diff --git "a/scene/train.json" "b/scene/train.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/scene/train.json" @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"query": ["Well , here is a new feature .", "Our wits will inspire us .", "Cause \u2014 ah \u2014 madam , the cause is the reason , ma'am \u2014 Ahem ! and the reason is the cause .\u2014She must have a customer named Smith . You doubtless know \u2014 Miss Smith ?", "Smith wont do \u2014 I 'll try Brown . Miss Brown , madam , you know ?", "Ha ! ha ! Bobby , the lady and I understand each other now , do n't we ?", "True , true ! about Miss Brown . There is a little account \u2014", "I , madam , will settle that account .", "Do n't hurry yourself , ma'am ; I 'll settle it to-morrow . That 's what I called for ,\u2014 to tell you I 'd settle it to-morrow .", "I 've nothing more to say . Good morning , ma'am \u2014 nothing .\u2014Besides , the old man must be a mile off by this time .", "Very likely not , ma'am .", "The fact is \u2014 ahem !\u2014 the facts are these : there is no such person as Miss Brown ; Miss Brown has ceased to be Miss Brown \u2014 and I 'm a happy man .", "Precisely ; I see she has not disclosed the tender secret .", "Miss Brown , you see , is now Mrs. Steele . Yes \u2014 my name is Steele , and this gentleman 's name is Addison .", "The devil ! oh ! he , he ! the tender creature ! Confusion ! Petrifaction !", "Not remarkably handsome , either .", "Well , anything to get off . Good by , ladies ,\u2014 good by .", "Yes , yes !\u2014 good by ! You may settle this discussion among yourselves .", "Ha , ha , ha ! Yes .\u2014Dear Steele ! She jumps at it .\u2014 I 'm magnetic steel .I say , what 's the meaning of this ?", "Well , as I said before , we must go . Farewell , my lo \u2014 o \u2014 ve !", "Oh , for a holiday ; just to get rid , ha , ha ! of a few loose sovereigns .", "Well , my dear , if you will , I \u2014 heigho !\u2014 suppose you must .", "I say , Bob \u2014 we shall go halves ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Bridget !", "Miss Harriet Cotton , according to the letter I read to you , must soon be here . Heigho ! a persecuted being , like I was at seventeen .", "Yes , her love is disapproved of , and she is sent here to be far from the object of her affections . Heigho ! just my case .", "Ahem ! It might be so ; but , however , Bridget , it came to just the same thing in the end . My fate teaches me mercy . I am determined to shew every kindness to this Harriet , though my letter tells me that Mr. Cutaway is dauntless in pursuing her ;\u2014 just my case .", "Well , I will just go and adjust my head-dress . You will shew the young lady every attention if she should arrive meanwhile . Heigho ! I dare say her delicate heart is in a fine state of palpitation . Just my case .", "Oh ! my dear , excuse me for keeping you waiting ; but I know young ladies love moonlight .", "Elegant remark !\u2014 But this gentleman ?", "Oh ! did you leave all quite well at home ?", "Why , my dear , your father has been a widower these \u2014", "Indeed ! my dear young lady \u2014 your name , I believe , is \u2014", "Harriet ?", "To-morrow !\u2014 to-morrow !", "Oh ! Bridget , you must provide accommodations for the young lady 's brother !", "Indeed ! an impostor ! Oh , I see through all !\u2014 the daring Mr. Cutaway has introduced himself .\u2014 So , sir , you are the young lady 's brother ?", "Now , sir , you know you are nothing of the kind !", "Miss Harriet has no brother .", "Indeed ! No ! I have discovered all .", "Old Cotton ! what a respectful name to call her father !\u2014 I will not ; I am inclined to be friendly . I have some influence over him ;\u2014 I 'll prevail on him to pardon all .", "A good one ! Her language is not particularly romantic .\u2014 Nay , more than that , I think I can persuade him to consent to your union .", "A partnership ?\u2014 to be sure \u2014 for life \u2014 marriage !", "Yes ! we do .\u2014 Fie , Miss Cotton ; do you think I do not recognise your clandestine lover , Mr. Cutaway ?", "Ha ! ha ! you confess . You see I was too sharp for you ; I found out you were Mr. Cutaway .", "Desire Mr. Bolt to walk in .\u2014 Do n't be frightened , my young friends , though I guess the cause of your alarm .", "Come forward , Mr. Bolt ; come forward . Nobody here , except Mr. Cutaway .", "You start ; I guess the cause of surprise ;\u2014 yes , and Miss", "Harriet .", "But I have not introduced you .Mr. Bolt , Mr. Cutaway ; Mr. Cutaway , Mr. Bolt .", "How embarrassed they seem \u2014 and I see through all : Miss Harriet seems afraid of Mr. Bolt seeing her . How well I understand her feelings .", "Gentlemen ! young lady ! what a dispersion ! Why , at any rate ,", "Mr. Bolt should vanish \u2014", "Happy to see any of your friends , Mr. Cotton ; but one little thing I must say to you ,do n't be too severe with your daughter .", "I have promised to be her friend .", "To herself , to be sure .", "This is not your daughter Harriet ?", "I am petrified ! thunderstruck ! why , another daughter Harriet came here just now , and is here still .\u2014 Bridget !", "And , I 'll confess the truth \u2014How are my benevolent designs frustrated \u2014 Mr. Cutaway was with her .", "Yes .", "Yes .", "I will .\u2014 Bridget ! Bridget ! Lock sham Miss Harriet 's door outside \u2014 send for the police !\u2014 What a horrid unromantic adventure ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ha ! ha ! ha ! ha ! ha !", "Oh ! do n't say so ! we are all right , you know . Have not I got through beautifully ? steered through all the windings and intricacies ? Do you suppose a skilful coachman would give a fig for a drive on a smooth road ?\u2014 No ! it is turning the sharp corners that displays ingenuity .", "To be sure it was lucky we overtook young Rattle , with his gig ;\u2014 if he had not given us a lift , we should not have been home till breakfast time .", "Well ! we 'll go in .Here is the key \u2014 No ! curse it , there is not !\u2014 nor in this pocket !\u2014 nor in that !\u2014 Bobby , did I give you the key ?", "The deuce ! then we have \u2014", "It is though , whether I say so or not ; and now I remember , I heard something chink on the ground , when I jumped off the wall .", "It 's confoundedly awkward !", "Ha ! ha ! ha ! Do n't be down-hearted Bobby \u2014 here is a third adventure ;\u2014 it will have an end . But give me time , my boy , and I 'll get through anything .", "Here is a shelter ; we 'll get in here .", "What two respectable individuals .", "Oh , yes , I 'm awake !", "So you are , my chicken ; think yourself lucky if you do n't get your neck twisted .", "Then , most worthy character , take off that mask , as I have unmasked you \u2014 take off that great coat , as I have dismantled your villainy \u2014 and your hat off , because , because , I want it \u2014 and now take yourself off .", "Disguising myself as a thief .", "To walk in after that respectable gentleman .", "There will be two of us .", "There are no weapons in these pockets . You had better follow .", "Snail , do you call me ! Ah , you do n't know what I am .", "My head would follow , I 'm thinking .\u2014 No , I can see .", "Yes , we are in for the plate .", "More than I do anything else . If I am caught with this fellow , I shall be hanged ; and if I move , I shall be shot .", "Ah , I think we have taken a cup too much .", "So I will .", "Hollo ! thieves ! house ! ho !", "How d'ye do , sir ?", "Came to lighten you of your odd moveables ,\u2014 to fork out your knives , and dish your plates .", "You have ; but pray do n't mention \u2014 do n't bear malice .", "Ahem !\u2014 There is one thing I have not confess 'd ; I mean , sir , my passion for this lady .", "Say nothing , and you shall be my real wife .\u2014 Sir , you will consent to our union ?\u2014It 's a horrid plunge , but I can n't help it .", "Oh , sir , we have done but our duty .\u2014 Come forward , Bobby .\u2014 I repeat it , our duty : our duty is to amuse these ladies and gentlemen ,\u2014 and if anything we have done has contributed to that desirable end , we certainly think our \u201c Day has been well Spent . \u201d"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 2, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Oh ! no , sir ; Mrs Herringhame .", "Oh ! yes , sir .", "Yes , sir .", "Yes , sir .", "Oh ! yes , Sir .", "Did you want anything , sir ?", "Oh ! no , Sir .", "Oh ! no , Sir .", "Oh ! I do n't know , sir .", "Oh ! yes , Sir .", "Ah ! She goes across to the bedroom on the Right , and soon returns with a suit of pyjamas , a toothbrush , a pair of slippers and a case of razors , which she puts on the table , and disappears into the kitchen . She reappears with a bread pan , which she deposits in the centre of the room ; then crosses again to the bedroom , and once more reappears with a clothes brush , two hair brushes , and a Norfolk jacket . As she stuffs all these into the bread pan and bears it back into the kitchen , there is the sound of a car driving up and stopping . ANNIE reappears at the kitchen door just as the knocker sounds .", "Vexin \u2019 and provokin \u2019 !Oh ! MR and MRS BUILDER enter .", "Oh ! Sir , no , sir .", "Oh ! Sir , yes , Sir .", "Oh ! Sir , I do n't know , Sir .", "No , Sir .", "I d \u2014 do n't , sir .", "Oh ! yes , sir . Is that all , please , sir ?", "Thank you , ma'am . She turns and hurries out into the kitchen , Left . BUILDER gazes after her , and MRS BUILDER gazes at BUILDER with her faint smile .", "Oh ! ma'am , please , Miss , I want to go home .", "Oh ! thank you , Miss .", "I \u2014 I might catch it , Miss .", "Oh ! no , Miss ; from you . You see , I 've got a young man that wants to marry me . And if I do n't let him , I might get into trouble meself .", "I never thought , Miss . And of course I do n't want to begin .", "I do n't think they do , Miss .", "They have n't time . Father 's an engine driver .", "Somethin \u2019 like you , sir . But very respectable .", "I \u2014 I could treat him the same , Miss .", "He 's very mild .", "Oh ! yes , sir .", "Yes , Miss ; that 's what I thought .", "Oh ! I do n't \u2014 think \u2014 he 'll hammer me , Miss . Of course , I know you can n't tell till you 've found out .", "Oh ! no , Miss ; that 's what I 've been thinking .", "You see , we can n't be married ; sir , till he gets his rise . So it 'll be a continual temptation to me .", "Oh ! no , Miss .", "Oh ! I did n't think it right to take notice .", "Oh ! no , sir . Only , seein \u2019 Mr and Mrs Builder so upset , brought it \u2018 ome like . And father can be \u2018 andy with a strap .", "Oh ! yes , Miss .", "Oh ! I sha n't say I 've been livin \u2019 in a family that was n't a family , Miss . It would n't do no good .", "Oh ! I 'm puttin \u2019 you out , Miss .", "Oh ! thank you , Miss . I 'm very sorry . Of course if you was to change your mind \u2014", "Oh ! good-bye , sir , and thank you . I was goin \u2019 there now with my young man . He 's just round the corner .", "Oh ! yes , sir , I will . Good-bye , sir . Goodbye , Miss . She goes .", "Oh ! sir , please , sir \u2014 I 've told my young man .", "\u2018 E was \u2018 orrified , Miss .", "Oh ! no , sir \u2014 at mine .", "Oh ! yes , Miss ; that 's why \u2018 e 's horrified .", "Yes , sir . \u2018 E said I \u2018 ad no strength of mind .", "Oh ! yes , Miss .", "Oh , sir , \u2018 e said there was nothing like Epsom salts .", "He was in the Army , sir .", "Oh ! yes , sir ; but not so respectable as that .", "Oh ! yes , Miss . She makes a little curtsey and passes through into the kitchen .", "Oh !", "Oh ! yes , sir . Wo n't Mr Builder be pleased ?", "Oh ! no , sir . Of course you can n't be a family without , can you ?", "Oh ! please , ma'am , I was to give you a message \u2014 very important \u2014 from Miss Maud Builder \u201c Lookout ! Father is coming ! \u201d She goes out . The CURTAIN falls ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Well , \u2018 Arris ?", "Mr Chantrey ?", "I 've had some awkward things to deal with in my time , \u2018 Arris , but this is just about thelimit .", "Put a book on the chair , \u2018 Arris ; I like to sit \u2018 igh . HARRIS puts a volume of Encyclopaedia on the Mayor 's chair behind the bureau .", "Ah , Chantrey !", "Whose ?", "He is . \u2018 Ot temper , and an \u2018 igh sense of duty .", "Harris , go out and bring them in yourself ; do n't let the servants \u2014 HARRIS goes out Left . The MAYOR takes the upper chair behind the bureau , sitting rather higher because of the book than CHANTREY , who takes the lower . Now that they are in the seats of justice , a sort of reticence falls on them , as if they were afraid of giving away their attitudes of mind to some unseen presence .", "H 'm !", "I think I \u2018 ear them . H 'm . CHANTREY drops his eyeglass and puts on a pair of \u201c grandfather \u201d spectacles . The MAYOR clears his throat and takes up a pen . They neither of them look up as the door is opened and a little procession files in . First HARRIS ; then RALPH BUILDER , ATHENE , HERRINGHAME , MAUD , MRS BUILDER , SERGEANT MARTIN , carrying a heavy Malacca cane with a silver knob ; JOHN BUILDER and the CONSTABLE MOON , a young man with one black eye . No funeral was ever attended by mutes so solemn and dejected . They stand in a sort of row .", "Sit down , ladies ; sit down . HARRIS and HERRINGHAME succeed in placing the three women in chairs . RALPH BUILDER also sits . HERRINGHAME stands behind . JOHN BUILDER remains standing between the two POLICEMEN . His face is unshaved and menacing , but he stands erect staring straight at the MAYOR . HARRIS goes to the side of the bureau , Back , to take down the evidence .", "Charges !", "Yes ; never mind what you 're given to understand .", "Sergeant ? MOON steps back two paces , and the SERGEANT steps two paces forward .", "The defendant said nothing ?", "Any questions to ask the Sergeant ? BUILDER continues to stare at the MAYOR without a word .", "Very well !", "The MAYOR and CHANTREY now consult each other inaudibly , and the", "Mayor nods .", "Miss Maud Builder , will you tell us what you know of this \u2014 er \u2014 occurrence ?", "I 'm afraid you must .", "I see . A \u2014 a domestic disagreement . Very well , that charge is withdrawn . You do not appear to have been hurt , and that seems to me quite proper . Now , tell me what you know of the assault on the constable . Is his account correct ?", "Yes ? Tell us the truth .", "Oh , the stick ? But \u2014 er \u2014 the stick was in \u2018 is \u2018 and , was n't it ?", "But did \u2018 e \u2018 it \u2018 im with the stick ?", "Then who supplied the \u2014 er \u2014 momentum ?", "Hand up the cane . The SERGEANT hands up the cane . The MAYOR and CHANTREY examine it . MAYOR . Which end \u2014 do you suggest \u2014 inflicted this injury ?", "What do you say to that , constable ?", "Be careful . Will you swear to that ?", "You wo n't swear to it ?", "Eh ? That 'll do , constable ; stand back . Now , who else saw the struggle ? Mrs Builder . You 're not obliged to say anything unless you like . That 's your privilege as his wife . While he is speaking the door has been opened , and HARRIS has gone swiftly to it , spoken to someone and returned . He leans forward to the MAYOR . Eh ? Wait a minute . Mrs Builder , do you wish to give evidence ?", "Very good .Now then , what is it ? HARRIS says something in a low and concerned voice . The MAYOR 'S face lengthens . He leans to his right and consults CHANTREY , who gives a faint and deprecating shrug . A moment 's silence .", "This is an open Court . The Press have the right to attend if they wish . HARRIS goes to the door and admits a young man in glasses , of a pleasant appearance , and indicates to him a chair at the back . At this untimely happening BUILDER 's eyes have moved from side to side , but now he regains his intent and bull-like stare at his fellow-justices .", "You can sit down , Miss Builder . MAUD resumes her seat . Miss Athene Builder , you were present , I think ?", "What do you say to this matter ?", "Is it your impression that the cane inflicted the injury ?", "With or without deliberate intent ?", "But you were not in a position to see very well ?", "Your sister having withdrawn her charge , we need n't go into that .", "Very good !", "He motions her to sit down . ATHENE , turning her eyes on her", "Father 's impassive figure , sits .", "Now , there was a young man .Is this the young man ?", "What 's your name ?", "Address ?", "H 'm ! The Aerodrome . How did you come to be present ?", "Did you appear on the scene , as the constable says , during the struggle ?", "Did he summon you to his aid ?", "What do you say to this blow ?", "Well , let us hear .", "You are sure of that ?", "Did you hear any language ?", "You call that ordinary ?", "Very well , That seems to be the evidence . Defendant John Builder \u2014 what do you say to all this ?", "That charge is not pressed , and we can n't go into the circumstances . What do you wish to say about your conduct towards the constable ?", "I \u2014 I did n't catch .", "I understand , then , that you do not wish to offer any explanation ?", "Very good . Miss Maud Builder . MAUD stands up .", "When you spoke of the defendant seeing red , what exactly did you mean ?", "Speaking of your own knowledge , Mr Builder ?", "You mean that he might have been , as one might say , beside himself ?", "Had you seen your brother ?", "Miss Athene Builder . ATHENE stands up . This young man , Mr Herringhame , I take it , is a friend of the family 's ? A moment of some tension .", "Very good .As the defendant , wrongly , we think , refuses to offer his explanation of this matter , the Bench has to decide on the evidence as given . There seems to be some discrepancy as to the blow which the constable undoubtedly received . In view of this , we incline to take the testimony of Mr \u2014 HARRIS prompts him . Mr \u2018 Erringhame \u2014 as the party least implicated personally in the affair , and most likely to \u2018 ave a cool and impartial view . That evidence is to the effect that the blow was accidental . There is no doubt , however , that the defendant used reprehensible language , and offered some resistance to the constable in the execution of his duty . Evidence \u2018 as been offered that he was in an excited state of mind ; and it is possible \u2014 I do n't say that this is any palliation \u2014 but it is possible that he may have thought his position as magistrate made him \u2014 er \u2014", "Eh ? We think , considering all the circumstances , and the fact that he has spent a night in a cell , that justice will be met by \u2014 er \u2014 discharging him with a caution .", "My Aunt !", "Charges .", "SERGEANT steps forward to read the charge as", "The CURTAIN falls ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Here !", "What 's that you 're sayin \u2019 ? You take care !", "Stop it , you young limb !", "Move on ! He retreats from the window , opening the paper .", "Crimes ! Phew ! That accounts for them bein \u2019 away all night . While he is reading , CAMILLE enters from the hall . Here ! Have you seen this , Camel \u2014 in the Stop Press ?", "\u201c Tried to prevent her father from forcing her mother to return home with him , and he struck her for so doing . She did not press the charge . The arrested gentleman , who said he acted under great provocation , was discharged with a caution . \u201d Well , I 'm blowed ! He has gone and done it !", "Have you had any hand in this ? I 've seen you making your lovely black eyes at him . You foreigners \u2014 you 're a loose lot !", "Not yet , my dear .", "Well , this little lot 's bust up ! The favourites will fall down . Johnny", "Builder ! Who 'd have thought it ?", "Ah ! He 's right up against it now . Comes of not knowin \u2019 when to stop bein \u2019 firm . If you meet a wall with your \u2018 ead , it 's any odds on the wall , Camel . Though , if you listened to some , you would n't think it . What 'll he do now , I wonder ? Any news of the mistress ?", "Why ?", "Deuce she did ! They generally leave \u2018 em . Take back yer gifts ! She throws the baubles at \u2018 is \u2018 ead .You 're a deep one , you know ! There is the sound of a cab stopping . Wonder if that 's him !", "Not yet , Miss .", "I 've got \u2018 em on the cab , Miss . I did n't put your ten bob on yesterday , because the animal finished last . You cant depend on horses .", "Ah ! However did it happen , Miss Maud ?", "Well , you see , Miss , it 's like this : Up to now Mr Builder 's always had the respect of everybody \u2014 MAUD moves her head impatiently . outside his own house , of course . Well , now he has n't got it . Pishchologically that 's bound to touch him .", "He wo n't throw up the sponge , Miss ; more likely to squeeze it down the back of their necks .", "Do n't you fret , Miss ; he 'll come through . His jaw 's above his brow , as you might say .", "Phreenology , Miss . I rather follow that . When the jaw 's big and the brow is small , it 's a sign of character . I always think the master might have been a Scotchman , except for his fishionomy .", "So down on anything soft , Miss . Have n't you noticed whenever one of these \u2018 Umanitarians writes to the papers , there 's always a Scotchman after him next morning . Seems to be a fact of \u2018 uman nature , like introducin \u2019 rabbits into a new country and then weasels to get rid of \u2018 em . And then something to keep down the weasels . But I never can see what could keep down a Scotchman ! You seem to reach the hapex there !", "Indeed , Miss . I thought perhaps she was about to be .", "Comin \u2019 events . I saw the shadder yesterday .", "Ah ! I should n't be surprised if he feels awful about you ,", "Miss ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 5, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Mr. Davis has not yet arrived \u2014\u2014?", "I 've asked a young man to wait in your room for me \u2014 has he come \u2014\u2014?", "You 've talked with him freely \u2014\u2014?", "I thought so \u2014 that 's why I asked him to wait in your room \u2014\u2014", "I know ! Did you get much out of him ?", "Find out anything about his people \u2014 where he came from , where he 's going to \u2014 what he 's doing in Richmond ?", "I see \u2014\u2014!", "He knows his business . Show him in .", "Good morning , young man \u2014\u2014", "Not so well as usual \u2014 the truth is I 've been wrestling all night with the problem of Jacquess and Gilmore . I 've confirmed your view that they have given their real names . Gilmore is a reporter of the New York Tribune and Colonel Jacquess is a Methodist clergyman well known in the hospital service , in fact famous for his kindly treatment of Southern prisoners \u2014\u2014", "I 've allowed the Commissioner of Exchange who has been holding them in custody to bring them here this morning \u2014\u2014", "Last night , I made up my mind to take your advice and to let them see", "Mr. Davis \u2014\u2014", "This morning I 'm puzzling over it !", "I 'm not sure of it . If he takes a notion to let them go \u2014 he 's as stubborn as a mule .", "I might do that \u2014 yes \u2014\u2014!", "You could act as my special secretary for the meeting and take shorthand notes \u2014 or pretend to \u2014\u2014", "Then it would be easy .", "You are sure the order for the revolt against the Lincoln Government has been issued ?", "I know they have discussed it and may have decided to do it , but are the actual preparations under way ?", "It 's great news you 've brought us , young man \u2014 great news !All right , we 'll risk it \u2014\u2014!These men are Lincoln 's spies beyond a doubt \u2014 but we 'll dig out of them all the information possible , and then use them for our purpose \u2014\u2014", "You understand , Judge Ould , that these men are prisoners of war in your charge as Exchange Commissioner ?", "While in Richmond , they are to be held under the strictest guard and on no conditions allowed a liberty except by my order , or the order of the President .", "You can . Show them in .", "I am delighted to see you , gentlemen \u2014 pray be seated .You bring overtures from your Government I trust .", "You are acquainted with Mr. Lincoln 's views , however ?", "I supposed so . May I ask , did Mr. Lincoln in any way authorize you to come here ?", "On my advice , gentlemen , Mr. Davis will see you \u2014\u2014", "JAQUESS AND GILMORE", "Gentlemen : The President of the Confederate States of America !", "No , these men are spies straight from Lincoln 's desk . It 's the slyest trick the old fox has ever tried to play on us . He knows that McClellan 's election on a peace platform is a certainty . He 's after ammunition for this campaign . We dare not play into his hands ! Our very life may depend on it ! Make no mistake \u2014 these men must be locked up to-night and shot at sunrise .", "Why ?", "All right ! Let him try it ! Two can play that game . We can execute four for one \u2014\u2014", "The decision is yours , sir .", "Certainly , we 'll retire until you 're ready . This way .", "You have decided ?", "There can be no doubt about that , sir \u2014\u2014", "He has made exactly the blunder I feared \u2014\u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Try to get Atlanta again , my boy .", "We do n't seem to have any luck , do we ? My messenger should have reached", "Sherman ! He must be there now . He must be there \u2014 he can n't be lost !", "Two whole days I 've listened to that thing click \u2014\u2014", "Is that the word Atlanta you 're clicking off ?", "Call Atlanta again . Do it slowly . I want to learn it \u2014 Uncle Billy \u2014\u2014Must be there by this time !", "Once more .I want to catch that as quick as you do \u2014 when it comes !Oh , my God , why do n't it come !\u2014 Why do n't it come !", "Hold them back awhile . We 're bound to hear something to-day . I promised them my decision this morning , I know \u2014 but I 'm still full of foolish hopes .", "This machine here seems to think they are . The darn fool thing will talk one way but wo n't chirp the other .", "Anything \u2014 tell them a funny story !They need a laugh \u2014 the bunch of undertakers ! Waiting for me to deliver my corpse to them !\u2014 Restless , because I have n't given it up sooner !No \u2014 that was n't it \u2014\u2014Tell them positively , I will see them within half an hour .How close can you get to Atlanta over the Chattanooga line \u2014\u2014?", "Strange \u2014 we got closer than that yesterday \u2014 Sherman 's on the move ....", "Nothing \u2014\u2014", "Not yet .", "I 'm sure \u2014 remember , sure to a moral certainty \u2014 that he left", "Richmond safely .", "Indirectly \u2014\u2014", "Edward , ask Mr. Gilmore to step in here a minute .", "Gilmore 's report ought to be worth half a million votes for me \u2014 it may be worth something to you \u2014Gilmore , did you see a handsome young fellow in Confederate uniform taking notes at your interview with Davis \u2014\u2014", "That 'll do , Gilmore . I wish you 'd help Nicolay choke that Committee off a little while \u2014 and you come with them when they break in \u2014 will you ?", "Now you 've had some good news \u2014\u2014", "Two days . I know the hole where he went in at . But I can n't tell where the old varmint 's going to come out \u2014\u2014", "Oh ! He 'll come out \u2014\u2014He 'll come out somewhere \u2014 It 's a habit Uncle Billy has \u2014\u2014", "No news is generally good news from Sherman .Come , come , my dear \u2014 these tears wo n't do ! You 've got to help me now !I may have sent your lover to his death . I know that ! But he went with a smile on his face and a great joy in his heart for the service he was doing his country \u2014\u2014", "Give me a little lift , then \u2014\u2014", "I 'm just whistling to keep up my courage !", "I know that he got to Atlanta \u2014\u2014", "Sherman has disappeared !", "That 's the way to talk ! That 's the way I 'm talking to myself though I 'm scared within an inch of my life \u2014\u2014Say , boy \u2014 can n't you beat it a little harder and make the blame thing talk for us ?", "Try him again \u2014\u2014 -Did n't the thing start to answer ?Call the War Office and ask Stanton to step over here \u2014 My God \u2014 why can n't we hear !", "As many as you like !", "Yes \u2014 of course \u2014\u2014", "They might \u2014 but he 's a very bright young man ! He 'll be too smart for them \u2014\u2014", "Now listen \u2014! I 'm going to tell you something \u2014 I know ! I 've a sort of second sight that tells me things sometimes , my dear . After the battle of Gettysburg I saw General Daniel E. Sickles in the hospital . They told me that he was mortally wounded and could not possibly live . I told General Sickles that he would live and get well , and he did ! I saw his living body that day at work in health and strength as plainly as I see you ! We have not heard from Captain Vaughan yet , but it will come \u2014! He has reached Atlanta . The General got my message . I know that . I felt it flash through the air from his soul to mine ! I can see you and your lover at this moment seated side by side smiling and happy \u2014\u2014", "As plainly as I see the sunlight dancing on the leaves outside that window now \u2014\u2014", "I sent for you , to ask that \u2014\u2014", "What does it mean ?", "You think that 's it \u2014\u2014?", "Neither do I \u2014\u2014", "That 's what I think too \u2014 God help us !", "All right \u2014 John \u2014 let \u2018 em in \u2014 I 'm ready .", "War Department \u2014\u2014", "\u2014 What is it , Stanton ?", "Pull for me , boy , pull for me \u2014 keep picking at that thing !", "I do n't want to read it , Stevens . Your face is enough for me . It must be bad , or you would n't be so happy . You 're almost smiling !", "You know , Stevens , you remind of an old farmer I knew in Illinois \u2014\u2014", "This old farmer raised the biggest hog ever seen in the county . He was so fat the news of his size spread over the country and people came from far and near to see this wonder in pork . A stranger came up one day and asked the farmer to see him . The old man said : \u201c Wal I 've got sech a animal an \u2019 he 's the biggest one I ever seed . I 'll say that . But so many folks are comin \u2019 here pesterin \u2019 me to look at him , I 've decided to charge a shillin \u2019 a look . \u201d The stranger put his hand in his pocket , pulled out the money , paid the shilling , stared at the old man , turned and walked away . The farmer called after him \u2014 \u201c Hi \u2014 there \u2014 ai n't yer goin \u2019 ter see the hog ? \u201d \u201c No \u201d \u2014 the fellow answered \u2014 \u201c I 've seen you ! I 've got my money 's worth . \u201dHow goes it , boy ? How goes it ?Not a click \u2014\u2014?", "Fire away , Stevens , if it makes you happy .", "What 's that ?", "Out with it , boy , word for word as you get it !", "Glory to God !", "O my soul , lift up thy head !", "Go tell Mother , quick , tell her to come here !", "Unto thee , O God , we give all the praise now and forever more !", "Mother ! It 's all right !\u2014 Uncle Billy 's there !", "Never !\u2014\u2014", "My friends ! A poem is singing in my heart !", "\u201c Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord !", "He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored :", "He has loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword \u2014", "His truth is marching on !", "\u201c He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat !", "He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment seat :", "Oh ! Be swift my soul to answer Him ! Be jubilant my feet !", "Our God is marching on ! \u201d", "And remember , gentlemen , U. S. Grant sent Sherman on that mission . You know I did n't remove him ! Well , Raymond , what say you , now !", "What say you all ?", "Come on , Stevens , smile ! Take a chance . It may kill you , but my Lord , man , take a chance !", "If I could n't laugh I 'd have died long ago at this job !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 7, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now , fair Hippolyta , our nuptial hour", "Draws on apace ; four happy days bring in", "Another moon ; but , O , methinks , how slow", "This old moon wanes ! She lingers my desires ,", "Like to a step-dame or a dowager ,", "Long withering out a young man 's revenue .", "Go , Philostrate ,", "Stir up the Athenian youth to merriments ;", "Awake the pert and nimble spirit of mirth ;", "Turn melancholy forth to funerals ;", "The pale companion is not for our pomp . Exit PHILOSTRATE", "Hippolyta , I woo 'd thee with my sword ,", "And won thy love doing thee injuries ;", "But I will wed thee in another key ,", "With pomp , with triumph , and with revelling .", "Thanks , good Egeus ; what 's the news with thee ?", "What say you , Hermia ? Be advis 'd , fair maid .", "To you your father should be as a god ;", "One that compos 'd your beauties ; yea , and one", "To whom you are but as a form in wax ,", "By him imprinted , and within his power", "To leave the figure , or disfigure it .", "Demetrius is a worthy gentleman .", "In himself he is ;", "But , in this kind , wanting your father 's voice ,", "The other must be held the worthier .", "Rather your eyes must with his judgment look .", "Either to die the death , or to abjure", "For ever the society of men .", "Therefore , fair Hermia , question your desires ,", "Know of your youth , examine well your blood ,", "Whether , if you yield not to your father 's choice ,", "You can endure the livery of a nun ,", "For aye to be shady cloister mew 'd ,", "To live a barren sister all your life ,", "Chanting faint hymns to the cold fruitless moon .", "Thrice-blessed they that master so their blood", "To undergo such maiden pilgrimage ;", "But earthlier happy is the rose distill 'd", "Than that which withering on the virgin thorn", "Grows , lives , and dies , in single blessedness .", "Take time to pause ; and by the next new moon-", "The sealing-day betwixt my love and me", "For everlasting bond of fellowship-", "Upon that day either prepare to die", "For disobedience to your father 's will ,", "Or else to wed Demetrius , as he would ,", "Or on Diana 's altar to protest", "For aye austerity and single life .", "I must confess that I have heard so much ,", "And with Demetrius thought to have spoke thereof ;", "But , being over-full of self-affairs ,", "My mind did lose it . But , Demetrius , come ;", "And come , Egeus ; you shall go with me ;", "I have some private schooling for you both .", "For you , fair Hermia , look you arm yourself", "To fit your fancies to your father 's will ,", "Or else the law of Athens yields you up-", "Which by no means we may extenuate-", "To death , or to a vow of single life .", "Come , my Hippolyta ; what cheer , my love ?", "Demetrius , and Egeus , go along ;", "I must employ you in some business", "Against our nuptial , and confer with you", "Of something nearly that concerns yourselves ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Is all our company here ?", "Here is the scroll of every man 's name which is thought fit , through all Athens , to play in our interlude before the Duke and the Duchess on his wedding-day at night .", "Marry , our play is \u2018 The most Lamentable Comedy and most", "Cruel Death of Pyramus and Thisby . \u2019", "Answer , as I call you . Nick Bottom , the weaver .", "You , Nick Bottom , are set down for Pyramus .", "A lover , that kills himself most gallant for love .", "Francis Flute , the bellows-mender .", "Flute , you must take Thisby on you .", "It is the lady that Pyramus must love .", "That 's all one ; you shall play it in a mask , and you may speak as small as you will .", "No , no , you must play Pyramus ; and , Flute , you Thisby .", "Robin Starveling , the tailor .", "Robin Starveling , you must play Thisby 's mother . Tom Snout , the tinker .", "You , Pyramus \u2019 father ; myself , Thisby 's father ; Snug , the joiner , you , the lion 's part . And , I hope , here is a play fitted .", "You may do it extempore , for it is nothing but roaring .", "An you should do it too terribly , you would fright the Duchess and the ladies , that they would shriek ; and that were enough to hang us all .", "You can play no part but Pyramus ; for Pyramus is a sweet-fac 'd man ; a proper man , as one shall see in a summer 's day ; a most lovely gentleman-like man ; therefore you must needs play Pyramus .", "Why , what you will .", "Some of your French crowns have no hair at all , and then you will play bare-fac 'd . But , masters , here are your parts ; and I am to entreat you , request you , and desire you , to con them by to-morrow night ; and meet me in the palace wood , a mile without the town , by moonlight ; there will we rehearse ; for if we meet in the city , we shall be dogg 'd with company , and our devices known . In the meantime I will draw a bill of properties , such as our play wants . I pray you , fail me not .", "At the Duke 's oak we meet ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["How now , spirit ! whither wander you ?", "The King doth keep his revels here to-night ;", "Take heed the Queen come not within his sight ;", "For Oberon is passing fell and wrath ,", "Because that she as her attendant hath", "A lovely boy , stolen from an Indian king .", "She never had so sweet a changeling ;", "And jealous Oberon would have the child", "Knight of his train , to trace the forests wild ;", "But she perforce withholds the loved boy ,", "Crowns him with flowers , and makes him all her joy .", "And now they never meet in grove or green ,", "By fountain clear , or spangled starlight sheen ,", "But they do square , that all their elves for fear", "Creep into acorn cups and hide them there .", "Thou speakest aright :", "I am that merry wanderer of the night .", "I jest to Oberon , and make him smile", "When I a fat and bean-fed horse beguile ,", "Neighing in likeness of a filly foal ;", "And sometime lurk I in a gossip 's bowl", "In very likeness of a roasted crab ,", "And , when she drinks , against her lips I bob ,", "And on her withered dewlap pour the ale .", "The wisest aunt , telling the saddest tale ,", "Sometime for three-foot stool mistaketh me ;", "Then slip I from her bum , down topples she ,", "And \u2018 tailor \u2019 cries , and falls into a cough ;", "And then the whole quire hold their hips and laugh ,", "And waxen in their mirth , and neeze , and swear", "A merrier hour was never wasted there .", "But room , fairy , here comes Oberon .", "I remember .", "I 'll put a girdle round about the earth", "In forty minutes . Exit PUCK", "Ay , there it is .", "Fear not , my lord ; your servant shall do so . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Fair love , you faint with wand'ring in the wood ;", "And , to speak troth , I have forgot our way ;", "We 'll rest us , Hermia , if you think it good ,", "And tarry for the comfort of the day .", "One turf shall serve as pillow for us both ;", "One heart , one bed , two bosoms , and one troth .", "O , take the sense , sweet , of my innocence !", "Love takes the meaning in love 's conference .", "I mean that my heart unto yours is knit ,", "So that but one heart we can make of it ;", "Two bosoms interchained with an oath ,", "So then two bosoms and a single troth .", "Then by your side no bed-room me deny ,", "For lying so , Hermia , I do not lie .", "Amen , amen , to that fair prayer say I ;", "And then end life when I end loyalty !", "Here is my bed ; sleep give thee all his rest !", "And run through fire I will for thy sweet sake . Transparent Helena ! Nature shows art , That through thy bosom makes me see thy heart . Where is Demetrius ? O , how fit a word Is that vile name to perish on my sword !", "Content with Hermia ! No : I do repent", "The tedious minutes I with her have spent .", "Not Hermia but Helena I love :", "Who will not change a raven for a dove ?", "The will of man is by his reason sway 'd ,", "And reason says you are the worthier maid .", "Things growing are not ripe until their season ;", "So I , being young , till now ripe not to reason ;", "And touching now the point of human skill ,", "Reason becomes the marshal to my will ,", "And leads me to your eyes , where I o'erlook", "Love 's stories , written in Love 's richest book .", "She sees not Hermia . Hermia , sleep thou there ;", "And never mayst thou come Lysander near !", "For , as a surfeit of the sweetest things", "The deepest loathing to the stomach brings ,", "Or as the heresies that men do leave", "Are hated most of those they did deceive ,", "So thou , my surfeit and my heresy ,", "Of all be hated , but the most of me !", "And , all my powers , address your love and might", "To honour Helen , and to be her knight ! Exit"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Are we all met ?", "Peter Quince !", "There are things in this comedy of Pyramus and Thisby that will never please . First , Pyramus must draw a sword to kill himself ; which the ladies cannot abide . How answer you that ?", "Not a whit ; I have a device to make all well . Write me a prologue ; and let the prologue seem to say we will do no harm with our swords , and that Pyramus is not kill 'd indeed ; and for the more better assurance , tell them that I Pyramus am not Pyramus but Bottom the weaver . This will put them out of fear .", "No , make it two more ; let it be written in eight and eight .", "Masters , you ought to consider with yourself to bring in - God shield us ! - a lion among ladies is a most dreadful thing ; for there is not a more fearful wild-fowl than your lion living ; and we ought to look to't .", "Nay , you must name his name , and half his face must be seen through the lion 's neck ; and he himself must speak through , saying thus , or to the same defect : \u2018 Ladies , \u2019 or \u2018 Fair ladies , I would wish you \u2019 or \u2018 I would request you \u2019 or \u2018 I would entreat you not to fear , not to tremble . My life for yours ! If you think I come hither as a lion , it were pity of my life . No , I am no such thing ; I am a man as other men are . \u2019 And there , indeed , let him name his name , and tell them plainly he is Snug the joiner .", "A calendar , a calendar ! Look in the almanack ; find out moonshine , find out moonshine .", "Why , then may you leave a casement of the great chamber window , where we play , open ; and the moon may shine in at the casement .", "Some man or other must present Wall ; and let him have some plaster , or some loam , or some rough-cast about him , to signify wall ; and let him hold his fingers thus , and through that cranny shall Pyramus and Thisby whisper .", "Thisby , the flowers of odious savours sweet-", "-odours savours sweet ; So hath thy breath , my dearest Thisby dear . But hark , a voice ! Stay thou but here awhile , And by and by I will to thee appear . Exit", "If I were fair , Thisby , I were only thine .", "Why do they run away ? This is a knavery of them to make me afeard . Re-enter SNOUT", "What do you see ? You see an ass-head of your own , do you ? Exit SNOUT Re-enter QUINCE", "I see their knavery : this is to make an ass of me ; to fright me , if they could . But I will not stir from this place , do what they can ; I will walk up and down here , and will sing , that they shall hear I am not afraid .The ousel cock , so black of hue , With orange-tawny bill , The throstle with his note so true , The wren with little quill .", "The finch , the sparrow , and the lark , The plain-song cuckoo grey , Whose note full many a man doth mark , And dares not answer nay - for , indeed , who would set his wit to so foolish a bird ? Who would give a bird the lie , though he cry \u2018 cuckoo \u2019 never so ?", "Methinks , mistress , you should have little reason for that . And yet , to say the truth , reason and love keep little company together now-a-days . The more the pity that some honest neighbours will not make them friends . Nay , I can gleek upon occasion .", "Not so , neither ; but if I had wit enough to get out of this wood , I have enough to serve mine own turn .", "I cry your worships mercy , heartily ; I beseech your worship 's name .", "I shall desire you of more acquaintance , good Master", "I pray you , commend me to Mistress Squash , your mother , and to Master Peascod , your father . Good Master Peaseblossom , I shall desire you of more acquaintance too . Your name , I beseech you , sir ?", "Good Master Mustardseed , I know your patience well . That same cowardly giant-like ox-beef hath devour 'd many a gentleman of your house . I promise you your kindred hath made my eyes water ere now . I desire you of more acquaintance , good Master Mustardseed ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I wonder if Titania be awak 'd ;", "Then , what it was that next came in her eye ,", "Which she must dote on in extremity .", "Enter PUCK", "Here comes my messenger . How now , mad spirit !", "What night-rule now about this haunted grove ?", "This falls out better than I could devise .", "But hast thou yet latch 'd the Athenian 's eyes", "With the love-juice , as I did bid thee do ?", "Stand close ; this is the same Athenian .", "What hast thou done ? Thou hast mistaken quite ,", "And laid the love-juice on some true-love 's sight .", "Of thy misprision must perforce ensue", "Some true love turn 'd , and not a false turn 'd true .", "About the wood go swifter than the wind ,", "And Helena of Athens look thou find ;", "All fancy-sick she is and pale of cheer ,", "With sighs of love that costs the fresh blood dear .", "By some illusion see thou bring her here ;", "I 'll charm his eyes against she do appear .", "Flower of this purple dye ,", "Hit with Cupid 's archery ,", "Sink in apple of his eye .", "When his love he doth espy ,", "Let her shine as gloriously", "As the Venus of the sky .", "When thou wak'st , if she be by ,", "Beg of her for remedy .", "Re-enter PUCK", "Stand aside . The noise they make", "Will cause Demetrius to awake .", "This is thy negligence . Still thou mistak'st ,", "Or else committ'st thy knaveries wilfully .", "Thou seest these lovers seek a place to fight .", "Hie therefore , Robin , overcast the night ;", "The starry welkin cover thou anon", "With drooping fog as black as Acheron ,", "And lead these testy rivals so astray", "As one come not within another 's way .", "Like to Lysander sometime frame thy tongue ,", "Then stir Demetrius up with bitter wrong ;", "And sometime rail thou like Demetrius ;", "And from each other look thou lead them thus ,", "Till o'er their brows death-counterfeiting sleep", "With leaden legs and batty wings doth creep .", "Then crush this herb into Lysander 's eye ;", "Whose liquor hath this virtuous property ,", "To take from thence all error with his might", "And make his eyeballs roll with wonted sight .", "When they next wake , all this derision", "Shall seem a dream and fruitless vision ;", "And back to Athens shall the lovers wend", "With league whose date till death shall never end .", "Whiles I in this affair do thee employ ,", "I 'll to my queen , and beg her Indian boy ;", "And then I will her charmed eye release", "From monster 's view , and all things shall be peace .", "But we are spirits of another sort :", "I with the Morning 's love have oft made sport ;", "And , like a forester , the groves may tread", "Even till the eastern gate , all fiery red ,", "Opening on Neptune with fair blessed beams ,", "Turns into yellow gold his salt green streams .", "But , notwithstanding , haste , make no delay ;", "We may effect this business yet ere day . Exit OBERON"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come , sit thee down upon this flow'ry bed ,", "While I thy amiable cheeks do coy ,", "And stick musk-roses in thy sleek smooth head ,", "And kiss thy fair large ears , my gentle joy .", "What , wilt thou hear some music , my sweet love ?", "Or say , sweet love , what thou desirest to eat .", "I have a venturous fairy that shall seek", "The squirrel 's hoard , and fetch thee new nuts .", "Sleep thou , and I will wind thee in my arms .", "Fairies , be gone , and be all ways away . Exeunt FAIRIES", "So doth the woodbine the sweet honeysuckle", "Gently entwist ; the female ivy so", "Enrings the barky fingers of the elm .", "O , how I love thee ! how I dote on thee !", "My Oberon ! What visions have I seen ! Methought I was enamour 'd of an ass .", "How came these things to pass ? O , how mine eyes do loathe his visage now !", "Music , ho , music , such as charmeth sleep !", "Come , my lord ; and in our flight ,", "Tell me how it came this night", "That I sleeping here was found", "With these mortals on the ground . Exeunt", "To the winding of horns , enter THESEUS , HIPPOLYTA ,", "EGEUS , and train"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis strange , my Theseus , that these lovers speak of .", "But all the story of the night told over ,", "And all their minds transfigur 'd so together ,", "More witnesseth than fancy 's images ,", "And grows to something of great constancy ,", "But howsoever strange and admirable .", "I love not to see wretchedness o'erhYpppHeNcharged ,", "And duty in his service perishing .", "He says they can do nothing in this kind .", "Indeed he hath play 'd on this prologue like a child on a recorder - a sound , but not in government .", "This is the silliest stuff that ever I heard .", "It must be your imagination then , and not theirs .", "I am aweary of this moon . Would he would change !", "Well shone , Moon . Truly , the moon shines with a good grace .", "Beshrew my heart , but I pity the man .", "How chance Moonshine is gone before Thisby comes back and finds her lover ? Re-enter THISBY", "Methinks she should not use a long one for such a", "Pyramus ; I hope she will be brief ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 15, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["This air has a sweet breath , Master Brewen .", "Ay , and in good , I hope : this halcyon gale", "Plays the lewd wanton with our dancing sails ,", "And makes \u2018 em big", "with vaporous embryo .", "Such a delivery heaven send us ;", "But time must ripen it . Are our accounts made even ?", "As evenly we will lay our bosoms", "As our bottoms , with love as merchandise ,", "And may they both increase t \u2019 infinities .", "Here you shall dig, and find your lading .", "The merchant 's casualty :", "We always venture on uncertain odds ,", "Although we bear hope 's emblem , the anchor ,", "With us . The wind brought it ; let the wind blow \u2018 t", "Away again ; should not the sea sometimes", "Be partner with us , our wealth would swallow us .", "I could preventyou : is't not my unthrifty brother ?", "He cannot be nam 'd without unthrifty , sir ;", "\u2018 Tis his proper epithet : would you conceit", "But what my love has done for him :", "So oft , so chargeable , and so expensive ,", "You would not urge another addition .", "Ay , by vulgar blemish , but not by any good account :", "There let him howl ; \u2018 tis the best stay he hath ;", "For nothing but a prison can contain him ,", "So boundless is his riot : twice have I rais 'd", "His decayed fortunes to a fair estate ;", "But with as fruitless charity as if I had thrown", "My safe-landed substance back into the sea ;", "Or dress in pity some corrupted jade ,", "And he should kick me for my courtesy .", "I am sure you cannot but hear what quicksands", "He finds out ; as dice , cards , pigeon-holes ,", "And which is more , should I not restrain it ,", "He 'd make my state his prodigality .", "Ay , sir , that work is good , and therein could I", "Join with your good intents ; but to relieve", "A waste-good , a spendthrift \u2014\u2014", "Sirrah , when saw you my son Robert ?", "I pay for their meetings , I am sure : that boy", "Makes prize of all his fingers \u2018 light upon", "To relieve his unthrifty uncle .", "\u2018 Tis partly your fault , sirrah ; you see't and suffer it .", "By concealing of his pilferings .", "\u2018 Tis in neither well , sir : for note but the", "Condition of my estate ; I 'm lately married", "To a wealthy widow , from whom my substance", "Chiefly does arise : she has observed this in her", "Son-in-law , often complains and grudges at it ,", "And what foul broils such civil discords bring ,", "Few married men are ignorant of .", "Enter MISTRESS FOSTER .", "Nay , will you see a present proof of it ?", "Why , what 's the matter , woman ?", "Nay , thou'lt be heard too far .", "Why , sir , how should I minister remedy", "And know not the cause ?", "That 's my son .", "And th \u2019 other 's my brother .", "Why , did I ever cherish him ! have not I threaten 'd him", "With disinheritance for this disorder ?", "The other 's in Ludgate .", "Prythee , content thyself , I 'll see", "A present remedy . Sirrah , go call \u2018 em in :", "This worthy gentleman shall know the cause ,", "And censure for us both with equity .", "Now , sir ,", "Are all my words with you so light esteem 'd ,", "That they can take no hold upon your duty ?", "And you , sir ?", "I had thought you had been in Ludgate , sir ?", "Why , where are you , sir ?", "Indeed , that is a place you hardly can be", "Removed from ; but this is not a place fit", "For one in debt . How came you out of prison , sirrah ?", "This was your work , to let this bandog loose .", "Your duty did belong to me , and I", "Did not command it .", "He has not , worthy sir ;", "But to make void that false construction .", "Here I disclaim the title of a brother ;", "And by that disclaim hast thou lost thy child 's part :", "Be thou engag 'd for any debts of his ,", "In prison rot with him ; my goods shall not", "Purchase such fruitless recompence .", "If e'er I know thou keep'st him company ,", "I 'll take my blessing from thee whilst I live ,", "And that which after me should bless thy \u2018 state .", "Tut , tut , these are babbles .", "You must be out of prison first , sir .", "Ay , do ; let him sear up his arm , and scarf it up", "With two yards of rope ; counterfeit two villains ;", "Beg under a hedge , and share your bounty :", "But come not near my house ;", "Nor thou in 's company , if thou'lt obey :", "There 's punishment for thee ; for thee there 's worse :", "The loss of all that 's mine , with my dear curse .", "Manent STEPHEN and ROBERT .", "Sir , in a word take it : your full lading", "And venture is return 'd at sixtyfold increase .", "O , sir , care and ambition seldom meet ;", "Let us be thrifty ; titles will faster come ,", "Than we shall wish to have them .", "Why , sir , if so you please , I 'll ease your cares ;", "Shall I , like a full adventurer , now bid you", "A certain ready sum for your half traffic .", "Shall I bid your venture at a venture ?", "Twenty thousand pounds ?", "Shall I meet you half-way ?", "If you like my payment , \u2018 tis the one-half in ready cash , the other seal 'd for six months .", "Your hazard is now all pass 'd , sir .", "Believe me , sir , I account myself a large gainer by you .", "What is it , sir ?", "I would you had enjoin 'd me some great labour", "For your own love 's sake : but to that my vow", "Stands fix 'd against ; I 'm deaf , obdurate", "To either of them .", "Sir , I have no such thing akin to me .", "Not I , sir ; he 's a stranger to me . Save your knee ; I have no blessing for you .", "Did he not say he 'd beg for you ? you 'd best make use of 's bounty .", "Sir , if your daughter cast any eye of favour upon this unthrift , restrai n't , he 's a beggar . Mistress Jane , take heed what you do .", "Sir , your money shall be ready , and your bills ; other business I have none .", "Pray stay , sir , I have bethought me : let me once", "Throw dice at all , and either be a complete", "Merchant , or wrack my estate for ever :", "Hear me , sir ; I have of wares , that are now vendible ,", "So much as will defray your utmost penny ;", "Will you accept of them , and save this charge", "Of wax and parchment ?", "Broadcloths , kerseys , cochineal , such as will not stay two days upon your hands .", "I have no other end , sir ; let our factors peruse and deal for both .", "Richard , have you any further news yet from our shipping ? RICH Not yet , sir ; but by account from the last , when they put from Dover , this tide should bring them into Saint Catherine 's pool ; the wind has been friendly .", "Listen their arrival , and bid the gunner speak it", "In his loud thunder all the city over ;", "Tingle the merchants \u2019 ears at the report", "Of my abundant wealth . Now go with George .", "RICH I shall do both , sir .", "I must plainly now confess , master alderman ,", "I shall gain much by you . The half of your ship", "Defrays my full cost .", "How now , woman ? Wrecked in the haven of felicity ? What ail'st thou ?", "I hope so too ; his hate is better than his friendship .", "What of him ? he 's in Ludgate again .", "Why , these", "Are oracles , doubtful enigmas !", "How , married ? No woman of repute would choose so slightly .", "Fie , fie ! \u2018 tis fabulous .", "But , wife , my wealth will five times double his", "Ere this tide ebb again : I wonder I hear not", "The brazen cannon proclaim the arrival", "Of my infinite substance .", "Let him first pay his old score , and then reckon :", "But that she \u2014\u2014", "Content thee ; forgive her ; she 'll do so no more . She was a rich widow : a wife he 'll make her poor .", "You say true ; \u2018 tis my enemy indeed .", "Well fare rich widows , when such beggars flourish ;", "But ill shall they fare that flourish o'er such beggars .", "No wonder , woman , he would do that in Ludgate ;", "But \u2018 twas when his kind nephew did relieve him :", "I shall hear him cry there again shortly .", "The gentleman is merry .", "What idol kneels that heretic to ?", "Do , sir , or turn your adoration that way ;", "You were kind to him in his tatter 'd state ;", "Let him requite it now .", "Ay , ay , a beggar 's gallop up and down .", "This is the rich merchantman ;", "Who will kill a man at Tyburn shortly .", "Take your adoption with you , sir .", "\u2018 Tis my curse then ; get thee out of mine eye :", "Thou art a beam i n't , and I 'll tear it out ,", "Ere it offend to look on thee .", "See , wife , here comes Richard ; now listen ,", "And hear me crown 'd the wealthiest London merchant .", "Why dost thou look so sadly ?", "Why , thy voice is good enough .", "Ha ?", "What can so baleful be , as thou wouldst seem", "To make by this sad prologue ? I am no traitor ,", "To confiscate my goods : speak , whate'er it be .", "Dally not with torments ,", "Sink me at once .", "Ha !", "Hold , woman ! hold , prythee ! \u2018 tis none of his fault .", "Undone for ever ! Where could this mischief fall ?", "Were not my ships in their full pride at Dover ;", "And what English Charybdis has the devil digg 'd", "To swallow nearer home .", "Dam up thy mouth", "From any further mischievous relation .", "Even now thy baleful utterance", "Was chok 'd , and now it runs too fast ;", "Thou fatal bird , no more .", "O , curse not ; they come too fast !", "I prythee , split me too .", "Undone for ever ! My credit I have crack 'd", "To buy a venture , which the sea has soak 'd ;", "What worse can woe report ?", "Be it the worst , then : that place I did assign", "My unthrifty brother , Ludgate , must now be mine .", "Break , and take Ludgate .", "I scorn 'd my child , now he may scorn his father .", "I will : would he my wants relieve , I 'd scorn to take what he would yield to give . My heart be still my friend , although no other . I 'll scorn the help of either son or brother . My portion 's begging now : seldom before , In one sad hour , was man so rich and poor . FOOTNOTES :There were several works published about this time containing the results of the various writers \u2019 experiences and observations in the new plantations in America .You acquired citizenship in right of your father , and without personal service .An allusion to Godfrey of Boulogne or Bulloigne .Innocent , it must be remembered , in the language of our old dramatic writers , denotes an idiot .Doll Tearsheet says of Pistol , in the \u201c Second Part of Henry IV ., \u201d \u201c These villains will make the word captain as odious as the word occupy , which , was an excellent good word before it was ill-sorted , \u201d]\u201c Tallies , \u201d says Johnson , \u201c are sticks cut in conformity to others , by which accounts were kept . \u201d Jack Cade reproaches the Lord Say , \u201c with having caused printing to be used , whereas before no other books were made use of by their forefathers but the score and tally . And Cade has the Exchequer Office on his side , where accounts are still partially kept after this most barbarous fashion . \u201dThe name of a tooth-drawer , real or imaginary , who attended fairs . In 1592 Chettle printed his tract called \u201c Kindhart 's Dream . \u201d Dilke observes : \u201c I am inclined to think , however , that kind-heart was the \u2018 travelling name \u2019 of some notorious quack tooth-drawer , or a cant name given to the whole race of them . So the stage-keeper , in the induction to \u2018 Bartholomew Fair , \u2019 when expressing his fear of the author 's success , says : \u2018 He has ne'er a sword-and-buckler man in his fair , nor a little Davy , to take toll of the bawds there , as in my time ; nor a kind-heart , if anybody 's teeth should chance to ake in his play . \u2019 And further , it is part of the \u2018 covenant and agreement , \u2019 in the same induction , that the audience shall not \u2018 look back to the sword-and-buckler age of Smithfield , but content themselves with the present . Instead of a little Davy , to take toll of the bawds , the author doth promise a strutting horse-courser , with a leer drunkard , two or three to attend him in as good equipage as you would wish . And then for kind-heart the tooth-drawer , a fine oily pig-woman , with , \u2019 \u201d & c ., & c .The artemisia or southern wood is meant .Jane has been too successful in her play on the names and qualities of the flowers to have chosen this at random ; and I am inclined to think the following extract from the \u201c Winter 's Tale \u201d will serve to elucidate her meaning \u2014 \u201c The fairest flowers o \u2019 the season Are our carnations and streak 'd gilliflowers . Which some call nature 's bastards : of that kind Our rustic garden 's barren ; and I care not To get slips of them .", "I will not trust the iron hearts of men ;", "My credit 's lost , my wealth the sea has swallowed ,", "Wrack 'd at my door , even in the mouth o \u2019 th \u2019 Thames ;", "O my misfortune ! never man like me", "Was so thrown down and cast to misery .", "I prythee , get thee gone ,", "And with thy diligence assist thy mistress", "To keep that little left to help herself ;", "Whilst here in Ludgate I secure my body", "From writs , arrests , and executions ,", "Which , well I know , my cruel creditors", "Will thunder on me . Go , get thee gone !", "If what is left they 'll take , do thou agree ;", "If not , I am resolv 'd here to stay and die .", "Do so .Come , sir , I yield myself your prisoner : You are the keeper of this Ludgate ?", "So !", "I have seen the fair outside of this tomb before ;", "This goodly apple has a rotten core .", "I prythee , bar me of no privilege", "Due to a free citizen : thou knowest me well ?", "O , speak not of them ! do not kiss and kill me ;", "I have no son nor brother that esteems me ,", "And I for ever hate their memory .", "Prythee , no more ! I am come sick", "Into a bad inn , and look for worse attendance :", "I have taken a surfeit of misfortunes , and here", "Must swallow pills , with poison to recure me :", "I am sea-sick , sir , and heave my hands to heaven ;", "Ne'er to so low an ebb was Foster driven .", "So , so !", "If this old walnut-tree , after all this cudgelling ,", "Have but one cluster left , thou shalt have that too ;", "If not , take off these leaves that cover me ,", "Pull off these white locks ! rend them from my head !", "And let them in my woes be buried .", "I think no less ,", "For rich men seldom meet with such distress :", "Well , well ! what book must I read over now ?", "What servile oar must I be tied to here ,", "Slave-like to tug within this Christian galley ?", "For a beggar to beg , sir , is no shame ;", "And for the iron grate , it bears an emblem", "Of iron-hearted creditors , that force men lie", "In loathsome prisons thus to starve and die .", "O torment to my soul ! what mak'st thou here ?", "Cannot the picture of my misery", "Be drawn , and hung out to the eyes of men ,", "But thou must come to scorn and laugh at it ?", "Hence from my sight , dissembling villain ! go !", "Thine uncle sends defiance to my woe ,", "And thou must bring it . Hence ! thou basilisk ,", "That kill'st me with thine eyes . Nay , never kneel ;", "Him and thee I curse ;", "I 'll starve ere I eat bread", "from his purse", "Or from thy hand . Out , villain ! tell that cur ,", "Thy barking uncle , that I lie not here", "Upon my bed of riot , as he did ,", "Cover 'd with all the villanies which man", "Had ever woven ; tell him I lie not so ,", "It was the hand of heaven struck me thus low ,", "And I do thank it . Get thee gone , I say ,", "Or I shall curse thee , strike thee ; prythee , away !", "Or if thou'lt laugh thy fill at my poor state ,", "Then stay , and listen to the prison-grate ,", "And hear thy father , an old wretched man ,", "That yesterday had thousands , beg and cry", "To get a penny : O my misery !", "Upon my curse I charge no nearer come :", "I 'll be no father to so vile a son .", "Bread , bread ! one penny to buy a loaf of bread for the tender mercy !", "Bread , bread ! some Christian man send back", "Your charity to a number of poor prisoners .", "One penny for the tender mercy !", "Bread , bread , for the tender mercy ! one penny for a loaf of bread !", "Good angels guard you , sir ; my prayers shall be", "That heaven may bless you for this charity !", "Bread , bread ! some charitable man remember the poor prisoners : bread for the tender mercy ! one penny !", "I have no such fat legacy left me ,", "To teach me how to play the hypocrite .", "Ha ! is not this Ludgate ?", "A jail , a prison , a tomb of men lock 'd up ,", "Alive and buried ?", "O , at what crevice , then , hath comfort ,", "Like a sunbeam , crept in ? for all the doors", "And windows are of iron , and barr 'd to keep", "Her out . I had a limb cut from my body", "Dear to me as", "life ; I had a son", "And brother , too . O grief !", "They both would give me poison first in gold ,", "Before their hollow palms ten drops should hold", "Of nature 's drink , cold water , but to save", "My life one minute : whence should pity come ,", "When my best friends do beat it from this room ?", "O wife , my losses are as numberless", "As the sea-sands that swallowed them ! And shall I ,", "In reckoning them , my sad griefs multiply ?", "But all my wealth and state lies in the sea 's bottom .", "O , never !", "Go , send him in .", "None comes to do me good ,", "My wealth is lost , now let them take my blood .", "Enter ROBERT .", "Ha ! what art thou ? Call for the keeper there ,", "And thrust him out of doors , or lock me up .", "I know him not :", "Rise , mischief , rise ! Away , and get thee gone !", "My heart still hates thee .", "Get you both gone !", "That misery takes some rest that dwells alone ;", "Away , thou villain !", "Hang thee , hang thee !", "Destruction meet thee ! Turn the key there , ho !", "Stay !", "I see mine error now . O , can there grow", "A rose upon a bramble ? Did there e'er flow", "Poison and health together in one tide ?", "I 'm born a man : reason may step aside ,", "And lead a father 's love out of the way :", "Forgive me , my good boy , I went astray :", "Look , on my knees I beg it \u2014 not for joy", "Thou bring'st this golden rubbish , which I spurn ;", "But glad in this , the heavens mine eyeballs turn ,", "And fix them right to look upon that face ,", "Where love remains with pity , duty , grace .", "O my dear wronged boy !", "Yet , wife , I disinherited this boy .", "And that enjoy", "For ever : evermore my blessings fly", "To pay thy virtues , love and charity .", "Better than your husband 's hate could wish me ,", "That laughs to see my back with sorrows bow :", "But I am rid of half my ague now .", "Yes , and my heart had every hour a fit ;", "But now't has left me well , and I left it .", "What has my poor boy done , that you have made", "So much blood rise in 's cheeks ?", "\u2018 Twill ne'er be music , \u2018 tis so full of frets .", "And sound nothing when they are crack 'd ,", "As is his love to me , and mine to him .", "I 'll see a fury first ; hence ! clap to the door , I pray thee .", "Get thee from my sight ,", "Thou devil in red : com'st thou in scarlet pride", "To tread on thy poor brother in a jail ?", "Is there but one small conduit-pipe that runs", "Cold water to my comfort , and wouldst thou", "Cut off that , thou cruel man ?", "Thou canst not be to nature so uneven ,", "To punish that which has a pay from heaven :", "Pity , I mean , and duty .", "Wouldst thou strike ?", "Wound me , then , that will kill thee , if I can :", "How can I choose ? Thou makest me mad :", "For shame thou shouldst not make these white hairs sad :", "Churl , beat not my poor boy ; let him not lose", "Thy love for my sake ; I had rather bruise", "My soul with torments for a thousand years ,", "Could I but live them , rather than salt tears", "Thy malice draw from him : see , here 's thy gold ;", "Tell it : none 's stole . My woes can ne'er be told !", "Choke with thy dunghill-muck ! and vex me not .", "No matter ; lands to him in heaven will fall .", "And damn 'd ; the devil 's thumbs stop thine ears !", "Poor tyranny ! when lions weak lambs kill .", "Before I understood his virtuous mind ,", "Or weighed his disposition to be kind ,", "I did that froward work ; this now great man", "Was an unthrifty wretch , a prodigal then ,", "And I disdain 'd to know his brotherhood ,", "Denied relief to him ; this child , kind and good ,", "Against my contradiction , did him relieve ,", "As his distressed uncle ; at this", "I chid , forbad . Still he holds on his course ,", "He grows more kind , and he in wasting worse ;", "My rage continued , as it had begun ,", "And in that rage I threw away my son .", "O , let my shame my bosom 's centre break ! Love is so young , it coys , but cannot speak .", "It whole redounds again , for I am yours ;", "Forget this minute my forgetful hours .", "I give him to you now , sir .", "And all that you gave me , I do bestow ;", "So in one hour become full heir to two ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Dice , mine host . Is there no other room empty ?", "As good trust to hangmen as to executors . Who 's in the bowling-alley , mine host ?", "Give 's a bale of dice .", "We fear no counters now , mine host , so long as we have your bale so ready .Come , trip .", "A pox o \u2019 your box ! I shall ne'er be so happy to reward it better ; set me fair ; aloft now .", "What was't ?", "Seven still , pox o n't ! that number of the deadly sins haunts me damnably . Come , sir , throw .", "Take the miller .", "I hope we shall have good cheer , when two caters and a tray go to the market .", "Your box is like your belly , mine host : it draws all . Now for a suit of apparel .", "Foot ! I think my father threw three when I was begotten : pox o n't ! I know now why I am so haunted with threes .", "I met the third part of a knave as I came .", "Why , a serjeant 's yeoman , man ; the supervisor himself is but a whole one , and he shares but a groat in the shilling with him .", "No , he rests there .", "I thank you , sir , and so much a loser ? there 's but the waistband of my suit left :now , sweet bones !", "Soft , this die is false .", "Fullam !", "\u2018 Tis false , and I 'll have my money again .", "Ay , have at you , sir !", "Mine host , my cloak was lined through with orange-tawny velvet .", "You 're a company of coneycatching rascals : is this a suit to walk without a cloak in ?", "Coz , shall I tell thee the truth ? I had diminished but sixpence of the forty shillings ; by chance meeting with a friend , I went to a tailor , bargained for a suit : it came to full forty : I tendered my thirty-nine and a half , andthe scabby-wristed rascal wouldtrust me for sixpence !", "Pox on him ! if the tailor had been a man , I had had a fair suit on my back : so venturing for the other tester \u2014\u2014", "But after this day , I protest , coz , you shall never see me handle those bones again ; this day I break up school : if ever you call me unthrift after this day , you do me wrong .", "And what says your father yet , coz ?", "Thou liest , Xantippe ! it had been better", "Thou'dst been press 'd to death under two Irish rugs ,", "Than to ride honest Socrates , thy husband , thus ,", "And abuse his honest child .", "Thou liest again : \u2018 twill be at Moorgate , beldam , where I shall see thee in the ditch dancing in a cucking-stool .", "Thou liest again .", "You 'll be a whore , then .", "If you complain upon mine honest coz ,", "And that his father be offended with him ,", "The next time I meet thee , though it be i \u2019 the street ,", "I 'll dance i \u2019 th \u2019 dirt upon thy velvet cap ;", "Nay , worse , I 'll stain thy ruff ; nay , worse than that ,", "I 'll do thus .", "With me would you talk , gentlewoman ?", "Not very brave neither , yet I make a shift .", "I 'll be no pupil to a woman . Leave your discipline .", "Yet I must run to th \u2019 end of it .", "I would stay where I am , if I had any money .", "I think so too ; I have played at passage all this while , now I 'd go to hazard .", "\u2018 Tis all the portion I have . I have nothing to maintain me but my wit ; my money is too little , I 'm sure .", "Why , mistress , my shoulders were not made for a frock and a basket , nor a coal-sack ; no , nor my hands to turn a trencher at a table 's side .", "The fortune of the dice , you see .", "You 'd be as beggarly as I am .", "Nay , you must be well hanged ere you can be as I am .", "Ha ! some rich widow ? By this penniless pocket , I think \u2018 twere not the worst way .", "Ha ? Let me recount these articles : seek her out ; promise her fair ; marry her ; let her estate fly . But where should I find her ?", "\u2018 Sfoot ! if it were , I would be a chapman ; I 'd see for my pleasure , and buy for my love , for money I have none .", "Spend her estate ? were't five aldermen 's . I 'll put you in security for that ; \u2018 sfoot ! all my neighbours shall be bound for me ; nay , my kind sister-in-law shall pass her word for that .", "I 'll bless her , then ; I ever drank so much , that I was never great feeder . Give me drink and my pleasure , and a little flesh serves my turn .", "Yourself , gentlewoman ? I would it were no worse . I have heard you reputed a rich widow .", "I 'll let out your leases for you , if you 'll allow me the power , I 'll warrant you .", "I 'll be honest with some ; if I can be honest with all , I will too .", "I can make no blind bargain , unless I be in your bed , widow .", "I 'll do bad enough , fear it not .", "No , widow , I 'll stand to no hazard of blind bargains ; either promise me marriage , and give me earnest in a handfast , or I 'll not budge a foot .", "I 'll grow stouter when I 'm married .", "I 'll give you cause , I 'll warrant you .", "You shall have one with some , an \u2019 you have me .", "\u2018 Tis sealed ; I am thine . Now , coz , fear no black storms : if thy father thunder , come to me for shelter .", "Thou shalt take me so too , Hodge , for I 'll be thy fellow , though thy mistress 's husband . Give me thy hand .", "Mistake me not , kind-heart .", "I find much debts belonging to you , sweet ;", "And my care must be now to fetch them in .", "Content thee , sweet , those days are gone \u2014", "Ay , even from my memory ;", "I have forgot that e'er I had such follies ,", "And I 'll not call \u2018 em back : my cares", "are bent", "To keep your state , and give you all content .", "Roger , go , call your fellow-servants up to me ,", "And to my chamber bring all books of debt ;", "I will o'erlook and cast up all accounts ,", "That I may know the weight of all my cares ,", "And once a year give up my stewardship .", "O nephew , are you come ! the welcom'st wish", "That my heart has ; this is my kinsman , sweet .", "I should have begg 'd that bounty of your love ,", "Though you had scanted me to have give n't him ;", "For we are one : I an uncle-nephew ,", "He a nephew-uncle . But , my sweet self ,", "My slow request you have anticipated", "With proffer 'd kindness ; and I thank you for it .", "But how , kind cousin , does your father use you ?", "Is your name found again within his books ?", "Can he read son there ?", "Cousin , grieve", "Not at it ; that father , lost at home , you shall", "Find here ; and with the loss of his inheritance ,", "You meet another amply proffer 'd you ;", "Be my adopted son , no more my kinsman :", "So that this borrowed bounty do not stray", "From your consent .", "Come then , my dearest son , I 'll now give thee", "A taste of my love to thee : be thou my deputy ,", "The factor and disposer of my business ;", "Keep my accounts , and order my affairs ;", "They must be all your own : for you , dear sweet ,", "Be merry , take your pleasure at home \u2014 abroad ;", "Visit your neighbours \u2014 aught that may seem good", "To your own will ; down to the country ride ;", "For cares and troubles , lay them all aside ,", "And I will take them up : it 's fit that weight", "Should now lie all on me : take thou the height", "Of quiet and content : let nothing grieve thee .", "I brought thee nothing else , and that I 'll give thee .", "Save you , master alderman , I have some business with you .", "Ha ! ha ! ha !", "Oysters , new Walfleet oysters !", "Rise , boy , thou art now my son , and owest no knee", "To that unnatural : I charge you , rise .", "Proud sir , this son , which you have alienated", "For my love 's sake , shall by my love 's bounty", "Ride side by side in the best equipage", "Your scorns dare pattern him .", "Ha , ha ! I laugh at your envy , sir . My business", "Is to you .", "Sir , I am furnishing some shipping forth ,", "And want some English traffic , broadcloths , kerseys ,", "Or suchlike ; my voyage is to the Straits :", "If you can supply me , sir , I 'll be your chapman .", "I 'll go with you , sir .", "\u2018 Tis well .", "Good master alderman , I think that string", "Will still offend mine ear ; you mean the jarring", "\u2018 Twixt me and my brother ?", "I hate no poison like that brother 's name .", "Uncivil churl , when all his sails were up ,", "And that his proud heart danc 'd on golden waves \u2014\u2014", "Yet , sir , then ,", "I being sunk , and drown 'd in mine own misery ,", "He would not cast out a poor line of thread ,", "And bring me to the shore ; I had been dead ,", "And might have starv 'd for him .", "True , sir : this was he ,", "That lifted me from want and misery ;", "Whose cruel father , for that", "good ,", "Cast him away , scorning his name and blood ;", "Lopp 'd from his side this branch that held me dear ;", "For which he 's now my son , my joy , my heir .", "But , for his father , hang him !", "By heaven !", "I 'll give her a wedding-ring on that condition ,", "And put a stone i n't worth a thousand pound , sir .", "Now , by my life , my boy , for this brave spirit", "I 'll hug thee in mine arms : lose life and limbs ,", "Ere thou forsake thy love .", "Speak what you please , sir ; he 's a gentleman", "As good as either of you both ; and shall", "In list of love , for such a bedfellow ,", "Brave him that dares ; and here lay down more gold", "To win her love than both your states are worth .", "You are muddy grooms", "to upbraid me with that scorn", "Which virtue now gilds over . Pray ye , gentlemen ,", "May I request your names ?", "Well may he speed , sir . Lambskin and Speedwell . Ha ! is't so ? I think I shall give you a medicine to purge this itch of love , sir .", "Very good , sir ! my little Lambskin , I have you Here in sheep's-skin; look you , \u2018 tis so , i \u2019 faith . See , master alderman , these two crack 'd gallants Are in several bonds to my predecessor For a debt of full two thousand a-piece . Cousin , fetch me a sergeant straight .", "I 'll try that , sir .", "I am glad o n't , sir ; they are but such as seek", "To build their rotten state on you , and with your wealth", "To underprop their weakness :", "Believe me , reverend sir , I had much rather", "You 'd venture that my coz might call you father .", "Wife , your two debtors", "Were here but now , Speedwell and Lambskin .", "A wolf could not have torn poor Lambskin worse", "Than the bare name of sergeant : the very thought", "Made them both take their heels and run away .", "At thy girdle , sweet , hang the keys", "To lock the prison doors or let them loose :", "\u2018 Twas my intent only", "To rid them from the presence of Mistress Jane ,", "That our adopted son might have no bar", "Unto his love .", "Sir , here 's your factor .", "How ? cast away ? where ?", "Ha ! what is that to you ? If in my favour", "You 'll sit warm , then bury all love to him ,", "Nay , duty ; hear you , sir ? What ! shedd'st thou tears", "For him that had no care to see thy heart", "Drop blood ? He was unnatural , and heaven", "Hath justly now rewarded him .", "Greedy desire he swallowed ,", "And now is swallowed : \u2018 tis but his hire ,", "And I 'll not pity it no more than he", "In his abundance did my misery .", "In good sooth , you shall not ;", "Nor him , nor her , at this time , gentle wife ;", "He scorn 'd me in his height : now being poor ,", "If that he needs my help , he knows my door .", "Sir , we 'll for this time leave you ; at fitter leisure", "We 'll have this marriage talk 'd of .", "Come , wife . Go not to see your father , sir ,", "I charge you .", "Now , sir , what make you here", "So near the prison ?", "So , sir ; your pity will not quit your pains :", "I fear me , I shall find that bird to be", "That churlish wretch your father , that has taken", "Shelter here in Ludgate . Go to , sir ! urge me not ,", "You had best ; I have given you warning ;", "Fawn not upon him , nor come not near him ,", "If you 'll have my love .", "Lamb me no lambs , sir !", "Yes , as he did me ,", "To laugh and triumph at my misery ;", "You freed me with his gold , but \u2018 gainst his will :", "For him I might have rotted , and lain still :", "So shall he now .", "If him thou pity , \u2018 tis thine own decay .", "There let him howl . Get you gone , and come not near him .", "Well , go thy ways , thou pattern of true virtue ;", "My heart is full : I could e'en weep ,", "To hear a brother begging in a jail ,", "That but erewhile spread up a lofty sail", "As proudly as the best . O , \u2018 twere a sin", "Unpardonable in me , should I not succour him !", "Yes , I will do't , yet closely it shall be done ,", "And he not know from whence his comforts come .", "What ho ! keeper , there ! a word , I pray .", "What 's he that at the grate there begg 'd even now ?", "I should do , knew he me , as I would know him .", "Prythee , take him from the grate ; and that", "No more he stand to beg , there is ten pound", "To pay his score and take off all his wants :", "If he demand who sends it , tell him \u2018 tis", "Thine own free hand to lend him money .", "Spend what he will , my purse shall pay it all ;", "And at his parting hence the poorest prisoner ,", "And all free citizens that live in Ludgate ,", "Shall bless his coming in : I 'll for his sake", "Do something now that , whilst this city stands ,", "Shall keep the Fosters \u2019 name engraven so high ,", "As no black storm shall cloud their memory .", "O gentlemen , you 're both welcome ;", "Have you paid this money on your bonds yet ?", "Do as you please ;", "In all thy deeds thou'rt govern 'd with good stars ;", "Therefore , if thou cry'st peace , I 'll not raise wars .", "E'en order it how thou wilt .", "Wife , I must stand to the arbitrament .", "Go , cousin , receive their money :", "and , sirrah ,", "Make them drink .", "How now , sweet wife , what art thou musing on ?", "A-wooing , sweet , for what ?", "Wouldst have me kiss him that would kill me ?", "Thy songs are angels \u2019 tunes ,", "And on thy wings I 'll fly with thee to heaven .", "Thou speakest as I would have thee ;", "His debts I have justly weighed , and find them light .", "Thou sayest most right :", "But I of purpose keep aloof to try", "My kinsman , whom I spied most dolefully", "Hovering about the grate , where his father cried", "With piteous voice for bread ; yet did I chide ,", "And rail 'd against the boy , but my heart says", "it was drown 'd in tears ,", "To see such goodness in a son .", "I 'll lay a wager , wife , that this two hundred pounds ,", "Paid by these foolish fellows , will by the boy", "Be given his father .", "In doing me such wrong he does me right .", "Ludgate was once my dwelling , and to shew", "That I true feeling of his misery knew ,", "Albe't long since blown o'er , so thou'lt consent ,", "Within that place I 'll raise some monument ,", "Shall keep our names alive till doomsday .", "Their loves outstrip my merit :", "Yet , since they lay that load on me , I 'll bear it ,", "And wait in scarlet on my liege and king .", "But pray resolve me , master alderman ,", "Why makes the king this visitation ?", "Where 's the keeper ? Go , sir , take my officers", "And see your prisoners presently convey 'd", "From Ludgate unto Newgate and the Counters .", "Let the constables of the wards", "Assist you . Go , despatch ! and take these with you .", "How now ! what mak'st thou here , thou caitiff ? Ha !", "Com'st thou to stitch his wounds that seeks to cut", "My throat ? Darest thou in despite", "Relieve this dotard ?", "Yes ;", "I 'll stop that pipe that thou may'st pining sit ;", "When drops but fell on me , thou poison 'd it :", "Thou thrust'st a son 's name from thy cruel breast", "For clothing of his uncle ; now that uncle", "Shall thrust him naked forth for clothing thee ;", "Banish 'd for ever from my wealth and me .", "Thou ravest .", "No , keep it ; he perhaps that money stole", "To give it thee ; for which , to vex thy soul ,", "I 'll turn him forth of doors : make him thy heir ,", "Of jails , miseries , curses , and despair ,", "For here I disinherit him of all .", "I am deaf .", "I 'll make thee wash those curses off with tears .", "Keeper , away with him out of my sight ;", "And do , sir , as I charg 'd you .", "How now , wife , art vex 'd yet ?", "I am glad they 're gone ; mine eyes with rain did swell ,", "And much ado they had from pouring down .", "The keeper knows my mind . Wife , I have paid", "My brother 's debts ; and when he 's out of door", "To march to Newgate , he shall be set free .", "He 's my life 's best health .", "The boy shall not miscarry for more wealth", "Than London gates lock safe up every night .", "My breath in black clouds flies : my thoughts are white .", "This is my meaning , wife :", "I 'll take the prison down , and build it new ,", "With leads to walk on ,", "rooms large and fair ;", "For when myself lay there , the noisome air", "Chok 'd up my spirits ; and none better know", "What prisoners feel than they that taste the woe .", "The workmen are appointed for the business ;", "I will have't despatched , before \u2018 tis thought on .", "\u2018 Tis fairly given ;", "Thy soul on prisoners \u2019 prayers shall mount to heaven .", "The plumbers and the workmen have survey 'd", "The ground from Paddington ; whence I 'll have laid", "Pipes", "to London , to convey", "Sweet water into Ludgate from fresh springs :", "When charity tunes the pipe , the poor man sings .", "Enter KEEPER .", "How now , keeper ?", "What did you with my brother ?", "How did he meet that unexpected kindness ?", "Not yet , I 'll wrack his sorrows to the height ,", "And of themselves they 'll then sink softly down .", "Keeper , go thou again after my brother ,", "Charge in my name him and his son to appear", "Before the king ; to whom I will make known", "Their wrongs against me , showing just cause", "To disinherit both by course of law . Begone !", "Come , wife .", "Thou shalt know that anon .", "The heavens oft scowl , clouds thicken , winds blow high ,", "Yet the brightest sun clears all , and so will I .", "Yes , my good lord ,", "There 's now a wonder in your sight .", "No , my liege , I would not", "So boast mine own wife ; but it is a wonder", "That excels beauty .", "Patience , my liege ;", "This is a woman that was never vex 'd .", "The like plead I , my lord : for when my state", "Had rais 'd itself by an uncertain fate ,", "I took this outcast child , made him my own ,", "As full and free as I myself had sown", "The seed that brought him forth ; for this my love", "His oblig 'd duty presently did prove", "A traitor to my trust , against my will", "Succouring that foe which I did love so ill", "Only for hating him . My charity being thus", "Abus 'd , and quit with injury , what could I then", "But , as his father erst , so I again", "Might throw him from my love ? for worse is love abus 'd", "Than new-born hate , and should be so refus 'd :", "I did a father 's part , if it were bad ,", "Blame him for both , there I my pattern had .", "O , let me now anticipate your grace ,", "And , casting off the shadow of a face ,", "Show my heart 's true figure ; how have I striv 'd", "To make this forced counterfeit long-liv 'd ,", "And now it bursts . Come", "into my heart ,", "I have two jewels here shall never part", "From my love 's eye-watch ; too worthy to be fil 'd", "On time 's best record , a woman and a child .", "Now , sir , to you I come ; we must be friends ,", "Though envy wills not so , yet love contends", "\u2018 Gainst envy and her forces ; my young years", "Say I must offer first a peace in tears .", "The keeper is discharg 'd , sir ; your debts are paid , And from the prison you 're a free man made : There 's not a creditor can ask you ought . As your son did for me , so have I bought Your liberty with mine ; and to increase it more , Because I know bare liberty is poor Without assistance : to raise your state again , The thirds of mine are yours ,say you amen ?", "Thou art only wise in virtue ; as thou sett'st down ,", "So let it be . Half my estate 's your own .", "O , they are buried all , sir !", "Yet without boast , my liege , let me relate", "One small thing more \u2014 remorse of my own state ,", "And my dear brother 's worse succession :", "For that we both have prisoners been in one", "Selfsame place of woe , and felt those throes ,", "That Ludgate yields : my charity bestows", "Some alms of comfort : keeper , you can speak it .", "O my good lord , I ever kept in mind", "An English sentence , which my tutor is ,", "And teaches me to act my charity", "With mine own hands ; so doubtful is performance ,", "When the benefactor 's dead .", "This , my good lord :", "Women are forgetful , children unkind ,", "Executors covetous , and take what they find ;", "If any man ask , where the dead 's goods became ,", "The executor swears he died a poor man .", "No , my lord , she 's exempt from the proverb .", "Thanks for thy excuse , good wife , but not thy love", "To fill my grave before me : I would not live to see that day .", "Many jewels , my good lord ; a brother , wife , and child ,", "For this I would have strove even with a father :", "Howe'er rough storms did in my brows appear ,", "Within my bosom it was always clear .", "I take him , and to him back do give", "All that myself behind in \u2018 state shall leave ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Gentlemen , you 're welcome ; that once well-pronounced has a thousand echoes . Let it suffice , I have spoke it to the full . Here 's your affairs , here 's your merchandise \u2014 this is your prize . If you can mix your names and gentle bloods With the poor daughter of a citizen , I make the passage free , to greet and court , Traffic the mart of love , clap hands , and strike The bargain through ; she pleas 'd , and I shall like .", "O , no quarrelling , I beseech you , gentlemen ! the reputation of my house is soiled if any uncivil noise arise i n't .", "Nay , good sir , put up your sword .", "Does he ? Prythee , request himGentlemen , please you taste the sweetness of my garden awhile , and let my daughter bear you company .", "Prythee , be merry with them then awhile , if but for courtesy ; thou hast wit enough : but take heed they quarrel not .", "So : now request you Master Foster in , George ; but hark ! does that news hold his own still , that our ships are so near return , as laden on the Downs with such a wealthy fraughtage ?", "Let him be ever blessed that sent! George , now call in the young man ; and hark ye , George , from him run to my partner , and request him to me . This news , I 'm sure , makes him a joyful merchant ; for my own part , I 'll not forget my vow . This free addition heaven hath lent my state , As freely back to heaven I 'll dedicate . Enter ROBERT FOSTER . Ay , marry , sir , would this were a third suitor to My daughter Jane ! I should better like him than All that 's come yet . Now , Master Foster , are Your father and yourself yet reconcil 'd ?", "Mother-o \u2019 - pearl ! sir , \u2018 tis a shrewd task ;", "Yet I 'll do my best : your father hath so good news ,", "That I hope \u2018 twill be a fair motive to't ;", "But women 's tongues are dangerous stumbling-blocks", "To lie in the way of peace .", "Enter GEORGE .", "Now , George ?", "Well , well !", "Ere your return to Master", "Foster , call my daughter forth of the garden .", "And how does your uncle , Master Foster ?", "Why , I commend thee still ;", "He wants no good from thee \u2014 no , not in report :", "\u2018 Tis well done , sir , and you show duty i n't .", "Enter JANE .", "Now , daughter , where are your lusty suitors ?", "Well , daughter , well ; say a third trouble come ; say in the person of young Master Foster here came a third suitor : how then ?", "Go , get you together ; your father will be coming ; leave me with your suit to him , ply this yourself : and , Jane , use him kindly ; he shall be his father 's heir , I can tell you .", "Go , go , and rest on Venus \u2019 violets :", "Show her a dozen of bachelor 's buttons , boy .", "Here comes his father .", "Enter OLD MASTER FOSTER and his WIFE .", "Now , my kind partner , have we good news ?", "Heaven take the glory ! a wondrous blessing ;", "O , keep us strong against these flowing tides !", "Man is too weak to bound himself below ,", "When such high waves do mount him .", "Faith , I desire none .", "Ay , and I 'd make you gainer by it , too ;", "For then would I lay by my trouble , and begin", "A work which I have promis 'd unto heaven ;", "A house , a Domus Dei shall be rais 'd ,", "Which shall to doomsday be established", "For succour to the poor ; for in all ages", "There must be such .", "Pray you , do , sir .", "Nay , then you underrate your own value much : will you make it thirty ?", "I meet you there , sir : for five-and-twenty thousand pounds the full venture 's yours .", "\u2018 Tis merchant-like and fair . George , you observe this ? Let the contents be drawn .", "I rejoice at it , sir , and shall not grudge your gains ,", "Though multiplied to thousands .", "Much good may it be to you , sir : but one thing", "At this advantage of my love to you", "Let me entreat .", "Faith , my old suit \u2014 to reconcile those breaches", "\u2018 Twixt your kind son and you : let not the love", "He shows unto his uncle be any more a bar", "To sunder your blessings and his duty .", "Well , sir , go call my daughter forth of the garden , and bid her bring her friend along with her : troth , sir , I must not leave you thus ; I must needs make him your son again .", "Look you , sir , know you this duty ?", "Nay , good sir .", "Nay , then , you are too impenetrable .", "Well , sir , I 'll follow you .", "Thy uncle 's state ! how , for heaven 's love ?", "Mother-o \u2019 - pearl ! I rejoice i n't : this news", "Is yet but young .", "This may help happily to make all peace :", "But how , have you parley 'd with my daughter , sir ?", "Well-said , wag ; are there sparks kindled ?", "Quench \u2018 em not for me : \u2018 tis not a father 's roughness ,", "Nor doubtful hazard of an uncle 's kindness", "Can me deter . I must to your father ;", "Where", "I 'll once more move ,", "And", "return him back to love .", "So , so ,", "Haste home , good lads , and return for the rest .", "Would they were cover 'd , George ; \u2018 tis too public", "Blazon of my estate ; but \u2018 tis no matter now ;", "I 'll bring it abroad again , ere it be long .", "Sir , I acknowledge receipt of my full half debt ,", "Twelve thousand five hundred pounds ; it now remains", "You seal those writings as assurance for the rest ,", "And I am satisfied for this time .", "Be they vendible , sir , I am your chapman :", "What are they , Master Foster ?", "I find your purpose ; you 'd have your warehouses empty for the receipt of your full fraught : I 'll be your furtherer ; make so your rates that I may be no loser .", "Mine is returned . George , here 's a new business ; you and Richard must deal for some commodities betwixt us ; if you find \u2018 em even gain or but little loss , take carriage presently , and carry \u2018 em home .", "Beshrew me , if I grudge it , being myself", "A sufficient gainer by my venture , sir .", "So , sir , you have clos 'd it well ; if so ill it prove ,", "Leave it to proof , and wish not misery", "Enter STEPHEN and ROBERT .", "Unto your enemy . Look , here he comes .", "With me , sir ? and most welcome ; I rejoice to see you .", "Fie , fie , gentlemen ! this is not well ;", "My ears are guilty to hear such discords .", "Look , Master Foster ; turn your eye that way ;", "There 's duty unregarded , while envy struts", "In too much state : believe me , gentlemen ,", "I know not which to chide first .", "Good sir , speak of anything but this .", "That I shall soon resolve you , sir . Enter FACTORS . Come hither , George .", "Then you have bargain 'd , George ?", "\u2018 Tis all I desire from thence . Sir , I can furnish you", "With wares I lately from your brother bought :", "Please you go see them , for I would fain divide you ,", "Since I can win no nearer friendship .", "Come , gentlemen , we 'll make few words about it :", "Merchants in bargaining must not , like soldiers", "Lying at a siege , stay moneths , weeks , days ,", "But strike at the first parley .", "Broadcloths and wools , and other rich commodities ,", "I lately from your brother brought , are all your own .", "Then be not angry , gentle sir ,", "If now a string be touch 'd , which hath too long", "Sounded so harshly over all the city ;", "I now would wind it to a musical height .", "In troth , the same .", "O fie ! not so .", "As , heaven be thanked , it still does !", "A better fate , sir ,", "Stood at your elbow .", "Fie , fie !", "Come , come ,", "Live in more charity , he is your brother ;", "If that name offend , I 'll sing that tune no more .", "Yonder 's my daughter busy with her suitors ;", "We 'll visit them . Now , Jane , bid your friends welcome .", "How fare ye , gentlemen ? what cheer , sir knight ?", "The wind may turn , sir .", "A word , Master", "Foster .", "They both are suitors , sir , yet both shoot wide ;", "My daughter , sure , must be your kinsman 's bride .", "You have my hand and heart to't , be she pleased so .", "Not in my house ; I pray , be quiet , gentlemen .", "You have scared the suitors from the mark , sir .", "We 'll talk of that anon . See , sir , here comes you wife .", "Enter STEPHEN 'S WIFE .", "The theme of all her time , with goodness mix 'd ,", "The happy woman that was never vex 'd .", "You 're welcome , Mistress Foster .", "Are the wares ready ?", "Ill news ? what is't ?", "Now heaven forbid !", "\u2018 Tis impossible ; they rid at Dover safe", "When he outbought my full share in the fraught ,", "And paid me down near thirty thousand pounds", "In wares and money .", "\u2018 Tis a most strange fate !", "He needs would buy my part at any rate ;", "And now all 's lost .", "At your own good pleasure .", "Jane , bring your friends to th \u2019 door .", "Where 's my factor ?", "What , are the square stones and timber brought , as I appointed ?", "My vows flew up to heaven , that I would make", "Some pious work in the brass book of fame ,", "That might till doomsday lengthen out my name .", "Near Norton Folgate , therefore , have I bought", "Ground to erect this house , which I will call", "And dedicate St Mary 's Hospital ;", "And when \u2018 tis finish 'd , o'er the gates shall stand", "In capital letters , these words fairly graven ,", "For I have given the work and house to heaven ,", "And call 'd it Domus Dei , God 's house ;", "For in my zealous faith I know full well ,", "Where good deeds are , there heaven itself doth dwell .", "Come , where 's Master Foster ? O , you lose time , sir ,", "Not meeting fortune that comes to kiss you !", "The Lord Mayor and Aldermen stay at the Guildhall", "Expecting you , as well to set down order", "Touching the entertainment of the king ,", "As to elect you for the following year", "A sheriff of London .", "Troth , sir , to honour me , I thank his highness ,", "Who with my lord the Cardinal comes along", "To see the dedication of my house ,", "Built for the weary travellers to rest in ;", "Where stands three hundred beds for their relief ,", "With meat , drink , and some money , when they part ;", "Which I 'll give freely with a willing heart .", "Unless it please your majesty to change it ,", "I call it Domus Dei .", "These are my ends : to all distressed Christians ,", "Whose travels this way bend , the hospital shall", "Free succour be for three days and three nights", "Sojourn : diet", "and lodging , both sweet and satisfying :", "And", "as much in coin", "As shall , for three days more , defray their further travel :", "This unto heaven \u2014 be you testator , good my liege ,", "And witness with me , noble gentlemen \u2014", "Most free and faithfully I dedicate .", "If my grave were capable of grief , sure it would , sir .", "I claim a third by this bond 's virtue ;"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Gentlemen , my father 's not within ; please you to walk a turn or two in the garden ; he 'll not be long .", "Must I be stickler , then ?", "But will you stand both at my disposing ?", "You love me both , you say ?", "Pray spare your oaths ; I do believe you do ,", "You would not else make all this stir to woo .", "Sir Godfrey , you are a knight both tough and old ;", "A rotten building cannot long time hold .", "You 're rich too , at least yourself so say ;", "What , though you 're but a gilded man of clay .", "Should I wed you , the fire with frost must marry ,", "January and May ! I for a younger tarry .", "You are the sweet youth , sir , whose pretty eyes", "Would make me love ; but you must first be wise .", "They must be welcome , sir , that come with you ;", "To thee ten thousand welcomes still are due .", "I will not go to him , father , on any of these conditions .", "Nay , an \u2019 you play booty , I dare not trust you .", "Ay , marry , sir , these are better conditions than the inheritance of three fathers . Let me have love in esse ; let lands follow in posse . Now I 'll have thee as fast as the priest can despatch us , let him read as fast as he can ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I have no such fat legacy left me ,", "To teach me how to play the hypocrite .", "Ha ! is not this Ludgate ?", "A jail , a prison , a tomb of men lock 'd up ,", "Alive and buried ?", "O , at what crevice , then , hath comfort ,", "Like a sunbeam , crept in ? for all the doors", "And windows are of iron , and barr 'd to keep", "Her out . I had a limb cut from my body", "Dear to me as", "life ; I had a son", "And brother , too . O grief !", "They both would give me poison first in gold ,", "Before their hollow palms ten drops should hold", "Of nature 's drink , cold water , but to save", "My life one minute : whence should pity come ,", "When my best friends do beat it from this room ?", "O wife , my losses are as numberless", "As the sea-sands that swallowed them ! And shall I ,", "In reckoning them , my sad griefs multiply ?", "But all my wealth and state lies in the sea 's bottom .", "O , never !", "Go , send him in .", "None comes to do me good ,", "My wealth is lost , now let them take my blood .", "Enter ROBERT .", "Ha ! what art thou ? Call for the keeper there ,", "And thrust him out of doors , or lock me up .", "I know him not :", "Rise , mischief , rise ! Away , and get thee gone !", "My heart still hates thee .", "Get you both gone !", "That misery takes some rest that dwells alone ;", "Away , thou villain !", "Hang thee , hang thee !", "Destruction meet thee ! Turn the key there , ho !", "Stay !", "I see mine error now . O , can there grow", "A rose upon a bramble ? Did there e'er flow", "Poison and health together in one tide ?", "I 'm born a man : reason may step aside ,", "And lead a father 's love out of the way :", "Forgive me , my good boy , I went astray :", "Look , on my knees I beg it \u2014 not for joy", "Thou bring'st this golden rubbish , which I spurn ;", "But glad in this , the heavens mine eyeballs turn ,", "And fix them right to look upon that face ,", "Where love remains with pity , duty , grace .", "O my dear wronged boy !", "Yet , wife , I disinherited this boy .", "And that enjoy", "For ever : evermore my blessings fly", "To pay thy virtues , love and charity .", "Better than your husband 's hate could wish me ,", "That laughs to see my back with sorrows bow :", "But I am rid of half my ague now .", "Yes , and my heart had every hour a fit ;", "But now't has left me well , and I left it .", "What has my poor boy done , that you have made", "So much blood rise in 's cheeks ?", "\u2018 Twill ne'er be music , \u2018 tis so full of frets .", "And sound nothing when they are crack 'd ,", "As is his love to me , and mine to him .", "I 'll see a fury first ; hence ! clap to the door , I pray thee .", "Get thee from my sight ,", "Thou devil in red : com'st thou in scarlet pride", "To tread on thy poor brother in a jail ?", "Is there but one small conduit-pipe that runs", "Cold water to my comfort , and wouldst thou", "Cut off that , thou cruel man ?", "Thou canst not be to nature so uneven ,", "To punish that which has a pay from heaven :", "Pity , I mean , and duty .", "Wouldst thou strike ?", "Wound me , then , that will kill thee , if I can :", "How can I choose ? Thou makest me mad :", "For shame thou shouldst not make these white hairs sad :", "Churl , beat not my poor boy ; let him not lose", "Thy love for my sake ; I had rather bruise", "My soul with torments for a thousand years ,", "Could I but live them , rather than salt tears", "Thy malice draw from him : see , here 's thy gold ;", "Tell it : none 's stole . My woes can ne'er be told !", "Choke with thy dunghill-muck ! and vex me not .", "No matter ; lands to him in heaven will fall .", "And damn 'd ; the devil 's thumbs stop thine ears !", "Poor tyranny ! when lions weak lambs kill .", "Before I understood his virtuous mind ,", "Or weighed his disposition to be kind ,", "I did that froward work ; this now great man", "Was an unthrifty wretch , a prodigal then ,", "And I disdain 'd to know his brotherhood ,", "Denied relief to him ; this child , kind and good ,", "Against my contradiction , did him relieve ,", "As his distressed uncle ; at this", "I chid , forbad . Still he holds on his course ,", "He grows more kind , and he in wasting worse ;", "My rage continued , as it had begun ,", "And in that rage I threw away my son .", "O , let my shame my bosom 's centre break ! Love is so young , it coys , but cannot speak .", "It whole redounds again , for I am yours ;", "Forget this minute my forgetful hours .", "I give him to you now , sir .", "And all that you gave me , I do bestow ;", "So in one hour become full heir to two ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now help , good heaven ! \u2018 tis such an uncouth thing", "To be a widow out of term-time : I", "Do feel such aguish qualms and dumps , and fits ,", "And shakings still an end ! I lately was", "A wife , I do confess ; but yet I had", "No husband ; he , alas ! was dead to me ,", "Even when he lived unto the world : I was", "A widow , whilst he breath 'd . His death did only", "Make others know so much ; but yet \u2014", "How could I choose ,", "Being thou wert not here ? The time is come :", "Thou'lt be as good unto me as thy word ?", "Ay , good chuck , every inch of thee ; she were no true woman that would not .", "I am thy rib ,", "Thou must keep nothing from thy rib , good chuck :", "Thy yoke-fellow must know all thy secrets .", "Heaven defend !", "Now , God forbid ! and would you offer", "T \u2019 undo a widow-woman so ? I had", "As lief the old vintner were alive again .", "A heathen deed", "It was ! none but an infidel could have", "The heart to do it .", "Good Master Hearsay , nature ne'er intended", "One woman should be joined to another :", "The holy blessing of all wedlock was", "T \u2019 increase and multiply , as Master Christopher", "Did well observe last Sabbath . I 'll not do", "Anything \u2018 gainst God 's word . I do release you", "Of all your promises ; and that it may not", "Be said you lost by loving me , take this .", "Perhaps I may get you a contribution", "O \u2019 th \u2019 women of the parish , as I did", "The broken-bellied man the other day .", "Indeed I pity thee , poor thing ; or rather", "I pity thee , poor nothing !", "Enter SLICER .", "Good lieutenant ,", "How dost thou ? Thou art mindful of thy promise .", "Good sweet lieutenant ,", "Give me but leave to ask one question of you :", "Art thou entire and sound in all thy limbs ?", "I do not ask thee about these diseases :", "My question is , whether thou'st all thy parts ?", "My meaning is ,", "Whether that something is not wanting that", "Should write thee husband ?", "If you can", "Leave me , I can leave you . There are other men", "That wo n't refuse a fortune when \u2018 tis proffer 'd .", "Kind Master Shape , you are exceeding welcome .", "Here hath been Master Hearsay and Lieutenant", "Slicer : you may guess at their business , but", "I hope you think me faithful .", "I do", "Bear him in memory , I confess ; but when", "I do remember what your promise was", "When he lay sick , it doth take something from", "The bitterness of sorrow . Woman was", "Not made to be alone still .", "Nay , do n't abuse her that must be your wife .", "You might have pity , and not come with your nicknames ,", "And call me turtle . Have I deserved this ?", "What 's my religion ? \u2018 Tis well known there hath", "Been no religion in my house , e'er since", "My husband died .", "Why , gentlemen \u2014\u2014", "D'you think I have no more manners than so ?", "Out , you base companions ,", "You stinking swabbers !", "You are all", "Most foul-mouth 'd knaves to use a woman thus .", "Come up , you lousy rascals .", "Hang you , base cheating varlet !", "I can endure no longer , though I should", "Throw off my womanhood .", "Rogue , rascal , villain !", "I 'll show your cheating tricks , i \u2019 faith : all shall", "Be now laid open . Have I suffer 'd you", "Thus long i \u2019 my house , and ne'er demanded yet", "One penny rent for this ? I 'll have it all :", "By this good blessed light , I will !", "Master Hearsay ,", "You know you may have even my heart out of", "My belly", ", if you 'll but take", "The pains to reach it out . I am sometimes", "Peevish , I do confess . Here , take your money .", "Good sir .", "Let me", "Request you that you would be pleas 'd to take it .", "Good Master Slicer , speak to him to take it . Sweet Master Shape , join with him .", "Nay , faith you shall . Here , put it up , good sir ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Fie , Andrew , fie ! What , kiss your hand ! You smell not compliment .", "For the same reason , I 'd not have you dance .", "Some courtiers , I confess , do use it ; but", "They are the sounder sort ; those foolish ones", "That have a care of health , which you shall not ,", "If you 'll be rul 'd by me . The hazard 's great :", "\u2018 Tis an adventure , an exploit , no", "piece", "Of service for a gentleman , to caper .", "See how you", "Betray your breeding now . Quite rotten ! \u2018 Tis", "Rottenness , perhaps , in footmen or in yeomen :", "\u2018 Tis tenderness in gentlemen ; they are", "A little over-boil 'd , or so .", "But as for", "Your living honest , \u2018 twere to take away", "A trade i \u2019 th \u2019 commonwealth ! the surgeons \u2019", "Benefit would go down . You may go on", "In foolish chastity , eat only salads ,", "Walk an unskilful thing , and be to learn", "Something the first night of your wife ; but that 's", "To marry out of fashion .", "Obedience is the first step unto science :", "Stay , and be wise .", "Being you will not take your lecture out ,", "Good-morrow to y \u2019 , good Andrew . This soft fool", "Must swim in 's father 's wealth ! It is a curse", "That fortune justly makes the city 's lot ;", "The young fool spends whate'er the old knave got ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sir , let me tell you , this is not the least", "Of things wherein your wisdom shows itself ,", "In that you 've plac 'd your son in this good sort .", "A private oath given him at first entrance ,", "Had sworn him pilgrim unto conventicles ;", "Engag 'd him to the hate of all , but what", "Pleaseth the stubborn , froward elect .", "Set nature free , and are", "Chemists of manners \u2014\u2014", "And wars . There 's one , look on him \u2014\u2014", "The very soul of battle :", "True steel .", "I confess I can", "Discover th \u2019 entrails of a state perhaps .", "Lay open a kingdom 's paunches , show the bowels", "And inwards of a signiory or two ;", "But for your deeds of valour , there is one ,", "Although I speak it to his face , that can", "Write a geography by his own conquests :", "H \u2019 hath fought o'er Strabo ,", "Ptolemy ,", "and Stafford ;", "Travell 'd as far in arms as Lithgow", "naked ;", "Borne weapons whither Coriat", "durst not", "Carry a shirt or shoes . Jack Mandevile", "Ne'er sail 'd so far as he hath steer 'd by land ,", "Using his colours both for mast and sail .", "That 's all one .", "His name is heard", "Like thunder , and that mere word Slicer hath", "Sufficed unto victory .", "A grove of pikes are rushes to him : hail", "More frights you than a shower of bullets him \u2014", "One drum 's his table , the other is his music :", "His sword 's his knife ; his colours are his napkins ;", "Carves nourishing horse , as he is us 'd to do", "The hostile paynim ,", "or we venison ; eats", "Gunpowder with his meat instead of pepper ,", "Then drinks o'er all his bandoleers , and fights \u2014", "Slights a tempest ;", "Counts lightning but a giving fire , and thunder", "The loud report when heaven hath discharg 'd .", "H \u2019 hath with his breath", "suppli 'd a breach :", "When he 's once fix 'd , no engine can remove him .", "Troth , he may", "Divert the torrent of the Turkish rule", "Into some other track : dam up the stream", "Of that vast headlong monarchy , if that", "He want not means to compass his intents .", "Think it done ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Our life , methinks , is but the same with others :", "To cosen and be cosen 'd makes the age .", "The prey and feeder are that civil thing", "That sager heads call body politic .", "Here is the only difference : others cheat", "By statute , but we do't upon no grounds .", "The fraud 's the same in both ; there only wants", "Allowance to our way . The commonwealth", "Hath not declar 'd herself as yet for us ;", "Wherefore our policy must be our charter .", "Knowing , then , how we must direct our steps ,", "Let us chalk out our paths : you , Shape , know yours .", "For my good toothless countess , let us try", "To win that old eremite thing that , like", "An image in a German clock ,", "doth move ,", "Not walk \u2014 I mean , that rotten antiquary .", "To the great vestry-wit , the livery-brain ,", "My common-council pate , that doth determine", "A city-business with his gloves on 's head ,", "We must apply good hope of wealth and means .", "I do hope We shall grow famous ; have all sorts repair As duly to us , as the barren wives Of aged citizens do to St Antholin 's . Come , let us take our quarters ; we may come To be some great officers in time , And with a reverend magisterial frown Pass sentence on those faults that are our own . FOOTNOTES :The Declaration concerning \u201c The Book of Sports , \u201d set forth some time before . This was a matter very disgusting to the Puritans , who had an equal dislike to the Book of Common Prayer .This phrase signifies take courage , or summon up resolution . It is at present always written in this manner ; formerly it used ,to be , take heart at grass ; as in \u201c Euphues , \u201d p. 18 : \u201c Rise , therefore , Euphues , and take heart at grasse , younger thou shalt never bee : plucke up thy stomacke , if love have stong thee , it shall not stifle thee . \u201d Again , in Tarlton 's \u201c Newes out of Purgatory , \u201d p. 4 : \u201c Therefore taking heart at grasse , drawing more neere him , \u201d & c ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis destin 'd ; I 'll be valiant : I am sure", "I shall be beaten with more credit then", "Than now I do escape . Lieutenant , has't", "Bethought thyself as yet ? Has't any way", "To make my sword fetch blood ?", "No .", "O sir !", "Pox ! who 'd be", "That vile , scorn 'd name , that stuffs all court-gate bills ?", "Lieutenant , thou may'st teach me valour yet .", "Pay , what else ?", "I do not care for witchcraft ; I would have", "My strength rely merely upon itself .", "Think me a second Spaniard , worthy sir .", "If that be", "The way , I 'll eat myself into courage ,", "And will devour valour enough quickly .", "I do conceive", "The art is all in all . If that you 'll give", "A bill of your directions , I 'll account", "Myself oblig 'd unto you for my safety .", "Why , you said", "Tripe-eaters ne'er made tyrants .", "Most rare , by heaven !", "Will't so ? Then we 'll have \u2018 em", "From every ward i \u2019 th \u2019 city .", "I 'll be the gaming worthy ;", "My word shall be twice twelve . I think the dice", "Ne'er mounted any upon horseback yet .", "But then they will grow valiant", "All at my charge .", "No fitter place . There is", "An old rich clutch-fist knight , Sir Thomas Bitefig ,", "Invite him too ; perhaps I may have luck ,", "And break his purse yet open for one hundred .", "A usurer is somewhat exorable ,", "When he is full ; he ne'er lends money empty .", "Pox ! thou fear'st I 'll beat thee ,", "After I 've eaten . Dost thou think I 'll offer't ?", "By my next meal , I wo n't ; nay , I do love", "My friends howe'er . I do but think how I", "Shall bastinado o'er the ordinaries .", "Arm 'd with my sword , battoon and foot , I 'll walk", "To give each rank its due . No one shall \u2018 scape ,", "But he I win of .", "My teeth", "Are on an edge till I do eat . Now will", "I cosen all men without opposition :", "I feel my strength increase with very thought o n't .", "Sword , sword , thou shalt grow fat ; and thou , battoon ,", "Hold out , I prythee : when my labour 's done ,", "I 'll plant thee in the Tower-yard , and there ,", "Water 'd with wine , thou shalt revive , and spring", "In spite of nature with fresh succulent boughs ,", "Which shall supply the commonwealth with cudgels .", "Thou I first meet after this meal I do", "Pronounce unhappy shadow \u2014 happy yet", "In that thou'lt fall by me . Some men I will", "Speak into carcase ; some I 'll look to death ;", "Others I 'll breathe to dust : none shall hold back", "This fatal arm . The Templars shall not dare", "T \u2019 attempt a rescue ; no mild words shall bury", "My splitted , spitchcock 'd \u2014\u2014", "Roasted fury ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["If what I speak prove false , then stigmatise me .", "I swear", "By those two Janus \u2019 heads you had of us ,", "And your own too , as reverend as those ,", "There is one loves you that you think not on .", "Methinks y \u2019 are strong enough and very lusty ,", "Fit to get heirs : among your other pieces", "Of age and time let one young face be seen", "May call you father .", "This is", "No tender and wanton thing ; she is a staid", "And settled widow , one who 'll be a nurse", "Unto you in your latter days .", "Mistress Joan Potluck , vintner Potluck 's widow .", "On Thursday morning last .", "You shall", "Know more , if you 'll walk in ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Can I lie hid nowhere securely from", "The throng and press of men ? Must every place", "Become a theatre , where I seek shelter ,", "And solitudes become markets , \u2018 cause I 'm there ?", "Good sir , I know your tricks ; you would entrap :", "This is your snare , not your request .", "Leave off these gins ,", "You do not do it handsomely . You think", "Y \u2019 have met with fools , I warrant .", "Yet did I think you true \u2014\u2014", "When I lay agent last in New Atlantis ,", "I met with , what you now desire , a strange", "New way of winning , but yet very sure .", "Were not the danger great , I 'd \u2014\u2014", "I may", "Show you the virtue of't , though not the thing :", "I love my country very well . Your high", "And low men are but trifles ;", "your pois 'd dye ,", "That 's ballasted with quicksilver or gold ,", "Is gross to this \u2014\u2014", "For the bristle dye , it is", "Not worth that hand that guides it : toys fit only", "For clerks to win poor costermongers \u2019 ware with .", "Then", "Your hollowed thumb join 'd with your wriggled box \u2014", "The slur and suchlike are not to be talk 'd of ;", "They 're open to the eye . For cards , you may", "Without the help of any secret word", "Or a false hand , without the cut or shuffle ,", "Or the pack 'd trick , have what you will yourself ;", "There 's none to contradict you .", "Do you think \u2018 tis money I esteem ? I can", "Command each term by art as much as will", "Furnish a navy . Had you but five pound", "Left you in all the world , I 'd undertake", "Within one fortnight you should see five thousand .", "Not that I covet any of your dross ,", "But that the power of this art may be", "More demonstrably evident , leave in", "My hands all but some smaller sum to set ,", "Something to stake at first .", "Being y \u2019 are confident of me , and I", "Presume your lips are sealed up to silence ,", "Take that , which I did never yet discover :", "So help you fortune , me philosophy .", "It works upon that which is not as yet :", "The little Ethiop infant would have been", "Black in his cradle ,", "had he not been first", "White in the mother 's strong imagination .", "\u2018 Tis thought the hairy child , that 's shown about ,", "Came by the mother 's thinking on the picture", "Of Saint John Baptist in his camel 's coat .", "See we not beasts conceive , as they do fancy", "The present colours plac 'd before their eyes ?", "We owe pied colts unto the varied horse-cloth ,", "And the white partridge to the neighbouring snow .", "Fancy can save or kill : it hath clos 'd up", "Wounds ,", "when the balsam could not ; and without", "The aid of salves , to think hath been a cure .", "For witchcraft then , that 's all done by the force", "Of mere imagination . That which can", "Alter the course of nature , I presume ,", "You 'll grant shall bear more rule in petty hazards .", "Now the strongest fancies still are found to dwell", "In the most simple ; they being easiest won", "To the most firm belief , who understand not", "Why", "\u2018 tis they do believe . If they think \u2018 twill", "Be so , it will be so : they do command", "And check the course of fortune : they may stop", "Thunder , and make it stand , as if arrested", "In its mid-journey . If that such a one", "Shall think you 'll win , you must win : \u2018 tis a due ,", "That nature pays those men in recompense", "Of her deficiency that , whate'er they think ,", "Shall come to pass . But now the hardest will be", "To find out one that 's capable of thinking .", "I 've one", "Committed to my custody but lately ,", "The powerfull'st that way I e'er found yet :", "He will but think he shall be abus 'd in such", "A company , and he 's abus 'd : he will", "Imagine only that he shall be cheated ,", "And he is cheated : all still comes to pass .", "He 's but one pin above a natural : but \u2014\u2014", "Because I see your freer nature 's such", "As doth deserve supplies , I 'll do my best", "To win him o'er awhile into your service .", "Ne'er think to sum it , \u2018 tis impossible :", "You shall ne'er know what angels , pieces , pounds ,", "Those names of want and beggary , mean : your tongue", "Shall utter nought but millions ; you shall measure ,", "Not count your moneys ; your revenues shall", "Be proud and insolent , and unruly ;", "They shall increase above your conquer 'd spendings ,", "In spite of their excess . Your care shall be", "Only to tame your riches , and to make them", "Grow sober and obedient to your use .", "\u2018 Twill", "Never be done , I think , unless you do it .", "Provide the wealthiest gamesters : there 's but one", "That can do us wrong \u2014 discovery .", "You have no enemy but frailty .", "I see the tide of fortune rolling in", "Without resistance . Go , be close and happy ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["God save you , good Sir Thomas .", "Your welcome , Master Credulous .", "To tell you truth , he hath lost it at doublets .", "Peace , as you love yourself : if that the knight", "Should once perceive that he were given to gaming ,", "\u2018 Twould make him break the match off presently .", "He hath more in him , sir , than he can show . He hath one fault : he 's something covetous .", "Your worship speaks", "Just like yourself : methinks he 's noble", "That 's truly rich . Men may talk much of lines ,", "Of arms , of blood , of race , of pedigree :", "Houses , descents and families ; they are", "But empty noise , God knows ; the idle breath", "Of that puff nothing , honour ; formal words ,", "Fit for the tongues of men that ne'er knew yet", "What stem , what gentry , nay , what virtue lies", "In great revenues ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Harrow ,", "alas ! I swelt", "here as I go ;", "Brenning", "in fire of little Cupido .", "I no where hoart yfeel but on mine head .", "Huh , huh , huh , so ; ycapred very wele .", "I am thine leek , thou Chaucer eloquent ;", "Mine head is white , but , O , mine taile is green .", "This is the palyes , where mine lady wendeth .", "Saint Francis", "and Saint Benedight ,", "Blesse this house from wicked wight ;", "From the night-mare and the goblin ,", "That is hight Good-fellow Robin ;", "Keep it from all evil spirits ,", "Fairies , weazels , rats , and ferrets :", "From curfew-time", "To the next prime .", "Come forth , mine duck , mine bride , mine honeycomb ;", "Come forth , mine cinnamon .", "A knight most gent .", "Thou art mine pleasure , by dame Venus brent ;", "So fresh thou art , and therewith so lycand .", "Harlot ! so", "Called from one Harlotha , concubine", "To deignous", "Wilhelm , hight the Conqueror .", "Then take it now .", "Werme kiss ! Thine lips ytaste like marrow-milk ;", "Me-thinketh that fresh butter runneth on them .", "I grant well now , I do enduren woe ,", "As sharp as doth the Tityus in hell ,", "Whose stomach fowls do tyren", "ever more ,", "That highten vultures , as do tellen clerks .", "Yclose by Aldersgate there dwelleth one", "Wights clepen Robert Moth ; now Aldersgate", "Is hoten so from one that Aldrich hight ;", "Or else of elders , that is , ancient men ;", "Or else of aldern-trees , which growden there ;", "Or else , as heralds say , from Aluredus :", "But whencesoe'er this yate", "ycalled is ,", "There dwelleth Robert Moth , thine paramour .", "By Woden , god of Saxons ,", "From whence comes We'nsday , that is , Woden'sday ,", "Truth is a thing that ever I will keep ,", "Unto thylke day in which I creep into", "My sepulchre ; I 'll be as faithful to thee ,", "As Chaunticleer to Madam Partelot .", "I Robert Moth , this tenth", "of our king ,", "Give to thee , Joan Potluck , my bigg'st cramphYpppHeNring :", "And with it my carcase entire I bequeathen", "Under my foot to hell , above my head to heaven ;", "And to witnesse", "that this is sooth ,", "I bite thy red lip with my tooth ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["So now the mortgage is mine own outright ;", "I swear by the faith of my body now ,", "It is a pretty thing \u2014 o \u2019 my corporal oath ,", "A very pretty thing . Besides the house ,", "Orchards , and gardens , some two hundred acres", "Of land , that beareth as good country corn ,", "For country corn , as may be .", "How now , good friend ? Where dost thou live ? Dost thou know Caster 's farm ?", "A jest !", "Good troth , a good one of a country one ;", "I see there 's wit there too . Then thou dost know it ?", "\u2018 Snigs , another ! A very perilous head ! a dangerous brain !", "Um ! that 's not quite so good", "As th \u2019 other two ; that somebody else is me :", "Now you shall see how he 'll abuse me here", "To mine own face .", "Why somebody else , good brother ?", "\u2018 Slid , brother , thou hast paid him", "To th \u2019 utmost , though he hath not paid thy master .", "Now is my wit up too . This land , I see ,", "Will make men thrive i \u2019 th \u2019 brain .", "What have I done ? Now , wit , deliver me !", "If he know I am he , he 'll cut my throat ;", "I never shall enjoy it .", "Sure , it was", "Your master 's seeking , friend ; he would ne'er else", "Have had to do with it : he that bought it is", "A very honest man , and if you please him ,", "Will deal with you . I may speak a word", "In your behalf ; \u2018 two n't be the worse for you .", "What if I am he ?", "Faith , I 'm the same . I tried", "What metal thou wast made of : I perceive", "Thou wilt not flinch for th \u2019 wetting ;", "thou may'st be", "My bailiff there , perhaps .", "So now the case is alter 'd .", "O , this simplicity ! He does not know", "Yet what an ordinary means .", "I was now coming", "To have paid it in .", "\u2018 Snigs , wiser yet than so . Where is thy master ?", "Why , then ,", "I 'll stay till he returns : \u2018 twill be by dinner .", "\u2018 Snigs , and that 's considerable .", "Here , here , make haste with it ; but , ere thou goest ,", "Tell me , is it a pretty thing ?", "Right , as I did say ,", "Ev'n word by word . But prythee , stay a little ;", "What meadow-ground 's there ? Pasture in proportion ?", "Nay , bailiff ,", "But one word more , and I have done : what place", "Is there to dry wet linen in ?", "But this once , and \u2014", "Little think'st thee , how diligent thou art", "To little purpose . \u2018 Snigs , I pity him :", "What haste he makes to cheat himself , poor fool !", "Now I am safe , the wretch must pardon me", "For his poor tenement ; all 's mine . I 'll sow", "One ground or other every month with pease ;", "And so I will have green ones all the year .", "These yeomen have no policy i \u2019 th \u2019 world ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Pray y \u2019 , entertain yourself awhile , until", "I give my mistress notice of your presence .", "I 'd leave a book with you , but that I see", "You are a gentleman : perhaps you 'll find", "Some pretty stories in the hangings there .", "A very proper man !", "Only to please you , sir .", "Sappho was", "Excellent at it ; but Amphion he \u2014", "He was the man that outdid all : \u2018 tis said", "Of him that he could draw stones with the sound", "Of his sweet strings . I 'd willingly arrive", "At some perfection in the quality .", "I am not mercenary ;", "Your acceptation is reward enough .", "Beauty go with you , sir ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come , my most noble order of the club ,", "\u2018 Cause none will else , let 's make much of ourselves :", "His letter may procure a dinner yet .", "I do conceive you , though , Sir Christopher ;", "My muse doth sometimes take the selfsame flight .", "You err most orthodoxly , sweet Sir Kit .", "No gleanings , James ? No trencher-analects ?", "The colour bears't , if you 'll venture the stuff .", "The tenderness of it , I do confess ,", "Somewhat denies a grappling .", "\u2018 Tis by cause", "You are too forward , brother Catchmey .", "Yes , I say you are too forward \u2014", "By the length of your London-measure beard .", "Thou violent cushion-thumper , hold thy tongue ;", "The Furies dwell in it !", "Pray y \u2019 , good sir , reconcile them .", "If that same Justice be i \u2019 th \u2019 ordinary now ,", "He 'll bind them to the peace for troubling him .", "Peace , inkhorn ; there 's no music in thy tongue .", "Thou thing ,", "Thy belly looks like to some strutting hill ,", "O'ershadow ' d with thy rough beard like a wood .", "Thou liest .", "And thus I am prepar 'd to answer thee .", "Caitiff , this holy instrument shall quail thee .", "Had I not vow 'd some reverence to his presence ,", "Thou hadst been nothing .", "No , mine own dish will serve ; I 'm singular .", "Few vessels still do well . I carry this", "To drink my beer , while others drink their sack .", "I am abstemious Rhymewell : I hate wine ,", "Since I spake treason last i \u2019 th \u2019 cellar . Here ,", "Give me thy hand , thou child of fervency .", "Didst thou mistrust thy spectacles ?", "It was no anger , \u2018 twas a rapture merely .", "Anything", "That may employ the teeth ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["My name 's not Tribulation ,", "Nor holy Ananias :", "I was baptiz 'd in fashion ,", "Our vicar did hold bias .", "Come , let 's be mad : by yea and nay , my son", "Shall have the Turkish monarchy ; he shall", "Have it directly . The twelve companies", "Shall be his kickshaws .", "Well , sir , what if I do ? Andrew the Great Turk ?", "I would I were a pepper-corn ,", "if that", "It sounds not well . Does't not ?", "I 'll make it else great Andrew Mahomet ,", "Imperious Andrew Mahomet Credulous \u2014", "Tell me which name sounds best .", "Oatmealman Andrew ! Andrew Oatmealman .", "Yes , Ottoman .", "Then , Mistress Jane , Sir Thomas Bitefig 's daughter ,", "That may be the She-Great-Turk , if she please me .", "That 's the Turk 's arms , they say ;", "The empire 's destin 'd to our house directly .", "Hang shop-books ; give us some wine ! Hey for a noise", "Of fiddlers now !", "Does he not so ? Nor I. I 'll light tobacco", "With my sum-totals ; my debt-books shall sole", "Pies at young Andrew 's wedding ; cry you mercy ,", "I would say , gentlemen , the Great Turk 's wedding .", "My deeds shall be slic 'd out in tailors \u2019 measures ;", "They all employed in making Mistress Mahomet", "New gowns against the time . Hang dirty wealth !", "\u2018 Snigs , I would fain now hear some fighting news .", "What , all your ordnance lost ?", "\u2018 Snigs , how many fell ?", "By'r Lady , a shrewd many !", "Nay , if the devil was against you , then \u2014\u2014", "\u2018 Slid , a mighty slaughter ;", "But did he stand upon eleven at once ?", "These soldiers are so choleric , there is", "No dealing with \u2018 em . Then they 've lost the day ?", "And yet all kill 'd at last ! Hard fortune , faith !", "What news from Brussels or the Hague ? D \u2019 y \u2019 hear", "Ought of the Turk 's designs ?", "Ay , the Coranti ; what doth that say ?", "What officer 's that fancy-man , lieutenant ? Some great commander , sure .", "\u2018 Snigs , and well-remember 'd .", "You did receive the hundred that I sent you", "To th \u2019 race this morning by your man , my bailiff ?", "Godsnigs ! the farm is mine , and must be so .", "A plot , a plot , to take away my life and farm !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What , no man yet march by ? Whoe'er comes next ,", "I 'll give him one rap more for making me", "Stay here so long .", "So , so , here he is ; how shall", "I do to know whe'r he be a gentleman ,", "Or yeoman , or servingman . I think", "I 'd best suppose him all , and beat him through", "Every degree ; and so I shall not wrong him .", "What ? Who goes there ?", "Waes-heal , thou gentle knight ? Speak , what art thou ? Speak quickly do . Villain , know'st thou not me ?", "Have you the pox , sir ? speak .", "No , nor yet", "An ache in your bones ?", "No ! why then you are", "No gentleman ; Lieutenant Slicer says so .", "This cudgel then serves turn .", "I will not foin , but I will beat you , sir .", "I fanci 'd you a beating ; you must have it .", "You shall not say but I will show you favour :", "Choose whether you will be hacked with my sword ,", "Or bruis 'd by my battoon .", "Down lower yet .", "Yet lower . So , then , thus I do bestride thee .", "Dost thou make me a smith , thou rogue ? a Tubal ?", "Take that for history . O brave lieutenant , now thy dinner works !", "More provocation yet ? I 'll seal thy lips .", "Villain , dost abuse me", "In unbaptized language ? Do not answer :", "Thou ow'st thy life to my lieutenant , caitiff :", "Breathe and be thankful ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Fairest of things , tralucent creature \u2014 Hang me ,", "If I do know what 's next .", "Fairest of things , tralucent creature , rather ,", "Obscured deity \u2014 \u2018 Tis gone again .", "Lady , will you eat a piece of gingerbread ?", "Hark ! Indeed I love you .", "I vow , I burn in love , as doth", "A penny fagot .", "And I shall", "Blaze out , sir reverence , if ye do not quench me .", "Though I say't that should not say't ,", "I am affected towards you strangely .", "There 's a thing each night", "Comes to my bed 's head , and cries , Matrimony ,", "Matrimony , Andrew .", "It is", "Some spirit that would join us .", "Then do I shake all over .", "Then shake again .", "Then cry ,", "Fairest of things , tralucent creature , rather ,", "Obscured deity , sweet Mistress Jane ,", "I come , I come .", "Now , as my father saith , I would I were", "A cucumber , if I know what to do .", "Fairest of things \u2014 \u2018 tis one", "Tralucent creature \u2014 \u2018 tis \u2014 ay , that it is ,", "One \u2014\u2014", "I say \u2014\u2014", "\u2018 Tis one that brought his pigs to the wrong market .", "You keep your woman here so fine , that I", "Had like t \u2019 have made a proper business o n't ,", "Before I was aware . If anything", "Do prove amiss , indeed , la , you shall be", "The father o n't . But know , tralucent creature ,", "I am come off entire , and now am yours ,", "Whole Andrew Credulous , your servant 's servant .", "I do but compliment in that", "; if thou canst love ,", "I can love too . La , thee there , now ! I 'm rich .", "That is me :", "I 'm proper , handsome , fair , clean-limb 'd \u2014 I 'm rich .", "Now see the luck o n't , lady ;", "So am I too , i \u2019 faith .", "Do not doubt that ;", "I have a head for reformation :", "This noddle here shall do it . I am rich .", "Do not think", "I 've any plots or projects in my head .", "I will do anything for thee , that thou", "Canst name or think on .", "By my virginity", "\u2014 by my virginity ,", "If that we men have any such thing", ", I do believe", "I will not flinch . Alas ! you do n't know Andrew .", "If I do look on any woman \u2014 nay ,", "If I do cast a sheep 's eye upon any", "But your sweet self , may I lose one of mine !", "Marry , I 'll keep the other howsoe'er .", "Blind me , good , now : being you mistrust , I will", "Be blinded with this handkerchief ; you shall", "See that I love you now . So , let me have", "But any reasonable thing to lead me home ,", "I do not care , though't be a dog , so that", "He knows the way , or hath the wit t \u2019 inquire it .", "I doubt not but", "I shall be in the Chronicle for this ,", "Or in a ballad else . This handkerchief", "Shall be hung up i \u2019 th \u2019 parish church , instead", "Of a great silken flag to fan my grave :", "With my arms i n't , portray 'd in good blue thread ,", "With this word underneath \u2014 This , this was he", "That shut his eyes because he would not see .", "Hold , who comes there ?", "Who ? tutor Meanwell ?", "I 'll say your sentence out \u2014", "Be man and wife .", "Pray make your own conditions .", "Do what you will , I 'll trust you .", "By this light", ", I never will .", "No .", "No , no .", "I 'll ne'er reckon :", "You shall do what you will .", "As I do hope for day , I will not .", "Take it , sweet . There is", "A diamond in my band-string ; if you have", "A mind to that , I pray , make use of't too .", "Nay , take it ,", "For love 's sake , take it then : leave nothing that", "Looks like an eye about me .", "Farewell , honest Jany ;", "I cannot see to thank thee , my sweet Jany .", "Tutor , your hand ; good tutor , lead me wisely ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["O sir , the deed", "By which it came was not more close . D \u2019 y \u2019 think", "I would undo myself by twitting ? \u2018 Twere", "To bring the gallants all about mine ears ,", "And make me mine own patient . I 'm faithful", "And secret , though a barber .", "Let me alone :", "He knows not yet the world , I do perceive .", "It is as common now with gentlemen ,", "As \u2018 tis to follow fashion : only here", "Lieth the difference , that they keep in this", "A little longer . I shall have so much", "Upon your word , sir ?", "It shall be done", "Believe't , he loves you very well .", "Indeed-and truly-verily-good brother !", "How could these milksop words e'er get him company", "That could procure the pox ?", "Where do you feel", "You", "grief most trouble you ?", "Nay , be not so modest :", "\u2018 Tis no such heinous fault , as that you should", "Seek thus to hide it ; mere ill-fortune only \u2014", "Come , come ,", "He told me you 'd be shamefac 'd : you must be", "Wary hereafter .", "So , I like you now .", "It is the custom of most gentlemen", "Not to confess until they feel their bones", "Begin t \u2019 admonish \u2018 em .", "Not rashly neither . Is your gristle sound ? Methinks \u2018 tis very firm as yet to the touch . You fear no danger there as yet , sir , do you ?", "When did you", "Feel the first grudging o n't ? \u2018 Tis not broke out", "In any place ?", "These things desire deliberation ;", "Care is requir 'd .", "How can I know what med'cines to apply ,", "If that you tell me not where lies your grief ?", "I must not , sir ,", "Nor will not , truly . Trust me , you will wish", "You had confess 'd , and suffer 'd me in time ,", "When you shall come to dry-burnt racks of mutton ,", "The syringe , and the tub .", "Are you wild", "Or mad ? I do protest , I ne'er did meet", "A gentleman of such perverseness yet .", "I find you just as I was told I should .", "I will not hinder you , if that you do", "Prefer your gain before your health .", "What would you have ?", "I am in earnest , sir .", "O , the gentleman \u2014\u2014", "The gentleman !", "O , O , the gentleman ! Is this the cure", "I should perform ? Truly I dare not venture", "Upon such desperate maladies .", "Indeed , they are", "Too high for my small quality . Verily", "Perhaps , good brother , you might perish under", "Mine hands truly . I do profess , I am not", "Any of your bold mountebanks in this .", "To laugh at you , good brother .", "Gull 'd , by my swear : by my swear , gull 'd ! he told me", "You had a small infirmity upon you ,", "A grief of youth or two : and that I should", "Have twenty pieces for the cure . He ask 'd you ,", "If that you were content ? you answered , yes .", "I was in hope I had gain 'd a patient more .", "Your best way is to make haste after him .", "B \u2019 w \u2019 y \u2019 , brother . \u2018 Fore God , a good one . O , the gentleman !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Good health unto you , sir .", "I ? a confessor ?", "Sure , there is some design , some trick or other", "Put on you by those men , who never sleep ,", "Unless they 've cheated on that day .", "They ne'er deserve the name of friends ; they do", "Covet , not love . If any came from them ,", "It was some vulture in a holy habit ,", "Who did intend your carcase , not your safety .", "Indeed I know not of't ; I 've all this while", "Appear 'd another to you than I am .", "That I frequented it without your leave ,", "Was both in love to you and to your daughter :", "That I have all this while liv 'd thus disguis 'd ,", "Was only to avert the snare from you ,", "Not to entrap you : that you might not be", "Blinded by those who , like to venomous beasts ,", "Have only sight to poison ; that you might not", "Ruin your daughter in a compliment .", "They dare beyond your thought . When parted this", "Your confessor ?", "If that you dare", "But venture with me home , I 'll almost promise", "I 'll make it plain they 've put a trick upon you ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What , gone ! Upon my life , they did mistrust .", "Watchman , call you forth", "The mistress of the house imprimis ; for", "They have their lurking-hole near hand most certain .", "Sir , if you be the master of this house ,", "You 've harbour 'd here a company of cheating", "Villains we are come to apprehend .", "They had no time to get away .", "You are mistaken , friends .", "We 're cheated , friends : these men o \u2019 th \u2019 ordinary", "Have gull 'd us all this while , and now are gone .", "I 'm sorry that your son takes these lewd courses ;", "He is not fit to make a husband of .", "Send for my daughter hither ; we 'll know all . What are you , sir ?", "Peace !", "Y \u2019 have said enough already . How came you", "To sing beneath the window ?", "Why , this is he ,", "Sir Robert Littleworth his son : he hath", "Disclos 'd their villanies ; he is no cheat .", "If you can find a way whereby I may", "Reward this courtesy of yours , I shall", "Confess myself engaged doubly to you \u2014", "Both for the benefit and its requital .", "Can she suggest yet any good , that is", "So expert grown in this flesh-brokery ?", "\u2018 Tis her deliverance . She hath escap 'd two plagues , a lustful fool .", "You speak most honestly : I never did", "Think ill of your intents , but always gave", "A testimony to your life as large", "As were your merits . But your fortunes are", "Unequal ; there 's the want .", "I 'll strive no longer ,", "For fear I seem t \u2019 oppose felicity .", "If she 'll give her consent , y \u2019 are one .", "I know your former loves : grow up", "Into an aged pair , yet still seem young .", "May you stand fresh , as in your pictures , still ,", "And only have the reverence of the aged .", "I thank you for your pains , Master Constable :", "You may dismiss your watch now ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Yes , it is a very neat house ; \u2018 tis at the , sign of the Bull ; \u2018 tis newly covered with calves \u2019 - skins , and paved with knuckle-bones . Thou shalt not deny me ; we 'll be there to-night ; and \u2018 tis but three hours \u2019 journey . Let me have thy bundles of necessaries an hour hence , and I 'll see \u2018 um safe sent before . Thou shalt be the lady o \u2019 th \u2019 town .", "Ay , we 'll have dancing at our wedding too , when the cups of canary have made our heads frisk . O , how we shall foot it , when we can scarce stand , and caper when we are cut in the leg ! The first year shall be a leap-year with us .", "Then a leg of beef shall walk round the table , like a city captain with a target of lamb before it : a snipe , with his long bill , shall be a serjeant , and a capon carry the drumsticks . Thou shalt be lady-general , and pick out the choicest of every dish for thy life-guard .", "Till anon good-bye .", "O , like cobbler 's wax ; she stuck to my fingers : I could hardly get her off , and had much ado to persuade her not to undo herself quite . She would have had me gone home and took all ; nay , would have robbed her aunt too , but that I should cheat her sufficiently . This will be the best day 's work I have done this many a year .", "I am thy scholar , and thou shalt find I 'll prove an apt one . If I am not as perfect at the art as thyself in a short time , may I never be made free , but always steal for others , and be hanged myself .", "Come , prythee , leave ; I myself do now laugh at my former ignorance . Thou hast infused a new soul into me ; thou hast played hocus-pocus with me , I think , and juggled Gusmond or country Tom 's legerdemain into me . There 's not such a change in all the Metamorphosis .", "Yes , a silver bodkin and thimble , and as many curds as would serve the court ladies for a twelvemonth , besides the box laden with all the plate and household stuff that her pitchy fingers could stick to in six years \u2019 service , with which I believe she now waits for me at the appointed place . What we can n't turn into money we will into ale , and drink it out . Mine host Welcome has a cup of blessed lull .", "I 'll outfly the swift .", "A pair of silver-handled knives . These , I believe , she made when she lived with my Lady May'ress . Next , a pair of white gloves ; these she had at the funeral of a dear friend , for whose sake she meant to be buried in \u2018 um herself ; and how would Cerberus take it , to see one come to hell with a dog-skin pair of gloves ? A silken garter ! This , I warrant it , she had at a wedding , and intended to bestow it on her own bridemaid . Then a pair of scissors \u2014\u2014", "Ho , ho ! What , furniture for a whole fair upon thy back at once ? Dressed up just like the wooden boys on haberdashers \u2019 stalls .", "And when they 're gone , we 'll drink our very shirts out , and then pawn ourselves too . SCENE XII .", "You say true . If we had let \u2018 um alone , I warrant these boxes had been kept till they were mouldy , visited but once a quarter , and at last bequeathed by will and testament to some silly sober well-wisher of hers in her lifetime .", "Sirrah , we 'll make you know who you mistake ; call one of your master 's best customers gentleman !", "To neither ; but to the first most commendable alehouse-keeper that sold three cans for twopence ; he is the chief benefactor we have . Come , three cans to his health !", "Yes , but we want a pipe or two ; good mine host , let 's have some whiff .", "Look here , Bristle , how like shorn sheep they look . Where shall we run ? they have cast me into a fit o \u2019 th \u2019 shaking palsy .", "Is't an eve , say you ? pray , what holiday is to-morrow ?", "And you this bundle .", "And I with brooms ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Here in this grove I left her , here amongst", "These poplars , laurels , and these sycamores ,", "Guilty of her sad loss : and yet behold", "They do appear as fresh and full of verdure ,", "As when my love , clothed in her clearest looks ,", "Did give them grace and lustre . Why do we ,", "Poor silly men , bred up in cares and fear ,", "The nurse of our religion , stoop to Nature ,", "That only knows to form , not to preserve", "What she has made ; since , careless of her work ,", "She leaves to giddy Fortune the whole power", "Of ruling us ? These senseless trees stand still ,", "And flourish too , and in their pride upbraid", "My loss to me ; but my dear Sylvia being", "Nature 's best piece , made to excuse the rest", "Of all her vulgar forms , ah me ! was left", "To desolation , till some horrid satyr ,", "Bred in these woods , and furious in his lusts ,", "Made her his prey ; and now has carried her", "Into his dark retirings , or some cave ,", "Where her poor Thyrsis never more shall see her .", "But I will be reveng 'd : this wood , that now", "Is so bedeck 'd with leaves and fresh array ,", "I 'll level with the ground , until it be", "As desolate as I .", "It shall afford no shade to anything ,", "That hither us 'd to come for its relief ;", "But henceforth be for ever infamous :", "That , when some gentle shepherd passes by ,", "And sees this ground rent with the crooked plough :", "Here , he may say , here \u2018 twas that Sylvia", "Was lost , and then shall turn another way .", "What has my present state", "To do with comfort ? If you see the trees", "Widow 'd of leaves , the earth grown hard , and spoil 'd", "Of the green mantles which she wont to wear ,", "You wonder not if winter then appear .", "And must I ,", "When she is gone , whose sun-like eyes did cherish", "An everlasting summer in my life ,", "Feel any spring of joy to comfort me ?", "No , father , grief with me is best in season .", "All as the shepherd is , such be his flocks ,", "So pine and languish they , as in despair", "He pines and languishes ; their fleecy locks", "Let hang disorder 'd , as their master 's hair ,", "Since she is gone that deck 'd both him and them .", "And now what beauty can there be to live ,", "When she is lost that did all beauty give ?", "Let such base peasants as the gods do hate", "Admire their wealth and them for what they have ,", "Their bodies \u2019 and their souls material", "Alike of drossy substance are compounded ,", "And can contemplate nothing but the earth .", "No , Sylvia , whom some better god , perhaps", "For the reward of my well-tuned pipe ,", "Sent down to me , made up of air and fire ;", "Though since , because I knew not how to use", "With fair respect a gift so great as she ,", "Has justly reft her from me ,\u2014 is so much ,", "So great a part of me , that in her absence", "Amidst my grief I feel some little joy ,", "To see how much of me each minute wasteth ,", "And gives me hope , that when I shall dissolve", "This earthly substance , and be pure as she", ",", "I may enjoy her looks , and though it be", "Profane to touch a hallowed thing like her ,", "I may adore her yet , and recompense", "With my religion the proud thoughts I had", "Once to enjoy her .", "May they prove happy in each other 's love ,", "And nothing please , but what each other do ;", "For so liv 'd Thyrsis and his Sylvia :", "Whilst Sylvia was , and Thyrsis was her love .", "Whatever Thyrsis pip 'd , pleas 'd Sylvia ;", "Thyrsis admir 'd whatever Sylvia sung ,", "And both their joys were equal or but one .", "Well , I can now remember", "That , when our loves began , how first I gaz 'd", "On her , and she was pleas 'd that I should look ,", "Till greedily I had devour 'd the hook .", "Love gave me courage then to speak my thoughts ,", "And gave her pity to receive my words ,", "They link 'd our hearts together : from that time ,", "Whene'er she saw me strike the furious boar ,", "Though then my case she ru 'd , and sigh 'd full oft ,", "Yet was she pleas 'd to see my victory ,", "And I receiv 'd my vigour from her eye .", "Then would she make me chaplets of the best", "And choicest flowers , to adorn my head :", "Which when I wore , methought I did then grasp", "The empire of the world . But what of that ?", "The more I then enjoy 'd of heavenly bliss ,", "The more my present grief and passion is .", "That time must put a period to my life ,", "Or else it never will unto my grief :", "Come , boy , and under this same hanging bough", "The note , which thou attemper'st to my words ,", "Sing , and be happier than thy master , boy .", "1 .", "Enough : I 'll sigh the rest out . Go , my boy ,", "Be careful of thy tender lambs , whilst I", "Seek out some hidden place to pine and die ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Why , who can say Mirtillus does not love ?", "Mirtillus , he who has employ 'd his youth", "Ever in service of the fairest nymphs .", "No , gentle Hylas ?", "This riband and this hair you see me wear ,", "Are they not ensigns of a lover ? Say ,", "What shepherdess whom ever swain thought fair ,", "Has not Mirtillus courted , and obtain 'd", "Some favour from . But you will think , because", "I do not fold my arms , and sigh , and spend", "The days , the gods have given me to rejoice ,", "In whining passion , walking still alone ,", "Now proud with hopes , then cast down with despair ,", "Unequal to myself in everything ,", "I cannot love . No , Hylas , know I love", "Dorinda , Chloris , Amarillis , all", "Whom ever love did to his altars call :", "And when this mistress frowns , I am content", "To take another ; when that flame is spent", "By time , or put out by a rival , straight", "A third supplies her place , perhaps more worthy ;", "If less , because she loves , I 'll think her so .", "Why , what is love , say you , if mine be not ?", "I know not what you mean by constancy :", "I 'm sure I love the fairest .", "She has her share of beauty with the rest ,", "And I confess she 's fit for love as any ;", "But why she only should take up your breast ,", "And shut out all that have a right as good ,", "Whose equal or transcendent beauty pleads", "As just a title to't as hers can do ,", "I cannot reach the reason , but admire", "Your faith and", "your constancy .", "No , I love her", "As I do others , with whom I compare her .", "But you , that love with such intemperance ,", "Make of your love a glass , wherein you see", "Each thing much greater than indeed it is :", "My love 's too cold , you say ; but I am sure", "Yours is too hot for any to endure :", "A mean , perhaps , \u2018 twixt these I might approve .", "But whilst we talk thus , see , the flame has caught you ;", "Your beauteous flame , Nerina , is at hand ,", "Dorinda with her : dare you stay th \u2019 encounter ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The gods do love you , sure , that thus have left", "Your thoughts so free for sport ; mine are not so .", "That angry god pursues me in his fury ,", "And forces me to love where I am scorn 'd .", "Hapless Dorinda , why should he despise thee ?", "Many a swain and many a rural god", "Have sought thy favours , and have sought in vain :", "Now thou art justly punish 'd with disdain .", "Ah , good Nerina , you have spoken truth :", "It may warn other nymphs by my example ,", "How they profess their loves to any man :", "I am past cure , for", "he that wounded me", "Has left me quite disarm 'd , and robb 'd me of", "All those defensive arts which men will say", "Are natural and proper to our sex .", "I cannot change a face or weep one tear ,", "Or laugh against my will , so violently", "My fate hath thrust me to this love , that all", "My faculties confess their weakness ; and", "My flame is got so much above my reach ,", "I cannot put it out , nor smother it .", "Do not you know him ?", "I hear he boasts", "To every shepherd and to every nymph", "How much I love him .", "Venus forgive me if I do disclose him ,", "But he will do't himself : \u2018 tis he , Nerina .", "Why , do not you love him as much as I ?", "For love 's sake , say not so !", "He has a manly feature , and does show", "As much of grace in his comportment as", "The best of shepherds can ; him Titan made", "Of better clay than he did other men ,", "Although his heart be flint and hardest rock .", "Yet is his heart so hard , or are my parts", "Rather unequal to his high deserts ?", "For he can love , I see , since you he loves ,", "And you deserve it . Had he thought me worthy ,", "He would have lov 'd me too ; but as I am", "Worthless Dorinda , I am made his scorn ,", "And I had rather be so , than Nerina", "Should want a servant such as Daphnis is .", "Why , is there any can deserve you more ?", "But Daphnis comes with him : for love 's sake , stay !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Go , leave your cursing ,", "And follow her ; let me alone with him .", "Who , she that 's gone ? Believe your eyes no more , they are false to you . Could you take one for her that 's nothing like her ? \u2018 Twas Chloris went from us .", "\u2018 Tis true .", "We are not men with him till after fifty .", "But , shepherds , did you never hear that once", "There was an age , the nearest to the gods :", "An age we rather praise than imitate ;", "When no man 's will nor woman 's was enforc 'd", "To any bent but its own motion ?", "Each follow 'd nature 's laws , and by instinct", "Did love the fairest , and enjoy their wishes :", "Love then , not tied to any interest", "Of blood or fortune , hasten 'd to his end", "Without control , nor did the shepherd number", "Her sheep that was his choice , but every grace", "That did adorn her beauteous mind or face .", "Riches with love then were not valued \u2014", "Pure , uncompounded love \u2014 that could despise", "The whole world 's riches for a mistress \u2019 eyes .", "Pray tell me , Daphnis \u2014 you are young and handsome ,", "The lover of our fairest nymph Nerina \u2014", "Would you , for all that fruitful Sicily", "Can yield , or all the wealth of Persia ,", "Change one poor lock of your fair mistress \u2019 hair ,", "Whilst she is yours , and you her shepherd are ?", "Spoke like a lover of the ancient stamp !", "Yes , if she like", "The man , she will bestow herself , ne'er fear it .", "Old man , believe her not , she means not so ;", "She loves to keep the thing for which she is", "So much belov 'd \u2014 I mean her maidenhead \u2014", "Which , whilst she has , she knows to play the tyrant ,", "And make us slaves unto her scornful looks :", "For beauty then itself most justifies ,", "When it is courted ; if not lov 'd , it dies ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Shepherd , I would you 'd leave to follow me .", "With me ? Then tell me where , and see how soon", "I shall restore it you .", "Well , if my heart be such as you will make it ,", "I am so much the gladder that it is", "Of strength to be a fence unto my honour .", "What , if within", "It keep a dog of prey , would they be safe ?", "For my part , I 'll not cherish in my breast", "The man that would undo my chastity .", "Yes , yes , you may remember ,", "I blush to tell it you , when first my thoughts", "Were pure and simple \u2014 as I hope they are", "Still , and will so continue , whilst I fly", "Such company as you \u2014 - I thought you one", "Whom never any flame impure had touch 'd :", "Then we convers 'd without suspect together .", "The cause I shall tell you ,", "Since you will not remember ; though it be", "Unfit for me to speak , yet you shall know", "How just my anger is .", "When tending of my flocks", "Under the shade of yonder myrtle-tree .", "Which bears the guilt of your foul misdemeanour ,", "My maid Corisca cried out for my help ,", "Because a bee had stung her in the face :", "You heard me speak in pity of her smart ,", "A charm my mother taught me , that , being said", "Close to the place affected , takes away", "The pain : which gave her ease . But you , uncivil ,", "Turning my courtesy to your vile ends ,", "Feign 'd you were stung too , and cried out your lips", "Had from the same sharp point receiv 'd a wound :", "Pray 'd me to say the same charm over there .", "I charitably lent my help to you ,", "Mistrusting nothing of your purposes ,", "When with ungentle hands you held me fast ,", "And for my thanks gave me a lustful kiss .", "Canst thou remember this , and yet not blush ?", "O impudence !", "Well , shepherd , look", "You never see me more : I cannot love", "At all , or if at all , not you : let this", "Settle your thoughts ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["And as I oft have told you , I do wish", "To see you wise .", "Do not tell me of reason ; I would hear", "Of her obedience : therefore I say , be wise ,", "And do as I would have you .", "I will have her answer", "To what I now demand , that is , to marry", "Daphnis , and I will have her love him too .", "Why should she wish or hope for anything ,", "But what I 'd have her wish or hope for only ?", "Come , to be short , answer me , and directly ;", "Are you content to marry Daphnis , say ?", "You do not hear ,", "It seems , but what you list ; I ask you once", "Again , if you will marry Daphnis ? speak .", "I know you shall do that which I command .", "A fine devotion , is it not ? to make", "A vow , and never ask your father leave !", "The laws will not permit it to be so .", "Do not tell me of vows : I 'll have her marry ,", "And marry Daphnis : is he not rich and handsome ?", "No , daughter , do not you believe you can", "Catch me with shifts and tricks : I see , I tell you ,", "Into your heart .", "Yes , you have made a vow , I know , which is ,", "Whilst you are young , you will have all the youth", "To follow you with lies and flatteries .", "Fool , they 'll deceive you ; when this colour fades ,", "Which will not always last , and you go crooked ,", "As if you sought your beauty lost i \u2019 th \u2019 ground ;", "Then they will laugh at you , and find some other", "Fit for their love ; where , if you do as I", "Command you , I have one will make you happy .", "Look now , as if the Fates would have it so ,", "He comes just in the nick of my discourse :", "Come , use him kindly now , and then you shall", "Redeem what you have lost \u2014 my good opinion .", "Daphnis , you 're welcome , very welcome to me ,", "And to my daughter : what is that you have there ?", "See but how true a lover Daphnis is ;", "His hand is never empty when he comes .", "Welcome him , daughter : look what he has for you .", "I am an old man , I , and therefore care not", "To see my wither 'd face and hoary hair :", "Give it that young thing , she knows what to do with it .", "Daughter , come hither ; use him courteously", "And kindly too : be sure you take his gift ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Madam , you 're overheard .", "Madam , I have no life , but what I wish", "May be employ 'd to do your beauty 's service ;", "My tongue is rul 'd by yours : what you would have", "It speak , it shall ; else further than my thoughts", "Nothing shall venture that you leave to me :", "And those my thoughts I 'll keep to such restraint ,", "As they shall never come within my dreams ,", "Lest they betray your counsels . This I vow", "Religiously by \u2014\u2014", "Madam , I have ,", "And wish 'd that they had sorted to your wishes .", "I guess the cause , sweet madam , but that 's pass 'd", "And now forgotten : if you clear your looks ,", "Your father will enlarge you , and ne'er think", "On what you did , but that you are his daughter .", "Yes , you mean Cleander ,", "Son to Eubulus , who is now your keeper :", "What star directed him to find you out ?", "Madam , has not the Court more pleasure in it", "Than the dull country , which can represent", "Nothing but what does taste of solitude ?", "\u2018 Twas something else that carried you away .", "Love , madam ! Sure , it is impossible", "You should find anything there worth your love .", "Your state is better , madam , as you are .", "\u2018 Tis strange ! but , madam , though in that disguise ,", "How could you hope", "to be lov 'd", "Of him you held so dear ?", "Alas ! I would I could", "Invent the way to cure you ; I should soon", "Apply my help : yet , stay , this day it is", "The shepherds come to Court .", "Let me alone to work out that .", "I 'll undertake it ; but how shall I know him", "Without inquiring , which must breed suspicion ?", "These are silent marks :", "Yet will I not despair to find him out .", "Give me but leave to use my mother-wit . You would be gone together , would you not ?", "If you could crown me with your virtues , madam ,", "I should be a queen indeed ; in the meantime ,", "As I am Delia , I 'll do this business .", "Madam , withdraw ; I hear your keepers coming ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis well , Cleander ,", "It will behove you then to be reserv 'd ,", "And lock this secret up : for \u2018 tis no jesting", "With kings , that may command our lives and fortunes :", "You now perceive her , whom we call the princess ,", "To be your sister , and the love you bear her", "Must be a brother 's friendship , not a lover 's", "Passionate heat ; but yet she must not know ,", "That I her father am , and you her brother :", "And trust me , son , had I not seen despair", "Of life in you , which this love brought you to ,", "I should not have reveal 'd what now you know .", "Now you 're at peace , I hope ?", "You are too far inquisitive ; yet because", "I have engag 'd you in a secret of", "As great importance , this I will not hide .", "The king , I told you , when his wife grew near", "The time of her delivery , sent to know", "Of our great oracle whether the child should be", "Female or male , and what should be its fortune .", "It only was imparted unto me ,", "And this it is , which I have never shown", "To any but the queen . Here take and read it .", "If e'er thy issue male thou live to see ,", "The child thou think'st is thine , thine shall not be ;", "His life shall be obscure : twice shall thy hate", "Doom him to death . Yet shall he \u2018 scape that fate :", "And thou shalt live to see , that not long after", "Thy only son shall wed thy only daughter .", "This oracle is full of mystery .", "It is ; and yet the king would needs interpret", "That , should it prove a man-child , \u2018 twas a bastard :", "And being loth that one not of his blood ,", "As he conceived by this , should be his heir ,", "Told me in private that , if it were male ,", "He would not have it live ; yet , fearing most", "To publish his dishonour and his wife 's ,", "He charg 'd me not reveal it unto any ,", "But take the child and see it made away ,", "And make the world believe it was still-born .", "No , for indeed I durst not", "For anything become a murderer .", "I went unto the queen ,", "Show 'd her the state she was in , and besought her", "To be as careful of me as I was", "Of her , and we would work a better end", "Than she expected . So we both agreed", "That , if the child she then did labour with", "Proved to be a male , I should with care conceal", "The birth of it , and put a female child", "Instead of it , which I was to look out .", "It fortun 'd that your mother then was ready", "To be deliver 'd of your sister , and", "Time and good fortune did conspire to save", "The king 's child and to make my daughter princess .", "The queen protesting to me that it was", "The king 's own child , conjur 'd me to preserve it ,", "Which as mine own I could not ; for already", "Many took notice that my child was female ,", "And therefore I was fain to publish her", "As dead , and buried an empty coffin .", "I rode forth with the child a full night 's journey ,", "With purpose to deliver it to some", "Plain honest man , that would be careful of it ,", "And not inquisitive to know whose child", "It was , but give it breeding as his own :", "When , being frighted with the noise of arms", "Of some outlawed thieves , that did infest", "The place , I made all haste I could to \u2018 scape \u2018 em ,", "Considering my charge ; for that I knew ,", "If I were taken , though they spar 'd my life ,", "The charge I had must needs betray me to", "The king , and then I could not hope for mercy", "I laid it down there , cover 'd closely o'er ,", "A circle \u2018 bout his neck , wherein was writ \u2014", "Archigenes , son of Euarchus and Eudora", "In characters known only to myself", "And to the king , in which I us 'd to clothe", "Secret despatches when I writ to him", "From foreign states , and within the circle", "I grav 'd the king 's less seal , which then I kept .", "Some gold besides and jewels there I left ,", "That , whosoe'er should find him might with that", "Defray the charge of his education ;", "Howe'er , next day I purposed to return", "With speed , and carry it to some abode .", "She did not ,", "Till my return next day : then , when I told her ,", "The child was thence remov 'd where I had left him .", "\u2018 Tis probable .", "With such impatience", "That , being weak before , she shortly died .", "I durst not ,", "For fear of being discover 'd . On your life ,", "Take heed how you reveal this .", "Then let us watch my daughter , for I fear", "The flight she made was for some other end", "Than for retirement , which she does pretend .", "You shall do well : come , let us to the king ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["All is in vain , I cannot live ; dear father ,", "Farewell . What shepherd 's that lies on the ground ?", "Is it not Hylas ?", "Alas , poor shepherd ! \u2018 tis my greatest grief ,", "That I have grieved him ; I would beg life", "For nothing but to make him satisfaction .", "It cannot be : good father ,", "Let me go to him , and but touch his ear ,", "It may be that my voice may have more virtue .", "Hylas , Hylas , speak ,", "Nerina calls thee ! speak to thy Nerina !", "How fain I would", "For thy sake , Hylas ; but it cannot be :", "I feel a heavy sleep sit on my head ,", "And my strength fails me ; help me , sweet Dorinda ,", "Farewell for ever ! O , I die , I die !", "Hylas !", "Ye Fates , that keep th \u2019 account of all our days ,", "Add but one minute to my life , that I", "May quit my soul of those two heavy burthens ,", "Which now oppress it : dry your eyes , good father ,", "Remember that the gods do send us nothing", "But for our good ; and if my journey be", "Shorter than yours , the less will be my trouble .", "Will you forgive me , father , that I have not", "Paid so much duty to you as I ow 'd you ?", "Take my good-will , I pray , instead of it .", "Shall I dare", "To speak my thoughts , and so discharge my soul", "Of one load yet ?", "I 've heard you say that no sin was so heavy", "As is ingratitude .", "Then be not angry , if I now must tell you ,", "That this poor shepherd , whose swoll'n eyes you see", "Cover 'd with tears , for many years now pass 'd", "Has courted me : but still with such a love ,", "So full of truth and gentle services ,", "That should I not requite him with my love ,", "I should be guilty of ingratitude .", "Therefore , before I die , I pray give leave", "That he may have my dying heart , which living", "I still debarr 'd him of . Hylas , thy hand !", "O , stay a little , death : here , take thou mine ,", "And since I cannot live the wife of Hylas ,", "Yet let me die so . Sir , are you content ?", "Tell me , are you so , Hylas ?", "Then let me die , take me into thy arms ,", "Sweet love , you 'll see my coffin strew 'd with flowers ,", "And you , Dorinda , will you make a garland ?", "I die a virgin , though I die his wife ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["This is the garden which I saw him go to ,", "And that is he ; for all the marks she gave me", "To know him by he bears .", "How if I be deceived , and this should prove", "Another man ! What then ? I can excuse it .", "He 's laid already , and", "asleep ;", "I 'll stay until he wake ; but then suppose", "That anybody come , and take me here ,", "What will they think of me ? Best wake him . Shepherd !", "It is a handsome youth : see what a grace", "Shows itself in his feature \u2014 such a face", "Might take the heart of any lady living ,", "Ay , though she were a princess . Shepherd ! what ,", "Not yet ? his sleeps are sound .", "He must not sleep again : shepherd , look up .", "Sent to thee from thy Sylvia . Shepherd , rise ,", "And follow me .", "Stay , hold thy hand : she lives \u2014 thy Sylvia lives", "To make thee happy , if thou wilt go to her .", "His griefs have made him wild ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sir , I have tried", "By all the ways that fit a subject , to", "Inquire a truth of one that is his princess .", "Nothing more", "Than what my son Cleander did before .", "\u2018 Tis true .", "She herein was ingenuous , and confess 'd", "That she foresaw what search would be made for her :", "Therefore with some about her she had plotted", "To hire a bark that might convey her hence", "In a disguise to Smyrna , where she stay 'd", "Till time did fit her , that with safety", "She might return in habit of a nymph", "Unto the place where then Cleander found her :", "But why she left the court she will not tell .", "I should believe they 're sent for to delight", "Your majesty , as they were wont .", "It cannot be : she will not stain her birth", "With such ignoble love ; yet I confess ,", "Revolving all the causes of her strange", "Departure , I could fix on none but that .", "O my gracious lord ,", "Remember she 's your daughter !", "How ! both , my lord ?", "Your daughter too ?", "What hast thou done ! thou rash , inhumane boy ?", "Depriv 'd thy father of a child , thyself", "Of thine own sister , whom but now thou knew'st ?", "Well may the king take that dear life away", "Which he did never give : I will go tell him", "I am her father : but I lose my life", "If I do that , as guilty of a treason .", "Go , murderer , hadst thou no pity in thee !", "No time ! who bid thee hasten to the ruin", "Of thy poor father and thy family ?", "The messages which come to do us hurt", "Are speedy ; but the good come slowly on .", "Go , take thy way , whither thou wilt , thyself ;", "That way is best which leads me to my grave ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Madam , for my poor self I do not fear ;", "But when I think on you , and how your name", "And state , that is so eminent , must needs", "Receive a certain scandal and foul blot", "If we be seen together , blame me not ,", "Though I do fear or doubt . What cruel fate ,", "Angry with men , that gave us hearts alike", "And fortunes so asunder ? You 're a cedar ,", "I a poor shrub , that may look up unto you", "With adoration , but ne'er reach your height .", "\u2018 Tis true , divinest lady , that the souls", "Of all men are alike , of the same substance ,", "By the same Maker into all infus 'd ;", "But yet the several matters which they work on \u2014", "How different they are , I need not tell you .", "And as these outward organs give our souls", "Or more or less room , as they are contriv 'd ,", "To show their lustre , so again comes fortune", "And darkens them , to whom the gods have given", "A soul divine and body capable", "Of that divinity and excellence .", "But \u2018 tis the order of the Fates , whose causes", "We must not look into . But you , dear madam ,", "Nature and fortune have conspir 'd to make", "The happiest alive .", "Yet some do reckon it the greatest ill ,", "A passion of the mind , form 'd in the fancy ,", "And bred to be the worst disease of reason .", "Love is divine , for if religion", "Binds us to love , the gods , who never yet", "Reveal 'd themselves in anything to us", "But their bright images , the fairest creatures", "Who are our daily objects ; loving them ,", "We exercise religion : let us not", "Be scrupulous or fear ; the gods have care", "Of us and of our piety .", "No , Sylvia \u2014", "Pardon me , dear , if still I call you so \u2014", "Enjoy your fortunes ; think how much your honour", "Must suffer in this act ! For me , I find ,", "It is enough that I have ever lov 'd you :", "Now let me , at the light of your bright eye ,", "Burn like the bird whose fires renew her nest ;", "I shall leave you behind me to the world ,", "The Phoenix of true love and constancy :", "Nor is that bird more glorious in her flames ,", "Than I shall be in mine , though they consume me .", "What then shall we do ?", "Shall we resolve to live thus , till we gaze", "Our eyes out first , and then lose all our senses", "In their succession ? Shall we strive to leave", "Our souls breath 'd forth upon each other 's lips ?", "Come , let us practise : this our envious fates", "Cannot deny us .", "If you do this ,", "You 'll make me happy : it was this I look 'd for ,", "My trivial acts of life this of my death", "Will recompense with glory ; I shall die", "To save my princess , and what 's more , to save", "The life of her life , her unspotted honour .", "Bless 'd lady , though you are as innocent", "And chaste as purest virgins that have yet", "Seen nothing in a dream to warm their blood ,", "Yet the malicious world , the censuring people ,", "That haste to cast dirt on the fairest things ,", "Will hardly spare you , if it once be known", "That we were here together . As for me ,", "My life is nothing but variety", "Of grief and troubles , which with constancy", "I have borne yet ; \u2018 tis time that now I die ,", "Before I do accuse the gods , that have", "Brought me to this , and so pull on my death", "A punishment . Will you be merciful ,", "And end me quickly ?", "Sir , you are noble , I do see you are ,", "You lov 'd this lady once : by that dear love \u2014", "With me it was a conjuration", "To draw my soul out , whilst I was so happy \u2014", "I do beseech you spare her noble life ,", "Her death will sit full heavy on your soul ,", "And in your height of kingly dignities", "Disturb that head which crowns will give no rest to .", "To take my life is justice .", "Be not so cruel , madam , to yourself", "And me , to envy me a death so noble .", "Sir , as you hope your love shall ever prosper ,", "Your great designs , your fights , whate'er they are ;", "As you do hope for peace in your last hour ,", "And that the earth may lightly clothe your ashes ,", "Despatch me quickly , send me to my death .", "Down , stubborn heart ,", "Wilt thou not break yet ? In my death I find", "Nothing that 's terrible ; but this farewell", "Presents my soul with all the pains of hell ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["It shall not serve thy turn , malicious shepherd ,", "Though thou hast ta'en my love away by tricks ,", "Yet all thy cunning and thy practices", "Shall not secure thee from my revenge .", "Yes , for a poison 'd glass \u2014 a precious jewel !", "Do you so ! And , to do me a courtesy , you kill 'd her .", "Be sure thou shalt .", "But can'st thou hope for such a strong illusion", "To mock my sense ? Did I not see her dead ?", "Let me hear them .", "Yet you were", "To blame , that you 'd not tell me this , before", "I gave it her .", "And what must now be done ?", "It was well done .", "Let 's lose no time . I long to see my love alive again .", "She is dead , I see .", "Here : but take heed it do not spoil her face .", "The gods , I see , will not let beauty die .", "She breathes \u2014 she stirs \u2014 her eyes begin to open", "As after sleep . O miracle !", "No , sweet ;", "I live to be the servant of Nerina .", "She thinks of Hylas still : what shall I do ?", "In Daphnis \u2019 heart you live , and ever did .", "O gods , again ! Nerina , think not on him ;", "You must love me .", "You are deceiv 'd :", "You are not dead .", "By my device to keep me company .", "Ask me not that ; but go along with me .", "Where love and silence shall befriend us best .", "You were ; but I , your servant , chang 'd that death", "Into a sleep .", "I can ,", "And did for love of you .", "Come with me , and you shall .", "Then know , fair shepherdess , that when I saw", "My love , my services , my gifts , my vows ,", "Did all return to me without your love ,", "I had recourse unto this artifice :", "A pleasant one of love 's invention ,", "Which you may well remember .", "I did present you with a looking-glass .", "Nothing at all . Pray , go this way with me .", "That cast you into this deep lethargy :", "Such was the magic of it .", "To make you mine .", "My services , I thought , would merit it ;", "Besides , the world , not dreaming but you were", "Dead and here buried , we two might live", "Together , without being known to any .", "Why then it seems", "You do not love me ?", "Then \u2018 tis no time to dally : come along ,", "Or I will force you .", "Fool ! stop your mouth , no human help shall save thee .", "Or death or victory", "Shall crown my enterprise .", "She was a fool to cry ; I should ha \u2019 pleas 'd her", "Ere this , perhaps .", "Cover , you gods ,", "The world in public ruin , or else show me", "A way to hide my shame ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["For heaven 's sake ,", "Call not that wicked deed to my remembrance .", "I do repent me that I e'er begun it :", "I would not for a world have ended it :", "Nerina 's chaste and fair , and I a villain .", "Leave me , I pray ; for something tells me you", "Did first advise me to this damned act .", "This old man", "Is full of malice ; nothing troubles him .", "The ills that he has done fly from his thoughts ,", "And he rejoices that he did them quaintly ;", "I have begun my youth as if I meant", "To have my age so punish 'd as his is .", "Enter DORINDA .", "Who 's this ? Dorinda ! I have done her wrong :", "I sued for love to her first , which obtain 'd ,", "I stuck disgraces on her ; let me ask", "Forgiveness now , for \u2018 twere too much to hope", "That she should love one stain 'd with such a deed", "As I have done , so foul and impious .", "Gentle nymph .", "I mean no scorn ; I come to ask your pardon", "For what I 've done already , not to heap", "More sins upon my head .", "But true , Dorinda ; will you spit upon me ? Take your revenge , for I have well deserv 'd it .", "My many ills", "Discredit my repentance : if my words", "Can find no faith with you , believe my tears :", "Indeed they are not feign 'd .", "Forgive me first , and then I will begin", "By my endeavours and true services", "To deserve something of you , if not love .", "O , say not so ; let me", "Rather be thine ; it will be pride in me", "To be ambitious of it .", "Why should you fear ? By Pan , you are to me", "Whate'er you can imagine ; equal \u2014 above", "All that I e'er thought fair ; and if you be", "Content to hide my faults , and take me to", "Your nuptial bed , which yet I dare not hope \u2014", "But if you will , whene'er that day shall come ,", "Th \u2019 embraces of my love and me shall be", "Such , as the Cyprian boy from our abundance", "Shall take his fires to kindle other hearts ,", "Yet leave with us a flame which we will cherish ,", "And keep alive unto eternity ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["No , sir , they live , and Hymen in his bands", "Has tied them both ; the happiest knot that e'er", "Knit two such equal hearts and loves together .", "O , I 'm ravish 'd with the news : my joy", "Is greater now than if sh \u2019 had been the daughter", "Unto our king , and I had married her .", "Somewhat exalted , sir , beyond myself ,", "But yet not mad . Go , sir , unto the king ;", "Tell him Cleander lives to make him happy .", "Yes , sir , I do think ,", "And know that I have news to make him live ,", "And you an age yet longer .", "\u2018 Tis true .", "\u2018 Tis true , my sister", "Shall be a queen .", "But your hasty son ,", "That came so speedy with a fatal message ,", "Was not so forward now ; they both do live ,", "And both are married .", "The Fates command it , \u2018 tis their proper work :", "The shepherd is a prince \u2014 your prince and mine ,", "And married to my sister .", "Archigenes .", "No ? then come forth ,", "You royal pair , and testify yourselves .", "Nay , I 've told all .", "She knows she is your daughter : look , sir , here ;", "Here we must place our reverence .", "Not yet ? Then look upon this circle , that", "You know for certain , though you know not him .", "Sir , should I tell you", "How many ways I cast to save my sister", "After the fatal message which I brought ,", "I should be tedious , and keep you from", "What you do long to hear : in short , I soon", "Resolv 'd to make away this royal shepherd :", "And knowing that , in this affair , to keep it", "Secret , despatch was needful , I commanded", "A servant , of whose faith and courage I", "Was well-assur 'd , to kill him in my presence .", "\u2018 Twas a necessity was laid upon me ,", "Because I would be sure to see him dead .", "I bade him choose his death ; when manfully", "He said he car 'd not how , so he might die .", "I knew to strangle him was the readiest way ,", "Which death himself was ready to embrace :", "This his so noble resolution", "Did startle me from mine ; my servants \u2019 hands", "Trembled for fear ,", "Presaging what a sin they were to act :", "He bade him be assur 'd he would not start .", "And often call 'd him to despatch him quickly .", "The prince , before he came", "To put the fatal twist about his neck ,", "Besought me , as I ever hop 'd for peace ,", "I should preserve the princess ; this I promis 'd ,", "And whatsoever else he would desire .", "He answered , nothing now , but hasty death ;", "Then stripping off his doublet , I espied", "With a quick eye this golden circle here ,", "When hastily I bid my servant hold ,", "And let him go . He ask 'd me why I stay 'd ;", "I told him that about his neck was sacred .", "He would have rent it off , but I forbad it .", "Sir , I did well remember", "What I had heard of th \u2019 oracle and you ,", "Which , with the computation of his years ,", "I found agreeing to make up a truth ;", "Which you before assur 'd me . Then I ask 'd him", "Whether he would be married to the princess", "Before he died ; he thought that I had mock 'd him ,", "And said I practis 'd tyranny upon him .", "Then went I to my sister , and desir 'd", "The same of her . In fine , I saw them both", "Join hands and hearts together ; but the prince", "Thought this a dream of life , which certain death", "Would wake him from , until I did assure him", "Of his great state , and that his love , whom now", "He thought to be the princess , was my sister ;", "All which I did refer unto your knowledge .", "Can shepherds then", "Despise that deity which we adore ?", "The king ! To these EUARCHUS , EUBULUS ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Although the people 's voice constrains me hold", "This regal staff , whose massy weight would bruise", "Your age and pleasures ; yet this , nephews , know ,", "Your trouble less , your honour is the same ,", "As if you wore the diadem of this isle .", "Meanwhile , Androgeus , hold unto your use", "Our lady-city Troynovant ,", "and all", "The toll and tribute of delicious Kent ;", "Of which each quarter can maintain a king .", "Have you , Tenantius , Cornwall 's dukedom large ,", "Both rich and strong in metals and in men .", "I must to Verulam 's fenc 'd town repair ,", "And as protector for the whole take care .", "And dares proud Caesar back our untam 'd surges ?", "Dreads he not our sea-monsters , whose wild shapes", "Their theatres ne'er yet in picture saw ?", "Come , sirs , to arms ! to arms ! Let speedy posts", "Summon our petty kings , and muster up", "Our valorous nations from the north and west .", "Androgeus , haste you to the Scots and Picts ,", "Two names which now Albania 's kingdom share :", "Entreat their aid , if not for love , yet fear !", "For new foes should imprint swift-equal fear", "Through all the arteries of this our isle .", "Belinus , thy authority must rouse", "The vulgar troops within thy", "special charge .", "Fire", "the beacons , strike alarums loud :", "Raise all the country \u2018 gainst this common foe .", "We 'll soon confront him in his full career :", "This news more moves my choler than my fear .", "ROLLANO alone ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The court a wardrobe is of living shapes :", "And ladies are the tissue-spangled suits ,", "Which Nature wears on festival high days .", "The Court a spring : each madam is a rose .", "The Court is heaven , fair ladies are the stars .", "False echo , do n't blaspheme that glorious sex ,", "Whose beauteous rays can strike rash gazers blind .", "Pray leave this cynic humour , whilst I sigh", "My mistress \u2019 praise . Her beauty 's past compare :", "O , would she were more kind , or not so fair !", "Her modest smiles both curb and kindle love .", "The court is dark without her : when she rises ,", "The morning is her handmaid , strewing roses .", "About love 's hemisphere . The lamps above", "Eclipse themselves for shame to see her eyes ,", "Outshine their chrysolites , and more bless the skies", "Than they the earth .", "Her body is a crystal cage , whose pure", "Transparent mould , not of gross elements", "Compacted , but th \u2019 extracted quintessence", "Of sweetest forms distill 'd ; whose graces bright", "Do live immur 'd , but not exempt from sight .", "Her model is beyond all poets \u2019 brains", "And painters \u2019 pencils : all the lively nymphs ,", "Syrens , and Dryads are but kitchen-maids ,", "If you compare . To frame the like Pandore ,", "The gods repine , and nature would grow poor .", "For here you find great Juno 's stately front ,", "Pallas \u2019 grey eye , Venus her dimpled chin ,", "Aurora 's rosy fingers , the small waist", "Of Ceres \u2019 daughter , and Medusa 's hair ,", "Before it hiss 'd .", "O strange ! what , ignorant still ! when as so plainly", "These attributes describe her ? Why , she is", "A rhapsody of goddesses ; the elixir", "Of all their several perfections . She is", "by mortals call 'd Landora .", "All steel and adamant . \u2018 Tis beauty 's pride to stain", "Her lily white with blood of lovers slain ,", "Their groans make music , and their scalding sighs", "Raise a perfume , and vulture-like she gnaws", "Their bleeding hearts . No gifts , no learned flattery ,", "No stratagems , can work Landora 's battery .", "As a tall rock maintains majestic state ,", "Though Boreas gallop on the tottering seas ,", "And tilting split his froth out , spurging waves", "Upon his surly breast ; so she resists ,", "And all my projects on her cruel heart", "Are but retorted to their author 's smart .", "Most impious thoughts ! O , let me rather perish ,", "And loving die , than living cease to love :", "And when I faint , let her but hear my cry .", "Ah me ! there 's none which truly loves , but I .", "Your words are earwigs to my vexed brain ;", "Like henbane juice or aconite diffus 'd ,", "They strike me senseless .", "My kinsman and Hirildas , to my end ;", "But I 'll ne'er call you councillor or friend .", "Adieu .", "Bless 'd be these means , and happy the success !", "Now \u2018 gin I rear my crest above the moon .", "And in those gilded books read lectures of", "The feminine sex . There moves Cassiope ,", "Whose garments shine with thirteen precious stones ,", "Types of as many virtues : then her daughter ,", "Whose beauty without Perseus would have tam 'd", "The monstrous fish , glides with a starry crown :", "Then just Astrea kembs her golden hair :", "And my Landora can become the skies", "As well as they . O , how my joys do swell !", "He mounted not more proud whose burning throne", "Kindled the cedar-tops , and quaff 'd whole fountains ,", "Fly then , ye winged hours , as swift as thought", "Or my desires : let day 's bright waggoner", "Fall headlong , and lie buried in the deep ,", "And", "Alcides night outsleep :", "Good Tethys , quench his beams , that he ne'er rise", "To scorch the Moors , to suck up honey-dews ,", "Or to betray my person .", "But prythee , tell what mistress you adore ?", "We must give way : here come our reverend bards", "To sing in synod , as their custom is", "With former chance comparing present deeds ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Heavens favour Cridous , fair Albania 's king :", "And Britael , deck 'd with the Demetian crown :", "The same to famous Guerthed , whose command", "Embraces woody Ordovic 's black hills .", "Legate , you may your message now declare .", "Then read the rest .", "VOLUSENUS reads .", "\u201c Caesar , Proconsul of Gallia , to Cassibelane , King of Britain .", "Since Romulus \u2019 race by will of Jove", "Have stretch 'd their empire wide", "From Danube 's banks", "Unto Mount Atlas \u2019 side :", "And provinces and nations strong", "With homage due obey ;", "We wish that you , hid in the sea ,", "Do likewise tribute pay .", "Submitting all unto our wills", "For rashly aiding Gaul :", "And noble lads for hostages", "Make ready at our call .", "These granted may our friendship gain ;", "Denied shall work your woe .", "Now take your choice , whether you 'd find", "Rome as a friend or foe . \u201d", "Bold mandates are unwelcome to free princes . Legate , withdraw ; you shall be soon despatch 'd .", "Then , friends and princes , on this blade take oath ,", "First to your country to revenge her wrongs ;", "And next to me , as general , to be led", "With unity and courage .", "Let 's then dismiss the legate with a frown :", "And draw our forces t'ward the sea , to join", "With the four kings of Kent , and so affront", "His first arrival . But , before all , let", "Our priests and Druids , in their hallow 'd groves ,", "Propitiate the gods , and scan events", "By their mysterious arts ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Well , so : your tongue 's your own , though drunk or angry .", "Speak not a word , upon your life : be dumb .", "I 'll winch up thy estate . Be Harpocrates .", "Thy fortunes shall be double-gilt . Be midnight .", "An excellent instrument , to be the bawd", "To his dear lady ! But , Rollano , hark ;", "What words , what looks did give my letter welcome ?", "Nay , now thy silence is antedated : speak .", "I give thee leave , I say . Speak , be not foolish .", "You told her my conditions , and my oath", "Of silence , and that only you be used ?", "And that this night \u2014\u2014", "You guard the door \u2014\u2014", "But I ne'er mean to come .", "No . Thou shalt be true , and she remain deceiv 'd .", "I 'll lie , and yet I will not lie . My friend", "Eulinus , in my shape , shall climb her bed ,", "This is the point . You 'll promise all your aid ?", "Coz , I commend you to the Cyprian queen ,", "Whilst I attend Diana in the forest :", "My kinsman Mandubrace and I must try", "Our greyhounds \u2019 speed after a lightfoot hare ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["That souls immortal are , I easily grant ;", "Their future state distinguish 'd \u2014 joy or pain ,", "According to the merits of this life .", "But then , I rather think , being free from prison", "And bodily contagion , they subsist", "In places fit for immaterial spirits ;", "Are not transfus 'd from men to beasts , from beasts", "To men again \u2014 wheel 'd round about by change .", "So you debase the gods \u2019 most lively image .", "The human soul , and rank it with mere brutes ,", "Whose life , of reason void , ends with their sense .", "The gods foretold these mischiefs long ago .", "In Eldell 's reign the earth and sky were fill 'd", "With prodigies , strange sights , and hellish shapes :", "Sometimes two hosts with fiery lances met ,", "Armour and horse being heard amid the clouds :", "With streamers red now march these airy warriors ,", "And then a sable hearse-cloth wraps up all ;", "And bloody drops speckled the grass , as falling", "From their deep-wounded limbs :", "Whilst staring comets", "shook their flaming hair .", "Thus all our wars were acted first on high ,", "And we taught what to look for .", "All rites and orisons due shall be perform 'd :", "Chiefly night 's empress fourfold honour craves ,", "Mighty in heaven and hell , in woods and waves ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Health and good fortune on Cassibelane \u2018 tend :", "My love to you and Britain waft me hither", "To make atonement , ere the Roman leader", "Bring fire and spoil , and ruin on your heads .", "No herb can ever grow where once he treads :", "Nothing withstands his force . Be not too hardy ,", "But buy a friend with kindness , lest you buy", "His anger dearly .", "O , let not rage so blind your judgment , but", "Prevent with ease the hazard of a war ,", "Of war , a word compos 'd of thousand ills .", "O , be not cruel to yourselves ! I 'll undertake", "Without discredit to appease his wrath ,", "If you 'll cashier your soldiers , and receive", "Him like a guest , not like an enemy .", "Is this the guerdonof my loving care ? You break the laws of nature , nations , friends . But look for due revenge at Caesar 's hand ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["That ceremonious fear , which bends the heart", "Of mortal creatures , and displays itself", "In outward signs of true obedience ,", "As prayer , kneeling , sacrifice , and hymns ,", "Requires again help from immortal deities ,", "As promise , not as debt . We laud their names :", "They give us blessings , and forgive our blames .", "Thus gods and men do barter : what in piety", "Ascends , as much descends again in pity ;", "A golden chain reaching from heaven to earth .", "Draw near , ye heavenly powers ,", "Who dwell in starry bowers ;", "And ye , who in the deep", "On mossy pillows sleep ;", "And ye who keep the centre ,", "Where never light did enter ;", "And ye whose habitations", "Are still among the nations ;", "To see and hear our doings ,", "Our births , our wars , our wooings :", "Behold our present grief ,", "Belief doth beg relief .", "Both going around say \u2014", "By the vervain and lunary ,", "By fern-seed planetary ,", "By the dreadful misletoe ,", "Which doth on holy oak grow ,", "Draw near , draw near , draw near !", "We 'll praise then your great pow'r ,", "Each month , each day , each hour ;", "And blaze in lasting story", "Your honour and your glory .", "High