ . Thou fool , stand further off then ,", "Do you remember , Gentleman ?", "\u2018 Tis a great deal better . La-writ . You are sure , he is his kinsman ? a Gentleman ?", "But henceforth stand upon your own bottom , Sir ,", "Till I perform the task that I was born for .", "Dispatch , I cannot endure this misery ,", "I thank ye ,", "It might have been all yours ,", "That should be Dinants tongue too .", "For I shall ne 're leave quarrelling .", "Where ?", "But it depends upon no Parliament .", "And cut through squadrons of your curious cut-works ,", "No Dinant yet ?", "Shall quit his kindred , I'le lopp him .", "That 's true , Sir .", "Nor his Corinna should again be mention 'd .", "Or sing but some new air ; by that time , Gentlemen \u2014", "Spoke bravely ,", "Puddings enough . Farewel .", "This Sword is vengeance angry .", "I am undone for ever , if it prove so ,", "Talk civilly , and make your cause Authentick .", "Yet for the manners \u2014", "You come with no Spells , nor Witchcrafts ?", "I say , if I do , but do not depend upo n't ,", "But if your Lordship mark it , no great matter .", "And say my prayers as I goe ; away boy ,", "What man can do ,", "This slave may prove unable to perform ,", "way-lay me with Ladies ? A pretty sword , Sir ,", "And to that name allow a Sanctuary ,", "Away with me for shame , I am a Rascal .", "Ye seem a man , and \u2018 tis a noble office .", "My back , you would say .", "I must entreat you try , Sir , and bear a part", "And bear your own abuses , I scorn my sword", "I have brought you from a wild or rather Mad-man", "Fall what may fall , I 'll do't .", "I'le be first cut a p", "There are my griefs , he has cast away my causes ,", "And though I am sure your Lordship hates my Person ,", "I'le make you dance , do you see your fiddlestick ?", "Your honour ready to be lost .", "And the next Priest we meet shall warrant it", "You should hear further from me , I would not talk thus :", "We 'll leave that to your selves : I shall hear from you .", "I will sing still , Sir .", "What shall become of my Writings ?", "You have so cunningly discharg 'd your parts ,", "I think I see him , set up your watch , we'l fight by it .", "Is of more honour , and shews more ominous ?", "Away , and talk not .", "What a vengeance ail you ?", "What a Devil ail you ?", "Invite mens Swords and angers to dispatch me .", "This is the maddest thing \u2014", "Cold now and treacherous .", "Would the old Lord were here .", "I know thou art most valiant .", "And wear no Sword ?", "You would fain be prating now ; take the man with you .", "\u2018 Twill not be long .", "To be abus 'd too ? Lady , you might have help 'd this .", "But if I sweat not in another fashion \u2014", "For safety of their lives , to fly up higher", "Command and boldly .", "Nor will not stay , I have business .", "By this kiss I'le do it ,", "I can tell thee rare things .", "Well , Dinant , well , these wear swords and seem brave fellows .", "And so near to his blood \u2014", "Remove for Heavens sake ,", "There lies your way .", "And now you have found him ,", "And be abus 'd still : But that I have call 'd thee friend ,", "Till you have lost your self , your friends , your credit ,", "You may goe Dinant .", "I'le take the next that comes .", "No more words , softly", "I seldom now write Sonnets .", "Do not you wish now , and wish from your heart too ,", "Which if I come so near again : I say nothing ,", "What honour can you both win on me single ?", "And then hang me ?", "Hark , but hark wisely how , understand well ,", "If I had loos 'd that virgin Zone , observe me ,", "Though it be held a custom ,", "La-Writ . I understand your causes .", "The gibbet , this redeem 'd me from my Chains ,", "And help me to put up my Sword .", "To furnish any Cutler in this Kingdom .", "I do not tell you so , but if you may be perswaded .", "And that thou shalt know , I am a true Gentleman ,", "With this disgrace , thy whole life cannot heal again .", "La-writ . If I like \u2018 em ,", "Nor I will hear no more o n't : take the Swords too ,", "La-w. Never too Old", "You have a Lady in your arms .", "Pray ye stay a little .", "And my hour is come .", "La-writ . I know not that ,", "Nay , start not , I beseech you , it means you no harm ,", "Goe forward , Dinant .", "\u2018 Tis to steal from your serious hours a little laughter ;", "La-w. Base and degenerate Cousin , dost not thou know", "A firm and worthy Friend , yet I see nothing ,", "And leave you to the mercy of these villains", "Search my friend , I'le search yours .", "I know you will fight and so fight , with such metal ,", "Thou art a man to fight for any cause ,", "Now must I think how to contrive this matter ,", "And thou , a squire of low degree ; will that content thee ?", "Upon mine honestie , you shall be fought with ;", "To their Summer-house ?", "And look another way , or I'le be with you ,", "\u2018 Tis a Sword matter , Sir .", "Till all be tyed ,", "Be such a coxcombe to prove valiant now \u2014", "And with laconick brevity : these Gentlemen", "The reverence to your silver Age and Vertue .", "Not unless marriage be dishonourable ,", "And therefore Judge , or no Judge .", "The hour is past , I wonder Dinant comes not ,", "Or I'le give you such a dust o'th \u2019 chapps \u2014", "La-writ . You may wonder to see me thus ; but that 's all one ,", "This is a pretty flim-flam .", "La-w. \u2018 Tis very like , Sir ,", "God a mercy Mumpsimus ,", "Not a jot longer : are there any more on ye afore ?", "This sav 'd your Brother , and your nephew from", "That 's my care .", "Into the woods , all left to their possession ,", "Here comes the President ."], "true_target": ["Till you come to the matter be not rapt thus ,", "Till when , my service .", "This is the prettiest Rogue that e'r I read of ,", "This is no simple conversion .", "To make you sport , you had given a little hint ,", "Upon the Gentleman preserv 'd your honour :", "A Gentlemans , a mans that wears a Sword ,", "God speed you , Sir .", "Say he will not fight . La-w . I know then what to say , take you no care , Sir ,", "I see it in your eye , Sir .", "That was insensible of man , and woman ?", "How if he have no more Cousins ?", "Private doing ,", "Were easie to be gull 'd .", "Am I thus Colted ?", "This may make some sport yet , I will deliver it ,", "That must be still observ 'd : you think I'le chide you ,", "Enter Monsieur La-writ , within .", "Well I may live to see you again . A dull Rogue ,", "As thou wouldst wish , \u2018 tis done Lad ,", "I am your friend , Sir : Dinant you draw your sword", "Did this lye by me ?", "La-writ . I have no skill i n't then .", "You see I am ready here , and do but stay", "La-writ . \u2018 Pray Sir , spare your precepts .", "As you are Gentlemen , one of you supply me .", "Is to take the quarrel to your self , and let me hear no more o n't ,", "When things must be , nay see , an he will hold his head up ?", "And stands upon the point of reputation ,", "And I beseech your honour mistake me not ,", "La-writ . I'le be hang 'd then ;", "For this great courtesie ?", "Call 'd him aloud , and led him to his fortune ?", "La-writ . I may be kill 'd too ,", "Think not so basely , good Sir .", "Any thing that 's honest .", "\u2018 Thad been in me else a sawcy rudeness .", "I did you the office of a man .", "I want a Second now to meet these gallants ,", "And like thy self , a noble Advocate :", "If I be kill 'd , remember the little Lawyer .", "Cl", "La-w. And there were no more Cousins in the world I kill him ,", "A little respite prethee ; nay blush not ,", "Your Lordships bedfellow , that could not smell out", "Was this my bed-fellow , pray give me leave to look ,", "Not for a world you should transgress the rules .", "No solliciting face now ,", "Nothing of Lawyer left , not a bit of buckram ,", "When scarce sweet with my fears , I long lay by you", "And where are all my causes then ? my business ?", "Trouble me no more , I say again to you ,", "I will say little ,", "Stay Lady , stay , but is there such a business ?", "La-w. You will not carry it .", "I am sure to wear a pair of Bracelets ;", "O , a delicate Wench .", "Take to your Weapons bravely .", "That poor and base renouncing of your honour ,", "Down and Roses :", "I know you can : I like your modesty ,", "Will you dispatch ?", "Many unto your honour .", "Nor Horse nor man , \u2018 twould vex me to be left here ,", "What honour shall I do you ,", "That 's all one ,", "I wou 'd see it done .", "That 's comfort ,", "For \u2018 tis not fit I should be a man again ,", "La-writ . To no Lords Cousins in the world , I hate \u2018 em ;", "Not in that manner ,", "None to provoke to th \u2019 field , but the old President ;", "La-writ . I say \u2018 tis well ,", "And practised so , I do not hold it honest ;", "Are the Horses come yet ?", "Would such a Lady send , with such a charge too ?", "Be Valiant .", "I have more reason , for I scaped a fortune ,", "not alone ,", "The Devil 's in him .", "There 's five hundred Crowns , fright me but so again .", "La-writ . All I desire of ye ,", "Are we made stales to one another ?", "Can judge best what belongs to wounded honour .", "But fear nothing , all shall be well , away quickly", "You must uncase too .", "To be hang 'd now , when these worshipful benchers please ,", "Did I fear this ? is this a Cause to shake at ?", "You shall pay for't greyhYpppHeNbeard . Up , up , you sleep your last else . { Lights above , two Servants { and Anabel . 1 Serv . No , not yet , Sir , Lady , look up , would you have wrong 'd this Beauty ? Wake so tender a Virgin with rough terms ? You wear a Sword , we must entreat you leave it .", "And gave my friend his liberty , this preserv 'd", "Guarded themselves , but forc 'd the bloody thieves ,", "And though I never heard of her , a deboshed Lady ,", "It must be done i'th \u2019 moment or \u2014", "\u2018 Tis most convenient Gentlemen .", "To make you merry , this poor simple fellow", "I must confess it . La-w. And budg 'd not , no I budg 'd not .", "Why , there 's the quarrel , Sir , the mortal quarrel .", "Though I know not their faces that condemn me ,", "Which Time may bring again into your favour ,", "I shall be glad o n't . La-writ . Where 's my cloak , and my trinkets ? Or will you fight any longer , for a crash or two ?", "To Monsieur Vertaign , the President .", "Well , I will carry it , and deliver it ,", "vocate thou shalt fight .", "Time shall declare ; \u2018 tis true I was a Lawyer ,", "If you dare venture , speak , if not I leave you ,", "To hate my self ; to be a kind of pander ,", "Let me have a little , speak to me .", "La-writ . I had it in a Play , but that 's all one ,", "It is his quarel too that brought me hither ,", "\u2018 Tis the little Lawyers voice : has he got my way ? It should be hereabouts .", "La-w . I see it in your Eyes , that you dare do it ,", "In which he has bowed my reputation .", "Coloured with smooth excuses ? Was it a friends part ,", "Deliver , deliver .", "I am the same ,", "Monsieur , Beaupre , Verdone ,", "And to morrow morning meet you in the Louver ,", "r. Will ye kill him ?", "You ask but what 's your own , and warrantable :", "\u2018 Tis only worth your Honours Mirth , that 's all Sir ,", "Being got between them , and this hellish Cave ,", "We have day enough : is't possible he comes not ?", "And fall to that you come for .", "I am bold to bring it to your Lordship .", "Try , try , you are mistaken : walk on Gentlemen ,", "And my fine cold virgin ,", "Where both stood up to th \u2019 chins .", "I never drew it yet , or whether it be a Sword \u2014", "A touch or so , to tell me I was mortal ,", "Will you let me lye by her but one hour more ,", "If you think me worthy of your husband ,", "I can hear nothing more ; I 'll say my prayers ,", "But I am bound to gratifie you , and I must not leave you .", "This way , I heard the cries", "\u2018 Faith , Sir , I have a business ,", "In what a misery and fear I lye .", "Why , he 's a Judge , an Old Man .", "You may goe Dinant , and follow this old Fairie ,", "Should travel in so poor and empty quarrels .", "As arrant a Gentleman , and a brave fellow ,", "And to you pretty one , though crying one ;", "Which if you do not quickly , I begin with you ,", "La-w. A Judge , or no Judge , no Judge .", "This is a most rare Lawyer :", "You understand this bag , if you have any business", "I lay not like a block : but how speed you ?", "An old , and tatter 'd colours , to the enemy ,", "I say thou shalt , and bravely .", "\u2018 Tis sharp indeed ; you have broke your fast ? La-writ . No verily .", "You know when , and let the children play :", "To have sung so much , and so well in the honour", "And tall enough for her \u2014 I shall dispatch you too ,", "His Cause shall be the first , commend me to your Mistris ,", "Now I beseech you , Sir ,", "How say you sweet one ,", "You stole that resolution .", "Hold there , and I forgive thee .", "A rogue , a ruffian .", "Those fears you and your good Aunt put upon me ,", "La-writ . Are ye mad Gentleman ?", "You know not", "\u2018 Tis indeed most true Sir ,", "La-writ . I love a dire revenge :", "Do you know my tongue ?", "I come with no blown Spirit to abuse you ,", "Sweet A", "This is a dainty time of year for puppies ,", "Attempted by \u2018 em they with greater courage ,", "I must desire you ,", "Now by this hand ,", "Let \u2018 em ly by ,", "So foolish , and improvident husbands , but", "I am sure you shall not now .", "La-writ . Stand farther Gentleman ,", "Pretty conjurations .", "The least is Banishment .", "What think you of the motion ?", "If this be true \u2014", "Throughly ?", "Will you make me mad , have I not all the parcells ?", "Wilt thou break my heart ?", "Till my Friend come , walk but a turn or two ,", "\u2018 Tis a main point , of the French method ,", "I talk 'd much in the Court , now I hate talking ,", "La-writ . \u2018 Tis too cold ;", "La-writ . Hum , say you so ? if I should", "No , you did not . La-w . There 's it then , one good turn requires another .", "I am one that loves you , fairly , nobly loves you ,", "Am I bob 'd thus ? pray take a pipe of tobacco ,", "But mark the end .", "To your wishes mine ,", "I love my friend , but know no reason why", "Give me the man that will all others kill ,", "Is this all ? I'le undertake within these two daies", "You know what honour is .", "What think you of their Nieces ?", "If you be not hastie , Sir .", "And tell your Master , as I am a Gentleman ,", "Can be allaied with words ?", "Have I a memory ? A Cause , and Will to do ? thou art so sullen \u2014", "Mistake me not my Lord , you shall not find that ,", "Here they come ,", "I am no rogue nor Begger , if you dare do thus \u2014", "Why , do it in dumb shew then , I am silenc 'd .", "A Virgin of sixteen , that was your fool ,", "You wear a good Sword .", "La-wr . And I defy thee do thy worst : O ho quoth Lancelot tho .", "I dare not .", "I am first i'th \u2019 field , that honour 's gain 'd of our side ,", "I must part to morrow .", "Yield my Sword ? that 's Hebrew ;", "This comes of rutting ;", "Go , keep her stirring .", "By my life ,", "O admirantis ,", "And from the least dishonour they dare aim at you ,", "If there should be , I were no Gentleman ,", "Never whilst you live .", "And pay your Fees .", "This is a noble Fellow , of a sweet Spirit ,", "Pl \u2014\u2014 o \u2019 this circumstance .", "He is a man .", "Come to thy tools .", "Thou strik'st me , fool .", "Most willing Sir , I am ready at your service . La-w . There , read , and understand , and then deliver it .", "La-writ . Here will I hang my bag then , it may save my belly ,", "Thou shalt fight , if thou hadst a thousand causes ,", "I do mean , Sir , to kill all my Lords kindred .", "This for a Summer fight .", "Laugh 'd at , and almost hooted ? your disgraces", "My little furious Lawyer ?", "But now \u2014", "Come , we are dull , I think that the good fellows ,", "We 'll dispatch within this quarter , there in that bottom ,", "Suspect not , fear not .", "And with such judgement meet your enemies fury ;", "Time , that trains Chickens up , will teach him quickly .", "He shall goe with you woman .", "\u2018 Tis my fault then , there is an hour in fortune ,", "A little startles me , but a man is nothing ,", "Farewel till then , and play the man .", "Will you have me break my heart ? my brains are melted ;", "How long must we fight ? for I cannot stay ,", "La-writ . Now I'le put my hat up ,", "And his Petition too , about Bell-founding ?", "La-writ . Help me to pluck my Sword out then , quickly , quickly ,", "The most unmanly wrong , unfriendly wrong \u2014", "es ; hold but a while ,", "Enter two Gentlemen .", "You are an old Gentleman ?", "And speak according to the phrase triumphant ;", "La-writ . I'le put it in my mouth else .", "\u2018 Faith you may ,", "Hold , hold . Hold Dinant , as thou art a Gentleman . La-writ . As much as you will , my hand is in now .", "They will not run away , man .", "Enter an old Gentleman .", "Or any part of the Earth .", "And I charge you in the Kings name , name no more fighting .", "La-writ . Yes , I am hastie ,", "How cold I sweat ! a hogs pox stop your pipes ,", "Say she has plaid the fool , play the fool with her again ,", "Basta , enough , I have your mind , I will not fail you .", "We'l do't in a minute , in a moment .", "Not yet Mistris ,", "Who have we here ?", "I had rather stay here .", "Of distress 'd Women .", "In your young days , I have known your Honour woo it ,", "Something I must say too ,", "For the matter of honour , \u2018 tis at your own disposure ,", "I have it ,", "I'le set him further off , I'le give a remove", "Wiser the next shall be or we 'll to School .", "Has met the maid again , and now she knows", "A Maidenhead is the thing , the thing all aim at ;", "Why , he 's no Sword-man , Sir .", "Where was the fault then ?", "You see I am willing ,", "I know your cause , for transporting of Farthingales", "We 'll stand a while off ; take the things , and leave \u2018 em ,", "Away , away ,", "Have you an appetite ?", "If I see him first , he dies .", "You owe me the like service .", "I have a scene of mirth , to drive this from my heart ,", "Peace touchwood .", "Or I 'll not venture .", "I suffer more for thee than for my self .", "They may live , and multiply ; \u2018 tis a cold morning .", "Mark it better ,", "No revelation in thee .", "This may be made no little one , \u2018 tis a Challenge , Sir ,", "Stop her mouth , Dinant , it sleeps yet , \u2018 pray be wary ,", "As mad a piece of \u2014 you were wont to love mirth", "This was my second , and did back me nobly ,", "A very pretty sword , I have a great mind to't .", "And such a man to undertake , my Lord ?", "That will not wooe ye much .", "I am your noble friend , Sir . La-writ . It may be so .", "And fearless rise , there 's no dishonour meant you ,", "I am an Ass , a Dog .", "You shall be hang 'd first ,"], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["Nay , since I must fight , have at you without wit , Sir :", "How the thing looks ?", "Sir , his misfortune", "I know no duty ,", "Well , we 'll wait , Sir .", "La-writ . To't chearfully my boyes , you'l let 's have fair play ,", "What shall we do with \u2018 em ?", "Enter La-writ .", "We'l venture on him .", "The Rogue winks and fights .", "None of your foyning tricks .", "La-writ . Now your fine fencing , Sir :", "I'le stay here , fight bravely .", "What say you Cousin ,", "La-writ . Put your spoon home then :", "You are well met Cleremont .", "And this you know the place .", "That is not he ; we will not be deluded ."], "true_target": ["Dinant ? he durst not meet us .", "They are both come on , that may be a stubborn rascal ,", "Come either yield \u2014", "This is some sport yet .", "We have done that already .", "If they should prove your Suitors ?", "We wait you Sir .", "Nothing but bumbast in ye ?", "We come not now to argue , but to do ;", "Durst not , I repeat it .", "Deserves not this reproof .", "Come forward Monsieur ;", "Take you that ground ,", "Yield up your Sword then .", "God a mercy bagg .", "Would he would take this fellow .", "We 'll recover you .", "Why , this is rare .", "That bindes me to endure this ."], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis questionless , some one of your own Village ,", "Your Horse , Sir ,", "The honour of my Lady ."], "true_target": ["Will meet you within half a mile .", "That hearing of your purpos 'd journey thither ,", "You are a fair Gentleman , and love your friend Sir . What are you ready ? the time has overta'ne us .", "Prepares it for your entertainment , and"], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["You see your fortune ,", "\u2018 Tis but a fortune ,", "First come , first serv 'd .", "The story of Dinant .", "And every man afraid of you .", "You had better yield your Sword .", "And now , when you dare fight ,", "Come draw your Sword , you know the custome here Sir ,", "And his the honour .", "But men are men , and cannot make their fates :", "Faith let 's have a kind of play .", "Ascribe you to my Father what you please ,", "Do not trust me , I think I am a coward .", "There was a Devil , hir 'd from some Magician", "You walk like Robin-good-fellow all the house over ,", "I'le rime to't , but provokt , the worst of Devils .", "How can ye convince us", "I'th \u2019 shape of an Atturney .", "If that might make my peace with you , I dare", "That 's most likely .", "I fought , Sir ,", "Our service , and for us , your gracious thanks ."], "true_target": ["We came to fight .", "Nor was it Cleremont 's valour that disarm 'd us ,", "And with the hazard of my life defend it .", "If this fellow should fight .", "Kill me not , excess of joy .", "When he brings him to fight .", "La-writ . And for any thing I know , I am an arrant coward ,", "Write him a Coward upon every post ,", "I am born to suffer .", "No , but in his room ,", "Who deserve", "Lead the way .", "We are on even Ice again .", "We shall yet find an hour .", "You are as far from justice", "In him you praise , as equitie in the censure", "A rare Youth .", "And on the sudden \u2014", "You load me with .", "I had the better of him ; for Dinant ,", "Like a good fellow , and a Souldier too ,", "In your reports ?", "Why this will be a comick fight , you'l follow .La-writ . As I am a true man , I cannot fight ."], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["The Gentleman may do his Country \u2014", "Here 's like to be a hot fight ,", "Y'are nobly punctual , let 's retire and meet \u2018 em ,", "You want a second .", "In good Faith Sir , I was never handsom at it ,", "La-writ . Why look you Sir , you seem to be a Gentleman ,", "Yes certain : give your swords to us , now civilly .", "I would you had my Son , but he 's in Italy ,", "Past flesh and blood to bear : boh , boh , wondrous cold .", "There shall be nothing done .", "A proper Gentleman ; you may do well gallants", "Away with \u2018 em .", "We 'll see what may be done , Sir .", "Be not too bloody .", "La-writ . Make all the quarrels", "You can devise before I come , and let 's all fight ,", "La-writ . \u2018 Tis very well , no words ,", "La-writ . Off with't , I hate it ,", "Yes indeed am I , Sir .", "This Doublet is too stiff .", "He would dye with laughter .", "He durst not undertake else ,", "But fairly know , what belongs to a Gentleman ;", "But still , I say , have mercy .", "There is no sport else .", "Woman , woman"], "true_target": ["No doubt he is valiant ,", "Good morrow Gentlemen .", "I'le fight with him like a flea 'd Cat .", "That 's quickly done .", "La-writ . Off with't , I say :", "But say he should relent .", "I need none , Sir .", "Most certain , so it be a fighting shirt ,", "If your quarrel be not capital , to have more mercy ,", "You bear your Uncles cause .", "And all such fortifications , feel my skin ,", "I have brought you , Sir \u2014", "Let it be ne 're so foul , or lowsie , C\u00e6sar wore such a one .", "That 's a main point , my friend has two .", "\u2018 Tis no soft one .", "You are welcome , Sir .", "And you come in honour of your Uncle , boh , boh , \u2018 tis very cold ;", "No weapon must be near you , nor no anger .", "I presume , Sir , you now need no instruction ,", "Your Uncle has offer 'd me some few affronts ,", "Away .", "You are well , you are well .", "The next work is with you .", "An \u2018 twere in a River .", "If that be stiff , flea that off too .", "Call when y'are fit ."], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["No humane help can save you .", "From the foot-path into the neighbouring thicket ,", "If we did well ,", "But are contented with the spoil .", "Let 's ransack it ,", "You that would rescue others , shall now feel", "We are rewarded .", "Enter Vertaigne , Champernel , Beaupre , Verdone , Lamira ,", "I like this humble carriage ,", "This Hen longs to be troden .", "A King , and thou in my dominions , fool ,", "We goe about the same work , you are ready for ;", "And suffer in the object .", "They are welcome ,", "Let us enjoy our purchase .", "Should it be known .", "We 'll make \u2018 em sport ; make a stand here , all know", "As they are chain 'd together , let them see", "Your servants , Madam .", "\u2018 Tis ours now by the Law .", "\u2018 Tis he my Lord .", "One strain or two more .", "What they were born to .", "You give but our own .", "Yes foolish woman ,", "And must fight presently , else we were your servants .", "A subject and a slave .", "I will walk by , but kneel you still and weep too ,", "You can to please me , or the deed being done ,"], "true_target": ["O Sir , we do not come to try your valour ,", "Ever think us", "Excellent , they are come .", "It shews well , while I meditate on the prey ,", "Our Captains will is death .", "Pray hold , give him a little respite .", "But to possess you , yet we use you kindly", "I am all fire ,", "Drag the slaves hence , for you", "And yet the jest may chance to break our necks", "Anabel , Nurse , Charlote .", "Two are our slaves they call on , bring \u2018 em forth", "And thou shall quench it , and serve my pleasures .", "How we are to proceed .", "Provoke not angry Wasps .", "Sir you must pardon us ,", "You shall have dancing . Begin , and when I give the word \u2014", "They are ours , but draw them on a little further", "You are but dead .", "A while I'le lock you up here , study all ways", "Here I am only Noble ,", "And we may do't , as safe as in a Castle .", "Away with them .", "Come partner in the spoil and the reward ,", "\u2018 Twas but a jest ,", "In that , like English Thieves , we kill you not ,", "If you are well , rest so ,", "Shall I entreat for what I may command ?", "Before I seize it ."], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["The Women , as if they had wings , and walk't", "Not kiss you ? I will kiss and kiss again .", "Hurry them away .", "They follow still ; the President Vertaigne", "Thanks but takes away", "As you love your throat ,\u2014", "A virago ?", "Another that will have it offer 'd ,", "God speed you , and good day .", "While we sit", "Now what think you ?"], "true_target": ["We are instructed .", "Stand upon your guard .", "He dies .", "And without pity hear \u2018 em .", "From what was freely purpos 'd .", "Comes on a pace , and Champernel limps after ;", "Compel it to be offer 'd , shall enjoy it .", "I'le try your deity .", "No more :", "We are instructed .", "Upon the Air , fly to us .", "You cry in vain , rocks cannot hear you ."], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["O women , women ! When you are pleas 'd you are the least of evils .", "Pox , what fortune 's this ? disarm 'd by a puppie ?", "\u2018 Twas he did it .", "We perish happily before your ruins .", "La-writ . No more o \u2019 these words Gentleman ,", "There 's no contesting with her , from a child", "To the favour of these Gentlemen .", "I could wish Dinant \u2014", "Lament your own misfortunes ,", "A snail ? a Dog ?", "And we two basely lost .", "We follow willingly .", "Yet I dare swear her honest .", "We have hard luck , Lady ."], "true_target": ["That , as you please , Sir .", "And both owe their lives", "How quietly her late bed-fellow lay by her .", "And if we be not merry ,", "From what you were ?", "And durst not come ?", "Sweet Gentleman no more , do not provoke me ,", "How are ye transform 'd", "But what talk I of one that stept aside ,", "What must I do now ?", "Once mov 'd , she hardly was to be appeas 'd ,", "She 's still musing , Sister ,", "Ready at an hour , Sir : we 'll not be last .", "Go walk i'th \u2019 horse-fair ; whistle Gentleman ,"], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["This is a precious knave , stay , stay , good Tristram ,", "Say , what success ?", "And grew into a River of vain glory ,", "La-wr . Thou fierce man that like Sir Lancelot dost appear ,", "Such a lewd purpose .", "In a perpetual fever , and those favours ,", "The spring of Chastity , that fed your pride ,", "But for this Lady , Sir \u2014", "Imagine but a fearfull dream , and so", "Now be mistris of", "The honour of that Lady I adore ,", "No complements : the terrours of this night", "I am awake again and see her mischiefs ,", "Well , woman , woman , I must look your rascals ,", "You know I am not false , of a treacherous nature ,", "And thou hast made thy friend .", "Why do you speak so loud ? I pray'e go in ,", "And let me ask thy mightiness a question ,", "Ye dry bisket rogue ,", "And that you wrong 'd her honour .", "Fed us with hopes most bitter in digestion ,", "Goe bid your Lady seek some fool to fawn on her ,", "But when love fail 'd , to draw on further mischief ,", "You shall not lose your longing , rogue .", "I cannot do withal ;", "Though every leaf , these trees bear , were an Echo ,", "Though your many", "Tear your throat , cry louder ,", "When I began the story of my love", "More sport , and a companion , to whom ,", "A bold and banquerupt man , I have ventur 'd all these ,", "Not so , Sir .", "Why do you shift thus", "Which thus hath made us slaves too , worse than slaves .", "I have been her mirth too long , thus I shake from me", "Must I begin your sacrifice of mischief ?", "La-writ . Not ; to abuse a Lady , is very hard , Sir .", "You know I am no Coward , you have seen that ,", "And I will tell you y'are a treacherous woman ,", "The honour of this deed will be your own ,", "Yes , most vertuous .", "What Mister thing is this ? let me survey it . La-writ . And then he strook his neck in two .", "Yes , yes .", "Upon your tempting faces , all destructions ;", "round about me", "Perish by a proud Puppet ? I did you too much honour ,", "This is some Cavellero Knight o'th \u2019 Sun .", "Till the last evening , sitting full of sadness ,", "Along with me then .", "You must not part so , Sir , art thou a Gentleman ? La-writ . Ask those upon whose ruins I am mounted .", "Or value those delights you prize so high ,", "Yet that hereafter you may know that I", "As you believ 'd compass 'd with walls of brass ,", "It was your treaty drew me on .", "Go take your Groom , and let him dally with you ,", "Allow you thanks for't .", "And every hour my death .", "I do not think so ,", "What 's this ?", "Belong to honour , thus \u2014", "Nor any face to quarel with :", "To watch a fellow , that has wrong 'd my Mistris ,", "\u2018 Twill end there .", "Is this a womans love ? a womans mercy ? Do you profess this seriously ? do you laugh at me ?", "I have atchieved \u2014 goe follow thy business .", "I will be fool 'd no more , you had your tricks ;", "O that I had but words !", "Speak the means .", "What 's to be done then ?", "Deal bravely for thy self .", "La-writ . He strook so hard , the Bason broke ,", "You know no business , that concern 'd my state ,", "I see you now beyond expression wretched ,", "Your vertue , and no more think of your beauty .", "Thither i'th \u2019 evening , and which is the most infliction ,", "That confidence which was not to be shaken", "To tender you my love , too much respected you", "You in your best trim are an Ethiop .", "That never knew what pity meant or mercy ,", "Who 's here ? my witty , scornful Lady-plot", "Or Anthony or Dick , or any thing , I know not ;", "Thus make my way , and with Authority", "Pl \u2014\u2014 light upon your scorns , upon your flatteries ,", "Lackey , my Horse .", "Why do you use me thus ? thus poorly ? basely ? Work me into a hope , and then destroy me ? Why did you send for me ? this new way train me ?", "And break that stubborn disobedient will ,", "This may be a rascal , but \u2018 tis a mad rascal ,", "Unmov 'd , unstruck .", "What 's all this ? You say , you did abuse a Lady . La-writ . You ly .", "What is so well begun .", "And then despis 'd again , I have forgot her .", "The rod of mine own dotage : do not flatter", "Or whether his name be William or John ,", "Hey how it fences ! if this should be the rogue ,", "You shall , you shall , be faithful for this night ,", "Say you so , Sir ? Didst thou never abuse her honour ? La-writ . Not ; to abuse her honour , is impossible .", "Lady , why this ?", "Though it be dangerous ?", "We were such .", "Peace , good Madam .", "To comfort you , and love you , \u2018 tis most true ,", "And will protect and guard it .", "There stole down soft relentings : take heed Mistris ,", "Your lover and a Gentleman long sought for ,", "I'le make you feel the effects of abus 'd love ,", "A base unthankfull woman is unworthy .", "Let me but out ,", "A little now , now ; will ye go in again ?", "Suborn 'd to this , he does deliver it", "And summon 'd in your best friends to redeem you ,", "The wit you brag 'd of fool 'd , that boasted honour ,", "Peace to your grief , I bind you to your word .", "I will not goe :", "The world shall know your bounty .", "And the Lady Mother too , Sir , what have I to do with Ladies ?", "But that", "Command what I would have .", "Shall never rack me more .", "Must and shall ,", "The charms shot from her eyes \u2014", "I have spoke too liberally .", "Nay wondrous dangerous .", "Be confirm 'd i n't .", "To you fair Saint , and with so full a sorrow ,", "\u2018 Tis but delay and time lost ; pray send her softly off .", "Is not her own , our eyes bestow it on her ,", "But that word hearing , did include a grant ,", "Might have sought out a worse , we are all friends too ,", "And what the world shall think of me hereafter :", "Raise up your trophy , Cleremont .", "A bedrid winter hang upon your cheeks ,", "To get a toy forsooth , not worth an apple ,", "You threw upon me call 'd for a requital ,", "Sure Cleremont has fought , but how come off ,", "I would have \u2014", "What an Alphabet of faces he puts on !", "Did ye never abuse a Lady ?", "If you will be patient .", "Her blushing silence grants it ; nay Sir storm not ,", "Your promise Lady .", "As such that not alone abus 'd our service ,", "His birth and fortunes equal hers , your Lordship", "Your fears to my fears .", "What art thou , or what canst thou be , thou pea-goose ,", "A pox on you good Sir , down , down , down ,", "That hath so long held out , that boasted honour", "In fooling me so often , and those fears", "\u2018 Tis certain a most handsome one .", "Only to insult upon our miseries .", "O Cleremont ,", "And lose my reputation : ye have a fine power over us .", "I look now you should chide me , and \u2018 tis fit ,", "La-writ . My name is Cock o \u2019 two , use me respectively ,", "Where is your Lady ?", "Will you betray me ?", "That I'le enjoy you , a French crown will buy", "And shall be , till I have a fair reparation .", "La-wr . Was ever man for Ladies sake ? down , down .", "A scurvy fellow that must pass this way ,", "Blesse ye Lady .", "Which with so strong and Ceremonious duty", "That tongue that tells fair tales to mens destructions", "No honour , nor no life , like a bold Merchant ,", "The soft plum 'd god will see again ; thus taken ,", "I thank you Sir .", "You have reason to seek bloud .", "And so I leave your house , and you for ever .", "But to what end \u2014", "Apt to betray my friend , I have fought for you too ;", "Sought , sued , and kneel 'd in vain for , must you yield up", "Come , Madam .", "As you have done to me , and I will honour", "This might have been spar 'd ,", "O , I can tell thee rarer ,"], "true_target": ["He is my friend , and I can make this good ,", "The house will all rise now , this will disturb all . Did you do this ?", "Cleremont ,", "I am amaz 'd too .", "I am glad I have found thee .", "This tongue abus 'd you when it spoke you beauteous .", "Prethee no more of thy Lady , I have too much o n't .", "To leave my friend engag 'd , mine honour tainted ?", "As soon as I come off \u2014", "To triumph in your miseries than relieve you ,\u2014", "You are not fair , nor handsome , I lyed loudly ,", "Speak suddenly , for I am full of business .", "And from whence come you ? I could fight with my shadow now .", "La-writ . That 's two lyes ,", "Softly , for heavens sake , you know my friend 's engag 'd ,", "You with your Buckram bag , what make you here ?", "Come Cleremont , this is the hour of fool .", "And will pay it .", "As \u2018 tis the likeliest rogue I see this day \u2014", "Nor touch nor hurt you Lady , nor had ever", "Indeed I will do nothing ,", "\u2018 Tis well :", "And dare you think of mercy ? I'le tell thee fool ,", "Have I found you out ?", "Take liberty and means to see your person ,", "To a licentious villain , that will hardly", "Be a man Cleremont , and look upon \u2018 em", "Throughly .", "Dost thou love me dearly ? Dar'st thou for my sake ?", "Give me but room to toss my Sword about me ,", "It should be fruitless : \u2018 tis not that I love you ,", "And blast , blast , blast those buds of Pride that paint you ;", "To think you worthy of my worst embraces .", "Yes , we are undone , lost .", "Fie , what delays you make ! I dare not ,", "Some unexperienc 'd puppie to make sport with ,", "We wait your malice , put your swords home bravely ,", "They stood amaz 'd , then bid me rise and live ,", "La-writ . Why , hang this Lady , Sir ,", "These two long hours I have trotted here , and curiously", "You are merry ;", "Not to raise dreadfull apparitions , Madam ,", "With such a constant brow , that I am doubtfull ,", "But what this scurvy fellow is , or whence ,", "Rather than enjoy you", "At such an hour .", "In the hands of Ruffians ?", "Your greasie Groom ; I scorn to imp your lame stock ,", "For Fools to find you out ; a Lady Plotter !", "Follow 'd each point , that even from those rude eyes ,", "And am not now , on every idle errand ,", "And you must make it good .", "To get these off , and speedily .", "And Tarquin heard the sound .", "I will so swinge you for this blasphemie \u2014", "Justice too ,", "With your consent , because I will torment you ;", "It holds , they will go thither .", "And gentlemen , are the same men , by my practice", "And with what haste .", "\u2018 Tis well , Lady ;", "Goe bid her stick some other triumph up ,", "La-writ . And wonder on , till time make all things plain .", "Presum 'd upon your power , and whip 'd me with", "The scorn 'd and despis 'd Dinant , know what does", "And therefore , out of fear forsook you not :", "I should believe him too .", "To guard it sure , subject to be o'rethrown", "I have spoke , and spoke ; I am betray 'd and lost too .", "You taught me to be cruel ,", "I and my friend , the first-fruits of that bloud ,", "Be wise and loving Lady , shew but you so .", "She is not fair , and that that makes her proud ,", "Your self with hope , that any humane help", "La-wr . I tell thee I am as good a Gentleman as the Duke ;", "That has no pretious time to lose , no friends ,", "I dare not drink ;", "Your lascivious eyes are flames enough", "With the least blast of lust .", "What dismal noise ! is there no honour in you ?", "Certain this is the rascal : What 's thy name ?", "Dinant thus throws away ; live to man-kind ,", "All differences end thus . Now Sir , unless", "And with much bitterness express your anger ,", "To blast your honour , is a Champion for it ,", "Then I am lost , and all my hopes defeated ,", "The baits they laid for us , were our own honours ,", "Survey 'd all goers by , yet find no rascal ,", "Ha \u2019 you done yet ? take your whole swing of anger ,", "I have deserv 'd : yet when you know \u2014", "But such as you would gladly see .", "And I repent .", "I do confess \u2014", "Survey her , and the power man has allow 'd , Sir ,", "I will defile with mudd , the mudd of lust ,", "My kindred , or my life .", "I know this for a ly , and that the thieves", "Will you but hear me ?", "My bondage was as yours , as full of bitterness", "Why do you laugh so loud , Precious ? Will you betray me ; ha \u2019 my friends throat cut ?", "I seal it thus : I must confess you vex 'd me ,", "Death in your eyes to fright men from these dangers :", "To be a Mistris , is to be a monster ,", "Without a sword to guard it self ?", "Well , I'le goe ,", "\u2018 Pray do not kiss me then .", "These are trim things . I am set here like a Perdue ,", "All I expect is scorn : I'le lead you Lady .", "The man i'th \u2019 Moon , I think , hither I was sent ,", "That dar'st give me the ly thus ? thou mak'st me wonder .", "You would raise new dissentions , make perfect", "The Captain and the company stood gaping ,", "I blow away like wind , no more her beauty \u2014", "Kneeling and whining like a boy new breech 'd ,", "Dost thou love me ?", "Which now I have return 'd , all unchast love", "What then ?", "I must confess \u2014", "To touch and kiss her is no blessedness ,", "This I can suffer too , I find it honest .", "You should find , Cleremont \u2014", "I need not tell thee what I am , nor eke what I make here .", "A Sun-burnt Ethiops lip 's as soft as her 's .", "What does this Woman here ?", "The fetters she put on ; thus her enchantments", "And make it loathsome even to goats .", "Were I to hazard ten times more for you ,", "And gross abuses of me should more move me", "I will now hear her , see her as a woman ,", "I thank thee , Nurse .", "Can free you , and for aid by miracle", "A scurvy rascally fellow I must aim at ,", "Why do you make me stay so ? if you love me \u2014", "Pl \u2014\u2014 o \u2019 the Musick .", "But two-edg 'd words to cut thee ; a Lady traytor ?", "I can plot too good Madam , you shall find it :", "Cleremont , we are betrayed , betrayed , sold by a woman ;", "Her credit , and her name : ye know she sent for me ,", "As I would do the course of common things ,", "Miss not your time .", "But for his Beard \u2014", "And wisht me prosperous in your love , wish you so ,", "As men transform 'd with the strange tale I told ,", "Made properties of me , and of my friend ;", "Wailing , sweet Mistris , your unhappy fortunes ,", "With ease forget it : for Dinant , that labour 'd", "I'le bear all with content .", "I yet am in suspence , devise some means", "And split my bottom : return this answer to her ,", "I shall be drunk presently , and do strange things then .", "I give you way still .", "Those that surpriz 'd thee , were my instruments ,", "What 's that ?", "And glory in your torture .", "And new coyn 'd anger , to be hurried ,", "Sweet Mistriss , I am mad , time steals away ,", "I will make equal with a common Whores ;", "And the great Souldier dull ? Why this is strange .", "And there 's the office of an Asse flung on me .", "And let not such unholy hearts outdo you ,", "And when we would enjoy \u2014", "To be dispatcht upon a sleeveless errand ?", "I can but add your sorrows to my sorrows ,", "Crooked and wretched you are both .", "Not so , I'le do't in spite ,", "\u2018 Pray put your light out .", "From one Chamber to another ?", "I will be Cock of three else .", "You and your honourable Husband aim at ?", "And take into her favour some dull fool ,", "Put out your light ,", "I ask your mercy , Sir , and am your servant now . La-writ . May we not fight then ?", "And in the stead of licking of my fingers ,", "But what her wrongs will give me leave to say ."], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["This hour you have refus 'd that when you come to know it ,", "So great a favour in so weak a mind :", "\u2018 Tis a fair office .", "Lady . I shall deliver what you say .", "It should have been receiv 'd so \u2014", "Than to tell him what I did , which if I had thought", "Will run you mad , and make you curse that fellow ,", "More sorrie , that my Lady has adventur 'd", "La . But play the friends part still , Sir , and undoe him ,"], "true_target": ["Lady . What 's that to ye good man flouter ? O Sir , my Lady .", "And seeking every where .", "Lady . I am sorry , I have troubled you ,", "Lady . \u2018 Tis in 's own will , I had no further charge , Sir ,", "Lady . I shall direct you quickly .", "Lady . What 's that to you ? come you , Sir , when y'are sent for .", "Lady . You would break your neck \u2018 twere yours .", "She is not fair , nor handsom , so I leave you .", "La . I am glad I have met you Sir , I have been seeking ,", "Lady . Not I , I have no power ."], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["y believe that thing there , and repent it ,", "As it please him ,", "I come not often to you with these blessings ,", "Be wise .", "Take heed Sir what you say .", "You m", "Will ye goe Sir ?"], "true_target": ["\u2018 Tis more than time : All occasions set aside Sir ,", "Or whatsoever may be thought a business \u2014", "Repair to me within this hour .", "To you Sir ?", "That dogged thing .", "Stay there .", "I know the way alone else ."], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["I give up all to thee .", "And you are young and handsome , Gentlemen ;", "I have rode hard , and late too .", "But kiss me first , we'l talk of that at leasure ,", "And do you promise me ,", "And your litigious blood about your ears sirra ,", "And such a play as shall", "I'le try your Art upon a Country pallet .", "As of an advocate new vampt ; no more words ,", "As full of frailty as of faith , a poor sleight Woman ,", "I'le dispossess you .", "And when \u2018 tis done , ask pardon , were a sin", "His sword edg 'd with defence of right and honour ,", "What can this Woman do , preserving her honour ?", "I love Dinant , mine enemy , nay admire him ,", "Yet I would thank the giver , did I know him .", "Before that most of you ere suck 'd , I know it ,", "Have neither spirit to dare nor power to do ,", "La-writ . I have done sweet Gentlemen .", "Came he not , say you ?", "Why Sir ?", "To men of honour 'd place ?", "That keeps you warm , and makes you merry .", "Come , I mistook thee sweet , prethee forgive me ,", "Was there no tree ,", "Let your clear eyes gild the Air ;", "Would pierce as deep as lightning , with that speed too ,", "Upon my life and rob 'd \u2018 em .", "La-writ . I was possest .", "I'le say , Dinant is all that thou wouldst have him ,", "Imp times dull wings , and make you merry too .", "I'th \u2019 City with your tongues , but in the field", "As you knew me not ?", "I hold thee truly noble : How these things will look ,", "I'le sword you presently ,", "O mine honour .", "His service could deserve ; did not he take", "And her best thoughts , but weak fortifications ,", "You are welcome , Gentlemen ,", "No cave , no rock , nor hell shall keep them from", "And gladly would forget ?", "My Brother that kept fortune bound , and left", "I shall be nearer ;", "You'l suffer more ; that ever cursed I ,", "We all are fool 'd if this be not a Play ,", "Faith we shall fright you worse .", "Use thine own waies ,", "We 'll all dote on him , hell be my reward", "Deal how thou wilt : that that I never feel ,", "I never saw my blood before , it jades me ,", "Does this work on you ? La-writ . Yes .", "We'l not be guilty of : and to excuse", "I keep a couple of Ladies here , they say fair ,", "And kill as deadly .", "I will not be far off though , nor I will not be jealous ,", "Back then to Paris : well that travel ends", "Should give my honour up , to the defence", "Fie , what a night shall we have ! A roaring , merry night .", "As you shall like proceed .", "Whilst we melt the frozen ground :", "Of your first Suiter \u2014", "Ly still , and doe not struggle .", "And ask this noble man forgiveness ? La-writ . Heartily .", "For you Monsieur Dinant \u2018 ere long I'le shew you", "You may depart too .", "To you ?", "Bestows it on us ? my dancing days are done ;", "You shall have pap anon . O thou grand Fool ,", "And stick upon my head , I will not believe it ,", "If you do cozen me \u2014", "My easie Nag , and padd .", "To have my Wife , my soveraign , to command me :", "What art thou ? La-writ . What art thou ?", "Shall fire the woods , but I will find \u2018 em out ,", "Or my good Horse , my Armour on ,", "Prologue .", "La-writ . I understand Sir ,", "All disgraces wretch .", "La-writ . If you will give me leave and life .", "So I think too ,", "He that could fight thus , in a cause not honest ,", "Believe it , Sir , there 's nothing but extreams", "He has no part in me , nor in my blood ,", "My searching vengeance .", "Your swords are all lead there .", "She shall not come a Begger to you Sir .", "Uncheck 'd , and unobserv 'd , if thou wilt have it ,", "There may be a Mine wrought : Well , let \u2018 em work then ,", "Then use me like a Brother of the Trade ,", "To lock her up ; nor would I be a Dutchman ,", "\u2018 Twas to that purpose writ , so we intend it", "Conquest hereditary to his Issue", "How were you freed ?", "No better guard her . In contempt of you", "On better judgement : I am no Italian", "\u2018 Tis bravely fought .", "SONG in the Wood .", "Repose her confidence in one that can", "But let 's in , and prepare , and after dinner", "Look on me Rascals , and learn of me too ,", "La-writ . As you are honourable Gentlemen ,", "That have been in some part of your profession ,", "Nay never look , your Lawyers pate is broken ,", "nor no River ,", "Fill your ears with our sweet sound ,", "Come hither little Gentleman . La-writ . Base is the slave commanded : come to me .", "Yet when I hold her best , she 's but a Woman ,", "I shall pursue you else .", "Thou saiest too true , we all talk .", "I see thou livest , but hast thou had no foul play ?"], "true_target": ["Why modest Lady , you that sing such Encomiums", "Do you scorn me Rogues ?", "I am glad my house has any pleasure for you ,", "But will you search the wood ?", "I am glad I have thee ; Niece how you keep off ,", "Let 's laugh this night out now , and count our gains . We have our honours home , and they their pains .", "In private ?", "Get you off quickly , and make no murmurs ,", "Alas Sir I must beat him ,", "Restore my Matrimony undefil 'd ,", "Are you a Lawyer Sir ? La-writ . I was , I was Sir .", "Will you so ? you are liberal ,", "Enter La-writ , and Sampson .", "Look on me ,", "This way come , make haste oh fair ,", "Hands off , and give them liberty , only disarm \u2018 em .", "Nor trust too much , I think she is vertuous ,", "That is all Innocent , for whom a dove would", "Hell confound it ,", "And how their blood will curdle ! Play on Children ,", "Another Niece , to this not much inferiour ,", "Of such a thing as he is , or my Lady", "Gave all rewards too", "From Dinant", "No , no , no , I will not . Do you peep again ? Down down proud heart .", "They are lost yet .", "Is this the little Lawyer ?", "My Staff in my rest , and this good Sword too , friend ,", "I have no more heart now than a goose .", "Will that suffice ?", "Which she must feel from me .", "Why sirra , why do you leave your trade , your trade of living ,", "\u2018 Fore heaven , exceeding rare ;", "Impart unto a couple of cold combatants .", "The Provost", "La-writ . You have a sword Sir ,", "The rogues have met with these two", "I shall meet with it , till the signs be monstrous ,", "If I dissemble .", "That thou knew'st but thy fortune \u2014", "I put my one to too much stress .", "What shall it be ?", "We to our cost have ,", "Your command ?", "Is this true , Niece ?", "Such a mechanick humour , I'le be nothing ;", "Rise then , and get you gone , and let me hear of you", "That makes of deadly enemies perfect friends .", "And I have none , you have a doublet too", "How I would break and scatter these .", "I'le flie at thee too , finely , and so ruffle thee ,", "Well , go thy wayes , I'le trust thee through the world ,", "Well God give you joy ,", "Better , and better still .", "To promise much , before a play begin ,", "Have you any more mind to Wenches ?", "For I have been at Sea , as you on land are ,", "Say you so Sir ? La-writ . So niggle about your grave shins Lord Vertane too .", "I have given her all the liberty that may be ,", "You that have legs say so ,", "If you do sirra \u2014", "Your swords you must leave to these Gentlemen .", "His valour claims it from me , and with justice ,", "Come and bless us with your sight ,", "I never will be jealous : e 're I cherish", "Could not beget a coward .", "The measure of my sheets ?", "Why do you fight and snarle ?", "And kill me with the sight of one I hate ,", "Do you thank me for't ? La-writ . As well as a beaten man can .", "What are they ?", "I never understood before your beating .", "And send your challenges like thunderbolts ,", "To force thy life out backward or to drown it ,", "But that thou must survive thy i", "famie ?", "I disclaim him ,", "If I pursue you , hang me .", "Ha ! how 's this ?", "Use thy freedom", "La-writ . O cold ! O fearfull cold ! plague of all seconds .", "I'le try the gentler way , but if that fail ,", "I'le claw your skin coat too .", "You are indeed fine gallants , and fight bravely", "This comes of walking ; had I kept my legs ,", "How ! is she dishonoured ?", "Out of my doors I charge thee , see me no more .", "This way , this way come and hear ,", "And we have our wisht ends , if you commend it .", "What advocate ?", "Wrong not my Neece , and for our gold or silver ,", "Have I caught you ?", "You that hold these pleasures dear ,", "Assume the courage of a daring Eagle ,", "We'l raise the country first , then take our fortunes .", "Before we know a fault , were to abuse", "The writers and our selves , for I dare say", "This way , this way , seek delight .", "To fall close to your trade again ? leave brawling ?", "I'le never fear . Yet by the honour of a Souldier ,", "That I could follow them .", "In your opinion ,", "I ne 're feared yet .", "La-writ . I am patient ,", "\u2018 Tis near us in the Grove ; what courteous bounty", "What then ?", "Beat him into his business again , he will be lost else .", "\u2018 Tis fit you two should be of one belief ,", "These shall forget their honour , I my wrongs .", "Begin our mirthful pilgrimage ."], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["You are too hot and violent .", "Enter La-writ , Sampson , Clyents .", "The more trust you commit , the more care still ,", "With prayers and tears .", "Do what you please .", "How well you had deserv 'd the name of vertuous ;", "As eagerly as she : come sweet , we 'll follow ,", "Sir as you had a Mother .", "Makes the desires burn clear , and ten times hotter .", "If I affect him , he 's a lustfull villain ,", "Nor will be us 'd like one : If you desire", "To keep me constant as I would be , let", "Excellent vertue , whither art thou fled ?", "Whether I am a bed , which being assur 'd of ,", "My Father will be there too ,", "By all my hopes , as I am spotless to you ,", "As you respect our lives , speak not so loud .", "Peace vile creatures .", "Why would you deal so basely ? So like a thief , a Villain ?", "I was too harsh , too foolish .", "\u2018 Tis well , Sir .", "From your assur 'd destruction , had he met you .", "Good Sir be patient .", "Will have some private conference .", "La-writ . Since it cannot be the Judge \u2014", "If any spark of noble heat .\u2014", "Slaves fed to act all that his jealousie", "To be hereafter more familiar", "That will not serve your turn , Sir .", "I like", "Call \u2018 em brave fellows , Gentlemen .", "With more ease , weaponless to you , and bound ,", "I am lost for ever :", "\u2018 Twas to give you hearing .", "Thus kneeling I confess , you cannot study", "Some of your Lordships Clients .", "Out on thee .", "Not as you are noble .", "Ha , ha , ha , ha .", "Can any thing sound sweetly in mine ears ,", "Now they are above .", "What hand O Heaven is over us , when strong virgins", "As to my Soveraign , pay a Subjects duty ,", "I'le not alone abuse your bed , that 's nothing ,", "There is no other way , and though \u2018 tis dangerous ,", "No on my soul , my usage hath been noble ,", "He that 's sad ,", "O Nurse , welcome , where 's Dinant ?", "Be not so hasty , Sir , the golden Apples", "Goodness and vertue shall attend my will .", "A long farewel from all that ever knew thee :", "Yet to the Eye of Justice straight as Truth .", "Have courage to defend me .", "O Heaven ! No pity Sir ?", "Thus then in my place ,", "Now if he \u2018 wake , as sometimes he does ,", "But in a nobler shape , ha ?", "You will learn more manners .", "Let me live unsuspected , I am no servant ,", "I was an innocent Virgin ,", "Or never to be gotten .", "They come .", "And made suit to enjoy me as your Wife ,", "Beastly and base affections came floating on ,", "Any thing else to make the ballance even ,", "And how \u2018 twill vex my gallants , when they hear it !", "But you like a wild torrent , mix 'd with all", "The villains put on shapes to torture us ,", "With what you cannot answer ,", "Must ?", "Piously set in Wedlock , even that Jewel ,", "I 'll speak aloud too ; thus maliciously ,", "If I rest once assur 'd you do but doubt me ,", "Which I give freely , and become a suitor ,", "But to your more vexation , \u2018 tis resolv 'd on ,", "I am in your power , and I confess again ,", "That knows no enemies , that he cannot master ,", "Let it endanger those .", "If \u2018 twere laid at the stake you 'd lose it , Nephew .", "Why , that I will , and you shall find anon , servant .", "But it was your villany", "Thou art so foolish desperate .", "Groaning ? or singing is it ?", "All I possess , comes short of satisfaction .", "Be not a Tyrant ,", "He sleeps again ; but should he miss me , Valour", "How ? do you conjure ?", "From one of such approv 'd worth ?", "Peace , and sit quiet , fool ,", "Like fire , a little sprinkled o'r with water", "Lie you down ,", "Beyond his life .", "Like a Millers Mare .", "Though it were further . Annabel thou art sad :", "That all chaste Eyes may see thy lust , and scorn it .", "My martiall part I have put off .", "And you titter", "His love to me .", "Can he that has lov 'd good , dote on the Devil ?", "That made me worth your love and admiration ?", "Wine , Wine , a draught or two .", "And you dispos 'd of , my Dinant and I", "Swelling your poyson 'd billows \u2014", "With the merry conceits of Cleremont ,", "I will make you another Hercules .", "And yield my self up , miserable guilty ;", "The scabs and scums of nature ? O fair modesty ,", "To you , Sir ,", "La-writ . Do not perswade me gentle Monsieur Sampson ,", "All injuries a little laid behind you .", "Of all his faculties .", "Lie gently down .", "Take your revenges ,", "Tell me but this when you first doted on me ,", "My Brother , and my Cousin , they are dead Sir ,", "Thou'lt make me angry .", "Can there be such goodness ,", "Help , help , for Heavens sake .", "O shall we lose our honours ?", "Good Sir , I do confess my fault , my gross fault ,", "Kisses and huggs the thief !", "My Brother , and nephew living ?", "He only stretches out his hand and feels ,", "Is this the noble anger you arriv 'd at ?", "As it shall fright such as dare only think", "Now stand constant ,", "Mine , Sir , and had my will rank 'd with my power ,", "To all the miseries a vext Woman may .", "Have been so many curses . How got you liberty ?", "Sit down , and mix your spirits with Wine ,", "Had a fell Dragon for their Guard , your pleasures", "Are these the thieves you scorn 'd , the rogues you rail 'd at ?", "Enter Cleremont , and La-writ .", "\u2018 Twas my command that staid him .", "I do confess cousin ,", "Check at the hazard of a life .", "A crab-face 'd Mistris cleave to him for this year .", "Trust and belief in you beget and nurse it ;", "Good Cousin gently , as y'are a Gentleman ,\u2014", "She sinks if Christian ,", "Than all baits else laid to entrap our frailties .", "I have cause to speak ; frowns cannot fright me ,", "We safely may rely .", "You had ask 'd me yesterday , when these were living ,", "As ever I appear 'd lovely \u2014", "Ha , ha .", "And I will think ye such , and on my knees ,", "I dare", "Look an thou woo't beware , dost thou feel the danger ?", "And truly mine , which I will so revenge ,"], "true_target": ["Indeed Sir , I had need of many blessings ,", "A ravisher of honour , gentle Sir ,", "That 's as we agree .", "That I dare trust ; on noble Cleremont", "And I my self , I know not what I shall be ,", "What mask of death is this ? O my dear Brother .", "Is this my constant cousin ? how she whispers ,", "As if they were a hatching new dishonours ,", "O Dinant !", "Forbear me then .", "O brave tongue , valiant glorious woman !", "Not drink a cup with your Mistriss ! O the pleasure .", "Never belief come near me more , farewel wench ,", "Is it not better ?", "Yes , Sir , to me ,", "Sufficient punishments to load me with ;", "Thus breaking all the Rules of honesty ,", "Heaven was your comfort .", "As ever lay by Husband , and will dy so ,", "Unnecessary jealousies make more whores", "Where all the noise of bloody horrour is ?", "Nor if there be a guilt by us committed", "And fatal ruine , past dull mans invention .", "Brag not too much , for fear I should expect it ,", "Fright us no more with shipwrack of our honours", "She shall not hinder you .", "Nay I 'll hold it thus ,", "And in a man so injur 'd ?", "O Cousin how I shake all this long night !", "May we be worthy any eyes , or knowledge ,", "Stay .", "And ravishment the least that I can look for ,", "Thus poorly", "Do not look yellow ,", "To cover that you shall have my night Linnen ,", "Is this the constancy she shew 'd , the bravery ?", "I am resolv 'd , it comes", "Did you not hold me honest ?", "To my dishonour , that 's indeed a quarrel ,", "I wrought with him in private to divert him", "For I presume you come to comfort me .", "A most sad truth .", "Let me perswade you .", "When we are used thus ?", "I think rather ,", "Pray put it in , all hopes , all helpes have left me ;", "You will not force me ?", "You know my Husbands wrongs and your own losses .", "Is there no mercie , Heaven ?", "Think on my birth .", "He having servants within call , and arm 'd too ,", "And my fears less , I might have hearkned to you .", "Will not you go sweet-heart ?", "Of our foul loss \u2014 look now they peep .", "From one so excellent in all that 's noble ,", "To steal that Jewel purchas 'd by another ,", "You must lye with my Lord .", "Like sensual Beasts shall we enjoy our pleasures ?", "You cannot be too cruel : if there be ,", "How ? durst not , Brother ?", "And all our best friends .", "Yet I must thank you , and if happily", "\u2018 Tis but an hours endurance now .", "No ill can be intended .", "\u2018 Tis as safe then ,", "His Fits and Feavers .", "But thus , thus basely \u2014", "And I can truly swear , a Wife as pure", "We must have mirth to our Wine , Man .", "And to their Devils form such preparations", "That none disturb my Lord .", "Yield to their fears , and to their fears their fortunes ?", "Leave the room ,", "Were you well frighted ? Were your fitts from the heart , of all colds and colours ? That 's all your punishment .", "The walk so well , I should not miss my Coach ,", "That , as you make the Play , \u2018 twill be rare sport ,", "Yes , and us 'd all Arts , all Charms", "I am such a friend to truth ,", "And rage commands them , yet a true friend should not", "For which I call 'd you servant , and admir 'd you ;", "My turn is next ,", "To you profess it : and he shun 'd not the Combat", "How ? yield it up ?", "\u2018 Tis nothing but your fear , he sleeps still soundly ,", "Servants have servile faiths , nor have I any", "I'le run away , and then try if Dinant", "Goe not too far , and pray good Cousin Anabel ,", "These Chambers are too near .", "Because it had no flaw , you held unvaluable :", "They will not serve you .", "Are to be attempted with Herculean danger ,", "Of one that knew her self the absolute Mistris", "Or curb me of that freedom you once gave me \u2014", "Mad-man , and fool , and false man , now I 'll shew thee .", "The dear love and the life she ow 'd her kinsmen ?", "Shall we make fools of our afflictions ?", "Leave your wild lusts , and then you are a master .", "Now it grows lowder , sure some sad presage", "Thus briefly , my Lord sleeps now , and alas ,", "O give them gentle language .", "Whose only weakness is excess of courage ?", "Hark a new noise .", "\u2018 Tis very well , \u2018 tis brave .", "O Dinant ! O Heaven ! O Husband !", "Brother , Nephew ,", "and sollicites me", "A little delay , Sir ,", "And his obedience , I could have sent him", "So old , and so immodest ! and be careful ,", "Could not defend our lives .", "Good Sir ,", "We 'll flie at all , Sir .", "Since whispers will \u2018 wake sleeping jealousies ,", "As you have mercy do .", "Now fie , fie , Servant ,", "So nurs 'd in infamies ?", "I am girt round with sorrow , hell 's about me ,", "O think not so .", "What ails my Niece ?", "What frights and noises we have heard , still they encrease ,", "Besides the loss of my long guarded honour ,", "I am a mortal man again , a Lawyer ,", "How much a man , and nobly thou durst stand ,", "For all the hours I have had since I came here ,", "Then if you fail \u2014", "Dinant as thou art noble \u2014", "I cannot hear this : why do you detract", "Made you pursue it ; I drew you but to try", "\u2018 Twas but an over-sight , they have done , lye down .", "But his affections , and in them , the worst", "As if a compleat Army undertook it .", "Well , go thy way , and thine own shame dwell with thee .", "To be adulterers .", "Come , come , I 'll kiss thee again .", "For now our tryal 's come .", "Or am I of so wild and low a blood ?", "For fear or doubt of these : blush and repent ,", "Of honour and of truth , for which I lov 'd you ,", "That you in thought e 're did that wrong to valour .", "Dead , basely dead , is this an age to fool in ?", "O Sir , are these fit hours to talk of love in ?", "Far from all violence .", "You love me , come , sit down and drink .", "Each Night , he only sleeps .", "Have you given order for the Coach ?", "And that hell take me", "For he that seeks a Whore , seeks but his Agent ;", "And did not that appear the only lustre", "Than have kept him back , so well he loves his honour", "Hark , a new noise ."], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["Faith Cousin , \u2018 twas unconscionably done ,", "O my best Wife ,", "I 'll watch you Goodman Wou 'd have .", "Go ? I'le fly with thee . I stay behind ?", "To lye so still , and so long ."], "true_target": ["Take now what course thou wilt , and lead what life .", "God-a-mercy Wench ,", "If thou dost cuckold me I shall forgive thee .", "Where are your Horses ?", "How coolly these hot gallants are departed !", "Impudent !"], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["I do not walk , but Dance .", "My Lord Monsieur Vertaigne , the provost too ,", "Yes , Madam .", "No more ,", "Would we were at it once ,", "This is a fee , for counsel that 's unask 'd for ."], "true_target": ["My Lord limps toward you .", "Do you note ,", "How zealous the old Crone is ?", "Haste and acquaint my Lady .", "Do not kill me ,", "And do your worst , I'le suffer .", "You have won the breeches , Madam , look up sweetly ,"], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["If he fight well and like a Gentleman ,", "And have an hours talk , it may be so ,", "But short short .", "And my Lord my Uncle loves me .", "And tell him that in 's ear ; there are such courtesies ;", "I will not say , I can .", "Of a kind of unable thing .", "It may be so ,", "And something may be done , without trotting i'th \u2019 dirt , friends ;", "The man may fight , for \u2018 tis a lawfull calling .", "He was a pretty Lawyer , a kind of pretty Lawyer ,"], "true_target": ["Thou art a Dog , and like a Dog , our Swords .", "I say , honour .", "Our Swords ; our Swords ;", "I know Monsieur La-writ .", "Of aqua-fortis .", "Ye are too forward", "It may be I can take him in his Chamber ,", "La-w. Our weapons Gentlemen : ha ? where 's your second ?", "O for a pint of burnt wine , or a sip", "Look you my friends , I am a civil Gentleman ,", "Not so fine my friends , something he could have done ,"], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["Then when thou hast been Lam 'd , thy small guts perisht ,", "Feel what I feel , and let my Lord repair thee .", "That sticks still by him : art thou a new man ?", "We are undone , our causes cast away , Sir ,", "La-writ . I find I am wiser than a Justice of Peace now ,", "Then talk to me , before I scorn thy counsel ,", "You wrong the Gentleman ,", "To put him out of his right mind thus :", "My causes cast away , Judgement against us ?", "Why there it goes .", "He 's blown up , Sir .", "Ha ? Monsieur La-writ .", "Give ear , and be instructed ."], "true_target": ["His not appearance .", "His fighting has neglected all our business ,", "You wrong us , and our Causes .", "Give me the wisdom that 's beaten into a man", "I know your worships favour ,", "Would he knew himself , Sir .", "La-writ . Baffled in way of business ,", "We know , Sir , if you please \u2014", "Sweet Advocate .", "La-writ . Down with him Gentlemen ,", "But and't please you Sir ,", "You are Nephew to the Judge , Sir .", "Turn him , and beat him , if he break our peace ,"], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis all one to me ; I have a new trade of living .", "And if there be a wench or two \u2014", "Tempt him no further ,", "And be a witness , whether we lie or no .", "And quarrels with all people ; but how he came to it \u2014", "La-wr . Breed new dissentions , goe hang your selves", "La-writ . If thou doest , Sampson ,", "Be warn 'd and say no more .", "No he 's not dead yet , Sir ;", "And would have firk 'd you up a business ,"], "true_target": ["He is no Lawyer of this world now .", "Alas , he is possest Sir , with the spirit of fighting", "But I would be loth to take a lease on 's life for two hours :", "A fine Lawyer , Sir ,", "Now you may behold Sir ,", "And out of this Court into that .", "That in a moment \u2014", "What shall we do the whilst Sir ?", "Run mad and quarrels with the Dog he meets ;", "La-writ . I'le meet you at the Ordinary , sweet Gentlemen ,", "Thou seest my Mirmidons , I'le let \u2018 em loose ,"], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["We know you can , Sir ."], "true_target": ["We all know it , Sir ."], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["La-writ . Monsieur Sampson ,", "You have been swing 'd .", "Look up brave friend , I have no means to rescue thee ,", "As I find my enemy ; if his sword bite ,", "Having made choice of me , an unworthy kinsman ,", "I say nothing , Sir , but I could wish \u2014", "Kick hard , I am frozen : so , so , now I feel it .", "I would be loth to learn to fight .", "There were no honour i n't , pl \u2014\u2014 o n't , \u2018 tis scurvy . La-w. Or to revenge my wrongs at fisty-cuffes .", "I love you ,", "\u2018 Tis most excellent .", "Talk little , \u2018 tis an antidote against a beating ;", "And thou wilt live long .", "I am yours , and you are mine again , be but so thrasht ,", "To keep us warm ; if ever we recover \u2018 em \u2014", "Mens fates are foolish ,", "Which calls upon us for a Reparation .", "My Lord , mine Uncle , is an honourable man ,", "And can the brave La-writ \u2014", "La-writ . Hang Spells , and Witchcrafts ,", "\u2018 Tis pievish weather ,", "O for a couple of Faggots . La-w . Hang a couple of Faggots . Dar'st thou take a killing cold with me ?", "There he fought too long ,", "I'le cut your throat for your own sake .", "Wa , ha , ho , our weapons ;", "But tell me this , why should I mix mine honour", "And have a hundred Bastinado 's , doe ;", "My Lord , mine uncle as I live . La-writ . Pox take him . How that word has warm 'd my mouth !", "I'le answer ye all , I will neglect no mans business", "My Lord , mine Uncles cause , depend on Boxes ? La-w. Let 's go in quest , if we ever recover \u2018 em .", "Though he shew slight here , and at what gusts of danger", "He dies relenting ,", "He 's most welcome ,", "Saint Denis then : I accept your shirt .", "Put on new suits , and shew fit for thy place ;", "La-writ . Avant thou buckram budget of petitions ,", "I thank you , Sir , few words . La-writ . I'le kill you for your Uncles sake .", "La-writ . That little Lawyer would so prick his ears up ,", "If you find your selves aggriev 'd .", "And often headlong overrun their fortunes .", "If he had his doublet .\u2014", "La-writ . I have , it cost me half a crown , I bear it", "I am dull yet .La-w . I'le warm thee , I'le warm thee \u2014 Gentlemen ? Rogues , Thieves , Thieves : run now I'le follow thee .", "I shall do what I can , and then \u2014", "A little and fight well , he fought too long indeed friends ;", "Thou spittle of lame causes ; I lament for thee ,", "It concerns you ,", "And bite your honour by the nose .", "The nature , and the nobleness of the Gentleman ,", "The Gentleman speaks finely .", "Peradventure I , peradventure no : but where 's La-writ ? Where 's your sufficient Lawyer ?", "Yet when I get an hour of vacancie ,", "If he pray , praying , ipso facto , praying ,", "Your reason ? Is he defunct ? is he dead ?", "I come fairly to kill him honestly .", "La-writ . Let it concern thee too ;", "And if he fight , he falls , there 's his quietus .", "Drink Wine , and eat good meat , and live discreetly ,", "And you are \u2014 boh , boh .", "And not appear 'd , pronounce ? \u2018 tis very well ,", "La-w. Give me thy hand ; thou art a valiant Gentleman ,", "No more words Gentlemen", "His manhood has arrived ,", "Yes , Sir .", "The oyls , and the old woman that repairs to me ,", "It is sufficient , you may hear hereafter . La-writ . I rest your servant Sir .", "Where 's yours ? La-writ . So ho ; our weapons .", "I come to kill my Lords Nephew like a Gentleman ,", "La-writ . Goe my son Sampson , I have now begot thee ,", "And there be wayes \u2014", "But he shall have satisfaction like a Gentleman ,", "Boh , boh , what ? La-writ . A shitten scurvy Cousin .", "Dearer then ten mens lives ; tempt , and thou diest :", "That man neglects his living , is an Asse :", "But that"], "true_target": ["La-writ . Boh , boh , I say altogether .", "And his sword by his side , as a Gentleman ought to have .", "Thy valiant arms and leggs beaten to Poultesses ,", "I have it already . La-w. Rogues , Thieves , boh , boh , run away with our Doublets ? To fight at Buffets now , \u2018 twere such a May-game .", "Goe home , and smile upon my Lord , thine Uncle ,", "My Kingdom for a sword .", "Turn you some forty or fifty Causes in a week ;", "La-writ . No cause go o \u2019 my side ? the judge cast all ?", "A compleat Gentleman .", "Your honourable way admits no prayer ,", "O valour ,", "And till revenge be taken \u2014", "I can fight too my friends , a little does well ,", "The Gentleman 's a noble Gentleman .", "But you may put any thing in , any fighting thing .", "Not altogether .", "You have a scurvy Uncle , you have a most scurvy cause ,", "Do not disturb me ,", "And what he offers , boh , boh , cold indeed ,", "I , come , our Colds together , and our Doublets .", "The Judge may do and not do , he 's but a Monsieur .", "Three broken pates , thy teeth knockt out , do Sampson ,", "I think he does , Sir , I have business too , much business ,", "Must I goe off dishonour 'd ? Adversity tries valour , so I leave thee .", "Nay he is as brave a fellow .\u2014", "Take Mony of the men thou mean'st to Cousin ,", "Not a word to disturb him , he 's a Gentleman .", "La-writ . They shall destroy thee wishing ;", "Kick me and beat me as I go , and I'le beat thee too ,", "All over me , I bear it Monsieur Sampson ;", "To \u2018 noint my beaten body .", "\u2018 Tis well faith , \u2018 tis well , Judge .", "Sweet Monsieur ,", "Keep thy hand from thy sword , and from thy Laundress placket ,", "Receive that Castigation with a cudgel .", "I understand my cause , and the right carriage .", "Are these the rules of honour ? I am starv 'd . La-w . They are gone , and we are here ; what shall we do ?", "Yet take me with you : boh , boh , pestilence cold ,", "Let 's get into a house and warm our hearts .", "Thy learned precepts have inchanted me .", "And lay my share by , goe and live in peace ,", "But do not murder my brave friend .", "If your Lordship knew", "La-w. First , second , third , a pl \u2014\u2014 be wi \u2019 you Gentlemen .", "As he is most valiant , he were no man for me else .", "I had rather fight without .", "I'le send thee causes ; speak to thy Lord , and live ,", "Yes , yes ,", "No more sweet Gentleman , no more of that Sir . La-writ . I will have more , I must have more .", "Speak to that Lion Lord , waken his anger ,", "You have nothing of mine in your bag , Sir .", "Be but so beaten , forward my brave Clients ,", "But may I fight with a foul shirt ?", "My honourable friend , my valiant friend ,", "La-w . There 's ne 're a house within this mile , beat me ,", "Do silly Sampson , do .", "But follow me , no more words as you love me ,", "With a fellow , that has ne 're a lace in 's shirt ?", "Something I'le do : goe rally up your Causes .", "Goe and be beaten , speak scurvy words , as I did ,", "And because I was honourably employed in action ,", "relenting ,", "Let but our honours teach us .", "If it bite , Sir , you must pardon me .", "I say if ever we recover \u2018 em \u2014", "La-writ . I know not Sir ,", "Our Doublets and our weapons , I am dead .", "I cannot help it , he must di", "You say you know not what then ? boh , boh , Sir .", "And so I kiss his hand .", "La-wr . Will any of you fight ? Fighting 's my occupation", "La-writ . Sir me with your sword in your hand ;", "There 's ne'r a man of these , but have lost ten causes ,", "La-writ . I esteem of you .", "But ne'r the less things must be as they may ,", "La-wr . There , every man chuse his paper , and his place ."], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["La-writ . No handling any Duells before I come ,"], "true_target": ["We 'll have \u2018 em .", "We 'll have no going else , I hate a coward ."], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["The glory of a Gentleman is fair bearing .", "Is there no further purpose but meer mirth ?", "Upon my Son , made you contemn his Father ?", "Am I become ridiculous ? has your fortune , Sir ,", "Do they take me for a Sword-man at these years ?", "One that will spit as senseless fire as this Fellow .", "Such a little figent thing ; Oh I remember him ,", "Nay he 's too forward ; these two pitch Barrels together .", "And shall defend my cause , but as y'are honest", "Why , what a stinking smother will they utter !", "Do you know me , or my place , that you presume not", "To touch my person ?", "It makes me smile ,", "I am satisfied ,", "I have known such a wrangling Advocate ,", "I do remember too , I cast his Causes .", "I shall find time , Gentlemen ,", "Sport not with bloud .", "\u2018 Tis true Sir , on my credit ."], "true_target": ["Since you propound it mirth , I 'll venture on it ,", "To do your causes good , is not that Cleremont ?", "But I have a Kinsman much of his ability ,", "And therefore cannot do him the honour to beat him my self ;", "\u2018 Tis to me indeed :", "That were not manly .", "What a bold Man of War ! he invites me roundly .", "Yes , he shall undertake , Sir , as my Champion ,", "A notable talking Knave , now out upon him ,", "Your face is merry still .", "Has challeng 'd me downright , defied me mortally", "You want no Subject ; but no wounds .", "You see , Sir , I have out-liv 'd those days of fighting ,", "From one La-writ , a very punctual Challenge .", "His Wit and Courage , for this call him Fool ,", "To morrow morning make you sport at full ,", "Why does he smile upon me ?", "Why , what a Knave is this ? as y'are a Gentleman ,", "A Squire shall wait upon you from my Kinsman ,"], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["Let not your angers wrong you ."], "true_target": ["What e 're we suffer", "And so good day ."], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["I say if you are noble , be't who will ,", "Nor can you blame her .", "Or tread a measure .", "And a young Lord to boot , or I am cozen 'd ,", "Old as I am , he would have startled me ,", "If you yield up the fort .", "We cannot miss , in such a business , yet"], "true_target": ["Mine ear ne'r fail 'd me .", "I know not , he that loves , and gives so largely ,", "He gave me for my pains , nor can I blame you ,", "May enter every where .", "Go presently and thank \u2018 em : I can jump yet ,", "\u2018 Tis the most liberal Gentleman , this Gold", "He 's at my back ."], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["I would be tractable , and as I am \u2014", "And give where there is need , and with discretion ,", "Alas , there was no hurt ,", "I know not wench , they may call \u2018 em what they will ,", "What I did , \u2018 tis no matter , he complain 'd not .", "Outlawes , or thieves , but I am sure , to me", "I observe it ,", "And keep a long Lent , in the woods as they do ,", "And put a good speed penny in my purse ,", "One was an honest man , he us 'd me well ,"], "true_target": ["If she have got a penny too .", "Look on him with my Eyes , good luck go with you :", "If \u2018 t be a sin for such as live at hard meat ,", "That has been empty twenty years .", "A thief the better for this while I live ,", "Were I young for your sake \u2014", "To taste a little flesh .", "They are men of a charitable vocation ,", "Why , if you are , I hope here 's one will please you ,", "I shall love"], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["A brave man , an admirable brave man ;", "\u2018 Twas your pleasure ,"], "true_target": ["Well , well , I would not be so tryed again ;", "If \u2018 twere a fault , I may hereafter mend .", "A very handsome proper Gentleman ."], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["Stay yet .", "They are persons of more price .", "They are exquisite in mischief ,", "They cannot find an hour more Innocent ,", "Amen , amen .", "He a Mother ?", "Which all their ruggedness cannot rack into me ,", "Be firm ,", "I will goe on , this room gives no protection ,", "You'l offer nothing .", "ills ,", "Call on for the encounter .", "Do you find it now ? take heed o'th \u2019 punishment ,", "You are Monsieur Cleremont .", "Thou dar'st not wrong their lives , thy Captain dares not ,", "Why should we grieve and blush for ? there be women ,", "Why not ? why do you cry ? Are we not women still ? what were we made for ?", "Would give their whole estates to meet this fortune .", "And if there come a thousand so ,\u2014", "There be a thousand gallouses , ye rogues ,", "My chastity , and this knife held by a Virgin ,", "Why so be it Cousin ; if I be ordain 'd", "Sir , I am where", "To walk again", "You excellent in honesty ; O Kinsmen !", "The men that do this deed , must live i'th \u2019 moon", "As thou art valiant Cleremont \u2014", "O my Cleremont !", "A Gentleman ? a slave , a dog , the devils harbinger .", "You are forward .", "Against thy lust , thy sword and thee a Beast ,", "And put their fatal fortunes on our necks .", "Why must these dye ?", "Intreat him ? hang him , do thy worst , thou dar'st not ,", "As you are monsters .", "For what I would give gladly \u2014", "Unbind those Gentlemen ,", "That here with whips of steel in hell hereafter", "Stay .", "Scourge rape and theft .", "Nor more friends to revenge \u2018 em .", "O Noble kinsmen !", "That howsoe 're we seem 'd to carry it \u2014", "Two Devils now , two rascals , two and twenty \u2014", "They are welcom .", "I'th \u2019 Woods , if you think fit , rather than eat .", "Do you laugh you rogue ? you pamper 'd rogue ?", "Give \u2018 em rats-bane .", "Rogues as they are , rude rogues , uncivil villains .", "Thy lawless Captain that he dares not ;", "A bloody old wolf bitch , a woman Mother ?", "Shame not the name of Mother , a she Bear", "O Cleremont !", "Stay and I'le flatter too : good sweet fac 'd Gentlemen ,", "This is a punishment , upon our own prides", "The Devil and his lovely dam walk with you ,", "Free from the gripe of Justice .", "Shew your selves men , and help us .", "Flatter such scabbs of nature ?", "Come fortify your self , if they do dy ,"], "true_target": ["Tell thy base boisterous Captain what I say ,", "And free me from these slaves .", "Save my reputation ,", "We might have had two gallant Gentlemen ,", "And worse when that comes too ; they cannot eat me .", "I say they dare not ,", "Thus scorn and spit at thee ; will you come on Sir ?", "I am glad I yield you", "Pray you no more .", "My Innocence be my strength , I do defie thee ,", "I am with ye .", "More than the next , what 's that ? how sad and hollow ,", "Call \u2018 em rogues ,", "And put false faces on ; they dare not do it ;", "You cannot suffer ,", "The sound comes to us .", "Do you feel it ?", "Tortures , ye bloody rogues , wheels .", "\u2018 Tis against our", "Can you relieve my Aunt too ?", "Out upon thee ,", "Savage villain !", "The wind I think , murmuring amongst old rooms .", "You are a fool , what we cannot resist ,", "Let \u2018 em goe ,", "Sir now \u2018 tis past , but \u2018 t may be I may stand", "Since we must lose .", "My Couz too ; why now y'are glorious villains .", "You have brought me comfort .", "Such men too , and so handsom and so Noble ,", "I would they were i'th \u2019 Center .", "Thou wouldst have taught him .", "That should protect the Innocent .", "Most justly laid ; we must abuse brave Gentlemen ,", "Proper , young , O how it tortures me !", "O Sir ?", "Your friend hereafter , in a greater matter .", "Wou 'd \u2018 twere to do again .", "But I'le lie still no more .", "You cannot tell \u2014 now , Sir , a parting hand .", "And they that bear the name of excellent women", "Make \u2018 em tame fools , and hobby-horses , laugh and jear at", "In me their power suffers ,", "Has mischief ne'r a tongue ?", "You are hot , there is a cooler .", "I have heard it .", "Is it not better ? let \u2018 em goe on like rascals", "Let \u2018 em goe on , I fear not ,", "Pox peep \u2018 em .", "No , loathsome Goat , more , more , I am that Goddess ,", "When death prepares the way , they are but Pageants .", "As you ever hope", "You dare not do it .", "Till the danger feel me , thus will I talk still ,", "Nay an we \u2018 scape so modestly \u2014", "If wrangling , fighting and scratching cannot preserve me ,", "Looks that rude lump , as if he had a Mother ?", "I do repent , and wish I had .", "I owe most duty .", "To breed a race of rogues .\u2014"], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["Give me leave Sir ,", "I only can lament my fortune , and desire of heaven", "Then take your way .", "But for your Countries torment ; yet if you are men ,", "Why , why ? and where man , have you been ? at a Poulters", "And what \u2018 twas like to prove : now you see the issue .", "I told you that my Nephew undertook it ,", "We freely give it .", "And I shall laugh , for all I have lost my Children ,", "Beat him no more .", "Use legs , and have legs .", "Why how now Cousin ?", "To do thus for their enemies .", "Rest satisfied with what you can take from us ,", "But we forget our selves , our friends and Children .", "Out with it .", "Laugh more and more , never leave laughing .", "Never created to yield Wax or Honey ,", "Take heed , Sir .", "Laugh monstrously .", "Do not kill him , do not kill him .", "Oh Heaven ! How hath mine age deserv 'd this ?"], "true_target": ["if true born French-men ,", "Brave tempers ,", "I am very cold , but that should not be laught at .", "Away good Sampson ,", "Ha , ha , ha . La-writ . Et tu Brute ?", "There 's no ill meant : ha ? Musick , and choice Musick ?", "This is the little advocate .", "La-writ . Do you laugh at me my Lord ?", "Why \u2018 tis such a thing I smell it Sir , I smell it ,", "You go to grass else instantly .", "When Justice shall o'retake you .", "Such a ridiculous thing ,\u2014", "Their tears , as you would have yours to find mercy", "A little life for my revenge .", "That you are cas 'd thus like a rabbet ? I could laugh now ,", "The little advocate that sent me a challenge ,", "However want compels you to these courses ,", "Not one word .", "Peace Monsieur Sampson .", "You are Wasps indeed ,", "Look on these grey hairs , as you would be old ,", "Nay , be not angry ,"], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["And my Lady Anabel are in one night ,", "I know not , but I fear , I should ha \u2019 shreek 'd ,", "I must confess , there was one bold with me too ,", "And I have do n't , and I would pay't again ,", "I was to pay a Waiting womans ransom ,", "That you wish now you had .", "Though he had never offer 'd \u2014", "Farewel , and cry not rost meat , me thinks Cleremont"], "true_target": ["God help the Courtiers ,", "Had I ta'ne her place ,", "I think , with your pardon ,", "Some coy thing would say rude , but \u2018 tis no matter ,", "Were I ta'n to morrow .", "Familiarly acquainted .", "Peace Nurse ,", "That lye at rack and manger ."], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["If you are high , and want some sport , or so ,", "I'le make one , and lead the way .", "Be not so rough ; if you are taken with", "Forbear their tender grissels , they are meat", "\u2018 Tis well offer 'd ,", "You shall not find me squeamish .", "Nay , Gentlemen , kind Gentlemen ,"], "true_target": ["Will wash away , there is no substance in it ,", "I warrant you well enough to serve the Country ,", "My beauty , as it hath been worth the seeking ,", "Will hold you play .", "Or honest keepers of these woods , but hear me ,", "We that are expert in the game , and tough too ,", "Some one or two of you try me in private ,", "And as I said , sweet Gentlemen , with sowre faces ,"], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["There think how many for your maidenhead", "This strong Vault shall contain you ,"], "true_target": ["Have pin 'd away , and be prepar 'd to lose it", "With penitence ."], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["They cannot scape us , nothing makes me wonder ,", "Enter Dinant , Cleremont , Verdone , Beaupre , Lamira , Anabel ,", "Are these the prisoners ?", "I have been provost-Marshal twenty years ,", "One of that Brotherhood .", "It is beset ,", "So much as having you within their power"], "true_target": ["But so near Paris yet I never met with", "I rather hope than fear .", "Wonderous strange .", "That French thieves use not often , I much pity", "They let you goe ; it was a Courtesy ,", "Charlote , Nurse .", "The Gentle Ladies , yet I know not how ,", "And have trussed up a thousand of these rascals ,"], "play_index": 19, "act_index": 19}, {"query": ["Miss Revendal , of course .", "Do n't ! You make me ill ! How could you ever bear it ?", "Quite right . But you need n't get so excited over it .", "Good heavens ! You will get rheumatic fever !", "Spare me that rigmarole . Go out and marry your Gentile and be happy .", "Pappelmeister 's idea of relaxation ! I should have given them comic opera .Kathleen ! The elevator 's this side !", "I 'll run and tell him .", "Come , come , David , I asked you to be serious . Surely , some day you 'd like your music produced ?", "Do n't chatter , Kathleen .", "A great conductor !", "Take care \u2014 it 's sopping wet . You do n't look backward enough .", "You are right . You are stone all over \u2014 ever since you came back home to us . Turned into a pillar of salt , mother says \u2014 like Lot 's wife .", "I always said he was a genius !", "Better you should leave us altogether than mock at us . I thought it was your Jewish heart that drove you back home to us ; but if you are still hankering after Miss Revendal \u2014\u2014", "Go , then \u2014 I 'll hide the truth \u2014 she must never suspect \u2014 lest she mourn you as dead .", "Do n't be cynical . You know your dearest wish was to melt these simple souls with your music . And now \u2014\u2014", "Ah , she has brought somebody swell !", "I 've tried to more than once \u2014 but I never really got to \u2014\u2014to Germany .", "We must look backwards , too .", "David !", "This is true ? This is not some stupid Purim joke ?", "The Jew has been tried in a thousand fires and only tempered and annealed .", "Many countries have gathered us . Holland took us when we were driven from Spain \u2014 but we did not become Dutchmen . Turkey took us when Germany oppressed us , but we have not become Turks .", "And you 'd like it to go all over the world ?", "I 'm so sorry \u2014 I can n't get him to come in \u2014 he 's terrible shy .", "The lord of corn and oil ?", "Poppy ?", "David just mentioned Mr. Davenport 's name \u2014 said they travelled to New", "Well , what of that ?", "Three ?", "I 'd rather see you marry her than go about like this . You could n't make the house any gloomier .", "David , I 've got wonderful news for you . Miss Revendal is bringing somebody to see you , and we have hopes of getting you sent to Germany to study composition .Why , he has n't heard a word !David !", "No , no , David \u2014 I could n't bear it .", "Oh , thank you , thank you . That will mean fame !", "It is melting a little if you can smile . Do you know , David , I have n't seen you smile since that Purim afternoon ?", "Is that the best tea-set ?", "Would you stay and break my mother 's heart ? You know she would mourn for you with the rending of garments and the seven days \u2019 sitting on the floor . Go ! You have cast off the God of our fathers !", "Wo n't you be seated ?", "You must consider \u2014\u2014", "Oh , David , you have driven away all your friends .", "I wanted to play in it , but he turned me down .", "You 'll spoil it in the wet . I 'll take it home .", "Hush ! Calm yourself !", "Come down , David ! Do n't you hear them shouting for you ?", "You chatter too much .", "Have you lost your wits ?", "What impression ? You only went to the People 's Alliance .", "But I want to talk to you seriously \u2014 at once .", "Purim ! Is to-day Purim ?", "You 've struck it . She says David does n't know enough to go in out of the rain .", "I suppose geniuses are ."], "true_target": ["No , no , David , not here \u2014 the visitors !", "Never mind about Miss Revendal . Pappelmeister wants you \u2014 the people insist on seeing you . Nobody can quiet them .", "They did n't know you were the composer as well as the first violin . Now Miss Revendal has told them .There ! Eleven minutes it has gone on \u2014 like for an office-seeker . You must come and show yourself .", "She seems to understand your crazy ways .", "Not our race , not your race and mine .", "You are mad already \u2014 your dreams are mad \u2014 the Jew is hated here as everywhere \u2014 you are false to your race .", "No \u2014 that 's the curious part of it . She said that even as a boy you played your fiddle on Shabbos , and that if the Lord has stood it all these years , He must consider you an exception .", "Of course you must remember his youth and his lack of musical education \u2014\u2014", "But you must come , David .", "Mother would come \u2014 even though , being Shabbos , she had to walk .", "Mutter !", "Come this way . Ca n't you see the elevator ?", "That 's just what I 've been trying to explain .", "A merry Purim !", "But you are a Jew !", "I knew it was crazy \u2014 it is supposed to be about America or a Crucible or something . And of course there are heaps of mistakes .", "I 'll get her some coffee .", "David !", "Chattering again !", "Do be serious . You do n't want to live all your life in this room .", "York on the same boat .", "Purim cakes !", "Is it your orchestra Pappelmeister conducts ?", "Oh , you must n't judge him by that . He 's just fooling .", "I 'm afraid you are one .", "But what brought you up here , Kathleen ?", "Ah , of course . I thought you were too young .", "Nonsense , David .", "Do n't you think it 's time you got into a wider world ?", "And you ?", "Of course .", "Sit down . I want to talk to you about your affairs .", "Get up \u2014 everything is still damp .", "Princely !", "But , Mr. Davenport \u2014 do n't go ! He is only a boy .", "Herein , Mutter .Herr Pappelmeister , we are all your grateful servants .", "Nonsense \u2014 the rain has n't damped your triumph in the least . In fact , the more delicate effects would n't have gone so well in the open air . Listen !", "It is not so much the synagogue \u2014 it is the call of our blood through immemorial generations .", "If she was the daughter of fifty barons , you cannot marry her .", "Then you do n't want to carry this about .", "So I see .", "But I 've persuaded him to let me show his MS .", "Happy ?", "But do n't you see that unless you go and study seriously in Germany \u2014\u2014?Kathleen !", "Mr. Quincy Davenport ! How strange !", "Who can remember about Purim in America ?", "I 'll bring David . Wo n't you help yourselves to tea ?You see there 's lemon for you \u2014 as in Russia .", "You , too , Miss Revendal \u2014\u2014?", "Wo n't you sit down \u2014 I 'll go and prepare David .", "Your misery ? With all this glory and greatness opening before you ? Wait till you 're my age \u2014\u2014You hear ! What is to be done with them ?", "Vera ?"], "play_index": 20, "act_index": 20}, {"query": ["Yes \u2014 by faith in the Crucible . From the blood of battlefields spring daisies and buttercups . In the divine chemistry the very garbage turns to roses . But in the supreme moment my faith was found wanting . You came to me \u2014 and I thrust you away .", "We Jews are cheerful in gloom , mistrustful in joy . It is our tragic history \u2014\u2014", "There was no pity on earth .", "You ! What on earth did you go there for ?", "You just saw them all .", "Yes , but I 've such a bully cabin \u2014\u2014", "Yes , East and West , and North and South , the palm and the pine , the pole and the equator , the crescent and the cross \u2014 how the great Alchemist melts and fuses them with his purging flame ! Here shall they all unite to build the Republic of Man and the Kingdom of God . Ah , Vera , what is the glory of Rome and Jerusalem where all nations and races come to worship and look back , compared with the glory of America , where all races and nations come to labour and look forward !Peace , peace , to all ye unborn millions , fated to fill this giant continent \u2014 the God of our children give you Peace .", "Would n't it be glorious ? To hear it all actually coming out of violins and \u2018 cellos , drums and trumpets .", "Easter was the date of the massacre \u2014 see ! I am at peace .", "Only a legacy from Russia \u2014 but it twinges in some weathers .", "No \u2014\u2014They at my symphony !", "My affairs ! But I 've been talking about them all the time !", "Yes , and just think ! She was bred up to despise Jews \u2014 her father was a", "The voice !", "You have n't worn a false nose since , uncle .Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Fancy masquerading in America because twenty-five centuries ago the Jews escaped a pogrom in Persia . Two thousand five hundred years ago ! Are n't we uncanny ?", "You will play my American symphony ?", "My guardian angel !", "Would to heaven I were !", "Ah , you are offended by my ingratitude \u2014 I shall never see you again .", "Ah , you never understood me , uncle .... How did she look ? Was she pale ?", "But you have the first place , Vera !", "Not so much the pain \u2014 it 's all the dreadful memories \u2014", "To what ? To Kishineff ?", "Not when one hears the roaring of the fires of God ? Not when one sees the souls melting in the Crucible ? Uncle , all those little Jews will grow up Americans !", "Well , I can play in the kitchen .", "Yes \u2014 my state-room on the top deck !", "I will wait as long as you like .", "Uncle !", "Are all the stories the papers print about you true ?", "Yes , and there I saw the Jewish children \u2014 a thousand of \u2018 em \u2014 saluting the Flag .", "The immigrants will not understand my music with their brains or their ears , but with their hearts and their souls .", "I would not stand indebted to them . I know you meant it for my good , but what would these Europe-apers have understood of my America \u2014 the America of my music ? They look back on Europe as a pleasure ground , a palace of art \u2014 but I knowit is sodden with blood , red with bestial massacres \u2014\u2014", "Why , you are behind all I write and play !", "Why will you punish me so ? I have only hurt myself .", "Ah , meshuggah !", "Not for you and such as you have I sat here writing and dreaming ; not for you who are killing my America !", "Oh , it is n't such a descent as all that . Uncle said you ought to have given them comic opera .", "At any Jew who tried to defend himself .", "But was n't she shocked at my playing on the Sabbath ?", "But you shall not kill my dream ! There shall come a fire round the", "Perhaps I am ... meshuggah .Dropping down is indeed natural .How it tugs and drags at one !That would be even a greater descent than Pappelmeister 's to comic opera . One must fly upward \u2014 somehow .Ah ! the popular classics !Vera !", "Ah !", "But they cannot .", "Look in the glass !", "But it 's stopped raining , Herr Pappelmeister . You do n't want your umbrella .", "Easy words to you . You never saw that red flood bearing the mangled breasts of women and the spattered brains of babes and sucklings . Oh !It was your Easter , and the air was full of holy bells and the streets of holy processions \u2014 priests in black and girls in white and waving palms and crucifixes , and everybody exchanging Easter eggs and kissing one another three times on the mouth in token of peace and goodwill , and even the Jew-boy felt the spirit of love brooding over the earth , though he did not then know that this Christ , whom holy chants proclaimed re-risen , was born in the form of a brother Jew . And what added to the peace and holy joy was that our own Passover was shining before us . My mother had already made the raisin wine , and my greedy little brother Solomon had sipped it on the sly that very morning . We were all at home \u2014 all except my father \u2014 he was away in the little Synagogue at which he was cantor . Ah , such a voice he had \u2014 a voice of tears and thunder \u2014 when he prayed it was like a wounded soul beating at the gates of Heaven \u2014 but he sang even more beautifully in the ritual of home , and how we were looking forward to his hymns at the Passover table \u2014\u2014I was playing my cracked little fiddle . Little Miriam was making her doll dance to it . Ah , that decrepit old china doll \u2014 the only one the poor child had ever had \u2014 I can see it now \u2014 one eye , no nose , half an arm . We were all laughing to see it caper to my music .... My father flies in through the door , desperately clasping to his breast the Holy Scroll . We cry out to him to explain , and then we see that in that beloved mouth of song there is no longer a tongue \u2014 only blood . He tries to bar the door \u2014 a mob breaks in \u2014 we dash out through the back into the street . There are the soldiers \u2014 and the Face \u2014\u2014", "Take them away ! Do n't you feel the cold dead pushing between us ?", "I must get a new string .I must get a new string .", "You turn me out ?", "Send somebody on the platform to remind them this is the interval for refreshments !", "Go back to the concert , please . They have quieted down .", "Let them shout . Who told you I was up here ?", "Miss Revendal ? How should she know ?", "I am so happy .", "Do n't be anxious \u2014 I shall be better soon \u2014 I ought n't to have talked about it \u2014 the hallucination has never been so complete .", "You torture me . What do you mean ?", "Ah , you cannot forgive me !", "These countries were not in the making . They were old civilisations stamped with the seal of creed . In such countries the Jew may be right to stand out . But here in this new secular Republic we must look forward \u2014\u2014", "Thanks , thanks \u2014 they are gone already .", "What else could I do ?", "I was too frightened of the others ....", "Miss Revendal !Is this palace the same whose grounds were turned into Venetian canals where the guests ate in gondolas \u2014 gondolas that were draped with the most wonderful trailing silks in imitation of the Venetian nobility in the great water f\u00eates ?", "Then , do n't speak them , please .", "A-a-a-h ! It is flesh and blood . No , it is stone \u2014 the man of stone !", "Megasshu ?", "Yes , tell her dropping down is natural \u2014 not work , like flying up .", "Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", "And I can never be grateful enough to Herr Pappelmeister . It is an honour even to meet him .", "Miss Revendal !... But no , it cannot be . It is too impossible .", "These magnificent animals who went into the gondolas two by two , to feed and flirt !", "Good-bye , Miss Revendal .", "They saw me all through the symphony in my place in the orchestra .", "And the God of our children \u2014 does He demand no service ?You are right \u2014 I do need a wider world .I must go away .", "You owe me nothing \u2014\u2014", "Not all , uncle . Not all .", "You must . You do . Your words still sting . Were it seven seas between us , you said , our love must cross them . And I \u2014 I who had prated of seven seas \u2014\u2014", "I thought you asked me to meet your father .", "Yes , it is true . Even Christianity did not invent hatred . But not till Holy Church arose were we burnt at the stake , and not till Holy Russia arose were our babes torn limb from limb . Oh , it is too much ! Delivered from Egypt four thousand years ago , to be slaves to the Russian Pharaoh to-day .O God , shall we always be broken on the wheel of history ? How long , O Lord , how long ?", "Yes , I know I became overbold \u2014 but to take all that magic sweetness out of my life for ever \u2014 you do n't call that a punishment ?", "Hebrew ! It means a voice from heaven .", "Es ist gor nicht , Granny \u2014 my clothes are thick .", "Please take your mistress down again \u2014 do n't let her walk .", "Fires of hate , not fires of love . That is what melts .", "But I must ! You said she must n't suspect .And it may be the last time I shall ever play for her .Gewiss , Granny !", "Do n't rob me of my music \u2014 it 's all I have .", "I do n't wonder you 're amazed . Maybe you think I was n't . It is as if an angel should stoop down \u2014\u2014", "Yes , but only Time can heal it .", "To your four connoisseurs ?Oh , please ! I really could not meet strangers , especially musical vampires .", "And you wo n't think me ungrateful for running away \u2014 you know my thanks are too deep to be spoken .", "Oh !", "All over the world and all down the ages .", "True and sacred as the sunrise .", "Selfish , Vera ?", "Love ! Christian love !For this I gave up my people \u2014 darkened the home that sheltered me \u2014 there was always a still , small voice at my heart calling me back , but I heeded nothing \u2014 only the voice of the butcher 's daughter .Let me go home , let me go home .", "Before I accept Mr. Davenport 's kindness , I must know to whom I am indebted \u2014 and if Mr. Davenport is the man who \u2014\u2014", "Not all the seven seas could part you and me .", "It is the fires of God round His Crucible .There she lies , the great Melting Pot \u2014 listen ! Ca n't you hear the roaring and the bubbling ? There gapes her mouth\u2014 the harbour where a thousand mammoth feeders come from the ends of the world to pour in their human freight . Ah , what a stirring and a seething ! Celt and Latin , Slav and Teuton , Greek and Syrian ,\u2014 black and yellow \u2014\u2014", "I can never be grateful enough to you \u2014\u2014", "Crucible that will melt you and your breed like wax in a blowpipe \u2014\u2014", "Oh , I know , sir , you do n't make the money you spend .", "And the palace where they will hear my scribblings \u2014 is it true that \u2014\u2014?", "That was the punishment for looking backward . Ah , uncle , there 's more sense in that old Bible than the Rabbis suspect . Perhaps that is the secret of our people 's paralysis \u2014 we are always looking backward .", "Do n't ! You hurt me .", "What word ?", "You say that ! You who have come to the heart of the Crucible , where the roaring fires of God are fusing our race with all the others .", "But three other passengers are n't squeezed in , and it never pitches and tosses . It 's heavenly .", "Imperial . Remember when I first saw it \u2014 after pigging a week in the rocking steerage , swinging in a berth as wide as my fiddle-case , hung near the cooking-engines ; imagine the hot rancid smell of the food , the oil of the machinery , the odours of all that close-packed , sea-sick \u2014\u2014", "What else ? When you are with me , all the air seems to tremble with fairy music played by some unseen fairy orchestra .", "I do put you before everything .", "To that butcher 's face directing the slaughter ? To those \u2014\u2014?", "I should feel the blood on my lips .", "Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha !"], "true_target": ["And this is the sort of people you would invite to hear my symphony \u2014 these gondola-guzzlers !", "I wo n't \u2014 I 'm not an office-seeker . Leave me to my misery .", "Voluptuaries , then \u2014 rich , idle \u00e6sthetes to whom art and life have no connection , parasites who suck our music \u2014\u2014", "I should be a new freak for you for a new freak evening \u2014 I and my dreams and my music !", "If only my folks were not so narrow about Holy Judea ! But the ideals of the fathers shall not be foisted on the children . Each generation must live and die for its own dream .", "Yes , even we wretches in the steerage felt safe to think the lord was up above , we believed the company would never dare drown him . But could even Quincy Davenport command a cabin like this ?Why , uncle , we have a cabin worth a thousand dollars \u2014 a thousand dollars a week \u2014 and what 's more , it does n't wobble !", "But did \u2014 - did Miss Revendal send you up ?", "A Bas-K\u00f4l ! A Bas-K\u00f4l !", "Yes \u2014 Jew-immigrant ! But a Jew who knows that your Pilgrim Fathers came straight out of his Old Testament , and that our Jew-immigrants are a greater factor in the glory of this great commonwealth than some of you sons of the soil . It is you , freak-fashionables , who are undoing the work of Washington and Lincoln , vulgarising your high heritage , and turning the last and noblest hope of humanity into a caricature .", "Certainly .... How are your folks ?", "Oh !", "America shall make good ...!", "And your love ? Do I not need that ?", "And you looked on with that cold face of hate \u2014 while my mother \u2014 my sister \u2014\u2014", "Yes , yes , Vera . You bring back my sunnier self . I must be a pioneer on the lost road of happiness . To-day shall be all joy , all lyric ecstasy .Yes , I will make my old fiddle-strings burst with joy !The face ! The face !", "No , no ; it is you who lift me there \u2014\u2014", "Europe with her comic-opera coronets and her worm-eaten stage decorations , and her pomp and chivalry built on a morass of crime and misery \u2014\u2014", "You cannot come to me . There is a river of blood between us .", "And my soul ? What of my soul ? False to its own music , its own mission , its own dream . That is what I mean by failure , Vera . I preached of God 's Crucible , this great new continent that could melt up all race-differences and vendettas , that could purge and re-create , and God tried me with his supremest test . He gave me a heritage from the Old World , hate and vengeance and blood , and said , \u201c Cast it all into my Crucible . \u201d And I said , \u201c Even thy Crucible cannot melt this hate , cannot drink up this blood . \u201d And so I sat crooning over the dead past , gloating over the old blood-stains \u2014 I , the apostle of America , the prophet of the God of our children . Oh \u2014 how my music mocked me ! And you \u2014 so fearless , so high above fate \u2014 how you must despise me !", "She loves me \u2014 Vera loves me .", "No \u2014 no \u2014 what does my wound matter ? That never stung half so much as these clappings and congratulations .", "Miss Revendal !", "What immunity has our race ?The pride and the prejudice , the dreams and the sacrifices , the traditions and the superstitions , the fasts and the feasts , things noble and things sordid \u2014 they must all into the Crucible .", "Your father !... God !", "I 'm just re-writing the Finale . Oh , such a splendid inspiration !", "No ! The sins of the fathers shall not be visited on the children .", "Now and again you ordered your soldiers to fire \u2014\u2014", "God 's sky ! On Independence Day ! With all the \u2014\u2014", "Yes , I will calm myself \u2014 but how else shall I calm myself save by forgetting all that nightmare of religions and races , save by holding out my hands with prayer and music toward the Republic of Man and the Kingdom of God ! The Past I cannot mend \u2014 its evil outlines are stamped in immortal rigidity . Take away the hope that I can mend the Future , and you make me mad .", "I am dazed \u2014 I cannot realise that all our troubles have melted away \u2014 it is so sudden .", "Then your hankering after the synagogue was serious after all .", "Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", "But Purim is a merry time , Kathleen , like your Carnival . Have n't you read the book of Esther \u2014 how the Jews of Persia escaped massacre ?", "Yes , that 'll keep her awake . Besides , Pappelmeister was so sure the people would n't understand me , he 's relaxing them on Gounod and Rossini .", "Oh , Herr Pappelmeister , you have lost your place !", "Sweetheart ! Can it be true ? How do you know ?", "When I came to myself , with a curious aching in my left shoulder , I saw lying beside me a strange shapeless Something ....By the crimson doll in what seemed a hand I knew it must be little Miriam . The doll was a dream of beauty and perfection beside the mutilated mass which was all that remained of my sister , of my mother , of greedy little Solomon \u2014 Oh ! You Christians can only see that rosy splendour on the horizon of happiness . And the Jew did n't see rosily enough for you , ha ! ha ! ha ! the Jew who gropes in one great crimson mist .", "It is a dream . You cannot care for me \u2014 you so far above me .", "And is it true you live in America only two months in the year , and then only to entertain Europeans who wander to these wild parts ?", "What 's the matter with this room ? It 's princely .", "It was always my dream to play it first to the new immigrants \u2014 those who have known the pain of the old world and the hope of the new .", "I keep faith with America . I have faith America will keep faith with us .Flag of our great Republic , guardian of our homes , whose stars and \u2014\u2014", "They are equally \u2014 irrelevant . One has to wrestle with one 's own art , one 's own soul , alone !", "Shall we ? Marry ? On my salary as first violin ?", "Yes , cling to me , despite them all , cling to me till all these ghosts are exorcised , cling to me till our love triumphs over death . Kiss me , kiss me now .", "And the same night , women and children died of hunger in New York !", "Ah , but if you had heard them \u2014 \u201c Flag of our Great Republic \u201d \u2014 the words have gone singing at my heart ever since \u2014\u201c Flag of our Great Republic , guardian of our homes , whose stars and stripes stand for Bravery , Purity , Truth , and Union , we salute thee . We , the natives of distant lands , who findrest under thy folds , do pledge our hearts , our lives , our sacred honour to love and protect thee , our Country , and the liberty of the American people for ever . \u201d", "You see you have to go by the people after all .", "Now I have only made my own stony .", "I \u2014 need \u2014 nothing ?", "Uncle !", "Oh , I 'm not playing in the popular after-pieces . Pappelmeister guessed I 'd be broken up with the stress of my own symphony \u2014 he has violins enough .", "Yes , there 's a damper over everything .", "I can n't , uncle . I must put it down while that glorious impression is fresh .", "The irony is in all the congratulations . How can I endure them when I know what a terrible failure I have made !", "Dear Herr Pappelmeister ! Do n't think I do n't appreciate all your kindnesses \u2014 you are almost a father to me .", "I thought you wanted the salt to melt .", "Russian baron \u2014\u2014", "Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", "I was quite happy \u2014 I only had to fancy I 'd been shipwrecked , and that after clinging to a plank five days without food or water on the great lonely Atlantic , my frozen , sodden form had been picked up by this great safe steamer and given this delightful dry berth , regular meals , and the spectacle of all these friendly faces .... Do you know who was on board that boat ? Quincy Davenport .", "Can you not hear it ? The voice of the blood of my brothers crying out against you from the ground ? Oh , how can you bear not to turn that pistol against yourself and execute upon yourself the justice which Russia denies you ?", "You love me and you leave me ?", "Those who love us must suffer , and we must suffer in their suffering . It is live things , not dead metals , that are being melted in the Crucible .", "That you were married in a balloon ?", "Asleep !", "It is my uncle coming back .", "I am nothing but a simple artist , but I come from Europe , one of her victims , and I know that she is a failure ; that her palaces and peerages are outworn toys of the human spirit , and that the only hope of mankind lies in a new world . And here \u2014 in the land of to-morrow \u2014 you are trying to bring back Europe \u2014\u2014", "What a question !", "Please do n't you congratulate me , too ! That would be too ironical .", "Salary !", "For crimes beyond human penalty , for obscenities beyond human utterance , for \u2014\u2014", "Another Bas-K\u00f4l !... My American Symphony ! Played to the People ! Under", "Let me go .", "I am not thinking of Pappelmeister 's connoisseurs \u2014 I am the only connoisseur , the only one who knows . And every bar of my music cried \u201c Failure ! Failure ! \u201d It shrieked from the violins , blared from the trombones , thundered from the drums . It was written on all the faces \u2014\u2014", "For the honour of playing in your orchestra !", "You are noble ?", "Promise me that you \u2014 that I \u2014\u2014", "Please , please \u2014\u2014", "Herr Pappelmeister !But what certainty is there your Carnegie Hall audience would understand me ? It would be the same smart set .", "Miss Andrews is very kind .... I trust you are well .", "Then he will not separate us ?", "My uncle dried the chair .Curious how every one is concerned about my body and no one about my soul .", "Eh ? This planet 's wide enough for me .", "Why have you followed me ?", "There lies my failure \u2014 to have brought it to your eyes , instead of blotting it from my own .", "That will be too perfect .", "Yes , yes ... Vera .", "Oh , that butcher 's face \u2014 there it is \u2014 hovering in the air , that narrow , fanatical forehead , that \u2014\u2014", "Oh !", "Is she so miserable , then ?", "But does Herr Pappelmeister know about the wound in my shoulder ?", "Monster !", "Ha ! You want my life , too . Is the cry not yet loud enough ?", "Poor granny , tell her to come in and I 'll play her Purim jig .", "There 's no harm , Kathleen , in going down in the elevator .", "You say that because I have forfeited it .", "Yes , all Russians are .", "Miss Revendal .", "Not the musical critics !", "Be one of your first \u2014\u2014Oh , but it is impossible .", "But not for always ?", "Well , anyhow , is it true that \u2014\u2014?", "And , Kathleen ! You 'll get her some refreshments .", "Yes , sir ; but is it true you are in pleasure ?", "I must explain to Herr Pappelmeister \u2014 it would n't be fair . Even nowthere comes up before me the bleeding body of my mother , the cold , fiendish face of the Russian officer , supervising the slaughter \u2014\u2014", "Visitors ? What visitors ?", "Yes \u2014 on the dog that here will become a man !", "You see ! She 's more sensible than you thought . I daresay whatever I were to do she 'd consider me an exception .", "Not love you ? I do n't understand .", "It will make me forget . Kiss me .", "What of that ?But just fancy it , uncle . The Stars and Stripes unfurled , and a thousand childish voices , piping and foreign , fresh from the lands of oppression , hailing its fluttering folds . I cried like a baby .", "Sweetheart , considering I should owe it all to you \u2014\u2014", "Your sneer is false . The love that melted me was not Vera 's \u2014 it was the love America showed me \u2014 the day she gathered me to her breast ."], "play_index": 20, "act_index": 20}, {"query": ["And who else should be axin \u2019 the misthress if she was n't proud of Mr. David ? Faith , she 's a sweet lady .", "But Shabbos is n't out yet !", "Sure , what 's the matter ?", "Sure , it 's gotten all dirthy .", "Bekaz we 're Hebrews !", "And why would I not be here ?", "Ca n't you see it 's the Passover set !And shpiled intirely it 'll be now for our Passover .... And the misthress thought the visitors might like to thry some of her Purim cakes .", "Call yerself a Jew and you forgettin \u2019 to keep Purim !", "Wu geht Ihr , bedad ?...Houly Moses , komm \u2019 zurick !Begorra , we Jews never know our way .", "Houly Moses !Och , I forgot to take it off \u2014 \u2018 twas the misthress gave it me \u2014 I put it on to cheer her up .", "Yes , come in .", "My nose !"], "true_target": ["Terrible low , Mr. David , to-day being Purim .", "What way can that be , when I came up this side ?", "I forgot me nose !", "Sure , not the elevator . The misthress said \u2018 twould be breaking the", "Here it is !", "Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", "That 's what the misthress is so miserable about . Ye do n't keep the Carnival . There 's noses for both of ye in the kitchen \u2014 did n't I go with her to Hester Street to buy \u2018 em ?\u2014 but ye do n't be axin \u2019 for \u2018 em . And to see your noses layin \u2019 around so solemn and neglected , faith , it nearly makes me chry meself .", "Oh , Mr. David ! it was like midnight mass ! But the misthress was ashleep .", "It 's our Carnival to-day ! Purim .", "Troth , I 'll egshplain to her that droppin \u2019 down is n't ridin \u2019 .", "Refrishments , is it ? Give her refrishments where they mix the mate with the butther plates ! Oh , Mr. David !", "But , Mr. Quixano \u2014\u2014!", "Shabbos to ride up in it ."], "play_index": 20, "act_index": 20}, {"query": ["He ! He ! He !", "Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Kathleen ! !", "Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha !"], "true_target": ["Dovid ? Er ist meshuggah .", "Nu spiel noch ! spiel !", "Un \u2019 du auch !", "He ! He ! He ! Dovidel lacht widder . He ! He ! He !Du bist nass !"], "play_index": 20, "act_index": 20}, {"query": ["Justice on himself ? For what ?", "Herr Pappelmeister ! This is indeed a pleasure !", "Oh !", "Oh , you dear !", "No , I am not offended . But I have failed to help you . We have nothing else to meet for .", "How selfish of you , David !", "You have seen David ?", "I should n't advise you to sit here in the damp .", "Father , I will be calm . I will speak without passion or blindness . I will tell David the truth . I was never absolutely sure of my love for him \u2014 perhaps that was why I doubted his love for me \u2014 often after our enchanted moments there would come a nameless uneasiness , some vague instinct , relic of the long centuries of Jew-loathing , some strange shrinking from his Christless creed \u2014\u2014", "Then we must fall back on the lemon .", "But this is my father .", "I do n't know if I ought to tell you where the new nest is \u2014\u2014", "Then you shall have your tea neat .", "In manuscript .", "That I should marry a musician . But you see , little father , it all ends in music after all . Now I will go and perform on the telephone , I 'm not angel enough to bear one in here .", "What have you done ? What have you done ?", "But we of the nobility in particular .", "I hate you ! I curse the day I was born your daughter !", "Mr. Quixano ! You must not refuse .", "Not if you do n't want to .", "He is coming round at once \u2014\u2014", "Oh , Mr. Quixano , I am so glad ! Mr. Davenport is going to produce your symphony in his wonderful music-room .", "Herr Pappelmeister ! When do you think you can produce it ?", "By clapping my hands .", "He means he knows you 're not in business .", "I daresay you have some , all the same .", "Rubinstein was a Jewish boy-genius , just like my David .", "I might say , noblesse oblige . But the truth is , I earn my living that way . It would do you good to slave there too !", "I do not know you enough yet ; I will kiss my father .", "Hush , David ! Your laughter hurts more than tears . Let Vera comfort you .", "Were it seven seas , our love must cross them .", "I dare not ! It will make you remember .", "I hate the smart set as much as you \u2014 but as your ladder and your trumpet \u2014\u2014", "Failure ! Because the critics are all divided ? That is the surest proof of success . You have produced something real and new .", "Father , if you love me so much , surely you will love David a little too \u2014 for my sake .", "Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! But I said I have to know everything first . Will he get a good salary ?", "I ought not to have come to you .... I ought not to have come to you to-day . We must not meet again .", "Is n't it finished ?", "Yes , thank you , Miss Andrews . I know I have visitors .", "Please do n't say my mother , my mother is dead .", "Mr. Quixano !", "They are gone back to Russia . And yours ?", "Thank you .", "Still , we ought to soften the suffering as much as \u2014\u2014", "You are good to us \u2014\u2014to Mr. Quixano .", "Pray , pray , accept my apologies \u2014 believe me , if I had known \u2014\u2014", "What do you mean ?", "Not seas of blood \u2014 I spoke selfishly , thoughtlessly . I had not realised that crimson flood . Now I see it day and night . O God !", "But you could have stopped them .", "Hush ! Hush !", "Just when I was so happy to think that now we shall be able to marry .", "Do you like lemon , Mr. Davenport ?", "Radical .", "But not from the shambles ! You heard what he called you . Not soldier \u2014 butcher ! Oh , I dared to dream of happiness after my nightmare of Siberia , but you \u2014 you \u2014\u2014", "God grant it endure !Look ! How beautiful the sunset is after the storm !", "What David said . It was the mob that massacred \u2014 you had no hand in it .", "Da \u2014 Mr. Quixano is .", "You , David ? Who always see everything in such rosy colours ? Now that the whole horizon is one great splendid rose , you almost seem as if gazing out toward a blackness \u2014\u2014", "I shall always remember the delicious music Herr Pappelmeister gave us .", "Herr Pappelmeister , tell father about Mr. Quixano 's music .", "What are you looking for ?", "What is strange ?", "Father once hoped to be British Ambassador \u2014 that 's why I had an", "My love shall wipe it out .", "Oh , that is good of you .", "What does my loving you matter ? I can never return to Russia .", "Are n't you forgetting yourself ?", "Do n't touch me !", "But you could have stopped them .", "Proud to meet you , Herr Pappelmeister !", "Unkind ?", "But he has n't a \u2014\u2014", "You are raving .", "Oh , well , that 's all we want .", "And yet you would n't come in just now when I \u2014\u2014", "When I am married ?", "English governess . But you never told me you met him in Russia .", "And you do n't think wholly of your music and forget me ?", "Above you , you simple boy ? Your genius lifts you to the stars .", "Besides it would be punishing myself .", "No , no \u2014 that 's only his way of describing his two-dollar-a-month garret .", "Then I shall slip out . I could not bear a third . I will write .", "Sh ! We 're disturbing Herr Pappelmeister .", "Thank you , Mr. Quixano . Very well and very busy . So you 'll excuse me .", "But I will produce the bird .", "What else can I do ? Shall the shadow of Kishineff hang over all your years to come ? Shall I kiss you and leave blood upon your lips , cling to you and be pushed away by all those cold , dead hands ?", "It is my only consolation , I tell you , that you do not need me . In our happiest moments a suspicion of this truth used to lacerate me . But now it is my one comfort in the doom that divides us . See how you stand up here above the world , alone and self-sufficient . No woman could ever have more than the second place in your life .", "Yes , papasha .", "You do n't seem to like it !", "I will kiss you as we Russians kiss at Easter \u2014 the three kisses of peace .", "My dear ! my dear !", "But he wo n't go into Mr. Davenport 's orchestra .", "Did you tell him I was here ?", "I 'm afraid I have . I was thinking only of his genius , not his race . And you see , so many musicians are Jews .", "Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! So Mr. Davenport has been talking to you ! But you all seem to forget one small point \u2014 bigamy is not permitted even to millionaires .", "Bravo !", "David !", "No \u2014 I no longer even desire it . I have gotten over that womanly weakness .", "Yes , too impossible . Good-bye .", "Did you ? Then I hope you drank syrup .", "You know ?", "Oh ! I see .", "First let me introduce my friend , who is good enough to interest himself in your nephew \u2014 Mr. Quincy Davenport .", "I think I was more sorry for you than for myself . I hope , at least , no suspicion fell on you .", "You are sure ? And nothing shall part us ?", "And do you think I would take another woman 's leavings ? No , not even if she were dead .", "Is n't he a darling ? Is n't he \u2014\u2014?", "Here I fight against the poverty . No , father , a woman who has once heard the call will always be a wild creature .", "I am a magician .", "Dog ! You call my husband a dog !", "It would kill me to give him up .But do n't let us talk of funerals on this happy day of sunshine and reunion .", "My brain follows you , but not my heart . It is heavy with the sense of unpaid debts \u2014 debts that can only cry for forgiveness .", "It is certainly a surprise .", "You will make me sorry I came to you .", "Hush !", "Oh , Herr Pappelmeister ! You are an angel .", "How should I remember ?", "To the Settlement ? How heroic of you !", "Kiss me !"], "true_target": ["It is not a punishment .", "How did you know ? Yes , he is a Jew , a noble Jew .", "Do n't talk of them .", "You practically said so . David will be even greater than Rubinstein . Come , father , I 'll telephone for him ; he is only round the corner .", "Not seen \u2014? Then what \u2014 whom are you talking about ?", "That is why I am suggesting to Mr. Davenport to send him to Germany .", "To be grateful for the music ?", "Jew and Gentile \u2014\u2014", "He does n't know it 's you .", "Forgive ? It is I that should go down on my knees for my father 's sin .", "No more than David has become a Christian . We were already at one \u2014 all honest people are . Surely , father , all religions must serve the same God \u2014 since there is only one God to serve .", "For you , father , I was as though buried in Siberia . Why did you come here to stab yourself afresh ?", "I beg your pardon \u2014 I was n't even thinking of you . Father , to put an end at once to this absurd conversation , let me inform you I am already engaged .", "You said you met him at Wiesbaden .", "Yes \u2014 yes \u2014 of course \u2014 I forgot ! Good-bye , Mr. Quixano .", "Bravo ! Bravo ! I 'm so excited !", "Six foot square .", "Frightened indeed !", "Then you do care ?", "Irony , Mr. Quixano ? Please , please , do not imagine there is any irony in my congratulations .", "No man could have blotted it out .", "My only consolation is , you need nothing .", "Mr. Quixano , what possible \u2014\u2014?", "First families ! I told you David 's family came to Poland in 1492 \u2014 some months before America was discovered .", "What charming young man ?", "Only my father and \u2014\u2014", "No .", "Do you remember when you last saw me ? You did not claim me as a daughter then .", "Oh , no ! no ! I watched the faces \u2014 those faces of toil and sorrow , those faces from many lands . They were fired by your vision of their coming brotherhood , lulled by your dream of their land of rest . And I could see that you were right in speaking to the people . In some strange , beautiful , way the inner meaning of your music stole into all those simple souls \u2014\u2014", "But it is Mr. Davenport \u2014\u2014", "Music !", "I was in the dock .", "Oh , David . And to think that I was brought up to despise your race .", "No ! But not being unemployed millionaires like Mr. Davenport , we hold even our troth eternal .Our poverty , not your prejudice , stands in the way of our marriage . But David is a musician of genius , and some day \u2014\u2014", "Yes , yes , David .", "Oh , David ! David ! Do n't be angry with poor little Vera if she doubts , if she wants to feel quite sure . You see father has talked so terribly , and after all I was brought up in the Greek Church , and we ought n't to cause all this suffering unless \u2014\u2014", "Yes \u2014 even as you esteem nobility \u2014 by pedigree . In Spain his ancestors were hidalgos , favourites at the Court of Ferdinand and Isabella ; but in the great expulsion of 1492 they preferred exile in Poland to baptism .", "I do not believe in Revolutions carried on at a safe distance . I have found my life-work in America .", "Miss Andrews has charged me to convey to you the heart-felt thanks and congratulations of the Settlement .", "Father ! !", "Here 's Pappelmeister !", "Mr. Davenport !", "Yes \u2014 David Quixano .", "Then prepare him for three visitors .", "Yes , my father once hoped my music would comfort him .Poor father ! But a soldier must bear defeat . Herr Pappelmeister , may I not give you some tea ?", "Wind and weather permitting .", "Davenport !", "Hush ! Marriages with comic opera stars are not usually domestic idylls .", "Now I clap my hands .Come !Behold him !", "They will \u2014 have faith in yourself , in your mission \u2014 good-bye .", "Because your soul is so much stronger than your body . Why , think ! It has just lifted a thousand people far higher than this roof-garden .", "Say it 's not true .", "I fear , father , we have grown too estranged \u2014 our ideas are so opposite \u2014\u2014", "Ah , he did check the mob \u2014 he did tell his soldiers to fire .", "Not with bombs , perhaps . I thank Heaven I was caught before I had done any practical work . But if you think I accept the order of things , you are mistaken . In Russia I fought against the autocracy \u2014\u2014", "Then you shall have a cake !", "Your nose ?", "How nice of them !", "I ? Ah no !", "You must help him for his own sake , for art 's sake .", "David \u2014 my dearest !", "You 've not prepared him yet ?", "He shall bring his violin and play to you . There ! You see , little father , you are already less frowning \u2014 now take that last wrinkle out of your forehead .Never mind ! David will smooth it out with his music as his Biblical ancestor smoothed that surly old Saul .", "You asked me not to send letters .", "Your own show .", "Then I 'll only put milk in .", "Well , then , why should n't it be done here \u2014 on our Roof-Garden ?", "No , father , your Vera belongs to Russia with her mother and the happy days of childhood . But for their sakes \u2014\u2014", "On some holiday evening .... Why not the Fourth of July ?", "Dear little father !", "Do n't speak \u2014 rest against Vera 's heart \u2014 till it has passed away .This is the work of your Holy Russia .", "And will it be played in that wonderful marble music-room overlooking the Hudson ?", "Why do n't you speak ? You 're not angry with me for interfering \u2014\u2014?", "No .Nothing can separate us .", "How could I wish to punish you ? I was proud of you !", "Do n't you jump for joy ?", "But you have come to end the tragic history ; to throw off the coils of the centuries .", "But my father , my people , my country ....", "His life and mine are for ever separate . He is a Reactionary , I a", "You promised ? You dared discuss my affairs ?", "What reparation can I possibly make ?", "You in New York !", "How soon can you produce it ?", "You are severe ! Mr. Davenport was right .", "But now \u2014\u2014now , David , I come to you , and I say in the words of Ruth , thy people shall be my people and thy God my God !", "He burns coal and you burn time .", "Ah , you 're still here .", "O God !", "But father seems half-reconciled already ! Dear little father , if only he were not so narrow about Holy Russia !", "Yes , David , yes . You are the prophet of the living present . I am so happy .You are happy , too ?", "What can be simpler ? I used to be jealous of your music , your prophetic visions . I wanted to come first \u2014 before them all ! Now , dear David , I only pray that they may fill your life to the brim .", "But you could have stopped them .", "Splendid ! But should we have room ?", "And Mr. Quixano is to \u2014 oh , how delightful !", "Not so fast . What are you going to do with him ?", "Nothing but your music ... your dreams .", "That 's a nasty one for the critics . But tell father what a genius", "Then so is any love from me to you . You have chosen to come back into my life , and after our years of pain and separation I would gladly remember only my old childish affection . But not if you hate David . You must make your choice .", "Good-bye .", "What are you talking ?", "Dearest \u2014\u2014", "You thought you were ordering your soldiers to fire at the Jews , but it was my heart they pierced .", "My father is Baron Revendal , but I have long since carved out a life of my own .", "Eh !", "Mr. Quixano ! What are you driving at ?", "I do n't ask you to carry mountains , but to drop the mountains you carry \u2014 the mountains of prejudice . Wait till you see him .", "Yes \u2014 not to think of your salary . It looks as if you did n't really love me .", "Then you will hear him \u2014 he is going to make music for all the world . You can n't escape him , papasha , you with your love of music , any more than you escaped Rubinstein .", "Oh , not to me . It is to Mr. Davenport you \u2014\u2014", "Let us talk no more about it .", "And you wo n't grow tired of me \u2014 not even when you are world-famous \u2014\u2014?", "You see Mr. Davenport himself is no judge of music .", "But how ? When ?", "I 'm not a Jew . I asked .", "Great God !Is there no pity in heaven ?", "And did the water outside change the blood within ? Rubinstein was our Court pianist and was decorated by the Tsar . And you , the Tsar 's servant , dare to say you could not meet a Rubinstein .", "Behind ? But I want to be before ! I want you to love me first , before everything .", "I saw more of those who know how to die .... Milk and sugar ?", "Those arms reeking from that crimson river !", "Ah , but will Herr Pappelmeister consent ?"], "play_index": 20, "act_index": 20}, {"query": ["But look here , Poppy \u2014\u2014", "I loathe lemon . But from \u2014\u2014", "Gardens , forsooth ! We plant a tub and call it Paradise . No , Baron . New", "Vera !", "Wo n't face the music , eh ?", "That depends . The last I had was in Russia itself \u2014 from the fair hands of your mother , the Baroness .", "Ugh ! I hate sugar \u2014 I sacrificed myself .", "But Poppy ! We can n't be here all day .", "Not officially . Whereas your Black Hundreds \u2014\u2014", "Would they be eatable ?Humph ! Not bad .A little cake was all you would eat the only time you came to one of my private concerts . Do n't you remember ? We went down to supper together .", "Oh , Poppy 's in the moon .", "Well , I 'd keep it dark if I were you . Kishineff is a back number , and we do n't take much stock in the new massacres . Still , we 're a bit squeamish \u2014\u2014", "Sure . Before five hundred of the smartest folk in America .", "Oh , he 'd better not fool with Poppy . Poppy 's awful severe .", "Yes . Stop a minute ! Did you say Saturday ? That 's my comic opera night ! You thief !", "Ah , Miss Revendal \u2014 what a pity you refused that invitation ! It was a fairy scene of twinkling lights and delicious darkness \u2014 each couple had their own gondola to sup in , and their own side-canal to slip down . Eh ? Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", "But why do you want a nose like that ?", "But the Intellectuals are in Russia .", "Bother Poppy \u2014 why is he so darned punctual ?", "Only some poor devil come to the Settlement .", "Would they chain us together ? I 'd come to-morrow .", "Oh , Miss Revendal ! Have you forgotten ?", "It is done here . But we shall change all that . Already we have a few taxi-cabs . Give us time , my dear Baron , give us time . You must n't judge us by your European standard .", "Oh , Poppy 's all right .", "No taste , Baroness , modern sculpture and menageries ! Think of the Medici gardens at Rome .", "I 'd even lend my own yacht to take \u2018 em back . Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", "I told you he was awful severe .", "We 're going to stop all alien immigration .", "Sir !", "Brute !", "I fell a victim to my love of music .", "You forget , Baron , we are in America . The law giveth and the law taketh away .", "I would n't have a Jew if he paid me .", "You never told me your Jew-scribbler was a socialist !", "Ah ! I read about that . Did you see the massacre ?", "He only allows me comic opera once a week . My wife calls him the", "We have n't much of that here \u2014 I do n't mean brains . Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", "Eh ?", "You do n't remember our first meeting ? At the Settlement Bazaar ? When I paid you a hundred dollars for every piece of sugar you put in ?", "Precisely ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", "Poppy ! You 're dismissed !", "Oh , it 's rather fun to hear what the masses read about me . Fire ahead . Is what true ?", "Well , anyhow , do n't shoot her \u2014 shoot the beast rather .", "You see , I 'll help even a Jew for your sake .", "Pappelmeister \u2014 my private orchestra conductor .", "What 's up ?", "Oh , Baron ! Surely you have guessed that it is not merely Jew-hate , but \u2014 er \u2014 Christian love . Eh ?", "But wo n't you play it to us ?", "Excuse me \u2014\u2014Miss Revendal !\u2014 I forgot you and Poppy had n't been introduced \u2014 curiously enough it was at Wiesbaden I picked him up too \u2014 he was conducting the opera \u2014 your folks were in my box . I do n't think I ever met anyone so mad on music as the Baron . And the Baroness told me he had retired from active service in the Army because of the torture of listening to the average military band . Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", "Then what are you going to do with them ?", "And dollars . Do n't forget the dollars .", "It may be beautiful to you , but to us it 's damn dull . See here , Poppy , if you 're satisfied that the young fellow has sufficient talent to be sent to study in Germany \u2014\u2014", "I 'll send as many Jews as you like to Germany . Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", "You !", "It was your father began it . When he found I knew you , he almost wept with emotion . He asked a hundred questions about your life in America .", "Oh , you have no call to be ashamed of your step-mother \u2014 she 's a stunning creature ; all the points of a tip-top Russian aristocrat , or Quincy Davenport 's no judge of breed ! Does n't speak English like your father \u2014 but then the Baron is a wonder .", "I 'll send it back for you .", "Well , do n't let us waste our time on the Jew-problem ... our own little Jew-problem is enough , eh ? Get rid of this little fiddler . Then I may have a look in . Adieu , Baron .", "Surely ! When I gave you all those love messages \u2014\u2014", "Would he have a twenty-thousand-dollar job with me if he was n't ? Not that he 'd get half that in the open market \u2014 only I have to stick it on to keep him for my guests exclusively .But he ought to be here , confound him . A conductor should keep time , eh , Miss Revendal ?", "We all suffer from them .", "Bismarck of the baton .", "Then stop with your Jew !", "Yes , young man , I 'm going to give you the smartest audience in America . And if Poppy is right , you 're just going to rake in the dollars . America wants a composer .", "I beg your pardon ."], "true_target": ["Easter time , I think \u2014\u2014", "How unkind of you !", "Oh , that was newspaper chaps .", "Ho ! Ha ! Ha ! That 's true enough . Marriage in high life , they said , did n't they ? Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", "And why not for heart 's sake \u2014 for my sake ?", "Did n't they ask you questions ?", "Eh ?", "All the stories . That 's a tall order . Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", "Tea ! Lager 's more in Poppy 's line .", "Miss Revendal , you do n't mean to say you 've brought me to a Jew !", "Ah , of course not . Music should be heard , not seen \u2014 like that jolly jig . Is that your David ?", "Impossible ! Always travel on my own yacht . Slow but select . Must have been another man of the same name \u2014 my dad . Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", "And now , dear Baron Revendal , having brought you safely to the den of the lioness \u2014 if I may venture to call your daughter so \u2014 I must leave you to do the taming , eh ?", "Gee-rusalem ! Perhaps you 're a Jew !", "Who travelled with you to New York ? Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! No , I 'm only the junior .", "Well , at that rate you could put this stuff of his in one of my programmes . Sinfonia Americana , eh ?", "You \u2014\u2014", "A soup bowl .", "You know what I mean \u2014 to forget me !", "Saturday fortnight ! Not time to get my crowd .", "Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Ho ! Ho ! Ho !", "Whew !... I \u2014 I say , old chap , I mean Baron , you 'd better not say that here .", "Then it is n't bad , Poppy ?", "York is the great stone desert .", "What !", "No , no , Baron , that 's not done here . Besides , if you shoot her down , where do I come in , eh ?", "Lucky for you , young man . You 'll have an Italian prince and a British duke to hear your scribblings .", "I beg your pardon ?", "I hate milk . But from you \u2014\u2014", "Sh to me !", "What !! !", "You low-down , ungrateful \u2014\u2014", "Pray , do n't ever speak of that again \u2014 you know how anxious I was to get you to New York .", "Did they ? I thought \u2014\u2014", "No , do n't say that \u2014 promised the Baron I 'd always do all I could for \u2014\u2014", "Impossible . Poppy ! Are there any Jews in my orchestra ?", "I 'll get a divorce .", "Then you 're quite safe from recognition .", "Have you ? The papers only boomed one \u2014 four or five years ago \u2014 about", "Morass !", "What makes you so nervous , Baron ?", "But he loves you dreadfully \u2014 he can n't understand why you should go slaving away summer and winter in a Settlement \u2014 you a member of the Russian nobility !", "That 's all right , I keep telling you . They are n't married yet \u2014\u2014", "That 's not very diplomatic here . Ha ! Ha !", "She 's mad to get back on the stage \u2014 I 'll run a theatre for her . It 's your daughter 's consent that 's the real trouble \u2014 she wo n't see me because I lost my temper and told her to stop with her Jew . So I look to you to straighten things out .", "I wish we could !\u2014\u2014", "You 're late , Poppy !", "Well , follow your nose \u2014 and you 'll find it . Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", "I detest tea , and here it would be particularly cheap and nasty . But \u2014\u2014", "My dad , Miss Revendal , is one of those antiquated Americans who are always in a hurry !", "Why , of course . Fire \u2018 em out , every mother 's son of \u2018 em .", "Not my musicians . No Jew 's harp in my orchestra , eh ?", "Well , anyhow , we 're not in Russia , eh ? No , no , Baron , you 're quite safe . Still , you can keep my automobile as long as you like \u2014 I 've plenty .", "No , not to the Settlement . To you !", "Not serious , Baron ? Why , to marry her is the only thing I have ever wanted that I could n't get . It is torture ! Baroness , I rely on your sympathy .", "Are you coming , Miss Revendal ?", "Do n't mention it . I 'll just have my auto take me to the Club , and then", "Yes , but we grew such pals I motored him and the Baroness back to St. Petersburg . Jolly country , Russia \u2014 they know how to live .", "Thank you , my dear Baron ,\u2014 you 've already sent me one Jew too many .", "Your America , forsooth , you Jew-immigrant !", "And I had n't yet met the right breed \u2014 the true blue blood of Europe .", "Well , of course , I always felt there was another side to it , but still \u2014\u2014", "Well , I pay the piper \u2014 and the drummer too !", "You mean because I 'm married to that patched-and-painted creature ? She 's hankering for the stage again , the old witch .", "We 've had enough .", "Not for me \u2014 Poppy !"], "play_index": 20, "act_index": 20}, {"query": ["How soon can he finish it ?", "I see von Finale scratched out and anoder not quite completed . But anyhow , ve could n't broduce it before Saturday fortnight .", "And zo are my congratulations !", "Who can disobey a voice from heaven ?... But ven ?", "But you vill vant to talk to your fader , and all I vant is Mr. Quixano 's address . De Irish maiden at de house says de bird is flown .", "So ?", "Ach !", "Bitte . Tea .Lemon . Four lumps .... Nun , five !... Or six !Danke .", "Put him in my orchestra !", "Nun , Frau Quixano , was sagen Sie ? Vat you tink of your David ?", "Dat has to be seen . You must permit me to invite \u2014\u2014", "She is a magician . She has changed us .", "And aldough you cannot broduce him , I broduce his symphony . Was ?", "It is no more Mr. Davenport 's orchestra . He fired me , do n't you remember ? Now I boss \u2014 how say you in American ?", "Ja , my own band . Ven I left dat comic opera millionaire , dey all shtick to me almost to von man .", "Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! You see . And ven ve blay your American symphony \u2014\u2014", "Also \u2014 no more comic operas !", "Blay it ? Am I an orchestra ? I blay it in my brain .So !", "So !", "But you must come and speak to all de people in America who undershtand music .", "And de pain ubsets your blaying ?", "Mr. Quixano ?", "And saved my soul . Dollars are de devil . Now I must to an appointment . Auf baldiges Wiedersehen .Fr\u00e4ulein Revendal !", "I heard you .", "Dey write all de comic operas !", "Ach , de magic failed .", "And you disobey me like a son . Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Vell , I vill make your excuses to de \u2014 vampires . Ha ! Ha ! Also , David .Lebe wohl ! I must go down to my popular classics .Truly a going down ! Was ?", "Wunderbar !...", "No , but de Christian had \u2014 he get de same \u2014 I mean salary , ha ! ha ! ha ! not children . Den he can be independent \u2014 vedder de fool-public like his American symphony or not \u2014 nicht wahr ?", "Do you mean are dere any Christians ?", "Den I like to tell you now .Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! De first vampire says it is a great vork , but poorly performed .", "You come to Carnegie to-morrow at eleven . Yes ? Fr\u00e4ulein .", "And de fourz vampire says it is a poor vork poorly performed .", "Perhaps de oders vill be out of town . Also !", "Vat on earth does one go to a beer-hall for ? Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! For vawter ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Ven I hear you blay , I dink mit myself \u2014 if my blans succeed and I get Carnegie Hall for Saturday Symphony Concerts , dat boy shall be one of my first violins . Was ?", "Shylock !!... Never mind \u2014 ve settle de pound of flesh to-morrow . Lebe wohl !", "Bitte ?", "Schluss ! No man ever dared break down under me . My baton will beat avay all dese faces and fancies . Out with your violin !Keinen Mut verlieren !Also ! Fertig ! Anfangen !Von , dwo , dree , four \u2014\u2014", "Hey presto , was ? Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", "Try it on the dog . Was ?", "Ach , nein . Of course , some \u2014 ve can n't keep peoble out merely because dey pay for deir seats . Was ?", "And now broduce Mr. Quixano !", "I do not comprehend it .", "Enough to keep a vife and eight children !", "Mega \u2014 megasshu ....", "Comic opera .... Ouf !Vat vas dat vord , David ?", "Ja , meshuggah !", "I am glad I did not let you blay in Part Two .", "Four lumps ....", "I haf not de honour . But , if you brefer , I will gut out from my brogrammes all de Chewish composers . Was ?", "All egsept de Christian \u2014 he vas de von man . He shtick to de millionaire . So I lose my brincipal first violin ."], "true_target": ["Megusshah ! You know .", "Bitte , das Pult !So !", "Hoch Quixano ! Hoch ! Hoch ! Es lebe Quixano ! Hoch !", "You are sailing avay ?", "Comic Opera ! Ouf !", "So !", "You do not broduce him . You clap de hands \u2014 but you do not broduce him . Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", "Your fader ? Ach so !", "Und wie geht 's ? I hear you 've left home .", "Vampires ? Oh , come !", "You haf been vounded ?", "De dird vampire says it is a great vork greatly performed .", "Und de harp solo ... ach , reizend ! ... Second violins \u2014\u2014!", "Ten dousand congratulations .", "Russia ? It never occurred to me to go to Russia \u2014 she seems so uncivilised .", "Well , do n't be ... meshuggah .", "You vill broduce Mr. Quixano ?", "Nein , nein , mein liebes Kind ! I fear I haf not de correct shape for an angel .", "Enough ? Enough ? Of such a beaudiful symphony ?", "But ve never settled de salary .", "So .", "Den ve say Saturday dree veeks . Yes ?", "Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Vait till you hear vat dey say .", "Gott bewahre ! But I 'd like to invite all de persons in New York who really undershtand music .", "Auf Wiedersehen !", "Mein braver Junge !", "Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", "I haf alvays mein umbrella . Was ? Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", "Music cannot be talked about .", "Room ? I vant four blaces .", "Ach !\u2014 ach !\u2014 So !", "Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", "De second vampire says it is a poor vork , but greatly performed .", "Nein . Ven critics disagree \u2014 I agree mit mineself . Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", "Danke .", "In Germany ! Germany has nodings to teach him , he has to teach Germany .", "Revendal !", "Ach so \u2014 so \u2014 SO ! Das ist etwas neues !Wundersch\u00f6n !... pianissimo !\u2014 now the flutes ! Clarinets ! Ach , erg\u00f6tzlich ... bassoons and drums !... Fortissimo !... Kolossal ! Kolossal !", "And from heaven you flew down to blay in dat beer-hall . Was ?", "I knew your nerves vould be all shnapping like fiddle-shtrings . Oh , you cheniuses !You like neider de clappings nor de criticisms ,\u2014 was ?", "A great vork dat vill be even better performed next time ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", "Pardon ! I forgot your vound .", "Was giebt 's ...?", "Ach Gott , ja !", "Meshuggah ! Vat means meshuggah ? Crazy ?", "I should be broud to indroduce it to de vorld .", "On de Roof-Garden \u2014 nicht wahr ?", "Sh ! Sh ! Piano .", "But I come again \u2014 you have visitors .", "Somedings must be sagrificed .", "I fear neider dogs nor men are a musical breed ."], "play_index": 20, "act_index": 20}, {"query": ["I never could control my womenkind .", "If I had known his loose views on divorce \u2014\u2014", "We have just come and \u2014\u2014", "Squeamish ! Do n't you lynch and roast your niggers ?", "Tush !", "Hands off !", "Did I never tell you ? When she was only a school-girl \u2014 at the Imperial High School \u2014 the Tsar on his annual visit tasted the food , and Vera , as the show pupil , was given the honour of finishing his Majesty 's plate .", "What is the matter with him ?", "Gave it to a servant .And then you think I can impose a husband on her . No , Katusha , I have to win her love for myself , not for millionaires .", "Be silent ! Have I not forbidden \u2014\u2014?", "You do n't know what it meant to me to feel her arms round me again .", "I know , I know \u2014 and yet sometimes I felt as if I could risk Siberia myself to read your dear , dainty handwriting again .", "Back , dog !", "But this supreme insult Vera shall not put on the blood of the Revendals \u2014 not if I have to shoot her down with my own hand \u2014 and myself after !", "She is the only child I have ever had , Katusha . Her baby arms curled round my neck ; in her baby sorrows her wet face nestled against little father 's .", "Quite impossible . What is to prevent an anarchist sitting next to you and shooting out your brains ?", "It was the People avenging itself , Vera . The People rose like a flood . It had centuries of spoliation to wipe out . The voice of the People is the voice of God .", "Silence , Katusha ! Oh , my little Vera , I little thought when I let you study music at Petersburg \u2014\u2014", "A marvellous people , you Americans . Gardens in the sky !", "A Jew !", "You !", "But not now , Vera , surely not now ? You are no longera Revolutionist ?", "What I owe you ?", "Do n't echo that babble . You came to these arms often enough when they were fresh from the battlefield .", "You are not very ... daughterly .", "A Jew noble !", "Do not recall it ; it hurts too much .", "Let me see you to the auto \u2014\u2014", "A thousand thanks .But surely no gentleman would sit in the public car , squeezed between working-men and shop-girls , not to say Jews and Blacks .", "One-third will be baptized , one-third massacred , the other third emigrated here .", "Adieu .", "I am enchanted , Vera , enchanted .", "Vera !", "Vera ! Little Vera ! Do n't cry ! You stab me !", "Who can stop a flood ? I did my duty . A soldier 's duty is not so pretty as a musician 's .", "Yes , but I am a diplomat . I do not reply .", "Herr Pappelmeister ?", "But I saw desperadoes spying as we came off your yacht .", "At Kishineff we stick the swine .", "And here is your home , Vera !", "I was there with my soldiers .", "Vera !", "Ah , your poor mother !", "I did not say I could not meet a Rubinstein .", "Where you come in ?", "You knew I was a Revendal . The Revendals keep their hands clean ....", "Those Jew-vermin \u2014 all my life I have suffered from them !", "But under his arm \u2014 a bomb !", "I will not see him .", "Halt !You were right !Shoot me !", "Ah , let them wait till they have ten million vermin overrunning their country \u2014 we shall see how long they will be sentimental . Think of it ! A burrowing swarm creeping and crawling everywhere , ugh ! They ruin our peasantry with their loans and their drink shops , ruin our army with their revolutionary propaganda , ruin our professional classes by snatching all the prizes and professorships , ruin our commercial classes by monopolising our sugar industries , our oil-fields , our timber-trade .... Why , if we gave them equal rights , our Holy Russia would be entirely run by them .", "But you are not really serious about Vera ?", "What is not true ?", "Diable !", "Husband ! God in heaven \u2014 are you married already ?", "But you are married !", "Shooting is too good for the enemies of Christ ."], "true_target": ["And you , a Revendal , would mate with an unbaptized dog ?", "The Baroness wished to see America . Katusha , this is my daughter .", "You go too quick , Katusha . What influence have I on Vera ? And you she has never even seen ! To kick out the Jew-beast is one thing ....", "I had no orders to defend the foes of Christ andthe Tsar . The People \u2014\u2014", "To stop all alien \u2014? But that is barbarous !", "You \u2014 I \u2014 he \u2014 do you love this J \u2014 this David so much ?", "Second class ! Shall we allow these bigots to mock at all we hold sacred ? The Jews are the deadliest enemies of our holy autocracy and of the only orthodox Church . Their Bund is behind all the Revolution .", "Silence , Katusha ! Leave me to deal with my daughter .Oh , Vera , Verotschka , my dearest darling , I had sooner you had remained buried in Siberia than that \u2014\u2014", "You will keep your Rubinstein waiting ?", "David !", "Vera 's voice !", "I wish to God I had come here earlier . I wish I had not been so nervous of Russian spies . Ah , Verotschka , if you only knew how I have pored over the newspaper pictures of you , and the reports of your life in this Settlement !", "You shameless \u2014\u2014!", "Hush ! Hush !", "Yes , and I hurried a regiment up to teach the blaspheming brutes manners \u2014\u2014", "Ah , yes \u2014 when the Jews insulted the procession of the Host !", "Silence , Katusha . I only tolerated the man in Europe because he was a link with Vera .", "By the European standard , Mr. Davenport , you put our hospitality to the shame . From the moment you sent your yacht for us to Odessa \u2014\u2014", "They have their branches here \u2014 the refugees are the leaders \u2014 it is a diabolical network .", "You are always of the most amiable .", "We wished to give you a pleasant surprise .", "You are , indeed ! I do n't know how you have bewitched me .", "At last ! At last ! I have found my little Vera again !", "Jew .", "By name , David .", "Choice ? I have no choice . Can I carry mountains ? No more can I love a", "Ah ! She is a Revendal .", "Hush ! You do not know Vera . You saw I was even afraid to give my name . She might have sent me away as she sent away the Tsar 's plate of mutton .", "They took snapshots .", "I \u2014 love \u2014 a Jew ? Impossible .", "Till you are all stamped out , ground into your dirt .Look up , little Vera ! You saw how papasha loves you \u2014 how he was ready to hold out his hand \u2014 and how this cur tried to bite it . Be calm \u2014 tell him a daughter of Russia cannot mate with dirt .", "Regard ! A hooligan peeped in !", "Ah , yes , yes , charmed \u2014 why do you never bring your orchestra to Russia ,", "I could not see everything .", "Charmed to meet you , Herr \u2014\u2014", "Butthose revolutionary Russian clubs here \u2014 you are not a member ?", "The cry ?", "I wo n't say good-bye , Verotschka \u2014 I shall be back .", "Verotschka ! My dearest darling !...Why , you 've grown more beautiful than ever .", "We 've had several Jew-massacres in Kishineff .", "Come , Vera , I told you \u2014\u2014", "Why not ? I am proud of it .", "And my own .... But we will comfort each other . I will go to the Tsar myself \u2014 with my forehead to the earth \u2014 to beg for your pardon !... Come , put your wet face to little father 's ....", "No \u2014 they are circulating my appearance to all the gang in the States .", "I have no control over her , I tell you !", "Christ save us ! You have become a Jewess !", "Silence ! You talk like an ignorant girl , blinded by passion . The pogrom is a holy crusade . Are we Russians the first people to crush down the Jew ? No \u2014 from the dawn of history the nations have had to stamp upon him \u2014 the Egyptians , the Assyrians , the Persians , the Babylonians , the Greeks , the Romans \u2014\u2014", "No , no , Katusha . Vera will learn to love you , too .", "Black Hundreds ! My dear Mr. Davenport , they are the white hosts of Christand of the Tsar , who is God 's vicegerent on earth . Have you not read the works of our sainted Pobiedonostzeff , Procurator of the Most Holy Synod ?", "Halt !", "It was horrible . I hated you for the devil of rebellion that had entered into your soul . But I thanked God when you escaped .", "You can love me again , Vera .", "I daresay . That 's the lies they spread in the West . They have the Press in their hands , damn \u2018 em . But you see I was on the spot .I had charge of the whole district .", "Which one ? Give me a cigarette , Katusha .", "I wish I did think they were my soldiers \u2014 I might try the lash .", "Provided we have arrived in time !", "Do n't drive me mad !"], "play_index": 20, "act_index": 20}, {"query": ["Who combines ze manners of Europe viz ze millions of America !", "You might have given him a little encouragement , Alexis .", "Then drive me home \u2014 I vill not meet him .... Alexis !Alexis Ivanovitch ! Do you not listen !...Zen I go to ze hotel alone .How do you do , Herr Pappelmeister ?You do n't remember me ? Non ?Ve vere with Mr. Quincy Davenport at Wiesbaden \u2014 - ze Baroness Revendal .", "Ze Intellectuals and ze Bund , zey all hate my husband because he is faizful to Christand ze Tsar .", "Ah , oui . Quel dommage , vat a peety !", "Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", "You could see me to ze hotel almost as quick .", "Yes , ven I married you , I vas tinking you had a good position . I did not know you were too honest to use it . You vere not open viz me , Alexis .", "Alvays so affrightfully selfish !", "Zis American air makes ze Baron so sleepy .", "Let us go before he comes .", "Yes , it vas ze Baron 's entousiasm for you zat got you your present position .", "But ze big beautiful Park vere ve drove tru ?", "Veel ! March !", "Alexis , you are interrupting \u2014\u2014", "A fiddler in a beer-hall ! She prefers a fiddler to a millionaire of ze first families of America !", "Ve vill not see him !", "You British barbarian !", "Ah , Rome !", "Ve know zat charming young man adores ze floor your foot treads on !", "About zat handsome , quite ador\u00e0hble Mr. Davenport .", "Permit me to kiss you , belle enfant .", "Mais parfaitement .", "Yes \u2014 zere he is !", "Rubinstein vas not a Jew .", "You are insulting !", "Sh ! Leave it to me .", "But it did \u2014 an avalanche of suspicion . He is still buried under it . Vy else did they make Skovaloff Ambassador instead of him ? Even now he risks everyting to see you again . Ah , mon enfant , you owe your fazer a grand reparation !", "It ees a vonderful country ! But your vife \u2014 hein ?\u2014 vould she consent ?", "And she sent it avay ?", "Ah , she has many , ze little coquette \u2014 ha ! ha ! ha !", "You are in her hands as vax !", "Forbidden ! Forbidden ! All your life you have served ze Tsar , and you cannot afford a single automobile . A millionaire son-in-law is just vat you owe me ."], "true_target": ["But his parents vere baptized soon after his birth . I had it from his patroness , ze Grande Duchesse Helena Pavlovna .", "Ah ! l'amour ! l'amour !", "My husband vas decorated for it \u2014 he has ze order of St. Vladimir .", "Oh , no , ve have not seen David .", "Good-bye , Vera .I have a headache . You muz excuse me . Herr Pappelmeister , au plaisir de vous revoir .", "But ze girl is an ateist !", "Uncivilised ! Vy , ve have ze finest restaurants in ze vorld ! And ze best telephones !", "I vill not meet a Jew , I tell you .", "Oh , charmant , charmant ! But it ees a romance !", "If you thought less about your precious safety , and more about me and Vera \u2014\u2014", "Zey are ze pests of ze civilisation .", "I am sick of your scruples . You are ze only poor official in", "Ah , zank you \u2014 zat street-car looks horreeble .", "Ve vill not hear him !", "The Tsar 's plate of \u2014\u2014?", "Bessarabia .", "Perhaps he has right , Alexis . Our Ambassador vonce told me ze Americans are more sentimental zan civilised .", "Mon dieu ! C'est vrai . Ve real Russians vould become slaves .", "Alexis , I perceive I am too many !", "You accepted his yacht and his \u2014\u2014", "And a hook-nosed brat to call you grandpapa , and nestle his greasy face against yours .", "Tout \u00e0 fait charmant .", "Because you zink zey are your soldiers . Silence ! Halt ! Forbidden ! Right", "Zat charming young man lent us his yacht \u2014 he is ador\u00e0hble .", "Ah , not boz at vonce , but \u2014\u2014", "So you vill have a Jew son-in-law !", "Yes , and the most beautiful ballets \u2014 Russia is affrightfully misunderstood .", "You are keeping me vaiting .", "Pappelmeister ! You remember ze great Pappelmeister .", "A plague-spot muz be cut out !", "And mine , too , if she vill let me love her .", "Bravo !", "Alexis , rouse yourself !", "But ve can come here \u2014 often \u2014 ven you are married ."], "play_index": 20, "act_index": 20}, {"query": ["Gr . You are possessed of all his secret deeds . O'Ded . That 's a small mistake \u2014 I have but one of them , and that 's the deed of settlement on Miss Helen Worret , spinster .", "Gr . If he is your husband , how does he dare to pay his addresses , as he now publicly does , to the daughter of sir Willoughby Worret , our neighbour . I may be mistaken . I 'm in the midst here of old acquaintances , though in this guise they know me not . They shall soon see me amongst them . Not a word of this , I charge you . Come girl , this lord shall own you . If he does not , we will seek a remedy in those laws which are at once the best guardians of our rights and the surest avengers of our wrongs .", "Gr . From you , however , I have no hopes . You have denied your presence at the infamous and sacrilegious mockery of my daughter 's marriage . O'Ded . That 's a mistake , sir ; I never did deny it .", "Gr . Who was present , besides the parson , at your wedding ?", "Gr . Leave your quibbling , sir , and speak plump to the point \u2014 if habit has n't hardened your heart , and given a system to your knavery , answer me this : lord Austencourt has privately married my daughter ? O'Ded . Hush !", "Gr . That 's a mistake \u2014 he deals only in law \u2014 \u2018 tis to you that I appeal \u2014 Your nephew , lord Austencourt , is about to marry the daughter of sir Willoughby Worret .", "Gr . Ha ! you acknowledge it then ! O'Ded . That 's another mistake , sir ; for I never did acknowledge it .", "Gr . Justice !", "Gr . Will you deny it ? O'Ded . Will you take a friend 's advice ?", "Gr . Nature and education have made you modest : you were born an Irishman and bred in attorney \u2014 O'Ded . And take my word for it , when Nature forms an Irishman , if she makes some little blunder in the contrivance of his head , it is because she bestows so much pains on the construction of his heart .", "Gr . That may be partially true ; but to hear you profess sentiments of feeling and justice reminds me of our advertising money-lenders who , while they practise usury and extortion on the world , assure them that \u201c the strictest honor and liberality may be relied on ; \u201d and now , sir once more , your business with me . O'Ded . Sure , sir , I sent for you to ask one small bit of a favour .", "Gr . I came hither to obey you ; for I have some suspicion of your intentions ; and let us hope that one virtuous action , if you have courage to perform it , will serve as a sponge to all the roguery you have committed , either as an attorney or as a man . O'Ded . That blunt little fellow has got a sharp tongue in his head . He 's an odd compound , just like a great big roasted potato , all crusty and crabbed without , but mealy and soft-hearted within . He takes me to be half a rogue and all the rest of me a scoundrel \u2014 Och , by St. Patrick ! I 'll bother his brains presently ."], "true_target": ["Gr . Hear me , proud man , while I warn you ! My daughter is the lawful wife of lord Austencourt \u2014 double is the wo to me that she is his wife : but as it is so , he shall publicly acknowledge her \u2014 to you I look for justice and redress \u2014 see to it , sir , or I shall speedily appear in a new character , with my wrongs in my hand , to hurl destruction on you .", "Gr . \u2018 Twas I !", "Gr . Is he ? then sir Rowland shall hear me \u2014 Sir Rowland !\u2014 he shall see my daughter righted \u2014 Ho there ! Sir Rowland ! O'Ded .Here 'll be a devil of a dust kicked up presently about the ears of Mr. Cornelius O'Dedimus , attorney at law !", "Gr . And so I would . I would prepare you for the worst that may befal us : for should this man , this lord , who calls himself your husband \u2014", "Gr . You were a witness . O'Ded . Has any body told you that thing ?", "Gr . Perhaps I am . Briefly , your nephew is privately married to my daughter \u2014 this man was present at their union \u2014 will you see justice done me , and make him honourably proclaim his wife ?", "Gr . From me ! O'Ded . Ay , from you ; and the favour is , that before you honor me with the appellation of scoundrel , villain , pettyfogger , and some other such little genteel epithets , you will be pleased to examine my title to such distinctions .", "Gr . Do n't tell me of your sorrow and repentance girl . You 've broke my heart . Married hey ? and privately too \u2014 and to a lord into the bargain ! So , when you can hide it no longer , you condescend to tell me . Think you that the wealth and title of lord Austencourt can silence the fears of a fond father 's heart ? Why should a lord marry a poor girl like you in private , if his intentions were honourable ? Who should restrain him from publicly avowing his wife ?", "Gr . Indeed ! Can you justify fraud and villany ? To business , sir ; wherefore am I summoned here ? O'Ded . That 's it ! Upon my conscience I 'm too modest to tell you .", "Gr . I did n't come for advice . I came to know if you will confess the fact , or whether you are villain enough to conceal it . O'Ded . Have done wid your bawling \u2014 sir Rowland 's in the next room !", "Gr . Never ! I will save him the guilt of that crime at least !", "Gr . Fortunately my hopes rest on a surer basis than your honesty . Circumstances have placed in one of my hands the scales of Justice , and the other her sword for punishment . O'Ded . Faith , sir , though you may be a fit representative of the old blind gentlewoman called Justice , she showed little discernment when she pitched upon you , and overlooked Mr. Cornelius O'Dedimus , attorney at law . And now , sir , be pleased to step into that room , and wait a moment , while I transact a little business with one who is coming yonder .", "Gr . My heart sinks within me \u2014 but mark me . You may remember I was not always what now I seem to be . I yesterday received intelligence which , but for this discovery , had shed a gleam of joy over my remaining days . As it is , should your husband prove the villain I suspect him , that intelligence will afford me an opportunity to resume a character in life which shall make this monster lord tremble . The wrongs of Abel Grouse , the poor but upright man , might have been pleaded in vain to him , but as I shall soon appear , it shall go hard but I will make the great man shrink before me , even in his plenitude of pride and power ."], "play_index": 21, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["Indeed , indeed , madam , I am in want of friends ; but you can never be one of them .", "Oh , my lord ! my husband !", "Oh , do not send me from you ! Can you , my lord , abandon thus to shame and wretchedness the poor deluded victim of your treachery !", "My dearest father , have but a little patience , and I 'll explain all .", "Do not command me from you ; I see your heart is softened by my tears ; cherish the stranger Pity in your breast ; \u2018 tis noble , excellent ! Such pity in itself is virtue ! Oh , cherish it , my lord ! nor let the selfish feelings of the world step in to smother it ! Now ! now , while it glows unstifled in your heart ! now , ere it dies , to be revived no more , at once proclaim the triumph of your virtue , and receive into your arms a fond and an acknowledged wife !", "Silent joy is the most heartfelt . I cannot speak my happiness ! My father !"], "true_target": ["Dearest father , what can you mean ? Who calls himself my husband ! He is my husband .", "There was our neighbour , the attorney , sir , and one of his clerks , and they were all \u2014", "Oh , sir ! I 'm in sad distress \u2014 my father has discovered my intercourse with lord Austencourt , and says , he is sure my lord means to deny our marriage ; but I have told him , as you and your master were present , I am sure you will both be ready to prove it , should my lord act so basely .", "No , no , my dearest lord ! I cannot leave you ! Whither shall I fly , if these arms deny me refuge ! Am I not yours ? What if these wicked men refuse me justice ! There is another witness who will rise in dreadful evidence against you ! \u2018 Tis Heaven itself ! \u2018 tis there your vows were heard ! \u2018 tis there where Truth resides , your vows are registered ! then oh ! reflect before you plunge too deep in guilt for repentance and retreat ! reflect that we are married !", "Merciful powers ! there is still justice for the unfortunate !", "You terrify me , sir , indeed you do ."], "play_index": 21, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["Envy you ! what ! because you are a widower ? Eh ? Zounds , I believe he is laughing at me", "And if you would , curse me if I would \u2014 nor my lady Worret either .", "What ! no such thing \u2014 no such thing \u2014 what ! marry a beggar ?", "I am afraid not : such despair and anguish will never be my \u2014 happy \u2014 lot !\u2014 bless me , how quiet the room is \u2014 what can be \u2014 oh , my wife 's gone ! now then we may proceed to business \u2014 and so daughter , this young fellow , Charles , has dared to return , in direct disobedience to his father 's commands .", "Yes ; but I 'll take care he sha n't ; however , as my maxim isto trust your sex no farther than I can possibly help , I shall just put you , my dear child , under lock and key , \u2018 till this young son of the ocean , is bundled off to sea again .", "On every occasion \u2014 right or wrong .", "Damn the gout , I must be in a passion \u2014 my \u2014 life \u2014 harkye , daughter \u2014", "Bless me ! what was that transaction ?", "So ! pray , sir , condescend to inform lady Worret and me , how you introduced yourself into that most extraordinary situation .", "Death and furies , my Lady Worret \u2014", "Precisely .", "Why , true , my love ; but somehow I can n't help thinking , that , as my fortune is so ample , it is quite unnecessary that you should undergo so much fatigue : for instance , I do think that the wife of a baronet of 12 , 000l . a year owes it to her rank to be otherwise employed than in hunting after the housemaid , or sacrificing her time in the storeroom in counting candles , or weighing out soap , starch , powder-blue , and brown sugar .", "So ! so ! Madam ! together again , hey ? sir Rowland , your servant .", "Why no , certainly not ; but you will love him ; indeed you must . It 's my wife 's wish , you know , and so I wish it of course . Come , come , in this one trifling matter you must oblige us .", "Does it ? I wish it would affect your tongue , with all my heart : bless my soul , what have I said ! Lady Worret ! lady Worret ! you drive me out of my senses , and then wonder that I act like a madman .", "To be sure I would ; but the man I mean her to marry \u2014", "What the devil does he mean ? yes , yes you was always eccentric ; but do you know \u2014", "\u201c Safe bind , safe find , \u201d is one of my lady Worret 's favourite proverbs ; and that 's the only reason why I in general dislike it", "Lady Worret , my love , let me speak \u2014 you know , child , it is the duty of an obedient daughter , to obey her parents .", "Why no , you are mistaken . To be sure I might have given it up ; but my lady Worret , you know \u2014 but that 's no matter . Marriage is a duty , and tis incumbent on parents to see their children settled in that happy state .", "Indeed , is he in this neighbourhood ?", "Hey !\u201c My dear Worret , I hope that a long absence from my native land has not obliterated the recollection of our friendship . I have thought it right to adopt this method of announcing my return , lest my too sudden appearance should hurt your feelings , by deranging the delicate nerves of your amiable lady \u201d Hey ! \u201c Ever yours , \u201c FREDERICK FALKNER . \u201d Bless my soul ! Falkner alive ? show the gentleman up .", "Bless my soul ! what can he mean ? \u2018 I forbid the banns \u2019 \u2014 \u2018 lost my wife \u2019 \u2014 \u2018 horrid transaction \u2019 \u2014 \u2018 back again in half an hour \u2019 \u2014 dear me \u2014 John \u2014 Thomas ! lady Worret ! Helen !", "But their contiguity seems to invite a union by a marriage between you .", "\u2018 Tis a great match ! I believe in that one point we shall still agree \u2014", "Fire and fagots ! what do I see ?", "That 's true \u2014 that is lamentably true \u2014 but all the world shall know it \u2014 I 'll proclaim it ; I 'll print it \u2014 I 'll advertise it !\u2014 She has usurped my rights and my power ; and her fate , as every usurper 's should be , shall be public downfall and disgrace .", "Our estates join so charmingly to one another .", "So ! as usual , here 's a breeze springing up . What the devil shall I say to sooth her ? Wife , wife ! you drive me mad . You first beg me to scold you , and then are offended because I obligingly comply with your request .", "You are ! I should have thought Mr. Falkner , that my daughter 's happiness was dear to you .", "I 've heard of matchless impudence , but curse me if this is n't the paragon of the species ! Zounds ! I 'm in a wonderful passion ! Daughter , I am resolved to have this affair explained to my satisfaction .", "Well , then , as you encourage me , my love , I must own that a little more punctuality would greatly heighten the zest of your society .", "Curse me if I can .", "Ay , a discovery indeed !\u2014 Ods life ! I 'm in a furious passion !", "Every man has his trials !", "Gadzooks ! Here 's a discovery !", "I 'm much obliged to you for the information . You have been a widower some years I believe .", "Once more welcome , my dear Falkner . What brings you back so soon ?", "Yes , and being afraid he should find his way to my house \u2014 egad I never was brisker after the fox-hounds than I was after you , in fear of finding you at a fault , you puss .", "Damme if I do n't . Come , walk into that room , and I 'll take the key with me .", "Yes , every thing is happily settled .", "The devil he wont ! why not ?", "No such thing , lady Worret , no such thing : but if the girl likes to bring home a pair of ruddy cheeks from a morning walk , I do n't see why she is to be balked of her fancy .", "What , she 's at work , I suppose , on the third folio volume .", "Exactly .", "Hey ! thank ye , sir ! why that excellent good woman is in high health , in astonishing health ! by my troth I speak it with unspeakable joy , I think she 's a better life now than she was when I married her !", "I 'll have my house in future conducted as a gentleman 's should be , and I will no longer suffer my wife to make herself the object of ridicule to all her servants . So I 'll give up the folly of wishing to be thought a tender husband , for the real honour of being found a respectable one . I 'll make a glorious bonfire of all your musty collection of family receipt-books ! and when I deliver up your keys to an honest housekeeper , I 'll keep one back of a snug apartment in which to deposit a rebellious wife .", "If I do n't , I wish you may be in Charles Austencourt 's arms in three minutes from this present speaking .", "I \u2014 forgive him ! never ; nor his father will never forgive him ; sir Rowland writes me here , to take care of you ; I have before given him my solemn promise to prevent your meeting , and I am sorry to say , I have n't the least doubt that you know he is here , and will \u2014", "Why \u2014 yes \u2014 that is \u2014 hey ? happy ! certainly . Does n't every body say so ? and what every body says must be true . However , that 's not to the purpose . A connexion with the family of lord Austencourt is particularly desirable .", "Might you so ? Ha , ha ! I 'll give you leave if you can : for unless you jump into them out of the window , I 'll defy the devil and all his imps to bring you together .", "You are arrived at a critical moment : I mean shortly to marry her \u2014", "Safe under lock and key .", "Where 's Helen ?", "What does the girl mean ?", "I 'm thunderstruck", "No , no , my life , not at all . I should be very ungrateful if I did n't value you just exactly as highly as you deserve .", "Why that is undeniably trueand now , as we have a moment uninterrupted by family affairs \u2014", "No ,\u2014 I am resolved from this moment no longer to give way to her absurd whims and wishes .", "Friend Falkner , I sha n't attempt to say how welcome your return is . We all thought you dead and buried . Where have you been all these years ?", "No ! Who then ?", "Why look ye , sir Rowland , there are certain things that we do like , and certain things that we do not like \u2014 now sir , to cut the matter short , I do like my daughter to marry , but I do not like either your son or your nephew for her husband ."], "true_target": ["That 's a good girl ; and you , you baggage , in with you", "That 's right ; you 'd better leave her to me . I 'll manage her , I warrant . Let me assist you \u2014 there \u2014 I 'll soon settle this business .", "Zounds ! I shall go mad . Here 's a mother-in-law going to break her heart , because my daughter prefers a walk in the morning to writing culinary secrets in a fat folio family receipt book !", "Ay , Madam , with all my heart ; my daughter and all the world shall know it .", "Zounds , sir , leave my house .", "Strange indeed ; and what became of him .", "How different are the fates of men !", "Heaven defend us ! I do n't blame it ; I do n't censure it at all : but I believe the case is rather unprecedented for an heiress of 12 , 000l . a year to leave to posterity , in her own hand writing , five folio volumes of recipes , for pickling , preserving , potting , and pastry , for stewing and larding , making ketchup and sour krout , oyster patties , barbacued pies , jellies , jams , soups , sour sauce , and sweetmeats .", "So , as usual , risen with the lark , I suppose .", "The old answer . Then she 's so nervous . A nervous wife is worse than a perpetual blister ; and then , as the man says in the play , your nervous patients are always ailing , but never die . Zounds ! why do I bear it ? \u2018 tis my folly , my weakness , to dread the censure of the world , and to sacrifice every comfort of my fire side to the ideal advantage of being esteemed a good husband .Hark ! now she begins her morning work , giving more orders in a minute than can be executed in a month , and teasing my daughter to death to teach her to keep her temper ; yet every body congratulates me on having so good a wife ; every body envies me so excellent an economist ; every body thinks me the happiest man alive ; and nobody knows what a miserable mortal I am .", "Why that is singularly just .", "Hey ! zounds ! did you take me and my lady Worret for sheriff 's officers , my lord ?", "Yes .", "I must see my daughter directly \u2014 where is she !", "Ods life , I 'm happy to see you ! I have n't been so cheerful or happy for many a day .", "Hey ? If I lose sight of you till you 've explained this business , may I be laid up with the gout while you are galloping the Gretna Green ! \u201c Be master of your house and wife if you do n't wish to continue , what you now are !\u2014 Hey ? the laughing-stock of all your acquaintance ! \u201d Sir Willoughby Worret the laughing stock of all his acquaintance ! I think I see my self the laughing-stock of all my acquaintanceI 'll follow you ladies ! I 'll reform ! \u2018 tis never too late to mend ! End of Act . IV .", "You astonish me mightily .", "Find it out ! his father writes me word , he has been here in the village these three hours !", "Well , I know I have .", "But I want to tell you that \u2014", "Ay , in that very room . I 've locked her up to keep her from that hot-headed young rogue , Charles Austencourt . Should you like to see her ? She 's grown a fine young woman .", "What \u2014 my daughter leave the room ? Stay here , Helen .", "Then tell her once more , and that will make six , and say I earnestly request the favour she will hasten to breakfast , as while she stays I starve .", "We 'll pop in upon her when she least expects it . I 'll bet my life you 'll be astonished at her appearance .", "Absolutely and immovably .", "Why that 's true \u2014 that is remarkably true \u2014 I must compose myself \u2014 I will \u2014 I do \u2014 I am composed \u2014 and now let me open the affair with coolness and deliberation ! Daughter , come hither .", "Yes , ha ! ha ! ha ! yes ! but you are in jest respecting my daughter .", "Then , once for all , as my lady Worret must be obeyed , I no longer consult you on the subject , and it only remains for you to retain the affection of an indulgent father , by complying with my willor to abandon my protection .", "Shall it \u2014 that 's kind \u2014 then I will refuse him to please you : for when you 're so reasonable , how can I do otherwise than oblige you .", "Come , come , my dear lady Worret . Helen 's gayety is natural . Helen , my love , I have charming news for you . Every thing is at last arranged between lord Austencourt and me respecting your marriage .", "Harkye sir , how you came into my house I can n't tell , but if you do n't presently walk out of it .", "Daughter , you are in general , a very good , dutiful , and obedient child \u2014", "My wife is the very devil . It seems that she 'd be miserable if she did not think me happy ; yet her tenderness is my eternal torment ; her affection puts me in a fidget , and her fondness in a fever .", "Thank heaven my house is rid of him .", "I see you still retain your old antipathy to answering questions , so I shall ask none \u2014 Have you been in France , or among the savages ? Hey ! I remember you had a daughter at school \u2014 is she alive ? is she merry or miserable ? Is she married ?", "Who , me ? Not for the world \u2014 hey ! mercy on us ! I forgot your ladyshipdo you wish me to decline the honor ?", "Why , Falkner , you are grown more a misanthrope than ever .", "That 's very true :but I have an unanswerable objection to all you can say . Lord Austencourt is rich , and Charles is a beggar . Besides sir Rowland himself prefers lord Austencourt .", "Yes , I know your taste to a T. A consumption is always a key to your tender heart ; and an interesting pallid countenance will at any time unlock the door to your best affections : but I must be excused if I prefer seeing my daughter with the rosy glow of health upon her cheek , rather than the sickly imitations of art , which bloom on the surface alone , while the fruit withers and decays beneath \u2014 but zounds ! do n't speak so loud , here 's somebody coming , and they 'll think we are quarrelling .So here comes our madcap .", "Ods life ! Hey ! then there is something in the world to astonish me , besides the reformation of my lady Worret .", "Lady Worret , lady Worret , you are too abrupt , od-rabbit it , madam , I will be heard : this affair concerns the honor of my family , and on this one occasion , I will be my own spokesman .", "You 'll be surprised , I can tell you .", "No \u2014 but it will mine \u2014 and to prove to you , madam , that however you may rule your household , you shall no longer rule me \u2014 if the story has any foundation \u2014 I say \u2014 she shall not marry lord Austencourt .", "Whoo ! Helen , my love , you should not contradict your mamma .", "Very well ; and now , my dear , walk in .", "That 's a noble generous young dog \u2014 My lady Worret , I wonder whether he 'll offer to marry Helen now ?", "But I do \u2014 and shall inquire into it immediately .", "That was a heavy misfortune ! however you bore it with fortitude .", "Three quarters of an hour since breakfast was first announced to my wife . My patience is exhausted . Oh wedlock , wedlock ! why did I ever venture again into thy holy state \u2014 of misery ! Of all the taxes laid on mankind by respect to society and the influence of example , no one is so burthensome as that which obliges a man to submit to a thousand ills at home , rather than be suspected of being a bad husband abroad .Go to your lady .", "Yes , sir Rowland , I have made two or three sudden changes to day !\u2014 I 've changed my resolution \u2014 I feel changed myself \u2014 for I 've changed characters with my wife , and with your leave I mean to change my son-in-law .", "Lady Worret ! lady Worret ! I will have a reform . I am at last resolved to be master of my own house , and so let us come to a right understanding , and I dare say we shall be the better friends for it in future .", "That 's the very thing I complain of . You do degrade yourself . Your economy , my life , is downright parsimony : your vigilance is suspicion ; your management is meanness ; and you fidget your servants till you make them fretful , and then prudently discharge them because they will live with you no longer . Hey ! ods life , I must sooth her : for if company comes , and finds her in this humour , my dear-bought reputation as a good husband is lost forever .Come , come , my dear lady Worret , let us go to breakfast , comelet us talk of something else . Come , take your tea .", "Surely I dream ! what ? have you managed me ? Hey ? Zounds ! I never suspected that . Has sir Willoughby Worret been lead in leading-strings all this time ? Death and forty devils , madam , have you presumed to manage me ?", "Sir , if you 'll meet me presently at your attorney 's , the thing will explain itself : this way , young lady if you please \u2014 Charles , I believe you are a devilish honest fellow , and I want an honest fellow for a son-in-law \u2014 but I think it is rather too much to give twelve thousand a year for him \u2014 this way Miss Helen .", "No , Madam , shall not \u2014 and so ends your management , and thus begins my career of new-born authority . I 'm out of leading-strings now , and madam , I 'll manage you , damn me if \u2014 I \u2014 do \u2014 not ! HelenYou hear papa 's will on that head , ma'am .", "Yes , you 'll confess it fast enough , now I 've found it out .", "True \u2014 but it is n't that \u2014 that is , not altogether so : no , \u2018 tis that I once more hold my friend Falkner by the hand , and that my daughter \u2014 you remember your little favourite Helen \u2014", "Upon my soul I will .", "The devil you do !", "Zounds , madam , in your own curs 'd economy there is no medium \u2014 but do n't bawl so , or we shall be overheard .", "Hey ! oh yes ! but who do you mean ! Charles Austencourt ?", "No , no . Here Tiffany !Miss Pert here shall keep you company . I 'll have no whisperings through key-holes , nor letters thrust under doors .", "Why then what the devil is it you mean ?"], "play_index": 21, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["I told her ladyship five times before , sir Willoughby , that breakfast was waiting ."], "true_target": ["Yes , sir Willoughby , but she 'll stop the longer for the message .", "My lady says she wont detain you a moment , sir Willoughby ."], "play_index": 21, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["As usual , sir Willoughby , a precious business you 've made of this !", "Pray compose yourself , remember we have no proof .", "Her disobedience will break my heart .", "Ah Heavens defend me ! what do I behold ?", "Is the carriage come ?", "You know my will on that head , Miss Helen !", "And yet , sir Willoughby , you must acknowledge that my time is ever dedicated to that proper vigilance which the superintendance of so large an establishment undoubtedly requires .", "You shall see , sir Willoughby , that I can change as suddenly as yourself . Though you have seen my delicate system deranged on slight occasions , you will find that in essential ones I have still spirit for resentment .", "Leave me alone to manage him still .", "Charles Austencourt !", "In expectation that Helen will behave as becomes her in this most important affair of her life , I consent to pass over her negligence this morning in regard to my favourite receipts .", "Yes , if women were taught to find amusement in domestic duties , instead of seeking it at a circulating library , assemblies , and balls , we should hear of fewer appeals to Doctor 's Commons and the court of King 's Bench .", "Why no , as matters have turned out .", "Sir Willoughby , sir Willoughby , it is you who encourage her in disregarding my orders .", "No , sir Willoughby , I am only surprised that you should so little know the value of a wife who daily degrades herself for your advantage .", "I certainly deserve a good scolding : I do indeed . I think if you scolded me a little I should behave better .", "How , madam !\u2014 Remember , sir Willoughby \u2014 there is a proper medium between too violent a severity , and too gentle a lenity .", "Oh , sir Willoughby ! if young ladies of the present day paid more attention to such substantial acquirements , we should have better wives and better husbands .", "Then we will now talk of a husband .", "Let me entreat you sir Willoughby to compose yourself ; recollect that anger is very apt to bring on the gout .", "Send William to speak to me .", "Such a match for your daughter is not to be relinquished on slight grounds ; and though his lordship should have been guilty of some indiscretion , it will not alter my resolution respecting his union with Helen .", "Oh heavens ! Your violence affects my brain .", "Ah ! the barbarian !", "How dare you overhear our domestic dissentions . What business have you to know we were quarrelling , madam ?"], "true_target": ["Of course , after what has passed , you 'll think it decent to refuse for a short time : but you are the best judge , sir Willoughby , and your will shall in future be mine \u2014", "This is unkind , sir Willoughby , this is very unkind .", "Ay ! pray sir Willoughby explain \u2014", "Have you carried the books ?", "And William , send up Tiffany to Miss Helen 's room , and bid her say we expect her at breakfast .", "Daughter , this levity of character is unbecoming your sex , and even your age . You see none of this offensive flightiness in me .", "This is too much for my weak nerves . I leave you , sir Willoughby , to arrange this affair , while I hasten to attend to my domestic duties .", "Romantic stuff ! But how comes it , Miss Helen , that my orders are thus disobeyed ?", "Yes , sir ; but you had better be silent on the subject , unless you mean to expose yourself to your daughter and all the world .", "The fifth , I believe .", "Allow me , sir Willoughby \u2014 you are in general , child , a very headstrong , disobedient , and undutiful daughter .", "That will be indeed the way to make yourself respectable . I have found means to manage you for some years , and it will be my own fault if I do n't do so still .", "I have desired her to copy a few articles into the family receipt book before breakfast ; for as her marriage will so shortly take place , it is necessary she should complete her studies .", "Ruddy cheeks , indeed ! Such robust health is becoming only in dairy maids .", "Oh ! I shall expire !", "You may spare your persuasions , Madam , and leave the room .", "In short , child , I say again , we learn that Charles \u2014\u2014", "Sir Willoughby , you are very ill I 'm sure ; but I must now attend to this business , daughter , we have heard that Charles \u2014", "And harkye , William ,tell the coachman to bring the chariot in a quarter of an hour : and William , run with these books immediately to the rector 's ; and William , bring up breakfast this moment .", "How ! in the park these two hours ? Impossible . Send Tiffany to seek her .", "Barbarous man , your cruelty will break my heart , and I shall leave you , sir Willoughby , to deplore my loss , in unavailing despair , and everlasting anguish .", "My dear sir Willoughby , I beg a thousand pardons ; but you are always so indulgent that you really spoil me . I 'm sure you think me a tiresome creature .", "I do n't believe one word of it .", "I hear nothing !\u2014 I see nothing !\u2014 I shall go mad with vexation and disappointment , and if I do not break his resolution , I am determined to break his heart ; and my own heart , and your heart , and the hearts of all the rest of the family .", "Then go and hasten the coachman .", "Shall not ?"], "play_index": 21, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["Miss Helen has been in the park these two hours .", "He 's here , sir .", "Yes , my lady .", "No , my lady ."], "true_target": ["No , my lady \u2014 yes , my lady .", "The gentleman desired me to say he is below , sir .", "Yes , my lady :Lord have mercy upon us !", "No , my lady ."], "play_index": 21, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["I rather think I do understand .", "Were my heart as free as air I never would consent to a union with such a monster !", "That is now at my own disposal \u2014 I beseech you go \u2014", "What , papa ! and wo n't you let mamma-in-law rule the roast any longer ?", "There is a smile , which doubt and danger ends \u2014\u2014", "On my honour , sir , I do not understand what all this means .", "Perhaps this will answer the purpose", "Lord Austencourt \u2014 true \u2014 this is his hour for persecuting me \u2014 very well , desire lord Austencourt to come in .I wo n't marry . They all say I shall . Some girls , now , would sit down and sigh , and moan , as if that would mend the matter \u2014 that will never suit me ! Some indeed would run away with the man they liked better \u2014 but then the only man I ever liked well enough to marry \u2014 is \u2014 I believe , run away from me . Well ! that wo n't do !\u2014 so I 'll e'en laugh it off as well as I can ; and though I wont marry his lordship , I 'll teaze him as heartily as if I had been his wife these twenty years .", "I hate all receipts , sweet , bitter , and sour .", "I know it , mamma \u2014 and was from a child , and always will be .", "I had better confess it all at once \u2014 he has , he has , my dear papa . I do confess it was very , very wrong ; but pray now do forgive \u2014", "Why , one does n't accept every invitation that 's offered , you know \u2014 one sometimes has very disagreeable ones ; and then one presents compliments , and is extremely sorry that a prior engagement obliges us to decline the honour .", "Dear sir , not with me I hope \u2014", "I know it , papa \u2014 and was from a child , and I always will be .", "Oh ! you were afraid he should come here , were you ?", "Sir , you should not believe it \u2014 I do n't love you . I wont love you ,\u2014 and after what I have just seen , you can n't expect I should love you \u2014", "Charles ! is it you , or is it your spirit ?", "When I am next inclined to descend to explanation , sir , I hope you will be better disposed to attend to me .", "Yes , but gently ; and make haste before they call the watch .", "What ! lock me up !", "The doubtful smile of joy in every face ,", "Ah you men !\u2014 you men ! but \u2014 I think I may be induced to try you .\u2014 Meantime , accept my hand , dear Charles , as a pledge of my heart , and as the assurance that it shall one day be your own indeedThere you need n't eat it \u2014 there !\u2014 now make your escape , and farewell till we meet again .\u2014", "Not to me , I assure you , papa .", "What ! you stay to be whispered to again , I suppose .", "You may have it explained , papa , but I fear it wo n't be to your satisfaction .", "I hate all husbands , sweet , bitter , and sour .", "Indeed I was so afraid you would find it out , that I \u2014\u2014", "As you know the world , Charles , you cannot wonder that my fathershould wish to unite his daughter to a man whose rank and fortune \u2014", "I do confess , he is here , papa .", "I wo n't marry him , papa , I wo n't , nor I wo n't cry , though I 've a great mind . A plague of all money , say I. Oh ! what a grievous misfortune it is to be born with 12 , 000l . a year ? but if I can n't marry the man I like , I wo n't marry at all ; that 's determined : and every body knows the firmness of a woman 's resolution , when she resolves on contradiction .", "But you wo n't let mamma rule the roast , will you , sir ?", "Yes , sir , your presence does astonish me , but your manner still more .", "And you 'll really lock me up in that room !", "Austencourt .", "Surely , my lord , the arrival of this innocent girl does not drive you away !", "Oh , no !\u2014 only it is natural that you should feelthat the contiguity of these estates seem to invite a union by a marriage between us .", "I tell you , it is unless to follow me , sir . The proud spirit you evinced this morning , might have saved you methinks from this meanness of solicitation .", "That 's very odd . I believe it 's the first time you 've agreed in opinion since you were made one : but I 'm quite sure you never can wish me to marry a man I do not love .", "Charles , retire , I entreat you \u2014 make haste , he is here .", "Your teeth chatter !\u2014", "Oh , yes , my lord ! I am never otherwise when I think of your lordship 's proposals \u2014 but when you are making love and fine speeches to me in person , \u2018 tis with amazing difficulty I can help laughing .", "I know it , papa , and when I obey you , I am generally obedient .", "Why now , if mamma-in-law had said this , I should have thought she meant to make me as grave as herself .", "Bless me ! I am afraid I interrupt business here !", "No , sir , I can n't be surprised at any thing after what I have just witnessed \u2014", "And while amongst ourselves we anxious trace", "Then kneel in the next room .", "Why , so they have ; their wishes are in one scale , and mine are in the other ; do all I can , I can n't make mine weigh most , and so the beam remains balanced .", "Bless me , Charles , how very strangely you look \u2014 you 're pale and red , and red and pale , in the same moment ! why you can scarcely breathe ! and now you tremble so ! I 'm afraid you are very ill .", "And you will venture to contradict her ?", "I told you how it would be , papa , and you would not believe me !", "Yes , possibly , from the feeble or the vain ; but genuine Charity , and her sister , Love , act only from their own generous impulse , and scorn intimidation .", "I 'll see her myself \u2014 desire her to walk up .", "I chose , in less than two minutes from this present warning .", "\u2018 Tis true , my heart was once your own , but I never can , nor ought to forgive you \u2014 for thinking me capable of being unfaithful to you .", "Then , papa , of course you wish me to marry Charles", "Yes , sir \u2014 now for it !\u2014", "No ; I was only wishing to be so .", "Have you found that state so happy , sir ?", "Wo n't you go first , papa ?", "Yes , sir ,\u2014 for this personal visit being rather unexpected , does not promise to be particularly pleasant \u2014", "Why lord , mamma , I 'll tell you how it was ; but first I must eat my breakfast ; so I 'll sit down and tell you all about it .In the first place , I rose at six , and remembering I was to copy out the whole catalogue of sweetmeats , and as I hate all sweet things ,I determined to take one run round the park before I sat down to my morning 's work : so taking a crust of bread and a glass of cold water , which I love better thanany thing in the world , out I flew like a lapwing ; stopped at the dairy ; anddown to the meadows and gathered my nosegay ; and then bounded home , with a heart full of gayety , and a rare appetite for \u2014 some roll and butter , if you please , mamma .", "No .", "Lord love you ! if I had heard it , I should not have listened , for its nothing new , you know , when you 're alone ; though you both look so loving in public ."], "true_target": ["Then why do n't you desist , my lord ? If you 'd take an answer , you had a civil one : but if you will follow and teaze one , like a sturdy beggar in the street , you must expect at last a reproof for your impertinence .", "For heav'n ' s sake hide yourself ; I would not have him find you here for worlds \u2014 here , step into the music-room .", "Certainly not , my lord \u2014 so pray sit down .", "And pray , ma'am , do you suffer gentlemen in general to whisper in that fashion ?\u2014 what do you stand stammering and blushing there for ?\u2014 why do n't you go ?", "In the village ! Oh , what , you heard he was in the village !", "Do you know her ?", "Charles , Charles , you have been deceived : but come , sit down and hear me .", "No ! Why so ?", "A discovery , sir ?", "That you will , indeed , and all over the house , too .", "Why as to your lordship 's generosity in condescending to marry a poor solitary spinster , I am certainly most duly grateful \u2014 and no one can possibly doubt your disinterestedness , who knows I am only heiress to 12 , 000l . a year \u2014 a fortune which , as I take it , nearly doubles the whole of your lordship 's rent roll !", "Confessed what ? you monster ! I 've confessed nothing .", "Ah , Charles \u2014 my lord , I mean , I beg pardon \u2014 to be sure papa , ay , and mamma-in-law too , will now no longer withhold their consent .", "My good friend , will you descend from your heroical stilts , and explain your meaning in plain English ?", "We shall come together without their assistance , depend on it , papa .", "Why , what can be the matter now ? your lordship seems quite melancholy on a sudden .", "My dear papa , I do n't contradict her ; but I will not marry lord", "Oh , my lord , you certainly mistake me \u2014 only as my papa observes , our estates do join so charmingly to one another !", "What I saw was very clear indeed !\u2014", "Why , as to a title , my lordthere 's no title in my mind better than a good title to a fine estate \u2014 and I see plainly , that although your lordship is a peer of the realm \u2014 you think this title of mine no mean companion for your own .", "No , sir \u2014 if your purpose here is insult , you might , methinks , have found some fitter object than one who has so limited a power to resent it !", "You move all over like a ship in a storm !", "There she goes , with a laudable matrimonial resolution . Heigho ! with such an example before my eyes , I believe I shall never have resolution to die an old maid . Oh , Charles , Charles \u2014 why did you take me at my word !\u2014 Bless me ! sure I saw him then \u2014 \u2018 tis he indeed ! So , my gentleman , are you there ? I 'll just retire and watch his motions a little", "I am glad to find there 's no affection of the lungs !", "Gad-a-mercy ! my papa !", "He has \u2014", "The violence of temper you have discovered this morning , has shown me the dark side of your character ; it has given a pause to affection , and afforded me time to reflect \u2014 now though I do really and truly believe that \u2014 you \u2014 love me Charles .", "No , indeed , sir \u2014 and should have shown all Christian patience if this sudden return had n't happened these twelve months .", "As you seem equally disposed , sir , to quarrel with my words , as you are to question my conduct , I fear you will have little cause to congratulate yourself on this forced and tiresome interview .", "Austencourt ?", "Now , dear papa , be persuaded ; take my advice , and do n't .", "You are !", "Certainly !\u2014 only , as mine is the biggest , perhaps yours would be the greatest gainer by the bargain .", "They know he 's here ! so I may as well own it at once .", "The smile of approbation from our friends .", "Indeed ! and is it come to this ! he shall not see he mortifies me , however \u2014Since you are in this mind , sir , I wish you had been pleased to signify the same by letter , sir \u2014", "More shame for him . His partial feelings to his nephew , and unnatural disregard of his son , have long since made me hate him . In short , you are for money , and choose lord Austencourt : I am for love , and prefer his poor cousin .", "Your lordship is a very susceptible barometer \u2014 when you entered this room your countenance was set fair ; but now I see the index points to stormy .", "Do , dear Charles , while your are able \u2014 your voice will be gone in a minute or two , and then \u2014", "I dare say your lordship 's education has n't precluded your knowledge of a very true , though rather vulgar proverb , \u201c one man may lead a horse to the water , but twenty can n't make him drink . \u201d", "Authority !\u2014 Ho ! what , you think to marry me by force ! do ye my lord ?", "With all my heart ; only remember you had better not .", "And do you think I shall stay there by myself ?", "Why , I mean that in order to ruin a poor innocent girl , in our neighbourhood , this amiable lord has prevailed on her to consent to a private marriage \u2014 and it now comes out that it was all a mock marriage , performed by a sham priest , and a false license !", "Hey ! why what the deuce ails the man ?", "Charles \u2014 I do love you \u2014 that , is , I did love you , but \u2014 I do n't love you , butah ! now I 'm going to make bad worse .", "Stay , stay , my lord .", "But sure that 's no reason we should be joined to one another .", "And I think , sir , that because a man is fighting our battles abroad , he ought not to be the less dear to those whom his courage enables to live in tranquillity at home .", "That 's right \u2014 Pray , madam , do n't you wish me to marry lord", "Now , my dear papa , are you really of the same opinion as her ladyship ?", "Here 's a pretty piece of work !\u2014 what 's the matter now , I wonder ?", "Half an hour ago nothing on earth should have induced me to consent \u2014 but since I see , Charles , of what your temper is capable , I shall think it more laudable to risk my happiness by obedience to my father , than by an ill-judged constancy to one who seems so little inclined to deserve it .", "Into that room ?", "They say , my lord , that pride always has a fall some time or other . I hope the fall of your lordship 's has n't hurt you .", "Poor man ! you 're sadly loaded with grievances , to be sure ; and by and by , I suppose , like a horse or a mule , or some such stubborn animal , having more than you can bear , you 'll kick a little , and plunge a little , and then down on your knees again !", "Ha ! ha ! lud ! but that 's comical . What ! both think alike ?", "Well , as you think it only a trifling matter , and as I think it of importance enough to make me miserable , I 'm sure you 'll give up the point .", "To be sure I shall \u2014 I came on purpose to tell you the news ! oh , tis a pretty piece of work !", "And if you do , take my word for it I might be in his arms if", "Good morning , good morning . Here , papa , look what a beautiful posy of wild flowers I have gathered . See , the dew is still upon them . How lovely they are ! To my fancy , now , these uncultivated productions of nature have more charms than the whole garden can equal . Why can we not all be like these flowers , simple and inartificial , with the stamp of nature and truth upon us ?", "Then pray , papa , let the stewards marry the estates and give me a separate maintenance .", "Austencourt .", "Have you ?\u2014 then pray let it wait ,\u2014 no ! no ! Charles \u2014 though I have n't scrupled to own an affection for you , I have too much respect for the world 's opinion ,\u2014 let us wait with patience ,\u2014 time may rectify that impetuosity of character , which is now , I own , my dread ; think of it , Charles , and beware ; for affection is a frail flower , reared by the hand of gentleness , and perishes as surely by the shocks of violence as by the more gradual poison of neglect .", "No ! to be sure I could n't , who could !\u2014 but what should I not have to dread from the violence of your temper , if I consented \u2014 to run away with you ?"], "play_index": 21, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["W. Helen , Helen , I see you are bent on disobedience to my lady Worret 's wishes . Zounds ! you do n't see me disobedient to her wishes ; but I know whereabouts your objection lies . That giddy , dissipated young fellow , his cousin Charles , the son of sir Rowland Austencourt , has filled your head with nonsensical notions and chimeras of happiness . Thank Heaven , however , he 's far enough off at sea .", "R. Falkner ! O'Ded . What ! Abel Grouse , Mr. Falkner ! here 's a transmogrification for you !"], "true_target": ["R. It is . The treaty of marriage between lord Austencourt and", "Helen is this morning concluded .", "W. Nay , pr'ythee now \u2014"], "play_index": 21, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["I caught him before day-light on the manor . I took away his gun and shot his dog . O'Ded . That was bravely done . So , you must pamper your long stomach with pheasants and partridges , and be damned to ye ! Will you prefer paying five pounds now , or three month 's hard labour in the house of correction ?"], "true_target": ["Why , sir , its a bad affair , sir . \u2018 Twas so dark , I could n't see ; and when I discovered my mistake , I offered him a shilling to make it up , and he refused it . O'Ded .Harkye , Mr. Gamekeeper ; he has one action against ye for his dog , and another for false imprisonment .I love to see the laws enforced with justice :but I 'll always help a poor man to stand up against oppression .He has got you on the hip , and so go out and settle it between yourselves , and do you take care of yourself :and do you make the best of your bargain . Parish officer brings forward the sailor ."], "play_index": 21, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["But I tell you , if that be guilt , I be guilty . O'Ded . Why , you blundering booby , if you plead guilty , how will I ever be able to prove you innocent ?", "Dogs ! No , children , mun . O'Ded . Six children ! Och , the fruitful sinner !", "Ees , I do know that extortion and commission , and such like , be the office of the justice ; but I 'll have a bit of law , please punch . He ha \u2019 killed my poor dog , that I loved like one o \u2019 my own children , and I 've gotten six of \u2018 em , Lord bless \u2018 em . O'Ded . Six dogs !"], "true_target": ["My wife be a pains-taking woman , sir . We ha \u2019 had this poor dog from a puppy . O'Ded . Shut your ugly mouth , you babbler .\u2014 Six children ! Oh ! we must make an example of this fellow . A n't I the village lawyer ? and a n't I the terror of all the rogues of the parish ?You must plead \u201c not guilty . \u201d", "Guilty or innocent , I 'll have the law of him , by gum . He has shot my poor old mongrel , and taken away my musket ; and I 've lost my day 's drilling , and I 'll make him pay for it . O'Ded . A mongrel and a musket ! by St. Patrick , Mr. Gamekeeper , and you have nately set your foot in it .", "Thank ye , sir , I do n't prefer either , sir . O'Ded . You must go before the justice . He 'll exhort you , and commit ye ."], "play_index": 21, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["Thank ye , sir , thank ye . I 'm much obliged to you for your advice , sir , and shall take it , and so my service to you . O'Ded . Take this my honest lad ;say nothing about it , and give my service to Nancy ."], "true_target": ["Here 's a vagrant . I found him begging without a pass . O'Ded . Take him before his worship directly . The sturdy rogue ought to be punished ."], "play_index": 21, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["Begged ! no . I just axed for a bit of bread and a mug o \u2019 water . That 's no more than one Christian ought to give another , and if you call that begging , why I beg to differ in opinion . O'Ded . According to the act you are a vagrant , and the justice may commit ye ;lookye , Mr . Officer \u2014 you 're in the wrong box here . Ca n't you see plain enough , by his having lost an arm , that he earns a livelihood by the work of his hands ; so lest he should be riotous for being detained , let me advise you to be off . I 'll send him off after you with a flea in his ear \u2014 the other way .", "Disabled ! What for ? Why I 've only lost one arm yet . Bless ye , I 'm no beggar . I was going to see my Nancy , thirty miles further on the road , and meeting some old messmates , we had a cann o \u2019 grog together . One cann brought on another , and then we got drinking the king 's health , and the navy , and then this admiral , and then t'other admiral , till at last we had so many gallant heroes to drink , that we were all drunk afore we came to the reckoning ; so , your honour , as my messmates had none of the rhino , I paid all ; and then , you know , they had a long journey upwards , and no biscuit aboard ; so I lent one a little , and another a little , till at last I found I had no coin left in my locker for myself , except a cracked teaster that Nancy gave me ; and I could n't spend that , you know , though I had been starving . O'Ded . And so you begged !"], "true_target": ["Please your honour , I 'm a sailor . O'Ded . And if you 're a sailor , a n't you ashamed to own it ? A begging sailor is a disgrace to an honourable profession , for which the country has provided an asylum as glorious as it is deserved .", "Why now , heaven bless you honour forever ; and if ever you 're in distress , and I 'm within sight of signals , why hang out your blue lights ; and if I do n't bear down to your assistance , may my gun be primed with damp powder the first time we fire a broadside at the enemy . O'Dedimus rings a bell . O'Ded . Ponder ! Now will this fellow be thinking and thinking , till he quite forgets what he 's doing . Ponder , I say !Here , Ponder , take this letter to farmer Flail 's , and if you see Mrs. Muddle , his neighbour , give my love and duty to her .", "Why so it has : but I a n't bound for Greenwich yet . O'Ded .Why , you 're disabled , I see ."], "play_index": 21, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["Aye . O'Ded . Who bailed him ?", "So Shuttle said to his wife , as she hung crying on his shoulder . O'Ded . That 's it ; he 's a sensible man ; and that 's more than his wife is . We 've nothing to do with women 's tears .", "So ! having executed my commission , let me think a littlefor certain I and my master are two precious roguesI wonder whether or not we shall be discovered , as assistants in this sham marriageIf we are , we shall be either transported or hanged , I wonder which :\u2014 My lord 's bribe , however , was convenient ; and in all cases of conscience versus convenience , \u2018 tis the general rule of practice to nonsuit the plaintiff . Ha ! who 's here ? The poor girl herself .I pity her ; but I 've been bribed ; so I must be honest .", "Nobody . He 's gone to jail . O'Ded . Gone to jail ! Why his poverty is owing to misfortune . He can n't pay . Well , that 's not our affair . The law must have its course .", "Aye . O'Ded . And sarve him right too . That 's a big rogue , that runs in debt wid his eyes open , and though he has property , refuses to pay . Is he safe ?", "I study the law ; I can n't talk it . O'Ded . Cant you ? Then you 'll never do . If your tongue do n't run faster than your client 's , how will you ever be able to bother him , you booby ?"], "true_target": ["He was bailed by Swash the brewer . O'Ded . And was the other sarved on Shuttle , the weaver ?", "I 've heard that intense thinking has driven some philosophers mad !\u2014 now if this should happen to me , \u2018 twill never be the fate of my young patron , Mr. Charles Austencourt , whom I have suddenly met on his sudden return from sea , and who never thinks at all . Poor gentleman , he little thinks what \u2014", "All ready . Shall I now go to farmer Flail 's with the letter ? O'Ded . Aye , and if you see Shuttle 's wife in your way , give my service to her ; and d'ye hear , as you 're a small talker , do n't let the little you say be so cursed crabbed ; and if a few kind words of comfort should find their way from your heart to your tongue , do n't shut your ugly mouth , and keep them within your teeth . You may tell her that if she can find any body to stand up for her husband , I sha n't be over nice about the sufficiency of the bail . Get you gone .Ponder I shall . Let me see ! farmer Flail \u2014 Mrs. Muddle , his neighbour \u2014 Shuttle 's wife \u2014 and a whole string of messages and memorandums \u2014 here 's business enough to bother the brains of any ordinary man ! You are pleased to say , sir , that I am too much addicted to thinking \u2014 I think not . O'Ded . By my soul , if an attorney was n't sometimes a bit of a rogue , he 'd never be able to earn an honest livelihood . Oh Mr. O'Dedimus ! why have you so little when your heart could distribute so much ! Sir Rowland , without .", "Yes , yes , sir ; but at that moment , sir , I was immersed in thought , if I may be allowed the expression ; I was thinking of the vast difference between love and law , and yet how neatly you 've spliced them together in your last instructions to your humble servant , Peter Ponder , clerk .\u2014 Umph ! O'Ded . Umph ! is that your manners , you bear-garden ? Will I never be able to larn you to behave yourself ? Study me , and talk like a gentleman , and be damn 'd to ye .", "I 'll draw out his case ; he shall read , and he 'll bother himself . O'Ded . You 've a notion . Mind my instructions , and I do n't despair of seeing you at the bar one day . Was that copy of a writ sarved yesterday upon Garble , the tailor ?", "No . O'Ded . And when he that sent them there comes to make up his last account , \u2018 tis my belief that he wont be able to show cause why a bill should n't be filed against him for barbarity . Are the writings all ready for sir Rowland ?", "Not a bit . So they walked him off to jail in a jiffey , if I may be allowed the expression . O'Ded . To be sure , and that was right . They did their duty : though for sartin , if a poor man can n't pay his debts when he 's at liberty , he wont be much nearer the mark when he 's shut up in idleness in a prison ."], "play_index": 21, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["What is it you mean ? O'Ded . I thought I told you it was a secret .", "The fellow must be silenced \u2014 can you not contrive some means to rid us of his insolence ? O'Ded . Sir , I shall do my duty , as my duty should be done , by Cornelius O'Dedimus , attorney at law .", "What does the fellow mean ? O'Ded . That 's just what I 'm thinking \u2014", "Where are these papers ? I thought the law 's delay was only felt by those who could not pay for its expedition . O'Ded . The law , sir Rowland , is a good horse , and his pace is slow and sure ; but he goes no faster because you goad him with a golden spur ; but every thing is prepared , sir ; and now , sir Rowland , I have an ugly sort of an awkward affair to mention to you .", "Proceed . O'Ded . I have this morning received a letter from the agent , stating the whole concern to have failed , the partners to be bankrupts , and the property consigned to assignees not to promise , as a final dividend , more than one shilling in the pound . This letter will explain the rest .", "Answer but this \u2014 does it relate to Charles , my son ? O'Ded . Sartinly , the young gentleman has a small bit of interest in the question .", "Who calls me ?", "You , he said , was privy to their marriage . O'Ded . Bless ye , the man 's mad !", "What is it you want , friend ?", "You are mysterious , sir .", "Your tale is incredible , sir \u2014 it is sufficient , however , to demand attention , and I warn you , lest by your folly you rouse an indignation that may crush you .", "You are fond , sir , of throwing out these hints to his disadvantage . O'Ded . I am bold to speak it \u2014 I am possessed of a secret , sir Rowland , in regard to his lordship .", "Mr. O'Dedimus \u2014 within there ! O'Ded . Yes , I 'm within there .", "But this affair , perhaps , involves my deepest interest \u2014 my character \u2014 my all is at stake . O'Ded . Have done wid your pumping now \u2014 d'ye think I am a basket full of cinders , that I 'm to be sifted after this fashion ?"], "true_target": ["My nephew must not hear of this accursed loss \u2014 be secret on that head , I charge you ! but in regard to this man 's bold assertion , I must consult him instantly \u2014 haste and follow me to his house .O'Ded . Take me wid ye , sir ; for this is such a dirty business , that I 'll never be able to go through it unless you show me the way . End of act I .", "But to me you should have no secrets that regard my family . O'Ded . With submission , sir Rowland , his lordship is my client , as well as yourself , and I have learned from the practice of the courts , that an attorney who blabs in his business has soon no suit to his back .", "And what is that ? O'Ded . To pay it back again .", "What does this lead to ?O'Ded . With a disinterested view to benefit the estate of the minor , who came of age the other day , you some time ago embarked a capital of 14 , 000l . in a great undertaking .", "How ! I was not prepared for this \u2014 What 's to be done ? O'Ded . When one loses a sum of money that is n't one 's own , there 's but one thing to be done .", "Ha ! you said you had a secret respecting my nephew . O'Ded . Sir , if you go on so , you 'll bother me !", "Does it concern me ? O'Ded . You know , sir Rowland , at the death of my worthy friend , the late lord Austencourt , you were left sole executor and guardian to his son , the present lord , then an infant of three years of age .", "One thing more . Does it allude to a transaction which happened some years ago \u2014 am I a principal concerned in it ? O'Ded . Devil a ha'porth \u2014 it happened only six months past .", "Grouse \u2014 he 's coming up .", "You know that to be impossible , utterly impossible . O'Ded . Then , sir Rowland , take the word of Cornelius O'Dedimus , attorney at law , his lordship will rigidly exact the money , to the uttermost farthing .", "Who interrupts us ?", "Justice ! then you had better apply there ,", "He is .", "O'Ded . \u2018 Tis the strange man that lives on the common \u2014 his name is Abel"], "play_index": 21, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["I am resolved to carry my point . I have reason to believe you advanced him a sum of money . O'Ded . I did that thing \u2014 he 's a brave fellow ; I 'd do that thing again .", "Falkner !", "This is a very sudden change , sir Willoughby \u2014", "You have betrayed me then !\u2014 Did not I caution you to keep secret from my nephew this accursed loss . O'Ded . And so you did sure enough , but somehow it slipt out before I said a word about it ; but I told him it was a secret , and I dare say he wont mention it .", "I am convinced she does .", "But you say , that he demands the immediate liquidation . O'Ded . Ay , sir , and has given me orders to proceed against you .", "I am !", "It is enough : then you can indeed assist my views ,\u2014 the dread of confinement will , no doubt , alter his resolution : you must enter up judgment , and proceed on your bond . O'Ded . If I proceed upon my bond , it will be very much against my judgment .", "Stay , Falkner , there is a meaning in your words .", "I appeal fearlessly to this man , who has betrayed me , whether your interest was not my sole motive in the appropriation of your property .", "Mr. O'Dedimus , you grow impertinent . O'Ded . Sir Rowland , I grow old ; and \u2018 tis one privilege of age to grow blunt . I advanced your son a sum of money , because I esteemed him . I tack 'd no usurious obligation to the bond he gave me , and I never came to ask you for security .", "She will make not only a rich , but a good wife . I know she likes you \u2014 I 'm sure of it .", "Impossible , he cannot be such a villain !", "Mysterious man ! a moment stay ! I cannot live in this dreadful uncertainty ! whatever is my fate , it shall be decided quickly .", "I need not tell you , sir Willoughby , that this undutiful boy 's conduct does not meet with my sanction .", "Is it possible ! in a moment could I arrest his impious progress ; but I will probe him to the quick , did he threaten me , say you ?\u2014 There is however one way to save him from this public avowal of his baseness , and me from his intended persecution \u2014 a marriage between Charles and Mrs. Richland . O'Ded . The widow 's as rich as the Wicklow mines !", "Enough \u2014 I breathe again . O'Ded . I 'm glad of that , for may-be you 'll now let me breathe to tell you that as I know lord Austencourt 's private character better than you do , my life to a bundle of parchment , he 'll even arrest ye for the money .", "Charles , we are too warm . I feel that I have in some degree merited your severe reproof \u2014 give me your hand , and to convince you that you undervalue my feelings towards you , I will now confess that I have been employed during your absence , in planning an arrangement which will place you above the malice of fortune \u2014 you know our neighbour , Mrs. Richland \u2014", "Oh , no ! my heart 's reproaches never would allow me ! Oh Falkner \u2014 I and the world for many years have thought you numbered with the dead .", "How is this , Charles ! returned thus unexpectedly ?", "This is no time for dissention , sir \u2014", "So , sir ! you are here again I find !", "Charles , how dare you thus persevere ! You cannot deny , rash and foolish boy , that you are in a dependant state . Your very profession proves it .", "Let him fulful his purpose if he dare ! I now see the black corruptness of his heart ; and though my life were at stake I would pay the forfeit , rather than immolate innocence in the arms of such depravity .", "To such a degradation could I forget my noble ancestry , he never will consent .", "Sir , it is callous now to every thing but shame ; when it lost you , its dearest only friend , its noblest feelings were extinguished : my crime has been my punishment , for it has brought on me nothing but remorse and misery : still is my fame untainted by the world , and I will never court its contumely .", "I repeat my words , sir . It is not the curse of every parent to have a disobedient child .", "The boy refuses to comply with my wishes ; we may find means , however , to compel him . O'Ded . He 's a sailor ; and gentlemen of his kidney are generally pretty tough when they take a notion in their heads ."], "true_target": ["This conduct , youngster , requires explanation .", "There can be little doubt of that .", "O'Ded . I have , sir ; his bond and judgment for two hundred pounds .", "Hence it follows that you , unnatural monster , are my son !", "How ! Falkner and the unknown cottager the same person !", "That will , I am convinced , depend upon yourself .", "Name it not for mercy 's sake ! It is impossible ! How shall I sustain the world 's contempt , its scorn , revilings and reproaches ?", "I too am at last resolved ! at length the arm is raised that , in descending must crush you .", "Thus I see another of my prospects blighted ! Undutiful , degenerate boy ! your folly and obstinacy will punish themselves . Answer me not ; think of the proposal I have made you ; obey your father 's will , or forever I renounce you !", "Dismiss this subject .", "This sudden resolution of sir Willoughby will still more exasperate him \u2014 I must seek him instantly , for the crisis of my fate is at hand ; my own heart is witness against me \u2014 Heaven is my judge , and I have deserved my punishment !", "No longer the man you seem to be ! hear me ! before grief and shame shall burst my heart , hear me proclaim my guilt ! When the late lord Austencourt dying bequeathed his infant son to my charge , my own child was of the same age ! prompted by the demons of ambition , and blinded to guilt by affection for my own offspring \u2014 I changed the children .", "I breathe , I live again .", "Oh , Charles ! my much injured nephew ! how shall I ever dare to look upon you more ?", "Then I have but one way left \u2014 my fatal secret must be publicly revealed \u2014 oh horror ! ruin irretrievable is preferable \u2014 never \u2014 never \u2014 that secret shall die with me \u2014as \u2018 tis probably already buried in the grave with Falkner .", "Of course , sir , you will give me a proper explanation of the last of these changes .", "You did wrong , sir , to encourage a young spendthrift in disobedience to his father . O'Ded . I did right , sir , to assist the son of a client and the nephew of a benefactor , especially when his father had n't the civility to do it .", "Oh , Falkner \u2014 you have snatched a load of misery from my heart ;", "In order to alarm him , you must arrest him immediately .O'Ded . Sir Rowland , I wish to treat you with respect \u2014 but when without a blush on your cheek you ask me to make myself a rascal , I must either be a scoundrel ready-made to your hands , for respecting you , or a damn 'd hypocrite for pretending to do it \u2014 I see you are angry , sir , and I can n't help that ; and so , having delivered my message , for fear I should say any thing uncivil or ungenteel , I wish you a most beautiful good morning .", "Amazement ! what would you have me do ?", "You have his bond then \u2014", "Though you do not love your cousin , you ought to pay that deference to his rank which you refuse to his person .", "Will you then betray me ?", "Still , Charles , to you I am indebted beyond the power of restitution .", "Charles , Charles , these sentiments but ill become the dependent state in which Fortune has placed you .", "I 'll wait till you dismiss him , for I cannot encounter any one at present . Misfortunes crowd upon me ; and one act of guilt has drawn the vengeance of Heaven on my head , and will pursue me to the grave . O'Ded . Och ! if a small gale of adversity blows up such a storm as this , we shall have a pretty hurricane by and by , when you larn a little more of your hopeful nephew , and see his new matrimonial scheme fall to the ground , like buttermilk through a sieve .", "Beware , lord Austencourt , beware how you proceed !", "None ! You have renewed your promise , and I am safe ."], "play_index": 21, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["Now , sir , you are jackall , as I take it , to lord Austencourt . O'Ded . I am his man of business , sure enough ; but did n't hear before of my promotion to the office you mention ."], "true_target": ["What ho ! is the lawyer within ?", "I have obeyed your summons . What have you to say in palliation of the injury you have done me ? O'Ded . Faith and I shall say a small matter about it . What I have done I have performed , and what I have performed I shall justify ."], "play_index": 21, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["I should be sorry to make theirs preponderate , by calling in their authority as auxiliaries to their wishes .", "Helen ! too lovely Helen ! once more behold before you to supplicate for your love and pity , the man whom the world calls proud , but whom your beauty alone has humbled .", "Nay , madam \u2014 believe me \u2014 I protest \u2014 I assure you \u2014 solemnly , that those considerations have very little \u2014 indeed no influence at all with me .", "Then I am indeed undone !O'Ded . Shall I call the officers now , my lord ? Mr. Austencourt , I should say ; I ask pardon for the blunder : and now , ladies and gentlemen , be pleased to hear me speak . This extraordinary discovery is just exactly what I did not expect . It is true I had a bit of a discovery of my own to make : for I find that the habits of my profession though they have n't led me to commit acts of knavery , have too often induced me to wink at them . Therefore as his quandam lordship has now certainly lost Miss Helen , I hope he 'll have no objection to do justice in another quarter .", "You no doubt expect this intelligence will exasperate me . \u2018 Tis the reverse . By heaven it lifts a load of guilty wretchedness from my heart .", "Sir Rowland should have thought of that before he embarked my property in a hazardous enterprise . Inform him , sir , from me that I expect an instant account of it . O'Ded . I shall do that thing , sir : but please to reflect a little \u2014 the money so laid out was honestly intended for your advantage .", "I despise your united threats ! am I to be the sport of insolence and fraud ? What am I , sir , that thus you dare insult me ! Who am I ?", "You warrant \u2014 O'Ded . Ay , sir , and a warrant of attorney is reckoned decent good security .", "Ha ! impossible ! Urge me no more ! I cannot , will not hear you \u2014 My heart has ever been your own , my hand must be another 's ; still we may love each other ; still we may sometimes meet . FannyI understand you ! No , sir ! Since it must be , we will meet no more ! I know that there are laws ; but to these laws I disdain to fly ! Mine is an injury that cannot be redressed ; for the only mortal witnesses to our union you have suborned : the laws , therefore , cannot do me justice , and I will never , inhuman as you are , I will never seek them for revenge . O'DedI 'm thinking , that if I was a lord , I should act in a clean contrary way ; by the powers now , that man has got what I call a tough constitution ; his heart 's made of stone like a brick wall \u2014 Oh ! that a man should have the power of a man , and not know how to behave like a man !", "The fellow has me in his power at present \u2014 you see me irritated , and you ought to bear with me \u2014 let us think of this no more . The father and daughter must both be provided for out of that money which sir Rowland still holds in trust for me . O'Ded . And if you depend upon that money to silence the old man , you might as well think to stop a mouse-hole with toasted cheese .", "We are betrayed ! O'Ded . Och ! \u2018 tis only my ould housekeeper .", "He compel me ! ridiculous !", "Is it possible that the amiable Helen , so famed for gentleness and goodness , can see the victim of her charms thus dejected stand before her .", "You presume strangely , sir , on my confidence and condescension ! O'Ded . What ! are you coming over me now with the pride of your condescension . That for your condescension ! When a great man , my lord , does me the honour to confide in me , he 'll find me trusty and respectful ; but when he condescends to make me an agent and a partner in his iniquity , by your leave from that moment there 's an end of distinction between us .", "Madam , you have company , or business \u2014 a good morning to you .", "I consent to stop the proceedings . That alone can alter my purpose .", "This insolence is intolerable , and will not be forgotten . You may find , hot sir , that Where my friendship is despised , my resentment may be feared . I well know the latent motives for this insult . It is the language of a losing gamester , and is treated with deserved contempt by a successful rival .", "Call in the officers , I say ! O'DedI shall do that thing .", "I have one condition to propose \u2014 if that lady accepts my hand ,", "To you !", "Insolent vixin .I had indulged a hope , madam , that the generosity and disinterested love I have evinced \u2014", "There is no time to be lost . You must immediately repair to Fanny \u2014 tell her my affection is unabated \u2014 tell her I shall ever love her , and make her such pecuniary offers , as shall convince her of my esteem and affection ; but we must meet no more .O'Ded . What 's that ?", "That assertion , sir , I was prepared to hear , but will not listen to .", "Your housekeeper ! I thought you told me she was deaf . O'Ded . Yes ; but she is n't dumb . Devil a word can she hear for sartin ; but she 's apt to say a great many , and so we may proceed .", "I wish , sir , I could return the compliment ; but this extraordinary conduct \u2014", "Further discussion , sir , is useless . If I am to be disappointed in this marriage , a still more strict attention to my own affairs is necessary .", "There 's no enduring this ! Scoundrel ! O'Ded . Scoundrel ! ditto , my lord , ditto ! If I 'm a scoundrel , it was you that made me one , and by St. Patrick , there 's a brace of us .", "\u2018 Tis justice I demand ! Justice and Revenge alike direct me , and their united voice shall be obeyed . FalknerThey shall ! behold me here , thou miscreant , to urge it ! justice and revenge you call for , and they shall both fall heavily upon you .", "What is't you mean , sir ? O'Ded . I mean this thing \u2014 that as I suppose you 're in doubt whether to persecute the poor souls , or to marry the sweet girl in right earnest .", "This is a plot against me \u2014 You placed her there on purpose to surprise me in the moment of unguarded weakness . O'Ded . By St. Patrick , how she came there is a most mysterious mystery to Cornelius O'Dedimus , attorney at law .", "Fanny , I entreat you , leave me .", "They are resolute , and if you continue obstinate \u2014", "I 'll hear no more . Summon the officers I say . I am resolved .", "That , sir , is impossible . If you decline it , I shall find some one less delicate . O'Ded . There 's reason in that , and if you send another to her , he may not be quite so delicate , as you say : so I 'll even undertake it myself .", "The allusion may be classical , madam , though certainly it is not very elegant , nor has it even the advantage of being applicable to the point in question . However I do not despair to see this resolution changed . In the mean time , I did not think it in your nature to treat any man who loves you with cruelty and scorn ."], "true_target": ["My cousin forgets , sir Rowland , that although united by ties of consanguinity , birth and fortune have placed me in a station which commands some respect .", "I can dispense with moral reflections \u2014 It may serve your purpose elsewhere , but to me , who know your practice , your preaching is ridiculous \u2014 What is it you propose ? If the fellow wont be satisfied by money he must be removed . O'Ded . Faith , \u2018 tis a new way , sure enough , to make reparation to the feelings of a father , after having seduced daughter under the plea of a false marriage , performed by a sham priest , and a forged licence ! FannyOh , heaven ! let me pass \u2014 I must and will see himOh , my lord ! my lord ! my husband !Surely my ears deceived me \u2014 you cannot , cannot mean it ! a false marriage ! a pretended priest ! What is to become of me ! In mercy kill me ! Let me not live to see my broken-hearted father expire with grief and shame , or live to curse me ! Spare me but this , my lord , and I will love , forgive , will pray for you \u2014", "Shallow artifice ! Think you I am weak enough to credit this preposterous fiction , or do you suppose the law will listen to it ?", "I will no longer support these insults . Call in the officers .", "Since my uncle has so far forgotten his duty as a guardian , I have now an opportunity , which I shall not neglect , to bring him to a proper recollection \u2014 you have nothing to do but to obey my orders ; and these are that the fourteen thousand pounds , of which he has defrauded my estate , shall be immediately repaid . Look to it , sir , and to the other affair you are entrusted with , and see that the law neglects no measures to recover what is due to me .O'Ded . And by St. Patrick , if the law gives you what is due to you , that 's what I 'm too polite to mention . You 've had your swing in iniquity long enough , and such swings are very apt to end in one that 's much too exalted for my notions .", "Marry her ! I have no such thoughts \u2014 idiot ! O'Ded . Idiot ! That 's no proof of your lordship 's wisdom to come and ask advice of one .\u2014 Idiot , by St. Patrick ! an idiot 's a fool , and that 's a Christian name was never sprinkled upon Cornelius O'Dedimus , attorney at law !", "Yet even in their case perseverance often obtains what was denied to poverty .", "Will you never be for one moment serious ?", "You will easily accomplish this business with Fanny . O'Ded . I 'm afraid not . To tell you the truth , my lord , I do n't like the job .", "The poor girl disposed of , if the old fool , her father , will be thus clamorous , we must not be nice as to the means of silencing him \u2014 money , I suppose , is his object . O'Ded . May be not \u2014 If a rich man by accident disables a poor man from working , money may make him easy ; but when his feelings are deliberately tortured , devil fly away with the mercenary miser , if he will take shining dirt as a compensation for cruelty .", "My dear madam , a title and the advantages of elevation in rank amply compensate the sacrifice on your part .", "Do you again threaten me ?are my orders obeyed ? is every thing in readiness ? O'Ded . The officers are in waiting !", "You !", "I am not aware , good cousin , that I have ever yet forfeited my title to the respect I claim .", "Are you certain no one can overhear us ? O'Ded . There 's nobody can hear us except my ould housekeeper , and she 's as deaf as St. Dunstan 's clock-strikers .", "Yes :\u2014 that circumstance is certainly advantageous to both parties", "Ah , traitor ! O'Ded . Traitor back again into your teeth , my master ! and since you 've neither pity for the poor innocent , nor compassion for the little blunt gentleman her father , \u2018 tis time to spake out and to tell you that instead of a sham priest and a sham license for your deceitful marriage as you bid me , I have sarved the cause of innocence and my own soul , by procuring a real priest and a real license , and by St. Patrick you are as much one as any two people in England , Ireland , or Scotland !", "I , madam ! oh no !\u2014 or if I am \u2014 \u2018 tis merely a head ach , or some such cause , or perhaps owing to the influence of the weather .", "And is this really so ? O'Ded . You 're man and wife , sure enough . We 've decent proof of this , too , sir .", "Really , madam , if I am suspected of any mercenary motives , the liberal settlements which are now ready for your perusal , must immediately remove any such suspicion .", "And if you admit that fact , why do you decline the invitation ?", "Bless me , madam , what an idea ! certainly not ; but I have just recollected an engagement of consequence \u2014 some other time \u2014 Madam , your most obedient \u2014", "Pray explain , sir . O'Ded . Devil a penny of it is there left . Sir Rowland ventured it in a speculation , and all is lost \u2014 Oh ! blister my tongue , I 've let out the secret , sure enough !", "Excuse me at present , I have an important affair \u2014 another time .", "Indeed ! what brings her here ?", "What 's to be done ? speak , advise me ! O'Ded . That 's it : have you made up your mind already , that you ask me to advise you ?", "Another word sir , and I shall think it necessary to employ another attorney . O'Ded . Sir , that 's a quietus \u2014 I 've done \u2014 only remember that if you proceed to extremities , I warrant you 'll repent it .", "I can feel for the unfortunate girl as well as you ; but the idea of marrying her is too ridiculous . O'Ded . The unfortunate girl never knew misfortune till she knew you , my lord ; and I heartily wish your lordship may never look more ridiculous than you would do in performing an act of justice and mercy .", "Confound the satirical huzzy \u2014 But should not the wishes of your parents have some weight in the scale ?", "It is real ! my errors have been the fruits of an unbridled education . Ambition dazzled me , and wealth was my idol . I have acted like a villain , and as my conduct has deserved no forgiveness , so will my degradation be seen without compassion ; but this weight of guilt removed , I will seek happiness and virtue in the arms of my much-injured Fanny .", "Indeed ! and what right had sir Rowland to risk my property ? Be assured I will exact every guinea of it . O'Ded . That 's just what I told him . Sir , says I , his lordship is one of the flinty-hearted ones , and devil a thirteener will he forgive you \u2014 but , my lord , it will utterly ruin sir Rowland to replace it .", "I know not how to act . O'Ded . When a man 's in doubt whether he should act as an honest man or a rogue , there are two or three small reasons for choosing the right side .", "I cannot speak at present ; leave me , and we will meet again .", "Indeed ! and why , sir ? O'Ded . Somehow , when I see a poor girl with her pretty little eyes brim full of tears , which I think have no business to be there , I 'm more apt to be busy in wiping them away , than in saying cruel things that will make them flow faster ; you had better tell her all this yourself , my lord .", "Ha ! leave me , I charge you !"], "play_index": 21, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["I 'm sure she 's been in a monstrous ill-humour ever since you came back , sir .", "Ma'am , ma'am , your father 's coming up stairs , with a letter in his hand , muttering something about Mr. Charles ; as sure as life you 'll be discovered .", "Indeed , Ma'am , Mr. Charles was only whispering something I was to tell you \u2014", "No , sir , I mean my lady .", "No , sir \u2014 and I 'm sure she 's quite altered and melancholy gone since you quarrelled with her , and she vows now more than ever that she never will consent to marry my lord , or any body but you \u2014", "Lord , sir \u2014 what interest have I in knowing such things ?\u2014", "Are you alone , madam ?"], "true_target": ["And I am sure I do n't wonder at her being cross about it , for if I was my mistress I never would listen with patienceto such a disagreeable creature as my lord , while such a generous nice gentleman as you was ready to make love to me .", "Yes , ma'am ,\u2014 but I assure you \u2014", "A guinea ! well ! I declare ! why really , sir \u2014 when I say Miss Helen has been out of humour on your account , I do n't mean to say it is on account of your return , but on account of your going away again \u2014", "My lady is at home , sir \u2014 would you please to see her ?", "No , sir \u2014 sir Willoughby is within \u2014 I 'll tell him you are here .", "She 's at home too , sir \u2014 but I suppose she do n't wish to see you .", "Ye \u2014 ye \u2014 yes \u2014 upon my word , ma'am \u2014 what you saw was \u2014"], "play_index": 21, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["Yes , ma'am ; \u2018 tis Fanny , the daughter of the odd man that lives on the common ."], "true_target": ["A young woman is without , inquiring for sir Willoughby , ma'am ; I thought he had been here ."], "play_index": 21, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["I never should have doubted ; but my father has alarmed me sadly \u2014 he says my lord Austencourt is certainly on the point of marriage with you .", "Merciful Heaven ! I see my fate \u2014 it is disgrace and misery !", "How , madam ! was I to blame , loving as I did , to trust in vows so solemn ? could I suppose he would dare to break them , because our marriage was performed in secret ?", "Why do you hesitate ? come , come , you do but jest with me \u2014 you cannot have forgotten it \u2014", "Cruel ! you were \u2014 indeed , indeed you were .", "I beg pardon , madam , I 'm fearful I intrude ; but I inquired for sir Willoughby , and they showed me to this room . I wished to speak with him on particular business \u2014 your servant , madam .", "That 's impossible , madam \u2014 my lord would never forgive me .", "Affect me ! merciful Heaven ! can I see him wed another ? He is my husband by every tie sacred and human .", "I have then no hope , and the fate of the hapless Fanny is decided ."], "true_target": ["Oh heavens , madam ! stay , I beseech you !\u2014 I am not what you think me , indeed I am not \u2014 I must not , for a moment , let you think of me so injuriously : yet I have promised secrecy ! but sure no promise can be binding , when to keep it we must sacrifice all that is valuable in life \u2014 hear me , then madam \u2014 the struggle is violent ; but I owe it to myself to acknowledge all .", "Ay , you recollect it \u2014", "You , madam ! Oh no \u2014 you are the only enemy I ever had .", "Yes , as you both were present .", "And that was mine \u2014", "Stay , madam , stay \u2014 your generosity overpowers me ! oh madam ! you know not how wretched I am .", "Heaven forbid I should wish any one to injure you as deeply .", "O hide me ! hide me ! In any corner let me hide my head , from scorn , from misery , and , most of all , from him \u2014", "I cannot , madam ; I came hither on business of importance , and no trifling business should have brought me to a house inhabited by one who is the cause of all my wretchedness .", "Sure , sure , you cannot have the barbarity to deny that you were a witness to the ceremony !"], "play_index": 21, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["Suffering , but too credulous girl ! have you then trusted to his vows ?", "Your marriage , child ! Good Heavens , you amaze me ! but here we may be interrupted \u2014 this way with me . If this indeed be so all may be well again : for though he may be dead to feeling be assured he is alive to fear : the man who once descends to be a villain is generally observed to be at heart a coward .", "And how , my dear girl , if it were so , could that affect you ? Come , you must be explicit .", "Pray stay , my good girl \u2014 I rejoice in this opportunity of becoming acquainted with you \u2014 the character I have heard of you has excited an affectionate interest \u2014 you must allow me to become your friend .", "Enemy ! This is very extraordinary ! I have scarce ever seen you before \u2014 Assuredly I never injured you ."], "true_target": ["No , no , my dear girl ! I now see what it would cost you to reveal your secret , and I will not listen to it ; rest assured , I have no longer a thought to your disadvantage : curiosity gives place to interest : for though \u2018 tis cruelty to inflict a wound , \u2018 tis still more deliberate barbarity to probe when we cannot hope to heal it .", "This is a very extraordinary affair ! There is a mixture of cultivation and simplicity in your manner that affects me strongly \u2014 I see , my poor girl , you are distressed ; and though what you have said leaves on my mind a painful suspicion \u2014", "What is it affects you thus ?\u2014 come , if your story is of a nature that may be revealed , you are sure of sympathy .", "I cannot understand you \u2014 pray explain yourself .", "Your lord ! Let me entreat you to explain your meaning ."], "play_index": 21, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["I \u2014 I \u2014 I \u2014 Upon my soul , Madam \u2014 what you saw was \u2014", "So ! villany has been thriving in my absence . If you feel the attachment you profess why did you not confide this to me before ?", "So ; now it comes . I do .", "Helen ! Helen ! you make no allowance for the fears of a man who loves you to distraction . I have borne a great deal , and can bear but very little more \u2014", "I gloried even in that humble posture , while you taught me to believe you loved me .", "Merciful Heaven !", "The devil she has !\u2014 and pray now are you of opinion that my return is the cause of her ill-humour ?", "It requires no recollection to say whether you were a witness \u2014", "But what , Helen ?", "And which , I can tell you , you have now so narrowly escaped .", "You suppose !", "Your master then is a villain !", "Surely now a frank acknowledgment of error deserves a milder epithet than meanness .", "I am resolved to have another interview with her ;\u2014 to throw myself at her feet , and sue for pardon ! Though fate should oppose our union , I may still preserve her from the arms of a villain , who is capable of deceiving the innocent he could not seduce : and of planting a dagger in the female heart , where nature has bestowed her softest attributes , and has only left it weak , that man might cherish , shelter , and protect it .", "What , your old lady ?\u2014 No \u2014 I do n't wish to see her . Are all the rest of the family from home \u2014", "Not gone yet ? How comes it you are not on the road to my father ? Is the fellow deaf or dumb . Ponder ! are ye asleep ?", "Promise me first your forgiveness .", "My dear Tiffany !\u2014 let me catch the sounds from your rosy lips .\u2014", "Ha !\u2014 harkye , young woman ! pray are the family at home ?", "Ay , sir , to me , if you have the courage of a man .", "Zounds ! my father !", "Sir , I shall make no mystery of it , nor attempt to screen you from her ladyship 's just reproaches , by concealing one atom of the truth . The fact is , madam , that sir Willoughby not only in my hearing , gave Miss Helen his unrestricted permission to throw herself into my arms , but actually forced her into the room where I was quietly seated , and positively and deliberately lock 'd us in together !", "By no means \u2014 stay \u2014 stay ! what then , they are all at home except Miss Helen .", "Inhuman torturer !", "Enigma too !"], "true_target": ["Your lady \u2014 do you mean your young lady ?", "Puppy , you trifle with my patience .", "On my soul , it was excess of joy at hearing you still lov 'd me , that led me into this confounded scrape .", "Forced interview ! Did ever woman so consider the anxiety of a lover to seek explanation and forgiveness ! Helen , Helen , you torture me ; is this generous ?\u2014 is it like yourself ? surely if you lov 'd me \u2014", "You could n't ?", "I say , I heartily hope that you may accomplish your purpose .", "Your conscience ! good , and you 're articled to an attorney !", "Hold , monster ! Proceed at your peril . To me you shall answer this atrocious conduct .", "You wont acknowledge it then .", "On my knees \u2014", "What a pretty state am I reduced to ? though I am resolved to speak with this ungrateful girl but once more before I leave her for ever ; here am I , skulking under the enemy 's batteries as though I was afraid of an encounter !\u2014 Yes , I 'll see her , upbraid her , and then leave her for ever ! heigho ! she 's a false , deceitful \u2014 dear , bewitching girl , and \u2014 however , I am resolved that nothing on earth \u2014 not even her tears , shall now induce me to forgive her .", "Nay , nay , sir , I am too brimful of joy at my opening prospects hereto cherish any other feeling than forgiveness and good humour . Here is my hand , sir , and with it I pledge myself to oblivion of all the past , except the acts of kindness I have received from you .", "No ! my dear Tiffany !", "\u2018 Tis true I always thought you honest . I have ever trusted you , Ponder , even as a friend : I do not believe you capable of deceiving me .", "Dearest dear Helen ! and has your anger then no other cause ? surely you could not blame a resentment which was the offspring of my fond affection ?", "And what wise scheme now occupies your thoughts ?", "Something must be done . I am involved in a quarrel with Helen too ! curse on my irritable temper .", "Dearest Helen ! I will cherish it in my heart \u2014 \u2018 tis a rough soil I own , but \u2018 tis a warm one ; and when the hand of delicacy shall have cultivated this flower that is rooted there , the blossom shall be everlasting love !", "Without finding yourself the most astonished of the party !", "Interest !\u2014 oh , ho ! the old story ! why harkye , my dear \u2014 your mistress has a lord for her lover , so I suppose he has secured a warmer interest than I can afford to purchase \u2014 however , I know the custom , and thus I comply with it , in hopes you will tell me whether you really think my return has caused your young mistress \u2019 ill-humour \u2014\u2014", "Give me but your hand .", "No , sir , nor to her ladyship 's either , and now , as my situation here is not remarkably agreeable I take my leave : madam , your most obedient , and sir Willoughby , the next time you propose an agreeable surprise for your friends \u2014", "Hear me but explain \u2014 you do not understand .\u2014", "If my old friend O'Dedimus proves a rogue at last , I sha n't wonder that you have followed his example .", "Run away with me !\u2014 no !\u2014 zounds I 've a chaise in waiting \u2014", "Let me explain this ,\u2014 oh , Helen \u2014 can you be surprised ?"], "play_index": 21, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["Sir , I confess the subject is beneath me", "Sir \u2014 for heaven 's sake !\u2014 you 'll shake nothing more out of me , depend o n't \u2014 if you 'll be pleased to pause a moment , I 'll think of an answer .", "Yes , sir ; but I 'm thinking \u2014", "Sir ,I can n't swallow that ! it choaks me; forgive me , dear master that was ; your threats I could withstand , your violence I could bear , but your kindness and good opinion there is no resisting ; promise you wont betray me .", "So I say , sir \u2014 try and mend it ; pray do .", "On this occasion I lay by the lawyer and take up the Christian . Benevolence runs fast \u2014 but law is lazy and moves slowly .", "Suspects ! no , sir ; suspicion is out of the question ; it is taken as a proved fact in all society , a bill found by every grand jury in the county .", "Nor I , sir ; though I 've been married these three years , I never once sighed for my dear wife in all that time \u2014 heigho !", "No , that was mine .", "Yes , thinking , long reveries , sudden starts , sentimental sighs , fits of unobserving absence , fidgets and fevers , orders and counter orders , loss of memory , loss of appetite , loss of rest , and loss of your senses , if I may be allowed the expression .", "I think I will .Poor gentleman ! now could I blow him up into a blaze in a minute , by telling him that his mistress is just on the point of marriage with his cousin , but though they say \u201c ill news travels apace , \u201d they shall never say that I rode postillion on the occasion .", "You can n't escape that way , so you must come this . They wont think of coming here .Poor girl ! I 've a great mind to confess the whole affair . What shall I get by that ? Nothing ! nothing ! Oh ! that 's contrary to law !", "Why , Lord , sir , what could a lawyer do without impudence ? for though they say \u201c honesty 's the best policy \u201d a lawyer generally finds his purpose better answered by a Policy of Assurance . O'Ded . But hark ! somebody 's coming already , step where I told you , and make haste .", "Yes , sir : but if that 's all you want to do , sir , you may spare yourself the trouble of going further , for , most fortunately , here he comes ; and your noble cousin , lord Austencourt , with him \u2014", "Sir , I have kept it . Nobody knows of it , that I know of , except a few of your friends , many of your enemies , most travelling strangers , and all your neighbours .", "Hey ? why no ! but I can n't say I remember it \u2014", "So ! now I 'm a rogue both ways \u2014 If I escape punishment one way , I shall certainly meet it the other . But if my good luck saves me both ways I shall never more credit a fortune-teller : for one once predicted , that I was born to be hanged .", "I 'm thinking , whether I am or not .", "And craving your pardon , sir , I begin to suspect your want of that faculty , from your not having found out that before .", "I may be mistaken \u2014 I 've a remarkably short memory ; but to the best of my recollection I certainly \u2014", "But at one wedding in my life .", "I was only thinking that you may have altered your mind already .", "Then , sir , I have really been thinking , ever since I saw you , that you are a little \u2014a little odd hereabouts , sir ;a little damned mad , if I may be allowed the expression !", "Bless you , if I could remember it ; but I can n't \u2014 however I 'll speak to my master about it , and if he recollects it I dare say I shall .", "Yes , sir , they are married , but the priest was ordained by my master , and the license was of his own granting , and so they are not married , and now the enigma 's explained .", "Then , sir , you mis-took me . I fancy it was in one of your most decided unobserving fits that you took me for a blockhead .", "Sir , truth to speak , I did not tell you , because , knowing the natural gentleness of your disposition , which I have so often admired , I was alarmed , lest the sudden shock should cause one of those irascible fits , which I have so often witnessed , and produce some of those shakes and buffets , which to my unspeakable astonishment , I have so often experienced ."], "true_target": ["Lord bless you , sir , I discovered it before you left the country .", "Ha ! yonder I see comes my master and his lordship . I wonder what they are thinking of \u2014 they 're coming this way . I think we had better retire .", "The old symptoms , sir \u2014 in the first place , frequent fits of my complaint .", "Yes , sir ; when you gave me notice to quit , I found it so hard to live honestly , that lest the law should take to me , I took to the law : and so articled my self to Mr. O'Dedimus , the attorney in our town : but there is a thought unconnected with law that has occupied my head every moment since we met .", "True , sir , but there 's a deal of conscience in our office ; if my master knew I betrayed his secrets even to you , I believehe 'd hang me if he could .", "No indeed , sir , ask my master if I was ; besides if I had been , my conscience would n't let me disclose it .", "Then , sir , the whole truth shall out , they are married , sir , and they are not married , sir .", "Sir , I have n't studied the law for nothing . I 'm no fool , if I may be allowed the expression .", "Now pray recollect yourself \u2014 do , sir \u2014 think a little .", "Present ! me ! Lord bless me , what is it you mean ? Marriage ! prove ! me ! present !", "I do n't know , sir , that puzzles me : but he 's such an honest follow I can hardly think him a rogue \u2014 though I fancy , sir , between ourselves , he 's like the rest of the world , half and half , or like punch , sir , a mixture of opposites .", "If that was my heaviest misfortune , sir , I could carry double with all my heart . No , sir , I was thinking that as your father , sir Rowland , sent you on a cruize , for some cause best known to himself ; and as you have thought proper to return for some cause best known to yourself , the chances of war , if I may be allowed the expression , are , that the contents of that trunk will be your only inheritance , or , in other words , that your father will cut you off with a shilling \u2014 and now I 'm thinking \u2014", "I wish you would n't interrupt me , for I 'm thinking \u2014", "Ay , sir , if you will but take time to reflect , you 'll give me time to collect my scattered thoughts , which you have completely shaken out of my pericranium .", "I must mind my hits here , or shall get myself into a confounded scrape \u2014 ready to do what , did you say , ma'am , to prove your marriage ?", "I certainly never was present \u2014", "That it is possible you may alter your mind .", "No , sir , for I always follow my master 's example , even though it should be in the path of roguery ; compliment apart sir , I always followed yours .", "Blabbed ! ha , ha , ha ! what do you take me for ? O'Ded . What do I take you for , Mr. Brass ? Why I take you for one that will never be choked by politeness .", "Yes , sir ; the devil , and his uncle , your father , if I may be allowed the expression .", "True sir , I have escaped as narrowly as a felon who gets his reprieve five minutes after execution .", "I will , sir , I will : but I expect no mercy at your hands , for you 've already handled me most unmercifully \u2014what would you please to have me confess , sir ?", "No indeed , sir , I never play with edg 'd tools .", "Yes , sir , I 'll acknowledge the truth , but I scorn a lie .", "Think of it again , sir .", "Without a motive ! No , sir , I believe I know tolerably well the motive \u2014 the old story , sir , ha ! love !", "Sir , that 's very kind of you , to trust your humble servant with a secret he had himself discovered ten months ago .", "Ay , and the parties will all be here presently . O'Ded . That 's it ! you 're sure you have n't blabbed now ?"], "play_index": 21, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["Keep it with honour and prudence .", "\u2018 Tis I , madam , and you 'll find I have brought my spirit with me .", "But little doubt ! False Helen ! Come , come , I know my Helen better .", "Recollect myself ?", "My dear father \u2014 no \u2014 no dear uncle , I mean , here is the reward I look for .", "No apologies , my lord , for your civil speech \u2014 you might easily have returned the compliment in the same words , and , believe me , with as much sincerity as it was offered .", "Hey ! where am I ! zounds , I see my whole error at once ! Oh , Helen , Helen \u2014 for mercy 's sake one moment more !\u2014 She 's gone \u2014 and has left me in anger ! but I will see her again , and obtain her forgiveness \u2014 fool , idiot , dolt , ass , that I am , to suffer my cursed temper to master reason and affection at the risk of losing the dearest blessing of life \u2014 a lovely and an amiable woman ! End of Act III .", "What ?", "Why , zounds ! you do n't mean to say that any body , except yourself , suspects me to be in love .", "Likes me !", "A moment , madam ! The whole explanation lies in a word \u2014 has not your father concluded a treaty of marriage between you and lord Austencourt ?", "The devil it is ! Zounds ! I shall never be able to show my face \u2014 this will never do \u2014 my boasted disdain of ever bowing to the power of love \u2014 how ridiculous will it now render me \u2014 while the mystery and sacred secrecy of this attachment constituted the chief delight it gave to the refinement of my feelings \u2014 O ! I 'll off to sea again \u2014 I wo n't stay here \u2014 order a post-chaise \u2014 no \u2014 yes \u2014 a chaise and four , d'ye hear ?", "Ha ! a successful rival ! Is this possible ?", "The devil !", "But \u2014 what the devil \u2014 she does n't mean to marry me surely !", "Madam , will you hear me or not ?", "Here 's a discovery ! all my delicate management destroyed ! known all over the country ! I 'm off ! and yet to have travelled so far , and not to have one glimpse of her ! but then to be pointed at as a poor devil in love , a silly inconsistent boaster ! no , that wont do \u2014 but then I may see her \u2014 yes , I 'll see her once \u2014 just once \u2014 for three minutes , or three minutes and a half at most \u2014 no longer positively \u2014 Ponder , Ponder !Ponder , I say \u2014", "No such thing , sir ; I 'll set off this moment ; order the chaise ,", "The weight of the portmanteau , I suppose , alarms you .", "My dear father , I am heartily glad to see you \u2014", "Your complaint ?", "What , the gay widow with a fat jointure ? What of her ?", "Pr'ythee dismiss your thought , and get your legs in motion .", "Will it ? then by the Lord , though I sincerely esteem her , I shall make my bow , and decline the honour at once . No , sir ; the heart is my aim , and all the gold I care for in the hand that gives it , is the modest ring that encompasses the finger , and marks that hand as mine forever .", "I have seen old Abel Grouse \u2014 he has told me the story of his daughter 's marriage with this amiable cousin of mine : now , sirrah , confess the truth \u2014 were you present , or were you not ? out with it", "No ! sir Willoughby \u2014 I am sorry to say my conduct seldom meets with my father 's sanction .", "By Heaven , sir , that reflection cuts me to the heart . You have ever found in me the obedience , nay more , the affection of a son , till circumstance on circumstance convinced me , I no longer possessed the affection of a father .", "I must n't be angry with the fellow . Why , I took you for an unobserving blockhead , or I would never have trusted you so near me .", "No ! wo n't you consent then ?", "And does she consent ?", "I am all attention , and listen to you with all that patience which the subject demands .", "Fire and fagots , madam , I will speak !", "There \u2014 \u2018 tis enough ! you have confessed it \u2014", "Sir , I do ; like a fine mansion in the hands of a bad inhabitant . I admire the building , but despise the tenant .", "The devil you would ! madam !\u2014 but I 'll be cool \u2014 I 'll cut her to the heart with a razor of ice \u2014 I 'll congeal her with indifference \u2014 you must know , madam \u2014", "Will you obey my orders , or not ?", "Love ! And pray , sirrah , how do you dare to presume to suppose , that I \u2014 that I can be guilty of such a folly \u2014 I should be glad to know how you dare venture to think that I \u2014\u2014"], "true_target": ["Madam , madam \u2014 I wish to keep my temper \u2014 I wish to be cool .", "You have , my lord : for high rank forfeits every claim to distinction when it exacts submissive humility from those beneath it , while at the same time it refuses a graceful condescension in exchange .", "No , sir , you may not be allowed the expression \u2014 \u2018 tis impertinent , \u2018 tis false . I never was unobserving or absent ; I never had the fidgets ; I never once mentioned the name of my adored Helen ; and , heigho ! I never sighed for her in my life !", "There needs no explanation of my conduct \u2014 call it caprice \u2014 say , if you please , that I am altered \u2014 say I have changed my mind , and love another better \u2014", "I will now trust you , although once my servant , with the state of my heart .", "My presence here , no doubt astonishes you .", "This way , sirrah , this way , and now out with your confession , if you expect mercy at my hands .", "Unexpected pleasure , they say , sir , is always most welcome \u2014 I hope you find it so .", "Indeed ! and by what symptoms , pray ?", "Then Fortune has indeed smiled on me today !", "Death and torments ! may I be allowed to speak \u2014 yes , or no ?", "Is she laughing at me now , or trying to wheedle me into a good humour ? I feel , Miss Worret , that I am expressing myself with too much warmth \u2014 I must therefore inform you , that being ordered home with despatches , and having some leisure time on my hands on my return , I thought it but proper as I passed the house to call at your door \u2014 just to say \u2014 a \u2014 a \u2014 just civilly to say \u2014 false ! cruel ! perfidious girl ! you may break the tough heart of a sailor , but damn me if he will ever own it broke for love of you !", "Sir , I have it ready at my tongue 's end \u2014 My lord , I ask your pardon \u2014 I 'm glad to see you too .", "Ha ! ha ! very probably . My sudden return , without a motive , as you suppose , has put that wise notion in your head .", "I begin to suspect you have penetration enough to be useful to me .", "Spare yourself the trouble of further explanation , madam ; I see the whole at once \u2014 you are now going to tell me about prudence , duty , obedience , filial affection , and all the canting catalogue of fine phrases that serve to gloss over the giddy frailty of your sex , when you sacrifice the person and the heart at the frequented shrine of avarice and ambition !", "Vastly well , madam \u2014 and now \u2014", "Whoo ! here 's a whirligig ! I 've drifted on to a pleasant lee shore here ! Helen betrothed to another ! Impossible .\u2014 Oh Helen ! Helen ! Zounds ! I 'm going to make a soliloquy ! this will never do ! no , I 'll see Helen ; upbraid her falsehood ; drop one tear to her memory ; regain my frigate ; seek the enemy ; fight like a true sailor ; die like a Briton ; and leave my character and memory to my friends \u2014 and my blessing and forgiveness to Helen . End of act II .", "I will be heard !", "Have n't you acknowledged that you are to be the wife of another ?", "I say .", "Stay , madam , stay \u2014 what a face is there ! a smile upon it too : oh , Helen , spare those smiles ! they once could wake my soul to ecstasy ! but now they rouse it into madness : save them , madam , for a happier lover \u2014 save them for lord Austencourt .", "Well , sir ; I see you have discovered my secret . Act wisely , and it may be of service to you .", "I believe so , madam \u2014 you did not calculate , I fancy , on this sudden return .", "So ! I 'm much mistaken , or there 'll be a glorious bustle presently at the old lawyer 's \u2014 He has sent to beg I 'll attend , and as my heart is a little at rest in this quarter , I 'll e'en see what 's going forward in that \u2014 whether his intention be to expose or to abet a villain , still I 'll be one amongst them ; for while I have a heart to feel and a hand to act , I can never be an idle spectator when insulted virtue raises her supplicating voice on one side , and persecution dares to lift his unblushing head on the other .", "No , my lord , for I also am in a station where I too command respect , where I respect and am respected . I therefore well know what is due to my superiors ; and this duty I never forget , till those above me forget what they owe to themselves .", "No doubt \u2014 thinking takes up so many of your waking hours , that you seldom find time for doing . And so you have , since my departure , turned your thinking faculties to the law .", "I have not altered my mind : but since I am here , I should be wanting in duty not to pay my respects to my father ; so march on with the trunk , sir .", "Damn your thinking , sir !", "O , father , spare that insult ! The profession I glory to belong to , is above dependence \u2014 yes ! while we live and fight , we feel , and gratefully acknowledge , that our pay depends on our king and country , and therefore you may style us dependant ; but in the hour of battle we wish for nothing more than to show that the glory and safety of the nation depends on us ; and by our death or blood to repay all previous obligation .", "With all my heart \u2014 My cousin was the subject , and he 's a fatiguing one .", "By letter ?", "Dependent state ! Dependent upon whom ! What , on him ! my titled , tawdry cousin there ? What are his pretensions , that he shall presume to brand me as a poor dependent !\u2014 What are his claims to independence ? How does he spend the income Fortune has allotted to him ? Does he rejoice to revive in the mansion of his ancestors the spirit of old English hospitality ? Do the eyes of aged tenants twinkle with joy when they hope his coming ? do the poor bless his arrival ? I say no . He is the lord of land \u2014 and is also , what he seems still more proud of , a lord of parliament ; but I will front him in both capacities , and frankly tell him , that in the first he is a burthen to his own estate , and not a benefactor ; and in the second , a peer but not a prop .", "You do n't ?", "No equivocation , answer directly , or though you 're no longer my servant , by heavens I 'll \u2014", "I understand you \u2014 you would still keep a poor devil in your toils , though in his absence you have been sporting with nobler game .", "Sarcastic !"], "play_index": 21, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["It is , and therefore I do not wish to see her married to lord", "I am sincerely sorry to hear it .", "To the world I was so \u2014 I have returned to it to do an act of justice .", "A dreadful precipice lies before you : be wary how you tread ! there is a being injured by your \u2014\u2014 by lord Austencourt , see that he makes her reparation by an immediate marriage \u2014 look first to that .", "Look next to yourself : he is not a half villain , and it is not the ties of consanguinity will save you from a jail . Beware how you proceed with Charles \u2014 you see I am acquainted with more than you suspected ; look to it , sir ; for the day is not yet passed that by restoring you to virtue , may restore to you a friend ; or should you persevere in guilty silence , that may draw down unexpected vengeance on your head \u2014", "How 's your wife ?", "That must be a source of vast comfort to you . I do n't wonder at your being so cheerful and happy .", "With all my heart .", "Ay , Charles Austencourt ! CharlesHere am I . Who calls ? Helen and Tiffany come forward , and Tiffany goes off .", "Nothing then remains for me but to return to that obscurity from whence I have emerged \u2014 had I found you barely leaning to the side of virtue , I had arguments to urge that might have fixed a wavering purpose ; but I find you resolute , hardened and determined in guilt , and I leave you to your fate .", "I . You have seen me hitherto a poor man and oppressed me ; you see me now rich and powerful , and well prepared to punish your villany ; and thus , in every instance , may oppression recoil on the oppressor .", "No matter ! where is Helen ?", "Austencourt .", "Have you no fear from me ?", "Under lock and key !", "My old friend , I rejoice to see you .", "\u2018 Tis false \u2014 \u2018 tis buried only in his heart !", "Zounds what a medley ! France and savages ! marriage and misery !", "Insensible to injury and insult , can nothing move you ? Reveal your secret !", "Before this company assist me with the power you possessto compel your haughty nephew to repair the injury , which , in a humbler character , he has done me \u2014"], "true_target": ["I dare say .", "To see her married to the man of her heart , with whom I trust to see her as happy \u2014 as you are with lady Worret .", "Ay , sir ; the law will listen to it , shall listen to it . I , sir , can prove the fact , beyond even the hesitation of incredulity !", "Well , I shall be glad to see your daughter ; but she must not marry this lord .", "You have a daughter \u2014", "This is beyond my hopes ; but adversity is a salutary monitor .", "Why , is this the surprise you promised me ? The astonishment seems general . Pray , sir Willoughby , explain this puppet show !", "During eighteen years , sir , I have been the depositary of a secret , which , if it does not actually affect your life , affects what should be dearer than life , your honor . If , in the moment that your ill-judged confidence avowed you as the man you are , and robbed me of that friendship which I held sacred as my being \u2014 If in that bitter moment I concealed my knowledge of your guilt from an imperious principle of honor , it is not likely , that the years which time has added to my life , should have taught me perfidy \u2014 your secret still is safe .", "You are determined \u2014", "Ay , sir ; the man who cautioned you today in vain ; who warned you of the precipice beneath your feet , and was unheeded by you \u2014", "Can he , who has sustained so long the reproaches of his conscience , fear the world 's revilings ?\u2014 Oh , Austencourt ! Once you had a heart .", "And a wife .", "What of that ? do you envy me ?", "\u2018 Tis eighteen years since last we met . You have not , I find , forgotten the theme on which we parted .", "A wanderer . Let that suffice .", "The man she loves .", "Your exultation flows from a polluted source \u2014 I return to the world to seek you , to warm and to expostulate ; I come to urge you to brave the infamy you have deserved ; to court disgrace as the punishment you merit : briefly to avow your guilty secret .", "The cloud of sorrow is passed , and may the sun of joy that now illumines my face , diffuse its cheering rays on all around us . O'Ded . And sir Willoughby and her ladyship will smile most of us all ; for every body knows they 're the happiest man and wife among us .", "Gently , my old friend , gently : I 'm one too many here during these little domestic discussions ; but before I go , on two points let me caution you ; let your daughter choose her own husband if you wish her to have one without leaping out of the window to get at him ; and be master of your own house and your own wife if you do not wish to continue , what you now are , the laughing-stock of all your acquaintance .\u2014", "Can this be genuine ? Sudden reformation is ever doubtful .", "I am just informed that every thing is finally arranged between your lady and his lordship respecting Helen 's marriage ."], "play_index": 21, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["I bore it easily ; my wife was a woman without feelings : she had not energy for great virtue , and she had no vice , because she had no passion : life with her was a state of stagnation .", "I do indeed !", "I forbid the banns !", "You know well enough I have had my vexations in life ; in an early stage of it I married \u2014", "I know more than I wish to know ; I 've lived long enough in the world to know that roguery fattens on the same soil where honesty starves ; and I care little whether time adds to information which opens to me more and more the depravity of human nature .", "In the next instance , I had a friend whom I would have trusted with my life \u2014 with more \u2014 my honour \u2014 I need not tell you then I thought him the first of human beings ; but I was mistaken \u2014 he understood my character no better than I knew his : he confided to me a transaction which proved him to be a villain , and I commanded him never to see me more .", "Yes , you stare as if you were astonished : but why do I stay chattering here ? I must be gone .", "Perhaps will never be her husband ."], "true_target": ["Pshaw !my feelings o'erstep my discretion . Take care what you 're about \u2014 If you 're an honest man , you 'd rather see her dead than married to a villain .", "I have not seen him since , but I shall see him in a few hours .", "About two years afterwards I lost my wife .", "Pshaw ! I have paid my first visit to you , because you are the first in my esteem : do n't weaken it by awkward and unseasonable ceremony \u2014 I must now about the business that brings me here : no interruption , if you wish to see me again let me have my own way , and I may , perhaps , be back in half an hour .", "That circumstance of my friend , and a loss in the West Indies , which shook the fabric of my fortune to its foundation , drove me from the world \u2014 I am now returned to it with better prospects \u2014 my property , which I then thought lost , is doubled \u2014 circumstances have called me hither on an important errand , and before we are four and twenty hours older , you may see some changes which will make you doubt your own senses for the remainder of your days \u2014", "Talk of something else \u2014 you know I was always an eccentric being \u2014", "I know \u2014 I know \u2014 you want to prove to me that you are the least talker , and the best husband in the county : but both secrets must keep till my return , when I shall be happy to congratulate you \u2014 and so farewell \u2014", "It was a secret , and has remained so . Though I should have liked to hang the fellow , he had trusted me , and no living creature but himself and me at this day is possessed of it ."], "play_index": 21, "act_index": 21}, {"query": ["I had . I was rusticated . We Cazenoves always were \u2014 till Gerald 's time . But he 'll redeem himself . We Cazenoves have always been men , except one . That 's my sister , Caroline ; and , by Jove , she 's the next best thing \u2014 a woman .", "I was so fortunate as to meet the carriage .", "I trust it will be worthy of the wearer .", "Caroline , I am going to be married .", "Ah ! when she feathers ?\u2014\u2014", "\u201c Man , the Betrayer ? \u201d", "This is what comes of educating women . We have created a Frankenstein . \u201c Man , the Betrayer \u2014 A Study of the Sexes \u2014 By Enid Bethune . \u201d", "Quite the best of \u2018 em !So you have appointed yourself the third person ?", "I thought a Cazenove would come right side up .", "Three photographs ? And you 're not jealous ?", "Guess .", "You say so in your book !", "She might add eight .", "No other word for it ! I always said you 'd come round !", "You know him , Sylvester ?", "And she is coming with your aunt to-day .", "This must be put right , Caroline .", "A pretty woman , where ?No , not my style !", "Ha ! ha !", "Caroline , you 're a trump !", "And you have only finished the first chapter ?", "Came back yesterday . Hope it 's done him good . After all , he 's my nephew , and I mean to knock the nonsense out of him .", "My doing , Miss Bethune !", "And they have n't improved .", "Always !", "To protect the man ?", "What have I been saying now ?", "The old morality 's high enough for me .", "You are only on the threshold , and yet you have arrived at a conclusion ?", "To begin with , you must make up your minds whether you wish to regenerate us or to degrade yourselves .", "Everything 's New nowadays ! We have a New Art \u2014\u2014", "Now I 'm going to hear something .You rascal ! It 's that Margery ! I know it is ! Where are you ?Margery , if I catch you !", "Am I to have no chance of reformation ?", "Oh , a few trifling peccadilloes !", "To stay to what , sir ?", "I thought something was burning .And you said Mr. Cazenove !", "Bah !\u201c Naked and Unashamed \u2014 A Few Plain Facts and Figures \u2014 by Mary Bevan , M. D . \u201d Who on earth 's she ?", "I can admit no foible in a lady .", "Say all , say all ! It really does n't matter !", "His proudest privilege ! The mystery to me is , that you ladies have n't found it out before . Re-enter ENID , C .", "To-morrow .", "That , alas , is impossible .", "Caroline takes it very well .", "A heart of gold , sir .", "Perhaps the old friend was Margery herself ?", "And has a man betrayed her ?", "No , it 's a luxury \u2014 an expensive luxury .", "\u201c Lock , ho ! \u201d", "Has n't she !", "Way of the world , my dear . My poor old adjutant ! went through the", "And women .", "Then , do you know Margery ?", "Caroline 's a heart of gold ; but your aunt must be managing ! So I let her manage , and I manage her .", "Re-enter LADY WARGRAVE , L .", "But I do it quietly . I influence her , without her knowing it . Sheer force of character . Chut ! not a word !Ten thousand pardons !", "Brilliant \u2014 magnificent !", "What are you laughing at ?", "Ten thousand pardons ! I was thinking of something else . Pray forgive my bad language !", "If I am visible behind Caroline . Madam , your servant .Cheer up , Sylvester ! I 'll join you at the club , and we will wind the night up at the Empire .", "Fifty-six .", "Tut , tut , sir ; read your Bible . Who was it had the first bite at the apple ? And she 's been nibbling at it ever since !", "How peaceful it is here , Caroline \u2014 how sylvan !", "But he 's a Cazenove ! He 'll come right side up . We Cazenoves always do . We may go under every now and then , but we come up again ! It 's in the blood .", "Oh , no ; she 's too much of a woman for that .", "Caroline 's a heart of gold \u2014\u2014", "But what an arm she has !", "A man ? An actual man ? A bull amongst that china ?", "\u201c The Physiology of the Sexes ! \u201d Oh , this eternal babble of the sexes !Why can n't a woman be content to be a woman ? What does she want to make a beastly man of herself for ?", "The danger would be all the other way . I am not sorry I shall have protection . My sister , Caroline , will be here at five .", "Bless me ! I never regarded her in that light before . I thought the boot was on the other leg .Foot !\u2014 foot !Very neat foot she has !", "I do n't despair ! Do you suppose this folly can continue ? Do you imagine that these puffed-up women will not soon burst of their own vanity ? Then , the reaction ! then will come our turn ! Mark my words , Sylvester , there 'll be a boom in men !", "Comparatively . And everything in the world is comparative . What cannot be undone in the past can at least be avoided in the future .", "Her husband , are n't you ?", "Bless me ! what a smell of tobacco !Ah , the foolish \u2014 beg pardon !\u2014 Miss Vivash !Dear me , something burning !", "\u2018 Gad , sir , you 're a man ; and I thought you were a monkey . I congratulate you !", "I never met one .", "But they 're collaborating .", "Very well ; I 'll wait .Bah ! what a stench of flowers !Sit down , Sylvester \u2014 if you can find a chair to carry twelve stone .", "\u201c Ye Foolish Virgins !\u2014 A", "Does it mean anything ? That is the sort of jargon Gerald was full of , when I saw him last . But he 'll get over it . Intellectual measles . Oxford 's a fine place , but no mental drainage .", "And there is still , Gerald .", "Yes , when one paints with tar !Very nice arm , too !Look at your title !", "Yes , Caroline ! I should certainly say , tete montee .", "Yes , but I said so . Then you have got her card ?", "Margery !", "As if people married for ethics ! There is no such thing , sir . There are no ethics in marriage .", "Oh , my dear fellow , just your sort \u2014 my sort \u2014 well , hang it , every man 's sort ! Margery is \u2014 oh , how can I explain ? If I 'd seen a Margery thirty years ago ; well , I should never have been a bachelor ! Margery is \u2014 come , Gerald , what is Margery ? Margery is a woman , who \u2014\u2014 Well , Margery 's a woman ! That 's all Margery is !", "No ,thank Heaven ! It 's the spice of the old Adam that makes life endurable !", "More than that , Caroline \u2014 it 's not respectable .", "You acted very wisely ; I happen to know she wished her arrival kept secret and to descend upon you like a dea ex machina . Caroline always had a sense of dramatic effect . But how the deuce did you know of her return ?", "Damned fine figure , too !", "Not a bit ! more silvery !", "Ten thousand pardons ! I had no idea \u2014\u2014", "Oh , Margery was rowing ?", "But do n't tell Enid , will you ?", "They want a husband \u2014 that 's what they want , badly !", "A New Sex !", "Stand at ease ! Dismiss !", "Tempted by a man !", "Miss Vivash prefers the alternative .", "In the Higher Morality ?"], "true_target": ["Upon the whole , she thinks I have been rather badly used .", "Is my nephew at home ?", "I 'm much in the same case . Since he came up to town , I 've only called upon him once before . By Jove , it was enough . Such a set as I met here !", "I was forgetting Caroline !", "For six weeks ?", "It shocks me . The institution of marriage is the foundation of society ; and whatever tends to cast discredit on that holy \u201c ordnance \u201d saps the moral fibre of the community .", "Miss Bethune .", "Miss Vivash !", "Caroline , you took the water very neatly .", "Oh , everything 's a question nowadays ! Nothing is sacred to a young man fresh from Oxford . Existence is a problem to be investigated ; in my youth , it was a life to be lived ; and , I thank Heaven , I lived it . Ah , the nights I had !", "No , Caroline ; I 've made a clean breast of it .", "The best of \u2018 em .", "What do you mean , Caroline ? Was n't I baptized \u2014 was n't I confirmed ?", "It might have been created expressly for the exchange of those sacred confidences which are never more becoming than when shared between a brother and a sister .", "Sht ! what a bomb-shell ! Courage !", "Margery ! where are you ? Re-enter L ., just as MARGERY is withdrawing from GERALD 'S arms , stands thunderstruck . Exit MARGERY , L .", "If it is possible \u2014\u2014", "I came to announce her visit .", "To myself .", "Caroline 's taken it very well . Nothing like courage in these matters \u2014 courage ! \u201c Nurse \u201d was distinctly nasty ; but that 's Caroline 's way . Re-enter ARMSTRONG , R ., followed by MARGERY .", "True .Peccavi !", "So it was !", "Only ten minutes , Caroline ; but , as you know , time , tide , and your aunt wait for no man .", "Then it 's herself , after all ? I thought you meant my nephew .", "Wife of my old lieutenant . Captain now .", "I did say , \u201c ordnance . \u201d It was a slip of the tongue .", "Nonsense , my dear Doctor \u2014\u2014 The fact 's just this . The modern woman is prostrated by the discovery of her own superiority ; and she is now engaged in one of those hopeless enterprises which we have regretfully abandoned . She is endeavouring to understand herself . I offer her my respectful sympathy .", "Caution !", "And making only a succes d'estime !", "Suppose it has n't !", "I am afraid I must plead guilty !", "Shall I tell her ? Dare I ? Courage !", "Margery , your wife !You 're a damned lucky dog !", "Form square ! Prepare to receive cavalry !", "All right , you call it ? Look here , you young cub ! None of your higher morality with Margery !", "Whilst Woman persists in remaining perfect .", "So am I , Margery . What did I always say ? Caroline 's a heart of gold . I knew she would come round . I always said I 'd stand by you and Gerald .", "I am afraid his strength is only equal to the confession of his unworthiness .", "Courage !", "At the club !", "A sort of Vigilance Committee , eh ?", "Why , you know all about it .", "\u201c Naked and Unashamed ? \u201d", "Middle age , Caroline !", "But Margery 's at Mapledurham . Caroline was stopping with some friends in Paris , and Margery was sent on to her father 's .", "But cautiously . Courage ! I 'll back you up !", "I always was , and at my age reformation is out of the question !", "Peccavi !", "Stay ! Do n't do anything rash ! I would n't risk a private interview . Safety in numbers .", "Figure ?", "A Cazenove living apart from his wife !", "Oh , have n't I ? Every one !", "Pshaw !", "Getting dangerous !", "I 'm a shocking old sinner ! I never professed to be anything else !", "Doctor !", "Never felt better , never !", "My dear Miss Bethune , there is no occasion for Man to express any view , when Woman expresses them all . First , you must reconcile your internal differences .", "After ten years \u2019 absence . She has been travelling for her health , which was never too robust ; and since Sir Oriel 's death , she has been more or less a wanderer .", "Proud of him ? My dear Sylvester , that boy has more brains in his little finger than I have \u2014 gout . He takes after his aunt Caroline . You remember Caroline ?", "The best of \u2018 em !Ah , what a pity , what a pity , Sylvester !", "Ah , that was the rowing !", "That 's how you waste the precious hours of night ? Gad , sir , when I was your age \u2014\u2014", "Wonderful woman , sir \u2014 a heart of gold \u2014 and a head \u2014 phew ! Gerald takes after her . At Oxford , he carried everything before him .", "Miss Vivash ?", "Here you are , at last .", "I 've got you !Re-enter WELLS , L .", "None of them are , my boy . A woman , who is a woman , does n't want to be anything else . These people are a sex of their own , Sylvester . They have invented a new gender . And to think my nephew 's one of them !", "Did I ? I beg your pardon .Throw that thing away !", "Do n't know any more !", "She 's a philosopher ?", "That such a figure should be wasted !", "I will come with you .I am due at your aunt 's .", "You alarm me !", "So man has not a monopoly of the vices !", "A mere sin of omission , which even now it is not too late to repair . I am a young man still \u2014\u2014", "And they 've found you , Caroline .Re-enter MARGERY , R .; she goes straight to LADY WARGRAVE 'S chair , and is about to carry the cushion into the room , L ., when GERALD , who has stood back , watching her , advances .", "I always said so !", "Sit down .", "No matter . I 'll stand by you !", "Everything in the world is comparative .", "Enid ! Pretty name , is n't it ? Enid !", "That 's what 's the matter , perhaps ?", "Man the Be \u2014\u2014 Miss Bethune , I think ?", "But I have .", "Percy ?", "One moment , my dear ladies ! Excuse me pointing out , that , in the last resort , there must always be a female accomplice !", "My peccadilloes ? Oh , she does n't believe them \u2014 or she pretends she does n't \u2014 which is the same thing . She says we men exaggerate so ; and as for the women , you simply can n't believe a word they say !", "Bethune ! the best of \u2018 em !", "And what is the result of your observations ?", "Do n't know her .", "That 's better . That 's much better .", "Mutiny unscathed , and killed in Rotten Row !", "My doing , Margery \u2014 my doing !", "Caroline !", "Really !\u2014\u2014", "Add six to it !", "No , no , no ! I was talking to myself .Nurse !", "Remonstrance \u2014 by Victoria Vivash . \u201d", "Conscience of woman ! What are you talking about ? I 've known a good many women in my time , and they had n't a conscience amongst \u2018 em ! There 's only one thing can awaken the conscience of woman , and that is being found out .", "Mrs. Sylvester ?"], "play_index": 22, "act_index": 22}, {"query": ["Mrs. Sylvester !", "Miss Bethune .", "Dr. Mary Bevan .", "Miss Vivash !", "Mrs. Sylvester !"], "true_target": ["No , Colonel ; but I expect him every moment .", "Lady Wargrave .", "Colonel Cazenove .", "Captain Sylvester .", "Miss Bethune , Miss Vivash .", "Lady Wargrave ."], "play_index": 22, "act_index": 22}, {"query": ["Cazenove \u2014 my old Colonel . Mr. Cazenove I think you know .", "Never . Not likely to .", "Now , Mr. Cazenove , I am at your service .", "Back to a wife who is no wife !", "You have been writing down at Mapledurham ?", "Perhaps that seems to you impossible . You thought , perhaps , that I was dull and stupid enough to go on with this empty life of ours to the end . I thought so too , but I was wrong . I love this woman , and I 've told her so \u2014\u2014", "Yes , for all the world 's ! I 'll tell you !", "I 've something to say to you . Sit down .", "Forgive me ! how can I help admiring you ?", "They bring him to our house .", "But you shall . I 've often heard you say that a loveless marriage is no marriage . Well , ours is loveless enough , is n't it ?", "You have no need to be .And in your pre-eminence resides my safety , Margery .", "I was just going to ask you . You see more of her than I do .", "As I tell you .", "Then may I wait for her ?", "Who 's Margery ?", "But is it over ?", "Ha ! ha !", "I prefer Mrs. Cazenove 's .", "No !", "Which are bound to meet .", "So , he wo n't speak to me . But I will make him . If he thinks I am caught , like a rat in a trap , he 's made a mistake . There 'll be a scandal \u2014 well , so much the better ! Better that they should know the truth all round . Re-enter MRS. SYLVESTER , L .", "Yes , I am Mrs. Sylvester 's husband . I belong to my wife , but my wife does n't belong to me . She is the property of the public . Directly I saw her photograph in a shop-window I realized the situation . People tell me I 've a wife to be proud of ; but they 're wrong . Mrs. Sylvester is not my wife ; I am her husband .", "Gerald does n't love you\u2014 oh , you said that just now ! you may n't know that you said it , but you did ! My wife does n't love me \u2014 I do n't love my wife \u2014 and yet I must say nothing .", "All right . I 'm used to \u2018 em . We grow \u2018 em at our house .I might be sitting in my wife 's boudoir ! Same furniture , same flowers , same photographs \u2014 hallo , that 's rather a pretty woman over there !", "Is not the question rather , what a man ought to do ?", "Then what do you propose ? To sacrifice your life to an idea \u2014 to be true to a phantom ? You owe no faith to one who is unfaithful . Think ! You are young \u2014 your real life lies before you \u2014 would you end it before it 's begun ? A widow before you 're a wife ?", "A real woman .", "Your husband has been reading you his book !", "Never . She 's always with your husband !", "I 'm afraid Mrs. Cazenove wo n't be an apt pupil .", "As long as you do n't object \u2014\u2014", "Margery .", "Would it be impertinent to inquire upon what subject my wife is engaged ?", "It is ! I 've never understood you ; and if there was any good in me , you 've never taken the trouble to find it out .", "It 's an older photograph . Agnes was quite a woman when I married her , but she grows more and more ethereal . Philosophy does n't seem very nourishing .", "The same mutton ?", "Why not ? Re-enter GERALD , L .", "Do you mean philosophy ?", "Indeed !", "What do they say ?", "Man the Betrayer might be dangerous , amongst such foolish virgins .", "His cultivated spirit and magnetic intellect are one of the brightest hopes for the social progress of our time \u2014whatever that may mean !", "But does n't it show signs of repentance ?", "Ah , Margery ! if Heaven had given me such a wife as you \u2014\u2014", "Now you have company , I 'll say good-day . I 've waited for my wife quite long enough !", "Re-enter MARGERY , R .", "Really ?", "What is it all about ? If I am not too curious .", "Your words leave me no choice .", "Yes , to-night . What I 'm going to say may be everybody 's property to-morrow . I choose that you should know it now .", "Busy ? then I 'm afraid I intrude .", "Lady Wargrave has returned to England ?", "Honestly love you ! I admired you always . It was an empty admiration , perhaps \u2014 the admiration a man feels for twenty women \u2014 but it grew solid ; and the more you repulsed me , the more you attracted me . You may n't believe me , but at first I wanted you to repulse me ; then it got past that ; and when I saw you sitting there alone \u2014 living over in your mind your wasted life \u2014 I loved you , and the words sprang to my lips . Nothing could keep them back ! I love you , Margery \u2014 nobody but you ! Why should your life be wasted ? Why should mine ?", "One of the plain figures . She comes to our house , too .", "When the institution of marriage is reconsidered , man will have another chance .", "Margery , everything you say and do makes it more hard to go away from you .", "Oh , he 's young . Do n't despair !", "I had business at the Horse Guards . I shall be home to dinner , though .", "I do n't know Cazenove very well \u2014\u2014", "Oh , I know her . She comes to our house .", "This is an unexpected pleasure .", "Why do you take her part ? She 's injured you enough .", "Yes .", "Good-bye .Good-bye , Mr. Cazenove .", "But in opposite directions . Mrs. Cazenove , you 're quite a philosopher . Why have you grown so serious all at once ?", "According to my wife \u2014 and Agnes is a clever woman in her way \u2014\u2014", "What you 've crushed out of yourself \u2014 your womanhood . What you 're ashamed of is a woman 's glory . Philosophy is well enough in boots ; but in a woman a man wants flesh and blood \u2014 frank human nature !", "I 've tried to read it , but I did n't succeed . However , I 've cut the leaves and dropped cigar ash on the final chapter . Why , here she is again !", "How good of you to send for me ! So then my letters have had some effect ?", "Colonel , you 're very proud of him ; and you have every reason to be . From all I hear , few men have won more distinction at Oxford .", "I was thinking of my wife ; she 's one of them . I 'm not . I 'm only Mrs. Sylvester 's husband .", "Not now , but by-and-by . Margery , I would make you love me \u2014 I would teach you !", "She was no wife to me . For years our marriage has been a mockery , and it was best to put an end to it . Now I am free .", "Bless me , my wife again !", "Agnes and I go very different ways .", "You must . Do n't think I 'm going to reproach you . I take all the blame on myself . What if I were to tell you that you 've made a convert to your principles where you least expected it ?"], "true_target": ["And Dr. Mary Bevan ?", "I love you , Margery .", "I will .", "Because I love you , Margery !", "I do n't know yet . I do n't know if I 'm welcome .", "You are cruel .", "Is it as bad as that ?", "Not at all . I like it .", "Death-bed repentance , then . That 's the one problem it discusses .", "Another soul ! She 's also for equality . Her theory is , that girls should be boys , and maids should be young men . Goes in for latchkeys and that sort of thing .", "Armstrong , of Mapledurham ? The farmer ? Oh , I know him well . I go there for the fishing .", "Margery ? No .", "How so ?", "Her theory is , that boys ought to be girls , and young men should be maids .That 's how she 'd equalize the sexes .", "By all means , if I may talk to Mrs. Cazenove !", "I 'm afraid not !", "You mean , the female novel ?", "I have always been under that impression .", "I saw you in the apple-tree , and took a short cut .", "And I to you . Margery , I 've left my wife .", "It 's no use beating about the bush . Things have gone too far , and I 'm too much in earnest . She loves your husband . It is common talk . I 've shut my eyes as long as possible , and you 've shut yours ; but we both know the truth .", "Anything . Mrs. Cazenove can do no wrong .But where 's Agnes ? Happening to pass this way , I thought I might perhaps give her a lift home .", "How are you getting on ?", "A woman .", "They 're generally first in the field .", "Do you propose to send those to my wife ?", "Colonel", "Music is noise to some people . I like it !", "I do n't think his wife is .", "On the wrong principle !", "My dear Colonel , who am I to be jealous ?", "You mean , that they ought both to be for women ?", "Yes , but they light them at the other end .Re-enter WELLS , L .", "I mean the mutton I had yesterday .", "Alone , Mrs. Cazenove ? It is n't often that I find you alone . I 've seen nothing of you lately . You 've always been out when I 've called .", "By making a public exhibition of the Decay of Man .", "My wife ! I did n't recognize her .", "Only once .", "The sooner , the better .", "What is a pity , Colonel ?", "Of my marriage ?", "I have n't the least notion . I only know you would n't be at home .", "I ask Mrs. Cazenove 's pardon .You do n't object to the collaboration , then ?", "Yes , so you said .", "I am content to be a fraction !", "I thought it was about marriage .", "Oh , I remember Lady Wargrave well .", "There is no hope for me ?", "And what a pleasure it is to meet somebody who 's not clever . Mrs. Cazenove , I think cleverness is the most boring thing in the world . This planet would be quite a pleasant place but for the clever people .", "I hope these ladies have n't converted you .", "If there were more women like you , there would be fewer men like me .", "That it 's best for us both to put an end to this farce that we 're living . I mean , that I love another woman .", "I can form no opinion . I had n't the advantage of a university training .", "Have n't you read her book ? \u201c Aspirations after a Higher Morality . \u201d", "You 're frank , Mrs. Cazenove .", "Why have you kept them , then ?", "What if I have ?", "Looking for me ?", "Margery \u2014 I may call you \u201c Margery ? \u201d", "Women are like Bradshaw \u2014 a guide and a puzzle !", "Only a fortnight since you were all vivacity .", "Well , hardly !", "I must be silent !", "Oh , plenty , plenty .", "Then you do watch them , Margery \u2014 Mrs. Cazenove ?", "Really , I feel a sort of trespasser .", "Suppose your husband left you ?", "No , it stops at nothing .", "Shall you be in to-morrow ?", "But my wife is n't a woman .", "Is it a challenge ?", "If Mrs. Cazenove \u2014\u2014", "And now these women carry him behind them !", "I understood that he was up the river .", "Of me ?", "No matter ; I 'll dine at the club .", "And I would tell her husband to his face"], "play_index": 22, "act_index": 22}, {"query": ["In my case , it would be !", "Of course I forgive you !", "How that girl sculls !", "Did I sigh ?", "That is another proposition .", "Have n't you heard ? Sylvester 's left his wife \u2014 and it is all my doing .", "Say you will marry me !", "I knew she had arrived , but I postponed presenting myself till I was summoned . My aunt has the kindest of hearts \u2014\u2014", "My name is Gerald .", "How many times does that make ?", "Not always .", "And how have you been , aunt ? You never mentioned your health in your letters . Are you better ?", "Yes , I was staying there when she arrived . I have been rusticating for the last six weeks . It 's so much easier to write in the fresh air .", "There is no mesalliance where there 's love .", "I love you , Margery .Now , let me get on with my work !", "A card from Lady Wargrave ! And addressed to you !", "I 'll tell her now !", "Old Armstrong 's daughter . We grew up together . When I was very young , I was considered delicate , and I was sent to the farmhouse at Mapledurham . When I went to Eton , Lady Wargrave took Margery into her service . There she has remained \u2014\u2014", "In social station , beneath me . But what 's social station ?", "That 's what I came to say \u2014 that 's all !", "You 'regoing to leave me ?", "What was that ?Margery !", "You have it , Margery !", "Yet \u2014\u2014", "Or is n't , aunt !", "That is a question .", "A woman ! that is what one wants \u2014 that 's all . Birth , brains , accomplishments \u2014 pshaw ! vanities ! community of interest \u2014 sympathy of soul ? mere dialectics ! That 's not love .", "I did n't know I sighed . Writing 's hard work .", "Show me the answer when you 've written it !", "But what will aunt say ?", "You are too late .", "Nobody has done more for the Advancement of Woman .", "But wo n't you stay to tea ?", "Then what 's the use of trying ?", "Forgive me ; but we 're face to face with truth . Do n't let us flinch from it . We have both made the same mistake \u2014 not in our marriages , but in despising them . What we want in a partner is what we lack in ourselves . Not sympathy only , but sex . Strength requires gentleness , sweetness asks for light ; and all that is womanly in woman wants all that is manly in man . You think your husband is no mate for you . What I have missed in Margery , have you not missed in him ?", "It shall be changed to-morrow , aunt .", "So musical ! When she sings out , \u201c Lock , ho ! \u201d", "In a few more , I hope that she will be my wife .", "Thank her for going ?", "We are collaborating .", "Better late than never , aunt . And thank you for the card for your At", "Not all I want to say , but all I must . I am no longer a free man . My lips are sealed .", "Of marriage in the abstract .", "Margery ! LADY WARGRAVE and COLONEL re-enter , quietly , C ., and stand , looking on , at back , amongst the trees .", "I had a few pulls on the river ; and being out of training \u2014\u2014", "Can you ever respect me again ?", "Well , up the river everybody does . It was hot weather , too .", "This is an olive-branch , and no mistake ! So aunt is thawing at last .", "Oh , not at all !Good gracious , Margery !", "I will tell them all !", "One of my Oxford friends .", "Forget my folly , and forget your own .", "You will not tell me ?", "Oh , never mind !", "My aunt , Lady Wargrave . Colonel Cazenove .", "An overture \u2014 a sign of reconciliation \u2014 like holding out your hand .", "But unfortunately for our theory , the thing we put into the crucible was n't love at all .", "Margery !", "Then you refuse me ?Well , I do n't deserve you .", "Yes , in love , Mrs. Sylvester \u2014 in real love .", "Lady Wargrave 's joking !", "What has he said ?", "Courage , yourself ! You 're shaking all over .", "What truth ?", "Marry a woman \u2014\u2014", "Oh , I 've been all right !", "Answer me ! Could you love me , Margery ?", "That is the conclusion at which we have arrived .", "Here \u2014 Margery ?", "She must be told .", "Margery !", "Yes , what becomes of it ?", "Oh , what a scoundrel I was , Margery !", "You do n't object then ?", "It is for you to say . We have gone too far together for either of us to turn back alone . I have not only made my own hearth desolate , but yours . I owe you all the reparation I can make . I only want you to know the truth . What is left of my life you may command , but my heart is not mine to bestow .", "Margery , then you do !", "Not till I 've told you how I love you , Margery . Seeing you again is breathing the pure air . It seems a younger and a sweeter world , now you have come again . Nothing else matters . All my life beside appears a folly and a waste of time . My real life was lived with you down yonder , out in the fields , and rambling through the woods and listening to the music of the weir . The life that we began together so pleasantly , cannot we live together to the end ? I was quite honest when I said I loved you . And could n't you love me ,\u2014 just a little bit ?", "You are not frightened ?", "And so is mine !", "Where ?", "I dare say .", "Percy Pettigrew .", "They may bring Percy with them .", "That word just describes her . She is a woman \u2014 nothing more or less . Away went all my theories into air . My precious wisdom was stripped bare before me , and in its nakedness I saw my folly . Not with laborious thought ; but in one vivid flash I learned more than I ever learned at Oxford .", "My wife again !", "Aunt wrote to summon her to resume her duties .", "No , aunt ; it is the truth .", "Or a wife . Ah , me !", "Oh , very simply . Margery told me .", "There 's your husband !", "No , not a bit like that \u2014 more silvery !", "Oh , we are only on the threshold . I finished the first chapter about daybreak .", "It 's not finished yet . I am so interrupted !", "Sylvester \u2014", "News ?", "Margery , of course !", "A column Percy does for \u201c The Corset . \u201d", "It 's all right , uncle .", "Be my wife !", "Come , let us get to work . I 've done hardly anything today . It 's first one interruption , then another .", "I hope I shall never do that !", "No , not a word .", "Good-bye ?", "I sha n't do that !", "My dear \u2014\u2014", "You mean , of your statement .", "If you only knew \u2014\u2014", "But where are the arguments ?", "Not yet . Margery , can you ever forgive me ?", "Tea . At five o'clock , I have a few friends coming . Mrs .", "If she was no companion , did I make her one ?", "\u201c The Corset \u201d is Percy 's organ .", "Margery !Thank you ! God bless you !", "What did I say to you between the lines ?", "I 'm in love .", "To Margery .", "What , you defend him ?", "Nor is this . A week ago I thought so . I know better now .", "Margery , speak ! I have a right to know .", "Margery !", "She was the revelation .", "You think so ?", "And , if it 's possible , some place in your esteem . Let me say this , and I will say no more . If , for a little space , my heart strayed from you , Margery \u2014 if , for a moment , words escaped my lips which cannot be recalled , that is my only infidelity . You understand me ?", "To love \u2014 to honour .", "And a pocket too . Nobody knows that better than I do . Since my parents \u2019 death , she has been father and mother , as well as aunt , to me . But there was always something about aunt that made one keep one 's distance .", "Margery !But , Agnes , Margery is impossible ! She 's no companion to me ! I am all alone ! Her very laughter grates upon me ! There 's no meaning in it ! It is the laughter of a tomboy , of a clown ! And she will never learn ! She 's hopeless , Agnes , hopeless !What is one to do ?", "And what is yours ? Let us be frank .", "But this is a work of philosophy .", "You wrong her , Margery \u2014 indeed , you do ! I was the culprit \u2014\u2014"], "true_target": ["His ?", "Margery !", "My dear aunt !", "Gerald ! Call me so , Margery .", "It did n't sound like that in Mapledurham !I 'm so glad aunt 's come round . You do n't know how it 's worried me \u2014 her estrangement .", "Well , well , uncle , you do n't often come to see me ; so we wo n't argue . Can I prevail on you to stay to tea ?", "So much is obvious . It is a conclusion to which literature and the higher culture inevitably tend . The awakened conscience of woman is already alive to it .", "No , dear , but \u2014\u2014", "Of course you 'll have to answer this !", "I tell you , it 's all right . Margery 's going to be your niece \u2014 my wife .", "What did I say ? What did I do ? What must she think of me ? I can n't bear this suspense . For the last fortnight , she 's been another woman . So grave \u2014 so thoughtful \u2014 so unlike herself . There is no laugh to grate upon me now . What would I give to bring it back again ?", "But , my dear aunt , you said only just now \u2014\u2014", "Margery ! you shall not go !", "Free to say how I love you \u2014 how I have always loved you ! Yes , Margery , I loved you even then \u2014 then when I spoke those unjust , cruel words ; but love 's so weird a thing it sometimes turns us against those we love . But when I saw you , there upon the ground , my heart turned back to you \u2014 no , it was not my heart , only my lips that were unfaithful ! My heart was always yours \u2014 not half of it , but all \u2014 yours when I married you , yours when you said good-bye , and never more yours , never as much as now , now I have lost you .", "What a voice , too !", "Gerald ! say Gerald !", "Forgive me , Mrs. Sylvester \u2014 forgive me , aunt , but in the excitement of seeing you \u2014\u2014", "I did n't , aunt .", "What ?", "For a few days , you mean ?", "Margery , what nonsense !", "Aunt , this is kind of you ! but you were always kind .", "He has just gone .", "Later on , later on !", "Something quite different from what we had supposed . We 've been on the wrong tack altogether . We have imagined something we have labelled love ; we have put it into a crucible , and reduced it to its elements .", "Yes , aunt , I flatter myself \u2014\u2014", "Home .", "I want you to be nothing less or more \u2014 only a woman !", "I am not here to ask you to come back to me . How can I say what I have come for ? I have come \u2014 because I cannot keep away from you . To ask for your forgiveness \u2014\u2014", "Do n't ! do n't ! you torture me !", "Oh , certainly !If you 'll excuse me going on with my work . I 've been a good deal interrupted .", "I 'm sure I sha n't , because I am not going to guess at all .", "About the book ?Oh , I had nothing to say , except that I was getting on all right . I 've written the first chapter .", "Pity for myself .", "Really forgive me ?", "Aunt always talks in riddles !", "Our subject is the Ethics of Marriage .", "Good afternoon . I 'm sorry to have kept you waiting .", "Pray come in , Mrs. Sylvester . You know my aunt .", "Not from the beginning . It started right enough , but somehow it has taken the wrong turn .", "What right have I to stop her ?", "Then he shall !", "He has been here ?", "One moment , ladies ! Stay one moment , aunt ! Before you go I want to tell you all of my engagement .", "It was my poem did it .", "I met an old friend up the river .", "Then they are not alike .", "Do you know , uncle , she can almost beat me ?", "Well , of course , I went out .", "It is certainly interesting .", "Wait a moment , Margery !", "Of man and woman .", "Not much ; I 'm getting used to it .", "By the way , did you receive my poem ?", "Always in my eyes !", "Aunt Caroline !", "It is for Captain Sylvester to forgive you .", "Then call me , Gerald .", "If she will only marry me .", "And when she feathers ?\u2014\u2014", "Surely it is a promise .", "A dozen or so .", "\u2014 Miss", "Not very much , I 'm afraid .", "Thinking .", "How could I tell you , Margery ?", "Thank you so much for coming .", "Prove it to me .", "But , Margery , you do forgive me ?", "No , no ; my love was real enough , and I love Margery still ; but love does n't seem to bear the wear and tear of marriage \u2014 the hourly friction \u2014 the continual jar .", "It was my fault !", "That I am , uncle !", "Of Margery .", "At Mapledurham .", "Not as I do you , Margery . You do n't know what you did for me that day . If you had rounded on me , I should not have cared \u2014 but to be silent \u2014 to do nothing \u2014 to forgive me !", "It 's so difficult to write in the fresh air . One wants to go out and enjoy oneself . And then old Armstrong 's such a jolly old boy .", "It 's got past friendship with me , Margery . Since I came back to town , everything 's changed . My pursuits all feel so empty and so meaningless ; every woman I meet seems different from what she was : and oh , how different from you !", "Not till you 've said that you will be my wife .", "How 's Mrs. Sylvester ?", "Do n't say a party , Margery !", "Then I 'm glad I 've kept mine .", "I have something to tell you .", "I 'm not cross , dear ; but these repeated interludes make composition rather difficult .", "Sylvester , you 're a Philistine . I wo n't ask you to stay .", "My dear aunt !", "Margery !", "Yes , I expect Miss Bevan .", "It is the work of my life .", "If you will only listen \u2014\u2014", "I mean to have an answer .", "Yes , I am going to be married .", "That 's what I went for .", "Six weeks ago .", "It defies analysis . You can n't put love into a crucible . You only know that there is something empty in you ; and you do n't know what fills it ; but that 's love . There 's no mistake about the real thing .", "I am speaking of innocent women .", "Do n't let us talk philosophy to-day . I want to talk to you about something else .", "Bethune \u2014 Miss Vivash \u2014\u2014", "We can be man and wife !", "Ever since I saw that figure on the ground , I can see nothing else . And it is I who brought it to the dust \u2014 I , who had sworn to cherish it . Yes , you are right ; I too am different ; I see things from a different point of view . And when I think of Margery 's young life , so full of hope and joy \u2014 Margery , who never asked to be my wife \u2014 Margery , whom I compelled to marry me \u2014 with all the joy crushed out of her \u2014 I feel too much ashamed even to ask forgiveness . And as I watch her move about the house \u2014 silent and sorrowful \u2014 I ask myself , how much did Margery give up for me ? I took her from the station of life in which she was born , and in which she was happy . I set her in another and a strange one . Was mine the only sacrifice ? How much of friendship and of old association did she resign for my sake ? My life continued as it was before \u2014 I had my old friends and my old pursuits . What had she ? Nothing \u2014 but my love . And I took it away from her . Because she made a few mistakes , and a few people laughed \u2014 a few more did n't call \u2014 and I mistook a light heart for an empty head . What do all these things matter ? what is a man worth who sets such things above a love like hers ?", "Yes , Mrs. Sylvester , it 's best I should . I came to tell it you .", "Yes \u2014 being happy \u2014 that 's the great thing .", "What do you mean ?", "I did n't , till last week .", "No , no !", "That was thirty years ago . Things have changed since then .", "To Mapledurham ?", "Ah , we 've not got there yet .", "Answer me !", "Come ! what is the good news ?", "Tea is quite ready , ladies !", "Well , we must make the best of it !", "For better , for worse , Margery .", "There is a difference between cold mutton and six courses , to say nothing of the savoury .", "On the ethics of marriage .", "Call it an At Home .", "That won the Newdigate . I sent you a copy \u2014 to Rome .", "Put that thing down .You are mine now ; not hers .", "Just what I 'm doing !", "And the love that has no passion in it , is n't worth the name !", "You have not told my aunt .", "But , aunt \u2014\u2014", "Then , I am free !", "This is n't writing my book .", "You 're not afraid to make those promises !", "I have been working so hard .", "But I shall see you again presently ?", "Six weeks .", "Yes , dear , but \u2014\u2014", "Simplicity itself ."], "play_index": 22, "act_index": 22}, {"query": ["\u201c Lock , ho ! \u201d"], "true_target": ["We ?"], "play_index": 22, "act_index": 22}, {"query": ["We 'll put those in afterwards .", "I was in all the morning .", "Really ?", "It was at Mapledurham you made this discovery ?", "Jack !", "Ah , you are here ! I 've been looking for you everywhere .", "And we have found those elements to be , community of interest and sympathy of soul .", "What do you mean by same ?", "Were you stroke ?", "I understand you . It is over .", "What does she mean ?", "That 's your idea ?", "It has been .", "To an empty phrase must one sacrifice one 's life ? Must one stake everything on the judgment of one 's youth ? By the decision of a moment must one be bound for ever ? Must one go through the world \u201c with quiet eyes unfaithful to the truth ? \u201d Does one not owe a duty to oneself ? There can be but one answer !", "Well , you have found one .", "What do you mean ?", "Your maid was at Mapledurham ?", "This world was made for such as you and her ! Re-enter MARGERY , R ., cloaked . We have no place in it \u2014 we who love with our brains ! we have no chance of happiness !", "What do you call real love ?", "What is a promise when the heart 's gone out of it ?", "Of course you think so ; but you do n't know women . The simple woman has n't yet been born . This is n't love , Mr. Cazenove . This is the temporary victory of the baser side of your nature . The true alliance is the union of souls .", "You contemplate a mesalliance ?", "This is infatuation . Some riverside coquette \u2014\u2014", "I will not trespass any longer , Mr. Cazenove . No doubt , your aunt has much to say to you .", "A mere animal !", "You , of whom everyone expects so much , to throw away your opportunities , and to begin your life hindered and hampered by a foolish marriage .", "Oh , frankness , by all means .", "What is , then ?", "Always a husband !", "Now I understand why you did n't write to me .", "Margery ! Are you all mad , you men ? What is it in that woman that enslaves you ? What is the charm we others do n't possess ? Only you men can see it ; and you all do ! You lose your senses , every one of you ! What is it in her that bewitches you ?", "How do you know ?", "That is so like a man ! Does n't say he 's coming home , and then expects six courses and a savoury !", "Mr. Cazenove and I are collaborating .", "That 's how", "Who ?", "You 're very argumentative to-day . I have n't seen you for six weeks , and you 've come home in a nasty , horrid temper !", "Happily the weeks are not all over yet . In a few more you will have forgotten her as completely as she will have forgotten you .", "Is it she only who has changed ?", "Is she good-looking ?", "Broken hearts heal ! The things that you call hearts ! One love is dead , another takes its place ; one man is lost , another man is found . What is the difference to a love like yours ? Oh , there are always men for such women as you ! By degrees re-enter omnes , R ., L ., and C ., gradually , except GERALD .", "An old friend .", "We should be quieter at our house .", "I can n't bear this now .", "But of soul and soul ; not a mere sensual temptation .", "But we have made great progress .", "A lady ?", "Pray do n't rise .", "Who is she , I say ?", "Oh dear , I wish I had known that . There 's only mutton .", "And I 've written the last .Connoting the results of our arguments .", "Is it a riddle ?"], "true_target": ["Your marriage was a mistake from the beginning .", "Oh , you are disagreeable !", "Or what becomes of our philosophy ?", "Mine was no folly . I , at least , was sincere ; the love that is n't based on sympathy is a mere passion .", "Interesting ?", "Yes , but what is the best ?Is our mistake so hopeless , irremediable ? After all , is not true loyalty loyalty to oneself ?", "A man thinks of nothing but his stomach .", "Thank you , dear .", "Did you have mutton yesterday ?", "We do n't know what the end will be ourselves .", "It was wrong from the first . Mine was the true ideal . The thing that you thought love was a mere passion \u2014 an intoxication . Now you have come back to your better self you feel the need of sympathy .", "Then she is married ?", "I think we 've met before .", "It is a work of genius \u2014 none but a true poet \u2014\u2014", "Oh !", "Why is your face so brown ?", "Who is she ?", "Where have you been ? I have seen nothing of you . What have you been doing ?", "Of whom ?", "And why are your hands blistered ?", "Do n't trouble ; I know my way .", "Mr. Cazenove met a friend up the river .", "I thought it was a woman .", "I want you to take me home .", "Gerald !", "This is pure pity , Gerald .", "Not skilled to steal ! have you not stolen mine ?", "I do n't understand you .", "Has she said anything ?", "Need you tell me all this ?", "Viewed from the standpoint of the higher morality .", "Husbands are all alike . The ancient regarded his wife as a slave , the modern regards her as a cook .", "Not Agnes now !", "Victoria always writes her novels . She begins at the end .", "Good day to you , Lady Wargrave .", "Of course , she heard ?", "Take her , then ! go your way !", "Thanks . Captain Sylvester dines early .", "She was no wife for you . She could be no companion .", "And your friend ?", "Not to-night . I 'm tired .", "We are face to face with the problem ! Let us confront it boldly . Gerald , do you love me ?", "There is no friction in true marriage , Gerald . You say you love your wife , and it is good and loyal of you to deceive yourself ; but you can n't deceive me . Have n't I made the same mistake myself ? I was a thoughtless , inexperienced girl , Jack was a handsome , easy-going man . We married , and for a year or two we jogged along . But I grew up \u2014 the girl became a woman . I read , I thought , I felt ; my life enlarged . Jack never reads , never thinks \u2014 he is just the same .I am not unhappy , but my soul is starved \u2014\u2014 as yours is !", "It is a fine distinction , and in no way affects the validity of my argument .", "You !", "I may still be your friend ?Re-enter WELLS .", "And of mine !", "Gerald !You are not happy . You have realized the truth .", "Well , of course , Jack ! How ridiculous you are ! Should I be here if I did n't know Mr. Cazenove ?", "Yes !", "Stroke .", "And the end of it ?", "On , then you were n't alone ?"], "play_index": 22, "act_index": 22}, {"query": ["Ah !", "To marry ! after your experience !", "Margery , I 've come to scold you .", "Married !", "Of course ! you had my card .", "Then , Miss Bethune has renounced her opinions ?", "Poor Sylvester ! He was such a nice boy !Gerald , can Margery wait in the next room ?", "Cure yourself , Gerald . Knowledge is not wisdomForgive me , dear ; but I have known so many men who have never survived the distinctions of their youth , who are always at Oxford , and even in their manhood play with rattles . Now , forget Oxford \u2014 go into the world \u2014 lay books aside , and study men .", "Excuse my ignorance , but I have been away from England for so many years . Can this be the New Woman I have read about ?", "But how have you been , Gerald ? We belong to the past \u2014\u2014", "Would you admit a third collaborateur ?", "Theodore , your arm . These ladies interest me . Besides , they sadly want a chaperone .", "Theodore !", "That does n't trouble you .", "That is good news . Then you have n't found your new position difficult ?", "Indeed ?", "Between the lines .", "Leave us together , Armstrong .", "Now , Gerald , let me look at you . Your face to the light , please .I do n't like that necktie .", "Do n't do that . You did your duty . Nothing more .", "Yes , Margery .And Gerald ?", "Of course ! two of your names are quite well known to me ; it is only the surname that is unfamiliar .", "Her father lives there . Theodore , do n't you think Margery looks all the better for her holiday ?", "And you , a Cazenove ! It is out of the question ! I wo n't permit it ! I forbid it , Gerald !", "What is the matter with you , Theodore ? You have suddenly become quite a moral martinet , and have developed such a severity of aspect that I scarcely know my own brother .", "You belong to the future , and the future belongs to you .", "At any rate , she means to marry you ?", "An old woman .", "Yes \u2014 and women .", "Ah !That will be a very interesting work .Did you do very much down at Mapledurham ?", "Poem ?", "Ah , I remember ; I received the document . Tell me , were there many competitors ?", "There are so many things I must n't tell Enid !", "Quite sure you suffer from nothing ?", "Gerald , and I have come to acknowledge it .", "Never !", "What is that , Doctor ?", "You told me that you had learned everything Oxford has to teach worth learning , and that you were in danger of becoming \u2014 well\u2014 shall we say , tete montee ?", "Yes , it 's a pretty little place enough .", "Gerald desired you to leave him ?", "A friend ? Margery , you did n't tell me that .", "You would n't see him , if I sent him to you ?", "No doubt . When you know Theodore as well as I do , you will have learnt what value to attach to his observations !", "Aunt . I 've called to make amends to you .", "I thought , that crime would bring its punishment . Now , they 're upon the marriage service ! As though that concerned them ! Gerald , if you marry any of that tribe , you 'll really break my heart !", "No ; she is generally middle-aged .", "Good gracious ! you are growing quite sentimental ! I have no confidences to make .", "To whom ?", "Do n't repeat my words ! A Cazenove marry Margery ! Ridiculous !", "Pardon me , ladies ; but if you are about to consult your physician , you would no doubt prefer to be alone .", "Oh ! Captain Sylvester 's wife is collaborating with you ?", "Somewhat risquee , is n't she ?", "To discuss physiology ? I am quite of your opinion .", "Theodore !", "Did you say , \u201c ordnance ? \u201d", "Well , it was quite time that you had a nurse !", "For my neglect .Forgive me , Margery , but your marriage was a shock to me . However , I 've got over it . Perhaps , after all , Gerald has chosen wisely !", "Busy ?", "Silence ! You said just now , you hoped that you would never break my heart . Well , Gerald , you have broken it . A Cazenove !", "I need hardly say with what pleasure I have followed your career at Oxford . It is worthy of a Cazenove .", "It must have been . You should have seen her hands . They were all over blisters .", "One of those who are always at Oxford ?", "Marry a woman , whatever else she is .", "Gerald , is this a trick ?", "Or is n't ! The door L. is thrown open , and re-enter DR. MARY , ENID , and VICTORIA , all talking , followed by MARGERY , who takes up her original position at the back .", "Then Woman will go after him .", "Theodore , you never said so !", "As far as you have gone . But what is to be the end of it ?", "Pettigrew , did you say ?"], "true_target": ["Never mind your uncle . Tell me about yourself \u2014 and about Gerald . I hope your marriage has turned out a happy one .", "Really , Theodore !Re-enter WELLS , L .", "Margery !", "Your engagement , Gerald ?", "In future , dear , you 'll have another visitor . I see I have neglected you too long . And you must come and see me . We 'll go out together .", "Wife of Jack Sylvester ! I am pleased to meet you . I have known your husband almost from a boy . But I do n't see him .", "It is not enough for me that a work of my nephew 's should be interesting ! Tell me , as far as you have gone , do you think it is worthy of a Cazenove ?", "Witty ?", "I 've only one objection to new things ; they are so old .", "Is it possible that Oxford can produce eleven worse poems than yours ?", "My dear Margery , your uncle has never presumed to mention the subject ?", "Does n't she look brown ?", "Not till he asked me , certainly .", "I ask your pardon . Gerald , you have n't introduced me !", "Not always . I ought to have paid this visit earlier . I made a mistake ,", "Not finished yet !", "And for going ?", "What do I think of the New Woman ? There is no New Woman ; she is as old as Moliere .", "Do you go out much ?", "Does he write very much ?", "Theodore , this is not a barracks !", "I take no part in it .", "I must n't complain ; but Providence is really most unjust . Here am I , who have lived a life of temperance , in my old age \u2014\u2014", "But not myself !", "That is n't writing , Margery .", "Quite a clean breast of it ?", "No fool like an old fool !", "You are not used to ordinances .", "It is worthy of a Cazenove ; that is all .", "Eight .", "A chronic invalid ; while this old transgressor who has denied himself nothing, and committed every sin in the Decalogue, is as hale and as hearty as I am infirm .", "Your letters have told me a great deal \u2014 more than perhaps you know ; but I have read them very carefully ; and when you asked me to come home \u2014\u2014", "Re-enter WELLS , L ., and whispers to GERALD .", "Gerald , call Margery .Well , they are looking for one .", "There is another ceremony which , during a somewhat long career , you have systematically avoided .", "I think I liked you better as you were . At any rate , I was used to you .", "Gerald , I must be going .", "Gerald !", "To whom , pray ?", "You may kiss me .", "It is sad \u2014 very sad .", "Calm yourself , dear !", "I do n't wonder at it . But Man has an awkward habit of coming back again .", "Ah , his rattle !", "Give me my smelling salts .", "Would it not be more useful if she knew something of his future ?", "Oh , I could put an end to it , I think !", "And do you think that you have paid it ?", "Then if he wished you to return , you would come back ?", "Theodore was late as usual .", "Theodore !", "And are you satisfied with what you have done ?", "Theodore ! What fresh iniquity \u2014?", "His \u2014\u2014?", "Sylvester !", "The higher morality has caught a crab .", "Margery !You were rowing ?", "No matter !", "Yes , at my nephew 's chambers . I remember perfectly . You were engaged upon some work or other .", "Where are you ? Why have you deserted me ? To leave me at the mercy of that crew ! My poor , dear , Gerald ! however did you get into this set ?", "Aunt . Come and sit down by me .Yes , Margery , to scold you . Why did you not confide in me ? If you had only told me of your troubles , this would never have happened . It was undutiful .", "Remember , you are my niece .", "I mean to put it right .", "There I have the advantage . If I can help in any way , my experience is always at your service . Meanwhile , I fear I am another interruption . Theodore , your arm !", "And is yours one of them ? You are young , Margery ; and youth exaggerates its sorrows as well as its joys . Nothing has happened that cannot be put right , if you will only trust me and obey me .", "How can she reconcile them with your enormities ?", "To-day .That will do , Gerald .", "Young man ?", "Do you have many visitors ?"], "play_index": 22, "act_index": 22}, {"query": ["You might have guessed !", "A good deal of it .", "I 'll go and wake him up .", "Uncle !", "Poor Dapple !", "That you 've deserted her !", "And obey !", "Yes ; she has injured me ; but now I know what it is to live without love , and to want it , I can pardon her . Ca n't you ?Forgive her , Captain Sylvester \u2014 freely as I do you \u2014 give her the love that you have offered me \u2014 and you will find your wife 's a woman just as much as I am .", "Thank you , I can n't smoke .", "Bo !", "You ought n't to ask that !", "Amends ?", "Go back .", "Is the best husband in the world to me . Of course , he 's very busy \u2014\u2014", "Do n't let 's talk about it .", "You are mistaken there . It was your voice that spoke them , but the words were hers . It 's she who 's robbed me of your love ! It is n't I who 've lost it ; she has stolen it !", "With his book ; and sometimes I can n't help annoying him . That 's nothing . We have n't had a real cross word yet .", "I 'm not Margery now !", "Re-enter WELLS , L .", "Oh , Lady Wargrave !", "I am my husband 's wife , and I am not afraid of any woman in the world .", "Or not talk in that way .", "What chance have we ? we , who love with our hearts ! we , who are simply what God made us \u2014 women ! we , to whom love is not a cult \u2014 a problem , but just as vital as the air we breathe . Take love away from us , and you take life itself . You have your books , your sciences , your brains ! What have we ?\u2014 nothing but our broken hearts !", "Hush ! Mr. Gerald , that 's impossible . My lady will be asking for me . Let me go !", "You need n't be afraid . There 'll be no scene ; I 've done with tears .", "I forbid you ! Leave me with my husband .", "Well , have you finished ?", "Must you go ?", "I have heard too much ! Do n't speak again , or you will make me hate you ! My mind 's made up . I have no business here ! You are above me . I 'm no wife for you ! I 'm dragging you down every day and hour .", "Too civil !", "Aunt vows you 'd nothing to do with it at all !", "Well , I do n't mind trying .", "Yes ; I am a new woman .", "That is what made it easy to forgive you . Now let me go .", "Stand back ! You shall not go !", "Dear old dad ! We leave our parents , and we return to them ; they let us go , and they take us back again ! How little we think of their partings , and how much of our own !", "Do you like smoking ?", "This is good news ! For we were getting hard up , were n't we , father ?", "Oh , Mr. Gerald .", "How could you tell her ? How could she listen to you ? I forgive you , Gerald \u2014 I did n't at first , but now I understand that there are times when one 's heart is so sore , it must cry out to somebody . But she \u2014\u2014", "Yes , my lady .", "I believe Gerald 's jealous !", "No , aunt . There are some troubles one can confide to nobody \u2014 some griefs which are too sacred to be talked about .", "Mrs. Sylvester is coming !", "Thank you for your kind words . I knew you had got over it .", "Nothing !", "Is that another lesson ? Never use one syllable when two will do ? Very well , Gerald , I 'll remember that . But what do you mean by olive-branch ?", "I sent for you because I want to speak to you .", "Yes ; when you said , \u201c I love you , Margery ! \u201d Say it again !", "I can guess the rest . You say Gerald does n't love me , you do n't love your wife , and your wife does n't love you ; but you forget one thing \u2014 that I do n't love you either .", "You will ! I 'm sure you will !", "Now puff !", "I never stopped you .", "We 'll say good-bye now .", "That 's what I do remember !I am Gerald 's wife ! That 's what she does n't forgive me !You call yourself a New Woman \u2014 you 're not New at all . You 're just as old as Eve . You only want one thing \u2014 the one thing every woman wants \u2014 the one thing that no woman 's life 's worth living without ! A true man 's love ! Ah , if we all had that , there 'd be no problem of the sexes then . I had it once . Heaven help me , I have lost it ! I 've done my best \u2014 it is n't much , but it 's the best I can . I give it up ! If you have robbed me of his love , my own is left to me ; and if the future 's yours , the past is mine . He loved me once , and I shall love him always !", "Gerald !", "Well ?", "Well , you 're easily shocked !", "Have some pity on me ! Do n't let the last words I shall hear you say be words defending her ! Think what she 's done for me ! Think how you loved me when you married me \u2014 think what our two lives might have been , but for her \u2014 think what mine will be ! for mine wo n't be like yours . Your love is dead , and you will bury it , but mine 's alive \u2014 alive !", "Well , do n't be cross !", "He 's found that out ?", "Please , Mr. Gerald , do n't ! It makes it very hard for me \u2014\u2014", "I knew that was coming .", "Mr. Gerald !", "I do respect you , sir .", "Have you a card , Miss Vivash ?", "Well , is n't it a party ?", "Of course , aunt , I 'm not clever ; but I suppose I 'm witty without knowing it !", "That rests with you . You say , she 's been no wife to you ; but have you been a husband to her ?", "I was in once .", "No man 's a scoundrel to the woman he loves . Ah , it was easy to forgive your loving me . But I 'll do something that is not so easy . I will forgive you for not loving me . It 's been a struggle . For the last fortnight I have n't said a word , because I was n't master of myself , and I did n't want to speak till I 'd forgiven you . I was n't listening , Gerald . Heaven knows I would have given all the world not to have heard a word ; but when you spoke my name , I could n't move . The ground seemed slipping underneath my feet , and all the happiness of all my life went out of it in those three words , \u201c Margery 's hopeless , hopeless ! \u201d", "Cross again !Penalty !", "Oh , yes ! Miss Vivash \u2014 Miss Bethune \u2014 Dr. Mary \u2014 Mrs. Sylvester \u2014 and uncle . They 're often coming . As for Mrs. Sylvester , she almost lives here !\u2014 oh , and Captain Sylvester , he 's taken to calling lately !", "I have n't .", "No !", "How can I ?", "Oh , that will be nice ! Then you have quite forgiven me ?", "I was the trout .", "You have no right !", "I mean , for ever . Gerald , I 've had enough of half a home and only half a heart . I 'm starving , withering , dying here with you ! They love me there ! Let me go back to them ! Oh , what a world it is ! To think that one can get the love of any man except the man one loves !", "We went out a good deal at first , but we got tired of it . I like home best ; at any rate , Gerald does . I rather liked going out . Oh , I 'm quite a success in society .", "Of course ! but what about her ?", "He 'll go back to his wife ; and if she is n't happy , it 's her fault .Re-enter ARMSTRONG , showing out , C ., LADY WARGRAVE and the COLONEL .", "Where shall I put these apples ?", "Ah , I 'm so glad you 've come !I wanted somebody to talk to . Gerald 's so busy !", "Such good news . Guess what it is . I 'll give you three tries .", "That 's my business .", "Yes .", "Is n't that being lovers ?", "I would have no other !", "Yes , we have a latch-key !", "But he has written since .", "Oh ! Gerald expects Mrs. Sylvester \u2014\u2014", "You ran away !", "Yes .", "I 'm going home .", "Gentry are different . We 're different breeds . That 's why we can n't be lovers .", "You have that .", "But if the love is not dead ? if it 's stolen ? what is our lot then \u2014 ours , whose love 's alive ? We , who 're not skilled to steal \u2014 who only want our own \u2014\u2014", "I 'm older than I was .", "Oh , uncle , you 're a shocking old story , are n't you ?", "Oh , famously !", "Just fancy anyone being jealous of you !Hush ! I forgot ! We must n't make so much noise . Clever people do n't like noise .", "Heaven did n't , and there 's an end of it .", "No , not a scrap !", "No , but it 's being happy , and that 's worth all the books that ever were written .", "Only three this morning . You used to like kissing me .", "When he comes home late .", "I have been calm too long !", "Not now , Mr. Gerald .", "I 'm \u201c Margery \u201d to everybody now .", "I mean , to reconcile you !", "I did n't know , my lady .", "You have not lost me , if you love me that much !", "Asking us to a party at her house .", "I have one husband , and I want no other !", "Object ? Not I ! But that 's a very different thing !", "But you will come and see me again soon ?", "But , Gerald , remember I am nothing more . I do n't think I shall ever be a lady .", "Sometimes , my lady .", "Somehow it did n't sound like that in Mapledurham .Well , I suppose his head 's full of his book . I wish mine was of mine . Oh , those French verbs ! and what 's the use of them ? Why is n't English good enough for England ?", "Really !", "That love wo n't last long . Love can n't live on nothing !", "To give them back to you ."], "true_target": ["For being a man ? Oh yes !", "I had a reason for forgiving you .", "Oh , I sha n't spell it wrong !", "He came for no good .", "I think it 's fun ! They are so serious over it . As if the world depended on a book ! As if there were no Providence or anything , and they two had to keep creation going by scratching upon little bits of paper ! I love to watch them , biting at their pens , and staring at that little crack up there .I often think to myself , you may well look \u2014 there 's something there that 'll keep the world going round , just as it is , long after your precious book is dust and ashes .", "If you will let me call you \u201c Mr. Gerald . \u201d", "Gerald 's so busy , will you please excuse him ?", "Because I want you to guess wrong .", "I could n't , sir . Do n't ask me !", "Oh , do n't think I mean that ! Do you suppose you are the only man that 's ever made love to me ? It 's a man 's business to make love ; and it 's a woman 's business to stop him \u2014 when he makes love too hard . But if we can n't be lovers , Mr. Gerald , we can be friends .", "I have answered you !", "Oh , I 'm quite used to it ! I 'm not a bit shy now . Of course I put my foot in it \u2014 I make mistakes sometimes ; but even born ladies sometimes make mistakes .", "You 're going , then ?", "Oh , so happy !", "They 've all come round now . They 've all recognized me . Oh , I 'm so happy , Gerald ! It is n't half as hard to be a lady as I thought !", "Of course !", "Oh , I 'm so happy , uncle !", "One can live a long time in a fortnight .", "He 's told me everything I 've asked him .", "Where are you going ? to her ?", "I know what you mean . I might use all short words instead of long ones .Do n't be afraid : I 'll pick the longest in the dictionary .Ah , Gerald , dear ! short words were good enough for you once !", "Good-bye !", "I may tell you now . He left his wife , not through your fault or hers , but to make love to me .", "What is the use of seeing him ? You can send Gerald , but not Gerald 's heart . I have done all I can \u2014 I can n't do any more . I 've saved his honour \u2014 I 've resigned his love . All I ask is , to be left alone with mine .", "You sold old Dapple ?", "Ah , now I understand ! But what a funny thing to call it \u2014 olive-branch !", "What 's it to me that you do n't love your wife ?", "Wo n't I pay him out ?", "Yes , tell me . I want to make sure as I go along .", "To his wife . I sent him back to her .", "Nearly every day .", "You 'll never guess !", "But you can n't !", "Well , dad ?", "Yes , this is how it ought to be . It looks a different world altogether \u2014 the real world \u2014 the world , when Gerald loved me !Re-enter SYLVESTER , R .", "Oh , what a story he has told us ! he said it was his doing .", "Nothing for your ears !", "It 's no use . I can n't !", "Yes , Margery is hopeless . Every scrap of hope has gone out of her heart . I heard no more . It was enough . There was the end of all the world for me .But it was well I heard you . I should have gone blundering along , in my old madcap way , and perhaps not found it out till I had spoilt your life . It 's well to know the truth ; but , Gerald dear , why did n't you tell it me instead of her ? Why did n't you tell me I was no companion ? I would have gone away . But to pretend you loved me , when you did n't \u2014 to let me go on thinking you were happy , when all the time you were regretting your mistake \u2014 not to tell me , and to tell someone else \u2014 oh , it was cruel , when I loved you so !", "You got my message then ?", "I owe my obedience elsewhere .", "Ah , but then you 're not clever !", "At any rate , I make the people laugh . Is n't that being witty ? Then I laugh as well , although I do n't know what I 'm laughing at , I 'm sure !Oh , everybody laughs at me \u2014 but Gerald . And he 's thinking of his book !", "Yes .If Gerald is .", "Yes , so I heard .", "Yes , Gerald .", "That 's the good news .", "Gerald is in the next room !", "Oh , that 's another lesson ! Never call things by their right names , it 's vulgar !", "Back to the woman you promised to protect , and whom you left when she most needed you .", "No , Gerald !", "Yes .", "Are n't they the same thing ? He says they are , and I agree with him . And then he saysthat , when the love is gone , so is the marriage \u2014 and I think he 's right !", "It 's about love .", "Why do you sigh ?", "Did I startle you ?", "Stop a bit , Gerald !", "Against you , I do ! Who are you to question him ? Are your own hands clean ?", "Only the last .", "No ! From Captain Sylvester .", "To-night and now ! Good-bye !", "Excuse me , uncle . Gerald does n't know you 're here !", "Are you looking for your wife ?", "Gerald !", "Yes .", "What would Gerald do without one ?", "Are you sure you 're that ?", "Be careful , or she 'll steal your honour too . Do n't trust to her fine phrases . She deceives herself . She wants your love , that 's what that woman wants : not to instruct the world \u2014 just to be happy \u2014 nothing more or less ; but she wo n't make you happy or herself . If I am no companion , she 's a bad one !", "I only say to your face what everybody says behind your back .", "No ; but I read his thoughts \u2014 just as you used to say I could read yours \u2014 and I obeyed his wishes .", "Because I love him , and I do n't love you !", "No , but it 's thinking \u2014 and he 's always thinking .", "Of course I have n't told her !May I go ?", "Kiss me , then !", "Who kissed Miss Bethune ?", "Thank you for telling me .", "When they get the chance !", "Ca n't you admire me without telling me ? It 's well to make the best of what we have , instead of trying to make the worst of what we have n't .", "No , daddy dear , and you do n't mind the splint ?", "Do n't soil your lips with lies ! I 've borne as much as I can bear . I can n't bear that !", "For what , sir ?", "Oh , morning , noon , and night . He 's always got a pen in his hand . I often say I wonder he does n't wear the ceiling out with looking at it .", "So , I 'm to learn to be unfaithful , is that it ? As one learns music ? No , Captain Sylvester ! Suppose two people are so much in love that they can n't help it , Heaven is their judge , not me . But to begin to love when they can help it \u2014 not to resist \u2014 to teach themselves to love \u2014 that 's where the wrong is , and there 's no gainsaying it .", "Then put the book away !I 've such news for you !", "No ! but I want to make you realize you need more mercy than you show to her . These letters were written for my eye alone ; to open them was to promise secrecy .", "Because you 've left your wife ?", "But you 're a cipher .", "You ?", "Oh , yes !", "No , it is his .", "Gerald ! will you kiss me ?", "Oh , why is everyone so good to me ? Re-enter GERALD , R ., followed by COLONEL .", "That 's what I like \u2014 nonsense . Say it again !", "Challenge or not , you shall ! It is ignoble to desert her so ! You are a coward to make love to me ! If her love was unworthy , what is yours ? Is it for you to cast a stone at her ? See ! Read your letters !Letters to me \u2014 love-letters ! Letters to a woman you did n't respect in her grief and persecuted in her loneliness \u2014 a woman who would have none of you \u2014 who tells you to your face you 're not a man ! Your love 's an insult ! take the thing away !", "But he has gone .", "Yes , you would , dad !", "For better , for worse .", "Oh , what 's the use of asking ? You only want to make me tell a lie .", "That Mrs. Sylvester 's too much alone .", "What seals them ?", "It was enough .", "A husband who is n't master of his wife is n't half a husband .", "Yes \u2014 we 're as happy as the day is long .", "Not if he 'd been talked over ; not if he asked me to go back to him because he thinks it his duty , or I want him . I do n't want duty ; I want love .", "No , not even there . Only a woman .", "You said it was your doing !", "The grey mare , father ?", "Yes , dad !", "Do you mean my husband ?", "Oh , bother ! you 've been all the morning at that stupid book , and I 'm so happy , I can n't help it . Kiss me , and say that you forgive me !", "Oh , him !", "He has done lately .", "Uncle !", "Yes , Mr. Gerald .", "Mr. Cazenove !", "I am a wife , and I shall not forget it . If I have lost my husband 's love , at least I 'll save his honour . A public scandal may n't mean much to you , but it means your wife 's ruin \u2014 it means Gerald 's . Gerald shall not be ruined ! You shall go back to her !", "What ?", "I know I have n't ! what 's the use of words ? Do you think a woman does n't know when she 's not loved , or is ? When you first said you loved me , down in the fields yonder , do you suppose you took me by surprise ? You had no need to swear . I knew you loved me , just as certainly as I know now you do n't !", "There 's a pair of us !", "I knew from uncle , too . How good of him to bring it all about !", "Yes !", "I think you 're going the same way , both of you .", "Cross again ! You 'd better not be , or you know the penalty !", "Oh , often , from my room .But I can scarcely keep from laughing all the time . Some day I mean to have such fun with them ! I mean to steal in here ,and put my head out , so \u2014 and just when they are putting the world right , say Bo !Re-enter WELLS , L ."], "play_index": 22, "act_index": 22}, {"query": ["Before marriage . Would that were all they did .", "Then you must never marry .", "Oh , surely that depends upon the wife .", "I simply take the interest of a friend in Agnes .", "You would confess that ? Then you agree with me , that a woman is entitled to know the whole of a man 's past ?", "Do n't trouble , Colonel ! She resents an escort . I have no patience with", "How can you , Margery ? I call it shocking ! To take a nasty , evil-smelling thing like this\u2014 and put it to your lips \u2014 brrh !Do n't , Margery , do n't ! I call it horrid \u2014 most unladylike !", "It 's time someone did .", "At any rate , we are agreed on the main point \u2014 the equality of the sexes .", "Ah ! a cup of tea !", "Then do you want to commit sins ?", "Victoria !", "My dear , we are missing the music !Re-enter MRS. SYLVESTER and GERALD , C. Movement of other Guests across stage , during music .", "There is no difference ! Re-enter WELLS , door in flat .", "Quite a change for him ! He must occasionally meet his wife !", "Has he told you everything ?", "And I .", "Victoria !", "Does he come home late ?", "And considering what his past has been \u2014\u2014", "No , no , I wo n't say all !", "Victoria . Trying to be a man !", "Well , it was n't a story . He is in the next room .", "Wait for me , Doctor .You have my best wishes .", "Then , do you take Man 's part in the discussion ?", "I make no distinctions . I admit that a woman has just as much right to come home with the milk as a man : but I say , a man has no right to come home with the milk ; and I say more \u2014 no woman who respects herself has any desire to come home with the milk !", "Man has done all the talking up to now \u2014\u2014", "Well , you know , Colonel , one has to paint with a broad brush .", "But a man has no right to a latchkey .", "A man in distress ! I must help him !What were you saying , Doctor ?", "We 're none of us perfect !", "That 's where we differ . What is your view , Colonel ?", "I do n't believe it , Colonel .", "\u201c Man , the Betrayer ! \u201d", "Regenerate you , of course .", "I do wish she would n't !", "Oh , you men , you men ! You 're all alike \u2014 at least , I wo n't say all !", "Women have futures ; men have only pasts .", "Have n't you observed how much she and your nephew are together ?", "Mere figure !", "I 've just been ordering my gown !", "And I say that a man , reeking with infamy , ought not to be allowed to marry a pure girl \u2014\u2014"], "true_target": ["Yes , Mr. Cazenove \u2014 the next room", "Does Captain Sylvester often call , my dear ?", "A mere figure of speech !", "Have n't you noticed anything ? Of course not ! You men never do !", "I say that there ought to be no distinction ! Why should a man be allowed to commit sins \u2014\u2014", "I do n't mean weak \u2014 like Agnes . She goes to the other extreme . Do you know , I 'm getting very anxious about Agnes !", "A New Journalism \u2014\u2014", "I simply do n't believe it ! You men exaggerate so ! You make yourselves out to be so much worse than you are . Whereas we women pretend to be so much better . That 's the worst of us ! We are such hypocrites ! Oh , if you knew as much about women as I do \u2014\u2014", "You are incorrigible !", "I like a woman to be womanly !", "Oh , I 'm used to it ! Victoria 's is much worse !", "Then you ought to be ashamed of yourself ; there !", "It is impossible to honour a man who has invariably lived a revolting , ante-nuptial life \u2014\u2014", "It is your own fault .", "Fifty !", "Oh , you are not so old as all that !", "I have a card as well !", "I can n't agree with you ! Say what you will , I can n't agree with you !", "Wish she would n't do that !", "Vulgar-minded thing ! Learned French on purpose to read Zola 's novels . I do n't suppose that even you have read them .", "Margery !it 's such women as you on whom men prey !", "So I do . She is the moth \u2014 he is the candle .", "Poor , tempted creature !", "Ah , Colonel , when a man collaborates with a woman , a third person ought always to be present .", "That she is a poor , tempted creature .", "But a man has children !", "Margery , you shock me !", "Colonel !", "You 've read my book ?", "How are you , dear ?Victoria !", "Six !", "I do n't believe it , Colonel !", "Now it is our turn .", "To Agnes Syl \u2014? Oh , I forgot ; she 's married .", "All of us !", "I should be sorry to think that .", "That is Victoria 's foible .", "I have come to a terrible conclusion .", "No , no , not modest !", "Rudeness is not argument !", "Men always stand by one another , so should women . Agnes must be protected against herself !", "I hope you 've taken my advice to heart !"], "play_index": 22, "act_index": 22}, {"query": ["Good morning , dear .What ! Captain Sylvester ! you here , and Agnes not ?", "You have a latch-key ?", "Humph !Well , how long do you give it ?", "Not the New Woman !", "He has had things all his own way \u2014\u2014", "I have an engagement .", "Profound !", "A newspaper devoted to our cause .", "No , but I smoke on principle !", "Never at home \u2014 and when he is \u2014 \u201c in the next room . \u201d Never takes her anywhere , and I do n't wonder at it . Margery is too gauche for anything . But what could be expected , when a man throws himself away in that manner ? Bless me , there were other women in the world !", "No need to apologize ! A wife is just as much entitled to entertain another woman 's husband as a husband to entertain another man 's wife . You 're getting on , dear . That 's philosophy !", "Why make distinctions ?", "Could you oblige me with a light ?", "And woman not be given an opportunity ?", "I want to be allowed to do as men do .", "Now that that man has gone \u2014\u2014", "His \u201c Supercilia \u201d are quoted everywhere .", "And mine ! Have you a latch-key yet ?", "If you 'll excuse me , dear , I 'll say good-morning !", "I beg your pardon . Men smoke cigarettes .", "Pray , do n't move .", "Gerald !", "A New Political Economy \u2014\u2014", "I only say , I ought to be allowed .", "Ah , that will come in time ; and when it does , I mean to take Margery in hand . She is neglected shamefully . She has n't discovered it yet , but all her friends have .", "And it 's such men as him that women marry !", "We mean to put things right !"], "true_target": ["Certainly . Will you join me ?", "The Cazenove menage . Another six months ? These love-matches are honeymoon affairs . When once that 's over , there 's an end of everything .", "Thanks .", "Unluckily , he 's found that out .That 's one for him !", "Then it 's not philosophy !", "And thank you for the plot of my next novel .", "Here 's Dr. Mary !", "A pagan !", "To promise to love is ridiculous , for how can one control the mysterious expansions of the heart ?", "The stage has ever been Woman 's greatest foe .", "Do you mind tobacco ?", "That 's ridiculous !", "Ca n't I prevail on you ?", "If a husband ignores his wife , the wife is entitled to ignore her husband . What would a man do under the same circumstances ?", "Well , dear , and how are you getting on ?", "But to \u201c obey ! \u201d", "That does n't alter the fact . A woman has just as much right to a latchkey as a man .", "No spirit \u2014 no proper pride . But things can n't go on as they 're going long . Margery is on the edge of a volcano . I give it six months .", "Bother the milk ! It is n't a question of milk . It 's a question of making artificial distinctions between the sexes .", "Then you should learn at once .", "Certainly not ! She ought to reek with infamy as well .", "What is the difference between man and woman ?", "That is Utopian . We must take the world as we find it .", "What have you asked him ?", "Cannot Man emulate her ?", "Why should a woman have children and a man have none ?", "Everybody 's talking . Cazenove is bored to death .", "All men do !"], "play_index": 22, "act_index": 22}, {"query": ["We all have our weak moments .", "And a nice mess he 's made of them !", "Mr. Cazenove , I offer you my congratulations . Having a clinical lecture to deliver , you will excuse me if I say good afternoon .", "It is she who has to associate with him .", "I am sure , Lady Wargrave must agree with us .", "I am glad you think so .", "But it always has !", "Do you object to modernity ?", "You know , from your own experience , that marriage is not a necessity .", "Entirely .", "I mean , that the institution of marriage is in urgent need of reconsideration .", "These matters are best discussed openly . A morbid modesty has too long closed our eyes . But the day of awakening has come . Sylvester , in her \u201c Aspirations after a Higher Morality , \u201d Bethune , in her \u201c Man , the Betrayer , \u201d Vivash , in her \u201c Foolish Virgins , \u201d have postulated the sexual problem from every conceivable point of view ; and I have myself contributed to the discussion a modest little treatise \u2014\u2014", "A New Morality \u2014\u2014", "Take the Colonel 's own case .", "Nor will it , till the problem is solved . That solution , I venture to predict , will be on the lines of pure mathematics .", "I must not be taken to admit , that there is any physiological necessity .", "Lady Wargrave , even you surely would n't promise to \u201c obey \u201d a man ?"], "true_target": ["I put the proposition in this way . The sexes are parallel lines .", "\u201c Naked and Unashamed ! \u201d", "Nothing can stop it .", "Yes , but you shirk the question !", "Man has departed . Woman has arrived .", "That there is no physiological necessity \u2014\u2014", "Do you deny that you have had a past ?", "I have a clinical lecture \u2014\u2014", "Only vicariously .", "The novel will sweep everything before it .", "It is the brain that loves . A still more complicated mechanism .", "So must I .", "The truth amounts to this : the one mitigating circumstance about the existence of Man is , that he occasionally co-operates in the creation of a Woman .", "But I am not without hope that , when the attention of science is directed to the unequal incidence of the burden of maternity , some method of re-adjustment may be devised .", "\u201c Obey , \u201d forsooth !", "It stands to reason \u2014 pure reason \u2014 there ought not to be one law for women and another for men .", "Do you deny that Woman has arrived , Man has departed ?"], "play_index": 22, "act_index": 22}, {"query": ["Percy Bysshe Pettigrew .", "A frank pagan . For pure art we must go to Athens .", "Pettigrew !", "No , no ! do n't mention it . It bores me so .", "SERVANT enters , L ."], "true_target": ["In her alone I find the true Greek spirit . What were the prevailing characteristics of Hellenic culture ?Breadth and centrality , blitheness and repose . All these I find in Trixy .", "Or the Music Halls . Have you seen Trixy Blinko ?", "The theatre is dying .", "To the suburban mind .", "The theatre is dying ! Dixi !"], "play_index": 22, "act_index": 22}, {"query": ["Dr. Bevan ."], "true_target": ["Miss Bethune .", "Signor Labinski has arrived , your ladyship ."], "play_index": 22, "act_index": 22}, {"query": ["Trixy \u2014 oh , charming \u2014 sweet !", "Little dear !"], "true_target": ["And me !", "Moliere !", "Athens !"], "play_index": 22, "act_index": 22}, {"query": ["For centuries it has shirked the sexual problem ."], "true_target": ["It is the one problem in life ."], "play_index": 22, "act_index": 22}, {"query": ["But we can n't ."], "true_target": ["Impossible ?"], "play_index": 22, "act_index": 22}, {"query": ["You ? Go on ! That 's the way with you girls ! You think all the men are after you . I 'm sure he said nothing to hurt you .", "There 's no harm in trout fishing \u2014 unless it 's for the trout .", "That 's more than you were , Margery . You 'd scarce say a word .", "Oh , says I , if you 're not satisfied with her , I am . So , there 's your money ; give me back my mare . An Armstrong does n't stand on warranties .", "Found her at last , my lady .", "And wants the old mare back ! at my own price !", "Old Dapple ! you remember her ?", "But Margery , you should have seen the screw he got in place of her ! Ha , ha ! she was all splints !", "She 's too good for hereabouts . True , she 's a splint on the off leg , but what 's a splint ? I sold her without warranty , and buyer took her with all faults , just as she stood .", "Those letters were from him ? I thought they were from \u2014\u2014", "Nay , I 've the broadest shoulders . Give me a hand ; I 'll take \u2018 em .", "I did n't know he 'd written ."], "true_target": ["Come with me , Colonel . If you 'll step indoors , I 'll give you a glass of ale that 'll do your heart good .", "My lady 's very welcome .", "Of course you have n't answered them ?", "How about Captain Sylvester ?", "Here 's a slice of luck ! That fellow in London wants the grey mare back again !", "Ay , farming is n't what it used to be ; and now that you wo n't let me take in visitors \u2014\u2014", "He 's an old customer ; and always seemed a civil-spoken gentleman enough .", "I should n't have done that .", "Margery !", "Bless me , have n't I told you ? I sold old Dapple to a chap in London .", "This way , my lady . I 'll send Margery to you .", "Darn me , if the next day he did n't cry off his bargain !", "Well , you know best . You always went your own way , Margery , and it was always the right road ."], "play_index": 22, "act_index": 22}, {"query": ["On my feet ?", "Well , I forgive you .", "You did n't have to !", "Will you help me ?Oh !", "What dealings can there be between us ?", "You played with me \u2014 played with me . Oh , you 're disgusting ! Revolting ! What a thing for a man to do ! I thought \u2014\u2014", "How often did you kiss me ?", "No .", "And then ?", "Kiss me , mother .", "On the lips ?", "Oh , you mean \u2014\u2014", "And you \u2014\u2014 you were the man who jumped in !", "My clothes are wet !", "The case is waterproof .", "You saved my life ! Oh , how can I ever thank you ? My hero !", "Who ? Who ?", "How dare you \u2014\u2014", "I remember nothing \u2014 I 'm confused .My shoes \u2014 where are my shoes ?", "Well ?", "No .", "Will you take me back to the hotel ?", "Oh !You did n't !", "Not Lord Brookfield ?", "You are English . I could see that right away .", "I do n't want your help .", "Wo n't you kiss me , mother ?", "Lord Brookfield !", "Ten and a half .", "Americans .", "I do n't want to talk to you !", "They 're wet .", "Yes ?", "Mother ! Mother , dear !", "But a valet ! A valet !", "How often ?", "Oh , how can you ?", "Lord Brookfield , do n't deny that you saved my life !", "Oh ! . . . And you kissed me ! A valet ! You dared kiss me !", "Do you think so ?", "Well ?", "Oh ! . . .I can n't get them on .", "I could n't very well \u2014 not while I was unconscious .", "I was born in June .", "You are really too modest , Lord", "Oh , how could you do such a thing ? How could you ?", "Of course you did ! One plunge , and a few magnificent overhand strokes . . . .", "It dried in the sun .", "Do you think so \u2014 Lord Brookfield ?", "Two kisses is not a great deal for saving my life .", "What do you mean : you could n't \u201c help it \u201d ?", "How funny !And you \u2014 you 're wet also !", "Your insolence ! Oh !", "No . I have never seen you .", "You really think so ?", "The second time ?", "A splash ! Oh , do n't say any more : I remember ! That horrible lake ! Horrible ! It was so warm at the hotel : I had gone off to the woods . I was sitting at the edge of the lake \u2014 on a rock \u2014 reading . I must have been sleepy . I fell in ."], "true_target": ["Are you ?", "Eh ?", "And you ?", "Who are you ?", "Not a gentleman ?", "A friend ?", "Yes \u2014\u2014", "Odd , was n't it ?Ugh !