altars lost in vapour ,", "Young heifers free from labour ,", "White lambs for suck still crying ,", "Shall make your music dying .", "The boys and girls around ,", "With honeysuckles crown 'd ;", "The bards with harp and rhyming ,", "Green bays their brows entwining ,", "Sweet tune and sweeter ditty ,", "Shall chant your gracious pity .", "Thou queen of heaven , commandress of the deep ,", "Lady of lakes , regent of woods and deer ,", "A lamp dispelling irksome night , the source", "Of generable moisture ; at whose feet ,", "With garments blue and rushy garlands dress 'd ,", "Wait twenty thousand Naiades : thy crescent", "Brute elephants adore , and man doth feel", "Thy force run through the zodiac of his limbs .", "O thou first guide of Brutus to this isle ,", "Drive back these proud usurpers from this isle .", "Whether the name of Cynthia 's silver globe :", "Or chaste Diana with a gilded quiver :", "Or dread Proserpina , stern Dis his spouse :", "Or soft Lucina , call 'd in childbed throes ,", "Doth thee delight \u2014 rise with a glorious face ,", "Green drops of Nereus trickling down thy cheeks ,", "And with bright horns , united in full orb ,", "Toss high the seas , with billows beat the banks ,", "Conjure up Neptune and th \u2019 AEolian slaves ;", "Contract both night and winter in a storm ,", "That Romans lose their way , and sooner land", "At sad Avernus , than at Albion 's strand .", "So may'st thou shun the dragon 's head and tail !", "So may Endymion snort on Latmian bed !", "So may the fair game fall before thy bow :", "Shed light on us , but lightning on our foe !", "Behold , an oracle flies out from her shrine ;", "Which both the king and state shall see , before", "We dare unfold it .", "SCENE VII .", "BRENNUS 'S GHOST , NENNIUS in night-robes ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now hot alarums die in fainter notes :", "Tempestuous night is gone : victorious joy \u2014", "As when pale Eos", "cleaves the eastern fogs ,", "And , blushing more and more , opes half her eye ,", "With holy water sprinkling all the meads ,", "Whose clear reflex serves as her morning glass \u2014", "Doth paint with gaudy plumes the chequer 'd sky .", "The only name of victory sounds sweeter", "Than all mellifluous rhetoric .", "But where 's the answer which her idol gave ? Can you expound the sense ?", "I know thy loyal heart and prudent head ,", "Upon whose hairs Time 's child , Experience , hangs", "A milk-white badge of wisdom ; and canst wield", "Thy tongue in senate and thy hands in field .", "Speak free , Belinus .", "I like thy warning ; with united stroke", "Of all our nations we 'll his camp beleaguer ,", "Devouring ships and men . But one mischance ,", "My brother 's wound", "Turns all to wormwood . Why were ye dumb , ye idols ?", "No sainted statue did foretell this grief .", "Come , let 's go visit him . You may , lord general ,", "Set Comius free ; we love not to insult ,", "But render good for ill ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["A mind content , O , \u2018 tis a mind of pearl :", "A mint of golden thoughts , a heaven on earth !", "When eager longers meet full-butt their scope ,", "And hopes are actuated beyond hope .", "So Jason joy 'd , the golden fleece obtain 'd ;", "So Hercules joy 'd , the golden fruit being gain 'd ;", "So Venus joy 'd the golden ball to hold ;", "So Midas joy 'd when he turn 'd all to gold .", "So , and much more , rejoic 'd the Phrygian swain ,", "When he convey 'd the fairest", ",", "Which air did ever kiss . His brazen keel ,", "Proud of her burden , slic 'd the capering brine :", "The Tritons blew their horns , and sea-gods dance .", "Before , behind , about his ship they prance :", "The mermaids skip on high , but to compare", "Their dangling tresses with her silken hair \u2014", "These were but shadows of my bliss . A robe", "Of pure beatitude wraps me round about ,", "Without a speck or blemish ; nor can invention", "Wish more unto me than I have \u2014 Landora .", "I 'm rich , free , learned , honour 'd \u2014 all in this .", "Who dares conceive against the female sex", "But one base thought ? Lo , here I stand their champion ,", "And will maintain he is a beast , a devil ,", "Begot between a bitch-wolf and an incubus .", "Women , all-good , all-perfect and all-gracious ,", "Men-making creatures , angels clad in flesh ;", "Let me adore your name !", "But I in you enjoy Landora 's love .", "No matter , I in you or you in me ,", "So that I still possess my dearest dear .", "A paltry fancy last night in her bed", "Turmoil 'd my thoughts , which since I shap 'd in rhymes .", "Thus .", "\u2018 Twas foully play 'd .", "I 'll give a quittance .", "No kingly menace or censorious frown", "Do I regard . Tanti", "for all your power !", "But the compunction of my guilt doth send", "A shudd'ring chilness through my veins inflam 'd .", "Why do ye stare , ye grisly powers of night ?", "There , there his soul goes : I must follow him ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Shall justice and just Libra ne'er forsake", "Th \u2019 embroider 'd belt ? no sign of them on earth ?", "Are gods dim-sighted grown , or do they sleep", "The morning , and carouse the afternoon ,", "That mortal motions tumble thus by chance ?", "Cleave , thou blue marble ceiling , that heaven 's king", "With clearer aim may strike a tyrant 's crown ,", "Nor spend his brimstone bullets \u2018 gainst some hill", "Or innocent pine .", "Usurpers use this method still : at first", "He as protector slily got the stern ,", "During our nonage : then the commons \u2019 voice ,", "Bought with a fawning brow and popular grace ,", "Confirms his regiment ;", "we appointed sharers ,", "With empty titles to beguile our thoughts ,", "Like puppet-lords dress 'd up with crown and scarf ,", "Glad that we live and hunt , and reign o'er brutes \u2014", "Our uncle is the king who ,", "when he saw", "His throne establish 'd and his foes repuls 'd ,", "Grown big with prosperous fortune , proudly spurns", "All fear of God or man .", "In antiphons", "thus tune we female plaints ;", "But plots and force beseem us . Thus great Caesar", "Shall pull him down below us . Thou , Mandubrace ,", "Sure pledges take of our revolt , and quickly", "Implore his aid , blow up his drooping fire", "With hopeful terms . But let him stronger come ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["A story is't or fable that , stern Mars ,", "Thy weight did Romulus \u2019 sleepy mother press ?", "Since we , thy brood degenerous , stand at gaze ,", "Charm 'd in the circle of a foaming flood ,", "And trail our dastard pikes ? Burst , Janus \u2019 prison !", "Roar as thou didst at Troy , drown Stentor 's voice", "By many eighths ,", "which Pindus may re-beat ,", "Which Caucasus may as a catch repeat ,", "And Taurus lough the same :", "that pigmies small", "May squeak , it thunders , and dive into burrows .", "Let the four winds with dreadful clamours sing", "Thy anger through th \u2019 affrighted world .", "What Lemnian chain shackles our mounting eagle ?", "The moon 's round concave is too strait a cage", "For her advanced pinions .", "Arise , unhappy prince , our deeds shall show", "We grant thy suit . Fortune repents at last ;", "The moon is chang 'd , the globe doth to us turn", "Her shining cheek , and wooes us with a smile .", "But what firm signs of faith , what faithful aid ,", "What furtherance , can you give at our arrival ?", "Enough . I 'll once more cross the seas :", "For your good more than mine ; that happier sky", "May bless your towns with peace , your fields with plenty ;", "Perpetual spring , in gay perfum 'd attire ,", "Sirname your isle the garden of the west .", "Now , Volusene ,", "Our glorious state , like the noon-pointed sun ,", "When he bestrides the lion 's flaming fleece ,", "Doth north-west roll his burning brand , whose fire", "The ocean 's blue lake cannot stop , but flies", "With brighter blaze to thaw the frozen isles .", "But how proceeds our preparation ?", "Blow gently , Africus :", "Play on our poops . When Hyperion 's son", "Shall couch in west his foam-bedappl 'd jades ,", "We 'll rise to run our course ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Wisdom , confirm my sense ! what seem 'd their number ?", "Wonder ! what can their arsenals spawn so fast ?", "Last year his barks and galleys were debosh 'd ;", "This spring they sprout again : belike their navy ,", "Like the Lernaean adder , faster grows", "The more \u2018 tis prun 'd . They come their last . Lord deputy ,", "Lead on the present troops , and levy new .", "\u2018 Twere best , I think , to let him land , lest view", "Of his huge navy should our commons fright .", "Retire ourselves to some place of advantage ,", "Entice him from his ships ; so cut the veins", "Which nourish both : enclos 'd he cannot \u2018 scape .", "Uncertain \u2018 tis where \u2014 when , he makes inroad :", "To furnish all , unlikely : to neglect", "Any were dangerous as Pelides \u2019 heel ,", "Our shores are large and level : then t \u2019 attend", "His time and leisure would exhaust the state \u2014", "Weary our soldiers .", "But the assailants are the flower of Italy ,", "Back 'd with four hundred Gallic horse , all tried", "And gallant troops , join 'd in one martial body ,", "To give a fuller stroke ; when we defendants ,", "Scatter 'd along , can weak resistance make ;", "Plainness of ground affording us no shelter .", "We know our strength and his ; we 'll fight in field", "Some dozen miles from sea . An open theatre", "Gives lustre to our prowess : to keep him out", "Supposes fear , not manhood . No , let him march ,", "Till he rouse Death , and stride his future grave ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The coast is clear ; our honour is the goal . In vain doth Tagus \u2019 yellow sand obey , Rhine 's horned front and nimble Tigris running For wager with the wind , which skims his top ; In vain from Ganges to Hesperian Gades , The bounds mark 'd out by Jove 's two base-born sonsOur echo 'd name doth sound , if we recoil From hence again not victors . Ye pilots old , who were begot mermaids , Whose element is their sea , bred and brought up In cradles rock 'd with storms and wooden walls . Fear not to grapple with the seas . Fear not Their bulks , brave veterans ; that extended mass Is not of iron , but can bleed and die : They were not dipp 'd in Styx , nor are they giants Or wild poetic Centaurs we assail . Let then this voyage quit out credit lost , And let rage lash on courage . Here 's the game ; Life may be lost , butwe 'll hold fast fame !CASSIBELANUS , BELINUS , & c ., Soldiers .", "Are ye the men , who never fought in vain ?", "Who wear Bellona 's favours in your scars ?", "Ay , ye are they . What then benumbs our spirits ?", "Our empire from Quirinus \u2019 narrow centre", "Doth circling spread , and finds no brink nor bottom .", "Titan no later sets nor earlier wakes ,", "Than he beholds our provinces . Why , then ,", "What privilege hath this place ? have we or they", "The Phrygian powers ? have they Palladium got ?", "No , no ; those gods our capitol keeps with joy ;", "These only have undaunted minds from Troy .", "Enter Q. ATRIUS .", "What news , good Atrius ?", "What devil Cacus drags our fortune back !", "Doth she move retrograde , and hoist us up ,", "That we may fall at height ? why doth Camillus", "Each night torment my sleep , and cry revenge ?", "I strive against the stream .", "All , all shall know our love .", "Nor stakes , lakes , fords , nor swords shall check our progress .", "Those downy swans shall hear more funeral notes .", "Their kings departed , Nennius dead , whose loss", "Would tears extort even from pumicean eyes :", "Had Britain nurs 'd but such another champion ,", "They might have stuck their darts on our barr 'd gates ,", "And Latium trembled with contrary fates .", "In what now lies their hope ?", "No doubt : this blow shall like an earthquake move", "The roots and pillars of this sea-clipp 'd isle .", "A cloud of vultures shall attend our camp ,", "And no more shall the fields bear vert , but gules :", "The grain , engrain 'd in purple dye , shall lose", "His verdant hue . Bones , marrow , human limbs", "Shall putrifying reek , whose vapour 'd slime ,", "Kindl 'd on high , may breed long-bearded stars ,", "To tell more mischief , and outbeard Apollo .", "Atrius , let our ships be drawn on shore ,", "New-rigg 'd and mended . I must needs confess him", "A darling of the gods , under whose colours", "Stars , winter , sky , and tempests serve in pay ,", "And know both march and skirmish by his drum ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Thus civil war by me and factious broils", "Deface this goodly land : I am reveng 'd ;", "The cause", "dead , my anger dies .", "He is our uncle , and in danger 's mouth ;", "Both claim relenting pity . Whom peace made", "A rampant lion , war hath made a lamb .", "Caesar shall not proceed , for private ends ,", "To captivate our isle , whose clamorous curse", "Doth knock , I know , at heaven 's star-nail 'd gates :", "For that Jove 's bird , imp 'd", "with our plumes , o'erflew", "The ocean 's wall , to seek her prey in Britain .", "I know their hatred just ; and here resign", "All my birthright to thee , my second self .", "I must forsake my country 's sight , and seek", "New fortunes with this emperor , in hope", "To be rais 'd up by his now rising wheel .", "You shall a sceptre gain .", "Bear you the sovereign power of this land .", "I must away , and shun the people 's eye .", "Ay , for trees transplanted do more goodly grow .", "I am resolv 'd , all troubles brought asleep ,", "To leave you with a parting kiss ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["It is my glory to end all with peace ;", "And for that cause I Comius sent in haste", "For to conduct him hither .", "Hail , valorous prince ! disdain not this ingrafting", "Into Rome 's empire , whose command encloses", "The whole Levant , and whose large shadow hides", "The triple-bounded earth and bellowing seas .", "Thus we determine : that crown still shall stand :", "Reign as the total monarch of this isle ,", "Till death unkings you . \u2018 Twere , Androgeus , best", "You in our train kept honourable place ;", "And let Tenantius wear the royal wreath .", "You must forgive the towns which did revolt ,", "Nor seek revenge on Trinobants , but let", "Young Mandubrace possess his father 's princedom .", "In sign of league you shall us pledges give ,", "And yearly pay three thousand pound of silver", "Unto our treasury . So let these decrees", "Be straight proclaim 'd through Troynovant , whose tower", "Shall be more fairly built at my charge , as", "A lasting monument of our arrival .", "And you receive this massy cup of gold ,", "Love 's earnest and memorial of this day .", "By this suppose our senate calls you friend .", "Now the Tarpeian rock o'erlooks the world ,", "Her empire bounded only by the ocean ;", "And boundless fame beats on the starry pole .", "So Danow , crawling from a mountain 's side ,", "Wider and deeper grows , and like a serpent", "Or pyramid revers 'd , improves his bigness", "As well as length ; till , viewing countries large ,", "And fed with sixty rivers , his wide mouth", "On th \u2019 Euxine sea-nymph gapes , and fear doth stir ,", "Whether he will disgorge or swallow her ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["And will you marry now ?", "And what shall", "Be done with all those locks of hair you have ?", "And your priz 'd liberty \u2014", "What shall become of that ?", "You swore you would not marry till there were", "A law established that married men", "Might be redeem 'd , as slaves are .", "For what , I prythee ?", "Thou'lt have a damnable conceit of thy wife , by thy knowledge and opinion of all other women , unless you think her a phnix .", "A rare fame you would purchase !", "Yes , and prayed for by bastards , that got better fathers than they were destined to by their mothers \u2019 marriages .", "And this done voluntarily , which you will hardly avoid , though you have a thousand guards to prevent it . I , that have been your playfellow , shall be first suspected , and first banished .", "Unless I had means to appropriate one , you cannot suspect but I should wish a title unto all . But what hopes have you of your mistress ?", "Is he not somewhat startled at the report of thy debauchery ? For though your thickset woods and spreading vineyards make excellent shades to keep away the sun \u2014 I mean the piercing eye of censure \u2014 yet some suspicions common fame will raise .", "But since his death you are altered . I must confess it , for then the slenderness of your annuity allowed you but the election of some one sin : I mean a cherished sin , whilst the others repined , that thought themselves of equal dignity ; in time they had their turns , yet singly still : but since your brother 's death you have shown yourself a grateful gentleman , and recompensed those that have suffered for you to the full .", "Another Heliogabalus thou wouldst be ,", "Hadst thou his power ; but by what conjuration can", "You bring me to think it ?", "But now you walk in shades , recluse , and shut", "Up in your coach ; your painted liveries", "Supposed fairies , and she that you were wont to", "Visit by the name of Madam Ruffiana is now", "Your aunt . All this I am perfect in , yet cannot", "Reach the mystery of your suppos 'd disguise", "You say doth mask you .", "Of this I am yet a sad party and a witness too .", "I have not known any condemn 'd for playing ,", "But for losing .", "If this be certain , \u2018 twill be long ere I be reputed virtuous .", "\u2018 Tis a sad story ; pray let us leave it . Have you no rivals ?", "Eugenio , your rival , still continues banish 'd .", "Did you give him cause to draw upon you in th \u2019 garrison ?", "Prince Lysicles labours to recall him .", "His actions need none .", "Verses , madam .", "Of Lord Ergasto 's , written in celebration of the fair", "Hermione .", "They are his own .", "I pray read them .", "Read them , and I 'll assure you you 'll find things well said and seriously ; and you will alter your opinion of him .", "\u2018 Tis his love makes him do it ; not finding any thing on earth fit to express her , he searcheth heaven for a similitude .", "However you esteem them , such an elogy would make you think your glass had not yet flattered you .", "Madam , this is repugnant to your other virtues , that you should hate a man for loving you . Before he did profess himself your servant , I know you did receive him with indifferency at least . Whence then proceeds your hate ?", "A cruel son sprung from so mild a father , if he did urge you to anything , might blast your honour .", "If I were he , I 'd take an honourable composition , let her choose whom she pleas 'd for husband , and continue her secret servant still .", "Pardon me , madam , this mirth 's a liberty ; your cousin doth allow me . Here comes your father .", "Ergasto , my Lord Ergasto , what , have you left your tongue with your heart ?", "You 'll not believe me if I should say the contrary .", "I 'm sure many better go t'other way , if they be not marred in the voyage . But do you remember where you are to meet with Phormio ?", "Heyday ! if within these two hours you do not forget the cause of this forgetfulness , I 'll be an eunuch . What , if the prince should be your rival ? I cannot tell , but my Lord Pindarus on a sudden fell from his anger to his daughter to a ceremony to you might be suspected .", "Courage , man ! If you have not lost your memory , your remedy is certain . There are more handsome faces will recompense this loss . Let us meet Phormio . FOOTNOTES :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I have ; and she 'll be here within this half-hour .", "Her father was of Greece a wealthy merchant , and his business enforcing him to leave his country , he married a lady of that place , where he lived , who , excellent in the mystery of divination , hath left that knowledge to her daughter , enriched with thousand other modest virtues , as is delivered to me by those are frequent with her .", "What is't ?", "The grave must be my bed then .", "With what harsh fate doth heaven afflict me ,", "That all those blessings which make others happy", "Must be my ruin ! But if this lady 's knowledge", "Shall inform me that I shall ne'er enjoy Eugenio ,", "Darkness shall seize me , ere", "tapers light", "My blushes to the forsworn Hymen 's rites .", "Dear Irene ,", "Our stars , whose influence doth govern us ,", "Are not malignant to us , but whilst we", "Remain in this false earth . He that hath courage", "To divest himself of that , removes with it", "Their powers to hurt him ; and injur 'd Love ,", "Who sees that fortune would usurp his power ,", "I know will not be wanting . See , the lady", "Enter ACANTHE the Moor .", "Comes ! Madam , the excuse that justifies sick men", "That send for their physician , must beg my pardon ,", "That did not visit you to have this honour .", "Here you see a virgin that hath long stood", "The mark of fortune , and now 's so full of misery", "That , though the gods resented what I suffer ,", "Yet I fear that they have plung 'd me to extremes ,", "Exceed their own assistance .", "I do not ; but their will to help me I must doubt ;", "For those that know no reason of their hate", "Must fear it is perpetual .", "And let the ensigns of their wrath fall on me ,", "If e'er by any willing act I have provok 'd", "Their justice . To you now , in whom \u2018 tis said ,", "As in their oracle they speak , I come to know", "What mighty growth of dangers are decreed me .", "Do , and if yet you are not perfect in", "Your mysteries , observe mine well ; and when you meet", "A face branded with such a line , conclude", "It miserable : when an eye that doth", "Resemble this , teach it to weep betimes ,", "That so being lost , it may not see those miseries", "Must be its only object .", "Are then my miseries grown infectious too ?", "Must that be added ? Pardon me , gentle lady ; this", "Sad crime I must account amongst my secret faults :", "I meant no more but to communicate ,", "Not part my sorrows with you .", "You shall know all . I have exchang 'd my heart", "With a young gentleman 's , now banished", "His country and my hopes ; his rival labours", "To make me his ; my father resolute I should", "Consent , till fortune chang 'd , but lessen 'd not", "My sufferings ; for our prince , Lysicles ,", "Ruins me with the honour of his search .", "No .", "A womanish scorn to have my love reveal 'd ,", "Made me receive his declaration of it", "As an affront unto my honour , and when", "He came to take his leave , I left him", "In the opinion I would obey my father .", "By this judge how miserable I am ?", "That my malignant stars force them to change", "Nature and virtue too , that else would shine", "Unmoved , like the star that does direct", "The wand'ring seaman . Must then nature change ,", "And will not fortune cease to persecute ? Good gods !", "I will submit to all but breach of faith .", "Can my heart e'er consent my tongue should say ,", "I am for any other but Eugenio ?", "No , my dear love , though cruel fate hath sever 'd", "My vow 'd embraces , yet hath death ice enough", "To fright all others from them .", "If the prince leave me , it is most certain", "He 'll use his power to make me take Ergasto .", "I am determin 'd ; for knives , fire , and seas", "Shall lose their qualities , ere fate shall make", "Me his : and if death cannot be", "Shunn 'd , I will meet it boldly ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Madam , I 've begg 'd leave of your noble father to", "Offer up myself a servant to your virtues .", "Madam , you were not wont by a feign 'd praise", "To scorn those that admire you ; or would you", "Thus insinuate what I should be by telling", "Me I am , what I must ever aim at ?", "I did not think I ever could be mov 'd", "With my own praise ; but now my happiness", "So much depends , that you shall truly think", "What now you utter of me ; that I glory", "My actions are thus favour 'd by your judgment .", "This declaration of your favouring me will plead", "My pardon , if I do omit the ceremonial circumstance ,", "Which usually makes way for this great truth", "I now must utter . Madam , I do love", "Your virtues with that adoration ,", "That the all-seeing sun does not behold", "A lady that I love with equal ardour .", "Our friends , who have most power over us , both", "Do second my desires of joining us", "In the sacred tie of marriage .", "Whatever I deserve ,", "The gods have largely recompens 'd my intent", "Of doing virtuously , if it hath gain 'd so much", "Upon your goodness as to make a way", "For my affection .", "Pardon me , dearest lady , if my words", "Too boldly do deliver what my actions", "And frequent services should first have smooth 'd", "The way they are to take . My happiness", "So nearly is concern 'd , you shall approve", "Me for your servant , that I trembling haste ,", "To know what rigours or what joys expect me ,", "But ere you do begin to speak my fate ,", "Know whom you do condemn , or whom make happy :", "One , that when misery had made so wretched ,", "That it ravished his desires to change ,", "Whose eyes were turned inward on his grief ,", "Pleas 'd with no object but what caus 'd their tears ,", "Your beauty only rais 'd from his dark seat", "Of circling sorrows , lighting me a hope", "By you I might receive all happiness ,", "The gods have made , my heart capacious of .", "Must that be argument of cruelty ,", "Which should be cause of pity ? And will you", "Assume the patronage of envious fortune ,", "By adding torments unto her affliction ?", "Must I be miserable in losing you ,", "Because the gods thought me unworthy her ?", "Did I so easily digest her death ,", "That I want pity , and am thought unworthy", "Of all succeeding love ? Witness my loss", "Of joys ; if sorrow could have kill 'd me ,", "I had not lived to show your mercy .", "Ha ! what fate hath taken you from yourself ?", "Must this be added to my former griefs", "That , in the instant you profess to pity", "What I must suffer in your loss \u2014 your virtue ,", "For which I", "admire you , must exclude", "My hopes of ever changing your resolves ?", "Yet let my vows gain thus much of you ,", "That for a month you will not marry him ;", "I know your father will not force you to't ,", "For he , not knowing what hath pass 'd between you ,", "Consented to this visit .", "May I not know the reason ?", "Now you throw oil upon the wound you make :", "I may be ignorant of all things else ,", "But of my want of merit to deserve", "I am most perfect in : be happy , lady ,", "He that enjoys you shall not need that prayer \u2014", "My father 's business calls me .", "What is she ?", "I have heard of her ; they say she knows", "Our actions pass 'd and future .", "My miseries indeed", "Have made it great ; for all things else I should", "Be more beholden unto silence than", "The voice of my most partial friends .", "Why do you gaze upon me so ?", "If you do measure time by what I suffer ,", "My undiminish 'd grief tells me but now \u2014", "But now I lost her ; if the sad minutes", "That have oppress 'd me since the fatal stroke ,", "It is an age of torments I have felt .", "Most true it is ! What god , that heard our vows ,", "Hath told it you ? But if your eyes", "Pierce farther in their secrets than our", "Weak fancies can give credit to , tell me ,", "If , where she is , she can discern and know", "My actions ?", "This may be", "conspiracy ; I 'll try", "It further .", "I am certain", "This is no inspiration of the gods ;", "It cannot be she should consent my faith", "Should be the ruin of my name and memory :", "Which necessarily must follow , if virtuous love", "Did not continue it to future ages .", "If I should desire it , it were impossible .", "Though she bring thunder in her hand , I will not fail to come ,", "And though I cannot credit that your power can procure it ,", "My hopes it should be so will overcome", "My reason . Ladies , I am your servant ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Tell my Lord Lysicles", "I will attend him in the walks . Where 's this", "Ungrateful child whom the just gods have curs 'd", "So much , they will not let her take the blessings they", "Do offer ?", "Canst thou hope either from my injur 'd patience ,", "Vex 'd by thy folly into rage and madness ?", "What colour now to cover disobedience ?", "Is Lysicles unworthy ? or your knowledge ,", "Does it pierce farther than the eyes of all", "Into Eugenie 's virtues ? I tremble ,", "When I think thou may'st have cause", "To know him to thy shame . Do not confess it !", "By the just gods , if I do come to know it ,", "I 'll sacrifice thee on thy mother 's tomb .", "Your faith !", "But you are not the same ; \u2018 twas never meant", "He should enjoy you if your brother died .", "Nor I no child , if you continue thus :", "Nor will I argue more to make you doubt ,", "I am not resolute in my intents :", "Alive or dead , I 'll give thee to the hands", "Of Lysicles ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["This is the hour powerful Acanthe promis 'd", "I should once more behold my lost Milesia .", "Pardon me , Reason , that my wither 'd hopes", "Rebel against thy force ; a happiness", "So mighty is oppos 'd unto thy doubts ,", "That I 'll divest myself for ever of thee ,", "Rather than not believe impossibles ,", "That bring such comforts to my languish 'd soul .", "Hail , holy treasurer of all the wealth", "Nature e'er lent the world ! be still the envy", "Of the proud monuments that do enclose", "The glorious titles of great conquerors .", "Let no profane air pierce thee but my sighs ;", "Let them have entrance , whilst my tears do warm", "Thy colder marble . Ha ! what miracle !", "Are the gods pleas 'd to work to ease affliction ?", "The phoenix is created from her ashes ,", "Pure as the flames that made \u2018 em : still the same ,", "The same Milesia ! Heaven does confess in this ,", "That she can only add unto thy beauty", "By making it immortal .", "Let it be lawful for thy Lysicles", "To touch thy sacred hand , and with it guide", "My wandering soul unto that part of heaven", "Thy beauty does enlighten .", "No more , bless 'd shape !", "I shall not think that thou descendst from heaven ,", "If thou continuest thus in doubt of me ;", "Nor can there be a hell where such forms are .", "The knowledge how thou com'st here doth disturb me ;", "Yet such a reverence I do owe thy image ,", "That I will lay before thee all my thoughts ,", "Spotless as truth . Then thou shalt tell the shades ,", "How fortune , though it made my love unhappy ,", "Could not diminish it , nor press it one degree", "From the proud height it was arrived to .", "How I did nightly pray to this sad tomb ,", "Bringing and taking fire of constant love", "From the cold ashes . How , when encompass 'd", "With thousand horrors , death had been a rest", ",", "I did prefer a loath 'd life , to revenge myself", "And her upon the murderer .", "Milesia , bless 'd saint , now I am sure thou art", "What thou resemblest , and dost know my secret'st thought .", "But as the gods , of which thou art a part ,", "Are not content with our hearts \u2019 sacrifice ,", "Unless our words confess it ; hear me then :", "If my thoughts e'er consented to replant", "My love , may your dire thunder light", "Upon my head , and sink it down so low ,", "I may not see thy glories . I confess", "My words have sacrific 'd to deities", "I ne'er ador 'd . Those strains of love", "My tears and friendship to the best of men ,", "I hope have cancell 'd . For my Eugenio", "I did pretend a love unto Hermione ,", "Who else had sold herself unto the rage", "Of her offended father . Had you liv 'd ,", "You would have pardon 'd , when infidelity ,", "But personated , did preserve a faith", "So holy as theirs was ; this is my fault .", "Yet this , as oft I wept as I was forc 'd", "to injure sacred love ;", "Yet durst not but decline his severe laws ,", "When my friend 's life excus 'd the pious error .", "There is but one Milesia ; besides ,", "If true , I meant her fears should aid", "My false disguise , which her quick-sighted father", "Would else have pierc 'd , who hates Eugenio ,", "And loves no virtue but what shines through wealth .", "The cause takes all away , and want of power", "Excuseth what I cannot yet express .", "But how our loves came to so sad a period ,", "As yet in clouds I have only seen", "But how knew he our loves ? Though torment since", "Have wrung it from me , my joys ever flow 'd silent", "And calm .", "Ha ! how came she to know it ? She was not here ?", "To what strange laws does heaven confine itself ,", "That it will suffer them that dare be damn 'd", "To have power over those it has selected ?", "My tears and sacrifice could never gain", "So much upon its mercy , as to lend", "Thy happy sight for one faint minute 's comfort ;", "Yet those that sell themselves to hell , can force", "Thy quiet rest for inquisition", "On innocence . And to what purpose serves", "Faith and religious secrecy ,", "When magic mocks and frustrates all our vows ?", "This Moor then was confederate with your uncle 's passion ?", "And I will be that she shall walk in hell .", "With her I will begin , then seek revenge", "Under the ruins of thy uncle 's house .", "All men that dare to name him , and not curse", "His memory , shall feel the power", "Of my despised hate and friendship .", "As justice , that 's concern 'd to punish crimes , I will .", "Pardon me , sir , I could do no less , being to take", "An everlasting farewell , but give this", "Visit to her memory . Reserve your censure", "Till ten days be over , and if I do not", "Satisfy you , condemn me ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["May the gods give you , madam , a content", "As high as you have power to bestow", "On those you favour , and then your happiness", "Will be as great as is your beauty .", "Madam , forbear your tears : they are a ransom", "Too mighty to redeem the greatest faith", "The gods were ever witness to . I know", "Whereto you tend : you would have me untie", "The knot that bound our loves , and I will do't ,", "Though it be fasten 'd to my strings of life .", "Be happy in your choice : give to his merit", "What once you promis 'd to my perfect love ,", "By which I only did pretend my claim .", "I do release you , as I know heaven has ;", "Who in his justice cannot have consented", "To a longer faith in you ; you must not be", "The conquest of a miserable man ,", "O'er whom their cruel'st influences reign .", "Of you I can have none , but what excuse you :", "You had made me miserable , had not your faith", "Yielded to those assaults ; as worth and greatness", "Titles your father 's rage ; and your own judgment", "Did shake and raze it . With what disturbed mind", "Should I have look 'd on you my heart ador 'd ,", "And love made miserable ? Still you weep \u2014\u2014", "But these are tears your fortune did lay up", "To ease your misery , had you continued mine .", "And your suns , clear 'd from their last clouds ,", "They will more freely shine on your Lysicles .", "For myself , my love in his last act shall recompense", "The injuries \u2018 t has done to your repose ,", "By killing me ; then must injustice fly ,", "And hale inconstancy along with her ,", "From your fair conquer 'd soul they now possess ?", "You that by powerful prayers have diverted", "An imminent ruin , inspire me with fit words", "To appease my injur 'd mistress . Hear me :", "I do not kneel for mercy , but to beg", "Your leave to die : I must not live , when", "Pardons make my offence most horrible , and hell", "Is here without them ; take a middle way", "If you incline to mercy , and forget me .", "Turn not your face away ; would you revenge ?", "Then let my eyes dwell o n't . What punishment", "Can there be greater than for me to see", "The beauty I have lost by my own fault ?", "Look then upon me .", "Then hear a wretched man , that has outliv 'd", "So much his hopes , he knows not what to wish \u2014", "Whether to live or die ; yet life for this", "I only seek , that you may find I shrink not", "To punish him your justice has condemn 'd .", "Never ; it shall live here to honour me ,", "Since pity of my love made you decline it :", "But must \u2014\u2014", "Wretched Eugenio ! did thy coward fate", "Not dare to strike thee , till thou turn'dst thy back ?", "Must I return from banishment to find", "My hopes are banish 'd ? Did I for this love virtue ,", "Pursued her rugged paths , when danger made", "Her horrid to the valiant to be ruin 'd", "By him that is most virtuous ? Ye gods ,", "Was envy , malice , fortune impotent", "To injure me , but you must raise up virtue to suppress", "Me ? If I suffer it , I shall deserve it ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Bring him in , and stay in the next room . Enter PHYSICIAN . You are welcome : I must employ your trust and secrecy in something that concerns me . You must procure me instantly a powerful poison .", "Nay , no ceremonies of denial . I give you my intents , not to be disputed , but obeyed . I know you walk not frequently in these rough ways ; but \u2018 tis not want of knowledge , but your will , makes you decline them .", "I did expect this from you ; and to inform you", "Briefly know , though I do loathe my life , I will", "Not part with't willingly , till it does serve", "Me to revenge my wrongs : and to assure you more ,", "I will not use your art against myself . Let", "Your composition procure the greatest torture", "Poison can force , for I must use it upon one", "Our laws cannot condemn ; because the circumstance", "That makes him guilty , cannot be produc 'd , but with", "Expense of time ; and my revenge will not", "Admit it . By my honour , this is the cause .", "Bring it me instantly ; and if the pains of hell", "Can be felt here , let your ingredients", "Call them up . If his life were only", "My aim and end , whilst I do wear this ,", "I 'd not implore your aid ;", "But I must set him on the rack , that there", "He may confess my inquisition justice .", "So , this is the first degree to my revenge ,", "Which I will prosecute , till I have made", "All that were guilty of my loss of peace ,", "Wash their impiety in their guilty blood .", "All places where I meet them shall be altars ,", "On which I 'll sacrifice the murderers ,", "To appease the spirit of my injur 'd mistress :", "And", "I will fall myself", "Upon her sacred tomb , to expiate", "The crimes I have committed in deferring", "Justice thus long . This curs 'd magician", "Shall be the first \u2014 she did reveal our loves ;", "Milesia said she did ; and if it were", "Her blessed spirit , nothing but truth dwells i n't .", "If it were a phantom rais 'd by her foul spells ;", "She pays the fault of her abusing me ,", "Insidiating with my Milesia 's form ,", "To search , and then betray my resolution", "Of serving my best friend . How now !", "Where is he ?", "FOOTNOTES :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["But I will come to her confession . Courage , my soul ,", "Let no faint pity hinder thee the joys", "Thou art receiving ; triumph in their sufferings", "That have attempted thine . Look down , Milesia ,", "Applaud my piety , that snatch 'd the sword", "From sleeping justice to revenge thy death .", "What mean these sad expressions of sorrow ?", "And I believe't , nor should you pity her :", "Those that do trace forbidden paths of knowledge", "The gods reserve unto themselves , do never do't ,", "But with intent to ruin the believers ,", "And venturers on their art . Something I know", "O \u2019 th \u2019 curs 'd effects of her commanding magic ,", "And she", "is conscious to herself", "Of infinite more mischiefs than are yet reveal 'd .", "I am confident she is fled her country", "For the ills she has done there , and now", "The punishment has overta'en her here .", "And , for her shows of virtue , they are masks", "To hide the rottenness that lies within ,", "And gain her credit with some dissembled acts", "Of piety , which levels her a passage", "To those important mischiefs hell", "Has employ 'd her here to execute .", "Yes , to counsel you to pacify the gods", "You have offended by your cursed arts :", "The blessed ghost you sent me to has told me", "Some sad effects on it , and in her name and cause", "Have the gods hurl 'd this punishment on thy", "Foul soul , and made my grief , enrag 'd to madness ,", "The blessed instrument of thy destruction ,", "Which does but here begin .", "Yes , I did ;", "And wonder you durst tempt my just revenge ,", "Unless you did believe , you could confine", "The revelations of the best spirits", "Your cursed charms betray 'd first ,", "And then enforc 'd to leave their happy seats ,", "To perfect the designs your malice labour 'd in .", "If it be possible , call life into her for some minutes , her full confession will absolve my justice .", "Yes , and horror seizeth me . Tis the idea", "Of my Milesia . Impenetrable powers !", "Deliver us in thunder your intents ,", "And exposition of this metamorphosis .", "Hold her up gently .", "Are not you Milesia ?", "O , then you are .", "Pour down your thunder , gods , upon this head ,", "And try if that can make me yet more wretched .", "Was not her death affliction enough ,", "But you must make me be the murderer ?", "Is this a punishment for adoring her", "Equal with you , you made so equal to ye ?", "Pardon the fault you forc 'd me to commit :", "So visible a divinity could not be look 'd", "On with less adoration .", "Eyes , are you dry , where such an object calls", "your tears forth ! My blood shall supply their", "place .", "What unexpected mischiefs circle me ,", "What arts hath malice , arm 'd with fortune , found", "To make me wretched ? Could I e'er have thought", "A miracle could have restor 'd thee to my eyes ,", "That", "they should , see the joys of heaven in thee ?", "Yet now the height of my affliction is ,", "That they behold thee , guilty of the close", "Of thine for ever . See , Hermione ,", "The countenance death should put on , when death", "Would have us throng unto her palaces ,", "And court her frozen sepulchres .", "No ; she is white as lilies , as the snow", "That falls upon Parnassus ; if the red were here ,", "As I have see n't enthron 'd , the rising day would get", "New excellence by being compared to her :", "Argos nor Cyprus", "Egypt ne'er saw", "A beauty like to this ; let it be lawful for me to usurp", "So much on death 's right , as to take a kiss", "From thy cold virgin-lips , where he and love", "Yet strive for empire . The flames that rise from hence", "Are not less violent , though less pleasing now ,", "Than when she did consent I should receive", "What now I ravish .", "She speaks again : good heaven , she speaks again !", "Do not abuse your mercy and my grief", "By asking pardon of your murtherer ;", "But curse your sufferings off on this devoted head ,", "To save the beauty of the world in you .", "Hear it , with my vows not to behold", "The sun rise after you are gone .", "Can I hear this and live ?", "You advise well . Run all to the physician :", "I will myself to Arnaldo , who gave", "This poison to me . Let me have word sent to the", "Cypress grove the minute she is dead .", "If life be given as a blessing to us ,", "What law compels us to preserve it longer", "Than we can see a possibility", "Of being happy by it , but we must expect ,", "Till the same power that plac 'd us here , commands", "A restitution of His gift ? This is indeed a rule", "To make us live , but not live happily .", "\u2018 Tis true , the slave that frees himself by death ,", "Doth wrong his master ; but yet the gods are not", "Necessitous of us , but we of them .", "Who then is injur 'd if I kill myself ?", "And if I durst to hear their voice , they call", "Men to some other place , when they remove", "The gust and taste of this . We should adore , thee , death ,", "If constant virtue , not enforcement , built", "Thy spacious temples .", "Enter EUGENIO .", "Welcome , Eugenio , welcome , worthy friend ;", "How long are you arrived ?", "What means my friend ?", "Is hell afraid my constancy should conquer", "The mischiefs that are rais 'd to swallow me ,", "That it invents new plagues to batter me ?", "By all that 's holy , I never did offend my friend \u2014", "Not in a thought .", "All this I do confess ; but \u2018 twas for both your goods ,", "As I will now inform you .", "It hath not light enough to let you see your friend .", "Gods , could that man have liv 'd that dar 'd to say", "Eugenio did suspect his Lysicles ?", "And now in pity you do show him me ,", "That I may fly the world without regret ,", "Not leaving one of worth behind me in it .", "Be gone , and learn your errors .", "Fond man ! thou dost not know how much \u2018 tis in", "My power to make thee miserable :", "I could now force thee execute my wish", "In killing me ; and thou wouldst fly the light ,", "When it had show 'd thee whom thy rage offended .", "But till I fall by my own hand , my life", "Is chain 'd unto my honour , which I will wear", "Upon my sepulchre . Nor must I die ,", "Being guilty of Milesia 's murder ,", "For any cause but hers ; else were my breast ,", "Since you have wrong 'd me , open to your point .", "I can with so strong circumstance of truth", "Would make you blush for having doubted mine .", "But he that was my friend , and suspects me ,", "Must attend less satisfaction than a stranger .", "Proceed , and let your case be both your judge and guide .", "O my Eugenio , thy kindness hath undone me !", "My rage did choke my grief , which now did spread", "Itself over my soul and body . Up , and help", "To bear me till I fall eternally .", "Whilst they were capable , thou didst ; but now", "They are too great and swoll'n to let it in .", "Milesia , whom you and I supposed dead ,", "By me to-day is poison 'd , and lies dying", "In her torment . Is not this strange ?", "It is too late now ; let me beg thy kindness", "Would do that for me I forbad thy passion .", "Kill me .", "You will not kill me then ?", "All but death are fled .", "I may not for the world . Why should you die ?", "Our causes are not equal .", "Eugenio , I am conquered ; yet I hope thy kindness", "Will do that for me which thy sword refuseth .", "Love thy Hermione : she deserves it . Friend ,", "Leave me alone awhile .", "Hark ! I am call 'd , the fatal news is come .", "Softly , good friend : gently let it", "Slide into my breast ; my heart is too narrow yet", "To take so full a joy in .", "You 're sure this news is true ?", "My comforts ever were like winter suns ,", "That rise late and", "set betimes : set with thick clouds", "That hide their light at noon . But be this true ,", "And I have life enough to let me see it ,", "I shall be ever happy .", "Is there a wish beyond this happiness ,", "When I embrace thee thus ? I will not ask", "Thy story now : it is enough to know", "That you are living .", "Is that word yet on earth ?", "No , my Milesia ,", "Mine was the first engagement , and the gods", "Made thee so excellent to keep on earth", "Love that was flying hence , finding no object", "Worthy to fix him here .", "Our joys do multiply ; but , my dear friend ,", "I have yet something that will add to yours .", "My father 's call 'd to court , and you are left", "Governor in his place ; this , I know , will make", "Lord Pindarus consent to both your wishes .", "Your pardon , madam , and when you lie embrac 'd", "With your Eugenio , tell him , if my faith", "Had not the double tie of friend and mistress ,", "A single one had yielded to the hopes", "Of the enjoying you . Here comes my lord !", "Enter PINDARUS .", "O my good lord , I must entreat your pardon", "For a fault my love unto my friend engag 'd me in :", "Let your consent complete the happiness", "Of these two perfect lovers ; I am confident", "You ever did approve his virtue : his fortune now", "Can be no hindrance , since our gracious king ,", "In contemplation of his merits ,", "Hath made him governor in my father 's place .", "I thank you , my lord ; and when my friend and you", "Are reconcil 'd , you may assure yourself", "I am your servant .", "Let me beg the honour of interceding ; your fortunes and conditions are so equal , it were a sin to part you .", "And as notably finish 'd .", "Let 's now unto my father , who expects", "You , to deliver his commission to you .", "Come , my Milesia , tell my wounded heart", "No more her sighs shall wander through the air ,", "Not knowing where to find thee : no more", "Shall the mistaken tomb of false OEnone", "Be moist'ned with my tears ; yet , since she died", "To save thy life , her ghost could not expect", "A cheaper sacrifice . This I 'll only add :", "In memory of us , all lovers shall", "Repute this day as their great festival .", "FOOTNOTES :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 77, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ I promise you \u2018 twill be a most rare plot .", "+ Mend it ! why ,", "\u2018 Tis past the wit o \u2019 th \u2019 court of aldermen .", "Next merchant-tailor , that writes chronicles ,", "Will put us in .", "+ You told me , Master Warehouse .", "+ My son too", "Hath had his errors : I could tell the time", "When all the wine which I put off by wholesale", "He took again in quarts ; and at the day", "Vintners have paid me with his large scores : but", "He is reformed too .", "+ And hope to be in time", "Friends in alliance , sir .", "+ Who ? Timothy ?", "Believe't , a virtuous boy ; and for his sister ,", "A very saint .", "+ It is most true .", "+ \u2018 Twill make us", "Famous upon the Exchange for ever . I 'll home ,", "And take leave of my wife and son ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ Good morrow , nephew . How now ? sad ? how comes", "This melancholy ?", "+ Fie ! these fears ,", "Though they become you , nephew , are ominous .", "When heard you from your father ?", "+ I hear he is in Ireland :", "Is't true he took your sister with him ?", "+ And , nephew ,", "How like you your new course ; which place prefer you \u2014", "The Temple or Exchange ? Where are , think you ,", "The wealthier mines \u2014 in the Indies or", "Westminster Hall ?", "+ Nay , tell me your mind plainly", "I \u2019 th \u2019 city-tongue . I 'd have you speak like Cypher :", "I do not like quaint figures , they do smell", "Too much o \u2019 th \u2019 inns-of-court .", "+ Again !", "+ \u2018 Tis spoken like my nephew ; now I like you ,", "Nor shall I e'er repent the benefits", "I have bestow 'd ; but will forget all errors", "+ Think , man , how it may", "In time make thee o \u2019 th \u2019 city-senate , and raise thee", "To the sword and cap of maintenance .", "+ Have gates and conduits dated from thy year ;", "Ride to the \u2018 spital on thy free beast .", "+ Have the people vail", "As low to his trappings , as if he thrice had fin 'd", "For that good time 's employment .", "+ Then the works", "And good deeds of the city to go before thee ,", "Besides a troop of varlets .", "+ How say you ? Let 's hear that !", "+ \u2018 Tis right ; and be remembered at the Cross .", "+ All this is possible ,", "And in the stars and winds : therefore , dear nephew ,", "You shall pursue this course ; and , to enable you ,", "In this half-year that I shall be away ,", "Cypher shall teach you French , Italian , Spanish ,", "And other tongues of traffic .", "+ \u2018 Tis well-remembered ; yes , and navigation .", "+ Well , nephew , at my return ,", "As I hear of your carriage , you do know", "What my intentions are ; and , for a token", "How much I trust your reformation ,", "Take this key of my counting-house , and spend", "Discreetly in my absence . Farewell . Nay ,", "No tears ; I 'll be here sooner than you think o n't .", "Cypher , you know what you have to do ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ Save you , merchant Plotwell !", "+ Is thy uncle", "Gone the wish 'd voyage ?", "+ Or invoke some rock", "To do thee justice ?", "+ What , to take thee from the Temple ,", "To make thee an old juryman , a Whittington ?", "+ This jacket surely was employed in finding", "The north-east passage out , or the same jacket", "That Coriat", "died in .", "+ They have the Gresham dye .", "Dost thou not dress thyself by \u2018 em ? I can see", "My face in them hither .", "+ And faith , for how many years art thou bound ?", "+ No furious jug broke on it", "In the king 's name ?", "+ Ay , or second ? For thou'lt endure twice or thrice coming in .", "+ I thought all wit had ended at Fleetbridge ;", "But wit that goes o \u2019 th \u2019 score , that may extend ,", "If't be a courtier 's wit , into Cheapside .", "+ W \u2019 are most mechanically abused .", "+ A match ! take that side .", "+ How frail a thing old velvet is ! it parts", "With as much ease and willingness as two cowards .", "+ Go , put on", "One of thy Temple suits , and accompany us ,", "Or else thy dimity breeches will be mortal .", "+ By this two-handed beaver , which is so thin", "And light , a butterfly 's wings put to't would make it", "A Mercury 's flying hat , and soar aloft .", "+ But , by the way , we have agreed to see", "A lady , you mechanic .", "+ One", "That keeps her coachman , footboy , woman , and spends", "A thousand pounds a year by wit .", "+ No , but has a tongue ,", "Were't in a lawyer 's mouth , would make him buy", "All young heirs near him .", "+ As for her birth , she may", "Choose her own pedigree : it is unknown", "Whether she be descended of some ditch", "Or duchess .", "+ She has been thrice in the field .", "+ I \u2019 th \u2019 name of Guildhall , who comes here ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ By your leave , gentlemen .", "+ No , faith , I do not love", "To go to sea ; it makes one lousy , lays him", "In wooden sheets , and lands him a preservative", "Against the plague : besides , my mother was", "Afraid to venture me .", "+ I only came to have", "Your judgment of my suit .", "+ And my mother has done hers ;", "For she has paid for't . I never durst be seen", "Before my father out of duretta", "and serge :", "But if he catch me in such paltry stuffs ,", "To make me look like one that lets out money ,", "Let him say , \u201c Timothy was born a fool . \u201d", "Before he went , he made me do what he list ;", "Now he 's abroad , I 'll do what I list . What", "Are these two ? Gentlemen ?", "+ But I mean , can they roar ,", "Beat drawers , play at dice , and court their mistress ?", "I mean forthwith to get a mistress ?", "+ All 's one for that .", "My mother lost her maidenhead that I", "Might come first into the world ; and , by God 's lid ,", "I 'll bear myself like the elder brother , I .", "D'you think , I 'll all days of my life frequent", "Saint Antlins , like my sister ? Gentlemen ,", "I covet your acquaintance .", "+ Sir , my knowledge", "Is not much worth . I 'm born to a small fortune ;", "Some hundred thousand pound , if once my father", "Held up his hands in marble , or kneel 'd in brass .", "What are you ? inns-of-court men ?", "+ I shall shortly", "Be one myself ; I learn to dance already ,", "And wear short cloaks . I mean in your next masque", "To have a part : I shall take most extremely .", "+ Gentlemen ,", "Shall we dine at an ordinary ? You", "Shall enter me among the wits .", "+ Lead on : I long to see a lady , and to salute her . FOOTNOTES :In the year 1755 , a gentleman of great eminence in his profession made a few alterations in this play , and presented it to the governors of the Lock Hospital , near Hyde Park Corner , who obtained a representation of it at Drury Lane for the benefit of that charity . It was at the same time printed in 8\u00ba , under the title of \u201c The Schemers ; or , The City-Match . \u201d Mr Bromfield , the surgeon , as Mr Davies , who acted in it , told me .\u2014 Reed .The merchant-tailor here alluded to was John Stowe , author of the \u201c Chronicles of England , \u201d who was of that company , and a tailor by profession .See Ben Jonson 's \u201c Silent Woman . \u201d \u2014 Pegge .All the editions read their .See extract from Stubbes , quoted in note to \u201c The Miseries of Enforced Marriage \u201dAt St Paul 's Cross , whereThis was a wine which was brought from Baccarach , in Germany , as appears from Heywood 's \u201c Philo-cothonista , \u201d 1635 , p. 48 . It is there mentioned along with Rhenish . Ray , in his \u201c Travels , \u201d vol . i. p. 64 , says : \u201c Next we came to Baccarach , a walled town on the right hand , having many towers , subject to the Prince Elector Palatine , famous for the goodness of its wine , as is also Rhincow , a town not far from Mentz . \u201d \u2014 Reed .See note to \u201c The Ordinary \u201dThe citizens of Charles I . ' s time , and earlier , were as famous for the brightness of their shoes as some particular professions at present . In \u201c Every Man in his Humour , \u201d act ii . sc . 1 , Kitely says \u2014 \u201c Whilst they , sir , to relieve him in the fable , Make their loose comments upon every word , Gesture , or look , I use ; mock me all over , From my flat cap unto my shining shoes . \u201d"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ Why , we shall have you get in time the turn-", "Up of your eyes , speak in the nose , draw sighs", "Of an ell long , and rail at discipline .", "Would I could hear from Bannswright ! Ere I 'll be tortur 'd", "With your preciseness thus , I 'll get dry palms", "With starching , and put on my smocks myself .", "+ Such saints , you mean , as wore", "Their congregations , and swarm 'd with Christian vermin .", "You 'll hold clean linen heresy ?", "+ Now she is in ,", "A lecturer will sooner hold his peace", "Than she .", "+ That was her schoolmaster ; one that cools a feast", "With his long grace , and sooner eats a capon ,", "Than blesses it .", "+ Old breeches ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ O Master Bannswright , are you come !", "My woman", "Was in her preaching fit : she only wanted", "A table 's end .", "+ Never", "Poor lady had so much unbred holiness", "About her person ; I am never dress 'd", "Without a sermon ; but am forc 'd to prove", "The lawfulness of curling-irons , before", "She 'll crisp me in a morning . I must show", "Text for the fashions of my gowns . She 'll ask", "Where jewels are commanded ? or what lady", "I \u2019 th \u2019 primitive times wore ropes of pearl or rubies ?", "She will urge councils for her little ruff ,", "Call 'd in Northamptonshire ;", "and her whole service", "Is a mere confutation of my clothes .", "+ She can n't preserve", "The gift , for which I took her ; but , as though", "She were inspir 'd from Ipswich ,", "she will make", "The Acts and Monuments in sweetmeats , quinces", "Arraign 'd and burnt at a stake : all my banquets", "Are persecutions ; Dioclesian 's days", "Are brought for entertainment , and we eat martyrs .", "+ Nay , sir , she is a Puritan at her needle too .", "+ She works religious petticoats ;", "for flowers", "She 'll make church-histories . Her needle doth", "So sanctify my cushionets ; besides ,", "My smock-sleeves have such holy embroideries ,", "And are so learned , that I fear in time", "All my apparel will be quoted by", "Some pure instructor .", "Yesterday I went", "To see a lady that has a parrot : my woman ,", "While I was in discourse , converted the fowl ;", "And now it can speak nought but Knox 's works ;", "So there 's a parrot lost .", "+ Fly my sight ,", "You goody Hofman ,", "and keep your chamber , till", "You can provide yourself some cure , or I", "Will forthwith excommunicate your zeal ,", "And make you a silent waiting-woman .", "+ From thy zeal ,", "The frantic ladies \u2019 judgments , and Histriomastix ,", "Deliver me ! This was of your preferring ;", "You must needs help me to another .", "+ I need no foil , nor shall I think I 'm white", "Only between two Moors ; or that my nose", "Stands wrong , because my woman 's doth stand right .", "+ You wrong me , Bannswright : she whom I would have", "Must to her handsome shape have virtue too .", "+ Expect your reward ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ Lady , let me taste the Elysium of your lips .", "+ What am I , sweet lady ?", "My father is an alderman 's fellow ; and I", "Hope to be one in time .", "+ Nay , they say", "You have a good wit , lady , and I can find it", "As soon as another . I in my time have been", "O \u2019 th \u2019 university , and should have been a scholar .", "+ Here 's a rare lady with all my heart . By this", "Light , gentlemen , now have I no more language", "Than a dumb parrot . A little more , she 'll jeer me", "Into a fellow that turns upon his toe", "In a steeple , and strikes quarters !", "+ Yes , I for twopence oft have bought a better .", "+ And make me your third .", "+ Gentlemen , do I", "Look like one of them Trojans ?", "+ Why , lady , do you think me", "Wrought in a loom , some Dutch piece weav 'd at Mortlake ?", "+ Truly , and so I was .", "+ Love you ! By this hand ,", "I 'd love a dog of your sweet looks : I am", "Enamour 'd of you , lady .", "+ Had I now pen and ink ,", "If I were urg 'd , I 'd fain know whether I", "In conscience ought not to set down myself", "No wiser than I should be ?", "+ Wit ! I verily", "Believe she was begotten by some wit ;", "And he that has her may beget plays on her .", "+ Her house ! \u2018 tis able to find the court : if she", "Be chaste to", "all this wit , I do not think", "But that she might be shown .", "+ Lead on ; let us dine . This lady", "Runs in my head still ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ Nay , sister , you may enter ; they are gone . I did receive your ticket this morning . What ! You look the mine should run still ?", "+ I hope you will not .", "+ Faith , I should laugh", "To see you there again , and there serve out", "The rest of your indentures , by managing", "Your needle well , and making nightcaps by", "A chafing-dish in winter mornings , to keep", "Your fingers pliant . How rarely \u2018 twould become you", "To run over all your shop to passengers", "In a fine sale-tune !", "+ Prythee , excuse me , sister , I can now", "Rain showers of silver into thy lap again .", "My uncle 's gone to sea , and has left me", "The key to th \u2019 golden fleece . Thou shalt be still", "A madam , Pen ; and to maintain thy honour ,", "And to new-dub thee , take this .", "+ Why , sister , will you like", "A match of my projection ? You do know", "How ruinous our father 's fortunes are .", "Before he broke , you know , there was a contract", "Between you and young Seathrift . What if I", "Make it a wedding ?", "+ Why , sister , I", "Could name good ladies that are fain to find", "Wit for themselves and knights too .", "+ He 's only city-bred ; one month of your", "Sharp conversation will refine him ; besides ,", "How long will't be ere your dissembled state", "Meet such another offer ?", "+ Then some time", "This afternoon I 'll bring him hither : do you", "Provide the priest : your dining-room will serve", "As well as the church ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ Sirrah , I 'll beat you into air .", "+ I will , by Hector .", "+ You needy , shifting , cosening , breaking slave .", "+ Ask me for money ? dog !", "+ Men of my coat pay !", "+ Rascal ,", "I 'll make you trust , and offer me petitions", "To go o \u2019 th \u2019 score .", "+ What law , you cur ?", "The law of nature , custom , arms , and nations ,", "Frees men of war from payments .", "+ No soldiers ought to pay .", "+ Say that again ,", "And , by Bellona , I will cut thy throat .", "+ Why , you mongrel ,", "You John-of-all-trades , have we been your guests", "Since you first kept a tavern ; when you had", "The face and impudence to hang a bush", "Out to three pints of claret , two of sack ,", "In all the world ?", "+ \u2018 Tis most unreasonable ;", "He has a harden 'd conscience . Sirrah cheater ,", "You would be question 'd for your reckonings , rogue .", "+ I hear one o \u2019 th \u2019 sheriffs", "Paid for the boiling of a carp a mark .", "+ How cheap ?", "+ Sir , do n't you reckon air ,", "And make it dear to breathe in your house , and put", "The nose to charges ?", "+ Is not the standing of the salt an item ,", "And placing of the bread ?", "+ Is not the folding of your napkins brought", "Into the bill ?", "+ And we must pay for your inventions , sir ?", "+ Peace ! you loud , bawling cur ; do you disgrace me", "Before these gallants ? See if I do n't kill you ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ You are a poet , sir ,", "And can make verses , I hear ?", "+ I have made", "Some speeches , sir , in verse , which have been spoke", "By a green Robin Goodfellow from Cheapside conduit ,", "To my father 's company , and mean this afternoon", "To make an epithalamium upon my wedding .", "A lady fell in love with me this morning :", "Ask Master Francis here .", "+ That 's true ;", "I had forgot . You are a captain , sir ?", "+ Captain , I love", "Men of the sword and buff ; and if need were ,", "I can roar too , and hope to swear in time ,", "Do you see , captain ?", "+ Art thou the half-crown fellow of the house ?", "+ Let 's have wine enough ;", "I mean to drink a health to a lady .", "+ No ; peace ! Gentlemen , if you 'll", "Go in , we 'll follow .", "+ But , Master Francis , was that", "The business , why she call 'd you back ?", "+ Not I , truly .", "+ Now I remember ,", "One read my fortune once , and told my father ,", "That I should match a lady .", "+ And did she ask you who I was ?", "+ Good .", "+ Good still .", "+ Most rare : this afternoon 's the time .", "+ But were I not best ask my friends \u2019 consent ?", "+ Then I will .", "+ Do you think I am a sieve , and cannot hold ?", "+ It shall be yours ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ Bear back there !", "+ Make room for the two gentlewomen .", "+ Make room for them that will , then .", "+ Gentlewoman , that", "Was but an Irish sturgeon .", "+ Bear back there !", "+ Bear back there !", "+ We take a shilling , sir .", "+ It is a fish taken in the Indies .", "+ Keep out , sir .", "+ This is no place for scullers .", "+ You must stay .", "+ There shall no more come in . Come in , boy .", "+ Gentlemen", "And gentlewomen , you now shall see a sight", "Europe never show 'd the like . Behold this fish !", "+ We took him strangely in the Indies , near", "The mouth of Rio de la Plata , asleep", "Upon the shore , just as you see him now .", "+ Ask him what things the country told us .", "+ The country has been laid ,", "and warrants granted", "To apprehend him .", "+ You cannot enter yet .", "+ That , sir , is uncertain .", "+ I 'll tell you ,", "You will admire how docile he is , and how", "He 'll imitate a man : tell him your name ,", "He will repeat it after you ; he has heard me", "Call 'd captain , and my fellow", "curse sometimes ,", "And now you heard him say , pox-take-you , captain .", "+ Yes , and Hawkins ;", "A sign he was a fish that swam there when", "These two compass 'd the world .", "+ He 'll call for drink , like me , or anything", "He lacks .", "+ D'you hear him ?", "+ Nay , I have seen him fox 'd , and then maintain", "A drunken dialogue .", "+ Sometimes he will be sullen ,", "And make no answers .", "+ But I 'll try him .", "+ Tim , you are drunk .", "+ And , Tim , what think you of a wench now ?", "+ I drink to you , Timothy , in sack . + Tim .+ O , O !", "+ A health , Tim .", "+ He is tired", "With talking all this day . That , and the heat", "Of company about him , dull him .", "+ So , sirs , \u2018 t has been", "To thousands more .", "+ Sir , you may ; but he", "Will answer none but one of us .", "+ Good people , we", "Do show no more to-day : if you desire", "To see , come to us in King Street to-morrow ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ I am he , friend ;", "What is your business ?", "+ Sir , at this time ,", "Although no crab , like you , to swim backward , he is", "Of your element .", "+ No ,", "But something that lives i n't . If you but stay", "Till he have slept himself a land-creature , you may", "Chance see him come ashore here .", "+ That is his voice , sir .", "+ Surely , friend , you are a witch ;he is so .", "+ I 'll hear't as sadly .", "+ Drown 'd !", "+ It cannot be : such good news , gentlemen ,", "Cannot be true .", "+ There , friend , there is", "A fare for you . I 'm glad you \u2018 scap 'd ; I had", "Not known the news so soon else .", "+ Sir , it is conscience ; I do believe you might", "Sue me in Chancery .", "+ Yes , sir , his transitory pelf ,", "And some twelve hundred pound a year in earth ,", "Is cast on me . Captain , the hour is come ,", "You shall no more drink ale , of which one draught", "Makes cowards , and spoils valour ; nor take off", "Your moderate quart-glass . I intend to have", "A musket for you , or glass-cannon , with", "A most capacious barrel , which we 'll charge", "And discharge with the rich valiant grape", "Of my uncle 's cellar . Every charge shall fire", "The glass , and burn itself i \u2019 th \u2019 filling , and look", "Like a piece going off .", "+ Then my poet", "No longer shall write catches or thin sonnets ,", "Nor preach in verse , as if he were suborn 'd", "By him that wrote the Whip ,", "to pen lean acts ,", "And so to overthrow the stage for want", "Of salt or wit . Nor shall he need torment", "Or persecute his Muse ; but I will be", "His god of wine t \u2019 inspire him . He shall no more", "Converse with the five-yard butler who , like thunder ,", "Can turn beer with his voice , and roar it sour ;", "But shall come forth a Sophocles , and write", "Things for the buskin . Instead of Pegasus ,", "To strike a spring with 's hoof , we 'll have a steel", "Which shall but touch a butt , and straight shall flow", "A purer , higher , wealthier Helicon .", "+ Gentlemen ,", "And now , i \u2019 faith , what think you of the fish ?", "+ This valiant captain and this man of wit", "First fox 'd him , then transformed him . We will wake him ,", "And tell him the news . Ho , Master Timothy !", "+ What , does your sack work still ?", "+ Come , y \u2019 have slept enough .", "+ We have rare news for you .", "+ Your father", "And my grave uncle , sir , are cast away .", "+ They by this have made a meal", "For jacks and salmon : they are drown 'd .", "+ This fellow here", "Brings the auspicious news : and these two friends", "Of ours confirm it .", "+ You 'd not do", "Like your penurious father , who was wont", "To walk his dinner out in Paul 's , whilst you", "Kept Lent at home , and had , like folk in sieges ,", "Your meals weigh 'd to you .", "+ He wore", "More pavement out with walking than would make", "A row of new stone-saints , and yet refused", "To give to th \u2019 reparation .", "+ Yes , when there was not fire enough to warm", "A mastich-patch t \u2019 apply to his wife 's temples ,", "In great extremity of toothache . This is", "True , Master Timothy , is't not ?", "+ I have heard", "He still last left th \u2019 Exchange ; and would commend", "The wholesomeness o \u2019 th \u2019 air in Moorfields , when", "The clock struck three sometimes .", "+ Surely myself ,", "Cypher , his factor , and an ancient cat", "Did keep strict diet , had our Spanish fare ,", "Four olives among three . My uncle would", "Look fat with fasting ; I ha \u2019 known him surfeit", "Upon a bunch of raisins , swoon at sight", "Of a whole joint , and rise an epicure", "From half an orange .", "+ My uncle !", "+ Cypher , the waterman !", "+ Now ,", "Were there a dext'rous beam and twopence hemp ,", "Never had man such cause to hang himself ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ How now , mad lads ; what ! is the storm broke up ?", "+ What a mad plot", "These two old merchants had contriv 'd , to feign", "A voyage , then to hunt you out disguised ,", "And hear themselves abused ?", "+ If I had stay 'd , they had paid me for a captain .", "+ What is this Bannswright ?", "+ Let us", "Devise to get him hither , and cross the match .", "+ Death ! you pander ,", "Forbid the banns , or I will cut your wizzel ,", "And spoil your squiring in the dark . I 've heard", "Of your lewd function , sirrah ! You prefer", "Wenches to bawdy-houses , rascal !", "+ By Mars , deny , and I", "Will act a tragedy upon thee .", "+ Now thou art", "An honest-hearted pimp : thou shalt for this", "Be drunk in Vine-dee ,", "rascal ; I 'll begin", "A runlet to thee .", "+ Come ,", "Let 's in and drink a health to our success ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ I did commit her to your charge , that you", "Might breed her , Mistress Scruple , and do require", "Her at your hand . Here be fine tricks , indeed !", "My daughter Susan to be stol'n a week ,", "And you conceal it . You were of the plot ,", "I do suspect you .", "+ No , I 'll never trust again", "A woman with white eyes , that can take notes ,", "And write a comment on the catechism :", "All your devotion 's false . Is't possible", "She could be gone without your knowledge ?", "+ Why , \u2018 tis right :", "Some silenc 'd minister has got her . That I", "Should breed my daughter in a conventicle !", "+ You are a fool .", "+ Nor your son help being a fish .", "+ Go : you talk like prating gossips .", "+ I 'll tell you , since you 'd know . My wife and you ,", "Shrill Mistress Holland , have two tongues , that when", "They 're in conjunction , are busier , and make", "More noise than country fairs , and utter more tales", "Than blind folks , midwifes , nurses . Then no show ,", "Though't be a juggler , \u2018 scapes you : you did follow", "The Elephant so long , and King of Sweden ,", "That people at last came in to see you . Then", "My son could not be made a fish , but who", "Should I find there , much taken with the sight ,", "But you two ! I may now build hospitals ,", "Or give my money to plantations ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ Sister , \u2018 tis so projected , therefore make", "No more demurs : the life of both our fortunes", "Lies in your carriage of things well . Think therefore", "Whether you will restore me , and advance", "Your own affairs ; or else within this week", "Fly this your lodging , like uncustom 'd sinners ,", "And have your coach-horses transform 'd to rent ;", "Have your apparel sold for properties ,", "And you return to cut-work . By this hand ,", "If you refuse , all this must happen .", "+ The scene is laid already :", "I have transform 'd an English poet into", "A fine French teacher , who shall join your hands", "With a most learned legend out of Rab'lais .", "+ Y \u2019 are deceiv 'd :", "I 'll undertake , by one week 's tutoring ,", "And carrying him to plays and ordinaries ,", "Engaging him in a quarrel or two , and making", "Some captain beat him , to render him a most", "Accomplish 'd gallant . Or say he be born , sister ,", "Under the city-planet , pray , what wise lady", "Desires to match a wise knight ? You 'd marry some", "Philosopher now , that should every night", "Lie with you out of Aristotle , and loose", "Your maidenhead by demonstration .", "Or some great statesman , before whom you must sit", "As silent and reserv 'd , as if your looks", "Had plots on foreign princes ; and must visit", "And dress yourself by Tacitus . What he wants", "In naturals , his fortunes will make up", "In honours , Pen . When he 's once made a lord ,", "Who 'll be so saucy as to think he can", "Be impotent in wisdom ? She that marries", "A fool is an Hermaphrodite ; the man", "And wife too , sister . Besides , \u2018 tis now too late ;", "He 'll be here presently , and comes prepar 'd", "For Hymen . I took up a footman for him ,", "And left him under three tiremen 's hands , besides", "Two barbers .", "+ Who is't ?", "+ \u2018 Tis he .", "+ If you be coy now , Pen ,"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ Here he comes !", "+ What ! quarrel with your footman , sir ?", "+ This imperiousness becomes you ,", "Like a knight newly dubb 'd , sir .", "+ Speak lower . I have prepar 'd her ; show yourself", "A courtier : now she 's yours !", "+ Madam , this gentleman", "Desires to kiss your hands .", "+ Heart ! you spoil all .", "+ She verily believ 'd y \u2019 had ne'er a father .", "+ Now y \u2019 have recovered all .", "+ Break your mind to her ;", "She does expect it .", "+ Mark that !", "+ Tell him she 's coming .", "+ Just as you are sat ,", "I 'll steal the priest in .", "+ When you are join 'd ,", "Be sure you do not oversee , but straight", "Retire to bed : she 'll follow .", "\u2018 Tis not three o'clock i \u2019 th \u2019 afternoon .", "+ Nay , will you enter ?", "+ Most city-like ! \u2018 Slid , take her by the arm , and lead her in ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ Madam Aurelia is her name ?", "+ As for her birth ,", "I could wish it were meaner : as many knights", "And justices of peace as have been of", "The family are reckoned into the portion .", "She 'll still be naming of her ancestors ,", "Ask jointure by the herald 's book , and I ,", "That have no coat , nor can show azure lions", "In fields of argent , shall be scorn 'd ; she 'll think", "Her honour wrong 'd to match a man that hath", "No \u2018 scutcheons but them of his company ,", "Which once a year do serve to trim a lighter", "To Westminster and back again .", "+ But can she", "Affect my age ?", "+ And what replied she ?", "+ Is she so virtuous , then ?", "+ Excellent creature !", "+ Too ?", "+ I think the time an age ,", "Till the solemnity be pass 'd .", "+ To make all sure ,", "We 'll call upon my lawyer by the way ,", "And take him with us .", "+ But may a man", "Wed in a strange tongue ?", "+ Well ,", "Let 's to the lady straight . To cross him , I", "Would marry an Arabian , and be at charge", "To keep one to interpret , or be married", "In China language , or the tongue that 's spoke", "By the Great Cham ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ Will you not stay till night , sir ?", "+ Well , sir , since", "There is no remedy , your bed 's prepar 'd ;", "By that time you are laid , I 'll come . Meantime ,", "I 'll pray that gentleman to conduct you . There 's", "My footman to pluck off your stockings .", "+ Well , wench ; but that thou hast", "Reveal 'd thyself unto me , I 'd admire", "To hear a saint talk thus . To one that knows not", "The mystery of thy strange conversion , thou", "Wouldst seem a legend .", "+ Well , wench , my brother Has had his plots on me , and I 'll contribute My help to work thy honest ones on him : Do but perform thy task well , and thou winn'st him .", "+Prythee , go tell him some business keeps me yet , And bid him stay himself with this kiss . SCENE VII . As they kiss , enter + Bright +, + Newcut +.", "+ Stay , wench .", "+ Methinks", "Your own good breeding might instruct you that", "My house is not a new foundation , where", "You might , paying the rate , approach , be rude ,", "Give freedom to your unwash 'd mouths .", "+ Then surely you were not deaf .", "+ But he is rich , sir .", "+ Yet he is still rich .", "+ You mean his nephew Plotwell ?", "A prodigal young man : one whom the good", "Old man , his uncle , kept to th \u2019 inns-of-court ,", "And would in time ha \u2019 made him barrister ,", "And rais 'd him to his satin cap and biggon ,", "In which he might ha \u2019 sold his breath far dearer ,", "And let his tongue out at a greater price", "Than some their manors . But he did neglect", "These thriving means , followed his loose companions ,", "His Brights and Newcuts \u2014 two , they say , that live", "By the new heresy , Platonic love ;", "Can take up silks upon their strengths , and pay", "Their mercer with an infant .", "+ Were the man", "A statue , so it were a golden one ,", "I 'd have him .", "+ Bid \u2018 em come in .", "+ I am perfect ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ Madam , this is the gentleman I mention 'd ,", "I 've brought him here , according to my function ,", "To give you both an interview : if you", "Be ready , the church and priest are .", "+ Madam , this is he", "That , if you 'll wear the price of baronies ,", "Or live at Cleopatra 's rate , can keep you .", "+ Faith , sir , I have ears", "That might deceive me ; but I did dream waking ,", "If she were not the party . Madam , pray you ,", "One word in private .", "+ I am instructed", "I was mistaken , sir ; indeed the lady", "Spoke to me for her gentlewoman . How", "Do you affect her , sir ? you see she is", "As handsome as her lady ; and , her birth", "Not being so high , she will more size with you .", "+ \u2018 Tis right ; this you", "May govern as you list . I 'll motio n't . Lady ,", "Pray , pardon our mistake ; indeed our errand", "Was chiefly to your gentlewoman ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ My dearest Dorcas , welcome . Here you see", "The house you must be mistress of , which with", "This kiss I do confirm unto you .", "+ How ! wife , refuse to kiss me ?", "+ This is rare ,", "That I should live to this great age , and never", "Till now know I was rotten !", "+ But pray you , wife , are you in earnest ?", "+ Will you not lie with me , then ?", "+ Nay , then \u2014\u2014", "+ I reach you not .", "+ I do conceive you .", "+ I am married \u2014\u2014", "+ Good , I am made the curse of watermen .", "+ Assist me , patience !", "Why , hear you , mistress \u2014 you that have a fever", "And dog-days in your blood \u2014 if you knew this ,", "Why did you marry me ?", "+ She laughs .", "+ You have your servants , then ,", "And I am fork 'd ? hum !", "+ And hot", "As goats or marmosites \u2014\u2014", "+ And to kindle at", "The picture of a man \u2014\u2014", "+ Crack 'd , tried , and broken up ?", "+ Mischief and hell ! and was there none to make", "Your cloak but I ?", "+ O , you", "Stay 'd for a wealthy cuckold ; your tame beast", "Must have his gilded horns ?", "+ Yes , yes ; yes , yes !", "You shall be comforted : I will maintain", "A stallion for you .", "+ Alas ! I 'll be your pander ;", "Deliver letters for you , and keep the door .", "+ O impudence ! Unheard-of impudence !", "+ How 's that ?", "+ I shall rise to honour .", "+ No , you shall have your usher , dame , to stalk", "Before you , like a buskin 'd prologue ,", "in", "A stately , high , majestic motion , bare .", "+ If we have ,", "All Middlesex is father .", "+ You ,", "Besides being chaste , are good at races too :", "You can be a jockey for a need ?", "+ Why , hark you , hark you , mistress ; you told me", "You lov 'd retirement , loved not visits , and bargain 'd", "I should not carry you abroad .", "+ You bound me , too ,", "I should not go to sea : you lov 'd me so ,", "You could not be without me .", "+ Most politicly kind ,", "And , like a whore , perfect i \u2019 th \u2019 mystery !", "It is beyond my sufferance .", "+ \u2018 Tis very good . Two days", "Of this I shall grow mad ; or , to redeem", "Myself , commit some outrage . O \u2014 O \u2014 O !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ Sir , I am sorry such a light offence", "Should make such deep impressions in you : but that", "Which more afflicts me than the loss of my", "Great hopes , is that y \u2019 are likely to be abused , sir ;", "Strangely abused , sir , by one Bannswright . I hear", "You are to marry \u2014\u2014", "+ Madam Aurelia 's woman .", "+ Why , sir , I thought it duty to inform you ,", "That you would better match a ruin 'd bawd ;", "One ten times cured by sweating and the tub ,", "Or pain 'd now with her fiftieth ache , whom not", "The pow'r of usquebaugh , or heat of fevers", "Quickens enough to wish ; one of such looks ,", "The judges of assize , without more proof ,", "Suspect , arraign , and burn for witchcraft .", "+ For she being pass 'd all motions , impotence will be a kind of chastity , and you Might have her to yourself : but here is one Knows this to be \u2014\u2014", "+ Nay , sir , which is more ,", "She has three children living ; has had four .", "+ Ask him , sir . One by a Frenchman .", "+ A third by a Moor , sir ; born of two colours ,", "Just like a serjeant 's man .", "+ What ail you , sir ?", "+ I hope you are not married ?", "+ Would you trust Bannswright , sir ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ Are you , sir , Warehouse the rich merchant ?", "+ Then you are not , sir ,", "So rich by two ships as you were .", "+ Your two ships , sir , that were now coming home", "From Ormus , are both cast away : the wreck", "And burden on the place was valued at", "Some forty thousand pound . All the men perish 'd", "By th \u2019 violence of the storm : only myself", "Preserv 'd my life by swimming , till a ship", "Of Bristol took me up , and brought me home", "To be the sad reporter .", "+ Two small casks ; one of blue figs , the other", "Of pickled mushrooms , which serv 'd me for bladders ,", "And kept me up from sinking . \u2018 Twas a storm", "Which , sir , I will describe to you . The winds", "Rose of a sudden with that tempestuous force \u2014\u2014", "+ Good your worship , give", "A poor seafaring man your charity", "To carry me back again . I 'm come above", "A hundred mile to tell you this .", "+ Thank your worship ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sea .+ Much joy to you , sir ; you have made quick despatch .", "I like a man that can love , woo , and wed ,", "All in an hour . My husband was so long", "A-getting me ; so many friends \u2019 consents", "Were to be ask 'd , that when we came to church ,", "\u2018 Twas not a marriage , but our times were out ,", "And we were there made free of one another .", "Hol .+ I look 'd to find you abed and a young sheriff", "Begot by this . My husband , when I came", "From church , by this time had his caudle : I", "Had not a garter left , nor he a point .", "Scr .+ Surely , all that my husband did the first", "Night we were married , was to call for one", "Of his wrought caps more to allay his rheum .", "Hol .+ We hear y \u2019 have match 'd a courtier , sir : a gallant :", "One that can spring fire in your blood , and dart", "Fresh flames into you .", "Sea .+ Sir , you are not merry :", "Methinks you do not look as you were married .", "Hol .+ You rather look as you had lost your love .", "Scr .+ Or else , as if your spouse , sir , had rebuk 'd you .", "Sea .+ Indeed , I heard", "She was a chambermaid .", "Hol .+ And they by their place", "Do wait upon the lady , but belong", "Unto the lord ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ Mistress , do what you list ,", "Send for your couch out , lie with your gallants there", "Before us all : or , if you have a mind", "To fellows that can lift weights , I can call", "Two footmen too .", "+ O nephew , welcome to my ransom ! here", "My house is made a new erection ; gallants", "Are brought in varied forms . Had I not look 'd", "By providence into that frame , these two", "Had been convey 'd for night-pieces and landskips", "Into my chaste bride 's chamber . Till now , she took", "And let herself out ; now she will be able", "To hire and buy offenders .", "+ Good nephew , thou art my blessed angel . Who are these two ?", "+ Nephew , thou were't born", "To be my dear preserver .", "+ I do deliver this as my act and deed .", "+ Look , here they come .", "+ How !", "+ Very well , sir ;", "What , are these masquers too ?", "+ Bannswright and Captain Quartfield !", "+ O , you are a precious rogue ! you ha \u2019 preferr 'd me", "To a chaste Lucrece , sirrah !", "+ How !", "+ Am I o'erreach ' d so finely ?", "+ I took your sister for a lady , nephew .", "+ Well , Master Seathrift ,", "Things are just fallen out as we contriv 'd \u2018 em :", "I grieve not I 'm deceiv 'd . Believe me , gentlemen ,", "You all did your parts well ; \u2018 twas carried cleanly ;", "And though I could take some things ill of you ,", "Fair mistress , yet \u2018 twas plot , and I forget it .", "Let 's in and make \u2018 em portions .", "+ More revelations yet ?", "+ \u2018 Tis true , but that his shipwrecks broke him .", "+ My brother Plotwell !", "+ Well , what was wanting", "Unto our joys , and made these nuptials", "Imperfect , brother , you by your discovery", "Have fully added .", "+ The feast Intended for my wedding shall be yours . To which I add \u2014 May you so love to say , When old , your time was but one marriage-day . FOOTNOTES :Dr Warburton observesthat in the persecutions of the Protestants in Flanders under Philip II . those who came over into England on that occasion brought with them the woollen manufactory . These being Calvinists were joined by those of the same persuasion from other countries , and amongst the rest from Geneva .Rosemary was anciently supposed to strengthen the memory , and was therefore distributed at marriages and funerals . See a note on \u201c Hamlet , \u201d x . 355 , edit . 1778 .The stately step and pompous manner , used by the prologue-speakers of the times , are still retained in delivering the few lines used as a prologue in \u201c Hamlet . \u201d These particularities seem to have been delivered traditionally to the present race of actors from their brethren in the seventeenth century .See a note on \u201c Timon of Athens , \u201d edit . 1778 , viii . 409 .\u2014 Steevens .SeeAretine 's pictures , there mentioned , were in fact Aretine 's pictures of postures here alluded to .\u2014 Collier .In the old copies the name of Penelopeis placed before this line , but it seems to belong to Plotwell , and to be a continuation of what he has just before said .\u2014 Collier . THE EPILOGUE AT WHITEHALL . The author was deceiv 'd ; for , should the parts And play which you have seen plead rules and arts , Such as strict critics write by , who refuse T \u2019 allow the buskin to the Comic Muse ; Whose region is the people , every strain Of royalty being tragic , though none slain ; He 'd now , Great Sir , hold all his rules untrue , And think his best rules are the Queen and You . He should have search 'd the stories of each age , And brought five acts of princes on the stage ; He should have taken measure , and rais 'd sport From persons bright and glorious as your court , And should have made his argument to be Fully as high and great as they that see . Here , he confesseth , you did nothing meet , But what was first a comedy i \u2019 th \u2019 street : Cheapside brought into verse ; no passage strange To any here that hath been at th \u2019 Exchange . Yet he hopes none doth value it so low , As to compare it with my Lord Mayor 's Show . \u2018 Tis so unlike that some , he fears , did sit , Who , missing pageants , did o'ersee the wit . Since then his scene no pomp or highness boasts , And low things grac 'd show princes princes most , Your royal smiles will raise't , and make him say , He only wrote , your liking made , the play . THE EPILOGUE AT BLACKFRIARS . Once more the Author , ere you rise , doth say , Though he have public warrant for his play , Yet he to the King 's command needs the King 's writ To keep him safe , not to be arraign 'd for wit . Not that he fears his name can suffer wrack From them who sixpence pay and sixpence crack , To such he wrote not ; though some parts have been So like here , that they to themselves came in . To them who call't reproof to make a face , Who think they judge , when they frown i \u2019 th \u2019 wrong place , Who , if they speak not ill o \u2019 th \u2019 poet , doubt They lose by the play , nor have their two shillings out ; He says , he hopes they 'll not expect he 'd woo , The play being done , they 'd end their sour looks too . But before you , who did true hearers sit , Who singly make a box , and fill the pit , Who dothis comedy read , and unseen , Had throng 'd theatres and Blackfriars been , He for his doom stands : your hands are his bays , Since they can only clap who know to praise . FOOTNOTES :THE QUEEN OF ARRAGON . EDITION . The Queene of Arragon . A Tragi-Comedie . London Printed by Tho . Cotes , for William Cooke , and are to be sold at his shop at Furnivals Inne gate in Holburne 1640 . Folio . INTRODUCTION . William Habington , the son of Thomas Habington ,of Hendlip , in the county of Worcester , Esq ., was born at the seat of his father , on the 4th , or , as others say , the 5th , of November 1605 .He received his education at St Omers and Paris , and at the former of these places was earnestly solicited to become one of the order of the Jesuits . On his return from Paris , being then at man 's estate , he was instructed at home in matters of history by his father , and became an accomplished gentleman . He married Lucia , daughter of William Lord Powis , and is charged by Wood with running with the times , and being not unknown to Oliver Cromwell . He died the 30th of November 1654 , and was buried in the vault at Hendlip , by the bodies of his father and grandfather . Besides the play now republished , he was the author of \u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ My lord , let 's change the subject : love is worn", "So threadbare out of fashion , and my faith", "So little leans to vows \u2014\u2014", "+ I thank my youth then", "For the tender of your service ; \u2018 tis the last", "Good turn it did me . But by this my fears", "Instruct me , when the old bald man , call 'd Time ,", "Comes stealing on me , and shall steal away", "What you call beauty , my neglected face", "Must be enforc 'd to go in quest for a new", "Knight-errant .", "+ Sure , my lord , Fate hath", "More serious business , or divines make bold", "T \u2019 instruct us in a schism . But grant I could", "Induce myself", "To hear and talk that empty nothing Love ,", "Is't now in season , when an army lies", "Before our city-gates , and every hour", "A battery expected ? Dear my lord ,", "Let 's seal our testament , and prepare for heaven ;", "And , as I am inform 'd by them who seem", "To know some part o \u2019 th \u2019 way , Love 's not the nearest", "Path that leads thither .", "+ Your lordship then", "Shall walk as safe as if a Lapland witch", "preserv 'd you shot-free . But", "Who is your confessor ? Yet spare his name ;", "His function will forgive the glory of it :", "Sure he 's ill-read in cases to allow", "A married lord the freedom of this courtship .", "+ My heart !", "How sick am I o \u2019 th \u2019 sudden ! Good my lord ,", "Call your dwarf hither .", "+ Prythee , thy pedigree ?", "+ O , anything , but to divert from love :", "Another word of courtship , and I swoon .", "+ How so very little ?", "+ But why change you not", "That so gigantic name of Browfildora ?", "+ This , my lord ,", "Is much more serious . What coarse thing is that ?", "+ Welcome , O , welcome , to redeem me !\u2014 What", "Can the best wit of woman fancy we", "Have been discoursing of ?", "+ Of that most ridiculous hobby-horse , love ;", "That fool that fools the world ; that spaniel love ,", "That fawns", "the more \u2018 tis kick 'd !", "+ Thy lord hath so protested , Floriana ,", "Vowed such an altar to my beauty , swore", "So many oaths , and such profane oaths too ,", "To be religious in performing all", "That 's impious towards heaven , and to a lady", "Most ruinous .", "+ Be credulous , and be abus 'd . Floriana ,", "There 's no vice so great as to think him virtuous .", "Go mount your milk-white steed , Sir Lancelot ,", "Your little squire attends you there : in suburbs", "Enchanted castles are , where ladies wait", "To be deliver 'd by your mighty hand ;", "Go and protest there .", "+ It is not so much worth , sir . Come , we 'll follow .", "+ Why , thou hadst", "So strange a fellow in thy company ,", "His garb was so uncourtly , I grew sick .", "+ Haply he may so ,", "And haply he 's enamour 'd on thy beauty .", "+ Yes , dear Floriana ;", "Yet neither danger to thy chastity ,", "Nor blemish to thy fame : custom approves it .", "But I owe little to my memory ,", "If I e'er saw him \u2018 mong the greater ladies :", "Sure , he 's some suburb-courtier .", "+ But how disorderly his hair did hang .", "+ How ill turn 'd up his beard ;", "And for his clothes \u2014\u2014", "+ Yes , i \u2019 th \u2019 sober fashion ,", "Which courtiers wear who hope to be employ 'd ,", "And aim at business . But he 's not genteel ;", "Not discomposed enough to court a lady .", "+ Guard me , Fortune !", "I would not have the court take notice that", "I walked one hour with that state-aphorism", "Each autumn to renew my youth . Let us", "Discourse with lords , whose heads and legs move more", "Than do their tongues , and to as good a sense ;", "Who , snatching from my hand a glove , can sigh ,", "And print a kiss , and then return it back ;", "Who on my busk ,", "even with a pin , can write", "The anagram of my name , present it humbly ,", "Fall back , and smile .", "+ Yes ; since \u2018 tis the religion of our sex :", "Sweet Floriana , I will not yet suffer", "For unregarded truth court persecution .", "Enter + Ossuna + and + Oniate +, with divers + Soldiers +.", "But what are they appear there ?", "+ O no , my lord : the world speaks wonders of", "Your mighty puissance .", "+ The queen will hardly thank your valour , since", "They of Castile profess 'd themselves her soldiers .", "+ I will attend her here , for here she gives", "Decastro audience . I must not lose", "This lord yet , it so near concerns my mirth .", "+ I injure you , my lord ,", "Whose favour I have courted with more zeal", "Than well my sex can warrant ; triumph not", "Too much upon my weakness , \u2018 cause you have", "Got victory o'er my heart ; take not delight", "To make my grief your sport .", "+ O never , never ;", "If you 'll particularise your vows to me \u2014", "You , who to th \u2019 title of the courtly lord", "Have added that of valiant ; and beshrew me ,", "She 's no good housewife of her fame that wants", "A daring servant .", "+ If she live single , he preserves her name ,", "And scarce admits a whisper that the jealous", "May construe points at her ; and if she marry ,", "He awes the husband , if by chance or weakness", "She have offended .", "+ Then , if she use but civil compliment", "To a courtier bachelor , he straight bespeaks", "The licence and the favours , and calls in", "Some wit into his counsel for the poesy ;", "While I feel no temptation to such folly", "But with a married lord .", "+ Our walks are privileg 'd , our whispers safe ,", "No fear of laying contracts to my charge ,", "Nor much of scandal : and if there be cause ,", "Who is so fond a gamester of his life ,", "As merely out of spleen to stake it ? But ,", "My lord , I now suspect you constru 'd ill", "That language I used to your lady , when", "I told her of your love : but I presume", "You were not so dull-sighted as in that", "Not to discern the best disguise for love .", "+ Pray turn your face", "Away . Now know , when worth and valour are", "Led on by love , to win my favour . But \u2014", "The queen !", "+ Madam !", "+ Madam , you", "Have lost your virtue , which so often vow 'd", "A clear asp\u00e8ct , what cloud soever darken 'd", "Your present glory .", "+ Yes , if your majesty were abbess , madam :", "But cloister up the fine young lords with us ,", "And ring us up each midnight to a masque ,", "Instead of matins , and I stand prepar 'd", "To be profess 'd without probation .", "+ Madam , I", "Have many servants , but not one so valiant ,", "As dares attempt to marry me .", "+ In time", "I shall not : but for the present , madam , give", "Leave to my youth to think I may be prais 'd ,", "And merit it . Hereafter , when I shall", "Owe art my beauty , I shall grow perhaps", "Suspicious there 's small faith in poetry .", "+ A wretched thing !", "A very wretched thing ! So scorn 'd and poor ,", "\u2018 Twill scarce deserve man 's pity ; and I 'm sure", "No arms can e'er relieve it .", "+ See , your lord !", "+ And shall the queen fly from her friends , my lord ?", "+ May it please you , madam ,", "To hear a song presented me this morning ?", "+ Good my lord !", "+ My lord , I fear you two were serious .", "+ But happily", "that gentleman had business .", "His face betrays my judgment if he be", "Not much in project .", "+ My lord ,", "He owes you for this fair certificate ;", "Yet I fear your character 's beyond his merit .", "+ Sir , your charity", "Abuseth you extremely .", "+ Nor can I perceive", "Any strong hope now to the contrary .", "+ My lord ,", "What means the gentleman ? He hopes to talk me", "Into a virtue I ne'er practis 'd yet ,", "And much suspect I never shall .", "+ My lord , leave off the combat ;", "Y \u2019 are hardly match 'd . And see , the Lord Florentio !", "Enter + Florentio + and + Velasco +.", "The queen attends his coming . Sir , you 'll find", "A more convenient school to read this lecture .", "+ My lord , what mean you ?", "+ But my fame !", "+ Then my conscience !", "+ What will the court say ?", "+ But will you not boast it ?", "+ Well , I 'm resolv 'd .", "+ Never : for now I weigh things better ;", "The antidote \u2018 gainst fear is innocence .", "+ In pity I may be induced to much ;", "And , since you urge compassion , I will meet .", "+ I \u2019 th \u2019 sycamore-walk .", "+ An hour hence .", "+ To be such ,", "As you shall count that hour your happiest .", "+ Floriana !", "Not so kind-natur 'd , surely . I have put", "The sighs of courtiers in a scale , and find", "Some threescore thousand may weigh down a feather ;", "I have tried their tears which , though of briny taste ,", "Can only season the hearts of fools , not women .", "Their vows are like their duels , ever grounded", "Upon the idlest quarrel .", "+ I begin", "To think his making love but vanity ,", "And a mistake in wit .", "+ True , perhaps I do ;", "For though we care not for the lover , yet", "We love the passion : though we scorn the offering ,", "We grieve to see it thrown away , and envy ,", "If consecrated to another . Woman", "Hath no revenge \u2018 gainst th \u2019 injury of custom ,", "Which gives man superiority , but thus", "To fool it to subjection .", "+ You see I take", "The next way to redeem him . This the hour ,", "And this the place . Here he resolves to raise", "A trophy in my ruin : and behold \u2014", "Enter + Sanmartino +, winding up his watch .", "The just man of his promise ! Not a minute", "He fails when sin 's the payment .", "+ This is my province ,", "Nor shall you envy me the honour of", "A work so meritorious . Let him walk", "Awhile , and sin with his own fancy ; then", "I 'll undertake him , and if there be need ,", "Be you prepared to assist me .", "+ O , give me leave yet to retain my blushes .", "+ Then I unveil .", "+ Stay , my lord !", "Actions of moment", "Must be maturely thought on . I have call 'd", "My reason to account .", "+ Yes , my good lord : that only doth distinguish", "A woman from brute beasts ; or , what 's more sensual ,", "A vain loose man . What sin scandals my carriage ,", "To give encouragement to this presumption ?", "What privileg 'd this attempt ?", "+ It is a traitor then to my pure thoughts ;", "And , to preserve your eye , would it were wrinkled :", "I could much easier suffer the reproach", "Of age than your bold courtship . If a lady", "Be young and sportive , use curiosity ,", "And perhaps art , to help where nature seem 'd", "Imperfect in her work , will you , from the", "False argument of your own loose blood , conclude", "Her guilty ? Or , if she select a friend ,", "Whose innocence gives warrant to her faith ,", "Will you infer their whispers have no aim", "But that of brothels ? \u2018 Cause you find yourself", "Nought but loose flesh , will you turn heretic ,", "And thence deny the soul ?", "+ More to the benefit . But in your patent ,", "\u2018 Mong all the privileges of a Conde ,", "Where find you lust inserted ? Without which ,", "Till age hath made you wise or impotent ,", "You think your honour is defective . \u2018 Cause", "Your clothes are handsome and mine too , must we", "Deform our minds ? Is it sufficient motive", "To sin , if opportunity and youth", "Persuade us ? Such as you are those foul plagues", "Infect the air which breathes our fame , and make", "The cautious sirs o \u2019 th \u2019 country shun us .", "+ When we admit you to our bed-chamber ,", "Powder , or haply bathe before you ; what", "Of honour 's here more than a groom may boast", "Our maids are tir 'd with ? Yet this with a smile", "Is whisper 'd to your friend , and you infer", "How easy a more near approach will be .", "My lord , learn virtue , and your wit may then", "Not serve you to so fond a purpose . If", "That courage you are famed for be no slander ,", "Go to the wars . \u2018 Twill be a far less maim", "To lose an eye there than your honour here .", "If peace enamour you , and the court , live honest :", "And hope the heir , who shall succeed you , may", "Be yours . Revenge destroys more chastity", "Than all the temptings of such lords as you .", "+ You 'll not commit", "A rape , my lord ?", "+ Think on the danger ; for the sin , I see ,", "Little distracts your conscience .", "+ Come , my lord , I 'll free you", "From all such hazard .", "+ I 'll not be cruel . You shall have kisses , such", "As will melt your soul into your lips : and what", "Is sweetest , no repentance shall be th \u2019 issue", "Enter + Floriana + and + Oniate +.", "Of your delight . Look here , my lord ! She 's yours .", "+ For mercy sake , go with thy lord . Repentance", "May turn to desperation .", "+ Have you no business , sir , imports you more ,", "Than t \u2019 hold discourse with me ? Troth , I shall pity", "You want employment .", "+ Nothing more , if your design", "Be to convert me : for I know you hold", "All ladies in a schism who are young and proud .", "+ Sir , take heed .", "Hope not to win my favour by extolling", "What in our better thoughts we ourselves condemn .", "I am so wearied out with vows and oaths ,", "With impious praises and most tedious flattery ,", "That nothing but plain-speaking truth can gain", "On my affection .", "+ Pray , sir , do not comment upon the word ;", "It doth portend no danger to you .", "+ Suppose the business come to articles ?", "+ To the second , sir .", "+ Why , you envy then", "Us our own trouble ; keep us from the expense ,", "And leave us to our discontent for penance .", "+ Sir ,", "You haply will debar us our she-friends too ?", "+ You 'll not allow us , wearied of our husbands ,", "To send them on discovery of new worlds ?", "Or if we take a toy ourselves to travel ,", "Perhaps to Barbary or Tartary ,", "Or the remotest parts ?", "+ Or , if our sex should warrant it by custom ,", "To play at tennis , or run at the ring ,", "Or any other martial exercise :", "I fear me , scrupulous sir , you will condemn it", "As dangerous to my honour ?", "+ I then perceive small hope of our agreement .", "+ Good sir , no more of this so kind mistake ;", "You 'll find some other lady more deserves it ,", "And I aspire not to the honour .", "+ Madam , I undertake him for a penance :", "Perhaps he was enjoin 'd me .", "+ The court is full of wonders , madam ; and", "\u2018 Tis handsome to do things extravagant .", "+ Love will dance", "As nimbly to the trumpet , fife , or drum ,", "As to those many violins which play", "So loud at court . Moreover , it concern 'd", "My safety ; I so straitly was besieg 'd ,", "And by so strong a C\u00e6sar ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ Come on , you Atlases of Arragon :", "You by whose powers the Castilian cloud", "Was forc 'd to vanish . We have ferk 'd Florentio", "In the right arm ; made the enamour 'd Don", "Retire to doleful tent .", "+ Thou didst i \u2019 th \u2019 sally fight like lightning , Conde ;", "Let the air play with thy plume , most puissant peer .", "No Conde Sanmartino now , but Conde", "St George , that Cappadocian man-at-arms .", "Thou hast done wonders , wonders big with story ,", "Fit to be sung in lofty epic strain ;", "For writing which the poet shall behold ,", "That which creates a Conde , gold ; gold which", "Shall make him wanton with some suburb muse ,", "And Hippocrene flow with Canary billow .", "Th \u2019 art high in feat of arms .", "+ Base is the wight that thinks :", "Let Condes small in spirit drink harsh sherry ,", "Then quarrel with promoting knights , and fine for't :", "Thou art in mettle mighty , tough as steel ,", "As Bilboa or Toledo steel . Fight on ,", "Let acres sink , and bank of money melt ;", "Forsake thy lady 's lap , and sleep with us", "Upon the bed of honour , the chill earth .", "\u2018 Tis that will make thee held a potent peer ,", "\u2018 Mong men o \u2019 th \u2019 pike , of buff , and bandolier .", "+ I 'll maintain", "\u2018 Tis Arragonian , Conde .", "+ Small imp , avaunt !", "+ I must expire ,", "Not talk to fish . Seest thou that man of match ?", "Though small in stature , mighty he 's in soul ,", "And rich in gifts of mind , though poor in robes :", "Reward , like Philip 's heir , his daring arm ,", "Which fetch 'd thee off from danger . Once again ,", "Most doughty Don , adieu .", "+ He appear 'd not , since", "We left the city to the enemy ;", "Which hath bred jealousy , my lord , that he", "Chang 'd with the present fortune ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ My lord , it shows a happy discipline ,", "Where the obedient soldier yields respect", "To such severe commands , now when victory", "Gives licence to disorder .", "+ Our kingdom owes its safety to that power .", "For how dejected look 'd our magistrates", "When conquest gave admittance to the soldier !", "But how their fears forsook them when they saw", "Your entry with such silence !", "+ And yet auxiliaries oft turn their swords", "To ruin whom they come to rescue .", "+ You speak , my lord ,", "Your glories nobly . And it is our joy ,", "Your general 's wound but frighted us .", "+ \u2018 Tis thought , howe'er ,", "His love had not obey 'd such a restraint ,", "Though death had threaten 'd him . But in his health", "Consists the common safety , since those forces", "Decastro in the morning did expect ,", "Ere you the town assaulted , are discover 'd ,", "To which he fled , expell 'd the city .", "+ Your soldiers speak his glory even with wonder .", "+ He 's of a brave presence :", "I never saw more majesty in youth ;", "Nor never such bold courage in a face", "So fashion 'd to delight .", "+ His merits spoke his worth ,", "And well might challenge a particular eye .", "+ This is abrupt .", "+ Now must", "The Junto sit till midnight , till they rack", "Some strange design from this intelligence .", "+ No , I 'll swear ;", "Nor none of the whole form of you at court ,", "Unless the stratagem be for a mistress ,", "A fashion , or some cheating-match at tennis .", "+ Madam , dissemble not so great a virtue ;", "Nor , to obey the tyranny of custom ,", "Become the court 's fair hypocrite . I know", "This vanity for fashion-sake you wear ,", "And all those gaieties you seem t \u2019 admire", "Are but your laughter .", "+ Come , you cannot", "Disguise that wisdom , which doth glory in", "The beauteous mansion it inhabits . Madam ,", "This soul of mine , how coarse soe'er \u2018 tis cloth 'd ,", "Took the honour to admire you , soon as first", "You shin 'd at court : nor had a timorous silence", "So long denied me to profess my service ,", "But that I fear 'd I might be lost i \u2019 the crowd", "Of your admirers .", "+ Nor I : but give me licence t \u2019 undeceive", "The world , that so mistakes you . This young lord", "Flatters his folly that indeed you are", "Sick of that humour you but counterfeit ;", "Believes y \u2019 are frail and easy ; since , if not ,", "His courtship were without design .", "+ Pardon your mirth , fair madam , and brush off", "This honour 'd dust that soils your company ;", "This thing whom nature carelessly obtruded", "Upon the world to teach that pride and folly", "Make titular greatness th \u2019 envy but of fools ,", "The wise man 's pity .", "+ Sure , no , my lord : perhaps in times of yore", "They might be construed so , when superstition", "Worshipp 'd each lord an idol . Now we find ,", "By sad experience , that you are mere men ,", "If vice debauch you not to beasts .", "+ I know it is , and therefore speak thus boldly .", "If you grow hot , you have your grots , my lord ,", "And in your villa you may domineer", "O'er th \u2019 humble country-gentleman , who stands", "Aloof and bare .", "+ But none so beautiful to hear me .", "+ This is a challenge ! Prythee , my small friend ,", "May not a man take th \u2019 height of my lord 's spirit ,", "Looking on thee ?", "+ Little sir ,", "I never learnt that pretty quality :", "I cannot write ; only by word of mouth \u2014\u2014", "+ The market-place .", "+ Two English mastiffs , which", "Are yet but whelps , and not transported hither :", "So that the time will be , I know not when .", "+ Thou less , thoughangrier , thing than wasp , farewell .", "+ My lord , I had other business ; you 'll excuse me .", "+ According to their spirit : if they be", "Regardless of their fame , then they submit ;", "If not , they fight .", "+ Let me consider . Neither .", "+ My lord , I will not .", "+ Not for the whole world !", "Such an apparent lie would be a sin", "Too heavy to my conscience . I subscribe", "Myself a coward ! If I should , no soldier", "Would think but that my hand were counterfeited .", "+ My lord , on no condition . Hope not for it .", "+ Hereafter , if you can", "Deserve it . For the present I must crave", "Your pardon with much mirth to laugh at you .", "+ It shall contradict", "All my endeavours then .", "+ Madam , what can be", "More serious ?", "+ Your pardon , madam . I believe you", "cunning", "Court-ladies choose some petty venial errors", "To set perfection off ; for should you not", "Usurp a handsome pride , your fame would lie ,", "Like unwall 'd cities , open to the prey", "Of each invading youth . Did you not show", "A scorn , you would deserve it .", "+ Madam , your affection ?", "+ And if it did , where 's the beatitude ?", "For though I grant your virtues great as beauty", "Can entertain , and foolish I resolv 'd", "To captivate my stock of life t \u2019 a woman ,", "Yet would I not adventure on you , if", "You did not vow to perform articles .", "+ I \u2019 th \u2019 first then , you should covenant love ; not squinting", "On every finer youth or greater lord ,", "But looking straight on me .", "+ No dotage on the court , so far that my", "Estate must rue it ; and no vanity", "Be started up , but my fond lady must", "Be melancholy , and take physic till", "She get into it .", "+ No ! I would have the mind serene : without", "All passion , though a masque should be presented ,", "And you i \u2019 th \u2019 country . I must have you wise ,", "To know your beauty mortal , which you must", "Preserve to warm my eye , not aid by arts ,", "To keep the courtier 's wit in exercise .", "From his so practis 'd flattery your ear", "Must turn with a brave scorn ; and when his eye", "Doth offer parley , seem so ignorant", "As not to understand the language .", "+ As secret enemies , who 'll first betray you .", "+ To Bedlam sooner .", "+ Sure , I should .", "+ But I a confidence ; for I discern", "How much you loathe these follies you pretend .", "+ The city 's all in mutiny , and vow", "To perish in the Lord Decastro 's cause :", "They 're ready now to lay rude hands upon", "The garrisons of Castile . Your majesty", "Should hinder mischief , if you suddenly", "Return , and by your presence stop their fury ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ Thy pride is such a flatterer of thy beauty ,", "That no man sighs by accident , but thou", "Dost pity as enamour 'd .", "+ This experience", "Perhaps instructs you to ; but yet your pride ,", "I fear , is over-easy to believe .", "\u2018 Tis merely to fly idleness that my lord", "Hath troubled you with courtship : if the queen", "Would make a statesman , she might cure a lover .", "Want of employment made him dream on beauty ,", "And yours came first t \u2019 his fancy .", "+ And you begin", "Perhaps to fear it ?", "+ Yet , Cleantha ,", "I could have wish 'd your charity had spar 'd", "This triumph o'er my lord .", "+ I 'll endanger", "His virtue to a blush , and happily", "Convert an infidel .", "+ Thou dost build", "Such forts on the opinion of thy wit !", "+ I 'll preserve him .", "+ And will Ascanio meet ?", "+ I had no other way ; yet this is rough ,", "And justice whispers \u2018 tis unsafe to tread it .", "If to love her be sinful , what am I ?", "How dare I call his passion to the bar ,", "And nourish it myself ? Why may not he ,", "Who hath as bold a fortune , entertain", "As bold a love : and in the fate of war", "Having outgone my service , why not then", "Present it to the selfsame altar ? But", "We cannot harbour both in the same port ;", "Or he or I am shipwreck 'd : for the storm", "Is rais 'd , and , to appease it , death must be", "The sacrifice .", "+ Suspect him not , my lord : he hath a courage", "Above the sense of fear . Well , sir , your answer ?", "+ Sir , explain his reasons .", "+ Let me consider : \u2018 tis an idle rage", "That heats me to this quarrel . Let her fate", "Remain unshaken , though she choose my foe", "Into her love and bosom . If she live", "Above the fear of ruin , I am mighty \u2014", "Mighty enough , though by my griefs grown feeble ,", "And weaken 'd too : diseases fright the healthy .", "I will refer my cause and life to her ,", "And ne'er dispute it by the sword .", "+ Velasco , I am safe enough against", "The taint of coward . Spain bears witness that", "I dare , as far as honour dares give warrant ;", "But in this cause \u2014\u2014", "+ \u2018 Tis a serious truth .", "+ It must not be , sir : tell my lord I wait", "His leisure .", "+ We will obey him . Tyrant Love ! why is", "Thy cruelty so wanton , to delight", "In murder ? Like that impious Roman prince ,", "Thou joy'st to smother whom thou lov'st in roses ,", "And stifle them with the choicest perfumes . But", "This is no place for reason ; she may hold", "Dispute in sober schools , where study raises", "The soul to knowledge : here 's the theatre", "For the brute part of man to fight his last .", "I must redeem the laurel fortune crown 'd", "His temples with , or perish in th \u2019 attempt :", "My fate decrees it .", "+ Why doth he turn his face away , as if", "He durst not look on danger ? Do his fears", "Now triumph o'er his courage ?", "+ He 's more than mortal , sure . He strikes like lightning ,", "Himself not passive . But I 'll try again ,", "And disenchant the sorcerer . Ay , there", "I reach 'd him home : you bleed ; open your doublet ;", "The wound , perhaps , is dangerous .", "+ Sure I have heard that voice , and seen that face ! Velasco , \u2018 tis the king .", "+ Some planet strike me dead , and fix this arm", "A monument to tell posterity", "The treason of my error ! Mighty sir ,", "Show mercy to your creature , that my death", "may not be", "Too foul for after-story .", "+ Some surgeons , quick , to search the wound ! O sir ,", "How do you feel yourself ? Speak life , or I", "Shall sink down to my centre .", "+ My lord and king ! But why did you engage", "Your sacred person into danger ? \u2018 Twas not well :", "How many thousand lives depend on yours !", "+ But , O great sir ,", "Why did your majesty suffer this duel ?", "\u2018 Twas cruel and unkind . How easily", "This hand might have committed sacrilege !", "The very thought whereof , like some pale vision ,", "Congeals my blood .", "+ Conceal it not , great sir , though in the speaking", "Poison steal through my ear . Be confident :", "Unveil your thoughts .", "+ Good Heaven defend ! What is an army of us", "Exposed to certain slaughter , if compared", "To th \u2019 shortest moment that should serve your quiet ?", "And shall I live , and see my sovereign wear", "A sorrow on his brow ?", "+ O my cruel fate !", "+ My soul foresaw this .", "+ Cheer yourself ,", "Dread sir . Though , as I give the legacy ,", "I breathe my last , yet will I show a heart", "Thankful to your great favours . Madam , here", "Behold the Sovereign of Castile .", "+ He is your lover , madam , and deserves", "The title : whether you observe his youth ,", "So beauteous nature doats upon her work ,", "Or weigh his greatness , powerful to defend you", "Should fate and all mankind conspire your ruin .", "And add to that , he merits you , his sword", "Having restored your freedom , when poor I", "Was judg 'd , like some old instrument of war ,", "Unfit for service . All my interest", "I here resign to th \u2019 author of my fate ;", "My love I cannot , which must still remain", "Companion to my life : but I 'll take heed", "My wound appear not , though it inward bleed .", "+ Sir , you created me , and rais 'd me up", "To th \u2019 state of duke , when I was common dust ;", "And , had not fortune given me interest", "I \u2019 th \u2019 favour of the queen , I had continued", "In the worst fate of man , ingratitude .", "Now I can boast I have restored you back", "A love rich as the bounty you shower 'd on me :", "\u2018 Tis all the stock of my poor life .", "+ O , no ! no other .", "+ Poor empty nothing !", "+ Great sir ,", "Continue but your favour , and my stars", "Cannot afford a greatness equals it .", "The treasures of th \u2019 ambitious are the scorn", "Of those who seriously contemplate life .", "My fortune 's high enough : and now my thoughts", "Grow temperate . Not for the empire of the east ,", ", would I have wanted", "This bless 'd occasion to express the zeal", "I owe my prince . Here , with as free a soul", "I give her to your arms as e'er you threw", "A smile upon my service .", "+ She is fair .", "+ Surely there is .", "Enter + Queen +, + Sanmartino +, + Oniate +, + Cleantha +,", "+ Floriana +.", "And see sh \u2019 appears ! how like some heavenly vision ,", "That kills with too much glory !", "+ She glanced this way ,", "And love 's artillery played from her eye .", "Unhappy bankrupt , what a kingdom have", "I forfeited ! So often in a calm", "Some vessel , rich in freight and proud in sail ,", "Doth spring a sudden leak , and sinks for ever .", "+ My lord , that word fell rudely from your tongue ,", "And , I may say , unmannerly : \u2018 tis duty", "You owe the queen .", "+ This speaks him noble , even to our envy .", "+ A strange conversion ! And \u2018 twill behove my fate to follow him .", "+ \u2018 Tis confess 'd : what 's mine is yours .", "+ Sir , you undo me . In your injury", "I was less wretched : like a bankrupt now ,", "Without all hope of payment , I must owe .", "+ I am lost in wonder ! Sir ,", "I know not how to entertain this blessing :", "I fear my joys will be my ruin ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ My fortune yet forsakes me not . There 's something", "Whispers my soul that , though a storm did cloud", "My morning , I shall set the envy of", "My yet prevailing enemy . Had you ,", "My fellow-soldiers , not been three hours \u2019 march", "From aiding us when the Castilian army", "Made the assault , we had given their fate a check ,", "And taught them how unsafe it is to court", "Dangers abroad . I must entreat your courage", "To suffer for some moments ; a short time", "Will bring us the queen 's answer ; if she yield", ", we shall spare", "Much loss of blood ; if not , your valour will", "Have liberty to show itself . Yet still", "Remember , that the city 's forc 'd t \u2019 obey", "A stranger ; in their votes they fight for us .", "Did no man see the Lord Ossuna since", "Our fight i \u2019 th \u2019 morning ?", "+ Doubt him not : He hath a heart devoted to the greatness And safety of his country . Well , he may Be lost i \u2019 th \u2019 number of the slain ; but fate Cannot enforce him stoop beneath the vow Of rescuing Arragon from foreign arms . Enter two common + Soldiers + haling + Ossuna + in as a hermit . What insolence is this ? Unhand the man ! Methinks his habit should beget respect .", "+ I allow your care , and thank it :", "Leave him to me , and for awhile retire .", "+ Ossuna , welcome !", "Bless 'd be thy better angel who preserv 'd thee !", "How happy to the fortune of this war", "Art thou restor 'd ! I should have fought unarm 'd ,", "Had I not had the fate t \u2019 embrace thee thus .", "How was my friend preserv 'd ?", "+ Quickly throw it off ,", "And reinvest thy body in that steel ,", "With which thou still hast triumph 'd . O my lord ,", "How oft have we , all bath 'd in blood and sweat ,", "Through clouds of dust , found out the way to force", "Back victory to our side , when Fortune seem 'd", "To doat on th \u2019 enemy ! We two have grown", "Like cedars up together , and made all", "Seem shrubs to us , no man sleeping secure", "But in our shadows .", "+ Thou speak'st so hollow , as there were a doubt", "We might not be so still .", "+ What strange", "Unworthy faintness weakens his great soul", "Who heretofore ne'er understood the language", "Danger speaks in ? Hath one defeat lost you", "That mighty courage , which hath fix 'd upon", "Your name a glorious memory ? Reassume", "Yourself , my lord : let no degenerate fear", "Benight the lustre of your former acts .", "+ \u2018 Tis confess 'd .", "+ My lord , this war", "Is warranted by casuists for lawful ;", "But they", "flatter the present state ,", "And make divinity serve human ends .", "But in itself it 's just : a war your judgment", "Gave approbation to , and urg 'd me first", "To undertake . Therefore make good your own ,", "And throw off this unuseful habit .", "+ What said my friend ?", "+ Some coward devil , sure ,", "Possesseth him .", "+ I was much to blame :", "This may be a brave virtue . Pray , my lord ,", "Give me your reasons why you tread this path ,", "So little beaten by the feet of courtiers ?", "I would not have the world mistake your aim ,", "And construe it to fear or melancholy .", "+ Was not I there , my lord ?", "+ And made not I the selfsame vow ?", "+ My memory", "Afflicts me much . But these are feeble vows ,", "Made only by our fears : we ought to have", "Our reason undismay 'd , whene'er a promise", "Can force performance .", "+ These are sad thoughts .", "+ My lord , you have", "Good title to your virtue . Pray , retire", "Into my tent : this sudden change , if known ,", "May much amaze the soldier , and endanger", "The glory of th \u2019 attempt . I shall entreat", "Your prayer , since you deny your arm .", "+ What have I obtain 'd", "By all this sweat of business ? Like the wind ,", "Prosperous ambition only swell 'd my sail ,", "To give me courage to encounter with", "A tempest . Early cares and midnight frights ,", "Faint hopes and causeless fears , successively ,", "Like billows , have moved in me . What a fool", "Is human wisdom ; what a beggar wealth ;", "How scorn 'd a nothing that proud state we doat on !", "Time laughs us out of greatness , and shuts up", "Our wide designs in a dark narrow room ,", "Whence , when the valiant monarch shall creep forth ,", "He will , like some poor coward , hide his eyes ,", "And hope to skulk away . But these are thoughts ,", "And now \u2018 tis time for action .", "+ In person , sir ?", "The favour bears some omen ! She who in", "The tempest of misfortune still did spread", "Her sails at large , why doth she strike them now ,", "The wind so prosperous ? This is a descent", "Beneath her greatness .", "+ The acts of princes", "Are govern 'd often by as frail a passion", "As those are of the vulgar : the same rage", "That stirs two footmen to a fray , creates", "War between kingdoms ; but the zealous subject ,", "Gazing afar on th \u2019 actions of the proud ,", "Finds towers and lions in an empty cloud .", "But I 'll obey her leisure . Watch you here", "Till you discover her advanc 'd this way .", "+ Madam , \u2018 tis in vain", "To hold dispute \u2018 gainst what you will condemn ;", "And it were insolence to boast my power", "Or speak my right , now when the hearts of all men", "Confirm the justice of my taking arms .", "Cast but your eye on this vast body , which", "The kingdom doth unite in my defence ,", "And see how ruinous is your error , that", "Must lean to foreign succours .", "+ But would your highness", "Had lent a gentler ear to the safe counsel", "Of him who had no crime but too much love !", "+ Right , sir ; an humble duty ,", "Ambitious to expose my life to dangers ,", "Greater than any other soul dares fancy .", "+ And I will answer you ,", "Proud monarch of Castile , what mould", "Soever nature casts me in , my mind", "Is vaster than your empire ; and I can", "Love equally with him whose name did conquer", "Kingdoms as large as yours .", "+ Sir , here I stand prepar 'd .", "+ Pray , Oniate , take this signet : tell", "The magistrates her majesty and I", "Are now accorded , with a due regard", "To th \u2019 public safety . Take some of my army ,", "To give authority to what you say .", "Assure them all is well .", "+ Mighty lady ,", "I find my love hath not been dress 'd so smooth", "To tempt your liking : and I must confess ,", "My passion", "hath", "Begot whirlwinds and thunder . Would I might", "Have found a softer way t \u2019 have wrought my ends !", "For by your beauty", "that was the mark ,", "The sole fair mark I aim 'd at . For , if pride", "Had oversway 'd my love , I could have stood", "O \u2019 th \u2019 level with that prince , so much your people", "Were vow 'd to my devotion .", "+ And but view", "The vastness and good order of my camp ,", "Your best towns sworn to run my fortune , and", "You 'll say \u2018 twas love did beg this interview .", "+ Great sir , she needs it not .", "Down on your knees , my fellow-soldiers , and", "With me bow to your sovereign : swear with me", "Never to lift your arm \u2018 gainst her command .", "Thus as your subject ; as your lover thus \u2014", "Thus to the earth I fall , and with my lips", "Seal my obedience .", "+ Pardon . I interrupt you \u2014 but you cannot", "Find love to answer mine ; nor will I force it .", "Be happy in your choice , and wheresoe'er", "You fix , shine ever glorious . From this hour", "I 'll never more disturb you .", "+ There \u2018 tis again ,", "The paper innocent as when you gave it .", "+ And \u2018 tis nothing ,", "Now I have miss 'd yourself , I can demand .", "Fortune , contract thy treasure from all nations ,", "And gild it o'er with honour and with beauty ,", "Yet hast thou not the power to force one wish ,", "Now I have lost this lady .", "+ One humble prayer I have , which must not be", "Denied : and \u2018 tis , your majesty will give", "Me leave ne'er more to see you .", "+ My vow 's irrevocable . I shall secure", "Your kingdom best by absence , and my eye", "Will never brook so rich a treasure made", "The purchase", "of another . To a cave ,", "Some undiscover 'd cave , to which no path", "Doth lead the wandering lover , I have vowed", "The remnant of my days .", "+ My Lord Ossuna here and I have sworn", "Our lives to solitude , which we 'll observe", "Religiously : and since I cannot prove", "Possessor , I 'll be conqueror , in love .", "+ He hath paid you for your favours .", "+ Be both happy ;", "And may time never father that black moment ,", "Which shall appear to you less fortunate !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ Now , sir , let me bid you welcome to your country and the longing expectation of those friends that have almost languished for the sight of you .I must flatter him , and stroke him too ; he will give no milk else .", "+ How do you , sir ? are you not well ?", "+ What , in a muse , sir ?", "+ Wise men and fools are alike ambitious : this travelling motionhas been abroad in quest of strange fashions , where his spongy brain has sucked the dregs of all the folly he could possibly meet with , and is indeed more ass than he went forth . Had I an interest in his disgrace , I 'd rail at him , and perhaps beat him for it ; but he is as strange to me as to himself , therefore let him continue in his beloved simplicity .", "+ Shall I be bold to interrupt you , sir ?", "+ Who does this ass speak to ? surely to himself : and \u2018 tis impossible he should ever be wise that has always such a foolish auditory .", "+ Most exquisite , believe me .", "+ So far as the divine prospect of my understanding guides me , \u2018 tis without parallel most excellent ; but I am no professed critic in the mystery .", "+ Without question ; they cannot be so dull or stony-hearted as not to be infinitely taken with your worth . Why , in a while , you shall have them so enamoured that they 'll watch every opportunity to purchase your acquaintance ; then again revive it with often banqueting and visits ; nay , and perhaps invite others , by their foolish example , to do the like ; and some , that despair of so great happiness , will inquire out your haunts , and walk there two or three hours together , to get but a sight of you .", "+ Are you , sir ? there 's great hopes of you .", "+ In good time , sir .", "+ I have none , sir .", "+ How deeply you conceive of it !", "+ Well , sir , because I 'll be no longer destitute of such a necessary implement , I have a suit to you .", "+ I hope , sir , you have that confidence I will ask nothing to your prejudice , but what shall some way recompense the deed .", "+ Usurp , then , on the proffer 'd means ;", "Show yourself forward in an action", "May speak you noble , and make me your friend .", "+ A faithful , not a ceremonious friend ;", "But one that will stick by you on occasions ,", "And vindicate your credit , were it sunk", "Below all scorn , and interpose his life", "Betwixt you and all dangers : such a friend", "That , when he sees you carried by your passions", "Headlong into destruction , will so follow you", "That he will guide you from't , and with good counsel", "Redeem you from ill courses ; and , not flattering", "Your idle humour to a vain expense ,", "Cares not to see you perish , so he may", "Sustain himself awhile , and raise a fortune ,", "Though mean , out of your ruins , and then laugh at you .", "+ A world :", "They walk like spirits , not to be discern 'd ;", "Subtle and soft like air ; have oily balm", "Swimming o'er their words and actions ;", "But below it a flood of gall .", "+ If I stand link 'd unto you ,", "The Gordian knot was less dissoluble ,", "A rock less firm , or centre movable .", "+ Do it , and do it freely , then ; lend me a hundred ducats .", "+ What 's this ? I dare not", "Trust my own ears , silence choke up my anger .", "A friend and whore ! are they two parallels ,", "Or to be nam 'd together ? May he never", "Have better friend that knows no better how", "To value them . Well , I was ever jealous", "Of his baseness , and now my fears are ended .", "Pox o \u2019 these travels ! they do but corrupt", "A good nature , and his was bad enough before .", "+ \u2018 Tis well you are come . What says the gentleman ?", "+ You 'd little think of what consequence and pregnancy this imp is : you may hereafter have both cause to know and love him . What gentlemen are these ?", "+ You give yourself a plausible commends .", "+ O sir , the lustre of good clothes or breeding ,", "Bestow 'd upon a son , will make a rustic", "Or a mechanic father to commit", "Idolatry , and adore his own issue .", "+ Or kiss under it . Will you revenge this injury upon him ?", "+ Will you have patience ?", "Be rul 'd by me , and I will compass it", "To your full wish . We 'll set a bait afore him ,", "That he shall seize as sharply as Jove 's eagle", "Did snatch up Ganymede .", "+ Do you see this page , then ?", "+ That face of his shall do it .", "+ O , but beware of a smooth look at all times .", "Observe what I say : he is a syren above ,", "But below a very serpent . No female scorpion", "Did ever carry such a sting , believe it .", "+ Take him to your house ,", "There keep him privately , till I make all perfect .", "If ever alchemist did more rejoice", "In his projection , never credit me .", "+ Adieu ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ This is the window . Now , my noble Orpheus ,", "As thou affect'st the name of rarity ,", "Strike with the soul of music , that the sound", "May bear my love on his bedewed wing ,", "To charm her ear : as when a sacrifice", "With his perfumed steam flies up to heaven", "Into Jove 's nostrils , and there throws a mist", "On his enraged brow . O , how my fancy", "Labours with the success !", "+ What more than earthly light breaks through that window ?", "Brighter than all the glittering train of nymphs", "That wait on Cynthia , when she takes her progress", "In pursuit of the swift enchased deer", "Over the Cretan or Athenian hills ;", "Or when , attended with those lesser stars ,", "She treads the azure circle of the heavens .", "+ Divine Lucretia ,", "Do not receive with scorn my proffer 'd service :", "O , turn again , though from your arched brow ,", "Stung with disdain , and bent down to your eyen ,", "You shoot me through with darts of cruelty .", "Ah , foolish man , to court the flame that burns him !", "+ Shine still , fair mistress ;", "And though in silence , yet still look upon me .", "Your eye discourses", "with more rhetoric", "Than all the gilded tongues of orators .", "+ Why do you hate me , lady ? Was there ever", "Woman so cruel to hate him that lov 'd her ?", "O , do not so degenerate from nature ,", "Which form 'd you of a temper soft as silk ;", "And to the sweet composure of your body", "Took not a drop of gall or corrupt humour !", "But all your blood was clear and purified .", "Then , as your limbs are fair , so be your mind :", "Cast not a scandal on her curious hand ,", "To say she made that crooked or uneven ;", "For virtue is the best , which is deriv 'd", "From a sweet feature . Women crown their youth", "With the chaste ornaments of love and truth .", "+ Never , never to any ; for my soul is cut so", "To the proportion of what you are ,", "That all the other beauty in the world", "That is not found within your face , seems vile .", "O , that I were a veil upon that face ,", "To hide it from the world ! methinks I could", "Envy the very sun for gazing on you !", "+ Do not insult upon my sufferings .", "I had well hop 'd I should receive some comfort", "From the sweet influence of your words or looks ;", "But now must fly , and vanish like a cloud ,", "Chas 'd with the wind into the colder regions ,", "Where sad despair sits ever languishing ;", "There will I calculate my injuries ,", "Summ 'd up with my deserts : then shall I find", "How you are wanting to all good and pity ,", "And that you do but juggle with our sense ;", "That you appear gentle and smooth as water", "When no wind breathes on it , but indeed", "Are far more hard than rocks of adamant :", "That you are more inconstant than your mistress ,", "Fortune , that guides you ; that your promises", "Are all deceitful ; and that wanton Love ,", "Whom former ages , flattering their vice ,", "And to procure more freedom for their sin ,", "Have term 'd a god , laughs at your perjuries .", "+ Is this the best reward for all my hopes ,", "The dear expenses of", "youth and service ,", "Spent in the execution of your follies ?", "When not a day or hour but witness 'd with me", "With what great study and affected care ,", "More than of fame or honour , I invented", "New ways to fit your humour ; what observance ,", "As if you were the arbitress of courtship ,", "I sought to please you with : laid out for fashions ,", "And bought them for you ; feasted you with banquets ;", "Read you asleep i \u2019 th \u2019 afternoon with pamphlets ;", "Sent you elixirs and preservatives ,", "Paintings and powders , that would have restor 'd", "Old Niobe to youth . The beauty you pretend to ,", "Is all my gift . Besides , I was so simple", "To wear your foolish colours ,", "cry your wit up ,", "And judgment , when you had none , and swore to it ;", "Drank to your health whole nights in hippocras", "Upon my knees with more religion", "Then e'er I said my prayers : which Heaven forgive me !", "+ Pretty , very pretty !", "+ If ever devil damn 'd in a woman 's tongue ,", "\u2018 Tis in thine . I am glad yet you tell me this ;", "I might have else proceeded , and gone on", "In the lewd", "way of loving you , and so", "Have wander 'd farther from myself : but now", "I 'll study to be wiser , and henceforth", "Hate the whole gang of you ; denounce a war ,", "Ne'er to be reconcil 'd , and rejoice in it ;", "And count myself bless 'd for't ; and wish all men", "May do the like to shun you . For my part ,", "If , when my brains are troubled with late drinking", ",", "Then but my labouring fancy dream of you ,", "I 'll start , affrighted at the vision .", "+ Come near me none of you : if I hear", "The sound of your approach , I 'll stop my ears ;", "Nay , I 'll be angry , if I shall imagine", "That any of you think of me : and , for thy sake ,", "If I but see the picture of a woman ,", "I 'll hide my face and break it . So farewell .", "+ Whate'er it be , now \u2018 tis despatch 'd .", "+ The fitter for the place and persons then .", "+ You are a nest of savages : the house", "Is more inhospitable than the quicksands :", "Your daughter sits on that enchanted bay", "Like a siren", "to entice passengers ,", "Who , viewing her through a false perspective ,", "Neglect the better traffic of their life ;", "But yet , the more they labour to come near her ,", "The further she flies back ; until at last ,", "When she has brought them to some rock or shelf ,", "She proudly looks down on the wreck of lovers .", "+ No matter who :", "I 'll first talk with a sphinx , ere", "converse with you .", "+ I 'll rather", "Seek out diseases , choose my death and pine ,", "Than stay to be cur 'd by you .", "+ Yes , I thank my stars , I am now my own man again ; I have slept out my drunken fit of love , and am recovered . You , that are my friends , rejoice at my liberty .", "+ More tedious than a siege . I wonder what black leaf in the book of fate has decreed that misery upon man \u2014 to be in love ; it transforms him to a worse monster than e'er Calypso 's cup did :a country gentleman among courtiers , or their wives among the ladies . A clown among citizens , nay , an ass among apes , is not half so ridiculous as that makes us . O that I could but come by it , how would I tear it , that never such a witchedpassion should arise in any human breast again .", "+ I 'll first be at peace with a serpent . Mark me , if thou hast care of thy time , thy health , thy fame , or thy wits , avoid it .", "+ Hold thee there still , and if there be a necessity at any time that thou must be mad , let it be a short fury , and away : let not this paltry love hang too long upon the file ; be not deluded with delays ; for if these she-creatures have once the predominance , there shall be no way to torture thee but they 'll find it out , and inflict it without mercy : they 'll work on thy disposition , and if thou hast any good-nature , they 'll be sure to abuse thee extremely .", "+ I know not what you call earnest , but before I 'll endure that life again , I 'll bind myself to a carrier , look out any employment whatever , spend my hours in seeing motions and puppet-plays , rook at bowling-alleys , mould tales , and vent them at ordinaries , carry begging epistles , walk upon projects , transcribe fiddlers \u2019 ditties .", "+ But since I have tasted the sweetness of my freedom , thou dost not know what quickness and agility is infused into me . I feel not that weight was wont to clog me , wherever I went ; I am all fire and spirit , as if I had been stripped of my mortality ! I hear not my thoughts whisper to me , as they were wont \u2014 Such a man is your rival ; There 's an affront , call him to an account ; Redeem your mistress 's favour , Present her with such a gift , Wait her at such a place \u2014 none of these vanities ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ Boy , how sits my rapier ?", "+ He that will purchase honour and the name of Bravo must , by consequence , be a brave fellow \u2014 his title requires it .", "+ Who , I worsted ? No , boy ; I do manage my rapier with as much readiness and facility as an unicorn does his antler .", "+ Not so neither ; \u2018 tis courage in me . I do it by a sleight , an activity , and by that I can control any man 's point whatsoever .", "+ I tell thee , boy , I do as much surpass Hercules at my rapier as he did me in club-fighting .drawa register of those men that have been forced by this weak instrument to lay down their lives . I think it has cut more lives than Atropos .", "+ Indeed , boy , thou may'st question it ; for , and they were to perform again , they would hardly be done . What will this age come to ? Where be those stirring humours that were wont to trouble the world ? Peace , I think , will o'erhYpppHeNspread them all like a gangrene , and men will die with a lethargy ; there 's no malice extant , no jealousies , no employment to set wickedness awork ! \u2018 tis never a dead time with me but when there 's nobody to kill .", "+ Leave me , boy , to my meditations . Enter + Mocinigo +. Well , go thy ways , old Nick Machiavel , there will never be the peer of thee for wholesome policy and good counsel . Thou took'st pains to chalk men out the dark paths and hidden plots of murther and deceit , and no man has the grace to follow thee ; the age is unthankful , thy principles are quite forsaken and worn out of memory .", "+ Ha !", "+ What are you ?", "+ Speak , what is't ?", "+ Can you win her to look better ?", "+ What 's she ?", "+ The heart ! Hast thou the heart to speak , nay to conceive , what I dare not undertake ?", "+ Is that all ?", "+ Some queasy stomach might turn , perhaps , at such a motion ; but I am more resolved , better hardened . What is he ? For I have my several rates , salaries for blood : for a lord , so much ; for a knight , so much ; a gentleman , so much ; a peasant , so much ; a stranger , so much , and a native , so much .", "+ Let him be what he will , and we can agree : it has been a foolish ambition heretofore to save them , and men were rewarded for it with garlands ;but I had rather destroy one or two of them : they multiply too fast .", "+ A warrantable cause ! show me the man , and \u2018 tis enough .", "+ At a word , thirty livres : I 'll not bate you a betso .", "+ You bid like a chapman . Well , \u2018 tis a hard time ; in hope of your custom hereafter , I 'll take your money .", "+ With a bullet or stiletto . Poison him ! I scorn to do things so poorly ; no , I 'll use valour in my villany , or I 'll do nothing .", "+ Beat him ! stay there ; I 'll kill him for this sum , but I 'll not beat him for thrice the value ; so he might do as much for me : no , I 'll leave him impotent for all thought of revenge .", "+ Now , lady , your pleasure ?", "+ I am , sweet creature , a kind of lawless justicer ,or usurping martialist of authority , that will kill any man with my safety .", "+ I will do anything for hire .", "+ Conscience ! I know not what it is . Why should any man live , and I want money ?", "+ \u2018 Tis crime enough he has a life .", "+ \u2018 Tis my vocation .", "+ I have no other means nor way of living .", "+ Ay , but a free and daring spirit scorns", "To stoop to servile ways , but will choose rather", "To purchase his revenue from his sword .", "+ What courteous itch , I wonder , has possess 'd", "Your virtuous ladyship to give me advice ?", "Best keep your wits until you get a husband ,", "Who may perhaps require your learned counsel .", "+ Sweet virgin ,", "Faces", "about to some other discourse :", "I cannot relish this .", "+ Did not your sweetheart tempt me to this deed ,", "And will you now betray me ?", "+ I think you 'll force me to become your patient .", "+ She does begin to move me .", "+ This has wak 'd me more", "Into a quicker insight of my evils ,", "That have impal 'd me round with horrid shapes ,", "More various than the sev'ral forms of dreams ,", "That wait on Morpheus in his sleepy den .", "+ All this I feel by sad experience .", "Where have I been , where have I liv 'd a stranger ,", "Exil 'd from all good thoughts ? Never till now", "Did any beam of grace or good shine on me .", "+ O , do not grate too much upon my suff'rings !", "You have won upon my conscience , and I feel", "A sting within me tells my troubled soul ,", "That I have trod too long those bloody paths ,", "That lead unto destruction .", "+ Will all my days and hours consum 'd in prayers ,", "My eyes dissolv 'd to tears , wash off such crimes ?", "+ You are a virgin , and your vows are chaste ;", "Do you assist me .", "+ I will ,", "And joy to be employ 'd : there is no thought ,", "Which can proceed from you , but which is virtuous ;", "And \u2018 tis a comfort and a kind of goodness", "To mix with you in any action .", "+ Divinest lady ,", "Command my service ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ \u2018 Twill be a dear experiment , to waste", "My prime and flower of youth , and suffer all", "Those liquid sweats to be extracted from me", "By the hot influence of consuming lust ,", "Only to find how well you can express", "What skilful arts are hid in wickedness !", "+ \u00c6mi .+ Thou dream'st , fond boy : those sweets of youth and beauty", "Were lent , to be employ 'd upon their like ;", "And when they both do meet , and are extinguish 'd ,", "From their mix 'd heat a rich perfume shall rise ,", "And burn , to love a grateful sacrifice .", "+ But I 'll not be so prodigal to lavish", "Such gifts away , that be irrevocable", "And yet the first that leave us .", "+ \u00c6mi .+ \u2018 Twill be ne'er exacted ,", "How soon you have bestow 'd them , but how well .", "What good or profit can a hidden treasure", "Do more than feed the miser 's greedy eye ,", "When , if \u2018 twere well bestow 'd , it might enrich", "The owner and the user of it ? Such", "Is youth and nature 's bounty , that receive", "A gain from the expense ; but , were there none", "But a mere damage , yet the pleasure of it", "And the delight would recompense the loss .", "+ Whate'er the pleasure be or the delight ,", "I am too young , not plum 'd for such a flight .", "+ \u00c6mi .+ Too young ? a poor excuse ! alas , your will", "Is weaker than your power . No one can be", "Too young to learn good acts ; and , for my part ,", "I am not taken with a boisterous sinew ,", "A brawny limb or back of Hercules ,", "But with a soft delicious beauty ; such", "As people , looking on his doubtful sex ,", "Might think him male or female .", "+ I cannot blame", "These just Italians , to lock up their wives ,", "That are so free and dissolute : they labour", "Not with their country 's heat more than their own .", "Will you be satisfied ? I am too young .", "+ \u00c6mi .+ Too young ! I like you the better . There is a price", "Due to the early cherry : the first apples", "Deserve more grace : the budding rose is set by ;", "But , stale and fully-blown , is left for vulgars", "To rub their sweaty fingers on . Too young !", "As well you may affirm the tender tree", "Too young to graft upon ; or you may say ,", "The rising sun 's too young to court the day .", "+ But there are bonds Hymen has laid upon you ,", "Keep us asunder .", "+ \u00c6mi .+ Those are only toys ,", "Shadows , mere apparitions of doubt", "To affright children . Do but yield unto me ,", "My arms shall be thy sphere to wander in ,", "Circled about with spells to charm these fears ;", "And when thou sleep'st , Cupid shall crown thy slumbers", "With thousand shapes of lustful dalliance :", "Then will I bathe thee in ambrosia ,", "And from my lips distil such nectar on thee ,", "Shall make thy flesh immortal .", "+ Pray , sir , be satisfied ; we meant no hurt ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["+ Now , Signor Mocinigo , what haste requires your presence ?", "+ How do you mean ?", "+ \u2018 Tis an honest and a virtuous demand , and on all sides an action of great consequence ; and , for my part , there 's not a thing in the world I could wish sooner accomplished .", "+ There 's another branch of policy , besides the coupling of you together , which springs from the fruitfulness of my brain , that I as much labour to bring to perfection as the other .", "+ A device upon the same occasion , but with a different respect ; \u2018 tis to be imposed upon Petrucio . I hate to differ so much from the nature of an Italian , as not to be revengeful ; and the occasion at this time was , he scorned the love of her , that you now so studiously affect ; but I 'll fit him in his kind .", "+ There 's one Lionel , an ingenious witty gentleman . + \u00c6mi .+ Ay , that he is , as ever breathed , husband , upon my knowledge .", "+ Well , he is so , and we two have cast to requite it upon him . The plot , as he informs me , is already in agitation , and afterwards , sans delay , I 'll bestow her upon you .", "+ If I can bring both these to success , as they are happily intended , I may sit down , and , with the poet , cry , Jamque opus exegi .", "+ How now , Signor ! What , love and poetry , have they two found you out ? Nay , then you must conquer . Consider this , daughter ; show thy obedience to Ph\u0153bus and god Cupid : make an humble professor of thyself ; \u2018 twill be the more acceptable , and advance thy deserts . + \u00c6mi .+ Do , chicken , speak the word , and make him happy in a minute .", "+ Well said , wife ; solicit in his behalf ; \u2018 tis well done ; I am loth to importune her too much , for fear of a repulse . + \u00c6mi .+ Marry , come up , sir ; you are still usurping in my company . Is this according to the articles proposed between us , that I should bear rule and you obey with silence ? I had thought to have endeavoured for persuasion , but because you exhort me to it , I 'll desist from what I intended : I 'll do nothing but of my own accord , I .", "+ Mum ! wife , I have done . This we , that are married , must be subject to .", "+ Let her alone , there 's no dealing with her . Come , daughter , let me hear your answer to this gentleman .", "+ Well said , girl .", "+ How !", "+ This is it I feared . Now should I break out into rage ; but my wife and a foolish nature withhold my passion .", "+ Where be your large vaunts now , Signor ? What strange tricks and devices you had to win a woman !", "+ You hear what taxes are laid upon you , daughter : these are stains to your other virtues .", "+ What , are you become a statist 's daughteror a prophetess ? Whence have you this intelligence ?", "+ How , murder !", "+ Take heed how you traduce a person of his rank and eminency : a scar in a mean man becomes a wound in a greater .", "+ Why , signor , is this true ? + \u00c6mi .+ His silence betrays him : \u2018 tis so .", "+ I commend her for the discovery : \u2018 twas not fit her weak thoughts should be clogged with so foul a matter . It had been to her like forced meat to a surfeited stomach , that would have bred nothing but crudities in her conscience .", "+ What was the motive to this foul attempt ?", "+ Stay there ; I know not how I shall be censured for your escape . I may be thought a party in the business .", "+ Where is that fellow ?", "+ Yes , that I will , and gratulate the subtlety of thy wit , and goodness of fate , that protected thee from him . + \u00c6mi .+ Away with him , husband : and be sure to beg his lands betimes , before your court-vultures scent his carcase .", "+ Well said , wife ; I should never have thought on this now , and thou had'st not put me in mind of it : women , I see , have the only masculine policy , and are the best solicitors and politicians of a state . But I 'll first go and see him my daughter tells me of , that , when I am truly informed of all , I may the better proceed in my accusation against them . Come along , sir .", "+ Is this the place ?", "+ He begins to preach . + \u00c6mi .+ Will he do us no mischief , think you ?", "+ Nay , you shall tarry , and take part with us , by your favour . + \u00c6mi .+ How his eyes sparkle !", "+ \u2018 Tis strange ,", "This was a fearful murder .", "+ What a just judgment 's here ! \u2018 Tis an old saying ,", "Murder will out ; and \u2018 fore it shall lie hid ,", "The authors will accuse themselves .", "+ Nay , you shall hear all out first .", "+ Rather to the death .", "+ The guilt of conscience makes you fearful , Signor !", "+ What a huge progress is that for an old lover to be carried !", "+ You see , wife , the charm of authority : and a man be ne'er so wild , it tames him presently . + \u00c6mi .+ Ay , husband , I know what will tame a man besides authority .", "+ Sir , you have prevented us ; for we intended to have brought him ourselves before his highness .", "+ How ? choose a common serjeant for her husband ! + \u00c6mi .+ A base commendadore ! I 'll ne'er endure it .", "+ When he cannot help it .", "+ Well , signor ,", "You must pardon me , if I bid joy to you ;", "My daughter was not good enough for you ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 111, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Fair daughter , I have sought thee out with grief ,", "To ease the sorrows of thy vexed heart .", "How long wilt thou torment thy father thus ,", "Who daily dies to see thy needless tears ?", "Such bootless plaints , that know nor mean nor end ,", "Do but increase the floods of thy lament ;", "And since the world knows well there was no want", "In thee of ought , that did to him belong ,", "Yet all , thou seest , could not his life prolong .", "Why then dost thou provoke the heavens to wrath ?", "His doom of death was dated by his stars ,", "\u201c And who is he that may withstand his fate ? \u201d", "By these complaints small good to him thou dost ,", "Much grief to me , more hurt unto thyself ,", "And unto nature greatest wrong of all .", "My daughter knows the proof of nature 's course .", "\u201c For as the heavens do guide the lamp of life ,", "So can they reach no farther forth the flame ,", "Than whilst with oil they do maintain the same . \u201d", "Gismund , my joy , set all these griefs apart ;", "\u201c The more thou art with hard mishap beset ,", "The more thy patience should procure thine ease . \u201d", "What then avails thee fruitless thus to rue", "His absence , whom the heavens cannot return ?", "Impartial death thy husband did subdue ,", "Yet hath he spar 'd thy kingly father 's life :", "Who during life to thee a double stay ,", "As father and as husband , will remain ,", "With double love to ease thy widow 's want ,", "Of him whose want is cause of thy complaint .", "Forbear thou therefore all these needless tears ,", "That nip the blossoms of thy beauty 's pride .", "But reason saith thou shouldst the same subdue .", "In endless moans princes should not delight .", "And so continues poor and desolate .", "She that hath learn 'd to master her desires .", "\u201c Let reason work , what time doth easily frame", "In meanest wits , to bear the greatest ills . \u201d", "These solitary walks thou dost frequent ,", "Yield fresh occasions to thy secret moans :", "We will therefore thou keep us company ,", "Leaving thy maidens with their harmony .", "Wend", "thou with us . Virgins , withdraw yourselves ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 121, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Dear aunt , my sole companion in distress ,", "And true copartner of my thoughtful cares :", "When with myself I weigh my present state ,", "Comparing it with my forepassed days ,", "New heaps of cares afresh begin t'assay", "My pensive heart , as when the glittering rays", "Of bright Phoebus are suddenly o'erspread", "With dusky clouds , that dim his golden light :", "Namely , when I , laid in my widow 's bed ,", "Amid the silence of the quiet night ,", "With curious thought the fleeting course observe", "Of gladsome youth , how soon his flower decays ,", "\u201c How time once past may never have recourse ,", "No more than may the running streams revert", "To climb the hills , when they been rolled down", "The hollow vales . There is no curious art ,", "Nor worldly power : no , not the gods can hold", "The sway of flying time , nor him return ,", "When he is past : all things unto his might", "Must bend , and yield unto the iron teeth", "Of eating time . \u201d This in the shady night", "When I record : how soon my youth withdraws", "Itself away , how swift my pleasant spring", "Runs out his race ,\u2014 this , this , aunt , is the cause ,", "When I advise me sadly", "on this thing ,", "That makes my heart in pensive dumps dismay 'd .", "For if I should my springing years neglect ,", "And suffer youth fruitless to fade away ;", "Whereto live I ? or whereto was I born ?", "Wherefore hath nature deck 'd me with her grace ?", "Why have I tasted these delights of love ,", "And felt the sweets of Hymeneus \u2019 bed ?", "But to say sooth , dear aunt , it is not I ,", "Sole and alone , can thus content to spend", "My cheerful years : my father will not still", "Prolong my mournings , which have griev 'd him ,", "And pleased me too long . Then this I crave ,", "To be resolved of his princely mind .", "For , stood it with the pleasure of his will", "To marry me , my fortune is not such ,", "So hard , that I so long should still persist", "Makeless alone in woful widowhood .", "And shall I tell mine aunt ? Come hither then ,", "Give me that hand : By thine own right hand ,", "I charge thy heart my counsels to conceal .", "Late have I seen , and seeing took delight ,", "And with delight , I will not say , I love", "A prince , an earl , a county in the court .", "But love and duty force me to refrain ,", "And drive away these fond affections ,", "Submitting them unto my father 's hest .", "But this , good aunt , this is my chiefest pain ,", "Because I stand at such uncertain stay .", "For , if my kingly father would decree", "His final doom , that I must lead my life", "Such as I do , I would content me then", "To frame my fancies to his princely hest ,", "And as I might , endure the grief thereof .", "But now his silence doubleth all my doubts ,", "Whilst my suspicious thoughts \u2018 twixt hope and fear", "Distract me into sundry passions :", "Therefore , good aunt , this labour must be yours ,", "To understand my father 's will herein ,", "For well I know your wisdom knows the means ,", "So shall you both allay my stormy thoughts ,", "And bring to quiet my unquiet mind .", "I leave you to the fortune of my stars ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 121, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Uncouple all our hounds ; lords , to the chase \u2014", "Fair sister Lucre", ", what 's the news with you ?", "What of her ? Is she not well ? Enjoys she not her health ? Say , sister : ease me of this jealous fear ?", "Resolve me ; what afflicts my daughter so ?", "Sister , I say ,", "If you esteem or ought respect my life ,", "Her honour and the welfare of our house ,", "Forbear , and wade", "no farther in this speech .", "Your words are wounds . I very well perceive", "The purpose of this smooth oration :", "This I suspected , when you first began", "This fair discourse with us . Is this the end", "Of all our hopes , that we have promised", "Unto ourself by this her widowhood ?", "Would our dear daughter , would our only joy ,", "Would she forsake us ? would she leave us now ,", "Before she hath clos 'd up our dying eyes ,", "And with her tears bewail 'd our funeral ?", "No other solace doth her father crave ;", "But , whilst the fates maintain his dying life ,", "Her healthful presence gladsome to his soul ,", "Which rather than he willing would forego ,", "His heart desires the bitter taste of death .", "Her late marriage hath taught us to our grief ,", "That in the fruits of her perpetual sight", "Consists the only comfort and relief", "Of our unwieldy age : for what delight ,", "What joy , what comfort , have we in this world ;", "Now grown in years , and overworn with cares ,", "Subject unto the sudden stroke of death ,", "Already falling , like the mellowed fruit ,", "And dropping by degrees into our grave ?", "But what revives us , what maintains our soul", "Within the prison of our wither 'd breast ,", "But our Gismunda and her cheerful sight ?", "O daughter , daughter ! what desert of mine ,", "Wherein have I been so unkind to thee ,", "Thou shouldst desire to make my naked house", "Yet once again stand desolate by thee ?", "O , let such fancies vanish with their thoughts :", "Tell her I am her father , whose estate ,", "Wealth , honour , life , and all that we possess ,", "Wholly relies upon her presence here .", "Tell her , I must account her all my joy ,", "Work as she will : but yet she were unjust", "To haste his death , that liveth by her sight .", "Then let her not give place to these desires .", "Tell her , the king commandeth otherwise .", "Whate'er it be , the king 's command is just .", "He chargeth justly that commands as king .", "The king commands obedience of the mind .", "That law of kindto children doth belong .", "I then , as king and father , will command .", "Thou knowest our mind , resolve", "her , depart \u2014", "Return the chase , we have been chas 'd enough ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 121, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["By this I hope my aunt hath mov 'd the king ,", "And knows his mind , and makes return to me", "To end at once all this perplexity .", "Lo , where she stands . O , how my trembling heart", "In doubtful thoughts panteth within my breast .", "For in her message doth rely my smart ,", "Or the sweet quiet of my troubled mind .", "A resolution that resolves my blood", "Into the icy drops of Lethe 's flood .", "Dear aunt , I have with patient ears endur 'd", "The hearing of my father 's hard behest ;", "And since I see that neither I myself ,", "Nor your request , can so prevail with him ,", "Nor any sage advice persuade his mind", "To grant me my desire , in willing wise", "I must submit me unto his command ,", "And frame my heart to serve his majesty .", "And", "to drive away the thoughts", "That diversely distract my passions ,", "Which as I can , I 'll labour to subdue ,", "But sore I fear I shall but toil in vain ,", "Wherein , good aunt , I must desire your pain ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 121, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Gods ! are ye guides of justice and revenge ?", "O thou great Thunderer ! dost thou behold", "With watchful eyes the subtle \u2018 scapes of men", "Harden 'd in shame , sear 'd up in the desire", "Of their own lusts ? why then dost thou withhold", "The blast of thy revenge ? why dost thou grant", "Such liberty , such lewd occasion", "To execute their shameless villainy ?", "Thou , thou art cause of all this open wrong ,", "Thou , that forbear'st thy vengeance all too long .", "If thou spare them , rain then upon my head", "The fulness of thy plagues with deadly ire ,", "To reave this ruthful soul , who all too sore", "Burns in the wrathful torments of revenge .", "O earth , the mother of each living wight ,", "Open thy womb , devour this wither 'd corpse .", "And thou , O hell", ", receive my soul to thee .", "O daughter , daughter", "O thou fond girl ,", "The shameful ruin of thy father 's house ,", "Is this my hoped joy ? Is this the stay", "Must glad my grief-ful years that waste away ?", "For life , which first thou didst receive from me ,", "Ten thousand deaths shall I receive by thee .", "For all the joys I did repose in thee .", "Which I , fond man , did settle in thy sight ,", "Is this thy recompense \u2014 that I must see", "The thing so shameful and so villanous :", "That would to God this earth had swallowed", "This worthless burthen into lowest deeps ,", "Rather than I , accursed , had beheld", "The sight that hourly massacres my life ?", "O whither , whither fly'st thou forth , my soul ?", "O whither wand'reth my tormented mind ?", "Those pains , that make the miser", "glad of death ,", "Have seiz 'd on me , and yet I cannot have", "What villains may command \u2014 a speedy death .", "Whom shall I first accuse for this outrage ?", "That God that guideth all , and guideth so", "This damned deed ? Shall I blaspheme their names \u2014", "The gods , the authors of this spectacle ?", "Or shall I justly curse that cruel star ,", "Whose influence assign 'd this destiny ?", "But may that traitor , shall that vile wretch live ,", "By whom I have receiv 'd this injury ?", "Or shall I longer make account of her ,", "That fondly prostitutes her widow 's shame ?\u2014", "I have bethought me what I shall request .", "Call my daughter : my heart boils , till I see", "Her in my sight , to whom I may discharge", "All the unrest that thus distempereth me .", "Julio , if we have not our hope in vain ,", "Nor all the trust we do repose in thee ,", "Now must we try , if thou approve the same .", "Herein thy force and wisdom we must see ,", "For our command requires them both of thee .", "Well , to be short , for I am griev 'd too long", "By wrath without revenge , I think you know", "Whilom there was a palace builded strong", "For war within our court , where dreadless peace", "Hath planted now a weaker entrance .", "But of that palace yet one vault remains", "Within our court , the secret way whereof", "Is to our daughter Gismund 's chamber laid :", "There is also another mouth hereof", "Without our wall , which now is overgrown ;", "But you may find it out , for yet it lies", "Directly south a furlong from our palace !", "It may be known \u2014 hard-by an ancient stoop ,", "Where grew an oak in elder days decay 'd ;", "There will we that you watch ; there shall you see", "A villain traitor mount out of a vault .", "Bring him to us ; it is th'Earl Palurin .", "What is his fault , neither shall you inquire ,", "Nor list we to disclose . These cursed eyes", "Have seen the flame , this heart hath felt the fire", "That cannot else be quench 'd but with his blood .", "This must be done : this will we have you do ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 121, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["If it please your highness , hither have we brought", "This captive Earl , as you commanded us .", "Whom , as we were foretold , even there we found .", "Where by your majesty we were enjoin 'd", "To watch for him . What more your highness wills .", "This heart and hand shall execute your best .", "O , that I might your majesty entreat", "With clemency to beautify your seat", "Toward this prince , distress 'd by his desires ,", "Too many , all too strong to captivate .", "\u201c This have I found the safety of a king ,", "To spare the subjects that do honour him . \u201d", "No , but by his devout submission .", "\u201c This is praise-worth , not to do what you may . \u201d", "No , but entreat him .", "What wisdom shall discern ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 121, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Where is my daughter ?", "Ah me ! break , heart ; and thou , fly forth , my soul .", "What , doth my daughter Gismund take it so ?", "What hast thou done ? O , let me see thine eyes !", "O , let me dress up those untrimmed locks !", "Look up , sweet child , look up , mine only joy ,", "\u2018 Tis I , thy father , that beseecheth thee :", "Rear up thy body , strain thy dying voice", "To speak to him ; sweet Gismund , speak to me .", "\u2018 Tis I , thy father ; ah ! behold my tears ,", "Like pearled dew , that trickle down my cheeks ,", "To wash my silver hairs .", "O my sweet heart , hast thou receiv 'd thy life", "From me , and wilt thou , to requite the same ,", "Yield me my death ? yea , death , and greater grief \u2014", "To see thee die for him , that did defame", "Thine honour thus , my kingdom , and thy name ?", "Say , lovely child , say on , whate'er it be ,", "Thy father grants it willingly to thee .", "My daughter dies \u2014 see how the bitter pangs Of tyrannous death torments her princely heart ! She looks on me , at me she shakes her head ; For me she groans ; by me my daughter dies ; I , I the author of this tragedy .\u2014 On me , on me , ye heavens , throw down your ire ! Now dies my daughter !hence with princely robes !\u2014 now take thine oath of me .", "First , then , I charge thee that my daughter have", "Her last request : thou shalt within one tomb", "Inter her Earl and her , and thereupon", "Engrave some royal epitaph of love .", "That done , I swear thee thou shalt take my corpse", "Which thou shalt find by that time done to death ,", "And lay my body by my daughter 's side \u2014", "Swear this , swear this , I say .", "A kingly deed the king resolves to do .", "To send his soul to ease .", "Our stars compel it .", "So we .", "So shall it in this resolution . Julio , forbear : and as thou lov'st the king , When thou shalt see him welt'ring in his gore . Stretching his limbs , and gasping in his groans , Then , Julio , set to thy helping hand , Redouble stroke on stroke , and drive the stab Down deeper to his heart , to rid his soul . Now stand aside , stir not a foot , lest thou Make up the fourth to fill this tragedy . These eyes that first beheld my daughter 's shame ; These eyes that longed for the ruthful sight Of her Earl 's heart ; these eyes that now have seen His death , her woe , and her avenging teen ; Upon these eyes we must be first aveng 'd . Unworthy lamps of this accursed lump , Out of your dwellings !So ; it fits us thus In blood and blindness to go seek the path That leadeth down to everlasting night . Why fright'st thou , dastard ? be thou desperate ; One mischief brings another on his neck , As mighty billows tumble in the seas , Now , daughter , seest thou not how I amerce My wrath , that thus bereft thee of thy love , Upon my head ? Now , fathers , learn by me , Be wise , be warn 'd to use more tenderly The jewels of your joys . Daughter , I come .FINIS . EPILOGUE . SPOKEN BY JULIO . Lo here the sweets of grisly pale despair ! These are the blossoms of this cursed tree , Such are the fruits of too much love and care , O'erwhelmed in the sense of misery . With violent hands he that his life doth end , His damned soul to endless night doth wend . Now resteth it that I discharge mine oath , To see th'unhappy lovers and the king Laid in one tomb . I would be very loth You should wait here to see this mournful thing : For I am sure , and do ye all to wit , Through grief wherein the lords of Salerne be , These funerals are not prepared yet : Nor do they think on that solemnity . As for the fury , ye must understand , Now she hath seen th'effect of her desire , She is departed , and hath left our land . Granting this end unto her hellish ire . Now humbly pray we , that our English dames May never lead their loves into mistrust ; But that their honours may avoid the shames , That follow such as live in wanton lust . We know they bear them on their virtues bold , With blissful chastity so well content That , when their lives and loves abroad are told , All men admire their virtuous government ; Worthy to live where fury never came , Worthy to live where love doth always see , Worthy to live in golden trump of fame , Worthy to live and honoured still to be . Thus end our sorrows with the setting sun : Now draw the curtains , for our scene is done . R. W . THE WOUNDS OF CIVIL WAR . EDITION . The Wounds of Civill War . Lively set forth in the true Tragedies of Marius and Scilla . As it hath beene publiquely plaide in London , by the Right Honourable the Lord high Admirall his Servants . Written by Thomas Lodge , Gent . O vita ! misero longa , faelici brevis . London , Printed by John Danter , and are to be sold at the signe of the Sunne in Paules Church-yarde . 1594 . 4to . MR. COLLIER 'S PREFACE .Thomas Lodge , in his \u201c Alarum against Usurers , \u201d 1584 , speaks of his \u201c birth , \u201d and of \u201c the offspring from whence he came , \u201d as if he were at least respectably descended ; and on the authority of Anthony Wood , it has been asserted by all subsequent biographers that he was of a Lincolnshire family .Thomas Salter , about the year 1580 , dedicated his \u201c Mirror of Modesty \u201d toLangbaine seems to be under a mistake when he states that Lodge was of Cambridge . Wood claims him for the University of Oxford ,where he traces him as early as 1573 , when he must have been about seventeen years old , if he were born , as is generally supposed , in 1556 . We are told by himself that he was a Servitor of Trinity College , and that he was educated under Sir Edward Hoby . At what time and for what cause Lodge left Oxford is not known ; but Stephen Gosson , in the dedication of his \u201c Plays Confuted in Five Actions , \u201d printed about 1582 ,accuses him of having become \u201c a vagrant person , visited by the heavy hand of God , \u201d as if he had taken to the stage , and thereby had incurred the vengeance of heaven . In 1584 , when Lodge answered Gosson , he was a student of Lincoln 's Inn ;and to \u201c his courteous friends , the Gentlemen of the Inns of Court , \u201d he dedicated his \u201c Alarum against Usurers . \u201d He afterwards , as he informs Lord Hunsdon , in the epistle before his \u201c Rosalynde , \u201d 1590 , \u201c fell from books to arms ; \u201d and he calls it \u201c the work of a soldier and a scholar , \u201d adding that he had sailed with Captain Clarke to the islands of Terceras and the Canaries . In 1596 , he published his \u201c Margarite of America , \u201d and he mentions that it was written in the Straits of Magellan , on a voyage with Cavendish . To this species of vagrancy , however , Gosson did not refer . That Lodge was vagrant in his pursuits we have sufficient evidence ; for , after having perhaps been upon the stage , having entered himself at Lincoln 's Inn , having become a soldier , and having sailed with Clarke and Cavendish , he went , according to Wood , to study medicine at Avignon .This change , if it took place at all , which may admit of doubt ,did not occur until after 1596 . In 1595 his \u201c Fig for Momus \u201d appeared . Besides Satires , it contains Epistles and Eclogues ; and in one of the latter Lodge speaks in his own person , under the character of \u201c Golde \u201d, and there states his determination no longer to pursue ill-rewarded poetry \u2014 \u201c Which sound rewards , since this neglected time , Repines to yield to men of high desert , I 'll cease to ravel out my wits in rhyme , For such who make so base account of art ; And since by wit there is no means to climb , I 'll hold the plough awhile , and ply the cart ; And if my muse to wonted course return , I 'll write and judge , peruse , commend and burn . \u201d The dedication of his \u201c Wit 's Misery , and the World 's Madness , \u201d is dated \u201c from my house , at Low Layton , 5th November 1596 . \u201d The principal reasons for supposing that Lodge studied medicine are the existence of a \u201c Treatise of the Plague , \u201d published by \u201c Thomas Lodge , Doctor in Physic , \u201d in 1603 , and of a collection of medical recipes in MS ., called \u201c The Poor Man 's Legacy , \u201d addressed to the Countess of Arundel , and sold among the books of the Duke of Norfolk .The author of the \u201c Treatise of the Plague \u201d expressly tells the Lord Mayor of London , in the dedication , that he was \u201c bred and brought up \u201d in the city . Thomas Heywood , in his \u201c Troja Britannica , \u201d 1609 , enumerates the celebrated physicians then living \u2014 \u201c As famous Butler , Pedy , Turner , Poe , Atkinson , Lyster , Lodge , who still survive . \u201d \u2014 C. 3 . It hardly deserves remark that Lodge is placed last in this list ; but had he been the same individual who had written for the stage , was the friend of so many dramatists , and was so well known as a lyric poet , it seems likely that Heywood would have said more about him .It is a singular coincidence , that having written how to prevent and cure the plague , he should die of that disease during the great mortality of 1625 . Wood 's expressions on this point , however , are not decisive : \u201c He made his last exitin September 1625 , leaving then behind him a widow called Joan . \u201d It has been conjecturedthat he was a Roman Catholic , from a statement made by one of his biographers that , while he practised medicine in London , he was much patronised by persons of that persuasion . There are but two existing dramatic productions on the title-pages of which the name of Lodge is found :the one he wrote alone , and the other in partnership with Robert Greene :\u2014The Wounds of Civill War . Lively set forth in the true Tragedies of Marius and Scilla , & c. Written by Thomas Lodge , Gent . 1594 , 4to .A Looking Glasse for London and Englande . Made by Thomas Lodge , Gentleman , and Robert Greene , in Artibus Magister . 1594 , 1598 , 1602 , 1617 , all in 4to .The most remarkable, and that which has been most often reprinted , is his \u201c Rosalynde \u201d which , as is well known , Shakespeare closely followed in \u201c As You Like It . \u201dAnterior to the date of any of his other pieces must have been Lodge 's defence of stage-plays , because Stephen Gosson replied to it about 1582 . It was long thought , on the authority of Prynne , that Lodge 's tract was called \u201c The Play of Plays , \u201d but Mr Malone ascertained that to be a different production . The only copy of Lodge 's pamphlet seen by Mr Malone was without a title , and it was probably the same that was sold among the books of Topham Beauclerc in 1781 . It is spoken of in \u201c The French Academy \u201das having \u201c lately passed the press ; \u201d but Lodge himself , in his \u201c Alarum against Usurers , \u201d very clearly accounts for its extreme rarity : he says , \u201c by reason of the slenderness of the subjectthe godly and reverent that had to deal in the cause , misliking it , forbad the publishing ; \u201d and he charges Gosson with \u201c comming by a private unperfect coppye , \u201d on which he framed his answer , entitled , \u201c Plays confuted in Five Actions . \u201d Mr Malonecontends that Spenser alludes to Lodge , in his \u201c Tears of the Muses , \u201d under the name of Alcon , in the following lines :\u2014 \u201c And there is pleasing Alcon , could he raise His tunes from lays to matters of more skill ; \u201d and he adds that Spenser calls Lodge Alcon , from one of the characters in \u201c A Looking Glasse for London and Englande ; \u201d but this argument would apply just as much to Lodge 's coadjutor Greene . Mr Malone further argues that Lodge , roused by this applause, produced not long afterwards a \u201c matter of more skill , \u201d in \u201c The Wounds of Civil War . \u201d THE MOST LAMENTABLE AND TRUE TRAGEDIES OF MARIUS AND SYLLA ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 121, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["You , Roman soldiers , fellow-mates in arms ,", "The blindfold mistress of uncertain chance", "Hath turn 'd these traitorous climbers from the top ,", "And seated Sylla in the chiefest place \u2014", "The place beseeming Sylla and his mind .", "For , were the throne , where matchless glory sits", "Empal 'd with furies , threatening blood and death ,", "Begirt with famine and those fatal fears ,", "That dwell below amidst the dreadful vast ,", "Tut , Sylla 's sparkling eyes should dim with clear", "The burning brands of their consuming light ,", "And master fancy with a forward mind ,", "And mask repining fear with awful power :", "For men of baser metal and conceit", "Cannot conceive the beauty of my thought .", "I , crowned with a wreath of warlike state ,", "Imagine thoughts more greater than a crown ,", "And yet befitting well a Roman mind .", "Then , gentle ministers of all my hopes ,", "That with your swords made way unto my wish ,", "Hearken the fruits of your courageous fight .", "In spite of all these Roman basilisks ,", "That seek to quell us with their currish looks ,", "We will to Pontus : we 'll have gold , my hearts ;", "Those oriental pearls shall deck our brows .", "And you , my gentle friends , you Roman peers :", "Kind Pompey , worthy of a consul 's name ,", "You shall abide the father of the state ,", "Whilst these brave lads , Lucretius , and I ,", "In spite of all these brawling senators ,", "Will , shall , and dare attempt on Asia ,", "And drive Mithridates from out his doors .", "But , Pompey , if our Spanish jennets \u2019 feet", "Have learnt to post it of their mother-wind ,", "I hope to trip upon the greybeard 's heels ,", "Till I have cropp 'd his shoulders from his head .", "And for his son , the proud , aspiring boy ,", "His beardless face and wanton , smiling brows ,", "Shall , if I catch him , deck yond \u2019 capitol .", "The father , son , the friends and soldiers all ,", "That fawn on Marius , shall with fury fall .", "This \u2014 Sylla in fortune will exceed a king .", "But , friends and soldiers , with dispersed bands", "Go seek out Marius \u2019 fond confederates :", "Some post along those unfrequented paths ,", "That track by nooks unto the neighbouring sea :", "Murder me Marius , and maintain my life .", "And that his favourites in Rome may learn", "The difference betwixt my fawn and frown ,", "Go cut them short , and shed their hateful blood ,", "To quench these furies of my froward mood .", "Ay , that perhaps was fitly placed there :", "But , my Lucretius , these are cunning lords ,", "Whose tongues are tipp 'd with honey to deceive .", "As for their hearts , if outward eyes may see them ,", "The devil scarce with mischief might agree them .", "And why not general \u2018 gainst the King of Pontus ?", "Sirrah , your words are good , your thoughts are ill .", "Each milkwhite hair amid this mincing beard ,", "Compar 'd with millions of thy treacherous thoughts ,", "Would change their hue through vigour of thy hate .", "But , did not pity make my fury thrall ,", "This sword should finish hate , thy life , and all .", "I prythee , Granius , how doth Marius ?", "Both blunt and bold , but too much mother-wit .", "To play with fire , where fury streams about :", "Curtail your tale , fond man , cut off the rest ;", "But here I will dissemble for the best .", "You saw in Rome this brawling fencer die ,", "When Spectacus by Crassus was subdued .", "Why so ? but , sir , I hope you will apply ,", "And say like Spectacus that I shall die .", "Thus peevish eld , discoursing by a fire ,", "Amidst their cups will prate how men aspire .", "Is this the greeting , Romans , that you give", "Unto the patron of your monarchy ?", "Lucretius , shall I play a pretty jest ?", "A brief and pleasing answer , by my head . Why , tell me , Granius , dost thou talk in sport ?", "The bravest brawler that I ever heard .", "But , soldiers , since I see he is oppress 'd", "With crooked choler , and our artists teach", "That fretting blood will press through open 'd veins ,", "Let him that has the keenest sword arrest", "The greybeard , and cut off his head in jest .", "Soldiers , lay hands on Granius .", "No , but the means to make fond men more wise .", "Tut , I have wit , and carry warlike tools ,", "To charm the scolding prate of wanton fools .", "Tell me of fencers and a tale of fate !", "No , Sylla thinks of nothing but a state .", "The more the cedar climbs , the sooner down :", "And , did I think the proudest man in Rome", "Would wince at that which I have wrought or done ,", "I would and can control his insolence .", "Why , senators , is this the true reward ,", "Wherewith you answer princes for their pain ,", "As when this sword hath made our city free ,", "A braving mate should thus distemper me ?", "But , Lepidus and fellow-senators ,", "I am resolved , and will not brook your taunts :", "Who wrongeth Sylla , let him look for stripes .", "Thou honey-talking father , speak thy mind .", "Pompey , I know thy love , I mark thy words ,", "And , Anthony , thou hast a pleasing vein ;", "But , senators , I harbour", "in my head", "With every thought of honour some revenge .", "Enter LUCRETIUS with the head .", "Speak , what , shall Sylla be your general ?", "And wish you Sylla 's weal and honour too ?", "Then take away the scandal of this state ,", "Banish the name of tribune out of town ;", "Proclaim false Marius and his other friends", "Foemen and traitors to the state of Rome ,", "And I will wend and work so much by force ,", "As I will master false Mithridates .", "So shall not Lepidus , if he withstand me .", "Sirrah , you see the head of Granius :", "Watch you his hap , unless you change your words .", "Pompey , now please me : Pompey , grant my suit .", "Then , Lepidus , all friends in faith for me ,", "So leave I Rome to Pompey and my friends ,", "Resolv 'd to manage those our Asian wars .", "Frolic , brave soldiers , we must foot it now :", "Lucretius , you shall bide the brunt with me .", "Pompey , farewell , and farewell , Lepidus .", "Mark Anthony , I leave thee to thy books ;", "Study for Rome and Sylla 's royalty .", "But , by my sword , I wrong this greybeard 's head ;", "Go , sirrah , place it on the capitol :", "A just promotion fit for Sylla 's foe .", "Lordings , farewell : come , soldiers , let us go ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 121, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Upbraiding senators , bewitch 'd with wit ,", "That term true justice innovation ;", "You ministers of Sylla 's mad conceits ,", "Will consuls , think you , stoop to your controls ?", "These younger citizens , my fellow-lords ,", "Bound to maintain both Marius and his son ,", "Crave but their due , and will be held as good", "For privilege as those of elder age ;", "For they are men conform 'd to feats of arms ,", "That have both wit and courage to command .", "These favourites of Octavius , that", "with age", "And palsies shake their javelins in their hands ,", "Like heartless men attainted all with fear :", "And should they then overtop the youth ?", "No , nor this consul , nor Mark Anthony ,", "Shall make my followers faint or lose their right ;", "But I will have them equal with the best .", "Why , Anthony , seal up those sugar 'd lips ,", "For I will bring my purpose to effect .", "Ay , Cinna , sir , will interrupt you now .", "I tell thee , Mark , old Marius is at hand ,", "The very patron of this happy law ,", "Who will revenge thy cunning eloquence .", "O brave ! Octavius , you will beard me then ,", "The elder consul and old Marius \u2019 friend ;", "And these Italian freemen must be wrong 'd .", "First shall the fruit of all thine honours fail ,", "And this my poniard shall despatch thy life .", "High Jove himself hath done too much for thee ,", "Else should this blade abate thy royalty .", "Well , young Italian citizens , take heart ,", "He is at hand that will maintain your right ;", "That , entering in these fatal gates of Rome ,", "Shall make them tremble that disturb you now .", "You of Preneste and of Formiae ,", "With other neighbouring cities in Campania ,", "Prepare to entertain and succour Marius ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 121, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What helps , my lords , to overhale these cares ?", "What means or motions may these mischiefs end ?", "You see how Cinna , that should succour Rome", "Hath levied arms to bring a traitor in .", "O worthless traitor , woe to thine and thee ,", "That thus disquieteth both Rome and us ?", "A bootless war to see our country spoil 'd .", "Then , waiting death , I mean to seat me here ;", "Hoping that consuls \u2019 name and fear of laws", "Shall justify my conscience and my cause .", "Enter a MESSENGER .", "Now , sirrah , what confused looks are these ?", "What tidings bringest thou of dreariment ?", "Courage , Lord Anthony : if fortune please ,", "She will and can these troubles soon appease ;", "But if her backward frowns approach us nigh ,", "Resolve with us with honour for to die .", "Then like a traitor he shall know , ere long ,", "In levying arms he doth his country wrong .", "Avaunt , thou traitor , proud and insolent ! How dar'st thou press near civil government .", "Thou exile , threaten'st thou a consul then ?", "Lictors , go draw him hence ! such braving mates", "Are not to boast their arms in quiet states .", "The father 's son , I know him by his talk ,", "That scolds in words , when fingers cannot walk .", "But Jove , I hope , will one day send to Rome", "The blessed patron of this monarchy ,", "Who will revenge injustice by his sword .", "And let me die , for Cinna wills it so !", "Is then the reverence of this robe contemn 'd ?", "Are these associates of so small regard ?", "Why then , Octavius willingly consents", "To entertain the sentence of his death .", "But let the proudest traitor work his will ;", "I fear no strokes , but here will sit me still .", "Since justice sleeps , since tyrants reign in Rome ,", "Octavius longs for death to die in Rome .", "Heavens punish Cinna 's pride and thy offence ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 121, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I \u2019 ve distanced them \u2014 but i \u2019 faith I \u2019 ve had to run for it .\u2014 No , no , fair gentlemen , I hope yet to have many a blithe day ashore \u2014 high winds , roaring seas , and the middle-watch have no relish for Gwinett \u2014 make a sailor of me , what , and leave Lucy Fairlove ?\u2014 I \u2019 ve hurt my wrist in the struggle with one of the gang \u2014It is but a scratch \u2014 if I bind it up again it may excite the alarm of Lucy \u2014 no , Time is the best surgeon , and to him I trust it .Eh ! who have we here ? by all my hopes , Lucy herself .", "Come , this is kind of you \u2014 nay , it is more than I deserve .", "Why coming to meet me through this lone road !", "Come , come , confess it .", "You have spoken to your uncle ?", "Why , do you fear a refusal ? Why should he refuse \u2014 have I not every prospect \u2014 will not my character \u2014", "Or perhaps Lucy there is another whom you would prefer to make this proposal .", "Well , be it as you will : I believe nought but truth , but innocence in Lucy Fairlove , and by this kiss \u2014 GRAYLING looking from wing . R .", "How now \u2014 what want you ?", "Then wherefore did you call ?", "Aye and his own legs , they cannot do him better service than by removing him from where he is not wanted .", "Would you quarrel , fellow ?", "Falsely ?", "Fellow , look not with such devilish malice but give your venom utterance .", "Wretch ! would you say \u2014", "Shame ! villain ! but no , to infamy so black as this , the best return is the silent loathing of contempt ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 126, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What , master Label , ah ! bad work for you \u2014 all hearty as oaks \u2014 not a pulse to be felt in all Deal .", "Can \u2019 t you ? I \u2019 ll tell you \u2014 we \u2019 ve no doctors with us ; no body but you , and you \u2019 ll never do any harm , because \u2014", "Why we all know you , and there \u2019 s few will give you the chance ; who do you think would employ a doctor who goes about calling at peoples \u2019 houses to mend their constitutions , as tinkers call for old kettles .", "What ! to night ?", "Why you must pass through the church-yard .", "Nothing , only if ever you had any patients , I thought you might have felt some qualms in taking that road .", "What follows now ? why the grave-digger , I \u2019 m afraid ; I say , I wonder you didn \u2019 t add the trade of undertaker to that of doctor .", "Why ! how nicely you could make one business play into the other : when called in to a patient , as soon as you had prescribed for him , you know , you might have begun to measure him for his coffin .", "Aye , your wit is , I suppose , like your medicine \u2014 it must be well shaken before it \u2019 s fit to be administered ; now how many of your jokes generally go to a dose ?", "A word with you , the sharks are out to-night .", "Aye , the blue-jackets , the press-gang \u2014 now you \u2019 d be invaluable to them ; take my word , if they see you , you are a lost man .", "Why I think of the two , the flip would be far the most desirable ; but if you will go , why , a good night to you , and a happy escape .", "That fellow has killed more people than ever I saw ; how he looks his trade , whenever I behold him , he appears to me like a long-necked pint bottle of rheubarb , to be taken at three draughts ; but I must put all thing , to rights \u2014 here \u2019 s my master and Miss Lucy will be here in a minute ; the house is full of customers , and it threatens to be a boisterous night .", "Nothing \u2014 only at first I didn \u2019 t know whether it was a man or a bear .", "Why , upon my word , it \u2019 s a very nice distinction : I can \u2019 t judge very well , so I \u2019 ll take you at your own word .", "Gwinett ! what , Ambrose Gwinett ?", "Know him !\u2014 I believe I do \u2014 a very fine , noble spirited ,\u2014", "No , indeed .", "Yes I would , if I thought it would answer any right purpose ; I tell you he \u2019 s not in the house \u2014 and pray who are you ?", "Aye , that \u2019 s so general a character ; couldn \u2019 t you descend a little to particulars ?", "Who does it come from ?", "Now it strikes me that this letter contains some mischief .", "Because it \u2019 s brought by so black-looking a postman .", "Deliver it ? why I don \u2019 t mind , but if you \u2019 ve any tricks you know .", "Here \u2014No \u2014 no matter \u2014 I thought you had left your civility behind you .", "I warrant me , that \u2019 s a fellow that never passes a rope maker \u2019 s shop without feeling a crick in the neck .", "How now , Miss Lucy , you seem a little frightened or so ?", "Oh , yes \u2014 and has been asking for you these dozen times ,\u2014 here by-the-by is a letter for \u2014 but mum \u2014 here comes master .", "Where , sir ?", "Oh \u2014 aye \u2014 it is a letter .", "No , sir \u2014 it \u2019 s for master Ambrose Gwinett .", "What here , master ? why there \u2019 s not a corner \u2014 not a single corner to receive the visit of a cat \u2014 the house is full to the very chimney pots .", "Yes , sir , yes .\u2014I \u2019 m sorry master \u2019 s got that letter though ; it was an ugly postman that brought it , and it can \u2019 t be good ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 126, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["So now for my task ; this is a day of triumph for me ; I could have dressed myself as for a holyday ; this Gwinett once dead who knows how time may work upon Lucy ; perhaps I had rather the gang had seized and torn the lad away \u2014 but they deceived me \u2014 they took my money for the service , and have never since shewn themselves ; after all it may be better as it is \u2014 Gwinett might have regained his liberty \u2014 have returned \u2014 there \u2019 s no marrying with the dead \u2014 no , \u2019 tis best \u2014 much the best .\u2014 Enter BOLT , the Gaoler . L . A good-day to you , master Bolt .", "Oh , plenty \u2014 I have an old set of chains in hand ; an hour \u2019 s work will make them fit for any body \u2014 so let me at once measure the prisoner .", "Two !", "Poor Ambrose Gwinett \u2014 you are mightily compassionate , master", "Bolt .", "But is he not an assassin ?\u2014 a midnight murderer ?", "Aye , it is the fashion now-a-days \u2014 let a knave only rob an orchard , and he \u2019 s whipped and cried at for a villain \u2014 let him spill blood , and it \u2019 s marvellous the compassion that awaits him .", "I am \u2014 no matter for that \u2014 let me to my work , for time speeds on .", "And why not with Gwinett ?\u2014 with Gwinett , I say , the murderer ?", "Well , well , delay no longer .", "Give me your hand , friend ; so ,this is an ugly task of mine , but you bear no malice ?", "Eh ! George \u2014 George Wildrove \u2014 my earliest , my best of friends ,Oh ! and to meet you now , and in such a place \u2014 and I \u2014 the wretch employed to \u2014", "Your wrist , George .", "Do you not see ?", "That scar \u2014 in that scar I read the preservation of my life \u2014 alas ! now worthless \u2014 can I forget that the knife aimed at my heart , struck there \u2014 there \u2014", "Never ! Oh , George , I am a wretch , a poor forlorn discarded wretch \u2014 the earth has lost its sweetness to me \u2014 I am hopeless , aimless \u2014 I had thought my heart was wholly changed to stone \u2014 I find there is one \u2014 one pulse left , that beats with gratitude , with more than early friendship .", "Ah ! I had forgotten \u2014 gaoler , chains for this man , to be made an Emperor , I could not forge \u2014 if you will , say so to the governor : for the other prisoner , I \u2019 ll work \u2014 oh , how I \u2019 ll toil \u2014 but come a moment , George \u2014 let my heart give a short time to friendship , \u2019 ere again \u2019 tis yielded up to hate .", "Were there no wretches \u2014 no monsters \u2014 no bloodsuckers , look you , there need no prison smiths : chains and fetters are not made for honest men .", "Thy husband ?", "Tear them apart , gaoler , tear them apart , I say .", "Pity \u2014 havn \u2019 t I to do my work \u2014 havn \u2019 t I to measure the culprit \u2014 havn \u2019 t I to \u2014", "Spare ! and why should I spare ? Hasn \u2019 t she wirled , despised me ? isn \u2019 t she Mrs. Lucy Gwinett , the wife of the murderer , Gwinett ? hasn \u2019 t she spoken words that pierced me through and through ? and why should I spare ?\u2014 Felon , you know your sentence ; come , let me measure you for the irons , that \u2014", "The murderer \u2019 s fate is \u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 126, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Unless my memory deceives me , yonder must be our path .", "I thought I could not be deceived .", "No ; it is my native place \u2014 that is , I lived in it some years ago .\u2014 Have you been long here ?", "And are doubtless well acquainted with the history of most of its inhabitants .", "You , my friend , do not seem to have belonged to the fortunate class .", "And why not ?", "Prisoners ! you have , I trust , but few convictions \u2014 at least , for very great offences \u2014 for murder now , or \u2014", "Eighteen years \u2014 it is \u2014 it is the day .", "No , no ; to your story .", "And the culprit \u2019 s name was \u2014", "Were there not , if I remember rightly , some doubts of Gwinett \u2019 s guilt ?", "Pray was not part of his sentence by some means evaded ?", "I have heard but a confused account of the transaction .", "Was no enquiry instituted ?", "How so ?", "Gracious heavens ! your name is \u2014", "Wretch ! begone \u2014 you serve me not .", "No ! begone .", "Starving !", "Unhappy creature \u2014 here \u2014no , I will not trouble you . Go , get food , and reform your way of life ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 126, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Nay , but you must see him ; I promised you should .", "No , \u2019 tis you are wrong , Mrs. Lucy Gwinett , how do you know but he may bring you good news ?", "Well , now for my sake , see the gentleman .", "You \u2019 ll see him then ? Ah I knew you \u2019 d think better of it . He \u2019 s a very pleasant kind of gentleman ; and asked after you so earnestly , that I \u2019 m sure he cannot mean but kind . Enter GRAYLING ,L . Well , and what do you want ?", "I don \u2019 t know , but you do !\u2014 Is there nobody here that you are ashamed to gaze upon ?", "Villain !", "But I \u2019 ll tell you how it is \u2014 the title \u2019 s a just one \u2014 you feel it sink into your heart \u2014 and your arm is palsied ; once more , leave my house .", "Why , in truth , Grayling , I \u2019 m afraid \u2019 tis gained by too foul a business .", "Grayling , leave the house ; at any time I \u2019 d sooner look upon a field of blighted corn , than see you cross my threshold ; but on this day , beyond all \u2014", "Stay but one moment longer , and as I am a man , I \u2019 ll send thee headforemost into the street .", "We \u2019 ll try then .", "An unruly customer , Sir , that \u2019 s all \u2014 I \u2019 ll take care he does not disturb you .This is the gentleman who would speak to you .", "Nay , he has something he says to tell thee privately \u2014 I \u2019 ll be within call .", "So my brave fellows , here you are \u2014 three knaves between a parenthesis of bullets .", "A mistake \u2014 yes , I suppose you intended to be a very honest fellow , but by accident are become a convicted scoundrel .", "Clear !\u2014 and you , Grayling , are you not ashamed ?\u2014 do you not fear the gallows ?", "Give me those papers .", "Unhappy wretch \u2014 give me those papers .", "Grayling \u2014 yield ere your fate is certain .", "Call in assistance .There , secure the prisoner .", "There \u2014 Grayling the robber .", "Gwinett !\u2014 Ambrose Gwinett !\u2014 it can \u2019 t be .", "He \u2019 s innocent \u2014 I knew he was innocent \u2014 good friends \u2014 kind neighbours \u2014 let not this be spoken of \u2014 heaven has by a miracle preserved a guiltless man \u2014 you will all be secret \u2014 no one here will tell the tale .", "You will not be that wretch .", "You stir not a foot \u2014 if a murderer must be hanged , it shall be for strangling such a serpent . Grayling and Gilbert struggle , Grayling throws Gilbert from him , and with the rest of the characters following , rushes up the stage . As he is about to exit at back , the folding doors fly open , and Collins , an old grey-headed man , presents himself at the entrance ; a general exclamation of \u201c Collins \u201d from all the characters who recoil in amazement .", "Master \u2014 oh ! day of wonders !\u2014 the dead come back .", "But tell me , master , how is this ? dead ! and not dead , and \u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 126, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Nay , but this dotage of our general 's", "O'erflows the measure : those his goodly eyes ,", "That o'er the files and musters of the war", "Have glow 'd like plated Mars , now bend , now turn ,", "The office and devotion of their view", "Upon a tawny front : his captain 's heart ,", "Which in the scuffles of great fights hath burst", "The buckles on his breast , reneges all temper ,", "And is become the bellows and the fan", "To cool a gipsy 's lust .", "Look where they come :", "Take but good note , and you shall see in him", "The triple pillar of the world transform 'd", "Into a strumpet 's fool : behold and see .", "Sir , sometimes when he is not Antony ,", "He comes too short of that great property", "Which still should go with Antony ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 145, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Lord Alexas , sweet Alexas , most anything Alexas , almost most absolute Alexas , where 's the soothsayer that you praised so to the queen ? O that I knew this husband , which you say must charge his horns with garlands !", "Is this the man ?\u2014 Is't you , sir , that know things ?", "Good , sir , give me good fortune .", "Pray , then , foresee me one .", "He means in flesh .", "Wrinkles forbid !", "Hush !", "I had rather heat my liver with drinking .", "Good now , some excellent fortune ! Let me be married to three kings in a forenoon , and widow them all : let me have a child at fifty , to whom Herod of Jewry may do homage : find me to marry me with Octavius Caesar , and companion me with my mistress .", "O , excellent ! I love long life better than figs .", "Then belike my children shall have no names :\u2014 pr'ythee , how many boys and wenches must I have ?", "Out , fool ! I forgive thee for a witch .", "Nay , come , tell Iras hers .", "E'en as the o'erflowing Nilus presageth famine .", "Nay , if an oily palm be not a fruitful prognostication , I cannot scratch mine ear .\u2014 Pr'ythee , tell her but worky-day fortune .", "Well , if you were but an inch of fortune better than I , where would you choose it ?", "Our worser thoughts heavens mend !\u2014 Alexas ,\u2014 come , his fortune ! his fortune !\u2014 O , let him marry a woman that cannot go , sweet Isis , I beseech thee ! And let her die too , and give him a worse ! and let worse follow worse , till the worst of all follow him laughing to his grave , fiftyfold a cuckold ! Good Isis , hear me this prayer , though thou deny me a matter of more weight ; good Isis , I beseech thee !", "Amen .", "Not he ; the queen .", "No , madam ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 145, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Where is he ?", "See where he is , who 's with him , what he does :\u2014", "I did not send you :\u2014 if you find him sad ,", "Say I am dancing ; if in mirth , report", "That I am sudden sick : quick , and return .", "What should I do , I do not ?", "Thou teachest like a fool ,\u2014 the way to lose him .", "I am sick and sullen .", "Help me away , dear Charmian ; I shall fall ;", "It cannot be thus long , the sides of nature", "Will not sustain it .", "Pray you , stand farther from me .", "I know by that same eye there 's some good news .", "What says the married woman ?\u2014 You may go .", "Would she had never given you leave to come !", "Let her not say \u2018 tis I that keep you here ,\u2014", "I have no power upon you ; hers you are .", "O , never was there queen", "So mightily betray 'd ! Yet at the first", "I saw the treasons planted .", "Why should I think you can be mine and true ,", "Though you in swearing shake the throned gods ,", "Who have been false to Fulvia ? Riotous madness ,", "To be entangled with those mouth-made vows ,", "Which break themselves in swearing !", "Nay , pray you , seek no colour for your going ,", "But bid farewell , and go : when you su 'd staying ,", "Then was the time for words : no going then ;\u2014", "Eternity was in our lips and eyes ,", "Bliss in our brows \u2019 bent ; none our parts so poor", "But was a race of heaven : they are so still ,", "Or thou , the greatest soldier of the world ,", "Art turn 'd the greatest liar .", "I would I had thy inches ; thou shouldst know", "There were a heart in Egypt .", "Though age from folly could not give me freedom ,", "It does from childishness :\u2014 can Fulvia die ?", "O most false love !", "Where be the sacred vials thou shouldst fill", "With sorrowful water ? Now I see , I see ,", "In Fulvia 's death how mine receiv 'd shall be .", "Cut my lace , Charmian , come ;\u2014", "But let it be : I am quickly ill and well ,", "So Antony loves .", "So Fulvia told me .", "I pr'ythee , turn aside and weep for her ;", "Then bid adieu to me , and say the tears", "Belong to Egypt : good now , play one scene", "Of excellent dissembling ; and let it look", "Like perfect honour .", "You can do better yet ; but this is meetly .", "And target .\u2014 Still he mends ;", "But this is not the best :\u2014 look , pr'ythee , Charmian ,", "How this Herculean Roman does become", "The carriage of his chafe .", "Courteous lord , one word .", "Sir , you and I must part ,\u2014 but that 's not it ;", "Sir , you and I have lov 'd ,\u2014 but there 's not it ;", "That you know well : something it is I would ,\u2014", "O , my oblivion is a very Antony ,", "And I am all forgotten .", "\u2018 Tis sweating labour", "To bear such idleness so near the heart", "As Cleopatra this . But , sir , forgive me ;", "Since my becomings kill me , when they do not", "Eye well to you : your honour calls you hence ;", "Therefore be deaf to my unpitied folly ,", "And all the gods go with you ! upon your sword", "Sit laurel victory ! and smooth success", "Be strew 'd before your feet !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 145, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["You may see , Lepidus , and henceforth know ,", "It is not Caesar 's natural vice to hate", "Our great competitor . From Alexandria", "This is the news :\u2014 he fishes , drinks , and wastes", "The lamps of night in revel : is not more manlike", "Than Cleopatra ;, nor the queen of Ptolemy", "More womanly than he : hardly gave audience , or", "Vouchsaf 'd to think he had partners : you shall find there", "A man who is the abstract of all faults", "That all men follow .", "You are too indulgent . Let 's grant it is not", "Amiss to tumble on the bed of Ptolemy ;", "To give a kingdom for a mirth ; to sit", "And keep the turn of tippling with a slave ;", "To reel the streets at noon , and stand the buffet", "With knaves that smell of sweat : say this becomes him ,\u2014", "As his composure must be rare indeed", "Whom these things cannot blemish ,\u2014 yet must Antony", "No way excuse his foils when we do bear", "So great weight in his lightness . If he fill 'd", "His vacancy with his voluptuousness ,", "Full surfeits and the dryness of his bones", "Call on him for't : but to confound such time", "That drums him from his sport , and speaks as loud", "As his own state and ours ,\u2014 \u2018 tis to be chid", "As we rate boys , who , being mature in knowledge ,", "Pawn their experience to their present pleasure ,", "And so rebel to judgment .", "I should have known no less :", "It hath been taught us from the primal state", "That he which is was wish 'd until he were ;", "And the ebb 'd man , ne'er lov 'd till ne'er worth love ,", "Comes dear 'd by being lack 'd . This common body ,", "Like to a vagabond flag upon the stream ,", "Goes to and back , lackeying the varying tide ,", "To rot itself with motion .", "Antony ,", "Leave thy lascivious wassails . When thou once", "Was beaten from Modena , where thou slew'st", "Hirtius and Pansa , consuls , at thy heel", "Did famine follow ; whom thou fought'st against ,", "Though daintily brought up , with patience more", "Than savages could suffer : thou didst drink", "The stale of horses , and the gilded puddle", "Which beasts would cough at : thy palate then did deign", "The roughest berry on the rudest hedge ;", "Yea , like the stag when snow the pasture sheets ,", "The barks of trees thou browsed'st ; on the Alps", "It is reported thou didst eat strange flesh ,", "Which some did die to look on : and all this ,\u2014", "It wounds thine honour that I speak it now ,\u2014", "Was borne so like a soldier that thy cheek", "So much as lank 'd not .", "Let his shames quickly", "Drive him to Rome ; \u2018 tis time we twain", "Did show ourselves i \u2019 thefield ; and to that end", "Assemble we immediate council : Pompey", "Thrives in our idleness .", "Till which encounter", "It is my business too . Farewell .", "Doubt not , sir ;", "I knew it for my bond ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 145, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Charmian ,\u2014", "Ha , ha !\u2014", "Give me to drink mandragora .", "That I might sleep out this great gap of time", "My Antony is away .", "O , \u2018 tis treason !", "Thou , eunuch Mardian !", "Not now to hear thee sing ; I take no pleasure", "In aught an eunuch has ; \u2018 tis well for thee", "That , being unseminar 'd , thy freer thoughts", "May not fly forth of Egypt . Hast thou affections ?", "Indeed !", "O Charmian ,", "Where think'st thou he is now ? Stands he or sits he ?", "Or does he walk ? or is he on his horse ?", "O happy horse , to bear the weight of Antony !", "Do bravely , horse ! for wott'st thou whom thou mov'st ?", "The demi-Atlas of this earth , the arm", "And burgonet of men .\u2014 He 's speaking now ,", "Or murmuring \u2018 Where 's my serpent of old Nile ? \u2019", "For so he calls me .\u2014 Now I feed myself", "With most delicious poison :\u2014 think on me ,", "That am with Phoebus \u2019 amorous pinches black ,", "And wrinkled deep in time ? Broad-fronted Caesar ,", "When thou wast here above the ground I was", "A morsel for a monarch : and great Pompey", "Would stand and make his eyes grow in my brow ;", "There would he anchor his aspect and die", "With looking on his life .", "How much unlike art thou Mark Antony !", "Yet , coming from him , that great medicine hath", "With his tinct gilded thee .\u2014", "How goes it with my brave Mark Antony ?", "Mine ear must pluck it thence .", "What , was he sad or merry ?", "O well-divided disposition !\u2014 Note him ,", "Note him , good Charmian ; \u2018 tis the man ; but note him :", "He was not sad ,\u2014 for he would shine on those", "That make their looks by his ; he was not merry ,\u2014", "Which seem 'd to tell them his remembrance lay", "In Egypt with his joy ; but between both :", "O heavenly mingle !\u2014 Be'st thou sad or merry ,", "The violence of either thee becomes ,", "So does it no man else .\u2014 Mett'st thou my posts ?", "Who 's born that day", "When I forget to send to Antony", "Shall die a beggar .\u2014 Ink and paper , Charmian .\u2014", "Welcome , my good Alexas .\u2014 Did I , Charmian ,", "Ever love Caesar so ?", "Be chok 'd with such another emphasis ! Say \u2018 the brave Antony . \u2019", "By Isis , I will give thee bloody teeth", "If thou with Caesar paragon again", "My man of men .", "My salad days ,", "When I was green in judgment :\u2014 cold in blood ,", "To say as I said then !\u2014 But come , away ;", "Get me ink and paper : he shall have every day", "A several greeting ,", "Or I 'll unpeople Egypt ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 145, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Good Enobarbus , \u2018 tis a worthy deed ,", "And shall become you well , to entreat your captain", "To soft and gentle speech .", "\u2018 Tis not a time", "For private stomaching .", "But small to greater matters must give way .", "Your speech is passion :", "But , pray you , stir no embers up . Here comes", "The noble Antony .", "Noble friends ,", "That which combin 'd us was most great , and let not", "A leaner action rend us . What 's amiss ,", "May it be gently heard : when we debate", "Our trivial difference loud , we do commit", "Murder in healing wounds : then , noble partners ,\u2014", "The rather for I earnestly beseech ,\u2014", "Touch you the sourest points with sweetest terms ,", "Nor curstness grow to the matter .", "Soft , Caesar !", "\u2018 Tis noble spoken .", "Worthily spoken , Maecenas .", "Happily , amen !", "Time calls upon 's :", "Of us must Pompey presently be sought ,", "Or else he seeks out us .", "Noble Antony ,", "Not sickness should detain me ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 145, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The world and my great office will sometimes", "Divide me from your bosom .", "Good night , sir .\u2014 My Octavia ,", "Read not my blemishes in the world 's report :", "I have not kept my square ; but that to come", "Shall all be done by the rule . Good night , dear lady .\u2014", "Now , sirrah , you do wish yourself in Egypt ?", "If you can , your reason .", "Say to me ,", "Whose fortunes shall rise higher , Caesar 's or mine ?", "Speak this no more .", "Get thee gone :", "Say to Ventidius I would speak with him :\u2014", "He shall to Parthia .\u2014 Be it art or hap ,", "He hath spoken true : the very dice obey him ;\u2014", "And in our sports my better cunning faints", "Under his chance : if we draw lots , he speeds ;", "His cocks do win the battle still of mine ,", "When it is all to nought ; and his quails ever", "Beat mine , inhoop 'd , at odds . I will to Egypt :", "And though I make this marriage for my peace ,", "I \u2019 the East my pleasure lies .", "O , come , Ventidius ,", "You must to Parthia : your commission 's ready ;", "Follow me and receive it ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 145, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Give me some music ,\u2014 music , moody food", "Of us that trade in love .", "Let it alone ; let 's to billiards :", "Come , Charmian .", "As well a woman with an eunuch play 'd", "As with a woman .\u2014 Come , you 'll play with me , sir ?", "And when good will is show 'd , though't come too short ,", "The actor may plead pardon . I 'll none now :\u2014", "Give me mine angle ,\u2014 we 'll to the river . There ,", "My music playing far off , I will betray", "Tawny-finn 'd fishes ; my bended hook shall pierce", "Their slimy jaws ; and as I draw them up", "I 'll think them every one an Antony ,", "And say \u2018 Ah ha ! You 're caught . \u2019", "That time ?\u2014 O times !\u2014", "I laughed him out of patience ; and that night", "I laugh 'd him into patience : and next morn ,", "Ere the ninth hour , I drunk him to his bed ;", "Then put my tires and mantles on him , whilst", "I wore his sword Philippan .", "O ! from Italy !\u2014", "Ram thou thy fruitful tidings in mine ears ,", "That long time have been barren .", "Antony 's dead !\u2014", "If thou say so , villain , thou kill'st thy mistress ;", "But well and free ,", "If thou so yield him , there is gold , and here", "My bluest veins to kiss ,\u2014 a hand that kings", "Have lipp 'd , and trembled kissing .", "Why , there 's more gold .", "But , sirrah , mark , we use", "To say the dead are well : bring it to that ,", "The gold I give thee will I melt and pour", "Down thy ill-uttering throat .", "Well , go to , I will ;", "But there 's no goodness in thy face : if Antony", "Be free and healthful ,\u2014 why so tart a favour", "To trumpet such good tidings ! If not well ,", "Thou shouldst come like a fury crown 'd with snakes ,", "Not like a formal man .", "I have a mind to strike thee ere thou speak'st :", "Yet , if thou say Antony lives , is well ,", "Or friends with Caesar , or not captive to him ,", "I 'll set thee in a shower of gold , and hail", "Rich pearls upon thee .", "Well said .", "Th'art an honest man .", "Make thee a fortune from me .", "I do not like \u2018 but yet \u2019 , it does allay", "The good precedence ; fie upon \u2018 but yet \u2019 !", "\u2018 But yet \u2019 is as a gaoler to bring forth", "Some monstrous malefactor . Pr'ythee , friend ,", "Pour out the pack of matter to mine ear ,", "The good and bad together : he 's friends with Caesar ;", "In state of health , thou say'st ; and , thou say'st , free .", "For what good turn ?", "I am pale , Charmian .", "The most infectious pestilence upon thee !", "What say you ?\u2014 Hence ,", "Horrible villain ! or I 'll spurn thine eyes", "Like balls before me ; I 'll unhair thy head :", "Thou shalt be whipp 'd with wire and stew 'd in brine ,", "Smarting in ling'ring pickle .", "Say \u2018 tis not so , a province I will give thee ,", "And make thy fortunes proud : the blow thou hadst", "Shall make thy peace for moving me to rage ;", "And I will boot thee with what gift beside", "Thy modesty can beg .", "Rogue , thou hast liv 'd too long .", "Some innocents scape not the thunderbolt .\u2014", "Melt Egypt into Nile ! and kindly creatures", "Turn all to serpents !\u2014 Call the slave again :\u2014", "Though I am mad , I will not bite him :\u2014 call !", "I will not hurt him .", "These hands do lack nobility , that they strike", "A meaner than myself ; since I myself", "Have given myself the cause .", "Come hither , sir .", "Though it be honest , it is never good", "To bring bad news : give to a gracious message", "An host of tongues ; but let ill tidings tell", "Themselves when they be felt .", "Is he married ?", "I cannot hate thee worser than I do", "If thou again say \u2018 Yes . \u2019", "The gods confound thee ! dost thou hold there still !", "O , I would thou didst ,", "So half my Egypt were submerg 'd , and made", "A cistern for scal 'd snakes ! Go , get thee hence :", "Hadst thou Narcissus in thy face , to me", "Thou wouldst appear most ugly . He is married ?", "He is married ?", "O , that his fault should make a knave of thee", "That art not what tho'rt sure of !\u2014 Get thee hence :", "The merchandise which thou hast brought from Rome", "Are all too dear for me : lie they upon thy hand ,", "And be undone by \u2018 em !", "In praising Antony I have disprais 'd Caesar .", "I am paid for't now .", "Lead me from hence ;", "I faint :\u2014 O Iras , Charmian !\u2014 \u2018 tis no matter .\u2014", "Go to the fellow , good Alexas ; bid him", "Report the feature of Octavia , her years ,", "Her inclination ; let him not leave out", "The colour of her hair :\u2014 bring me word quickly .", "Let him for ever go :\u2014 let him not , Charmian \u2014", "Though he be painted one way like a Gorgon ,", "T'other way he 's a Mars .\u2014", "Bid you Alexas", "Bring me word how tall she is .\u2014 Pity me , Charmian ,", "But do not speak to me .\u2014 Lead me to my chamber ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 145, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Your hostages I have , so have you mine ;", "And we shall talk before we fight .", "To you all three ,", "The senators alone of this great world ,", "Chief factors for the gods ,\u2014 I do not know", "Wherefore my father should revengers want ,", "Having a son and friends ; since Julius Caesar ,", "Who at Philippi the good Brutus ghosted ,", "There saw you labouring for him . What was't", "That mov 'd pale Cassius to conspire ; and what", "Made the all-honour 'd , honest Roman , Brutus ,", "With the arm 'd rest , courtiers of beauteous freedom ,", "To drench the Capitol , but that they would", "Have one man but a man ? And that is it", "Hath made me rig my navy ; at whose burden", "The anger 'd ocean foams ; with which I meant", "To scourge the ingratitude that despiteful Rome", "Cast on my noble father .", "At land , indeed ,", "Thou dost o'erhYpppHeNcount me of my father 's house :", "But , since the cuckoo builds not for himself ,", "Remain i n't as thou mayst .", "You have made me offer", "Of Sicily , Sardinia ; and I must", "Rid all the sea of pirates ; then to send", "Measures of wheat to Rome ; this \u2018 greed upon ,", "To part with unhack 'd edges and bear back", "Our targes undinted .", "CAESAR , ANTONY , and LEPIDUS .", "That 's our offer .", "Know , then ,", "I came before you here a man prepar 'd", "To take this offer : but Mark Antony", "Put me to some impatience :\u2014 though I lose", "The praise of it by telling , you must know ,", "When Caesar and your brother were at blows ,", "Your mother came to Sicily , and did find", "Her welcome friendly .", "Let me have your hand :", "I did not think , sir , to have met you here .", "Well , I know not", "What counts harsh fortune casts upon my face ;", "But in my bosom shall she never come", "To make my heart her vassal .", "I hope so , Lepidus .\u2014 Thus we are agreed :", "I crave our composition may be written ,", "And seal 'd between us .", "We 'll feast each other ere we part ; and let 's", "Draw lots who shall begin .", "No , Antony , take the lot : but , first", "Or last , your fine Egyptian cookery", "Shall have the fame . I have heard that Julius Caesar", "Grew fat with feasting there .", "I have fair meanings , sir .", "Then so much have I heard ;", "And I have heard Apollodorus carried ,\u2014", "What , I pray you ?", "I know thee now : how far'st thou , soldier ?", "Let me shake thy hand ;", "I never hated thee : I have seen thee fight ,", "When I have envied thy behaviour .", "Enjoy thy plainness ;", "It nothing ill becomes thee .\u2014", "Aboard my galley I invite you all :", "Will you lead , lords ?", "CAESAR , ANTONY , and LEPIDUS .", "Show 's the way , sir .", "Come .", "Sit \u2014 and some wine !\u2014 A health to Lepidus !", "Say in mine ear : what is't ?", "Forbear me till ano. n \u2014", "This wine for Lepidus !", "Go , hang , sir , hang ! Tell me of that ! away ! Do as I bid you .\u2014 Where 's this cup I call 'd for ?", "I think thou'rt mad .", "The matter ?", "Thou hast serv 'd me with much faith .", "What 's else to say ?\u2014", "Be jolly , lords .", "What say'st thou ?", "How should that be ?", "Hast thou drunk well ?", "Show me which way .", "Ah , this thou shouldst have done ,", "And not have spoke o n't ! In me \u2018 tis villainy :", "In thee't had been good service . Thou must know", "\u2018 Tis not my profit that does lead mine honour :", "Mine honour it . Repent that e'er thy tongue", "Hath so betray 'd thine act : being done unknown ,", "I should have found it afterwards well done ;", "But must condemn it now . Desist , and drink .", "This health to Lepidus !", "Fill till the cup be hid .", "This is not yet an Alexandrian feast .", "Let 's ha't , good soldier .", "I 'll try you on the shore .", "O Antony ,", "You have my father 's house ,\u2014 but , what ? we are friends .", "Come , down into the boat ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 145, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["They have despatch 'd with Pompey ; he is gone ;", "The other three are sealing . Octavia weeps", "To part from Rome : Caesar is sad ; and Lepidus ,", "Since Pompey 's feast , as Menas says , is troubled", "With the green sickness .", "A very fine one : O , how he loves Caesar !", "Caesar ? Why he 's the Jupiter of men .", "Spake you of Caesar ? How ! the nonpareil !", "Would you praise Caesar , say \u2018 Caesar \u2019 \u2014 go no further .", "But he loves Caesar best ;\u2014 yet he loves Antony :", "Hoo ! hearts , tongues , figures , scribes , bards , poets , cannot", "Think , speak , cast , write , sing , number \u2014 hoo !\u2014", "His love to Antony . But as for Caesar ,", "Kneel down , kneel down , and wonder .", "They are his shards , and he their beetle .", "So ,\u2014", "This is to horse .\u2014 Adieu , noble Agrippa .", "Will Caesar weep ?", "He were the worse for that , were he a horse ;", "So is he , being a man .", "That year , indeed , he was troubled with a rheum ; What willingly he did confound he wail 'd : Believe't till I weep too ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 145, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Where is the fellow ?", "Go to , go to .", "Come hither , sir .", "That Herod 's head", "I 'll have : but how ? when Antony is gone ,", "Through whom I might command it ?\u2014 Come thou near .", "Didst thou behold Octavia ?", "Where ?", "Is she as tall as me ?", "Didst hear her speak ? is she shrill-tongu 'd or low ?", "That 's not so good :\u2014 he cannot like her long .", "I think so , Charmian : dull of tongue and dwarfish !\u2014", "What majesty is in her gait ? Remember ,", "If e'er thou look'dst on majesty .", "Is this certain ?", "He 's very knowing ;", "I do perceive't :\u2014 there 's nothing in her yet :\u2014", "The fellow has good judgment .", "Guess at her years , I pr'ythee .", "Widow !\u2014 Charmian , hark !", "Bear'st thou her face in mind ? is't long or round ?", "For the most part , too , they are foolish that are so .\u2014", "Her hair , what colour ?", "There 's gold for thee .", "Thou must not take my former sharpness ill :\u2014", "I will employ thee back again ; I find thee", "Most fit for business :\u2014 go make thee ready ;", "Our letters are prepar 'd .", "Indeed , he is so : I repent me much", "That so I harried him . Why , methinks , by him ,", "This creature 's no such thing .", "The man hath seen some majesty , and should know .", "I have one thing more to ask him yet , good Charmian :", "But \u2018 tis no matter ; thou shalt bring him to me", "Where I will write . All may be well enough ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 145, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Nay , nay , Octavia , not only that ,\u2014", "That were excusable , that and thousands more", "Of semblable import \u2014 but he hath wag 'd", "New wars \u2018 gainst Pompey ; made his will , and read it", "To public ear :", "Spoke scandy of me : when perforce he could not", "But pay me terms of honour , cold and sickly", "He vented them : most narrow measure lent me ;", "When the best hint was given him , he not took't ,", "Or did it from his teeth .", "Gentle Octavia ,", "Let your best love draw to that point which seeks", "Best to preserve it : if I lose mine honour ,", "I lose myself : better I were not yours", "Than yours so branchless . But , as you requested ,", "Yourself shall go between 's : the meantime , lady ,", "I 'll raise the preparation of a war", "Shall stain your brother : make your soonest haste ;", "So your desires are yours .", "When it appears to you where this begins ,", "Turn your displeasure that way ; for our faults", "Can never be so equal that your love", "Can equally move with them . Provide your going ;", "Choose your own company , and command what cost", "Your heart has mind to ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 145, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Contemning Rome , he has done all this , and more ,", "In Alexandria . Here 's the manner of't :\u2014", "I \u2019 the market-place , on a tribunal silver 'd ,", "Cleopatra and himself in chairs of gold", "Were publicly enthron 'd : at the feet sat", "Caesarion , whom they call my father 's son ,", "And all the unlawful issue that their lust", "Since then hath made between them . Unto her", "He gave the \u2018 stablishment of Egypt ; made her", "Of lower Syria , Cyprus , Lydia ,", "Absolute queen .", "I \u2019 the common show-place , where they exercise .", "His sons he there proclaim 'd the kings of kings :", "Great Media , Parthia , and Armenia ,", "He gave to Alexander ; to Ptolemy he assign 'd", "Syria , Cilicia , and Phoenicia : she", "In the habiliments of the goddess Isis", "That day appear 'd ; and oft before gave audience ,", "As \u2018 tis reported , so .", "The people knows it : and have now receiv 'd", "His accusations .", "Caesar : and that , having in Sicily", "Sextus Pompeius spoil 'd , we had not rated him", "His part o \u2019 the isle : then does he say he lent me", "Some shipping , unrestor 'd : lastly , he frets", "That Lepidus of the triumvirate", "Should be depos 'd ; and , being , that we detain", "All his revenue .", "\u2018 Tis done already , and messenger gone .", "I have told him Lepidus was grown too cruel ;", "That he his high authority abus 'd ,", "And did deserve his change : for what I have conquer 'd", "I grant him part ; but then , in his Armenia", "And other of his conquer 'd kingdoms , I", "Demand the like .", "Nor must not then be yielded to in this .", "That ever I should call thee castaway !", "Why have you stol'n upon us thus ? You come not", "Like Caesar 's sister : the wife of Antony", "Should have an army for an usher , and", "The neighs of horse to tell of her approach", "Long ere she did appear ; the trees by the way", "Should have borne men ; and expectation fainted ,", "Longing for what it had not ; nay , the dust", "Should have ascended to the roof of heaven ,", "Rais 'd by your populous troops : but you are come", "A market-maid to Rome ; and have prevented", "The ostentation of our love , which left unshown", "Is often left unlov 'd ; we should have met you", "By sea and land ; supplying every stage", "With an augmented greeting .", "Which soon he granted ,", "Being an obstruct \u2018 tween his lust and him .", "I have eyes upon him ,", "And his affairs come to me on the wind .", "Where is he now ?", "No , my most wronged sister ; Cleopatra", "Hath nodded him to her . He hath given his empire", "Up to a whore ; who now are levying", "The kings o \u2019 theearth for war : he hath assembled", "Bocchus , the king of Libya ; Archelaus", "Of Cappadocia ; Philadelphos , king", "Of Paphlagonia ; the Thracian king , Adallas ;", "King Manchus of Arabia ; King of Pont ;", "Herod of Jewry ; Mithridates , king", "Of Comagene ; Polemon and Amyntas ,", "The kings of Mede and Lycaonia , with", "More larger list of sceptres .", "Welcome hither :", "Your letters did withhold our breaking forth ,", "Till we perceiv 'd both how you were wrong led", "And we in negligent danger . Cheer your heart :", "Be you not troubled with the time , which drives", "O'er your content these strong necessities ;", "But let determin 'd things to destiny", "Hold unbewail 'd their way . Welcome to Rome ;", "Nothing more dear to me . You are abus 'd", "Beyond the mark of thought : and the high gods ,", "To do you justice , make their ministers", "Of us and those that love you . Best of comfort ;", "And ever welcome to us .", "Most certain . Sister , welcome : pray you", "Be ever known to patience : my dear'st sister !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 145, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Taurus ,\u2014", "Strike not by land ; keep whole ; provoke not battle", "Till we have done at sea . Do not exceed", "The prescript of this scroll : our fortune lies", "Upon this jump .", "Let him appear that 's come from Antony .\u2014", "Know you him ?", "Approach , and speak .", "Be't so : declare thine office .", "For Antony ,", "I have no ears to his request . The queen", "Of audience nor desire shall fail ; so she", "From Egypt drive her all-disgraced friend ,", "Or take his life there : this if she perform ,", "She shall not sue unheard . So to them both .", "Bring him through the bands .", "Observe how Antony becomes his flaw ,", "And what thou think'st his very action speaks", "In every power that moves ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 145, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What shall we do , Enobarbus ?", "Is Antony or we in fault for this ?", "Pr'ythee , peace .", "That head , my lord ?", "What , no more ceremony ?\u2014 See , my women !\u2014", "Against the blown rose may they stop their nose", "That kneel 'd unto the buds .\u2014 Admit him , sir .", "Caesar 's will ?", "None but friends : say boldly .", "Go on : right royal .", "O !", "He is a god , and knows", "What is most right : mine honour was not yielded ,", "But conquer 'd merely .", "What 's your name ?", "Most kind messenger ,", "Say to great Caesar this :\u2014 in deputation", "I kiss his conquring hand : tell him I am prompt", "To lay my crown at 's feet , and there to kneel :", "Tell him , from his all-obeying breath I hear", "The doom of Egypt .", "Your Caesar 's father", "Oft , when he hath mus 'd of taking kingdoms in ,", "Bestow 'd his lips on that unworthy place ,", "As it rain 'd kisses .", "Good my lord ,\u2014", "O , is't come to this ?", "Wherefore is this ?", "Have you done yet ?", "I must stay his time .", "Not know me yet ?", "Ah , dear , if I be so ,", "From my cold heart let heaven engender hail ,", "And poison it in the source ; and the first stone", "Drop in my neck : as it determines , so", "Dissolve my life ! The next Caesarion smite !", "Till , by degrees , the memory of my womb ,", "Together with my brave Egyptians all ,", "By the discandying of this pelleted storm ,", "Lie graveless ,\u2014 till the flies and gnats of Nile", "Have buried them for prey !", "That 's my brave lord !", "It is my birthday .", "I had thought t'have held it poor ; but since my lord", "Is Antony again I will be Cleopatra .", "Call all his noble captains to my lord ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 145, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["We have beat him to his camp . Run one before", "And let the queen know of our gests .\u2014 To-morrow ,", "Before the sun shall see us , we 'll spill the blood", "That has to-day escap 'd . I thank you all ;", "For doughty-handed are you , and have fought", "Not as you serv 'd the cause , but as't had been", "Each man 's like mine ; you have shown all Hectors .", "Enter the city , clip your wives , your friends ,", "Tell them your feats ; whilst they with joyful tears", "Wash the congealment from your wounds and kiss", "The honour 'd gashes whole .\u2014", "Give me thy hand ;", "To this great fairy I 'll commend thy acts ,", "Make her thanks bless thee . O thou day o \u2019 the world ,", "Chain mine arm 'd neck ; leap thou , attire and all ;", "Through proof of harness to my heart , and there", "Ride on the pants triumphing .", "Mine nightingale ,", "We have beat them to their beds . What , girl ! though grey", "Do something mingle with our younger brown , yet ha \u2019 we", "A brain that nourishes our nerves , and can", "Get goal for goal of youth . Behold this man ;", "Commend unto his lips thy favouring hand ;\u2014", "Kiss it , my warrior : he hath fought to-day", "As if a god , in hate of mankind , had", "Destroyed in such a shape .", "He has deserv 'd it , were it carbuncled", "Like holy Phoebus \u2019 car .\u2014 Give me thy hand :", "Through Alexandria make a jolly march ;", "Bear our hack 'd targets like the men that owe them :", "Had our great palace the capacity", "To camp this host , we all would sup together ,", "And drink carouses to the next day 's fate ,", "Which promises royal peril .\u2014 Trumpeters ,", "With brazen din blast you the city 's ear ;", "Make mingle with our rattling tabourines ;", "That heaven and earth may strike their sounds together ,", "Applauding our approach .", "Their preparation is to-day by sea ;", "We please them not by land .", "I would they 'd fight i \u2019 the fire or i \u2019 the air ;", "We 'd fight there too . But this it is ; our foot", "Upon the hills adjoining to the city", "Shall stay with us :\u2014 order for sea is given ;", "They have put forth the haven :\u2014 forward now ,", "Where their appointment we may best discover ,", "And look on their endeavour .", "Yet they are not join 'd : where yond pine does stand", "I shall discover all : I 'll bring thee word", "Straight how \u2018 tis like to go .", "All is lost ;", "This foul Egyptian hath betrayed me :", "My fleet hath yielded to the foe ; and yonder", "They cast their caps up , and carouse together", "Like friends long lost .\u2014 Triple-turn 'd whore ! \u2018 tis thou", "Hast sold me to this novice ; and my heart", "Makes only wars on thee .\u2014 Bid them all fly ;", "For when I am reveng 'd upon my charm ,", "I have done all .\u2014 Bid them all fly ; begone .", "O sun , thy uprise shall I see no more :", "Fortune and Antony part here ; even here", "Do we shake hands .\u2014 All come to this !\u2014 The hearts", "That spaniel 'd me at heels , to whom I gave", "Their wishes , do discandy , melt their sweets", "On blossoming Caesar ; and this pine is bark 'd", "That overtopp 'd them all . Betray 'd I am :", "O this false soul of Egypt ! this grave charm ,", "Whose eye beck 'd forth my wars and call 'd them home ;", "Whose bosom was my crownet , my chief end ,\u2014", "Like a right gypsy , hath , at fast and loose ,", "Beguil 'd me to the very heart of loss .\u2014", "What , Eros , Eros !", "Ah , thou spell ! Avaunt !", "Vanish , or I shall give thee thy deserving ,", "And blemish Caesar 's triumph . Let him take thee", "And hoist thee up to the shouting plebeians :", "Follow his chariot , like the greatest spot", "Of all thy sex ; most monster-like , be shown", "For poor'st diminutives , for doits ; and let", "Patient Octavia plough thy visage up", "With her prepared nails .", "\u2018 Tis well thou'rt gone ,", "If it be well to live ; but better \u2018 twere", "Thou fell'st into my fury , for one death", "Might have prevented many .\u2014 Eros , ho !\u2014", "The shirt of Nessus is upon me : teach me ,", "Alcides , thou mine ancestor , thy rage :", "Let me lodge Lichas on the horns o \u2019 the moon ;", "And with those hands that grasp 'd the heaviest club", "Subdue my worthiest self . The witch shall die :", "To the young Roman boy she hath sold me , and I fall", "Under this plot :\u2014 she dies for't .\u2014 Eros , ho !", "Eros , thou yet behold'st me ?", "Sometime we see a cloud that 's dragonish ;", "A vapour sometime like a bear or lion ,", "A tower 'd citadel , a pendant rock ,", "A forked mountain , or blue promontory", "With trees upo n't , that nod unto the world ,", "And mock our eyes with air : thou hast seen these signs ;", "They are black vesper 's pageants .", "That which is now a horse , even with a thought", "The rack dislimns ; and makes it indistinct ,", "As water is in water .", "My good knave Eros , now thy captain is", "Even such a body : here I am Antony ;", "Yet cannot hold this visible shape , my knave .", "I made these wars for Egypt ; and the queen ,\u2014", "Whose heart I thought I had , for she had mine ;", "Which , whilst it was mine , had annex 'd unto't", "A million moe , now lost ,\u2014 she , Eros , has", "Pack 'd cards with Caesar , and false-play 'd my glory", "Unto an enemy 's triumph .\u2014", "Nay , weep not , gentle Eros ; there is left us", "Ourselves to end ourselves .\u2014", "O , thy vile lady !", "She has robb 'd me of my sword .", "Hence , saucy eunuch ; peace ! She hath betray 'd me , and shall die the death .", "Dead then ?", "Unarm , Eros ; the long day 's task is done ,", "And we must sleep .\u2014 That thou depart'st hence safe", "Does pay thy labour richly ; go .", "Off , pluck off ;\u2014", "The sevenfold shield of Ajax cannot keep", "The battery from my heart . O , cleave , my sides !", "Heart , once be stronger than thy continent ,", "Crack thy frail case !\u2014 Apace , Eros , apace .\u2014", "No more a soldier .\u2014 Bruised pieces , go ;", "You have been nobly borne .\u2014 From me awhile .\u2014", "I will o'ertake thee , Cleopatra , and", "Weep for my pardon . So it must be , for now", "All length is torture .\u2014 Since the torch is out ,", "Lie down , and stray no further :\u2014 now all labour", "Mars what it does ; yea , very force entangles", "Itself with strength : seal then , and all is done .\u2014", "Eros !\u2014 I come , my queen .\u2014 Eros !\u2014 stay for me :", "Where souls do couch on flowers , we 'll hand in hand ,", "And with our sprightly port make the ghosts gaze :", "Dido and her Aeneas shall want troops ,", "And all the haunt be ours .\u2014 Come , Eros , Eros !", "Since Cleopatra died ,", "I have liv 'd in such dishonour that the gods", "Detest my baseness . I , that with my sword", "Quarter 'd the world , and o'er green Neptune 's back", "With ships made cities , condemn myself to lack", "The courage of a woman ; less noble mind", "Than she which by her death our Caesar tells", "\u2018 I am conqueror of myself . \u2019 Thou art sworn , Eros ,", "That , when the exigent should come ,\u2014 which now", "Is come indeed \u2014 when I should see behind me", "The inevitable prosecution of", "Disgrace and horror , that , on my command ,", "Thou then wouldst kill me : do't ; the time is come :", "Thou strik'st not me ; \u2018 tis Caesar thou defeat'st .", "Put colour in thy cheek .", "Eros ,", "Wouldst thou be window 'd in great Rome and see", "Thy master thus with pleach 'd arms , bending down", "His corrigible neck , his face subdu 'd", "To penetrative shame ; whilst the wheel 'd seat", "Of fortunate Caesar , drawn before him , branded", "His baseness that ensued ?", "Come , then ; for with a wound I must be cur 'd .", "Draw that thy honest sword , which thou hast worn", "Most useful for thy country .", "When I did make thee free , swor'st thou not then", "To do this when I bade thee ? Do it at once ;", "Or thy precedent services are all", "But accidents unpurpos 'd . Draw , and come .", "Lo thee !", "Then let it do at once", "The thing why thou hast drawn it .", "\u2018 Tis said , man ;\u2014 and farewell .", "Now , Eros .", "Thrice nobler than myself !", "Thou teachest me , O valiant Eros , what", "I should , and thou couldst not . My queen and Eros", "Have , by their brave instruction , got upon me", "A nobleness in record : but I will be", "A bridegroom in my death , and run into't", "As to a lover 's bed . Come , then ; and , Eros ,", "Thy master dies thy scholar : to do thus", "I learn 'd of thee . How ? not dead ? not dead ?\u2014", "The guard , ho !\u2014 O , despatch me !", "I have done my work ill , friends : O , make an end", "Of what I have begun .", "Let him that loves me , strike me dead .", "Art thou there , Diomed ? Draw thy sword and give me", "Sufficing strokes for death .", "When did she send thee ?", "Where is she ?", "Too late , good Diomed .\u2014 Call my guard , I pr'ythee .", "Bear me , good friends , where Cleopatra bides ;", "\u2018 Tis the last service that I shall command you .", "Nay , good my fellows , do not please sharp fate", "To grace it with your sorrows : bid that welcome", "Which comes to punish us , and we punish it ,", "Seeming to bear it lightly . Take me up :", "I have led you oft : carry me now , good friends ,", "And have my thanks for all .", "Peace !", "Not Caesar 's valour hath o'erthrown Antony ,", "But Antony 's hath triumph 'd on itself .", "I am dying , Egypt , dying ; only", "I here importune death awhile , until", "Of many thousand kisses the poor last", "I lay upon thy lips .", "O , quick , or I am gone .", "I am dying , Egypt , dying :", "Give me some wine , and let me speak a little .", "One word , sweet queen :", "Of Caesar seek your honour , with your safety .\u2014 O !", "Gentle , hear me :", "None about Caesar trust but Proculeius .", "The miserable change now at my end", "Lament nor sorrow at : but please your thoughts", "In feeding them with those my former fortunes", "Wherein I liv 'd , the greatest prince o \u2019 the world ,", "The noblest ; and do now not basely die ,", "Not cowardly put off my helmet to", "My countryman , a Roman by a Roman", "Valiantly vanquish 'd . Now my spirit is going :", "I can no more ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 145, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Help me , my women ! O , he is more mad", "Than Telamon for his shield ; the boar of Thessaly", "Was never so emboss 'd .", "To the monument !\u2014", "Mardian , go tell him I have slain myself ;", "Say that the last I spoke was \u2018 Antony \u2019 ,", "And word it , pr'ythee , piteously : hence , Mardian ;", "And bring me how he takes my death .\u2014", "To the monument !", "O Charmian , I will never go from hence !", "No , I will not :", "All strange and terrible events are welcome ,", "But comforts we despise ; our size of sorrow ,", "Proportion 'd to our cause , must be as great", "As that which makes it .\u2014", "How now ! is he dead ?", "O sun ,", "Burn the great sphere thou mov'st in !\u2014 darkling stand", "The varying shore o \u2019 theworld .\u2014 O Antony ,", "Antony , Antony !\u2014 Help , Charmian ; help , Iras , help ,\u2014", "Help , friends below ;\u2014 let 's draw him hither .", "So it should be , that none but Antony", "Should conquer Antony ; but woe \u2018 tis so !", "I dare not , dear ,\u2014", "Dear my lord , pardon ,\u2014 I dare not ,", "Lest I be taken : not the imperious show", "Of the full-fortun 'd Caesar ever shall", "Be brooch 'd with me ; if knife , drugs , serpents , have", "Edge , sting , or operation , I am safe ;", "Your wife Octavia , with her modest eyes", "And still conclusion , shall acquire no honour", "Demuring upon me .\u2014 But come , come , Antony ,\u2014", "Help me , my women ,\u2014 we must draw thee up ;", "Assist , good friends .", "Here 's sport indeed !\u2014 How heavy weighs my lord !", "Our strength is all gone into heaviness ;", "That makes the weight : had I great Juno 's power ,", "The strong-wing 'd Mercury should fetch thee up ,", "And set thee by Jove 's side . Yet come a little ,\u2014", "Wishers were ever fools ,\u2014 O come , come ;", "And welcome , welcome ! die where thou hast liv 'd :", "Quicken with kissing : had my lips that power ,", "Thus would I wear them out .", "No , let me speak ; and let me rail so high", "That the false huswife Fortune break her wheel ,", "Provok 'd by my offence .", "They do not go together .", "My resolution and my hands I 'll trust ;", "None about Caesar .", "Noblest of men , woo't die ?", "Hast thou no care of me ? shall I abide", "In this dull world , which in thy absence is", "No better than a sty ?\u2014 O , see , my women ,", "The crown o \u2019 the earth doth melt .\u2014 My lord !\u2014", "O , wither 'd is the garland of the war ,", "The soldier 's pole is fallen : young boys and girls", "Are level now with men : the odds is gone ,", "And there is nothing left remarkable", "Beneath the visiting moon .", "No more but e'en a woman , and commanded", "By such poor passion as the maid that milks", "And does the meanest chares .\u2014 It were for me", "To throw my sceptre at the injurious gods ;", "To tell them that this world did equal theirs", "Till they had stol'n our jewel . All 's but naught ;", "Patience is sottish , and impatience does", "Become a dog that 's mad : then is it sin", "To rush into the secret house of death", "Ere death dare come to us ?\u2014 How do you , women ?", "What , what ! good cheer ! Why , how now , Charmian !", "My noble girls !\u2014 Ah , women , women , look ,", "Our lamp is spent , it 's out !\u2014 Good sirs , take heart :\u2014", "We 'll bury him ; and then , what 's brave , what 's noble ,", "Let 's do it after the high Roman fashion ,", "And make death proud to take us . Come , away :", "This case of that huge spirit now is cold :", "Ah , women , women !\u2014 Come ; we have no friend", "But resolution , and the briefest end ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 145, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Go to him , Dolabella , bid him yield ;", "Being so frustrate , tell him he mocks", "The pauses that he makes .", "Wherefore is that ? And what art thou that dar'st", "Appear thus to us ?", "What is't thou say'st ?", "The breaking of so great a thing should make", "A greater crack : the round world", "Should have shook lions into civil streets ,", "And citizens to their dens . The death of Antony", "Is not a single doom ; in the name lay", "A moiety of the world .", "Look you sad , friends ?", "The gods rebuke me , but it is tidings", "To wash the eyes of kings .", "O Antony !", "I have follow 'd thee to this !\u2014 But we do lance", "Diseases in our bodies : I must perforce", "Have shown to thee such a declining day", "Or look on thine ; we could not stall together", "In the whole world : but yet let me lament ,", "With tears as sovereign as the blood of hearts ,", "That thou , my brother , my competitor", "In top of all design , my mate in empire ,", "Friend and companion in the front of war ,", "The arm of mine own body , and the heart", "Where mine his thoughts did kindle ,\u2014 that our stars ,", "Unreconciliable , should divide", "Our equalness to this .\u2014 Hear me , good friends ,\u2014", "But I will tell you at some meeter season .", "The business of this man looks out of him ;", "We 'll hear him what he says .\u2014 Whence are you ?", "Bid her have good heart :", "She soon shall know of us , by some of ours ,", "How honourable and how kindly we", "Determine for her ; for Caesar cannot learn", "To be ungentle .", "Come hither , Proculeius . Go and say", "We purpose her no shame : give her what comforts", "The quality of her passion shall require", "Lest , in her greatness , by some mortal stroke", "She do defeat us ; for her life in Rome", "Would be eternal in our triumph : go ,", "And with your speediest bring us what she says ,", "And how you find her .", "Gallus , go you along .\u2014", "Where 's Dolabella , to second Proculeius ?", "Let him alone , for I remember now", "How he 's employ 'd ; he shall in time be ready .", "Go with me to my tent ; where you shall see", "How hardly I was drawn into this war ;", "How calm and gentle I proceeded still", "In all my writings : go with me , and see", "What I can show in this ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 145, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["My desolation does begin to make", "A better life . \u2018 Tis paltry to be Caesar ;", "Not being Fortune , he 's but Fortune 's knave ,", "A minister of her will : and it is great", "To do that thing that ends all other deeds ;", "Which shackles accidents and bolts up change ;", "Which sleeps , and never palates more the dug ,", "The beggar 's nurse and Caesar 's .", "What 's thy name ?", "Antony", "Did tell me of you , bade me trust you ; but", "I do not greatly care to be deceiv 'd ,", "That have no use for trusting . If your master", "Would have a queen his beggar , you must tell him", "That majesty , to keep decorum , must", "No less beg than a kingdom : if he please", "To give me conquer 'd Egypt for my son ,", "He gives me so much of mine own as I", "Will kneel to him with thanks .", "Pray you , tell him", "I am his fortune 's vassal and I send him", "The greatness he has got . I hourly learn", "A doctrine of obedience ; and would gladly", "Look him i \u2019 the face .", "Quick , quick , good hands .", "What , of death too ,", "That rids our dogs of languish ?", "Where art thou , death ?", "Come hither , come ! Come , come , and take a queen", "Worth many babes and beggars !", "Sir , I will eat no meat ; I 'll not drink , sir ;", "If idle talk will once be accessary ,", "I 'll not sleep neither : this mortal house I 'll ruin ,", "Do Caesar what he can . Know , sir , that I", "Will not wait pinion 'd at your master 's court ;", "Nor once be chastis 'd with the sober eye", "Of dull Octavia . Shall they hoist me up ,", "And show me to the shouting varletry", "Of censuring Rome ? Rather a ditch in Egypt", "Be gentle grave unto me ! rather on Nilus \u2019 mud", "Lay me stark-nak 'd , and let the water-flies", "Blow me into abhorring ! rather make", "My country 's high pyramides my gibbet ,", "And hang me up in chains !", "Say I would die .", "I cannot tell .", "No matter , sir , what I have heard or known .", "You laugh when boys or women tell their dreams ;", "Is't not your trick ?", "I dream 'd there was an Emperor Antony :\u2014", "O , such another sleep , that I might see", "But such another man !", "His face was as the heavens ; and therein stuck", "A sun and moon , which kept their course , and lighted", "The little O , the earth .", "His legs bestrid the ocean ; his rear 'd arm", "Crested the world : his voice was propertied", "As all the tuned spheres , and that to friends ;", "But when he meant to quail and shake the orb ,", "He was as rattling thunder . For his bounty ,", "There was no winter i n't ; an autumn \u2018 twas", "That grew the more by reaping : his delights", "Were dolphin-like ; they show 'd his back above", "The element they liv 'd in : in his livery", "Walk 'd crowns and crownets ; realms and islands were", "As plates dropp 'd from his pocket .", "Think you there was or might be such a man", "As this I dream 'd of ?", "You lie , up to the hearing of the gods .", "But if there be , or ever were , one such ,", "It 's past the size of dreaming : nature wants stuff", "To vie strange forms with fancy : yet to imagine", "An Antony were nature 's piece \u2018 gainst fancy ,", "Condemning shadows quite .", "I thank you , sir . Know you what Caesar means to do with me ?", "Nay , pray you , sir ,\u2014", "He 'll lead me , then , in triumph ?", "Sir , the gods", "Will have it thus ; my master and my lord", "I must obey .", "Sole sir o \u2019 the world ,", "I cannot project mine own cause so well", "To make it clear : but do confess I have", "Been laden with like frailties which before", "Have often sham 'd our sex .", "And may , through all the world : \u2018 tis yours , and we ,", "Your scutcheons and your signs of conquest , shall", "Hang in what place you please . Here , my good lord .", "This is the brief of money , plate , and jewels ,", "I am possess 'd of : \u2018 tis exactly valued ;", "Not petty things admitted .\u2014 Where 's Seleucus ?", "This is my treasurer : let him speak , my lord ,", "Upon his peril , that I have reserv 'd", "To myself nothing . Speak the truth , Seleucus .", "What have I kept back ?", "See , Caesar ! O , behold ,", "How pomp is follow 'd ! Mine will now be yours ;", "And , should we shift estates , yours would be mine .", "The ingratitude of this Seleucus does", "Even make me wild : O slave , of no more trust", "Than love that 's hir 'd !\u2014 What , goest thou back ? thou shalt", "Go back , I warrant thee ; but I 'll catch thine eyes", "Though they had wings ; slave , soulless villain , dog !", "O rarely base !", "O Caesar , what a wounding shame is this ,\u2014", "That thou vouchsafing here to visit me ,", "Doing the honour of thy lordliness", "To one so meek , that mine own servant should", "Parcel the sum of my disgraces by", "Addition of his envy ! Say , good Caesar ,", "That I some lady trifles have reserv 'd ,", "Immoment toys , things of such dignity", "As we greet modern friends withal ; and say ,", "Some nobler token I have kept apart", "For Livia and Octavia , to induce", "Their mediation ;\u2014 must I be unfolded", "With one that I have bred ? The gods ! It smites me", "Beneath the fall I have .", "Pr'ythee go hence ;", "Or I shall show the cinders of my spirits", "Through theashes of my chance .\u2014 Wert thou a man ,", "Thou wouldst have mercy on me .", "Be it known that we , the greatest , are misthought", "For things that others do ; and when we fall", "We answer others \u2019 merits in our name ,", "Are therefore to be pitied .", "My master and my lord !", "He words me , girls , he words me , that I should not", "Be noble to myself : but hark thee , Charmian !", "Hie thee again :", "I have spoke already , and it is provided ;", "Go put it to the haste .", "Dolabella !", "Dolabella ,", "I shall remain your debtor .", "Farewell , and thanks .", "Now , Iras , what think'st thou ?", "Thou , an Egyptian puppet , shall be shown", "In Rome as well as I : mechanic slaves ,", "With greasy aprons , rules , and hammers , shall", "Uplift us to the view ; in their thick breaths ,", "Rank of gross diet , shall we be enclouded ,", "And forc 'd to drink their vapour .", "Nay , \u2018 tis most certain , Iras :\u2014 saucy lictors", "Will catch at us like strumpets ; and scald rhymers", "Ballad us out o \u2019 tune : the quick comedians", "Extemporally will stage us , and present", "Our Alexandrian revels ; Antony", "Shall be brought drunken forth , and I shall see", "Some squeaking Cleopatra boy my greatness", "I \u2019 the posture of a whore .", "Nay , that 's certain .", "Why , that 's the way", "To fool their preparation and to conquer", "Their most absurd intents .", "Now , Charmian !\u2014", "Show me , my women , like a queen .\u2014 Go fetch", "My best attires ;\u2014 I am again for Cydnus ,", "To meet Mark Antony :\u2014 sirrah , Iras , go .\u2014", "Now , noble Charmian , we 'll despatch indeed ;", "And when thou hast done this chare , I 'll give thee leave", "To play till doomsday .\u2014 Bring our crown and all .", "Wherefore 's this noise ?", "Let him come in .", "What poor an instrument", "May do a noble deed ! he brings me liberty .", "My resolution 's plac 'd , and I have nothing", "Of woman in me : now from head to foot", "I am marble-constant ; now the fleeting moon", "No planet is of mine .", "Avoid , and leave him .", "Hast thou the pretty worm of Nilus there", "That kills and pains not ?", "Remember'st thou any that have died o n't ?", "Get thee hence ; farewell .", "Farewell .", "Ay , ay ; farewell .", "Take thou no care ; it shall be heeded .", "Will it eat me ?", "Well , get thee gone ; farewell .", "Give me my robe , put on my crown ; I have", "Immortal longings in me : now no more", "The juice of Egypt 's grape shall moist this lip :\u2014", "Yare , yare , good Iras ; quick .\u2014 Methinks I hear", "Antony call ; I see him rouse himself", "To praise my noble act ; I hear him mock", "The luck of Caesar , which the gods give men", "To excuse their after wrath . Husband , I come :", "Now to that name my courage prove my title !", "I am fire and air ; my other elements", "I give to baser life .\u2014 So ,\u2014 have you done ?", "Come then , and take the last warmth of my lips .", "Farewell , kind Charmian ;\u2014 Iras , long farewell .", "Have I the aspic in my lips ? Dost fall ?", "If thus thou and nature can so gently part ,", "The stroke of death is as a lover 's pinch ,", "Which hurts and is desir 'd . Dost thou lie still ?", "If thou vanishest , thou tell'st the world", "It is not worth leave-taking .", "This proves me base :", "If she first meet the curled Antony ,", "He 'll make demand of her , and spend that kiss", "Which is my heaven to have .\u2014 Come , thou mortal wretch ,", "With thy sharp teeth this knot intrinsicate", "Of life at once untie : poor venomous fool ,", "Be angry and despatch . O couldst thou speak ,", "That I might hear thee call great Caesar ass", "Unpolicied !", "Peace , peace !", "Dost thou not see my baby at my breast", "That sucks the nurse asleep ?", "As sweet as balm , as soft as air , as gentle :\u2014", "O Antony ! Nay , I will take thee too :\u2014", "What should I stay ,\u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 145, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["See you them that comes yonder , Master Greene ?", "The one I know not , but he seems a knave", "Chiefly for bearing the other company ;", "For such a slave , so vile a rogue as he ,", "Lives not again upon the earth .", "Black Will is his name . I tell you , Master Greene ,", "At Boulogne he and I were fellow-soldiers ,", "Where he played such pranks", "As all the camp feared him for his villainy 10", "I warrant you he bears so bad a mind", "That for a crown he 'll murder any man .", "O Will , times are changed : no fellows now ,", "Though we were once together in the field ;", "Yet thy friend to do thee any good I can .", "Ay , Will , those days are past with me . 27", "To London , Will , about a piece of service ,", "Wherein haply thou mayest pleasure me .", "Of late Lord Cheiny lost some plate ,", "Which one did bring and sold it at my shop ,", "Saying he served Sir Antony Cooke . 40", "A search was made , the plate was found with me ,", "And I am bound to answer at the \u2018 size .", "Now , Lord Cheiny solemnly vows , if law", "Will serve him , he 'll hang me for his plate .", "Now I am going to London upon hope", "To find the fellow . Now , Will , I know", "Thou art acquainted with such companions .", "A lean-faced writhen knave ,", "Hawk-nosed and very hollow-eyed , 50", "With mighty furrows in his stormy brows ;", "Long hair down his shoulders curled ;", "His chin was bare , but on his upper lip", "A mutchado , which he wound about his ear .", "A watchet satin doublet all-to torn ,", "The inner side did bear the greater show ;", "A pair of thread-bare velvet hose , seam rent ,", "A worsted stocking rent above the shoe ,", "A livery cloak , but all the lace was off ; 60", "\u2018 Twas bad , but yet it served to hide the plate .", "Who , I pray thee , good Will ?", "Why , then let Lord Cheiny seek Jack Fitten forth ,", "For I 'll back and tell him who robbed him of his plate .", "This cheers my heart ; Master Greene , I 'll leave you ,", "For I must to the Isle of Sheppy with speed .", "That will I , Master Greene , and so farewell . 80", "Here , Will , there 's a crown for thy good news ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 154, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I have gotten such a letter as will touch the painter : And thus it is : Here enters Arden and Franklin and hears Michael read this letter . \u2018 My duty remembered , Mistress Susan , hoping in God you be in good health , as I Michael was at the making hereof . This is to certify you that as the turtle true , when she hath lost her mate , sitteth alone , so I , mourning for your absence , do walk up and down Paul 's till one day I fell asleep and lost my master 's pantofles . Ah , Mistress Susan , abolish that paltry painter , cut him off by the shins with a frowning look of your crabbed countenance , and think upon Michael , who , drunk with the dregs of your favour , will cleave as fast to your love as a plaster of pitch to a galled horse-back . Thus hoping you will let my passions penetrate , or rather impetrate mercy of your meek hands , I end . \u2018 Yours , Michael , or else not Michael . \u2019", "My master hath new supped ,", "And I am going to prepare his chamber .", "At the Nag 's Head , at the eighteen pence ordinary . How now , Master Shakebag ? what , Black Will ! God 's dear lady , how chance your face is so bloody ?", "Nay , an you be offended , I 'll be gone .", "Why , so I do ; but wherefore urge you that ?", "So think not I ; but say , i \u2019 faith , what , if I should ?", "Why , have I two or three , what 's that to thee !", "Well , gentlemen , I cannot but confess ,", "Sith you have urged me so apparently ,", "That I have vowed my master Arden 's death ;", "And he whose kindly love and liberal hand", "Doth challenge nought but good deserts of me ,", "I will deliver over to your hands . 180", "This night come to his house at Aldersgate :", "The doors I 'll leave unlock 'd against you come .", "No sooner shall ye enter through the latch ,", "Over the threshold to the inner court ,", "But on your left hand shall you see the stairs", "That leads directly to my master 's chamber :", "There take him and dispose him as ye please .", "Now it were good we parted company ;", "What I have promised , I will perform .", "I will accomplish all I have revealed .", "Thus feeds the lamb securely on the down ,", "Whilst through the thicket of an arbour brake", "The hunger-bitten wolf o'erpries his haunt", "And takes advantage for to eat him up .", "Ah , harmless Arden , how hast thou misdone ,", "That thus thy gentle life is levelled at ?", "The many good turns that thou hast done to me . 200", "Now must I quittance with betraying thee .", "I that should take the weapon in my hand", "And buckler thee from ill-intending foes ,", "Do lead thee with a wicked fraudful smile ,", "As unsuspected , to the slaughter-house .", "So have I sworn to Mosbie and my mistress ,", "So have I promised to the slaughtermen ;", "And should I not deal currently with them ,", "Their lawless rage would take revenge on me .", "Tush , I will spurn at mercy for this once : 210", "Let pity lodge where feeble women lie ,", "I am resolved , and Arden needs must die ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 154, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["No , Franklin , no : if fear or stormy threats ,", "If love of me or care of womanhood ,", "If fear of God or common speech of men ,", "Who mangle credit with their wounding words ,", "And couch dishonour as dishonour buds ,", "Might join repentance in her wanton thoughts ,", "No question then but she would turn the leaf", "And sorrow for her dissolution ;", "But she is rooted in her wickedness ,", "Perverse and stubborn , not to be reclaimed ; 10", "Good counsel is to her as rain to weeds ,", "And reprehension makes her vice to grow", "As Hydra 's head that plenished by decay .", "Her faults , methink , are painted in my face ,", "For every searching eye to overread ;", "And Mosbie 's name , a scandal unto mine ,", "Is deeply trenched in my blushing brow .", "Ah , Franklin , Franklin , when I think on this ,", "My heart 's grief rends my other powers", "Worse than the conflict at the hour of death . 20", "My house is irksome ; there I cannot rest .", "Then that base Mosbie doth usurp my room", "And makes his triumph of my being thence . 30", "At home or not at home , where'er I be ,", "Here , here it lies , ah Franklin , here it lies", "That will not out till wretched Arden dies .", "Here enters Michael .", "What a-clock is't , sirrah ?", "See , see , how runs away the weary time ! Come , Master Franklin , shall we go to bed ?", "What hath occasioned such a fearful cry ? Speak , Michael : hath any injured thee ? 90", "So great a cry for nothing I ne'er heard . What ? are the doors fast locked and all things safe ?", "I like not this , but I 'll go see myself .\u2014", "Ne'er trust me but the doors were all unlocked :", "This negligence not half contenteth me .", "Get you to bed , and if you love my favour ,", "Let me have no more such pranks as these .", "Come , Master Franklin , let us go to bed ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 154, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Black night hath hid the pleasures of the day ,", "And sheeting darkness overhangs the earth ,", "And with the black fold of her cloudy robe", "Obscures us from the eyesight of the world ,", "In which sweet silence such as we triumph .", "The lazy minutes linger on their time ,", "As loth to give due audit to the hour ,", "Till in the watch our purpose be complete", "And Arden sent to everlasting night .", "Greene , get you gone , and linger here about , 10", "And at some hour hence come to us again ,", "Where we will give you instance of his death .", "How now , Will ? become a precisian ?", "Nay , then let 's go sleep , when bugs and fears", "Shall kill our courages with their fancy 's work . 20", "Why , thy speech bewrayed an inly kind of fear ,", "And savoured of a weak relenting spirit .", "Go forward now in that we have begun ,", "And afterwards attempt me when thou darest . 30", "This is the door ; but soft , methinks \u2018 tis shut . The villain Michael hath deceived us .", "It will not be ; the white-livered peasant", "Is gone to bed , and laughs us both to scorn .", "And let me never draw a sword again ,", "Nor prosper in the twilight , cockshut light ,", "When I would fleece the wealthy passenger ,", "But lie and languish in a loathsome den ,", "Hated and spit at by the goers-by , 50", "And in that death may die unpitied ,", "If I , the next time that I meet the slave ,", "Cut not the nose from off the coward 's face", "And trample on it for this villainy .", "He were a villain , an he would not swear .", "\u2018 Twould make a peasant swear among his boys ,", "That ne'er durst say before but \u2018 yea \u2019 and \u2018 no , \u2019", "To be thus flouted of a coistril ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 154, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Disturbed thoughts drives me from company", "And dries my marrow with their watchfulness ;", "Continual trouble of my moody brain", "Feebles my body by excess of drink ,", "And nips me as the bitter north-east wind", "Doth check the tender blossoms in the spring .", "Well fares the man , howe'er his cates do taste ,", "That tables not with foul suspicion ;", "And he but pines amongst his delicates ,", "Whose troubled mind is stuffed with discontent . 10", "My golden time was when I had no gold ;", "Though then I wanted , yet I slept secure ;", "My daily toil begat me night 's repose ,", "My night 's repose made daylight fresh to me .", "But since I climbed the top-bough of the tree", "And sought to build my nest among the clouds ,", "Each gentle stirry gale doth shake my bed ,", "And makes me dread my downfall to the earth .", "But whither doth contemplation carry me ?", "The way I seek to find , where pleasure dwells , 20", "Is hedged behind me that I cannot back ,", "But needs must on , although to danger 's gate .", "Then , Arden , perish thou by that decree ;", "For Greene doth ear the land and weed thee up", "To make my harvest nothing but pure corn .", "And for his pains I 'll hive him up a while ,", "And after smother him to have his wax :", "Such bees as Greene must never live to sting .", "Then is there Michael and the painter too ,", "Chief actors to Arden 's overthrow ; 30", "Who when they shall see me sit in Arden 's seat ,", "They will insult upon me for my meed ,", "Or fright me by detecting of his end .", "I 'll none of that , for I can cast a bone", "To make these curs pluck out each other 's throat ,", "And then am I sole ruler of mine own .", "Yet Mistress Arden lives ; but she 's myself ,", "And holy Church rites makes us two but one .", "But what for that ? I may not trust you , Alice :", "You have supplanted Arden for my sake , 40", "And will extirpen me to plant another .", "\u2018 Tis fearful sleeping in a serpent 's bed ,", "And I will cleanly rid my hands of her .", "Here enters Alice .", "But here she comes , and I must flatter her .", "\u2014 How now , Alice ? what , sad and passionate ?", "Make me partaker of thy pensiveness :", "Fire divided burns with lesser force .", "Such deep pathaires , like to a cannon 's burst", "Discharged against a ruinated wall ,", "Breaks my relenting heart in thousand pieces .", "Ungentle Alice , thy sorrow is my sore ;", "Thou know'st it well , and \u2018 tis thy policy", "To forge distressful looks to wound a breast", "Where lies a heart that dies when thou art sad .", "It is not love that loves to anger love .", "How mean you that ? 60", "And then ?", "What ? are you changed ? 70", "Nay , if you ban , let me breathe curses forth , 80", "And if you stand so nicely at your fame ,", "Let me repent the credit I have lost .", "I have neglected matters of import", "That would have stated me above thy state ,", "Forslowed advantages , and spurned at time :", "Ay , Fortune 's right hand Mosbie hath forsook", "To take a wanton giglot by the left .", "I left the marriage of an honest maid ,", "Whose dowry would have weighed down all thy wealth ,", "Whose beauty and demeanour far exceeded thee : 90", "This certain good I lost for changing bad ,", "And wrapt my credit in thy company .", "I was bewitched ,\u2014 that is no theme of thine ,", "And thou unhallowed has enchanted me .", "But I will break thy spells and exorcisms ,", "And put another sight upon these eyes", "That showed my heart a raven for a dove .", "Thou art not fair , I viewed thee not till now ;", "Thou art not kind , till now I knew thee not ;", "And now the rain hath beaten off thy gilt , 100", "Thy worthless copper shows thee counterfeit .", "It grieves me not to see how foul thou art ,", "But mads me that ever I thought thee fair .", "Go , get thee gone , a copesmate for thy hinds ;", "I am too good to be thy favourite .", "O no , I am a base artificer :", "My wings are feathered for a lowly flight .", "Mosbie ? fie ! no , not for a thousand pound .", "Make love to you ? why , \u2018 tis unpardonable ;", "We beggars must not breathe where gentles are .", "Ah , how you women can insinuate ,", "And clear a trespass with your sweet-set tongue !", "I will forget this quarrel , gentle Alice ,", "Provided I 'll be tempted so no more .", "Here enters Bradshaw .", "Soft , Alice , here comes somebody . 151", "Well , were his date completed and expired .", "Ay , to the gates of death to follow thee ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 154, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come , Will , see thy tools be in a readiness ! Is not thy powder dank , or will thy flint strike fire ?", "Ay , haply thou has picked more in a throng :", "But , should I brag what booties I have took ,", "I think the overplus that 's more than thine", "Would mount to a greater sum of money", "Then either thou or all thy kin are worth .", "Zounds , I hate them as I hate a toad", "That carry a muscado in their tongue , 20", "And scarce a hurting weapon in their hand .", "Why , so can Jack of Feversham ,", "That sounded for a fillip on the nose ,", "When he that gave it him holloed in his ear ,", "And he supposed a cannon-bullet hit him .", "Then they fight .", "Why , he begun .", "Why , that thou shalt see , if he come this way .", "Stand close , Will , I hear them coming . Here enters Lord Cheiny with his men .", "Arden , thou hast wondrous holy luck .", "Did ever man escape as thou hast done ?", "Well , I 'll discharge my pistol at the sky ,", "For by this bullet Arden might not die .", "Here enters Greene .", "Ay , in health towards Feversham , to shame us all .", "When we were ready to shoot , 140", "Comes my Lord Cheiny to prevent his death .", "Why , I 'll warrant you she 'll think we dare not do it ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 154, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["See how the hours , the gardant of heaven 's gate ,", "Have by their toil removed the darksome clouds ,", "That Sol may well discern the trampled path", "Wherein he wont to guide his golden car ;", "The season fits ; come , Franklin , let 's away .", "It was no chase that made me rise so early ,", "But , as I told thee yesternight , to go", "To the Isle of Sheppy , there to dine with my Lord Cheiny ; 10", "For so his honour late commanded me .", "Content ; sirrah , saddle your mistress \u2019 nag .", "Nay , see how mistaking you are ! I pray thee , go .", "Then let me leave thee satisfied in this ,", "That time nor place nor persons alter me , 30", "But that I hold thee dearer than my life .", "And that shall be ere night , and if I live . Farewell , sweet Alice , we mind to sup with thee .", "Go to , sirrah , see you follow us to the Isle of Sheppy", "To my Lord Cheiny 's , where we mean to dine ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 154, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["He is coming from Shorlow as I understand ;", "Here I 'll intercept him , for at his house", "He never will vouchsafe to speak with me .", "If prayers and fair entreaties will not serve ,", "Or make no battery in his flinty breast ,", "Here enters Franklin , Arden , and Michael .", "I 'll curse the carle , and see what that will do .", "See where he comes to further my intent !\u2014 10", "Master Arden , I am now bound to the sea ;", "My coming to you was about the plat", "Of ground which wrongfully you detain from me .", "Although the rent of it be very small ,", "Yet it will help my wife and children ,", "Which here I leave in Feversham , God knows ,", "Needy and bare : for Christ 's sake , let them have it !", "What , wilt thou do me wrong and threat me too ,", "Nay , then , I 'll tempt thee , Arden , do thy worst .", "God , I beseech thee , show some miracle 30", "On thee or thine , in plaguing thee for this .", "That plot of ground which thou detains from me ,", "I speak it in an agony of spirit ,", "Be ruinous and fatal unto thee !", "Either there be butchered by thy dearest friends ,", "Or else be brought for men to wonder at ,", "Or thou or thine miscarry in that place ,", "Or there run mad and end thy cursed days !", "Light where they will ! Were I upon the sea ,", "As oft I have in many a bitter storm ,", "And saw a dreadful southern flaw at hand ,", "The pilot quaking at the doubtful storm ,", "And all the sailors praying on their knees ,", "Even in that fearful time would I fall down ,", "And ask of God , whate'er betide of me ,", "Vengeance on Arden or some misevent", "To show the world what wrong the carle hath done .", "This charge I 'll leave with my distressful wife , 51", "My children shall be taught such prayers as these ;", "And thus I go , but leave my curse with thee ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 154, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sirrah Greene , when was I so long in killing a man ?", "Thou knowest , Greene , that I have lived in London this twelve years , where I have made some go upon wooden legs for taking the wall on me ; divers with silver noses for saying \u2018 There goes Black Will ! \u2019 I have cracked as many blades as thou hast nuts .", "Faith , in a manner I have . The bawdy-houses have paid me tribute ; there durst not a whore set up , unless she have agreed with me first for opening her shop-windows . For a cross word of a tapster I have pierced one barrel after another with my dagger , and held him by the ears till all his beer hath run out . In Thames Street a brewer 's cart was like to have run over me : I made no more ado , but went to the clerk and cut all the notches of his tallies and beat them about his head . I and my company have taken the constable from his watch , and carried him about the fields on a coltstaff . I have broken a sergeant 's head with his own mace , and bailed whom I list with my sword and buckler . All the tenpenny-alehouses-men would stand every morning with a quart-pot in their hand , saying , \u2018 Will it please your worship drink ? \u2019 He that had not done so , had been sure to have had his sign pulled down and his lattice borne away the next night . To conclude , what have I not done ? yet cannot do this ; doubtless , he is preserved by miracle . 32 Here enters Alice and Michael .", "Nay , and there be such cheer , we will bid ourselves .\u2014", "Mistress Arden , Dick Greene and I do mean to sup with you .", "Nay then , Mistress Arden , I 'll tell you how it was : When he should have locked with both his hilts , He in a bravery flourished o'er his head ; With that comes Franklin at him lustily , 60 And hurts the slave ; with that he slinks away . Now his way had been to have come hand and feet , one and two round , at his costard ; he like a fool bears his sword-point half a yard out of danger . I lie here for my life ; if the devil come , and he have no more strength than I have fence , he shall never beat me from this ward , I 'll stand to it ; a buckler in a skilful hand is as good as a castle ; nay , \u2018 tis better than a sconce , for I have tried it . 70 Mosbie , perceiving this , began to faint : With that comes Arden with his arming sword , And thrust him through the shoulder in a trice .", "Faith , I was so amazed , I could not strike .", "Patient yourself , we cannot help it now . 80", "Greene and we two will dog him through the fair ,", "And stab him in the crowd , and steal away .", "Here enters Mosbie .", "Ay , or else think me a villain .", "What shall the watchword be ?", "I warrant you . But who shall lock me in ?", "Ay , and that bravely , too . Mark my device :", "Place Mosbie , being a stranger , in a chair ,", "And let your husband sit upon a stool ,", "That I may come behind him cunningly ,", "And with a towel pull him to the ground ,", "Then stab him till his flesh be as a sieve ;", "That done , bear him behind the Abbey ,", "That those that find him murdered may suppose 130", "Some slave or other killed him for his gold .", "Such words would make one kill a thousand men ! Give me the key : which is the counting-house ?", "Tush , get you gone ; \u2018 tis we must do the deed . When this door opens next , look for his death .", "\u2014 Can he not take him yet ? what a spite is that ?", "\u2014 I fear he will spy me as I am coming .", "Nothing but take you up , sir , nothing else . 240", "Ah , that villain will betray us all .", "Shift for yourselves ; we two will leave you now .", "We have our gold ; Mistress Alice , adieu ;", "Mosbie , farewell , and Michael , farewell too ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 154, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I pray thee , Rosalind , sweet my coz , be merry .", "Herein I see thou lov'st me not with the full weight that I love thee . If my uncle , thy banished father , had banished thy uncle , the Duke my father , so thou hadst been still with me , I could have taught my love to take thy father for mine ; so wouldst thou , if the truth of thy love to me were so righteously temper 'd as mine is to thee .", "You know my father hath no child but I , nor none is like to have ; and , truly , when he dies thou shalt be his heir ; for what he hath taken away from thy father perforce , I will render thee again in affection . By mine honour , I will ; and when I break that oath , let me turn monster ; therefore , my sweet Rose , my dear Rose , be merry .", "Marry , I prithee , do , to make sport withal ; but love no man in good earnest , nor no further in sport neither than with safety of a pure blush thou mayst in honour come off again .", "Let us sit and mock the good housewife Fortune from her wheel , that her gifts may henceforth be bestowed equally .", "\u2018 Tis true ; for those that she makes fair she scarce makes honest ; and those that she makes honest she makes very ill-favouredly .", "No ; when Nature hath made a fair creature , may she not by Fortune fall into the fire ? Though Nature hath given us wit to flout at Fortune , hath not Fortune sent in this fool to cut off the argument ?", "Peradventure this is not Fortune 's work neither , but Nature 's , who perceiveth our natural wits too dull to reason of such goddesses , and hath sent this natural for our whetstone ; for always the dullness of the fool is the whetstone of the wits . How now , wit ! Whither wander you ?", "Were you made the messenger ?", "How prove you that , in the great heap of your knowledge ?", "By our beards , if we had them , thou art .", "Prithee , who is't that thou mean'st ?", "My father 's love is enough to honour him . Enough , speak no more of him ; you 'll be whipt for taxation one of these days .", "By my troth , thou sayest true ; for since the little wit that fools have was silenced , the little foolery that wise men have makes a great show . Here comes Monsieur Le Beau .", "Which he will put on us as pigeons feed their young .", "All the better ; we shall be the more marketable . Bon jour , Monsieur Le Beau . What 's the news ?", "Sport ! of what colour ?", "Well said ; that was laid on with a trowel .", "Well , the beginning , that is dead and buried .", "I could match this beginning with an old tale .", "Or I , I promise thee .", "Yonder , sure , they are coming . Let us now stay and see it .", "Alas , he is too young ; yet he looks successfully .", "Call him hither , good Monsieur Le Beau .", "Young gentleman , your spirits are too bold for your years . You have seen cruel proof of this man 's strength ; if you saw yourself with your eyes , or knew yourself with your judgment , the fear of your adventure would counsel you to a more equal enterprise . We pray you , for your own sake , to embrace your own safety and give over this attempt .", "And mine to eke out hers .", "Your heart 's desires be with you !", "I would I were invisible , to catch the strong fellow by the leg .", "If I had a thunderbolt in mine eye , I can tell who should down .", "Were I my father , coz , would I do this ?", "Gentle cousin ,", "Let us go thank him , and encourage him ;", "My father 's rough and envious disposition", "Sticks me at heart . Sir , you have well deserv 'd ;", "If you do keep your promises in love", "But justly as you have exceeded all promise ,", "Your mistress shall be happy .", "Ay . Fare you well , fair gentleman .", "Will you go , coz ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 165, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Why , cousin ! why , Rosalind ! Cupid have mercy ! Not a word ?", "No , thy words are too precious to be cast away upon curs ; throw some of them at me ; come , lame me with reasons .", "But is all this for your father ?", "They are but burs , cousin , thrown upon thee in holiday foolery ; if we walk not in the trodden paths , our very petticoats will catch them .", "Hem them away .", "Come , come , wrestle with thy affections .", "O , a good wish upon you ! You will try in time , in despite of a fall . But , turning these jests out of service , let us talk in good earnest . Is it possible , on such a sudden , you should fall into so strong a liking with old Sir Rowland 's youngest son ?", "Doth it therefore ensue that you should love his son dearly ? By this kind of chase I should hate him , for my father hated his father dearly ; yet I hate not Orlando .", "Why should I not ? Doth he not deserve well ?", "With his eyes full of anger .", "Dear sovereign , hear me speak .", "I did not then entreat to have her stay ;", "It was your pleasure , and your own remorse ;", "I was too young that time to value her ,", "But now I know her . If she be a traitor ,", "Why so am I : we still have slept together ,", "Rose at an instant , learn 'd , play 'd , eat together ;", "And wheresoe'er we went , like Juno 's swans ,", "Still we went coupled and inseparable .", "Pronounce that sentence , then , on me , my liege ;", "I cannot live out of her company .", "O my poor Rosalind ! Whither wilt thou go ? Wilt thou change fathers ? I will give thee mine . I charge thee be not thou more griev 'd than I am .", "Thou hast not , cousin .", "Prithee be cheerful . Know'st thou not the Duke", "Hath banish 'd me , his daughter ?", "No , hath not ? Rosalind lacks , then , the love", "Which teacheth thee that thou and I am one .", "Shall we be sund'red ? Shall we part , sweet girl ?", "No ; let my father seek another heir .", "Therefore devise with me how we may fly ,", "Whither to go , and what to bear with us ;", "And do not seek to take your charge upon you ,", "To bear your griefs yourself , and leave me out ;", "For , by this heaven , now at our sorrows pale ,", "Say what thou canst , I 'll go along with thee .", "To seek my uncle in the Forest of Arden .", "I 'll put myself in poor and mean attire ,", "And with a kind of umber smirch my face ;", "The like do you ; so shall we pass along ,", "And never stir assailants .", "What shall I call thee when thou art a man ?", "Something that hath a reference to my state :", "No longer Celia , but Aliena .", "He 'll go along o'er the wide world with me ;", "Leave me alone to woo him . Let 's away ,", "And get our jewels and our wealth together ;", "Devise the fittest time and safest way", "To hide us from pursuit that will be made", "After my flight . Now go we in content", "To liberty , and not to banishment . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 165, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now , my co-mates and brothers in exile ,", "Hath not old custom made this life more sweet", "Than that of painted pomp ? Are not these woods", "More free from peril than the envious court ?", "Here feel we not the penalty of Adam ,", "The seasons \u2019 difference ; as the icy fang", "And churlish chiding of the winter 's wind ,", "Which when it bites and blows upon my body ,", "Even till I shrink with cold , I smile and say", "\u2018 This is no flattery ; these are counsellors", "That feelingly persuade me what I am . \u2019", "Sweet are the uses of adversity ,", "Which , like the toad , ugly and venomous ,", "Wears yet a precious jewel in his head ;", "And this our life , exempt from public haunt ,", "Finds tongues in trees , books in the running brooks ,", "Sermons in stones , and good in everything .", "I would not change it .", "Come , shall we go and kill us venison ?", "And yet it irks me the poor dappled fools ,", "Being native burghers of this desert city ,", "Should , in their own confines , with forked heads", "Have their round haunches gor 'd .", "But what said Jaques ? Did he not moralize this spectacle ?", "And did you leave him in this contemplation ?", "Show me the place ;", "I love to cope him in these sullen fits ,", "For then he 's full of matter ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 165, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Who 's there ?", "Why , what 's the matter ?", "Why , whither , Adam , wouldst thou have me go ?", "What , wouldst thou have me go and beg my food ,", "Or with a base and boist'rous sword enforce", "A thievish living on the common road ?", "This I must do , or know not what to do ;", "Yet this I will not do , do how I can .", "I rather will subject me to the malice", "Of a diverted blood and bloody brother .", "O good old man , how well in thee appears", "The constant service of the antique world ,", "When service sweat for duty , not for meed !", "Thou art not for the fashion of these times ,", "Where none will sweat but for promotion ,", "And having that do choke their service up", "Even with the having ; it is not so with thee .", "But , poor old man , thou prun'st a rotten tree", "That cannot so much as a blossom yield", "In lieu of all thy pains and husbandry .", "But come thy ways , we 'll go along together ,", "And ere we have thy youthful wages spent", "We 'll light upon some settled low content ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 165, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["O Jupiter , how weary are my spirits !", "I could find in my heart to disgrace my man 's apparel , and to cry like a woman ; but I must comfort the weaker vessel , as doublet and hose ought to show itself courageous to petticoat ; therefore , courage , good Aliena .", "Well ,. this is the Forest of Arden .", "Ay , be so , good Touchstone . Look you , who comes here , a young man and an old in solemn talk .", "Alas , poor shepherd ! searching of thy wound ,", "I have by hard adventure found mine own .", "Thou speak'st wiser than thou art ware of .", "Jove , Jove ! this shepherd 's passion", "Is much upon my fashion .", "Peace , fool ; he 's not thy Ensman .", "Peace , I say . Good even to you , friend .", "I prithee , shepherd , if that love or gold", "Can in this desert place buy entertainment ,", "Bring us where we may rest ourselves and feed .", "Here 's a young maid with travel much oppress 'd ,", "And faints for succour .", "What is he that shall buy his flock and pasture ?", "I pray thee , if it stand with honesty ,", "Buy thou the cottage , pasture , and the flock ,", "And thou shalt have to pay for it of us ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 165, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Why , how now , Adam ! No greater heart in thee ? Live a little ; comfort a little ; cheer thyself a little . If this uncouth forest yield anything savage , I will either be food for it or bring it for food to thee . Thy conceit is nearer death than thy powers . For my sake be comfortable ; hold death awhile at the arm 's end . I will here be with the presently ; and if I bring thee not something to eat , I will give thee leave to die ; but if thou diest before I come , thou art a mocker of my labour . Well said ! thou look'st cheerly ; and I 'll be with thee quickly . Yet thou liest in the bleak air . Come , I will bear thee to some shelter ; and thou shalt not die for lack of a dinner , if there live anything in this desert . Cheerly , good Adam ! Exeunt SCENE VII . The forest A table set out . Enter DUKE SENIOR , AMIENS , and LORDS , like outlaws", "Forbear , and eat no more .", "Nor shalt not , till necessity be serv 'd .", "You touch 'd my vein at first : the thorny point", "Of bare distress hath ta'en from me the show", "Of smooth civility ; yet arn I inland bred ,", "And know some nurture . But forbear , I say ;", "He dies that touches any of this fruit", "Till I and my affairs are answered .", "I almost die for food , and let me have it .", "Speak you so gently ? Pardon me , I pray you ;", "I thought that all things had been savage here ,", "And therefore put I on the countenance", "Of stern commandment . But whate'er you are", "That in this desert inaccessible ,", "Under the shade of melancholy boughs ,", "Lose and neglect the creeping hours of time ;", "If ever you have look 'd on better days ,", "If ever been where bells have knoll 'd to church ,", "If ever sat at any good man 's feast ,", "If ever from your eyelids wip 'd a tear ,", "And know what \u2018 tis to pity and be pitied ,", "Let gentleness my strong enforcement be ;", "In the which hope I blush , and hide my sword .", "Then but forbear your food a little while ,", "Whiles , like a doe , I go to find my fawn ,", "And give it food . There is an old poor man", "Who after me hath many a weary step", "Limp 'd in pure love ; till he be first suffic 'd ,", "Oppress 'd with two weak evils , age and hunger ,", "I will not touch a bit .", "I thank ye ; and be blest for your good comfort !", "I thank you most for him ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 165, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Hang there , my verse , in witness of my love ;", "And thou , thrice-crowned Queen of Night , survey", "With thy chaste eye , from thy pale sphere above ,", "Thy huntress \u2019 name that my full life doth sway .", "O Rosalind ! these trees shall be my books ,", "And in their barks my thoughts I 'll character ,", "That every eye which in this forest looks", "Shall see thy virtue witness 'd every where .", "Run , run , Orlando ; carve on every tree ,", "The fair , the chaste , and unexpressive she . Exit", "And so had I ; but yet , for fashion sake , I thank you too for your society .", "I do desire we may be better strangers .", "I pray you mar no more of my verses with reading them ill-favouredly .", "Yes , just .", "There was no thought of pleasing you when she was christen 'd .", "Just as high as my heart .", "Not so ; but I answer you right painted cloth , from whence you have studied your questions .", "I will chide no breather in the world but myself , against whom I know most faults .", "\u2018 Tis a fault I will not change for your best virtue . I am weary of you .", "He is drown 'd in the brook ; look but in , and you shall see him .", "Which I take to be either a fool or a cipher .", "I am glad of your departure ; adieu , good Monsieur", "Melancholy .", "Very well ; what would you ?", "You should ask me what time o \u2019 day ; there 's no clock in the forest .", "And why not the swift foot of Time ? Had not that been as proper ?", "I prithee , who doth he trot withal ?", "Who ambles Time withal ?", "Who doth he gallop withal ?", "Who stays it still withal ?", "Where dwell you , pretty youth ?", "Are you native of this place ?", "Your accent is something finer than you could purchase in so removed a dwelling .", "Can you remember any of the principal evils that he laid to the charge of women ?", "I prithee recount some of them .", "I am he that is so love-shak 'd ; I pray you tell me your remedy .", "What were his marks ?", "Fair youth , I would I could make thee believe I love .", "I swear to thee , youth , by the white hand of Rosalind , I am that he , that unfortunate he .", "Neither rhyme nor reason can express how much .", "Did you ever cure any so ?", "I would not be cured , youth .", "Now , by the faith of my love , I will . Tell me where it is .", "With all my heart , good youth ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 165, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sweet Phebe , do not scorn me ; do not , Phebe . Say that you love me not ; but say not so", "O dear Phebe ,", "If ever - as that ever may be near-", "You meet in some fresh cheek the power of fancy ,", "Then shall you know the wounds invisible", "That love 's keen arrows make .", "Sweet Phebe .", "Sweet Phebe , pity me .", "Wherever sorrow is , relief would be .", "If you do sorrow at my grief in love ,", "By giving love , your sorrow and my grief", "Were both extermin 'd .", "I would have you .", "So holy and so perfect is my love ,", "And I in such a poverty of grace ,", "That I shall think it a most plenteous crop", "To glean the broken ears after the man", "That the main harvest reaps ; loose now and then", "A scatt'red smile , and that I 'll live upon .", "Not very well ; but I have met him oft ;", "And he hath bought the cottage and the bounds", "That the old carlot once was master of .", "Phebe , with all my heart ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 165, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["They say you are a melancholy fellow .", "Those that are in extremity of either are abominable fellows , and betray themselves to every modern censure worse than drunkards .", "Why then , \u2018 tis good to be a post .", "A traveller ! By my faith , you have great reason to be sad . I fear you have sold your own lands to see other men 's ; then to have seen much and to have nothing is to have rich eyes and poor hands .", "And your experience makes you sad . I had rather have a fool to make me merry than experience to make me sad - and to travel for it too .", "Farewell , Monsieur Traveller ; look you lisp and wear strange suits , disable all the benefits of your own country , be out of love with your nativity , and almost chide God for making you that countenance you are ; or I will scarce think you have swam in a gondola .Why , how now , Orlando ! where have you been all this while ? You a lover ! An you serve me such another trick , never come in my sight more .", "Break an hour 's promise in love ! He that will divide a minute into a thousand parts , and break but a part of the thousand part of a minute in the affairs of love , it may be said of him that Cupid hath clapp 'd him o \u2019 th \u2019 shoulder , but I 'll warrant him heart-whole .", "Nay , an you be so tardy , come no more in my sight . I had as lief be woo 'd of a snail .", "Ay , of a snail ; for though he comes slowly , he carries his house on his head - a better jointure , I think , than you make a woman ; besides , he brings his destiny with him .", "Why , horns ; which such as you are fain to be beholding to your wives for ; but he comes armed in his fortune , and prevents the slander of his wife .", "And I am your Rosalind .", "Come , woo me , woo me ; for now I am in a holiday humour , and like enough to consent . What would you say to me now , an I were your very very Rosalind ?", "Nay , you were better speak first ; and when you were gravell 'd for lack of matter , you might take occasion to kiss . Very good orators , when they are out , they will spit ; and for lovers lacking - God warn us ! - matter , the cleanliest shift is to kiss .", "Then she puts you to entreaty , and there begins new matter .", "Marry , that should you , if I were your mistress ; or I should think my honesty ranker than my wit .", "Not out of your apparel , and yet out of your suit . Am not I your Rosalind ?", "Well , in her person , I say I will not have you .", "No , faith , die by attorney . The poor world is almost six thousand years old , and in all this time there was not any man died in his own person , videlicet , in a love-cause . Troilus had his brains dash 'd out with a Grecian club ; yet he did what he could to die before , and he is one of the patterns of love . Leander , he would have liv 'd many a fair year , though Hero had turn 'd nun , if it had not been for a hot midsummer night ; for , good youth , he went but forth to wash him in the Hellespont , and , being taken with the cramp , was drown 'd ; and the foolish chroniclers of that age found it was - Hero of Sestos . But these are all lies : men have died from time to time , and worms have eaten them , but not for love .", "By this hand , it will not kill a fly . But come , now I will be your Rosalind in a more coming-on disposition ; and ask me what you will , I will grant it .", "Yes , faith , will I , Fridays and Saturdays , and all .", "Ay , and twenty such .", "Are you not good ?", "Why then , can one desire too much of a good thing ? Come , sister , you shall be the priest , and marry us . Give me your hand ,", "You must begin \u2018 Will you , Orlando \u2019 -", "Ay , but when ?", "Then you must say \u2018 I take thee , Rosalind , for wife . \u2019", "I might ask you for your commission ; but - I do take thee , Orlando , for my husband . There 's a girl goes before the priest ; and , certainly , a woman 's thought runs before her actions .", "Now tell me how long you would have her , after you have possess 'd her .", "Say \u2018 a day \u2019 without the \u2018 ever . \u2019 No , no , Orlando ; men are April when they woo , December when they wed : maids are May when they are maids , but the sky changes when they are wives . I will be more jealous of thee than a Barbary cock-pigeon over his hen , more clamorous than a parrot against rain , more new-fangled than an ape , more giddy in my desires than a monkey . I will weep for nothing , like Diana in the fountain , and I will do that when you are dispos 'd to be merry ; I will laugh like a hyen , and that when thou are inclin 'd to sleep .", "By my life , she will do as I do .", "Or else she could not have the wit to do this . The wiser , the waywarder . Make the doors upon a woman 's wit , and it will out at the casement ; shut that , and \u2018 twill out at the key-hole ; stop that , \u2018 twill fly with the smoke out at the chimney .", "Marry , to say she came to seek you there . You shall never take her without her answer , unless you take her without her tongue . O , that woman that cannot make her fault her husband 's occasion , let her never nurse her child herself , for she will breed it like a fool !", "Alas , dear love , I cannot lack thee two hours !", "Ay , go your ways , go your ways . I knew what you would prove ; my friends told me as much , and I thought no less . That flattering tongue of yours won me . \u2018 Tis but one cast away , and so , come death ! Two o'clock is your hour ?", "By my troth , and in good earnest , and so God mend me , and by all pretty oaths that are not dangerous , if you break one jot of your promise , or come one minute behind your hour , I will think you the most pathetical break-promise , and the most hollow lover , and the most unworthy of her you call Rosalind , that may be chosen out of the gross band of the unfaithful . Therefore beware my censure , and keep your promise .", "Well , Time is the old justice that examines all such offenders , and let Time try . Adieu . Exit ORLANDO", "O coz , coz , coz , my pretty little coz , that thou didst know how many fathom deep I am in love ! But it cannot be sounded ; my affection hath an unknown bottom , like the Bay of Portugal .", "No ; that same wicked bastard of Venus , that was begot of thought , conceiv 'd of spleen , and born of madness ; that blind rascally boy , that abuses every one 's eyes , because his own are out - let him be judge how deep I am in love . I 'll tell thee , Aliena , I cannot be out of the sight of Orlando . I 'll go find a shadow , and sigh till he come ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 165, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["How say you now ? Is it not past two o'clock ? And here much Orlando !", "Patience herself would startle at this letter ,", "And play the swaggerer . Bear this , bear all .", "She says I am not fair , that I lack manners ;", "She calls me proud , and that she could not love me ,", "Were man as rare as Phoenix . \u2018 Od 's my will !", "Her love is not the hare that I do hunt ;", "Why writes she so to me ? Well , shepherd , well ,", "This is a letter of your own device .", "Come , come , you are a fool ,", "And turn 'd into the extremity of love .", "I saw her hand ; she has a leathern hand ,", "A freestone-colour 'd hand ; I verily did think", "That her old gloves were on , but \u2018 twas her hands ;", "She has a huswife 's hand - but that 's no matter .", "I say she never did invent this letter :", "This is a man 's invention , and his hand .", "Why , \u2018 tis a boisterous and a cruel style ;", "A style for challengers . Why , she defies me ,", "Like Turk to Christian . Women 's gentle brain", "Could not drop forth such giant-rude invention ,", "Such Ethiope words , blacker in their effect", "Than in their countenance . Will you hear the letter ?", "She Phebes me : mark how the tyrant writes .", "\u2018 Art thou god to shepherd turn 'd ,", "That a maiden 's heart hath burn 'd ? \u2019", "Can a woman rail thus ?", "\u2018 Why , thy godhead laid apart ,", "Warr'st thou with a woman 's heart ? \u2019", "Did you ever hear such railing ?", "\u2018 Whiles the eye of man did woo me ,", "That could do no vengeance to me . \u2019", "Meaning me a beast .", "\u2018 If the scorn of your bright eyne", "Have power to raise such love in mine ,", "Alack , in me what strange effect", "Would they work in mild aspect !", "Whiles you chid me , I did love ;", "How then might your prayers move !", "He that brings this love to the", "Little knows this love in me ;", "And by him seal up thy mind ,", "Whether that thy youth and kind", "Will the faithful offer take", "Of me and all that I can make ;", "Or else by him my love deny ,", "And then I 'll study how to die . \u2019", "Do you pity him ? No , he deserves no pity . Wilt thou love such a woman ? What , to make thee an instrument , and play false strains upon thee ! Not to be endur 'd ! Well , go your way to her , for I see love hath made thee tame snake , and say this to her - that if she love me , I charge her to love thee ; if she will not , I will never have her unless thou entreat for her . If you be a true lover , hence , and not a word ; for here comes more company .", "I am . What must we understand by this ?", "But , to Orlando : did he leave him there ,", "Food to the suck 'd and hungry lioness ?", "Was't you he rescu 'd ?", "But for the bloody napkin ?", "I would I were at home .", "I do so , I confess it . Ah , sirrah , a body would think this was well counterfeited . I pray you tell your brother how well I counterfeited . Heigh-ho !", "Counterfeit , I assure you .", "So I do ; but , i \u2019 faith , I should have been a woman by right .", "I shall devise something ; but , I pray you , commend my counterfeiting to him . Will you go ? Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 165, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Dost thou believe , Orlando , that the boy", "Can do all this that he hath promised ?", "That would I , had I kingdoms to give with her .", "I do remember in this shepherd boy", "Some lively touches of my daughter 's favour .", "I like him very well .", "By my faith , he is very swift and sententious .", "He uses his folly like a stalking-horse , and under the presentation of that he shoots his wit :", "If there be truth in sight , you are my daughter .", "O my dear niece , welcome thou art to me ! Even daughter , welcome in no less degree .", "Welcome , young man .", "Thou offer'st fairly to thy brothers \u2019 wedding :", "To one , his lands withheld ; and to the other ,", "A land itself at large , a potent dukedom .", "First , in this forest let us do those ends", "That here were well begun and well begot ;", "And after , every of this happy number ,", "That have endur 'd shrewd days and nights with us ,", "Shall share the good of our returned fortune ,", "According to the measure of their states .", "Meantime , forget this new-fall'n dignity ,", "And fall into our rustic revelry .", "Play , music ; and you brides and bridegrooms all ,", "With measure heap 'd in joy , to th \u2019 measures fall .", "Stay , Jaques , stay .", "Proceed , proceed . We will begin these rites ,", "As we do trust they 'll end , in true delights .", "Exeunt", "EPILOGUE"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 165, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["A pretty conceit , and worth the finding ! I have such luck to spin out these fine things still , and , like a silk-worm , out of my self . Here 's master Bartholomew Cokes , of Harrow o \u2019 the Hill , in the county of Middlesex , esquire , takes forth his license to marry mistress Grace Wellborn , of the said place and county : and when does he take it forth ? to-day ! the four and twentieth of August ! Bartholomew-day ! Bartholomew upon Bartholomew ! there 's the device ! who would have marked such a leap-frog chance now ! A very . . . less than ames-ace , on two dice ! Well , go thy ways , John Littlewit , proctor John Littlewit : one of the pretty wits of Paul 's , the Littlewit of London , so thou art called , and something beside . When a quirk or a quiblin does \u2018 scape thee , and thou dost not watch and apprehend it , and bring it afore the constable of conceit ,let them carry thee out o \u2019 the archdeacon 's court into his kitchen , and make a Jack of thee , instead of a John . There I am again la !\u2014 Enter MRS. LITTLEWIT . Win , good-morrow , Win ; ay , marry , Win , now you look finely indeed , Win ! this cap does convince ! You 'd not have worn it , Win , nor have had it velvet , but a rough country beaver , with a copper band , like the coney-skin woman of Budge-row ; sweet Win , let me kiss it ! And her fine high shoes , like the Spanish lady ! Good Win , go a little , I would fain see thee pace , pretty Win ; by this fine cap , I could never leave kissing o n't .", "No , but half a one , Win , you are the t'other half : man and wife make one fool , Win . Good ! Is there the proctor , or doctor indeed , in the diocese , that ever had the fortune to win him such a Win ! There I am again ! I do feel conceits coming upon me , more than I am able to turn tongue to . A pox o \u2019 these pretenders to wit ! your Three Cranes , Mitre and Mermaid men ! not a corn of true salt , not a grain of right mustard amongst them all . They may stand for places , or so , again the next wit-fall , and pay two-pence in a quart more for their canary than other men . But give me the man can start up a justice of wit out of six shillings beer , and give the law to all the poets and poet-suckers in town :\u2014 because they are the player 's gossips ! \u2018 Slid ! other men have wives as fine as the players , and as well drest . Come hither , Win !", "Troth , I am a little taken with my Win 's dressing here : does it not fine , master Winwife ? How do you apprehend , sir ? she would not have worn this habit . I challenge all Cheapside to shew such another : Moorfields , Pimlico-path , or the Exchange , in a summer evening , with a lace to boot , as this has . Dear Win , let master Winwife kiss you . He comes a wooing to our mother , Win , and may be our father perhaps , Win . There 's no harm in him , Win .", "I envy no man my delicates , sir .", "Good , i'faith ! now dulness upon me , that I had not that before him , that I should not light o n't as well as he ! velvet head !", "Ay , we know you are a suitor , sir ; Win and I both wish you well : By this license here , would you had her , that your two names were as fast in it as here are a couple ! Win would fain have a fine young father-i \u2019 - law , with a feather ; that her mother might hood it and chain it with mistress Overdo . But you do not take the right course , master Winwife .", "You are not mad enough .", "I say nothing , but I wink upon Win . You have a friend , one master", "Quarlous , comes here sometimes .", "Not a tokenworth that ever I saw , I assure you : but \u2014", "He is the more mad-cap of the two . You do not apprehend me .", "Let me out with it , dear Win .", "Do , and take all the thanks , and much good do thy pretty heart ,", "Win .", "Ay , but it must be a gentleman madman .", "Yes , and has been at Bedlam twice since every day , to inquire if any gentleman be there , or to come there mad .", "I tell her so ; or else , say I , that they mean some young madcap gentleman ; for the devil can equivocate as well as a shop keeper : and therefore would I advise you to be a little madder than master Quarlous hereafter .", "Stirring ! yes , and studying an old elder come from Banbury , a suitor that puts in here at meal tide , to praise the painful brethren , or pray that the sweet singers may be restored ; says a grace as long as his breath lasts him ! Some time the spirit is so strong with him , it gets quite out of him , and then my mother , or Win , are fain to fetch it again with malmsey or aqua coelestis .", "He cannot abide my vocation , he says .", "Every line , he says , that a proctor writes , when it comes to be read in the bishop 's court , is a long black hair , kemb 'd out of the tail of Antichrist .", "Some three days since .", "Do you remember , master Quarlous , what we discoursed on last night ?", "No ! not concerning Win ? look you , there she is , and drest , as I told you she should be : hark you , sir ,had you forgot ?", "Why , sir ?", "O Win , fie , what do you mean , Win ? be womanly , Win ; make an outcry to your mother , Win ! master Quarlous is an honest gentleman , and our worshipful good friend , Win ; and he is master Winwife 's friend too : and master Winwife comes a suitor to your mother , Win ; as I told you before , Win , and may perhaps be our father , Win : they 'll do you no harm , Win ; they are both our worshipful good friends . Master Quarlous ! you must know master Quarlous , Win ; you must not quarrel with master Quarlous , Win .", "Yes , do , good Win .", "A fool-John , she calls me ; do you mark that , gentlemen ? pretty", "Littlewit of velvet ? a fool-John .", "Sir !\u2014 Good Win go in , and if master Bartholomew Cokes , his man , come for the license ,let him speak with me .\u2014 What say you , gentlemen ?", "Rabbi Busy , sir ; he is more than an elder , he is a prophet , sir .", "He was a baker , sir , but he does dream now , and see visions ; he has given over his trade .", "Yes , sir ; Zeal-of-the-land Busy .", "O they have all such names , sir ; he was witness for Win here ,\u2014 they will not be call 'd godfathers \u2014 and named her Win-the-fight : you thought her name had been Winnifred , did you not ?", "He would have thought himself a stark reprobate , if it had .", "Here I have it for you in my hand , master Humphrey .", "We 'll talk of that anon , master Humphrey .", "Sweet Win , bid Solomon send me the little black-box within in my study .", "Why , you know the price , master Numps .", "Good i'faith ! no , I warrant you Solomon is wiser than so , sir .", "Master Quarlous , do not mistake him ; he is his master 's both-hands , I assure you .", "Sir , if you have a mind to mock him , mock him softly , and look t'other way : for if he apprehend you flout him once , he will fly at you presently . A terrible testy old fellow , and his name is Waspe too .", "Nay , good master Waspe .", "O , be civil , master Numps .", "Here is the box now .", "They do apprehend , sir .", "Will't please you drink , master Waspe ?", "No , but you were in haste e'en now , master Numps .", "She 's my match indeed , and as little wit as I , good !", "You say true , master Numps ; there 's such a one indeed .", "That was mine afore , gentlemen ; this morning . I had that , i'faith , upon his license , believe me , there he comes after me .", "No ! why , sir ?", "Think you so , gentlemen ? I 'll take heed o n't hereafter .", "Win , you see \u2018 tis in fashion to go to the Fair , Win ; we must to the Fair too , you and I , Win . I have an affair in the Fair , Win , a puppet-play of mine own making , say nothing , that I writ for the motion-man , which you must see , Win .", "Tut , we 'll have a device , a dainty one : Now , Wit , help at a pinch , good Wit , come , come , good Wit , an it be thy will ! I have it , Win , I have it i'faith , and \u2018 tis a fine one . Win , long to eat of a pig , sweet Win , in the Fair , do you see , in the heart of the Fair , not at Pye-corner . Your mother will do any thing , Win , to satisfy your longing , you know ; pray thee long presently ; and be sick o \u2019 the sudden , good Win . I 'll go in and tell her ; cut thy lace in the mean time , and play the hypocrite , sweet Win .", "You say true , you have been bred in the family , and brought up to't . Our mother is a most elect hypocrite , and has maintained us all this seven year with it , like gentlefolks .", "Not I , on my sincerity , mother ! she longed above three hours ere she would let me know it .\u2014 Who was it , Win ?", "Good mother , I pray you , that she may eat some pig , and her belly full too ; and do not you cast away your own child , and perhaps one of mine , with your tale of the tempter . How do you do , Win , are you not sick ?", "Presently , mother , as soon as he has cleansed his beard . I found him fast by the teeth in the cold turkey-pie in the cupboard , with a great white loaf on his left hand , and a glass of malmsey on his right .", "Here he is now , purified , mother .", "Ay , sir , a Bartholomew pig ; and in the Fair .", "Ay , but in state of necessity , place should give place , master", "Busy . I have a conceit left yet .", "Yes , sir , and as soon as you can ; for it must be , sir : you see the danger my little wife is in , sir .", "Nay , I knew that afore , and told her o n't ; but courage , Win , we 'll be humble enough , we 'll seek out the homeliest booth in the Fair , that 's certain ; rather than fail , we 'll eat it on the ground .", "Ay , and Solomon too , Win , the more the merrier . Win , we 'll leave Rabbi Busy in a booth .\u2014 Solomon ! my cloak .", "Good , i'faith , I will eat heartily too , because I will be no Jew , I could never away with that stiff-necked generation : and truly , I hope my little one will be like me , that cries for pig so in the mother 's belly ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 170, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Well , in justice name , and the king 's , and for the commonwealth ! defy all the world , Adam Overdo , for a disguise , and all story ; for thou hast fitted thyself , I swear . Fain would I meet the Linceus now , that eagle 's eye , that piercing Epidaurian serpentthat could discover a justice of peaceunder this covering . They may have seen many a fool in the habit of a justice ; but never till now , a justice in the habit of a fool . Thus must we do though , that wake for the public good ; and thus hath the wise magistrate done in all ages . There is a doing of right out of wrong , if the way be found . Never shall I enough commend a worthy worshipful man , sometime a capital member of this city , for his high wisdom in this point , who would take you now the habit of a porter , now of a carman , now of the dog-killer , in this month of August ; and in the winter , of a seller of tinder-boxes . And what would he do in all these shapes ? marry , go you into every alehouse , and down into every cellar ; measure the length of puddings ; take the gage of black pots and cans , ay , and custards , with a stick ; and their circumference with a thread ; weigh the loaves of bread on his middle finger ; then would he send for them home ; give the puddings to the poor , the bread to the hungry , the custards to his children ; break the pots , and burn the cans himself : he would not trust his corrupt officers , he would do it himself . Would all men in authority would follow this worthy precedent ! for alas , as we are public persons , what do we know ? nay , what can we know ? we hear with other men 's ears , we see with other men 's eyes . A foolish constable or a sleepy watchman , is all our information ; he slanders a gentleman by the virtue of his place , as he calls it , and we , by the vice of ours , must believe him . As , a while agone , they made me , yea me , to mistake an honest zealous pursuivant for a seminary ; and a proper young bachelor of musick , for a bawd . This we are subject to that live in high place ; all our intelligence is idle , and most of our intelligencers knaves ; and , by your leave , ourselves thought little better , if not arrant fools , for believing them . I , Adam Overdo , am resolved therefore to spare spy-money hereafter , and make mine own discoveries . Many are the yearly enormities of this Fair , in whose courts of Pie-poudres I have had the honour , during the three days , sometimes to sit as judge . But this is the special day for detection of those foresaid enormities . Here is my black book for the purpose ; this the cloud that hides me ; under this covert I shall see and not be seen . On , Junius Brutus . And as I began , so I 'll end ; in justice name , and the king 's , and for the commonwealth !", "Ay ! have I met with enormity so soon ?", "I am glad to hear my name is their terror yet , this is doing of justice .", "This pig-woman do I know , and I will put her in , for my second enormity ; she hath been before me , punk , pinnace , and bawd , any time these two and twenty years upon record in the Pie-poudres .", "This is the very womb and bed of enormity ! gross as herself ! this must all down for enormity , all , every whit o n't .", "O tempora ! O mores ! I would not have lost my discovery of this one grievance , for my place , and worship o \u2019 the bench . How is the poor subject abused here ! Well , I will fall in with her , and with her Mooncalf , and win out wonders of enormity .\u2014 By thy leave , goodly woman , and the fatness of the Fair , oily as the king 's constable 's lamp , and shining as his shooing-horn ! hath thy ale virtue , or thy beer strength , that the tongue of man may be tickled , and his palate pleased in the morning ? Let thy pretty nephew here go search and see .", "Let me drink , boy , with my love , thy aunt , here ; that I may be eloquent : but of thy best , lest it be bitter in my mouth , and my words fall foul on the Fair .", "Thy best , pretty stripling , thy best ; the same thy dove drinketh , and thou drawest on holydays .", "Bring both , child .Ale for Arthur , and Beer for Bradley . Ale for thine aunt , boy .\u2014 My disguise takes to the very wish and reach of it . I shall , by the benefit of this , discover enough , and more : and yet get off with the reputation of what I would be : a certain middling thing , between a fool and a madman .", "Another special enormity . A cut-purse of the sword , the boot , and the feather ! those are his marks . Re-enter MOONCALF , with the ale , etc .", "Dost thou hear , boy ? There 's for thy ale , and the remnant for thee .\u2014 Speak in thy faith of a faucet , now ; is this goodly person before us here , this vapours , a knight of the knife ?", "I mean a child of the horn-thumb , a babe of booty , boy , a cut-purse .", "Thy dainty dame , though , call 'd him cut-purse .", "Here I might have been deceived now , and have put a fool 's blot upon myself , if I had not played an after game of discretion ! Re-enter URSULA , dropping .", "Child of the bottles , what 's he ? what 's he ?", "What pity \u2018 tis , so civil a young man should haunt this debauched company ? here 's the bane of the youth of our time apparent . A proper penman , I see't in his countenance , he has a good clerk 's look with him , and I warrant him a quick hand .", "No , boy ; let my meditations alone .", "If I can with this day 's travail , and all my policy , but rescue this youth here out of the hands of the lewd man and the strange woman , I will sit down at night , and say with my friend Ovid ,Jamque opus exegi , quod nec Jovis ira , nec ignis , etc .", "Ha , sweet nature ! what goshawk would prey upon such a lamb ?", "There 's for me : punk ! and pig !", "Goodly woman !", "These are the fruits of bottle-ale and tobacco ! the foam of the one , and the fumes of the other ! Stay , young man , and despise not the wisdom of these few hairs that are grown grey in care of thee .", "Thirst not after that frothy liquor , ale ; for who knows when he openeth the stopple , what may be in the bottle ? Hath not a snail , a spider , yea , a newt been found there ? thirst not after it , youth ; thirst not after it .", "Neither do thou lust after that tawney weed tobacco .", "Whose complexion is like the Indian 's that vents it .", "And who can tell , if before the gathering and making up thereof , the Alligarta hath not piss 'd thereon ?", "The creeping venom of which subtle serpent , as some late writers affirm , neither the cutting of the perilous plant , nor the drying of it , nor the lighting or burning , can any way persway or assuage .", "Hence it is that the lungs of the tobacconist are rotted , the liver spotted , the brain smoked like the backside of the pig-woman 's booth here , and the whole body within , black as her pan you saw e'en now , without .", "Nay , the hole in the nose here of some tobacco-takers , or the third nostril , if I may so call it , which makes that they can vent the tobacco out , like the ace of clubs , or rather the flower-de-lis , is caused from the tobacco , the mere tobacco ! when the poor innocent pox , having nothing to do there , is miserably and most unconscionably slandered .", "But what speak I of the diseases of the body , children of the", "Fair ?", "Hark , O you sons and daughters of Smithfield ! and hear what malady it doth the mind : it causeth swearing , it causeth swaggering , it causeth snuffling and snarling , and now and then a hurt .", "Look into any angle of the town , the Streights , or the Bermudas , where the quarrelling lesson is read , and how do they entertain the time , but with bottle-ale and tobacco ? The lecturer is o \u2019 one side , and his pupils o \u2019 the other ; but the seconds are still bottle-ale and tobacco , for which the lecturer reads , and the novices pay . Thirty pound a week in bottle-ale ! forty in tobacco ! and ten more in ale again . Then for a suit to drink in , so much , and , that being slaver 'd , so much for another suit , and then a third suit , and a fourth suit ! and still the bottle-ale slavereth , and the tobacco stinketh .", "I will conclude briefly \u2014", "Hold thy hand , child of wrath , and heir of anger , make it not Childermass day in thy fury , or the feast of the French Bartholomew , parent of the massacre .", "Murther , murther , murther !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 170, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Nay , tish all gone , now ! dish tish , phen tou wilt not be phitin call , master offisher , phat ish a man te better to lishen out noyshes for tee , and ton art in an oder orld , being very shuffishient noyshes and gallantsh too ? one o \u2019 their brabblesh would have fed ush all dish fortnight , but tou art so bushy about beggersh still , tou hast no leshure to intend shentlemen , and't be .", "Phy , phat a clock toest tou tink it ish , man ?", "Tou art a vish vatchman , i \u2019 te mean teem .", "Tou art right now ! phen didst tou ever know or hear of a shuffishient vatchment , but he did tell the clock , phat bushiness soever he had ?", "Shleeping or vaking : ash well as te clock himshelf , or te Jack dat shtrikes him .", "If it be a Ledderhead , tish a very tick Ledderhead , tat sho mush noish vill not piersh him .", "Phat , because o \u2019 ty wrought neet-cap , and ty phelvet sherkin , man ? phy ! I have sheene tee in ty ledder sherkin , ere now , mashter o \u2019 de hobby-horses , as bushy and stately as tou sheemest to be .", "Away , be not sheen in my company , here be shentlemen , and men of vorship .", "O creesh , duke Quarlous , how dosht tou ? tou dosht not know me , I fear : I am te vishesht man , but justish Overdo , in all Bartholomew Fair now . Give me twelve-pence from tee , I vill help tee to a vife vorth forty marks for't , and't be .", "And she shall shew tee as fine cut orke for't in her shmock too as tou cansht vish i'faith ; vilt tou have her , vorshipful Vinvife ? I vill help tee to her here , be a n't be , into pig-quarter , gi \u2019 me ty twelve-pence from tee .", "Tou art a vorthy man , and a vorshipful man still .", "I do mean it , man . Prinsh Quarlous , if tou hasht need on me , tou shalt find me here at Ursla 's , I vill see phat ale and punque ish i \u2019 te pigsty for tee , bless ty good vorship .", "A delicate show-pig , little mistress , with shweet sauce , and crackling , like de bay-leaf i \u2019 de fire , la ! tou shalt ha \u2019 de clean side o \u2019 de table-clot , and di glass vash 'd with phatersh of dame Annesh Cleare .", "Behold , man , and see ,", "What a worthy man am ee !", "With the fury of my sword ,", "And the shaking of my beard ,", "I will make ten thousand men afeard ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 170, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Whit , bid Val . Cutting continue the vapours for a lift , Whit , for a lift .", "How now ! my galloway nag the staggers , ha ! Whit , give him a slit in the forehead . Chear up , man ; a needle and thread to stitch his ears . I 'd cure him now , an I had it , with a little butter and garlick , long pepper and grains . Where 's my horn ? I 'll give him a mash presently , shall take away this dizziness .", "Why , well said , old flea-bitten ; thou'lt never tire I see .", "Nay , I know nothing , sir , pardon me there .", "To what do you say nay , sir ?", "If he have reason , he may like it , sir .", "He is in the right , and does utter a sufficient vapour .", "Then it is a sweet vapour .", "Nay , never question him , for he is in the right .", "Fight for him , Whit ! a gross vapour , he can fight for himself .", "I think you may , and \u2018 tis true ; and I allow it for a resolute vapour .", "In no sort , sir , pardon me , I can allow him nothing . You mistake the vapour .", "Turd ! ha , turd ? a noisome vapour : strike , Whit .", "Nay , in some sort , sir , he may neither laugh nor hope in this company .", "No , that vapour is too lofty .", "Gather up , Whit , gather up , Whit , good vapours .", "How now , Whit ! close vapours , stealing your leaps ! covering in corners , ha !", "Say'st thou so , filly ? thou shalt have a leap presently , I 'll horse thee myself , else .", "On his false gallop , Urse , away .", "I conceive thee , Urse : go thy ways .\u2014 Dost thou hear , Whit ? is't not pity , my delicate dark chestnut here , with the fine lean head , large forehead , round eyes , even mouth , sharp ears , long neck , thin crest , close withers , plain back , deep sides , short fillets , and full flanks ; with a round belly , a plump buttock , large thighs , knit knees , strait legs , short pasterns , smooth hoofs , and short heels , should lead a dull honest woman 's life , that might live the life of a lady ?", "Ay , and be honest too sometimes ; have her wires and her tires , her green gowns and velvet petticoats .", "Brave vapours !", "Yes , and wear a dressing , top and top-gallant , to compare with e'er a husband on \u2018 em all , for a foretop : it is the vapour of spirit in the wife to cuckold now a days , as it is the vapour of fashion in the husband not to suspect . Your prying cat-eyed citizen is an abominable vapour .", "Nor any one man from another , but in the dark .", "How now ? what vapour 's there ? Re-enter URSULA .", "How now , Alice !", "Why , Alice , I say .", "Cat-a-mountain vapours , ha !", "Why , lion face , ha ! do you know who I am ? shall I tear ruff , slit waistcoat , make rags of petticoat , ha ! go to , vanish for fear of vapours . Whit , a kick , Whit , in the parting vapour .Come , brave woman , take a good heart , thou shalt be a lady too .", "\u2018 Tis true : Ursula , take them in , open thy wardrobe , and fit them to their calling . Green gowns , crimson petticoats , green women , my lord mayor 's green women ! guests o \u2019 the game , true bred . I 'll provide you a coach to take the air in .", "O , they are common as wheelbarrows where there are great dunghills . Every pettifogger 's wife has \u2018 em ; for first he buys a coach that he may marry , and then he marries that he may be made cuckold i n't : for if their wives ride not to their cuckolding , they do them no credit .\u2014 Hide , and be hidden , ride and be ridden , says the vapour of experience .", "Ha , mad child o \u2019 the Pie-poudres ! art thou there ? fill us a fresh can , Urse , we may drink together .", "\u2018 Slood , thou'lt not stale without a warrant shortly . Whit , give me pen , ink , and paper , I 'll draw him a warrant presently .", "I know , man ; fetch the drink , Whit .", "O , as brief as can be , here \u2018 tis already .Adam Overdo .", "Drink it off , I 'll come to thee anon again ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 170, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["How now ! what 's here to do , friend ? art thou the master of the monuments ?", "A motion ! what 's that !The ancient modern history of Hero and Leander , otherwise called the Touchstone of true Love , with as true a trial of friendship between Damon and Pythias , two faithful friends o \u2019 the Bank-side .\u2014 Pretty , i'faith , what 's the meaning o n't ? is't an interlude , or what is't ?", "Back with these children ; they do so follow me up and down !", "Master Littlewit , how dost thou ?", "I would I might never stir , as I am an honest man , and by that fire ; I have lost all in the Fair , and all my acquaintance too ; didst thou meet any body that I know , master Littlewit ? my man Numps , or my sister Overdo , or mistress Grace ? Pray thee , master Littlewit , lend me some money to see the interlude here ; I 'll pay thee again , as I am a gentleman . If thou'lt but carry me home , I have money enough there .", "I think it will ; what do we pay for coming in , fellows ?", "Two-pence ! there 's twelve-pence , friend : nay , I am a gallant , as simple as I look now ; if you see me with my man about me , and my artillery again .", "Who , Numps ?", "For what , i'faith ? I am glad o \u2019 that ; remember to tell me o n't anon ; I have enough now . What manner of matter is this , master Littlewit ? what kind of actors have you ? are they good actors ?", "In good time , sir ! I would fain see them , I would be glad to drink with the young company ; which is the tiring-house ?", "No ! not now my hat is off ? what would you have done with me , if you had had me feather and all , as I was once to-day ? Have you none of your pretty impudent boys now , to bring stools , fill tobacco , fetch ale , and beg money , as they have at other houses ? Let me see some of your actors .", "What ! do they live in baskets ?", "These be players minors indeed . Do you call these players ?", "Thy mouth will hold them all . I think one tailor would go near to beat all this company with a hand bound behind him .", "I thank you for that , master Littlewit ; a good jest ! Which is your Burbage now ?", "Your best actor , your Field ?", "Well , they are a civil company , I like \u2018 em for that ; they offer not to fleer , nor jeer , nor break jests , as the great players do : and then , there goes not so much charge to the feasting of them , or making them drunk , as to the other , by reason of their littleness . Do they use to play perfect ? are they never fluster 'd ?", "But do you play it according to the printed book ? I have read that .", "No ! how then ?", "Thou art in the right ; I do not know myself .", "How , I pray thee , good master Littlewit ?", "I 'll be sworn they shall : I am in love with the actors already , and I 'll be allied to them presently .\u2014 They respect gentlemen , these fellows :\u2014 Hero shall be my fairing : but which of my fairings ?\u2014 let me see \u2014 i'faith , my fiddle ; and Leander my fiddlestick : then Damon my drum , and Pythias my pipe , and the ghost of Dionysius my hobby-horse . All fitted .", "I warrant thee I will not hurt her , fellow ; what , dost thou think me uncivil ? I pray thee be not jealous ; I am toward a wife .", "I 'll stay here and see : pray thee let me see .", "Come , come , are you ready now ?", "Hold your peace , Numps ; you have been in the stocks , I hear .", "I pray thee do , mine ears long to be at it , and my eyes too . O", "Numps , in the stocks , Numps ! where 's your sword , Numps !", "Well then , we are quit for all . Come , sit down , Numps ; I 'll interpret to thee : did you see mistress Grace ? It 's no matter , neither , now I think o n't , tell me anon .", "Peace , ho ! now , now .", "What was that , fellow ? pray thee tell me , I scarce understand them .", "Most admirable good , is't not ?", "He says he is no pander . \u2018 Tis a fine language : I understand it now .", "Harm watch , harm catch , he says ; very good , i'faith : the sculler had like to have knock 'd you , sirrah .", "He said , knave in your face , friend .", "Od 's my life ! I am not allied to the sculler yet ; he shall be Dauphin my boy . But my fiddle-stick does fiddle in and out too much : I pray thee speak to him o n't ; tell him I would have him tarry in my sight more .", "Sack ! you said but e'en now it should be sherry .", "Sherry , sherry , sherry ! By my troth he makes me merry . I must have a name for Cupid too . Let me see , thou might'st help me , now , an thou would'st , Numps , at a dead lift : but thou art dreaming of the stocks still .\u2014 Do not think o n't , I have forgot it ; \u2018 tis but a nine days \u2019 wonder , man ; let it not trouble thee .", "Well said , resolute Numps ! but hark you , friend , where 's the friendship all this while between my drum Damon , and my pipe Pythias ?", "You think my hobby-horse is forgotten too ; no , I 'll see them all enact before I go ; I shall not know which to love best else .", "Whore-masterly slave you ! very friendly and familiar , that .", "Damon says , Pythias has lain with her himself , he 'll prove't in this place .", "And you are a pimp again , he says .", "And a scab again , he says .", "Ho ! well acted , my drum , well acted , my pipe , well acted still !", "Ay , both your hands , for my sake ! for you have both done well .", "Gramercy to you both , my pipe and my drum .", "How is't , friend , have they hurt thee ?", "Well , we have seen it , and thou hast felt it , whatsoe'er thou sayest . What 's next , what 's next ?", "Excellently well said , Fiddle , she 'll ever be his goose , so he 'll be her gander ; was't not so ?", "Brave ! he will swim over the Thames , and tread his goose to-night , he says .", "By this good day , they fight bravely ; do they not , Numps ?", "Friend , you 'd have an ill match o n't , if you bicker with him here ; though he be no man of the fist , he has friends that will to cuffs for him . Numps , will not you take our side ?", "Who , my hobby-horse ! will he dispute with him ?", "That 's excellent ! indeed he looks like the best scholar of them all . Come , sir , you must be as good as your word now .", "Well disputed , hobby-horse .", "Good , by my troth , he has given him the lie thrice .", "That 's brave , i'faith , thou hast carried it away , hobby-horse ; on with the play .", "What , my brother-in-law !", "How now , Numps , have you lost it ? I warrant \u2018 twas when thou wert in the stocks : Why dost not speak !", "Yes , and bring the actors along , we 'll have the rest of the play at home ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 170, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["But pray tell me , do you think for certain", "These Embassadours shall have this morning audience ?", "Upon what necessity ?", "I think I do so .", "Prethee let her alone ,", "You must be modester .", "A perillous wench .", "You have enough , go pretty Maid , stand close ,", "And use that little tongue , with a little more temper .", "When the show 's past ,", "I'le have ye into the Cellar , there we 'll dine .", "A very pretty wench , a witty Rogue ,", "And there we 'll be as merry ; can ye be merry ?", "Only our selves ; this churlish fellow shall not know .", "And can you love a little ?", "Then I'le carry ye ,", "And shew you all the pictures , and the hangings ,", "The Lodgings , Gardens , and the walks : and then , sweet ,", "You shall tell me where you lye .", "And't shall go hard but I'le send ye a Venison Pasty ,", "And bring a bottle of wine along .", "Room there afore ; stand close , the train is coming .", "Room before there .", "Well I could curse now : but that will not help me ,", "I made as sure account of this wench now , immediately ,", "Do but consider how the Devil has crost me ,", "Meat for my Master she cries , well \u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 190, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Must ye needs go ?", "Are there not men enough to fight ?", "No ; believe Sir ,", "I would have him fight , but not so far off from me .", "If that be fighting \u2014", "That you have done already ,", "You need no other Arms to me , but these Sir ;", "But will you fight your self Sir ?", "Spur bravely", "Your firie Courser , beat the troops before ye ,", "And cramb the mouth of death with executions .", "Were I a man then ,", "You would wonder more .", "Sure I should do somewhat ;", "And the first thing I did , I should grow envious ,", "Extreamly envious of your youth , and honour .", "Ten to one , I should do it .", "In this mind I am in", "I think I should be hardly brought to strike ye ,", "Unless \u2018 twere thus ; but in my mans mind \u2014", "I should be friends with you too ,", "Now I think better .", "No , I confess , I am a fool , a woman :", "And ever when I part with you \u2014", "I hope you shall :", "But then my dear Demetrius ,", "When you stand Conquerour , and at your mercy", "All people bow , and all things wait your sentence ;", "Say then your eye", "Finds out a beautie , even in sorrow excellent ,", "A constant face , that in the midst of ruine", "With a forc 'd smile , both scorns at fate , and fortune :", "Say you find such a one , so nobly fortified ,", "And in her figure all the sweets of nature ?", "That shews as far beyond my wither 'd beauty ;", "And will run mad to love ye too .", "I dare not :", "No sure , I think ye honest ; wondrous honest .", "Pray do not frown , I'le swear ye are .", "But how long will ye be away ?", "I know you are angry now : pray look upon me :", "I'le ask no more such questions .", "They do but call yet :", "How fain you would leave my Company ?", "But a little .", "I would not have ye hurt : and ye are so ventrous \u2014", "But good sweet Prince preserve your self , fight nobly ,", "But do not thrust this body , \u2018 tis not yours now ,", "\u2018 Tis mine , \u2018 tis only mine : do not seek wounds , Sir ,", "For every drop of blood you bleed \u2014", "My heart , that loves ye dearly .", "Pox on these bawling Drums : I am sure you'l kiss me ,", "But one kiss ? what a parting 's this ?", "I have done : farewel Sir ,", "Never look back , you shall not stay , not a minute .", "No , the Drums beat ;", "I dare not slack your honour ; not a hand more ,", "Only this look ; the gods preserve , and save ye ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 190, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I will not see \u2018 em fall thus , give me way Sir ,", "I shall forget you love me else .", "I have lost my self .", "And am most miserable .", "I will goe on .", "Charge but once more Leontius ,", "My friends and my companions are engag 'd all .", "And shall I know this , and stand fooling ?", "Thou art a Coward .", "I am ashamed .", "Pray do not kill me ,", "These words pierce deeper than the wounds I suffer ,", "The smarting wounds of loss .", "All the young men lost ?", "I would not .", "I'le doe any thing ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 190, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Have ye written to Merione ?", "And let her understand the hopes she has ,", "If she come speedilie \u2014", "And of the chain is sent her ,", "And the rich stuff to make her shew more handsom here ?", "What have you dispatcht there ?", "A pretty girle , but peevish , plaguy peevish :", "Have ye bought the embroydered gloves , and that purse for her ,", "And the new Curle ?", "Her maiden-head will yield me ; let me see now ;", "She is not fifteen they say : for her complexion \u2014", "Cloe , Cloe , Cloe , here , I have her ,", "Cloe , the Daughter of a Country Gentleman ;", "Her age upon fifteen : now her complexion ,", "A lovely brown ; here \u2018 tis ; eyes black and rolling ,", "The body neatly built : she strikes a Lute well ,", "Sings most inticingly , these helps consider 'd ,", "Her maiden-head will amount to some three hundred ,", "Or three hundred and fifty Crowns , \u2018 twill bear it handsomly .", "Her Father 's poor , some little share deducted ,", "To buy him a hunting Nag ; I , \u2018 twill be pretty .", "Who takes care of the Merchants Wife ?", "You know for whom she is ?", "These Kind are subtile ;", "Did she not cry and blubber when you urg 'd her ?", "Good signs , very good signs ,", "Symptoms of easie nature .", "Had she the Plate ?", "Very well still .", "She will come ?", "The Chamber 's next the Park .", "Hang her , she is musty :", "She is no mans meat ; besides , she 's poor and sluttish :", "Where lyes old Thisbe now , you are so long now \u2014", "Dispatch a Packet ,", "And tell her , her Superiour here commands her", "The next month not to fail , but see deliver 'd", "Here to our use , some twenty young and handsom ,", "As also able Maids , for the Court service ,", "As she will answer it : we are out of beauty ,", "Utterly out , and rub the time away here", "With such blown stuff , I am asham 'd to send it .", "Let her come in . Would you ought with us , good woman ? I pray be short , we are full of business .", "Very well .", "It may be so ; I am full of Maids .", "Ye say well ; come ye hither maid , let me feel your pulse ,", "\u2018 Tis somewhat weak , but Nature will grow stronger ,", "Let me see your leg , she treads but low i'th \u2019 Pasterns .", "Give her ten Crowns , we are full of business ,", "She is a poor Woman , let her take a Cheese home .", "Enter the wench i \u2019 th \u2019 Office .", "A pretty name ; \u2018 twill do well :", "Go in , and let the other Maid instruct you , Phebe .", "I cannot furnish you faster than I am able ,", "And ye were my Husband a thousand times , I cannot do it .", "At least a dozen posts are gone this morning", "For several parts of the Kingdom : I can do no more", "But pay \u2018 em , and instruct \u2018 em .", "Ha !", "What do you make so dainty o n't ? look there", "I am an Ass , I can do nothing .", "What would you give for more now ?", "Poor , weak man ,", "I have a thousand eyes , when thou art sleeping ,", "Abroad , and full of business .", "No , she is beyond my level ; so hedg 'd in", "By the Princes infinite Love and Favour to her \u2014", "A delicate , and knows it ;", "And out of that proof arms her self .", "On this Lady ?", "I have done", "Toys in my time of some note ; old as I am ,", "I think my brains will work without barm ;", "Take up the Books ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 190, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["No face of sorrow for this loss , \u2018 twill choak him ,", "Nor no man miss a friend , I know his nature", "So deep imprest with grief , for what he has suffer 'd ,", "That the least adding to it adds to his ruine ;", "His loss is not so infinite , I hope , Souldier .", "I guess the manner .", "You are welcome home , Sir :", "Come , no more sorrow , I have heard your fortune ,", "And I my self have try 'd the like : clear up man ,", "I will not have ye take it thus ; if I doubted", "Your fear had lost , and that you had turn 'd your back to \u2018 em ,", "Basely besought their mercies \u2014", "These being granted ;", "Why should you think you have done an act so hainous ,", "That nought but discontent dwells round about ye ?", "I have lost a Battel .", "With as much means as man \u2014", "Twenty to one of our side now .", "Has Fortune but one Face ?", "Chance , though she faint now ,", "And sink below our expectations ,", "Is there no hope left strong enough to buoy her ?", "As you are mine forget it :", "I do not think it loss .", "This was hard fortune , but if alive , and taken ,", "They shall be ransom 'd : let it be at Millions .", "Hold up your manly face . They live , they are here , Son .", "What 's now your grief , Demetrius ?", "I have observ 'd your way , and understand it ,", "And equal love it as Demetrius ,", "My noble child thou shalt not fall in vertue ,", "I and my power will sink first : you Leontius ,", "Wait for a new Commission , ye shall out again ,", "And instantly : you shall not lodge this night here ,", "Not see a friend , nor take a blessing with ye ,", "Before ye be i'th \u2019 field : the enemy is up still ,", "And still in full design : Charge him again , Son ,", "And either bring home that again thou hast lost there ,", "Or leave thy body by him .", "\u2018 Tis my intent : I'le see ye march away too .", "Come , get your men together presently , Leontius ,", "And press where please you , as you march .", "Wait you on me , I'le bring ye to your command ,", "And then to fortune give you up ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 190, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ye are the Mistris of the house ye say ,", "Where this young Lady lies .", "You may be good enough for such a purpose :", "When was the Prince with her ? answer me directly .", "Very well then :", "What carnal copulation are you privie to", "Between these two ? be not afraid , we are women ,", "And may talk thus amongst our selves , no harm i n't .", "You'l grant me the Prince loves her ?", "Stay there a while . And gives her gifts ?", "I should think now ,", "That these two cannot love so tenderly .", "You say well \u2014", "But that methinks some further promises \u2014", "Very well still : they do not use to fall out ?", "I have done then ;", "And be you gone ; you know your charge , and do it .", "You know whose will it is ; if you transgress it \u2014", "That is , if any have access , or see her ,", "Before the Kings will be fulfill 'd \u2014", "You'I be hang 'd if you doe it , that I'le assure ye .", "Away , and to your business then ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 190, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Governess , from whom was this Gown sent me ?", "Prethee be serious true ; I will not wear't else :", "\u2018 Tis a handsom one .", "No faith :", "But I believe , for certain too , yet I wonder ,", "Because it was his caution , this poor way ,", "Still to preserve me from the curious searchings", "Of greedy eyes .", "\u2018 Tis very rich , methinks too , prethee tell me ?", "Powtings , and gifts ? is it from any stranger ?", "Unpin good Governess ,", "Quick , quick .", "Quick , good Governess :", "Fie o n't , how beastly it becomes me ! poorly !", "A trick put in upon me ? well said Governess :", "I vow I would not wear it \u2014 out , it smells musty .", "Are these your tricks ? now I begin to smell it ,", "Abominable musty ; will you help me ?", "The Prince will come again \u2014", "As I live I'le cut it off : a pox upon it ;", "For sure it was made for that use ; do you bring me Liveries ?", "Stales to catch Kites ? dost thou laugh too , thou base woman ?", "Abuse me ,", "And then laugh at me too ?", "There is no greater wickedness", "Than this way .", "I shall curse thee fearfully ,", "If thou provok'st me further : and take heed , woman ;", "My curses never miss .", "Tell but his name \u2014", "Dare not ? By this fair light \u2014", "Dare not be good ? be honest ? dare not curse him ?", "Speak him .", "If I do not , hang me ;", "Tell but his name .", "Is he come home ?", "You do not lie , I hope .", "Prethee do not abuse me : is he come home indeed ? For I would now with all my heart believe thee .", "\u2018 Tis a good gown , a handsome one ;", "I did but jest ; where is he ?", "How ? he that sent it ? is't come to that again ?", "Thou canst not be so foolish : prethee speak out ,", "I may mistake thee .", "Curse o \u2019 my life : why dost thou vex me thus ?", "I know thou meanest Demetrius , dost thou not ?", "I charge thee speak truth : if it be any other ,", "Thou knowst the charge he gave thee , and the justice", "His anger will'inflift , if e 're he know this ,", "As know he shall , he shall , thou spightfull woman ,", "Thou beastly woman ; and thou shalt know too late too ,", "And feel too sensible , I am no ward ,", "No sale stuff for your money Merchants that sent if ?", "Who dare send me , or how durst thou , thou \u2014", "\u2018 Tis strange", "That you should deal so peevishly : beshrew ye ,", "You have put me in a heat .", "You know my nature is too easie , Governess ,", "And you know now , I am sorry too : how does he ?", "Prethee be well , and tell me ,", "Did he speak of me , since he came ? nay , see now ,", "If thou wilt leave this tyranny ? good sweet governess ,", "Did he but name his Celia ? look upon me ,", "Upon my faith I meant no harm : here , take this ,", "And buy thy self some trifles : did he good wench ?", "That 's my good Governess .", "More cloaths ?", "To what use Sirrah ?", "No , I hope not .", "Lose me ? wherefore ? I hear of no such thing .", "To th \u2019 Court wench ? Was it to th \u2019 Court thou saidst ?", "Stay , stay , this cannot be .", "To th \u2019 Court ? this stumbles me : art sure for me wench ,", "This preparation is ?", "To th \u2019 Court ? this cannot down : what should I do there ?", "Why should he on a suddain change his mind thus ,", "And not make me acquainted ? sure he loves me ;", "His vow was made against it , and mine with him :", "At least while this King liv 'd : he will come hither ,", "And see me e 're I goe ?", "A Courtier ?", "What may that meaning be ? sure he will see me", "If he be come , he must : Hark ye good Governess ,", "What age is the King of ?", "I fear too full indeed : what Ladys are there ? I would be loth to want good company .", "\u2018 Tis very well : prethee goe in , let 's talk more . For though I fear a trick , Fie bravely try it ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 190, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["You shall not have your will , sirrah , are ye running ?", "Have ye gotten a toy in your heels ? Is this a season ,", "When honour pricks ye on , to prick your ears up ,", "After your whore , your Hobby-horse ?", "Do but fight something ;", "But half a blow , and put thy stomach to't :", "Turn but thy face , and do-make mouths at \u2018 em .", "What a devil ails thee ? Dost long to be hang 'd ?", "Art thou not he ?", "I may be cosen 'd \u2014", "Lieu , I shall be discover 'd .", "That in the midst of thy most hellish pains ,", "When thou wert crawling sick , didst aim at wonders ,", "When thou wert mad with pain ?", "And wilt thou ne 're fight more ?", "Nor never be sick again ?", "Prethee be sick again : prethee , I beseech thee ,", "Be just so sick again .", "If all the Arts that are can make a Colique ,", "Therefore look to't : or if imposthumes , mark me ,", "As big as foot-balls \u2014", "Or stones of ten pound weight i'th \u2019 kidneys ,", "Through ease and ugly dyets may be gather 'd ;", "I'le feed ye up my self Sir , I'le prepare ye ,", "You cannot fight , unless the Devil tear ye ,", "You shall not want provocations , I'le scratch ye ,", "I'le have thee have the tooth-ach , and the head-ach .", "No , no , nothing \u2014", "Then will I have thee blown with a pair of Smiths bellows ,", "Because ye shall be sure to have a round gale with ye ,", "Fill 'd full of oyle o'Devil , and Aqua-fortis ,", "And let these work , these may provoke .", "A coward in full bloud ; prethee be plain with me ,", "Will roasting doe thee any good ?", "Marry that goes hard .", "I knew all this before Sir ,", "I chalk 'd him out his way : but do you see that thing there ?", "That thing ?", "Rogue , what a name hast thou lost ?", "Look upon him ;", "Do you look too .", "Let \u2018 em rest there ,", "And chew upon their miseries : but look first \u2014", "Look on this fellow .", "Be rul 'd yet ,", "I'le beat thee on ; goe wink and fight : a plague upon your sheeps heart .", "Here 's twenty pound , goe but smell to \u2018 em .", "I can smell a Rascal , a rank Rascal :", "Fye , how he stinks , stinks like a tyred Jade .", "Why , that Sir , do not you smell him ?", "Stinks like a dead Dog , Carrion \u2014", "There 's no such damnable smell under Heaven ,", "As the faint sweat of a Coward : will ye fight yet ?", "God ha \u2019 Mercy ,", "God ha \u2019 Mercy with all my heart ; here I forgive thee ;", "And fight , or fight not , do but goe along with us ,", "And keep my Dog .", "Pox take thee .", "Sure I shall love this Rogue , he 's so pretty a Coward .", "Come Gentlemen , let 's up now , and if fortune", "Dare play the slut again , I'le never more Saint her ,", "Come play-fellow , come , prethee come up ; come chicken ,", "I have a way shall fit yet : A tame knave ,", "Come , look upon us ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 190, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I saw her coming out .", "Timon , Charinthus , and some other Gentlemen ,", "By me appointed .", "She 's ready", "To entertain her here Sir ; and some Ladies", "Fit for her lodgings .", "Oh most divinely sweet .", "She bears it bravely ;", "But what she thinks \u2014 For Heaven sake Sir preserve me \u2014", "If the Prince chance to find this .", "That 's all the Project .", "No she believ 'd it quickly ,", "And quickly made her self fit , the Gown a little ,", "And those new things she has not been acquainted with ,", "At least in this place , where she liv 'd a prisoner ,", "Troubled and stirr 'd her mind . But believe me Sir ,", "She has worn as good , they sit so apted to her ;", "And she is so great a Mistris of disposure :", "Here they come now : but take a full view of her .", "She makes a stand , as though she would speak .", "She names ye .", "You see now what a manner of woman she is Sir .", "Is this a fit love for the Prince :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 190, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["We must keep a round , and a strong watch to night ,", "The Prince will not charge the Enemy till the morning :", "But for the trick I told ye for this Rascal ,", "This rogue , that health and strong heart makes a coward .", "Ne 're fear it , the Prince has it ,", "And if he let it fall , I must not know it ;", "He will suspecl : me presently : but you two", "May help the plough .", "Extreamly sick : his disease grown incurable ,", "Never yet found , nor touch 'd at .", "The Prince has been upon him ,", "What a flatten face he has now ? it takes , believe it ;", "How like an Ass he looks ?", "So , so , so .", "Upon him now Boys ,", "And do it most demurely .", "Ha , ha , ha ,", "A miserable man thou shall be ,", "This is the tamest Trout I ever tickl 'd .", "Finely butted , Doctor .", "He 's finely mortified .", "I could laugh dead now .", "It will work .", "Now he begins to muster .", "And some brave thing , or let mine ears be cut off . He 's finely wrought .", "I pray , Sir ;", "But how this Rogue , when this cloud 's melted in him ,", "And all discover 'd \u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 190, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Let no man fear to dye : we love to sleep all ,", "And death is but the sounder sleep ; all ages ,", "And all hours call us ; \u2018 tis so common , easie ,", "That little Children tread those paths before us ;", "We are not sick , nor our souls prest with sorrows ,", "Nor go we out like tedious tales , forgotten ;", "High , high we come , and hearty to our Funerals ,", "And as the Sun that sets , in bloud let 's fall .", "How now ? who charged first ? I seek a brave hand", "To set me off in death .", "How comes this Larum up then ?", "Nor cut i \u2019 pieces ?", "Let 's in , and see this miracle ?", "Peace , if it may be", "Without the too much tainture of our honour :", "Peace , and we'l buy it too .", "Leontius , you and I have serv 'd together ,", "And run through many a Fortune with our swords ,", "Brothers in Wounds and Health ; one meat has fed us ,", "One Tent a thousand times from cold night cover 'd us :", "Our loves have been but one ; and had we died then ,", "One Monument had held our names , and actions :", "Why do you set upon your friends such prices ?", "And sacrifice to giddy chance such Trophies ?", "Have we forgot to dye ? or are our vertues", "Less in afflictions constant , than our fortunes ?", "Ye are deceiv 'd old Souldier .", "We never knew what that sound meant : no Gyves", "Shall ever bind this body , but embraces ;", "Nor weight of sorrow here , till Earth fall on me .", "We have none left us ,", "But that one comfort of our deaths together ;", "Give us but room to fight .", "Is this the Peace ? Traitors to those that feed us ,", "Our Gods and people ? give our Countries from us ?", "Fall fate upon us ,", "Our memories shall never stink behind us .", "You shall have all our Countries .", "Sir , do not make me surfeit with such goodness ,", "I'le bear your Standard for ye ; follow ye ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 190, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["No aptness in her ?", "This more fires me ,", "I must not have her thus .", "Have ye put the youths upon her ?", "I hear that too ,", "But that 's no matter ; am I alter 'd well ?", "I must see her .", "This screws me up still higher .", "Then be you gone ; and take the Women with ye ,", "And lay those Jewels in her way .", "She sees me now : O Heaven , a most rare creature !", "Set \u2018 em off , Lady ?", "She 's very quick ; for sale they are not meant sure .", "Nay noble Lady , stay : \u2018 tis you must wear \u2018 em :", "Never look strange , they are worthy your best beauty .", "To you or to none living :", "To you they are sent , to you they are sacrificed .", "Do you never ask who sent \u2018 em ?", "This has a soul indeed : pray let me tell ye \u2014", "The King sent \u2018 em .", "Sure I do not lye , Lady .", "I was never thus ratled .", "Lady , look on \u2018 em wisely , and then consider", "Who can send such as these , but a King only ?", "And , to what beauty can they be oblations ,", "But only yours ? For me that am the carrier ,", "\u2018 Tis only fit you know I am his servant ,", "And have fulfil 'd his will .", "Sweet Lady ,", "You cannot be so hard of understanding ,", "When a King 's favour shines upon ye gloriously ,", "And speaks his love in these \u2014", "A devilish subtil wench , but a rare spirit . ( dry ,", "You must not think so , Lady .", "Do you hold so sleight account of a great Kings favour ,", "That all knees bow to purchase ?", "You will be wiser .", "She has found me out .", "I think he do 's .", "Yes , I am one .", "Many a time .", "I have done , Lady .", "Why then I am a King , and mine own Speaker .", "I command ye stay .", "I will not wrong ye .", "Can ye love me ? Say I , and all I have \u2014", "I must find apter means , I love her truly ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 190, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Hither do you say she is come ?", "My Father found her ?", "Leontius , pray draw off the Souldiers ,", "I would a while be private .", "Is he so cunning ?", "There is some trick in this , and you must know it ,", "And be an agent too : which if it prove so \u2014", "My Father found her ? My Father brought her hither ? went she willingly ?", "I cannot blame her ,", "No more : there 's no trust , no faith in mankind .", "Is that a want , Sir ? I would fain speak to your Grace .", "And not deserve your anger ?", "There was a Gentlewoman , and sometimes my prisoner ,", "Which I thought well of Sir : your Grace conceives me .", "She was vertuous ,", "And therefore not unfit my youth to love her :", "She was as fair \u2014", "She was \u2014 O Heaven !", "Ye are my father , Sir .", "Good Sir , mistake her not .", "O Heaven , that any tongue but his durst say this !", "That any heart durst harbour it ! Dread Father ,", "If for the innocent the gods allow us", "To bend our knees \u2014", "Dead ? O sacred Sir : dead did you say ?", "It is not possible : be not so angry ,", "Say she is faln under your sad displeasure ,", "Or any thing but dead , say she is banished ,", "Invent a crime , and I'le believe it , Sir .", "But is she dead ? was there no pity Sir ? If her youth err 'd , was there no mercy shown her ? Did ye look on her face , when ye condemn 'd her ?", "Can she be dead ? can vertue fall untimely ?", "I have done then .", "O matchless sweetness , whither art thou vanished ?", "O thou fair soul of all thy Sex , what Paradise", "Hast thou inrich 'd and blest ? I am your son , Sir ,", "And to all you shall command stand most obedient ,", "Only a little time I must intreat you", "To study to forget her ; \u2018 twill not be long , Sir ,", "Nor I long after it : art thou dead Celia ,", "Dead my poor wench ? my joy , pluckt green with violence :", "O fair sweet flower , farewel ; Come , thou destroyer", "Sorrow , thou melter of the soul , dwell with me ;", "Dwell with me solitary thoughts , tears , cryings ,", "Nothing that loves the day , love me , or seek me ,", "Nothing that loves his own life haunt about me :", "And Love , I charge thee , never charm mine eyes more ,", "Nor ne 're betray a beauty to my curses :", "For I shall curse all now , hate all , forswear all ,", "And all the brood of fruitful nature vex at ,", "For she is gone that was all , and I nothing \u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 190, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["There 's the door , Lieutenant , if you dare do any thing .", "H \u2019 as given a charge that none shall ,", "Nor none shall come within the hearing of him :", "Dare ye go forward ?", "Knock louder , Fool , he hears not .", "I do not undertake it .", "He sees .", "How now , how does he ?", "Is that the cause o n't ?", "He is alive : but you that talk of wonders ,", "Shew me but such a wonder as he is now .", "He 's going thither ,", "Makes prayers for the King , in sundry languages ,", "Turns all his Proclamations into metre ;", "Is really in love with the King , most dotingly ,", "And swears Adonis was a Devil to him :", "A sweet King , a most comely King , and such a King \u2014", "Will as familiarly kiss the King", "horses", "As they pass by him : ready to ravish his footman .", "Nay that 's to understand yet ,", "But thus it is , and this part but the poorest ,", "\u2018 Twould make a man leap over the Moon to see him act these .", "We sure shall start him ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 190, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Are you sure she drank it ?", "How works it with her ?", "There will be ,", "For he is the greatest Artist living made it .", "Where is she now ?", "Stark mad , I know she will be .", "She knows not of the Prince ?", "How do I look ? how do my cloaths become me ? I am not very grey .", "I think so .", "How shall I keep her off me ? Go , & perfume the room : make all things ready .", "Do you look now , Lady ? You will leap anon .", "O do you smile now ;", "I knew it would work with you ; come hither pretty one .", "I like those courtesies well ; come hither and kiss me .", "How 's this ? is this the potion ? you but fool still ;", "I know you love me .", "This makes against me , fearfully against me .", "She has drencht me now ; now I admire her goodness ;", "So young , so nobly strong , I never tasted :", "Can nothing in the power of Kings perswade ye ?", "Say I should force ye ? I have it in my will .", "Lust , how I hate thee now ! and love this sweetness ! Will you be my Queen ? can that price purchase ye ?", "Your fair hands , Lady ? for yet I am not pure enough", "To touch these Lips , in that sweet Peace ye spoke of .", "Live now for ever , and I to serve your Vertues \u2014", "Vertue commands the Stars : rise more than Vertue ;", "Your present comfort shall be now my business ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 190, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["There 's no way now to get in : all the light stopt too ;", "Nor can I hear a sound of him , pray Heaven", "He use no violence : I think he has more Soul ,", "Stronger , and I hope nobler : would I could but see once ,", "This beauty he groans under , or come to know", "But any circumstance . What noise is that there ?", "I think I heard him groan : here are some coming ;", "A woman too , I'le stand aloof , and view \u2018 em .", "I know that womans tongue ,", "I think I have seen her face too : I'le goe nearer :", "If this be she , he has some cause of sorrow :", "\u2018 Tis the same face ; the same , most excellent woman .", "Lady , I think ye know me .", "You have charged me .", "I will not off yet :", "She goes to knock at 's door : This must be she", "The fellow told me of : right glad I am o n't ,", "He will bolt now for certain .", "These are pretty quail-pipes ,", "The Cock will Crow anon .", "I hear him stirring :", "Now he comes wondring out .", "What will this prove too ? For yet with all my wits , I understand not .", "\u2018 By'r Lady , this cuts shrewdly .", "I'le follow her , and will find out this matter .\u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 190, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I know he do 's not deserve ye ; h'as us 'd you poorly :", "And to redeem himself \u2014", "I know it \u2014", "There 's no way left .", "But yet I would see him again .", "I do not mean to lend him any comfort ;", "But to afflict him , so to torture him ;", "That even his very Soul may shake within him :", "To make him know , though he be great and powerfull ,", "\u2018 Tis not within his aim to deal dishonourably ,", "And carry it off ; and with a maid of your sort .", "And doe it home , and bravely .", "I'le help that weakness in ye :", "I honour ye , and serve ye .", "I would not suffer it :", "See him I would again , and to his teeth too :", "Od 's precious , I would ring him such a lesson \u2014", "Nothing , nothing :", "It was too poor a purge ; besides , by this time", "He has found his fault , and feels the hells that follow it .", "That , and your urg 'd on anger to the highest ,", "Why , \u2018 twill be such a stroak \u2014", "Why , you may deal thereafter .", "Hold there then ,", "The sport will be to what a poor submission \u2014", "But keep you strong .", "Yes ,", "You shall Ring his knell .", "Kill him ? why , let him dye .", "I must confess , had this not faln , a nobler ,", "A handsomer , the whole world had not show 'd ye :", "And to his making such a mind \u2014", "You shall not", "If I have any art : goe up sweet Lady ,", "And trust my truth .", "I would not for the honour ye are born to ,", "But you shall see him , and neglect him too , and scorn him .", "I will be with ye ;", "Yet there 's some hope to stop this gap , I'le work hard ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 190, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["But is it possible this fellow took it ?", "Nay , I forgive thy wife with all my heart ,", "And am right glad she drank it not her self ,", "And more glad that the vertuous maid escap't it ,", "I would not for the world \u2018 thad hit : but that this Souldier ,", "Lord how he looks , that he should take this vomit ;", "Can he make rimes too ?", "He looks as though he were bepist : do you love me Sir ?", "I thank ye ;", "I am glad I have so good a subject : but pray ye tell me ,", "How much did ye love me , before ye drank this matter ?", "Well remembred ;", "And did I seem so young and amiable to ye ?", "That 's excellent .", "What didst thou wish prethee ?", "Why ? God a Mercy Souldier :", "I seem not so now to thee .", "Thou wast never in love before ?", "God a-mercy still .", "I would not have been a wench then ,", "Though of this age .", "Well , goe thy waies , of all the lusty lovers", "That e 're I saw \u2014 wilt have another potion ?", "Ha , ha , ha : give me thy hand , from henceforth thou art my souldier ,", "Do bravely , I'le love thee as much .", "Bring in your Bills : mine own love shall be satisfi 'd ;", "And sirrah , for this potion you have taken ,", "I'le point ye out a portion ye shall live on .", "Are the Princes come to th \u2019 Court ?", "Come then , make ready for their entertainment ,", "Which presently we'l give : wait you on me Sir ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 190, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Let me but see her , dear Leontius ;", "Let me but dye before her .", "I'le repent all :", "And with the greatest sacrifice of sorrow ,", "That ever Lover made .", "You can help me .", "Yes Leontius ,", "There is a hope , which though it draw no love to it ,", "At least will draw her to lament my fortune ,", "And that hope shall relieve me .", "Dotrifle with me ?", "I do confess \u2018 em .", "I'le dye first .", "I will not speak , mine eyes shall tell my penance .", "I need not look so ,", "I am truly sadness self .", "What shall become of me ? to curse my fortune ,", "Were but to curse my Father ; that 's too impious ;", "But under whatsoever fate I suffer ,", "Bless I beseech thee heaven her harmless goodness .", "O me .", "You may , blest beauty ,", "For those thick streams that troubled my repentance ,", "Are crept out long agoe .", "O Gentle Mistris ,", "If there were any way to expiate", "A sin so great as mine , by intercession ,", "By prayers , by daily tears , by dying for ye :", "O what a joy would close these eyes that love ye .", "She has forgiven me .", "I dare not trouble her ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 190, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Thus far you shall perswade me , still to honour ye ,", "Still to live with ye , Sir , or near about ye ;", "For not to lye , you have my first and last love :", "But since you have conceiv 'd an evil against me ,", "An evil that so much concerns your honour ,", "That honour aim 'd by all at for a pattern :", "And though there be a false thought , and confest too ,", "And much repentance faln in showrs to purge it ;", "Yet , whilest that great respect I ever bore ye ,", "Dwells in my bloud , and in my heart that duty ;", "Had it but been a dream , I must not touch ye .", "Never ,", "Upon this hand I'le seal that faith .", "Those I'le give ye ,", "So there you will be pleas 'd to pitch your ne ultra ,", "I will be merry with ye ; sing , discourse with ye ,", "Be your poor Mistris still : in truth I love ye .", "Enanthe , Sir : and this to beg your blessing .", "If you be the King Seleucus ,", "I know you are my Father .", "At the Sack of Antioch ,", "Where my good Unckle di 'd , and I was taken ,", "By a mean Souldier taken : by this Prince ,", "This noble Prince , redeem 'd from him again ,", "Where ever since I have remain 'd his Servant .", "Most Royal Sir , ye have it .", "By me , I am sure he must not : sure he shall not ;", "Kneeling I give it too ; kneeling I take it ;", "And from this hour , no envious spight e 're part us .", "I crave your mercy : I meant no such thing to ye : but if ye were a Gentleman : 2. alas\u2018 pray doe not thrust her soe :", "nay : even continue : and doe not let your Office fallI beseech ye : for want of Indiscretion , and ill-manners ; you would have made a notable sturdy Beadle :", "I am out alreadyout of my witts , you say : \u2018 pray heaven it prove not ; if this fell ffitt afflict me . l. 29 . C ] Agent for the . l. 32 . C ] of Gentleman and did forgive that hereditary folly belongs to your Place : but now , etc . l. 37 . C omits ] one . p. 284 , l. 8 . C ] in Gibbitts . l. 9 . C ] par'lous . l. 14 . C ] Showes are past ye . A ] shews are past . l. 18 . C ] merry ,l. 23 . C ] you dearel. 32 . C. gives the first three words to 1 Ush . l. 33 . C ] Antigonus : and his Traine . p. 285 , l. 2 . C 's stage direction reads Enter ye Embassadors . from Seleucus , Lysimachus , & Ptolomey : l. 7 . C ] Greivances ? and omits l. 8. ll . 13 and 14 . C printsafter ye \u2019 have hedg 'd in and omits as . l. 17 . C ] bloody Roades . l. 18 . C adds ]"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 190, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Thou hast him safe ?", "Trust not a Knaves look ,", "They are like a Whores Oaths ;", "How does my poor Daughter", "Brook her restraint ?", "Who 's that ?", "This is a special favour ,", "And may stand an example in the Court", "For courtesie ; it is the Clients duty", "To wait upon his Patron ; you prevent me ,", "That am your humble Suitor .", "How do you find his Majesty affected ?", "I am your servant .", "All happiness attend you ; go thy ways ,", "Thou hast a clear and noble soul ; for thy sake", "I 'll hold that man mine enemy , who dares mutter ,", "The Court is not the sphere where vertue moves ,", "Humanity , and Nobleness waiting on her .", "What e'r they are , I am too old to fear .", "Take you yours , Lisander ;", "To me this protestation 's useless , I embrace you ,", "As the preserver of my life , the man", "To whom my son ows his , with life , his honour ,", "And howsoever your affection", "To my unhappy Daughter , though it were", "in a noble way ,", "Hath printed some taint on her fame , and brought", "Her life in question , yet I would not purchase", "The wish 'd recovery of her reputation ,", "With strong assurance of her innocence", "Before the King her Judge , with certain loss", "Of my Lisander , for whose life , if found ,", "There 's no redemption ; my excess of love ,", "boldly commands me ,", "Upon my knees , which yet were never bent ,", "But to the King and Heaven , to entreat you", "To flye hence with all possible speed , and leave", "Calista to her fortune .", "But suppose Heaven hath design 'd some", "Other saving means for her deliverance ?", "Let 's not leave him ; his mind 's much troubled .", "Heaven can send ayds ,", "When they are least expected , let us walk ,", "The hour of tryal draws near .", "You behold this preparation , and the enemies", "Who are to fight against your life , yet if", "You bring no witness here , that may convince ye", "Of breach of faith to your Lords bed , and hold up", "Unspotted hands before the King , this tryal", "You are to undergo , will but refine ,", "And not consume your honour .", "Be silent ; the King .", "The Devils Oratrix .", "Sir , \u2018 twas my ambition ,", "My Daughters reputation being wounded", "I'th \u2019 general opinion , to have it", "Cur 'd by a publick trial ; I had else", "Forborn your Majesties trouble : I'le bring forth", "Cleander 's murtherer , in a wood I heard him", "As I rode sadly by , unto himself", "With some compunction , though this devil had none ,", "Lament what he had done , cursing her lust ,", "That drew him to that blody fact .", "They have alledg 'd", "As much to wake your sleeping mercy , Sir ,", "As all the Advocates of France can plead", "In his defence .", "My good Genius did prompt her to it . LeAt your feet thus prostrate , I second her petition .", "With a shaven crown ?", "A suit soon ended ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["A Father of so sweet a child , so happy ,", "Fye , Sir , so excellent in all endowments ,", "In blessedness of beauty , such a mirror .", "Can ye be angry ?", "Can any wind blow rough , upon a blossom", "So fair , and tender ? Can a Fathers nature ,", "A noble Fathers too ?", "I grant ye Roderigo is all these ,", "And a brave Gentleman : must it therefore follow", "Upon necessity she must doat upon him ?", "Will ye allow no liberty in choosing ?", "You know he is a banish 'd man : an Out-law ;", "And how he lives : his nature rough , and bloody", "By customary Rapines : now , her sweet humour", "That is as easie as a calm , and peaceful ,", "All her affections , like the dews on Roses ,", "Fair as the flowers themselves : as sweet and gentle :", "How would you have these meet ?", "I never saw her yet", "Make offer at the least glance of affection ,", "But still so modest , wise \u2014", "The more the Court must answer ;", "But certainly I think , though she might favour him ,", "And love his goodness , as he was an honest man :", "She never with loose eyes stuck on his person .", "Alas , poor Lady .", "Cur . Good hours wait on ye ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Stand off , and keep your ranks : twenty foot further :", "There louse your selves with reason and discretion .", "The Sun shines warm : the farther still the better ,", "Your beasts will bolt anon , and then \u2018 tis dangerous .", "Does the crack go that way ? \u2018 Twill be o'th \u2019 other side anon .", "Your friend ? and why your friend ? why goodman turncoat", "What dost thou see within me , or without me ,", "Or what itch dost thou know upon me , tell me ,", "That I should be thy friend ? what do I look like", "Any of thy acquaintance hung in Gibbets ?", "Hast thou any Friends , Kindred , or Alliance ,", "Or any higher ambition , than an Alms-basket ?", "So ye shall , Sirrah ,", "When I quarter the same louse with ye .", "\u2018 Tis ever so with thee , when thou hast done scratching ,", "For that provokes thy stomach to ring noon ;", "O the infinite Seas of Porridge thou hast swallow 'd !", "And yet thou lookst as if they had been but Glysters ;", "Thou feedst abundance , thou hadst need of sustenance ;", "Alms do you call it to relieve these Rascals ?", "Enter Alphonso , Curio , and Seberto .", "Nothing but a general rot of sheep can satisfie \u2018 em .", "I'le undertake five hundred head about \u2018 em ,", "And that 's no needy Grasier .", "Will ye troop up , ye Porridge Regiment ? Enter Alinda , and Juletta . Captain Poors quarter will ye move ?", "They are too high fed , Madam ,", "Their stomachs are a sleep yet ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Can she slip through a Cat-hole ? tell me that ; resolve me ;", "Can she flye in the air ? is she a thing invisible ?", "Gone , and none know it !", "Some pelting Rogue has watcht her hour of itching ,", "And claw 'd her , claw 'd her , do you mark me ? claw 'd her ;", "Some that I foster up .", "Let \u2018 em be where they will , they are arrant Rascals ,", "And by this hand , I 'll hang all .", "Discretion ? hang discretion , hang ye all :", "Let me know where she is .", "Her Bawd , her Fiddle-stick ;", "Her Lady-fairy , to oyl the doors o \u2019 nights ,", "That they may open with discretion ,", "Her Gin , her Nut-Crack .", "Thou lyest ; \u2018 tis damnable ill , \u2018 tis most abominable ;", "Will ye confess", "Tell me the truth ,", "And as I live , I 'll give thee a new Petticoat .", "What 's that , Sirrah ?", "Where lay she ? who lay with her ?", "Why lay you from her ?", "Were all the doors lock 'd ?", "Come , you must know .", "These are nothing , minion ;", "You that can aim at these , must know the truth too .", "Out of my doors .", "Whore , if she be above ground , I will have her .", "Hang her , hang her ;", "She knows too much ; search all the house , all corners ,", "And where \u2018 tis possible she may go out ,", "Come hither , Juletta , thou didst love me .", "Thou would'st have pleas 'd my humour .", "Come , come , thou wouldst have \u2014", "And thou hast felt my bounty for't , and shalt do . Dost thou want Cloaths or Money ?", "\u2018 Shalt have both .", "This is most monstrous .", "How now , what news ? what hopes and steps discovered ?", "Speak any thing that 's good , that tends to th \u2019 matter ;", "Do you stand staring still ?", "I am sure thou hast been there .", "Away with him ;", "Fling him i'th \u2019 Hay-mow , let him lye a mellowing ;", "He stinks of Muskadel like an English Christmas ;", "Are these your cares ? your services ?", "Where , where ? go on .", "A little foot ?", "How far beyond that ?", "She always kept that Key ; I was a Coxcomb ,", "A Fool , an Ass , to give a Girl that liberty ;", "Saddle my Horses , Rogues , ye drunken Varlets ,", "Your precious diligence lies in Pint-pots ,", "Your Brains in Butts , my Horses , ye pin-Buttocks .", "You 'll bear me Company ?", "I say again , my horses ,", "Are ye so hot ? have ye your private Pilgrimages ?", "Must ye be jumping , Joan ? I 'll wander with ye ;", "I 'll jump ye , and I 'll juggle ye , my horses ;", "And keep me this young Lirry-poop within doors ,", "I will discover , Dame .", "You know the place we meet in ?", "And as ye are honest Gentlemen , endeavour .", "I 'll tye her to the horse-tail .", "Make haste there ;", "And get you in , and look to th \u2019 house . If you stir out , Damsel ,", "Or set a foot any new motion this way ,", "When I come home", "You know my mind ; if you do play the Rascal ,", "I have my eyes and ears in sundry places ,", "If ye do praunce .", "To your Prayers ,", "And leave your stubborn tricks ; she is not far yet ,", "She cannot be , and we dividing suddenly .", "Our horses ;", "Come chearfully . I 'll teach her to run gadding ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["We get nothing ,", "We have no sport ; whoring and drinking spoils us ,", "We keep no Guards .", "2 Out-law . There come no Passengers ,", "Merchants , nor Gentlemen , nor whosoever ,", "But we have tribute .", "And whilst we spend that idlely ,", "We let those pass that carry the best purchase .", "I 'll have all search 'd , and brought in : Rogues , and Beggars ,", "Have got the trick now to become Bank-masters .", "I 'll have none scape ; only my friends and neighbours ,", "That may deliver to the King my innocence ;", "Those I would have regarded ; \u2018 tis policy .", "But otherwise nor gravities , nor shadows ,", "Appear they how they will , they may have purses ,", "For they shall pay .", "3 Out-law . You speak now like a Captain .", "And if we spare , fley us , and coin our Cassocks ,", "Will ye look blith ?", "You hear no preparation", "The King intends against us yet ?", "4 Out-law . Not a word , Sir ,", "Good man , he 's troubled with matter of more moment ,", "Hummings of higher nature vex his brains , Sir ,", "Do not we see his Garrisons ?", "Who are out now ?", "4 Out-law . Good fellows , Sir , that if there be any purchase stirring", "Will strike it dead ; Jaques , and Lopez , Lads ,", "That know their Quarters , as they know their Knapsacks ;", "And will not off .", "Where is the Boy ye brought me ?", "A pretty Lad , and of a quick capacity ,", "And bred up neatly .", "1 Out-law . He 's within at meat , Sir ,", "The Knave is hungry , yet he seasons all", "He eats or drinks with many tears and sighings ,", "The saddest appetite I ever lookt on ;", "The Boy is young , \u2018 tis fear , and want of company ,", "He knows , and loves ; use him not rough , and harshly ,", "He will be quickly bold ; I 'll entertain him ;", "I want a pretty Boy to wait upon me ,", "And when I am sad or sleepy , to prate to me ;", "Besides there 's something in his face I like well .", "And still the more I look , more like ; let him want nothing ,", "And use him gently , all .", "2 Out-law . Here 's a small Box , Sir ,", "We took about him , which he griev 'd to part with ,", "May be some Wealth .", "Alas , some little money", "The poor Knave carried to defray his lodgings ,", "I 'll give it him again , and add unto it .", "\u2018 Twere sin to open such a petty purchase .", "Enter Lopez , and Jaques with Pedro .", "How now , who is this ? what have you brought me , Souldiers ?", "Where took ye him ?", "Pilgrim , come hither , Sir , are you a Pilgrim ?", "A piece of pretty holiness ; do you shrink , Sir ?", "A smug young Saint . What Country were you born in ?", "Ye have a Spanish face ; In a dumb Province ?", "And had your Mother too this excellent Vertue ?", "No tongue do you say ? sure she was a matchless woman ;", "What a fine family is this man sprung from !", "Certain he was begotten in a Calm ,", "When all was hush 'd ; the Midwife was dumb Midnight ;", "Are ye seal 'd up ? or do you scorn to answer ?", "Ye are in my hands , and I have Medicines for ye", "Can make ye speak : pull off his Bonnet , Souldiers ;", "Ye have a speaking face .", "Stand nearer , ha ?", "Is your tongue found ? go off , and let me talk with him ;", "And keep your watches round .", "So , now what are ye ?", "Thy heart", "A desperate fool , and so thy fate shall tell thee .", "What Devil brought thee hither ? for I know thee .", "Not to thee ,", "That were a benefit to mock the Giver ;", "Thy father hates my friends , and family ,", "And thou hast been the heir of all this malice .", "Can two such storms meet then , and part with kissing ?", "And so I 'll use it .", "I will do all .", "Sir , Sir , y'are brave , ye plead now in a Sanctuary ,", "You think your Pilgrims Bulwark can defend ye ;", "You will not find it so .", "When you were bravest , Sir , and your sword sharpest ,", "I durst affront ye ; when the Court Sun gilded ye ,", "And every cry was the young hopeful Pedro ,", "Alonso 's sprightly Son ; then durst I meet ye ,", "When you were Master of this fame , and fashion ,", "And all your glories in the full Meridian ,", "The Kings proof-favour buckled on your body ;", "Had we then come to competition ,", "Which I have often sought .", "You should have seen this Sword , how e 're you slight it ,", "And felt it too ; sharper than sorrow felt it ,", "In execution quicker than thy scorns ;", "Thou should'st have seen all this , and shrunk to see it .", "Then like a Gentleman I would have us 'd thee ,", "And given thee the fair fortune of thy being ,", "Then with a Souldiers arm I had honour 'd thee ;", "But since thou stealst upon me like a Spie ,", "And thief-like thinkst that holy case shall carry thee", "Through all my purposes , and so betray me ,", "Base as the act , thy end be , and I forget thee .", "If thy tongue could save thee ,", "Prating be thy bail , thou hast a rare benefit .", "Souldiers , come out , and bring a halter with ye ;", "I'le forgive your holy habit , Sir , but I'le hang you .", "Enter Out-laws , Lope", ", Jaques .", "1 Out-l. Wherefore this halter Captain ?", "For this traytor . Go , put it on him , and then tie him up .", "\u2018 Tis my will he perish ,", "And that 's his fault .", "Truss him I say .", "Hear him not prate .", "Will none of ye obey ?", "Why stand ye gazing ?", "Rots take ye , Rascals .", "Dispatch the prater .", "No man love me ?", "Base Cowards ,", "Put to your powers , ye rascals , I command ye .", "Holy , or unholy , if I say it ,", "I'le have it done .", "1 Out-l . If I do't , let me starve for't .", "Have ye conspir 'd , ye slaves ?", "Am I thus jaded ?", "Are ye so valiant ?", "I'le make ye feel : I'le make ye know , and feel too ;", "And Rascals , you shall tremble . Keep him here ,", "And keep him safe too : if he scape your guards \u2014", "As I live , ye die for't ;", "I will not be thus baffled .", "If thou lov'st me do it :", "Love me , or love me not , I say thou shalt do it :", "Stare not , nor stagger , Sirrah ; if ye deny me ,", "Do you see this Rogue ?", "Do ? why hang a Rascal ,", "That would hang me .", "Thou art strong enough to tie him to a Bough ,", "And turn him off : come , thou shalt be my Jewel ,", "And I'le allow thee horse , and all thy pleasures ,", "And twenty gallant things : I'le teach thee arms too ;", "Make thee mine heir .", "Make me not angry , Sirrah .", "Fear not ,", "It is my will : That in the Pilgrims coat there ,", "That Devil in the Saints skin .", "Dispatch him presently .", "Sirrah , I scorn my finger should be \u2018 fil 'd with thee ;", "And yet I'le have it done : this child shall strangle thee ,", "A crying Girle , if she were here , should master thee .", "Gag him , Sirrah .", "A good boy .", "What wouldst thou have child ?", "Why dost thou make that question ?", "What else ? who dare reprieve him ?", "I do , and must .", "Cannot ?", "Why , my best boy ?", "I would have him die .", "Indeed he is strongly built .", "I had rather take mine own , Boy .", "Stay , be not hasty .", "The boy has stagger 'd me : what would'st thou have me ?", "Let the fool go there ,", "I scorn to let loose so base an anger", "May light on thee : See me no more , but quit me ;", "And when we meet again .", "I am drowsie : Boy ,", "Go with me , and discourse : I like thy company", "O Child ! I love thy tongue ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis strange , in all the circuit we have ridden ,", "We cannot cross her : no way light upon her .", "Nor pass by any body that could promise any thing .", "She is certainly disguis 'd , her modesty", "Durst never venture else .", "So should I think too : has not her Father found her ?", "Let him go on , he cannot live without it . But keep her from him , heaven : where are we Curio ?", "I would we had a guide .", "This is the place then", "Enter Alinda .", "We appointed him to meet in .", "Would we could meet some living thing : what 's that there ?", "Boy , dost thou hear , thou stripling ?", "What beasts would use a boy thus ? Look up , and be of good cheer .", "Do'st thou want any thing ?", "This was extreamly foul , to vex a child thus . Come , let 's along , we cannot lose our way now ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Are they all set ? 1 Out-l. All , and each quarter quiet .", "Is the old man asleep ? 