\u2014 how my clothes are sticking to me !", "Really !Really !You must tell me all about yourself . Just think : if it had n't been for you , I would be at the bottom of the lake now . What a horrible tragedy that would have been : to die in such a way ! . . .It 's natural that I should want to know something about the man who saved me from that . . . .", "Yes : I was drowning ! Drowning ! I called for help !", "Lord Brookfield ?", "If anything comes of it \u2014\u2014", "Oh , Lord Brookfield !", "Comes of what ?", "I owe you much more than that !", "Was that all ?", "Oh , would you rather stay ?", "Oh , no !", "You 're still a young man , are n't you ?", "Ah ! That 's so nice .Hold me close , mother , hold me close . I 've had such a terrible dream !", "Well ?", "Oh , you coward ! You . . . . You", "I 'm so glad you 've come .", "Well ?", "Oh !And you , how do you come here ?", "While I was unconscious ?", "I said that ?", "Thank you . . . .Those are n't my shoes !", "No . . . . Still \u2014\u2014", "I beg your pardon ?", "I dreamt \u2014 I dreamt \u2014Where \u2014 where am I ?", "That means nothing .", "What happened then ? How did we meet ?", "But they 're not mine .", "Oh , but you swam splendidly ! Clothes and all ! All the way from the other side of the lake !", "You wo n't tell ?I 'll remember you .", "Brookfield .", "Oh !", "But I was drowning ! Drowning !", "Then who on earth are you ?", "But it 's not all right . I can never repay you ! Never ! Never ! Not if I live to be a thousand years old !", "I sank \u2014 I sank , oh , miles and miles ! It felt as if hands were trying to pull me down to the bottom ! I screamed again \u2014 and then \u2014 then \u2014 I felt a strong arm around my waist \u2014 I was dizzy \u2014 there was a roaring in my ears \u2014 I knew no more .", "Strolling ?", "Curious ?", "I wo n't .", "I asked you ?", "I 'm just twenty .Eleven years between us .", "Lord Brookfield ! Of course I can n't !", "Kiss me , mother .", "But you did n't have to kiss me .", "Mother , dear , I 'm so glad \u2014\u2014", "What ?", "What a coincidence ! How curious ! How did it happen ?Oh , if I could only think ! Think !Tell me : you must know .", "Nothing . . . .I thought Lord Brookfield was a gentleman !", "Why , certainly .", "Oh , I am not so stupid as all that !", "Lord Brookfield is a well-known man . The papers said he was coming to the hotel . I knew every other guest \u2014\u2014"], "play_index": 23, "act_index": 23}, {"query": ["I would have sworn I waded .", "It was by request .", "Thanks .Peters , you 're a brave man , are n't you ?", "That 's the second time .", "Precisely .", "You said , \u201c Mother ! Mother ! Kiss me ! \u201d", "Yes . On the lips .", "Eh ?", "That 's Brookfield .", "I heard you .", "I 'm not related , you know , but I see a lot of him . We 're thick \u2014 very thick .", "Did I ?", "That 's not quite what I mean , Peters . . . .Peters , you have the making of a hero in you . Something tells me that you 're going to have your chance .", "Why , it 's hardly worth mentioning .", "It was pleasant while it lasted , was n't it ? And romantic !", "Did I hurt you ?", "Well , I was strolling through the woods . I heard a splash", "Just the right ages , are n't we ?", "That 's curious .", "Yes , I did .", "No ?", "That 's so . I am a man , with a man 's tastes . And you begged me so hard \u2014 it was so inviting \u2014 well , I kissed you .", "I reached the hotel this morning . It was hot \u2014 beastly hot . I went for a walk in the woods .", "Can you swim ?", "Oh , were you ?That 's better yet .", "Really , I beg your pardon .", "Soaked .", "No ?", "Why , romantic does n't begin to describe it !", "Really ?", "I 'll help you .", "No ?", "Neither can I .", "I kissed you before .", "The path leads here . He is following the path \u2014\u2014", "I jumped in without thinking . It was the natural thing to do : I heard you scream for help . But the moment the water came to my waist I knew that if it went any deeper I should have to call for help also .", "I 'm his valet .", "I found them on your feet .", "Yes ?", "No .", "That is what I am trying to do .", "Do n't you know ?", "How clever of you !", "Then you screamed .", "You and I might be very good friends \u2014\u2014", "But I 'm not your mother .", "A valet is not paid very well \u2014\u2014", "Thank you .", "\u201c Mother , kiss me ! \u201d", "No . . . . I 'm not Lord Brookfield .", "You recognized me ?", "Let 's see .Of course , I might have swum , but \u2014 Ah ! the water line comes only as far as the waist !", "I do n't like to talk about myself \u2014\u2014", "Listen to me .", "Ah , yes . . . . Quite so .", "Listen to me .", "Last November .", "But three or four others arrived this morning .", "A close friend \u2014 very close ."], "true_target": ["No ?If I had plunged , my hair would have been wet .", "Strolling .", "That 's so . You had better change .", "Give me a light , Peters .", "Oh !", "Yes .", "The sun is very hot here .", "They would be .", "I was spared that humiliation : the pond is n't over three feet deep in any place . And I waded the whole twenty feet from one end to the other . . . . And I can n't swim .", "Oh , but I 'm not .", "Enough said !Quick !", "Thirty-one .", "But you are ; honor bright !", "I ? I 'm a friend of his .", "Too bad , too bad .", "My handkerchief .", "That 's all right . . . .", "I was passing by .", "Here they are .", "Yes . . . .One on each .", "Only once .", "Unconscious \u2014 helpless \u2014 and you did n't remember ! Not even the shoes . That was clever \u2014 very clever ! And the hands trying to pull you down to the bottom : that was the touch of genius !Ah , well , I was willing to have a little fun .", "And how curious that I should meet you in this way \u2014 informal , so to speak .", "Still , the matches are wet .You see ?", "Ah , yes ! But my cigarettes !", "Peters !", "Plunge ?", "I 'm a good valet . One of the best there is .", "We are about half a mile away from the Poland Springs Hotel , Poland Springs , Maine .", "That I saw you jump in .", "They were your first words .", "Then you 're silly .", "Did you hear the whistling a minute ago ?", "Eh ?", "A photo ?", "You 're a pretty girl \u2014 a deucedly pretty girl .", "Good Heavens ! You 're not dreaming now . . . .", "There was no one around . It was the kind of an opportunity which does not present itself every day : life is so \u2014 monotonous . And you did n't seem to object .", "I 'm rather wet myself .", "I tried to explain that I was not your mother , but you seemed to know better .You insisted . I could n't help it .", "You know \u2014", "Yes , Peters . . . . Gallop ! And as", "Do n't you know ?", "How on earth did you know it ?", "Are you in the habit of drowning often ?", "Tell me : can you swim ?", "Eh ?", "Eh ?", "No ?", "Then how did you know ? . . .", "Eleven years difference \u2014 ideal !", "I 'll make a bargain with you .", "At your request .", "Yes , Peters ?", "You understand me .Your clothes are still wet , are n't they ?", "I beg your pardon ?", "Eh ?", "Yes , Peters .", "I nearly forgot to mention \u2014\u2014"], "play_index": 23, "act_index": 23}, {"query": ["M'lord !", "Somebody 's calling for \u2018 elp , m'lord !", "Yes , m'lord ."], "true_target": ["M'lord ?", "H'I ' m coming ! H'I ' m coming ! THE CURTAIN FALLS", "Shall I go , m'lord ?", "I am \u2018 andy with me fists , m'lord ."], "play_index": 23, "act_index": 23}, {"query": ["Two-fifty !", "I know \u2014 but he 'd come if I asked him to .", "But , dear \u2014", "Oh , do n't be silly , Will !", "Give it to me .", "Oh , very well . I did n't know . Policeman Yez kin see how \u2018 tis , mum . If there 'd be a fire \u2014", "Now , Mr. Bill , you 're going to have a nice nap .", "But Bill 's not like a street-gamin . Such a child is full of slang .", "I do n't know . Maybe twenty or thirty dollars . And then we can pay your bill , and you 'll let us have some more beans .", "You promised you would n't work right after meals . How is your stomach ?", "Well ?", "Oh , Will . I hope they like it ! I could get them by the throats and choke them until they promise to like it ! I could fall down upon my knees and beg them to like it !Do n't you like it ? Do n't you like it ? Tell us that you like it ! Tell us !", "Well , a day or two more .", "Have you forgotten what you made Jack say about Mr. Schmidt : a great hulking brute of a Dutchman , who has no thought of anything in the world but his cash-drawer !", "But if I 'm to have Gladys at all \u2014", "We 've been sparing . There 's enough for to-morrow morning yet .", "Oh , Mr. Schmidt . Good afternoon , Mr. Schmidt .", "And you wo n't lean over the railing ?", "But why ?", "For heaven 's sake !", "Will !", "All right , never mind . We wo n't scold you . It does n't matter about the old bowl \u2014 we 've got nothing to put in it anyway . Now , do n't cry \u2014 you 'll get yourself all excited .", "Shut up ! There 's Jessie and Bob . Gladys has her very finest society manner \u2014 she would n't for the world let anyone think that she was excited by the telephone-message .", "I do n't know , Will . It could n't do any harm , I suppose .BillLet me in ! PeggyWhat 's the matter ? BillOh ! Oh ! Will and Peggy . What is it ?", "Wait , Bill !", "Why not ?", "Let 's go on ; I want to see more .", "There , Will ! Off in your local color again . I 'll bet you the Policeman would have paid Jack 's bill himself ! WillWell , for God 's sake , Peggy , what sort of a story would you leave me ? Have I got to write cheap cheer-up stuff ?", "Why , you see \u2014", "Bill !", "Yes \u2014 I hope you wo n't mind . You see , he wanted somebody that was interesting , that people would like to see on the stage \u2014\u2014", "See now \u2014 it 's the same scene \u2014Only Gladys is pouring tea \u2014", "Will , do you think it can be good if you do it so fast ?", "All right , then .", "Washing the dishes .", "I thought you , were out in the snow !", "Now , go to sleep .", "You look dreadfully pale , dear .", "Do n't you see how it would be in the play ? You 'd be hard and unmerciful .", "No , dear , we need n't . Let me go and get a job to tide us over the trouble . So you can do your work without killing yourself \u2014 please , dear , please ! WillListen , Peggy . If we 're going to make a break , I 've thought of something better .", "Few people in the audience know anything about wisdom , and everyone of them knows that he could buy a wife for less than a quarter of a million dollars .", "Why can n't you give me a chance to write ?", "Will , listen to me . I can stand anything else \u2014 but if Bill gets sick , we have to give up ! Do you understand ? I could n't endure that \u2014 I \u2014\u2014 WillWhy do we have to start that now ? I want to finish the play !Come ! Sit down here and let 's get busy ! Right off ! Not another word !I 've a scene here with Bill . I want to know what you think of it .Bill comes to see Belle . This manuscript \u2014\u2014", "Not yet . Wait \u2014 Will has to revise it . You see \u2014He 's got his local color wrong again . DadWhat 's the joke ?", "Of course ! You 're bringing home Belle , and you want a character contrast \u2014 the daughter of the tenements and the princess of the plutocracy . Gladys is still in love with Jack , and here he 's coming home with another girl !", "What 's it to be ? WillWhy , dearest , there 's only one thing it could be !", "Oh , I ought to get the doctor !", "It 's Will 's manuscript . A play .", "I 'm sorry , Mr. Schmidt , we have n't the money yet .", "Tell me !", "Think how ashamed you 'd feel \u2014 before a whole theatre full of people every night !", "What is it , dear ?", "That 's a dandy big fire-escape to play on !", "Why not ?", "But what \u2014", "Yes .", "We had a little bread \u2014 and those beans you gave us \u2014 and the prunes . We 've been living on them .", "Oh ! Thank you .", "Where 's the law to prevent you ?", "Give it here .LandladyNow , where 's them people ?Have n't skipped , I hope !Anybody in here ? Humph ! Looks like they 're hard up ! A bum lot !Oh ! Here you are ! I want that rent .", "Never mind ! Poor little fellow ! He was hungry !", "All right then ! We go back to your scene in Dad 's drawing-room \u2014 just after Jack has carried Belle out .Dad stands there , with Jessie clinging to him , weeping , imploring . And Bob is trying to argue with him . Dad does n't answer at first \u2014 wait , I 'll write the scene !", "But I want to show you how it would go .", "Well , you 'd better get into your love-interest !", "You 've got all your blocks ?", "Yes , Bill and I had a look at it !", "I know , but we can n't .Now \u2014 you 've got the second act already ?", "I never said that , Will . But I told you that you could n't put an audience through all those harrowing adventures , and then pile an unhappy ending on top . You simply can n't get away with such a proposition .", "The post-man ! WillMaybe it 's a check for the poem !", "What is it ?", "Mr. Schmidt ?"], "true_target": ["That ought to make a lively scene !", "Why , you see , dear , Will is writing a play , and the play is supposed to be in winter , and he 's got you in the snow . BillMe ? Me in Will 's play !", "But you do n't have to have such a melancholy story !", "I 'm sorry , but you know I told you it would be a few days yet .", "Wait , Will \u2014 let me work it out for you . I can show you what", "You 're sending him off ! But where 's the heart interest ?", "I 'm so glad to hear it . And Will 's most through with his play , and then he 'll take you to the park .", "But I want her to do it !", "I mean . Let me have your pencil .", "No , dear \u2014 we 've got to talk about this play we 're writing . Here are the soldiers .", "Let them hide , I say !", "Why , I think they could be better . You see , Will , you do n't really know anything about snow-shovellers or butlers . WillI 've got a real character for the next scene at least . I used Bill !", "If my husband can n't sell his work , I 'm going back on the stage . I was an actress before I married .", "Off in your local color again !", "What do you mean ? Could n't Dad forgive Jack ?", "Oh , surely you would n't do that !", "Forgive me ! You 've got a headache , and you 're worn out \u2014 we ought n't to try to argue now . You simply can n't get this play right while you 're so over-wrought . Take a little time off , and rest and get a fresh view of it .", "No , but we 'll get some when you wake up .", "Why \u2014 yes .", "Will", "You have to talk to Schmidt \u2014 because we can n't pay his bills !", "We 're hoping for a check to-day \u2014 or perhaps to-morrow . My husband wrote a poem , and a magazine has just published it \u2014", "Yes , dear , of course .", "Jack has lost his wager , and his quarter of a million dollars \u2014 and his home !", "Go on !", "He 's pretty well , thank you .", "For how much ? WillGuess how much ?", "The landlady and the grocer \u2014 we can work forever !PeggyThere , there , Bill .Dear , he 's feverish .", "Poor Bill ! Never mind , dear !", "I 'll tell you all about it when he 's finished .", "There was nothing in the bowl .", "You never would have talked to him at all , if I had n't put you up to it !", "There 's nothing in the house , dear .", "We have n't had money to buy anything , Mr. Schmidt .", "I told you before \u2014 you must bring in Gladys .", "Tired , Will ?", "Oh , Will , you could n't do that !", "Oh , certainly , certainly . But you see , it 's the only place we have to put the little boy while we 're writing .", "Bill !", "Wait ! Let me write ! JessieNo , dear ! Please wait !", "And your picture-books ?", "Wait ! Wait ! Excuse us , please ! It 's so important ! Here , Bill \u2014 take your grandfather ! Take him up on the roof and let him see the view ! Take him downstairs and let the beggar-kid sing for him ! I want just ten minutes to get this down !Just ten minutes , please !Now , Will , come here ! You see how it is now ! Dad has relented , your happy ending is all ready made ! You 're not making any concession to the box-office \u2014 you 're simply following truth \u2014 the natural human instincts of a father , who loves his son , in spite of all his mistakes and his own bad temper ! He orders him out \u2014 but all the time his heart is breaking \u2014 he 's eager for an excuse to relent . Oh , Will , you must see that ! WillYes , I suppose so .", "I 'm proud of you , Will !We 've got a real Pot-boiler !", "Do n't do that ! We have so much trouble keeping it straight anyway .", "You 're sure you feel well enough ?", "He 'll be all right , dear . It 's the coolest place there is .", "What 's the matter ?", "Now , come on . I 'm interested in this . Where were we ?", "Oh , surely ! BillSuppose I do n't like what he 's done to me ! PeggyAnother critic , Will !Now you must let us alone . Climb out , dear , and do n't disturb us again until we 're done .", "Oh , thank you , Mr. Schmidt ! WillWe 'll truly pay you , Mr. Schmidt !", "We 'll get you tickets , you know .", "You can n't go alone .", "Now , Will \u2014 be quiet . Listen , Mr. Schmidt \u2014 we 've had hard luck the last few days , but we 're honest people , and we wo n't cheat you out of your money .", "Yes , dear .Now be quiet , Bill . I 'm busy now .", "I thought he went off !", "I know \u2014 Mr. Schmidt \u2014", "Yes , even with Broadway ! It made me cry \u2014 and I 'm a hardened old sinner .", "Now do n't be cross , dear .", "But Will , there are plenty of other Dads \u2014 and they are n't all so heartless . You 'll simply have to choose another father for this play . You can n't write for your own satisfaction \u2014 you 've got to think about the box-office . WillOh , my God ! The box-office ! Have I got to slaughter my artistic instincts to feed the greed of a box-office ? For God 's sake , Peggy , take this play and write it to suit the taste of Broadway ! Or shall I tear up the darned stuff ?PeggyWill !", "Will , dear , why must you be so unreasonable ?", "All right , dear .", "You see , Dad \u2014 Will 's been having a hard time , and it 's made him pessimistic . He 's written a play , and he was ruining it with an unhappy ending . But now \u2014 oh , now it has a happy ending ! It 'll be a success !Oh , Will , I see just how it goes ! I 've got the very words ! Let me write them , while they 're fresh in my mind !", "Listen , Will . You can n't do good work when you 're so tired .", "Oh , yes !", "What ?", "It 's a crime that child is n't in the country ! WillWhat do you think of my fourth act ?", "What is that ?", "You 'll truly not go off the steps ?", "That sounds rather terrible .By the way , Will ! That love-interest you said was to come ! Where is it ?", "Will , you know you ought n't to work when your stomach has quit like this .", "Why dear , it 's just as I said about Act One , you need more life in the scene , more variety and color .", "Great God ! WillHow do they expect a poet to live on two dollars and a half for a poem ? PeggyThey do n't expect poets to live ! They do n't care anything about poets ! Poets are cheap ! WillPeggy ! Peggy ! This play has got to succeed ! It 's got to succeed ! People have got to like it !"], "play_index": 24, "act_index": 24}, {"query": ["Make it a big one . JackYou bet I will .There 's your sandwich . Ai n't that a lulu ?See , Mr. Schmidt ! Trade 's picking up already .", "An old man \u2014 in an automobile !", "You bet !", "But I want to see it !", "I wo n't . PeggyNow to the Pot-boiler !", "Gee ! Since when is this ? Here !", "But say !", "Gee ! Where was youse raised \u2014 in the hayfields ? I mean , why do n't youse git up a hard luck story ?", "Holy smoke ! The poor old Dutchie ! He set fire to his place !", "Nothin \u2019 yet . Gee , that was tough \u2014 how he lost his week 's wages ! Do youse think that old Dutchie set the fire ?", "Well , I want grub too ! I got the stuff ! JackA customer !See , Mr. Schmidt , a customer already !Have a seat , sir . Your hat , sir .There , sir . Here 's the menu , sir .", "What 's the matter ?", "In jail ?", "I ai n't no dead beat , youse unnerstand . I earn my keep . Look a here !Ai n't much gold in it , but it makes a good jingle .", "Holy smoke !Say ! I like that !", "Say , Belle !", "He got out and asked my name . Then he asked me if I 'd like to go for a ride . I remembered what you 'd told me about kidnappers . So I ran upstairs . PeggyDo you suppose it could be \u2014", "No bread , Peggy ?", "Oh , say ! What 's he doin \u2019 to me ?", "Our grocer .", "I had sinkers and coffee this mornin \u2019 . What did youse have ?", "Sure , I ran into his fist .", "Schmidt", "I could eat the whole hay-stack at one meal .Holy smoke , if they 'd turn me loose in them charlotte-russes !", "Sure thing . JackYou see , Mr. Schmidt ! He 'll come again !", "Say , mister ! Youse know that guy that was waiter here ?", "Youse got to be knowin \u2019 at my job ! BelleYou 've got a black eye !", "Whatcher doin \u2019 here ? JackI got a job !", "Gee , I allus wisht I had a job in a restaurant ! Or in a candy store ! Well , so long , old pal .", "Sure ! A shiner !", "Yes , Peggy .", "He do n't need no reason . He hits .", "Well , there 's somethin \u2019 wrong , I know ! Youse can n't fool me !Gee ! I thought I had a home ! And now I 'm movin \u2019 out of it !WillWell ? PeggyOh , Will ! That 's the real stuff !", "Where is Will ?", "Hooray ! Now , I 'll get the roses in my cheeks !", "Hand it out ! BelleCome here , Bill . You know , it looks nice , having you here . I had a little brother once .", "All right .PeggyHow are you making out ? WillWhat do you think of my opening scenes ?", "Gee ! I like that guy !", "Holy smoke !PeggyHe seems to be more restless . Oh , I hope he 's not going to be sick ! WillDo n't let 's get to thinking about that now !", "Sure I do \u2014 I got lots o \u2019 the stuff . Only I got a step-father I have to keep full of booze . He 'll be out lookin \u2019 for me now , I reckon .Say , youse come back here after a bit . I 'll go an \u2019 get him spotted , an \u2019 then we 'll frame up a good hard-luck story , an \u2019 we 'll get the price of that there hay-stack . You get me , old pal ?", "I 'm a friend o \u2019 Jack 's . I seen him on the street just now .", "In the SNOW .", "A woman ought t'unnerstan \u2019 \u2014 when a man 's been out hustlin \u2019 all day , he wants good , warm , nourishin \u2019 food , an \u2019 he wants it quick .", "Hully gee !", "Then come with me ! Come with me ! I 've got to see it !Come on ! Come on ! Perhaps we can get some of those charlotte russes in the window ! WillWe 'll have to stop work .", "Where to ?", "I th-thought there might b-b-be .", "Kin I git something to eat here ?", "What 'll youse pay ?", "Word of honor , Peggy !", "Work ? T'hell with work ! Why do n't yous slam the gates ?", "I mean , why do n't youse panhandle it ?", "Say , Peggy !", "Hully gee ! And when did youse eat last ?", "Good afternoon , lady .", "Sure I got money .", "Say , I wisht I was a rich man ! I 'd go youse a race at \u2018 em !Gee , I can n't bear to look at \u2018 em any more ! JackWhen did you eat last ?"], "true_target": ["Sure !", "Yes , Peggy .", "Snow in the middle of July ?", "Can I have my paper soldiers ?", "Extry ! Extry ! Woil'n Join'l ! Sun'n Globe ! Mail'n Telygram !Say , I do n't like the housekeepin \u2019 in this here joint .", "A fire !", "Oh , I hear the engine coming ! Hurry ! Hurry ! They 'll have it all out !Oh , look ! Look ! There 's the engine !Look , Peggy ! See the firemen ! The engine 's stopping ! See all the smoke ! There 's flames \u2014 do n't you see ? Out of the window of the little restaurant ! Oh , gee ! Look how the firemen run ! They 've got axes ! Oh ! Oh ! Oh ! They 're smashing in the windows ! Look , they 're running out the hose ! See them \u2014 they 're going into the restaurant ! One after another \u2014 into the smoke ! Look at that , Peggy ! Hurrah ! Hurrah ! Charlotte russes to burn !", "And where 's Schmidt ?", "Gawd-a'mighty , that 's five dollars !", "I could n't sleep , Peggy .", "Hello ! What 's happened ?", "Sure I could \u2014 teach youse in an hour or two ! JackBut you do n't make so very much yourself , do you !", "I 'll have a ham sandwich .", "Youse runnin \u2019 from that landlady ?", "Look ! It 's right down the street !Fire ! Fire ! PeggyDo n't lean out !BillOh ! It 's right down the street ! It 's the restaurant ! That little restaurant down the street ! Fire ! Fire !Come , quick ! Where 's my cap ?The restaurant 's on fire !", "Youse keep movin \u2019 . Hustle along now !", "Give me four ninety-five change and then we 'll be square . JackGet out , you rascal ! BillGee , I 'll come back to this joint !", "Ai n't got none . Say ! What 's this about Florida ?", "A man tried to kidnap me ! Will and Peggy . What ?", "Hully gee ! Before I eat ?", "I 'll get out tooSay Mister \u2014You 're worse'n my stepfather !JessieDad ! Dad ! I beg you \u2014 have mercy .", "I 'll feel better , Peggy . Please ! Please !", "I did n't go to do it !", "Boo-hoo-hoo !", "Youse tryin \u2019 to cheer up Belle ? DollyMaybe so .", "When did it happen ?", "Tried to \u2014 to take me away !", "Say ! I got to see that play !", "Youse did ?", "Well , I 'll be switched ! If I 'd been here I might a \u2019 got some charlotte russes !", "Watcher mean ?", "Ca n't I help him ?", "Good evenin \u2019 , ladies and gents .", "They did n't jug him , did they ?", "It 's the old man ! He 's after me !", "Nobody home ?Hey ! Anybody in here ? Well , I suppose they wo n't mind if I make myself at home . Gee , I wonder if they 'll sure enough let me stay here !BelleOh !", "I think I 'm hungry .", "Youse come back now ! Do n't fergit !", "I-I was hungry !", "What 's the matter ?", "Me step-father .", "Sure !", "Press the five \u2014\u2014", "Gee , but this is like heaven !", "I ai n't goin \u2019 to , no more . I told Jack about it , an \u2019 he says fer me to come and stay in his room . Will youse take me in ?", "I feel better .", "Oh ! There 's the Beggar-kid !Say , Peggy ! Ca n't I go down and listen to him ? I wo n't go off the steps , and I wo n't talk to anybody .", "Betcher .", "Say , Cully , whatcher givin \u2019 us ?", "Say , what the blazes \u2014\u2014", "I like them kisses . BellePoor little fellow !", "Sure ! Put it there !Does it begin to-night ?", "I seen there was a fur-shop over that there joint , and they say that fur-shops burn up in February \u2014 when they 've sold out their stock !", "Youse 'll be a great help to this joint ! JackI suppose I must take it .BillGee , is it a tip ?", "Good-night .BelleHello , Jack . JackWell , Belle ?", "Why , youse poor helpless orphan ! Somebody ought to take youse in hand and show youse . JackDo you suppose you could do it ?", "All right . I 'll hold my breath", "Youse remember me , lady ? I was in Schmidt 's restaurant !"], "play_index": 24, "act_index": 24}, {"query": ["God ! It seems to me that bell rings all day and all night ! PeggyWait , dear . I 'll answer it .LandladyGood-evening . I 've come for the rent .", "Well , what do you think of it ?", "There 's the policeman on guard , marching up and down ; and", "That 's all very well \u2014 for a funny line . But there 's many a man would give that much money to find a noble-hearted and faithful and loving woman , who would stand by him through all the trials of his life ! I gave up more than a quarter of a million myself , and do you suppose it ever occurs to me to regret the bargain ? Do you suppose I 'd be willing to wipe you and Bill out of existence if I could get my money back ? PeggyWill , dear , that 's very sweet of you , but it 's not the same in your play . In the first place , Bill is n't Jack 's child ; and then Belle is dying . You see , you 've told such a dreadful story \u2014 WillDo n't tell me that all over again !", "But surely , I can n't have this play end happily !", "Did you ever hear the equal of that ?", "You do ?", "Is n't that just like her ! Always pouring tea !", "Oh , I \u2014\u2014I beg pardon ! PeggyYou see , my husband 's writing a play , and Dolly is one of the characters in it . We 're putting you in , too .", "Well then , drop this tomfoolery and go on ! PeggyAll right , I 'll do it .", "The law of truth prevents me .", "You like it ? PeggyYes , I do ! It 's real , it 's true . Will , I think it 'll go !", "Well , I know \u2014 but \u2014\u2014 PeggyPoor dear ! He 's working so hard and he does get cross with his critics . Hurry up , Bill , and get outside , or he 'll snap your head off ! Quick ! Fly ! BillGee ! I 'm glad I ai n't writing a play !", "We 're entitled to a little vengeance , I think imagine her \u2014 with her ostrich feathers and her greasy old blue dress , her sharp red nose and her fighting voice . I 've got our landlady , you bet !", "The next scene is to be another dropcurtain . A restaurant . I 'm using that one down our street . Read it .PeggyScene shows a cheap restaurant on Third Avenue . Piles of shredded wheat and charlotte russe in the windows . Night scene , snow on ground .BillGee , but that 's great lookin \u2019 shredded wheat ! JackYou hungry , too , kid ?", "The scene is in the restaurant . Schmidt is on \u2014\u2014", "I 've been thinking about it for the last three days . You see , putting him in the play has brought him back to my thoughts . I 've shown him harsh and narrow \u2014 but still I realize that I love him . Perhaps he can n't help it if he has a bad temper ; and if he 's stubborn \u2014 well , I 've been as stubborn as he . I 've waited all these years for him to come ; and may be it was my place to make the first move . Now he 's old \u2014 he can n't last much longer ; and if he died , I 'd be sorry all my life that I had n't been more generous to him . It is n't his money \u2014 after all , he 's my father . If I have to humble myself somewhere , perhaps I ought to give him the first chance .What do you think ?", "Two dollars and a half !", "I know \u2014 I 'm tired .", "Almost through .", "I 'll go and see .", "You 're not going to have her go off ?", "I 'll go and see Dad .", "We already owe the doctor .", "What good could he do ? He 'd only tell us what we already know \u2014 that you can n't keep a child well if you shut him up in a tenement room in hot summer weather , and feed him on beans and prunes .", "Everybody would dislike you !", "Oh , dearest , I 'm so glad !", "I 've hardly got into the act yet .", "It 's coming right now !", "Why do authors have to have stomachs ? They 're never of any use .", "Are you sure ?", "How ?", "Oh , dear .", "Now see , do you want to read what I 've written , or do n't you ?", "And when it comes out you can go and see it .", "I 'm getting a beastly headache .", "You do n't mean it , Bill ?", "Because that 's the sort of story I 'm writing ! Come along now .Oh , Lord ! PeggyWhat 's this ?", "Ca n't you see I 'm working as hard as I can ?", "Yes . Read it , and I 'll get the dishes washed for you .PeggyWhat 's this ? You 've got a drop-curtain ? WillYes ; I want to show Jack 's adventures . Read the directions . PeggyJack has been hunting a job , and has been unable to find one . The drop-curtain shows a street-scene .A row of houses , just off Fifth Avenue , having the front door on the street level in the modern fashion . It is evening , and the ground is covered with snow . The snow-shoveller is at work Right . His feet and hands are tied with rags and his face is red with cold .JackI beg your pardon \u2014", "I see him sitting at the cashier 's desk , reading a paper .It 's nearly midnight , you see , and there 's only one customer .", "Oh !", "Yes , Dad .", "Because Dad has n't forgiven me .", "We 'll see .BillThe old man ! DadWell , young fellow ! So this is where you live ! WillYes , Dad .", "I 've got a play written , and you come and tell me to write another . And when I take it to the manager , he 'll tell me to write a third . And his wife will read it , and I 'll have to write a fourth ! And then there 's the stage-manager \u2014 perhaps he has a wife too ! Who else , for the love of Mike ? PeggyWhy there 's the star , and the leading lady \u2014 in this case you 've got two actresses fighting for precedence , tearing each other 's eyes out over the question of dressing-rooms . Then there 's the press agent and the property-man , and the dramatic editors of a dozen newspapers , who 'll tell you next morning exactly why your play fell flat .Will , dear , do n't be so impatient . Try to understand what I mean ! Such a frightfully depressing ending \u2014 everybody in the play has lost everything !", "I \u2014 I did n't know , Dad .DadWell , now you 've forced me to humble myself , what have you got to say to me ? WillOh , Dad ! Forgive me !Dad , I 'm ashamed of myself ! I was coming to you to-day . Honestly I was ! DadWell , young fellow , I 'm glad to hear you 've learned a little sense , at least ! How 've you been making out ? Not very well , I judge ."], "true_target": ["Oh , Peggy , that 's so cheap !", "What ?", "Just as soon as I can get it done .", "Why , you 're the landlady in the play ; there 's a poor family in distress , and you take pity on them , and help them in their trouble . It 's very touching \u2014 everybody will be moved to tears by it . LandladyWell now , that 's all right , but I have to have my rent . I have to pay the agent for this house . If you can n't pay me , I have to ask you to move .", "As a street-gamin .", "It 's a shame to keep the child out there on the fire-escape .", "In the first place wisdom , and in the second a wife .", "Yes , Dad .", "Not at all well , Dad .", "We 're coming to the big scenes . I want to show the tenement where Belle and Dolly live .There 's a room adjoining , where Jack stays . It 's a few days after the fire . Belle has gone out to get something for supper . Meantime the land-lady comes . I used our landlady .", "But that is n't so !", "Did n't you know we were busy ?", "We can jolly her along for a month yet !", "I thought of what Bill might have been if he 'd been turned out to shift for himself . I imagined the soul of a street-gamin in the body of our Bill .", "Oh , bother my stomach ! I can n't keep away from this work , there 's no use talking about it . Come see what you make of this manuscript .I want to show a front scene , the same as in the last act . It 's the restaurant again .It 's morning . There 's a difference , you see . The place has been burned out .", "We 've got that scene to finish . I 've got a climax that is n't bad , I think . Jessie and Bob have just had the telephone-message .Jessie 's dancing with happiness , but suddenly the thought comes to her , What will Dad say ?JessieBob , do you suppose Dad will take Jack 's money from him ?", "Two-fifty .", "But see what he 's gained .", "You see , you must live up to the character we 've imagined .", "You can n't have her ! She 's got no business in my play !To hell with her , I say \u2014 to hell with her !", "Where 's the key to the letter-box ? PeggyHere , I think .Here !Be quick ! WillI 'll be quick ! PeggyOh , my baby ! My baby ! You 're not going to be sick ! No , no , I can n't stand that ! Anything but that ! I 'll have to give it up ! Will must give up trying to be a writer , and get some sort of paying job . Or I 'll have to go on the stage again , and earn some real money \u2014\u2014Was it the check ? WillYes .", "Then , there 's the restaurant keeper . For him I took Schmidt , our grocer .", "Bill comes on . Here , read it .", "You know I have only one heart-interest ! PeggyYou dear , sweet boy ? WillLook out for my dishes !My heart-interest ! My dear , blessed heart-interest ! My only heart-interest in the world !JackGee , I never thought it would be as bad as this !I 've got to get something to eat \u2014 there 's no use talking about it ! I do n't believe that kid is coming back ! I do n't believe he could help me , anyway !I want something to eat ! I do n't care what happens , I can n't stand it !BillSay , Peggy !PeggyOh , Bill ! You startled me so !", "I say I wo n't have it ! Let Gladys go on pouring tea !", "Gladys at this stage of the play ?", "Stop , I say !", "If only we could get him to the park \u2014", "I can do good work ! You 'll see it 's good . I 've nearly finished the fourth act now . Come , read it \u2014 and forget about my stomach .The scene is Dad 's drawing-room again . Jessie is there ; she 's worrying about Jack , and Bob is trying to comfort her .", "Well , I know about my work better than you , I guess !\u2014", "Well \u2014 I have to have a story !", "Yes I do !", "Well , there 's no law to prevent his coming back , is there ?He 's grumbling because he thinks Jack will eat too much .", "I wo n't have it I say ! It 's undignified !", "But how can it be got ?", "But we 'll starve to death in the meantime !", "Hang my stomach !", "No !", "We 'll be delighted to place a box at your disposal .", "I do n't want to see it ! I wo n't read such things !", "The next is the interior of the restaurant . You know just how it looks \u2014 the one down our street . I 've got to use two more characters from real life . First , that big Irish policeman on our beat . I must talk to him some more and make sure I 've got his dialect right .", "I can n't do it any other way , dear . I have to throw it off at white heat . We can go back and revise it .", "What 's that ?", "What 's that ? BillIt 's a fire !", "I can n't stand it , I tell you !", "What 's that ?", "What is it ?", "It 's rotten !"], "play_index": 24, "act_index": 24}, {"query": ["Say , young fellow ! I 'll tell ye what to do .", "Come back in August . Ye 'll find it warmer . JackI 've got to get a shovel ! BillSay , Peggy !", "Say , young fellow , if you really want to help me , get a hot water bottle an \u2019 hold it to me feet ! JackI beg pardon \u2014"], "true_target": ["What the devil ye beggin \u2019 me pardon for ?", "Hey ?", "Whose d'ye think it is ?"], "play_index": 24, "act_index": 24}, {"query": ["I 'll have a beef-stew .I think I 'll have a double order .", "Selfish !", "Well , good-bye !", "Can I get something to eat ?", "Fine luck to-day . I made a quarter , helping to load a truck .", "Oh , I forgot . This is my sister . This is Dolly , Belle 's sister , and this is Bill \u2014 a little news-boy who helped me when I was down and out .", "I say no !", "Do n't you think it 's just that you 're discouraged about your health ?", "Good stuff , hey ?", "I was starving . I have walked the streets for two days begging for work , and I can n't find any . I am wet , chilled to the bone , exhausted . Look at me \u2014\u2014 SchmidtVot I got to do mit your looks ?", "Yes , Dad \u2014 - DadAre you mad ? When you 've just proven that you can n't earn enough to fill your own belly ? You come here whining for forgiveness , and then tell me you 'll marry a girl of the streets \u2014", "But you are ! BelleSsh ! Mr. Schmidt will hear you . JackSchmidtVat for a night for business !JackYou have to work ?", "Five DOLLARS ?", "A day and a half , altogether .", "I want to give her the money !", "May be I can help you .", "I tell you , Belle , you must never worry about expense when you 're travelling . It spoils all the pleasure . Now , let 's see . We go to the Royal Palm Hotel . Here 's a picture of it .", "All right .", "Dolly ! Why talk to me that way ? I love her . I 've told her that I love her .", "Why , you 're ill ! BelleNo , sir ! No !", "I do n't know , but I 'll find a way . There must be a way ! It 's too cruel \u2014 it can n't be true that people starve to death in the midst of so much wealth .", "I 'm going to take you to some friends .We 'll find a cab .", "God !", "I have notGee ! I wish I had a job here . Somehow it seems kind of homelike in this place !Well \u2014 I suppose I 've got to go on . Say \u2014 do you suppose they need another waiter here .", "No !", "You 're exhausted , dear . Come \u2014 lie down .There , lie and rest . Do n't talk any more now .Be quiet , and see if you can n't go to sleep !No , I can n't stand it . This is no joke . It 's no part of the game . I must save Belle 's life \u2014 I 'd no right to wait this long .I 'll write to Jessie . She 'll come and help her . Bargain or no bargain , I 'll write !You go to the devil , Bob \u2014 I do n't care how much you tease me ! Yes ! Yes ! The reality of life ! I 'm getting it all right . And I 've got to knuckle down and take what teasing comes to me . My God , what a fool I was \u2014 what a drivelling fool ! And I 'll lose my quarter of a million ! I do n't care \u2014 I 've got to save Belle ! I 'll write to-night !", "It wo n't be giving up . It 'll be resting . I 'll bring you the money \u2014 I can pay you back that way .", "And they 're after you ?", "I beg your pardon \u2014", "She 's been worked to death . Standing on her feet in a restaurant fourteen hours a day .", "To save your life ?", "I am clean down and out . SchmidtAll right ! Now I got a police ! I show you ! You come und rob a man ! I show you ! PolicemanAn \u2019 phat 's this , now ?", "I mean \u2014 where did you get it ? ShovellerYou mean I stole it ?", "But that 's impossible , Dolly . DollyI sold myself to save her !", "At the ticket-office . They give them away .", "Poor little girl !", "No , she went away to Florida . That 's why I was telling you about it . I mean to send you \u2014 not just in play , but really .", "What do you mean ? BillHuh .", "I had a glass of water in the public library .", "We 're going away .", "There !", "Stop laughing at me . We 're going to Florida .", "What does your sister do ?", "But I want to know !", "It was her best . Now I want to do mine . Listen to me ! Let Belle have a chance . It 's been a long time since she 's had one , I fancy .", "Of course , they color it up rather bright in these advertisements .", "Well ? BillHere 's your nickel .", "Ah ! Most wholesome food \u2014 ham sandwiches ! As quickly as possible , sir .", "Yes , I love you ! BelleJack , Jack !", "A fine job ! No wages \u2014 but I 'll get my grub every day .", "Wait ! Let me think . I know a place where they 'll never find us .", "Belle has never guessed it ?", "Wo n't you give me a chance ?", "Oh , I forgot .", "Of course not , Dolly !", "Well , I came in here and ate a meal , and she stood for the bill . Now I want to help her . DollyYou 're trying to steal her job !", "The police !", "Too late ?", "Damn his soul ! Have you no one to take care of you ?", "You go and rest . I 'll help you home when we close", "You 're going off like that ? You wo n't even let me help you home ?", "But \u2014 what shall I do now ?", "I see .", "Why not ?", "But \u2014 why did you do it ?", "I have n't had anything to drink \u2014 nor anything to eat either .", "Why \u2014\u2014", "You must really not give up . You must believe me when I tell you that you are going to get well .", "Nobody cares !Listen , Belle . I care ! I honestly do . I want to help you to get out of this !", "Yes , Dolly , we 'll keep her straight .", "It was a wager I had made . I went out to shift for myself and see how I 'd get along . I was n't playing any joke on you , Dolly .", "True as gospel . BillWhy say ! Youse are up agin it !", "Ca n't find any work .", "There 's no use in getting excited , my friend .", "Why do n't I what ?", "We can n't expect to keep our expenses under that .", "I do n't know .", "And a cup of coffee .", "If I go , I 'll never return .", "It 's late .", "I 've come from \u2014 a long way off . And I 've been unfortunate \u2014 lost my money . I 've tried my best . I 'm willing to work \u2014\u2014", "Where did you learn such ideas ? What sort of men have you met ?", "She 's ill .", "I 'll take her myself .", "I know \u2014 but we 've already started . BelleThis train leaves New York three times .", "Why \u2014 I \u2014", "What kind ?", "I had to have something to eat .", "Go away !", "You get a lot for it , Belle . It 's the loveliest place in the world . There are palm trees and flowers all the year round . It never snows , and it 's seldom cold . There 's a broad , white beach , and you lie and watch the green ocean , and the long white breakers rolling in , and the lines of pelicans flying just above them . And , oh , the nights ! You 'd think you could stretch out your hands and gather in armfuls of the stars !", "I \u2014 I want to know \u2014 is that your shovel ?", "You make me feel like a dog , because I can n't help you . I had no business to come here !", "Officer , I had to have something to eat \u2014 I was starving . I have walked the streets for two days , begging for a job , and I 've not been able to earn a penny . I was desperate . PolicemanWhere do yez live , young divvil ?", "Well , we can get to the subway , I suppose .Dearest Belle \u2014 listen to me . I love you . And I 'm going to make you well . I 've been able to get money \u2014 all we need , heaps and heaps of it . And you 're going to Florida . You 'll be there in a few days \u2014 the very place my sister went to . Perhaps she 'll go with you . So come ! Come !DollyWhere 's your coat , boy ?", "Thirty-five cents . PolicemanDo yez think I 've no more to do than arrestin \u2019 people for thirty-five cents ? SchmidtCan I feed all the tramps on dis Avenue by my place ? I say you arrest him !", "I 'm tired of the Europe business . It takes so long , getting to Switzerland and Egypt . I believe in seeing America first .", "All right . But you have a rest meantime"], "true_target": ["In the first place wisdom ! In the second a wife \u2014 a noble-hearted and faithful and loving woman , who will stand by me through all the trials of my life ! Is n't that worth more than a quarter of a million dollars ? Answer me , Dad \u2014Oh , Dad , is n't it so ? DadWell , young fellow , I 'm glad to hear you 've learned a little sense , at least !PeggyThere ! There ! There 's your happy ending ! There 's your Pot-boiler !", "I wonder how many charlotte russes a man could eat at one meal .", "Certainly . Let her go home and stay .", "I 've been living on your money !", "That 's the different ferries . Let 's see . At 10 p. m. we 've just got to Richmond . We reach Palm Beach at eleven in the evening \u2014\u2014", "Belle , do n't take on that way !", "I might help you , perhaps \u2014", "But she can n't go , Dolly ! She 's too ill .", "Of course . Why can n't I do it ? Why can n't I do it right along ?", "I 'll ask . He can pay the money to you .", "Get her hat and coat . Do n't stop for anything else . Come on , Belle , I 'll help you . We 've no time to lose .", "Did n't she save me from jail ?", "You wo n't have to earn it . If you 'll only wait a little while , I 'll have it . If you 'll only wait five months \u2014\u2014", "No , no . You can stay there for ten dollars a day .", "When was it ? To-night ?", "Why not ?", "No , no \u2014 I wo n't have it .", "And that 's all ?", "I can n't explain , Belle , but wo n't you believe me ? I had a lot of money once , but I did n't appreciate it \u2014 I did n't realize what it meant . Now that I 've got you , I can promise you I 'll enjoy spending it . Believe me and be patient \u2014 only five months more . BelleI 'm afraid , Jack , in five months I 'll be dead . JackNo , no ! Do n't talk like that ! You must n't do it , Belle ! We 're going to save you \u2014 I tell you we are . We 're going to make the fight together \u2014 we 're not going to say die ! It 's too cruel \u2014 too wicked !", "Of course . DollyJack ! And you 'll be good to her ?We must get away from here !", "What time do you come on ?", "Not a cent .", "Why , what 's the matter with you ?", "And did n't you get any damages ?", "I 'm going to bring you through ! I mean it ! I 'm going to get the money , and send you to Florida . Dolly shall go with you , and you shall live out on the beach \u2014 just as my sister did .", "I mean \u2014 I 've eaten a meal and I have n't any money to pay for it .", "Fourteen hours ! And you have to stand up ?", "Only pretty well ? Is n't the rest doing you good ?", "You 'll have to have me arrested , then .", "Does she earn much ?", "I am , for fair .", "And how long do you expect to do it ?", "What is the matter ? What is it ?", "When did it begin !", "So long . BillSay !", "Dolly ! Why should you hide anything from me ?", "Why Belle ! What 's the matter ?", "I 've done nothing to deserve a hand !", "I never realized it before .Was it always like this ?", "Why \u2014 I have n't a shovel .", "You give me a chance . I 'll show you what I can do . Here", "I 've been a waiter all my life !", "I tried it some , but nobody 'll listen to me .", "You 'll have to have me arrested .", "I can n't tell you now . DollyCome on , dear . Jack is going to take us with him .", "Now , then \u2014 bring on your customers !", "The whole time ?", "Could I shovel the snow off your sidewalk ? ButlerWhat d'ye mean by comin \u2019 to the front door ?", "Fix it up with the old man . If he 'll feed me , that 's all", "No , not yet .See here , my friend . BelleNo , no ! JackI 'm sorry , my friend , but I 'm afraid you 'll have to have me arrested .", "I do n't understand .", "I 'm sorry , truly . But what could I do ?", "Yes \u2014 is n't it ! Now \u2014 here 's the Atlantic Coast line . We leave", "New York at noon \u2014\u2014", "You do n't have to stay in a hotel . You might live there for fifteen dollars a week .", "I 'll work for you , if I may .", "Good Lord ! What do you take me for ?", "No , no , do n't misunderstand me . It was just that I did n't want to tell my family just yet . DadWhy , you infernal jackass !", "Your napkin , sir . Your knife and fork , sir . You 'll have a glass of water , of course , sir !There , sir , you 'll have bread and butter , sir ?", "I thought you might lend me \u2014", "Listen . I have a sister . Once she got run down . She was more ill than you are , but now she 's bright and happy .", "And then you were stranded ?", "Why not ?", "No , no \u2014 to be sure .", "I 've got some more time-tables .", "Beg ?", "You 'll come again then ?", "Dad \u2014", "I 'll take you to it . Get Belle ready .", "What 's that ?", "And you see , Jessie \u2014 I remembered how you 'd gone to Florida and got well .Look at the difference ! Look at the contrast between them . That was what knocked me out \u2014 I could n't get away from it . I 've got to send this girl to Florida and give her the same chance that Jessie had .", "I 'll do it myself \u2014", "She can n't go on forever ! And what then ? Can you take her job ?", "She was a waitress . She helped me when I was starving . And now I have to help her . She 's as good as gold , Jessie , and you must be kind to her . It was n't fair that she should die , just because I 'd been an idler , a good for nothing ! Bob \u2014 you 'll be satisfied when you know what a lesson I 've had . You can n't imagine how I feel , coming out of it \u2014 it 's like escaping from a nightmare ! I can n't quite believe it 's over .And then I think \u2014 I 've brought her out with me , but how many others I left behind me ! Tens of thousands of others , down there in a pit ! Belle , look at me ! It was a bad dream , and now it 's over ! Here 's my sister \u2014 see ! She was as sick as you , and now , how well she is ! Look at her cheeks \u2014 touch her \u2014 take her hand . And you shall be like that , you shall start for Florida right away ! Ca n't you believe it , Dolly ?", "No \u2014 no ! I mean , I 'd like to get one .You see , I 'm up against it , and I thought perhaps I could earn money shovelling snow . I 'd like to get a shovel .You would n't like to rent it for a while , would you ? ShovellerAnd me live on me income , hey ?", "My God !", "Ssh !What will you have , sir ? Sweet bread croquettes , sir ? We have delicious sweet-bread croquettes today . Or perhaps you 'd like \u2014 let me see , sir .Corned beef hash , sir , or possibly a charlotte russe .", "What , in the morning ?", "I do n't know . I 'll make out . He 'll feed me .", "You could \u2014 you could n't help it , Belle . I would do it !", "Oh !How do you work the infernal thing ?", "Yes , I get you \u2014 only I 'll freeze in the meantime .", "Absolutely . It might as well be in another world .I 've got to give it up . I can n't play with things like this . I 've lost , I 'll take my medicine . Only a month ! Gee whiz !Good-bye to my quarter of a million ! BillHoly smoke ! What 's up ?", "Good Lord , I forgot it !", "Say , Belle ! Do you know , I think you were much better after that imaginary journey we took the other night . Let 's take another . BelleSo soon ?", "Have you no friends \u2014 no people ? BelleI 'm not supposed to talk to customers .", "But I 'm asking you questions . BelleYes , but I must n't talk .JackMy God , you 're done up . Sit down . BelleNo , no , no ! He 'll hear you ! He 'd not keep me if he thought I was sick .", "If they go , I go too , Dad .", "I told her I 'd do the work and give her the money . She needs a rest .", "She 's asleep .", "How do you mean ?", "Better than nothing . How goes it with you , Belle ?", "Not yet .Feeling any better ?", "Tell me about to-night .", "Tell me about it , Dolly .", "Belle 's sick . DollyBelle ! What 's the matter ? BelleJust tired , Dolly .", "Yesterday morning I had a slice of bread . BillGawd a'mighty ! That all ?", "One look would have told you . She ought to go home and stay in bed for a week . She ought to be sent away somewhere \u2014 the city is no place for one in her condition .There ! There !Why , she 's as thin as a rail ! How could you work a girl so ?"], "play_index": 24, "act_index": 24}, {"query": ["Well , what d'ya mean to use ? Your hands ?", "Well , what d'ya want ?", "Where 's your shovel ?"], "true_target": ["If ye did n't spend your money in drink , ye might have the price .", "Well , we ai n't runnin \u2019 no breadline \u2018 ere . Get along with ye !JackGee ! This is a cold world !", "Gow an with ye !", "Lend you ! And me standin \u2019 out in the snow to watch ye return it , hey ? JackI wo n't steal anything . I 'm trying honestly to earn the price of a shovel ."], "play_index": 24, "act_index": 24}, {"query": ["Aber \u2014 vy \u2014 how you dare ?", "Vot ?", "All right , lady , I trust you . Good-bye , liddle boy .", "Vell , you stay busy by de customers ! JackI beg pardon \u2014", "Let me see it .", "Vy you do n't stay in de room by de customers ? Hey ? BelleI \u2014 I was busy , sir .", "It is not right dot liddle boy should live on beans !I dunno , lady , I dunno \u2014 it is not right your husband should vork and not get paid . I got mine own bills to pay \u2014 und I do n't make no money by my store . But you can n't feed dot liddle boy on beans und prunes . You come to my place now , und I give you some pickles und some sauerkraut .", "I do n't vant his vork . I vant his money , or you takes him to jail .", "Bill , Will , and Peggy . Good-bye , Mr. Schmidt !", "Ve close by midnight .", "You got any money ?", "I dunno vot you do , but you keep out from mein place . Dey comes me somebody every veek und plays me dot trick , und den tells me I get dem arrested !Find me a police ! I keep dis man here till I find a police ! Help ! Police ! police !JackGod knows I 'm sorry . But I can n't help you . You see , I can n't even help myself .", "\u2014 Vot you do for food den \u2014 hey ?", "But you told me you haf dot money soon !", "There now \u2014 off in your local color !", "Hey ?", "Hey ? Vot ?", "Vy not ?", "A nickel ? You do n't get much fer a nickel !Hey , you ! Vaiter ! Vy , you do n't come for my customers ? JackHere !Oh , hello ! It 's the kid !", "No money !", "Hey ?", "I dunno vot you do for vorking . I dunno vy if you vork you do n't haf money to pay your grocer bills .", "Policeman , you arrest him und you take him to jail . He comes by my place und he eats my food und den he tells me he do n't pay me . PolicemanPhat 's the matter wid yez ?", "I send him by Schnitzelman on der next block ! I send him so soon as I find him eating double orders ! He haf noddings to eat for two days und he comes by me to make it up !BillSay !", "Vell , dis is vun bad night for business !I tink ve have too much snow already dis vinter !You have some dessert , sir ? Vere is dot vaitress hey ?Hey , you ! Belle ! BelleYes , sir !", "Und they go out und do n't tell me who is coming back in der morning ! Und dey leave me to shut up mine restaurant by mineself !All right ! Ven you come back to-morrow I send you up to Schnitzelman on der next block ! I do n't have you come by my restaurant und eat double orders of beef stew und coffee ! No , sir ! I run mine little restaurant for mineself a while ! I got so many debts , und I do n't get no customers , I do n't make no money by mine liddle place ! When you come back here you do n't find no job \u2014 you go up to Schnitzelman for your double orders !"], "true_target": ["Yes , I make my fortune by you", "I come to see ven you pay me dot bill , lady .", "Ja , wohl , if you say it so . I haf no more to do mit it !", "Vot ?", "Arrested ? Vot good will it do me if I have you arrested ?", "You do n't come by my place for some days , now , hey ?", "Hey ?", "But dem beans und prunes \u2014 dey should be all gone now .", "I could not . Move along now , or I call anodder police ! JackGee , it must be tough for a girl like you to be ordered about by a great hulking brute of a Dutchman who has no thought in the world but his cash-drawer ! Well , I 've got to go . May I come here to eat some time \u2014 if I can get the money ?", "Yes , I see \u2014 I make my fortune by you .", "Who is to do her work ?", "Vot you mean ?", "Humph ! You do n't vait to hear vot I say !Vot you tink of dot for nerve , hey ? He comes by mine place und he hires himself to vork for me , und he do n't ask if I vant him ! Vell , I feed him vot I feed a girl . I do n't feed him no double orders !No sir ! I feed you on single orders , und if you vant double orders , you go by Schnitzelman on der next block ! I make no money in der restaurant business , I got to pay more vages for my cook , und den she do n't stay ! Und I got to pay more for food , und it ai n't so good as it vas , und mine customers find it out und dey do n't come back to me ! You get no double orders by me , you hear me , sir ?WillWhat 's that ? BillSomebody 's at the door ! PeggyI 'll see . BillLet me see !Oh , it 's Mr. Schmidt !", "She haf not told me !", "Vork ? I do n't vant no vork ! I got all the vork as I need . I vant customers !", "You get noddings in my place till I see your money !", "Excited ? I get excited if I please to get excited ! Vot you got for business to tell me if I get excited ? I show you vot I get !Police ! Police !If I did not vant a police , he stand by my door and hold out his hand for sandwiches ! If you have to steal food , why you do n't go by Schnitzelman on der next block \u2014 he haf a big place , und I can yust mein expenses not make .", "But vy should I feed you ? Vy you come by me ?", "I got to haf dot money , lady !", "Poem , hey ? Vot dey pay for poems ?", "Peggy", "You ?", "Vot ? Take her place ?", "Hey ? Mein Gott ! Und vot you feed dot liddle boy , hey ?", "You tink I earn my living by having you arrested ? Mein Gott in", "Himmel , vot \u2014\u2014"], "play_index": 24, "act_index": 24}, {"query": ["I have a sister , sir . But she can n't earn enough for two . Please let me be .", "Good-bye", "Jack", "Yes .", "But , Dolly \u2014\u2014", "Are you really as bad off as you said ?", "Do people really spend money like that , Jack ?", "Then it 's a bargain ?", "Ten dollars a day ! Jack , you do n't mean that ?", "Oh , Jack ! Jack ! JackWhat is it ?", "Oh , Dolly !", "Oh , yes !", "I do n't mind that . I can see when a man is straight \u2014 when I can trust him . JackWell , I suppose I 've got to goGee !Brr-r ! It 's cold out there !", "Is that all ?", "Because I did n't want you to go to jail . A fellow gets started at that , and he does n't know where to stop .", "Mr. Schmidt .", "Why , sure !", "Dolly with us . We can n't travel alone .", "I do n't know .", "Well , sir , you see , sir , if I 'd known exactly what hour you 'd be in , sir ! How would a slice of bread strike you ?", "Well ?", "She does sewing .", "Jack , why do you always keep talking about the money you 're going to have in five months ?", "How did you get it ?", "I do n't know . You might ask . JackI say , Mr. Schmidt , you could n't use another waiter here , could you ?", "How did you get it ?", "I can n't let you .", "Let me pay it . He 's a friend of mine , and I do n't want him arrested .", "But I 'm too sick to go out .", "I used to wash the smut off his face before each meal . BillGee ! Three times a day ? Gawd a'mighty !", "Did she have to work all the time ?", "You showed me a little kindness . Ca n't you understand how that might be worth something ? JackWhen you 're sick and discouraged and lonely \u2014 yes .By Jove , I do understand ! I 've wandered up and down these streets all day and all night , and I never dreamed of such loneliness ! I could have gone and drowned myself in the river .", "Belle , are you really as sick as all that ?", "Dolly", "I do n't think I like playing this game . I can n't stand it any more !", "Do n't make so much out of it . We have to give each other a hand now and then \u2014 we 'd none of us pull through if we did n't .", "Jack , why do you take so much trouble with me ?", "But it 's night now , Jack .", "You need n't thank me .", "We had enough to come to New York . We heard that wages were higher here . But everything else is higher , and you can n't save anything . You 're really worse off in New York , because nobody cares whether you starve or not .", "Wo n't you tell me what 's the matter ?", "Has he got a job yet ?", "You can n't help it . Just take it out of my wages , and let him alone \u2014 that 'll settle it , wo n't it ?", "Dolly ! You \u2014\u2014", "You 're a knowing kid !", "At ten o'clock , sir .", "Let me pay what he owes you .", "I 've thought of that too \u2014 but did you ever go and look in ? It 's even more lonely in the river . JackI wish you 'd let me be a friend of yoursIt 's a queer way to get an introduction .", "Yes , sir .", "But \u2014 what did he hit you for ?", "Wo n't they charge us frightfully ?", "No , no ! I can n't give up .", "Oh , no ! I have time for two meals .", "No , I 'm too tired to-night . We 'll start out fresh in the morning . You must be tired too , Bill . You 'd better go in and sleep .", "Nothing . I 'm \u2014 I 'm just a little weakJackWhy \u2014 she 's fainting ! Here !Bring me some water . She is ill . BelleNo ! I 'm all right ! JackHand me that water here . Quick , man !There , that 's better ?Did n't you know the girl was ill ?", "Yes , surely .", "It 's most time we were closing . My sister 's late .", "Have you no place to go ?", "Where 's it to be ?", "I used to take care of him . If you 're going to be a member of this family , I 'll have to take care of you .", "Bill", "I tell you it 's too late . Too late !JackBelle ! Belle ! You must n't give up like that ! Listen to me , dear !"], "true_target": ["Good-night , Bill .", "I 'll be all right . It 's near closing time . I 'm tired \u2014 that 's all .", "All right , I 'll come .", "You can pay me back . You 'll get a job soon . Mr. Schmidt , will you take it out of my next wages ?", "Why do you come for it to-night ?", "Of course .", "Oh , Jack ! What did you have to pay for the tickets .", "What did you do ?", "Jack , you 're the best friend a girl ever had ; but your saying so wo n't make me get well .", "Oh , Jack , why did you wait so long ? Why did n't you come to me before it was too late ?", "No , Jack , it would n't be decent .", "Tell him !", "You do n't know much about being poor , I see .", "But Dolly does n't get home until very late .", "Some good , I think , Jack .", "It 's better you do n't ask me , Jack .", "Did you get any work to-day ?", "What 's the matter ?", "I 'm pretty tired . JackTell me \u2014 how long have you been doing this ? Waiting , I mean .", "Thank you , Jack . I 'll get along .DollyBelle ! What 's the matter ? JackThere ! You see ! You 'll have to let me help her ! She can n't walk , I tell you ! See now , I 'm strong , I can almost carry her . This way , Belle \u2014 now we 'll go all right . And you 'll have a good rest and get well and then come back \u2014\u2014", "Four years .", "No , not even to save my life . JackBelle , listen to me . I 've got a right to save your life . Ca n't you understand ? I want you to get well . I love you ! BelleJack !", "But , Jack \u2014 even if you had the money \u2014 how could I let you spend it on me ?", "How could I live in such an expensive place ?", "Where do you get those ?", "Belle", "But how will you live ?", "Just enough to keep us alive . DollyWhy , what 's this ?", "Jack ! How perfectly lovely !", "Well , I wonder . A kid that 's had a stepfather to beat him and no one to love him !", "She said she 'd have some money . I 'll bring it to your room as soon as she gets home .", "Gee !", "Pretty well .", "Why did you have to wait till I was dying ? Oh , I can n't bear it ! You ought n't to have told me ! It 's too cruel !", "You have so many worries of your own .", "Oh , Jack ! What a heavenly place !", "They said it was his fault . He stepped in front of an express . They paid for his funeral .", "Has my sister come for me ?", "Of course !", "With those lovely pictures ! How nice of them !", "I do n't know . I try to persuade myself \u2014\u2014", "It 's the same everywhere , sir . They do n't like you to sit down . It would n't look right .Will you have some dessert , sir ?", "But that 'll be thirty dollars , Jack ! You know we 've got", "Oh , you poor kid ! Why do you stand it ?", "That 's all right , is n't it , officer ?", "But , Jack , I never earned fifteen dollars a week in my life .", "Good evening .", "Good-bye , Jack .", "Yes , sir .", "Wait ! Wait ! Do n't talk to me !", "Dolly , I 'm sure you 're mistaken about Jack \u2014\u2014 DollyMr. Schmidt , my sister will be here to work to-morrow morning .", "I 'm not dressed .", "I 'll pay you for it , Bill .", "What ? A whole day on the train ?", "No , we had a chance while father was alive . He was a railroad conductor . He was killed in an accident .", "Where shall we go ? To Hoboken ?", "But how can you help me ?", "But I told you we 'd have it to-morrow .", "How should I know . What other chance have I ? I can make just enough to keep going from week to week , and Dolly the same . It 's like being in a trap .", "I do n't want to tell you , Jack .", "My sister comes for me .", "You 've got to ring it up on the cash register ."], "play_index": 24, "act_index": 24}, {"query": ["I 'll give yez three guesses !", "Yes .", "It 's agin the law mum , and yez could be got into trooble . I got strict orders , mum \u2014 yez must have it in .", "In the night .", "Right yez are !", "No . He 's lookin \u2019 for his week 's wages !", "That 's what they say . I was n't here .", "Oh , is that so ? Well , now , that 's too bad ! Sure , mum \u2014\u2014 well , \u2018 tis on the back fire-escape the mattress is , an \u2019 I 'd no business to be seein \u2019 it , had I ? I 'll fergit that I seen it .", "Why did n't yez ask him for work ?"], "true_target": ["Well , all right \u2014 if that 's it . Come along here .", "I come to see yez , mum . Yez have a mattress on yer fire-escape , mum .", "And how is the little b'y , mum ?", "He 's a bit pale in the cheeks , I 'm thinkin \u2019 . Yez should have him over to the park a bit more . Well , good-day to yez , mum . Peggy , Bill and Will . Good-day .", "An \u2019 phat might his bill be ?", "With kerosene on them , belike !", "Yez kin call yourself lucky , young feller . Next time I 'll not let yez off so aisyJackOh , say ! That was awfully decent of you ! I do n't know how to thank you .", "Sure , the firemen smelled kerosene .", "He 's in jail ."], "play_index": 24, "act_index": 24}, {"query": ["It was a pretty poor joke on Belle , I think .", "Come , Belle ,", "Nobody can help me \u2014 ever !", "I can n't bear to tell !", "I went to the old place . And there was a man \u2014 he was drunk , and he 'd lost his money , and he said I 'd robbed him . A servant gave me the tip \u2014 the madam had sent for the police . I dodged out by the basement way .", "Understand what ?", "I do n't know .", "It seems to me we 've got some explanation coming to us ,", "After that it was worse . I was spoiled . But I was afraid Belle might suspect , so I kept straight for a long time . But it was no go . She was working herself to death \u2014 and I 'd see her ill , and I could n't stand it . I 'd tell her I had a job in a hotel uptown . I 'd be gone all night \u2014 and I 'd bring her money . That 's my life ! JackAre there many like that ?", "Jack , do n't do like that ! You did n't know it ! JackOh , how dared you ?", "Who 's to make you ?", "You mean to marry her ?", "You keep out of this , I 'll talk to him . JackLook here ! I want to help your sister . I wo n't stand by and see her die .", "No , they 'd trace us !", "The town is full of them . I know a girl who went to a church home . They said they could n't help her \u2014 they were for \u2018 fallen women . \u2019 She came back again and told them they could help her now \u2014 she was a fallen woman .", "Come on , Belle ! This is no place for us !", "Do n't go on so ! You know I could n't help it . What else could we do ? We had n't a dollar in the house .Do n't be selfish , Jack !", "She 'll be worse if she stays here and the police come for me .", "That 's what he told her . Did n't you , Jack ?", "What 's it to you if she does ?", "Dad , how can you be so cruel ?", "Now then \u2014 come home .", "It was some kind of joke you played on us , Jack ?", "This was n't the first time . But it was always for Belle . JackFor Belle !", "What do you take my sister for ?", "You 're sure it 's safe ?", "You 've struck the wrong girls . We 're not that kind .", "I must go . I must take Belle with me !", "Excuse me , Jack \u2014 we 'll get out of this .", "Jack . I 've got to go away from here !"], "true_target": ["Where is it ?", "You 're thinking of yourself \u2014 not of me and Belle .", "Jack .", "The man 's a politician \u2014 some big man \u2014 and so they 'll hunt me out . I 'm a stranger , I 've no friends , and they 'll send me up for a year or two . I would n't care ; I 'm rotten \u2014 fit for nothing but the dump-heap . But there 's Belle . She 's straight , and I must keep her straight .", "You must , dear .", "Jessie", "But what 's that for ?", "That 's not the question \u2014 it 's what sort of men my sister 's going to meet !", "I 'm accused of stealing . Oh , do n't think it \u2014 I did n't do it . Before God , I did n't !", "It 's all right , Jack \u2014 since 's we 've caught on in time .", "She was starving , that was what drove her . That 's what drives thousands . And for that we 're despised . The good women \u2014 they spit upon us ! I sometimes wonder \u2014 do they think we like it ?That a woman should like to give herself to any brute that comes along !Tell me ! What does it mean ? Whose sins do we pay for ?", "I take you for a man . And you do n't get any hold on my sister !", "Ah , do n't look at me like that . I told you not to ask me ! JackBut Dolly ; you do n't understand !", "That was n't much .", "Yes . The police will be looking for me .", "Good God ! She would kill herself ! Listen \u2014 I 'll tell you the story . What does it matter now \u2014 you 'll never see me again . It began in a department store \u2014 twelve dollars a week . Fine wages , with two to care for ! It was slave \u2014 slave all day . Never a holiday , never a joy ; nothing beautiful , nothing new ! No hope , no future ; just slave \u2014 slave ! And there was a young man \u2014 what they call a gentleman . He took me to dinners , and I went , because I was near starving . In the end he got me , of course . And then he threw me over , and I went to work again . You see ?", "Let me tell you , young fellow , you can n't work your games on me . You let my sister alone .", "She 's been ill a long time .", "You promised you 'd marry her !", "Nearly a year ago .", "If there 's a God in heaven , how can he allow it ? How can he allow some to be idle and rich , and to despise us who have nothing ?", "No , no ! I can n't .", "But him ? In your apron .", "Do n't ask me .", "That 's true enough . But she 'll be on her job tomorrow .", "See here , young fellow \u2014 you might just as well save your breath . You 're not going to come any game over me . We 're not making any show , but we 've kept decent , and we 'll go on trying .", "I never thought I 'd trust another man , Jack . But I think you 're decent . Mark this though !By the God above , if you ever do Belle any harm , Jack , I 'll shoot you dead !", "You here ! Where 's Belle ?", "You 'd despise me forever . Belle would despise me !", "Do n't ask me now .", "I 've worked till I was ready to drop . I 've slaved day and night \u2014 but I could n't make enough . And so , every now and then , I 'd go to a house ."], "play_index": 24, "act_index": 24}, {"query": ["You keep telling me about Dolly \u2014\u2014", "Well , do n't be too long . I 'd like to help you , but I need my money as much as anybody .Well , now , ai n't that cute ! In a play ! Well , good luck to you ! I 'm sorry I interrupted you , I hope it 'll be all right . Good-evening . Peggy and Will . Good-evening .", "Dolly ! Who 's Dolly ?", "When is this to be played ?", "Me ?", "Why would n't I ?", "Well , for the land 's sake !"], "true_target": ["How many days do you call a few ?", "Well , it 's nearly to-morrow . I want to get it before it 's gone .", "All right . I 've got sick of waitin \u2019 for that money ! If you have n't got it you can just move on , that 's all ! You might as well understand \u2014\u2014 BelleOh , all right ! All right ! I 've told you we 're doing our best !", "Well , now . Will you look at that !They come and use your rooms and if you ask what 's due you , they turn and run ! That 's what it is to be a landlady ! That 's the way they treat you !Here ! You do n't need to move to-night !What are you running for ? I 'm not going to eat you ! But I want you to know I got to have that money \u2014 I got my own bills to pay .", "That rent 's overdue a month . You 'll have to get it somehow or quit . WillDid n't I tell you you could have it when Dolly gets home ?", "Ain \u2019 it been due two weeks ?", "Well , for the land 's sake !What sort of a character am I ?"], "play_index": 24, "act_index": 24}, {"query": ["Listen , Jessie ! You know there 's misery and suffering in the world , do n't you ?", "Do n't I seem a fairly healthy specimen , Jessie ?", "Really , Dad , you 're treating him pretty badly !", "I do n't know . It 'll all depend .", "He would n't say . Just says he gives up \u2014 he 's coming home .", "I survived .", "He 's all right , Jessie . Anybody 'd think he 'd gone to war !", "Ssh .Yes , what 's that ? What 's the matter ? Well , I declare ! Sure , Jessie 's here . Yes , Dad 's upstairs . No , I wo n't tell him . Perhaps he wo n't . Hey ? In two minutes ? All right ! Bye-bye !He 's coming home !", "I did n't when I started ."], "true_target": ["He 's around at the subway station . He 'll be here in two minutes .", "My dear girl , men have got snow on their clothes before this .", "Well , I guess I 'll go with him !", "Well , I 've done what he 's doing . I 've done it for a year . And", "Wait a minute , Dad .", "Really , Dad \u2014", "Dad , listen to reason now ! Do n't make this dreadful mistake . Jack has had his lesson . Ca n't you see he 's had it \u2014 the very thing we all wanted for him ? He 's learned something about the reality of life ! JessieMake Jack wait ! Do n't let him go away ! Hurry !Dad , you must forgive him ! That 's a good girl he 's brought here \u2014 can n't you see that ? And she 's ill \u2014 she 's as ill as I was ! Do n't you remember how you worried about me ? You are n't really cruel , Dad \u2014", "And could you wish Jack to live all his life in indifference to such things \u2014 just idle and play , and spend the wealth that other people produce for him ?", "It means he 's lost his wager .", "I 'll answer it .Hello .Why , what 's happened ?It 's Jack ! JessieJack !"], "play_index": 24, "act_index": 24}, {"query": ["Nothing . Come on !", "Why \u2014 Dad \u2014 DadSo I 'm not really responsible ! You have to handle me carefully , do you ? What is it ? Out with it .", "Why \u2014 it was n't from you , Dad .", "You must forgive him , Dad !Jack ! Come ask him to forgive you ! He 's your father ! You must do it , to save the girl 's life ! JackDo n't misunderstand me , Dad . I do n't ask for the money . I 've lost my claim to it , I do n't care what you do with it . But I must save this girl ! Do n't you see what 's happened to me ? Do n't you see what I 've gained by my adventure ?", "Maybe I 'll have to hide Jack until we can break the news .You see , Bob , we must handle him carefully \u2014 he 's an old man and he 's liable to fly off , and we can n't tell what he might do in a sudden rage . He 's not really responsible , you know . DadWhat 's this ? JessieOh , Dad !", "I want to show you the bills .", "Do a favor for me , Gladys . I know Jack still loves you . I want you to stay here ! I want you to hear it from his own lips . Let me hide you behind this screenWhen Jack comes in , I 'll speak about you \u2014 WillThat wo n't do !", "Marry her !", "I 'll show them to you .", "Bob !", "Who is she ?", "Dad ! Stop !", "Oh !", "I 've been buying clothes , and I was afraid when you saw the bills \u2014", "Oh , if he 'd only come home !", "But you knew how , Bob ."], "true_target": ["It 's nothing , Dad .", "He was never away for so long before .", "He 's been gone a month !", "Yes , I suppose so .", "Oh , we must n't allow it ! It would be wicked ! You go upstairs , Bob , and stay with Dad until I can find out what 's happened . BobA good idea !", "It is n't so bad \u2014Oh !", "Why Dad \u2014 it 's nothing \u2014", "Why Dad \u2014 it 's only that I 've spent some money .", "It snowed last night ; I lay awake till daybreak worrying about him .", "No \u2014 wait ! Please , Dad \u2014", "Upstairs . Please do n't scold me too much , Dad .You see , I did n't realize at the time \u2014", "But what 's happened ?", "Jack ! Dad does n't know what he 's saying !", "Thank Heaven !But Bob ! What can it mean ?", "What ? When Jack is coming ?", "I suppose so , Bob .", "I do n't care ! He 's coming home ! Jack ! Jack !Oh , I 'm so happy ! So happy !"], "play_index": 24, "act_index": 24}, {"query": ["Well , Jessie , I have had a most enjoyable evening . But I must be going now ."], "true_target": ["What for ?", "Oh , would Jack want to see me ? Surely not ! No , I must really goGood-bye !"], "play_index": 24, "act_index": 24}, {"query": ["Where are they ?", "What 's this you 're trying to keep from me ?", "I do n't want to be cruel . But I wo n't have him \u2014", "But what \u2014", "Well , wait just a moment . The bills wo n't run away . JessieLost !", "And this is the woman ?", "Keep out of this , Jessie .", "What have you gained ?", "As you please , sir !WillThat 's as far as I 've done .It 's near the end . What do you think of it ?", "I know . That 's always the way with my children . They never realize anything !", "Spent some money !", "Who says I do n't know what I 'm saying ? Who says I 'm not responsible for my own acts ? Who says I have to be handled carefully ? I 'll have you all understand \u2014 JessieDo n't you see the girl 's nearly dead ?", "Humph !Did it never occur to you I might like to see my grandson ?", "I have n't asked your opinion , sir !", "Go , and good riddance to you .", "Hey ? Why not ?", "Let me alone , Bob . I 'll attend to this . JessieJack ! Jack ! Wait !"], "true_target": ["What 's the matter with the girl ?", "Let her go ! There 's no place for her here .", "Where are the bills ?", "Who was it from , hey ? Answer me !", "What 's the matter ?", "What !", "Has anybody asked you to ?", "And the boy ?", "How do you know it 's nothing ?", "Answer me !", "You have the impudence to come here and tell me that you promised to marry a waitress in a restaurant !", "Why , what 's that ? Is n't that Jack 's voice ? Why-why-good God !JackExcuse me , please .Get me a glass of wine ! Quick !A fan , somebody !She 'll be all right in a moment \u2014 she 's exhausted . Ah ! Better ?You see what 's the matter . The girl is ill ; she 's nearly dying . I had to get help for her .You must excuse me , old man . I had to give up the wager . This was too much for me . You see \u2014I guess you were right . I ran into the reality of life , and it floored me . You may kid me all you please , I 'll take my medicine . But there was this girl \u2014 I had to come back , you see .Excuse me , Dad , for making such a mess of it . But I could n't punish this girl for my sins . I had to give up my quarter of a million , and save her life .", "Wait till I see what this is .", "So that 's what he is doing , instead of taking care of his wife and child ?", "I know better . Out with it !", "Humph ! Too proud to tell me , hey ? The woman looks pale ; and the child too .Come here , youngster . So this is my grandson !It 's all very well for you to make war on your old father and break his pride ; but you 'd no right to use your child like this .What 's this !", "What 's in the thing ? Let me look at it .PeggyNo , no !"], "play_index": 24, "act_index": 24}, {"query": ["The pillars of it go up like the brawny trunks of heroes : the sweet human flesh of men and women is moulded about its bulwarks , strong , impregnable : the faces of little children laugh out from every corner-stone : the terrible spans and arches of it are the joined hands of comrades ; and up in the heights and spaces there are inscribed the numberless musings of all the dreamers of the world . It is yet building \u2014 building and built upon . Sometimes the work goes forward in deep darkness : sometimes in blinding light : now beneath the burden of unutterable anguish : now to the tune of a great laughter and heroic shoutings like the cry of thunder .Sometimes , in the silence of the night-time , one may hear the tiny hammerings of the comrades at work up in the dome \u2014 the comrades that have climbed ahead .ROBERTI think I begin to understand you , comride : especially that bit abaht . . .the \u2018 ammerins \u2019 an \u2019 the \u2014 the harches \u2014 an \u2019 . . . Humph ! I 'm only an \u2018 og ! . . . S'pose there 's no drain \u2018 ands wanted in that there church o \u2019 yours ?", "And the name of the society ?", "Churches ?", "And your project ?", "As a man might know his own soul , sir \u2014 As they say in", "It does : quite a lot .", "Well , since you 're so certain . . . MARYI 'm perfectly certain he 'll never stand a kid like me cheeking him and calling him names ! Uncle William 's quite right ! . . . And that 's why I 've made up my mind that I sha'n ' t like him , after all !", "I see : two brothers ? VICARYes , yes , I have : I \u2014 I had . MANSONThank you , sir : it 's always helpful , coming to a new place , to know who are \u2014 and who are not \u2014 the family connections .", "Yes , sir : all of them .VICARThat is not always so easy , Manson ; but it is my creed , too .", "Hold up the tray , Rogers .", "Yes .", "So it is .", "I ! Do you propose to place my name at the head of your \u2014 prospectus ?", "Yes ; have you never done that before ?", "Thank you , ma'am : it will do later .", "Yes , but since people have already refused to subscribe to the more trivial project . . .", "You may take it from me , that you may call him whatever you like .", "It must be . Yes , do go on .", "Sorry to have delayed , sir ; but you said a quarter to nine , did n't you , sir ?", "Guess \u2014 when I know already ?", "I am always most discreet . AUNTIEThank you , Manson , thank you : I felt that I could trust you . It 's to prove my trust that I 've sent for you now . Perhaps I 'd better begin by explaining everything quite clearly , so that you . . .", "What \u2014 Uncle Josh ?", "AUNTIE . I . . . I . . .", "Did n't he know ?", "Oh , warmer , warmer !", "The right of understanding , the right of purpose , and the right of will !", "I do n't think I would go so far as that : some people blackguard him abominably .", "By my own right !", "No ! And , therefore , it is my office to command you now ! Sit down , and hear me speak !", "It wants ten minutes of the time you said you expected him .Only ten minutes .", "They said something about the new Alien Act , sir .", "Yes , ma'am .AUNTIE, William , I 'm sorry ! Really , I did n't mean you : I never thought of you ; I was only thinking of Robert . I only think of you as a great scholar and a saint \u2014 yes , you are one !\u2014 and as the man I love ! I would sacrifice everything to your happiness . Robert 's nothing to me ; that 's why I . . . Think of what it might mean to Mary \u2014 we must think of others , William !\u2014 our own little child , as we try to imagine . . .As for James , God knows I did it for the best . I love you , my dear , I love you : I would n't have vexed you for the world ! After all , he is my brother , William ! . . . . I thought of patching up the enmity between you : I thought of all your hopes of rebuilding the church , and James was the only rich man I thought might be induced \u2014 under the circumstances . . .", "Sit dahn , ole pal ! Mek yourself at \u2018 ome !", "It is !", "I am . . .I am the servant in this house . I have my work to do . Would you like to help me ?", "Here .", "He is ! . . . I have just been having some trouble with another devil , ma'am .", "He built one .", "God forbid ! MARYOh , perhaps he 's the other sort \u2014 like auntie 's brother ! He 's a bishop \u2014 the Bishop of Lancashire . You see , I 've heard a lot about bishops in my time , and they 're not always quite nice men .", "You tried , did n't you ?", "And now butler and page-boy , eh ? ROGERSDoes seem a bit of a come-down , do n't it ?", "No : we had few advantages .", "Yes \u2014 a long time ago , though : people have forgotten .", "Well , what does he think is the matter ?", "Who 's she ?", "You interest me intensely . Explain .", "Every morning . You see , I 'm prejudiced : I was one myself , once .", "I bear you a message from the master of this house . Leave it .", "How was that ?", "He walks through dry places seeking \u2014\u2014 other habitations .", "I should like to hear about her , comrade .", "Then \u2014 Miss Mary ? . . . VICAROh , my niece is the daughter of \u2014 of my other brother .", "His clergy , chiefly .", "He mistook him for your husband .", "I thought you said his name was on everybody 's lips .", "Hereafter , was the arrangement .", "In God 's Name \u2014 your brother .", "Yes .", "Yes , what is it , Rogers ?", "See , wot was I tawkin \u2019 abaht . Just afore you turned narsty ?", "Something like that .", "How is it that you know so little about him ?", "Now , let me tell you exactly why you have sent for me here . There is a strange and wretched turmoil in your soul : you have done wrong , and you know it \u2014 but you do n't know all ! You would keep what miserable little right you have by bolstering it up with further wrong . And you have sent for me to help you in that wrong !", "Then \u2014 Brother !", "Who 's he ?", "Yes .", "Drains are a very important question there at present .", "I said , shew him in . Quick , Rogers . Keep a bishop waiting !", "Is n't that a bit of the old Robert left , comrade ?", "Have you tried him ?", "Make me the lord and master of this house for one little hour !", "It is n't the Bishop of Benares , ma'am .", "A letter for you , ma'am .", "Early this morning , sir . I should have come sooner ; but I had a little trouble down at the Customs .", "I did n't ask his name , ma'am .", "People do n't always recognise me in anything else .", "Now the cloth , Mary . . .", "Perhaps so !", "Over here , please .", "At its full value . Go on .", "Beg pardon , ma'am ; but master mentioned only one \u2014 his brother , the Bishop of Benares .", "I can soon remedy that , sir . My religion is very simple . I love God and all my brothers . VICARGod and your brothers . . .", "You were going to say something about \u2014 your little girl 's mother .", "Come along , little comrade .", "Is that your only difficulty ?", "Yes , that 's all .", "I know you ! What , do you think that God 's eyes are like your brother 's \u2014 blind ? Or do you think these things can be done in darkness without crying aloud to Heaven for light ?", "No other , I assure you .", "You did n't make it dear that you wanted to eat with me .", "The uttermost obedience , loyalty , and love !", "It must go beyond that !", "Oh yes , quite frequently : it would shock you to learn the language I really did use . Perhaps , under the circumstances , it might be advisable to drop the subject at this point . BISHOPI most certainly agree with you there ! After all , it is a digression from the purpose for which we are here ! . . . Let me see , then : where were we ? . . . Oh yes , I remember \u2014 Although , by the way , it was very ill-advised of you to speak your mind so openly in that man 's presence ! However . . . To resume our \u2014 how shall I call it ?\u2014 our \u2014 little understanding , eh ?", "Do you ?Do you ?", "Perhaps I 'm a prejudiced person .", "Your brother is also a little blind , remember . AUNTIEThen James never found out ? . . .", "I know that .", "Help to spin she fairy-tale . Will you ?", "His lordship will be glad to see you .", "What gain do you hope to bring yourself by that ?", "Which ?", "Oh yes : I took care to undeceive him on the point .", "Well , have you thought any more about . . .", "I have ! But what has all this to do with . . .", "You will get over that when you knew me better .", "Hm ! That is strange , too !", "All the same , I 'm right , eh , comrade ? Comrade . . . ROBERTWell , yus !Yus , I tell yer ! Caw n't a bloke speak \u2018 otter than \u2018 e means without you scrapin \u2019 at \u2018 is innards ?", "A bishop of God 's church .", "I mean that service such as mine demands a greater recompense !", "Oh , not as bad as that , ma'am !", "That describes it most accurately .", "What have you needed most ? What have you not had ? Think it out .", "What 's that ?", "They are very near ! . . .", "Have I your permission , ma'am", "No ."], "true_target": ["I have encountered similar hostility before , my lord \u2014 from gentlemen very like your lordship . Allow me . . .", "That 's one way of looking at it .Is n't there jam in the kitchen , Rogers ? ROGERSEvings ! E 've got eyes in \u2018 is boots ! S'y , do you call it stealing , Mr. Manson ?", "Yes : we all three had breakfast together .", "Flowers , Rogers .Oh , beg pardon , sir : perhaps you 'd like to know \u2014 the Bishop of Benares is here .", "Would n't that be rather presuming , Rogers ?", "The \u2014 the drain ? . . .", "That was a sore loss , comrade .", "Sacrifice .", "What \u2014 see and hear ?", "Sweep and garnish it throughout , seek out and cleanse its hidden corners , make it fair and ready to lodge him royally as a brother ! AUNTIEI wo n't do it ! I can n't ! I can n't !", "I am \u2014 interested .", "In the next room .", "When you enter it you hear a sound \u2014 a sound as of some mighty poem chanted . Listen long enough , and you will learn that it is made up of the beating of human hearts , of the nameless music of men 's souls \u2014 that is , if you have ears . If you have eyes , you will presently see the church itself \u2014 a looming mystery of many shapes and shadows , leaping sheer from floor to dome . The work of no ordinary builder ! BISHOPOn the security of one man 's name !", "Those who have seen it say there is nothing like it on earth . MARYHave you seen it ?", "When ?", "Your Uncle Joshua 's reputation is exactly opposite .", "And have you ? . . .", "Just like I am now . . . MARYYes . . .", "Have n't you sent for me to help you in your plans about his brother , Robert ? AUNTIEWhat plans ? . . .", "I should make that a condition , comrade . ROBERTI do n't know ! Things \u2018 av \u2019 got in a bit of a muck with me ! I 'm rather like a drain-pipe myself .", "Talking to you . . .", "Many things are possible in this world , Rogers .", "ROBERT", "Then keep the secret \u2014 Remember ! And wish hard .", "He is here .", "Yes .", "And when all 's over and done with , what are we going to gain out of the transaction ?", "That 's all right , Rogers . I have a sense of humour myself , or I should n't be here . ROGERSTalking about clothes , Mr. Manson , I often thinks in my \u2018 ead as I 'd like to be a church clergyman , like master . Them strite-up collars are very becoming . Would n't you , Mr. Manson ?", "And that ?", "I landed late last night , if that 's what you mean .", "At first , a little angrily ; but , after a while , some few poor words of my own chanced to move him to more \u2014 profitable meditation .", "Yes , and heart , too !", "They are the only things the people of this world see . ROGERSExcuse me , Mr. Manson , you mek me larf .", "It 's partly what they do not do .", "Thou givest thy mouth to evil , and thy tongue frameth deceit . Thou sittest and speakest against thy brother : thou slanderest thine own mother 's son . These things hast thou done , and I kept silence : thou thoughtest that I was altogether such an one as thyself : but I will reprove thee , and set them in order before thine eyes .", "Then first TO CLEANSE IT OF ITS ABOMINATIONS !", "I knew that when I said it . BISHOPMy dear brother , your comprehension makes my heart warm . I trust our relations may always remain as warm .", "Not till breakfast .", "The Bishop of Lancashire . MARY, I always thought he was such a great success out there . The papers have been full of it \u2014 of the millions of people who follow him about : they say they almost worship him in some places . What kind of people are they ?", "You rang .", "Yes : what is it , Rogers ?", "Which ?", "I wonder whether they are anything alike .", "They came freely from every quarter of the world .", "What impossibility ?", "It is not enough . I shall require more . AUNTIEOh , of course , I shall be glad to do anything that . . . Why , what do you mean ? . . .", "Then \u2014 you have a surprise in store .", "Breakfasts served , ma'am . It 's served , sir .Beg pardon , sir : what time did you expect the Bishop of Benares ?", "It is rather a dangerous name to play with ! BISHOP , I take that responsibility entirely upon myself !", "Your brother , sir ? VICARI am grateful to God for it , Manson : he is .", "Not quite all . You may have observed that your brother is a little deaf .", "Why do you dislike me so , Rogers ? ROGERSMe ? Me dislike you , Mr. Manson ? Oh no !", "God 's not watching : let 's give as little , and grab as much as we can !", "I do n't think I should . His bishop does n't mind a little plain speech now and again .", "Come , Rogers . Take them to the kitchen .", "No ? . . . MARYNo , you 're not !", "Rather oddly , ma'am : I noticed that his legs . . .", "How did you come to lose her ? ROBERTTyphoid fever .Oh , it was my own fault , as I lost the kid !", "I do not seem to have heard it named before .", "Because of the drain ? . . .", "A remedy for misapprehension , ma'am .", "This house .", "Yes \u2014 looks after drains .", "And if she 's like her mother ? What then ?", "Here is master . I 'll hurry up the breakfast , ma'am . VICARDo , Manson . Let 's get it over .Excuse me , my dear .So tiresome ! Not a place in the house to do anything ! Confound the drains ! Just run up-stairs for my coat , Rogers .", "Dear me , dear me , just those few words !", "You are no longer necessary . Leave this house .", "\u201c I shall be with you during to-morrow morning . If any one will help me , I will restore your church . Your brother , Joshua . \u201d MARYAnd there , do you see , underneath , in brackets : The Bishop of Benares .", "In this world : that sounds rather like . . . Does he give free libraries ?", "And you ? You ? . . .", "I think you are making a mistake : the man who gave you your \u2014 direction is not a clergyman . He 's a scavenger .", "Which bleeding brother ? ROBERTWhy , \u2018 im , o \u2019 course !The Reverend William ! \u2018 Im as you said was damned ! . . . Allus did \u2018 ate parsons ! I \u2018 ates the sight of their \u2018 arf-baked , silly mugs !\u2018 Ello ! \u2018 Ello ! Did I mek a row like that ?", "Who is it , Rogers ? ROGERSIt 's the Bishop of Lancashire ! MANSONShew him in , Rogers .", "What do you say to \u2014 everything you have ?", "Pardon me , sir .ROGERSI 'll be back to \u2018 elp you in with the breakfast , Mr. Manson .", "Yes ? . . .", "I am trying to , ma'am ; but , God knows , you make it rather difficult !", "Yes , what do you think ?", "The plan of banishing him further from your lives than ever ! The plan of providing for him ! The plan of patching up his bitter wrongs with gold !", "Indeed , I hope you will !", "You were saying that you had n't a bad nature to begin with . ROBERTNo more I \u2018 ad n't ! . . . O \u2019 course , when she took an \u2019 \u2014 an \u2019 died , things was different : I could n't \u2018 old up the same \u2014 Somehow , I do n't know , I lost my \u2018 eart , and . . .", "And so . . .", "Yes .", "What was her name ?", "Ssh ! His father 's dead , Mary !", "It does n't sound like the Bishop of Benares , ma'am . He generally comes very quietly .", "Your sister and the vicar , my lord . BISHOPAh ! Well , Martha !\u2014 No , no , no , if you please !Observe the retribution of an unchastened will . You have never seen my face for sixteen years ! However , like a cloud , I blot out your transgressions from this hour ! And so this is your husband ?\u2014 Not a word , sir ; not a single word !\u2014 the sausages were delicious , and your place has been most agreeably occupied by your brother !", "No \u2014 only blind : perhaps , also , a little deaf . But between the two they manage to make his work very difficult .", "Everything comes true , if you wish hard enough .", "Yes .", "Oh , against whom ?", "You are fond of the birds ?", "I do n't think so . It 's mine , too .", "Yes , both : foolish and \u2014 damned !", "There is no need . I know everything already . AUNTIE , Everything ! How ? . . .", "Not precisely \u2014 they work : they are not idle ; but they serve other masters .", "With my assistance , you can !", "Well \u2014 everything the others have ?", "And the Bishop of Lancashire , ma'am ?", "Behold the happiness you have already brought him !", "Come along , Rogers . Take that end .", "I have seen a good deal of the English , one time and another .", "Ssh ! They may hear you !", "And your brother Joshua : what of him ? Where is he now ?", "I did n't laugh .", "As an honoured guest !", "Something about your sacred obligations , I believe .", "Just common people .", "I was there when he built it .", "What is her heart but broken now \u2014 by you ? AUNTIE , Robert himself would be the first to repudiate any other plan .", "I think that should depend upon the obligations ; and then , of course , the sacredness might count for something .", "A certain gift of divination \u2014 mine by birth . And , besides , you forget that I had a long conversation with your brother-in-law after master left the room .", "And what sort is the Bishop of Lancashire ?", "No ; what is it ?", "India . His work has been mine , so to speak .", "Hereafter , then .AUNTIELeave him to me , William ! I 'll soon settle the matter !The man must be possessed of some evil spirit ! . . . Why \u2014 it 's my brother James ! . . ."], "play_index": 25, "act_index": 25}, {"query": ["Well , since you arsk me , miss , it 's the goin 's on in this \u2018 ouse ! I never see such a complicyted mass of mysteries and improbabilities in my life ! I shall \u2018 av \u2019 to give in my notice !", "That 's all right ; but \u2018 ow long \u2018 av \u2019 you been in England ,", "Well , perhaps master \u2018 as n't allus been as \u2018 igh \u2014 See ! O \u2019 course , I do n't know , but they do s'y as \u2018 e was once only a . . . Wot oh ! \u2018 Ere \u2018 e is !", "Perhaps it 's this reincarnytion the Daily Mail been writing about . Ever see the Daily Mail out there , Mr. Manson ?", "Well , I 'm jiggered !", "Beg pardon , Mr. Manson . . .", "Beg pardon , sir : getting on for eight .VICARHm ! These mysteries are not always helpful . . . Anyway , I 'm glad to see you , Manson . When did you arrive ?", "Garn , Mr. Manson , that 's a bit orf ! Clothes do n't make all that difference , come now ! . . .", "Am \u2018 oldin \u2019 it up , Mr. Manson . MARYI 'm sure there is something the matter !", "Cook 's compliments , Mr. Manson , and might she make so bold as to request your presence in the kitchen , seein \u2019 as she 's \u2018 ad no orders for lunch yet . O \u2019 course , she says , it will do when you 've quite finished any private business you may \u2018 av \u2019 in the upper part of the \u2018 ouse !", "It 's a man , sir !", "Mr. Manson sent me , sir ; it ai n't my fault ! . . .", "Well , I never been in the continong of Asia , where you come from ; and there you are ! MANSONYes : here I am .", "Well , I 'm . . . \u2018 Owever , it 's no business of mine ! MARYWhat 's up with you , Rogers ? ROGERSNuthin \u2019 , miss .", "Do n't you mek no mistike about it ! \u2018 Ere !You are a butler , ai n't you ? Ai n't you , now ? . . ."], "true_target": ["Yes , sir ; and what 's more , Mr. Manson told me to bring \u2018 im in !", "My poor farver taught me . \u2018 E led a godly , righteous , an \u2019 sober life . \u2018 E was a grocer .", "Cos why ? That 's why !\u2014 What you 're doin \u2019 now ! I likes people to keep their proper stytion ! I was brought up middle-clarss myself , an \u2019 taught to be'ave myself before my betters !\u2014 No offence to you , Mr. Manson !", "Rum idea , reincarnytion ! Think , Mr. Manson , perhaps we wos lords once in ancient Babylon , you an \u2019 me !", "Beg your pardon , sir ; but . . .", "Oh , my \u2018 oly Evings !", "Funny thing \u2014 caw n't get it out of my \u2018 ead as I 've knowed you somewhere before . Do n't scarcely seem possible , do it , Mr. Manson ?", "It 's the new butler , sir . Mr. Manson , sir .", "What d'you wear them togs for ? This ai n't India .", "\u2018 E 's mucked up to the eyes , sir ! Bin down the drains ! It 's the same chap as come an \u2019 made so free \u2018 ere this mornin \u2019 !", "Mr. Manson ?", "\u2018 Pon my word , Mr. Manson , you give me the fair creeps and no mistike !", "If my poor farver could see what I 've seen to-day , \u2018 e would roll over in \u2018 is grave !MARYIs n't he funny ? Just because his silly old father . . .", "Well , sir , it 's a bit orkard : it 's . . . I really do n't know what you 'll say , sir , I do n't really . . . VICARCome , come , come , what is it ?", "Mr. Manson ! Do you mind if I arst you a question ?"], "play_index": 25, "act_index": 25}, {"query": ["Yes ? . . .", "Bless me , you will know him better than I do . I have never seen him since I was quite a little lad . MARYJust you think , Manson ! He 's my uncle \u2014 my own father 's brother !", "Then I accept the challenge ! It is God and I against you ,", "I meant \u2014 the Bishop of Benares ; but . . . AUNTIEWilliam . . .", "The stench \u2014 the horror \u2014 the darkness . . .", "And what of Robert ? . . .", "Well , there 's nothing very extraordinary in that . Wants to see me , eh ?", "It is my work , Martha !\u2014 God 's work ! Have n't I babbled in the pulpit long enough about fatherhood and brotherhood , that I should shirk His irony when He takes me at my word ! Now : what put this thought into your head to-day ?", "Did you happen to realise his explanation as to the constitution of the society ?", "Did he say \u2014 unworthy ?", "Oh no : I 'm quite calm . Your brother 's powers of reasoning have left me philosophical . . . . Tell me , are you quite sure that you have grasped the full meaning of his project ?", "Did n't it strike you that there are some things in this world which are not to be bought at any price ?", "No , by Heaven ! That 's not true ! MARYOh , I knew it , I knew it ! VICARStop ! You do n't understand !", "Oh !\u2014 During the morning , he said . That will mean the twelve-thirty , I suppose . It 's the only convenient service .", "Did n't his proposal practically amount to this : that we should turn my brother Joshua 's name and reputation into a bogus Building Society , of which the funds were to be scraped together from all the naked bodies and the starving bellies of the world , whilst we and our thieving co-directors should collar all the swag ?", "Supposing he \u2014 does n't approve of the scheme ?", "Do explain yourself , Rogers !", "Hm ! No , I can n't quite . . .", "Why , no one would ever dare . . .", "Tell Mary everything : send for my brother , Robert : and then \u2014 answer that monster in there . AUNTIEWilliam , you would never dare ! . . .", "I have no right to judge your father .", "Just in time for breakfast , my lord .ROBERTThanks , Bill Awlmighty , do n't mind if I do . My belly 's fair aching .", "How can I be happy , and that man poisoning the air I breathe ?", "No : the silent lie was comparatively easy !", "Martha ! It 's no use ! I can n't do it ! AUNTIECa n't do what , William ?", "You would say me , if you had seen his face and heard his voice this morning !", "Our love ? It 's well you mention it . That question had better be faced , too ! Our love ! Well , what of it ? What is love ?", "Amen . . . Then , there 's the child , too ! That difficulty must be faced .", "By Heaven , but I say no !", "Damnation take my life !", "Did you hear nothing of profits ?", "Yes , and did n't he jump at the suggestion !", "Ten minutes ! . . .", "Suppose you try and forget me for a moment . Do you think you can ?", "It 's not the church . I could wish every Stone of it were crumbled into dust !", "We have spoken about it sometimes , have n't we ? Or , rather \u2014 not spoken !", "Our own good ! What have you made of me ? You have plucked me down from whatever native godhead I had by gift of heaven , and hewed and hacked me into the semblance of your own idolatrous imagination ! By God , it shall go on no longer ! If you have made me less than a man , at least I will prove myself to be a priest !", "T-t-t ! You must n't call your uncle Joshua that ! It is irreverent . He may resent it .", "So ! God has revealed His partisanship !\u2014 He has beggared us both !", "Did n't you \u2014 did n't you get my wire ?", "I had rather see the church itself . . .", "Yes , Rogers : what is it ?", "Well , what then ?", "What is it ? Any more \u2014 worry ?", "I shall be in to breakfast at a quarter to nine . Do n't wait for me , dearest .So awkward \u2014 Both my curates down with the whooping-cough ! To-day , too ! Just when I was expecting . . .", "It was a lie !", "Yes , I do . Bob . . .", "I have , I say ! Come , sit here , Mary .Now ! What do you want to know about your father ? MARYEverything there is to know !", "I endorse it , every word .", "Do you mean . . . Do I understand . . .", "Yes .", "I think he made it clear . He said we were \u2014 rid of him forever ! AUNTIEYe-es . . . William , I begin to fear that man .", "Praise God ! Shew him in at once ! ROGERSWhat ! In \u2018 ere , sir ? . . .", "Supposing he were one upon whom a11 the curses of the world had been most cruelly visited \u2014 his poor body scarred and graven out of human semblance ; his soul the prey of hate and bitterness ; his immortal spirit tortured and twisted away from every memory of God ! What would you say ?", "In God 's name , who are you ?", "Three things .", "Surely , I \u2014 I 've seen you somewhere before . MANSONHave you , sir ?", "Martha ! . . .", "We are not the only persons concerned , Martha .", "I dare ! I will !", "What can you expect ? Not a soul there , of course !", "All that is done with ! I am resolved to be a free man from this hour \u2014 free of lies , free of love if needs be , free even of you , free of everything that clogs and hinders me in the work I have to do ! I will do my own deed , not yours ! AUNTIEIf I were not certain of one thing , I could never forgive you for those cruel words : William , this is some madness of sin that has seized you : it is the temptation of the devil !", "Yes \u2014 what society ?", "Yes , but what of flesh and blood ? What of reputation ? What of a man 's name ?", "Thanks , dear . You are always thoughtful .", "Because violence is the only way of coming to the truth between you and me ! AUNTIEWhat do you mean by the truth , William ?", "And what knowledge do you consider Providence has so kindly spared her ?", "He is what I have made him . I and no other !", "And I ! . . .", "Yes , I think I see ! AUNTIEGo on : go on !", "Indeed ! How was that ?", "Fainter and fainter , below there , and at last \u2014 an endless silence ! . . .", "How ? Like a brother ?", "By Heaven , yes !", "Yes , he 's a bishop ! A bishop of stocks and shares ! A bishop of the counting-house ! A bishop of Mammon !", "So , he can recognise me at last !", "I mean my brother Robert ! What has love done for him ?", "Where did you meet with him ?", "Love is a spirit of many shapes and shadows : a spirit of fire and darkness \u2014 a minister of heaven and hell : Sometimes I think the very damned know love \u2014 in a way . It can inform men 's souls with the gladness of high archangels , or possess them with the despair of devils !Yes ?", "That 's true !", "What made you think of that , Mary ? . . . MARYIt 's what you taught me , uncle , in your sermons .", "When ?", "What do you mean ? Where is he ?", "Do you think any blessing is going to fall upon a church whose every stone is reeking with the bloody sweat and anguish of the human creatures whom the wealth of men like that has driven to despair ? Shall we base God 's altar in the bones of harlots , plaster it up with the slime of sweating-dens and slums , give it over for a gaming-table to the dice of gamblers and of thieves ?", "I hardly know : I hardly dare to name him , but perhaps it was \u2014 the Saint .", "Go on .", "So now \u2014 for my work ! AUNTIEYes : what are you going to do ?", "Well , why do n't you ?", "I go with you .", "My God ! The thing 's impossible !", "Robert !", "Hm ! When he has finished his letters !"], "true_target": ["Well , I will ! What has love done for me ?", "Yes .", "I think the child ought to be told .", "Yes , and then what followed ? Having given up so much for me , what followed ?", "Happy ! How can I be happy , and my brother Robert what I have made him !", "Was he \u2014 a rough-looking man ?", "Do you think his brother Joshua would mind that ?", "Mary , my child . . .", "Who ?", "Come , Rogers ! My poor brethren in the church are waiting . I must see to their necessities at once .", "That 's good : it will save a lot of explanation . By-the-bye . . . My old friend in Brindisi , who recommended you , writes that you bore a very excellent character with your late employer in India ; but there was one matter he did n't mention \u2014 No doubt you will recognise its importance in a clergyman 's family \u2014 He never mentioned your religion .", "You are just in time : I wanted to speak to you at once .", "Of course , of course . Er . . . You speak English remarkably well .", "It is the call of God ! AUNTIEThat 's blasphemy , William ! But I will save you \u2014 yes , I will \u2014 in spite of yourself . I am stronger than you .", "That was fifteen years ago , remember , after Mary 's mother died ! . . .", "He has been sent to help us ! Martha , this is God !", "You ! . . .", "It has to do with my brother \u2014 Robert .", "Hour by hour \u2014 dying \u2014 alone . . .", "That , and everything .", "I will go with you .", "Ah ! AUNTIEMy dearest is not well .", "Like a Christian , then .", "Well , then , this project : what was it ?", "What else but idolatry is this precious husband-worship you have set up in your heart \u2014 you and all the women of your kind ? You barter away your own souls in the service of it : you build up your idols in the fashion of your own respectable desires : you struggle silently amongst yourselves , one against another , to push your own god foremost in the miserable little pantheon of prigs and hypocrites you have created ! AUNTIEIt is for your own good we do it !", "I have .", "We must make the attempt , somehow .", "Your brother James is coming here today ? You have brought him here to help my brother Joshua ! Him !", "No : far worse \u2014 for an idolater !", "So is mine . AUNTIELet the child speak , William . Perhaps . . .", "What do you mean by beautiful ?", "Is n't he my brother ?", "I have listened to you too long !", "Then , by God and all the powers of grace , you shall not go alone ! Off with these lies and make-believes ! Off with these prisoner 's shackles ! They cramp , they stifle me ! Freedom ! Freedom ! This is no priest 's work \u2014 it calls for a man ! . . .Now , if you 're ready , Comrade : you and I together !", "The financial possibilities of the scheme \u2014 Did his eloquence on that point escape you ?", "Yes , and all he asks of me is simply my eloquence , my gift of words , my power of lying plausibly !", "Look ! . . .", "I call myself nothing : I am nothing \u2014 less than nothing in all this living world !", "Who ?", "What are you going to do , Martha ? AUNTIE ,Do you think I am going to stand by and see your life wrecked \u2014 yours and that child 's ?", "What 's that ?", "I think you are right , Martha . I am not well . AUNTIENot the trouble with your heart again ?", "Is love a murderer ? Does love go roaming about the world like Satan , to slay men 's souls ?", "What will you say , then , to the man who has brought him to such ruin ? What will you say to that man being God 's priest ? What word of loathing have you for the thief who has stolen the love of another man 's child , for the murderer who has slain his brother 's soul ?", "It is you who have changed , Martha . You see him now with different eyes .", "Did he frighten you at all ?", "He ! That gaitered snob !", "Yes , yes , I see : I see ! . . .Then \u2014 you mean to go ?", "Yes : that was a lie , too !", "That is all the more reason why . . .", "Yes .", "Have you any idea about this man ?", "Do you remember that day when I first came to you and told you of my love ? Did I lie to you ? Did I try to hide things ? Did I despise my birth ? Did you ?", "I seem to remember some tradition . . . ROBERT , You 'd \u2018 a \u2019 said so if you 'd seen wot I seen ! Talk abaht corfins an \u2019 shrouds an \u2019 bones an \u2019 dead men gone to rot , they was n't in it , wot I saw dahn there ! Madame Twosoes is a flea-bite to it ! Lord !\u2014 I never thought there could be such a lot o \u2019 muck an \u2019 dead things all in one place before ! It was a fair treat , it was , I tek my oath ! . . .", "Robert !", "I am in the darkness . I do n't know what to do . God has left me stranded .", "No ; I fancy it goes deeper than that !", "It is my work to deliver you and me from the bondage of lies ! Ca n't you see , woman , that God and Mammon are about us , fighting for our souls ? AUNTIEListen to me , William , listen to me . . .", "A father ought to be all these things .", "My brother ! Then you . . . What do you mean ? BISHOPI mean what I say , sir ! Your brother , my brother , our brother here , of course , our Oriental brother !", "A liar ! I heard it in my ears as I stood up before Christ 's altar in the church this morning , reciting my miserable creed ! I heard it in my prayers ! I heard it whilst I tasted . . . whilst I drank . . . whilst I . . .", "Yes : that 's what I mean !", "Whose fault is that ?", "Behave towards that man like a Christian ! He stirs some nameless devil like murder in my heart ! I want to clutch him by the throat , as I would some noisome beast , and strangle him ! AUNTIEHe is greatly changed !", "Well , did n't it strike you that throughout the entire discussion he spoke rather like a tradesman ?", "What , already ! Let 's have him in at once !", "I taught you ? . . .", "Now : is God with you or me , Martha ?", "For me \u2014 yes ! And how do you imagine I have benefited by all your scheming , your contriving , your compromising , your . . .", "As to why he put this doubt into your head about your father .", "It might mean the salvation of my soul .", "No , ten thousand times , no ! The sacrifice is too much !", "I mean this : What is the building of this church to you ? Are you so mightily interested in architecture , in clerical usefulness , in the furtherance of God 's work ?", "Who knows ! Perhaps the child will have to pay most , when all is done .", "In those first days , dearest , I brought you two children of our own to cherish , little unborn souls crying for you to mother them \u2014 You have fostered only the one . That one is called the Scholar . Shall I tell you the name of the other ? AUNTIEYes . . .", "Did you mind the severance from your family because of me ?", "Listen , child ! Listen ! I mean that it is I who am not worthy to be called his brother .", "Yes \u2014 that at least ! MARYBeautiful ? . . .", "I understand .", "Yes , indeed you are . Do n't take any notice of our little feather-brain , Manson .", "Was that the real reason why we refused to have him here ? Was it ?", "Martha !", "Whom \u2014 Robert ?", "Manson , how can we bring it about ? AUNTIE , I dare n't ! I dare n't !", "After all , why should we invite him here ? Why should we be civil to him ? What possible kinship can there be between us ? As for his filthy money \u2014 how did he scrape it together ? How did he come by it ? . . .", "Robert , what have you come here for ?", "If it 's my brother . . .", "Come , come , come !ROGERS\u2018 E 's just outside , sir .Oh , do come in .", "No , really : this is most interesting !", "I mean that I am the man !", "Supposing that wretched man you spoke with just now were right , after all ! What would you say ?", "The devil 's own bishop !", "There is much to forgive , both sides , Martha . My sin has been greater than yours . You have only loved unworthily in blindness : I have seen clearly and been a coward .Mary ! . . ."], "play_index": 25, "act_index": 25}, {"query": ["Well , that 's as far as I 've got .", "Here , in this room .", "You ought to be awfully interested ! You will , when you hear where he comes from !", "How do you mean \u2014 any idea ?", "Let me speak , uncle . I have been thinking , out there in the garden \u2014 thinking very hard : I 've been trying to put things together again and make them straight ; but it 's still very difficult . Only there 's one thing \u2014 I 'm sorry I was unkind just now : I did n't mean it : you are everything I have \u2014 everything I have ever had ; and as for what uncle said \u2014 about himself , I mean \u2014 I can n't believe it . No , I 'm sure there 's a mistake somewhere ; and mistakes can always be put right , if we only help one another and mean it . Shall we try , uncle ? Shall we , auntie ?", "I met a man , a poor miserable man \u2014 it still seems like a dream , the way I met him \u2014 and he said something dreadful to me , something that hurt me terribly . He seemed to think that my father \u2014 that perhaps my father \u2014 might be nothing of the sort !", "Never .", "No ! . . . I want to be alone .", "Good-bye ,", "Yes \u2014 they 're his brothers , you know . This is Uncle William 's house .", "Uncle , do you mean . . . do you mean . . .", "Oh , auntie , she 's as deaf as a post !", "Then come over here , and make ourselves comfy .Now ! Tell me everything you know about the Bishop of Benares !", "By whom ?", "I do n't know . I have never seen him .", "Was n't it like an answer to prayer ? Auntie saw that at once ! And the odd part about it is , that Uncle William did have a brother Joshua who went away and got lost in India years and years ago ! And to think that he was who he was all the time ! To think of him never writing until yesterday ! To think that before the day is out he will be sitting down here , perhaps in this very place , just like . . .", "Such as whom ?", "I do ! I do n't believe there 's anything else in the world , if we only knew ! And that 's why I 'm wishing ! I 'm wishing now ! I 'm wishing hard ! ROBERTSo am I , Gawd \u2018 elp me ! But it 's no use !", "I say , has uncle told you who 's coming to-day ?", "Oh no , never .", "So , you see , you are a little bit naughty , after all , are n't you ?", "Dreadfully ; and he swore once \u2014 but afterwards he said he was sorry for that .", "Do you believe in wishing ?", "Then guess who he is !", "Stop ! . . . How dare you ! Do n't you know you 're a very wicked man ?", "I tried to picture him to myself . I imagined all that he must be . I thought of you . Uncle William , and Uncle Joshua , and of all the good and noble men I had ever seen or heard of in my life ; but still \u2014 that was n't quite like a father , was it ? I thought a father must be much , much better than anything else in the world ! He must be brave , he must be beautiful , he must be good ! I kept on saying it over and over to myself like a little song : he must be brave , he must be beautiful , he must be good !That 's true of fathers , is n't it , uncle ? Is n't it ?", "He says it 's the DRAIN !", "About wishing ?\u2014 Yes , lots .", "It does n't matter what it is ! Anything you like ! It will all happen !", "Then I have nobody , now . It 's no use wishing any more .", "And then , all of a sudden , as I was sitting there by the fireplace , it came \u2014 all in a flash , you understand ! I found myself wishing for my father : wondering why I had never seen him : despising myself that I had never thought of him before .", "He is nothing that I have wished him to be : not brave . . .", "Who \u2014 father ? Oh , you see , I. . . I do n't know my father . . . . . . Uncle William did n't know anything about it until yesterday .", "Is she dead ?", "It is ! It is ! What are you wishing for ?", "Is it important , uncle ? Mine 's dreadfully important .", "Well , it 's like this : if you only wish very very hard , everything comes true .", "From the very beginning ? MANSONFrom the beginning .", "Uncle William call him a devil !\u2014 And he 's a clergyman !", "His clergy ! They must be dreadfully wicked men !", "Your \u2014 what ? . . . ROBERTMy \u2014 daughter .", "Oh , I see \u2014 lazy .", "I will .", "But I do n't think he can be really selfish , after all . ROBERTCos why ?", "No !\u2014 Who ?", "Yes . Let me help you .If auntie and uncle could see me now ! If they only knew ! I 've kept the secret : I 've told nobody ! . . . These will do for the birds . Look , I 'll take them now .Poor little mites !", "Auntie ! Uncle ! I want to speak to you at once \u2014 both of you !", "MARY", "Good-morning , Uncle William ! Oh ! . . . I suppose you 're Manson ? I must say you look simply ripping ! How do you do ? My name 's Mary .MANSONA very dear name , too ! MARYWe were wondering last night about your religion . I said . . .", "Then , that is true , at least : my father is a wicked man ! . . .", "What 's yours ?", "You must n't talk like that ! A father must be much \u2014 much better than anybody else !", "If you do , I 'll . . .", "You must n't say \u201c damned , \u201d you know .", "That 's wicked , at any rate .", "Yes ?", "He seemed to be thinking about himself , and how unworthy he was of his own little girl .", "Where is she now ?", "Why , did n't you own . . .", "Uncle , it would be terrible \u2014 terrible !", "Not about Uncle Josh ?", "Nonsense , Rogers ! I like helping .", "Now , is n't it much nicer for you to try and look at things in this way ? I 'm sure you feel a great deal better already . Do you know \u2014 Wait a moment . . .Do you know , I 'd like to do you some good !", "I do n't know . I 've been puzzling about something all the morning ; but there was nothing clear . It only came clear a few minutes ago \u2014 just before I went into the garden . But I think it must have begun quite early \u2014 before breakfast , when I was talking to my \u2014 to Manson ,", "Oh , auntie , dear ! . . .", "I want to know about my father .", "Your wife 's dead , you say ?", "What have I needed most ? What have I not had ? . . . Oh ! I know ! . . .And I never dreamed of it till now !", "Yes : and , besides , there 's another reason . . . I 've been thinking of the poor man I met this morning .", "Why ? What do they do ?", "And then , all that talk of die great churches he built out there ! . . .", "He said he was a wicked man , and at first he looked so dreadfully wicked , I believed him ; but when I began to look at him closely , and heard him talk about his little girl , everything seemed different ! I could no more believe him , than I can believe you , uncle , when you say such awful things about yourself ! I believe he was a much better man than he ever dreamed ! And so I think we might find my father just the same , if he was properly loved and looked after ! VICARThen listen to me , Mary : I have something to tell you : that very man you spoke to . . .", "I hardly know how to begin . Perhaps it 's only my cowardice . Perhaps it is n't really dreadful , after all . . . AUNTIEWhy , what are you thinking of , Mary ?", "Oh , do tell us ! . . .", "Yes ; did n't he ?", "What shall I wish for ?", "No : I asked him , but he would n't .", "And then . . . then . . .", "Why ?", "Auntie . . .", "Yes , would n't you like me to ?", "Then why look so solemn ? ROGERSAi n't lookin \u2019 solemn , miss .", "Very well : now I 'll see what I can do to help you .", "You do n't look like a cannibal . After all , even the devil is n't as black as he 's . . . Oh , I beg your pardon : perhaps I 'm rude .", "Um ! I must say , I did n't notice any difference myself ; but that 's what she said . She agreed with you , that wishing was the only way ; and if you did n't know how , then you had to keep on wishing to wish , until you could .", "Because he must be rather like my Uncle William and Uncle", ", Mary . . .", "He said good-bye . He has gone away .", "Oh , Rogers , that would be dreadful ! Why ?", "Now , do n't you think , if you were really to wish very hard , it would make things better for you ?", "Well , yes . Uncle William spoke about him , too .", "Before you go , wo n't you tell me your name ? Who are you ? ROBERT . I . . . I got no name worth speakin \u2019 of , miss : I 'm \u2014 just the bloke wot 's a-lookin \u2019 arter the drains . Good-bye , miss .Sorry I used bad words , miss .", "Ssh ! Please ! Please ! . . . I can quite understand : indeed , indeed , I can ! I 'm sorry \u2014 oh , so sorry for you . You are thinking of yourself and of your own little girl \u2014 the little girl who does n't know what you have been telling me . Do n't be miserable ! I 'm sure it will all turn out right in the end \u2014 things always do ; far better than you dream ! Only . . . do n't take away my little dream !"], "true_target": ["Oh , Uncle Joshua is n't his only name \u2014 do n't you think that ! He 's a very important person , I can tell you ! His name 's on everybody 's lips ! MANSONReally !", "I know exactly what he 'll be \u2014 goody-goody , is n't he ? You know \u2014 religious , and all that !", "I did so want to help you .", "Yes , you .", "Oh ! . . .", "Ssh \u2014 ssh \u2014 ssh ! That 's naughty , you know ! You heard what Uncle William said ! . . . Do you think he 'd very much mind if I called him Uncle Josh ?", "It was all through Uncle William 's Restoration Fund . You see , our old church is in a perfectly rotten state of decay , and naturally it would take a lot to repair it : so uncle thought of starting a Fund \u2014 Yes ! Was n't it clever of him ?\u2014 I addressed all the envelopes . Would you believe it , we could n't get a single halfpenny ! Is n't it a shame ?\u2014 Such a nice old church , too !", "Yes , I think so : I understood him to mean that .", "Well , uncle wo n't hear of it ; but I can n't help thinking old", "Oh ! . . .", "What do you mean by that ? Is it very terrible , uncle ?", "He would n't tell me his name : I mistook him for a thief at first ; but afterwards I felt very , very sorry for him . You see , his case was rather like my own . He was wishing for his little girl .", "What do you mean ? Is n't she dead ?", "What 's it like ?", ") Oh ! . . . AUNTIE . ) Horrible ! . . .", "I can n't say I ever heard of that ; but he does things quite as wonderful ! Listen ! What do you think of the BISHOP OF BENARES ! ! MANSONOh , it 's the \u2014 Bishop of Benares , is it ?", "Uncle ! . . .", "Oh , would n't you like to help to spin the fairy-tale ? ROBERT, I do n't believe in no fairy-tales !", "You know , you 'll make me positively dislike him ! Just fancy , Manson , meeting an uncle whom you 've never so much as set eyes on before ! I do n't even know what he looks like .", "That 's all very well ; but you 're not Uncle Joshua !", "Just love them ! Do n't you ? MANSON , They are my very good friends . Now , take the cassock . Fold it up and put it on the chair .", "It 's not that . I 've been selfish . I never thought anything about him until to-day .", "Even if you got them , you would n't care , after all . They 'd all turn to dust and ashes in your hand . That last bit is what Grannie Durden said .", "It can n't be too late , auntie dear , if we all wish very hard . I was a coward to give up wishing . That was my sin , too !", "Who are you ? What are you doing here ?", "Oh : I 'm sorry . Did I make a mistake ?", "Oh , he 's a dreadfully wicked man , I know that \u2014 He 's the quack doctor in the village : he 's \u2014 he 's an atheist ! . . .", "She 's the poor old woman I 've been having breakfast with . Do you know , she said a funny thing about wishing . I must tell you first that she 's quite blind and very deaf \u2014 Well , she 's been wishing ever so long to see and hear ; and at last she says she can !", "Only you must never give way to such a wicked temptation again . Oh , do n't cry !", "You ! . . . AUNTIEIt is not true ! It is a lie ! It 's entirely your father 's own fault !", "Joshua .", "And you owned yourself that you drank . That 's not very good , either .", "Ah ! AH !", "I want my father ! ROBERT . I WANT MY LITTLE KID !", "How do you mean \u2014 gypsies ?", "Why , it 's my friend \u2014 the man I was telling you about ! The man who looks after the drains !", "No : we must always remember that there are other people in the world besides ourselves .", "Oh , I can n't think that !", "Oh , do n't ! Do n't . . .", "I hope I shall like him . Is he \u2014 is he anything like you ?", "Perhaps \u2014 perhaps she ran away ? . . .", "I do n't want to be unkind .ROBERT , Oh , my Gawd , my Gawd ! MARYOf course , if \u2014 if you 're sorry , that makes a difference . Being sorry makes a lot of difference . Does n't it ?", "Why ? . . .", "Ca n't you guess ? . . . Think of the very biggest person you ever heard of in this world !", "If I whisper . . .", "Then why do you hate them ?", "There 's a bit of a mystery about it altogether . Would you like to hear ? It is rather like a fairy-tale .", "Is she ?", "You see , ordinary things wo n't do : they 're all wrong , somehow . You 'd feel a bit of a sneak to wish for them , would n't you ?", "Do n't get impatient : it 's all part of the story . . . . Well , we thought we should have poor dear Uncle William perfectly ill . . .", "Not even \u2014 good ? . . .", "That 's what I think he meant . What he said was that perhaps my father was n't good enough to be your brother , uncle . That 's not true , is it ?", "I must say , you do n't seem very surprised ! Surely you 've heard of him ? He comes from India . MANSONI happen to know him .", "Oh , but I 'm so sorry for you !", "No , because of the Fund . He tried everything : all his rich friends , bazaars , jumble-sales , special intercessions \u2014 everything ! And nothing seemed to come of it ! Then at last , yesterday morning , he was reading the newspaper , and there was a long piece about the Bishop of Benares . Uncle read it aloud to us . Suddenly , in the middle , he broke off and said : Look at the power this chap seems to have at the back of him ! I wish to God I had some of it ! He had scarcely said it , when there was a rat-tat at the door : it was the postman ; and what do you think ? IT WAS A LETTER FROM THE BISHOP OF BENARES ? MANSONWhat a coincidence !", "MANSON", "But you know , you really are a little unpleasant !", "What shall I do ?", "You do n't understand . I mean , I never knew that he had anything to do with me \u2014 that he was my father 's brother .", "Well , you see , I thought you said so ; and then there 's your . . .", "Um ! You know , in spite of what uncle says , there is a smell : I had it in my nose all last Sunday morning . Up in the choir it 's bad enough , and round by the pulpit \u2014 Ugh ! I can n't think how uncle stands it ! That 's why the people wo n't come to church \u2014 They say so : they stand in the market-place listening to old Bletchley , instead of listening to uncle and trying to be good . The odd thing Is , it must be that very same drain that 's causing the trouble in uncle 's study \u2014 That 's his study out there , where they 've been digging : it 's where he writes his sermons . You know , I 've noticed the smell for some time , but uncle got so cross whenever I mentioned it , that I learned to hold my tongue . At last , auntie smelt it , too , and that soon brought the men in ! Ugh ! Perhaps you 've . . .", "Now , Manson : let 's talk ! You 've got nothing more to do ? . . .", "Uncle , did n't you just say . . .", "Who are you ? . . .", "What would she think about it all ? ROBERTI do n't know : I do n't know : I do n't know .MARYIs n't it strange \u2014 both our wishes alike ! You want your little girl ; and I , my father !", "No , not exactly frighten : you see , I felt sorry for him . VICARAnd he would n't tell you his name ? . . .", "He is ! I know it ! Why , that 's what I 'm wishing ! . . .", "Oh , how jolly ! Where are they ?", "I do n't know what to think . You see , I never believed properly in wishing before . Wishing is a dreadfully difficult thing , when you really set about it , is n't it ?", "There is that ; everybody speaks awfully well of him .", "Why , is n't he . . .", "Do you believe in liking people simply because they 're uncles ?", "That 's the question ! People have been most rude ! Oh , the letters we have had ! The funny thing is , for all their fault-finding , they none of them agree with each other !\u2014 Some say the foundations are all wrong : some do n't like the stained-glass windows ; but if you ask me . . .", "Oh , I beg your pardon , auntie dear , I . . .", "A few minutes ago \u2014 just before you came in .", "About Uncle Joshua ? Well , I happen to know a good deal more than I can say . It 's a secret .", "I understand quite enough ! That 's all I wanted to know !", "Then you 're not a . . .", "I do n't understand . Why should Uncle William lie to me ?", "I can n't quite say . At least . . .", "Oh , you make me so unhappy ! . . .", "It 's about something we have never spoken of before ; something I 've never been told . VICARYes ? . . . AUNTIEYes ? . . .", "I had rather not say .", "Well , you see , I only heard yesterday .", "I mean that I understand : that I know who you are .", "Well , I do n't think I ought to tell you ; but I once heard", "So 's mine ! That 's what it has to be ! Mine 's the most impossible thing in the world !", "Why , are n't they kind to her ?", "Bletchley is right . . .", "You know what I mean : What you once said God was , when you called Him beautiful .", "Oh , you poor man !", "Is n't that wonderful ? Is n't it just like a fairy-tale ? Wait a bit . There 's more yet . . . Here 's the letter : uncle gave it me for my autographs . . .", "And , indeed , I do ! . . . Now , I 've been thinking : I 've been trying to look the worst in the face . Supposing my father is the wicked man you say \u2014 the very , very wickedest man that ever lived , do n't you think if we tried to love him very much it might make a difference ?"], "play_index": 25, "act_index": 25}, {"query": [") Yes . . . VICAR . ) What of him ? . . .", "Very well , Manson . Why , what have you there ?", "William ! What do you mean ? VICARMartha ! Do you know the sort of man you have been living with all these years ? Do you see through me ? Do you know me ?\u2014 No : do n't speak : I see your answer already \u2014 Your own love blinds you ! Ha ! I am a good man !\u2014 I do n't drink , I do n't swear , I am respectable , I do n't blaspheme like Bletchley ! Oh yes , and I am a scholar : I can cackle in Greek : I can wrangle about God 's name : I know Latin and Hebrew and all the cursed little pedantries of my trade ! But do you know what I am ? Do you know what your husband is in the sight of God ? He is a LIAR !", "Oh , I 'll find the money ! A drunkard like that will do anything for money ! Well , he shall have plenty : perhaps he 'll drink himself to . . .", "William : I see that .", "And you , sweetheart : you come next \u2014 a very near next ! Now , run along .That 's very nice , Manson , very nice indeed ! Perhaps , just a little further this way . . . .My husband is so fond of them . Ye-es ; and I wanted things particularly nice this morning . . . MARYI thought you said you \u2014 you did n't expect him till twelve-thirty ! . . . AUNTIEWhom ? MARYThe \u2014 the Bishop of Benares .", "William . . .", "It 's here , dear . I have it warming for you . VICAROh , thank you , Martha . That will do , then , Rogers . Tell Manson to hurry up .", "Oh , this is too beautiful of you ! . . . ROBERTWait a bit : I got more yet ! Talk abaht bee-utiful !\u2014 That bit was on'y an ash-pan ! Look \u2018 ere , ma'am , I got the loveliest little job on as ever yer soiled yer \u2018 ands in ! . . .", "Why do n't you go on ? . . .", "Come , William .VICARWhat are we going to do , Martha ?", "Oh , I heard you had arrived . I hope they gave you something to eat when you came in .", "In the way I willed ! I am glad of it ! I worked for that \u2014 and I won ! . . . Well , what are you troubling about now ? VICARI am thinking of the fact that there has been no child to bless our marriage , Martha \u2014 that is , no child of our very own , no child whose love we have not stolen .", ") Manson ! . . . VICAR . ) Manson ! . . . MARY . ) Oh , I thought , perhaps . . .", "Yes \u2014 and they ? . . .", "In God 's name , how is it possible ?", "Why , my husband 's brother , Robert . Did n't you tell me ,", "Yes , things seem to be shaping better than we thought , William . Perhaps we have a little misjudged him .To think , my dear , that the rebuilding of the church is becoming possible at last ! All your hopes , all your enthusiasms , about to be realised ! Now , it only remains to gain your brother Joshua 's approval and help , and the scheme is complete !", "Yes \u2014 no escape ! We shall have to pay the whole debt ,", "My dear . . .", "William , why will you think of these things ?", "You may be sure that anything in reason . . .", "Well , who is it ?", "Why , who was he \u2014 the man ?", "It is n't only your brother Joshua ! You think of nobody but your brother Joshua ! Some one else is coming .", "James , you are making a mistake : this is our new butler \u2014 our Indian butler .", "He did n't say ; but I think we may expect him by the same train . He would scarcely think of catching the . . .Good gracious ! Already !", "Of course not ; but he must see the impossibility .", "I am not going to be beggared without a struggle for it ,", "Brother !", "By Heaven , but I say yes ! It 's about time I took things in hand again ! Do you think I 'm going to risk that child learning everything ? She knows more than enough already ! Providentially , she does not know the worst !", "William , that Manson heard everything he said ?", "Now , is it God with you or with me , William ?", "No , he 's not your brother \u2014 at least , nothing that a brother ought to be ! Ridicules everything that you hold sacred ! Hates everything you love ! Loves everything you hate ! . . .", "Do n't think of yourself , dear \u2014 Remember , there are other people in the world besides you . Go down into the village , and have breakfast with poor old Grannie Durden . Take her some nice new-laid eggs and a pat of butter \u2014 Poor soul , it would be a charity !", "He is overwrought : he is ill . It is like your uncle", "William , how dare you !", "The \u2014 the . . . Oh , it 's your uncle I am . . .By-the-bye , has the postman been yet ? MANSONI can see him coming up the lane . He 's stopped at the next house .", "God 's might go with you , William ! Accept him , Christ !", "Mary . . .", "Oh , William ! Now you 're going to begin to worry again !", "I know : it 's this money trouble . It 's what Joshua said in his letter about your having to get somebody to help him . Well , that 's just what I wanted to speak to you about . I have a way out of the difficulty .", "William , how wicked of you ! . . . Is it \u2014 is it anything to do with your brother Joshua ? Why do n't you answer ?", "You need n't make it so .", "At least , he is n't a WORKING-MAN ! VICARAh ! . . .", "The innocent for the guilty \u2014 yes . . . Oh , William ,", "Do n't ask me , child : I have nothing to tell you about your father .", "I was going to say , like a Priest and a Christian , William .", "The impossibility of having him here : the impossibility of letting him see the child : the impossibility of him and his brother ever meeting again !", "Manson !", "Good Heavens ! what else ?", "But surely \u2014 What did he think ?", "What I have done , William , has been done for love of you \u2014 you only \u2014 you only in the world !", "My dear , have you gone perfectly mad ? Do you know who 's coming ? Do you want to advertise his occupation to all the world ?", "William . . .", "Dreaming again !Come , I want you to put your uncle 's coat by the fire . He will be cold , coming out of that draughty church . MARYYou darling ! I believe you think of nobody but uncle in the world !", "Very rightly ! I see ! I see ! . . .", "Where is he now ?", "For good ?", "Have him here , entertain him , treat him as a guest ?", "There is the child ! It would break her heart !", "Yes \u2014 yes : how ? Oh , I have been blind \u2014 blind !Where has he gone , I wonder ? We do n't even know that \u2014 where he is ! VICARPerhaps Manson . . .", "As far as I care , you are !", "The knowledge who that man was ! She shall never know , if I can have my way !Why does n't he come ? Why does n't he come ?", "William ! . . .", "Because he stands in the way of my husband 's happiness ! Because , even , he is your father ! Because I hate him ! I could almost wish him dead !", "Oh , now you 're exaggerating again ! What do you mean ?", "What ! Whilst my brother was here ?", "In this house ?", "What ! To go into that dreadful vault , and . . .", "My dear William , bricks and mortar require money : you can n't run a society without funds !", "Whatever do you mean now ?", "Yes ; but not in the way you mean ,", "Why will you exaggerate , my dear ?\u2014 It is not as bad as that . Why do n't you compose yourself and try and be contented and \u2014 and happy ?", "Why , his own , of course ! He can n't expect to be treated decently !It 's perfectly absurd , it really is , dear , making all this fuss and trouble about a wretched \u2014 Have you told Mary ?", "Manson , you 're perfectly wonderful ! I respect you very , very much !", "My dear !MANSONThis way , if you please .", "My dear , think of his occupation !", "I was wondering . . . Wondering what Manson meant just now .", "Oh , then , Mary : will you very much mind if you do n't have breakfast with us this morning ? I want to have a private talk with your uncle .", "You told him we could n't do with him because the house was upset : that 's true ! You told him that the drains were up in the study : that 's true !", "Yes . . .", "We shall never be able to do it , William ! How can we possibly undo the work of all these years in ten minutes ? It wants a miracle .", "Certainly ; but it is most extraordinary ! MANSONThen I think this way , my lord , in the drawing-room . . .BISHOPAnd you may be sure , my good fellow , I will give anything \u2014 I say , anything \u2014 to remedy your misapprehensions ! Hm !", "My husband !", "My dear , circumstances were too strong for us ! Ca n't you see ? You were not made to live out your life in any little odd hole and corner of the world ! There was your reputation , your fame : you began to be known as an author , a scholar , a wonderful preacher \u2014 All this required position , influence , social prestige . You do n't think I was ambitious for myself : it was for you .", "Only difficulty ! What , would you have me welcome him with open arms ?", "William !", "My poor William ! I 'm glad I thought to hurry up the breakfast .", "Do I ? I wonder ! . . ."], "true_target": ["Good gracious ! How did he take it ?", "I have nothing to tell you .", "I do n't want to speak about your father !", "William , can you ever forgive me ?", "How dare you say that ?", "Mary 's fa . . . William , did you send him that telegram yesterday ?", "Do you call it a priest 's work to . . .", "God knows , I wish , Mary ! . . .", "If it 's not too late ! . . .", "Yes .", "What has made him like this ? He seems possessed !", "My dear , you can n't expect everybody to be an idealist ! Remember , he 's a practical man : he 's a bishop .", "It was as much your fault as his , that you have never met ! He naturally resented our marriage . VICARBut , of course , now that I 'm related to the great and wealthy Bishop of Benares ... AUNTIEHe 's as much a bishop as your brother is !", "Oh , you are ill ! VICARO wretched man that I am ! Who shall deliver me out of the body of this death ?", "Robert ! That 's what I 'm going to see to now !", "A man like that never changes ! What would have become of that poor child if we had n't stepped in ? Have you ever dared to tell her what her father 's like ? Of course not ! To-day , too , of all days ! It 's utterly preposterous !", "Mary . . . Dearest . . .", "No , no , William , I loved you : I told you so .", "Oh , William , you know . . .", "My brother James !Now you 've heard it all !", "I \u2014 I want to have a little talk with you .", "We are not talking of Robert : we are talking of you ! Think of our love , William \u2014 our great and beautiful love ! Is n't that something to make you happy ?", "No , no , no : it must be ourselves . . . Ten minutest \u2014 And no assistance on his side : we can n't expect it , after our treatment of him . He will hate me most of all : there 's the chief difficulty ! . . .", "You would always take my counsel before . . .", "God help us . God pity us !", "Meaning , of course . . . What has become of him ? MANSONHe is cast out forever .", "Where is he now ?", "Oh , Robert , Robert \u2014 I 'm sick to death of Robert ! Why can n't you think of yourself ?", "William , there is yet one other way ! . . .", "I only heard him say that you were to . . .", "Dearest !\u2014 Remember what your uncle said last Sunday about Pure religion and undefiled ! He mentioned Mrs. Durden only a week ago ; but I forgot . Now , run along . MARYVery well , auntie .AUNTIEInconsiderate little monkey ! I am glad you have not thought of changing your pretty , native costume , Manson . It is very picturesque ; and , besides , to-day there is a special reason why it may be considered complimentary .Ah ! Quick , Manson ! The postman !", "Manson ! This is your doing ! Oh , you have saved us !", "Now , that 's exactly where I think you are so unjust ! Did n't you yourself refuse , before he spoke a word , to let him put a penny of his own into the concern ? I must say , you were unnecessarily rude to him about that , William !", "William !", "Of course ! You think no one can understand a simple business dealing but men ! Women are every bit as clever !", "Yes , William , that 's true , but the opportunity of turning it to God 's service . . .", "William , he is offering you the opportunity of your life !", "Manson , you saw everything . You were here when that dreadful creature arrived .", "William , why are you so violent ?", "William ! . . .", "God and I against you , William .", "He offers to give his patronage , his influence , his time . All he asks of your brother is his bare name .", "There 's only one way of dealing with a brute like that !", "Yes , come in , Manson . I want to have a little confidential talk with you \u2014 confidential , you understand . MANSONIf you please . I expected this .", "There is another \u2014 I ! I kept them apart : I poisoned your uncle against him : I took you away from him : It was I who kept you in ignorance of your father !", "When was this ?", "No ! I can n't believe it ! I can n't think that love is as wrong as you say !", "Well , what do you ask ?", "You are not always like this , dear ! . . .", "The Society for the Extension of Greater Usefulness among the Clergy . . . . It was an admirable suggestion \u2014 one that ought to appeal particularly to you . Have n't you always said , yourself , that if only you had enough money to . . .", "This is insolence ! What right do you mean ?", "William !", "A scoffer , an atheist , a miserable drunkard !", "To tell the truth , I was n't listening just then : I was thinking of you .", "I am here to work my will , not yours !", "Why not ? He 's rich ! He can do it !", "But you said \u2014 perhaps \u2014 death . . .", "Ah ! What I expected !Excellent !Excellent . . . Manson , we shall have to be very busy to-day . There will be quite a Church Congress to lunch \u2014 two bishops !", "Manson , how dare you ! By what right . . .", "How did you know that ?", "Of his occupation ?", "My dear , he must approve : he will see the advantages at once . I think James made that perfectly clear ! . . . And then , look at the opportunities it creates for you ! Not only the church , William , the beautiful big church of your dreams , with the great spires and flashing crosses and glorious windows ; but a much larger sphere of usefulness than you ever dared to dream ! Think of your work , William , of your great gifts \u2014 even James had to acknowledge them , did n't he ?\u2014 Think of the influence for good you will be able to wield ! Ah ! And then I shall see my beloved , himself again \u2014 No more worry , no more feverish nights and days , none of the wretched frets and fancies that have been troubling him all this morning ; but the great Scholar and Saint again , the master of men 's souls , the priest in the congregation !", "Pack him off to Australia , Africa \u2014 anywhere , so long as we are never pestered with him again ! VICAR , Do you think you 'll get him to go ?", "No , Manson .", "Nonsense ! Do n't be absurd !", "When he spoke about your brother Robert .", "My brother will join us also \u2014 the Bishop of Lancashire . This is his letter . And now let 's have breakfast , at once . The vicar is sure to be earlier than he said ; and I 'm hungry .", "William , that 's unkind ! Of course I can n't .", "William , this is brutal ! . . .", "Then you will know the wretched plight we are in . Manson , it 's terrible . I want your help . By-the-way , you have not spoken about it to the other servants ?", "I am not thinking of myself ! I am thinking only of my husband 's happiness !", "Figures always bore me , and James uses dreadfully long words .", "I do n't know : God help me , I can n't see the way !", "Quick !", ") Yes , do ! . . . VICAR . ) Yes , yes ! . . .", "William , it 's James ! I can n't be seen like this . Shew him in . I can slip out this way .William , try and treat him like . . .", "I can n't think what possessed him to write and say he 'd come . We 've not heard from him for fifteen years !", "Manson .", "T-t-t ! How is he dressed ?", "You 're back early , dear .", "William to take upon himself another man 's wickedness !", "My dear , do try and be reasonable . Think of what he is !", "Breakfast together ! Then James has heard all !", "Manson ! . . .", "James explained clearly enough : the affiliation of your brother 's scheme with that of the society he mentioned .", "William , this is absurd ! MARYIs n't he a dear ? VICARListen to me , Mary : I have something awful to tell you : try and bear it bravely . You will hate me for it \u2014 never love me again ! . . . No , listen ! . . . Supposing your father were \u2014 not what you imagine him to be ? . . .", "Did n't I always say that I was proud to be able to give up so much for you , William ? . . .", "It 's a five-pound note .", "You force me to speak angrily to you ! Do you forget that you are my servant ?", "I am interested in your work , William . Do you take me for an atheist ?"], "play_index": 25, "act_index": 25}, {"query": ["Yus : you think you do !", "Why , I 'd be cussin \u2019 over every stinkin \u2019 pipe I laid .", "Yus , you look as if you fed on buns !BISHOPAnd you must not think , on account of the little coolness between us , that I have not followed your career with great interest \u2014 very great interest ! Your scholastic achievements have been most praiseworthy \u2014 especially under the unfortunate circumstances . . . . Although , by-the-way , I cannot at all agree with your gloss on Romans fourteen , twenty-three ; Katakekritai either means damned or nothing at all . ROBERTIt was \u2018 im as said damned !", "Like your . . .", "Yus , I gorit - : Drains wrong , eh ? Thought I 'd like to \u2018 av \u2019 a look at \u2018 em \u2014 my job , yer know , drains ! So you 'll excuse the togs : remind you of old days , eh what ?", "SOCIALISM ! Funny , ai n't it ?", "Yus , I know it . MARYThat is n't the way to be happy , you know . Thieves are never really happy in their hearts .", "P'r ' aps \u2018 e 's \u2018 ad a \u2018 ard life \u2014 a bitter \u2018 ard life \u2014 same as", "Yus , miss , you 're one o \u2019 the nosey uns , I can see ! Well , soon as ole Togs got done with \u2018 is talk , I got my smeller dahn , follered up the scent , an \u2019 afore I knowed where I was , I was in it , up to my eyes !\u2014 Out there in the room with the blood-red \u2018 eap o \u2019 books ! Blimey , you never did see ! Muck , ma'am !\u2014 Just look at my \u2018 ands ! Ai n't that pretty ? \u2018 Owever , I got there , right enough , I do n't fink ! Fancy I put that little bit strite afore I done !", "Yus , it 's me , my \u2018 oly brother !", "Well , why caw n't yer arnser a bloke when \u2018 e arsks yer civil ?", "A bloke I met , miss , as knowed me better than I knowed myself . \u2018 E changed me .", "Then you 'd better look slippy !", "Yus \u2014 makin \u2019 myself unpleasant . . .", "By God , but I call myself summat \u2014 I 'M THE DRAIN-MAN ,", "That 's what I come \u2018 ere to talk abaht \u2014 my job . P'r ' aps you 'll think as it ai n't a tasty subjic , before a lot o \u2019 nice , clean , respectable people as never \u2018 ad anythin \u2019 worse on their fingers than a bit of lawn-dirt , playin \u2019 crokey ; but some one \u2018 as to see to the drains , some one \u2018 as to clear up the muck of the world ! I 'm the one . An \u2019 I 'm \u2018 ere to tell you about it . AUNTIEOh ! . . .", "Never you mind . She 's bein \u2019 looked arfter .", "What , my pal , \u2018 is brother ! Oh , Je'oshaphat !", "Why do n't you arnser ?", "Why , to see my little gel , o \u2019 course \u2014 Gawd curse you ! . . . Now go an tell your ole woman .Did you \u2018 ear me speak ? Tell \u2018 er !See that blighter ? That 's the bloke as was born with no bowels ! \u2018 E might a-made a man o \u2019 me once , if \u2018 e 'd tried ; but \u2018 e did n't \u2014 \u2018 im and \u2018 is like . Hm ! Dam foolish , I call it , do n't you ?", "You do n't like that , ma'am ? \u2018 Urts your feelin 's , eh ?", "What do you mean , miss ?", "Yus : they 've made \u2018 er summat , as I could n't \u2018 a \u2019 done .", "Then , go there ! Aymen . . . Now I 'll go an \u2019 \u2018 av \u2019 a look at our Bill 's drains , damn \u2018 is eyes !", "No , miss .", "Why , then . . . there 's allus my own . I nearly did it once . MANSONHow did you come to lose her ? ROBERTNever you mind !", "I 'll use what langwidge I like ! BISHOPYou said katakekritai . . .", "I \u2018 av \u2019 , miss . . .", "\u2018 Ow the everlastin \u2019 did you know that ? MARYBecause you are my wish come true : because you are brave , because you are very beautiful , because you are good !", "Dare ! Why , wot d'you think I come \u2018 ere for ? . . .", "Yus , miss \u2014 a whopper .", "That 's right : stick the damned thing in \u2018 is ear - \u2018 ole , comride ! MANSONYour sacred obligations .", "You caw n't bring \u2018 er back . She 's dead .", "Me ? . . . MARYYes , you are my father .", "VICAR", "But never about your father ?", "I mean as I 've found my place , or I do n't know a good thing when I see it !", "Oo ?", "Things may \u2018 a \u2019 bin agin \u2018 im , miss ! . . .", "You \u2018 av \u2019 , miss .", "Yus , miss , I am .", "Do n't know \u2018 is name ; \u2018 e was a fair knock-aht \u2014 Got togs on \u2018 im like an Earl 's Court Exhibition . . . \u2018 E changed me : \u2018 e taught me my own mind ; \u2018 e brought me back to my own job \u2014 drains .", "You shall not go ! . . .", "Well , I come to this \u2018 ouse this mornin \u2019 , I do n't mind ownin \u2019 it , in a rotten bad frame of mind : I \u2018 ad a little job on \u2018 and \u2014 a job a bit above my \u2018 ead , an \u2019 it got me dahn an \u2019 worried me : yus it did \u2014 worried me . That young leddy \u2018 ll tell you wot I was like when she fust saw me : I looked that bad , she thought I come to steal summat ! Well , p'r ' aps I did , arter al !\u2014 summat as I \u2018 ad no right to , summat as do n't properly belong to a streaky swine like me . That was when she fust saw me ; but I was wuss before that , I tell you strite ! MARYWhat changed you ?", "Yus , I 've noticed that about money , myself .", "Do you tike me for a thief , miss ? You ? . . .", "I give \u2018 er up . \u2018 Ad to .", "You call that sacrifice ?\u2014 It 's fun : not \u2018 arf !", "Yus , one o \u2019 them whoppin \u2019 great beer-vaults as you shove big bugses \u2019 corpses inter ! What d'yer think o \u2019 that now ?", "Why not : ai n't it my job ?", "What 's the silly ole josser jawin \u2019 abaht now ?", "You arsk me that ?", "So I did , not \u2018 arf ! Thought if I kicked up an \u2018 ell of a shindy they 'd think some big bug was comin \u2019 ; and then when they 'd be all smiles an \u2019 bowin \u2019 an \u2019 scrapin \u2019 , in pops me , real low !", "Oo is cryin \u2019 ? I 'm not cryin \u2019 \u2014 not a cryin \u2019 sort ! On'y \u2014 you \u2018 ad n't no right to talk to me like that , miss .", "I do n't any longer . I \u2018 ates myself , I \u2018 ates the world I live in , I \u2018 ates the bloomin \u2019 muck \u2018 ole I 've landed into !", "Comin \u2019 \u2018 ere ? Now ?Well , I ai n't agoin \u2019 ter leave my sossingers , not if \u2018 e was a bloomin \u2019 archangel , see !\u2018 Ere , where ye comin \u2019 to ? BISHOPAh ! Mr. Smythe , or I am mistaken .", "Oo is argufying ? . . . Talking to me about yer", "THAT 'S WOT I AM !", "What 's yours ?", "What sort of a bloke might your father be , miss ?", "Blimey , wot 's the good o \u2019 talkin \u2019 ?", "It 's worth it , it 's a lovely bit of work !", "Thank you , miss .", "I believe in fighting with my clarss !", "Cos why ?", "So up I go through the sludge , puffin \u2019 an \u2019 blowin \u2019 like a bally ole cart - \u2018 orse \u2014 strooth , it seemed miles ! Talk abaht bee-utiful , ma'am , it ud \u2018 a \u2019 done your \u2018 eart good , it would really ! Rats !\u2014 \u2018 Undreds on em , ma'am : I 'm bitten clean through in places ! \u2018 Owever , I pushed my way through , somehow , \u2018 oldin \u2019 my nose an fightin \u2019 for my breath , till at last I got to the end \u2014 and then I soon saw wot was the matter ! . . . It 's under the church \u2014 that 's where it is ! I know it 's the church , cos I \u2018 eard \u201c The Church 's One Foundation \u201d on the orgin , rumblin \u2019 up over my \u2018 ead ! Well , I . . .", "What sort of a . . .", "By people as I 've allus \u2018 ated like poison !", "The comrides up in the spans an arches , joinin \u2019 \u2018 ands . . .", "I 'm . . . I was goin \u2019 ter see what 's \u2014 what 's in that room . . .", "I \u2014 do n't \u2014 know . It 's dangerous , you understand !", "Then let me be , I tell yer ! You tek all the taste out o \u2019 my sossingers .", "I never did , I tek my oath !"], "true_target": ["Yes , but what do you know about . . .", "I do n't know what you mean , miss .", "Look \u2018 ere , mate , do n't you come tryin \u2019 it on with me ! I do n't care oo you are !", "I do n't know \u2014 gone to pot , like me ! P'r ' aps eatin \u2019 is bleedin \u2019 \u2018 eart out , same as I am , at the base ingratitood of the world !", "What made you think of \u2018 im \u2014 to-day ?", "It 's a mistake , miss . P'r ' aps I 'd \u2014 I 'd better tek my \u2018 ook .", "No , swelp me Gaw \u2014I assure you , no . I 'm a bit of a low un ; but I never come so stinkin \u2019 low as that . You thought I looked like one , all the same . Did n't yer , now ?", "You , miss ?", "\u2018 Ell .H , E , double L , \u2018 ell .", "Smith 's my name ! Do n't you call me Smythe !", "\u2018 Ave n't thought of \u2018 im yourself , I s'pose ? Was n't particular worth while , eh ?", "That 's about it : I 'm the drain-man , see ? Thought you might be mistakin \u2019 me for \u2014 summat else , if you was n't told . Now you know .", "Want a bit of \u2018 eart in it , eh ?", "Do you want to know wot 's come over me since then ? I work \u2014 and work well : that 's more than some of \u2018 em can say \u2014 And I do n't get much money for it , either ! That ought to mek \u2018 em feel ashamed ! I 'm not the drunkard I was \u2014 not by \u2018 arf ! If I 'm bitter , oo 's made me bitter ? You caw n't be very sweet and perlite on eighteen bob a week \u2014 when yer get it ! I 'll tell yer summat else : I 've eddicated myself since then \u2014 I 'm not the gory fool I was \u2014 And they know it ! They can n't come playin \u2019 the \u2018 anky with us , same as they used to ! It 's Nice Mister Working-man This and Nice Mister Working-man That , will yer be so \u2018 ighly hobliging as to \u2018 and over your dear little voting-paper \u2014 you poor , sweet , muddy-nosed old Idiot , as can n't spot your natural enemy when yer see \u2018 im ! That orter mek some on \u2018 em sit up ! Fifteen years ago me an \u2019 my like \u2018 ad n't got a religion ! By Gawd , we \u2018 av \u2019 one now ! Like to \u2018 ear wot it is ?", "Impossible ! Means a bit of work , that 's all !", "Why , agin all the other clarsses \u2014 curse \u2018 em !", "By \u2018 Eaven , yus !", "But s'pose , miss \u2014 s'pose \u2018 e ai n't . . .", "What , you call yourself a clergyman !", "Why not , miss ? Three good brothers in a family do n't scarcely seem possible \u2014 not as families go \u2014 do they , miss ?", "My little kid ! My little kid !", "I allus notice that sort of \u2018 igh talk ends with a \u201c but \u201d . . .", "Beg pawdon , miss : I . . .", "No , I did n't . It was you as jumped down my throat , an \u2019 took up my words afore I got \u2018 em out .", "She got took .", "She 's alive , right enough .", "My brother ! Oh , you 'll see \u2018 im soon enough !", "Funny thing , ma'am , peopled born different : some 's born without noses in their \u2018 eads , worth speakin \u2019 of . I was n't \u2014 I can smell out a stink anywhere . AUNTIEI am sure you can . This is most interesting ! ROBERTMoment I stuck my \u2018 ead in this \u2018 ouse , I knowed as summat was wrong in my line , and I ses to myself : Wot oh , \u2018 e ai n't such an awl-mighty liar , arter all \u2014 that 's drains ! An \u2019 drains it was , strike me dead \u2014 arskin \u2019 your pawdon ! MARY , Now , did n't I always say . . .", "Mary \u2014 same as the little gel 's .", "That 's wot I come to see ! . . . She \u2018 ad \u2018 er mother 's nose when she was a biby \u2014 and \u2018 er eyes ! Gorstrike , she was the very spit \u2014 far as a biby could be ! . . . Swelp me Moses , if I find \u2018 er anything like Bill 's ole geezer , I 'll cut \u2018 er throat !", "That 's \u2018 ow I come to lose my kid , my little kid . . . Mind you , that was fifteen years ago : I was a rotter then , same as you might be . I was n't \u2018 arf the man I am now . . . You can larf ! A man can change a lot in fifteen years !", "Oh , leave me alone . I caw n't be allus pickin \u2019 an \u2019 choosin \u2019 my words ! I ai n't no scholar \u2014 thank Gawd !", "Yus .", "Me , miss ?", "S'pose your Uncle William spoke to you about \u2018 im ?", "Then let 's \u2018 av \u2019 summat so eat , an \u2019 get along . There 's nuthin \u2019 more to say . MARYYes , there is !", "I could just do with a good , square feed . My work meks me \u2018 ungry .", "Renahnce ole Beelzebub an \u2019 all \u2018 is bloomin \u2019 wirks ! \u2018 And us that brarss-band !\u2018 Ere ! \u2018 Av \u2019 you ever \u2018 eard of \u2018 ell ?", "Can I be \u2018 eard civil in this \u2018 ouse , if I speak a few words ?\u2018 Old back ! Do n't you come near me ! Do n't you so much as speak till I 've done ! . . .You do n't know me : you do n't know me . . . Understand ? There 's no one \u2018 ere as knows oo I am , excep \u2019 one little gel \u2014 \u2018 er over there . Now , keep quiet ! \u2018 Ere ! . . .Tell \u2018 em oo I am .", "This ai n't psalms an \u2018 ymns an \u2019 ole maids \u2019 tea-parties , mind you ! It may mean typhoid !", "I followed up that drain \u2014 I was n't goin \u2019 to stick till kingdom come inside your little mouse - \u2018 ole out there : No , I said , Where 's this leadin to ? What 's the \u2018 ell-an-glory use o \u2019 flushin \u2019 out this blarsted bit of a sink , with devil-know-wot stinkin \u2019 cess-pool at the end of it ! That 's wot I said , ma'am ! . . .", "Oh , Jeeroosalem ! . . . \u2018 Ere , \u2018 elp us orf , comride : I 'm wet through . Rainin \u2019 cats an \u2019 dorgs dahn at the Junction ! \u2018 Ere , I caw n't . . . Wot oh ! The very identical ! . . .Do n't know oo you are , ole pal , but you 're a bit of orl right ! . . . Do n't I look a corf-drop ? \u2018 Ere , where ye teking it to ? . . .Bit \u2018 andy , ai n't yer ? . . . So this is where \u2018 e lives ! A bloomin \u2019 palace , as never I did see ! . . .Right you are , ole comride ! \u2018 E said breakfast , an \u2019 breakfast it shall be , I do n't fink ! Blimey ! Sossingers ! Ai n't \u2018 ad the taste of sossingers in my gizzard for I do n't know \u2018 ow long !Would n't think as I was \u2018 is brother , would yer \u2014 not to look at me ? But strooth , I am ; an \u2019 wot 's more , \u2018 e caw n't deny it ! . . .There 's a lot o \u2019 brothers knockin \u2019 abaht as people do n't know on , eh what ? See wot I mean ?Not as I 'm one o \u2019 them sort , mind yer : my father married my mother honest , same as I married my little . . .\u2018 Ere , ai n't you goin \u2019 ter \u2018 av \u2019 none ? . . . Caw n't yer speak ?", "Look at me ! . . . That \u2014 an \u2019 the drink , an \u2019 the low wages , an \u2019 my ole woman dyin \u2019 ! That 's why I give \u2018 er up .", "Where was I ? You mek me lose my air , shoving in with your bit !", "You 'd never guess wot I saw there , not if you was to try from now till glory \u2018 allelooyer ! . . . The biggest back - \u2018 ander , I ever did \u2018 av \u2019 , swelp me ! . . .IT AIN'T NO DRAIN AT ALL ! ALLWhy , what is it , then ? . . . ROBERT . IT 'S A GRIVE !", "Yus , miss , there are .", "Why , miss ? MARYI \u2014 do n't \u2014 know .", "P'r ' aps \u2018 e ai n't \u2014 good enough \u2014 to be \u2014 to be the brother of your Uncle William \u2014 and \u2014 Uncle \u2014 Joshua \u2014 eh , miss ?", "Yus , miss .", "Good-bye , miss .", "Thank you , miss .", "Wot I want , ai n't no use wishing for !", "Got no idea ? Never \u2014 \u2018 eard tell of \u2018 im ?", "Rats .", "No , miss .", "What 's it matter , if the comrides up above \u2018 av \u2019 light an \u2019 joy an \u2019 a breath of \u2018 olesome air to sing by ? . . .", "I know ! You do n't like my mug . It ai n't much of a mug to look at , is it ? Sort of a physog for a thief , eh ? See them lines ?\u2014 Want to know what them stand for ? That 's drink , an \u2019 starvation , an \u2019 \u2018 ard work , an \u2019 a damned lonely life .", "\u2018 Ere ! Did \u2018 e say bishop ?", "Wot 's that ? . . .", "Not more than mine !", "I 'm not \u2018 ere to be pleasant , young leddy : I 'm \u2018 ere to edicate you .", "\u2018 Igh in the dome , the \u2018 ammerin 's of the comrides as \u2018 av \u2019 climbed aloft !", "Katama-what-d'youhYpppHeNcallhYpppHeNit !", "All right , miss \u2014 I wo n't : swelp me Gawd , I wo n't . Do n't cry , miss . Do n't , miss ! Breaks my \u2018 eart \u2014 after all you 've done for me . I ort never to \u2018 a \u2019 bin born \u2014 mekin \u2019 you cry ! Thank you kindly , miss : thank you very kindly . I 'll \u2014 I 'll tek my \u2018 ook .", "You 're the on'y person in the world I 'd \u2014 I 'd like to see try , miss . MARYThat 's because you know I 'm interested in you , that I mean it , that I 'm not trying to think only of myself . ROBERTAre n't you , miss ?", "Fur as I am concerned \u2014 yus .", "Yus , a fat lot !", "Yus , miss .", "Never you mind ! Summat as impossible as \u2014 fairy-tales !", "P'r ' aps it ai n't altogether \u2018 is fault , miss ! . . .", "Why , wot is there to fear ? Ai n't it worth while , to move away that load o \u2019 muck !", "Mebbe \u2018 e wrote \u2014 sent a telingram or summat , eh ?\u2014 t \u2019 say as \u2018 e was comin \u2019 ? MARYOh no : he never writes : we never hear from him . That 's perhaps a bit selfish of him , too , is n't it ? ROBERTLooks like it , do n't it ?", "They do n't leave you alone : they got teeth , remember \u2014 poison in \u2018 em !", "I know it ! Need n't rub it in ! . . . Look , \u2018 ere , comride , I \u2018 ad n't a bad nature to begin with . Did n't me an \u2019 my brother Joshua pinch an \u2019 slave the skin orf our bones to send that spotted swine to school ? Did n't we \u2018 elp \u2018 im out with \u2018 is books an \u2019 \u2018 is mortar-boards an \u2019 \u2018 is bits of clothes to try an \u2019 mek \u2018 im look respectable ? That 's wot we did , till \u2018 e got \u2018 is lousy scholyships , an \u2019 run away to get spliced with that she-male pup of a blood - \u2018 ound ! Cos why ? Cos we was proud of the little perisher !\u2014 proud of \u2018 is \u2018 ead-piece ! We \u2018 ad n't gone none ourselves \u2014 leastways , I \u2018 ad n't : Joshua was different to me ; and now . . ."], "play_index": 25, "act_index": 25}, {"query": ["Now , you said , Let 's give as little , and grab as much as we can . Of course , that is a playful way of putting it ; but between ourselves , it expresses my sentiments exactly .", "I gather from your remark that he has not arrived yet . Good ! The fact is , I should like a preliminary discussion with yourself before meeting your illustrious brother .", "Very well then , to business ! I tell you , candidly , I agree with you , that there is no necessity for sinking anything of our own in the concern : nothing ever comes of that sort of reckless generosity ! If people want a church , let them make some sacrifice for it ! Why should we do anything ? I am sure you will appreciate my candour ?", "Do you mean to tell me that one man alone , on his own naked credit , could obtain numberless millions for such an object as that ? How could you possibly get them together ?", "But , my dear brother , I am perfectly sure you never told people to go to . . .", "Do n't trouble , sir . I can get my hat and my stick and my portmanteau for myself ! I can do very well without your assistance \u2014 thank God !", "For Heaven 's sake , tell me all about it ! What sort of a place is it ? MANSONAre you quite sure you can hear ?", "Perhaps your voice is not quite so clear as it was . However . . .Now ! Tell me about your church .MANSONI am afraid you may not consider it an altogether substantial concern . It has to be seen in a certain way , under certain conditions . Some people never see it at all . You must understand , this is no dead pile of stones and unmeaning timber . It is a living thing . BISHOPNumberless millions !", "Ten thousand pardons ! Really , my eyesight is deplorable ! Delighted to meet you ! . . . I was just observing to our charming host that \u2014 er \u2014 Humph ! . . . Bless me ! Now what was I . . .", "Of what ?", "Well , here is the letter I have written to the secretary of our Society : I have explained everything quite nicely ; and have warned him , of course , against doing anything definite in the matter until we have consulted your dear brother . Now . . . Eh , what ? Oh ! . . .", "We had better drop the subject ! . . . Boeotian ! After all , it is not precisely the matter which has brought us together . And that reminds me . . .Has he come yet ?", "I will have it back at once !", "Ssh ! My dear brother ! Remember who 's present !However . . .We will return to this later . I begin to understand you .", "Your brother , of course .", "That it is extended \u2014 imperialised , so to speak : that it is made the vehicle of a much vaster , of a much more momentous project behind it !", "Mr. Smythe ! Where are you ? Do you hear what this blackguard says ?", "At the same time , there is no reason why we should throw cold water upon the project . On the contrary , we might promote it , encourage it , even lend it the influence of our patronage and our names . But on one understanding !", "Oh , hereafter .", "My dear sir , invaluable ! Did n't you say yourself that you brought in numberless millions , on your own credit , out there in India ? Why should n't you do the same in England ? Think of your reputation , your achievements , your name for sanctity \u2014 Not a word , sir : I mean it ! . . . Why , there 's no end to the amount it would bring in : it would mean billions ! Well , what do you say ? MAMSONLet us clearly understand one another . I am to lend you my name \u2014 just my name \u2014 and you are to do all the rest . BISHOPOh yes : I 'd rather you kept out of the business negotiations !", "They have not been properly approached . My dear sir , in order to awaken public generosity , It is necessary to act like men of the world : we must have names . People will subscribe to any amount , if you can only get the right names . That Is where you come in .", "Precisely ! Is it your custom to breakfast with working-men ?", "Of course , of course ; but practically . They say it 's an enormous concern !", "My dear sir , whatever do you take me for ?", "My dear sir , they 're not fools ! Do discuss the matter like a man of the world !", "A little plain speech ! Do you think it 's right for a clergyman to \u2014 to direct me to perdition ?", "My dear sir , I learned my Greek at Shrewsbury , before you were born ! Do n't argue , sir !", "But I perceive that I have \u2014 er \u2014disturbed you at your morning meal . . . ROBERTYou \u2018 av \u2019 that !", "Not a word ! I know my request will appear singular \u2014 most singular ! But I assure you it is most necessary . The peace , the security of a human soul depends upon it ! Come , sir ! Where shall we go ?", "And then again , I trust \u2014 I say I trust \u2014 I am not impervious to the more sacred obligations involved ; but . . .", "Martha ! . . .Now I see it all ! I 've been trapped , I 've been tricked ! Martha , this is all your doing ! Brought me here on a trumped-up story of relationship with the Bishop of Benares , to insult me ! Oh , what would that godly man say if he heard of it !\u2014 And he shall hear of it , believe me ! Your infamy shall be spread abroad ! So this is your revenge , sir \u2014\u2014 your revenge for the contumely with which I have very properly treated you , sir ! Now I understand why I was made to sit down and eat sausages with a butler \u2014 yes , sir , with a butler and a common working-man ! Oh ! I could die with shame ! You have bereft me of all words ! You . . . You . . . You are no scholar , sir ! And your Greek is contemptible ! . . .Martha ! You are no sister of mine henceforward !Anathema maranatha !And I have one word for you , sir ! You are a scoundrel , sir \u2014 a cheat , an impostor ! And if I could have my way with you , I would have you publicly whipped : I would visit you with the utmost rigour of the law : I would nail you up , sir , for an example !"], "true_target": ["A scavenger !", "Well , my dear sir , I think I ought to !", "On the security of your own name alone ?", "Rather long , but I trust explicit . It is called \u201c The", "No , no , sir : it is perfectly indefensible !", "Naturally , I should like to learn a little , beforehand , of your brother 's views . From what I gather , they are not altogether likely to coincide with my own . Of course , he is an idealist , a dreamer . Now , under these circumstances , perhaps . . . Eh , what \u2014 Oh ! Bless my soul !My \u2014 my Brother from Benares , I presume ?", "Really , I . . . . . . . Most extraordinary ! Hm !Now : again , please .", "I will .There is in existence a society , a very influential society , in which I happen to have an interest \u2014 very great interest . Hm ! I am one of the directors . I may say that it is already very well established , financially ; but it is always open to consider the \u2014 extension of its influence in that way .", "My dear sir , do n't mention it : my sister has explained everything . I bear you no grudge \u2014 none whatever !", "You scoundrel ! You impudent scoundrel ! You . . . You . . . Give me back my five-pound note ! MANSONIt is invested for you .", "You ? . . .", "Precisely , precisely ! Er \u2014 Shall we sit ?Well \u2014 er \u2014 - speaking of that , of course , my dearly-beloved brother , I feel very seriously on the matter , very seriously \u2014 as I am sure you do . The restoration of a church is a tremendous , an overwhelming responsibility . To begin with , it \u2014 it costs quite a lot . Does n't it ?", "At the same time , I do think we ought to come to some general understanding ; we must count the cost . Now , from all accounts , you have had some experience of church-building out in India \u2014 not that I think the extravagance for which you are credited would be either possible or desirable in this country \u2014 oh , no ! Thank God , we know how to worship in spirit and in truth , without the aid of expensive buildings ! However , I should like to hear your views . How did you manage it ?", "Church , with the larger interests of the Society .", "I beg your pardon ? . . . ROBERTGo on : you \u2018 eard .", "Affiliate the subsidiary question of the building of the", "May I trouble you again ?", "Your Indian \u2014 WHAT ?", "We shall have to come to some private settlement between ourselves .", "Higher Clergy . \u201d", "Of course , the financial undertaking is considerable : it 's not like an investment , where there is some reasonable hope of a return : it 's merely a matter of charity ! The money 's \u2014 gone , so to speak .", "Yes , yes , we 've discussed all that . But bringing it down to a practical basis : how much could we manage with ?", "Hm , yes \u2014 yes ! . . . You mentioned Sacred obligations just now , and I think that on the whole I am inclined to agree with you . It is an admirable way of putting it . We must awaken people to a sense of their sacred obligations . This is a work in which everybody can do something : the rich man can give of the abundance with which it has pleased Providence specially to favour him : the poor man with his slender savings need have no fear for the poverty of his gift \u2014 Let him give all : it will be accepted . Those of us who , like yourself , my dear brother \u2014 and I say it in all modesty , perhaps myself \u2014 are in possession of the endowments of learning , of influence , of authority \u2014 we can lend our names to the good work . As you say so very beautifully : sacred obligations . By-the-way , I do n't think I quite caught your views as to the probable cost . Eh , what do you think ?", "My dear sir , I 'm not talking about myself !", "Well , no : its movements have always been characterised by a certain modesty . It is an invisible society , so to speak ; but I can assure you its principles are very clearly understood \u2014 among the parties most concerned .", "Do you mean to tell me that I 've been sitting down to breakfast with a common working-man ?", "Eh ? . . . ROBERTI say , you \u2018 av \u2019 ! BISHOPJust once more . . .", "Society for the Promotion and Preservation of Emoluments for the", "The scoundrel ! Did you hear what he said ? I shall certainly report him to his bishop !", "Numberless mil . . . !My dear sir , absurd ! . . . Why , the place must be a palace \u2014 fit for a king !", "At the same time , I should like my name to be associated with your brother 's , in so worthy an enterprise . . . ROBERTYou do n't say !", "Well , what would such an establishment as that represent ? In round numbers , now ? MANSONNumberless millions ."], "play_index": 25, "act_index": 25}, {"query": ["A grave ! . . ."], "true_target": [") With Manson ! . . . MANSON . ) With me ! . . .", "Yes . . . yes . . ."], "play_index": 25, "act_index": 25}, {"query": ["Should flatter , and observe him , he 's of a nature", "Farewel good bountiful Bartolus , \u2018 tis a brave wench ,", "Merry at heart ; he spies us .", "Of their so many jarrs : though the young Lord", "Good Doctor , do not school me", "Peace , the Vicar : send ye a full sail , Sir .", "Then we shall have a merry Scene , ne 're fear it .", "Remembrances ?", "In his sweet Converse .", "Can any thing but wonder ?", "Here she comes home : now mark the salutations ;", "Now they begin to burn", "Is happy in being his Mother : for his sake ,", "A half pin'dhYpppHeNpuppy that would write for a Royal .", "Farewel , and be your own friends .", "Trained into a fools paradise with a tale", "Be sick of the elder Brother , and in reason", "And in the brightest form .", "And shalt be as well paid , Boy \u2014", "Disswade me not , but help me .", "\u2018 Faith it is said", "In all his courses , careful too on whom", "To what use , what occasion ?", "They would confess with me , \u2018 tis a sound Tenet :", "He showers his bounties : he that 's liberal", "A bare annuity only .", "Nay Lawyer , you shall not fright us farther ,", "Of Purgatory by the way , it matters not ,", "Don Henrique rich , and his Revenues long since", "Though ye had twenty lives \u2014", "That their kind Sons , to rid them of their care ,", "To vow all Leagues of friendship with a Merchant", "A hard hand o 're Jamie , allowing him", "And the best condition 'd youth , I ever saw yet ,", "He needs his Purse , and knows how to make use o n't .", "That would catch cunningly the beams of beauty ,", "Of my Estate .", "And opportunity .", "I am sure his prayer is heard : would I could use one", "But with your own distemper .", "For a fault you are not free from : On my life", "Of that we long have talk 'd of , touching the Wars .", "Nay certain ,", "That the next Summer will determine much", "And fairly he deserves it ,", "Me thinks a young man and a handsom Gentleman", "What rare bit 's this ? An execution ! bless me !", "He shall be hang 'd first , we 'll be sticklers there , boys .", "Of promising courage should not grow and prosper .", "In lending him your help , to gain him means", "He 's a Royal Fellow : yet observes a mean", "Or doing some strange out-rage on himself .", "There is something more i n't :", "\u2018 Tis now in fashion for your Don , that 's poor ,", "Go and expect us hourly , if ye falter ,", "The prime men of the City to frequent", "Of an imagin 'd Form .", "To that end we came Sir ,", "me thinks a brave man", "And She , that once was call 'd th'fair Jacinta ,", "You have given him a heat ,", "And laugh aloud at all our merry may-games .", "I am sure Leandro do 's .", "Presuming on his hopes .", "Take your fortune ,", "An hour of freedome 's worth an age of juglings ."], "true_target": ["Lea . I have strange Engines", "\u2018 Tis a sweet one ,", "Call 'd , Madam Vi", "A Maggot-pate , to be his whole Executor ?", "Did you think , had this man been rich \u2014", "We will be ready .", "Of a poor cast-Captain , one Octavio ;", "Go we 'll all go , and crucifie the Lawyer .", "Pity such seeds", "Why that 's the reason", "I would not have thee fool 'd .", "Like oppos 'd Meteors .", "Like a young Clerk ,", "He may be more beast .", "Were all Heirs in Corduba , put to their Oaths ,", "Is not this true ? do you shrink now good-man Curat ? Do I not touch ye ?", "If you come off well , praise your wit ; if not ,", "That", "Rather than ask a courtesie : He 's the Son", "Wish them in Heaven ; or if they take a taste", "He would have chosen such a Wolf , a Canker ,", "Should like himself appear , young , high , and buxom ,", "I am sure he cheated me of the best part", "For you too .", "For mine , in the same method .", "Encreas 'd by marrying with a wealthy Heir", "Is this a commanding shape to win a beauty ?", "But never out of Judgment : This invites", "Leandro 's mony makes the Rascal merry ,", "So humble , and so affable , that he wins", "A suddain witty thief , and worth all service :", "For all your devils we will bolt .", "\u2018 Tis his usual custom ,", "And so distribute \u2018 em unto his comfort ,", "You 'll hang both .", "Let 's go drink , Friends ,", "Here ,", "I wish it were more .", "lante , he yet holds", "And requisite he should : he has now put off", "Almost as general .", "We do confess it .", "How like an Ass my friend goes ?", "Too bold and fierce , to stoop so , but bears up ,", "To all alike , may do a good by chance ,", "Well Diego , thou hast done .", "The Funeral black ,", "Your gathering Sires , so long heap muck together ,", "The love of all that know him , and so modest ,", "But you must shew it", "All places he resorts to , and are happy", "I do believe h'as rather no Religion .", "Tush , he is flesh 'd . And knows what vein to strike for his own credit .", "Let him cast till his Maw come up , we care not . You shall be still secured .", "he would starve", "Now spur the Ass , and get our friend time .", "We know the fellow , and he dwells there .", "And that 's one ,", "That can supply his wants , and howsoe 're", "Don Jamie 's noble born , his elder Brother", "To his Father , in the other world , I ask not ;", "Fashioning here : and Bartolus on the Anvil ,", "Expect to be the subject of our Laughter .", "Provided they remove hence ; what is befaln", "Yes , yes .", "Lord how it looks ! has he not bought some Prebend ?"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["What 's the young Lad", "That all of \u2018 em make so much of ?", "Give them line , and way ,", "If he die without issue , Don Jamie", "Thou rid'st now in safe harbour .", "Leandro ? in a dream ? wake man for shame .", "But you lose time .", "Well Leandro ,", "Go home , and till ye hear more , keep private ,", "I do not think ye do .", "We will be friends too .", "He 's the most arrant Beast .", "He cannot lose this dear time : \u2018 tis impossible .", "He is th'owner", "If he fail now ,", "With his behaviour .", "My life for Don Jamie .", "They are mad sure .", "Your doggedness and niggardize flung from ye .", "My friend sure", "There 's something added .", "You dare not use us thus ?", "As cunning , as she is sweet ; I like this carriage .", "Yes he 's gone , Sir ,", "And now we will come to ye .", "Tush do not hope for", "This \u2018 tis , Sir , to teach ye to be too busie ,", "Fie upon thee . This is prophane .", "No , Sir ,", "Of a fair Estate .", "That 's well said , honest Lawyer .", "There 's your Confessor , but what shall be your penance ?", "What manner of access can this get ? or if gotten", "Yet none agree", "You may remember us .", "Let 's after him , and still vex him ,", "Ye shall have more gold too , and he shall give it ,", "Love guide his thoughts : he 's a brave honest fellow .", "Some crafty Fool has found ye :", "A knave on Record .", "Thou hast had a strange Voyage , but I hope", "He 's fighting sure ."], "true_target": ["A Capias from my Surgeon , and my Silk-man !", "We 'll give him over too .", "She has pull 'd his ears down .", "Give it o 're .", "To the Grandee Don Henrique , appears much taken", "Yet \u2018 tis said", "Ye have an ill heart .", "Yet ne 're indanger ye .", "Impossibilities .", "They call Leandro , that has rob 'd his Master ,", "Don Jamie the Brother", "To have a stirring Oare in all mens actions .", "You have received great sums from a young Factor", "We come to tell ye ,", "No , no , ye are fooled .", "He hath no child , and by the Laws of Spain", "What ails this Priest ? how highly the thing takes it !", "Strangely disguis 'd , he 's set upon his voyage .", "For me thinks ye look lovely .", "And from thy mony too , then thou wilt be quiet .", "What credit in her eyes ?", "All things are ready .", "And all our wishes plough with his fine white heifer .", "Play the Knave finely .", "What can this do ?", "I see ye are penitent , and I have compassion :", "Why dost thou put on this form ? what can this do ? Thou lookest most sillily .", "Ye are secure both ; do but what we charge ye ,", "Rob 'd him , and run away .", "How he will stink , will smoak again , will burst !", "Hang him , he dares not be so valiant .", "Has got her out , and now he has made an end o n't .", "Do , do , good Lawyer ,", "But how get in ?", "Sit close Don Lawyer , O that arrant knave now ,", "Now ye are friendly ,", "Inherits his Estate .", "Who are the fairest .", "And take my Friend off : by this time he has prosper 'd ,", "Till we appear again , no words , Vicar ,", "To covet all the gains , and all the rumours ,", "Go , let 's crucifie him .", "We would look upon ye ,"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["A meer Imposture , and conspiracie", "The world a year before me .", "The Plot was cast by me , to make thee jealous ,", "Bless your selves from the thought of him and her ,", "he 's covetous beyond expression ,", "Alas , \u2018 tis weak :", "The purpose of these words ? speak not in riddles ,", "All wicked plots , you have taught the Fool , my Brother ,", "Excellent !", "Stands open for the entertainment of", "Angelo , Milanes , did you see this wonder ?", "The ruines of ancient Families , tears of Orphans", "And", "Pluto 's flame-colour 'd Daughter shall be free", "That will dance merrily upon your Grave ,", "I am sure it shall , I'le sink else ,", "If you can find a loop-hole , though in Hell ,", "Take order for your Funeral .", "It would rather", "E 're the Sun set , how much you have wrought upon me ,", "And so farewel .", "Wer't thou a subject worthy of my Sword ,", "As she was us 'd before she was your Captive .", "And service trod under her feet , designs you", "I know your anger , \u2018 tis a vain and slight one ,", "Thou ever shalt be welcome .", "Was too familiar with the Moor that serv 'd her ,", "I love thee more than ever .", "Should fall companions with \u2018 em ? When we are red", "To all the miseries that want can bring him ,", "Or , though that you had sold your self to hell ,", "To cut my Throat for't , be assur 'd I cannot", "Since you esteem him innocent .", "And let this bawling fool , no more words lawyer ,", "That any good to me could flow from you ,", "Thy Fathers anger .", "Is't possible ?", "But not stand as a Sutor : Now your pleasure ?", "By his example : let him use his harsh", "If you expect it from me , you are cozen 'd ,", "As things not worth description ; and come roundly", "Pay him , my good Leandro , take my prayers .", "I was not made to feed that foolish humour ,", "Accomptable to reason : See her Ring", "Let him bear six , and six , that all may blaze him ,", "For Wolves and Vulturs .", "In all his vitious courses , soothing him", "My wants have not transform 'd me : I dare tell you ,", "That you should be abus 'd thus", "You sent for me ?", "Of me , or my manners , and I will", "Reason to be so that I ever read of .", "H'as honour 'd ye too much , and doe it cheerfully .", "One Bartolus ,", "From being a walking stench , like a large Inn ,", "Is it possible ?", "Freely behind your back , what I think of you ,", "And this forg 'd by the Advocate , to defeat me", "But be incredulous still ; think this my plot ;", "Let him live then ,", "And therefore lays up for me : could you believe else", "So poor in practice too , that you would plead", "Let it out-live his Books , his pains , and hear me ,", "He keeps the house of pride , and foolery :", "I would", "Ceremonie ?", "That are his Hinds , and not on me . The Land", "I am forward ,", "And from his State , the Revenue he has reach 'd at :", "You are foul-mouth 'd ; do not provoke me ,", "That might have been born a fool , and so reputed ,", "Repair more often to me : above Women", "And from such baseness , having rais 'd a Stock", "Nothing to pass the time ?", "since he is without Issue ,", "It is your turn : I may have mine \u2014", "Would quit their Caves themselves , to keep him from", "That would run on mens errands for an Asper ,", "Why , he knows I am given to large expence ,", "Come on , since you will teach me to be cruel ,", "And fly to some free State , and there with scorn \u2014", "Shall fall on thee , I am too tough to melt ,", "Which", "Thou art a hopeful Boy ,", "You are the proudest thing , and have the least", "Now \u2018 tis plain ,", "Though \u2018 twere my exhibition to a Royal", "To have done you this service , is to me", "Whose Copy she hath lost too , she 's shut up ,", "For ever be remembred : nay take all ,", "I won , to come disguis 'd thus .", "On equal terms , and sit by you as a friend ,", "That would not say but do : yet as I am ,", "Bestow 'd on me , and with a prodigal hand ,", "To your Soul , if you have any ; for \u2018 tis doubtful .", "Of her most bloudy building ; and to fee", "Mark him", "I will justifie upon my life and credit", "Or that thy death , this moment , could call home", "Viol . I laugh at this , proceed .", "A needy Clyents Cause , for a starv 'd Hen ,", "Were't not in Court ,", "To your new cerus 'd face , what I have spoken", "Ha ?", "That may authorize him , to be a censurer", "You lie not at my mercy , which in this", "From the will", "A wrangling Advocate .", "But that you had the luck to creep into", "An honest thought can take up : and as it were not", "Be mine , I'le not receive thee as a servant ,", "Old Argus to him , you must multiply", "Will march to Hell together : I have spoken ,", "I should make up the bargain ? Live", "I sleep not", "These are the Murtherers my noble friends ,", "but I am patient ,", "Be at peace then presently ,", "And perhaps give a double Pistolet", "To the west Port of th \u2019 City ; leave the rest", "And such a Son , though you are most obdurate ,", "I am deaf ,", "That has a better Steward , than I have of him .", "You are so far from fair , I doubt your Mother", "When thou art dead ,", "He that would charm the heaviest lid , must hire", "And rip before a Judge the ulcerous villanies ,", "Stood I but now possess 'd", "Our Father left to him alone rewards him ,", "Verily ,", "To hire the instruments , and to your self", "To satisfie whose pride and wilfull humour", "And you Arsenio ?", "And no more angers , for I guess your reasons ,", "Continue still", "Sequestred from the world .", "Yes , and a provident one :", "Now he is from mine eye , I can be merry ,", "\u2018 Tis fit : since you are proud ,", "Keep off .", "Retire thee , my Ascanio , with thy Mother :", "No more talk , nor no more dissention lawyer ,", "New Miracles ?", "Fashion excuses to your self , and swear", "Employment for your lewd brains too , to cool ye ,", "Whom she pick 'd forth to be the Architect", "which denies me leisure", "How ever you prove Melancholy .", "This Gentleman , I'le justifie in all places ,", "But what breathes in me : If you move a step", "Be still at hand : I would not for my patrimony ,", "As almost to deny himself , the means", "My greatest Enemy : I am still the same ,", "Unsavoury reprehensions upon those", "Serve me with Process ?", "Or he can never reach you , this by the way", "Which sure I must do , by the course of Nature ,", "Falls in the prospect of your covetous eye", "My good Boy , how dost thou ? Why art thou call 'd into the Court ?", "I was , for some particular end , took home ,", "With your good wife , and shake hands with that Gentleman ;", "But am cast off again .", "How we may help our friend ; and let 's lodge near him ,", "The nature of the man , and turn 'd him Devil ,", "But stir not forth , some great design 's on foot ,", "My answer shall be suddain .", "A fair Inheritance : and how e 're harsh language", "\u2018 Pray thee let him alone , he is not worth thy anger .", "In stature you are a Giantess : and your Tailor", "Or if it be known , truss up our Gold and Jewels ,", "Forget the cause and him : all plagues go with him ,", "What curious Nature made without a pattern ,", "For sure I think out of a scrupulous fear ,", "And would obey the Judge .", "By your contagion , almost to put off", "I will shew only : She her self shall give", "We shall beget rare children . I am rapt with", "If not instructed in a Womans School .", "With murther , let us often bath in blood ,", "One , that not long since was the buckram Scribe ,", "By having no faith in me , take your fortune ,", "Your Sentence , grant me hearing .", "That none may live , that shall desire to trace us", "In his dishonest practises , you are grown", "To some poor needy Frier , to say a Mass", "Bring the rest forth , and bind them fast .", "But now ye have fir 'd me .\u2014", "To save your life ,", "Our joyes were perfect .", "I then would make it clear thou hadst a Patron", "How ? my kind Brother ? Nay then \u2018 tis rank : there is some villany towards .", "To treat of your Complexion were decorum :", "Very well , mock on ,", "Since it was determin 'd", "Could be so sold to base and sordid thrift ,", "To do you hurt , but not to help my self ,", "I'le send you a Doctor of mine own , and after", "Could your desires", "To give whom entertainment Savages", "But something I will do .", "To feed in expectation , when I may", "Immediatley take honest and fair truce", "Come into full possession , would not argue", "These Bags of gold you gave up to her trust ,"], "true_target": ["True .", "I know thou art forbid my company ,", "When it beheld it self in this false Glass ,", "A dispensation .", "Yes , vile Creature ,", "All was rak 'd up for me", "For all , for every one .", "for a famous Cuckold ,", "All that he do 's", "Of my dead Father ; I am sure I spend not", "I scorn thee , and contemn thee .", "A trick", "But now will doe : this kiss , with my Confession ,", "That Preface ,", "To send my Brother to the Grove that 's neighbour", "For if you doe , I'le lay your whole life open ,", "You could make satisfaction to this woman ,", "And the assistance of good Mirth , and Sack ,", "To be at my devotion .", "I am glad you come off fair .", "Let 's talk of something else : what news is stirring ?", "Say it is done already : I will shew you ,", "Ransack your Iron Chests , and once again", "For \u2018 twill be labour lost : So farewel Signiors .\u2014", "Let it blaze out the more : what news Andrea ?", "That have so good a Tutress : and what think you ,", "Write me a Fool , should I but only think", "Takes measure of you with a Jacobs Staff ,", "Were it but possible", "These Instruments , to bring Materials", "Who \u2018 tis that sends you to the other world .", "That did abuse you ; and I am so far", "Than a courtesie from you .", "Though there were an Ambush", "Do 's not the object please you ?", "With cozening Mortgages : rack your poor Tenants ,", "For want of Food ; and when that Widows curses ,", "And know not what to think .", "The colour will be scarlet .", "The dreadfull Sentence , to remove all scruple", "Bleak cold and hunger : This dissembling woman ,", "Acknowledge him for a Tutor , till then , never .", "That all must come to me , if I out-live him ,", "No Page attending in the Court of Spain", "And use you ,", "My elder Brother : One", "Forgotten , and let his Parasites remember", "I neither can nor will , unless I learn it", "\u2018 Tis not to be deny 'd ; I was ice before ,", "is for my good ,", "Till they look like so many Skeletons", "Of what my future hope presages to me ,", "How ?", "That he , that sixteen years hath worn the yoke", "That she is innocent , that she doats on ye ;", "Or that one Mother bare us , for whose love", "Shall ? \u2018 tis too tedious : furnish me with means", "To my own practice ; I have talk 'd too long ,", "I needs must learn", "Beyond this ground you tread on , you are lost .", "Some Business calls me hence ,", "Use other Language .", "Though ne 're so good , and honest .", "Live long , and happy : I forgive you freely ;", "One that desir 'd to thrive .", "To keep your Ghost from walking .", "With weak credulitie ! She for whose sake", "Were but to shew , how much your love was cozen 'd ,", "The Laws of Spain appoint me for his Heir ,", "Nor give't upon your purse .", "I weigh it not , for though your Grooms were ready", "Deliver 'd as a Warrant for your death :", "This Idol , whom you worship , all your love", "This Soul I speak of ,", "But he should crown his Lawyer , a learned Monster ;", "What am I cited for ?", "To domineer in Taverns , Masques , and Revels", "To what tends this ?", "You have no friend ,", "Come : goe along ; I have employment for ye ,", "Suffer no Lordship , that in a clear day", "And lay our heads together , carefully", "A plot is laid for't , all my wrongs forgot ,", "Of what the laws of Spain confer upon me ,", "And grew my Brothers Bawd ,", "Yes , I will give you hearing", "His Eyes an hundred times : of these none sleep .", "And only to be seen with me , will call on", "Your Limbs and Features I pass briefly over ,", "Could lose me any thing", "I shall forget your Birth if you proceed ,", "Your province is only to use some means ,", "To work a fell revenge : a man 's a fool ,", "To look on my behaviour , you shall see me", "Might triumph in their misery , and have the power", "From envying young Ascanio his good fortune ,", "I mean to shun it : so return my Answer ,", "She is indeed a wonder , and so kept ,", "Go home sick , and distemper 'd ; if it do 's ,", "Good Sir , intend this business ,", "If left out in a Lawyer , spoils the Cause ,", "To raise it up , she bad me spare no cost ,", "But being as thou art , it is sufficient", "Can make the Painter gracious , I stand ready", "And will swear any thing for half a Royal .", "Of barren wedlock , without hope of issue", "A slip Sir ?", "A life that all the world shall \u2014 I'le bring witness ,", "Not to my Brothers wife : I cannot fawn ,", "Fall what can fall , if e 're the Sun be set", "To say they are not .", "I should be cozen 'd , I am glad the profit", "When this shall come to pass", "The villany he has sowed into my Brother ,", "You have forgot we had one noble Father ,", "Snatch 'd from poor Clyents mouths , into a jelly :", "You brake a contract to which heaven was witness ,", "All impious practices : but there 's no Corner", "Or rather Salt to keep this heap of flesh", "Challenge performance of a deed so horrid ?", "For your large size : now , in a word or two ,", "With flattery and observance .", "You have expos 'd a sweet and hopefull Son", "So jealous , as if you would parallel", "Faith never be : I am glad o n't ,", "They are incompetent Witnesses , his own Creatures ,", "On your commands .", "And necessaries of life ? Alas , he knows", "A better Mercurie , than Jove made use of :", "The excellent Husband , and joyn Farm to Farm ,", "The meer imagination .\u2014", "I apprehend you : and were he remov 'd \u2014", "My good Ascanio ,", "uncivilly .", "Whom for so many years I have found and prov 'd", "pass 'd my lips ,", "Take use upon use , and cut the throats of Heirs", "But not to wrong your wife , she is fair and vertuous .", "Or hope of any , his undoubted heir ,", "I see you not , give me for dead .", "I use to pay that where I owe a duty ,", "Have hurried you to the Devil , ever remember", "Because he should be like you , and I hope", "I am turn 'd a stone with wonder ,", "He will soon resolve us .", "Me thinks the meer conceipt of it , should make you", "The more he seeks to smother it with Justice ,", "To fill a grave , or dead to lye a prey", "we may get for mony ,", "For just proceedings ; but since you turn 'd Rascal \u2014", "Come , let 's away , I am stark mad till I see him .", "Shall find a kinder master .", "To be anothers ; forget you are a Grandee ;", "Or half a little Loin of Veal , though fly-blown ,", "Confederacie !", "I have a Brothers Love .", "Enter Violante .", "For sooner I will seek aid from a Whore ,", "That was deferr 'd , that you", "Against my future fortunes .", "Believe this , as a fearfull Dream , and that", "Laid for my life , I'le on and sound this secret .", "What you have heard , for truth , and will make proof of .", "\u2018 Twill shortly spew him out ; Come , let 's be merry ,", "Enter a Servant .", "His foster Father , and the sad Jacinta ,", "And to encrease his heap , will dare the Devil ,", "Thy piety", "And all the plagues of darkness : and to these", "to cheat me ; e 're you give", "Sufficient in your self to comprehend", "And it was bravely spoken : For this answer ,", "And , as the world deserv 'd not to behold", "What would this Woman ?", "Suppose this done :", "Nor thou honest ;", "I am sure I shall not .", "That if your State were mine , I would adopt him ,", "And if the Limning you in your true Colours", "One quality of worth or vertue in him", "offer 'd her self", "And that fair Ladies worth ; let who dare cross it .", "And", "To bribe the covetous Judge , call 'd to the Bar .", "And when I understand , what you would counsel ,", "Not a whit ,", "You know I know ye , and I can bring witness .", "For one whole year .", "My banish 'd hopes , thou now wer't dead ; dead , woman ;", "And these , the greatest Fees you could arrive at", "Appears my Violante ? speak", "For being twelve months elder , let that be", "I still would follow you . Alas I was born", "To give you his full character : In few words", "In my heart I ever lov 'd you : all my labours", "For my reward , or if my words distaste you ,", "I am", "But as my Son ,", "I think there 's not a Gentleman of Spain ,", "And following my will , I do not stand", "In our black paths , if that Octavio", "The rich , and eminent Knave , in the Devils name ,", "I would beat that fat of thine , rais 'd by the food", "Sir , if that to serve you", "Good youth leave me ,"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["Not as my Fathers son , but as your servant ,", "though young ,", "Nor am I by his ill success deterr 'd ,", "And with them perpetuitie of pleasure ,", "An Advocate , and sweat as much as he", "More tender of me : what then can I pay", "That makes you a denyal to receive", "Repaying so her tender care of him ,", "And", "Noble Lady , hear me ,", "Indeed it do 's not : I shall ever pay you", "In Reputation , and wounds fairly taken .", "Vouchsafe to hear me , for such in my duty ,", "To hear the innocent , and right their wrongs ;", "Of a base abject mind , I wish my years", "And to forsake them in their age , in me", "Be more unnatural than a silly bird ?", "My tutor say , of all aereal fowl", "As to relieve your wants . Some noble friends ,", "I could pray", "Though all the horrours of the War made up", "That my refusal of so great an offer", "Is a malicious Woman , and I fear", "I live to be the master of a fortune ,", "I must destroy the lives of my poor Parents", "Of meanest Birth : and I shall be most happie ,", "Because when age hath seiz 'd upon her dam ,", "Do not fear it ,", "May quickly teach a raw untutour 'd Youth", "That tell me all I can doe is too little ,", "In which I am a gainer ; I have heard", "That I should be supplied : but sure the Lady", "I dare not call you , uncle , be not sad ,", "I am sure it could not be employed so well ,", "The Characters of age are printed on you", "To follow his profession , and if Heaven", "You shall command it .", "Takes her upon his back , provides her food ,", "My Lord your favours", "Next to my Father : good my Lord , for yet", "Which others bestow on me serves to sustain \u2018 em ,", "Bound to your service ? with what willingness", "That might become a Gentleman", "Or feed or cloath my self superfluously ,", "I every day will see you : every hour", "Though I , like some false glass , that 's never look 'd in ,", "In my devotions , \u2018 tis all I sue for", "Do 's for a double Fee , ere you should suffer", "I rather feel a strong desire that sways me", "Your goodness", "And so I take my last leave .", "Were it ill got ,", "O good Sir ,", "And no distaste e 're find you , and before", "You all look strangely , and I fear believe", "I ow my being ) they in me", "Or if that you esteem that too much grace ,", "Looks like a proguing Knave .", "I would receive", "That I may challenge : may you grow old together ,", "I am only happy", "Return 'd him home a poor man , he was rich", "Carry your pantofles , and be sometimes bless 'd", "There , I would follow you as a guide to honour ,", "And made unfit for flight , the gratefull young one", "To purpose any thing but for our good .", "Before those pleasures that are dearest to me ,", "May make no ill construction , \u2018 tis not pride", "Abhors my sight , is sick of me , and forc 'd him", "The duty of a son , and honour you", "To stop my passage .", "May you see many Images of your selves ,", "Remember you in my prayers .", "Of poverty , is held an argument", "As a Captain in the field ; and though his fortune", "Our stay is not long . With him Don Henrique ?", "Were more than Murther .", "My Father serv 'd the King", "Though cast off to the world to mention you", "If I were of your blood , you could not be", "I am sure I am ,", "In all humilitie to touch your feet :"], "true_target": ["To trail a Pike under your brave command !", "I can run by your Coach : observe your looks ,", "Not to accept the offer of my service ,", "And those bless 'd Angels , that love goodness , guard you .", "A favour I should sue for : nor the fashion", "I quit all parts ,", "My Father 's wondrous kind , and promises", "My humble service .", "From whom I took it . See here 's Gold , good store too ,", "To turn me out of doors .", "I should attend here .", "I never will set my forbidden feet", "Be wholly hers", "Disdain not to be serv 'd by such as are", "For me to call you Mother .", "In a few hours : the owners too contented ,", "For had I not , I am sure you are too kind ,", "Place all their comforts , and", "In what have we offended ?", "My Lord is mov 'd , I see it in his looks ,", "Which the Country follows , in which to be a servant", "are so indulgent", "I can wait on your trencher , fill your wine ,", "And that man , in the Gown , in my opinion", "Even in the coursest office , as your Page ,", "Yet I durst run the hazard .", "And hope to gain a fortune by my service ,", "I ever will appear : and far be it from", "Hath mark 'd me out to be a man , how proud ,", "To be emploi 'd when you please to command me", "Over your threshold : only give me leave", "And charitable favours overwhelm me .", "Were fit to do you service in a nature", "Bestow 'd it on me .", "High Heavens reward your goodness .", "But with that reverence , which a slave stands bound", "I dare not challenge .", "But \u2018 tis my Lord the Assistants pleasure", "To pay a worthy Mistris : I have heard", "Nay , pray you take it .", "Out of my fear I have offended you ;", "Had I assurance of a thousand lives ,", "They cannot brook one short dayes absence from me ;", "Shall I then that have reason and discourse", "That Dames of highest place , nay Queens themselves", "but a heart", "In the service of my Country , should I be ,", "I will forget the name , let it be death", "I am their Steward and their Nurse : the bounties", "My poor ambition , ever to look on you ,", "I have made , Mother ,", "your noble offer ,", "A fortunate voyage and brought home rich prize ,", "Nay , by my troth , I think I could out-plead", "Believ't he is too noble", "Am cast aside , and broken ; from this hour", "With your good favour , which now , as a Son ,", "And should lose all , if he prov 'd only false ,", "Means me no good .", "Forgive me ,", "I beseech you", "In those that groan beneath the heavy weight", "I never shall forget those noble favours", "I know not ,", "By the instinct of nature that obedience", "That yet I can relieve you , \u2018 pray you share :", "E 're he was fit to fly , by bearing her :", "While I have power to comfort you , and serve you .", "And know , nay see you want ? holy Saints keep me .", "Heaven can bear witness for me : but alas ,", "The Lady , whom my Father calls his Wife ,", "In an honest cause .", "Which bids me to prefer your peace of mind ,", "Should I embrace the means to raise my fortunes ,", "You did me being a stranger , and if ever", "We will expect you ,", "These are bad principles \u2014", "I am taught Sir", "To be both rude and sawcy .", "The Stork 's the Embleme of true pietie ,", "This unexpected fortune makes me proud ,", "To him that ever has an open ear ,"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["I never saw a face yet , but this rare one ,", "I have smelt a Vicar out , they call him Lopez .", "To be a friend to such a noble beauty .", "I am strucken dumb with wonder ,", "Move me , and I will move any way to serve ye ,", "That ours observe ; and I have heard one swear ,", "The devil blow him off .", "The time has blest us both : love bids us use it .", "Hark , there 's some noise : I must retire again .", "At any rate .", "I'le in , and strike my Lute , that sound may call her .", "Be more temperate .", "\u2018 Tis she certain .", "And why I give or lend , and will do nothing", "that in one night", "When this is spent ,", "I dare do any thing that 's in mans power Lady ,", "Thus as I am , I will begin my voyage .", "I'le win this Diamond from the rock and wear her ,", "Opened , discovered , lost to my wishes .", "A fools head if I fail , and so forsake me . You shall hear from me daily .", "The sign of such a man , and trot my measures ,", "But happily you will not be instructed .", "But ye do , and burn too ,", "In part of his affection ; I will buy it", "As sparing as you please , I must be bold", "Will I work cunningly , and home : understand me .", "Live next my heart . I am glad I have got a relick ,", "I shall tell ye happily ,", "I am a Gentleman nobly descended ,", "I say this Vicar ,", "I am wretched :", "My heart akes yet , I would not be in that fear \u2014", "I am so over-", "Who is the owner", "Sure all the Excellence of Earth dwells here .", "Those are unseemly : move one can serve ye ,", "Thou blessed Innocence , that guards that whiteness ,", "If there be pity in you , do but view me ,", "For Persia or Polonia : and all this", "prepare : what course", "I'le tell ye instantly ,", "And ended in the Dutch ; for to cool her self ,", "Most blessed hand that calls him .", "With all conveniences .", "But I was able boldly to encounter it ,", "Do Lady ,", "To bear Arms in the Field , you'l spend some years", "To have your Gallants set down in a Tavern ,", "I am deeply in a sweet point Sir .", "We may hear praises when they are deserv 'd ,", "Or fiddle out whole frosty nights", "Some prefer the French ,", "In Salamanca , I'le supply your studies", "And give me leave", "And thus , divine lips , where perpetual Spring grows \u2014", "\u2018 Pray ye hear me .", "Young to invite your love , rich to maintain it .", "I'le do any thing ,", "You talk of wonders .", "This thing I say is all one with the Close Bartolus", "Behold the sport of love , when he is imperious ,", "I do beseech you pardon me ,", "Or I , Lawyer ,", "I have eaten already , I must intreat your pardon .", "I'le be ready .", "To be beaten out of my means , but know to whom", "Next I pray leave me , leave me to my fortune", "He did enjoy the company of a Gamester ,", "Sure she has transform 'd me ,", "I have some toyes here that I dare well trust to :", "You are a blessed man that may so have her . Oh that I might play with her \u2014", "Behold the slave of love .", "I will go out a little .", "How nastily he keeps his house ! my Chamber ,", "I have told ye all my story , and how desperately .", "I must confess I am not fit to wait upon ye :", "Should reap any great commodity from his pigbelly .", "But you shall have a sounder if I live lawyer ,", "He 's gone out", "to say thus much", "The Emperour takes against the encroaching Turk ,", "No man would think a stranger as I am", "Italian Bona-Robas , some the State", "O admirable face !", "I'le seise your fair hand ,", "Fit for the Council it concerns ; we are young ,", "I'le love in Serge , and will outgo your Sattins .", "That shall play my game now .", "A little , Lady .", "I am well , Sir , here .", "No indeed Sir .", "Which I have studied by relation :"], "true_target": ["To be wrought on by perswasion : nor no Coward", "What the Arch-Dukes purpose is the next spring , and what", "I bring a whole heart to ye , thus I give it ,", "O most fair cover of a hand far fairer ,", "Can honour ye , can love ye .", "that once in London ,", "She kiss 'd him drunk in the morning .", "This proud thing will betray me . Bar . Why these lie here ? what angry , dear ?", "And by it hangs a mighty hope , I thank her ,", "To get upon my great horse and appear", "Do happy Lady .", "I pray ye forgive me ,", "But view the misery I have undertaken", "For now I love her more , \u2018 twas a neat answer ,", "And give me leave", "There trot and fiddle where I may have fair play .", "She gave my pate a sound knock that it rings yet ,", "Defence my Lords", "Under the window , while my teeth keep tune ,", "I shall be whooted at .", "The wiser sort of State-Worms seem to know", "Leave that to me , your patience ,", "I hold no handsomness . Let me get in ,", "Lute and Song .", "I would add something to the building up", "If ever I do catch thee again thou vanity \u2014", "That ye may intend me .", "So fair a mind , and if till you are fit", "For their conceited Dressings : some the plump", "Peace , ye are fools ,", "I would I could ,", "What have we to do with them ? Let us discourse", "It is so damp : I shall be mortified", "You cannot be", "More silly than my out-side seems , ye are ignorant ;", "But what my reason warrants ; you may be", "Our modesty unwounded . By my life", "The God of love warm your desires but equal ,", "Now , if I could but see her : she is not this way :", "I'le take the air a little .", "If I continue long , will choak me up ,", "You cannot now deny me .", "For you , the povertie .", "Of what concerns our selves . \u2018 Tis now in fashion", "And to those burning altars thus I offer ,", "God forbid Lady .", "I had forgot my tongue clean ,", "And make no doubt I shall hit handsomly ,", "And warm it with a hundred , hundred kisses .", "This blessed Apparition makes me happy ;", "Will ye but leave me ?", "Seek for supply from me .", ", if I stay a month here :", "To talk of handsome Women .", "I will do all I am able .", "Enter Lopez , and Diego .", "For any woma", "Pray you hold", "Neither do I believe this , nor will follow it ,", "A relick when I pray to it , may work wonders .", "You make him blush ; it needs not sweet Ascanio ,", "to be your Rival", "I hope he shall do ,", "You are ne 're the nearer now .", "When you love , lanch it out in silks and velvets ,", "Or \u2014", ", I'le fly to serve ye .", "But I'le enjoy : now softly to my Kennel .", "Yes forsooth .", "What killing looks she steals !", "How , proud Lady ? Strike my deserts ?", "Alas , I was brought up \u2014", "To make use of my own , without your licence .", "I am no Gull", "Difficilia pulchra , that 's my Motto", "And if that I might give the Theme , \u2018 twere better", "or his nature", "They that pretend to wonders must weave cunningly .", "I will be any thing .", "This is divine , and only serv 'd with reverence ;", "But your Chess-board is too hard for my head , line that , good Lady .", "Move your heart this way , Lady .", "Too frequent where you are so much desir 'd :", "Met him th \u2019 Italian , French , and Spanish wayes ,", "And speak my mind , my lips were lockt up here .", "Do but behold me ,", "You shall not .", "Of such a Jem ? I am fire 'd .", "I'le suffer , and I'le sacrifice my substance ,", "Ye are cozen 'd", "I'le let him breath and mark him :", "Better than their own affairs : this is discourse", "And whether his Moony-standards are design 'd", "Have patience"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["He hath a mind that speaks him right and noble ."], "true_target": ["What ever his reputed Parents be ,"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["Would make a Broker charitable ."], "true_target": ["This is a kind of begging"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["Take that and leave us ,Leave us without reply , nay come back sirrah And study to forget such things as these As are not worth the knowledge .", "Thou dearly shalt repent this .", "You shall not want , my Bartolus .", "Who am I Sir ?", "The later part my Brother urg 'd , excepted :", "Should force me to endure this !", "To think I have not so far lost my reason ,", "Though I must never see thee", "I do beseech", "\u2018 Tis not in Man", "That all the Court hath heard touching this Cause ,", "Than thou wer't born to . Scorn me not Violante ,", "Without my help ?", "Your Bastard .", "That soar above the clouds with expectation", "Prevent such free elections ; with this , my Brother 's", "\u2018 Pray you take leave", "Sprout forth and flourish , to renew their age ;", "Shall to the world proclaim my penitence ;", "The moitie of my State .", "the good husband", "In the List of your acquaintance .", "You are so prodigal ?", "Such as you must learn", "Deserve to be the heir of greater fortunes ,", "There 's your reward .", "And to repair the wrong that I have done", "Between the duties I owe as a Husband ,", "I hope \u2018 twill help me .", "To meet her , that prefers my life and safetie", "That way , I was ever bountiful .", "All love , but to your self , with him , hath left me .", "But this is the beginning , not the end", "Before her own .", "To see me in my grave .", "Of grief , and shame to speak : but what I'le doe ,", "But thy false self", "Yes ,", "There shall want nothing .", "O accurs 'd !", "Most gladly .", "Your new Exchequer , when you have cheated him", "That it is in my power : I ne 're was married", "\u2018 Tis well ; you are proud of", "To guard thee from necessities ; may thy goodness", "And strike deep at my Credit , yet , my Bartolus ,", "\u2018 Tis false ; I defie thee ,", "A much chang 'd man .", "Rest confident I will , and thou shalt wish", "When \u2018 tis too late .", "There being no other evasion left to free me", "Shew something of a Father : thou shalt not goe", "You know my cause sufficiently ?", "How am I divided", "In my Advocate .", "And as their Root decaies , those budding Branches", "Can hold no friendship : and what is my will", "By proof , this is my Son , I challenge him ,", "The honourable Court , I may be heard", "And stand upon my Guard .", "Of great Estates to want those Pledges , which", "But will it hold out", "With joy , behold the Models of their youth ,", "Now you are mine , for wealth and poverty", "And though it will impair my honesty ,", "And howsoever I have liv 'd , I'le die", "is most true :", "Too well acquainted , and this makes him bold to", "Attends on wilfull dotage .", "And worn him to the quick , I may be found", "That you would take the means I use with patience ,", "That takes up all for you .", "To bring into my familie , to succeed me ,", "Reign o 're me , as a Master .", "Though I am", "Devoted to a wife , nay almost sold", "I should take any course .", "You have said , Sir ,"], "true_target": ["And never truly felt before , what sorrow", "I fear no enemy .", "What am I faln to ?", "I'le joyn with you in any thing .", "That the Law", "Let not fury", "To an unthankfull Brother that insults", "They shall swear truth too .", "but from remorse of conscience", "So brave ! pray you give me hearing ,", "And now , as it were at his funeral", "And shall share", "You must observe and do , though good or ill .", "That 's my only comfort ,", "is forbid to us ;", "Is all I doe misconstru 'd ?", "Must leave the fruit of all my care and travel", "And our revenge shall be to us a Son", "Unfurnish 'd and unfriended too : take that", "This banishment is a kind of civil death ,", "I confess ,", "From the vexation of my spightful Brother ,", "And make him noble . But the laws of Spain ,", "Accept him , and acknowledge him , and desire", "From whom have you your means Sir ?", "So Sir , is this a slip of your own grafting ,", "I will not cross you .", "I will not fight with words , but deeds to tame you ,", "to choose one", "Your Steward Sir ?", "A slip ; or call it by the proper name ,", "You gave consent that , to defeat my brother", "To me , to take him home .", "When this is spent", "Monster !", "To yield a reason for the will of Heaven ,", "But daily did defer it , still expecting", "Transport you so : you know I am your Creature ,", "A slave to serve her pleasures , yet I cannot", "Of your steward", "To this poor woman : And I beseech your Lordship", "I am too full", "I shall , Sir .", "And pietie of a Parent ?", "That shall inherit for us .", "And so farewel for ever : one word more ,", "The stranger \u2014 Issue of anothers Bed ,", "Send to me for supply : are you pleas 'd now ?", "I do deserve this ,", "On my Calamity .", "Which is inscrutable .", "That most insultingly raigns over me ,", "So part with all humanity , but I must", "Out of a vertuous Stock , though of poor Parents ,", "He shall not want for that .", "He may be so recorded , and full power", "Meet many favours , and thine innocence", "Viol . Effect but this ,", "When grief would kill Jacintha .", "To shed a tear or two , is not unmanly ,", "I could lay level with the earth his hopes", "Happy the Romane State , where it was lawfull ,", "Terrible .", "Such an evasion", "For what I now doe , is not out of Spleen", "Why dost thou follow me ?", "By a definitive Sentence of the Court ,", "As I must practise it with my dishonour ,", "\u2018 Tis the curse", "Shall I confess my fault and ask your pardon ? Will that content ye ?", "Do not repent", "This day thou hadst been dumb .