1 Out-l. An hour agoe Sir .", "We must be very carefull in his absence ,", "And very watchfull .", "1 Out-l . It concerns us nearly ,", "He will not be long from us .", "No , he cannot .", "1 Out-l. A little heat of love , which he must wander out .", "And then again : hark .", "Ja", "What ?", "1 Out-l. \u2018 Tis not the wind sure :", "That 's still and calm , no noise , nor flux of waters .", "I hear a Drum , I think .", "1 Out-l. That , that ;", "It beats again now .", "Now it comes nearer : sure we are surprized , Sir ;", "Some from the Kings command : we are lost , we are dead all .", "1 Out-l. Hark , hark , a charge now : my Captain has betray 'd us ,", "And left us to this ruine , run away from us ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Carry mad Bess some meat , she roars like Thunder ;", "And tie the Parson short , the Moon 's i'th \u2019 full ,", "H'as a thousand Pigs in 's brains : Who looks to the Prentice ?", "Keep him from Women , he thinks h'as lost his Mistris ;", "And talk of no silk stuffs , \u2018 twill run him horn mad .", "Take away his Statutes ;", "The Devil has possest him in the likeness", "Of penal Laws : keep him from Aqua vitae ,", "For if that spirit creep into his Quorum ,", "He will commit us all : how is it with the Scholar ?", "Thou art an ass ; in 's right wits , goodman coxcomb ? As though any man durst be in 's right wits , and be here . It is as much as we dare be that keep \u2018 em .", "O , there 's the English man .", "Peace , peace thou Heathen drunkard ;", "These English are so Malt-mad , there 's no medling with \u2018 em ;", "When they have a fruitful year of Barly there ,", "All the whole Island 's thus .", "If any of the mad-men take her , she is pepper 'd ,", "They 'll bounce her loins .", "She is as leacherous too as a she-Ferret .", "I'le whip ye .", "How the fool bridles ! how she twitters at him !", "These English men would stagger a wise woman .", "If we should suffer her to have her will now ,", "We should have all the women in Spain as mad as she here .", "Here comes my Master ; to the spit ye whore ,", "And stir no more abroad , but tend your business ;", "You shall have no more sops i'th \u2019 pan else , nor no Porridge :", "Besides , I'le whip your breech ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["In such clothes ?", "I understand ye .", "I thank ye Sir .", "It may be she then ;", "And I'le so fumble her : is she grown mad now ?", "Is her blood set so high ? I'le have her madded ,", "I'le have her worm 'd .", "I am your servant .", "Fool , fool .", "This is an arrant fool ,", "An ignorant thing .", "Dost thou dwell in Sigovia , fool ?", "Prethee keep on thy way", "I could rail now", "These ten hours at mine own improvidence :", "Get Apples , and be choak 'd : farewel ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["She is not to be recovered , which I vex at ;", "And he beyond my veng'ance , which torments me ;", "O ! I am fool 'd and sleighted , made a Rascal ;", "My hopes are flatter 'd , as my present fortunes ;", "Why should I wander thus , and play the Coxcomb ?", "Tire out my peace and pleasure for a Girl ?", "A Girl that scorns me too ? a thing that hates me ?", "And considered at the best , is but a short Breakfast", "For a hot appetite : why should I walk and walk thus ?", "And fret my self , and travel like a Carrier ,", "And peep , and watch ? want Meat , and Wine , to cherish me ,", "When thousand women may be had , ten thousand ,", "And thank me too , and I sit still : well , trim Beauty", "And Chastity , and all that seem to ruine me ,", "Let me not take ye , let me not come near ye ,", "For I 'll so trim ye , I 'll so bustle with ye ;", "\u2018 Tis not the name of Virgin shall redeem ye ,", "I 'll change that property : nor tears , nor angers ;", "I bear a hate about me scorns those follies .", "To find this Villain too , for there 's my main prize :", "And if he snap me then .", "What art thou ?", "What a Devil art thou ?", "What antick ? Speak Puppet , speak .", "It danceth ;", "The Devil in a Fools Coat , is he turn 'd Innocent ?", "What mops and mows it makes ! heigh ! how it frisketh !", "Is't not a Fairy , or some small Hobgoblin ?", "It has a mortal face , and I have a great mind to it ,", "But if it should prove the Devil then .", "I think \u2018 twill ravish me ,", "It is a handsome thing , but horribly Sun-burnt ,", "What 's that it points at ?", "The thing 's mad ,", "Abominably mad , her brains are butter 'd ,", "Go sleep , fool , sleep .", "It said true .", "I feel it sink into me forcibly :", "Sure \u2018 tis a kind of Sibyl , some mad Prophet ;", "I feel my wildness bound , and fetter 'd in me .", "Here , prithee speak .", "I wash \u2018 em daily .", "This goes nearer .", "Two Wives ?", "That 's a fine Riddle .", "Sure she 's inspired .", "This the meer Chronicle of my mishaps .", "When fools and mad folks will be Tutors to me ,", "And feel my sores , yet I unsensible ;", "Sure it was set by Providence upon me", "To steer my heart right , I am wondrous weary ,", "My thoughts too , which add more burthen to me ;", "I have been ill , and", "pursu 'd it ,", "And still run on ; I must think better , nobler ,", "And be another thing , or not at all .", "Enter four Pesants .", "Still I grow heavier , heavier , Heaven defend me ;", "I 'll lye down , and take rest ; and goodness guard me .", "Oh me !", "O , what torments me thus ? what slaves , what villains ? O spare me , do not murther me .", "As ye are men , and Christians .", "O no mercy .", "O villains , beasts .", "O , I am now more wretched far , than ever .", "This benefit has made me shame to see him ,", "To know him , blush .", "No Sir ;", "All I can call a hurt , sticks in my conscience ,", "That pricks and tortures me .", "I dare not speak : or if I do \u2018 tis nothing", "Can bring me off , or justifie me .", "I thank ye , and I'le study more to honour ye :", "You have the nobler soul , I must confess it ,", "And are the greater Master of your goodness .", "Though it be impossible I would now recover ,", "And my rude will grow handsom in an instant ,", "Yet touching but the pureness of your metal ,", "Something shall shew like gold , at least shall glister ,", "That men may hope , although the mind be rugged ,", "Stony , and hard to work , yet time , and honour", "Shall find and bring forth that , that 's rich and worthy .", "His vertue startles me . I dare fight Pedro .", "Ha ?", "Deserving ? what a word was that to fire me ?", "O that I durst not suffer :", "For all I dare do now , implies but penance .", "I 'll satisfie ye ;", "But not by th \u2019 sword , pray you hear me , and allow me ;", "I have been rude ; but shall I be a Monster ,", "And teach my Sword to hurt that that preserv 'd me ?", "Though I be rough by nature , shall my name", "Inherit that eternal stain of barbarous ?", "Give me an enemy , a thing that hates ye ,", "That never heard of yet , nor felt your goodness ,", "That is one main antipathy to sweetness ;", "And set me on , you cannot hold me Coward ;", "If I have ever err 'd , \u2018 thas been in hazard ;", "The temper of my Sword starts at your Vertue ,", "And will flye off , nay it will weep to light ye ;", "Things excellently mingled , and of pure nature ,", "Hold sacred Love , and peace with one another ,", "See how it turns .", "Those heats that they add to us ,", "let us feel \u2018 em rightly ,", "And rightly but consider how they move us .", "If they be vertuous ,", "And then the Sword adds nothing to their lustre ,", "But rather calls in question what 's not doubted ;", "If they be not , the best Swords , and best valours", "Can never fight \u2018 em up to fame again ;", "No , not a Christian War , and that 's held pious .", "You cannot , Sir , you have cast those by : discarded \u2018 em ,", "And in a noble mind , so low , and loosely", "To look back , and collect such lumps , and lick \u2018 em", "Into new horrid forms again \u2014", "To fight , because I dare , were worse and weaker", "Than if I had a woman in my cause , Sir ,", "And more proclaim 'd me fool : yet I must confess", "I have been covetous of all occasions ,", "And this I have taken upon trust , for noble ,", "The more shame mine : devise a way to fight thus ,", "That like the wounded air , no bloud may issue ,", "Nor where the Sword shall enter , no lost spirit ,", "And set me on : 1 would not scare that body ,", "That vertuous , valiant body , nor deface it", "To make the Kingdom mine : if one must bleed ,", "Let me be both the Sacrifice and Altar ,", "And you the Priest ; I have deserv 'd to suffer .", "I am your servant , Sir , and now this habit ,", "Devotion , not distrust shall put upon me ,", "I 'll wait upon your fortunes , that 's my way now ,", "And where you grieve , or joy , I 'll be a Partner .", "I guess at \u2018 em ,", "And I could curse my self , I made \u2018 em stranger ;", "Yet my mind says you are not far from happiness ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Yes , Sir , here be such people ; but how pleasing", "They will appear to you .", "They will confound ye , Sir , like Bells rung backward ,", "They are nothing but Confusion , and meer Noises .", "Yes , one , Sir ,", "A very handsome Boy .", "But two days ;", "A little crazed ; but much hope of recovery .", "And ye shall see him ;", "Or any else : but pray be not too violent .", "\u2018 Pray ye do not disturb \u2018 em , Sir , here lie such youths", "Will make you start if they but dance their trenchmores ,", "Fetch out the Boy , Sirrah ; hark !", "A Parson , Sir , a Parson", "That run mad for tyth Goslings .", "Alas , that 's no question ;", "They are mad every where , Sir ;", "Their fits are cool now , let \u2018 em rest .", "How now , who 's this here ? Where is the Boy ?", "I , the Boy , Sir .", "These are his Cloaths .", "But where 's the Boy ?", "She-fool . The Boy is gone a Maying ,", "He 'll bring me home a Cuckows Nest ; do you hear , Master ?", "I put my Cloaths off , and I dizen 'd him ,", "And pin 'd a Plum in 's forehead , and a feather ,", "And buss 'd him twice , and bid him go seek his fortune ;", "He gave me this fine money , and fine Wine too ,", "And bid me sop ; and gave me these trim Cloaths too ,", "And put \u2018 em on .", "That was the very Boy , Sir .", "She-f . I , I , I , I gave him leave to play , forsooth ,", "He 'll come again to morrow , and bring peascods .", "I 'll bring your bones .", "\u2018 Pray ye , Sir , be tamer ,", "We cannot help this presently , but we shall know ;", "I 'll recompence your Care too .", "\u2018 Pray ye , Sir .", "\u2018 Pray ye , Sir , observe him ,", "He is a Mountaineer , a man of Goteland .", "He will not hurt ye .", "The elder Brother , Sir ,", "He run mad because a Rat eat up 's Cheese .", "Now he grows villainous .", "Away with him .", "Sir , he must .", "Away with the fool ,", "And whip her soundly , Sirrah .", "They all grow wild , away with him for Heavens sake ,", "Sir , ye are much to blame .", "In with him ,", "And lock him fast .", "What means this Gentleman ?", "What would you with him ?", "Yes , and a wild one too , but not a Prisoner .", "I have seen younger men of better temper .", "This Letter says the Gentleman is lunatick ,", "I half suspected it .", "He 's some great man ,", "The Duke commands me with such care to look to him ,", "And if he grow too violent , to correct him ,", "To use the speediest means for his recovery ,", "And those he must find sharp .", "How got ye him hither ?", "Hither he came to seek one .", "Here was a Boy .", "He was gone first .", "We are us 'd to that , Sir ,", "And we as rough as he , if he give occasion .", "We must sweat then .", "\u2018 Tis too apparent .", "Do you hear , Sir ?", "\u2018 Pray will ye make less stir , and see your Chamber ,", "Call in more help , and make the Closet ready .", "Nay , Pray ye , Sir , be more modest", "For your own Credit sake ; the people see ye ,", "And I would use ye with the best .", "Pray , and be civil ,", "Heaven may deliver ye .", "You do but draw more misery upon ye ,", "And add to your disease .", "No Sir ,", "You must not be left so : bear your self civilly ,", "And \u2018 twill be better for ye : swell not , nor chafe not .", "A great deal the more pity : I have heard of ye .", "The Duke is very tender too .", "Do not anger \u2018 em ,", "But go in quietly , and slip in softly", "They will so tew ye , else , I am commanded Sir .", "Ye are dog-mad : you perceive it not ,", "Very far mad : and whips will scant recover ye .", "I whips , and sore whips , and ye were a Lord Sir ,", "If ye be stubborn here .", "Do you see this Sir ?", "What do you mutter Sir ?", "Be civil and be safe : come , for these two daies", "Ye must eat nothing neither : \u2018 twill ease your fits Sir .", "Yes , a little : go in with these men .", "I'le follow presently ,", "You see \u2018 tis done Sir ,", "He shall not ,", "And if he be rebellious \u2014", "My service to his Grace ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Why are you still so fearfull of me , Lady ?", "So doubtfull of my faith , and honest service ?", "To hide your self from me , to fly my company ?", "Am I not yours ? all yours ? by this light you shake still ;", "Do ye suspect me false ? did I ever fail ye ?", "Do you think I am corrupted ? base ? and treacherous ?", "Lord , how ye look ! Is not my life ty 'd to ye ?", "And all the power I have to serve , and honour ye ?", "Still do ye doubt ? still am I terrible ?", "I will not trouble ye : good Heaven preserve ye ,", "And send ye what ye wish : I will not see ye ,", "Nor once remember I had such a Mistris .", "I will not speak of ye , nor name Alinda ,", "For fear you should suspect I would betray ye :", "Goodness and peace conduct ye .", "I have thought so , Lady .", "Come , pray ye think better ,", "And cast those by : at least consider , Lady ,", "How to prevent \u2018 em : pray ye put off this fools coat ;", "Though it have kept ye secret for a season ,", "\u2018 Tis known now , and will betray ye ; your arch enemy", "Roderigo is abroad : many are looking for ye .", "You cannot still do thus .", "I have : and shift you too . I lay last night", "At a poor widows house here in the Thicket ,", "Whither I will conduct ye , and new shape ye ,", "My self too to attend ye .", "Fear not , enough to serve ye ;", "I came not out so empty .", "Even this morning ,", "And in these woods : take heed , h'as got a new shape .", "No Madam , and which made me wonder mightily ,", "He was in company with that handsom Pilgrim ,", "That sad sweet man .", "The same , the very same , that you so pitied ,", "A man as fit to suit his villanies .", "Wondrous civilly .", "I think so , for I saw \u2018 em", "Make many stands , and then embrace each other .", "Lord how she trembles !", "Not thus , for all the world , ye are undone then ;", "But let 's retire , and alter , then we'l walk free ;", "And then I'le shew ye any thing .", "Come quick , I'le conduct ye , and still serve ye ,", "And do not fear ; hang fear , it spoils all projects .", "This way ; I'le be your guide ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["How sweet these solitary places are ! how wantonly", "The wind blows through the leaves , and courts , and playes with \u2018 em !", "Will ye sit down , and sleep ? the heat invites ye .", "Hark how yond purling stream dances , and murmurs ,", "The Birds sing softly too : pray take some rest , Sir .", "I would fain wooe his fancie to a peace ,", "It labours high and hastily upon him ;", "Pray ye sit , and I'le sit by .", "No creature .", "I cannot guess ;", "\u2018 Twas loud , and shrill : sometimes it shew 'd hard by us ,", "And by and by the sound fled as the wind does ;", "Here 's no inhabitants .", "They talk of Fairies , and such demi-devils ,", "This is a fine place to dance their gambols .\u2014", "They can sing admirably ,", "They never lose their maiden-heads : I would fool any way", "To make him merry now : methink yond rocks yonder", "Shew like inchanted Cells , where they inhabit .", "How he weeps ! dear Heaven", "Give him his hearts content , and me forgive too .", "I must melt too .", "Who are these ?", "Those there , those , those things that come upon us ,", "Those grandam things , those strange antiquities .", "Did not I say these woods begot strange wonders ?", "They show as if they were mortal ,", "They come upon us still .", "That thing i'th \u2019 Button'dhYpppHeNcap looks terribly . She has Guns in her eyes , the Devils Ingeneer .", "Go you first . I have less faith : when I have said my Prayers \u2014", "That little devil has main need of a Barber ,", "What a trim beard she has !", "I shall be hang 'd , or whipt now :", "These know , and these have power .", "What shall I do ? I do confess .", "Yes , yes , how I sweat !", "I was never so deserted ; sure these woods", "Are only inhabited with rare dreams , and wonders ;", "I would not be a knave again , a villain :", "O how I loath it now : for these know all Sir ,", "And they would find me out .", "I would not be traytor ,", "And have these of my Jury ; how light I am ,", "And how my heart laughs now me thinks within me !", "Now I am Catechiz 'd , I would ever dwell here ,", "For here is a kind of Court of Reformation ;", "Had I been stubborn friend .", "And then they would have handled me a new way ,", "The Devils dump had been danced then .", "So you do well ; fall edge or flat o \u2019 my side ;", "All I can stagger at is the Kings anger ,", "Which if it come , I am prepar 'd to meet it .", "I hope the fairest ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["This to devotion sacred be ,", "This to the Kings prosperity ,", "This to the Queen , and Chastity .", "What wonder stand these strangers in ?", "Pedro , Noble Pedro ,", "Do not you know your friend ?", "Lady this leave I'le crave , pray be not angry ,", "I will not long divide you : how happy , Pedro ,", "Would all the court be now , might they behold thee ?", "Might they but see you thus , and thus embrace you ?", "The King will be a joyfull man believe it ,", "Most joyfull , Pedro .", "Yes certainly and grace him , ever honour him ,", "Restore him every way , he has much lamented him .", "Know him , and much lament him :", "The King 's incens 'd much , much Sir , I can assure you .", "But since he is your friend , and now appears ,", "In honour of this day and love to you Sir :", "I'le try the power I have , to the pinch I'le put it ;", "Here 's my hand Roderigo , I'le set you fair again .", "Your people too , shall have their general pardons ,", "We'l have all peace and love .", "To my house now , and suite you to your worths ;", "Off with these weeds , and appear glorious :", "Then to the Priest , that shall attend us here ,", "And this be stil 'd Loves new and happy year ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Me thinks I would have her honest too , and handsom .", "If it were so ,", "I hope your conscience would not be so nice", "To start at such a blessing .", "But thou would'st be", "I do not doubt upon the least suspicion", "Unmercifully jealous .", "So should not I by'our Lady , and I think", "My patience", "as good as yours ,", "Report would stir me mainly , I am sure o n't .", "What then ?", "Having these Antidotes against opinion", "I would marry any one ; an arrant Whore .", "I conceive ye :", "What thinkest thou , thy way , of the widow Lelia ?", "Thou hast set her in a pretty Litany .", "Do you hear my friend : Sir , are you not a setter ,", "For the fair widow here of famous memory ?", "Here 's a shilling", "To strike good luck withal .", "He has amazed me .", "No I think .", "Nor I ; this \u2018 tis to credit", "Mens idle tongues ; I warrant they have said", "As much by our two Mothers .", "No Sir ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Do not dissemble Frank , mine eyes are quicker", "Than such observers , that do ground their faith", "Upon one smile or tear ; y'are much alter 'd ,", "And are as empty of those excellencies", "That were companions to you ; I mean mirth", "And free disposure of your blood and Spirit ,", "As you were born a mourner .", "Come , come , this is not wise , nor provident", "To halt before a Cripple : if you love ,", "Be liberal to your friend , and let her know it ,", "I see the way you run , and know how tedious", "\u2018 Twill prove without a true companion .", "Yes marry would I ,", "I should not please ye else .", "Than one ; and him", "You shall love Frank .", "Faith some pretty fellow ,", "With a clean strength , that cracks a cudgel well", "And dances at a Wake , and plays at Nine-holes .", "I see ye are hard to please ; yet I will please ye .", "Can no man fit you ? I will find him out .", "I do believe you love no Courtier ,", "And by my troth to ghess you into love", "With any I can think of , is beyond", "Either your will , or my imagination .", "And yet I am sure y'are caught : and I will know him .", "There 's none left now worthy the thinking of ,", "Unless it be a Souldier , and I am sure ,", "I would ever bless my self from such a fellow .", "Out upon \u2018 em fire-locks ,", "They are nothing i'th \u2019 world but Buff and Scarlet ,", "Tough unhewn pieces , to hack swords upon ;", "I had as lieve be courted by a Cannon ,", "As one of those .", "Say ye so ? I'le pull ye on a little further .", "What worth can be in those men , whose profession", "Is nothing i'th \u2019 world but drink and damn me ,", "Out of whose violence they are possest", "With legions of unwholsome whores and quarrels ;", "I am of that opinion , and will dye i n't ,", "There is no understanding , nor can be", "In a soust Souldier .", "If to be valiant , be to be a Souldier ; I'le tell ye true ,", "I had rather be a Coward , I am sure with less sin .", "They are , and I have all I sought for , \u2018 tis a souldier", "You love , hide it no longer ; you have betray 'd your self ;", "Come , I have found your way of commendations ,", "And what I said , was but to pull it from ye .", "I will have the man", "Ere I forsake ye .", "May not I go along ?", "Well , I will not ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["How now ? who was that you staid to speak withal .", "Have you dispatched him ?", "Wilt thou never learn more manners ,", "Than to draw in such needy Rascals to disquiet me ?", "Go , answer him I will not be at leasure .", "Lord how tender stomach 'd you are grown of late !", "You are not in love with him , are ye ?", "If ye be , strike up the match ; you shall have", "Three l. and a pair of blankets ! will ye go answer him ?", "Well , let him in then if there be no remedy ; I thank Heaven I am", "Able to abuse him , I shall ne'r come clear else of him .", "Enter Father .", "Now Sir , what is your business ? pray be short ; for I have other", "Matters of more moment to call me from ye .", "If you were not old", "I should laugh at ye ; what a vengeance ails ye", "To be so childish to imagine me", "A founder of old fellows ? make him drink , wench ,", "And if there be any cold meat in the Buttery ,", "Give him some broken bread , and that , and rid him .", "\u2018 Twas as ye ought to do , and now ye cry for't", "As children do for babies back again .", "I would not have ye ,", "Nor know no reason Fathers should desire", "To live , and be a trouble , when children", "Are able to inherit , let them dye ,", "\u2018 Tis fit , and lookt for , that they should do so .", "All that I feel yet .", "If you do I care not .", "Why pray take leave ,", "If it be for your ease .", "She did , Sir , as she ought to do , would you", "Would take the pains to follow ; what should you ,", "Or any old man do wearing away", "In this world with Diseases , and desire", "Only to live to make their Children scourge-sticks ,", "And hoard up mill-mony ? me thinks a Marble", "Lyes quieter upon an old mans head", "Than a cold fit o'th \u2019 Palsey .", "You mistake , Sir ;", "\u2018 Twill punish Beggars , fye for shame go work ,", "Or serve , you are grave enough to be a Porter", "In some good man of worships house , and give", "Sententious answers to the comers in .", "A pretty place ; or be of some good Consort ,", "You had a pleasant touch o'th \u2019 Cittern once ,", "If idleness have not bereft you of it :", "Be any thing but old and Beggarly ,", "Two sins that ever do outgrow compassion ;", "If I might see you offer at a course", "That were a likely one , and shew 'd some profit ,", "I would not stick for ten Groats , or a Noble .", "Nay , I know not :", "And till I know , I will not thank you for't ;", "How ever , he that got me had the pleasure ,", "And that me thinks , is a reward sufficient .", "You had best take fresh air some where else , \u2018 twill bring ye", "Out of your trance the sooner .", "Yes believe me is it ,", "For yet I cannot think you are so foolish ,", "As to imagine you are young enough", "To be my heir , or I so old to make", "A Nurse at these years for you , and attend", "While you sup up my state in penny pots", "Of Malmsey : when I am excellent at Cawdles ,", "And Cullices , and have enough spare gold", "To boil away , you shall be welcome to me ;", "\u2018 Till when I 'd have you be as merry , Sir ,", "As you can make your self with that you have ,", "And leave to trouble me with these relations ,", "Of what you have been to me , or you are ,", "For as I hear them , so I lose them ; this", "For", "ught I know yet , is my resolution .", "Fare ye well , Sir ;", "Now would some poor tender hearted fool have wept ,", "Relented , and have been undone : such Children", "I hate truly ,", "For by my troth I had rather see their tears", "Than feel their pities : my desires and ends", "Are all the Kindred that I have , and friends .", "Enter Woman .", "Is he departed ?", "Not of his tribe I hope ; bring me no more", "I would wish you such as he is ; if thou seest", "They look like men of worth , and state , and carry", "Ballast of both sides like tall Gentlemen", "Admit \u2018 em , but no snakes to poyson us", "With poverty ; wench you must learn a wise rule ,", "Look not upon the youths of men , and making ,", "How they descend in bloud , nor let their tongues ,", "Though they strike suddainly , and sweet as musick", "Corrupt thy fancy : see , and say them fair too ,", "But ever keep thy self without their distance ,", "Unless the love thou swallow be a pill", "Gilded to hide the bitterness it brings ,", "Then fall on without fear , wench , yet so wisely", "That one encounter cloy him not ; nor promise", "His love hath made thee more his , than his monies ;", "Learn this and thrive ,", "Then let thine honour ever", "be so stood upon ,", "That men may fairly see", "\u2018 Tis want of means , not vertue makes thee fall ;", "And if you weep \u2018 twill be a great deal better ,", "And draw on more compassion , which includes", "A greater tenderness of love and bounty :", "This is enough at once , digest it well :", "Go let him in wench , if he promise profit ,", "Not else .", "Enter Julio .", "O you are welcome my fair Servant ,", "Upon my troth I have been longing for ye .", "There 's none come with you ?", "You do the wiser ,", "For some that have been here", "Out of their malice , more than truth , have done me", "Some few ill offices .", "Nay , nothing ,", "Only have talkt a little wildly of me ;", "As their unruly Youth directed \u2018 em ;", "Which though they bite me not , I would have wisht", "Had light upon some other that deserv 'd \u2018 em .", "No , no , let him go ,", "He is not worth your anger ; I must chide you", "For being such a stranger to your Mistriss ,", "Why would you be so , Servant ?", "Fye , Servant ,", "What do you mean ? unhand me , or , by Heav'n ,", "I shall be very angry , this is rudeness .", "\u2018 Twas more I think , than you have warrant for .", "You may ,", "But not this rough way , Servant ; we are tender ,", "And ought in all to be respected so ;", "If I had been your Horse , or Whore , you might", "Back me with this intemperance ; I thought", "You had lov 'd as worthy men , whose fair affections", "Seek pleasures warranted , not pull 'd by violence ,", "Do so no more .", "I should be with another man , I am sure ,", "That durst appear but half thus violent .", "You could not .", "How ?", "That understand me ? Sir , ye understand ,", "Nor shall , no more of me than modesty", "Will , without fear , deliver to a stranger ;", "You understand I am honest , else I tell ye ,", "You , and your understanding are two fools ,", "But were we Saints , thus we are still rewarded :", "I see that Woman had a pretty catch o n't ,", "That had made you the Master of a kindness ,", "She durst not answer openly ; O me !", "How easily we Women may be cozen 'd !", "I took this Julio , as I have a faith ,", "For the most modest , temper 'd Gentleman ,", "The coolest , quietest , and best Companion ;", "For such an one I could have wish 'd a Woman .", "Bless me goodness !", "To curse me did you say , Sir ? let it be", "For too much loving you then , such a curse", "Kill me withal , and I shall be a Martyr ,", "You have found a new way to reward my doting ,", "And I confess a fit one for my folly ,", "For you your self , if you have good within ye ,", "And dare be Master of it , know how dearly", "This heart hath held you ever ; Oh good Heaven !", "That I had never seen that false mans eyes ,", "That dares reward me thus with fears and curses ;", "Nor never heard the sweetness of that tongue ,", "That will , when this is known , yet cozen women ;", "Curse me , good Julio , curse me bitterly ,", "I do deserve it for my confidence ,", "And I beseech thee if thou hast a goodness", "Or power yet in thee to confirm thy wishes ,", "Curse me to earth , for what should I do here", "Like a decaying flower , still withering", "Under his bitter words , whose kindly heat", "Should give my poor heart life ? No , curse me , Julio ,", "Thou canst not do me such a benefit", "As that , and well done , that the Heav'ns may hear it .", "Will you dissemble still ? I am a fool ,", "And you may easily rule me , if you flatter ,", "The sin will be your own .", "And shall I be so childish once again ,", "After my late experience of your spight", "To credit you ? you do not know how deep", "This bitterness of yours has struck my heart .", "Thus you would do I warrant ,", "If I were married to you .", "Yes , is not that the best end ,", "And , as all hold , the noblest way of love ?", "Why do you look so strange , Sir ? do not you", "Desire it should be so ?", "Answer me .", "I ! are you there ? are all these tears lost then ?", "Am I so overtaken by a fool", "In my best days and tricks ? my wise fellow ,", "I 'll make you smart for't as I am a woman ,", "And if thou beest not timber , yet I 'll warm thee ;", "And is he gone ?", "He 's not so lightly struck ,", "To be recovered with a base repentance ,", "I should be sorry then ; Fortune , I prithee", "Give me this man but once more in my arms ,", "And if I lose him , women have no charms ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Seignior , what think you of this sound of Wars ?", "Shall we never live to see", "Men look like men again ,", "Upon a March ?", "This cold dull rusty peace makes u", "appear", "Like empty Pictures , only the faint shadows", "Of what we should be ;", "Would to Heaven my Mother", "Had given but half her will to my begetting ,", "And made me woman , to sit still and sing ,", "Or be sick when I list , or any thing", "That is too idle for a man to think of ;", "Would I had been a Whore , \u2018 t had been a course", "Certain , and", "of more gain", "Than two commands , as I would handle it :", "\u2018 Faith , I could wish I had been any thing", "Rather tha", "what I am , a Souldier ;", "A Carrier or a Cobler , when I knew", "What \u2018 twas to wear a Sword first ; for their trades", "Are , and shall be a constant way of life ,", "While men send Cheeses up , or wear out Buskins .", "\u2018 Pox o \u2019 peace ,", "It fills the Kingdom full of holydays ,", "And only feeds the wants of Whores and Pipers ;", "And makes the idle drunken Rogues get Spinsters :", "\u2018 Tis true , I may want money , and no little ,", "And almost Cloaths too ; of which if I had both", "In full abundance ; yet against all peace ,", "That brings up mischiefs thicker than a shower ,", "I would speak louder than a Lawyer ;", "By Heaven , it is the surfeit of all youth ,", "That makes the toughness , and the strength of Nations", "Melt into Women . \u2018 Tis an ease that broods", "Thieves , and Bastards only .", "\u2018 Tis well they can be near \u2018 em any way .", "But call you those true spirits ill affected ,", "That whilst the wars were , serv 'd like walls and ribs", "To girdle in the Kingdom ?", "And now faln", "Through a faint Peace into affliction ,", "Speak but their miseries ? come , come , Fabritio ,", "You may pretend what patience ye please ,", "And seem to yoak your wants like passions ;", "But while I know thou art a Souldier ,", "And a deserver , and no other Harvest", "But what thy Sword reaps for thee to come in ,", "You shall be pleas 'd to give me leave to tell ye ,", "You wish a Devil of this musty peace ;", "To which Prayer ,", "As one that 's bound in Conscience , and all", "That love our trade , I cry , Amen .", "You may thrive , Sir ,", "Thou art young and handsom yet , and well enough", "To please a Widow ; thou canst sing , and tell", "These foolish love-tales , and indite a little ,", "And if need be , compile a pretty matter ,", "And dedicate it to the honourable ,", "Which may awaken his compassion ,", "To make ye Clark o'th \u2019 Kitchen , and at length ,", "Come to be married to my Ladies Woman ,", "After she 's crackt i'th \u2019 Ring .", "But what dost thou think shall become of me ,", "With all my imperfections ? let me dye ,", "If I think I shall ever reach above", "A forlorn Tapster , or some frothy fellow ,", "That stinks of stale Beer .", "What vertues ? by this light , I have no vertue ,", "But down-right buffetting , what can my face ,", "That is no better than a ragged Map now", "Of where I have march 'd and travell 'd , profit me ?", "Unless it be for Ladies to abuse , and say", "\u2018 Twas spoil 'd for want of a Bongrace when I was young ,", "And now \u2018 twill make a true prognostication", "Of what man must be ? Tell me of a fellow", "That can mend Noses , and complain ,", "So tall a Souldier should want teeth to his Stomach ;", "And how it was great pity , that it was ,", "That he that made my Body was so busied", "He could not stay to make my Legs too ; but was driven", "To clap a pair of Cat-sticks to my Knees , for which", "I am indebted to two School-Boys ; this", "Must follow necessary .", "Then for my Morals , and those hidden pieces ,", "That Art bestows upon me , they are such ,", "That when they come to light , I am sure will shame me ,", "For I can neither write , nor read , nor speak", "That any man shall hope to profit by me ;", "And for my Languages , they are so many ,", "That put them all together , they will scarce", "Serve to beg single Beer in ; the plain truth is ,", "I love a Souldier , and can lead him on ,", "And if he fight well , I dare make him drunk ;", "This is my vertue , and if this will do ,", "I 'll scramble yet amongst \u2018 em .", "Good Fabricio ,", "Have a quick eye upon me , for I fear", "This Peace will make me something that I love not ;", "For by my troth , though I am plain and dudgion ,", "I would not be an Ass ; and to sell parcels ,", "I can as soon be hang 'd : prithee bestow me ,", "And speak some little good , though I deserve not .", "He looks indeed like an old tatter 'd Colours ,", "That every wind would borrow from the Staff :", "These are the hopes we have for all our hurts ;", "They have not cast his tongue too .", "Twenty such holy Hermits in a Camp", "Would make \u2018 em all Carthusians , I 'll be hang 'd", "If he know what a Whore is , or a health ,", "Or have a nature liable to learn ,", "Or so much honest nurture to be drunk .", "I do not think he has the spleen to swear", "A greater Oath than Semsters utter Socks with ,", "S'pur him a question .", "Fabricio , we two have been Souldiers", "Above these fourteen years , yet o \u2019 my Conscience ,", "All we have seen , compar 'd to his experience", "Has been but cudgel-play , or Cock-fighting .", "By all the faith I have in Arms , I reverence", "The very poverty of this brave fellow ;", "Which were enough it self , and his to strengthen", "The weakest town against half Christendom .", "I was never so asham 'd of service", "In all my life before , now I consider", "What I have done ; and yet the Rogues would swear", "I was a valiant fellow ; I do find", "The greatest danger I have brought my life through ,", "Now I have heard this worthy , was no more", "Than stealing of a May-pole , or at worst ,", "Fighting at single Billet with a Barge-man .", "Believe him ? I have no faith within me , if I do not .", "Let 's give him all we have , and leave off prating .", "Here , Souldier , there 's even five months pay , be merry ,", "And get thee handsom Cloaths .", "Ye are a fool ,", "The very story 's worth a hundred pound .", "Give him more money .", "But methinks all this while y'are too temperate ;", "Do you not tell men sometimes of the dulness", "When you are grip't , as now you are with need ?", "I do , and let them know those silks they wear ,", "The War weaves for \u2018 em ; and the bread they eat", "We sow , and reap again to feed their hunger ;", "I tell them boldly , they are masters of", "Nothing but what we fight for ; their fair women", "Lye playing in their arms , whilst we , like Lares", "Defend their pleasures ; I am angry too ,", "And often rail at these forgetful great men", "That suffer us to sue for what we ought", "To have flung on us , e 're we ask .", "So you shall us , I 'll to the Taylors with you bodily ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Well , if this be true , I 'll believe a Woman", "When I have nothing else to do .", "Bestowing ?", "If it be so , she has bestow 'd her self", "Upon a trim youth , Piso , what do you call him ?", "O , Captain Jack-boy ,", "That is the Gentleman .", "So think I too ,", "Would he would mend , Sir .", "Yes , of his teeth ; for of my faith I think", "They are sharper than his sword , and dare do more", "If the Buff meet him fairly .", "Why , well enough ;", "Trail his Pike under him , and be a Gentlewoman", "Of the brave Captains Company .", "I am glad she is none of mine ; but Frederick", "Thou art not such a fool sure to be angry", "Unless it be with her ; we are thy friends , man .", "Yes , \u2018 faith , and do but tell thee", "How she will utterly overthrow her credit ,", "If she continue gracing of this pot-gun .", "I would send", "His face to the Cutlers then , and have it sanguin 'd ,", "\u2018 Twill look a great deal sweeter ; then his Nose", "I would have shorter , and my reason is ,", "His face will be ill mounted else .", "He 's poor and beggarly besides all this ,", "And of a nature far uncapable", "Of any benefit ; for his manners cannot", "Shew him a way to thank a man that does one ,", "He 's so uncivil ; you may do a part", "Worthy a Brother , to perswade your Sister", "From her undoing ; if she prove so foolish", "To marry this cast Captain , look to find her", "Within a month , where you , or any good man ,", "Would blush to know her ; selling cheese and prunes ,", "And retail 'd Bottle-Ale ; I grieve to think ,", "Because I lov 'd her , what a march this Captain", "Will set her into .", "Belike you love him then ?", "And will be angry for him .", "I understand you not , you hurt not me ,", "Your anger flies so wide .", "He might , if it pleas 'd him , conceive it so .", "This is a strange Course , Frederick ;", "But sure you do not , or you would not know us ;", "Beat us ?", "How ?", "This is pretty .", "Well we are Rascals ,", "Yes Piso , we are Rascals ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I will but see her once more Angelo ,", "That I may hate her more , and then I am", "My self again .", "Having her sins before me , I dare see her", "Were she as catching as the plague , and deadly ,", "And tell her she is fouler than all those", "And far more pestilent , if not repentant ,", "And like a strong man , chide her well , and leave her .", "Make but a curious frame unto thy self", "As thou wouldst shape an Angel in thy thought ;", "Such as the Poets , when their fancies sweat ,", "Imagine Juno is , or fair ey 'd Pallas ,", "And one more excellent , than all those figures", "Shalt thou find her ; she 's brown , but of a sweetness ,", "Believe me Angelo , would do more mischief", "With a forc't smile , than twenty thousand Cupids", "With their love quivers , full of Ladies eyes ,", "And twice as many flames , could fling upon us .", "As a Rose at fairest ,", "Neither a bud , nor blown , but such a one ,", "Were there a Hercules to get again", "With all his glory , or one more than he ,", "The god would choose out amongst a race of women", "To make a Mother of : she is outwardly", "All that bewitches sense ; all that entices ,", "Nor is it in our vertue to uncharm it .", "And when she speaks , oh Angelo , then musick", "steals into our souls", "So suddenly , and strangely , that we are", "From that time no more ours , but what she pleases .", "I had forgot me .", "No , the strongest man", "May have the grudging of an ague on him ,", "This is no more ; let 's go , I would fain be fit", "To be thy friend again , for now I am no mans .", "Why ?", "Ha ? thou mak'st me smile , though I have little cause ,", "To see how prettily thy fear becomes thee ;", "Art thou not strong enough to see a woman ?", "Faith thou shalt go , Angelo .", "Thou shalt go ,", "I must needs have thee as a witness with me", "Of my repentance ; as thou lov'st me go .", "And if thou seest me fall again , good Angelo", "Give me thy counsel quickly lest I perish ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["From whom Sir , comes this bounty ? for I think", "You are mistaken .", "Who 's your Mistris ,", "That I may give her thanks ?", "The vertuous widow Sir ? I know none such :", "Pray what 's her name ?", "I knew you err 'd ,", "\u2018 Tis not to me I warrant ye ; there Sir ,", "Carry it to those she feeds fat with such favours ,", "I am a stranger to her .", "Indeed I talkt with two", "Within this half hour in the street .", "I will .", "Sir I have a tongue else .", "Enter Lodovico , and Piso .", "Here are my praters ; now if I did well", "I should belabour \u2018 em , but I have found", "A way to quiet \u2018 em , worth a thousand o n't .", "You are fortunate ,", "I cannot stand to tell you more now , meet me", "Here soon , and you'l be made a man ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ha , ha , ha , pray let me laugh extreamly .", "Yes faith , my Brother will be here straightway , and \u2014", "The other party : ha , ha , ha .", "No faith .", "Faith but I have not Frank : Prethee be handsom ,", "The Captain comes along too , wench .", "Yes , and shall tickle you too ,", "You understand me ?", "Nay , thou art spoil 'd to my hand ;", "Hadst thou been free , as a good wench ought to be ,", "When I went first a birding for thy Love ,", "And roundly said , that is the man must do it ,", "I had done laughing many an hour agoe .", "Prethee be not angry", "And I'le speak freely to thee .", "Then as I hope to have a handsom husband ,", "This fellow in mine eye ,", "Appears a strange thing .", "There lyes the question ?", "For ,", "I should as soon have thought him", "Another of Gods creatures ; out upon him ,", "His body , that can promise nothing", "But laziness and long strides .", "No faith , thou art a good wench , and \u2018 tis pity", "Thou shouldst not be well quarried at thy entring ,", "Thou art so high flown for him : Look , who 's there ?", "But Brother , is your friend thus sad still ? methinks", "\u2018 Tis an unseemly nature in a Souldier .", "Sir , we must intreat you", "To think your self more welcom , and be merry ,", "\u2018 Tis pity a fair man of your proportion", "Should have a soul of sorrow .", "Farewel old Don Diego .", "And he should be a Souldier .", "And yet not you sweet Captain .", "I wonder how his mother could endure", "To have him in her Belly , he 's so boysterous ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Art t \u2019 sure \u2018 tis he ?", "The more the merrier ; did you give that money", "And charg 'd it to be delivered where I shew 'd you ?", "That brave fellow ,", "Though he be old , whate'r he be , shews toughness ,", "And such a one I long for , and must have", "At any price ; these young soft melting gristles", "Are only for my safer ends .", "Give me my Vail , and bid the Boy go sing", "That song above , I gave him ; the sad song ;", "Now if I miss him , I am curst , go , wench ,", "And tell \u2018 em I have utterly forsworn", "All company of men , yet make a venture", "At last to let \u2018 em in ; thou knowst these things ,", "Do \u2018 em to th \u2019 life .", "Some ill woman for her use would give", "A million for this Wench , she is so subtle .", "Oh me , my heart !", "Where is my Woman ?", "Why did you let", "This flattering man in to me ? did not I", "Charge thee to keep me from his eyes again ,", "As carefully as thou wouldst keep thine own ?", "Thou hast brought me poyson in a shape of Heaven ,", "Whose violence will break the hearts of all ,", "Of all weak Women , as it hath done mine ,", "That are such fools to love , and look upon him .", "Good Sir , be gone , you know not what an ease", "Your absence is .", "I should say something", "E 're you depart , and I would have you hear me ;", "But why should I speak to a man that hates me ,", "And will but laugh at any thing I suffer ?", "Away , away , deceiver .", "Such tears as those might make another Woman", "Believe thee honest , Julio , almost me ,", "That know their ends , for I confess they stir me .", "No , I will sooner trust a Crocodile", "When he sheds tears , for he kills suddenly ,", "And ends our cares at once ; or any thing", "That 's evil to our Natures , than a man ;", "I find there is no end of his deceivings ,", "Nor no avoiding \u2018 em , if we give way ;", "I was requesting you to come no more", "And mock me with your service , \u2018 tis not well ,", "Nor honest , to abuse us so far ; you may love too ;", "For though , I must confess , I am unworthy", "Of your love every way ; yet I would have you", "Think I am somewhat too good to make sport of .", "For your Vows and Oaths ,", "And such deceiving tears as you shed now ,", "I will , as you do , study to forget \u2018 em .", "No more ;", "There is no new way left , by which your cunning", "Shall once more hope to catch me ; no , thou false man ,", "I will avoid thee , and for thy sake all", "That bear thy stamp , as counterfeit in love ,", "For I am open ey 'd again , and know thee ;", "Go , make some other weep , as I have done ,", "That dare believe thee ; go , and swear to her", "That is a stranger to thy cruelty ,", "And knows not yet what man is , and his lyings ,", "How thou di'st daily for her ; pour it out", "In thy best lamentations ; put on sorrow ,", "As thou canst , to deceive an Angel , Julio ,", "And vow thy self into her heart , that when", "I shall leave off to curse thee for thy falshood ,", "Still a forsaken Woman may be found ,", "To call to Heaven for vengeance .", "There is no trusting of that tongue , I know't ,", "And how far if it be believ 'd , it kills ; no more , Sir .", "Good Sir , no more ; make not my understanding ,", "After I have suffer 'd thus much evil by you ,", "So poor to think I have not reach 'd the end", "Of all your forc 'd affections ; yet because", "I once lov 'd such a sorrow too too dearly ,", "As that would strive to be ; I do forgive ye", "Even heartily , as I would be forgiven ,", "For all your wrongs to me ; my charity", "Yet loves you so far ,", "And wish when that time comes , you will love truly ,", "you may find", "The worthy fruit of your affections ,", "True love again , not my unhappy Harvest ,", "Which , like a fool , I sow 'd in such a heart ,", "So dry and stony , that a thousand showers", "From these two eyes , continually raining ,", "Could never ripen .", "No , no , those fond imaginations ,", "Are dead and buried in me , let \u2018 em rest .", "He 's fast enough I hope now , if I hold him .", "Is he so ?", "No , I 'll see thee starv 'd first .", "Both gone ? a plague upon \u2018 em both ,", "Am I deceiv 'd again ? Oh , I would rail", "And follow \u2018 em , but I fear the spight of people ,", "Till I have emptied all my gall ; the next", "I seize upon shall pay their follies", "To the last penny ; This will work me worse ,", "He that comes next , by Heav'n shall feel their curse ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["O , ye are a sweet youth , so uncivilly", "To rail , and run away !", "Thou wou'lt not , wou'lt \u2018 ou ?", "Put up your Sword ,", "I have seen it often , \u2018 tis a Fox .", "Well , since there is no other way to deal with you ,", "Let 's see your Sword , I am sure you scorn all odds ,", "I will fight with you \u2014", "Nay , stand out ,", "Or by this light , I 'll make ye .", "No , Sir , out of judgment ,", "For he that deals with thee , thou'rt grown so boysterous ,", "Must have more wits , or more lives than another ,", "Or always be in Armour , or inchanted ,", "Or he is miserable .", "My end is only mirth to laugh at thee ,", "Which now I 'll do in safety ; ha , ha , ha .", "Thou art ,", "And wilt be shortly sport for little Children ,", "If thou continuest this rude stubborness .", "Ha , ha , ha .", "Ha , ha .", "I shall dye with laughing .", "Does not this testiness shew finely in thee ?", "Once more take heed of Children , if they find thee ,", "They 'll break up School to bear thee Company ,", "Thou wilt be such a pastime , and whoot at thee ,", "And call thee Bloody-Bones , and Spade , and Spit-fire ,", "And Gaffer Mad-man ; and go by Jeronimo ,", "And will with a wisp , and come aloft , and crack rope ,", "And old Saint Dennis with the dudgeon Codpiss !", "And twenty such names .", "Yes , but they will ; and Nurses still their Children", "Only with thee , and here take him , Jacomo .", "This is the reason I laugh at thee ,", "And while thou art thus , will do ; tell me one thing .", "Tell me but one thing ,", "And it may be I will ; Nay Sir , keep out .", "Art thou not breeding teeth ?", "Yes , teeth , thou wouldst not be so froward else .", "Come , \u2018 Twill make thee", "A little rheumatick , but that 's all one ,", "We 'll have a Bib , for spoiling of thy Doublet ;", "And a fring 'd Muckender hang at thy Girdle ,", "I 'll be thy Nurse , and get a Coral for thee ,", "And a fine Ring of Bells .", "Now I love ye ,", "There , take your Sword : continue so ; I dare not", "Stay now to try your patience , soon I 'll meet ye ,", "And as you love your honours , and your state ,", "Redeem your self well to the Gentlewoman ,", "Farewel till soon ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["That 's an ill sign .", "Then there 's no way but one with him .", "Does he bear up still ?", "Would he were always drunk then .", "And swears I shall be free to morrow , and so weeps", "And calls upon my Mistris .", "And swears the Captain must lye this night with her", "And bad me break it to her with discretion ,", "That he may leave an issue after him ,", "Able to entertain a Dutch Ambassador ,", "And tells him feelingly how sweet she is ,", "And how he stole her from her friends i'th \u2019 Country ;", "And brought her up disguiz 'd with the Carriers ,", "And was nine nights bereaving her her maidenhead ,", "And the tenth got a drawer , here they come .", "Enter Jacomo , Host , Lod . Piso .", "Within cry drawer . Anon , anon , speak to the Tyger , Peter .", "I am gone Sir ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["In your eye I believe you ,", "But credit me the Captain is a man ,", "Lay but his rough affections by , as worthy .", "You are too bitter ,", "I would not have him worse .", "Yet I shall see you hamper 'd one day Lady ,", "I do not doubt it , for this heresie .", "I can endure it .", "Yes , but do not find it .", "You will mad him .", "Nay , I'le not defend ye .", "I shall not keep my countenance .", "Where were thine eyes", "To take me for a woman ? ha , ha , ha .", "I am Frederick .", "I pre'thee be more patient", "There 's no hurt done .", "So now you have made a fair hand .", "You have kill 'd me \u2014", "Ne 're wonder , I am living yet , and well ,", "I thank you Sister for your grief , pray keep it", "Till I am fitter for it .", "Yes , but \u2018 twas time to counterfeit , he was grown", "To such a madness in his wine .", "If I had stood him , certain one of us must have perish 'd . How now Frank ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I cannot keep from this ungodly woman ,", "This Lelia , whom I know too , yet am caught ,", "Her looks are nothing like her ; would her faults", "Were all in Paris print upon her face ,", "Cum Privilegio , to use \u2018 em still ,", "I would write an Epistle before it , on the inside of her masque", "And dedicate it to the whore of Babylon , with a preface upon", "Her nose to the gentle Reader ; and they should be to be sold", "At the sign of the whores head i'th \u2019 pottage pot , in what", "Street you please . But all this helps not me ;\u2014 I", "Am made to be thus catch 'd , past any redress , with a thing", "I contemn too .", "I have read Epictetus twice over against the", "Desire of these outward things , and still her face runs in", "My mind , I went to say my prayers , and they were", "So laid out o'th \u2019 way , that if I could find any prayers I", "Had , I 'm no Christian ,", "This is the door , and the short", "Is , I must see her again .\u2014", "\u2018 Tis I , I would speak with your Mistriss .", "No , what then ? I would see her , prethee by thy leave .", "How 's this ?", "Let me in , I'le satisfie her .", "This is the strangest thing , good pretty soul , why dost thou use me so ? I pray thee let me in sweet-heart .", "Thou art a handsom one , and this crosseness do 's not become thee .", "Especially to me ; thou knowst when I was here , I said I lik 'd thee of All thy Mistriss Servants .", "Pox on her , I must go the down-right way : look you", "Here is ten pound for you , let me speak with her .", "This makes her leave her jesting yet , but take it", "And let me see her , bring me to a place", "Where undiscerned of her self I may", "Feed my desiring eyes but half an hour .", "Why , as I am a Gentleman , I will not .", "Hold , Reverend Sir , for honour of your Age .", "For safety of your Soul , and of the Soul", "Of that too-wicked woman yet to dye .", "I am a man so strangely hither come ,", "That I have broke an Oath in speaking this ,", "But I believe \u2018 twas better broke than kept ,", "And I desire your patience ; let me in ,", "And I protest I will not hinder you", "In any act you wish , more than by word ,", "If so I can perswade you , that I will not", "Use violence , I 'll throw my Sword down to you ;", "This house holds none but I , only a maid", "Whom I will lock fast in as I come down .", "There \u2018 tis .", "Away .", "Hold , Sir ,", "I swear I do not harbour such a thought ,", "I speak it not , for that you have two Swords ,", "But for \u2018 tis truth .", "Stand from me , and leave talking , or , by Heaven ,", "I 'll trample thy last damning word out of thee .", "Oh , be advis 'd , why you were better kill her", "If she were good , convey her from this place ,", "Where none but you , and such as you appoint ,", "May visit her ; where , let her hear of nought", "But death and damning , which she hath deserv 'd ,", "Till she be truly , justly sorrowful ,", "And then lay mercy to her , who does know", "But she may mend ?", "To my house ,", "\u2018 Tis large , and private , I will lend it you .", "Why ? none can hear her here but her own maid ,", "Who is as fast as she .", "Why , we will take \u2018 em both into the Kitchen ,", "There bind \u2018 em , and then gag \u2018 em , and then throw \u2018 em", "Into a Coach I 'll bring to the back-door ,", "And hurry \u2018 em away ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["This roguey Captain has made fine work with us .", "I 'll deal no more with Souldiers ; well remembred ,", "Did not the Vision promise to appear", "About this time again ?", "It moves again , let 's meet it .", "I do , Sir .", "What of her , Sir ?", "Loves me ?", "I am sure I hear this .", "But pray , Sir , by your leave \u2014 Methinks your years should promise no ill meaning .", "Stay , you have confirm 'd me ,", "Yet let me feel ; you are in health ?", "Then", "All may be excellent ; pray pardon me ,", "For I am like a Boy that had found money ,", "Afraid I dream still .", "Neither .", "Then", "She must be excellent indeed .", "Yes marry do I , and I am so alter 'd \u2014", "I know it .", "I 'll go and fit my self .", "Yes , pray give her this . And with it all I have ; I am made for ever ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["That way Fabritio .", "As I have life , that which was thrown on you ,", "And this now done , were but to draw you hither", "For causes weighty , that concern your self ,", "Void of all malice , which this Maid my Sister", "Shall tell you .", "Mocking ? look how she weeps .", "Behold how the tears flow , or pity her", "Or never more be call 'd a man .", "Give me your Sword then .", "It is enough .", "Fy Jacomo ? why do you let her kneel", "So long ?", "Oh do not think of such a thing .", "He gives good counsel .", "What is your hasy business friend ?", "The cause ?", "I will be there", "Within this hour , return my humble service .", "Farewel friend , what new 's with you ?", "Julio marry Clora ? Thou art deceiv 'd I warrant thee .", "Give \u2018 em joy , I cannot now go ,", "The Duke hath sent for me in hast .", "reads . You shall find us all at Signeur Angelo 's , Where Piso , and the worthy Leila Of famous memory are to be married , And we not far behind . Would I had time To wonder at this last couple in hell .", "I come , pray God the business", "Hold me not from this sport , I would not lose it ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I do not doubt we shall .", "There was never poor gentleman had such a sudden fortune ,", "I could thrust my head betwixt two pales , and strip me out of", "My old skin like a Snake : will the guests come thou saidst", "Thou sentest for to solemnize the Nuptials ?", "Bring in some wine , some of the wine Lodowick the fool", "Sent hither : who ever thou bid'st welcom shall find it .", "That Lodowick hath provided too , good Asse .", "Gentlemen , I pray you take no notice , I 'm here . The coxcomb Lodowick is coming in .", "Faith I do call to minde such a matter .", "My Father in law ?", "How widow Lelia ?", "Have you put a whore upon me ?", "So I may have the means ,", "I do not much care what the woman is :", "Come my sweet heart , as long as I shall find", "Thy kisses sweet , and thy means plentifull ,", "Let people talk their tongues out ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["True , ye have done ;", "And in mysterious senses I have heard ye", "Break out o'th \u2019 sudden , and abruptly .", "Take heed .", "It shows a truth now ;", "And sure this Aper is not right nor honest ,", "He will not", "come near me .", "My Brother honour 'd him ,", "Made him first Captain of his Guard , his next friend ;", "Then to my Mother", "He made him Husband .", "Sister , be rul 'd , I am not yet so powerful", "To meet him in the field ; he has under him", "The Flower of all the Empire , and the strength ,", "The Britain , and the German Cohorts ; pray ye be patient ,", "Niger , how stands the Souldier to him ?", "Most willingly .", "You shall not , Sister ;", "But ye shall know , my love shall go along too ;", "See a Proscription drawn ; and for his recompence ,", "My Sister , and half Partner in the Empire ;", "And I will keep my word .", "Away then for the business .", "Be prosperous ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis true , that Diocles is courteous ,", "And of a pleasant nature , sweet and temperate ;", "His Cousin Maximinian proud and bloudy .", "You know all my affection ,", "And all my heart-desires are set on Diocles ;", "But , Aunt , how coldly he requites this courtesie !", "How dull and heavily he looks upon me !", "Although I woo him sometimes beyond modesty ,", "Beyond a Virgins care ; how still he slights me ,", "And puts me still off with your Prophecy ,", "And the performance of your late prediction ,", "That when he is Emperour , then he will marry me ;", "Alas , what hope of that ?", "Do , good Aunt ;", "For yet I am ignorant .", "The gods give good , Aunt ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Lay down the Boar .", "Come , leave your fooling , Sirrah ,", "And think of what thou shalt be when I am Emperour .", "Thou being the Son of a Tiler , canst thou hope to be a Senator ?", "Thou sayst true , Geta , there 's a stop indeed ;", "But yet the bold and vertuous \u2014", "I like thee well ,", "Thou hast a good mind , as I have , to this Honour .", "I , do , do , Geta ,", "For if I once be Emperour \u2014", "But what shall we do the whilst ?", "He talks like a full Senator :", "Go , take it up , and carry it in , \u2018 tis a huge one ,", "We never kill 'd so large a Swine , so fierce too ,", "I never met with yet .", "Come down , ye Dunce , is it not dead ?", "His throat is cut , and his bowels out .", "Come , take him up I say , and see him drest ,", "He is fat , and will be lusty meat : away with him ,", "And get some of him ready for our Dinner .", "Thou art ever dull and melancholy , Cousin ,", "Distrustful of my hopes .", "Thou knowst she is a Prophetess .", "Thou art the strangest man ; how does thy hurt ? The Boar came near you , Sir .", "It akes and troubles thee , and that makes thee angry .", "Certain you much mistake her .", "Prithee be wise ; Dost thou think , Maximinian ,", "So great a reverence , and so stai 'd a knowledge \u2014", "She is a holy Druid ,", "A woman noted for that faith , that piety ,", "Belov 'd of Heaven .", "Thou hast a perfect malice .", "Go thy ways ,", "Thou art a learned Scholar , against credit ,", "You hear the Prophecie ?", "I do think it .", "Yes , in my conscience .", "If I live .", "And follow her directions .", "In faith , Cousin ,", "So full a truth hangs ever on her Prophecies ,", "That how I should think otherwise .", "I believe it certain .", "How ?", "Forward , I fear not ;", "For if she knows not this , sure she knows nothing ;", "Enter Delphia .", "I am so confident \u2014", "She comes here ;", "Go take your stand .", "\u2018 Tis pity this young man should be so stubborn .", "Valiant he is , and to his valour temperate ,", "Only distrustful of delays in Fortune ;", "I love him dearly well .", "Yes , Mother , well and lusty ,", "Only ye make me hunt for empty shadows .", "But I am no Emperour :", "Why do you fool me thus , and make me follow", "Your flattering expectation hour by hour ?", "Rise early , and sleep late ? to feed your appetites ,", "Forget my Trade , my Arms ? forsake mine honour ,", "Labour and sweat to arrive at a base memory ?", "Oppose my self to hazards of all sorts ,", "Only to win the barbarous name of Butcher ?", "But you are cunning , Mother ;", "And with that Cunning , and the faith I give you ,", "Ye lead me blindly to no end , no honour :", "You find ye are daily fed , you take no labour ;", "Your family at ease , they know no market ,", "And therefore to maintain this , you speak darkly ,", "As darkly still ye nourish it , whilst I ,", "Being a credulous and obsequious Coxcomb ,", "Hunt daily , and sweat hourly , to find out", "To clear your mystery ; kill Boar on Boar ,", "And make your Spits and Pots bow with my Bounties ;", "Yet I still poorer , further still \u2014", "But when ? or how ?", "I have kill 'd many .", "Knowing my fortune so precisely , punctually ,", "And that it must fall without contradiction ,", "Being a stranger , of no tye unto ye ,", "Methinks you should be studied in your own ,", "In your own destiny , methinks , most perfect ,", "And every hour , and every minute , Mother ,", "So great a care should Heaven have of her Ministers ;", "Methinks your fortunes both ways should appear to ye ,", "Both to avoid and take . Can the Stars now ,", "And all those influences you receive into you ,", "Or secret inspirations ye make shew of ,", "If an hard fortune hung , and were now ready", "To pour it self upon your life , deliver ye ?", "Can they now say , take heed ?", "How ?", "Shoot , Cousin .", "Your mercy , Mother ,", "And from this hour a Deity I crown ye .", "Now I believe your words most constantly ,", "And when I have that power ye have promis 'd to me .", "I shall forget my life else .", "Aper ?", "I have the meaning ;", "And blessed Mother \u2014", "He lives here , Sir ,", "Sickly and weak .", "I thank ye , Mother ,", "And dare believe ye ; hark ye , Sir , the recompence ?", "As ye related .", "\u2018 Tis Niger , now I know him ; honest Niger ,", "A true sound man , and I believe him constantly ;", "Your business may be done , make no great hurry", "For your own safety .", "Pray , Maximinian , pray .", "I 'll to the Market-place , and read the offer ,", "And now I have found the Boar .", "O Mother ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Leave us , and not vouchsafe a parting kiss", "To her that in his hopes of greatness lives ,", "And goes along with him in all his dangers ?", "O , you give it", "Too mild a name ; \u2018 twas more than barbarous ,", "And you a Partner i n't .", "Yes ,", "You have blown his swoln Pride to that vastness ,", "As he believes the Earth is in his fathom ,", "This makes him quite forget his humble Being ;", "And can I hope that he , that only fed", "With the imagin 'd food of future Empire ,", "Disdains even those that gave him means and life", "To nourish such desires , when he 's possess 'd", "Of his ambitious ends", "will ever", "Descend to look on me !", "I had rather", "Your Art could force him to return that ardour", "To me , I bear to him ; or give me power", "To moderate my passions ; yet I know not ,", "I should repent your grant , though you had sign 'd it ,", "But to believe that any check to him", "In his main hopes , could yield content to me ,", "Were treason to true love , that knows no pleasure ,", "The object that it dotes on ill affected .", "You new create me . To conceal from you", "My virgin-fondness , were to hide my sickness", "From my Physician . O dear Aunt , I languish", "For want of Diocles 's sight ; he is the Sun", "That keeps my blood in a perpetual Spring ;", "But in his absence , cold benumming Winter", "Seizes on all my faculties . Would you bind me", "in more fetters ,", "And", "to adore you ?", "O bear me then", "where I may", "See how my Diocles breaks thorow his dangers ,", "And in what heaps his honours flow upon him ,", "That I may meet him , in the height and pride", "Of all his glories , and there", "Challenge him as mine own .", "I will do", "What e 're you shall command ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Your care of your sick Emperour , fellow-souldiers ,", "In colours to the life , doth shew your love ,", "And zealous duty : O continue in it .", "And though I know you long to see and hear him ,", "Impute it not to pride , or Melancholy ,", "That keeps you from your wishes : such State-vices", "are", "Strangers to all the actions of the life", "Of good Numerianus : Let your patience", "Be the Physitian to his wounded eyes ,", "Which time and your strong Patience will recover ,", "Provided it prove constant .", "All your commands", "I 'll impart", "To your most ready Souldier , to obey them ;", "So take your rest in peace . It is the pleasure", "Of mighty Caesar", "That you continue a strict Guard upon", "His sacred person , and admit no stranger", "Of any other Legion , to come near him ;", "You being most trusted by him . I receive", "Your answer in your silence . Now , Camurius ,", "Speak without flattery ; Hath thy Aper acted", "This passion to the life ?", "That I have kill 'd him ,", "Yet feed these ignorant fools with hopes he lives ,", "Has a main end i n't . The Pannonian Cohorts", "are not come up ,", "The German Legions waver , and Charinus", "Is jealous of the murther ; and , I hear ,", "Is marching up against me . \u2018 Tis not safe ,", "Till I have power , to justifie the Act ,", "To shew my self the authour : be therefore careful", "For an hour or two", "s stand affected )", "That none come near the Litter . If I find them", "Firm on my part , I dare profess my self ,", "And then live Aper 's equal .", "That exacts my haste :", "When , but even now , I feign 'd obedience to it ,", "As I had some great business to impart ,", "The scent had almost choak 'd me : be therefore curious :", "All keep at distance ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Fix here , and rest a while your Sail-stretch 'd wings", "That have out-stript the winds : the eye of Heaven", "Durst not behold your speed , but hid it self", "Behind the grossest clouds ; and the pale Moon", "Pluckt in her silver horns , trembling for fear", "That my strong Spells should force her from her Sphere ;", "Such is the power of Art .", "Look down , Drusilla , on these lofty Towers ,", "These spacious streets , where every private house", "Appears a Palace to receive a King :", "The site , the wealth , the beauty of the place ,", "Will soon inform thee \u2018 tis imperious Rome ,", "Rome , the great Mistris of the conquer 'd world .", "Yes , and in full glory ,", "And glut thy greedy eyes with looking on", "His prosperous success : Contain thy self ;", "For though all things beneath us are transparent ,", "The sharpest sighted , were he Eagle-ey 'd ,", "Cannot discover us : nor will we hang", "Idle Spectators to behold his triumph :", "Enter Diocles , Maximinian , Guard , Aper ,", "Senators , Geta , Officers , with Litter .", "But when occasion shall present it self ,", "Do something to add to it . See , he comes .", "Forbear .", "Strike Musick from the Spheres .", "If he dares prove false ,", "These glories shall be to him as a dream ,", "Or an inchanted banquet .", "Rely on me .", "False and perfidious villain .\u2014", "But I will loose it ,", "If Art or Hell have any strength .", "So , \u2018 tis deferr 'd yet , in despite of falshood :", "Comfort Drusilla , for he shall be thine ,", "Or wish , in vain , he were not . I will punish"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What powerful Star shin 'd at this mans Nativity ?", "And bless 'd his homely Cradle with full glory ?", "What throngs of people press and buz about him ,", "And with their humming flatteries sing him Caesar ?", "Sing him aloud , and grow hoarse with saluting him ?", "How the fierce-minded Souldier steals in to him ,", "Adores and courts his honour ? at his devotion", "Their lives , their vertues , and their fortunes laying ?", "Charinus sues , the Emperour intreats him ,", "And as a brighter flame , takes his beams from him .", "The bless 'd and bright Aurelia , she doats on him ,", "And , as the god of Love , burns incense to him .", "All eyes live on him . Yet I am still Maximinian ,", "Still the same poor and wretched thing , his servant .", "What have I got by this ? where lies my glory ?", "How am I rais 'd and honour 'd ? I have gone as far", "To woo this purblind honour , and have pass 'd", "As many dangerous Expeditions ,", "As noble , and as high ; nay , in his destinie", "have run as many hazards ,", "And done as much ; sweat thorow as many perils ;", "Only the Hang-man of Volutius Aper", "has made him Emperour ,", "And me his slave .", "Can the gods see this ;", "See it with justice , and confer their blessings", "On him , that never flung one grain of incense", "Upon their Altars ? never bow 'd his knee yet ;", "And I that have march 'd foot by foot , struck equally ,", "And whilst he was a gleaning , have been praying ,", "Contemning his base covetous \u2014", "Bless me , and with all reverence .", "O Mother , did I stand the tenth part to ye", "Engag 'd and fetter 'd , as mine Uncle does ,", "How would I serve , how would I fall before ye !", "The poorer powers we worship .", "O blessed Mother !", "With reverence ;\u2014", "All this as holy truths ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I am too merciful , I find it , friends ,", "Of too soft a nature to be an Officer ;", "I bear too much remorse .", "I think I shall be .\u2014", "Nay , I will be angry ,", "And , the best is , I need not shew my reason .", "A rare Counsellor ;", "Instruct me further . Is it fit , my friends ,", "The Emperour my Master Dioclesian", "Should now remember or the times or manners", "That call 'd him plain down Diocles ?", "I grant ye ,", "I being then the Edile Getianus ,", "A man of place , and Judge , is it held requisite", "I should commit to my consideration", "Those Rascals of removed and ragged hours ,", "That with unreverend mouths call 'd me Slave Geta ?", "I do forget ; but I'le hang their natures :", "I will ascend my place , which is of Justice ;", "And mercy , I forget thee .", "Bring out the offenders .", "And am I ready , and mine anger too ?", "The melancholy of a Magistrate upon me ,", "And no offenders to execute my fury ?", "Ha ? no offenders , knaves ?", "No men to hang or whip ? are you good officers ,", "That provide no fuel for a Judges fury ?", "In this place something must be done ; this Chair , I tell ye ,", "When I sit down , must savour of Severitie :", "Therefore I warn ye all , bring me lewd people ,", "Or likely to be lewd ; twigs must be cropt too :", "Let me have evil persons in abundance ,", "Or make \u2018 em evil ; \u2018 tis all one , do but say so ,", "That I may have fit matter for a Magistrate ;", "And let me work . If I sit empty once more ,", "And lose my longing , as I am true Edile ,", "And as I hope to rectifie my Countrie ,", "You are those scabs I will scratch off from the Commonwealth ,", "You are these Rascals of the State I treat of ,", "And you shall find and feel .\u2014", "Let \u2018 em be people ,", "And take ye notorious to your selves . Mark me , my Lictors ,", "And you , the rest of my Officials ;", "If I be angry , as my place will ask it ,", "And want fit matter to dispose my Authoritie ,", "I'le hang a hundred of ye : I'le not stay longer ,", "Nor enquire no further into your offences :", "It is sufficient that I find no Criminals ,", "And therefore I must make some : if I cannot ,", "Suffer my self ; for so runs my Commission .", "This qualifies a little . What are these ?", "Lay hold on her ,", "And hold her fast ,", "She 'll slip thorow your fingers like an Eel else ;", "I know her tricks : hold her , I say , and bind her ,", "Or hang her first , and then I'le tell her wherefore .", "Thou hast done enough to undo thee ;", "Thou hast pressed to the Emperours presence without my warrant ,", "I being his key and image .", "Besides , thou art a woman of a lewd life .", "Thou art to me a damnable lewd woman ,", "Which is as much as all the people swore it ;", "I know thou art a keeper of tame Devils :", "And whereas great and grave men of my place", "Can by the Laws be allow 'd but one apiece ,", "For their own services and recreations ;", "Thou , like a traiterous quean , keepst twenty devils ;", "Twenty in ordinary .", "Let her alone , \u2018 tis useful ;", "We men of business must use speedie servants :", "Let me see your family .", "A Devil for intelligence ? No , no ,", "He will lye beyond all travellers . A State-Devil ?", "Neither ; he will undo me at mine own weapon .", "For execution ? he will hang me too .", "I would have a handsom , pleasant and a fine she-devil ,", "To entertain the Ladies that come to me ;", "A travell 'd Devil too , that speaks the tongues ,", "And a neat carving Devil .", "A prettie brown devil i'faith ; may I not kiss her ?", "She is marvellous well mounted ; what 's her name ?", "Come hither , Lucifera . and kiss me .", "The Chair turns : hey-boys :", "Pleasant i'faith , and a fine facetious Devil .", "Come ; what 's her name ?", "Come , Lucie , come , speak thy mind . I am certain burnt to ashes ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Never dispute with me ; you cannot have her :", "Nor name the greatness of your King ; I scorn him :", "Your knees to me are nothing ; should he bow too ,", "It were his dutie , and my power to slight him .", "No ransom ,", "No , not your Kings own head , his crown upon it ,", "And all the low subjections of his people .", "Is she too good", "To wait upon the mighty Emperours Sister ?", "What Princess of that sweetness , or that excellence ,", "Sprung from the proudest , and the mightiest Monarchs ,", "But may be highly blest to be my servant ?", "Has my fair usage", "Made you so much despise me and your fortune ,", "That ye grow weary of my entertainments ?", "Henceforward , as ye are , I will command ye ,", "And as you were ordain 'd my prisoner ,", "My slave , and one I may dispose of any way ,", "No more my fair Companion : tell your King so :", "And if he had more Sisters , I would have \u2018 em ,", "And use \u2018 em as I please . You have your answer .", "O my fair friend , where have you been ?", "Where have you fled , my loves and my embraces ?", "Can one poor Thunder ,", "Whose causes are as common as his noises ,", "Make ye defer your lawful and free pleasures ?", "Strike terrour to a Souldiers heart , a Monarchs ?", "Thorow all the fires of angry heaven , thorow tempests", "That sing of nothing but destruction ,", "Even underneath the bolt of Jove , then ready ,", "And aiming dreadfully , I would seek you ,", "And flie into your arms .", "\u2018 Tis strange", "That only empty names compel affections :", "This man , ye see , give him what name or title ,", "Let it be ne 're so poor , ne 're so despis 'd , Brother ,", "This lovely man .\u2014", "This rare and sweet young man , see how he looks , Sir .", "This thing , I say ,", "Let him be what he will , or bear what fortune ,", "This most unequall 'd man , this spring of beauty", "Deserves the bed of Juno .", "O fair , sweet man !", "What man is this ? Away . What sawcy fellow ? Dare any such base groom press to salute me ?", "Who is this fellow ?", "Husband to me ?", "Thou lyest , thou art not he : thou a brave fellow ?", "Thou one of high and full mark ?", "Generous and noble ? Fie , thou liest most basely .", "Thy face , and all aspects upon thee , tell me", "Thou art a poor Dalmatian Slave , a low thing ,", "Not worth the name of Roman ; stand off farther .", "Come hither , my Endymion ;", "Come , shew thy self , and all eyes be blessed in thee .", "Thou fair star that I live by ,", "Look lovely on me , break into full brightness ;", "Look , here 's a face now , of another making ,", "Another mold ; here 's a divine proportion ,", "Eyes fit for Phoebus self to gild the World with ;", "And there 's a brow arch 'd like the State of Heaven ;", "Look how it bends , and with what radiance ,", "As if the Synod of the gods sate under ;", "Look there , and wonder ; now behold that fellow ,", "That admirable thing , cut with an Axe out .", "O my dear Lord , how have I wrong 'd your patience !", "How wandred from the truth of my affections !", "How", "shun 'd that I lov 'd most !", "But you are full of goodness , to forgive , Sir ,", "As I of grief to beg , and shame to take it ;", "Sure I was not my self , some strange illusion ,", "Or what you please to pardon .", "Now you have seal 'd forgiveness ,", "I take my leave , and the gods keep your goodness ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Talk not of comfort ; I have broke my faith ,", "And the gods fight against me ; and proud man ,", "However magnified , is but as dust", "Before the raging whirl-wind of their justice .", "What is it to be great ? ador 'd on Earth ?", "When the immortal Powers that are above us", "Turn all our Blessings into horrid Curses ,", "And laugh at our resistance , or prevention", "Of what they purpose ? O the Furies that", "I feel within me ! whipt on , by their angers ,", "For my tormentors . Could it else have been", "In Nature , that a few fugitive Persians ,", "Unfriended , and unarmed too , could have rob 'd me", "of those jewels", "I priz 'd above my life , and I want power", "To free them , if those gods I have provok 'd", "Had not given spirit to the undertakers ,", "And in their deed protected \u2018 em ?", "The gods reward your goodness ; and believe ,", "Howe'r", "I am mark't out", "The object of their hate , though Jove stood ready", "To dart his three-fold thunder on this head ,", "It could not fright me from a fierce pursuit", "Of my revenge ; I will redeem my friends ,", "And with my friends mine honour ; at least fall", "Like to my self , a Souldier .", "Draw up our Legions ,", "And let it be your care", "To hasten the remove ; And , fellow Souldiers ,", "Your love to me will teach you to endure", "Both long and tedious Marches .", "Remove to night ;", "Five days shall bring me to you .", "The cheerfulness of my Souldiers gives assurance", "Of good success abroad ; if first I make", "My peace at home here . There is something chides me ,", "And sharply tells me , that my breach of faith", "To Delphia and Drusilla , is the ground", "Of my misfortunes ; And I must remember ,", "While I was lov 'd , and in great Delphia 's Grace ,", "She was as my good Angel , and bound Fortune", "To prosper my designs ; I must appease her ;", "Let others pay their Knees , their Vows , their Prayers", "To weak imagin 'd Powers ; She is my All ,", "And thus I do invoke her . Knowing Delphia ,", "Thou more than Woman , and though thou vouchsafest", "To grace the Earth with thy celestial Steps ,", "And taste this grosser air , thy heavenly Spirit", "Hath free access to all the secret Counsels", "Which a full Senate of the gods determine", "When they consider man : The brass leav 'd Book", "Of Fate lies open to thee , where thou read'st ,", "And fashionest the destinies of men", "At thy wish 'd pleasures ; Look upon thy creature ,", "And as thou twice hast pleased to appear", "To reprehend my falshood , now vouchsafe", "To see my low submission .", "Penitence does appease", "Th \u2019 incensed Powers , and Sacrifice takes off", "Their heavy angers ; thus I tender both ;", "The Master of great Rome , and in that , Lord", "Of all the Sun gives heat and being to ,", "Thus sues for mercy ; Be but as thou wert ,", "The Pilot to the Bark of my good fortunes ,", "And once more steer my actions to the Port", "Of glorious Honour , and if I fall off", "Hereafter from my faith to this sweet Virgin ,", "Joyn with those Powers that punish perjury ,", "To make me an example to deter", "Others from being false .", "O that I e'r lookt", "Beyond this abstract of all womans goodness .", "As their Oracle", "I hear you , and obey you , and will follow", "Your grave directions ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now by the Persian gods , most truly welcome ,", "Encompass 'd thus with tributary Kings ,", "I entertain you . Lend your helping hands", "To seat her by me ; and thus rais 'd , bow all", "To do her honour ; O my best Cassana ,", "Sister , and Partner of my Life and Empire ,", "We 'll teach thee to forget with present pleasures", "Thy late Captivity ; and this proud Roman ,", "That us 'd thee as a Slave , and did disdain", "A Princely Ransome , shall , if she repine ,", "Be forc 'd by various Tortures , to adore", "What she of late contemn 'd .", "They then shall break .", "Why , you rebellious Wretches , dare you still", "Contend when the last breath , or nod of mine", "Marks you out for the fire ? or to be made", "The prey of Wolves or Vulturs ? the vain name", "Of Roman Legions , I slight thus , and scorn ;", "And for that boasted bug bear , Dioclesian ,", "would he were the master", "But of the spirit , to meet me in the field ,", "He soon should find that our immortal Squadrons ,", "That with full numbers ever are supply 'd ,", "Dare front his boldest Troops , and scatter him ,", "As an high towring Falcon on her stretches ,", "Severs the fearful fowl . And by the Sun ,", "The Moon , the Winds , the nourishers of life ,", "And by this Sword , the instrument of death ,", "Since that you fly not humbly to our mercy", "But yet dare hope your liberty by force ;", "If Dioclesian dare not attempt", "To free you with his Sword , all slavery", "That cruelty can find out to make you wretched ,", "Falls heavy on you .", "Admit him . Enter Niger . The purpose of thy coming ?", "Though I receive this", "But as a Roman Brave , I do embrace it ,", "And love the sender . Tell him , I will bring", "My Prisoners to the field , and without odds ,", "Against his single force , alone defend \u2018 em ;", "Or else with equal numbers . Courage , noble Princes ,", "And let Posterity record , that we", "This memorable day restor 'd to Persia ,", "That Empire of the World , great Philip 's Son ,", "Ravish 'd from us , and Greece gave up to Rome .", "This our strong comfort , that we cannot fall", "Ingloriously , since we contend for all ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Why droops my Lord , my Love , my life , my Caesar ?", "How ill this dulness doth comport with greatness !", "Does not", "your fortune court you ?", "Rome know you for her Master , I my self", "Confess you for my husband ? love , and serve you ?", "If you contemn not these , and think them curses ,", "I know no blessings that ambitious flesh", "Could wish to feel beyond \u2018 em .", "These are Pannick terrours", "You fashion to your self : Is not my Brother", "Vow 'd and confirm 'd your friend ? the Souldier constant ?", "Hath not your Uncle Dioclesian taken", "His last farewel o'th \u2019 world ? What then can shake ye ?", "Your Mother brought you", "Into the world an Emperour : you perswade", "But what I would have counsell 'd : Nearness of blood ,", "Respect of pietie , and thankfulness ,", "And all the holy dreams of vertuous fools", "Must vanish into nothing , when Ambition", "Puts in for Empire . On then , and forget", "Your simple Uncle ; think he was the Master", "of a Jewel ,", "Whose worth and use he knew not : For Charinus ,", "No more my Brother , if he be a stop", "To what you purpose ; he to Me 's a stranger ,", "And so to be remov 'd .", "Here 's Charinus ,", "His brow furrow 'd with anger .", "Are you struck dumb ,", "That you make no reply ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["But hark ye ,", "We must not call him Emperour .", "Enough : I'le tell ye", "He comes abroad anon to view his grounds ,", "And with the help of Thirsis , and old Egon ,", "and Amaryllis ,", "And some few more o'th \u2019 wenches , we will meet him ,", "And strike him such new springs , and such free welcoms ,", "Shall make him scorn an Empire , forget Majestie ,", "And make him bless the hour he liv 'd here happy .", "He cannot expect now", "His Courtly entertainments , and his rare Musicks ,", "And Ladies to delight him with their voyces ;", "Honest and cheerful toyes from honest meanings ,", "And the best hearts they have . We must be neat all :", "On goes my russet jerkin with blue buttons .", "My mantle goes on too I plaid young Paris in ,", "And the new garters Amaryllis sent me .", "Give room , neighbours ,", "A great man in our State : gods bless your worship .", "We know it Sir ; and we desire your worship", "To reckon us amongst your humble servants ,", "And that our Country Sports , Sir ,\u2014", "I hope you will , Sir .", "We'l have the best , Sir ,", "Handsom young Girls .", "Then we'l sing daily ,", "And make him the best Sports ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 233, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Is he then taken ?", "He was not in disgrace ?", "Indeed", "We have heard abroad , Sir , that the State hath suffered", "A great change , since the Countesses death .", "My five years absence hath kept me a stranger", "So much to all the occurents of my Country ,", "As you shall bind me for some short relation", "To make me understand the present times .", "Which place we have heard", "He did discharge with ho", "our .", "Sir , I receive the knowledge of thus much ,", "As a choice favour from you .", "Whither , Sir , I am going ,", "For there last night I had a ship put in ,", "And my Horse waits me ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 248, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["But short of what I could , yet have the Country", "Confirm 'd it true , and by a general oath ,", "And not a man hazard his credit in it :", "He bears himself with such a confidence", "As if he were the Master of the Sea ,", "And not a wind upon the Sailers compass ,", "But from one part or other was his factor ,", "To bring him in the best commodities ,", "Merchant e 're ventur 'd for .", "So good , that but", "To doubt him , would be held an injury", "Or rather malice , with the best that traffique ;", "But this is nothing , a great stock , and fortune ,", "Crowning his judgement in his undertakings", "May keep him upright that way : But that wealth", "Should want the power to make him dote on it ,", "Or youth teach him to wrong it , best commends", "His constant temper ; for his outward habit", "\u2018 Tis suitable to his present course of life :", "His table furnish 'd well , but not with dainties", "That please the appetite only for their rareness ,", "Or their dear price : nor given to wine or women ,", "Beyond his health , or warrant of a man ,", "I mean a good one : and so loves his state", "He will not hazard it at play ; nor lend", "Upon the assurance of a well-pen 'd Letter ,", "Although a challenge second the denial", "From such as make th \u2019 opinion of their valour", "Their means of feeding .", "What follows , this", "Makes many venturers with him , in their wishes ,", "For his prosperity : for when desert", "Or reason leads him to be liberal ,", "His noble mind and ready hand contend", "Which can add most to his free courtesies ,", "Or in their worth , or speed to make them so .", "Is there a Virgin of good fame wants dower ?", "He is a Father to her ; or a Souldier", "That in his Countreys service , from the war", "Hath brought home only scars , and want ? his house", "Receives him , and relieves him , with that care", "As if what he possess 'd had been laid up", "For such good uses , and he steward of it .", "But I should lose my self to speak him further", "And stale in my relation , the much good", "You may be witness of , if your remove", "From Bruges be not speedy .", "Have better hopes ,", "For my part I am confident ; here he comes .", "What do you think of this ?", "Save you Master Goswin .", "We bring you the refusal", "Of more Commodities ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 248, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come Princes of the ragged regiment ,", "You o \u2019 the blood , Prig my most upright Lord ,", "And these", "Jarkman , or Patrico , Cranke , or Clapperdudgeon ,", "Frater , or Abram-man ; I speak to all", "That stand in fair Election for the title", "Of King of Beggars , with the command adjoyning ,", "Higgen , your Orator , in this Inter-regnum ,", "That whilom was your Dommerer , doth beseech you", "All to stand fair , and put your selves in rank ,", "That the first Comer , may at his first view", "Make a free choice , to say up the question .", "Thanks to Prince Prig , Prince Ferret .", "This is tyrant-like indeed : But what would Ginks", "Or Clause be here , if either of them should raign ?", "Cry , a Judge , a Judge .", "Master ,", "A sort of poor souls met : Gods fools , good Master ,", "Have had some little variance amongst our selves", "Who should be honestest of us , and which lives", "Uprightest in his calling : Now , \u2018 cause we thought", "We ne 're should \u2018 gree o n't our selves , because", "Indeed \u2018 tis hard to say : we all dissolv 'd , to put it", "To him that should come next , and that 's your Master-ship ,", "Who , I hope , will \u2018 termine it as your mind serves you ,", "Right , and no otherwise we ask it : which ?", "Which does your worship think is he ? sweet Master", "Look over us all , and tell us ; we are seven of us ,", "Like to the seven wise Masters , or the Planets .", "That thou art chosen , venerable Clause ,", "Our King and Soveraign ; Monarch o'th ' Maunders ,", "Thus we throw up our Nab-cheats , first for joy ,", "And then our filches ; last , we clap our fambles ,", "Three subject signs , we do it without envy :", "For who is he here did not wish thee chosen ,", "Now thou art chosen ? ask \u2018 em : all will say so ,", "Nay swear't : \u2018 tis for the King , but let that pass .", "When last in conference at the bouzing ken", "This other day we sat about our dead Prince", "Of famous memory :", "And that I saw thee at the tables end ,", "Rise mov 'd , and gravely leaning on one Crutch ,", "Lift the other like a Scepter at my head ,", "I then presag 'd thou shortly wouldst be King ,", "And now thou art so : but what need presage", "To us , that might have read it in thy beard", "As well , as he that chose thee ? by that beard", "Thou wert found out , and mark 'd for Soveraignty .", "O happy beard ! but happier Prince , whose beard", "Was so remark 'd , as marked out our Prince ,", "Not bating us a hair . Long may it grow ,", "And thick , and fair , that who lives under it ,", "May live as safe , as under Beggars Bush ,", "Of which this is the thing , that but the type .", "This is the beard , the bush , or bushy-beard ,", "Under whose gold and silver raign \u2018 twas said", "So many ages since , we all should smile", "On impositions , taxes , grievances ,", "Knots in a State , and whips unto a Subject ,", "Lye lurking in this beard , but all kemb 'd out :", "If now , the Beard be such , what is the Prince", "That owes the Beard ? a Father ; no , a Grand-father ;", "Nay the great Grand-father of you his people .", "He will not force away your hens , your bacon ,", "When you have ventur 'd hard for't , nor take from you", "The fattest of your puddings : under him", "Each man shall eat his own stolen eggs , and butter ,", "In his own shade , or sun-shine , and enjoy", "His own dear Dell , Doxy , or Mort , at night", "In his own straw , with his own shirt , or sheet ,", "That he hath filch 'd that day , I , and possess", "What he can purchase , back , or belly-cheats", "To his own prop : he will have no purveyers", "For Pigs , and poultry .", "Do you hear ? You must hereafter maund on your own pads he saies .", "Do you mark ? to cut been whids ,", "That is the second Law .", "Yes ; and cry sometimes ,", "To move compassion : Sir , there is a table ,", "That doth command all these things , and enjoyns \u2018 em ,", "Be perfect in their crutches , their feign 'd plaisters ,", "And their torn pass-ports , with the ways to stammer ,", "And to be dumb , and deaf , and blind , and lame ,", "There , all the halting paces are set down ,", "I'th \u2019 learned language .", "A Song to crown him .", "A Cove comes , and fumbumbis to it .\u2014 Strike .", "The SONG .", "Cast our Caps and cares away : this is Beggars Holy-day ,", "At the Crowning of our King , thus we ever dance and sing .", "In the world look out and see : where 's so happy a Prince as he ?", "Where the Nation live so free , and so merry as do we ?", "Be it peace , or be it war , here at liberty we are ,", "And enjoy our ease and rest ; To the field we are not prest ;", "Nor are call 'd into the Town , to be troubled with the Gown .", "Hang all Officers we cry , and the Magistrate too , by ;", "When the Subsidie 's encreast , we are not a penny Sest .", "Nor will any go to Law , with the Beggar for a straw .", "All which happiness he brags , he doth owe unto his rags .", "Bless your good Worships .", "Pitifull Worships .", "To feed so many", "Mouths , as will ever pray for you .", "Seven , good Master , O remember seven ,", "Seven blessings .", "\u2018 Gainst seven deadly sins .", "If they be hard of heart , and will give nothing \u2014", "Alas , we had not a charity this three dayes .", "The Prince of pity bless thee .", "He is de-de-de-de-de-de-deaf , and du-du-dude-dumb Sir ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 248, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Captain , you are welcom ; so is this your friend", "Most safely welcom , though our Town stand out", "Against your Master , you shall find good quarter :", "The troth is , we not love him : Margaret some wine ,", "Let 's talk a little treason , if we can", "Talk treason , \u2018 gainst the traitors ; by your leave , Gentlemen ,", "We , here in Bruges , think he do 's usurp ,", "And therefore I am bold with him .", "Good : let 's drink then ,", "Fill out , I keep mine old pearl still Captain .", "Here 's to you with a heart , my Captains friend ,", "With a good heart , and if this make us speak", "Bold words , anon , \u2018 tis all under the Rose", "Forgotten : drown all memory , when we drink .", "Fill my Captains cup there , O that your Master Wolfort", "Had been an honest man .", "Under the Rose .", "Well said my pearl still .", "I , a kind Uncle you are", "That in seven years , could not find leisure \u2014", "I'le bate you ne'r an hour o n't ,", "It was before the Brabander \u2018 gan his War ,", "For moon-shine , i'the water there , his Daughter", "That never was lost : yet you could not find time", "To see a Kinswoman ; but she is worth the seeing , Sir ,", "Now you are come , you ask if she were a Woman ?", "She is a Woman , Sir , fetch her forth Marget .", "Bachellors ; young Burgers :", "And one , a Gallant , the young Prince of Merchants", "We call him here in Bruges .", "Such ? he is such a such , as were she mine", "I 'd give him thirty thousand crowns with her .", "Why , give 's some wine , then ; this will fit us all :", "Here 's to you still , my Captains friend : All out :", "And still , would Wolfort were an honest man ,", "Under the Rose , I speak it : but this Merchant", "Is a brave boy : he lives so , i'the Town here ,", "We know not what to think on him : at some times", "We fear he will be Bankrupt ; he do 's stretch", "Tenter his credit so ; embraces all ,", "And to't , the winds have been contrary long .", "But then , if he should have all his returns ,", "We think he would be a King , and are half sure o n't .", "Your Master is a Traitor , for all this ,", "Under the Rose : Here 's to you ; and usurps", "The Earldom from a better man .", "Nay soft : and I could tell you", "\u2018 Tis ten to one I would not : here 's my hand ,", "I love not Wolfort : sit you still , with that :", "Here comes my Captain again , and his fine Niece ,", "And there 's my Merchant ; view him well : fill wine here .", "Nay ,", "Let him alone , and ply your matter .", "Come , do not mind \u2018 em , drink , he is no Wolfort ,", "Captain , I advise you .", "And Butter :", "Remember Butter ; do not leave out Butter .", "Let \u2018 em alone ; my life for one .", "Kiss him , Girl , I bid you ;", "My Merchant Royal ; fear no Uncles : hang \u2018 em ,", "Hang up all Uncles : Are not we in Bruges ?", "Under the Rose here ?", "I , that 's good ,", "Let Wolfort look to that .", "Doe : and I drink to it .", "Ha ? A Looking-glass ?", "I love no Wolforts , and my name 's Vandunk ,", "Earl Florez is right heir , and this same Wolfort", "Under the Rose I speak it \u2014", "Then hold me up ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 248, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come , English beer Hostess , English beer by th \u2019 belly .", "O excellent ! two-pence a piece boyes , two-pence a piece .", "Give the boys some drink there . Piper , wet your whistle ,", "Canst tell me a way now , how to cut off my wifes Concupiscence ?", "Oh , oh , oh .", "Oh rare Jugler !", "Humh .", "But \u2018 twould be a far rarer to restore it .", "By th \u2019 Mass \u2018 tis here again , boys .", "Come fill , fill , fill , fill suddenly : let 's see Sir ,", "What 's this ?", "Fill till't be six-pence ,", "And there 's my Pig .", "A Counter ! stay ye , what are these then ? O execrable Jugler ! O dama 'd Jugler ! Look in your hose , hoa , this comes of looking forward .", "Yes , my good Friend ,", "We have e'n an end of all we have .", "Cloaks ! Look about ye Boys : mine 's gone !", "Come , come let 's drink then more Brand Wine .", "If e'r I catch your Sow-gelder , by this hand I 'll strip him :", "Were ever Fools so ferkt ? We have two Cloaks yet ;", "And all our Caps ; the Devil take the Flincher .", "What is't Sir ?", "If it be any thing to purchase money ,", "Which is our want ,", "us .", "I warrant you , we 'll hamper him ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 248, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["No wind blow fair yet ? no return of moneys ?", "Letters ? nor any thing to hold my hopes up ?", "Why then \u2018 tis destin 'd , that I fall , fall miserably !", "My credit I was built on , sinking with me .", "Thou boystrous North-wind , blowing my misfortunes ,", "And frosting all my hopes to cakes of coldness ;", "Yet stay thy fury ; give the gentle South", "Yet leave to court those sails that bring me safety ,", "And you auspicious fires , bright twins in heaven", "Daunce on the shrowds ; he blows still stubbornly ,", "And on his boystrous Rack rides my sad ruin ;", "There is no help , there can be now no comfort ,", "To morrow with the Sun-set , sets my credit .", "Oh misery ! thou curse of man , thou plague ,", "In the midst of all our strength thou strik'st us ;", "My vertuous Love is lost too : all , what I have been ,", "No more hereafter to be seen than shadow ;", "To prison now ? well , yet there 's this hope left me ;", "I may sink fairly under this days venture ,", "And so to morrow 's cross 'd , and all those curses :", "Yet manly I 'll invite my Fate , base fortune", "Shall never say , she has cut my throat in fear .", "This is the place his challenge call 'd me to ,", "And was a happy one at this time for me ,", "For let me fall before my Foe i'th \u2019 field ,", "And not at Bar , before my Creditors ;", "H'as kept his word : now Sir , your swords tongue only", "Loud as you dare , all other language \u2014", "\u2018 Tis done Sir ,", "And now have at ye .", "Betray 'd to Villains !", "Slaves ye shall buy me bravely ,", "And thou base coward .", "What these men are I know not , nor for what cause", "They shou 'd thus thrust themselves into my danger ,", "Can I imagine . But sure Heavens hand was i n't !", "Nor why this coward Knave should deal so basely", "To eat me up with Slaves : but Heaven I thank thee ,", "I hope thou hast reserv 'd me to an end", "Fit for thy creature , and worthy of thine honour :", "Would all my other dangers here had suffered ,", "With what a joyful heart should I go home then ?", "Where now , Heaven knows , like him that waits his sentence ,", "Or hears his passing Bell ; but there 's my hope still .", "Thank ye ; leave me ,", "For by my troth I have nothing now to give thee .", "If I were troubled ,", "What could thy comfort do ? prithee Clause , leave me .", "I know thou lov'st me .", "Most true , I am so ,", "And such a sadness I have got will sink me .", "Faith , thou must lose thy Master .", "What would the knowledg do thee good so miserable ,", "Thou canst not help thy self ? when all my ways", "Nor all the friends I have \u2014", "I know thou wouldst do ,", "But farewell Clause , and pray for thy poor Master .", "How ?", "I will tell thee ,", "For a hundred thousand crowns upon my credit ,", "Taken up of Merchants to supply my traffiques ,", "The winds and weather envying of my fortune ,", "And no return to help me off , yet shewing", "To morrow , Clause , to morrow , which must come ,", "In prison thou shalt find me poor and broken .", "Now , what say'st thou ?", "There 's all my hope .", "Ev'n to morrow :", "But why do I stand mocking of my misery ?", "Is't not enough the floods , and friends forget me ?", "What if it would ?", "Duty ? thou knowst it not .", "Why do'st thou fool me ? Can'st thou work miracles ?", "Thou wilt make me angry with thee .", "What power hast thou ?", "O that I had it ,", "But good Clause , talk no more , I feel thy charity ,", "As thou hast felt mine : but alas !", "How fain I would believe thee !", "I will try thee ,", "But he knows , that knows all ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 248, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Thus have I stoln away disguiz 'd from Hemskirk", "To try these people , for my heart yet tells me", "Some of these Beggars , are the men I look for :", "Appearing like my self , they have no reason", "But to avoid me narrowly , that face too ,", "That womans face , how near it is ! O may it", "But prove the same , and fortune how I'le bless thee !", "Thus , sure they cannot know me , or suspect me ,", "If to my habit I but change my nature ;", "As I must do ; this is the wood they live in ,", "A place fit for concealment : where , till fortune", "Crown me with that I seek , I'le live amongst \u2018 em .", "Good ev'n my honest friends .", "May a poor huntsman , with a merry heart ,", "A voice shall make the forest ring about him ,", "Get leave to live amongst ye ? true as steel , boyes ?", "That knows all chases , and can watch all hours ,", "And with my quarter staff , though the Devil bid stand ,", "Deal such an alms , shall make him roar again ?", "Prick ye the fearfull hare through cross waves , sheep-walks ,", "And force the crafty Reynard climb the quicksetts ;", "Rouse ye the lofty Stag , and with my bell-horn ,", "Ring him a knel , that all the woods shall mourn him ,", "\u2018 Till in his funeral tears , he fall before me ?", "The Polcat , Marterne , and the rich skin 'd Lucerne", "I know to chase , the Roe , the wind out-stripping", "Isgrin himself , in all his bloody anger", "I can beat from the bay , and the wild Sounder", "Single , and with my arm 'd staff , turn the Boar ,", "Spight of his foamy tushes , and thus strike him ;", "\u2018 Till he fall down my feast .", "What mak'st thee here , ha ?", "Hemskirk , thou art not right I fear , I fear thee .", "By poyson , ha ?", "This is most impious .", "As you had bred me .", "Yes , venison , and if you want \u2014", "Soundly .", "If I handle her .", "Sir , if you dare but trust me ;", "For if I have kept wild dogs and beasts for wonder ,", "And made \u2018 em tame too : give into my custody", "This roaring Rascal , I shall hamper him ,", "With all his knacks and knaveries , and I fear me", "Discover yet a further villany in him ;", "O he smells ranck o'th \u2019 Rascal .", "Let me be ev'n hang 'd for him ,", "Come Sir , I'le tye ye to my leash .", "Be not so stubborn : I shall swindge ye soundly ,", "And ye play tricks with me .", "He must blind both mine eyes , if he get from me ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 248, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Indeed you 're welcome : I have heard your scape ,", "And therefore give her leave , that only loves you ;", "give her joy leave", "To bid you welcome : what is't makes you sad man ?", "Why do you look so wild ? Is't I offend you ?", "Beshrew my heart , not willingly .", "Is't the delay of that ye long have look 'd for ,", "A happy marriage ? now I come to urge it .", "Now when you please to finish it ?", "Do you hear Sir ?", "Do you love me ?", "I have provided", "A Priest , that 's ready for us .", "We 'll fly to what place you please .", "You do not love me Goswin ? You will not look upon me ?", "No , no , you will not know me ; my poor beauty ,", "Which has been worth your eyes .", "Yet will ye know me ?", "Yet will ye love me ? Tell me but how I have deserv 'd your slighting ?", "Farewel Dissembler .", "And may the next you love , hearing my ruine .", "Sweet what ails ye ? I thought you had been vext with me .", "Am I not worthy of the knowledge of it ?", "And cannot I as well affect your sorrows ,", "As your delights ? you love no other Woman ?", "You have no ships lost lately ?", "I hope you have spilt no blood , whose innocence", "May lay this on your conscience .", "Why should you be thus then ?", "I am obedient .", "The good gods guide ye ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 248, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Why gentlemen , \u2018 tis but a week more , I intreat you", "But 7. short days , I am not running from ye ;", "Nor , if you give me patience , is it possible", "All my adventures fail ; you have ships abroad", "Endure the beating both of Wind and Weather :", "I am sure \u2018 twould vex your hearts , to be protested ;", "Ye are all fair Merchants .", "No mercy in ye !", "Is my misery", "Become my scorn too ! have ye no humanity ?", "No part of men left ? are all the Bounties in me", "To you , and to the Town , turn 'd my reproaches ?", "But two days .", "How soon my light 's put out ! hard hearted Bruges !", "Within thy Walls may never honest Merchant", "Venture his fortunes more : O my poor Wench too .", "Thou mistak'st me , Clause ,", "I am not worth thy Blessing .", "Is this certain ? Or dost thou work upon my troubled sense ?", "Certainly \u2018 tis treasure ;", "Can there be yet this Blessing ?", "Good Clause ,", "How cam'st thou by this mighty Sum ? if naughtily ,", "I must not take it of thee , \u2018 twill undo me .", "What great security ?", "But good Clause ,", "I may dye presently .", "Alas , it is too poor , Clause .", "There , I confirm it ,", "Farewell Clause ,", "And may thy honest memory live for ever ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 248, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I have lockt my Youth up close enough for gadding ,", "In an old Tree , and set watch over him .", "Enter Jaculin .", "Now for my Love , for sure this Wench must be she ,", "She follows me ; Come hither , pretty Minche .", "So I will .", "Thus , soft as my loves lips .", "What 's your Father 's name ?", "Is it not Gerrard , Sweet ?", "\u2018 Tis certain she ; pray let me see your hand , Sweet ?", "Sure I should know that Gymmal !", "Ha ! methought she nam 'd me \u2014", "Do you know me , Chick ?", "Kiss again then ;", "By Heaven \u2018 tis she .", "You are not Minche ?", "Must ye my Sweet , and does the Capper love ye ?", "How fain she would conceal her self , yet shew it ! Will you love me , and leave that man ? I 'll serve .", "I 'll wait upon you ,", "And make you dainty Nose-gays .", "Here in", "bosom , Sweet , and make a crown of Lilies", "For your fair head .", "With all my Heart .", "But one word fair Minche .", "Ye shall presently . Did you never hear of a young maid called Jaculin ?", "Heaven curse me else \u2018 tis she , and now I am certain", "They are all here : now for my other project \u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 248, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["None at all , Sir :", "Take it , \u2018 tis yours , there 's your ten thousand for ye ,", "Give in my Bills . Your sixteen .", "No .", "Put your Hats on : I care not for your courtesies ,", "They are most untimely done , and no truth in \u2018 em .", "Rot your Pepper ,", "Shall I trust you again ? there 's your seven thousand .", "No , I can send to Barbary , those people", "That never yet knew faith , have nobler freedoms :", "These carry to Vanlock , and take my Bills in ,", "To Peter Zuten these : bring back my Jewels ,", "Why are these pieces ?", "Well ?", "Heaven thou hast heard my prayers .", "What news o'th \u2019 fly-boat ?", "How , prithee , Sayler ?", "An honest noble Captain , and a thankfull ;", "There 's for thy news : go drink the Merchants health , Saylor .", "This here I hope , my friends , I shall scape prison ,", "For all your cares to catch me .", "I thank you ,", "When I have need of you I shall forget you :", "You are paid I hope .", "Alas how does she ? Van-d. She will be better soon I hope .", "Why soon Sir ?", "Van-d. Why when you have her in your arms , this night", "My boy she is thy wife .", "With all my heart I take her .", "Van-d. We have prepar 'd , all thy friends will be there ,", "And all my Rooms shall smoak to see the revel ;", "Thou hast been wrong 'd , and no more shall my service", "Wait on the knave her Uncle , I have heard all ,", "All his baits for my Boy , but thou shalt have her ;", "Hast thou dispatch't thy business ?", "Most .", "Van-d. By the mass Boy ,", "Thou tumblest now in wealth , and I joy in it ,", "Thou art the best Boy , that Bruges ever nourish 'd .", "Thou hast been sad , I'le cheer thee up with Sack ,", "And when thou art lusty I'le fling thee to thy Mistris .", "She'I hug thee , sirrah .", "I long to see it ,", "I had forgot you : there 's for you my friends :", "You had but heavy burthens ; commend my love", "To my best love , all the love I have", "To honest Clause , shortly I will thank him better ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 248, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I Must not .", "I dare not , nor I will not .", "You the Earls servant ?", "Come , come , leave your prating .", "I thank you heartily , you will be", "The first man that will hang me , a sweet recompence ,", "I could do , but I do not say I will ,", "To any honest fellow that would think o n't ,", "And be a benefactor .", "What , a false knave !", "Why what a Goosecap would'st thou make me ,", "Do not I know that men in misery will promise", "Any thing , more than their lives can reach at ?", "Say you so Sir ? Have ye e 're a good place for my quality ?", "When ?", "This may provoke me : and yet to prove a knave too .", "Shall I believe thee ?", "Ye may play tricks .", "Then you shall see Sir , I will do a service", "That shall deserve indeed .", "I will do it : \u2018 tis not your setting free , for that 's meer nothing ,", "But such a service , if the Earl be noble ,", "He shall for ever love me .", "Do you know any of these people live here ?", "You are a fool then : here be those , to have \u2018 em ,", "I know the Earl so well , would make him caper .", "Peace , all ,", "I know \u2018 em every one , and can betray \u2018 em .", "No , no , I will believe ye : more than that too ,", "Here 's the right heir .", "Now , how to get these Gallants , there 's the matter ,", "You will be constant , \u2018 tis no work for me else .", "The way to get \u2018 em .", "No sleight ;", "Nor reconcilement ,", "Must doe this trick .", "I , that must doe it .", "And with the person of the Earl himself ,", "Authority", "must come on \u2018 em :", "Or else in vain : and thus I would have ye do it .", "To morrow-night be here : a hundred men will bear \u2018 em ,", "The hour be twelve a Clock , now for a guide", "To draw ye without danger on these persons ,", "The woods being thick , and hard to hit , my self", "With some few with me , made unto our purpose ,", "Beyond the wood , upon the plain , will wait ye", "By the great Oak .", "I warrant ye :", "Miss nothing that I tell ye .", "Farewel ;", "You have your liberty , now use it wisely ;", "And keep your hour , goe closer about the wood there ,", "For fear they spy you .", "And bring no noise with ye .", "By your leave in private ,", "One word Sir , with ye ; Gerrard : do not start me ,", "I know ye , and he knows ye , that best loves ye :", "Hubert speaks to ye , and you must be Gerrard .", "The time invites you to it .", "Fair , if ye dare now follow ,", "Hemskirk I have let goe , and these my causes ,", "I'le tell ye privately , and how I have wrought him ,", "And then to prove me honest to my friends ,", "Look upon these directions , you have seen his .", "What ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 248, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Stand at the door my friends ?", "I pray walk in : welcom fair Mistris Francis ,", "See what the house affords , there 's a young Lady", "Will bid you welcom .", "I hope it will be so : Clause nobly welcom ,", "My honest , my best friend , I have been carefull", "To see thy monys \u2014", "Thou hadst it of me .", "Yes , and I grant it ,", "Be it what it will : ask what thou canst , I'le do it ;", "Within my power .", "No .", "Do ,", "And if I faint and flinch i n't \u2014", "Prethee distrust me not .", "Not marry , Clause ?", "Pre'thee think better ,", "I will obey , by Heaven .", "Give me thy reason , do'st thou fear her honesty ?", "Why should'st thou light on that then ? to what purpose ?", "Must not marry ? Shall I break now when my poor heart is pawn 'd ? When all the preparation ?", "Come , \u2018 tis not that thou would'st : thou do'st but fright me .", "Clause , can'st thou be so cruel ?", "Did'st ever see her ?", "She is such a thing ,", "O Clause , she is such a wonder , such a mirror ,", "For beauty , and fair vertue , Europe has not :", "Why hast thou made me happy , to undo me ?", "But look upon her ; then if thy heart relent not ,", "I'le quit her presently : who waits there ?", "Bid my fair love come hither , and the Company .", "Prethee be good unto me ; take a mans heart", "And look upon her truly : take a friends heart", "And feel what misery must follow this .", "Look there she is , deal with me as thou wilt now ,", "Did'st ever see a fairer ?", "Pray ye stand still .", "Didst thou ever ,", "By the fair light of Heave", ", behold a sweeter ?", "O that thou knew'st but love , or ever felt him ,", "Look well , look narrowly upon her beauties .", "View all her body ,", "Is she a thing then to be lost thus lightly ?", "Her mind is ten times sweeter , ten times nobler ,", "And but to hear her speak , a Paradise ,", "And such a love she bears to me , a chaste love ,", "A vertuous , fair , and fruitful love : \u2018 tis now too", "I am ready to enjoy it ; the Priest ready , Clause ,", "To say the holy words shall make us happy ,", "This is a cruelty beyond mans study ,", "All these are ready , all our joyes are ready ,", "And all the expectation of our friends ,", "\u2018 Twill be her death to do it .", "Thou canst not : \u2018 tis impossible .", "\u2018 Twill kill me too , \u2018 twill murder me : by heaven Clause", "I'le give thee half I have ; come thou shalt save me .", "Hard heart , I'le follow :", "Pray ye all go in again , and pray be merry ,", "I have a weighty business ,", "Enter Servant", "Concerns my life , and state ,", "This present hour befaln me : with the soonest", "I shall be here again : nay pray go in , Sir ,", "And take them with you , \u2018 tis but a night lost , Gentlemen .", "I will not stay ; believe , Sir .", "Gertrude , a word with you .", "I have no more time left me , but to kiss thee ,", "And tell thee this , I am ever thine : farewel wench ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 248, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Lead , if thou thinkst we are right : why dost thou make", "These often stands ? thou saidst thou knewst the way .", "Wrought from me by a Beggar ? at the time", "That most should tye him ? \u2018 tis some other Love", "That hath a more command on his affections ,", "And he that fetcht him , a disguised Agent ,", "Not what he personated ; for his fashion", "Was more familiar with him , and more powerful", "Than one that ask 'd an alms : I must find out", "One , if not both : kind darkness be my shrowd ,", "And cover loves too curious search in me ,", "For yet , suspicion , I would not name thee .", "What then ?", "I am not , forward .", "What ails the fellow ?", "No .", "The braying of an Ass , is it not ?", "Look to your Shanks ,", "Your Breech is safe enough , the Wolf 's a Fern-brake .", "Why , thou strange timerous Sot , canst thou perceive", "Any thing i'th \u2019 Bush but a poor Glo-worm ?", "Come thou from it :", "I have a precious guide of you , and a courteous ,", "That gives me leave to lead my self the way thus .", "I hear one hollow .", "What strange Wonders", "Fear fancies in a Coward !", "Prithee hold thy peace .", "Both love and jealousie have made me bold ,", "Where my Fate leads me , I must go .", "Ha !", "I am miserably lost , thus faln", "Into my Uncles hands from all my hopes ,", "Can I not think away my self and dye ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 248, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["By this time Sir I hope you want no reasons", "Why I broke off your marriage , for though I", "Should as a Subject study you my Prince", "In things indifferent , it will not therefore", "Discredit you , to acknowledge me your Father ,", "By harkning to my necessary counsels .", "I pray you rise ,", "And may those powers that see and love this in you ,", "Reward you for it : Taught by your example", "Having receiv 'd the rights due to a Father ,", "I tender you th \u2019 allegeance of a Subject :", "Which as my Prince accept of .", "I do believe it : but \u2014", "Think of this hereafter", "When we with joy may call it to remembrance ,", "There will be a time , more opportune , than now", "To end our story , with all circumstances ,", "I add this only : when we fled from Wolfort", "I sent you into England , and there placed you", "With a brave Flanders Merchant , call 'd rich Goswin ,", "A man supplyed by me unto that purpose ,", "As bound by oath never to discover you ,", "Who dying , left his name and wealth unto you", "As his reputed Son , and yet receiv 'd so ;", "But now , as Florez , and a Prince , remember", "The countreys , and the subjects general good", "Must challenge the first part in your affection :", "The fair maid , whom you chose to be your wife ,", "Being so far beneath you , that your love", "Must grant she 's not your equal .", "Who 's this ? Wolfort ?", "And is , wert thou a subject .", "So proud a fiend as Wolfort .", "Insolent Devil !", "Wretch , art thou not content thou hast betrai 'd us ,", "But mock us too ?", "Yes this is Hubert , Wolfort ,", "I hope he has helpt himself to a tree .", "\u2018 Twas like your self , honest , and noble Hubert :", "Can'st thou behold these mirrors all together ,", "Of thy long , false , and bloody usurpation ?", "Thy tyrrannous proscription , and fresh treason :", "And not so see thy self , as to fall down", "And sinking , force a grave , with thine own guilt ,", "As deep as hell , to cover thee and it ?", "Sir , you must help to join", "A pair of hands , as they have done their hearts here ,", "And to their loves with joy .", "Sir , you must thank this worthy Burgomaster ,", "Here be friends ask to be look 'd on too ,", "And thank 'd , who though their trade , and course of life", "Be not so perfect , but it may be better 'd ,", "Have yet us 'd me with courtesy , and been true", "Subjects unto me , while I was their King ,", "A place I know not well how to resign ,", "Nor unto whom : But this I will entreat", "Your grace , command them follow you to Bruges ;", "Where I will take the care on me , to find", "Some manly , and more profitable course", "To fit them , as a part of the Republique .", "Attend me at Van-dunks , the Burgomasters ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 248, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I say , if he be here \u2014", "You say so , Hollis ? Well , I must be still .", "It is indeed too bitter that one man ,", "Any one man 's mere presence , should suspend", "England 's combined endeavor : little need", "To name him !", "Now , by Heaven ,", "They may be cool who can , silent who will \u2014", "Some have a gift that way ! Wentworth is here ,", "Here , and the King 's safe closeted with him", "Ere this . And when I think on all that 's past", "Since that man left us , how his single arm", "Rolled the advancing good of England back", "And set the woeful past up in its place ,", "Exalting Dagon where the Ark should be ,\u2014", "How that man has made firm the fickle King", "\u2014 in aught he feared", "To venture on before ; taught tyranny", "Her dismal trade , the use of all her tools ,", "To ply the scourge yet screw the gag so close", "That strangled agony bleeds mute to death ;", "How he turns Ireland to a private stage", "For training infant villanies , new ways", "Of wringing treasure out of tears and blood ,", "Unheard oppressions nourished in the dark", "To try how much man 's nature can endure", "\u2014 If he dies under it , what harm ? if not ,", "Why , one more trick is added to the rest", "Worth a king 's knowing , and what Ireland bears", "England may learn to bear :\u2014 how all this while", "That man has set himself to one dear task ,", "The bringing Charles to relish more and more", "Power , power without law , power and blood too", "\u2014 Can I be still ?", "Oh Hampden , then and now ! The year he left us ,", "The People in full Parliament could wrest", "The Bill of Rights from the reluctant King ;", "And now , he 'll find in an obscure small room", "A stealthy gathering of great-hearted men", "That take up England 's cause : England is here !", "And , Rudyard , I 'll say this \u2014", "Which all true men say after me , not loud", "But solemnly and as you 'd say a prayer !", "This King , who treads our England underfoot ,", "Has just so much ... it may be fear or craft ,", "As bids him pause at each fresh outrage ; friends ,", "He needs some sterner hand to grasp his own ,", "Some voice to ask , \u201c Why shrink ? Am I not by ? \u201d", "Now , one whom England loved for serving her ,", "Found in his heart to say , \u201c I know where best", "The iron heel shall bruise her , for she leans", "Upon me when you trample . \u201d Witness , you !", "So Wentworth heartened Charles , so England fell .", "But inasmuch as life is hard to take", "From England ....", "\u2014 Who has not so forgotten Runnymead !\u2014", "\u2014 There are some little signs of late she knows", "The ground no place for her . She glances round ,", "Wentworth has dropped the hand , is gone his way", "On other service : what if she arise ?", "No ! the King beckons , and beside him stands", "The same bad man once more , with the same smile", "And the same gesture . Now shall England crouch ,", "Or catch at us and rise ?", "Hampden !", "Mind how you counsel patience , Loudon ! you", "Have still a Parliament , and this your League", "To back it ; you are free in Scotland still :", "While we are brothers , hope 's for England yet .", "But know you wherefore Wentworth comes ? to quench", "This last of hopes ? that he brings war with him ?", "Know you the man 's self ? what he dares ?", "And what 's new , then ,", "In calling for his life ? Why , Pym himself \u2014", "You must have heard \u2014 ere Wentworth dropped our cause", "He would see Pym first ; there were many more", "Strong on the people 's side and friends of his ,", "Eliot that 's dead , Rudyard and Hampden here ,", "But for these Wentworth cared not ; only , Pym", "He would see \u2014 Pym and he were sworn , \u2018 tis said ,", "To live and die together ; so , they met", "At Greenwich . Wentworth , you are sure , was long ,", "Specious enough , the devil 's argument", "Lost nothing on his lips ; he 'd have Pym own", "A patriot could not play a purer part", "Than follow in his track ; they two combined", "Might put down England . Well , Pym heard him out ;", "One glance \u2014 you know Pym 's eye \u2014 one word was all :", "\u201c You leave us , Wentworth ! while your head is on ,", "I 'll not leave you . \u201d", "No , no ! Silent I can be : not indifferent !", "No villanous striking-down !", "To frame , we know it well , the choicest clause", "In the Petition of Right : he framed such clause", "One month before he took at the King 's hand", "His Northern Presidency , which that Bill", "Denounced .", "There ! he comes ,", "And they shout for him ! Wentworth 's at Whitehall ,", "The King embracing him , now , as we speak ,", "And he , to be his match in courtesies ,", "Taking the whole war 's risk upon himself ,", "Now , while you tell us here how changed he is !", "Hear you ?", "I , in England 's name ,", "Declare her work , this way , at end ! Till now ,", "Up to this moment , peaceful strife was best .", "We English had free leave to think ; till now ,", "We had a shadow of a Parliament", "In Scotland . But all 's changed : they change the first ,", "They try brute-force for law , they , first of all ....", "Till we crush Wentworth for her , there 's no act", "Serves England !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 257, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I say , if he be here \u2014", "You say so , Hollis ? Well , I must be still .", "It is indeed too bitter that one man ,", "Any one man 's mere presence , should suspend", "England 's combined endeavor : little need", "To name him !", "Now , by Heaven ,", "They may be cool who can , silent who will \u2014", "Some have a gift that way ! Wentworth is here ,", "Here , and the King 's safe closeted with him", "Ere this . And when I think on all that 's past", "Since that man left us , how his single arm", "Rolled the advancing good of England back", "And set the woeful past up in its place ,", "Exalting Dagon where the Ark should be ,\u2014", "How that man has made firm the fickle King", "\u2014 in aught he feared", "To venture on before ; taught tyranny", "Her dismal trade , the use of all her tools ,", "To ply the scourge yet screw the gag so close", "That strangled agony bleeds mute to death ;", "How he turns Ireland to a private stage", "For training infant villanies , new ways", "Of wringing treasure out of tears and blood ,", "Unheard oppressions nourished in the dark", "To try how much man 's nature can endure", "\u2014 If he dies under it , what harm ? if not ,", "Why , one more trick is added to the rest", "Worth a king 's knowing , and what Ireland bears", "England may learn to bear :\u2014 how all this while", "That man has set himself to one dear task ,", "The bringing Charles to relish more and more", "Power , power without law , power and blood too", "\u2014 Can I be still ?", "Oh Hampden , then and now ! The year he left us ,", "The People in full Parliament could wrest", "The Bill of Rights from the reluctant King ;", "And now , he 'll find in an obscure small room", "A stealthy gathering of great-hearted men", "That take up England 's cause : England is here !", "And , Rudyard , I 'll say this \u2014", "Which all true men say after me , not loud", "But solemnly and as you 'd say a prayer !", "This King , who treads our England underfoot ,", "Has just so much ... it may be fear or craft ,", "As bids him pause at each fresh outrage ; friends ,", "He needs some sterner hand to grasp his own ,", "Some voice to ask , \u201c Why shrink ? Am I not by ? \u201d", "Now , one whom England loved for serving her ,", "Found in his heart to say , \u201c I know where best", "The iron heel shall bruise her , for she leans", "Upon me when you trample . \u201d Witness , you !", "So Wentworth heartened Charles , so England fell .", "But inasmuch as life is hard to take", "From England ....", "\u2014 Who has not so forgotten Runnymead !\u2014", "\u2014 There are some little signs of late she knows", "The ground no place for her . She glances round ,", "Wentworth has dropped the hand , is gone his way", "On other service : what if she arise ?", "No ! the King beckons , and beside him stands", "The same bad man once more , with the same smile", "And the same gesture . Now shall England crouch ,", "Or catch at us and rise ?", "Hampden !", "Mind how you counsel patience , Loudon ! you", "Have still a Parliament , and this your League", "To back it ; you are free in Scotland still :", "While we are brothers , hope 's for England yet .", "But know you wherefore Wentworth comes ? to quench", "This last of hopes ? that he brings war with him ?", "Know you the man 's self ? what he dares ?", "And what 's new , then ,", "In calling for his life ? Why , Pym himself \u2014", "You must have heard \u2014 ere Wentworth dropped our cause", "He would see Pym first ; there were many more", "Strong on the people 's side and friends of his ,", "Eliot that 's dead , Rudyard and Hampden here ,", "But for these Wentworth cared not ; only , Pym", "He would see \u2014 Pym and he were sworn , \u2018 tis said ,", "To live and die together ; so , they met", "At Greenwich . Wentworth , you are sure , was long ,", "Specious enough , the devil 's argument", "Lost nothing on his lips ; he 'd have Pym own", "A patriot could not play a purer part", "Than follow in his track ; they two combined", "Might put down England . Well , Pym heard him out ;", "One glance \u2014 you know Pym 's eye \u2014 one word was all :", "\u201c You leave us , Wentworth ! while your head is on ,", "I 'll not leave you . \u201d", "No , no ! Silent I can be : not indifferent !", "No villanous striking-down !", "To frame , we know it well , the choicest clause", "In the Petition of Right : he framed such clause", "One month before he took at the King 's hand", "His Northern Presidency , which that Bill", "Denounced .", "There ! he comes ,", "And they shout for him ! Wentworth 's at Whitehall ,", "The King embracing him , now , as we speak ,", "And he , to be his match in courtesies ,", "Taking the whole war 's risk upon himself ,", "Now , while you tell us here how changed he is !", "Hear you ?", "I , in England 's name ,", "Declare her work , this way , at end ! Till now ,", "Up to this moment , peaceful strife was best .", "We English had free leave to think ; till now ,", "We had a shadow of a Parliament", "In Scotland . But all 's changed : they change the first ,", "They try brute-force for law , they , first of all ....", "Till we crush Wentworth for her , there 's no act", "Serves England !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 257, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["And the King ?", "No ;\u2014 or , Lucy , just your arm ;", "I 'll not sit till I 've cleared this up with him :", "After that , rest . The King ?", "Why ? or , why now ?\u2014 They have kind throats , the knaves ! Shout for me \u2014 they !", "Wherefore should they not ?", "Does the King take such measures for himself ?", "Besides , there 's such a dearth of malcontents ,", "You say !", "At me ? at us , I hope ! The King and I !", "He 's surely not disposed to let me bear", "The fame away from him of these late deeds", "In Ireland ? I am yet his instrument", "Be it for well or ill ? He trusts me too !", "All the Court ! Evermore the Court about us !", "Savile and Holland , Hamilton and Vane", "About us ,\u2014 then the King will grant me \u2014 what ?", "That he for once put these aside and say \u2014", "\u201c Tell me your whole mind , Wentworth ! \u201d", "Lucy , and I am calm !", "How else shall I do all I come to do ,", "Broken , as you may see , body and mind ,", "How shall I serve the King ? Time wastes meanwhile ,", "You have not told me half . His footstep ! No .", "Quick , then , before I meet him ,\u2014 I am calm \u2014", "Why does the King distrust me ?", "Lucy , you can help me ; you", "Have even seemed to care for me : one word !", "Is it the Queen ?", "I know , I know : old Vane , too , he 's one too ?", "Go on \u2014 and he 's made Secretary . Well ?", "Or leave them out and go straight to the charge \u2014", "The charge !", "I know ! but , Lucy ,", "I reckoned on you from the first !\u2014 Go on !", "\u2014 Was sure could I once see this gentle friend", "When I arrived , she 'd throw an hour away", "To help her ... what am I ?", "But go on ! The party here !", "The one thing", "Of value ! The one service that the crown", "May count on ! All that keeps these very Vanes", "In power , to vex me \u2014 not that they do vex ,", "Only it might vex some to hear that service", "Decried , the sole support that 's left the King !", "Ah ? well , perhaps", "The only hand held up in my defence", "May be old Laud 's ! These Hollands then , these Saviles", "Nibble ? They nibble ?\u2014 that 's the very word !", "Enough ! \u2018 tis too unworthy ,\u2014 I am not", "So patient as I thought . What 's Pym about ?", "Pym and the People .", "Tell Savile that !", "You may know \u2014", "that in my earliest life", "I was not ... much that I am now ! The King", "May take my word on points concerning Pym", "Before Lord Savile 's , Lucy , or if not ,", "I bid them ruin their wise selves , not me ,", "These Vanes and Hollands ! I 'll not be their tool", "Who might be Pym 's friend yet .", "But there 's the King !", "Where is he ?", "And why not here to meet me ? I was told", "He sent for me , nay , longed for me .", "A Council sits ?", "They have not taken a decided course", "Without me in the matter ?", "The war ? They cannot have agreed to that ?", "Not the Scots \u2019 war ?\u2014 without consulting me \u2014", "Me , that am here to show how rash it is ,", "How easy to dispense with ?\u2014 Ah , you too", "Against me ! well ,\u2014 the King may take his time .", "\u2014 Forget it , Lucy ! Cares make peevish : mine", "Weigh me", "to my grave .", "Heartless ! but all are heartless here . Go now ,", "Forsake the People !", "I did not forsake", "The People : they shall know it , when the King", "Will trust me !\u2014 who trusts all beside at once ,", "While I have not spoke Vane and Savile fair ,", "And am not trusted : have but saved the throne :", "Have not picked up the Queen 's glove prettily ,", "And am not trusted . But he 'll see me now .", "Weston is dead : the Queen 's half English now \u2014", "More English : one decisive word will brush", "These insects from ... the step I know so well !", "The King ! But now , to tell him ... no \u2014 to ask", "What 's in me he distrusts :\u2014 or , best begin", "By proving that this frightful Scots affair", "Is just what I foretold . So much to say ,", "And the flesh fails , now , and the time is come ,", "And one false step no way to be repaired .", "You were avenged , Pym , could you look on me .", "PYM enters .", "I little thought of you just then .", "The old voice ! I wait the King , sir .", "Sir , I thank you .", "Sir , keep your jests for those who relish them !", "\u2018 Tis kind", "To tell me what the Council does .", "Have the Council dared \u2014", "They have not dared ... that is \u2014 I know you not .", "Farewell , sir : times are changed .", "Sir !", "How , when , where , Savile , Vane , and Holland speak ,", "Plainly or otherwise , would have my scorn ,", "All of my scorn , sir ....", "Keep your thoughts ! believe the King", "Mistrusts me for their prattle , all these Vanes", "And Saviles ! make your mind up , o \u2019 God 's love ,", "That I am discontented with the King !", "Like me ?", "False , sir ! Who showed them you ? Suppose it so ,", "The King did very well ... nay , I was glad", "When it was shown me : I refused , the first !", "John Pym , you were my friend \u2014 forbear me once !", "Leave me !", "To tell Rudyard this ,", "And Hampden this !", "Sir , I am come ....", "Sir , trust me ! but for this once , trust me , sir !", "That you should trust me , sir !", "Oh \u2014 not for my sake ! but \u2018 tis sad , so sad", "That for distrusting me , you suffer \u2014 you", "Whom I would die to serve : sir , do you think", "That I would die to serve you ?", "What shall convince you ? What does Savile do", "To prove him .... Ah , one can n't tear out one 's heart", "And show it , how sincere a thing it is !", "Say aught but that !", "There is my comfort , mark you : all will be", "So different when you trust me \u2014 as you shall !", "It has not been your fault ,\u2014 I was away ,", "Mistook , maligned , how was the King to know ?", "I am here , now \u2014 he means to trust me , now \u2014", "All will go on so well !", "No ,\u2014 hear nothing \u2014", "Be told nothing about me !\u2014 you 're not told", "Your right-hand serves you , or your children love you !", "I can speak now .", "I have no right to hide the truth . \u2018 Tis I", "Can save you : only I . Sir , what must be ?", "That is , he 'll have a war : what 's done is done !", "Has Laud suggested any way to meet", "The war 's expense ?", "Most considerate ! He 's certain they intrigue with France , these Scots ? The People would be with us .", "The People for us \u2014 were the People for us !", "Sir , a great thought comes to reward your trust :", "Summon a Parliament ! in Ireland first ,", "Then , here .", "That saves us ! that puts off", "The war , gives time to right their grievances \u2014", "To talk with Pym . I know the Faction ,\u2014 Laud", "So styles it ,\u2014 tutors Scotland : all their plans", "Suppose no Parliament : in calling one", "You take them by surprise . Produce the proofs", "Of Scotland 's treason ; then bid England help :", "Even Pym will not refuse .", "Take no care for that : that 's sure", "To prosper .", "Say it all o'er again \u2014 but once again :", "The first was for the music : once again !", "I am grown young again ,", "And foolish . What was it we spoke of ?", "I may go when I will ? \u2014 Now ?", "My King !", "But you will not so utterly abhor", "A Parliament ? I 'd serve you any way .", "Sir , I will serve you .", "\u2018 Tis my soul", "That 's well and prospers now .", "This Parliament \u2014", "We 'll summon it , the English one \u2014 I 'll care", "For everything . You shall not need them much .", "I shall be with you .", "I will come , or else", "Deposit this infirm humanity", "I \u2019 the dust . My whole heart stays with you , my King !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 257, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["It cannot be .", "Why , the House", "Have hardly met .", "No , no ! Meet to impeach Lord Strafford ? \u2018 Tis a jest .", "Consider ! \u2018 Tis the House", "We summoned so reluctantly , which nothing", "But the disastrous issue of the war", "Persuaded us to summon . They 'll wreak all", "Their spite on us , no doubt ; but the old way", "Is to begin by talk of grievances :", "They have their grievances to busy them .", "Where 's Vane ?\u2014 That is ,", "Pym will impeach Lord Strafford if he leaves", "His Presidency ; he 's at York , we know ,", "Since the Scots beat him : why should he leave York ?", "Ah \u2014 but if", "The King did send for him , he let him know", "We had been forced to call a Parliament \u2014", "A step which Strafford , now I come to think ,", "Was vehement against .", "And what am I to do ?", "The King away", "At Theobald 's !", "Wait till Vane finds the truth", "Of the report : then ....", "The last news , Holland ?", "Strafford ?", "Vane , go find the King !", "Tell the King , Vane , the People follow Pym", "To brave us at Whitehall !", "SAVILE enters .", "Lucy , he will not come !", "Why , he shall claim", "Vengeance on Pym !", "You here !", "Sir ,", "The King ....", "But his Majesty , my lord ,", "May not be here , may ...."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 257, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Gentlemen ,", "Stand back ! a great thing passes here .", "A Follower of Strafford", "The Earl", "Is at his work !", "Say , Maxwell , what great thing !", "Speak out !", "Friend , I 've a kindness for you !", "Friend ,", "I 've seen you with St. John : O stockishness !", "Wear such a ruff , and never call to mind", "St. John 's head in a charger ? How , the plague ,", "Not laugh ?", "Stand back , all ! Many of the Presbyterians . I hold with Pym ! And I ! Strafford 's Followers . Now for the text ! He comes ! Quick !", "In the Commons \u2019 name , their servant", "Demands Lord Strafford 's sword .", "The Commons bid me ask your lordship 's sword .", "I dare , my lord , to disobey : none stir !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 257, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["My loyal servant ! To defend himself", "Thus irresistibly ,\u2014 withholding aught", "That seemed to implicate us !", "We have done", "Less gallantly by Strafford . Well , the future", "Must recompense the past .", "She tarries long .", "I understand you , Strafford , now !", "The scheme \u2014", "Carlisle 's mad scheme \u2014 he 'll sanction it , I fear ,", "For love of me . \u2018 Twas too precipitate :", "Before the army 's fairly on its march ,", "He 'll be at large : no matter .", "Well , Carlisle ?", "To break thus on me ! Unannounced !", "No more", "Of Strafford ! I have heard too much from you .", "Of Strafford ?", "Lord Strafford , sir ,", "Has spoken for himself .", "Yes , yes :", "We are aware , sir : for your part in it", "Means shall be found to thank you .", "You can hinder , then ,", "The introduction of this Bill ?", "He is my friend , sir : I have wronged him : mark you ,", "Had I not wronged him , this might be . You think", "Because you hate the Earl ...", "\u2014 no one else could love", "Strafford : but he has saved me , some affirm .", "Think of his pride ! And do you know one strange ,", "One frightful thing ? We all have used the man", "As though a drudge of ours , with not a source", "Of happy thoughts except in us ; and yet", "Strafford has wife and children , household cares ,", "Just as if we had never been . Ah sir ,", "You are moved , even you , a solitary man", "Wed to your cause \u2014 to England if you will !", "Prevent that Bill , sir ! All your course seems fair", "Till now . Why , in the end , \u2018 tis I should sign", "The warrant for his death ! You have said much", "I ponder on ; I never meant , indeed ,", "Strafford should serve me any more . I take", "The Commons \u2019 counsel ; but this Bill is yours \u2014", "Nor worthy of its leader : care not , sir ,", "For that , however ! I will quite forget", "You named it to me . You are satisfied ?", "I thank you , sir , who leave", "That King his servant . Thanks , sir !", "God forsakes me . I am in a net", "And cannot move . Let all be as you say !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 257, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The boat 's in the broad moonlight all this while \u2014", "Verso la sera", "Di Primavera !", "And the boat shoots from underneath the moon", "Into the shadowy distance ; only still", "You hear the dipping oar \u2014", "Verso la sera ,", "And faint , and fainter , and then all 's quite gone ,", "Music and light and all , like a lost star .", "You 're too tired to sleep ?", "You 've been to Venice , father ?", "A city with no King ; that 's why I like", "Even a song that comes from Venice .", "Oh , I know why ! Anne , do you love the King ? But I 'll see Venice for myself one day .", "Why do men say", "You sought to ruin her then ?", "Why ?", "Do n't mind her , father ! They soon left off when I cried out to them .", "Why , not the King .", "\u2018 Tis you look thin , Father !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 257, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I welcome you , Lord Mertoun , yet once more ,", "To this ancestral roof of mine . Your name", "\u2014 Noble among the noblest in itself ,", "Yet taking in your person , fame avers ,", "New price and lustre ,\u2014", "\u2014 your name", "Would win you welcome !\u2014", "\u2014 But add to that ,", "The worthiness and grace and dignity", "Of your proposal for uniting both", "Our Houses even closer than respect", "Unites them now \u2014 add these , and you must grant", "One favor more , nor that the least ,\u2014 to think", "The welcome I should give ;\u2014 \u2018 tis given ! My lord ,", "My only brother , Austin : he 's the king 's .", "Our cousin , Lady Guendolen \u2014 betrothed", "To Austin : all are yours .", "We 'll sit , my lord .", "Ever with best desert goes diffidence .", "I may speak plainly nor be misconceived .", "That I am wholly satisfied with you", "On this occasion , when a falcon 's eye", "Were dull compared with mine to search out faults ,", "Is somewhat . Mildred 's hand is hers to give", "Or to refuse .", "My best of words", "If hers encourage you . I trust it will .", "Have you seen Lady Mildred , by the way ?", "What 's to say", "May be said briefly . She has never known", "A mother 's care ; I stand for father too .", "Her beauty is not strange to you , it seems \u2014", "You cannot know the good and tender heart ,", "Its girl 's trust and its woman 's constancy ,", "How pure yet passionate , how calm yet kind ,", "How grave yet joyous , how reserved yet free", "As light where friends are \u2014 how imbued with lore", "The world most prizes , yet the simplest , yet", "The ... one might know I talked of Mildred \u2014 thus", "We brothers talk !", "In a word ,", "Control 's not for this lady ; but her wish", "To please me outstrips in its subtlety", "My power of being pleased : herself creates", "The want she means to satisfy . My heart", "Prefers your suit to her as \u2018 twere its own .", "Can I say more ?", "This matter then discussed ....", "With less regret \u2018 t is suffered , that again", "We meet , I hope , so shortly .", "So soon", "As I am made acquainted with her thoughts", "On your proposal \u2014 howsoe'er they lean \u2014", "A messenger shall bring you the result .", "So may it prove !", "Within there !", "Here I have an advantage of the Earl ,", "Confess now ! I 'd not think that all was safe", "Because my lady 's brother stood my friend !", "Why , he makes sure of her \u2014 \u201c do you say , yes \u201d \u2014", "\u201c She 'll not say , no , \u201d \u2014 what comes it to beside ?", "I should have prayed the brother , \u201c speak this speech ,", "For Heaven 's sake urge this on her \u2014 put in this \u2014", "Forget not , as you 'd save me , t'other thing ,\u2014", "Then set down what she says , and how she looks ,", "And if she smiles , and \u201d", "\u201c Only let her accept me , and do you", "And all the world refuse me , if you dare ! \u201d", "What 's she ? an infant save in heart and brain . Young ! Mildred is fourteen , remark ! And you ... Austin , how old is she ?", "Well ?", "He lacked wit ? Where might he lack wit , so please you ?", "\u201c To give a best of best accounts , yourself ,", "Of me and my demerits . \u201d You are right !", "He should have said what now I say for him .", "Yon golden creature , will you help us all ?", "Here 's Austin means to vouch for much , but you", "\u2014 You are ... what Austin only knows ! Come up ,", "All three of us : she 's in the library", "No doubt , for the day 's wearing fast . Precede !", "Must what ? Must speak truth ,", "Malignant tongue ! Detect one fault in him !", "I challenge you !", "What 's urgent we obtain", "Is , that she soon receive him \u2014 say , to-morrow \u2014", "Next day at furthest .", "Come ! \u2014 He 's out of your good graces , since forsooth , He stood not as he 'd carry us by storm With his perfections ! You 're for the composed Manly assured becoming confidence ! \u2014 Get her to say , \u201c to-morrow , \u201d and I 'll give you ... I 'll give you black Urganda , to be spoiled With petting and snail-paces . Will you ? Come ! The story of the love of Mildred and Mertoun is the universally human one , and belongs to no one country or no one period of civilization more than another , but the attitude of all the actors in the tragedy belongs distinctively to the phase of moral culture which we saw illustrated in the youth of Sir Philip Sidney , and is characteristic of English ways of thinking whenever their moral force comes uppermost , as for example in the Puritan thought of the Cromwellian era . The play is in a sense a problem play , though to most modern readers the tragedy of its ending is all too horrible a consequence of the sin . Dramatically and psychically , however , the tragedy is much more inevitable than that of Romeo and Juliet , whose love one naturally thinks of in the same connection . The catastrophe in the Shakespeare play is almost mechanically pushed to its conclusion through mere external blundering , easily to have been prevented . Juliet saw clearly where Mildred does not , that loyalty to a deep and true love should triumph over all minor considerations , so that in her case the tragedy is , in no sense , due to her blindness of vision . In the \u201c Blot , \u201d lack of perception of the true values in life makes it impossible for Mildred or Tresham to act otherwise than they did . But having worked out their problem according to their lights , a new light of a more glorious day dawns upon them . The ideal by which Tresham lives and moves and has his being is that of pride of birth , with honor and chastity as its watchwords . At the same time the idol of his life is his sister Mildred , over whom he has watched with a father 's and mother 's care . When the blow to his ideal comes at the hands of this much cherished sister , it is not to be wondered at that his reason almost deserts him . The greatest agony possible to the human soul is to have its ideals , the very food which has been the sustenance of its being , utterly ruined . The ideal may be a wrong one , or an impartial one , and through the wrack and ruin may dawn larger vision , but , unless the nature be a marvelously developed one the storm that breaks when an ideal is shattered is overwhelming . It would be equally true of Mildred that , nurtured as she had been and as young English girls usually are , in great purity , even ignorance of all things pertaining to life , the sense of her sin would be so overwhelming as to blind her to any possible means of expiation except the most extreme . And indeed may it not be said that only those who can see as Mertoun and Guendolen did that genuine and loyal love is no less love because , in a conventional sense , it has sinned ,\u2014 only those would acknowledge , as Tresham , indeed , does after he has murdered Mertoun , how perfect the love of Mildred and Mertoun was . Sin flourishes only when insincerity tricks itself out in the garb of love , and on the whole it is well that human beings should have an abiding sense of their own and others insincerity , and test themselves by their willingness to acknowledge their love before God and man . There are many Mildreds but few Mertouns . It is little wonder that Dickens wrote with such enthusiasm of this play that he knew no love like that of Mildred and Mertoun , no passion like it .One does not need to discuss whether murders were possible in English social life . They are possible in all life at all times as long as men and women allow their passions to overthrow their reason . The last act , however , illustrates the English poise already referred to ; Tresham regains his equilibrium with enlarged vision , his salvation is accomplished , his soul awakened . ACT III", "Into the moonlight yonder , come with me ! Out of the shadow !", "Yes ,", "Or no ? You 'll come into the light , or no ?", "My hand is on your throat \u2014 refuse !\u2014", "You 're armed : that 's well . Declare", "Your name : who are you ?", "Oh , silent ? Do you know , you bear yourself", "Exactly as , in curious dreams I 've had", "How felons , this wild earth is full of , look", "When they 're detected , still your kind has looked !", "The bravo holds an assured countenance ,", "The thief is voluble and plausible ,", "But silently the slave of lust has crouched", "When I have fancied it before a man .", "Your name !", "Mertoun !Draw now !", "Not one least word on your life !", "Be sure that I will strangle in your throat", "The least word that informs me how you live", "And yet seem what you seem ! No doubt \u2018 twas you", "Taught Mildred still to keep that face and sin .", "We should join hands in frantic sympathy", "If you once taught me the unteachable ,", "Explained how you can live so , and so lie .", "With God 's help I retain , despite my sense ,", "The old belief \u2014 a life like yours is still", "Impossible . Now draw !", "Ha ha , what should I", "Know of your ways ? A miscreant like yourself ,", "How must one rouse his ire ? A blow ?\u2014 that 's pride", "No doubt , to him ! One spurns him , does one not ?", "Or sets the foot upon his mouth , or spits", "Into his face ! Come ! Which , or all of these ?", "You are not hurt ?", "But rise !", "Not hurt ? It cannot be !", "You made no effort to resist me . Where", "Did my sword reach you ? Why not have returned", "My thrusts ? Hurt where ?", "How young he is !", "Can you stay here till I return with help ?", "I do", "Forgive you .", "Mertoun , haste", "And anger have undone us . \u2018 Tis not you", "Should tell me for a novelty you 're young ,", "Thoughtless , unable to recall the past .", "Be but your pardon ample as my own !", "Yes , be satisfied ! That process is begun .", "Ho , Gerard !", "Enter GERARD , AUSTIN and GUENDOLEN , with lights .", "No one speak ! You see what 's done .", "I cannot bear another voice .", "I will bear these words to her .", "Now . Lift you the body , and leave me", "The head .", "Guendolen , I hear each word", "You utter . Did you hear him bid me give", "His message ? Did you hear my promise ? I ,", "And only I , see Mildred .", "Oh no , she will not die ! I dare not hope", "She 'll die . What ground have you to think she 'll die ?", "Why , Austin 's with you !", "There was no fight at all .", "He let me slaughter him \u2014 the boy ! I 'll trust", "The body there to you and Gerard \u2014 thus !", "Now bear him on before me .", "Oh , to my chamber ! When we meet there next ,", "We shall be friends .", "Will she die , Guendolen ?", "He fell just here .", "Now answer me . Shall you in your whole life", "\u2014 You who have nought to do with Mertoun 's fate ,", "Now you have seen his breast upon the turf ,", "Shall you e'er walk this way if you can help ?", "When you and Austin wander arm-in-arm", "Through our ancestral grounds , will not a shade", "Be ever on the meadow and the waste \u2014", "Another kind of shade than when the night", "Shuts the woodside with all its whispers up ?", "But will you ever so forget his breast", "As carelessly to cross this bloody turf", "Under the black yew avenue ? That 's well !", "You turn your head : and I then ?\u2014", "Dear and ancient trees", "My fathers planted , and I loved so well !", "What have I done that , like some fabled crime", "Of yore , lets loose a Fury leading thus", "Her miserable dance amidst you all ?", "Oh , never more for me shall winds intone", "With all your tops a vast antiphony ,", "Demanding and responding in God 's praise !", "Hers ye are now , not mine ! Farewell \u2014 farewell !", "Mildred , I must sit . There \u2014 you sit !", "My thought ?", "How we waded \u2014 years ago \u2014", "After those water-lilies , till the plash ,", "I know not how , surprised us ; and you dared", "Neither advance nor turn back : so , we stood", "Laughing and crying until Gerard came \u2014", "Once safe upon the turf , the loudest too ,", "For once more reaching the relinquished prize !", "How idle thoughts are , some men 's , dying men 's !", "Mildred ,\u2014", "It weighs so much upon my mind that I", "This morning took an office not my own !", "I might ... of course , I must be glad or grieved ,", "Content or not , at every little thing", "That touches you . I may with a wrung heart", "Even reprove you , Mildred ; I did more :", "Will you forgive me ?", "Forgive me , Mildred !\u2014 are you silent , Sweet ? MildredWhy does not Henry Mertoun come to-night ? Are you , too , silent ?Ah , this speaks for you ! You 've murdered Henry Mertoun ! Now proceed ! What is it I must pardon ? This and all ? Well , I do pardon you \u2014 I think I do . Thorold , how very wretched you must be !", "He bade me tell you ....", "You cannot , Mildred ! for the harsh words , yes :", "Of this last deed Another 's judge : whose doom", "I wait in doubt , despondency and fear .", "Death ? You are dying too ? Well said", "Of Guendolen ! I dared not hope you 'd die :", "But she was sure of it .", "Him you loved :", "And me ?", "No ! No !", "Had I but heard him \u2014 had I let him speak", "Half the truth \u2014 less \u2014 had I looked long on him", "I had desisted ! Why , as he lay there ,", "The moon on his flushed cheek , I gathered all", "The story ere he told it : I saw through", "The troubled surface of his crime and yours", "A depth of purity immovable ,", "Had I but glanced , where all seemed turbidest", "Had gleamed some inlet to the calm beneath ;", "I would not glance : my punishment 's at hand .", "There , Mildred , is the truth ! and you \u2014 say on \u2014", "You curse me ?", "I wish thee joy , Beloved ! I am glad", "In thy full gladness !", "Guendolen", "Mildred ! Tresham !", "Thorold ,", "I could desist no longer . Ah , she swoons !", "That 's well .", "Oh , better far than that !", "She threw them thus", "About my neck , and blessed me , and then died :", "You 'll let them stay now , Guendolen !", "Something does weigh down", "My neck beside her weight : thanks : I should fall", "But for you , Austin , I believe !\u2014 there , there ,", "\u2018 Twill pass away soon !\u2014 ah ,\u2014 I had forgotten :", "I am dying .", "I said , just as I drank the poison off ,", "The earth would be no longer earth to me ,", "The life out of all life was gone from me .", "There are blind ways provided , the foredone", "Heart-weary player in this pageant-world", "Drops out by , letting the main masque defile", "By the conspicuous portal : I am through \u2014", "Just through !", "Already Mildred 's face is peacefuller .", "I see you , Austin \u2014 feel you : here 's my hand ,", "Put yours in it \u2014 you , Guendolen , yours too !", "You 're lord and lady now \u2014 you 're Treshams ; name", "And fame are yours : you hold our \u2018 scutcheon up .", "Austin , no blot on it ! You see how blood", "Must wash one blot away : the first blot came", "And the first blood came . To the vain world 's eye", "All 's gules again : no care to the vain world ,", "From whence the red was drawn !", "I said that : yet it did come . Should it come , Vengeance is God 's , not man 's . Remember me !GuendolenAh , Thorold , we can but \u2014 remember you ! In \u201c Ned Bratts , \u201d Browning has given a striking picture of the influence exerted by Bunyan upon some of his wicked contemporaries . The poet took his hints for the story from Bunyan himself , who tells it as follows in the \u201c Life and Death of Mr. Badman . \u201d \u201c At a summer assizes holden at Hertford , while the judge was sitting upon the bench , comes this old Tod into the Court , clothed in a green suit , with his leathern girdle in his hand , his bosom open , and all on a dung sweat , as if he had run for his life ; and being come in , he spake aloud , as follows : \u2018 My lord , \u2019 said he , \u2018 here is the veriest rogue that breathes upon the face of the earth . I have been a thief from a child : when I was but a little one , I gave myself to rob orchards and to do other such like wicked things , and I have continued a thief ever since . My lord , there has not been a robbery committed these many years , within so many miles of this place , but I have either been at it , or privy to it . \u2019 The judge thought the fellow was mad , but after some conference with some of the justices , they agreed to indict him ; and so they did of several felonious actions ; to all of which he heartily confessed guilty , and so was hanged , with his wife at the same time . \u201d Browning had the happy thought of placing this episode in Bedford amid the scenes of Bunyan 's labors and imprisonment . Bunyan , himself , was tried at the Bedford Assizes upon the charge of preaching things he should not , or according to some accounts for preaching without having been ordained , and was sentenced to twelve years \u2019 imprisonment in the Bedford Jail . At one time it was thought that he wrote \u201c Pilgrim 's Progress \u201d during this imprisonment , but Dr. Brown , in his biography of Bunyan conjectured that this book was not begun until a later and shorter imprisonment of 1675-76 , in the town prison and toll-house on Bedford Bridge . Dr. Brown supposes that the portion of the book written in prison closes where Christian and Hopeful part from the shepherds on the Delectable Mountains . \u201c At that point a break in the narrative is indicated \u2014 \u2018 So I awoke from my dream ; \u2019 it is resumed with the words \u2014 \u2018 And I slept and dreamed again , and saw the same two pilgrims going down the mountains along the highway towards the city . \u2019 Already from the top of an high hill called \u2018 Clear , \u2019 the Celestial City was in view ; dangers there were still to be encountered ; but to have reached that high hill and to have seen something like a gate , and some of the glory of the place , was an attainment and an incentive . \u201d There Bunyan could pause . Several years later the pilgrimage of Christiana was written . Browning , however , adopts the tradition that the book was written during the twelve years \u2019 imprisonment , and makes use of the story of Bunyan 's having supported himself during this time by making tagged shoe-laces . He brings in , also , the little blind daughter to whom Bunyan was said to be devoted . The Poet was evidently under the impression also that the assizes were held in a courthouse , but there is good authority for thinking that at that time they were held in the chapel of Herne . Nothing remains of this building now , but it was situated at the southwest corner of the churchyard of St. Paul , and was spoken of sometimes as the School-house chapel . Ned Bratts and his wife did not know , of course , that they actually lived in the land of the \u201c Pilgrim 's Progress . \u201d This has been pointed out only recently in a fascinating little book by A. J . Foster of Wootton Vicarage , Bedfordshire . He has been a pilgrim from Elstow , the village where Bunyan was born near Bedford , through all the surrounding country , and has fixed upon many spots beautiful and otherwise which he believes were transmuted in Bunyan 's imagination into the House Beautiful , The Delectable Mountains , Vanity Fair and so on through nearly all the scenes of Christian 's journey . The House Beautiful he identifies with Houghton House in the manor of Dame Ellen 's Bury . This is one of the most interesting of the country houses of England , because of its connection with Sir Philip Sidney 's sister , Mary Sidney . After the death of her husband , Lord Pembroke , James I. presented her with the royal manor of Dame Ellen 's Bury , and under the guidance of Inigo Jones , it is generally supposed , Houghton House was built . It is in ruins now and covered with ivy . Trees have grown within the ruins themselves . Still it is one of the most beautiful spots in Bedfordshire . \u201c In Bunyan 's time , \u201d Mr. Foster writes , \u201c we may suppose the northern slope of Houghton Park was a series of terraces rising one above another , and laid out in the stiff garden fashion of the time . A flight of steps , or maybe a steep path , would lead from one terrace to the next , and gradually the view over the plain of Bedford would reveal itself to the traveler as he mounted higher and higher . \u201d From Houghton House there is a view of the Chiltern Hills . Mr. Foster is of the opinion that Bunyan had this view in mind when he described Christian as looking from the roof of the House Beautiful southwards towards the Delectable Mountains . He writes , \u201c One of the main roads to London from Bedford , and the one , moreover , which passes through Elstow , crosses the hills only a little more than a mile east of Houghton House , and Bunyan , in his frequent journeys to London , no doubt often passed along this road . All in this direction was , therefore , to him familiar ground . Many a pleasant walk or ride came back to him through memory , as he took pen in hand to describe Hill Difficulty with its steep path and its arbor , and the House Beautiful with its guest-chamber , its large upper room looking eastward , its study and its armory . \u201c Many a time did Bunyan , as he journeyed , look southwards to the blue Chilterns , and when the time came he placed together all that he had seen , as the frame in which he should set his way-faring pilgrim . \u201d Pleasant as it would be to follow with Mr. Foster his journey through the real scenes of the \u201c Pilgrim 's Progress , \u201d our main interest at present is to observe how Browning 's facile imagination has presented the conversion , through the impression made upon them by Bunyan 's book , of Ned and his wife . NED BRATTS \u2018 T was Bedford Special Assize , one daft Midsummer 's Day : A broiling blasting June ,\u2014 was never its like , men say . Corn stood sheaf-ripe already , and trees looked yellow as that ; Ponds drained dust-dry , the cattle lay foaming around each flat . Inside town , dogs went mad , and folk kept bibbing beer While the parsons prayed for rain . \u2018 T was horrible , yes \u2014 but queer : Queer \u2014 for the sun laughed gay , yet nobody moved a hand To work one stroke at his trade : as given to understand That all was come to a stop , work and such worldly ways , And the world 's old self about to end in a merry blaze . Midsummer 's Day moreover was the first of Bedford Fair , With Bedford Town 's tag-rag and bobtail a-bowsing there . But the Court House , Quality crammed : through doors ope , windows wide , High on the Bench you saw sit Lordships side by side . There frowned Chief Justice Jukes , fumed learned Brother Small , And fretted their fellow Judge : like threshers , one and all , Of a reek with laying down the law in a furnace . Why ? Because their lungs breathed flame \u2014 the regular crowd forbye \u2014 From gentry pouring in \u2014 quite a nosegay , to be sure ! How else could they pass the time , six mortal hours endure Till night should extinguish day , when matters might haply mend ? Meanwhile no bad resource was \u2014 watching begin and end Some trial for life and death , in a brisk five minutes \u2019 space , And betting which knave would \u2018 scape , which hang , from his sort of face . So , their Lordships toiled and moiled , and a deal of work was doneto justify the mirth of the crazy sun As this and t'other lout , struck dumb at the sudden show Of red robes and white wigs , boggled nor answered \u201c Boh ! \u201d When asked why he , Tom Styles , should not \u2014 because Jack Nokes Had stolen the horse \u2014 be hanged : for Judges must have their jokes , And louts must make allowance \u2014 let 's say , for some blue fly Which punctured a dewy scalp where the frizzles stuck awry \u2014 Else Tom had fleered scot-free , so nearly over and done Was the main of the job . Full-measure , the gentles enjoyed their fun , As a twenty-five were tried , rank puritans caught at prayer In a cow-house and laid by the heels ,\u2014 have at \u2018 em , devil may care !\u2014 And ten were prescribed the whip , and ten a brand on the cheek , And five a slit of the nose \u2014 just leaving enough to tweak . Well , things at jolly high-tide , amusement steeped in fire , While noon smote fierce the roof 's red tiles to heart 's desire , The Court a-simmer with smoke , one ferment of oozy flesh , One spirituous humming musk mount-mounting until its mesh Entoiled all heads in a fluster , and Serjeant Postlethwayte \u2014 Dashing the wig oblique as he mopped his oily pate \u2014 Cried \u201c Silence , or I grow grease ! No loophole lets in air ? Jurymen ,\u2014 Guilty , Death ! Gainsay me if you dare ! \u201d \u2014 Things at this pitch , I say ,\u2014 what hubbub without the doors ? What laughs , shrieks , hoots and yells , what rudest of uproars ? Bounce through the barrier throng a bulk comes rolling vast ! Thumps , kicks ,\u2014 no manner of use !\u2014 spite of them rolls at last Into the midst a ball which , bursting , brings to view Publican Black Ned Bratts and Tabby his big wife too : Both in a muck-sweat , both ... were never such eyes uplift At the sight of yawning hell , such nostrils \u2014 snouts that sniffed Sulphur , such mouths a-gape ready to swallow flame ! Horrified , hideous , frank fiend-faces ! yet , all the same , Mixed with a certain ... eh ? how shall I dare style \u2014 mirth The desperate grin of the guest that , could they break from earth , Heaven was above , and hell might rage in impotence Below the saved , the saved ! \u201c Confound you !Out of our way ,\u2014 push , wife ! Yonder their Worships be ! \u201d Ned Bratts has reached the bar , and \u201c Hey , my Lords , \u201d roars he , \u201c A Jury of life and death , Judges the prime of the land , Constables , javelineers ,\u2014 all met , if I understand , To decide so knotty a point as whether \u2018 t was Jack or Joan Robbed the henroost , pinched the pig , hit the King 's Arms with a stone , Dropped the baby down the well , left the tithesman in the lurch , Or , three whole Sundays running , not once attended church ! What a pother \u2014 do these deserve the parish-stocks or whip , More or less brow to brand , much or little nose to snip ,\u2014 When , in our Public , plain stand we \u2014 that 's we stand here , I and my Tab , brass-bold , brick-built of beef and beer , \u2014 Do not we , slut ? Step forth and show your beauty , jade ! Wife of my bosom \u2014 that 's the word now ! What a trade We drove ! None said us nay : nobody loved his life So little as wag a tongue against us ,\u2014 did they , wife ? Yet they knew us all the while , in their hearts , for what we are \u2014 Worst couple , rogue and quean , unhanged \u2014 search near and far ! Eh , Tab ? The pedler , now \u2014 o'er his noggin \u2014 who warned a mate To cut and run , nor risk his pack where its loss of weight Was the least to dread ,\u2014 aha , how we two laughed a-good As , stealing round the midden , he came on where I stood With billet poised and raised ,\u2014 you , ready with the rope ,\u2014 Ah , but that 's past , that 's sin repented of , we hope ! Men knew us for that same , yet safe and sound stood we ! The lily-livered knaves knew tooOur keeping the \u2018 Pied Bull \u2019 was just a mere pretence : Too slow the pounds make food , drink , lodging , from out the pence ! There 's not a stoppage to travel has chanced , this ten long year , No break into hall or grange , no lifting of nag or steer , Not a single roguery , from the clipping of a purse To the cutting of a throat , but paid us toll . Od 's curse ! When Gipsy Smouch made bold to cheat us of our due , \u2014 Eh , Tab ? the Squire 's strong-box we helped the rascal to \u2014 I think he pulled a face , next Sessions \u2019 swinging-time ! He danced the jig that needs no floor ,\u2014 and , here 's the prime , \u2018 T was Scroggs that houghed the mare ! Ay , those were busy days ! \u201c Well , there we flourished brave , like scripture-trees called bays , Faring high , drinking hard , in money up to head \u2014 Not to say , boots and shoes , when ... Zounds , I nearly said \u2014 Lord , to unlearn one 's language ! How shall we labor , wife ? Have you , fast hold , the Book ? Grasp , grip it , for your life ! See , sirs , here 's life , salvation ! Here 's \u2014 hold but out my breath \u2014 When did I speak so long without once swearing ? \u2018 Sdeath , No , nor unhelped by ale since man and boy ! And yet All yesterday I had to keep my whistle wet While reading Tab this Book : book ? do n't say \u2018 book \u2019 \u2014 they 're plays , Songs , ballads and the like : here 's no such strawy blaze , But sky wide ope , sun , moon , and seven stars out full-flare ! Tab , help and tell ! I 'm hoarse . A mug ! or \u2014 no , a prayer ! Dip for one out of the Book ! Who wrote it in the Jail \u2014 He plied his pen unhelped by beer , sirs , I 'll be bail ! \u201c I 've got my second wind . In trundles she \u2014 that 's Tab . \u2018 Why , Gammer , what 's come now , that \u2014 bobbing like a crab On Yule-tide bowl \u2014 your head 's a-work and both your eyes Break loose ? Afeard , you fool ? As if the dead can rise ! Say \u2014 Bagman Dick was found last May with fuddling-cap Stuffed in his mouth : to choke 's a natural mishap ! \u2019 \u2018 Gaffer , be \u2014 blessed , \u2019 cries she , \u2018 and Bagman Dick as well ! I , you , and he are damned : this Public is our hell : We live in fire : live coals do n't feel !\u2014 once quenched , they learn \u2014 Cinders do , to what dust they moulder while they burn ! \u2019 \u201c \u2018 If you do n't speak straight out , \u2019 says I \u2014 belike I swore \u2014 \u2018 A knobstick , well you know the taste of , shall , once more , Teach you to talk , my maid ! \u2019 She ups with such a face , Heart sunk inside me . \u2018 Well , pad on , my prate-apace ! \u2019 \u201c \u2018 I 've been about those laces we need for ... never mind ! If henceforth they tie hands , \u2018 t is mine they 'll have to bind . You know who makes them best \u2014 the Tinker in our cage , Pulled-up for gospelling , twelve years ago : no age To try another trade ,\u2014 yet , so he scorned to take Money he did not earn , he taught himself the make Of laces , tagged and tough \u2014 Dick Bagman found them so ! Good customers were we ! Well , last week , you must know His girl ,\u2014 the blind young chit , who hawks about his wares ,\u2014 She takes it in her head to come no more \u2014 such airs These hussies have ! Yet , since we need a stoutish lace ,\u2014 \u201c I 'll to the jail-bird father , abuse her to his face ! \u201d So , first I filled a jug to give me heart , and then , Primed to the proper pitch , I posted to their den \u2014 Patmore \u2014 they style their prison ! I tip the turnkey , catch My heart up , fix my face , and fearless lift the latch \u2014 Both arms a-kimbo , in bounce with a good round oath Ready for rapping out : no \u201c Lawks \u201d nor \u201c By my troth ! \u201d \u201c \u2018 There sat my man , the father . He looked up : what one feels When heart that leapt to mouth drops down again to heels ! He raised his hand .... Hast seen , when drinking out the night , And in the day , earth grow another something quite Under the sun 's first stare ? I stood a very stone . \u201c \u2018 \" Woman ! \u201d, \u201c How should my child frequent your house where lust is sport , Violence \u2014 trade ? Too true ! I trust no vague report . Her angel 's hand , which stops the sight of sin , leaves clear The other gate of sense , lets outrage through the ear . What has she heard !\u2014 which , heard shall never be again . Better lack food than feast , a Dives in the \u2014 wain Or reign or train \u2014 of Charles ! \u201d\u201c Bread , only bread they bring \u2014 my laces : if we broke Your lump of leavened sin , the loaf 's first crumb would choke ! \u201d \u201c \u2018 Down on my marrow-bones ! Then all at once rose he : His brown hair burst a-spread , his eyes were suns to see : Up went his hands : \u201c Through flesh , I reach , I read thy soul ! So may some stricken tree look blasted , bough and bole , Champed by the fire-tooth , charred without , and yet , thrice-bound With dreriment about , within may life be found , A prisoned power to branch and blossom as before , Could but the gardener cleave the cloister , reach the core , Loosen the vital sap : yet where shall help be found ? Who says \u2018 How save it ? \u2019 \u2014 nor \u2018 Why cumbers it the ground ? \u2019 Woman , that tree art thou ! All sloughed about with scurf , Thy stag-horns fright the sky , thy snake-roots sting the turf ! Drunkenness , wantonness , theft , murder gnash and gnarl Thine outward , case thy soul with coating like the marle Satan stamps flat upon each head beneath his hoof ! And how deliver such ? The strong men keep aloof , Lover and friend stand far , the mocking ones pass by , Tophet gapes wide for prey : lost soul , despair and die ! What then ? \u2018 Look unto me and be ye saved ! \u2019 saith God : \u2018 I strike the rock , outstreats the life-stream at my rod ! Be your sins scarlet , wool shall they seem like ,\u2014 although As crimson red , yet turn white as the driven snow ! \u2019 \u201d \u201c \u2018 There , there , there ! All I seem to somehow understand Is \u2014 that , if I reached home , \u2018 t was through the guiding hand Of his blind girl which led and led me through the streets And out of town and up to door again . What greets First thing my eye , as limbs recover from their swoon ? A book \u2014 this Book she gave at parting . \u201c Father 's boon \u2014 The Book he wrote : it reads as if he spoke himself : He cannot preach in bonds , so ,\u2014 take it down from shelf When you want counsel ,\u2014 think you hear his very voice ! \u201d \u201c \u2018 Wicked dear Husband , first despair and then rejoice ! Dear wicked Husband , waste no tick of moment more , Be saved like me , bald trunk ! There 's greenness yet at core , Sap under slough ! Read , read ! \u2019 \u201c Let me take breath , my lords ! I 'd like to know , are these \u2014 hers , mine , or Bunyan 's words ? I 'm \u2018 wildered \u2014 scarce with drink ,\u2014 nowise with drink alone ! You 'll say , with heat : but heat 's no stuff to split a stone Like this black boulder \u2014 this flint heart of mine : the Book \u2014 That dealt the crashing blow ! Sirs , here 's the fist that shook His beard till Wrestler Jem howled like a just-lugged bear ! You had brained me with a feather : at once I grew aware Christmas was meant for me . A burden at your back , Good Master Christmas ? Nay ,\u2014 yours was that Joseph 's sack , \u2014 Or whose it was ,\u2014 which held the cup ,\u2014 compared with mine ! Robbery loads my loins , perjury cracks my chine , Adultery ... nay , Tab , you pitched me as I flung ! One word , I 'll up with fist .... No , sweet spouse , hold your tongue ! \u201c I 'm hasting to the end . The Book , sirs \u2014 take and read ! You have my history in a nutshell ,\u2014 ay , indeed ! It must off , my burden ! See ,\u2014 slack straps and into pit , Roll , reach , the bottom , rest , rot there \u2014 a plague on it ! For a mountain 's sure to fall and bury Bedford Town , \u2018 Destruction \u2019 \u2014 that 's the name , and fire shall burn it down ! O \u2018 scape the wrath in time ! Time 's now , if not too late . How can I pilgrimage up to the wicket-gate ? Next comes Despond the slough : not that I fear to pull Through mud , and dry my clothes at brave House Beautiful \u2014 But it 's late in the day , I reckon : had I left years ago Town , wife , and children dear .... Well , Christmas did , you know !\u2014 Soon I had met in the valley and tried my cudgel 's strength On the enemy horned and winged , a-straddle across its length ! Have at his horns , thwick \u2014 thwack : they snap , see ! Hoof and hoof \u2014 Bang , break the fetlock-bones ! For love 's sake , keep aloof Angels ! I 'm man and match ,\u2014 this cudgel for my flail ,\u2014 To thresh him , hoofs and horns , bat 's wing and serpent 's tail ! A chance gone by ! But then , what else does Hopeful ding Into the deafest ear except \u2014 hope , hope 's the thing ? Too late i \u2019 the day for me to thrid the windings : but There 's still a way to win the race by death 's short cut ! Did Master Faithful need climb the Delightful Mounts ? No , straight to Vanity Fair ,\u2014 a fair , by all accounts , Such as is held outside ,\u2014 lords , ladies , grand and gay ,\u2014 Says he in the face of them , just what you hear me say . And the Judges brought him in guilty , and brought him out To die in the market-place \u2014 St. Peter 's Green 's about The same thing : there they flogged , flayed , buffeted , lanced with knives , Pricked him with swords ,\u2014 I 'll swear , he 'd full a cat 's nine lives ,\u2014 So to his end at last came Faithful ,\u2014 ha , ha , he ! Who holds the highest card ? for there stands hid , you see , Behind the rabble-rout , a chariot , pair and all : He 's in , he 's off , he 's up , through clouds , at trumpet-call , Carried the nearest way to Heaven-gate ! Odds my life \u2014 Has nobody a sword to spare ? not even a knife ? Then hang me , draw and quarter ! Tab \u2014 do the same by her ! O Master Worldly-Wiseman ... that 's Master Interpreter , Take the will , not the deed ! Our gibbet 's handy close : Forestall Last Judgment-Day ! Be kindly , not morose ! There wants no earthly judge-and-jurying : here we stand \u2014 Sentence our guilty selves : so , hang us out of hand ! Make haste for pity 's sake ! A single moment 's loss Means \u2014 Satan 's lord once more : his whisper shoots across All singing in my heart , all praying in my brain , \u2018 It comes of heat and beer ! \u2019 \u2014 hark how he guffaws plain ! \u2018 To-morrow you 'll wake bright , and , in a safe skin , hug Your sound selves , Tab and you , over a foaming jug ! You 've had such qualms before , time out of mind ! \u2019 He 's right ! Did not we kick and cuff and curse away , that night , When home we blindly reeled , and left poor humpback Joe I \u2019 the lurch to pay for what ... somebody did , you know ! Both of us maundered then \u2018 Lame humpback ,\u2014 never more Will he come limping , drain his tankard at our door ! He 'll swing , while \u2014 somebody .... \u2019 Says Tab , \u2018 No , for I 'll peach ! \u2019 \u2018 I 'm for you , Tab , \u2019 cries I , \u2018 there 's rope enough for each ! \u2019 So blubbered we , and bussed , and went to bed upon The grace of Tab 's good thought : by morning , all was gone ! We laughed \u2014 \u2018 What 's life to him , a cripple of no account ? \u2019 Oh , waves increase around \u2014 I feel them mount and mount ! Hang us ! To-morrow brings Tom Bearward with his bears : One new black-muzzled brute beats Sackerson , he swears :And , baiting o'er , the Brawl They lead on Turner 's Patch ,\u2014 lads , lasses , up tails all ,\u2014 I 'm i \u2019 the thick o \u2019 the throng ! That means the Iron Cage , \u2014 Means the Lost Man inside ! Where 's hope for such as wage War against light ? Light 's left , light 's here , I hold light still , So does Tab \u2014 make but haste to hang us both ! You will ? \u201d I promise , when he stopped you might have heard a mouse Squeak , such a death-like hush sealed up the old Mote House . But when the mass of man sank meek upon his knees , While Tab , alongside , wheezed a hoarse \u201c Do hang us , please ! \u201d Why , then the waters rose , no eye but ran with tears , Hearts heaved , heads thumped , until , paying all past arrears Of pity and sorrow , at last a regular scream outbroke Of triumph , joy and praise . My Lord Chief Justice spoke , First mopping brow and cheek , where still , for one that budged , Another bead broke fresh : \u201c What Judge , that ever judged Since first the world began , judged such a case as this ? Why , Master Bratts , long since , folk smelt you out , I wis ! I had my doubts , i \u2019 faith , each time you played the fox Convicting geese of crime in yonder witness-box \u2014 Yea , much did I misdoubt , the thief that stole her eggs Was hardly goosey 's self at Reynard 's game , i \u2019 feggs ! Yet thus much was to praise \u2014 you spoke to point , direct \u2014 Swore you heard , saw the theft : no jury could suspect \u2014 Dared to suspect ,\u2014 I 'll say ,\u2014 a spot in white so clear : Goosey was throttled , true : but thereof godly fear Came of example set , much as our laws intend ; And , though a fox confessed , you proved the Judge 's friend . What if I had my doubts ? Suppose I gave them breath , Brought you to bar : what work to do , ere \u2018 Guilty , Death , \u2019 \u2014 Had paid our pains ! What heaps of witnesses to drag From holes and corners , paid from out the County 's bag ! Trial three dog-days long ! Amicus Curi\u00e6 \u2014 that 's Your title , no dispute \u2014 truth-telling Master Bratts ! Thank you , too , Mistress Tab ! Why doubt one word you say ? Hanging you both deserve , hanged both shall be this day ! The tinker needs must be a proper man . I 've heard He lies in Jail long since : if Quality 's good word Warrants me letting loose ,\u2014 some householder , I mean \u2014 Freeholder , better still ,\u2014 I do n't say but \u2014 between Now and next Sessions .... Well ! Consider of his case , I promise to , at least : we owe him so much grace . Not that \u2014 no , God forbid !\u2014 I lean to think , as you , The grace that such repent is any jail-bird 's due : I rather see the fruit of twelve years \u2019 pious reign \u2014 Astr\u00e6a Redux , Charles restored his rights again ! \u2014 Of which , another time ! I somehow feel a peace Stealing across the world . May deeds like this increase ! So , Master Sheriff , stay that sentence I pronounced On those two dozen odd : deserving to be trounced Soundly , and yet ... well , well , at all events despatch This pair of \u2014 shall I say , sinner-saints ?\u2014 ere we catch Their jail-distemper too . Stop tears , or I 'll indite All weeping Bedfordshire for turning Bunyanite ! \u201d So , forms were galloped through . If Justice , on the spur , Proved somewhat expeditious , would Quality demur ? And happily hanged were they ,\u2014 why lengthen out my tale ?\u2014 Where Bunyan 's Statue stands facing where stood his Jail . The effect which \u201c Pilgrim 's Progress \u201d had on these two miserable beings , may be taken as typical of the enormous influence wielded by Bunyan in his own time . The most innocent among us had overwhelming qualms in regard to our sins , as children when we listened to our mothers read the book . I remember having confessed some childish peccadillo that was weighing on my small mind as the first result of my thoroughly aroused sense of guilt . In these early years of the Twentieth Century , such a feeling seems almost as far removed as the days of Bunyan . A sense of guilt is not a distinguishing characteristic of the child of the present day , and it may also be doubted whether such reprobates as Ned and his wife would to-day be affected much if at all by the \u201c Pilgrim 's Progress . \u201d There was probably great personal magnetism in Bunyan himself . We are told that after his discharge from prison , his popularity as a preacher widened rapidly . Such vast crowds of people flocked to hear him that his place of worship had to be enlarged . He went frequently to London on week days to deliver addresses in the large chapel in Southwark which was invariably thronged with eager worshipers . Browning 's picture of Bunyan shows the instant effect of his personality upon Tab . \u201c There sat the man , the father . He looked up : what one feels When heart that leapt to mouth drops down again to heels ! He raised his hand .... Hast seen , when drinking out the night , And in the day , earth grow another something quite Under the sun 's first stare ? I stood a very stone . \u201d And again \u201c Then all at once rose he : His brown hair burst a-spread , his eyes were suns to see : Up went his hands . \u201d It is like a clever bit of stage business to make Ned and Tab use the shoe laces to tie up the hands of their victims , and to bring on by this means the meeting between Tab and Bunyan . Of course , the blind daughter 's part is imaginary , but yet it seems to bring very vividly before us this well loved child . Another touch , quite in keeping with the time , is the decision of the Judge that the remarkable change of heart in Ned and Tab was due to the piety of King Charles . Like every one else , however , he was impressed by what he heard of the Tinker , and inclined to see what he could do to give him his freedom . It seems that Bunyan 's life in jail was a good deal lightened by the favor he always inspired . The story goes that from the first he was in favor with the jailor , who nearly lost his place for permitting him on one occasion to go as far as London . After this he was more strictly confined , but at last he was often allowed to visit his family , and remain with them all night . One night , however , when he was allowed this liberty Bunyan felt resistlessly impressed with the propriety of returning to the prison . He arrived after the keeper had shut up for the night , much to the official 's surprise . But his impatience at being untimely disturbed was changed to thankfulness , when a little after a messenger came from a neighboring clerical magistrate to see that the prisoner was safe . \u201c You may go now when you will \u201d said the jailer ; \u201c for you know better than I can tell you when to come in again . \u201dStatue by J. E. Boehm ] Though Bunyan is not primarily the subject of this poem , it is an appreciative tribute to his genius and to his force of character , only to be paralleled by Dowden 's sympathetic critique in his \u201c Puritan and Anglican Studies . \u201d What Browning makes Ned and Tab see through suddenly aroused feeling \u2014 namely that it is no book but \u201c plays , Songs , ballads and the like : here 's no such strawy blaze , But sky wide ope , sun , moon , and seven stars out full-flare , \u201d Dowden puts in the colder language of criticism . \u201c The \u2018 Pilgrim 's Progress \u2019 is a gallery of portraits , admirably discriminated , and as convincing in their self-verification as those of Holbein . His personages live for us as few figures outside the drama of Shakespeare live .... All his powers cooperated harmoniously in creating this book \u2014 his religious ardor , his human tenderness , his sense of beauty , nourished by the Scriptures , his strong common sense , even his gift of humor . Through his deep seriousness play the lighter faculties . The whole man presses into this small volume . \u201d \u201c Halbert and Hob \u201d belongs here merely for its wild North of England setting . We may imagine , if we choose , that this wild father and son dwelt in the beautiful country of Northumberland , in the North of England , but descriptions of the scenery could add nothing to the atmosphere of the poem , for Northumberland is surpassingly lovely . Doubtless , human beings of this type have existed in all parts of the globe . At any rate , these particular human beings were transported by Browning from Aristotle 's \u201c Ethics \u201d to the North of England . The incident is told by Aristotle in illustration of the contention that anger and asperity are more natural than excessive and unnecessary desires . \u201c Thus one who was accused of striking his father said , as an apology for it , that his own father , and even his grandfather , had struck his ; \u2018 and he alsowill strike me , when he becomes a man ; for it runs in our family . \u2019 A certain person , also , being dragged by his son , bid him stop at the door , for he himself had dragged his father as far as that . \u201d The dryness of \u201c Aristotle 's cheeks \u201d is as usual so enlivened by Browning that the fate of Halbert and Hob grows pathetic and comes close to our sympathies . HALBERT AND HOB Here is a thing that happened . Like wild beasts whelped , for den , In a wild part of North England , there lived once two wild men Inhabiting one homestead , neither a hovel nor hut , Time out of mind their birthright : father and son , these \u2014 but \u2014 Such a son , such a father ! Most wildness by degrees Softens away : yet , last of their line , the wildest and worst were these . Criminals , then ? Why , no : they did not murder and rob ; But , give them a word , they returned a blow \u2014 old Halbert as young Hob : Harsh and fierce of word , rough and savage of deed , Hated or feared the more \u2014 who knows ?\u2014 the genuine wild-beast breed . Thus were they found by the few sparse folk of the countryside ; But how fared each with other ? E'en beasts couch , hide by hide , In a growling , grudged agreement : so , father and son aye curled The closelier up in their den because the last of their kind in the world . Still , beast irks beast on occasion . One Christmas night of snow , Came father and son to words \u2014 such words ! more cruel because the blow To crown each word was wanting , while taunt matched gibe , and curse Completed with oath in wager , like pastime in hell ,\u2014 nay , worse : For pastime turned to earnest , as up there sprang at last The son at the throat of the father , seized him and held him fast . \u201c Out of this house you go ! \u201d \u2014\u2014 \u201c This oven where now we bake , too hot to hold us both ! If there 's snow outside , there 's coolness : out with you , bide a spell In the drift and save the sexton the charge of a parish shell ! \u201d Now , the old trunk was tough , was solid as stump of oak Untouched at the core by a thousand years : much less had its seventy broke One whipcord nerve in the muscly mass from neck to shoulder-blade Of the mountainous man , whereon his child 's rash hand like a feather weighed . Nevertheless at once did the mammoth shut his eyes , Drop chin to breast , drop hands to sides , stand stiffened \u2014 arms and thighs All of a piece \u2014 struck mute , much as a sentry stands , Patient to take the enemy 's fire : his captain so commands . Whereat the son 's wrath flew to fury at such sheer scorn Of his puny strength by the giant eld thus acting the babe new-born : And \u201c Neither will this turn serve ! \u201d yelled he . \u201c Out with you ! Trundle , log ! If you cannot tramp and trudge like a man , try all-fours like a dog ! \u201d Still the old man stood mute . So , logwise ,\u2014 down to floor Pulled from his fireside place , dragged on from hearth to door ,\u2014 Was he pushed , a very log , staircase along , until A certain turn in the steps was reached , a yard from the house-door-sill . Then the father opened eyes \u2014 each spark of their rage extinct ,\u2014 Temples , late black , dead-blanched ,\u2014 right-hand with left-hand linked ,\u2014 He faced his son submissive ; when slow the accents came , They were strangely mild though his son 's rash hand on his neck lay all the same . \u201c Hob , on just such a night of a Christmas long ago , For such a cause , with such a gesture , did I drag \u2014 so \u2014 My father down thus far : but , softening here , I heard A voice in my heart , and stopped : you wait for an outer word . \u201c For your own sake , not mine , soften you too ! Untrod Leave this last step we reach , nor brave the finger of God ! I dared not pass its lifting : I did well . I nor blame Nor praise you . I stopped here : and , Hob , do you the same ! \u201d Straightway the son relaxed his hold of the father 's throat . They mounted , side by side , to the room again : no note Took either of each , no sign made each to either : last As first , in absolute silence , their Christmas-night they passed . At dawn , the father sate on , dead , in the self-same place , With an outburst blackening still the old bad fighting-face : But the son crouched all a-tremble like any lamb new-yeaned . When he went to the burial , someone 's staff he borrowed \u2014 tottered and leaned . But his lips were loose , not locked ,\u2014 kept muttering , mumbling . \u201c There ! At his cursing and swearing ! \u201d the youngsters cried : but the elders thought \u201c In prayer . \u201d A boy threw stones : he picked them up and stored them in his vest . So tottered , muttered , mumbled he , till he died , perhaps found rest . \u201c Is there a reason in nature for these hard hearts ? \u201d O Lear , That a reason out of nature must turn them soft , seems clear ! In the \u201c Inn Album , \u201d a degenerate type of Nineteenth-Century Englishman is dissected with the keen knife of a surgeon , which Browning knows so well how to wield . The villain of this poem was a real personage , a Lord de Ros , a friend of the Duke of Wellington . The story belongs to the annals of crime and is necessarily unpleasant , but in order to see how Browning has worked up the episode it is interesting to know the bare facts as Furnivall gives them in \u201c Notes and Queries \u201d March 25 , 1876 . He says \u201c that the gambling lord showed the portrait of the lady he had seduced and abandoned and offered his dupe an introduction to her , as a bribe to induce him to wait for payment of the money he had won ; that the young gambler eagerly accepted the offer ; and that the lady committed suicide on hearing of the bargain between them . \u201d Dr. Furnivall heard the story from some one who well remembered the sensation it had made in London years ago . In his management of the story , Browning has intensified the villainy of the Lord at the same time that he has shown a possible streak of goodness in him . The young man , on the other hand , he has made to be of very good stuff , indeed , notwithstanding his year of tutelage from the older man . He makes one radical change in the story as well as several minor ones . In the poem the younger man had been in love with the girl whom the older man had dishonorably treated , and had never ceased to love her . Of course , the two men do not know this . By the advice of the elder man , the younger one has decided to settle down and marry his cousin , a charming young girl , who is also brought upon the scene . The other girl is represented as having married an old country parson , who sought a wife simply as a helpmeet in his work . By thus complicating the situations , room has been given for subtle psychic development . The action is all concentrated into one morning in the parlor of the old inn , reminding one much of the method of Ibsen in his plays of grouping his action about a final catastrophe . At the inn one is introduced first to the two gamblers in talk , the young man having won his ten thousand pounds from the older man , who had intended to fleece him . The inn album plays an important part in the action , innocent as its first appearance upon the scene seems to be . The description of this and the inn parlor opens the poem . THE INN ALBUM I \u201c That oblong book 's the Album ; hand it here ! Exactly ! page on page of gratitude For breakfast , dinner , supper , and the view ! I praise these poets : they leave margin-space ; Each stanza seems to gather skirts around , And primly , trimly , keep the foot 's confine , Modest and maidlike ; lubber prose o'erhYpppHeNsprawls And straddling stops the path from left to right . Since I want space to do my cipher-work , Which poem spares a corner ? What comes first ? \u2018 Hail , calm acclivity , salubrious spot ! \u2019Or see \u2014 succincter beauty , brief and bold \u2014 \u2018 If a fellow can dine On rumpsteaks and port wine , He needs not despair Of dining well here \u2014 \u2019 \u2018 Here ! \u2019 I myself could find a better rhyme ! That bard 's a Browning ; he neglects the form : But ah , the sense , ye gods , the weighty sense ! Still , I prefer this classic . Ay , throw wide ! I 'll quench the bits of candle yet unburnt . A minute 's fresh air , then to cipher-work ! Three little columns hold the whole account : Ecart\u00e9 , after which Blind Hookey , then Cutting-the-Pack , five hundred pounds the cut . \u2018 Tis easy reckoning : I have lost , I think . \u201d Two personages occupy this room Shabby-genteel , that 's parlor to the inn Perched on a view-commanding eminence ; \u2014 Inn which may be a veritable house Where somebody once lived and pleased good taste Till tourists found his coign of vantage out , And fingered blunt the individual mark And vulgarized things comfortably smooth . On a sprig-pattern-papered wall there brays Complaint to sky Sir Edwin 's dripping stag ; His couchant coast-guard creature corresponds ; They face the Huguenot and Light o \u2019 the World . Grim o'er the mirror on the mantlepiece , Varnished and coffined , Salmo ferox glares \u2014 Possibly at the List of Wines which , framed And glazed , hangs somewhat prominent on peg . So much describes the stuffy little room \u2014 Vulgar flat smooth respectability : Not so the burst of landscape surging in , Sunrise and all , as he who of the pair Is , plain enough , the younger personage Draws sharp the shrieking curtain , sends aloft The sash , spreads wide and fastens back to wall Shutter and shutter , shows you England 's best . He leans into a living glory-bath Of air and light where seems to float and move The wooded watered country , hill and dale And steel-bright thread of stream , a-smoke with mist , A-sparkle with May morning , diamond drift O \u2019 the sun-touched dew . Except the red-roofed patch Of half a dozen dwellings that , crept close For hill-side shelter , make the village-clump This inn is perched above to dominate \u2014 Except such sign of human neighborhood ,There 's nothing to disturb absolute peace , The reign of English nature \u2014 which mean art And civilized existence . Wildness \u2019 self Is just the cultured triumph . Presently Deep solitude , be sure , reveals a Place That knows the right way to defend itself : Silence hems round a burning spot of life . Now , where a Place burns , must a village brood , And where a village broods , an inn should boast \u2014 Close and convenient : here you have them both . This inn , the Something-arms \u2014 the family 's \u2014Is dear to lovers of the picturesque , And epics have been planned here ; but who plan Take holy orders and find work to do . Painters are more productive , stop a week , Declare the prospect quite a Corot ,\u2014 ay , For tender sentiment ,\u2014 themselves incline Rather to handsweep large and liberal ; Then go , but not without success achieved \u2014 Haply some pencil-drawing , oak or beech , Ferns at the base and ivies up the bole , On this a slug , on that a butterfly . Nay , he who hooked the salmo pendent here , Also exhibited , this same May-month , \u2018 Foxgloves : a study \u2019 \u2014 so inspires the scene , The air , which now the younger personage Inflates him with till lungs o'erfraught are fain Sigh forth a satisfaction might bestir Even those tufts of tree-tops to the South I \u2019 the distance where the green dies off to grey , Which , easy of conjecture , front the Place ; He eyes them , elbows wide , each hand to cheek . His fellow , the much older \u2014 either say A youngish-old man or man oldish-young \u2014 Sits at the table : wicks are noisome-deep In wax , to detriment of plated ware ; Above \u2014 piled , strewn \u2014 is store of playing-cards , Counters and all that 's proper for a game . Circumstantial as the description of this parlor and the situation of the inn is , it is impossible to say which out of the many English inns Browning had in mind . Inns date back to the days of the Romans , who had ale-houses along the roads , the most interesting feature of which was the ivy garland or wreath of vine-leaves in honor of Bacchus , wreathed around a hoop at the end of a long pole to point out the way where good drink could be had . A curious survival of this in early English times was the \u201c ale-stake , \u201d a tavern so called because it had a long pole projecting from the house front wreathed like the old Roman poles with furze , a garland of flowers or an ivy wreath . This decoration was called the \u201c bush , \u201d and in time the London taverners so vied with each other in their attempt to attract attention by very long poles and very prominent bushes that in 1375 a law was passed according to which all taverners in the city of London owning ale-stakes projecting or extending over the King 's highway more than seven feet in length , at the utmost , should be fined forty pence , and compelled to remove the sign . Here is the origin , too , of the proverb , \u201c good wine needs no bush . \u201d In the later development of the inn the signs lost their Bacchic character and became most elaborate , often being painted by artists . The poet says this inn was the \u201c Something-arms , \u201d and had perhaps once been a house . Many inns were the \u201c Somethingarms \u201d and certainly many inns had been houses . One such is the Pounds Bridge Inn on a secluded road between Speldhurst and Penshurst in Kent . It was built by the rector of Penshurst , William Darkenoll , who lived in it only three years , when it became an inn . The inn of the poem might have been a combination in Browning 's memory of this and the \u201c White Horse \u201d at Woolstone , which is described as a queerly pretty little inn with a front distantly resembling a Chippendale bureau-bookcase . \u201c It is tucked away under the mighty sides of White Horse Hill , Berkshire , and additionally overhung with trees and encircled with shrubberies and under-woods , and is finally situated on a narrow road that presently leads , as it would seem , to the end of the known world . \u201d So writes the enthusiastic lover of inns , Charles Harper . Or , perhaps , since there is a river to be seen from the inn of the poem the \u201c Swan \u201d at Sandleford Water , where a foot bridge and a water splash on the river Enborne mark the boundaries of Hampshire and Berkshire . Here \u201c You have the place wholly to yourself , or share it only with the squirrels and the birds of the overarching trees . \u201d The illustration given of the Black Bear Inn , Tewksbury , is a quite typical example of inn architecture , and may have helped the picture in Browning 's mind , though its situation is not so rural as that described in the poem . Inns have , from time immemorial , been the scenes of romances and tragedies and crimes . There have been inns like the \u201c Castle \u201d where the \u201c quality \u201d loved to congregate . The \u201c inn album \u201d of this establishment had inscribed in it almost every eighteenth-century name of any distinction . There have been inns which were noted as the resort of the wits of the day . Ben Jonson loved to take \u201c mine ease in mine inn , \u201d and Dr. Johnson declared that a seat in a tavern chair was the height of human felicity . \u201c He was thinking , \u201d as it has been pertinently put , \u201c not only of a comfortable sanded parlor , a roaring fire , and plenty of good cheer and good company , but also of the circle of humbly appreciative auditors who gathered round an accepted wit , hung upon his words , offered themselves as butts for his ironic or satiric humor , and \u2014 stood treat . \u201d Or there was the inn of sinister aspect where highwaymen might congregate , or inns with hosts who let their guests down through trap-doors in the middle of the night to rob and murder them \u2014 or is this only a vague remembrance of a fanciful inn of Dickens ? Then there was the pilgrim 's inn in the days when Chaucerian folks loved to go on pilgrimages , and in the last century the cyclists inn , and to-day the inn of the automobilist . The particular inn in the poem belongs to the class , rural inn , and in spite of its pictures by noted masters was \u201c stuffy \u201d as to the atmosphere .The \u201c inn album \u201d or visitors \u2019 book is a feature of inns . In this country we simply sign our names in the visitors \u2019 book , but the \u201c album \u201d feature of the visitors \u2019 book of an English inn is its glory and too often its shame , for as Mr. Harper says , \u201c Bathos , ineptitude , and lines that refuse to scan are the stigmata of visitors \u2019 book verse . There is no worse poetry on earth than that which lurks between those covers , or in the pages of young ladies \u2019 albums . \u201d He declares that \u201c The interesting pages of visitors \u2019 books are generally those that are not there , as an Irishman might say ; for the world is populated very densely with those appreciative people who , whether from a love of literature , or with an instinct for collecting autographs that may have a realizable value , remove the signatures of distinguished men , and with them anything original they may have written . \u201d Browning pokes fun at the poetry of his inn album , but at the same time uses it as an important part of the machinery in the action . His English \u201c Iago \u201d writes in it the final damnation of his own character \u2014 the threat by means of which he hopes to ruin his victims , but which , instead , causes the lady to take poison and the young man to murder \u201c Iago . \u201d The presence of the two men at this particular inn is explained in the following bit of conversation between them . \u201c You wrong your poor disciple . Oh , no airs ! Because you happen to be twice my age And twenty times my master , must perforce No blink of daylight struggle through the web There 's no unwinding ? You entoil my legs , And welcome , for I like it : blind me ,\u2014 no ! A very pretty piece of shuttle-work Was that \u2014 your mere chance question at the club \u2014 \u2018 Do you go anywhere this Whitsuntide ? I 'm off for Paris , there 's the Opera \u2014 there 's The Salon , there 's a china-sale ,\u2014 beside Chantilly ; and , for good companionship , There 's Such-and-such and So-and-so . Suppose We start together ? \u2019 \u2018 No such holiday ! \u2019 I told you : \u2018 Paris and the rest be hanged ! Why plague me who am pledged to home-delights ? I 'm the engaged now ; through whose fault but yours ? On duty . As you well know . Do n't I drowse The week away down with the Aunt and Niece ? No help : it 's leisure , loneliness and love . Wish I could take you ; but fame travels fast ,\u2014 A man of much newspaper-paragraph , You scare domestic circles ; and beside Would not you like your lot , that second taste Of nature and approval of the grounds ! You might walk early or lie late , so shirk Week-day devotions : but stay Sunday o'er , And morning church is obligatory : No mundane garb permissible , or dread The butler 's privileged monition ! No ! Pack off to Paris , nor wipe tear away ! \u2019 Whereon how artlessly the happy flash Followed , by inspiration ! \u2018 Tell you what \u2014 Let 's turn their flank , try things on t'other side ! Inns for my money ! Liberty 's the life ! We 'll lie in hiding : there 's the crow-nest nook , The tourist 's joy , the Inn they rave about , Inn that 's out \u2014 out of sight and out of mind And out of mischief to all four of us \u2014 Aunt and niece , you and me . At night arrive ; At morn , find time for just a Pisgah-view Of my friend 's Land of Promise ; then depart . And while I 'm whizzing onward by first train , Bound for our own placeyourself \u2014 Why , you have stepped thence , start from platform , gay Despite the sleepless journey ,\u2014 love lends wings ,\u2014 Hug aunt and niece who , none the wiser , wait The faithful advent ! Eh ? \u2019 \u2018 With all my heart , \u2019 Said I to you ; said I to mine own self : \u2018 Does he believe I fail to comprehend He wants just one more final friendly snack At friend 's exchequer ere friend runs to earth , Marries , renounces yielding friends such sport ? \u2019 And did I spoil sport , pull face grim ,\u2014 nay , grave ? Your pupil does you better credit ! No ! I parleyed with my pass-book ,\u2014 rubbed my pair At the big balance in my banker 's hands ,\u2014 Folded a cheque cigar-case-shape ,\u2014 just wants Filling and signing ,\u2014 and took train , resolved To execute myself with decency And let you win \u2014 if not Ten thousand quite , Something by way of wind-up-farewell burst Of firework-nosegay ! Where 's your fortune fled ? Or is not fortune constant after all ? You lose ten thousand pounds : had I lost half Or half that , I should bite my lips , I think . You man of marble ! Strut and stretch my best On tiptoe , I shall never reach your height . How does the loss feel ! Just one lesson more ! \u201d The more refined man smiles a frown away . On the way to the station where the older man is to take the train they have another talk , in which each tells the other of his experience , but they do not find out yet that they have both loved the same woman . \u201c Stop , my boy ! Do n't think I 'm stingy of experience ! Life \u2014 It 's like this wood we leave . Should you and I Go wandering about there , though the gaps We went in and came out by were opposed As the two poles , still , somehow , all the same , By nightfall we should probably have chanced On much the same main points of interest \u2014 Both of us measured girth of mossy trunk , Stript ivy from its strangled prey , clapped hands At squirrel , sent a fir-cone after crow , And so forth ,\u2014 never mind what time betwixt . So in our lives ; allow I entered mine Another way than you : \u2018 t is possible I ended just by knocking head against That plaguy low-hung branch yourself began By getting bump from ; as at last you too May stumble o'er that stump which first of all Bade me walk circumspectly . Head and feet Are vulnerable both , and I , foot-sure , Forgot that ducking down saves brow from bruise . I , early old , played young man four years since And failed confoundedly : so , hate alike Failure and who caused failure ,\u2014 curse her cant ! \u201d \u201c Oh , I see ! You , though somewhat past the prime , Were taken with a rosebud beauty ! Ah \u2014 But how should chits distinguish ? She admired Your marvel of a mind , I 'll undertake ! But as to body ... nay , I mean ... that is , When years have told on face and figure .... \u201d \u201c Thanks , Mister Sufficiently-Instructed ! Such No doubt was bound to be the consequence To suit your self-complacency : she liked My head enough , but loved some heart beneath Some head with plenty of brown hair a-top After my young friend 's fashion ! What becomes Of that fine speech you made a minute since About the man of middle age you found A formidable peer at twenty-one ? So much for your mock-modesty ! and yet I back your first against this second sprout Of observation , insight , what you please . My middle age , Sir , had too much success ! It 's odd : my case occurred four years ago \u2014 I finished just while you commenced that turn I \u2019 the wood of life that takes us to the wealth Of honeysuckle , heaped for who can reach . Now , I do n't boast : it 's bad style , and beside , The feat proves easier than it looks : I plucked Full many a flower unnamed in that bouquetGood nature sticks into my button-hole . Therefore it was with nose in want of snuff Rather than Ess or Psidium , that I chanced On what \u2014 so far from \u2018 rosebud beauty \u2019 .... Well \u2014 She 's dead : at least you never heard her name ; She was no courtly creature , had nor birth Nor breeding \u2014 mere fine-lady-breeding ; but Oh , such a wonder of a woman ! Grand As a Greek statue ! Stick fine clothes on that , Style that a Duchess or a Queen ,\u2014 you know , Artists would make an outcry : all the more , That she had just a statue 's sleepy grace Which broods o'er its own beauty . Nay , her faultwas just perfection : for suppose Only the little flaw , and I had peeped Inside it , learned what soul inside was like . At Rome some tourist raised the grit beneath A Venus \u2019 forehead with his whittling-knife \u2014 I wish ,\u2014 now ,\u2014 I had played that brute , brought blood To surface from the depths I fancied chalk ! As it was , her mere face surprised so much That I stopped short there , struck on heap , as stares The cockney stranger at a certain bust With drooped eyes ,\u2014 she 's the thing I have in mind ,\u2014 Down at my Brother 's . All sufficient prize \u2014 Such outside ! Now ,\u2014 confound me for a prig !\u2014 Who cares ? I 'll make a clean breast once for all ! Beside , you 've heard the gossip . My life long I 've been a woman-liker ,\u2014 liking means Loving and so on . There 's a lengthy list By this time I shall have to answer for \u2014 So say the good folk : and they do n't guess half \u2014 For the worst is , let once collecting-itch Possess you , and , with perspicacity , Keeps growing such a greediness that theft Follows at no long distance ,\u2014 there 's the fact ! I knew that on my Leporello-list Might figure this , that , and the other name Of feminine desirability , But if I happened to desire inscribe , Along with these , the only Beautiful \u2014 Here was the unique specimen to snatch Or now or never . \u2018 Beautiful \u2019 I said \u2014 \u2018 Beautiful \u2019 say in cold blood ,\u2014 boiling then To tune of \u2018 Haste , secure whate'er the cost This rarity , die in the act , be damned , So you complete collection , crown your list ! \u2019 It seemed as though the whole world , once aroused By the first notice of such wonder 's birth , Would break bounds to contest my prize with me The first discoverer , should she but emerge From that safe den of darkness where she dozed Till I stole in , that country-parsonage Where , country-parson 's daughter , motherless , Brotherless , sisterless , for eighteen years She had been vegetating lily-like . Her father was my brother 's tutor , got The living that way : him I chanced to see \u2014 Her I saw \u2014 her the world would grow one eye To see , I felt no sort of doubt at all ! \u2018 Secure her ! \u2019 cried the devil : \u2018 afterward Arrange for the disposal of the prize ! \u2019 The devil 's doing ! yet I seem to think \u2014 Now , when all 's done ,\u2014 think with \u2018 a head reposed \u2019 In French phrase \u2014 hope I think I meant to do All requisite for such a rarity When I should be at leisure , have due time To learn requirement . But in evil day \u2014 Bless me , at week 's end , long as any year , The father must begin \u2018 Young Somebody , Much recommended \u2014 for I break a rule \u2014 Comes here to read , next Long Vacation . \u2019 \u2018 Young ! \u2019 That did it . Had the epithet been \u2018 rich , \u2019 \u2018 Noble , \u2019 \u2018 a genius , \u2019 even \u2018 handsome , \u2019 \u2014 but \u2014 \u2018 Young ! \u2019 \u201d \u201c I say \u2014 just a word ! I want to know \u2014 You are not married ? \u201d \u201c I ? \u201d \u201c Nor ever were ? \u201d \u201c Never ! Why ? \u201d \u201c Oh , then \u2014 never mind ! Go on ! I had a reason for the question . \u201d \u201c Come ,\u2014 You could not be the young man ? \u201d \u201c No , indeed ! Certainly \u2014 if you never married her ! \u201d \u201c That I did not : and there 's the curse , you 'll see ! Nay , all of it 's one curse , my life 's mistake Which , nourished with manure that 's warranted To make the plant bear wisdom , blew out full In folly beyond field-flower-foolishness ! The lies I used to tell my womankind , Knowing they disbelieved me all the time Though they required my lies , their decent due , This woman \u2014 not so much believed , I 'll say , As just anticipated from my mouth : Since being true , devoted , constant \u2014 she Found constancy , devotion , truth , the plain And easy commonplace of character . No mock-heroics but seemed natural To her who underneath the face , I knew Was fairness \u2019 self , possessed a heart , I judged Must correspond in folly just as far Beyond the common ,\u2014 and a mind to match ,\u2014 Not made to puzzle conjurers like me Who , therein , proved the fool who fronts you , Sir , And begs leave to cut short the ugly rest ! \u2018 Trust me ! \u2019 I said : she trusted . \u2018 Marry me ! \u2019 Or rather , \u2018 We are married : when , the rite ? \u2019 That brought on the collector 's next-day qualm At counting acquisition 's cost . There lay My marvel , there my purse more light by much Because of its late lie-expenditure : Ill-judged such moment to make fresh demand \u2014 To cage as well as catch my rarity ! So , I began explaining . At first word Outbroke the horror . \u2018 Then , my truths were lies ! \u2019 I tell you , such an outbreak , such new strange All-unsuspected revelation \u2014 soul As supernaturally grand as face Was fair beyond example \u2014 that at once Either I lost \u2014 or , if it please you , found My senses ,\u2014 stammered somehow \u2014 \u2018 Jest ! and now , Earnest ! Forget all else but \u2014 heart has loved , Does love , shall love you ever ! take the hand ! \u2019 Not she ! no marriage for superb disdain , Contempt incarnate ! \u201d \u201c Yes , it 's different ,\u2014 It 's only like in being four years since . I see now ! \u201d \u201c Well , what did disdain do next , Think you ? \u201d \u201c That 's past me : did not marry you !\u2014 That 's the main thing I care for , I suppose . Turned nun , or what ? \u201d \u201c Why , married in a month Some parson , some smug crop-haired smooth-chinned sort Of curate-creature , I suspect ,\u2014 dived down , Down , deeper still , and came up somewhere else \u2014 I do n't know where \u2014 I 've not tried much to know ,\u2014 In short , she 's happy : what the clodpoles call \u2018 Countrified \u2019 with a vengeance ! leads the life Respectable and all that drives you mad : Still \u2014 where , I do n't know , and that 's best for both . \u201d \u201c Well , that she did not like you , I conceive . But why should you hate her , I want to know ? \u201d \u201c My good young friend ,\u2014 because or her or else Malicious Providence I have to hate . For , what I tell you proved the turning-point Of my whole life and fortune toward success Or failure . If I drown , I lay the fault Much on myself who caught at reed not rope , But more on reed which , with a packthread 's pith , Had buoyed me till the minute 's cramp could thaw And I strike out afresh and so be saved . It 's easy saying \u2014 I had sunk before , Disqualified myself by idle days And busy nights , long since , from holding hard On cable , even , had fate cast me such ! You boys do n't know how many times men fail Perforce o \u2019 the little to succeed i \u2019 the large , Husband their strength , let slip the petty prey , Collect the whole power for the final pounce . My fault was the mistaking man 's main prize For intermediate boy 's diversion ; clap Of boyish hands here frightened game away Which , once gone , goes forever . Oh , at first I took the anger easily , nor much Minded the anguish \u2014 having learned that storms Subside , and teapot-tempests are akin . Time would arrange things , mend whate'er might be Somewhat amiss ; precipitation , eh ? Reason and rhyme prompt \u2014 reparation ! Tiffs End properly in marriage and a dance ! I said \u2018 We 'll marry , make the past a blank \u2019 \u2014 And never was such damnable mistake ! That interview , that laying bare my soul , As it was first , so was it last chance \u2014 one And only . Did I write ? Back letter came Unopened as it went . Inexorable She fled , I do n't know where , consoled herself With the smug curate-creature : chop and change ! Sure am I , when she told her shaveling all His Magdalen 's adventure , tears were shed , Forgiveness evangelically shown , \u2018 Loose hair and lifted eye , \u2019 \u2014 as some one says . And now , he 's worshipped for his pains , the sneak ! \u201d \u201c Well , but your turning-point of life ,\u2014 what 's here To hinder you contesting Finsbury With Orton , next election ? I do n't see .... \u201d \u201c Not you ! But I see . Slowly , surely , creeps Day by day o'er me the conviction \u2014 here Was life 's prize grasped at , gained , and then let go ! \u2014 That with her \u2014 may be , for her \u2014 I had felt Ice in me melt , grow steam , drive to effect Any or all the fancies sluggish here I \u2019 the head that needs the hand she would not take And I shall never lift now . Lo , your wood \u2014 Its turnings which I likened life to ! Well ,\u2014 There she stands , ending every avenue , Her visionary presence on each goal I might have gained had we kept side by side ! Still string nerve and strike foot ? Her frown forbids : The steam congeals once more : I 'm old again ! Therefore I hate myself \u2014 but how much worse Do not I hate who would not understand , Let me repair things \u2014 no , but sent a-slide My folly falteringly , stumblingly Down , down and deeper down until I drop Upon \u2014 the need of your ten thousand pounds And consequently loss of mine ! I lose Character , cash , nay , common-sense itself Recounting such a lengthy cock-and-bull Adventure \u2014 lose my temper in the act .... \u201d \u201c And lose beside ,\u2014 if I may supplement The list of losses ,\u2014 train and ten-o'clock ! Hark , pant and puff , there travels the swart sign ! So much the better ! You 're my captive now ! I 'm glad you trust a fellow : friends grow thick This way \u2014 that 's twice said ; we were thickish , though , Even last night , and , ere night comes again , I prophesy good luck to both of us ! For see now !\u2014 back to \u2018 balmy eminence \u2019 Or \u2018 calm acclivity , \u2019 or what 's the word ! Bestow you there an hour , concoct at ease A sonnet for the Album , while I put Bold face on , best foot forward , make for house , March in to aunt and niece , and tell the truth \u2014Oh , the niece Is rationality itself ! The aunt \u2014 If she 's amenable to reason too \u2014 Why , you stooped short to pay her due respect , And let the Duke waitIf she grows gracious , I return for you ; If thunder 's in the air , why \u2014 bear your doom , Dine on rump-steaks and port , and shake the dust Of aunty from your shoes as off you go By evening-train , nor give the thing a thought How you shall pay me \u2014 that 's as sure as fate , Old fellow ! Off with you , face left about ! Yonder 's the path I have to pad . You see , I 'm in good spirits , God knows why ! Perhaps Because the woman did not marry you \u2014 Who look so hard at me ,\u2014 and have the right , One must be fair and own . \u201d The two stand still Under an oak . \u201c Look here ! \u201d resumes the youth . \u201c I never quite knew how I came to like You \u2014 so much \u2014 whom I ought not court at all ; Nor how you had a leaning just to me Who am assuredly not worth your pains . For there must needs be plenty such as you Somewhere about ,\u2014 although I can n't say where ,\u2014 Able and willing to teach all you know ; While \u2014 how can you have missed a score like me With money and no wit , precisely each A pupil for your purpose , were it \u2014 ease Fool 's poke of tutor 's honorarium-fee ? And yet , howe'er it came about , I felt At once my master : you as prompt descried Your man , I warrant , so was bargain struck . Now , these same lines of liking , loving , run Sometimes so close together they converge \u2014 Life 's great adventures \u2014 you know what I mean \u2014 In people . Do you know , as you advanced , It got to be uncommonly like fact We two had fallen in with \u2014 liked and loved Just the same woman in our different ways ? I began life \u2014 poor groundling as I prove \u2014 Winged and ambitious to fly high : why not ? There 's something in \u2018 Don Quixote \u2019 to the point , My shrewd old father used to quote and praise \u2014 \u2018 Am I born man ? \u2019 asks Sancho : \u2018 being man , By possibility I may be Pope ! \u2019 So , Pope I meant to make myself , by step And step , whereof the first should be to find A perfect woman ; and I tell you this \u2014 If what I fixed on , in the order due Of undertakings , as next step , had first Of all disposed itself to suit my tread , And I had been , the day I came of age , Returned at head of poll for Westminster \u2014 Nay , and moreover summoned by the Queen At week 's end , when my maiden-speech bore fruit , To form and head a Tory ministry \u2014 It would not have seemed stranger , no , nor been More strange to me , as now I estimate , Than what did happen \u2014 sober truth , no dream . I saw my wonder of a woman ,\u2014 laugh , I 'm past that !\u2014 in Commemoration-week . A plenty have I seen since , fair and foul ,\u2014 With eyes , too , helped by your sagacious wink ; But one to match that marvel \u2014 no least trace , Least touch of kinship and community ! The end was \u2014 I did somehow state the fact , Did , with no matter what imperfect words , One way or other give to understand That woman , soul and body were her slave Would she but take , but try them \u2014 any test Of will , and some poor test of power beside : So did the strings within my brain grow tense And capable of ... hang similitudes ! She answered kindly but beyond appeal . \u2018 No sort of hope for me , who came too late . She was another 's . Love went \u2014 mine to her , Hers just as loyally to some one else . \u2019 Of course ! I might expect it ! Nature 's law \u2014 Given the peerless woman , certainly Somewhere shall be the peerless man to match ! I acquiesced at once , submitted me In something of a stupor , went my way . I fancy there had been some talk before Of somebody \u2014 her father or the like \u2014 To coach me in the holidays ,\u2014 that 's how I came to get the sight and speech of her ,\u2014 But I had sense enough to break off sharp , Save both of us the pain . \u201d \u201c Quite right there ! \u201d \u201c Eh ? Quite wrong , it happens ! Now comes worst of all ! Yes , I did sulk aloof and let alone The lovers \u2014 I disturb the angel-mates ? \u201d \u201c Seraph paired off with cherub ! \u201d \u201c Thank you ! While I never plucked up courage to inquire Who he was , even ,\u2014 certain-sure of this , That nobody I knew of had blue wings And wore a star-crown as he needs must do ,\u2014 Some little lady ,\u2014 plainish , pock-marked girl ,\u2014 Finds out my secret in my woful face , Comes up to me at the Apollo Ball , And pityingly pours her wine and oil This way into the wound : \u2018 Dear f-f-friend , Why waste affection thus on \u2014 must I say , A somewhat worthless object ? Who 's her choice \u2014 Irrevocable as deliberate \u2014 Out of the wide world ? I shall name no names \u2014 But there 's a person in society , Who , blessed with rank and talent , has grown gray In idleness and sin of every sort Except hypocrisy : he 's thrice her age , A by-word for \u201c successes with the sex \u201d As the French say \u2014 and , as we ought to say , Consummately a liar and a rogue , Since \u2014 show me where 's the woman won without The help of this one lie which she believes \u2014 That \u2014 never mind how things have come to pass , And let who loves have loved a thousand times \u2014 All the same he now loves her only , loves Her ever ! if by \u201c won \u201d you just mean \u201c sold , \u201d That 's quite another compact . Well , this scamp , Continuing descent from bad to worse , Must leave his fine and fashionable preyand apply His arts to this poor country ignorance Who sees forthwith in the first rag of man Her model hero ! Why continue waste On such a woman treasures of a heart Would yet find solace ,\u2014 yes , my f-f-friend \u2014 In some congenial \u2014 fiddle-diddle-dee ? \u2019 \u201d \u201c Pray , is the pleasant gentleman described Exact the portrait which my \u2018 f-f-friends \u2019 Recognize as so like ? \u2018 T is evident You half surmised the sweet original Could be no other than myself , just now ! Your stop and start were flattering ! \u201d \u201c Of course Caricature 's allowed for in a sketch ! The longish nose becomes a foot in length , The swarthy cheek gets copper-colored ,\u2014 still , Prominent beak and dark-hued skin are facts : And \u2018 parson 's daughter \u2019 \u2014 \u2018 young man coachable \u2019 \u2014 \u2018 Elderly party \u2019 \u2014 \u2018 four years since \u2019 \u2014 were facts To fasten on , a moment ! Marriage , though \u2014 That made the difference , I hope . \u201d \u201c All right ! I never married ; wish I had \u2014 and then Unwish it : people kill their wives , sometimes ! I hate my mistress , but I 'm murder-free . In your case , where 's the grievance ? You came last , The earlier bird picked up the worm . Suppose You , in the glory of your twenty-one , Had happened to precede myself ! \u2018 t is odds But this gigantic juvenility , This offering of a big arm 's bony hand \u2014 I 'd rather shake than feel shake me , I know \u2014 Had moved my dainty mistress to admire An altogether new Ideal \u2014 deem Idolatry less due to life 's decline Productive of experience , powers mature By dint of usage , the made man \u2014 no boy That 's all to make ! I was the earlier bird \u2014 And what I found , I let fall : what you missed Who is the fool that blames you for ? \u201d They become so deeply interested in this talk that the train is missed , and , in the meantime , the lady who now lives in the neighborhood as the wife of the hard-working country parson meets the young girl at the inn . They are great friends and have come there , at the girl 's invitation , to talk over her prospective husband . She desires her friend to come to her home and meet her fianc\u00e9 , but the lady , who is in constant fear of meeting \u201c Iago , \u201d never goes anywhere , and proposes a meeting with him at the inn . While she waits , \u201c Iago \u201d comes in upon her . There is a terrible scene of recrimination between these two , the man again daring to prefer his love . The lady scorns him . Horror is added to horror when the young man appears at the door , and recognizes the woman he really loves . His faith in her and his love are shaken for a moment , but return immediately and he stands her true friend and lover . The complete despicableness of \u201c Iago 's \u201d nature finally reveals itself in the lines he writes in the album and gives to the lady to read . The poem is too long to quote in full . The closing scene , however , will give the reader a good idea of the poet 's handling of this nineteenth-century tragedy . The true nobility of soul of the younger man links him with Mertoun among Browning 's heroes and represents the Englishman or the man of any country for that matter at his highest . Whether redemption for the older man would have been possible had the lady believed him in the inn parlor is doubtful . Such natures are like Ibsen 's \u201c Peer Gynt . \u201d They need to be put into a button mould and moulded over again . \u201c Here 's the lady back ! So , Madam , you have conned the Album-page And come to thank its last contributor ? How kind and condescending ! I retire A moment , lest I spoil the interview , And mar my own endeavor to make friends \u2014 You with him , him with you , and both with me ! If I succeed \u2014 permit me to inquire Five minutes hence ! Friends bid good-by , you know . \u201d And out he goes . VII She , face , form , bearing , one Superb composure \u2014 \u201c He has told you all ? Yes , he has told you all , your silence says \u2014 What gives him , as he thinks the mastery Over my body and my soul !\u2014 has told That instance , even , of their servitude He now exacts of me ? A silent blush ! That 's well , though better would white ignorance Beseem your brow , undesecrate before \u2014 Ay , when I left you ! I too learn at last \u2014 Hideously learned as I seemed so late \u2014 What sin may swell to . Yes ,\u2014 I needed learn That , when my prophet 's rod became the snake I fled from , it would , one day , swallow up \u2014 Incorporate whatever serpentine Falsehood and treason and unmanliness Beslime earth 's pavement : such the power of Hell , And so beginning , ends no otherwise The Adversary ! I was ignorant , Blameworthy \u2014 if you will ; but blame I take Nowise upon me as I ask myself \u2014 You \u2014 how can you , whose soul I seemed to read The limpid eyes through , have declined so deep Even with him for consort ? I revolve Much memory , pry into the looks and words Of that day 's walk beneath the College wall , And nowhere can distinguish , in what gleams Only pure marble through my dusky past , A dubious cranny where such poison-seed Might harbor , nourish what should yield to-day This dread ingredient for the cup I drink . Do not I recognize and honor truth In seeming ?\u2014 take your truth and for return , Give you my truth , a no less precious gift ? You loved me : I believed you . I replied \u2014 How could I other ? \u2018 I was not my own , \u2019 \u2014 No longer had the eyes to see , the ears To hear , the mind to judge , since heart and soul Now were another 's . My own right in me , For well or ill , consigned away \u2014 my face Fronted the honest path , deflection whence Had shamed me in the furtive backward look At the late bargain \u2014 fit such chapman 's phrase !\u2014 As though \u2014 less hasty and more provident \u2014 Waiting had brought advantage . Not for me The chapman 's chance ! Yet while thus much was true , I spared you \u2014 as I knew you then \u2014 one more Concluding word which , truth no less , seemed best Buried away forever . Take it now Its power to pain is past ! Four years \u2014 that day \u2014 Those lines that make the College avenue ! I would that \u2014 friend and foe \u2014 by miracle , I had , that moment , seen into the heart Of either , as I now am taught to see ! I do believe I should have straight assumed My proper function , and sustained a soul , Nor aimed at being just sustained myself By some man 's soul \u2014 the weaker woman'shYpppHeNwant ! So had I missed the momentary thrill Of finding me in presence of a god , But gained the god 's own feeling when he gives Such thrill to what turns life from death before . \u2018 Gods many and Lords many , \u2019 says the Book : You would have yielded up your soul to me \u2014 Not to the false god who has burned its clay In his own image . I had shed my love Like Spring dew on the clod all flowery thence , Not sent up a wild vapor to the sun that drinks and then disperses . Both of us Blameworthy ,\u2014 I first meet my punishment \u2014 And not so hard to bear . I breathe again ! Forth from those arms \u2019 enwinding leprosy At last I struggle \u2014 uncontaminate : Why must I leave you pressing to the breast That 's all one plague-spot ? Did you love me once ? Then take love 's last and best return ! I think , Womanliness means only motherhood ; All love begins and ends there ,\u2014 roams enough , But , having run the circle , rests at home . Why is your expiation yet to make ? Pull shame with your own hands from your own head Now ,\u2014 never wait the slow envelopment Submitted to by unelastic age ! One fierce throe frees the sapling : flake on flake Lull till they leave the oak snow-stupefied . Your heart retains its vital warmth \u2014 or why That blushing reassurance ? Blush , young blood ! Break from beneath this icy premature Captivity of wickedness \u2014 I warn Back , in God 's name ! No fresh encroachment here ! This May breaks all to bud \u2014 No Winter now ! Friend , we are both forgiven ! Sin no more ! I am past sin now , so shall you become ! Meanwhile I testify that , lying once , My foe lied ever , most lied last of all . He , waking , whispered to your sense asleep The wicked counsel ,\u2014 and assent might seem ; But , roused , your healthy indignation breaks The idle dream-pact . You would die \u2014 not dare Confirm your dream-resolve ,\u2014 nay , find the word That fits the deed to bear the light of day ! Say I have justly judged you ! then farewell To blushing \u2014 nay , it ends in smiles , not tears ! Why tears now ? I have justly judged , thank God ! \u201d He does blush boy-like , but the man speaks out , \u2014 Makes the due effort to surmount himself . \u201c I do n't know what he wrote \u2014 how should I ? Nor How he could read my purpose which , it seems , He chose to somehow write \u2014 mistakenly Or else for mischief 's sake . I scarce believe My purpose put before you fair and plain Would need annoy so much ; but there 's my luck \u2014 From first to last I blunder . Still , one more Turn at the target , try to speak my thought ! Since he could guess my purpose , wo n't you read Right what he set down wrong ? He said \u2014 let 's think ! Ay , so !\u2014 he did begin by telling heaps Of tales about you . Now , you see \u2014 suppose Any one told me \u2014 my own mother died Before I knew her \u2014 told me \u2014 to his cost !\u2014 Such tales about my own dead mother : why , You would not wonder surely if I knew , By nothing but my own heart 's help , he lied , Would you ? No reason 's wanted in the case . So with you ! In they burnt on me , his tales , Much as when madhouse-inmates crowd around , Make captive any visitor and scream All sorts of stories of their keeper \u2014 he 's Both dwarf and giant , vulture , wolf , dog , cat , Serpent and scorpion , yet man all the same ; Sane people soon see through the gibberish ! I just made out , you somehow lived somewhere A life of shame \u2014 I can n't distinguish more \u2014 Married or single \u2014 how , do n't matter much : Shame which himself had caused \u2014 that point was clear , That fact confessed \u2014 that thing to hold and keep . Oh , and he added some absurdity \u2014 That you were here to make me \u2014 ha , ha , ha !\u2014 Still love you , still of mind to die for you , Ha , ha \u2014 as if that needed mighty pains ! Now , foolish as ... but never mind myself \u2014 What I am , what I am not , in the eye Of the world , is what I never cared for much . Fool then or no fool , not one single word In the whole string of lies did I believe , But this \u2014 this only \u2014 if I choke , who cares ?\u2014 I believe somehow in your purity Perfect as ever ! Else what use is God ? He is God , and work miracles He can ! Then , what shall I do ? Quite as clear , my course ! They 've got a thing they call their Labyrinth I \u2019 the garden yonder : and my cousin played A pretty trick once , led and lost me deep Inside the briery maze of hedge round hedge ; And there might I be staying now , stock-still , But that I laughing bade eyes follow nose And so straight pushed my path through let and stop And soon was out in the open , face all scratched , But well behind my back the prison-bars In sorry plight enough , I promise you ! So here : I won my way to truth through lies \u2014 Said , as I saw light ,\u2014 if her shame be shame I 'll rescue and redeem her ,\u2014 shame 's no shame ? Then , I 'll avenge , protect \u2014 redeem myself The stupidest of sinners ! Here I stand ! Dear ,\u2014 let me once dare call you so ,\u2014 you said Thus ought you to have done , four years ago , Such things and such ! Ay , dear , and what ought I ? You were revealed to me : where 's gratitude , Where 's memory even , where the gain of you Discernible in my low after-life Of fancied consolation ? why , no horse Once fed on corn , will , missing corn , go munch Mere thistles like a donkey ! I missed you , And in your place found \u2014 him , made him my love , Ay , did I ,\u2014 by this token , that he taught So much beast-nature that I meant ... God knows Whether I bow me to the dust enough !... To marry \u2014 yes , my cousin here ! I hope That was a master-stroke ! Take heart of hers , And give her hand of mine with no more heart Than now you see upon this brow I strike ! What atom of a heart do I retain Not all yours ? Dear , you know it ! Easily May she accord me pardon when I place My brow beneath her foot , if foot so deign , Since uttermost indignity is spared \u2014 Mere marriage and no love ! And all this time Not one word to the purpose ! Are you free ? Only wait ! only let me serve \u2014 deserve Where you appoint and how you see the good ! I have the will \u2014 perhaps the power \u2014 at least Means that have power against the world . For time \u2014 Take my whole life for your experiment ! If you are bound \u2014 in marriage , say \u2014 why , still , Still , sure , there 's something for a friend to do , Outside ? A mere well-wisher , understand ! I 'll sit , my life long , at your gate , you know , Swing it wide open to let you and him Pass freely ,\u2014 and you need not look , much less Fling me a \u2018 Thank you \u2014 are you there , old friend ? \u2019 Do n't say that even : I should drop like shot ! So I feel now at least : some day , who knows ? After no end of weeks and months and years You might smile \u2018 I believe you did your best ! \u2019 And that shall make my heart leap \u2014 leap such leap As lands the feet in Heaven to wait you there ! Ah , there 's just one thing more ! How pale you look ! Why ? Are you angry ? If there 's , after all , Worst come to worst \u2014 if still there somehow be The shame \u2014 I said was no shame ,\u2014 none ! I swear !\u2014 In that case , if my hand and what it holds ,\u2014 My name ,\u2014 might be your safeguard now \u2014 at once \u2014 Why , here 's the hand \u2014 you have the heart ! Of course \u2014 No cheat , no binding you , because I 'm bound , To let me off probation by one day , Week , month , year , lifetime ! Prove as you propose ! Here 's the hand with the name to take or leave ! That 's all \u2014 and no great piece of news , I hope ! \u201d \u201c Give me the hand , then ! \u201d she cries hastily . \u201c Quick , now ! I hear his footstep ! \u201d Hand in hand The couple face him as he enters , stops Short , stands surprised a moment , laughs away Surprise , resumes the much-experienced man . \u201c So , you accept him ? \u201d \u201c Till us death do part ! \u201d \u201c No longer ? Come , that 's right and rational ! I fancied there was power in common sense , But did not know it worked thus promptly . Well \u2014 At last each understands the other , then ? Each drops disguise , then ? So , at supper-time These masquerading people doff their gear , Grand Turk his pompous turban , Quakeress Her stiff-starched bib and tucker ,\u2014 make-believe That only bothers when , ball-business done , Nature demands champagne and mayonnaise . Just so has each of us sage three abjured His and her moral pet particular Pretension to superiority , And , cheek by jowl , we henceforth munch and joke ! Go , happy pair , paternally dismissed To live and die together \u2014 for a month , Discretion can award no more ! Depart From whatsoe'er the calm sweet solitude Selected \u2014 Paris not improbably \u2014 At month 's end , when the honeycomb 's left wax , \u2014 You , daughter , with a pocketful of gold Enough to find your village boys and girls In duffel cloaks and hobnailed shoes from May To \u2014 what 's the phrase ?\u2014 Christmas-come-never-mas ! You , son and heir of mine , shall re-appear Ere Spring-time , that 's the ring-time , lose one leaf , And \u2014 not without regretful smack of lip The while you wipe it free of honey-smear \u2014 Marry the cousin , play the magistrate , Stand for the country , prove perfection 's pink \u2014 Master of hounds , gay-coated dine \u2014 nor die Sooner than needs of gout , obesity , And sons at Christ Church ! As for me ,\u2014 ah me , I abdicate \u2014 retire on my success , Four years well occupied in teaching youth \u2014 My son and daughter the exemplary ! Time for me to retire now , having placed Proud on their pedestal the pair : in turn , Let them do homage to their master ! You ,\u2014 Well , your flushed cheek and flashing eye proclaim Sufficiently your gratitude : you paid The honorarium , the ten thousand pounds To purpose , did you not ? I told you so ! And you , but , bless me , why so pale \u2014 so faint At influx of good fortune ? Certainly , No matter how or why or whose the fault , I save your life \u2014 save it , nor less nor more ! You blindly were resolved to welcome death In that black boor-and-bumpkin-haunted hole Of his , the prig with all the preachments ! You Installed as nurse and matron to the crones And wenches , while there lay a world outside Like ParisIn company and guidance of \u2014 first , this , Then \u2014 all in good time \u2014 some new friend as fit \u2014 What if I were to say , some fresh myself , As I once figured ? Each dog has his day , And mine 's at sunset : what should old dog do But eye young litters \u2019 frisky puppyhood ? Oh I shall watch this beauty and this youth Frisk it in brilliance ! But do n't fear ! Discreet , I shall pretend to no more recognize My quondam pupils than the doctor nods When certain old acquaintances may cross His path in Park , or sit down prim beside His plate at dinner-table : tip nor wink Scares patients he has put , for reason good , Under restriction ,\u2014 maybe , talked sometimes Of douche or horsewhip to ,\u2014 for why ? because The gentleman would crazily declare His best friend was \u2014 Iago ! Ay , and worse \u2014 The lady , all at once grown lunatic , In suicidal monomania vowed , To save her soul , she needs must starve herself ! They 're cured now , both , and I tell nobody . Why do n't you speak ? Nay , speechless , each of you Can spare ,\u2014 without unclasping plighted troth ,\u2014 At least one hand to shake ! Left-hands will do \u2014 Yours first , my daughter ! Ah , it guards \u2014 it gripes The precious Album fast \u2014 and prudently ! As well obliterate the record there On page the last : allow me tear the leaf ! Pray , now ! And afterward , to make amends , What if all three of us contribute each A line to that prelusive fragment ,\u2014 help The embarrassed bard who broke out to break down Dumbfoundered at such unforeseen success ? \u2018 Hail , calm acclivity , salubrious spot \u2019 You begin \u2014 place aux dames ! I 'll prompt you then ! \u2018 Here do I take the good the gods allot ! \u2019 Next you , Sir ! What , still sulky ? Sing , O Muse ! \u2018 Here does my lord in full discharge his shot ! \u2019 Now for the crowning flourish ! mine shall be .... \u201d \u201c Nothing to match your first effusion , mar What was , is , shall remain your masterpiece ! Authorship has the alteration-itch ! No , I protest against erasure . Read , My friend ! \u201d\u201c Read and quickly read \u2018 Before us death do part , \u2019 what made you mine And made me yours \u2014 the marriage-license here ! Decide if he is like to mend the same ! \u201d And so the lady , white to ghastliness , Manages somehow to display the page With left-hand only , while the right retains The other hand , the young man 's ,\u2014 dreaming-drunk He , with this drench of stupefying stuff , Eyes wide , mouth open ,\u2014 half the idiot 's stare And half the prophet 's insight ,\u2014 holding tight , All the same , by his one fact in the world \u2014 The lady 's right-hand : he but seems to read \u2014 Does not , for certain ; yet , how understand Unless he reads ? So , understand he does , For certain . Slowly , word by word , she reads Aloud that license \u2014 or that warrant , say . \u201c \u2018 One against two \u2014 and two that urge their odds To uttermost \u2014 I needs must try resource ! Madam , I laid me prostrate , bade you spurn Body and soul : you spurned and safely spurned So you had spared me the superfluous taunt \u201c Prostration means no power to stand erect , Stand , trampling on who trampled \u2014 prostrate now ! \u201d So , with my other fool-foe : I was fain Let the boy touch me with the buttoned foil , And him the infection gains , he too must needs Catch up the butcher 's cleaver . Be it so ! Since play turns earnest , here 's my serious fence . He loves you ; he demands your love : both know What love means in my language . Love him then ! Pursuant to a pact , love pays my debt : Therefore , deliver me from him , thereby Likewise delivering from me yourself ! For , hesitate \u2014 much more , refuse consent \u2014 I tell the whole truth to your husband . Flat Cards lie on table , in our gamester-phrase ! Consent \u2014 you stop my mouth , the only way . \u2019 \u201c I did well , trusting instinct : knew your hand Had never joined with his in fellowship Over this pact of infamy . You known \u2014 As he was known through every nerve of me . Therefore I \u2018 stopped his mouth the only way \u2019 But my way ! none was left for you , my friend \u2014 The loyal \u2014 near , the loved one ! No \u2014 no \u2014 no ! Threaten ? Chastise ? The coward would but quail . Conquer who can , the cunning of the snake ! Stamp out his slimy strength from tail to head , And still you leave vibration of the tongue . His malice had redoubled \u2014 not on me Who , myself , choose my own refining fire \u2014 But on poor unsuspicious innocence ; And ,\u2014 victim ,\u2014 to turn executioner Also \u2014 that feat effected , forky tongue Had done indeed its office ! One snake 's \u2018 mouth \u2019 Thus \u2018 open \u2019 \u2014 how could mortal \u2018 stop it \u2019 ? \u201c So ! \u201d A tiger-flash \u2014 yell , spring , and scream : halloo ! Death 's out and on him , has and holds him \u2014 ugh ! But ne trucidet coram populo Juvenis senem ! Right the Horatian rule ! There , see how soon a quiet comes to pass ! The youth is somehow by the lady 's side . His right-hand grasps her right-hand once again . Both gaze on the dead body . Hers the word . \u201c And that was good but useless . Had I lived The danger was to dread : but , dying now \u2014 Himself would hardly become talkative , Since talk no more means torture . Fools \u2014 what fools These wicked men are ! Had I borne four years , Four years of weeks and months and days and nights , Inured me to the consciousness of life Coiled round by his life , with the tongue to ply ,\u2014 But that I bore about me , for prompt use At urgent need , the thing that \u2018 stops the mouth \u2019 And stays the venom ? Since such need was now Or never ,\u2014 how should use not follow need ? Bear witness for me , I withdraw from life By virtue of the license \u2014 warrant , say , That blackens yet this Album \u2014 white again , Thanks still to my one friend who tears the page ! Now , let me write the line of supplement , As counselled by my foe there : \u2018 each a line ! \u2019 \u201d And she does falteringly write to end . \u201c I die now through the villain who lies dead , Righteously slain . He would have outraged me , So , my defender slew him . God protect The right ! Where wrong lay , I bear witness now . Let man believe me , whose last breath is spent In blessing my defender from my soul ! \u201d And so ends the Inn Album . As she dies , Begins outside a voice that sounds like song , And is indeed half song though meant for speech Muttered in time to motion \u2014 stir of heart That unsubduably must bubble forth To match the fawn-step as it mounts the stair . \u201c All 's ended and all 's over ! Verdict found \u2018 Not guilty \u2019 \u2014 prisoner forthwith set free , Mid cheers the Court pretends to disregard ! Now Portia , now for Daniel , late severe , At last appeased , benignant ! \u2018 This young man \u2014 Hem \u2014 has the young man 's foibles but no fault . He 's virgin soil \u2014 a friend must cultivate . I think no plant called \u201c love \u201d grows wild \u2014 a friend May introduce , and name the bloom , the fruit ! \u2019 Here somebody dares wave a handkerchief \u2014 She 'll want to hide her face with presently ! Good-by then ! \u2018 Cigno fedel , cigno fedel , Addio ! \u2019 Now , was ever such mistake \u2014 Ever such foolish ugly omen ? Pshaw ! Wagner , beside ! \u2018 Amo te solo , te Solo amai ! \u2019 That 's worth fifty such ! But , mum , the grave face at the opened door ! \u201d And so the good gay girl , with eyes and cheeks Diamond and damask ,\u2014 cheeks so white erewhile Because of a vague fancy , idle fear Chased on reflection !\u2014 pausing , taps discreet ; And then , to give herself a countenance , Before she comes upon the pair inside , Loud \u2014 the oft-quoted , long-laughed-over line \u2014 \u201c \u2018 Hail , calm acclivity , salubrious spot ! \u2019 Open the door ! \u201d"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 257, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come in ! Heaven hears me !You ? alone ? Oh , no more cursing !", "Say it , Thorold \u2014 do not look", "The curse ! deliver all you come to say !", "What must become of me ? Oh , speak that thought", "Which makes your brow and cheeks so pale !", "All of it !", "You call me kindlier by my name", "Than even yesterday : what is in that ?", "Thorold ? do you mock ? Or no ... and yet you bid me ... say that word !", "What I do forbid", "Your utterance of ! So much that you may tell", "And will not \u2014 how you murdered him ... but , no !", "You 'll tell me that he loved me , never more", "Than bleeding out his life there : must I say", "\u201c Indeed , \u201d to that ? Enough ! I pardon you .", "Oh , true ! There 's nought for me to pardon ! True !", "You loose my soul of all its cares at once .", "Death makes me sure of him for ever ! You", "Tell me his last words ? He shall tell me them ,", "And take my answer \u2014 not in words , but reading", "Himself the heart I had to read him late ,", "Which death ....", "Tell Guendolen", "I loved her , and tell Austin ....", "Ah , Thorold ! Was't not rashly done", "To quench that blood , on fire with youth and hope", "And love of me \u2014 whom you loved too , and yet", "Suffered to sit here waiting his approach", "While you were slaying him ? Oh , doubtlessly", "You let him speak his poor boy 's speech", "\u2014 Do his poor utmost to disarm your wrath", "And respite me !\u2014 you let him try to give", "The story of our love and ignorance ,", "And the brief madness and the long despair \u2014", "You let him plead all this , because your code", "Of honor bids you hear before you strike :", "But at the end , as he looked up for life", "Into your eyes \u2014 you struck him down !", "As I dare approach that Heaven", "Which has not bade a living thing despair ,", "Which needs no code to keep its grace from stain ,", "But bids the vilest worm that turns on it", "Desist and be forgiven ,\u2014 I \u2014 forgive not ,", "But bless you , Thorold , from my soul of souls !", "There ! Do not think too much upon the past !", "The cloud that 's broke was all the same a cloud", "While it stood up between my friend and you ;", "You hurt him \u2018 neath its shadow : but is that", "So past retrieve ? I have his heart , you know ;", "I may dispose of it : I give it you !", "It loves you as mine loves ! Confirm me , Henry !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 257, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["He , sir .", "Let it shine : 55", "I am no mote to play i n't , as great men are .", "What would you wish me ?", "At the well head ? Alas ! what should I doe", "With that enchanted glasse ? See devils there ? 85", "Or", "learne to set my looks", "In an eternall brake , or practise jugling ,", "To keep my face still fast , my heart still loose ;", "Or beare", "Two tongues , and be good only for a shift ; 90", "Flatter great lords , to put them still in minde", "Why they were made lords ; or please humorous ladies", "With a good carriage , tell them idle tales ,", "To make their physick work ; spend a man 's life", "In sights and visitations , that will make 95", "His eyes as hollow as his mistresse heart :", "To doe none good , but those that have no need ;", "To gaine being forward , though you break for haste", "All the commandements ere you break your fast ;", "But beleeve backwards , make your period 100", "And creeds last article , \u201c I beleeve in God \":", "And", "t'unfold their art ,", "Learne to commit them ? Tis a great mans part .", "Shall I learne this there ?", "I , in a thrid-bare suit ; when men come there ,", "They must have high naps , and goe from thence bare :", "A man may drowne the parts of ten rich men", "In one poore suit ; brave barks , and outward glosse", "Attract Court loves , be in parts ne 're so grosse . 110", "What will he send ? some crowns ? It is to sow them", "Upon my spirit , and make them spring a crowne 120", "Worth millions of the seed crownes he will send .", "Like to disparking noble husbandmen ,", "Hee 'll put his plow into me , plow me up ;", "But his unsweating thrift is policie ,", "And learning-hating policie is ignorant 125", "To fit his seed-land soyl ; a smooth plain ground", "Will never nourish any politick seed .", "I am for honest actions , not for great :", "If I may bring up a new fashion ,", "And rise in Court for vertue , speed his plow ! 130", "The King hath knowne me long as well as hee ,", "Yet could my fortune never fit the length", "Of both their understandings till this houre .", "There is a deepe nicke in Times restlesse wheele", "For each mans good , when which nicke comes , it strikes ; 135", "As rhetorick yet workes not perswasion ,", "But only is a meane to make it worke :", "So no man riseth by his reall merit ,", "But when it cries \u201c clincke \u201d in his raisers spirit .", "Many will say , that cannot rise at all , 140", "Mans first houres rise is first step to his fall .", "I'le venture that ; men that fall low must die ,", "As well as men cast headlong from the skie .", "Ent", "Maffe .", "Sir ?", "Who have we here ? 150", "Serve you the Monsieur ?", "Serve you the Monsieur ?", "Crie you mercy !", "Now you have opened my dull eies , I see you ,", "And would be glad to see the good you speake of :", "What might I call your name ?", "Monsieur Maffe ? Then , good Monsieur Maffe ,", "Pray let me know you better .", "Pamphlet !", "Did your great masters goodnesse leave the good ,", "That is to passe your charge to my poore use ,", "To your discretion ?", "That 's very perfect , sir .", "No merit in the world , sir .", "That I am , sir .", "I , and gone without , sir .", "A hundred , sir ! Nay , doe his Highnesse right ;", "I know his hand is larger , and perhaps 185", "I may deserve more than my outside shewes .", "I am a poet as I am a souldier ,", "And I can poetise ; and", "May sing his fame for giving ; yours for delivering", "what he gives . 190", "I care not much", "If to his bounteous Grace I sing the praise", "Of faire great noses , and to you of long ones .", "What qualities have you , sir ,", "? Can your Worship dance ? 195", "How , Ambo , Sir ?", "You call 'd me lately D'Amboys ; has your Worship", "So short a head ?", "Goe , y'are a rascall ; hence , away , you rogue !215", "Hence ! prate no more !", "Or , by thy villans bloud , thou prat'st thy last !", "A barbarous groome grudge at his masters bountie !", "But since I know he would as much abhorre", "His hinde should argue what he gives his friend , 220", "Take that , Sir , for your aptnesse to dispute . Exit .", "Nor doth she use to seeke out any man :", "He that will winne , must wooe her : she 's not shameless .", "\u2018 Save you , ladyes !", "Tis leape yeare , lady , and therefore very 85 good to enter a courtier .", "I can sing pricksong , lady , at first sight ; and why not be a courtier as suddenly ?", "Thinke me not impudent , lady ; I am yet no courtier ; I desire to be one and would gladly take entrance , madam , under your princely colours .", "Doe you alow a man then foure mistresses , when the greatest mistresse is alowed but three servants ?", "Why be judged by the groome-porters . 110", "I , madam , must not they judge of all gamings i'th \u2019 Court ?", "My lord !", "Serve , my lord !", "Saucie ! Companion ! tis the Guise , but yet those termes might have beene spar 'd of the guiserd . Companion ! He 's jealous , by this light . Are you blind of that side , Duke ? Ile to her againe for that . Forth , princely mistresse , 125 for the honour of courtship . Another riddle .", "Cut my throat ? cut a whetstone , young Accius Noevius ! Doe as much with your 130 tongue as he did with a rasor . Cut my throat !", "Cut my throat ! I would the King fear 'd thy cutting of his throat no more than I feare thy cutting of mine .", "That hand dares not doe't ; y'ave cut too many throats already , Guise , and robb 'd the realme of many thousand soules , more precious than thine owne . Come , madam , talk on . Sfoot , can you not talk ? Talk on , I say . Another 145 riddle .", "I will not . I say , mistresse , and I will stand unto it , that if a woman may have three servants , a man may have threescore mistresses . 160", "Whipt ! Such another syllable out a th'presence , if thou dar'st , for thy Dukedome .", "Passion of death ! Were not the King here , he should strow the chamber like a rush .", "I wil not : Ile court her in despight of 170 him . Not court her ! Come madam , talk on ; feare me nothing .Well mai'st thou drive thy master from the Court , but never D'Ambois .", "Now , sir , take your full view : who does the object please ye ?", "So , sir , and was that the subject of your ridiculous joylity ? L'An . What 's that to you , sir ?", "Sir , I have observ 'd all your fleerings ; and resolve your selves yee shall give a strickt 225 account for't .", "So , sir ? Your descants doe marvellous well fit this ground ; we shall meet where your buffonly laughters will cost ye the best blood in your bodies . 240", "Goe , at your pleasures ; Ile be your ghost to haunt you ; and yee sleepe a n't , hang me . 245 L'An . Goe , goe , sir ; court your mistresse .", "Tush , valour stands not in number : Ile maintaine it that one man may beat three boyes . 250", "I should thank you for this kindnesse , 260 if I thought these perfum 'd musk-catsdurst but once mew at us .", "My Lord , 185", "I lothe as much a deed of unjust death ,", "As law it selfe doth ; and to tyrannise ,", "Because I have a little spirit to dare ,", "And power to doe , as to be tyranniz 'd .", "This is a grace that", "190", "I crave , to double this my short lifes gift ,", "And shall your royal bountie centuple ,", "That I may so make good what Law and Nature", "Have given me for my good : since I am free ,", "let no law make , 195", "By any wrong it does , my life her slave :", "When I am wrong 'd , and that Law failes to right me ,", "Let me be King my selfe", "And doe a justice that exceeds the Law :", "If my wrong passe the power of single valour 200", "To right and expiate , then be you my King ,", "And doe a right , exceeding Law and Nature .", "Who to himselfe is law , no law doth need ,", "Offends no law , and is a King indeed .", "What you have given , my lord , is ever yours . Exit Rex cum", "To whom my love hath long been vow 'd in heart , Although in hand , for shew , I held the Duchesse . And now through bloud and vengeance , deeds of height , And hard to be atchiev 'd , tis fit I make 215 Attempt of her perfection . I need feare No check in his rivality , since her vertues Are so renown 'd , and hee of all dames hated . Exit . LINENOTES : Montsurry , and Attendants . A , Beaumond , Nuncius . 11 Where . A , When . 27 their . A , his . 70 Sparkl 'd . So in A ; B , Spakl 'd . 105Emend . ed . : Beau . Qq ; see note 30 , p. 149 . 120 a foot . A , an eie . 128 th \u2019 . A , the . 129 spirit . A , spirits . 133 All slaine outright ? So in A ; B , All slaine outright but hee ? 135 freckled . A , feebled . 166 true . A , full . 185 violent . So in A ; B , daring . 204 law . A , King . 206 cumEmend . ed . : Qq , cum Beau . See note 30 , p. 149 . 207 Mort dieu . A ; B omits . 210-218 And now . . . hated . A omits , inserting instead :", "How shall I quite your love ?", "Thanks , honoured father .", "Madam , \u2018 tis farre from that : I only heard", "By this my honour 'd father that your conscience", "Made some deepe scruple with a false report", "That Barrisors blood should something touch your honour , 275", "Since he imagin 'd I was courting you", "When I was bold to change words with the Duchesse ,", "And therefore made his quarrell , his long love", "And service , as I heare , beeing deepely vowed", "To your perfections ; which my ready presence , 280", "Presum 'd on with my father at this season", "For the more care of your so curious honour ,", "Can well resolve your conscience is most false ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 259, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Lesse than either", "Will make the gall of envie overflow ;", "She feeds on outcast entrailes like a kite : 5", "In which foule heape , if any ill lies hid ,", "She sticks her beak into it , shakes it up ,", "And hurl 's it all abroad , that all may view it .", "Corruption is her nutriment ; but touch her", "With any precious oyntment , and you kill her . 10", "Where she finds any filth in men , she feasts ,", "And with her black throat bruits it through the world", "Being sound and healthfull ; but if she but taste", "The slenderest pittance of commended vertue ,", "She surfets of it , and is like a flie 15", "That passes all the bodies soundest parts ,", "And dwels upon the sores ; or if her squint eie", "Have power to find none there , she forges some :", "She makes that crooked ever which is strait ;", "Calls valour giddinesse , justice tyrannie : 20", "A wise man may shun her , she not her selfe ;", "Whither soever she flies from her harmes ,", "She beares her foe still claspt in her own armes :", "And therefore , cousen Guise , let us avoid her .", "Com'st thou from D'Ambois ?", "Relate at large what thou hast seene and heard .", "Past there no sort of words at their encounter ?", "Such often soonest end .\u2014", "Thy felt report cals on ; we long to know", "On what events the other have arriv 'd .", "All slaine outright ?", "Brother , I know your suit ; these wilfull murthers", "Are ever past our pardon .", "This would make every man that thinks him wrong 'd , 160", "Or is offended , or in wrong or right ,", "Lay on this violence ; and all vaunt themselves", "Law-menders and supplyers , though meere butchers ,", "Should this fact , though of justice , be forgiven .", "Well , brother , rise , and raise your friend withall 180", "From death to life : and , D'Ambois , let your life", "Be purg 'd from more such foule pollution ;", "Nor on your scape , nor valour , more presuming", "To be again so violent .", "Enjoy what thou intreat'st , we give but ours . 205"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 259, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The dawn is overcast , the morning low'rs ,", "And heavily in clouds brings on the day ,", "The great , the important day , big with the fate", "Of Cato and of Rome \u2014\u2014 Our father 's death", "Would fill up all the guilt of civil war ,", "And close the scene of blood . Already Caesar", "Has ravaged more than half the globe , and sees", "Mankind grown thin by his destructive sword :", "Should he go farther , numbers would be wanting", "To form new battles , and support his crimes .", "Ye gods , what havoc does ambition make", "Among your works !", "Believe me , Marcus , \u2018 tis an impious greatness ,", "And mix 'd with too much horror to be envied :", "How does the lustre of our father 's actions ,", "Through the dark cloud of ills that cover him ,", "Break out , and burn with more triumphant brightness !", "His sufferings shine , and spread a glory round him ;", "Greatly unfortunate , he fights the cause", "Of honour , virtue , liberty , and Rome .", "His sword ne'er fell , but on the guilty head ;", "Oppression , tyranny , and pow'r usurp 'd ,", "Draw all the vengeance of his arm upon them .", "Remember what our father oft has told us :", "The ways of Heav'n are dark and intricate ,", "Puzzled in mazes , and perplex 'd with errors ;", "Our understanding traces them in vain ,", "Lost and bewilder 'd in the fruitless search ;", "Nor sees with how much art the windings run ,", "Nor where the regular confusion ends .", "Thou see'st not that thy brother is thy rival ;", "But I must hide it , for I know thy temper .", "Marcus , I know thy gen'rous temper well ;", "Fling but the appearance of dishonour on it ,", "It straight takes fire , and mounts into a blaze .", "Heav'n knows , I pity thee \u2014\u2014 Behold my eyes ,", "Ev'n whilst I speak \u2014 Do they not swim in tears ?", "Were but my heart as naked to thy view ,", "Marcus would see it bleed in his behalf .", "Oh , Marcus ! did I know the way to ease", "Thy troubled heart , and mitigate thy pains ,", "Marcus , believe me , I could die to do it .", "My father has this morning call 'd together", "To this poor hall , his little Roman senate ,", "to consult", "If he can yet oppose the mighty torrent", "That bears down Rome and all her gods before it ,", "Or must at length give up the world to Caesar .", "Alas , Sempronius ! wouldst thou talk of love", "To Marcia , whilst her father 's life 's in danger ?", "Thou might'st as well court the pale , trembling vestal ,", "When she beholds the holy flame expiring .", "Well dost thou seem to check my ling'ring here", "In this important hour \u2014 I 'll straight away ,", "And while the fathers of the senate meet", "In close debate , to weigh th \u2019 events of war ,", "I 'll animate the soldiers \u2019 drooping courage", "With love of freedom and contempt of life ;", "I 'll thunder in their ears their country 's cause ,", "And try to rouse up all that 's Roman in them .", "\u2018 Tis not in mortals to command success ,", "But we 'll do more , Sempronius \u2014 we 'll deserve it ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 266, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Fathers , we once again are met in council ;", "Caesar 's approach has summon 'd us together ,", "And Rome attends her fate from our resolves .", "How shall we treat this bold aspiring man ?", "Success still follows him , and backs his crimes ;", "Pharsalia gave him Rome , Egypt has since", "Received his yoke , and the whole Nile is Caesar 's .", "Why should I mention Juba 's overthrow ,", "And Scipio 's death ? Numidia 's burning sands", "Still smoke with blood . \u2018 Tis time we should decree", "What course to take . Our foe advances on us ,", "And envies us even Lybia 's sultry deserts .", "Fathers , pronounce your thoughts : are they still fix 'd", "To hold it out , and fight it to the last ?", "Or are your hearts subdued at length , and wrought ,", "By time and ill success , to a submission ?", "Sempronius , speak .", "Let not a torrent of impetuous zeal", "Transport thee thus beyond the bounds of reason ;", "True fortitude is seen in great exploits ,", "That justice warrants , and that wisdom guides ;", "All else is tow'ring phrensy and distraction .", "Lucius , we next would know what 's your opinion .", "Let us appear nor rash nor diffident ;", "Immod'rate valour swells into a fault ;", "And fear , admitted into public councils ,", "Betrays like treason . Let us shun them both .", "Fathers , I cannot see that our affairs", "Are grown thus desp'rate : we have bulwarks round us ;", "Within our walls are troops inured to toil", "In Afric 's heat , and season 'd to the sun ;", "Numidia 's spacious kingdom lies behind us ,", "Ready to rise at its young prince 's call .", "While there is hope , do not distrust the gods ;", "But wait , at least , till Caesar 's near approach", "Force us to yield . \u2018 Twill never be too late", "To sue for chains , and own a conqueror .", "Why should Rome fall a moment ere her time ?", "No , let us draw her term of freedom out", "In its full length , and spin it to the last ,", "So shall we gain still one day 's liberty ;", "And let me perish , but in Cato 's judgment ,", "A day , an hour , of virtuous liberty ,", "Is worth a whole eternity in bondage .", "By your permission , fathers \u2014 bid him enter .", "Could he send it", "To Cato 's slaughter 'd friends , it would be welcome .", "Are not your orders to address the senate ?", "My life is grafted on the fate of Rome .", "Would he save Cato , bid him spare his country .", "Tell your dictator this ; and tell him , Cato", "Disdains a life which he has power to offer .", "These very reasons thou hast urged forbid it .", "No more ;", "I must not think of life on such conditions .", "Bid him disband his legions ,", "Restore the commonwealth to liberty ,", "Submit his actions to the public censure ,", "And stand the judgment of a Roman senate .", "Bid him do this , and Cato is his friend .", "Nay , more , though Cato 's voice was ne'er employ 'd", "To clear the guilty , and to varnish crimes ,", "Myself will mount the rostrum in his favour ,", "And strive to gain his pardon from the people .", "Decius , a style like this becomes a Roman .", "Greater than Caesar : he 's a friend to virtue .", "Let him consider that , who drives us hither .", "\u2018 Tis Caesar 's sword has made Rome 's senate little ,", "And thinn 'd its ranks . Alas ! thy dazzled eye", "Beholds this man in a false glaring light ,", "Which conquest and success have thrown upon him ;", "Did'st thou but view him right , thou'dst see him black", "With murder , treason , sacrilege , and crimes", "That strike my soul with horror but to name them .", "I know thou look'st on me as on a wretch", "Beset with ills , and cover 'd with misfortunes ;", "But , by the gods I swear , millions of worlds", "Should never buy me to be like that Caesar .", "His cares for me are insolent and vain :", "Presumptuous man ! the gods take care of Cato .", "Would Caesar show the greatness of his soul ,", "Bid him employ his care for these my friends ,", "And make good use of his ill-gotten pow'r ,", "By sheltering men much better than himself .", "Come ; no more , Sempronius ;", "All here are friends to Rome , and to each other .", "Let us not weaken still the weaker side", "By our divisions .", "Fathers , \u2018 tis time you come to a resolve .", "Then let us rise , my friends , and strive to fill", "This little interval , this pause of life", "With resolution , friendship , Roman bravery ,", "And all the virtues we can crowd into it ;", "That Heav'n may say , it ought to be prolong 'd .", "Fathers , farewell \u2014 The young Numidian prince", "Comes forward , and expects to know our counsels .", "Enter JUBA .", "Juba , the Roman senate has resolved ,", "Till time give better prospects , still to keep", "The sword unsheathed , and turn its edge on Caesar .", "Juba , thy father was a worthy prince ,", "And merited , alas ! a better fate ;", "But Heav'n thought otherwise .", "It is an honest sorrow , and becomes thee .", "I am no stranger to thy father 's greatness .", "And canst thou think", "Cato will fly before the sword of Caesar ?", "Reduced , like Hannibal , to seek relief", "From court to court , and wander up and down", "A vagabond in Afric ?", "Thy nobleness of soul obliges me .", "But know , young prince , that valour soars above", "What the world calls misfortune and affliction .", "These are not ills ; else would they never fall", "On Heav'n ' s first fav'rites , and the best of men .", "The gods , in bounty , work up storms about us ,", "That give mankind occasion to exert", "Their hidden strength , and throw out into practice", "Virtues , which shun the day , and lie conceal 'd", "In the smooth seasons and the calms of life .", "Dost thou love watchings , abstinence , and toil ,", "Laborious virtues all ? Learn them from Cato ;", "Success and fortune must thou learn from Caesar .", "What does Juba say ? Thy words confound me .", "Tell me thy wish , young prince ; make not my ear", "A stranger to thy thoughts .", "What can Juba ask ,", "That Cato will refuse ?", "What wouldst thou say ?", "Adieu , young prince ; I would not hear a word", "Should lessen thee in my esteem . Remember ,", "The hand of fate is over us , and Heav'n", "Exacts severity from all our thoughts .", "It is not now a time to talk of aught", "But chains or conquest , liberty or death ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 266, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Thanks to my stars , I have not ranged about", "The wilds of life , ere I could find a friend ;", "Nature first pointed out my Portius to me ,", "And early taught me , by her secret force ,", "To love thy person , ere I knew thy merit ,", "Till what was instinct , grew up into friendship .", "Portius , thou know'st my soul in all its weakness ;", "Then , pr'ythee , spare me on its tender side ;", "Indulge me but in love , my other passions", "Shall rise and fall by virtue 's nicest rules .", "Alas , thou talk'st like one that never felt", "Th \u2019 impatient throbs and longings of a soul ,", "That pants and reaches after distant good !", "A lover does not live by vulgar time ;", "Believe me , Portius , in my Lucia 's absence", "Life hangs upon me , and becomes a burden ;", "And yet , when I behold the charming maid ,", "I 'm ten times more undone ; while hope and fear ,", "And grief and rage , and love , rise up at once ,", "And with variety of pain distract me .", "Portius , thou oft enjoy'st the fair one 's presence ;", "Then undertake my cause , and plead it to her", "With all the strength and heat of eloquence", "Fraternal love and friendship can inspire .", "Tell her thy brother languishes to death ,", "And fades away , and withers in his bloom ;", "That he forgets his sleep , and loathes his food ;", "That youth , and health , and war , are joyless to him ;", "Describe his anxious days , and restless nights ,", "And all the torments that thou see'st me suffer .", "Wilt thou behold me sinking in my woes ,", "And wilt thou not reach out a friendly arm ,", "To raise me from amidst this plunge of sorrows ?", "I know thou'lt say my passion 's out of season ,", "That Cato 's great example and misfortunes", "Should both conspire to drive it from my thoughts .", "But what 's all this to one that loves like me ?", "O Portius , Portius , from my soul I wish", "Thou did'st but know thyself what \u2018 tis to love !", "Then wouldst thou pity and assist thy brother .", "But see , where Lucia , at her wonted hour ,", "Amid the cool of yon high marble arch ,", "Enjoys the noon-day breeze ! Observe her , Portius ;", "That face , that shape , those eyes , that heav'n of beauty !", "Observe her well , and blame me if thou canst .", "I 'll withdraw ,", "And leave you for a while . Remember , Portius ,", "Thy brother 's life depends upon thy tongue .", "Portius , what hopes ? How stands she ? am I doom 'd", "To life or death ?", "What means this pensive posture ? Thou appear'st", "Like one amazed and terrified .", "Thy downcast looks , and thy disorder 'd thoughts ,", "Tell me my fate . I ask not the success", "My cause has found .", "What , does the barbarous maid insult my heart ,", "My aching heart , and triumph in my pains ?", "That I could cast her from my thoughts for ever !", "Compassionates my pains , and pities me !", "What is compassion , when \u2018 tis void of love ?", "Fool that I was , to choose so cold a friend", "To urge my cause !\u2014 Compassionates my pains !", "Pr'ythee what art , what rhet'ric didst thou use", "To gain this mighty boon ?\u2014 She pities me !", "To one that asks the warm returns of love ,", "Compassion 's cruelty , \u2018 tis scorn , \u2018 tis death \u2014", "What have I said ? Oh ! Portius , Oh , forgive me !", "A soul exasperated in ills , falls out", "With every thing \u2014 its friend , itself \u2014 but hah !", "Oh , for some glorious cause to fall in battle !", "Lucia , thou hast undone me : thy disdain", "Has broke my heart ; \u2018 tis death must give me ease ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 266, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["At length the winds are raised , the storm blows high !", "Be it your care , my friends , to keep it up", "In all its fury , and direct it right ,", "Till it has spent itself on Cato 's head .", "Meanwhile , I 'll herd among his friends , and seem", "One of the number , that , whate'er arrive ,", "My friends and fellow soldiers may be safe .", "Curse on their dastard souls , they stand astonish 'd !", "Confusion to the villains ! all is lost !", "Did not his temples glow", "In the same sultry winds and scorching heats ?", "Cato , commit these wretches to my care ;", "First let them each be broken on the rack ,", "Then , with what life remains , impaled , and left", "To writhe at leisure round the bloody stake ;", "There let them hang , and taint the southern wind .", "The partners of their crime will learn obedience .", "Cato , I execute thy will with pleasure .", "Villain , stand off ; base , grov'ling , worthless wretches ,", "Mongrels in faction , poor faint-hearted traitors !", "Know , villains , when such paltry slaves presume", "To mix in treason , if the plot succeeds ,", "They 're thrown neglected by ; but if it fails ,", "They 're sure to die like dogs , as you shall do .", "Here , take these factious monsters , drag them forth", "To sudden death .", "Dispatch them quick , but first pluck out their tongues ,", "Lest with their dying breath they sow sedition .", "Confusion ! I have fail 'd of half my purpose :", "Marcia , the charming Marcia 's left behind !", "Think not thy friend can ever feel the soft", "Unmanly warmth and tenderness of love .", "Syphax , I long to clasp that haughty maid ,", "And bend her stubborn virtue to my passion :", "When I have gone thus far , I 'd cast her off .", "But how to gain admission ? For access", "Is given to none but Juba , and her brothers .", "Heavens , what a thought is there ! Marcia 's my own !", "How will my bosom swell with anxious joy ,", "When I behold her struggling in my arms ,", "With glowing beauty , and disorder 'd charms ,", "While fear and anger , with alternate grace ,", "Pant in her breast , and vary in her face !", "So Pluto seized off Proserpine , convey 'd", "To hell 's tremendous gloom th \u2019 affrighted maid ;", "There grimly smiled , pleased with the beauteous prize ,", "Nor envied Jove his sunshine and his skies ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 266, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now , tell me , Marcia , tell me from thy soul ,", "If thou believest \u2018 tis possible for woman", "To suffer greater ills than Lucia suffers ?", "Marcia Oh , Lucia , Lucia , might my big swol'n heart", "Vent all its griefs , and give a loose to sorrow ,", "Marcia could answer thee in sighs , keep pace", "With all thy woes , and count out tear for tear .", "I know thou'rt doom 'd alike to be beloved", "By Juba , and thy father 's friend , Sempronius :", "But which of these has power to charm like Portius ?", "And why not Marcia ? Come , you strive in vain", "To hide your thoughts from one who knows too well", "The inward glowings of a heart in love .", "But should this father give you to Sempronius ?", "Sure \u2018 twas the clash of swords ; my troubled heart", "Is so cast down , and sunk amidst its sorrows ,", "It throbs with fear , and aches at ev'ry sound .", "Oh , Marcia , should thy brothers , for my sake \u2014", "I die away with horror at the thought !", "Now , Marcia , now , call up to thy assistance", "Thy wonted strength and constancy of mind ;", "Thou canst not put it to a greater trial .", "What can I think , or say , to give thee comfort ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 266, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I stand astonish 'd ! What , the bold Sempronius ,", "That still broke foremost through the crowd of patriots ,", "As with a hurricane of zeal transported ,", "And virtuous even to madness \u2014", "While pride , oppression , and injustice reign ,", "The world will still demand her Cato 's presence .", "In pity to mankind submit to Caesar ,", "And reconcile thy mighty soul to life .", "The victor never will impose on Cato", "Ungen'rous terms . His enemies confess", "The virtues of humanity are Caesar 's .", "Alas , poor prince ! his fate deserves compassion .", "Oh , Cato , arm thy soul with all its patience ;", "See where the corpse of thy dead son approaches !", "The citizens and senators alarm 'd ,", "Have gather 'd round it , and attend it weeping .", "CATO meeting the Corpse .\u2014 SENATORS attending .", "\u2018 Tis time thou save thyself and us .", "Caesar has mercy , if we ask it of him ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 266, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["It must be so \u2014 Plato , thou reason'st well \u2014", "Else whence this pleasing hope , this fond desire ,", "This longing after immortality ?", "Or whence this secret dread , and inward horror ,", "Of falling into nought ? Why shrinks the soul", "Back on herself , and startles at destruction ?", "\u2018 Tis the divinity that stirs within us ;", "\u2018 Tis Heav'n itself that points out an hereafter ,", "And intimates eternity to man .", "Eternity ! thou pleasing , dreadful thought !", "Through what variety of untried being ,", "Through what new scenes and changes must we pass ?", "The wide , the unbounded prospect lies before me ;", "But shadows , clouds , and darkness , rest upon it .", "Here will I hold . If there 's a Power above us", ", He must delight in virtue ;", "And that which He delights in must be happy .", "But when , or where ?\u2014 this world was made for Caesar :", "I 'm weary of conjectures \u2014 this must end them .", "Enter PORTIUS .", "But , hah ! who 's this ? my son ! Why this intrusion ?", "Were not my orders that I would be private ?", "Why am I disobey 'd ?", "Rash youth , forbear !", "Wouldst thou betray me ? Wouldst thou give me up ,", "A slave , a captive , into Caesar 's hands ?", "Retire , and learn obedience to a father ,", "Or know , young man \u2014", "\u2018 Tis well ! again I 'm master of myself .", "Now , Caesar , let thy troops beset our gates ,", "And bar each avenue ; thy gath'ring fleets", "O'erspread the sea , and stop up ev'ry port ;", "Cato shall open to himself a passage ,", "And mock thy hopes .\u2014\u2014", "Thou hast been ever good and dutiful .", "Portius , thou may'st rely upon my conduct :", "Thy father will not act what misbecomes him .", "But go , my son , and see if aught be wanting", "Among thy father 's friends ; see them embark 'd ,", "And tell me if the winds and seas befriend them .", "My soul is quite weigh 'd down with care , and asks", "The soft refreshment of a moment 's sleep .", "Here set me down \u2014\u2014", "Portius , come near me \u2014 Are my friends embark 'd ?", "Can any thing be thought of for their service ?", "Whilst I yet live , let me not live in vain \u2014\u2014", "Oh , Lucius , art thou here ?\u2014 Thou art too good \u2014", "Let this our friendship live between our children ;", "Make Portius happy in thy daughter Lucia \u2014\u2014", "Marcia , my daughter \u2014\u2014", "Oh , bend me forward !\u2014\u2014 Juba loves thee , Marcia \u2014", "A senator of Rome , while Rome survived ,", "Would not have match 'd his daughter with a king \u2014", "But Caesar 's arms have thrown down all distinction \u2014", "I 'm sick to death \u2014\u2014 Oh , when shall I get loose", "From this vain world , th \u2019 abode of guilt and sorrow !", "And yet , methinks , a beam of light breaks in", "On my departing soul \u2014\u2014 Alas , I fear", "I 've been too hasty !\u2014 Oh , ye powers , that search", "The heart of man , and weigh his inmost thoughts ,", "If I have done amiss , impute it not \u2014\u2014", "The best may err , but you are good , and \u2014 Oh !\u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 266, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The Labour man has got in at the by-election for Barnside , my dear .", "I predicted it . It 's not a matter of vast importance .", "The representation of all parties is necessary for any proper reform , for any proper social policy .", "Want what we 've got !My dear , what are you talking about ?I \u2018 m no alarmist .", "You \u2018 re talking nonsense ! How is it possible for Liberals and Conservatives to join hands , as you call it ? That shows how absurd it is for women \u2014\u2014 Why , the very essence of a Liberal is to trust in the people !", "What !", "Indeed !I am a Liberal ! Drop the subject , please !", "Much good that would have done him in a court of law .", "I suppose I \u2018 m entitled to this name .", "You do n't deserve to be so well out of that .", "If you had n't had me to come to , where would you have been ? It 's the merest accident \u2014 suppose you had been the son of a poor man or a clerk . Obtaining money with a cheque you knew your bank could not meet . It might have ruined you for life . I can n't see what 's to become of you if these are your principles . I never did anything of the sort myself .", "On the contrary , I had not your advantages . My father kept me very short of money .", "It 's not material . The question is , do you feel the gravity of what you did ?", "How much of that forty pounds have you got left , Jack ?", "How much ?", "What ?", "What 's that ? What d \u2018 you want ?", "What d \u2019 you want Mr. John for ?", "Yes , but what do you want him for ?", "A lady , at this time in the morning . What sort of a lady ?", "Is she dressed like one ?", "Did n't she say what she wanted ?", "Where did you leave her ?", "In the hall ? How do you know she 's not a thief \u2014 not got designs on the house ?", "Well , show her in here ; I 'll see her myself .", "Whom did you want to see , madam ?", "I am John Barthwick , madam . What can I have the pleasure of doing for you ?", "It was my son , perhaps , you wished to see ?", "May I ask whom I have the pleasure of speaking to ?", "My son is not very well . If necessary , no doubt I could attend to the matter ; be so kind as to let me know \u2014\u2014", "Yes , madam , what ?", "Your reti \u2014\u2014?", "In what \u2014 in what ?", "Do you tell me that my son \u2014\u2014?", "I beg your pardon .", "How ? Where ?", "May I ask how you knew this house ? Did he give you his name and address ?", "Oh ! you got it out of his overcoat . And may I ask if my son will know you by daylight ?", "Ask Mr. John to come down .", "And how long have you enjoyed his acquaintanceship ?", "I am at a loss \u2014 I repeat I am at a \u2014\u2014", "This young \u2014 er \u2014 lady says that last night \u2014 I think you said last night madam \u2014 you took away \u2014\u2014", "Come , do you deny seeing this young lady last night ?", "Come , sir , do n't turn your back on me \u2014 explain !", "Yes , why did you take the beastly \u2014\u2014", "Do ? You can restore this property , I suppose .", "One moment , please . As a matter of \u2014 - er \u2014 principle , I shall settle this claim .Here is eight pounds ; the extra will cover the value of the purse and your cab fares . I need make no comment \u2014 no thanks are necessary .", "H 'm ! This is nice thing to happen !", "So this is the way that forty pounds has gone ! One thing after another ! Once more I should like to know where you \u2018 d have been if it had n't been for me ! You do n't seem to have any principles . You \u2014 you 're one of those who are a nuisance to society ; you \u2014 you 're dangerous ! What your mother would say I do n't know . Your conduct , as far as I can see , is absolutely unjustifiable . It 's \u2014 it 's criminal . Why , a poor man who behaved as you 've done \u2014 d \u2019 you think he 'd have any mercy shown him ? What you want is a good lesson . You and your sort are \u2014\u2014 a nuisance to the community . Do n't ask me to help you next time . You 're not fit to be helped .", "Well I \u2018 ll say no more about it .I \u2018 ll pass it over for this once , but \u2014\u2014You can clear away .", "What 's that ? The cigarette-box ! Is anything else missing ?", "Was the house all right this morning ? None of the windows open ?", "Who 's been in the room this morning ?", "Have you asked Mrs. Barthwick ?Go and ask your mother if she 's had it ; ask her to look and see if she 's missed anything else .Nothing is more disquieting than losing things like this .", "Have you any suspicions ? MARLOW , No , sir .", "This Mrs. Jones \u2014 how long has she been working here ?", "What sort of person ?", "Who did the room this morning ?", "Now , was this Mrs. Jones in the room alone at any time ?", "How do you know that ?", "And has Wheeler been in the room alone ?", "I want to know this : Has this", "Mrs. Jones been here the whole morning ?", "H 'm ! Is she in the house now ?", "Very good . I shall make a point of clearing this up . On principle I shall make a point of fixing the responsibility ; it goes to the foundations of security . In all your interests \u2014\u2014", "What sort of circumstances is this Mrs. Jones in ? Is her husband in work ?", "Very well . Say nothing about it to any one . Tell", "Wheeler not to speak of it , and ask Mrs. Jones to step up here .", "Well , my dear , you 've not seen it , I suppose ?", "Oh , cook !", "It is not a question of one 's feelings . It 's a question of justice . On principle \u2014\u2014", "I am going to have Mrs. Jones up . Leave it to me ; and \u2014 er \u2014 remember that nobody is guilty until they 're proved so . I shall be careful . I have no intention of frightening her ; I shall give her every chance . I hear she 's in poor circumstances . If we are not able to do much for them we are bound to have the greatest sympathy with the poor .Oh ! good morning , Mrs. Jones .", "About your husband \u2014 he 's not in work , I hear ?", "Then I suppose he 's earning nothing .", "And how many children have you ?", "And how old is the eldest ?", "Do they go to school ?", "And what about their food when you 're out at work ?", "He drinks , I suppose ?", "And I suppose he takes all your money ?", "Now what is he \u2014 your husband ?", "A groom ! How came he to lose his place ?", "When were you married to him , Mrs. Jones ?", "You mean he \u2014 ahem \u2014\u2014", "My dear \u2014\u2014", "And where are you living now , Mrs. Jones ?", "Put your things away ! You mean to \u2014 to \u2014 er \u2014 to pawn them ?", "And what do you pay a week ?", "And I suppose you 're behind in the rent ?", "But you 're in good work , are n't you ?", "I see ; four days a week , and you get half a crown a day , is that it ?", "And when your husband earns anything he spends it in drink , I suppose ?", "Ah ! Yes . We \u2014 er \u2014 wo n't go into that .And how about your work here ? Do you find it hard ?", "Ah ! And you help do all the rooms ? And sometimes , I suppose , you go out for cook ?", "And you \u2018 ve been out this morning ?", "Exactly . So your husband earns nothing ? And he 's a bad character .", "Ah ! I can n't help you there . It 's a very serious thing to leave your husband . Very serious thing .", "H 'm ! Well , that I can n't pretend to say anything about . It 's the bad principle I 'm speaking of \u2014\u2014", "Well \u2014 er \u2014 thank you , I just wanted to hear about you . I do n't think I need detain you any longer , Mrs. Jones .", "Good morning , then .", "By the way , Mrs. Jones \u2014 I think it is only fair to tell you , a silver cigarette-box \u2014 er \u2014 is missing .", "Yes ; you have not seen it , I suppose ?", "Where did Marlow say ? Er \u2014 in this room , yes , in this room .", "You \u2014 you are sure of that ?", "H 'm !", "The curtain falls .", "ACT II"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["That you ? What 's the time ?", "What you back so soon for ?", "Got anything for dinner ?", "Let \u2018 em come and find my surprise packet . I 've had enough o \u2019 this tryin \u2019 for work . Why should I go round and round after a job like a bloomin \u2019 squirrel in a cage . \u201c Give us a job , sir \u201d \u2014 \u201c Take a man on \u201d \u2014 \u201c Got a wife and three children . \u201d Sick of it I am ! I \u2018 d sooner lie here and rot . \u201c Jones , you come and join the demonstration ; come and \u2018 old a flag , and listen to the ruddy orators , and go \u2018 ome as empty as you came . \u201d There 's some that seems to like that \u2014 the sheep ! When I go seekin \u2019 for a job now , and see the brutes lookin \u2019 me up an \u2019 down , it 's like a thousand serpents in me . I \u2018 m not arskin \u2019 for any treat . A man wants to sweat hisself silly and not allowed that 's a rum start , ai n't it ? A man wants to sweat his soul out to keep the breath in him and ai n't allowed \u2014 that 's justice that 's freedom and all the rest of it !You 're so milky mild ; you do n't know what goes on inside o \u2019 me . I 'm done with the silly game . If they want me , let \u2018 em come for me !I 've tried and done with it , I tell you . I 've never been afraid of what \u2018 s before me . You mark my words \u2014 if you think they 've broke my spirit , you 're mistook . I \u2018 ll lie and rot sooner than arsk \u2018 em again . What makes you stand like that \u2014 you long-sufferin \u2019 , Gawd-forsaken image \u2014 that 's why I can n't keep my hands off you . So now you know . Work ! You can work , but you have n't the spirit of a louse !", "I see this BARTHWICK o \u2019 yours every day goin \u2019 down to Pawlyment snug and comfortable to talk his silly soul out ; an \u2019 I see that young calf , his son , swellin \u2019 it about , and goin \u2019 on the razzle-dazzle . Wot \u2018 ave they done that makes \u2018 em any better than wot I am ? They never did a day 's work in their lives . I see \u2018 em day after day .", "I suppose I may go where I like . Where may I go ? The other day I went to a place in the Edgware Road . \u201c Gov'nor , \u201d I says to the boss , \u201c take me on , \u201d I says . \u201c I \u2018 ave n't done a stroke o \u2019 work not these two months ; it takes the heart out of a man , \u201d I says ; \u201c I \u2018 m one to work ; I \u2018 m not afraid of anything you can give me ! \u201d \u201c My good man , \u201d \u2018 e says , \u201c I \u2018 ve had thirty of you here this morning . I took the first two , \u201d he says , \u201c and that 's all I want . \u201d \u201c Thank you , then rot the world ! \u201d I says . \u201c Blasphemin \u2019 , \u201d he says , \u201c is not the way to get a job . Out you go , my lad ! \u201dDo n't you raise your voice because you 're starvin \u2019 ; do n't yer even think of it ; take it lyin \u2019 down ! Take it like a sensible man , car n't you ? And a little way down the street a lady says to me :\u201c D \u2019 you want to earn a few pence , my man ? \u201d and gives me her dog to \u2018 old outside a shop-fat as a butler \u2018 e was \u2014 tons o \u2019 meat had gone to the makin \u2019 of him . It did \u2018 er good , it did , made \u2018 er feel \u2018 erself that charitable , but I see \u2018 er lookin \u2019 at the copper standin \u2019 alongside o \u2019 me , for fear I should make off with \u2018 er bloomin \u2019 fat dog .What 's in that head o \u2019 yours ?Car n't you speak for once ?", "Never you mind what your \u2018 usband says , you go your own way like a proper independent woman . Here , jenny , chuck her that .", "Bit of a surprise for yer , ai n't it ?", "Do n't mention it .", "I \u2018 ve had a bit of luck .Picked up a purse \u2014 seven pound and more .", "Oh , James ! What about Oh , James ! I picked it up I tell you . This is lost property , this is !", "Name ? No , there ai n't no name . This do n't belong to such as \u2018 ave visitin \u2019 cards . This belongs to a perfec \u2019 lidy . Tike an \u2019 smell it .Now , you tell me what I ought to have done . You tell me that . You can always tell me what I ought to ha \u2019 done , can n't yer ?", "Finding 's keeping . I \u2018 ll take it as wages for the time I \u2018 ve gone about the streets asking for what 's my rights . I 'll take it for what 's overdue , d \u2019 ye hear ?I 've got money in my pocket , my girl .Money in my pocket ! And I \u2018 m not goin \u2019 to waste it . With this \u2018 ere money I 'm goin \u2019 to Canada . I 'll let you have a pound .You 've often talked of leavin \u2019 me . You \u2018 ve often told me I treat you badly \u2014 well I \u2018 ope you \u2018 ll be glad when I \u2018 m gone .", "It 'll change my luck . I \u2018 ve \u2018 ad nothing but bad luck since I first took up with you .And you 've \u2018 ad no bloomin \u2019 picnic .", "If you think I want to leave the little beggars you 're bloomin \u2019 well mistaken .", "Well , then , you stow it , old girl . The kids \u2018 ll get along better with you than when I \u2018 m here . If I \u2018 d ha \u2019 known as much as I do now , I \u2018 d never ha \u2019 had one o \u2019 them . What 's the use o \u2019 bringin \u2019 \u2018 em into a state o \u2019 things like this ? It 's a crime , that 's what it is ; but you find it out too late ; that 's what 's the matter with this \u2018 ere world .", "An \u2019 you ai n't the only one . If I make money out there \u2014Leave that coat alone !", "You mind what you 're sayin \u2019 ! When I go out I \u2018 ll take and chuck it in the water along with that there purse . I \u2018 ad it when I was in liquor , and for what you do when you \u2018 re in liquor you 're not responsible-and that 's Gawd 's truth as you ought to know . I do n't want the thing \u2014 I wo n't have it . I took it out o \u2019 spite . I \u2018 m no thief , I tell you ; and do n't you call me one , or it 'll be the worse for you .", "What d \u2019 you mean ?", "I tell you I was in liquor . I do n't want it ; what 's the good of it to me ? If I were to pawn it they 'd only nab me . I \u2018 m no thief . I \u2018 m no worse than wot that young Barthwick is ; he brought \u2018 ome that purse that I picked up \u2014 a lady 's purse \u2014 \u2018 ad it off \u2018 er in a row , kept sayin \u2019 \u2018 e \u2018 d scored \u2018 er off . Well , I scored \u2018 im off . Tight as an owl \u2018 e was ! And d \u2019 you think anything 'll happen to him ?", "Is it then ? I 'll make it hot for \u2018 em yet . What about that purse ? What about young BARTHWICK ?", "Ah , would yer ?", "You drop it \u2014 she 's all right !I took the thing myself .", "Drop it , I say , you blooming teck . She 's my wife ; she \u2018 s a respectable woman . Take her if you dare !", "Drop her , and put up your \u2018 ands , or I \u2018 ll soon make yer . You leave her alone , will yer ! Do n't I tell yer , I took the thing myself ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["John !", "John !", "It 's not the season for them . I called on the", "Holyroods .", "Lady Holyrood has got very stout . I \u2018 ve noticed it coming for a long time .", "No , the lady 's maid . I was talking it over with", "Lady Holyrood . The girl used to have her young man to see her .", "My dear John , what are you talking about ? How could there be any alternative ? Think of the effect on the other servants !", "Lady Holyrood told me : \u201c I had her up , \u201d she said ; \u201c I said to her , \u2018 You 'll leave my house at once ; I think your conduct disgraceful . I can n't tell , I do n't know , and I do n't wish to know , what you were doing . I send you away on principle ; you need not come to me for a character . \u2019 And the girl said : \u2018 If you do n't give me my notice , my lady , I want a month 's wages . I 'm perfectly respectable . I 've done nothing . '\" \u2019 \u2014 Done nothing !", "Servants have too much license . They hang together so terribly you never can tell what they 're really thinking ; it 's as if they were all in a conspiracy to keep you in the dark . Even with Marlow , you feel that he never lets you know what 's really in his mind . I hate that secretiveness ; it destroys all confidence . I feel sometimes I should like to shake him .", "It goes all through the lower classes . You can not tell when they are speaking the truth . To-day when I was shopping after leaving the Holyroods , one of these unemployed came up and spoke to me . I suppose I only had twenty yards or so to walk to the carnage , but he seemed to spring up in the street .", "I did n't answer him , of course . But I could see at once that he was n't telling the truth .", "This man had dreadful eyes . He looked as if he could commit a murder . \u201c I \u2018 ve \u2018 ad nothing to eat to-day , \u201d he said . Just like that .", "I hate people that can n't speak the truth .It \u2018 s just as easy to speak the truth as not . I 've always found it easy enough . It makes it impossible to tell what is genuine ; one feels as if one were continually being taken in .", "But even then it 's so often their own fault . Look at that Mrs. Jones this morning .", "The woman impressed me most unfavourably . She seemed to have no shame . That affair she was talking about \u2014 she and the man when they were young , so immoral ! And before you and Jack ! I could have put her out of the room !", "Perhaps you 'll say the man 's employer was wrong in dismissing him ?", "My dear boy , are n't you drinking too much ?", "Let him come in here , Marlow .", "What a ruffian he must be !", "It 's to be hoped he will get a severe punishment .", "The impudent wretch !", "Something in what ? I do n't understand you . As if my son would bring a man like that into the house !", "What does he say ? Why , of course , he says the whole story 's stuff !", "I should think not , indeed !The man is an audacious ruffian !", "No !I \u2018 ve been inquiring of the servants . This man does hang about the house . I shall feel much safer if he gets a good long sentence ; I do think we ought to be protected against such ruffians .", "John ! it 's simply not fair to other people . It 's putting property at the mercy of any one who likes to take it .", "Nonsense , John , there 's a time for everything .", "I do n't in the least know what you 're talking about . If you can n't stand up for your rights , I can . I \u2018 ve no patience with your principles , it 's such nonsense .", "Jack !", "Well , I think it 's most dreadful ! If that is really what you do at Oxford ?", "Oh , Jack ! do you mean to say you were so tipsy you can n't even remember \u2014\u2014", "I do n't know what you 're talking about ,", "John .", "What ?I insist on knowing .", "Nothing ? What do you mean by nothing , Jack ? There 's your father in such a state about it !", "Your purse ! You know perfectly well you have n't got one .", "Do you mean that you had another person 's purse , and that this man took it too ?", "I do n't understand . What on earth is all the fuss about ?Jack now , tell me dear ! Do n't be afraid . What is it ? Come !", "But do n't what , dear ?", "Out of her hand ? Whose hand ? What bag \u2014 whose bag ?", "A woman ? Oh ! Jack ! No !", "Oh ! it 's not that \u2014\u2014", "I do n't believe that Jack took that purse .", "Here ? She had the impudence ? Why was n't I told ?", "I \u2018 m certain you never let that man into the house , Jack , it 's a wild invention . I 'm sure there 's not a word of truth in it , Mr. Roper .", "Oh , Jack !", "You do n't remember , it 's ridiculous ! I do n't believe the man was ever here at all .", "Jack !", "We want you to speak the truth and say you never let this low man into the house .", "Your leaving the latch-key in the door was quite bad enough , there 's no need to mention anything else .My dear , how hot your head is !", "Goodnight , my boy .", "Mr. Roper , do n't you think the magistrate ought to be told what sort of people these Jones 's are ; I mean about their immorality before they were married . I do n't know if John told you .", "Not material ?", "I simply can n't imagine what Roper means by making a joke of a thing like that !", "You dare to tell me that I have no imagination .", "Rubbish ! You have n't any ! Your principles are nothing in the world but sheer fright !", "I can n't stand that crying . I must send Marlow to stop it . My nerves are all on edge .", "That 's no good ! It 's on my nerves .", "Nothing upsets me like a child 's crying .", "What 's that noise of crying , Marlow ? It sounds like a child .", "Poor little chap ! John , we ought n't to go on with this !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Stay an \u2019 have a cup of tea , Mrs. Rous ?", "You wo n't beat Roberts !", "Madge !", "Roberts will never give up the furnace-men and engineers . \u2018 T would n't be right .", "Miss Enid ! Give Mrs. Underwood a chair ,", "Madge !", "Yes , M 'm ; thank you , M 'm .", "Thank you , M 'm , I 'd no need for it .", "Madge !", "Please to forgive Madge Thomas , M 'm ; she 's a bit upset to-day .", "Yes , M 'm .", "Yes , M 'm .", "They do say that your father , M 'm \u2014\u2014", "I am sorry , M 'm .", "I 'm sorry for any one that gets old , M 'm ; it \u2018 s dreadful to get old , and Mr. Anthony was such a fine old man , I always used to think .", "Yes , M 'm ?", "If you please , M 'm , to put the kettle on again ; Roberts wo n't have long for his tea when he comes in . He 's got to meet the men at four .", "It 's only my weak \u2018 eard , M 'm .", "Roberts is always good to me .", "They tell me I do n't look like a dyin \u2019 woman ?", "Yes , M 'm .", "They say there 's no other way to get better wages , M 'm .", "No , M 'm ?", "But the dividends having been so big , M 'm .", "Yes , M 'm ?", "They say , workin \u2019 so hard , they must have some pleasure .", "Roberts never touches a drop ; and he 's never had a bet in his life .", "Yes , M 'm . Roberts says they 've no chance of other pleasures .", "And they say gentlefolk 's just as bad .", "A lot \u2018 o the men never go near the Public ; but even they do n't save but very little , and that goes if there 's illness .", "The clubs only give up to eighteen shillin 's a week , M 'm , and it 's not much amongst a family . Roberts says workin \u2019 folk have always lived from hand to mouth . Sixpence to-day is worth more than a shillin \u2019 to-morrow , that 's what they say .", "Roberts says a working man 's life is all a gamble , from the time \u2018 e \u2018 s born to the time \u2018 e dies .He says , M 'm , that when a working man 's baby is born , it 's a toss-up from breath to breath whether it ever draws another , and so on all \u2018 is life ; an \u2019 when he comes to be old , it 's the workhouse or the grave . He says that without a man is very near , and pinches and stints \u2018 imself and \u2018 is children to save , there can n't be neither surplus nor security . That 's why he would n't have no children, not though I wanted them .", "No you do n't , M 'm . You 've got your children , and you 'll never need to trouble for them .", "All Roberts 's savin 's have gone . He \u2018 s always looked forward to this strike . He says he 's no right to a farthing when the others are suffering . \u2018 T is n't so with all o \u2019 them ! Some do n't seem to care no more than that \u2014 so long as they get their own .", "No , thank you , M 'm .I 'd \u2014 sooner you did n't see Roberts , M 'm , he gets so wild .", "It 's life an \u2019 death to him , M 'm .", "No , M 'm .", "David !", "Wo n't you stop and eat , David ? You 've \u2018 ad nothing all day !", "It 's the women , David .", "But think o \u2019 the children , David .", "That 's enough , David ; do n't begin to talk of that \u2014 I wo n't \u2014 I can n't \u2014\u2014", "No , no , David \u2014 I wo n't !", "How can you expect it , David ? They 're not made of iron .", "And the women ?", "No , the women may die for all you care . That 's their work .", "Take your overcoat ,", "David ; it must be bitter cold .", "You 'd better take it .", "Well , Jan !", "Thank you , Mr. Thomas .", "Just gone on to the meeting , Mr. Thomas .", "He 'll never give in , Mr. Thomas .", "I do n't know what 'll come to Roberts , if you give in .", "Done for my man , with that \u2014\u2014!", "I 'll just sit quiet , Madge . Give Jan \u2014 his \u2014 tea .", "\u2018 T is all the same !", "Let \u2018 im play , Madge ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Well , I 've spoken to you straight . If I speak till to-morrow I can n't say more .", "They can n't get them . But that wo n't help you . Now men , be reasonable . Your demands would have brought on us the burden of a dozen strikes at a time when we were not prepared for them . The Unions live by justice , not to one , but all . Any fair man will tell you \u2014 you were ill-advised ! I do n't say you go too far for that which you 're entitled to , but you 're going too far for the moment ; you 've dug a pit for yourselves . Are you to stay there , or are you to climb out ? Come !", "Cut your demands to the right pattern , and we \u2018 ll see you through ; refuse , and do n't expect me to waste my time coming down here again . I \u2018 m not the sort that speaks at random , as you ought to know by this time . If you 're the sound men I take you for \u2014 no matter who advises you against it \u2014you \u2018 ll make up your minds to come in , and trust to us to get your terms . Which is it to be ? Hands together , and victory \u2014 or \u2014 the starvation you 've got now ?", "Know ?All that you 've been through , my friend , I \u2018 ve been through \u2014 I was through it when I was no bigger thanthat shaver there ; the Unions then were n't what they are now . What 's made them strong ? It 's hands together that \u2018 s made them strong . I \u2018 ve been through it all , I tell you , the brand 's on my soul yet . I know what you \u2018 ve suffered \u2014 there 's nothing you can tell me that I do n't know ; but the whole is greater than the part , and you are only the part . Stand by us , and we will stand by you .", "I did not say they were paid enough ; I said they were paid as much as the furnace men in similar works elsewhere .", "You may look at home for lies , my man . Harper 's shifts are longer , the pay works out the same .", "Yes , we will .", "I have told you what we will do with them .", "Those who know their right hands from their lefts know that the Unions are neither thieves nor traitors . I \u2018 ve said my say . Figure it out , my lads ; when you want me you know where I shall be .", "Good evening , gentlemen .", "Roberts !", "Roberts !", "Roberts !", "You 're talking without the book ; things have travelled past you .Look at this , man !\u201c Demands conceded , with the exception of those relating to the engineers and furnace-men . Double wages for Saturday 's overtime . Night-shifts as they are . \u201d These terms have been agreed . The men go back to work again to-morrow . The strike is at an end .", "That 's enough , men . You had better go .", "The Board has signed !", "For shame , Roberts ! Go home quietly , man ; go home !", "A woman dead ; and the two best men both broken !", "That 's where the fun comes in !The curtain falls . THE END GALSWORTHY PLAYS \u2014 SECOND SERIES \u2014 NO . 1 Contents : The Eldest Son The Little Dream Justice THE ELDEST SON BY JOHN GALSWORTHY PERSONS OF THE PLAY SIR WILLIAM CHESHIRE , a baronet LADY CHESHIRE , his wife BILL , their eldest son HAROLD , their second son RONALD KEITH, their son-in-law CHRISTINE, their eldest daughter DOT , their second daughter JOAN , their third daughter MABEL LANFARNE , their guest THE REVEREND JOHN LATTER , engaged to Joan OLD STUDDENHAM , the head-keeper FREDA STUDDENHAM , the lady'shYpppHeNmaid YOUNG DUNNING , the under-keeper ROSE TAYLOR , a village girl JACKSON , the butler CHARLES , a footman"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I 'm afraid so , dear .", "My dear ? Another one ?", "Dot , dear !", "Yes , dear , quite calmly .", "But do n't you think , dear , you 'd better not ?", "Quite so , Dot !", "Where 's Bill , Ronny ?", "Oh ! She looks uneasily at the dining-room ; then follows the girls out .", "Oh ! Yes ! I 'm so sorry , Studdenham . The poor girl !", "Yes , I suppose he has made her his superior .", "Is it right to force them ? Do you know what the girl wishes , Studdenham ?", "A spirit ? I see . If they marry like that they 're sure to be miserable .", "Freda 's not looking well , Studdenham .", "I must try and make her eat .", "Do n't be too hard on Dunning . He 's very young .", "A husband and two sons not counting .Bill , now do \u2014\u2014", "Mabel , dear , do take my cue . Wo n't you play too ,", "Bill , and try and stop Ronny , he 's too terrible ?", "Anything wrong , darling ?", "Mabel ! Why ? She 's wanted for rehearsals . I thought you got on so well with her last Christmas .", "The girls like her , so does your father ; personally I must say I think she 's rather nice and Irish .", "I 'm afraid your father 's been talking to you , Bill .", "Debts ? Do try and make allowances .Of course he is a little \u2014\u2014", "I wish I could \u2014\u2014", "It seems almost a pity that you told him .", "Oh !I happen to have a little money , Bill \u2014 I think it would be simpler if \u2014\u2014", "Do n't talk like that , dear !", "It 's only because your father thinks such a lot of the place , and the name , and your career . The Cheshires are all like that . They 've been here so long ; they 're all \u2014 root .", "But , Bill , why must you spend more than your allowance ?", "I 'm afraid we did that . It was inconsiderate , perhaps .", "But why are you so \u2014 Only a little fuss about money !", "You 're not keeping anything from me , are you ?", "Bill , if there 's any real trouble , you will tell me , wo n't you ?", "Is n't it a pity about young Dunning ? I 'm so sorry for Rose Taylor . There is a silence . Stealthily under the staircase FREDA has entered , and seeing only BILL , advances to speak to him .", "It seems dreadful to force him . I do so believe in people doing things of their own accord .Do you want me , Freda ?", "Yes , yes .", "What is it ?", "I have n't seen Bill for two months .", "Come to the billiard-room , both of you ! Bill , do finish those letters ! With a deft movement she draws SIR WILLIAM toward the billiard-room , and glances back at BILL before going out , but he has turned to the writing-table . When the door is closed , BILL looks into the drawing-room , them opens the door under the stairs ; and backing away towards the writing-table , sits down there , and takes up a pen . FREDA who has evidently been waiting , comes in and stands by the table ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Good evening !", "My name is Lamond . I 'm very late I fear .", "Please .", "I 've come to go up the Great Horn at sunrise .", "I am going to try that .", "I have climbed them .", "Oh ! that 's all right ! One must take one 's chance .", "The celebrated Felsman ?", "All but that big fellow .", "Ah ! no . I must go back home to-morrow .", "Alas !", "Six million souls .", "Do you live here all the year ?", "And do n't you want to see the world ?", "Oh God !", "This is by the great English poet . Do you never make poetry here , and dream dreams , among your mountains ?", "You say that ? And you 're the famous Felsman ?", "Can I sleep here ?", "Oh ! thanks ; but that 's all right .", "May I ask your name ?", "Little soul , that means \u2014 does n't it ? To please you I would sleep with seven German gentlemen .", "At your service , then .", "When I 'm there I would be here ; but when I 'm here I would be there .", "Ah ! yes ; there is no one like you in towns .", "Misery .", "And there is death .", "No .", "Except Felsman , and the mountains .", "I would like to eat you !", "I shall come again .", "O wise little soul !", "For the moon ?", "There is nothing in the big world so sweet as this .", "May I kiss you , for good-night ? She puts her face forward ; and he kisses her cheek , and , suddenly , her lips . Then as she draws away .", "I am sorry , little soul .", "Dream well ! Goodnight !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Oh ! They have faces ! The face of THE WINE HORN is the profile of a beardless youth . The face of THE COW HORN is that of a mountain shepherd . solemn , and broom , with fierce black eyes , and a black beard . Between them THE GREAT HORN , whose hair is of snow , has a high . beardless visage , as of carved bronze , like a male sphinx , serene , without cruelty . Far down below the faces of the peaks . above the trough of darkness , are peeping out the four little heads of the flowers of EDELWEISS , and GENTIAN , MOUNTAIN DANDELION , and ALPENROSE ; on their heads are crowns made of their several flowers , all powdered with dewdrops ; and when THE FLOWERS lift their child-faces little tinkling bells ring . All around the peaks there is nothing but blue sky .", "The Cow Horn ! He is speaking for Felsman and the mountains . It is the half of my heart ! THE FLOWERS laugh happily .", "Yes . yes ! I want him . He is strong !", "The voices of COWBELLS and MOUNTAIN AIR cry out together :", "\u201c Clinkel-clink ! Clinkel-clink ! \u201d", "\u201c Mountain air ! Mountain air ! \u201d", "I am afraid . And suddenly the Peak of THE WINE HORN speaks in a youth 's voice .", "He is speaking for the gentle Sir , and the big world of the Town . It pulls my heart .", "He is honey !", "THE FLOWERS ring their bells jealously and cry :", "\u201c Bitter ! Bitter ! \u201d", "My heart ! It is torn !", "He has all things .", "Oh ! it is hard !", "Peace for my heart !", "My heart \u2014 it is leaving me !", "The piping ! Ah !", "Both , both \u2014 I will love ! And suddenly the Peak of THE GREAT HORN speaks ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["They are dancing ! As SHE speaks , from either side come moth-children , meeting and fluttering up the path of light to the Inn doorway ; then wheeling aside , they form again , and again flutter forward .", "They are real ! Their wings are windy . The Youth of THE WINE HORN sings on ; \u201c Lips of my song , To the white maiden 's heart Go ye , and whisper , passionate . These words that burn \u2018 O listening one ! Love that flieth past is gone Nor ever may return ! \u2019 \u201d SEELCHEN runs towards him \u2014 but the light above him fades ; he has become shadow . She turns bewildered to the dancing moth-children \u2014 but they vanish before her . At the door of the Inn stands LAMOND in a dark cloak .", "It is you !", "Shall I be safe ?", "Where am I , here ?", "In the mountains all dance together . Do they never change partners ?", "Shall I one day dance like that ? The Youth of THE WINE HORN appears again beneath the lamp . He strikes a loud chord ; then as SEELCHEN moves towards that sound the lamp goes out ; there is again only blue shadow ; but the couples have disappeared into the Inn , and the doorway has grown dark .", "Ah ! What I do not like , he will not let me see .", "Always to dance ?", "How sad they look \u2014 all ! What are they making ? In the dark doorway of the Inn a light shines out , and in it is seen a figure , visible only from the waist up , clad in gold-cloth studded with jewels , with a flushed complacent face , holding in one hand a glass of golden wine .", "It is beautiful . What is it ?", "What is it standing on ? I cannot see . Unseen , THE WINE HORN 'S mandolin twangs out .", "Can it not walk ?Is that all they make here with their sadness ? But again the mandolin twangs out ; the shutters fall over the houses ; the door of the Inn grows dark .", "Is God here ?", "Life . The mandolin twangs out .", "Ah ! but I do not love .", "I will come .", "I love ! The mandolin twangs out , the doorway for a moment is all glamorous ; and they pass through . Illumined by the glimmer of the lamp the Youth of THE WINE Hour is seen again . And slowly to the chords of his mandolin he begins to sing : \u201c The windy hours through darkness fly Canst hear them little heart ? New loves are born , and old loves die , And kissing lips must part . \u201c The dusky bees of passing years Canst see them , soul of mine \u2014 From flower and flower supping tears , And pale sweet honey wine ?\u201c O flame that treads the marsh of time . Flitting for ever low . Where , through the black enchanted slime . We , desperate , following go Untimely fire , we bid thee stay ! Into dark air above . The golden gipsy thins away \u2014 So has it been with love ! \u201d While he is singing , the moon grows pale , and dies . It falls dark , save for the glimmer of the lamp beneath which he stands . But as his song ends , the dawn breaks over the houses , the lamp goes out \u2014 THE WINE HORN becomes shadow . Then from the doorway of the Inn , in the shrill grey light SEELCHEN comes forth . She is pale , as if wan with living ; her eyes like pitch against the powdery whiteness of her face .", "My heart is old . But as she speaks , from far away is heard a faint chiming of COWBELLS ; and while she stands listening , LAMOND appears in the doorway of the Inn .", "You ! Always you !", "No .", "Listen ! The chime of THE COWBELLS is heard again .", "I do not regret .", "The bird is tired with flying .The flowers have no dew .", "See ! There , in a streak of the dawn , against the plane tree is seen the Shepherd of THE COW HORN , standing wrapped in his mountain cloak .", "He !", "Yes . They are good and sweet . While she moves towards the Inn . LAMOND 'S face becomes transfigured with joy . But just as she reaches the doorway . there is a distant chiming of bells and blowing of pipes , and the Shepherd of THE COW HORN sings : \u201c To the wild grass come , and the dull far roar Of the falling rock ; to the flowery meads Of thy mountain home , where the eagles soar , And the grizzled flock in the sunshine feeds . To the Alp , where I , in the pale light crowned With the moon 's thin horns , to my pasture roam ; To the silent sky , and the wistful sound Of the rosy dawns \u2014 - my daughter , come ! \u201d While HE sings , the sun has risen ; and SEELCHEN has turned . with parted lips , and hands stretched out ; and the forms of death have vanished .", "I come .", "Poor heart \u2014 I am gone !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The dew !Goatherd ! But THE FLOWERS encircle him ; and when they wheel away he has vanished . She turns to THE FLOWERS , but they too vanish . The veils of mist are rising .", "Gone !Thou !", "I do not regret .", "I was tired .", "With what wilt thou keep me ?", "I have known Change \u2014 I am no timid maid .", "Then what hast thou here that shall keep me ?", "To burn me .", "To freeze me .", "Yes , it is lonely .", "See ! Even they grow sleepy here !", "Thou art rude !", "Thou art grim !", "Thine eyes are fierce . In them I see the wild beasts crouching . In them I see the distance . Are they always fierce ?", "Thy hands are rough to pluck flowers .See ! Nothing moves ! The very day stands still . Boy !He is lost in the blue .Boy ! He will not answer me . No one will answer me here .", "Thou ?See ! Sleep has stolen the day ! It is night already . There come the female shadow forms of SLEEP , in grey cobweb garments , waving their arms drowsily , wheeling round her .", "Are you Sleep ? Dear Sleep ! Smiling , she holds out her arms to FELSMAN . He takes her swaying form . They vanish , encircled by the forms of SLEEP . It is dark , save for the light of the thin horned moon suddenly grown bright . Then on his rock , to a faint gaping THE GOATHERD sings : \u201c My goat , my little speckled one . My yellow-eyed , sweet-smelling . Let moon and wind and golden sun And stars beyond all telling Make , every day , a sweeter grass . And multiply thy leaping ! And may the mountain foxes pass And never scent thee sleeping ! Oh ! Let my pipe be clear and far . And let me find sweet water ! No hawk nor udder-seeking jar Come near thee , little daughter ! May fiery rocks defend , at noon , Thy tender feet from slipping ! Oh ! hear my prayer beneath the moon \u2014 Great Master , Goat-God \u2014 skipping ! \u201d There passes in the thin moonlight the Goat-Good Pan ; and with a long wail of the pipe THE GOATHERD BOY is silent . Then the moon fades , and all is black ; till , in the faint grisly light of the false dawn creeping up , SEELCHEN is seen rising from the side of the sleeping FELSMAN . THE GOATHERD BOY has gone ; but by the rock stands the Shepherd of THE COW HORN in his dock .", "Years , years I have slept . My spirit is hungry .I know thee now \u2014 Life of the earth \u2014 the smell of thee , the sight of thee , the taste of thee , and all thy music . I have passed thee and gone by .", "To the edge of the world .", "Friend ! The time is on me .", "I do not regret . The Youth of THE WINE HORN is seen suddenly standing opposite the motionless Shepherd of THE COW HORN ; and his mandolin twangs out .", "Fear not ! I go ever onward .", "Poor heart ! I am gone .", "Companions . I must go . In a moment it will be dawn . In Silence THE COW HORN and THE WINE HORN , cover their faces . The false dawn dies . It falls quite dark ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["And five 's twelve , and three \u2014 fifteen , nineteen , twenty-three , thirty-two , forty-one-and carry four .Five , seven , twelve , seventeen , twenty-four and nine , thirty-three , thirteen and carry one . He again makes a tick . The outer office door is opened , and SWEEDLE , the office-boy , appears , closing the door behind him . He is a pale youth of sixteen , with spiky hair .", "And carry one .", "Five , nine , sixteen , twenty-one , twenty-nine \u2014 and carry two . Send him to Morris 's . What name ?", "What 's his business ?", "A lady ?", "Ask her in . Take this pass-book to Mr. James .", "The young man 's out .State your business , please .", "We do n't allow private callers here . Will you leave a message ?", "It 's all against the rules . Suppose I had my friends here to see me ! It 'd never do !", "Exactly ! And here you are wanting to see a junior clerk !", "But this is a lawyer 's office . Go to his private address .", "Are you related to the party ?", "I do n't know what to say . It 's no affair of the office .", "Dear me ! I can n't tell you that . SWEEDLE comes back . He crosses to the outer office and passes through into it , with a quizzical look at Cokeson , carefully leaving the door an inch or two open .", "This wo n't do , you know , this wo n't do at all . Suppose one of the partners came in ! An incoherent knocking and chuckling is heard from the outer door of the outer office .", "You must n't take up his time in office hours ; we 're a clerk short as it is .", "Life and death !", "Well , I 'll give you a minute . It 's not regular . Taking up a bundle of papers , he goes out into the partners \u2019 room .", "This is n't right , Falder .", "It 's an improper use of these premises .", "You quite understand-the party was in some distress ; and , having children with her , I allowed my feelings \u2014\u2014Just take this ! \u201c Purity in the Home . \u201d It 's a well-written thing .", "And look here , Falder , before Mr. Walter comes , have you finished up that cataloguing Davis had in hand before he left ?", "It 's over a week since Davis went . Now it wo n't do , Falder . You 're neglecting your work for private life . I sha n't mention about the party having called , but \u2014\u2014", "Morning , Mr. Walter .", "Mr. James has been here since eleven o'clock .", "Have you now \u2014 ye \u2014 es . This lease of Boulter 's \u2014 am I to send it to counsel ?", "\u2018 Ave n't bothered him .", "It 's such a little thing \u2014 hardly worth the fees . I thought you 'd do it yourself .", "Just as you like . This \u201c right-of-way \u201d case \u2014 we 've got \u2018 em on the deeds .", "We need n't worry about that . We 're the right side of the law .", "We sha n't want to set ourselves up against the law . Your father would n't waste his time doing that . As he speaks JAMES How comes in from the partners \u2019 room . He is a shortish man , with white side-whiskers , plentiful grey hair , shrewd eyes , and gold pince-nez .", "I 'll just take Boulter 's lease in to young Falder to draft the instructions .", "Ye-es . Nine pounds .", "No ! Nine pounds . My lunch was just coming in ; and of course I like it hot ; I gave the cheque to Davis to run round to the bank . He brought it back , all gold \u2014 you remember , Mr. Walter , you wanted some silver to pay your cab .Here , let me see . You 've got the wrong cheque . He takes cheque-book and pass-book from WALTER .", "It 's funny .", "why this 'd be a felony ! No , no ! there 's some mistake .", "There 's never been anything of that sort in the office the twenty-nine years I 've been here .", "This has upset me .", "His poor young wife . I liked the young man . Dear , oh dear ! In this office !", "I do n't quite take you , sir .", "Ye-es !I 'm sorry for that young man . I feel it as if it was my own son , Mr. James .", "It unsettles you . All goes on regular , and then a thing like this happens . Sha n't relish my lunch to-day .", "It makes you think .He must have had temptation .", "I 'd sooner have lost a month 's salary than had this happen .", "It is n't fifty yards , Mr. James . He wo n't be a minute .", "Eh ? Impossible . Send her away !", "Nothing , Mr. James . A private matter . Here , I 'll come myself .Now , you really must n't \u2014 we can n't have anybody just now .", "Reely ! Reely ! I can n't have it . If you want him , wait about ; he 'll be going out for his lunch directly .", "Good-morning .", "Your father 's in there .", "WALTER crosses and goes into the partners \u2019 room .", "It 's a nahsty , unpleasant little matter , Mr. Cowley . I 'm quite ashamed to have to trouble you .", "Sit down , wo n't you ? I 'm not a sensitive man , but a thing like this about the place \u2014 it 's not nice . I like people to be open and jolly together .", "Of course he 's a young man . I 've told him about it before now \u2014 leaving space after his figures , but he will do it .", "I do n't think we shall be able to show him to you , as a matter of fact . JAMES and WALTER have come back from the partners \u2019 room .", "Just a word , Mr. James .", "You do n't want to upset the young man in there , do you ? He 's a nervous young feller .", "That 'll look after itself , sir . He 's been upset once this morning ; I do n't want him startled again .", "Do you keep dogs ? The cashier , with his eyes fixed on the door , does not answer .", "You have n't such a thing as a bulldog pup you could spare me , I suppose ? At the look on the cashier 's face his jaw drops , and he turns to see FALDER standing in the doorway , with his eyes fixed on COWLEY , like the eyes of a rabbit fastened on a snake .", "There 's only the window \u2014 a whole floor and a basement . The door of FALDER 'S room is quietly opened , and FALDER , with his hat in his hand , moves towards the door of the outer office .", "Good-morning . The cashier goes out through the outer office . COKESON sits down in his chair , as though it were the only place left in the morass of his feelings .", "I do n't understand . I thought young Davis \u2014\u2014", "Step in here a minute .", "Take your time , take your time .", "I could n't leave it .", "No , he sailed on the Monday .", "How 's that ? FALDER gives a sort of lurch ; he tries to pull himself together , but he has gone all to pieces .", "Dear , dear ! what a thing to do !", "However such a thing could have come into your head !", "To break the law like that-in here !", "I should n't be surprised if he was tempted .", "Ye-es , but I 'm speaking of the flesh and the devil , Mr. James . There was a woman come to see him this morning .", "No , no relation .A married person , though .", "Brought her children .There they were outside the office .", "They 're nahsty places-prisons .", "Of course it is .", "I did n't say that \u2014 extenuating circumstances .", "That 's rather \u2018 ex parte \u2019 , Mr. Walter ! We must have protection .", "S'pose I were to have a talk with him . We do n't want to be hard on the young man .", "We must excuse your father . I do n't want to go against your father ; if he thinks it right .", "I really can n't say what I feel .", "He must have known what he was doing .", "Come , come , Mr. Walter . We must try and see it sensible .", "Put it down ! While SWEEDLE is putting it down on COKESON 's table , the detective , WISTER , enters the outer office , and , finding no one there , comes to the inner doorway . He is a square , medium-sized man , clean-shaved , in a serviceable blue serge suit and strong boots .", "Here ! Here ! What are we doing ?", "Robert Cokeson .", "Ye-es .", "Two years . No , I 'm wrong there \u2014 all but seventeen days .", "Except Sundays and holidays .", "He was a nice , pleasant-spoken young man . I 'd no fault to find with him \u2014 quite the contrary . It was a great surprise to me when he did a thing like that .", "No ! To have dishonesty in our office , that 'd never do .", "Every man of business knows that honesty 's \u2018 the sign qua non \u2019 .", "Certainly . We were all very jolly and pleasant together , until this happened . Quite upset me .", "If you ask me , I do n't think he was quite compos when he did it .", "Not compos .", "Well , in my opinion \u2014\u2014 such as it is \u2014 he was jumpy at the time . The jury will understand my meaning .", "Ye-es , I will . I have my lunch in from the restaurant , a chop and a potato \u2014 saves time . That day it happened to come just as Mr. Walter How handed me the cheque . Well , I like it hot ; so I went into the clerks \u2019 office and I handed the cheque to Davis , the other clerk , and told him to get change . I noticed young Falder walking up and down . I said to him : \u201c This is not the Zoological Gardens , Falder . \u201d", "Ye-es : \u201c I wish to God it were ! \u201d Struck me as funny .", "I did .", "His collar was unbuttoned . Now , I like a young man to be neat . I said to him : \u201c Your collar 's unbuttoned . \u201d", "Stared at me . It was n't nice .", "Ye-es , but it was the look in his eyes . I can n't explain my meaning \u2014 it was funny .", "No . If I had I should have spoken to the partners . We can n't have anything eccentric in our profession .", "Well , I did n't like to trouble them about prime facey evidence .", "Ye-es . The clerk Davis could have told you the same .", "I 'm a little deaf .", "Ye-es \u2014 a woman .", "Ye-es .", "Asked to see young Falder ; he was out at the moment .", "I did .", "Well , there you put me in a difficulty . I must n't tell you what the office-boy told me .", "But I think we can get round it . In answer to a question put to her by a third party the woman said to me : \u201c They 're mine , sir . \u201d", "Her children . They were outside .", "Your lordship must n't ask me that , or I shall have to tell you what I was told \u2014 and that 'd never do .", "Egg-zactly .", "A leetle more , sir .", "She did . I should n't like you to have led me to the answer .", "\u201c It 's a matter of life and death . \u201d", "It 's not the sort of thing you like to have said to you .", "Ah ! there I can n't follow you . I did n't see her go .", "No !", "I want you to understand . Have you ever seen a dog that 's lost its master ? He was kind of everywhere at once with his eyes .", "Ye-es , funny .", "Yes , sir , but what may be funny to you may not be funny to me , or to the jury . Did they look frightened , or shy , or fierce , or what ?", "You make it very hard for me . I give you the word , and you want me to give you another .", "Ye-es ; I think it was .", "Ye-es , I think he did .", "No ! He was always clean and quiet .", "The judge is speaking to you . RUTH turns , stares at the JUDGE , and turns away ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Queer-looking affair , Mr. Wooder ! Where did you find it ?", "Had he any set plan ?", "I 'll see him this afternoon . What 's his name ? Moaney ! An old hand , I think ?", "Who 's next him ?", "The Irishman .", "Ah , yes ! \u201c The philosopher . \u201d I want to see him about his eyes .", "Odd things \u2014 those waves .Seem quiet enough out here !", "I 've seen it with horses before thunder \u2014 it 'll run right through cavalry lines . The prison CHAPLAIN has entered . He is a dark-haired , ascetic man , in clerical undress , with a peculiarly steady , tight-lipped face and slow , cultured speech .", "Seen this , Miller ?", "Do for the Museum , eh !That 'll do , thanks , Mr. Wooder .", "Account for the state of the men last day or two ,", "Miller ? Seems going through the whole place .", "By the way , will you dine with us on Christmas Day ?", "Worries me to feel the men discontented .Have to punish this poor devil . Ca n't help liking a man who tries to escape .", "And not much afterwards , I 'm afraid . Ground too hard for golf ? WOODER comes in again .", "What about ?", "No , no . Let 's see him . Do n't go , Miller . WOODER motions to some one without , and as the visitor comes in withdraws . The visitor is COKESON , who is attired in a thick overcoat to the knees , woollen gloves , and carries a top hat .", "We have a good many here .", "What do you want to see me about , sir ?", "Yes , we have that privilege from here ; my office is being done up .Now , please !", "Not unnaturally .", "Those are local prisoners . The convicts serve their three months here in separate confinement , sir .", "Ring the bell-would you , Miller ?You 'd like to hear what the doctor says about him , perhaps .", "Ask the doctor to be good enough to come here for a minute .Let 's see , he 's not married ?", "What was this news then ?", "This gentleman thinks the separate is telling on", "Q 3007 \u2014 Falder , young thin fellow , star class . What do you say ,", "Doctor Clements ?", "I 'll make a point of seeing him to-day .", "If any sign of injury to his health shows itself his case will be reported at once . That 's fully provided for .", "I think you may safely leave it to us , sir .", "As you say , my dear sir , I could n't make an exception ; he wo n't be allowed another visit of any sort till he goes to a convict prison ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Yes .", "Living .", "He did .", "Yes . I 'm not living where I was .", "I could n't stay with Honeywill , after all .", "I 've kept the children with me .", "Yes , I ran across him yesterday .", "He can n't get anything to do . It 's dreadful to see him . He 's just skin and bone .", "He was only there three weeks . It got out .", "I can n't bear his being like that .", "Not now . I could have \u2014 but not now .", "I 've seen him again \u2014 that 's all over .", "I 'd have gone home to my people in the country long ago , but they 've never got over me marrying Honeywill . I never was waywise , Mr. Cokeson , but I 'm proud . I was only a girl , you see , when I married him . I thought the world of him , of course . . . he used to come travelling to our farm .", "He used me worse than ever . He could n't break my nerve , but I lost my health ; and then he began knocking the children about . I could n't stand that . I would n't go back now , if he were dying .", "A man that can n't behave better than that \u2014", "Tried the same as when I left him before ..., making skirts ... cheap things . It was the best I could get , but I never made more than ten shillings a week , buying my own cotton and working all day ; I hardly ever got to bed till past twelve . I kept at it for nine months .Well , I 'm not fit for that ; I was n't made for it . I 'd rather die .", "It was starvation for the children too \u2014 after what they 'd always had . I soon got not to care . I used to be too tired .", "My employer happened then \u2014 he 's happened ever since .", "He 's treated me all right . But I 've done with that .I never thought I 'd see him again , you see . It was just a chance I met him by Hyde Park . We went in there and sat down , and he told me all about himself . Oh ! Mr. Cokeson , give him another chance .", "If he could only get here \u2014 where there 's nothing to find out about him !", "I 've no one else to go to .", "He came with me ; he 's down there in the street .", "It would be the saving of him .", "Thank you . She moves towards the door , turns as if to speak , but does not , and goes away .", "Yes \u2014 only yesterday .", "Yes , Sir ; I love him . She looks miserably at FALDER .", "I could take care of him .", "No .", "Yes .", "Must I , Sir ?", "I want to do the best for him .", "What is it ? He 's not breathing .My dear ! My pretty ! In the outer office doorway the figures of men am seen standing .", "No , no ! No , no ! He 's dead !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Where 's she gone ?", "She and the Governor do n't hit it ! One of these days she 'll flit \u2014 you 'll see . I like her \u2014 she 's a lady ; but these thoroughbred \u2018 uns \u2014 it 's their skin and their mouths . They 'll go till they drop if they like the job , and if they do n't , it 's nothing but jib \u2014 jib \u2014 jib . How was it down there before she married him ?", "Country homes \u2014 I know \u2018 em . What 's her father , the old", "Rector , like ?", "Not a penny , I suppose ?", "The Governor ! BURNEY withdraws through the curtained door . GEORGE DEDMOND enters from the hall . He is in evening dress , opera hat , and overcoat ; his face is broad , comely , glossily shaved , but with neat moustaches . His eyes , clear , small , and blue-grey , have little speculation . His hair is well brushed .", "I asked the mistress , sir .", "Yes , sir .Shall I leave the sunset , sir ? But GEORGE has crossed to the curtained door ; he opens it and says : \u201c Clare ! \u201d Receiving no answer , he goes in . PAYNTER switches up the electric light . His face , turned towards the curtained door , is apprehensive .", "I hardly know , sir .", "She had a mere nothing at seven , sir .", "Yes , sir \u2014 that is , yes . The \u2014 er \u2014 mistress was not dressed at all . A little matter of fresh air , I think ; sir .", "Sir Charles and Lady Dedmond were coming at half-past nine ; and Captain Huntingdon , too \u2014 Mr. and Mrs. Fullarton might be a bit late , sir .", "Not to me , sir .", "Very good , sir .GEORGE stares gloomily at the card tables . BURNEY comes in front the hall .", "The master , my lady ?", "Just so , my lady .", "Yes , sir .", "Mr. and Mrs. Fullarton .", "We are much obliged , ma'am .", "Naturally , ma'am !", "I could n't get you a little anything , ma'am ?", "No , ma'am . Good-night , ma'am ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Kenneth , when this is paid , I shall have made two pound seventeen in the three months , and saved you about three pounds . One hundred and seventeen shillings at tenpence a thousand is one hundred and forty thousand words at fourteen hundred words an hour . It 's only just over an hour a day . Ca n't you get me more ? MALISE lifts the hand that holds his pen and lets it fall again . CLARE puts the cover on the typewriter , and straps it .", "I 'm quite packed . Shall I pack for you ?Ca n't we have more than three days at the sea ?You did sleep last night .", "Bad head ?By this time the day after to-morrow the case will be heard and done with . You 're not worrying for me ? Except for my poor old Dad , I do n't care a bit . MALISE heaves himself out of the chair , and begins pacing up and down .", "Kenneth , do you understand why he does n't claim damages , after what he said that day-here ?It is true that he does n't ?", "But you told me yourself", "Why ?", "How much am I valued at ?", "Will you have to pay ?", "Ca n't you borrow ?", "Will they make you bankrupt , then ?But that does n't mean that you wo n't have your income , does it ?What is your income , Kenneth ?A hundred and fifty from \u201c The Watchfire , \u201d I know . What else ?", "What else ? Tell me .", "Where are you going ?", "Where was it ?", "Give it to me !", "Give it to me !", "Do n't !", "This last business \u2014 what do you mean by that ?", "Please .", "Yes ?", "It 's inhuman !", "Thank you , Mrs. Miler \u2014 I 'm glad to know .", "Do n't !", "Will you go out and do something for me ?Take this with the note to that address \u2014 it 's quite close . He 'll give you thirty pounds for it . Please pay these bills and bring me back the receipts , and what 's over .", "Yes . It was my mother 's .", "Nothing more , Mrs. Miler , not even a wedding ring .", "Mrs. Fullarton ?Ask them to come in .", "Yes ?", "Yes .Now !", "Please tell me quickly , what you 've come for .", "I see . Will you please thank Mr. Dedmond , and say that I refuse ?", "I have just learnt it .", "You are cowards .", "I do mean it . You ruin him because of me . You get him down , and kick him to intimidate me .", "If I were dying , and it would save me , I would n't take a penny from my husband .", "Yes .", "I 'm sorry I called you a coward . It 's the whole thing , I meant .", "Please do n't , Dolly ! Let me be !", "You say George is generous ! If he wanted to be that he 'd never have claimed these damages . It 's revenge he wants \u2014 I heard him here . You think I 've done him an injury . So I did \u2014 when I married him . I do n't know what I shall come to , Dolly , but I sha n't fall so low as to take money from him . That 's as certain as that I shall die .", "After this !", "\u201c If I could be the falling bee , and kiss thee all the day ! \u201d", "No , Dolly !", "Are n't I ?", "You see , I love him .", "Did I ? How funny !", "One does n't always know the future , does one ?", "I love him ! I love him !", "Go away ! Go away !", "I must \u2014 I will keep him . He 's all I 've got .", "Go !", "Well ? \u201c The Watchfire ? \u201d You may as well tell me .", "Then you are to lose that , too ?I know about it \u2014 never mind how .", "There are other things to be got , are n't there ?", "Kenneth , do you care for me ?Am I anything to you but just prettiness ?", "Yes .", "Give me a kiss ! He turns and kisses her . But his lips , after that kiss , have the furtive bitterness one sees on the lips of those who have done what does not suit their mood . He goes out . She is left motionless by the armchair , her throat working . Then , feverishly , she goes to the little table , seizes a sheet of paper , and writes . Looking up suddenly she sees that MRS. MILER has let herself in with her latchkey .", "Take your wages ; and give him this when he comes in . I 'm going away .", "I sha n't be coming back .I 'm leaving Mr. Malise , and sha n't see him again . And the suit against us will be withdrawn \u2014 the divorce suit \u2014 you understand ?", "It 's not you . I can see for myself . Do n't make it harder ; help me . Get a cab .", "Tell him to come for my trunk . It is packed .", "Yes .", "Do n't ! It 's all right . Good-bye ! She walks out and away , not looking back . MRS. MILER chokes her sobbing into the black stuff of her thick old jacket . CURTAIN ACT IV Supper-time in a small room at \u201c The Gascony \u201d on Derby Day . Through the windows of a broad corridor , out of which the door opens , is seen the dark blue of a summer night . The walls are of apricot-gold ; the carpets , curtains , lamp-shades , and gilded chairs , of red ; the wood-work and screens white ; the palms in gilded tubs . A doorway that has no door leads to another small room . One little table behind a screen , and one little table in the open , are set for two persons each . On a service-table , above which hangs a speaking-tube , are some dishes of hors d'ouvres , a basket of peaches , two bottles of champagne in ice-pails , and a small barrel of oysters in a gilded tub . ARNAUD , the waiter , slim , dark , quick , his face seamed with a quiet , soft irony , is opening oysters and listening to the robust joy of a distant supper-party , where a man is playing the last bars of : \u201c Do ye ken John Peel \u201d on a horn . As the sound dies away , he murmurs : \u201c Tres Joli ! \u201d and opens another oyster . Two Ladies with bare shoulders and large hats pass down the corridor . Their talk is faintly wafted in : \u201c Well , I never like Derby night ! The boys do get so bobbish ! \u201d \u201c That horn \u2014 vulgar , I call it ! \u201d ARNAUD 'S eyebrows rise , the corners of his mouth droop . A Lady with bare shoulders , and crimson roses in her hair , comes along the corridor , and stops for a second at the window , for a man to join her . They come through into the room . ARNAUD has sprung to attention , but with : \u201c Let 's go in here , shall we ? \u201d they pass through into the further room . The MANAGER , a gentleman with neat moustaches , and buttoned into a frock-coat , has appeared , brisk , noiseless , his eyes everywhere ; he inspects the peaches .", "Must I order ?", "No .", "You are very kind .", "How d'you do ?", "Where ?", "Yes . As he sits down , ARNAUD returns and stands before them .", "Do they ?", "It does n't matter .", "It 's all right , thank you . The YOUNG MAN sits down again , uncomfortable , nonplussed . There is silence , broken by the inaudible words of the languid lord , and the distant merriment of the supper-party . ARNAUD brings the plovers \u2019 eggs .", "No .", "Everything has a beginning , has n't it ?", "\u2018 Le vin est tire , il faut le boire \u2019 !", "No , I do n't ; really .", "I had the sense to keep them .", "I can n't take , for nothing .", "That 's not your fault , is it ? You see , I 've been beaten all along the line . And I really do n't care what happens to me .I really do n't ; except that I do n't take charity . It 's lucky for me it 's you , and not some \u2014\u2014 The supper-party is getting still more boisterous , and there comes a long view holloa , and a blast of the horn .", "Oh , yes ; I 've had people , and a husband , and \u2014 everything \u2014\u2014 And here I am ! Queer , is n't it ?This is going to my head ! Do you mind ? I sha'n ' t sing songs and get up and dance , and I wo n't cry , I promise you !", "Have you got sisters ?My brother 's in India . I sha'n ' t meet him , anyway .", "Who are those two ?", "You 're not going to find out my name . I have n't got one \u2014 nothing . She leans her bare elbows on the table , and her face on her hands .", "First of June ! This day last year I broke covert \u2014 I 've been running ever since .", "Yes . What 's the other side ? The YOUNG MAN puts out his hand and touches her arm . It is meant for sympathy , but she takes it for attraction .", "Not yet please ! I 'm enjoying this . May", "I have a cigarette ?", "Yes , I 'm enjoying it . Had a pretty poor time lately ; not enough to eat , sometimes .", "Thank you .", "Eat and drink , for tomorrow we \u2014 Listen !", "From the supper-party comes the sound of an abortive chorus :", "\u201c With a hey ho , chivy , hark forrard , hark forrard , tantivy ! \u201d", "Jarring out into a discordant whoop , it sinks .", "\u201c This day a stag must die . \u201d Jolly old song !", "Have n't kept my end up . Lots of women do ! You see : I 'm too fine , and not fine enough ! My best friend said that . Too fine , and not fine enough .I could n't be a saint and martyr , and I would n't be a soulless doll . Neither one thing nor the other \u2014 that 's the tragedy .", "I did try .But what 's the good \u2014 when there 's nothing before you ?\u2014 Do I look ill ?", "A man once said to me : \u201c As you have n't money , you should never have been pretty ! \u201d But , you see , it is some good . If I had n't been , I could n't have risked coming here , could I ? Do n't you think it was rather sporting of me to buy thesewith the last shilling over from my cab fare ?", "It 's no use doing things by halves , is it ? I 'm \u2014 in for it \u2014 wish me luck !In for it \u2014 deep !Down , down , till they 're just above water , and then \u2014 down , down , down , and \u2014 all over ! Are you sorry now you came and spoke to me ?", "Thank God for beauty ! I hope I shall die pretty ! Do you think I shall do well ?", "I want to know . Do you ?", "That 's splendid . Those poor women in the streets would give their eyes , would n't they ?\u2014 that have to go up and down , up and down ! Do you think I \u2014 shall \u2014\u2014 The YOUNG MAN , half-rising , puts his hand on her arm .", "No , thanks .", "Yes . The YOUNG MAN turns to look for the waiter , but ARNAUD is not in the room . He gets up ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Kenneth , when this is paid , I shall have made two pound seventeen in the three months , and saved you about three pounds . One hundred and seventeen shillings at tenpence a thousand is one hundred and forty thousand words at fourteen hundred words an hour . It 's only just over an hour a day . Ca n't you get me more ? MALISE lifts the hand that holds his pen and lets it fall again . CLARE puts the cover on the typewriter , and straps it .", "I 'm quite packed . Shall I pack for you ?Ca n't we have more than three days at the sea ?You did sleep last night .", "Bad head ?By this time the day after to-morrow the case will be heard and done with . You 're not worrying for me ? Except for my poor old Dad , I do n't care a bit . MALISE heaves himself out of the chair , and begins pacing up and down .", "Kenneth , do you understand why he does n't claim damages , after what he said that day-here ?It is true that he does n't ?", "But you told me yourself", "Why ?", "How much am I valued at ?", "Will you have to pay ?", "Ca n't you borrow ?", "Will they make you bankrupt , then ?But that does n't mean that you wo n't have your income , does it ?What is your income , Kenneth ?A hundred and fifty from \u201c The Watchfire , \u201d I know . What else ?", "What else ? Tell me .", "Where are you going ?", "Where was it ?", "Give it to me !", "Give it to me !", "Do n't !", "This last business \u2014 what do you mean by that ?", "Please .", "Yes ?", "It 's inhuman !", "Thank you , Mrs. Miler \u2014 I 'm glad to know .", "Do n't !", "Will you go out and do something for me ?Take this with the note to that address \u2014 it 's quite close . He 'll give you thirty pounds for it . Please pay these bills and bring me back the receipts , and what 's over .", "Yes . It was my mother 's .", "Nothing more , Mrs. Miler , not even a wedding ring .", "Mrs. Fullarton ?Ask them to come in .", "Yes ?", "Yes .Now !", "Please tell me quickly , what you 've come for .", "I see . Will you please thank Mr. Dedmond , and say that I refuse ?", "I have just learnt it .", "You are cowards .", "I do mean it . You ruin him because of me . You get him down , and kick him to intimidate me .", "If I were dying , and it would save me , I would n't take a penny from my husband .", "Yes .", "I 'm sorry I called you a coward . It 's the whole thing , I meant .", "Please do n't , Dolly ! Let me be !", "You say George is generous ! If he wanted to be that he 'd never have claimed these damages . It 's revenge he wants \u2014 I heard him here . You think I 've done him an injury . So I did \u2014 when I married him . I do n't know what I shall come to , Dolly , but I sha n't fall so low as to take money from him . That 's as certain as that I shall die .", "After this !", "\u201c If I could be the falling bee , and kiss thee all the day ! \u201d", "No , Dolly !", "Are n't I ?", "You see , I love him .", "Did I ? How funny !", "One does n't always know the future , does one ?", "I love him ! I love him !", "Go away ! Go away !", "I must \u2014 I will keep him . He 's all I 've got .", "Go !", "Well ? \u201c The Watchfire ? \u201d You may as well tell me .", "Then you are to lose that , too ?I know about it \u2014 never mind how .", "There are other things to be got , are n't there ?", "Kenneth , do you care for me ?Am I anything to you but just prettiness ?", "Yes .", "Give me a kiss ! He turns and kisses her . But his lips , after that kiss , have the furtive bitterness one sees on the lips of those who have done what does not suit their mood . He goes out . She is left motionless by the armchair , her throat working . Then , feverishly , she goes to the little table , seizes a sheet of paper , and writes . Looking up suddenly she sees that MRS. MILER has let herself in with her latchkey .", "Take your wages ; and give him this when he comes in . I 'm going away .", "I sha n't be coming back .I 'm leaving Mr. Malise , and sha n't see him again . And the suit against us will be withdrawn \u2014 the divorce suit \u2014 you understand ?", "It 's not you . I can see for myself . Do n't make it harder ; help me . Get a cab .", "Tell him to come for my trunk . It is packed .", "Yes .", "Do n't ! It 's all right . Good-bye ! She walks out and away , not looking back . MRS. MILER chokes her sobbing into the black stuff of her thick old jacket . CURTAIN ACT IV Supper-time in a small room at \u201c The Gascony \u201d on Derby Day . Through the windows of a broad corridor , out of which the door opens , is seen the dark blue of a summer night . The walls are of apricot-gold ; the carpets , curtains , lamp-shades , and gilded chairs , of red ; the wood-work and screens white ; the palms in gilded tubs . A doorway that has no door leads to another small room . One little table behind a screen , and one little table in the open , are set for two persons each . On a service-table , above which hangs a speaking-tube , are some dishes of hors d'ouvres , a basket of peaches , two bottles of champagne in ice-pails , and a small barrel of oysters in a gilded tub . ARNAUD , the waiter , slim , dark , quick , his face seamed with a quiet , soft irony , is opening oysters and listening to the robust joy of a distant supper-party , where a man is playing the last bars of : \u201c Do ye ken John Peel \u201d on a horn . As the sound dies away , he murmurs : \u201c Tres Joli ! \u201d and opens another oyster . Two Ladies with bare shoulders and large hats pass down the corridor . Their talk is faintly wafted in : \u201c Well , I never like Derby night ! The boys do get so bobbish ! \u201d \u201c That horn \u2014 vulgar , I call it ! \u201d ARNAUD 'S eyebrows rise , the corners of his mouth droop . A Lady with bare shoulders , and crimson roses in her hair , comes along the corridor , and stops for a second at the window , for a man to join her . They come through into the room . ARNAUD has sprung to attention , but with : \u201c Let 's go in here , shall we ? \u201d they pass through into the further room . The MANAGER , a gentleman with neat moustaches , and buttoned into a frock-coat , has appeared , brisk , noiseless , his eyes everywhere ; he inspects the peaches .", "Must I order ?", "No .", "You are very kind .", "How d'you do ?", "Where ?", "Yes . As he sits down , ARNAUD returns and stands before them .", "Do they ?", "It does n't matter .", "It 's all right , thank you . The YOUNG MAN sits down again , uncomfortable , nonplussed . There is silence , broken by the inaudible words of the languid lord , and the distant merriment of the supper-party . ARNAUD brings the plovers \u2019 eggs .", "No .", "Everything has a beginning , has n't it ?", "\u2018 Le vin est tire , il faut le boire \u2019 !", "No , I do n't ; really .", "I had the sense to keep them .", "I can n't take , for nothing .", "That 's not your fault , is it ? You see , I 've been beaten all along the line . And I really do n't care what happens to me .I really do n't ; except that I do n't take charity . It 's lucky for me it 's you , and not some \u2014\u2014 The supper-party is getting still more boisterous , and there comes a long view holloa , and a blast of the horn .", "Oh , yes ; I 've had people , and a husband , and \u2014 everything \u2014\u2014 And here I am ! Queer , is n't it ?This is going to my head ! Do you mind ? I sha'n ' t sing songs and get up and dance , and I wo n't cry , I promise you !", "Have you got sisters ?My brother 's in India . I sha'n ' t meet him , anyway .", "Who are those two ?", "You 're not going to find out my name . I have n't got one \u2014 nothing . She leans her bare elbows on the table , and her face on her hands .", "First of June ! This day last year I broke covert \u2014 I 've been running ever since .", "Yes . What 's the other side ? The YOUNG MAN puts out his hand and touches her arm . It is meant for sympathy , but she takes it for attraction .", "Not yet please ! I 'm enjoying this . May", "I have a cigarette ?", "Yes , I 'm enjoying it . Had a pretty poor time lately ; not enough to eat , sometimes .", "Thank you .", "Eat and drink , for tomorrow we \u2014 Listen !", "From the supper-party comes the sound of an abortive chorus :", "\u201c With a hey ho , chivy , hark forrard , hark forrard , tantivy ! \u201d", "Jarring out into a discordant whoop , it sinks .", "\u201c This day a stag must die . \u201d Jolly old song !", "Have n't kept my end up . Lots of women do ! You see : I 'm too fine , and not fine enough ! My best friend said that . Too fine , and not fine enough .I could n't be a saint and martyr , and I would n't be a soulless doll . Neither one thing nor the other \u2014 that 's the tragedy .", "I did try .But what 's the good \u2014 when there 's nothing before you ?\u2014 Do I look ill ?", "A man once said to me : \u201c As you have n't money , you should never have been pretty ! \u201d But , you see , it is some good . If I had n't been , I could n't have risked coming here , could I ? Do n't you think it was rather sporting of me to buy thesewith the last shilling over from my cab fare ?", "It 's no use doing things by halves , is it ? I 'm \u2014 in for it \u2014 wish me luck !In for it \u2014 deep !Down , down , till they 're just above water , and then \u2014 down , down , down , and \u2014 all over ! Are you sorry now you came and spoke to me ?", "Thank God for beauty ! I hope I shall die pretty ! Do you think I shall do well ?", "I want to know . Do you ?", "That 's splendid . Those poor women in the streets would give their eyes , would n't they ?\u2014 that have to go up and down , up and down ! Do you think I \u2014 shall \u2014\u2014 The YOUNG MAN , half-rising , puts his hand on her arm .", "No , thanks .", "Yes . The YOUNG MAN turns to look for the waiter , but ARNAUD is not in the room . He gets up ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I can n't help it .", "To follow my conscience ? That 's new , Mendip .", "God made them , Dean .", "If I hit a little man in the eye , and he hits me back , have I the right to chastise him ?", "What ! With our missionaries and our trading ?", "They went into a wild country , against the feeling of the tribes , on their own business . What has the nation to do with the mishaps of gamblers ?", "Sometimes ; but with all my soul I deny the fantastic superstition that our rule can benefit a people like this , a nation of one race , as different from ourselves as dark from light \u2014 in colour , religion , every mortal thing . We can only pervert their natural instincts .", "Big ones could let little ones alone .", "I hope to serve her fifty , Sir John , and I say she is .", "They 'll be said by me to-night , Mendip .", "You can tell people that to-morrow , Mendip . Give it a leader in \u2018 The Parthenon \u2019 .", "I 've made no secret of my feelings all along . I 'm against this war , and against the annexation we all know it will lead to .", "I 'm not out for advertisement .", "Must speak the truth sometimes , even at that risk .", "Nations are bad judges of their honour , Dean .", "No . It 's an awkward word .", "Is a man only to hold beliefs when they 're popular ? You 've stood up to be shot at often enough , Sir John .", "You admit the show-up ?", "My country , right or wrong ! Guilty \u2014 still my country !", "I 'll have no truck with tyranny .", "Sir John , we great Powers have got to change our ways in dealing with weaker nations . The very dogs can give us lessons \u2014 watch a big dog with a little one .", "There 's no reason in the world , Mendip , why the rules of chivalry should not apply to nations at least as well as to \u2014 - dogs .", "This cause is not lost .", "Because general sentiment 's against me , I \u2014 a public man \u2014 am to deny my faith ? The point is not whether I 'm right or wrong , Mendip , but whether I 'm to sneak out of my conviction because it 's unpopular .", "I am not ! But I prefer to fight some one my own size .", "What ? When d'you sail ?", "Poor Helen !", "I must speak , Hubert .", "You 're not shirking your duty because of your wife .", "Must risk something , sometimes , Hubert \u2014 even in my profession !", "You know my feeling .", "I tell you , Kit , some one must raise a voice . Two or three reverses \u2014 certain to come \u2014 and the whole country will go wild . And one more little nation will cease to live .", "Is that your faith ?", "I respect it ; I even understand it ; but \u2014 I can n't hold it .", "Dogs will bark . These things soon blow over .", "History wo n't say : \u201c And this they did without a single protest from their public men ! \u201d", "Poets ?", "Love her !", "Would you have asked me \u2014 then , Kit ?", "Kit ! This is n't fair . Do you want me to feel myself a cur ?", "A cur ! He seems about to tear his notes across . Then , changing his mind , turns them over and over , muttering . His voice gradually grows louder , till he is declaiming to the empty room the peroration of his speech .", "We have arrogated to our land the title Champion of Freedom , Foe of Oppression . Is that indeed a bygone glory ? Is it not worth some sacrifice of our pettier dignity , to avoid laying another stone upon its grave ; to avoid placing before the searchlight eyes of History the spectacle of yet one more piece of national cynicism ? We are about to force our will and our dominion on a race that has always been free , that loves its country , and its independence , as much as ever we love ours . I cannot sit silent to-night and see this begin . As we are tender of our own land , so we should be of the lands of others . I love my country . It is because I love my country that I raise my voice . Warlike in spirit these people may be \u2014 but they have no chance against ourselves . And war on such , however agreeable to the blind moment , is odious to the future . The great heart of mankind ever beats in sense and sympathy with the weaker . It is against this great heart of mankind that we are going . In the name of Justice and Civilization we pursue this policy ; but by Justice we shall hereafter be judged , and by Civilization \u2014 condemned . While he is speaking , a little figure has flown along the terrace outside , in the direction of the music , but has stopped at the sound of his voice , and stands in the open window , listening \u2014 a dark-haired , dark-eyed child , in a blue dressing-gown caught up in her hand . The street musicians , having reached the end of a tune , are silent . In the intensity of MORES feeling , a wine-glass , gripped too strongly , breaks and falls in pieces onto a finger-bowl . The child starts forward into the room .", "Olive !", "The wind , sweetheart !", "What blew you down , then ?", "Now my sprite ! Upstairs again , before Nurse catches you . Fly ! Fly !", "You 're right there !", "Hello , Steel !", "\u201c The ball is opened . \u201d He stands brooding over the note , and STEEL looks at him anxiously . He is a dark , sallow , thin-faced young man , with the eyes of one who can attach himself to people , and suffer with them .", "You too , Steel !", "Yes . Keep that to yourself .", "Answer these .", "Nice quiet night !", "No . STEEL writes ; then looking up and seeing that MORE is no longer there , he goes to the window , looks to right and left , returns to the bureau , and is about to sit down again when a thought seems to strike him with consternation . He goes again to the window . Then snatching up his hat , he passes hurriedly out along the terrace . As he vanishes , KATHERINE comes in from the hall . After looking out on to the terrace she goes to the bay window ; stands there listening ; then comes restlessly back into the room . OLIVE , creeping quietly from behind the curtain , clasps her round the waist .", "Open them ! KATHERINE opens one after the other , and lets them fall on the table .", "Well ?", "\u2018 Ware Mob !I must write to the Chief . KATHERINE makes an impulsive movement towards him ; then quietly goes to the bureau , sits down and takes up a pen .", "\u201c July 15th . \u201c DEAR SIR CHARLES , After my speech to-night , embodying my most unalterable convictionsI have no alternative but to place the resignation of my Under-Secretaryship in your hands . My view , my faith in this matter may be wrong \u2014 but I am surely right to keep the flag of my faith flying . I imagine I need not enlarge on the reasons \u2014\u2014 \u201d THE CURTAIN FALLS ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Mummy ! I 'm awake ! But KATHERINE goes on reading ; and OLIVE steals into the room in her nightgown .", "It 's fourteen minutes to eleven .", "I just wanted to see the time . I never can go to sleep if I try \u2014 it 's quite helpless , you know . Is there a victory yet ?Oh ! I prayed extra special for one in the evening papers .Has n't Daddy come ?", "Are you waiting for him ?Your hair is nice , Mummy . It 's particular to-night . KATHERINE lets fall her brush , and looks at her almost in alarm .", "How long has Daddy been away ?", "It seems about a hundred years , does n't it ? Has he been making speeches all the time ?", "To-night , too ?", "The night that man was here whose head 's too bald for anything \u2014 oh ! Mummy , you know \u2014 the one who cleans his teeth so termendously \u2014 I heard Daddy making a speech to the wind . It broke a wine-glass . His speeches must be good ones , must n't they !", "It felt funny ; you could n't see any wind , you know .", "Does Daddy often ?", "What does it mean ?", "What do they do , then ?", "Poor Daddy ! Is it people on our side who throw things ?", "Why does he go on doing it ? I should n't .", "To your neighbour , or only to God ?", "Oh ! Are those his letters ?", "\u201c My dear Heart . \u201d Does he always call you his dear heart , Mummy ? It 's rather jolly , is n't it ? \u201c I shall be home about half-past ten to-morrow night . For a few hours the fires of p-u-r-g-a-t-or-y will cease to burn \u2014 \u201d What are the fires of p-u-r-g-a-t-o-r-y ?", "But what are they ?", "Have you , too ?", "So have I . May I open the window ?", "Is n't it a funny mist-all flat !", "Mummy , when is Uncle Hubert coming back ?", "I suppose Auntie Helen 'll stay with us till he does .", "That 's something , is n't it ?", "Had I better put in the duty to your neighbour if there is n't a victory soon ?You 're tickling under my knee !I must keep awake for Daddy . KATHERINE comes back . She is about to leave the door a little open , when she hears a knock on the other door . It is opened a few inches , and NURSE 'S voice says : \u201c Can I come in , Ma'am ? \u201d The NURSE comes in .", "Are n't you coming with us , Daddy ?", "Why not ?", "The motor 'll have to go very slow . There are such a lot of people in the street . Are you staying to stop them setting the house on fire ?May I stay a little , too ?Why ?", "Oh ! love me up , Daddy !", "Oo-o !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Well , TIBBY JARLAND , what 've yu come for , then ? Glass o \u2019 beer ?", "I shid zay glass o \u2019 \u2018 arf an \u2019 \u2018 arf 's about yure form .Yu 'm a praaper masterpiece . Well ! \u2018 Ave sister Mercy borrowed yure tongue ?Aw , she \u2018 ave n't . Well , maid ?", "\u2018 E du , du \u2018 ee ? Yu tell yure father \u2018 e can n't \u2018 ave more'n one , not this avenin \u2019 . And \u2018 ere \u2018 tis . Hand up yure shillin \u2019 .", "Surely , m 'm . But she will come . Go away , my dear .", "Wi \u2019 all respect , m 'm , I knows the vally of it to yourn , tu .", "If there were n't no Rector 's lady there widden \u2019 be no notice taken o \u2019 scandal ; an \u2019 if there were n't no notice taken , twidden be scandal , to my thinkin \u2019 .", "I shouldn \u2019 never presume , m 'm , to know a lady .", "I was just thinkin \u2019 how to du it , m 'm . \u2018 Twid be a brave notion to putt the men in chokey , and slit the women 's tongues-like , same as they du in outlandish places , as I 'm told .", "Make yure mind aisy , m 'm there 'll be no scandal-monkeyin \u2019 here wi \u2019 my permission .", "Yu 'll pardon me , m 'm , but ef an \u2019 in case yu was goin \u2019 to tell me , there 's a rule in this \u2018 ouse : \u201c No scandal \u2018 ere ! \u201d", "Aw fegs , no , m 'm \u2014 child in yure \u2018 ands .", "Ah !", "Nuse ? There 's never no nuse in this \u2018 ouse . Aw , no ! Not wi \u2019 my permission .This is a Christian village .", "Havin \u2019 an engagement elsewhere \u2014 No scandal , please , gentlemen .", "Ah ! he 's the favourite . But \u2018 tes a dead secret ; Mr. Trustaford . Do n't yu never repate it \u2014 there 's not a cat do n't know it already ! BURLACOMBE frowns , and TRUSTAFORD utters his laugh . The door is opened and FREMAN , a dark gipsyish man in the dress of a farmer , comes in .", "Do n't yu never tell Will Freman what \u2018 e told me !", "No , indeed ; an \u2019 do n't yu tell us . We 'm Christians \u2018 ere in this village .", "Now , Tim Clyst , if an \u2019 in case yu 've a-got some scandal on yer tongue , do n't yu never unship it here . Yu go up to Rectory where \u2018 twill be more relished-like .", "Aw , what is it then ?", "What 's all this , now \u2014 no scandal in my \u2018 ouse !", "Yu 're all wild cat 's talk , Tim ; yu 've a-got no tale at all .", "No tale , no cider !", "\u2018 Tes a vairy-tale ; us must n't be tu partic'lar .", "Clyst , yu take the cherry bun !", "Yu 've a \u2014 \u2018 ad tu much already ,", "Tim .", "\u2018 Ere y'are , Tam .Where 'd yu get thiccy paper ?", "\u201c His \u2018 eart She \u2018 ath Vorgot ! \u201d", "Would ye \u2018 ave it the old Rector then ? Wi \u2019 \u2018 is gouty shoe ? Rackon the maids wid rather \u2018 twas curate ; eh , Mr. Burlacombe ?", "\u2018 Tes the last , then , Tam .", "Marteil 's Three Star , zurr , or \u2018 Ennessy 's ?", "\u2018 Tes a Christian village , boys ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Thank you , Burlacombe . It does n't matter . It does n't matter a bit .", "Look at me , Burlacombe .", "Do I look like that ? Please , please !I 've too much here . Please !", "Passions ! No passions ! Ha !", "You were very good to come ; but I would rather not .", "Yes .", "Take this , please .", "It 's not Jarland .Please take it to the Rector . I beg his forgiveness .There 's too much I can n't speak of \u2014 can n't make plain . Take it to him , please .", "Take it !", "Perhaps .", "Beautiful night ! Could n't be more beautiful !", "No one can help , thank you .", "Do n't speak of that !", "Torture her \u2014 one way or the other ?", "Break her heart ?", "Love !", "I do not try .", "But not mine ! No more !", "If I am not better soon \u2014\u2014", "Will you , please , not speak of that !", "Fight !My fight is here . Have you ever been in hell ? For months and months \u2014 burned and longed ; hoped against hope ; killed a man in thought day by day ? Never rested , for love and hate ? I \u2014 condemn ! I \u2014 judge ! No ! It 's rest I have to find \u2014 somewhere \u2014 somehow-rest ! And how \u2014 how can I find rest ?", "One of these days the flowers will grow out of me ; and I shall sleep .", "Go ! Please go !", "Is there a God ?", "Gone ! What is there , now ?", "Gone ! Taken faith \u2014 hope \u2014 life !", "And he fell !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Yu maids do n't dance \u2018 elf 's well as us du . Bobbie \u2018 e 's a great dancer . \u2018 E dance vine . I 'm a gude dancer , meself .", "Aw ! Ah ! Yu 'll give me kiss for that .Ca n't she glimmer !", "Yu go up ladder ; I 'll catch \u2018 ee then . Naw , yu maids , do n't yu give her succour . That 's not vair", "Ya-as , this is a gude apple . Luke at Tibby !\u201c There cam \u2019 three dukes a-ridin \u2019 , a-ridin \u2019 , a-ridin \u2019 , There cam \u2019 three dukes a ridin \u2019 With a ransy-tansy tay ! \u201d", "Us \u2018 as got on vine ; us 'll get prize for our dancin \u2019 .", "Twas n't I .", "\u2018 Twas the praaper old wind in the trees . Did make a brave noise , zurely .", "Ya-as , \u2018 e shude , then . What du yu want with th \u2019 birds of the air ? They 'm no gude to yu .", "Ya-as ; \u2018 tes a pity . He 's the best man I ever seen since I was comin \u2019 from my mother . He 's a gude man . He'em got a zad face , sure enough , though .", "I knu a gude man \u2014 \u2018 e sold pigs \u2014 very gude man : \u2018 e \u2018 ad a budiful bright vase like the mane .I was sad , meself , once . \u2018 Twas a funny scrabblin \u2019 \u2014 like feelin \u2019 .", "Ya-as ; yu 'm a buty .", "Aye ! He 'm awful fond o \u2019 the dumb things .", "Aw ! Yu see tu praaper old tom cats ; they 'm not to peaceful , after that , nor kind naighther .", "Ya-as . \u2018 Tes a funny place , tu , nowadays , judgin \u2019 from the papers .", "Naw ! There 's no dumb things in \u2018 Eaven . Jim Bere \u2018 e says there is ! \u2018 E thinks \u2018 is old cat 's there .", "Old brass band , shuldn \u2019 wonder , like th \u2019 Salvation Army .", "\u2018 Tes a glory-be full mune to-night !", "Clapperclaws ! I dance that one fine .", "Like ringin \u2019 bells ! Come ahn !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["It begins at three , does n't it ?", "Ah ! make sure quite of her , Dawker . Any mistake would be fatal .", "Where did you leave my husband ?", "What limit did you settle ?", "That 's a fearful price . Well , good luck to you , Dawker !", "I beg your pardon ?", "Well ?", "Did I ever say you did ?", "I 'm not aware that I 've acted at all \u2014 as yet . You are nothing to me , except as one of your family .", "Stop them then . I see your husband down there with his father .", "Oh ! I suppose such men do n't pay attention to what women ask them .", "I do n't quite know why you spoke to me .", "Really , if you do n't mind , I should like to be left alone just now .", "Can Dawker see you there , Jack ?", "What 's the time ?", "No .", "Do n't be foolish , Jill .", "Make sure you 've got a handkerchief , Jack .", "Come to gloat . Really , I think her not accepting your offer is disgusting . Her impartiality is all humbug .", "Ah ! yes .", "Oh !", "\u2018 Sh ! The AUCTIONEER comes in Left and goes to the table . He is a square , short , brown-faced , common looking man , with clipped grey hair fitting him like a cap , and a clipped grey moustache . His lids come down over his quick eyes , till he can see you very sharply , and you can hardly see that he can see you . He can break into a smile at any moment , which has no connection with him , as it were . By a certain hurt look , however , when bidding is slow , he discloses that he is not merely an auctioneer , but has in him elements of the human being . He can wink with anyone , and is dressed in a snug-brown suit , with a perfectly unbuttoned waistcoat , a low , turned down collar , and small black and white sailor knot tie . While he is settling his papers , the HILLCRISTS settle themselves tensely . CHLOE has drunk her water and leaned back again , with the smelling salts to her nose . ROLF leans forward in the seat beside her , looking sideways at JILL . A SOLICITOR , with a grey beard , has joined the AUCTIONEER , at his table .", "Blow your nose , Jack .", "Giving !", "Do n't give in !", "Keep it down ; do n't show him .", "Oh ! Jack .", "That 's enough , Jack , we must stop some time .", "Smalley ? Smalley ? Is that the Duke 's agent ? Jack !", "Take care ; they can hear you . Find DAWKER , Jack .", "Mr. Hornblower , as you fight foul \u2014 so shall we .", "And it will not be foul play towards you and yours . You are outside the pale .", "Just so , Mr. Hornblower . Ca n't you ?", "Quite seriously , Mr. Hornblower , you had better come to an arrangement .", "I will .", "Mr. Hornblower , if you build \u2014\u2014", "Mr. Hornblower , you build at your peril . I warn you .", "Thank you ; Dawker .", "You 'd better not ask .", "Jill , go out and wait for us .", "It 's not for a girl to hear .", "Do you wish your daughter \u2014\u2014", "I was not so proud of my knowledge .", "Exactly !", "Poor thing ?", "It 's what 's coming after that matters ; luckily .", "I told you not to .", "It will not be if Mr. Hornblower is wise . If he is not wise , it must be spoken of .", "Well , what weapons does he use against us ? Do n't be quixotic . For all we can tell , they know it quite well already , and if they do n't they ought to . Anyway , to know this is our salvation , and we must use it .", "At least , you 'd like to be in a position to help him , if you thought it necessary ?", "Then you agree that Mr. Hornblower at least should be told . What he does with the knowledge is not our affair .", "And the ruin of our home ? You 're betraying your fathers , Jack .", "We do n't . If anyone brings her in ; it will be Hornblower himself .", "I tell you quite plainly : I will only consent to holding my tongue about her , if you agree to Hornblower being told . It 's a scandal to have a woman like that in the neighbourhood .", "You must use this knowledge . You owe it to me \u2014 to us all . You 'll see that when you 've thought it over .", "Jill , be quiet !", "Oh ! Very well .", "I shall use the knowledge in my own way .", "I consider it my duty .", "That 's all I want .", "I do n't know what you mean by humbug ?", "Quite .", "Jill , if you can n't keep your impertinence to yourself \u2014\u2014", "You pride yourself on plain speech , Jill . I pride myself on plain thought . You will thank me afterwards that I can see realities . I know we are better people than these Hornblowers . Here we are going to stay , and they \u2014 are not .", "Dawker !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come in !Yes , Anna ?", "No .", "I 'd like a biscuit and a glass of champagne .", "Why do you smile ?", "You know you were .Are you paid to smile at me ?", "Yes .\u2014 No .\u2014 What 's the good ?My headache wo n't go .", "I have been \u2014 hours .", "Anna ! Why do you do it ?", "Spy on me .", "To spy ! You 're a fool , too . What is there to spy on ?", "If I could see that man \u2014 if only \u2014 or Dawker \u2014 -", "Beastly , thanks . I 'm not going into dinner .", "No , dear boy .You do n't want this quarrel with the Hillcrists to go on , do you , Rolf ?", "Well , I think I might be able to stop it . Will you slip round to Dawker 's \u2014 it 's not five minutes \u2014 and ask him to come and see me .", "I know . But if he comes to the window here while you 're at dinner , I 'll let him in , and out , and nobody 'd know .", "Do n't ask me . It 's worth the shot that 's all .To this window at eight o'clock exactly . First long window on the terrace , tell him .", "No ; only I can n't tell him \u2014 he and father are so mad about it all .", "This way , Rolf . If you do n't come back I shall know he 's coming . Put your watch by mine .It 's a minute fast , see !", "Do n't wait ; go on .", "I do n't want that champagne . Take this to the chemist and get him to make up some of these cachets quick , and bring them back yourself .", "They 're too old ; I 've taken two \u2014 the strength 's out of them . Quick , please ; I can n't stand this head .", "No ; I want the cachets .", "Awful head !", "I do n't know .", "There 's nothing ; unless it 's \u2014", "\u2014", "Unless it 's that my father was a \u2014 a bankrupt .", "I was n't very proud of him .", "Father , do n't say anything to Charlie ; it 'll only worry him for nothing .", "She may invent things , of course .", "Could n't you stop this quarrel ; father ? You said it was on my account . But I do n't want to know them . And they do love their old home . I like the girl . You do n't really need to build just there , do you ? Could n't you stop it ? Do !", "He 's only their agent .", "But they did n't begin the quarrel .", "No ; I 'll try to sleep . Please tell them I do n't want to be disturbed .", "It 's so hot .", "Oh !\u2014 Well !\u2014", "Good-night .", "Come in .", "You 're making a mistake , you know .", "I say you are .", "No . Do n't go !You are playing a game with me . Are n't you ashamed ? What harm have I done you ? Do you call this cricket ?", "What have I to do with this quarrel ? I could n't help their falling out .", "You 're a cruel fellow if you can spoil a woman 's life who never did you an ounce of harm .", "There 's good in them same as in you .", "But \u2014 but Im not one .", "Oh ! leave me alone , do ! I 'm happy here . Be a sport ! Be a sport !", "I had such a bad time in old days .", "Ah ! do ! You might ! You 've been fond of some woman , I suppose . Think of her !", "What is it to you ?Look here ! Do n't you make an enemy , of me . I have n't dragged through hell for nothing . Women like me can bite , I tell you .", "Be quiet ! Oh ! Be quiet !Look ! There 's my savings \u2014 there 's all I 've got ! The pearls 'll fetch nearly a thousand .Take it , and drop me out \u2014 wo n't you ? Wo n't you ?", "You 're a beast !\u2014 a beast ! a cruel , cowardly beast ! And how dare you bribe that woman here to spy on me ? Oh ! yes , you do ; you know you do . If you drove me mad , you would n't care . You beast !", "What d'you call it \u2014 to dog a woman down like this , just because you happen to have a quarrel with a man ?", "I hope your mother or your sister , if you 've got any , may go through what I 'm going through ever since you got on my track . I hope they 'll know what fear means . I hope they 'll love and find out that it 's hanging on a thread , and \u2014 and \u2014 Oh ! you coward , you persecuting coward ! Call yourself a man !", "Is there anything you 'll take , not to spoil my life ?Me ?", "Ugh ! Rat in a trap ! Rat \u2014\u2014!", "Ye-es .", "Yes , better , Charlie .", "No .", "I do n't know . Except that \u2014 except that I am going to have a child , Charlie .", "Are you glad ?", "Do n't tell him \u2014 yet .", "It 's a wonder if I 'm not . Charlie , are you happy with me ?", "You would n't easily believe things against me , would you ?", "It 's not good for me , now I 'm like this . It 's upsetting me , Charlie .", "It 's wretched in a little place like this . I say , must you go on spoiling their home ?", "Let her . I do n't care ; I can n't bear feeling enemies about , Charlie , I \u2014 get nervous \u2014 I \u2014\u2014", "I suppose it 's \u2014 being like this .But , Charlie , do stop it for my sake . Do , do !", "I 've got no pride , Charlie . I want to be quiet \u2014 that 's all .", "No , it 's nothing , of course \u2014 what I want .", "If you want me to be a good wife to you , make father stop it .", "Behind ?", "I see .", "You have n't finished dinner , have you ? Go back , and I 'll go to bed quite soon . Charlie , do n't stop loving me .", "Oh-h !", "I do n't know . Go on ,", "Charlie . I 'll be all right when this head 's gone ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come in here . There 's no one .", "We did n't begin it .", "I hope I should be sorry .", "And we can n't help thinking he 's a pig . Sorry !", "He may be fitter , but he 's not going to survive .", "Is that all you came to say ?", "I do n't feel like joining .", "One can n't fight and not grow bitter .", "Wait ; you 'll feel it soon enough .", "Well ?", "I think you 'd better shut up .", "No .", "Yes .", "I do n't expect so .", "Lots of horrible things in the world .", "Do n't be moral .", "Better be real first .", "There is n't any . We 're all out , for our own . And why not ?", "Cynical ? Your father 's motto \u2014 \u201c Every man for himself . \u201d", "That 's the winner \u2014 hands down . Goodbye !", "\u2014", "\u201c If auld acquaintance be forgot", "And days of auld lang syne \u201d \u2014\u2014", "Let the three gentlemen in , and me out .", "We saw Chloe in the car . How did she take it , mother ?", "I shall go and see her .", "I shall . She must be in an awful state .", "I think I can , Dodo .", "I 'm going , all the same .", "Suppose I 'd taken a knock like that , Dodo , I 'd be glad of friendliness from someone .", "You do n't know what you can do till you try , mother .", "Oh ! Mother , we are grateful . Dodo , show your gratitude .", "Yes , Dodo , yes ! Mother , hold him while INo ! I can n't \u2014 I can n't help thinking of her ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What are you doing here ?", "Go away .", "Go away , and do n't say anything . Oh ! The roses !Do n't they smell lovely ?", "I 'll tell you nothing . Go away !", "What state ? I 'm all right . Wait for me down in the drive , if you want to .", "I could n't bear it he 's coming to ask you \u2014\u2014", "My husband .I 've got to be quick . He keeps on asking \u2014 he knows there 's something .", "Oh ! that 's not enough . Ca n't you tell him something to put him back to thinking it 's all right ? I 've done him such a wrong . I did n't realise till after \u2014 I thought meeting him was just a piece of wonderful good luck , after what I 'd been through . I 'm not such a bad lot \u2014 not really .You see , my father went bankrupt , and I was in a shop \u2014\u2014", "I never gave a man away or did anything I was ashamed of \u2014 at least \u2014 I mean , I had to make my living in all sorts of ways , and then I met Charlie .", "He thought I was respectable , and that was such a relief , you can n't think , so \u2014 so I let him .", "And after I married him , you see , I fell in love . If I had before , perhaps I would n't have dared only , I do n't know \u2014 you never know , do you ? When there 's a straw going , you catch at it .", "And now , you see , I 'm going to have a child .", "I 've been on hot bricks all this month , ever since that day here . I knew it was in the wind . What gets in the wind never gets out .Never ! It just blows here and thereand then \u2014 blows home .But I 've paid for being a fool \u2014 \u2018 tis n't fun , that sort of life , I can tell you . I 'm not ashamed and repentant , and all that . If it was n't for him ! I 'm afraid he 'll never forgive me ; it 's such a disgrace for him \u2014 and then , to have his child ! Being fond of him , I feel it much worse than anything I ever felt , and that 's saying a good bit . It is .", "That 's it ; but it 's started , and he 's bound to keep on because he knows there 's something . A man is n't going to be satisfied when there 's something he suspects about his wife , Charlie would n't never . He 's clever , and he 's jealous ; and he 's coming here .", "You will ! You see , I do n't know what I 'll do . I 've got soft , being looked after \u2014 he does love me . And if he throws me off , I 'll go under \u2014 that 's all .", "The only thing is to tell him something positive , something he 'll believe , that 's not too bad \u2014 like my having been a lady clerk with those people who came here , and having been dismissed on suspicion of taking money . I could get him to believe that was n't true .", "Thank you . And do n't say I 've been here , will you ? He 's very suspicious . You see , he knows that his father has re-sold that land to you ; that 's what he can n't make out \u2014 that , and my coming here this morning ; he knows something 's being kept from him ; and he noticed that man with Dawker yesterday . And my maid 's been spying on me . It 's in the air . He puts two and two together . But I 've told him there 's nothing he need worry about ; nothing that 's true .", "I 'm very honest and careful about money . So he wo n't believe that about me , and the old man wants to keep it from Charlie , I know .", "I 'm a true wife to him .", "Of course we know that .", "When I deceived him , I 'd have deceived God Himself \u2014 I was so desperate . You 've never been right down in the mud . You can n't understand what I 've been through .", "Darling Dodo !", "There 's somebody at the door . I must go ; I must go ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Who 's there ?", "Come in ! I was asleep .The sound of LARRY 's breathing can be heard .Well , Larry , what is it ? LARRY comes skirting along the wall , as if craving its support , outside the radius of the light .Are you ill ? LARRY stands still again and heaves a deep sigh .", "What is it , man ?Have you committed a murder that you stand there like a fish ?", "By Jove ! Drunk again !What do you mean by coming here in this state ? I told you \u2014\u2014 If you were n't my brother \u2014\u2014! Come here , where I can we you ! What 's the matter with you , Larry ?", "What in God 's name is this nonsense ?Come , Larry ! Pull yourself together and drop exaggeration ! What on earth do you mean ?", "Be quiet ! LARRY lifts his hands and wrings them .", "When \u2014 when \u2014 what \u2014\u2014?", "Good God ! How ? Where ? You 'd better tell me quietly from the beginning . Here , drink this coffee ; it 'll clear your head . He pours out and hands him a cup of coffee . LARRY drinks it off .", "Women ! Always women , with you ! Well ?", "Yes ?", "What did you do then ?", "Well ?", "How far ?", "Was \u2014 did anyone see ?", "What time ?", "And then ?", "Why \u2014 in heaven 's name ?", "Where is this place ?", "And the archway ?", "Good God ! Why , I saw it in the paper this morning . They were talking of it in the Courts !Here it is again . \u201c Body of a man was found this morning under an archway in Glove Lane . From marks about the throat grave suspicion of foul play are entertained . The body had apparently been robbed . \u201d My God !You saw this in the paper and dreamed it . D'you understand , Larry ?\u2014 you dreamed it .", "Did you take anything from the-body ?", "\u201c Patrick Walenn \u201d \u2014 Was that his name ? \u201c Simon 's Hotel , Farrier Street , London . \u201dNo !\u2014 that makes me \u2014\u2014What in God 's name made you come here and tell me ? Do n't you know I 'm \u2014 I 'm within an ace of a Judgeship ?", "Love !", "Steady , Larry ! Let 's think it out . You were n't seen , you say ?", "When did you leave the girl again ?", "Where did you go ?", "To Fitzroy Street ?", "What have you done since ?", "Not been out ?", "Not seen the girl ?", "Will she give you away ?", "Or herself hysteria ?", "Who knows of your relations with her ?", "No one ?", "Did anyone see you go in last night , when you first went to her ?", "Give them to me . LARRY takes two keys from his pocket and hands them to his brother .", "What ! A girl like that ?", "What else have you that connects you with her ?", "In your rooms ?", "Photographs ? Letters ?", "Sure ?", "No one saw you going back to her ?", "You were fortunate . Sit down again , man . I must think . He turns to the fire and leans his elbows on the mantelpiece and his head on his hands . LARRY Sits down again obediently .", "It 's all too unlikely . It 's monstrous !", "This Walenn \u2014 was it his first reappearance after an absence ?", "How did he find out where she was ?", "How drunk were you ?", "How much had you drunk , then ?", "You say you did n't mean to kill him .", "That 's something .", "She was hanging on to him , you say ?