\u2014", "Were I but confirmed ,", "If I live ,", "I must and will go forward .", "To this bad woman , though I doted on her ,", "\u2018 Tis by thy practice then : I am sent hither", "Of misery to me , that \u2018 gainst my will", "The poor are happy in : They in a Cottage ,"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["When in Corduba , if you dare give credit", "There lives a Woman", "To help to make her up , if put in Ballance ,", "Of those perfections , which the Climat yields", "whose all-excelling Form", "We may spare"], "true_target": ["That puts in for a fair one , and though you borrow", "To my report", "From every Country of the Earth the best", "Disdains comparison with any She", "The travel of our tongues in forraign Nations ,", "This will weigh down the Scale ."], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["Farm sir ,", "The least poor corner in your house , poor Bed , sir ,", "Wonder on ,", "Ever Sir ,", "Ye have done honestly , in telling truth ,", "He 's old indeed , sir .", "Is the most inward Damon .", "Yes .", "You know my name indeed ; I am now no Lawyer .", "I dare not covet , nor I will not seek , sir ,", "Lend me but your assistance .", "To my Swords point ; that lying man , that base man ,", "And you the Sexton Diego , such I am sent to ,", "I have the mony ready , and I am weary .", "You were Students both at one time in Salamanca ,", "For if you follow this course , you will be Chronicled .", "And my prophetique love tells me I shall ,", "Would I were so near too , and a mate fitting .", "I might have been forward else . For to that Lopez ,", "Bless your good learning , Sir .", "\u2018 Tis to that grave Gentleman ;", "De Castro is the Turk to thee , or any thing :", "To further which , he would entreat your care", "He has sent me over to your charge .", "I have heard him say , you were Gossips too .", "With some Books to instruct me , and your counsel ,", "Nay , sure you must remember .", "A Gentleman , a free man ,", "To help me to a share .", "De Castro 's Daughter .", "The Curate here , and have been some time , Sir ,", "Turn him , but face to face , that I may know him .", "And found it strong as fate ; leave off your fooling ,", "For a devil , whilst a Saint she is mentioned ,", "The fair has blest me .", "Enough , Sir , to defray me : which I am charged", "To shew my love to learning , and my Master ,", "As I grow riper , more : three hundred now , sir ,", "I do proportion out some twenty Duckets ;", "I'le go with ye . To have this fort betray 'd these fools must fleece me .", "According to my wish , and these shall multiply .", "And", "I am as ye see , and , what will follow , Gentlemen ?", "And from an ancient friend of yours .", "Lord , how I blush for these two impudents !", "To seek a worthy man .", "Thou art a very Rascal .", "Nor am I so much fir 'd with lust as Envie ,", "From Nova Hispania , Sir ,", "For surely mine own nature desires privacy .", "My diet I'le defray too , without trouble ."], "true_target": ["To take still , as I use it , from your custodie ,", "Before the world I justifie her goodness ,", "So sweet a harvest , half my State to any", "And you of the like names succeed : I thank ye Gentlemen ,", "To the old honest Sexton Diego : are you he , Sir ?", "To plant me in the favour of some man", "One that made trial of this Ladies constancie ,", "And to my Study , Sir , which must be the Law .", "I have a Letter to your worship .", "There 's the Gold , and ever be your servant ,", "Five hundred Duckets , a poor small gratuity ,", "But since you are not he \u2014", "The letter tells as much : may be they are dead ,", "Sweet lying knaves . What would these doe for thousands ?", "You look , Sir , as if ye had forgot my Father .", "Pray ye Sir , unlade me .", "But I was charged to doe my Fathers love", "Jamie is noble ,", "Shall I rest most content with : other Acquaintance", "That 's dry , and wholsome : I am no bred-wanton .", "It seems I am deceiv 'd , Sir ,", "Enter Jamy and Assistant .", "I have three hundred Duckets more : For my Diet ,", "The same , Sir .", "If all this get me but access , I am happy .", "That 's expert in that knowledge : for his pains", "Take it and give me Books : may I but prove , sir ,", "Gra \u2019 - mercy letter , thou hadst never known else .", "It is indeed , sir ,", "Yet , that you are Don Lopez all men tell me ,", "And with a forg 'd Tale would not wrong his Friend ,", "For as many Duckets more they would remember Adam .", "And turn that man , that dares but taint her vertues ,", "And , as I take it , Chamber-fellows .", "I have travell 'd far , Sir ,", "Think again , Sir ,", "That was my Fathers friend , I had a charge ,", "Not any letter ,", "Next , for your monthly pains", "O , very shortly , Sir , till his return", "Any thing , Sir ,", "Weak simple men , this Vicar to this Lawyer", "The Mony rubbs \u2018 em into strange remembrances ,", "Than your grave presence , and the grounds of Law", "to deliver", "That such a churl as Bartolus should reap", "I must enjoy her ,", "She has , yes , and too worthie of your usage ,", "You say most true .", "I shall not trouble ye .", "Some five and twenty , sir ."], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["Move not compassion , let me die unpitied ;", "Discharg 'd to me , and I , barr 'd of all means", "His Tears , his Oaths , his Perjuries , I pass o 're ;", "Oh that I could forget there were a Tye ,", "For being barren , will with equal eyes", "There can be so much Justice left on earth ,", "And all that can be wish 'd for from a Son ,", "His pious care , his duty , and obedience ,", "were bounty in him , and not debt ,", "I thank her cruelty , for it comes near", "That it must force Compunction .", "The witness of thy lust left in my womb ,", "What an impudence is this ?", "Grieve , Octavio ?", "Though every blessing that should fall on him ,", "Thou cam'st by such a sum .", "\u2018 Twould breed a jealousie in me by what means ,", "Have many eyes , to find a way to mischief ,", "Should I repeat them . I dare not deny ,", "Is thy legitimate heir .", "Mens Charities are so cold ,", "A saving Charity .", "And I have heard too much the fiery temper", "The Deputy of the great King , who is", "What comfort bring you ?", "Or thunder", "As you sit here", "Have left thee blood enough to make a blush ,", "\u2018 Tis our comfort ,", "There is no man so covetous , that desires", "Though blind to goodness .", "when I had born", "It cannot yet deny that this thy Son", "Out of my fear and doubt he is not safe .", "Against a wretch that hath forsworn her self ,", "and he", "To write me up an easie-yielding wanton ?", "To the poor remnant of content that 's left me ,", "In her own Cause , and let me face to face", "If this be granted : and all my former wrongs", "You met Don Henrique ?", "And death concludes all misery .", "Thy peace at home ; yet thou most barbarous ,", "Thy most inhumane wickedness , and won", "Divorce me from thy bed , and made free way", "I'le paint it on thy cheeks . Was not the wrong", "Upon my Son Ascanio , though my wants", "To leave me full of sorrow , as of want ,", "Not sunk unto the center ?", "On his hard temper ? I am sure I wrote it", "In me , upon him ! or the relief I seek ,", "To testifie thy falshood , and my shame ?", "I am confident", "His falshood , and my shame , in my consent ,", "Sufficient to defeat me of mine honour ,", "To Father what was thine", "Too painfull to be born .", "That she , that almost is at war with Heaven", "The bad mans charity .", "Be silent .", "I owe him as a Mother , is a Torment ,", "What punishment soe 're the Court decrees"], "true_target": ["It is my wonder .", "mine ,", "To be so careless of me , and my fame ,", "I think can find no precedent : In my extreams ,", "After all this", "To this bad man , deliver what he is :", "I never would divulge it , to disturb", "Your patience , with liberty to speak", "I am acquainted with Don Henrique 's nature ,", "That if I knew not , thou wert made of Goodness ,", "If the contagion", "But now so many years I had conceal 'd", "I would resign my Essence , that he were", "So feelingly , and with the pen of sorrow ,", "To return any scruple of the debt", "One comfort yet is left , that though the Law", "Of Madam Violante : can you think", "To publish my disgrace ? and on record ,", "Step-mothers", "Here comes our joy ,", "The Substitute of that impartial Judge ,", "To be most true : But now I turn to thee ,", "By my best hopes", "This Gentleman , to hide it from the world ,", "Were but beginnings to my miseries ,", "Where has my dearest been ?", "And in him ,", "And if my wrongs , with his ingratitude ballanc 'd ,", "And know my self the Mother to such Goodness ?", "But this the height of all : rather than part", "But all the Advocate hath alledged concerning", "We cannot be more wretched than we are ,", "ough sued , and call 'd upon ) to ease us of", "Might prove a curse to me : my sorrow springs", "Believe that we are rich .", "Of my misfortunes had not spread it self", "in open Court", "Profess my self a Strumpet , and endure", "Is there a Justice", "To thee Don Henrique , and if impious Acts", "Speak cheerfully : how did my letter work", "Freely enjoy , what was", "You good Angels ,", "Peace , give them leave .", "Grant to a much wrong 'd Widow , or a Wife", "Were centupli 'd upon my self , I could be patient :", "With my Ascanio , I'le deny my oath ,", "Now I fear ;", "To think of them is a disease ; but death", "These wrongs , with Saint-like patience , saw another", "With whom , or wealth , or titles prevail nothing ,", "Behold a Son of mine ?", "To ravish our wants from us , and less hope", "But he is so good , I so miserable ,", "Or plai 'd the impudent whore .", "My dearest and my best one , Don Jamie .", "A second rape", "To the unjust embraces of another ,", "Debt of a dear accompt !", "Can I be wretched ,", "The burthen of our wrongs .", "As happy as my love could fashion him ,", "Yet still so tender of thy rest and quiet ,"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["Good Jacinta ,", "Enter Henrique , Jamie .", "Or with the other stop the raging main ,", "I cannot sound .", "which hitherto", "Can you with one hand prop a falling Tower ?", "But", "But do not", "Enter Ascanio .", "To be expressed in words \u2014", "Cursed you most bitterly .", "Yes .", "To move him to compassion .", "By Don Jamie to stay here , is a depth", "In that ; yet find in this assurance comfort ,", "Undiscovered", "he cursed you ,", "Forget us , dear Ascanio .", "This is the place , but why we are appointed", "To thy use only .", "To our necessities ; why do'st thou weep ?", "You are cozen 'd ;", "Must be your Surgeon still ."], "true_target": ["He did not only scorn to read your letter ,", "\u2018 Twill but encrease your sorrow : and tame silence ,", "And by provoking call not on Heavens anger ,", "And fit thee for a fortune , and leave us", "Hath eas 'd your griev 'd soul , and preserv 'd your fame ,", "Jac . Buy thee brave Cloathes with it", "It were a sacriledge", "Touch not that string ,", "Children that pay obedience to their Parents ,", "We must attend him .", "To rob thee of their bounty , since they gave it", "Shall never beg their Bread .", "Come let us drie our eyes , we 'll have a feast ,", "With your long practised patience bear afflictions ,", "When it breaks in on the usurped shore ?", "And then conclude that there is some way left ,", "My grief 's too great", "I gladly swear , and truly .", "High Heaven ordains", "Thanks to our little Steward .", "Or any thing that is impossible ?", "I suffer with you ,", "My Lord ."], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["The Portion I brought with me , e 're he spend", "And that 's glorious ,", "For had you kneel 'd and whin 'd and shew 'd a base", "A man that knows the World .", "This night , shall thank thee .", "Of future love , and I repent my part", "Would have me Mother Bastards , being unable", "With equall ardour in your May of blood ;", "That had the pleasure of his youth before me ,", "Now you speak like", "And when that I have rais 'd you to a fortune ,", "I'le work him to my ends ; if not , I shall", "A little form joyn 'd with respect to her ,", "And swear I am most fair .", "Like a tame Ass ; and when most spur 'd and gall 'd", "In vain ,", "You think you have said now ,", "I'le add fuel to it ,", "I feel a kind of pity , growing in me ,", "When that , which is the Crown of all our wishes ,", "The way he leads thee , is sufficient torture ,", "Since I have miss 'd my ends ,", "As I direct you , wee'l bring our Bark into", "Your present state considered and my power ,", "And out of my Revenues would maintain", "A Bastard from the Hospital and adopt him ,", "That can add to your wants , or free you from \u2018 em", "do something to repair", "You are very bold .", "Yet , with your favour ,", "Be not amaz 'd ,", "Hath brought to ruine .", "A course to right my self , a speeding one :", "You 'll look on me with more judicious eyes", "Thy flatteries are infectious , and I'le flee thee", "And by a nearer cut , do you but steer", "Our injuries are equal in his Bastard ,", "Like a brave fellow : in this Womans War", "As I would doe a Leper .", "And force it into action .", "Before thy face , and thou with speed to follow", "Or confident ? or fearful ?", "\u2018 Tis the better ,", "Thou only canst deserve me .", "He bears up still ; I like it . Pray you a word .", "A Royal of it : no Quirck left ? no Quiddit", "But you'l say he 's your Brother ; in great fortunes", "Reach me a Chair : so , bring him in , be careful", "He dispossess 'd that does usurp on all .", "You Sir , that", "I would cut off thy nose , put out thine eyes ,", "I had a fruitfull Mother , and you met me", "What 's my offence ? I came young to your bed ,", "You , once again , were the undoubted heir .", "I must confess it : I am taken with it ,", "I will take", "Goe to the grave unpitied .", "With any seeming shape of borrowed truth ?", "Near into the Cabinet of my Counsels :", "And do 's command me , and upon the suddain", "Is it my fault , Don Henrique , or my fate ?", "Extenuate this wofull wrong , not error ?", "I will rather choose", "Is cruelly deni 'd us ?", "I would print \u2018 em thus , and thus .", "Her riotous issue : now you find what \u2018 tis", "As I turn off a slave , that is unfit", "Thus then Jamie ,", "O my patience , hear \u2018 em !", "Laugh at the laws of Spain . \u2018 Twere admirable .", "I fear not what may fall", "And triumph 'd in the fruit that you had by him ,", "This shews nobly ,", "Am sensible , and tender of a wrong ,", "I should select you as a bosom friend ,", "I scorn what can fall on me .", "You ever have been train 'd : spoke big , but suffer 'd", "The shame to see thy foolish pity , taught me"], "true_target": ["No Jamy ,", "All treasure that 's above the earth , with that ,", "By this kiss : start not : thus much , as a stranger", "Might well become your wisdom .", "And set my foot on these bewitching lips ,", "Enter Jamie , Servant .", "Leave us .", "Deserve no greater Ceremony ?", "To what use serve", "And why then am I barren ?", "Find other Engines .", "Am I betrai 'd ? Is this thy faith , Jamy ?", "Simplicity and patience dwell with Fools ,", "For this fellow ,", "And let them bear those burthens , which wise men", "That had the start of mine : but as thou art ,", "To lose my natural softness , keep off from me ,", "This bravery", "That to a Woman of her hopes beguil 'd", "To find them dead .", "That have out-liv 'd their use , I shake thee off ,", "For your misfortunes , pity some say 's the Parent ,", "That underneath my roof , kept your cast-Strumpet ,", "That could raise up the anger of a man ,", "Can cunning falshood colour an excuse", "I did , and do 's the favour ,", "More than if", "To make thy peace with heaven .", "Lives to supplant you in your certain hopes ,", "in your warm bosom ,", "And kills in me all comfort .", "To honour me with one Child of mine own ,", "And to revenge it would break through all lets ,", "Beyond a Brother , I , a poor weak Woman ,", "conquers", "The period of humane happiness ,", "What your base Brother", "Were never Master of the Spleen or Spirit ,", "That durst oppose me .", "One only Child that may possess what 's ours ,", "He is not worth my knowledge .", "I'le take mine own waies , and will have no partners .", "Were laid down at my feet : O bold Jamy ,", "And nourish him as mine own .", "For you , Mistris ,", "By the bless 'd Saints , I will ; if I prove cruel ,", "Come near ,", "The politick brook no Rivals .", "He shall make up the mess : now strike together ,", "A Viper trod on , or an Aspick 's mild .", "That may defeat him ?", "The objects of our fury are the same ,", "But yet they live : I look 'd", "By Henriques death :", "So far in what you have suffered , that I could", "The Port of happiness .", "And if I find him apt for my employments ,", "\u2018 Tis well , how did he look ,", "But that I think , to have the Bastard strangled", "And low dejected mind , I had despis 'd you .", "\u2018 Twas well thought upon :", "You may take from me ; but , if you were pleas 'd ,", "And be married ?", "To doe me service ; or a horse , or dog", "And let them fall so .", "That none disturb us : I will try his temper ,", "Full fortunes , and the meaner sort of blessings ,", "Boldly shake off ; be mine and joyn with me ,", "That lyes conceal 'd in both the Indian Mines ,", "You are familiar with what I groan for ,", "When he knew from whom you were sent ? was he not startled ?", "I will fire", "This kiss , and all the pleasures of my Bed", "Shall it be done ?", "And though the name of Husband holds a tye", "For young Ascanio , whom you Snake-like hug 'd", "And will protect the fact .", "Do not , they shall find", "To tempt a woman : with as little feeling"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["Can reading of an \u2014\u2014 prefer thee ?", "Ars ."], "true_target": ["A poor , thin thief : he help ? he ? hang the Vicar ,", "Thou art dead-sick in love , and hee'l pray for thee ."], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["Here is a Master in that art , Bartolus ,", "Mil . There 's no need o n't , Sir ,", "Give me your hand , you are welcome to your country ,", "We pray and pray , but to no purpose ,", "Our poor thin stipends make us arrant dunces .", "Come , I am tender of ye .", "\u2018 Tis most expedient that we should hang both .", "Nay , if he be not just Alonzo 's picture \u2014", "I cannot miss a man , that sends me mony :", "For we 'll eat hard .", "And lives like a Spider in a Cobweb lurking ,", "\u2018 Pray ye bring him out ; now ye may see in what state :", "One may suffice .", "Do'st thou remember , Diego , this same Signiour ?", "I am honyed with the project : I would have him horn 'd", "The Poor-mans Box is there too : if ye find any thing", "In China or Cataya ; some Companions \u2014", "Give him fresh Air .", "\u2018 Tis very well : the devil a-one I know there .", "Good gold , and coin .", "I will not stay for all this , ye shall know me", "Grew from a silly Calf", "A glimmering before death , \u2018 tis nothing else , Sir ,", "And there he found it season 'd with small charge :", "That would pretend to his love , yes , and some Gentlemen", "You did not hear him say , to whom ? for we Students", "To have a thin Stipend , and an everlasting Parish ,", "Yet", "I do remember now the Maskes and Sports then ,", "And from a pound , to many : \u2018 tis the progress .", "At Church , did you ask her ?", "I'le fetch him with a vengeance \u2014", "And casting what his credit shall recover .", "Let him law there , long as his Duckets last , Boy ,", "H'as set his Chimneys o \u2019 fire , or the Devil roars there .", "A Lawyer , that entangles all mens honesties ,", "And fools I leave ye . I have taught these twenty years ,", "3 .. And I'le send for my Daughter .", "I am gone , instruct you Diego , you will find him", "For to that dearth of Linnen you have driven me ;", "We have brought ye this young-man , of honest parents ,", "When shall we see him ? when will he bless his Country ?", "Enough to hang him , do not doubt .", "You look like Travel 'd men : may be some old friends", "Nay , let me remember , I beseech ye stay , Sir .", "For things thrust home in earnest .\u2014", "A man born to a more beseeming fortune", "Here is five hundred Duckets , to secure him ,", "\u2018 Pray let me answer that , sir ,", "Well Sir ,", "\u2018 Tis a lewd time .", "We expect ye .\u2014", "Thou hast been mine these twenty years .", "Many , now he is passing ,", "For a most precious Beast .", "As freshly , as if yesterdy I had seen him ,", "Sits the game there ? I have you by mine order ,", "He may be any where ,", "And of an honest face .", "A learned man , and my most loving neighbour ,", "And as I am a true Vicar ,", "Those that enjoy our lands , choak our Devotions .", "Pray ye stay a little ,", "Gowts and dead Palsies .", "She was married very young : I married \u2018 em :", "Or any thing that had but that good fortune ,", "We come to bring ye a Remembrance from a Merchant .", "And welcome ,", "It shall be found out , Gentlemen ,", "A sharp and subtle Knave , give him but hints", "Here 's mony got with ease : here , spend that jovially ,", "And though I weep i'th \u2019 Pulpit for my Brother ,", "Note but his mind to learning .", "Would ye breed her too ? this shall to the Inquisition ,", "Ye came not from Peru ? do they look , Diego ,", "Let 's leave it to the will of Fate , and presently", "Would he trust you ? Do you deserve ?", "No , no , by no means .", "And have their Worships noses wiped , \u2018 tis healthful ,", "Most heartily welcome : sinfull that I am ,", "Than ringing all-in , to a rout of Dunces .", "Yet ye are Block-heads still : what should I say to ye ?", "From whence I pray you ?", "I pray ye be patient ,", "Let Weddings , Christnings , Churchings , Funerals ,", "Puts powder to all States , to make \u2018 em caper ?", "\u2018 Tis very well , \u2018 tis like I know him .", "Will ye come near , Sir ?", "For that I never remembred , I cannot forget , Sir ,", "Now , if my youth do dub him \u2014", "I wish him a canoniz 'd Cuckold , Diego ,", "here I laugh .", "I know my Advocate to a hair , and what", "There 's none , Sir , he believes in .", "Another Don Alonzo now ?", "I'le see this filed , and you shall hear further , Sir .", "Sometimes , Sir ,", "A match , a match , \u2018 twill whet our stomachs better .", "O , a Capon ,", "He shall want nothing ,", "The Law you have hit upon most happily ,", "No , no ye are rotten .", "The remnant of the Books , lie where they did , Neighbours ,", "And with your diligence , as you will ply him ;", "Come from what quarter of the world , I care not ,", "Both close , and scraping , and that fills the Bags , Sir .", "And when he has gotten that , he may put it in a Nut shell .", "He keeps his fury still , and may do mischief .", "Hast done it daintily .", "And now i'th \u2019 Indies ?", "Diego , the Air 's too pure , they cannot perish .", "No company for crusty-handed fellows .", "Beside the Posie , and that half rub 'd out too ,", "When ye want , you know your Exchequer .", "Form ? what do you make of form ?", "I'le know \u2018 em instantly ; nay I'le be kin to \u2018 em ;", "To carry a Bull , from a penny , to a pound , Sir ,", "All I have to lose , Diego , is my learning ,", "Your Servant , if you please .", "Good mirth do 's work so : honest mirth ,", "O gentle Sir .", "For ought that I consider .", "Preacht spoon-meat to ye , that a Child might swallow ,", "I am glad I have brought ye to understand good manners ,", "Drawing together , Sir .", "Should chance to chop upon his fair Wife , Diego ?", "We are ready for ye .", "Such fond imaginations in your Brains , Sir ,", "Alonzo Tiveria !", "Would I could .", "Now I look in your face , whose eyes are those , Diego ?", "Oh , very sick .", "Would ye with me , my friends ?", "Would smell a Cooks-shop , and go home and surfeit .", "Lord what a torment \u2018 tis !", "I'le grace him , and prefer him .", "Poor stirring for poor Vicars . Diego . And poor Sextons .", "A wondrous sweet Boy then it was , see now", "The stronger still , the more ye come unto me .", "To be short then with your Mastership ,", "Why , he was the only friend I had in Spain , sir ,", "Ye have neither faith , nor mony left to save ye ,", "Do , study hard , pray ye take him in , and settle him ,", "Such cunning Masters must be fool 'd sometimes , Sir ,", "For fear it should awake too much charity ,", "I'le come sometimes , and crack a case with ye .", "We are ready .", "Most finely fooled , and handsomely , and neatly ,", "With your good counsel ,"], "true_target": ["None , that we find .", "Most possible ,", "A strong Citation , bless me !", "Only your Worship .", "And be a month in fasting out that Fever .", "He hath been long , though he had but little gettings ,", "We will be ,", "Yet left , we do beseech ye , Sir \u2014", "Hark in your ear , hark softly \u2014", "How do 's the noble Gentleman ? how fares he ?", "\u2018 Tis well , proceed Neighbours ,", "Milo , by continuance", "We are but quit : you fool us of our moneys", "We did this , but to vex your fine officiousness .", "It will do well ; let \u2018 em but send their monys ,", "And grew fat by the Brewis of an Egg-shell ,", "Fill all your hearts with joy , we will stay with ye ,", "No more words , but be gone : these two are Gentlemen ,", "Now surely , surely , I should love him , Diego ,", "Rich men can want no Heirs , Sir .", "Let him goe forward .", "When was there a Christning , Diego ?", "Now ye are reasonable , we can look on ye .", "Debaush 'd and ignorant lazie knaves I found ye ,", "In every Cause , in every Quiddit wipe us .", "An arrant worm : and though I call him worshipfull ,", "Take us along , for Heaven sake too .", "We have a hundred Duckets", "Well said ,", "Time that consumes us , shoots him up still sweeter .", "Heaven knows what .", "And pray for the fool , the Founder .", "Good Sir , let me think ,", "His Parents , when they know your care \u2014", "He bears a promising face , there 's some hope toward .", "Your Gallants , they get Honour ,", "Nothing to him that has \u2018 em .", "More than the Graves he made ; at home he liv 'd", "Now he grows temperate .", "I that 's well thought of , what 's your will in that point ? A meritorious thing .", "But I see some hope now .", "Nay , you shall know you are welcome to your friend , sir .", "Oh how he frets , and fumes now like a Dunghil !", "This loving old Companion ? we had all one soul , sir ,", "Who 's that ? look it seems he would speak to us . I hope a Marriage , or some Will to make , Diego .", "Half puft away with the Church-wardens pipings ,", "Alonzo Tiveria ?", "Thin world indeed !", "\u2018 Truth , very few ,", "He 's only fit for you ; Shew him his Cell , sir .", "And to my grief .", "No , no , I look , as I would remember him ,", "Remember your Parish , Neighbour .", "That would fain counsel him , and be of his Kindred ;", "He dwelt here hard by , at a handsome \u2014", "A new mistake , Diego ,", "The Fire-works , and the fine delights ; good faith , sir ,", "Ye have no Letters ? Nor any kind Remembrances ?", "A strange fantastical Birth , to defraud the Vicar ,", "Very likely ,", "Command us , Master ,", "From Nova Hispania , or some part remote , Sir ,", "A Bird of grace , and be thy will , I honour it .", "If the young fool now", "And merry Gossippings go round , go round still ,", "Are ye not weary ?", "And the Camp Christens their Issues , or the Curtizans ,", "Sit down , sit down , and once more ye are most welcome ,", "Certain", "Give it to pious uses , that is , spend it .", "When he hop 'd to drink a man into a Surfeit ,", "Here are some Gentlemen : be gone good Neighbours ,", "Marry that do I , Sir ,", "Cantabit vacuus , They that have nothing fear nothing ,", "Am I a fit companion for such Beggers ?", "Because you are half an Heretick your self , Sir ,", "Such smoaky zeals they have against hard places .", "Round as a Pig , that we may find the profit .", "Over a cup of lustie Sack , let 's prophesie .", "For to say truth , the Lawyer is a dog-bolt ,", "And catching at all Flies , that pass his pit-falls ?", "And Feasts that make us frolick .", "Will fetch him from his Prayers , if he use any ,", "I begin to have him .", "Let \u2018 em be brought to Bed , then dye when they please . These things considered , Country-men , and sworn to .", "Do you see how he fumbles with the Sheet ? do ye note that ?", "Be gone , and labour to redeem my favour ,", "Since people left to die I am dunce , Diego .", "A pious Gentlewoman reproved for praying ?", "They have gracious favours .", "Come Diego , hope , and whilst he lasts , we 'll lay it on .", "Now I remember plainly , manifestly ,", "\u2018 Pray ye turn \u2018 em carefully , they are very tender ;", "I knew your Mother too , a handsome Gentlewoman ,", "And get some pretty pittance : my Pupill 's hungry .", "The Maiden is of age , and must be edified .", "I assure ye , a close Fellow ,", "That he might gain by his Grave .", "Thou sayst true Diego .", "But if ever he recover this mony again \u2014 before , Diego ,", "I love Leandro for't .", "And bless you also ,", "And he will amplifie . See all things ready ,", "A neighbour by , to him I will prefer ye ,", "Do ye hear that ?", "From another mans Trencher , Sir ,", "A strong motive ,", "Lord , Lord that time should play the treacherous knave thus !", "Be gone Neighbours ,", "A sweet Boy .", "Would ye be private ?", "It might have bred such a distast and sowrness ,", "Let me goe Sir .", "He cannot want , Sir , to make good his credit ,", "Ha ?", "And love him heartily : nay , I should love my self ,", "This may stir too :", "My Surpless , with one sleeve , you shall find there ,", "Command us presently , and see how nimbly \u2014", "And the old Cutwork Cope , that hangs by Geometry :", "As if they had some mystery about \u2018 em ?", "Bless your good reverence .", "Most sinfull man ! why should I lose this Gentleman ?", "I am like a man that dreamt he was an Emperour ,", "Said like a neighbour .", "Like a Camelion , suckt th \u2019 Air of misery ,", "There he would play the Tyrant , and would devour ye", "To be your Pupil , Sir ,", "By my faith it freezes .", "Do you hear Gentlemen , do you mark that question ?", "\u2018 Tis well , Sir ,", "A wondrous modest man , sir .", "I'le doe ye faithful service , Sir .", "If he do sting her home .", "I'le refresh ye Sir ;", "May oft-times over-reach our memories .", "Then Wills and Funeral Sermons come in season ,", "Ye had Puritan hearts a-while , spurn 'd at all pastimes ,", "See where the Sea comes ? how it foams , and brustles ? The great Leviathan o'th \u2019 Law , how it tumbles ?", "But \u2018 twill be quickly off .", "A warrant to appear before the Judges ! I must needs rise , and turn to th \u2019 wall .", "Let 's carry it decently .", "That 's not i'th \u2019 Canons . I would it had , \u2018 tis out of our way forty pence .", "That happily I have forgot ; some Signiours", "That must be known too , because she goes to Church , Sir ? O monstrum infirme ingens !", "Ne 're talk to me , I will not stay amongst ye ,", "Now , should we have meant in earnest \u2014", "Be gone , no more ; I take your pastimes graciously .", "He raves now ,", "There be those youths will search it ."], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["Produce some few pin'dhYpppHeNButterhYpppHeNprints , that scarce hold", "There are some poor Labourers , that perhaps", "And must be fain to eat the ropes with reverence .", "Alas , they have forgot to get children", "Die .", "Not this ten weeks :", "That are fed only with the sound of prayers ?", "We rise and ring the Bells to get good stomachs ,"], "true_target": ["Once in seven year , with helping one another ,", "Takes off our minds , our edges , blunts our plough-shares .", "The christning neither .", "They eat nothing here , but herbs , and get nothing but green sauce :", "The Wars , the Seas , and usurie undoe us ,", "And stinks withal .", "If you live miserably , how shall we do", "There 's no body at home , and he chafes like a Lyon ,"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["The Codixes o'th \u2019 Law are broke loose , Gentlemen .", "His gall contains fine stuff now to make poysons ,", "We will stay for a year or two , and try ye .", "So we bequeath ye to your destiny .", "An honester young man , your worship ne 're kept ,", "Marry try 'd Women , that are free , and fruitful ,", "Not a Creature ,", "And pray it may be mended : To the poor of it ,", "Of jealousie , and of revenge , and frailtie ,", "To your worship ,", "The Ladles , Dishes , Kettles , how they flie all !", "I think this fit will cure me : this Executor \u2014", "I give to fatal Dames , that spin mens threads out ,", "\u2018 Pray ye stay a little , I have ev'n two Legacies", "After I have given my body to the worms ,", "His wealth will build a Nunnery , a fair one ,", "Lop . Peace Diego ,", "And carefully .", "Let the dead stink , \u2018 tis a poor stinking Trade .", "Faith \u2018 tis Knavery ,", "He married : let me see ,\u2014", "You are a man of wit and understanding :", "In troth I must confess , thou art fool 'd indeed , Lawyer .", "Because I know you will have a care to execute .", "How merrily would my Bells goe then ?", "To take a care of what I leave .", "I cannot always bear ye company ,", "Or half a dozen new fantastical Fevers", "And how the Glasses through the Rooms !", "For though they kill but slow , they are certain , Diego ,", "You may go in , and drive away the Dawes .", "\u2018 Tis strange , they are starv 'd too yet they will not die here ,", "Let it be who it will .", "And what I give let equally be rendred", "And dye immediately , their Sons may shoot up :", "Even where you please , Sir ,", "They are so hard-hearted here too ,", "To make him know your loves ? fie Neighbours .", "Let 's keep close , Master ;", "Let it have fair play ,", "Take \u2018 em even where you please and be cozen 'd with \u2018 em ,", "I'le sell my Bells , and you shall prove it lawfull .", "Many more fools", "I had the least part , you shall hang the highest .", "The Church-wardens would quickly pipe \u2018 em out o'th \u2019 Parish ,", "And swong ye in my Bell-ropes , ye lov 'd swinging .", "I do good Gentlemen ,", "I'le turn Trade , Master , and now live by the living ,", "He may as well name ye Friends out of Cataya .", "Such agues", "In the Moguls Court , or else-where .", "And let your old men fall sick handsomely ,", "A most contagious Climate .", "And take the Doctors too , in their grave Counsels ,", "Take heed I beseech your worship : do you hear ,", "From Nova Hispania , we shall hang at home now .", "that will shake mens souls out ,", "And let them use \u2018 em at their own discretions .", "Commodities of Pins , Brown-papers , Pack-threads ,", "And vext abundantly , it much concerns me ,", "Of penny Pipes , and mouldy Pepper , take \u2018 em ,", "Keep desperate men far from her ,", "Would ye have us stay ?", "Laid to my stomach , lenifies my Feaver ,", "Would he would live with me , and learn to dig too .", "My Sheep , and Oxen , and my moveables ,", "He 's an Ass ,", "I have no heirs .", "I do remember , Sir ,", "And if it founder then .\u2014", "The Devil sent it post , to pepper us ,", "Yet Gowts will hang an arse a long time", "Take a good heart ; and when ye are a cunning Lawyer ,", "He is too demure , Sir .", "Hark what a noise he keeps within !", "I know you want good Diets , and good Lotions ,", "H'as been from hence , about some twenty years , sir .", "That there might be no natural help for mony :", "\u2018 Pray ye consider quickly ,", "You say most true , Sir ,", "You are allow 'd to pray against all weathers ,", "And pray ye come near me all .", "But be sure their Daughters be of age first ,", "That perish undeliver 'd , I am vext with ,", "Never of well-doing .", "We must drop still , there is no remedy :", "They will not earth : a good stout plague amongst \u2018 em ,", "A poor reteiner to your worships bountie .", "Good sensible Master ,", "The Bell-ropes , they are strong enough to hang ye ,", "I am come too Sir , to specifie my Stomach", "I give five hundred pounds to buy a Church-yard ,", "A Legacy , you have need of , more than mony ,", "You shall be bound , and this the obligation ,", "\u2018 Pray you set that down ; to poor Maidens Marriages .", "I marry ,", "My Plate , and Jewels , and five hundred Acres ;", "I'le clap four tire of teeth into my mouth more", "I give nothing ,", "Ha , ha , ha , ha , some more drink , for my heart , Gentlemen .", "Only , to pious uses , Sir , a little .", "A fine straight timber 'd man , and a brave soldier ,", "And would do any thing to stay his fury ?", "And poor distressed Damsels , that are militant", "And so wee 'll use him ; he shall be a Lawyer .", "No , there be other places for poor Sextons ,", "I'le be bak 'd first .", "Remember ?", "Ev'n raise \u2018 em where you shall think good , I am reasonable .", "Yet all this will not do : I'le tell ye , Neighbours ,", "The hundred thousand Dreams now , that possess him", "Well Gentleman , I think your name 's Leandro .", "And write it largely it may be remembred ,", "If we be hang 'd , we cannot blame our fortune .", "We 'll pay him home then ;", "The very same .", "We are fit to lose \u2018 em .", "And handle her Case , Master , that 's a law point ,", "You have sworn to see it done , that 's all my comfort .", "A poor gratuity for your pains-taking .", "Yet leave as much space , as will build an Hospital ,", "My honest Neighbours , weep not , I must leave ye ,", "Rost Pork , and Puddings , Ginger-bread , and Jews-trumps ,", "Plac 'd in a mediterranean sea of Brewis .", "First then ,", "And are ye unprovided to refresh him ,", "Have mercy on me !", "And if we do not handsomely endeavour \u2014", "Would they were , for my sake .", "Nor preach Abstinence to longing Women ,", "Would I could see \u2018 em .", "Let Women dye o'th \u2019 Sullens too , \u2018 tis natural ,"], "true_target": ["Nothing within , but he and his Law-tempest ,", "Ye are welcome ,", "And make the Sexton sing , they never miss , Sir .", "Give me a cup of Wine to raise my Spirits ,", "Get Children in abundance , for your Christnings ,", "Their Children may pray for me .", "And people that know how to use our Offices ,", "Let him go on , Sir ,", "But a Faggot will warm ye better : we are witnesses .", "To my old Master Vicar , I give five hundred ,", "The Doctors are our friends , let 's please them well .", "That they may stock us still : your queazie young Wives", "And many such sweet friends in Nova Hispania .", "I heartily pray may follow his example ,", "This news comes from a cold Country .", "There 's a Child 's Burial lost , look that be mended .", "A spacious Church-yard , to lay Thieves and Knaves in ,", "But those I'le leave to th \u2019 Law .", "\u2018 Pray ye sit down , Sir ,", "You have no Letters for me ?", "That there be no strait dealings in their Linnens ,", "A grave staid gentleman comes to my memory .", "And I bequeath you both good careful Surgions ,", "The cause requires it .", "They write Sunt with a C , which is abominable ,", "Why this Fellow would make ye mad : Nova Hispania ?", "They were got as madly ;", "I will not hang alone , Master ,", "Three Ships at Sea too .", "This Cataplasm of a well cozen 'd Lawyer", "Run not the Parish mad with Controversies ,", "I'le tell ye that immediately \u2014", "Plague o \u2019 this Tiveria , and the Letter ,", "A hidden point , were worth the canvassing .", "Ye are just , and honest , and I know you will do it ,", "Have ye to swear , Sir , that you will see it executed ,", "Would ye have me speak for ye ? I am more angry ,", "Then \u2018 twill go hard : do you see how melancholy ?", "An air that is the nursery of agues ,", "Take heed of a Snap , Sir , h'as a cozening countenance do not like his way .", "Signior Alonzo , Master .", "To make your mouth up , Sir .", "So I will , I warrant ye ,", "A hundred Crowns to buy warm Tubs to work in ,", "Dye when \u2018 tis fit , that we may have fit duties ,", "I give two thousand more , it may be three , Sir ,", "A hundred , and a hundred times , and danc 'd ye ,", "A point would make him start , and put on his Spectacles ,", "Set down two thousand Duckets .", "Places of profit , Friends , fine stirring places ,", "Do you mark the man ? do you profess ye love him ?", "We must certain ,", "The dead do 's well at all times ,", "I give per annum two hundred Ells of Lockram ,", "I'le hate all Breakfasts , and depend on dinners .", "I do remember it , a lewd vile Parish ,", "I have dandled ye , and kist ye and plaid with ye", "\u2018 Pray ye Master Curate , will ye write my Testament ,", "Take us to mercy too , we beseech your honour ,", "If you will have the comforts of our companies ,", "But the Sails cut according to their Burthens .", "An old friend too ; I shall remember sure , Sir .", "This merry Lawyer \u2014 ha , ha , ha , ha , this Scholar \u2014", "We shall be justified the way of all flesh else .", "And in your pleasures , good take heed .", "Rare damned stuff .", "For I speak low : I would before these Neighbours", "They know their duties now , and they stand ready", "All , all for any thing , from this day forward", "You shall be bound to do us right in these points ,", "My friend your business ?", "For my souls health .", "But there be more to serve .", "And be witness to my Legacies , good Gentlemen ;", "For me some fortie pound of lovely Beef ,", "As members of our own Afflictions ,", "They will not dye , there 's nothing got by Burials .", "Ten times more vex 'd , not to be pacified :", "You are warm Signiour ,", "Then set me higher ,", "You have a learned head , stuff it with Libraries ,", "Ne 're stay for Possets , nor good old wives plasters .", "We must remove into a muddy Air ,", "And so much mony , Sir , from one you know not ,", "Doe , doe , by any means , me thinks already", "We are set , proceed Neighbours .", "And to paint true Orthographie , as many ,", "My learned Sir , \u2018 pray ye sit : I am bold to send for ye ,", "\u2018 Twill burge the bottoms of their Consciences :", "I'le speak a proud word to ye ,", "I should bequeath ye Executions also ,", "Give me some more drink . Pray ye buy Books , buy Books ,", "And Signiour Tiveria ? what are these ?", "Methinks I could eat now , and walk a little .", "Your Worship I do make my full Executor ,", "You are wise and provident , and know business ,", "Rich men and honest men take all the room up .", "Know what they were made for : I speak for such Capons ?", "And this good Lady , when he is hang 'd and rotten ,", "Two hundred Duckets more to mend the Chancel ,", "Ev'n where you please , for you know where the wealth is .", "And tell ye true , if ye will have us stay ,", "Of drawing Bills against us , and Petitions .", "I find , Gentlemen ,", "To tender their best mirth .", "But these may serve an honest mind .", "The Pox , or English Surfeits if we had \u2018 em ;", "An honest noble friend , that sends so lovingly ;", "Full , full , and total , would I had more to give ye ,", "Just to an hour ; \u2018 tis now just five and twenty ,", "And do not seek to draw out our undoings ,", "For nothing , unto nothing , is most natural ,", "Or suffer to be got , \u2018 tis equal justice .", "I am loth to give more from ye ,", "But I am fleeting , Sir .", "I do bequeath ye", "I shall laugh out my Lungs .", "But I will grind his substance .", "That would turn up their heels by whole-sale", "With a goodly white Beard ,", "And understand \u2018 em , when ye have done , \u2018 tis Justice .", "To all Bell-ringers , I bequeath new Ropes ,", "May there be Abbess .", "Some comfort now , I hope , or else would I were hanged up . And yet the Judge , he makes me sweat .", "But he is so bashfull \u2014", "I would give the Church new Organs , but I prophesie", "You speak truly ,", "Lawyers , or Lubbers , or of what condition ,", "Those are rich marle , they make a Church-yard fat ,", "Why not against all airs ?", "Ye shall find the Key o'th \u2019 Church", "Under the door , Neighbours ,"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["Alonzo Tiveria .", "For till this hour I never heard his name yet ."], "true_target": ["A very ancient friend of mine , I take it ,", "Alonzo Tiveria , very well ,"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["They may swear truth , else \u2018 tis not much look 'd after :", "And with their several flurts they have lighted dangerously ,", "blows inward ,", "But I am too mean henceforward for your Companie .", "Stir , and as I have a life , ye goe to prison ,", "I am asham 'd to feel how flat I am cheated ,", "Mine own room , and my liberty : why Maid there ,", "No Psalm of mercy shall hold me from hanging thee .", "Grief will do little now , Sir ,", "Then I receive you : but I must desire ye", "A little fire sometimes too , to refresh ye ;", "have poor Issues .", "Thou mayst wear him next thy heart , and yet not warm him .", "When the most wholsome air", "Come , be not bashfull .", "It seems so , Neighbours ,", "Or evening Tarrasses , to take opinions ?", "And neighbour Diego , welcom : what 's your business ?", "I'le instruct ye :", "And set \u2018 em fairly off , be sure of Witnesses ,", "The harder , the more welcome ,", "And there 's my hand , I have no more grudge to ye ,", "Considering my Affairs , and my small house , sir ,", "Forgive ye heartily , and do invite ye", "You have made me full Executor ?", "His mind", "Dispense a little with thy careful study ,", "Jacintha , and the Boy ; provide your proofs , Sir ,", "Stealest from his Grave , do you smell me now ?", "Convey away their weapons handsomely .", "These youths I have invited to a Breakfast ,", "Here he steals out , put him not out of countenance ,", "The Devil 's in your dish : bell , book , and Candle .", "Indeed they do , to trouble him ; very ill , Sir .", "And do it handsomely : you know where to have it .", "I shall take off the edges of their Appetites ,", "Open the doors , and give me room to chafe in", "If he be worth all these , I am made for ever .", "It would be requisite I should deck my Language", "Not worth a blessing , nor a Bell to knell for thee ,", "To morrow to a Breakfast , I make but seldom ,", "You shall be bob 'd , Gentlemen ,", "or to accuse the innocent", "Upon this strong assurance", "To hold my self , and those poor few live under it ;", "Go and believe i'th \u2019 Law .", "And so bashfull too ,", "I have been attoning two most wrangling neighbours ,", "A Masque of all your furies shall dance to ye .", "That will swear any thing .", "Though I were angry yesterday with ye all ,", "Go get ye in : you see she has been angry :", "He was only given to the Book , and for that", "He hath no Kinsmen neither ?", "Enter Moor , with Chesse-board .", "Yet sure , that needs not , for his face , and carriage ,", "You shall know anon ,", "Upon your Brother , and Octavio ,", "And look not after credit , we shall cure that ,", "He comes not near thee : shall not dare to tread", "I am subject to much fury : when , ye Dish-clout ?", "I have no dainties for ye Gentlemen ,", "He knows not how to look upon a Woman", "By my troth , I think he might come , he 's so modest ,", "When do ye come ? asleep ye lazie Hell-hound ?", "\u2018 Prethee observe these men : just as they stand here ,", "Bring out the Chesse-board ,\u2014 come let 's have a game wife ,", "\u2018 Tis a good gift ,", "I'le read a new Case to ye .\u2014", "I'le try your masterie , you say you are cunning .", "And do but hear me .", "Remember Varlets ,", "Good enough chicken ,", "Play .", "But now we will be merry .", "Stir not , your Swords are gone : there 's no avoiding me ,", "And as your loves are clear , so are your Causes .", "Walk and refresh your self , I 'll be with you presently .", "Your bended honesty we shall set right , Sir ,", "Good words , my Lord .", "Welcome \u2014", "In his young years", "You give good Fees , and those beget good Causes ,", "Do'st thou hope I will be gentle ,", "Come hither :", "And be not partial , Pupil .", "And perfect friends ; Leandro now I thank ye ,", "Mockt me abominably , abused me lewdly ,", "Let her not move a pawn , I'le come back presently ,", "They will undo me ,", "I have brine for your Buttocks .", "Have I requited ye ? You fool 'd the Lawyer ,", "Let not that trouble ye , before all these ,", "O \u2018 tis a blessed thing to have rich Clyents ,", "Would every enemy I have would beat me ,", "There is no remedie , I must put up all ,", "That commands all : I fear I am Metamorphiz 'd .", "And grease their gums for eating heartily", "Ye have jerkt me : but for all that I forgive ye ,", "This fellow coins sure .", "For some near reasons that concern my Credit ,", "Enough , and ready .", "To Church ?", "My Credit , and my Wife , some lustful Villain ,", "Where shall I find these sums ?", "And will be long remembred .", "A little meat needs little Complement ,", "Your fear I hope will make ye find your Breeches .", "No , when I considered", "Give me your hands , all ;", "The sum is but a thousand duckets Sir .", "I'le change my Copy :", "\u2018 Pray thee no more of that .", "So do I too .", "That comes to tell ye a delightfull story", "My liberal , and my bonny bounteous Diego ,", "Besides , you must not blame me Gentlemen ,", "And if I have pleas 'd his appetite .", "Stealest from the Merchant , and the Ring he was buried with", "You Lenten Chaps , you that lay sick , and mockt me ,", "Who 's there ? I come , you cannot scape me now wife . I come , I come .", "Substantial fearless souls , that will swear suddenly ,", "I am a poor man , and a private too ,", "And see this Lady do not alter \u2018 em ,", "\u2018 Tis true , Sir ,", "This cannot be , \u2018 tis monstrous .", "I am glad ye are a gamester , Sir , sometimes", "I would wish no better Action .", "You shall be welcome heartily .", "I must be gone : I pre'thee think the best , Wife ,", "Come not to me to Breakfast .", "And old chast stories , wife , the best discourses ;", "Alas , good Gentleman ,", "What do you give to it ?", "Swear , as I oft have done , and so betray me ;", "To be at his devotion : but in vain ;", "What delicate meats ?", "Where Logs , and Coles were laid .", "The Prerogative of your Crowns will carry the matter ,", "And new invitements to the whip , Don Diego ,", "And at my hour , but mark me , go , be happy ,", "To set \u2018 em off ; what in it self is perfect", "By him committed , thinks it not sufficient", "What have I here ?", "Nor loads of meat , to make the room smell of \u2018 em .", "And learn to be more bold .", "Peace , ye are too loud .", "Hard at it still ? ye are too violent ,", "To take her as his Wife .", "A Lord that builds his happiness on brawlings ,", "No , no bribery .", "Do , my Lord ,", "to fly my fury ?", "This month or two , they have plaid their prizes with me ,", "My loving neighbours pray ye come in , ye are welcome .", "The whole conveyance now I smell , but Basta ,", "Where is my wife ? \u2018 fore heaven , I have done wonders ,", "But sure I shall be quit : I hear \u2018 em coming .", "Open I say , and do not anger me ,", "I do not forbid the use but the form , mark me .", "Will challenge justice , finding in his Conscience", "Go off and wait the bringing in your service ,", "And that me-thinks \u2014", "My Lord , you are not lawless .", "Could you content your self , at first thus meanly ,", "That holds a Plea in heart ; hang the penurious ,", "Thou shalt too .", "Where I please ? this is pack 'd sure to disgrace me .", "No sound inhabits here : I have a Key yet", "Within this hour ye shall have all your Creditours ,", "I have you now close ,", "Thou foolish unconsiderate Curate ?", "considering duly", "No more , sweet Wife .", "Look off I say , do'st thou not see how he blushes ?", "He knocks again ; I cannot stay . Leandro ,", "Did not he know me too well , you should smart for't ;", "I \u2019 faith he is , before he will speak , he will starve there .", "Wait diligently knaves .", "He purchas 'd a Divorce , to disanul", "The Lawyers Banquet , and the Sawce he gave ye .", "\u2018 Twas subtilly play 'd : your Queen lies at my service .", "For all this I shall beat ye .", "You shall know me too in another fashion ,", "No hope of his amendment ?", "And Pupil , you shall come too ; ne 're hang backward ,", "Their Causes", "Another time must serve : you see us friends , now", "Makes up the wonder : shew it abroad \u2018 tis stale ,", "Honest poor Diego .", "I am friends ,", "Then be gone , be provident ,", "A weak dull shallow Ass : good even to your Worships :", "And then too late repent this bitter language ,", "He shall not trouble thee , sweet ,", "Draw it to your comfort , Friend , and as I counsel ye ,", "Think good ? will that raise thousands ? What do you make me ?", "You say true neighbour .", "No end of this Will ?", "Is't possible he should be rich ?", "I vow it truly , Neighbours ,", "And honest labour \u2014", "What would you have , Maid ?", "You are welcome home , and henceforth take your pleasure ,", "I am sorry , Neighbour Diego ,", "A very honest mind , and make it rich too ;", "So it seems ,", "Bring in the meat there , ha ? Sit down dear neighbour ,", "Forbear her sight a while and time will pacify ;", "Private and close , and still , and houswifely ,", "They are but needless things , in such extremities . Who draws the good mans Will ?", "Ha ! not at 's study ? nor asleep ? nor no body ?", "Who are about him ?", "To keep within your confines .", "Say I should undertake ye , which indeed , sir ,", "I'le make ye hear : the house of ignorance ,", "Goe all in peace , but when ye fool next , Gentlemen ,", "Accounted a poor Sexton ,", "And take your choice of what mans lands you please , Sir ,", "Now for a Mate .", "These are good Symptoms : do 's he lye so sick say ye ?", "I'le make thee sick at heart , before I leave thee ,", "All things must have their rests , they will not last else ,", "Have an eye Pupil \u2014", "Enter Amaranta .", "Her Maiden Fort , impregnable held out ,", "So beastly cast away for want of Witnesses .", "Do as ye please , we shall expect ye at supper . He has got a little heart , now it seems handsomly .", "We will not part , but friends of all hands .", "Heartily friends , and no more chiding , Gentlemen ,", "Though y'are pamper 'd , ye shall bear part o'th \u2019 burthen .", "And very angry , for methought ye bob 'd me .", "A stranger ?", "Welcom , good Sir .", "Come wife ; Come bid \u2018 em welcom ; Come my Jewel :", "I must make fair way , and hereafter , Wife ,", "And then my Amaranta \u2014", "Not a soul knows ye here : be quick and diligent ,", "\u2018 Twill be healthfull .", "Neighbour , he 's like to prove .", "For I see some promises that pull me to ye ;", "I will take to my self .", "There 's more a hatching too ."], "true_target": ["That grace a Rhetorician , \u2018 tis confess 'd", "I am abused , betrayed , I am laugh 'd at , scorn 'd ,", "Seem to declare an in-bred honesty .", "Nothing intended , but your ease , and eating ?", "And pray ye remember , when ye are bold and merry ,", "Go when ye shall think fit , I will not hinder ye ,", "\u2018 s o'th \u2019 Law , how to live after ,", "Nay you shall know I am a Conquerour .", "Your carefull makers , but they have mar 'd your diet .", "How 's this ? how 's this ? good wife , how , has he wrong 'd ye ?", "I have too long been absent : Health to your Lordship .", "What noise was this , wife ? Why dost thou smile ?", "And thou shalt have it fill 'd my merry Diego ,", "His former Contract , Marrying openly", "These are mad Legacies .", "But we shall take a care .", "Ye say true , but he lov 'd to feed well also ,", "I'le but speak to \u2018 em ,", "They are all your own : I must have witnesses", "No , no , he must not ,", "If I stood here ,", "More than by reading what Sex she is .", "And they come fluttering in : how do 's my Pupil ?", "He shall not trouble thee , he dare not speak to thee .", "Sir , keep ye close , and study hard : an hour hence", "No body here ? why Wife , why Wife ? why Jewel ?", "So , so , fast bind , fast find ; Come in my neighbours ,", "But why do I talk thus , that know thy nature ?", "Be not afraid , but come .", "According to your labour .", "And he 's your friend , your monyed men love naturally ,", "Come , come the woman 's pleas 'd , her anger 's over ,", "And groan , and dye indeed , and be worth nothing ,", "I have spread the nets o'th \u2019 law , to catch rich booties ,", "At my return , I'le tell thee more , good morrow ;", "And reward it .", "Peace Amaranta .", "O I like him better .", "Welcom all : all over ,", "Do Leandro ,", "A sheet to cover thee , but that thou Stealest ,", "You see he 's weak and has a wandring fancy .", "The Lady Violante .", "This is derision above sufferance , villany", "How grossly , and maliciously made a May-game ,", "Do'st thou not see", "What pleasures , or what profits ; what revenges ,", "I have been too foolish , I confess , no more words ,", "Vicar , remember Vicar , Rascal , remember ,", "Prethee look off , he is ready to pop in again ,", "To be a little scrupulous of his dealing ,", "Let me but lay up for a handsome Office ,", "Nobly descended , and allyed , but she", "A second dish of new debts , come upon ye ,", "Within thy Lodgings : in an old out-Room", "Ye need not ,", "What was so long conceal 'd .", "Even fill 'd till it groan again .", "Fall to , good Guests , you have diligent men about ye ,", "And let him understand the heart .", "My modest thing , hast thou yet spoken to him ?", "Once more I give my Oath .", "And step to th \u2019 door , and let me in ; nor he neither ?", "Make no shew what ye are , till I discover :", "Send to the Judge a secret way : you have me ,", "To lie hard , in an out-part of my house , sir ?", "That makes ye fear 'd , forces the Snakes to kneel to ye ,", "Retire , Sweet , there 's one knocks : come in , your business .", "As Lilies that are cas 'd in crystall Glasses ,", "I do confess I could not sleep to think o n't ,", "Though they cost mony , want no store of witnesses ,", "He 'll eat but half a dozen bits , and rise immediately ,", "Rich , wondrous rich , but where shall I raise these moneys ,", "A Student must be frugal : sometimes Lights too ,", "I do Sir .", "It made me merry : very merry , Gentlemen ,", "A damned trick ; my Wife , my Wife , some Rascal :", "And \u2018 pray ye be short", "You are cozen 'd , honest Gentlemen ,", "He did enjoy his wishes to the full ,", "To plead in the defence of an ill man ,", "A notable good fellow too ?", "Do as thou pleasest , Wife .", "But a good stomach will endure it easily ,", "Without a name , or Family , secretly", "Sit down I say .", "Rich , and litigious , the Curate has brought to me ,", "\u2018 Faith , I will not , Wife .", "To be absolv 'd of't by his Confessor ,", "Done mighty things to day , my Amaranta ,", "And Excommunications for the learned Curate ,", "For in these times \u2014", "But what the Sawce will be , I am of opinion", "\u2018 Tis very strange ; but we see by endeavour ,", "No tongue to answer me ? pre'thee , good Pupil ,", "When good thoughts are the noblest Companions ,", "Thou notable rich Rascal .", "There 's no avoiding it , \u2018 tis somewhat tough Sir ,", "And chosen me Executor ?", "Prethee look another way , he will be gone else", "No , no , thou shalt not ; \u2018 tis some honest Client ,", "What is the penaltie ; Laugh at me now Sir ,", "They do ill ,", "And us 'd all means", "More causes , and such Fees . Now to my Wife ,", "He look 'd upon this woman , on whose face", "Made every way an Ass ? abus 'd on all sides ? And from all quarters , people come to laugh at me ? Rise like a Comet , to be wonder 'd at ? A horrid Comet , for Boys tongues , and Ballads ? I will run from my wits .", "He look 'd on her , and lov 'd her .", "Plotted and set against me .", "Adulterate Metals need the Gold-smiths Art ,", "We Surgeons of the Law do desperate Cures , Sir ,", "And till the morning farewell ; I have business .", "O my sweet soul , I have brought thee golden birds home ,", "But what did you at Church ?", "Unfit to keep a Servant of your Reckoning ;", "What news now ?", "Good-day , good Master Curate ,", "His colour fresh , and strong , his eyes are chearful .", "I have a better Guard without , that waits ;", "What Legacie would ye bequeath me now ,", "Baffl 'd , and boared , it seems .", "Or I 'll miss of my ends .", "How Royally he paies ? finds his own meat too .", "Enter Amaranta , and Leandro .", "Some Bawd , some Rogue .", "Thou wouldst think as I do : he disquiet thee ?", "The mirth so tickled me , I could not slumber .", "You are now too far again : thou shalt have any thing ,", "I say take breath , seek health first , then your study .", "An honest man , but such men live not always :", "Out with your Beads , Curate ,", "My heart rejoyces at my wealthy Gleanings ,", "It was a jest , and carried off so quaintly ,", "His mind will be the quieter . What Doctors has he ?", "For I have not many Lodgings to allow ye ;", "Before ye speak another word to prison .", "To find ye in so weak a state .", "I'le have my swindge upon thee ; Sirra ? Rascal ?", "Thou art grown a Master ,", "These are large sums .", "Didst thou know him ,", "He never speaks : there 's part of that he gave me ,", "Of an old whore ye have , and then to teach ye", "But I know ye all for merry waggs , and ere long", "Only a dish to every man I have dedicated ,", "And these are Algazeirs , do you hear that passing bell ?", "Live full of mony , and supply the Lawyer ,", "And let 's be merry .", "My Amaranta , a retir 'd sweet life ,", "And thought it meritorious to abuse him ,", "Why , wife I say , how fares my studious Pupil ?", "What did he then ?", "But sweet and healthfull ; Your punishment , and yours , Sir ,", "Good yield ye , and good thank ye : I am fooled , Gentlemen ;", "And you shall see how heartily I'le handle it :", "\u2018 Pray thee come near .", "I do strangely , yes , and I like it too , thanks to his mony .", "Play quickly wife .", "For recreation we two shall fight hard at it .", "Nay take it to ye ,", "Come , let 's go in and eat , truly I am hungry .", "Will be no little straitness to my living ,", "Come out and breathe .", "Me-thinks he looks well ,", "Come hither .", "Nay good Sir , noble Sir .", "Whose honest cause , when \u2018 tis related truly ,", "Even as he eats , he studies : he 'll not disquiet thee ,", "So many thousands ?", "Humh , humh .", "These will not see ye start ; Have I now found ye ?", "At home to be believ 'd both young , and handsome ,", "You are well enough disguiz 'd , furnish the Table ,", "My shame , as great as that , but I must hide it .", "Welcom i \u2019 Faith .", "To prison , without pitie instantly ,", "A smart blow , though unseen .", "That 's no great matter : for variety", "What presents he sends hourly in his gratefulness ?", "The Gentleman 's your Bail , and thank his coming ,", "Stay I beseech your worship ,", "They had no mony , therefore I made even .", "These Witnesses a solemn Contract pass 'd", "A tender scruple of a fault long since", "Mark how I'le knock it home : be of good chear , Sir ,", "Fall to , fall to , that we may drink and laugh after ,", "I'le attend him ,", "And that 's an honest pledge ;", "And what need windowes open to inviting ?", "The inequality of the Match , he being", "I have seen a handsome Cause so foully lost , Sir ,", "Do you see this man , Don Curate ? \u2018 tis a Paratour", "A modest poor slight thing , did I not tell thee", "If that in open Court he publish not", "About your house ? I see no such great promises ;", "Line your Cause warmly , Sir , the times are Aguish ,", "You will give no more ?", "Enter Milanes , Arsenio , Lopez , Diego .", "And still the more eyes cheapen it \u2018 tis more slubber 'd ,", "But I am punish 'd , for I fear I have had", "Peace and be quiet ; I shall make you smoak else ,", "If thou be'st willing ,", "Of Service , Courtship , Presents , that might win her", "And return instantly .", "Birds in abundance : I have done strange wonders :", "I'le tell ye neighbours ,", "Pre'thee goe in", "Ye shall want nothing that may persecute ye ,", "Ye say true ,", "Until he promis 'd Marriage ; and before", "The Lawyer is an Ass , I do confess it ,", "Quake and remember , Rogues ;", "Contemns a borrowed gloss : this Lord", "If I were able to receive a Servant ,", "With Tropes and Figures , and all flourishes", "Now , what sweet voyage ? to what Garden , Lady ? Or to what Cousins house ?", "A thick ram-headed knave : you rid , you spur 'd him ,", "\u2018 Pray ye do not trouble him ,", "Which satisfied , and then with eyes of Judgement", "I grant ye ,", "Invited do not wrong me ,", "I'le see thee hang first .", "My eyes are open now , and I see my errour ,", "the Assistant sits to morrow ,", "A rich litigious Lord I love to follow ,", "\u2018 Tis strange ,", "Becomes a Wife , sets off the grace of woman .", "And like my neighbours rub it out by th \u2019 shoulders ,", "And glorified your wits , the more ye wronged him ;", "Very certain ,", "And studie should be still remote from company ;", "My house a little Cottage , and scarce able", "No more such words , good wife ,", "And not on lewdness : on my Conscience", "\u2018 Tis well , Sir .", "the time is pretious ,", "The ruines yet remain , of excellent form ,", "How do ye like your Breakfast ? \u2018 tis but short , Gentlemen ,", "His dear love to his Studie must be nourish 'd ,", "I will serve Process , presently , and strongly ,", "\u2018 Tis your best course :", "There 's men and meat enough , set it down formally .", "But to what end ?", "And feel the pulses strongly beat , I'le study ,"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["Serves all the vertuous thoughts , and chast behaviours", "You must be modester .", "That will be safest for ye , I am well here ,", "I cannot go to Church , but thus I am scandal 'd ,", "Ye place as pleasure to me : all my retinue ,", "Binds , to their carefull husbands , their observance ,", "Here 's a thing now ,", "Then I shall make a scruple to deny ye :", "Of Declarations , and Excommunications :", "I blush to think how people fleer 'd , and scorn 'd me .", "Not to be spent in words , here no more wooing ,", "If that be rank 'd a vertue , you have a rich one .", "You will place the Devil next for a Companion .", "I was fain to drive him like a sheep before me ,", "And talk 'd aloud , that every ear was fixt to him :", "Place , and observance : this silly thing knows nothing ,", "Did not I suffer", "Do as I tell ye .", "These seeds grow not in shades , and conceal 'd places :", "off handsomely ,", "Without their uses ? Then they are known most excellent", "Good devout Gentleman , then fell he fast ,", "When others were attentive to the Priest ,", "Talk of your bawling Law , of appellations", "A Lawyers Asse , to carry Books , and Buckrams .", "Put out of that , he fell straight into dreaming .", "I am commanded ,", "And still I push 'd him on as he had been coming .", "The open Air 's an enemy to Lovers ,", "And freely may converse with proper Gentlemen ,", "My will in honest things .", "Bar . Ha ! did ye push him on ? is he so stupid ?", "You had best to be jealous of the man you know not .", "Warrants , and Executions : and such Devils", "Thus am I served and man 'd .", "The several stops on 's nose made a rare musick ,", "Nay , I'le divulge your moral vertues", "That drove all the Gentlemen out o'th \u2019 Church , by hurryes ,"], "true_target": ["Is this my welcome ?", "Set \u2018 em i'th \u2019 heat of all , then they rise glorious .", "A rare and loud , and those plaid many an Anthem .", "in this time ?", "All your mind 's of doing ,", "We may be miss 'd else : a private fine house \u2018 tis , Sir ,", "They are merry , ride abroad , meet , laugh .", "\u2018 Pray ye goe out to \u2018 em ,", "My Coach , my people , and my handsome women ,", "You know my easie nature .", "I do believe : let 's walk on , time is pretious ,", "One day you will know my sufferance .\u2014", "The weather 's sharp : we 'll stay but half an hour ,", "Let me goe fearless out , and win that greatness :", "Hold ye to that and swear it confidently ,", "To be an Asse ,", "When I am mew 'd at home ? to what end Husband ,", "My Chamber-maid , my Kitchin-maid , my friend ,", "And those two , give these Lessons , not good meaning ,", "You know your own disease : distrust , and jealousie ,", "Suffer temptations daily to their honour .", "And we may find many good welcomes .", "If ye both hold me fair , and chast , and vertuous ,", "I only love your peace , and serve like a slave for it .", "Use no devotion for my soul , but Gentlemen \u2014", "With execrable oaths , they would never come there again .", "What trial is there of my honestie ,", "Set me", "A foyle to set my Beauty off , I thank ye ,", "When by their contraries they are set off , and burnish 'd .", "Others have handsome men , that know behaviour ,", "\u2018 Pray ye let 's step in , and see a friend of mine ,", "Cannot tell ten ; let every Rascal justle me ,", "Fast , sound asleep : then first began the Bag-pipes ,", "You are too covetous .", "They have content , rich clothes , and that secures \u2018 em ,", "Why then he talked in his Sleep too ,", "Attended as I ought , and as they have it ,", "And what she fails in , I must doe my self ."], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["Set his Band handsomely , and out he gallop 'd .", "For he snatch 'd up his Cloak , and brush 'd his Hat straight ,", "About a serious business as it seem 'd ,", "Master Curate , and the Sexton , and a stranger , sir ,"], "true_target": ["Would fain speak with your worship about business .", "An honest neighbour that dwells hard by , Sir ,", "Attend to speak with your worship .", "If I do , I 'll hang for't .", "Even now , the Curate fetch 'd him ,"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["There 's no such matter ,"], "true_target": ["He has no heat : study consumes his oyl , Master .", "The woman was not born to so much blessedness ,"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["I am sorry , Sir .", "News I am loth to tell ye : but I am charg 'd , sir ,"], "true_target": ["Your Brother layes a strict command upon ye ,", "No more to know his house , upon your danger ,"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["But this shall supple him , when he has read it :", "Do , and repent it , do .", "And learn the pelting Law ? this sounds but slenderly ,", "I'le take my time : Husband , ye have brought home tinder .", "Why will ye bring men in , and yet be jealous ?", "Into Leandro 's Cell , and waken him ,", "I'le go o'th \u2019 other side , and take my Fortune .", "I will not have him here : I know your courses ,", "How pale he looks ! yet , how his eyes like torches ,", "I will not try ye .", "Why will ye lodge a young man , a man able ,", "What 's that that peeps ?", "As luckily , as one would say , go Husband ,", "What means this Wood-cock ?", "He comes on : surely he will speak : he is made most handsomly :", "How still he stands !", "He never comes near me more to debase me .", "So many hundred Duckets , to ly scurvily ?", "Is thy Master gone out ?", "Yes , and ye keep sweet youths to wait upon me ,", "He keeps very close : Lord , how I long to see him !", "Now ye lay fire ; fire to consume your quiet ."], "true_target": ["Take your own Recreation for two hours ,", "He looks not like a fool , his face is noble :", "Sweet bred-up youths , to be a credit to me .", "But very poorly : I would see this fellow ,", "There 's your delight again , pray take him to ye ,", "These Verses are no Law , they sound too sweetly ,", "You had best trust him at your Table ,", "\u2018 Tis well , \u2018 tis very well , he went out , Egla ,", "To what end , and what study : there 's the place :", "And what fits you will fall into of madness .", "And yet repine ?", "Now I am more desirous .", "And hinder nothing .", "This is no Clerk behaviour ; now I have seen ye ,", "I do not like it , Sir .", "A Lute strook handsomely , a voice too ; I'le hear that :", "Sure \u2018 tis the man .", "Fling their beams round : how manly his face shews !", "He was call 'd by providence : fling this short Paper", "I think there is a window .", "He is monstrous vexed , and musty , at my Chess-play ;", "Very fain see him , how he looks : I will find"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["My Lord , Don Henrique , would entreat ye , Sir ,", "He has business of some moment .", "Madam , he 's come .", "A second offer .", "And car 'd not what could follow .", "She says , if you dare make your self a Fortune ,", "Is now from home , and she alone expects you ,"], "true_target": ["There 's my Lady .", "She will propose the means ; my Lord Don Henrique", "As appear 'd", "From my Lady ,", "Your private ear , and this \u2014", "Like one that knew his fortune at the worst ,", "If you dare trust her , so , if not despair of", "To come immediately , and speak with him ,"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["Dearest do not you delay me ,", "I have a Mother now , and an old Father ,", "Since thou knowest I must be gone ;", "I am a Smith ; yet thus far out of my love ,", "You shall have the tenth Horse I prick , to pray for ,", "\u2018 Pray ye be not so hasty ."], "true_target": ["They are as sure your own , within these two months \u2014", "Indian Odours far excel .", "But \u2018 tis wind that must be blown", "If the Shepheard will suffer the sheep to be scab 'd , Sir \u2014", "I am sure I prick five hundred in a year , Sir .", "Wind and Tide \u2018 tis thought doth stay me ,", "From that breath , whose native smell"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["And let the fat Goose swim ,", "We are here to morrow and gone to day , for my part", "Pray ye , Sir , be not angry ,", "But perfume this neighbouring Air ;", "I'le labour hard but I'le fill your Font , Sir .", "\u2018 Tis a word that 's quickly spoken ,", "We do most heartily pray ye .", "Oh then speak thou fairest fair ,", "We have brought Musick to appease his spirit ,", "Let the Pig turn merrily , merrily ah ,", "For verily , verily , verily ah ,", "I am a Cook , a man of a dri 'd Conscience ,", "Our Vicar this day shall be trim .", "If getting Children can befriend my Neighbours ,"], "true_target": ["All these , and all our Sports again , and Gambols .", "Yet thus far I relent : you shall have tith Pottage .", "Else dull silence sure will starve me :", "A short slice of a Reading serves us , Sir ,", "And the best Song we 'll give him .", "And that 's a loving thing .", "Before you 'll vex your Audience , you 'll sleep with \u2018 em ,", "In the pride of your new Cassock , do not part with us ,", "Which being restrained a heart is broken .", "We do acknowledge ye a quiet Teacher ,", "We do acknowledge ye are a careful Curate ,", "Kill not him that vows to serve thee ,", "And one that seldom troubles us with Sermons ,", "We 'll do any thing ."], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["I will avoid ye ."], "true_target": ["And yet the Murren sticks to ye , yet ye are Mangy ,", "I have Nointed ye , and Tarr 'd ye with my Doctrine ,"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["To all our merry Sports the first provoker ,", "Your stipend shall be rais 'd too , good Neighbour Diego .", "We must dye , and we must live , and we 'll be merry ,", "But you that edifie us most , should eat most .", "The stewed Cock shall Crow , Cock-a-loodle-loo ,", "And at our Feasts , we know there is no reason ,"], "true_target": ["The only benefactor to our Bowling ,", "A loud Cock-a-loodle shall he Crow ;", "Every man shall be rich by one another .", "The Duck and the Drake , shall swim in a lake", "I'le draw as mighty drink , Sir .", "Of Onions and Claret below .", "We grant ye , Sir ,"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["You shall have any thing : lose our learned Vicar ? And our most constant friend ; honest dear Diego ?", "Our pains shall be great , and Bottles shall sweat ,", "Desperate in love .", "My Sister must be pray 'd for too , she is desperate ,"], "true_target": ["We will increase your Tithes , you shall have Eggs too ,", "Our Wives shall be neat , to bring in our meat ;", "Though they may prove most dangerous to our Issues .", "To thee our most noble adviser ,", "And we our selves will be wiser ."], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["Let the Bells ring , and let the Boys sing ,", "The young Lasses skip and play ,"], "true_target": ["Our Learned old Vicar will stay .", "1", "Let the Cups go round , till round goes the ground ,"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["And thou shalt be learned old Vicar .", "And Tithes shall come thicker and thicker ;"], "true_target": ["We 'll fall to our Plow , and get Children enough ,", "We 'll labour and swinck , we 'll kiss and we 'll drink ,"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["On which the Talons of the griping Law", "That can be urg 'd against us .", "As innocent , as poor , that have no Fleece", "Happy simplicitie !", "Than grieve at his good Fortune .", "Before the Judge . But we that know our selves", "Here comes Don Jamie ,", "But not our fear , Jacintha ; wealthy men ,", "Bless the fair opportunity , that restores him", "And not your private ends , you rather should", "His Father 's care ,", "And with him our Ascanio .", "\u2018 Save your Lordship ."], "true_target": ["To have their Actions sifted , or appear", "Should we be call 'd in question , or accus 'd", "From tyrannous oppression ?", "Are full of inward guilt , may shake with horrour", "Can take sure hold , may smile with scorn on all", "Unjustly , what would you do to redeem us", "That for the want of Issue , took him home ,", "We cited to the Court ! { A Bar , Table-book , 2 Chairs , and Paper , standish set out .", "What thinks Ascanio ?", "And the Advocate , that caus 'd us to be summon 'd .", "That have Estates to lose ; whose conscious thoughts", "If that you lov 'd Ascanio for himself ,", "Will look unto his safety .", "To his Birth-right , and the Honours he was born to ,"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["Silence ."], "true_target": ["Make way there for the Judge ."], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["Don Henrique , take your Son , with this condition", "Of Covetousness and Jealousie ; and of dotage ,", "From this time strengthen him with honest counsels ,", "The remnant of her life .", "Who would believe", "You that are Batchelours , if you ever marry ,", "Give him an Oath .", "In Bartolus you may behold the issue", "Curate , and Sexton ,", "I have heard , advocate ,", "Of what you can prefer .", "\u2018 Tis granted .", "Unheard of crueltie ! I can endure no longer : seise on her .", "What an ill Instrument you have been to him ,", "The dowry she brought with her , shall be emploi 'd", "Give them their Oath .", "Proceed .", "And what 's past , is forgotten ; For this woman ,", "Calls it not death : yet that her punishment", "But leave it to your will . Break up the Court :", "This tastes of passion ,", "I will be ready at the appointed hour there ,", "Your Brother hath deserv 'd all .", "And so I leave ye ."], "true_target": ["You give him maintenance , as becomes his birth ,", "And that must not divert the course of Justice ;", "For be assured , that weak man meets all ill ,", "As you'le deserve my pardon .", "Hath brought us hither , to hear and determine", "All is come out ,", "And cannot be revok 'd .\u2014", "And falshood in Don Henrique : keep a mean then ;", "And \u2018 twill stand with your honour to doe something", "May deter others from such bad attempts ,", "I have heard of you too , let me hear no more ,", "The strict discipline", "\u2018 Tis strange :", "And finds a fair success : take her Don Henrique ,", "To build a Nunnery , where she shall spend", "It is in vain to move me ; my doom 's pass 'd ,", "Though her intent were bloody , yet our Law", "You are too bold . Speak to the cause Don Henrique .", "New Chimera 's ?", "For this wronged woman : I will compel nothing ,", "That gives himself up to a womans will .", "Such rage could be in woman ?", "And once again embrace your Son .", "Of the Church , will teach you better thoughts . And Signiors ,", "This Sessions purchas 'd at your suit , Don Henrique ,"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["What do you mean by this Sir ?", "Now play your best Sir , though I lose this Rook here ,", "Or here to open him .", "\u2018 Pray ye tell quickly ,", "Will ye be there ? then here ? I'le spare ye that man .", "I pitie him a little .", "This is no Lawyers language : I pray ye tell me ,", "Can ye play at Chess Sir ?", "But silence best becomes me : if he mean foul play ,", "Come o 're his brains ; I do not like his kindness :", "I was to blame to be so rash , I am sorry \u2014", "I have been too good a wife , and too obedient ,", "Or walk i'th \u2019 inward rooms , so he molest not \u2014", "But you cannot tell me", "How to avoid this Mate , and win the Game too ;", "Because I would not sit so long time idle ,", "What think ye , Sir , to this I have at your Knight now .", "I was to blame .", "I'le sit by , so they beat him not to powder .", "Then is the true joy , when the mony comes .", "You know there 's none i'th \u2019 house to answer ye ,", "Sure they are enough to right themselves , and let \u2018 em ,", "And so indeed he do 's : he undertook for ye ,", "You'l get no little head , if I do not look to ye .", "Sure there 's no meat i'th \u2019 house , at least not drest ,", "What do you mean Sir ? Why do you stop me ?", "I made my liberty , avoided your mate ,", "That at the sight o'th \u2019 Bond , dances and leaps ,", "Doe Sir , and spare not :", "He will return , and then .", "Have ye done , good husband ? Then \u2018 tis a good day spent .", "Hearing you come , & having broke his ambush too ,", "But the poor Girle ; you know there 's no meat neither .", "Here 's none will bite , Sir ."], "true_target": ["Sure , he 's some worthy man : then if he hedge me ,", "As learned as ye are , Sir , I shall beat ye .", "How ?", "I fear some lewd trick , yet I dare not speak o n't .", "I do not blast him .", "No , Sir ,", "He will come presently .", "H'as noble eyes : ye dare not friend me so far .", "Indeed he put me strangely to it . When presently", "But he is so bookish .", "But since ye dare provoke me to be foolish \u2014", "What do 's he prepare here ?", "Yet I get libertie .", "\u2018 Pray ye give leave to think , Sir .", "Whither may I remove , Ye see I am set round ,", "Do 's he mean to mock \u2018 em ? or some new bred crotchet", "He will prove too hard for me .", "Take your joy moderately , as it is ministred ,", "And he again as cunningly endangered me ,", "To avoid my husband ?", "Move my Queen this way ?", "For if you beat me thus , you will still laugh at me \u2014", "And if he please to take the air o'th \u2019 gardens ,", "Take that , ye are too saucy .", "Having the second time brought off my Queen fair ,", "\u2018 Pray come nearer .", "And there the noise was .", "Only a chance , your pupil said he plaid well ,", "I will study :", "And as the cause invites : that man 's a fool", "My apron caught the Chesse-board , and the men ,", "I rose o'th \u2019 sudden smilingly to shew ye ,", "As I past by his chamber I might see him ,", "Yes , and thank ye too , shall I move this man ?"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["You shall know that I find my self abus 'd ,", "And want of children was a torment to me ,", "Let the great dower I brought serve to maintain", "Yet know my self no mother ,", "And adde to that , I have a womans anger ,", "Still upbraided ?", "Was't not enough you took me to your bed ,", "And not your pleasures .", "But not to make", "Your Bastards riots : send my Clothes and Jewels ,", "Tir 'd with loose dalliance , and with emptie veins ,", "What is confirm 'd in Court : no , no , Don Henrique ,", "Hug 'd in the base embraces of another ?", "A bastard to upbraid me with my wants ?", "If Solitude that dwelt beneath my roof ,", "As a Son ?", "To ring aloud your shame , and break your sleeps .", "Fright you to madness , and if all this fail", "And hear the name of father paid to ye ,", "That 's offer 'd to our noble familie", "What end of my vexation to behold", "\u2018 Tis well : proceed : supply his wants : doe doe :", "ness ) you must heighten it"], "true_target": ["In the shape of all my wrongs , and like a fury", "As lingring fevers , and I'le watch the nights ,", "Shall be emploi 'd in Curses .", "That will not sit down tame with the disgrace", "Whose envious eyes have blasted all my comforts", "Which I should spend in prayers for your health ,", "And while I look upon this Basilisk ,", "The cure more loathsom than the foul disease :", "To work out my revenge , I have friends and kinsmen ,", "To your old acquaintance , your dear dame his Mother .", "Yes : I have cause : to see you howl and blubber", "By shewing to my face , that you were fruitfull", "But that", "In what I suffer .", "That could confer the name of mother on me ?", "Now you begin to melt , I know \u2018 twill follow .", "All those abilities spent before and wasted ,", "What can I say ?", "Or if you do but slumber , I'le appear", "At the parting of my torment , and your shame .", "Rest confident I'le study my dark ends ,", "If it could make void ,", "All the day long , I'le be as tedious to you", "I will not eat , nor sleep with you , and those hours ,"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["And those that after death are fear 'd fall , on me ,", "Look for no peace at home , for I renounce", "Vio .", "None : now hear me :"], "true_target": ["While that this Bastard staies under my roof ,", "All Offices of a wife .", "Hear what I vow before the face of Heaven ,", "And if I break it , all plagues in this life ,"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["We are betrai 'd ."], "true_target": ["We are all your Servants ."], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["To tell ye", "Like a good Bark , it may work out to day ,", "To tell ye , \u2018 tis familiar , void of Glory ,", "The Name ye know , that 's nothing to my Story ;", "For her own vantage , to give wind at will ,", "And meant to make ye pleasant , and not weary :", "Why let her work , only be you but still ,", "You are worthy Judges , and you crown the Play .", "Which we avoid : To tell ye too \u2018 tis merry ,", "And so conceive , is vanity in me ;", "we have a Play ,"], "true_target": ["The Stream that guides ye , easie to attend :", "To tell ye that \u2018 tis good , is to no end ,", "If you believe not . Nay , to goe thus far ,", "Of State , of Bitterness : of wit you 'll say ,", "A new one too , and that \u2018 tis launch 'd to day ,", "And sweet opinion 'd , and we are bound to say ,", "Therefore I leave it to it self , and pray", "And stem all doubts ; \u2018 twas built for such a proof ,", "And we hope highly : if she lye aloof", "To swear it , if you swear against , is war .", "To assure you any thing , unless you see ,", "For that is now held wit , that tends that way ,"], "play_index": 26, "act_index": 26}, {"query": ["Fifty-five pounds fourteen and a penny , Sir . Shall I make you out the tickets now ?"], "true_target": ["In one moment , Sir .First class fares on the Rhine , Danube and Black Sea steamers , I think you said , second class rail , and postwagen ?"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["I did say so , I believe ; but you had better make it second class all through , and I can always pay the difference if I want to ."], "true_target": ["Um , no . On second thoughts , I 'd like to see one of your short Circular Tours for the English Lakes , or Wales , before I decide .Enter MR. CLARENDON CULCHARD , age about twenty-eight ; in Somerset House ; tall ; wears glasses , stoops slightly , dresses carefully , though his tall hat is of the last fashion but two . He looks about him expectantly , and then sits down to wait . CULCHARDNo sign of him yet ! I do like a man to keep an appointment . If this is the way he begins \u2014 I have my doubts whether he is quite the sort of fellow to \u2014 but I took the precaution to ask Hugh Rose about him , and Rose said he was the best company in the world , and I could n't help getting on with him . I do n't think Rose would deceive me . And from all I 've seen of Podbury , he seems a pleasant fellow enough . What a Babel ! All these people bent on pleasure , going to seek it in as many directions \u2014 with what success no one can predict . There 's an idea for a sonnet there .AN AMURRCAN CITIZENSee here , I 've been around with your tickets in Yurrup , and when I was at Vernis , I bought some goods at a store there , and paid cash down for \u2018 em , and they promised to send \u2018 em on for me right here , and that was last fall , and I 've never heard any more of \u2018 em , and what I want you should do now is to instruct your representative at Vernis to go round and hev a talk with that man , and ask him what in thunder he means by it , and kinder hint that he 'll hev the Amurrcan Consul in his hair pretty smart , if he do n't look slippier !"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["I think my Italian is equal to conveying an impression that I can willingly dispense with his society .Andate via \u2014 do you understand ? An-da-te via !", "Confound it , how can I \u2014\u2014!That fellow Podbury has better taste than I gave him credit for . She is pretty \u2014 in her peculiar style \u2014 quite pretty ! Pity she speaks with that deplorable accent .", "I do n't deny that she occasionally \u2014 er \u2014 jarred . She is a little deficient in surface refinement \u2014 but that will come , that will come . And as to \u201c cutting you out , \u201d why , you must allow you never had the remotest \u2014\u2014", "If I could only make a friend of him !", "Well , my idea was this . My leave is practically unlimited \u2014 at least , without vanity , I think I may say that my Chief sufficiently appreciates my services not to make a fuss about a few extra days . So I thought I 'd just run down to Florence and Naples , and perhaps catch a P. & O. at Brindisi . I suppose you 're not tied to time in any way ?", "Really , this is not much better than Ruskin , after all . But I do n't despair . That last remark was distinctly encouraging ! SCENE \u2014 A large Salle a Manger , decorated in the Pompeian style . Table d'hote has begun . CULCHARD is seated between MISS TROTTER and a large and conversational stranger . Opposite are three empty chairs .", "Sorry you considered it necessary to stay behind on my account . I see your American friends have already started for the station .", "Prendergast ! lovely afternoon , is n't it ? Delicious breeze !", "Really , this is too horrible !", "and PODB .I say , I want my luggage brought down from No .\u2014 in time for the twelve o'clock \u2014Hallo ! are you off too ?", "So you 've got rid of your Americans at last , eh ?", "Do n't tempt me ! I \u2014 I must n't listen , I cannot . No , I renounce . Be kind to Podbury \u2014 try to recognize the good in him ... he is so devoted to you \u2014 make him happy , if you can !", "Er \u2014 about as inseparable . That is , we are still travelling together \u2014 only , on this particular afternoon \u2014\u2014", "They wo n't know it was not intentional . And I think , Podbury , we should go on \u2014 er \u2014 asserting ourselves a little while by holding rather aloof . It will show them that we do n't mean to put up with \u2014\u2014", "Ah ,", "I must get this business over \u2014 if I can . But I wish I knew exactly how much to tell her . It 's really very awkward \u2014 between the two of them . I 'm afraid I 've been a little too precipitate . IN THE GARDEN ; A FEW MINUTES LATER .", "I \u2014 er \u2014 mumble \u2014 mumble \u2014 do n't exactly \u2014\u2014", "Then I must really leave it to you to make a suggestion !", "You surely would n't call the collection here exactly representative of the best period of Flemish Art ?", "Of course I am only too painfully aware of \u2014 of a certain distance in her manner towards me , but I should not think of allowing myself to be influenced by any \u2014 er \u2014 merely personal considerations of that sort .", "No doubt you will find it very singular ; but , as a matter of fact , she \u2014 well , she most certainly did not discourage my pretensions .", "You do n't even know if there is another hotel .", "I do n't feel disposed to \u2014 er \u2014 \u201c poke around \u201d alone , so , if you will allow me to accompany you ,\u2014\u2014", "Is that so ? Then I will make a point of asking for it \u2014 if I want raw beefsteak .", "Do n't talk so loud , I 'm sure I saw that woman smile !", "Surely you know he decided suddenly to stay at Vicenza ? He said so at breakfast . But I will not have your friend Bob perpetually \u2014\u2014", "He does seem to drive very recklessly . Look at those leaders \u2014 heading right for the precipice .... Ah , just saved it ! How we do lurch in swinging round !", "The place appears to excite Miss Prendergast 's enthusiasm , at all events !", "If I nip over anywhere , I shall nip to Nuremberg . We may just as well understand one another , Podbury . If I 'm to provide money for both of us , it 's only reasonable that you should be content to go where I choose . I cannot , and will not , stand these perpetual interferences with our original plan ; it 's sheer restlessness . Come with me to Nuremberg , and I shall be very happy to be your banker . Otherwise , you must stay here alone .", "It was so hot . I must go and inform the Police here \u2014 I may recover it yet . Anyway , we \u2014 we must push on to Nuremberg , and I 'll telegraph home for money to be sent here . You can let me have enough to get on with ?", "The \u2014 er \u2014 fact is , I can n't promise to be a particularly lively companion just now .", "Ruskin is always so right . And \u2014 er \u2014 where there is such complete sympathy in tastes and ideas , as I venture to think exists in our own case , the cruelty would \u2014\u2014", "Only in his own estimation , Mr. Trotter . I have nailed him down to going to Nuremberg , which , for many reasons , I was extremely anxious to visit .Are we likely to be there when you are ?", "Well , if you like to come with me , I \u2014 I shall be very pleased to have your company .", "Better luck than you deserve . Did n't I tell you you should have a special pocket for your money and coupons ? Like this \u2014 see .With a buttoned flap , it stands to reason they must be safe !", "I really can n't allow you to lecture me . I am not insensible to my good-fortune \u2014 if others are . Now we 'll drop the subject .", "How little you know me ! I may not be an \u2014 er \u2014 demonstrative man , my \u2014 er \u2014 feelings are not easily roused , but , once roused , well \u2014\u2014 I think I may claim to possess an ordinary degree of constancy !", "My dear Podbury , you can hardly expect to master the Spencerian phraseology and habit of thought without at least some preliminary mental discipline !", "Precisely . And the imperious Margrave of Brandenburg , and Wallenstein , and Gustavus Adolphus , and Goetz von Berlichingen . One can almost see their \u2014 er \u2014 picturesque personalities still haunting the narrow streets as we look down .", "Here , wake up , Podbury \u2014 it 's just eight .I 've had a horrible night , my dear fellow ! I 'm stung to such an extent ! ButI suppose there 's nothing to show particularly , eh ?", "You are naturally exacting on that point , but have the goodness to leave my first impressions alone , and \u2014 er \u2014 frankly , Podbury , I see no necessityto take that ridiculous \u2014 hum \u2014 penance too literally . We are travelling together , and I imagine that is enough for Miss Prendergast .", "She only affects this vulgar flippancy to torment me . If I did n't know that \u2014\u2014 There , I 've left that infernal pot behind now ! In the Amphitheatre ; MISS PRENDERGAST , PODBURY , and VAN BOODELER , are seated on an upper tier .", "CHAPTER XVI .", "If she happens to prefer my society to yours and her brother 's , I presume you have no claim to interfere .", "If I thought she 'd been trifling with us both like that , I 'd never \u2014\u2014", "No reason why you should go , unless you wish it , certainly . I intend to go .", "On the right ? Yes ; what happened there ?", "Your instinct was correct \u2014 perfectly correct . When you say \u201c that kind of man , \u201d I presume you refer to the description my \u2014 er \u2014 friend considered it humorous to give of me as an unsociable hypochondriac ?", "Beastly , Sir , beastly !", "I knew you 'd make some matter-of-fact remark of that kind ! There \u2014 it 's no use ! Let us go .", "Well , I 'll \u2014 I 'll meet you half-way . I 've no objection to \u2014 er \u2014 titting up with you \u2014 Nuremberg or Constance . Come ?", "You are extremely good . And what precise form of \u2014 er \u2014 penance did you think of ?", "I only just saved myself in time . I do n't think Maud noticed anything \u2014 she could n't have been so innocent and indifferent if she had .... And Hypatia wo n't enlighten her any further now \u2014 after what she knows . It 's rather a relief that she does know .... She took it very well , poor girl \u2014 very well . I expect she is really beginning to put up with Podbury \u2014 I 'm sure I hope so , sincerely ! CHAPTER XVII . Culchard cannot be \u201c Happy with Either . \u201d SCENE \u2014 Under the Colonnade of the Hotel Grande Bretagne , Bellagio . CULCHARD is sitting by one of the pillars , engaged in constructing a sonnet . On a neighbouring seat a group of smart people are talking over their acquaintances , and near them is another visitor , a MR. CRAWLEY STRUTT , who is watching his opportunity to strike into the conversation .", "Of course , he naturally would think so . And that is how you got your tunny ? I see .", "If by \u201c spotting \u201d you mean \u2014 was I aware of the existence of a very exuberant young person , with a most distressing American accent ?\u2014 I can only say that she made her presence sufficiently evident . I confess she did not interest me to the point of speculating upon her relationship to anybody else .", "Do n't be absurd . You will only be de trop , I assure you .", "Prendergast , I am all the better pleased , of course .", "That 's an entire mistake on your part . Miss Trotter has nothing to do with it . I do n't even know whether she 's going or not \u2014 for certain .", "Quite a mistake on your part , I assure you , my dear fellow . I am sure she will learn to appreciate you \u2014 er \u2014 fully when you meet again , which , I may tell you , will be at no very distant date . I happen to know that she will be at the Italian Lakes next month , and so shall we , if you let me manage this tour my own way .", "My dear Podbury , this is really too childish ! There 's no sense in travelling together , if we 're going to stay at different hotels !", "And give up Nuremberg ? Thank you !", "Podbury knows very little about women . If Hyp \u2014 Miss Prendergast \u2014 once found out why I renounced my suitorship , I should have very little peace , I know that \u2014 I 've taken particular care not to betray my attachment to Maud . I 'm afraid she 's beginning to notice it , but I must be careful . I do n't like this sudden intimacy between them \u2014 it makes things so very awkward . They 've been sitting under that tree over there for the last half-hour , and goodness only knows what confidences they may have exchanged ! I really must go up and put a stop to it , presently .UNDER THE TREE .", "I am not aware that I wanted to get out of it . I merely proposed in your \u2014\u2014What are you cackling at now ?", "You may invoke every female relative you possess in the world , but it wo n't alter the fact , and that alone ought to convince you \u2014\u2014", "Doubtless . But I am hindering your sketch ?", "No , I think not , thanks . I 'm very comfortable where I am .", "I 've bungled it ! I might have known I should only make matters worse ! On the Piazzetta ; it is moonlight , the Campanile and dome of San Giorgio Maggiore are silhouetted sharp and black against the steel-blue sky across a sea of silver ripples . PODBURY and CULCHARD are pacing slowly arm-in-arm between the two columns .", "Grieving ! Ah , if I could only tell you what I went through !But all that is past . And now may I not expect a more definite answer to the question I asked at Bingen ? Your reply then was \u2014 well , a little ambiguous .", "When you have extracted sufficient entertainment from that very small joke , you will perhaps allow Miss Prendergast to sit down and begin her sketch . You may not be aware that you 've taken her place .", "There are one or two mountains , I believe . But , personally , I should prefer Italy .", "Cut up ? Why should I be cut up , my dear fellow ?\u2014 about what ?", "Pshaw ! The button is a trifle too \u2014Good Heavens , it \u2014 it 's gone !", "No , the Modern Spirit is too earnestly intent upon solving the problems of existence to tolerate humour in its literature . Humour has served a certain purpose in its day , but that day is done , and I for one cannot pretend to regret its decay .", "Miss Trotter ! You ! What an egoist you are , my dear fellow ! I was referring to myself and Miss Prendergast . And you can n't deny that , both at Nuremberg and Constance , she \u2014\u2014", "Brutal selfishness !Now if I can only get off to sleep while that little beast is quiet \u2014\u2014 MOSQUITOPing-a-wing-wing ! Same Scene ; the next morning .", "Well , about myself \u2014 naturally .", "She has refused you ? My dear Podbury , I 'm really delighted to hear this \u2014 at least , that is \u2014\u2014", "Evidently . I suppose there 's no chance of a \u2014 a reconciliation up there ?", "Er \u2014 no . The fact is , I 've just heard from my Chief \u2014 a \u2014 a most intemperate communication , insisting on my instant return to my duties ! I shall have to humour him , I suppose , and leave at once .", "BOB", "Was I amused ?", "Well , we might spend the morning in St. Mark 's \u2014\u2014?", "Glorious view one gets at each fresh turn of the road , Podbury ! Look at Hinter-rhein , far down below there , like a toy village , and that vast desolate valley , with the grey river rushing through it , and the green glacier at the end , and these awful snow-covered peaks all round \u2014 look , man !", "I am willing to make allowance for your state of mind , Podbury , but such an expression as \u2014 as jabber , applied to my \u2014 er \u2014 well-meant attempts at consolation , and just as I was about to propose an arrangement \u2014 really , it 's too much ! The moment we reach the hotel , I will relieve you from any further infliction fromwhat you are pleased to call my \u201c jabber \u201d !", "Oh , let me see \u2014 just arriving at St. Moritz , I expect . Wonderful effect of colour , that is .", "Perfectly , thanks . My mind is being \u2014 er \u2014 stimulated here in the direction most congenial to it .", "Culchard feels slightly Uncomfortable .", "Ah , Podbury , take the good the gods provide you and be content ! You might be worse off , believe me !", "That 's childishness , my dear fellow ; you ought to talk about it \u2014 it will do you good . And really , I 'm not at all sure , after all , that we have not both of us had a fortunate escape . One is very apt to \u2014 er \u2014 overrate the fascinations of persons one meets abroad . Now neither of those two was quite \u2014\u2014", "I \u2014 er \u2014 really see no necessity . He 's done nothing whatever to deserve it !", "I 'm \u2014 er \u2014 tremendously obliged . I really can n't say how .\u2014But you need not have taken advantage of it to try to do me out of going to Nuremberg \u2014 it was a shabby trick !", "Only in words ; that is , I record my impressions in a poetic form . A perfect sonnet may render a scene , a mood , a passing thought , more indelibly than the most finished sketch ; may it not ?", "I \u2014 ah \u2014 appear to have interrupted a highly interesting conversation ?", "Eagle again ! Now mind , Podbury , no going back after this . It must be Nuremberg now .", "Is n't it a little late in the day to be cultivating an eye for colour ? I was about to say that those two girls have treated us infamously . I say deliberately , my dear Podbury , infamously !", "Hardly , my dear fellow \u2014 they 're pictures , as it happens .", "A most excellent method of obtaining it , no doubt .Numero vingt-sept , demi bouteille de Chianti , et siphon !", "That 's all I am to her . A beast of burden ! And a whole precious morning squandered on this confounded shopping \u2014 when I might have been \u2014 ah , well ! On the Grand Canal . 9 P. M. A brilliant moonlight night ; a music-barge , hung with coloured lanterns , is moving slowly up towards the Rialto , surrounded and followed by a fleet of gondolas , amongst which is one containing the TROTTERS and CULCHARD . CULCHARD has just discovered \u2014 with an embarrassment not wholly devoid of a certain excitement \u2014 that they are drawing up to a gondola occupied by the PRENDERGASTS and PODBURY .", "As you choose . I gave you the opportunity \u2014 out of kindness . If you prefer to make yourself ridiculous by hanging about here , it 's no concern of mine . I dare say I shall enjoy Florence at least as well by myself .", "Take my advice , and do n't press me , my dear fellow ; you may regret it if you do !", "My little affair ? Get over ?Oh , ah , to be sure . Yes , thank you , my dear fellow , it is not making me particularly unhappy .", "Er \u2014 Podbury , it has occurred } to me that we might \u2014\u2014} } leave this place to-morrow ! PODB . I say , Culchard , we really ought } to \u2014\u2014}", "You must really excuse me , as I fear I should be scarcely a congenial spirit in such a party . So good-night \u2014 or , rather \u2014 er \u2014 good-bye .", "Now , look here , Podbury . I 'm not in the mood for any more of your foolery \u2014\u2014", "You do n't appear to be exactly heartbroken ?", "Well , do you withdraw jabber ?", "What a surly boor it is ! But I do n't care \u2014 I 'll do him a good turn , in spite of himself !Do you know , I 've just been having a chat with poor young Prendergast . He seems quite cut up at being forced to side with his sister . I undertook to \u2014 er \u2014 intercede for him . Now is it quite fair , or like your \u2014 er \u2014 usual good-nature , to visit his sister 's offences \u2014 whatever they are \u2014 on him ? I \u2014 I only put it to you .", "You do n't say so ! Then all I can say , Podbury , is that if we two can n't manage , in a place like this , to recover all the ground we have lost \u2014\u2014", "I should have thought myself that mere personality is hardly enough to give point to any repartee \u2014 there is a slight difference between brilliancy and \u2014 er \u2014 brutality !", "Why should I \u201c tit up , \u201d as you call it , when I 've already made up my mind to go ? When I once decide on anything , it 's final . THE BRIDEWould you like me to roll you a cigarette ? BRIDEGROOMNot if I know it . I can do it better myself . BRIDEI see .", "I can n't say I 'm surprised to hear it . It 's awkward , certainly . I suppose I shall have to lend you enough to go home with \u2014 it 's all I can do ; but I 'll do that with \u2014 er \u2014 pleasure .", "I understood the idea was to keep away from our fellow countrymen , and as far as I can remember St. Goarshausen , it is not overrun with tourists \u2014 we should be quiet enough there .", "Thanks \u2014 variety shows are not much in my line ; but do n't mind me if you want to go .", "Charley ? I do n't see why she should mention Van Boodeler now !", "It \u2014 it 's going down . Nothing to what it was , half an hour ago !", "I am very glad to hear you say so . I was rather afraid you had taken a dislike \u2014 er \u2014 in that quarter .", "Not yet . Good-night .You tasteless dolt !", "I am obliging Miss Prendergast , and her only .Would you prefer me to face you , Miss Prendergast ?", "You find these old churches rather oppressive , I dare say . Er \u2014 will you have a cigarette ?", "Could n't you induce your sister to lay aside her \u2014 er \u2014 prejudice against me ? Then I could easily \u2014\u2014", "Just as likely she had had enough of your buffoonery !", "It 's the best place to get to Cologne and up the Rhine from . Then , you see , we go rather out of our way to Nuremberg \u2014\u2014", "I do n't know about festive \u2014 but it is \u2014 er \u2014 a quaint , and highly interesting old place . Then I thought we 'd dip down to Constance , and strike across the Alps to the Italian Lakes .", "I \u2014 er \u2014 the feelings I entertain towards Miss Trotter have suffered no change \u2014 quite the reverse , only \u2014 and I wish to impress this upon you , Podbury \u2014 it is undesirable , for \u2014 er \u2014 many reasons , to make my attentions \u2014 er \u2014 too conspicuous . I \u2014 I trust you have not alluded to the matter to \u2014 well , to Miss Prendergast , for example ?", "Oh , for Heaven 's sake , do n't bother about that now ! I 've something else to think about . My goodness , we were nearly over that time ! What are you looking at ?", "If you like to give up Italy altogether .", "I wish Rose had warned me that Podbury 's habit of mind was so painfully desultory .However \u2014\u2014", "May not its very simplicity \u2014 er \u2014 attest the sincerity of their remorse ?", "She is \u2014 er \u2014 vivacious , certainly .You seem rather dull to-night , my dear fellow ?", "If I used such a term at all , it was in no disparaging sense . Every earnest nature presents an \u2014 er \u2014 priggish side at times . I know that even I myself have occasionally , and by people who did n't know me of course , been charged with priggishness .", "Well , listen to reason , my dear fellow . What you propose is ridiculous . I \u2014 I do n't mind conceding this : we 'll each go , and \u2014 er \u2014 tit up , as you call it , which goes first .", "Not for me , thanks . I say , I wonder if it 's safe , having no parapet , only these stone posts , eh ?", "Possibly \u2014 but I have n't . As I 've already told you \u2014 I retire .", "Of course , if Mr. Podbury descends to childishness of that sort , I can n't pretend to \u2014\u2014", "Good morning , Miss Trotter . We \u2014 ah \u2014 meet again .", "She 's really grown distinctly prettier . She might show a little more feeling , though , considering we were almost , if not quite \u2014\u2014So you remember my poor poems ? I 'm afraid I have not been very \u2014 er \u2014 prolific of late .", "Oh , confound it all , take them . I do n't want them !I say , Podbury , it \u2014 it 's worse than I thought . This thing 's a week old ! Must have been lying in my rooms all this time \u2014 or else in that infernal Italian post !", "Quite the contrary , I assure you ! You were saying you always ordered it out of economy ?", "He probably imagines you are merely expressing your satisfaction with Venice . And I do n't see how you expect him to remove the entire cabin here !I think we did well to let the \u2014 the others travel on first . More dignified , you know !", "If you insist on knowing , she is the lady to whom Mr. Podbury has every prospect of being engaged . I hope your mind is at ease now ?", "When did I say so \u2014 or think so ? It 's what you 've told her about me , and I must say I call it \u2014\u2014", "It 's simple enough , my dear fellow , only I can n't expect you to grasp it . It is merely a profound truth stated with masterly precision .", "More climbing ! I thought this line was supposed to go to the top ! But that 's Italian all over \u2014 hem \u2014 as Podbury would say ! Wonder , by the way , if he expected to be asked to come with me . I 've no reason for sacrificing myself like that any longer !Ah , Hypatia , if you could know what a dreary disenchanted blank you have made of my life ! And I who believed you capable of appreciating such devotion as mine !", "In spite of my tendency to \u201c jaw \u201d and \u201c jabber \u201d ?", "I really do n't see any necessity \u2014 however ,\u2014", "I 'm exceedingly obliged \u2014 but so large a party is scarcely \u2014 however , I 'll let you know whether I can join you or not this evening . Are you \u2014 er \u2014 going anywhere in particular just now ?", "Ah !What do you say to studying the Vine and Fig-tree angles and the capitals of the arcades in the Ducal Palaces ? I will go and fetch the Stones of Venice .MISS T. I GUESS YOU CAN LEAVE THOSE OLD STONES IN PEACE . I DON'T FEEL LIKE STUDYING UP ANYTHING THIS MORNING \u2014 IT 'S AS MUCH AS EVER I CAN DO NOT TO SCREAM ALOUD !", "He 's got me on the nose now ! There 's a lot outside . Just turn off the light , will you ? I dare n't put my arm out .You brute !Podbury , do switch off the light \u2014 like a good fellow !", "I intended it to bear that \u2014 er \u2014 construction . It is a proposal \u2014 made after the fullest reflection .", "Sud \u2014\u2014Best out of three .", "You give me some reason for inferring that it is far higher than I deserve .", "Podbury ?", "I wish I had more of your divine patience ! Poor fellow , he is not without his good points ; but I do find him a thorn in my flesh occasionally , I 'm afraid .", "I suppose I shall have to stay here now . You 're not going ?", "I put that to her , and there is nothing in it . In fact , she practically admitted \u2014I will tell you another time . That lady over there is looking at us , and I 'm almost certain \u2014\u2014", "Afraid she 's gone too far \u2014 thinks she 'll smooth me down ! Upon my word , it would serve her right to \u2014 but no , I wo n't be petty .Pray tell Miss Prendergast that I have no immediate intention of altering my position .", "You entirely misunderstood me . There was no definite understanding between us \u2014 nothing of the sort or kind . In fact , it was merely a passing caprice . Since I have had the privilege of knowing Miss Prendergast , I see clearly \u2014\u2014", "I do not propose to attempt it . No doubt you will be more successful in entertaining Miss Trotter than I can pretend to be . I retire in your favour .", "I am merely carrying a few things for Miss Trotter .Dash the thing !...It 's natural that , in my position , I should have these \u2014 er \u2014 privileges .Conf \u2014\u2014 Have you happened to see Miss Trotter about , by the way ?", "I tell you what she is \u2014 she 's a cold-blooded pedantic prig , and a systematic flirt ! I loathe and detest a prig , but a flirt I despise \u2014 yes , despise , Podbury !", "Thank you . I trust it will \u2014 er \u2014 have that effect .Now , that 's a very superior girl \u2014 she has intellect , style , culture \u2014 everything the ideal woman should have . I wonder , now , whether , if I had met her before \u2014 but such speculations are most unprofitable ! How clear her eyes looked through her pince-nez ! Blue-grey , like Athene 's own . If I 'd been with Podbury , I should never have had this talk . The sight of him would have repelled her at once . I shall tell him when I take him that book that he had better go his own way with his new friends . I like the view from this terrace \u2014 I shall come up here again \u2014 often . SCENE \u2014 The Conversations-Saal at the Wurtemburger-Hof . Evening . PODBURY at the piano ; BOB PRENDERGAST and his sister HYPATIA seated near him .", "Take care \u2014 or I may tell you more than you bargain for !", "Possibly \u2014 but I cannot accuse myself of such a failing as that .", "Well , if you must know , I was laughing .... Oh , he 'll never get those horses round in .... I was \u2014 er \u2014 rather amused by your evident assumption that I must have been rejected by Miss Prendergast .", "I \u2014 ah \u2014 suppose I have no choice . But you really must allow me to say that it is not precisely the reception I anticipated . Still , in your service , I am willing to endure even Podbury \u2014 for a strictly limited period ; that I do stipulate for .", "Yes , I 've been here some little time . I wish you could have managed to come before , because they close early here to-day , and I wanted to go thoroughly over the tour I sketched out before getting the tickets .", "Quite so . Only , you see , we used to be good friends at", "Pray dismiss such \u2014 er \u2014 morbid misgivings , dear Miss Trotter . Show that you do so by accepting me as your guide and companion through life !", "No \u2014 but we shall be , if we only insist upon being treated seriously .", "Just so . Do you know , Podbury , I almost think I 'll go down and find her . I \u2014 I 'm curious to hear what her impressions of a place like this are . Such a scene , you know ,\u2014 so full of associations with \u2014 er \u2014 the splendours and cruelties of a corrupt past \u2014 must produce a powerful effect upon the fresh untutored mind of an American girl , eh ?", "Podbury , I \u2014 I \u2014 this conversation is evidently not intended for \u2014 for other ears \u2014 I do n't know whether you have heard enough , I shall go down !", "\u201c Figuratively \u201d is a distinct concession on Ruskin 's part . Still , I should be glad to know \u2014\u2014", "It only shows that this place is not without its pathos and interest for most visitors , no matter what their nationality may be . You do n't feel inclined yourself to \u2014\u2014?", "You are a young lady of naturally strong convictions , I am aware . But what are you so sure of at the present moment ?", "Oh , h 'm \u2014 quite so . That is \u2014 but no doubt it will be an advantage \u2014\u2014 in \u2014 er \u2014 some respects .Hardly from poor dear Podbury 's point of view , I 'm afraid though ! However , if he sees nothing \u2014\u2014! CHAPTER XIX . + Crumpled Roseleaves .+ SCENE \u2014 The Tombs of the SCALIGERS at Verona . A seedy and voluble Cicerone , who has insisted upon volunteering his services , is accompanying MISS TROTTER , BOB PRENDERGAST , and CULCHARD . It is a warm afternoon , and CULCHARD , who has been intrusted with MISS T .' S recent purchases \u2014 two Italian blankets , and a huge pot of hammered copper \u2014 is not in the most amiable of moods . THE CICERONEEcco , Signore, l'echelle , la scala , c'est tout flexible \u2014\u2014 molto , molto curioso !", "Was I wise to expose myself to this sort of thing again ? I 'm almost sorry I \u2014\u2014My dear fellow , if we are to travel together in any sort of comfort , you must leave all details to me . And there 's one thing I do insist on . In future we must keep to our original resolution \u2014 not to be drawn into any chance acquaintanceship . I do n't want to reproach you , but if , when we were first at Brussels , you had not allowed yourself to get so intimate with the Trotters all this would never \u2014\u2014", "What theory ? Why , the one I 've been explaining to you for the last ten minutes !\u2014 that all this harshness of hers lately is really , when you come to analyse it , a decidedly encouraging symptom .", "Yes , I am . Magnificent !\u2014 glorious !\u2014 is n't it ?", "Como . PODBURY and CULCHARD are walking up and down together .", "It 's a loop-hole \u2014 I 'll try it .You have divined my feeling exactly . In \u2014 er \u2014 obeying your commands , I have learned to know Podbury better \u2014 to see in him a sterling nature , more worthy , in some respects , than my own . And I know how deeply he has centred all his hopes upon you , Miss Prendergast . Knowing , seeing that as I \u2014 er \u2014 do , I feel that \u2014 whatever it costs me \u2014 I cannot run the risk of wrecking the \u2014 er \u2014 life 's happiness of so good a fellow . So you must really allow me to renounce vows accepted under \u2014 er \u2014 an imperfect comprehension of the \u2014 er \u2014 facts !", "Selfish brute !", "Here are yours . I should like you to run your eye over them , and see that they are correct , if you do n't mind .", "She might have bowed to me !... She has escaped the mosquitoes .... Ah , well , I doubt if she 'll find those two particularly sympathetic companions ! Now I should enjoy a day spent in that way . Why should n't I , as it is ? I dare say Maud will \u2014\u2014", "I doubt it , my dear fellow ; however , do n't let me discourage you .", "I agree with Miss Prendergast . A short cut is invariably the most indirect route ."], "true_target": ["Miss Trotter ! A most delightful and \u2014 er \u2014 unexpected meeting , indeed !", "Exactly , I was forgetting .It 's really rather humorous .Ha , we 're beginning to go down now . Hey for Italy \u2014 la bella Italia !Good Heavens , what a turn ! We 're going at rather a sharp pace for downhill , eh ? I suppose these Swiss drivers know what they 're about , though .", "I know I shall find her here . Lucky I know that Torcello chapter in \u201c The Stones \u201d very nearly by heart !Good heavens ,\u2014 Maud ! and I was as nearly as possible \u2014 I think I 'll go up to the top of the Campanile and see if I can n't discover where Hypatia is .IN THE BELFRY .", "Trotter 's \u2014 er \u2014 attractions ?", "In other words , you have behaved like a heartless coquette !", "Exactly ; and so \u2014 I think you said \u2014 will the \u2014 er \u2014 Prendergasts .Just get us a gondola and two rowers , will you , for Torcello . And tell them to row as fast as they can ! CHAPTER XXV . + JOURNEYS END IN LOVERS \u2019 MEETING .+ SCENE \u2014 Near Torcello . CULCHARD and PODBURY are seated side by side in the gondola , which is threading its way between low banks , bright with clumps of Michaelmas daisies and pomegranate-trees laden with red fruit . Both CULCHARD and PODBURY are secretly nervous and anxious for encouragement . PODBURYLa-doodle-um-La-doodle-oo : La-doodle-um-te-dumpty-loodle-oo ! I think she rather seemed to like me \u2014 those first days at Brussels , do n't you ? CULCHARDDid she ? I dare say .Few-fee ; di-fee-fee-few-few ; few-fiddledy-fee-fiddledy-few-few-few-fee . I fancy I 'm right in my theory , eh ?", "That is certainly my intention ; have you any objection to offer ?", "I \u2014 er \u2014 not at all ... most distressed , I assure you ... really no notion \u2014\u2014", "Oh , I \u2014 I was n't \u2014\u2014Er \u2014 I hope you have n't been inconvenienced at all ?", "Surely one may express a natural enthusiasm without laying oneself open \u2014\u2014?", "How thoroughly she understands me !", "Fortunately \u2014 yes . And \u2014 er \u2014 your engagement happily concluded ?", "It does n't seem to be making any particular impression on you , I must say !", "Hem \u2014 we are gazing upon one of the landmarks of our national history \u2014 Miss Trotter .", "How can I tell ?Podbury ! What did I tell you ? One 's just bitten me \u2014 the beast !I say , I can hear him buzzing all over the place !", "That ass Podbury ! To think of his taking me in with an idiotic trick like that ! And before Her too ! And when I had made it all right about the other evening , and was producing an excellent impression on the way up here . I wish I could hear what they are whispering about \u2014 more silly jokes at my expense , no doubt . Bah ! as if it affected me !", "Your feelings have apparently undergone a sudden change \u2014 quite recently !", "Nonsense , you 're well enough . And why you should feel low , with all your advantages \u2014 in Venice as you are , and in constant intercourse with a mind adorned with every feminine gift \u2014!", "I cannot say I recall it at this moment . Does he hold that a lover should expect to be accepted by \u2014 er \u2014 instalments , because , if so \u2014\u2014", "Ca n't say . Not had much of it , at present .", "Everything !\u2014 money , coupons , circular notes ! They \u2014 they must have fallen out going up that infernal Niederwald .You would insist on going !", "Talk to him yourself , my dear fellow , I 'm not going to make a row .", "The fascinating Miss Trotter is up above with Van Boodeler , so my services are not required .", "She must have understood every word we said ! Are you in earnest over this ?Well , you 'll soon get tired of your own society , I warn you .", "Think of it ! the actual spot on which Romeo and Juliet \u2014 Shakspeare 's Juliet \u2014 drew their last breath ! Does it not realise the tragedy for you ?", "So we have ! My friend is one , and he 'll be here presently , but I much prefer myself to see every seat occupied . There is something so depressing about a vacant chair , do n't you think ?", "Hum \u2014 well . She is \u2014 er \u2014 peculiar , do n't you know , and I rather doubt whether you will have much in common .", "Ah , well , I do n't grudge you your little joke if it amuses you . Those laugh best who laugh last . And it 's settled now that we 're going to Nuremberg .", "I rather gathered as much . I think I could guess the \u2014\u2014", "The other !\u2014 that 's Me ! I wish to goodness you would n't make all that noise , Podbury , just when it 's getting interesting !", "Organ-grinder ! you are so very insular ! For anything you can tell , he may be a decayed nobleman .", "I may return your charming candour by admitting that my \u2014 er \u2014 dismissal will be \u2014 well , not wholly without its consolations .", "I hope you \u2014 ah \u2014 undeceived her ?", "Can she be really as indifferent as she seems ? I 'm afraid she has very little heart ! But if only she can be induced to go back to Lugano .... She will be at the same hotel \u2014 a great point ! I wish that fellow Van Boodeler was n't coming too , though .... Not that they 've settled to come at all yet !... Still , I fancy she likes the idea .... She 'll come \u2014 if I do n't appear too anxious about it !CHAPTER XIV . + Miss Banquo .+ SCENE \u2014 Gardens belonging to the Hotel du Parc , Lugano . Time , afternoon ; the orchestra is turning up in a kiosk . CULCHARD is seated on a bench in the shade , keeping an anxious eye upon the opposite door .", "I am glad you see it in that light . Are n't you a little irritable to-night ?", "The fact is that I much prefer to receive my impressions of a scene like this in solitude .", "Feedy-feedy-feedle !", "Nothing ? How little she knows me !", "Did you hear , Podbury ? She 's actually pleading for me ! Is n't she an angel ? Be quiet , now . I must hear the answer !", "May I ask which knight you refer to ?", "As soon as you please . We might start for Constance to-morrow , if you like .", "I feel bound to state at once that , in my own case , my position at Somerset House would render anything of that sort utterly impracticable .", "Tunny ? Thank you . I \u2014 er \u2014 will certainly remember his name , if I require a guide .", "Will you kindly understand that I am quite capable of estimating the precise period of this sculpture for myself .", "I am . This gentleman gets off \u2014 is it Bacharach or Maintz ,", "About you ? I really do n't recollect that she mentioned you particularly .", "No doubt that course is open to her . But why seven , and where is he expected to go ?", "It 's fanciful , perhaps \u2014 but , if you do n't mind waiting a little , I should like to contribute \u2014 not my card , but a sonnet . I feel one on its way .", "Va bene , va bene \u2014 we know all about it !", "Ah , good morning ! What are your \u2014 er \u2014 impressions of Venice , Mr. Trotter ?", "We sha n't get over it for some hours yet .", "I should advise you not to be over-confident .They are here , you see \u2014 those are evidently their gondolas , I recognise those two cloaks . Now the best thing we can do is to separate .", "That 's impossible , and I can prove it . The service she demanded was , that I should leave Constance at once \u2014 with you . Do you understand \u2014 with you , Podbury !", "I suppose you intend to enlighten her as to my \u2014 er \u2014 little flirtationwith Miss Trotter ? Do it , Podbury , do it \u2014 if you think you 'll gain any good by it !", "She 's with Miss", "Because I thought we 'd see Bruges and Ghent on our way to", "Torcello \u2014 \u201c the Mother of Venice ! \u201d it really seems a pity to go away without having seen it . Do you know , Podbury , I think I 'll join you !", "As much as there is in not going farther than somewhere else , I should have thought .", "Did n't I ? Oh , surely ! yes , I 've \u2014 er \u2014 met that lady .You are an Art-Collector ? Indeed ? And \u2014 er \u2014 have you \u2014 er \u2014?", "On precisely similar luck . Miss Trotter and I \u2014 er \u2014 arrived at the conclusion last night that we were not formed to make each other 's happiness .", "Was he ? I dare say . But I rather understood we came out with the idea of keeping out of all that .", "I can get the coupons changed for Switzerland if you prefer it . The Swiss Lakes may be the more picturesque .", "Mr. Trotter is the only relation of yours I have had the pleasure of meeting , as yet .", "How on earth can I tell ? If it is so , you must be a philosopher , my dear fellow , and bear it \u2014 that 's all .", "For those who enjoy it . She has only been in there an hour , so she is not likely to come back just yet . What do you say to coming into S. S. Giovanni e Paulo again , with me ? Those tombs form a really remarkable illustration , as Ruskin points out , of the gradual decay of \u2014\u2014 MISS TROTTERJust hold these a spell till I come back . Thanks ever so much .... Well , Mr. Podbury ! Are n't you going to admire my purchases ? They 're real antique \u2014 or if they are n't , they 'll wear all the better .... There , I believe I 'll just have to run back a minute \u2014 do n't you put those things in the gondola yet , Mr. Culchard , or they 'll get stolen .", "Constance , and \u2014 er \u2014 until recently \u2014\u2014", "Podbury ?", "I did , my dear Podbury . But it never occurred to me that the fancy would take you to get tired of a place before you got there !", "If Podbury wo n't come down to breakfast at a decent hour , he can n't complain if I \u2014\u2014 I wonder if he heard Miss Trotter say she was thinking of coming here this morning . Somehow , I should like that girl to have a more correct comprehension of my character . I do n't so much mind her thinking me fastidious and exclusive . I dare say I am \u2014 but I do object to being made out a hopeless melancholiac !So these are Wiertz 's masterpieces , eh ? h 'm . Strenuous , vigorous ,\u2014 a trifle crude , perhaps . Did n't he refuse all offers for his pictures during his lifetime ? Hardly think he could have been overwhelmed with applications for the one opposite .Not a dining-room picture . Still , I like his independence \u2014 work up rather well in a sonnet . Let me see .\u201c He scorned to ply his sombre brush for hire . \u201d Now if I read that to Podbury , he 'd pretend to think I was treating of a shoe-black on strike ! Podbury is so utterly deficient in reverence .THE DAUGHTER\u201c I could not \u2018 elp fancying this was the artist 's por-portrait ?\u2014 portent ?\u2014 no , protest against des-des \u2014despoticism , and tyranny , but I see it is only \u2014 Por-Porliffymus fasting upon the companions of Ulyces . \u201d Her Male Parent . Do it tell yer what that there big arm and leg be a-doin \u2019 of in the middle of \u2018 em ? DAUGHTERDo n't you be in a nurry , father\u2014 \u201c in the midst of some colonial ?\u2014 That ai n't it \u2014 colossial animiles fanatically \u2014 fan-tasty-cally \u2014\u2014 why , this catalogue is \u2018 alf foreign itself ! \u201d", "I am nothing of the kind . I find him distasteful to me , and avoid him as much as I can , that 's all . I wish , Podbury , er \u2014 I almost wish you could have stayed with me , instead of allowing the Prendergasts to carry you off as they did . You would have kept Van Boodeler in order .", "You used to say she was n't what you call cultivated .", "Good Heavens , no \u2014 what a very grotesque idea of yours , my dear fellow !", "You 're perfectly welcome \u2014 when I 've had mine . I 'll \u2014 er \u2014 wish you good evening .CHAPTER XI . Courtship according to Mr. Ruskin . SCENE \u2014 A Balcony outside the Musik-Saal of the Insel Hotel , Constance . MISS PRENDERGAST is seated ; CULCHARD is leaning against the railing close by . It is about nine ; the moon has risen , big and yellow , behind the mountains at the further end of the Lake ; small black boats are shooting in and out of her track upon the water ; the beat of the steamers \u2019 paddles is heard as they come into harbour . CULCHARD has just proposed . MISS PRENDERGASTI have already felt very strongly with Ruskin , that no girl should have the cruelty to refuse a proposal \u2014\u2014", "If you expect me to travel for seven years with him , permit me to mention that I simply cannot do it . My leave expires in three weeks .", "No \u2014 I was merely feeling for my note-book . I had a sudden idea for a sonnet , that 's all .", "I must look up in another minute \u2014 and then ! CHAPTER XV . + Culchard comes out Nobly .+ SCENE \u2014 The Table d'Hote at Lugano ; CULCHARD has not yet caught MISS PRENDERGAST 'S eye . CULCHARDHave you \u2014 ah \u2014 been up Monte Generoso yet ?", "The little vixen ! Saw I was getting tired of it , and took care to strike first . Clever \u2014 but a trifle crude . But I 'm free now . Unfortunately my freedom comes too late . Podbury 's Titania is much too enamoured of those ass 's ears of his \u2014\u2014 How the brute will chuckle when he hears of this ! But he wo n't hear of it from me . I 'll go in and pack and be off to-morrow morning before he 's up ! NEXT MORNING ; IN THE HALL OF THE GRAND HOTEL DANDOLO . THE GERMAN PORTERIn von momendt , Matam , I attend to you . You want a larcher roum , Sare ? You address ze manager , blease . Your dronks , Laties ? I haf zem brod down , yes .", "I really think I might almost venture to go down now , eh ,", "There is no reason that I 'm aware of , why I should be \u2014 butdo n't you think we had better wait till we are alone to discuss that subject ?", "So you actually suspect me of having carried on a flirtation !", "Does that strike you as so very incredible ?", "Er \u2014 I have brought you the philosophical work I mentioned . I will leave it for an occasion when you are \u2014 er \u2014 in a fitter frame of mind for its perusal .", "Well , I brought an Epitome of Herbert Spencer 's Synthetic Philosophy away with me to dip into occasionally . It seems a very able summary , and you are welcome to it , if it 's of any use to you .", "Thanks , but I am no equestrian .He seems to manage well enough without me . And yet I do think my society would be more good for him than \u2014\u2014. Why did he want to borrow that book , though ? Can my influence after all \u2014\u2014ON THE TERRACE OF THE BURG . HALF AN HOUR LATER .", "Ssh ! She 's just turned the corner !", "Really , this is most unpardonable of Mr. Podbury ! To have such odious calumnies circulated about one behind one 's back is simply too \u2014\u2014 I do not aspire to \u2014 ah \u2014 to tickle folks to death !", "Then shall we just drift about in a gondola all the morning , and \u2014 er \u2014 perhaps do the Academy later ?", "Why \u2014 er \u2014 really , on so delicate a matter , I \u2014 I \u2014\u2014", "If I have succeeded in advancing your cause with Miss", "Which I shall be delighted to give , if you will put me in possession of the \u2014 er \u2014 facts .", "I \u2014 ah \u2014 have the best reasons for feeling tolerably certain of it .", "You are not required to see . I do n't WISH it , that is all . I \u2014 er \u2014 think that should be sufficient .", "I warned you how it would be ! We shall have this sort of thing all the afternoon now !", "Well , we might take a turn later on , and see the effect of St. Gudule in the moonlight .", "And what did the tunny \u2014 I mean the Manager \u2014 say to that ?", "You 'll be grateful to me by-and-by .", "I can quite understand that . I \u2014 I mean that it reduces the \u2014 er \u2014 paralysing sense of irrevocability .", "\u201c Yours just received . Am returning immediately . \u201d", "No \u2014 only pained by such a travesty of a noble name . \u201c Scallywags \u201d for Scaligers seems to me , if I may say so , a very cheap form of humour !", "What sort of impression do you suppose I should get of Venice with a blue veil on ?", "Lighting a \u201c fidibus . \u201d Splendid thing to drive out mosquitoes .", "No \u2014 but considering that we start the first thing to-morrow morning , would n't it be as well to have some idea of where you 're going ? And , by the way , excuse me , but is it altogether prudent to keep your tickets in an outside pocket like that ? I always keep mine , with my money , in a special case in an inner pocket , with a buttoned flap \u2014 then I know I can n't lose them .", "Oh \u2014 er \u2014 Podbury , I 'm off . Going to lunch somewhere with the \u2014 ah \u2014 Trotters . See you at table d'hote this evening , I suppose ? Good-bye .", "I do mind \u2014 I must . I am not accustomed to hear myself called a \u2014 a jabberer !", "I could not have believed any amount of bites could have made such a terrible difference in her . She looks positively plain ! I do trust they 're not permanent , or really \u2014\u2014!CHAPTER XXI . + Wearing Rue with a Difference .+ SCENE \u2014 The Steps of the Hotel Dandolo , about 11 A. M. PODBURY is looking expectantly down the Grand Canal , CULCHARD is leaning upon the Balustrade .", "Just so \u2014 how are you ? Er \u2014 will you excuse me ?", "Rowing be \u2014\u2014No ; but just consider , my dear Podbury . I assure you you 'll find Nuremberg a most delightful old place . You must see how bent I am on going there !", "By all means .", "Er \u2014 I rather thought of the Engadine \u2014 more bracing , eh ?\u2014 few-feedle-eedle-oodle \u2014\u2014", "Offended ?Hardly that . Hurt ? Well , I confess to being pained \u2014 very much pained , to discover that I was unconsciously pitted \u2014 against Podbury !", "Birds do n't lay \u2014 er \u2014 I mean they do n't sing , in the dark . My light has been \u2014 er \u2014 lacking of late .", "So it appears .Had his quietus , evidently . Ah , well , I wo n't exult over him .", "It 's very unfortunate that she will insist on idealizing me like this !", "You especially , my dear Podbury . In fact , I doubt if you 're half grateful enough !", "I did not say so . But I am not prepared to deny that I have been waiting here with some such expectation .", "If that 's your idea of a joke , all I can say is \u2014\u2014", "All I am driving at is this : Could n't we two \u2014 er \u2014 agree to effect a reconciliation between the two ladies ? So much pleasanter for \u2014 er \u2014 all parties !", "That has its charm , no doubt . But do n't you find Miss Prendergast a mine of information on Italian Art and History ?", "I should not advise you to do so . It is possible she may have gone there with the \u2014 er \u2014 expectation of being joined by \u2014 by somebody else .", "You have chosen an inspiring scene , rich with historical interest .", "It is most unsatisfactory ; but at least Podbury is disposed of ! The same Scene , a quarter of an hour later . PODBURY and MISS PRENDERGAST .", "It would not be at all the same thing \u2014 even if he \u2014 but you do think you 're coming to Nuremberg , do n't you ?", "Not if I can prevent it , though !", "I should like to be at Nuremberg with you . It would be an unspeakable delight to watch the expansion of a fresh young soul in that rich mediaeval atmosphere !", "I know . I mean , you told me that before . And I have tasted tunny .", "She said she had a headache , and made her father and Van Boodeler go out on the lake without her . But she certainly gave me to understand that she might come out when the band played , if she felt better . The question is , whether she means to feel better or not . She is the most tantalizing girl ! I do n't know what to make of her . Not a single reference , as yet , to that last talk we had at Bingen . I must see if I can n't recall it to her memory \u2014 if she comes . I 'll wait here , on the chance of it \u2014 we are not likely to be dis \u2014\u2014. Confound it all \u2014 Podbury !Well , do you want anything in particular ?", "I will undertake to interest him in Nuremberg . Fortunately , we are all getting off at Bingen , and going , curiously enough , to the same hotel .Confound that fellow Podbury , here he is again !", "This is too bad , Podbury ! you must have been there , or you could n't possibly know !", "Er \u2014 yes \u2014 thought I might as well be getting back .", "Profoundly true , indeed . I often think I could like him better if there were less in him to like . I assure you he tries me so at times that I could almost wish I was back at work in my department at Somerset House !", "Now that 's coarse \u2014 really coarse !\u2014\u2014 I seem to be unable to open my mouth now without some ridiculous distortion \u2014\u2014", "I really have n't troubled to speculate . Who can tell how one may , quite unconsciously , give offence \u2014 even to those who are \u2014 er \u2014 comparative strangers ?", "I beg you will not think it necessary . He \u2014 he has a guide already . He does not require my services . And , to be plain , my poor friend \u2014 though an excellent fellow according to his \u2014 ah \u2014 lights \u2014 is a companion whose society occasionally amounts to a positive infliction .", "If I did n't , the mosquitoes would come in again .", "It 's not of vital importance if she did .Few-fee-fee-foo-foodle-di-fee-di-fa-foo .", "Only the mausoleums of the Doges \u2014 Ruskin 's \u201c Street of the Tombs \u201d \u2014 and a few trifles of that sort !", "It does feel a little inflamed . I wonder if I could get a little \u2014 er \u2014 violet powder , or something \u2014\u2014?", "You forget that our time is limited if we 're going to stick to our original route .", "Presently \u2014 presently , if I have an opportunity .I gather that you paint yourself , Sir ?", "I thought we were both agreed that discussions of this kind \u2014\u2014", "Brussels .", "Now do oblige me by looking through that gap in the pines towards Lecco . I particularly wish you to observe the effect of light on those cliffs \u2014 it 's well worth your while .", "I was n't aware she had honoured me by her notice . What was it ?", "I do n't see how we can change all the tickets , really . If you like , we could stop a week at St. Goarshausen .", "My dear Podbury , we shall have ample time to talk about her while we are at Nuremberg together \u2014 it will be the greatest pleasure to me to do so as long as you please .", "Ah , Miss Prendergast , do n't lose your faith in human nature ! Trust me , it is \u2014 er \u2014 full of surprises !Now am I an abominable humbug , or what ? I swear I felt every word I said , at the time . Curious psychological state to be in . But I 'm out of what might have been a very unpleasant mess , at all events !", "She will be here presently . By the way , my dear Prendergast , this \u2014 er \u2014 misunderstanding between your sister and her is very unfortunate .", "Polite and obliging ! Now I ask you \u2014 has he given us the slightest atom of valuable information yet ?", "I \u2014 ah \u2014 this conversation is rather .... If you 'll excuse me \u2014\u2014", "SCENE \u2014 Terrace and Grounds of the Grand Hotel Villa d'Este , on Lake", "Just as you please . It 's a matter of perfect indifference to me . I 'm afraid you 'll be terribly bored by yourself , though .", "An \u2014 er \u2014 honour , indeed .\u2014\u2014 You \u2014\u2014 You 're not going !", "My friend did not rise sufficiently early to accompany me . And , by the way , Miss Trotter , I should like to take this opportunity of disabusing your mind of the \u2014 er \u2014 totally false impression \u2014\u2014", "It strikes me , Podbury , that you must find the time rather long , to want a book of that kind . If you wish to resume our \u2014 ah \u2014 original relations , I am quite ready to overlook what I am sure was only a phase of not unnatural disappointment .", "If I can only keep him on at this tunny !And \u2014 er \u2014 what does it taste like exactly , now ?", "Not quite . There 's still a \u2014\u2014 And your probation , that 's practically at an end ?", "I \u2014 er \u2014 must confess I seldom waste time over the humorous literature of any nation .", "So we perceive \u2014 a very sensible plan , no doubt , in some cases , my dear fellow .", "And so you went on to S. Giovanni in Bragora , eh ? then over the Arsenal , and rowed across the lagoons to see the Armenian convent ? A delightful day , my dear Podbury ! I hope you \u2014 er \u2014 appreciate the inestimable privileges of \u2014 of seeing Venice so thoroughly ?", "Most certainly I do . I am much mistaken in Miss Trotter if she will attach the slightest importance to a mere temporary \u2014 er \u2014 disfigurement . These swellings never do last long . Do they now ?", "As you please .Ca n't meet my eye . Good ! I shall go on treating her distantly for a little . I wonder if I look indifferent enough from behind ? Shall I cross one foot ? Better not \u2014 she may have begun sketching me . If she imagines I 'm susceptible to feminine flattery of this palpable kind , she 'll \u2014\u2014 how her voice shook , though , when she spoke . Poor girl , she 's afraid she offended me by laughing \u2014 and I did think she had more sense than to \u2014 but I must n't be too hard on her . I 'm afraid she 's already beginning to think too much of \u2014 and with my peculiar position with Miss Trotter \u2014\u2014 not that there 's anything definite at present , still \u2014\u2014Ahem , Miss Prendergast \u2014 am I standing as you wish ?She does n't answer \u2014 too absorbed , and I can n't hear that idiot \u2014 found he has n't scored so much after all , and gone off in a huff , I expect . So much the better ! What a time she is over this , and how quiet she keeps ! I wish I knew whether it was coquetry or \u2014 shall I turn round and see ? No , I must be perfectly indifferent . And she did laugh at me . I distinctly saw her . Still , if she 's sorry , this would be an excellent opportunity for \u2014Miss Prendergast !May I take it that you regret having been betrayed into momentary approbation of a miserable piece of flippancy ? If so , let me assure you \u2014Podbury again ! He must have planned this \u2014 with her ! It is too much . I have done \u2014 yes \u2014 done with the pair of them ! CHAPTER X . + Podbury insists on an Explanation .+ SCENE \u2014 A flight of steps by the lake in the grounds of the Insel Hotel , Constance . Time , late afternoon . A small boat , containing three persons , is just visible far out on the glassy grey-green water . BOB PRENDERGAST and PODBURY are perched side by side on a parapet , smoking disconsolately .", "I confess I did not think a few mosquito-bites would have quite such an effect upon you !", "The Bayrischer-Hof . Why ?", "I have certainly not encountered any insuperable difficulties in his works as yet .", "Ah , well , my dear Podbury , one must n't expect too much , must one ?", "Few-fitty-fitty-fitty-fa-di-fee-fee-foo ; few \u2014\u2014 After all , Podbury , I do n't know that I care so much about Nuremberg . They \u2014 they say it 's a good deal changed from what it was .", "It is not ; it is a Government Office , and I am in the Pigeonhole and Docket Department , with important duties to discharge . I hope you did n't imagine I sold ribbons and calico over a counter ?", "Trotter !... They 're sitting down on the grass below !", "Now this is a thing that can only be properly enjoyed when one is by oneself . The mere presence of Podbury \u2014 well , thank goodness , he 's found more congenial company .That looks like an English girl sketching on the next seat . Rather a fine profile , so regular \u2014 general air of repose about her . Singular , now I think of it , how little repose there is about Maud .Dear me , she has left her india-rubber behind her . I really think I ought \u2014\u2014Am I mistaken in supposing that this piece of india-rubber is your property ?", "I \u2014 er \u2014 have not been consulted . Are they \u2014 er \u2014 all going ?", "I am no more conscious of \u201c jawing \u201d than \u201c jabbering , \u201d and if that is how I am to be spoken to \u2014\u2014!", "If Charley Van Boodeler was engaged to her , I suppose he 'd be there . Pshaw ! What does it matter ? Somehow , I rather wish now that I 'd \u2014 but perhaps we shall get into conversation presently . Hang it , here 's that fellow Podbury back again ! Wish to goodness he 'd \u2014\u2014Hallo , so you have n't started yet ?", "See ? I can hear one singing in my ear at this moment .You would open the window !", "We are going through scenery like this , and all you think of is \u2014 lunch !You may give me one of those sandwiches . What made you get veal ? and the bread 's all crust , too ! Thanks , I 'll take some claret ....Dear me , we 're at the top already ! These rocks shut out the valley altogether \u2014 much colder at this height , eh ? Do n't you find this keen air most exhilarating ?", "\u201c I saw from out the wave her structures rise , As from the stroke of the enchanter 's wand . \u201d", "I \u2014 ah \u2014 which lady are you referring to ?Oh ... I \u2014 I see \u2014 precisely , quite so !I beg your pardon , you were describing how you caught a tunny ? Pray continue .", "If you want to know , I am \u201c corking down , \u201d to adopt your elegant expression , a sonnet that suggested itself to me .", "Do n't be too down-hearted , my dear Podbury . I happen to know that she likes you \u2014 she told me as much last night . Did Miss Prendergast \u2014 er \u2014 say anything to that effect about me ?", "By the way , I wish you had n't been in such a hurry to come straight on . I particularly wished to stop at Bruges , and see the Memlings .", "It 's quite impossible to make them hear down there , and it 's no fault of ours if their voices reach us occasionally . And it does seem to me , Podbury , that , in a matter which may be of vital importance to me \u2014 to us both \u2014 it would be absurd to be over-scrupulous . But of course you will please yourself . I intend to remain where I am .", "If I remember rightly , you yourself were not insensible to Miss", "A mean cuss ? Me ! Really , this unjustifiable language is most \u2014\u2014!", "Mean ? because I \u2014\u2014!Now we can examine these monuments in peace \u2014 they are really \u2014 er \u2014 unique examples of the sepulchral pomp of Italian mediaevalism .", "Well , my dear Podbury , our \u2014 er \u2014 expedition has turned out rather disastrously !", "Almost .It is really most refreshing ."], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["Hang that fellow ! I know I shall punch his head some day . And She did n't seem to care whether I stayed or not .But you never can tell with women !CHAPTER VI . Culchard makes a little Miscalculation .", "I did n't mean the Pass , I meant \u2014\u2014 well , your little affair with Miss Prendergast , you know .", "I dare say ; but the scenery just here is so flat that even my friend 's remarks wo n't improve it .", "What is the use of fustling like that ?Lul-li-ety !", "Do come and listen to him , most intelligent chap \u2014 great fun . Mr. Culchard is above that sort of thing , I dare say .", "That 's all . And I 'm feeling a bit done , you know . Been doing the Correr Museum all the morning , and not lunched yet ! So Miss Trotter 's looking at ornamental metal-work ? Rather fun that , eh ?", "Yes , I am , I tell you . I 'm not grumbling , am I ? I know as well as you do she 's miles too good for me . Have n't I said so ? Then what the devil do you keep on nagging at me for , eh ?", "Anything for a quiet life !Dover to Ostend ? Never been there \u2014 like to see what Ostend 's like . But why did n't you go by Calais ?\u2014 shorter , you know .", "We 've seen so little of one another lately that it can hardly make much difference \u2014 to either of us \u2014 can it ?", "Oh , is that all , my dear fellow ?I knew I 'd have you ! Why , I made that up myself as I went along , and if you understand it , it 's a jolly sight more than I do !", "Did n't take much forcing , after he once heard me call him \u201c Lord Uppersole \u201d ! Where are all the others , eh ? Thought we were going up to the Villa Serbelloni this afternoon .", "Oh \u2014 er \u2014 I would n't say that , but he 's a queer kind of chap rather , takes prejudices into his head and all that . I would n't trouble about him if I were you \u2014 not worth it , y \u2019 know .", "Ha , cheery picture that !", "Oh , it was only to get a rise out of you . I never meant to keep you to it , of course . And I say , were n't you sold , though ? Did n't I lead up to it beautifully ?Score to me , eh !", "Thanks awfully , old chap . I knew you 'd oblige .", "There you go again ! I can n't stand being jawed at , Culchard , and I wo n't !", "No \u2014 not this side \u2014 just opposite .Now do n't you see him ? As playful as ever , is n't he ! Do n't try to make out it was an accident , old fellow . Miss Prendergast knows you !", "I believe so . You need n't be afraid , you know . Hypatia wo n't have the chance of ragging you now \u2014 she and Miss Trotter have had a bit of a breeze .", "Trotter immense sport in the shops and that ?", "No , but you 've a pretty good idea that she is , though . And I know how it will be . You 'll be going about with her all the time , and I shall be shunted on to the old man ! I do n't see it , you know !I say \u2014 here 's a pretty fix ! Look here , old fellow , doosid annoying thing , but I can n't find my purse \u2014 must have lost it somewhere !", "Thanks , old chap ! I 'd no idea you were doing all this , you know . But just tell me this , what did she say about me ?", "I know I did . That 's just what I like about her ! At least \u2014 well , we both ought to think ourselves uncommonly lucky beggars , I 'm sure !", "Oh , he 's affable enough \u2014 for a boot-maker . I always give him a title when I see him , for the joke of the thing \u2014 he likes it .", "Well \u2014 if you come to that , I do n't know that I \u2014 still , she was uncommonly \u2014\u2014Jove ! she 's in the Reading-room , just behind us .La di deedle-lumpty \u2014 loodle-oodle-loo \u2014\u2014", "Where they make toys ? I know \u2014 pretty festive there , eh ?", "Hul-lo ! why , I thought you called her a pedantic prig ?", "Oh , I say , come , Miss Prendergast . Have you ever read The Jumping Frog ?", "Ca n't be bothered now . Take your word for it .", "Not mosquitoes . I meant Hypatia , and the \u2014 haw \u2014 yaw \u2014 Trotters .", "Yes , of course ; must n't waste any on the Rhine . Suppose we push on to Maintz to-night , and get the Rhine off our hands then ?The sooner I 've done with this steamer business the better !", "Then you mean to propose to her , eh ?", "Hullo ! we 're both of one mind for once , eh ?Poor old beggar ! Got the sack ! That explains a lot . Well , I wo n't tell him anything about this business just now .", "At breakfast ? Oh , I came down late . Vicenza , eh ? Then he 's out of it ! Hooray ! But as for Bob , he 's all right too . Oh , I forgot you cut dejeuner . Hypatia had another squabble with Miss Trotter , and poor old Bob got dragged into it as usual , and now they ai n't on speaking terms .", "Well , I 've let myself in for a nice thing ! Rummest way of treating a proposal I ever heard of . I should just like to tell that fellow Ruskin what I think of his precious ideas . But there 's one thing , though \u2014 she can n't care about Culchard , or she would n't want him carted off like this .... Hooray , I never thought of that before ! Why , there he is , dodging about to find out how I 've got on . I 'll tackle him straight off .", "Come in ? With that pastille doing the young Vesuvius ! Do you think a mosquito 's a born fool ?I 'm not going to be smoked like a wasp 's nest , I can tell you !", "One of \u2018 em gone ! Now if I can only clear these old tabbies out , I can tackle Culchard .You do n't happen to know if there 's a good doctor here , I suppose ? A lady was saying in the Musik-saal \u2014 the lady with the three daughters who came this afternoon \u2014 that she was afraid they were in for bad feverish colds or something , and asking who there was to call in .", "Oh , yes , generally \u2014 when they 're not drunk . I can only see this fellow 's boots \u2014 but they look to me a trifle squiffy .", "Yes , I will ,\u2014 a \u2014 did you mean now \u2014 and will it take me long , because \u2014\u2014", "Something like a rollick that ! But what do you say to dropping in quietly at the Eden for an hour or so , eh ? Variety show and all that going on .", "They do n't seem to have any Fiammingoes here .", "Oh , all right . I 'm not partic \u2014 at least . Well , I 'm glad you are n't , you know , that 's all .", "I wish your brother Bob had been here \u2014 he would have enjoyed that !", "I had a straw once \u2014 but I sat on it . I 'm awfully sorry , Miss Prendergast . Look here , shall I go and see if I can buy one ?", "I ! I ask him ? He settled it all with your sister . How could I help it ?", "If you go , I go too \u2014 that 's all .", "Only the pleasure of your society , old chap . How nicely you do put things !", "I \u2014 I beg your pardon \u2014 I do n't know what I was laughing at exactly .Will you shut up , confound you ! A STOUT LADY\u201c The whole symmetry of it depending on a narrow line of light . \u201dI do n't quite \u2014 oh yes , I do now \u2014 that 's it \u2014 where my sunshade is \u2014 \u201c the edge of a carpenter 's square , which connects those unused tools \u201d ... h 'm \u2014 can you make out the \u201c unused tools , \u201d Ethel ? I can n't .... But he says \u2014 \u201c The Ruined House is the Jewish Dispensation . \u201d Now I should never have found that out for myself .\u201c Tintoret denies himself all aid from the features .... No time allowed for watching the expression . \u201d ...\u201c No blood , no stabbing , or cutting ... but an awful substitute for these in the chiaroscuro . \u201d\u201c So that our eyes \u201c \u2014\u2014 \u201c seem to become blood-shot , and strained with strange horror , and deadly vision . \u201dA SOLEMN GENTLEMAN\u201c Further enhanced by \u2014 rook \u2014 rook \u2014 rook !\u2014 a largely-made \u2014 rook \u2014 ook !\u2014 farm-servant , leaning on a ork-ork \u2014 ork \u2014 ork \u2014 or \u2014 ook !\u2014 basket . Shall I \u2014 ork !\u2014 go on ? \u201d", "I do n't intend to .She 's gone out into the balcony . \u2018 Jove , I 'll go too , and get it over !", "So are you , old chap , if it comes to that . Tiddledy-iddlety-ido-lumpty-doodle-oo ! Is it to be Constance after all , then ?", "I was always afraid I should n't last the course , do n't you know . I did my best \u2014 but it was n't in me , I suppose . It was awfully good of you to put up with me so long . And , I say , you wo n't mind our being friends still , will you now ?", "Said you had a sort of schoolmaster look , and wanted to know if you were my tutor . My tutor !", "Frivolous ! From her too ! Oh , hang it all !", "Perhaps I had .D \u2014\u2014 his playfulness ! \u2018 Pon my word , poor old Culchard was nothing to that beggar ! And she backs him up ! But there \u2014 it 's all part of my probation !Hullo ! are you moving , or what ?", "Do n't you be afraid . When Hypatia once gets her quills up , they do n't subside so easily ! Hallo ! is n't this old Trotter ?", "I do n't , old chap \u2014 only I 'm afraid she does . Suppose we toddle back to the hotel , eh ? Getting near table d'hote time . CHAPTER XX . + Put not your Faith in \u2018 Fidibus . '+ SCENE \u2014 The interior of a covered gondola , which is conveying CULCHARD and PODBURY from the Railway Station to the Hotel Dandolo , Venice . The gondola is gliding with a gentle sidelong heave under shadowy bridges of stone and cast-iron , round sharp corners , and past mysterious blank walls , and old scroll-work gateways , which look ghostly in the moonlight .", "Is it ? You always gave out that she was n't your style at all , and you only regarded her as a \u201c study , \u201d and rot like that . How could I tell you would go and cut me out ?", "Well , I call Mark Twain funny anyhow . But I 'm going in for study now . I am \u2014 honour bright ! I 'm swotting up Spencer \u2014 look !", "Not much mistake about that \u2014 but there , it 's no good talking about it . Jolly that brown and yellow sail looks on the fruit barge there . See ?", "What 's he doing that for ?", "My name 's Podbury \u2014 plain Podbury , but you 're quite right . You have met me \u2014 and you 've met my bootmaker too , \u201c Lord Uppersole , \u201d eh ? That 's where the mistake came in !", "I do n't care if I do \u2014 it may cheer me up a bit . Florence , eh ?\u2014 and Naples ? I should n't mind a look at Florence . Or Rome . How about Rome , now ?", "Ca n't say \u2014 but a pleasanter one than Venice will get of you without it . You do n't mean to face the fair Miss Trotter while you 're like that , do you ?", "Oh , all right , I 'll keep dark . But she 's bound to know sooner or later , now she and Miss Trotter have struck up such a friendship . And Hypatia will be awfully pleased about it \u2014 why should n't she , you know ? ... I 'm going to see if there 's any one on the tennis-court , and get a game if I can . Ta-ta !", "Oh , beg pardon , did n't see you , old fellow . Awfully obliged ; jam it down anywhere , andI say , I want to introduce you to \u2014\u2014", "She may smile her head off for all I care .Here we are at Nuremberg . What hotel did you say you are going to ?", "Been having a talk with the porter . He says there 's a big fair over by the Station du Midi , and it 's worth seeing . Are you game to come along and sample it , eh ?", "Well , you see , it 's just this : there 's a fellow staying at my hotel \u2014 Prendergast , his name is \u2014 rattling good sort \u2014 and I 've rather chummed up with him , and \u2014 and he 's travelling with a relation of his , and \u2014 well , the fact is , they rather made a point of my going on to Constance with them , do n't you see ? But I daresay we could work it so as to go on all together . I 'll see what they say about it .", "Oh , yes , I see that . But then I 'm not , do n't you know \u2014 so there we are !", "Only one of the traces \u2014 they 've done it up with a penny ball of string , but I dare say it will stand the strain . You are n't half enjoying the view , old fellow .", "Her , you know ! What were you going to propose ?", "Spencer , eh ?\u2014 he 's a stiff kind of old bird , ai n't he ? He 'll do me to-rights , thanks .", "De trop or not , I mean going \u2014 she shall choose between us .", "But I should n't have said Miss Trotter was exactly harsh to me \u2014 lately , at all events .", "Whew , old chap ! I say , I would n't be you for something ! Wo n't you catch it when you do turn up ? But look here \u2014 as things are , we may as well travel home together , eh ?", "If that 's meant to be cutting , I should save it up for that novel of yours ; it may seem smart \u2014 there !", "Did you , by Jove ? Porter , I say , never mind about that luggage . Do you happen to know if Mr. and Miss Trotter \u2014 the American gentleman and his daughter \u2014 are down yet ?", "All right , old boy . I would n't bother you , only Miss Prendergast wants a figure for her foreground , and I said I 'd ask you if you 'd keep just as you are for a few minutes . Do you mind ?", "Then I \u2014 I suppose it 's all settled \u2014 with Miss T .\u2014 you know \u2014 eh ?", "I say , old chappie \u2014\u2014", "I 'm willing enough to drop it . And I shall turn in now \u2014 it 's late . You coming ?", "Yes , met Bob just now . They 've gone to the Europa , but we 've arranged to take a gondola together , and go about . They 're to pick me up here . Ah , that looks rather like them .How are you , Miss Prendergast ? Here I am , you see .", "Yes , we 'll do Switzerland \u2014 and run back by Paris , eh ? Not much to do in Switzerland , though , after all !", "It 's all bosh our travelling together if we 're not to have any discussions . You 've been on the sulk long enough . And I 'll thank you to inform me what you 're after here , going about alone with Miss Prendergast like this , in the Museum with her all the morning , and on the lake again this afternoon \u2014 it wo n't do , you know !", "You can n't hate it more than I do \u2014 but what can I do ?I 've tried rotting him , but somehow he always manages to get the best of it in the end . I never saw such a beggar to hang on !", "No , I 'm not . It 's those filthy canals . And the way you talk \u2014 as if a girl like Miss Trotter was n't \u2014\u2014!", "Have you , though ? But of course there 's nothing of that about her . Only \u2014 well , it do n't signify .", "That 's my look out . It can n't be worse than going about with you and listening while you crow and drivel about her , that 's one comfort !", "Must . Promised old Bob I 'd relieve guard in ten minutes . Ta-ta .", "It 's enough for me \u2014 especially when you make yourself so doosid amiable as this . You need n't alarm yourself \u2014 you wo n't have any more of my company than I can help ; only I must say , for two fellows who came out to do a tour together , it 's \u2014\u2014", "Perhaps I had better dismiss my chap , and take on Mr. Culchard too ?", "I did n't know him then , you see . And what made me agree to come away with him at all is beyond me . It was all Hughie Rose 's doing \u2014 he said we should get on together like blazes . So we have \u2014 very like blazes !", "Oh , do n't mind me . I 'm getting over it . But I must congratulate you on better luck .", "Up above ? And Hypatia just gone up with Bob ! Whew , there 'll be ructions presently ! Well out of it , you and I ! So it 's Boodeler 's turn now ? That 's rough on you \u2014 after Hypatia had whistled poor old Bob off . As much out in the cold as ever , eh ?", "Not I , old fellow \u2014 got other things to talk about . But I do n't quite see why \u2014\u2014", "What if she is , she do n't understand a word we 're saying . I want to hear all about Her , you know .", "Y \u2014 yes . I believe I do . Think they grew that sort of fig-tree formerly , or is it \u2014 a \u2014 allegorical ?", "It 's making me deuced peckish , I know that \u2014 how about lunch , eh !", "It 's all very well for you to talk \u2014 with Miss Trotter all to yourself . I suppose you 're regularly engaged by this time , eh ?", "Well , let him decay somewhere else , that 's all ! Just tell the Conductor to shove him in the interieur , do , while I nip into the coupe and keep our places .IN THE BERNARDINO PASS , DURING THE ASCENT .", "Find you see it better with your eyes shut ? But I say , I wish you 'd explain what you were sniggering at .", "Then I must . If that 's what he 's really after , I think I can stop his little game . I 'll try , at any rate . It 's a long worm that has no turning , and I 've had about enough of it . The first chance I get , I 'll go for him .", "Oh ! Then you have n't been arranging to meet her again on my account ?", "I say , old fellow , we 're to be travelling companions again , after all . And a jolly good thing , too , I think !... eh ?", "I say , you ai n't asleep , are you ? Think we shall see anything of them to-morrow , eh ?", "Do n't talk bosh ! Who said she was forward and bad form and all the rest of it in the courtyard that first evening ? She was close by , and heard every word of it , I should n't wonder .", "Oh , never mind all that now . We 're companions in misfortune , you know , and we 'd better stick together , and keep each other 's spirits up . After all , you 're in a much worse hat than I am !", "I was in no hurry , I can tell you . She 's a ripping little girl \u2014 tremendous fun . What do you think she asked me about you ?", "All right ! And now allow me to have the pleasure of restoring your pocket-book and note-case . They did fall out on the Niederwald , and it was a good job for you I was behind and saw them drop . You must really be careful , dear boy . Ai n't you going to say \u201c ta \u201d for them ?", "I ? why should I be \u2014 about what ?", "Phew ! The whole bag of tricks gone ! You 're lucky if you get them again . Any number of tramps and beggars all the way up . Should n't have taken off your coat \u2014 very careless of you !", "You mean she gave you a rendezvous there ? I do n't believe it !", "Oh , I say , Miss Prendergast , you know . Make it something else . Do !", "Wobbled back to Miss Trotter again , eh ? Matter of taste , of course , but , for my part , I think your first impression of her was nearer the truth \u2014 she 's not what I call a highly cultivated sort of girl , y \u2019 know .", "So should I . No fun in mountains \u2014 unless you go up \u2018 em . What do you think of choosing some quiet place , where nobody ever goes \u2014 say in France or Germany \u2014 and , sticking to that . More of a rest , would n't it be ? such a bore having to know a lot of people !", "Your father 's legs ? GUIDENo , Sare ; my vader see Napoleon 's laigs ; leedle \u2018 at , qvite plain ; no faither \u2014 nossing .", "I did n't call you a jabberer \u2014 I only said you talked jabber . I \u2014 I hardly know what I do say , when I 'm like this . And I 'm deuced sorry I spoke \u2014 there !", "Um \u2014 do n't see any particular dignity in missing the train , myself !", "Should n't he ? I 'm a little new to the business , you see , and it does strike me \u2014\u2014 but never mind . When am I to trot him off ?", "We can talk all right now , eh ? They wo n't understand . Look here , old fellow , I do n't mind owning I 'm rather down in the mouth about \u2014\u2014 you know what . I should n't care so much if there was any chance of our coming across them again .", "So I am . She 's in the Church with Bob , so I said I 'd come out and keep an eye on the gondola . Nothing much to see in there , you know !", "Oh , that 's all right ! I do n't care where I go ! All I want is , to see as much as we can in the time \u2014 leave all the rest to you . I 'll sit here while you get the tickets . AN OLD LADYOh , I beg your pardon , but could you inform me if the 1. 55 train from Calais to Basle stops long enough for refreshments anywhere , and where they examine the luggage , and if I can leave my hand-bag in the carriage , and whether there is an English service at Yodeldorf , and is it held in the hotel , and Evangelical , or High Church , and are the sittings free , and what Hymn-book they use ?", "Hold on a bit . Wait till you 've heard my penance . She told me to cart you off . Now , then !", "Like your shares , eh , old chap ? And mine too , for that matter . Well , I 'm ready enough to go . Only , for goodness \u2019 sake , let 's get away without being seen !", "So 's mine . By the way , have you got a book \u2014 I do n't mean a novel , but a regular improving book \u2014 the stodgier the better \u2014 to lend a fellow ?", "Here we are again , eh ?Where 's the fascinating Miss Trotter ? How do you come to be off duty like this ?", "A \u2014 thanks . I \u2014 I mean , I know I should only be in your way and all that . And \u2014 I 'd better say good-bye , Miss Prendergast . You wo n't want me in the gondola just now , I 'm sure . I can easily get another .", "Oh , I should say so \u2014 yes . What theory ?", "I do n't know about that . How about Miss Trotter ?", "It 's not safe for your sister ,\u2014 I 'm hanged if it is \u2014 going out in a boat with a duffer like Culchard ! He 'll upset her as sure as eggs .", "I suppose they charged highest for the lowest seats . Wonder whether a lion ever nipped up and helped himself to some fat old buffer in the Stalls when the martyrs turned out a leaner lot than usual !", "Not much of your original features , old fellow !You 've got a pair of cheeks like a raised map !", "So I 'm told ; a fair , down in the new part . I could tell you how to get to it , if you thought of going .", "Thanks , we shall see .CHAPTER VIII . + Podbury finds Consolation .+ SCENE \u2014 A Bridge over the Pegnitz , at Nuremberg . Time , afternoon . The shadows of the old gabled and balconied houses are thrown sharply on the reddish-yellow water . Above the steep speckled roofs , the spires of St. Lorenz glitter against the blue sky . CULCHARD is leaning listlessly upon the parapet of the bridge . CULCHARDHow mediaeval it all is , and how infinitely restful !What a blessed relief to be without that fellow Podbury ! He 's very careful to keep out of my way \u2014 I 've scarcely seen him since I 've been here . He must find it dreadfully dull .I ought to find material for a colour-sonnet here , with these subdued grey tones , those dull coppery-greens , and the glowing reds of the conical caps of those towers . I ought \u2014 but I do n't . I fancy that half-engagement to Maud Trotter must have scared away the Muse . I wonder if Podbury has really gone yet ?Er \u2014 so you 're still at Nuremberg ?", "Capital thing for them too , Sir . Know a man who never gives his cattle anything else .", "Oh , not more than a month or so , I dare say , if you can keep from touching them .Excuse me , old chap , but I just got you in a new light . Those mosquitoes have paid you out for that pastille \u2014 by Jove , they have ! LANDING-STEPS AND ENTRANCE OF THE HOTEL . NINE A. M .", "Well , it 's beastly selfish , that 's all ! I know why you 're so keen about it , too . Because the Trotters are going .", "I do n't believe he 'll go , you know , for one thing !", "Hi ! sprechen sie Franzoesisch , oder was ? il-y-a quelque chose dans mon siege , dites-lui de \u2014 what the deuce is the French for \u201c clear out \u201d ?", "Capital ! And \u2014 er \u2014 lunch at the Academy , I suppose ?", "Why , my dear chap , I thought you wanted \u2018 em kept out of your way !CHAPTER III . Culchard comes out of his Shell . SCENE \u2014 On the Coach from Braine l'Alleud to Waterloo . The vehicle has a Belgian driver , but the conductor is a true-born Briton . MR. CYRUS K. TROTTER and his daughter are behind with PODBURY . CULCHARD , who is not as yet sufficiently on speaking terms with his friend to ask for an introduction , is on the box-seat in front .", "Then you really are n't cut up \u2014 about Miss T. you know ?", "\u2014 Now then , this party as what came from Fla-an-ders , What had the com-plex-i-on rich and rare , He went and took and caught the yaller ja-un-ders \u2014 And his complexion is n't what it were !", "Look here , Culchard , I 'd just like to know what you mean by the way you 're going on .", "I say , Culchard , they 're going to talk about us . Ought we to listen , eh ? Better let them know we 're here ?"], "true_target": ["Violet powder ! Buy a blue veil \u2014 a good thick one !", "You artful old whistling oyster , I see what you 're up to ! But it 's no go ; she do n't want either of us Engadining about after her . It 's Charley Van Stickinthemud 's turn now ! We 've got to go to Nuremberg . You can n't get out of it , after gassing so much about the place . When you 've once decided , you know , it 's final !", "I do n't allow anything of the sort . She liked me well enough till \u2014 till you came in and set her against me , and you may think it friendly if you like , but I call it shabby \u2014 confoundedly shabby .", "If you only knew what he 's like when he 's nasty , you 'd let me off \u2014 you would , really . But there , to please you , I 'll do it . I 'll stand him as long as ever I can \u2014 \u2018 pon my honour I will . Only you 'll make it up to me afterwards , wo n't you now ?", "It 's the last laugh , old man ,\u2014 and it 's the best !CHAPTER VII . A Dissolution of Partnership . SCENE \u2014 A Second-Class Compartment on the line between Wurzburg and Nuremberg . PODBURY has been dull and depressed all day , not having recovered from the parting with MISS TROTTER . CULCHARD , on the contrary , is almost ostentatiously cheerful . PODBURY is intensely anxious to find out how far his spirits are genuine , but \u2014 partly from shyness , and partly because some of their fellow travellers have been English \u2014 he has hesitated to introduce the subject . At last , however , they are alone , and he is determined to have it out on the very first opportunity .", "That 's the place for me , then . Or could we push on to Vienna ? Never seen Vienna .", "I say , old boy , I 'd no notion you were such a nailing good chap ? Nein , danky .Cheeky little beggar . But do you really think anything will \u2014 er \u2014 come of it , if we do meet her again \u2014 do you now ?", "More water than ground in a place like this , eh ? But I know what you mean \u2014 we must be duffers if we do n't leave Venice engaged men \u2014 which we 're not as yet , worse luck !", "Together ? That 's a nuisance ! Now we shall have to wait till they separate \u2014 sure to squabble , sooner or later .", "With all the pleasure in life , dear boy \u2014 on your own conditions , you know . I mean , if I pay the piper , I call the tune . Now , I do n't cotton to Nuremberg somehow ; I 'd rather go straight on to Constance ; we could get some rowing there .", "Much obliged , old chap ; but I 'm otherwise engaged . Being kept in order myself . Oh , I like it , you know . She 's developing my mind like winking . Spent the whole morning at the Brera , mugging up these old Italian Johnnies . They really are clinkers , you know . Raphael , eh ?\u2014 and Giotto , and Mantegna , and all that lot . As Hypatia says , for intensity of \u2014 er \u2014 religious feeling , and \u2014 and subtlety of symbolism , and \u2014 and so on , they simply take the cake \u2014 romp in , and the rest nowhere ! I 'm getting quite the connoisseur , I can tell you !", "Look here , old fellow , Miss Prendergast would like to sit down , I know ; so do n't you bother about keeping with us if you 'd rather not , you know !", "One minute , Culchard .I say , for goodness \u2019 sake , do n't let 's have that old organ-grinding Johnny in the coupe with us !", "Nothing ? What became of the green coat and white waistcoat , then , eh ?", "Bruges , eh ? Capital ! Anything particular going on there ? No ? It do n't matter . And Ghent \u2014 let 's see , was n't that where they brought the good news from ? Yes , we 'll stop at Ghent \u2014 if we 've time . Then \u2014 Brussels ? Good deal of work to be done there , I suppose , sightseeing , and that ? I like a place where you can moon about without being bothered myself ; now , at Brussels \u2014 never mind , I was only thinking .", "Only that I mean to propose too . I dare say my chances are as good as yours \u2014 even now .", "Neither , as it happens . I 'm for Bingen , too , as you wo n't go anywhere else . Though you did say when we started , that the advantage of travelling like this was that we could go on or stop just as the fancy took us !", "Do n't I just \u2014 rather too deep for me , y \u2019 know ! I say , is n't Miss", "Uppersole ? No \u2014 he 's over at Cadenabbia , I believe .", "I know as well as you do that we are booked for Nuremberg ; but what I say is \u2014 that 's no earthly reason why we should go there !", "The deuce she did n't ! Did she tell you Ruskin 's ideas about courtship being a probation , and ask you if you were ready to be under vow for her , by any chance ?", "I say , old chappie , bar fireworks , you know ! What the deuce are you up to over there ?", "It \u2014 it 's quite decent . It was new when I came away ! BOBHang it all , Patia ! Do you want him to come out in a chimney-pot ? Jump in , old fellow , never mind your tile ?", "Oh , I do n't know that I care about lunch myself \u2014 much .", "No , look here , my friend ; you go and tell that gentleman all about it; he 's very interested in hearing what Napoleon wore or did n't wear .GUIDEBot ven zey com qvite nearer , zey vind ze rade line no ze Inglis soldiers \u2014 nossing bot a breek vall , viz ze moskets \u2014 \u201c Prown Pesses , \u201d you coal dem \u2014 shdeekin out of ze \u2018 oles ! Ze \u2018 oles schdill dere . Dat vas Houguymont , in the orshairde . Now you com viz me and see ze lion . Ze dail , two piece ; ze bodi , von piece ; ze ball , von piece . I sank you , Sare . \u2018 Ope you com again soon .", "Not a bit \u2014 to her . Better step out if we mean to catch that train .La-di-loodle-lumpty-leedle-um-ti-loo !CHAPTER IV . Podbury is unpleasantly Surprised . SCENE \u2014 The Wiertz Museum at Brussels , a large and well-lighted gallery containing the works of the celebrated Belgian , which are reducing a limited number of spectators to the usual degree of stupefaction . Enter CULCHARD , who seats himself on a central ottoman .", "You have , and no mistake . She 's regularly taken me in hand , do n't you know \u2014 she says I 've no intelligent appreciation of Italian Art ; and gad , I believe she 's right there ! But I 'm pulling up \u2014 bound to teach you a lot , seeing all the old altar-pieces I do ! And she gives me the right tips , do n't you see ; she 's no end of a clever girl , so well-read and all that ! But I say \u2014 about Miss Trotter ? Do n't want to be inquisitive , you know , but you do n't seem to be much about with her .", "Do n't see that either . Not going to let that beast , Van Boodeler , have it all his own way !", "No , \u201c Ignoto Fiammingo , \u201d do n't you know . I like that chap 's style \u2014 what I call thoroughly Venetian .", "Now drop it , Culchard , do you hear ? I wo n't hear a word against either of them . It serves us jolly well right for not knowing our own minds better \u2014 though I no more dreamed that old Bob would \u2014\u2014 Oh , hang it , I can n't talk about it yet !", "I 'm looking , old chap . It 's all there , right enough !", "For rest , see guide-books , passim , eh ? Hanged if I can see any structures with this thing on , though ! Let 's have it off , eh ?Hi ! Otez-moi ceci . entendez-vous ?Now a London cabby would see what I wanted at once . This chap 's a fool !", "Oh \u2014 but you find him plain-sailing enough , I suppose ?", "He should n't try to make me out a bigger duffer than I am , then . But I say , you do n't really think it was too bad ? Ah , you 're laughing \u2014 you do n't !", "No , but I mean to say \u2014 does it come up to the mark in the scenery line , you know ?", "Oh , ta-ta !And that 's the fellow who said he wanted to keep out of making friends ! How the dickens am I going to get through the time by myself ?Here , that 's enough for one day .", "I 'll risk it . It must be a devilish funny joke to tickle you like that . Come , out with it !", "Glad to hear it .\u2018 Jove , if he only knew what I know !", "Wonder how long I shall take to get over Culchard 's manner .I wish old Hughie was coming \u2014 he 'd give me a leg over ! CHAPTER II . Podbury picks up Acquaintances . SCENE \u2014 Courtyard of the \u201c Grand Hotel du Lion Belgique et d'Albion , \u201d at Brussels . It is just after table d'hote ; PODBURY and CULCHARD are sitting on a covered terrace , with coffee . PODBURYNot such a bad dinner ! Expect they 'll rook us a lot for it , though . Rather fun , seeing the waiters all troop in with a fresh course , when the proprietor rang his bell . Like a ballet at the Empire \u2014 eh ? CULCHARDI 'm not in a position to say . I do n't affect those places of entertainment myself .", "Got any more of those , old fellow ?THE GUIDEAlong dat gross vay , Vellainton meet Blushair . Prussian general , Blushair . Vellainton \u2018 e com hier . I see \u2018 im . Ven \u2018 e see ze maundt , \u2018 e vos vair angri . \u2018 E say , \u201c Eet is no ze battle-fiel \u2019 no more \u2014 I com back nevare ! \u201d Zat aidge is vere de Scots Greys vas . Ven they dell Napoleon \u2018 oo zey are , \u2018 e say , \u201c Fine mens \u2014 splendid mens , I feenish dem in von hour ! \u201d Soult \u2018 e say , \u201c Ah , Sire , you do not know dose dairible grey \u2018 orses ! \u201d Napoleon \u2018 e not know dem . Soult \u2018 e meet dem at de Peninsulaire \u2014 \u2018 e know dem . In dat Shirsh , dventy , dirty dablets to Inglis officers . Napoleon \u2018 e coaled op \u2018 is laift vink , zey deploy in line , vair you see my shdeek \u2014 ha , ze shentelman is gone avay vonce more !", "What do you say to beginning with Italy and working back ? Too hot , eh ? Well , then , we 'll let things be as they are \u2014 I dare say it will do well enough . So that 's settled !", "Free as a bird ! If the Governor had wanted me back in the City , he 'd have let me know it . Well ?", "Italian Lakes ? First-rate ! Yes , they 're worth seeing , I suppose . Think they 're better than the Swiss ones , though ?", "I do n't know . Ca n't make her out . She would n't sit on me the way she does unless she liked me , I suppose . But I say , it must be awf \u2014 rather jolly for you with Miss Trotter ? She 's got so much go , eh ?", "I rather like this place , you know \u2014 sort of rest . And we could always nip over to Ems , or Homburg , if it got too slow , eh ?", "Perhaps not ; but I am not engaged to her \u2014 you are . You told me so in the train .", "Oh , if you 'd rather !They can do without us . Just show me something more in the blood-and-thunder line \u2014 no , at the other end of the room .", "Are you sure ? I thought the history books said he \u201c stuck a feather in his hat , and called it Macaroni . \u201d", "Good-night !Confounded patronizing prig ! CHAPTER XXIII . + PEARLS AND PIGS .