\u2014 That 's ugly .", "D'you mean she \u2014 loves you ?", "Can a woman like that love ?", "I 'm trying to get at truth . If you want me to help ,", "I must know everything . What makes you think she 's fond of you ?", "I 'm talking of love .", "What made you choose that archway ?", "Did his face look as if he 'd been strangled ?", "Did it ?", "Very disfigured ?", "Did you look to see if his clothes were marked ?", "Why not ?", "You say he was disfigured . Would he be recognisable ?", "When she lived with him last \u2014 where was that ?", "Not Soho ?", "How long has she been at this Soho place ?", "Living this life ?", "Till , she met you ? And you believe \u2014\u2014?", "Always in the same rooms ?", "What was he ? A professional bully ?", "Spending most of his time abroad , I suppose .", "Can you say if he was known to the police ?", "Now listen , Larry . When you leave here , go straight home , and stay there till I give you leave to go out again . Promise .", "Is your promise worth anything ?", "Exactly . But if I 'm to help you , you must do as I say . I must have time to think this out . Have you got money ?", "Half-quarter day \u2014 yes , your quarter 's always spent by then . If you 're to get away \u2014 never mind , I can manage the money .", "Privilege of A brother . As it happens , I 'm thinking of myself and our family . You can n't indulge yourself in killing without bringing ruin . My God ! I suppose you realise that you 've made me an accessory after the fact \u2014 me , King 's counsel \u2014 sworn to the service of the Law , who , in a year or two , will have the trying of cases like yours ! By heaven , Larry , you 've surpassed yourself !", "Come , Larry ! Hand it over .", "Come , Larry ! Courage ! LARRY looks up at him .", "Do n't go out . Do n't drink . Do n't talk . Pull yourself together !", "No , no . Courage ! LARRY reaches the door , turns as if to say something-finds no words , and goes ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Oh ! it 's you , Larry ! Why did you knock ? I was so frightened . Come in !Oh ! Who is it ?", "Who are you , please ?", "Yes ?", "Yes ; oh , yes ! Awful \u2014 it is awful !", "Just where you are standing . I see him now , always falling .", "Wanda .", "I would die for him !", "If I can save him ! Wo n't you sit down ?", "Eighteen month .", "No . I came here to live a bad life . Nobody know me . I am quite alone .", "No ; I have not dared to go out .", "He never let people think I was married to him . I do n't know if I was \u2014 really . We went to an office and signed our names ; but he was a wicked man . He treated many , I think , like me .", "Never ! And that man first went for him .", "No . A woman come at nine in the morning for an hour .", "No . He is always gone .", "No ; I am verree quiet . Since I know your brother , I see no one , sare .", "Oh , yes ! I love him . Nobody come here but him for a long time now .", "Five month .", "Crying .He is in danger because of me . I am so afraid for him .", "Look ! I have burned all the things he have given me \u2014 even his picture . Now I have nothing from him .", "Yes .", "Please do not take him from me altogether . I will be so careful . I will not do anything to hurt him . But if I cannot see him sometimes , I shall die . Please do not take him from me .", "But you will be kind ? Suddenly she bends and kisses his hand . KEITH draws his hand away , and she recoils a little humbly , looking up at him again . Suddenly she stands rigid , listening .Listen ! Someone \u2014 out there ! She darts past him and turns out the light . There is a knock on the door . They are now close together between door and window .", "Yes , and you have his keys . Oh ! if it is Larry ! I must open ! KEITH shrinks back against the wall . WANDA goes to the door .Yes ? Please ? Who ? A thin streak of light from a bull'shYpppHeNeye lantern outside plays over the wall . A Policeman 's voice says : \u201c All right , Miss . Your outer door 's open . You ought to keep it shut after dark , you know . \u201d", "Thank you , air .", "A policeman !", "I did not think they did , sir . It is so long I was not out in the town ; not since I had Larry . KEITH gives her an intent look , then crosses to the fire . He stands there a moment , looking down , then turns to the girl , who has crept back to the couch .", "Oh , sir ! May I not love , because I have been bad ? I was only sixteen when that man spoiled me . If you knew \u2014\u2014", "Oh , sir ! Look ! It is true . He is my life . Do n't take him away from me .", "He will , sir .", "No , no , you do not . It is I who know him .", "But he love me . Oh , sir ! he love me !", "Yes , but \u2014\u2014", "It will be in the water , then . There will be no cruel men there .", "I will go if Larry say I must . But not to live . No !I could not , sir .I could not live without Larry . What is left for a girl like me \u2014 when she once love ? It is finish .", "No ; you do not care what I do . Why should you ? I tell you I will go if Larry say I must .", "Yes ! Oh , yes ! But do not keep him long from me \u2014 I beg !", "Larry ! Oh , thank God !", "Larry !", "Oh , Larry !", "Oh , Larry ! But so are you . What did we want \u2014 to kill that man ? Never ! Oh ! kiss me !I have suffered so \u2014 not seein \u2019 you . Do n't leave me again \u2014 do n't ! Stay here . Is n't it good to be together ?\u2014 Oh ! Poor Larry ! How tired you look !\u2014 Stay with me . I am so frightened all alone . So frightened they will take you from me .", "No , no ! Do n't look like that !", "I will make up the fire . Love me , Larry ! I want to forget .", "No , no ! I can n't bear it ! Do n't frighten me more !", "If we could sleep a little \u2014 would n't it be nice ?", "Promise to stay with me \u2014 to stay here for good , Larry . I will cook for you ; I will make you so comfortable . They will find him innocent . And then \u2014 Oh , Larry ! in the sun-right away \u2014 far from this horrible country . How lovely !Larry !", "No , no ! No , no ! You do n't want me to die , Larry , do you ? I shall if you leave me . Let us be happy ! Love me !", "No , no ! See ! I will pray to the Virgin . She will pity us ! She falls on her knees and clasps her hands , praying . Her lips move . LARRY stands motionless , with arms crossed , and on his face are yearning and mockery , love and despair .", "She is smiling ! We shall be happy soon .", "Yes ! oh , yes ! If you die I could not \u2014 I could not go on living !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["My eggs ! Get a wiggle on you !", "\u2018 Pears as if they 'd a prejudice against eggs here , anyway .", "See here . If I do n't get my eggs before this watch ticks twenty , there 'll be another waiter in heaven .", "I 'm gettin \u2019 kind of mad !", "Good ! I do n't like trouble . How much ?", "Pardon me , sir ; I 'd like to have you tell me why you called that little bit of a feller \u201c Herr Ober . \u201d Reckon you would know what that means ? Mr. Head Waiter .", "I smile .", "Why , yes ! Just \u201c waiter . \u201d", "In my country we 're very democratic \u2014 but that 's quite a proposition .", "That \u2018 pears to be one up to democracy .", "I judge you go in for brotherhood ?", "I take considerable stock in Leo Tolstoi myself . Grand man \u2014 grand-souled apparatus . But I guess you 've got to pinch those waiters some to make \u2018 em skip .You 'll appreciate that , the way he acted about my eggs .Waiter ! Flash of beer \u2014 jump , now !", "Now , if I do n't get that flash of beer quicker'n you got yours , I shall admire .", "Well , that is a matter of temperament . Now , I 'm all for equality . See that poor woman there \u2014 very humble woman \u2014 there she sits among us with her baby . Perhaps you 'd like to locate her somewhere else ?", "Well , that 's quite in the prospectus \u2014 very stimulating party \u2014 old Nietch \u2014 virgin mind . But give me Leo !What do you opine , sir ? I guess by your labels you 'll be Dutch . Do they read Tolstoi in your country ?", "That is a very luminous answer .", "That is so . In America we believe in virility ; we like a man to expand . But we believe in brotherhood too . We draw the line at niggers ; but we aspire . Social barriers and distinctions we 've not much use for .", "That is so ; there are no flies on us .Say ! I 'd like to have you give us your sentiments in relation to the duty of man .", "For example \u2014 is it your opinion that we should kill off the weak and diseased , and all that can n't jump around ?", "That 's true humility . \u2018 Tis n't grammar . Now , here 's a proposition that brings it nearer the bone : Would you step out of your way to help them when it was liable to bring you trouble ?", "Very lofty dispositions . Guess they died of them .Shake hands , sir \u2014 my name is \u2014I am an ice-machine maker .I like your sentiments \u2014 I feel kind of brotherly .Waiter ; where to h-ll is that glass of beer ?", "Now , we do n't have so much of that in America . Guess we feel more to trust in human nature .", "Very stimulating question .", "Now that \u2018 pears to me kind o \u2019 blasphemy . I believe in heroism . I opine there 's not one of us settin \u2019 around here that 's not a hero \u2014 give him the occasion .", "Well ! I judge a hero is just a person that 'll help another at the expense of himself . Take that poor woman there . Well , now , she 's a heroine , I guess . She would die for her baby any old time .", "I carry it further . I postulate we would all die for that baby if a locomotive was to trundle up right here and try to handle it .I guess you do n't know how good you are .I should like to have you express an opinion , ma'am .", "The English are very humanitarian ; they have a very high sense of duty . So have the Germans , so have the Americans .I judge even in your little country they have that . This is an epoch of equality and high-toned ideals .What is your nationality , sir ?", "My ! That 's a bit streaky , any old way .Now , I do n't believe we 've much use any more for those gentlemen in buttons . We 've grown kind of mild \u2014 we do n't think of self as we used to do .", "That flash of beer !", "A little more , and he will join George Washington ! I was about to remark when he intruded : In this year of grace 1913 the kingdom of Christ is quite a going concern . We are mighty near universal brotherhood . The colonel hereis a man of blood and iron , but give him an opportunity to be magnanimous , and he 'll be right there . Oh , sir ! yep !", "You seem kind of skeery about that . You 've had experience , maybe . I 'm an optimist \u2014 I think we 're bound to make the devil hum in the near future . I opine we shall occasion a good deal of trouble to that old party . There 's about to be a holocaust of selfish interests . The colonel there with old-man Nietch he wo n't know himself . There 's going to be a very sacred opportunity .", "Now , that 's very provoking . I wo n't get that flash of beer .", "What 's that ? Help ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Guess I 'd like that window raised ; it 's kind of chilly after that old run they gave us .", "The Germans are great readers . Very stimulating practice . I read most anything myself !\u201c Don Quixote \u201d \u2014 fine book . We Americans take considerable stock in old man Quixote . Bit of a wild-cat \u2014 but we do n't laugh at him .", "In America we have still quite an amount of chivalry .", "So you say . But I judge your form of chivalry is sacrifice to the state . We allow more freedom to the individual soul . Where there 's something little and weak , we feel it kind of noble to give up to it . That way we feel elevated .", "Dear me !", "Why , yes ! There 's a seat for one .", "Come right in !", "Where 's the mother ?", "My ! That would appear to be quite a domestic incident .", "I smile . I guess Providence has played it pretty low down on you . It 's sure acted real mean .", "Maybe you 'd better get off right smart and restore that baby . There 's nothing can act madder than a mother .", "How did it eventuate ?", "Guess I 'd have thrown the baby out to her .", "It 's highly entertaining \u2014 not for the baby . What kind of an old baby is it , anyway ?I judge it 's a bit \u2014 niffy .", "Which end up is it ?", "Well , that 's something . Maybe you should hold it out of window a bit . Very excitable things , babies !", "You are right , ma'am . I opine there 's a draught out there . This baby is precious . We 've all of us got stock in this baby in a manner of speaking . This is a little bit of universal brotherhood . Is it a woman baby ?", "You can n't always tell from that . It looks kind of over-wrapped up . Maybe it had better be unbound .", "I think you are very likely right , colonel . It might be a pity to unbind that baby . I guess the lady should be consulted in this matter .", "That would seem only known to Providence at this moment . I judge it might be due to humanity to look at its face .", "I would surmise in your leisure moments you have created babies , sir ?", "Dear me !\u2014 That is a loss .I think we may esteem ourselves fortunate to have this little stranger right here with us . Demonstrates what a hold the little and weak have upon us nowadays . The colonel here \u2014 a man of blood and iron \u2014 there he sits quite calm next door to it .Now , this baby is rather chastening \u2014 that is a sign of grace , in the colonel \u2014 that is true heroism .", "What sort of a physiognomy has it , anyway ?", "I am told that is not uncommon amongst babies . Perhaps we could have you inform us , ma'am .", "That will be rather difficult to come at . I 'm just a bit sensitive . I 've very little use for affections of the epidermis .", "I guess it would be well to fumigate this carriage . Does it suffer , do you think ?", "Is it kind of boiled looking ?", "I judge this baby has the measles .", "I honour your emotion , ma'am . It does credit to us all . But I sympathize with your husband too . The measles is a very important pestilence in connection with a grown woman .", "Well , that would appear to be quite a question . About them spots , now ? Are they rosy ?", "Typhus ! That 's quite an indisposition !", "There 's nothing I admire more'n courage . Guess", "I 'll go and smoke in the corridor .", "This is the most sublime spectacle I have ever envisaged . There ought to be a record of this .Guess I 'm wanted in the dining-car ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Das ist der Herr \u2019 .", "\u2018 Sie haben einen Buben gestohlen \u2019 ?", "\u2018 Dies ist nicht Ihr Bube \u2019 ?", "\u2018 Verstehe nicht \u2019 . Dis is nod your baby ? No ?", "Gut ! You are \u2018 rested .", "\u2018 Dies ist nicht Ihr Gepack \u2019 \u2014 pag ?", "Gut ! You are \u2018 rested .", "Verstehe nicht .", "Halt still ! You are \u2018 rested . It is all right .", "She comet by next drain . Das telegram say : \u2018 Halt einen Herren mit schwarzem Buben and schwarzem Gepack \u2019 . \u2018 Rest gentleman mit black baby and black \u2014 pag .", "\u2018 Komm mit us \u2019 .", "\u2018 Was ist das \u2019 ?", "\u2018 Verstehe nicht \u2019 .", "\u2018 Aber , das ist zu viel \u2019 !", "\u2018 Verstehe absolut nichts \u2019 .\u2018 Ich muss mein \u2019 duty do .", "\u2018 Das macht nichts \u2019 \u2014 gut or no gut , I muss mein duty do .", "Typhus ? Der Bub \u2014 die baby hat typhus ?", "Gott im Himmel !", "Typhus ! \u2018 Aber das ist grasslich \u2019 !", "\u2018 Die Sanitatsmachine ! Gleich \u2019 !", "\u2018 Was zu thun \u2019 ?", "\u201c \u2018 Rest gentleman mit black baby . \u201dWir must de gentleman hold .\u2018 Bitte , mein Herr , sagen Sie ihm , den Buben zu niedersetzen \u2019 .", "You must .", "\u2018 Aber er muss \u2019 !", "\u2018 Sag \u2019 Ihm ': Instantly put down baby , and komm \u2019 mit us .", "Die Mutter sall \u2018 rested be for taking out baby mit typhus . Ha !Put ze baby down !Do you \u2018 ear ?", "Put ze baby down , or ich will goummand someone it to do .", "Dake it vrom him .", "Vill nobody dake ze Bub \u2019 ?", "Zen I goummand you \u2014Zit dere !", "\u2018 Nimm die Frau \u2019 !", "\u2018 Warum haben Sie einen Buben mit", "Typhus mit ausgebracht \u2019 ?", "Er hat Typhus .", "Er hat Typhus .", "Lass die Frau !", "\u2018 Sie wollen den Herrn accusiren \u2019 ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Glorious October ! I ought to have a damned good day 's shooting with Chantrey tomorrow .", "Well , no , I was going to take a couple of days off . If you feel at the top of your form , take a rest \u2014 then you go on feeling at the top .What do you say to looking up Athene ?", "Six weeks ago ; but , dash it , one can n't have done with one 's own daughter . That 's the weakness of an Englishman ; he can n't keep up his resentments . In a town like this it does n't do to have her living by herself . One of these days it 'll get out we 've had a row . That would n't do me any good .", "Besides , I miss her . Maud 's so self-absorbed . It makes a big hole in the family , Julia . You 've got her address , have n't you ?", "Oh , hang dignity ! I rather pride myself on knowing when to stand on my dignity and when to sit on it . If she 's still crazy about Art , she can live at home , and go out to study .", "A few weeks \u2019 discomfort soon cures that . She can n't live on her pittance . She 'll have found that out by now . Get your things on and come with me at twelve o'clock .", "Not if I 'm nice to her . A child could play with me to-day . Shall I tell you a secret , Julia ?", "The Mayor 's coming round at eleven , and I know perfectly well what he 's coming for .", "I 'm to be nominated for Mayor next month . Harris tipped me the wink at the last Council meeting . Not so bad at forty-seven \u2014 h 'm ? I can make a thundering good Mayor . I can do things for this town that nobody else can .", "Well , it 's partly that . Butit 's more the feeling I get that I 'm not doing my duty by her . Goodness knows whom she may be picking up with ! Artists are a loose lot . And young people in these days are the limit . I quite believe in moving with the times , but one 's either born a Conservative , or one is n't . So you be ready at twelve , see . By the way , that French maid of yours , Julia \u2014", "Is she \u2014 er \u2014 is she all right ? We do n't want any trouble with", "Topping .", "I do n't know ; she strikes me as \u2014 very French . MRS BUILDER smiles and passes out . BUILDER fills his second pipe . He is just taking up the paper again when the door from the hall is opened , and the manservant TOPPING , dried , dark , sub-humorous , in a black cut-away , announces :", "Hallo , Mayor ! What brings you so early ? Glad to see you . Morning , Harris !", "Sit down-sit down ! Have a cigar ! The MAYOR takes a cigar HARRIS a cigarette from his own case .", "Well , Mayor , what 's gone wrong with the works ? He and HARRIS exchange a look .", "Deuce you did ! Shall I agree with it ?", "That requires consideration .", "It 's a bit unexpected , Mayor .Am I the right man ? Following you , you know . I 'm shooting with Chantrey to-morrow . What does he feel about it ?", "Nor am I , Harris .", "I 'm very busy , you know , Mayor .", "It 's a lot of extra work . I do n't take things up lightly .", "Very good of you , Mayor . I do n't know , I 'm sure . I must think of the good of the town .", "First-rate .", "Hm ! I 've got a temper , you know .", "Well , Mayor , I 'll think it over , and let you have an answer . You know my faults , and you know my qualities , such as they are . I 'm just a plain Englishman .", "What is it , Camille ?", "Yes \u2014 no . It 's on the table . CAMILLE goes to the writing-table and looks . That blue thing .", "Oh ! Ah !Here it is !What made you come to England ?", "Deuce they are ! They have n't got that reputation .", "H 'm ! We 've no manners .", "Yes . I suppose we 're pretty sound at heart .", "H 'm !", "Oh ! So that 's your view of us !", "Are you from Paris ?", "I suppose so . Loose place , Paris .", "The opposite of strict .", "I thought you Frenchwomen all married young .", "You wear no ring .", "Well , it 's all the same to us .You might take this to Mrs Builder too .CAMILLE goes out .", "Do n't know about that woman \u2014 she 's a tantalizer . He compresses his lips , and is settling back into his chair , when the door from the hall is opened and his daughter MAUD comes in ; a pretty girl , rather pale , with fine eyes . Though her face has a determined cast her manner at this moment is by no means decisive . She has a letter in her hand , and advances rather as if she were stalking her father , who , after a \u201c Hallo , Maud ! \u201d has begun to read his paper .", "Well ? I know that tone . What do you want \u2014 money ?", "Here 's five pounds for you . MAUD , advancing , takes it , then seems to find what she has come for more on her chest than ever .", "Will you take a letter for me ? MAUD sits down Left of table and prepares to take down the letter .", "Go on \u2014 \u201c To assume greater responsibilities , I feel it my duty to come forward in accordance with your wish . The \u2014 er \u2014 honour is one of which I hardly feel myself worthy , but you may rest assured \u2014 \u201d", "Look here ! Are you trying to get a rise out of me ?\u2014 because you wo n't succeed this morning .", "Well , how would you express it ?", "The disrespect of you young people is something extraordinary . And that reminds me where do you go every evening now after tea ?", "Come now , that wo n't do \u2014 you 're never in the house from six to seven .", "Why , you finished that two years ago !", "Hobby ? Well , what is it ?", "You can n't irritate me more than by having secrets . See what that led to in your sister 's case . And , by the way , I 'm going to put an end to that this morning . You 'll be glad to have her back , wo n't you ?", "Your mother and I are going round to Athene at twelve o'clock . I shall make it up with her . She must come back here .", "We shall see that . I 've quite got over my tantrum , and I expect she has .", "Well , I can eat a good deal this morning . It 's all nonsense ! A family 's a family .", "You can leave me to judge of that . It 's not dignified for the Mayor of this town to have an unmarried daughter as young as Athene living by herself away from home . This idea that she 's on a visit wo n't wash any longer . Now finish that letter \u2014 \u201c worthy , but you may rest assured that I shall do my best to sustain the \u2014 er \u2014 dignity of the office . \u201dGot that ? \u201c And \u2014 er \u2014 preserve the tradition so worthily \u2014 \u201d No \u2014 \u201c so staunchly \u201d \u2014 er \u2014 er \u2014", "Ah ! \u201c \u2014 upheld by yourself .\u2014 Faithfully yours . \u201d", "Nonsense ! Why on earth should she ?", "Now what 's behind this , Maud ?", "The fact is , you girls have been spoiled , and you enjoy twisting my tail ; but you can n't make me roar this morning . I 'm too pleased with things . You 'll see , it 'll be all right with Athene .", "Well ! Get it off your chest . What 's that letter about ?", "Everything 's nothing this morning . Do you know what sort of people Athene associates with now \u2014 I suppose you see her ?", "Well ?", "Oh ! you think so ! That 's the inflammatory fiction you pick up . I tell you what , young woman \u2014 the sooner you and your sister get rid of your silly notions about not living at home , and making your own way , the sooner you 'll both get married and make it . Men do n't like the new spirit in women \u2014 they may say they do , but they do n't .", "Well , I 'm very ordinary . If you keep your eyes open , you 'll soon see that .", "That 's not the way to put it .Women in your class have never had to face realities .", "Well , I 'll bet you what you like , Athene 's dose of reality will have cured her .", "You 'd better not . Athene will come home , and only too glad to do it . Ring for Topping and order the car at twelve . As he opens the door to pass out , MAUD starts forward , but checks herself ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Oh ! no , sir ; Mrs Herringhame .", "Oh ! yes , sir .", "Yes , sir .", "Yes , sir .", "Oh ! yes , Sir .", "Did you want anything , sir ?", "Oh ! no , Sir .", "Oh ! no , Sir .", "Oh ! I do n't know , sir .", "Oh ! yes , Sir .", "Ah ! She goes across to the bedroom on the Right , and soon returns with a suit of pyjamas , a toothbrush , a pair of slippers and a case of razors , which she puts on the table , and disappears into the kitchen . She reappears with a bread pan , which she deposits in the centre of the room ; then crosses again to the bedroom , and once more reappears with a clothes brush , two hair brushes , and a Norfolk jacket . As she stuffs all these into the bread pan and bears it back into the kitchen , there is the sound of a car driving up and stopping . ANNIE reappears at the kitchen door just as the knocker sounds .", "Vexin \u2019 and provokin \u2019 !Oh ! MR and MRS BUILDER enter .", "Oh ! Sir , no , sir .", "Oh ! Sir , yes , Sir .", "Oh ! Sir , I do n't know , Sir .", "No , Sir .", "I d \u2014 do n't , sir .", "Oh ! yes , sir . Is that all , please , sir ?", "Thank you , ma'am . She turns and hurries out into the kitchen , Left . BUILDER gazes after her , and MRS BUILDER gazes at BUILDER with her faint smile .", "Oh ! ma'am , please , Miss , I want to go home .", "Oh ! thank you , Miss .", "I \u2014 I might catch it , Miss .", "Oh ! no , Miss ; from you . You see , I 've got a young man that wants to marry me . And if I do n't let him , I might get into trouble meself .", "I never thought , Miss . And of course I do n't want to begin .", "I do n't think they do , Miss .", "They have n't time . Father 's an engine driver .", "Somethin \u2019 like you , sir . But very respectable .", "I \u2014 I could treat him the same , Miss .", "He 's very mild .", "Oh ! yes , sir .", "Yes , Miss ; that 's what I thought .", "Oh ! I do n't \u2014 think \u2014 he 'll hammer me , Miss . Of course , I know you can n't tell till you 've found out .", "Oh ! no , Miss ; that 's what I 've been thinking .", "You see , we can n't be married ; sir , till he gets his rise . So it 'll be a continual temptation to me .", "Oh ! no , Miss .", "Oh ! I did n't think it right to take notice .", "Oh ! no , sir . Only , seein \u2019 Mr and Mrs Builder so upset , brought it \u2018 ome like . And father can be \u2018 andy with a strap .", "Oh ! yes , Miss .", "Oh ! I sha n't say I 've been livin \u2019 in a family that was n't a family , Miss . It would n't do no good .", "Oh ! I 'm puttin \u2019 you out , Miss .", "Oh ! thank you , Miss . I 'm very sorry . Of course if you was to change your mind \u2014", "Oh ! good-bye , sir , and thank you . I was goin \u2019 there now with my young man . He 's just round the corner .", "Oh ! yes , sir , I will . Good-bye , sir . Goodbye , Miss . She goes .", "Oh ! sir , please , sir \u2014 I 've told my young man .", "\u2018 E was \u2018 orrified , Miss .", "Oh ! no , sir \u2014 at mine .", "Oh ! yes , Miss ; that 's why \u2018 e 's horrified .", "Yes , sir . \u2018 E said I \u2018 ad no strength of mind .", "Oh ! yes , Miss .", "Oh , sir , \u2018 e said there was nothing like Epsom salts .", "He was in the Army , sir .", "Oh ! yes , sir ; but not so respectable as that .", "Oh ! yes , Miss . She makes a little curtsey and passes through into the kitchen .", "Oh !", "Oh ! yes , sir . Wo n't Mr Builder be pleased ?", "Oh ! no , sir . Of course you can n't be a family without , can you ?", "Oh ! please , ma'am , I was to give you a message \u2014 very important \u2014 from Miss Maud Builder \u201c Lookout ! Father is coming ! \u201d She goes out . The CURTAIN falls ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Well , \u2018 Arris ?", "Mr Chantrey ?", "I 've had some awkward things to deal with in my time , \u2018 Arris , but this is just about thelimit .", "Put a book on the chair , \u2018 Arris ; I like to sit \u2018 igh . HARRIS puts a volume of Eneyclopaedia on the Mayor 's chair behind the bureau .", "Ah , Chantrey !", "Whose ?", "He is . \u2018 Ot temper , and an \u2018 igh sense of duty .", "Harris , go out and bring them in yourself ; do n't let the servants \u2014 HARRIS goes out Left . The MAYOR takes the upper chair behind the bureau , sitting rather higher because of the book than CHANTREY , who takes the lower . Now that they are in the seats of justice , a sort of reticence falls on them , as if they were afraid of giving away their attitudes of mind to some unseen presence .", "H 'm !", "I think I \u2018 ear them . H 'm . CHANTREY drops his eyeglass and puts on a pair of \u201c grandfather \u201d spectacles . The MAYOR clears his throat and takes up a pen . They neither of them look up as the door is opened and a little procession files in . First HARRIS ; then RALPH BUILDER , ATHENE , HERRINGHAME , MAUD , MRS BUILDER , SERGEANT MARTIN , carrying a heavy Malacca cane with a silver knob ; JOHN BUILDER and the CONSTABLE MOON , a young man with one black eye . No funeral was ever attended by mutes so solemn and dejected . They stand in a sort of row .", "Sit down , ladies ; sit down . HARRIS and HERRINGHAME succeed in placing the three women in chairs . RALPH BUILDER also sits . HERRINGHAME stands behind . JOHN BUILDER remains standing between the two POLICEMEN . His face is unshaved and menacing , but he stands erect staring straight at the MAYOR . HARRIS goes to the side of the bureau , Back , to take down the evidence .", "Charges !", "Yes ; never mind what you 're given to understand .", "Sergeant ? MOON steps back two paces , and the SERGEANT steps two paces forward .", "The defendant said nothing ?", "Any questions to ask the Sergeant ? BUILDER continues to stare at the MAYOR without a word .", "Very well !", "The MAYOR and CHANTREY now consult each other inaudibly , and the", "Mayor nods .", "Miss Maud Builder , will you tell us what you know of this \u2014 er \u2014 occurrence ?", "I 'm afraid you must .", "I see . A \u2014 a domestic disagreement . Very well , that charge is withdrawn . You do not appear to have been hurt , and that seems to me quite proper . Now , tell me what you know of the assault on the constable . Is his account correct ?", "Yes ? Tell us the truth .", "Oh , the stick ? But \u2014 er \u2014 the stick was in \u2018 is \u2018 and , was n't it ?", "But did \u2018 e \u2018 it \u2018 im with the stick ?", "Then who supplied the \u2014 er \u2014 momentum ?", "Hand up the cane . The SERGEANT hands up the cane . The MAYOR and CHANTREY examine it . MAYOR . Which end \u2014 do you suggest \u2014 inflicted this injury ?", "What do you say to that , constable ?", "Be careful . Will you swear to that ?", "You wo n't swear to it ?", "Eh ? That 'll do , constable ; stand back . Now , who else saw the struggle ? Mrs Builder . You 're not obliged to say anything unless you like . That 's your privilege as his wife . While he is speaking the door has been opened , and HARRIS has gone swiftly to it , spoken to someone and returned . He leans forward to the MAYOR . Eh ? Wait a minute . Mrs Builder , do you wish to give evidence ?", "Very good .Now then , what is it ? HARRIS says something in a low and concerned voice . The MAYOR 'S face lengthens . He leans to his right and consults CHANTREY , who gives a faint and deprecating shrug . A moment 's silence .", "This is an open Court . The Press have the right to attend if they wish . HARRIS goes to the door and admits a young man in glasses , of a pleasant appearance , and indicates to him a chair at the back . At this untimely happening BUILDER 's eyes have moved from side to side , but now he regains his intent and bull-like stare at his fellow-justices .", "You can sit down , Miss Builder . MAUD resumes her seat . Miss Athene Builder , you were present , I think ?", "What do you say to this matter ?", "Is it your impression that the cane inflicted the injury ?", "With or without deliberate intent ?", "But you were not in a position to see very well ?", "Your sister having withdrawn her charge , we need n't go into that .", "Very good !", "He motions her to sit down . ATHENE , turning her eyes on her", "Father 's impassive figure , sits .", "Now , there was a young man .Is this the young man ?", "What 's your name ?", "Address ?", "H 'm ! The Aerodrome . How did you come to be present ?", "Did you appear on the scene , as the constable says , during the struggle ?", "Did he summon you to his aid ?", "What do you say to this blow ?", "Well , let us hear .", "You are sure of that ?", "Did you hear any language ?", "You call that ordinary ?", "Very well , That seems to be the evidence . Defendant John Builder \u2014 what do you say to all this ?", "That charge is not pressed , and we can n't go into the circumstances . What do you wish to say about your conduct towards the constable ?", "I \u2014 I did n't catch .", "I understand , then , that you do not wish to offer any explanation ?", "Very good . Miss Maud Builder . MAUD stands up .", "When you spoke of the defendant seeing red , what exactly did you mean ?", "Speaking of your own knowledge , Mr Builder ?", "You mean that he might have been , as one might say , beside himself ?", "Had you seen your brother ?", "Miss Athene Builder . ATHENE stands up . This young man , Mr Herringhame , I take it , is a friend of the family 's ? A moment of some tension .", "Very good .As the defendant , wrongly , we think , refuses to offer his explanation of this matter , the Bench has to decide on the evidence as given . There seems to be some discrepancy as to the blow which the constable undoubtedly received . In view of this , we incline to take the testimony of Mr \u2014 HARRIS prompts him . Mr \u2018 Erringhame \u2014 as the party least implicated personally in the affair , and most likely to \u2018 ave a cool and impartial view . That evidence is to the effect that the blow was accidental . There is no doubt , however , that the defendant used reprehensible language , and offered some resistance to the constable in the execution of his duty . Evidence \u2018 as been offered that he was in an excited state of mind ; and it is possible \u2014 I do n't say that this is any palliation \u2014 but it is possible that he may have thought his position as magistrate made him \u2014 er \u2014", "Eh ? We think , considering all the circumstances , and the fact that he has spent a night in a cell , that justice will be met by \u2014 er \u2014 discharging him with a caution .", "My Aunt !", "Charges .", "SERGEANT steps forward to read the charge as", "The CURTAIN falls ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Here !", "What 's that you 're sayin \u2019 ? You take care !", "Stop it , you young limb !", "Move on ! He retreats from the window , opening the paper .", "Crimes ! Phew ! That accounts for them bein \u2019 away all night . While he is reading , CAMILLE enters from the hall . Here ! Have you seen this , Camel \u2014 in the Stop Press ?", "\u201c Tried to prevent her father from forcing her mother to return home with him , and he struck her for so doing . She did not press the charge . The arrested gentleman , who said he acted under great provocation , was discharged with a caution . \u201d Well , I 'm blowed ! He has gone and done it !", "Have you had any hand in this ? I 've seen you making your lovely black eyes at him . You foreigners \u2014 you 're a loose lot !", "Not yet , my dear .", "Well , this little lot 's bust up ! The favourites will fall down . Johnny", "Builder ! Who 'd have thought it ?", "Ah ! He 's right up against it now . Comes of not knowin \u2019 when to stop bein \u2019 firm . If you meet a wall with your \u2018 ead , it 's any odds on the wall , Camel . Though , if you listened to some , you would n't think it . What 'll he do now , I wonder ? Any news of the mistress ?", "Why ?", "Deuce she did ! They generally leave \u2018 em . Take back yer gifts ! She throws the baubles at \u2018 is \u2018 ead .You 're a deep one , you know ! There is the sound of a cab stopping . Wonder if that 's him !", "Not yet , Miss .", "I 've got \u2018 em on the cab , Miss . I did n't put your ten bob on yesterday , because the animal finished last . You cant depend on horses .", "Ah ! However did it happen , Miss Maud ?", "Well , you see , Miss , it 's like this : Up to now Mr Builder 's always had the respect of everybody \u2014 MAUD moves her head impatiently . outside his own house , of course . Well , now he has n't got it . Pishchologically that 's bound to touch him .", "He wo n't throw up the sponge , Miss ; more likely to squeeze it down the back of their necks .", "Do n't you fret , Miss ; he 'll come through . His jaw 's above his brow , as you might say .", "Phreenology , Miss . I rather follow that . When the jaw 's big and the brow is small , it 's a sign of character . I always think the master might have been a Scotchman , except for his fishionomy .", "So down on anything soft , Miss . Have n't you noticed whenever one of these \u2018 Umanitarians writes to the papers , there 's always a Scotchman after him next morning . Seems to be a fact of \u2018 uman nature , like introducin \u2019 rabbits into a new country and then weasels to get rid of \u2018 em . And then something to keep down the weasels . But I never can see what could keep down a Scotchman ! You seem to reach the hapex there !", "Indeed , Miss . I thought perhaps she was about to be .", "Comin \u2019 events . I saw the shadder yesterday .", "Ah ! I should n't be surprised if he feels awful about you ,", "Miss ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["All right . I 'll ring .", "Not now .", "Did I say that ? Muck ! Muck !Town , 245 .The \u201c Comet \u201d ? John Builder . Give me the Editor .That you , Mr Editor ? John Builder speaking . That interview . I 've got the proof . It wo n't do . Scrap the whole thing , please . I do n't want to say anything .Yes . I know I said it all ; I can n't help that .No ; I 've changed my mind . Scrap it , please .No , I will not say anything .You can say what you dam \u2019 well please .I mean it ; if you put a word into my mouth , I 'll sue you for defamation of character . It 's undignified muck . I 'm tearing it up . Good-night .TOPPING enters . Here , give this to the messenger-sharp , and tell him to run with it .", "Nor do I . Yes ! I 'll see him . TOPPING goes out , and BUILDER stands over by the fender , with his head a little down .", "Well ?", "And what about my face ?", "I 'd rather put you into mine , as it was last night .", "I did n't strike a woman \u2014 I struck my daughter .", "Is that what you came for ?", "Eye-wash ! You came to beg me to resign .", "Save your powder , Mayor . I 've slept on it since I wrote you that note . Take my resignations .", "I never yet met a man who could n't face another man 's position .", "Splendid isolation . No wife , no daughters , no Councillorship , no Magistracy , no future \u2014not even a French maid . And why ? Because I tried to exercise a little wholesome family authority . That 's the position you 're facing , Mayor .", "You shall have them in writing tomorrow .", "All right . Put it down .", "You 're a good fellow .", "Light the fire , Topping . I 'm chilly . While TOPPING lights the fire BUILDER puts the pipe in his mouth and applies a match to it . TOPPING , having lighted the fire , turns to go , gets as far as half way , then comes back level with the table and regards the silent brooding figure in the chair .", "Give me that paper on the table . No ; the other one \u2014 the Will . TOPPING takes up the Will and gives it to him .", "Good-night . TOPPING has gone . BUILDER sits drawing at his pipe between the firelight and the light from the standard lamp . He takes the pipe out of his mouth and a quiver passes over his face . With a half angry gesture he rubs the back of his hand across his eyes .", "Pluck ! Pluck !While he is doing this the door from the hall is opened quietly , and MRS BUILDER enters without his hearing her . She has a work bag in her hand . She moves slowly to the table , and stands looking at him . Then going up to the curtains she mechanically adjusts them , and still keeping her eyes on BUILDER , comes down to the table and pours out his usual glass of whisky toddy . BUILDER , who has become conscious of her presence , turns in his chair as she hands it to him . He sits a moment motionless , then takes it from her , and squeezes her hand . MRS BUILDER goes silently to her usual chair below the fire , and taking out some knitting begins to knit . BUILDER makes an effort to speak , does not succeed , and sits drawing at his pipe . The CURTAIN falls . LOYALTIES From the 5th Series Plays By John Galsworthy PERSONS OF THE PLAY In the Order of Appearance"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Hallo ! Adela !", "In bed ?", "Win at Bridge ?", "Who did ?", "That young man has too much luck \u2014 the young bounder won two races to-day ; and he 's as rich as Croesus .", "His father did sell carpets , wholesale , in the City .", "Ronny Dancy took a tenner off him , anyway , before dinner .", "Standing jump on to a bookcase four feet high . De Levis had to pay up , and sneered at him for making money by parlour tricks . That young Jew gets himself disliked .", "Not a bit . I like Jews . That 's not against him \u2014 rather the contrary these days . But he pushes himself . The General tells me he 's deathly keen to get into the Jockey Club .It 's amusing to see him trying to get round old St Erth .", "He 's got some pretty good horses .Ronny Dancy 's on his bones again , I 'm afraid . He had a bad day . When a chap takes to doing parlour stunts for a bet \u2014 it 's a sure sign . What made him chuck the Army ?", "Well , he can n't exist on backing losers .", "Yes . He 's a queer chap . I 've always liked him , but I 've never quite made him out . What do you think of his wife ?", "Is he ?", "Who 's beyond them ?", "I know .", "Half-past eleven .Newmarket always makes me sleepy . You 're keeping Morison up . LADY ADELA goes to the door , blowing a kiss . CHARLES goes up to his dressing-table and begins to brush his hair , sprinkling on essence . There is a knock on the corridor door . Come in . DE LEVIS enters , clad in pyjamas and flowered dressing-gown . He is a dark , good-looking , rather Eastern young man . His face is long and disturbed . Hallo ! De Levis ! Anything I can do for you ?", "What !How do you mean stolen ?", "Good Lord ! How much ?", "Phew !", "What ? That weed Dancy gave you in the Spring ?", "You locked \u2014", "This is damned awkward , De Levis .", "Have you got the numbers of the notes ?", "What were they ?", "What d'you want me to do ?", "Is it likely ?", "Good Lord ! We 're not in Town ; there 'll be nobody nearer than", "Newmarket at this time of night \u2014 four miles .", "The door from the bedroom is suddenly opened and LADY ADELA appears .", "She has on a lace cap over her finished hair , and the wrapper .", "Worse ; he 's had a lot of money stolen . Nearly a thousand pounds .", "Thrilling ! What 's to be done ? He wants it back .", "Yes ! What am I to do ? Fetch the servants out of their rooms ? Search the grounds ? It 'll make the devil of a scandal .", "Next to you ? The Dancys on this side , and Miss Orme on the other . What 's that to do with it ?", "Let 's get them . But Dancy was down stairs when I came up . Get Morison , Adela ! No . Look here ! When was this exactly ? Let 's have as many alibis as we can .", "How long has Morison been up with you ?", "Half an hour . Then she 's all right .", "Send her for Margaret and the Dancys \u2014 there 's nobody else in this wing .", "No ; send her to bed . We do n't want gossip . D'you mind going yourself ,", "Adela ?", "Right . Could you get him too ? D'you really want the police ,", "De Levis ?", "Then , look here , dear ! Slip into my study and telephone to the police at Newmarket . There 'll be somebody there ; they 're sure to have drunks . I 'll have Treisure up , and speak to him .LADY ADELA goes out into her room and closes the door .", "Look here , De Levis ! This is n't an hotel . It 's the sort of thing that does n't happen in a decent house . Are you sure you 're not mistaken , and did n't have them stolen on the course ?", "How was your window ?", "You 've got a balcony like this . Any sign of a ladder or anything ?", "It must have been done from the window , unless someone had a skeleton key . Who knew you 'd got that money ? Where did Kentman pay you ?", "Anybody about ?", "Suspicious ?", "You must have been marked down and followed here .", "Might have got it somehow .Come in . TREISURE , the Butler , appears , a silent , grave man of almost supernatural conformity . DE LEVIS gives him a quick , hard look , noted and resented by WINSOR .", "Who valets Mr De Levis ?", "When was he up last ?", "When did he go to bed ?", "But did he go ?", "Look here , Treisure , Mr De Levis has had a large sum of money taken from his bedroom within the last half hour .", "Robert 's quite all right , is n't he ?", "Look here , De Levis , eighty or ninety notes must have been pretty bulky . You did n't have them on you at dinner ?", "Where did you put them ?", "And you found it locked \u2014 and took them from there to put under your pillow ?", "Run your mind over things , Treisure \u2014 has any stranger been about ?", "This seems to have happened between 11. 15 and 11. 30 . Is that right ?Any noise-anything outside-anything suspicious anywhere ?", "What time did you shut up ?", "Having a bath ; with his room locked and the key in his pocket .", "Look here , Treisure , it 's infernally awkward for everybody .", "What do you suggest ?", "I entirely refuse to suspect anybody .", "Quite ! It 's pretty sickening for you . But so it is for anybody else . However , we must do our best to get it back for you . A knock on the door .", "Hallo ! TREISURE opens the door , and GENERAL . CANYNGE enters . Oh ! It 's you , General . Come in . Adela 's told you ? GENERAL CANYNGE nods . He is a slim man of about sixty , very well preserved , intensely neat and self-contained , and still in evening dress . His eyelids droop slightly , but his eyes are keen and his expression astute .", "Well , General , what 's the first move ?", "We do .", "Treisure has been here since he was a boy . I should as soon suspect myself .", "Of course , De Levis !", "Phew ! Did you ever see such a dressing-gown ? The door is opened . LADY ADELA and MARGARET ORME come in . The latter is a vivid young lady of about twenty-five in a vivid wrapper ; she is smoking a cigarette .", "You might take it seriously , Margaret ; it 's pretty beastly for us all . What time did you come up ?", "Did you hear anything ?", "And saw nothing ?", "Awfully sorry to disturb you , Mrs Dancy ; but I suppose you and Ronny have n't heard anything . De Levis 's room is just beyond Ronny 's dressing-room , you know .", "Between the quarter and half past . He 'd locked his door and had the key with him .", "All right . Get Robert up , but do n't say anything to him . By the way , we 're expecting the police .", "De Levis has got wrong with Treisure .But , I say , what would any of us have done if we 'd been in his shoes ?", "Yes ; but there 's a way of doing things .", "He sold that weed you gave him , Dancy , to Kentman , the bookie , and these were the proceeds .", "He 'd tried her high , he said .", "He must have been followed here .After rain like that , there ought to be footmarks . The splutter of a motor cycle is heard .", "What 's the move now , General ?", "Yes , General ?", "By Jove ! It will .", "Quite .Come in ! TREISURE enters .", "Show him in .", "All right . TREISURE re-opens the door , and says \u201c Come in , please . \u201d The INSPECTOR enters , blue , formal , moustachioed , with a peaked cap in his hand .", "Good evening , Inspector . Sorry to have brought you out at this time of night .", "Yes . General Canynge .", "Yes . Shall we go straight to the room it was taken from ? One of my guests , Mr De Levis . It 's the third room on the left ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now , sir , if this is the room as you left it for your bath , just show us exactly what you did after takin \u2019 the pocket-book from the suit case . Where was that , by the way ?", "We now have the room as it was when the theft was committed . Reconstruct accordin \u2019 to \u2018 uman nature , gentlemen \u2014 assumin \u2019 the thief to be in the room , what would he try first ?\u2014 the clothes , the dressin \u2019 - table , the suit case , the chest of drawers , and last the bed . He moves accordingly , examining the glass on the dressing-table , the surface of the suit cases , and the handles of the drawers , with a spy-glass , for finger-marks .", "Did you open the window , sir , or was it open when you first came in ?", "Drawin \u2019 the curtains back first ?", "Are you sure there was nobody in the room already ?", "Did not look under bed . Did you look under it after the theft ?", "Ah ! Now , what did you do after you came back from your bath ? Just give us that precisely .", "Shutting the window ?", "Let me have a look at those , sir .And then ?", "Thinkin \u2019 and cursin \u2019 a bit , I suppose . Ye-es ?", "Not lockin \u2019 the door ?", "Exactly .Now , sir , what time did you come up ?", "Precise , if you can give it me .", "Just undressin \u2019 ? Did n't look over your bettin \u2019 book ?", "No prayers or anything ?", "Pretty slippy with your undressin \u2019 as a rule ?", "Mr WINSOR , what time did the gentleman come to you ?", "How do you fix that , sir ?", "Then we 've got it fixed between 11. 15 and 11. 30 .Now , sir , before we go further I 'd like to see your butler and the footman that valets this gentleman .", "Quite so . This is just clearing the ground , sir .", "Well , gentlemen , there are four possibilities . Either the thief was here all the time , waiting under the bed , and slipped out after this gentleman had gone to Mr WINSOR . Or he came in with a key that fits the lock ; and I 'll want to see all the keys in the house . Or he came in with a skeleton key and out by the window , probably droppin \u2019 from the balcony . Or he came in by the window with a rope or ladder and out the same way .There 's a footmark here from a big boot which has been out of doors since it rained .", "I had not overlooked that , General .", "You valet Mr \u2014 Mr De Levis , I think ?", "At what time did you take his clothes and boots ?", "Did you happen to look under his bed ?", "Did you come up again , to bring the clothes back ?", "Did you come up again for anything ?", "What time did you go to bed ?", "Now , be careful . Did you go to bed at all ?", "Then why did you say you did ? There 's been a theft here , and anything you say may be used against you .", "Where is your room ?", "Were you there alone ?", "Were you out of the room again after you went in ?", "What were you doing , if you did n't go to bed ?", "Very good . You can go . I 'll see them later on .", "Call him back . TREISURE calls \u201c Robert , \u201d and the FOOTMAN re-enters .", "Did you notice anything particular about Mr De Levis 's clothes ?", "I mean \u2014 anything peculiar ?", "Well ?", "What did you make of that ?", "Did you look for it ?", "Very good .", "Well , sir , there 's your story corroborated .", "In my experience , you can never have too much of that .", "I understand there 's a lady in the room on this side", "and a gentleman on this", "Were they in their rooms ?", "Do they know of the affair ?", "Well , I 'd just like the keys of their doors for a minute . My man will get them . He goes to the door , opens it , and speaks to a constable in the corridor .You can go with him . TREISURE goes Out . In the meantime I 'll just examine the balcony . He goes out on the balcony , followed by DE LEVIS .", "Put them back . Hands keys to CONSTABLE , who goes out , followed by TREISURE . I 'll have to try every key in the house , sir .", "A bookie . I do n't suppose he will , sir . It 's come and go with them , all the time .", "Well , Mr WINSOR , I 've formed my theory . As he speaks , DE LEVIS comes in from the balcony . And I do n't say to try the keys is necessary to it ; but strictly , I ought to exhaust the possibilities .", "Very well , gentlemen . In my opinion the thief walked in before the door was locked , probably during dinner ; and was under the bed . He escaped by dropping from the balcony \u2014 the creeper at that cornerhas been violently wrenched . I 'll go down now , and examine the grounds , and I 'll see you again Sir .Goodnight , then , gentlemen !", "I 'm just going , gentlemen . The grounds , I 'm sorry to say , have yielded nothing . It 's a bit of a puzzle .", "We have , General . I can pick up nothing near the terrace .", "Well , we 'll see what we can do with the bookmakers about the numbers , sir . Before I go , gentlemen \u2014 you 've had time to think it over \u2014 there 's no one you suspect in the house , I suppose ? DE LEVIS 's face is alive and uncertain . CANYNGE is staring at him very fixedly .", "If you 're coming in to the racing to-morrow , sir , you might give us a call . I 'll have seen Kentman by then .", "You 're welcome , sir ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["By George ! You do hold cards , Borring .", "No go , General . You can n't go back on pace . No getting a man to walk when he knows he can fly . The young men wo n't look at it .", "Thank you . That 's all . FOOTMAN goes .", "You and I , Borring . He sits down in CANYNGE 'S chair , and the GENERAL takes his place by the fire .", "He only had the numbers of two \u2014 the hundred , and one of the fifties .", "Not yet . As he speaks , DE LEVIS comes in . He is in a highly-coloured , not to say excited state . COLFORD follows him .", "You make this accusation that Dancy stole your money in my house on no proof \u2014 no proof ; and you expect Dancy 's friends to treat you as if you were a gentleman ! That 's too strong , if you like !", "Well \u2014 if he did ?", "Are you going to retract , and apologise in front of Dancy and the members who heard you ?", "Unless you stop this at once , you may find yourself in prison . If you can stop it , that is .", "Is it fair to Dancy not to let him know ?", "I 've known him all his life .", "It 's perfectly damnable for him .", "Of course , he 'll bring a case , when he 's thought it over .", "Yes . What 'll be his position even if he wins ?", "Quite so , unless they find the real thief . People always believe the worst .", "Colford !The General felt his coat sleeve that night , and it was wet .", "If he did do it \u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["But it 's monstrous !", "It 's wicked ! Yesterday afternoon at the Club , did you say ? Ronny has n't said a word to me . Why ?", "But \u2014\u2014 Good heavens !\u2014\u2014 Me !", "Ronny ?", "That beast , De Levis ! I was in our room next door all the time .", "I do n't know ; I \u2014 I think it was .", "What do you mean \u2014 Court ?", "Were they talking of this last night at the WINSOR 's ?", "It 's terrible , such a thing \u2014 terrible !", "I can n't realise \u2014 I simply can n't . If there 's a case would it be all right afterwards ?", "We 'll fight it tooth and nail !", "It 's for him they ought \u2014", "No . I want it .", "I hate half-hearted friends . Loyalty comes before everything .", "I must see Ronny . D'you mind if I go and try to get him on the telephone ?", "No ; he 's not at Tattersall 's , nor at the Club . LADY ADELA rises and greets her with an air which suggests bereavement .", "Nobody who does need come here , or trouble to speak to us again .", "So easy , is n't it ? I could kill anybody who believes such a thing .", "Listen ! There 's Ronny ! DANCY comes in .", "Ronny ! Why did n't you tell me ?", "That wretch ! How dare he ? Darling !It 's hurt you awfully , I know .", "But how can we ? Everybody would say \u2014", "I could n't bear people to think \u2014", "But they 'll find the real thief .", "Oh ! I could n't \u2014 it looks like running away . We must stay and fight it !", "But you must \u2014 I was there all the time , with the door open .", "I 'm almost sure .", "Ronny , I do n't understand \u2014 suppose I 'd been accused of stealing pearls !", "But I might \u2014 just as easily . What would you think of me if I ran away from it ?", "Let me come !Why not ? I can n't be happy a moment unless I 'm fighting this . DANCY puts out his hand suddenly and grips hers .", "Do you know what Margaret called you ?", "A desperate character .", "Will you wait a minute , please ? Returning . It 's De Levis \u2014 to see you .Let me see him alone first . Just for a minute ! Do !", "Come in . DE LEVIS comes in , and stands embarrassed . Yes ?", "He is in . Why do you want to see him ?", "Mr De Levis , you are robbing my husband of his good name .", "How can you do it ? What do you want ? What 's your motive ? You can n't possibly believe that my husband is a thief !", "How dare you ? How dare you ? Do n't you know that I was in our bedroom all the time with the door open ? Do you accuse me too ?", "But you do . I must have seen , I must have heard .", "In other words , I 'm lying .", "Mr De Levis , I appeal to you as a gentleman to behave to us as you would we should behave to you . Withdraw this wicked charge , and write an apology that Ronald can show .", "I think what you are doing is too horrible for words . DE LEVIS gives her a slight bow , and as he does so DANCY comes quickly in , Left . The two men stand with the length of the sofa between them . MABEL , behind the sofa , turns her eyes on her husband , who has a paper in his right hand .", "No , no !", "Do n't , Ronny . It 's undignified ! He is n't worth it . DANCY suddenly tears the paper in two , and flings it into the fire .", "What do you mean ?", "Do n't ! You hurt me !", "Ronny !", "That he was robbing us .Ronny \u2014 you \u2014 did n't ? I 'd rather know .", "Oh ! How horrible of me \u2014 how horrible !", "If I can n't believe in you , who can ?", "Ronny ! If all the world \u2014 I 'd believe in you . You know I would .", "Oh ! at once !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["By appointment ?", "I 'll see him . The CLERK goes . GRAVITER sits right of table . The CLERK returns , ushering in an oldish MAN , who looks what he is , the proprietor of a large modern grocery store . He wears a dark overcoat and carries a pot hat . His gingery-grey moustache and mutton-chop whiskers give him the expression of a cat .", "Mr Gilman ? Yes .", "His partner . Graviter my name is .", "No . He 's at the Courts . They 're just up ; he should be in directly . But he 'll be busy .", "Most people have .", "As you say .", "By the way , sir , what is your business ?", "Very well ; then , perhaps , you 'll go in there .", "No ?", "Not uncommon .", "Exactly .", "Ask him , sir ; ask him .", "How d'you do , Miss Orme ? How do you do , WINSOR ?", "Not yet .", "Oho !", "We considered it . Sir Frederic decided that he could use him better in cross-examination .", "I should like to hear Mr Jacob on that , WINSOR . He 'll be in directly .", "Did we shake Kentman or Goole ?", "The public wants it 's money 's worth \u2014 always does in these", "Society cases ; they brew so long beforehand , you see .", "Do !", "Yes , but not till you 've gone .", "No ; I can n't say \u2014", "De Levis might have challenged the other ten , Miss Orme .", "Man called Gilman waiting in there to see you specially .", "Excuse me . He goes .", "The fifty-pounder . I see .", "How much did he give you in all ?", "What 's to be done about Dancy ?", "I do n't know , sir . The war loosened \u201c form \u201d all over the place . I saw plenty of that myself . And some men have no moral sense . From the first I 've had doubts .", "Phew ! . . .Gosh ! It 's an awful thing for his wife .", "Too respectable . If De Levis got those notes back , and the rest of the money , anonymously ?", "I do n't believe this alters what I 've been thinking .", "It 'll let him in for a prosecution . He came to us in confidence .", "No . I suppose not .By Jove , I do n't like losing this case . I do n't like the admission we backed such a wrong \u2018 un .", "What are you going to do then , sir ?", "Get me Captain Dancy 's flat . . . . What ? . . .Mrs Dancy is here . That 's a propos with a vengeance . Are you going to see her , sir ?", "Bring Mrs Dancy up .MABEL DANDY is shown in , looking very pale . TWISDEN advances from the fire , and takes her hand .", "Good night , Mrs Dancy . MABEL goes .", "D'you know , I believe she knows .", "Has n't that shaken you , sir ? It has me .", "Yes ?", "Can Sir Frederic spare Mr Twisden a few minutes now if he comes round ?He 's gone down to Brighton for the night .", "What 's his address ? What . . . ?", "The Bedford .", "Thank you . All right .", "By George ! I feel bad about this ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["He wanted to see me before the Court sat .", "Were you in the war ?", "How can you stick this ?", "But you get no excitement from year 's end to year 's end . It 'd drive me mad .", "Why ? What is it to you ?", "WINSOR came to me yesterday about General Canynge 's evidence . Is that what you wanted to speak to me about ?", "By me it 's just on the half-hour , sir .", "Not ?", "Oh !", "No . What now ?", "That 's very good of you , considering .", "To the life .", "No .", "Not if she 's wise .", "Good old Morocco !", "I do n't know yet .", "There are alternatives .", "It 's all damned kind of you .But I must think of my wife . Give me a few minutes .", "It is ! They all turn round in consternation .", "No good , Colford .Oh ! clear out \u2014 I can n't stand commiseration ; and let me have some air . TWISDEN motions to COLFORD and MARGARET to go ; and as he turns to DANCY , they go out . GRAVITER also moves towards the door . The GENERAL sits motionless . GRAVITER goes Out .", "I 'm going home , to clear up things with my wife . General Canynge , I do n't quite know why I did the damned thing . But I did , and there 's an end of it .", "Very good of you . I do n't know if I can make use of it . CANYNGE stretches out the letter , which TWISDEN hands to DANCY , who takes it . GRAVITER re-opens the door .", "Let him in ! After a moment 's hesitation TWISDEN nods , and GRAVITER goes out . The three wait in silence with their eyes fixed on the door , the GENERAL sitting at the table , TWISDEN by his chair , DANCY between him and the door Right . DE LEVIS comes in and shuts the door . He is advancing towards TWISDEN when his eyes fall on DANCY , and he stops ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ronny ! Do they want me in Court ?", "What is it , then ? Why are you back ?", "Spun ? What do you mean ? What 's spun ?", "Oh !Who ?", "Do n't , Ronny ! Oh ! No ! Do n't !DANCY stands looking down at her .", "Why did n't you tell me then ? I would have gone .", "Oh ! Why did n't I face it ? But I could n't \u2014 I had to believe .", "No . DANCY goes suddenly on his knees and seizes her hand .", "Yes ; oh , yes ! I think I 've known a long time , really . Only \u2014 why ? What made you ?", "But \u2014 money ! To keep it !", "To a woman ?", "It was \u2014 it was to a woman . Ronny , do n't lie any more .", "The woman \u2014 have you \u2014 since \u2014?", "What has happened , exactly ?", "To the war there ?", "A prosecution ? Prison ? Oh , go ! Do n't wait a minute ! Go !", "Oh , Ronny ! Please ! Please ! Think what you 'll want . I 'll pack . Quick ! No ! Do n't wait to take things . Have you got money ?", "Oh ! No ! No , no ! I 'll follow \u2014 I 'll come out to you there .", "Of course I 'll stick to you . DANCY seizes her hand and puts it to his lips . The bell rings .", "Who 's that ? The bell rings again . DANCY moves towards the door . No ! Let me ! She passes him and steals out to the outer door of the flat , where she stands listening . The bell rings again . She looks through the slit of the letter-box . While she is gone DANCY stands quite still , till she comes back .", "Through the letter-bog \u2014 I can see \u2014\u2014 It 's \u2014 it 's police . Oh ! God ! . . . Ronny ! I can n't bear it .", "Whatever happens , I 'll go on loving you . If it 's prison \u2014 I 'll wait . Do you understand ? I do n't care what you did \u2014 I do n't care ! I 'm just the same . I will be just the same when you come back to me .", "It is . It 's in Me .", "No , no ! Kiss me ! A long kiss , till the bell again startles them apart , and there is a loud knock .", "Ronny ! Oh , Ronny ! It wo n't be for long \u2014 I 'll be waiting ! I 'll be waiting \u2014 I swear it .", "Yes ?", "I am not quite sure \u2014 I do n't think so .", "Will you come in while I see ? She comes in , followed by the INSPECTOR .", "He was changing his clothes to go out . I think he has gone .", "To our bedroom .", "What do you want , Inspector ?", "Inspector !", "And break my heart ?", "Are you married ?", "If you \u2014 your wife \u2014", "The INSPECTOR raises his hand , deprecating .", "Inspector , I beseech you \u2014 just half an hour ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 308, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Before we proceed any further , hear me speak .", "You are all resolv 'd rather to die than to famish ?", "First , you know Caius Marcius is chief enemy to the people .", "Let us kill him , and we 'll have corn at our own price . Is't a verdict ?", "We are accounted poor citizens , the patricians good . What authority surfeits on would relieve us ; if they would yield us but the superfluity while it were wholesome , we might guess they relieved us humanely ; but they think we are too dear . The leanness that afflicts us , the object of our misery , is as an inventory to particularize their abundance ; our sufferance is a gain to them . Let us revenge this with our pikes ere we become rakes ; for the gods know I speak this in hunger for bread , not in thirst for revenge .", "Against him first ; he 's a very dog to the commonalty .", "Very well , and could be content to give him good report for't but that he pays himself with being proud .", "I say unto you , what he hath done famously he did it to that end ; though soft-conscienc 'd men can be content to say it was for his country , he did it to please his mother and to be partly proud , which he is , even to the altitude of his virtue .", "If I must not , I need not be barren of accusations ; he hath faults , with surplus , to tire in repetition . within ] What shouts are these ? The other side o \u2019 th \u2019 city is risen . Why stay we prating here ? To th \u2019 Capitol !", "Soft ! who comes here ?", "He 's one honest enough ; would all the rest were so !", "Our business is not unknown to th \u2019 Senate ; they have had inkling this fortnight what we intend to do , which now we 'll show \u2018 em in deeds . They say poor suitors have strong breaths ; they shall know we have strong arms too .", "We cannot , sir ; we are undone already .", "Care for us ! True , indeed ! They ne'er car 'd for us yet . Suffer us to famish , and their storehouses cramm 'd with grain ; make edicts for usury , to support usurers ; repeal daily any wholesome act established against the rich , and provide more piercing statutes daily to chain up and restrain the poor . If the wars eat us not up , they will ; and there 's all the love they bear us .", "Well , I 'll hear it , sir ; yet you must not think to fob off our disgrace with a tale . But , a n't please you , deliver .", "Well , sir , what answer made the belly ?", "Your belly 's answer - What ?", "The kingly crowned head , the vigilant eye ,", "The counsellor heart , the arm our soldier ,", "Our steed the leg , the tongue our trumpeter ,", "With other muniments and petty helps", "Is this our fabric , if that they-", "Should by the cormorant belly be restrain 'd ,", "Who is the sink o \u2019 th \u2019 body-", "The former agents , if they did complain ,", "What could the belly answer ?", "Y'are long about it .", "Ay , sir ; well , well .", "It was an answer . How apply you this ?", "I the great toe ? Why the great toe ?", "We have ever your good word ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 325, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I pray you , daughter , sing , or express yourself in a more comfortable sort . If my son were my husband , I should freelier rejoice in that absence wherein he won honour than in the embracements of his bed where he would show most love . When yet he was but tender-bodied , and the only son of my womb ; when youth with comeliness pluck 'd all gaze his way ; when , for a day of kings \u2019 entreaties , a mother should not sell him an hour from her beholding ; I , considering how honour would become such a person - that it was no better than picture-like to hang by th \u2019 wall , if renown made it not stir - was pleas 'd to let him seek danger where he was to find fame . To a cruel war I sent him , from whence he return 'd his brows bound with oak . I tell thee , daughter , I sprang not more in joy at first hearing he was a man-child than now in first seeing he had proved himself a man .", "Then his good report should have been my son ; I therein would have found issue . Hear me profess sincerely : had I a dozen sons , each in my love alike , and none less dear than thine and my good Marcius , I had rather had eleven die nobly for their country than one voluptuously surfeit out of action .", "Indeed you shall not .", "Methinks I hear hither your husband 's drum ;", "See him pluck Aufidius down by th \u2019 hair ;", "As children from a bear , the Volsces shunning him .", "Methinks I see him stamp thus , and call thus :", "\u2018 Come on , you cowards ! You were got in fear ,", "Though you were born in Rome . \u2019 His bloody brow", "With his mail 'd hand then wiping , forth he goes ,", "Like to a harvest-man that 's task 'd to mow", "Or all or lose his hire .", "Away , you fool ! It more becomes a man", "Than gilt his trophy . The breasts of Hecuba ,", "When she did suckle Hector , look 'd not lovelier", "Than Hector 's forehead when it spit forth blood", "At Grecian sword , contemning . Tell Valeria", "We are fit to bid her welcome . Exit GENTLEWOMAN", "He 'll beat Aufidius \u2019 head below his knee", "And tread upon his neck .", "Re-enter GENTLEWOMAN , With VALERIA and an usher", "Sweet madam !", "He had rather see the swords and hear a drum than look upon his schoolmaster .", "One on 's father 's moods .", "She shall , she shall .", "Why , I pray you ?", "Let her alone , lady ; as she is now , she will but disease our better mirth ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 325, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Yonder comes news ; a wager - they have met .", "\u2018 Tis done .", "Say , has our general met the enemy ?", "I 'll buy him of you .", "How far off lie these armies ?", "Then shall we hear their \u2018 larum , and they ours . Now , Mars , I prithee , make us quick in work , That we with smoking swords may march from hence To help our fielded friends ! Come , blow thy blast . They sound a parley . Enter two SENATORS with others , on the walls of Corioli Tullus Aufidius , is he within your walls ?", "O , they are at it !", "They fear us not , but issue forth their city .", "Now put your shields before your hearts , and fight", "With hearts more proof than shields . Advance , brave Titus .", "They do disdain us much beyond our thoughts ,", "Which makes me sweat with wrath . Come on , my fellows .", "He that retires , I 'll take him for a Volsce ,", "And he shall feel mine edge .", "All the contagion of the south light on you ,", "You shames of Rome ! you herd of - Boils and plagues", "Plaster you o'er , that you may be abhorr 'd", "Farther than seen , and one infect another", "Against the wind a mile ! You souls of geese", "That bear the shapes of men , how have you run", "From slaves that apes would beat ! Pluto and hell !", "All hurt behind ! Backs red , and faces pale", "With flight and agued fear ! Mend and charge home ,", "Or , by the fires of heaven , I 'll leave the foe", "And make my wars on you . Look to't . Come on ;", "If you 'll stand fast we 'll beat them to their wives ,", "As they us to our trenches . Follow me ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 325, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Breathe you , my friends . Well fought ; we are come off", "Like Romans , neither foolish in our stands", "Nor cowardly in retire . Believe me , sirs ,", "We shall be charg 'd again . Whiles we have struck ,", "By interims and conveying gusts we have heard", "The charges of our friends . The Roman gods ,", "Lead their successes as we wish our own ,", "That both our powers , with smiling fronts encount'ring ,", "May give you thankful sacrifice !", "Enter A MESSENGER", "Thy news ?", "Though thou speak'st truth ,", "Methinks thou speak'st not well . How long is't since ?", "\u2018 Tis not a mile ; briefly we heard their drums .", "How couldst thou in a mile confound an hour ,", "And bring thy news so late ?", "Who 's yonder", "That does appear as he were flay 'd ? O gods !", "He has the stamp of Marcius , and I have", "Before-time seen him thus .", "The shepherd knows not thunder from a tabor", "More than I know the sound of Marcius \u2019 tongue", "From every meaner man .", "Ay , if you come not in the blood of others ,", "But mantled in your own .", "Flower of warriors ,", "How is't with Titus Lartius ?", "Where is that slave", "Which told me they had beat you to your trenches ?", "Where is he ? Call him hither .", "But how prevail 'd you ?", "Marcius ,", "We have at disadvantage fought , and did", "Retire to win our purpose .", "As I guess , Marcius ,", "Their bands i \u2019 th \u2019 vaward are the Antiates ,", "Of their best trust ; o'er them Aufidius ,", "Their very heart of hope .", "Though I could wish", "You were conducted to a gentle bath", "And balms applied to you , yet dare I never", "Deny your asking : take your choice of those", "That best can aid your action .", "March on , my fellows ; Make good this ostentation , and you shall Divide in all with us . Exeunt SCENE VII . The gates of Corioli TITUS LARTIUS , having set a guard upon Corioli , going with drum and trumpet toward COMINIUS and CAIUS MARCIUS , enters with a LIEUTENANT , other soldiers , and a scout"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 325, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I 'll fight with none but thee , for I do hate thee", "Worse than a promise-breaker .", "Let the first budger die the other 's slave ,", "And the gods doom him after !", "Within these three hours , Tullus ,", "Alone I fought in your Corioli walls ,", "And made what work I pleas 'd . \u2018 Tis not my blood", "Wherein thou seest me mask 'd . For thy revenge", "Wrench up thy power to th \u2019 highest .", "Pray now , no more ; my mother ,", "Who has a charter to extol her blood ,", "When she does praise me grieves me . I have done", "As you have done - that 's what I can ; induc 'd", "As you have been - that 's for my country .", "He that has but effected his good will", "Hath overta'en mine act .", "I have some wounds upon me , and they smart", "To hear themselves rememb'red .", "I thank you , General , But cannot make my heart consent to take A bribe to pay my sword . I do refuse it , And stand upon my common part with those That have beheld the doing . A long flourish . They all cry \u2018 Marcius , Marcius ! \u2019 cast up their caps and lances . COMINIUS and LARTIUS stand bare May these same instruments which you profane Never sound more ! When drums and trumpets shall I \u2019 th \u2019 field prove flatterers , let courts and cities be Made all of false-fac 'd soothing . When steel grows Soft as the parasite 's silk , let him be made An overture for th \u2019 wars . No more , I say . For that I have not wash 'd my nose that bled , Or foil 'd some debile wretch , which without note Here 's many else have done , you shout me forth In acclamations hyperbolical , As if I lov 'd my little should be dieted In praises sauc 'd with lies ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 325, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The augurer tells me we shall have news tonight .", "Not according to the prayer of the people , for they love not Marcius .", "Pray you , who does the wolf love ?", "Ay , to devour him , as the hungry plebeians would the noble Marcius .", "He 's a bear indeed , that lives like a lamb . You two are old men ; tell me one thing that I shall ask you .", "In what enormity is Marcius poor in that you two have not in abundance ?", "This is strange now . Do you two know how you are censured here in the city - I mean of us o \u2019 th \u2019 right-hand file ? Do you ?", "Because you talk of pride now - will you not be angry ?", "Why , \u2018 tis no great matter ; for a very little thief of occasion will rob you of a great deal of patience . Give your dispositions the reins , and be angry at your pleasures - at the least , if you take it as a pleasure to you in being so . You blame Marcius for being proud ?", "I know you can do very little alone ; for your helps are many , or else your actions would grow wondrous single : your abilities are too infant-like for doing much alone . You talk of pride . O that you could turn your eyes toward the napes of your necks , and make but an interior survey of your good selves ! O that you could !", "Why , then you should discover a brace of unmeriting , proud , violent , testy magistrates-alias fools - as any in Rome .", "I am known to be a humorous patrician , and one that loves a cup of hot wine with not a drop of allaying Tiber i n't ; said to be something imperfect in favouring the first complaint , hasty and tinder-like upon too trivial motion ; one that converses more with the buttock of the night than with the forehead of the morning . What I think I utter , and spend my malice in my breath . Meeting two such wealsmen as you are - I cannot call you Lycurguses - if the drink you give me touch my palate adversely , I make a crooked face at it . I cannot say your worships have deliver 'd the matter well , when I find the ass in compound with the major part of your syllables ; and though I must be content to bear with those that say you are reverend grave men , yet they lie deadly that tell you you have good faces . If you see this in the map of my microcosm , follows it that I am known well enough too ? What harm can your bisson conspectuities glean out of this character , if I be known well enough too ?", "You know neither me , yourselves , nor any thing . You are ambitious for poor knaves \u2019 caps and legs ; you wear out a good wholesome forenoon in hearing a cause between an orange-wife and a fosset-seller , and then rejourn the controversy of threepence to a second day of audience . When you are hearing a matter between party and party , if you chance to be pinch 'd with the colic , you make faces like mummers , set up the bloody flag against all patience , and , in roaring for a chamber-pot , dismiss the controversy bleeding , the more entangled by your hearing . All the peace you make in their cause is calling both the parties knaves . You are a pair of strange ones .", "Our very priests must become mockers , if they shall encounter such ridiculous subjects as you are . When you speak best unto the purpose , it is not worth the wagging of your beards ; and your beards deserve not so honourable a grave as to stuff a botcher 's cushion or to be entomb 'd in an ass 's pack-saddle . Yet you must be saying Marcius is proud ; who , in a cheap estimation , is worth all your predecessors since Deucalion ; though peradventure some of the best of \u2018 em were hereditary hangmen . God-den to your worships . More of your conversation would infect my brain , being the herdsmen of the beastly plebeians . I will be bold to take my leave of you .Enter VOLUMNIA , VIRGILIA , and VALERIA How now , my as fair as noble ladies - and the moon , were she earthly , no nobler - whither do you follow your eyes so fast ?", "Ha ! Marcius coming home ?", "Take my cap , Jupiter , and I thank thee . Hoo ! Marcius coming home !", "I will make my very house reel to-night . A letter for me ?", "A letter for me ! It gives me an estate of seven years \u2019 health ; in which time I will make a lip at the physician . The most sovereign prescription in Galen is but empiricutic and , to this preservative , of no better report than a horse-drench . Is he not wounded ? He was wont to come home wounded .", "So do I too , if it be not too much . Brings a victory in his pocket ? The wounds become him .", "Has he disciplin 'd Aufidius soundly ?", "And \u2018 twas time for him too , I 'll warrant him that ; an he had stay 'd by him , I would not have been so fidius 'd for all the chests in Corioli and the gold that 's in them . Is the Senate possess 'd of this ?", "Wondrous ! Ay , I warrant you , and not without his true purchasing .", "True ! I 'll be sworn they are true . Where is he wounded ?God save your good worships ! Marcius is coming home ; he has more cause to be proud . Where is he wounded ?", "One i \u2019 th \u2019 neck and two i \u2019 th \u2019 thigh - there 's nine that I know .", "Now it 's twenty-seven ; every gash was an enemy 's grave .Hark ! the trumpets .", "Now the gods crown thee !", "A hundred thousand welcomes . I could weep", "And I could laugh ; I am light and heavy . Welcome !", "A curse begin at very root on 's heart", "That is not glad to see thee ! You are three", "That Rome should dote on ; yet , by the faith of men ,", "We have some old crab trees here at home that will not", "Be grafted to your relish . Yet welcome , warriors .", "We call a nettle but a nettle , and", "The faults of fools but folly ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 325, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Having determin 'd of the Volsces , and", "To send for Titus Lartius , it remains ,", "As the main point of this our after-meeting ,", "To gratify his noble service that", "Hath thus stood for his country . Therefore please you ,", "Most reverend and grave elders , to desire", "The present consul and last general", "In our well-found successes to report", "A little of that worthy work perform 'd", "By Caius Marcius Coriolanus ; whom", "We met here both to thank and to remember", "With honours like himself .", "That 's off , that 's off ;", "I would you rather had been silent . Please you", "To hear Cominius speak ?", "He loves your people ;", "But tie him not to be their bedfellow .", "Worthy Cominius , speak .", "Nay , keep your place .", "Pray now , sit down .", "Masters of the people ,", "Your multiplying spawn how can he flatter-", "That 's thousand to one good one - when you now see", "He had rather venture all his limbs for honour", "Than one on 's ears to hear it ? Proceed , Cominius .", "Worthy man !", "He 's right noble ;", "Let him be call 'd for .", "The Senate , Coriolanus , are well pleas 'd", "To make thee consul .", "It then remains", "That you do speak to the people .", "Put them not to't .", "Pray you go fit you to the custom , and", "Take to you , as your predecessors have ,", "Your honour with your form .", "Do not stand upo n't .", "We recommend to you , Tribunes of the People ,", "Our purpose to them ; and to our noble consul", "Wish we all joy and honour ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 325, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What must I say ?", "\u2018 I pray , sir \u2019 - Plague upo n't ! I cannot bring", "My tongue to such a pace . \u2018 Look , sir , my wounds", "I got them in my country 's service , when", "Some certain of your brethren roar 'd and ran", "From th \u2019 noise of our own drums . \u2019", "Think upon me ? Hang \u2018 em !", "I would they would forget me , like the virtues", "Which our divines lose by \u2018 em .", "Bid them wash their faces", "And keep their teeth clean . So , here comes a brace .", "You know the cause , sir , of my standing here .", "Mine own desert .", "Ay , not mine own desire .", "No , sir , \u2018 twas never my desire yet to trouble the poor with begging .", "Well then , I pray , your price o \u2019 th \u2019 consulship ?", "Kindly , sir , I pray let me ha't . I have wounds to show you , which shall be yours in private . Your good voice , sir ; what say you ?", "A match , sir . There 's in all two worthy voices begg 'd . I have your alms . Adieu .", "Pray you now , if it may stand with the tune of your voices that I may be consul , I have here the customary gown .", "Your enigma ?", "You should account me the more virtuous , that I have not been common in my love . I will , sir , flatter my sworn brother , the people , to earn a dearer estimation of them ; \u2018 tis a condition they account gentle ; and since the wisdom of their choice is rather to have my hat than my heart , I will practise the insinuating nod and be off to them most counterfeitly . That is , sir , I will counterfeit the bewitchment of some popular man and give it bountiful to the desirers . Therefore , beseech you I may be consul .", "I will not seal your knowledge with showing them . I will make much of your voices , and so trouble you no farther .", "Most sweet voices !", "Better it is to die , better to starve ,", "Than crave the hire which first we do deserve .", "Why in this wolvish toge should I stand here", "To beg of Hob and Dick that do appear", "Their needless vouches ? Custom calls me to't .", "What custom wills , in all things should we do't ,", "The dust on antique time would lie unswept ,", "And mountainous error be too highly heap 'd", "For truth to o'erpeer . Rather than fool it so ,", "Let the high office and the honour go", "To one that would do thus . I am half through :", "The one part suffered , the other will I do .", "Re-enter three citizens more", "Here come more voices .", "Worthy voices ! Re-enter MENENIUS with BRUTUS and SICINIUS", "Is this done ?", "Where ? At the Senate House ?", "May I change these garments ?", "That I 'll straight do , and , knowing myself again ,", "Repair to th \u2019 Senate House ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 325, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Tullus Aufidius , then , had made new head ?", "So then the Volsces stand but as at first ,", "Ready , when time shall prompt them , to make road", "Upon 's again .", "Saw you Aufidius ?", "Spoke he of me ?", "How ? What ?", "At Antium lives he ?", "I wish I had a cause to seek him there ,", "To oppose his hatred fully . Welcome home .", "Enter SICINIUS and BRUTUS", "Behold , these are the tribunes of the people ,", "The tongues o \u2019 th \u2019 common mouth . I do despise them ,", "For they do prank them in authority ,", "Against all noble sufferance .", "Ha ! What is that ?", "What makes this change ?", "Have I had children 's voices ?", "Are these your herd ?", "Must these have voices , that can yield them now", "And straight disclaim their tongues ? What are your offices ?", "You being their mouths , why rule you not their teeth ?", "Have you not set them on ?", "It is a purpos 'd thing , and grows by plot ,", "To curb the will of the nobility ;", "Suffer't , and live with such as cannot rule", "Nor ever will be rul 'd .", "Why , this was known before .", "Have you inform 'd them sithence ?", "Why then should I be consul ? By yond clouds ,", "Let me deserve so ill as you , and make me", "Your fellow tribune .", "Tell me of corn ! This was my speech , and I will speak't again-", "Now , as I live , I will .", "My nobler friends , I crave their pardons .", "For the mutable , rank-scented many , let them", "Regard me as I do not flatter , and", "Therein behold themselves . I say again ,", "In soothing them we nourish \u2018 gainst our Senate", "The cockle of rebellion , insolence , sedition ,", "Which we ourselves have plough 'd for , sow 'd , and scatter 'd ,", "By mingling them with us , the honour 'd number ,", "Who lack not virtue , no , nor power , but that", "Which they have given to beggars .", "How ? no more !", "As for my country I have shed my blood ,", "Not fearing outward force , so shall my lungs", "Coin words till their decay against those measles", "Which we disdain should tetter us , yet sought", "The very way to catch them .", "Choler !", "Were I as patient as the midnight sleep ,", "By Jove , \u2018 twould be my mind !", "Shall remain !", "Hear you this Triton of the minnows ? Mark you", "His absolute \u2018 shall \u2019 ?", "\u2018 Shall \u2019 !", "O good but most unwise patricians ! Why ,", "You grave but reckless senators , have you thus", "Given Hydra leave to choose an officer", "That with his peremptory \u2018 shall , \u2019 being but", "The horn and noise o \u2019 th \u2019 monster 's , wants not spirit", "To say he 'll turn your current in a ditch ,", "And make your channel his ? If he have power ,", "Then vail your ignorance ; if none , awake", "Your dangerous lenity . If you are learn 'd ,", "Be not as common fools ; if you are not ,", "Let them have cushions by you . You are plebeians ,", "If they be senators ; and they are no less ,", "When , both your voices blended , the great'st taste", "Most palates theirs . They choose their magistrate ;", "And such a one as he , who puts his \u2018 shall , \u2019", "His popular \u2018 shall , \u2019 against a graver bench", "Than ever frown 'd in Greece . By Jove himself ,", "It makes the consuls base ; and my soul aches", "To know , when two authorities are up ,", "Neither supreme , how soon confusion", "May enter \u2018 twixt the gap of both and take", "The one by th \u2019 other .", "Whoever gave that counsel to give forth", "The corn o \u2019 th \u2019 storehouse gratis , as \u2018 twas us 'd", "Sometime in Greece-", "Though there the people had more absolute pow'r-", "I say they nourish 'd disobedience , fed", "The ruin of the state .", "I 'll give my reasons ,", "More worthier than their voices . They know the corn", "Was not our recompense , resting well assur 'd", "They ne'er did service for't ; being press 'd to th \u2019 war", "Even when the navel of the state was touch 'd ,", "They would not thread the gates . This kind of service", "Did not deserve corn gratis . Being i \u2019 th \u2019 war ,", "Their mutinies and revolts , wherein they show 'd", "Most valour , spoke not for them . Th \u2019 accusation", "Which they have often made against the Senate ,", "All cause unborn , could never be the motive", "Of our so frank donation . Well , what then ?", "How shall this bosom multiplied digest", "The Senate 's courtesy ? Let deeds express", "What 's like to be their words : \u2018 We did request it ;", "We are the greater poll , and in true fear", "They gave us our demands . \u2019 Thus we debase", "The nature of our seats , and make the rabble", "Call our cares fears ; which will in time", "Break ope the locks o \u2019 th \u2019 Senate and bring in", "The crows to peck the eagles .", "No , take more .", "What may be sworn by , both divine and human ,", "Seal what I end withal ! This double worship ,", "Where one part does disdain with cause , the other", "Insult without all reason ; where gentry , title , wisdom ,", "Cannot conclude but by the yea and no", "Of general ignorance - it must omit", "Real necessities , and give way the while", "To unstable slightness . Purpose so barr 'd , it follows", "Nothing is done to purpose . Therefore , beseech you-", "You that will be less fearful than discreet ;", "That love the fundamental part of state", "More than you doubt the change o n't ; that prefer", "A noble life before a long , and wish", "To jump a body with a dangerous physic", "That 's sure of death without it - at once pluck out", "The multitudinous tongue ; let them not lick", "The sweet which is their poison . Your dishonour", "Mangles true judgment , and bereaves the state", "Of that integrity which should become't ,", "Not having the power to do the good it would ,", "For th \u2019 ill which doth control't .", "Thou wretch , despite o'erwhelm thee !", "What should the people do with these bald tribunes ,", "On whom depending , their obedience fails", "To the greater bench ? In a rebellion ,", "When what 's not meet , but what must be , was law ,", "Then were they chosen ; in a better hour", "Let what is meet be said it must be meet ,", "And throw their power i \u2019 th \u2019 dust .", "Hence , old goat !", "Hence , rotten thing ! or I shall shake thy bones", "Out of thy garments .", "No : I 'll die here .", "There 's some among you have beheld me fighting ;", "Come , try upon yourselves what you have seen me .", "Stand fast ;", "We have as many friends as enemies .", "I would they were barbarians , as they are ,", "Though in Rome litter 'd ; not Romans , as they are not ,", "Though calved i \u2019 th \u2019 porch o \u2019 th \u2019 Capitol .", "On fair ground", "I could beat forty of them ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 325, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Let them pull all about mine ears , present me", "Death on the wheel or at wild horses \u2019 heels ;", "Or pile ten hills on the Tarpeian rock ,", "That the precipitation might down stretch", "Below the beam of sight ; yet will I still", "Be thus to them .", "I muse my mother", "Does not approve me further , who was wont", "To call them woollen vassals , things created", "To buy and sell with groats ; to show bare heads", "In congregations , to yawn , be still , and wonder ,", "When one but of my ordinance stood up", "To speak of peace or war .", "Enter VOLUMNIA", "I talk of you :", "Why did you wish me milder ? Would you have me", "False to my nature ? Rather say I play", "The man I am .", "Let go .", "Let them hang .", "What must I do ?", "Well , what then , what then ?", "For them ! I cannot do it to the gods ;", "Must I then do't to them ?", "Tush , tush !", "Why force you this ?", "Must I go show them my unbarb 'd sconce ? Must I", "With my base tongue give to my noble heart", "A lie that it must bear ? Well , I will do't ;", "Yet , were there but this single plot to lose ,", "This mould of Marcius , they to dust should grind it ,", "And throw't against the wind . To th \u2019 market-place !", "You have put me now to such a part which never", "I shall discharge to th \u2019 life .", "Well , I must do't .", "Away , my disposition , and possess me", "Some harlot 's spirit ! My throat of war be turn 'd ,", "Which quier 'd with my drum , into a pipe", "Small as an eunuch or the virgin voice", "That babies lulls asleep ! The smiles of knaves", "Tent in my cheeks , and schoolboys \u2019 tears take up", "The glasses of my sight ! A beggar 's tongue", "Make motion through my lips , and my arm 'd knees ,", "Who bow 'd but in my stirrup , bend like his", "That hath receiv 'd an alms ! I will not do't ,", "Lest I surcease to honour mine own truth ,", "And by my body 's action teach my mind", "A most inherent baseness .", "Pray be content .", "Mother , I am going to the market-place ;", "Chide me no more . I 'll mountebank their loves ,", "Cog their hearts from them , and come home belov 'd", "Of all the trades in Rome . Look , I am going .", "Commend me to my wife . I 'll return consul ,", "Or never trust to what my tongue can do", "I \u2019 th \u2019 way of flattery further .", "The word is \u2018 mildly . \u2019 Pray you let us go .", "Let them accuse me by invention ; I", "Will answer in mine honour .", "Well , mildly be it then - mildly . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 325, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["In this point charge him home , that he affects", "How accompanied ?", "And when such time they have begun to cry ,", "Let them not cease , but with a din confus 'd", "Enforce the present execution", "Of what we chance to sentence .", "Go about it . Exit AEDILE", "Put him to choler straight . He hath been us 'd", "Ever to conquer , and to have his worth", "Of contradiction ; being once chaf 'd , he cannot", "Be rein 'd again to temperance ; then he speaks", "What 's in his heart , and that is there which looks", "With us to break his neck .", "But since he hath", "Serv 'd well for Rome-", "I talk of that that know it .", "There 's no more to be said , but he is banish 'd ,", "As enemy to the people and his country .", "It shall be so ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 325, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Bid them all home ; he 's gone , and we 'll no further .", "The nobility are vex 'd , whom we see have sided", "In his behalf .", "Bid them home .", "Say their great enemy is gone , and they", "Stand in their ancient strength .", "Let 's not meet her .", "They say she 's mad .", "Are you mankind ?", "O blessed heavens !", "What then ?", "I would he had continued to his country", "As he began , and not unknit himself", "The noble knot he made .", "Why stay we to be baited", "With one that wants her wits ? Exeunt TRIBUNES"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 325, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Wine , wine , wine ! What service is here ! I think our fellows are asleep . Exit", "What would you have , friend ? Whence are you ? Here 's no place for you : pray go to the door .", "A strange one as ever I look 'd on . I cannot get him out o \u2019 th \u2019 house . Prithee call my master to him .", "Here 's a strange alteration !", "What an arm he has ! He turn 'd me about with his finger and his thumb , as one would set up a top .", "He had so , looking as it were - Would I were hang 'd , but I thought there was more in him than I could think .", "I think he is ; but a greater soldier than he you wot on .", "Nay , it 's no matter for that .", "Nay , not so neither ; but I take him to be the greater soldier .", "Ay , and for an assault too . Re-enter the third SERVINGMAN", "Why do you say \u2018 thwack our general \u2019 ?", "He was too hard for him directly , to say the troth o n't ; before Corioli he scotch 'd him and notch 'd him like a carbonado .", "But more of thy news !", "Directitude ? What 's that ?", "But when goes this forward ?", "Let me have war , say I ; it exceeds peace as far as day does night ; it 's spritely , waking , audible , and full of vent . Peace is a very apoplexy , lethargy ; mull 'd , deaf , sleepy , insensible ; a getter of more bastard children than war 's a destroyer of men .", "Ay , and it makes men hate one another ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 325, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["We hear not of him , neither need we fear him .", "His remedies are tame . The present peace", "And quietness of the people , which before", "Were in wild hurry , here do make his friends", "Blush that the world goes well ; who rather had ,", "Though they themselves did suffer by't , behold", "Dissentious numbers pest'ring streets than see", "Our tradesmen singing in their shops , and going", "About their functions friendly .", "\u2018 Tis he , \u2018 tis he . O , he is grown most kind", "Your Coriolanus is not much miss 'd", "But with his friends . The commonwealth doth stand ,", "And so would do , were he more angry at it .", "Where is he , hear you ?", "God-den , our neighbours .", "Live and thrive !", "This is a happier and more comely time", "Than when these fellows ran about the streets", "Crying confusion .", "And affecting one sole throne ,", "Without assistance .", "We should by this , to all our lamentation ,", "If he had gone forth consul , found it so .", "Come , what talk you of Marcius ?", "Tell not me .", "I know this cannot be .", "\u2018 Tis this slave-", "Go whip him fore the people 's eyes - his raising ,", "Nothing but his report .", "What more fearful ?", "This is most likely !", "The very trick on \u2018 t .", "Go , masters , get you home ; be not dismay 'd ;", "These are a side that would be glad to have", "This true which they so seem to fear . Go home ,", "And show no sign of fear .", "Nor I .", "Pray let 's go . Exeunt", "SCENE VII .", "A camp at a short distance from Rome"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 325, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["No , I 'll not go . You hear what he hath said", "Which was sometime his general , who lov 'd him", "In a most dear particular . He call 'd me father ;", "But what o \u2019 that ? Go , you that banish 'd him :", "A mile before his tent fall down , and knee", "The way into his mercy . Nay , if he coy 'd", "To hear Cominius speak , I 'll keep at home .", "Do you hear ?", "Why , so ! You have made good work .", "A pair of tribunes that have wrack 'd for Rome", "To make coals cheap - a noble memory !", "Very well . Could he say less ?", "For one poor grain or two !", "I am one of those . His mother , wife , his child ,", "And this brave fellow too - we are the grains :", "You are the musty chaff , and you are smelt", "Above the moon . We must be burnt for you .", "No ; I 'll not meddle .", "What should I do ?", "Well , and say that Marcius", "Return me , as Cominius is return 'd ,", "Unheard- what then ?", "But as a discontented friend , grief-shot", "With his unkindness ? Say't be so ?", "I 'll undertake't ;", "I think he 'll hear me . Yet to bite his lip", "And hum at good Cominius much unhearts me .", "He was not taken well : he had not din 'd ;", "The veins unfill 'd , our blood is cold , and then", "We pout upon the morning , are unapt", "To give or to forgive ; but when we have stuff 'd", "These pipes and these conveyances of our blood", "With wine and feeding , we have suppler souls", "Than in our priest-like fasts . Therefore I 'll watch him", "Till he be dieted to my request ,", "And then I 'll set upon him .", "Good faith , I 'll prove him ,", "Speed how it will . I shall ere long have knowledge", "Of my success . Exit"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 325, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["We will before the walls of Rome to-morrow", "Set down our host . My partner in this action ,", "You must report to th \u2019 Volscian lords how plainly", "I have borne this business .", "This last old man ,", "Whom with crack 'd heart I have sent to Rome ,", "Lov 'd me above the measure of a father ;", "Nay , godded me indeed . Their latest refuge", "Was to send him ; for whose old love I have-", "Though I show 'd sourly to him - once more offer 'd", "The first conditions , which they did refuse", "And cannot now accept . To grace him only ,", "That thought he could do more , a very little", "I have yielded to ; fresh embassies and suits ,", "Nor from the state nor private friends , hereafter", "Will I lend ear to .", "Ha ! what shout is this ?", "Shall I be tempted to infringe my vow", "In the same time \u2018 tis made ? I will not .", "Enter , in mourning habits , VIRGILIA , VOLUMNIA , VALERIA ,", "YOUNG MARCIUS , with attendants", "My wife comes foremost , then the honour 'd mould", "Wherein this trunk was fram 'd , and in her hand", "The grandchild to her blood . But out , affection !", "All bond and privilege of nature , break !", "Let it be virtuous to be obstinate .", "What is that curtsy worth ? or those doves \u2019 eyes ,", "Which can make gods forsworn ? I melt , and am not", "Of stronger earth than others . My mother bows ,", "As if Olympus to a molehill should", "In supplication nod ; and my young boy", "Hath an aspect of intercession which", "Great nature cries \u2018 Deny not . \u2019 Let the Volsces", "Plough Rome and harrow Italy ; I 'll never", "Be such a gosling to obey instinct , but stand", "As if a man were author of himself", "And knew no other kin .", "These eyes are not the same I wore in Rome .", "Like a dull actor now", "I have forgot my part and I am out ,", "Even to a full disgrace . Best of my flesh ,", "Forgive my tyranny ; but do not say ,", "For that , \u2018 Forgive our Romans . \u2019 O , a kiss", "Long as my exile , sweet as my revenge !", "Now , by the jealous queen of heaven , that kiss", "I carried from thee , dear , and my true lip", "Hath virgin 'd it e'er since . You gods ! I prate ,", "And the most noble mother of the world", "What 's this ?", "Your knees to me , to your corrected son ?", "Then let the pebbles on the hungry beach", "Fillip the stars ; then let the mutinous winds", "Strike the proud cedars \u2018 gainst the fiery sun ,", "Murd'ring impossibility , to make", "What cannot be slight work .", "The noble sister of Publicola ,", "The moon of Rome , chaste as the icicle", "That 's curdied by the frost from purest snow ,", "And hangs on Dian 's temple - dear Valeria !", "The god of soldiers ,", "With the consent of supreme Jove , inform", "Thy thoughts with nobleness , that thou mayst prove", "To shame unvulnerable , and stick i \u2019 th \u2019 wars", "Like a great sea-mark , standing every flaw ,", "And saving those that eye thee !", "That 's my brave boy .", "I beseech you , peace !", "Or , if you 'd ask , remember this before :", "The thing I have forsworn to grant may never", "Be held by you denials . Do not bid me", "Dismiss my soldiers , or capitulate", "Again with Rome 's mechanics . Tell me not", "Wherein I seem unnatural ; desire not", "T'allay my rages and revenges with", "Your colder reasons .", "Aufidius , and you Volsces , mark ; for we 'll", "Hear nought from Rome in private . Your request ?", "Not of a woman 's tenderness to be", "Requires nor child nor woman 's face to see .", "I have sat too long .", "O mother , mother !", "What have you done ? Behold , the heavens do ope ,", "The gods look down , and this unnatural scene", "They laugh at . O my mother , mother ! O !", "You have won a happy victory to Rome ;", "But for your son - believe it , O , believe it ! -", "Most dangerously you have with him prevail 'd ,", "If not most mortal to him . But let it come .", "Aufidius , though I cannot make true wars ,", "I 'll frame convenient peace . Now , good Aufidius ,", "Were you in my stead , would you have heard", "A mother less , or granted less , Aufidius ?", "I dare be sworn you were !", "And , sir , it is no little thing to make", "Mine eyes to sweat compassion . But , good sir ,", "What peace you 'll make , advise me . For my part ,", "I 'll not to Rome , I 'll back with you ; and pray you", "Stand to me in this cause . O mother ! wife !", "Ay , by and by ;", "But we will drink together ; and you shall bear", "A better witness back than words , which we ,", "On like conditions , will have counter-seal 'd .", "Come , enter with us . Ladies , you deserve", "To have a temple built you . All the swords", "In Italy , and her confederate arms ,", "Could not have made this peace . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 325, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Go tell the lords o \u2019 th \u2019 city I am here ;", "Deliver them this paper ; having read it ,", "Bid them repair to th \u2019 market-place , where I ,", "Even in theirs and in the commons \u2019 ears ,", "Will vouch the truth of it . Him I accuse", "The city ports by this hath enter 'd and", "Intends t \u2019 appear before the people , hoping", "To purge himself with words . Dispatch .", "Exeunt attendants", "Enter three or four CONSPIRATORS of AUFIDIUS \u2019 faction", "Most welcome !", "Even so", "As with a man by his own alms empoison 'd ,", "And with his charity slain .", "Sir , I cannot tell ;", "We must proceed as we do find the people .", "I know it ;", "And my pretext to strike at him admits", "A good construction . I rais 'd him , and I pawn 'd", "Mine honour for his truth ; who being so heighten 'd ,", "He watered his new plants with dews of flattery ,", "Seducing so my friends ; and to this end", "He bow 'd his nature , never known before", "But to be rough , unswayable , and free .", "That I would have spoken of .", "Being banish 'd for't , he came unto my hearth ,", "Presented to my knife his throat . I took him ;", "Made him joint-servant with me ; gave him way", "In all his own desires ; nay , let him choose", "Out of my files , his projects to accomplish ,", "My best and freshest men ; serv 'd his designments", "In mine own person ; holp to reap the fame", "Which he did end all his , and took some pride", "To do myself this wrong . Till , at the last ,", "I seem 'd his follower , not partner ; and", "He wag 'd me with his countenance as if", "I had been mercenary .", "There was it ; For which my sinews shall be stretch 'd upon him . At a few drops of women 's rheum , which are As cheap as lies , he sold the blood and labour Of our great action ; therefore shall he die , And I 'll renew me in his fall . But , hark !", "Say no more :", "Here come the lords .", "I have not deserv 'd it .", "But , worthy lords , have you with heed perused", "What I have written to you ?", "He approaches ; you shall hear him .", "Read it not , noble lords ;", "But tell the traitor in the highest degree", "He hath abus 'd your powers .", "Ay , traitor , Marcius .", "Ay , Marcius , Caius Marcius ! Dost thou think", "I 'll grace thee with that robbery , thy stol'n name", "Coriolanus , in Corioli ?", "You lords and heads o \u2019 th \u2019 state , perfidiously", "He has betray 'd your business and given up ,", "For certain drops of salt , your city Rome-", "I say your city - to his wife and mother ;", "Breaking his oath and resolution like", "A twist of rotten silk ; never admitting", "Counsel o \u2019 th \u2019 war ; but at his nurse 's tears", "He whin 'd and roar 'd away your victory ,", "That pages blush 'd at him , and men of heart", "Look 'd wond'ring each at others .", "Name not the god , thou boy of tears-", "-no more .", "Why , noble lords ,", "Will you be put in mind of his blind fortune ,", "Which was your shame , by this unholy braggart ,", "Fore your own eyes and ears ?", "Insolent villain !", "My noble masters , hear me speak .", "My lords , when you shall know - as in this rage ,", "Provok 'd by him , you cannot - the great danger", "Which this man 's life did owe you , you 'll rejoice", "That he is thus cut off . Please it your honours", "To call me to your Senate , I 'll deliver", "Myself your loyal servant , or endure", "Your heaviest censure .", "My rage is gone ,", "And I am struck with sorrow . Take him up .", "Help , three o \u2019 th \u2019 chiefest soldiers ; I 'll be one .", "Beat thou the drum , that it speak mournfully ;", "Trail your steel pikes . Though in this city he", "Hath widowed and unchilded many a one ,", "Which to this hour bewail the injury ,", "Yet he shall have a noble memory ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 325, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["One would not think , Sir , how much blood had stain 'd", "Old England , since we left her , finding thus", "All things so peaceful ; but one thing I mark 'd", "As we did skirt the village .", "The king 's face was defac 'd \u2014 the sign o \u2019 the inn", "At jolly Master Gurton 's \u2014 mind you not", "How sad it look 'd ? Yet \u2018 neath it I 've been gay ,", "A time or two ; \u2018 tis not my fortune now :", "Those bright Italian skies have even marr 'd", "My judgment of clear ale .", "One jovial day", "Of honest mud and wholesome English fog .", "Hem ! I doubt much", "About this welcoming .\u2014 Sad human Nature !", "This brother was a careful , godly youth", "That kept accounts , and smiling pass 'd a beggar ,", "Saying , \u201c Good-morrow , friend , \u201d yet never gave .", "Where head doth early ripen , heart comes late \u2014", "Therefore , I say , I doubt this welcoming ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 336, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I 'll break thy haughty spirit !", "I will protect thee ; but accept my love . Nay , do not frown so .", "Thou foolish child , wouldst throw thyself away", "Upon some beggar ? were he here , perchance", "Thy cousin Arthur ? Come , our lands unite ,", "Be prudent \u2014", "Sweet cousin , wilt not love me ?", "Well then I must \u2014", "Ha ! leave your father ,", "Desert the old man in his hour of need ?", "Fine ethics , truly .", "Hath she seen him then ,", "Or heard ? I must beware \u2014", "Nay ! none can know .", "Doubtless a message from him \u2014 I must see", "That they meet not , or else \u2014", "Adieu ! fair cousin ;", "I trust you 'll find your senses yet ere long .", "Good William , thou shalt drink to me .And art thou still called thirsty William ?", "Thy master ? \u2018 Tis a good youth , though a wild \u2014 I hope he be well . Yet , frankly , I would that he had not just now returned . Our uncle is so violent , and will not hear his name . Arthur hath been so imprudent , loose , eh ? William , I regret the old man hath heard of these things .", "Let his worth go begging , then \u2014 but he will soon be bad as his fortunes demand . Your poverty-stricken gentlemen were better on the coast of Barbary than in this civilized country . And whatever he do , he shall be judged harshly .I doubt not \u2014 Lies , lies ; I said so at the time . Then you see my cousin Florence , a simple girl , trembles at his very name . You cannot wonder at it ;\u2014 such stories have been told . Confess now , William , thy master hath been a prodigal . Doth he pay thy wages ? Thou art scurvily clad . I have a place now \u2014 as it were .", "Oh ! I did not mean unless you had left my brother first . Now , he desireth a thousand pound . Simply I have it not . There is no rent paid now . I would he had written rather than come . I will give him five hundred that I have , if he will pledge me his honourable word to leave England for five years . Are there not wars abroad whereby men live ?\u2014", "I would I could see him . But I have promised mine uncle not , and he cannot bear any shock to his health . Go , tell him this .", "Does he threaten ? Hark ye , I owe him nought . Let justice be done . The fortune was mine by birth . Our father acted basely . My brother did very properly restore it . Shall he boast of a bare act of justice ? He hath no claim on me . Shall I furnish his profligacies , his expenses , his foreign debaucheries , because I have gotten back mine own ?", "No !", "No ! except with the proviso I told thee of .", "No !", "Wouldst jest , villain ? There are stocks ! Back to the beggar that sent thee ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 336, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["So this publican hath ceased to be a sinner ! To think now of old sophisticate Gurton being called Hezekiah Newborn . Gadso , he babbles of salvation like the tap his boy left running this morning to see the troop of cavaliers go by . Yet I marked the unregenerate Gurton swore round ere Newborn found his voice to upbraid sourly as becomes a saint . He hath been more civil since I heard him . O Newborn , how utterly shalt thou be damned !", "Master Gurton ! thy belly hath kept pace with thy righteousness .", "Simply , thou art known to me . I am William", "Nutbrown .", "He was ! A youth of promise . Behold the fulfilment in these legs , this manly bosom !", "From the land of beccaficos , mine old Newborn ! but thou understandest not \u2014 thou hast merely observed the increase of local timber and the decay of pigeon-houses . Thy sole chronicle hath been the ripe birth of undistinguishable curly-headed village children , and the green burial of undistinguished village bald old men hath been thine only lesson . Thou hast simply acquired amazement at the actions of the man of experience . Doth a quart measure still hold a quart ?", "Well , well , thou shalt finish anon .", "Thou shalt tell me all hereafter .", "Thou hadst \u2014 nearly .", "Come , no lies with me ! I shall doubt thee if thou cantest one word except in thy calling . Yet I saw by thy first look thou wert glad to see me ; so give me thy hand , and I will shake it ere some one calls for a draught of ale , and thou dost relapse into the sordid and muddy calculation that makes thy daily self , and so forget that the friend of thy youth hath revisited thee . Nay , fear not , I will not betray thee to thy present customers . But first tell me , why thou art so changed : seeing that the cavaliers should be thy best friends ?", "Hold ! Thy reasons are sufficient \u2014 Thou art , worthy Hezekiah ! become a saint , to escape martyrdom . Methinks I see the gallant foin at thy belly .Sa ! sa !", "I shall die ! Gadzookers ! thus , was it thus !\u2014 and thy wife \u2014 a cuckoldy villain \u2014 merely a figure of speech though , Master Gurton ! Eh ? Thou didst not suspect ?", "Nay , I 'll be bound not . Sa ! Sa !", "Well , thou hast reason for thanksgiving . But I think thy wife was right , if the poor gentleman 's thrust was drunken , \u2018 twas a compliment to thy wine . A scurvy rogue to ask for his money when he was poor , and thy wine did affect him .", "Well , I pity thee , and will say no more . My master is young Arthur Walton . He hath returned . He gave up the fortune to his brother Basil .", "No ! no ! He is here , and now he wanteth assistance from his brother ; for we are in some present straits , and this Basil will have nought to say to him . What I shall want of thee is information of the family ; and mayhap thy daughter will have to see Mistress Florence for us with a message .", "The Philistines be upon thee !", "With horns , a n't please you ,very like Master Newborn there .", "Dost think the gentleman eats suppers ?", "Nor I , for my master to be a fat-witted Duke , and I his chief serving-man .", "What the devil !\u2014 3rd Sold . Ay ! uplift thy voice against Beelzebub .", "Gurton ! for this I will undo thee . Newborn ! thou didst just now water thine ale . Hezekiah ! thou dissemblest , which is more than thy wife used to do ; for she feared thee not .", "These be ignorant knaves . I will practice on them . It may come to good .The Lord leadeth his people through the wilderness to salvation , crinkeldom cum crankeldom .", "Of all thirsts , there be none like that after righteousness .\u2014", "For strong ale , which I think hath to do with the conversion of this Gurton .1st Sold . Lift thy voice higher , that we stumble not in the dark .", "I would I could remember a text \u2014 anything will do \u2014The General Cromwell hath , they say , a red nose , and doth never spit white , which I look upon as a great sign , as was the burning bush to Moses ! 2nd Sold . Ha ! Blasphemest thou ? 3rd Sold . He scoffeth ! 4th Sold . Down with him .", "Think ! what of ? Thy late wife 's virtue ? I would she were here .", "Well , it might have been worse , for they might have drunk it , and departed in that military haste which precludes payment .", "Truly at the burial of one Generosity !", "A fool in this world , but an angel of light in the next ; if the word of God be true , which I remember to have heard in my childhood in the church there .", "About the setting of the sun , when he had no more to give . I saw none in the garb of mourning , though many wore long faces , because their gain was stopped .", "Other names than his own . Extravagance , folly , imprudence , were the best terms there . One whom he had released from gaol , carved madness with a flint stone . There was but one would have painted his true name , but his tears defaced it \u2014 a humble dependent , who had been faithful to him , but whom he regarded not , being accustomed to his services .", "Ay , and thy cousin . She is a rare girl , and remembereth thee well . Thy brother is not attached to thee . He will give thee five hundred pounds if thou wilt swear to quit England for ever . He abuseth thee finely , saith thou art a debauched vagabond , which is an insult to me thy serving companion , whom he threatened with the stocks . Wilt thou not slay him ?", "Thy cousin would see thee . She is miserable about something , and will be here presently .", "You have bad stuff to deal with . He will not become good suddenly , as in some stage-plays . You shall not frown him into a virtuous act . Nevertheless , abuse him , an \u2018 twill do thee good . Look you , dear master , I will describe him . He hath a neat and cheerful aspect , and talketh very smoothly ; nay , for a time he shall agree with everybody , that you shall think him the most good-natured fellow alive ; he shall be as benevolent as a lawyer nursing his leg , whilst he listens to the tale of him whom his client oppresseth , and you shall win him just as easily . Let the question of gain put him in action , and the devil inside shall jump out , like an ape stirred up to malice . He affects , too , a vulgar frankness , which is often the mask of selfishness , as a man who helps himself first at table with a \u201c ha ! ha ! \u201d in a facetious manner , a jocose greediness , which is most actual , real earnest within .", "Bless you , he hath reasons ! he would refuse tenpence to a starving wretch , because he owed ten pounds to his shoemaker , though he had ten thousand in his coffers at home . Yet would he still owe the ten pounds .", "And yet so meanly would he adopt appearances in the world 's eye , that should he have to cross a muddy street where a beggar kept a passage clear with his besom , lest the gallants should soil their bravery , he would time his crossing , till one driven , or on horseback , should be near , that he might pass hurriedly on without giving him a groat , as in fear of being o'erridden . Like Judas \u2014", "Thy cousin is very beautiful and gentle .", "Sir , they come ! Your collar is unfasten 'd and your hair disorder 'd . Let me \u2014", "Just a moment .\u2014", "Young woman ! I doubt not your attachment , nor wonder at your love ; but it cannot be returned . Principle forbids ; and this heart is blighted .", "This beard \u2014 what think you of it ?", "Yet \u2018 tis not for you .", "Do you know , lively rustic , that the beard of Mars , the god of war , is auburnly inclined ? It is much affected by the ladies of the south .", "What a rank prude is woman , thus to disguise her inclination . They call thee Barbara \u2014 Bab ! restrain not thy fancy . Come , hang round my neck and love me . What ! wouldst thou be an exception to thy sex ?", "Sweet Bab , I love thee .", "Thou wouldst not have it said by anything but a man . Thou wilt not forget ?", "They are , sir !", "Mistress Florence and Barbara , sir !", "My master bloody ?\u2014 A dead man on the ground !\u2014 a knight of the road by his looks \u2014What a grim stranger !", "Sir ! I wait on this gentleman . What a look !I am sure he is either the devil , or some great Christian .I will , my Lord !Come along ! To think now this dead , two-legged thing should have been active enough just now to catch a four-footed live deer . No sooner does a man die , but you would think he had swallowed the lead of his coffin . Come along ! Lord ! how helpless it is ! Why , he shall no more kick at his petty devouring , no , no more than if he were a dead king !", "Yes ! yes , from Italy , Rome , gracious sir ! Us 'd to these things , you see \u2014", "If I should be impertinent to him , \u2018 twill be behind his back . He hath a quelling eye ; although a man fear not . Now , amidst other brave men with swords , he would be as one that carried sword , and petronel to boot .", "Nay , sir ! I do remember as we stood in the mouldy big Circus , having sundry of the lousy population idling within , whereby I did then liken it to a venerable cheese , in which is some faint stir of maggotry , that thou didst make a memorable speech against the land , where the only vocation of a nobleman is to defile the streets and be pimp to his own wife ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 336, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["To have a home , that is no fitting home ,", "Is worse than the sad orphan 's part , who gathers", "His lean crumbs from the world 's wide eager table ,", "And pares the flint-stones borne in stranger breasts ,", "To eke him out against the cruel winds \u2014", "Thou say'st she was thy playmate \u2014", "Come , thou hast", "Mov 'd the stern soldier to thy woman 's will .", "Go , sir !", "and fetch this Florence from her roof .", "There should be no such scandal done in England ,", "As the loud insult of a marriage forc 'd", "Before God 's altar .", "Thy brother is a worker in my hands ,", "Leave him to me ; the old man loves his wealth", "Too well . I say , go quickly , and return", "With speed direct \u2014 I 'd have thee near me ,", "for", "Thy noble confidence that dares to speak", "The first-fruits of thy mind ,\u2014", "I have regard", "For thee , young man , see that you keep it warm", "As now \u2014 but mind , no swords , as ye are brothers \u2014", "Not e'en reproach .\u2014 Sweet heart , when foolish mercy", "Doth beg an idle tale from thy dear lips ,", "Perchance thou'lt seek thy father \u2014 until then ,", "All good be with thee !", "Sir ! I will direct", "A present escort for you ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 336, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Urge not your suit through me , when she is here .", "Give half Love 's reasons that to me you gave ,", "Why she should not be cruel , and I think", "You 'll hardly find her so \u2014", "Nay ! be not scornful ,", "You know I can betray you \u2014", "I do protest it has been raining long .", "She knows it well as he does .", "See , there goes another", "Doom 'd to the block ; the excellent Laud scarce cold", "Within his grave \u2014", "It makes me heart-sick , girl !", "To live , when just men die , that love their king ,", "And I , his daughter , his , that wills it so ,", "And does not stir to save them \u2014 nay , approves ,", "Condemns , and sanctions ;", "O \u2018 tis dreadful ! dreadful !", "Is it gone ?\u2014", "He was quite young . Think you my father sat", "In judgment on him ?", "True ! true !", "Arthur Walton .", "Your answer to him ?", "Out , flirt ! I found you weeping , and you told me", "You lov 'd him \u2014", "Well , you will lose him thus .", "You have done wrong . I know the business he is gone upon . You may not see him more \u2014", "Girl ! he hath to do", "A secret and most dangerous mission .", "Poor child ! You love him , then ?", "And yet you spoke so carelessly , and trifled", "With this the noblest and the best oblation ,", "A woman \u2014 but a poor divinity ,", "I fear at best , my Florence !\u2014 may receive ,", "The heart of a true gentleman . I mean", "No creature of dull circumstance , himself", "A mean incumbrance on his own great wealth .", "How oft before their lovers women try", "To seem what they are not \u2014 if true their hearts ,", "As thine is , apes not more fantastic show \u2014", "If mean and paltry , frankness is the flag", "\u2018 Neath which they trim their pirate , little bark", "To capture their rich prize \u2014", "Poor girl ! how needless is the pain she gives", "Two true and faithful hearts \u2014 and I myself ,", "That never had the chance to love , or heart", "To give away , yet seem to know so well", "What it must be .\u2014 Oh , were I Florence now ,", "Could I have dealt so harshly with him ?\u2014 No !", "Why , one would think I lov 'd him . She said so", "But yesterday . Indeed I love them both \u2014", "Him for his love of her . Elizabeth !", "Why burns thy cheek thus ?\u2014 Yet a transient thought", "Might stain the wanderings of a seraph 's dream ,", "And thou art mortal woman . Oh , beware !", "Dwell not on \u201c might have , \u201d \u201c could ; \u201d since \u201c cannot be \u201d", "Points from thy past to thy futurity ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 336, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["She 's soul-less like the rest , and I am but", "A tame romantic fool to worship her \u2014", "I will not see her more , and thus the faults", "Which , from her beauty , seem 'd like others \u2019 charms ,", "Shall give her semblance of a Gorgon \u2014", "No !", "Rather her beauty will so soften down", "In sweet forgetfulness of all beside ,", "That growing frenzied at the loss I find", "E'en shipwreck 'd hope were better than despair .", "Here comes my friend .", "Good even , Master Milton .", "I am so \u2014", "From Cromwell ?", "It is of him", "That I would speak , as well as of this cause", "That we call Freedom .", "I have doubts of all", "That urge this cruel war \u2014 Where is the end ?", "I fight against a tyrant , not a king", "To set a tyrant up , or what is worse ,", "A hundred tyrants . Think you it may be", "A struggle for the power they feign to hate !", "Much !", "The spirit of a demon host that strives", "Each for himself against the common good ,", "Rather than that true patriot zeal of Rome", "We us 'd to read of \u2014 hatred , jealousy ,", "With the black ferment of the hungry mob", "To gain by loss of others ; and the aim", "Of one man , more than all , seems set upon", "An elevation high , as Hell is deep ;", "For such , if gain 'd , the fit comparison .", "Tell me , what think you then of Cromwell ?", "Is he", "Ambitious , cruel , eager , cunning , false ,", "Slave to himself and master sole of others ?", "Is his religion but as puppet-wires ,", "To set a hideous idol up of self ,", "Like some fierce God of Ind ? Or is he but", "A fiery pillar leading the sure way \u2014", "Arriv 'd , content to die by his own light ,", "As others lived upon his burning truth ,", "And struggled to him from surrounding darkness ?", "But if the king be prisoner and were slain ?", "Nor churches , temples , still ye would not rend", "The altar vow 'd to Heaven .", "But not destroy \u2014", "In this I am not with you ; yet I grant", "So far \u2018 tis well . I trust a different end .", "The king , that hath much noble feeling in him ,", "Will yield ; and then we will give back again", "His just prerogative \u2014", "You do make me sad \u2014", "Indeed ! Is't so ?", "He should be right , that is so wise and good ,", "Living like some angelic visitant ,", "Dismay 'd not from his purpose and great aim", "By all the fierce and angry discord round .", "So one in sober mood and pale high thought", "Stands in a door-way , whence he sees within", "The riot warm of wassailing , and hears", "All the dwarf Babel of their common talk ,", "As each small drunken mind floats to the top", "And general surface of the senseless din ;", "Whilst every tuneless knave doth rend the soul", "Of harmony , the more he hath refus 'd", "To sing ; ere Bacchus set him by the ears", "With common sense , his dull and morning guide ;", "And stutterers speak fast , and quick men stutter ,", "And gleams of fitful mirth shine on the brow", "Of moody souls , and careless gay men look", "Fierce melodrama on their friends around ;", "While talk obscene and loyalty mark all ;", "Then good or bad emotions meet the eye ,", "Like a mosaic floor , whose black and white", "Glistens more keenly , moisten 'd by the stain", "Of liquor widely spilt .", "Re-enter Servant , R ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 336, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Have I not promis 'd thee that I will save him ,", "If he will save himself ?", "Too fair , too fair !", "E'en to be honest fair . Our good John Milton", "Speaks bitter words . He saith Lord Strafford grac 'd", "Right well the block , that put his trust in him .", "What saith the Scripture of the faith of princes ?", "It was his fault to sign \u2014", "He should have died", "Himself first . Daughter ! urge me not \u2014 I 'll do", "What the Lord wills in this . Go ! mind the household ,", "Thou little Royalist .", "Away , puss ! Where are Richard and thy husband ?", "As the Lord liveth , is it not enough", "To struggle with a royal hypocrite ,", "To keep his feet from falling , \u2018 mid dissension ,", "On all sides , worse than chaos , liker hell !", "To be thus baited , by one 's own pale household ,", "Prating of what they may not understand ?", "Thy brother Richard with his heavy step ,", "Ploughing his way from book-cas 'd room to room ,", "With eye as dull as huckster 's three-day 's fish ,", "And just as silent ; then thy mother with", "Her tearful and beseeching look , that moves", "Like a green widow in a mourning trance ,", "The very picture of \u201c God help us all ; \u201d", "And thou , with sickly whining worse than they ,", "Do ye think I shall do murder ?", "Why not go", "At once unto the foe , and there be spurn 'd", "By Henrietta , that false Delilah ?\u2014", "Or plot my death for loyalty ? What is", "A father in your minds weigh 'd with a king ?", "Yet what is \u201c king \u201d to you ? ye were not bred", "To lick his moral sores in ecstasy ,", "And bay like hounds before the royal gate", "On all the world beside \u2014 Go hence ! go hence !", "I would be left alone \u2014", "My child , my child !", "Mercy shall look with eyes like thine on me", "Though justice frown beside .", "Look up , my child !", "Ask what thou wilt except our country 's shame .", "O sirs ! It is but", "A king 's prerogative to break his faith .", "We are not fitting judges of this thing .", "Peace , Harrison . Thou naughty traitor ! Peace .", "Through me , he did proclaim , he would accept", "Our army 's terms . Alas ! had we been cozen 'd ,", "I , that believed his false tongue , had betray 'd", "The hope of Israel \u2014 -", "Ho ! what ? son Ireton .", "I thought to save", "My breath ; ye were so eager .", "Our ears ? Your years", "Should teach you silence , sir ! before your elders ,", "Till they have said \u2014", "We would hear Master Milton :", "He hath to speak .", "What think you of the man ,", "The king , that arm 'd the red , apostate herd", "In Ireland against our English throats ?", "Was it well done ; deserves it that we crouch ?", "A right good figure ! Who 'll pluck the crown from out this royal mire ?", "I am mute to think", "Of what ye all say \u2014 words \u2014 ye dare not do it \u2014", "I say ye dare not , though ye were to die", "Not doing , what your gross and eager speech", "Makes easier than to cough , or spit , or cry", "\u201c God save the King ; \u201d \u2014 but ere your thought hath fled", "A rood , a yard into the empty air ,", "Dissolv 'd is your high counsel , and Dismay", "Whips all the noble blood that fir 'd your cheeks", "To the pale mantle of a creamy fear .", "Fie ! fie ! ye dare not do it \u2014 nay , son Ireton ,", "What , Harrison so boisterous ? keep your frowns", "To look upon his trial , since \u2018 tis so \u2014", "Now hath he not a traitorous brow like his ,", "Perchance , that did stab Caesar ? those were days", "When men did e'en as much as they dar 'd hint at .", "Why then stand there , till we come back again . \u2018 Tis time to part \u2014 Come , Ludlow !", "O wise and excellent argument , that", "There should be no more kings .", "Why spoil a man", "That hath a soul , a precious soul , to lose ,", "To make a king that cannot help but sin ?", "Let there be no more kings .", "Hum , perchance \u2014", "He raves !", "Ho ! there regicide ! Have at thee !", "I do protest that I am out of breath \u2014", "Yet I commend thy reasoning .", "That rascal , Ludlow !", "\u2018 Twould justify us much .", "It is not thy affair , or mine \u2014 Why now \u2014", "Let 's talk anon , I 'm tir 'd . Hast thou seen", "My daughter Frances ?\u2014 fares she well to-day ?", "Give me thine arm \u2014 I do admire thy reasons .", "You see , these angry fanatics boil over ;", "\u2018 Twill simmer down anon \u2014 The king must live .", "And yet he hath done much \u2014 wrought evil work ,", "And so \u2014", "END OF ACT III ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 336, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The black print seems all red \u2014 I cannot read !Mine eyes burn so \u2014 And they are happy there Together \u2014 \u2018 twas my work \u2014 and now I wish That seas convuls 'd by tempests were between them ; And an eternal veil of blackness girded The one from the other \u2014 each in separate light , But still apart ! apart ! O horror , why Doth their communion cast such hopeless gloom Upon me , more than all a father 's guilt , A sovereign 's woe ?\u2014 O daughter of a traitor ! Traitoress ! Thou lovest him thy friend doth love , And \u2014 he loves her ! ay , that is it , he loves her .I am a wedded wife . There is no stain Of guilty wish . I ne'er thought to be his : No ! no ! False wretch , thou dost this moment . Hold , \u2018 Tis past ! Oh ! would that I were far remov 'd , Not seeing , hearing , knowing all their lore , Not feeling their young blest affection jar Through every fibre \u2014 thus ! This is the day The king 's fate is decided \u2014 If he die Arthur will hate us , hate my father , me , The regicide 's pale daughter \u2014 thus to think Of the king 's life ! that was my only prayer Before ; and now it fades on my cold lips , And startles me to hear it !O my heart ! It seems as though a thousand daggers \u2019 points Would not suffice to stab it , so it might Feel some release \u2014My God ! forsake me not ! As the music ends , enter the LADY CROMWELL ; she approaches her daughter , and , bending over her , lifts her up .", "But His judgments , mother !", "Are awful . Did not Christ condemn the mind", "That is polluted with a guilty thought ,", "As if \u2018 twere done ?", "I tell you I can stand \u2014", "His arm ?", "Away !", "Sir , do not touch me , you ill-treat my friend !", "No ! father , as you hope", "For mercy , no !", "My veins thrill ! Parted ?\u2014 No ! No ! No !", "Perish the mean thought \u2014", "Let me aid them , though", "I die ; then o'er my quiet grave , my thought", "Doth sculpture them in prayer \u2014", "He is innocent ,", "My father ! Let him go \u2014 Do you not see", "They love each other ?\u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 336, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["L. He will not !", "Madam , where doth your daughter lie !\u2014", "Do I ?\u2014 I would have it so . Think you it is an easy death when the heart bleeds inwardly ?", "I do remember , journeying hither once ,", "On horseback , that I saw a poor lad , slain", "In some sad skirmish of these cruel wars ;", "There seem 'd no wound , and so I stay 'd by him ,", "Thinking he might live still . But , ever , whilst", "I stretch 'd to reach some trifling thing for aid ,", "His sullen head would slip from off my knee ,", "And his damp hair to earth would wander down ,", "Till I grew frighten 'd thus to challenge Death ,", "And with the king of terrors idly play .\u2014", "Yet those pale lips deserted not the smile", "Of froward , gay defiance , lingering there ,", "Like a tir 'd truant 's sleeping on the grass ,", "Mid the stray sun-beams of unsadden 'd hope ,", "Dreaming of one perpetual holiday .", "The silent marches of the stars had clos 'd", "The slow retreat of that calm summer noon ,", "Ere I compos 'd his gentle limbs to rest ,", "And left him where he lay . No crimson wound ,", "No dark ensanguin 'd stain did sully him :", "Yet had some fatal missile reach 'd his heart ,", "That bled , as mine does now , within , within !", "O , I was happy and I knew it not ,", "But jested with the heart that lov 'd me well .", "The sickening echo of each foolish word", "I said to pain him comes to torture me \u2014", "O forgive me , Madam !", "My grief seem 'd thoughtless of another 's woe ,", "And I that love her so ?\u2014 I 'll go with you", "This instant , watch by her , and pray for all", "This most unhappy world . Come , let us seek her \u2014", "Haste ! Will she know me , think you ? Lean on me ,", "You are fatigued with watching . I am strong ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 336, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Oh ! hasten , hasten . They are gone ; you may", "Fall down , be stopp 'd , give me the pardon \u2014 quick !", "Yes ! yes ! if I live", "A month , I will be thine .", "The hands of yonder clock do pierce my heart", "Like daggers till he comes . O God ! forgive me ,", "Let me but know him safe , and die of joy ,", "Ere I have time to think upon the rest .", "There is no sound now \u2014", "Nay , dear Elizabeth ! his life", "Is sav 'd \u2014", "What means her passion ? He comes not !", "My heart grows chill \u2014", "Would I might follow her .", "I promis 'd not . Did I not see the pardon .", "O , this is dreadful !", "Re-enter BASIL , U. E. R .", "Distant shouting is heard .", "O Heaven ! I thank thy gracious mercy .", "Have I then sav 'd his life , to torture him", "With base destruction of the thing he loves ?", "No ! no ! There is a portal", "By which the trembling victim may escape", "From thy fierce tiger gripe \u2014 There is a way", "Unto the weak , and though a giant grasp ,", "He shall but seize with eager cruel hand", "The white reflection other fluttering robe ,", "Leaving her pure and undefil 'd to Heaven \u2014", "Angels have whisper 'd it to me \u2014", "Nay ! traitor to thy God and king ! My hand", "I 've pledg 'd thee ere a short month have elaps 'd ,", "And thou shalt claim it then , if then thou wilt .", "Never !", "There is a point where all", "That binds the struggling wretch to aught on earth ,", "Be it a bond of hate and grief like mine ,", "Or sweet communion of young hearts that love ,", "Be it a sacrifice to infamy , or pride", "Of mothers in their offspring , or the work", "Of master-spirits \u2019 high philosophy ,", "Doth rank with things that were \u2014", "A colder hand than thine is on my heart ,", "I am another 's bride ! A month must pass", "Ere thou can'st claim me . Was not that the bond ?", "Within a week I 'll wed , but not with thee .", "Pray , sir , go hence , you do distract my thoughts", "From my lov 'd bridegroom .", "Death .", "A thousand deaths , ere wed with thee . Dost hear ?", "I am faint . Lo ! thy cruel , eager gaze", "Grows grimly dark and indistinct . Pray Heaven", "I shall not see it any more . Farewell ,", "I pardon thee .", "Help !", "Help ! O help !", "I would have died for thee ,", "Joy doth not kill !", "O , order them to free him ;", "He is thy brother , would have sav 'd thee , though", "For a base guerdon ; yet he would have sav 'd thee ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 336, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Leave me awhile ; I shall be better soon .", "I would but see my father ; pray you seek him ,", "I wish to speak with him .", "Dear mother , pardon ,", "I shall be better .", "No ! no ! I scarce can breathe .", "Unbare my beating bosom to the wind , And let the breath of Heaven wander through The dreary twilight of my tangled hair . Mine eyes shall never sparkle any more , Save with the fearful glitter of unrest ; My cheeks flush not with any hope on earth ; But with the live glow in their ash burn on . Death holds his Carnival of winter roses Till their last blossom drops within the grave . Hush ! what was that ? I thought I heard a noise : He comes , my father comes ! Away all thought Of self \u2014 Away , base passion , that would bind My winged soul to earth ,\u2014 hush ! hush ! he comes .Twas but the night-wind 's flagging breath ! No sound Of mortal footstep , as it hither crept Tiptoe and carefully , \u2018 twas like a murderer , That in his sleep walks forth . See , how he threads his way \u2018 Mid all the antique chattels of the room Where it was none ! Mark , where his careful feet Avoid yon blood-stains , though they shrink not when The grey rat courses o'er them ! Nay , \u2018 tis gone . A shape of fancy 's painting to the sight . \u2018 Twas but the wind , I said \u2014 whose fleeting voice The vaulted corridor did syllable aloud , Mingling my name with tombs . Again , I hear It is his heavy footstep \u2014 Enter CROMWELL , L . Father ! here Come close and press me warmly to thee , quick ! Lest Death step in between us \u2014 \u2019 Reach me here That cup . My voice fails \u2014 not that hand ! \u2018 tis blood ,As in my dreams . I would assoil him . Father ! \u2018 Tis said , upon the giddy verge of life The eye grows steady , and the soul sees clear Thought guiding action in all human things , Not in the busy , whirling masque of life , Reality unreal , but in truth . Then the eye cuts as the chirurgeon 's knife Mocks the poor corpse . I saw not when he died : Yet last night was a scaffold , there ! all black , And one stood visor 'd by , with glittering axe Who struck the bare neck of a kneeling form \u2014 Methought the head of him that seem 'd to die , With ghastly face and painful , patient stare , Glided along the sable , blood-gilt floor , As unseen fiends did pull it by its mass Of dank and dabbled hair , and when I turn 'd Mine eyes to see it not , the headsman 's mask Had fallen to the ground \u2014 Thou didst not do it ? For it was thy face . Father , answer me !", "Pearson , thou lov'st him ?", "No ! no !", "There is no time . My breath is short . O Pearson ,", "Rouse him from that cold torpor , ere I die .", "Life will not turn my hour-glass any more ,", "Whose thin sands , sinking at their centre fast ,", "Ebb hollowly away . I would but speak", "A few soft words of comfort , pray him to", "Repent ; there is repentance ,\u2014 for his heart", "Sinn 'd not so deeply as the world may think .", "Cease !", "Father , blaspheme no longer ; with such words", "Feed the wild fever of the enthusiast crew ,", "Pander to hypocrites ; but not here , now ,", "Deceive thyself , or me \u2014", "What was that agony that tore thee now ?\u2014", "Why didst thou swoon and talk of murder , kings ,", "Of hell and sulphur and the mocking fiends ?", "\u2018 Tis truth ! It cannot be but truth ,", "All things seem different , yet just now I thought", "To see more clearly , whilst I dar 'd to judge him \u2014", "How happy am I now \u2014 forgive me , oh !", "My father !", "Now , let me comfort him and die in peace .", "O father , \u2018 tis another love that bends", "This blighted form to earth .", "Fear not , I am pure in thought", "And deed \u2014 yet I was married early ,", "Ere I had lov 'd . I could not choose but love ,", "When I saw one \u2014 No matter \u2014 I am pure ;", "But death is welcome . Do not frown on me :", "I ne'er had told thee , but for comfort 's sake ,", "Lest thou shouldst think that thou hadst slain thy daughter .", "Nay , let this thing go by ; clasp me unto thee .", "Forgive me all the pain that I have cost thee .", "I feel as if I were again a child", "That prattled by thy side , ere strife had come ,", "And sown those wrinkles in thy lofty brow ;", "\u2018 Bend till my faded fingers reach to smooth them !", "I cannot think but of an evening walk ,", "When thou didst tell me of the life of David ,", "And how he dwelt with God \u2014 \u2018 twas on the bench", "Round the oak tree in the fair pasturage ,", "Behind the church ;\u2014 see , see , yon arched window", "Is full of light . Hush ! they are singing , hush !", "The sun is cheerful ! Nature praises God .", "Leave me not yet , my father , spare one hour", "Unto thy child . Nay , then , we shall meet soon .", "Thou smil'st , sweet Spirit , all the rest grows dim !", "See by yon pale and monumental form ,", "The old man kneeling , weeps . I come ! I come !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 336, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Was there euer man had such lucke ? when I kist the Iacke vpon an vp-cast , to be hit away ? I had a hundred pound o n't : and then a whorson Iacke-an-Apes , must take me vp for swearing , as if I borrowed mine oathes of him , and might not spend them at my pleasure", "When a Gentleman is dispos 'd to sweare : it is not for any standers by to curtall his oathes . Ha ? 2 . No my Lord ; nor crop the eares of them", "Whorson dog : I gaue him satisfaction ? would he had bin one of my Ranke", "I am not vext more at any thing in th \u2019 earth : a pox o n't I had rather not be so Noble as I am : they dare not fight with me , because of the Queene my Mother : euery Iacke-Slaue hath his belly full of Fighting , and I must go vp and downe like a Cock , that no body can match", "Sayest thou ?", "2 . It is not fit your Lordship should vndertake euery", "Companion , that you giue offence too", "No , I know that : but it is fit I should commit offence to my inferiors", "Why so I say", "Leonatus ? A banisht Rascall ; and he 's another , whatsoeuer he be . Who told you of this Stranger ? 1 . One of your Lordships Pages", "Is it fit I went to looke vpon him ? Is there no derogation i n't ? 2 . You cannot derogate my Lord", "Not easily I thinke", "Come , Ile go see this Italian : what I haue lost to day at Bowles , Ile winne to night of him . Come : go", "It would make any man cold to loose", "I would this Musicke would come : I am aduised to giue her Musicke a mornings , they say it will penetrate . Enter Musitians . Come on , tune : If you can penetrate her with your fingering , so : wee'l try with tongue too : if none will do , let her remaine : but Ile neuer giue o 're . First , a very excellent good conceyted thing ; after a wonderful sweet aire , with admirable rich words to it , and then let her consider . SONG . Hearke , hearke , the Larke at Heauens gate sings , and Phoebus gins arise , His Steeds to water at those Springs on chalic 'd Flowres that lyes : And winking Mary-buds begin to ope their Golden eyes With euery thing that pretty is , my Lady sweet arise : Arise , arise . So , get you gone : if this penetrate , I will consider your Musicke the better : if it do not , it is a voyce in her eares which Horse-haires , and Calues-guts , nor the voyce of vnpaued Eunuch to boot , can neuer amend . Enter Cymbaline , and Queene . 2 Heere comes the King", "I am glad I was vp so late , for that 's the reason I was vp so earely : he cannot choose but take this Seruice I haue done , fatherly . Good morrow to your Maiesty , and to my gracious Mother", "Senselesse ? Not so", "If she be vp , Ile speake with her : if not", "Let her lye still , and dreame : by your leaue hoa ,", "I know her women are about her : what", "If I do line one of their hands , \u2018 tis Gold", "Which buyes admittance", "yea , and makes", "Diana 's Rangers false themselues , yeeld vp", "Their Deere to'th \u2019 stand o'th \u2019 Stealer : and \u2018 tis Gold", "Which makes the True-man kill 'd , and saues the Theefe :", "Nay , sometime hangs both Theefe , and True-man : what", "Can it not do , and vndoo ? I will make", "One of her women Lawyer to me , for", "I yet not vnderstand the case my selfe .", "By your leaue .", "Knockes .", "Yes , and a Gentlewomans Sonne", "There is Gold for you ,", "Sell me your good report", "Good morrow fairest , Sister your sweet hand", "Still I sweare I loue you", "This is no answer", "To leaue you in your madnesse , \u2018 twere my sin ,", "I will not", "Do you call me Foole ?", "Imo . As I am mad I do :", "If you'l be patient , Ile no more be mad ,", "That cures vs both . I am much sorry", "You put me to forget a Ladies manners", "By being so verball : and learne now , for all ,", "That I which know my heart , do heere pronounce", "By th \u2019 very truth of it , I care not for you ,", "And am so neere the lacke of Charitie", "To accuse my selfe , I hate you : which I had rather", "You felt , then make't my boast", "You sinne against", "Obedience , which you owe your Father , for", "The Contract you pretend with that base Wretch ,", "One , bred of Almes , and foster 'd with cold dishes ,", "With scraps o'th \u2019 Court : It is no Contract , none ;", "And though it be allowed in meaner parties", "to knit their soules", "in selfe-figur 'd knot ,", "Yet you are curb 'd from that enlargement , by", "The consequence o'th \u2019 Crowne , and must not foyle", "The precious note of it ; with a base Slaue ,", "A Hilding for a Liuorie , a Squires Cloth ,", "A Pantler ; not so eminent", "The South-Fog rot him", "His Garments ? Now the diuell", "His Garment ?", "Imo . I am sprighted with a Foole ,", "Frighted , and angred worse : Go bid my woman", "Search for a Iewell , that too casually", "Hath left mine Arme : it was thy Masters . Shrew me", "If I would loose it for a Reuenew ,", "Of any Kings in Europe . I do think ,", "I saw't this morning : Confident I am .", "Last night \u2018 twas on mine Arme ; I kiss 'd it ,", "I hope it be not gone , to tell my Lord", "That I kisse aught but he", "You haue abus 'd me :", "His meanest Garment ?", "Imo . I , I said so Sir ,", "If you will make't an Action , call witnesse to't", "I will enforme your Father", "Ile be reueng 'd :", "His mean'st Garment ? Well .", "Enter .", "Scena Quarta ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 340, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now say , what would Augustus Caesar with vs ?", "Luc . When Iulius Caesar", "was in this Britain ,", "And Conquer 'd it , Cassibulan thine Vnkle", "for him ,", "And his Succession , granted Rome a Tribute ,", "Yeerely three thousand pounds ; which", "lately", "Is left vntender 'd", "Son , let your Mother end", "You must know ,", "Till the iniurious Romans , did extort", "This Tribute from vs , we were free . Caesars Ambition ,", "Which swell 'd so much , that it did almost stretch", "The sides o'th \u2019 World , against all colour heere ,", "Did put the yoake vpon 's ; which to shake off", "Becomes a warlike people , whom we reckon", "Our selues to be , we do . Say then to Caesar ,", "Our Ancestor was that Mulmutius , which", "Ordain 'd our Lawes , whose vse the Sword of Caesar", "Hath too much mangled ; whose repayre , and franchise ,", "Shall", "be our good deed ,", "Tho Rome be therfore angry . Mulmutius made our lawes", "Who was the first of Britaine , which did put", "His browes within a golden Crowne , and call 'd", "Himselfe a King", "Thou art welcome Caius ,", "Thy Caesar Knighted me ; my youth I spent", "Much vnder him ; of him , I gather 'd Honour ,", "Which he , to seeke of me againe , perforce ,", "Behooues me keepe at vtterance . I am perfect ,", "That the Pannonians and Dalmatians , for", "Their Liberties are now in Armes : a President", "Which not to reade , would shew the Britaines cold :", "So Caesar shall not finde them", "I know your Masters pleasure , and he mine :", "All the Remaine , is welcome .", "Exeunt .", "Scena Secunda .", "Thus farre , and so farewell", "Our Subiects", "Will not endure his yoake ; and for our selfe", "To shew lesse Soueraignty then they , must needs", "Appeare vn-Kinglike", "My Lords , you are appointed for that Office :", "The due of Honor , in no point omit :", "So farewell Noble Lucius", "Leaue not the worthy Lucius , good my Lords", "Till he haue crost the Seuern . Happines .", "Lucius hath wrote already to the Emperor", "How it goes heere . It fits vs therefore ripely", "Our Chariots , and our Horsemen be in readinesse :", "The Powres that he already hath in Gallia", "Will soone be drawne to head , from whence he moues", "His warre for Britaine", "Our expectation that it would be thus", "Hath made vs forward . But my gentle Queene ,", "Where is our Daughter ? She hath not appear 'd", "Before the Roman , nor to vs hath tender 'd", "The duty of the day . She looke vs like", "A thing more made of malice , then of duty ,", "We haue noted it . Call her before vs , for", "We haue beene too slight in sufferance", "Where is she Sir ? How", "Can her contempt be answer 'd ?", "Mes . Please you Sir ,", "Her Chambers are all lock 'd , and there 's no answer", "That will be giuen to'th \u2019 lowd of noise , we make", "Her doores lock 'd ?", "Not seene of late ? Grant Heauens , that which I", "Feare , proue false .", "Enter ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 340, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["You are not well : Remaine heere in the Caue ,", "Wee'l come to you after Hunting", "What ? How ? how ?", "Arui . If it be sinne to say so", "I yoake mee", "In my good Brothers fault : I know not why", "I loue this youth , and I haue heard you say ,", "Loue 's reason 's , without reason . The Beere at doore ,", "And a demand who is't shall dye , I'ld say", "My Father , not this youth", "Oh noble straine !", "O worthinesse of Nature , breed of Greatnesse !", "`` Cowards father Cowards , & Base things Syre Bace ;", "`` Nature hath Meale , and Bran ; Contempt , and Grace .", "I'me not their Father , yet who this should bee ,", "Doth myracle it selfe , lou 'd before mee .", "\u2018 Tis the ninth houre o'th \u2019 Morne", "To'th \u2019 Field , to'th \u2019 Field :", "Wee'l leaue you for this time , go in , and rest", "Pray be not sicke ,", "For you must be our Huswife", "And shal't be euer .", "This youth , how ere distrest , appeares he hath had", "Good Ancestors", "It is great morning . Come away : Who 's there ? Enter Cloten .", "Those Runnagates ?", "Meanes he not vs ? I partly know him , \u2018 tis", "Cloten , the Sonne o'th \u2019 Queene . I feare some Ambush :", "I saw him not these many yeares , and yet", "I know \u2018 tis he : We are held as Out-Lawes : Hence", "No Companie 's abroad ? Arui . None in the world : you did mistake him sure", "I cannot tell : Long is it since I saw him ,", "But Time hath nothing blurr 'd those lines of Fauour", "Which then he wore : the snatches in his voice ,", "And burst of speaking were as his : I am absolute", "\u2018 Twas very Cloten", "Being scarse made vp ,", "I meane to man ; he had not apprehension", "Of roaring terrors : For defect of iudgement", "Is oft the cause of Feare .", "Enter Guiderius .", "But see thy Brother", "What hast thou done ?", "Gui . I am perfect what : cut off one Clotens head ,", "Sonne to the Queene", "Who call 'd me Traitor , Mountaineer , and swore", "With his owne single hand heel 'd take vs in ,", "Displace our heads , where", "they grow", "And set them on Luds-Towne", "We are all vndone", "I had no minde", "To hunt this day : The Boy Fideles sickenesse", "Did make my way long forth", "I feare \u2018 twill be reueng 'd :", "Would", "thou had'st not done't : though valour", "Becomes thee well enough", "Well , \u2018 tis done :", "Wee'l hunt no more to day , nor seeke for danger", "Where there 's no profit . I prythee to our Rocke ,", "You and Fidele play the Cookes : Ile stay", "Till hasty Polidore returne , and bring him", "To dinner presently", "Oh thou Goddesse ,", "Thou diuine Nature ; thou thy selfe thou blazon'st", "In these two Princely Boyes : they are as gentle", "As Zephires blowing below the Violet ,", "Not wagging his sweet head ; and yet , as rough", "as the rud'st winde ,", "That by the top doth take the Mountaine Pine ,", "And make him stoope to th \u2019 Vale . \u2018 Tis wonder", "That an inuisible instinct should frame them", "To Royalty vnlearn 'd , Honor vntaught ,", "Ciuility not seene from other : valour", "That wildely growes in them , but yeelds a crop", "As if it had beene sow 'd : yet still it 's strange", "What Clotens being heere to vs portends ,", "Or what his death will bring vs .", "Enter Guidereus .", "My ingenuous Instrument ,", "it sounds : but what occasion", "Hath Cadwal now to giue it motion ? Hearke", "Looke , heere he comes ,", "And brings the dire occasion in his Armes ,", "Of what we blame him for", "Oh Melancholly ,", "Who euer yet could sound thy bottome ? Finde", "The Ooze , to shew what Coast thy sluggish care", "Might'st easilest harbour in . Thou blessed thing ,", "Ioue knowes what man thou might'st haue made : but I ,", "Thou dyed'st a most rare Boy , of Melancholly .", "How found you him ?", "Arui . Starke , as you see :", "Thus smiling , as some Fly had tickled slumber ,", "Not as deaths dart being laugh 'd at : his right Cheeke", "Reposing on a Cushion", "Great greefes I see med'cine the lesse : For Cloten", "Is quite forgot . He was a Queenes Sonne , Boyes ,", "And though he came our Enemy , remember", "He was paid for that : though meane , and mighty rotting", "Together haue one dust , yet Reuerence", "doth make distinction", "Of place \u2018 tweene high , and low . Our Foe was Princely ,", "And though you tooke his life , as being our Foe ,", "Yet bury him , as a Prince", "Heere 's a few Flowres , but \u2018 bout midnight more :", "The hearbes that haue on them cold dew o'th \u2019 night", "Are strewings fit'st for Graues : vpon their Faces .", "You were as Flowres , now wither 'd : euen so", "These Herbelets shall , which we vpon you strew .", "Come on , away , apart vpon our knees :", "The ground that gaue them first , ha 's them againe :", "Their pleasures here are past , so are their paine .", "Exeunt .", "Imogen awakes .", "Yes Sir , to Milford-Hauen , which is the way ?", "I thanke you : by yond bush ? pray how farre thether ?", "\u2018 Ods pittikins : can it be sixe mile yet ?", "I haue gone all night : \u2018 Faith , Ile lye downe , and sleepe .", "But soft ; no Bedfellow ? Oh Gods , and Goddesses !", "These Flowres are like the pleasures of the World ;", "This bloody man the care o n't . I hope I dreame :", "For so I thought I was a Caue-keeper ,", "And Cooke to honest Creatures . But \u2018 tis not so :", "\u2018 Twas but a bolt of nothing , shot of nothing ,", "Which the Braine makes of Fumes . Our very eyes ,", "Are sometimes like our Iudgements , blinde . Good faith", "I tremble still with feare : but if there be", "Yet left in Heauen , as small a drop of pittie", "As a Wrens eye ; fear 'd Gods , a part of it .", "The Dreame 's heere still : euen when I wake it is", "Without me , as within me : not imagin 'd , felt .", "A headlesse man ? The Garments of Posthumus ?", "I know the shape of 's Legge : this is his Hand :", "His Foote Mercuriall : his martiall Thigh", "The brawnes of Hercules : but his Iouiall face-", "Murther in heauen ? How ? \u2018 tis gone . Pisanio ,", "All Curses madded Hecuba gaue the Greekes ,", "And mine to boot , be darted on thee : thou", "Conspir 'd with that Irregulous diuell Cloten ,", "Hath heere cut off my Lord . To write , and read ,", "Be henceforth treacherous . Damn 'd Pisanio ,", "Hath with his forged Letters", "From this most brauest vessell of the world", "Strooke the maine top ! Oh Posthumus , alas ,", "Where is thy head ? where 's that ? Aye me ! where 's that ?", "Pisanio might haue kill 'd thee at the heart ,", "And left this head on . How should this be , Pisanio ?", "\u2018 Tis he , and Cloten : Malice , and Lucre in them", "Haue laid this Woe heere . Oh \u2018 tis pregnant , pregnant !", "The Drugge he gaue me , which hee said was precious", "And Cordiall to me , haue I not found it", "Murd'rous to'th \u2019 Senses ? That confirmes it home :", "This is Pisanio 's deede , and Cloten : Oh !", "Giue colour to my pale cheeke with thy blood ,", "That we the horrider may seeme to those", "Which chance to finde vs. Oh , my Lord ! my Lord !", "Enter Lucius , Captaines , and a Soothsayer .", "Let vs from it", "Sonnes ,", "Wee'l higher to the Mountaines , there secure vs .", "To the Kings party there 's no going : newnesse", "Of Clotens death", "may driue vs to a render", "Where we haue liu 'd ; and so extort from 's that", "Which we haue done , whose answer would be death", "Drawne on with Torture", "Oh , I am knowne", "Of many in the Army : Many yeeres", "you see , not wore him", "From my remembrance . And besides , the King", "Hath not deseru 'd my Seruice , nor your Loues ,", "Who finde in my Exile , the want of Breeding ;", "The certainty of this heard life , aye hopelesse", "To haue the courtesie your Cradle promis 'd ,", "But to be still hot Summers Tanlings , and", "The shrinking Slaues of Winter", "No reason I", "should reserue", "My crack 'd one to more care . Haue with you Boyes :", "If in your Country warres you chance to dye ,", "That is my Bed too", "and there Ile lye .", "Lead , lead ; the time seems long , their blood thinks scorn", "Till it flye out , and shew them Princes borne ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 340, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Yea bloody cloth , Ile keep thee : for I am wisht", "Thou should'st be colour 'd thus . You married ones ,", "If each of you should take this course , how many", "Must murther Wiues much better then themselues", "For wrying but a little ? Oh Pisanio ,", "Euery good Seruant do 's not all Commands :", "No Bond , but to do iust ones . Gods , if you", "Should haue \u2018 tane vengeance on my faults , I neuer", "Had liu 'd to put on this : so had you saued", "The noble Imogen , to repent , and strooke", "Me", "more worth your Vengeance . But alacke ,", "You snatch some hence for little faults ; that 's loue", "To haue them fall no more : you some permit", "To second illes with illes , each elder worse ,", "And make them dread it , to the dooers thrift .", "But Imogen is your owne , do your best willes ,", "And make me blest to obey . I am brought hither", "Among th \u2019 Italian Gentry , and to fight", "Against my Ladies Kingdome : \u2018 Tis enough", "That", "I haue kill 'd thy Mistris : Peace ,", "Ile giue no wound to thee : therefore good Heauens ,", "Heare patiently my purpose . Ile disrobe me", "Of these Italian weedes , and suite my selfe", "As do 's a Britaine Pezant : so Ile fight", "Against the part I come with : so Ile dye", "For thee", "euen for whom my life", "Is euery breath , a death : and thus , vnknowne ,", "Pittied , nor hated , to the face of perill", "My selfe Ile dedicate . Let me make men know", "More valour in me , then my habits show .", "Gods , put the strength o'th ' Leonati in me :", "To shame the guize o'th \u2019 world , I will begin ,", "The fashion lesse without , and more within .", "Enter .", "Scena Secunda .", "No blame be to you Sir , for all was lost ,", "But that the Heauens fought : the King himselfe", "Of his wings destitute , the Army broken ,", "And but the backes of Britaines seene ; all flying", "Through a strait Lane , the Enemy full-heart 'd ,", "Lolling the Tongue with slaught'ring : hauing worke", "More plentifull , then Tooles to doo't : strooke downe", "Some mortally , some slightly touch 'd , some falling", "Meerely through feare , that the strait passe was damm 'd", "With deadmen , hurt behinde , and Cowards liuing", "To dye with length'ned shame", "Nay , do not wonder at it : you are made", "Rather to wonder at the things you heare ,", "Then to worke any . Will you Rime vpo n't ,", "And vent it for a Mock'rie ? Heere is one :", "`` Two Boyes , an Oldman", "a Lane ,", "`` Preseru 'd the Britaines , was the Romanes bane", "Lacke , to what end ?", "Who dares not stand his Foe , Ile be his Friend :", "For if hee'l do , as he is made to doo ,", "I know hee'l quickly flye my friendship too .", "You haue put me into Rime", "Still going ? This is a Lord : Oh Noble misery To be i'th \u2019 Field , and aske what newes of me : To day , how many would haue giuen their Honours To haue sau 'd their Carkasses ? Tooke heele to doo't , And yet dyed too . I , in mine owne woe charm 'd Could not finde death , where I did heare him groane , Nor feele him where he strooke . Being an vgly Monster , \u2018 Tis strange he hides him in fresh Cups , soft Beds , Sweet words ; or hath moe ministers then we That draw his kniues i'th \u2019 War . Well I will finde him : For being now a Fauourer to the Britaine , No more a Britaine , I haue resum 'd againe The part I came in . Fight I will no more , But yeeld me to the veriest Hinde , that shall Once touch my shoulder . Great the slaughter is Heere made by'th \u2019 Romane ; great the Answer be Britaines must take . For me , my Ransome 's death , On eyther side I come to spend my breath ; Which neyther heere Ile keepe , nor beare agen , But end it by some meanes for Imogen . Enter two Captaines , and Soldiers . 1 Great Iupiter be prais 'd , Lucius is taken , \u2018 Tis thought the old man , and his sonnes , were Angels 2 There was a fourth man , in a silly habit , That gaue th \u2019 Affront with them 1 So \u2018 tis reported : But none of \u2018 em can be found . Stand , who 's there ? Post . A Roman , Who had not now beene drooping heere , if Seconds Had answer 'd him 2 Lay hands on him : a Dogge , A legge of Rome shall not returne to tell What Crows haue peckt them here : he brags his seruice As if he were of note : bring him to'th \u2019 King . Enter Cymbeline , Belarius , Guiderius , Aruiragus , Pisanio , and Romane Captiues . The Captaines present Posthumus to Cymbeline , who deliuers him ouer to a Gaoler . Scena Quarta .", "Most welcome bondage ; for thou art a way", "to liberty : yet am I better", "Then one that 's sicke o'th \u2019 Gowt , since he had rather", "Groane so in perpetuity , then be cur 'd", "By'th \u2019 sure Physitian , Death ; who is the key", "T \u2019 vnbarre these Lockes . My Conscience , thou art fetter 'd", "More then my shanks , & wrists : you good Gods giue me", "The penitent Instrument to picke that Bolt ,", "Then free for euer . Is't enough I am sorry ?", "So Children temporall Fathers do appease ;", "Gods are more full of mercy . Must I repent ,", "I cannot do it better then in Gyues ,", "Desir 'd , more then constrain 'd , to satisfie", "If of my Freedome \u2018 tis the maine part , take", "No stricter render of me , then my All .", "I know you are more clement then vilde men ,", "Who of their broken Debtors take a third ,", "A sixt , a tenth , letting them thriue againe", "On their abatement ; that 's not my desire .", "For Imogens deere life , take mine , and though", "\u2018 Tis not so deere , yet \u2018 tis a life ; you coyn 'd it ,", "\u2018 Tweene man , and man , they waigh not euery stampe :", "Though light , take Peeces for the figures sake ,", "mine being yours : and so great Powres ,", "If you will take this Audit , take this life ,", "And cancell these cold Bonds . Oh Imogen ,", "Ile speake to thee in silence .", "Sleepe , thou hast bin a Grandsire , and begot A Father to me : and thou hast created A Mother , and two Brothers . ButGone , they went hence so soone as they were borne : And so I am awake . Poore Wretches , that depend On Greatnesse , Fauour ; Dreame as I haue done , Wake , and finde nothing . ButI swerue : Many Dreame not to finde , neither deserue , And yet are steep 'd in Fauours ; so am I That haue this Golden chance , and know not why : What Fayeries haunt this ground ? A Book ? Oh rare one , Be not , as is our fangled world , a Garment Nobler then that it couers . Let thy effects So follow , to be most vnlike our Courtiers , As good , as promise . Reades . When as a Lyons whelpe , shall to himselfe vnknown , without seeking finde , and bee embrac 'd by a peece of tender Ayre : And when from a stately Cedar shall be lopt branches , which being dead many yeares , shall after reuiue , bee ioynted to the old Stocke , and freshly grow , then shall Posthumus end his miseries , Britaine be fortunate , and flourish in Peace and Plentie . \u2018 Tis still a Dreame : or else such stuffe as Madmen Tongue , and braine not : either both , or nothing Or senselesse speaking , or a speaking such As sense cannot vntye . Be what it is , The Action of my life is like it , which Ile keepe If but for simpathy . Enter Gaoler .", "So if I proue a good repast to the Spectators , the dish payes the shot", "I am merrier to dye , then thou art to liue", "Yes indeed do I , fellow", "I tell thee , Fellow , there are none want eyes , to direct them the way I am going , but such as winke , and will not vse them", "Thou bring'st good newes , I am call 'd to bee made free", "Thou shalt be then freer then a Gaoler ; no bolts for the dead", "What 's that to him ?", "Cym . That Diamond vpon your Finger , say", "How came it yours ?", "Iach . Thou'lt torture me to leaue vnspoken , that", "Which to be spoke , wou 'd torture thee", "I so thou do'st ,", "Italian Fiend . Aye me , most credulous Foole ,", "Egregious murtherer , Theefe , any thing", "That 's due to all the Villaines past , in being", "To come . Oh giue me Cord , or knife , or poyson ,", "Some vpright Iusticer . Thou King , send out", "For Torturors ingenious : it is I", "That all th \u2019 abhorred things o'th \u2019 earth amend", "By being worse then they . I am Posthumus ,", "That kill 'd thy Daughter : Villain-like , I lye ,", "That caus 'd a lesser villaine then my selfe ,", "A sacrilegious Theefe to doo't . The Temple", "Of Vertue was she ; yea , and she her selfe .", "Spit , and throw stones , cast myre vpon me , set", "The dogges o'th \u2019 street to bay me : euery villaine", "Be call 'd Posthumus Leonatus , and", "Be villany lesse then \u2018 twas . Oh Imogen !", "My Queene , my life , my wife : oh Imogen ,", "Imogen , Imogen", "Shall 's haue a play of this ? Thou scornfull Page , there lye thy part", "Hang there like fruite , my soule ,", "Till the Tree dye", "I am Sir", "The Souldier that did company these three", "In poore beseeming : \u2018 twas a fitment for", "The purpose I then follow 'd . That I was he ,", "Speake Iachimo , I had you downe , and might", "Haue made you finish", "Kneele not to me :", "The powre that I haue on you , is to spare you :", "The malice towards you , to forgiue you . Liue", "And deale with others better", "Your Seruant Princes . Good my Lord of Rome", "Call forth your Sooth-sayer : As I slept , me thought", "Great Iupiter vpon his Eagle back 'd", "Appear 'd to me , with other sprightly shewes", "Of mine owne Kindred . When I wak 'd , I found", "This Labell on my bosome ; whose containing", "Is so from sense in hardnesse , that I can", "Make no Collection of it . Let him shew", "His skill in the construction"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 340, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Gent . You do not meet a man but frowns . Our bloods", "No more obey the heavens than our courtiers", "Still seem as does the King .", "Gent . His daughter , and the heir of 's kingdom , whom", "He purpos 'd to his wife 's sole son \u2014 a widow", "That late he married \u2014 hath referred herself", "Unto a poor but worthy gentleman . She 's wedded ,", "Her husband banish 'd , she imprison 'd ; all", "Is outward sorrow ; though I think the King", "Be touched at very heart .", "Gent . He that hath lost her too ; so is the Queen ,", "That most desir 'd the match : but not a courtier ,", "Although they wear their faces to the bent", "Of the King 's look , hath a heart that is not", "Glad at the thing they scowl at .", "Gent . He that hath miss 'd the Princess is a thing", "Too bad for bad report ; and he that hath her \u2014", "I mean , that married her , alack , good man !", "And therefore banish 'd \u2014 is a creature such", "As , to seek through the regions of the earth", "For one his like , there would be something failing", "In him that should compare . I do not think", "So fair an outward , and such stuff within", "Endows a man but he .", "Gent . I do extend him , sir , within himself ,", "Crush him together rather than unfold", "His measure duly .", "Gent . I cannot delve him to the root . His father", "Was call 'd Sicilius , who did gain his honour", "Against the Romans with Cassibelan ,", "But had his titles by Tenantius whom", "He serv 'd with glory and admir 'd success ,", "So gain 'd the sur-addition Leonatus ;", "And hath , besides this gentleman in question ,", "Two other sons , who in the wars o \u2019 the time", "Died with their swords in hand ; for which their father", "Then old and fond of issue , took such sorrow", "That he quit being , and his gentle lady ,", "Big of this gentleman our theme , deceas 'd", "As he was born . The King he takes the babe", "To his protection , calls him Posthumus Leonatus ,", "Breeds him and makes him of his bed chamber ,", "Puts to him all the learnings that his time", "Could make him the receiver of ; which he took ,", "As we do air , fast as \u2018 twas minist'red ,", "And in 's spring became a harvest ; liv 'd in court \u2014", "Which rare it is to do \u2014 most prais 'd , most lov 'd ,", "A sample to the youngest , to the more mature", "A glass that feated them , and to the graver", "A child that guided dotards ; to his mistress ,", "For whom he is now banish 'd ,\u2014 her own price", "Proclaims how she esteem 'd him and his virtue ;", "By her election may be truly read", "What kind of man he is .", "Gent . His only child .", "He had two sons ,\u2014 if this be worth your hearing ,", "Mark it \u2014 the eldest of them at three years old ,", "I \u2019 the swathing-clothes the other , from their nursery", "Were stolen , and to this hour no guess in knowledge", "Which way they went .", "Gent . Some twenty years .", "Gent . Howso'er \u2018 tis strange ,", "Or that the negligence may well be laughed at ,", "Yet it is true , sir .", "Gent . We must forbear ; here comes the gentleman , The Queen and Princess .Here Shakespeare trusts mere exposition to rouse interest . His speakers merely question and answer , showing little characterization and practically no emotion . Is this extract as interesting as the following ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 352, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ah , look there ! Who can be so imprudent as to sing that air of Alsace ? The Voice . It can overpass the mountains .", "Foolhardy ! They will hear him !", "Again , and louder than ever !", "The Voice .", "Is like a cross we carry", "In memory of those men and women", "Whose souls were like our own .", "Jean ! Upon my word that young lawyer cannot know the laws . Jean !Just at the end of the same act it is necessary to illustrate the constant presence , the activity and alertness of the German forces and the irritation all this means to the Alsatians . In a story much of this would be described by the author . In the play we feel with each of the speakers the irritating presence of the troops , and so have perfect dramatic illustrative action .", "Another !", "Of horses .", "A patrol !", "They are keeping watch .", "Always !", "Never resting .", "Chut !", "Be still .", "Down there \u2014 wait \u2014 lean over .", "They are coming up .", "We can go down for the moment .", "Here ?", "Do n't you understand , my dear Jean ? There they were in their own country , here they are in ours .Early in the first scene of The Changeling , by Thomas Middleton , Beatrice states clearly , and more than once , the physical repulsion De Flores causes her . Knowing full well , however , the dramatic value of illustrative action , Middleton handled the ending of the scene in this way . Beatrice turning to leave the room , starts as she finds De Flores close at hand ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 352, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Porter , remember what I gave in charge ;", "And when you have done so , bring the keys to me .", "The plot is laid . If all things fall out right", "I shall as famous be by this exploit", "As Scythian Tomyris by Cyrus \u2019 death .", "Great is the rumour of this dreadful knight ,", "And his achievements of no less account ;", "Fain would mine eyes be witness with mine ears ,", "To give their censure of these rare reports .", "And he is welcome . What ! is this the man ?", "Is this the scourge of France ?", "Is this the Talbot , so much fear 'd abroad", "That with his name the mothers still their babes ?", "I see report is fabulous and false .", "I thought I should have seen some Hercules ,", "A second Hector , for his grim aspect ,", "And large proportion of his strong-knit limbs .", "Alas , this is a child , a silly dwarf !", "It cannot be this weak and writhled shrimp", "Should strike such terror to his enemies .", "What means he now ? Go ask him whither he goes .", "If thou be he , then art thou prisoner .", "To me , blood-thirsty lord ;", "And for that cause I train 'd thee to my house .", "Long time , thy shadow hath been thrall to me ,", "For in my gallery thy picture hangs ;", "But now the substance shall endure the like ,", "And I will chain these legs and arms of thine ,", "That hast by tyranny these many years", "Wasted our country , slain our citizens ,", "And sent our sons and husbands captivate .", "Laughest thou , wretch ? Thy mirth shall turn to moan .", "Why , art not thou the man ?", "Then have I substance too .", "This is a riddling merchant for the nonce ;", "He will be here , and yet he is not here .", "How can these contrarieties agree ?", "Victorious Talbot ! pardon my abuse .", "I find thou art no less than fame hath bruited", "And more than may be gathered by the shape .", "Let my presumption not provoke thy wrath ;", "For I am sorry that with reverence", "I did not entertain thee as thou art .", "With all my heart , and think me honoured To feast so great a warrior in my house .Except for a few lines of rhetoric , could the account in Scene 3 be shortened ? The Countess awaits Talbot ; he comes ; she reviles him in a few lines ; he turns to go ; she declares him a prisoner ; he laughs at her ; and as she stands amazed , calls in his forces brought in secret to the castle . When Talbot invites himself and his men to feast at her expense , the Countess immediately agrees . Reading the scene , one recalls the words of Dumas fils : \u201c Any one can relate a dramatic situation : the art lies in preparing it , getting it accepted , making it plausible , especially in untying the knot . \u201dHere Shakespeare does not untie the knot ; the Countess merely yields . What she feels , what happened thereafter ,\u2014 all these are omitted . It is merely the situation which counts . Before Talbot comes in , the scene could easily be made to reveal much more of the character of the Countess . When he does enter , the play of wits between them , even as it disclosed character , might provide interesting dramatic conflict . Surely the moment when the Countess thinks Talbot trapped and he coolly jeers at her , is worth more development . Here it is treated so quickly that the surprise in the entrance of the soldiers hardly gets its full effect . All this is the work of a tyro , even if he be Shakespeare . In Richard II , there is a scene , not as long as that just quoted , in which the central situation might seem to many people less dramatic than that of Talbot and the Countess , yet note to what a clear and convincing conclusion Shakespeare brings it , how plausible he makes the scene , how thoroughly he prepares it for the largest emotional effect by entering thoroughly into the characters involved ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 352, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["My mind is settled , dear Theramenes ,", "And I can stay not more in lovely Troezen .", "In doubt that racks my soul with mortal anguish ,", "I grow ashamed of such long idleness .", "Six months and more my father has been gone ,", "And what may have befallen one so dear", "I know not , nor what corner of the earth", "Hides him .", "Cease , dear Theramenes , respect the name", "Of Theseus . Youthful errors have been left", "Behind , and no unworthy obstacle", "Detains him . Phaedra long has fix 'd a heart", "Inconstant once , nor need she fear a rival .", "In seeking him I shall but do my duty ,", "And leave a place I dare no longer see .", "That happy time", "Is gone , and all is changed , since to these shores", "The gods sent Phaedra .", "It is not her vain enmity I fear ;", "Another foe alarms Hippolytus .", "I fly , it must be owned , from Aricia ,", "The soul survivor of an impious race .", "I should not need to fly , if it were hatred ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 352, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Here we are ! Let 's keep together ! We could n't find each other again .... Where is our baggage ?Ah , that 's all right ! Who has the umbrellas ?", "And the carpet bag ? The cloaks ?", "And my panama ? It has been left in the cab !Ah ! No ! I have it in my hand !... Phew , but I 'm hot !", "It is the departure which is tiresome ... once we are settled !... Stay here , I am going to get the tickets ....There , keep my panama for me ....Three , first class , for Lyons !...", "Ah ! pardon me ! It is the first time", "I have traveled ....", "We are early .", "It is better to be early ! ... one can look about the station !Well , little daughter , are you satisfied ?... Here we are , about to set out !... A few minutes yet , and then , swift as the arrow of William Tell , we rush toward the Alps !You brought the opera glasses ?", "My daughter , I had to sell my business .... A merchant does not retire from business as easily as his little daughter leaves boarding school .... Besides , I was waiting for your education to be ended in order to complete it by revealing to you the splendid spectacle of nature !", "What do you mean ?", "I am not making phrases .... I 'm improving the child 's mind .Here , my daughter , is a notebook I 've bought for you .", "To write on one side the expenses , and on the other the impressions .", "Our impressions of the trip ! You shall write , and I will dictate .", "There 's no question of my becoming an author ... but it seems to me that a man of the world can have some thoughts and record them in a notebook !", "She is like that every time she does n't take her coffee !", "Certainly ! But first , I am going to count them ... because , when one knows the number ... One , two , three , four , five , six , my wife , seven , my daughter , eight , and for myself , nine . We are nine .", "Hurry !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 352, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I am glad I have found this napkin ;", "This was her first remembrance from the Moor .", "My wayward husband hath a hundred times", "Woo 'd me to steal it ; but she so loves the token ,", "For he conjur 'd her she should ever keep it ,", "That she reserves it evermore about her", "To kiss and talk to . I 'll have the work ta'en out ,", "And give it to Iago . What he will do with it", "Heaven knows , not I ;", "I nothing but to please his fantasy .", "Do not you chide ; I have a thing for you .", "Ha !", "Oh , is that all ? What will you give me now", "For that same handkerchief ?", "What handkerchief !", "Why , that the Moor first gave to Desdemona ;", "That which so often you did bid me steal .", "No , faith ; she let it drop by negligence ,", "And , to the advantage , I , being here took't up .", "Look , here it is .", "What will you do with't , that you have been so earnest", "To have me filch it ?", "If it be not for some purpose of import ,", "Give't me again . Poor lady , she 'll run mad", "When she shall lack it .", "What handkerchief ! and emphasis on the ideas already stated :", "Why , that the Moor first gave to Desdemona ; That which so often you did bid me steal . The next time , the action , as Iago snatches the handkerchief and Emilia tries to get it back , holds it before our attention . Finally , Iago , left alone , tells us his malicious scheme in regard to it . Surely , after all this , the audience has been properly prepared for the scenes in which Iago deceives and enrages Othello by means of this very handkerchief . In the first few minutes of the play , Lady Windermere 's Fan , the attention of the audience is drawn to the fan :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 352, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I 'll force thee yield to my desire .", "Valentine !", "My shame and guilt confounds me .", "Forgive me , Valentine ; if hearty sorrow", "Be a sufficient ransom for offence ,", "I tender't here ; I do as truly suffer", "As e'er I did commit .", "Look to the boy .", "Where is that ring , boy ?", "How ? let me see ! Why this is the ring I gave to Julia .", "But how cam'st thou by this ring ? At my depart", "I gave this unto Julia .", "How ! Julia !", "Than men their minds ! \u2018 tis true . O heaven ! were man", "But constant , he were perfect . That one error", "Fills him with faults ; makes him run through all the sins .", "Inconstancy falls off ere it begins .", "What is Silvia 's face , but I may spy", "More fresh in Julia 's with a constant eye ?", "Bear witness , Heaven , I have my wish for ever ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 352, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Worse and worse ! farewell . From this time have acquaintance , but no friend .", "See ; how you plaid with friendship ! be advis 'd", "How you give cause unto yourselfe to say", "You ha lost a friend .", "Doe not weepe .", "What ist ? May I once but know the man", "Hath turn 'd my friend thus !", "But what ?", "Thou seest my love , that will keepe company", "With thee in teares ; hide nothing , then , from me ;", "For when I know the cause of thy distemper ,", "With mine old armour Ile adorn myselfe ,", "My resolution , and cut through my foes ,", "Unto thy quiet , till I place thy heart", "As peaceable as spotless innocence .", "What is it ?", "Punish me strangely , Heaven , if he escape Of life or fame , that brought this youth to this .The cry with which Electra turns to her peasant husband in the play of Euripides is perhaps as fine an instance as there is of natural description by one person of her relations to another ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 352, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What did I say ?", "Oh , I remember :", "After this triumph and this large expence ,", "It 's fit", "we enquire ,", "What 's laid up for tomorrow .", "Beauteous ? Indeed I thank you : I look yong for your sake . You have tane my cares upon you .", "Oh , you are an upright treasurer : but you mistooke ,", "For when I said I meant to make enquiry", "What 's layd up for tomorrow , I did meane", "What 's layd up yonder for me .", "In heaven .", "I am making my will", ", and I pray sir , tell me", "Were not one better make it smiling , thus ,", "Then in deepe groanes , and terrible ghastly lookes ,", "As if the guifts we parted with procur 'd", "That violent distraction ?", "If I had a husband now , this care were quit :", "But I intend to make you over-seer .", "What good deede shall we first remember ? say .", "All ?", "In a winding sheete ?", "St. Winifrid , that were a strange will !", "What doe you thinke of marriage ?", "How doe you affect it ?", "Pray let 's heare it .", "Fye , fie , what 's all this ?", "One of your eyes is blood-shot ; use my ring to't .", "They say \u2018 tis very soveraigne ; \u2018 twas my wedding-ring ,", "And I did vow never to part with it ,", "But to my second husband .", "Yes , to helpe your eye-sight .", "How ?", "Remoove him .", "There needs small conjuration , when your finger", "May doe it : thus , is it fit ?", "Sir ,", "This goodly roofe of yours is too low built ;", "I cannot stand upright i n't , nor discourse ,", "Without I raise it higher : raise yourselfe ,", "Or if you please , my hand to help you : so .", "So , now the ground 's broake ,", "You may discover what a wealthy mine", "I make you lord of .", "You were ill to sell your selfe :", "This darkning of your worth is not like that", "Which trades-men use i \u2019 th \u2019 city ; their false lightes", "Are to rid bad wares off : and I must tell you ,", "If you will know where breathes a compleat man", ", turne your eyes ,", "And progresse through your selfe .", "Now she paies it .", "The misery of us that are borne great ,", "We are forc 'd to woe , because none dare woe us :", "And as a tyrant doubles with his words ,", "And fearefully equivocates , so we", "Are forc 'd to expresse our violent passions", "In ridles and in dreames , and leave the path", "Of simple vertue , which was never made", "To seeme the thing it is not . Goe , go brag", "You have left me heartlesse ; mine is in your bosom :", "I hope \u2018 twill multiply love there . You doe tremble :", "Make not your heart so dead a peece of flesh ,", "To feare , more then to love me . Sir , be confident ,", "What is't distracts you ? This is flesh and blood , sir ;", "\u2018 Tis not the figure cut in allablaster", "Kneeles at my husbands tombe . Awake , awake , man ,", "I do here put off all vaine ceremony ,", "And onely doe appeare to you a yong widow", "That claimes you for her husband , and like a widow ,", "I use but halfe a blush i n't .", "Dare not ?", "You jest .", "Rank !", "Now grant me patience ! Here 's a man declares", "Oracularly in another 's case \u2014", "Sees the true value and the false , for them \u2014", "Nay , bids them see it , and they straight do see .", "You called my court 's love worthless \u2014 so it turned :", "I threw away as dross my heap of wealth ,", "And here you stickle for a piece or two !", "First \u2014 has she seen you ?", "She loves you , then .", "We 'll try : you are \u2014 so to speak \u2014 my subject yet ?", "Obey me , then !", "Approach her , and ... no ! first of all", "Get more assurance . \u201c My instructress , \u201d say ,", "\u201c Was great , descended from a line of kings ,", "\u201c And even fair \u201d \u2014", "\u2014", "\u201c She said , of all men , none for eloquence ,", "\u201c Courage , and", "\u201c The heart they sprung from ,\u2014 none deserved like him", "\u201c Who saved her at her need : if she said this ,", "\u201c Why should not one I love , say ? \u201d", "Say this !\u2014 nor think I bid you cast aside", "One touch of all the awe and reverence ;", "Nay , make her proud for once to heart 's content", "That all this wealth of heart and soul 's her own !", "Think you are all of this ,\u2014 and , thinking it ,", "...", "Then , kneel to her !", "I dream !", "Alas , sir , is it to be ever thus ?", "Even with you as with the world ? I know", "This morning 's service was no vulgar deed", "Whose motive , once it dares avow itself ,", "Explains all done and infinitely more ,", "So , takes the shelter of a nobler cause .", "Your service names its true source ,\u2014 loyalty !", "The rest 's unsaid again . The Duchess bids you ,", "Rise , sir ! The Prince 's words were in debate .", "I have received the Prince 's message :", "Say , I prepare my answer !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 352, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Brown .Mrs. Brown .Oh , my dear husband , it is a Oh , my dear husband , it is a hard hard fate . fate . It 's been so long since I heard your voice .", "Brown . Oh ! You to go Mrs. Brown . Oh ! You to go from me forever . from me forever .", "Brown . But our poor Mrs. Brown .Do they treat you well here John ? Brown . Those that have died are at peace in the next world .Brown . Like Joseph , I have Come , come , dry your tears ; sit gained favor in the sight of the down and tell me about those at prison-keeper . He is a most humane home .It weakens a man . Do you sleep any , John ? me to stand . Now tell me about home . Brown . Like a child ,\u2014 all night in peace .", "Brown . It 's a sad place . Mrs. Brown . I am glad of We could n't believe the first that . I worried about it . Are reports about you and the boys the days long and lonesome ? being taken prisoners . We could n't believe you had Brown . All hours of the day failed . Then a New York paper glorious thoughts come to me . came . We sat by the fire in the I am kept busy reading and living room . There was Watson 's answering letters from my widow \u2014 friends . I have with me my Bible , here .It is of infinite comfort . I never enjoyed Mrs. Brown . And William life more than since coming to Thompson 's widow , our Ruth , prison . I wish all my poor family and Annie , and Oliver 's widow \u2014 were as composed and as happy .", "Brown . We said almost nothing while Salmon read . We Brown . Those that have died felt in our blindness God had are at peace .But we shall boys . meet together in that other world where they do not shoot and Brown . My dear wife , you hang men for loving justice and must keep up your spirits . desiring freedom for all men . Do n't blame God . He has taken Come , come , dry your tears . away my sword of steel , but He Sit down and tell me about those has given me the sword of the at home .It weakens me smile upon hers . ) That sounds to stand . Now , tell me about home , just like you , John . Oh , it 's for that will give me comfort , been so long since I heard your Mary . No man can get into voice . difficulties too big to be surmounted if he has a firm Brown . Tell me more about foothold at home . the family .", "Brown . Owen does n't dare Mrs. Brown . It 's a sad place . come home yet . We could n't believe the first reports about you and the boys Brown . Do you know where he is ? being taken prisoners . We would n't believe you had failed . Mrs. Brown . Hiding among friends in Ohio . Poor boy , he is called all kinds of vile names , just for being with you . Brown . I have been a great deal disappointed in myself for Brown . For the cause we have not keeping to my plan . all suffered much in the past ; we shall have to in the future . Mrs. Brown . You made a mistake We should rejoice at his escape . only in judging how much you could do . Mrs. Brown . I do , John , but O , poor Oliver and Watson ! We Brown . I acted against my better shall never see them again . judgment .", "Brown . Do they treat Brown . How did you first get you well here , John ? the news ?", "Brown . I 'm glad of that . Brown . Poor Martha . I worried about it . Are the days When the time came , it was hard for long and lonesome ? her to leave the farm house and Oliver behind . She kind of felt Brown . All hours of the day she would n't see him any more . glorious thoughts come to me . I am kept busy reading and Mrs. Brown . We said almost answering letters from my nothing while Salmon read . We friends . I have with me my felt in our blindness God had Bible , here .It is of infinite comfort . I never enjoyed Brown . My dear wife , you must life more than since coming to keep up your spirits . Do n't blame prison . I wish all my poor family god . He has taken away my sword of were as composed and as happy . steel , but He has given me the sword of the Spirit .", "Brown . We have become more Mrs. Brown .That sounds just like Brown . Do any feel disgrace or you , John . We have become more shame ? and more resigned .", "Brown . Not one , John . Brown . Do any feel disgrace You are , in our eyes , a noble or shame ? martyr . The chains on your legs bind our hearts all the closer Mrs. Brown . Not one , John . to you . You are , in our eyes , a noble martyr . The chains on your legs bind our hearts all the Brown . That gives me comfort , closer to you . Mary . No man can get into difficulties too big to be Brown . Tell me more about the surmounted , if he has a firm family . foothold at home . Mrs. Brown . Owen does n't dare Mrs. Brown . You made a mistake come home yet . only in judging how much you could do . Brown . Do you know where he is ?", "Brown . His ways are Brown . Some day , all the mysterious and wonderful . people of the earth will say that .There are several faults in the original dialogue , but perhaps the chief is not regarding the principle that clearness dramatically consists , not merely in stating needed facts , but in so stating them that interest is not allowed to lapse . The original dialogue was scrappy , lacking sequence , not so much of thought as of emotion . If it be said that at such a moment talk is often fitful , it must be remembered that our time-limits forbid giving every word said in such a scene . We must present merely its essentials . Only in that way may a play , a condensed presentation of life , hope to give a total effect for a scene equal to that of the original . The re-ordered dialogue of the right-hand column seeks merely to bring together ideas really closely related , and to move , in a way in keeping with the characters , from lesser to stronger emotion . With the disappearance of the scrappy effect , is not the result clearer ? Even now , the dialogue might well be condensed and made emotionally more significant . If we let the dialogue of a play merely state necessary facts , what is the result ? At the worst , something like the left-hand column . Two young women , one the married hostess and the other the friend of her girlhood , are opening their morning mail on the piazza . Serena , the hostess , has known nothing of the engagement of Elise to Teddy . ORIGINAL REVISION", "Hawthorn . It 's passing over . There 'll be no rain .", "H. What for ?", "H. You 're not afraid of the lightning ?", "H. What 's the good . We 've looked at it twice already . There 's no train from Blackpool till half-past ten , and it 's only just on nine now .", "H. Happen we 've not . Besides , what 's the good of a railway guide ? You know trains run as they like on Bank Holiday .", "H. What would she be doing coming round by Manchester ?", "H. Yes . If she 's coming from Blackpool .", "H .What do you take me for ?", "H. No use putting them sort of ideas into your head .", "H. Unless they 've got a motor car , like Nat Jeffcote 's lad .", "H. What ? Why I saw him with my own eyes setting out in it last", "Saturday week after the mill shut .", "H. Then what do you mean telling me he 's not got a motor car ?", "H. Alan Jeffcote 's seldom short of cash . He spends plenty .", "H. That 's likely , is n't it ?", "H. I 'll light the gas .", "H. From Llandudno ?", "H. And did he send it ?", "H. Look here . What are you going to say to Fanny when she comes ?", "H. Ask her where she 's been . Of course we 'll do that . But suppose she wo n't tell us ?", "H. She 's always gone her own road . Suppose she tells us to mind our own business ?", "H. Do n't you forget it . And do n't let her forget it either . If you do , I promise you I wo n't .", "H. Little good taking heed of that .", "H .Let 's have a look . When was it posted ?", "H. That 's nowt to go by . Any one can put the wrong date . What 's the postmark ?\u201c August 5th , summat P. M . \u201d I can n't make out the time .", "H. Then she was in Blackpool till yesterday , that 's certain .", "H. Well , it 's a mystery .", "H. Eh ? You do n't think that , eh ?", "H. Nor me neither .What usually keeps a writer from passing to well characterized dialogue from dialogue merely clear as to essential facts is that he is so bound to his facts that he sees rather than feels the scene . The chief trouble with the dialogue of the John Brown play was an attempt to keep so close to historical accounts of the particular incident that sympathetic imagination was benumbed . One constantly meets this fault in the earlier Miracle Plays before writers had come to understand that audiences care more for the human being in the situation than for the situation itself , and that only by representing a situation not for itself but as felt by the people involved can it be made fully interesting . At the left is a speech of Mary in The Crucifixion of the York Cycle ; at the right is her speech in the Hegge or so-called Coventry Plays ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 352, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Hawthorn . It 's passing over . There 'll be no rain .", "H. What for ?", "H. You 're not afraid of the lightning ?", "H. What 's the good . We 've looked at it twice already . There 's no train from Blackpool till half-past ten , and it 's only just on nine now .", "H. Happen we 've not . Besides , what 's the good of a railway guide ? You know trains run as they like on Bank Holiday .", "H. What would she be doing coming round by Manchester ?", "H. Yes . If she 's coming from Blackpool .", "H .What do you take me for ?", "H. No use putting them sort of ideas into your head .", "H. Unless they 've got a motor car , like Nat Jeffcote 's lad .", "H. What ? Why I saw him with my own eyes setting out in it last", "Saturday week after the mill shut .", "H. Then what do you mean telling me he 's not got a motor car ?", "H. Alan Jeffcote 's seldom short of cash . He spends plenty .", "H. That 's likely , is n't it ?", "H. I 'll light the gas .", "H. From Llandudno ?", "H. And did he send it ?", "H. Look here . What are you going to say to Fanny when she comes ?", "H. Ask her where she 's been . Of course we 'll do that . But suppose she wo n't tell us ?", "H. She 's always gone her own road . Suppose she tells us to mind our own business ?", "H. Do n't you forget it . And do n't let her forget it either . If you do , I promise you I wo n't .", "H. Little good taking heed of that .", "H .Let 's have a look . When was it posted ?", "H. That 's nowt to go by . Any one can put the wrong date . What 's the postmark ?\u201c August 5th , summat P. M . \u201d I can n't make out the time .", "H. Then she was in Blackpool till yesterday , that 's certain .", "H. Well , it 's a mystery .", "H. Eh ? You do n't think that , eh ?", "H. Nor me neither .What usually keeps a writer from passing to well characterized dialogue from dialogue merely clear as to essential facts is that he is so bound to his facts that he sees rather than feels the scene . The chief trouble with the dialogue of the John Brown play was an attempt to keep so close to historical accounts of the particular incident that sympathetic imagination was benumbed . One constantly meets this fault in the earlier Miracle Plays before writers had come to understand that audiences care more for the human being in the situation than for the situation itself , and that only by representing a situation not for itself but as felt by the people involved can it be made fully interesting . At the left is a speech of Mary in The Crucifixion of the York Cycle ; at the right is her speech in the Hegge or so-called Coventry Plays ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 352, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["You can take a seat , Mr. Worthing .", "I feel bound to tell you that you are not down on my list of eligible young men , although I have the same list as the dear Duchess of Bolton has . We work together , in fact . However , I am quite ready to enter your name , should your answers be what a really affectionate mother requires . Do you smoke ?", "I am glad to hear it . A man should always have an occupation of some kind . There are far too many idle men in London as it is . How old are you ?", "A very good age to be married at . I have always been of opinion that a man who desires to get married should know either everything or nothing . Which do you know ?", "I am pleased to hear it . I do not approve of anything that tempers with natural ignorance . Ignorance is like a delicate exotic fruit ; touch it and the bloom is gone . The whole theory of modern education is radically unsound . Fortunately in England , at any rate , education produces no effect whatsoever . If it did , it would prove a serious danger to the upper classes , and probably lead to acts of violence in Grosvenor Square . What is your income ?", "In land or investments ?", "That is satisfactory . What between the duties expected of one during one 's lifetime , and the duties exacted from one after one 's death , land has ceased to be either a profit or a pleasure . It gives one position and prevents one from keeping it up . That 's all that can be said about land .", "A country house ! How many bedrooms ? Well , that point can be cleared up afterwards . You have a town house , I hope ? A girl with a simple unspoiled nature , like Gwendolen , could hardly be expected to reside in the country .", "Lady Bloxham ? I do n't know her .", "Ah , nowadays that is no guarantee of respectability of character . What number in Belgrave Square ? Jack . 149 .", "The unfashionable side . I thought there was something . However , that could easily be altered .", "Both , if necessary , I presume . What are your politics ?", "Oh , they count as Tories . They dine with us . Or come in the evening , at any rate . Now to minor matters . Are your parents living ?", "Both ?\u2014 That seems like carelessness . Who was your father ? He was evidently a man of some wealth . Was he born in what the Radical papers call the purple of commerce , or did he rise from the ranks of the aristocracy ?", "Found !", "Where did the gentleman who had a first-class ticket for this seaside resort find you ?", "A hand-bag !", "In what locality did this Mr. James , or Thomas ,", "Cardew come across this ordinary hand-bag ?", "The cloak-room at Victoria Station ?", "The line is immaterial . Mr. Worthing , I confess I feel somewhat bewildered by what you have just told me . To be born , or at any rate , bred in a hand-bag , whether it had handles or not , seems to me to display a contempt for the ordinary decencies of family life that remind one of the worst excesses of the French Revolution . And I presume you know what that unfortunate movement led to ? As for the particular locality in which the hand-bag was found , a cloak-room at a railway station might serve to conceal a social indiscretion \u2014 has probably , indeed , been used for that purpose before now \u2014 but it could hardly be regarded as an assured basis for a recognized position in good society .", "I would strongly advise you , Mr. Worthing , to try and acquire some relations as soon as possible , and to make a definite effort to produce at any rate one parent , of either sex , before the season is quite over .", "Me , sir ! What has it to do with me ? You can hardly imagine that I and Lord Bracknell would dream of allowing our only daughter \u2014 a girl brought up with the utmost care \u2014 to marry into a cloak-room , and form an alliance with a parcel ? Good morning , Mr. Worthing !THE WAY OF THE WORLD"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 352, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Where the devil is this master of mine ? he is ever out of the way , when he should do himself good ! This \u2018 tis to serve a coxcomb , one that has no more brains than just those I carry for him . Well ! of all fops commend me to him for the greatest ; he 's so opinioned of his own abilities , that he is ever designing somewhat , and yet he sows his stratagems so shallow , that every daw can pick them up : From a plotting fool , the Lord deliver me . Here he comes ;\u2014 O ! it seems his cousin 's with him ; then it is not so bad as I imagined .", "Had he plotted it himself , it had been admirable .", "A minute 's stay may lose your business .", "How 's this ?", "What does he mean ? This is his rival .", "What do you mean , sir , to intrust this man with your affairs thus ?", "No matter for that ; hark you , a word , sir .", "For heaven 's sake , sir , have a care .", "Now , the pox take you , sir , what do you mean ?", "The devil cannot hold him ; now will this thick-skulled master of mine tell the whole story to his rival !", "Yet hold , sir .", "You had best tell him too , that I am acquainted with her maid , and manage your love under-hand with her .", "O the devil !", "\u2018 Tis very well ! you have made a fair discovery !", "Tell him , sir , for heaven 's sake tell him all .", "You do ill , sir , to speak so scandalously of my landlord .", "I am out of patience to hear this .", "So , now he has told her father 's name , \u2018 tis past recovery .", "Your affairs are now put into an excellent posture , thank your incomparable discretion ; this was a stratagem my shallow wit could never have reached , to make a confident of my rival .", "\u2018 Slife , he has not found it out all this while ! well , sir , for a quick apprehension let you alone .", "To the first of your devils I answer , her maid , Rose , told me o n't : To the second , I wish a thousand devils take him that would not hear me .", "O unparallelled ignorance ! why he left her father at the water-side , while he led the daughter to her lodging , whither I directed him ; so that if you had not laboured to the contrary , fortune had placed you in the same house with your mistress , without the least suspicion of your rival , or of her father . But \u2018 tis well you have satisfied your talkative humour : I hope you have some new project of your own to set all right again : For my part , I confess all my designs for you are wholly ruined ; the very foundations of them are blown up .", "Death is a bug-word ; things are not brought to that extremity ;", "I 'll cast about to save all yet .", "Like enough I have : I am coxcomb sufficient to do it ; my master knows , that none but such a great calf as I could have done it , such an overgrown ass , a self-conceited idiot as I .", "Pray , sir , let me alone : What is it to you if I rail upon myself ? Now could I break my own logger-head .", "What a good master have I , and I to ruin him : O beast !", "Are you there again , sir ? Now , as I have a soul \u2014\u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now , fair Mrs Millisent , you see your chamber ; your father will be busy a few minutes , and in the mean time permits me the happiness to wait on you .", "For you , perhaps , but not for me : You might have met a lover there , but I a rival .", "You know Sir Martin , I need not name it to you .", "But you love none besides him : Can you deny your affection to him ?", "Then I perceive I am not likely to be so much obliged to you , as I was to him .", "That 's as you please : However \u2018 tis believed , his wit will not much credit your choice . Madam , do justice to us both ; pay his ingratitude and folly with your scorn ; my service with your love . By this time your father stays for me : I shall be discreet enough to keep this fault of yours from him ; the lawyers wait for us to draw your jointure ; and I would beg your pardon for my absence , but that my crime is punished in itself .", "We have done nothing , madam ; our man of law was not within \u2014 but I must look for some writings .", "In the portmanteau in the drawing-room .", "Why are you thus concerned ? why do you hold me ?", "Give me leave \u2014", "What plot ?", "Oh that I had the rascal ! I would teach him to come upon such errands .", "What answer did you make the villain ?", "And then to chide your mean suspicion of me ; indeed I wondered you should love a fool . But where did you appoint to meet him ?", "For this evening I will be his mistress ; he shall meet another Penelope than he suspects .", "You overjoy me , madam .", "Half my business was forgot ; you did not tell me when you were to meet him . Ho ! what makes this rascal here ?", "Well , what 's your business , sirrah ?", "I 'll reward you for it , sirrah , immediately .", "Take this diamond for thy good news ; and give thy master my acknowledgments .", "Madam , I am now satisfied of all sides ; first of your truth , then of Sir Martin 's friendship . In short , I find you two cheated each other , both to be true to me .", "Friend , I am the man ; what have you to say to me ?", "From whom is your letter ?", "Give me your letter quickly .", "Search in the other , then ; I stand on thorns .", "Pluck it out then .", "Pr'ythee despatch ; dost thou not know the contents o n't ?", "Well , what 's the business o n't ?", "My loss is beyond expression ! How died he ?", "What then ?", "Well , I must of necessity take orders for my father 's funeral , and my estate ; heaven knows with what regret I leave you , madam .", "Dear madam , say not so : a few days will , I hope , return me to you . To them Sir MARTIN . Noble Sir Martin , the welcomest man alive ! let me embrace my friend .", "Well , friend ! you have obliged me to you eternally .", "This is a double generosity , to do me favours , and conceal \u2018 em from me ; but honest Warner here has told me all .", "Your plot to try my mistress for me \u2014 you understand me , concerning your appointment .", "But what needs this dissembling , since you are resolved to quit my mistress to me ?", "I 'm glad she 's gone ; now we may talk more freely ; for if you have not quitted her , you must .", "How 's this ! Has Warner cheated me ?", "Are you acquainted with this honest man ?", "Sirrah , did not you tell me that my father \u2014", "Who set you on to tell this lie ?", "Sure \u2018 tis some silenced minister : He grows so fat he cannot speak .", "How was it for his sake ?", "Fetch me a cudgel , pr'ythee .", "Friend , will you go along , and take part of a bad repast ?", "You shall be very welcome .", "If you will not , adieu , dear sir ; in any thing command me ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Your ladyship 's most fortunately met .", "My business was to yours .", "I have that to tell you \u2014\u2014", "If you 'll hear me \u2014\u2014", "I am of opinion , that \u2014\u2014", "Cry you mercy , Mrs Rose ; I 'll not dispute your ancient privilege of talking .", "If my master gets her out , I warrant her , he shall shew her a better play than any is at either of the houses \u2014 here they are : I 'll run and prepare him to wait upon her .", "How the devil got he here before me ! \u2018 Tis very unlucky I could not see him first .", "I 'll say that for him , my master understands none of them , I assure you , sir .", "He has none to boast of , upon my faith , sir .", "Of more than their flattery can make good , sir ; \u2018 tis true he tells you , they have flattered him ; but , in my conscience , he is the most down-right simple-natured creature in the world .", "A word in private , sir ; you mistake this old man ; he loves neither painting , music , nor poetry ; yet recover yourself , if you have any brains .", "This is worse than all the rest .", "He 's gravelled , and I must help him out .Madam , there 's a coach at the door , to carry you to the play .", "This is past enduring .There was an ill play set up , sir , on the posts ; but I can assure you the bills are altered since you saw them , and now there are two admirable comedies at both houses .", "They are tragi-comedies , sir , for both .", "Sir , you forget yourself ; you never saw her in your life before .", "Mum , sir .", "Why , who says you have done any thing ? You , a mere innocent !", "But do n't follow me , however : I have nothing to say to you .", "I am resolved to lead you a dance then ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Dupe . Truly , my little cousin 's the aptest scholar , and takes out love 's lessons so exactly , that I joy to see it ; She has got already the bond of two thousand pounds sealed for her portion , which I keep for her ; a pretty good beginning : \u2018 Tis true , I believe he has enjoyed her , and so let him ; Mark Antony wooed not at so dear a price .", "Dupe . A taking wench ! but \u2018 tis no matter ; have you told any body ?", "Dupe . That 's a good child ; I hope it will thrive with thee , as it has with me : Heaven has a blessing in store upon our endeavours .", "Dupe . This frightened him , I hope , into a study how to cloak your disgrace , lest it should have vent to his lady .", "Dupe . Now I must play my part ; Nature , in women , teaches more than art .", "Dupe . Your lady , or your children , sick ?", "Dupe . You seem to be in health .", "Dupe . Some scruple of conscience , I warrant ; my chaplain shall resolve you .", "Dupe . O take heed of despair , my lord !", "Dupe . Pray tell me what it is .", "Dupe . Command whatever I can serve you in ; I will be faithful still to all your ends , provided they be just and virtuous .", "Dupe . Speak out , my lord , and boldly tell what \u2018 tis .", "Dupe . Which cousin ?", "Dupe . Alas ! then she has stolen a marriage , and undone herself : Some young fellow , on my conscience , that 's a beggar ; youth will not be advised : well , I 'll never meddle more with girls ; one is no more assured of them , than grooms of mules ; they 'll strike when least one thinks o n't : But pray , your lordship , what is her choice then for a husband ?", "Dupe . Not married ! \u2018 tis impossible ; the girl does sure abuse you . I know her education has been such , the flesh could not prevail ; therefore , she does abuse you , it must be so .", "Dupe . You ! I 'll never believe it .", "Dupe . Oh , oh , oh !", "Dupe . So , so , so !", "Dupe . Now I am better : Bess , you have not seen me thus ?", "Dupe . Go , go , I 'm pretty well ; withdraw into the next room ; but be near , I pray , for fear of the worst .My lord , sit down near me , I pray ; I 'll strive to speak a few words to you , and then to bed ; nearer , my voice is faint . My lord , heaven knows how I have ever loved you ; and is this my reward ? Had you none to abuse but me in that unfortunate fond girl , that you know was dearer to me than my life ? This was not love to her , but an inveterate malice to poor me . Oh , oh !", "Dupe . Enough , so , \u2018 tis well \u2014 withdraw , and let me rest a while ; only my dear lord remain .", "Dupe . Heaven forgive you , and I do : Stand up , my lord , and sit close by me : O this naughty girl ! But did your lordship win her soon ?", "Dupe . I 'm glad o n't ; it shewed the girl had some religion in her ; all my precepts were not in vain : But you men are strange tempters ; good my lord , where was this wicked act , then , first committed ?", "Dupe . Poor heart , what shifts love makes ! Oh , she does love you dearly , though to her ruin ! And then , what place , my lord ?", "Dupe . Out upon that dark room for deeds of darkness ! and that rotten bed ! I wonder it did hold your lordship 's vigour : But you dealt gently with the girl . Well , you shall see I love you : For I will manage this business to both your advantages , by the assistance of heaven I will ; good my lord , help , lead me out ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Thou makest thyself a greater fool than he , by being angry at what he cannot help . I have been angry with him too ; but these friends have taken up the quarrel .Look you , he has sent these mediators to mitigate your wrath : Here are twenty of them have made a long voyage from Guinea to kiss your hands : And when the match is made , there are an hundred more in readiness to be your humble servants .", "Well , what device can we two beget betwixt us , to separate Sir", "John Swallow and thy mistress ?", "Then I 'll see if my project be luckier than thine . Where are the papers concerning the jointure I have heard you speak of ?", "Where is it ? Canst thou help me to it ?", "So , this I will secure in my pocket ; when thou art asked for it , make two or three bad faces , and say it was left behind : By this means , he must of necessity leave the town , to see for it in Kent .", "Do , go to Kent , and when you come again , here they are ready for you .", "Pox , what ill luck was this ! what shall I say ?", "\u2018 Tis an account , sir , of what money you have lost since you came to town .", "Heaven ! what does he mean to do ? It is not fair writ out , sir .", "Dear master !", "Hold yet , sir , and let me read it : You cannot read my hand .", "You 'll repent it ; there 's a trick i n't , sir .", "No doubt of it .", "I care not .", "Sir , I kiss your hands , I have other business .", "I am inflexible .", "You are master of your own body .", "At your pleasure , as the devil and you can agree about it .", "Not in the least .", "Adieu , soft-headed Sir Martin .", "Why do n't you despatch , sir ? why all these preambles ?", "I knew it was but a copy of your countenance ; people in this age are not so apt to kill themselves .", "You know the easiness of my nature , and that makes you work upon it so . Well , sir , for this once I cast an eye of pity on you ; but I must have ten more in hand , before I can stir a foot .", "I 'll rather trust you till to-morrow ; Once more look up , I bid you hope the best . Why should your folly make your love miscarry , Since men first play the fools , and then they marry ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["But are they to be married this day in private , say you ?", "But why so soon , and in private ?", "It strikes to my heart already ; in fine , I am a dead man . Warner \u2014", "Thou canst not do it .", "But I have found a way to help thee out ; trust to my wit but once .", "You are a saucy , masterly companion ; and so I leave you .", "Warner , such a jest , Warner !", "Let me laugh out my laugh , and I 'll tell thee .", "Hereafter , Warner , be it known unto thee , I will endure no more to be thy May-game : Thou shalt no more dare to tell me , I spoil thy projects , and discover thy designs ; for I have played such a prize , without thy help , of my own mother-wit ,I 'll make thee acknowledge I have laid a plot that has a soul i n't .", "Know then , Warner , that , when I left thee , I was possessed with a terrible fear , that my mistress should be married : Well , thought I to myself ,\u2014 and mustering up all the forces of my wit , I did produce such a stratagem !", "I feigned a letter as from an unknown friend to Moody , wherein I gave him to understand , that if his daughter went out this afternoon , she would infallibly be snapped by some young fellows that lay in wait for her .", "That which follows is yet better ; for he I sent assures me , that in that very nick of time my letter came , her father was just sending her abroad with a very foolish rascally fellow , that was with him .", "I tell thee , man , I did it ; and it was done by the help of no devil , but this familiar of my own brain ; how long would it have been ere thou couldst have thought of such a project ? Martin said to his man , Who 's the fool now ?", "What a pox ! I think thou art grown envious ; not one word in my commendation ?", "But what the devil have I done , to set you thus against me ?", "But how could I know this ? I am no witch .", "Will you hear my justification ?", "This is the strangest luck now \u2014\u2014", "You are very melancholy , methinks , sir .", "You may dissemble as you please , but Mrs Millisent lies at the bottom of your heart .", "Sure you think to wheedle me ; would you have me imagine you do not love her ?", "Fair and soft , good Sir John .", "This is Hebrew-Greek to me ; but I must tell you , sir , I will not suffer my divinity to be prophaned by such a tongue as yours .", "Then , sir , whoever told it you , lied in his throat , d'ye see , and deeper than that , d'ye see , in his stomach , and his guts , d'ye see : Tell me she 's a common person ! he 's a son of a whore that said it , and I 'll make him eat his words , though he spoke \u2018 em in a privy-house .", "Did that precious rascal say it ?\u2014 Now I think o n't , I 'll not believe you : In fine , sir , I 'll hold you an even wager he denies it .", "I 'll make him give up the ghost under my fist , if he does not deny it .", "Here he comes , in pudding-time , to resolve the question :\u2014 Come hither , you lying varlet , hold up your hand at the bar of justice , and answer me to what I shall demand .", "Thou spawn of the old serpent , fruitful in nothing but in lies !", "Didst thou dare to cast thy venom upon such a saint as Mrs", "Millisent , to traduce her virtue , and say it was adulterate ?", "I told you so .", "Say you so ! are you there again , i'faith ?", "Leave off your winking and your pinking , with a hose-pox t'ye . I 'll understand none of it ; tell me in plain English the truth of the business ; for an you were my own brother , you should pay for it : Belie my mistress ! what a pox , d'ye think I have no sense of honour ?", "Stop thief , there ! what , did you think to \u2018 scape the hand of justice ?The best o n't is , sirrah , your heels are not altogether so nimble as your tongue .", "Confess , you rogue , then .", "And have you no body to devise it on but my mistress , the very map of innocence ?", "By your patience , sir , I 'll chastise him abundantly .", "That 's a good one , i'faith ; your presence shall hinder me from beating my own servant ?", "An I had a mind to beat him to mummy , he 's my own , I hope .", "Hey-day ! here 's fine juggling !", "What is't thou mean'st now ?\u2014 O Lord ! my mind misgives me , I have done some fault ; but would I were hanged if I can find it out .", "Pox o n't , come what will , I 'll not be faced down with a lie ;", "I say , he is my man .", "The devil of any fault , or any black and blue , that I remember : Either the rascal put some trick upon you , or you would upon me .", "In fine , its all so damned a lie \u2014\u2014", "Here 's three pieces of gold yet , if I had the heart to offer it thee .", "Nay , an you be so full of your flouts , your friend and servant ; who the devil could tell the meaning of your signs and tokens , an you go to that ?", "Well , sir , to do you service , d'ye see , I am an ass in a fair way ; will that satisfy you ?", "Are we friends then ? If we are , let me advise you \u2014\u2014", "For no harm , good Warner : But pray next time make me of your council , let me enter into the business , instruct me in every point , and then if I discover all , I am resolved to give over affairs , and retire from the world .", "Why , how now , bully , in a brown study ? For my good , I warrant it ; there 's five shillings for thee . What ! we must encourage good wits sometimes .", "How angry the poor devil is ! In fine , thou art as choleric as a cook by a fireside .", "I 'll warrant thee I 'll do't , man .", "\u2018 Tis no matter for that , sir ; I 'll play as fast as I can , and never stop at all .", "Why , this is fair play now , to tell a man beforehand what he must do ; gramercy , i'faith , boy , now if I fail thee \u2014\u2014", "Hah ! What do you say , madam ? How does your ladyship like my music ?", "What the devil would you have a man do , when my hand is in ! Well , o'my conscience , I think there is a fate upon me .", "Now I 'll redeem all again ; my mistress shall see my valour , I 'm resolved o n't . Villains , rogues , poltroons ! What ? three upon one ? In fine , I 'll be with you immediately .", "Victoria ! Victoria ! What heart , Sir John ? you have received no harm , I hope ?", "Pray let me wait upon you in , Sir John .", "But pray , what were you to be arrested for ?", "He 's an ungrateful fellow ; and so , in fine , I shall tell him when I see him next \u2014 Monsieur \u2014\u2014 Enter WARNER . Warner , a propos ! I hope you 'll applaud me now . I have defeated the enemy , and that in sight of my mistress ; boy , I have charmed her , i'faith , with my valour .", "Fool in your face , sir ; call a man of honour fool , when I have just achieved such an enterprise \u2014 Gad , now my blood 's up , I am a dangerous person , I can tell you that , Warner .", "I grant I am no musician , but you must allow me for a swordsman : I have beat them bravely ; and , in fine , I am come off unhurt , save only a little scratch in the head .", "Why , this is ever the fate of ingenious men ; nothing thrives they take in hand .", "Warner , is there no hopes , Warner ?", "Let 's have but one civil plot more before we part .", "Here 's a Jacobus and a Carolus will enter into bonds for me .", "Hey-tarock it \u2014 now we shall have Rose 's device too ; I long to be at it , pray let 's hear more on it .", "I warrant you ; let me alone for Tony : But pray go on , Rose .", "There 's no answering thee any thing ; thou thinkest I am good for nothing .", "I have it all ad unguem \u2014 what ! do'st think I 'm a sot ? But stay a little ,\u2014\u2014 how have I lived all this while in that same country ?", "Ay , ay , the Mogul 's country . What the devil , any man may mistake a little ; but now I have it perfect : But what have I been doing all this while in the Mogul 's country ?\u2014 He 's a heathen rogue , I am afraid I shall never hit upon his name .", "Hang them , they were only slips of youth . How peremptory and domineering this rogue is , now he sees I have need of his service ! Would I were out of his power again , I would make him lie at my feet like any spaniel .", "My dear father , I know it is you by instinct ; for , methinks ,", "I am as like you , as if I were spit out of your mouth .", "And that 's my sister ; methinks I have a good resemblance of her too : Honest sister , I must needs kiss you , sister .", "Time enough for that , forsooth , father ; but I have such a natural affection for my sister , that , methinks , I could live and die with her : Give me thy hand , sweet sister .", "What if she be , sir ? what 's that to you , sir ?", "It may be you have , and it may be you have not , sir ; you see I have no mind to satisfy you , sir : What a devil ! a man cannot talk a little to his own flesh and blood , but you must be interposing , with a murrain to you .", "He marry my sister ! Ods foot , sir , there are some bastards , that shall be nameless , that are as well worthy to marry her , as any man ; and have as good blood in their veins .", "\u2018 Tis not your best course , sir ; you marry my sister ! what have you seen of the world , sir ? I have seen your hurricanos , and your calentures , and your ecliptics , and your tropic lines , sir , an you go to that , sir .", "And your Prester Johns of the East Indies , and your great", "Turk of Rome and Persia .", "For your sake , sister Millisent , much may be done , and here", "I kiss your hand on it .", "Dear sister , as I am a true East India gentleman \u2014\u2014", "I remember you as well as if I saw you but yesterday : A fine grey-headed \u2014 grey-bearded old gentleman , as ever I saw in all my life .", "O yes , sir , most perfectly , in the isle \u2014 stay \u2014 let me see , oh \u2014 now I have it \u2014 in the isle of Scilly .", "Warner ! what was it , Warner ?", "Her name , sir , was Mrs Dorothy Draw-water .", "I was born at Cambridge ; I remember it as perfectly as if it were but yesterday .", "Warner !", "We came home by land , sir .", "What will become of us two now ? I trust to the rogue 's wit to bring me off .", "Hold , hold , sir !", "Hold , you inhuman butcher !", "The rogue will murder me ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I cannot help those ebbs and flows of fortune .", "As how , my dear lady embassadress ?", "Hey-day ! you are dealing with me , as they do with the bankrupts , call in all your debts together ; there 's no possibility of payment at this rate , but I 'll coin for you all as fast as I can , I assure you .", "Faith , and I will , Rose ; for , to confess the truth , I am a kind of mountebank ; I have but one cure for all your diseases , that is , that my master may marry Mrs Millisent , for then Sir John Swallow will of himself return to Mrs Christian .", "I 'll put you upon something , give me but a thinking time . In the first place , get a warrant and bailiffs to arrest Sir John Swallow upon a promise of marriage to Mrs Christian .", "I never doubted your ladyship in the least , madam \u2014 for the rest we will consider hereafter .", "Rose , where 's thy lady ?", "Only to tell you , madam , I am going forward in the great work of projection .", "Madam , I hope you are not become indifferent to my master ?", "A fool ! that were a good jest , i'faith : but how comes your ladyship to suspect it ?", "There 's nothing more distant than wit and folly ; yet , like east and west , they may meet in a point , and produce actions that are but a hair 's breadth from one another .", "O , madam , that 's the common fate of your Machiavelians ; they draw their designs so subtle , that their very fineness breaks them .", "Madam , I 'll give you one ; he wears his clothes like a great sloven , and that 's a sure sign of wit ; he neglects his outward parts ; besides , he speaks French , sings , dances , plays upon the lute .", "Most divinely , madam .", "He shall do't , madam :\u2014 - But how , the devil knows ; for he sings like a screech-owl , and never touched the lute .", "Now I think o n't , madam , this will but retard our enterprise .", "Well , it shall be done , madam ; but where 's your father ? will not he overhear it ?", "What concernment can he have there ?", "When did he see him last ?", "A sudden thought comes into my head , to make him appear before his time ; let my master pass for him , and by that means he may come into the house unsuspected by your father , or his rival .", "Faith , I am a little non-plus 'd on the sudden ; but a warm consolation from thy lips , Rose , would set my wits a working again .", "Inhuman Rose , adieu !\u2014 Blockhead Warner , into what a premunire hast thou brought thyself ; this \u2018 tis to be so forward to promise for another ;\u2014 but to be godfather to a fool , to promise and vow he should do any thing like a Christian \u2014", "Hang your white pelf : Sure , sir , by your largess , you mistake me for Martin Parker , the ballad-maker ; your covetousness has offended my muse , and quite dulled her .", "I am overheated , like a gun , with continual discharging my wit : \u2018 Slife , sir , I have rarified my brains for you , \u2018 till they are evaporated ; but come , sir , do something for yourself like a man : I have engaged you shall give to your mistress a serenade in your proper person : I 'll borrow a lute for you .", "You never learned : I do not think you know one stop .", "Go to , you are an invincible fool , I see . Get up into your window , and set two candles by you ; take my landlord 's lute in your hand , and fumble on it , and make grimaces with your mouth , as if you sung ; in the mean time , I 'll play in the next room in the dark , and consequently your mistress , who will come to her balcony over against you , will think it to be you ; and at the end of every tune , I 'll ring the bell that hangs between your chamber and mine , that you may know when to have done .", "About your business , then , your mistress and her maid appear already : I 'll give you the sign with the bell when I am prepared , for my lute is at hand in the barber 's shop .", "Death ! this abominable fool will spoil all again . Damn him , he stands making his grimaces yonder ; and he looks so earnestly upon his mistress , that he hears me not .", "They have found him out , and laugh yonder , as if they would split their sides . Why , Mr Fool , Oaf , Coxcomb , will you hear none of your names ?", "You have ruined all , by your not leaving off in time .", "Why , sir , are you stark mad ? have you no grain of sense left ? He 's gone ! now is he as earnest in the quarrel as Cokes among the puppets ; \u2018 tis to no purpose whatever I do for him .", "Ay , just as much as you did e'en now with your music ; go , you are so beastly a fool , that a chiding is thrown away upon you .", "Poor animal , I pity thee !", "That 's impossible ; thou hast a skull so thick , no sword can pierce it ; but much good may it do you , sir , with the fruits of your valour : You rescued your rival , when he was to be arrested , on purpose to take him off from your mistress .", "None that I know .", "\u2018 Tis to no purpose .", "The meaning of this , dear Rose ?", "But will not this over-burden your memory , sir ?", "But hold , Rose , there 's one considerable point omitted ; what was his mother 's name ?", "Come , sir , are you perfect in your lesson ? Anthony Moody , born in Cambridge , bred in the isle of Ely , sent into the Mogul 's country at seven years old , with one Bonaventure , a merchant , who died within two years ; your mother 's name Dorothy Draw-water , the vintner 's daughter at the Rose .", "What country ?\u2014 Pox , he has forgot already !", "Why , you have been passing your time there no matter how .", "Well , sir , now play your part exactly , and I 'll forgive all your former errors .", "This fool will discover himself ; I foresee it already by his carriage to her .", "You must excuse my master ; the sea 's a little working in his brain , sir .", "Yet again , stupidity ?", "aside . ] Grey-bearded old gentleman ! when he was a scholar at Cambridge !", "Without doubt , he did , sir ; but this damn 'd isle of Scilly runs in his head , ever since his sea voyage .", "Poor Mrs Dorothy Draw-water , if she were now alive , what a joyful day would this be to her !", "Well , they may talk what they will of Oxford for an university , but Cambridge for my money .", "How I sweat for him ! he 's remembering ever since he was born .", "\u2018 Twas a happy thing , sir , you lighted upon so honest a merchant as Mr Bonaventure , to take care of him .", "That is , from India to Persia , from Persia to Turkey , from", "Turkey to Germany , from Germany to France .", "That wicked old man is gone for no good , I 'm afraid ; would I were fairly quit of him .", "But to what end is all this preparation , sir ?", "Why , d'ye think he is not ?", "Who , I his accomplice ? I beseech you , sir , what is it to me , if he should prove a counterfeit ? I assure you he has cozened me in the first place .", "As I hope for mercy , sir , I am an utter stranger to him ; he took me up but yesterday , and told me the story , word for word , as he told it you .", "With all my heart .", "Do you come hither , with a lye , to get a father , Mr Anthony of", "East India ?", "I 'll teach you to counterfeit again , sir ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Let 's have the brawls .", "What , are they men , or women ?", "And I 'll not be out .", "But why stools , my lord ?", "They point to Mrs Millisent and Mrs Christian , A Lou 's touche ! touche !", "What new device is this , trow ?", "Pray , Mr Fool , where 's the rest of your company ? I would fain see \u2018 em again .", "I 'll be hanged if there be not some plot in it , and this fool is set here to spin out the time .", "My mistress is gone , let me down first .", "Hold ! hold ! or thou wilt break my neck .", "Is there no getting down ?", "\u2018 Twas long of yourself , to invite them hither .", "You old Scot you , to be caught so sillily !", "I hope I shall reach to thee .", "I hope to push thee down from Babylon .", "Let me down , and I 'll forgive all freely .", "I will not be the only man that must sleep without a bed-fellow to-night , if this lady will once again receive me ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The scud comes against the wind , \u2018 twill blow hard .", "Here , master , what say you ?", "Bring the cable to the capstorm .", "Pray keep below .", "Do you not hear him ? You hinder us : Keep your cabins , you help the storm .", "Ay , when the sea is : Hence ! what care these roarers for the name of duke ? To cabin ; silence ; trouble us not .", "None that I love more than myself : You are a counsellor ; if you can advise these elements to silenuse your wisdom : if yon cannot , make yourself ready in the cabin for the ill hour . Cheerly , good hearts ! out of our way , sirs .", "Up aloft , lads . Come , reef both topsails .", "Hands down ! Man your main capstorm .", "Turn out , turn out all hands to capstorm . You dogs , is this a time to sleep ? Lubbord . Heave together , lads .", "Is the anchor apeak ?", "Up aloft , my lads , upon the fore-castle ; cut the anchor , cut him .", "Get the mizen-tack aboard . Haul aft mizen-sheet .", "Loose fore-sail ! haul aft both sheets ! trim her right before the wind . Aft ! aft ! lads , and hale up the mizen here .", "Try the pump , try the pump .", "Over-haul your fore-bowling .", "A curse upon this howling ,They are louder than the weather . Enter ANTONIO and GONZALO . Yet again , what do you here ? Shall we give over , and drown ? Have you a mind to sink ?", "Work you then , and be poxed .", "Ease the fore-brace a little .", "What , must our mouths be cold then ?", "The ship is sinking .", "Luff ! luff ! or we are all lost ! there 's a rock upon the starboard-bow ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Miranda , where 's your sister ?", "It is a dreadful object .", "I have so ordered ,", "That not one creature in the ship is lost :", "I have done nothing but in care of thee ,", "My daughter , and thy pretty sister :", "You both are ignorant of what you are ,", "Not knowing whence I am , nor that I 'm more", "Than Prospero , master of a narrow cell ,", "And thy unhappy father .", "I should inform thee farther .", "The hour 's now come ;", "Obey , and be attentive . Canst thou remember", "A time , before we came into this cell ?", "I do not think thou canst , for then thou wert not", "Full three years old .", "Tell me the image then of any thing ,", "Which thou dost keep in thy remembrance still .", "Thou hadst , and more , Miranda : What seest thou else ,", "In the dark back-ward , and abyss of time ?", "If thou rememberest aught , ere thou cam'st here ,", "Then how thou cam'st thou mayest remember too .", "Fifteen years since , Miranda ,", "Thy father was the duke of Milan , and", "A prince of power .", "Thy mother was all virtue , and she said", "Thou wast my daughter , and thy sister too .", "Both , both , my girl .", "My brother , and thy uncle , called Antonio ,", "To whom I trusted then the manage of my state ,", "While I was wrapped with secret studies ,\u2014 that false uncle ,", "Having attained the craft of granting suits ,", "And of denying them ; whom to advance ,", "Or lop , for over-topping ,\u2014 soon was grown", "The ivy , which did hide my princely trunk ,", "And sucked my verdure out : Thou attend'st not .", "I thus neglecting worldly ends , and bent", "To closeness , and the bettering of my mind ,", "Waked in my false brother an evil nature : He did believe", "He was indeed the duke , because he then", "Did execute the outward face of sovereignty \u2014\u2014", "Do'st thou still mark me ?", "This false duke", "Needs would be absolute in Milan , and confederate", "With Savoy 's duke , to give him tribute , and", "To do him homage .", "This duke of Savoy , being an enemy", "To me inveterate , strait grants my brother 's suit ;", "And on a night , mated to his design ,", "Antonio opened the gates of Milan , and", "In the dead of darkness hurried me thence ,", "With thy young sister , and thy crying self .", "They durst not , girl , in Milan , for the love", "My people bore me ; in short , they hurried us", "Away to Savoy , and thence aboard a bark at Nissa 's port ,", "Bore us some leagues to sea , where they prepared", "A rotten carcase of a boat , not rigged ,", "No tackle , sail , nor mast ; the very rats", "Instinctively had quit it .", "Thou and thy sister were", "Two cherubims , which did preserve me : You both", "Did smile , infused with fortitude from heaven .", "By providence divine .", "Some food we had , and some fresh water , which", "A nobleman of Savoy , called Gonzalo ,", "Appointed master of that black design ,", "Gave us ; with rich garments , and all necessaries ,", "Which since have steaded much ; And of his gentleness", "he furnished me ,", "From mine own library , with volumes , which", "I prize above my dukedom .", "Here in this island we arrived , and here", "Have I your tutor been . But by my skill", "I find , that my mid-heaven doth depend", "On a most happy star , whose influence", "If I now court not , but omit , my fortunes", "Will ever after droop : Here cease more questions ;", "Thou art inclined to sleep : \u2018 Tis a good dulness ,", "And give it way ; I know thou can'st not chuse .", "Hast thou , spirit , performed to point", "The tempest , that I bade thee ?", "My brave spirit !\u2014", "Who was so firm , so constant , that this coil", "Did not infect his reason ?", "Why , that 's my spirit !\u2014", "But , was not this nigh shore ?", "But , Ariel , are they safe ?", "Say how thou hast disposed the mariners", "Of the duke 's ship , and all the rest o'the fleet ?", "Ariel , thy charge", "Exactly is performed : But there 's more work ;\u2014", "What is the time o'the day ?", "At least two glasses .", "The time \u2018 tween six and now must by us both", "Be spent most preciously .", "How now , moody ! What is't thou canst demand ?", "Before the time be out ?\u2014 no more !", "Dost thou forget", "From what a torment I did free thee ?", "Thou dost ; and think'st it much to tread the ooze", "Of the salt deep ;", "To run against the sharp wind of the north ;", "To do my business in the veins of the earth ,", "When it is baked with frost .", "Thou liest , malignant thing !\u2014 Hast thou forgot", "The foul witch Sycorax , who , with age and envy ,", "Was grown into a hoop ? Hast thou forgot her ?", "Thou hast ! Where was she born ? Speak , tell me .", "Oh , was she so !\u2014 I must ,", "Once every month , recount what thou hast been ,", "Which thou forgettest . This damned Witch Sycorax ,", "For mischiefs manifold , and sorceries", "Too terrible to enter human hearing ,", "From Argier , thou know'st , was banished :", "But , for one thing she did ,", "They would not take her life .\u2014 Is not this true ?", "This blue-eyed hag was hither brought with child ,", "And here was left by the sailors : Thou , my slave ,", "As thou report'st thyself , wast then her servant ;", "And , \u2018 cause thou wast a spirit too delicate", "To act her earthy and abhorred commands ,", "Refusing her grand hests , she did confine thee ,", "By help of her more potent ministers ,", "into a cloven pine ;", "Within whose rift imprisoned , thou didst painfully", "Remain a dozen years , within which space she died ,", "And left thee there ; where thou didst vent thy groans ,", "As fast as mill-wheels strike . Then was this isle", "not honoured with", "A human shape .", "Dull thing ! I say so .\u2014 He ,", "That Caliban , and she , that Sycorax ,", "Whom I now keep in service . Thou best know'st", "What torment I did find thee in ; thy groans", "Did make wolves howl , and penetrate the breasts", "Of ever-angry bears ; it was a torment", "To lay upon the damned , which Sycorax", "Could ne'er again undo : It was my art ,", "When I arrived and heard thee , that made the pine", "To gape , and let thee out .", "If thou more murmurest , I will rend an oak ,", "And peg thee in his knotty entrails , till thou", "Hast howled away twelve winters more .", "Do so ; and after two days I 'll discharge thee .", "What 's that , my spirit ?", "You shall have your desire .", "Be subject to no sight but mine ; invisible", "To every eye-ball else . Hence , with diligence ;", "Anon thou shalt know more .", "Shake it off .\u2014 Come on , I 'll now call Caliban , my slave , who never yields us a kind answer .", "But , as it is , we cannot miss him : He does make our fire , fetch in our wood , and serve in offices that profit us .\u2014 What ho , slave ! Caliban ! thou earth , thou , speak !", "Thou poisonous slave ! got by the devil himself", "Upon thy wicked dam , come forth !", "For this , be sure , to-night thou shalt have cramps , side-stitches , that shall pen thy breath up : Urchins shall prick thee till thou bleed'st : Thou shalt be pinched as thick as honey-combs , each pinch more stinging than the bees which made them .", "Thou most lying slave , whom stripes may move , not kindness ! I have used thee , filth as thou art ! with human care ; and lodged thee in mine own cell , till thou didst seek to violate the honour of my children .", "Abhorred slave ! who ne'er wouldst any print of goodness take , being capable of all ill ! I pitied thee , took pains to make thee speak , taught thee each hour one thing or other : When thou didst not , savage ! know thy own meaning , but wouldst gabble like a thing most brutish , I endowed thy purposes with words , which made them known .\u2014 But thy wild racehad that i n't , which good natures could not abide to be with ; therefore wast thou deservedly pent up into this rock .", "Hag-seed , hence !", "Fetch us in fuel , and be quick", "To answer other business .\u2014 Shrug'st thou , malice !", "If thou neglectest , or dost unwillingly", "What I command , I 'll rack thee with old cramps ;", "Fill all thy bones with aches ; make thee roar ,", "That beasts shall tremble at thy din .", "So , slave , hence !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The runlet of brandy was a loving runlet , and floated after us out of pure pity .", "\u2018 Tis well we have found something since we landed .", "I pr'ythee fill a sup , and let it go round .\u2014", "Where hast thou laid the runlet ?", "Fill apace ; we cannot live long in this barren island , and we may take a sup before death , as well as others drink at our funerals .", "Master , what have you saved ?", "This works comfortably on a cold stomach .", "Look ! Mustacho weeps . Hang losses , as long as we have brandy left !\u2014 Pr'ythee leave weeping .", "Beshrew thy heart , for putting me in mind of thy wife ; I had not thought of mine else . Nature will shew itself , I must melt . I pr'ythee fill again : My wife 's a good old jade , and has but one eye left ; but she will weep out that too , when she hears that I am dead .", "But come , master , sorrow is dry : There 's for you again .", "This isle 's our own , that 's our comfort ; for the duke , the prince , and all their train , are perished .", "No , no , let us have a government ; for if we live well and orderly , heaven will drive shipwrecks ashore to make us all rich : Therefore let us carry good consciences , and not eat one another .", "When you are duke , you may chuse your viceroy ; but I am a free subject in a new plantation , and will have no duke without my voice : And so fill me the other sup .", "I 'll have no whisperings to corrupt the election ; and , to show that I have no private ends , I declare aloud , that I will be viceroy , or I 'll keep my voice for myself .", "You speak for the people , Mustacho ! I 'll speak for them , and declare generally with one voice , one and all , that there shall be no viceroy but the duke , unless I be he .", "How ! Trincalo , our brave boatswain !", "You must kiss it then ; for I must tell you , we have chosen him duke , in a full assembly .", "We two are viceroys over all the island ; and , when we are weary of governing , thou shalt succeed us .", "Then civil war begins ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis not yet fit to let my daughters know ,", "I keep the infant duke of Mantua", "So near them in this isle ;", "Whose father , dying , bequeathed him to my care ;", "Till my false brother", "exposed him to that fate ,", "He meant for me .", "By calculation of his birth , I saw", "Death threat'ning him , if , till some time were past ,", "He should behold the face of any woman :", "And now the danger 's nigh .\u2014 Hippolito !", "How I have loved thee , from thy infancy ,", "Heaven knows , and thou thyself canst bear me witness ;", "Therefore accuse not me of thy restraint .", "O , gentle youth ! fate waits for thee abroad ;", "A black star threatens thee ; and death , unseen ,", "Stands ready to devour thee .", "\u2018 Tis pity he should seize thy tender youth .", "But here are creatures which I named not to thee ,", "Who share man 's sovereignty by nature 's laws ,", "And oft depose him from it .", "Those dangerous enemies of men , called women .", "Imagine something between young men and angels ;", "Fatally beauteous , and have killing eyes ;", "Their voices charm beyond the nightingale 's ;", "They are all enchantment : Those , who once behold them ,", "Are made their slaves for ever .", "\u2018 Tis but in vain ;", "They 'll haunt you in your very sleep .", "You are without all possibility of revenge ;", "They are so beautiful , that you can ne'er attempt ,", "Nor wish , to hurt them .", "Calm sleep is not so soft ; nor winter suns ,", "Nor summer shades , so pleasant .", "All these are far below them : Nature made", "Nothing but woman dangerous and fair .", "Therefore if you should chance to see them ,", "Avoid them straight , I charge you .", "Go in , and read the book I gave you last . To-morrow I may bring you better news .", "So , so ; I hope this lesson has secured him ,", "For I have been constrained to change his lodging", "From yonder rock , where first I bred him up ,", "And here have brought him home to my own cell ,", "Because the shipwreck happened near his mansion .", "I hope he will not stir beyond his limits ,", "For hitherto he hath been all obedience :", "The planets seem to smile on my designs ,", "And yet there is one sullen cloud behind :", "I would it were dispersed !", "Enter MIRANDA and DORINDA .", "How , my daughters !", "I thought I had instructed them enough :", "Children ! retire ; why do you walk this way ?", "But both take heed , that path is very dangerous ; remember what I told you .", "All that you can imagine ill is there .", "The curled lion , and the rugged bear ,", "Are not so dreadful as that man .", "Ay , child ; but I", "Am a tame man ; old men are tame by nature ,", "But all the danger lies in a wild young man .", "No , they are wild within doors , in chambers , and in closets .", "You must not trust them , child : No woman can come near them , but she feels a pain , full nine months . Well , I must in ; for new affairs require my presence : Be you , Miranda , your sister 's guardian ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Prospero has often said , that nature makes", "Nothing in vain : Why then are women made ?", "Are they to suck the poison of the earth ,", "As gaudy coloured serpents are ? I 'll ask", "That question , when next I see him here .", "It strangely puzzles me : Yet \u2018 tis most likely ,", "Women are somewhat between men and spirits .", "What thing is that ?", "Sure \u2018 tis some infant of", "The sun , dressed in his father 's gayest beams ,", "And comes to play with birds : My sight is dazzled ,", "And yet I find I 'm loth to shut my eyes :", "I must go nearer it ;\u2014 but stay a while ;", "May it not be that beauteous murderer , woman ,", "Which I was charged to shun ? Speak , what art thou ,", "Thou shining vision !", "I 'd sooner tear my eyes out , than consent", "To do you any harm ; though I was told ,", "A woman was my enemy .", "I must confess , I was informed I am a man ;", "But if I fright you , I shall wish I were some other creature .", "I was bid to fear you too .", "I hope not so ! for , when two poisonous creatures ,", "Both of the same kind , meet , yet neither dies .", "I 've seen two serpents harmless to each other ,", "Though they have twined into a mutual knot :", "If we have any venom in us , sure , we cannot be", "More poisonous , when we meet , than serpents are .", "You have a hand like mine \u2014 may I not gently touch it ?", "Oh heavens ! I have the same sense too : your hand ,", "Methinks , goes through me ; I feel it at my heart ,", "And find it pleases , though it pains me .", "Alas , I 'm subject to the same command .", "And this is my first trespass too : But he", "Hath more offended truth , than we have him :", "He said our meeting would destructive be ,", "But I no death , but in our parting , see ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Pr'ythee peace ; you cram these words", "Into my ears , against my stomach ; how", "Can I rejoice , when my dear son , perhaps", "This very moment , is made a meal to some strange fish ?", "No , no , he 's gone ;", "And you and I , Antonio , were those", "Who caused his death .", "Then , then we should have helped it ,", "When thou betray'dst thy brother Prospero ,", "And Mantua 's infant sovereign , to my power :", "And when I , too ambitious , took by force", "Another 's right : Then lost we Ferdinand ;", "Then forfeited our navy to this tempest .", "O name it not , Gonzalo ;", "No act but penitence can expiate guilt !", "Must we teach heaven what price to set on murder ?", "What rate on lawless power and wild ambition ?", "Or dare we traffic with the powers above ,", "And sell by weight a good deed for a bad ?", "I pulled a tree , and blood pursued my hand .", "Heaven deliver me from this dire place ,", "And all the after-actions of my life", "Shall mark my penitence and my bounty .", "We on the brink of swift destruction stand ;", "No means of our escape is left .", "What fearful vengeance is in store for us !", "Has heaven , in all its infinite stock of mercy ,", "No overflowings for us ? poor , miserable , guilty men !", "For ever we shall perish ! O dismal words ,", "For ever !", "But they have left me all unmanned ;", "I feel my sinews slacken with the fright ;", "And a cold sweat trills down o'er all my limbs ,", "As if I were dissolving into water .", "Oh Prospero , my crimes against thee sit heavy on my heart !", "Beware all fruit , but what the birds have pecked . The shadows of the trees are poisonous too : A secret venom slides from every branch . My conscience does distract me ! O my son ! Why do I speak of eating or repose , Before I know thy fortune ?", "O heavens ! yet more apparitions ! DEVIL SINGS . Arise , arise ! ye subterranean winds , More to disturb their guilty minds : And all ye filthy damps and vapours rise , Which use to infect the earth , and trouble all the skies ; Rise you , from whom devouring plagues have birth : You , that in the vast and hollow womb of earth Engender earthquakes , make whole countries shake , And stately cities into deserts turn ; And you , who feed the flames by which earth 's entrails burn . Ye raging winds , whose rapid force can make All but the fixed and solid centre shake , Come drive these wretches to that part of the isle , Where nature never yet did smile : Cause fogs and storms , whirlwinds , and earthquakes there : There let them howl and languish in despair . Rise and obey the powerful prince of the air .ACT III ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Excuse it not , Miranda , for to you", "I gave the conduct of your sister 's actions .", "How can I think you did remember hers ,", "When you forgot your own ? did you not see", "The man , whom I commanded you to shun ?", "Did not his eyes infect and poison you ? What alteration found you in yourself ?", "But have you no desire once more to see him ? Come , tell me truly what you think of him .", "You do not love it ?", "Cherish those thoughts : You have a generous soul ;", "And since I see your mind not apt to take", "The light impressions of a sudden love ,", "I will unfold a secret to your knowledge .", "That creature , which you saw , is of a kind ,", "Which nature made a prop and guide to yours .", "I feared the pleasing form of this young man", "Might unawares possess your tender breast ,", "Which for a nobler guest I had designed ;", "For shortly , my Miranda , you shall see", "Another of this kind , the full blown flower ,", "Of which this youth was but the opening bud .", "Go in , and send your sister to me .", "And make thee fortunate .", "Enter DORINDA .", "Oh , come hither : you have seen a man to-day ,", "Against my strict command .", "Come , come , be clear . Your sister told me all .", "Why so ?", "Ha ! was he to blame ?", "Tell me , with that sincerity I taught you ,", "How you became so bold to see the man ?", "I told you he", "Was dangerous ; but you would not be warned .", "But he may do you more harm hereafter .", "The way to cure you is , no more to see him .", "Would you see him , who did you so much mischief ?", "Those sighs were poisonous , they infected you ;", "You say , they grieved you to the heart .", "These are the day-dreams of a maid in love ;", "But still I fear the worst .", "You speak of him with too much passion ; tell me ,", "What passed betwixt you and that horrid creature ?", "Go to ! You are a foolish girl ; but answer", "To what I ask ; what thought you when you saw it ?", "Well , what was his behaviour afterwards ?", "You 've been too fond , and I should chide you for it .", "Poor child ! Thy passion , like a lazy ague ,", "Has seized thy blood ; instead of striving , thou humourest", "And feed'st thy languishing disease : Thou fight'st", "The battles of thy enemy , and \u2018 tis one part of what", "I threatened thee , not to perceive thy danger .", "Since you will venture ,", "I charge you bear yourself reservedly to him ;", "Let him not dare to touch your naked hand ,", "But keep at distance from him .", "It is the way to make him love you more ;", "He will despise you , if you grow too kind .", "Fear not , Dorinda ;", "But use him ill , and he 'll be yours for ever .", "Now my designs are gathering to a head ;", "My spirits are obedient to my charms .", "What , Ariel ! My servant Ariel , where art thou ?", "Thou and thy meaner fellows your last service", "Did worthily perform , and I must use you", "In such another work : How goes the day ?", "And so it shall ;", "And thou shalt have the open air at freedom .", "But tell me first , my spirit ,", "How fares the duke , my brother , and their followers ?", "How do they bear their sorrows ?", "Dost thou think so , spirit ?", "And mine shall :", "Hast thou , who art but air , a touch , a feeling", "Of their afflictions , and shall not I", "be kindlier moved than thou art ?", "Though they have pierced me to the quick with injuries ,", "Yet with my nobler reason , \u2018 gainst my fury ,", "I will take part ; the rarer action is", "In virtue , than in vengeance . Go , my Ariel ,", "Refresh with needful food their famished bodies ,", "With shows and chearful musick comfort them .", "With a twinkle , Ariel .\u2014 But stay , my spirit ;", "What is become of my slave , Caliban ,", "And Sycorax , his sister ?", "No matter , I have now no need of them .", "But , spirit , now I stay thee on the wing ;", "Haste to perform what I have given in charge :", "But see they keep within the bounds I set them .", "Make haste then ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I am weary , and can go no further , sir .", "\u2018 Tis chearful music this , unlike the first .", "ARIEL and MILCHA invisible , sing .", "Dry those eyes which are o'erflowing ,", "All your storms are overblowing :", "While you in this isle are biding ,", "You shall feast without providing :", "Every dainty you can think of ,", "Every wine which you would drink of ,", "Shall be yours ; all want shall shun you ,", "Ceres \u2019 blessing so is on you .", "O for a heavenly vision of boiled , Baked , and roasted !", "Why that dare I ; if the black gentleman", "Be so ill natured , he may do his pleasure .", "The devil may fright me , yet he shall not starve me .", "Certainly one of you was so wicked as to say grace ; this comes on it , when men will be godly out of season ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Advance the fringed curtains of thine eyes ,", "And say what thou seest yonder .", "No , girl , it eats , and sleeps , and has such senses", "As we have . This young gallant , whom thou see'st ,", "Was in the wreck ; were he not somewhat stained", "With grief ,", "thou might'st call him", "A goodly person ; he has lost his company ,", "And strays about to find them .", "It goes on ,", "As my soul prompts it : Spirit , fine spirit ,", "I 'll free thee within two days for this .", "How , the best ? what wert thou , if", "The duke of Savoy heard thee ?", "At the first sight they have changed eyes .", "Dear Ariel , I 'll set thee free for this .\u2014", "Soft , sir , one word more .\u2014", "They 're in each other 's power ; but this swift business", "I must uneasy make , lest too light winning", "Make the prize light .\u2014 One word more . Thou usurp'st", "The name not due to thee , hast put thyself", "Upon this island as a spy , to get", "The government from me , the lord of it .", "No more . Speak not for him , he is a traitor .", "Come ! thou art my prisoner , and shalt be in bonds .", "Sea-water shalt thou drink , thy food shall be", "The fresh brook-muscles , withered roots and husks ,", "Wherein the acorn cradled ;\u2014\u2014 follow .", "My child my tutor ! put thy sword up ,", "Traitor , who mak'st a show , but dar'st not strike :", "Thy conscience is possessed with guilt .", "Come from thy ward ,", "For I can here disarm thee with this wand ,", "And make thy weapon drop .", "Hence : Hang not on my garment .", "Silence ! one word more", "Shall make me chide thee , if not hate thee : What !", "An advocate for an impostor ? sure", "Thou think'st there are no more such shapes as his ;", "To the most of men this is a Caliban ,", "And they to him are angels .", "Come on , obey :", "Thy nerves are in their infancy again ,", "And have no vigour in them .", "It works : Come on :", "Thou hast done well , fine Ariel : Follow me .", "Hark what thou shalt do for me .", "Thou shalt be free as mountain winds :", "But then", "Exactly do all points of my command .", "to Mir . Go in that way , speak not a word for him : I 'll separate you .", "Go practise your philosophy within ,", "And if you are the same you speak yourself ,", "Bear your afflictions like a prince .\u2014 That door", "Shews you your lodging .", "This goes as I would wish it .", "Now for my second care , Hippolito .", "I shall not need to chide him for his fault ,", "His passion is become his punishment .", "Come forth , Hippolito .", "Hippolito , I know you now expect", "I should severely chide you : You have seen", "A woman , in contempt of my commands .", "You think you have received no hurt ?", "How much in vain it is to bridle nature !", "But are you not much changed from what you were ?", "What would you do to make that woman yours ?", "You 'd soon be weary of her .", "But you 'll grow old and wrinkled , as you see", "Me now , and then you will not care for her .", "You must , Hippolito .", "Nature , which made me so .", "Time will convince you .\u2014", "Meanwhile , be sure you tread in honour 's paths ,", "That you may merit her : And that you may not", "Want fit occasions to employ your virtue ,", "In this next cave there is a stranger lodged ,", "One of your kind , young , of a noble presence ,", "And , as he says himself , of princely birth ;", "He is my prisoner , and in deep affliction :", "Visit , and comfort him ; it will become you .", "True , he has seen a woman , yet he lives !\u2014", "Perhaps I took the moment of his birth", "Amiss : Perhaps my art itself is false .\u2014", "On what strange grounds we build our hopes and fears !", "Man 's life is all a mist ! and , in the dark ,", "Our fortunes meet us .", "If fate be not , then what can we foresee ?", "Or how can we avoid it , if it be ?", "If by free will in our own paths we move ,", "How are we bounded by decrees above ?", "Whether we drive , or whether we are driven ,", "If ill , \u2018 tis ours : if good , the act of heaven ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Your pity , noble youth , doth much oblige me . Indeed , \u2018 twas sad to lose a father so .", "But one father ! He 's wondrous simple .", "Such are we born to .\u2014", "But , gentle youth , as you have questioned me ,", "So give me leave to ask you , what you are ?", "How should I ?", "Sir , there is no doubt", "You are a man : But I would know , of whence ?", "Have you a father ?", "They , indeed , are dangerous ;", "For , since I came , I have beheld one here ,", "Whose beauty pierced my heart .", "Alas ! the wound was made by her bright eyes ,", "And festers by her absence .", "But , to speak plainer to you , sir , I love her .", "I take no rest .", "O , no ! I know too well for what I wish .", "I can have no felicity without her .", "I love so much , that , if I have her not ,", "I find I cannot live .", "But perhaps we do not love the same :", "All beauties are not pleasing alike to all .", "That 's a strange question . There are many more ,", "Besides that beauty which you love .", "But , noble youth , you know not what you say .", "Sir , if you love , you must be tied to one .", "To love none but her .", "His simplicity", "Is such , that I can scarce be angry with him .\u2014", "You cannot love two women both at once .", "Pretty youth , you cannot .", "I may , perhaps , by force , restrain you from it .", "I cannot help it , I must love .", "I must break off this conference , or he", "Will urge me else beyond what I can bear .\u2014", "I thank you , sir , I will consider of it ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Your suit has pity i n't , and has prevailed .", "Within this cave he lies , and you may see him :", "But yet take heed ; let prudence be your guide :", "You must not stay , your visit must be short .\u2014", "Be earnest to unite their very souls .", "This may secure", "Hippolito from that dark danger , which", "My art forebodes ; for friendship does provide", "A double strength to oppose the assaults of fortune .", "Now I have been indulgent to your wish ;", "You have seen the prisoner ?", "And he spoke to you ?", "How like you his converse ?", "I find she loves him much , because she hides it .", "Love teaches cunning even to innocence .\u2014", "Stay , stay !\u2014\u2014 I had forgot to ask her ,", "What she has said of young Hippolito .\u2014", "Oh , here he comes ! and , with him , my Dorinda :", "I 'll not be seen ; let their loves grow in secret ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["But why are you so sad ?", "I have within me", "All , all the various music of the woods .", "Since last I saw you , I have heard brave news !", "I will tell you , and make you joyful for me .", "Pray believe me ,", "As I 'm a man , I 'll tell you blessed news :", "I 've heard , there are more women in the world ,", "As fair as you are too .", "And I will have them all .", "I 'll have you too .\u2014", "But are not you acquainted with these women ?", "Is there but one here ?\u2014", "This is a base poor world , I 'll go to the other ;", "I 've heard men have abundance of them there .\u2014", "But , pray , where 's that one woman ?", "Is she your sister ? I 'm glad of that . You shall", "Help me to her , and I will love you for it .", "What makes you shun me ?", "Why , must not he , who touches hers , touch yours ?", "Do not you love her ? Then why should I not do so ?", "I warrant you I can :\u2014", "Oh , that you had more sisters !", "O , but you must ;", "One is enough for you , but not for me .", "If she like him , she may like both of us .", "No , for you liked me first .", "But I would never have you see that man ;", "I cannot bear it .", "Yes , me you may , for we are now acquainted :", "But he 's the man , of whom your father warned you ;", "O , he 's a terrible , huge , monstrous creature !", "I 'm but a woman to him .", "Yes , for your sake , I needs must see your sister .", "I heard that she was fair ,", "And like you .", "Yonder he comes with glaring eyes ; fly ! fly ! Before he sees you .", "You 're a lost woman if you see him .", "She fain would have deceived me , but I know", "Her sister must be fair , for she 's a woman ;", "All of a kind , that I have seen , are like", "To one another : All the creatures of", "The rivers and the woods are so .", "How , sir ! pray , are you sure o n't ?", "Then I must have her .", "How dead ? what 's that ?\u2014 But whatsoe'er it be ,", "I long to have her .", "But , for a friend , you should make haste ; I ne'er", "Asked any thing of you before .", "Be sure I 'll do it then .", "When friends request unreasonable things ,", "Sure they 're to be denied . You say she 's fair ;", "And I must love all who are fair : for , to tell you", "A secret , sir , which I have lately found", "Within myself , they 're all made for me .", "You cannot tell me , sir ;", "I know I 'm made for twenty hundred women ,", "So that , if I once see her , I shall love her .", "Yes , sir , I must see her :", "For I would fain have my heart beat again ,", "Just as it did when I first saw her sister .", "How will you hinder me ?", "By force of arms ! My arms , perhaps , may be as strong as yours .", "I have not yet considered what is right ;", "But , sir , I know my inclinations are", "To love all women ; and I have been taught ,", "That to dissemble what I think is base .", "In honour , then , of truth , I must declare ,", "That I do love , and I will see your woman .", "I would not you should do it , but if she", "Should love you best , I cannot hinder her .", "But , sir , for fear she should , I will provide", "Against the worst , and try to get your woman .", "I 'm glad you let me know I have such beauty ;", "If that will get me women , they shall have it", "As far as ere \u2018 twill go : I 'll never want them .", "A sword ! what 's that ?", "What should I do with it ?", "This is brave sport :", "But we have no swords growing in our world .", "We 'll take the sword by turns , and fight with it .", "Make haste then , this shall ne'er be yours again .", "I mean to fight with all the men I meet ,", "And , when they 're dead , their women shall be mine .", "Agreed ,", "And every day I 'll fight for two more with you .", "I 'll warrant you I 'll push you ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Whom ?", "If thou wert a monster of parts , I would make thee my master of ceremonies , to conduct \u2018 em in . The devil take all dunces ! thou hast lost a brave employment , by not being a linguist , and for want of behaviour .", "No , that 's against the fundamental laws of my dukedom : You are in a high place , spouse , and must give good example . Here they come ; we 'll put on the gravity of statesmen , and be very dull , that we may be held wise .", "Peace or war ?", "You shall enjoy the benefits of peace ; and the first fruits of it , amongst all civil nations , is to be drunk for joy : Caliban , skink about .", "Subject Stephano , here 's to thee ; and let old quarrels be drowned in this draught .", "O sweetheart , you must not shame yourself to-day . Gentlemen subjects , pray bear with her good huswifery : She wants a little breeding , but she 's hearty .", "Now would I lay greatness aside , and shake my heels , if I had but music .", "I accept the motion : Let us have our mother-in-law 's legacy immediately . CALIBAN SINGS . We want music , we want mirth . Up , dam , and cleave the earth : We have no lords that wrong us , Send thy merry spirits among us .", "What a merry tyrant am I , to have my music , and pay nothing for't ! A table rises , and four Spirits with wine and meat enter , placing it , as they dance , on the table : The dance ended , the bottles vanish , and the table sinks again .", "Stephano , give me thy hand : thou hast been a rebel , but here 's to thee :Pr'ythee , why should we quarrel ? Shall I swear two oaths ? By bottle , and by butt , I love thee : In witness whereof I drink soundly .", "Thou hast been a false rebel , but that 's all one ; pledge my grace faithfully .\u2014 Caliban , go to the butt , and tell me how it sounds .Peer Stephano , dost thou love me ?", "\u2018 Tis no matter , if thou lov'st me ; hang my family : Thou art my friend , pr'ythee tell me what thou think'st of my princess :", "Noble ! indeed she had a witch to her mother ; and the witches are of great families in Lapland : but the devil was her father ; and I have heard of the Monsieur De Villes in France : but look on her beauty ,\u2014 is she a fit wife for Duke Trincalo ? Mark her behaviour too ,\u2014 she 's tippling yonder with the serving-men .", "Umph ! virtuous ! I am loath to disparage her ; but thou art my friend ,\u2014 canst thou be close ?", "Why then I 'll tell thee ,\u2014 I found her an hour ago under an elder-tree , upon a sweet bed of nettles , singing Tory Rory , and Rantum Scantum , with her own natural brother .", "But \u2018 tis no matter ; to tell thee true , I married her to be a great man , and so forth : But make no words o n't , for I care not who knows it , and so here 's to thee again .\u2014 Give me the bottle , Caliban ! did you knock the butt ? How does it sound ?", "I fear the butt begins to rattle in the throat , and is departing : give me the bottle .", "What 's that you will do ? Ha ! I hope you have not betrayed me ? How does my pigsnye ?", "Did you tell her so ?\u2014 ha ! he 's a rogue , do not believe him , chuck .", "I see , if once a rebel , then ever a rebel . Did I receive thee into grace for this ? I will correct thee with my royal hand .", "Where are our guards ? Treason ! Treason !", "This false traitor has corrupted the wife of my bosom .Mustacho , strike on my side , and thou shalt be my viceroy .", "The whole nation is up in arms , and shall I stand idle ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come , sir , our cave affords no choice of place ,", "But the ground 's firm and even : Are you ready ?", "You remember", "On what conditions we must fight ? Who first", "Receives a wound is to submit .", "Sir , you are wounded .", "Believe your blood .", "Remember our conditions .", "I 'm loth to kill you ; you are unskilful , sir .", "You faint for loss of blood , I see you stagger ;", "Pray , sir , retire .", "Your eyes begin to dazzle .", "O help , help , help ! Unhappy man ! what have I done ?", "He 's gone ! He 's gone ! O stay , sweet , lovely youth ! Help ! help !", "O see , sir , see ,", "What mischief my unhappy hand has wrought !", "Sir , if you knew my innocence \u2014", "O heavens ! what words are these I heard ,", "Yet cannot see who spoke \u2018 em ? Sure the woman", "Whom I loved was like this , some airy vision .", "Alas ! he 's never to be waked again .", "My father ! O sinister happiness !", "Is it decreed I should recover you", "Alive , just in that fatal hour , when this", "Brave youth is lost in death , and by my hand ?", "Hold , dear father !", "I cannot suffer you to attempt against", "His life , who gave her being , whom I love .", "Adieu , my fairest mistress .", "Recall that prayer , or I shall wish to live ,", "Though death be all the \u2018 mends that I can make ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["How do you find yourself ?", "My love , I 'll try .", "I will not leave you , till you promise me ,", "You will not die again .", "You must not go to heaven , unless we go", "Together ; for I have heard my father say ,", "That we must strive to be each other 's guide ,", "The way to it will else be difficult ,", "Especially to those who are so young ;", "But I much wonder what it is to die .", "What is the soul ?", "Then I have seen it in a frosty morning ,", "Run smoaking from my mouth .", "O ! I can tell you joyful news of him ;", "My father means to make him die to-day ,", "For what he did to you .", "But if he live , he 'll never leave killing you .", "Pray , how began your difference first ?", "That hurt you had , was justly sent from heaven ,", "For wishing to have any more but me .", "In confidence of this , I 'll beg my father", "That he may live ; I 'm glad the naughty blood ,", "That made you love so many , is gone out .", "I am overjoyed my father lets you live ,", "And proud of my good fortune , that he gave", "Your life to me .", "So kind already ?", "Sister , what business have you here ?", "You 're very charitable to a stranger .", "Henceforward let your surgery alone ,", "For I had rather he should die , than you", "Should cure his wound .", "Ay , now I find why I was sent away ,", "That you might have my sister 's company .", "Nor I , heaven knows , but my Hippolito .", "And Hippolito", "Sent me to beg the life of Ferdinand .", "O , wonder ! How many goodly creatures are there here ! How beauteous mankind is !", "I warrant you , those holy words are charms :", "My father means to conjure us together .", "Sister , it was our fault ; we meant , like fools ,", "To look \u2018 em in the fields , and they , it seems ,", "Are only found in beds .", "What heavenly power is this ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["My lord , great Neptune , for my sake ,", "Of these bright beauties pity take ;", "And to the rest allow", "Your mercy too .", "Let this enraged element be still ,", "Let AEolus obey my will :", "Let him his boisterous prisoners safely keep", "In their dark caverns ; and no more", "Let them disturb the bosom of the deep ,", "Till these arrive upon their wished-for shore .", "Let \u2018 em not bluster to disturb our ears ,", "Or strike these noble passengers with fears .", "While fell sea-monsters cause intestine jars ,", "This empire you invade by foreign wars .", "Tritons , my sons , your trumpets sound ,", "And let the noise from neighbouring shores rebound .", "On this barren isle ye shall lose all your fears ,", "Leave behind all your sorrows , and banish your cares ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Any new business ?", "Tell Don Melchor ,", "\u2018 Tis a hard task which he enjoins me :", "He knows I love her , and much more than he ;", "For I love her alone , but he divides", "His passion betwixt two . Did he consider", "How great a pain \u2018 tis to dissemble love ,", "He would never practise it .", "To make the poor Aurelia believe", "He 's gone for Flanders , whilst he lies concealed ,", "And every night makes visits to her cousin \u2014", "When will he leave this strange extravagance ?", "Before I loved myself , I promised him", "To serve him in his love ; and I 'll perform it ,", "Howe'er repugnant to my own concernments .", "Cavaliers , will you please to command my coach to take the air this evening ?", "You cannot more oblige me , than by laying your commands on me ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Do you think the Englishmen will come after us ?", "For my part , I feel a certain qualm upon my heart , which makes me believe I am breeding love to one of them .", "Faith , as good at first as at last , sister ; \u2018 tis a thing that must be done , and therefore \u2018 tis best dispatching it out o'the way .", "Why should I keep myself and servant in pain , for that which may be cured at a day 's warning ?", "But our love here is like our grass ; if it be not mowed quickly , \u2018 tis burnt up .", "Now for my heart can I think of no other prayer , but only that they may not mistake us . Why , sister , sister , will you pray ? What injury have I ever done you , that you should pray in my company ? If your servant Don Melchor were here , we should have you mind heaven as little as the best of us .", "No , let them take their fortune in the dark : We shall see what archers these English are .", "That , sir , would interrupt mine , without being any advantage to your own .", "O , sir ! our saints can better distinguish between the prayers of a Catholic and a Lutheran .", "No , no , \u2018 tis but design , I warrant you : You shall see these island cocks wheel about immediately .", "This was your frowardness , that provoked him , sister .", "Englishmen , I think , they called them .", "Englishmen , I believe , sir , at their devotions .\u2014 Cavalier , would you would try to pray a little better than you have rallied .", "Immediately , sir .\u2014 Cavalier , I will not fail to be there at the time appointed , if it be but to teach you more wit , henceforward , than to engage your heart so lightly .", "Some zealous ejaculation .", "I 'll answer for her ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Did you speak with her woman ?", "That 's very hard , when I am scarce knee-deep with her : \u2018 Tis true , I have given her hold of my heart ; but , if she take not heed , it will slip through her fingers .", "Were I as thou art , I would content myself with having but one fair flight at her , without wearying myself on the wing for a retrieve ; for , when all is done , the quarry is but a woman .", "Ay , while there was hope , Frank ! while there was hope ! but there 's no contending with one 's destiny .", "What a secret have you found out ? Why , \u2018 tis the nature of all mankind : We love to get our mistresses , and purr over them , as cats do over mice , and let them go a little way ; and all the pleasure is , to pat them back again : But yours , I take it , Frank , is gone too far . Pr'ythee , how long dost thou intend to love at this rate ?", "\u2018 St , the door opens ; and two women are coming out .", "Methinks you should know your cue then , and withdraw .", "Yonder she comes , with full sails i'faith ! I 'll hail her amain , for England .", "Only to make a reprisal of my heart .", "I am afraid the lady has not fed it , and \u2018 tis wild for hunger .", "Ay ; but then it were best to trust them out of the cage together ; let them hop about at liberty .", "They 'll meet at night , I warrant them .", "Suppose it does so ; yet , I take my mate along with me . And now , to leave our parables , and speak in the language of the vulgar , what think you of a voyage to merry England ?", "Faith , we live in a good honest country , where we are content with our old vices ; partly because we want wit to invent more new . A colony of Spaniards , or spiritual Italians , planted among us , would make us much more racy . \u2018 Tis , true , our variety is not much ; but , to speak nobly of our way of living , \u2018 tis like that of the sun , which rises , and looks upon the same thing he saw yesterday , and goes to bed again .", "All this , I hope , gives you no ill character of the country ?", "Faith , agreed with all my heart . For I am none of those unreasonable lovers , that propose to themselves the loving to eternity . The truth is , a month is commonly my stint ; but , in that month , I love so dreadfully , that it is after a twelve-month 's rate of common love .", "Well , I pray heaven we both get off as clear as we imagine ; for my part , I like your humour so damnably well , that I fear I am in for a week longer than I proposed : I am half afraid your Spanish planet and my English one have been acquainted , and have found out some by-room or other in the twelve houses : I wish they have been honourable .", "Or let us encourage one another to a breach , by the dangers of possession : I have a song to that purpose .", "They would signify little , if we were once married : Those gaieties are all nipt and frost-bitten in the marriage-bed , i'faith .", "Surfeit me madam ? why , you have but tantalized me all this while !", "A hand , or lip , or any thing that you can spare ; when you have conjured up a spirit , he must have some employment , or he 'll tear you apieces .", "You have already the original of mine : But some revenge you must allow me : A locket of diamonds , or some such trifle , the next time I kiss your hand .", "This is the least trial you could have made of me : I have some three hundred pistoles by me ; those I 'll send by my servant .", "The cordial must be applied to the heart , and mine 's with you , madam . Well ; I say no more ; but these are dangerous beginnings for holding on : I find my month will have more than one-and-thirty days i n't .", "It shall be a crescent .", "How now , Bellamy ! in wrath ! pr'ythee , what 's the matter ?", "And art thou such an oaf to be vexed at this ? as the adventure may be managed , it may make the most pleasant one in all the carnival .", "Nay , all Spain , i'faith , as fast as I can divulge thee : Not a ship shall pass out from any port , but shall ask thee for a wind ; thou shalt have all the trade of Lapland within a month .", "Thou shalt do't , boy : Pox on thee , thou dost not know thine own happiness ; thou wilt have the ladies come to thee ; and if thou dost not fit them with fortunes , thou art bewitched .", "And if at any time thou venturest at particulars , have an evasion ready like Lilly ; as thus ,\u2014 It will infallibly happen , if our sins hinder not .\u2014 I would undertake , with one of his almanacks , to give very good content to all Christendom , and what good luck fell not out in one kingdom , should in another .", "A great prince ! a great Turk ; we shall have thee , within these two days , do grace to the ladies , by throwing out a handkerchief ; \u2018 life , I could feast upon thy fragments .", "You know the men , if their masking habits were off ; they are the music of our ambassador 's retinue . My project is to give our mistress a serenade , this being the last evening of the carnival ; and , to prevent discovery , here are disguises for us too .", "Strike up , gentlemen ; we 'll entertain them with a song a l'Angloise ; pray , be ready with your chorus . SONG . After the pangs of a desperate lover , When day and night I have sighed all in vain ; Ah , what a pleasure it is to discover In her eyes pity , who causes my pain ! When , with unkindness , our love at a stand is , And both have punished ourselves with the pain ; Ah , what a pleasure the touch of her hand is ! Ah , what a pleasure to press it again ! When the denial comes fainter and fainter , And her eyes give what her tongue does deny ; Ah , what a trembling I feel , when I venture ! Ah , what a trembling does usher my joy ! When , with a sigh , she accords me the blessing , And her eyes twinkle \u2018 twixt pleasure and pain ; Ah , what a joy \u2018 tis , beyond all expressing ! Ah , what a joy to hear \u2014 shall we again ! THEODOSIA and JACINTHA above . JACINTHA throws down her handkerchief , with a favour tied to it .", "By this light , which at present is scarce an oath , an handkerchief , and a favour !", "I 'll be with their catguts immediately .", "\u2018 Tis some rival of yours or mine , Bellamy ; for he addresses to this window .", "So successfully , that shortly there will be no talk in town , but of you only : Another miracle or two , and a sharp sword , and you stand fair for a new prophet .", "In the gaming-house , where I found most of the town-wits ; the prose-wits playing , and the verse-wits rooking .", "From thence I went to the latter end of a comedy , and there whispered it to the next man I knew , who had a woman by him .", "Like a squib upon a line , i'faith ; it ran through one row , and came back upon me in the next . At my going out I met a knot of Spaniards , who were formally listening to one , who was relating it ; but he told the story so ridiculously , with his marginal notes upon it , that I was forced to contradict him .", "Ay , for you , but not for me : What , says he , must such Boracho 's as you take upon you to vilify a man of science ? I tell you , he 's of my intimate acquaintance , and I have known him long for a prodigious person .\u2014 When I saw my Don so fierce , I thought it not wisdom to quarrel for so slight a matter as your reputation , and so withdrew .", "Faith , I cannot help what your learning has brought you to . Go in and study ; I foresee you will have but few holidays : In the mean time , I 'll not fail to give the world an account of your endowments . Farewell : I 'll to the gaming-house .", "I have swept your gaming house , i'faith ; Ecce signum .", "The first stakes I would play for , should be their veils and visor masks .", "While you have been singing , lady , I have been praying : I mean , that your face and wit may not prove equal to your dancing ; for , if they be , there 's a heart gone astray , to my knowledge .", "I believe I shall have cause to do so , if your beauty be as killing as I imagine it .", "Why , madam , are you not of Spain ?", "Are you then a Mahometan ?", "A Mussulwoman , say you ? I protest , by your voice , I should have taken you for a Christian lady of my acquaintance .", "Some little liking I might have , but that was only a morning-dew ; \u2018 tis drawn up by the sunshine of your beauty : I find your African Cupid is a much surer archer than ours of Europe . Yet would I could see you ; one look would secure your victory .", "Well , madam , an eye , a nose , or a lip shall break no squares : The face is but a span 's breadth of beauty ; and where there is so much besides , I 'll never stand with you for that .", "Ay , by Alla , do I , most extremely : You have wit in abundance , you dance to a miracle , you sing like an angel , and , I believe , you look like a cherubim .", "By Mahomet , can I .", "Your prophet 's a cavalier . I honour your prophet and his law , for providing so well for us lovers in the other world , black eyes , and fresh maidenheads every day : go thy way , little Mahomet ; i'faith , thou shalt have my good word . But , by his favour , lady , give me leave to tell you , that we of the uncircumcised , in a civil way , as lovers , have somewhat the advantage of your mussulman .", "This lady Fatima pleases me most infinitely : Now am I got among the Hamets , the Zegrys , and the Bencerrages . Hey , what work will the Wildbloods make among the Cids and the Bens of the Arabians ?", "What is the ladies \u2019 game , sir ?", "I understand it : Come , lady , \u2018 tis no matter what I lose ; the greatest stake , my heart , is gone already .", "So , I have a good chance , two quarters and a sice .", "No matter ; I 'll try my fortune once again : What have I here , two sixes and a quarter ?\u2014 An hundred pistoles on that throw .", "Ay , the pox take me for't , you have won me : It would never have vext me to have lost my money to a Christian ; but to a pagan , an infidel \u2014", "Pox of this lady Fatima ! Raffle thrice together ! I am out of patience .", "Tol de ra , tol de ra \u2014 pox and curse \u2014 tol de ra . What the devil did I mean , to play with this brunette of Afric ?Will you be gone already , ladies ?", "Farewell , lady Fatima .", "\u2018 Tis no matter ; I do not love to fret inwardly , as your silent losers do , and , in the mean time , be ready to choak for want of vent .", "No , now I will laugh at myself most unmercifully ; for my condition is so ridiculous , that \u2018 tis past cursing . The pleasantest part of the adventure is , that I have promised three hundred pistoles to Jacintha : But there is no remedy , they are now fair Fatima 's .", "Ay , ay , a certain African lady of my acquaintance , whom you know not .", "Madam , what happy star has conducted you hither to night !\u2014 A thousand devils of this fortune .", "Jealousy ! Why sure you do not think me a pagan , an infidel ? But the company 's broke up , you see . Am I to wait upon you home , or will you be so kind to take a hard lodging with me to-night ?", "No more words , then ; let 's away , to prevent discovery .", "No : But if your lady should want sleep , \u2018 twould spoil the lustre of her eyes to-morrow . There were a conquest lost .", "You make me happy by commanding me : To-morrow morning my servant shall wait upon you with three hundred pistoles .", "Play on tick , and lose the Indies , I 'll discharge it all to-morrow .", "Maskall , go and bring me three hundred pistoles immediately .", "Do you expostulate , you rascal ! How he stares ; I 'll be hanged if he have not lost my gold at play : If you have , confess ; you had best , and perhaps I 'll pardon you ; but if you do not confess , I 'll have no mercy . Did you lose it ?", "Why , then , let me tell you , you did lose it .", "Well , madam , I must confess I have more than I will speak of at this time ; but till you have given me satisfaction \u2014\u2014", "Heaven ! that you should not perceive it in me : I tell you , I am mortally offended with you .", "You have done nothing , I warrant , to make a man jealous : Going out a gaming in masquerade , at unseasonable hours , and losing your money at play ; that loss , above all , provokes me .", "\u2018 Tis impossible you should clear it : I 'll stop my ears , if you but offer it . There 's no satisfaction in the point .", "To do this in the beginning of an amour , and to a jealous servant as I am ! had I all the wealth of Peru , I would not let go one maravedis to you .", "Answer nothing , for it will but inflame the quarrel betwixt us : I must come to myself by little and little ; and when I am ready for satisfaction , I will take it : But at present it is not for my honour to be friends .", "When I have conquered , you may interpose ; but at present the mediation of all Christendom would be fruitless .", "I begin to suspect , that lady Fatima is no better than she should be . If she be turned Christian again , I am undone .", "Well , well , madam , any man may be overtaken with an oath ; but I never meant to perform it with her : You know , no oaths are to be kept with infidels . But \u2014\u2014", "Faith , I would rather widen their breaches , than make them up .", "You have gained your point , you have my money ; and I was only angry , because I did not know \u2018 twas you , who had it .", "Indeed you use me like one that 's conquered ; for you have plundered me of all I had .", "Dare but to stay without a new servant , till I am flush again ; and I will love you , and treat you , and present you at that unreasonable rate , that I will make you an example to all unbelieving mistresses .", "I will have more care of it on my part , than the kindred of an old pope have to preserve him .", "You deserved it for not having a lie ready for my occasions . A good servant should be no more without it , than a soldier without his arms . But , pr'ythee , advise me what 's to be done to get Jacintha .", "Now , Maskall .", "It works rarely .", "Let 's make haste after him ; I long to see the end of this adventure .", "I warrant you have made an assignation to instruct some lady in the mathematics .", "Let us withdraw a little , and see if they will come this way .", "If you dare be the Sylvia , lady , I have brought you a more confident Amyntas , than that bashful gentleman in your song .", "I was only searching for your letters of credence : but methinks , with that beauty , you look more like a herald that comes to denounce war to all mankind .", "And she expects in return of it , that I should wait on her : I 'll do't ,\u2014 where lives she ? I am desperately in love with her .", "I have a bank of love , to supply every one 's occasions ; some for her , some for another , and some for you ; charge what you will upon me , I pay all at sight , and without questioning who brought the bill .", "Now I think o n't , I have a foolish fancy to send the lady a taste of my love by thee .", "One would think so , but I cannot help it . Gad , I think the reason is , because there 's something more of sin in thy colour than in ours . I know not what 's the matter , but a turkey-cock is not more provoked at red , than I bristle at the sight of black . Come , be kinder to me . Young , and slip an opportunity ? \u2018 Tis an evening lost out of your life .", "Come ; because thou art very moving , here 's part of the gold , which thou brought'st to corrupt me for thy lady : Truth is , I had promised a sum to a Spanish lady ; but thy eyes have allured it from me .", "Let to-morrow starve , or provide for himself , as to-night has done : To-morrow is a cheat in love , and I will not trust it .", "Heaven , that sees all things , will say nothing : That is all eyes , and no tongue ; Et la lune , et les estoiles ,\u2014 you know the song .", "It has been always my humour to love downward . I love to stoop to my prey , and to have it in my power to souse at , when I please . When a man comes to a great lady , he is fain to approach her with fear and reverence ; methinks there 's something of godliness i n't .", "I tell thee , my friend , and so forth , that I exceedingly honour coarse linen ; \u2018 tis as proper sometimes in an under garment , as a coarse towel is to rub and scrub me .", "Do you make no more esteem of a wit then ?", "Then what is a gentleman to hope from you ?", "For aught I see , the great ladies have the appetites , which you slaves should have ; and you slaves the pride , which ought to be in ladies . For , I observe , that all women of your condition are like women of the play-house , still picking at each other , who shall go the best dressed , and the richest habits ; till you work up one another by your high flying , as the heron and jerfalcon do . If you cannot out-shine your fellow with one lover , you fetch her up with another : And , in short , all you get by it is only to put finery out of countenance ; and to make the ladies of quality go plain , because they will avoid the scandal of your bravery .", "You are not going ?", "However , I am glad you have left your treasure behind you :", "Farewell , fairy !", "No , sirrah , I know it came by my own industry . Did not I come out diligently to meet this gold , in the very way it was to come ? What could fate do less for me ? They are such thoughtless , and undesigning rogues as you , that make a drudge of poor Providence , and set it a shifting for you . Give me a brave fellow like myself , that , if you throw him down into the world , lights every where upon his legs , and helps himself without being beholden to fate , that is the hospital of fools .", "Umh ! thou awaken'st a most villainous apprehension in me ! methought , indeed , I knew the voice : but the face was such an evidence against it ! if it were so , she is lost for ever .", "Now could I cut my throat for madness .", "\u2018 Tis in vain to consider o n't . There 's but one way ; go you , Maskall , and find her out , and invent some excuse for me , and be sure to beg leave I may come and wait upon her with the gold , before she sleeps .", "But make haste then to relieve me ; for I think over all my thoughts in half an hour .", "Hang it ! now I think o n't , I shall be but melancholic at my lodging ; I 'll go pass my hour at the gaming-house , and make use of this money while I have tools , to win more to it . Stay , let me see ,\u2014 I have the box and throw . My Don he sets me ten pistoles ; I nick him : Ten more , I sweep them too . Now , in all reason , he is nettled , and sets me twenty : I win them too . Now he kindles , and butters me with forty . They are all my own : In fine , he is vehement , and bleeds on to fourscore or an hundred ; and I , not willing to tempt fortune , come away a moderate winner of two hundred pistoles ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Then , they were certainly Don Lopez and Don Melchor , with whom we fought .", "And when you met Lopez , he swallowed all you told him ?", "I see \u2018 twill spread .", "But for all my bragging , this amour is not yet worn off . I find constancy , and once a night , come naturally upon a man towards thirty ; only we set a face o n't , and call ourselves inconstant for our reputation .", "They move faster than you imagine ; for I have got me an argol , and an English almanack , by help of which , in one half hour , I have learned to cant with an indifferent good grace : Conjunction , opposition , trine , square , and sextile , are now no longer bugbears to me , I thank my stars for't . Enter WILDBLOOD . Monsieur Wildblood , in good time ! What , you have been taking pains , too , to divulge my talent ?", "But where did you begin to blow the trumpet ?", "All sorts of gamesters are so superstitious , that I need not doubt of my reception there .", "\u2018 Twas discreetly done .", "A pox of your success ! now shall I have my chamber besieged to-morrow morning : There will be no stirring out for me ; but I must be fain to take up their questions in a cleft-cane , or a begging-box , as they do charity in prisons .", "What is it ?", "But how know you she is fair ?", "My whole constellation is at her service : But what is she for a woman ?", "For my part , I can suffer any impertinence from a woman , provided she be handsome : My business is with her beauty , not with her morals ; let her confessor look to them .", "I know not ; but I sweat for fear I should be gravelled .", "Do not leave me , I charge you ; but when I look mournfully upon you , help me out .", "to Mask . Maskall , pump the woman ; and see if you can discover any thing to save my credit .", "Madam , I was told you meant to honour me with your commands .", "I wish my skill were more , to serve you , madam .", "But why that sigh , madam ?", "What the devil will become of me now !", "If I know your thoughts , madam , \u2018 tis in vain for you to disguise them to me : Therefore , as you tender your own satisfaction , lay them open without bashfulness .", "Madam , madam , that bashfulness must be laid aside : Not but that I know your business perfectly ; and will , if you please , unfold it to you all immediately .", "But then I must call up before you a most dreadful spirit , with head upon head , and horns upon horns : Therefore , consider how you can endure it .", "Well then , I find you will force me to this unlawful , and abominable act of conjuration : Remember the sin is yours too .", "I see , when a woman has a mind to't , she 'll never boggle at a sin . Pox on her , what shall I do ?\u2014 Well , I 'll tell you your thoughts , madam ; but after that expect no farther service from me ; for \u2018 tis your confidence must make my art successful .\u2014\u2014 Well , you are obstinate , then ; I must tell you your thoughts ?", "\u2018 Tis very well ; what need these circumstances between us two ? Confess freely ; is not love your business ?", "Look you there ! you see I knew it ; nay , I 'll tell you more , \u2018 tis a man you love .", "Now proceed , lady , your way is open ; I am resolved , I 'll not tell you a word farther .", "Trouble not yourself , madam ; he 's as constant as a romance hero .", "What the devil does she call a slight effect !\u2014 Why , lady , do you consider what you say ? you desire me to shew you a man , whom yourself confess to be in Flanders .", "Ay , but , madam , there is a vast sea betwixt us and Flanders ; and water is an enemy to conjuration . A witch 's horse , you know , when he enters into water , returns into a bottle of hay again .", "That 's true , madam ; but magic works in a direct line . Why should you think the devil such an ass to go about ? \u2018 Gad , he 'll not stir a step out of his road for you , or any man .", "For that matter , he 's your servant , madam ; but his education has been in the fire , and he 's naturally an enemy to water , I assure you .", "Now I am lost , past all redemption .\u2014 Maskall , must you be smickering after wenches , while I am in calamity ?", "Why , you impudent villain , must you offer to name him publicly , when I have taken so much care to conceal him all this while ?", "Well , madam , since the sea hinders not , you shall have your desire . Look upon me with a fixed eye \u2014\u2014 so \u2014\u2014 or a little more amorously , if you please \u2014\u2014 good . Now favour me with your hand .", "Furiously necessary , I assure you , madam ; for now I take possession of it in the name of the idea of Don Melchor . Now , madam , I am farther to desire of you , to write a note to his genius , wherein you desire him to appear , and this we men of art call a compact with the ideas .", "Give me your hand , I 'll guide it .", "One thing I had forgot , madam ; you must subscribe your name to it .", "Camilla !", "You hide your face in vain ; for I see into your heart .", "Would I were well quit o n't ; I sweat all over .", "Mine are honest land devils , good plain foot-posts , that beat upon the hoof for me : But to save their labour , here take this , and in some disguise deliver it to Don Melchor .", "Well , I am glad there 's one point gained ; for , by this means , he will be hindered to-night from entertaining Theodosia .\u2014 Pox on him , is he here again ?", "That I could do easily : But , to shew you I am generous , I 'll none of your present ; do you think I am mercenary ?", "Ay , \u2018 tis the devil of a question , without dispute .", "At this time I am not problematically given ; I have a humour of complaisance upon me , and will contradict no man .", "By your favour , I 'll not discuss ; for I see by the stars , that , if I dispute to-day , I am infallibly threatened to be thought ignorant all my life after .", "Nativity !\u2014\u2014", "Never tell me that , sir \u2014\u2014", "\u2018 Tis well you do , for I 'll be sworn I do not .\u2014\u2014", "I say , sir , there is no doing without the sun and moon , and all that , sir ; and so you may make use of your paper for your occasions . Come to a man of art without the sun and moon , and all that , sir \u2014\u2014", "Would thou wert there , in thy mother 's belly again !", "By no means , sir ; this cavalier is come on purpose to perform the civilities of his house to you .", "I know what you would say , sir .", "Here comes one , and in all probability it must be Don Melchor , going to Theodosia .", "Well , I 'll leave you to your adventures , while I prosecute my own .", "I 'll not tell you my design ; because , if it does not succeed , you shall not laugh at me ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now , Maskall .", "It works rarely .", "Let 's make haste after him ; I long to see the end of this adventure .", "I warrant you have made an assignation to instruct some lady in the mathematics .", "Let us withdraw a little , and see if they will come this way .", "If you dare be the Sylvia , lady , I have brought you a more confident Amyntas , than that bashful gentleman in your song .", "I was only searching for your letters of credence : but methinks , with that beauty , you look more like a herald that comes to denounce war to all mankind .", "And she expects in return of it , that I should wait on her : I 'll do't ,\u2014 where lives she ? I am desperately in love with her .", "I have a bank of love , to supply every one 's occasions ; some for her , some for another , and some for you ; charge what you will upon me , I pay all at sight , and without questioning who brought the bill .", "Now I think o n't , I have a foolish fancy to send the lady a taste of my love by thee .", "One would think so , but I cannot help it . Gad , I think the reason is , because there 's something more of sin in thy colour than in ours . I know not what 's the matter , but a turkey-cock is not more provoked at red , than I bristle at the sight of black . Come , be kinder to me . Young , and slip an opportunity ? \u2018 Tis an evening lost out of your life .", "Come ; because thou art very moving , here 's part of the gold , which thou brought'st to corrupt me for thy lady : Truth is , I had promised a sum to a Spanish lady ; but thy eyes have allured it from me .", "Let to-morrow starve , or provide for himself , as to-night has done : To-morrow is a cheat in love , and I will not trust it .", "Heaven , that sees all things , will say nothing : That is all eyes , and no tongue ; Et la lune , et les estoiles ,\u2014 you know the song .", "It has been always my humour to love downward . I love to stoop to my prey , and to have it in my power to souse at , when I please . When a man comes to a great lady , he is fain to approach her with fear and reverence ; methinks there 's something of godliness i n't .", "I tell thee , my friend , and so forth , that I exceedingly honour coarse linen ; \u2018 tis as proper sometimes in an under garment , as a coarse towel is to rub and scrub me .", "Do you make no more esteem of a wit then ?", "Then what is a gentleman to hope from you ?", "For aught I see , the great ladies have the appetites , which you slaves should have ; and you slaves the pride , which ought to be in ladies . For , I observe , that all women of your condition are like women of the play-house , still picking at each other , who shall go the best dressed , and the richest habits ; till you work up one another by your high flying , as the heron and jerfalcon do . If you cannot out-shine your fellow with one lover , you fetch her up with another : And , in short , all you get by it is only to put finery out of countenance ; and to make the ladies of quality go plain , because they will avoid the scandal of your bravery .", "You are not going ?", "However , I am glad you have left your treasure behind you :", "Farewell , fairy !", "No , sirrah , I know it came by my own industry . Did not I come out diligently to meet this gold , in the very way it was to come ? What could fate do less for me ? They are such thoughtless , and undesigning rogues as you , that make a drudge of poor Providence , and set it a shifting for you . Give me a brave fellow like myself , that , if you throw him down into the world , lights every where upon his legs , and helps himself without being beholden to fate , that is the hospital of fools .", "Umh ! thou awaken'st a most villainous apprehension in me ! methought , indeed , I knew the voice : but the face was such an evidence against it ! if it were so , she is lost for ever .", "Now could I cut my throat for madness .", "\u2018 Tis in vain to consider o n't . There 's but one way ; go you , Maskall , and find her out , and invent some excuse for me , and be sure to beg leave I may come and wait upon her with the gold , before she sleeps .", "But make haste then to relieve me ; for I think over all my thoughts in half an hour .", "Hang it ! now I think o n't , I shall be but melancholic at my lodging ; I 'll go pass my hour at the gaming-house , and make use of this money while I have tools , to win more to it . Stay , let me see ,\u2014 I have the box and throw . My Don he sets me ten pistoles ; I nick him : Ten more , I sweep them too . Now , in all reason , he is nettled , and sets me twenty : I win them too . Now he kindles , and butters me with forty . They are all my own : In fine , he is vehement , and bleeds on to fourscore or an hundred ; and I , not willing to tempt fortune , come away a moderate winner of two hundred pistoles ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["But dost thou think the Englishman can keep his promise ? For , I confess , I furiously desire to see the idea of Don Melchor .", "In effect \u2018 tis a very dark enigma ; and one must be very spiritual to understand it . But be what it will , body or phantom , I am resolved to meet it .", "No ; I must avow it , I am furiously fearful ; but yet I am resolved to sacrifice all things to my love . Therefore , let us pass over that chapter .", "If it be he ! that is to say his spectre , that is to say his phantom , that is to say his idea , that is to say , he , and not he .", "Oh heaven ! humanity is not able to support it .", "The tempter has imitated his voice too ; avoid , avoid , spectre .", "I am not thy dear ; I renounce thee , spirit of darkness !", "Away , infernal ! \u2018 tis not thee ; \u2018 tis the true Don Melchor that I would see .", "Heaven and angels ! Ah \u2014\u2014", "What rudeness is this ?", "Monsieur Bellamy !", "My uncle told me he left you here : And , indeed , I came hither to complain of you . For you have treated me so inhumanly , that I have some reason to resent it .", "Don Melchor , as I am informed by my uncle , is effectively at", "Madrid : So that it was not his idea , but himself in person , whom I saw .", "And since you knew this , why did you conceal it from me ?", "I render myself to so convincing an argument : But by over-hearing a discourse just now betwixt my cousin Theodosia and her maid , I find that he has concealed himself upon her account , which has given me jealousy to the last point ; for , to avow an incontestible truth , my cousin is furiously handsome .", "Then will he sacrifice my cousin to me ?", "O most agreeable assurance !", "It will not be convenient to give him any umbrage , by seeing me with another person ; therefore , I will go before ; do you stay here , and conduct him to my apartment . Good-night , sir ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["But , madam , do you take me for a man of honour ?", "Why there 's it ! if you had , I would have sworn that my master has neither done nor intended you any injury . I suppose you 'll grant he knew you in your disguise ?", "Unconscionable Beatrix ! would you two have all the carnival to yourselves ? He knew you , madam , and was resolved to countermine you in all your plots . But , when he saw you so much piqued , he was too good natured to let you sleep in wrath , and sent me to you to disabuse you : for , if the business had gone on till to-morrow , when Lent begins , you would have grown so peevishthat the quarrel would never have been ended .", "But that you may be sure he knew you , he will bring the certificate of the purse along with him .", "Madam , \u2018 tis certainly my master ; and he is so zealous to make his peace , that he could not stay till I called him to you .\u2014\u2014 Sir .", "Is the wind in that door ? Here 's like to be fine doings .", "Well , for impudence , let thee alone .", "A thing so much against the rules of modesty ! So indecent a thing !", "Would she offer to bring money to you ? first , to affront your poverty \u2014\u2014", "And then to bring you money , sir .", "Which is the greatest and most sweet of all temptations ; and to think you could resist it : Being also aggravated by her handsomeness , who brought it .", "Beatrix , while our principals are engaged , I hold it not for our honour to stand idle .", "I dare meet you on any spot , but one .", "Beatrix , let us dispatch ; or they 'll break off before us .", "Beatrix , follow your leader ; here 's the six-penny whittle you gave me , with the mutton haft : I can spare it , for knives are of little use in Spain .", "There 's the dandriff comb you lent me .", "I would never have come so near as to have taken them from you .", "And for yours , I have already put it to a fitting employment .\u2014 Courage , sir ; how goes the battle on your wing ?", "I 'll bear you off upon my shoulders , sir ; we have broke their hearts .", "Do you hear this , Beatrix ! They are just upon the point of accommodation ; we must make haste , or they 'll make a peace by themselves , and exclude us from the treaty .", "With all my heart ; and when our loves are veering , We 'll make no words , but fall to privateering ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["But is it possible Don Melchor should be false to love ? I 'll be sworn I did not imagine such a treachery could have been in nature ; especially to a lady who had so obliged him .", "You are the most obliging person in the world .", "I swear this evening 's air begins to incommode me extremely with a cold : but yet , in hope of detecting this perjured man , I am content to stay abroad .", "The prize is so very inconsiderable , that \u2018 tis not worth the claiming .", "Don Lopez , go along with me . I can promise nothing , but I swear I will do my best to disengage my heart from this furious tender , which I have for him .", "And that sigh too , I think , is not altogether disagreeable ; but something charmante and mignonne .", "\u2018 Tis the very question which I was furiously resolved to have asked of you .", "O cavalier astrologer , how have you betrayed me ! did you not assure me , that Don Melchor 's tender and inclination was for me only ?", "Since I cannot make myself happy , I will have the glory to felicitate another : and , therefore , I declare , I will reward the fidelity of Don Lopez .", "Cavaliers , retire a little ; we shall see to which of us he will make his court . Enter DON MELCHOR . Don Melchor , I thought you had been a-bed before this time .", "What important business brought you hither ?", "And yet it was beyond your expectances to meet me ? This is furiously incongruous .", "How , monster of ingratitude ! can you deny the declaration of your passion to me ?", "Did you counterfeit an address to me ?", "\u2018 Tis Maskall you have caught , sir .", "I must avow , that gratitude for Don Lopez is as prevalent with me , as revenge against Don Melchor .", "But their inclinations are lost , I can assure you ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Thus far my arms have with success been crowned ,", "And found no stop , or vanquished what they found .", "The German lakes my legions have o'erpast ,", "With all the bars which art or nature cast :", "My foes , in watery fastnesses inclosed ,", "I fought alone , to their whole war exposed ;", "Did first the depth of trembling marshes sound ,", "And fixed my eagles in unfaithful ground ;", "By force submitted to the Roman sway", "Fierce nations , and unknowing to obey ;", "And now , for my reward , ungrateful Rome ,", "For which I fought abroad , rebels at home .", "That senate 's but a name :", "Or they are pageant princes which they make ;", "That power they give away , they would partake .", "Two equal powers two different ways will draw ,", "While each may check , and give the other law .", "True , they secure propriety and peace ;", "But are not fit an empire to increase .", "When they should aid their prince , the slaves dispute ;", "And fear success should make him absolute .", "They let foes conquer , to secure the state ,", "And lend a sword , whose edge themselves rebate .", "Since all delays are dangerous in war ,", "Your men , Albinus , for assault prepare ;", "Crispinus and Meniphilus , I hear ,", "Two consulars , these Aquileians cheer ;", "By whom they may , if we protract the time ,", "Be taught the courage to defend their crime .", "Fate 's dark recesses we can never find ;", "But fortune , at some hours , to all is kind :", "The lucky have whole days , which still they chuse ;", "The unlucky have but hours , and those they lose .", "\u2018 Tis wonderous strange ! But , good Placidius , say ,", "What prophecies Nigrinus of this day ?", "It seems the voice of triumph , not of war . To them ALBINUS again .", "It well becomes the conduct and the care", "Of one so famed and fortunate in war .", "You must resign , Placidius , your command ;", "To him I promised the praetorian band .", "Your duty in your swift compliance show ;", "I will provide some other charge for you .", "Porphyrius , welcome ; welcome as the light", "To cheerful birds , or as to lovers night ;", "Welcome as what thou bring'st me , victory .", "From me they can expect no grace , whose minds", "An execrable superstition blinds .", "How to their own destruction they are blind ! Zeal is the pious madness of the mind .", "It shall ; and fifty doctors of our laws", "Be added to you , to maintain the cause .", "I did expect your coming , to partake", "Madam , you let the general kneel too long .", "Somewhat of mournful , sure , my ears does wound ;", "Like the hoarse murmurs of a trumpet 's sound ,", "And drums unbraced , with soldiers \u2019 broken cries .", "Enter ALBINUS .", "Albinus , whence proceeds this dismal noise ?", "How fares my son ? Is my Charinus well ? Not answer me ! Oh my prophetic fear !", "Thy mournful message in thy looks I read :", "Is he", "dead ?", "Stay ; if thou speak'st that word , thou speak'st thy last :", "Some God now , if he dares , relate what 's past :", "Say but he 's dead , that God shall mortal be .", "See nothing , eyes , henceforth , but death and woe ;", "You 've done me the worst office you can do .", "You 've shewn me destiny 's preposterous crime ;", "An unripe fate , disclosed ere nature 's time .", "To tame philosophers teach constancy ;", "There is no farther use of it in me .", "Gods !\u2014 but why name I you !", "All that was worth a prayer to you is gone ;\u2014", "I ask not back my virtue , but my son .", "And didst not thou a death with honour chuse ,", "Why , they take pay to die .", "I consent", "To leave his life to be his punishment .", "Discharged from trust , branded with infamy ,", "Let him live on , till he ask leave to die .", "I have said ;", "And will not be intreated , but obeyed .", "But , empress , whence does your compassion grow ?", "Still must I be upbraided with your line ?", "I know you speak it in contempt of mine .", "But your late brother did not prize me less ,", "Because I could not boast of images ;", "And the Gods own me more , when they decreed ,", "A Thracian shepherd should your line succeed .", "The Gods by many victories have shewn ,", "That they my merits and his death did own .", "Provoke my rage no farther , lest I be", "Revenged at once upon the gods and thee .", "Hence from my sight !\u2014 thy blood , If thou dost stay \u2014\u2014", "What made Porphyrius so officious be ? The action looked as done in scorn of me .", "Yet if I thought it his presumption were \u2014", "My anger was too loud , not to be heard .", "How , not regard !", "I ever thought him loyal as he 's wise .", "Since therefore all the Gods their spite have shewn", "To rob my age of a successive throne ;", "And you who now remain ,", "The only issue of my former bed ,", "In empire cannot , by your sex , succeed ;", "To bind Porphyrius firmly to the state ,", "I will this day my Caesar him create :", "And , daughter , I will give him you for wife .", "See to my son performed each funeral due :", "Then to the toils of war we will return ,", "And make our enemies our losses mourn ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Porphyrius , you too far did tempt your fate ,", "In owning her , the emperor does hate .", "\u2018 Tis true , your duty to me it became ;", "But , praising that , I must your conduct blame .", "\u2018 Twas too much , my disgrace to accompany ;", "A silent wish had been enough for me .", "You fail in that respect you seem to bear ,", "When you speak words unfit for me to hear .", "Those vows were then to Berenice made ;", "But cannot now be heard without a sin ,", "When offered to the wife of Maximin .", "Whatever Maximin has been , or is ,", "I am to bear , since heaven has made me his ;", "For wives , who must themselves of power divest ,", "When they love blindly , for their peace love best .", "Husbands a forfeiture of love may make ;", "But what avails the forfeit none can take ?", "As , in a general wreck ,", "The pirate sinks with his ill-gotten gains ,", "And nothing to another 's use remains ,", "So , by his loss , no gain to you can fall :", "The sea , and vast destruction swallows all .", "Who sees the wreck , can yet no title plead ,", "Till he be sure the owner first is dead .", "Leave to the care of heaven that world and me .", "Heaven ne'er sent those who fight for private ends .", "We both are bound by trust , and must be true ;", "I to his bed , and to his empire you .", "For he who to the bad betrays his trust ,", "Though he does good , becomes himself unjust .", "But was not good in him .", "You see the Gods adjudged it parricide ,", "By dooming the event on Caesar 's side .", "\u2018 Tis virtue not to be obliged at all ;", "Or not conspire our benefactor 's fall .", "Dare not Porphyrius suffer then with me ,", "Since what for him , I for myself decree ?", "To ease them , I 'll permit you still to love .", "If hope , then , to your life so needful be ,", "Hope still .", "But hope in heaven , not me .", "Love blinds my virtue :\u2014 If I longer stay", "It will grow dark , and I shall lose my way .", "Then let it be your last .", "Unthrifts will starve , if we beforehand give :", "Alas !", "I must withdraw ; but must not let him know"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["This love , that never could my youth engage ,", "Peeps out his coward head to dare my age .", "Where hast thou been thus long , thou sleeping form ,", "That wak'st , like drowsy seamen , in a storm ?", "A sullen hour thou chusest for thy birth :", "My love shoots up in tempests , as the earth", "Is stirred and loosened in a blust'ring wind ,", "Whose blasts to waiting flowers her womb unbind .", "There , let it laugh ; or , like an infant , weep :", "I cannot such a supple passion keep .", "Mine , stiff with age , and stubborn as my arms ,", "Walks upright ; stoops not to , but meets her charms .", "Till I in those mean arts am better read ,", "Court thou , and fawn , and flatter in my stead .", "Enter St CATHARINE .", "She comes ; and now , methinks , I could obey ;", "Her form glides through me , and my heart gives way :", "This iron heart , which no impression took", "From wars , melts down , and runs , if she but look .", "Madam , you from Placidius may have heard", "Some news , which will your happiness regard ;", "For what a greater happiness can be ,", "Than to be courted and be loved by me ?", "The Egyptian crown I to your hands remit ;", "And , with it , take his heart , who offers it .", "Can any brighter than the Roman be ?", "I find my proffered love has cheapen 'd me :", "Since you neglect to answer my desires ,", "Know , princess , you shall burn in other fires .", "\u2014\u2014 Why should you urge me to so black a deed ?", "Think all my anger did from love proceed .", "The love of you can never impious be ;", "You are so pure \u2014\u2014", "That in the act \u2018 twould change the impiety .", "Heaven would unmake it sin !\u2014\u2014", "To what a height of arrogance she swells !", "Pride , or ill-nature , still with virtue dwells .", "Her death shall set me free this very hour ;", "\u2014\u2014 But is her death within a lover 's power ?", "Wild with my rage , more wild with my desire ,", "Like meeting tides \u2014 but mine are tides of fire .", "What petty promise was't that caused this frown ?", "Throw Egypt 's by , and offer , in the stead ,", "Offer \u2014\u2014 the crown on Berenice 's head .", "I am resolved to double till I win ;", "About it straight , and send Porphyrius in .", "To him PORPHYRIUS .", "My happiness lies only in thy hands ;", "And , since I have adopted thee my son ,", "I 'll keep no secret from thy breast unknown .", "Led by the interest of my rising fate ,", "I did espouse this empress , whom I hate ;", "And , therefore , with less shame I may declare ,", "That I the fetters of thy captive wear .", "Pity , my son , those flames you disapprove .", "The cause of love can never be assigned ;", "\u2018 Tis in no face , but in the lover 's mind .", "Beauty has bounds \u2014\u2014", "And can no more to every heart be so ,", "Than any coin through every land can go .", "Some secret grace , which is but so to me ,", "Though not so great , may yet more powerful be .", "All guard themselves when stronger foes invade ; }", "Yet , by the weak , surprises may be made : }", "But you , my son , are not to judge , but aid . }", "I would from Berenice 's bonds be free ;", "This yoke of marriage from us both remove ,", "Where two are bound to draw , though neither love .", "Both must consent to that which I decree .", "Our parting , therefore , shall be sought by her .", "Go , bid her sue for a divorce , or die ;", "I 'll cut the knot , if she will not untie :", "Haste to prepare her , and thyself return ;", "Thy Hymen 's torch this day with mine shall burn ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["All other means have failed to move her heart ;", "Our last resource is , therefore , to your art .", "Leave nothing unattempted in your power :", "Remember you oblige an emperor .", "Haste , and invoke them in a happy hour .", "A death-like damp sits cold upon my brow ,", "And misty vapours swim before my sight .", "Shall I enjoy that beauty I adore ?", "Some pleasing objects do her mind employ ;", "For on her face I read a wandering joy .", "SONG .", "How doubtfully these spectres fate foretell !", "In double sense , and twilight truth they dwell :", "Like fawning courtiers for success they wait ,", "And then come smiling , and declare for fate .", "Enter MAXIMIN and PORPHYRIUS , attended by VALERIUS and guards .", "But see , the tyrant and my rival come :", "I , like the fiends , will flatter in his doom :", "None but a fool distasteful truth will tell ,", "So it be new and please , \u2018 tis full as well .", "I still am ready , sir , whene'er you please ,"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["If , as you say , you silently have been", "So long my lover , let my power be seen :", "One hour 's discourse before Porphyrius die ,", "Is all I ask , and you too may be by .", "Has then his hand more power with you than mine ?", "O say not so ; for I shall ever be", "Obliged to him , who once obliges me .", "What can I hope from this sad interview ?", "And yet my brave design I will pursue .", "By many signs I have my rival found ;", "But fortune him , as deep as me , does wound .", "For , if he loves the empress , his sad fate", "More moves my pity , than his scorn my hate .", "To her PLACIDIUS , with PORPHYRIUS .", "But , in revenge , let this your comfort be ,", "That you have brought a man who loves not me .", "However , lay your causeless envy by ;", "He is a rival , who must quickly die .", "I do not blame you , if you love elsewhere :", "And would to heaven I could your sufferings bear !", "Or once again could some new way invent ,", "To take upon myself your punishment :", "I sent for you , to let you know , that still ,", "Though now I want the power , I have the will .", "\u2018 Tis poured ; but falls from this ungrateful man ,", "Like drops of water from a rising swan .", "Upon his breast no sign of wet remains ;", "He bears his love more proudly than his chains .", "Unthankful as you are , I know not why ,", "But still I love too well , to see you die .", "Placidius , can you love , and see my grief ,", "And for my sake not offer some relief ?", "Give out he has escaped , and set him free ;", "And , if you please , lay all the fault on me .", "To bring Porphyrius only to my sight ,", "Was not to show your pity , but your spite :", "Would you but half oblige her you adore ?", "You should not have done this , or should do more .", "Then here my prayers and my submissions end .", "Placidius , know , that hour in which he dies ,", "My death", "shall wait on his .", "My life depends alone upon his breath .", "But , if I live in him , you do not know", "How far my gratitude to you may go .", "I do not promise \u2014 but it so may prove ,", "That gratitude , in time , may turn to love .", "Try me \u2014", "Nay , good Placidius , now you are too hard :", "Would you do nothing but for mere reward ?", "Like usurers to men in want you prove ,", "When you would take extortion for my love .", "O stay ! if no price else his life can buy ,", "My love a ransom for his life I give :", "Let my Porphyrius for another live .", "Farewell ! I must not see you when you part :", "Go , go ! my death will your short vows restore ;", "You 've said enough , and I can hear no more .", "Sir , she this evening landed on the shore ;", "For with her daughter being prisoner made ,", "She in another vessel was conveyed .", "From Bilbilis the tempered steel was brought ;", "Metal more tough the anvil ne'er did beat ,", "Nor , from the forge , did hissing waters heat .", "Your will 's obeyed ; for , mighty emperor ,", "The princess and her mother are no more .", "Great sir , your will was so .", "Your pity comes too late .", "Betwixt her guards she seemed by bride-men led ,", "Her checks with chearful blushes were o'erspread ;", "When , smiling , to the axe she bowed her head ,", "Just , at the stroke ,", "AEtherial music did her death prepare ,", "Like joyful sounds of spousals in the air ;", "A radiant light did her crown 'd temples gild ,", "And all the place with fragrant scents was filled ;", "The balmy mist came thickening to the ground ,", "And sacred silence covered all around .", "But when", "the cloud withdrew ,", "And day restored us to each other 's view ,", "I sought her head , to bring it on my spear ;", "In vain I sought it , for it was not there ;", "No part remained ; but , from afar , our sight", "Discovered in the air long tracts of light ;", "Of charming notes we heard the last rebounds ,", "And music dying in remoter sounds .", "What dismal scene of death is here prepar 'd !", "They shall not strike till I am heard .", "Ah , sir , to what strange courses do you fly ,", "To make yourself abhorred for cruelty !", "The empire groans under your bloody reign ,", "And its vast body bleeds in every vein .", "Gasping and pale , and fearing more , it lies ;", "And now you stab it in the very eyes :", "Your Caesar and the partner of your bed !", "Ah , who can wish to live when they are dead ?", "If ever gentle pity touch 'd your breast \u2014\u2014", "I cannot speak \u2014 my tears shall speak the rest .", "What hope have I ,", "The name of virtue should prevail with him ,", "Who thinks even it , for which I plead , a crime ?\u2014", "Yet nature , sure , some argument may be ;", "If them you cannot pity , pity me .", "You more than kill me by this cruelty ,", "And in their persons bid your daughter die .", "I honour Berenice 's virtue much ;", "But for Porphyrius my love is such ,", "I cannot , will not live , when he is gone .", "Since prayers nor tears can bend his cruel mind ,", "Let me be just before I go away .\u2014", "Placidius , I have vowed to be your wife ;", "Take then my hand , \u2018 tis yours while I have life .\u2014", "One moment here I must another 's be ;", "But this , Porphyrius , gives me back to thee .", "Thou , tyrant , and thy crimes , have pulled it on .", "Thou , who canst death with such a pleasure see ,", "Now take thy fill , and glut thy sight in me .", "But \u2014 I 'll the occasion of my death forget ;", "Save him I love , and be my father yet :", "I can no more \u2014 Porphyrius , my dear \u2014", "Have I not yet deserved thee , now I die ?", "Is Berenice still more fair than I ?", "Porphyrius , do not swim before my sight ;", "Stand still , and let me , let me aim aright !", "Stand still , but while thy poor Valeria dies ,", "And sighs her soul into her lover 's eyes ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 389, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Know you the reason of this present summons ?", "\u2018 Tis neither council day , nor is this heaven .", "What business has our Jupiter on earth ?", "Why more at Thebes than any other place ?", "And why we two , of all the herd of gods ,", "Are chosen out to meet him in consult ?", "They call me God of Wisdom ;", "But Mars and Vulcan , the two fools of heaven ,", "Whose wit lies in their anvil and their sword ,", "Know full as much as I .", "But know you nothing farther , Hermes ? What news in court ?", "\u2018 Twas happy for me that I was at my vocation , driving day-light about the world . But I had rather stand my father 's thunderbolts , than my stepmother 's railing .", "By the way , her worshippers had a bad time o n't ; she was in a damnable humour for receiving petitions .", "As plain as one of my own beams ; she has made him uneasy at home , and he is going to seek his diversion abroad . I see heaven itself is no privileged place for happiness , if a man must carry his wife along with him .", "But , if so , Mercury , then I , who am a poet , must indite his love-letter ; and you , who are by trade a porter , must convey it .", "Some mortal , we presume , of Cadmus \u2019 blood ;", "Some Theban beauty ; some new Semele ;", "Or some Europa .", "Any disguise to hide the king of gods .", "But what necessitates you to this love ,", "Which you confess a crime , and yet commit ?", "For , to be secret makes not sin the less ;", "\u2018 Tis only hidden from the vulgar view ;", "Maintains , indeed , the reverence due to princes ,", "But not absolves the conscience from the crime .", "With reverence be it spoke , a bad excuse :", "Thus every wicked act , in heaven or earth ,", "May make the same defence . But what is fate ?", "Is it a blind contingence of events ,", "Or sure necessity of causes linked ,", "That must produce effects ? Or is't a power ,", "That orders all things by superior will ,", "Foresees his work , and works in that foresight ?", "If there be no such thing as right and wrong", "Of an eternal being , I have done ;", "But if there be ,\u2014\u2014", "Since arbitrary power will hear no reason ,", "\u2018 Tis wisdom to be silent .", "Then how are we to be employed this evening ?", "Time 's precious , and these summer nights are short ;", "I must be early up to light the world .", "Or else a gap in nature of a day .", "I shall be cursed by all the labouring trades ,", "That early rise ; but you must be obeyed .", "When would you have me wake ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 418, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Why was I married to the man I love ! For , had he been indifferent to my choice , Or had been hated , absence had been pleasure ; But now I fear for my Amphitryon 's life : At home , in private , and secure from war , I am amidst an host of armed foes , Sustaining all his cares , pierced with his wounds ; And , if he falls ,\u2014 which , O ye gods avert !\u2014 Am in Amphitryon slain ! Would I were there , And he were here ; so might we change our fates ; That he might grieve for me , and I might die for him . Enter PH\u00c6DRA , running . Ph\u00e6d . Good news , good news , madam ; O such admirable news , that , if I kept it in a moment , I should burst with it .", "Is it from the army ? Ph\u00e6d . No matter .", "From Amphitryon ? Ph\u00e6d . No matter , neither .", "Answer me , I charge thee , if thy good news be any thing relating to my lord ; if it be , assure thyself of a reward . Ph\u00e6d . Ay , madam , now you say something to the matter : You know the business of a poor waiting-woman , here upon earth , is to be scraping up something against a rainy day , called the day of marriage ; every one in our own vocation :\u2014 But what matter is it to me if my lord has routed the enemy , if I get nothing of their spoils ?", "Say , is my lord victorious ? Ph\u00e6d . Why , he is victorious : indeed I prayed devoutly to Jupiter for a victory ; by the same token , that you should give me ten pieces of gold if I brought you news of it .", "They are thine , supposing he be safe too . Ph\u00e6d . Nay , that 's a new bargain , for I vowed to Jupiter , that then you should give me ten pieces more ; but I do undertake for my lord 's safety , if you will please to discharge his godship Jupiter of the debt , and take it upon you to pay .", "When he returns in safety , Jupiter and I will pay your vow . Ph\u00e6d . And I am sure I articled with Jupiter , that , if I brought you news that my lord was upon return , you should grant me one small favour more , that will cost you nothing .", "Make haste , thou torturer ; is my Amphitryon upon return ? Ph\u00e6d . Promise me , that I shall be your bedfellow to-night , as I have been ever since my lord 's absence ; unless I shall be pleased to release you of your word .", "That 's a small request ; \u2018 tis granted . Ph\u00e6d . But swear by Jupiter .", "But why by Jupiter ? Ph\u00e6d . Because he 's the greatest : I hate to deal with one of your little baffling gods , that can do nothing but by permission ; but Jupiter can swinge you off , if you swear by him , and are forsworn .", "I swear by Jupiter . Ph\u00e6d . Then \u2014 I believe he is victorious , and I know he is safe ; for I looked through the key-hole , and saw him knocking at the gate ; and I had the conscience to let him cool his heels there .", "And would'st thou not open to him ? Oh , thou traitress ! Ph\u00e6d . No , I was a little wiser : I left Sosia 's wife to let him in ; for I was resolved to bring the news , and make my pennyworths out of him , as time shall show .", "Then , not to swear beneath Amphitryon 's oath ,", "I swear , I would be what I am this night ,", "And be Alcmena , rather than be Juno .", "My lord , you tell me nothing of the battle ?", "Is Thebes victorious , are our foes destroyed ?", "For , now I find you safe , I should be glad", "To hear you were in danger .", "Then I , it seems , am last to be regarded ?", "I am the fool of love ; and find within me The fondness of a bride , without the fear . My whole desires and wishes are in you . Ph\u00e6d .My lady 's eyes are pinking to bed-ward too : now is she to look very sleepy , counterfeiting yawning ,\u2014 but she shall ask me leave first .", "Great Juno , thou , whose holy care presides", "Over the nuptial bed , pour all thy blessings", "On this auspicious night !", "Bromia , prepare the bed : The tedious journey has disposed my lord To seek his needful rest . Ph\u00e6d . \u2018 Tis very true , madam ; the poor gentleman must needs be weary ; and , therefore , it was not ill contrived , that he must lie alone to-night , to recruit himself with sleep , and lay in enough for to-morrow night , when you may keep him waking .", "I must confess , I made a kind of promise .\u2014\u2014 Ph\u00e6d .A kind of promise , do you call it ? I see you would fain be coming off . I am sure you swore to me , by Jupiter , that I should be your bedfellow ; and I 'll accuse you to him , too , the first prayers I make ; and I 'll pray o \u2019 purpose , too , that I will , though I have not prayed to him this seven years .", "I did swear , indeed , my lord .", "She has my oath ; Ph\u00e6d . Why truly , madam , I am not cruel in my nature , to poor distressed lovers ; for it may be my own case another day : and therefore , if my lord pleases to consider me \u2014\u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 418, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Was not the devil in my master , to send me out this dreadful dark night , to bring the news of his victory to my lady ? and was not I possessed with ten devils , for going on his errand , without a convoy for the safeguard of my person ? Lord , how am I melted into sweat with fear ! I am diminished of my natural weight , above two stone : I shall not bring half myself home again , to my poor wife and family ; I have been in an ague fit , ever since shut of evening ; what with the fright of trees by the highway , which looked maliciously , like thieves , by moonshine ; and what with bulrushes by the river-side , that shaked like spears and lances at me . Well , the greatest plague of a serving-man , is to be hired to some great lord ! They care not what drudgery they put upon us , while they lie lolling at their ease a-bed , and stretch their lazy limbs , in expectation of the whore which we are fetching for them .", "The better sort of them will say , \u201c Upon my honour , \u201d at every word ; yet ask them for our wages , and they plead the privilege of their honour , and will not pay us ; nor let us take our privilege of the law upon them . These are a very hopeful sort of patriots , to stand up , as they do , for liberty and property of the subject : There 's conscience for you !", "Stay ; this , methinks , should be our house ; and I should thank the gods now for bringing me safe home : but , I think , I had as good let my devotions alone , till I have got the reward for my good news , and then thank them once for all ; for , if I praise them before I am safe within doors , some damned mastiff dog may come out and worry me ; and then my thanks are thrown away upon them .", "Now am I to give my lady an account of my lord 's victory ; \u2018 tis good to exercise my parts beforehand , and file my tongue into eloquent expressions , to tickle her ladyship 's imagination .", "This lanthorn , for once , shall be my lady ; because she is the lamp of all beauty and perfection .", "Then thus I make my addresses to her :\u2014Madam , my lord has chosen me out , as the most faithful , though the most unworthy , of his followers , to bring your ladyship this following account of our glorious expedition . Then she ,\u2014 O my poor Sosia ,how am I overjoyed to see thee ! She can say no less .\u2014 Madam , you do me too much honour , and the world will envy me this glory :\u2014 Well answered on my side . And how does my lord Amphitryon ?\u2014 Madam , he always does like a man of courage , when he is called by honour .\u2014 There I think I nicked it .\u2014 But when will he return ?\u2014 As soon as possibly he can ; but not so soon as his impatient heart could wish him with your ladyship .", "But what does he do , and what does he say ? Pr'ythee tell me something more of him .\u2014 He always says less than he does , madam ; and his enemies have found it to their cost .\u2014 Where the devil did I learn these elegancies and gallantries !", "What , is the devil in the night ! She 's as long as two nights . The seven stars are just where they were seven hours ago ! high day \u2014 high night , I mean , by my favour . What , has Ph\u0153bus been playing the good fellow , and overslept himself , that he forgets his duty to us mortals !", "How now ? what , do my eyes dazzle , or is my dark lanthorn false to me ! is not that a giant before our door ? or a ghost of somebody slain in the late battle ? If he be , \u2018 tis unconscionably done , to fright an honest man thus , who never drew weapon wrathfully in all my life . Whatever wight he be , I am devilishly afraid , that 's certain ; but , \u2018 tis discretion to keep my own counsel ; I 'll sing , that I may seem valiant .", "I would I had courage , for his sake , that I might teach him to call my singing catterwauling ! an illiterate rogue ! an enemy to the muses , and to music .", "He has smelt me out ; my fear has betrayed me into this savour . I am a dead man : the bloody villain is at his fee , fa , fum , already .", "A friend .", "Why , a friend to all the world , that will give me leave to live peaceably .", "That would almost do me a kindness ; for I have been kept waking , without tipping one wink of sleep , these three nights .", "Why , I am a man , fellow .\u2014 Courage , Sosia !", "Why , a two-legged man ; what man should I be ?I must bear up to him , he may prove as arrant a milksop as myself .", "Ay , ay ; that 's only a sign they would be snapping at thy nose .Bless me , what an arm and fist he has , with great thumbs too ; and golls and knuckle-bones of a very butcher !", "I am coming from whence I came , and am going whither I go ,\u2014 that 's directly home ; though this is somewhat an uncivil manner of proceeding , at the first sight of a man , let me tell you .", "If I were as choleric a fool as you are now , here would be fine work betwixt us two ; but I am a little better bred , than to disturb the sleeping neighbourhood ; and so good-night , friend \u2014\u2014", "Why I am going as fast as I can , to get out of the reach of your clutches . Let me but only knock at the door there .", "This is our house ; and , when I am got in , I will tell you more .", "\u2018 Tis mine , in the first place ; and next , my master 's ; for I lie in the garret , and he lies under me .", "His name is Amphitryon ; hear that , and tremble .", "O , has his name mollified you ! I have brought you down a peg lower already , friend .", "Lord , friend , you are so very troublesome \u2014 what should my name be , but Sosia ?", "Here 's a fine question ! Why I never took it up , friend ; it was born with me .", "Hold , friend ! you are so very flippant with your hands , you wo n't hear reason : What offence has my name done you , that you should beat me for it ? S. O. S. I . A. they are as civil , honest , harmless letters , as any are in the whole alphabet .", "What , am not I Sosia , say you ?", "I should think you are somewhat merrily disposed , if you had not beaten me in such sober sadness . You would persuade me out of my heathen name , would you ?", "I dare say nothing , but thought is free ; but whatever I am called , I am Amphitryon 's man , and the first letter of my name is S. too . You had best tell me that my master did not send me home to my lady , with news of his victory ?", "Lord , Lord , friend , one of us two is horribly given to lying ; but I do not say which of us , to avoid contention .", "I would you could make good your words ; for then I should not be beaten , and you should .", "I hope I may think I was Sosia ; and I can find no difference between my former self , and my present self , but that I was plain Sosia before , and now I am laced Sosia .", "Truce a little , I beseech thee ! I would be a stock or a stone now by my good will , and would not think at all , for self-preservation . But will you give me leave to argue the matter fairly with you , and promise me to depose that cudgel , if I can prove myself to be that man that I was before I was beaten ?", "In the first place , then , is not this town called Thebes ?", "And is not this house Amphitryon 's ?", "I thought you would have denied that too ; for all hang upon a string . Remember then , that those two preliminary articles are already granted . In the next place , did not the aforesaid Amphitryon beat the Teleboans , kill their king Pterelas , and send a certain servant , meaning somebody , that for sake-sake shall be nameless , to bring a present to his wife , with news of his victory , and of his resolution to return to-morrow ?", "Is it peace or war betwixt us ?", "I dare not wholly trust that abominable cudgel ; but \u2018 tis a certain friend of yours and mine , that had a certain name before he was beaten out of it ; but if you are a man that depend not altogether upon force and brutality , but somewhat also upon reason , now do you bring better proofs , that you are that same certain man ; and , in order to it , answer me to certain questions .", "What was your father 's name ?", "So far you are right , I must confess ; and your wife 's name is \u2014\u2014", "I understand you , by many a sorrowful token ;\u2014 this must be I .", "Right , me again ; but if you are I , as I begin to suspect , that whipping and branding might have been past over in silence , for both our credits . And yet now I think o n't , if I am I ,he cannot be I . All these circumstances he might have heard ; but I will now interrogate him upon some private passages .\u2014 What was the present that Amphitryon sent by you or me , no matter which of us , to his wife Alcmena ?", "And where are they now ?", "This is prodigious , I confess ; but yet \u2018 tis nothing , now I think o n't ; for some false brother may have revealed it to him .But I have another question to ask you , of somewhat that passed only betwixt myself and me ;\u2014 if you are Sosia , what were you doing in the heat of battle ?", "Such another cutting answer ; and I must provide myself of another name .\u2014And how did you pass your time in that same tent ? You need not answer to every circumstance so exactly now ; you must lie a little , that I may think you the more me .", "O the devil ! as sure as death , he must have hid himself in that hogshead , or he could never have known that !", "Nay , now I have caught you ; there was neither inviter , nor provoker , for I was all alone .", "Bacon !\u2014 that word has quite made an end of me .\u2014 Let me see \u2014 this must be I , in spite of me ; but let me view him nearer .", "No harm , friend ; I am only surveying a parcel of earth here , that I find we two are about to bargain for :\u2014 He 's damnable like me , that 's certain . Imprimis , there 's the patch upon my nose , with a pox to him . Item , A very foolish face , with a long chin at end o n't . Item , One pair of shambling legs , with two splay feet belonging to them ; and , summa totallis , from head to foot all my bodily apparel .Well , you are Sosia ; there 's no denying it :\u2014 but what am I then ? for my mind gives me , I am somebody still , if I knew but who I were .", "I have but one request more to thee ; that , though not as Sosia , yet as a stranger , I may go into that house , and carry a civil message to my lady .", "Thou canst not be so barbarous , to let me lie in the streets all night , after such a journey , and such a beating ; and therefore I am resolved to knock at the door , in my own defence .", "No , the devil take me if I do expect ; I have felt too well what sour fruit that crab-tree bears : I 'll rather beat it back upon the hoof to my lord Amphitryon , to see if he will acknowledge me for Sosia ; if he does not , then I am no longer his slave ; there 's my freedom dearly purchased with a sore drubbing : if he does acknowledge me , then I am Sosia again . So far \u2018 tis tolerably well : but then I shall have a second drubbing for an unfortunate ambassador , as I am ; and that 's intolerable ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 418, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Those torches are offensive ; stand aloof ;", "For , though they bless me with thy heavenly sight ,", "Alcmena , I must go .", "Indeed I must .", "Behold the ruddy streaks o'er yonder hill ;", "Those are the blushes of the breaking morn ,", "That kindle day-light to this nether world .", "Let me not live , but thou art all enjoyment !", "So charming and so sweet ,", "That not a night , but whole eternity ,", "Were well employed ,", "To love thy each perfection as it ought .", "A bribe indeed that soon will bring me back ;", "But , to be just , I must restore your bribe .", "How I could dwell for ever on those lips !", "O , I could kiss them pale with eagerness !", "So soft , by heaven ! and such a juicy sweet ,", "That ripened peaches have not half the flavour .", "But yet one scruple pains me at my parting :", "I love so nicely , that I cannot bear", "To owe the sweets of love , which I have tasted ,", "To the submissive duty of a wife .", "Tell me , and sooth my passion ere I go ,", "That , in the kindest moments of the night ,", "When you gave up yourself to love and me ,", "You thought not of a husband , but a lover ?", "I would owe nothing to a name so dull", "As husband is , but to a lover all .", "I ask it now , because my tenderness", "Surpasses that of husbands for their wives .", "O that you loved like me ! then you would find", "A thousand , thousand niceties in love .", "The common love of sex to sex is brutal ;", "But love refined will fancy to itself", "Millions of gentle cares , and sweet disquiets ;", "The being happy is not half the joy ;", "The manner of their happiness is all .", "In me , my charming mistress , you behold", "A lover that disdains a lawful title ,", "Such as of monarchs to successive thrones ;", "The generous lover holds by force of arms ,", "And claims his crown by conquest .", "No , no ; that very name of wife and marriage", "Is poison to the dearest sweets of love ;", "To please my niceness , you must separate", "The lover from his mortal foe \u2014 the husband .", "Give to the yawning husband your cold virtue ;", "But all your vigorous warmth , your melting sighs ,", "Your amorous murmurs , be your lover 's part .", "There 's mystery of love in all I say .\u2014", "Farewell ; and when you see your husband next ,", "Think of your lover then ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 418, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now , sirrah , follow me into the house ; thou shalt be convinced at thy own cost , villain ! What horrible lies hast thou told me ! such improbabilities , such stuff , such nonsense !\u2014 that the monster , with two long horns , that frighted the great king , and the devil at the stone-cutter 's , are truths to these .", "So sure \u2018 tis thy place of execution .\u2014 Thou art not made for lying neither .", "I mean thou hast not wit enough to make a lie that will hang together : thou hast set up a trade that thou hast not stock enough to manage . O that I had but a crab-tree cudgel for thy sake !", "The bitterness is yet to come : thou hast had but a half dose of it .", "To what purpose wouldst thou show them ?", "This request is too reasonable to be refused . But , that all things may be done in order , tell me over again the same story , with all the circumstances of thy commission , that a blow may follow in due form for every lie . To repetition , rogue ; to repetition .", "Ay , sirrah , now you find you are to be disproved ; but \u2018 tis too late . To repetition , rogue ; to repetition .", "Nothing but the truth , and the whole truth ; so help thee , cudgel !", "Imprimis , for fustian :\u2014 now proceed .", "How , sirrah , cursing and swearing against your lord and master ! take \u2014", "To avoid impertinences make an end of your journey , and come to the house ;\u2014 what found you there , a god 's name ?", "Who was that fellow ?", "What gross absurdities are these ?", "This must either be a dream or drunkenness , or madness in thee . Leave your buffooning and lying ; I am not in humour to bear it , sirrah .", "Leave buffooning : I see you would make me laugh , but you play the fool scurvily .", "How now , impudence ! I shall \u2014\u2014", "That one should be two , is very probable !", "No more of your villainous tropes and figures .", "A man had need of patience , to endure this gibberish ! be brief , and come to a conclusion .", "And thou expect'st I should believe thee ?", "Once again , to a conclusion : Say you passed by him , and entered into the house .", "How , not enter ?", "O coward ! Didst thou not attempt to pass ?", "Who beat thee ?", "Didst thou beat thyself ?", "There 's no end of this intricate piece of nonsense .", "No more ; but let us enter :\u2014 Hold ! my Alcmena is coming out , and has prevented me : how strangely will she be surprised to see me here so unexpectedly !", "Those heavens , and all the blessed inhabitants ,", "So soon returned ! Is this thy welcome home ?", "No , my Alcmena , no :", "True love by its impatience measures time ,", "And the dear object never comes too soon .", "How 's this ?", "What 's this you tell me ?", "Or have you dreamt , Alcmena ?", "Perhaps some kind , revealing deity", "Has whispered , in your sleep , the pleasing news", "Of my return , and you believed it real ;", "Perhaps too , in your dream , you used me kindly ;", "And my preventing image reaped the joys", "You meant , awake , to me .", "I thank you for my melancholy vapour .", "You dare not justify it to my face .", "That I returned before this hour .", "O impudence !\u2014 Why Sosia !", "Now , in the name of all the gods , Alcmena ,", "A little recollect your scattered thoughts ,", "And weigh what you have said .", "This is amazing !", "Have I already given you those diamonds ,", "The present I reserved ?", "Now answer , Sosia .", "Sirrah , leave your nauseous nonsense ; break open the seal , and take out the diamonds .", "The signature is firm .", "O heavens ! here 's nothing but an empty space , the nest where they were laid .", "Can this be possible ?", "A chilling sweat , a damp of jealousy ,", "Hangs on my brows , and clams upon my limbs .", "I fear , and yet I must be satisfied ;", "And , to be satisfied , I must dissemble .", "Not so ; but , if you please , relate what past", "At our last interview .", "I say not so ; I only would refresh my memory , And have my reasons to desire the story . Ph\u00e6d . So , this is as good sport for me , as an examination of a great belly before a magistrate .", "I could have spared that kindness .\u2014", "Did I so ?", "Confound those arms that were so kind !\u2014", "Made haste to bed : Ha , was't not so ? Go on \u2014", "And stab me with each syllable thou speak'st .", "Ph\u00e6d . So , now \u2018 tis coming , now \u2018 tis coming .", "Why , went we not to bed ?", "Perfidious woman !", "She justifies it too !", "Of all that prodigality of kindness", "Given to another , and usurped from me .", "So bless me , Heaven , if , since my first departure ,", "I ever set my foot upon this threshold !", "So am I innocent of all those joys ,", "And dry of those embraces .", "As surely false , as what thou say'st is true .", "What thou art ,", "Thou stand'st condemned to be , by thy relation .", "\u2018 Tis well thou art prepared for thy divorce :", "For , know thou too , that , after this affront ,", "This foul indignity done to my honour ,", "Divorcement is but petty reparation .", "But , since thou hast , with impudence , affirmed", "My false return , and bribed my slaves to vouch it ,", "The truth shall , in the face of Thebes , be cleared :", "Thy uncle , the companion of my voyage ,", "And all the crew of seamen shall be brought ,", "Who were embarked , and came with me to land ,", "Nor parted , till I reached this cursed door :", "So shall this vision of my late return", "Stand a detected lie ; and woe to those ,", "Who thus betrayed my honour !", "No , I will go alone . Expect me here .Ph\u00e6d . Please you , that I \u2014\u2014", "Not one of those , I looked for , to be found ,", "As some enchantment hid them from my sight !", "Perhaps , as Sosia says , \u2018 tis witchcraft all .", "Seals may be opened , diamonds may be stolen ;", "But how I came , in person , yesterday ,", "And gave that present to Alcmena 's hands ,", "That which I never gave , nor ever came ,\u2014", "O there 's the rock on which my reason splits !", "Would that were all ! I fear my honour , too .", "I 'll try her once again ;\u2014 she may be mad ;\u2014", "A wretched remedy ; but all I have ,", "To keep me from despair .", "How now , what means the locking up of my doors at this time of day ?", "Look out , and see ; \u2018 tis I .", "No more , I say , but open .", "I am one , that can command the doors open .", "Dost thou not know me ?", "What 's this ? midsummer-moon ! Is all the world gone a madding ?\u2014 Why , Sosia !", "Dost thou see me ?", "Thy companion , slave ! How darest thou use this insolent language to thy master ?", "Well ; and for whom dost thou take me ?", "Dost thou not know me for Amphitryon , slave !", "I will so drub thee for this insolence !", "What , none to let me in ? Why , Ph\u00e6dra ! Bromia !\u2014\u2014", "Amazement seizes me !", "Braved by my slave , dishonoured by my wife !", "To what a desperate plunge am I reduced ,", "If this be true the villain says ?\u2014 But why", "That feeble if ! It must be true ; she owns it .", "Now , whether to conceal , or blaze the affront ?", "One way , I spread my infamy abroad ;", "And t'other , hide a burning coal within ,", "That preys upon my vitals : I can fix", "On nothing , but on vengeance .", "Oh , my mannerly , fair-spoken , obedient slave , are you there ! I can reach you now without climbing : Now we shall try who 's drunk , and who 's sober .", "Why , thou insolent villain ! I 'll teach a slave how to use his master thus .", "How can you be witness , where you were not present ?\u2014 The balcony , sirrah ! the balcony !", "What nonsense dost thou plead , for an excuse of thy foul language , and thy base replies !", "By your pardon , gentlemen ; I have no longer patience to forbear him .", "To shut the door against me in my very face , to deny me entrance , to brave me from the balcony , to laugh at me , to threaten me ! what proofs of innocence call you these ? but if I punish not this insolence \u2014\u2014I beg you , let me go .", "Do you hear his impudence ? yet will you let me go ?", "Just now ; not a minute before he brought you hither .", "Who gave you that order , to invite them ?", "When did I give thee this pretended commission ?", "Where , in what place , did I give this order ?", "O , heaven ! These accidents are so surprising , the more I think of them , the more I am lost in my imagination .", "Let me go ; Sosia may be innocent , and", "I will not hurt him . Open the door , I 'll resolve my doubts immediately .", "Then \u2018 tis manifest that I am affronted .\u2014 Break open the door there .", "Dost thou take part with my adulteress too , because she is thy niece ?", "Do thou command them then .", "The devil take all justice-brokers ! I curse him too , when I have been hunting him all over the town , to be my witness ! But I 'll bring soldiers , to force open the doors , by my own commission .", "At the last I have got possession without your lordship 's warrant .\u2014 Ph\u00e6dra , tell Alcmena I am here . Ph\u00e6d . I 'll carry no such lying message : you are not here , and you cannot be here ; for , to my knowledge , you are above with my lady , in the chamber .", "All of a piece , and all witchcraft !\u2014 Answer me precisely : dost thou not know me for Amphitryon ? Ph\u00e6d . Answer me first : did you give me a diamond and a purse of gold ?", "Thou knowest I did not . Ph\u00e6d . Then , by the same token , I know you are not the true Amphitryon : if you are he , I am sure I left you in bed with your own wife . Now you had best stretch out a leg , and feel about for a fair lady .", "I 'll undo this enchantment with my sword , and kill the sorcerer .\u2014 Come up , gentlemen , and follow me .Ph\u00e6d . I 'll save you the labour , and call him down to confront you , if you dare attend him .", "O heavens , what 's this I see ?", "This is a sight , that , like the gorgon 's head ,", "Runs through my limbs , and stiffens me to stone .", "I need no more inquire into my fate ;", "For what I see resolves my doubts too plain .", "Now I am gathered back into myself :", "My heart beats high , and pushes out the blood ,", "Thou base usurper of my name and bed !", "No less than thy heart 's blood can wash away", "The affronts I have sustained .", "I know it , and have satisfied myself ;", "I am the true Amphitryon .", "I am content : let him proceed to examination .", "You may remember that I whispered you , not to part from the stern one single moment .", "I ordered you to take particular care of the great bag .", "Two thousand pieces of gold were tied up in a handkerchief , by themselves .", "Death and hell , you will not persuade me , that I did not kill", "Pterelas ?", "That last was poison to me .\u2014\u2014", "Good gods , how can this be !", "Away , adultress !", "What ! in my presence to prefer the villain ?", "O execrable cheat !\u2014 I break the truce ;", "And will no more attend your vain decisions :", "To this , and to the gods , I 'll trust my cause .", "Thou would'st elude my justice , and escape :", "But I will follow thee through earth and seas ;", "Nor hell shall hide thee from my just revenge .", "Sure \u2018 tis some god ; he vanished from our sight ,", "And told us , we should see him soon return ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 418, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["O stay , my dear Alcmena ; hear me speak !", "For pity \u2014\u2014", "I cannot leave you ; no , but like a ghost ,", "Whom your unkindness murdered , will I haunt you .", "Hate not , the best and fairest of your kind !", "Nor can you hate your lover , though you would :", "Your tears , that fall so gently , are but grief :", "There may be anger ; but there must be love .", "The dove , that murmurs at her mate 's neglect ,", "But counterfeits a coyness , to be courted .", "Is this that everlasting love you vowed", "Last night , when I was circled in your arms ?", "Remember what you swore .", "Can you forsake me , for so small a fault ?", "\u2018 Twas but a jest , perhaps too far pursued ;", "\u2018 Twas but , at most , a trial of your faith ,", "How you could bear unkindness ;", "\u2018 Twas but to get a reconciling kiss ,", "A wanton stratagem of love .", "Think me jealous , then .", "O think not that ! for you are ever new :", "Your fruits of love are like eternal spring ,", "In happy climes , where some are in the bud ,", "Some green , and ripening some , while others fall .", "I will not dare to justify my crime ,", "But only point you where to lay the blame ;", "Impute it to the husband , not the lover .", "Yes , \u2018 tis the husband is the guilty wretch ;", "His insolence forgot the sweets of love ,", "And , deeming them his due , despised the feast .", "Not so the famished lover could forget ;", "He knew he had been there , and had been blest", "With all that hope could wish , or sense can bear .", "And I confess I have deserved that hate .", "Too charming fair , I kneel for your forgiveness :", "O give it vent , Alcmena , give it vent ;", "I merit your reproach , I would be cursed ;", "Let your tongue curse me , while your heart forgives .", "Can you hate me ?", "That word was only hatched upon your tongue ,", "It came not from your heart . But try again ,", "And if , once more , you can but say ,\u2014 I hate you ,", "My sword shall do you justice .", "Then you pronounce the sentence of my death .", "To prove that love , then say , that you forgive me ;", "For there remains but this alternative ,\u2014", "Resolve to pardon , or to punish me .", "But what 's a pardon worth without a seal ? Permit me , in this transport of my joy \u2014\u2014", "Forbidding me to follow , she invites me :\u2014", "This is the mould of which I made the sex :", "I gave them but one tongue , to say us nay ;", "And two kind eyes to grant .\u2014 Be sure that none", "Approach , to interrupt our privacy .", "MERCURY and PH\u00c6DRA remain .", "Oh , my friends , I am sorry I have made you wait so long : you are welcome ; and the door shall be opened to you immediately .", "Who dares to play the master in my house ?", "What noise is this that calls me from above ,", "Invades my soft recess and privacy ,", "And , like a tide , breaks in upon my love ?", "Give him his way ; I dare the madman 's worst :", "But still take notice , that it looks not like", "The true Amphitryon , to fly out at first", "To brutal force : it shews he doubts his cause ,", "Who dares not trust his reason to defend it .", "See again ,", "He shuns the certain proofs ; and dares not stand", "Impartial judgment , and award of right .", "But , since Alcmena 's honour is concerned ,", "Whom , more than heaven , and all the world , I love ,", "This I propose , as equal to us both :\u2014", "Tranio and Polidas , be you assistants ;", "The guards be ready to secure the impostor ,", "When once so proved , for public punishment ;", "And Gripus , be thou umpire of the cause .", "and Amph . together . My lord , I told him \u2014\u2014", "\u2018 Twas I that whispered him ; and he may remember I gave him this reason for it , that , if our men were beaten , I might secure my own retreat .", "The bag , that I recommended to you , was of tygers-skin ; and marked Beta .", "The sum , in gross , amounted just to fifty Attick talents .", "But the rest was not all silver ; for there were just four thousand brass half-pence .", "Nor you me , that I did not enjoy Alcmena ?", "May your lordship please \u2014\u2014", "By your favour then , this shall speak for me .", "My gentle love , my treasure , and my joy ,", "Follow no more that false and foolish fire ,", "That would mislead thy fame to sure destruction !", "Look on thy better husband , and thy friend ,", "Who will not leave thee liable to scorn ,", "But vindicate thy honour from that wretch ,", "Who would by base aspersions blot thy virtue .", "Poor man , how I contemn those idle threats !", "Were I disposed , thou might'st as safely meet", "The thunder launched from the red arm of Jove ,\u2014 Nor", "Jove need blush to be Alcmena 's champion .", "But in the face of Thebes she shall be cleared ;", "And what I am , and what thou art , be known .\u2014", "Attend , and I will bring convincing proofs .", "I 'll spare thy pains . It shall be quickly seen ,", "Betwixt us two , who seeks , and who avoids .\u2014", "Come in , my friends ,\u2014 and thou , who seem'st Amphitryon \u2014", "That all , who are in doubt , may know the true .", "Look up , Amphitryon , and behold , above ,", "The impostor god , the rival of thy love ;", "In thy own shape see Jupiter appear ,", "And let that sight secure thy jealous fear .", "Disgrace , and infamy , are turned to boast ;", "No fame , in Jove 's concurrence , can be lost :", "What he enjoys , he sanctifies from vice ,", "And , by partaking , stamps into a price ,", "\u2018 Tis I who ought to murmur at my fate ,", "Forced by my love my godhead to translate ;", "When on no other terms I could possess ,", "But by thy form , thy features , and thy dress .", "To thee were given the blessings that I sought ,", "Which else , not all the bribes of heaven had bought ,", "Then take into thy arms thy envied love ,", "And , in his own despite , triumph o'er Jove .", "From this auspicious night shall rise an heir ,", "Great like his sire , and like his mother fair :", "Wrongs to redress , and tyrants to disseize ;", "Born for a world that wants a Hercules .", "Monsters , and monster-men he shall engage ,", "And toil , and struggle , through an impious age .", "Peace to his labours shall at length succeed ; }", "And murmuring men , unwilling to be freed , }", "Shall be compelled to happiness , by need . }"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 418, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis my proper chattel ; and I 'll seize my own , in whatever hands I find it . Ph\u00e6d . You know I only showed it you , to provoke your generosity , that you might out-bid your rival with a better present .", "My rival is a thief ; and I 'll indite you for a receiver of stolen goods . Ph\u00e6d . Thou hide-bound lover !", "Thou very mercenary mistress ! Ph\u00e6d . Thou most mercenary magistrate !", "Thou seller of thyself ! Ph\u00e6d . Thou seller of other people : thou weather-cock of government ; that , when the wind blows for the subject , pointest to privilege ; and when it changes for the sovereign , veerest to prerogative!", "Will you compound , and take it as my present ? Ph\u00e6d . No ; but I 'll send thy rival to force it from thee .", "When a thief is rival to his judge , the hangman will soon decide the difference .", "From an impertinent coxcomb : I am out of humour , and am in haste ; leave me .", "Gold was never any burden to one of my profession .", "What , by violence ?", "Tell her flatly , I will neither do one , nor t'other .", "Why , these are swords : what have I to do with them ?", "What , one of these ungodly weapons ? Take notice , I 'll lay you by the heels , sirrah : this has the appearance of an unlawful bloody challenge .", "Be answered ; I have no throat to cut . The law shall decide our controversy .", "I 'll see thee hanged before I give thee any such permission , to dispatch me into another world .", "Here is a new sort of process , that was never heard of in any of our courts .", "What is this for ?", "I put in no answer , but suffer a non-suit .", "I told thee , no .", "Oh , oh , oh , oh !\u2014 Wilt thou never leave lugging me by the ears ?", "Take the cup , and the devil give thee joy o n't .", "I renounce her ; I release her .", "I have beheld the appearance of two suns ,", "But still the false was dimmer than the true ;", "Here , both shine out alike .", "On whose side would you please that I should give the sentence ?", "Let the true Amphitryon answer first .", "Peace , both of you :\u2014 \u2018 Tis a plain case they are both true ; for they both speak together : but , for more certainty , let the false Amphitryon speak first .", "Then \u2018 tis plain , on the other side , that they are both false", "Amphitryons .", "Let the cholerick Amphitryon speak ; and let the peaceable hold his peace .", "No more words then : I proceed to sentence .", "Now again he is as true as the other .", "To which of the you 's art thou speaking ?", "Why this is demonstration .", "In sadness , I think they are both jugglers : here is nothing , and here is nothing ; and then hiccius doccius , and they are both here again .", "Paugh : Obvious , obvious .", "Then it is dubious again .", "Being but brass , the proof is inconsiderable : if they had been silver , it had gone on your side .", "No , sirrah , it does not please me : hold your tongue , I charge you , for the case is manifest .", "Did not I charge you not to speak ? \u2018 twas plain enough before ; and now you have puzzled it again .", "For certain there was but one Pterelas ; and he must have been in the plot against himself too ; for he was killed first by one of them , and then rose again out of respect to the other Amphitryon , to be killed twice over ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 418, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Then this is the deciding day , to fix", "Great Britain 's sceptre in great Arthur 's hand .", "In ten set battles have we driven back", "These heathen Saxons , and regained our earth .", "As earth recovers from an ebbing tide", "Her half-drowned face , and lifts it o'er the waves ,", "From Severn 's bank , even to this barren down ,", "Our foremost men have pressed their fainty rear ,", "And not one Saxon face has been beheld ;", "But all their backs and shoulders have been stuck", "With foul dishonest wounds ; now here , indeed ,", "Because they have no farther ground , they stand .", "Because this day", "Is sacred to the patron of our isle ;", "A christian and a soldier 's annual feast .", "Oswald undoubtedly will fight it bravely .", "I know him well ; he 's free and open-hearted .", "Revengeful , rugged , violently brave ;", "And , once resolved , is never to be moved .", "This was the character he then maintained ,", "When in my court he sought my daughter 's love ,", "My fair , blind Emmeline .", "Ay , now , Aurelius , you have named a man ;", "One , whom , besides the homage that I owe ,", "As Cornwall 's duke , to his imperial crown ,", "I would have chosen out , from all mankind ,", "To be my sovereign lord .", "Arthur is all that 's excellent in Oswald ,", "And void of all his faults . In battle brave ,", "But still serene in all the stormy war ,", "Like heaven above the clouds ; and after fight ,", "As merciful and kind to vanquished foes ,", "As a forgiving God . But see , he 's here ,", "And praise is dumb before him .", "No more , my son .", "Remember , son ,", "You are a general ; other wars require you ,", "For , see , the Saxon gross begins to move .", "Haste your farewell ; I 'll cheer my troops , and wait ye ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 418, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis time to hasten our mysterious rites ,", "Because your army waits you .", "Father of gods and men , great Woden , hear !", "Mount thy hot courser , drive amidst thy foes ,", "Lift high thy thundering arm , let every blow", "Dash out a misbelieving Briton 's brains !", "Thor , Freya , Woden , hear , and spell your Saxons ,", "With sacred Runick rhymes , from death in battle ;", "Edge their bright swords , and blunt the Britons \u2019 darts !\u2014", "No more , great prince ; for see my trusty fiend ,", "Who all the night has winged the dusky air .\u2014", "GRINBALD , a fierce earthy Spirit , arises .", "What news , my Grimbald ?", "\u2018 Tis well ; but are we sure of victory ?", "Say , where 's thy fellow-servant , Philidel ? Why comes not he ?", "What a half-devil is he !", "His errand was to draw the lowland damps ,", "And noisome vapours , from the foggy fens ;", "Then breathe the baleful stench , with all his force ,", "Full on the faces of our christened foes .", "I 'll punish him at leisure . Call in the victims , to propitiate hell ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 418, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Alas , for pity , of this bloody field !", "Piteous it needs must be , when I , a spirit ,", "Can have so soft a sense of human woes !", "Ah , for so many souls , as but this morn", "Were clothed with flesh , and warmed with vital blood ,", "But naked now , or shirted but with air !", "MERLIN , with Spirits , descends to PHILIDEL , in a Chariot drawn by", "Dragons .", "An airy shape , the tenderest of my kind ,", "The last seduced , and least deformed , of hell ;", "Half-white , and shuffled in the crowd , I fell ,", "Desirous to repent , and loth to sin ;", "Awkward in mischief , piteous of mankind .", "My name is Philidel , my lot in air ,", "Where , next beneath the moon , and nearest heaven ,", "I soar , and have a glimpse to be received ,", "For which the swarthy d\u00e6mons envy me .", "To shun the Saxon wizard 's dire commands ,", "Osmond , the awfullest name , next thine , below .", "\u2018 Cause I refused to hurl a noisome fog", "On christened heads , the hue and cry of hell", "Is raised against me , for a fugitive sprite .", "In hope of that , I spread my azure wings ;", "And wishing still ,\u2014 for yet I dare not pray ,\u2014", "I bask in day-light , and behold , with joy ,", "My scum work outward , and my rust wear off .", "Oh , master ! hasten", "Thy dread commands ; for Grimbald is at hand ,", "Osmond 's fierce fiend ; I snuff his earthy scent .", "The conquering Britons he misleads to rivers ,", "Or dreadful downfals of unheeded rocks ;", "Where many fall , that ne'er shall rise again .", "} Hither this way , this way bend , sings . } Trust not that malicious fiend ; Those are false deluding lights , Wafted far and near by sprites . Trust them not , for they 'll deceive ye , And in bogs and marshes leave ye .", "} If you step , no danger thinking , sings . } Down you fall , a furlong sinking : \u2018 Tis a fiend , who has annoyed ye ; Name but heaven , and he 'll avoid ye .", "singing . Come follow , follow , follow me ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 418, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["No news of my dear love , or of my father ?", "But now I fear", "He 'll be too great , to love poor silly me ,", "If he be dead , or never come again ,", "I mean to die . But there 's a greater doubt ,", "Since I ne'er saw him here ,\u2014", "How shall I meet him in another world ?", "I should find him ,", "For surely I have seen him in my sleep ;", "And then methought he put his mouth to mine ,", "And eat a thousand kisses on my lips .", "Sure by his kissing I could find him out ,", "Among a thousand angels in the sky .", "He must be made of the most precious things ;", "And I believe his mouth , and eyes , and cheeks ,", "And nose , and all his face , are made of gold .", "Why then do lovers give a thing so bad", "As gold to women , whom so well they love ?", "Yet I must know him better : Of all colours ,", "Tell me which is the purest , and the softest .", "Why , then , since gold is hard , and yet is precious ,", "His face must all be made of soft , black gold .", "No more ; I have learned enough for once .", "O bring them in ;", "For , though I cannot see the songs , I love them ;", "And love , they tell me , is a dance of hearts .", "Enter Shepherds and Shepherdesses .", "1 Shepherd sings .", "How blest are shepherds , how happy their lasses ,", "While drums and trumpets are sounding alarms !", "Over our lowly sheds all the storm passes ;", "And when we die , \u2018 tis in each others arms .", "All the day on our herds and flocks employing ;", "All the night on our flutes , and in enjoying .", "What sounds are those ? they cannot far be distant . Where are we now , Matilda ?", "My Arthur ! speak , my love ; are you returned", "To bless your Emmeline ?", "Let them not see our voices , and then they cannot find us .", "and Mat . Help , help ! a rape , a rape !", "Help , help ! Oh , Britons , help !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 418, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I left all safe behind ;", "For , in the hindmost quarter of the wood ,", "My former lord , grim Osmond , walks the round ,", "Calls o'er the names , and schools the tardy sprites .", "His absence gives me more security .", "At every walk I passed , I drew a spell ;", "So that , if any fiend , abhorring heaven ,", "There sets his foot , it roots him to the ground .", "Now could I but discover Emmeline ,", "My task were fairly done .", "Ah me ! what hard mishap !", "Ah mighty Grimbald ,", "Who would not fear , when seized in thy strong gripe !", "But hear me , Oh renowned , Oh worthy fiend ,", "The favourite of our chief !", "Ay , then I was seduced by Merlin 's art ,", "And half persuaded by his soothing tales ,", "To hope for heaven ; as if eternal doom", "Could be reversed , and undecreed for me ;", "But I am now set right .", "I fled from Merlin , free as air that bore me ,", "To unfold to Osmond all his deep designs .", "Oh spare me , Grimbald , and I 'll be thy slave ,", "Tempt hermits for thee , in their holy cells ,", "And virgins , in their dreams .", "But use me kindly then .", "Pull not so hard , to hurt my airy limbs ;", "I 'll follow thee unforced : look , there 's thy way .", "So , catch him , spell !", "Why , what 's the matter ?", "What , to a spy , a name abhorred in hell ?", "Thou shalt not have the ease to curse in torments .", "Be dumb for one half hour ,\u2014 so long my charm", "Can keep thee silent ,\u2014 and there lie", "Till Osmond breaks thy chain .", "We must work , we must haste ;", "Noon-tide hour is almost past .", "Sprites , that glimmer in the sun ,", "Into shades already run ;", "Osmond will be here , anon .", "Thus , thus I infuse", "These sovereign dews :", "Fly back , ye films , that cloud her sight ;", "And you , ye crystal humours bright ,", "Your noxious vapours purged away ,", "Recover , and admit the day :", "Now cast your eyes abroad , and see", "All but me .", "This time is left me to congratulate", "Your new-born eyes ; and tell you what you gain", "By sight restored , and viewing him you love .\u2014", "Appear , ye airy forms !", "Break off your music , for our foes are near ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 418, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Malicious fiend , thou liest ; for I am fenced", "By millions of thy fellows , in my grove .", "I bade thee , when I freed thee from the charm ,", "Run scouting through the wood , from tree to tree ,", "And look if all my devils were on duty :", "Had'st thou performed thy charge , thou tardy sprite ,", "Thou would'st have known no danger threatened me .", "The devil take Merlin !", "I 'll cast them all a-new , and instantly ,", "All of another mould ; be thou at hand .", "Their composition was , before , of horror ;", "Now they shall be of blandishment , and love ,", "Seducing hopes , soft pity , tender moans :", "Art shall meet art ; and , when they think to win ,", "The fools shall find their labour to begin .", "Grimbald made prisoner , and my grove destroyed !", "Now what can save me \u2014\u2014 Hark , the drums and trumpets !", "That indeed is fittest for me ;", "For there I shall be near my kindred friends ,", "And spare my Grimbald 's pains to bear me to them ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 418, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Then , where you see them clustering most in motion ,", "And staggering in their ranks , there press them home ;", "For that 's a coward heap .\u2014 How 's this , a sally ?", "Enter OSWALD , GUILLAMAR , and Soldiers on the other side .", "Beyond my hopes , to meet them on the square .", "I 'll not usurp thy title of a robber ,", "Nor will upbraid thee , that before I proffered", "This single combat , which thou didst avoid ;", "So glad I am , on any terms to meet thee ,", "And not discourage thy repenting shame .", "As once \u00c6neas , my famed ancestor ,", "Betwixt the Trojan and Rutilian bands ,", "Fought for a crown , and bright Lavinia 's bed ,", "So will I meet thee , hand to hand opposed :", "My auguring mind assures the same success .\u2014", "Hence , out of view ; If I am slain , or yield ,", "Renounce me , Britons , for a recreant knight ;", "And let the Saxon peacefully enjoy", "His former footing on our famous isle .", "To ratify these terms , I swear \u2014\u2014", "That 's two crowns .", "No more ; we keep the looking heavens and sun", "Too long in expectation of our arms .", "Confess thyself o'ercome , and ask thy life .", "Then take it as my gift .", "Thy life , thy liberty , thy honour safe ,", "Lead back thy Saxons to their ancient Elbe :", "I would restore thee fruitful Kent , the gift", "Of Vortigern for Hengist 's ill-bought aid ,", "But that my Britons brook no foreign power ,", "To lord it in a land , sacred to freedom ,", "And of its rights tenacious to the last .", "Wisely you have , whate'er will please , revealed : What would displease , as wisely have concealed : Triumphs of war and peace , at full ye show , But swiftly turn the pages of our woe . Rest we contented with our present state ; \u2018 Tis anxious to enquire of future fate .That race of heroes is enough alone , For all unseen disasters to atone . Let us make haste betimes to reap our share , And not resign them all the praise of war ; But set the example , and their souls inflame , To copy out their great forefathers \u2019 name . EPILOGUE SPOKEN BY MRS BRACEGIRDLE . I 've had to-day a dozen billet-doux From fops , and wits , and cits , and Bow-street beaux ;Some from Whitehall , but from the Temple more ; A Covent-Garden porter brought me four . I have not yet read all : But , without feigning , We maids can make shrewd guesses at your meaning . What if , to shew your styles , I read them here ? } Methinks I hear one cry , \u201c O Lord , forbear ! } No , madam , no ; by heaven , that 's too severe . \u201d } Well then , be safe \u2014\u2014 But swear henceforwards to renounce all writing , } And take this solemn oath of my inditing ,\u2014 } As you love ease , and hate campaigns and fighting . } Yet , faith , \u2018 tis just to make some few examples : What if I shew 'd you one or two for samples ? Here 's one desires my ladyship to meet FOOTNOTES :CLEOMENES , THE SPARTAN HERO , A TRAGEDY . TO WHICH IS PREFIXED THE LIFE OF CLEOMENES , BY MR THOMAS CREECH . His armis , ill\u00e2 quoque tutus in Aul\u00e2 .\u2014 JUV . Sat . iv . CLEOMENES . There has been occasion to remark , that Dryden seldom avails himself of national peculiarities , or national costume , in sketching his dramatic personages ; the present tragedy forms , however , a remarkable exception to this general observation . Cleomenes , the last of the Spartans , is designed , not only as a hero , but as a Lacedemonian ; and is a just picture of that extraordinary race of men , whose virtues were comprized in patriotism , and whose whole passions centered in a thirst for military glory . This character Dryden has drawn with admirable spirit and precision . It was indeed peculiarly suited to his genius ; for , although sometimes deficient in the pathos and natural expression of violent passion , by which Otway , and even Southerne , could affect the passions of an audience , he never fails in expressing , in the most noble language , the sentiments of that stoical philosophy , which considers sufferings rather as subjects of moral reflection , than of natural feeling . Yet , lest a character so invulnerable to the shafts of adversity , so much the totus teres atque rotundus of the poet , should fail to interest the audience ,Dryden has softened the character of his Spartan hero by the influence of those chaste and tender domestic affections , which thrive best in bosoms rendered by nature or philosophy inaccessible to selfish feeling . The haughty and unbending spirit , the love of war , and thirst of honour proper to the Lacedemonian , and inculcated by the whole train of his education , complete the character of Cleomenes . The same spirit , which animates the father , is finely represented as descending upon the son . Cleonidas is a model of a Spartan youth ; and every slight expression which he uses , tends to bring out that celebrated character . The idea of this spirited boy seems to be taken from the excellent character of Hengo , in the \u201c Bonduca \u201d of Beaumont and Fletcher ; whom Cleonidas resembles in the manner of his death , and in his previous sufferings by hunger , as well as in his premature courage , and emulation of his father 's military glory .The wife and mother of Cleomenes seem to be sketched after those of Coriolanus : the former exhibiting a mild and gentle disposition ; the latter , the high-souled magnanimity of a Spartan matron . Of the other characters , little need be said . Ptolemy is a silly tyrant , Sosibius a wily minister , and Cleanthes a friend and confident ; such as tyrants , ministers , and confidents in tragedies usually are . Judging from his first appearance , the author seems to have intended Pantheus as a character somewhat in contrast to that of Cleomenes ; but he soon tires of the task of discrimination , and Pantheus sinks into a mere assistant . Cassandra is not sketched with any peculiar care ; her snares are of a nature not very perilous to Spartan virtue , for her manners are too openly licentious . Such , however , as are fond of tracing the ideas of poets to those who have written before them , may consider Cassandra ,\u2014 in her pride , her love , and her alternate schemes for saving and destroying Cleomenes ,\u2014 as furnishing the original hint of the much more highly finished character of Zara in Congreve 's \u201c Mourning Bride . \u201d The conduct of the piece , being calculated to evince the Spartan virtue , patience , and courage , contains a long train of hopes disappointed , seducing temptations resisted , sufferings patiently endured , and finally closed by a voluntary death . There is no particular object to which the attention of the audience is fixed , as that upon which the conclusion of the piece necessarily depends . The liberation of Cleomenes from his Egyptian bondage is doubtless the consummation concerning which the poet meant that we should be anxious ; but this event might be brought about in so many different ways , and , if accomplished , brings Cleomenes so little nearer to the restoration of Spartan liberty , that it is perhaps insufficient to excite that strong , concentrated , and vivid interest , which the plot of a drama ought properly to inspire . The mind is distracted among the various possibilities by which the desired catastrophe might be accomplished ; and feels a consciousness , that even were Cleomenes dismissed with full sails from the port of Alexandria , it would be rather the beginning than the winding up of his history . For these reasons , the plot seems more deficient in interest than might have been expected , from the spirited delineation of the principal character . It appears that Dryden was unable , from illness , to put the finishing strokes to \u201c Cleomenes . \u201d That task he committed to Southerne , now his intimate friend , and who , as may be easily imagined , felt himself much honoured by the task imposed upon him .The half of the fifth act was that upon which Southerne exercised this power of revisal and finishing ; for that it amounted to no more , will , I think , be obvious to any who takes the trouble to compare that act with those which precede it . The rabble-scene , introduced , as the poet himself tells us , to gratify the more barbarous part of his audience , is indeed deplorably bad . The play , when presented to the theatre , met with unexpected opposition from the government , then directed by Queen Mary , in the absence of her husband . This was not very surprising , considering the subject of the play , and Dryden 's well-known principles . The history of an exiled monarch , soliciting , in the court of an ally , aid to relieve his country from a foreign yoke , and to restore him to the throne of his fathers , with the account of a popular insurrection undertaken for the same purposes , were delicate themes during the reign of William III . ; at least , when the pen of Dryden was to be employed in them , whose well-known skill at adapting an ancient story to a modern moral had so often been exercised in the cause of the house of Stuart . Besides , he had already given offence by his prologue to the \u201c Prophetess , \u201d when revived , which contains some familiar metaphorical sneers , as Cibber calls them , at the Irish war , the female regency , and even the Revolution itself . This prologue had been forbidden ; and a similar exertion of authority was deemed fit in the case of \u201c Cleomenes . \u201d Accordingly , before the inoffensive nature of the piece could be explained , the court took alarm at the subject in the abstract , and the performance of the piece was prohibited by the Chamberlain .It appears , the exertions of Lord Rochester , the maternal uncle of Queen Mary , and of his family , had been sufficiently powerful to guarantee the harmless nature of the play , and to procure a recal of the mandate , by which the acting of the piece , and the consequent profits of the author , had been for some time suspended . When the play was performed , our author had the satisfaction to see the first character admirably represented by the well-known Mrs Barry , to whom he has paid , in the preface , the splendid compliment of saying , \u201c that she had gained by her performance a reputation beyond any woman he had ever seen on the theatre . \u201dIf this expression , as Cibber seems to think , be a little over-stretched , it at least serves to prove to us , that the play was well received ; for , otherwise , the intercourse of civility between the author and performers is generally very slender . Cleomenes was acted and published in 1692 . FOOTNOTES :CARATACH and HENGO on the rock ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 418, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Dejected ! no , it never shall be said ,", "That fate had power upon a Spartan soul :", "My mind on its own centre stands unmoved ,", "And stable , as the fabric of the world ,", "Propt on itself ; still I am Cleomenes .", "I fought the battle bravely , which I lost ;", "And lost it , but to Macedonians ,", "The successors of those who conquered Asia .", "\u2018 Twas for a cause too , such a cause I fought ;", "Unbounded empire hung upon my sword :", "Greece , like a lovely heifer , stood in view ,", "To see the rival bulls each other gore ,", "But wished the conquest mine .", "I fled ; and yet I languish not in exile ;", "But here in Egypt whet my blunted horns ,", "And meditate new fights , and chew my loss .", "Ah ! why , ye gods , must Cleomenes wait", "On this effeminate , luxurious court ,", "For tardy helps of base Egyptian bands ?", "Why have not I , whose individual mind", "Would ask a nation of such souls to inform it ,", "Why have not I ten thousand hands to fight", "It all myself , and make the work my own ?", "I 've heard you .", "You both mistake me :\u2014 That I grieve , \u2018 tis true ;", "But \u2018 tis a grief of fury , not despair !", "And if a manly drop or two fall down ,", "It scalds along my cheeks , like the green wood ,", "That , sputtering in the flame , works outward into tears .", "My wife ! my mother ! O , I 'm so divided ,", "That I grieve most for both , and love both most !", "Two twining vines about this elm , whose fall", "Must shortly \u2014 very shortly , crush you both .", "And yet I will not go to ground ,", "Without a noble ruin round my trunk :", "The forest shall be shaken when I sink ,", "And all the neighbouring trees", "Shall groan , and fall beneath my vast destruction .", "Well , I will live .", "I 'll try at least .", "That 's my boy , my hopeful lion 's whelp .", "Let me but live to shadow this young plant", "From blights and storms , he 'll soon shoot up a hero :", "He must ; I got him in the pride of conquest ;", "For , coming back from my first maiden battle ,", "Wherein I made the great Aratus fly ,", "And added all his laurels to my brow ,", "I well remember , that I spurred it hard ,", "And , like a meteor , shot before my troops ,", "To reach my love that night . I was bridegroom ,", "Or scarce had lost that name ; and , stealing home ,", "According to my country 's modest use ,", "I found my \u00c6giatis just undrest ,", "Wearying the gods with vows for my return .", "My transport was so great , I could not stay ,", "But kissed , and took her , trembling , in my arms ;", "And in that fury of my love , I stampt", "This image of my soul .