+ SCENE \u2014 The Lower Hall of the Scuola di San Rocco , Venice . British Tourists discovered studying the Tintorets on the walls and ceiling by the aid of Ruskin , Hare , and Baedeker , from which they read aloud , instructively , to one another . MISS PRENDERGAST has brought \u201c The Stones of Venice \u201d for the benefit of her brother and PODBURY . Long self-repression has reduced PODBURY to that unpleasantly hysterical condition known as \u201c a fit of the giggles , \u201d which , however , has hitherto escaped detection .", "So shall I . No end of a shirty letter from the Governor . Wants to know how much longer I expect him to be tied to the office . Old humbug , when he only turns up twice a week for a couple of hours !", "Rather ! Told her it was t'other way round , and I was looking after you . Said you were suffering from melancholia , but were not absolutely dangerous .", "The same to you , and many of \u2018 em , old chap ! Hullo , we 're going to stop at this inn . Let 's get out and stretch our legs and have some coffee .", "Glass up , Gondolier ... stifling in this cab ... drive me ... nearest Doge .", "Come , old chap , do n't get your shirt out with me . Not my fault if she 's found out you think yourself too big a swell for her , is it ?", "There were only two seats on that coach , and they would n't wait for the next . I do n't know why , unless it was that they saw you coming down the steps . She can n't stand you at any price .", "Not dull \u2014 a trifle out of sorts , that 's all . Fact is , I do n't think Venice agrees with me . All this messing about down beastly back-courts and canals and in stuffy churches \u2014 it can n't be healthy , you know ! And they 've no drainage . I only hope I have n't caught something , as it is . I 've that kind of sinking feeling , and a general lowness \u2014 She says I lunch too heavily \u2014 but I swear it 's more than that !", "Much better cork that up , old chap \u2014 had n't he , Miss Trotter ?", "I 've no occasion for any at present , thank you .CHAPTER V . Culchard has the Best of it . SCENE \u2014 Upper deck of the Rhine Steamer , Koenig Wilhelm , somewhere between Bonn and Bingen . The little tables on deck are occupied by English , American , and German tourists , drinking various liquids , from hock to Pilsener beer , and eating veal cutlets . MR. CYRUS K. TROTTER is on the lower deck , discussing the comparative merits of the New York hotels with a fellow countryman . MISS MAUD S. TROTTER is seated on the afterdeck in close conversation with CULCHARD . PODBURY is perched on a camp-stool in the forward part . Near him a British Matron , with a red-haired son , in a green and black blazer , and a blue flannel nightcap , and a bevy of rabbit-faced daughters , are patronising a tame German Student in spectacles , who speaks a little English .", "But I thought you said you 'd been speaking up for me ! What did you talk about then ?", "Oh , that 's it , is it ? But look here , why not tit up whether we go on or stay ?", "Go on \u2014 never mind me . Bless you , I 'm under vow for her too , my dear boy . Fact !", "Thanks \u2014 I wo n't trouble you . Only it does seem rather rough on fellows , do n't you know . If every one went on his plan \u2014 well , there would n't be many marriages ! Still , I never thought you 'd say \u201c Yes \u201d right off . It 's like my cheek , I know , to ask you at all ; you 're so awfully clever and that . And if there 's a chance for me , I 'm game for anything in the way of a trial . Do n't make it stiffer than you can help , that 's all !", "Well , I 'll just trouble you to explain this \u2014 wait a bit .Ah , here we are \u2014 \u201c And these illusive and primordial cognitions , or pseud-ideas , are homogeneous entities which may be differentiated objectively or subjectively , according as they are presented as Noumenon or Phenomenon . Or , in other words , they are only cognoscible as a colligation of incongruous coalescences . \u201d Now then \u2014 are you going to tell me you can make head or tail of all that ?", "But I say , look here , Sir , we 're going on , and you 've got our place !", "Think you 've made a mistake , really .", "We \u2014 we 're awfully disappointed to have missed them , Mr. Trotter . Afraid we can n't stop now ! Good-bye !CHAPTER XXVI . + Podbury Kisses the Rod .+ SCENE \u2014 On the Lagoons . CULCHARD and PODBURY 'S gondola is nearing Venice . The apricot-tinted diaper on the facade of the Ducal Palace is already distinguishable , and behind its battlements the pearl-grey domes of St. Mark 's shimmer in the warm air . CULCHARD and PODBURY have hardly exchanged a sentence as yet . The former has just left off lugubriously whistling as much as he can remember of \u201c Che faro , \u201d the latter is still humming \u201c The Dead March in Saul , \u201d although in a livelier manner than at first .", "We 're right enough , if the horses do n't happen to stumble . That off-leader is n't over sure-footed \u2014 did you see that ?But what 's the joke about Miss Prendergast ?", "Oh very , do you mind putting your window up ? Thanks . You seem uncommon chirpy to-day . Beginning to get over it , eh ?", "But wo n't you come ? Do . I shall be awfully glad if you will !", "Come along , then \u2014 only look sharp . Sure you do n't mind ? Miss Trotter will be there , you know !", "Well , but look here \u2014 why not stop at Bacharach , and see what sort of a place it is ?", "How on earth are we going to get that beggar out ? Set the Conductor at him , Culchard , do \u2014 you can talk the lingo best !", "If she 's carrying on with that fellow , Culchard , to provoke me , I 'll soon show her how little I \u2014I say , old man , hope I 'm not interrupting you , but I just want to speak to you for a minute , if Miss Trotter will excuse us . Is there any particular point in going as far as Bingen to-night , eh ?", "Well ,\u2014 not exactly , old chap \u2014 not to me , at least . But I say , Miss Trotter did n't tell you that ? Not really ? Hooray ! Then it 's all right \u2014 she may have me after all !", "I see ; I 'd better clear out till the poetry has all gurgled out of him , eh ? Is that the idea ?", "Certainly , old chap . I like you to talk , only not \u2014 not against", "But you just said you had a faither !", "If you ask me , I should call it a simply footling show \u2014 but you were long enough over it .What 's up now ? Nothing gone wrong with the works , eh ?", "Go home ? Why , I can wire to the governor for more , easily enough . We shall have to stay here till it comes , that 's all .", "Well , old chap , your resigning like that has made all the difference to me , I can tell you !", "I \u2014 I dare say . Forgotten all I learnt at school , you know !", "Are they ? A lot of the Venetians seem to wear \u2018 em .Now what are we going to do \u2014 just potter about ?", "My aunt !", "I know . Look here , it 's no use . You must go to Florence by yourself . I simply do n't feel up to it , and that 's the truth . I shall just potter about here till \u2014 till they go .", "Another gone !So you are n't going down to the Cloisters to-night ? I 'm told there 's to be some fun there \u2014 Hide-and-seek , or something \u2014 first-rate place for it , especially now the moon 's up !", "Done with you !Sudden death . You 're Eagle \u2014 I 'm the other Johnny .Eagle ! Confound you ! But I mean to have my innings all the same .", "Oh , are they ? Any way , you 've fetched up your average here . Were n't there enough in the Museum for you ?", "Fancy I saw her down below just now \u2014 with Bob . I expect they 're walking round under the arches .", "Um \u2014 I should be more enchanted if I ever had the faintest notion what the great thinker was driving at . Look here \u2014 here 's a simple little sentence for you !\u201c Let us therefore bear in mind the following :\u2014 That of the whole incident force affecting an aggregate , the effective force is that which remains after deducting the non-effective , that the temporarily effective and the permanently effective vary inversely , and that the molar and molecular changes wrought by the permanently effective force also vary inversely . \u201dAnd that 's only in an Epitome , mind you !", "Oh , that 's all right , old fellow . I 've got over all that business .How soon did you think of moving on ?", "Well , it 's poor fun having to go alone !", "It 's not so easy to tell him as you think . We have n't been on speaking terms these three days . And , after allwe 're supposed to be travelling together , do n't you know ! You might drop him a hint now .", "Safe enough \u2014 unless the wheel catches one \u2014 it was as near as a toucher just then \u2014 are n't you going to smoke ? No ? I am . By the way , what were you so amused about just now , eh ?", "I ?\u2014 is it likely ! I \u2014 I admire her awfully , you know , only she rather seemed to snub me lately .", "Not by way of a change ? Ah , well , it 's a pity \u2014 but I must put up with you as you are , I suppose . You see \u2014\u2014 I 've got that vow to work out .", "Oh , she 'll come round all right , never fear . I only wish I was half as safe with Miss Trotter !", "I \u2014 I 'm really most awfully sorry \u2014 but it came over me suddenly , and I simply could n't help myself !", "So can I hear you buzzing . How the dickens is a fellow to get to sleep while you 're playing Punch and Judy in there ?", "But that cousin of hers \u2014 Charley , you know \u2014 how about him ?", "Eagle ! we 're even so far .This settles it .", "Then I 'm jolly glad you did n't call me earlier , that 's all !", "They take to it like birds . And \u2014 curious thing \u2014 after he 'd tried it a month , all the cows turned yellow and went about chirping and twittering and hopping . Fact , I assure you !", "I \u2014 I did see them \u2014 all of them , on my honour I did ! But it gives me such a crick in my neck !", "Bob , you \u2014 you do n't think your sister really \u2014\u2014 eh ?", "Oh , of course it 's very jolly . Find I get a trifle mixed afterwards , though . And , between ourselves , I would n't mind \u2014 now and then , you know \u2014 just dawdling about among the shops and people , as you and the Trotters do !", "Well , yes . I 've got to meet Prendergast at the Cafe Noris . We 're going to beat up some stables , and see if we can n't hire a couple of gees for an hour or two before dinner . Do you feel inclined for a tittup ?", "Is that our expenses you 're corking down there , Culchard , eh ?", "Rath-er ! But then she 's no end of a classical swell , you know !", "I say , those two do n't seem to hit it off exactly , eh ? Seem sorry they came ! You 'll be glad to hear , old fellow , that we need n't separate after all . Just found my purse in my trouser-pocket !", "Torcello ? Why , that 's where Bob and Miss Prendergast talked of going to-day ! Culchard , old fellow , I 've changed my mind . Sha n't leave to-day , after all . I shall just nip over and see what sort of place Torcello is .", "Rather ! Regular ripping old place this \u2014 suits me down to the ground . And how are you getting on , my bonnie boy , eh ?", "Oh , I 've heard all that . What 's this one about ?", "Oh , so you came up too ? Well , can you see her ?", "Telling tales is not exactly in my line . But you do n't go on that balcony without me \u2014 that 's all .", "Yes , Hypatia 's rather uneasy about poor old Bob ; thinks Miss Trotter is \u2014 well , carrying on , you know . She is no end of a little flirt \u2014 you know that well enough !\u2014Here you all are , eh ?\u2014\u2014 Well , who knows the way up to the villa ?", "Mosquitoes ! It would drive a dragon out . Phew \u2014 ah !You do n't mean to say you 're going to shut me up in this infernal reek on a stifling night like this ?", "She 's no end of a clever girl , you know . And , after all , she may only have wanted time to make up her mind .", "Oh ! Where do you turn in when you want to kick up your heels a bit ? Madame Tussaud 's ? I say , why on earth did n't you talk to that old Johnny next to you at dinner ? He was trying all he knew to be friendly .", "Macbeth , eh ? oh , I see \u2014 Wishes ! No , what was that ?", "Ah , you should n't have touched those mussels they gave us with the sole . Have a nip of this cognac , and you 'll soon be all right .", "The old Johnny seems full of pretty fancies .Girl looking at skeleton . Ha ! Any other domestic subjects on view ?Hal \u2014 lo , this is luck ! I must go to the rescue , or that beggar Culchard will bore her to death in no time .Here , hold on a minute .How d \u2019 ye do , Miss Trotter ? Doing the Wild Wiertz Show , I see . Ah , Culchard , why did n't you tell me you were going \u2014 might have gone together . I say , I 've got a guide here .", "But you did pretend , old chap . You said it was \u201c profound truth \u201d and \u201c masterly precision \u201d ! I 've got more profound truth where that came from . I say , I shall set up as an intellectual Johnny after this , and get you to write an Epitome of me . I think I pulled your leg that time , eh ?", "Gas cut off again ? Come for a toddle . You do n't mean to stick here all the evening , eh ?", "She treats me a devilish deal too seriously , my boy . But there , never mind \u2014 things will go better now ! SCENE \u2014 A double-bedded room in the Grand Hotel Dandolo , which PODBURY and CULCHARD have to share for the night .", "I do n't care . I can find a pot-house somewhere , I daresay . THE PALE-HAIRED LADYPardon me , you will find close to the Bahnhof a very goot hotel \u2014 the Wurtemburger .", "Very well \u2014 I 'm sure I do n't care !Even old Culchard wo n't have anything to do with me now ! I must have somebody to talk to \u2014 or I shall go off my head !I say , old chap !Look here \u2014 it 's bad enough as it is without our having a row ! Never mind anything I said .", "Right you are !I 'll draw the church first and see if she 's there .Hypatia , by Jove ! Narrow shave that !", "Much obliged , I 'm sure . I do n't listen behind doors , as a general thing . I suppose , now , she set you a trial of some kind , to prove your mettle , eh ?", "So that 's over ! Hanged if I do n't think I 'm sorry , after all . It will be beastly lonely without anybody to bully me , and she could be awfully nice when she chose .... Still it is a relief to have got rid of old Tintoret , and not to have to bother about Bellini and Cima and that lot .... How that beggar Culchard will crow when he hears of it ! Sha n't tell him anything \u2014 if I can help it .... But the worst of getting the sack is \u2014 people are almost bound to spot you .... I think I 'll be off to-morrow . I 've had enough of Venice ! CHAPTER XXIV . + THE PILGRIMS OF LOVE .+ SCENE \u2014 The Piazza of St. Mark at night . The roof and part of the facade gleam a greenish silver in the moonlight . The shadow of the Campanile falls , black and broad , across the huge square , which is crowded with people listening to the Military Band , and taking coffee , & c ., outside the cafes . MISS TROTTER and CULCHARD are seated at one of the little tables in front of the Quadri .", "\u201c Letter to hand . No end sorry . Start at once . \u201dWriting to Florence for room , eh ?", "You were n't so anxious to tit up just now \u2014 but never mind .Now then , Emperor \u2014 Constance . Eagle \u2014 Nuremberg . Is it sudden death , or best out of three ?", "So long as you keep it buttoned , old chap ,\u2014 which you do n't seem to do !", "I say , how awfully well you draw !", "What 's St. Goarshausen like \u2014 cheery ?", "Take care ! I swear I 'll pitch you out of this gondola , unless you stop that jabber !", "I do like that ! For a fellow who means to keep out of people 's way ! They 'd have wanted you to stay to lunch and dinner , most likely .", "Well , it 's concluded , anyway . It 's all off , you know . I \u2014 I was n't artistic enough for her .", "Topheavy \u2014 I expect , too much luggage on board \u2014 have another sandwich ?", "Of course . I 'm not keen about getting to know people . He had no end of a pretty daughter , though . Mean to say you did n't spot her ?", "Oh , was that it ? And you 're nothing of the kind , eh ?", "\u201c For really to conceive the infinite divisibility of matter is mentally to follow out the divisions to infinity , and to do this would require infinite time . \u201d You 're right there , old cock , and , as I have n't got it to spare , I wo n't trouble you !\u2014 um \u2014 um ... \u201c opposite absurdities \u201d \u2014 \u201c subjective modifications \u201d ... \u201c ultimate scientific ideas , then , are all representative of ideas that cannot be comprehended . \u201d I could have told him that . What bally rot this Philosophy is \u2014 but I suppose I must peg away at it . Did n't she say she was sorry I did n't go in more for cultivating my mind ?Jove , here she comes ! and yes , there 's that beggar Culchard with her ! I thought he 'd \u2014 how the dickens did he manage to \u2014\u2014? I see what he 's after \u2014 thinks he 'll cut me out \u2014 twice over \u2014 but he sha n't this time , if I can help it .", "I 'm not sure I shall go any further . Anyway , while I am here , I prefer to keep to myself .", "No , I say , though ! Ruskin does n't say all that ?", "Because I shall go to some other , that 's all .", "The button ?"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["Well , I guess it would be about as luxurious if it had n't got a chunk of wood nailed down the middle \u2014 it 's not going to have any one confusing it with a bed of roses just yet .Your friend mad about anything ? He do n't seem to open his head more'n he 's obliged to . I presume he do n't approve of your taking up with me and father \u2014 he keeps away from us considerable , I notice ."], "true_target": ["Well , we came up on the cars in front of yours . We 've taken rooms at the hotel up here . Poppa reckoned the air would be kind of fresher on the top of this mountain , and I do n't believe but what he 's right either . I guess I shall want another hairpin through my hat . And are you still going around with Mr. Podbury ? As inseparable as ever , I presume ?", "Well , I guess it 's gayer out here , anyway . That Reading Saloon is just about as lively as a burying lot with all the tombs unlet . I want the address of that man who said that Brussels was a second Parrus ."], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["How are you getting along , Maud ? Your seat pretty comfortable ?"], "true_target": ["Maybe we ai n't been long enough off the cars to jedge yet . Do you feel like putting on your hat and sack , and sorter smellin \u2019 round this capital ?"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["Yes , and the great Amurrcan public are going to rise up in their millions and boom it . Only I do n't believe they 'd better start booming just yet , till there 's something more than covers to that novel . And how you 're going to collect material for an Amurrcan novel , flying round Europe , just beats me !", "I cannt answer that till I know whereabouts it is they mark the scenery-line . I expect Mr. Culchard knows . He knows pretty well everything . Would you like to have him explain the scenery to you going along ? His explanations are vurry improving , I assure you .", "Well , I guess I 'm not just as sure of you as I should like to be , anyway . Seems to me , considering you 've been so vurry inconsolable away from me , you 'd a good deal to say to that young lady in the patent folders . And I 'd like an explanation \u2014 you 're right down splendid at explaining most things .", "He went and got mislaid ? I see . He used to stray considerable over in Germany , did n't he ? Well , I 'm real pleased to see you anyway . And how 's the poetry been panning out ? I hope you 've had a pretty good yield of sonnets ?", "Well , I find him too chinny myself , times . Likely he wo n't notice us if we do n't seem to be aware of him .A BELGIAN GUIDEHier now is a shdrainch beecture . \u201c De toughts and veesions of a saivered haid . \u201d Fairsst meenut afder degapitation ; de zagonde ; de tirt . Hier de haid tink dey vant to poot him in a goffin . Dere are two haids \u2014 von goes op , de udder down . Haf you got de two ? Nod yet ? No ? PODBURYOh , ah , yes . Capital . Rum subject , though .", "I guess our Schoolmaster 's abroad . But why Mr. Culchard should want to make himself a train out of my coverlets , I do n't just see \u2014 he looks majestic enough without that .AT THE TOMB OF JULIET .", "You may put it at that if you like . Maybe it would n't have been just the square thing to do if you 'd been a different sort of man \u2014 but you wanted to be taught that you could n't have all the fun of flirtation on your side , and I was n't afraid the emotional strain was going to shatter you up to any serious extent . Now it 's left off amusing me , and I guess it 's time to stop . I 'm as perfectly aware as I can be that you 've been searching around for some way of getting out of it this long while back \u2014 so there 's no use of your denying you 'll be real enchanted to get your liberty again !", "Well , I do n't just know what your dictionary term would be for a man who goes and vows exclusive devotion to one young lady , while he 's waiting for his answer from another , and keeps his head close shut to each about it . Or a man who backs out of his vows by trading off the sloppiest kind of flap-doodle about not wishing to blight the hopes of his dearest friend . Or a man who has been trying his hardest to get into the good graces again of the young lady he went back on first , so he can cut out that same dearest friend of his , and leave the girl he 's haff engaged to right out in the cold . And puts it all off on the high-toned-est old sentiments , too . But I do n't consider the expression , \u201c a mean cuss , \u201d too picturesque for that particular kind of hero myself !", "And you mean to tell me you 've never met anybody since you even cared to converse with ?", "Then , now you 're refreshed , I 'll tell you what I think about you .My opinion of you , Mr. Culchard , is that , taking you by and large , you amount to what we Amurrcans describe as \u201c a pretty mean cuss . \u201d", "Well , and I do n't care how soon we do , either . Charley 's a bright man , and real cultivated . I 'm always telling him that he 's purrfectly splendid company , considering he 's only a cousin .", "Gracious , yes ! I should hope you would n't want to show your enthusiasm that way \u2014 like a Japanese nobleman !", "Well , Mr. Podbury , that 's not a vurry complimentary remark to make before me !", "You 're vurry obliging , Mr. Podbury , but your friend is explaining it all just splendidly .", "Well , I 'm sure I ought to feel it a vurry high compliment to have you going round grieving all this time on my account .", "Well , it 's more than cheap \u2014 it is n't going to cost you a cent , so I should think you 'd appreciate it !", "Why , certainly , it 's a view that does you infinite credit . Oh , you did n't take any hand in the arrangement ? But ai n't you afraid if you go around patting the scenery on the head this way , you 'll have the lake overflow ?", "You do beat anything for mixing up places , Father . And you do n't want to be letting yourself loose on Mr. Culchard this way . You 'd better go and bring Mr. Van Boodeler along ; he 's round somewhere .", "Just so .Well , Mr. Culchard , if I wanted anything to confirm my opinion of you , I guess you 've given it me !", "Inconvenienced ! With haff a dozen healthy mosquitoes springing a surprise party on me all night ! I should guess so .But what in the land have you been about ? Well , if that is n't real tact now ! I reckoned I 'd been dealt a full hand in spots ; but now I 've seen you , I guess there 's a straight flush against me , and I can just throw up . But you do n't play Poker , do you ? Come along in , Poppa , do .", "Poppa , do n't you wonder what Charley 's doing just now ? I 'd like to know if he 's found any one yet to feel an interest in the great Amurrcan Novel . It 's curious how interested people do get in that novel , considering it 's none of it written , and never will be . I guess sometimes he makes them believe he means something by it . They do n't understand it 's only Charley 's way !", "It 's calculated to put one in mind of Macbeth 's little dinner-party , certainly . But you can cheer up , Mr. Culchard , here comes a couple of belated Banquos . My gracious , I do like that girl 's face \u2014 she has such a perfectly lovely expression , and looks real superior too !", "I presume , from that , she has shown an intelligent interest in the great Amurrcan novel ?", "My ! but that sounds like a proposal ?", "Well , I guess it 's navigable , as far as I 've got .", "Well , I expect my mind would have stood the strain as it was \u2014 so it 's Mr. Podbury who 's her admirer ? See here , you 're going to introduce me to that girl right away . It 's real romantic , and I 'm perfectly dying to make her acquaintance !", "If it makes you so glad as all that , I believe I 'll come . Though what you could say different , after Poppa had put it up so steep on you , I do n't know . I 'll just go and fix myself first .", "It 's only going to be a short run , my love . But I 'm vurry glad to observe that you and Mr. Culchard are so perfectly harmonious , as I 'm leaving him on your hands for a spell . Are n't you ever coming , Mr. Prendergast ? A PATH IN THE GROUNDS OF THE VILLA SERBELLONI .", "I guess it 's not damp here \u2014 any .Now you 're going to be Mary , and father and I have got to be the little lambs and follow you around .IN AN UPPER CORRIDOR TWO HOURS LATER .", "I should have thought you 'd want to leave the gentleman some say in the matter , father \u2014 not to mention me !", "I guess it 's more like skipping , Charley . But so long as you 're having a good time ! And here 's Mr. Culchard will fix you up some sonnets for headings to the chapters . You need n't begin right away , Mr. Culchard ; I guess there 's no hurry . But we get talking and talking , and never look at anything . I do n't call it encouraging the scenery , and that 's a fact !", "No , I guess ten francs would start him with more self-respect than he 's got any use for . Mr. Culchard will give him three \u2014 that 's one apiece \u2014 to punish him for being so real mean !", "Maybe , now , you can form a pretty good idea already what that opinion is ?", "Not much . My face just made that ice-water boil over . I do n't believe I 'll ever have a complexion again \u2014 it 's divided up among several dozen mosquitoes , who 've no use for one . But it 's vurry consoling to look at you , Mr. Culchard , and feel there 's a pair of us . Now what way do you propose we should endeavour to forget our sufferings ?", "The fact is , Poppa , Hypatia is n't just sure that Mr. Prendergast would n't object .", "You mean that night Charley took us out on the Lake ? Poor", "It 's through the town , and up some steps by the church \u2014 you can n't miss it . But Mr. Prendergast is going to show me a short cut up behind the hotel \u2014 are n't you , Mr. Prendergast ?", "I do n't see how you can act so , Poppa ,\u2014 when you know she 's just as mad with me !", "You do n't seem to find that old gentleman vurry good company ?", "Yankee Doodle ?", "Well , if you do n't introduce me , I shall introduce myself , that 's all .", "Well , I do n't mind ; he 's real polite and obliging \u2014 and that 's something , anyway !", "I guess you 've met this gentleman before !", "Well , I do n't know as a thorn in the flesh is any the pleasanter for having a good point .", "You 're vurry polite , I 'm sure ! But I possess a hand-mirror ; and , if you can n't bear to look me in the face , you 'd better keep away !", "They 're handsome tombs enough \u2014 but considerable cramped . I should have thought these old Scallywags would have looked around for a roomier burying lot .You are n't feeling sick any ?", "I 'll undertake that he sees the Alps , my dear , presently \u2014 when we 're through our talk .", "This Ark is n't proposing to send out any old dove , either \u2014 we 've no use for an olive-branch .That 's \u201c Santa Lucia \u201d they 're singing now , Poppa .", "I guess it 's got to be just about as ambiguous now \u2014 there do n't seem anything I can say . There 's times when I feel as if it might be sort of elevating and improving to have you shining around ; and there 's other times when I suspect that , if it went on for any considerable period , likely I 'd weaken . I 'm not just sure . And I can n't ever make myself believe but what you 're disapproving of me , inside of you , most all the time !", "I guess that accounts for your gaiety ! There , do n't you mind me , Mr. Culchard . But suppose we hurry along and inspect this panorama they talk so much of ; it is n't going to be any side-show . It 's just a real representative mass-meeting of Swiss mountains , with every prominent peak in the country on the platform , and a deputation down below from the leading Italian lakes . It 's ever so elegant ,\u2014 and there 's Poppa around on the top too . On the top . Tourists discovered making more or less appropriate remarks .FIRST TOURISTGrand view , Sir , get \u2018 em all from here , you see ! Monte Rosa , Matterhorn , Breithorn \u2014\u2014", "I guess girls do n't use their pocket-handkerchiefs that way over the weather . Who is she , anyway ?", "I presume he 'd reasons enough . He 's a vurry cautious man . Likely he was afraid he 'd get bitten .", "Well , I 'm sure , Mr. Culchard !", "Not any . I expect the old city will have to curb its impatience to see me till to-morrow . I 'm tired some .", "I 'd like ever so much to know why it is you 're so anxious to see that Miss Prendergast and me friendly again ? After she 's been treating you this long while like you were a toad \u2014 and not a popular kind of toad at that !", "Well , I guess there 's no harm done . I did n't feel like being in any imminent danger of perishing that way in your society . You 're real high-toned and ever so improving , and that 's better than tickling , every time . And I want you to show me round this collection and give me a few notions . Seems to me there was considerable sand in Wiertz ; sort of spread himself around a good deal , did n't he ? I presume , though , he slept bad , nights .I declare if that is n't your friend Mr. Podbury just come in ! I believe I 'll have to give you up to him .", "Well , I do n't know that you 've missed your guess altogether . Are you through your ice-cream yet ?", "No , I 'd just hate to have you do that . Keep on going round . You must n't mind us , indeed !", "I guess he 's endeavouring to intimate that his wounded self-respect is n't going to be healed under haff a dollar . And every red cent I had went on that old pot ! Mr. Culchard , will you give him a couple of francs for me ?"], "true_target": ["I 'm ever so obliged . But we do n't fix things quite that way in my country . We want to feel pretty sure , first , we shan n't get left . And it do n't seem to me as if I 'd had opportunities enough of studying your leading characteristics . I 'll have to study them some more before I know whereabouts I am ; and I want you to understand that I 'm not going to commit myself to anything at present . That may n't be sentiment , but I guess it 's common-sense , anyway . And all you 've got to do is , just to keep around , and kind of impress me with a conviction that you 're the vurry brightest and best man in the entire universe , and I do n't believe you 'll find much difficulty about that . And now I guess we 'll go into table d'hote \u2014 I 'm just as ravenous !", "That 's real noble ! And I presume , now , you can n't imagine any reason why she 's been treading you so flat .", "Then that 's all right ! And if you 'll be obliging enough to hunt up my Poppa and send him along , I guess I can dispense with your further escort , and you can commence those consolations right away .", "He 's got an idea you find him vurry instructive , Mr. Culchard , and I guess , if you want to disabuse him , you 'd better do it in Italian .", "Charley ! he 'd just love to be here \u2014 he 's ever so much artistic feeling !", "Then I guess that 's fixed .Come , you have n't the heart to go and disappoint my poor Cousin Charley by saying you wo n't go ! I expect he 'll be perfectly enchanted to be under vow \u2014 unless you 've filled up all the vacancies already !We 've persuaded Miss Prendergast to join our party . I hope you feel equal to entertaining her ?", "Thanks \u2014 but it is n't going to shorten my existence any .BELGIAN DRIVERPullep ! Allez vite ! Bom-bom-bom ! Alright ! CONDUCTOR\u2018 E 's very proud of \u2018 is English , \u2018 e is . \u2018 Ere , Jewls , ole feller , show the gen'lm ' n \u2018 ow yer can do a swear .\u2018 Ark at \u2018 im now ! Bust my frogs !But he 's a caution , Sir , ai n't he ? I taught him most o \u2019 what he knows ! A FRENCH PASSENGERDis donc , mon ami , est-ce qu'on peut voir d'ici le champ de bataille ?", "Poppa , they 've fixed up our breakf \u2014Do n't you turn your head in this direction , Mr. Culchard , or I guess I 'll expire right away !", "I guess the air 's got cooler up here , Charley . But if that girl imagines she 's going to freeze me !Why , my dear , it 's almost too sweet for anything , meeting you again !", "Well , no , the change dates back considerable \u2014 ever since we were at the Villa d'Este . Only , I like Mr. Podbury pretty well , and I allowed he ought to have fair play , so I concluded I 'd keep you around so you should n't get a chance of spoiling your perfectly splendid act of self-denial \u2014 and I guess I 've kept you around pretty much all the time .", "That 's a vurry interesting re-mark . I presume you must have studied up some for a reflection of that kind . Mr. Podbury , your friend has been telling me \u2014\u2014,", "So that 's what kept you ? Well , it sounds just too enchanting . But I can n't answer for what Miss Prendergast will say to it . It may n't suit her notions of propriety .", "Charley writes he 's having a lovely time in Germany going round . I guess he is n't feeling so cheap as he did . I wish he 'd come along right here .", "My !\u2014 but that 's a serious symptom \u2014 is n't it ? You do n't feel like you were going to have lock-jaw , do you , Mr. Culchard ?", "And they 're pretty numerous , too . But here she comes . You 'd better tell her your plan right now .", "\u2018 S VOICEI guess we 'll give Ruskin a rest now , Hypatia . I 'm dying for a talk . I 'm just as enchanted as I can be to hear you 've dismissed Mr. Podbury . And I expect you can guess why .", "Say , you know her , then ? And you never let on !", "You do n't seem vurry bright this evening . I 'd like you to converse with your friend opposite , so I could get a chance to chip in . I 'm ever so interested in that girl !", "Now I call that real kind , you 're consoling me in advance ! THE STEWARDDe dickets dat I haf nod yed seen !For Bingen \u2014 so ?", "To leave a pasteboard ? Why I should n't sleep any all night , for fear she 'd return my call !", "Do you attach any particular meaning to that observation now ?I notice this tomb is full of visiting cards \u2014 my ! but ai n't that curious ?", "You do n't get much further with rather thinking , as a general rule , than if you did n't think at all . But if you 're at all anxious to run away the way you did at Bellagio , you need n't be afraid I 'll hinder you .", "This hotel seems to be thinning some . We 've three ghosts right in front of us this evening .", "Oh , I expect you 've had a beautiful time . We have .", "I want you should notice that girl . I think she looks just as nice as she can be , do n't you ?", "I declare if I do n't believe I can feel some creature trying to sting me now !", "\u2018 S voiceI 'd like ever so much to see Buffalo Bill run his Show in here \u2014 he 'd just make this old circus hum !", "Oh , there you are , Charley ! Come right here , and be introduced to Mr. Culchard . He 's a vurry intelligent man . My cousin , Mr. Charles Van Boodeler ,\u2014 Mr. Culchard . Mr. Van Boodeler 's intelligent too . He 's going to write our great National Amurrcan novel , soon as ever he has time for it . That 's so , is n't it ?", "You do n't mean to say you 're wearied of Mr. Van Boodeler already ! Well , Mr. Culchard will be along soon , and I 'll loan him to you . I 'll tell him you 're vurry anxious to converse with him some more . He 's just coming along now , with Mr. Podbury and Poppa .", "Well , it strikes me as just a little too thin . I judged you 'd go away , and forget I ever existed .", "I dare say you have pretty good times there , too . Is n't that one of your leading dry goods stores ?", "Well , to think now ! I guess you 're about the most unselfish saint on two legs ! Now some folks would have felt jealous .", "Well , no ; he did n't say just that . He represented you as one of the fonniest persons alive ; said you told stories which tickled folks to death almost .", "If it is , it 's your own , so I guess it 's a pretty good one .", "Why , your sonnets seem as skeery as those lizards there ! I hope Juliet wo n't ever know what she 's missed . But likely you 'll mail those verses on to her later .", "Well , no \u2014 it 's a disappointing tomb . I reckoned it would look less like a horse-trough . I should have expected Juliet 's Poppa and Momma would want , considering all the facts of the case , to throw more style into her monument !", "Do n't you dare me , then \u2014 or you 'll see . But I do n't want to be mean unless I 'm obliged to .", "That 's so . I do n't believe the poetic spirit has much chance of slopping over so long as Mr. Podbury is around . You have considerable merit as a stopper , Mr. Podbury .", "Well , I do just enjoy making that Prendergast girl perfectly wild , and that 's a fact .And it 's queer , but I like her ever so much all the time . Do n't you think that 's too fonny of me , Mr. Culchard , now ? CHAPTER XXII . + One Man 's Meat ; another Man 's Poison .+ SCENE \u2014 The Campo S. S. Giovanni e Paulo . Afternoon . CULCHARD is leaning against the pedestal of the Colleoni Statue .", "The morning ! Why , Poppa and I saw the entire show inside of ten minutes , before breakfast !", "Why , I reckoned Uncle Remus was pretty most everybody 's relation by now . He 's a book . But likely you 've no use for our national humorous literature ?", "Not any canals in this hot sun for me ! I 'd be just as sick ! That gondola will keep till it 's cooler .", "I 'd just like to hear you accuse yourself of any failing ! I do n't see however you manage to act so magnanimous and live . I told you I wanted to study your character , and I believe it is n't going to take me vurry much longer to make up my mind about you . You do n't suppose I 'll have any time for Mr. Prendergast after getting such a glimpse into your nature ? There , help me into the gondola , and do n't talk any more about it . Tell him to go to Salviate 's right away .", "That 's an undeniable fact . I 've left Poppa outside . Poppa restricts himself to exteriors wherever he can \u2014 says he does n't seem to mix up his impressions so much that way . But you 're alone , too . Where 've you hitched your friend up ?", "Well , I was n't just sure . It takes a pretty bright man to do that where I come from . AN OLD LADY\u201c Dear Maria and dear Madeline are close by , they have taken very comfortable lodgings in Marine Crescent . Dear Madeline 's frame is expected down next Saturday . \u201d", "Well , I guess that remark would have been more convincing if you 'd made it a few minutes earlier .", "I declare ! After bringing all my trunks way up here ! But I 'd just as soon move down as not ; they 're not unpacked any .Seems a pity , too , after engaging rooms here . And they looked real nice . Mr. Culchard , do n't you and Mr. Podbury want to come up here and take them ? They 've a perfectly splendid view , and then we could have yours , you know !Well , see here , Poppa , we 'll go along and try if we can n't square the hotel-clerk and get our baggage on the cars again , and then we 'll see just how we feel about it . I 'm purrfectly indifferent either way .", "Well , I 'll own up to being pretty horrid \u2014 and so were you ; but there do n't seem any sense in our meeting up here like a couple of strange cats on tiles . I wo n't fly out any more , there ! I 'm just dying for a reconciliation ; and so is Mr. Van Boodeler . The trouble I 've had to console that man ! He never met anybody before half so interested in the great Amurrcan Novel . And he 's wearying for another talk . So you 'd better give that hatchet a handsome funeral , and come along and take pity on him .", "I guess you 'll have opportunities of watching Mr. Podbury 's fresh young soul under those conditions , any way .", "Well , it 's this way . Poppa do n't want to get fooling around any more one-horse towns than he can help , and he 's got to be fixed up with the idea that Nuremberg is a prominent European sight before he drops everything to get there .", "I presume you 're thinking of our National Amurrcan character ,", "Oh , I 'll allow you to escort me . It 's handy having some one around to carry parcels . And Poppa 's bound to drop the balance every time !", "I guess not . We 've just got our mail , and my cousin , Charley Van Boodeler , writes he 's having a real lovely time in the Engadine \u2014 says it 's the most elegant locality he 's struck yet , and just as full of Amurrcans as it can hold ; so we 're going to start out there right away . I do n't believe we shall have time for Nuremberg this trip . Father , if we 're going to see about checking the baggage through , we 'd better go down to the depot right now .", "Well , I believe I 'll have a good look round the curiosity stores . There 's ever such a cunning little shop back of the Clock Tower on the Pi-azza , where I saw some brocades that were just too sweet ! So I 'll take Poppa along bargain-hunting . Do n't you come if you 'd rather poke around your old churches and things !", "I guess he 's too full of tact to wish to interfere with your special department .", "Oh , that 's all right . I told him he need n't try to give me away , for I could see you were n't that kind of man !", "I should have thought you 'd be too polite to tell me so ; but I was moving on , anyway .", "If that 's intended for me , you ought to begin chirping right away . But you 're not going to tell me you 've been \u201c lounjun round en sufferin \u2019 \u201d like \u2014 was n't it Uncle Remus 's Brer Terrapin ?What , do n't you know Uncle Remus ?", "You do n't say ! I should think you 'd have had one to show for every day , with the date to it , like a new-laid egg ."], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["My darter will be along presently . She 's Cologning her cheeks \u2014 they 've swelled up again some . I guess you want to Cologne your cheeks \u2014 they 're dreadful lumpy . I 've just been on the Pi-azza again , Sir . It 's curious now the want of enterprise in these Vernetians . Any one would have expected they 'd have thrown a couple or so of girder bridges across the canal between this and the Ri-alto , and run an elevator up the Campanile \u2014 but this ai n't what you might call a business city , Sir , and that 's a fact .Hello , Maud , the ice-water cool down your face any ?", "They do n't appear to me to get the twist on it they did at", "Maud , I 'll shut down .", "There ! Dumned if I did n't clean forget you were out ! But , see here , now \u2014 why can n't we let bygones be bygones ?", "Why , Mr. Podbury , so you 've come along here ? That 's right ! And how do you like Milan ? I like the place first-rate \u2014 it 's a live city , Sir . And I like this old cathedral , too ; it 's well constructed \u2014 they 've laid out money on it . I call it real ornamental , all these little figgers they 've stuck around \u2014 and not two of \u2018 em a pair either . Now , they might have had \u2018 em all alike , and no one any the wiser up so high as this ; but it certainly gives it more variety , too , having them different . Well , I 'm going up as high as ever I can go . You two better come along up with me . ON THE TOP .", "I do like slinging off when I meet a friend ; but I 'll shut down ,", "Verona ? Well , I do n't care if I see Verona myself . Seems a pity to separate now we have met , do n't it ? See here , now , we 'll all go along to Verona together \u2014 how 's that , Maud ? Start whenever you feel like it , Miss Prendergast . How does that proposal strike you ? I 'll be real hurt if you can n't take to my idea .", "Well , I do n't see why he could n't have come along if he 'd wanted .", "That 's so every time . I like Charley Van Boodeler firstrate myself .", "Well now , that 's so . I did n't just reckon I 'd meet him again all this way above the sea-level though , but I 'm just as pleased to see him . Rode up on the cars , I presume , Sir ? Tolerable hilly road all the way , ai n't it now ? There can n't anybody say we hai n't made the most of our time since you left us . Took a run over to Berlin ; had two hours and a haff in that city , and I dunno as I keered about making a more pro-tracted visit . Went right through to Vi-enna , saw round Vi-enna . I did want , being so near , to just waltz into Turkey and see that . But I guess Turkey \u2018 ll have to keep till next time . Then back again into Switzerland , for I do seem to have kinder taken a fancy to Switzerland . I 'd like to have put in more time there , and we stayed best part of a week too ! But Italy 's an interesting place . Yes , I 'm getting considerable interested in Italy , so far as I 've got . There 's Geneva now \u2014\u2014"], "true_target": ["Well now , I call this sociable , meeting all together again like this . I do n't see why in the land we did n't keep together . I 've been saying so to my darter here , ever since Bellagio \u2014 ai n't that so , Maud ? And she did n't know just how it came about either .", "My only darter , Sir , and a real good girl . We come over from the States , crossed a month ago to-day , and seen a heap already . Been runnin \u2019 all over Scotland and England , and kind of looked round Ireland and Wales , and now what we 've got to do is to see as much as we can of Germany and Switzerland and It'ly , and get some idea of France before we start home this fall . I guess we 're both of us gettin \u2019 pretty considerable homesick already . My darter was sayin \u2019 to me on'y this evening at table d'hote , \u201c Father , \u201d she sez , \u201c the vurry first thing we 'll do when we get home is to go and hev a good square meal of creamed oysters and clams with buckwheat cakes and maple syrup . \u201d Do n't seem as if we could git along without maple syrup much longer .You never mean going out without your gums ?", "Why , land sakes ! ai n't that Mr. Podbury and Mr. Culchard ? Hi ! you ai n't ever going away ? There 's my darter and Miss Hypatia around somewhere \u2014 They 'll be dreadful disappointed to have missed you !", "And you 're pretty comfortable at your hotel ? Well , I dunno , after all , what there is to keep us here . I guess we 'll go down again and stop at Lugano , eh , Maud ?", "Well , I do n't see how I should ever strike that fair for myself , and I guess if there 's anything to be seen we 're bound to see it , so me and my darter \u2014 allow me to introduce my darter to you \u2014 Maud , this gentleman is Mr .\u2014 I do n't think I 've caught your name , Sir \u2014 Podbury ?\u2014 Mr . Podbury , who 's kindly volunteered to conduct us round .", "Bellagio !", "I presume he 's put in all the time he had for Belgium \u2014 likely we 'll fetch up against him somewhere before he 's through .", "I do n't know as I 'm as much struck by this Waterloo field as I expected , Sir . As an Amurrcan , I find it does n't come up to some of our battlefields in the War . We do n't blow about those battlefields , Sir , but for style and general picturesqueness , I ai n't seen nothing this side to equal them . You ever been over ? You want to come over and see our country \u2014 that 's what you want to do . You must n't mind me a-running on , but when I meet some one as I can converse with in my own language \u2014 well , I just about talk myself dry .GUIDELeesten , I dell you . My vader \u2014 eighteen , no in ze Airmi , laboreur man \u2014 he see Napoleon standt in a saircle ; officers roundt \u2018 im . Boots , op to hier ; green cott ; vite vaiscott ; vite laigs \u2014\u2014", "Well , now , I declare I sort of recognised those voices !Why , how are you getting along in Vernis ? We 're gettin \u2019 along fust-rate . Say , Maud , here 's your friend alongside !", "You 'll excuse me , Sir , but did I overhear you remark that there was a festivity in progress in this city ?"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["It ai n't no use your torkin to me , Mossoo ; I do n't speak no French myself .See that field there , Sir ?"], "true_target": ["Montez , Monsieur , nous bartons , montez vite alors !CHAPTER XIII . On revient Toujours ! SCENE \u2014 A hundred yards or so from the top of Monte Generoso , above Lake Lugano . CULCHARD , who , with a crowd of other excursionists , has made the ascent by rail , is toiling up the steep and very slippery slope to the summit .", "Fine lot o \u2019 rabbits inside o \u2019 there \u2014 big fat \u2018 uns .No , Sir , that ai n't Belly Lions as you see from \u2018 ere ; that 's Mon Sin Jeean , and over there Oogymong , and Challyroy to the left . ON THE TOP OF THE MOUND . CULCHARD , who has purchased a map in the Waterloo Museum as a means of approaching MISS TROTTER , is pounced upon by an elderly Belgian Guide in a blue blouse , from whom he finds it difficult to escape . THE GUIDEYou see vere is dat schmall voodt near de vite \u2018 ouse ? not dere , along my shdeek \u2014 so . Dat is vare Peecton vas kill , Inglis Officer , Peecton . Two days pefore he was voundet in de ahum . \u2018 E say to his sairvan \u2019 , \u201c You dell ennipoddies , I keel you ! \u201d He vandt to pe in ze bataille : he vas in ze bataille \u2014 seven lance troo \u2018 im , seven ; Peecton , Inglis Officer .Hah , you \u2018 ave de shart dere \u2014 open \u2018 im out vide , dat de odder shentilmans see .Vare you see dat blue gross , Vaterloo Shirshe , vere Loart Uxbreedge lose \u2018 is laig . Zey cot \u2018 im off and pury him in ze cottyardt , and a villow grow oudt of \u2018 im . \u2018 E com \u2018 ere to see the villow growing oudt of his laig ."], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["Hier is von dat is vary amusant . You know de schtory of de Tree", "Ah , you unnerstan \u2019 nossing at all ! Leesten , I dell you vonce more . My vader \u2014\u2014", "Yais , vary magnifique , vary grandt , and \u2014 and rom also ! Dees von rebresents Napoleon in hail . De modders show him de laigs and ahums of dair sons keeled in de vars , and invide him to drink a cop of bloodt .", "Cheery , oh , yais ! Now com and beep troo dis \u2018 ole .You see ? A Mad Voman cooking her shildt in a gettle . Hier again , dey haf puried a man viz de golera pefore he is daid , he dries to purst de goffin , you see only de handt shdicking oudt .", "Vishes , eh ?", "My vader , \u2018 e no see Napoleon viz a Yankedoodle in \u2018 is \u2018 at ; \u2018 e vear nossing ."], "true_target": ["I to n't know . I subbose begause dey are bosts , orbegause he is a Genius .", "I \u2014\u2014", "If you vandt to puy som real Prussels lace for your sweedardt ,", "I dell it you .And inschdantly she vind a grade pig soasage at de end of her noase . So de ole voman \u2014\u2014", "Dis is galled \u201c De lasht Gannon . \u201d You see de vigure of Ceevilization flodderin up viz de vings , vile Brogress preaks asonder de lasht gon , and in a gorner a Genius purns de vrontier bosts .", "I say , Napoleon \u2018 ad no faither \u2014 vat you call it ?\u2014 plume \u2014 in \u2018 is \u2018 at , at ze bataille .", "Your vriendts laike to choin , yais ? Same for tree as for von . I exblain all de beecture ."], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["\u201c The sime-boalic ram the \u2018 ero is to Peterborough and leave \u2018 is"], "true_target": ["Peterborough grotter \u2014\u2014 \u201d"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["DAUGHTER", "\u201c The Forge of Vulkin . Words are useless \u2018 ere .", "BOTH PARENTS"], "true_target": ["Before sech a picture one can but look , and think , and enjoy it . \u201d", "Lor !", "That 'll do \u2014 read what it says about the next one ."], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["Englisch learn , I go ."], "true_target": ["No , I haf not yet at London peen . Ven I vill pedder"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["Sir ?", "TROTTER", "AND MISS PRENDERGASTAnd his complexion is n't what it were !Well , next this party as what came from Fla-an-ders , Whose complex-shun was formi-ally rare , Eloped to Injia with Eliza Sa-aun-ders , As lived close by in Canonbury Square .", "CRAWLEY STRUTTExcuse me \u2014 but surely I have the honour of addressing Lord George Gumbleton ? You may perhaps just recollect , my Lord \u2014\u2014?"], "true_target": ["BELLERBYWhy , bless me , there 's a face I know ! Met at Lugano , did n't we ? To be sure \u2014 very pleasant chat we had too ! So you 're at Venice , eh ? I know every stone of it by heart , as I need n't say . The first time I was ever at Venice \u2014\u2014", "Your friend been gettin \u2019 off a joke on you ,", "TROTTERWell , I 'm considerable struck with it , Sir . There 's a purrfect freshness and novelty about Vernis that 's amusing to a stranger like myself . We 've nothing just like this city out West . No , Sir . And how are \u2014Say , you do n't look like your slumbers had been one unbroken ca 'm , either ! The mosquitoes hev been powerful active makin \u2019 alterations in you . Perseverin \u2019 and industrious insects , Sir ! Me and my darter have been for a loaf round before breakfast . I dunno if you 've seen her yet , she 's \u2014\u2014", "BELLERBYExcuse me , I do n't seem fortunate enough to have secured your undivided attention .", "TROTTERIt 's real romantic . That 's the third deceased kitten I 've seen to-night . They have n't only a two-foot tide in the Adriatic , and it stands to reason all the sewage \u2014\u2014"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["Abominably slow train , this Schnell-zug . I hope we shall get to Nuremberg before it 's too dark to see the general effect ."], "true_target": ["So I am . That is , she is going over a metal-worker 's show-room close by , and I \u2014 er \u2014 preferred the open air . But did n't you say you were going out with the \u2014 er \u2014 Prendergasts again ?"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["Do they look at all as if they meant to come in ? I tell you what , Bob , I vote we row out to them and tell them they 'll be late for table d'hote . Eh ? PRENDERGASTOnly be late for it ourselves if we do . They 'll come in when they want to ."], "true_target": ["We 're not likely to be in time for table d'hote \u2014 not that I 'm peckish .Wonder whereabouts the \u2014 the Trotters have got to by now , eh ?", "Hullo ! alone , eh ? Thought you were with Miss Trotter ?"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["Go on \u2014 they 've as much as what we \u2018 ave .", "Well , I \u2018 ope we 're all right now , Sam , I 'm sure \u2014 these German jokers have chivied us about enough for one journey !Not in your way , this \u2018 at box , Sir ? Do n't give yer much space in these foreign trains .Pretty bit o \u2019 country along \u2018 ere !\u2014 puts me in mind o \u2019 the best part o \u2019 Box \u2018 Ill \u2014 and I can n't say more for it than that !", "See that field there ? That 's tobacco , that is ."], "true_target": ["What d'yer mean \u2014 no landmarks \u2014 signposts ?", "Depend on it they 've their own ways of knowing which is \u2018 oo 's .", "There 's precious few \u2018 edges or fences in the Isle o \u2019 Thanet , as you 'd know if you 've ever been to Margit .", "It 's no use \u2018 aving such things if they do n't do it thoroughly ."], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["What I notice about the country abroad is they do n't seem to \u2018 ave no landmarks .", "I 'm not talkin \u2019 about Margit now , I 'm talkin \u2019 of \u2018 ere , and I 'll trouble you to show me a landmark .", "I wish I \u2018 ad n't \u2018 ad that glass o \u2019 peach wine where we changed last .Wechseln ? Why , that means wash , do n't it ? I 'm as clean as him , anyway . \u201c Anshteigen , \u201d \u2014 ah , I ought to know what that means by this time ! Sam , my boy , we 're bundled out again . I told yer \u2018 ow it would be !"], "true_target": ["What they make their penny smokes of .What funny engines they do \u2018 ave \u2018 ere ! I expect the guard \u2018 ll be wanting to see our billyetts again next . It 's as bad as it used to be with the passports . I 've \u2018 eard \u2014 mind yer , I do n't know \u2018 ow much likeli'ood there is in the assertion \u2014 that they 're going to bring \u2018 em in again . Most intricate they were about them .Why , if you 'll believe me , a friend o \u2019 mine as \u2018 ad one \u2014 well , they got \u2018 is description down to a ioter ? He 'd a cast in \u2018 is eye ,\u2014 they put it down , and a pimple you 'd \u2018 ardly notice \u2014 but down that went !", "That 's not what I 'm sayin \u2019 . I 'm sayin \u2019 there ai n't nothin \u2019 to indicate it .", "I mean to say , they do n't \u2018 ave nothing to indicate which is Jack 's property , and which is Joe 's .", "\u2018 Ave they ? We \u2018 ave fences and \u2018 edges . I do n't see none \u2018 ere . P'raps you 'll point me out one ?"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["No , I was merely saturating my mind with the general effect . I shall not really begin my sketch till to-morrow . I am going now . I hope the genius of the place will inspire you .", "Yes , indeed . What names rise to one 's mind instinctively ! Melanchthon , John Huss , Kraft , and Peter Vischer , and Duerer , and Wohlgemut , and Maximilian the First , and Louis of Bavaria !", "I find it impossible to distinguish even the streets from here , I confess , but you probably see with the imagination of an artist . Are you one by any chance ?"], "true_target": ["You express my own meaning exactly .", "Your supposition is perfectly correct . I was under the impression that it would be safe where it was for a few moments ; but I am obliged to you , nevertheless . I find india-rubber quite indispensable in sketching .", "That is quite true ; indeed , I occasionally relieve my feelings by the composition of Greek or Latin verses , which I find , on the whole , better adapted to express the subtler emotions . Do n't you agree with me there ?"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["\u201c Nor yet know girls in Canonbury Square ! \u201d CHAPTER IX . + Culchard is rather too Clever .+ SCENE \u2014 The Burg Terrace at Nuremberg . PODBURY on a bench , grappling with the \u201c Epitome of Spencer . \u201d"], "true_target": ["Please do n't stop , Mr. Podbury , that song is quite too deliciously inane !The moral is \u2014 Now do n't you come from Fla-an-ders , If you should have complexions rich and rare ; And do n't you go and catch the yaller ja-aun-ders , Nor yet know girls in Canonbury Square !"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["Which ! Then \u2014 you know there is another ? Surely there is nothing in that circumstance to \u2014 to offend \u2014 or hurt you ?", "Bob , will you kindly not make the situation more awkward than it is ? If I desired a reconciliation , I think I am quite capable of saying so !", "Maud ! if you dare \u2014\u2014!", "That is rather strange \u2014 because \u201c Ignoto Fiammingo \u201d happens to be merely the Italian for \u201c an unknown Fleming , \u201d Mr. Podbury .", "That , as I have already said , is quite understood . Now go and arrange with Mr. Podbury .", "Robert , I thought you wanted to see the Alps ? You should come over to the other side , and \u2014\u2014", "It was really too bad of you , though . Poor Mr. Culchard !", "Any what , Mr. Podbury ? Flamingoes ?", "This is quite too Quixotic . Reflect , Mr. Culchard . Is such a sacrifice demanded of you ? I assure you I am perfectly neutral at present . I might prefer Mr. Podbury . I really do n't know . And \u2014 and I do n't like losing one of my suitors like this !", "There you betray your ignorance in Art matters . Sketching with me is a pastime , not a serious pursuit .No , please , Mr. Podbury . I 'm quite sure he would never \u2014\u2014", "But why ? I have expressed no preference as yet . You can scarcely have become so attached to him that you dread the result of a successful rivalry !", "I \u2014 I really can n't tell you how touched I am , Mr. Culchard . I can guess what this renunciation must have cost you . It \u2014 it gives me a better opinion of human nature ... it does , indeed !", "As soon as you can induce him to go \u2014 to-morrow , if possible .", "Some people are hardly recognisable , Bob , and they say the marks never quite disappear !", "\u201c One of the principal figures here is the Donkey . \u201d Where is Mr. Podbury ?Thanks , but you need not have troubled ! \u201c The Donkey ... um \u2014 um \u2014 never seen \u2014 um \u2014 um \u2014 any of the nobler animals so sublime as this quiet head of the domestic ass \u201d \u2014\u2014 \u201c chiefly owing to the grand motion in the nostril , and writhing in the ears . \u201dMay I ask what you find so amusing ?", "N \u2014 no , thank you . It \u2014 it 's so much more n \u2014 natural , do n't you know , for you to be l \u2014 looking at the view .", "I mentioned no term , I believe . Long before three weeks are over we shall meet again , and I shall be able to see how you have borne the test . I wish you to correct , if possible , a certain intolerance in your attitude towards Mr. Podbury . Do you accept this probation , or not ?", "Now just look at this Titian , Mr. Podbury ! Ruskin particularly mentions it . Do note the mean and petty folds of the drapery , and compare them with those in the Tintorets in there .", "There does not happen to be a restaurant there \u2014 we shall see what time we have . I must say I regard every minute of daylight spent on food here as a sinful waste .", "And are you not enchanted by the logical lucidity of that great thinker ?", "As you please , dear . Butdid I not see Mr. Culchard below ?", "\u201c the fig-tree which , by a curious caprice , has golden ribs to all its leaves . \u201d \u2014 Do you see the ribs , Mr. Podbury ?", "\u2018 S voiceAlmost fancy it all ... Senators \u2014 equites \u2014 populus \u2014 pullati ... yellow sunlight striking down through vellarium ... crimsoned sand ... mirmillo fleeing before secutor ... Diocletian himself , perhaps , lolling over there on cubiculum ... & c. & c. & c .", "I was under the impression that all frogs jumped . But I never read \u2014 I \u2014 ah \u2014 study .", "Well \u2014 good-bye then , Mr. Podbury . I will explain to Bob .", "How absolutely magical those palaces look in the moonlight ! Bob , how can you yawn like that ?", "You hear what Mr. Culchard says , my dear Maud ? He advocates direct ways , as best in the long run .", "I think you will find him open to persuasion . But go and try , Mr. Podbury .", "All I ask of you is to leave me for a short time , and go and travel with Mr. Culchard again .", "Never mind what I really think . But you have got us both into sad disgrace . Mr. Culchard is dreadfully annoyed with us \u2014 look at his shoulders !", "Now notice the end one \u2014 \u201c the Fall of Manna \u201d \u2014 not that end ; that 's the \u201c Fall of Man . \u201d Ruskin points out\u201c A very sweet incident . Four or five sheep , instead of pasturing , turn their heads to catch the manna as it comes down \u201d, \u201c or seem to be licking it off each other 's fleeces . \u201dReally , Mr. Podbury , this is too disgraceful !OUTSIDE ; BY THE LANDING STEPS .", "Now , Bob , pray remember all I 've told you !"], "true_target": ["Pray allow me to finish ! \u201c Refuse a proposal at once \u201d is Ruskin 's expression . He also says, that \u201c no lover should have the insolence to think of being accepted at once . \u201d You will find the passage somewhere in Fors .", "Oh , Bob , remind me to get some more of that mosquito stuff . I should so hate to be bitten \u2014 such a dreadful disfigurement !", "The trial I impose is , that you leave Constance to-morrow \u2014 with", "Never mind that . Are you willing to accept the trial or not ?", "Wait , please ,\u2014 you are so impetuous . \u201c If she likes him a little , \u201d \u2014\u2014 \u201c or thinks she might come to like him in time , she may let him stay near her , \u201d \u2014\u2014 \u201c putting him always on sharp trial , and requiring , figuratively , as many lion-skins or giants \u2019 heads as she thinks herself worth . \u201d", "\u201c He vowing to live on cresses and wear sackcloth meanwhile , or the like penance . \u201d", "How do you do , Mr. Podbury ? Surely you do n't propose to go out in a gondola in that hat !", "Mr. Podbury .", "Mr. Culchard has evidently gone through the \u2014 the \u201c preliminary mental discipline . \u201d", "Of course not . I shall always wish you well , Mr. Podbury \u2014 only I wo n't trouble you to accompany me to any more galleries !", "I think I can quote his exact words . \u201c If she simply does n't like him , she may send him away for seven years \u2014\u2014 \u201d", "Not now \u2014 it does n't signify , for once . But a round hat and a gondola are really too incongruous !", "One hardly comes to Venice to potter ! I thought we 'd go and study the Carpaccios at the Church of the Schiavoni first \u2014 they wo n't take us more than an hour or so ; then cross to San Giorgio Maggiore , and see the Tintorets , come back and get a general idea of the exterior of St. Mark 's , and spend the afternoon at the Accademia .", "Pray do n't apologize , Mr. Culchard ; not the least harm done ! You must forgive me for not recognizing you before , but you know of old how provokingly short-sighted I am , and I 've forgotten my glasses .", "I really think , dear , it would be better if we all kept together \u2014 for so many reasons !", "The crush is n't quite so bad now . Mr. Podbury , if you will kindly ask your friend not to hold on to our gondola , we should probably be better able to turn .Now we can get away .Voltiamo , se vi piace , prestissimo !", "Surely Tintoret is worth a crick in the neck . Did you observe \u201c the intense delight in biting expressed in their eyes \u201d ?", "If you will have a little more patience , I will make myself clear . I have always determined that when the \u2014 ah \u2014 occasion presented itself , I would deal with it on Ruskinian principles . I propose in your case \u2014 presuming of course that you are willing to be under vow for me \u2014 to adopt a middle course .", "That is the task I require , and I can accept no other . It is nothing , after all , but what you came out here to do .", "I will make no promises \u2014 a true knight should expect no reward for his service , Mr. Podbury .", "We \u2014 we had to be getting on . And I am afraid we must say good-bye now , Mr. Trotter . I want Bob and Mr. Podbury to see the Da Vinci fresco , you know , before the light goes .We may see you again , before we leave for Verona .", "You must try and be sensible about it , Bob ; if you are too blind to see that she is only \u2014\u2014 BOBAll right ! Have n't I said I 'd go ? What 's the good of jawing about it ?", "Really , Mr. Podbury , if you choose to resent a playful remark in that manner , you had better go away .", "I am not in the habit of misquoting . If you wish to verify the quotation , however , I dare say I could find you the reference in Fors Clavigera .", "You 're extremely kind , Maud ; I wish I could return the compliment ; but really , after what took place at Bellagio , I \u2014\u2014", "There is , indeed \u2014 though he might have spared himself and us the trouble of them if he had only remembered that the podium was invariably protected by a railing , and occasionally by euripi , or trenches , You surely learnt that at school , Mr. Podbury ?", "Bob , go on and get the gondola ready . I wish to speak to Mr. Podbury .Mr. Podbury , I cannot tell you how disgusted and disappointed I feel at your senseless irreverence .", "I 'm afraid not , thanks . We have all our packing to do . We find we shall have to leave early to-morrow .CHAPTER XVIII . A Suspension of Hostilities . SCENE \u2014 The roof of Milan Cathedral ; the innumerable statues and fretted pinnacles show in dazzling relief against the intense blue sky . Through the open-work of the parapet is seen the vast Piazza , with its yellow toy tram cars , and the small crawling figures which cast inordinately long shadows . All around is a maze of pale brown roofs , and beyond , the green plain blending on the horizon with dove-coloured clouds in a quivering violet haze . CULCHARD is sitting by a small doorway at the foot of a flight of steps leading to the Spire . CULCHARDI think Maud must have seen from the tone in which I said I preferred to remain below , that I object to that cousin of hers perpetually coming about with us as he does . She 's far too indulgent to him \u2014 a posing , affected prig , always talking about the wonderful things he 's going to write ! He had the impudence to tell me I did n't know the most elementary laws of the sonnet this morning ! Withering repartee seems to have no effect whatever on him . I wish I had some of Podbury 's faculty for flippant chaff ! I wonder if he and the Prendergasts really are at Milan . I certainly thought I recognised \u2014\u2014 If they are , it 's very bad taste of them , after the pointed way in which they left Bellagio . I only hope we sha n't \u2014\u2014", "The ceiling requires careful study . Look at that oblong panel in the centre \u2014 with the fiery serpents , which Ruskin finely compares to \u201c winged lampreys . \u201d You 're not looking in the right way to see them , Mr. Podbury !", "That is what makes it so very hopeless \u2014 after all the pains I have taken with you ! I have been beginning to fear for some time that you are incorrigible \u2014 and to-day is really the last straw ! So it is kinder to let you know at once that you have been tried and found wanting . I have no alternative but to release you finally from your vows \u2014 I cannot allow you to remain my suitor any longer .", "Surely , Mr. Podbury , you are aware by this time that Mr. Culchard has a perfect mania for self-sacrifice !AMONG THE RUINS AT THE TOP OF THE HILL .", "Really , Mr. Podbury , I see nothing particularly incomprehensible in that .", "Poor fellows ! I could n't very well say anything more definite at present . By the time I see them again , I may understand my own heart better . Really , it is rather an exciting sensation , having two suitors under vow and doing penance at the same time \u2014 and all for my sake ! I hope , though , they wo n't mention it to one another \u2014 or to Bob . Bob does not understand these things , and he might \u2014\u2014 But after all , there are only two of them . And Ruskin distinctly says that every girl who is worth anything ought always to have half a dozen or so . Two is really quite moderate . CHAPTER XII . Culchard descends from the Clouds . SCENE \u2014 in Front of the Hotel Bodenhaus at Spluegen . The Diligence For Bellinzona is having its team attached . An elderly Englishwoman is sitting on her trunk , trying to run through the last hundred pages of a novel from the Hotel Library before her departure . PODBURY is in the Hotel , negotiating for sandwiches . CULCHARD is practising his Italian upon a very dingy gentleman in smoked spectacles , with a shawl round his throat . THE DINGY ITALIANEcco , siete Inglese ! Lat us spika Ingelis . I onnerstan \u2019 \u2018 im to ze bottomside .\u2018 Ow menni time you employ to go since Coire at here ?Vich manners of vezzer you vere possess troo your travels \u2014 mosh ommerella ?Ha , I tink it vood ! Zis day ze vicket root sall \u2018 ave plenti \u2018 orse to pull , & c ., & c .You sit at ze beginning-end , hey ? better , you tink , zan ze mizzle ? I too , zen , sall ride at ze front \u2014 we vill spika Ingelis , altro !"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["I 'd do something . Why can n't you tell him right out he ai n't wanted ? I would \u2014 like a shot !", "Do n't see how I can very well \u2014 not on my own hook . Might lead to ructions with Hypatia , too .", "What on earth made you ask him to come on here , after he declared he would n't ?"], "true_target": ["Hypatia 's a rum girl \u2014 always was . She certainly do n't seem to object to your friend Culchard . What the dickens she can see in him , I do n't know !\u2014 but it 's no use my putting my oar in . She 'd only jump on me , y'know !", "Good luck to you , old chap . There , they 're coming in now . We 'd better go in and change , eh ? We 've none too much time .In the Lese-zimmer , a small gaslit room , with glazed doors opening upon the Musik-saal . Around a table piled with German and English periodicals , a mild Curate , the Wife of the English Chaplain , and two Old Maids are seated , reading and conversing . CULCHARD is on a central ottoman , conscientiously deciphering the jokes in \u201c Fliegende Blaetter . \u201d PODBURY is at the bookcase , turning over odd Tauchnitz volumes . THE CHAPLAIN 'S WIFEOh , you will very soon get into all our little ways . The hours here are most convenient \u2014 breakfastwith choice of eggs or fish and coffee \u2014 really admirable coffee \u2014 from eight to nine ; midday dinner at one . Supper at nine . Then , if you want to write a letter , the post for England goes out \u2014And on Sundays , eleven o'clock serviceat the \u2014\u2014My husband \u2014\u2014FIRST OLD MAIDI see they are still continuing that very interesting correspondence on \u201c Our Children 's Mouths \u2014 and are they widening ? \u201d One letter attributes it to the habit of thumb-sucking in infancy \u2014 which certainly ought to be checked . Now I never would allow any \u2014\u2014", "With pin-oars ? Could n't if he tried ! And they 've a man with them , too . The less I see of that chap Culchard the better . I did hope we 'd choked him off at Nuremberg . I hate the sight of his supercilious old mug !"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["Oh , really ? And does he find the experiment answer ?"], "true_target": ["The weather we have been having seems to have materially affected the harvest prospects at home ; they say there will be little or no fodder for the cattle this year . I saw somewhere \u2014 I forget where it was exactly \u2014 a suggestion to feed cows on chickweed .", "Dear me \u2014 I should scarcely have \u2014\u2014"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["Sank you verri moch . I \u2018 ope so ."], "true_target": ["Goodaby , dear frens , a riverderla ! I success at your chairs . I vish you a pleasure 's delay !"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["Because you do n't realize that it 's precisely in Europe that I find my best American types . Our citizens show up better against a European background ,\u2014 it excites and stimulates their nationality , so to speak . And again , with a big subject like mine , you want to step back to get the proper focus . Now I 'm stepping back ."], "true_target": ["It 's our most pressing national need , Sir , and I have long cherished the intention of supplying it . I am collecting material , and , when the psychological moment arrives , I shall write that novel . And I believe it will be a big thing , a very big thing ; I mean to make it a complete compendium of every phase of our great and complicated civilization from State to State and from shore to shore .", "I 've been telling my cousin I 've been organising a little water-party for this evening \u2014 moonlight , mandolins , Menaggio . If you find the alliteration has any attractions , I hope you and your brother will do me the pleasure of \u2014\u2014"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["Venetian tunny . I wish to taste it . Bring me some ! \u201d", "He came . I said to him , \u201c Look here , I 'm an Englishman . My name 's", "You do n't wait till I 've done , Sir ! I did n't obtain it \u2014 not at first . The man made excuses . I was prepared for that . I told him plainly , \u201c I know what you 're thinking \u2014 it 's a cheap fish , and you fancy I 'm ordering it out of economy ! \u201d"], "true_target": ["Bellerby .", "That 's what I did when I was at Venice . I sent for the Manager .", "I 've heard of your", "A guide ? No , no \u2014 tunny 's a fish , Sir , a coarse red fish , with flesh like a raw beefsteak ."], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["You 're new to Venice , I think ? Well , just let me give you a word of advice .Now you are here \u2014 you make them give you some tunny . Insist on it , Sir . Why , when I was here first \u2014\u2014", "Only into the garden , for coffee . I observe you are interested in Art . We will \u2014 ar \u2014 resume this conversation later .", "Ha ! well , what did you think of it ? Delicious , eh ?", "I 've the three finest Bodgers in the kingdom , Sir , and there 's a Gubbins \u2014 a Joe Gubbins , mind you , not John \u2014 that 's hanging now in the morning-room of my place in the country that I would n't take a thousand pounds for ! I go about using my eyes , and pick \u2018 em up cheap . Cheapest picture I ever bought was a Prout \u2014 thirty-two by twenty ; got it for two pound ten ! Unfinished , of course , but it only wanted the colour being brought up to the edge . I did that . Took me half a day , and now \u2014 well , any dealer would give me hundreds for it ! But I shall leave it to the nation , out of respect for Prout 's memory ."], "true_target": ["Oh , made more difficulties \u2014 it was n't to be got , and so on . At last I said to him, \u201c Now I tell you what it is \u2014 I 'm going to have that tunny , and , if you refuse to give it me ,\u2014 well , I shall just send my courier out for it , that 's all ! \u201d So , with that , they brought me some \u2014 and anything more delicious I never tasted in all my life !", "No .No , I have n't . But I was greatly struck by its remarkably bold outline from below . Indeed , I dashed off a rough sketch of it on the back of one of my visiting cards . I ought to have it somewhere about me now .Ah , I thought so !I knock off quite a number of these while I 'm abroad like this . Send \u2018 em in letters to relatives at home \u2014 gives them a notion of the place . They are \u2014 ar \u2014 kind enough to value them .Yes , I 'm a very rapid sketcher . Put me with regular artists , and give us half an hour , and I \u2014 ar \u2014 venture to say I should be on terms with them . Make it three hours , and \u2014 well , I dare say I should n't be in it . PODBURYBob , old chap , I 'll come in the middle , if you do n't mind . I say , this is ripping \u2014 no idea of coming across you so soon as this .Still pegging away at my \u201c penance , \u201d you see !", "Well , yes . I assure you I often go to a Gallery , see a picture there that takes my fancy , go back to my office , and paint it in half an hour from memory \u2014 so like the original that , if it were framed , and hung up alongside , it would puzzle the man who painted it to know t'other from which ! I have indeed ! I paint original pictures , too . Most important thing I ever did was \u2014 let me see now \u2014 three feet by two and three-quarters . I was most successful in getting an effect of rose-coloured snow against the sky . I sponged it up , and \u2014 well , it came right somehow . Luck , that was , not skill , you know . I sent that picture to the Royal Academy , and they did me the honour to \u2014 ar \u2014 reject it .", "You order it , Sir \u2014 insist on having it . Then you 'll know what it tastes like !", "Pardon me \u2014 I was saying nothing of the sort . I was saying that I told the Manager I knew that was why he thought I ordered it \u2014 a rather different thing ! \u201c You 're quite wrong , \u201d I said . \u201c You may pay twopence-halfpenny a pound for it , and charge me half-a-crown , if you like , but I mean to taste that tunny ! \u201d I was determined not to be done out of my tunny , Sir !"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["Mr .\u2014\u2014? So tiresome , I left my glasses up in my room !"], "true_target": ["The pleasure is more than mutual ; but do I understand that", "Well , Mr. Culchard , and how has my knight performed his lady 's behests ?"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["I guess it depends how much \u201c everything \u201d amounted to .", "Well , we were having a little discussion , and I guess you 're in time to give the casting vote \u2014 Hypatia , you want to keep just where you are , do you hear ? I mean you should listen to Mr. Culchard 's opinion .", "I guess I want to make sure Mr. Culchard is n't that kind of magnanimous man himself . I should n't want him to renounce me !", "Until he met you ? At Nuremberg , was n't it ? My ! And what was his name ? Do tell !", "My dear girl , I intend to have considerable more to do with him before I 'm through . He 's under vow for me now , anyway , and I do n't mean he should forget it , either . He 's my monkey , and he 's got to jump around pretty lively , at the end of a tolerable short chain , too . And I guess , if it comes to renouncing , all the magnanimity 's going to be on my side this time ! IN AN AVENUE .", "Well , my dear ,\u2014 that 's the sort of self-denying hairpin he is ! What do you think of him now ?", "Well , Hypatia Prendergast ! And how many admirers do you have around under vow , as a regular thing ?"], "true_target": ["Oh , I guess I am , though . Why , here 's Mr. Culchard coming along . Well , Mr. Culchard ?", "Oh , but he did \u2014 weeks ago , at Bingen . And at Lugano , too , the other day , he spoke out tolerable plain . I guess he did n't wish any secret made about it \u2014 did you , Mr. Culchard ?", "I do n't believe but what I could guess . But say , you did n't care any for him , or you 'd never have let him go like that ? I would n't . I should have suspected there was something behind !", "No , I guess you need n't tell me that , love . And it was perfectly lovely of him to give you up , when he was under vow for you and all , sooner than stand in his friend 's light \u2014 only I do n't just see how that was going to help his friend any .", "Well , I allowed that was about your idea .", "Well , I believe I 'm more amused than anything .", "Well , these are the \u2014 er \u2014 facts . There were two gentlemen under vow \u2014 maybe you 'll understand the working of that arrangement better than I do ?\u2014 under vow for the same young lady .One of them comes up and tells her that he 's arrived at the conclusion the other admirer is the better man , and , being a friend of his , he ought to retire in his favour , and he does it , too , right away . Now I say that is n't natural \u2014 he 'd some other motive . Miss Prendergast here will have it he was one of those noble unselfish natures that deserve they should be stuffed for a dime museum . What 's your opinion now ?", "That 's a vurry liberal allowance , too . I do n't see how there 'd be sufficient suitors to go round . But maybe each gentleman can be under vow for seven distinct girls , to make things sort of square now ?"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["Do n't you really ? Not when the friend was under vow for me too ?", "I do not think so highly of him , I confess . His renunciation was evidently less prompted by consideration for his friend than by a recollection \u2014 tardy enough , I am afraid \u2014 of the duty which bound him to you , dearest . But if you had seen and heard him , as I did , you would not have doubted the reality of the sacrifice , whatever the true reason may have been . For myself , I am conscious of neither anger nor sorrow \u2014 my heart , as I told you , was never really affected . But what must it be to you , darling !", "And do n't you recognize that it was very fine of him to give up everything for his friend 's sake ?", "Ca n't you see ... can n't you guess ?...", "Maud ! You might at least wait until Mr. Culchard has \u2014\u2014", "You must not press me , dear Maud , for I cannot tell that \u2014 even to you ."], "true_target": ["Amused ! But surely you do n't mean to have anything more to do with him ?", "My feelings towards him were purely potential . I did him the simple justice to believe that his self-abnegation was sincere . But , with your practical , cynical little mind , darling , you are hardly capable of \u2014 excuse me for saying so \u2014 of appreciating the real value and meaning of such magnanimity !", "Maud , why will you be so headstrong !", "I thought , darling , I had made it perfectly plain what a sacrifice it meant to him . I know how much he \u2014 I need n't tell you there are certain symptoms one cannot be deceived in .", "There were only those two . Ruskin permits as many as seven at one time .", "Certainly not . The whole beauty of the idea lies in the unselfish and exclusive devotion of every knight to the same sovereign lady . In this case I happen to know that the \u2014 a \u2014 individual had never met his ideal until \u2014"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["No doubt you 're right , Sir , but I like the Patrician myself \u2014 it 's very smartly written . Talking of that , do you happen to know the ins and outs of that marriage of young Lord Goslington 's ? Something very mysterious about the party he 's going to marry \u2014 who are her people now ?", "There I venture to think you 're wrong , Sir . It 's the business of everybody \u2014 the duty , I may say \u2014 to see that the best blood of the nation is not \u2014\u2014\u2014 Remarkably superior set of visitors staying here , Sir ! My chief objection to travel always is , that it brings you in contact with parties you would n't think of associating with at home . I was making that same remark to a very pleasant little fellow I met on the steamer \u2014 er \u2014 Lord Uppersole , I think it was \u2014 and he entirely concurred . Your friend made us acquainted .\u2014\u2014 Ah , here is your friend ,\u2014\u2014 Seen his Lordship about lately , Sir ?\u2014 Lord Uppersole I mean , of course !", "Er \u2014 her \u2014 it 's becoming a very serious thing , Sir , the way our aristocracy is deteriorating , is it not ?", "I mean these mixed marriages , and , well , their general goings on . I do n't know if you 're acquainted with a paper called the Penny Patrician ? I take it in regularly , and I assure you \u2014 loyal supporter of our old hereditary institutions as I am \u2014 some of the revelations I read about in high life make me blush \u2014 yes , downright blush for them !"], "true_target": ["I think not , Sir ; I have no recollection of the circumstance . I see now your face is quite unfamiliar to me .", "A highly agreeable spot to stay at . Indeed , I 've some idea myself of \u2014\u2014 Exceedingly pleasant person his Lordship \u2014 so affable , so completely the gentleman !", "Is it possible ! I have come across so many people while I 've been away that \u2014 but surely we have met somewhere ? Why , of course , Sir John Jubber ! you must pardon me , Sir John \u2014\u2014", "He may , Sir . I consider a title is not a thing to be treated in that light manner . It \u2014 it was an unpardonable liberty to force me into the society of that class of person \u2014 unpardonable , Sir !"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["Ca n't say , I 'm sure \u2014 no business of mine , you know ."], "true_target": ["Do they , though ? If I were you I should let \u2018 em do their own blushin \u2019 , and save my pennies .", "Is it ? What have they been up to now , eh ? Have n't seen a paper for days ."], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["Better make sure the tomb 's genuine first , had n't you ? Some say it is n't .", "May I , Miss Trotter ?This is the smallest change I 've got .", "You may ; but you might give Miss Trotter and me a chance , you know !", "Hullo ! You and I are being sat upon pretty heavily , Miss Trotter ."], "true_target": ["Haw \u2014 score for you , Miss Trotter !", "Ha-ha-ha ! One in the eye for you , Culchard !", "I \u2014 object ? Not much ! Just what I should like , seeing Verona with \u2014 all together , you know !", "How do you do , Miss Trotter ? It 's awfully jolly to meet you again like this !"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["I expect she 'll be superior to Britannic prejudices of that kind . I consider your friend a highly cultivated and charming lady , Maud . She produces that impression upon me ."], "true_target": ["Why , yes ; it enlists her literary sympathies \u2014 she sees all its possibilities ."], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["I beg your pardon , Patia , really , but we 've had rather a long day of it , you know !", "I \u2014 I \u2014 you see , I did n't know ... I was afraid \u2014 I rather thought \u2014\u2014", "I did , \u2018 Patia \u2014 exactly the same look I observed last night , in a mosquito 's eye .", "Just what I think , Mr. Trotter , and I 'm sure my sister will \u2014\u2014", "Run away ! Do you think I 'd have gone if \u2014 I 've felt dull enough ever since , without that !", "I know that well enough . It 's none of my doing ! And you 've no reason to complain , at all events !"], "true_target": ["Thanks ; got a pipe .Where 's Miss Trotter ?", "Now just look here , Patia , if you are bossing this show , you need n't go cutting us off our grub ! What do you say , Jem ?", "Very likely \u2014 but I could n't . I never interfere in my sister 's affairs , and , to tell you the honest truth , I do n't feel particularly inclined to make a beginning on your account .", "Used we ? Of course , if you say so , it 's all right . But what are you driving at exactly ?", "You great owl , you came a cropper that time !", "I dare say . But how are you going to set about it ? I can n't begin ."], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["I should infer now , from that statement , that you enjoyed the advantages of a pretty liberal education ?"], "true_target": ["There 's an ingenuous modernity about our friend 's historical speculations that is highly refreshing .", "I shall be proud to be permitted to try .Then I may take it that you agree with me that the function of the future American fictionist will be \u2014\u2014"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["Ici le tombeau di Giovanni della Scala , Signore . Verri grazioso , molto magnifique , joli conserve !Non bronzo \u2014 verde-antique !", "Ah , Signore !"], "true_target": ["Zees , Marmor di Carrara ; zat , Marmor di Verona \u2014 Verona marbre . Martino Primo a fait batir .Quattuor dichieme secolo \u2014 fotteen !", "Si-si , Signore . Scultore Bonino da Campiglione .Bellissimo scultore !"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["Yes , dear , do , please ! It makes one notice things so much more !"], "true_target": ["No , dear , only the mist . At least , there 's something that may be a branch ; or a bird of some sort ."], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["Now what I want to see , my dear , is the ork \u2014 ork \u2014 angel that Ruskin thinks Tintoretto painted the day after he saw a rook \u2014 kic \u2014 kic \u2014 kic \u2014 kingfisher ."], "true_target": ["\u201c There comes up out of the mist a dark hand . \u201d Have you got the dark hand yet , my dear ?"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["Now , Ethel , we can just spend ten minutes on the ceiling \u2014 and then we must go . That 's evidently Jonah in the small ovalYes , I thought so ,\u2014 it is Jonah . Ruskin considers \u201c the whale 's tongue much too large , unless it is a kind of crimson cushion for Jonah to kneel upon . \u201d Well , why not ?"], "true_target": ["That we are not told , my love \u2014 \u201c The submissiveness of Jonah is well given \u201d \u2014 So true \u2014 but Papa can n't bear being kept waiting for his lunch \u2014 we really ought to go now ."], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["Ach ! I do nod know any nah-ice gondolier \u2014 zey are oal \u2014 I dell you , if you lif viz zem ade mons as me , you cot your troat \u2014 yes !"], "true_target": ["Beg your bardons , Schendlemen , but if you haf qvide done vid ze schtamps on your ledders , I gollect bostage-schtamps , yes ."], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["Trodders ? Led me see , yes , zey ged zeir preakfast early , and start two hours since for Murano and Torcello .", "Eef you register it , and your vrient is zere , you ged it \u2014 yes ."], "true_target": ["I gannot dell you ze name \u2014 pecause zey sing always ze same ting ! A HELPLESS MAN IN KNICKERBOCKERSHere , I say . We engaged rooms here by telegram from Florence . What am I to give these fellows from the station ? Combien , you know !", "Goot afternoon , Schendlemen . You have a bleasant dimes at Torcello , yes ? Ach ! you haf gif your gondoliers vifdeen franc ? Zey schvindle you , oal ze gondoliers alvays schvindles eferypody , yes ! Zere is som ledders for you . I vetch them .", "You gif zem two franc \u2014 and zen zey vill gromble . You haf engage roums ? yes . Zat vill pe oal rahit \u2014 Your loggage in ze gondola , yes ? I haf it taken op ."], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["No , it 's left behind at Bologna . My friend 's gone back for it . And I say , think it will turn up all right ?"], "true_target": ["Yes , but look here , do n't you know ? Ought n't I to make a row \u2014 a fuss \u2014 about it , or something , eh ? PORTEROh , you can make a foss , yes , if you like \u2014 you ged nossing !"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["That was my fault . I kept him by me . You see , I believed you had quite decided to accept Mr. Culchard .", "Well , my dear Maud , I confess that I \u2014\u2014", "Maud ! how can you ? That odious hypocritical creature ! If you knew how I despised and \u2014\u2014!"], "true_target": ["What is the good ! Nothing will bring him back \u2014 now !", "That does alter the case , does n't it ? And I may tell him there 's some hope for him ? You must n't judge him by what he is with his friend , Mr. Podbury . Bob has such a much stronger and finer character !", "Ah , but let me explain . I could only keep him quiet by threatening to go home by myself , and dear Bob is such a devoted brother that \u2014\u2014"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["But mind this \u2014 if he comes back , you 've got to care for him the whole length of your boa \u2014 you wo n't persuade him to run in couples with anybody else . That 's why he broke away the first time \u2014 and you were ever so mad with me because you thought I was at the bottom of it . But it was all his pride . He 's too real independent to share chances with anybody alive .", "Oh well , if he could n't stand up more on his edge than Mr. Podbury ! Not that I mind Mr. Podbury any , there 's no harm in him , but he 's too real frivolous to amount to much .", "Now , Hypatia Prendergast , do n't tell me you 're not interested in him ! And he 's more real suited to you than ever Mr. Podbury was . Now , is n't that so ?", "I \u2014 I do n't know , really . But , Maud , I want to speak to you about \u2014 Somebody . You can n't think how he adores you , poor fellow ! I have noticed it for a long time .", "I hope you do n't consider me nothing . And a word from me would bring him along pretty smart . The only question is whether I 'm to say it or not .", "Well , see here , Hypatia . I 'll take your brother on trial for a spell , to oblige you \u2014 there . I can n't say more at present . And now \u2014 about the other . I want to know just how you feel about him ."], "true_target": ["Well , my dear , he 's pretty paltry \u2014 but we 'll let him go at that \u2014 I guess his shares have gone down considerable all round .", "I guess he 's pretty good at concealing his feelings , then . He 's been keeping far enough away !", "Novel in time \u2014 it 's not going ever to grow out of him , anyway !", "And I guess Charley will grow out of the great Amurrcan", "Dar-ling !", "I like Charley ever so much , and I 'm not going to have him cavort around along with a circus of suitors under vows . So , if I thought there was any chance of \u2014 well , say Mr. Culchard \u2014\u2014"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["Culchard ! You heard ? She 's putting in a word for me . What a brick that girl is !"], "true_target": ["Brother ! I say , Culchard , she can n't be meaning Bob all this time ! She can n't ! can she now ?"], "play_index": 27, "act_index": 27}, {"query": ["Shop-consciences , of proof against an oath ,", "Our city-bands are twenty thousand strong ,", "Your highness enters in a lucky hour ;", "Methinks , was not so prudent .", "Lights there ! more lights ! What , burn the tapers dim ,", "The unanimous vote you heard , confirms your choice .", "No safer than needs must .", "\u2018 Tis most manifest , that , by virtue of our oath , we are all subjects to the Duke of Guise . The king 's an officer that has betrayed his trust ; and therefore we have turned him out of service .", "Permit no justice to be done on those", "Our charters will go next ; because we sheriffs", "The saviour of the nation , makes approach ?", "The court calls rebels , but we call them saints .", "When glorious Guise , the Moses , Gideon , David ,", "He 'll peach , and ruin all .", "But , father , why so late ?", "Why then my choice is made ."], "true_target": ["When under heathen lords ? I hope they did .", "Thick-rinded heads , that leave no room for kernel ;", "Preached up , and ready tined for a rebellion", "But did the primitive Christians e'er rebel ,", "Well-disciplined , well-armed , well-seasoned traitors ,", "You chased the Germans hence , exiled Navarre ,", "And rescued France from heretics and strangers .", "The curate of St Eustace comes at last :", "I hope you set them right ?", "To borrow arguments from heretic books ,", "\u2018 Tis a plain case ; the king 's included in the punishment , in case he rebel against the people .", "As head of Paris and the Holy League .", "A most convincing argument for faction .", "A snivelling , conscientious , loyal rogue ;", "What is't ? I should be glad to find the king", "I know that Conty ;"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["And give him a whole heaven for room to shine .", "But when , against his custom , they perceived", "Whereon immediately there runs a cry", "All , who attempt to hinder or disturb us .", "Not as from me ; for still I kennel with them .", "Thus it was fixt , as I before discovered ;", "But one prime article of our Holy League", "Well ; the next article in our solemn covenant", "What could they find to object ?", "And , if the king doubts the discovery ,", "That sway the crowd of Paris , guide their votes ,", "But see , they come .", "Cried ,\u2014 Call the sheriffs , and bid them arm their bands ;", "Yet , spite of all this factor of the fiends", "But Malicorn , sagacious on the point ,", "True , on my life ;", "And roared ,\u2014 they were undone .", "Has cleared the point again .", "Since we are proved to be above the king , I would gladly understand whom we are to obey , or , whether we are to be all kings together ?"], "true_target": ["To mount the Guise , where merit calls him , high ,", "The king absented , strait the rebels met ,", "Could urge , they slunk their heads , like hinds in storms .", "Of ,\u2014 Seize him on the next procession ! seize him .", "And mine .", "Manage their purses , persons , fortunes , lives ,", "That , in case of opposition from any person whatsoever \u2014", "Against the king , his government , and laws ;", "Add yet to this , to raise you above hope ,", "But how can he rebel ?", "For on bare guess of what has been revealed ,", "Send me to the Bastile till all be proved .", "We are obliged to join as one , to punish", "You are our champion , buckler of our faith .", "And clap the Chilperick in a monastery !", "And bark as loud as the most deep-mouthed traitor ,", "The Guise , my master , will be here to-day .\u2014", "And therefore are we met ; the whole sixteen ,", "He winged a messenger to give him notice ;", "Is to preserve the king , his power , and person ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["A Calvinist minister of Orleans", "Are you a member of the League , and ask that question ? There 's an article , that , I may say , is as necessary as any in the creed ; namely , that we , the said associates , are sworn to yield ready obedience , and faithful service , to that head which shall be deputed .", "I have been taking godly pains to satisfy some scruples raised amongst weak brothers of our party , that were staggering in the cause .", "No sure , they did not ; for they had not power ;", "Is now the faction ; for the most are ours .", "The author was indeed a heretic ;", "Yes ; and for answer , I produced this book .", "For arming , if you please , but not for faction :", "Mock-fire that never burns .", "The conscience of a people is their power .", "Heaven 's good ; the cause is good ; the money 's good ;", "I 'll make it out : Rebellion is an insurrection against the government ; but they that have the power are actually the government ; therefore , if the people have the power , the rebellion is in the king .", "That 's well , that well ; then the king is not excepted , if he oppose us .\u2014", "I swallow oaths as easy as snap-dragon ,"], "true_target": ["For taking arms against the king deceased ;", "That must be said , you know , for decency ;", "May justly be deposed , and put to death .", "For still the faction is the fewest number :", "The matter of the book is good and pious .", "Yes ; from the devil , if it would help our cause .", "No matter whence it comes .", "A pretty blind to make the shoot secure .", "They thought , to arm against the king was treason .", "So what they call the lawful government ,", "Writ this , to justify the admiral", "Or dispatch him ; I love to make all sure .", "I hope well , my lord .", "I 'll swear him guilty .", "Wherein he proves , that irreligious kings"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Agreed , agreed .", "Let him hold forth , let him hold forth ."], "true_target": ["And all .", "Vive Guise !", "Tear him piece-meal ; tear him piece-meal ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["The right of souls is still to be preferred ;", "Now , by the sword that cut off Malchus \u2019 ear ,", "And all the saints are cov'nanters and Guisards .", "Help , help , the Guise is murdered !", "And cry ,\u2014 Lie there , Lord Cardinal of Guise .", "And all his sermons libels on the king ;", "But when some mightier mischief shocks his toure ,", "Peace , brother .", "You would be left alone ?", "For all his prayers are curses on the government ,", "No more .", "Beware , your grace , of minds that bear like him .", "I know he scorns to stoop to mean revenge ;", "And make his witness void .", "Ha ! he 's fallen , chafe him . He comes again .", "And close him in a cloister ?", "You his anointed one , on better thought .", "What hinders us to seize the royal penitent ,", "Mere dogs , that neither can be saved nor damned .", "That is , he hopes you mean to make him abbot ,", "He shoots at once with thunder on his wings ,", "And partners of immortal secrets grow .", "Speak lower .", "For souls , just quitting earth , peep into heaven ,", "Your reason .", "From the succession of the realm of France .", "We have him in our power , coop 'd in his court .", "The Commons will decree , to exclude Navarre", "In short , a pious , hearty , factious priest .", "Contain yourself ; this outrage will undo us .", "What ! do we talk", "Things necessary must sometimes be sudden ."], "true_target": ["I say amen to that .", "The Commons .", "A dreadful message from a dying man ,", "This holy time of Lent we have him sure ;", "That needs not , for \u2018 tis known .", "In that procession , he 's more fit for heaven :", "Succession .", "And he deserves your care of his preferment ;", "And qualm , and keck , and take it down by sips !", "Heaven is itself head of the Holy League ;", "And makes it air .\u2014 but hark , my lord , \u2018 tis doing !", "Of paring , clipping , and such tedious work ,", "Have you no temper ?", "I know not ; I begin to taste his reasons .", "That blushes at my scarlet robes , I 'll doff", "Who leads the first attack ? Now by yon heaven ,", "What mean you , brother , by this godly talk ,", "We must obey , my lord , for heaven calls us . The SCENE draws , behind it a Traverse . The GUISE is assaulted by eight . They stab him in all parts , but most in the head .", "A heretic ; discredit him betimes ,", "Like those that hang their noses o'er a potion ,", "Religion must not suffer for a claim .", "That 's one man 's thought ; he dares , and that 's another 's .", "The king , like Saul , is heaven 's repented choice ;", "Make swift acquaintance with their kindred forms ,", "You will have all things your own way , my lord . By heaven , I have strange horror on my soul .", "A prophesy indeed !", "He goes unguarded , mixed with whipping friars .", "This womanish attire of godly peace ,", "Give out he 's arbitrary , a Navarist ,", "To cut things short ,", "Of sparing Christian blood ? why , these are dogs ;", "and ARCH . run to the door ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["A moment 's thought ;\u2014 ha , but I sweat and tremble ,", "Death and the devil !", "On soldiers , and no soldiers : This man knighted ,", "On each surmise , the lives of free-born people ,", "Away !", "Phantoms , be gone ! if I must die , I 'll fall", "Had never \u2018 scaped my gripe : but mine she is ;", "I 'll do whate'er my honour will permit .", "Again , my heart ! there is a weight upon thee ,", "Not of the greatest , shall be bought or sold ;", "Your honour as the ransom of my life ;", "Poison on her name !", "Prevent the turn , forsake the ruined court ;", "You have prevailed , I will not go to council .", "Since more I am confirmed , I 'll stand the shock .", "O say not so , for once again I 'll see you .", "Is't possible", "Environed with his guards , he durst not touch me ;", "If you refuse me , madam , I 'll not murmur .", "\u2018 Tis too much odds against me ; I 'll depart ,", "For if I had , those eyes , without his guards ,", "And though I flew about with circumstances .", "Lieutenant-general , chief , or constable ,", "Against the common properties of subjects ,", "I 'll trust my stars , I know them now by proof ;", "Well , colonel , are we friends ?", "Is true , as that the king designs to end me .", "And foil my vowed design .\u2014 Madam , I see", "I will have strict examination made", "This to another man would be a brag ;", "First let them fear for rapes , and ransacked houses ;", "Than this , the last .", "I see , by each man 's laying of his hand", "Why then the noble plot is fit for birth ;", "You are the saint that makes a convert of me .", "Sounds treason in the letter of the law ,", "That , when Valois consumed in ashes lies ,", "To my last prayer , I 'll thank you as my saint :", "Two in their very frame . \u2018 Twas well , \u2018 twas well ,", "On aught but vengeance .\u2014 Malicorn , call the people .", "As if a Grillon got her on the queen ,", "Where'er thou'rt throned in air , in earth , or hell ,", "Pray , sir , give me leave .", "I griped them in my fist .", "Why said you , so it were ? For though \u2018 tis true , methinks \u2018 tis much unkind .", "I thank you on my knees ;", "Judge not too rashly of the Holy League ,", "I tell you all , even at that very moment ,", "Ha ! captain , you are well attended :", "By heaven ,", "French we are all , and brothers of a land .", "My father 's ghost shall hear me up to heaven .", "What should the mistress of a king do here ?", "At Port St Honore :", "I hear him croak too to the gaping council ,\u2014", "I charge , I warn thee let him know ,", "This very day he means to cut me off .", "For that 's set down as sure as Henry 's fall .", "At thy delay ; why , man , \u2018 tis more than life ,", "Which , without fear , or flattery to your person ,", "Peace , my tumultuous heart ! why jolt my spirits", "But awed and cravened , as he had been spelled ,", "I would it should be so , \u2018 twas a good horror", "The court leaves me .", "Abbot Delbene , Alphonso Corso too ,", "Be pitiful to those infirmities", "To make their arms their business , aim , and glory ;", "I 'll stand it while I may . O mighty nature !", "Should I not come to vindicate my fame", "Quick , quick ! my reins , my back , and head and breast", "Madam , I 've thought , and trust you with my soul .", "Nay , let me never win a field again ,", "And came resolved ,\u2014", "Fish for the great fish , take no care for frogs ,", "And should this come from any mouth but yours ,", "Shall I not cast them backward if I can ,", "One , that would court you for a friend .", "I 'll seize him first , then make him a led monarch ;", "Dissembled , for she told me this before ;", "A lady , say'st thou , young and beautiful ,", "The king 's at Blois , and you have reason for it ;", "Therefore , what am I to expect from pity ,\u2014", "You saw but now my parting with my brother ,", "Halt \u2014 to your judgment .\u2014", "Methinks , I see her listening now before me ,", "Ha ! my good lords , what if the murdering council", "Not come to throw myself , with all submission ,", "Ha ! stay till morning : tapers are too dim ;", "I thought she might . A trick upon me ; well .", "Were she not such a wond'rous composition ,", "You 've broke the very gall of my ambition ,", "I 'll not justify a villain ,", "I was not to be worked from second thought :", "Under the barber 's hands , imposthumes choak me ,\u2014", "Greater than fame ! thou eldest of the passions ,", "What , at court ?", "\u2018 Tis contradiction : no , my peaceful brother ,", "His person must be safe .", "May be so :", "You 're an old man too soon , you 're superstitious ;", "I change , \u2018 tis true , because I love you still ;", "O gracious Harry , let me sound thy name ,", "To join the Holy League in this great war ,", "I 'll hollow the revenge I vow , so loud ,", "Would make me such another thing as Grillon ,", "Things of the highest note against religion ,", "Headlong into the Seine , all over armed ,", "There 's spoil , preferments , wealth enough in France ;", "Stay , or \u2014 O heaven !\u2014 I 'll force you : Stay \u2014", "Where are you fled ? there 's ice upon my nerves ;", "I scorn to poach for power .", "It but remains to doubt if he dare kill me :", "Amidst the three estates , that represent", "I had been told ,", "What , when I feel his council on my neck ,", "At Adam 's fall .", "If the Guise resolves to go ,", "Love you , O heaven , even in my own despite ;", "And sculked behind a hedge i'the afternoon :", "Took a full tincture of the mother 's wit ,", "The council-hall was hung with crimson round ,", "We missed surprising of the king at Blois ,", "\u2018 Tis plain you love the king .", "\u2018 Tis true , a pension , from a foreign prince ,", "What say you , curate ?", "Let him , if he dare .\u2014", "This is the mother-queen , and Espernon ,", "But let my gracious master please to know", "Once true in all thy life , and that for mischief .", "But stain your triumph with no Christian blood ;", "False , false , my Mayenne ; thou'rt but half Guise again .", "Therefore , thus much , and I have done : I go", "And graft succession on a worthier choice .", "Conduct her in .\u2014", "I 'll talk my mind on any point but this", "Hear me a word !\u2014 one sigh , one tear , at parting ,", "Ambition , or a crown", "You know the book .", "I would thou hadst , ere thus unmanned my heart !", "His opening nostrils , and his dropping lids .", "Still loads me with new honours ; but none greater", "How , madam ?", "Whereas too often honours are conferred", "I 'll be declared lieutenant-general", "I do believe you , madam .", "I saw thee not at court , thou basilisk ;", "Peace , croaking raven !\u2014", "She has scanned it , just as if she were my soul ;", "Stay till I lead you to that dismal den", "His , thou meanest .", "The old man roused , and shook himself a little :", "\u2018 Tis equally the same to see me plunge", "His brother of Navarre shut out for ever ,", "And dost thou vomit me with this loathed peace ?", "That I may die , like the late puling Francis", "For , after all , she does it but to try me ,", "O rise , thou image of the deity !", "And day-light must not peep on dark designs .", "Come , \u2018 tis but counterfeit ; you dare not go .", "Suppose , as well , the sun should never rise :", "Palled as a slave , that 's bed-rid with an ague ,", "Night wears apace ,", "I have provoked my sovereign past a pardon ,", "\u2018 Tis false , they do belie her .", "Ere their hid fire will sparkle .", "Never !\u2014 She 's set on by the king to sift me .", "Yes , Grillon , \u2018 tis the Guise ;", "To hang them in effigy ,\u2014 nay , to tread ,", "I sent not for you , madam .", "Yet let not my ambition shew it to her ;", "Furies ! she keeps her word , and I am lost ;", "I start the judgment right , where others drag .", "So let him reign my tenant during life ,", "I must not give them time for resolution .\u2014", "Why , then , a prize so easy and so fair", "When she , the king , and grisly d'Alva met .", "The bruises of his loyalty have crazed him .", "Yes , one word more : thou hast a privilege", "Why , madam , why ?", "But see , she comes ; call the cardinal Guise ,", "My brain runs this and that way ; it will not fix", "And where so proper as upon those rebels ,", "I would ; retire .", "And lives of honest well-affected men ;", "And up again ; no matter .", "No venture made , but all dull certainty ?", "For still , whate'er shall come in fortune 's whirl ,", "Then mark ; \u2018 tis judged by heads grown white in council ,", "My world into creation ; now \u2018 tis time", "Is nothing to be left to noble hazard ?", "Therefore I will see him ,", "To merit heaven , and wed you late in glory .", "Take my hand o n't , that cormorant dowager", "Your idol , sir ; you mean the great Navarre :", "Impatient to be soon recalled , to see", "Chaste as she is , she would as soon give up", "Betwixt the meritorious and the base .", "More at the strength of body than of mind ;", "The prelate too of Lyons ; it was debated", "To clear myself of calumnies , and slanders ,", "Dismiss those prisoners .\u2014 Grillon , you are free ;", "My salt , my metal , and my spirits gone ,", "Sir , \u2018 twas the last necessity that drove me ,", "Perhaps his head may lie too low .", "The reason 's plain .", "Stand on your guard , and double every watch ,", "By you , the justice of the earth , I have not .", "I 'll tell the king ; and then , with his permission ,", "I therefore judged ,\u2014", "True Grillon still .", "As yet , in spite of all thy crimes , I love !", "Which thus unman me ; stay till the council 's over ;", "He will not venture on so rash a deed :", "Away , ye dreams ! what if it thundered now ,", "Then if he dares but to be just , I die .", "No more !\u2014 Blue fires , and ye dull rolling lakes ,", "Take leave , and to my government retire ;", "The devil foretold it dying Malicorn .", "A soul , so flushed as mine is with ambition ,", "More than yourself ; but if you thus proceed ,", "And now , I wonder I should fear that force ,", "There we broke off ; and mark me , if I live ,", "I but sat still , and nodded , like a god ,", "Beware we make not such another blot .", "Still thy sex :", "I see your face pale as the cherubins \u2019", "Of those imperial arguments they urged ,", "\u2018 Twas all put on , that I might hear and rave .", "Yet we shall clasp in heaven .", "The smoke and soot smother the rising flame ,", "So , if your majesty will do me honour ,", "Ay , there a general 's heart beat like a drum !", "Beneath your royal feet ! to put my cause", "Were crammed together for my single soul .", "Without an oath I do ; therefore have mercy ,", "And at his feet make known their villainy ?", "By heaven , and you , whom next to heaven I love ,", "No matter , sir , no matter ;", "The true intent of my misconstrued faith .", "My smile should answer how the ruin touched me .", "Lest this old rust of war , this knotty trifler ,", "Much urged , but never proved , against my innocence ;", "Ha , said she true ? Have I so little honour ?", "But love has oiled your tongue to run so glib ,\u2014", "Cut off the poppy-heads , sir ;\u2014 madam , charm", "So slight a victory required not me :", "But he has risen from Adam 's time to ours .", "But my ambition , that she calls my crime ;\u2014", "Curse on your eloquence !", "But \u2018 tis a love so mixt with dark despair ,", "O fear her not ,", "Kneel to him , ere I journey to Champaigne ,", "Should raise me to extremes .", "I will .", "Brought in a chair ?", "Where all the honest atoms fought their way ,"], "true_target": ["Do you not fear , your visit will be known ?", "Sagacious and so nice , must have disdained her :", "And atoms justly poised ; nor should you wonder", "Good decent names , that only mean \u2014 your slave .", "Glory , where art thou ? fame , revenge , ambition ,", "For , if you did , \u2018 twere better I had died .", "Give me your hand .", "Will never rest , till she has all our heads", "Your sacred robe .\u2014 Is't possible ! your hand !", "With this last blow he drives me like a coward ;", "The Phoenix race of Charlemain may rise .", "Colonel , \u2018 tis very well I know your mind ,", "Sir , will you please with patience but to hear me ?", "Why , by that never then , all I have sworn", "As ever I have loved , nay , even as much", "And one last look ; for , O my earthly saint ,", "Proclaim it for a warning to our people .", "But the sheriff Conty , who commands that ward ,", "What need that awful general convocation ,", "And labouring France cries out for midwife hands .", "Yet had I known \u2018 twas your express command ,", "Retire .", "Enter Cardinal GUISE , Duke Of MAYENNE , MALICORN , & c .", "Go on ; since thou'rt resolved on death ,", "But look at home .", "Such an habitual over-womanly goodness ,", "You must , you will , and smile upon my murder .", "But she was made when nature was in humour ,", "Fathomless caves , ye dungeons of old night ,", "But yet \u2014", "And beg a kind farewell .", "Be wise , and be before-hand with your fortune ;", "You menace deeply , madam :", "The fires , that would have formed ten thousand angels ,", "I have none but you :", "I 'll meet him now , though fire-armed cherubins", "Are all as much within my power , as if", "My fate is now in the balance ; fool within ,", "Yes , angel-traitors , fit to shine in palaces ,", "I come ;\u2014 down , devil !\u2014 ha ! must I stumble too ?", "And heaven confest it in my very frame ;", "By hell , I see the cloven mark upon her .", "The blood ha'nt burst my lips .", "What devil has sent thee here to plague my soul ?", "The Traverse is drawn .", "If I mistake not , sir , your number 's doubled .", "While Malicorn attends for some dispatches ,", "You shall prevail , I will do any thing :", "Therefore go tell him , tell him thy own story .", "I feared it might be represented so ,", "Refused me passage there .", "Why , Malicorn .", "All things are ripe , and love new points their ruin .", "Hot with my friends , because , the question given ,", "All packed to plot , and turn me into madness .", "Spirit within sings .", "Her honour , as betray me to the king :", "And think not death could make me tremble thus ;", "To clear my innocence .", "Hold , sir ;\u2014 come , colonel , I 'll ask pardon for you ;", "I should not have approached .", "You are fools ; to kill them , were to shew I feared them ;", "Yet say not never ; for I hope by virtue", "Enter King , Queen-Mother , ALPHONSO , Abbot , & c .", "I thank you , countrymen : the hand of heaven", "In which no place of office , or command ,", "Sir , I intend the greatness of the king ;", "I cannot leave", "My friends are many , faithful , and united ;", "Will harden their soft city courages :", "From wrong constructions ? And \u2014", "I swear you cannot , shall not ,\u2014 dare not see him .", "That 's till dooms-day .", "Woman , all over woman !", "She dazzles , walks mere angel upon earth .", "What may their heads expect ?", "The king imprisoned , and the nation free", "If you are there ,", "Alphonso Corso , Grillon , priest , together :", "In her lap . I was at Bayonne with her ,", "O Marmoutiere ! ha , never see thee more ?", "Yes ; we are all involved , as heads , or parties ;", "Where'er he dares to call , I dare to go .", "O let me crawl , vile as I am , and kiss", "Stay here , and make a merit of your love .", "But see , the king : I scorn to ruin thee ,", "By all the torments of this galling passion ,", "I will .", "\u2018 Tis true , at first she caught the heavenly form ,", "Ha ! Grillon here ! some new court-trick upon me .", "That very fright , when I appear to head them ,", "And finish greatness at some safer time .", "Expect me , and I have engaged my honour .", "Her own part worse than his .", "Priest , Corso , devils ! how she carries it !", "But there I 'm short ; by the long chain of causes", "A duteous loyal subject I was ever .", "Why this alarm ? why dost thou call me on", "Shall stand prepared , to enter at your call ,", "To justify my loyalty to your person .", "Ache , as I 'd been a horse-back forty hours .", "Sir , that I came \u2014", "To raise , and to foment a civil war .", "I thought a look , with us , had been a language ;", "Or now it comes , because last night I dreamt", "The court , disarmed , disheartened and besieged ,", "Cabinet-council .", "I thank thee for thy foresight .", "My utmost aim has been to hide it from her ,", "Branded with heresy , and barred from sway ;", "Wing me to my revenge , to blood , and ruin !", "And speed the work ; St Martin 's gate was named ;", "Possible !", "Furies and hell ! She does but try me ,\u2014 Ha !", "\u2018 Tis false .", "In this unequal circling of my blood ?", "To be , as I am here , quite off my guard ,", "And so report my danger to the people .", "Will kill at least your thousand in a day .", "I go \u2014 that vermin may devour my limbs ;", "No , madam , I at last have gained the point", "He may not rise , for heaven may play a trick ;", "And all my powers now float in peace again .", "O villains ! hell-hounds ! hold .", "And I can ask forgiveness , when I err ;", "But good intentions justify the deed .", "To favour this , five hundred men in arms", "All the heads of the League", "O ye celestial dews ! O paradise ! O heaven ! O joys , ne'er to be tasted more !", "True ; but in spite", "Why , any thing but she :", "What can I call thee more ? if devil , \u2018 twere less .", "Say this again ; but add , you gave not up", "If you are pleased to grant an hour or two", "Ha , madam ! Why this posture ?", "To walk abroad , and carelessly survey", "I 'm what you please to call me ; any thing ,", "I 'll follow thee , and rid thy shaking soul .", "Sure , thine 's a race was never got by Adam ,", "Of mightiest minds , to wonder now at nothing .", "Should cross my way . O jealousy of love !", "And all the ceiling plaistered o'er with black .", "Marking the very motion of his beard ,", "Then was't not Henry 's fear preserved my life ?", "No ;", "If thus they vilify the Holy League ,", "Stay till the sun rises to salute you ;", "You loved not courts .", "I wish my flesh were off .", "That covered all the state with blood and death ?", "Dipt in the noisy crime of state , called treason ;", "Stab on , stab :", "This is the effect of equal elements ,", "And make my soul a furnace . Woman , woman ,", "There were in agitation here at court ,", "O that I could detest thee now as much", "Then , Bussy , be it your care to admit my troops ,", "Be satisfied that I will see the king ,", "All that are here , my friends , shall share my fortunes :", "I do not like myself to-day .", "Your air , your mien , your charms , your every grace ,", "Were in our power , should they escape our justice ?", "The greatness of all France , whom it imports", "Can I help this ?", "Would have pronounced , Go kill the Guise , and durst not .", ",", "Malicorn , Malicorn , Malicorn , ho !", "The glorious , full , majestic face of France ,", "Or at the court among my enemies ,", "I do beseech you , let the business die .", "But , madam , I have often heard you say ,", "But more , more , more ;\u2014 why , Malicorn !\u2014 again ?", "I will be there .", "By glances ;\u2014 ha ! not yet ? thou mak'st me blush", "And plow against the torrent to my point ,", "I will myself to court , pay formal duty ,", "That Guise should say , in this he must refuse you !", "Ha ! can it be ! \u201c Madam , the king loves you . \u201d \u2014", "There must be action .", "I beg your pardons ; vapours , no more .", "As much too hot , as Mayenne is too cool . But \u2018 tis the manlier fault of the two .", "By heaven , I took thee for my soul 's physician ,", "Thin diet will do well ; \u2018 twill starve him into reason ,", "True politician , and defy you all .", "If every heated breath can puff away ,", "Must I ne'er see you more ?", "Because he charged a troop before his dinner ,", "But now ambition sets her on her head ,", "And still , while life shall last , will take strict care", "Or rather all in one , I here invoke thee ,", "I do not ask your love , be still my foe .", "The King rises from his Chair , comes forward with his", "Woman !", "Were you this very night to lodge with angels ,", "Not me , the king you mean .", "Drag , stamp , and grind them , after they are dead .", "Again you err .", "I find , my lord , the argument grows warm ,", "Which , in his own despite , the king shall call :", "A few hot words , no more , upon my life ;", "The assembly of the states ?\u2014 nay , let me urge ,\u2014", "Devil , devil , as they are all .", "Because the king disdains my services ,", "But I will sigh it off .\u2014 Captain , farewell .", "Warmly against me , that I should go on .", "Consigns me fifty thousand crowns a-week", "Madam , you wrong me now :", "And O let me return it with another !", "Yet , through the histories of our lives , she looked ,", "You 're come to court ; the robes you wear become you ;", "And traitors we must be , to king , or country .", "Before I take my farewell of the court .", "This soldierly embrace makes up the breach ;", "Upon his sword , you swear the like revenge .", "I know you straight betray me to the king .", "To fight , yet rob my limbs of all their use ?", "But yet , it seems , you found a king more charming .", "The genius of the king bends under mine :", "The king", "Enter a Servant , who whispers GUISE .", "We will be sorry , sir , for one another .", "How the dull matter does the form obey .", "Re-enter Servant with MARMOUTIERE , and exit .", "My country , friends , religion , all at stake .", "Thou a \u2014\u2014 hot old hair-brained fool .", "Denials , oaths , improbabilities ;", "From yours , I mean ,\u2014 when you behold me slain ?", "O cardinal , O Lyons !\u2014 but no more ;", "Let me beseech you , colonel , no more .", "If while alive , I cease to chew their ruin ;", "For me , I wish that mine may both rot off \u2014", "As \u2018 twas to hear my judgment on the Germans ,", "By heaven I 'll tug with Henry for a crown ,", "Rather than have it on tame terms of yielding :", "Cold burghers must be struck , and struck like flints ,", "And person in the hands of sovereign justice !", "Forked into ills , and split into deceits ;", "\u2018 Till he exclude his brother of Navarre ,", "I tell thee , she 's the character of heaven ;", "A blunt , hot , honest , downright , valiant fool .", "Which I have used to conquer and contemn .", "No ; guard him safe ;", "Must I not let him know I dare be gone ?", "Or if a raven crossed me in my way ?", "When last the states were held : \u2018 twas oversight ;", "It shall be done .\u2014", "\u2018 Tis but deserve , and have . The Spanish king", "In all our safeties has appeared this day .", "False , false , by fate ! my right was born with me .", "The winds but fast , the billows will be still", "She saw , she overcame .", "Blood , battles , fire , and death ! I run , I run !", "Had done the tyrant 's work .", "If , with the thought of these irregular vapours ,", "But Eve played false , engendering with the serpent ,", "But left the dregs of wickedness behind .", "Of virgins buried quick , and stay for ever ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Turned out , like laboured oxen after harvest ,", "To the bare commons of the withered field .", "\u2018 Tis good to lean on the securer side :"], "true_target": ["Fools fear too little , and they dare too much .", "When life depends , the mighty stake is such ,", "What 's our reward ? Our offices are lost ,", "What he , and all of us have done , is known ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Three things which mortal men do covet most ;", "\u2018 Tis dangerous .", "Yet can pains last , when bodies cannot last ?", "Hangs on their active springs . I want a song", "Of which near twelve are gone , my soul runs back ,", "Or they 'll perhaps repent .", "Depends the series of your following fate :", "She has seen the king .", "Re-enter Servant .", "What counsel does the fate of Guise require ?", "Of Grillon , who is made their bawd ,\u2014", "To be renewed for pains , and last for hell !", "I know you 're honest ;", "Nay , draw , and with the edge betwixt my lips ,", "Forgive my honest meaning .", "Of possessing ,", "For sixty minutes , I 'll forgive nine years .", "Still to begin an endless round of woes ,", "In one-and-twenty years to be his slave ,", "To rouse me ; my blood freezes .\u2014 Music there .", "So : why this I looked for ;", "Has seized my spirits , and , like a heavy weight ,", "I 'll ope my book of bloody characters ,", "I love the Guise , even with my latest breath ,", "Where thou shalt sigh , and groan to whistling winds ,", "Well , and what of that ?", "Colonel , a word .", "Therefore it is my business to disturb you .", "Or , when one body wears and flits away ,", "Go , give my lord my last adieu ;", "Blasted I was ere born \u2014 curse on my stars !\u2014", "Got by some dotard in his pithless years ,", "Still possessing , still desiring ,", "Laughest thou , malicious fiend ?", "Then tell me thy surmises of the future .", "\u2018 Tis false ; I dare , like you , but cannot act ;", "Fit for love 's imperial crown ;", "Enter Servant .", "Will heal my bruises .", "Add but a day , but half a day , an hour :", "Dashed against rocks , or snatched from molten lead ,", "Bid him believe my latest breath , he dies .\u2014", "On hers . Down on her knees .", "Entered the court , his head should then lie low ?", "Fast sighs and smiles , swol'n lips , and heaving breasts ,", "What can love and I do more ?", "My master mounts the throne .", "Hate then the traitor , but yet love the treason .", "Makes me faint away with pleasure ;", "Why you sigh , and why you languish ;", "Even while thou rak'st it through my teeth , I 'll swear", "O could I \u2018 scape so cheap ! but ever , ever !", "In this prophetic doom .", "He 's clapt within a convent , shorn a saint ,", "After a Song and Dance , loud knocking at the Door ,", "And I am thine , dear devil : what do we next ?", "Not so ; I preached on purpose", "Your niece is come to court ,", "Why Beelzebub ? hast thou not often said ,", "Still the more \u2018 tis melted down .", "Strength of cordial may destroy .", "Can earthy substance endless flames endure ?", "O my dear lord , upon this only day", "I bartered it for honours , wealth , and pleasure ,", "What , one-and-twenty years , nine yet to come !", "Shepherdess .", "Think your good genius has assumed my shape ,", "But why in this fanatic habit , devil ?", "O why was I not warned before ?", "Did'st thou not tell me , if my lord , the Guise ,", "Think it 's love beyond all measure ,", "And flecked with blushes like a rifled maid ;", "Shepherdess .", "Say , I shall never see his eyes again ;", "My soul presages Henry has enjoyed her .", "Mine 's a flame beyond expiring .", "Sir , do not see the king .", "And folded them like sheep in holy ground ;", "What makes the curate of St. Eustace here ?", "Shepherd .", "My lord , the people must be fleshed in blood ,", "Beyond my soul , and my lost hopes of heaven :", "Or I a villain .", "Then I am lost for ever !", "And forfeited thy head , to pay me fully .", "What , resty , fiend ? Nine years thou hast to serve .", "I feel my heart-strings rend !\u2014 I 'm here ,\u2014 I 'm gone !", "What , Marmoutiere ?", "All I have said is true , as thou art honest ,", "Still the more \u2018 tis melted down .", "But , sir , I saw the apartment .", "That was a lie ; he went , and is returned .", "Do souls thrust forth another crust of clay ,", "And \u2018 faith , I over-sold it to the fiend :", "But hark ! for now , though \u2018 tis the dead of night ,", "What fate attends my master .", "I stand in adamant , and thus defy thee !", "And refining ,", "Still possessing , still desiring ,", "Where am I now ? upon the brink of life ,", "But if he goes , when next he 's called , to council ,", "Suppose it done :", "Like parchment in a flame .", "Where now , with ordered pikes , and colours furled ,", "Chorus together .", "\u2018 Tis true , as you have wronged me .", "Brisac and fierce Aumale have pent the Swiss ,", "Mischief , to some , to others must be good .", "Or I 'll confine thee deep in the red sea , groveling on the sands ,", "Not when deposed ?"], "true_target": ["Why , though you should , yet , if you hear me after ,", "\u2018 Tis confessed .", "Reeking , and dropping , piece-meal borne by winds ,", "My lord , you trifle precious hours away ;", "The pleasure I shall take in your vexation ,", "A Devil rises .", "Each dismal minute , when I call to mind", "The wards of reason roll into their spring .", "I neither have , nor will have , business with him .", "I never play 'd you foul , why should you doubt me ?", "To teach them the true relish ; dip them with you ,", "Shall rumple up thy tender airy limbs ,", "They wait the word that dooms them all to die :", "So pitiless ?", "Tell me , Thyrsis , tell your anguish ,", "And twelve near past , then to be steeped in fire ,", "But , sir , it may concern your fame and safety .", "And by a surer way ?", "And sent a withered sapling to the world .", "The heavens look gaudily upon your greatness ,", "Thy blood at court , bright as a summer 's morn ,", "Come forth , and bless the triumph of the day .", "Now all in tears , now smiling , sad at parting .", "What shall the Guise do next ?", "Thy sand creeps low ; despair , despair , despair !", "Thou look'st like one that preaches to the crowd ;", "Nay , by the gleamy fires that melted from her ,", "O horrid thought ! but one-and-twenty years ,", "Shepherd .", "A thousand years for every hour I 've past ,", "Perhaps I have :", "Never nature", "I will , so help me heaven !", "SCENE closes upon the company .", "But hark ! he comes : see there ! my blood stands still ,", "To-morrow then .", "There is no force in this enervate arm .", "And so , to make sure work o n't , by consent", "I charge thee , by my short-lived power , disclose", "Fit for love 's imperial crown ;", "As this day twelve year , on this very hour ,", "Grants the blessing", "When all the heaven is streaked with dappled fires .", "And yields her honour to our Henry 's bed .", "Yet more to rack thy heart , and break thy brain ,", "Ever shining ,", "Thou hast deserved me ,", "O true enthusiastic devil , true ,\u2014", "The gulph before me , devils to push me on ,", "Enter MELANAX , an hour-glass in his hand , almost empty .", "And treason on thy tongue .", "And heaven behind me closing all its doors .", "My master had a stronger .", "But yet I may command thee , and I will :", "Thus men , too careless of their future state ,", "And refining ,", "I was in hopes thou wouldst have uttered treason ,", "Bid him enter , and go off thyself .", "By heaven , I 'll ram thee in some knotted oak ,", "Therefore I say again , these eyes have seen", "A SONG BETWIXT A SHEPHERD AND SHEPHERDESS .", "To make thee lose this moment of thy prayer .", "Mine 's a flame beyond expiring ,", "Ha ! \u2018 tis well , and now I am revenged .", "She 's lodged at court .", "To fence and guard their tender forms from fire ?", "Thou talk'st of stars :", "When silence broods upon our darkened world ,", "And quenched ten thousand fathom in the deep !\u2014", "Officious fiend , thou comest uncalled to-night .", "Tell him I dedicate this day to pleasure .", "I will not .", "Like the deaf chimes of bells in steeples touched .", "At court , and near the king ; \u2018 tis true , by heaven :", "Who waits ?", "I mean my master 's cause , and mine ,\u2014 succeed ,", "But confess , and I 'll forgive you ;", "That Lucifer 's your king ?", "But yet I swear by hell , and my revenge ,", "Framed a creature", "Passion o \u2019 both sides .", "Thy niece has been before the Guise 's mistress .", "How can a soul be worth so much to devils ?", "There 's equity in heaven for this , a cheat .", "Ten thousand billows rolling o'er thy head .", "And the blessing", "The promise , that I made the Prince of Hell ,", "O how I hug myself , to out-wit these fools of hell !", "What noise is that ?", "This is the solemn annual feast I keep ,", "Ever shining ,", "Yet I have brain , and there is my revenge ;", "Of possessing ,", "When the nymph whom you adore ,", "Ha ! one-and-twenty years are shrunk to twelve ! Do my eyes dazzle ?", "I signed the contract for my soul with hell .", "And yet a sudden damp , I know not why ,", "Gospel is in thy face , and outward garb ,", "How dar'st thou interrupt my softer hours ?", "Upon the lonely plain .", "And the crowned moments court you as they fly .", "Methinks I hear a murmuring hollow sound ,", "To enjoy , and yet be true .", "Thyrsis , how can I believe you !", "Then flourish hell , and mighty mischief reign !", "Can'st thou not see more deep into events ,", "Men are false , and so are you ,", "Thus far the cause of God ; but God 's or devil 's ,\u2014", "Thou liest ; look on thy bond , and view the date .", "Kills me with excess of joy .", "Dispute , know nothing , and believe too late ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["And he is great as Mecca 's emperor .", "Remember , with his prince there 's no delay .", "But , the sword drawn , to fling the sheath away ;", "But then strike deepest , when he lowest bows ;", "He comes ; bid him not stand on altar-vows ,", "The tomb is still , whatever fools believe :"], "true_target": ["Laugh at the tales which withered sages bring ,", "Tell him , fate 's awed when an usurper springs ,", "Proverbs and morals ; let the waxen king ,", "And joins to crowd out just indulgent kings .", "Let not the fear of hell his spirit grieve ,", "Let Guise by blood resolve to mount to power .", "That rules the hive , be born without a sting ;"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Is this the heavenly \u2014", "The Council of Sixteen attend you .", "To your profest and most inveterate foes ;", "You seem to me two men ?", "Yet , at the court , cautious , and cold as age ,", "Must prosecute that cause by popular ways :", "That never pardons .", "So , whether you are merciful or no ,", "But , sir , how comes it you should be thus warm ,", "Your voice , your eyes , your mien so different ,", "\u2018 Tis rightly judged :", "And , let me add , who heads a popular cause ,", "All offices and dignities he gives"], "true_target": ["Sullen , methinks , and slow the morning breaks ,", "And dark designs hung heavy on the day .", "As if the sun were listless to appear ,", "But if he were inclined , as we could wish him ,", "Have you not told her what we have in hand ?", "All passion 's bane , but love directly death .", "Why then , we 're all undone .", "Yet this you must allow a failure in you ,\u2014", "You must affect to be .", "There is a lady-regent at his ear ,", "Still pushing counsels when among your friends ;", "You love his niece ; and to a politician", "Suppose the city should not rise ?"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Call Rome ungrateful , and sit down with that ;", "I tell you , I must never see you more .", "If you could carry it on the inside too .", "That could not for the royal cause , like me ,", "Hear me , sir ;", "To cloud my honour , or eclipse my virtue .", "My heart bleeds for thee , Guise .", "Ha ! then thou lovest , that thou art thus concerned .", "Believe , dear sir , whate'er my actions seem ,", "In the bright orbs , prepared us by our fates ,", "Cloud the majestic name with fumes of wine ,", "Maintain it then to heaven , but not to me . Do you love me ?", "My lord , we are not now to talk of kindness .", "Draws back your arm , the more of fate it carries .", "Great souls forgive not injuries , till time", "And if you go from Paris , I 'll to court .", "To muster all the forces that you can ,", "Let me intreat for Guise .", "Partly , perhaps ; but more for thirst of glory ,", "It should be kneeling to the throne of mercy .\u2014", "I know , is wondrous difficult to grant ,\u2014", "By the whole kennel of the slaves , is rung .", "Stood firm to what you swore ? Be plain , my lord ,", "I 'd sacrifice him in the city 's sight .\u2014", "Your love , O Guise , and your ambition gone ,", "What am I then ?", "However , your last words confess too much .", "Yet if you live , O Guise ,\u2014 there , there 's the cause ,\u2014", "Honour you 've little , honesty you 've less ;", "Go then :\u2014 O heaven ! Why must I still suspect you ?", "As if you scorned that I should know your purpose .", "I see , my lord , you 're come to take your leave ;", "And having finished it , forsake the world ;", "Farewell for ever ; ah , Guise , though now we part ,", "No , sir , I find I am a trouble to you ;", "Nor him , nor you ,", "Had doomed you to the death you well deserved .", "Beyond the possibility of hope :", "An hour you mean , and in that hour ten thousand .", "Kneel , fling your stubborn body at his feet :", "O heavens ! did ever virgin yet attempt", "Were there no more , but weariness of state ,", "That bleeds to death . O seek the best of kings ,", "Into the dark affairs of fatal state ;", "Ah Guise , you are undone !", "You must not go .", "And law requires defence , and equal plea", "Ere \u2018 tis too late ; I beg you by these tears ,", "Can I unknow it ?", "But speak your heart , and O resolve me truly !", "Down , rising mischief , down , or I will kill thee ,", "But , if I hear you go to take your leave ,", "Have you , O Guise , since your last solemn oath ,", "Ah father , uncle , brother , all the kin ,", "But go to council , sir , there shew your truth ;", "O heavens ! what was't I said ? Were I a man ,", "No , no , my lord ;", "Nay , let the misery invade my sex ,", "And such a king ,\u2014 so good , so just , so great ,", "By all the wounds of your poor groaning country ,", "Heaven be the judge , and still let virtue conquer .", "I did ; but yet \u2014", "Believe me , Guise , \u2018 twere gallantly resolved ,", "As if heaven lent you to the world to pattern .", "If this be needful .", "Therefore , if you are conscious of a breach ,", "Then had you died : For know , my haughty lord ,", "Virgins and matrons all shall sing your fame ,", "I listened to the love of daring Guise .", "For no man judges like your majesty :", "Even in thy cause , and strangle new-born pity !\u2014", "Not to proceed to last extremities ,", "Just so your brother used the admiral .", "Alas , my Guise !\u2014 O heaven , what did I say ?", "For , if \u2018 tis possible , my lord , I 'll move you .", "Curse not that eloquence that saved your life :", "Perhaps , \u2018 twas for your going ; yet I swear ,", "Think , sir , your thoughts are still as much your own ,", "Or run it o'er a while , because again", "Some small remembrance of the taking Guise :", "His charms prevail ;\u2014 no , let the rebel die .", "\u2018 Tis an open town .", "You know , sir , \u2018 tis impossible ; no more .", "O heaven ! I now confess ,", "Fear you , sir ! what is there dreadful in you ?", "Sir ! father ! hear me ! I come to court , to save the life of Guise .", "Read it ,\u2014 there is no more than what you hear .", "Our souls shall meet ,\u2014 farewell !\u2014 and Io 's sing above ,", "Make haste , my royal master , to be safe ,", "Pamphleteers , ballad-mongers sing your ruin .", "And place you next him ; therefore , if you 're right ,", "You hate the Guise .", "Forgive you , heaven , that thought ! No , mighty monarch ,", "The coward , not the king .", "As to distinguish you from common men ;", "Not stir ! does this become you ,\u2014", "Preserves me from your force . Once more , farewell .", "And you hate him still .", "GUISE solus .", "I do believe", "I discompose you , sir .", "Now , by the powers that framed me , this is all !", "And that sad fate that bodes upon your brow ,", "Cannot so well advise you , as yourself .", "But to rebate your jealousy of honour .", "It must not , cannot be .", "No ; I 'll return , and perish in those ruins . I find thee now , ambitious , faithless , Guise . Farewell , the basest and the last of men !", "By heaven ! by all that 's good \u2014", "I have tried you both .", "You 've all the graces that can crown mankind ;", "Through all the provinces , alarm the countries ,", "Your spirit is too high ,", "Something of moment hangs upon this hour .", "And , to advance this dangerous inquisition ,", "Confess it to me . Lead me to the king ;", "I faint beneath this strong oppression here ;", "In that unlawful way you seem to mean .", "Yes , I would make with every glance a murder .\u2014", "Can you be thus extravagantly good ?", "Go to your government , and try .", "Then cry ,\u2014 The king , the king 's a Hugonot ,", "I swear , by heaven , my heart adores , and loves you .", "I do not say more charming , but more noble ,", "The extorted praise , and speak him but by halves .", "You must not go .", "By heaven , I can , I dare , nay \u2014 and I will ;", "Make me not fear it by asseverations ,", "Nay , were you , sir , unthroned", "I must conclude you merited your end .", "But conscience you have none :", "By these whispering councils ,", "By heaven , I 'd earth myself ,", "But act the little part that nature gave me ,", "Look back , return , implore the royal mercy ,", "The imputed stains of my suspected honour .", "This night , my lord , I 'm a recluse for ever .", "But take it , take it ; if it be too kind ,", "I will not lose my virtue , for a throne .", "Infamous scrolls , and treasonable verse ;", "I tell you , you 're not worthy of the grace ;", "Farewell , my proselyte ! your better genius", "From one at court , who tells me , the king loves me :", "Jealousy by this light ; nay then , proud Guise ,", "First answer me , and then I 'll speak my heart .", "More truly royal , more a king in soul ,", "Watch your ambition .", "Then they got traitors .", "\u2018 Tis well , sir ; I have lost my aim , farewell .", "Spite of the laws , and spite of our religion :", "If you are innocent , you 're safe ; but O ,", "The moments that retard your flight are traitors .", "Therefore resume , my lord , your god-like temper ,", "Blast all my days , ye powers ! torment my nights ;", "But , sir , you seek it with your smiles and bows .", "This one departing glance shall flash thee dead .", "But since you let me in , I find it filled", "For I would have you see , that what I ask ,", "And then rejoin the Council of Sixteen .", "I do , and bless the godlike arm , that saved me .", "Betwixt the offender , and the righteous judge .", "Nay , take a little more : cold Marmoutiere ,", "I see you borne on shoulders to cabals ;", "Had thrust you headlong in the Louvre toils ,", "But justice bears the godlike shape of law ,", "Despair , and die .", "But we will pull them down , down with them , down", "You sit , and plot the royal Henry 's death ;", "Honour may pardon it , since \u2018 tis my last .", "Nay , what mean you ? that start betrayed you , sir .", "And nothing but your stay shall hinder me ;", "On the green carpets of some guiltless grove ,", "You see I kept my promise .", "I do not , as you think ! but take it all .", "But that far , far from any darkening thought ,", "No , Guise , not at his feet , but on his head ;", "I do believe you love me more than glory .", "And leave you to the curse of bosom-war .", "O never , sir ."], "true_target": ["You will not hear my suit .", "One , whom you may suspect I more than pity ,\u2014", "Toss up their greasy caps where'er you pass ,", "And rise not till approved a loyal subject .", "Be grateful in return , and do an act ,", "Where no ambition , nor state-crime , the happier spirits prove ,", "This hour ?", "He 's born to give you fear , not to receive it .", "O you grudge", "That stile you , the new David , second Moses ,", "Would all those heads were off , so yours were saved !", "Nothing as yet could draw me , but a king ;", "Where they run forth in heaps , bellowing your wonders ;", "Unless sometimes my heart might entertain", "So ill of you , so villainously ill ,", "The precious blood that 's left me in the world ,", "Than all the sullied conquests you can boast :", "Entreats you , do not go .", "So stainless , fearless , free in all your actions ,", "I have looked , perhaps , too nicely for my sex ,", "I saw the king .", "But oh , you want that Roman mastery ;", "Why then it seems", "Such inward gallantry would gain you more", "Love me , my lord ?", "Go then , my lord . I late received a letter", "O , stay !", "These are your arts , to make them more secure ;", "By heaven , that gave those arms success , I swear", "When with the shouts of the rebellious rabble ,", "Had I not been , offended majesty", "The love of all the good , and wonder of the great ;", "That hazards both your life and crown to spare him ?", "For , when your wild ambition , which defied", "Than you are now in wishes .", "An enterprise like mine ? I , that resolved", "If you left Paris , I would go to court :", "That , if you durst , you would :", "I 'll give you yet a little time to think ;", "Did I not tell you , sir ?", "I know not that ; but , as I am a virgin ,", "I have my followers , like you . I swear ,", "Those were your words .", "By you , dissembler of the world , you have . I know the king .", "And hurl your dirty glories in your face .", "What , a whole day , and kill but one poor thousand !", "Where'er I go , my virtue is my guard .", "For now , methinks , I long for't .", "If you acknowledge I have saved your life ,", "Do these o'erboiling answers suit the Guise ?", "Brothers may think , and act like brothers too .", "I 've jewels offered too ,\u2014 perhaps may take them ;", "I think , my lord , the king sent not for you .", "I cannot think it .", "As when you kept the key of your own breast ;", "And were it not to give the court suspicion ,", "Which thought thus roots me here , melts my resolves ,", "Then , sir , thus low , or prostrate if you please ,", "Then , in return , I swear to heaven and you , To give you all the preference of my soul ; No rebel rival to disturb you there ; Let him but live , that he may be my convert !", "Throw all their luxury before your feet ,", "I 'll put it short , my lord ; depart from Paris .", "Once more , O Guise , the weeping Marmoutiere", "I dare not ask , and yet , perhaps , may guess .", "Take your own methods ; all the heads of France", "No more ; but you have power , and are provoked .", "For else , \u2018 tis fear to punish , that forgives ;", "Nor was there any other way to clear", "Can you forgive the man you justly hate ,", "Though treason urge not thunder on thy head ,", "I will ; but , on your royal word , no more .", "And yet , not love .", "Does your ambition swell into your eyes ?\u2014", "The temperate , devoted Marmoutiere", "Or could you , like great Scipio , retire ,", "Keep your obedience ,\u2014 by the saints , you live .", "He has promised me to conquer his revenge ,", "Which now again dilates itself in smiles ,", "And then , at last , cried out ,\u2014 This is a man .", "Yet there 's a thing called fame , and men 's esteem ,", "And follow you , like pilgrims , through the world .", "Why heaves my heart , and overflow my eyes ?", "I know not why that sigh should come uncalled ;", "If I would offer thee , too lovely Guise ,", "Your pardon shall be signed , your country saved ,", "Yes , I can doubt it , if you can deny ;", "I would oblige you , sir , before you go ,", "I never shall converse , nor see you more .", "By heaven , then you 're forsworn ; you 've broke your vows .", "That they may shew , forgiveness is their own ;", "Whate'er you said , or did , was charming all .", "Then I 'll to court , nay \u2014 to the king .", "Find him , who would be master of a king .", "I 'll meet you there ; before the throne I 'll stand ,\u2014", "Before the wound is desperate . Think alone ,", "Believe it , sir , the more your majesty", "To lead me to the king .", "You see , my lord ,", "I was not false in all : I told you , Guise ,", "My eyes had once so far betrayed my heart ,", "Something beyond the tenderness of pity ,", "While all the vermin of the vile Parisians", "You know him better , or you ought to know him :", "Alas ! your suit is vain , for I have vowed it :", "Confess ! what need I urge that evidence ,", "In show ; for in effect he still insults .", "Perhaps you 'll be more calm .", "Reason and love rend my divided soul ;", "Why do you leave the court ?", "Perhaps I 've changed my mind :", "This I expected ; but when you have heard", "I never was so moved , O Guise , as now ,", "You bid my uncle wait you .", "Have I said I loved you ?", "O Guise , I never did ; but , sir , I come", "Rather than live to act such black ambition :", "But since that cannot be , I 'll take my leave", "When every hour I see you court the crowd ,", "Would I could !", "Yet if he were not married !\u2014 ha , what then ?", "Nor should the world have wrought this close confession ,", "This side and that side congeing to the crowd .", "Just as you entered , when from yonder window", "That , at his birth , the heavenly council paused ,", "To tell you , I must never see you more .", "And that 's , I think , your aim .", "Where , with the traitorous Council of Sixteen ,", "Thus from the city , as from the heart , they spread", "You have too much of the tumultuous times ,", "Love begs once more this great offender 's life .", "Yet do not bear more than a monarch should ;", "Has put their enemies into their power ,", "Love to his tune my jarring heart would bring ,", "I have heard the Guise , not with an angel 's temper ,", "Forbid it heaven !", "Farewell , once more .", "And grant , you never may be good in vain !", "And so it were .", "While , on the other side , the name of Guise ,", "And every babe shall bless the Guise 's name .", "And I must mourn the fate of your ambition .", "By this seditious rout that dare despise you ,", "I have sworn you must not :", "Now heaven reward you with a prosperous reign ,", "Do you not wonder at this visit , sir ?", "Of you , my lord ; heaven grant your journey safe !", "And save me with you , for I 'll share your fate .", "If I should chance to see you stretched along ,", "These sighs , and by the ambitious love you bear me ;", "Why came that sigh uncalled ? For love of me ,", "But all are blest , and all enjoy an everlasting love .", "If he dares come , were I a man , a king ,", "And , spite of us , will have Navarre succeed ,", "Yet wear them so , as if you did not know them ;", "How far I would intreat your majesty ,", "Where you are strongest .", "They must , till they can shake their burden off ;", "Lost ,", "\u201c There 's something for my service to be done ; \u201d \u2014", "Go , throw yourself at Henry 's royal feet ,", "My soul presages that the Guise is coming .", "But reason over-winds , and cracks the string .", "Never to leave those dear delightful shades ,", "With death and horror : you would murder Guise .", "Fear is for guilty men , rebels , and traitors :", "When over-weening pride of popular power", "Your honour , though unasked by me , requires .", "Prop of the church , deliverer of the people .", "Nay you shall see me kneel and kiss his hand .", "For there you strike .", "That venerable aspect pale with death ,", "I see through that ; you but withdraw a while ,", "A royal mandate , hurried you to town ;", "Look on me , Guise ; thou seest me now the last ;", "The court 's a heavenly place ; but \u2014 O , my heart !", "Because by this disorder ,", "But I will carry't , sir , to those that are ,", "Is gone ,\u2014 a last embrace I must bequeath you .", "Mend me this curl .", "You have your writers too , that cant your battles ,"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["M. You see the plot directly on your person ;", "M. One thing more :", "M. Pray , mark the form of the conspiracy :", "M. Sir ?", "M .", "M. Speak then , for speech is morning to the mind ;", "To wait on your decrees .", "Among the friars , without his usual guards ;", "This note informs me fifteen thousand men", "M. He comes to take his leave .", "M. Not so ,\u2014 forbear ; the city is up in arms ;", "M. Call colonel Grillon ; the king would speak with him .", "M. Right ,\u2014", "Most hazardous ; for straight , upon the alarm ,", "Proclaim aloud , they like not this or that ;", "My blessing shall be given in your deliverance ;", "M. Good-even , sir ; \u2018 tis just the time you ordered", "Therefore , to undertake , and not to compass ,", "You know the Italian proverb \u2014 Bisogna copriersi", "A resolution to preserve his life ,", "That they will spare the royal majesty .", "M. So Galba thought .", "M. Your guards oppose them !", "Were to come off with ruin and dishonour .", "M. Immediately upon the duke 's departure .", "Mean time the Council of Sixteen assure him ,", "M. By heaven , there are not limbs in all your guards ,", "M. Send Mareschal Byron to lead them up .", "Which else lie furled and clouded in the soul .", "Is it not so , Polin ?", "M. Not to your destruction .", "Will treat , at least , for shew of loyalty ;", "With speed and resolution", "When once provoked , they turn the face to danger .", "Take Guise into your heart , and drive your friends ;", "And means to kiss your hand .", "M. I brought Polin , and made the demonstration ;", "The business were more firm for this delay ;", "Let him be met with the same arts he brings .", "And dangerous mercy , coldly he replied ,\u2014", "Then , under shew of popular sedition ,", "Beside , the whole proceeding is so like", "The Guise", "For safety , shut him in a monastery ,", "M. \u2018 Tis in appearance easy , but the effect", "Know then , it is resolved to seize the king ,", "Numberless , armed , enraged , one soul informs them .", "M. Doubt not your friends ;", "And use no means for safety and prevention .", "Where every hour he hears and gives instructions .", "M. Forsake a bedlam ;", "Let us withdraw , and when \u2018 tis fit rejoin him .", "The old must quit the temple ; you must fly .", "M. Graves in his smiles .", ",\u2014"], "true_target": ["The hair-brained rout , I guessed as much before .", "Will let Guise know we are not in the dark .", "They have twenty thousand citizens in arms .", "You tremble and look pale ; for heaven 's sake think ,", "Harry at Moncontour , when in his bloom", "And look on Guise as a reclaimless rebel :", "M. \u2018 Tis equal madness to go out or stay ;", "When next he goes in penitential weeds", "M. I 'll undertake it .\u2014 Nay , no thanks , my son .", "Madam I will consider what you say .", "The reverence due to kings is all transferred", "Once , sir , let me advise , and rule your fury .", "M. Polin is honest ;", "Then in a drove come lowing to the Louvre ,", "And cry ,\u2014 they 'll have it mended , that they will ,", "But I have lived too long , since my own blood", "A crowd 's a name too small , they are a nation ,", "Nor doubt , if , in their heat , you cut him off ,", "For every one a morsel .", "M. Grillon , to ask him pardon ,", "To haughty Guise ; and when new gods are made ,", "He saw the admiral Coligny 's back .", "And Guise is to begin his work again .", "But see , he comes , Alphonso Corso with him ;", "And sacrifice his favourites to their rage .", "M. Why , this is Harry ;", "M. Excellent loyalty , to lock you up !", "What mean you , sir ?", "The whole Parisian herd is at your gates ;", "Dares not confide in her that gave him being .", "But lurks indeed at Lagny , hard by Paris ,", "M. You have cut out dangerous work , but make it up", "It spreads the beauteous images abroad ,", "The city would be sure to be in arms ;", "That once performed , their web is all unravelled ,", "Love them , and then you need not fear your foes .", "Let knaves in shops prescribe you how to sway ,", "M. I still maintain , \u2018 twas wisely done to spare him .", "M. What will you say ?", "Or you shall be no king .", "Guise gives it out , he journeys to Champaigne ,", "He , that will venture on a hornet 's nest ,", "But give it o'er , I did but state the case .", "M. They say , that Grillon 's niece is come to court ,", "M. Sir , the Guise waits .", "And , when they read your acts with their vile breath ,", "For noblest natures , though they suffer long ,", "Should arm his head , and buckler well his breast .", "M. While you lose time in idle talk ,", "Are marching to inclose the Louvre round .", "M. A little mended , sir .\u2014 What have you done ?", "M. No , sir , you cannot fear the sure design :", "But , through the natural sweetness of his temper ,", "M. Yet you 'll relent , when this hot fit is over .", "Told him \u2014 necessity cried out , to take", "\u2018 Tis your own life you venture , if you kill him ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["To seize the fiends , and hew them into pieces ?", "Yet after all , could we but fix him \u2014", "When is this council to be held again ?"], "true_target": ["Why sends not then the king sufficient guards ,", "But wherefore seems the king so unresolved ?", "Was ever age like this ?", "Marked you his hollow accents at the parting ?"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["The deputies are entering ; you must leave me .", "And I can still be patient , and forgive .", "Even heaven is wearied with repeated crimes ,", "What honours , interest , were the world to buy him ,", "This is a blot , which Tully 's eloquence", "Seize me , they 've sworn ; imprison me is the next ,", "Yet you 'll allow me now and then to sigh", "O welcome , thou good angel of my way ,", "You hug your nauseous , blundering ballad-wits ,", "What can be left in danger , but to dare ?", "Which , after my decease , by right inherent ,", "Of heaven itself , and abstract of the angels ,", "If I forgive him , may I ne'er be forgiven !", "But to the Guise they deal their faithless praise", "Mistaken still :", "But with a look and word .", "To clear you to myself .", "But when your rhymes assassinate our fame ,", "Well , my good lords , what matters of importance", "I urge , from your own grant , it has not been .", "Enough , I know you told him ;", "Look to it ; beware , turn from your stubbornness ,", "Your message , word for word .", "But here your part of me will come in play ;", "Revenge forgot , and all great appetites", "Visit him as from me , to be employed", "In errors proved , long admonitions made ,", "Against all laws , all custom , right , succession ,", "Better the traitors never should be touched ,", "This were a Florence master-piece indeed .", "Grillon , be near me ,", "But he has used me long to be contemned ,", "So looks the poor condemned ,", "But they are set in night , and foul design :", "My people would not treat me in this sort ,", "\u2018 Tis searching there where heaven can only pry ,", "That , if you dared to set your foot in Paris ,", "But heresy , you churchmen teach us vulgar ,", "Upon your hand , once more ,\u2014 nay twice ,\u2014 forgive me .", "Stand forth , Bellieure ,\u2014 it shall be proved you knew it ,\u2014", "My vengeance , ripened in the womb of time ,", "For conquerors have charms , and women frailty :\u2014", "\u2018 Tis said , the Guise will come in spite of me ;", "And so the ties are too .", "But when his greatness overturns the scales ,", "The king of Paris at your feet lies dead .", "An o'ergrown cypher set before the sum :", "If kings may be excluded , or deposed ,", "Could ne'er wipe off , though the mistaken man", "Not so , my honest soldier ;", "I 'm pliant , and they mould me as they please .", "C\u00e6sar quelled them ,", "To be a king , or not to be at all .", "All favours , all preferments , pass through them ;", "Follow , Alphonso ; when the storm is up ,", "Why do you wave your hand , and warn me hence ?", "But now the scene of all thy king 's misfortunes ;", "Betwixt the prince and people ? judge for them ,", "God , and good men , will never fail his cause ,", "Enter Queen-Mother followed by the Counsellors .", "I know not ;\u2014", "But ere I suffer that , fall all together ,", "For such a fault \u2014 love is so like themselves .", "That which has made me king of France ; for there", "O , thou hast set thy foot upon a snake ! Get quickly off , or it will sting thee dead .", "To my last drop of blood .\u2014 Come Guise , come cardinal ,", "Come , duke , you were not wronged ; your conscience knows", "The insufferable affronts he daily offers ,\u2014", "That none pass in or out , but those I call :", "What shall to-morrow do ?", "Stand forth , and to this false man 's face declare", "And shall I not revenge ?", "So soft , and so unworthy to be named !\u2014", "No , if I tamely bear such insolence ,", "What then ? for I begin to fear my firmness ,", "I bid thee kill him .", "Thou shalt not do this act ; thou art even too good ;", "That 's one high point indeed , but not to be", "And all the bad shall be constrained by laws .", "Be witness , heaven , I gave him treble warning ! He 's gone \u2014 no more .\u2014 Disperse , and think upon it . Beware my sword , which , if I once unsheath , By all the reverence due to thrones and crowns , Nought shall atone the vows of speedy justice , Till fate to ruin every traitor brings , That dares the vengeance of indulgent kings . Footnotes : 1 . The Council of Sixteen certainly offered to place twenty thousand disciplined citizens of Paris at the devotion of the Duke of Guise ; and here the intended parallel came close : for Shaftesbury used to boast , that he could raise the like number of brisk boys in the city of London , by merely holding up his finger .", "No sudden danger threatens you , my lord .", "For safeguard of the Louvre .", "And drives the shades , that thicken , from the state .", "And subjects must be traitors , to be saved .", "Would dare commend , lagging behind his fellows ,", "What can I do ? O mother , Abbot , Grillon !", "Therefore I hate the memory of Brutus ,", "Both parties having not been fully heard ,", "On this nice point of empire , let him speak .", "And every one be answered , on your lives .", "Call Lognac hither straight , and St Malin ;", "Yet speak to him .", "My mother has the judgment of the world ,", "\u2018 Tis time to push my slackened vengeance home ,", "But every one has work before it comes .", "Where you , not I , are king !\u2014", "And see your soldiers well disposed within ,", "I beg you take whatever you demand .", "As if the guardian-angel of my throne ,", "True , I did hate him .", "But peace , thou festering thought , and hide thy wound ;\u2014", "Had I ten thousand lives , I 'll venture all . Give me way , madam !", "Thou dost , by heaven ;", "Alphonso Corso .", "That he deserves it ?", "My throne , and then proclaim it for example .", "Of this great insurrection , you , the members ,", "As fast , as you your flattery to me ;", "Murder ! what , murder ! use a softer word ,", "What , all turned cowards ? not a man in France", "But O , if the design we lay should fail ,", "I go this minute .", "Ne'er know a mean , when once they get the power ;", "To mock the meekness of an injured king .", "Welcome , my honest man , my old tried friend . Why dost thou fly me , Grillon , and retire ?", "Had been your absence from this hot-brained town ,", "Should urge my last confession , I 'd cry out ,", "Some then libel him ;", "If the last trumpet sounded in my ears ,", "Why , then , to-morrow I no more am king .", "But O cursed Guise , for pressing on my time ,", "All dumb ! nay , then \u2018 tis plain , my cause is desperate .", "You 've conquered ; all that 's past shall be forgiven .", "And canst thou suffer it ?", "Bid Dugast execute the cardinal ;", "The event , the event will shew us what we were ;", "The rest I 'll think on further ; so farewell .", "O , madam , you are welcome ; how goes your health ?", "Grillon , submit yourself , and ask his pardon .", "But he that loves me best , and dares the most", "And in the face of heaven maintain the fact .", "Nay , madam , then you fear me .", "His dagger in his bosom , stabbed his father .", "O Marmoutiere ! now I will haste to meet thee :", "Which by my royal presence I have warmed", "The wrack of clouds is driving on the winds ,", "And , pr'ythee , tell him roundly of his faults ,", "See , I am hushed ;", "I charge thee , not .", "My royal brother of Navarre shall stand", "My time is all ta'en up on usury ;", "What reasons urge our sovereigns for the exclusion ?", "When , loaded with his gods , he took his flight .", "To keep guards doubled at the council-door ,", "Oh mother ,\u2014 but I cannot make it way ;\u2014", "Colonel Grillon , call the archers in ,", "If it must be \u2014", "And damn the rabble all at once in him .", "Though for what end I cannot guess , except", "Forgive the late disturbance of my soul !", "Then I am reconciled to heaven again :", "All you loved traitors , come \u2014 I strip to meet you ;", "By heaven ! were I a dying , and the priest", "Whom none but cowards and white-livered knaves", "Five hundred popular figures on a row ,", "What 's to be done ? No pall upon my spirit ;", "He can forgive , but you disdain forgiveness .", "Dismissed with such contempt ?", "But lies in wait till Paris is in arms .", "And pay them , as if nonsense were a merit ,", "Death in his bloodless hands .\u2014", "Where all our thoughts should creep like deepest streams :", "Ungrateful , perjured , and disloyal town ,", "Bid Larchant find some unsuspected means ,", "I think thou lovest me .", "What was't ?", "You have your orders ; yet before you go ,", "Enter ALPHONSO .", "Undaunted I should meet the saints half way ,", "You were not wronged ; were you not plainly told ,", "What means , but yet ? \u2018 tis evidence so full ,", "Chaos and shades ,\u2014 \u2018 tis huddled up in night .", "What said you , Marmoutiere ? Why dost thou turn thy beauties into frowns ?", "What act of treason will the villains stop at ?", "Where are the guards !", "Nay , give me leave ,\u2014", "Nay , then another minute must be given .\u2014", "But with such charming pleasure ,", "Is't possible ! ha , Grillon , said'st thou , come ?", "Makes bold to call those traitors ,\u2014 men divine .", "From breaking forth to their appointed end :", "Secure in that , I 'll trust thee ;\u2014 shall I trust thee ?", "No more ?\u2014 and with that stern resolved behaviour ?", "Where then are the other two , and what am I ?", "The government is cast up somewhat short ,", "You cannot go ,", "Death , must a rebel force me from my love !", "Yet , in a natural way , I may live long ,", "No sentence can be given ;", "Not when alone , for fear some fiend should hear ,", "Ha ! didst not thou thyself , in fathoming", "And you desire their meaning ?", "ACT IV .", "I think it was .", "I sent you word , you should not come .", "Employed the States this morning ?", "Where is he ?", "So then , my lord , we 're a day off from death :", "I feel my blood kindling within my veins ;", "Not more on this , than on the next , and next .", "To whom ?", "You hit the judgment ; yet , O yet , there 's more ;", "O my dear father , pardon me in this ,", "You disobeyed me , duke , with all submission .", "I 'm clear by nature , as a rockless stream ;", "As we discourse , and court you with my eyes ?", "As urns , that never blab .", "I never could forgive ?", "You should be held the cause of all commotions", "Ha , madam , what !", "Is my revenge unjust , or tyrannous ? Heaven knows I love not blood .", "And call it sovereign justice .", "Madam , I find you are no petitioner ;", "Brave , but not rash ; successful , but not proud ;", "Peace , Guise is going to his government ;", "For , like a blazing meteor hence he shot ,", "Then kings are justice in the last appeal ,", "And then enjoin me all that man can suffer ;", "Dost thou not hate him ?", "No more : I am resolved .", "But Galba was not C\u00e6sar .", "I am reconciled .", "Make much of honour , \u2018 tis a soldier 's conscience .", "But ,\u2014 if thou'dst have my heart within thy hand ,\u2014", "Is sworn to Henry 's death : Does beauty too ,", "Come back ! O stay , my life flows after you .", "Hark ! there rung a peal", "For Guise ; for Guise ! that stubborn arrogant rebel ,", "Grillon , the Guise is doomed to sudden death :", "But sure the powers above will take our tears", "And thus , like me , the wretch , despairing , dies .", "Till every petty service be o'erpaid ."], "true_target": ["Now \u2018 tis with all submission ,\u2014 that 's the preface ,\u2014", "My lord , they are ;", "And learn to know me , for I will be king .", "Double your guards , and strictly charge the Swiss", "In which , indeed , they assert the public good ,", "Devolves upon my brother of Navarre .", "I tell thee , Marmoutiere , I never speak ,", "That should from thence ensue ? and yet you came .", "And foremost in the field ; but sneaking Brutus ,", "Which once I vowed with my drawn sword to wear", "Call Grillon in . All that I beg you now ,", "Can trace the winding labyrinths of thought .", "My lavish love has made a lavish grant ;", "The depth of my designs , drop there the plummet ?", "And since I could resolve to take the heads", "I never am beforehand with my hours ,", "When justice beckons , there 's no hope of pardon .", "Sheathe all your daggers in curst Henry 's heart .", "Till lightning flashes round , to guard the throne ,", "And drew a sweeping fiery train along .\u2014", "O Paris , Paris , once my seat of triumph ,", "And innocence itself conspire against me ?", "Though Grillon would not .", "Is't possible ?", "I will no more by mercy be betrayed .", "\u2018 Tis no murder ;", "\u2018 Tis sovereign justice , urged from self-defence .", "After the breathing of a love-sick heart", "Yes ; we for them ,", "Oh Marmoutiere ! and yet thou say'st ,\u2014 No more !", "Deputies appearing at the Door .", "Go Grillon , give my orders to Byron ,", "Forsake my regal town !", "Oh , madam !", "Not Greece , nor hostile Juno could destroy", "And makes me live for others .", "And the curbed thunder grumbles to be gone .", "The means for that ,", "I will be easy ,", "Says what he means , and what he says performs ;", "Ha ! and do you protect him ? then the world", "He was my friend when young , and might be still .", "Might I but view him , after his plots and plunges ,", "Nor is Blois Paris .", "So loved , that even my crown , and self are vile ,", "The vow that manacled my rage is loosed ;", "The course of things can be with-held no longer", "Dares set his foot by mine , and perish by me ?", "Though \u2018 twere to gain a part of their design ;", "Give me my arms .", "But know , this act of grace shall be my last .", "He has submitted .", "You would entail confusion , wars , and slaughters :", "But that 's what both of us have learned to bear .", "Above deceit , no crookedness of thought ;", "If execution cries not out \u2014 \u2018 Tis done .", "So once a day I may have leave \u2014", "Is to be hushed upon the consultation ,", "Farewell thou mayst behold me king again ;", "No farther , honest Grillon .", "The face of beauty , on this rising horror ,", "Come what may come , he dies .", "He enters on his fate .", "There 's something for my service to be done ,", "Didst thou not say \u2014 Affronts so great , so public ,", "And doubt the soft destruction of your tongue .", "It shall be so : by heaven there 's life in this !", "My kingdom at the stake , ambition starved ,", "Suppose it possible , and stay to advise me .", "War without treasure on the Huguenots ;", "Even Jove must flatter with an empty hand ,", "Call me to part them .", "What said you , ha ! what mean you , Marmoutiere ?", "While I \u2014", "I will ; and would be glad , my lord of Guise ,", "Could I but hope it !", "What is't those gods , the Commons , do not know ?", "I see even to the bottom of his soul ;", "You come , like them , to mock at my misfortunes .", "Presses for birth , and longs to be disclosed .", "Therefore let me conjure you , do not go ;", "He \u2018 scaped the dangers of the dreadful night ,", "And I myself , that am , or should be , king ,", "I 'm born a monarch , which implies alone", "To head the factious crowd .", "Looks like the midnight moon upon a murder ;", "Whene'er you cry religion to the crowd ;", "Thou hast done worse , in thy long course of arms . Hast thou ne'er killed a man ?", "Such an overwhelming ill makes grief a fool ,", "Without thy hazard .", "The sword must end him :\u2014 has not thine an edge ?", "So much acknowledging , that he 's uneasy ,", "C\u00e6sar did ill , but did it in the sun ,", "Just now was roused , and brought thee to my rescue .", "Not man , who knows not man but by surmise ;", "You would embark me in a sea of blood .", "Much less in the succession of a crown ,", "Has he been called to make his just defence ?", "And champion against me ?", "I 'll say't as comfortably as I can :", "And that one soul 's the Guise . I 'll rend it out ,", "Open the closet , and let in the council ;", "Or rather , on their slaughtered heaps erect", "To cast Navarre from the Imperial line ?", "And raise the mud of passions up to cloud me ;", "The fox no longer , but put on the lion ;", "That laughs at proffered mercy , slights his pardon ,", "Soft , my old friend ; Guise plots upon my life ;", "That 's much ; yet I believe thee .", "O this whale Guise , with all the Lorrain fry !", "And they for us ; the benefits are mutual ,", "No matter for my arms , I 'll go barefaced ,", "So long , that now the serpent hisses out ,", "Thus , tyrant business all my hours usurps ,", "Unpleasant , wholesome , work .", "Secure by right , by merit , and my love .", "Yet still you came against my strict command ;", "That whet uncommon spirits to aspire ,", "My soul 's not yet deposed :\u2014 why then farewell !\u2014", "Wilt thou go too ?", "Death ! had I wings , yet would I scorn to fly .", "This is no vigil of St Bartholomew ,", "If heaven , and you my loyal subjects , please .", "You shall not .\u2014 O your suit , I kneel to grant it ;", "I mean the latter , so cried up in story .", "And , forced by strong necessity , may strike ;", "Then let me tamely yield my glories up ,", "You are his foe of old ; go to him , Grillon ;", "ACT V .", "Whored Margarita ,\u2014 plots upon my life ,\u2014", "So just , as if thou wert inspired to come ;", "\u2018 Twas as express , as words could signify ;\u2014", "And never dare to breathe my passion more ;", "Nor devils , nor angels of a purer mould ,", "What mean these shouts ?", "Struck on those cowring shallows that await him ,\u2014", "But they dig through the gravel of my heart ,", "\u2018 Tis true , the people", "Polin shall tell thee more . Hast thou not heard", "She has a cruel wit .", "It gilds the dark design that stays for fate ,", "Like thunder : see , Alphonso , what 's the cause .", "Well , kings must bear sometimes .", "Stay , madam , stay ; come back , forgive my fears ,", "I know my brother 's nature ; \u2018 tis sincere ,", "Given me by heaven , even when I lay a-dying \u2014", "All conjurations blot the name of kings .", "And shews a break of sunshine \u2014", "For , so I swear I will be to my last .", "And , like sworn surgeons , lop the gangrened limb :", "Yes , when the offender can be judged by laws :", "And blab my secrets out .", "Yes , I 'll wear", "So , you have counselled well ; the traitor 's gone ,", "Let him repent , yes , let him well repent ;", "But keep my secret , for that 's conscience too .", "While you are by . Try me upon despair ;", "Well , what then ?", "Supposes obstinate , and stiff persisting", "Then for Champaigne ;", "Hast thou not said ,", "O madam , rise .", "And all rejected : Has this course been used ?", "To wield the sceptre , and depend on none .", "Sternly , like you , the judge the victim eyes ,", "Decree , my lord ! What ! one estate decree ?", "Something upon my heart , after these counsels ,", "The hero that abandoned burning Troy ;", "To-morrow Guise is made lieutenant-general ;\u2014", "Go ; thou art a coward .", "\u2018 Tis time to thunder , when he gripes the brand .", "To heal a broken , yet a kingly heart !", "The genius of the throne knocks at my heart :", "And I have more to answer : Let them know ,", "So warmly canvassed , or so soon resolved .", "Know , then , I hate aspiring Guise to death ;", "And seize the first bold rebel that I meet .", "Ha , colonel , is this your friendly visit ? Tell me the truth , how happened this disorder ? Those ruffled hands , red looks , and port of fury ?", "Would they were here , and I were at their head !", "Thou say'st , thou dar'st not kill him .", "Honour 's a sacred thing in all but kings ;", "If it can mean but treason .", "I 'll lead you on .", "I know , he 'll make exorbitant demands ,", "Come to my arms , and be thy Harry 's angel ,", "Do this low act , that lessens all his fame :", "Your chiefs are they no libel must profane ;", "And , madam , I must say the Guise has beauties ,", "O how I blush , that thou shouldst see thy king", "Can you doubt it ?", "If then , in process of a petty sum ,", "No more of that , I know thou art not one .", "Shall make a brave man smile , and do a murder ?", "Who should be loved , but you ?", "Seize all the factious leaders , as I ordered ,", "Shine through my cares , and make my crown sit easy .", "In this great war against the Huguenots ;", "Who had o'erslept himself so many years ,", "O villain , slave , wert thou my late-born heir ,", "I love , and tremble , as at angels \u2019 view .", "And all things move by that ; but , my Alphonso ,", "Give me thy hand ; I love thee not the worse :", "Perhaps arraign me , and then doom me dead .", "And cutting off ten thousand more adieus !", "Why not ? a multitude 's a bulky coward .", "The Italian soul shall teach me how to sooth :", "The clergy and nobility cashiered ,", "Take this embrace : I court you for my friend ,", "To my last gasp , as your own virgin thoughts ,", "Yes .", "No , but keep it secret .", "Your orders will be sudden ; now , withdraw .", "Those ills are certain ; what you name , contingent .", "That doctrine makes rebellion orthodox ,", "And shakes his forked tongue at majesty ,", "Mocks royal grace , and plots upon my life ?", "As if redress were past .", "Hast thou not plundered from the helpless poor ? Snatched from the sweating labourer his food ?", "Stand to their arms , receive him as a traitor .", "Thou genius of my state , thou perfect model", "Why , that you came , I see . Once more , I sent you word , you should not come .", "While I am forced against my bent of soul ,", "For , by yon heaven , that 's conscious of his crimes ,", "I know it well ;", "Thou pledge and omen of my safe return !", "Then you , it seems , are judge", "What shall I answer to thee , O thou balm", "Speak then ; how far , madam , would you command ?", "You shall : I 'll see him , and I 'll spare him now .", "Enter MARMOUTIERE .", "Let him desist , and tempt revenge no further :", "What then ?"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Is there any seeming kindness between the king and the duke of", "I would advise you , sir , to call him in ,", "Since last we parted at the barricadoes ,", "Now , I am dull enough to think they have broken their oath .", "Yet I have heard he made a sharp reflecting speech upon their party at the opening of the parliament , admonished men of their duties , pardoned what was past , but seemed to threaten vengeance if they persisted for the future .", "And kill him instantly upon the spot .", "But why should the king assemble the States , to satisfy the", "Guise ?", "Sir .", "The provocation , sir ."], "true_target": ["Tully was wise , but wanted constancy .", "But why this parliament at Blois , and not at Paris ?", "Guise , after so many affronts ?", "will instantly attend you .", "The world 's turned upside down .", "Madam , the king", "There 's one above .", "More than my life .", "Heaven preserve him ! if a man may pray for him without treason .", "Who looked for an assembly of the States ?"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Make way there for his eminence ; give back .\u2014", "With her majesty , your mother ;", "Grillon , that saved thee from a barbarous world .", "That didst refuse the challenge of Navarre ,", "Sliming our walls , and pricking out your horns ?", "I hear the Guise will be lieutenant-general .", "Unless thou swear thy very thought 's a lie .", "Who let him go , were somewhat .", "And thus he lays his baits to catch my soul :\u2014", "Damned infamous wretch !", "Virtue 's departing ; for thy better angel", "My lord , I know not what to answer you ;", "Give me this hand , this hand by which I caught thee", "Though I have reason , plain", "Who carved our Henry 's image on a table ,", "By arms , I bar you that ; I swear , no yet ;", "Yes , most wonderful : they are as dear to one another as an old usurer , and a rich young heir upon a mortgage . The king is very loyal to the Guise , and the Guise is very gracious to the king : Then the cardinal of Guise , and the archbishop of Lyons , are the two pendants that are always hanging at the royal ear ; they ease his majesty of all the spiritual business , and the Guise of all the temporal ; so that the king is certainly the happiest prince in Christendom , without any care upon him ; so yielding up every thing to his loyal subjects , that he 's infallibly in the way of being the greatest and most glorious king in all the world .", "Fly to the king , warn him of Guise 's coming ,", "Should bar me from forsaking this bad world ,", "You second rogue , but equal to the first ,", "No yet , my lord of Guise , no yet ;", "And if I tread thee , darest not turn again .", "O rare , rare creature ! By the power that made me ,", "Thou bottled spider , into thy primitive earth ,", "Grow the two tallest trees in Arden forest .", "To set her off , and sell her to the king .", "Ay , but you are but one private man , and they are the three States ; and if they vote that they have not broken their oaths , who is to be judge ?", "Come , you 're a murderer yourself within ,", "Ha , Malicorn ! is't possible ? truth from thee !", "Death and the devil ! that 's my own honesty ;", "\u2018 Sdeath , how the traitors lower , and quake , and droop ,", "Nay , if you will suffer it , then well may I . If kings will be so civil to their subjects , to give up all things tamely , they first turn rebels to themselves , and that 's a fair example for their friends . \u2018 Slife , sir , \u2018 tis a dangerous matter to be loyal on the wrong side , to serve my prince in spite of him ; if you 'll be a royalist yourself , there are millions of honest men will fight for you ; but if you will not , there are few will hang for you .", "I will not .", "O yes , you may pray for him ; the preachers of the Guise 's side do that most formally ; nay , you may be suffered civilly to drink his health ; be of the court , and keep a place of profit under him : for , in short , \u2018 tis a judged case of conscience , to make your best of the king , and to side against him .", "\u2018 Tis plain ! and I , in justifying woman ,", "To hear , I warrant , what the king 's a doing ,", "Sir , I have eaten and drank in my own defence , when I was hungry and thirsty ; I have plundered , when you have not paid me ; I have been content with a farmer 's daughter , when a better whore was not to be had . As for cutting off a traitor , I 'll execute him lawfully in my own function , when I meet him in the field ; but for your chamber-practice , that 's not my talent .", "So much below my scorn , I dare not kill thee ;", "\u2018 Fore God , it will be so ; and I shall laugh", "Wings , or no wings , is not the question :", "Run with your nose to earth ;", "Shut the hall-door , and bar the castle-gates :", "The air , the life , the golden vapour 's gone .", "You oven-bats , you things so far from souls ,", "Why , to hang you upon the highest branches .", "Made them the guardians of your sickly years ?", "\u2018 Tis just the appointed hour you bid me wait .", "The axe , the axe :", "March , march there closer yet , captain , to the door .", "That he may strait despatch his strict commands", "Wags there a while , and takes his flight for ever .", "Welcome , colonel , welcome to Blois .", "A pox on this unseasonable wisdom !", "In this great business , let me understand", "Deserved to do a murder ?", "Should make me hide my thought , or hold my tongue ?", "I and my family shall shortly wait you ,", "No , for your mercy is your only vice . You may dispatch a rebel lawfully , but the mischief is , that rebel has given me my life at the barricadoes , and , till I have returned his bribe , I am not upon even terms with him .", "And now you 're grown up to a booby 's greatness ,", "Ha ! but here comes a fiend , that soars above ;", "Now , in the devil 's name , what make you here ,", "Liberties , fortunes , to Imperial hands ,", "Yes ; and then they all took the sacrament together : he promising to unite himself to them , and they to obey him , according to the laws ; yet the very next morning they went on , in pursuance of their old commonwealth designs , as violently as ever .", "By arms , by honesty , I swear thou lovest him !", "When the king was escaped from Paris , and got out of the toils , \u2018 twas time for the Guise to take them down , and pitch others : that is , to treat for the calling of a parliament , where , being sure of the major part , he might get by law what he had missed by force .", "And when found out , more basely to deny't .", "Traitor thou mean'st , and so I bid thee welcome ;", "With lust , and blood ;\u2014 dost thou remember it ?", "Where thou hadst starved , or sold thyself for bread ;", "Angel , or devil , I will .\u2014 Nay , at this rate , She 'll make me shortly bring him to her bed .\u2014 Bawd for him ? no , he shall make me run my head Into a cannon , when \u2018 tis firing , first ; That 's honourable sport . But I 'll retire , And if she plays me false , here 's that shall mend her .", "No , \u2018 faith , \u2018 tis better now , \u2018 tis downside up :", "And now , for all my cares , to serve me thus !", "For all his kindness , this old grisled fool .", "That better would become the great battalion ;", "Better than you , or all your puffy race ,", "But you , whose life is one continued broil ,", "Our part o'the wheel is rising , though but slowly .", "The black abettor of our Harry 's death .", "But ere that be , fall million miscreant souls ,", "Death , hell , and furies ! ha ! she comes to seek him !\u2014", "From drowning , to be hanged , burnt , broke o'the wheel .", "As this was greatly done , \u2018 twas proudly too :", "\u201c To horse ! \u201d and slaughtered forty thousand Germans", "Hast thou compacted for a lease of years", "When the Guise comes , remember your petition .\u2014", "Pardon me , I cannot do't .", "One had been past an oath ; but thou'rt a worm ,", "Rogues , villains , rebels , traitors , cuckolds ! \u2018 Swounds , what do you make of a man ? do you think legs and arms are strung upon a wire , like a jointed baby ? carry me off quickly , you were best , and hang me decently , according to my first sentence .", "Wer't possible we could be damned again", "Were I a coward , I had been a villain ,", "Plunder , go hang ,\u2014 nay , take your tackling with you ,", "\u2018 Tis blown about , you 've plotted on the king ,", "O , \u2018 tis like them ;", "Because no barricadoes have been made at Blois . This Blois is a very little town , and the king can draw it after him ; but Paris is a damned unwieldy bulk ; and when the preachers draw against the king , a parson in a pulpit is a devilish fore-horse . Besides , I found in that insurrection what dangerous beasts these townsmen are ; I tell you , colonel , a man had better deal with ten of their wives , than with one zealous citizen : O your inspired cuckold is most implacable .", "I will , by heaven , to the purpose ;", "All like myself ;\u2014 but off ; I 'll hence and curse thee !", "And for the everlasting rest of mine ,", "With the honest crows pecking your traitors \u2019 limbs .", "As day , to judge thee false , I think thee true :", "That , with a start , cried to your brother Mayenne ,\u2014", "For the same reason , that a man in a duel says he has received satisfaction , when he is first wounded , and afterwards disarmed .", "Stir not , till you have heard my heart 's design .", "Mar . Hark ! the king 's coming .", "Which must be blooded ?", "To seize him , if not kill him ; for , who knows ,", "Therefore , a traitor and a murderer .", "Wert thou definite rogue ,", "And they will worry royalty to death ;", "Thou double traitor , to conspire so basely ;", "And name revenge ! O wert thou Grillon 's match ,", "Take them , Dugast , into your custody .", "If he provokes me , strike him ;", "Yet let me tell you , sir , there is a man ,", "The world cannot redeem you ;", "To spread your monstrous lies , and sow sedition ?", "To see you dangling to and fro i'the air ,", "And bid you welcome to the court .", "O , your pardon , sir ;", "Nay , if thou hast a wife that wears the breeches , thou shalt be condemned to live : Get thee home for a hen-pecked traitor .\u2014 What , are we encompassed ? Nay , then , faces this way ; we 'll sell our skins to the fairest chapmen .", "Did you not , ages past , consign your lives ,", "You have mouthed it bravely , and there is no doubt", "To the mid region in the sun :", "Those villains ?", "So I mean to do .", "Thou liest , damned villain .", "Hark you , my friends , if you are not in haste ,", "I hold no speech with villains .", "He was the author of the rebel-league ;", "I told him , sir , since you will have it so ,", "Wronged thee , villain !", "\u2018 Till then I am your debtor .", "And never draw my sword for Henry more .", "For never was his like , nor shall again .", "Hell-hound , avaunt !", "What , would you wrest the sceptre from his hand ?", "And melts me to a babe .", "Your eminence comes late .", "My lord , the Guise is come .", "Yes .", "Are your guards doubled , captain ?", "What , if I could ,", "Let me conjure you , for your own soul 's quiet ,", "\u2018 Tis like their mongrel souls : flesh them with fortune ,", "With hell , that thus thou ventured to provoke me ?", "\u2018 Tis false ! thou hast forgot my generous action ;", "Took thee into his bosom , fostered thee", "A plague confound you ,", "I hope you mean in heaven ; or else you are a bolder man than I am in parliament time; but here comes the master and my niece .", "There is one greater yet ,", "But if some crabbed virtue turn and pinch them ,", "Rather let me demand your majesty ,", "Such earth-born minds as yours ; for , mark me , slaves ,", "that would better ,", "The trophies of my laurelled honesty", "Your deeds would answer well your haughty words ;", "But oh , that thou hadst died", "But since thou art so insolent , thy blood", "Stored arsenals and armouries , fields of horse ,", "Oh I could clasp thee , but that my arms are rough ,", "Yes , \u2018 faith , we past like beaten Romans underneath the fork ."], "true_target": ["By some new Eve , such virtue might redeem us .", "Run , blood-hound , run , and scent out royal murder .\u2014", "Come on , fellow soldiers , Commilitones ; that 's my word , as \u2018 twas Julius C\u00e6sar 's , of pagan memory . \u2018 Fore God , I am no speech maker ; but there are the rogues , and here 's bilbo , that 's a word and a blow ; we must either cut their throats , or they cut ours , that 's pure necessity , for your comfort : Now , if any man can be so unkind to his own body ,\u2014 for I meddle not with your souls ,\u2014 as to stand still like a good Christian , and offer his weasand to a butcher 's whittle ,\u2014 I say no more , but that he may be saved , and that 's the best can come on him .", "And gather to the wing of his protection ,", "You are my king .", "\u2018 Tis all confest , and yet I dare not do't .", "Like curs , betwixt their legs , and howl for mercy .", "\u2018 Tis too little , in all conscience , for her ; take a bigger token , cuckold . Et tu , Brute , whom I saved ? O the conscience of a shopkeeper !", "\u2018 Tis true , as thou art double-hearted :", "My foolish open nature , that would have", "And when you mould with second cast the spirit ,", "At your club-feast , and after stabbed it through ,\u2014", "No , nor shall not , wench , as long as my soul wears a body .", "And spied me coming , I had had it all .", "There 's heaven still in thy voice , but that 's a sign", "If you run first , I 'll swear they 'll follow you .", "Than live by such a villain 's help as thine .", "I 'll go to the next sheriff ,", "When I disclose it , think I am a coward .", "But such a boundless villainy as thine", "Till all thy sweets were broke with my embraces ,", "A friend !", "There 's something says , thou wilt not lose thy honour :\u2014", "You were complotter with the cursed League ,", "Daubing the inside of the court , like snails ,", "Why do you , sir ? Death , let me tell the traitor \u2014", "And then I durst have done't .", "Next , quite to dash your firmest hopes in pieces ,", "O \u2018 tis too much , ye powers ! double confusion", "And now thou laugh'st , to think how thou hast cheated ,", "Ay , blooded , thou most infamous magistrate ,", "Your high commission \u2018 gainst the Huguenots ;", "That when he shines in arms , and suns the field ,", "O prostitute !\u2014 and , on her prodigal flesh ,", "And that comes much to one .", "Why should I not ? what is there in such rascals ,", "Ten thousand deaths , ere blasted Grillon 's glory ;", "Yes ; but how have I", "Sound wind and limb ! \u2018 fore God , a gallant girl !", "No , for that gives a heart .", "What wouldst thou have with me ?", "To stop him .", "Thy master ?", "But , sir , since I must make at least a figure", "And \u2018 twill be glorious work .", "And only fit for hanging ; but be gone ,", "With thirty thousand rebels at his heels .", "Then , in the name of all thy brother-devils ,", "I 'm but a stripling in the trade of war :", "And think of plunder .\u2014 You right elder sheriff ,", "Ha ! darest thou justify", "\u2018 Fore God , I 'll beat thee , if thou urge me farther .", "\u2018 Tis hatched beneath , a plot upon mine honour ;", "By heaven , we shall not ,", "You , that were formed for mastery in war .", "And beg the first reversion of a rope :", "From the bold ruffian in the massacre ,", "Be on thy head , and fall by me unpitied .", "She has taken chair , and he walks bowing by her ,", "Now , by the majesty of kings I swear ,", "The thoughts of such as you , are starts divine ;", "Possess yourselves of the place , Maubert , and hang me up those two rogues , for an example .", "You 'll grant me that ?", "By heaven , my niece ! led by Alphonso Corso !", "Nay , stay , my masters ;", "Yes , sir ,", "Again thou liest ! and I will crumble thee ,", "Of last night 's lechery with some working whore", "Well , I dare trust my niece , even though she comes of my own family ; but if she cuckolds my good opinion of her honesty , there 's a whole sex fallen under a general rule , without one exception .", "And kiss thy beauties to a dissolution !", "Scented your late discovery of the plot ?", "I 'm friends ,\u2014 and I am not ,\u2014 and so farewell .", "Admits no patience .", "Unless it be with gripes .", "To meet the fierce Navarre , should first be thought on .", "Ordnance , munition , and the nerve of war ,", "Away , I 'll have amongst them ;", "Have done the devil wrong .", "A traitor .", "And it must bleed .", "I will be so : but let me tell you , Guise ,", "Amen , I say ; for , look you , I 'm your friend .", "By heaven , methinks I see a glory round thee !", "That would have stained thy almost infant honour ,", "I know not what to say , nor what to think ;", "Upon so dangerous an expedition .", "Sound infantry , not harassed and diseased ,", "He was a fool to come ; if so , then they ,", "No matter ; I had rather die traduced ,", "When once your conscience yields , how far \u2018 twill stretch ;", "I'faith , I think , that I should give thee hearing ;", "Troth , I can n't find them much inclined to perishing .", "If thou'rt a man ,", "Death , and thou devil Malicorn , is that", "Heaven bless your majesty ! Though I 'll not kill him for you , I 'll defend you when he 's killed : For the honest part of the job let me alone", "And , if he force a beating , who can help it ?", "I 'll hew down all the kings in Christendom ,", "Should join the Spaniard , and should fire your city ;", "On all my wars ; and oh ,\u2014 out , shame upon thee !", "And seat thee on their necks , as high as heaven .", "Or you will blood the king , and burn the Louvre ;", "Thou liest ! and if thou hadst not glanced aside ,", "They should be certain of ,\u2014 whole piles of fire .", "And prostitute thy honour to the king .", "Shall I fight him ?", "Come forth", "Thou hast lost thy honour .", "For what ?", "As if they were his friends , and fought his cause !", "Why , are you not a villain ?", "I 'll be your customer , and set you up a little better , sirrah ;\u2014 go , hang him at the next sign-post :\u2014 What have you to say for yourself , scoundrel ? why were you a rebel ?", "For I 'm a thinking now just whereabouts", "Mark me , they 'll run , and yelp , and clap their tails ,", "If you wo n't fly for't , you must ride for't ,", "I am your soldier , sir , but not your hangman .", "Though voted from his right by your cursed League .", "Why fly you from yourself ? I 've heard you say ,", "For what , sirs , if the king , provoked at last ,", "Wild fire choke you !", "Still makes the woman 's tongue his rising ground ,", "You 'd arm against the League ; why do you not ?", "Paris , your head ,\u2014 but a most venomous one ,\u2014", "What will not your triumphant arms accomplish !", "Sir , I have business for your ear .", "Why , I will carve thee out a throne myself ;", "Yes , and a point too ; I 'll challenge him .", "Cease your vain cries , you are the king 's prisoners ;\u2014", "The effect", "Ha ! but the presence opens ; who comes here ?", "Why droops the royal majesty ? O sir !", "Like dogs , you 're out of Providence 's reach ,", "Now I understand you ; I should murder him :", "Have then this pious Council of Sixteen", "And worthy of my sword , I swear , by this", "It wrings the tears from Grillon 's iron heart ,", "She has lavished all the diamonds of the Guise ,", "As his own soul , and laid thee in his heart-strings ;", "You are a true lion , but my men are sheep ;", "You moving dirt , you rank stark muck o'the world ,", "\u2018 Faith , I think not .", "The duke of Guise is dead .", "Yes , when a man would have killed me .", "Rebellion 's pampered to a pleurisy ,", "The king , my lord , commanded me to wait you ,", "A prince o'the air , that sets the mud a moving .", "Plunder ! Begone , vipers , asps , and adders !", "Because you are the pillars of the city ,", "You shall as soon be saved for packing juries .", "Moves , speaks , and fights , and is himself a war .", "And yet so much my hate , that I must fear thee .", "Enter MALICORN .", "I 'll give you back your life when next we meet ;", "Good rats , my precious vermin .", "True , Abbot ; but the mischief is , you churchmen Can see that something further than the crowd ; These musket bullets have not read much logic , Nor are they given to make your nice distinctions :", "Dispatch is all my business ; I 'll hang for you .", "I would inform you of a general ruin .", "And what the cabinet-council ; then to the city ,", "For these shall hold you fast ,\u2014 your slaves shall hang you .", "For should it be as thou hast said , not all", "What \u2018 tis you mean , and why you force the king"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Why , sir , may n't citizens be saved ?", "And so we take our leaves .", "Colonel , you speak us plain .", "The blunderbuss o'the court ; away , away ,", "Dead , colonel !"], "true_target": ["For what , pray , colonel , if we may be so bold ?", "Well , we 'll think of this ;", "He carries ammunition in his face .", "Mercy , good colonel .", "Nay , this is colonel Grillon ,", "Blooded , colonel !"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Undone , undone !"], "true_target": ["Ruin to the city ! marry , heaven forbid !"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Yet there is notice given to the city ;", "Cut off the head , and let the body walk .", "If hours between slide not too idly by ,", "To-morrow , sir ,", "I 'll to the king ; it may be , \u2018 tis reported", "You may be master of their destiny ,", "He doubted not his cause .", "The sheriffs have puffed the populace with hopes", "You , madam , must be pleased to find the Guise ;", "Besides , Belleure brought but a half account ,", "Betwixt our fate and us : our foes are powerful ,", "Seem easy , fearful , yielding , what you will ;", "I like Alphonso 's counsel , short , sure work ;", "That sits between their eyes , and guards their life .", "In this mad fame , I 'll bring you instant word .", "Not far without the suburbs there are quartered", "\u2018 Tis not so bad , as vainly you surmise ;", "But yet not armed , nor marshalled into order ;", "There 's something of divinity in kings ,"], "true_target": ["Let there be truth or lies", "But still prolong the treaty all you can ,", "Who now dispose so loftily of yours .", "The king dispatches order upon order ,", "With positive command to stop his coming .", "His majesty in all ; yet , if he might", "The business then admits no more dispute ,", "I told your majesty ,", "On purpose thus .", "Hark , what a shout was there !", "How that the Guise replied , he would obey", "Some space there is , some little space , some steps", "To gain the king more time for his escape .", "Till he have rolled his snow-ball to a heap .", "Colonel , your ear .", "Of their deliverer .", "Three thousand Swiss , and two French regiments .", "Have leave to justify himself before him ,", "Believe it , sir , the Guise will not attempt ,"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Sir , thus it was . I met him on the way ,"], "true_target": ["And plain as I could speak , I gave your orders ,", "Just in these following words :\u2014"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["I see thy prayers dispersed into the winds ,", "I said , first seize the king .", "And softly toll for souls departing knells : }", "Of things that always are , as he is always ;", "Over all the world .", "Ten thousand devils more are in this habit ;", "That the rabble may depose their prince , has in all times , and in all countries , been accounted lawful .", "So what was figured twelve , to thy dull sight", "First seize the king , and after murder him .", "And executes his purpose .\u2014 But no more", "Stood next the shining throne , and winked but half ;", "Fool , thou hast quitted thy appeal to heaven ,", "Sins past a sum , and might be pardoned more :", "Thy master mounts not , till the king be slain .", "Yes , to repent ; then thou hadst cheated me .", "So now lies lowest in the abyss of hell ,", "And make it speak rebellion , schism , and murder ;", "But \u2018 tis a zealous , godly , canting devil ,", "The ways of heaven are broken since our fall ,", "And all the events of an ill-omened year .", "Therefore , fight lustily for the cause of heaven , and to make even tallies for your sins ; which , that you may do with a better conscience , I absolve you both , and all the rest of you : Now , go on merrily ; for those , that escape , shall avoid killing ; and those , who do not escape , I will provide for in another world .", "No , Malicorn ;", "Thou hast me right :", "To stand to this .", "Hoh , hoh , hoh !", "I told thee true ;", "And yet \u2018 tis just ; for we were perfect light ,", "But if the ill influence pass o'er Harry 's head ,", "There 's not a damned ghost , nor hell-born fiend ,", "Now , shut below in this dark sphere ,", "Their births were full opposed , the Guise now strongest", "And quoting scriptures ,", "Appeared full twenty-one .", "Saintship and zeal are still our best disguise :", "To council when he next is called , he dies .", "Gulph beyond gulph , and never to be shot .", "And crammed a thousand ghastly , frightful thoughts ,", "No , not a moment 's thought beyond my time .", "A greater king than he ; now cut him off ,", "As in a year it will , France ne'er shall boast", "Even so it would have been .", "\u2018 Till all go loaded to the nether skies", "Sits Beelzebub , vicegerent of the damned ,", "They run for thee , and when their race is run ,", "Now there they perch to have them in their eyes ,", "Strife , blood , and massacres , expect to hear ,", "To talk the crowd to madness and rebellion .", "To sacred churches all in swarms repair ;", "That I could bear it , and stared farther in ;", "As in a crystal mirror , see the ideas", "Betrayed by frauds without , and lusts within .", "Who has assumed the churchman 's lucky shape ,", "Not full nine minutes .", "Once we could read our mighty Maker 's mind ,", "Nay , thrust them foremost in his labouring brain ,", "Shall sink for ever down , and heave no more .", "Chained till the dreadful doom ; in place of whom", "I was an angel once of foremost rank ,", "No , they see too true :", "And , but I chilled the blood in Henry 's veins ,", "Then , wilt thou stand to that without appeal ?"], "true_target": ["It is truly guessed ;", "For ever fell ; but man , base earth-born man ,", "And saw our crimes ; man , in his body 's mire ,", "Thy lungs , the bellows of thy mortal breath ,", "Who , listening downward , hears his roaring lord ,", "But know , \u2018 tis from no nightly sexton 's hand .", "Half soul , half clod , sinks blindfold into sin ,", "Thou art .", "So almost gazed I glory in the face ,", "Thou art mistaken , master ; \u2018 tis not he ,", "A sign of deep deceit and treachery .", "They dazzled once , I cast a mist before them ,", "And now the guard is mine , to drive the elves ,", "\u2018 Twas but a moment 's pride , and yet I fell ,", "And peep far off on heaven 's revolving orbs ,", "Not so fast , Malicorn ;", "I took the revolution of the year ,", "He cannot be deposed :", "So take thee hell .", "With impious glosses ban the holy text ,", "Whenever they have more power to depose , than he has to oppose ; and this they may do upon the least occasion .", "The ascending Scorpion poisoned all the sky ,", "And foolish fairies , from their moonlight play ,", "But at his birth there shone a regal star .", "But Lucifer , as he who foremost fell ,", "And Beelzebub will rage .", "No , not a stronger , but more popular .", "You , neighbour , behind your counter , yesterday paid a bill of exchange in glass louis d'ors ; and you , friend , that cry , look you , gentlemen , this very morning was under another woman 's petticoats , and not your wife 's .", "Full on his cusp his angry master sate ,", "Conjoined with Saturn , baleful both to man :", "For one poor single fare .", "That can from limbo \u2018 scape , but hither flies ;", "I have sown rebellion every where .", "By second causes dimly we may guess ,", "When the most are of one side , as that 's our case , we are always in the right ; for they , that are in power , will ever be the judges : so that if we say white is black , poor white must lose the cause , and put on mourning ; for white is but a single syllable , and we are a whole sentence . Therefore , go on boldly , and lay on resolutely for your Solemn League and Covenant ; and if here be any squeamish conscience who fears to fight against the king ,\u2014 though I , that have known you , citizens , these thousand years , suspect not any ,\u2014 let such understand that his majesty 's politic capacity is to be distinguished from his natural ; and though you murder him in one , you may preserve him in the other ; and so much for this time , because the enemy is at hand .", "And heaven has past them by .", "Here 's a rogue now , will out-shoot the devil in his own bow .", "Or thou deceiv'st those hungry , gaping fiends ,", "If he goes", "To promote sedition is my business : It has been so before any of you were born , and will be so , when you are all dead and damned ; I have led on the rabble in all ages .", "Seest thou these ebbing sands ?", "Each chime , thou hear'st , a future death foretells , }", "Just when the Sun was entering in the Ham :", "Some crowd the spires , but most the hallowed bells , }", "The morning creeps behind yon eastern hill ,", "We mix unknown with the hot thoughtless crowd ,", "So turn the arms of heaven against itself .", "\u2018 Tis false ; I said , perhaps it should lie low ;", "Which cast obscure reflections from the throne .", "He may be killed , a violent fate attends him ;", "Hold , hold , a little , fellow citizens ; and you , gentlemen of the rabble , a word of godly exhortation to strengthen your hands , ere you give the onset .", "Dispatch ; \u2018 tis much below me to attend", "While yet his stars are weak .", "Then I have hope .", "Thou can'st not do it . Behold this hour-glass .", "Always uncalled , and still at hand for mischief .", "With leathern wings they beat the dusky skies ,", "And lash the laggers from the sight of day .", "Of secret slaughters , empires overturned ,", "Hey , for the duke of Guise , and property ! Up with religion and the cause , and down with those arbitrary rogues there ! Stand to't , you associated cuckolds .O rogues ! O cowards !\u2014 Damn these half-strained shopkeepers , got between gentlemen and city wives ; how naturally they quake , and run away from their own fathers ! twenty souls a penny were a dear bargain of them .", "To-morrow let it be ;"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["To fight against the many and the strong ?", "Will soon be shaken off ; things done , repealed ;", "And will be soon resolved .", "Which power , most graciously confirmed by you ,", "The city not cast in ; but the pretence ,", "The League will sink beneath a royal name ;", "Was warmly canvassed in the Commons House ,", "We hope and wish your life ; but yours and ours", "The inevitable yoke prepared for kings", "And leave you single to the tyrant 's rage :", "Let in the o'erwhelming tide on Harry 's head ;", "To make the duke of Guise lieutenant-general ;", "And for whom kings are made \u2014", "Grillon must die , so must the tyrant 's guards ,", "Lest , gathering head again , they make more work .", "Will make this rising pass for just defence .", "That bears religion , laws , and all before it .", "Are in the hand of heaven .", "Then better \u2018 tis to hazard life alone ,", "That , coward-like , you might forsake your friends .", "And warn you not to go .", "That hither they are brought to bridle Paris ,", "One high point", "By heaven , \u2018 tis Harry 's plot to fright you hence ,", "Among a thousand swords , who killed the king ?", "Than life , and friends , and reputation too .", "Our numbers in old martial men are more ,", "Help , help !", "I say again , that Henry dares not do it .", "Best make advantage of this popular rage ,", "We wish you , sir , a long and prosperous reign .", "Will stop this headlong torrent of succession ,", "Where have you learnt to spare inveterate foes ?", "Yes , some court-devil , no doubt :"], "true_target": ["To-morrow , in the States , \u2018 twill be proposed ,", "And things undone , past future means to do .", "Received the guards into the city gates ,", "Some say , revengeful .", "They are too few for us to fear ;", "And Roman heathens lorded o'er the world .", "We grant it has not ; but \u2014", "Since gentle means to exclude Navarre are vain ,", "Shrunk to their shops , and left the passage free .", "Which once removed , our motion is no more .", "I 'm glad the king has introduced these guards .", "Sir , we have many arguments to urge \u2014", "Take care of dangers merely possible ,", "In hope you 'll not oppose what must be done ,", "But Christian faith was in the nonage then ,", "If you depart , consider , good my lord ,", "The jolly Swisses marching to their fifes ?", "What may be sudden , must be counted so .", "Which may concern their subjects , whose they are ,", "He stands suspected , sir , of heresy .", "In that promiscuous fury , who shall know ,", "But since good princes , like your majesty ,", "A qualm ! he dares not .", "And can expound it too :", "Without your presence , which buoys up our hearts ,", "Your tempter comes , perhaps , to turn the scale ,", "What madness were it for the weak and few ,", "Then heresy 's entailed upon the throne .", "I hear your brother 's voice ; run to the door .", "An act so mean would lose you all your friends ,", "The crowd stood gaping , heartless and amazed ,", "Have you not heard the king , preventing day ,", "You are the master-spring that moves our fabric ,", "Nay , were the danger certain of your stay ,"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["O spare me , sweet colonel ; I am but a young beginner , and new set up .", "He looks so grum , I do n't care to have to do with him ; would", "I were safe in my shop , behind the counter .", "Is this a time to make sermons ? I would not hear the devil now , though he should come in God 's name , to preach peace to us .", "That 's the first true syllable he has uttered : but as how , and whereby , and when , may they depose him ?"], "true_target": ["Bear away that bloody-minded colonel , and hang him up at the next sign-post : Nay , when I am in power , I can make examples too .", "That 's a lie , and a loud one .", "How , every where ? That 's another lie : How far have you travelled , friend ?", "Sirrah , you mince the matter ; you should say , we may do it upon no occasion , for the less the better .", "Now , that 's a rapper ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Look you , gentlemen , sermons are not to be despised ; we have all profited by godly sermons that promote sedition : let the precious man hold forth .", "And would I were under my wife 's petticoats . Look you , gentlemen .", "Look you , colonel ; you are too bulky to be carried off all at once ; a leg or an arm is one man 's burden : give me a little finger for a sample of him , whereby I 'll carry it for a token to my sovereign lady .", "How the devil does he know this ?", "Look you , colonel , \u2018 twas out of no ill meaning to the government ; all that I did , was pure obedience to my wife ."], "true_target": ["I say no : For , look you , gentlemen , if he has been a traveller , he certainly says true , for he may lie by authority .", "Look you , gentlemen , \u2018 tis Grillon , the fierce colonel ; he that devours our wives , and ravishes our children .", "Some occasion , in my mind , were not amiss : for , look you , gentlemen , if we have no occasion , then whereby we have no occasion to depose him ; and therefore , either religion or liberty , I stick to those occasions ; for when they are gone , good night to godliness and freedom .", "He has led the rabble both old and young , that 's all ages : A heavenly sweet man , I warrant him ; I have seen him somewhere in a pulpit .", "Look you , colonel , for your saving of me , I thank you heartily , whereby that debt 's paid ; but for speaking treason against my anointed wife , that 's a new reckoning between us ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["He says you have , and must have , business with him . Come out , or he 'll come in , and spoil your mirth .", "Truly , she flies about the room as if she had wings instead of legs ; I believe she 's just turning into a bird :\u2014 A house bird I warrant her :\u2014 And so hasty to fly to you , that , rather than fail of entrance , she would come tumbling down the chimney , like a swallow .", "Sir , my lord Benducar is coming to wait on you , and is already at the palace gate ."], "true_target": ["With a hoarse voice , says he must speak with you .", "Sir , I dare not tell him so ;", "Here 's a lady at the door , that bids me tell you , she is come to make an end of the game , that was broken off betwixt you .", "An ill-looked surly man ,"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["And therefore beg your grace you would remember", "Sir , they are ."], "true_target": ["Their wounds and lost arrears", "My lord .", "All these have served against the heretics ;"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["And said , The term of life is limited ,", "The uncertainty of his fate is alluded to by Fletcher :", "The knight much wondered at his sudden wit ;", "The poem , alluded to , was probably the Religio Laici , first published in November l682 .", "The soldier may not move from watchful sted ,", "In a Zambra dance , introduced in the \u201c Conquest of Granada , \u201d our author had previously introduced the Moors bowing to the image of Jupiter ; a gross solecism , hardly more pardonable , as Langbaine remarks , than the introduction of a pistol in the hand of Demetrius , a successor of Alexander the Great , which Dryden has justly censured .", "Nor leave his stand until his captain bed .", "Fairy Queen , Book i. Canto 9 ."], "true_target": ["Ne may a man prolong nor shorten it ;", "In allusion to his being deprived of the office of poet laureat .", "When Henrietta Maria , widow of Charles I. and queen-dowager of England , visited her son after the Restoration , she chose Somerset-House for her residence , and added all the buildings fronting the river . Cowley , whom she had long patronised , composed a poem on the \u201c Queen 's repairing Somerset-House , \u201d to which our author refers . Mr Malone 's accuracy has detected a slight alteration in the verses , as quoted by Dryden , and as written by Cowley : If any prouder virtuoso 's sense At that part of my prospect take offence , By which the meaner cabanes are descried Of my imperial river 's humbler side ; If they call that a blemish , let them know , God and my godlike mistress think not so ; For the distressed and the afflicted lie Most in their care , and always in their eye .", "A tory paper , then conducted with great zeal , and some controversial talent , by Sir Roger L'Estrange .", "The first Italian opera is said to have been that of \u201c Dafne , \u201d performed at Florence in 1597 .\u2014 See BURNEY 'S History of Music , Vol . iv . p. 17 .", "Langbaine has preserved another jest upon our author 's preference of Grabut to the English musicians . Grabut , his yokemate , ne'er shall be forgot . Whom th \u2019 god of tunes upon a muse begot ; Bayes on a double score to him belongs , As well for writing , as for setting songs ; For some have sworn the intrigue so odd is laid , That Bayes and he mistook each other 's trade , Grabut the lines , and he the music made . THE PREFACE . If wit has truly been defined , \u201c a propriety of thoughts and words ,\" then that definition will extend to all sorts of poetry ; and , among the rest , to this present entertainment of an opera . Propriety of thought is that fancy which arises naturally from the subject , or which the poet adapts to it ; propriety of words is the clothing of those thoughts with such expressions as are naturally proper to them ; and from both these , if they are judiciously performed , the delight of poetry results . An opera is a poetical tale , or fiction , represented by vocal and instrumental music , adorned with scenes , machines , and dancing . The supposed persons of this musical drama are generally supernatural , as gods , and goddesses , and heroes , which at least are descended from them , and are in due time to be adopted into their number . The subject , therefore , being extended beyond the limits of human nature , admits of that sort of marvellous and surprising conduct , which is rejected in other plays . Human impossibilities are to be received as they are in faith ; because , where gods are introduced , a supreme power is to be understood , and second causes are out of doors ; yet propriety is to be observed even here . The gods are all to manage their peculiar provinces ; and what was attributed by the heathens to one power , ought not to be performed by any other . Phoebus must foretel , Mercury must charm with his caduceus , and Juno must reconcile the quarrels of the marriage-bed ; to conclude , they must all act according to their distinct and peculiar characters . If the persons represented were to speak upon the stage , it would follow , of necessity , that the expressions should be lofty , figurative , and majestical : but the nature of an opera denies the frequent use of these poetical ornaments ; for vocal music , though it often admits a loftiness of sound , yet always exacts an harmonious sweetness ; or , to distinguish yet more justly , the recitative part of the opera requires a more masculine beauty of expression and sound . The other , which , for want of a proper English word , I must call the songish part , must abound in the softness and variety of numbers ; its principal intention being to please the hearing , rather than to gratify the understanding . It appears , indeed , preposterous at first sight , that rhyme , on any consideration , should take place of reason ; but , in order to resolve the problem , this fundamental proposition must be settled , that the first inventors of any art or science , provided they have brought it to perfection , are , in reason , to give laws to it ; and , according to their model , all after-undertakers are to build . Thus , in epic poetry , no man ought to dispute the authority of Homer , who gave the first being to that masterpiece of art , and endued it with that form of perfection in all its parts , that nothing was wanting to its excellency . Virgil therefore , and those very few who have succeeded him , endeavoured not to introduce , or innovate , any thing in a design already perfected , but imitated the plan of the inventor ; and are only so far true heroic poets , as they have built on the foundations of Homer . Thus , Pindar , the author of those Odes , which are so admirably restored by Mr Cowley in our language , ought for ever to be the standard of them ; and we are bound , according to the practice of Horace and Mr Cowley , to copy him . Now , to apply this axiom to our present purpose , whosoever undertakes the writing of an opera , which is a modern invention , though built indeed on the foundation of ethnic worship , is obliged to imitate the design of the Italians , who have not only invented , but brought to perfection , this sort of dramatic musical entertainment . I have not been able , by any search , to get any light , either of the time when it began , or of the first author ; but I have probable reasons , which induce me to believe , that some Italians , having curiously observed the gallantries of the Spanish Moors at their zambras , or royal feasts , where music , songs , and dancing , were in perfection , together with their machines , which are usual at their sortija , or running at the ring , and other solemnities , may possibly have refined upon those moresque divertisements , and produced this delightful entertainment , by leaving out the warlike part of the carousals , and forming a poetical design for the use of the machines , the songs , and dances . But however it began ,we know , that , for some centuries , the knowledge of music has flourished principally in Italy , the mother of learning and of arts; that poetry and painting have been there restored , and so cultivated by Italian masters , that all Europe has been enriched out of their treasury ; and the other parts of it , in relation to those delightful arts , are still as much provincial to Italy , as they were in the time of the Roman empire . Their first operas seem to have been intended for the celebration of the marriages of their princes , or for the magnificence of some general time of joy ; accordingly , the expences of them were from the purse of the sovereign , or of the republic , as they are still practised at Venice , Rome , and at other places , at their carnivals . Savoy and Florence have often used them in their courts , at the weddings of their dukes ; and at Turin particularly , was performed the \u201c Pastor Fido , \u201d written by the famous Guarini , which is a pastoral opera made to solemnise the marriage of a Duke of Savoy . The prologue of it has given the design to all the French ; which is a compliment to the sovereign power by some god or goddess ; so that it looks no less than a kind of embassy from heaven to earth . I said in the beginning of this preface , that the persons represented in operas are generally gods , goddesses , and heroes descended from them , who are supposed to be their peculiar care ; which hinders not , but that meaner persons may sometimes gracefully be introduced , especially if they have relation to those first times , which poets call the Golden Age ; wherein , by reason of their innocence , those happy mortals were supposed to have had a more familiar intercourse with superior beings ; and therefore shepherds might reasonably be admitted , as of all callings the most innocent , the most happy , and who , by reason of the spare time they had , in their almost idle employment , had most leisure to make verses , and to be in love ; without somewhat of which passion , no opera can possibly subsist . It is almost needless to speak any thing of that noble language , in which this musical drama was first invented and performed . All , who are conversant in the Italian , cannot but observe , that it is the softest , the sweetest , the most harmonious , not only of any modern tongue , but even beyond any of the learned . It seems indeed to have been invented for the sake of poetry and music ; the vowels are so abounding in all words , especially in terminations of them , that , excepting some few monosyllables , the whole language ends in them . Then the pronunciation is so manly , and so sonorous , that their very speaking has more of music in it than Dutch poetry and song . It has withal derived , so much copiousness and eloquence from the Greek and Latin , in the composition of words , and the formation of them , that if , after all , we must call it barbarous , it is the most beautiful and most learned of any barbarism in modern tongues ; and we may , at least , as justly praise it , as Pyrrhus did the Roman discipline and martial order , that it was of barbarians ,but had nothing in it of barbarity . This language has in a manner been refined and purified from the Gothic ever since the time of Dante , which is above four hundred years ago ; and the French , who now cast a longing eye to their country , are not less ambitious to possess their elegance in poetry and music ; in both which they labour at impossibilities . It is true , indeed , they have reformed their tongue , and brought both their prose and poetry to a standard ; the sweetness , as well as the purity , is much improved , by throwing off the unnecessary consonants , which made their spelling tedious and their pronunciation harsh : but , after all , as nothing can be improved beyond its own species , or farther than its original nature will allow ; as an ill voice , though ever so thoroughly instructed in the rules of music , can never be brought to sing harmoniously , nor many an honest critic ever arrive to be a good poet ; so neither can the natural harshness of the French , or their perpetual ill accent , be ever refined into perfect harmony like the Italian . The English has yet more natural disadvantages than the French ; our original Teutonic , consisting most in monosyllables , and those incumbered with consonants , cannot possibly be freed from those inconveniencies . The rest of our words , which are derived from the Latin chiefly , and the French , with some small sprinklings of Greek , Italian , and Spanish , are some relief in poetry , and help us to soften our uncouth numbers ; which , together with our English genius , incomparably beyond the trifling of the French , in all the nobler parts of verse , will justly give us the pre-eminence . But , on the other hand , the effeminacy of our pronunciation ,and our scarcity of female rhymes , have left the advantage of musical composition for songs , though not for recitative , to our neighbours . Through these difficulties I have made a shift to struggle in my part of the performance of this opera ; which , as mean as it is , deserves at least a pardon , because it has attempted a discovery beyond any former undertaker of our nation ; only remember , that if there be no north-east passage to be found , the fault is in nature , and not in me ; or , as Ben Jonson tells us in \u201c The Alchymist , \u201d when projection had failed , and the glasses were all broken , there was enough , however , in the bottoms of them , to cure the itch ; so I may thus be positive , that if I have not succeeded as I desire , yet there is somewhat still remaining to satisfy the curiosity , or itch of sight and hearing . Yet I have no great reason to despair ; for I may , without vanity , own some advantages , which are not common to every writer ; such as are the knowledge of the Italian and French language , and the being conversant with some of their best performances in this kind ; which have furnished me with such variety of measures as have given the composer , Monsieur Grabut , what occasions he could wish , to shew his extraordinary talent in diversifying the recitative , the lyrical part , and the chorus ; in all which , not to attribute any thing to my own opinion , the best judges and those too of the best quality , who have honoured his rehearsals with their presence , have no less commended the happiness of his genius than his skill . And let me have the liberty to add one thing , that he has so exactly expressed my sense in all places where I intended to move the passions , that he seems to have entered into my thoughts , and to have been the poet as well as the composer . This I say , not to flatter him , but to do him right ; because amongst some English musicians , and their scholars , who are sure to judge after them , the imputation of being a Frenchman is enough to make a party , who maliciously endeavour to decry him . But the knowledge of Latin and Italian poets , both which he possesses , besides his skill in music , and his being acquainted with all the performances of the French operas , adding to these the good sense to which he is born , have raised him to a degree above any man , who shall pretend to be his rival on our stage . When any of our countrymen excel him , I shall be glad , for the sake of old England , to be shewn my error ; in the mean time , let virtue be commended , though in the person of a strangerIf I thought it convenient , I could here discover some rules which I have given to myself in writing of an opera in general , and of this opera in particular ; but I consider , that the effect would only be , to have my own performance measured by the laws I gave ; and , consequently , to set up some little judges , who , not understanding thoroughly , would be sure to fall upon the faults , and not to acknowledge any of the beauties ; an hard measure , which I have often found from false critics . Here , therefore , if they will criticise , they shall do it out of their own fond ; but let them first be assured that their ears are nice ; for there is neither writing nor judgment on this subject without that good quality . It is no easy matter , in our language , to make words so smooth , and numbers so harmonious , that they shall almost set themselves . And yet there are rules for this in nature , and as great a certainty of quantity in our syllables , as either in the Greek or Latin : but let poets and judges understand those first , and then let them begin to study English . When they have chewed a while upon these preliminaries , it may be they will scarce adventure to tax me with want of thought and elevation of fancy in this work ; for they will soon be satisfied , that those are not of the nature of this sort of writing . The necessity of double rhimes , and ordering of the words and numbers for the sweetness of the voice , are the main hinges on which an opera must move ; and both of these are without the compass of any art to teach another to perform , unless nature , in the first place , has done her part , by enduing the poet with that nicety of hearing , that the discord of sounds in words shall as much offend him , as a seventh in music would a good composer . I have therefore no need to make excuses for meanness of thought in many places : the Italians , with all the advantages of their language , are continually forced upon it , or , rather , affect it . The chief secret is the choice of words ; and , by this choice , I do not here mean elegancy of expression , but propriety of sound , to be varied according to the nature of the subject . Perhaps a time may come when I may treat of this more largely , out of some observations which I have made from Homer and Virgil , who , amongst all the poets , only understood the art of numbers , and of that which was properly called rhythmus by the ancients . The same reasons , which depress thought in an opera , have a stronger effect upon the words , especially in our language ; for there is no maintaining the purity of English in short measures , where the rhime returns so quick , and is so often female , or double rhime , which is not natural to our tongue , because it consists too much of monosyllables , and those , too , most commonly clogged with consonants ; for which reason I am often forced to coin new words , revive some that are antiquated , and botch others ; as if I had not served out my time in poetry , but was bound apprentice to some doggrel rhimer , who makes songs to tunes , and sings them for a livelihood . It is true , I have not been often put to this drudgery ; but where I have , the words will sufficiently shew , that I was then a slave to the composition , which I will never be again : it is my part to invent , and the musician 's to humour that invention . I may be counselled , and will always follow my friend 's advice where I find it reasonable , but will never part with the power of the militiaI am now to acquaint my reader with somewhat more particular concerning this opera , after having begged his pardon for so long a preface to so short a work . It was originally intended only for a prologue to a play of the nature of \u201c The Tempest ; \u201d which is a tragedy mixed with opera , or a drama , written in blank verse , adorned with scenes , machines , songs , and dances , so that the fable of it is all spoken and acted by the best of the comedians ; the other part of the entertainment to be performed by the same singers and dancers who were introduced in this present opera . It cannot properly be called a play , because the action of it is supposed to be conducted sometimes by supernatural means , or magic ; nor an opera , because the story of it is not sung .\u2014 But more of this at its proper time .\u2014 But some intervening accidents having hitherto deferred the performance of the main design , I proposed to the actors , to turn the intended Prologue into an entertainment by itself , as you now see it , by adding two acts more to what I had already written . The subject of it is wholly allegorical ; and the allegory itself so very obvious , that it will no sooner be read than understood . It is divided , according to the plain and natural method of every action , into three parts . For even Aristotle himself is contented to say simply , that in all actions there is a beginning , a middle , and an end ; after which model all the Spanish plays are built . The descriptions of the scenes , and other decorations of the stage , I had from Mr Betterton , who has spared neither for industry , nor cost , to make this entertainment perfect , nor for invention of the ornaments to beautify it . To conclude , though the enemies of the composer are not few , and that there is a party formed against him of his own profession , I hope , and am persuaded , that this prejudice will turn in the end to his advantage . For the greatest part of an audience is always uninterested , though seldom knowing ; and if the music be well composed , and well performed , they , who find themselves pleased , will be so wise as not to be imposed upon , and fooled out of their satisfaction . The newness of the undertaking is all the hazard . When operas were first set up in France , they were not followed over eagerly ; but they gained daily upon their hearers , till they grew to that height of reputation , which they now enjoy . The English , I confess , are not altogether so musical as the French ; and yet they have been pleased already with \u201c The Tempest , \u201d and some pieces that followed , which were neither much better written , nor so well composed as this . If it finds encouragement , I dare promise myself to mend my hand , by making a more pleasing fable . In the mean time , every loyal Englishman cannot but be satisfied with the moral of this , which so plainly represents the double restoration of His Sacred Majesty . POSTSCRIPT . This preface being wholly written before the death of my late royal master ,I have now lately reviewed it , as supposing I should find many notions in it , that would require correction on cooler thoughts . After four months lying by me , I looked on it as no longer mine , because I had wholly forgotten it ; but I confess with some satisfaction , and perhaps a little vanity , that I found myself entertained by it ; my own judgment was new to me , and pleased me when I looked on it as another man 's . I see no opinion that I would retract or alter , unless it be , that possibly the Italians went not so far as Spain , for the invention of their operas . They might have it in their own country ; and that by gathering up the shipwrecks of the Athenian and Roman theatres , which we know were adorned with scenes , music , dances , and machines , especially the Grecian . But of this the learned Monsieur Vossius , who has made our nation his second country , is the best , and perhaps the only judge now living . As for the opera itself , it was all composed , and was just ready to have been performed , when he , in honour of whom it was principally made , was taken from us . He had been pleased twice or thrice to command , that it should be practised before him , especially the first and third acts of it ; and publicly declared more than once , that the composition and choruses were more just , and more beautiful , than any he had heard in England . How nice an ear he had in music , is sufficiently known ; his praise therefore has established the reputation of it above censure , and made it in a manner sacred . It is therefore humbly and religiously dedicated to his memory . It might reasonably have been expected that his death must have changed the whole fabric of the opera , or at least a great part of it . But the design of it originally was so happy , that it needed no alteration , properly so called ; for the addition of twenty or thirty lines in the apotheosis of Albion , has made it entirely of a piece , This was the only way which could have been invented , to save it from botched ending ; and it fell luckily into my imagination ; as if there were a kind of fatality even in the most trivial things concerning the succession : a change was made , and not for the worse , without the least confusion or disturbance ; and those very causes , which seemed to threaten us with troubles , conspired to produce our lasting happiness . Footnotes : 1 . This definition occurs in the preface to the \u201c State of Innocence ; \u201d but although given by Dryden , and sanctioned by Pope , it has a very limited resemblance to that which is defined . Mr Addison has , however , mistaken Dryden , in supposing that he applied this definition exclusively to what we now properly call wit . From the context it is plain , that he meant to include all poetical composition .\u2014 Spectator , No . 62 . The word once comprehended human knowledge in general . We still talk of the wit of man , to signify all that man can devise .", "The Trimmers , a body small and unpopular , as must always be the case with those , who in violent times declare for moderate and temporising measures , were headed by the ingenious and politic Halifax . He had much of the confidence , at least of the countenance of Charles , who was divided betwixt tenderness for Monmouth , and love of ease , on the one hand , and , on the other , desire of arbitrary power , and something like fear of the duke of York . Halifax repeatedly prevented each of these parties from subjugating the other , and his ambidexter services seem to have been rewarded by the sincere hatred of both . In 1688 was published a vindication of this party , entitled , \u201c the Character of a Trimmer ; \u201d and his opinion of ,\u2014 I . The laws of government . II . Protestant Religion . III . Foreign affairs . By the Hon . Sir William Coventry . THE VINDICATION : OR , THE PARALLEL OF THE FRENCH HOLY LEAGUE , AND THE ENGLISH LEAGUE AND COVENANT , TURNED INTO A SEDITIOUS LIBEL AGAINST THE KING AND HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS , BY THOMAS HUNT , AND THE AUTHORS OF THE REFLECTIONS UPON THE PRETENDED PARALLEL IN THE PLAY CALLED THE DUKE OF GUISE . Turno tempus erit magno cum optaverit emptum Intactum Pallanta : et cum spolia ista , diemque Oderit .\u2014 VINDICATION OF THE DUKE OF GUISE . It was easy to foresee , that a play , which professed to be a broadside discharged at the whole popular party , would not long remain uncensured . The satire being derived from a historical parallel of some delicacy , offered certain facilities of attack to the critics . It was only stretching the resemblance beyond the bounds to which Dryden had limited it , and the comparison became odious , if not dangerous . The whig writers did not neglect this obvious mode of attack , now rendered more popular by the encroachment lately attempted by the court upon the freedom of the city , whose magistrates had been exposed to ridicule in the play . Our readers cannot but remember , that , in order to break the spirit of the city of London , a writ of quo warranto was issued against the incorporation , by which was instituted a vexatious and captious inquiry into the validity of the charter of London . The purpose of this process was to compel the city to resign their freedom and immunities into the king 's hands , and to receive a new grant of them , so limited , as might be consistent with the views of the crown , or otherwise to declare them forfeited . One Thomas Hunt , a lawyer of some eminence , who had been solicitor for the Viscount Stafford when that unfortunate nobleman was tried for high treason , and had written upon the side of the tories , but had now altered his principles , stepped forward upon this occasion as the champion of the immunities of the city of LondonThe ludicrous light in which the sheriffs are placed , during the scene with Grillon in the third act , gave great offence to this active partizan ; and he gives vent to his displeasure in the following attack upon the author , and the performance . \u201c They have already condemned the charter and city , and have executed the magistrates in effigy upon the stage , in a play called \u201c The Duke of Guise , \u201d frequently acted and applauded ; intended most certainly , to provoke the rabble into tumults and disorder . The Roman priest had no success ,when he animated the people not to suffer the same sheriffs to be carried through the city to the Tower , prisoners . Now the poet hath undertaken , for their being kicked three or four times a-week about the stage to the gallows , infamously rogued and rascalled , to try what he can do towards making the charter forfeitable , by some extravagancy and disorder of the people , which the authority of the best governed cities have not been able to prevent , sometimes under far less provocations . \u201c But this ought not to move the citizens , when he hath so maliciously and mischievously represented the king , and the king 's son , nay , and his favourite the duke too , to whom he gives the worst strokes of his unlucky fancy . \u201c He puts the king under the person of Henry III . of France , who appeared in the head of the Parisian massacre ; the king 's son under the person of the Duke of Guise , who concerted it with the Queen-mother of France , and was slain in that very place , by the righteous judgment of God , where he and his mother had first contrived it . \u201c The Duke of Guise ought to have represented a great prince , that had inserved to some most detestable villany , to please the rage , or lust , of a tyrant . \u201c Such great courtiers have been often sacrificed , to appease the furies of the tyrant 's guilty conscience , to expiate for his sin , and to atone the people . \u201c Besides , that a tyrant naturally stands in fear of ministers of mighty wickedness ; he is always obnoxious to them , he is a slave to them , as long as they live they remember him of his guilt , and awe him . These wicked slaves become most imperious masters : they drag him to greater evils for their own impunity , than they first perpetrated for his pleasure , and their own ambition . \u201c But such are best given up to public justice , but by no means to be assassinated . Until this age , never before was an assassination invited , commended , and encouraged upon a public theatre . \u201c It is no wonder that Trimmersdisplease them ; for they seem to have designs for which it behoves them to know their men ; they must be perfectly wicked , or perfectly deceived ; of the Catiline make ; bold , and without understanding ; that can adhere to men that publicly profess murders , and applaud the design . \u201c Caius C\u00e6sarwas in the Catiline conspiracy ; and then the word was , he that is not for us is against us ; for the instruments of wickedness must be men that are resolute and forward , and without consideration ; or they will deceive the design , and relent when they enterprize . \u201c But when he was made dictator , and had some pretences , and a probability by means less wicked and mischievous to arrive at the government , his words were , he that is not against us is with us . But to Pompey only it belonged , and to his cause , or the like cause , to the defenders of ancient established governments , of the English monarchy and liberties , to say , they that are not with us are against us . In internecino bello , in attacks upon government , medii pro hostibus habentur , neutral men are traitors , and assist , by their indifferency , to the destruction of the government . As many as applaud this play , ought to be put under sureties of the peace ; and yet not one warrant , that we hear of yet , granted by the Lord Chief Justice . \u201c But it is not a Duke of Guise to be assassinated , a turbulent , wicked , and haughty courtier ; but an innocent and gentle prince , as well as brave , and renowned for noble achievements : a prince , that hath no fault , but that he is the king 's son ; and the best too of all his sons ; such a son , as would have made the best of emperors happy . \u201c Except it be , that the people honour him and love him , and every where publicly and loudly show it : But this they do , for that the best people of England have no other way left to show their loyalty to the king , and love to their religion and government , in long intervals of Parliament , than by prosecuting his son , for the sake of the king and his own merit , with all the demonstrations of the highest esteem . \u201c But he hath not used his patron Duke much better ; for he hath put him under a most dismal and unfortunate character of a successor , excluded from the crown by act of state for his religion , who fought his way to the crown , changed his religion , and died by the hand of a Roman assassinate . \u201c It is enough to make his great duke 's courage quail , to find himself under such an unlucky and disastrous representation , and thus personated ; besides , he hath offered a justification of an act of exclusion against a popish successor , in a Protestant kingdom , by remembering what was done against the king of Navarre . \u201c The Popish religion , in France , did , de facto , by act of state , exclude a Protestant prince , who is under no obligation , from his religion , to destroy his Popish subjects . \u201c Though a Popish prince is , to destroy his Protestant subjects . \u201c A Popish prince , to a Protestant kingdom , without more , must be the most insufferable tyrant , and exceed the character that any story can furnish for that sort of monster : And yet all the while to himself a religious and an applauded prince ; discharged from the tortures that ordinarily tear and rend the hearts of the most cruel princes , and make them as uneasy to themselves as they are to their subjects , and sometimes prevail so far as to lay some restraints upon their wicked minds . \u201c But this his patron will impute to his want of judgment ; for this poet 's heroes are commonly such monsters as Theseus and Hercules are , renowned throughout all ages for destroying . \u201c But to excuse him , this man hath forsaken his post , and entered upon another province . To \u201c The Observator \u201dit belongs to confound truth and falsehood ; and , by his false colours and impostures , to put out the eyes of the people , and leave them without understanding . \u201c But our poet hath not so much art left him as to frame any thing agreeable , or verisimilar , to amuse the people , or wherewith to deceive them . \u201c His province is to corrupt the manners of the nation , and lay waste their morals ; his understanding is clapt , and his brains are vitiated , and he is to rot the age . \u201c His endeavours are more happily applied , to extinguish the little remains of the virtue of the age by bold impieties , and befooling religion by impious and inept rhymes , to confound virtue and vice , good and evil , and leave us without consciences . \u201c And thus we are prepared for destruction . \u201c But to give the world a taste of his atheism and impiety , I shall recite two of his verses , as recited upon the stage , viz . For conscience , and heaven 's fear , religious rules , They are all state-bells to toll in pious fools ; which I have done the rather , that some honest judge , or justice , may direct a process against this bold impious man ; or some honest surrogate , or official , may find leisure to proceed , ex officio , against him , notwithstanding at present they are so encumbered with the dissenters . \u201c Such public blasphemies against religion , never were unpunished in any country , or age , but this . \u201c But I have made too long a digression , but that it carries with it some instructions towards the preserving of the honour of your august city , viz . \u201c That you do not hereafter authorise the stage to expose and revile your great officers , and offices , by the indignities yourselves do them ; whilst the Papists clap their hands , and triumph at your public disgraces , and in the hopes they conceive thereby of the ruin of your government , as if that were as sure and certain to them , as it is to us , without doubt , that they once fired it . \u201c And further , for that it was fit to set forth to the world , of what spirit our enemies are , how they intend to attack us ; as also , how bold they are with his majesty , what false and dishonourable representations they make of him , and present to the world upon a public theatre ; which , I must confess , hath moved me with some passion . \u201d This angry barrister was not the only adversary whom Dryden had to encounter on this occasion . Thomas Shadwell , a man of some talents for comedy , and who professed to tread in the footsteps of Ben Jonson , had for some time been at variance with Dryden and Otway . He was probably the author of a poem , entitled , \u201c A Lenten Prologue , refused by the Players ; \u201d which is marked by Mr Luttrel , 11th April , 1683 , and contains the following direct attack on \u201c The Duke of Guise , \u201d and the author : Our prologue wit grows flat ; the nap 's worn off , And howsoe'er we turn and trim the stuff , The gloss is gone that looked at first so gaudy ; \u2018 Tis now no jest to hear young girls talk bawdry . But plots and parties give new matters birth , And state distractions serve you here for mirth . At England 's cost poets now purchase fame ; While factious heats destroy us , without shame , These wanton Neroes fiddle to the flame ; The stage , like old rump-pulpits , is become The scene of news , a furious party 's drum : Here poets beat their brains for volunteers , And take fast hold of asses by their ears ; Their jingling rhimes for reason here you swallow , Like Orpheus \u2019 music , it makes beasts to follow . What an enlightening grace is want of bread ! How it can change a libeller 's heart , and clear a laureat 's head ; Open his eyes , till the mad prophet see Plots working in a future power to be !Traitors unformed to his second sight are clear . And squadrons here and squadrons there appear ; Rebellion is the burden of the seer . To Bayes , in vision , were of late revealed , Whig armies , that at Knightsbridge lay concealed ; And though no mortal eye could see't before , The battle just was entering at the door . A dangerous association , signed by none , The joiner 's plot to seize the king alone . Stephen with Collegemade this dire compact ; The watchful Irish took them in the fact . Of riding armed ; O traitorous overt act ! With each of them an ancient Pistol sided , Against the statute in that case provided . But , why was such a host of swearers pressed ? Their succour was ill husbandry at best . Bayes 's crowned muse , by sovereign right of satire , Without desert , can dub a man a traitor ; And tories , without troubling law or reason , By loyal instinct can find plots and treason . A more formal attack was made in a pamphlet , entitled , \u201c Some Reflections on the pretended parallel in the Play called the Duke of Guise . \u201d This Dryden , in the following Vindication , supposes to have been sketched by Shadwell , and finished by a gentleman of the TempleIn these Reflections , the obvious ground of attack , occupied by Hunt , is again resumed . The general indecency of a theatrical exhibition , which alluded to state-transactions of a grave and most important nature ; the indecorum of comparing the king to such a monarch as Henry III ., infamous for treachery , cruelty , and vices of the most profligate nature ; above all , the parallel betwixt the Dukes of Monmouth and Guise , by which the former is exhibited as a traitor to his father , and recommended as no improper object for assassination \u2014 are topics insisted on at some length , and with great vehemence . Our author was not insensible to these attacks , by which his loyalty to the king , and the decency of his conduct towards Monmouth , the king 's offending , but still beloved , son , and once Dryden 's own patron , stood painfully compromised . Accordingly , shortly after these pamphlets had appeared , the following advertisement was annexed to \u201c The Duke of Guise : \u201d \u201c There was a preface intended to this play in vindication of it , against two scurrilous libels lately printed ; but it was judged , that a defence of this nature would require more room than a preface reasonably could allow . For this cause , and for the importunities of the stationers , who hastened their impression , it is deferred for some little time , and will be printed by itself . Most men are already of opinion , that neither of the pamphlets deserve an answer , because they are stuffed with open falsities , and sometimes contradict each other ; but , for once , they shall have a day or two thrown away upon them , though I break an old custom for their sakes , which was ,\u2014 to scorn them . \u201d The resolution , thus announced , did not give universal satisfaction to our author 's friends ; one of whom published the following remonstrance , which contains some good sense , in very indifferent poetry : An Epode to his worthy Friend JOHN DRYDEN , to advise him not to answer two malicious Pamphlets against his Tragedy called \u201c The Duke of Guise . \u201dCan angry frowns rest on thy noble brow For trivial things ; Or , can a stream of muddy water flow From the Muses \u2019 springs ; Or great Apollo bend his vengeful bow \u2018 Gainst popular stings ? Desist thy passion then ; do not engage Thyself against the wittols of the age . Should we by stiff Tom Thimble 's faction fall , Lord , with what noise The Coffee throats would bellow , and the Ball O \u2019 the Change rejoice , And with the company of Pinner 's Hall Lift up their voice ! Once the head 's gone , the good cause is secure ; The members cannot long resist our power . Crop not their humours ; let the wits proceed Till they have thrown Their venom up ; and made themselves indeed Rare fops o'ergrown : Let them on nasty garbage prey and feed , Till all is done ; And , by thy great resentment , think it fit To crush their hopes , as humble as their wit . Consider the occasion , and you 'll find Yourself severe , And unto rashness much more here inclined , By far , than they 're : Consider them as in their proper kind , \u2018 Tween rage and fear , And then the reason will appear most plain ,\u2014 A worm that 's trod on will turn back again . What if they censure without brain or sense , \u2018 Tis now the fashion ; Each giddy fop endeavours to commence A reformation . Pardon them for their native ignorance , And brainsick passion ; For , after all , true men of sense will say ,\u2014 Their works can never parallel thy play . \u2018 Twere fond to pamper spleen , \u2018 cause owls detest The light of day ; Or real nonsense , which endures no test , Condemns thy play . Lodge not such petty trifles in thy breast , But bar their sway ; And let them know , that thy heroic bays Can scorn their censure , as it doth their praise . Think not thy answer will their nice reclaim , Whose heads are proof Against all reason , and in spite of shame Will stand aloof ; \u2018 Twould cherish further libels on thy fame , Should these thee move . Stand firm , my Dryden , maugre all their plots , Thy bays shall flourish when their ivy rots . But if you are resolved to break your use , And basely sin , In answer ; I 'll be sworn some haggard muse Has you in her gin ; Or in a fit you venture to abuse Your Polyhymn \u2019 , You may serve him so far : But if you do , All your true friends , sir , will reflect on you . The remonstrance of this friendly poet was unavailing ; Dryden having soon after published the following Vindication . Footnotes : 1 . \u201c A Defence of the Charter and Municipal Rights of the City of London , and the Rights of other Municipal Cities and Towns of England . Directed to the Citizens of London , by Thomas Hunt . Si populus vult decipi , decipiatur . London , printed , and to be sold , by Richard Baldwin . \u201d 4to , pages 46 . Wood informs us , that Thomas Hunt , the author , was educated at Queen 's College , Cambridge , and was esteemed a person of quick parts , and of a ready fluency in discourse , but withal too pert and forward . He was called to the bar , and esteemed a good lawyer . In 1659 he became clerk of the assizes at Oxford circuit , but was ejected from the office at the Restoration , to his great loss , to make room for the true owner . He wrote , \u201c An Argument for the Bishops \u2019 right of judging in capital Cases in Parliament , & c .; \u201d for which he expectedno less than to be made lord chief baron of the exchequer in Ireland . But falling short of that honourable office , which he too ambitiously catched at , and considering the loss of another place , which he unjustly possessed , he soon after appeared one of the worst and most inveterate enemies to church and state that was in his time , and the most malicious , and withal the most ignorant , scribbler of the whole herd ; and was thereupon stiled , by a noted author ,Magni nominis umbra . Hunt also published , \u201c Great and weighty Considerations on the Duke of York , & c . \u201d in favour of the exclusion . He had also the boldness to republish his high church tract in favour of the bishops \u2019 jurisdiction , with a whig postscript tending to destroy his own arguments .\u2014 Ath . Ox . II , p. 728 .", "Dr. Titus Oates , the principal witness to the Popish Plot , was accused of unnatural and infamous crimes . He was certainly a most ineffably impudent , perjured villain .", "During the cabals of the Council of Sixteen , the Duke of Aumale approached Paris with five hundred veteran horse , levied in the disaffected province of Picardy . Jean Conti , one of the sheriffsof Paris , was tampered with to admit them by St Martin 's gate ; but as he refused , the leaguers stigmatised him as a heretic and favourer of Navarre . Another of these officers consented to open to Aumale the gate of St Denis , of which the keys were intrusted to him . The conspirators had determined , as is here expressed , to seize the person of the king , when he should attend the procession of the Flagellants , as he was wont to do in time of Lent . But he was apprised of their purpose by Poltrot , one of their number , and used the pretext of indisposition to excuse his absence from the penitential procession . Davila , lib . viii ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Our poet 's house was in Gerard-Street , looking upon the gardens of Leicester-House . THE PREFACE . Whether it happened through a long disuse of writing , that I forgot the usual compass of a play , or that , by crowding it with characters and incidents , I put a necessity upon myself of lengthening the main action , I know not ; but the first day 's audience sufficiently convinced me of my error , and that the poem was insupportably too long . It is an ill ambition of us poets , to please an audience with more than they can bear ; and supposing that we wrote as well as vainly we imagine ourselves to write , yet we ought to consider , that no man can bear to be long tickled . There is a nauseousness in a city-feast , when we are to sit four hours after we are cloyed . I am therefore , in the first place , to acknowledge , with all manner of gratitude , their civility , who were pleased to endure it with so much patience ; to be weary with so much good-nature and silence ; and not to explode an entertainment which was designed to please them , or discourage an author , whose misfortunes have once more brought him , against his will , upon the stage . While I continue in these bad circumstances ,I must be obliged to write ; and if I may still hope for the same kind usage , I shall the less repent of that hard necessity . I write not this out of any expectation to be pitied , for I have enemies enow to wish me yet in a worse condition ; but give me leave to say , that if I can please by writing , as I shall endeavour it , the town may be somewhat obliged to my misfortunes for a part of their diversion . Having been longer acquainted with the stage than any poet now living , and having observed how difficult it was to please ; that the humours of comedy were almost spent ; that love and honourwere quite worn out ; that the theatres could not support their charges ; that the audience forsook them ; that young men , without learning , set up for judges , and that they talked loudest , who understood the least ; all these discouragements had not only weaned me from the stage , but had also given me a loathing of it . But enough of this : the difficulties continue ; they increase ; and I am still condemned to dig in those exhausted mines . Whatever fault I next commit , rest assured it shall not be that of too much length : Above twelve hundred lines have been cut off from this tragedy since it was first delivered to the actors . They were indeed so judiciously lopped by Mr Betterton , to whose care and excellent action I am equally obliged , that the connection of the story was not lost ; but , on the other side , it was impossible to prevent some part of the action from being precipitated , and coming on without that due preparation which is required to all great events : as , in particular , that of raising the mobile , in the beginning of the fourth act , which a man of Benducar 's cool character could not naturally attempt , without taking all those precautions , which he foresaw would be necessary to render his design successful . On this consideration , I have replaced those lines through the whole poem , and thereby restored it to that clearness of conception , andthat lustre and masculine vigour , in which it was first written . It is obvious to every understanding reader , that the most poetical parts , which are descriptions , images , similitudes , and moral sentences , are those which of necessity were to be pared away , when the body was swollen into too large a bulk for the representation of the stage . But there is a vast difference betwixt a public entertainment on the theatre , and a private reading in the closet : In the first , we are confined to time ; and though we talk not by the hour-glass , yet the watch often drawn out of the pocket warns the actors that their audience is weary ; in the last , every reader is judge of his own convenience ; he can take up the book and lay it down at his pleasure , and find out those beauties of propriety in thought and writing , which escaped him in the tumult and hurry of representing . And I dare boldly promise for this play , that in the roughness of the numbers and cadences ,you will see somewhat more masterly arising to your view , than in most , if not any , of my former tragedies . There is a more noble daring in the figures , and more suitable to the loftiness of the subject ; and , besides this , some newnesses of English , translated from the beauties of modern tongues , as well as from the elegancies of the Latin ; and here and there some old words are sprinkled , which , for their significance and sound , deserved not to be antiquated ; such as we often find in Sallust amongst the Roman authors , and in Milton 's \u201c Paradise \u201d amongst ours ; though perhaps the latter , instead of sprinkling , has dealt them with too free a hand , even sometimes to the obscuring of his sense . As for the story , or plot , of the tragedy , it is purely fiction ; for I take it up where the history has laid it down . We are assured by all writers of those times , that Sebastian , a young prince of great courage and expectation , undertook that war , partly upon a religious account , partly at the solicitation of Muley Mahomet , who had been driven out of his dominions by Abdelmelech , or , as others call him , Muley Moluch , his nigh kinsman , who descended from the same family of Xeriffs , whose fathers , Hamet and Mahomet , had conquered that empire with joint forces , and shared it betwixt them after their victory ; that the body of Don Sebastian was never found in the field of battle , which gave occasion for many to believe , that he was not slain; that some years after , when the Spaniards , with a pretended title , by force of arms , had usurped the crown of Portugal from the house of Braganza , a certain person , who called himself Don Sebastian , and had all the marks of his body and features of his face , appeared at Venice , where he was owned by some of his countrymen ; but being seized by the Spaniards , was first imprisoned , then sent to the gallies , and at last put to death in private . It is most certain , that the Portuguese expected his return for almost an age together after that battle , which is at least a proof of their extreme love to his memory ; and the usage they had from their new conquerors , might possibly make them so extravagant in their hopes and wishes for their old masterThis ground-work the history afforded me , and I desire no better to build a play upon ; for where the event of a great action is left doubtful , there the poet is left master . He may raise what he pleases on that foundation , provided he makes it of a piece , and according to the rule of probability . From hence I was only obliged , that Sebastian should return to Portugal no more ; but at the same time I had him at my own disposal , whether to bestow him in Afric , or in any other corner of the world , or to have closed the tragedy with his death ; and the last of these was certainly the most easy , but for the same reason the least artful ; because , as I have somewhere said , the poison and the dagger are still at hand to butcher a hero , when a poet wants the brains to save him . It being therefore only necessary , according to the laws of the drama , that Sebastian should no more be seen upon the throne , I leave it for the world to judge , whether or no I have disposed of him according to art , or have bungled up the conclusion of his adventure . In the drawing of his character , I forgot not piety , which any one may observe to be one principal ingredient of it , even so far as to be a habit in him ; though I shew him once to be transported from it by the violence of a sudden passion , to endeavour a self-murder . This being presupposed , that he was religious , the horror of his incest , though innocently committed , was the best reason which the stage could give for hindering his return . It is true , I have no right to blast his memory with such a crime ; but declaring it to be fiction , I desire my audience to think it no longer true , than while they are seeing it represented ; for that once ended , he may be a saint , for aught I know , and we have reason to presume he is . On this supposition , it was unreasonable to have killed him ; for the learned Mr Rymer has well observed , that in all punishments we are to regulate ourselves by poetical justice ; and according to those measures , an involuntary sin deserves not death ; from whence it follows , that to divorce himself from the beloved object , to retire into a desert , and deprive himself of a throne , was the utmost punishment which a poet could inflict , as it was also the utmost reparation which Sebastian could make . For what relates to Almeyda , her part is wholly fictitious . I know it is the surname of a noble family in Portugal , which was very instrumental in the restoration of Don John de Braganza , father to the most illustrious and most pious princess , our queen-dowager . The French author of a novel , called \u201c Don Sebastian , \u201d has given that name to an African lady of his own invention , and makes her sister to Muley Mahomet ; but I have wholly changed the accidents , and borrowed nothing but the supposition , that she was beloved by the king of Portugal . Though , if I had taken the whole story , and wrought it up into a play , I might have done it exactly according to the practice of almost all the ancients , who were never accused of being plagiaries for building their tragedies on known fables . Thus , Augustus C\u00e6sar wrote an \u201c Ajax , \u201d which was not the less his own , because Euripides had written a play before him on that subject . Thus , of late years , Corneille writ an \u201c OEdipus \u201d after Sophocles ; and I have designed one after him , which I wrote with Mr Lee ; yet neither the French poet stole from the Greek , nor we from the Frenchman . It is the contrivance , the new turn , and new characters , which alter the property , and make it ours . The materia poetica is as common to all writers , as the materia medica to all physicians . Thus , in our Chronicles , Daniel 's history is still his own , though Matthew Paris , Stow , and Hollingshed writ before him ; otherwise we must have been content with their dull relations , if a better pen had not been allowed to come after them , and writ his own account after a new and better manner . I must further declare freely , that I have not exactly kept to the three mechanic rules of unity . I knew them , and had them in my eye , but followed them only at a distance ; for the genius of the English cannot bear too regular a play : we are given to variety , even to a debauchery of pleasure . My scenes are therefore sometimes broken , because my underplot required them so to be , though the general scene remains ,\u2014 of the same castle ; and I have taken the time of two days , because the variety of accidents , which are here represented , could not naturally be supposed to arrive in one : but to gain a greater beauty , it is lawful for a poet to supersede a less . I must likewise own , that I have somewhat deviated from the known history , in the death of Muley Moluch , who , by all relations , died of a fever in the battle , before his army had wholly won the field ; but if I have allowed him another day of life , it was because I stood in need of so shining a character of brutality as I have given him ; which is indeed the same with that of the present emperor Muley-Ishmael , as some of our English officers , who have been in his court , have credibly informed me . I have been listening \u2014 what objections had been made against the conduct of the play ; but found them all so trivial , that if I should name them , a true critic would imagine that I played booty , and only raised up phantoms for myself to conquer . Some are pleased to say \u2014 the writing is dull ; but , \u00e6tatem habet , de se loquatur . Others , that the double poison is unnatural : let the common received opinion , and Ausonius his famous epigram , answer thatLastly , a more ignorant sort of creatures than either of the former maintain , that the character of Dorax is not only unnatural , but inconsistent with itself : let them read the play , and think again ; and if yet they are not satisfied , cast their eyes on that chapter of the wise Montaigne , which is intitled , De l'Inconstance des Actions humaines . A longer reply is what those cavillers deserve not ; but I will give them and their fellows to understand , that the earl of Dorset was pleased to read the tragedy twice over before it was acted , and did me the favour to send me word , that I had written beyond any of my former plays , and that he was displeased any thing should be cut away . If I have not reason to prefer his single judgment to a whole faction , let the world be judge ; for the opposition is the same with that of Lucan 's hero against an army ; concurrere bellum , atque virum . I think I may modestly conclude , that whatever errors there may be , either in the design , or writing of this play , they are not those which have been objected to it . I think also , that I am not yet arrived to the age of doting ; and that I have given so much application to this poem , that I could not probably let it run into many gross absurdities ; which may caution my enemies from too rash a censure , and may also encourage my friends , who are many more than I could reasonably have expected , to believe their kindness has not been very undeservedly bestowed on me . This is not a play that was huddled up in haste ; and , to shew it was not , I will own , that , besides the general moral of it , which is given in the four last lines , there is also another moral , couched under every one of the principal parts and characters , which a judicious critic will observe , though I point not to it in this preface . And there may be also some secret beauties in the decorum of parts , and uniformity of design , which my puny judges will not easily find out : let them consider in the last scene of the fourth act , whether I have not preserved the rule of decency , in giving all the advantage to the royal character , and in making Dorax first submit . Perhaps too they may have thought , that it was through indigence of characters that I have given the same to Sebastian and Almeyda , and consequently made them alike in all things but their sex . But let them look a little deeper into the matter , and they will find , that this identity of character in the greatness of their souls was intended for a preparation of the final discovery , and that the likeness of their nature was a fair hint to the proximity of their blood . To avoid the imputation of too much vanity ,I will give but one other instance , in relation to the uniformity of the design . I have observed , that the English will not bear a thorough tragedy ; but are pleased , that it should be lightened with underparts of mirth . It had been easy for me to have given my audience a better course of comedy , I mean a more diverting , than that of Antonio and Morayma ; but I dare appeal , even to my enemies , if I , or any man , could have invented one , which had been more of a piece , and more depending on the serious part of the design . For what could be more uniform , than to draw from out of the members of a captive court , the subject of a comical entertainment ? To prepare this episode , you see Dorax giving the character of Antonio , in the beginning of the play , upon his first sight of him at the lottery ; and to make the dependence , Antonio is engaged , in the fourth act , for the deliverance of Almeyda ; which is also prepared , by his being first made a slave to the captain of the rabble . I should beg pardon for these instances ; but perhaps they may be of use to future poets , in the conduct of their plays ; at least , if I appear too positive , I am growing old , and thereby in possession of some experience , which men in years will always assume for a right of talking . Certainly if a man can ever have reason to set a value on himself , it is when his ungenerous enemies are taking the advantage of the times upon him , to ruin him in his reputation . And therefore , for once , I will make bold to take the counsel of my old master Virgil , Tu ne cede mails , sed contr\u00e0 audentior ito . Footnotes : 1 . There was a Portuguese prophecy to this purpose , which they applied to the expected return of Sebastian : Vendra et Incubierto , Vendra cierto ; Entrera en el huerto , Per el puerto , Questa mas a ca del muro ; Y'lo que paresce escuro , Se vra claro e abierto . Two false Sebastians , both hermits , laid claim to the throne of Portugal . One was hanged , and the other died in the galleys . Vide Le Quien 's Histoire Generale de Portugal .\u2014 There are two tracts which appear to regard the last of these impostors , and which may have furnished our author with some slight hints ; namely , \u201c The true History of the late and lamentable Adventures of Don Sebastian , King of Portugal , after his imprisonment at Naples until this present day , being now in Spain , at San Lucar de Barrameda .\u2014 1602 ; \u201d and , \u201c A continuation of the lamentable and admirable Adventures of Don Sebastian , King of Portugal , with a Declaration of all his time employed since the Battle in Africk against the Infidels , 1578 , until this present year 1603 . London , 1603 . \u201d Both pieces are reprinted in the Harleian Miscellany , Vols IV . and V .", "Toxica zelotypo dedit uxor m\u00e6cha marito , Nec satis ad mortem credidit esse datum . Micuit argenti letalia pondera vivi ; Cogeret ut celerem vis geminata necem . Dividat h\u00e6c si quis , faciunt discreta venenum : Antidotum sumet , qui sociata bibet . Ergo inter sese dum noxia pocula certant , Cessit letalis noxa salutifer\u00e6 . Protinus et vacuos alvi petiere recessus Lubrica dejectis qu\u00e0 via nota cibis . Qu\u00e0m pia cura d\u00e9um ! prodest crudelior uxor , Et quum fata volunt , bina venena juvant . PROLOGUE SENT TO THE AUTHOR BY AN UNKNOWN HAND , AND PROPOSED TO BE SPOKEN BY MRS MOUNTFORD , DRESSED LIKE AN OFFICERBright beauties , who in awful circle sit , And you , grave synod of the dreadful pit , And you the upper-tire of pop-gun wit , Pray ease me of my wonder , if you may ; Is all this crowd barely to see the play ; Or is't the poet 's execution-day ? His breath is in your hands I will presume , But I advise you to defer his doom , Till you have got a better in his room ; And do n't maliciously combine together , As if in spite and spleen you were come hither ; For he has kept the pen , tho \u2019 lost the featherAnd , on my honour , ladies , I avow , This play was writ in charity to you ; For such a dearth of wit who ever knew ? Sure \u2018 tis a judgment on this sinful nation , For the abuse of so great dispensation ; And , therefore , I resolve to change vocation . For want of petticoat , I 've put on buff , To try what may be got by lying rough : How think you , sirs ? is it not well enough ? Of bully-critics I a troop would lead ; But , one replied ,\u2014 Thank you , there 's no such need , I at Groom-Porter 's , sir , can safer bleed . Another , who the name of danger loaths , Vow 'd he would go , and swore me forty oaths , But that his horses were in body-clothes . A third cried ,\u2014 Damn my blood , I 'll be content To push my fortune , if the parliament Would but recal claret from banishment . A fourthmade this excuse \u2014 I 'd draw my sword in Ireland , sir , to chuse ; Had not their women gouty legs , and wore no shoes . Well , I may march , thought I , and fight , and trudge , But , of these blades , the devil a man will budge ; They there would fight , e'en just as here they judge . Here they will pay for leave to find a fault ; But , when their honour calls , they can n't be bought ; Honour in danger , blood , and wounds is sought . Lost virtue , whither fled ? or where 's thy dwelling Who can reveal ? at least , \u2018 tis past my telling , Unless thou art embarked for Inniskilling . On carrion-tits those sparks denounce their rage , In boot of wisp and Leinster frise engage ; What would you do in such an equipage? The siege of Derry does you gallants threaten ; Not out of errant shame of being beaten , As fear of wanting meat , or being eaten . Were wit like honour , to be won by fighting , How few just judges would there be of writing ! Then you would leave this villainous back-biting . Your talents lie how to express your spite ; But , where is he who knows to praise aright ? You praise like cowards , but like critics fight . Ladies , be wise , and wean these yearling calves , Who , in your service too , are meer faux braves ; They judge , and write , and fight , and love \u2014 by halves . Footnotes : 1 . The humour of this intended prologue turns upon the unwillingness displayed to attend King William into Ireland by many of the nobility and gentry , who had taken arms at the Revolution . The truth is , that , though invited to go as volunteers , they could not but consider themselves as hostages , of whom William did not chuse to lose sight , lest , while he was conquering Ireland , he might , perchance , lose England , by means of the very men by whom he had won it . The disbanding of the royal regiment had furnished a subject for the satirical wit of Buckingham , at least , such a piece is printed in his Miscellanies ; and for that of Shadwell , in his epilogue to Bury-fair . But Shadwell was now poet-laureat , and his satire was privileged , like the wit of the ancient royal jester . Our author was suspected of disaffection , and liable to misconstruction : For which reason , probably , he declined this sarcastic prologue , and substituted that which follows , the tone of which is submissive , and conciliatory towards the government . Contrary to custom , it was spoken by a woman .", "The Inniskilling horse , who behaved with great courage against King James , joined Schomberg and King William 's forces at Dundalk , in 1689 , rather resembled a foreign frey-corps , than regular troops . \u201c They were followed by multitudes of their women ; they were uncouth in their appearance ; they rode on small horses , called Garrons ; their pistols were not fixed in holsters , but dangled about their persons , being slung to their sword-belts ; they offered , with spirit , to make always the forlorn of the army ; but , upon the first order they received , they cried out , \u2018 They could thrive no longer , since they were now put under orders . \u2019 \u2014 Memoirs , Vol . II . p. 133 . The allusion in the next verse is to the dreadful siege of Londonderry , when the besieged suffered the last extremities of famine . The account of this memorable leaguer , by the author just quoted , is a most spirited piece of historical painting . PROLOGUE , SPOKEN BY A WOMAN . The judge removed , though he 's no more my lord , May plead at bar , or at the council-board : So may cast poets write ; there 's no pretension To argue loss of wit , from loss of pension . Your looks are chearful ; and in all this place I see not one that wears a damning face . The British nation is too brave , to show Ignoble vengeance on a vanquished foe . At last be civil to the wretch imploring ; And lay your paws upon him , without roaring . Suppose our poet was your foe before , Yet now , the business of the field is o'er ; \u2018 Tis time to let your civil wars alone , When troops are into winter-quarters gone . Jove was alike to Latian and to Phrygian ; And you well know , a play 's of no religion . Take good advice , and please yourselves this day ; No matter from what hands you have the play . Among good fellows every health will pass , That serves to carry round another glass : When with full bowls of Burgundy you dine , } Though at the mighty monarch you repine , } You grant him still Most Christian in his wine . } Thus far the poet ; but his brains grow addle , And all the rest is purely from this noddle . You have seen young ladies at the senate-door , Prefer petitions , and your grace implore ; However grave the legislators were , Their cause went ne'er the worse for being fair . Reasons as weak as theirs , perhaps , I bring ; But I could bribe you with as good a thing . I heard him make advances of good nature ; That he , for once , would sheath his cutting satire . Sign but his peace , he vows he 'll ne'er again The sacred names of fops and beaus profane . Strike up the bargain quickly ; for I swear , As times go now , he offers very fair . Be not too hard on him with statutes neither ; } Be kind ; and do not set your teeth together , } To stretch the laws , as coblers do their leather . } Horses by Papists are not to be ridden , But sure the muses \u2019 horse was ne'er forbidden ; For in no rate-book it was ever found That Pegasus was valued at five poundFine him to daily drudging and inditing : And let him pay his taxes out in writing . Footnote : 1 . Alluding to the act for disarming the Catholics , by which , inter alia , it is enacted , \u201c that no Papist , or reputed Papist , so refusing , or making default , as aforesaid , at any time after the 15th of May , 1689 , shall , or may have , and keep in his own possession , or in the possession of any other person for his use , or at his disposition , any horse or horses , which shall be above the value of L. 5 . \u201d \u2014 1st William and Mary , c. 15 . DRAMATIS PERSON\u00c6 . Don SEBASTIAN , King of Portugal . MULEY-MOLUCH , Emperor of Barbary . DORAX , a noble Portuguese , now a renegade ; formerly Don ALONZO DE SYLVERA , Alcade , or Governor of Alcazar . BENDUCAR , chief Minister , and favourite to the Emperor . The Mufti ABDALLA . MULEY-ZEYDAN , brother to the Emperor . Don ANTONIO , a young , noble , amorous Portuguese ; now a slave . Don ALVAREZ , an old counsellor to Don SEBASTIAN ; now a slave also . MUSTAPHA , Captain of the Rabble . Two Merchants . Rabble . A Servant to BENDUCAR . A Servant to the Mufti . ALMEYDA , a captive Queen of Barbary . MORAYMA , daughter to the Mufti . JOHAYMA , chief wife to the Mufti . SCENE ,\u2014 In the Castle of Alcazar . DON SEBASTIAN , KING OF PORTUGAL .", "This passage gave great offence , being supposed to contain an oblique reflection on Purcell and the other English composers .", "The same artifice is used in \u201c OEdipus , \u201d vol . vi . p. 149. to impress , by a description of the feelings of the unfortunate pair towards each other , a presentiment of their fatal relationship . The prophecy of Nostradamus is also obviously imitated from the response of the Delphic Pythoness to OEdipus .\u2014 Ibid . See p. 156 ."], "true_target": ["Langbaine says , it was acted \u201c with great applause ; \u201d but this must refer to its reception after the first night ; for the author 's own expressions , that \u201c the audience endured it with much patience , and were weary with much good nature and silence , \u201d exclude the idea of a brilliant reception on the first representation . See the beginning of the Preface . TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE PHILIP , EARL OF LEICESTER , & c .Far be it from me , my most noble lord , to think , that any thing which my meanness can produce , should be worthy to be offered to your patronage ; or that aught which I can say of you should recommend you farther to the esteem of good men in this present age , or to the veneration which will certainly be paid you by posterity . On the other side , I must acknowledge it a great presumption in me , to make you this address ; and so much the greater , because by the common suffrage even of contrary parties , you have been always regarded as one of the first persons of the age , and yet not one writer has dared to tell you so ; whether we have been all conscious to ourselves that it was a needless labour to give this notice to mankind , as all men are ashamed to tell stale news ; or that we were justly diffident of our own performances , as even Cicero is observed to be in awe when he writes to Atticus ; where , knowing himself over-matched in good sense , and truth of knowledge , he drops the gaudy train of words , and is no longer the vain-glorious orator . From whatever reason it may be , I am the first bold offender of this kind : I have broken down the fence , and ventured into the holy grove . How I may be punished for my profane attempt , I know not ; but I wish it may not be of ill omen to your lordship : and that a crowd of bad writers do not rush into the quiet of your recesses after me . Every man in all changes of government , which have been , or may possibly arrive , will agree , that I could not have offered my incense , where it could be so well deserved . For you , my lord , are secure in your own merit ; and all parties , as they rise uppermost , are sure to court you in their turns ; it is a tribute which has ever been paid your virtue . The leading men still bring their bullion to your mint , to receive the stamp of their intrinsic value , that they may afterwards hope to pass with human kind . They rise and fall in the variety of revolutions , and are sometimes great , and therefore wise in men 's opinions , who must court them for their interest . But the reputation of their parts most commonly follows their success ; few of them are wise , but as they are in power ; because indeed , they have no sphere of their own , but , like the moon in the Copernican system of the world , are whirled about by the motion of a greater planet . This it is to be ever busy ; neither to give rest to their fellow-creatures , nor , which is more wretchedly ridiculous , to themselves ; though , truly , the latter is a kind of justice , and giving mankind a due revenge , that they will not permit their own hearts to be at quiet , who disturb the repose of all beside them . Ambitious meteors ! how willing they are to set themselves upon the wing , and taking every occasion of drawing upward to the sun , not considering that they have no more time allowed them for their mounting , than the short revolution of a day ; and that when the light goes from them , they are of necessity to fall . How much happier is he ,who , centering on himself , remains immoveable , and smiles at the madness of the dance about him ? he possesses the midst , which is the portion of safety and content . He will not be higher , because he needs it not ; but by the prudence of that choice , he puts it out of fortune 's power to throw him down . It is confest , that if he had not so been born , he might have been too high for happiness ; but not endeavouring to ascend , he secures the native height of his station from envy , and cannot descend from what he is , because he depends not on another . What a glorious character was this once in Rome ! I should say , in Athens ; when , in the disturbances of a state as mad as ours , the wise Pomponius transported all the remaining wisdom and virtue of his country into the sanctuary of peace and learning . But I would ask the world ,whether there may not yet be found a character of a noble Englishman , equally shining with that illustrious Roman ? Whether I need to name a second Atticus ? or whether the world has not already prevented me , and fixed it there , without my naming ? Not a second , with a longo sed proximus intervallo ; not a young Marcellus , flattered by a poet into the resemblance of the first , with a frons l\u00e6ta parum , et dejecto lumina vultu , and the rest that follows , si qua fata aspera rumpas , tu Marcellus eris ; but a person of the same stamp and magnitude , who owes nothing to the former , besides the word Roman , and the superstition of reverence , devolving on him by the precedency of eighteen hundred years ; one who walks by him with equal paces , and shares the eyes of beholders with him ; one who had been first , had he first lived ; and , in spite of doating veneration , is still his equal : both of them born of noble families , in unhappy ages of change and tumult ; both of them retiring from affairs of state ; yet not leaving the commonwealth , till it had left itself ; but never returning to public business , when they had once quitted it , though courted by the heads of either party . But who would trust the quiet of their lives with the extravagancies of their countrymen , when they are just in the giddiness of their turning ; when the ground was tottering under them at every moment ; and none could guess whether the next heave of the earthquake would settle them on the first foundation , or swallow it ? Both of them knew mankind exactly well , for both of them began that study in themselves , and there they found the best part of human composition ; the worst they learned by long experience of the folly , ignorance , and immorality of most beside them . Their philosophy , on both sides , was not wholly speculative , for that is barren , and produces nothing but vain ideas of things which cannot possibly be known , or , if they could , yet would only terminate in the understanding ; but it was a noble , vigorous and practical philosophy , which exerted itself in all the offices of pity , to those who were unfortunate , and deserved not so to be . The friend was always more considered by them than the cause ; and an Octavius , or an Antony in distress , were relieved by them , as well as a Brutus or a Cassius ; for the lowermost party , to a noble mind , is ever the fittest object of good-will . The eldest of them , I will suppose , for his honour , to have been of the academic sect , neither dogmatist nor stoick ; if he were not , I am sure he ought , in common justice , to yield the precedency to his younger brother . For stiffness of opinion is the effect of pride , and not of philosophy ; it is a miserable presumption of that knowledge which human nature is too narrow to contain ; and the ruggedness of a stoick is only a silly affectation of being a god ,\u2014 to wind himself up by pullies to an insensibility of suffering , and , at the same time , to give the lie to his own experience , by saying he suffers not , what he knows he feels . True philosophy is certainly of a more pliant nature , and more accommodated to human use ; Homo sum , humani \u00e0 me nihil alienum puto . A wise man will never attempt an impossibility ; and such it is to strain himself beyond the nature of his being , either to become a deity , by being above suffering , or to debase himself into a stock or stone , by pretending not to feel it . To find in ourselves the weaknesses and imperfections of our wretched kind , is surely the most reasonable step we can make towards the compassion of our fellow-creatures . I could give examples of this kind in the second Atticus . In every turn of state , without meddling on either side , he has always been favourable and assisting to opprest merit . The praises which were given by a great poet to the late queen-mother , on her rebuilding Somerset Palace , one part of which was fronting to the mean houses on the other side of the water , are as justly his : For the distrest and the afflicted lie Most in his thoughts , and always in his eyeNeither has he so far forgotten a poor inhabitant of his suburbs , whose best prospect is on the garden of Leicester House , but that more than once he has been offering him his patronage , to reconcile him to a world , of which his misfortunes have made him wearyThere is another Sidney still remaining , though there can never be another Spenser to deserve the favour . But one Sidney gave his patronage to the applications of a poet ; the other offered it unasked . Thus , whether as a second Atticus , or a second Sir Philip Sidney , the latter in all respects will not have the worse of the comparison ; and if he will take up with the second place , the world will not so far flatter his modesty , as to seat him there , unless it be out of a deference of manners , that he may place himself where he pleases at his own table . I may therefore safely conclude , that he , who , by the consent of all men , bears so eminent a character , will out of his inborn nobleness forgive the presumption of this address . It is an unfinished picture , I confess , but the lines and features are so like , that it cannot be mistaken for any other ; and without writing any name under it , every beholder must cry out , at first sight ,\u2014 this was designed for Atticus ; but the bad artist has cast too much of him into shades . But I have this excuse , that even the greatest masters commonly fall short of the best faces . They may flatter an indifferent beauty ; but the excellencies of nature can have no right done to them ; for there both the pencil and pen are overcome by the dignity of the subject ; as our admirable Waller has expressed it , The heroe 's race transcends the poet 's thought . There are few in any age who can bear the load of a dedication ; for where praise is undeserved , it is satire ; though satire on folly is now no longer a scandal to any one person , where a whole age is dipt together . Yet I had rather undertake a multitude one way , than a single Atticus the other ; for it is easier to descend than it is to climb . I should have gone ashamed out of the world , if I had not at least attempted this address , which I have long thought owing : and if I had never attempted , I might have been vain enough to think I might have succeeded in it . Now I have made the experiment , and have failed through my unworthiness , I may rest satisfied , that either the adventure is not to be atchieved , or that it is reserved for some other hand . Be pleased , therefore , since the family of the Attici is and ought to be above the common forms of concluding letters , that I may take my leave in the words of Cicero to the first of them : Me , O Pomponi , vald\u00e8 p\u00e6nitet vivere : tant\u00f9m te oro , ut quoniam me ipse semper am\u00e0sti , ut eodem amore sis ; ego nimirum idem sum . Inimici mei mea mihi non meipsum ademerunt . Cura , Attice , ut valeas .", "The Chacon is supposed by Sir John Hawkins to be of Moorish or Saracenic origin . \u201c The characteristic of the Chacone is a bass , or ground , consisting of four measures , wherein three crotchets make the bar , and the repetition thereof with variations in the several parts , from the beginning to the end of the air , which in respect of its length , has no limit but the discretion of the composer . The whole of the twelfth sonata of the second opera of Corelli is a Chacone . \u201d Hist . of Music , vol . iv . p. 388 . There is also , I am informed , a very celebrated Chacon composed by Jomelli .", "Dryden and Shadwell had once been friends . In the preface to \u201c The Humourists , \u201d acted , according to Mr Malone , in 1676 , Shadwell thus mentions his great contemporary : \u201c And here I must make a little digression , and take liberty to dissent from my particular friend , for whom I have a very great respect , and whose writings I extremely admire ; and , though I will not say , his is the best way of writing , yet , I am sure his manner of writing is much the best that ever was . And I may say of him , as was said of a celebrated poet , Cui unquam poetarum magis proprium fuit subito astro incalescere ? Quis ubi incaluit , fortius et f\u00e6clicius debacchatur ? His verse is smoother and deeper , his thoughts more quick and surprising , his raptures more mettled and higher , and he has more of that in his writings , which Plato calls s\u00f4phrona manian than any other heroic poet . And those who shall go about to imitate him , will be found to flutter and make a noise , but never to rise . \u201d Such a compliment , from a rival dramatist , could only have been extracted by previous good offices and kindly countenance . Accordingly we find , that Dryden , in 1678-9 , wrote a prologue to Shadwell 's play , of \u201c The True Widow . \u201d", "Alluding to the fate of Stephen College , the Protestant joiner ; a meddling , pragmatical fellow , who put himself so far forward in the disputes at Oxford , as to draw down the vengeance of the court . He was very harshly treated during his trial ; and though in the toils , and deprived of all assistance , defended himself with right English manliness . He was charged with the ballad on page 6. and with coming to Oxford armed to attack the guards . He said he did not deny he had pistols in his holsters at Oxford ; to which Jefferies answered , indecently , but not unaptly , he \u201c thought a chissel might have been more proper for a joiner . \u201d Poor College was executed ; a vengeance unworthy of the king , who might have apostrophised him as Hamlet does Polonius : Thou wretched , rash , intruding fool , farewell ; I took thee for thy betters \u2014 take thy fortune . Thou findst , to be too busy is some danger .", "In the year 1565 , an interview took place at Bayonne between Catharine of Medicis , her son Charles IX ., and the Queen of Spain , attended by the famous Duke of Alva , and the Count of Benevento . Many political discussions took place ; and the opinion of Alva , as expressed in the text , is almost literally versified from Davila 's account of the conference . \u201c Il Duca D'Alva , uomo di veemente natura risolutamente diceva , che per distruggere la novit\u00e0 della fede , e le sollevazioni di stato , bisognava levare le teste de \u2019 papaveri , pescare i pesci grossi e non si curare di prendere le ranocchie : erano questi i concetti proferiti da lui ; perch\u00e8 cessati i venti , l'onde della plebe facilmente si sarebbono da se stesse composte e acquietate : aggiugneva , che un prencipe non pu\u00f2 far cosa pi\u00f9 vituperosa n\u00e8 pi\u00f9 dannosa a se stesso , quanto il permettere al popolo il vivere secondo la loro coscienza , ponendo tanta variet\u00e0 di religioni in uno stato , quanto sono i capricci degli huomini e le fantas\u00ede delle persone inquiete , aprendo la porta alla discordia e alla confusione : e dimostrava con lunga commemorazione di segnalati esempj , che la diversit\u00e0 della fede aveva sempre messo l'arme in mano ai sudditi , e sempre sollevate atroci perfidie e funeste rebellioni contra i superiori : onde conchiudeva nel fine , che siccome le controversie della fede avevan sempre servito di pretesto e di argumento alle sollevazioni de \u2019 mal contenti , cos\u00ec era necessario rimovere a primo tratto questa coperta , e poi con severi rimedj , e senza riguardo di ferro , n\u00e8 di fuoco , purgare le radici di quel male , il quale colla dolcezza e con la sofferenza perniciosamente germogliando si dilatava sempre , e si accresceva . \u201d \u2014 Delle Guerre Civili di Francia , lib . iii ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Alluding to the disputes betwixt the King and Parliament , on the important point of the command of the militia . ] PROLOGUE Full twenty years , and more , our labouring stage Has lost , on this incorrigible age : Our poets , the John Ketches of the nation , Have seemed to lash ye , even to excoriation ; But still no sign remains ; which plainly notes , You bore like heroes , or you bribed like Oates .\u2014 What can we do , when mimicking a fop , Like beating nut-trees , makes a larger crop ? \u2018 Faith , we 'll e'en spare our pains ! and , to content you , Will fairly leave you what your Maker meant you . Satire was once your physic , wit your food ; One nourished not , and t'other drew no blood : We now prescribe , like doctors in despair , The diet your weak appetites can bear . Since hearty beef and mutton will not do , Here 's julep-dance , ptisan of song and show : Give you strong sense , the liquor is too heady ; You 're come to farce ,\u2014 that 's asses milk ,\u2014 already . Some hopeful youths there are , of callow wit , Who one day may be men , if heaven think fit ; Sound may serve such , ere they to sense are grown , Like leading-strings , till they can walk alone .\u2014 But yet , to keep our friends in countenance , know , The wise Italians first invented show ; Thence into France the noble pageant past : \u2018 Tis England 's credit to be cozened last . Freedom and zeal have choused you o'er and o'er ; } Pray give us leave to bubble you once more ; } You never were so cheaply fooled before : } We bring you change , to humour your disease ; Change for the worse has ever used to please : Then , \u2018 tis the mode of France ; without whose rules , None must presume to set up here for fools . In France , the oldest man is always young , Sees operas daily , learns the tunes so long , Till foot , hand , head , keep time with every song : Each sings his part , echoing from pit and box , With his hoarse voice , half harmony , half poxLe plus grand roi du monde is always ringing , They show themselves good subjects by their singing : On that condition , set up every throat ; You whigs may sing , for you have changed your note . Cits and citesses , raise a joyful strain , \u2018 Tis a good omen to begin a reign ; Voices may help your charter to restoring , And get by singing , what you lost by roaring . Footnote : 1 . This practice continued at the opera of Paris in the time of Gay . It could hardly have obtained any where else . \u201c But , hark ! the full orchestra strikes the strings , The hero struts , and the whole audience sings ; My jarring ear harsh grating murmurs wound . Hoarse and confused , like Babel 's mingled sound . Hard chance had placed me near a noisy throat , That , in rough quavers , bellowed every note : \u201c Pray , Sir , \u201d said I , \u201c suspend awhile your song , The opera 's drowned , your lungs are wondrous strong ; I wish to hear your Roland 's ranting strain , When he with rooted forests strews the plain . \u201d \u2014 \u201c Monsieur assurement n'aime pas la musique . \u201d Then turning round , he joined the ungrateful noise , And the loud chorus thundered with his voice . \u201d Epistle to the Right Hon . William Pulteney . Names of the Persons , represented in the same order as they appear first upon the stage . MERCURY . AUGUSTA . London . THAMESIS . DEMOCRACY . ZELOTA . Feigned Zeal . ARCHON . The General . JUNO . IRIS . ALBION . ALBANIUS . PLUTO . ALECTO . APOLLO . NEPTUNE . NEREIDS . ACACIA . Innocence . TYRANNY . ASEBIA . Atheism , or Ungodliness . PROTEUS . VENUS . FAME . A Chorus of Cities . A Chorus of Rivers . A Chorus of the People . A Chorus of Furies . A Chorus of Nereids and Tritons . A grand Chorus of Heroes , Loves , and Graces . THE FRONTISPIECE . The curtain rises , and a new frontispiece is seen , joined to the great pilasters , which are seen on each side of the stage : on the flat of each basis is a shield , adorned with gold ; in the middle of the shield , on one side , are two hearts , a small scroll of gold over them , and an imperial crown over the scroll ; on the other hand , in the shield , are two quivers full of arrows saltyre , & c .; upon each basis stands a figure bigger than the life ; one represents Peace , with a palm in one , and an olive branch in the other hand ; the other Plenty , holding a cornucopia , and resting on a pillar . Behind these figures are large columns of the Corinthian order , adorned with fruit and flowers : over one of the figures on the trees is the king 's cypher ; over the other , the queen 's : over the capitals , on the cornice , sits a figure on each side ; one represents Poetry , crowned with laurel , holding a scroll in one hand , the other with a pen in it , and resting on a book ; the other , Painting , with a pallet and pencils , & c .: on the sweep of the arch lies one of the Muses , playing on a bass-viol ; another of the Muses , on the other side , holding a trumpet in one hand , and the other on a harp . Between these figures , in the middle of the sweep of the arch , is a very large pannel in a frame of gold ; in this pannel is painted , on one side , a Woman , representing the city of London , leaning her head on her hand in a dejected posture , showing her sorrow and penitence for her offences ; the other hand holds the arms of the city , and a mace lying under it : on the other side is a figure of the Thames , with his legs shackled , and leaning on an empty urn : behind these are two imperial figures ; one representing his present majesty ; and the other the queen : by the king stands Pallas ,holding a charter for the city , the king extending his hand , as raising her drooping head , and restoring her to her ancient honour and glory : over the city are the envious devouring Harpies flying from the face of his majesty : By the queen stand the Three Graces , holding garlands of flowers , and at her feet Cupids bound , with their bows and arrows broken , the queen pointing with her sceptre to the river , and commanding the Graces to take off their fetters . Over the king , in a scroll , is this verse of Virgil , Discite justitiam , moniti , et non temnere divos . Over the queen , this of the same author , Non ignara mali , miscris succurrere disco . ALBION AND ALBANIUS . AN OPERA . DECORATIONS OF THE STAGE IN THE FIRST ACT . The Curtain rises , and there appears on either side of the Stage , next to the Frontispiece , a Statue on Horseback of Gold , on Pedestals of Marble , enriched with Gold , and bearing the Imperial Arms of England . One of these Statues is taken from that of the late King at Charing-cross ; the other from that figure of his present Majestyat Windsor . The Scene is a Street of Palaces , which lead to the Front of the Royal-Exchange ; the great Arch is open , and the view is continued through the open part of the Exchange , to the Arch on the other side , and thence to as much of the Street beyond , as could possibly be taken . MERCURY DESCENDS IN A CHARIOT DRAWN BY RAVENS . He comes to Augusta and Thamesis . They lie on Couches at a distance from each other in dejected postures ; She attended by Cities , He by Rivers . On the side of Augusta 's Couch are painted towers falling , a Scarlet Gown , and a Gold Chain , a Cap of Maintenance thrown down , and a Sword in a Velvet Scabbard thrust through it , the City Arms , a Mace with an old useless Charter , and all in disorder . Before Thamesis are broken Reeds , Bull-rushes , Sedge , & c. with his Urn Reverst . ACT I . MERCURY Descends .", "Anthony Wood is followed by Mr Malone in supposing , that Hunt himself is the Templar alluded to . But Dryden seems obviously to talk of the author of the Defence , and the two Reflectors , as three separate persons . He calls them , \u201c the sputtering triumvirate , Mr Hunt , and the two Reflectors ; \u201d and again , \u201c What says my lord chief baronto the business ? What says the livery-man Templar ? What says Og , the king of Basanto it ? \u201d The Templar may be discovered , when we learn , who hired a livery-gown to give a vote among the electors . THE VINDICATION OF THE DUKE OF GUISE . In the year of his majesty 's happy Restoration , the first play I undertook was the \u201c Duke of Guise ; \u201d as the fairest way , which the Act of Indemnity had then left us , of setting forth the rise of the late rebellion ; and by exploding the villainies of it upon the stage , to precaution posterity against the like errors . As this was my first essay , so it met with the fortune of an unfinished piece ; that is to say , it was damned in private , by the advice of some friends to whom I shewed it ; who freely told me , that it was an excellent subject ; but not so artificially wrought , as they could have wished ; and now let my enemies make their best of this confession . The scene of the Duke of Guise 's return to Paris , against the king 's positive command , was then written . I have the copy of it still by me , almost the same which it now remains , being taken verbatim out of Davila ; for where the action is remarkable , and the very words related , the poet is not at liberty to change them much ; and if he will be adding any thing for ornament , it ought to be wholly of a piece . This do I take for a sufficient justification of that scene , unless they will make the pretended parallel to be a prophecy , as well as a parallel of accidents , that were twenty years after to come .Neither do I find , that they can suggest the least colour for it in any other part of the tragedy . But now comes the main objection ,\u2014 why was it stopt then ? To which I shall render this just account , with all due respects to those who were the occasion of it . Upon a wandering rumourthat some great persons were represented , or personated in it , the matter was complained of to my Lord Chamberlain ; who , thereupon , appointed the play to be brought to him , and prohibited the acting of it until further order ; commanding me , after this , to wait upon his lordship ; which I did , and humbly desired him to compare the play with the history , from whence the subject was taken , referring to the first scene of the fourth act , whereupon the exception was grounded , and leaving Davilawith his lordship . This was before midsummer ; and about two months after , I received the play back again from his lordship , but without any positive order whether it should be acted or not ; neither was Mr Lee , or myself , any way solicitous about it . But this indeed I ever said , that it was intended for the king 's service ; and his majesty was the best judge , whether it answered that end or no ; and that I reckoned it my duty to submit , if his majesty , for any reason whatsoever , should deem it unfit for the stage . In the interim , a strict scrutiny was made , and no parallel of the great person designed , could be made out . But this push failing , there were immediately started some terrible insinuations , that the person of his majesty was represented under that of Henry the Third ; which if they could have found out , would have concluded , perchance , not only in the stopping of the play , but in the hanging up of the poets . But so it was , that his majesty 's wisdom and justice acquitted both the one , and the other ; and when the play itself was almost forgotten , there were orders given for the acting of it . This is matter of fact ; and I have the honour of so great witnesses to the truth of what I have delivered , that it will need no other appeal . As to the exposing of any person living , our innocency is so clear , that it is almost unnecessary to say , it was not in my thought ; and , as far as any one man can vouch for another , I do believe it was as little in Mr Lee 's . And now since some people have been so busy as to cast out false and scandalous surmises , how far we two agreed upon the writing of it , I must do a common right both to Mr Lee and myself , to declare publicly , that it was at his earnest desire , without any solicitation of mine , that this play was produced betwixt us . After the writing of OEdipus , I passed a promise to join with him in another ; and he happened to claim the performance of that promise , just upon the finishing of a poem ,when I would have been glad of a little respite before the undertaking of a second task . The person , that passed betwixt us , knows this to be true ; and Mr Lee himself , I am sure , will not disown it ; So that I did not \u201c seduce him to join with me , \u201d as the malicious authors of the Reflections are pleased to call it ; but Mr Lee 's loyalty is above so ridiculous a slander . I know very well , that the town did ignorantly call and take this to be my play ; but I shall not arrogate to myself the merits of my friend . Two-thirds of it belonged to him ; and to me only the first scene of the play ; the whole fourth act , and the first half , or somewhat more , of the fifth . The pamphleteers , I know , do very boldly insinuate , that , \u201c before the acting of it , I took the whole play to myself ; but finding afterwards how ill success it had upon the stage , I threw as much of it as possibly I could upon my fellow . \u201d Now here are three damned lies crowded together into a very little room ; first , that I assumed any part of it to myself , which I had not written ; wherein I appeal , not only to my particular acquaintance , but to the whole company of actors , who will witness for me , that , in all the rehearsals , I never pretended to any one scene of Mr Lee 's , but did him all imaginable right , in his title to the greater part of it . I hope I may , without vanity , affirm to the world , that I never stood in need of borrowing another man 's reputation ; and I have been as little guilty of the injustice , of laying claim to any thing which was not my own . Nay , I durst almost refer myself to some of the angry poets on the other side , whether I have not rather countenanced and assisted their beginnings , than hindered them from rising .The two other falsities are , the \u201c ill success of the play , \u201d and \u201c my disowning it . \u201d The former is manifestly without foundation ; for it succeeded beyond my very hopes , having been frequently acted , and never without a considerable audience ; and then it is a thousand to one , that , having no ground to disown it , I did not disown it ; but the universe to a nutshell that I did not disown it for want of success , when it succeeded so much beyond my expectation . But my malignant adversaries are the more excusable for this coarse method of breaking in upon truth and good manners , because it is the only way they have to gratify the genius and the interest of the faction together ; and never so much pains taken neither , to so very , very little purpose . They decry the play , but in such a manner , that it has the effect of a recommendation . They call it \u201c a dull entertainment ; \u201d and that is a dangerous word , I must confess , from one of the greatest masters in human nature , of that faculty . Now I can forgive them this reproach too , after all the rest ; for this play does openly discover the original and root of the practices and principles , both of their party and cause ; and they are so well acquainted with all the trains and mazes of rebellion , that there is nothing new to them in the whole history . Or what if it were a little insipid , there was no conjuring that I remember in \u201c Pope Joan ; \u201d and the \u201c Lancashire Witches \u201d were without doubt the most insipid jades that ever flew upon a stage ; and even these , by the favour of a party , made a shift to hold up their heads .Now , if we have out-done these plays in their own dull way , their authors have some sort of privilege to throw the first stone ; but we shall rather chuse to yield the point of dulness , than contend for it , against so indisputable a claim . But \u201c matters of stateare canvassed on the stage , and things of the gravest concernment there managed ; \u201d and who were the aggressors , I beseech you , but a few factious , popular hirelings , that by tampering the theatres , and by poisoning the people , made a play-house more seditious than a conventicle ; so that the loyal party crave only the same freedom of defending the government , which the other took beforehand of exposing and defaming it . There was no complaint of any disorders of the stage , in the bustle that was madeto uphold a farce of theirs .Upon the first day , the whole factionappeared ; but after one sight of it , they sent their proxies of serving-men and porters , to clap in the right of their patrons ; and it was impossible ever to have gotten off the nonsense of three hours for half-a-crown , but for the providence of so congruous an audience . Thus far , I presume , the reckoning is even , for bad plays on both sides , and for plays written for a party . I shall say nothing of their poets \u2019 affection to the government ; unless upon an absolute and an odious necessity . But to return to the pretended Parallel . I have said enough already to convince any man of common sense , that there neither was , nor could be , any Parallel intended ; and it will farther appear , from the nature of the subject ; there being no relation betwixt Henry the Third and the Duke of Guise , except that of the king 's marrying into the family of Lorraine . If a comparison had been designed , how easy had it been either to have found a story , or to have invented one , where the ties of nature had been nearer ? If we consider their actions , or their persons , a much less proportion will be yet found betwixt them ; and if we bate the popularity , perhaps none at all . If we consider them in reference to their parties , the one was manifestly the leader ; the other , at the worst , is but misled . The designs of the one tended openly to usurpation ; those of the other may yet be interpreted more fairly ; and I hope , from the natural candour and probity of his temper , that it will come to a perfect submission and reconcilement at last . But that which perfectly destroys this pretended Parallel is , that our picture of the Duke of Guise is exactly according to the original in the history ; his actions , his manners , nay , sometimes his very words , are so justly copied , that whoever has read him in Davila , sees him the same here . There is no going out of the way , no dash of a pen to make any by-feature resemble him to any other man ; and indeed , excepting his ambition , there was not in France , or perhaps in any other country , any man of his age vain enough to hope he could be mistaken for him .So that if you would have made a Parallel , we could not . And yet I fancy , that where I make it my business to draw likeness , it will be no hard matter to judge who sate for the picture . For the Duke of Guise 's return to Paris contrary to the king 's order , enough already has been said ; it was too considerable in the story to be omitted , because it occasioned the mischiefs that ensued . But in this likeness , which was only casual , no danger followed . I am confident there was none intended ; and am satisfied that none was feared . But the argument drawn from our evident design is yet , if possible , more convincing . The first words of the prologue spake the play to be a Parallel , and then you are immediately informed how far that Parallel extended , and of what it is so : \u201c The Holy League begot the Covenant , Guisards got the Whig , & c . \u201d So then it is not ,a Parallel of the men , but of the times ; a Parallel of the factions , and of the leaguers . And every one knows that this prologue was written before the stopping of the play . Neither was the name altered on any such account as they insinuate , but laid aside long before , because a book called the Parallel had been printed , resembling the French League to the English Covenant ; and therefore we thought it not convenient to make use of another man 's title .The chief person in the tragedy , or he whose disasters are the subject of it , may in reason give the name ; and so it was called the \u201c Duke of Guise . \u201d Our intention therefore was to make the play a Parallel betwixt the Holy League , plotted by the house of Guise and its adherents , with the Covenant plotted by the rebels in the time of king Charles I. and those of the new Association , which was the spawn of the old Covenant . But this parallel is plain , that the exclusion of the lawful heir was the main design of both parties ; and that the endeavours to get the lieutenancy of France established on the head of the League , is in effect the same with offering to get the militia out of the king 's handand consequently , that the power of peace and war should be wholly in the people . It is also true that the tumults in the city , in the choice of their officers , have had no small resemblance with a Parisian rabble : and I am afraid that both their faction and ours had the same good lord . I believe also , that if Julian had been written and calculated for the Parisians , as it was for our sectaries , one of their sheriffs might have mistaken too , and called him Julian the Apostle .I suppose I need not push this point any further ; where the parallel was intended , I am certain it will reach ; but a larger account of the proceedings in the city may be expected from a better hand , and I have no reason to forestall it .In the mean time , because there has been no actual rebellion , the faction triumph in their loyalty ; which if it were out of principle , all our divisions would soon be ended , and we the happy people , which God and the constitution of our government have put us in condition to be ; but so long as they take it for a maxim , that the king is but an officer in trust , that the people , or their representatives , are superior to him , judges of miscarriages , and have power of revocation , it is a plain case , that whenever they please they may take up arms ; and , according to their doctrine , lawfully too . Let them jointly renounce this one opinion , as in conscience and law they are bound to do , because both scripture and acts of parliament oblige them to it , and we will then thank their obedience for our quiet , whereas now we are only beholden to them for their fear . The miseries of the last war are yet too fresh in all men 's memory ; and they are not rebels , only because they have been so too lately . An author of theirs has told us roundly the west-country proverb ; Chud eat more cheese , and chad it ; their stomach is as good as ever it was ; but the mischief o n't is , they are either muzzled , or want their teeth . If there were as many fanatics now in England , as there were christians in the empire , when Julian reigned , I doubt we should not find them much inclined to passive obedience ; and , \u201c Curse ye Meroz \u201dwould be oftener preached upon , than \u201c Give to C\u00e6sar , \u201d except in the sense Mr Hunt means it . Having clearly shewn wherein the parallel consisted , which no man can mistake , who does not wilfully , I need not justify myself , in what concerns the sacred person of his majesty . Neither the French history , nor our own , could have supplied me , nor Plutarch himself , were he now alive , could have found a Greek or Roman to have compared to him , in that eminent virtue of his clemency ; even his enemies must acknowledge it to be superlative , because they live by it . Far be it from flattery , if I say , that there is nothing under heaven , which can furnish me with a parallel ; and that , in his mercy , he is of all men the truest image of his Maker .", "For , interpreter ; more usually spelled dragoman ."], "true_target": ["The popular arts of the Duke of Monmouth are here alluded to , which his fine person and courteous manners rendered so eminently , and for himself so unfortunately , successful . The lady , in whose mouth these remonstrances are placed , may be supposed to be the duchess , by whose prayers and tears he was more than once induced to suspend his career .", "By the White Boys or Property Boys , are meant the adherents of the Duke of Monmouth , who affected great zeal for liberty and property , and assumed white badges , as marks of the innocence of their intentions . When the Duke came to the famous Parliament held at Oxford , \u201c he was met by about 100 Batchellors all in white , except black velvet caps , with white wands in their hands , who divided themselves , and marched as a guard to his person . \u201d Account of the Life of the Duke of Monmouth , p. 107 . In the Duke 's tour through the west of England , he was met at Exeter , by \u201c a brave company of brisk stout young men , all cloathed in linen waistcoats and drawers , white and harmless , having not so much as a stick in their hands ; they were in number about 900 or 1000 . \u201d ibid . p. 103 . See the notes on Absalom and Achitophel . The saints , on the other hand , mean the ancient republican zealots and fanatics , who , though they would willingly have joined in the destruction of Charles , did not wish that Monmouth should succeed him , but aimed at the restoration of the commonwealth . Hence the following dispute betwixt Tyranny and Democracy .", "\u201c The Female Prelate , or Pope Joan , \u201d is a bombast , silly performance of Elkanah Settle ; the catastrophe of which consists in the accouchement of the Pope in the streets of Rome . The aid necessary in the conclusion of an English tragedy ,is of a surgical nature ; but here Lucina was the deity to be implored , and the midwife 's assistance most requisite . Shadwell 's comedy of \u201c The Lancashire Witches , \u201d was popular for many years after the Revolution , chiefly , because the papists were reflected upon in the character of Teague O'Divelly , an Irish Priest , the high-church clergy ridiculed under that of Smerk , and the whole Tory faction generally abused through the play . It is by no means one of Shadwell 's happiest efforts . The introduction of the witches celebrating their satanical sabbath on the stage , besides that the scene is very poorly and lamely written , is at variance with the author 's sentiments , as delivered through Sir Edward Hartfort , \u201c a worthy , hospitable , true English gentleman , of good understanding and honest principles , \u201d who ridicules the belief in witches at all . A different and totally inconsistent doctrine is thus to be collected from the action of the piece and the sentiments expressed by those , whose sentiments are alone marked as worthy of being attended to . This obvious fault , with many others , is pointed out in a criticism on the \u201c Lancashire Witches , \u201d published in the Spectator . The paper is said to have been written by Hughes , but considerably softened by Addison ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["The atrocious and blasphemous sentiment in the text was actually used by the fanatics who murdered Sharpe , the archbishop of St Andrews . When they unexpectedly met him during their search for another person , they exclaimed , that \u201c the Lord had delivered him into their hands . \u201d", "Half-a-crown was then the box price . You visit our plays and merit the stocks , For paying half-crowns of brass to our box ; Nay , often you swear when places are shewn ye , That your hearing is thick , And so by a love trick , You pass through our scenes up to the balcony . Epilogue to \u201c The Man 's the Master . \u201d The farce , alluded to , seems to have been \u201c The Lancashire Witches . \u201d See Shadwell 's account of the reception of that piece , from which it appears , that the charge of forming a party in the theatre was a subject of mutual reproach betwixt the dramatists of the contending parties ."], "true_target": ["Francis II . of France , a prince of delicate health and mean talents , died of an imposthume in the head .", "A horrid Moorish punishment . The criminal was precipitated from a high tower upon iron scythes and hooks , which projected from its side . This scene Settle introduces in one of his tragedies ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["This single remark is amply sufficient to exculpate Dryden from having intended any general parallel between Monmouth and the Duke of Guise . To have produced such a parallel , it would have been necessary to unite , in one individual , the daring political courage of Shaftesbury , his capacity of seizing the means to attain his object , and his unprincipled carelessness of their nature , with the fine person , chivalrous gallantry , military fame , and courteous manners of the Duke of Monmouth . Had these talents , as they were employed in the same cause , been vested in the same person , the Duke of Guise must have yielded the palm . The partial resemblance , in one point of their conduct , is stated by our poet , not to have been introduced as an intended likeness , betwixt the Duke of Guise , and the Protestant Duke . We may observe , in the words of Bertran , The dial spoke not \u2014 but it made shrewd signs . Spanish Friar .", "When Poltrot had discovered the intentions of the Council of Sixteen against the king 's person , it was warmly debated in the council of Henry , whether the persons of the conspirators ought not to be seized at their next meeting . But , upon considering the numbers of the citizens , and their zeal for the League , together with the small number of the king 's guards and adherents , this advice was rejected as too hazardous . It was upon this occasion that Catherine quoted the Tuscan proverb in the text ,\u2014 \u201c Bisogna copriersi bene il viso inanzi che struzzicare il vespaio ; \u201d Davila , lib . IX ."], "true_target": ["It is easy to believe , that , whatever was the , nature of the schemes nourished by Monmouth , Russel , and Essex , they could have no concern with the low and sanguinary cabal of Ramsay , Walcot , and Rumbold , who were all of them old republican officers and commonwealth 's men . The flight of Shaftesbury , whose bustling and politic brain had rendered him the sole channel of communication betwixt these parties , as well as the means of uniting them in one common design , threw loose all connection between them ; so that each , after his retreat , seems to have acted independantly of , and often in contradiction to the other .", "These presages of misfortune may remind the reader of the ominous feelings of the Duke of Guise , in the scene preceding his murder . The superstitious belief , that dejection of spirits , without cause , announces an impending violent death , is simply but well expressed in an old ballad called the \u201c Warning to all Murderers : \u201d And after this most bad pretence , The gentleman each day Still felt his heart to throb and faint , And sad he was alway . His sleep was full of dreadful dreams , In bed where he did lie ; His heart was heavy in the day , Yet knew no reason why . And oft as he did sit at meat , His nose most suddenly Would spring and gush out crimson blood , And straight it would be dry ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Margaret of Navarre , sister of Henry II ., was suspected of an intrigue with the Duke of Guise .", "There is great art in rendering the interpretation of this ominous dream so ingeniously doubtful . The latter circumstance , where the Emperor recognises his murderer as a personage in his vision , seems to be borrowed from the story of one of the caliphs , who , before his death , dreamed , that a sable hand and arm shook over his head a handful of red earth , and denounced , that such was the colour of the earth on which he should die . When taken ill on an expedition , he desired to know the colour of the earth on which his tent was pitched . A negro slave presented him with a specimen ; and in the black 's outstretched arm , bared , from respect , to the elbow , as well as in the colour of the earth , the caliph acknowledged the apparition he had seen in his sleep , and prepared for immediate death .", "Alluding to a book , called \u201c The Parallel , \u201d published by J ."], "true_target": ["Northleigh L. L. B . the same who afterwards wrote \u201c the Triumph of the", "The reader may judge , whether some distant and obscure allusion to the trimming politics of Halifax , to whom the Duke of York , our author 's patron , was hostile , may not be here insinuated . During the stormy session of his two last parliaments , Charles was much guided by his temporising and camelion-like policy .", "Monarchy , \u201d and was honoured by a copy of verses from our author ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Henry II ., when Duke of Anjou , defeated the Huguenots , commanded by the famous Admiral Coligni , with very great loss , taking all his artillery and baggage , with two hundred standards and colours , 1569 .", "That is by fire . See next note ."], "true_target": ["\u201c Julian the Apostate , with a short account of his life , and a parallel betwixt Popery and Paganism , \u201d was a treatise , written by the Rev . Samuel Johnson , chaplain to Lord Russell , for the purpose of forwarding the bill of exclusion , by shewing the consequences to Christianity of a Pagan Emperor attaining the throne . It would seem , that one of the sheriffs had mistaken so grossly , as to talk of Julian the Apostle ; or , more probably , such a blunder was circulated as true , by some tory wit . Wood surmises , that Hunt had some share in composing Julian . Ath . Ox . II . p . 729 . ]", "Et quum fata volunt , bina venena juvant .\u2014 AUSONIUS ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["The allegory of the one-eyed Archer , and the fire arising betwixt him and Albion , will be made evident by the following extracts from Sprat 's history of the Conspiracy . In enumerating the persons engaged in the Rye-house plot , he mentions \u201c Richard Rumbold , maltster , an old army officer , a desperate and bloody Ravaillac . \u201d After agitating several schemes for assassinating Charles , the Rye-house was fixed upon as a spot which the king must necessarily pass in his journey trom Newmarket , and which , being a solitary moated house , in the actual occupation of Rumbold , afforded the conspirators facility of previous concealment and subsequent defence . \u201c All other propositions , as subject to far more casualties and hazards , soon gave place to that of the Rye , in Herefordshire , a house then inhabited by the foresaid Richard Rumbold , who proposed that to be the seat of the action , offering himself to command the party , that was to do the work . Him , therefore , as the most daring captain , and by reason of a blemish in one of his eyes , they were afterwards wont , in common discourse , to call Hannibal ; often drinking healths to Hannibal and his boys , meaning Rumbold and his hellish crew . \u201c Immediately upon the coaches coming within the gates and hedges about the house , the conspirators were to divide into several parties ; some before , in the habit of labourers , were to overthrow a cart in the narrowest passage , so as to prevent all possibility of escape : others were to fight the guards , Walcot chusing that part upon a punctilio of honour ; others were to shoot at the coachman , postillion , and horses ; others to aim only at his Majesty 's coach , which party was to be under the particular direction of Rumbold himself ; the villain declaring beforehand , that , upon that occasion , he would make use of a very good blunderbuss , which was in West 's possession , and blasphemously adding , that Ferguson should first consecrate it . \u201d ... \u201c But whilst they were thus wholly intent on this barbarous work , and proceeded securely in its contrivance without any the least doubt of a prosperous success , behold ! on a sudden , God miraculously disappointed all their hopes and designs , by the terrible conflagration unexpectedly breaking out at Newmarket . In which extraordinary event there was one remarkable passage , that is not so generally taken notice of , as , for the glory of God , and the confusion of his Majesty 's enemies , it ought to be . \u201c For , after that the approaching fury of the flames had driven the king out of his own palace , his Majesty , at first , removed into another quarter of the town , remote from the fire , and , as yet , free from any annoyance of smoke and ashes . There his Majesty , finding he might be tolerably well accommodated , had resolved to stay , and continue his recreations as before , till the day first named for his journey back to London . But his Majesty had no sooner made that resolution , when the wind , as conducted by an invisible power from above , presently changed about , and blew the smoke and cinders directly on his new lodging , making them in a moment as untenable as the other . Upon this , his Majesty being put to a new shift , and not finding the like conveniency elsewhere , immediately declared , he would speedily return to Whitehall , as he did ; which happening to be several days before the assassins expected him , or their preparations for the Rye were in readiness , it may justly give occasion to all the world to acknowledge , what one of the very conspirators could not but do , that it was a providential fire . \u201d \u2014 Pages 51 et seq . The proprietor of the Rye-houseshocked at the intended purpose , for which it was to have been used , is said to have fired it with his own hand . This is the subject of a poem , called the Loyal Incendiary , or the generous Boute-feu .", "Idiots were anciently wards of the crown ; and the custody of their person , and charge of their estate , was often granted to the suit of some favourite , where the extent of the latter rendered it an object of plunder . Hence the common phrase of being begged for a fool ."], "true_target": ["Alluding to a celebrated battle fought near Montargis , in 1587 , when Guise , with very disproportioned forces , surprised and cut to pieces a large army of German auxiliaries , who had advanced into France to join the king of Navarre , afterwards Henry IV . Upon that occasion , the Duke of Guise kept his resolution to fight a profound secret till the very day of the attack , when , after having dined , and remained thoughtful and silent for a few minutes , he suddenly ordered the trumpets to sound to horse , and , to the astonishment of the Duke of Mayenne , and his other generals , who had never suspected his intention , instantly moved forward against the enemy .\u2014 Davila , lib . viii .", "This probably alludes to L'Estrange , who answered Hunt in the", "\u201c Lawyer Outlawed . \u201d"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["The king of Navarre, by his manifesto , published in 1585 , after discussing sundry points of state with the leaguers , defied the Duke of Guise , their loader , to mortal combat , body to body , or two to two , or ten to ten , or twenty to twenty . To this romantic defiance the Duke returned no direct answer ; but his partizans alleged , that as the quarrel betwixt the king of Navarre and their patron did not arise from private enmity , it could not become the subject of single combat . Davila lib . vii . ]", "\u201c Curse ye Meroz , \u201d was a text much in vogue among the fanatic preachers in the civil wars . It was preached upon in Guildhall , before the Lord Mayor , 9th May , 1630 , by Edmund Hickeringill , rector of All Saints , in Colchester : There 's Colchester Hickeringil , the fanatic 's delight , Who Gregory Greybeard and Meroz did write , You may see who are saints in a pharisee 's sight . The Assembly of the Moderate Divines , stanza 18 . Gregory Greybeard was probably some ballad , alluding to the execution of Charles I , who was beheaded by a person disguised by a visor and greybeard . The name of the common hangman , at that time , was Gregory ."], "true_target": ["This incident seems to be taken from the following passage in the Continuation of the Adventures of Don Sebastian . \u201c In Moran , an island some half league from Venice , there is an abbot called Capelo , a gentleman of Venice , a grave personage , and of great authority , hearing that the king laid wait for certain jewels that he had lost ,having a diamond in his keeping with the arms of Portugal , came to the town to the conventicles of St Francis , called Frari , where the king lay concealed , for that he was pursued by some that meant him no good , who no sooner beheld the ring , but he said , \u2018 Verily this is mine , and I either lost the same in Flanders , or else it was stolen from me . \u2019 And when the king had put it upon his finger , it appeared otherwise engraven than before . The abbot enquiring of him that brought him the ring , how he came by it ? he answered , it is true that the king hath said . Hence arose a strange rumour of a ring , that , by turning the stone , you might discern three great letters engraven , S. R. P . as much as to say , Sebastianus Rex Portugallix . \u201d \u2014 Harl . Mis . vol . v. p. 462 .", "The total ruin of those , who were directly involved in the Rye-house , was little to be regretted , had it not involved the fate of those who were pursuing reform , by means more manly and constitutional ,\u2014 the fate of Russel , Essex , and Sidney . Rumbold , \u201c the one-eyed archer , \u201d fled to Holland , and came to Scotland with Argyle , on his ill-concerted expedition . He was singled out and pursued , after the dispersion of his companions in a skirmish . He defended himself with desperate resolution against two armed peasants , till a third , coming behind him with a pitch-fork , turned off his head-piece , when he was cut down and made prisoner , exclaiming , \u201c Cruel countryman , to use me thus , while my face was to mine enemy . \u201d He suffered the doom of a traitor at Edinburgh , and maintained on the scaffold , with inflexible firmness , the principles in which he had lived . He could never believe , he said , that the many of human kind came into the world bridled and saddled , and the few with whips and spurs to ride them . \u201c His rooted ingrained opinion , says Fountainhall , was for a republic against monarchy , to pull down which he thought a duty , and no sin . \u201d At his death , he declared , that were every hair of his head a man , he would venture them all in the good old cause ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["This alludes to the defacing the Duke of York 's picture at Guildhall ; an outrage stigmatized in the epilogue to \u201c Venice Preserved , \u201d where Otway says , Nothing shall daunt his pen , when truth does call ; No , not the picture-mangler at Guildhall . The rebel tribe , of which that vermin 's one . Have now set forward , and their course begun ; And while that prince 's figure they deface , As they before had massacred his name , Durst their base fears but look him in the face , They 'd use his person as they 've used his fame ; A face , in which such lineaments they read Of that great Martyr 's , whose rich blood they shed . The picture-mangler is explained by a marginal note to be , \u201c the rascal , that cut the Duke of York 's picture . \u201d The same circumstance is mentioned in \u201c Musa Pr\u00e6fica , or the London Poem , or a humble Oblation on the sacred Tomb of our late gracious Monarch King Charles II ., of ever blessed and eternal Memory ; by a Loyal Apprentice of the honourable City of London . \u201d The writer mentions the Duke of York as \u2014 loaded with indignity , Already martyred in effigy . O blast the arm , that dared that impious blow ! Let heaven reward him with a vengeance meet , Who God 's anointed dared to overthrow ! His head had suffered , when they pierced his feet . Explained to allude to the Duke of York 's \u201c picture in Guildhall , cut from the legs downward undiscovered . \u201d In another tory ballad , we have this stanza in the character of a fanatic : We 'll smite the idol in Guildhall , And then , as we are wont , We 'll cry it was a Popish plot , And swear these rogues have done't .", "August , 1589 . He expired the following day ."], "true_target": ["It is said , in the pamphlets alluded to , that Don Sebastian , out of grief and shame for having fought against the advice of his generals , and lost the flower of his army , took the resolution of never returning to his country , but of burying himself in a hermitage ; and that he resided for three years as an anchorite , on the top of a mountain in Dalmatia .", "Jaques Clement , a Jacobin Monk , stabbed Henry III . on the 1st of", "\u201c I must not , \u201d says Langbaine , \u201c take the pains to acquaint my reader , that by the man on the pedestal , & c. is meant the late Lord Shaftesbury . I shall not pretend to pass my censure , whether he deserved this usage from our author or no , but leave it to the judgments of statesmen and politicians . \u201d Shaftesbury having been overturned in a carriage , received some internal injury which required a constant discharge by an issue in his side . Hence he was ridiculed under the name of Tapski . In a mock account of an apparition , stated to have appeared to Lady Gray , it says , \u201c Bid Lord Shaftesbury have a care to his spigot \u2014 if he is tapt , all the plot will run out . \u201d Ralph 's History , vol . i. p. 562. from a pamphlet in Lord Somers \u2019 collection . There are various allusions to this circumstance in the lampoons of the time . A satire called \u201c The Hypocrite , \u201d written by Carryl , concludes thus : His body thus and soul together vie . In vice 's empire for the sovereignty ; In ulcers shut this does abound in sin , Lazar without and Lucifer within . The silver pipe is no sufficient drain For the corruption of this little man ; Who , though he ulcers have in every part , Is no where so corrupt as in his heart . At length , in prosecution of this coarse and unhandsome jest , a sort of vessel with a turn-cock was constructed for holding wine , which was called a Shaftesbury , and used in the taverns of the royal party . EPILOGUE After our \u00c6sop 's fable shown to-day , I come to give the moral of the play . Feigned Zeal , you saw , set out the speedier pace ; But the last heat , Plain Dealing won the race : Plain Dealing for a jewel has been known ; But ne'er till now the jewel of a crown . When heaven made man , to show the work divine , Truth was his image , stamped upon the coin : And when a king is to a God refined , On all he says and does he stamps his mind : This proves a soul without alloy , and pure ; Kings , like their gold , should every touch endure . To dare in fields is valour ; but how few Dare be so throughly valiant ,\u2014 to be true ! The name of great , let other kings affect : He 's great indeed , the prince that is direct . His subjects know him now , and trust him more Than all their kings , and all their laws before . What safety could their public acts afford ? Those he can break ; but cannot break his word . So great a trust to him alone was due ; Well have they trusted whom so well they knew . The saint , who walked on waves , securely trod , While he believed the beck'ning of his God ; But when his faith no longer bore him out , Began to sink , as he began to doubt . Let us our native character maintain ; \u2018 Tis of our growth , to be sincerely plain . To excel in truth we loyally may strive , Set privilege against prerogative : He plights his faith , and we believe him just ; His honour is to promise , ours to trust . Thus Britain 's basis on a word is laid , As by a word the world itself was madeFootnote : 1 . From this Epilogue we learn , what is confirmed by many proofs elsewhere , that the attribute for which James desired to be distinguished and praised , was that of openness of purpose , and stern undeviating inflexibility of conduct . He scorned to disguise his designs , either upon the religion or the constitution of his country . He forgot that it was only the temporising concessions of his brother which secured his way to the throne , when his exclusion , or a civil war , seemed the only alternatives . His brother was the reed , which bent before the whirlwind , and recovered its erect posture when it had passed away ; and James , the inflexible oak , which the first tempest rooted up for ever . DON SEBASTIAN . A TRAGEDY . \u2014 Nec tarda senectus Debilitat vires animi , mutatque vigorem . VIRG . DON SEBASTIAN . The following tragedy is founded upon the adventures supposed to have befallen Sebastian , king of Portugal , after the fatal battle of Alcazar . The reader may be briefly reminded of the memorable expedition of that gallant monarch to Africa , to signalize , against the Moors , his chivalry as a warrior , and his faith as a Christian . The ostensible pretext of invasion was the cause of Muly Mahomet , son of Abdalla , emperor of Morocco ; upon whose death , his brother , Muly Moluch , had seized the crown , and driven his nephew into exile . The armies joined battle near Alcazar . The Portuguese , far inferior in number to the Moors , displayed the most desperate valour , and had nearly won the day , when Muly Moluch , who , though almost dying , was present on the field in a litter , fired with shame and indignation , threw himself on horseback , rallied his troops , renewed the combat , and , being carried back to his litter , immediately expired , with his finger placed on his lips , to impress on the chiefs , who surrounded him , the necessity of concealing his death . The Moors , rallied by their sovereign 's dying exertion , surrounded , and totally routed , the army of Sebastian . Mahomet , the competitor for the throne of Morocco , was drowned in passing a river in his flight , and Sebastian , as his body was never found , probably perished in the same manner . But where the region of historical certainty ends , that of romantic tradition commences . The Portuguese , to whom the memory of their warlike sovereign was deservedly dear , grasped at the feeble hope which the uncertainty of his fate afforded , and long , with vain fondness , expected the return of Sebastian , to free them from the yoke of Spain . This mysterious termination of a hero 's career , as it gave rise to various political intrigues ,early afforded a subject for exercising the fancy of the dramatist and romance writer . \u201c The Battle of Alcazar\" is known to the collectors of old plays ; a ballad on the same subject is reprinted in Evans 's collection ; and our author mentions a French novel on the adventures of Don Sebastian , to which Langbaine also refers . The situation of Dryden , after the Revolution , was so delicate as to require great caution and attention , both in his choice of a subject , and his mode of treating it . His distressed circumstances and lessened income compelled him to come before the public as an author ; while the odium attached to the proselyte of a hated religion , and the partizan of a depressed faction , was likely , upon the slightest pretext , to transfer itself from the person of the poet to the labours on which his support depended . He was , therefore , not only obliged to chuse a theme , which had no offence in it , and to treat it in a manner which could not admit of misconstruction , but also so to exert the full force of his talents , as , by the conspicuous pre-eminence of his genius , to bribe prejudice and silence calumny . An observing reader will accordingly discover , throughout the following tragedy , symptoms of minute finishing , and marks of accurate attention , which , in our author 's better days , he deigned not to bestow upon productions , to which his name alone was then sufficient to give weight and privilege . His choice of a subject was singularly happy : the name of Sebastian awaked historical recollections and associations , favourable to the character of his hero ; while the dark uncertainty of his fate removed all possibility of shocking the audience by glaring offence against the majesty of historical truth . The subject has , therefore , all the advantages of a historical play , without the detects , which either a rigid coincidence with history , or a violent contradiction of known truth , seldom fail to bring along with them . Dryden appears from his preface to have been fully sensible of this ; and he has not lost the advantage of a happy subject by treating it with the carelessness he sometimes allowed himself to indulge . The characters in \u201c Don Sebastian \u201d are contrasted with singular ability and judgment . Sebastian , high-spirited and fiery ; the soul of royal and military honour ; the soldier and the king ; almost embodies the idea which the reader forms at the first mention of his name . Dorax , to whom he is so admirable a contrast , is one of those characters whom the strong hand of adversity has wrested from their natural bias ; and perhaps no equally vivid picture can be found , of a subject so awfully interesting . Born with a strong tendency to all that was honourable and virtuous , the very excess of his virtues became vice , when his own ill fate , and Sebastian 's injustice , had driven him into exile . By comparing , as Dryden has requested , the character of Dorax , in the fifth act , with that he maintains in the former part of the play , the difference may be traced betwixt his natural virtues , and the vices engrafted on them by headlong passion and embittering calamity . There is no inconsistence in the change which takes place after his scene with Sebastian ; as was objected by those , whom the poet justly terms , \u201c the more ignorant sort of creatures . \u201d It is the same picture in a new light ; the same ocean in tempest and in calm ; the same traveller , whom sunshine has induced to abandon his cloak , which the storm only forced him to wrap more closely around him . The principal failing of Dorax is the excess of pride , which renders each supposed wound to his honour more venomously acute ; yet he is not devoid of gentler affections , though even in indulging these the hardness of his character is conspicuous . He loves Violante , but that is a far subordinate feeling to his affection for Sebastian . Indeed , his love appears so inferior to his loyal devotion to his king , that , unless to gratify the taste of the age , I see little reason for its being introduced at all . It is obvious he was much more jealous of the regard of his sovereign , than of his mistress ; he never mentions Violante till the scene of explanation with Sebastian ; and he appears hardly to have retained a more painful recollection of his disappointment in that particular , than of the general neglect and disgrace he had sustained at the court of Lisbon . The last stage of a virtuous heart , corroded into evil by wounded pride , has been never more forcibly displayed than in the character of Dorax . When once induced to take the fatal step which degraded him in his own eyes , all his good affections seem to be converted into poison . The religion , which displays itself in the fifth act in his arguments against suicide , had , in his efforts to justify his apostacy , or at least to render it a matter of no moment , been exchanged for sentiments approaching , perhaps to atheism , certainly to total scepticism . His passion for Violante is changed into contempt and hatred for her sex , which he expresses in the coarsest terms . His feelings of generosity , and even of humanity , are drowned in the gloomy and stern misanthropy , which has its source in the self-discontent that endeavours to wreak itself upon others . This may be illustrated by his unfeeling behaviour , while Alvarez and Antonio , well known to him in former days , approach , and draw the deadly lot , which ratifies their fate . No yielding of compassion , no recollection of former friendship , has power to alter the cold and sardonic sarcasm with which he sketches their characters , and marks their deportment in that awful moment . Finally , the zealous attachment of Alonzo for his king , which , in its original expression , partakes of absolute devotion , is changed , by the circumstances of Dorax , into an irritated and frantic jealousy , which he mistakes for hatred ; and which , in pursuing the destruction of its object , is almost more inveterate than hatred itself . Nothing has survived of the original Alonzo at the opening of the piece , except the gigantic passion which has caused his ruin . This character is drawn on a large scale , and in a heroic proportion ; but it is so true to nature , that many readers must have lamented , even within the circle of domestic acquaintance , instances of feelings hardened , and virtues perverted , where a high spirit has sustained severe and unjust neglect and disgrace . The whole demeanour of this exquisite character suits the original sketch . From \u201c the long stride and sullen port , \u201d by which Benducar distinguishes him at a distance , to the sullen stubbornness with which he obeys , or the haughty contempt with which he resists , the commands of the peremptory tyrant under whom he had taken service , all announce the untamed pride which had robbed Dorax of virtue , and which yet , when Benducar would seduce him into a conspiracy , and in his conduct towards Sebastian , assumes the port and dignity of virtue herself . In all his conduct and bearing , there is that mixed feeling and impulse , which constitutes the real spring of human action . The true motive of Alonzo in saving Sebastian , is not purely that of honourable hatred , which he proposes to himself ; for to himself every man endeavours to appear consistent , and readily find arguments to prove to himself that he is so . Neither is his conduct to be ascribed altogether to the gentler feelings of loyal and friendly affection , relenting at the sight of his sovereign 's ruin , and impending death . It is the result of a mixture of these opposite sensations , clashing against each other like two rivers at their conflux , yet urging their united course down the same channel . Actuated by a mixture of these feelings , Dorax meets Sebastian ; and the art of the poet is displayed in that admirable scene , by suggesting a natural motive to justify to the injured subject himself the change of the course of his feelings . As his jealousy of Sebastian 's favour , and resentment of his unjust neglect , was chiefly founded on the avowed preference which the king had given to Henriquez , the opportune mention of his rival 's death , by removing the cause of that jealousy , gives the renegade an apology to his own pride , for throwing himself at the feet of that very sovereign , whom a moment before he was determined to force to combat . They are little acquainted with human passions , at least have only witnessed their operations among men of common minds , who doubt , that at the height of their very spring-tide , they are often most susceptible of sudden changes ; revolutions , which seem to those who have not remarked how nearly the most opposite feelings are allied and united , the most extravagant and unaccountable . Muly Moluch is an admirable specimen of that very frequent theatrical character ,\u2014 a stage tyrant . He is fierce and boisterous enough to be sufficiently terrible and odious , and that without much rant , considering he is an infidel Soldan , who , from the ancient deportment of Mahomed and Termagaunt , as they appeared in the old Mysteries , might claim a prescriptive right to tear a passion to tatters . Besides , the Moorish emperor has fine glances of savage generosity , and that free , unconstrained , and almost noble openness , the only good quality , perhaps , which a consciousness of unbounded power may encourage in a mind so firm as not to be totally depraved by it . The character of Muly Moluch , like that of Morat , in \u201c Aureng-Zebe , \u201d to which it bears a strong resemblance , was admirably represented by Kynaston ; who had , says Cibber , \u201c a fierce lion-like majesty in his port and utterance , that gave the spectator a kind of trembling admiration . \u201d It is enough to say of Benducar , that the cool , fawning , intriguing , and unprincipled statesman , is fully developed in his whole conduct ; and of Alvarez , that the little he has to say and do , is so said and done , as not to disgrace his common-place character of the possessor of the secret on which the plot depends ; for it may be casually observed , that the depositary of such a clew to the catastrophe , though of the last importance to the plot , is seldom himself of any interest whatever . The haughty and high-spirited Almeyda is designed by the author as the counterpart of Sebastian . She breaks out with the same violence , I had almost said fury , and frequently discovers a sort of kindred sentiment , intended to prepare the reader for the unfortunate discovery , that she is the sister of the Portuguese monarch . Of the diction , Dr Johnson has said , with meagre commendation , that it has \u201c some sentiments which leave a strong impression , \u201d and \u201c others of excellence , universally acknowledged . \u201d This , even when the admiration of the scene betwixt Dorax and Sebastian has been sanctioned by that great critic , seems scanty applause for the chef d'oeuvre of Dryden 's dramatic works . The reader will be disposed to look for more unqualified praise , when such a poet was induced , by every pressing consideration , to combine , in one effort , the powers of his mighty genius , and the fruits of his long theatrical experience : Accordingly , Shakespeare laid aside , it will be perhaps difficult to point out a play containing more animatory incident , impassioned language , and beautiful description , than \u201c Don Sebastian . \u201d Of the former , the scene betwixt Dorax and the king , had it been the only one ever Dryden wrote , would have been sufficient to insure his immortality . There is not ,\u2014 no , perhaps , not even in Shakespeare ,\u2014 an instance where the chord , which the poet designed should vibrate , is more happily struck ; strains there are of a higher mood , but not more correctly true ; in evidence of which , we have known those , whom distresses of a gentler nature were unable to move , feel their stubborn feelings roused and melted by the injured pride and deep repentance of Dorax . The burst of anguish with which he answers the stern taunt of Sebastian , is one of those rare , but natural instances , in which high-toned passion assumes a figurative language , because all that is familiar seems inadequate to express its feelings :"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["This speech depends on the gesticulation of the sorcerer : Guise first desires him report the danger to the people ,\u2014 then bids him halt , and express his judgment more fully . Malicorn makes signs of assassination .\u2014 Guise goes on \u2014 \u2014 Let him if he dare . But more , more , more ;\u2014 i. e . I have a further reason than state policy for my visit .\u2014 Malicorn makes repeated signs of ignorance and discontent ; and Guise urges him to speak out on a subject , which he himself was unwilling to open ."], "true_target": ["\u201c All crowned heads by poetical right are heroes . This character is a flower , a prerogative so certain , so inseparably annexed to the crown as by no poet , no parliament of poets , ever to be invaded . \u201d Rymer 's Remarks on the Tragedies of the last age , p. 6l . This critical dogma , although here and else-where honoured by our author 's sanction , fell into disuse with the doctrines of passive obedience , and indefeasible right ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["The business of this scene is taken from the following passage . \u201c Entr\u00f2 il Duca di Guisa in Parigi il Luned\u00ec nono giorno di Maggio , ch \u2019 era gia vicino il mezzogiorno , non con maggior comitiva che di sette cavalli tra gentiluomini e servitori : ma come una piccolo palla di neve , che discende dall \u2019 erto si va tanto ingrossando , che nel fine diviene quasi una montagna eminente ; cos\u00ec abandonando il popolo le case e le botteghe , con plauso e con allegrezza , per seguitarlo , non fu a mezzo la citt\u00e0 , che aveva dietro pi\u00f9 di trentamila persone , ed era tanta la calca , che a pena egli medesimo poteva seguitare la sua strada . Andavan le grida del popolo insino al cielo , n\u00e8 mai fu con tanto plauso gridato , \u201c Vita il Re \u201d con quanto ora si gridava \u201c Vita Guisa . \u201d Chi lo sulutava , chi lo ringraziava , chi se gl \u2019 inchinava , chi gli baciava le falde de \u2019 vestimenti , chi , non potendo accostarsi , con le mani e con i gesti di tutto il corpo dava segui profusi d \u2019 allegrezza ; e furono veduti di quelli che , adorandolo come santo , lo toccavano con le corone , e le medesime poi o baciavano , o con esse si toccavano gli occhi e la fronte ; e sino le donne dalle finestra , spargendo fiori e fronde , onoravano e benedicevano la sua venuta . Egli all \u2019 incontro , con viso popolare e con faccia ridente , altri accarezzava con le parole , altri risalutava con i gesti , altri rallegrava con l \u2019 occhio , e traversando le caterve del popolo con la testa scoperta , non permetteva cosa alcuna , che fosse a proposito per finire a conciliarsi la benevolenza e l \u2019 applauso popolare . In questa maniera , senza fermarsi alla sua casa , and\u00f2 a dirittura a smontare a Sant \u2019 Eustachio al palazzo della Reina Madre , la quale mezza attonita per il suo venire improvviso ; perch\u00e8 Monsignor di Bellieure arrivato tre ore innanzi aveva posto in dubbio la sua venuta ; lo ricev\u00e8 pallida nel volto , tutta tremante e contra l \u2019 ordinario costume della natura sua quasi smarrita . Le dimostrazioni del Duca di Guisa furono piene d \u2019 affettuosa umilt\u00e0 e di profonda sommissione : le parole della Reina ambigue , dicendoli ; che lo vedeva volentieri , ma che molto pi\u00f9 volontieri l \u2019 arebbe veduto in altro tempo ; alla quale egli rispose con sembiante modestissimo ma con parole altiere : Ch \u2019 egli era buon servitore del Re , e che avendo intese le calunnie date all \u2019 innocenza sua , e le cose che si trattavano contra la religione e contra gli uomini dabbene di quel popolo , era venuto , o per divertire il male , e espurgarese stesso , ovvero per lasciar la vita in servizio di Santa Chiesa e della salute universale . La Reina , interrotto il ragionamento , mentre egli salutava , come \u00e8 solito , le altre Dame della corte , chiam\u00f2 Luigi Davila suo Gentiluomo d \u2019 onore , e gli commise , che facesse intendere al Re , ch \u2019 era arrivato il Duca di Guisa , e ch \u2019 ella fra poco l \u2019 arebbe condotto al Lovero personalmente . Si commosse di maniera il Re , ch \u2019 era nel suo gabinetto con Monsignore di Villaclera , con Bellieure e con l \u2019 abbate del Bene , che fu costretto appogiarsi col braccio , coprendosi la faccia , al tavolino , e interrogato il Davila d \u2019 ogni particolare , gli command\u00f2 , che dicesse segretamente alla Reina , che framettesse pi\u00f9 tempo che fosse possibile alla venuta . L \u2019 Abbate del Bene e il Colonello Alfonso Corso , il quale entr\u00f2 in questo punto nel gabinetto , e era confidentissimo , servitore del Re , e pieno di merito verso la corona , lo consigliavano , che ricevendo il Duca di Guisa nel medesimo gabinetto , lo facese uccidere subito nell \u2019 istesso luogo , dicendo l \u2019 abbate questo Percutiam pastorem , et dispergentur oves . Ma Villaclera , Bellieure , e il gran Cancelliere che sopravvenne , furono di contrario parere allegando esesr tanta la commozione del popolo , che in caso tale , sprezzando la Maest\u00e0 regia , e rompendo tutti i vincoli delle leggi , sarebbe corso a precipitosa vendetta , e che non essendo le cose ancora apparecchiate per la difesa propria , e per frenare il furore della citt\u00e0 le forze de \u2019 Parigini erano troppo poderose parole per stuzzicarle . \u201d Lib . ix ."], "true_target": ["The Earl of Arlington , Lord Chamberlain ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Charles II . and his brother the Duke of York , were grandchildren of Henry IV . of France , by their mother Henrietta Maria ."], "true_target": ["For this scene also , which gave great offence to the followers of Monmouth , our author had the authority of Davila in the continuation of the passage already quoted . \u201c Mentre il Re sta dubbioso nell \u2019 animo , sopraggiunse la Reina , che conduceva il Duca di Guisa essendo venuta nella sua seggetta , e il Duca accompagnatala sempre a piedi ; ma con tanto seguito e frequenza di gente , che tutta la Citt\u00e0 pareva ridotta nel giro del cortile del Lovero e nelle strade vicine . Traversarono fra la spalliera de \u2019 soldati , essendo presente Monsignor di Griglione maestro di campo della guardia , il quale uomo libero e militare , e poco amico del Duca di Guisa , mentre egli s \u2019 inchina ad ogni privato soldato , fece pochissimo sembiante di riverirlo , il che da lui fu con qualche pallidezza del volto ben osservato , la quale continu\u00f2 maggiormente , poich\u00e8 vide gli Suizzeri far spalliera con l'arme a piedi della scala , e nella sala gli arcieri , e nelle camere i gentiluomini tutti radunati per aspettarlo . Entrarono nella camera del Re , il quale mentre il Duca di Guisa con profonda riverenza se gl \u2019 inchin\u00f2 , con viso scorrucciato gli disse ; Io v \u2019 avevo fatto intendere , che non veniste . A queste parole il Duca con l \u2019 istessa sommissione , che aveva fatto alla Reina , ma con parole pi\u00f9 ritenute , rispose . Ch \u2019 Egli era venuto a mettersi nelle braccia della giustitia di Sua Maest\u00e0 , per iscolparsi delle calunnie , che gli erano apposte da \u2019 suoi nemici , e che nondimeno non sarebbe venuto , quando gli fosse stato detto chiaramente , che Sua Maest\u00e0 comandata , che non venisse . Il Re rivolto a Bellieure , alteratamente lo domand\u00f2 s \u2019 era vero , che gli avesse data commissione di dire al Duca di Guisa , che non venisse , se non voleva esser tenuto per autore delli scandali , e delle sollevazioni de \u2019 Parigini . Monseignor di Bellieure si feceinnanzi , e volle render conto dell \u2019 ambasciata sua ; ma nel principio del parlare , il Re l \u2019 interruppe , dicendogli , che bastava , e rivolto al Duca di Guisa disse ; che non sapeva , ch \u2019 egii fosse stato calunniato da persona alcuna , ma che la sua innocenza sarebbe apparsa chiara , quando dalla sua venuta non fosse nata alcuna novit\u00e0 , e interrotta la quiete del governo , come si prevedeva . La Reina pratica della natura del Re , conoscendolo dalla faccia inclinato a qualche gagliarda risoluzione , lo tir\u00f2 da parte , e gli disse in sostanza quel che aveva veduto della concorrenza del popolo , e che non pensasse a deliberazioni precipitose , perch\u00e8 non era tempo . Il medesimo soggiunse la Duchessa d \u2019 Uzes , che gli era vicina , e il Duca di Guisa osservando attentamente ogni minuzia , come vide questa fluttazione , per non dar tempo al Re di deliberare , si finse stracco dal viaggio , e licenziandosi brevemente da lui , accompagnato dall \u2019 istessa frequenza di popolo , ma da niuno di quelli della corte , si ritir\u00f2 nella strada di Sant \u2019 Antonio alle sue case . \u201d Lib . ix . ]"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Rinaldo , whom they had transported to the field of Roncisvalles :", "Tra le campane , e soneremo a festa ,", "Per ciuffar di quell \u2019 anime pagane ,", "See the speech of Ashtaroth and his companions , on taking leave of", "In Roncisvalle una certa chiesetta", "E bisogn\u00f2 , che menassin le mane ,", "A very poor imitation of Moliere 's \u201c Festin de Pierre ; \u201d with the story of which the admirers of mute-shew have since been entertained , under the title of Don Juan . In the preface , Shadwell , after railing abundantly at Settle , is at the pains to assure us , there is no act in the piece which cost him above four days writing , and the last twowere both written in four days . The Libertine , and his companions , travel by sea and land over the whole kingdom of Spain ."], "true_target": ["Come sparvier tra ramo e ramo aspetta ;", "Quivi stetton coloro alla veletta ,", "E che e \u2019 batessin tutto il giorno l \u2019 ali ,", "Quando vedrem , che tu farai macello .", "Il Morgante Maggiore , Canto XXVI . St. 82 , 89 .", "Era in quel tempo , ch \u2019 avea due campane ,", "Noi ce n \u2019 andremo or , io e Farfarello ,", "A presentarle a \u2019 guidici infernali ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Perch\u00e8 Lucifer relegato fue", "Chi una cosa , e chi altra conduce ,", "See the speech of Ashtaroth to Rinaldo , in the Morgante Maggiore .", "Ultimo a tutti , e nel centro pi\u00f9 imo ,", "Poi ch \u2019 egli intese esser nel Ciel su primo ."], "true_target": ["See the full passage prefixed to the Vindication .", "Noi abbiam come voi principe e duce", "Gi\u00f9 nell \u2019 Inferno , e \u2018 l primo \u00e8 Belzebue ,", "Ognuno attende alle faccende sue ;", "Ma tutto a Belzeb\u00f9 , poi si riduce", "Canto XV . St. 207 ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["The club alluded to seems to be the same which originally met at the King'shYpppHeNHead tavern , of which North gives the following lively account . \u201c The gentlemen of that worthy society held their evening session continually at the King'shYpppHeNHead tavern , over against the Inner Temple gate . But upon occasion of the signal of a green ribbon , agreed to be worn in their hats in the days of secret engagements , like the coats of arms of valiant knights of old , whereby all the warriors of the society might be distinguished , and not mistake friends for enemies , they were called also the Green Ribbon Club . Their seat was in a sort of carrefour , at Chancery-Lane end , a centre of business and company , most proper for such anglers of fools . The house was double-balconied in front , as may be yet seen , for the clubsters to issue forth , in fresco , with hats and no peruques , pipes in their mouths , merry faces , and diluted throats , for vocal encouragement of the canaglia below , at bonfires , on usual and unusual occasions . They admitted all strangers that were confidingly introduced ; for , it was a main end of their institution to make proselytes , especially of the raw estated youths newly come to town . This copious society were , to the faction in and about London , a sort of executive power , and by correspondence all over England . The resolves of the more retired councils and ministry of the faction , were brought in here , and orally insinuated to the company , whether it were lies , defamations , commendations , projects , & c. and so , like water diffused , spread over all the town ; whereby that which was digested at the club over night , was , like nourishment , at every assembly , male and female , the next day . And thus the younglings tasted of political administration , and took themselves for notable counsellors . \u201d Examen , p. 572 . The place of meeting is altered by Dryden , from the King'shYpppHeNHead , to the Devil-Tavern , either because he thought the name more appropriate , or wished slightly to disguise what he plainly insinuated ."], "true_target": ["This striking account of the entry of the guards is literally from DAVILA . \u201c La mattina del Giovedi duodecimo giorno d\u00ec maggio , un \u2019 ora innanzi giorno , si sentirono i pifferi e i tamburi degli Suizzeri , che battendo l \u2019 ordinanza entrarono nella citt\u00e0 per la porta di Sant \u2019 Onorato , precedendo il Maresciallo di Birone a cavallo , e conseguentamente sotto i loro capitani entrarono con le corde accese le compagn\u00ede de \u2019 Francesi . \u201d \u2014 \u201c All \u2019 entrare della milizia , nota a tutta la citt\u00e0 per lo strepito de \u2019 tamburi , il popolo pieno di spavento , e gi\u00e0 certo , che la fama divolgata dell \u2019 intenzione del re era pi\u00f9 che sicura , cominci\u00f2 a radunarsi , serrando le porte delle case , e chiudendo l'entrate delle botteghe , che conforme all \u2019 uso della citt\u00e0 di lavorare innanzi giorno , gi\u00e0 s \u2019 erano cominciare ad aprire , e ognuno si messe a preparare l'armi , apettando l'ordine di quello si dovesse operare . \u201d Lib . IX ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Our author never omits an opportunity of twitting Hunt with his expected preferment of lord chief baron of exchequer in Ireland ; L'Estrange , whose ready pen was often drawn for the court , answered Hunt 's defence of the charter by a pamphlet entitled \u201c The Lawyer Outlawed , \u201d in which he fails not to twit his antagonist with the same disappointment ."], "true_target": ["It was a frequent complaint of the tories at this period , that the commons , in zeal for their own privileges and immunities , were apt sometimes to infringe the personal liberties of the subject . This is set forth with some humour in a political pamphlet of the day , called , \u201c A Dialogue betwixt Sam , the ferryman of Datchet , Will , a waterman of London , and Tom , a bargeman of Oxford ; \u201d upon the king 's calling a parliament to meet at Oxford , London , 1681 . \u201c As to their own members , they turned them out , and took others in at their will and pleasure ; and if they made any fault , they expelled them ; and wherever any stood in competition for any town , him they knew would give his vote along with them was admitted , right or wrong . And then they terrified all the sheriffs , mayors , and bailiffs in the kingdom , besides abundance of gentlemen and other honest countrymen . For , on the least complaint of any man 's misdemeanour , or information from any member , immediately a serjeant at arms was sent for them , and so much a mile and hour paid , and down on their marrowbones to their worships , and a sound scolding from Mr Speaker , or else to the Tower or Gatehouse they went . The king , God bless him , never took a quarter of that state on him they did ... It was brought to that pass , that two footboys , boxing one day in the Palace-yard , he that was beaten proved to belong to a member , and told the other boy , if he knew his master , he would cause him to be sent for in custody , for keeping such a rogue as he was , that had committed a breach of privilege in beating a member 's servant . The boy replied , if it would do him any kindness , he would beat him again , and tell him his master 's name into the bargain ; and would lay him a crown , that , though his master should bid the Speaker , and all the House of Commons , kiss , & c. they durst not send a serjeant at arms for him . The beaten boy , much nettled at his speech , laid down his money , as the other did : now , said the boy , my master is the king of France , and I am come over with some of his servants to fetch horses out of England ; go , bid thy master and the House of Commons send a serjeant at arms to fetch him over .\u2014 Sam . Before my heart it was a good answer ; I hope he won his monies ?\u2014 Will . So he did ; but it was put into a waterman 's hands , and when it was demanded , says the beaten boy , Sirrah , give it him , if you dare ; if his master be the king of France , I 'll make you answer it before the House of Commons . The waterman durst do no other , but gave either their own monies . There 's no contending with parliament men , or parliament men 's men , nor boys . \u201d Some occasion was given for these reproaches by the summary and arbitrary commitment of many individuals , who had addressed the king in terms expressing their abhorrence of the vehement petitions presented by the other party for the sitting of parliament , and were thence distinguished by the name of Abhorrers . This course was ended by the sturdy resistance of one Stowell , who had , as foreman of the grand jury at Exeter , presented an abhorring address to the king . A serjeant at arms having been sent to apprehend him , he refused to submit , and bid the officer take his course , adding , he knew no law which made him accountable for what he did as a grand juryman . The House were so much embarrassed by his obstinacy , that they hushed up the matter by voting that he was indisposed , and adjourning the debate sine dic ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["The foul practice of taking away lives by false witness , casts an indelible disgrace on this period . Oates , Dugdale , and Turberville , were the perjured evidences of the Popish plot . To meet them with equal arms , counter-plots were sworn against Shaftesbury and others , by Haines , Macnamara , and other Irishmen . But the true Protestant juries would only swallow the perjuries which made for their own opinions ; nay , although they believed Dugdale , when he zealously forswore himself for the cause of the Protestant faith , they refused him credit when he bore false witness for the crown . \u201c Thus , \u201d says Hume , \u201c the two parties , actuated by mutual rage , but cooped up within the narrow limits of the law , levelled with poisoned daggers the most deadly blows against each other 's breast , and buried in their factious divisions all regard to truth , honour , and humanity . \u201d \u2014"], "true_target": ["This famous interview betwixt Grillon and the king deserved to have been brought on the stage , in a nobler strain , and free from the buffoonery , by which the veteran 's character is degraded . It is thus told by Davila : \u201c Trattandosi delle persone , che avessero da eseguire il fatto , il Re elesse di fidarsene nel Maestro di campo della sua guardia Griglione , uomo feroce e ardito e per molte cagioni nemico del Duca di Guisa . Fattolo perci\u00f2 venire , gli espose con accomodate parole il suo pensiero , e gli signific\u00f2 aver disegnato , che egli fosse quello , che eseguisse l \u2019 impresa , nella quale consisteva tutta la sua salute . Griglione rispose con brevi e significanti parole : Sire , Io sono ben servitore a Vostra Maest\u00e0 di somma fedelt\u00e0 e divozione , ma faccio professione di soldato , e di cavuliero ; s \u2019 ella vuoles ch \u2019 io vada a sfidare il Duca di Guisa , e che mi ammazzi a corpo a corpo con lui , son pronto a farlo in questo istesso punto ; ma ch \u2019 io serva di manigoldo , mentre la giustizia sua determina di farlo morire , questo non si conviene a par mio , n\u00e8 sono per farlo giammai . Il Re non si stup\u00ec molto della libert\u00e0 di Griglione , noto a lui e a tutta la corte per uomo schietto , e che libramente diceva i suoi sensi senza timore alcuno , e per\u00f2 replic\u00f2 ; che gli bastava , che tenesse segreta questo pensiero , perch\u00e8 non l \u2019 aveva communicato ad alcun altro , e divulgandosi egli sarebbe stato colpevole d \u2019 averlo palesato . A questo rispose Griglione : Essere servitore di fede , d \u2019 onore , n\u00e8 dover mai ridire i segreti interessi del padrone , e partito lasci\u00f2 il Re grandemente dubbioso di quello dovesse operare . \u201d Lib . ix ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Rains , Bevil , Woodly , described as \u201c men of wit and pleasure . \u201d"], "true_target": ["A similar assemblage of terrific circumstances announces the arrival of a fiend upon a similar errand , in the old play , entitled , the \u201c Merry Devil of Edmonton . \u201d What means the trolling of this fatal chime ? O what a trembling horror strikes my heart ! My stiffened hair stands upright on my head , As do the bristles of a porcupine . Coreb , is't thou ? I know thee well ; I hear the watchful dogs , With hollow howling , tell of thy approach . The lights burn dim , affrighted with thy presence , And this distempered and tempestuous night Tells me the air is troubled with some devil ! Dryden certainly appears to have had the old play in his memory though he has far excelled it .", "In the Dramatis Person\u00e6 to Shadwell 's play of Epsom-Wells , we have"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Dryden had already distinguished Shadwell and Settle by those names , which were destined to consign the poor wights to a painful immortality , in the second part of Absalom and Achitophel , published in 1682 ."], "true_target": ["On the evening previous to the assassination , the Seigneur de Larchant accosted the duke as he passed from his own lodging to the king 's , accompanied by a body of soldiers , who , he pretended , were petitioners for the duke 's interest , to obtain payment of their arrears , and would attend at the door of the council next day , to remind him of their case . This pretext was to account for the unusual number of guards , which might otherwise have excited G uise 's suspicion ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Intanto il Duca entrato nel consiglio , e pustosi in una sedia vicina al fuoco si sent\u00ec un poco di svenimento , o che allora , gli sovcenisse il pericolo , net quale si ritrovava , separato e diviso da tutti i suoi , o che natura , come bene spesso avviene , presaga del mal futuro da se medesima allora si risentizze , o come dissero i suoi malevoli , per essere stato la medesima notte con Madama di Marmoutiere amata grandemente da lui , e essersi soverchiamente debilitato . Davila , Lib . ix . ]"], "true_target": ["See note on p. 222 . Vol . VI . describing this famous procession ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["This passage , in Hunt 's defence of the charter , obviously alludes to the Duke of York , whom he elsewhere treats with little ceremony , and to the king , whose affection for his brother was not without a mixture of fear , inspired by his more stubborn and resolved temper ."], "true_target": ["The murder of Guise was perpetrated in the Anti-chamber , before the door of the king 's cabinet . Lognac , a gentleman of the king 's chamber , and a creature of the late duke de Joyeuse , commanded the assassins , who were eight in number . The duke never was able to unsheath his sword , being slain with many wounds as he grappled with Lognac . The king himself was in the cabinet , and listened to the murderous scuffle , till the noise of Guise 's fall announced its termination . The cardinal of Guise , and the archbishop of Lyons were also within hearing , and were arrested , while they were endeavouring to call their attendants to Guise 's assistance . The cardinal was next day murdered by Da Gast , to whose custody he had been commuted . ]"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Literally from Davila : \u201c Ora comparse il Re , le dimanda egli primo , come ella stava ; al quale avendo risposto che si sentisse meglio , egli ripigli\u00f2 : Ancor io mi trovo ora molto meglio , perch\u00e8 questa mattina son fatto Re di Francia avendo fatto morire il Re di Parigi . Alle quali parole , replic\u00f2 la Reina : Voi avete fatto morire il Duca di Guisa , ma Dio voglia che non siate ora fatto Re da niente ; avete tagliato bene , non so , se cucirete cos\u00ec bene . Avete voi preveduti i mali , che sono per succedere ? Provvedetevi diligentemente . Due cose sono necessarie , prestezza e risoluzione . \u201d Lib . ix . ] EPILOGUE . WRITTEN BY MR DRYDENSPOKEN BY MRS COOK . Much time and trouble this poor play has cost ; And , \u2018 faith , I doubted once the cause was lost . Yet no one man was meant , nor great , nor small ; Our poets , like frank gamesters , threw at all . They took no single aim :\u2014 But , like bold boys , true to their prince , and hearty , Huzza 'd , and fired broadsides at the whole party . Duels are crimes ; but , when the cause is right , In battle every man is bound to fight . For what should hinder me to sell my skin , } Dear as I could , if once my hand were in ? } Se defendendo never was a sin . } \u2018 Tis a fine world , my masters ! right or wrong , The Whigs must talk , and Tories hold their tongue . They must do all they can , But we , forsooth , must bear a christian mind ; And fight , like boys , with one hand tied behind ; Nay , and when one boy 's down , \u2018 twere wond'rous wise , To cry ,\u2014 box fair , and give him time to rise . When fortune favours , none but fools will dally ; } Would any of you sparks , if Nan , or Mally , } Tip you the inviting wink , stand , shall I , shall I ? } A Trimmer cried ,Fie , mistress Cook , \u2018 faith you 're too rank a Tory ! Wish not Whigs hanged , but pity their hard cases ; You women love to see men make wry faces .\u2014 Pray , sir , said I , do n't think me such a Jew ; I say no more , but give the devil his due .\u2014 Lenitives , says he , suit best with our condition .\u2014 Jack Ketch , says I , is an excellent physician .\u2014 I love no blood .\u2014 Nor I , sir , as I breathe ; But hanging is a fine dry kind of death .\u2014 We Trimmers are for holding all things even .\u2014 Yes ; just like him that hung \u2018 twixt hell and heaven .\u2014 Have we not had men 's lives enough already ?\u2014 Yes , sure : but you 're for holding all things steady . Now since the weight hangs all on one side , brother , You Trimmers should , to poize it , hang on t'other . Damned neuters , in their middle way of steering , Are neither fish , nor flesh , nor good red-herring : Not Whigs , nor Tories they ; nor this , nor that ; Not birds , nor beasts ; but just a kind of bat : A twilight animal , true to neither cause , With Tory wings , but Whigish teeth and clawsFootnotes : 1 . There is in Mr Bindley 's collection another Epilogue , which appears to have been originally subjoined to the \u201c Duke of Guise . \u201d It is extremely coarse ; and as the author himself suppressed it , the editor will not do his better judgment the injustice to revive it ."], "true_target": ["William Viscount Stafford , the last who suffered for the Popish plot , was tried and executed in 1680 . It appears , that his life was foully sworn away by Dugdale and Turberville . The manly and patient deportment of the noble sufferer went far to remove the woful delusion which then pervaded the people . It would seem that Hunt had acted as his solicitor ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["The fable alluded to occurs in the Pia Hilaria of Gaz\u00e6us , and in"], "true_target": ["Le Grand 's Fabliaux ; it makes the subject of a humorous tale by", "Mr Robert Southey ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["\u201c Reduced at last to hiss in his own dragon . \u201d"], "true_target": ["Alluding to the well-known catastrophe of poor Settle acting in", "Bartholomew fair :"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["With pity Jove beholds thy state ,", "Busy bargains \u2019 deafer sound ?", "But Jove is circumscribed by fate ;", "And wealth of all the main .", "Of royal blood", "A sacred flood", "It gains upon this island 's waste ;", "The o'erwhelming tide rolls on so fast ,", "The God of Traffic , and of Gain ,", "And , to preserve Albanius , let him go ;", "To draw the concourse of the land ,", "Jun . Ir . \u2018 Tis time to mount above ,", "For crimes not thine , by wrathful Jove ;"], "true_target": ["But where the shoals of merchants meeting ?", "Cries vengeance , vengeance , loud above .", "Nothing here but desolation ,", "Thy land must bleed ,", "Well worthy thou to entertain", "Tongue confused of every nation ?", "Welcome to their friends repeating ,", "Thou glorious fabric ! stand , for ever stand :", "And is opposed too late ! too late !", "Out upon him , how his flank heaves ! The whore-son is broken-winded .", "Delude the fury of the foe ,", "And send Astr\u00e6a down .", "For \u2018 tis decreed ,", "Mournful silence reigns around ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["} THAM . together .", "Why hast thou found a room in lovers \u2019 hearts ,", "She , that allured my heart away ,", "Both assured me .", "Ah , \u2018 tis too true ! too true !", "I rave , I rave ! my spirits boil", "And he , that after made a prey .", "See , we fall before thee ,", "Tham . O Hermes ! pity me ! }", "To some more happy sphere ,", "For at one blow it ends the war ,", "Like flames increased , and mounting high with pouring oil ;", "and Tham . A stupifying sadness Leaves her without motion ; But sleep will cure her madness , And cool her to devotion . A double Pedestal rises : on the Front of it is painted , in Stone-colour , two Women ; one holding a double-faced Vizor ; the other a Book , representing HYPOCRISY and FANATICISM ; when ARCHON has charmed DEMOCRACY and ZEAL with the Caduceus of MERCURY , they fall asleep on the Pedestal , and it sinks with them .", "Whose power the souls unites ,", "Behold Democracy and Zeal appear ;", "My walls I would translate", "Were I not bound by fate", "And cures the love-sick maid .", "Faction swayed me ,", "No more , no more temptations use", "Never , never will I rise !", "and Tham . The royal squadron marches , Erect triumphal arches , For Albion and Albanius ; Rejoice at their returning , The passages adorning : The royal squadron marches , Erect triumphal arches For Albion and Albanius . Part of the Scene disappears , and the Four Triumphal arches , erected on his Majesty 's Coronation , are seen . ALBION appears , ALBANIUS by his Side , preceded by ARCHON , followed by a Train , & c .", "Till my plighted lord 's returning !", "Thou hast exhausted all my store ,", "Great queen of nuptial rites ,", "O Hermes ! pity me !", "But what could I , unthinking city , do ?", "Zeal allured me ,", "Never will I cease my mourning ,", "Hail , royal Albion , hail to thee ,", "It seems the gods take little care", "Disdain and love succeed by turns ;", "O never , never will I rise ,", "And poisoning love himself , with his own darts ?", "One writ in sand , alas , in marble one .", "Behold !"], "true_target": ["To pardon and to pity me ,", "Hate is the nobler passion far ,", "Never wipe my weeping eyes ,", "My turrets on the ground ,", "Give hate the full possession of my breast .", "My falsehood I deplore !", "When love is ill repaid ;", "Removed from servile fear .", "My first offences yet remain ,", "To bend my will ;", "O Hermes ! pity me !", "How hard a task \u2018 tis to refuse", "Away , soft love , thou foe to rest !", "O Hermes ! pity me ! } Sung by AUG. and", "And I can give no more .", "I was , while heaven did smile ,", "For ever , ever here ,", "Europe 's pride ,", "And Albion 's bride ;", "But gone my plighted lord ! ah , gone is he !", "That once my temples crowned !", "And to forgive a guilty nation !", "Prostrate we adore thee !", "The queen of all this isle ,", "O jealousy , thou raging ill ,", "Both betrayed me !", "and Tham . To arms ! to arms !", "I find my Albion 's heart is gone ,", "Of human things below ,", "When even our sufferings here they do not know .", "A pleasing ill !", "Afflicting what thou canst not kill ,", "Nor can repentance love regain ;", "And fills the genial bed with chaste delights ,", "One freezes me , and t'other burns ; it burns .", "Thy longing people 's expectation !"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["And I the noble Flood , whose tributary tide Does on her silver margent smoothly glide ; But heaven grew jealous of our happy state , And bid revolving fate Our doom decree ; No more the King of Floods am I , No more the Queen of Albion , she !", "Whose moisture fills our floods ,", "And sink below the main ;", "Old father Ocean calls my tide ; Come away , come away ; The barks upon the billows ride , The master will not stay ; The merry boatswain from his side His whistle takes , to check and chide The lingering lads \u2019 delay , And all the crew aloud have cried , Come away , come away . See , the god of seas attends thee , Nymphs divine , a beauteous train ; All the calmer gales befriend thee , In thy passage o'er the main ; Every maid her locks is binding , Every Triton 's horn is winding ; Welcome to the watry plain ! CHACONTwo Nymphs and Tritons sing . Ye Nymphs , the charge is royal , Which you must convey ; Your hearts and hands employ all , Hasten to obey ; When earth is grown disloyal , Shew there 's honour in the sea . The CHACON continues . The Chorus of Nymphs and Tritons repeat the same Verses . The CHACON continues . Two Nymphs and Tritons . Sports and pleasures shall attend you Through all the watry plains , Where Neptune reigns ; Venus ready to defend you , And her nymphs to ease your pains , No storm shall offend you , Passing the main ; Nor billow threat in vain So sacred a train , \u2018 Till the gods , that defend you , Restore you again . The CHACON continues . The Chorus repeat the same Verses , Sports and Pleasures & c . The CHACON continues . The two Nymphs and Tritons sing . See , at your blest returning , Rage disappears ; The widowed isle in mourning Dries up her tears ; With flowers the meads adorning , Pleasure appears , And love dispels the nation 's causeless fears . The CHACON continues . The Chorus of Nymphs and Tritons repeat the same Verses , See at your blest returning , & c . The CHACON continues . Then the Chorus repeat , See the god of Seas , & c. And this Chorus concludes the Act . ACT III . The Scene is a View of Dover , taken from the Sea . A row of Cliffs fill up each Side of the Stage , and the Sea the middle of it , which runs into the Pier ; Beyond the Pier , is the town of Dover ; On each side of the Town , is seen a very high hill ; on one of which is the Castle of Dover ; on the other , the great stone which they call the Devil'shYpppHeNDrop . Behind the Town several Hills are seen at a great distance , which finish the View .", "Shall never , never bear again .", "See , we fall before thee ,", "Thou seest her mourn , and I", "Would I could disappear ,", "Behold the differing Climes agree ,", "Medway and Isis , you that augment me , Tides that increase my watery store , And you that are friends to peace and plenty , Send my merry boys all ashore ; Seamen skipping , Mariners leaping , Shouting , tripping , Send my merry boys all ashore ! A dance of Watermen in the King 's and Duke 's Liveries . The Clouds divide , and JUNO appears in a Machine drawn by Peacocks ; while a Symphony is playing , it moves gently forward , and as it descends , it opens and discovers the Tail of the Peacock , which is so large , that it almost fills the opening of the Stage between Scene and Scene .", "Shall never , never , never , bear again . }", "Great queen of gathering clouds ,", "Prostrate we adore thee !", "A commonwealth 's a load , } THAMES . and"], "true_target": ["Behold !", "Our old imperial flood , } AUG. together .", "For commonwealth 's a load ,", "Suffice for pious uses ,", "Sent from the gods to set us free", "With all my waters will her tears supply .", "The sedgy honours of my brows dispersed ! My urn reversed !", "My old imperial flood", "To feed the sacred hunger of a saint !", "Or treasures of the famed Levant ,", "Removed from servile fear .", "From bondage and from usurpation !", "Not all the gold the southern sun produces ,", "Rejoicing in thy restoration ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["And stay , brave Archon , stay !", "All other isles excelling ,", "The wife of Jove ! \u2018 Tis she ,", "The clouds divide ; what wonders ,", "Thy Albion to restore ,\u2014", "Chorus of all . We 'll wash away the stain", "Can'st thou repent ?", "Not unknowing came I down ,", "\u2018 Tis doomed that Albion 's dwelling ,", "And free this famous town again", "Commonwealth will want pretences ,", "Take my caduceus ! Take this awful wand ,", "Sleep will creep on all his senses ;", "Cease your alarms !", "By peace shall happy be .", "Loyal hearts to chear .", "Speak ! didst not thou", "Rise , rise , Augusta , rise !", "Every grace his youth adorning ,", "\u2018 Tis lawful for the gods to know", "Rise , rise , Augusta , rise .", "\u2018 Tis doomed by fate 's decree ,", "Thy future name ,", "Then by some loyal deed regain", "To wash away the stain"], "true_target": ["Disloyal town !", "Zeal that lent him her assistance ,", "Suppose me sent", "Happy days appear ;", "God-like Albion is returning", "Augusta !\u2014 for I call thee so :", "Resist , and do not fear ! Chorus of all . Resist , and do not fear !", "And strike a terror through the Stygian land .", "Glorious as the star of morning ,", "Cease , Augusta ! cease thy mourning ,", "That blots a noble nation ,", "What wonders do I see !", "With this the infernal ghosts I can command ,", "Stand amazed without resistance .", "And growing fame .", "From force of usurpation .", "From force of usurpation .", "And wipe thy weeping eyes :", "That blots a noble nation ,", "Thy long-lost reputation ,", "And free thy famous town again", "Forsake thy faith , and break thy nuptial vow ?", "That thunders , more than thundering he !", "to Arch . Haste away , loyal chief , haste away , No delay , but obey ; To receive thy loved lord , haste away .", "What brought thee , wretch , to this despair ? The cause of thy misfortune show .", "Or the planet of the year ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Thy wealth impart ,", "Woe to the vanquished , woe !", "And me thy victor know !"], "true_target": ["Nymph of the city ! bring thy treasures ,", "Bring me more", "To waste in pleasures .", "Slave as thou art ,"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Woe to the vanquished , woe !", "Still incumber :", "A new supply ; and swell thy moony tide ,", "In vain I rage , in vain", "That on thy buxom back the floating gold may glide .", "Thy bars shall burst at my command ,", "We 'll reap the gains", "I 'll hold her fast", "Know , you that have adored him ,", "Even in slumber will I vex him ;", "And seem to have restored him ."], "true_target": ["I shall , to better hours .", "Resistless arms are in my hand ,", "To be embraced !", "Thy tory head lie low .", "Still perplex him ,", "And me thy victor know .", "And sovereign power afford him ,", "But I shall wake again ,", "I rouse my powers ;", "Thou horny flood , for Zeal provide", "Of all your pains ,"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["and Zel . We both in triumph sate , Usurpers of the crown . But oh , prodigious turn of fate ! Heaven controuling , Sent us rolling , rolling down .", "Hear our complaint , and grant our prayer .", "And for imaginary dangers grieve .", "Pull down her gates , expose her bare ;", "Where they may sting", "\u2018 Tis fit a common-wealth of stars should rise .", "Affect a fear for hated Albion 's life ,", "I trampled on the state .", "Reject thy old ,", "And leave no difference in degree ,", "When thou didst bravely undertake in fight", "The people are arming ,", "To make him great , we scorned his royal sway ,\u2014", "And she shall see", "The people ; for the right returns to those . Who did the trust impose .", "Albanius now is gone .", "Yon arbitrary power ,", "Let public good", "With crowds of warlike people thou art stored .", "Was I begot by thee .", "What miracles are shewn !", "To encrease his store ,", "Were common-wealth restored again ,", "and Zel . The wealth of Albion 's isle was ours , Augusta stooped with all her stately towers .", "We brave republic souls remain .", "The frights of oppression invade them .", "!", "Does but more provoke disdain .", "Nature 's alarmed ,", "To pull down one , and build another throne ,", "Still to weep and to complain ,", "Democracy kept nobles under .", "Gifted men , and able teachers ;", "But when the sun", "And fires are armed ,", "See friendless Albion there alone ,", "To lay her waste", "Are all dispersed and gone ;", "That rules by sovereign might ,", "And heaps of gold ;", "Inflame thy blood ;"], "true_target": ["A design we fomented ,\u2014", "To fill thy dark abode .", "A thousand thousand more in me !", "To set thy heaven-born fellows free ,", "Lo ! heaven and earth combine", "First with promised faith we flattered .", "That Archer is by fate designed ,", "Happy let him reign ,", "A modest show with jealous eyes deceive ;", "In that auspicious hour", "I feel a lazy slumber lays me down :", "Let not thy generous passion waste its rage ,", "And to thy bed receive another lord .", "Saints have wives , and wives have preachers ,", "I must enjoy the proud disdainful fair .", "His race has run ,", "Haste , Archon , haste", "To guard the sacred throne .", "The gods have put him in our hand", "With jealousy swarming ,", "These to get , and those to own .", "Maintain the seeming duty of a wife ,", "The breast of Albion 's king .", "Conceived in heaven , but born in hell .", "But once again restore our golden age ;", "and Zel . O thou , for whom those worlds are made , Thou sire of all things , and their end , From hence they spring , and when they fade , In shuffled heaps they hither tend ; Here human souls receive their breath , And wait for bodies after death .", "A thousand tyrants are in thee ,", "We kept him poor ;", "With one eye clear , and t'other blind .", "To blast our bold design .", "Fall on ; e'er Albion 's death , we 'll try , If one or many shall his room supply . The White Boys dance about the Saints ; the Saints draw out the Association , and offer it to them ; they refuse it , and quarrel about it ; then the White Boys and Saints fall into a confused dance , imitating fighting . The White Boys , at the end of the dance , being driven out by the Sectaries , with Protestant Flails .", "Thou shouldst have millions of the slain", "A false plot invented ,\u2014", "I am thy first-begotten care ,", "Our seeming friends , who joined alone ,", "Till I wake again .", "And neither cheers the world , nor lights the skies ,", "Spare some , to fling", "Let Albion , let him take the crown .", "Without defence", "But innocence ;"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["I lead the way !"], "true_target": ["What then remains for me ?", "to Aug. From the Caledonian shore Hither am I come to save thee , Not to force or to enslave thee , But thy Albion to restore : Hark ! the peals the people ring , Peace , and freedom , and a king ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Let us laugh , let us laugh , let us laugh at our woes , The wretch that is damned hath nothing to lose . The Scene changes to a Prospect taken from the middle of the Thames ; one side of it begins at York-Stairs , thence to White-Hall , and the Mill-bank , & c. The other from the Saw-mill , thence to the Bishop 's Palace , and on as far as can be seen in a clear day ."], "true_target": ["Hark ! the peals the people ring ,", "Peace , and freedom , and a king ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["of all . But above all , & c . Whilst a Symphony is playing , a very large , and a very glorious Machine descends ; the figure of it oval , all the clouds shining with gold , abundance of Angels and Cherubins flying about them , and playing in them ; in the midst of it sits APOLLO on a throne of gold ; he comes from the machine to ALBION ."], "true_target": ["Godlike Albion is returning , & c .", "To shun the avenging fire . As they are going back , a fire arises from behind ; they all sink together ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["When mortals laugh and love ?", "Why stay we then on earth ,", "And send Astr\u00e6a down .", "\u2018 Tis time to mount above ,", "Has he performed my dread command ,", "Speak , Iris , from Batavia , speak the news !", "For Jove has left his wand'ring love .", "And guardian of his crown ."], "true_target": ["\u2018 Tis time to mount above ,", "Returning Albion to his longing land ,", "\u2018 Tis ratified above by every god , And Jove has firmed it with an awful nod , That Albion shall his love renew : But oh , ungrateful fair , Repeated crimes beware , And to his bed be true ! IRIS appears on a very large Machine . This was really seen the 18th of March , 1684 , by Captain Christopher Gunman , on Board his R. H. Yacht , then in Calais Pierre : He drew it as it then appeared , and gave a Draught of it to us . We have only added the Cloud where the Person of IRIS sits .", "No , Hermes , no ;", "As \u2018 tis below ;", "Or dare the nymph refuse ?", "And send Astr\u00e6a down ,", "The ruler of his birth ,", "\u2018 Tis peace above"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Was to Neptune recommended ;", "Albion , by the nymph attended ,", "And supplied Etesian gales ."], "true_target": ["Venus , in her shell before him ,", "Peace and Plenty spread the sails ,", "From the sands in safety bore him ,"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Charon , for want of use , forgot his oar .", "And blast the beauteous frame of our victorious foe .", "By Jove excluded from the sky ;", "A rogue with ease .", "The people 's fear will serve as well ,", "At length hath wrought", "Let us laugh , let us laugh , let us laugh at our woes , The wretch that is damned has nothing to lose .\u2014 Ye furies , advance With the ghosts in a dance . \u2018 Tis a jubilee when the world is in trouble ; When people rebel , We frolic in hell ; But when the king falls , the pleasure is double .", "From glorious empire hurled ;", "In which you both shall join .", "For he can be", "Say , what on earth has been your lot ?", "Thou , Zeal , like true Religion burn ,", "And all thy snakes into her bosom throw .", "My labouring thought", "One for mighty mischief born ;", "Thou , Common-wealth , a Patriot seem ,", "Since , pleasures here are none below ,", "To gain the giddy crowd 's esteem .\u2014", "Be ill our good , our joy be woe ;", "And hither none returned to purge a crime :", "Hell can have no admittance there ;", "In borrowed shapes to earth return ;", "Alecto , thou to fair Augusta go ,", "Make him suspected , them rebel ."], "true_target": ["Grew thin , and hell unpeopled of her store ;", "But now I see , since Albion is restored ,", "And fill with groans the gloomy plain ;", "By Albion from the world .", "And whence you fell ?", "Disturb their union , disunite their love ,", "A bravely bold design ,", "and Alect . Take him , make him what you please ; For he can be a rogue with ease .", "And from the glorious fields of light ,", "Make him", "Our work to embroil the worlds above ,", "Dear pledges of a flame not yet forgot ,", "Infernal offspring of the night ,", "Take him ,", "He can swear , and be forsworn .", "What you please ;", "I wondered how of late our Acherontic shore", "\u2018 Tis too , too much that here I lie", "Forbear your vain attempts , forbear :", "Death has no business , nor the vengeful sword .", "Speak what you are ,", "The souls of bodies dead flew all sublime ,", "Condemned in shades to drag the chain ,", "Debarred of heaven your native right ,"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["A king is but a king on trial ;", "In Albion of the imagined grief ;", "Say , whom shall we employ", "But losing fame ,", "He comes inspired to do't .", "And court their wild applause ;", "For heaven can loose , as well as tie all ;", "To involve his brother and his wife .", "\u2018 Till saintship taught her to rebel :", "And when you could not work belief", "Old delusions , new repeated , Shews them born but to be cheated , As their fathers were before . Six Sectaries begin a formal affected Dance ; the two gravest whisper the other four , and draw them into the Plot ; they pull out and deliver Libels to them , which they receive .", "Religion shall help to persuade them .", "But still mistakes the road .", "To punish our audacious crimes ?", "For fear of repenting ,", "Inspire the crowd", "With clamours loud ,", "That great Albanius be unfixed .", "I lorded o'er the gown .", "To shun the avenging fire .", "His friends by public fame suspected ,", "For heaven to mourn , and hell to smile .", "If they fall to relenting ,", "Zeal from the pulpit roared like thunder .", "What help , when jarring elements conspire ,", "Then let the mask begin ,", "If open vice be what you drive at ,", "Your perjured vouchers , in a breath ,", "Our business was to please the throng ,", "And \u2018 tis by us that Albion must be slain ;", "A plot , contrived in happy hour ,"], "true_target": ["Religion shall thy bonds release ,", "A name so broad we 'll ne'er connive at .", "No fairer nymph in heaven or earth ,", "Retreat betimes ,", "When love is lost , let marriage end ,", "The former Scene continues .", "Albanius must forsake his isle ;", "The Saints advance ,", "And leave a husband for a friend .", "He must be slain .", "For he a race of rebels sends ,", "And then five hundred quacks of skill", "In seeming care of Albion 's life ;", "She 's now the Good Old Cause in hell .", "And Zeal the path of heaven pretends ,", "Saints love vice , but , more refinedly ,", "His foes already stand protected ,", "Made oath , that he was sick to death ;", "Bereaves him of his royal power ,", "To fill the dance ,", "Keep her close , and use her kindly .", "And when \u2018 tis for the nation 's peace ,", "The tyrant to destroy ?", "The Boys in white begin a Fantastic Dance", "Her name was Zeal before she fell ;", "And changing name ,", "Resolved , \u2018 twas fit he should be ill .", "To forge a plot ,", "Let jealousies so well be mixed ,", "You 've all forgot", "And the Property Boys come in .", "One mother bore us at a birth ,"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["He took a deeper stain :", "One , who through every form of ill has run :", "So thoroughly damned , that he can ne'er repent :", "Take , of a thousand souls at thy command ,", "One , who has gained a body fit for sin ;", "One , that will swear to all they can invent ,", "Lie crowded in a skin", "One , who in Naboth 's days was Belial 's son ;"], "true_target": ["And still at every birth", "One , often sent to earth ,", "One , that in Adam 's time was Cain ;", "For crimes even here too black to name :", "The basest , blackest of the Stygian band ,", "Where all his crimes", "Of former times", "One , that was burnt in Sodom 's flame ,"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Shall I , to assuage", "To rule by love ,", "O monarchs , see", "Let princes know ,", "The fumes of madness , that possest", "Till they reach the vaulted arch of those above ;", "The gifts , you gave with lavish hand ,", "Ere mortals are wanting ,", "Go from my sight ; but never from my mind .", "To please my foes ,", "Can all your wrath employ !", "Below that steep ,", "Let us fall before them .", "Unbounded o'er the main .", "And can resolve the future too .", "And force revenge from their offended lord ?", "See a sacred king uncrowned ,", "I thought their love by mildness might be gained ,", "But see , what glories gild the main !", "\u2018 Tis fatal to be good .", "Let our tuneful accents upwards move ,", "How long , ye gods , how long", "See the gods my cause defending ,", "Are all the effects of a merciful nature ;", "and Alban . The rosy-fingered morn appears , And from her mantle shakes her tears , In promise of a glorious day ; The sun , returning , mortals chears , And drives the rising mists away , In promise of a glorious day . The farther part of the heaven opens , and discovers a Machine ; as it moves forward , the clouds which are before it divide , and shew the person of APOLLO , holding the Reins in his Hand . As they fall lower , the Horses appear with the Rays , and a great glory about APOLLO .", "go ,", "Since then the gods and thou will have it so ,", "Are all bestowed in vain ;", "By peace I was restored , in peace I reigned ;", "Chorus of both . To rule by love , & c .", "A birth immortal , and a throne ;", "To shed no blood ,", "And , none oppressing , am by all oppressed ;", "Extended empire on the land ,", "Go ;", "What then must helpless Albion do ?", "Which rising billows brave ?", "Or must I lose ,", "II .", "Of madmen 's jealousies , and causeless fear ?", "But is not yonder Proteus \u2019 cave ,"], "true_target": ["He knows the past ,", "The people 's giddy brain ,", "Where thy misfortunes call thee , and thy fate ;", "May be extolled above ;", "Your fate in me !", "Their brutal rage ,", "Behold , ye powers ! from whom I own", "MERCURY descends .", "But tumults , seditions ,", "And haughty petitions ,", "And dye rebellion in a deeper stain .", "In peaceful hours , when souls unbend ,", "Let us adore them ;", "And faced with public good ?", "Forgiving and granting ,", "In war , my champion to defend ,", "To whom shall I my preservation owe ?", "But here below ,", "Betrayed , forsaken , and of hope bereft .", "Borne where the foamy billows roar ,", "See your offspring , Albion , bound ;", "Will they at length awake the sleeping sword ,", "But leads to rebelling against their creator .", "The regal stem destroy ?", "Unhelped I am , who pitied the distressed ,", "On seas less dangerous than the shore ;", "What greater curse ,", "III .", "Go , where the gods thy refuge have assigned ,", "My sole remaining joy ?", "Go , guiltless victim of a guilty state !", "Ye gods , what worse ,", "Against rebellion armed with zeal ,", "Ah ! what canst thou avail ,", "My brother , and , what 's more , my friend !", "The insults and wrong", "Can royal patience bear", "Once more disturb the nation 's rest ,", "Then Zeal and Common-wealth infest", "My land again ;", "When all human help was past !"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["With virtue rewarded ;", "Though none so dear", "Shall be for me , unhappy exile , found ,", "Oh Albion ! hear the gods and me !", "As this ungrateful isle ,\u2014", "Not exile or danger can fright a brave spirit ,", "What land soe'er ,\u2014"], "true_target": ["\u2018 Till heaven vouchsafe to smile ;", "O think ! O think ! no distance can remove", "Well am I lost , in saving thee .", "I make of my sufferings a merit .", "Whatever hospitable ground", "With innocence guarded ,", "My vowed allegiance , and my loyal love ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["My sacred oracles assure ,", "The tempest shall not long endure ;", "Their dark designing ,", "NEPTUNE rises out of the Water , and a Train of Rivers , Tritons , and", "Propitious both , and both divine ;", "The Gods \u2019 peculiar care !", "All hail , ye royal pair ,", "But when the nation 's crimes are purged away ,"], "true_target": ["Fear not the malice of your foes ;", "II .", "And combining ,", "Time and truth shall once expose :", "Fear not the malice of your foes .", "Sea-Nymphs attend him .", "In lustre equal to the god of day .", "Then shall you both in glory shine ;"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Come we in pity your cares to deplore ;", "Sea-racing dolphins are trained for our motion ,", "To charm your discontent .", "II .", "But a mind , that 's truly brave ,", "From the low palace of old father Ocean ,", "Storms arising ,", "Vessels are foundering , and vows are in vain .", "Your father Neptune , from the seas ,", "Neptune in anguish his charge unattending ,"], "true_target": ["Moony tides swelling to roll us ashore .", "And can ne'er be made a slave .", "Heaven , that gave , can take again ;", "Every nymph of the flood , her tresses rending ,", "Stands despising", "Empire o'er the land and main ,", "Has Nereids and blue Tritons sent ,", "Nereids rise out of the Sea , and sing ; Tritons dance .", "Throws off her armlet of pearl in the main ;", "Yet still the gods , and Innocence are left ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["By hell it was new !", "To cheer the world , and light the skies .", "That the monarch 's a slave to the crowd .", "And when to wants we had betrayed him ,", "But who shall then command ?", "\u2018 Tis fit another sun should rise ,", "Pronounced a foe ,", "To make him safe , we made his friends our prey ;", "To keep him low ,"], "true_target": ["Whoe'er presumed to aid him .", "And to confirm his crown , we took his heir away .", "To cover a true .", "Say then , what must be done ?", "Then jealousies and fears we scattered .", "Ha , ha ! \u2018 tis what so long I wished and vowed :", "Our plots and delusions", "Fall on .", "Have wrought such confusions ,"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["For this we bribed the lawyer 's tongue . And then destroyed the laws .", "For every man 's a king .", "An empty name", "Now hey for a common-wealth ,", "And virtue shall a drug become ;", "And master piece of all your art ,\u2014", "We merrily drink and sing !", "Shall bear a price ,", "But as they served our cause ."], "true_target": ["\u2018 Tis to the nation 's health ,", "We never valued right and wrong ,", "Each noble vice", "Freedom is a bait alluring ;", "Was all her fame ,", "You told him he was sick at heart .", "But now she shall be dumb .", "But you forget the noblest part ,", "While to sovereign power we soar .", "Them betraying , us securing ,"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Let the saints ascend the throne ."], "true_target": ["For this , & c .", "Let the saints ascend the throne ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["We may descry", "And snorting by ,", "The gods in heaven , the gods on earth maintain .", "\u2018 Tis true ! But hold him fast , For he can change his hue .The Cave of PROTEUS rises out of the Sea ; it consists of several arches of Rock-work adorned with mother-of-pearl , coral , and abundance of shells of various kinds . Through the arches is seen the Sea , and parts of Dover-pier ; in the middle of the Cave is PROTEUS asleep on a rock adorned with shells , & c. like the Cave . ALBION and ACACIA seize on him ; and while a symphony is playing , he sinks as they are bringing him forward , and changes himself into a Lion , a Crocodile , a Dragon , and then to his own shape again ; he comes forward to the front of the stage , and sings . SYMPHONY .", "It is ; and in it lies the god asleep ;", "Make room , make room ,", "Bright Venus brings Albanius back again , With all the Loves and Graces in her train . A machine rises out of the sea ; it opens , and discovers VENUS and ALBANIUS sitting in a great scallop-shell , richly adorned . VENUS is attended by the Loves and Graces , ALBANIUS by Heroes ; the shell is drawn by dolphins ; it moves forward , while a symphony of flutes-doux , & c. is playing , till it lands them on the stage , and then it closes and sinks . VENUS sings .Albion , hail ! the gods present thee All the richest of their treasures , Peace and pleasures , To content thee , Dancing their eternal measures .", "Be kind and happy to thy own ;", "The people of the sky", "When they protect a rightful monarch 's reign ,"], "true_target": ["O thou ! who mountest the \u00e6thereal throne ,", "A full chorus of all that ACACIA sung .", "Make room for our new deity !", "Now Albion is come ,", "Here ALBION mounts the machine , which moves upward slowly .", "Kings they made , and kings they love .", "The monsters of the deep .", "Run gazing , and cry ,\u2014 Make room ,", "By each other fall at last .", "Factions mutually contending ,"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Foes conspired , and friends betrayed thee ;", "Heaven thy ruin then prevented ,", "Cease thy sorrow and complaining ;", "Still thou art the care of heaven ,", "Albion , loved of gods and men .", "PROTEUS descends .", "Albion , loved of gods and men ,", "Ask me no more ; for \u2018 tis by Neptune 's foe ."], "true_target": ["II .", "\u2018 Till the guilty land repented .", "Still thou art the care of heaven .", "DEMOCRACY and ZELOTA return with their faction .", "In thy age , when none could aid thee ,", "In thy youth to exile driven ;", "Prince of peace , too mildly reigning ,", "To the brink of danger driven ,", "Thou shall be restored again :"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["He is deposed , he is deposed , he is deposed !", "Another religion , a new religion , another religion !", "Shoot , holy Cyclop , shoot . The one-eyed Archer advances , the rest follow . A fire arises betwixt them and ALBION .", "A Muley-Zeydan , a Muley-Zeydan !", "Yes , we do remember , we do remember ."], "true_target": ["No Mufti , no Mufti !", "A Mustapha , a Mustapha !", "One and all , one and all .", "That 's true , that 's true .", "A Mufti , a Mufti !", "Speak , captain , for we will hear you ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Take a warlike loyal brother ,", "Conduct , courage , truth expressing ,", "Shall with fraternal virtues reign ;", "Adored and feared , and loved no less ;", "Never prince had such another ;", "In war victorious , mild in peace ,"], "true_target": ["To fill the throne ;", "The joy of man , and Jove 's increase .", "Albanius , lord of land and main ,", "What stars above shall we displace ? Where shall he fill a room divine ?", "And add his own ,", "But , above all human blessing ,", "All heroic worth possessing ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Must change his seat ,", "August ,", "The just ,", "For he is adopted there .", "Shall shine in heaven with beams displayed ,", "Surprising news I bear ;", "And peaceful shade ,"], "true_target": ["From Jove 's imperial court ,", "In awful counsel met ,", "Albion the great", "No , not by that tempestuous sign ;", "Betwixt the Balance and the Maid ,", "Where all the gods resort ,", "While great Albanius is on earth obeyed ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Descended from the sea-gods \u2019 race ,"], "true_target": ["Let him by my Orion shine ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["But to reprieve it , for my own revenge .", "And so much of heaven 's image blotted from you .", "Disposed to grant whatever I desire ,", "When I was hasty , thou delayed'st me longer \u2014", "And treat him as my person .", "But mongrel-mischievous ; for my blood boiled ,", "Well ; and he trusts you too .", "He has ; and hooting boys may dry-shod pass ,", "And thence proceeds my mortal hatred to him ;", "To heaven , and to my king , and to my love !\u2014", "Where seas , and winds , and deserts will divide you .", "I shall run mad with extacy of joy :", "O yes , you must do more , you must be damned ;", "And whene'er kings would lower clergy-greatness ,", "My master !\u2014 By what title ?", "Or hot , or cold ; this neither , and yet both .", "As private men they want you , not as kings ;", "Relieved his fainting rhetoric with new figures ,", "All must be rapine , wars , and desolation ,", "Be not too prodigal of promises ;", "To preach you down ; and ages oft depend", "None of my blood were hangmen ; add that falsehood", "I charge on thee , to make thy damning sure .", "I saved you but to kill you : There 's my grief .", "Which I disdain to give the man I love ?", "The scrivener , usurer , lawyer , shopkeeper ,", "And live to hear it boasted to my face .", "Chaos of power , and privileged destruction .", "Bred in the fellowship of bearded boys ,", "Who there , secure in separated cells ,", "But fear not Muley-Zeydan ; his soft metal", "His friends and mine ; which might prevent our combat .", "For , if you could but think , I knew you safe .", "What wonder is it if you know not men ?", "But , for a blow provoked by thy injustice ,", "Though all mankind is cause enough for satire .", "Had I been born with his indulgent stars ,", "Not to be damned or saved , but breathe and perish ,", "To fawn , and yet betray ,\u2014 I should be hissed ,", "And dragged him down with me , spite of predestination .", "When he refused to meet me in the field ,", "O prodigy of court !", "A safe retreat , a gentle solitude ,", "Yet more , I know he vacates my revenge ,", "Which , but by this revolt , I cannot compass :", "I shall , and set him full before thy sight ,", "The unwilling word ; and , grating as it is ,", "Not very far ; not farther than zeal goes ;", "I mowed across , and made irregular harvest ,", "Is it so strange to find me , where my wrongs ,", "No ; It must be my own , I scorn a proxy .", "O worse than hell ! what glory have I lost ,", "But thy ingratitude outgrew them both .", "And the bread snatched from pimps and parasites .", "But the malicious world will judge the worst .", "But that it draws dependencies of power", "Each of them an host ,", "To view that act ,\u2014 would you but barely die ?", "As for Sebastian , we must search the field ;", "Because I happened to be born where he", "Who lost her lover on her bridal day .", "He has convinced me , that he ought to die ;", "Let my tears thank you , for I cannot speak ;", "But stretch your limbs , and turn on t'other side .", "I need but tell my story , to revoke", "What , my Alonzo , said you ? my Alonzo !", "I hope she died in her own female calling ,", "Where justice wanted , could reward be hoped ?", "The Ph\u00e6tons of mankind , who fire that world ,", "But wish \u2018 twere not so like .", "Will think he knew this incest , and pursued it .", "Why , is that news ?", "Though my lot swarthy : Now , if there be hereafter ,", "This hard commission .", "They would not wag one finger in your quarrels .", "That they were framed the tallies for each other .", "So paired , so suited in their minds and persons ,", "Quick shootings thro \u2019 my limbs , and pricking pains ,", "It must have been an eye-sore to beholders ,", "My yet uncancelled wrongs , I must do this !\u2014", "The wittiest woman 's toy in Portugal :", "Scarce thanked me for my pains ; he swallows vulgar", "To quench our heats : \u2018 Tis the king 's health , Benducar ,", "He made indeed , but flat insipid stuff ;", "Mean you to turn an anchorite ?", "No , Dorax cannot answer to Alonzo ;", "And from the purling streams , and savage fruits .", "Henriquez had your love with more desert .", "And prove my charge a lie .", "I could not see him die by vulgar hands ;", "Whose double diligence preserved my life .", "Sebastian was my aim ; he was a man :", "Tyrant !\u2014 It irks me so to call my prince ;", "Expect my swift return .", "But leave him free ; or , by my sword , I swear", "If she be fated", "With palm and olive , victory and peace ,", "Not of my soul : My soul 's a regicide .", "Defaced the pomp of battle , but in vain ;", "I followed him , by groans of dying foes ;", "With all my wrongs about me .\u2014 What , so soon", "And why I turned Mahometan . I 'm grateful ;", "And brother to the dead .", "But when Sebastian ceased to be himself ,", "Heaped up in youth , and hoarded up for age !", "A thousand nights have brushed their balmy wings", "The worth and honour of my soul unknown .", "A soul fixed high , and capable of heaven .", "With my revenge ? Then , where 's my satisfaction ?", "Arise , fair excellence , and pay no thanks ,", "With you one word in private .", "When his bought slaves were seized by force , no loss", "Haste to attend Almeyda :\u2014 For your sake Your father is forgiven ; but to Antonio He forfeits half his wealth . Be happy both ; And let Sebastian and Almeyda 's fate This dreadful sentence to the world relate ,\u2014 That unrepented crimes , of parents dead , Are justly punished on their children 's head . Footnotes : 1 . This whimsical account of the Slave-market is probably taken from the following passage in the \u201c Captivity and escape of Adam Elliot , M. A . \u201d \u2014 \u201c By sun-rising next morning , we were all of us , who came last to Sallee , driven to market , where , the Moors sitting taylor-wise on stalls round about , we were severally run up and down by persons who proclaimed our qualities or trades , and what might best recommend us to the buyer . I had a great black who was appointed to sell me ; this fellow , holding me by the hand , coursed me up and down from one person to another , who called upon me at pleasure to examine what trade I was of , and to see what labour my hands had been accustomed to . All the seamen were soon bought up , but it was mid-day ere I could meet with a purchaser . \u201d \u2014 See A modest Vindication of Titus Oates , London , 1682 .", "But if there be a part in all his face", "We know your thoughts of us that laymen are ,", "I need not tell the rest , the event declares it .", "To him , or any heavenly demagogue :", "With his face up to heaven , in the red monument ,", "Shall call so loud , that lethargy should wake ,", "That have but just enough of sense , to know", "Even in the face of heaven , a place more sacred ,", "And pitched thy standard in these foreign fields :", "You , and your hungry herd , depart untouched ;", "And so had I been favoured , had I stood .", "Give me revenge , while I have breath to ask it !", "This Mufti , in my conscience , is some English renegado , he talks so savourily of toping .", "Alonzo was too kind a name for me .", "Half drowned in tears before : Spare my confusion ;", "I 'll cut that isthmus .", "For yet I have not dared , through guilt and shame ,", "Since he claims power from heaven , and not from kings ,", "But I forgot a new increase of joy", "Let him go ;", "The wrongs himself sustained in property ;", "I have a sister , abbess in Terceras ,", "That thought escaped me .", "Your heaven you promise , but our earth you covet ;", "This is not Lisbon ; nor the circle this ,", "The only boon I begged was this fair combat :", "For he was still supplying death elsewhere .", "My sad commission , let me beg the boon ,", "And all his cruelty confined to me .", "Death , to a man in misery , is sleep .", "And , if I could ,", "But , while he trusts me , \u2018 twere so base a part ,", "The long expected hour is come at length ,", "Though modestly reported , passed for boasts ;", "Why then no bond is left on human kind !", "And earthly interest , which you long to sway ;", "Had he been tempted so , so had he fallen ;", "Ingratitude 's the growth of every clime ;", "And blunt it for some nobler work behind .", "And gather pebbles from the naked ford .\u2014", "Under the ledge of Atlas lies a cave ,", "The stuff of royal nonsense : When I spoke ,", "Melts down with easy warmth , runs in the mould ,", "Expelled each other in their civil war ,", "So does the signet : more I cannot say ;", "They scarcely want a guide to move their madness ;", "To swell your scores of guilt .", "When \u2018 tis attacked , and guard it like a man .", "Sacred even to the Moors , enjoy devotion ;", "Let it go round , for all of us have need", "To lengthen out a black voluptuous slumber ,", "For , give you but a foot of conscience there ,", "Shall I trust heaven , that heaven which I renounced ,", "He only merits her , she only him ;", "Dismiss your train .\u2014You , madam , please one moment to retire .", "I have heard enough already ,", "To guard that life which now I found attacked .", "Poor abject creatures , how they fear to die !", "Send one to climb , and , looking down below ,", "To be your wife , your fate will find her for you :", "That 's a suspicious word . It had been proper ,", "Your , pardon , sir ;", "Are not your holy stipends paid for this ?", "To end the worst of tyrants .\u2014", "You know them not .", "I trusted Muley-Zeydan as a friend ,", "To help him on his journey .", "Would only stain the brightness of my sword ,", "O truly great !", "So you should be Sebastian :", "Tyrant .", "Set upright with a little puff of breath ,", "If I 'm a traitor , think ,\u2014 and blush , thou tyrant ,\u2014", "Be not injurious in your foolish zeal ,", "Take it , for \u2018 tis thy due .", "And gives all gone beforehand .", "But just resentment , and hard usage , coined", "In such a world as this ! why , \u2018 tis a trade ;", "And to themselves a curse .", "In a friend 's mouth , than all those gaudy titles ,", "Oh , were that all ! my honest corpse must lie", "I will do more :", "Give me my love , my honour ; give them back \u2014", "I had to tell him of his holy jugglings ;", "Save that one villain who betrayed the gate .", "That \u2018 twere profaneness in us laity", "And , rather than he should not , here 's my sword ,", "Whose injuries betrayed me into treason ,", "The whole she-nation will be in mourning for him .", "To save his king 's ,\u2014 the boon was begged before !", "Secure of merit if I asked reward ,", "Nay ,\u2014 though he hated me , and I hate him ,", "Corrupted to a woman ; thy man-mistress .", "Yes , if you lived , and with repeated acts", "As , in the scene of opening paradise ,", "Some kings are resolute to their own ruin .", "And , that once cleared , eternal sleep is welcome .", "To see me burned ; he damns me from his church ,", "A greater sum , perhaps , than you can pay .", "But pity is my friend , and stops me short ,", "And to do office to your sacred person .", "You must be damned to all eternity ;", "Can it be poison ! Poison 's of one tenor ,", "The citadel is ours ; and Muley-Zeydan", "A crested dragon , or a basilisk ;", "As wilful incest is !", "Of all your college virtues , nothing now", "Bloated with pride , ambition , avarice ,", "There 's the amorous airy spark , Antonio ,", "To trust the preaching power on state-affairs", "I chose you one \u2014", "To his eternal rest .", "Tell him , no ;", "And , with disdainful language , dared my worst :", "\u2018 Tis a friend 's office .", "But he will thank you for the crown you leave him .", "How you triumph in one or two of these ,", "When trust and gratitude no longer bind .", "Now , draw ;\u2014 I should be loth to think thou dar'st not :", "If any alien love had interposed ,", "And humble as your discipline requires ;", "And have already ordered his attendance .", "I but accepted war , which he denounced .", "For you he fought , and died : I fought against you ;", "He loved his people ; him they idolized ;", "It suited better with my life than his ,", "The venerable seat of holy hermits ;", "Be damned by your neglect .", "Robbed of my vengeance , by a trivial chance !", "Nor would you care to inspect their public conscience ,", "My fortune had been his , and his been mine .\u2014", "Henriquez answered , with a ready lie ,", "Thus , when heaven pleases , double poisons cure", "I might have robbed him of his opening heaven ,", "Children may murder parents , wives their husbands ;", "Would you ,\u2014 who perpetrated such a crime ,", "Be kind ; and tell me how that rival died ,", "Words were not made to vent such thoughts as mine .", "For pity spare ; and say not first , you erred ;", "He looks uneasy at his future journey ,", "Is hangman 's work , and drudgery for devils .\u2014", "And dried the dews they brought :", "Drawn up in battle , to receive the charge .", "Go , bear him to his fate ,", "Why , then , these foreign thoughts of state-employments ,", "And leave you much to answer , if one wretch", "And your inhuman tyranny , have sent me ?", "Old as he is , your uncle cardinal", "Perhaps , too , turned the fortune of the day ,", "Thou hast dared", "But tell me , Mufti , which of them were saints ?\u2014", "You know my story , how I was rewarded", "And you , like Archimedes , toss the globe .", "That thou shouldst make a coward 's cause thy own !", "O , he has drawn a black ; and smiles upo n't ,", "Have overlaid him ,\u2014 for they could not conquer :", "And lost , like Lucifer , my name above .", "Next sir , to you : the sum of all is this ,\u2014", "On utmost need revealed .", "You were struck mute before .", "Restless in change , and perjured to a proverb .", "I would not hazard civil broils betwixt", "He should have disobeyed .", "Think not you dream ; or , if you did , my injuries", "Cut in the living rock by Nature 's hands ,", "To view this brutal act ; and my stern soul", "To hew that arm away , that stops the passage", "And driven too near the head , to be but artifice :", "Yet shall my cause of vengeance first be clear ;", "Spent in your service , dying at your feet .", "To feast him with surprise ; I must about it :", "Your fate has gratified you all she can ;", "To a long bill , that yet remains unreckoned .", "Or , if victorious , ordered his escape .\u2014", "Which heaven , grown weary of more perfect work ,", "And whooped in hell for that ingratitude .", "Ye mongrel work of heaven , with human shapes ,", "Beware of such another vile excuse .", "That , thus unblameable to all besides ,", "But still I came too late ; for he was flown ,", "And mourn the common losses of our loves .", "To seek Sebastian .\u2014 Through a track of death", "For my unhappy rival :\u2014 Poor Henriquez !", "Our diligence prevented the surprise", "Release that fear , the good old man is safe ;", "To shew the fulness of his heart ; there ended .", "Beware of patience , too ;", "On pain of infamy ,", "Gives easy misery , and makes exile pleasing .", "Else had you seen , not Dorax , but Alonzo ,", "We justly feared : So Muley-Zeydan found us", "Lose and regain , beat , and are beaten back ,", "All came resolved to die in my defence ,", "Your subjects , conscious of your life , are few ;", "Murdered by multitudes , whom I alone", "To involve us both in ruin .", "Why , love does all that 's noble here below ;", "These never knew one happy hour in life ,", "Content you with monopolizing heaven ,", "And thundered at oppressing tyranny .", "In age ill practised , yet his prop in death .", "Choked up with man , and gorged with circumcision .", "And thou too little faith to be a favourite .", "Death he deserved indeed , but not from thee .", "Which I can ask with honour .", "Into thy promise : For thy life preserved ,", "On whose experienced faith I might rely ;", "True ; for a crime", "Now pr'ythee tell me , and abate thy pride ,", "By nature 's benefit , and roused my thoughts", "And the gross flattery of a gaping crowd ,", "Joy is on every face , without a cloud ;", "As who should say ,\u2014 My faith and soul are white ,", "You might as well have asked me , when I saw", "With his couched lance , against your foremost Moors ;", "Thou call'st them holy ; so their function was :", "Both are less poison to my eyes and nature ,", "Peace , old dotard .", "And what has he acquired , by such a death !", "To me , thy friend , who hast betrayed thy prince :", "I have thy oath for my security .", "He is our king , and he shall be obeyed .", "Made Africk mourn and Portugal triumph ."], "true_target": ["You swell to counsel kings , and govern kingdoms .", "Under safe convoy , till they reach your fleet .", "Because I would not have his person known .", "You fall with greedy hunger to the feast .", "The double poisons , after a short combat ,", "Whose blindfold business is but to destroy ;", "Your tyrant image forced them ope again ,", "I tell thee , Mufti , if the world were wise ,", "Above man 's height , even towering to divinity :", "Some short excursions of a broken vow", "It must be like the crush of heaven and earth ,", "Is not Benducar , bare , a better name", "That , catching hold upon his flitting ghost ,", "To fill up every cranny of your time ,", "Thus vice and godliness ,\u2014 preposterous pair !\u2014", "But I forget myself .", "Choke in that threat ; I can say or as loud .", "Where , like a statue , thou hast stood besieged", "Hunted your sacred life ; which that I missed", "Then , when I fought and conquered with your arms ,", "Safe under guard , but as becomes a prince .", "By all my wrongs ,", "But , prompted by my angel , or by his ,", "Even with the last contempt , to serve Sebastian ;", "Would I have struck the man , who , prompt by power ,", "Thou would'st have titles ; take them then ,\u2014 chief minister ,", "But fate , it seems , reserved the worst of men", "Can I speak !", "And give it him of us who is to fail .", "I should have fallen by Sebastian 's side ,", "Born to be statesmen , happening to be churchmen !", "Attendants .", "It comes too fast upon a feeble soul ,", "Because my soul abhors to mix with him .", "Where truth is rarely found .", "Like whipped cream ,\u2014 feels them not in going down .", "Pleased to be what they were , pleased with each other ,", "My corps had been the bulwark of my king .", "Consider thou , what thou wouldst have me do .", "Alas , I cannot answer to Alonzo !\u2014", "And would his creature , nay , his friend , betray him ?", "Slaves are the growth of Africk , not of Europe .\u2014", "But whosoever dares to injure me ,", "Now his zeal yearns", "Distrusts , debates , immortal strifes ensue ;", "Such joy have I , both in myself and friends ;", "Musa , draw out a file ; pick man by man .", "What means this riddle ?", "To share the sorrows of your last recess ,", "Is not the care of souls a load sufficient ?", "And from some hands I should refuse that gift .", "Because I would restrain him to his duty .\u2014", "Had right to slay . I too would have been slain ;", "I met with none but vulgar two-legged brutes :", "To-day \u2018 tis done , to-morrow \u2018 tis forgot .", "A million strong of vermin every villain :", "\u2018 Tis well ; you know enough for once :\u2014 you speak too ;", "Is not so far enamoured of a cloister ,", "And therefore \u2018 twas , to gall thee , that I named him .", "\u2018 Tis a limb lopt from your prerogative ,", "All these , and all my yet unfinished crimes ,", "I knew it , but too late , and durst not speak .", "I laugh at that command .", "Of course a small day 's journey short of treason .", "I find I 'm but a half-strained villain yet ;", "Some deadly draught , some enemy of life ,", "And slighted o'er", "First hangman of the state .", "All my long avarice of honour lost ,", "Thou know'st I meant not to preserve thy life ,", "On hours , uninterrupted , in the chair .", "In that blest age , I was the man you named :", "And that but scanty weight too . The great devil", "Of easy temper , naturally good ,", "Too well I know thee , but for king no more .", "We knew their interest was the same with ours :", "Then , though I loath this woman 's war of tongues ,", "More sacred than the rest , I 'll throw it there .", "Thou know'st I have :", "The groveling sin of crowds : but curst be they ,", "But swore him first to secrecy : He wept", "I spitted frogs ; I crushed a heap of emmets ;", "A hundred of them to a single soul ,", "I will not tax thee of ingratitude", "Whose death , next thine , I wished .", "Thou hast dared To tell me , what I durst not tell myself : I durst not think that I was spurned , and live ; And live to hear it boasted to my face . All my long avarice of honour lost , Heaped up in youth , and hoarded up for age ! Has honour 's fountain then sucked back the stream ? He has ; and hooting boys may dry-shod pass , And gather pebbles from the naked ford . Give me my love , my honour ; give them back \u2014 Give me revenge , while I have breath to ask it ! But I will not dwell on the beauties of this scene . If any one is incapable of relishing it , he may safely conclude , that nature has not merely denied him that rare gift , poetical taste , but common powers of comprehending the ordinary feelings of humanity . The love scene , betwixt Sebastian and Almeyda , is more purely conceived , and expressed with more reference to sentiment , than is common with our author . The description which Dorax gives of Sebastian , before his appearance , coming from a mortal enemy , at least from one whose altered love was as envenomed as hatred , is a grand preparation for the appearance of the hero . In many of the slighter descriptive passages , we recognize the poet by those minute touches , which a mind susceptible of poetic feeling is alone capable of bringing out . The approach of the emperor , while the conspirators are caballing , is announced by Orchan , with these picturesque circumstances : I see the blaze of torches from afar , And hear the trampling of thick-beating feet \u2014 This way they move .\u2014 The following account , given by the slave sent to observe what passed in the castle of Dorax , believed to be dead , or dying , is equally striking :", "Stand off , sycophant ,", "No part of government , but lords of anarchy ,", "Hold , and let me think .", "Of all court service , learn the common lot ,\u2014", "And bid us pass for men .", "That rolls within my breast .", "But shed from nature , like a kindly shower :", "By manly vengeance to redeem my fame ;", "As that I served thee fifteen hard campaigns ,", "So horrid , in the face of men and angels ,", "You marked not what I told you .", "Expect an answer worthy of that message .", "Because it would oblige me to forgiveness .", "Was the propitious error of my fate ,", "And keep infection distant .", "True , I rebelled : But when did I betray ?\u2014", "I said so , if you lived .", "On palaces returns . Away , ye scum ,", "That woman , but more daubed ; or , if a man ,", "Through all the mazes of the bloody field ,", "Why , then , no more , since you will hear no more ;", "This mads me , that perhaps ignoble hands", "Have wholesome beverage , and unbloody feasts .", "I durst not think that I was spurned , and live ;", "The rest , who think you dead , shall be dismissed .", "Yet , had he fallen , I had dismissed his troops ;", "What , will the favourite prop my falling fortunes ?", "Has honour 's fountain then sucked back the stream ?", "I summoned all my officers in haste ,", "Shake heavens eternal pavement with their trembling", "That men may dare to live ?\u2014 Now for our heroes .", "Guard him to the utmost ; now conduct him hence ,", "Wise to themselves , and fools to all the world ;", "And , after all , I know thou art a statesman ,", "They love religion sweetened to the sense ;", "Have I been cursing heaven , while heaven blest me ?", "That thing , that nothing , but a cringe and smile ;", "But , when let loose from thence to live at large ,", "Yes ; full as false", "Of him thou would'st destroy ?", "But , when he made his loss the theme , he flourished ,", "Qualms at my heart , convulsions in my nerves ,", "And , though I hated more than death Sebastian ,", "The genius of your Moors is mutiny ;", "Returned ? this haste is boding .", "But your original ignorance remains ;", "Yet I must do him right ,\u2014 he was a man ,", "I pr'ythee let me hedge one moment more", "And yet enjoined my service and attendance !", "Which his true sword has digged .", "And double joy that I have made them happy .", "The master 's voice , when rated , to depart .", "Brave , pious , generous , great , and liberal ;", "For want of courtly style ; related actions ,", "Indignities , which man could not support ,", "Trust my revenge ; be sure I wish him dead .", "Last , for myself , if I have well fulfilled", "I 'm sure I meant it well .", "Let some secure my other poisoning friend ,", "Within my little world make medley war ,", "His only way to rectify mistakes ,", "Ride cheek by jowl , but churchmen hold the reins :", "To stop infection ; that 's their proper death .", "Exposed to scorn , and public infamy ;", "That you best know ;", "Things that would startle faith , and make us deem", "His glorious end was a patched work of fate ,", "Abhorrent to your function and your breedings ?", "As frightened nature , made the saints above", "My shameful death will be divulged alone ;", "The politician does it by advance ,", "To study souls , their cures and their diseases ?", "But stint your bounty to one only grant ,", "He erred to me alone :", "My honest homely words were carped and censured", "Allow thyself some share .\u2014 He 's gone too soon ;", "Thy wealth , and honours , all the pure indulgence", "To throw myself beneath your royal feet .\u2014", "Re-enter ALMEYDA led by MORAYMA , and followed by her", "Is not the bread thou eat'st , the robe thou wear'st ,", "\u2018 Tis the first justice thou hast ever done me .", "A master , who reposes life and empire", "To tell me , what I durst not tell myself :", "Thank me when I ask thanks ; thank me with that .", "On our fidelity :\u2014 I grant he is a tyrant ,", "Death ! why , that 's children 's sport ; a stage-play death ;", "I paid his ransom ,", "Ill sorted with a soft effeminate life ;", "Heaven make thee honest ;", "Pray heaven my fears prove false !", "He 's blest ; if not , well cheated , and dies pleased .", "Lord , what a loss of treats and serenades !", "Boils in my bowels , and works out my soul .", "To offer earthly aid .", "Could the robbed passenger expect a bounty", "Or has heaven hid the happiness of death ,", "See , serve him , and respect ! and after all", "If this be so , we ask you but our own :", "And , where we see a mountain of the slain ,", "Give us your whole employment , all your care .", "Till rage and pride debased me into Dorax ,", "The whole creation danced at their new being ,", "The part of heaven in kings ; for punishment", "Just as the scales of heaven , that weigh the seasons .", "Thy hungry minions thought their rights invaded ,", "In short , he proffered more than I demanded ;", "Your little tincture of devotion dies :", "I never can forgive him such a death !", "Like lightning , swift before me to new slaughters .", "O stop this headlong torrent of your goodness !", "Sir , let me bluntly say , you went too far ,", "To make me loath thy morals .", "I doubt thee still : Thy reasons were too strong ,", "I may inform you both ; for you must go ,", "That remains .", "Poor droning truants of unpractised cells ,", "There he shall find him at his manly length ,", "But all the advantage of that love was thine .", "Happened to be king ?\u2014 And yet I served him ;", "Yet we may talk hereafter .", "Yet shake to lay it down . Is load so pleasant ?", "Ant . Mor . We swear to keep it secret .", "Like dogs in times of plague ; outlaws of nature ,", "Unvexed with noise , and undisturbed with fears .", "It looks not like imposture ; but a truth ,", "But I shall bring him back , ungrateful man !", "Freed all the slaves , and placed him next myself ,", "Met nothing but a lie in every face ,", "And , like the fire , commissioned by the winds ,", "Forgive him ! no : I left my foolish faith ,", "Dismissed my service , and absolved my faith ;", "Fit to be shot and brained , without a process ,", "Till time has perfected a labouring thought ,", "The emperor is a stranger to my wrongs ;", "Thy malice had prevention , ere I spoke ;", "On that condition we shall soon be friends .", "I must , and will reproach thee with my service ,", "Envious who first should catch , and first applaud ,", "What ! in one moment , to be reconciled", "You may do more , and ought .", "It looks indeed too like my master 's hand :", "When \u2018 tis his interest , he can interest heaven", "For fifteen hard campaigns , still hooped in iron ,", "Fight , or be perjured now ; that 's all thy choice .", "And hurried me , from hopes of heaven , to hell .", "And to redeem her honour , is to die .", "When I shall front thee , like some staring ghost ,", "What , thou a statesman ,", "That still rise upmost when the nation boils ;", "And trouble me no more \u2014 I will not know them .", "To make the trifle , death , a thing of moment !", "To gain a crown , and freedom . Well I know him ,", "Thou heard'st the tyrant 's orders ; guard thy life", "And sure self-murder is the readiest way .", "Untouched , and sealed , as when intrusted with me ,", "We act it every night we go to bed .", "Thou art too old to be a catamite !\u2014", "Meantime , I shall make bold to increase your debt ;", "And let this little hanging ball alone :", "When there 's but one betwixt us ; throw it in ,", "And , honour , be thou judge .", "Africk , the scene removed , is Portugal .", "Blustering when courted , crouching when opprest ;", "His ghost ! then is my hated rival dead ?", "I ceased to be Alonzo .", "Do ; but forget not him who needs it most :", "More ,\u2014 as you say ,\u2014 has loaded me with scorn ,", "I killed not one that was his maker 's image ;", "And soldier , cannot live but by damnation .", "If thou disown'st that imputation , draw ,", "I would use them", "The province of the soul is large enough", "Then luxury succeeds , and , set agog", "Would seize my right , and rob me of my love :", "And dream you had your sister in your arms ?", "Of his considered , and no cost repaid .", "And send him to attend his master 's ghost .", "Over these eyes ; but ever when they closed ,", "Yes , I must grant , but with a swelling soul ,\u2014", "The hasty product of a just despair ,", "So to have died : Mine had been of a piece ,", "It may be so .\u2014 I 'm strangely discomposed ;", "Such who dare die , and dear will sell their death .", "And faithful to his word .", "Refreshed your sin , and loaded crimes with crimes ,", "With a new scene of yet untasted joys ,", "\u2018 Twas the last remedy , to give you leisure ;", "Must he be served ?\u2014 Avoid him : If we meet ,", "Effaced my loyalty , unhinged my faith ,", "He knows not I am I ; nor shall he see me ,", "Yet there you live demure , with down-cast eyes ,", "My services deserved thou shouldst revoke it .", "Which you were sent by preaching but to warm .", "By sycophants and fools , the growth of courts ;", "I was indeed prepared to ask my own ,", "That hated name my nature most abhors :", "Not this , or that , but all religions false .", "Provoked my vengeance to this noble crime ;", "Now , do you know me ?", "As momentary victors quit their ground .\u2014", "In spite of thy temptations .", "Tugged at my arm , to draw in her defence .", "Nay , I was fool enough to love him too .\u2014", "For justice cannot stoop so low , to reach", "By heaven ! I will not lay down my commission ;", "And asked me Violante for Henriquez .", "A good , luxurious , palatable faith .", "No , though I sought", "Nor dares deny what passed betwixt us two .", "Your fortune , and with tears not squeezed by art ,", "Mankind , that always judge of kings with malice ,", "His goodness was diffused to human kind ,", "Before thy foot had spurned me ; now \u2018 tis base :", "Shiverings of cold , and burnings of my entrails ,", "When I shall rise to plead before the saints ,", "And whose the subjects are ; the Mufti knows it ,", "Lay down your arms ; such base plebeian blood", "O , whither would you drive me ? I must grant ,\u2014", "They learn too late what power the preachers have ,", "Let that man know , I dare to be revenged .", "Lag souls , and rubbish of remaining clay ,", "Not at his foot , I will not stoop so low :", "By me thy greatness grew , thy years grew with it ,", "And make a business of damnation", "I saved thee out of honourable malice :", "A minute is not much in either 's life ,", "Begins on sheds , but , rolling in a round ,", "Where thy gulled eyes , in all the gaudy round ,", "Well , Benducar .", "Sir , I am silent ;", "Yet , to disarm thee of thy last defence ,", "You 've made such strong alliances above ,", "For , coming fraughted back , in either hand", "Where ranks fell thickest .\u2014 \u2018 Twas indeed the place", "But all desirous to partake your exile ,", "What 's that ?\u2014 his minion ?\u2014", "Two-thirds of all he said : there he began", "Religion bears him out ; a thing taught young ,", "Yes , such a one there is a captive here ,", "Were you not bred apart from worldly noise ,", "Prompt to rebel on every weak pretence ;", "Who trust revenge with such mad instruments ,", "Predestinated ills are never lost .", "And needs no further forge .", "He trusts us both ; mark that !\u2014 Shall we betray him ;", "But he had stripped me first of my command ,", "And death should give you back to answer me .", "Death to my eyes , I see Sebastian with him !", "I have cause :", "From those rapacious hands , who stripped him first ?", "And well I might , when you forgot reward ,"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Some officers , with striding haste , passed in ,", "All doors are shut , no servant peeps abroad ;", "Two hours I warily have watched his palace ;", "With speed , to bring you this imperfect news .", "While others outward went on quick dispatch ."], "true_target": ["Two hours I warily have watched his palace : All doors are shut , no servant peeps abroad ; Some officers , with striding haste , past in ; While others outward went on quick dispatch . Sometimes hushed silence seemed to reign within ; Then cries confused , and a joint clamour followed ; Then lights went gliding by , from room to room , And shot like thwarting meteors cross the house . Not daring further to inquire , I came With speed to bring you this imperfect news . The description of the midnight insurrection of the rabble is not less impressive :", "Then cries confused , and a joint clamour , followed ;", "Sometimes hushed silence seemed to reign within ;", "Then lights went gliding by , from room to room ,", "Not daring further to inquire , I came", "And shot , like thwarting meteors , cross the house ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["All crowd in heaps , as , at a night alarm ,", "I left him at the gate , firm to your interest ,", "The bees drive out upon each others backs ,", "Than at the mid-day sun ; a drowsy horror", "He only waits your summons .", "What you wish : The streets are thicker in this noon of night , Than at the mid-day sun : A drouzy horror Sits on their eyes , like fear , not well awake : All crowd in heaps , as , at a night alarm , The bees drive out upon each others backs , T'imboss their hives in clusters ; all ask news : Their busy captain runs the weary round To whisper orders ; and , commanding silence , Makes not noise cease , but deafens it to murmurs . These illustrations are designedly selected from the parts of the lower characters , because they at once evince the diligence and success with which Dryden has laboured even the subordinate points of this tragedy . \u201c Don Sebastian \u201d has been weighed , with reference to its tragic merits , against \u201c Love for Love ; \u201d and one or other is universally allowed to be the first of Dryden 's dramatic performances . To the youth of both sexes the latter presents the most pleasing subject of emotion ; but to those whom age has rendered incredulous upon the romantic effects of love , and who do not fear to look into the recesses of the human heart , when agitated by darker and more stubborn passions , \u201c Don Sebastian \u201d offers a far superior source of gratification . To point out the blemishes of so beautiful a tragedy , is a painful , though a necessary , task . The style , here and there , exhibits marks of a reviving taste for those frantic bursts of passion , which our author has himself termed the \u201c Dalilahs of the theatre . \u201d The first speech of Sebastian has been often noticed as an extravagant rant , more worthy of Maximin , or Almanzor , than of a character drawn by our author in his advanced years , and chastened taste : I beg no pity for this mouldering clay ; For if you give it burial , there it takes Possession of your earth : If burnt and scatter 'd in the air , the winds , That strew my dust , diffuse my royalty , And spread me o'er your clime ; for where one atom Of mine shall light , know , there Sebastian reigns . The reader 's discernment will discover some similar extravagancies in the language of Almeyda and the Emperor . It is a separate objection , that the manners of the age and country are not adhered to . Sebastian , by disposition a crusading knight-errant , devoted to religion and chivalry , becomes , in the hands of Dryden , merely a gallant soldier and high-spirited prince , such as existed in the poet 's own days . But , what is worse , the manners of Mahometans are shockingly violated . Who ever heard of human sacrifices , or of any sacrifices , being offered up to Mahomet; and when were his followers able to use the classical and learned allusions which occur throughout the dialogue ! On this last topic Addison makes the following observations , in the \u201c Guardian , \u201d No . 110 . \u201c I have now Mr Dryden 's \u201c Don Sebastian \u201d before me , in which I find frequent allusions to ancient poetry , and the old mythology of the heathens . It is not very natural to suppose a king of Portugal would be borrowing thoughts out of Ovid 's \u201c Metamorphoses , \u201d when he talked even to those of his own court ; but to allude to these Roman fables , when he talks to an emperor of Barbary , seems very extraordinary . But observe how he defies him out of the classics in the following lines : Why didst not thou engage me man to man , And try the virtue of that Gorgon face , To stare me into statue ? \u201c Almeyda , at the same time , is more book-learned than Don Sebastian . She plays an Hydra upon the Emperor , that is full as good as the Gorgon : O that I had the fruitful heads of Hydra , That one might bourgeon where another fell ! Still would I give thee work , still , still , thou tyrant , And hiss thee with the last . \u201c She afterwards , in allusion to Hercules , bids him \u2018 lay down the lion 's skin , and take the distaff ; \u2019 and , in the following speech , utters her passion still more learnedly : No ; were we joined , even though it were in death , Our bodies burning in one funeral pile , The prodigy of Thebes would be renewed , And my divided flame should break from thine . \u201c The emperor of Barbary shews himself acquainted with the Roman poets as well as either of his prisoners , and answers the foregoing speech in the same classic strain : Serpent , I will engender poison with thee : Our offspring , like the seed of dragon 's teeth , Shall issue armed , and fight themselves to death . \u201c Ovid seems to have been Muley-Moloch 's favourite author ; witness the lines that follow : She , still inexorable , still imperious , And loud , as if , like Bacchus , born in thunder . \u201c I shall conclude my remarks on his part with that poetical complaint of his being in love ; and leave my reader to consider , how prettily it would sound in the mouth of an emperor of Morocco : The god of love once more has shot his fires Into my soul , and my whole heart receives him . \u201c Muley Zeydan is as ingenious a man as his brother Muley Moloch ; as where he hints at the story of Castor and Pollux : May we ne'er meet ; For , like the twins of Leda , when I mount , He gallops down the skies . \u201c As for the Mufti , we will suppose that he was bred up a scholar , and not only versed in the law of Mahomet , but acquainted with all kinds of polite learning . For this reason he is not at all surprised when Dorax calls him a Ph\u00e6ton in one place , and in another tells him he is like Archimedes . \u201c The Mufti afterwards mentions Ximenes , Albornoz , and cardinal Wolsey , by name . The poet seems to think , he may make every person , in his play , know as much as himself , and talk as well as he could have done on the same occasion . At least , I believe , every reader will agree with me , that the above-mentioned sentiments , to which I might have added several others , would have been better suited to the court of Augustus than that of Muley Moloch . I grant they are beautiful in themselves , and much more so in that noble language , which was peculiar to this great poet . I only observe , that they are improper for the persons who make use of them . \u201d The catastrophe of the tragedy may be also censured , not only on the grounds objected to that of \u201c OEdipus , \u201d but because it does not naturally flow from the preceding events , and opens , in the fifth act , a new set of persons , and a train of circumstances , unconnected with the preceding action . In the concluding scene , it was remarked , by the critics , that there is a want of pure taste in the lovers dwelling more upon the pleasures than the horrors of their incestuous connection . Of the lighter scenes , which were intended for comic , Dr Johnson has said , \u201c they are such as that age did not probably commend , and as the present would not endure . \u201d Dryden has remarked , with self-complacency , the art with which they are made to depend upon the serious business . This has not , however , the merit of novelty ; being not unlike the connection between the tragic and comic scenes of the \u201c Spanish Friar . \u201d The persons introduced have also some resemblance ; though the gaiety of Antonio is far more gross than that of Lorenzo , and Morayma is a very poor copy of Elvira . It is rather surprising , that when a gay libertine was to be introduced , Dryden did not avail himself of a real character , the English Stukely ; a wild gallant , who , after spending a noble fortune , became the leader of a band of Italian Condottieri , engaged in the service of Sebastian , and actually fell in the battle of Alcazar . Collier complains , and with very good reason , that , in the character of the Mufti , Dryden has seized an opportunity to deride and calumniate the priesthood of every religion ; an opportunity which , I am sorry to say , he seldom fails to use with unjustifiable inveteracy . The rabble scenes were probably given , as our author himself says of that in Cleomenes , \u201c to gratify the more barbarous part of the audience . \u201d Indeed , to judge from the practice of the drama at this time , the representation of a riot upon the stage seems to have had the same charms for the popular part of the English audience , which its reality always possesses in the streets . Notwithstanding the excellence of this tragedy , it appears to have been endured , rather than applauded , at its first representation ; although , being judiciously curtailed , it soon became a great favourite with the public; and , omitting the comic scenes , may be again brought forward with advantage , when the public shall be tired of children and of show . The tragedy of \u201c Don Sebastian \u201d was acted and printed in 1690 . Footnotes : 1 . \u201c The Battle of Alcazar , with Captain Stukely 's death , acted by the Lord High Admiral 's servants , 1594 , \u201d 4to . Baker thinks Dryden might have taken the hint of \u201c Don Sebastian \u201d from this old play . Shakespeare drew from it some of the bouncing rants of Pistol , as , \u201c Feed , and be fat ; my fair Callipolis , \u201d & c .", "To admit the townsmen at their first appearance ."], "true_target": ["Makes not noise cease , but deafens it to murmurs .", "What you wish .", "Sits on their eyes , like fear , not well awake ;", "Their busy captain runs the weary round ,", "To imboss their hives in clusters ; all ask news ;", "The streets are thicker in this noon of night ,", "To whisper orders ; and , commanding silence ,"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["In what service have ye been , sir ?"], "true_target": ["Are you sure Sebastian died there ?"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["His untimely days .", "Faith , sir , there was some other rumour hoped Amongst us , that he , wounded , escaped , and touched On his native shore again , where finding his country at home More distressed by the invasion of the Spaniard Than his loss abroad , forsook it , still supporting A miserable and unfortunate life , Which where he ended is yet uncertain . Wit at several Weapons . I have printed this quotation as I find it in the edition of 1778 ; though I am unable to discover what pretensions it claims to be arranged as blank verse .", "The first that fleshed me a soldier , sir ,"], "true_target": ["Where the noble English Stukely fell , and where", "The royal Portugal Sebastian ended", "Was that great battle at Alcazar , in Barbary ,"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["My conquering brother will have slaves enow ,", "Zey . My oracle !", "Mol . They plead too strongly", "Mark him , who now approaches to the lottery :", "Mol . He has his wish ;", "Shall wake the peaceful morn ; the Xeriff 's blood", "This is the porcelain clay of human kind ,", "And therefore cast into these noble moulds .", "And left our Afric vultures to devour .", "We know your reason ; let her share the danger .", "Mol . Thou'rt brave too late ;", "Our bulls and rams had been more noble victims :", "For their untainted faith , in thy concealment .", "Mol . Thou talk'st as if", "These of a better aspect , with the rest ,", "What hear you of Sebastian , king of Portugal ?", "Then look for shoals of converts , when thou hast", "The heavens , and all the stars , are his hired servants ;", "Mol . I 'll shew thee for a monster through my Afric .", "Like Jove , when he made Fate , and said , Thou art", "Such tasters are for kings .", "These pious parrots peck the fairest fruit :", "Mol Slave is thy title :\u2014 force her .", "Thus Moluch , still the favourite of fate ,", "Mol . No more excuses .", "And our parched earth is drenched in Christian blood ;", "Be safe ; and owe thy life , not to my gift ,", "Mol O Mufti ,", "Gives scandal to the christians ; they feed high :", "Zey . You have the key ; he opens inward to you .", "Mol . What shall I do to conquer thee ?", "Mol . Still great , and grateful ; that 's thy character .\u2014", "Mol .", "Mol . Still untameable !", "Be longer used to lull the crying babe .", "Mol . Wouldst thou revenge thee , trait'ress , hadst thou power ?", "Hast a religious , ruddy countenance .", "Zey . Thus , then , a doubtful title is extinguished ;", "Mol . I 'll hear no more .", "Swims in a sanguine torrent to the throne ,", "Good feasting is devout ; and thou , our head ,", "Struggling in dark eclipse , and shooting day", "Thou shouldst have died in battle , like a soldier .", "Nor shall Sebastian 's formidable name", "Mol . Ay ; these look like the workmanship of heaven ;", "And therefore only one of them shall die :", "Mol . \u2018 Tis decreed ;", "That warmed our Mufti 's zeal :", "But to the greatness of thy mind , Sebastian .", "Mol . Where are those slaves ? produce them .", "For every numbered captive , put a ball", "Mol . Do thou remember", "That vow performed , fasting shall be abolished ;", "Let lots again decide it ."], "true_target": ["In kindly mixture with his royal shower .", "With due repose , or other sudden qualm .\u2014", "Zey . My father !", "Hang by our sides for ornament , not use :", "Mol . How 's this !", "And I have failed of mine .", "Preach abstinence no more ; I tell thee , Mufti ,", "Whether the toils of battle , unrepaired", "He looks secure of death , superior greatness ,", "In what a ruin has thy head-strong pride ,", "Shall share one common doom , and lots decide it .", "And younger brothers but the draff of nature .", "Mol . These are not fit to pay an emperor 's vow ;", "Mol . But are these all ? Speak you , that are their masters .", "As if our prophet only worked for him :", "Mol . Thou talk'st as if the Mufti were concerned .", "The younger house took end in Mahomet :", "Zey . The gallant renegade you mean ?", "Thy function , mercy , and provoke not blood .", "To be withstood . My clouds are gathering too ,", "With lolling tongues , and tremble at the paw :", "To pay his cruel vows for victory .\u2014", "Mol . Sebastian ! ha ! it must be he ; no other", "Mol . Our armours now may rust ; our idle scymiters", "No longer in divided channels runs ,", "Comes like a rushing lion , couch like spaniels ,", "And boundless thirst of empire , plunged thy people !", "Mol . Pain of your lives , let none conceal a slave .", "Mol . One of these three is a whole hecatomb ,", "We will have learned luxury ; our lean faith", "Thy subjects too shall live ; a due reward", "Zey . Now Africa 's long wars are at an end ,", "Benducar , do the rest .", "On either side of the black orb that veiled him .", "Mol . Bring forth the unhappy relicks of the war .", "As Muley-Zeydan were not worth their care ,", "Still at the head of battle .", "Unveil the woman ; I would view the face ,", "Reformed us into feasting .", "Zey . He 's just upon us .", "The rest are but mute cattle ; and when death", "The rest , all white , are safe .", "Mol . Something , I know not what , comes over me :", "The slave of my creation .\u2014 I admire him .", "Into an urn ; three only black be there ,", "These are but garbage , not a sacrifice .", "I saw him , as he terms himself , a sun", "What carcases of thine thy crimes have strewed ,", "Children shall beat our atabals and drums ,", "Mol . Behold ,", "Mol . The purple present shall be richly paid ;", "None e'er served heaven well with a starved face :", "Mol . What female fury have we here !", "And all the noisy trades of war no more", "Could represent such suffering majesty ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["The Mufti reddens ; mark that holy cheek .", "Hast thou betrayed me , traitor ?\u2014 Mufti , speak , and mind them of religion .", "I marked the double ,\u2014 shows extreme reluctance", "They were no more . Thy faith was held in balance ,", "That blasts my hopes ; but , since \u2018 tis gone so far ,", "If he employed me not to ford thy soul ,", "For I dare swear him honest .", "Why , then , thou hast revenged thee on mankind .", "Following the bent of his impetuous temper ,", "He would seduce another . I must help him :", "And heard the hooded father mumbling charms ,", "The shadow of a discontent would ruin us ;", "This goes as I would wish .\u2014", "If not , my project dies .", "By holy Alla , I conjure you stay ,", "Of so much toil , such guilt , and such damnation !", "And yet enjoined them both : would that were all !", "What can be counselled , while Sebastian lives ?", "And drunk so deep a draught of promised bliss ,", "By new obligements , to thy former love .", "We must not be surprised in conference .", "Oh , there 's a joy to melt in her embrace ,", "Would lag behind the rest !\u2014 What from the Mufti ?", "First , since our holy man has made rape lawful ,", "When it may ripen of itself , and fall ?", "The memory of past wrongs ; they would in me ,", "And well \u2018 twas glutted there .", "With a black shirtless train , to spoil the dead ,", "They move on many springs ; if one but fail ,", "He shall , by poison ;", "He comes :\u2014 Now , heart ,", "And brings it to projection ere its time .", "As such I seize my right .", "I scarce remember , in his reign , one day", "Our holy orator has lost the cause .", "To catch the people 's eyes : He 's tame and merciful ;", "From rising to revenge their general 's death ,", "With pangs of death , trust not his rolling eyes", "While Muley-Moluch lives .", "Which done , the spouses kissed with such a fervour ,", "For there our mutineers appoint to meet ,", "And time shall make him ours .", "Through every active limb for my relief ;", "Oh Haly , thou hast held me long in pain .", "Hence I conclude him either dead , or dying .", "Yet we may possibly hear farther news ;", "\u2018 Tis of as much import as Africk 's worth ,", "The land 's third part , as Lucifer did heaven 's .", "May all your enemies be like that dog ,", "His mournful friends , summoned to take their leaves ,", "Perceived the royal captives hand in hand ;", "You would not put a nation to the rack ?", "He trusts you with the castle ,", "Then like a bee bag 'd with his honeyed venom ,", "That first is mine already :", "For , since it pleases you it should be forged ,", "Then take thy rest within thy quiet cell ,", "No doubt , the emperor .", "To think of mixing with the ignoble herd ;", "By the long stride , and by the sullen port .\u2014", "He shall divulge Almeyda is a Christian ;", "From the unwilling bough ,", "Secures retreat . Leave open all behind us ;", "Has given me trust ; and trust has given me means", "The emperor must not marry , nor enjoy :\u2014", "To cherish , not destroy .", "With all the aggravating circumstances", "Their interest is not finely drawn , and hid ,", "\u2018 Tis cheap to pardon , whom you would not pay .", "Your present spleen ?", "The cheat would be too gross .", "And dive into their breasts , to try how far", "To me ! me , did you mention ? how I tremble ! The name of treason shakes my honest soul . If I am doubted , sir , Secure yourself this moment , take my life .", "My future king , auspicious Muley-Zeydan !", "I must prevent , by being first in action .\u2014", "Shines but for you ; but most the star of love ,", "Be sure I 'll tell him \u2014", "I think I could :\u2014 but here 's the difficulty ;", "Are silly , woeful , aukward politicians :", "Whose fatal beauty to her brother drew", "You could not meet him then ?", "His growth is but a wild and fruitless plant ;", "Suppose some one , who has deserved your trust ,", "For fear to be discovered .\u2014 Guess the rest .", "I am so entirely yours ,", "He told me , that he saw Sebastian 's page", "Night wastes apace ; when , when will he appear !", "Can you call me friend ,", "You meet your brother there .", "He fell among a heap of slaughtered Moors ,", "Emp Why speaks not Dorax ?", "And haste yourself to join with Mustapha .", "Frees every lock , and leads us to his person ;", "And think to mend the perfect work of hell !", "Now we shall see whose numbers will prevail :", "And heaven shall envy you the kneeling world .\u2014", "The face would please you better . Do you love ,", "And gave such furious earnest of their flames ,", "For I have secret orders from the emperor ,", "Stay by me ; thou art resolute and faithful ;", "While he is struggling with his mortal pangs ,", "If that produce no tumult , I despair .", "I could have wished some other hand had brought them .", "Your troops far off , beleaguering Larache ,", "And after him there lagged a puffing friar ;", "And uninstructed how to stem the tide .\u2014", "For \u2018 tis ill stopping in the full career ,", "But haste , and make them yours .", "That their eyes sparkled , and their mantling blood", "To part with her for ever .", "Wait on your brother 's triumph ; yours is next :", "Your soul has been before-hand with your body ,", "These , and a thousand things , are to be done", "Almeyda and a crown have pushed me forward :", "Behold the emperor :\u2014", "Extravagantly brave ! even to an impudence", "Yet more ;\u2014 but clear your brow , for he observes .", "You forget", "Enter HALY , first Servant .", "Keep to that point : Stand firm , for all 's at stake .", "And in Mucazar 's flood was seen to rise :", "Sebastian might be freed and reconciled ,", "Bare Benducar !", "You know the alcade of Alcazar , Dorax ?", "And judge not rashly of so brave a man .", "What those caballing captains may design ,", "Such who have no Almeyda to enjoy .", "That kicked you from his presence .\u2014", "I thank your kindness .\u2014 Guilt had almost lost me .", "In the short compass of this rolling night ;", "For churchmen , though they itch to govern all ,", "To love ? not more than \u2018 tis to live ; a tax", "Keep your command , and be revenged on both :", "Be ribbed with iron for this one attempt ;", "That make those misbelievers man and wife ;", "The restiff machine stops . In an ill hour he 's absent ;", "Was hot pursued ; and , in the general rout ,", "And our wise emperor might justly fear ,", "Yet better .", "And try the footing , whether false or firm .", "By some unpopular act ; and then dethrone him .", "Have patience , till I clear it .", "Be still , and learn the soothing arts of court :", "And he , who spoke that proud , ill-natured word ,", "Remember \u2018 tis to serve you .", "To seize the castle .", "The unreasonable fool has broached a truth ,", "The rival of our threatened empire , Mahomet ,", "But , that cut down , creeps to the next support ,", "Well have you argued in your own defence ;", "No :", "Enter ORCHAN , the third Servant .", "Which presages death .", "Would I had never seen it !", "And leaves no cranny of his soul unsearched ;", "They make lame mischief , though they mean it well :", "But always out of humour ,\u2014", "Just ready for the march .", "Generous by fits , but permanent in mischief .", "What then controuls you ? Her person is as prostrate as her party .", "To that close labyrinth ; how then should they ?", "\u2018 Tis out ;\u2014 there needs no OEdipus to solve it .", "What , shall the people know their god-like prince", "To crush rebellion , and espouse my cause .", "You , who have burst asunder all those bonds ,", "He thinks the sun is lost , that sees not blood :", "Now caught himself ,", "The slaves , in order to perform his vow .", "Ask him , I beg thee ,\u2014 to be justified ,\u2014", "Shall I adore you ?\u2014 No , the place is public :", "Thrice was he seen : At length his courser plunged ,", "Brave and honest !", "And heaven , perhaps , is doubting what to do .", "Take her into possession , Mustapha .", "\u2018 Twas my mistake .", "Flew flushing o'er their faces .", "I 'll cut his barren branches to the stock ,", "To inform me better , if I guessed aright .", "In idle talk , and owns her false belief :", "And , should we miss our blow ,\u2014 as heaven forbid !\u2014", "\u2018 Tis the first time , and sure will be the last ,", "Some call me , favourite .", "And twines as closely there .", "Why ask you , sir ?", "But of a surfeit at too full a feast .", "And , when they praise him most , be you the loudest .", "Those souls were those thy God intrusted with thee ,", "Our emperor is a tyrant , feared and hated ;", "Your brother is luxurious , close , and cruel ;", "That ever , ever ,\u2014", "For , now his ends are served , and he grown absolute ,", "When none is shed , we count it holiday .", "How ! Dorax and Sebastian still alive ! The Moors and Christians joined !\u2014 I thank thee , prophet .", "The key of all his kingdom .", "My servant followed fast , and through a chink", "And your returning duty , had effaced", "All but the Mufti .", "Ungrateful woman , you are yet no queen ,", "But seams are coarsely bungled up , and seen .", "They say , in fight , thou hadst a thirsty sword ,", "And shall reward thy faith . This master-key", "And none but murderous planets mount the guard .", "This forced my servant to a quick retreat ,", "That I should scurvily dissemble hate ;", "Sure I could serve you :", "Are thronged about his couch , and sit in council .", "Good omen , sir ; I wish you in that heaven", "We must be safe , before we can be great .", "\u2018 Tis here , the deadly drug , prepared in powder ,", "Disgrace , and death , and avarice , have lost him !", "From Mustapha what message ?", "When did you see your prisoner , great Sebastian ?", "Spare none ; and if you find him struggling yet", "What saint soe'er has soldered thee again :", "And , helpless , in his heavy arms he drowned .", "All future hopes of her desired Sebastian ,", "I 'm sure I did my part to poison thee ,", "I have employment worthy of thy arm .", "And threw him off ; the waves whelmed over him ,", "Mistook a swelling current for a ford ,", "Thou interposing fool , to mangle mischief ,", "I know your nature open , mild , and grateful :", "Shouldered with filth , borne in a tide of ordure ,"], "true_target": ["Consider well what I have done for you .", "The Mufti , and with him my sullen Dorax .", "When you have gained that pass , divide your force ;", "Nay , bid you kneel , and kiss the offending foot ,", "In ruder combats ; you will want no seconds", "To take my last instructions ; tell the importance ,", "Two things I humbly offer to your prudence .", "And I judged you as tame , and as forgiving .", "Seize her by force , and bear her thence unheard .", "\u2018 Twas easy work to gain a covetous mind ,", "Pass guiltless o'er his execrable head .", "To mix among them , seem a malcontent ,", "Where none , but whom they please to admit , approach .", "But think not to divide their punishment ;", "A thousand Christian slaves are in the castle ,", "Sometimes , as necessary tools of tumult .", "Yet I must tell you , friend , the great must use them", "O , Orchan , did I think thy diligence", "You cannot touch a hair of loathed Sebastian ,", "Trust to my management the tyrant 's death ,", "Whose parting soul is labouring at the lips .", "This hour our own .\u2014 You know the younger brother ,", "That silently o'erwatch the fate of kings !", "Dorax , I know before , will disobey :", "Here lies your way ;", "You must do more than see ; serve , and respect him .", "Headed a rabble , and profaned his person ,", "They dare oppose your love ?", "Retire , my lord .", "Shall be reserved till nations follow me ,", "You debase yourself ,", "If I am damned , it shall be for myself .", "Your dream portends you ,\u2014", "He most , and therefore first to be dispatched .", "His death is easy now , his guards are gone ,", "Are yours ; but mixing friends with foes is hard .", "The good man 's zeal perhaps has gone too far .", "And make the gods curse immortality ,", "And nothing yet performed ,", "Vast was the trust of such a royal charge :", "That so they could not die .", "I have done :", "No more ;\u2014", "Sebastian pleaded for Almeyda 's life ,", "To whom ?", "He screwed his face into a hardened smile ,", "But first be known .", "Saw he might well be spared , and soon withdrew :", "In their close march . What news from the lieutenant ?", "Indeed you do .", "For thou shalt drum no more .", "Another bowl ; for what the king has touched ,", "He 's not all spirit ; his eyes , with a dumb pride ,", "When tumults and rebellion should be broached .", "So able and so honest , may be found ;", "And sent my spy , a sharp observing slave ,", "With dying Dorax . Fate has driven them all", "Once to be false for all . I trust not him ;", "That fool intrudes , raw in this great affair ,", "You seem warm ;", "All after-acts are sanctified by power .", "Else I were mad ,", "Imposed on all by nature , paid in kind ,", "But this hot love precipitates my plot ,", "Dismiss your guards , to be employed elsewhere", "May force your reconcilement to Sebastian ;", "Enter HAMET .", "I thank thee , Orchan ,", "Let Dorax be enjoined to bring his head .", "This hour my lot is weighing in the scales ,", "Let such perform the servile work of war ,", "In an unlucky hour", "In those alarms you seek .", "These things observed , leave me to shape the rest .", "Dissolve in pleasure ,", "On that I build .\u2014", "To think that I would give away the fruit", "That twinkles you to fair Almeyda 's bed .", "To implore her pity , and to beg relief ?", "Resolved and brave : He has the soldiers \u2019 hearts ,", "And graft you on to bear .", "Well , Hamet , are our friends , the rabble , raised ?", "He speaks but reason .", "I know him from afar ,", "Hot as hell fire : Then , to prevent his soldiers", "Close wrapt he bore some secret instrument", "With prayers and wishes ;", "The rabble on the sudden may be raised", "The affronts you had from your ungrateful master ?", "The home thrust of a friendly sword is sure .", "If I must personate this seeming villain ,", "In such a prince the people may be blest ,", "For you must see him ; \u2018 tis our emperor 's will ,", "I worship you within ; the outward act", "Him I can manage , till I make him odious", "And thence we may have aid .\u2014 Now sleep , ye stars ,", "How am I sure to stand , who served those ends ?", "Yes , to delude your hopes .\u2014 Poor credulous fool !", "O the curst fate of all conspiracies !", "The night is yours ; the glittering host of heaven", "Yet now disdains to live .", "Familiar as our being .", "Nor more than a proud haughty christian slave :", "And can you thus forbear ?", "The captain of the rabble issued out ,", "And nicely weighed by jealousy of power .", "Though yet his mangled carcase is not found .", "Mere fancies all .", "That gloomy outside , like a rusty chest ,", "And turned a rebel to your native prince .", "I have not patience ; she consumes the time", "Then , next , to bar", "Some one , who knows mankind , should be employed", "We , who are most in favour , cannot call", "Into the net ; you must be bold and sudden :", "\u2018 Tis fixed , the tyrant must not ravish her ;", "I guessed indeed that time , and his misfortunes ,", "The walks of muffled gods : Sacred retreat ,", "Let him go ;", "Still you run off from bias :\u2014 Say , what moves", "The thoughts of kings are like religious groves ,", "That e'er a Mufti was not in the way ,", "Be all propitious influences barred ,", "My future fate , the colour of my life ,", "How she assumes ! I like not this beginning .", "I hope they would not .", "Which none but you must hear : I must confess ,", "The vine will cling , while the tall poplar stands ;", "For , while our Africans pursued the chace ,", "And heaving gasps ; for poison may be false ,\u2014", "You may ; but then you lose all future means", "Enter DORAX .", "My all , depends on this important hour :", "And stifled with their rank offensive sweat ?", "Now , Dorax .", "The conquering troops of Muley-Zeydan come ,", "What hast thou learnt of Dorax ? is he dead ?", "Methought I traced a lover ill disguised ,", "The officer , who guards the gate , is yours :", "To know what came of him , and of Almeyda ,", "And seize the living .", "Which he can free to reinforce his power ;", "And marshalled too ;", "Let secrecy and silence be enjoined", "Yourself in person head one chosen half ,", "Sees the MUFTI and DORAX entering , and seeming to confer .", "You 've too much honour for a renegade .", "Contains the shining treasure , of a soul", "And I be safe .", "Call them , trials ;", "Behold the emperor coming to survey", "And march to oppress the faction in consult", "Set ope thy sluices , send the vigorous blood", "And you have pledged , is sacred to your loves .", "The sister of the vanquished Mahomet ,", "To Muley-Zeydan fly with speed , desire him", "I can n't but grieve to find you obstinate ,", "To raise disturbance in your sacred breast .", "Enter Emperor , SEBASTIAN , and ALMEYDA .", "Let me embrace thee !", "The same .", "Then you resolve", "Alcayde of this fort .", "Sure he would sleep .", "He looks as man was made ; with face erect ,", "She slumbers o'er the cup ; no danger 's near ,", "Run cross the marble square , who soon returned ,", "Makes she no more of me than of a slave ?\u2014", "And I can sin but once to seize the throne ;", "There 's a foe 's head well cropped .\u2014", "The emperor 's love protects him from insults ;", "And strict command .", "Of vengeance on Sebastian , when no more", "Strange ! in full health ! this pang is of the soul ; The body 's unconcerned : I 'll think hereafter .\u2014 Conduct these royal captives to the castle ; Bid Dorax use them well , till further order .", "That Paradise thou never shalt possess .", "Of Christian superstition in his hand :", "He said he saw it too .", "He and Sebastian stand betwixt my hopes ;", "Thou speak'st as if thou wert privy to concealments ; then thou art an accomplice .", "This goes beyond the mark .", "Yet in the Christians \u2019 hands .", "Truth is , considering with what earnestness", "I could not find it , till you lent a clue", "Thus far \u2018 tis well : Go , hasten Mustapha .", "None of my emissaries yet returned .", "Whomever he suspects , he fastens there ,", "The reverend father , with a holy leer ,", "And think I could neglect to speak , at full ,", "To hazard such a daring enterprize .", "Yet till this moment I have found him faithful :", "And first set wide the Mufti 's garden gate ,", "They may with ease be winnowed .", "Fright her with that ; Proceed not yet to force :", "\u2018 Tis fit it should : far be it from your slave", "Think what I am , and what yourself may be ,", "Skulked in a nightly skirmish ? Stole a conquest ,", "Mild Muley-Zeydan ?", "They must be watched ;", "Nor sooth yourself ; you have no power to affront him ;", "Which is his private passage to the palace ;", "Our limbs and lives", "Of greatness .", "Brave renegade !\u2014 Could'st thou not meet Sebastian ? Thy master had been worthy of thy sword .", "So often tried , and ever found so true ,", "And said , Sebastian knew to govern slaves .", "Whom rage to lose his prisoners had prepared :", "A dose less hot had burst through ribs of iron .", "Howe'er the leap be dangerous and wide .", "Why should you pluck the green distasteful fruit", "Enhanced her beauty , dwelt upon her praise \u2014", "Adore his fortune , mix with flattering crowds ;", "But what speak I of payment and reward !", "Accusing fortune that he fell not warm ;", "Haste their coming .", "He brings it to your hive ;\u2014 if such a man ,", "There spoke a king .", "That scorns his brittle corpse , and seems ashamed", "The soldiers idolize you ;", "This easy fool must be my stale , set up", "True , we must ;", "And haste his presence here .\u2014", "\u2018 Twas a bare saving game I made with Dorax ; But better so than lost . He cannot hurt me ; That I precautioned : I must ruin him .\u2014 But now this love ; ay , there 's the gathering storm ! The tyrant must not wed Almeyda : No ! That ruins all the fabric I am raising . Yet , seeming to approve , it gave me time ; And gaining time gains all .", "The fort is his , the soldiers \u2019 hearts are his ;", "Most sure he ought not ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["And , thanked be heaven , he has it .", "For all her smoothness , I am not quite cured of my jealousy ; but I have thought of a way that will clear my doubts .", "I am indeed thy father ; but how the devil didst thou know me in this disguise ? and what pearls and jewels dost thou mean ?", "Our law says plainly , women have no souls .M , Mol . \u2018 Tis true ; their souls are mortal , set her by ; Yet , were Almeyda here , though fame reports her The fairest of her sex , so much , unseen , I hate the sister of our rival-house , Ten thousand such dry notions of our Alcoran Should not protect her life , if not immortal ; Die as she could , all of a piece , the better That none of her remain .", "Meaning mine , I know it .", "I have heard the outcries of my wife ; the bleatings of the poor innocent lamb .\u2014 Seen nothing , sayst thou ? If I see the lamb lie bleeding , and the butcher by her with his knife drawn , and bloody , is not that evidence sufficient of the murder ? I come too late , and the execution is already done .", "Therefore , to conclude all , believers , pluck up your hearts , and pluck down the tyrant . Remember the courage of your ancestors ; remember the majesty of the people ; remember yourselves , your wives , and children ; and , lastly , above all , remember your religion , and our holy Mahomet . All these require your timeous assistance ;\u2014 shall I say , they beg it ? No ; they claim it of you , by all the nearest and dearest ties of these three P 's , self-preservation , our property , and our prophet .\u2014 Now answer me with an unanimous cheerful cry , and follow me , who am your leader , to a glorious deliverance .", "That civil wars may cease ; this gains the crowd :", "For this victorious day , our mighty prophet", "Thou makest me weep at thy unkindness ; indeed , dear daughter , we will not part .", "Expects your gratitude , the sacrifice", "The slaves from death , though it was cheating heaven ;", "A very malapert cur , I can tell him that ; I do not like his fawning \u2014 You must be taught your distance , sirrah .", "The channel of his blood , and froze him dry .", "Oh , ho , ho !", "I but reserved them to present thy greatness", "They are not what he says .", "That , hadst not thou prevented , had congealed", "O thou corrupter of my family , that 's cause enough of death !\u2014 once again , away with him .", "That 's me again .", "Remember , sir , your vow .", "Benducar is a fool , to bring him off ;", "Since charity becomes my calling , thus Let me provoke your friendship ; and heaven bless it , As I intend it well .", "Pr'ythee , child , reproach me no more of human failings ; they are but a little of the pitch and spots of the world , that are still sticking on me ; but I hope to scour them out in time . I am better at bottom than thou thinkest ; I am not the man thou takest me for .", "He prates as if kings had not consciences ,", "Then you may safely force her to your will ;", "Not knowing that , I poisoned him once more ,", "Did I think I had begotten such a monster !\u2014 Proceed , my dutiful child , proceed , proceed .", "Could sooner numb thy nimble faculties ,", "Hold , sir ; the woman must not draw .", "Come in , Johayma ; regulate the rest of my wives and concubines , and leave the fellow to his work .", "I hope you will not be so barbarous to torture me : we may preach suffering to others , but , alas ! holy flesh is too well pampered to endure martyrdom .", "I will not answer ,", "Fasting is but the letter of the law ,", "Art thou mad , Morayma ?", "Sure thou hast never heard of holy men ,", "How 's that , Johayma ? imagining it was he , and yet you went ?", "The devil 's in that supposing rascal !\u2014 I can bear no more ; and I am the Mufti . Now suppose yourselves my servants , and hold your hands : an anointed halter take you all !", "Base foul-mouthed renegade ; but I 'll pray for thee ,", "But not denied to kings and to their guides ;", "Kill him ; for then you give him liberty :", "And none required directors but the crowd .", "Not the Nonacrian font , nor Lethe 's lake ,", "Ay , so I feel you did ; my back and sides are abundant testimonies of your zeal .\u2014 Run , rogues , and bring me back my jewels , and my fugitive daughter ; run , I say .", "He 's a rare convert .", "His prophet works within him ;", "For heaven 's sake hold !\u2014 The respite of a moment !\u2014", "His soul is from his earthly prison freed .", "famed in state affairs !", "To your kennel , sirrah ; mortify your flesh , and consider in whose family you are .", "To your occupation , dog ; bind up the jessamines in yonder arbour , and handle your pruning-knife with dexterity : tightly I say , go tightly to your business ; you have cost me much , and must earn it in your work . Here 's plentiful provision for you , rascal ; salading in the garden , and water in the tank , and on holidays the licking of a platter of rice , when you deserve it .", "He is now upon the point of marrying himself , without your sovereign consent : And what are the effects of marriage ?", "But thou wilt not teach me , at this age , the nature of a close embrace ?", "No more deeds of charity to-day ; come in , or I shall think you a little better disposed than I could wish you .", "And then the more despite you do a Christian ,", "Of Christian slaves , devoted , if you won .", "Thou amazest me !", "No ; the natural effects of marriage are children : Now , on whom would he beget these children ? Even upon a Christian ! O , horrible ! how can you believe me , though I am ready to swear it upon the Alcoran ! Yes , true believers , you may believe , that he is going to beget a race of misbelievers .", "O thou villain , what horrible impiety art thou committing ! what , ravishing the wife of my bosom !\u2014 Take him away ; ganch him, impale him , rid the world of such a monster !", "When done for public good .", "You are met , as becomes good Mussulmen , to settle the nation ; for I must tell you , that , though your tyrant is a lawful emperor , yet your lawful emperor is but a tyrant .", "For thou hast drunk thy passport out of this .", "No , let him rail ;"], "true_target": ["But I forgave him that .", "Now , to do things in order , first I seize upon the bag , and then upon the baggage ; for thou art but my flesh and blood , but these are my life and soul .", "By all that 's holy , treason was not named :", "Why , verily , the law is monstrous plain :", "\u2018 Tis a laudable commotion ; the voice of the mobile is the voice of heaven .\u2014 I must retire a little , to strip me of the slave , and to assume the Mufti , and then I will return ; for the piety of the people must be encouraged , that they may help me to recover my jewels , and my daughter .", "In England , Wolsey ; match me these with laymen .", "I am finely documented by my own daughter !", "Wine is a holy liquor for the great .", "Not wholly slighted o'er , not absolutely .\u2014", "And drenched him with a draught so deadly cold ,", "But did he mean no mischief ? was he endeavouring nothing ?", "You have a conqueror 's right upon your slave ;", "I spared the emperor 's broken vows , to save", "So you may cast a sheep 's eye behind you ? in before me ;\u2014 and you , sauciness , mind your pruning-knife , or I may chance to use it for you .", "Than this , to sleep eternal .", "It 's impossible :\u2014 then what meant all those outcries ?", "Come away , minion ; you shall shew him nothing .", "The best that can come of me , in this condition , is , to have my life begged first , and then to be begged for a fool afterwards", "But it forbids you not to ravish her .", "Some modest hints of private wrongs I urged .", "Now , if I cry out , they will know my voice , and then I am disgraced for ever . O thou art a venomous cockatrice !", "Yes , at our meeting in another world ;", "That your emperor is a tyrant , is most manifest ; for you were born to be Turks , but he has played the Turk with you , and is taking your religion away .", "It cannot be ; For matrimony being the dearest point Of law , the people have it all by heart : A cheat on procreation will not pass . Besides ,the offence is so exorbitant , To mingle with a misbelieving race , That speedy vengeance would pursue your crime , And holy Mahomet launch himself from heaven , Before the unready thunderbolts were formed .", "The prophet must not pick and chuse his offerings ;", "And how do you like him ? look upon him well ; he is a personable fellow of a Christian dog . Now , I think you are fitted for a gardener . Ha , what sayest thou , Johayma ?", "Both , or none ; come away to durance .", "Why this is as it should be now ; take the treasure again , it can never be put into better hands .", "Proclaim your marriage with Almeyda next ,", "For both .", "There 's not one doubtful text in all the alcoran ,", "Yet it shews well to preach it to the vulgar ;", "Good people , here you are met together .", "Why not , when sacrilegious power would seize", "Would some rich railing rogue would say as much to me , that I might squeeze his purse for scandal !", "Then , if thy silence save the great and holy ,", "You serve the prophet more , who loathes that sect .", "\u2018 Tis sure thou shalt go straight to paradise .", "Antonio , and in disguise ! now I begin to smell a rat .", "My property ? \u2018 tis an affront to heaven ,", "I 'll work my own revenge , and speedily .", "An offering worthy thee .", "To think for you \u2014", "Why , what have I done to thee ? Recollect thyself , and speak sense to me .", "\u2018 Tis true , our law forbids to wed a Christian ;", "It was a very odd beginning though , methought , to see thee come running in upon me with such a warm embrace ; pr'ythee , what was the meaning of that violent hot hug ?", "Which can be wrenched in favour to your project .", "I have heard enough .\u2014 Away with him !", "To shew my charity .", "Now he has given the day , \u2018 tis past recalling ,", "Why , if I have been a little pilfering , or so , I take it bitterly of thee to tell me of it , since it was to make thee rich ; and I hope a man may make bold with his own soul , without offence to his own child . Here , take the jewels again ; take them , I charge thee , upon thy obedience .", "Why honey bird , I bought him on purpose for thee : didst thou not say , thou longedst for a Christian slave ?", "Such as in Spain , Ximenes , Albornoz ;", "Speak thou , has he not violated my bed , and thy honour ?", "Wine is against our law ; that 's literal too ,", "How thy good nature works upon me ! Well , I can do no less than venture damning for thee ; and I may put fair for it , if the rabble be ordered to rise to-night .", "The prophet owed him this ;", "For people side with violence and injustice ,", "This it is to have a sound head-piece ; by this I have got to be chief of my religion ; that is , honestly speaking , to teach others what I neither know nor believe myself . For what 's Mahomet to me , but that I get by him ? Now for my policy of this night : I have mewed up my suspected spouse in her chamber ;\u2014 no more embassies to that lusty young stallion of a gardener . Next , my habit of a slave ; I have made myself as like him as I can , all but his youth and vigour ; which when I had , I passed my time as well as any of my holy predecessors . Now , walking under the windows of my seraglio , if Johayma look out , she will certainly take me for Antonio , and call to me ; and by that I shall know what concupiscence is working in her . She cannot come down to commit iniquity , there 's my safety ; but if she peep , if she put her nose abroad , there 's demonstration of her pious will ; and I 'll not make the first precedent for a churchman to forgive injuries .", "In good time you did so ; I laid a trap for a bitch-fox , and a worse vermin has caught himself in it . You would fain break loose now , though you left a limb behind you ; but I am yet in my own territories , and in call of company ; that 's my comfort .", "He 'll tell you more .", "And he must be content with such as these .", "Thou say'st true , a very considerable sum : he shall not die , though he had committed folly with a slave ; it is too much to lose by him .", "Whose person , though unworthy , I sustain ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["My chattels are come into my hands again , and my conscience will serve me to sell them twice over ; any price now , before the Mufti come to claim them . 1st Mer .What dost hold that old fellow at ?\u2014He 's tough , and has no service in his limbs .", "He is the best piece of man 's flesh in the market , not an eye-sore in his whole body . Feel his legs , master ; neither splint , spavin , nor wind-gall .", "Let every man look to his own conscience ; I am sure mine shall never hang me .", "Right , my lord .", "Methought , indeed , she cast a kind leer towards me . Our prophet was but just such another scoundrel as I am , till he raised himself to power , and consequently to holiness , by marrying his master 's widow . I am resolved I 'll put forward for myself ; for why should I be my lord Benducar 's fool and slave , when I may be my own fool and his master ?", "Learn better manners , or I shall serve you a dog-trick ; come down upon all-four immediately ; I 'll make you know your rider .", "Something of a secret , and of the king , I heard him mutter : a pimp , I warrant him , for I am sure he is an old courtier . Now , to put off t'other remnant of my merchandize .\u2014 Stir up , sirrah !", "This last fellow is a little more sensible than the rest ; he has entered somewhat into the merits of the cause .", "Now , late Mufti , not forgetting my first quarrel to you , we will enter ourselves with the plunder of your palace : \u2018 tis good to sanctify a work , and begin a God 's name .", "Now , sirrah , follow , for you have rope enough : To your paces , villain , amble trot , and gallop :\u2014 Quick about , there .\u2014 Yeap ! the more money 's bidden for you , the more your credit . 2d Mer . He is well chined , and has a tolerable good back ; that is half in half .\u2014\u2014 I would see him strip ; has he no diseases about him ?", "Ay , ay , the jewels ! Now again I hate him ; but yet my conscience makes me listen to him .", "I suppose you may put it up without offence to any man here present . For my part , I have been loyal to my sovereign lady , though that villain Benducar , and that hypocrite the Mufti , would have corrupted me ; but if those two escape public justice , then I and all my late honest subjects here deserve hanging .", "La , you there ! I told you so .", "Nay , if accomplices must suffer , it may go hard with me : but here 's the devil o n't , there 's a great man , and a holy man too , concerned with me ; now , if I confess , he 'll be sure to escape between his greatness and his holiness , and I shall be murdered , because of my poverty and rascality .", "I think I was , slave Antonio . Alas , I was ignorant of my own talent !\u2014 Say then , believers , will you have a captain for your Mufti , or a Mufti for your captain ? And , further , to instruct you how to cry , will you have A mufti , or No mufti ?", "\u2018 Tis a fine place , they say ; but , doctor , I am not worthy o n't . I am contented with this homely world ; \u2018 tis good enough for such a poor , rascally Mussulman , as I am ; besides , I have learnt so much good manners , doctor , as to let my betters be served before me .", "I must confess the sound is pleasing , and tickles the ears of my ambition ; but alas , good people , it must not be ! I am contented to be a poor simple viceroy . But prince Muley-Zeydan is to be the man : I shall take care to instruct him in the arts of government , and in his duty to us all ; and , therefore , mark my cry , A Muley-Zeydan , a Muley-Zeydan !", "Nay , that 's true , on the other side ; the jewels must be mine . But he has a pure fine way of talking ; my conscience goes along with him , but the jewels have set my heart against him .", "She might have passed over all your petty businesses , and no great matter ; but the raising of my rabble is an exploit of consequence , and not to be mumbled up in silence , for all her pertness .", "All , upon my honour ; if you will take them as their fathers got them , so ; if not , you must stay till they get a better generation . These christians are mere bunglers ; they procreate nothing but out of their own wives , and these have all the looks of eldest sons .", "\u2018 Tis excellent fine matter , indeed , slave Antonio ! He has a rare tongue ! Oh , he would move a rock , or elephant !", "Let me alone to pick a quarrel ; I have an old grudge to him upon thy account .", "Pr'ythee , friend , give me leave to know my own meaning . 1st Mer . What virtues has he to deserve that price ?", "Alas ! the poor gentleman has gotten a cold with a sermon of two hours long , and a prayer of fear ; and , besides , if he durst speak , mankind is grown wiser at this time of day than to cut one another 's throats about religion . Our Mufti 's is a green coat , and the Christian 's is a black coat ; and we must wisely go together by the ears , whether green or black shall sweep our spoils .", "Nay , if he and his clergy will needs be preaching up rebellion , and giving us their blessing , \u2018 tis but justice they should have the first-fruits of it .\u2014 Slave Antonio , take him into custody ; and dost thou hear , boy , be sure to secure the little transitory box of jewels . If he be obstinate , put a civil question to him upon the rack , and he squeaks , I warrant him .", "I know you have , my lord ; but while I was managing this young robustious fellow , that old spark , who was nothing but skin and bone , and by consequence very nimble , slipt through my fingers like an eel , for there was no hold-fast of him , and ran away to buy himself a new master .", "But for a foolish promise , I made once to my lord Benducar , to set up any one he pleased .\u2014 Re-enter the Mufti , with his Servants ."], "true_target": ["Marry come up , sir ! virtues , quotha ! I took him in the king 's company ; he 's of a great family , and rich ; what other virtues wouldst thou have in a nobleman ? 1st Mer . I buy him with another man 's purse , that 's my comfort . My lord Dorax , the governor , will have him at any rate :\u2014 There 's hansel . Come , old fellow , to the castle .", "Patience , my lord . I took him up , as your herriot , with intention to have made the best of him , and then have brought the whole product of him in a purse to you ; for I know you would have spent half of it upon your pious pleasures , have hoarded up the other half , and given the remainder in charities to the poor .", "Not so much haste , masters ; comeback again ; you are so bent upon mischief , that you take a man upon the first word of plunder . Here is a sight for you ; the emperor is come upon his head to visit you .Most noble emperor , now I hope you will not hit us in the teeth , that we have pulled you down ; for we can tell you to your face , that we have exalted you .", "I confess he 's somewhat tough ; but I suppose you would not boil him , I ask for him a thousand crowns . 1st Mer . Thou mean'st a thousand marvedis .", "Horse or ass , that 's as thy mother made thee : but take earnest , in the first place , for thy sauciness .\u2014\u2014 Be advised , friend , and buckle to thy geers : Behold my ensign of royalty displayed over thee .", "What , am I forsaken of my subjects ? Would the rogue purloin my liege people from me !\u2014 I charge you , in my own name , come back , ye deserters , and hear me speak .", "You see , slave Antonio , what I might have been ?", "That I laid in for them , slave Antonio \u2014 Do I then spit upon your faces ? Do I discourage rebellion , mutiny , rapine , and plundering ? You may think I do , believers ; but , heaven forbid ! No , I encourage you to all these laudable undertakings ; you shall plunder , you shall pull down the government ; but you shall do this upon my authority , and not by his wicked instigation .", "Thick-breathed a little ; nothing but a sorry cold with lying out a-nights in trenches ; but sound , wind and limb , I warrant him .\u2014 Try him at a loose trot a little .", "That 's better counsel than you meant it : Yes , I do take her into possession , and into protection too . What say you , masters , will you stand by me ?", "We will have a fair trial of skill for it , I can tell him that . When we have dispatched with Muley-Zeydan , your lordship shall march , in equal proportions of your body , to the four gates of the city , and every tower shall have a quarter of you .", "I shall make bold with his treasure , for the support of my new government .\u2014\u2014 What do these vile raggamuffins so near our person ? your savour is offensive to us ; bear back there , and make room for honest men to approach us : These fools and knaves are always impudently crowding next to princes , and keeping off the more deserving : Bear back , I say .\u2014\u2014 That 's dutifully done ! Now shout , to shew your loyalty .\u2014 Hear'st thou that , slave Antonio ? These obstreperous villains shout , and know not for what they make a noise . You shall see me manage them , that you may judge what ignorant beasts they are .\u2014 For whom do you shout now ? Who 's to live and reign ; tell me that , the wisest of you ?", "Thou shalt have it , and now defy the Mufti . \u2018 Tis the first petition that has been made to me since my exaltation to tumult , in this second night of the month Abib , and in the year of the Hegira ,\u2014 the Lord knows what year ; but \u2018 tis no matter ; for when I am settled , the learned are bound to find it out for me ; for I am resolved to date my authority over the rabble , like other monarchs .", "Your majesty may lay your soul o n't . But , for my part , though I am a plain fellow , yet I scorn to be tricked into paradise ; I would he should know it . The truth o n't is , a n't like you , his reverence bought of me the flower of all the market : these \u2014 these are but dogs-meat to them ; and a round price he paid me , too , I 'll say that for him ; but not enough for me to venture my neck for . If I get paradise when my time comes , I can n't help myself ; but I 'll venture nothing before-hand , upon a blind bargain .", "Bauble , do you call him ? he is a substantial true-bred beast ; bravely forehanded . Mark but the cleanness of his shapes too : his dam may be a Spanish gennet , but a true barb by the sire , or I have no skill in horseflesh :\u2014 Marry , I ask six hundred xeriffs for him .", "By the same token there was a dainty virgin ,with a roguish leering eye ! he paid me down for her upon the nail a thousand golden sultanins , or he had never had her , I can tell him that ; now , is it very likely he would pay so dear for such a delicious morsel , and give it away out of his own mouth , when it had such a farewell with it too ?", "That 's fine , in earnest ; I cannot forbear hearkening to his enchanting tongue .", "Marry , I ask your reverence six hundred pardons ; I was doing you a small piece of service here , putting off your cattle for you .", "Ay , and good reason , friend ; if thou catchest me a-conquering on thy side of the water , lay on me lustily ; I will take it as kindly as thou dost this .\u2014", "In the name of the people , we command you speak : but that pretty lady shall speak first ; for we have taken somewhat of a liking to her person .\u2014 Be not afraid , lady , to speak to these rude raggamuffians ; there is nothing shall offend you , unless it be their stink , a n't please you .", "Think'st thou so , slave Antonio ?", "I never doubted your lordship 's memory for an ill turn : And I shall remember him too in the next rising of the mobile for this act of resumption ; and more especially for the ghostly counsel he gave me before the emperor , to have hanged myself in silence to have saved his reverence . The best o n't is , I am beforehand with him for selling one of his slaves twice over ; and if he had not come just in the nick , I might have pocketed up the other ; for what should a poor man do that gets his living by hard labour , but pray for bad times when he may get it easily ? O for some incomparable tumult ! Then should I naturally wish that the beaten party might prevail ; because we have plundered the other side already , and there is nothing more to get of them . Both rich and poor for their own interest pray , \u2018 Tis ours to make our fortune while we may ; For kingdoms are not conquered every day .", "Then make much of your retentive faculties .\u2014 And who led you to those honey-combs ? Your Mufti ? No , believers ; he only preached you up to it , but durst not lead you : He was but your counsellor , but I was your captain ; he only looed you , but , \u2018 twas I that led you .", "Do you remember the glorious rapines and robberies you have committed ? Your breaking open and gutting of houses , your rummaging of cellars , your demolishing of Christian temples , and bearing off , in triumph , the superstitious plate and pictures , the ornaments of their wicked altars , when all rich moveables were sentenced for idolatrous , and all that was idolatrous was seized ? Answer first , for your remembrance of all these sweetnesses of mutiny ; for upon those grounds I shall proceed .", "Good my lord , take pity upon a poor man in this world , and damn me in the next .", "Why should I lie to your honour ? I did know him ; and thereupon , seeing him wander about , took him up for a stray , and impounded him , with intention to restore him to the right owner .", "Upon vulgar reputation , no , my lord ; it was for your profit and emolument . What ! wrong the head of my religion ? I was sensible you would have damned me , or any man , that should have injured you in a single farthing ; for I knew that was sacrifice .", "And that may easily be done , with the help of a little inspiration ; for I must tell you , I have a pigeon at home , of Mahomet 's own breed ; and when I have learnt her to pick pease out of my ear , rest satisfied till then , and you shall have another . But , now I think o n't , I am inspired already , that \u2018 tis no sin to depose the Mufti ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["The emperor would learn these prisoners \u2019 names ;"], "true_target": ["You know them ?"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Be what thou wilt , I will not look too soon :", "I think the devil 's in me ;\u2014 good again !", "Now , let me roll and grubble thee :", "Blind men say , white feels smooth , and black feels rough ;", "I cannot speak one syllable , but tends", "Damned natural ebony , there 's hope , in rubbing ,", "Pox o'the proverb !", "I 've a moist sweaty palm ; the more 's my sin :"], "true_target": ["Thou hast a rugged skin , I do not like thee .", "Thou hast a colour ; if thou prov'st not right ,", "If it be black , yet only dyed , not odious", "As black as hell ;\u2014 another lucky saying !", "I have a minute good ere I behold thee .", "To death or to damnation .", "To wash this Ethiop white .\u2014", "Here I have thee ;"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["For , if you give it burial , there it takes", "The ransom down ! But since I have but one ,", "I fought and fell like one , but death deceived me ;", "Afric is stored with monsters ; man 's a prodigy ,", "Possession of your earth ;", "Nor for base lucre sold their loyalty ,", "And fenced them with their own . These thanks I pay you ;", "And froze your hearts beneath your torrid zone .", "For each of these ; how gladly would I pay", "This sight concerns me ! would I had a soul", "If burnt and scattered in the air , the winds ,", "Of mine shall light , know , there Sebastian reigns .", "Has destined me the lot , to die for these :", "Here satiate all your fury :", "Fate was not mine ,", "No , thou canst only shew me for a man :", "I have a soul , that , like an ample shield ,", "And spread me o'er your clime : for where one atom", "\u2018 Tis fit a sovereign so should pay such subjects ;", "Nor am I fate 's . Now I have pleased my longing ,", "Let fortune empty her whole quiver on me ;", "For that 's a soldier 's call .", "To crush my soul out .", "I wanted weight of feeble Moors upon me ,", "Not your false prophet , but eternal justice", "And hear me speak .\u2014"], "true_target": ["It shall be like myself ; a setting sun", "Than when my name filled Afric with affright ,", "Sir , pardon me ,", "Not less even in this despicable now ,", "Should leave a track of glory in the skies .\u2014", "Thou mistakest ,", "I would have conquered you ; and ventured only", "Behold Sebastian , king of Portugal .", "To give my loosened subjects room to play .", "Till doomsday , when the trumpet sounds to rise ;", "\u2018 Tis a king 's life , and freely \u2018 tis bestowed .", "Who not forsook me at my greatest need ;", "Impossible ! Souls know no conquerors .", "On your lives , approach her not .", "Can take in all , and verge enough for more .", "Then there 's no more to manage : if I fall ,", "Thy subjects have not seen .", "That strow my dust , diffuse my royalty ,", "For then I would not talk .", "What sayst thou ? ha ! no more of that .", "Witness , O heaven , how much", "But shared my dangers to the last event ,", "I beg no pity for this mouldering clay ;", "For subjects such as they are seldom seen ,", "A narrow neck of land for a third world ,", "And trod the ground which I beheld from far ,"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["For , like the twins of Leda , when I mount ,", "Is all in readiness ?", "Mercy may wait without the gate one night ,", "Zeyd . We must go on without him .", "He gallops down the skies ."], "true_target": ["Zeyd . One of his generous fits , too strong to last .", "At morn I 'll take her in .", "And eager as the courser for the race :", "Zeyd . May we ne'er meet !", "Zeyd . You see me come , impatient of my hopes ,", "Zeyd . Doubt not my conduct ; they shall be surprised ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["My stars assigned me too ;\u2014 impossible !", "That bred my first dislike , and then my loathing .\u2014", "Re-enter DORAX .", "Look to the queen , my wife ; for I am past", "But one poor little nook will serve me now ,", "Thou good old man ,", "And to what end this ill-concerted lie ,", "For such a night I would be what I am .", "Than owning that ingratitude thou urgest ?", "To expiate this , can I do more than die ?", "That were to gratify thy pride . I 'll shew thee", "And , granting that , he must have changed his measures .", "What thou hast done this day in my defence .", "And made a bulwark of it for his prince .", "I 've heard you both ;\u2014 Alvarez , have thy wish ;\u2014", "I warn thee thus , because I know thy temper", "Let me be dumb for ever ; all I plead ,", "And on his naked side received my wound .", "And teach the Fates their duty .", "Did not I love thee past a change to hate ,", "He would have much complained", "Methinks it owns", "The more his fame , to struggle to the field ,", "And bless thy Violante with thy vows .\u2014", "But help themselves as timely as they could ,", "With his etherial breath .", "Here should the gift be placed .", "That , when the shock of battle was begun ,", "The she 's even of the savage herd are safe ;", "Some envious demon to delude our joys ;", "He 's dead ; make haste , and thou may'st yet o'ertake him .", "Put on my finger , with a parting sigh ;", "Thou shouldst be Alonzo .", "For her dear life is now exposed anew ,", "But such a mist of grief comes o'er my eyes ,", "The second nonage of a soul more wise ,", "And with past service , nauseously repeated ,", "And draws the scene to sight .", "It startles me ! and brings to my remembrance ,", "By heaven , when I behold those beauteous eyes ,", "If I have injured thee , that makes us equal ;", "A bigger bounding stone . He , who can leave", "To interpose , on pain of my displeasure ,", "If those great acts were done alone for me ?", "In terms becoming majesty to hear :", "The indignity , thou didst , was meant to me :", "Art thou so generous , too , to pity him ?", "This hand and this have been acquainted well :", "And joined our hands himself .", "Yet one thing wants ,", "No ; to disprove that lie , I must not draw .", "This ring , indeed , my father , with a cold", "Thou shalt not say thou wer't condemned unheard ;", "Affrighted !", "For beauteous eyes have arbitrary power .", "Now can I thank thee as thou would'st be thanked .", "Much sooner than before .", "Thy vows are mine ; nor will I quit my claim :", "I bring but sighs , the succours of a slave .", "And give me seizure of the mighty wealth .", "He had my promise , ere I knew thy love .", "Something like", "If thou could'st deem so meanly of my courage ,", "Unless you wholly can put on divinity ,", "Now be brief ,", "I meant thee a reward of greater worth .", "With all its guilt , it were to come again .", "How often hast thou braved my peaceful court ,", "Thou hast a right in heaven . But why these prayers for me ?", "That word had been thy ruin ; but no more ,", "Produce that writing .", "Now life , or death .", "To do a sovereign justice to myself ,", "And spurn thee from my presence .", "For making me unhappy by his crime .\u2014", "And sisters I had none ;\u2014 vain augury !", "And dastardize my courage .", "What if I make her mine ?", "Draw near , Almeyda ; thou art most concerned ,", "Within this castle is a captive priest ,", "I have not yet forgot I am a king ,", "We shall be one again in thy despite .", "Indeed thou should'st not ask forgiveness first ;", "This noble pride becomes thy innocence ;", "But weigh'st it out in mercenary scales !", "Traitor !\u2014 that name thou canst not echo back ;", "Honour befriend us both .\u2014", "Beware of death ! thou canst not die unperjured ,", "Nay , then , I was unjust to love him better .", "Nor , till this turn of fate , durst thou have called me :", "Laugh then at fond presages . I had some ;\u2014", "To violate my laws , even in my court ,", "Then let me die , for I would think no more .", "Death may be called in vain , and cannot come ;", "But why that sigh in naming that good man ?", "But , when we read our love , we read our guilt :", "Imposed , but not received .\u2014 Take back that falsehood .", "Nor shall the sacred character of king", "The ties of minds are but imperfect bonds ,", "All this is impious , therefore we must part ;", "Yet twice this day I owed my life to Dorax .", "A sceptre 's but a plaything , and a globe", "\u2018 Tis penance too voluptuous for my crime", "I 'm still without thy meaning , but I thank thee .", "On a king 's word \u2018 tis truth , but truth ill-timed ;", "He was ; and , if he lives , my second father .", "For terms of peace ; what more he can contribute", "Lest thou shouldst sooth my soul with charms so strong ,", "Else I should speak ; but we must part , Sebastian ,\u2014", "Unhappy we ! that still we must confound", "But thou , like jealousy , enquir'st a truth ,", "My sense has been so deeply plunged in joys ,", "For , if I could deserve , I have deserved her :", "Be conscious to thy worth , and tell thy soul ,", "I 'm still in pain for poor Alvarez \u2019 life .", "To meet thy challenge fairly : \u2018 Twas thy fault", "Which palpable and gross , yet granted true ,", "I prophesied thy proud soul could not bear it .\u2014", "O patience , heaven !", "The vigorous young world was ignorant", "More strong than thine , and I more frail than thou .", "Why did we know so soon , or why at all ,", "and Alm . My Sebastian ! my Almeyda !", "If love produced not some , and pride the rest ?", "And I dare trust my father 's memory ,", "But that thou didst not dare to lift thy hands", "O , palliate not my wound ;", "Be urged , to shield me from thy bold appeal .", "And strive in vain to meet .", "It bars not my inviolable vows ?", "O infamous ! O base , beyond repair !", "And meet his glorious fate . Confess , proud spirit ,", "If Portugal and Spain were joined to Africa ,", "Unless the bodies join to seal the contract .", "All false as hell , or thou .", "Strong in her passion , impotent of reason ,", "The question is beside our present purpose :", "Even past redemption ;", "Thy old presumptuous arrogance again ,", "Know , Muley Moluch , when thou darest attempt \u2014", "To stare me into statue ?", "For how can incest suit with holiness ,", "That yet must languish long in frosts and fires ,", "Of which I stand possessed .", "No , \u2018 tis resolved : I charge you plead no more ;", "Alas , I know not by what name to call thee !", "Stand oft , and let me take my fill of death ;", "By heaven , I never counselled love , but pity .", "When called in haste to fumble for their limbs ,", "Were by my arms restored .", "Our souls , for want of that acquaintance here ,", "Out of thy reach ; behind eternity ;", "Then only hear her eyes !", "Secure of no repulse .", "Of these restrictions ; \u2018 tis decrepit now ;", "Even thee , thou idol of my soul and eyes ,", "To make me blest , I know not .", "But courtship from the male .", "I thank thee , my Alonzo ; I will live ,", "To strike the man I loved !", "What honour is there in a woman 's death !", "The joys I have possessed are ever mine ;", "But thou hast charged me with ingratitude ;", "What had been , is unknown ; what is , appears . Confess , he justly was preferred to thee .", "If death be but cessation of our thought ,", "Life is but air ,", "And prisoners are not to insist on terms ;", "Thou art a Christian : that produced his fear ,", "More foul than traitor be , \u2018 tis renegade .", "Are all so quick , they seem to have but one motion ,", "I own it , in the face of heaven and thee ;", "Whose royal office is redress of wrongs :", "Help to support this feeble drooping flower . This tender sweet , so shaken by the storm ; For these fond arms must thus be stretched in vain , And never , never must embrace her more . \u2018 Tis past :\u2014 my soul goes in that word \u2014 farewell .", "I would say something that 's as dear as this ;", "Though they are mute , they plead ; nay , more , command ;", "And , once burnt down to tinder , light again", "How , tyrant ?", "Wish rather heaven may grant ;", "But all I have to give .", "Which , found , will torture thee .\u2014 He died in fight ;", "No , sir ; I said so , and I witness for you ,", "But rolled his falling body cross their way ,", "Speak , didst thou not , Alonzo ?", "Repentance lags , and sin comes hurrying on .", "I hear men call thee Dorax .", "Barbarian , thou canst part us but a moment !", "As it does words ; without a sign to note", "The wise betimes make over their estates :", "Should meet thee just half-way in pilgrimage ,", "Speak'st thou of love , of fortune , or of death ,", "And the main ocean crusted into land ,", "Reproached even me , thy prince ?", "I kiss the name I speak .", "And made me kiss the cross upon his sword ,", "Not even the barbarous victors have refused ;", "Mark her majestic fabric ; she 's a temple", "Of that irremeable burning gulph ,", "Yes .", "But never more to Portugal return ;", "Even to my face , and done in my despite ,", "It must be so .", "For we were formed too like .", "Art thou some ghost , some demon , or some god ,", "That isthmus stands between two rushing seas ;", "Thou seest my faculties are still entire ,", "To stand the charge of that foul forging tongue .", "Shall make it flow again . My love , he knows not", "And yet , methinks , I cannot chuse but love .", "Come down from off the tripos , and speak plain .", "Not wilful , neither .", "Nay , would do more than say : One moment longer ,", "So happy , that \u2014 forgive me , heaven !\u2014 I wish ,", "Tyrants can tie him up from your relief ;", "For , gazing thus , I kindle at thy sight ,", "With that fair mouth , against the cause of love .", "He would have cancelled that harsh interdict ,", "And no intended crime .", "Bows , and declines my walks .", "And I should break through laws divine and human ,", "Thy insolence had cancelled all thy service :", "O thou hast given me such a glimpse of hell ,", "It cannot bear the stamp , without alloy .\u2014", "As in a dream ,", "Farewell ; my life 's not worth another word .", "So even , that my soul shall walk with ease", "I 'll breathe a sigh so warm into thy bosom ,", "Did I expect from Dorax this return ? Is this the love renewed ?", "That heaven might prove too weak .", "And tremble , unprovided for their charge :", "Secure me but my solitary cell ;", "And , that once granted , I appeal to these ,", "Still I should long to leap the crystal walls .", "Can answer to thyself ? for thou wert with him ,", "Why so remote a question , which thyself", "I will not live , no not a moment more ; I will not add one moment more to incest ; I 'll cut it off , and end a wretched being : For , should I live , my soul 's so little mine , And so much hers , that I should still enjoy .\u2014 Ye cruel powers , Take me , as you have made me , miserable ; You cannot make me guilty ; \u2018 twas my fate , And you made that , not I .", "But when I say Sebastian , dear Sebastian ,", "And give them furloughs for another world ;", "No , thou shalt not plead ,", "Filled it with noisy brawls , and windy boasts ;", "And give not love , while thou hast love to give ?", "The care I owe my subjects , and my love .", "That sin could be concealed in such a bliss ?", "Or double death ? for we must part , Almeyda .", "Such surly kindness did I never see .", "Silence became me then .", "See where she comes again !", "But still thy friend ; and by that holy name", "It was indeed a glorious , guilty night ;", "If I had conquered ,", "Have given me life but in my subjects \u2019 safety :", "What , art thou giving comfort !", "But thou must load a lady 's memory ?", "I 'll boast my innocence above ,", "I pr'ythee , peace ;", "Love is not sin , but where \u2018 tis sinful love .", "Then , thus adjured ,", "But floods of woes have hurried it far off ,", "Is but thy gift ; make what thou canst of me ,", "With undistinguished sound .", "Would think too late , but cannot : But brave minds ,", "To take a misbeliever to my bed :", "Against anointed power . So was I forced", "I charge thee , on thy life , perverse old man !", "Under the wing of awful majesty ,", "Re-enter DORAX , having taken off his Turban , and put on a Peruke ,"], "true_target": ["True ; if I lived .", "The secret pleasure of a generous act", "Say in what cranny of Sebastian 's soul ,", "My toils , my hazards , and my subjects \u2019 lives ,", "And live to love thee ever .", "Is the great mind 's great bribe .", "A mercy unexpected , undesired ,", "For hitherto was fatal ignorance ,", "When you have argued all you can , \u2018 tis incest .", "Nor can I see Almeyda , but I sin .", "The soul out-slept her hour ; and , scarce awake ,", "I shall be there before my father 's ghost ,", "Wouldst thou give comfort , who hast given despair ?", "I cannot live without Almeyda 's sight ,", "This hour his hands shall make us one .", "More than reward can answer .", "Thou might'st have given it a more gentle name .", "Of heaven , to bless me thus . \u2018 Tis gold so pure ,", "If it would please thee , thou shouldst never know ;", "We have him here an honourable hostage", "If I have wronged thee , charge me face to face ;\u2014", "That yields a passage to the whistling sword ,", "All females have prerogative of sex ;", "What else ?", "And try the virtue of that Gorgon face ,", "And , forced on worse companions , miss ourselves .", "To rid myself of life !", "Ill hid beneath that robe , proclaim thee traitor ;", "And , if a name", "A king and thou can never have a reckoning .", "If universal monarchy were mine ,", "Thou own'st too much , in owning thou hast erred ;", "\u2018 Tis a son 's part to rise in his defence ,", "As who should say ,\u2014 the blow was there intended :", "Was't not enough to brand my father 's fame ,", "And graciously forgive .", "To make it public ; but my duty , then ,", "The black adultery , and Almeyda 's birth ;", "For , if I knew thou wert on that design ,", "Base and ungrateful never was I thought ;", "What say'st thou of Henriquez ? Now , by heaven ,", "Unknown to me , so loathed a crime is lodged ?", "Sir , I advised not ;", "No more of that ; his life 's in my dispose ,", "Not the last sounding could surprise me more ,", "Who would stand firm , who fall .", "Beyond my ken of soul .", "How , damned ?", "The world was once too narrow for my mind ,", "For were even paradise itself my prison ,", "But now decayed , and sunk into the socket ;", "Or , if they were , yet he demands not these .", "But let my love and friend be ever mine .", "They could not have with more observance waited :", "I heard him , O sweet heavens ! he threatened rape ;", "Of our hid passion : then , with lifted hands ,", "And closes when \u2018 tis gone .", "And think them cobwebs spread for little man ,", "One struggle , in the smooth dissolving frame .", "To catch my flying words . Only the alcayde", "My holy confessor , whose free access", "And I would call thee both , and both are sin .", "He had such things to urge against our marriage ,", "But , since thou boast'st the omniscience of a god ,", "I should not wander , but by sure instinct", "Thou mean'st my father 's will ,", "This vast profusion , this extravagance", "I knew you both ; and", "Sir \u2014", "But we , like sentries , are obliged to stand", "As , now declared , would blunt my sword in battle ,", "Dispatch thy work , good executioner .", "\u2018 Tis all I ask him for a crown restored .", "I charge thee with my last commands , return ,", "That voice , methinks , I should have somewhere heard ;", "I had no time .", "Now , judge thyself , who best deserved my love ?", "When I would aid you most , and most desire it ,", "Hast thou not charged me ? speak !", "So pushed me forward , even to the brink", "Nay , if thou can'st be grieved , thou can'st repent ;", "Appeared a devil , but didst an angel 's work .", "And now I see what good thou mean'st my soul ,", "Not love , but noble pity , moved your mind :", "And thank thy pious fraud ; thou hast indeed", "Else , by my soul , this moment were thy last .", "Nay , rather let us haste it , ere we part ;", "But thou prevent'st me still , in all that 's noble .", "Alm . Men have a larger privilege of words ,", "Surprises more : you 've learnt the art to vanquish .", "Not heaven and earth combined can hinder it .", "Yes , if I drew it , with a curst intent ,", "Provided she consent , may claim her love ;", "Is insolent , and haughty to superiors .", "That I should stand astonished at thy sight ?", "Thou meant'st to kill a tyrant , not a king :", "Hereafter is not mine :", "Sister and wife are the two dearest names ,", "Interest might urge you too to save her life ;", "What I am", "In bar of marriage to Almeyda 's bed .", "I 've been too tame , have basely borne my wrongs ,", "Hat , and Cravat .", "Than all thy foul unmannered scurril taunts .", "And when they snarl or bite , have no return", "Africk has deserts wide enough to hold", "Thou could'st not be a villain , though thou would'st :", "O never , never ; I am past a boy :", "And , to conceal my shame , conceal my life .", "I have not yet forgot I am a soldier .", "And close for ever ; for I know my love", "Now , by this honoured order which I wear ,", "I have a dark remembrance of my father :", "Their eyes , hands , feet ,", "Though thine are much impaired . I weighed that will ,", "Alas , thou art too young in thy new faith :", "Sacred by birth , and built by hands divine ;", "Kept pace for pace , and blow for every blow ;", "And shaking hand , just in the pangs of death ,", "That not a wrinkle ruffles her smooth face .", "For , to go back and reign , that were to show", "But blest remembrance brings them hourly back .", "Nor has a Christian privilege to die .", "Here let me ever hold thee in my arms ;", "Betwixt your swords .", "\u2018 Tis a base wrong thou offer'st to the dead .", "The tempest is o'erblown , the skies are clear ,", "That he may never dream I may return .", "Beware I warn thee yet , to tell thy griefs", "And that , but petty reparation too ;", "And found \u2018 twas grounded on our different faiths ;", "At shedding royal blood .", "Thou helpst me well to justify my war :", "For I am most in thee .\u2014", "Thou seest me ready ; we delay too long .", "Too weak to hurt , too fair to be destroyed .", "Foreknew , among the shining angel host ,", "Hid in the sacred treasure of the past :", "A long religious life , a holy age ,", "That robe of infamy , that circumcision", "And I too little , who provoked thy crime .", "That 's all the name that I have left to call thee ;\u2014", "That , looking in the abyss , I dare not leap .", "We must make haste , or we shall never part .", "To have but one poor night of all our lives ;", "But if a wish should come athwart our prayers !", "And would have , spoke , but faultered in his speech ,", "I must not call thee by the name I would ;", "Brutus and Cato might discharge their souls ,", "O couldst thou prove it with the same assurance ! Speak , hast thou ever seen my father 's hand ?", "Some strange reverse of fate must sure attend", "Triumphant incest , and pollute the throne .", "To hide me from the rest of human kind .", "More gladly would I give , than thou dar'st ask it ;", "Alonzo , I am now no more thy king ,", "And nearest to his soul .", "And not to weigh the important cause I had", "Should ask no leave , nor stay for sueing out", "Foretold my father , I should wed with incest .", "How fares our royal prisoner , Muley-Zeydan ?", "And not exerted all the king within me :", "Nay , insolently urged me to persuade thee ,", "In starless nights , and wait the appointed hour", "And let them see a soul they could not sully ,", "For whom I suffer life , and drag this being .", "Reserved behaviour , open nobleness ,", "Famed Nostradamus , when he took my horoscope ,", "You could not ,\u2014 give me leave to tell you , sir ,\u2014", "O bid him enter , for I long to see him .", "My dying father swore me , then a boy ,", "Then , when he could no more , he fell at once ;", "All power of aid to her , or to myself .", "Thy gloomy eyes were cast on me with scorn ,", "And the sea charmed into a calm so still ,", "Her souls the deity that lodges there ;", "Last , let me swear you all to secrecy ;", "Almeyda , may renounce the rest with ease .", "Nay , then there 's incest in our very souls ,", "I pardon thee the effects of doting age ,", "That better he deserved my love than thou ?", "Were I to chuse again , and knew my fate ,", "But now the hand of fate is on the curtain ,", "The more effeminate and soft his life ,", "The dearest names into a common curse .", "And leave an unaccomplished love behind .", "Nor is the pile unworthy of the god .", "His reasonings and his actions both were just ;", "With ease the gifts of fortune I resign ;", "His favourite , as I oft have heard thee boast ,", "And I will try to listen ,", "Why didst thou not engage me man for man ,", "To please him more , let him believe me dead ,", "In common causes , and desert the best ?", "Wilt thou thyself become the greater tyrant ,", "To live alone to heaven , and die to her .", "Sacred to peace , and safe from all affronts ;", "And how inhuman these !", "I cannot , or I would not , read it plain .", "If better I could chuse a beauteous bride .", "Now in your greatest , last extremity ,", "Make o'er thy honour , by a deed of trust ,", "For , if he lived , and we were conquerors ,", "Or priestly orders with a princely state ?", "To fill the measure of my happiness ;", "Peeping by fits , and giving feeble light .", "Ere this unhappy war my mother died ,", "I see thee here , and scarce believe mine eyes .", "I see to what thou tend'st : but , tell me first ,", "Base grovelling soul , who know'st not honour 's worth ,", "Millions of monsters ; and I am , sure , the greatest .", "And to confound thy malice , or thy dotage .", "To fight thee after this , what were it else", "No ; all may still be forged , and of a piece . No ; I can credit nothing thou canst say .", "But , had he lived to see her happy change ,", "You talk in clouds ; explain your meaning , sir .", "He knows , that men , abandoned of their hopes ,", "What , more than death ?", "And share the minute , that remains , betwixt", "Away ! you all combine to make me wretched .", "My last , my only friend , how kind art thou ,", "as heaven", "Kings , who are fathers , live but in their people .", "Wronged , as she says , but helpless to revenge ;", "Was ever man so ruined by himself ?", "What mak'st thou of thyself , and what of me ?", "Make our conditions with yon captive king ;", "He begged me , by my father 's sacred soul ,", "Which , mounting , view each other from afar ,", "By heaven , you 're traitors all , that hold my hands .", "In dangerous days , when riches are a crime ,", "He durst ; nay more , desired , and begged with tears ,", "My liberty ;", "A tedious writ of ease from lingering heaven ,", "The wrong , if done , debased me down to thee .", "Be kind , ye powers ! and take but half away :", "Adjure thee , to perform my last request ;\u2014", "Thou mov'st me more by barely naming him ,", "Which all the bulky herd of nature breaks .", "No usurpation , but a lawful claim ,", "Never to sheath it , till that exiled queen", "Heaven has inspired me with a sacred thought ,", "Fought next my person ; as in concert fought ;", "Vain doubts , and idle cares , and over-caution ;", "Good heaven , thou speak'st my thoughts , and I speak thine !", "Shuns me ; and , with a grim civility ,", "Thou seest Alonzo silent ; he 's a man .", "Crazed fool , who would'st be thought an oracle ,", "Not more devout , but more decayed , and cold .\u2014", "But thine , Alonzo , thine is too unjust .", "For those , who wish her party lost , might murmur", "At worst , can dare their fate .", "We cannot look upon each other 's face ,", "That summons drowsy mortals to their doom ,", "Save when he heaved his shield in my defence ,", "Thou hast it right , my dear , my best Alonzo !", "A long mysterious track of stern bounty :", "Antonio , be thou happy too in thine .", "My father shall be justified , he shall :", "Not to espouse you , if he died in fight ;", "Once more be warned , and know me for thy king .", "May wander in the starry walks above ,", "Out of its flesh , and shut out life as calmly", "The God of Love stands ready to revive it ,", "And is't not strange , that heaven should bless my arms", "Perhaps she thinks they are too near of blood .", "How a man should , and how a king dare die !"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Stay , take my farewell too !", "Spare him , Oh spare ! Can you pretend to love ,", "Thou canst not stir a hand to touch my life :", "Betwixt a monster , and the best of men !\u2014", "Now , Africans ,", "Then knocked his aged breast , and inward groaned ,", "And , like a midnight wolf , invades the fold .", "He was the envy of his neighbouring kings ;", "It would be still farewell a thousand times ;", "I speak of all ,", "And death , my last defence , within my call .", "And then we both were lost .", "Nor imprecations on thy cursed head ;", "And bid it arm apace : He comes for answer ,", "Suffice it , that he 's dead ; all wrongs die with him ;", "Our Hymen has not on his saffron robe ;", "All nations should be summoned to this place ,", "Lay by the lion 's hide , vain conqueror ,", "Or , if thou wouldst be still thought wise , be silent .", "My prayers and penance shall discount for these ,", "You gave Almeyda for the word of battle .", "Not one of you depart ; I charge you , stay !", "Without the zeal that meets at lovers \u2019 mouths", "\u2018 Tis late to join , when we must part so soon .", "The little value I have left for life ,", "Rough as they are , and hardened in their trade", "And brutal mischief sits upon his brow .", "Would flame to vengeance , could it find a vent ;", "To share his noble chains is more to me ,", "My parents \u2019 murderers , my throne 's usurpers .", "But yet no slave : If Christians can be thought", "Kissed it , and told me \u2018 twas a pledge of love ,", "Through thy own blood , to empire .", "The love , that long we laboured to conceal .", "Nor hope to ascend Sebastian 's holy bed .", "A flood of scalding tears will make it run .", "Forewarned , Almeyda , marriage is thy crime .", "Make speedy preparation of your soul ,", "Which , so transfused , and mounting both at once ,", "I should be tempted to pursue his steps ,", "I have resolved ,", "I will not speak , but think a thousand thousand .", "A mighty journey , and I haste to meet him .", "Of that pretended passion ;", "Still thou dissemblest ; but , I read thy heart ,", "\u2018 Twas in that fatal moment , he discovered", "My father 's , mother 's , brother 's death , I pardon ;", "Confessed before , and owned his insolence", "It would do well to curb it , if we could .", "Forgive me , heaven ! and , all ye blest above ,", "Oh that I were a man , as my soul 's one ,", "And take the distaff ; for thy soul 's my slave .", "Still silent ! Will the king of Portugal", "Love is for human hearts , and not for thine ,", "To espouse my person , and assume the crown ,", "And equal as their danger was their share :", "By me , and by the world , in all her acts ,", "But in the attempt of that foul brutal act ,", "Of her fame ! thus moved , I 'd tear thee thus ,\u2014", "Thy love ! That odious mouth was never framed", "That warns me hence for ever .", "If I have erred , some kind inhabitant", "Like some sad prophet , that foresaw the doom", "Which gave me first encouragement to come ,", "I charge you hold , ye ministers of death !\u2014", "Who in exile died \u2014", "I throw myself into my people 's arms ;", "Stand off , ye slaves ! I will not be unveiled .", "For all things that belong to us are cruel ;", "Yet \u2014", "No , I must love you ; heaven may bate me that ,", "And , with my brother , beg Sebastian 's aid .", "Of innocent and kindred blood struck off .", "\u2018 Tis left for you to judge .", "No , were we joined , even though it were in death ,", "To reach the round of heaven , and earth , and sea ,", "Lo , I resign my title to the crown ;", "To toll the mournful knell of separation ;", "I was not born so base to flatter crowds ,", "And either thine , or ours .\u2014 I 'm lost for ever .", "He says , I am a Christian ; true , I am ,", "That one might bourgeon where another fell !", "This is too cruel !", "The saints , deceived , shall , by a sweet mistake ,", "Tell me not that ; for I must boast my crime ,", "How kind that prince was to espouse her cause ;", "Sucking each other 's souls while we expire ?", "Farewell the greatness of Almeyda 's soul !\u2014", "For dire presages fright my soul by day ,", "And these shall know my thoughts .", "\u2018 Tis true , unpractised in my new belief ,", "No ; but my mother 's honour has been read", "And trouble me no more .", "Hand up thy soul for mine , and mine for thine .", "And tremble to approach .\u2014 He hears me not ,", "Farewell , my last Sebastian ! I do not beg , I challenge justice now .\u2014 O Powers , if kings be your peculiar care , Why plays this wretch with your prerogative ? Now flash him dead , now crumble him to ashes , Or henceforth live confined in your own palace ; And look not idly out upon a world , That is no longer yours .", "But who has e'er returned from those bright regions ,", "With an unsullied body and white mind ;", "To seek the sanctuary of your court ;", "To mingle sighs with sighs , and tears with tears .", "Beg him to save my life in saving thine .", "Embased your slavery by his own vileness ,", "Thy father was not , more than mine , the heir", "And just disclosing in a birth of fate .", "Where the brute beast extinguishes the man .", "Those are the promised pleasures of my love .", "Then , like a dying echo , from afar ,", "Better may be made ,", "In all your wars good fortune flew before you ;", "Exposed to this inhuman tyrant 's lust ;", "Send me to exile with the man I love ,", "And be thou silent too , my last Sebastian ;", "If this one word destroy not thy designs :", "This is the living coal , that , burning in me ,", "Thin , hollow sounds , and lamentable screams ;", "Flames , daggers , poisons , guard the sacred steps :", "You turn my prison to a paradise ;", "He shows himself to you ; to me he stood", "This could not blunt your sword .", "But , at one blow , to cut off all dispute ,", "How can we better die than close embraced ,", "Name death again , for that thou canst pronounce", "My soul forebodes", "Speak my Sebastian ;", "Of kin to thine , soon would I rend my heart-strings ,", "Because no stamp of heaven was on his soul ,", "My peaceful father swayed the sceptre long ,", "Traitor , I would ; the name 's more justly thine ;", "Which that unnatural mixture must produce ?", "Say , though thy heart be rock of adamant ,", "But , what 's most cruel , we must love no more .", "These loyal slaves secured me by his death .", "Excuse the frailty of unbounded love !", "While I , as on my deathbed , hear the sound ,", "My haughty heart disdains it , even for thee .\u2014", "Fearless I speak : know me for what I am .", "My heart 's too great , or I would die this moment ;", "Thou wilt not dare to break what heaven has joined ?", "Thy very executioners turn pale .", "There fate provided me a fellow-turtle ,", "Of those whom best he loved , and could not save .", "Our bodies burning in one funeral pile ,", "To tell their manners , and relate their laws ?", "To speak a word so soft :", "Thus I absolve myself , and him excuse ,", "O do not tell me where ;", "And charge that sinful sympathy of souls", "For what ? to people Africa with monsters ,", "Those fruits come late , and are of slow increase", "And move your pity by a whining tale .", "Marked our farewell , when , going to the fight ,", "These cannot : I abhor the tyrant 's race ,\u2014", "To make your flight more easy leave Almeyda :", "\u2018 Tis no dishonour ; trust me , love , \u2018 tis none .", "Some dire event involved in those dark words ,", "Still would I give thee work ; still , still , thou tyrant ,", "And hiss thee with the last .", "Here comes the sad denouncer of my fate ,", "And know the power of my own charms ; thou lov'st ,", "But the resisting mass drove back the seal .\u2014", "Look , tyrant , what excess of love can do ;", "Claimed in my right ; for this , he slew your tyrant ;", "The tyrant will not long be absent hence ;", "Perhaps thou think'st I meanly hope to \u2018 scape ,", "A vain enquiry , since I leave my lord ;", "But I have turned your empire to a prison :", "So should my honour , like a rising swan ,"], "true_target": ["Thy law permits thee not to marry me .", "Then , not commanded , but commanding you ,", "We shall be ever thinking of each other ,", "When force invades the gift of nature , life ,", "To love , and be beloved , and yet be wretched !", "And cakes about my heart .", "Look , tyrant , when thou nam'st Sebastian 's death ,", "And yet not for each other .", "Thus compass you with these supplanting cords ,", "Than this dumb evidence , this blotted lie .\u2014", "Than all the savage greatness of thy throne .", "And pull so long till the proud fabrick falls .", "And proudly plough the waves .", "While you deserved the name of Africans .", "Let Afric now be judge .", "If , as my soul forebodes , some dire event", "But not to love you is impossible .", "For all the world beside is banishment .", "He breaks at unawares upon our walks ,", "See how thou art deceived ; I am a Christian :", "Yet rocks are not impregnable to bribes :", "Instruct me how to bribe thee ; name thy price ;", "As did Sebastian , when he owned his greatness .", "That the white taper leaves no soot behind ;", "Against two persons of unquestioned fame .", "Plead for thy life ; Oh , ask it of the tyrant :", "Yet through the mist I saw him stedfast gaze ;", "Of this large empire : but with arms united", "\u2018 Tis a false courage , when thou threaten'st me ;", "Your tyrant would have forced me to his bed ;", "Heaven cannot be more true , than this is false .", "Where interest shared not more than half with honour ?", "May heaven be so ,", "Your father 's counsellor and confident \u2014", "She whom thy Mufti taxed to have no soul ;", "The imperial crown with a presuming traitor .", "And through her holy bowels gnawed thy way ,", "So let us part in the dumb pomp of grief .", "Thou hast confessed thyself the conscious pandar", "What joys can you possess , or can I give ,", "Relating to my fortunes .", "And tear out that alliance ; but thou , viper ,", "To go to Portugal , bequeathed it to me ,", "Upon our parents , when they loved too well .", "I go , with love and fortune , two blind guides ,", "Expect revenge from heaven , inhuman wretch !", "And virgin daughters blushed when he was named .", "They fought their way , and seized the crown by force ;", "Old venerable Alvarez \u2014", "And , as good men , protect me .", "But that which conquest gave ? \u2018 Twas thy ambition", "But how am wretched I to be disposed ?\u2014", "For , if I knew the place of his abode ,", "No provocation given , no war declared .", "My mother 's voice , that cries ,\u2014 Wed not , Almeyda !", "Go to his death like a dumb sacrifice ?", "And have no pity ? Love and that are twins .", "And I am pleased , for my revenge , thou dost .", "Too like indeed ,", "And cannot bear that thou should'st better love .", "If shunning ill be good", "No , let me rather die your sacrifice ,", "My mother , when I parted from her sight", "I ask no pity ; if I thought my soul", "Mine is a flame so holy and so clear ,", "To prove thee traitor , and assassinate", "Then think me not ungrateful , not to share", "I am a Christian ; now be wise no more ;", "With horrid grace , becoming of a tyrant .", "To buy Sebastian 's life !", "Where groans of death succeed the sighs of love ?", "Do not I see thee tremble , while thou speak'st ?", "But to remove that scruple , know , base man ,", "For who dares lie to heaven , thinks heaven a jest .", "And were my voice a trumpet loud as fame ,", "In characters more plain and legible", "And the same moment for each other pray .", "O \u2018 tis too much that I must never see you ,", "And soon I shall be ravished from your arms .", "Divines but peep on undiscovered worlds ,", "Do you then live ?", "Brush with her wings the falling drops away ,", "Who saved my life and honour , but praise neither .", "Unfit to govern those of other faith ,", "Then prayers are vain as curses .", "When he can wrong no more , I pardon him :", "Here will I grow ;", "The weight of my misfortunes dragged you down .", "I 'm calm again ; thou canst not marry me .", "I have , for I have power to make thee wretched . Be sure I will , and yet despair of freedom .", "And draw the distant landscape as they please ;", "As you are men , compassionate my wrongs ,", "Dare not to approach me !\u2014", "Till in my fatal cause your sword was drawn ;", "Oh no ! he only changed him for a worse ;", "That 's somewhat sure ; a mighty sum of murder ,", "When coldly they return a brother 's kiss ,", "What shall I do ? O teach me to refuse !", "Sublime you sat in triumph on her wheel ,", "And , multiplied in echoes , still farewell .", "And beg of heaven to charge the bill on me :", "My blood curdles ,", "O that I had the fruitful heads of Hydra ,", "Still haunt this breast , and prompt it to revenge .", "Pursue this union , or some crime unknown ,", "Out , base impostor ! I abhor thy praise .", "In haughty hearts , like mine : Now , tell thyself", "His death 's his crime , not ours ,", "Helped thine to gain ; surprised him and his kingdom ,", "Now learn , by this ,", "It pulls me down thus low as to thy feet ;", "Were kings e'er known , in this degenerate age ,", "Of death , they start at an anointed head ,", "The eldest law of nature bids defend ;", "And you enjoyed the blessings of his reign ,", "Leave then the luggage of your fate behind ;", "And banishment is empire .", "So little do I fear that fellow 's charge :", "And loaded you with more ignoble bonds .", "But think not oaths shall justify thy charge ,", "And hid a mystery of great importance ,", "And can you find", "In his deep watery bed ;\u2014 my wandering mother ,", "Nor minds the impression of a god on kings ;", "My virtue is a guard beyond my strength ,", "Know this , thou busy , old , officious man ,\u2014", "Thou liest , impostor ! perjured fiend , thou liest !", "My brother too , that lies yet scarcely cold", "Hast cancelled kindred , made a rent in nature ,", "To lead my way , half loth , and half consenting .", "A single witness infamously known ,", "Will pity a strayed soul , and take me home .", "To those , who cannot shun it but by death ,", "I know it ; though my eyes stood full of tears ,", "There must be more :", "But death , I thank him , in an hour , has made", "I 'll venture landing on that happy shore", "And if in that defence a tyrant fall ,", "My murdered father , and my brother 's ghost ,", "I would die for thee , but I cannot plead ;", "Think not I could forgive , nor dar'st thou pardon .", "No smoke of lust ; but chaste as sisters \u2019 love ,", "Wrongs I resent , nor pardon yet with ease ;", "No mystery couched in this excess of kindness ?", "Sure when we part ,", "I would ,\u2014 and yet I tremble at the grant ;", "Pulled from my peaceful father what his sword", "For him their sighing queens despised their lords ;", "Presaging she should never see me more .", "And boding visions haunt my nightly dreams ;", "And my divided flame should break from thine .", "She pulled it from her finger , shed some tears ,", "however distant ,", "\u2018 Tis true ; and often since my mother owned ,", "The prodigy of Thebes would be renewed ,", "So passionately fond of noble acts ,", "But , muffled up in mourning , downward holds", "Than live his triumph .", "For where was eldership , where none had right", "Sometimes , methinks , I hear the groans of ghosts ,", "She counselled , nay enjoined me on her blessing ,", "Nor think me left a base , ignoble prey ,", "Behold what price I offer , and how dear ,", "His drooping torch , extinguished with his tears .", "Why should I fear to speak , who am your queen ?", "Now I would speak the last farewell , I cannot .", "With gratitude as low as knees can pay"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Is puddled and defiled with tyranny .", "The same respect , nay more , is due to me :", "Ah , why were we not born both of a sex ?", "We had been friends , and friendship is no incest .", "I would have asked you , if I durst for shame ,", "By the presuming hands of saucy grooms ?", "Runs in my veins ; a purer stream than thine :", "Now , if thou dar'st , behold Almeyda 's face .", "Because of kin to thee . Wouldst thou be touched"], "true_target": ["These hands are only fit to draw the curtain .", "If still you loved ? you gave it air before me .", "For , though derived from the same source , thy current", "I am no slave ; the noblest blood of Afric", "For then we might have loved without a crime .", "I should be one ,", "Involved our parents \u2019 guilt , we had not parted ;", "Hear me ; I will be heard .", "Why was not I your brother ? though that wish", "More for my sex ; the same for my descent ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Hold , my dear Thrum-cap : I obey thee cheerfully .\u2014 I see the doctrine of non-resistance is never practised thoroughly , but when a man can n't help himself . Enter a second Merchant . 2d Mer . You , friend , I would see that fellow do his postures .", "Where the devil hast thou been ? and how the devil didst thou find me here ?", "Dog , what wouldst thou have ?", "O that screech owl at the window ! we shall be pursued immediately ; which way shall we take ?", "There you were with him for his figures .", "Pr'ythee , let us provide first for our own safety ; if I do not consider him , he will consider us , with a vengeance , afterwards .", "Why you industriously concealed the king ,", "But how the Moors and Christian slaves were joined ,", "You have not yet unfolded .", "I came with a Christian intention to revenge myself upon thy father , for being the head of a false religion .", "And I another , that out-stinks it . False Morayma , hast thou thus betrayed me to thy father !", "Both of them intended for my worship 's sole use and property .", "How , thy father !", "Why , are you not , madam ?", "And move so speedily to our relief ?", "If that be all , you shall have carte blanche immediately ; for", "What a block have I to work upon !\u2014 But still , remember the jewels , sir ; the jewels .", "O thou pretty little heart , art thou flown hither ? I 'll keep it warm , I warrant it , and brood upon it in the new nest .\u2014 But now for my treasure trove , that 's wrapt up in the handkerchief ; no peeping here , though I long to be spelling her Arabic scrawls and pot-hooks . But I must carry off my prize as robbers do , and not think of sharing the booty before I am free from danger , and out of eye-shot from the other windows . If her wit be as poignant as her eyes , I am a double slave . Our northern beauties are mere dough to these ; insipid white earth , mere tobacco pipe clay , with no more soul and motion in them than a fly in winter . Here the warm planet ripens and sublimes The well-baked beauties of the southern climes . Our Cupid 's but a bungler in his trade ; His keenest arrows are in Africk made .", "I confess I was somewhat too furious at first , but you will forgive the transport of my passion ; now I have considered it better , I have a qualm of conscience .", "Thou wilt not make a horse of me ?", "Because I still was easy to myself .", "Pr'ythee , prevent her then ; and at least take the shearing of me first .", "Now you see what comes of your foolish qualms of conscience ; the jewels are lost , and they are all leaving you .", "Then he has seen us already , for aught I know .", "I vow and swear by Love ; and he 's a deity in all religions .", "Where lodges your husband ?", "Why , madam , I can perform as much as any man , in a fair lady 's service . I can play upon the flute , and sing ; I can carry your umbrella , and fan your ladyship , and cool you when you are too hot ; in fine , no service , either by day or by night , shall come amiss to me ; and , besides I am of so quick an apprehension , that you need but wink upon me at any time to make me understand my duty .\u2014 Very fine , she has tipt the wink already .", "Most certainly , sir ; and you cannot , in honour , but protect her : now look to your hits , and make your fortune .", "When that day comes , I must take my revenge , and turn gardener again ; for I find I am much given to planting .", "What do you mean , my dear , to stand talking in this suspicious place , just underneath Johayma 's window ?\u2014You are well met , comrade ; I know you are the friend of our flight : are the horses ready at the postern gate ?", "Be patient , madam , and speak but truth , and I 'll do any thing to serve you : I say again , and swear it too , I 'll do any thing to serve you .", "No ; I have a trick left to put thee past thy squeaking . I have given thee the quinsy ; that ungracious tongue shall preach no more false doctrine .", "And you Africans are such termagants , you stop at nothing . I must be plain with you ,\u2014 you are married , and to a holy man , the head of your religion : go back to your chamber ; go back , I say , and consider of it for this night , as I will do on my part : I will be true to you , and invent all the arguments I can to comply with you ; and who knows but at our next meeting the sweet devil may have more power over me ? I am true flesh and blood , I can tell you that for your comfort .", "I grant you , madam , when I took you for his daughter ; for then", "What manner of woman is she ? Does she not want two of the four elements ? has she any thing about her but air and fire ?", "Mercy , dear master , mercy ! hear me first , and after , if I have deserved hanging , spare me not . What have you seen to provoke you to this cruelty ?", "Never doubt it ; and love in abundance , to wander with thee all the world over .", "Yet , if I found her , I might love too much ,", "That 's close and dark .", "For heaven 's sake , owner , spare me : you know I am but new broken . 2d Mer . \u2018 Tis but a washy jade , I see : what do you ask for this bauble ?", "For heaven 's sake hold , and recollect your mind !", "And good reason ; for when kings and queens are to be discarded , what should knaves do any longer in the pack ?", "I hope one day to use thee worse in Portugal .", "And that 's uneasy pleasure .", "But there I cannot please myself with the sight of your beauty .", "No , they 'll serve to make thy peace with him .", "I might have made you an honourable amends by marriage .", "Not very heroic ; but self-preservation is a point above honour and religion too . Antonio was a rogue , I must confess ; but you must give me leave to love him .", "O , the holy curmudgeon !", "I was never taken for one in my own country ; and not very peaceable neither , when I am well provoked .", "Most divinely argued ; she 's the best casuist in all Africk .I can hold no longer from embracing thee , my dear Morayma ; the old unconscionable whoreson , thy father , could he expect cold chastity from a child of his begetting ?", "Then I have nothing but impudence to assist me : I must drown her clamour , whatever comes o n't .", "Why , truly , conscience is something to blame for interposing in our matters : but how can I help it , if I have a scruple to betray my master ?", "The loss of her I loved would touch me nearest ;", "Can you suspect I would leave you for Johayma ?", "Who , known , had added courage to his men ?", "Come , my quondam master , you and I must change qualities .", "Here 's the old hypocrite again .\u2014 Now stand your ground and bate him not an inch . Remember the jewels , the rich and glorious jewels ; they are designed to be yours , by virtue of prerogative .", "No ; thou may'st pawn thy maidenhead upo n't , he wont ."], "true_target": ["And I but the empty shadow of myself without thee !\u2014 Farewell , father-in-law , that should have been , if I had not been curst in my mother 's belly .\u2014 Now , which way , Fortune ?", "Nothing , till thou camest to new create me ; thou dost not know the power of thy own charms : Let me embrace thee , and thou shalt see how quickly I can turn wicked .", "Pleasure has been the business of my life ;", "A heavy burden , heaven knows ! but we must pray for patience to support it .", "Thy fortune will be even too good for thee ; for thou art going into the country of serenades and gallantries , where thy street will be haunted every night with thy foolish lovers , and my rivals , who will be sighing and singing , under thy inexorable windows , lamentable ditties , and call thee cruel , and goddess , and moon , and stars , and all the poetical names of wicked rhime ; while thou and I are minding our business , and jogging on , and laughing at them , at leisure minutes , which will be very few ; take that by way of threatening .", "I come . I come , I warrant thee ; the least twinkle had brought me to thee ; such another kind syllable or two would turn me to a meteor , and draw me up to thee .", "Consider what I have suffered for thy sake already , and make me some amends ; two disappointments in a night : O cruel creature !", "I observe your modesty .", "I have always had a longing to be yours again , though I could not compass it before ; and had designed you a casket of my master 's jewels too ; for I knew the custom , and would not have appeared before a great person , as you are , without a present : But he has defrauded my good intentions , and basely robbed you of them ; \u2018 tis a prize worthy a million of crowns , and you carry your letters of marque about you .", "You could unwind yourself from all these dangers ,", "By all that 's good , the nauseous wife !", "It makes me mad to think , how many a good night will be lost betwixt us ! Take back thy jewels ; \u2018 tis an empty casket without thee : besides , I should never leap well with the weight of all thy father 's sins about me ; thou and they had been a bargain .", "I would , if he had not thought more of thy mother than of thee . Once more , come along in silence , my Pythagorean father-in-law .", "Art thou there , my sweet temptation ! my eyes , my life , my soul , my all !", "The fairest of her sex .", "Another damned mistake of mine : for , asking one of my fellow-slaves , who were the chief ladies about the house , he answered me , Morayma and Johayma ; but she , it seems , is his daughter , with a pox to her , and you are his beloved wife .", "Did one ever hear a little moppet argue so perversely against so good a cause ! Come , pr'ythee , let me anticipate a little of my revenue .", "And so at length , as I informed you , I escaped out of his covetous clutches ; and now fly to your illustrious feet for my protection .", "Your conquests came of course ; their men were raw ,", "I am considering indeed , that , if I am taken with you \u2014", "What stuff he talks !", "Pray think in reason , sir ; is a man to be put to death for a similitude ? No violence has been committed ; none intended ; the lamb 's alive : and , if I durst tell you so , no more a lamb than I am a butcher .", "If Morayma comes , and takes me in the arbour with her , I have made a fine exchange of that diamond for this pebble .", "To inquire before , but long to be informed ,", "Not a mouthful a-piece : \u2018 Twas too much odds , in conscience !", "Money , and a love-pinch in the inside of my palm into the bargain .", "My only fault has ever been to love playing in the dark ; and the more she cried , the more I played , that it might be seen I intended nothing to her .", "Not so much as one single interjection .\u2014 Come away , father-in-law , this is no place for dialogues ; when you are in the mosque , you talk by hours , and there no man must interrupt you . This is but like for like , good father-in-law ; now I am in the pulpit , it is your turn to hold your tongue .Nay , if you will be hanging back , I shall take care you shall hang forward .", "If I only bind and gag him there , he may commend me hereafter for civil usage ; he deserves not so much favour by any action of his life .", "Well , for thy comfort , I have secured thy father ; and I hope thou hast secured his effects for us .", "How , poisoned and betrayed , and round beset ,", "But there 's not a breath of air stirring .", "And every change of fortune easy to me ,", "Nay , if you will be using stratagems , you shall give me leave to make use of my advantages , now I have you in my power : we are fairly met ; I 'll try it out , and give no quarter .", "And what will become of thee , then , poor kind soul ?", "I 'll marry thee , and make a Christian of thee , thou pretty damned infidel .", "Yes , well enough , I thank nature .", "But yet remember \u2014", "I had forgot", "Somewhat nonplust , I confess , to hear you deny your name so positively . Why , are not you Morayma , the Mufti 's daughter ? Did not I see you with him : did not he present me to you ? were you not so charitable as to give me money ? ay , and to tread upon my foot , and squeeze my hand too , if I may be so bold to remember you of past favours ?", "Any thing , any thing , sweet madam : I shall refuse no drudgery .", "I am mortified sufficiently already , without the help of his ghostly counsel . Fear of death has gone farther with me in two minutes , than my conscience would have gone in two months . I find myself in a very dejected condition , all over me ; poor sin lies dormant ; concupiscence is retired to his winter-quarters ; and if Morayma should now appear ,\u2014 I say no more ; but , alas for her and me !", "I long to be ratifying .", "Thus conquered infidels , that wars may cease ,", "Why , sure , you did not put yourself and me to all this trouble for a dry come-off ; by this hand \u2014", "Nay , I know not that : but I am sure he is old enough to be your father ; and either father , or reverend father , I heard you call him .", "You are fallen into good hands , father-in-law ; your sparkling jewels , and Morayma 's eyes , may prove a better bail than you deserve .", "Once more for pity , that I may keep the flavour upon my lips till we meet again .", "If I had died honourably , my fame indeed would have sounded loud , but I should never have heard the blast :\u2014 Come , do n't make yourself worse-natured than you are ; to save my life , you would be content I should promise any thing .", "She names herself Morayma ; the Mufti 's only daughter , and a virgin ! This is the time and place that she appointed in her letter , yet she comes not . Why , thou sweet delicious creature , why torture me with thy delay ! Dar'st thou be false to thy assignation ? What , in the cool and silence of the night , and to a new lover ?\u2014 Pox on the hypocrite , thy father , for instructing thee so little in the sweetest point of his religion .\u2014 Hark , I hear the rustling of her silk mantle . Now she comes , now she comes :\u2014 no , hang it , that was but the whistling of the wind through the orange-trees .\u2014 Now , again , I hear the pit-a-pat of a pretty foot through the dark alley :\u2014 No , \u2018 tis the son of a mare , that 's broken loose , and munching upon the melons .\u2014 Oh , the misery of an expecting lover ! Well , I 'll e'en despair , go into my arbour , and try to sleep ; in a dream I shall enjoy her , in despite of her .", "Let him be guilty of his own death , if he pleases ; for I 'll not be guilty of mine , by holding him .", "And yours were disciplined .\u2014 One doubt remains ,", "Are forced to give their hands , and sign the peace .", "At last \u2018 tis she ; this is no illusion , I am sure ; \u2018 tis a true she-devil of flesh and blood , and she could never have taken a fitter time to tempt me .", "Look , if she be not here already !\u2014 What , no denial it seems will serve your turn ? Why , thou little dun , is thy debt so pressing ?", "Temples are there , as they are in all other countries , good conveniences for dumb interviews . I hear the protestants are not much reformed in that point neither ; for their sectaries call their churches by the natural name of meeting-houses . Therefore I warn thee in good time , not more of devotion than needs must , good future spouse , and always in a veil ; for those eyes of thine are damned enemies to mortification .", "Thank you for that , but I am in no such haste to be made a mussulman . For his wedlock , for all her haughtiness , I find her coming . How far a Christian should resist , I partly know ; but how far a lewd young Christian can resist , is another question . She 's tolerable , and I am a poor stranger , far from better friends , and in a bodily necessity . Now have I a strange temptation to try what other females are belonging to this family : I am not far from the women 's apartment , I am sure ; and if these birds are within distance , here 's that will chuckle them together .If there be variety of Moors \u2019 flesh in this holy market , \u2018 twere madness to lay out all my money upon the first bargain .\u2014 Ay , there 's an apparition ! This is a morsel worthy of a Mufti ; this is the relishing bit in secret ; this is the mystery of his Alcoran , that must be reserved from the knowledge of the prophane vulgar ; this is his holiday devotion .\u2014 See , she beckons too .", "Something must be done to save her .This is all addressed to you , sir : she singled you out with her eye , as commander in chief of the mobility .", "What do you mean , madam ? for heaven 's sake , peace ; your husband will hear you ; think of your own danger , if you will not think of mine ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Sacrilege , you mean , sirrah ,\u2014 and damning shall be the least part of your punishment : I have taken you in the manner , and will have the law upon you .", "And selling him again ? take money twice for the same commodity ? Oh , villain ! but did you not know him to be my slave , sirrah ?", "No , sirrah , so you may repent and escape punishment : Did not you sell this very slave amongst the rest to me , and take money for him ?", "And yet at the same time was selling him to another : How rarely the story hangs together !"], "true_target": ["I have a villainous suspicion .", "What is that you are asking , sirrah ?", "And putting the money into your own pocket .", "And what 's become of my other slave ? Thou hast sold him too ,"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["And thou , methought , didst push me from below ,", "And , as a king , speak true .", "And grapple , and compel their savage dames .\u2014", "By all my hopes , thou hast described thyself :", "With thy full force , to Paradise .", "For know , ungrateful man , that kings , like gods ,", "How could our prophet do an act so base ,", "And helped to heave me up .", "And fate is deaf to prayer .", "Such if I were , yet rugged lions love ,", "And never shalt have more !", "Thou hast not broke my trust , reposed in thee !", "A thousand things controul this conqueror :", "Confusion ! How thou view'st my very heart !", "So to resume his gifts , and curse my conquests ,", "Some earthquake should have risen and rent the ground ,", "But I am too obnoxious to my friends ,", "Did not my conscious eye flash out a flame ,", "And some o'erpowering god continues sleep .", "Make haste , seize , force her , bear her hence .", "Like fowl in air too damp , and lugs along ,", "The people , are they raised ?", "And \u2018 tis below my greatness to disown it ;", "So learned and pliant , to expound his laws !", "To wed Almeyda ? Cancel me that marriage ,", "She 's still inexorable , still imperious ,", "Maintain even still a deaf and murmuring noise ;", "By every squadron , her alluring eyes ,", "Unknown to me , within me ; pushes me ,", "To dream of what thou hadst one fugitive night ,", "Your embassy , and treated with success ?", "I would , but cannot kill : I must enjoy her :", "Say I should wed her , would not my wise subjects", "So to be hugged , and see Sebastian die .", "I know you did :\u2014 This to our love renewed .\u2014", "Nor is heaven yet recovered of the sound ,", "If thou wouldst merit to be thought my friend ,", "Through the parched desarts and the scorching sands ,", "Bring speedy death , or cure .", "But when a government is grown to strength ,", "Must a king beg ?\u2014 Yes ; love 's a greater king ;", "At unexpected baseness brought to light .", "She 's mistress of inevitable charms ,", "Thou too wert there ;", "That nothing can divert my love but death .", "Whatever he dare preach .", "I will ; and yet", "Now farewell , Dorax ; this was our first quarrel ,", "As gleams of sunshine soften storms to showers ,", "I ask excuse .", "And name the thing you want .", "In former beings ; or , struck out together ,", "For all but me ; nor am I so exempt ,", "Hourly indeed , who hast but hours to live .", "I 'll stand the trial of those trivial crimes :", "The shouts of soldiers , and the burst of cannon ,", "But , stay ! I promised freedom to Sebastian ;", "My warlike spirits work now another way ,", "And if I dare not , then am I the slave ,", "And tortures me with their imagined bliss .", "And now \u2018 tis in the madness of the whirl ,", "Shall issue armed , and fight themselves to death .", "Art thou a statesman ,", "Beware ! I would not be provoked to use", "One spark to Afric flew , and one to Portugal .", "It yields not to the tug , but only nods ,", "I thank thee , woman ;", "I grant all this ;", "And swayed by your advice .", "The secret path I trod ?", "I like this well ; \u2018 tis wholesome wickedness .", "But now , no longer foes , they gave me joy", "Impossible they should effect their wish .", "You druggerman", "Improbable they should presume to attempt ,", "Enter two of the Guards .", "To love an enemy , the only one", "Of some old rotten roll : Do't , I command thee !", "That may in time do somewhat .", "Well then , I love ;", "As far as fits the majesty of kings ,", "Now , should I grant it , his revengeful soul", "Then I 'm at ease .", "And sink him deep with irons , that , when he would ,", "But that \u2014 I know not what I was to say \u2014", "And my soul 's tuned to trumpets .", "Then think of dalliance when the danger 's o'er .", "Ha ! what 's that grizly fellow , that attends thee ?", "And view the dark recesses of the soul .", "For he was in my dream ,", "No more : If I suspected thee \u2014 I would .", "Join hate with hate , add venom to the birth :", "Have you performed", "What news of our affairs , and what of Dorax ? Is he no more ? say that , and make me happy .", "He shall not groan to hearing ; when I send ,", "A renegade :", "I do : My fancy is too exquisite ,", "All may be foes ; or how to be distinguished ,", "My flagging soul flies under her own pitch ,", "I would be loth they should : it breeds contempt", "Their edge rebated :\u2014 sure some ill approaches ,", "And I will seize my happiness by force .", "Here 's my claim ,", "Heaved me into our holy prophet 's arms ,", "I must , and what I must , be sure I will .", "Serpent , I will engender poison with thee ;", "And languish for the heaven he left below .", "And set my soul at ease .", "But yet he looks damnation .", "That told thee so absurd a story , lied .", "I could as soon", "Then all means were wanting :", "\u2018 Tis but a specious tale , to blast my hopes ,", "And my own slaves the sovereigns :\u2014 \u2018 tis resolved .", "Were she not she , and I not Muley-Moluch ,", "Of ever , ever seeing , or possessing ,", "Or sicken at immortal joys above ,", "Are every where ; walk in the abyss of minds ,", "Torture shall force it from them .", "When the hurt lion groans within his den :", "But see thou dost it ; or \u2014", "Take hence that once a king ; that sullen pride ,", "Of praise , but to inflame me ?", "And thou hast cause .", "Then thou doubtst they would ?", "Perform your orders .", "Be brief , but let not either thwart my love .", "To tell me , fate 's at hand", "And for thyself .", "And wait an age for what I here detain ;", "A tyrant , nay , a devil , that possesses me :", "To edge her champions \u2019 swords , and urge my ruin .", "To preach against my will ?\u2014 Know , I am law ;", "O stupid , and unthinking as I was ! I might have marked it too ; \u2018 twas gross and palpable .", "Love might as well be sowed upon our sands ,", "Sure our two souls have somewhere been acquainted", "Are troublesome but that ; and yet that most .", "I have occasion for your stay on earth .", "Death ! must I beg the pity of my slave ?", "Your friend has fully cleared your innocence ;", "Expect a quick deliverance : Here 's a third ,", "And bring thy vain memorials to thy prophet ,", "That overtook me , at my waking hour ,", "What mean'st thou ? What 's thy wishing to my will ? Dispatch him ; rid me of the man I loath . Dor I hear you , sir ; I 'll take my time , and do't .", "Obey your orders , and dispatch Sebastian .", "This day thou hast to think ;", "To me : I know my soul as wild as winds ,", "For what was all that prodigality", "A kind of weight hangs heavy at my heart ;", "Do't ;\u2014 \u2018 tis left to thee .", "No more ;", "In agony of unaccomplished love .", "It may be so ; it looks so like the dream", "That all thy sallying breath shall turn to blessings .\u2014", "\u2018 Tis well ; I see my words have no effect ,", "No , not for my affairs ;", "Thou mov'st a tortoise-pace to my relief .", "When all the balmy vapours are exhaled ,", "Married ! I 'll not believe it ; \u2018 tis imposture ;", "No more words :", "My senses , too , are dull and stupified ,", "Go bid our moving plains of sand lie still ,", "I leave thee to persuade her to compliance :", "I seek my own ; and while that lasts , you live .\u2014", "Remaining too , whom yester sun beheld", "This morn ; and dreams , they say , are then divine ,"], "true_target": ["That swells to dumbness : lay him in the dungeon ,", "And hates your Christian sect . If you can frame", "Stop a spring-tide , blown in , with my bare hand ,", "Nor durst offend my love by that presumption .", "To wrest and rend the law , to please thy prince .", "If some be friends ?", "So , if you smile , the loudness of my rage", "From top to bottom thou hast tossed my soul ,", "Love thee implacably , yet hate thee too ;", "Mustering her charms , and rolling , as she past", "Or , grant we these defects could be supplied ,", "To what a storm of fate am I exposed !\u2014", "The next commands are death .", "To her", "The partner of my throne , and of my bed \u2014", "Perhaps ,\u2014 or to my brother ,\u2014 or to thee .", "Expound thy Mahomet ; make him speak my sense ,", "Thou hast restored me to my native rage ,", "What 's royalty , but power to please myself ?", "And canst not be a hypocrite ? Impossible !", "Thou wert amazed at first , as if surprised", "And these might fright another , but not me ;", "But grant me he must die .", "That may be ;", "Still \u2018 tis strange", "Would not the impossibility", "Go , join the crowd ;\u2014", "Go , Mufti , call him to receive his orders .\u2014", "Preach thou that doctrine .", "Forge one , and foist it into some bye-place", "Would ne'er forgive his violated bed .", "Grant her a day ; though that 's too much to give", "Sebastian is my slave as well as thou ;", "Thou art not married to Almeyda ?", "In a slave 's mouth , against a monarch 's power .", "Strikes pity deaf .", "Much at one", "To lighten those brown horrors , and disclose", "Go , bear the captive to a speedy death ,", "To unite the jarring titles of our line .", "Think'st thou I come to argue right and wrong ?\u2014", "That sweep the desarts of our moving plains ;", "And thou , not Mahomet 's messenger but mine !\u2014", "I was too hasty to condemn unheard ,", "Yes , astonished and confounded .", "And this one day of respite to resolve .", "And baffle my pretensions .\u2014 Speak , Sebastian ,", "to Seb . I bade them serve you ; and , if they obey not , I keep my lions keen within their dens , To stop their maws with disobedient slaves .", "For herds to listen , or presume to pry ,", "Thy time ! What 's all thy time ? What 's thy whole life", "The only I can offer are thy love ,", "Who bore me in a purple cloud to heaven", "And rivet one to last .", "To feel thy touch , and pity tempts the pass :", "Let him mount first , and beat upon the wing ,", "Of justice done below for disobedience .", "And own'st the usurpation of my love ?", "A conqueror 's right , and therefore charge thy silence .", "The regal dignity so far , to head them .", "Oh , thou art now recovered ; but , by heaven ,", "Dost thou not know the captive king has dared", "But I may send a message to dispose you .", "Dispatch ; what saw he ?", "Right , thou hast me .", "How happy is the prince who has a churchman ,", "And drives me on by force .\u2014", "Could I but bend , to make my beauteous foe", "Be quick , ye false physicians of my mind ;", "And I dare trust my Africans to hear", "Which I have never tried .", "I am off again ; I will not prostitute", "And thinkst thou not , it was discovered ?", "At night , if thou wilt curse , thou shalt curse kindly ;", "Thou only couldst contrive .", "Whom , in the rage of empire , I had murdered :", "O , mighty purchase of a boasted bliss !", "A farther wish , give wing to your desires ,", "Would hunt thee barefoot , in the mid-day sun ,", "\u2018 Twas then , methought , Almeyda , smiling , came ,", "And loud , as if , like Bacchus , born in thunder .", "He tunes the organs of my voice , and speaks ,", "Or he 's no prophet here , and thou no Mufti ;", "Out of a life which I devote to love .", "It works about the inlets of my soul ,", "This again ! And yet she lives , and only lives to upbraid me !", "Without your meddling where you are not asked ,", "Your droning prayers ? Why came ye not before ?", "Why lingers Dorax thus ? Where are my guards ,", "Or me , if I designed to give you pleasure .", "She has chosen well ,", "Then I 'll provoke thy lips , lay siege so close ,", "I 'll head my people ,", "Mark my Sebastian , how that sullen frown ,", "Not break the chain ; but change a rotten link ,", "of heaven , must I attend", "Requir'st a sudden stop ? unsay thy lie ;", "Our offspring , like the seed of dragons \u2019 teeth ,", "Must I teach thee thy trade ?", "Then send thee post to tell thy tale above .", "Grant , or deny ; for thy next word is fate ,", "As this impetuous love :\u2014 Yes , I will wed thee ;", "Yes , the whole world ; so I be safe , I care not .", "Take check , and think it strange ? perhaps revolt ?", "To curb their people ; tender plants must bend :", "And stir not , when the stormy south blows high :", "Hazard of interest , and my people 's love .", "By making me unhappy ? No , the slave ,", "In spite of thee , and of myself , I will .", "She 's all that thou canst say , or I can think ;", "I 'll trust his preaching , while I rule his pay ;", "I have none :", "O , now it mends ; and you talk reason , Mufti .\u2014", "My native pride to own the unworthy passion ,", "And not a mounting substance made of fire .", "Calm all this rage , this hurricane of soul ?", "I know not more of him , but that he 's brave ,", "But is't not strange ?", "No priest , no ceremonies of their sect ;", "And some kind sprite knocks softly at my soul ,", "As in a breast so barren .", "But , since thou begg'st me to prescribe my terms ,", "Or , first , I strip thee of thy ghostly greatness ,", "Right , thou instruct'st me ;", "In gentle whispers shall return but this \u2014", "Have swallowed him , and left the longing bride", "And turns to sullen state .", "Still kneel , and still embrace : \u2018 Tis double pleasure ,", "Interest of state requires not death , but marriage ,", "If not , there 's a new gust in ravishment ,", "Thou , thou alone , art fit to play that engine ,", "Let after-reckonings trouble fearful fools ;", "Of my new conquest , and , with helping hands ,", "And you , perhaps , too prompt in your replies .", "But the tough metal of my heart resists ;", "Hell confound them !", "By heaven thou didst ; deny it not , thou didst :", "As if she were a body in a body ,", "But the perverseness of her clamourous tongue", "Betwixt a captive and a conqueror .", "Like some old oak , rough with its armed bark ,", "Thou hast convinced me that she 's worth my love .", "They must be trampled out .", "Her battle roused : Yet , spite of me , I love .", "And , I dare prophecy , will prove our last .", "Weak princes flatter , when they want the power", "To enjoy thy love , and , once enjoyed , to kill thee .", "Make it , I charge thee , make my pleasure lawful ;", "Attended with a train of all her race ,", "But , for your own , too much .", "Explain yours first .\u2014 What meant you , hand in hand ?", "Love goads me to Almeyda , all affairs", "And , when you saw me , with a guilty start ,", "A secret pleasure trickles through my veins :", "No , I 'll untwist you :", "No more ; whate'er he said was my command .", "My subjects all expect , and she deserves ,\u2014", "Slave , have I raised thee to this pomp and power ,", "What if I had her murdered !\u2014 \u2018 tis but what", "That 's done with ease ; I speak him dead :\u2014 proceed .", "Do not distrust thy virtues .", "To my one hour of ease ? No more replies ,", "You loosed your hold , affrighted at my presence .", "And make her mine : About the business , quick !\u2014", "Unless thou know'st the trick of thy vocation ,", "But clear my doubts :\u2014 thinkst thou they may rebel ?", "\u2018 Tis warmed with the soft fire , not melted down ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["How stupidly he stares about him , like a calf new come into the world ! I shall teach you , sirrah , to know your business a little better . This way , you awkward rascal ; here lies the arbour ; must I be shewing you eternally ?", "And are those faults to lovers ?", "What have you been bred up to , sirrah ? and what can you perform , to recommend you to my service ?", "Hold , hold . He has deserved it , I confess ; but , for once , let his ignorance plead his pardon ; we must not discourage a beginner . Your reverence has taught us charity , even to birds and beasts :\u2014 here , you filthy brute , you , take this little alms to buy you plasters .", "He 's young and handsome \u2014", "And one thing more ,\u2014 remember from henceforth to obey better .", "Perhaps you may do better .", "What , for an intended trespass ? No harm has been done , whatever may be . He cost you five hundred crowns , I take it .", "Ungrateful wretch , thou deservest no pity !\u2014 Help , help , husband , or I shall be ravished ! the villain will be too strong for me ! Help , help , for pity of a poor distressed creature !", "You are much fallen off , let me tell you , from the fury of your first embrace .", "I forgive him freely , for he has done nothing . What he will do hereafter to make me satisfaction , himself best knows .", "Flesh without blood , I think thou art ; or , if any , it is as cold as that of fishes . But I 'll teach thee , to thy cost , what vengeance is in store for refusing a lady who has offered thee her love .\u2014 Help , help , there ! will nobody come to my assistance ?", "Thus far my love has carried me , almost without my knowledge whither I was going . Shall I go on ? shall I discover myself ?\u2014 What an injury am I doing to my old husband ! Yet what injury , since he 's old , and has three wives , and six concubines , besides me ! \u2018 tis but stealing my own tithe from him .", "What nonsense do you talk ? do you take me for the Mufti 's daughter ?", "Ay , but the sight of that loathsome creature has almost cured me ; and how can I tell that he is a christian ? an he were well searched , he may prove a Jew , for aught I know . And , besides , I have always longed for an eunuch ; for they say that 's a civil creature , and almost as harmless as yourself , husband .\u2014 Speak , fellow , are not you such a kind of peaceable thing ?", "How 's that , villain , dar'st thou accuse me ?", "I 'll but bring him into the arbour , where a rose-tree and a myrtle-tree are just falling for want of a prop ; if they were bound together , they would help to keep up one another . He 's a raw gardener , and \u2018 tis but charity to teach him .", "A bird in a cage may peep , at least , though she must not fly .\u2014 What bustle 's there beneath my window ? Antonio , by all my hopes ! I know him by his habit . But what makes that woman with him , and a friend , a sword drawn , and hasting hence ? This is no time for silence :\u2014 Who 's within ? call there , where are the servants ? why , Omar , Abedin , Hassan , and the rest , make haste , and run into the garden ; there are thieves and villains ; arm all the family , and stop them .", "Why not , my lord ? am not I the mistress of the family ? and is it not my place to see good order kept in it ? I thought he might have allured some of the she-slaves to him , and was resolved to prevent what might have been betwixt him and them ; when , on the sudden , he rushed out upon me , caught me in his arms with such a fury \u2014", "Just against the face of this open walk .", "I understand him ; but I fear it is now too late to save him :\u2014 Pray , hear him speak , husband ; perhaps he may say something for himself ; I know not ."], "true_target": ["The Mufti would feast himself upon other women , and keep me fasting .", "And you see I am come to make them good ; but I am neither", "He may make a shift to sow lettuce , raise melons , and water a garden-plat ; but otherwise , a very filthy fellow : how odiously he smells of his country garlick ! fugh , how he stinks of Spain .", "The best way to avoid it is to retire , where we may not be discovered .", "What ! you are confounded , and stand mute ?", "Would preach abstinence , and practise luxury ! but , I thank my stars , I have edified more by his example than his precept .", "In my conscience , I begin to doubt he did not .", "There must be something more i n't ; for your conscience was very quiet when you took me for Morayma .", "Once again , how came you to name Morayma ?", "And I am yet neither old nor ugly : Sure he will not refuse me .", "You make so many difficulties , I fear I am displeasing to you .", "Morayma , nor the Mufti 's daughter .", "The whelp may come to something in time , when I have entered him into his business .", "Of conscience ! why , what has conscience to do with two young lovers that have opportunity ?", "The breath of lovers is the sweetest air ; but you are fearful .", "Say your beloved mistress , if you please ; for that 's the title I desire . This moonshine grows offensive to my eyes ; come , shall we walk into the arbour ? there we may rectify all mistakes .", "Mistaking me , no doubt , for one of his fellow-slaves : with that , affrighted as I was , I discovered myself , and cried aloud ; but as soon as ever he knew me , the villain let me go ; and I must needs say , he started back as if I were some serpent ; and was more afraid of me than I of him .", "One of them took through the private way into the castle ; follow him , be sure , for these are yours already .", "Well , go before , I will follow my pastor .", "I heard music in the garden , and at an unseasonable time of night ; and I stole softly out of my bed , as imagining it might be he .", "I find you had an appointment with Morayma .", "You Christians are such peeking sinners ! you tremble at a shadow in the moonshine ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["But take heed , in the mean time , that some young Antonio does not spring up in your own family ; as false as his father , though of another man 's planting . Re-enter DORAX , with SEBASTIAN and ALMEYDA , SEBASTIAN enters speaking to DORAX , while in the mean time ANTONIO presents MORAYMA to ALMEYDA .", "Indeed , dear daddy , but we will .", "No , frequent charities make bold beggars ; and , besides , I have learned of a falconer , never to feed up a hawk when I would have him fly . That 's enough ; but , if you would be nibbling , here 's a hand to stay your stomach .", "I hear them coming ; shift for yourself at least ; remember I am yours for ever .", "And a great credit for me to be so : Do but think how decent a habit you have on , and how becoming your function to be disguised like a slave , and eaves-dropping under the women 's windows , to be saluted , as you deserve it richly , with a piss-pot . If I had not known you casually by your shambling gait , and a certain reverend awkwardness that is natural to all of your function , here you had been exposed to the laughter of your own servants ; who have been in search of you through the whole seraglio , peeping under every petticoat to find you .", "So , seeking for shelter , I naturally ran to the old place of assignation , the garden-house ; where , for the want of instinct , you did not follow me .", "I followed you into the castle-yard , but there was nothing but tumult and confusion : and I was bodily afraid of being picked up by some of the rabble ; considering I had a double charge about me ,\u2014 my jewels , and my maidenhead .", "I mean you shall ; but no earnest till the bargain be made before witness : there is love enough to be had , and as much as you can turn you to , never doubt ; but all upon honourable terms .", "No , sir , you get more by pious fools than railers , when you insinuate into their families , manage their fortunes while they live , and beggar their heirs , by getting legacies , when they die . And do you think I 'll be the receiver of your theft ? I discharge my conscience of it : Here , take again your filthy mammon , and restore it , you had best , to the true owners .", "Yes , to my knowledge , but it might . I have confessed my soul to you , if you can understand me rightly . I never disobeyed you till this night ; and now , since , through the violence of my passion , I have been so unfortunate , I humbly beg your pardon , your blessing , and your leave , that , upon the first opportunity , I may go for ever from your sight ; for heaven knows , I never desire to see you more .", "Give me back my jewels , and carry this notorious malefactor to be punished by my father .\u2014 I 'll hunt the other dry-foot .", "Now I can embrace you with a good conscience ; here are the pearls and jewels , here 's my father .", "Besides a willing titt , that will venture her corps with you . Come , I know you long to have a parting blow with me ; and therefore , to shew I am in charity \u2014", "I dare not speak , for fear of being overheard ; but if you think my person worth your hazard , and can deserve my love , the rest this note shall tell you .No more , my heart goes with you .", "Yes , if I were sure you would perform nothing .", "Help here quickly , Omar , Abedin ! I have hold on the villain that stole my jewels ; but \u2018 tis a lusty rogue , and he will prove too strong for me . What ! help , I say ; do you not know your master 's daughter ?", "What do you mean ? you will not throttle him ? consider he 's my father .", "The other way to the arbour with him ; and make haste , before we are discovered .", "The best thing I have heard of Christendom is , that we women are allowed the privilege of having souls ; and I assure you , I shall make bold to bestow mine upon some lover , whenever you begin to go astray ; and , if I find no convenience in a church , a private chamber will serve the turn .", "I am afraid you are not very valiant , that you huff so much beforehand . But , they say , your churches are fine places for love-devotion ; many a she-saint is there worshipped .", "I would do so . This casket is loaded with your sins ; \u2018 tis the cargo of rapines , simony , and extortions ; the iniquity of thirty years muftiship converted into diamonds .", "No ; I 'll have a butcher 's pennyworth of you ; first secure the carcase , and then take the fleece into the bargain .", "And so you shall ; I offer you his daughter for your second . But since you are so pressing , meet me under my window to-morrow night , body for body , about this hour ; I 'll slip down out of my lodging , and bring my father in my hand .", "No , indeed ; for my mother-in-law complains , that you are past teaching : But if you mistook my innocent embrace for sin , I wish heartily it had been given where it would have been more acceptable .", "Thus Christians are outwitted by the foe ; You had her in your power , and let her go . If you release my hand , the fault 's not mine ; You should have made me seal , as well as sign .", "You may threaten him for crying out ; but , for my sake , give him back a little cranny of his windpipe , and some part of speech .", "No , to my sorrow , sir , you are not .", "And if Morayma should appear , as she does appear ,\u2014 alas ! you say , for her and you .", "Then let me follow my flesh and blood , and keep to yourself your life and soul .", "You would fain be fingering your rents before-hand ; but that makes a man an ill husband ever after . Consider , marriage is a painful vocation , as you shall prove it ; manage your incomes as thriftily as you can , you shall find a hard task o n't to make even at the year 's end , and yet to live decently ."], "true_target": ["No ; now I think o n't , you are already entered into articles with my enemy Johayma :\u2014 \u201c Any thing to serve you , madam ; I shall refuse no drudgery : \u201d \u2014 Whose words were those , gentleman ? was that like a cavalier of honour ?", "Nay , if you are so dangerous , it is best keeping you at a distance , I have no mind to warm a frozen snake in my bosom ; he may chance to recover , and sting me for my pains .", "\u2018 Tis impossible to escape them ; for the way to our horses lies back again by the house , and then we shall meet them full in the teeth . Here , take these jewels ; thou mayst leap the walls , and get away .", "You have been raking together a mass of wealth , by indirect and wicked means : the spoils of orphans are in these jewels , and the tears of widows in these pearls .", "Well then , in virtue of obedience , I will take them ; but , on my soul , I had rather they were in a better hand .", "Meaning his , whom I love better than my life .", "Then give me leave to tell you , you are the worst of fathers .", "I am sure I meant nothing by it , but the zeal and affection which I bear to the man of the world , whom I may love lawfully .", "And you may thank yourself for both . I came eagerly to the charge before my time , through the back-walk behind the arbour ; and you , like a fresh-water soldier , stood guarding the pass before . If you missed the enemy , you may thank your own dulness .", "I must take my fortune . When you are got safe into your own country , I hope you will bestow a sigh on the memory of her who loved you .", "Little devil , if you please : Your lease is out , good master conjurer , and I am come to fetch your soul and body ; not an hour of lewdness longer in this world for you .", "And what was poor little I among them all ?", "No ; but I can expect you would have both of us . Love is covetous ; I must have all of you ; heart for heart is an equal trick . In short , I am younger , I think handsomer , and am sure I love you better . She has been my stepmother these fifteen years : You think that is her face you see , but it is only a daubed vizard ; she wears an armour of proof upon it ; an inch thick of paint , besides the wash . Her face is so fortified , that you can make no approaches to it without a shovel ; but , for her constancy , I can tell you for your comfort , she will love till death , I mean till yours ; for when she has worn you out , she will certainly dispatch you to another world , for fear of telling tales , as she has already served three slaves , your predecessors , of happy memory , in her favours . She has made my pious father a three-piled cuckold to my knowledge ; and now she would be robbing me of my single sheep too .", "I mean , all that 's good of him ; his pearls and jewels , his whole contents , his heart and soul ; as much as ever I can carry ! I 'll leave him his Alcoran , that 's revenue enough for him ; every page of it is gold and diamonds . He has the turn of an eye , a demure smile , and a godly cant , that are worth millions to him . I forgot to tell you , that I will have a slave prepared at the postern gate , with two horses ready saddled .\u2014 No more , for I fear I may be missed ; and think I hear them calling for me .\u2014 If you have constancy and courage \u2014", "Yes , truly , I had the prudent foresight to consider , that , when we grow old , and weary of solacing one another , we might have , at least , wherewithal to make merry with the world ; and take up with a worse pleasure of eating and drinking , when we were disabled for a better .", "Pr'ythee take them , \u2018 twill help me to be revenged on him .", "The value of twelve hundred thousand crowns in a casket !\u2014", "Alas ! I was betrayed myself . He came disguised like you , and I , poor innocent , ran into his hands .", "What have I done , and what will now become of me !", "Of your own begetting .", "Come a little nearer , and speak softly .", "To beg your life so basely , and to present your sword to your enemy ; Oh , recreant !", "The pride of nature .", "A mighty compliment ! when all these , by your own confession , are just nothing .", "Which you shall never touch , but upon better assurances than you imagine .", "But never to be trusted in any : he has another name too , of a worse sound . Shall I trust an oath , when I see your eyes languishing , your cheeks flushing , and can hear your heart throbbing ? No , I 'll not come near you : he 's a foolish physician , who will feel the pulse of a patient , that has the plague-spots upon him .", "Well , if it must be so , agreed ; for I have another trick to play you , and thank yourself for what shall follow .", "By your favour , sir , we meet upon treaty now , and not upon defiance .", "Yes , pray bate him one ,\u2014 for begetting your mistress .", "I think you 'll make me so .", "I would have you think so ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Of all the slaves ; in short , I used your name ,", "That , since the shut of evening , none had seen him .", "I sought him round his palace ; made inquiry", "I see the blaze of torches from afar ,"], "true_target": ["And urged the importance home ; but had for answer ,", "This way they move .", "And hear the trampling of thick-beating feet ;", "Command my sword and life ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["What a glorious deliverance have you had , madam , from this bloody-minded Christian !", "Ay , would he were in this villain 's place ! thus I would lay him on , and thus .", "I long to be hanselling his hide , before we bring him to my master ."], "true_target": ["My master !\u2014 You will pardon the excess of our zeal for you , sir : Indeed we all took you for a villain , and so we used you .", "Sir , the castle is in a most terrible combustion ; you may hear them hither .", "Now , supposing you were the Mufti , sir .\u2014"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Hang him , for an old covetous hypocrite ; he deserves a worse punishment himself , for keeping us so hardly ."], "true_target": ["And thus would I revenge myself of my last beating ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["Our prophet let the devil alone with the last mob .", "Ay , we know that without your telling : But why are we met together , doctor ? for that 's it which no body here can tell .", "Even who you please , captain ."], "true_target": ["If a poor man may speak his mind . I think , captain , that yourself are the fittest to live and reign ; I mean not over , but next , and immediately under , the people ; and thereupon I say , A Mustapha , a Muatapha !", "What , will he come with his balderdash , after the Mufti 's eloquent oration ?", "He may indeed ; for it is but his saying it is sin , and then we must restore ; and therefore I would have a new religion , where half the commandments should be taken away , the rest mollified , and there should be little or no sin remaining ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["He 's our captain , lawfully picked up , and elected upon a stall ; we will hear him .", "We find that in our decay of trade . I have seen , for these hundred years , that religion and trade always go together ."], "true_target": ["Why , to see one another in the dark ; and to make holiday at midnight .", "We are not bound to know , who is to live and reign ; our business is only to rise upon command , and plunder ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["A scolding domineering wife , if she prove honest ; and , if a whore , a fine gaudy minx , that robs our counters every night , and then goes out , and spends it upon our cuckold-makers ."], "true_target": ["Ay , the richest of both parties ; for they are our enemies .", "Nay , when his turn is served , he may preach up loyalty again , and restitution , that he might have another snack among us ."], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["But pay a blind obedience to his will ;", "And sound a rattling peal to either 's conscience .", "Almeyda 's beauty well deserves your love .", "Not racks or tortures could have forced this secret ,", "One proof remains , and that 's your father 's hand ,", "Yourself unjustly ; you have charged the fault", "O , I perceive you think your interest touched :", "If so ,\u2014 and so your silence grants it is ,\u2014", "Then witness heaven and earth , how loth I am", "Who still survives , of Muley-Moluch 's branch ?", "But I must speak , and will .", "That , if a lie were mixt , it must be seen .", "And not less charming ; and were charmed no less", "The greatest curse that can be , were to join .", "What , to destroy himself ? O parricide !", "What interest can I have , or what delight ,", "Which would have sunk you both . For , let me say ,", "That I should blast his pious memory !", "To draw thee forth from underneath thy fate .", "The same , which , when his nobleness redeemed me ,", "His wife ! said he , his wife ! O fatal sound !", "Hears from afar his only son within ;", "For , to preserve his fame , I would be silent .", "\u2018 Tis no dumb forgery , for that shall speak ,", "Know king , your father had , like you , a soul ,", "Silent and unobserved , to save his tears .", "Firmed with his signet ; both so fully known ,", "Show me that king , and I 'll believe the Phoenix .", "Just such she shows before a rising storm ;", "And had his faith to give it to the king .", "A door is open yet for your deliverance .\u2014", "And what becomes of me ? must I be left ,", "No more to think of marriage with Almeyda .", "Such is my haste , so trembling is my joy ,", "It will be soon discovered if I forge .", "\u2018 Tis what before the battle I observed ;", "Let all retire , that you alone may hear", "If proved , you hate me ; if unproved , condemn .", "Which , nice as ermines , will not bear a soil ,", "To his adultery do not add your incest .", "On heaven , that best may bear it .", "Have you forgot ?", "These sinews are not yet so much unstrung ,", "What , when I gave thee lost , to find thee living !", "You may repent , and wish your crown too late .", "For I was present .\u2014 Now , Almeyda , speak ,", "And in a friendly visit owned himself", "What even in whispers I would tell your ear .", "He still had been the same .", "Have you not heard your father in his youth ,", "Yes , he was just , and therefore could not change .", "Mark me now , While I disclose that fatal mystery :\u2014 Those rings , when you were born and thought another 's , Your parents , glowing yet in sinful love , Bid me bespeak : a curious artist wrought them . With joints so close , as not to be perceived , Yet are they both each other 's counterpart ; Her part had Juan inscribed , and his had Zayda ,and in the midst A heart divided in two halves was placed . Now , if the rivets of those rings inclosed Fit not each other , I have forged this lie ; But , if they join , you must for ever part .", "For , had I known it , this unwelcome news", "I wish she may not wed to blood more near .", "And therefore am I come with timely speed ,", "Now you , my countrymen , and you , Almeyda ,", "And since not only a dead father 's fame ,", "Now by my soul , and by these hoary hairs ,", "To argue for damnation !", "And truly tell us how you came by yours .", "Almeyda 's mother , too , had eyes , like her ,", "I hope , are heard .", "To say , you must not , nay , you cannot , wed :", "To see the friendly light .", "The powers above", "A falling house , and , after anxious search ,", "To blaze their shame , or to divulge my own ?", "And I alone unhappy .", "I know it well ,", "For , dying , he bequeathed it to my charge .", "Till his sick fancy were by reason cured ?"], "true_target": ["Since ignorance \u2014", "O there 's the wound ! but let me first adjure you ,", "Now heaven forbid !", "Still had he lived and seen this change ,", "The most authentic proof is still behind ,\u2014", "But knock at your own breast , and ask your soul ,", "And made a long abode in Philip 's court ?", "The confident of all his young amours !\u2014", "May yet be happy in that captive 's life .", "That plainer evidence can hardly be ,", "I love thee so , I cannot call thee king ,\u2014", "Thou wear'st it on thy finger : \u2018 Tis that ring ,", "Is this a subject 's part ?", "Had never reached their ears :", "And , known , had been abhorred .", "More than your father 's charge , and all your vows ?", "Is there not yet an heir of this vast empire ,", "If those fair fatal eyes edged not your sword", "That ever I should boast I was so near ,", "When newly married , travelled into Spain ,", "Grown frantic in a raging calenture ,", "Too near , indeed ; forgive me , gracious heaven ,", "It does not grieve me , that you hold me crazed ;", "Infernal fiend ,", "And \u2018 tis your carnal sister you would wed .", "Heaven comfort you !", "Alonzo has it in his custody ;", "O what a sophister has hell procured ,", "But more , a lady 's honour , must be touched ,", "But hear the story of that fatal love ,", "Be praised for that ! My prayers for my good master ,", "No , I am tender of his holy fame ;", "And to themselves", "Should I not hold him from that mad attempt ,", "You are not guilty , since unknown \u2018 twas done ,", "Just so shalt thou be torn from all thy hopes ;", "Would headlong plunge himself into the deep ,\u2014", "But if , on shipboard , I should see my friend", "Unless his soul would want her heaven awhile ,", "O horror , horror !", "And have not you , unhappy beauty , heard ,", "Whom I so oft have dandled in these arms !", "And come on earth to swear .", "For know , proud woman , know , in thy despite ,", "Now all of us , and you , my all in one ,", "Where every circumstance shall prove another ;", "For what he is , I then deposited ,", "Which , matched to that on his , shall clear the doubt .", "Now heaven forbid ,", "Know , she 's the product of unlawful love ,", "Know , sir , I would be silent if I durst :", "But , to be cleared at my dead master 's cost ,", "And he , imagining vain flowery fields ,", "And when they are , then will I steal to death ,", "Than yours are now with her , and hers with you .", "Take heed , and double not your father 's crimes ;", "To warn you into port .", "And digs through rubbish , till he drags him out ,", "You should exact them .", "O my dear child ,\u2014", "Though incest is indeed a deadly crime ,", "Believe , I am ; and seek to know no more ,", "Consider whom you punish , and for what ;", "So they had still been blest in ignorance ,", "To fail me when my master should be served ;", "As age and time had worn me out of use ?", "And truth so shine by her own native light ,", "And love is your inheritance from him .", "\u2018 Tis like a father , who himself had \u2018 scaped", "But too much care to save you from a crime ,", "By all you owe that dear departed soul ,"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["And make her love the sanction of your league .", "Almeyda may be settled in the throne ,", "And you review your native clime with fame .", "The glorious crown of honourable war ,"], "true_target": ["Are all included in that prince 's life .", "Let this fair queen be given to Muley-Zeydan ,", "Vastly more ;", "A firm alliance and eternal peace ,"], "play_index": 28, "act_index": 28}, {"query": ["That would possess me with a violent laughter ,", "My eunuch sing , my fool make up the antic .", "With all good stars my enemies .", "Thus remooved by our wile ?\u2014", "All which I suffer , playing with their hopes ,", "With hope that when I die", "Why , sir ?", "Another woman , such a hail of words", "You need not care , you have a good estate ,", "Would put me into some villanous disease ,", "Our drink shall be prepared gold and amber ;", "Oil , corn , or men , to grind them into powder :", "So many cares , so many maladies ,", "Sometime peep over , see how they do look ,", "My divine Mosca !", ": Good ! and not a fox", "Betray 'd to beggary , to infamy \u2014", "I e'en rejoice , sir , at your worship 's happiness ,", "Now art thou welcome .", ": Fall on me , roof , and bury me in ruin !", "And ride an advocate . Had you no quirk", "To give my substance to ; but whom I make", "I not repent me of my late disguise .", "How now ! who let you loose ? whither go you now ?", "The parasite will straight be here , grave fathers .", "With confident belying it , hopes he may ,", "To peck for carrion , my she-wolfe , and all ,", "Why had not I known this before ?", ": My blood ,", "Most noble gentlemen , and my worthy patrons ! It may seem strange , that I , your Scoto Mantuano , who was ever wont to fix my bank in face of the public Piazza , near the shelter of the Portico to the Procuratia , should now , after eight months \u2019 absence from this illustrious city of Venice , humbly retire myself into an obscure nook of the Piazza .", "That I was bed-rid , make thee think I am so :", "As when , in that so celebrated scene ,", "Greedy , and full of expectation \u2014", "Sir , sir , another time \u2014", ": Thou art mine honour , Mosca , and my pride ,", "How I would vex them still at every turn !", ": But were they gull 'd", "For thy quick fiction , and delivery of me .", "What a vile wretch was I , that could not bear", "Except Corbaccio have a share .", "What there number is , be pined .", "Yea , death so often call 'd on , as no wish", "I cannot live , except thou help me , Mosca ;", "Those blows were nothing : I could bear them ever .", "You grow not mad withal : I love your spirit :", "Brave Tuscan lady , or proud Spanish beauty ;", "Help , with your forced functions , this my posture ,", "The milk of unicorns , and panthers \u2019 breath", "He is welcome . Pray him to come more often .", "Hum , hum , hum !", "I 'll take her absence , upon any price ,", "And I will meet thee in as many shapes :", "You hear me brief .", "His meaning may be truer than my fear .", "Hissing already at my forehead ; now ,", "Assure thee , Celia , he that would sell thee ,", "May pass , most honour 'd fathers \u201d \u2014 I had much ado", "I am Volpone , and this is my knave ;", "Like noise , or were in that perpetual motion !", "With reverence , when he comes to't .", "Nay , fly me not .", ": And , none knows how ,", "You are the heir .", "Say , it was corrupted .", ": Nay , would thou", "Sir , you may redeem it , They said , you were possest ; fall down , and seem so : I 'll help to make it good .\u2014 God bless the man !\u2014 Stop your wind hard , and swell : See , see , see , see ! He vomits crooked pins ! his eyes are set , Like a dead hare 's hung in a poulter 's shop ! His mouth 's running away ! Do you see , signior ? Now it is in his belly !", "My furs and night-caps ; say , my couch is changing ,", "I feel me going ; Uh ! uh ! uh ! uh ! I 'm sailing to my port , Uh ! uh ! uh ! uh ! And I am glad I am so near my haven .", "O , \u2018 twill afford me a rare meal of laughter !", "Dost thou say so ?", "I turn no monies in the public bank ,", "And that it fell into so learned hands ,", "My spirits are return 'd ; I am alive :", "As your learn 'd worship knows \u2014", ": Now , very , very pretty ! Mosca , this", "Unto the name , and to the legacies ,", "Open the shrine , that I may see my Saint .", "Would make me up again .", "The heads of parrots , tongues of nightingales ,", "So many fears attending on old age ,", "With adoration , thee , and every relick", "My better angel . Mosca , take my keys ,", ": O , if you do love me ,", "To let the Fox laugh at your emptiness .", "Spirit of roses , and of violets ,", ": Go ,", "Mosca .", "Of my new present .", "What say you ?", "Has she so rare a face ?", "And eunuch forth .", "Put in thy name .", ": O , but thy working , and thy placing it !", ": That 's true ;", ": Soft , soft : Whipt !", "Have lost this feast ?", "Why , this is better than rob churches , yet ;", "I am very well : you need prescribe no more .", "Thy looks when they to Venus did ascribe ,", "With a belief that I was Scoto ?", "These have crimes accounted been .", "And let them make me sport .", "Though nature lost her kind , she were our dish .", "To fortify the most indigest and crude stomach , ay , were it of one , that , through extreme weakness , vomited blood , applying only a warm napkin to the place , after the unction and fricace ;\u2014 for the vertigine in the head , putting but a drop into your nostrils , likewise behind the ears ; a most sovereign and approved remedy . The mal caduco , cramps , convulsions , paralysies , epilepsies , tremor-cordia , retired nerves , ill vapours of the spleen , stopping of the liver , the stone , the strangury , hernia ventosa , iliaca passio ; stops a disenteria immediately ; easeth the torsion of the small guts : and cures melancholia hypocondriaca , being taken and applied according to my printed receipt .For , this is the physician , this the medicine ; this counsels , this cures ; this gives the direction , this works the effect ; and , in sum , both together may be termed an abstract of the theorick and practick in the Aesculapian art . \u2018 Twill cost you eight crowns . And ,\u2014 Zan Fritada , prithee sing a verse extempore in honour of it .", "As I feed others : but possess 'd , and crown 'd .", "The Cock-pit comes not near it . All my house ,", "That a strange fury enter 'd , now , my house ,", "Now , now , my clients", "Be busy still . Now they begin to flutter :", "it shall then return", "For , when a humid flux , or catarrh , by the mutability of air , falls from your head into an arm or shoulder , or any other part ; take you a ducat , or your chequin of gold , and apply to the place affected : see what good effect it can work . No , no , \u2018 tis this blessed unguento , this rare extraction , that hath only power to disperse all malignant humours , that proceed either of hot , cold , moist , or windy causes \u2014", "With a dead palsy : Well ! I must be merry ,", "Get thee a cap , a count-book , pen and ink ,", "You are so wise , so prudent ; and \u2018 tis fit", "Peep through the horns of the celestial Ram ,", "Nor let thy false imagination", "It cannot be much more .", "Am I , to view thy splendour darkening his ;", "Not that I know .", "Maintain mine own shape still the same : we 'll think .", "Bid him eat lettuce well .", ": Troth , and I think so too ,", "A worthy lover : use thy fortune well ,", "Lady , I kiss your bounty ; and for this timely grace you have done your poor Scoto of Mantua , I will return you , over and above my oil , a secret of that high and inestimable nature , shall make you for ever enamour 'd on that minute , wherein your eye first descended on so mean , yet not altogether to be despised , an object . Here is a powder conceal 'd in this paper , of which , if I should speak to the worth , nine thousand volumes were but as one page , that page as a line , that line as a word ; so short is this pilgrimage of manto the expressing of it . Would I reflect on the price ? why , the whole world is but as an empire , that empire as a province , that province as a bank , that bank as a private purse to the purchase of it . I will only tell you ; it is the powder that made Venus a goddessthat kept her perpetually young , clear 'd her wrinkles , firm 'd her gums , fill 'd her skin , colour 'd her hair ; from her deriv 'd to Helen , and at the sack of Troy unfortunately lost : till now , in this our age , it was as happily recovered , by a studious antiquary , out of some ruins of Asia , who sent a moiety of it to the court of France ,wherewith the ladies there , now , colour their hair . The rest , at this present , remains with me ; extracted to a quintessence : so that , whereever it but touches , in youth it perpetually preserves , in age restores the complexion ; seats your teeth , did they dance like virginal jacks , firm as a wall ; makes them white as ivory , that were black , as \u2014", "O , my fine devil !", "Is avarice to itself !", "Oh !", "To make me known ?", "That 's now my safest .", "What should I do ,", "And shake it off . A many of these fears", "I 'm heartily grieved , a beard of your grave length", "Who 's there ? my couch ; away ! look ! Nano , see :", "Let me embrace thee . O that I could now", "And will maintain he lives , with mine own life .", ": O ,", "My caps , my caps , good Mosca . Fetch him in .", "Canst thou ?", "Hath shot himself into me like a flame ;", "Cannot we delude the eyes", "She 's in again ! Before I fain 'd diseases , now I have one .", ": But , Mosca ,", "Shall we have a jig now ?", "Unto the centre . O thou son of Sol ,", ": O \u2014 \u201c My most honour 'd fathers , my grave fathers ,", "So , so , so , so !", "But sundry times raised me , in several shapes ,", "Rid me of this my torture , quickly , there ;", "Will him to pray for me ; and to use his fortune", "Where , now , he flings about his burning heat ,", "With such an autumn \u2014 Did he give you all , sir ?", "And walk the streets ; be seen , torment them more :", "\u2018 Tis a vain labour e'en to fight \u2018 gainst heaven ;", ": Mosca , I was almost lost , the advocate", ": Hark ! who 's there ?", "Not yet ; but for thy sake , at thy entreaty ,", "Nay , that were too much , Mosca .", "Letting the cherry knock against their lips ,", "And lose all that I have ! If I confess ,", ": O , more than if I had enjoy 'd the wench :", ": The sudden good ,", "Well did wise poets , by thy glorious name ,", "\u2014 Thou shalt have half .\u2014", "That think me turning carcase , now they come ;", "Unscrew my advocate , upon new hopes :", "See , where it flies ,", "Thou shalt not find it . I am , now , as fresh ,", ": True :", "In varying figures , I would have contended", "Whilst we , in changed shapes , act Ovid 's tales ,", "Their senses dull , their seeing , hearing , going ,", ": \u2018 Tis right .", "How to torment me : she will tell me hers .", ": No , no , no ;", "How their swift eyes run over the long deed ,", "Now , my fain 'd cough , my pthisic , and my gout ,", "I think she loves me .", "Wilt thou betray me ? Cozen me ?", "What is bequeath 'd them there \u2014", "Can be more frequent with them , their limbs faint ,", ": Why droops my Celia ?", "The bells , in time of pestilence , ne'er made", "I pray you see me often .", "Ay , quick , and cozen me of all .", "Dead .", "Feels not his gout , nor palsy ; feigns himself", "Of any dream : feel , how I tremble yet .", "But , to our price \u2014", "The vulture 's gone , and the old raven 's come !", "Of the bold English , that they dare let loose", "I shall have instantly my Vulture , Crow ,", "Where is the plate ? mine eyes are bad .", "Riches , the dumb God , that giv'st all men tongues ;", "Why dost thou laugh so , man ?", "\u2018 Fore God , my left leg began to have the cramp ,", ": Yes ,", "Thou , like Europa now , and I like Jove ,", "But fell with him ; his body and that house", "As hot , as high , and in as jovial plight ,", "And I apprehended straight some power had struck me", "My ruins shall not come alone ; your match", "I never knew thee in so rare a humour .", "Whose vent is stopt . The fight is all within me .", "Now torment on me ! Squire her in ;", "My fortune soberly ? I must have my crotchets ,", "told me .", "To see thee at thy window : ay , before", "With the blue Proteus , or the horned flood .", "Spend not then his gifts in vain ;", ": In good faith , I was", "Above the rest , seek to engross me whole ,", "\u2014 I was born ,", ": \u2018 Tis true . I will have thee put on a gown ,", "So , of the rest , till we have quite run through ,", "Like a temptation of the devil .", "With what degrees their blood doth leave their faces ,", ": I know \u2014", "I did it well .", "We must pursue , as well as plot . Who would", "First , I 'll be hang 'd .", ": I thank you , signior Voltore ;", "Look , Mosca . Fool , begone !", "Thou hast made me miserable .", "Younger by scores of years , flatters his age", "No !", "It doth , good Mosca .", "Is now gone home , that wishes to live longer !", "Then her eternal tongue ; nothing can \u2018 scape it .", "A diamond , would have bought Lollia Paulina ,", "But angry Cupid , bolting from her eyes ,", "Will quite expel my appetite to the other :", "To purchase them again , and this whole state .", ": No haste , sir , I do know your valour well ,", "Would-be ?\u2014 is it ?", "It cannot be , sir , that you should be cozen 'd ;", "\u2018 Tis a mere toy to you , sir ; candle-rents ;", "Come to apprehend us ! I do feel the brand", ": O , there spoke", "Nought but a sentence , let 's not now dispair it .", ": Signior Corvino ! and Corbaccio ! sir ,", "I will be troubled with no more . Prepare", "My joy , my tickling , my delight ! Go bring them .", "Never , but still my self .", "Well , let them go . And , gentlemen , honourable gentlemen , know , that for this time , our bank , being thus removed from the clamours of the canaglia , shall be the scene of pleasure and delight ; for I have nothing to sell , little or nothing to sell .", "See , here , a rope of pearl ; and each , more orient", "You will not be acknown , sir ; why , \u2018 tis wise . Thus do all gamesters , at all games , dissemble : No man will seem to win .\u2014 Here comes my vulture , Heaving his beak up in the air , and snuffing .", "Yield , or I 'll force thee .", "Mine ears are boring .", ": Right .", "When she came in like star-light , hid with jewels ,", "Without i \u2019 the gallery .", "Or any other waking dream on earth :", ": Call the dwarf", "That I am dead ; do it with constancy ,", "Nor usure private .", "Bid him , he straight come to me to the court ;", "Throw dirt upon his first good clothes ?", "That bring me presents , send me plate , coin , jewels ,", "Right , Mosca ; I do lothe it .", ": Profess obstinate silence ,", "All 's on the hinge again \u2014 Say , I am living .", "\u2018 Fore heaven , a brave clarissimo , thou becom'st it ! Pity thou wert not born one .", "O , I am wounded !", "My fine dame Would-be , too !", "This", "Ay , now , they muster .", "Flow 'd all with oils .", "That understand the fingering \u2014", ", a chimera of wittol , fool , and knave :", "That I had Nestor 's hernia , thou wouldst think .", "And what Corvino ?", "That the curious shall not know", "To be taken , to be seen ,", "Or his easier ears beguile ,", "His wishes gently , though ; and you may tell him ,", "Help to sear up this vein , or we bleed dead .\u2014", "These turdy-facy-nasty-paty-lousy-fartical rogues , with one poor groat'shYpppHeNworth of unprepared antimony , finely wrapt up in several scartoccios , are able , very well , to kill their twenty a week , and play ; yet , these meagre , starved spirits , who have half stopt the organs of their minds with earthy oppilations , want not their favourers among your shrivell 'd sallad-eating artizans , who are overjoyed that they may have their half-pe'rth of physic ; though it purge them into another world , it makes no matter .", "All style of joy , in children , parents , friends ,", "What , to buy gingerbread ? or to drown kitlings ?", "They should have given her twenty thousand Cupids ;", "Is nothing : we will eat such at a meal .", ": Rare !", "Or the grand signior 's mistress ; and , for change ,", "A handsome , pretty , custom 'd bawdy-house ,", "Lord , how it threats me what I am to suffer !", ": You give , sir , what you can : I thank you . Your love", "I 'm farther in . These are my fine conceits !", "That canst do nought , and yet mak'st men do all things ;", "To threat'nings of the furrow-faced sea ;", "It will take off his oratory 's edge .", ": Mosca stays long , methinks . Bring forth your sports ,", "With any loss .", "Thou hast , in place of a base husband , found", "He has heard of some strange storm , a ship is lost ,", ": I 'll to my place ,", "Whose thought had whisper 'd to him , not go less ,", "While we can , the sports of love ,", "The eyes and ears of all the ladies present ,", "Marry , no end of your wealth , sir , God decrease it !", "Sometimes , unto the Persian sophy 's wife ;", "And , with the dreadful tempest of her breath ,", "Out at our lips , and score up sums of pleasures ,", "That wealth and wisdom still should go together .", "You mock the world , sir ; did you not change Wills ?", "What news first at the court .", "Says that your highest female grace is silence .", "Of a few poor household spies ?", "Alas , my mind is perturb 'd .", "Give me my caps , first \u2014 go , enquire .", "Rare Mosca ! how his villany becomes him !", "Do I live , sir ?", "Thou to thy posture .", "The Turk is not more sensual in his pleasures ,", "With charms , like Aeson , have his youth restored :", "Let not your too much wealth , sir , make you furious .", ": O ! belike you are the man ,", "And Mosca gave it second ; he must now", "That I could now but think on some disguise", "I should have done the act , and then have parley 'd .", "Gather 'd in bags , and mixt with Cretan wines .", "That never read Justinian , should get up ,", "For entertainment of the great Valois ,", "That never tasted the true heaven of love .", "By the Piscaria : it was , in Volpone 's time ,", "Nay , quickly .", "The price of souls ; even hell , with thee to boot ,", "\u2018 Tis the beggar 's virtue ,", "I go .", ":", "To bear it out sir , better by this chance :", ": I do feel the fever", "Applying fire to stone \u2014", "Yes , to be learned , Mosca .", "With the vertigo : and my dwarf shall dance ,", "Straight take my habit of clarissimo ,", "uh ! uh ! uh ! O \u2014", "How might I see her ?", "Bring him near , where is he ? I long to feel his hand .", "If you were firm , and how you stood affected .", "Who is't ?", "Shew them a will ; Open that chest , and reach", "Should not scent somewhat , or in me or thee ,", "And counter-work the one unto the other ,", "A second hell too , that my lothing this", "Would stand the fury of a distracted cuckold .", "And that this creature", "True . Thou hast play 'd thy prize , my precious Mosca .", "\u2018 Tis no sin love 's fruits to steal :", "And , but this morning , like a mountebank ;", "I did , grave fathers ,", "Excellent basilisk ! turn upon the vulture ."], "true_target": ["With secrecy and pleasure . See , behold ,", ": Ay , in their garters , Mosca . Now their hopes", ", his own knave ; This", "Is not the colour of my beard and eyebrows ,", ": Oh ,", "Welcome to my redemption .", "That these , being so divided \u2018 mongst themselves ,", "Is made worth heaven . Thou art virtue , fame ,", ": Not without ;", "\u2018 Tis with us perpetual night .", "\u2018 Tis not within the wit of man to do it ;", "Hearken unto me still ; it will concern you .", ": And stoutly :", "Yet you , that are so traded in the world ,", "A little in a mist , but not dejected ;", "Do you not see it , sir ?", "He comes ; I hear him \u2014 Uh !", "No more ; I sweat , and suffer , at the mention", "Women and men of every sex and age ,", "In vain \u2014", "You will not drink , and part ?", "I blow no subtle glass ; expose no ships", "That , to the end of your long row of houses ,", "Nay , leave off now , they are gone .", "Is every thing a cause to my distruction ?", "Hath taste in this , and shall not be unanswer 'd :", "Exquisite Mosca !", "Than that the brave Egyptian queen caroused :", "To admire each graceful gesture , note , and footing .", "Another flood of words ! a very torrent !", "Signior Corvino !", "Title that age which they would have the best ;", "\u2018 Fore heaven , I wonder at the desperate valour", "Alas , I am past , already ! Pray you , thank him", ", avarice 's fool ;", "My madam , with the everlasting voice :", "This", ": \u2018 Twill out , \u2018 twill out ! stand clear .", "That lying here , amongst my other hoards ,", "Some power , some fate , some fortune rescue me !", "In shape of a blue toad , with a bat 's wings !", "A rare disguise , and answering thy brain ! O , I will be a sharp disease unto them .", "And all turns air !", "And they are envious term thee parasite .", ": Nay , now ,", "Gold , plate , and jewels , all 's at thy devotion ;", "My good angel save me !", ": Nay , then ,", "He faints ; my lady will swoon . Old glazen eyes ,", "An inventory of parcels : I 'll get up", "Again ! I fear a paroxysm .", "Mocking a gaping crow ? ha , Mosca ?", "Ah me , I have ta'en a grass-hopper by the wing !", "Employ them how thou wilt ; nay , coin me too :", ": \u2018 Tis true , \u2018 tis true . What a rare punishment", "Than in the glad possession ; since I gain", "A diamond ! plate ! chequines ! Good morning 's purchase ,", "Their instruments of eating , failing them :", "To play with opportunity thus long ;", "How now ! the news ?", ": Mosca , hearty thanks ,", "Decay 'd , together .", "In mine own noose \u2014", "He , at length , our good will sever ;", "My head into it , wilfully ! with laughter !", "Look ! he comes to himself !", ": True , my beloved Mosca . Yet I glory", "Till this fled moment ; here \u2018 twas good , in private ;", "Take of my hand ; thou strik'st on truth in all ,", "I wound no earth with plough-shares ; fat no beasts ,", "Would she were taking now her tedious leave .", ": Troubled with noise , I cannot sleep ; I dreamt", "And look on that ; still bearing them in hand ,", "But cocker up my genius , and live free", "Which we will take , until my roof whirl round", "Sir , the parasite Will 'd me to tell you , that his master lives ; That you are still the man ; your hopes the same ; And this was only a jest \u2014", "The brains of peacocks , and of estriches ,", "My apoplexy , palsy , and catarrhs ,", "I must be merry , with a mischief to me !", "I hear some footing ; officers , the saffi ,", "As in a furnace an ambitious fire ,", "Papers afore thee ; sit as thou wert taking", "Need makes devotion : heaven your labour bless !", "Of this late slander .", "Oh me !", "\u2018 Tis well : my pillow now , and let him enter .", "Loving Mosca !", "If thou hast wisdom , hear me , Celia .", "Methinks I lie , and draw \u2014 for an encounter .", "Your predecessor , ere he grew diseased ,", ": I 'll go and see", "To all delights my fortune calls me to ?", "Was in this brain of mine , when I devised it ,", "I will begin , even now \u2014 to vex them all ,", "Mount zany .", "And with these thoughts so battens , as if fate", "This heat is life ; \u2018 tis blood by this time :\u2014 Mosca !", "Shew'st like a flame by night ; or like the day", "Thy baths shall be the juice of July-flowers ,", "And wear , and lose them : yet remains an ear-ring", "Excellent Mosca ! Come hither , let me kiss thee .", "Good .", "I cannot now last long \u2014", "Their wives to all encounters !", "All dead before them ; yea , their very teeth ,", "Are at the gasp .", "Besides , I never meant him for my heir .\u2014", "Yet this is reckon 'd life ! nay , here was one ;", ": The poet", "I do degenerate , and abuse my nation ,", "What shall we do ?", "That parasite 's hair ; methought his nose should cozen :", "Ten-fold upon them ; whilst some , covetous", "Who 's that there , now ? a third ?", ": Troth , your wife has shewn", "As old in time as Plato , and as knowing ,", "Making a dead leaf grow again . I take", "A lawyer could not have been heard ; nor scarce", "Take good heart , the worst is past , sir . You are dispossest .", ": Did master Mosca take the keys ? why so !", "That yet to me 's the strangest , how thou hast borne it !", ": I mean to be a suitor to your worship ,", "Let me tell you : I am not , as your Lombard proverb saith , cold on my feet ; or content to part with my commodities at a cheaper rate , than I accustomed : look not for it . Nor that the calumnious reports of that impudent detractor , and shame to our profession ,who gave out , in public , I was condemn 'd a sforzato to the galleys , for poisoning the cardinal Bembo 's \u2014 cook , hath at all attached , much less dejected me . No , no , worthy gentlemen ; to tell you true , I cannot endure to see the rabble of these ground ciarlitani , that spread their cloaks on the pavement , as if they meant to do feats of activity , and then come in lamely , with their mouldy tales out of Boccacio , like stale Tabarine , the fabulist : some of them discoursing their travels , and of their tedious captivity in the Turks \u2019 galleys , when , indeed , were the truth known , they were the Christians \u2019 galleys , where very temperately they eat bread , and drunk water , as a wholesome penance , enjoined them by their confessors , for base pilferies .", "Should they come thick upon me : I 'll prevent \u2018 em .", ": Till they burst ;", ": That is true ; I must", ": Any thing ; what thou wilt . Hold , here 's my will .", "Now to my first again , at the next corner .", "The storm comes toward me .", "Only for hope of gain , and that uncertain ,", "Had betrayed all ; but now it is recovered ;", "Much joy unto you .", "This is call 'd mortifying of a Fox .", "And , reverend fathers , since we all can hope", "To one of our most artful courtezans ,", "For the small tenement , out of reparations ,", "Transform thee to a Venus !\u2014 Mosca , go ,", "For she will enter , or dwell here for ever :", "Of sacred treasure , in this blessed room .", "Give me a bowl of lusty wine , to fright", "At recitation of our comedy ,", "Here , here . What ! dost thou bleed ?", "Why art thou mazed to see me thus revived ?", ": Out on my fate ! I have given her the occasion", "But now , steam 'd like a bath with her thick breath .", "Well , I am here , and all this brunt is past .", "Herself a very woman ; but you are well ,", ": O , I do not care ;", "Of some soft air , from her refreshing breath ,", ": Why , if your worship give me but your hand ,", "Then I like Mars , and thou like Erycine :", "I protest , I , and my six servants , are not able to make of this precious liquor , so fast as it is fetch 'd away from my lodging by gentlemen of your city ; strangers of the Terra-firma ; worshipful merchants ; ay , and senators too : who , ever since my arrival , have detained me to their uses , by their splendidous liberalities . And worthily ; for , what avails your rich man to have his magazines stuft with moscadelli , or of the purest grape , when his physicians prescribe him , on pain of death , to drink nothing but water cocted with aniseeds ? O health ! health ! the blessing of the rich , the riches of the poor ! who can buy thee at too dear a rate , since there is no enjoying this world without thee ? Be not then so sparing of your purses , honourable gentlemen , as to abridge the natural course of life \u2014", "To avoid gullage , sir , by such a creature ?", "Call forth my dwarf , my eunuch , and my fool ,", "Suns , that set , may rise again :", "So thou , in this , but crown my longings , Mosca .", "Of patience help me !", ": Not now :", "\u2018 Tis almost gone already ; I shall conquer .", "That were the spoils of provinces ; take these ,", "How to tell them as they flow ;", "From old Volpone , sir .", "A witty merchant , the fine bird , Corvino ,", "Shall be our food : and , could we get the phoenix ,", "He shall be noble , valiant , honest , wise ,\u2014", "And thou use them scurvily ! Dispatch , get on thy gown .", "Hold thee , Mosca ,", "This very instant .", "You are too munificent .", "Signior Corvino ? \u2018 faith , you carry it well ;", "Out of mere wantonness ! O , the dull devil", "O , I shall burst ! Let out my sides , let out my sides \u2014", "Why should we defer our joys ?", "Excellent varlet !", "Behind the curtain , on a stool , and hearken ;", "When I provoked him , then I lost myself .", "Fame and rumour are but toys .", "Upon the innocent .", ": And quite divert the torrent", "Under correction of your fatherhoods ,", "Play the artificer now , torture them rarely .", "No common way ; I use no trade , no venture ;", "What will he do now ?", "Signior Corvino .", "And the envious , when they find", "\u2014 Who 's there ?", "Good wits are greatest in extremities .", "I have no wife , no parent , child , ally ,", "Stretch 'd on the earth , with fine delusive sleights ,", "This humour from my heart .", "You should have some would swell now , like a wine-fat ,", "I will go see her , though but at her window .", "Or some quick Negro , or cold Russian ;", "He would have sold his part of Paradise", "I am not for them yet \u2014", "And help to make the wretched time more sweet .", "\u2018 Tis thy great work : that hath , not now alone ,", "So I have .", "Any device , now , of rare ingenious knavery ,", ": O , my recovery shall recover all .", "Ay , his last sleep , if he would take it .", "Am I then like him ?", "What thou art queen of ; not in expectation ,", "Sadly , do you hear ? impute it to the grief", "To fright it hence .", "For ready money , had he met a cope-man .", "And take upon thee , as thou wert mine heir :", "Must be my heir : and this makes men observe me :", "Fetch me my gown ,", "Dispatch , dispatch : I long to have possession", ": The sun , the sea will sooner both stand still ,", "Am but a heap of cinders .", "I cannot answer him , Mosca , as I would ,", "You all know , honourable gentlemen , I never valued this ampulla , or vial , at less than eight crowns , but for this time , I am content , to be deprived of it for six ; six crowns is the price ; and less , in courtesy I know you cannot offer me ; take it , or leave it , howsoever , both it and I am at your service . I ask you not as the value of the thing , for then I should demand of you a thousand crowns , so the cardinals Montalto , Fernese , the great Duke of Tuscany , my gossip , with divers other princes , have given me ; but I despise money . Only to shew my affection to you , honourable gentlemen , and your illustrious State here , I have neglected the messages of these princes , mine own offices , framed my journey hither , only to present you with the fruits of my travels .\u2014 Tune your voices once more to the touch of your instruments , and give the honourable assembly some delightful recreation .", ": Would you have me beat the insolent slave ,", "But if once we loose this light ,", "When they ev'n gape , and find themselves deluded \u2014", "Who 's that ? Away !", "Struck out of chaos , when all darkness fled", "Dropt down upon you \u2014", "Ay , in Corvino , and such earth-fed minds ,", ": In good faith , sir ,", "Give me my furs .", ": I am caught", "This gentleman told me so .", "But in your public ,\u2014 cave whilst I breathe .", "Thou hast to-day outgone thyself .", "And am content to coin them into profit ,", "Deny it , sir , forswear it ; know it not .", ": O ,", "Yes , and he is ;", "Let me see ; a pearl !", ": Sir , the court ,", "Send it be Mosca , and with fair return !", "Now to my hopes , what say'st thou ?", "Such are thy beauties and our loves ! Dear saint ,", "Frosen and impotent , and so report me ?", "The Fox shall here uncase .", "That I may have the refusal , I have done .", "As any was in Venice , none dispraised ;", "Dissolve and drink them . See , a carbuncle ,", "There still was somewhat in his look , did promise", "Good morning to the day ; and next , my gold :", "Come , my Celia , let us prove ,", "Honour , and all things else . Who can get thee ,", "I ne'er was in dislike with my disguise", "Raven , and gorcrow , all my birds of prey ,", "In troth , I did a little .", "Since you durst publish what you are , sir .", "But brighter than thy father , let me kiss ,", "But the sweet thefts to reveal ;", "He hath not reach 'd his despair yet .", "I hope you do but jest ; he has not done it :", "That have such moral emblems on your name ,", "Attired like some sprightly dame of France ,", "And my conundrums ! Well , go you , and seek him :", "Wherein , this three year , I have milk 'd their hopes .", "The teeming earth to see the long'dhYpppHeNfor sun", "A gem but worth a private patrimony ,", "Dear Mosca , shall I hope ?", "Become my grave , that wert my shelter ! O !", "\u2014 Now , Cupid", "Should be so over-reach 'd . I never brook 'd", "And let him entertain himself awhile", "Oh , oh , oh , oh , oh , oh !", "Than will Volpone .", "Entering in at mine ears ; O , for a charm ,", "Mosca !", "The Fox fares ever best when he is curst .", "I must see her .", "And kist me \u2018 fore the fathers ; when my face", ": His blessing on your heart , sir ; would \u2018 twere more !\u2014", "By that I heard him , in the latter end .", "Of what bigness ?", "And like your wanton gamester , at primero ,", "uh , uh , uh , uh !", "And wearied all the fables of the gods .", "Was thy invention ?", "Had'st never told me of her !", "To meet them in , and ask them questions :", "Upon \u2018 em , Mosca ; save me .", "I cannot hold ; good rascal , let me kiss thee :", "This draws new clients daily , to my house ,", "Straight give out about the streets , you two ,", "To look upon their kindness , and take more ,", ": The court stays for your worship .", "I 'll hinder sure : my substance shall not glue you ,", "No more .\u2014 Gentlemen , if I had but time to discourse to you the miraculous effects of this my oil , surnamed Oglio del Scoto ; with the countless catalogue of those I have cured of the aforesaid , and many more diseases ; the pattents and privileges of all the princes and commonwealths of Christendom ; or but the depositions of those that appeared on my part , before the signiory of the Sanita and most learned College of Physicians ; where I was authorised , upon notice taken of the admirable virtues of my medicaments , and mine own excellency in matter of rare and unknown secrets , not only to disperse them publicly in this famous city , but in all the territories , that happily joy under the government of the most pious and magnificent states of Italy . But may some other gallant fellow say , O , there be divers that make profession to have as good , and as experimented receipts as yours : indeed , very many have assayed , like apes , in imitation of that , which is really and essentially in me , to make of this oil ; bestowed great cost in furnaces , stills , alembecks , continual fires , and preparation of the ingredients ,but , when these practitioners come to the last decoction , blow , blow , puff , puff , and all flies in fumo : ha , ha , ha ! Poor wretches ! I rather pity their folly and indiscretion , than their loss of time and money ; for these may be recovered by industry : but to be a fool born , is a disease incurable . For myself , I always from my youth have endeavoured to get the rarest secrets , and book them , either in exchange , or for money ; I spared nor cost nor labour , where any thing was worthy to be learned . And gentlemen , honourable gentlemen , I will undertake , by virtue of chemical art , out of the honourable hat that covers your head , to extract the four elements ; that is to say , the fire , air , water , and earth , and return you your felt without burn or stain . For , whilst others have been at the Balloo , I have been at my book ; and am now past the craggy paths of study , and come to the flowery plains of honour and reputation .", "Contend in gifts , as they would seem in love :", "Thither will I , and , if't be possible ,", "Or doubt their own side .", ": Mosca ? welcome ,", "Begin their visitation ! Vulture , kite ,", "For his good care and promptness ; but for that ,", "You are not over-leaven 'd with your fortune .", "More in the cunning purchase of my wealth ,", "Raven , come flying hither , on the news ,", "Forth one of those that has the blanks ; I 'll straight", "Me music , dances , banquets , all delights ;", ": Now , the spirit", ": Set the plate away :", "O , his four eyes have found it .", "The pleasure of all woman-kind 's not like it .", ": Think me cold ,", "They never think of me . Look , see , see , see !", "I acted young Antinous ; and attracted", "\u2018 Tis but confederacy , to blind the rest .", "And draw it by their mouths , and back again .\u2014", "To forbear laughing .", "Thanks , kind Mosca .", "Did cleave my roof asunder .", "Be not far from me .", "Then will I have thee in more modern forms ,", ": Ay ,", ": Sir , to try", "Where we may so transfuse our wandering souls ,", "To feed the shambles ; have no mills for iron ,", ": Methinks", "I would have left my practice , for thy love ,", "May put out both the eyes of our St Mark ;", "I thank him .", "What I have done for him : marry , my state is hopeless .", "Now in his throat .", "Woe on thy fortune !", "Or fat , by eating , once a month , a man .", "Rather applaud thy beauty 's miracle ;", "She has let fall . For hell 's sake , rid her hence .", ": When I am high with mirth and wine ; then , then :", "To make a snare for mine own neck ! and run", "In troth , stays for you . I am mad , a mule", "Nor screw you into a family .", ": My advocate is dumb ; look to my merchant ,", "Look .", "Some three hours hence \u2014", "Hail the world 's soul , and mine ! more glad than is", "Mosca !", "Well , I am in a humour at this time to make a present of the small quantity my coffer contains ; to the rich , in courtesy , and to the poor for God 's sake . Wherefore now mark : I ask 'd you six crowns , and six crowns , at other times , you have paid me ; you shall not give me six crowns , nor five , nor four , nor three , nor two , nor one ; nor half a ducat ; no , nor a moccinigo . Sixpence it will cost you , or six hundred pound \u2014 expect no lower price , for , by the banner of my front , I will not bate a bagatine , that I will have , only , a pledge of your loves , to carry something from amongst you , to shew I am not contemn 'd by you . Therefore , now , toss your handkerchiefs , cheerfully , cheerfully ; and be advertised , that the first heroic spirit that deignes to grace me with a handkerchief , I will give it a little remembrance of something , beside , shall please it better , than if I had presented it with a double pistolet .", "But is this true , sir , of the parasite ?", "Time will not be ours for ever ,", "Should not have sung your shame ; and dropt your cheese ,", ": O lord , sir ! I were a wise man ,", "Would be as easily cheated on , as he ,", "I am unmask 'd , unspirited , undone ,", "They will be allied anon ; I must be resolute :", "My liver melts , and I , without the hope", "The bane of a clarissimo .", "Thou being the best of things : and far transcending", "When I had newly \u2018 scaped , was free , and clear ,", "My witty mischief ,", "How now !", "What face of truth is here ? If these strange deeds", "\u2014 That my fit were past ! I fear"], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [": O , sir , the better : for that colour", "No wink , sir , all this night . Nor yesterday ; but slumbers .", "To recover him .", "I oft have heard him say , how he admired", "\u201c Ten suits of hangings \u201d \u2014", "Nor I to gull my brother of his blessing .", ": Sir , the thing ,", "Why ? who are you ?", "It will be half an hour ere he come ;", "Has she presented ?", "Ventures , or whatsoever , are all frustrate !", "Light on a quean may cheat us all .", "The pox approach , and add to your diseases ,", "A piece of antique plate , bought of St Mark ,", "Upon my master , and made him your heir :", ": O , undone , amazed , sir .", ": I 'll say it stunk , sir ; and was fain to have it", "But your fine elegant rascal , that can rise ,", "I know it : and dare undertake for her .", "I 'll fashion an excuse .\u2014 and , gentle sir ,", "You see I 'm troubled \u2014 \u201c made of an onyx \u201d \u2014", "But much more yours , sir .", "What ! who did send for you ? O , cry you mercy ,", "So feeble \u2014", "Put in the first ; which would appear as begg 'd ,", "Will you give me half ?", "Nay , gentle lady , be advised .", "Good faith , it is a fortune thrown upon me \u2014", "Never so true , or never so apparent ,", "You lothe the widdow 's or the orphan 's tears", "I 'll so possess him with it , that the rest", "Where he might hear his father pass the deed :", "And , on first advantage", ": Sir , it concerns you ; and though I may seem ,", "His sought-for father , when that well-taught dame", "Hark .", ": No , sir : his face", "Where one would have a cataplasm of spices ,", ": He has no faith in physic : he does think", "Prithee not rail , nor threaten out of place thus ;", "Why , patron !", "For , lightly , they , that use themselves most license ,", "\u201c Six chests of diaper , four of damask . \u201d \u2014 There .", "make knots , and undo them ;", "No face of friend , nor name of any servant ,", "Sharp , sir .", "\u2014 I should ,", "But some o n't , there , they pour 'd into his ears ,", "He knew , would thrive with their humility .", "As near as they are .", ": Sir ,", "Castrone , Nano !", "His own most fair and proper wife ; the beauty ,", "The youth he grows impatient , rushes forth ,", "Of his opinion ; and there all your hopes ,", "Only of price in Venice \u2014", "I 'll not deny't , but thank you . Much here else ?", "As you were costive ; best go home and purge , sir .", "Your knowledge is no better than your ears , sir .", "Your gallant wife , sir ,\u2014", "And I 'll take care no man shall come unto you , sir .", "Gipsies , and Jews , and black-moors , when he was drunk .", ": It is the Vulture :", "Of goodness and true virtue , which I hear", "One o \u2019 the commandadori , sir , so like you ;", "As your own soul , sir .", "It is so liberally profest ! almost", "All gaping here for legacies : but I ,", "Rowing upon the water in a gondole ,", ": Yea , marry , sir .", "You 're very welcome , sir .", "The wax is warm yet , and the ink scarce dry", "But fortune can , at any time , o'erthrow", ": Ay , now you have put your fortune in her hands .", "Decreed by destiny .", "None else , not I .", "Enter 'd our house with violence , his sword drawn", "May be forth-coming , when the flesh is rotten :", "But parasites , or sub-parasites .\u2014 And yet ,", "Out of these two old rotten sepulchres \u2014", "Make that place good , however .", "Now , when I come to inforce , as I will do ,", "Go , recreate yourselves abroad ; go sport .\u2014", "Alas , \u2018 twas labor 'd all , sir , for your good ;", "Do you observe that , sir ?", "Is such a bait , it covers any hook .", "Myself but yesterday discover 'd it .", "Instantly .", "And then to have it ravish 'd from their mouths !", "Death on me ! you are come too soon , what meant you ? Did not I say , I would send ?", ": \u201c One", "That look like frozen dish-clouts , set on end !", "Knew you not that , sir ? \u2018 tis the common fable .", "Is a most precious thing , dropt from above ,", "Whilst I was busy in an inner room \u2014", "Why ! \u2018 tis directly taking a possession !", "I hear him coming .", "That nought can warm his blood sir , but a fever ;", "To any question he was silent too ,", "And so will keep me , till he share at least .", ": \u2018 Pray you , let me .", "This is true physic , this your sacred medicine ,", "Or the French Hercules , and make your language", "You have a gift , sir ,", "With the most cunning courtezan of Venice .", "And if you would be visited ?", "I 'll make him languish in his borrow 'd case ,", "And arms engraven .", "And yet it comforts him to see you \u2014", "Is born up stiff , with fatness of the flood ,", ": Flows a cold sweat , with a continual rheum ,", "What woman can before her husband ? \u2018 pray you ,", "A wretch who is indeed more impotent", "I will bring them to you , sir . Away , be gone ,", "Or see a coppy of the will ?\u2014 Anon !\u2014", "And hatred of the wrong , I must reveal it .", "Or to your dwarf , or your hermaphrodite ,", ": Nay , sir ,", "No less than duty , to effect my best", "Sir , here conceal 'd ,you may here all . But , pray you , Have patience , sir ;\u2014 the same 's your father knocks : I am compell 'd to leave you .", "\u2014 Guilty men", "For whom I labour here .", "And in his next fit , we may let him go .", "Now striving , who shall first present him ; therefore \u2014", "Give forked counsel ; take provoking gold", "When he goes out , when he comes in , examined .", "Except he come to composition with me .\u2014", "In some kind clasping prison , where their bones", "No , sir , on visitation ;", "I had forgot to tell you , I saw your knight ,", "Sir , you must look for curses \u2014", "Men of your large profession , that could speak", "No talk of opiates , to this great elixir !", ": Why , sir , with Scoto 's oil ;", "Are he that shall enjoy the crop of all ,", "And therefore , if you please to walk the while", "And these can kill him too .", "For which you sent , I hope .", "Your eunuch , or what other household-trifle", ": He calls you ; step and give it him .\u2014 He 's here , sir ,", "And make your count , you have cut all their throats .", "No , last out May , sir .", "Was it not carried learnedly ?", "Rook go with you , raven !", "Have any glebe more fruitful than these fellows ,", ": What busy knave is this !\u2014 Most reverend fathers ,", ": It were a folly beyond thought , to trust", "Now for your business , sir .", "Who \u2018 twas that fed him last , or gave him drink :", ": Ay , I thought on that , sir ;", "My patron !", "Now is he gone : we had no other means", "Tear forth the fathers of poor families", "I will not bid you to dispair of aught", "For he but kills , sir , where the law condemns ,", "By herds of fools , and clients ; have clear way", "Scorn not my poverty .", "Then use his vehement figures \u2014 I look 'd still", "Now , so truth help me , I must needs say this , sir ,", "That he 's not weaker .", "Nay , raise no tempest with your looks ; but hark you ,", "Through weakness , for consent : and sent home th \u2019 others ,", "Are we recover 'd , and wrought out of error ,", "To ripen for your good , you must not know't .", "Troth , as he did , sir ; no amends .", "I 'll tell you sir . This fit he shall recover .", "Am not I here , whom you have made your creature ?", "Of land that yields well ; but if Italy", "Implies it . Hood an ass with reverend purple ,", "And you unhappy : but I 'm bound in conscience ,", "By my device , drawn to it by my plot ,", "Will you be pleased to hang me ? or cut my throat ?", "Draw it to certain heads , then aggravate ,", ": Your desert , sir ;", "Why , sir ?", "Nay , \u2018 Pray you , sir ! She will consider .", "God save you , madam !", "Cannot but come most grateful . Patron ! sir !", "Of the first year ! a beauty ripe as harvest !", "And in my gratitude unto my master ;", "I do beseech you , sir , you will vouchsafe", "Of your good meaning to him , which , I know ,", "Did you not hear it ?", "He has not made his will , sir .", "In all , save me :\u2014 but he has giv'n them nothing .", "He 'll outlast May .", "And flesh that melteth in the touch to blood !", "My master your sole heir .", "Unto the navel ; ere I lived to see", "Whilst we expected the old raven , in comes", "They do so spring and burgeon ; I can feel", "To-morrow morning , with a rope and dagger ,", "Or rather , sir , to prostitute \u2014", "You shall not do yourself that wrong , sir . I", "\u201c Of several velvets , eight \u201d \u2014", "With hope \u2014", ": If it please my patron ,", ": O , not possible ;", "would sure enrage him", "For fear I tell some riddles ; go , be melancholy .", "Out of pure love , no hope of gain \u2014", "I do not know , sir .", "But gives them great reward : and he is loth", "If I have any suits , as I do hope ,", ": Why now you speak , sir . We must here be fix 'd ;", "And knows , howe'er his wife affect strange airs ,", "\u2014 You see , sir , how I work", ": \u2018 Tis well .", "Signior Corbaccio !", "As we do croakers here .", "Besides sir , who shall know it ? some one or two \u2014", "His face drawn longer than \u2018 twas wont \u2014", "And have it only in title , it sufficeth :", "Bountiful bones ! What horrid strange offence", "Your hopes , sir , are like happy blossoms , fair ,", "Not to contrary you , sir , very richly \u2014", ": Sir , I am sworn , I may not shew the will ,", "Fear not .", ": Sir ,", "Consulting on him , how they might restore him ;", "Can claim a part : \u2018 tis yours , without a rival ,", "You may come near , sir .\u2014 Would you would once close", "With a huge flail , watching a heap of corn ,", ": It is a confidence that well becomes", "Is this afflicts you ? Is not all here yours ?", "What is the matter , madam ?", "That any chance of mine should thus defeat", "Had not his name for nothing , he is politick ,", ": Sir ,", "Nothing bequeath 'd them , but to cry and curse .", "With wild cats \u2019 skins : at last , they all resolved", "Odso \u2014 Think , think , think , think , think , think , think , sir .", "Your flux of laughter , sir : you know this hope", "And he has brought you a rich pearl .", "To your release of torment , and I will , sir .", "How , sir ?", "Unto the making of his testament :", "Dividing families , betraying counsels ,", ": Sir , your father hath sent word ,", "Rather the contrary .", "And most unwillingly , am I now employ 'd ,", "\u2014 Well , now there 's no helping it , stay here ;", "How he does sport it with his head ?", "Of porphyry \u201d \u2014 I marle , you 'll be thus troublesome .", "One o \u2019 the doctors offer 'd there his daughter .", "Which here I thought to pre-acquaint you with ,", ": Co-halter !", ": You are he ,", "Marry , and shall : \u2018 pray you , fairly quit my house .", ": I know not , sir ,", "Makes all the world her grace , her youth , her beauty .", "Upon his couch sir , newly fall'n asleep .", "\u2018 Las , sir ! heaven knows ,", "It hath been all my study , all my care ,", "As the first grapes or cherries , and are watch 'd", "To beat out my unlucky brains ?", "This very hour your father is in purpose", "Toils not to learn it , but doth practise it", "Thou'lt make a solecism , as madam says .", ": Who ? this ! what means your ladyship ? the creature", "Well placed ; no man would construe it a sin :", "Yes , sir .", "But feeds on mallows , and such bitter herbs ;", "A plot for you , sir .", "\u201c Down-beds , and bolsters \u201d \u2014", ": Sir , I warrant you ,", "Is not more tender 'd ; I am only yours .", "Knows every man his burden ?", "Your voice is good , cry not so loud .", "You do lie , sir !", "Methinks , of all , you should have been the example .", ": O you do nobly , sir .", "These imputations are too common , sir ,", "Corrupted chastity , or am in love", "The beauteous lady Would-be , sir .", "And that you would most fain have been a wittol ,", "Yes , sir \u2014", "Not else .", ": Not dead , sir , but as good ;", "Is ever gaping , and his eyelids hang .", "\u2014 Worshipful sir ,", ": Alas , sir ,", "Ring in your roofs , and beat the air for vengeance .", "Without ; who then had in the open streets", "Corbaccio and Voltore brought of it ,", "With early visitation , and kind notes", "For your good , I did , sir .", "A greater good than wisdom is in nature .", "Here 's signior Voltore is come \u2014", "Over his grave .\u2014", ": Yes , I know", ": My life , sir ,", "Good sir .", "You need not , I dare ease you of that care .", "That this might be the last gift he should give ;", "The dwarf , the fool , the eunuch , are all his ;", "The person I was bound to seek .\u2014 Fair sir ,", "That might redeem my present estimation ,", "But for your scrupulous doubts .", "Follow your grave instructions ; give them words ;", "Your pleasure allows maintenance .", "Before they kill him .", "So , now I have the keys , and am possest .", "Another bout , sir , with your eyes .", "Yet drinks the lees of Lombard 's vinegar :", "Rest you with both your eyes , sir .", "Of his gain 'd sense , will I re-importune him", ": And besides , sir ,", "How ! signior Voltore !did he hear me ?", "Another a flay 'd ape clapp 'd to his breast ,", ": My wound ,", "The most deformed , and restores them lovely ,", "You are happily met .", "At first to make a main offence in manners ,", ": And what he will , sir . Riches are in fortune", "And my follies , sir .", "I 'll give it him .", "May help to hide your bad . I 'll not betray you ;", "Be call 'd the great and learned advocate :", "Your advocate will turn stark dull upon it .", "Yes , and my patron .", "The blazing star of Italy ! a wench", "And score your vengeance on my front and face ;", "\u2014 Sir , only you", "Some in his nostrils , and recover 'd him ;", "And", ": Sir , signior Voltore is come this morning", ": Puh ! nor your diamond . What a needless care", "My patron to reform his Will ; and for", "Sell him for mummia ; he 's half dust already .", "\u201c Turkey carpets , nine \u201d \u2014", "No family , no care , and therefore mould", ": If I hold", "Whose drunkard is this same ? speak , some that know him :", "Whose skin is whiter than a swan all over ,", "Where yet , if you make haste , you may apprehend ,", "I am deceiv 'd . Did not your advocate rare ?", "Are the true parasites , others but their zanis .", "I am so limber . O ! your parasite", "Kitchen-invention , and some stale receipts", "And last , produce your will ; where , without thought ,", "Sir , I will .", ": That , and thousands more ,", "In my poor judgment , I speak it under favour ,", "And stoop , almost together , like an arrow ;", "Like two frog-pits ; and those same hanging cheeks ,", "Touching your Will , and making him your heir ,", "To set up a young man . Good faith , you look", "I fear you cannot , sir .", "If all were well and past .", "Until I send , for I have something else", "When we have done , you mean ?", "St. Mark bear witness \u2018 gainst you , \u2018 tis inhuman .", "And , for his part , he thought he should be blest", "To visit you .", "Will pills of butter , and ne'er purge for it ;", "Freely , unask 'd , or unintreated \u2014", "Will crump you like a hog-louse , with the touch .", "Coffin 'd up instantly , and sent away .", "Massy , and antique , with your name inscribed ,", "Upon his fellow , and have all their charge ,", "Sir , I must tender it .", "and staying long ,", "Alas , kind gentleman ! Well , we must all go \u2014", "But had she signior Corvino 's wife 's face \u2014", "Truth be my comfort , and my conscience ,", ": Lord ! will you not take your dispatch hence yet ?", "Tales for men 's ears , to bait that sense ; or get", "He cannot brook : he says , they flay a man ,", ": And hath brought", ": \u201c A table", "Get you a biggin more , your brain breaks loose .", "That , to preserve him , was no other means ,", "Your ends , on whom I have my whole dependance , sir :", ": But your clarissimo , old round-back , he", ": How now , sir ? does the day look clear again ?", "Do you hear , sir ? Go to him with your wife .", "Weeps blood in anguish \u2014", "So lately , for your health , is come to offer ,", "Mark me your villain : you have too much wrong ,", "None .", "To write me in your family . All my hopes", ": Are you !", "See how he grasps it !", "Excellent ! sir .", ": Best shew it , sir ;", "To shoot him hence , but this .", ": And hearing of the consultation had ,", "Then shrink not .", "Out of my skin , now , like a subtle snake ,", "As \u2018 twere the strange poetical girdle . Jove", "I muse , the mystery was not made a science ,", "I know no second cause .", "To cozen him of all , were but a cheat", "He has the quickest scent .", "Well \u2014 to be cozen 'd .", "Defame my patron , defeat you \u2014", "By no means ; I devised a formal tale ,", "Scoto himself could hardly have distinguish 'd !", ": O , but before , sir : had you heard him first", "Too much light blinds them , I think . Each of them", "A piece of plate , sir .", "But at a window . All her looks are sweet ,", ": Sir , this knight", "And I could almost wish to be without it ,", "Sir , I can fit you .", "To please the belly , and the groin ; nor those ,", "You are a happy man , sir ; know your good .", "And as I prosper , so applaud my art .", "Will so advise you , you shall have it all .", ": At no hand ; pardon me :", "how to work things \u2014", "Sir , I 'll go fetch him .", "Now , shall we see", "Is out of his hole , and ere he shall re-enter ,", "Are still most jealous .", "Let his sport pay for it , this is call 'd the Fox-trap .", "And flatt'ring of his health , there , they have had ,", ": Sir ,", "\u2018 Tis right , sir .", "From your own simple innocence : which makes", "Be resolute , madam .", ": Tut ! forget , sir .", ": To-morrow or next day , I shall be at leisure", "Is so possest and stuft with his own hopes ,", "And your great merit , sir . And see the change !", "\u2018 Tis well , sir .", "You know the use of riches , and dare give now", ": \u2018 Tis better yet ,", "I hope , to see you lord of .", "Being so lusty a man \u2014", "So well , would I could follow you in mine , With half the happiness !\u2014 and yet I would Escape your Epilogue .", "I do believe it .", "Discharged in his ear would hardly bore it .", "And gave him all , what he should be to-morrow ;", ": O , sir ,", "I still interpreted the nods he made ,", "But that the will o \u2019 the dead must be observ 'd ,", "If you were absent , she would be more coming ;", "Signior Corvino ! come most wish 'd for ! O ,", "Why , sir ?", "I have not been your worst of clients .", "That this would fetch you ; if you died to-day ,", "Could expiate the mischance , I 'd pluck it out .", ": I'faith ,", "Good sir , I thank you for my plate ; \u2018 twill help", "For your advice , since it concerns you most ;", "Stay , sir , your ointment for your eyes .", "My life , my hopes , my spirits , my patron , all", ": O no : rich", "To talk with you all .", "I think it were not best , sir .", ": O that his well-driv'n sword", "Age will conquer .", "Sir , I have her .", "But that my order for the funeral", ": Be so :", "And easily stuck on virtue when she 's poor .", "Nor like the merchant , who hath fill 'd his vaults", "Him will I straight make drunk , and bring you his habit .", "Prevent them if you can .", "In aid of my good patron , when he mist", "\u201c Signior Corvino , Signior Corvino , \u201d took", "Wife to the English knight , Sir Politick Would-be ,", "Your piety ; and form 'd , no doubt , it is", ": \u201c A perfum 'd box \u201d \u2014 \u2018 Pray you forbear ,", "And these not know for whom they toil .", "By your own scale , sir .", "Vow 'd he would kill you .", "No man can sever you .", "And he is throttled : it had been done before ,", "Drawn longer than \u2018 twas wont .", "Whispering false lies , or mining men with praises ,", ": I 'll bring you to her . This young gentleman ,", "If such an insolence as this must pass", ": \u2018 Tis Signior Voltore , the advocate ;", "My lady too , that came into the court ,", ": O , sir , the wonder ,", "And shew yourself , that you have conquer 'd .", "My slackness to my patron , work me out", "But I protest , sir , it was cast upon me ,", "A third would have it a dog , a fourth an oil ,", "Androgyno , Castrone , Nano !"], "true_target": ["And you so certain to survive him \u2014", "Pour oil into their ears , and send them hence .", "To know who 's fit to feed them ; have no house ,", "Most blessed cordial ! This will recover him .", "He knows no man .", "Here has been Voltore , here were others too ,", "And worse disease , to escape . I often have", "You may be louder yet : A culverin", "To pass Acrisius \u2019 guards . It is the thing", "Scoto of Mantua , sir .", "Is in his mouth : Is your pearl orient , sir ?", "He cannot understand , his hearing 's gone ;", "It is Corvino , our spruce merchant .", "The earth I 'd have want men , ere you want living :", "Pursued them , but for saving her knight 's honour .", "Husband your goods here .", "Forth the resolved corners of his eyes .", "Being persuaded to it by this thought , sir ,", ": No , no : it must be one that has no tricks , sir ,", "Should wash your pavements , or their piteous cries", "Your plate and monies ; am your steward , sir .", ": Sir , if I do it not , draw your just sword ,", "You were but third or fourth , you shall be now", "Than silver , snow , or lilies ! a soft lip ,", "Shoot through the air as nimbly as a star ;", ": This will sir , you shall send it unto me .", "But out of conscience , and mere gratitude \u2014", "He will not hear of drugs .", "When you do come to swim in golden lard ,", "Of ebony \u201d \u2014", "You are not taken with it enough , methinks ?", "And then concludes , there 's nought impossible .", ": A freezing numbness stiffens all his joints ,", "Those filthy eyes of yours , that flow with slime ,", "Can he remember .", "If fortune would have let you ? that you are", "I am a man , that hath not done your love", "Whom I intend to bury like a gentleman .", "Patron !", "A long forgetfulness hath seized that part .", "Suspect what they deserve still .", ": Sir ,", ": Sir \u2018 tis true ;", "\u201c Of cloth of gold , two more \u201d \u2014", "Think on your vassal ; but remember me :", "Is our trade free once more ?", "Afford it you so cheap .", "All those offensive savours : it transforms", "He ever liked your course sir ; that first took him .", "Under that window , there \u2018 t must be . The same .", "The work no way engageth me , but , as", "Unto your ends ; take you no notice .", "Lie still , without a fee ; when every word", "Turn short as doth a swallow ; and be here ,", "Do not you smile , to see this buffalo ,", "Corvino 's wife , sent hither by her husband \u2014", "Excepting one .", "Yes .", "O , by no means , sir .", "To hire his death , so .", "To have his heir of such a suffering spirit ,", "There 's some already .", ": You still are what you were , sir . Only you ,", "He apprehends : he has his feeling , yet .", "Merchants may talk of trade , and your great signiors", "Since he will needs be dead afore his time ,", "I dare not say where you shall see , but where", "Paper , and pen , and ink , and there I asked him ,", "Should be executor ? \u201c Corvino . \u201d And ,", "And myself , sir . Who would have thought he would have harken 'd , so ?", "Nor any incantation raise his spirit :", "Out of my mere observance , being not born", "Sir !", "So as \u2014 I cannot tell \u2014 we may , perchance ,", ": Courteous sir ,", "Acquainted with your purpose to my patron ,", "To put you in an heir ; go to , think on it :", "Hear you ; do not you know , I know you an ass ,", ": I fear", ": Contain", "Should have been prov 'd .", ": I have another witness , if you need , sir ,", "If you were present . Therefore \u2014", "Hath sent to know how you have slept to-night ,", "Put it into his hand ; \u2018 tis only there", "He still calls on you ; nothing but your name", "Your ear shall be a witness of the deed ;", "That , ere you know me , thus proceed in censure :", ": O , sir , you are he ;", ": Madam !", "Were you not daunted ?", "To a free fortune : but that I have done", "I 'll presently return .", "The stream of your diverted love hath thrown you", "It is , or will be doing ; and , if you", "Could not invent t \u2019 himself a shroud more subtle", "If you will hear , sir .", "Of my dear patron , did require me \u2014", "I mean not those that have your bare town-art ,", "Where you would little think it .\u2014", "You have not only done yourself a good \u2014", "Yourself a cuckold thus , than that the other", "There ; he is far enough ; he can hear nothing : And , for his father , I can keep him off .", "Would you had never seen her !", "I do desire your worship to make haste , sir .", "Yet , if I do it not , they may delate", "But the maturing ; keep you at your couch ,", "A whimsy in my blood : I know not how ,", "Shall be but pleas 'd to go with me , I 'll bring you ,", ": His mouth", "On which the law should take sufficient hold ,", ": No sir , nor devour", "After the body ?", "And I do suffer for you , sir . My heart", "My made one , \u2018 twill be well .", ": And sweat , sir . Why , your gold", ": And that , when I am lost in blended dust ,", "We cannot think to go beyond this .", "But some young woman must be straight sought out ,", "And I 'll requite you , sir . Let us die like Romans ,", ": And a virgin , sir . Why ? alas ,", "I mention 'd to you is apprehended now ,", ": Perhaps he has", "What do you mean , sir ?", "Will work some strange effect , if he but feel it .", "\u2018 Tis but to pull the pillow from his head ,", ": Yes , and to make", "Still , to delude these harpies .", ": Alas sir , I but do as I am taught ;", ": Is the lie", "No , sir ! why ? Why should you be thus scrupulous , pray you , sir ?", "The common issue of the earth .", "He thanks you , and desires you see him often .", "Your more than many gifts , your this day 's present ,", "Lusty , and full of juice , to sleep by him ;", ": I think it , sir .", "I now will tell you more . This very minute ,", "Not bred \u2018 mongst clods , and clodpoles , here on earth .", "Which how unlike it is , you see ! and hence ,", "Hear yourself written bastard ; and profest", "Patron , go in , and pray for our success .", "His pulse beats slow , and dull .", "All the wise world is little else , in nature ,", "There , frame a will ; whereto you shall inscribe", "You must consider that , sir .", "Never does come abroad , never takes air ,", "I 'd have you be the heir to the whole city ;", "With which he here presents you .", ": Why , sir , this", "Did he commit \u2018 gainst nature , in his youth ,", "Seizeth the lady , wounds me , makes her swear", "Leave me , to make your gift .", "Here is his advocate : himself 's so weak ,", "I am enforced to eat my careful bread", ": And thrust you forth ,", "Than this can feign to be ; yet hopes to hop", "Except the rising sun do shine on me .", ": I know not ; if my heart", "Make their revenue out of legs and faces ,", "To disinherit you \u2014", "Taking the vantage of his naming you ,", "Who ? I , sir ?", ": O , sir , look for him ,", "And hundred such as I am , in succession \u2014", "Let me here perish , in all hope of goodness .", ": Most grave fathers ,", "He has taken pains , in faith , sir , and deserv 'd ,", "Had her cue given her , to cry out , A rape !", "That owe my being to you ?", "With too much obsequy ; \u2018 tis true , beside ,", "I can produce .", "Use but your patience .", "So much remembrance left , as to know you , sir :", "It shall be minister 'd to him , in his bowl .", "Since we have lived like Grecians .", "When he is gone , I 'll tell you more .", "Without a second aim , sir , I have done it .", "Yet , for the pure love , which I bear all right ,", ": Here is the lady herself , that saw them too ;", "Betake you to your silence , and your sleep :", "She 's kept as warily as is your gold ;", "All the worst offices : here I wear your keys ,", "I do but tell you , sir . Besides , they are all", "Keep the poor inventory of your jewels ,", ": Rare .", "Your son , I know not by what accident ,", "Pursue them , and believe your eyes ;", "Into that gallery \u2014 at the upper end ,", "And promise timely fruit , if you will stay", "So you can hide his two ambitious ears ,", "When he would shift a shirt : and , doing this", "I saw him land this morning at the port .", "Sought for you , call 'd you wretch , unnatural ,", "I am set .", ": Right , sir .", "Let us depart , and leave her here .", ": Close , to your couch again ; I hear his voice :", "Some dozen , or more , that he begot on beggars ,", "There is a guard of spies ten thick upon her ,", ": Huge ,", "Of all the rest , are he commands his love ,", "O , stop it up \u2014", ": Worth your patience ,", "This is the creature had the art born with him ;", ": And since , to seem the more officious", ": \u2018 Las , good sir ,", "He has no faith in physic .", "He cannot be so stupid , or stone-dead ,", "Or least regard , unto your proper issue ,", "I was a coming for you , sir .", "Who 's that ? one knocks ; I would not have you seen , sir .", "Heard him protest , that your physician", "I doubt it will lose them .", "At extreme fees , the college of physicians", "To bear false witness for your worship \u2014", "From that bright heap , to me , your poor observer ,", "Why should you stay here ? with what thought ? what promise ?", "And then his father 's oft disclaiming in him ,", "The zeal you have shewn to-day , whereas before", ": I doubt not", "But they are all so subtle , full of art \u2014", "I could entreat you , briefly conclude somewhat ;", "Much !", ": Excellent ! sir , speak out :", "Ay , with our help , sir .", ": \u2018 Tis true ,", "What thoughts he has without now , as he walks :", "Reverend sir ! Good faith , I am grieved for you ,", ": No , sir , nor their fees", "Of his starv 'd clients shall be banish 'd all ;", "Till they were hoarse again , yet all be law ;", "What large return would come of all his ventures ;", "My master was about his testament ;", "Upon me , I am silent : \u2018 twas not this", "Feed on your sumptuous hangings and soft beds ;", "And out of conscience for your advocate :", ": Nay , more ;", "Into our way , to see our path before us ?", "I told the squire so much .", "And to this service , most unhappily ,", "As well as any woman that should keep him .", "To be your comfortress , and to preserve you .", ": He smelt a carcase , sir , when he but heard", "My only aim was to dig you a fortune", ": Sir ,", "It may be so . Why , think that these good works", "Your cares , your watchings , and your many prayers ,", "Present to any humour , all occasion ;", "Who ? the lady , sir ? She 's jealous of you .", "Madam \u2014", ": I cannot choose , sir , when I apprehend", "The projects of a hundred learned clerks , sir .", "Applying but the fricace .", "As with a tempest , flat , our adversaries ;", "I sooner had attended your grave pleasures ,", "\u201c Two suits of bedding , tissue \u201d \u2014", "And yet \u2014 pretend you came , and went in haste :", "Some wench you may command . Have you no kinswoman ?", "As I did urge him to it for your good \u2014", "For your incontinence , it hath deserv 'd it", "You 'll say , was yours ? right : this diamond ?", "Stand there and multiply .", "How he should worship 'd be , and reverenced ;", ": But , what , sir , if they ask", "I will make bold with your obstreperous aid ,", "I do confess I was unfortunate ,", "No jot .", "Because , I would not do that thing might cross", ": I know ,", "How happy were you , if you knew it , now !", "But half the like , for all my fortune , sir !", "Most of your doctors are the greater danger ,", "To abound in you : and , for which mere respect ,", "With Romagnia , and rich Candian wines ,", "Soft prodigals . You shall have some will swallow", "most deserving travails :", "That I am fain to spin mine own poor raiment", "I humbly thank your fatherhoods .", "And age again doting and flexible ,", ": All is yours , the devil and all :", "No , sir : he 's rather worse .", "Well , good sir , begone .", "Here we must rest ; this is our master-peice ;", ": Sir , more than dear ,", "It will be rare , sir .", "I cannot number \u2018 em , they were so many ;", "Worthy this age ?", "Yes , sir ,", "I know him by his knock .", "With my dear self , and my most prosperous parts ,", ": You shall live ,", ": \u2018 Tis true , that , sway 'd by strong necessity ,", "Will you go , madam ?", "Bane to thy wolvish nature !", "Depend upon your worship : I am lost ,", "Yes , sir . Stop your mouth , Or I shall draw the only tooth is left . Are not you he , that filthy covetous wretch , With the three legs , that , here , in hope of prey , Have , any time this three years , snuff 'd about , With your most grovelling nose ; and would have hired Me to the poisoning of my patron , sir ? Are not you he that have to-day in court Profess 'd the disinheriting of your son ? Perjured yourself ? Go home , and die , and stink . If you but croak a syllable , all comes out : Away , and call your porters !Go , go , stink .", ": Please your fatherhoods ,", "I claim an interest in the general state", "But your sweet nature doth abhor these courses ;", "It seem 'd to me , you sweat , sir .", ": Marry ,", "With mine own tender ease , but would not rather", "Go home , and use the poor sir Pol , your knight , well ,", "That salv 'd your reputation . But be valiant , sir .", "Would tempt you to eternity of kissing !", ": He talk 'd a great while ;", ": As the true fervent instance of his love ,", "I should have motion 'd to you , at the first :", "Train 'd their credulity with perjuries ,", "\u2014 I knew \u2018 twould take :", "Go home , be melancholy too , or mad .", ": But confess , sir ,", "Your wrong more monstrous , and abhorr 'd . But , sir ,", "Ride with his furs , and foot-cloths ; waited on", ": Most happless ! you must help , sir .", "Yes , signior Lupo , the physician .", "The plate is here , sir .", "Some simple thing , a creature made unto it ;", "And you do wisely to preserve it thus ,", "Why i'faith , it is her modesty , I must quit her .", ":", "You are not like a thresher that doth stand", "Not your physician , sir .", "Thoroughly , and thoroughly , and the plague to boot !\u2014", "I have not time to flatter you now ; we 'll part ;", "Your worship is a precious ass !", "He knows the state of 's body , what it is ;", "So wise , so grave , of so perplex 'd a tongue ,", "Keep you still , sir . Here is Corbaccio .", ": All , sir ; \u2018 tis your right , your own ; no man", "So rare a music out of discords \u2014", "Yes .", "Success hath made me wanton . I could skip", "Out of most excellent nature : and such sparks", ": And then they do it by experiment ;", "Your worship but lets fall , is a chequin !\u2014", "Faith I could stifle him , rarely with a pillow ,", "You are his heir , sir .", "Yes , your 's , sir .", "No , six , sir .", "But what am I ?", "That the unnaturalness , first , of the act ,", "Good advocate !\u2014 Madam , I 'll bring you home .", "The tardy hour is come , sir .", "Never so palpable , they will resist it \u2014", "To gull the court \u2014", "But that I would not seem to counsel you ,", "A melting heir as glibly as your Dutch", ": Now , would I counsel you , make home with speed ;", "And there , and here , and yonder , all at once ;", "There are some books to entertain the time :", "Then it was , sir .", "Why , sir ?", "Corbaccio will arrive straight , with the Will ;", "It is your presence makes him last so long .", "Not to be covetous of what is mine .", "Safely convey 'd amongst us ? is that sure ?", "Why , we 'll think :", ": No more than a blind harper . He knows no man ,", "Put business in your face .", ": Do so . My Fox", "return ;", "And shew him this .", ": When will you have your inventory brought , sir ?", ": Who 's this ? Bonario , old Corbaccio 's son ?", "Although you be but extraordinary ,", "If you can horn him , sir , you need not .", "See all your coffers and your caskets lock 'd ,", "The weeping of an heir should still be laughter", "Sure , sir ! why , look you , credit your own sense .", "You will not lie in straw , whilst moths and worms", "I 'll bury him , or gain by him : I am his heir ,", "Signior Corvino , here , is come to see you .", "With that pretext he 's gone , to accuse his father ,", "Within a human compass .", "Will never let you want , while there are men ,", "Conceive me ,\u2014 for your fee , sir . In mean time ,", ": Without a partner , sir ; confirm 'd this morning :", "And from his brain \u2014", "That , with most quick agility , could turn ,", "Prove the most rugged , and laborious course ,", ": Prevent ! did e'er man haste so , for his horns ?", "To visit all the streets ; he must run mad .", "And , hungry , dares not taste the smallest grain ,", "With their court dog-tricks , that can fawn and fleer ,", "\u201c Item , one salt of agate \u201d \u2014 not my seeking .", "Whom he would have his heir ? \u201c Corvino . \u201d Who", "A declared cuckold , on good terms ? This pearl ,", "Things being so easy and direct , I shall not ,", ": Where shall I run , most wretched shame of men ,", "\u201c Two cabinets . \u201d", "And you be stated in a double hope :", "Not those he hath begotten , or brought up ,", ": Hark ,", "A son so brave , and highly meriting ,", "But you shall eat it .", "Had been so courteous to have cleft me down", "And what you said e'en your best madams did", ": It was much better that you should profess", ": I fear , I shall begin to grow in love", "Baseness !", "A courtier would not ply it so , for a place .", "May it please your wisdoms , speaks for me , received", "Bright as your gold , and lovely as your gold !", "Is such another med'cine , it dries up", "Shall make it much more taking .", "Any grand act unto a cowardly spirit :", ": Most violent .", "\u2014 Who 's there ?", "And change a visor , swifter than a thought !", "Under a visor .", "I pray you , take him .\u2014", "They 're bound to erect your statue in St. Mark 's .", "You are unequal to me , and however ,", "To every cause , and things mere contraries ,", "Marry , my joy is that you need it not ,", "Cover 'd with hide , instead of skin \u2014 Nay help , sir \u2014", "His speech is broken , and his eyes are set ,", "Nay , more , I told his son , brought , hid him here ,", "Upon the parchment .", "He 's the true father of his family ,", "Hang him ; we will but use his tongue , his noise ,", ": Good advocate ,", ": The other , mother of pearl \u2014 I am very busy .", "Mercury sit upon your thundering tongue ,", "And only you received . But come not , sir ,", "Thus desperately engaged , by my error !", "And malice , to breed causes . Would I had", "Out of their beds , and coffin them alive", "What is the injury , lady ?", "\u2014 I cannot now", "Please you draw near , sir .", "Curtain-rings , sir . Only the advocate 's fee must be deducted .", "Then it had been yours .", "Your", "Which , when he hath done , sir .", "Echo my lord , and lick away a moth :", "Toward the Rialto .", "Signior Corbaccio !", "As conquering as his club , to beat along ,", "Should never be his heir .", "I 'd have your tongue , sir , tipt with gold for this ;", "That any thing unto the contrary ,", "And makes the colour of his flesh like lead .", "Signior Corvino , I would have you go", "\u2018 Tis true .", "I 'll tell you why . My purpose is to urge", "To bring success to your desires .", "She hath not yet the face to be dishonest :", "And loud withal , that would not wag , nor scarce", "\u201c Eight chests of linen \u201d \u2014", "Who 's that ?\u2014 O , sir , most timely welcome \u2014", "Up to the arms in honey , that your chin", "Remember what your ladyship offer 'd me ,", "I never saw his face .", "And he shall pass for a cathedral doctor .", "Heaven be good to me !", "On either hand , and put it up : these men ,", "Made for his mule , as letter 'd as himself ;", "Before the senate ; you shall see her \u2014", "If it would send you hence the sooner , sir ,", "Base offices , in rending friends asunder ,", "Nor was there want of counsel in the plot :", "For which the law not only doth absolve them ,", "All his whole household ; each of which is set", "Yes , and presented him this piece of plate .", "Where , sir ?", "Your sentence may be righteous , yet you are not", "Till he be dead ; but , here has been Corbaccio ,", "\u2018 Tis good ! And what his mouth ?", "As a mere stranger to his blood ; \u2018 tis true , sir :", ": That you shall not :", ": True , they will not see't .", "Nay , good , sir .", "You that have so much law , I know have the conscience ,", "In some disguise , then .", "For maintenance , and why not you ? Enough .", "To do some violence upon his parent ,", "To your couch , sir , you ,", "What you please , sir .", ": Bastards ,", "No , sir .", "To affirm my patron to have done her rape :"], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": ["Would ask , how of late thou best suffered translation ,", "\u2018 Cause here the delight of each sex thou canst vary ?", "For know , here is inclosed the soul of Pythagoras ,", "And was breath 'd into Aethalides ; Mercurius his son ,", "Now , prithee , sweet soul , in all thy variation ,", "Thou wert brought to allow of the eating of beans ?", ": Now quit thee , for heaven , of that profane nation ;", "Or his telling how elements shift , but I", ": Now , St. Mark", "But with one Pyrrhus of Delos it learn 'd to go a fishing ;", ": Sir , master Mosca call 'd us out of doors ,", "Hermotimus was next", "Else why do men say to a creature of my shape ,", "Which body would'st thou choose , to keep up thy station ?", "But not on thine own forbid meats hast thou ventured ?", "Fellow eunuch , as behoves us , with all our wit and art ,", "In all which it hath spoke , as in the cobler 's cock .", "Of greater men 's actions , in a ridiculous fashion ?", ": Dwarf , fool , and eunuch , well met here we be .", "More carefully than of your fame or honour .", "To whom it did pass , where no sooner it was missing", "Why , then he 's fast .", "Why , then thy dogmatical silence hath left thee ?", ": And how ! by that means", ": A creature of delight ,", "And every thing , as it is little , is pretty ;", "This learned opinion we celebrate will ,", "O wonderful change , when sir lawyer forsook thee ! For Pythagore 's sake , what body then took thee ?", "And shifted thy coat in these days of reformation .", "But I come not here to discourse of that matter ,", "And bid us all go play , and took the keys .", "First for your dwarf , he 's little and witty ,", "A question it were now , whether of us three ,", ": \u2018 Tis foolish indeed : let me set you both to school .", "Being all the known delicates of a rich man ,", "Where it had the gift to remember all that ever was done ."], "true_target": ["And why a pretty ape , but for pleasing imitation", "From Pythagore , she went into a beautiful piece ,", "And , what is more than a fool , an hermaphrodite !", "Since kings , knights , and beggars , knaves , lords and fools gat it ,", "That juggler divine , as hereafter shall follow ;", "At the siege of old Troy , by the cuckold of Sparta .", "Beside , this feat body of mine doth not crave", "Besides , ox and ass , camel , mule , goat , and brock ,", "His musics , his trigon , his golden thigh ,", "So soon as they see him , It 's a pretty little ape ?", "The same .", "To goldy-lock 'd Euphorbus , who was killed in good fashion ,", "Or his one , two , or three , or his greath oath , BY QUATER !", "And gently report thy next transmigration .", "To dignify that whereof ourselves are so great and special a part .", "It is the beauteous madam \u2014", "And thence did it enter the sophist of Greece .", "They do bring you neither play , nor university show ;", "In pleasing him , claim the precedency can ?", ": Spoke true , as thou wert in Pythagoras still .", "His body is beholding to such a bad face .", "Now , room for fresh gamesters , who do will you to know ,", "Was again of a whore , she became a philosopher ,", "And though that do feed him , \u2018 tis a pitiful case ,", "Crates the cynick , as it self doth relate it :", "Which soul , fast and loose , sir , came first from Apollo ,", "Admit your fool 's face be the mother of laughter ,", "Hight Aspasia , the meretrix ; and the next toss of her", "If you wonder at this , you will wonder more ere we pass ,", "Yet , for his brain , it must always come after :", "May not fare a whit the worse , for the false pace of the verse .", "Half the meat , drink , and cloth , one of your bulks will have .", "But from the mule into whom didst thou pass ?", "Deliver us ! anon , she will beat her women ,", "From thence it fled forth , and made quick transmigration", "And therefore do entreat you , that whatsoever they rehearse ,", "Because her nose is red ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": ["Troth , this I am in : even here would I tarry .", "The only one creature that I can call blessed :", "By others , a precise , pure , illuminate brother ,", "And will drop you forth a libel , or a sanctified lie ,", "For all other forms I have proved most distressed .", ": Like one of the reformed , a fool , as you see ,", "Betwixt every spoonful of a nativity pie .", "To the same that I am .", "No , \u2018 tis your fool wherewith I am so taken ,", "Of those devour flesh , and sometimes one another ;"], "true_target": ["And so doth the fool .", "On fish , when first a Carthusian I enter 'd .", ": Alas , those pleasures be stale and forsaken ;", ": Into a very strange beast , by some writers call 'd an ass ;", "Yes .", "Counting all old doctrine heresy .", "Yes .", "A good dull mule .", "Of that an obstreperous lawyer bereft me .", "You shall know anon , sir ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": ["And sometimes the chiefest guest ;", "All they speak or do is sterling .", "Worth men 's envy , or admiration :", "When wit waits upon the fool :", "O , who would not be", "He 's the grace of every feast ,", "Your fool he is your great man 's darling ,", "Free from care or sorrow-taking ,"], "true_target": [": Fools , they are the only nation", "And he speaks truth free from slaughter ;", "He , he , he ?", "And your ladies \u2019 sport and pleasure ;", "Tongue and bauble are his treasure .", "E'en his face begetteth laughter ,", "Hath his trencher and his stool ,", "Selves and others merry making :"], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": ["To that lascivious youth there ; not suspected ,", "About a Will ?", "Well , sir .", "Would you have him tortured ?", "Whose life is much endanger 'd by their fable ;", "It shall both shine , and warm thee , Mosca .", "Discover to your strangely abused ears ,", "I like his care .", "Signior Corbaccio .", "May't please your fatherhoods \u2014", "Signior Corvino !", "This is a knave , I see .", "These limbs should affect venery ? or these eyes", "He is not able to endure the air .", ": This same", "Parasite !", "See here , grave fathers , here 's the ravisher ,", ": Yes , I hear Corbaccio", "Stand here , the most unhappy , innocent person ,", "But only conscience , conscience , my good sires ,", "I thank you for him .", "thought at once to stop", "Certain he doth delude all these for me .", "In the old gentleman , redeem themselves ,", "Your winter will come on .", "The father .", "Why , what success ?", "Taking an inventory ! that is well .", "Than indignation . May it please the court ,", "Most true .", "Three years and more , out of his innocent couch ,", "Having this settled purpose , by what means", "I crave your care of this good gentleman ,", "To shame the state of Venice . This lewd woman ,", ": Grave fathers ,", "But with what purpose sought he him , my lords ?", "But sure , the sight will rather move your pities ,", "Hearing of this foul fact , with many others ,", "Not take your wisdoms : but this day she baited", "And help him of a malady ; be courteous .", "Your constancy is all that is required", ": Now , my faithful Mosca ,", "The most prodigious and most frontless piece", "Is he come now , to trouble us !", "The rack hath cured the gout ; \u2018 faith , give it him ,", "That makes me now tell trueth . That parasite ,", "In impious acts , their constancy abounds :", ": Well , flesh-fly , it is summer with you now ;", "His father 's ends ; discredit his free choice", "But owes the forfeit of his life , yea , fame ,", "That ever vicious nature yet brought forth", "Mosca the heir ?", "The grand voluptuary ! Do you not think", "But , as I said , my honour 'd sires , his father", ": Yes , I do know it well , it is my hand ;", "And therefore crave it , since we have no reason", ": Ay , to your hopes , as well as mine , Corvino :", ": \u2018 Pray thee hear me :", "But all that it contains is false .", "I do beseech your fatherhoods , read but those \u2014", "Where am I ?", "Is not to know it ; well , we shall requite it .", "at last decreed", "Let him have scope : can any man imagine", "Hath long been known a close adulteress ,", "To observe the malice , yea , the rage of creatures", "What do I know ?", "His servant in the face : and , with this strumpet", "Discover 'd in their evils ; and what heart", "Should have so foul , felonious intent !", "Am I ?", "there sought his father :\u2014", "Would run on errands , and make legs for crumbs ?", "To him that dares traduce him ? which of you", "I tremble to pronounce it , that a son", "But I 'll use modesty . Pleaseth your wisdoms ,", "So above all powers of their gratitude ,", "I could as well give health to you , as that plate !", ": Nay , nay , grave fathers ,", "To view these certain notes , and but confer them ;", "Put him to the strappado : I have heard", "Well , what I 'll do \u2014", "By his more happy absence , what then did he ?", ": Come ,", "I 'll undertake , before these honour 'd fathers ,", "To the discovery of your tricks , I fear .", "By laying infamy upon this man ,", "That can beguile so under shade of virtue .", "To him betray 'd , we know not , and this day", "Where is her husband ? Let him be sent for straight .", "No more than his good patron , old Volpone .", "To help the vizor she has now put on ,", "Pardon 'd : whose timeless bounty makes him now", "I know not which to address myself to first ;", "That vicious persons , when they 're hot and flesh 'd", "How fare you , sir ?", "O me ! I was too violent .", "Never .", "To fear our truth should hurt our cause .", "Your patron should reciprocate ? And you have promised ?", "The officer told me .", "An act of horror , fathers ! he dragg 'd forth", "In the mean time , he may be heard in me ;", ": For which , now struck in conscience , here , I prostate", "Put not your foists upon me ; I shall scent them .", "As I hope favour , they shall speak clear truth .", ": Scarce ,", "What , with a present ?", "With him ; and by this man , the easy husband ,", "We thank your fatherhoods .\u2014 How like you it ?", "Your fatherhoods fit pleasures be obey 'd ;"], "true_target": ["It smell not rank , and most abhorred slander ?", "Happy , happy , me ! By what good chance , sweet Mosca ?", "Of solid impudence , and treachery ,", "Together on the water in a gondola .", "Have spared his parent ?", "Once win upon your justice , to forgive \u2014", "A stranger , a grave knight , with her loose eyes ,", "And as for them , I will conclude with this ,", "Or if , unto the dullest nostril here ,", "Preserve himself a parent ,", ": Best try him then with goads , or burning irons ;", "Whether your fatherhoods , or these innocents \u2014", "The parasite , grave fathers .", "Of thanks , devise to extirpe the memory", "Troublesome knave ! thou dost torment me .", "I know this place most void of prejudice ,", "Myself at your offended feet , for pardon .", ": It is not passion in me , reverend fathers ,", "That wants no artificial looks or tears", "What says he ?", "Art sure he lives ?", "Who is it ?", ": Grave fathers ,", "The rider on men 's wives , the great impostor ,", "Will more appear .\u2014 This gentleman , the father ,", "He lives \u2014", "May pass with sufferance ; what one citizen", "Sincere .", ": Thy modesty", ": O , my most honour 'd fathers , let your mercy", "I am distracted \u2014", "For these not knowing how to owe a gift", "How now , my Mosca ?", "So much more full of danger is his vice ,", ": Outstript thus , by a parasite ! a slave ,", "That ever man 's own goodness made accused .", ": You , sir . What device is this", "Enter 'd Volpone 's house ,", "As she has known adulterers , or thou strumpets .\u2014", "Yes , I shall sir .", "O , my most equal hearers , if these deeds ,", "The stale to his forged practice , who was glad", ": O ,", "And more lascivious kisses . This man saw them", "I find thy constancy .", "That he will spare his accuser , that would not", "You are his , ONLY ? and mine , also ? are you not ?", "And put to utter dumbness their bold tongues :", "But , Mosca \u2014", ": O no , none :", "Naked upon the floor , there left him ; wounded", "To be so active ,\u2014", "This must be stopt .", ": No ,", "Is doubtless some familiar .", "Are they not fit to stroke a lady 's breasts ?\u2014", "I cannot style him better , by confederacy", ": May her feignings", "She is a creature of a most profest", ": Well , now you know the carriage of the business ,", "Not check his wicked thoughts ; no , now new deeds ,", "Where 's the Will ? Let me read that the while .", "Perhaps he doth dissemble !", ": Upon my faith and credit with your virtues ,", "Preparing this his paramour to be there ,", "And grieved in nothing more than that he could not", "Of such an act : wherein I pray your fatherhoods", "I 'll leave you .", "Began to hate the benefit ; and , in place", "Which daily struck at his too tender ears ,", "Lives .", "Will't please you , sir , to go along ?", "Mosca !\u2014", "Unto the safety of it .", "Come sir , leave your prating .", "Such take , even from their crimes :\u2014 but that anon", "Have any face or colour like to truth ?", "Acts of this bold and most exorbitant strain ,", "The testimony comes , that will convince ,", "To whom , with blushing , they should owe their lives .", "Then know , most honour 'd fathers , I must now", "How ?", "Are safe , my honour 'd fathers ? I would ask ,", "Appointed for the deed ; that parricide ,", "It was to murder him : when being prevented", "Here they come , have done .", "To disinherit him .", ": A strange , officious ,", "Am I inscribed his heir for certain ?", "Damn 'd deeds are done with greatest confidence .", ": O no , my honour 'd fathers ,", "That knave , hath been the instrument of all .", "Bring him to the Scrutineo .", ": Here , here ,", "With leave of your grave fatherhoods , if their plot", "What do you mean ?", "The aged gentleman that had there lain bed-rid", "But am I sole heir ?", "He shall have yet as many left diseases ,", ": Whom equally", ": I 'm sorry ,", "Unto a father , and to such a father ,", "Of that dear grace , but with their shame ; being placed", ": No sir ; would to heaven ,", "I say , but known , and taken in the act", "I have abused , out of most covetous ends \u2014", "I cry thee mercy , Mosca .", "And prostituted lewdness .", "Hath made your patron there his heir .", "To see you still thus weak .", "Mistaking knave ! what , mockst thou my misfortune ?", "Covet a concubine ? pray you mark these hands ;"], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [": All these", "Here , I have brought a bag of bright chequines ,", "He came unto him , did he ? I thought so .", "Stood by while it was made ; saw all the ingredients :", "Me !", "O , but colour ?", "What 's that ?", "How ! have you business ?", "My son !", ": Well ,", "For that hereafter ; now his patron 's dead .", "What say'st thou ?", "To be his heir ?", "Mosca the heir !", "I conceive you ; good .", "Here is the Will .", "Why , mine 's no tale : my son would there have kill 'd me .", "Some counsel of physicians : I have brought him", "\u2018 Tis done , \u2018 tis done , I go .", "Ay , do , do , do :", "Ay , peace .", "What 's that ?", "Nay , I 'll not bid you .", "Be careful , then .", "Dost thou mock me ?", "Dispatch it .", "What ?", "So is the parasite too .", ": It is true , they kill ,", "What 's that ?", "Out , arrant knave !", "Nothing ! ha ?", "Whatever , be put in , jewels , plate , moneys ,", "Has he made his will ? What has he given me ?", "My life for his , \u2018 tis but to make him sleep .", "Is that strong on him still ?", "You hardly can perceive him , that he breathes .", "The mere portent of nature ! He is an utter stranger to my loins .", "How , how , good Mosca ?", "Do so , and there 's for thee .", "I know it too .", "That 's well . Where is he ?", "\u2018 Tis good .", "What , come again !", "Publish 'd me his heir ?", "I shall prevent him , yet . See , Mosca , look ,", "I may have my youth restored to me , why not ?", "I do conceive , sweet Mosca .", "And \u2014", "To-day ?", "Again , to afflict us ! monster !", "Good .", "Ay .", "Where ?", "Knave \u2014", "Yes , with all my heart .", "I know thee honest .", "Ay , do , do , do .", "What ? I think I do .", ": Excellent , excellent ! sure I shall outlast him :", "Mine own project .", "Household stuff , bedding , curtains .", "Avoid , you rascal !", ": So , set me down :", ": The advocate 's a knave ,", "This makes me young again , a score of years .", "\u2018 Tis true .", "I 'll have my mouth first stopt with earth ; my heart", "Did I think on before .", "Ha ! is the hour come , Mosca ?", ": I thought on that too . See , how he should be", "And know , it cannot but most gently work :", "They say , the court is set .", "Good symptoms , still ."], "true_target": ["Mosca !", ": O , no , no , no ,", "Or any man . How does his apoplex ?", ": Is't possible ? yet I am better , ha !", "How ?", "And get you home .", "Will quite weigh down his plate .", "Two chequines is well ?", "Speak not , thou viper .", ": Ay , I 'll come upon him", "O , no , no , no ; by no means .", "I 'll straight about it .", "Well , there 's three \u2014", "Is that the will ?", ": Ay , or me ;", "How does your patron ?", "Away , thou varlet !", "B : O , sir , \u2018 tis past the scotomy ; he now", "With as much license as a judge .", ": True :", "What must I do now ?", "See , in our habit ! see the impudent varlet !", "Are out of hope : I am sure , the man .", "How ! how ! Stronger then he was wont ?", "Be you as careful now for me .", ": Speak to the knave ?", "Right , I do conceive you .", "Harlot , thou hast gull 'd me .", ": Right and well :", "An opiate here , from mine own doctor .", ": And disinherit", "Monster of men , swine , goat , wolf , parricide !", ": \u2018 Tis true , therefore forbear ; I 'll take my venture :", "I 'll pay him now ; you 'll be too prodigal .", "Ah ! what said he ?", "Why , how now , Mosca ?", ": Good ! he should take", ": I am cozen 'd , cheated , by a parasite slave ;", "Still , my invention .", "I do conceive you .", "Out , harlot !", "\u2018 Say you ? \u2018 say you ?", "I do not doubt , to be a father to thee .", "\u2018 Tis too much .", "What do these here ?", "The very organ to express my thoughts !", "Not I his heir ?", "The air 's infected where he breathes .", "Dost thou not hear ?", ": This act shall disinherit him indeed ;", "Could'st thou not give him a dram ?", "Yes , do , do , do .", "Is it done , Mosca ?", ": Why ? I myself", "What ! mends he ?", "He must pronounce me his ?", "O , good !", "Hath lost his feeling , and hath left to snort :", "I do not mean it .", ": This plot", "How does he , with the swimming of his head ?", "O , none else ?", "Give me it again .", "And has a forked tongue \u2014", "Good , good .", "Oh , oh , oh ! But what did Voltore , the Lawyer , here ?", "Does he sleep well ?", "But multiplied it on my son .", "\u2018 Tis aurum palpabile , if not potabile .", "How does he ? will he die shortly , think'st thou ?", "Abhors his knowledge : I disclaim in him .", ": And look that all ,", ": I will not hear thee ,", "Do you not believe it ?"], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": ["Heart , I 'll drag thee hence , home , by the hair ;", "That has no sense , no sinew ; takes his meat", "His nose is like a common sewer , still running .", ": I fear no one but him , that this his pleading", "Possest : nay , if there be possession , and", "And honest polity , to assure mine own .", "Thou'dst tremble , to imagine , that the murder", "Most graciously , and fan your favours forth ,", "And , now I think o n't , I will keep thee backwards ;", "Can help , but impudence .", "O , my dear Mosca !", "Will you disgrace me thus ? Do you thirst my undoing ?", "Thou seest \u2018 tis nothing , Celia . By this hand ,", "Or his embroider 'd suit , with the cope-stitch ,", "Or were you enamour 'd on his copper rings ,", "Well , it shall be less ;", "With a known knave , before a multitude !", "Ay , I perceive it plain .", "Do so .", "The thing he gaped for : please your fatherhoods ,", "You were an actor with your handkerchief ;", "When you do scald his gums ; a voice ; a shadow ;", "\u2018 Tis true .", "Ha ! by this light I talk 'd so but to try thee :", "Let him come in .", ": Grave fathers , he 's possest ; again , I say ,", "Come kiss me . Go , and make thee ready , straight ,", "You would be damn 'd , ere you did this , you whore !", "Are at the stake", "Nor horn-mad , see you ? Go to , shew yourself", "Should have confirm 'd thee . Come , I am not jealous .", "My Mosca , welcome !", "And till't be done , some two or three yards off ,", "Nor look toward the window : if thou dost \u2014", "The other , but he may be some-deal faulty .", "Now it is her fault :", "Since you will not contain your subtle nostrils", "By no means .", ": What does the advocate here ,", "Unsatisfied , grave fathers !", "And save my reputation , it were somewhat ;", "Will he betray himself ?", "Who now is dead \u2014", "With others \u2019 fingers ; only knows to gape ,", "A crew of old , unmarried , noted letchers ,", "But I will make thee an anatomy ,", "And see I 'll give thee cause too , to believe it .", ", MOS : Most honour 'd fathers !\u2014", "Whom I will kill , and bind thee to him , alive ;", ": Sweet Celia ,", "Rare ! Prettily feign 'd , again !", ": Tarry ,", "All that I speak I mean ; yet I 'm not mad ;", "Ran down in streaks !", "Why ? what ? wherein ?", "Expecting how thou'lt bid them flow \u2014", "And so be thou , lest they should be before us :", "And have mine eyes beat out with stinking fish ,", "To his drug-lecture draws your itching ears ,", "Methinks the lightness of the occasion", "Ay , what shall he do ?", "It cannot be . All his ingredients", "And burning corsives , on this stubborn breast .", "On the first hearing , as thou mayst do , truly ,", "Of a poor spoonful of dead wine , with flies i n't ?", "The letters may be read , through the horn ,", "Thy mouth unto thine ears ; and slit thy nose ,", "You might forget it , and then they prevent us .", "To her damnation , if there be a hell", "This is my villainous fortune ! Best to hire", "The cases are all one of wife and daughter .", "The man is mad !", "The devil has enter 'd him !", "Known him a common rogue , come fidling in", "You will not be rebellious ? by that light \u2014", "I 'll chalk a line : o'er which if thou but chance", ": Sirrah , you think the privilege of the place ,", ": Or if I said , I hoped that she were onward", "And were professed critic in lechery ;", ": Be damn 'd !", "How ? how ? how ? how ?", "And at a public window ! where , whilst he ,", "Hark hither .", "For , hoping to be old Volpone 's heir ,", "But I had had this luck \u2014 The thing i n't self ,", "And that the feircest spies are tamed with gold ?", ": I 've told you reasons ;", "Made of a herse-cloth ? or his old tilt-feather ?", "Now , I could kill the rascal : it cannot be ,", "Some few sod earwigs pounded caterpillars ,", "He has been often subject to these fits .", "With his strain 'd action , and his dole of faces ,", "If not , esteem yourself as lost ,\u2014 Nay , stay there .", ": I am curs 'd ,", "As well command my blood and my affections ,", "\u2018 Tis well urged .", "If any man", "Which he most sweetly kist in the receipt ,", "Of father , mother , brother , all thy race ,", ": We 'll make all sure . The party you wot of", "Shall be mine own wife , Mosca .", "Less to thyself , than in this heat of wrath", ": And credit nothing the false spirit hath writ :", "\u2014 What , blubbering ?", "That 's such a jig ; as if I would go tell it ,", "Can warrant your abuses ; come you hither :", "To what I now decree : and therefore mark me .", ": Nay , now , there is no starting back , and therefore ,", "Obsession , he has both .", "Or touch him , but . For my sake .\u2014 At my suit .\u2014", "And thy restraint before was liberty ,", "It is a poor unprofitable humour .", "Thou art my friend , my fellow , my companion ,", "They 'll do \u2018 gainst all the watches of the world ,", "Good faith , thou shalt have jewels , gowns , attires ,", "Whose lips are in my pocket ? save yourself ,", "Yes .", ": No , no .", ": Death of mine honour , with the city 's fool !", "He is possest .", "Come , dry those tears . I think thou thought'st me in earnest ;", "This man 's distracted ; he confest it now :", "At old Volpone 's , where it shall appear", "How far I am free from jealousy or fear .", ": Grateful Mosca !", "And , what can this man hurt you ?", "Nay , stay , hear this \u2014 let me not prosper , whore ,", "Some good to help the bad .\u2014", "That I may shew it these , and rid them hence .", "I will not trouble him now , to take my pearl .", "Shall come to know it .", "And modesty of your most reverend ears .", "Upon thee to the city , and in public .", "A very draught .", "To the osteria , with a tumbling whore ,", "There 's no such thing , in nature : a mere term", "But do not you forget to send now .", "But for your Will , sir .", "This were a sin : but here , \u2018 tis contrary ,", "Thou may'st redeem all , yet ; I 'll say no more :", "His master 's dead : There 's yet", "Knew every quirk within lust 's labyrinth ,", "I know no other ,", "We are invited to a solemn feast ,", ": Be not thus obstinate , I have not deserved it :", "But spightfully to affect my utter ruin !", "Thy lodging shall be backwards ; thy walks backwards ;", ": What couldst thou propose", ": Faith I am not I , nor never was ;", "I have a diamond for him , too .", "My honest nature , know , it is your own ,", "You shall perceive , sir , I dare beat you ; approach .", "But he that cannot speak it , and this fellow ,", "To some young Frenchman , or hot Tuscan blood", "For my recovery : wherefore , if you be", ": Heart of my father !", "Dead since , grave fathers \u2014", "In a sweet room , but they must snuff the air", "That had read Aretine , conn 'd all his prints ,", "To give your hot spectators satisfaction !", "And , when he has done all his forced tricks , been glad", "I shall not see my shame yet .", "Is't not his death ?", "She has watch 'd her time . Ods precious , this is scurvy ,", "Or this Corbaccio ?", "Cry thee a strumpet through the streets ; rip up", "Like a raw rotchet !\u2014 Do not tempt me ; come ,", "Pox o \u2019 that fricace .", "My conscience fools my wit ! Well , I 'll be brief ,", "And stung with my dishonour , I should strike", "I have brought him here a pearl .", "Because I would avoid all shifts and tricks ,", ": Now , I will :", "I pray you , use no violence ."], "true_target": ["I prithee give me leave .", "He is not dead ?", "Nail 'd to your jolt-head with those two chequines ,", "That 's true , I had forgot :\u2014", "Have seen her glued unto that piece of cedar ,", ": I grant you : if I thought it were a sin ,", "Not his recovery ?", "And so you may be seen , down to the foot .", "What thou wilt think , and ask . Do but go kiss him .", ": My state ,", "Put them all on , and , with them , thy best looks :", "Is this my large hope 's issue ?", "I am bewitch 'd , my crosses meet to vex me .", "Yes .", "And yet I hope that I may say , these eyes", ": Most impetuous ,", "True ; I do doubt this advocate still .", ": Believe it , I have no such humour , I .", "And at my window hang you forth : devising", "Let 's fly him .", ", VOLT : We beg favour ,", "I know them to a dram .", "Ay , the devil !", "How !", "His circle 's safety ere his devil was laid .", "\u2014 One knocks .", "Does he not perceive us ?", "And be a dealer with the virtuous man ;", "There 's no shame in this now , is there ?", "Mosca , \u2018 pray you a word .", "And save your dowry . I 'm a Dutchman , I !", "That I could shoot mine eyes at him like gun-stones .", "How shall I do then ?", "But knows the advocate the truth ?", "And willingness I do it ; swear it was", "Thy prospect , all be backwards ; and no pleasure ,", "My partner , and shalt share in all my fortunes .", ": He does speak", "Has he children ?", "Then here 's a lock which I will hang upon thee ;", "Will eat into thy flesh with aquafortis ,", "In all thy best attire , thy choicest jewels ,", "And point the place where you might meet : your sister 's ,", "\u2018 Tis very scurvy : and you are \u2014", "Yes .", "Away , and be not seen , pain of thy life ;", "He shall come home , and minister unto you", "Do not I know , if women have a will ,", "A little capon 's grease , and fasting spittle :", "Resolve upon it : I have so decreed .", "Dissect thee mine own self , and read a lecture", "Out of mere envy , \u2018 cause the servant 's made", "Should make him stand for a co-heir \u2014", "First , I will have this bawdy light damm 'd up ;", "Obedient , and a wife .", "Of rank and sweaty passengers .", "Are a sheep 's gall , a roasted bitch 's marrow ,", "Unless \u2018 t be for his counsel , which is nothing ,", "Our first tale good , for both our reputations .", "Why , am I his heir ?", "I guess your news .", "Covetous wretch !\u2014 Mosca , I have determined .", "A juggling , tooth-drawing , prating mountebank !", "How do you , sir ? Tell him , it doubles the twelfth caract .", "A pious work , mere charity for physic ,", "May it please your fatherhoods \u2014", "Who 's there ?", "Do as you will : but I 'll begone .", "The worse , for touching , clothes for being look 'd on ?", "Of what ?", "I heard so .", "Whore , crocodile , that hast thy tears prepared ,", ": Ay , a plague o n't ,", "This is the truth , though I 'll not justify", "Wilt thou persist thus ? come , I pray thee , come .", "This steel into thee , with as many stabs ,", "Away !", ": Say ,", "Nay , at your discretion .", "Thanks , sweet Mosca .", "Where are you , Celia ? You know not wherefore I have brought you hither ?", "And for your fame ,", "Nay , now .", "As thou wert gaz 'd upon with goatish eyes ?", "Or his starch 'd beard ? Well ; you shall have him , yes !", "I 'd speak with you .", "\u2014 mine is , I am sure .", "It cannot be , but he 's possest grave fathers .", "Of most hot exercise , more than a partrich ,", "Should follow , as the subject of my justice .", ": Yes ,", "Where are you , wife ? my Celia ? wife ?", "That thou shalt know but backwards : nay , since you force", "Hence , varlet .", "Slight ! if this doctor , who is not engaged ,", "Make one : I 'll but protest myself a cuckold ,", "And might , no doubt , return it with a letter ,", "What the physicians have set down ; how much", "Think who it is intreats you . \u2018 Prithee , sweet ;\u2014", "Why , if you 'll mount , you may ; yes truly , you may :", "The fricace for the mother . Or , let me see ,", "To set thy desperate foot ; more hell , more horror", "Tut , I am confident in thee , thou shalt see't ;", "Greater than whore and woman ; a good catholic", ": We must maintain", "Get you a cittern , lady Vanity ,", "It may concern me ; what my engagements are ;", "Your mother 's , or your aunt 's might serve the turn .", "May make the doubt .", ": No ! not to seek and entertain a parley", "I would not urge you . Should I offer this", ": Grave fathers ,", "As this dull doctor ? In the point of honour ,", "Cry it on the Piazza ! who shall know it ,", ": This woman , please your fatherhoods , is a whore ,", "Some common courtezan .", "Venice was never owner of the like .", "Being too open , makes me use you thus :", ": S'death ! if she would but speak to him ,", "Stood leering up like satyrs ; and you smile", ": She shall do't : \u2018 tis done .", "And your red saucy cap , that seems to me", "Mine own free motion .", "This once .\u2014 No ! not ! I shall remember this .", ": Death ! that damn 'd mountebank ; but for the law", "Yield , I am loth \u2014 Death ! I will buy some slave", ": Nay , I consider 'd that :", ": Death to my hopes ,", ": Mosca , the Will ,", "Now , by the blood thou hast incensed , I 'll do it !", ": Yes , but I fear 'd", "Upon record \u2014", "Neighs like a jennet .", "Go home , prepare him , tell him with what zeal", "Offer his daughter , what should I , that am", "So deeply in ? I will prevent him : Wretch !", "His saffron jewel , with the toad-stone i n't ,", "Bruised fruit and rotten eggs \u2014 \u2018 Tis well . I am glad", "Or do you but delude me ?", ": An arrant Locust , by heaven , a locust !", ": Or like an old smoked wall , on which the rain", "What 's that ?", "How !", "That fine well-timber 'd gallant ; and that here", "My life , my fame \u2014", "What ; was your mountebank their call ? their whistle ?", "And I would look upon him , and applaud him ,", "\u2018 Las , good gentleman ! How pitiful the sight is !", ": Honour ! tut , a breath :", ": Come on , what \u2014", "Loyal , and mine , be won , respect my venture .", ": I say it ,", "More wild remorseless rage shall seize on thee ,", "For , if you thought me an Italian ,", "His oil should have that virtue . Have not I", "That 's well , that 's well . Art sure he does not hear us ?", "That make the story perfect .", "Invented to awe fools . What is my gold", "I shall grow violent . Come , do't , I say .", ": I shall ,", "My means ; and the necessity of those means ,", "Some monstrous crime , which I , in capital letters ,", "That might deny me .", "It must be done . Nor would I move't , afore ,", "\u2018 Tis too manifest .", "Well .", "I trust thee , Mosca .", "His daughter !", "Is this in earnest ?", "I know , is nothing \u2014 Wherefore should not I", "Why , this is no more . An old decrepit wretch ,", "I think you 'd rather mount ; would you not mount ?", "Than on a conjurer , that had heedless left", "But , Mosca \u2014", ": Be constant , sir : nought now"], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": ["MARK 'S PLACE ; A RETIRED CORNER BEFORE CORVINO 'S HOUSE ."], "true_target": ["THOMAS A WATERINGS , place in Surrey where criminals were executed ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": ["Nay , sir , read forth .", ": Not all sir , but", "He cannot write his name , but that 's his mark .", "Suck from one flower .", "That I know of . Well ! that same fellow was an unknown fool .", "Put case , that you or I were ill affected", "Or would be made so , I could shew you reasons", "See how the people follow him ! he 's a man", "When you must eat your melons , and your figs .", "I mean , in hope of pension , to propound", "I knew him one of the most dangerous heads", "The noses of my bellows ; and those bellows", "There are some others too with whom I treat", "What observation is ! You mention 'd me ,", "And at a certain rate , from Rotterdam ,", "My name is Politick Would-be .", "Now , sir , it being so portable a thing ,", "Advertise to the state , how fit it were ,", "I am a wretch , a wretch !", "I know not . I 'll stand upon my guard .", "I knew the forms , so well \u2014", "Within the first week of my landing here ,", "Your courteous pardon . There hath chanced to-day ,", "I meant , as they are themes .", "In oranges , musk-melons , apricocks ,", "Both of your company , and discourse ; beware", ": First , for your garb , it must be grave and serious ,", "They have been intercepted .", "Any suspected part of all the Levant ,", ": Yes , one", "From one of their own coat , they were return 'd ,", "Where I have correspendence . There 's a letter ,", ": Fearful ! Pray you , sir , confirm me ,", "Nay , so I will .", "Were I false ,", "May write ten thousand crowns in bank here . Note ,", "How do you like him , sir ?", "The state he keeps in getting up .", ": Nor reveal", ": Enquire .\u2014", "The metal of your glass ;", ": Sir , one that , though his place be obscure ,", "Or you , come out again , and none the wiser ?", "Some trick of state , believe it . I will home .", "A fugitive punk ?", "Unkind disaster \u2018 twixt my lady and me ;", "I reach you not .", "A conceal 'd statesman , in a trencher of meat ;", "I heard last night a most strange thing reported", "And I was penning my apology ,", "Nay , I 've observed him , at your public ordinary ,", "Which is the easiest matter of a hundred .", "Trusting our hopeful gentry unto pedants ,", "Not to anticipate \u2014", ": Is't possible ? believe it ,", "Of your crude traveller , and they are these .", "To burn my papers .", ": I had read Contarene , took me a house ,", "He should not think again . I would command it .", ": I did so . Sir ,", "About the Lazaretto , for their trial ;", ": With certain projects that I have ;", "Of the Italian mountebanks ?", ": Why , the meat was cut", "Sir , I have an ingine \u2014", "Very reserv 'd , and lock 'd ; not tell a secret", "No family is here , without its box .", "Sound lovers of their country , should be suffer 'd", ": My first is", "If two , I can defalk :\u2014 but this is now ,", "And the new star ! these things concurring , strange ,", "And cabinet counsellors to the greatest princes ;", "Laid for this height of Venice , to observe ,", ": Pray you , what news , sir , vents our climate ?", "For those be they you must converse with , most ;", "Spite of their galleys , or their \u2014", "Another man than has been phant'sied to you .", "What prodigies be these ? The fires at Berwick !", "Will they not leave these projects ? Worthy sir ,", "And in an hour clear the doubt .", "To be , where I have been consulted with ,", ": Make him rich ; make him a fortune :", "Newly arrived from Soria , or from", "Where I was bred , and unto which I owe", "I have some general notions . I do love", "Or \u2014 I will lose my labour .", "Of knowing men 's minds , and manners , with Ulysses !", "and to know the hour", "And , for your part , protest , were there no other", "I keep , with water-works , in perpetual motion ,", "I would I had my note .", "Which I do call \u201c my Cautions ; \u201d and , sir , which", "Which I may not discover .", "Might not I go into the Arsenal ,", "What they should say , sometimes ; as well as greater :", "What should these things portend ?", "I not profess it , but my fate hath been", ": Why this it is , that spoils all our brave bloods ,", "Of Venice with red herrings for three years ,", "That none but such as were known patriots ,", "In Colchester oysters , and your Selsey cockles .", "Some few perticulars I have set down ,", "Preposterous in the least , he has him straight ;", ": The gentleman , believe it , is of worth ,", "Of seeing countries , shifting a religion ,", "Ay , is't not good ?", "I do assure you , sir , that is his aim .", "O , I shall be the fable of all feasts ,", "Yet he can sway , and they will hear him . He 's", "Most admired statesmen , profest favourites ,", ": I dare the safelier converse \u2014 How long , sir ,", "\u2018 Twas either sent from Spain , or the archdukes :", "So to the Ten . My means are made already \u2014", "In the dear tongues , never discourse to you", "I love to be considerative ; and \u2018 tis true ,", "Has put his face as soon into the world \u2014", "Here is a gentleman , pray you , use him fairly ;", ": Sir , I must crave", "And those dispensed again to ambassadors ,", "To hear how \u2018 twill be seconded .", "To give her satisfaction , as you came now .", "Is not his language rare ?", "By some of my lord 's followers , and I long", "Here in this nook , that has been wont t'appear", "Upon my knowledge , out of the Low Countries ,", "The freight of the gazetti ; ship-boy 's tale ;", "For all parts of the world , in cabbages ;", "Wherein I note my actions of the day .", "No action of my life , but thus I quote it .", "So lately ! You have not been with my lord ambassador ?", "As they give out ?", "To mine own heart , whom I durst trust , I would \u2014", "Yet , I protest , it is no salt desire", "Were she not mine , a lady of that merit ,", "Is full of loop-holes , out at which I thrust", "It is not Italy , nor France , nor Europe ,", "He seems a youth , but he is \u2014", "And now stand fair for fresh employment .", "Did not I now object the same ?", "Some thirty livres \u2014", "And you be such a one , I must bid adieu", ": Go to , then . I therefore", "First , I bring in your ship \u2018 twixt two brick walls ;", "Fellows of outside , and mere bark . You seem", "That I have thought upon before time .", "But a peculiar humour of my wife 's", "Must easily read the cipher .", "How I could sell this state now , to the Turk ;", "But wonder at the diversity , of all :", "Was that the character he gave you of them ?", "Their hand in a French plot or two ; but they", "Were so extremely given to women , as", "Others I would not know , sir , but at distance ,", "I shall ne'er endure the torture . Marry , it is , sir , of a tortoise-shell , Fitted for these extremities : pray you , sir , help me . Here I 've a place , sir , to put back my legs , Please you to lay it on , sir ,\u2014 with this cap , And my black gloves . I 'll lie , sir , like a tortoise , \u2018 Till they are gone .", "Made their relations , as the fashion is ,", ": Nay , sir , conceive me . It will cost me in onions ,", "He has received weekly intelligence ,", ": No . This is my diary ,"], "true_target": ["A circumstance \u2014 My paper is not with me .", "To quote , to learn the language , and so forth \u2014", "So like his character , and so laid , as he", "O me !", "Carries but three men in her , and a boy ;", "Convey an answer in a tooth-pick .", "I have at my free hours thought upon", "I will not touch , sir , at your phrase , or clothes ,", "I wonder yet , that he should mount his bank ,", ": Sir , I but talk 'd so ,", "To be a gentleman , of ingenuous race :\u2014", ": Mine own device \u2014 Good sir , bid my wife 's women", "Be guilty of the plague : and where they use", ": Madam ,", "Unto the state , sir ; with it in our pockets ,", "And handling of your silver fork at meals ;", "On any terms , not to your father ; scarce", "Or else remain as fair as at the first .", "Were there three porpoises seen above the bridge ,", ": My next is , how to enquire , and be resolv 'd ,", "So , if there come but one of three , I save ,", "For fashion and behaviour ; and , for beauty", ": Why , came you forth", "To enjoy them in their houses ; and even those", "Some certain goods unto the state of Venice ,", "Since you left England ?", "To lie out forty , fifty days , sometimes ,", ": This three weeks , all my advices , all my letters ,", "The air upon him , will show , instantly ,", "For some instructions : I will tell you , sir ,", "Well , if I could but find one man , one man", "For mine own private use ; and know the ebbs ,", "And of our nation .", "And full of omen ! Saw you those meteors ?", ": Here it is ,", "Mark but his gesture :\u2014 I do use to observe", "Lemons , pome-citrons , and such-like : sometimes", "Attract the infection , and your bellows blowing", "You shall have tricks else past upon you hourly .", ": Now heaven !", "All took me for a citizen of Venice :", "I am astonish 'd .", "Creeping with house on back : and think it well ,", "So as I still might be a saver in them :", "To shrink my poor head in my politic shell .", "Another whelp !", ": One is , and that", "Stone dead !", "\u2018 Pray you , observe .", "And flows of state .", ": Is't he ? Nay , then", "To your delights . The case appears too liquid .", ": I should be loth to draw the subtle air", ": \u2018 Tis she indeed , sir ; you shall know her . She is ,", "I care not greatly who knows , to serve the state", "In face of the Piazza !\u2014 Here , he comes .", "A poor knight , sir .", "That must bound me , if my fates call me forth .", "Sent me from one of the states , and to that purpose :", "And to't , as sound a noddle \u2014", "Some other news .", "I think I have my notes to shew you \u2014", ": Pity his ignorance .", "About the same negociation ;", ": Nay ,", "The only languaged men of all the world !", "On your knowledge ?", "Is Mass Stone dead ?", "In policy , by those that did employ him :", ": And I to shun this place and clime for ever ;", "They are the only knowing men of Europe !", ": But you shall swear unto me , on your gentry ,", "And she shall make me three returns a year :", "Here shall you see one .", "Nor any disaffection to the state", ": No , a cheesemonger .", ": Sir , to a wise man , all the world 's his soil :", "To note and to observe : though I live out ,", ": Ay , was", "By present demonstration , whether a ship ,", "Where 's my lady ? Knows she of this ?", "I 'll proudly promise , sir , you shall behold", ": Sweet madam ,", ": Why ,", "Spinola 's whale , upon my life , my credit !", "I told you , sir , his end .", "Dealt with my Jews to furnish it with moveables \u2014", ": While he lived , in action .", "Now , sir , your onion , which doth naturally", "Empty of rules , for travel ?", "Nic . Machiavel , and Monsieur Bodin , both", ": Marry , sir , of a raven that should build", "Nay , and for discourse \u2014", "My lady !", "I have them not about me .", "How 's this ?", "To the Great Council , then unto the Forty ,", "The currents and the passages of things ,", ": Fellows , to mount a bank . Did your instructor", "I now have lived here , \u2018 tis some fourteen months", "Had my advices here , on Wednesday last .", "For your Venetian , if he see a man", "I 'll not dissemble , sir : where'er I come ,", ": Alas , sir , I have none , but notes", "Drawn out of play-books \u2014", "Note but his bearing , and contempt of these .", "I strain me a fair tarpauling , and in that", "Only for this meridian , fit to be known", "Seal 'd at some office , and at such a bigness", "If my main project fail .", ": Sir , I do slip", "Now by my spurs , the symbol of my knighthood ,\u2014", "My dearest plots , hath brought me out ; much less ,", "Not to strangers ,", "And , which is worst , even talk for ordinaries .", "In a ship royal of the king 's .", ": Ay , ay , your Mamuluchi . Faith , they had", ": So \u2018 twas given out ,", "For they are old .", "I told you , sir , it was a plot : you see", "By his changed colour , if there be contagion ;", "He has ; he strips him . I 'll acquaint you , sir ,", ": Yes , sir ; the spider and the bee , ofttimes ,", "I 'll save that charge and loss unto the merchant ,", "\u2014 Now it is known , \u2018 tis nothing .", "Sir , calumnies are answer 'd best with silence . Yourself shall judge .\u2014 Who is it mounts , my friends ?", "And instantly , before the meal was done ,", "Of such a place , without my thousand aims .", "But those the state shall venture : On the one", "I hope you travel , sir , with license ?", "Take his advertisement from a traveller", "I 'll do't with ease , I have cast it all : Your hoy", "In this high kind , touching some great men 's sons ,", ": Sir , upon my knowledge .", ": Beside my water-works : for this I do , sir .", "Persons of blood , and honour .\u2014", "And I will undertake it : for , \u2018 tis thus .", ": Pardon ,", "A commandador .", "I stick my onions , cut in halves : the other", "But simply the laws o \u2019 the land , you could content you ,", "You never speak a truth \u2014", "Great general scholars , excellent physicians ,", "They made discovery of all : yet I", "Free from the active torrent , yet I 'd mark", "Concerning tinder-boxes . You must know ,", "As might not lurk in pockets .", "Were of this mind . Then must you learn the use", "I durst compare \u2014", "Come nearer to your aim .", "That idle , antique , stale , gray-headed project", "Excellent ! have you heard better language , sir ?", "Sir , such as they are , put it in their mouths ,", "For discourse sake merely .", "And some essays . What shall I do ?", "A fable , but with caution ; make sure choice", "Living within the state , and so I held him .", "And then , for your religion , profess none ,", "But he could read , and had your languages ,"], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [": Yes , and have his", "For my behaviour , and my bearing , which", "Most strangely , I !", "Which they have valued at twelve crowns before .", "If those require him whole , these will exact him ,", "I cry you mercy ; I have heard much of you :", "Few know how many months , for the subversion", "Seven weeks .", "Being your wife , she cannot miss that .", "Or , if you could lie round , a frail were rare :", "But \u2014 here he deigns to come .", ": This knight ,", ": Sir , I am grieved I bring you worse disaster :", "Peace , sir .", "Myself in no small tie unto my fortunes ,", "What was't , sir ?", "Made all of terms and shreds ; no less beliers", "That I fear 'd . They are there , sir .", "Pray you , sir Pol .", "To fit our English stage : he that should write", "To sell the State of Venice to the Turk .", "Were he well known , would be a precious thing", ": I have heard ,", "Well , wise sir Pol , since you have practised thus", "Indeed , sir ?", "I burst immediatly , in a discourse", "You did so , sir .", "Yes , sir .", "From him I went and paid a moccinigo ,", "It is a fish .", "Sir , I have better .", "Farewell , most politic tortoise !", "Of tires , and fashions , and behaviour ,", "Strange ! How could this be , sir ?", "But one to wager with , I would lay odds now ,", "What , what , sir ?", "And do you use this often ? Is this part", "That side that 's next the sun , to the queen-apple .", ": They are quacksalvers ;", "Lord , how his brain is humbled for an oath !", ": It seems you are not jealous ,", ": This is fine , i'faith !", "What 's here ? Poetic fury , and historic storms ?", "The gentleman you met at the port to-day ,", "Six , and a sturgeon , sir .", "Am I enough disguised ?", "This sir Pol will be ignorant of nothing .", "And that you think us warm in our discourse ,", "Save you , fair lady ! Is sir Pol within ?", "Is here , to get some three or four gazettes ,", "\u2018 Tis worth it , sir .", "What should this mean , sir Pol ?", "Sir Politick Would-be ? no ; sir Politick Bawd .", "He 's a chandler ?", "Adventures put i \u2019 the Book of Voyages .", "Fellows , that live by venting oils and drugs .", "Believe me , it is wise !", "I would he had put in dry too .", "And I could send you aboard .", ": Faith , Stone the fool is dead ;", ": What monstrous and most painful circumstance", "A rat had gnawn my spur-leathers ; notwithstanding ,", "And call you this an ingine ?", "The very day", "\u201c Notandum ,", ": If I had", ": I am a merchant , that came here", "I cheapen 'd sprats ; and at St. Mark 's I urined . \u201d", "What proof it is against a counter-plot .", ": This is rare !", "For casting me thus luckily upon you ,", ": Why , am I in it , then ?", "With a Dutch merchant , \u2018 bout ragion del stato .", "Madam \u2014", "Yes .", "I 'll tell you a greater prodigy than these .", "His grave affair of state now ! how to make", "Lies here in Venice , for intelligence", "Whereof I bring him tidings .", "It may be some design on you :", "All my ambition is to fright him only .", "For your next project I shall be prepared :", "Indeed , sir !", ": For which , warrants are sign 'd by this time ,", "Yes , and your lion 's whelping , in the Tower .", "And so you are ; only your nose inclines ,", "To apprehend you , and to search your study", "That you profest to him to have a plot", "I may not lose him , for my mirth , till night .", "Admirable !", "Of the Stode fleet .", "That told you , he was newly arrived \u2014", "\u2014 It seems , sir , you know all ?", "Pray you say again ,", "Hark ! they are there .", ": Do you hear me , lady ?", ": No , sir , a spy set on you ;", "You make me wonder .", "There was a whale discover 'd in the river ,", "What , more changes yet !", "Know your approaches .", "O , but you can remember , sir .", "For papers \u2014", "Well , gentlemen , when I am in a while ,", "Good sir !\u2014 Creep .", "Desires to speak with him .", "\u2014 What might be", "All this , yet , will not do , eight crowns is high ."], "true_target": ["Whose knowledge , if your bounty equal it ,", "You are right , sir .", "Pray you , sir !", "And he has made relation to the senate ,", "Another , sir .", "But such a fellow , should be thought to feign", "A kind of subtle nation near to China :", "Is yet so rude and raw .", "Indeed , sir ! Best have a care .", ": And , I have heard , they are most lewd impostors ;", "I 'll slander you no more of wit , good sir .", "What is it ?", ": Pray you say unto him ,", "Convey yourself into a sugar-chest ;", "Where ?", ": Faith , I had", "Some common ones , from out that vulgar grammar ,", "Which they will utter upon monstrous oaths :", "Except yourself , sir .", "Selling that drug for two-pence , ere they part ,", "No , good sir , you will hurt him .", ": Nay , sir , be not so ;", ": Your lady", "I did , sir .", "Is that a point of state too ?", ": \u2018 Faith , so would I :", "Indeed your husband told me you were fair ,", ": This fellow ,", "For piecing my silk stockings ; by the way", "He 's dead sir ; why , I hope", "O , that speaks him . \u2014 A knight , sir ?", "Among the courtezans ? the fine lady Would-be ?", "I see the family is all female here .", ": Pray you .\u2014", "I threw three beans over the threshold . Item ,", ": I have heard , sir ,", "\u2014 O , this knight ,", "You thought him not immortal ?", "And yet you knew him , it seems ?", "Extremely , if not maliciously .", "Does he gull me , trow ? or is gull 'd ?", "Upon my freshman-ship , I 'll try your salt-head ,", "As how ?", "Bolognian sausages here in Venice , sparing", "Yes , sir .", "And nothing else .", "As high as Woolwich , that had waited there ,", "By whom ?", "To bring me thus acquainted with his wife !", "I put on new , and did go forth : but first", "\u2014 Creep a little .", ": Sweet , pray you return him ;", ": Now , sir Pol , we are even ;", "May do me great assistance , in instruction", "As I remember .", "\u2018 Tis true , sir , of your raven .", "Not yet , sir .", "Which is one pound sterling .", ": But alchemy ,", "One o \u2019 the ingredients ?", "That your baboons were spies , and that they were", "I went and bought two tooth-picks , whereof one", "Will you be that heroic spark , sir Pol ?", "O see ! the window has prevented you .", "All the better , sir .", "Good sir .", "\u2018 My faith , that 's much .", "\u2018 Faith , these are politic notes !", "He 'll bear a cart .", "Dead .\u2014 Lord ! how deeply sir , you apprehend it ? He was no kinsman to you ?", "I , sir !", "It is your best , sir .", "But you have done well for once , sir .", "He could not read , sir .", ": O , sir , proceed :", "that I put forth from London ,", "\u2018 Heart !", ": Sir , best", "And studied them for words , as he has done \u2014", "I have not read so many proclamations ,", "\u2014 Your name , sir .", "A nearer way , by far :", "How is this !", "Of your wit 's exercise , \u2018 gainst you have occasion ?", "He tells me instantly .", "What ! a common serjeant ?", "What will you do , sir ? Have you ne'er a currant-butt to leap into ? They 'll put you to the rack , you must be sudden .", "Of great men 's favours , than their own vile med'cines ;", "You see his end .", "Pray you let 's see , sir . What is here ?", "And his gull 'd story register 'd for truth .", "Here is a merchant , upon earnest business ,", "That dare commend her .", "And that withal , sir Pol .", "Some three-pence in the whole ! for that \u2018 twill come to .", "I am sorry for the funeral of your notes , sir .", "Why , if your knight have set you to beg shirts ,", ": Good Sir Politick ,", "Or to invite me home , you might have done it", "And they do lack a tavern fool extremely .", "How !", "Which he that cried Italian to me , taught me .", ": Nay , you may strike him , sir , and tread upon him ;", "Then you have others ?", "To look upon this tortoise .", "Who be these , sir ?", "I never heard the like : or Broughton 's books .", ": Believe it , sir , I hold", "He creeps , sir ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": ["Do the act your mistress pleases ;", "Or Paracelsus , with his long-sword .", "But known this secret , they had never", "Stout of teeth , and strong of tongue ?", "Tart of palate ? quick of ear ?", "Here .", "Ne yet , of guacum one small stick , sir ,", "Yet fright all aches from your bones ?", "Tabacco , sassafras not named ;", "Nor Raymund Lully 's great elixir .", "Here 's a med'cine , for the nones .", "Make no more coil , but buy of this oil ."], "true_target": ["Moist of hand ? and light of foot ?", "Or wasted many a hurtless taper ;", "Sharp of sight ? of nostril clear ?", "Ne had been known the Danish Gonswart ,", "Or , I will come nearer to't ,", "Been murderers of so much paper ,", "That to their books put med'cines all in ,", "Had old Hippocrates , or Galen ,", "No Indian drug had e'er been famed ,", "Would you be ever fair and young ?", ": You that would last long , list to my song ,", "Would you live free from all diseases ?"], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": ["Signior Flaminio , will you down , sir ? down ?", "About the town .", "What , is my wife your Franciscina , sir ?", "Come down ;\u2014 No house but mine to make your scene ?"], "true_target": ["No windows on the whole Piazza , here ,", "To make your properties , but mine ? but mine ?", "Heart ! ere to-morrow , I shall be new-christen 'd ,", "Spight o \u2019 the devil , and my shame ! come down here ;", "And call 'd the Pantalone di Besogniosi ,"], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": ["Sir !", "O heaven !", ": Some serene blast me , or dire lightning strike", ": Good sir , these things might move a mind affected", "That may disfavour me , save in my honour \u2014", "And which , once lost , I have nought to lose beyond it ,", "Yet feed your wrath , sir , rather than your lust ,", "Make me the heir of darkness . Let me live ,", "If you will deign me neither of these graces ,", "O heaven , how just thou art !", ": Would my life would serve", "And mercy .", "Move your impatience , than at other times .", "I am a creature , hither ill betray 'd ,", "I would I could forget I were a creature .", "Was this the train ?", "A thousand hourly vows , sir , for your health ;", "With what may cause an eating leprosy ,", "Cannot be taken with these sensual baits :", "E'en to my bones and marrow : any thing ,", ": Alas , sir , be appeas 'd ! I could not think", ": Why , dear sir , when do I make these excuses ,", "Or poison it with ointments , for seducing", "O heaven ! canst thou suffer such a change ?", "Do me the grace to let me \u2018 scape \u2014 if not ,", "Where I may please your fears , if not your trust .", ": O God , and his good angels ! whither , whither ,", "Good sir , have pacience .", "Men dare put off your honours , and their own ?", "This my offending face !", ": Good sir ,", "Report , and think you virtuous \u2014", "Is this hath enter 'd him ?", "And I will kneel to you , pray for you , pay down", "My being at the window should more now"], "true_target": ["Is shame fled human breasts ? that with such ease ,", ": Sir , kill me , rather : I will take down poison ,", "My chastity , why , lock me up for ever :", "What hate they burn with toward every sin .", "If you have ears that will be pierc 'd \u2014 or eyes", "Is all I can think wealthy , or worth th \u2019 enjoying ,", "And that so seldom \u2014", ": Lord ! what spirit", "Now placed beneath the basest circumstance ,", "No !", "That can be open 'd \u2014 a heart that may be touch 'd \u2014", "Or ever stir abroad , but to the church ?", "How ready is heaven to those that pray !", ": Sir , let me beseech you ,", "If you have conscience \u2014", "Are heaven and saints then nothing ? Will they be blind or stupid ?", "O ! just God !", "Or any part that yet sounds man about you \u2014", "Be bountiful and kill me . You do know ,", "Sir , what you please , you may , I am your martyr .", "And modesty an exile made , for money ?", "Affect not these strange trials ; if you doubt", "Which you miscall my beauty ; flay my face ,", "To satisfy \u2014", "Before your honour ?", "By one , whose shame I would forget it were :", "If you have touch of holy saints \u2014 or heaven \u2014", "And punish that unhappy crime of nature ,", "Is that , which ever was a cause of life ,", "With such delights ; but I , whose innocence", "Not well , except you told me .", "Be jealous still , emulate them ; and think", "And heaven , that never fails the innocent .", "Your blood to this rebellion . Rub these hands ,", "Eat burning coals , do any thing .\u2014"], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": ["Heaven could not long let such gross crimes be hid .", "My father should be so unnatural .", "But that I 'm loth to snatch thy punishment", "Cannot my thought imagine this a truth .", ": This tale hath lost thee much of the late trust", "How !", "Or bides in you .", "Then I resist the authority of a father .", "Have they made you to this ?", "Where is it ?", "Lady , let 's quit the place , it is the den", "Where multitude , and clamour overcomes .", "For six sols more , would plead against his Maker .", "Thou hadst with me ; it is impossible :", ": Forbear , foul ravisher , libidinous swine !", "I humbly crave there be no credit given", "But thou shalt give me leave to hate thy baseness .", "I would have him proved .", ": Not I , by heaven ;", "Lead ; I follow thee .", ": Ay ; answer me , is not thy sloth", "To this man 's mercenary tongue .", "His soul moves in his fee .", ": Not in your courts ,", ": What ! does he weep ? the sign is soft and good ;", "Prithee , forgive me : and speak out thy business .", "Before this altar , and this dross , thy idol .\u2014", ": Nay , pray thee know thy way , and leave me :", "Of villany ; fear nought , you have a guard :"], "true_target": ["Be made the timely sacrifice of vengeance ,", "Sufficient argument ? thy flattery ?", "Our consciences .", "Free the forced lady , or thou diest , impostor .", ": Do so .\u2014 Yet ,", "That cannot be by thee .", "I am amazed !", ": Sir , I will sit down ,", "Out of the hand of justice , thou shouldst , yet ,", "With such a mate as thou art", "Thy means of feeding ?", ": This fellow ,", "I do repent me that I was so harsh .", "I know not how to lend it any thought ,", "I would be loth to interchange discourse", ": This cannot be a personated passion .\u2014", "Yes , I will stay there .\u2014 I do doubt this fellow .", ": Most honoured fathers ,", "May bear strong witness of his strange impostures .", "O most laid impudence ! Fathers \u2014", "He may be forced to come , that your grave eyes", "And he , ere long , shall meet his just reward .", "I was to blame , so to mistake thy nature ;", "O practice !", "His knave , his pandar \u2014 I beseech the court ,", "So he does .", "And rather wish my innocence should suffer ,", ": His parasite ,", "O sure vengeance !"], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": ["Almost as much , as from Montagnie ;", ": And as we find our passions do rebel ,", "Well , go your ways , and stay , in the next room .", ": I hope you have not the malice to remember", "Row 'd they together ?", "And cloud the understanding , than too much", "You shall sway me .", "Good sir .", "Make use of our philosophy \u2014", "To my complexion , than his heart is worth ;", "None .", "To hear me speak ; and be sometimes so rapt ,", "When it did so , forsooth ! What now ! bird-eyed ?", "But for your carnival concupiscence ,", "I fear I have forgettingly transgrest", "Here 's a fine imputation to our country :", "Come , I blush for you , master Would-be , I ;", "I pray you lend me your dwarf .", "Upon my wronged face ?\u2014 I cry your pardons ,", ": Made you acquainted , what an ample dowry", "Surely , you may believe it .", "Such a presence ! No surely .", "You mark me not .", ": If the Senate", "A n't be but only , sir , to bring you asleep ,", "Polite and delicate \u2014", "Would lie you , often , three , four hours together", "There 's nothing more doth overwhelm the judgment ,", ": Is't possible ! how has my judgment wander 'd ?", "How they have done this !", "Is your true rapture : when there is concent", "Visit you more a days ; and make you well :", "To scandalise your honours , or my sex 's .", "Is't true ?", "Have done this dire massacre on your honour ;", ": Why , in this habit , sir ; you apprehend me :\u2014", "Shall I , sir , make you a poultice ?", "Able , alone , to get you noble husbands", "How it comes off !", "Dante is hard , and few can understand him .", "Is not so coarse \u2014", "Where ?", "This tire , forsooth ; are all things apt , or no ?", ": Burnt silk , and amber : you have muscadel", "Sir , I must , blushing , say to you , I have err 'd ;", "I think I have two or three of them about me .", "Do you hear , sir ?", "At your return : and you thus to neglect it !", "I 'll be tender to his reputation ,", "From furious persecution of the marshal ,", ": There was but one sole man in all the world ,", ": Indeed , you may ; my breeding", "I 'm all for music , save , in the forenoons ,", "For we were coaetanei , and brought up \u2014", "And am asham 'd you should have no more forehead ,", ": All our English writers ,", "Fitting the time , and catching the court-ear !", ": Does't so , forsooth ? and where was your dear sight ,", "Who here is fled for liberty of conscience ,", "Where should this loose knight be , trow ? sure he 's housed .", "Now , by that light , I muse you are not ashamed !", "To a lewd harlot , a base fricatrice ,", ": That same 's the party ;", "But , for a desperate wit , there 's Aretine ;", "And laughter of your light land-syren here ,", "Where ?", "Bugloss , and barley-meal \u2014", "Only , his pictures are a little obscene \u2014", "Good in the house \u2014", "Settling and fixing , and , as \u2018 twere , subsiding", "Most favorably , to-day ! It is no matter :", "Of these same outward things , into that part ,", "Disputed every fitness , every grace ,", "The knowledge of these things would be unto you ,", "The Italians are , what will they say of me ?", "I pray you , stay . This heat will do more harm", "A toy , a cap here , of mine own work .", "Besides you seeing what a curious nation", "Right , sir , your policy May bear it through , thus .sir , a word with you . I would be loth to contest publicly With any gentlewoman , or to seem Froward , or violent , as the courtier says ; It comes too near rusticity in a lady , Which I would shun by all means : and however I may deserve from master Would-be , yet T'have one fair gentlewoman thus be made The unkind instrument to wrong another , And one she knows not , ay , and to persever ; In my poor judgment , is not warranted From being a solecism in our sex , If not in manners .", "Your Sporus , your hermaphrodite \u2014", "Ay , he plays both with me .", "You have forgot our quarrel .", "Upon one object . For the incorporating", "To all the world , no aristocracy .", "And plead your pardon .", "And these applied with a right scarlet cloth .", ": I pray you , view", "Shews not my neck enough .\u2014 I trouble you , sir ;", "But principal , as Plato holds , your music ,", "An hour or two for painting . I would have", "Encounter them with reason , or divert them ,", "Since you provoke me with your impudence ,", "\u2018 Tis well enough .\u2014", ": Ay , your White-friars nation .", "Out , thou chameleon harlot ! now thine eyes"], "true_target": ["How !", ": Why , in such cases , we must cure ourselves ,", ": Which way", ": I have brought your patron", "A gentlewoman 's passion . If you stay", "Right not my quest in this ; I 'll protest them", "Like you , and you are like him , just . I 'll discourse ,", "Or do they not stand even in your head ?", "That stop the organs , and as Plato says ,", "Seed-pearl were good now , boil 'd with syrup of apples ,", "By giving scope unto some other humour", "For some six years .", "You may think it .", "Be able to discourse , to write , to paint ,", "Unto your patron , I am here .\u2014 This band", "A female devil , in a male outside .", "Let me request you , bid one of my women", ": I have a little studied physic ; but now ,", "But knights , I see , care little for the oath", "Which of your poets ? Petrarch , or Tasso , or Dante ? Guarini ? Ariosto ? Aretine ? Cieco di Hadria ? I have read them all .", ": Why , the callet", "In face , in voice , and clothes : and is , indeed ,", "Well , master Would-be , this doth not become you ;", "I thank you , good sir . \u2018 Pray you signify", "In man 's apparel ! \u2018 Pray you , sir , jog my knight :", "A lady , indeed , to have all , letters , and arts ,", "Out of my snare .", "Our sex 's chiefest ornament .", "In days of sonetting , trusted them with much :", "Against the dignity of the court \u2014", "He has so modern and facile a vein ,", ": Alas , good soul ! the passion of the heart .", "How we did spend our time and loves together ,", "They make to ladies ; chiefly , their own ladies .", "Some English saffron , half a dram would serve ;", "You told me of , here I have ta'en disguised .", ": Surely , I had no purpose", ": This cannot work you", "Your elicampane root , myrobalanes \u2014", "Will deign to steal out of this author , mainly :", ": Marry , and will , sir .", "Good-sir , you will give them entertainment ?", "You mean , as early ? but to-day ?", "With pertinacy \u2014", "Your Petrarch is more passionate , yet he ,", "As he would answer me quite from the purpose ,", "In his right place , or this ? Why is this higher", "I mean such as are happy in the Italian ,", "Go to , sir .", "And been exorbitant \u2014", "Look , see , these petulant things ,", ": Believe me , and I", "In Venice here , please you to use me , sir \u2014", "Of lesser danger : as , in politic bodies ,", "Her will I dis'ple .", "How does my Volpone ?", "But do you hear , sir ?\u2014", "And , so does wise Pythagoras , I take it ,", "With whom I e'er could sympathise ; and he", "I , that have preach 'd these things so oft unto you ,", ": \u2018 Pray you , sir , use me . In faith ,", "Read you the principles , argued all the grounds ,", "Mosca ! Is his thread spun ?", ": Come , in faith , I must", "No , I 'll go see your patron .", "Come hither to me .\u2014 In good faith , I , am drest", "\u201c The English lady cannot dress herself . \u201d", "Vie tears with the hyaena . Dar'st thou look", ": To offend", "Sir , I must have a fairer answer .", "Which we call mental , leaves some certain faeces", "One of your gravity and rank besides !", "However he demerit .", "Where ?", "And you too ? \u2018 Pray you , both approach and mend it .", ": No , fear not that . I doubt , we shall not get", "Your sixteen cloves , a little musk , dried mints ,", "Ay , this same is she .", "Here 's pastor Fido \u2014", "I had thought the odour , sir , of your good name ,", ": Ay , you may carry't clear , with your state-face !\u2014", "Assassinate our Knowledge .", "Had been more precious to you ; that you would not", "Tincture of gold , and coral , citron-pills ,", "Where is your fellow ? call her .", "This fucus was too course too , it 's no matter .\u2014", "Laugh and be lusty .", "Call 'd you to counsel of so frequent dressings \u2014", "Than thus to be the patron , or St. George ,", "The more you see me , the more I shall conceive", "Then all the rest ? You have not wash 'd your eyes , yet !", "This cannot be endur 'd by any patience .", ": Come nearer : Is this curl", ": Me thought , the golden mediocrity ,", "Had the most fearful dream , could I remember't \u2014"], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", OR SENATE-HOUSE ."], "true_target": [", OR SENATE-HOUSE ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": ["All , but the old magnifico , Volpone .", "Yes .", "Your testimony 's craved ."], "true_target": ["All but the advocate .", "The husband .", "He is .", "Preserve the honour of the court ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": ["You may possess him .", "I know not , sir .", "That now require him whole ; some other time", ": Sir , he says , he knows", "I will see , sir ."], "true_target": ["By your word \u201c tidings , \u201d that you are no statesman ,", "And therefore wills you stay .", "I do not know , sir .", "And says , sir , she will straight to sea , for physic .", ": He says , sir , he has weighty affairs of state ,", ": My lady 's come most melancholy home ,"], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": ["Honour 'd fathers .\u2014"], "true_target": ["Here ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": ["Silence !"], "true_target": ["Silence ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": ["COMMANDADORI , SAFFI , ETC ., AS BEFORE ."], "true_target": [", BONARIO , CELIA , CORBACCIO , CORVINO ,"], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": ["Now , though the Fox be punish 'd by the laws ,", "For any fact which he hath done \u2018 gainst you ;", ": The seasoning of a play , is the applause ."], "true_target": ["If not , fare jovially , and clap your hands .", "If there be , censure him ; here he doubtful stands :", "He yet doth hope , there is no suffering due ,"], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", ANTIQUE , clown , buffoon ."], "true_target": [", like a buffoon ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", suitable, opportune"], "true_target": [", suit , adapt ; train , prepare ; dispose , incline ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", originally a small French coin ."], "true_target": [", white ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", outburst of violence ."], "true_target": [",blazon ; publish abroad ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", jest , taunt ."], "true_target": [", beat , thump ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", dislodge , rout out ; sift"], "true_target": [", roll"], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", bravado , braggart speech ."], "true_target": [", gaily , finely"], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", a pair ."], "true_target": [", \u201c in \u2014, \u201d in condition ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", throw dice ; vomit ; forecast , calculate ."], "true_target": [", flight of hawks , couple .", ", cashiered ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", criticism ; sentence ."], "true_target": [", criticise ; pass sentence , doom ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", idea , fancy , witty invention , conception , opinion ."], "true_target": [", apprehend ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", pieces of metal or ivory for calculating at play ."], "true_target": [", \u201c hunt \u2014, \u201d follow scent in reverse direction .", "See Compter ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", lively young rogue , wag ."], "true_target": [", crack up , boast ; come to grief ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", skill ."], "true_target": [", skilful ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", render distasteful ."], "true_target": [", offence , cause of offence ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", beetle , buzzing insect , drone , idler ."], "true_target": [",buzz ; \u201c give the \u2014, \u201d make a fool of ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", cajole ; fondle ."], "true_target": ["See Ingle ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", fate , issue ."], "true_target": [", issue"], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", elegant , trim ."], "true_target": [", activity , operation ; deed , action ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", net for catching rabbits , etc ."], "true_target": ["!, you have it"], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", key of a virginal ."], "true_target": [", Jack o \u2019 the clock , automaton figure that strikes the hour ; Jack-a-lent , puppet thrown at in Lent ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", hinder ."], "true_target": [", hindrance ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", MADE , acquaint with business , prepare, instruct"], "true_target": [", mate ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", masculine , like a virago ."], "true_target": [", humanity ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", suggest , propose ."], "true_target": [", proposal , request ; puppet , puppet-show ; \u201c one of the small figures on the face of a large clock which was moved by the vibration of the pendulum \u201d"], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", smartly apparelled ; unmixed ; dainty ."], "true_target": [", cattle ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", suit , fit ; hit , seize the right moment , etc ., exactly hit on , hit off ."], "true_target": [", fastidious , trivial , finical , scrupulous ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", particle , fragment; article ."], "true_target": [", part , partly ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", effect caused by external agency ."], "true_target": [", \u201c in \u2014, \u201d in so melancholy a tone , so pathetically ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", judicious , prudent , political ."], "true_target": [", politician ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", transport ."], "true_target": [", gate ; print of a deer 's foot ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", officious , conceited , meddling ."], "true_target": [", an expert , agent ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", prick out , mark off , select ; trace , track ; \u201c \u2014 away , \u201d make off with speed ."], "true_target": [", point , dot used in the writing of Hebrew and other languages ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", privy , intimate ."], "true_target": [", private interests ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", carry away ."], "true_target": [", enraptured ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", \u201c set up one 's \u2014, \u201d venture one 's all , one 's last stake"], "true_target": [", arrest .", ", musket-rest ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", leap ."], "true_target": [", lascivious ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", assay , try ."], "true_target": [", sample ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", MINISTERS , those of the Church or"], "true_target": ["Nonconformists who had been silenced , deprived , etc ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", weak , silly ."], "true_target": [", term of chase , signifying when the hunted stag is separated from the herd , or forced to break covert ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", suit , fit ; select ."], "true_target": [", company , party ; rank , degree ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", caprice , humour , mood ."], "true_target": [", considered the seat of the emotions ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", decoy , or cover , stalking-horse ."], "true_target": [", make cheap , common ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", gag ."], "true_target": [", await ; detain ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", pride , valour ."], "true_target": [", resent ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", head-dress ."], "true_target": [", feed ravenously , like a bird of prey ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", roll , go rolling along ."], "true_target": [", JOHN , well-known printer ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", be in the habit of , accustomed to ; put out to interest ."], "true_target": [", interest on money ; part of sermon dealing with the practical application of doctrine ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}, {"query": [", guard in fencing ."], "true_target": [", a famous pirate ."], "play_index": 29, "act_index": 29}]