\u2014", "Enter PANTHEUS .", "What , my Pantheus !", "Where hast thou been this long long year of hours ?", "With whom ?", "And what part acted you ?", "Would I could share thy balmy , even temper ,", "And milkiness of blood .", "As how ?", "Then must I rust in Egypt , never more", "Appear in arms , and be the chief of Greece ?", "Now , by yon blue palace ,", "The mansion of my great forefather , Hercules ,", "I would lose o'er again Sellasia 's field ,", "Rather than fight behind ,", "When proud Aratus led the Grecian van .", "My virtue rather :", "I love to see him sparkle out betimes ,", "For \u2018 twas my flame , that lighted up his soul :", "I 'm pleased with my own work ; Jove was not more", "With infant nature , when his spacious hand", "Had rounded this huge ball of earth and seas ,", "To give it the first push , and see it roll", "Along the vast abyss .", "Thou wert", "Indeed forgetful , not to tell me that ;", "For , from my first arrival on this coast ,", "This fatal Egypt , where I fled for refuge ,", "In three long months I have not heard from Greece .", "What makes thee think I shall have news so soon ?", "C\u0153nus , saidst thou ?", "Then shall I hear of thee once more , dear country !", "I fear too soon : shall hear how proud Antigonus", "Led o'er Eurota 's banks his conquering troops ,", "And first to wondering Sparta shewed a king ,", "A king , that was not hers :", "Then I shall hear of sacrilege and murders ,", "And fires , and rapes on matrons , and on maids .", "O happy ghosts", "Of those that fell in the last fatal fight ,", "And lived not to survive their country 's loss !", "Base as I was , I should have fallen there too ;", "But first have raised a mountain of the dead ,", "To choke their way to Sparta .", "Go ,", "My mother , my Cleora , and my boy .", "I 'm armed against it .", "Enter C\u0152NUS ; salutes CLEOMENES .", "C\u0153n . I heard , sir , you were refuged in this court ,", "And come to beg a favour .", "Good ; a favour !", "Sure , thou mistakest me for a king of Egypt ,", "And think'st I govern here ?", "C\u0153n . You 're Cleomenes .", "No thanks to heaven for that . I should have died ,", "And then I had not been this Cleomenes .", "Thou art a scurvy monitor ; I am patient :", "Do I foam at lips ,", "Or stare at eyes ? Methinks , I am wondrous patient :", "Now , thou shalt see how I can swallow gall .\u2014", "I pr'ythee , gentle C\u0153nus , tell the story", "when thou com'st to tell of matrons ravished ,", "And virgins forced , then raise thy voice ,", "And let me hear their howlings ,", "And dreadful shrieks , as in the act of rape .", "Peace ! I am not .", "I was but teaching him to grace his tale", "With decent horror .", "C\u0153n . Your sick imagination feigns all this :", "Now hear a truth , and wonder .", "Has not the conqueror been at Sparta ? C\u0153n . Yes .", "Nay , then I know what follows victory .", "Do we dream , Pantheus ?", "If this indeed be true ,", "Then farewell , Sparta .", "C\u0153n . Hear me out .\u2014", "He reaped no fruit of conquest but their blessings ;", "Nor staid three days in Sparta ; summoned thence ,", "With sudden news , that a barbarian host", "Was entered Macedonia ,", "And , like a mighty deluge rolling on ,", "Swept all before them . Thus alarmed , he left us ;", "Marched homeward ; met , and fought them ; nay , and lived", "To say , the field is mine !", "O , wretch ! O , born to all misfortunes ! cursed ,", "Cursed Cleomenes !", "O , blind Pantheus !", "Canst thou not find , that , had I but deferred", "Sellasia 's fight three days , but three short days ,", "Fate then had fought my battle with Antigonus ;", "And I , not fighting , had been still a king ?", "Why , therefore , once again cursed Cleomenes !", "\u2018 Tis not to be endured ,", "That fate of empires , and the fall of kings ,", "Should turn on flying hours , and catch of moments .", "I thank thee ; thou hast added flame to fury .", "The Spartan genius shall once more be roused ;", "Our household gods , that droop upon our hearths ,", "Each from his venerable face shall brush", "The Macedonian soot , and shine again .", "The king sent for me , say'st thou , and to council !", "Rise a prophet !\u2014", "For since his father 's death , this Ptolemy", "Has minded me no more", "Than boys their last year 's gewgaws .", "Petition on petition , prayer on prayer ,", "For aid , or free dismission , all unanswered ,", "As Cleomenes were not worth his thought ;", "Or he , that god , which Epicurus dreamt ,", "Disclaiming care , and lolling on a cloud .", "I would not use him so .", "I 'll press him home ,", "To give me my dispatch ; few ships will serve", "To bear my little band , and me , to Greece :", "I will not ask him one of his Egyptians ;", "No , let him keep them all for slaves and stallions ,", "Fit only to beget their successors .", "Thou need'st not be excepted ; thou art only", "Misplanted in a base degenerate soil ;", "But Nature , when she made thee , meant a Spartan .", "For the king ,", "I know he 'll not refuse us , for he dares not ;", "A coward is the kindest animal ,", "\u2018 Tis the most giving creature in a fright .", "Well , I 'll attack him on the shaking side ,", "That next his fearful heart .", "Enter C\u0152NUS .", "C\u0153n . I come to mind you of the late request ,", "You would not hear . Be pleased to engage this lord ,", "And then it may succeed .", "What wouldst thou , C\u0153nus ?", "C\u0153n . I brought along", "Some horses of the best Thessalian breed ,", "High-spirited and strong , and made for war ;", "These I would sell the king .", "Mistaken man !", "Thou shouldst have brought him whores and catamites ;", "Such merchandise is fit for such a monarch .", "From the king downward ,", "No true Egyptian ever knew in horses", "The far side from the near .", "Sell me thy horses , and , at my return ,", "When I have got from conquered Greece the pelf", "That noble Sparta scorns , I 'll pay their value .", "C\u0153n . Just as you paid me for the fair estate", "I sold you there .", "What 's that you mutter ?", "C\u0153n . Nothing : That 's what his hopes are worth \u2014", "I burden you too much .", "Come after us , Pantheus ,", "And bring my boy Cleonidas along .", "I 'll shew his youth this base luxurious court ,", "Just as in sober Sparta we expose", "Our drunken Helots ; only with design", "To wean our children from the vice of wine ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 418, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The king sent for me , say'st thou , and to council !", "Rise a prophet !\u2014", "For since his father 's death , this Ptolemy", "Has minded me no more", "Than boys their last year 's gewgaws .", "Petition on petition , prayer on prayer ,", "For aid , or free dismission , all unanswered ,", "As Cleomenes were not worth his thought ;", "Or he , that god , which Epicurus dreamt ,", "Disclaiming care , and lolling on a cloud .", "I would not use him so .", "I 'll press him home ,", "To give me my dispatch ; few ships will serve", "To bear my little band , and me , to Greece :", "I will not ask him one of his Egyptians ;", "No , let him keep them all for slaves and stallions ,", "Fit only to beget their successors .", "Thou need'st not be excepted ; thou art only", "Misplanted in a base degenerate soil ;", "But Nature , when she made thee , meant a Spartan .", "For the king ,", "I know he 'll not refuse us , for he dares not ;", "A coward is the kindest animal ,", "\u2018 Tis the most giving creature in a fright .", "Well , I 'll attack him on the shaking side ,", "That next his fearful heart .", "Enter C\u0152NUS .", "C\u0153n . I come to mind you of the late request ,", "You would not hear . Be pleased to engage this lord ,", "And then it may succeed .", "What wouldst thou , C\u0153nus ?", "C\u0153n . I brought along", "Some horses of the best Thessalian breed ,", "High-spirited and strong , and made for war ;", "These I would sell the king .", "Mistaken man !", "Thou shouldst have brought him whores and catamites ;", "Such merchandise is fit for such a monarch .", "From the king downward ,", "No true Egyptian ever knew in horses", "The far side from the near .", "Sell me thy horses , and , at my return ,", "When I have got from conquered Greece the pelf", "That noble Sparta scorns , I 'll pay their value .", "C\u0153n . Just as you paid me for the fair estate", "I sold you there .", "What 's that you mutter ?", "C\u0153n . Nothing : That 's what his hopes are worth \u2014", "I burden you too much .", "Come after us , Pantheus ,", "And bring my boy Cleonidas along .", "I 'll shew his youth this base luxurious court ,", "Just as in sober Sparta we expose", "Our drunken Helots ; only with design", "To wean our children from the vice of wine ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 418, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["No more of business .", "Council ! What 's that ? a pack of bearded slaves ,", "Grave faces , saucy tongues , and knavish hearts ,", "That never speak one word , but self 's at bottom ;", "The scavengers that sweep state nuisances ,", "And are themselves the greatest \u2014 I 'll no council .", "I had forgot \u2018 twas my Cassandra 's birth-day .", "I 'll cut him off .", "His business is to wait .", "My pleasure is of more .\u2014", "How could I curse my name of Ptolemy !", "For \u2018 tis so long , it asks an hour to write it .", "By Heaven , I 'll change it into Jove or Mars ,", "Or any other civil monosyllable ,", "That will not tire my hand .", "I am glad of that ;", "Those shall be sure to wait .", "To whom ?", "That 's indeed the danger .", "Give me the physic ; let me swallow quick .\u2014", "There 's Ptolemy for that : Now , not one more ,", "For every minute I expect Cassandra", "To call me to the music .", "If she should find me at this rare employment ,", "Of signing out her treasures !", "I 'll sign them all , were every one a province .", "Thou know'st her humour , not to brook denial ;", "And then a quarrel on her birth-day too", "Would be of ill presage .", "Thus I begin my homage to the day", "Welcome , royal stranger ! Not only to my court , but to my bosom .", "The greatest in the world : to see the man ,", "Whom even his foes extol , his friends adore ,", "And all mankind admire .", "My father 's friend .", "I have been to blame ;", "And you have justly taxed my long neglect .", "I am young , and am a lover ; and how far", "Fair eyes may make even kings forgetful , look ,", "And read my best excuse .", "Well ! I 'll consider .", "Pr'ythee be satisfied ; he shall be aided ,", "Or I 'll no more be king .", "He has it in his power to be a traitor ;", "And that 's enough .", "What 's to be done with him ?", "He dies , that 's out of doubt .", "Why do you ask that question ?", "I think so too .", "What think you , Cleomenes ?", "Then Magas must not live .", "Wondrous man !", "Madam ?\u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 418, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I must confess , \u2018 twas obvious .", "Would you would rule me both by turns , in quiet ,", "And let me take my ease !", "So thinks Cassandra too .", "What have I said , or done ,", "To merit this unkindness ?", "Tell me but what you think of Cleomenes ,", "And be my oracle .", "Then I know it . Now may Sosibius speak ?", "Let Egypt sink before that fatal day !", "No , we are one ; Cassandra , we are one ;", "Or I am nothing ; thou art Ptolemy .", "I thought so too , but that I durst not speak .", "Why then I must be formal ;", "Go to the temple .\u2014", "Come , my fair Cassandra ,", "That I may have an object worth my worship ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 418, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The propositions are unjust and hard ;", "And if I swallow them , \u2018 tis as we take", "The wrath of heaven .", "We must have patience , for they will be gods ,", "And give us no account of what we suffer .", "Let her be what she is : that 's curse enough .", "But such a wife , a mother , and a son !", "Oh sure , ye gods ! when ye made this vile Egypt ,", "Ye little thought , they should be mortgaged here !", "My only comfort", "Is , that I trust these precious pawns with thee ;", "For thou art so religiously a friend ,", "That I would sooner leave them in thy hands ,", "Than if I had security from heaven ,", "And all the gods to answer for their safety .", "Oh friend !", "No more , but this , that thou art too unkind ,", "When even in kindness thou wouldst overcome .", "But how can I sustain to tell them this ,", "Go !", "Yes , I shall go ; but how ?", "Mother , I will .\u2014 And yet I cannot neither .", "Oh I would speak ! But , oh ! you speak so kindly ,", "That you forbid my speech : You call me love .", "It was to me : I am a mere barbarian ,", "A brute , a stock , for I have no relations ,", "Or shortly shall have none .", "The gods forbid that you should die for me !", "No , you may live ; but I must die thrice over ,", "For I must leave you here , or must not go :", "These are the hard conditions offered me .", "Yes , and a mighty all : \u2018 Tis all I have . But I propose it not ; remember that .", "Oh ! I could almost think you love me not ,", "You granted me so quick , so willingly ,", "What I ,\u2014 bear witness , heaven ,\u2014 was slow to ask ,", "And would be loth to have .", "I was but wishing thou wouldst draw me back ,", "And now , I cannot go .", "But the conditions ! Oh these hard conditions !", "That such a spirit must be left behind ,", "Untaught , unfashioned by a father 's hands !", "A spirit fit to start into an empire ,", "And look the world to law .", "I thank you , mother ;", "Once more you have erected me to man ,", "And set me upright , with my face to heaven .", "The woman and the boy be yours awhile :", "The war be mine alone !", "I wonnot .", "If they fail me ,", "Theirs be the fault , for fate is theirs alone :", "My virtue , fame , and honour are my own .", "ACT IV ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 418, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["So , so ,\u2014 it works ; now , mistress , sit you fast .", "So I should have thought ,", "But that this lady knows him good and grateful .", "C\u0153n . Madam , I stand suspected without cause ;", "And , but I fear revenge from this great man ,", "I could say more .", "Who , I ?", "My dear , dear son !", "Now comes the fatal stroke .", "C\u0153n . He added farther ,\u2014\u2014", "Think first , Cleanthes ! Think before you hazard", "Your life and honour in this bold appeal :", "Somewhat you might have said , nay more , you ought ,", "Since I commanded you to be a spy", "On Cleomenes \u2019 acts and close designs .", "Dispatch him , as the source of all your fears .", "Observe the mounting billows of the main ,", "Blown by the winds into a raging storm ;", "Brush off those winds , and the high waves return", "Into their quiet first created calm :\u2014", "Such is the rage of busy blustering crowds ,", "Fomented by the ambition of the great :", "Cut off the causes , and the effect will cease ;", "And all the moving madness fall to peace .", "Now I am twice your father , by preserving", "The life I gave you , which your folly hazarded .", "Break off all friendship with that Spartan king ,", "Or never see me more : His fate 's resolved ,", "Nor can you stem the tide ; avoid his ruins ;", "Reply not , but obey .", "Thou overjoyest me : Follow , we 'll talk farther .", "And what have you determined ?", "A wholesome resolution . Have you fixed", "The time ?", "But ere fate reach him ,", "The mercy of the king may interpose .", "You have the signet ?", "Be not displeased ,\u2014 suppose he should escape ?", "Yet , keepers have been bribed . To whom can Ptolemy", "Impute that crime , but you ?", "May I presume to ask you , whom you sent ?", "What can she mean ? She neither kills , nor saves ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 418, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["No food , and this the third arising sun !", "But what have I to do with telling suns ,", "And measuring time , that runs no more for me ?", "Yet sure the gods are good : I would think so ,", "If they would give me leave ;", "But virtue in distress , and vice in triumph ,", "Make atheists of mankind .\u2014", "Enter CRATESICLEA .", "What comfort , mother ?", "All I would ask of heaven ,", "Is , but to die alone , a single ruin ;", "But to die o'er and o'er , in each of you ,", "With my own hunger pinched , but pierced with yours !", "What ! not for you , my mother ?", "I 'm strangely tempted to blaspheme the gods ,", "For giving me so good , so kind a parent ;", "And this is my return , to cause her death .", "What ! my Cleora ?", "I stretched my bounds as far as I could go ,", "To shun the sight of what I cannot help ;", "A flower withering on the stalk , for want", "Of nourishment from earth , and showers from heaven ,", "All I can give thee is but rain of eyes .", "How does your helpless infant ?", "Go in and rest thee ,", "And hush the child asleep .\u2014", "Why dost thou call me by so kind a name ?", "A father ! that implies presiding care ;", "Cheerful to give ; willing himself to want", "Whate'er thy needs require .", "I pr'ythee stay a little :\u2014 I am loth", "To say hard things of heaven !", "I know not that ;", "Yet still be firm in this ,\u2014 The gods are good ,", "Though thou and I may perish .", "Thou didst thy duty .", "\u2018 Twas in the Fates I should : but hold thee there ;", "The rest is all unfathomable depth .", "This we well know , that , if there be a bliss", "Beyond this present life , \u2018 tis purchased here ,", "And virtue is its price .", "Why that question ?", "I pr'ythee try to hold it , while thou canst .", "Thou shall have food ; I promise thee , thou shalt .", "Mark , heaven , his filial love !", "And if a family of such as these", "Must perish thus , your model is destroyed ,", "By which you made good men .", "They tried me of the longest ; but by whom ?", "Go thou ; thy youth calls fiercer than my age .", "I know not ; I am half seas o'er to death ;", "And , since I must die once , I would be loth", "To make a double work of what 's half finished ;", "Unless I could be sure the gods would still", "Renew these miracles .", "\u2014 Who brought this food ?", "How darest thou come again within my sight ?", "Thou art ,\u2014 but \u2018 tis no matter what thou art .", "I 'll not consider thee so far to think", "Thee worth reproach .\u2014 Away , away , Egyptian !", "That 's all the name that 's left thee .", "Why then for once , that which thou seem'st , thou art .\u2014", "Begone !", "Too soon thou art returned ,", "To triumph o'er my fate .", "Forgive me , heaven , for thinking thee my friend .\u2014", "No more ; \u2018 tis loss of time to talk .", "\u2018 Tis poison ; and my mother , and my wife ,", "And my poor famished boy , are eating death .", "Thou would'st not have me think , that thou repent'st ?", "Well said , man ! Go on ; and be not bashful ,", "To own the merits of thy wickedness .", "Shuffling again ! Pr'ythee , be of a piece . A little steadiness becomes a villain .", "So , by heaven , I would ,", "For thy profaning friendship 's holy name ;", "But , for thou see'st no justice hanging here ,", "On this bare side , thou talk'st secure of vengeance .", "Thy conscience answers thee .", "Traitor , no more ! \u2018 tis fulsome .", "I thank thee ; draw thy own .", "Fool ! would'st thou die without defence ?", "Can falsehood have a better argument ,", "Than force for its defence ? Trust to that topic ,", "And bear thee like a man .", "What kind of man is that , who dares not fight ?", "Come , come ; thou dar'st not fight .", "Then I must hear ; but swear , swear first , I charge thee , That , when I have pronounced , thou wilt no more Prolong thy prattle with some new excuse ; And pr'ythee cut it short , because I faint , And long to kill thee first \u2014 Oh , I am going ! A rising vapour rumbles in my brains , I hear my words far off :\u2014 stand , stand , thou traitor , And swim not thus before me ;\u2014 \u2018 tis too late ;And I fall unrevenged .\u2014", "Where am I ?", "Art thou Pantheus ?", "Speak then , and truly ,", "Who brought me back to life ?", "All this , Cleanthes ! This , what this Cleanthes ?", "Art thou sure", "I live ? Or am I in the regions of the dead ,", "And hear the fables there , myself a fable ?", "When I hear this , I have no need of food ;", "I am restored without it .", "O , no more ! no more !", "For now I understand , ere thou canst speak it half :", "To thee I owed the seizing of my sword ,", "Lest I should fall by odds ; my wife 's return ,", "All , all to thee ; and thou art more than all .", "Canst thou forgive me ? Canst thou , my Cleanthes ?", "Can I deserve thus to grow here once more ?", "I could not thus have taken to the death", "Another 's falsehood , but thine , only thine ;", "For infinitely , infinitely loving ,", "\u2018 Twas a wide gap thou mad'st within my bosom ,", "And as my soul rent from me .", "I could eat \u2014", "And why must I avoid those tender blessings ?", "I 'm all on fire .\u2014 Now for a lucky pull", "At fate 's last lottery !", "I long to see the colour , white or black :", "That 's the gods \u2019 work ; and if I fall their shame ,", "Let them ne'er think of making heroes more ,", "If cowards must prevail .", "Come , my Pantheus ;\u2014 lead , my best Cleanthes ! We three to all the world .", "What , is this populous city turned a desert ?", "The cry of \u201c Liberty \u201d runs on before us ,", "And yet none appears !", "By Hercules , we drive them through their town :", "They dare not stay to welcome their deliverers .", "They 're gone ; we talk to houses and to walls .", "Liberty and Magas !", "The cowards whisper liberty so softly ,", "As if they were afraid the gods would hear it ,", "And take them at their word .", "Dare you do nothing to assert your freedom ?", "Be short ; and , if you can , for once , sincere .", "We come resolved ;", "And to die killing , is a kind of conquest .", "No private parley ;", "Peace , peace , my friend .", "No injuries from women can provoke", "A man of honour to expose their fame .\u2014", "Madam , we understand each other well :", "My son , my mother , and my wife restored ,", "\u2018 Tis peace ; if not , \u2018 tis war .", "Revenge , revenge ,", "And speedy death , or conquest !\u2014 Hold , Cleanthes !", "Enter CLEONICAS .", "Poor boy !", "By heaven , I 'm pleased to see thee safe this moment ,", "Though I expect the next to lose thee .\u2014 Guard him ,", "Cleanthes : Set him safe behind the front .", "Oh ! I could chide thee ; But there 's no time for love and anger both . Fight by my side ; and heaven protect thy courage .Re-enter both Parties ; the Egyptians first , driven by CLEOMENES ; PANTHEUS ready to kill SOSIBIUS , as having him down : CLEANTHES runs to him and interposes .", "\u2018 Twas sure his voice :\u2014", "Look , there he lies .", "Chear up , and thou shalt live .", "What shall I lose ?", "But not before thy father .", "There went his soul !\u2014 Fate , thou hast done thy worst ,", "And all thou canst henceforth is but mean slaughter ,", "The gleanings of this harvest .", "Look there , and , if thou darest , now give me joy .", "Where are our enemies ?", "Not worth the seeking . Are these fit to atone", "For Cleomenes \u2019 mother , son , and wife ?", "But what the gods have left us , we must take .", "All 's lost for which I once desired to live .", "Fortune , thou hast reduced me very low ,", "To do the drudgery of fate myself .", "What ! not one brave Egyptian ! not one worthy", "To do me manly right in single combat !", "To fall beneath my fury ?\u2014 for that 's justice :", "But then to drag me after :\u2014 for , to die ,", "And yet in death to conquer , is my wish .", "Is there that hidden treasure in thy country ? The gods be praised , for such a foe I want .", "Then enter we into each other 's breasts ,", "\u2018 Tis a sharp passage , yet a kind one too .", "But , to prevent the blind mistake of swords ,", "Lest one drop first , and leave his friend behind ,", "Both thrust at once , and home , and at our hearts :", "Let neither stand on guard , but let our bosoms", "Lie open to each other in our death ,", "As in our life they were .", "Cheer up thy soul , and thou shalt die , Pantheus ,", "But in thy turn ; there 's death enough for all .", "But , as I am thy master , wait my leisure ,", "And honestly compose my limbs to rest ,", "Then serve thyself .\u2014 Now , are you ready , friend ?", "Then this to our next happy meeting .", "Yes , friend \u2014\u2014 thou hast \u2014\u2014 I have thee in my heart \u2014\u2014", "Say \u2014\u2014 art thou sped ?", "And mine \u2014\u2014 then both are happy ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 418, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now the long wars betwixt Castile and Arragon", "Are ended in the ruin of our foes ;", "And fierce Ramirez , the Castilian king ,", "Who tugged for empire with our warlike son ,", "In single combat taken , adds his laurels", "To the young victor 's brow : our tender maids ,", "And trembling children , shall with scorn behold", "The haughty captive , who had made his vaunts ,", "To lay their dwellings level ; and with salt", "To sow the place , where Saragossa stood .", "Your sex is ever foremost in devotion .", "But for our brave confederate , young Navarre ,", "He shall receive the prize reserved within", "My breast ; and such a one ,", "His youth and valour have right well deserved .", "Perhaps as well ;", "Alphonso 's action was indeed more glorious ,", "To buckle with a king in single fight ,", "And take him prisoner ; but his fiery temper", "Still hurries him to daring rash attempts .", "If he should \u2014\u2014", "No more , Ximena , for I hear their trumpets", "Proclaim their entry ; and our own their welcome .", "The triumphs of this day , auspicious prince ,", "Proclaim themselves your gift , to us and Arragon ;", "From you they are derived ; to you return ;", "For what we are , you make us .", "It might , and well it had become my son ,", "You rather went where more affection called you .", "The rugged business of the war is over ;", "Softness and sweetness , and a gentle air ,", "Would make a mixture , that would temper well", "That inborn fierceness of your boiling mind .", "Say , have you more to speak on his behalf ?", "Proceed , proceed ; for this is but to say ,", "That thou wert almost worsted in the combat .", "Come , let me hear my duty from my son .", "I give it you ;", "Your battle now is paid at the full price .", "Who gave you leave", "To speak of terms , or even to speak at all ?", "How dares my captive", "Assume this boldness to his conqueror ?", "Under my auspices Alphonso fought ;", "He led my forces .", "A bargain ! a plain compact ! a confederacy ,", "Betwixt my son and thee , to give me part", "Of what my better stars make all my own .", "Dare not , I charge thee , dare not !", "To make it nothing ,", "To rob thy father of his victory ,", "And , at my cost , oblige my mortal foe .", "Fool , dost thou know the value of a kingdom ?", "And knowest not how to keep it .", "The right of conquest ; for , when kings make war ,", "No law betwixt two sovereigns can decide ,", "But that of arms , where fortune is the judge ,", "Soldiers the lawyers , and the bar the field", "Then ask that question of thyself , when thou", "Thyself art king . I will retain my conquest ;", "And if thou art so mean , so poor of soul ,", "As to refuse thy sword in keeping it ,", "Then Garcia 's aid ,\u2014", "Whose share of honour in that glorious day", "Was more than thine ,\u2014 during my life , shall guard it ,", "And , at my death , shall heir it .", "Confederacy again ! How they enhance", "Their mutual worth , and bandy fame betwixt them ,", "Into each other 's hand !\u2014", "A careful son , to trust a foe with arms", "So near his father .\u2014 Haste , disarm the prisoner .", "Then when he lost the power , he lost the claim ,", "And marks of sovereign right ;", "Nor without my consent , couldst thou dispose", "Of him , or of his sword , or of his life \u2014", "Once more , disarm him :\u2014 What , am I betrayed ?", "Go , bear him to the castle ; at more leisure", "His doom shall be decreed .", "Take him hence .", "Thus all his praises are thy accusations ;", "And even that very sword ,\u2014", "Punish me , heaven , if I believe not so !\u2014", "Is far less dangerous in his hand than thine .", "He never loved me .", "For aught I see , you do him better office", "Than he desires , Ximena .", "Receive the first ;", "The last , as you deserve .", "Re-enter Don GARCIA , with VICTORIA , CELIDEA , and the Ladies .", "VERAMOND sees them at a distance .", "This had not been thus easily o'erpast ,", "But that I see Don Garcia with your sisters .", "A fair occasion offers you this hour", "To cancel your offences ; mark , and take it .", "Are my commands performed ?", "Approach , Victoria , and you , Celidea ,", "That in your presence I may pay some part", "Of what I owe your brave deliverer .", "Victoria , what say you ?", "I have indeed disclosed to her alone", "The important secret of the intended match ;", "And that , perhaps , has made her fear to praise", "A prince , who shortly is to be her own .", "Now therefore I declare the wished alliance .", "Ximena , you may give your daughter joy ;", "And you your sister , of the imperial crown ,", "I like not this ,", "But must dissemble , till I clear my doubts .\u2014", "Fortune , brave prince , has given us this allay ;"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 418, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["If on your private business I intrude ,", "Forgive the excess of love , that makes me rude .", "I hope your sickness has not reached your heart ,", "But come to bear a suffering sister 's part ;", "Yet , lest I should offend you by my stay ,", "Command me to depart , and I obey .", "You are the star of day , the public light ; }", "And I am but your sister of the night ; }", "Eclipsed , when you are absent from my sight . }", "But tell me what philosopher you found ,", "To cure your pain ?", "His nymphs the vows of perjured men deplore ;", "One in the woods , and one upon the shore :", "All are at length forsaken or betrayed ;", "And the false hero leaves the faithful maid .", "That letter would I view ; in hope to find", "Some features of the fair that rules your mind .", "\u2018 Tis what I feared , the unhappy Canace !\u2014", "Read you ; for , to a brother \u2018 twas designed ,", "Why did thy flames beyond a brother 's move ?", "Why loved I thee with more than sister 's love ?", "My cheeks no longer did their colour boast ;", "My food grew loathsome , and my strength I lost ;", "Still , ere I spoke , a sigh would stop my tongue ;", "Short were my slumbers , and my nights were long .", "I knew not from my love those griefs did grow ,", "Yet was , alas ! the thing I did not know .", "No more ; we know our mutual love too well .", "Already we have read too far , I fear ;", "But read no more than modesty may bear .", "ALPHONSO READING .", "For I loved too , and , knowing not my wound ,", "A secret pleasure in thy kisses found .", "Alphonso , no :\u2014 brother , I should have said !", "ALPHONSO READING AGAIN .", "When half denying , more than half content ,", "Embraces warmed me to a full consent ;", "Then , with tumultuous joys my heart did beat ,", "And guilt , that made them anxious , made them great .", "Incendiary book , polluted flame ,", "Dare not to tempt the chaste Victoria 's fame !", "I love , perhaps , more than a sister should ;", "And nature prompts , but heaven restrains my blood .", "Heaven was unkind , to set so strict a bound .", "And love would struggle to forbidden ground .", "Oh let us gain a Parthian victory !", "Our only way to conquer , is to fly .", "Hear , heaven and earth , and witness to my vows ;", "And Love , thou greatest power that nature knows !", "This heart , Alphonso , shall be firmly thine ;", "This hand shall never with another join :", "Or if , by force , my father makes me wed ,", "Then Death shall be the bridegroom of my bed .", "Now let us both our shares of sorrow take ;", "And both be wretched for each other 's sake .", "No ; \u2018 tis a hot , and an incestuous bliss ! Let both be satisfied with what we swore ; I dare not give it , lest I give you more ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 418, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["That is the door of Lopez , and Sancho must come out this way . Now , fool , sit fast , for thou shalt not want for pestilent advice : but first , I must know how far thou hast proceeded with the father and the daughter , that I may know what drugs I must prepare for the present condition of my patient .\u2014 Oh , the door opens already , and he bolts out single , as I wished .", "The best part of your entertainment , I suppose , was the desert of the fair Dalinda after dinner ; and how , and how go matters ?", "No ; fortune always sets those of your admirable understanding uppermost . But , remember , Dalinda was once mine , however .", "You are very confident of your good luck .", "And you are sure to carry her ?", "And her father ?", "You have no more to do but to take out a licence .", "What , quibbling too in your prosperity ? If you let another , I shall be enraged . But you have not told me that her father is consenting .", "But what ? is he not absolutely yours ?", "Do you know that Conde 's name ?", "My old acquaintance ; he charged with me in the battle , but what became of him I know not . If he be the man , despair betimes , Sancho ; he 'll revenge my quarrel , and carry her in spite of you .", "And do you think a gentleman can succeed against a Conde with a woman ?", "No more than a Conde against a duke , and so upwards ;\u2014 abandon her , I say .", "To be the shoeing-horn for the Conde ?", "No , for that 's to be a pimp for him .", "Then go back , and quarrel with her and her father ; go , I say , immediately , before your virtue cools .", "If the Conde be in love , then why should Lopez admit of Sancho for a suitor ? if not , the fool is in the right , that it was only feigned , to draw him on . However , my advice will strike on both sides ; for , if Sancho quarrels , he 's discarded ; and for the Conde \u2014 stay a little \u2014 what , if I should play this Conde ? I know him , and can mimic him exactly ; \u2018 tis but a jest if I am discovered ; and if the Conde loves her , and she him , then I marry her in his shape .\u2014 Oh , they are coming out to quarrel in the open air , for the house is grown too hot for them ; but I dare not stay to see the battle , for fear of getting blows on both sides ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 418, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis true , my tyrant father has confined me ;", "But love , who traverses the world at will ,", "Who knows not awe , nor law , nor parentage ,", "Has broke my tedder , and enlarged my bounds .", "I come but to depart , and go for ever ,", "Because denied the common rights of nature ,", "Which the first brother and first sister had .", "Why were not you and I that happy pair ?", "But nature doats with age .", "But , then , shall Garcia take thee in his arms ,", "Glutted with joys which I would die to taste !", "No , let me stab the wretch in every vein ,", "And leave him dry of pleasure , ere we part .", "And what care I , what after ages say", "Alphonso did , to make Alphonso happy ?", "But oh , you love ! and would preserve his life", "To be for ever his .", "By heaven !\u2014 but that word heaven comes cross my thoughts \u2014", "Enjoy my heaven one moment \u2014", "That moment were eternity in little :", "A mighty sum , but taken on content ,", "To save the tedious telling o'er and o'er .", "Fear you that ?", "I go , Victoria ,", "For love 's cold fit of jealousy returns .", "You must not be Don Garcia 's ; swear you will not .", "You may be forced ;\u2014 oh , cursed jealousy ,", "Thou bastard son of Love , unlike thy father ,", "Why dost thou still torment me ?", "That may be chafed into a warmth , Victoria .", "Talk , seeing , touching , are incendiaries ;", "And these may mount your young desires like straw ,", "To meet the jett that draws you .", "I swear I trust it , but I fear your beauty :", "\u2018 Tis a fair fruit that hangs upon the bough ,", "Tempts , and is tempted .", "That one is Garcia ;\u2014 still the fit returns :", "I wish my jealousy could quench my love .", "\u2018 Tis so ; for when I say I will not love ,", "Then I love most . Farewell , my only joy !", "I go to hide me from the world and you .", "When kings and fathers , on their sons and subjects", "Exact intolerable things to bear ,", "Nature and self-defence dispense with duty .", "I could ask heaven another question too ,", "But that \u2018 tis not so decent . In few words ;", "Hither I came to take my latest leave", "Of dear Victoria , then depart for ever ;", "And , buried in some solitary cave ,", "Forgetting and forgotten , end my days .", "Gladly I leave you , but shall go more lightly ,", "If eased of this your dreadful imprecation :", "O let me go unloaded with your curse ,", "And I will bless you for my banishment !", "Guiltless of sin , with conscience to my friend ,", "I go , to shun that fatal hour , that shews me", "Victoria married , and Alphonso lost .", "What means my mother ?", "Though I would give whate'er the sun beholds", "Not to be yours , yet , when my mother 's fame", "Is questioned , none shall wrong her innocence ;", "Nor shall Ramirez go", "Unpunished for that infamous aspersion .", "O joyful news ! Oh happy day ! too good To end in night \u2014 My father , and my king !\\", "I implore it ;", "And , prostrate , beg your pardon and your grace .", "I have offended in my proud behaviour ;", "But make Victoria mine , and what your son", "In duty wanted , by your son-in-law", "Shall doubly be supplied .", "You have saved me .", "Proud of my exile , with erected face ,", "I leave your court , your town , and your dominions .", "Pleased that I love at least without a crime .", "Lighter by what I lost , I tread in air ,", "Unhappy , but triumphant in despair ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 418, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I watched your coming at the window , and told my father . He 's coming out to welcome you .", "Pugh , you are so suspicious of yourself , and have so little reason for it . Be as witty as you can ; I fear you not .", "The fool 's too much a fool ; he 's going to discover himself , if I prevent it not .\u2014Make haste , father , and put him upon the point , or he 'll give me up to Sancho .", "Oh heaven ! I shall be ruined between them ; I forgot to instruct my father not to meddle with that point .\u2014Say no more of it , I beseech you , sir .", "Now has he forgotten he 's my lord , and is harping upon the quarrel he had with him as Sancho . This must end in my destruction .", "Sir , I must needs speak a word with you in private . If you love me , confess you have enjoyed me ; for I told my father so , on purpose to make him the more condescending to the match .", "This is not my Conde ; but some other counterfeit .You are as true a count as he : stand to your likeness .", "Put forward , man , I 'll second you .", "Then he 's the likelier to be the true Conde ; for he 's a fool , father .", "That 's with pursuing your enemies too far ; but I 'll help you out again \u2014\u2014 Pray , sir , let me examine them a little .", "Yes , a son-in-law , I warrant you .\u2014Which of you two promised me marriage ?", "And did you enjoy me ?", "And what did you ?", "I must confess the true Conde has enjoyed me ; the more my frailty .", "Did the Conde leave me nothing in his will ?", "There 's the same payment for your news ; be gone , poor fellow ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 418, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["May I believe you , \u2018 tis Victoria 's hand ? For \u2018 tis a strange request .", "To break my marriage off , renounce her bed ,", "To stand excluded from my promised bliss ,", "And as my proper act to do all this ?", "Disdainful , faithless , and ungrateful maid !", "That sympathy , which made him love Victoria", "Has caused the same effect of love in me .", "No doubt it would ,", "Were not my soul already prepossessed .", "My reason is convinced , but not my passion ;", "For I must love , and , loving , must enjoy .", "When she 's mine ,", "I will pursue her with so dear a passion ,", "So chafe her coldness with my warm embraces ,", "That she shall melt at length , hard as she is ;", "And run like stubborn metal .", "Esteem ! a scanty , mean reward of passion ,", "That pays not half the value of the loss !", "And well she may :", "Her eyes , her lips , her cheeks , her shape , her features ,", "Seem to be drawn by Love 's own hand ; by Love ,", "Himself in love : but oh , \u2018 tis now too late ,", "My eyes have drank a poison in before ;", "A former basilisk has seen me first .\u2014", "Yet know , fair princess , if there were a part", "In all my breast , that could receive a wound ,", "Your eyes could only give it .", "You 'd been more kind", "To take my life , for I would throw it off :", "Dishonoured as I am , \u2018 tis worn to rags ,", "Nor worth a prince 's wearing .", "Re-enter VERAMOND , disarmed , and led by CARLOS ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 418, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["May I believe you , \u2018 tis Victoria 's hand ? For \u2018 tis a strange request .", "To break my marriage off , renounce her bed ,", "To stand excluded from my promised bliss ,", "And as my proper act to do all this ?", "Disdainful , faithless , and ungrateful maid !", "That sympathy , which made him love Victoria", "Has caused the same effect of love in me .", "No doubt it would ,", "Were not my soul already prepossessed .", "My reason is convinced , but not my passion ;", "For I must love , and , loving , must enjoy .", "When she 's mine ,", "I will pursue her with so dear a passion ,", "So chafe her coldness with my warm embraces ,", "That she shall melt at length , hard as she is ;", "And run like stubborn metal .", "Esteem ! a scanty , mean reward of passion ,", "That pays not half the value of the loss !", "And well she may :", "Her eyes , her lips , her cheeks , her shape , her features ,", "Seem to be drawn by Love 's own hand ; by Love ,", "Himself in love : but oh , \u2018 tis now too late ,", "My eyes have drank a poison in before ;", "A former basilisk has seen me first .\u2014", "Yet know , fair princess , if there were a part", "In all my breast , that could receive a wound ,", "Your eyes could only give it .", "You 'd been more kind", "To take my life , for I would throw it off :", "Dishonoured as I am , \u2018 tis worn to rags ,", "Nor worth a prince 's wearing .", "Re-enter VERAMOND , disarmed , and led by CARLOS ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 418, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Give you joy , Mr Bridegroom and Mrs Bride ; you see I have accepted your invitation .", "I could tell tales that would spoil your appetite , both to your dinner and your bride .\u2014 You think you are married to a vast fortune .", "You must take the good and the bad together ; he that keeps a tame cat must be content to be scratched a little .", "That was invented only in hopes of you , Dalinda ; though now I thank my stars that I have missed you : for two wits without fortunes would be like two millstones without corn betwixt them ; they would only grind upon one another , and make a terrible noise , but no meal would follow .", "I begin to suspect they come to sup and lodge , as well as dine here .", "Did not you wait on Donna Leonora , the Conde 's sister ?", "Poor loving creature , she is e'en too constant ; I could never have expected this from her .\u2014 Look you here , you shall see I have no reason to envy your fortune , Sancho .\u2014How now , what 's become of the nurse and the two children ?", "By your favour , I shall make bold to call them back again .", "Come , nurse , no more mincing matters ; your lady 's orders in my letter must be obeyed : I must find a father and mother for the children in this company .", "E'en your bride 's , Sancho , at your service .\u2014 Children , do your duty to your mother .", "Yes ; and they are now your children by the mother 's side . The late Conde presents his service to you , with these two pledges of his affection to your wife .", "You may make your assault , colonel , without danger ; the breach is already made to your hands .", "Speak well of the dead .", "Sooner upon you than upon any man ; for nature has put a superscription upon a fool 's face , and all cheats are directed thither .", "If you could undo it , Sancho , it were something ; but , since you cannot , your only remedy is to do it again .", "For that reason you may be sure she 'll loath the thought of him .", "Do , Sancho : Faith , you 've held it out too long , in conscience , for so slight a quarrel ; this is nothing among great ladies , man . How many fathers have I known , that have given their blessings to other men 's children ? Come , bless them , bless them , honest daddy \u2014 Kneel down , children .", "For shame , Sancho , take them up ; you 'll break their pretty hearts else : \u2018 twould grieve a man 's soul to see them weep thus .", "For your comfort , marriage , they say , is holy .", "I will not trouble the company with reading my letter from the dead count 's sister ; \u2018 tis enough to tell you , that I loved her once , and forsook her , because she was then no fortune . But she has been kinder to me than I deserve ; and has offered me her brother 's estate in dowry with her .", "Yes , and release you of a certain promise to me , without explaining .\u2014 She only recommended to me her brother 's children by Dalinda : and I think I have taken a decent care in providing them a rich father .", "Hold a little ;\u2014 you may remember too , Madam Bride , that I promised you an epithalamium . \u2018 Twas meant a satire ; but fortune has turned it to a jest . I have given it to the musicians , and brought them along with me ; strike up , gentlemen .SONG . BY MR CONGREVE . I . How happy 's the husband , whose wife has been tried ! Not damned to the bed of an ignorant bride ! Secure of what 's left , he ne'er misses the rest , But where there 's enough , supposes a feast ; So , foreknowing the cheat , He escapes the deceit , And , in spite of the curse , resolves to be blest . II . If children are blessings , his comfort 's the more , Whose spouse has been known to be fruitful before ; And the boy that she brings ready made to his hand , May stand him instead , for an heir to his land , Should his own prove a sot , When he 's lawfully got , As whene'er \u2018 tis so , if he do n't I 'll be hanged . SONG FOR A GIRL . I . Young I am , and yet unskilled How to make a lover yield : How to keep , or how to gain , When to love , and when to feign . II . Take me , take me , some of you , While I yet am young and true ; Ere I can my soul disguise , Heave my breasts , and roll my eyes . III . Stay not till I learn the way , How to lie , and to betray : He that has me first is blest , For I may deceive the rest . IV .Could I find a blooming youth , Full of love , and full of truth , Brisk , and of a jaunty mien , I should long to be fifteen . A Royal Chamber is discovered by drawing the former Scene ; VERAMOND , GARCIA , XIMENA , VICTORIA CELIDEA , with a full Train of Courtiers and Guards : amongst the Crowd , RAMIREZ disguised with some of his Party ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 418, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Casey . Come , Bob , what are you about , boy ? The company tumble in upon us like smoke ; quick , all the cooks at work , do you hear me now ?", "Casey . Hey day !", "Enter Second WAITER , stumbling in .", "What 's the matter now ?", "Casey . Champagne , and not a Louis in his pocket !\u2014 d'ye hear , tell", "Mr. Lackland , it 's my desire he 'll quit my house .", "Casey . Make me bounce ! A shabby , spunging \u2014\u2014 though without a second coat , the fellow 's as proud as a Galway merchant .\u2014 Make me bounce in my own house !\u2014 pretty well , that , upon my honour !", "Casey . Run , do n't you hear ?", "Casey . Hush ! here he is .Because I 'm a lone woman , he thinks to impose upon the house .", "Casey . Why , the truth is , sir , my waiters have enough to do if they properly attend on folks who have money to pay for what they call for .", "Casey . Lookye , Mr. Lackland , that you 're a gentleman every body knows ; and you 've a good estate , only it 's all gone ; and you 're allowed to be a six bottle man , and a choice companion . Ah ! the beginning of a good song at the latter end of a bottle is a capital thing for a house \u2014 Now , here , during the race time , I 'll give you your board at the table d'hote , and money in your pocket to pay the reckoning , if you 'll only be a good jolly fellow , and encourage the company to drink , by a funny song , or a comical story .", "Casey . Yes ; that 's what I call earning your bread like a gentleman .", "Casey . And why so , pray ?", "Casey . Well , upon my honour , you 're a very mannerly fellow ! but I wish I had a husband , for your sake \u2014 Oh , I wish I had a husband !", "Casey . Then he shall soon quit his hold , that he shall , as sure as my name is Casey .\u2014 Bob , do you go and try to bring them this way , and I 'll go see the rooms prepared myself .Ah , my dearee , I wish I had a husband !", "Casey . Ha ! upon my honour , it is Sir John Bull and his lady \u2014 this is the truth of an English family .", "Casey . Sir John , you are welcome from Paris .", "Casey . D'ye hear , George , carry that big piece of roast beef up to the Lion .", "Casey . I 'm Mrs. Casey , at your service , sir ; and I keep this house , the Lion of England .", "Casey . Yes , that I am , born in Dublin ; an honest Irish woman , upon my honour . AIR .\u2014 MRS . CASEY . The British Lion is my sign , A roaring trade I drive on , Right English usage , neat French wine , A landlady must thrive on . At table d'hote , to eat and drink , Let French and English mingle , And while to me they bring the chink , \u2018 Faith , let the glasses jingle . Your rhino rattle , Come men and cattle . Come all to Mrs. Casey . Of trouble and money , My jewel , my honey ! I warrant , I 'll make you easy . Let love fly here on silken wings , His tricks I shall connive at ; The lover , who would say soft things , Shall have a room in private : On pleasures I am pleas 'd to wink , So lips and kisses mingle , For , while to me , they bring the chink , \u2018 Faith , let the glasses jingle , Your rhino rattle , & c ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 424, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Huzza ! Ecod , Dick , my boy , you did the thing nicely !", "Huzza ! we 've banged the monsieurs . Hey for Yorkshire ! d'ye hear \u2014 See Whirligig well rubbed down , and give her a horn of egg , milk , oil , and saffron ; and while you lead her down the course in triumph , let the French horns play , Britons strike home .Merry be the first of August .\u2014 Let 's see , besides the fifteen thousand from this French Colonel Epaulette ,\u2014 ay , I shall win twenty thousand by the day ; and then my slang match to-morrow \u2014 Eh , Dick ?", "Eh ! Dinner !\u2014 true : Tell old Moll Casey to knock her whole house into one room , and to roast , boil , bake , and fricassee , as if she had n't an hour to live \u2014 we 're a roaring , screeching party \u2014\u2014", "Yes , I dare say they have your name in the bar \u2014 I see , by his grin , he wants to come Captain Borrowman , but \u2018 two n't do .", "I wo n't lend you sixpence .", "It 's a fine day .", "So I am , ha ! ha ! ha !", "No , you ha n't , ha ! ha ! ha ! Nor you wo n't have me , ha ! ha ! ha ! I 'm not to be had \u2014 know a thing or two \u2014 up to all \u2014 if you 're flint , I 'm steel .", "You will catch them , as your coat is a kind of tinder , ha ! ha ! ha !", "True , your coat is rather a thread-bare subject , ha ! ha ! ha !\u2014 touching the cash makes a body so comical , ha ! ha ! ha !", "Ha ! ha ! ha ! Ah , well , Lackland , you 're so full of jokes , that you even laugh at the elbows , ha ! ha ! ha ! that is the best humoured suit of clothes \u2014", "Hold , if you raise your arm , you 'll increase the laugh \u2014 Come , do n't be angry ,and I 'll help you to a graver sort o'coat , that 's not quite so much upon the broad grin , ha ! ha ! ha ! Hush ! I 'll introduce you to Colonel Epaulette yonder .", "True ; but I keep up the old saying , ha ! ha ! ha ! they may laugh that win .", "Yes , I 'm his tutor ; I teach him all our polite accomplishments .", "Yes , he comes on , but I 'll give him up to you \u2014 or you to him , to get rid of you .", "Yes , he is worth twenty thousand a year .", "I 'll tell him , you 're a wrangling mastiff , pointer-made \u2014 he thinks so highly of our courage , with him , the boldest bully , is the bravest Briton , ha ! ha ! ha !\u2014 he 's so fond of our English customs , ha ! ha ! ha ! why , he 'd introduce himself to a duchess , with a zounds ; and thinks if he can come out with a dozen dammes or so , he speaks very good English .", "Oh yes , it 's a very good joke .Colonel , this here is Squire What d'ye call him \u2014 Squire , that there is Colonel Thing-o-me , and now you know one another , shake fists .", "Colonel , this is an honest fellow , and a finished gentleman ; a jig or allemande \u2014 Robin Gray or Mallbrook \u2014 he 'll whip you through with a small sword , or break your head with a cudgel .", "Play ! He 'll pull the longest straw for a twenty pound joke , or run with you in a sack for a ginger-bread hat .", "Yes , he has so many great acquaintances , and so polite himself \u2014 look at his hat \u2014 he has almost saluted away the front cock .", "Says so many good things too !\u2014 A capital bon motter .", "Well said , Master Emperor ! ha ! ha ! ha ! but I will new robe your Imperial Majesty .I 'll touch him for a coat for you \u2014 A man of high taste in our modes .I 'll try and get him to change a suit with you .", "Yes , but from your coat , and your feathered head , he took you for a drummer .", "Yes ; but he 's such a shot , he 'd snuff a candle on your head !", "Do , he 'll give it you again .", "Yes , and you 'll find it cursed hard to get him out of it , he 's so friendly .", "Yes , that 's sister Celia .", "I wish I 'd left her behind , in Paris .\u2014 Badger 'd \u2014 pestered with petticoats , when one has their betts and their business to mind .", "Lackland , be quiet : she has a fortune .", "No ; but I am her guardian , Master Emperor .", "What , then you have thrust your copper face into Sir John Bull 's family ?", "The daughter Doll is a fine filly \u2014 We start for matrimony , on our return to Paris .", "Very well , very well , gentlemen , have at you both \u2014 yoicks \u2014 hurrah ! AIR .\u2014 TALLYHO . I 'm yours at any sort of fun , My buck , I 'll tell you so ; A main to fight , a nag to run , But say the word , \u2018 tis done and done , All 's one to Tallyho . Upon a single card I 'll set A thousand pound , or so . But name the thing , I 'll bind the bet , And , if I lose , I 'll scorn to fret ; All 's one to Tallyho . Suppose you challenge in a glass , Sweet Doll , my pretty Doe ; And think your love could mine surpass , I 'd swallow hogsheads , for my lass , All 's one to Tallyho ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 424, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Charming creature ! since the joy inspired by your conversation at the opera , and the grief of such a hopeless parting , to the instant of this lucky meeting , I have not enjoyed a moment 's peace .", "One moment , my love !", "I am your captive , your slave \u2014 thus I kiss my chain ;and thus on my knee \u2014", "Dear , charming \u2014I wish I knew her name .", "I am enchanted with your gaiety , charmed with your beauty \u2014", "But never lov 'd till now .", "Nay , but my angel \u2014", "Charming woman !", "Oh , here 's Tallyho \u2014 as this brother she speaks of , is a man of the turf , probably he knows him \u2014 I 'll just ask him , and \u2014 then for my sister Rosa .", "Where ?", "Certainly , my boy \u2014 but , pray , Tallyho , can you tell me \u2014 you saw the young lady that parted from me now \u2014 admirably handsome !\u2014\u2014", "I shall soon call her mine .", "I have some hopes ; the only obstacle is a brother \u2014 but , perhaps , you know him \u2014 one of our stupid , thick-headed fellows , without an idea , beyond a cock , or a horse .", "You !", "What a blunder !But , really , Squire , is that young lady your sister ?", "Now , what \u2014 what is all \u2014", "And this , perhaps , you call honour ?", "What ! to be a scoundrel ?", "Stop , Tallyho \u2014 I think I 'll punish my knowing one .", "On second thoughts , I will join with you in this roguery .", "Ay , with her consent \u2014\u2014", "But what shall I do with Rosa ?", "Oh , Miss Bull \u2014 Ay , we shall soon have you a bridegroom too .", "Your hand ,", "My buck ,", "No more pother !", "My brother !", "We 'll slang \u2018 em ,", "In this and that , and every nation ,", "If it takes but the knowing one in .", "\u2018 Tis all"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 424, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["B. Ah , see when they catch me upon a race horse again !\u2014 That scoundrel , Tallyho , did it to break my neck \u2014 Above all the beasts o'the field , to mount me upon Kick-him-Jenny ! But I must get something to this cut \u2014 Have you no \u2018 pothecaries here in France ?I say , get me a doctor \u2014\u2014 I want a surgeon .", "B . D'ye understand ?\u2014 I was riding , and Tallyho 's mare threw me \u2014You scoundrel ! what , d'ye stand grinning at me ? Get somebody to dress my head .", "B. Oh dear , oh dear ! get me once out of France \u2014 Then my wife and daughter ! such a pair of mademoiselles , as they are making of themselves , to receive this great French Colonel Epaulette \u2014\u2014 Egad , here they come , in full puff !", "B .A-la-mode de Paree ! Miss Dolly B. Bless me , papa , what 's the matter ?", "B . Fighting ! no , my Lady Bull \u2014 I got upon Kick-him-Jenny , she threw me off , and broke my head .", "B. Eh , nothing .George , get me a pipe . Miss Dolly B . La , papa , let 's have no piping here !", "B. Oh , very well \u2014 Mrs. Casey , get me yesterday 's Ledger .", "B . Thank you , daughter , but I 'm not quite so modish .", "B . Thank you , thank you , wife ; but I do n't think I 'm quite so shocking .", "B . A French tailor for me !\u2014 very well , very well , ladies .", "B. Ay , ay , let the poor devil come up .", "B .Shabby !\u2014 Eh !\u2014 Why , in the name of \u2014 Oh ! ho !\u2014 Ha ! ha ! ha !\u2014 recovered the arables , or another old fool from Throgmorton Street ?", "B . Bull ! I will not be seated .", "B . Who , Doll ? Yes , Doll 's a dev'lish fine girl , and I shall give fourscore thousand pounds with her .", "B. Fifteen years \u2014 the Grasshopper , on Garlick Hill .", "B . Yes , I did , and figs too .", "B . And yet , do you know \u2014\u2014", "B . Yet if I was to advise \u2014\u2014", "B .Ninon-don \u2014 talks French \u2014 I lent him a guinea too \u2014 well !", "B . Your heart , hussy ! did n't you promise Squire Tallyho ? Miss Dolly B . True , papa ; but then , I had n't seen this gentleman .", "B . Yes , and I dare say \u2014\u2014", "B .What d'ye mean , friend \u2014 honest fellow ! I do n't believe you know who you 're talking to !\u2014Oh , oh ! Tallyho is likely to be jockeyed here \u2014Bob , if Squire Tallyho comes , show him \u2014\u2014", "B. Ha ! ha ! ha ! Yes , I see you are very sorry .", "B . My leg ! it 's my forehead .", "B. I 've been fighting your battles here .\u2014", "B. Pshaw ! do n't you see it 's my forehead \u2014 Go out with him ! is n't that one of your sword and pistol terms ?", "B . An impudent dog ! to send me out for his snuff-box too . Miss Dolly B. I do like him monstrously !", "B . Me \u2014 I do n't know what this fellow has been about here , among them , with his snuff , and his feathers \u2014 but where have you been , Tallyho ? I tell you , if you 'd have Doll , you must stick to her , my boy . Miss Dolly B. Ay , that you must , indeed , my boy \u2014 Lord , Squire , what has made you so tipsy ?", "B . Game o'your father ! why , you confounded jade \u2014", "B. Zounds ! do n't you see it 's my forehead ?\u2014 but , however , I forgive you , since \u2014 ha ! ha ! ha !\u2014 I 'm so pleas 'd at your winning the race to-day , and beating the mounseers , that , if I 'd twenty daughters , and each with a plumb in her mouth , you should have them all .", "B . How ?", "B . Me ? I never borrowed sixpence of you , in my life .", "B .Lost ! oh , lord ! I had a fifty pound note in my pocket book \u2014No , \u2018 faith , here it is .", "B . Give it you ! for what ?", "B . Damn your Whirligig ! Miss Dolly B. Oh , lord , father ! how can you damn his Whirligig ?", "B . You hussy ! I 'll dust your gown for you !", "B . Lay ! I remember , I said , I thought the brown horse run the fastest .", "B . And so you come the dun upon me \u2014 pho , pho ! none of your jokes , man .", "B . Pay you \u2014 what the devil , do you think I 'll give you fifty pounds , because one horse thrusts his nose out before another ? Doll , that 's a rogue !", "B. Oh , very well \u2014 there \u2014by winning fifty pounds , you lose my daughter , and fourscore thousand ; and now post that at Tattersal 's , Tally , my lad \u2014 Dolly , child , go to your mamma . Miss Dolly B. I wo n't \u2014 I wo n't go to my mamma \u2014 I 'll meet you , bye and bye , at the Colonel 's .", "B . You wo n't \u2014 you shall , hussy ! Miss Dolly B. I wo n't \u2014 I wo n't \u2014Oh , the cruelty of old tough fathers , to force young , tender maidens , away from the sweet , amiable swains , that so dearly love them ! oh ! oh ! oh !", "B . Go in there , you jade !how cunning you look now , Tally , my lad !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 424, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Only tell Sir John and my Lady de Bull , dat Colonel", "Epaulette is come to vait on dem .", "Dat Colonel Epaulette is come to vait on dem .", "By all I can hear , de must be vile bourgeois , but on account of my lord 's recommendation , I must show dem some civility , and Squire Tallyho tells me , dey have a fine daughter too \u2014 Ay , my English dress is lucky upon de occasion \u2014 dey must be vonderfully pleased vid it . Lepoche , my taileur , has not been in London for noting , and I am much oblige to Mr. Lackland for his advice in my affairs \u2014 I hope dey did tell my Ladyde Bull too , dat I vas coming to wait on her .", "Oh , dis must be Sir John \u2014Sir , I am your most obedient servant .", "I presume , you are Sir John de Bull .", "Sir , I have receive a lettre , from my friend de Duke \u2014\u2014", "I ave great reason to tink I am dear to him , and he recommend you to me in de highest terms .", "Sir !", "Sir !", "I carry de colour ! vat , you take me for an ensign ?\u2014 but I excuse , as de custom of your country gives a privilege \u2014", "About a tousand .", "About a tousand in my regiment .", "Vork ! I no understand vat he mean \u2014 Sir , de ladies \u2014\u2014", "Monsieur , in compliance vid the lettre of his grace , I shall show every civilite , and , if you please , vill ave de honour of introduce my Lady de Bull , and mademoiselle , her daughter , to de prince .", "Tailor ! Aha ! Sir , if you vere not an Englishman , your life \u2014 your life , sir , should answer for dis affront \u2014 but from my respect to your country , I pardon you .", "You are under some gross error , or you are a person void of manners \u2014 if de former , you are a fool by nature ; if de latter , a clown by habit \u2014 and as both is beneath my resentment , I sall look to my noble friend for an explanation of dis affront offered to Colonel Epaulette ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 424, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Miss , I do congratulate my felicity in meeting of you . Miss Dolly B. I 'm sure , I 'm much obliged to you , indeed , Colonel .", "If I could get her , instead of my fille de opera , I should be up vid her fader , for calling me a tailor . Miss Dolly B .Lord , I wonder what keeps Squire Tallyho !", "Miss , vas you ever in love ? Miss Dolly B . Not above nine times , I thank you , sir .", "Hey ! Miss Dolly B . Nine ! Yes , three times before I got out of my slips \u2014 twice at Hackney boarding school \u2014 I do n't reckon my guitar-master \u2014 then Frank Frippery \u2014 Mr. Pettitoe \u2014 No , sir , only eight , for I never would listen to the handsome staymaker , of Duck Lane .", "Miss , vill you be in love de ninth time , and run avay vid me ? Miss Dolly B. Lord , sir , are you going to run away ?", "Oui , I vill scamper off vid you .", "Miss Dolly B. Oh , now I understand you \u2014 but why scamper off , sir , when", "I 'm sure mamma would consent ?", "Oui , consent \u2014 but dat is so mechanique !\u2014 Miss Dolly B . True , sir , it does sound of Bow bell ; and , as you say , scampering off is such a funny thing , he ! he ! he !\u2014Ecod , I 've a great mind , if I should , how Squire Tallyho would be surprised !", "Allons , ma chere .", "Miss Dolly B . Stop , will you excuse me afterwards to Squire Tallyho ?", "For vat ? Miss Dolly B . Because I promised to run away with him .", "Indeed ! Miss Dolly B . Yes , but do n't tell mamma \u2014 Sure , \u2018 twas for that I came here to meet him .", "Yes , but here I come first . Miss Dolly B . True , sir , and first come , first served , as pa used to say , in the shop at home \u2014 he ! he ! he !", "Come , then , my dearest angel !\u2014 Aha \u2014 Stay , mademoiselle , I vill order my gentilhomme to pack up some poudre , and pomade , and my dancing pump , as von cannot tell vat may happen \u2014 den , hey for love and pleasure !Miss Dolly B .Colonel , make haste !", "All is ready \u2014 Allons , ma chere mademoiselle .", "Aha ! de lady is gone .", "Oui , vere have you put her ?", "Moi ?\u2014 I did leave her here .", "Ask dat gentleman dat did stole her .", "Diable m'emporte \u2014 Zounds \u2014 Splutter and oons \u2014 it is no such ting .", "It is not \u2014 You are as wrong in dis , as when you took me for a taileur .", "Nay , but , Sir John \u2014\u2014", "Monsieur , any thing to oblige you \u2014 I vil fight , or let it alone \u2014 all von to me \u2014 ma foi ! Who 's there ?Hey ! Le Fleche , Justine !\u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 424, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Yes , what is that ? Massy , what a clatter ! OliveI heard naught . Be not so foolish , child . And you , Nancy , be of a surety old enough to know better .", "I trow there was a clatter in the chimbly . There \u2018 tis again ! Massy , what a screech ! PhoebeOh , Olive , what is it ? what is it ? Do n't let it catch me . Oh , Olive !", "Them that wo n't hear be deafer than them that 's born so . Massy , what a screech !", "We wo n't , hey ?", "Massy , what screeches !", "It was n't me ; \u2018 twas a witch in the chimbly .There , hear that , will ye ? I tell ye \u2018 twa'n ' t me . I \u2018 ai n't opened my mouth .", "Oh , I 'm forbid to tell .", "The one who forbade me to tell , forbade me to tell who told me .", "Said it not : \u201c Serve me ; serve me ? \u201d", "She need n't be so topping . It will be laying in wait for her when she goes home . I 'll warrant it wo n't let her off so easy . Enter Olive , bringing an embroidered muslin cape . She puts it gently over Ann 's shoulders . AnnOh ! oh ! Take it away ! take it away !", "I miss my guess but it \u2018 ll suit well enough with her heart too . I trow that 's as green as her gown ; green 's the jealous color .", "You could n't see so far without spectacles .", "You think your eyes are mighty sharp . Maybe your ears are too ? Maybe you heard \u2018 em kissing at the door when he went home ?", "You need n't color up and shake your head at me , Olive . They stood kissing there nigh an hour , and he with his arm round her waist , and she with hers round his neck . They 'd kiss , then they 'd eye each other and kiss again . I know I woke up and thought \u2018 twas Injuns , and I peeked out of my chamber window . Such doings ! You 'd ought to have seen \u2018 em , Ann .", "That 's what she ought to have said last night \u2014 had n't she ,", "Ann ? But she did n't . Oh , I 'll warrant she did n't ! I know you would ,", "Ann .", "Massy ! what 's after ye ?", "Mayhap she hears more than folk want her to . I heard a voice too , a gruff voice like a pig 's .", "\u2018 Twas more than that . I know , I know .", "I 'm none so old that I must needs be sent to bed like a babe , I 'd have you know that , Goody Corey ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 425, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Goe , call the Earles of Surrey , and of Warwick :", "But ere they come , bid them ore-reade these Letters ,", "And well consider of them : make good speed .", "Enter .", "How many thousand of my poorest Subiects", "Are at this howre asleepe ? O Sleepe , O gentle Sleepe ,", "Natures soft Nurse , how haue I frighted thee ,", "That thou no more wilt weigh my eye-lids downe ,", "And steepe my Sences in Forgetfulnesse ?", "Why rather", "lyest thou in smoakie Cribs ,", "Vpon vneasie Pallads stretching thee ,", "And huisht with bussing Night , flyes to thy slumber ,", "Then in the perfum 'd Chambers of the Great ?", "Vnder the Canopies of costly State ,", "And lull 'd with sounds of sweetest Melodie ?", "O thou dull God , why lyest thou with the vilde ,", "In loathsome Beds , and leau'st the Kingly Couch ,", "A Watch-case , or a common Larum-Bell ?", "Wilt thou , vpon the high and giddie Mast ,", "Seale vp the Ship-boyes Eyes , and rock his Braines ,", "In Cradle of the rude imperious Surge ,", "And in the visitation of the Windes ,", "Who take the Ruffian Billowes by the top ,", "Curling their monstrous heads , and hanging them", "With deaff'ning Clamors in the slipp'ry Clouds ,", "That with the hurley , Death it selfe awakes ?", "Canst thou", "giue thy Repose", "To the wet Sea-Boy , in an houre so rude :", "And in the calmest , and most stillest Night ,", "With all appliances , and meanes to boote ,", "Deny it to a King ? Then happy Lowe , lye downe ,", "Vneasie lyes the Head , that weares a Crowne .", "Is it good-morrow , Lords ?", "Why then good-morrow to you all", "Haue you read o 're the Letters that I sent you ?", "Then you perceiue the Body of our Kingdome ,", "How foule it is : what ranke Diseases grow ,", "And with what danger , neere the Heart of it ?", "Oh Heauen , that one might read the Book of Fate ,", "And see the reuolution of the Times", "Make Mountaines leuell , and the Continent", "melt it selfe", "Into the Sea : and other Times , to see", "The beachie Girdle of the Ocean", "Too wide for Neptunes hippes ; how Chances mocks", "And Changes fill the Cuppe of Alteration", "With diuers Liquors . \u2018 Tis not tenne yeeres gone ,", "Since Richard , and Northumberland , great friends ,", "Did feast together ; and in two yeeres after ,", "Were they at Warres . It is but eight yeeres since ,", "This Percie was the man , neerest my Soule ,", "Who , like a Brother , toyl 'd in my Affaires ,", "And layd his Loue and Life vnder my foot :", "Yea , for my sake , euen to the eyes of Richard", "Gaue him defiance . But which of you was by", "When Richard , with his Eye , brim-full of Teares ,", "Did speake these words", "Northumberland , thou Ladder , by the which", "My Cousin Bullingbrooke ascends my Throne :", "The Time shall come", "The Time will come , that foule Sinne gathering head ,", "Shall breake into Corruption : so went on ,", "Fore-telling this same Times Condition ,", "And the diuision of our Amitie", "Are these things then Necessities ?", "Then let vs meete them like Necessities ;", "And that same word , euen now cryes out on vs :", "They say , the Bishop and Northumberland", "Are fiftie thousand strong", "I will take your counsaile :", "And were these inward Warres once out of hand ,", "Wee would", "vnto the Holy-Land .", "Exeunt .", "Scena Secunda ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 427, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What is this Forrest call 'd ?", "Here stand", "and send discouerers forth ,", "To know the numbers of our Enemies", "\u2018 Tis well done .", "My Friends , and Brethren", "I must acquaint you , that I haue receiu 'd", "New-dated Letters from Northumberland :", "Their cold intent , tenure , and substance thus .", "Here doth hee wish his Person , with such Powers", "As might hold sortance with his Qualitie ,", "The which hee could not leuie : whereupon", "Hee is retyr 'd , to ripe his growing Fortunes ,", "To Scotland ; and concludes in heartie prayers ,", "That your Attempts may ouer-liue the hazard ,", "And fearefull meeting of their Opposite", "What well-appointed Leader fronts vs here ?", "Say on", "in peace :", "What doth concerne your comming ?", "Wherefore doe I this ? so the Question stands .", "Briefely to this end : Wee are all diseas 'd ,", "And with our surfetting , and wanton howres ,", "Haue brought our selues into a burning Feuer ,", "And wee must bleede for it : of which Disease ,", "Our late King Richard", "dy 'd .", "But", "I take not on me here as a Physician ,", "Nor doe I , as an Enemie to Peace ,", "Troope in the Throngs of Militarie men :", "But rather shew a while like fearefull Warre ,", "To dyet ranke Mindes , sicke of happinesse ,", "And purge th \u2019 obstructions , which begin to stop", "Our very Veines of Life : heare me more plainely .", "I haue in equall ballance iustly weigh 'd ,", "What wrongs our Arms may do , what wrongs we suffer ,", "And finde our Griefes heauier then our Offences .", "Wee see which way the streame of Time doth runne ,", "And are enforc 'd from our most quiet there ,", "By the rough Torrent of Occasion ,", "And haue the summarie of all our Griefes", "to shew in Articles ;", "Which long ere this , wee offer 'd to the King ,", "And might , by no Suit , gayne our Audience :", "When wee are wrong 'd , and would vnfold our Griefes ,", "Wee are deny 'd accesse vnto his Person ,", "Euen by those men , that most haue done vs wrong .", "The dangers of the dayes but newly gone ,", "Whose memorie is written on the Earth", "With yet appearing blood ; and the examples", "Of euery Minutes instance", "Hath put vs in these ill-beseeming Armes :", "Not to breake Peace , or any Branch of it ,", "But to establish here a Peace indeede ,", "Concurring both in Name and Qualitie", "My Brother generall , the Common-wealth ,", "I make my Quarrell , in particular", "Then take", "this Schedule ,", "For this containes our generall Grieuances :", "Each seuerall Article herein redress 'd ,", "All members of our Cause , both here , and hence ,", "That are insinewed to this Action ,", "Acquitted by a true substantiall forme ,", "And present execution of our wills ,", "To vs , and to our purposes confin 'd ,", "Wee come within our awfull Banks againe ,", "And knit our Powers to the Arme of Peace", "My Lord , wee will doe so", "No , no", "note this : the King is wearie", "Of daintie , and such picking Grieuances :", "For hee hath found , to end one doubt by Death ,", "Reuiues two greater in the Heires of Life .", "And therefore will hee wipe his Tables cleane ,", "And keepe no Tell-tale to his Memorie ,", "That may repeat , and Historie his losse ,", "To new remembrance . For full well hee knowes ,", "Hee cannot so precisely weede this Land ,", "As his mis-doubts present occasion :", "His foes are so en-rooted with his friends ,", "That plucking to vnfixe an Enemie ,", "Hee doth vnfasten so , and shake a friend .", "So that this Land , like an offensiue wife ,", "That hath enrag 'd him on , to offer strokes ,", "As he is striking , holds his Infant vp ,", "And hangs resolu 'd Correction in the Arme ,", "That was vprear 'd to execution", "\u2018 Tis very true :", "And therefore be assur 'd", "If we do now make our attonement well ,", "Our Peace , will", "Grow stronger , for the breaking", "Before , and greet his Gracewe come .", "Good my Lord of Lancaster ,", "I am not here against your Fathers Peace :", "But", "The Time", "doth in common sence", "Crowd vs , and crush vs , to this monstrous Forme ,", "To hold our safetie vp . I sent your Grace", "The parcels , and particulars of our Griefe ,", "The which hath been with scorne shou 'd from the Court :", "Whereon this Hydra-Sonne of Warre is borne ,", "Whose dangerous eyes may well be charm 'd asleepe ,", "With graunt of our most iust and right desires ;", "And true Obedience , of this Madnesse cur 'd ,", "Stoope tamely to the foot of Maiestie", "I take your Princely word , for these redresses", "To you , my Noble Lord of Westmerland", "I doe not doubt you", "Against ill Chances , men are euer merry ,", "But heauinesse fore-runnes the good euent", "Beleeue me , I am passing light in spirit", "A Peace is of the nature of a Conquest :", "For then both parties nobly are subdu 'd ,", "And neither partie looser", "Goe , good Lord Hastings :", "And ere they be dismiss 'd , let them march by .", "Will you thus breake your faith ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 427, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Hung be the heavens with black , yield day to night ! Comets , importing change of times and states , Brandish your crystal tresses in the sky And with them scourge the bad revolting stars That have consented unto Henry 's death ! King Henry the Fifth , too famous to live long ! England ne'er lost a king of so much worth .", "Cease , cease these jars and rest your minds in peace ;", "Let 's to the altar . Heralds , wait on us .", "Instead of gold , we 'll offer up our arms ,", "Since arms avail not , now that Henry 's dead .", "Posterity , await for wretched years ,", "When at their mothers \u2019 moist'ned eyes babes shall suck ,", "Our isle be made a nourish of salt tears ,", "And none but women left to wail the dead .", "Henry the Fifth , thy ghost I invocate :", "Prosper this realm , keep it from civil broils ,", "Combat with adverse planets in the heavens .", "A far more glorious star thy soul will make", "Than Julius Caesar or bright", "What say'st thou , man , before dead Henry 's corse ?", "Speak softly , or the loss of those great towns", "Will make him burst his lead and rise from death .", "Me they concern ; Regent I am of France .", "Give me my steeled coat ; I 'll fight for France .", "Away with these disgraceful wailing robes !", "Wounds will I lend the French instead of eyes ,", "To weep their intermissive miseries .", "Gloucester , why doubt'st thou of my forwardness ?", "An army have I muster 'd in my thoughts ,", "Wherewith already France is overrun .", "Is Talbot slain ? Then I will slay myself ,", "For living idly here in pomp and ease ,", "Whilst such a worthy leader , wanting aid ,", "Unto his dastard foemen is betray 'd .", "His ransom there is none but I shall pay .", "I 'll hale the Dauphin headlong from his throne ;", "His crown shall be the ransom of my friend ;", "Four of their lords I 'll change for one of ours .", "Farewell , my masters ; to my task will I ;", "Bonfires in France forthwith I am to make", "To keep our great Saint George 's feast withal .", "Ten thousand soldiers with me I will take ,", "Whose bloody deeds shall make an Europe quake .", "I do remember it , and here take my leave", "To go about my preparation . Exit"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 444, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Mars his true moving , even as in the heavens", "So in the earth , to this day is not known .", "Late did he shine upon the English side ;", "Now we are victors , upon us he smiles .", "What towns of any moment but we have ?", "At pleasure here we lie near Orleans ;", "Otherwhiles the famish 'd English , like pale ghosts ,", "Faintly besiege us one hour in a month .", "Sound , sound alarum ; we will rush on them .", "Now for the honour of the forlorn French !", "Him I forgive my death that killeth me ,", "When he sees me go back one foot or flee . Exeunt", "Who ever saw the like ? What men have I !", "Dogs ! cowards ! dastards ! I would ne'er have fled", "But that they left me midst my enemies .", "Let 's leave this town ; for they are hare-brain 'd slaves , And hunger will enforce them to be more eager . Of old I know them ; rather with their teeth The walls they 'll tear down than forsake the siege .", "Bastard of Orleans , thrice welcome to us .", "Go , call her in .", "But first , to try her skill ,", "Reignier , stand thou as Dauphin in my place ;", "Question her proudly ; let thy looks be stern ;", "By this means shall we sound what skill she hath .", "Re-enter the BASTARD OF ORLEANS with", "JOAN LA PUCELLE", "Thou hast astonish 'd me with thy high terms .", "Only this proof I 'll of thy valour make", "In single combat thou shalt buckle with me ;", "And if thou vanquishest , thy words are true ;", "Otherwise I renounce all confidence .", "Then come , o \u2019 God 's name ; I fear no woman .", "Stay , stay thy hands ; thou art an Amazon ,", "And fightest with the sword of Deborah .", "Whoe'er helps thee , \u2018 tis thou that must help me .", "Impatiently I burn with thy desire ;", "My heart and hands thou hast at once subdu 'd .", "Excellent Pucelle , if thy name be so ,", "Let me thy servant and not sovereign be .", "\u2018 Tis the French Dauphin sueth to thee thus .", "Meantime look gracious on thy prostrate thrall .", "What she says I 'll confirm ; we 'll fight it out .", "Was Mahomet inspired with a dove ?", "Thou with an eagle art inspired then .", "Helen , the mother of great Constantine ,", "Nor yet Saint Philip 's daughters were like thee .", "Bright star of Venus , fall'n down on the earth ,", "How may I reverently worship thee enough ?", "Presently we 'll try . Come , let 's away about it . No prophet will I trust if she prove false . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 444, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I am come to survey the Tower this day ;", "Since Henry 's death , I fear , there is conveyance .", "Where be these warders that they wait not here ?", "Open the gates ; \u2018 tis Gloucester that calls .", "Who willed you , or whose will stands but mine ? There 's none Protector of the realm but I . Break up the gates , I 'll be your warrantize . Shall I be flouted thus by dunghill grooms ?", "Lieutenant , is it you whose voice I hear ? Open the gates ; here 's Gloucester that would enter .", "Faint-hearted Woodville , prizest him fore me ?", "Arrogant Winchester , that haughty prelate", "Whom Henry , our late sovereign , ne'er could brook !", "Thou art no friend to God or to the King .", "Open the gates , or I 'll shut thee out shortly .", "Peel 'd priest , dost thou command me to be shut out ?", "Stand back , thou manifest conspirator ,", "Thou that contrived'st to murder our dead lord ;", "Thou that giv'st whores indulgences to sin .", "I 'll canvass thee in thy broad cardinal 's hat ,", "If thou proceed in this thy insolence .", "I will not slay thee , but I 'll drive thee back .", "Thy scarlet robes as a child 's bearing-cloth", "I 'll use to carry thee out of this place .", "What ! am I dar 'd and bearded to my face ?", "Draw , men , for all this privileged place", "Blue-coats to tawny-coats . Priest , beware your beard ;", "I mean to tug it , and to cuff you soundly ;", "Under my feet I stamp thy cardinal 's hat ;", "In spite of Pope or dignities of church ,", "Here by the cheeks I 'll drag thee up and down .", "Winchester goose ! I cry \u2018 A rope , a rope ! \u2019 Now beat them hence ; why do you let them stay ? Thee I 'll chase hence , thou wolf in sheep 's array . Out , tawny-coats ! Out , scarlet hypocrite ! Here GLOUCESTER 'S men beat out the CARDINAL 'S men ; and enter in the hurly burly the MAYOR OF LONDON and his OFFICERS", "Peace , Mayor ! thou know'st little of my wrongs :", "Here 's Beaufort , that regards nor God nor King ,", "Hath here distrain 'd the Tower to his use .", "I will not answer thee with words , but blows .", "Cardinal , I 'll be no breaker of the law ;", "But we shall meet and break our minds at large .", "Mayor , farewell ; thou dost but what thou mayst ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 444, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Porter , remember what I gave in charge ;", "And when you have done so , bring the keys to me .", "The plot is laid ; if all things fall out right ,", "I shall as famous be by this exploit .", "As Scythian Tomyris by Cyrus \u2019 death .", "Great is the rumour of this dreadful knight ,", "And his achievements of no less account .", "Fain would mine eyes be witness with mine ears", "To give their censure of these rare reports .", "And he is welcome . What ! is this the man ?", "Is this the scourge of France ?", "Is this Talbot , so much fear 'd abroad", "That with his name the mothers still their babes ?", "I see report is fabulous and false .", "I thought I should have seen some Hercules ,", "A second Hector , for his grim aspect", "And large proportion of his strong-knit limbs .", "Alas , this is a child , a silly dwarf !", "It cannot be this weak and writhled shrimp", "Should strike such terror to his enemies .", "What means he now ? Go ask him whither he goes .", "If thou be he , then art thou prisoner .", "To me , blood-thirsty lord", "And for that cause I train 'd thee to my house .", "Long time thy shadow hath been thrall to me ,", "For in my gallery thy picture hangs ;", "But now the substance shall endure the like", "And I will chain these legs and arms of thine", "That hast by tyranny these many years", "Wasted our country , slain our citizens ,", "And sent our sons and husbands captivate .", "Laughest thou , wretch ? Thy mirth shall turn to moan .", "Why , art not thou the man ?", "Then have I substance too .", "This is a riddling merchant for the nonce ;", "He will be here , and yet he is not here .", "How can these contrarieties agree ?", "Victorious Talbot ! pardon my abuse .", "I find thou art no less than fame hath bruited ,", "And more than may be gathered by thy shape .", "Let my presumption not provoke thy wrath ,", "For I am sorry that with reverence", "I did not entertain thee as thou art .", "With all my heart , and think me honoured", "To feast so great a warrior in my house . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 444, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Great lords and gentlemen , what means this silence ? Dare no man answer in a case of truth ?", "Then say at once if I maintain 'd the truth ;", "Or else was wrangling Somerset in th \u2019 error ?", "Tut , tut , here is a mannerly forbearance :", "The truth appears so naked on my side", "That any purblind eye may find it out .", "Since you are tongue-tied and so loath to speak ,", "In dumb significants proclaim your thoughts .", "Let him that is a true-born gentleman", "And stands upon the honour of his birth ,", "If he suppose that I have pleaded truth ,", "From off this brier pluck a white rose with me .", "And I .", "Now , Somerset , where is your argument ?", "Meantime your cheeks do counterfeit our roses ; For pale they look with fear , as witnessing The truth on our side .", "Hath not thy rose a canker , Somerset ?", "Ay , sharp and piercing , to maintain his truth ;", "Whiles thy consuming canker eats his falsehood .", "Now , by this maiden blossom in my hand ,", "I scorn thee and thy fashion , peevish boy .", "Proud Pole , I will , and scorn both him and thee .", "He bears him on the place 's privilege ,", "Or durst not for his craven heart say thus .", "My father was attached , not attainted ;", "Condemn 'd to die for treason , but no traitor ;", "And that I 'll prove on better men than Somerset ,", "Were growing time once ripened to my will .", "For your partaker Pole , and you yourself ,", "I 'll note you in my book of memory", "To scourge you for this apprehension .", "Look to it well , and say you are well warn 'd .", "And , by my soul , this pale and angry rose ,", "As cognizance of my blood-drinking hate ,", "Will I for ever , and my faction , wear ,", "Until it wither with me to my grave ,", "Or flourish to the height of my degree .", "How I am brav 'd , and must perforce endure it !", "Good Master Vernon , I am bound to you", "That you on my behalf would pluck a flower .", "Thanks , gentle sir .", "Come , let us four to dinner . I dare say", "This quarrel will drink blood another day . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 444, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Kind keepers of my weak decaying age ,", "Let dying Mortimer here rest himself .", "Even like a man new haled from the rack ,", "So fare my limbs with long imprisonment ;", "And these grey locks , the pursuivants of death ,", "Nestor-like aged in an age of care ,", "Argue the end of Edmund Mortimer .", "These eyes , like lamps whose wasting oil is spent ,", "Wax dim , as drawing to their exigent ;", "Weak shoulders , overborne with burdening grief ,", "And pithless arms , like to a withered vine", "That droops his sapless branches to the ground .", "Yet are these feet , whose strengthless stay is numb ,", "Unable to support this lump of clay ,", "Swift-winged with desire to get a grave ,", "As witting I no other comfort have .", "But tell me , keeper , will my nephew come ?", "Enough ; my soul shall then be satisfied .", "Poor gentleman ! his wrong doth equal mine .", "Since Henry Monmouth first began to reign ,", "Before whose glory I was great in arms ,", "This loathsome sequestration have I had ;", "And even since then hath Richard been obscur 'd ,", "Depriv 'd of honour and inheritance .", "But now the arbitrator of despairs ,", "Just Death , kind umpire of men 's miseries ,", "With sweet enlargement doth dismiss me hence .", "I would his troubles likewise were expir 'd ,", "That so he might recover what was lost .", "Richard Plantagenet , my friend , is he come ?", "Direct mine arms I may embrace his neck", "And in his bosom spend my latter gasp .", "O , tell me when my lips do touch his cheeks ,", "That I may kindly give one fainting kiss .", "And now declare , sweet stem from York 's great stock ,", "Why didst thou say of late thou wert despis 'd ?", "That cause , fair nephew , that imprison 'd me", "And hath detain 'd me all my flow'ring youth", "Within a loathsome dungeon , there to pine ,", "Was cursed instrument of his decease .", "I will , if that my fading breath permit", "And death approach not ere my tale be done .", "Henry the Fourth , grandfather to this king ,", "Depos 'd his nephew Richard , Edward 's son ,", "The first-begotten and the lawful heir", "Of Edward king , the third of that descent ;", "During whose reign the Percies of the north ,", "Finding his usurpation most unjust ,", "Endeavour 'd my advancement to the throne .", "The reason mov 'd these warlike lords to this", "Was , for that-young Richard thus remov 'd ,", "Leaving no heir begotten of his body \u2014", "I was the next by birth and parentage ;", "For by my mother I derived am", "From Lionel Duke of Clarence , third son", "To King Edward the Third ; whereas he", "From John of Gaunt doth bring his pedigree ,", "Being but fourth of that heroic line .", "But mark : as in this haughty great attempt", "They laboured to plant the rightful heir ,", "I lost my liberty , and they their lives .", "Long after this , when Henry the Fifth ,", "Succeeding his father Bolingbroke , did reign ,", "Thy father , Earl of Cambridge , then deriv 'd", "From famous Edmund Langley , Duke of York ,", "Marrying my sister , that thy mother was ,", "Again , in pity of my hard distress ,", "Levied an army , weening to redeem", "And have install 'd me in the diadem ;", "But , as the rest , so fell that noble earl ,", "And was beheaded . Thus the Mortimers ,", "In whom the title rested , were suppress 'd .", "True ; and thou seest that I no issue have ,", "And that my fainting words do warrant death .", "Thou art my heir ; the rest I wish thee gather ;", "But yet be wary in thy studious care .", "With silence , nephew , be thou politic ;", "Strong fixed is the house of Lancaster", "And like a mountain not to be remov 'd .", "But now thy uncle is removing hence ,", "As princes do their courts when they are cloy 'd", "With long continuance in a settled place .", "Thou dost then wrong me , as that slaughterer doth Which giveth many wounds when one will kill . Mourn not , except thou sorrow for my good ; Only give order for my funeral . And so , farewell ; and fair be all thy hopes , And prosperous be thy life in peace and war !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 444, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Com'st thou with deep premeditated lines ,", "With written pamphlets studiously devis 'd ?", "Humphrey of Gloucester , if thou canst accuse", "Or aught intend'st to lay unto my charge ,", "Do it without invention , suddenly ;", "I with sudden and extemporal speech", "Purpose to answer what thou canst object .", "Gloucester , I do defy thee . Lords , vouchsafe", "To give me hearing what I shall reply .", "If I were covetous , ambitious , or perverse ,", "As he will have me , how am I so poor ?", "Or how haps it I seek not to advance", "Or raise myself , but keep my wonted calling ?", "And for dissension , who preferreth peace", "More than I do , except I be provok 'd ?", "No , my good lords , it is not that offends ;", "It is not that that incens 'd hath incens 'd the Duke :", "It is because no one should sway but he ;", "No one but he should be about the King ;", "And that engenders thunder in his breast", "And makes him roar these accusations forth .", "But he shall know I am as good", "Ay , lordly sir ; for what are you , I pray ,", "But one imperious in another 's throne ?", "And am not I a prelate of the church ?", "Unreverent Gloucester !", "Rome shall remedy this .", "He shall submit , or I will never yield .", "Well , Duke of Gloucester , I will yield to thee ; Love for thy love and hand for hand I give . GLOUCESTERAy , but , I fear me , with a hollow heart . See here , my friends and loving countrymen : This token serveth for a flag of truce Betwixt ourselves and all our followers . So help me God , as I dissemble not ! WINCHESTERSo help me God , as I intend it not !", "As will the rest , so willeth Winchester ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 444, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["These are the city gates , the gates of Rouen ,", "Through which our policy must make a breach .", "Take heed , be wary how you place your words ;", "Talk like the vulgar sort of market-men", "That come to gather money for their corn .", "If we have entrance , as I hope we shall ,", "And that we find the slothful watch but weak ,", "I 'll by a sign give notice to our friends ,", "That Charles the Dauphin may encounter them .", "Paysans , pauvres gens de France", "Poor market-folks that come to sell their corn .", "Now , Rouen , I 'll shake thy bulwarks to the ground .", "Behold , this is the happy wedding torch", "That joineth Rouen unto her countrymen ,", "But burning fatal to the Talbotites . Exit", "Good morrow , gallants ! Want ye corn for bread ?", "I think the Duke of Burgundy will fast", "Before he 'll buy again at such a rate .", "\u2018 Twas full of darnel \u2014 do you like the taste ?", "What you do , good grey beard ? Break a lance , And run a tilt at death within a chair ?", "Are ye so hot , sir ? Yet , Pucelle , hold thy peace ;", "If Talbot do but thunder , rain will follow .", "God speed the parliament ! Who shall be the Speaker ?", "Belike your lordship takes us then for fools ,", "To try if that our own be ours or no .", "Away , captains ! Let 's get us from the walls ;", "For Talbot means no goodness by his looks .", "God b'uy , my lord ; we came but to tell you", "That we are here . Exeunt from the walls"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 444, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Lord Bishop , set the crown upon his head .", "Now , Governor of Paris , take your oath", "That you elect no other king but him ,", "Esteem none friends but such as are his friends ,", "And none your foes but such as shall pretend", "Malicious practices against his state .", "This shall ye do , so help you righteous God !", "To say the truth , this fact was infamous", "And ill beseeming any common man ,", "Much more a knight , a captain , and a leader .", "What means his", "Grace , that he hath chang 'd his style ?", "No more but plain and bluntly \u2018 To the King ! \u2019", "Hath he forgot he is his sovereign ?", "Or doth this churlish superscription", "Pretend some alteration in good-will ?", "What 's here ?", "\u2018 I have , upon especial cause ,", "Mov 'd with compassion of my country 's wreck ,", "Together with the pitiful complaints", "Of such as your oppression feeds upon ,", "Forsaken your pernicious faction ,", "And join 'd with Charles , the rightful King of France . \u2019", "O monstrous treachery ! Can this be so", "That in alliance , amity , and oaths ,", "There should be found such false dissembling guile ?", "He doth , my lord , and is become your foe .", "It is the worst , and all , my lord , he writes .", "Confirm it so ? Confounded be your strife ;", "And perish ye , with your audacious prate !", "Presumptuous vassals , are you not asham 'd", "With this immodest clamorous outrage", "To trouble and disturb the King and us ?", "And you , my lords \u2014 methinks you do not well", "To bear with their perverse objections ,", "Much less to take occasion from their mouths", "To raise a mutiny betwixt yourselves .", "Let me persuade you take a better course ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 444, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Are not the speedy scouts return 'd again", "That dogg 'd the mighty army of the Dauphin ?", "A plague upon that villain Somerset", "That thus delays my promised supply", "Of horsemen that were levied for this siege !", "Renowned Talbot doth expect my aid ,", "And I am louted by a traitor villain", "And cannot help the noble chevalier .", "God comfort him in this necessity !", "If he miscarry , farewell wars in France .", "O God , that Somerset , who in proud heart", "Doth stop my cornets , were in Talbot 's place !", "So should we save a valiant gentleman", "By forfeiting a traitor and a coward .", "Mad ire and wrathful fury makes me weep", "That thus we die while remiss traitors sleep .", "He dies ; we lose ; I break my warlike word .", "We mourn : France smiles . We lose : they daily get-", "All long of this vile traitor Somerset .", "Alas , what joy shall noble Talbot have", "To bid his young son welcome to his grave ?", "Away ! vexation almost stops my breath ,", "That sund'red friends greet in the hour of death .", "Lucy , farewell ; no more my fortune can", "But curse the cause I cannot aid the man .", "Maine , Blois , Poictiers , and Tours , are won away", "Long all of Somerset and his delay . Exit with forces"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 444, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["It is too late ; I cannot send them now .", "This expedition was by York and Talbot", "Too rashly plotted ; all our general force", "Might with a sally of the very town", "Be buckled with . The over daring Talbot", "Hath sullied all his gloss of former honour", "By this unheedful , desperate , wild adventure .", "York set him on to fight and die in shame .", "That , Talbot dead , great York might bear the name .", "How now , Sir William ! Whither were you sent ?", "York set him on ; York should have sent him aid .", "York lies ; he might have sent and had the horse .", "I owe him little duty and less love ,", "And take foul scorn to fawn on him by sending .", "Come , go ; I will dispatch the horsemen straight ;", "Within six hours they will be at his aid .", "If he be dead , brave Talbot , then , adieu !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 444, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["O young John Talbot ! I did send for thee", "To tutor thee in stratagems of war ,", "That Talbot 's name might be in thee reviv 'd", "When sapless age and weak unable limbs", "Should bring thy father to his drooping chair .", "But , O malignant and ill-boding stars !", "Now thou art come unto a feast of death ,", "A terrible and unavoided danger ;", "Therefore , dear boy , mount on my swiftest horse ,", "And I 'll direct thee how thou shalt escape", "By sudden flight . Come , dally not , be gone .", "Fly to revenge my death , if I be slain .", "If we both stay , we both are sure to die .", "Shall all thy mother 's hopes lie in one tomb ?", "Upon my blessing I command thee go .", "Part of thy father may be sav 'd in thee .", "Thou never hadst renown , nor canst not lose it .", "Thy father 's charge shall clear thee from that stain .", "And leave my followers here to fight and die ? My age was never tainted with such shame .", "Then here I take my leave of thee , fair son ,", "Born to eclipse thy life this afternoon .", "Come , side by side together live and die ;", "And soul with soul from France to heaven fly . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 444, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Saint George and victory ! Fight , soldiers , fight .", "The Regent hath with Talbot broke his word", "And left us to the rage of France his sword .", "Where is John Talbot ? Pause and take thy breath ;", "I gave thee life and rescu 'd thee from death .", "When from the Dauphin 's crest thy sword struck fire , It warm 'd thy father 's heart with proud desire Of bold-fac 'd victory . Then leaden age , Quicken 'd with youthful spleen and warlike rage , Beat down Alencon , Orleans , Burgundy , And from the pride of Gallia rescued thee . The ireful bastard Orleans , that drew blood From thee , my boy , and had the maidenhood Of thy first fight , I soon encountered And , interchanging blows , I quickly shed Some of his bastard blood ; and in disgrace Bespoke him thus : \u2018 Contaminated , base , And misbegotten blood I spill of thine , Mean and right poor , for that pure blood of mine Which thou didst force from Talbot , my brave boy . \u2019 Here purposing the Bastard to destroy , Came in strong rescue . Speak , thy father 's care ; Art thou not weary , John ? How dost thou fare ? Wilt thou yet leave the battle , boy , and fly , Now thou art seal 'd the son of chivalry ? Fly , to revenge my death when I am dead : The help of one stands me in little stead . O , too much folly is it , well I wot , To hazard all our lives in one small boat ! If I to-day die not with Frenchmen 's rage , To-morrow I shall die with mickle age . By me they nothing gain an if I stay : \u2018 Tis but the short'ning of my life one day . In thee thy mother dies , our household 's name , My death 's revenge , thy youth , and England 's fame . All these and more we hazard by thy stay ; All these are sav 'd if thou wilt fly away .", "Then follow thou thy desp'rate sire of Crete ,", "Thou Icarus ; thy life to me is sweet .", "If thou wilt fight , fight by thy father 's side ;", "And , commendable prov 'd , let 's die in pride . Exeunt", "SCENE 7 .", "Another part of the field", "Alarum ; excursions . Enter old TALBOT led by a SERVANT", "Where is my other life ? Mine own is gone .", "O , where 's young Talbot ? Where is valiant John ?", "Triumphant death , smear 'd with captivity ,", "Young Talbot 's valour makes me smile at thee .", "When he perceiv 'd me shrink and on my knee ,", "His bloody sword he brandish 'd over me ,", "And like a hungry lion did commence", "Rough deeds of rage and stern impatience ;", "But when my angry guardant stood alone ,", "Tend'ring my ruin and assail 'd of none ,", "Dizzy-ey 'd fury and great rage of heart", "Suddenly made him from my side to start", "Into the clust'ring battle of the French ;", "And in that sea of blood my boy did drench", "His overmounting spirit ; and there died ,", "My Icarus , my blossom , in his pride .", "Thou antic Death , which laugh'st us here to scorn ,", "Anon , from thy insulting tyranny ,", "Coupled in bonds of perpetuity ,", "Two Talbots , winged through the lither sky ,", "In thy despite shall scape mortality .", "O thou whose wounds become hard-favoured Death ,", "Speak to thy father ere thou yield thy breath !", "Brave Death by speaking , whether he will or no ;", "Imagine him a Frenchman and thy foe .", "Poor boy ! he smiles , methinks , as who should say ,", "Had Death been French , then Death had died to-day .", "Come , come , and lay him in his father 's arms .", "My spirit can no longer bear these harms .", "Soldiers , adieu ! I have what I would have ,", "Now my old arms are young John Talbot 's grave ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 444, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Have you perus 'd the letters from the Pope ,", "The Emperor , and the Earl of Armagnac ?", "How doth your Grace affect their motion ?", "Ay , marry , uncle ; for I always thought", "It was both impious and unnatural", "That such immanity and bloody strife", "Should reign among professors of one faith .", "Marriage , uncle ! Alas , my years are young", "And fitter is my study and my books", "Than wanton dalliance with a paramour .", "Yet call th \u2019 ambassadors , and , as you please ,", "So let them have their answers every one .", "I shall be well content with any choice", "Tends to God 's glory and my country 's weal .", "My Lords Ambassadors , your several suits", "Have been consider 'd and debated on .", "Your purpose is both good and reasonable ,", "And therefore are we certainly resolv 'd", "To draw conditions of a friendly peace ,", "Which by my Lord of Winchester we mean", "Shall be transported presently to France .", "In argument and proof of which contract , Bear her this jewel , pledge of my affection . And so , my Lord Protector , see them guarded And safely brought to Dover ; where inshipp 'd , Commit them to the fortune of the sea ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 444, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The Regent conquers and the Frenchmen fly .", "Now help , ye charming spells and periapts ;", "And ye choice spirits that admonish me", "And give me signs of future accidents ;", "You speedy helpers that are substitutes", "Under the lordly monarch of the north ,", "Appear and aid me in this enterprise !", "Enter FIENDS", "This speedy and quick appearance argues proof", "Of your accustom 'd diligence to me .", "Now , ye familiar spirits that are cull 'd", "Out of the powerful regions under earth ,", "Help me this once , that France may get the field .", "O , hold me not with silence over-long !", "Where I was wont to feed you with my blood ,", "I 'll lop a member off and give it you", "In earnest of a further benefit ,", "So you do condescend to help me now .", "No hope to have redress ? My body shall", "Pay recompense , if you will grant my suit .", "Cannot my body nor blood sacrifice", "Entreat you to your wonted furtherance ?", "Then take my soul-my body , soul , and all ,", "Before that England give the French the foil .", "See ! they forsake me . Now the time is come", "That France must vail her lofty-plumed crest", "And let her head fall into England 's lap .", "My ancient incantations are too weak ,", "And hell too strong for me to buckle with .", "Now , France , thy glory droopeth to the dust . Exit", "Chang 'd to a worser shape thou canst not be .", "A plaguing mischief fight on Charles and thee !", "And may ye both be suddenly surpris 'd", "By bloody hands , in sleeping on your beds !", "I prithee give me leave to curse awhile ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 444, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Bring forth that sorceress , condemn 'd to burn .", "This argues what her kind of life hath been \u2014", "Wicked and vile ; and so her death concludes .", "Take her away ; for she hath liv 'd too long ,", "To fill the world with vicious qualities .", "Ay , ay . Away with her to execution !", "Now heaven forfend ! The holy maid with child !", "She and the Dauphin have been juggling . I did imagine what would be her refuge .", "Alencon , that notorious Machiavel ! It dies , an if it had a thousand lives .", "Why , here 's a girl ! I think she knows not well", "There were so many \u2014 whom she may accuse .", "And yet , forsooth , she is a virgin pure . Strumpet , thy words condemn thy brat and thee . Use no entreaty , for it is in vain .", "Break thou in pieces and consume to ashes ,", "Thou foul accursed minister of hell !", "Is all our travail turn 'd to this effect ?", "After the slaughter of so many peers ,", "So many captains , gentlemen , and soldiers ,", "That in this quarrel have been overthrown", "And sold their bodies for their country 's benefit ,", "Shall we at last conclude effeminate peace ?", "Have we not lost most part of all the towns ,", "By treason , falsehood , and by treachery ,", "Our great progenitors had conquered ?", "O Warwick , Warwick ! I foresee with grief", "The utter loss of all the realm of France .", "Speak , Winchester ; for boiling choler chokes", "The hollow passage of my poison 'd voice ,", "By sight of these our baleful enemies .", "Insulting Charles ! Hast thou by secret means", "Us 'd intercession to obtain a league ,", "And now the matter grows to compromise", "Stand'st thou aloof upon comparison ?", "Either accept the title thou usurp'st ,", "Of benefit proceeding from our king", "And not of any challenge of desert ,", "Or we will plague thee with incessant wars .", "Then swear allegiance to his Majesty :", "As thou art knight , never to disobey", "Nor be rebellious to the crown of England", "Thou , nor thy nobles , to the crown of England .", "So , now dismiss your army when ye please ;", "Hang up your ensigns , let your drums be still ,", "For here we entertain a solemn peace . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 444, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Your wondrous rare description , noble Earl ,", "Of beauteous Margaret hath astonish 'd me .", "Her virtues , graced with external gifts ,", "Do breed love 's settled passions in my heart ;", "And like as rigour of tempestuous gusts", "Provokes the mightiest hulk against the tide ,", "So am I driven by breath of her renown", "Either to suffer shipwreck or arrive", "Where I may have fruition of her love .", "And otherwise will Henry ne'er presume .", "Therefore , my Lord Protector , give consent", "That Margaret may be England 's royal Queen .", "Whether it be through force of your report ,", "My noble Lord of Suffolk , or for that", "My tender youth was never yet attaint", "With any passion of inflaming love ,", "I cannot tell ; but this I am assur 'd ,", "I feel such sharp dissension in my breast ,", "Such fierce alarums both of hope and fear ,", "As I am sick with working of my thoughts .", "Take therefore shipping ; post , my lord , to France ;", "Agree to any covenants ; and procure", "That Lady Margaret do vouchsafe to come", "To cross the seas to England , and be crown 'd", "King Henry 's faithful and anointed queen .", "For your expenses and sufficient charge ,", "Among the people gather up a tenth .", "Be gone , I say ; for till you do return", "I rest perplexed with a thousand cares .", "And you , good uncle , banish all offence :", "If you do censure me by what you were ,", "Not what you are , I know it will excuse", "This sudden execution of my will .", "And so conduct me where , from company ,", "I may revolve and ruminate my grief . Exit"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 444, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Oh ! that ever I was born , to leave pen , ink , and powder for this !", "I 'll run and see , sir , directly .", "Oh ! Threadneedle-street , Thread \u2014", "\u2014 Needle-street .", "Sir .", "Wo n't you look and see ?", "Oh , charming ! It 's a retreat for a king , sir : Mr . Medium , however , has not got up in it ; your uncle , sir , has run on like a booby ; and has got up with our party by this time , I take it ; who are now most likely at the shore . But what are we to do next , sir ?", "Then pray , sir , proceed to reconnoitre ; for the sooner the better .", "Y \u2014\u2014 Ye \u2014 s \u2014 Yes .", "Eh ! Oh lord !\u2014 Clear !Oh dear ! oh dear ! the coast will soon be clear enough now , I promise you \u2014\u2014 The ship is under sail , sir !", "All , all , sir , except me .", "Ah ! there they go .\u2014\u2014 That will be the last report we shall ever hear from \u2018 em I 'm afraid .\u2014 That 's as much as to say , Good bye to ye . And here we are left \u2014 two fine , full-grown babes in the wood !", "The old one \u2014 a tree , sir .\u2014 \u2018 Tis all we have for it now . What would I give , now , to be perched upon a high stool , with our brown desk squeezed into the pit of my stomach \u2014 scribbling away an old parchment !\u2014\u2014 But all my red ink will be spilt by an old black pin of a negro . SONG .A voyage over seas had not entered my head , Had I known but on which side to butter my bread , Heigho ! sure I \u2014 for hunger must die ! I 've sail 'd like a booby ; come here in a squall , Where , alas ! there 's no bread to be butter 'd at all ! Oho ! I 'm a terrible booby ! Oh , what a sad booby am I ! In London , what gay chop-house signs in the street ! But the only sign here is of nothing to eat . Heigho ! that I \u2014\u2014 for hunger should die ! My mutton 's all lost ; I 'm a poor starving elf ! And for all the world like a lost mutton myself . Oho ! I shall die a lost mutton ! Oh ! what a lost mutton am I ! For a neat slice of beef , I could roar like a bull ; And my stomach 's so empty , my heart is quite full . Heigho ! that I \u2014 for hunger should die ! But , grave without meat , I must here meet my grave , For my bacon , I fancy , I never shall save . Oho ! I shall ne'er save my bacon ! I can n't save my bacon , not I !", "Hum ! I was thinking \u2014\u2014 I was thinking , sir \u2014 if so many natives could be caught , how much they might fetch at the West India markets !", "No , faith , sir ! Hunger is too sharp to be jested with . As for me , I shall starve for want of food . Now you may meet a luckier fate : you are able to extract the square root , sir ; and that 's the very best provision you can find here to live upon . But I !Mercy on us ! here they come again .", "Oh Lord ! no , do n't , do n't \u2014\u2014 We shall pay too dear for our lodging , depend o n't .", "What ! go in before your honour ! I know my place better , I assure you \u2014 I might walk into more mouths than one , perhaps .", "I must , sir ; I must ! Ah , Trudge , Trudge ! what a damned hole are you getting into !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 451, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["So far , at least , we have proceeded with safety . Ha ! no bad specimen of savage elegance . These ornaments would be worth something in England .\u2014 We have little to fear here , I hope : this cave rather bears the pleasing face of a profitable adventure .", "Rascal ! Talk again of going out , and I 'll flea you alive .", "This curtain seems to lead to another apartment : I 'll draw it .", "Peace , booby , and stand on your guard .", "By heaven ! a woman .", "And beautiful as an angel !", "Hush ! keep back \u2014 she wakes .", "SONG .\u2014 YARICO .", "When the chace of day is done ,", "And the shaggy lion 's skin ,", "Which for us , our warriors win ,", "Decks our cells at set of sun ;", "Worn with toil , with slap opprest ,", "I press my mossy bed , and sink to rest .", "Then , once more , I see our train ,", "With all our chase renew 'd again :", "Once more \u2018 tis day ,", "Once more our prey", "Gnashes his angry teeth , and foams in vain .", "Again , in sullen haste , he flies ,", "Ta'en in the toil , again he lies ,", "Again he roars \u2014 and , in my slumbers , dies .", "INKLE and TRUDGE come forward .", "Our language !", "True flesh and blood , my charming heathen , I promise you .", "From a far distant island ; driven on this coast by distress , and deserted by my companions .", "How wild and beautiful ! sure there is magic in her shape , and she has rivetted me to the place . But where shall I look for safety ? let me fly and avoid my death .", "My kind Yarico ! what means , then , must be used for my safety ?", "Generous maid ! Then , to you will I owe my life ; and whilst it lasts , nothing shall part us .", "No , my Yarico ! For when an opportunity offers to return to my country , you shall be my companion .", "Yes , Help me to discover a vessel , and you shall enjoy wonders . You shall be decked in silks , my brave maid , and have a house drawn with horses to carry you .", "It is indeed !", "No , our only danger on land is here .", "I follow you \u2014 Yet , can you run some risk in following me ? DUETT .", "O say , simple maid , have you form 'd any notion", "Of all the rude dangers in crossing the ocean ?", "When winds whistle shrilly , ah ! wo n't they remind you ,", "To sigh with regret , for the grot left behind you ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 451, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come along , Wows ! Take care of your furs , and your feathers , my girl !", "That 's right .\u2014 Somebody might steal \u2018 em , perhaps .", "Oh Lord ! see what one loses by not being born in a christian country .", "What 's your sign , my lad ?", "Well , get us a room for half an hour , and we 'll come : and harkee ! let it be light and airy , d'ye hear ? My master has been used to your open apartments lately .", "A prince \u2014 Ha ! ha !\u2014\u2014 No , not quite a prince \u2014 but he belongs to the Crown . But how do you like this , Wows ? Is n't it fine ?", "Fine men , eh ?", "Yes , all the fine men are like me . As different from your people as powder and ink , or paper and blacking .", "What ! the fine lady 's complexions ? Oh , yes , exactly ; for too much heat very often dissolves \u2018 em ! Then their dress , too .", "Better , better a great deal . Why , a young flashy Englishman will sometimes carry a whole fortune on his back . But did you mind the women ? All here \u2014 and there ;they have it all from us in England .\u2014 And then the fine things they carry on their heads , Wowski .", "Pshaw ! an old woman bawling flounders . But the fine girls we meet , here , on the quay \u2014 so round and so plump !", "Not love you ! Zounds , have not I given you proofs ?", "Not I. I 'll stick to you like wax .", "Gratitude , to be sure .", "Ha ! this it is , now , to live without education . The poor dull devils of her country are all in the practice of gratitude , without finding out what it means ; while we can tell the meaning of it , with little or no practice at all .\u2014 Lord , Lord , what a fine advantage christian learning is ! Hark'ee , Wows !", "Now we 've accomplished our landing , I 'll accomplish you . You remember the instructions I gave you on the voyage ?", "Let 's see now \u2014 What are you to do , when I introduce you to the nobility , gentry , and others \u2014 of my acquaintance ?", "Let me see you do it .Very well ! and how are you to recommend yourself , when you have nothing to say , amongst all our great friends ?", "Right ! they 'll think you 've lived with people of fashion . But suppose you meet an old shabby friend in misfortune , that you do n't wish to be seen speak to \u2014 what would you do ?", "Why would you do that ?", "That 's a good girl ! and I wish every body could boast of so kind a motive for such cursed cruel behaviour .\u2014 Lord ! how some of your flashy bankers \u2019 clerks have cut me in Threadneedle street .\u2014 But come , though we have got among fine folks , here , in an English settlement , I wo n't be ashamed of my old acquaintance : yet , for my own part , I should not be sorry , now , to see my old friend with a new face .\u2014 Odsbobs ! I see Mr. Inkle \u2014 Go in , Wows ; call for what you like best .", "Who have we here ?", "Not she \u2014 she never went to market in all her life .", "A black fair , ha ! ha ! ha ! You hold it on a brown green , I suppose .", "Yes ; and I 'm her humble servant , I take it .", "Just as much as she has saved me \u2014 My own life .", "Zounds ! what a devil of a fellow ! Sell Wows !\u2014 my poor , dear , dingy , wife !", "No ; but I am ; so I shall do as I 'd be done by : and , if you were a good one yourself , you 'd know , that fellow-feeling for a poor body , who wants your help , is the noblest mark of our religion .\u2014 I wou'dn ' t be articled clerk to such a fellow for the world .", "Plague o n't ; there it is . I shall be laughed out of my honesty , here .\u2014 But you may be jogging , friend ; I may feel a little queer , perhaps , at showing her face \u2014 but , dam me , if ever I do any thing to make me asham 'd of showing my own .", "Rot her complexion \u2014 I 'll tell you what , Mr. Fair-trader , if your head and heart were to change places , I 've a notion you 'd be as black in the face as an ink-bottle .", "Oh , here comes my master , at last .", "Sir !", "Yes , sir , at the Crown here ; a neat , spruce room they tell me . You have not seen such a convenient lodging this good while , I believe .", "Um \u2014\u2014 Why there is the Lion , I hear , and the Bear , and the Boar \u2014 but we saw them at the door of all our late lodgings , and found but bad accommodations within , sir .", "Very well , sir . What a fine thing it is to turn one 's back on a master , without running into a wolf 's belly ! One can follow one 's nose on a message here , and be sure it wo n't be bit off by the way .", "I have been showing her all the wigs and bales of goods we met on the quay , sir .", "And I 'll go feast on a slice of beef , in the inn , here ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 451, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I tell you , old Medium , you are all wrong . Plague on your doubts ! Inkle shall have my Narcissa . Poor fellow ! I dare say he 's finely chagrined at this temporary parting \u2014 Eat up with the blue devils , I warrant .", "Pshaw ! he 'll arrive with the next vessel , depend o n't \u2014 besides , have not I had this in view ever since they were children ? I must and will have it so , I tell you . Is not it , as it were , a marriage made above ? They shall meet , I 'm positive .", "Ha !\u2014 and if that is the case \u2014 hang me , if I think you 'll ever be at the celebration of it .", "Well said , old fool'shYpppHeNcap ! and it 's as mere a blank as a sheet of white paper . You are honest , old Medium , by comparison , just as a fellow sentenced to transportation is happier than his companion condemned to the gallows \u2014 Very worthy , because you are no rogue ; tender hearted , because you never go to fires and executions ; and an affectionate father and husband , because you never pinch your children , or kick your wife out of bed .", "And , dam'me , if I would not kick any man into the New River that had done me an injury . There 's the difference of our honesty . Oons ! if you want to be an honest fellow , act from the impulse of nature . Why , you have no more gall than a pigeon .", "So much the better .\u2014\u2014 Foibles , quotha ? foibles are foils that give additional lustre to the gems of virtue . You have not so many foils as I , perhaps .", "Very true ; for the devil a gem have you to set off with \u2018 em .", "\u2018 Sblood ! but it does become you : it becomes every man , especially an Englishman , to speak the dictates of his heart .", "A vessel ! Od 's my life !\u2014\u2014 Now for the news \u2014 If it is but as", "I hope \u2014 Any dispatches ?", "Huzza ! here it is . He 's safe \u2014 safe and sound at Barbadoes .\u2014\u2014 Sir , My master , Mr. Inkle , is just arrived in your harbour , Here , read , read ! old Medium \u2014", "Hey day ! Here 's a style ! the voyage has jumbled the fellow 's brains out of their places ; the water has made his head turn round . But no matter ; mine turns round , too . I 'll go and prepare Narcissa directly ; they shall be married slap-dash , as soon as he comes from the quay . From Neptune to Hymen : from the hammock to the bridal bed \u2014 Ha ! old boy !", "Hot ! blood , ar'n ' t I in the West Indies ? Ar'n ' t I governor of Barbadoes ? He shall have her as soon as he sets his foot on shore . \u201c But , plague o n't , he 's so slow . \u201d \u2014 She shall rise to him like Venus out of the sea . His hair puffed ? He ought to have been puffing , here , out of breath , by this time .", "Well , now do , my good fellow , run down to the shore , and see what detains him .", "In the mean time I 'll get ready Narcissa , and all shall be concluded in a second . My heart 's set upon it .\u2014 Poor fellow ! after all his rumbles , and tumbles , and jumbles , and fits of despair \u2014 I shall be rejoiced to see him . I have not seen him since he was that high .\u2014 But , zounds ! he 's so tardy !", "From the quay ? Od 's my life !\u2014\u2014 \u2018 Tis he \u2014 \u2018 Tis Inkle ! Show him up directly .The rogue is expeditious after all .\u2014 I 'm so happy . Enter CAMPLEY . My dear fellow !I 'm rejoiced to see you . Welcome ; welcome here , with all my soul !", "Aye , aye ; we shall be better acquainted by and by . Well , and how , eh ! tell me !\u2014 But old Medium and I have talked over your affair a hundred times a day , ever since Narcissa arrived .", "Every tittle .", "Pooh ! how could you help it ?", "Ha ! ha ! Black enough , I dare say .", "That I am convinced of \u2014 but I knew you would come the first opportunity .", "Yes \u2014 a devilish way asunder .", "It was a toss up .", "Who ? I ! \u2018 sblood ! no , never in my life .", "Upon my soul , Sir , I am very much obliged to you .", "Pooh ! pr'ythee ! I tell you I pitied you from the bottom of my heart .", "An impatient , sensible young dog ! like me to a hair ! Set your heart at rest , my boy . She 's yours ; yours before to-morrow morning .", "Zounds ! you ought to be out of your senses : but dispatch \u2014 make short work of it , ever while you live , my boy . Here she is .", "Did you ! Ah , sly dog \u2014\u2014 had a meeting before you came to the old gentleman .\u2014 But here \u2014 Take him , and make much of him \u2014 and , for fear of further separations , you shall e'en be tacked together directly . What say you , girl ?", "Od ! I 'm so happy , I hardly know which way to turn ; but we 'll have the carriage directly ; drive down to the quay ; trundle old Spintext into church , and hey for matrimony !", "Your Colinettes , and Arriettes ,", "Your Damons of the grove ,", "Who like fallals , and pastorals ,", "Waste years in love ;", "But modern folks know better jokes ,", "And , courting once begun ,", "To church they hop at once \u2014 and pop \u2014", "Egad , all 's done !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 451, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Mercy on us ! what a walk I have had of it ! Well , matters go on swimmingly at the Governor 's \u2014 The old gentleman has ordered the carriage , and the young couple will be whisked here , to church , in a quarter of an hour . My business is to prevent young sobersides , young Inkle , from appearing , to interrupt the ceremony .\u2014 Ha ! here 's the Crown , where I hear he is housed : So now to find Trudge , and trump up a story , in the true style of a chambermaid .I tell you it do n't signify , and I will come up .But it does signify , and you can n't come up . Re-enter PATTY with TRUDGE .", "You had better say at once , I sha n't .", "Savage ! Pretty behaviour you have picked up amongst the Hottypots ! Your London civility , like London itself , will soon be lost in smoke , Mr. Trudge : and the politeness you have studied so long in Threadneedle-street , blotted out by the blacks you have been living with .", "Do n't tell me ! A mighty civil reception you give a body , truly , after a six weeks parting .", "Pshaw , fellow ! I want none of your kisses .", "Be quiet . I want to see Mr. Inkle : I have a message to him from Miss Narcissa . I shall get a sight of him , now , I believe .", "Busy \u2014 ha ! Plodding ! What he 's at his multiplication table again ?", "Certainly ; and the whole of my business was to prevent his hurrying himself \u2014 Tell him , we sha n't be ready to receive him , at the Governor 's , till to-morrow , d'ye hear ?", "No . Things are not prepared . The place is n't in order ; and the servants have not had proper notice of the arrival . Sir Christopher intends Mr. Inkle , you know , for his son-in-law , and must receive him in public form ,for the honour of his governorship : why the whole island will ring of it .", "Yes ; they 've talked of nothing but my mistress 's beauty and fortune for these six weeks . Then he 'll be introduced to the bride , you know .", "Then a breakfast ; then a procession ; then \u2014 if nothing happens to prevent it , he 'll get into church , and be married in a crack .", "Hey-day ! a scrape ! How !", "Well !", "Try me .", "Oh , monstrous ! another woman ?", "Rare news for my mistress !\u2014 Why I can hardly believe it : the grave , sly , steady , sober Mr. Inkle , do such a thing !", "Well ; I should sooner suspect you .", "Pshaw ! never mind your figure . Tell me how it happened ?", "True .", "Well ?", "Mercy on us !", "Lord ! Trudge , what a great traveller you are !", "Well , well ; but the lady .", "What , all alone ?", "Gemini ; what did you do ?", "Mercy on us ! with what ?", "And this is she he has brought to Barbadoes ?", "Well ; and tell me , Trudge ;\u2014 she 's pretty , you say \u2014 Is she fair or brown ? or \u2014\u2014", "How ! a tawny ?", "Oh ! the monster ! the filthy fellow ! Live with a black-a-moor !", "Faugh ! I wou'dn ' t let him kiss me for the world : he 'd make my face all smutty .", "Not I ! except to the Governor and family .But I must run \u2014 and , remember , Trudge , if your master has made a mistake here , he has himself to thank for his pains ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 451, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I know not what to think \u2014 I have given her distant hints of parting ; but still , so strong her confidence in my affection , she prattles on without regarding me . Poor Yarico ! I must not \u2014 cannot quit her . When I would speak , her look , her mere simplicity disarms me ; I dare not wound such innocence . Simplicity is like a smiling babe , which , to the ruffian that would murder it , stretching its little naked , helpless arms , pleads , speechless , its own cause . And yet , Narcissa 's family \u2014", "What now ?", "Joy !\u2014\u2014 of what ?", "To-morrow !", "Whence comes your intelligence , sir ?", "So public , too !\u2014\u2014 Unlucky !", "Strange ! that I should be so blind to my interest , as to be the only person this distresses .", "Confusion ! How can I , in honour , retract ?", "True !\u2014 A fund of merits !\u2014 I would not \u2014 but from necessity \u2014 a case so nice as this \u2014 I \u2014 would not wish to retract .", "Very true ! so handsome ! the whole world would laugh at me ; they 'd call it folly to retract .", "O death ! it would be madness to retract . Surely , my faculties have slept , and this long parting from my Narcissa has blunted my sense of her accomplishments . \u2018 Tis this alone makes me so weak and wavering . I 'll see her immediately .", "Well , be it so ; it will give me time , at all events , to put my affairs in train .", "Damnation ! Scoundrel , how dare you offer your advice ?\u2014 I dread to think of her !", "Insolence ! begone , sir !", "Get down stairs , sir , directly .", "\u2018 Sdeath , what am I about ? How have I slumbered ! Is it I ?\u2014 I \u2014 who , in London , laughed at the younkers of the town \u2014 and , when I saw their chariots , with some fine , tempting girl , perked in the corner , come shopping to the city , would cry \u2014 Ah !\u2014 there sits ruin \u2014 there flies the Green-horn 's money ! then wondered with myself how men could trifle time on women ; or , indeed , think of any women without fortunes . And now , forsooth , it rests with me to turn romantic puppy , and give up all for love .\u2014 Give up !\u2014 Oh , monstrous folly !\u2014 thirty thousand pounds !", "What does the booby want ?", "Mr . Medium ! show him up directly .He must not know of this . To-morrow ! I wish this marriage were more distant , that I might break it to her by degrees : she 'd take my purpose better , were it less suddenly delivered .", "I am glad to meet you here , uncle !", "I am very much obliged to you .", "To-morrow , I hear , he expects me .", "Is he so hasty ?", "What a situation !", "Confusion ! If he should hear of Yarico !", "This cursed connexion !", "Fool ! fool ! fool !", "It must be done effectually , or all is lost ; mere parting would not conceal it .", "The planter that I spoke with cannot be arrived \u2014 but time is precious \u2014 the first I meet \u2014 common prudence now demands it . I 'm fixed , I 'll part with her ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 451, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ods , my life ! I can scarce contain my happiness . I have left them safe in church , in the middle of the ceremony . I ought to have given Narcissa away , they told me ; but I capered about so much for joy , that Old Spintext advised me to go and cool my heels on the quay , till it was all over . Ods I 'm so happy ; and they shall see , now , what an old fellow can do at a wedding .", "Well , young gentleman ?", "\u2018 Egad , I believe half the island knows it , by this time .", "Very likely ; it 's a common case , now a-days , with many a man .", "Oho ! a slave ! Faith , now I think o n't , my daughter may want an attendant or two extraordinary ; and as you say she 's a delicate girl , above the common run , and none of your thick-lipped , flat-nosed , squabby , dumpling dowdies , I do n't much care if \u2014", "Look ye , young man ; I love to be plain : I shall treat her a good deal better than you would , I fancy ; for though I witness this custom every day , I can n't help thinking the only excuse for buying our fellow creatures , is to rescue them from the hands of those who are unfeeling enough to bring them to market .", "An Englishman ! more shame for you ! Let Englishmen blush at such practices . Men , who so fully feel the blessings of liberty , are doubly cruel in depriving the helpless of their freedom .", "Well , well , I have a pressing necessity too ; I can n't stand to talk now ; I expect company here presently ; but if you 'll ask for me to-morrow , at the Castle \u2014", "Aye , sir , the Castle ; the Governor 's Castle ; known all over", "Barbadoes .", "The devil you do !", "No ! Why not ?", "So ! here 's a particular friend of mine , coming to sleep at my house , that I never saw in my life . I 'll sound this fellow .I fancy , young gentleman , as you are such a bosom friend of the Governor 's , you can hardly do any thing to alter your situation with him ?", "Oh , as well as I do my own . But let 's understand one another . You may trust me , now you 've gone so far . You are acquainted with his character , no doubt , to a hair ?", "Here 's a scoundrel ! I hot and touchy ! Zounds ! I can hardly contain my passion !\u2014 But I wo n't discover myself . I 'll see the bottom of this \u2014\u2014Well now , as we seem to have come to a tolerable explanation \u2014 let 's proceed to business \u2014 Bring me the woman .", "Zounds ! what an unfeeling rascal !\u2014 The poor girl 's in love with him , I suppose . No , no , fair and open . My dealing is with you and you only : I see her now , or I declare off .", "Well \u2014 shall I see the girl ?", "Depend upon me \u2014 Sir Christopher will know no more of our meeting , than he does at this moment .", "Thank ye , thank ye ; but I 'm pretty much in his good graces , as it is ; I do n't know anybody he has a greater respect for .\u2014\u2014 Re-enter TRUDGE .", "\u2018 Sblood , but he 's a very honest blockhead . Tell me , my good fellow \u2014 what said the wench ?", "Ods my life , as comely a wench as ever I saw !", "His life ! Zounds ! my blood boils at the scoundrel 's ingratitude !", "Care of her !\u2014 that I will \u2014 I 'll cherish her like my own daughter ; and pour balm into the heart of a poor , innocent girl , that has been wounded by the artifices of a scoundrel .", "\u2018 Sdeath , sir , how dare you look an honest man in the face ?", "Feel !\u2014 It 's more than ever you did , I believe . Mean , sordid wretch ! dead to all sense of honour , gratitude , or humanity \u2014 I never heard of such barbarity ! I have a son-in-law , who has been left in the same situation ; but , if I thought him capable of such cruelty , dam'me if I would not turn him to sea , with a peck-loaf , in a cockle shell \u2014 Come , come , cheer up , my girl ! You sha n't want a friend to protect you , I warrant you .\u2014", "The Governor ! liar ! cheat ! rogue ! impostor ! breaking all ties you ought to keep , and pretending to those you have no right to . The Governor never had such a fellow in the whole catalogue of his acquaintance \u2014 the Governor disowns you \u2014 the Governor disclaims you \u2014 the Governor abhors you ; and to your utter confusion , here stands the Governor to tell you so . Here stands old Curry , who never talked to a rogue without telling him what he thought of him .", "How came you to know him ?", "No , no ; I have found him out with a vengeance .", "It 's a lie ; and you 're a purblind old booby ,\u2014 and this dear boy is a damn 'd scoundrel .", "But here comes the dear boy \u2014 the true boy \u2014 the jolly boy , piping hot from church , with my daughter .", "Who ? Campley ?\u2014 It 's no such thing .", "The devil it is ! And how came you , sir , to impose upon me , and assume the name of Inkle ? A name which every man of honesty ought to be ashamed of .", "And did you , Narcissa , join in \u2014", "\u2018 Sblood ! but you must though . Give me your hand , my young Mars , and bless you both together !\u2014 Thank you , thank you for cheating an old fellow into giving his daughter to a lad of spirit , when he was going to throw her away upon one , in whose breast the mean passion of avarice smothers the smallest spark of affection or humanity .", "Yes , but he would have left her for you ;and you for his interest ; and sold you , perhaps , as he has this poor girl to me , as a requital for preserving his life .", "Poor girl ! A companion , I take it !", "But you would not sell her , and be hang 'd to you , you dog , would you ?", "So say I to every fellow that breaks an obligation due to the feelings of a man . But , old Medium , what have you to say for your hopeful nephew ?", "Pshaw !", "Defend ! Zounds ! plead guilty at once \u2014 it 's the only hope left of obtaining mercy .", "\u2018 Sblood ! then I 'd make him an honest fellow ; and teach him , that the feeling heart never knows greater pride than when it 's employed in giving succour to the unfortunate . I 'd teach him to be his father 's own son to a hair .", "I shall never like a proverb again , as long as I live .", "Say ! why , that you were a damn 'd honest , undutiful fellow . O curse such principles ! Principles , which destroy all confidence between man and man \u2014 Principles which none but a rogue could instil , and none but a rogue could imbibe .\u2014 Principles \u2014\u2014", "Eh !", "Then , if that 's the case \u2014 curse me , if I think I 'm very glad either . What the plague 's the matter with my eyes ?\u2014 Young man , your hand \u2014 I am now proud and happy to shake it .", "Say ! Why , confound the fellow , I say , that is ungenerous enough to remember the bad action of a man who has virtue left in his heart to repent it \u2014 As for you , my good fellow ,I must , with your master 's permission , employ you myself .", "And now , my young folks , we 'll drive home , and celebrate the wedding . Od 's my life ! I long to be shaking a foot at the fiddles , and I shall dance ten times the lighter , for reforming an Inkle , while I have it in my power to reward the innocence of a Yarico . FINALE .CAMPLEY . Come , let us dance and sing , While all Barbadoes bells shall ring : Love scrapes the fiddle string , And Venus plays the lute ; Hymen gay , foots away , Happy at our wedding-day , Cocks his chin , and figures in , To tabor , fife , and flute . CHORUS . Come then dance and sing , While all Barbadoes bells shall ring , & c . NARCISSA . Since thus each anxious care Is vanished into empty air , Ah ! how can I forbear To join the jocund dance ? To and fro , couples go , On the light fantastic toe , White with glee , merrily , The rosy hours advance . Chorus . Come then , & c . YARICO . When first the swelling sea Hither bore my love and me , What then my fate would be , Little did I think \u2014\u2014 Doomed to know care and woe , Happy still is Yarico ; Since her love will constant prove , And nobly scorns to shrink . Chorus . Come then , & c . WOWSKI . Whilst all around , rejoice , Pipe and tabor raise the voice , It can n't be Wowski 's choice , Whilst Trudge 's to be dumb . No , no , dey blithe and gay , Shall like massy , missy play . Dance and sing , hey ding , ding , Strike fiddle and beat drum . Chorus . Come then , & c . TRUDGE . \u2018 Sbobs ! now , I 'm fix 'd for life , My fortune 's fair , tho \u2019 black 's my wife , Who fears domestic strife \u2014 Who cares now a souse ! Merry cheer my dingy dear Shall find with her Factotum heve ; Night and day , I 'll frisk and play About the house with Wows . Chorus . Come then , & c . INKLE . Love 's convert here behold , Banish 'd now my thirst of gold , Bless 'd in these arms to fold My gentle Yarico . Hence all care , doubt , and fear , Love and joy each want shall cheer , Happy night , pure delight , Shall make our bosoms glow . Chorus . Come then , & c . PATTY . Let Patty say a word \u2014\u2014 A chambermaid may sure be heard \u2014\u2014 Sure men are grown absurd , Thus taking black for white ; To hug and kiss a dingy miss , Will hardly suit an age like this , Unless , here , some friends appear , Who like this wedding night . Chorus . Come then , & c ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 451, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Thus far success attends upon our councils ,", "And each event has answer 'd to my wish ;", "The queen and all her upstart race are quell 'd ;", "Dorset is banish 'd , and her brother Rivers ,", "Ere this , lies shorter by the head at Pomfret .", "The nobles have , with joint concurrence , nam 'd me", "Protector of the realm : my brother 's children ,", "Young Edward and the little York , are lodg 'd", "Here , safe within the Tower . How say you , sirs ,", "Does not this business wear a lucky face ?", "The sceptre and the golden wreath of royalty", "Seem hung within my reach .", "That can I .", "Those lords are each one my approv 'd good friends ,", "Of special trust and nearness to my bosom ;", "And , howsoever busy they may seem ,", "And diligent to bustle in the state ,", "Their zeal goes on no further than we lead ,", "And at our bidding stays .", "I guess the man at whom your words would point :", "Hastings \u2014", "He bears me great good will .", "And yet this tough , impracticable , heart ,", "Is govern 'd by a dainty-finger 'd girl ;", "Such flaws are found in the most worthy natures ;", "A laughing , toying , wheedling , whimpering , she ,", "Shall make him amble on a gossip 's message ,", "And take the distaff with a hand as patient", "As e'er did Hercules .", "No more , he comes .", "My good lord chamberlain ,", "We 're much beholden to your gentle friendship .", "In right good time . Speak out year pleasure freely .", "Say you , of Shore ?", "Marry ! the times are badly chang 'd with her ,", "From Edward 's days to these . Then all was jollity ,", "Feasting and mirth , light wantonness and laughter ,", "Piping and playing , minstrelsy and masking ;", "\u2018 Till life fled from us like an idle dream ,", "A show of mummery without a meaning .", "My brother , rest and pardon to his soul ,", "Is gone to his account ; for this his minion ,", "The revel-rout is done \u2014 But you were speaking", "Concerning her \u2014 I have been told , that you", "Are frequent in your visitation to her .", "Go to : I did not mean to chide you for it .", "For , sooth to say , I hold it noble in you", "To cherish the distress 'd .\u2014 On with your tale .", "Somewhat of this , but slightly , have I heard ;", "And though some counsellors of forward zeal ,", "Some of most ceremonious sanctity", "And bearded wisdom , often have provok 'd", "The hand of justice to fall heavy on her ;", "Yet still , in kind compassion of her weakness ,", "And tender memory of Edward 's love ,", "I have withheld the merciless stern law", "From doing outrage on her helpless beauty .", "Thus far , the voice of pity pleaded only :", "Our further and more full extent of grace", "Is given to your request . Let her attend ,", "And to ourself deliver up her griefs .", "She shall be heard with patience , and each wrong", "At full redress 'd . But I have other news ,", "Which much import us both ; for still my fortunes", "Go hand in hand with yours : our common foes ,", "The queen 's relations , our new-fangled gentry ,", "Have fall'n their haughty crests \u2014 that for your privacy ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 459, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["My gentle neighbour ! your good wishes still", "Pursue my hapless fortunes ; ah ! good Belmour !", "How few , like thee , inquire the wretched out ,", "And court the offices of soft humanity .", "Like thee , reserve their raiment for the naked ,", "Reach out their bread to feed the crying orphan ,", "Or mix their pitying tears with those that weep .", "Thy praise deserves a better tongue than mine ,", "To speak and bless thy name . Is this the gentleman ,", "Whose friendly service you commended to me ?", "A venerable aspect !", "Age sits with decent grace upon his visage ,", "And worthily becomes his silver locks ;", "He wears the marks of many years well spent ,", "Of virtue , truth well tried , and wise experience ;", "A friend like this would suit my sorrows well .", "Fortune , I fear me , sir , has meant you ill ,", "Are you of England ?", "Alas ! at Antwerp ! O , forgive my tears !", "Oh , that my soul had known no joy but him !", "That I had liv 'd within his guiltless arms ,", "And dying slept in innocence beside him !", "But now his honest dust abhors the fellowship ,", "And scorns to mix with mine .", "Say , I wish to see her .", "No , my Alicia ,", "Heaven and his saints be witness to my thoughts ,", "There is no hour of all my life o'er past ,", "That I could wish should take its turn again .", "\u2018 Tis true , the royal Edward was a wonder ,", "The goodly pride of all our English youth ;", "He was the very joy of all that saw him .", "Form 'd to delight , to love , and to persuade .", "But what had I to do with kings and courts ?", "My humble lot had cast me far beneath him ;", "And that he was the first of all mankind ,", "The bravest , and most lovely , was my curse .", "Name him no more :", "He was the bane and ruin of my peace .", "This anguish , and these tears , these are the legacies", "His fatal love has left me . Thou wilt see me ,", "Believe me , my Alicia , thou wilt see me ,", "Ere yet a few short days pass o'er my head ,", "Abandon 'd to the very utmost wretchedness .", "The hand of pow'r has seiz 'd almost the whole", "Of what was left for needy life 's support ;", "Shortly thou will behold me poor , and kneeling", "Before thy charitable door for bread .", "My form , alas ! has long forgot to please ;", "The scene of beauty and delight is chang 'd ;", "No roses bloom upon my fading cheek ,", "Nor laughing graces wanton in my eyes ;", "But haggard grief , lean-looking , sallow , care ,", "And pining discontent , a rueful train ,", "Dwell on my brow , all hideous and forlorn .", "One only shadow of a hope is left me ;", "The noble-minded Hastings , of his goodness ,", "Has kindly underta'en to be my advocate ,", "And move my humble suit to angry Gloster .", "Away , you flatterer !", "Nor charge his gen'rous meaning with a weakness ,", "Which his great soul and virtue must disdain .", "Too much of love thy hapless friend has prov 'd ,", "Too many giddy , foolish , hours are gone ,", "And in fantastic measures danc 'd away :", "May the remaining few know only friendship .", "So thou , my dearest , truest , best , Alicia ,", "Vouchsafe to lodge me in thy gentle heart ,", "A partner there , I will give up mankind ,", "Forget the transports of increasing passion ,", "And all the pangs we feel for its decay .", "Yes , thou art true , and only thou art true ;", "Therefore , these jewels , once the lavish bounty", "Of royal Edward 's love , I trust to thee ;", "Receive this , all that I can call my own ,", "And let it rest unknown , and safe with thee :", "That , if the state 's injustice should oppress me ,", "Strip me of all , and turn me out a wanderer ,", "My wretchedness may find relief from thee ,", "And shelter from the storm .", "Why should I think that man will do for me ,", "What yet he never did for wretches like me ?", "Mark by what partial justice we are judg 'd ;", "Such is the fate unhappy women find ,", "And such the curse entail 'd upon our kind ,", "That man , the lawless libertine , may rove ,", "Free and unquestion 'd through the wilds of love ;", "While woman ,\u2014 sense and nature 's easy fool ,", "If poor , weak , woman swerve from virtue 's rule ;", "If , strongly charm 'd , she leave the thorny way ,", "And in the softer paths of pleasure stray ;", "Ruin ensues , reproach and endless shame ,", "And one false step entirely damns her fame ;", "In vain , with tears the loss she may deplore , }", "In vain , look back on what she was before ; }", "She sets , like stars that fall , to rise no more ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 459, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["No further , gentle friend ; good angels guard you ,", "And spread their gracious wings about your slumbers .", "The drowsy night grows on the world , and now", "The busy craftsmen and the o'erhYpppHeNlabour ' d hind", "Forget the travail of the day in sleep :", "Care only wakes , and moping pensiveness ;", "With meagre discontented looks they sit ,", "And watch the wasting of the midnight taper .", "Such vigils must I keep , so wakes my soul ,", "Restless and self-tormented ! O , false Hastings !", "Thou hast destroy 'd my peace .", "Hastings ! Be still , my heart , and try to meet him", "With his own arts ! with falsehood .\u2014 But he comes .", "When humbly , thus ,", "The great descend to visit the afflicted ,", "When thus , unmindful of their rest , they come", "To sooth the sorrows of the midnight mourner ,", "Comfort comes with them ; like the golden sun ,", "Dispels the sullen shades with her sweet influence ,", "And cheers the melancholy house of care .", "My friend ! my lord .", "I want the words ,", "To pay you back a compliment so courtly ;", "But my heart guesses at the friendly meaning ,", "And wo \u2019 not die your debtor .", "O , thou false lord !", "I would be mistress of my heaving heart ,", "Stifle this rising rage , and learn from thee", "To dress my face in easy , dull , indiff'rence ;", "But \u2018 two \u2019 not be ; my wrongs will tear their way ,", "And rush at once upon thee .", "O , thou cool traitor ! thou insulting tyrant !", "Dost thou behold my poor , distracted , heart ,", "Thus rent with agonizing love and rage ,", "And ask me , what it means ? Art thou not false ?", "Am I not scorn 'd , forsaken , and abandon 'd ;", "Left , like a common wretch , to shame and infamy ;", "Giv'n up to be the sport of villains \u2019 tongues ,", "Of laughing parasites , and lewd buffoons ?", "And all because my soul has doated on thee", "With love , with truth , and tenderness unutterable !", "What proof , alas ! have I not giv'n of love ?", "What have I not abandon 'd to thy arms ?", "Have I not set at nought my noble birth ,", "A spotless fame , and an unblemish 'd race ,", "The peace of innocence , and pride of virtue ?", "My prodigality has giv'n thee all ;", "And now , I 've nothing left me to bestow ,", "You hate the wretched bankrupt you have made .", "Hither you fly , and here you seek repose ;", "Spite of the poor deceit , your arts are known ,", "Your pious , charitable , midnight visits .", "Dost thou in scorn", "Preach patience to my rage , and bid me tamely", "Sit like a poor , contented , idiot down ,", "Nor dare to think thou'st wrong 'd me ? Ruin seize thee ,", "And swift perdition overtake thy treachery .", "Have I the least remaining cause to doubt ?", "Hast thou endeavour 'd once to hide thy falsehood ?", "To hide it might have spoke some little tenderness ,", "And shown thee half unwilling to undo me :", "But thou disdain'st the weakness of humanity .", "Thy words , and all thy actions , have confess 'd it ;", "Ev'n now thy eyes avow it , now they speak ,", "And insolently own the glorious villany .", "You triumph !\u2014 do ! and with gigantic pride", "Defy impending vengeance . Heav'n shall wink ;", "No more his arm shall roll the dreadful thunder ,", "Nor send his lightnings forth : no more his justice", "Shall visit the presuming sons of men ,", "But perjury , like thine , shall dwell in safety .", "Thy prayer is heard \u2014 I go \u2014 but know , proud lord ,", "Howe'er thou scorn'st the weakness of my sex ,", "This feeble hand may find the means to reach thee ,", "Howe'er sublime in pow'r and greatness plac 'd ,", "With royal favour guarded round and graced ;", "On eagle 's wings my rage shall urge her flight ,", "And hurl thee headlong from thy topmast height ;", "Then , like thy fate , superior will I sit ,", "And view thee fall'n , and grov'ling at my feet ;", "See thy last breath with indignation go ,", "And tread thee sinking to the shades below ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 459, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["This paper to the great protector 's hand", "With care and secresy must be convey 'd :", "His bold ambition now avows its aim ,", "To pluck the crown from Edward 's infant brow ,", "And fix it on his own . I know he holds", "My faithless Hastings adverse to his hopes ,", "And much devoted to the orphan king ;", "On that I build : this paper meets his doubts ,", "And marks my hated rival as the cause", "Of Hastings \u2019 zeal for his dead master 's sons .", "Oh , jealousy ! thou bane of pleasing friendship ,", "How does thy rancour poison all our softness ,", "And turn our gentle natures into bitterness !", "See , where she comes ! once my heart 's dearest blessing ,", "Now my chang 'd eyes are blasted with her beauty ,", "Loath that known face , and sicken to behold her .", "What new grief is this ?", "What unforeseen misfortune has surpris 'd thee ,", "That racks thy tender heart thus ?", "Say , what of him ?", "To prison , said you ? can you guess the cause ?", "Lord Hastings ! ha !", "Now for a wile , To sting my thoughtless rival to the heart ; To blast her fatal beauties , and divide her For ever from my perjur 'd Hastings \u2019 eyes : Their fashions are the same , it cannot fail .", "For love and vengeance !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 459, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["This was the sum of all : that he would brook", "No alteration in the present state .", "Marry , at last , the testy gentleman", "Was almost mov 'd to bid us bold defiance :", "But there I dropp 'd the argument , and , changing", "The first design and purport of my speech ,", "I prais 'd his good affection to young Edward ,", "And left him to believe my thoughts like his .", "Proceed we then in this fore-mention 'd matter ,", "As nothing bound or trusting to his friendship .", "This wayward and perverse declining from us ,", "Has warranted at full the friendly notice ,", "Which we this morn receiv 'd . I hold it certain ,", "The puling , whining , harlot rules his reason ,", "And prompts his zeal for Edward 's bastard brood .", "Your counsel likes me well , it shall be follow 'd , She waits without , attending on her suit . Go , call her in , and leave us here alone . Enter Jane Shore . Oh ! you are come most fitly . We have ponder 'd On this your grievance : and though some there are , Nay , and those great ones too , who would enforce The rigour of our power to afflict you , And bear a heavy hand ; yet fear not you : We 've ta'en you to our favour : our protection Shall stand between , and shield you from mishap .", "Marry , there are , though I believe them not ,", "Who say you meddle in affairs of state :", "That you presume to prattle like a busy-body ,", "Give your advice , and teach the lords o \u2019 the council", "What fits the order of the commonweal .", "Go to ; I know your pow'r ; and though I trust not", "To ev'ry breath of fame , I 'm not to learn", "That Hastings is profess 'd your loving vassal .", "But fair befall your beauty : use it wisely ,", "And it may stand your fortunes much in stead ,", "Give back your forfeit land with large increase ,", "And place you high in safety and in honour .", "Nay , I could point a way , the which pursuing ,", "You shall not only bring yourself advantage ,", "But give the realm much worthy cause to thank you .", "Why , that 's well said \u2014 Thus then \u2014 Observe me well .", "The state , for many high and potent reasons ,", "Deeming my brother Edward 's sons unfit", "For the imperial weight of England 's crown \u2014", "Therefore have resolv 'd", "To set aside their unavailing infancy", "And vest the sov'reign rule in abler hands .", "This , though of great importance to the public", "Hastings , for very peevishness , and spleen ,", "Does stubbornly oppose .", "Ay , Hastings .", "How now !", "You 're passing rich in this same heav'nly speech ,", "And spend it at your pleasure . Nay , but mark me !", "My favour is not bought with words like these .", "Go to \u2014 you 'll teach your tongue another tale .", "Dare not , ev'n for thy soul , to thwart me further !", "None of your arts , your feigning , and your foolery ;", "Your dainty squeamish coying it to me ;", "Go \u2014 to your lord , your paramour , be gone !", "Lisp in his ear , hang wanton on his neck ,", "And play your monkey gambols o'er to him .", "You know my purpose , look that you pursue it ,", "And make him yield obedience to my will .", "Do it \u2014 or woe upon the harlot 's head .", "Ha ! Dost thou brave me , minion ! Dost thou know", "How vile , how very a wretch , my pow'r can make thee ?", "That I can place thee in such abject state ,", "As help shall never find thee ; where , repining ,", "Thou shall sit down , and gnaw the earth for anguish ;", "Groan to the pitiless winds without return ;", "Howl , like the midnight wolf amidst the desert ,", "And curse thy life , in bitterness and misery !", "\u2018 Tis well \u2014 we 'll try the temper of your heart . What , hoa ! Who waits without ?", "Go , some of you , and turn this strumpet forth !", "Spurn her into the street ; there let her perish ,", "And rot upon a dunghill . Through the city", "See it proclaim 'd , that none , on pain of death ,", "Presume to give her comfort , food , or harbour ;", "Who ministers the smallest comfort , dies .", "Her house , her costly furniture and wealth ,", "We seize on , for the profit of the state .", "Away ! Be gone !", "So much for this . Your project 's at an end .", "I 'll attend them ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 459, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Some busy , meddling , knaves , \u2018 tis said , there are ,", "As such will still be prating , who presume", "To carp and cavil at his royal right ;", "Therefore , I hold it fitting , with the soonest ,", "T \u2019 appoint the order of the coronation ;", "So to approve our duty to the king ,", "And stay the babbling of such vain gainsayers .", "So much I hold the king your highness \u2019 debtor ,", "So precious are you to the commonweal ,", "That I presume , not only for myself ,", "But in behalf of these my noble brothers ,", "To say , whoe'er they be , they merit death .", "If they have done this deed \u2014\u2014", "What ! and no more but this \u2014 How ! to the scaffold !", "O , gentle Ratcliffe ! tell me , do I hold thee ?", "Or , if I dream , what shall I do to wake ,", "To break , to struggle , through this dread confusion ?", "For surely death itself is not so painful", "As is this sudden horror and surprise .", "Yes , Ratcliffe , I will take thy friendly counsel ,", "And die as a man should ; \u2018 tis somewhat hard ,", "To call my scatter 'd spirits home at once :", "But since what must be , must be \u2014 let necessity", "Supply the place of time and preparation ,", "And arm me for the blow . \u2018 Tis but to die ,", "\u2018 Tis but to venture on the common hazard ,", "Which many a time in battle I have run ;", "\u2018 Tis but to close my eyes and shut out day-light ,", "To view no more the wicked ways of men ,", "No longer to behold the tyrant Gloster ,", "And be a weeping witness of the woes ,", "The desolation , slaughter , and calamities ,", "Which he shall bring on this unhappy land .", "Alas ! why com'st thou at this dreadful moment ,", "To fill me with new terrors , new distractions ;", "To turn me wild with thy distemper 'd rage ,", "And shock the peace of my departing soul ?", "Away ; I pr'ythee , leave me !", "What means thy frantic grief ?", "Speak , and give ease to thy conflicting passion !", "Be quick , nor keep me longer in suspense ,", "Time presses , and a thousand crowding thoughts", "Break in at once ! this way and that they snatch ,", "They tear , my hurry 'd soul .\u2014 All claim attention ,", "And yet not one is heard . Oh ! speak , and leave me ,", "For I have business would employ an age ,", "And but a minute 's time to get it done in .", "Thy reason is grown wild . Could thy weak hand", "Bring on this mighty ruin ? If it could ,", "What have I done so grievous to thy soul ,", "So deadly , so beyond the reach of pardon ,", "That nothing but my life can make atonement ?", "O , thou inhuman ! Turn thy eyes away ,", "And blast me not with their destructive beams :", "Why should I curse thee with my dying breath ?", "Be gone ! and let me die in peace .", "Now mark ! and tremble at heaven 's just award :", "While thy insatiate wrath and fell revenge", "Pursu 'd the innocence which never wrong 'd thee ,", "Behold , the mischief falls on thee and me :", "Remorse and heaviness of heart shall wait thee ,", "And everlasting anguish be thy portion .", "For me , the snares of death are wound about me ,", "And now , in one poor moment , I am gone .", "Oh ! if thou hast one tender thought remaining ,", "Fly to thy closet , fall upon thy knees ,", "And recommend my parting soul to mercy .", "Oh , rise , and let me hush thy stormy sorrows ,", "Here , then , exchange we mutual forgiveness :", "So may the guilt of all my broken vows ,", "My perjuries to thee , be all forgotten ,", "As here my soul acquits thee of my death ,", "As here I part without one angry thought ,", "As here I leave thee with the softest tenderness ,", "Mourning the chance of our disastrous loves ,", "And begging heav'n to bless and to support thee .", "I obey .", "This rage is all in vain , that tears thy bosom :", "Retire , I beg thee ;", "To see thee thus , thou know'st not how it wounds me ;", "Thy agonies are added to my own ,", "And make the burden more than I can bear .", "Farewell \u2014 Good angels visit thy afflictions ,", "And bring thee peace and comfort from above .", "One thing I had forgot \u2014\u2014", "I charge thee , by our present common miseries ;", "By our past loves , if they have yet a name ;", "By all thy hopes of peace here and hereafter ;", "Let not the rancour of thy hate pursue", "The innocence of thy unhappy friend ;", "Thou know'st who \u2018 tis I mean ; Oh ! shouldst thou wrong her ,", "Just heav'n shall double all thy woes upon thee ,", "And make \u2018 em know no end \u2014 Remember this ,", "As the last warning of a dying man .", "Farewell , for ever !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 459, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["You saw her , then ?", "Inhuman dogs ! How did she bear it ?", "When was this piteous sight ?", "Let \u2018 em threaten ;", "Let proud oppression prove its fiercest malice ;", "So heav'n befriend my soul , as here I vow", "To give her help , and share one fortune with her .", "I do .", "What is there I should fear ?", "O thou hast set my busy brain at work ,", "And now she musters up a train of images ,", "Which , to preserve my peace , I had cast aside ,", "And sunk in deep oblivion \u2014 Oh , that form !", "That angel face on which my dotage hung !", "How I have gaz 'd upon her , till my soul", "With very eagerness went forth towards her ,", "And issu 'd at my eyes .\u2014 Was there a gem", "Which the sun ripens in the Indian mine ,", "Or the rich bosom of the ocean yields ?", "What was there art could make , or wealth could buy ,", "Which I have left unsought to deck her beauty ?", "What could her king do more ?\u2014 And yet she fled .", "Oh , that day !", "The thought of it must live for ever with me .", "I met her , Belmour , when the royal spoiler", "Bore her in triumph from my widow 'd home !", "Within his chariot , by his side , she sat ,", "And listen 'd to his talk with downward looks ,", "\u2018 Till , sudden as she chanc 'd aside to glance ,", "Her eyes encounter 'd mine \u2014 Oh ! then , my friend !", "Oh ! who can paint my grief and her amazement !", "As at the stroke of death , twice turn 'd she pale ;", "And twice a burning crimson blush 'd all o'er her ;", "Then , with a shriek heart-wounding , loud she cry 'd ,", "While down her cheeks two gushing torrents ran", "Fast falling on her hands , which thus she wrung \u2014\u2014", "Mov 'd at her grief , the tyrant ravisher ,", "With courteous action , woo 'd her oft to turn ;", "Earnest he seem 'd to plead , but all in vain ;", "Ev'n to the last she bent her sight towards me ,", "And follow 'd me \u2014\u2014 till I had lost myself .", "And can she bear it ? Can that delicate frame", "Endure the beating of a storm so rude ?", "Can she , for whom the various seasons chang 'd", "To court her appetite and crown her board ,", "For whom the foreign vintages were press 'd ,", "For whom the merchant spread his silken stores ,", "Can she \u2014\u2014", "Entreat for bread , and want the needful raiment", "To wrap her shiv'ring bosom from the weather ?", "When she was mine , no care came ever nigh her ;", "I thought the gentlest breeze that wakes the spring", "Too rough to breathe upon her ; cheerfulness", "Danc 'd all the day before her , and at night", "Soft slumbers waited on her downy pillow \u2014.", "Now , sad and shelterless , perhaps she lies ,", "Where piercing winds blow sharp , and the chill rain", "Drops from some pent-house on her wretched head ,", "Drenches her locks , and kills her with the cold .", "It is too much .\u2014\u2014 Hence with her past offences ,", "They are aton 'd at full .\u2014\u2014 Why stay we then ?", "Oh ! let us haste , my friend , and find her out .", "Here then let us divide ; each in his round", "To search her sorrows out ; whose hap it is", "First to behold her , this way let him lead", "Her fainting steps , and meet we here together ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 459, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Yet , yet , endure , nor murmur , O , my soul !", "For are not thy transgressions great and numberless ?", "Do they not cover thee like rising floods ,", "And press thee like a weight of waters down ?", "Wait then with patience , till the circling hours", "Shall bring the time of thy appointed rest ,", "And lay thee down in death .", "And , hark ! methinks the roar , that late pursu 'd me ,", "Sinks like the murmurs of a falling wind ,", "And softens into silence . Does revenge", "And malice then grow weary , and forsake me ?", "My guard , too , that observ 'd me still so close ,", "Tire in the task of their inhuman office ,", "And loiter far behind . Alas ! I faint ,", "My spirits fail at once \u2014 this is the door", "Of my Alicia \u2014\u2014 Blessed opportunity !", "I 'll steal a little succour from her goodness ,", "Now while no eye observes me .", "Enter Servant .", "Is your lady ,", "My gentle friend , at home ? Oh ! bring me to her .", "Do you not know me ?", "Tell my Alicia ,", "\u2018 Tis I would see her .", "But tell her", "\u2018 Tis I , her friend , the partner of her heart ,", "Wait at the door and beg ,\u2014\u2014", "It was not always thus ; the time has been , When this unfriendly door , that bars my passage , Flew wide , and almost leap 'd from off its hinges , To give me entrance here ; when this good house Has pour 'd forth all its dwellers to receive me ; When my approaches made a little holiday , And every face was dress 'd in smiles to meet me : But now \u2018 tis otherwise ; and those who bless 'd me Now curse me to my face . Why should I wander , Stray further on , for I can die ev'n here ?", "A very beggar , and a wretch , indeed ;", "One driv'n by strong calamity to seek", "For succours here ; one perishing for want ,", "Whose hunger has not tasted food these three days ;", "And humbly asks , for charity 's dear sake ,", "A draught of water and a little bread .", "And yet there was a time , when my Alicia", "Has thought unhappy Shore her dearest blessing ,", "And mourn 'd the live-long day she pass 'd without me ;", "Inclining fondly to me , she has sworn", "She lov 'd me more than all the world besides .", "To thy hand", "I trusted all ; gave my whole store to thee ,", "Nor do I ask it back ; allow me but", "The smallest pittance , give me but to eat ,", "Lest I fall down and perish here before thee .", "Oh ! for mercy !", "Alas ! she raves ; her brain , I fear , is turn 'd ;", "In mercy look upon her , gracious heav'n ,", "Nor visit her for any wrong to me .", "Sure I am near upon my journey 's end ;", "My head runs round , my eyes begin to fail ,", "And dancing shadows swim before my sight .", "I can no more ,", "receive me , thou cold earth ,", "Thou common parent , take me to thy bosom ,", "And let me rest with thee .", "Ah , Belmour ! where , indeed ? They stand aloof ,", "And view my desolation from afar !", "And yet thy goodness turns aside to pity me .", "Alas ! there may be danger ; get thee gone .", "Let me not pull a ruin on thy head .", "Leave me to die alone , for I am fall'n", "Never to rise , and all relief is vain .", "Dumont ! Ha ! where ?", "Then heav'n has heard my pray'r ; his very name", "Renews the springs of life , and cheers my soul .", "Has he then \u2018 scap 'd the snare ?", "Speak , tell me ! Which is he ? And oh ! what would", "This dreadful vision ! See it comes upon me \u2014", "It is my husband \u2014\u2014 Ah !", "Ha ! what art thou ? Belmour !", "My heart is thrill 'd with horror \u2014", "Still art thou there !\u2014 Still dost thou hover round me ! Oh , save me , Belmour , from his angry shade !", "I dare not ! Oh ! that my eyes could shut him out for ever \u2014", "Oh ! thou most injur 'd \u2014 dost thou live , indeed ?", "Fall then , ye mountains , on my guilty head ;", "Hide me , ye rocks , within your secret caverns ;", "Cast thy black veil upon my shame , O night !", "And shield me with thy sable wing for ever .", "What shall I say to you ? But I obey \u2014", "Alas ! I 'm wondrous faint :", "But that 's not strange , I have not eat these three days .", "Oh ! I am sick at heart !\u2014\u2014", "I will not part with him \u2014\u2014 for me !\u2014 for me ! Oh ! must he die for me ?", "Was this blow wanting to complete my ruin ?", "Oh ! let me go , ye ministers of terror .", "He shall offend no more , for I will die ,", "And yield obedience to your cruel master .", "Tarry a little , but a little longer ,", "And take my last breath with you .", "Forgive me !\u2014\u2014 but forgive me !", "Then all is well , and I shall sleep in peace \u2014", "\u2018 Tis very dark , and I have lost you now \u2014\u2014", "Was there not something I would have bequeath 'd you ?", "But I have nothing left me to bestow ,", "Nothing but one sad sigh . Oh ! mercy , heav'n !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 459, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What art thou ?", "No . Thou art a hedgehog .", "Ah !And what then is thy country ?", "A woman of the Hebrews ! From Bethulia !Stand back from my face .This is a rare strange tale .", "But it is a long journey from Bethulia , and thou art fresh and delicate as though just risen from thy bed .", "What is thy name ?", "Thy name is as strange as thy errand , and as thyself ; and surely thou art a woman of the Hebrews , which is a race of lunatics , as I am told .", "Um ! And what else hast thou ? Let me touch thee , Haggith .Yes , thou art outlandish , and no doubt mad , but comely . Comely ! Thou hast the likeness and feel of a woman . Always have I hankered after strange women , and now lo ! one falls ripe into my mouth .In a way of speaking ! In a way speaking ! For thou art not in my mouth . And so thou earnest to slake thy thirst ?", "Listen ! Thou hast saved thy life with water . But thou art lost .", "Ay ! A woman in the camps of the Assyrians \u2014 she is undone . She is a lamb in a den of terrible tigers .No , no ! I will protect thee , but I warn thee that thou art undone . I am honest .", "I will not tear thee to pieces , but thou shalt come away with me .Thou hast not the habit of this stroking .", "Thy \u2014 thy mistress ? Ye are two ? Where then is thy mistress ? Tell me upon the instant \u2014 is she fairer than thou ?", "Fetch her !", "Fetch her !Stay ! Bagoas is approaching , and he may have seen thee . His eyes are sharp . Stand off .But when I tell thee , fall down on thy face .", "His mightiness is the chief eunuch of the Prince , and there is none greater than he save only the Prince himself , for Bagoas has charge over all the women of the Prince 's tents .", "Ay ! Wives ! Concubines ! Virgins ! Beyond counting . Didst thou think in thy Hebrew pride , that the Prince was a savage and a barbarian ?... Down , damsel ! Here is Bagoas . Embrace the earth for thy life 's sake .", "Ingur , mightiness , commanding twenty footmen .", "Mightiness , a woman of the Hebrews escaped from Bethulia to find water ! And by my subtlety I have captured her .", "And there is another yet to appear ,\u2014 her mistress , seven times fairer .", "Mightiness , pardon your slave .", "Your slave captured the mistress . Reward him with this outlandish wench ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 464, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Animal , wouldst thou dare to behold that which is thy lord 's ? Leave the last veil , and away with thee .", "Queen of the night of Holofernes !", "The Prince comes to look upon you in his tent .", "Deign to ask , lady , and my humility shall answer ; for your beauty has blinded Holofernes this day and he is your captive , and his servant is your servant , and there is no law in the camps of the Assyrians save your glance .", "Nebuchadnezzar is henceforward the god of the Assyrians and of all the lands which their spears conquer . It is an official order .", "I would not , for my skin is very valuable to me .", "Your god is a wise god and has discernment .", "Lady , in my heat I admonished you with hard words and much vituperation .", "There is peace between us . And in the closeness of our intelligence you and I will rule them that rule all Assyria .", "The Council awaits your highness .", "It is a true word .", "It may well be so , Prince . But I have not seen the whole earth .", "To hear is to obey .", "But if thy provision fail ?", "Fetch Haggith , the waiting-woman of the lady Judith ! Quickly !Prince , shall the Hebrew woman eat and drink of her provision in my lord 's tent ?", "Then it is right that my lord remains not . And moreover the", "Council humbly waits for my lord .", "Did I not say that you and I shall rule them that rule Assyria ?", "Prince , has any woman yet slipped through these hands ? This girl is the waiting wench of the lady Judith .Where is thy mistress , wench ?", "Bring her . Her god may wait , but not the illustrious Prince . Run with both thy legs .", "Persuasion shall be used , highness . My arts are many and various .", "Yea , highness . But my lord has but this moment appointed a great feast with his captains at sunset . How then shall he eat and drink with the lady Judith ?", "So be it , highness . Nevertheless , the Prince has promised to his captains a mighty feast , and the word of Holofernes is a rock that cannot be shaken .", "I will send for the skins on the instant , highness ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 464, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Hast thou seen her ?", "But didst thou look ?", "Is there moonlight ?", "Give me wine .Bagoas !", "The wind is rising .", "Bagoas , she has escaped back to her own people .", "What guard could restrain such a woman ?", "Dost thou echo me ?", "Do thy thinking outside .", "Begone to thy post !", "The captains are departed , drunken with wine and their pride . But thy feast and my feast is not begun .", "Art thou in truth here , or do my eyes behold that which is not ?", "Yea , I trusted thee . I trusted thee so much that at the feast of the captains I commanded that all my hosts shall attack Bethulia , with bow , and sling , and spear , at sunrise , and also I gave the word of Holofernes for a pledge that naught in the heavens or on the earth should resist the onset of the Assyrians ; for some among them feared the word of Achior which they had heard .", "I have done it .", "Thou saidst thou wouldst pray to thy god this night and that he would tell thee when the Israelites in Bethulia had committed their sin , and that thou wouldst come to me to proclaim the hour of my triumph .", "Thou hast prayed , and thy god hath not answered ?", "He is no god , then , thy god . Let us drink .", "Thou art offended .", "What has befallen thee ?", "What saith thy god ?", "A miracle !", "To-morrow is appointed to be the day of my triumph .", "Hear me , Judith . Thy god shall be my god .", "To-morrow is appointed for my triumph , but this night also shall I exult .Let us eat and drink together , for we are alone in the night , and thou hast promised .", "Take off thy tunic ; thou art in thy own house . Let Holofernes be thy tire-woman .", "I feared that in the strictness of thy Hebrew scruples thou wouldst not drink of my wine .", "Dost thou verily know thy power and thy dominion , Judith ?", "Thou dost not . For I am mad for thee , and thou hast set thy seal upon me for evermore . My heart cannot hold thee , for thou hast filled it to overflowing , and all men see that my heart is full of thee and runneth over . Yea , I have a hundred and two and thirty thousand that bow themselves at my feet and that live and die by my glance . And I am at thy feet and thy glance is my joy and my sorrow according to thy whim . Judith , I entreat thee , command me something . For whatever thou command me , that will I execute . And be not afraid in thy command , for my power is very great and there is none like it save only my lord Nebuchadnezzar 's .", "Say not my captive . For it is I that am thy prisoner . And I will set thee on my throne , and in my great boldness I will dare to sit beside thee . But thou shalt reign . And we will live together in Assyria long years .", "And I have told thee that thy god shall be my god ; but in secret , because of that which I owe to King Nebuchadnezzar . Yet shall the whole earth know that thou , Judith , alone art my god .", "No !", "It is a lie . For from this night I have put away from me all women but thee , and there is not one among them to compare with thee .And since the judgment of heaven hath done a miracle by thee in the tent of Holofernes this night , wilt thou deny , O tenderness ! that thou hast been divinely appointed to me , and I to thee ?", "Tell me .", "I will kiss thy lips , and thou art mine , O fragrance !", "My great joy has overthrown me ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 464, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["It is Haggith , servant of the lady Judith . Open the gates quickly , for I am become a woman of much consequence .", "I have water with me . Many gourds ! Fresh water ! Cool water !", "I am the forerunner of my mistress , who has sent me , and before many hours are passed the lady Judith will come also .", "Let him alone ; he is my bondman and I have tamed him .", "There are yet ten other Assyrians outside the gates , carrying gourds for me .", "By my command they are chained by their necks , neck to neck . Fetch in the gourds , men , and give the people to drink .", "Hold thy mouth , gaby ! Wouldst thou flee with thy neck chained to nine necks ? Moreover , where will they flee ? For the camps of the Assyrians are broken , and in their terrible confusion the Assyrians fall one upon another .", "My mistress has slain Holofernes in his tent in the night , and the power of Assyria is undone .", "Open the mouth of the sack , and let my lord behold the head of Holofernes and see that I am mad .A torch , that the Lord Ozias may discover the manner of my raving .", "And my mistress is the right hand of the Lord .", "AS for that , she will tell it to my lord with her own voice when she shall come . And now will my lord give ear to the commands of the lady Judith , which she doth lay upon my lord by me , Haggith ? First , the head of Holofernes shall be set upon a spear on the highest wall in the great square before the temple . So shall all the Israelites know that God yet watcheth over Israel .Take the sack and do as my lady hath ordained by me , Haggith .", "Next , ye shall send men for water to the wells beneath the city that all may drink , for already the Assyrians are fled from the wells , knowing that Holofernes is dead . And ye shall send forth all your army into the valley to fall upon the Assyrians , for they are afraid of the judgment of God , and none dare abide in the sight of his neighbour . Neither can they stand against the chosen race of God .", "Thus hath the lady Judith spoken by me , Haggith .", "My mistress is hidden in a sure place in the valley , for there is one among the Assyrians who fears not God . And he is Bagoas , the chief eunuch of Holofernes , and he has sworn an oath to kill my mistress , for that by guile she did cut off the head of Holofernes . And Bagoas searches for my mistress in the folds of the valley . But he will not find her .", "Because the Lord of Israel is a sharp sword and protecteth his servants .... And also because my mistress is most cunningly hidden .", "He shall not go , lord Ozias . For as my mistress beguiled Holofernes , so did I beguile Ingur , and he is my slave . But I have not cut off his head , and he is dear to me because I have not cut off his head . And he is mine , and let none touch him, or my anger , which is the anger of the lady Judith , shall be upon that man .What do I see ? The sluts are in the tent of my mistress , which is forbidden them . Out , sluts !", "Lord Ozias , I came up from the valley to bring water , and to give tidings . Now I go down again to the valley with Ingur and his men to seek out my mistress , and to take new raiment to her , and lead her to the city ; for since the Israelites are fallen upon the Assyrians , my mistress is no longer in danger .", "Lord , it cannot be so . For the lady Judith commanded me to bring Achior also , for her protection , seeing that the youth came from the Assyrians at the bidding of the God of Israel to give comfort to Israel , and for a sign to my mistress .", "My mistress commanded me to say to the lord Ozias that he should remain in the city to prepare for her a welcome .Bestir thy legs , booby !", "It may be . But would the lord Ozias invite the displeasure of my mistress ? It is day . Let my lord sit in the sun ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 464, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["O daughter , blessed be thou above all the women of the earth . Thou art the exaltation of Jerusalem and the great glory of Israel , for the Lord hath directed thee to the cutting off of the head of the chief of our enemies , and thou hast revenged our ruin .", "Charmis , I appoint you to lead the people to the Temple , where are the banners of the Assyrians which we have captured this day , and each woman shall take a banner , and all shall return to this place before the house of the Lady Judith .", "Thou goest not with the people ?", "I wish to speak privily with the lady Judith , now !", "Shall we not go into your house , you and I ?", "Let it be so . But before Achior I will not speak .", "Who is the heathen Achior that you should prefer him and make your mouth sweet to him ?", "Oh ! I will not speak smoothly for a pretence ! Thou knowest that my jealousy smokes against Achior . Yea , and against Holofernes also .", "Before he went down to his place , didst thou not sin with him ?", "Blessed be our God !", "Let Holofernes suffice thee , and drive not me also to death with the softness of thy voice . Art thou not aware that the soul of my soul burns for thee and will not wait \u2014 the more so since thou hast done a mighty deed and art proved a woman beyond all women ?", "What is this humbleness ?", "Judith \u2014\u2014", "Hearken to me , Judith . I swear it was for thee that I boasted . My aim was that thy mighty deed should gain preferment in Jerusalem . But thou art a woman and therefore preferment is not for thee . Yet now by reason of my boasting I shall be greatly advanced and lifted up , and in all Judea there will be none higher than me , and thus wilt thou also be advanced and lifted up .", "But I would have it in thy behalf ; and my appetite is double . I rage for glory and dominion , and I rage also for thee . And I will offer thee glory and dominion , for I seek these things as a gift to thy beauty . And if I cannot lay them on thy lap my heel shall spurn mankind and I will tread it to dust . My desires are terrible ; they will not be withstood ; they consume me daily , but daily I am renewed . I am on fire , but by the fierceness of the fire I am strengthened . I was conceived for greatness and my mother bore me for mastery , and the huge earth shall shake with the terror of my commands .... And I am held between thy fingers .", "Surely thou canst not . For thou too art great . And my greatness yearns to thine .", "I hear .", "Yet when thou didst thy mighty deed didst thou not deceive cruelly ?", "Judith , canst thou not lift thy thoughts beyond good and evil , and canst thou not contemplate the marvellous greatness of man ? I will abase myself before none but thee , and in my ear there is no commandment but thine ; and all other decrees will I mock . I would have thee in marriage , and I would have no other but thee . Wilt thou take me to thee , and wilt thou yield thyself without fear to the terrible flame of my love ? For thus shalt thou fulfil thyself and me . But give heed before thou answerest , and know that if thou turnest from me , I will make all the nations of the earth to tremble with my fury .", "Once thou didst love me .", "Thou art not then afraid of my wrath !", "Thou hungerest for Achior . Wouldst thou marry a heathen , thou a Hebrew woman ?", "What is Achior but a simpleton !", "Oh ! If I did not love thee , would I not undo thee !", "Brethren , hearken ! This night I go to Jerusalem , for I am called to higher things , because I have delivered Israel . And I shall not return to this little city ; but ye will have tidings of me in the years to come , and ye will say proudly to the strangers within your gates : He was a Bethulian and once he ruled over us ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 464, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Hence ! home , you idle creatures , get you home !", "Is this a holiday ? What ! know you not ,", "Being mechanical , you ought not walk", "Upon a laboring day without the sign", "Of your profession ?\u2014 Speak , what trade art thou ?", "Thou art a cobbler , art thou ?", "But wherefore art not in thy shop today ? Why dost thou lead these men about the streets ?", "Go , go , good countrymen , and , for this fault ,", "Assemble all the poor men of your sort ,", "Draw them to Tiber banks , and weep your tears", "Into the channel , till the lowest stream", "Do kiss the most exalted shores of all .", "See whether their basest metal be not moved ;", "They vanish tongue-tied in their guiltiness .", "Go you down that way towards the Capitol ;", "This way will I. Disrobe the images ,", "If you do find them deck 'd with ceremonies .", "It is no matter ; let no images", "Be hung with Caesar 's trophies . I 'll about", "And drive away the vulgar from the streets ;", "So do you too , where you perceive them thick .", "These growing feathers pluck 'd from Caesar 's wing", "Will make him fly an ordinary pitch ,", "Who else would soar above the view of men ,", "And keep us all in servile fearfulness ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 474, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Calpurnia ,\u2014", "Calpurnia ,\u2014", "Stand you directly in Antonius \u2019 way ,", "When he doth run his course .\u2014 Antonius ,\u2014", "Forget not in your speed , Antonius ,", "To touch Calpurnia ; for our elders say ,", "The barren , touched in this holy chase ,", "Shake off their sterile curse .", "Set on ; and leave no ceremony out .", "Ha ! Who calls ?", "Who is it in the press that calls on me ?", "I hear a tongue , shriller than all the music ,", "Cry \u201c Caesar \u201d ! Speak , Caesar is turn 'd to hear .", "What man is that ?", "Set him before me ; let me see his face .", "What say'st thou to me now ? Speak once again .", "He is a dreamer ; let us leave him . Pass .", "Antonius ,\u2014", "Let me have men about me that are fat ;", "Sleek-headed men , and such as sleep o \u2019 nights :", "Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look ;", "He thinks too much : such men are dangerous .", "Would he were fatter ! But I fear him not :", "Yet , if my name were liable to fear ,", "I do not know the man I should avoid", "So soon as that spare Cassius . He reads much ;", "He is a great observer , and he looks", "Quite through the deeds of men : he loves no plays ,", "As thou dost , Antony ; he hears no music :", "Seldom he smiles ; and smiles in such a sort", "As if he mock 'd himself and scorn 'd his spirit", "That could be moved to smile at any thing .", "Such men as he be never at heart 's ease", "Whiles they behold a greater than themselves ;", "And therefore are they very dangerous .", "I rather tell thee what is to be fear 'd", "Than what I fear , for always I am Caesar .", "Come on my right hand , for this ear is deaf ,", "And tell me truly what thou think'st of him ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 474, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Are not you moved , when all the sway of earth", "Shakes like a thing unfirm ? O Cicero ,", "I have seen tempests , when the scolding winds", "Have rived the knotty oaks ; and I have seen", "Th \u2019 ambitious ocean swell and rage and foam ,", "To be exalted with the threatening clouds :", "But never till tonight , never till now ,", "Did I go through a tempest dropping fire .", "Either there is a civil strife in heaven ,", "Or else the world too saucy with the gods ,", "Incenses them to send destruction .", "A common slave \u2014 you 'd know him well by sight \u2014", "Held up his left hand , which did flame and burn", "Like twenty torches join 'd , and yet his hand", "Not sensible of fire remain 'd unscorch 'd .", "Besides ,\u2014 I ha \u2019 not since put up my sword ,\u2014", "Against the Capitol I met a lion ,", "Who glared upon me , and went surly by ,", "Without annoying me : and there were drawn", "Upon a heap a hundred ghastly women ,", "Transformed with their fear ; who swore they saw", "Men , all in fire , walk up and down the streets .", "And yesterday the bird of night did sit", "Even at noonday upon the marketplace ,", "Howling and shrieking . When these prodigies", "Do so conjointly meet , let not men say", "\u201c These are their reasons ; they are natural \u201d ;", "For I believe they are portentous things", "Unto the climate that they point upon .", "He doth , for he did bid Antonius", "Send word to you he would be there to-morrow .", "Farewell , Cicero .", "A Roman .", "Your ear is good . Cassius , what night is this !", "Who ever knew the heavens menace so ?", "But wherefore did you so much tempt the Heavens ?", "It is the part of men to fear and tremble ,", "When the most mighty gods by tokens send", "Such dreadful heralds to astonish us .", "\u2018 Tis Caesar that you mean ; is it not , Cassius ?", "Indeed they say the senators to-morrow", "Mean to establish Caesar as a king ;", "And he shall wear his crown by sea and land ,", "In every place save here in Italy .", "So can I :", "So every bondman in his own hand bears", "The power to cancel his captivity .", "You speak to Casca ; and to such a man", "That is no fleering tell-tale . Hold , my hand :", "Be factious for redress of all these griefs ;", "And I will set this foot of mine as far", "As who goes farthest .", "Stand close awhile , for here comes one in haste .", "O , he sits high in all the people 's hearts !", "And that which would appear offense in us ,", "His countenance , like richest alchemy ,", "Will change to virtue and to worthiness ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 474, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What , Lucius , ho !\u2014", "I cannot , by the progress of the stars ,", "Give guess how near to day .\u2014 Lucius , I say !\u2014", "I would it were my fault to sleep so soundly .\u2014", "When , Lucius , when ! Awake , I say ! What , Lucius !", "Get me a taper in my study , Lucius :", "When it is lighted , come and call me here .", "It must be by his death : and , for my part ,", "I know no personal cause to spurn at him ,", "But for the general . He would be crown 'd :", "How that might change his nature , there 's the question :", "It is the bright day that brings forth the adder ;", "And that craves wary walking . Crown him ?\u2014 that :", "And then , I grant , we put a sting in him ,", "That at his will he may do danger with .", "Th \u2019 abuse of greatness is , when it disjoins", "Remorse from power ; and , to speak truth of Caesar ,", "I have not known when his affections sway 'd", "More than his reason . But \u2018 tis a common proof ,", "That lowliness is young ambition 's ladder ,", "Whereto the climber-upward turns his face ;", "But , when he once attains the upmost round ,", "He then unto the ladder turns his back ,", "Looks in the clouds , scorning the base degrees", "By which he did ascend : so Caesar may ;", "Then , lest he may , prevent . And , since the quarrel", "Will bear no color for the thing he is ,", "Fashion it thus ,\u2014 that what he is , augmented ,", "Would run to these and these extremities :", "And therefore think him as a serpent 's egg", "Which hatch 'd , would , as his kind grow mischievous ;", "And kill him in the shell .", "Get you to bed again ; it is not day . Is not tomorrow , boy , the Ides of March ?", "Look in the calendar , and bring me word .", "The exhalations , whizzing in the air", "Give so much light that I may read by them .\u2014", "\u201c Brutus , thou sleep'st : awake and see thyself .", "Shall Rome , & c. Speak , strike , redress \u2014!", "Brutus , thou sleep'st : awake !\u2014 \u201d", "Such instigations have been often dropp 'd", "Where I have took them up .", "\u201c Shall Rome , & c . \u201d Thus must I piece it out :", "Shall Rome stand under one man 's awe ? What , Rome ?", "My ancestors did from the streets of Rome", "The Tarquin drive , when he was call 'd a king .\u2014", "\u201c Speak , strike , redress ! \u201d \u2014 Am I entreated , then ,", "To speak and strike ? O Rome , I make thee promise ,", "If the redress will follow , thou receivest", "Thy full petition at the hand of Brutus !", "\u2018 Tis good . Go to the gate , somebody knocks .\u2014", "Since Cassius first did whet me against Caesar", "I have not slept .", "Between the acting of a dreadful thing", "And the first motion , all the interim is", "Like a phantasma or a hideous dream :", "The genius and the mortal instruments", "Are then in council ; and the state of man ,", "Like to a little kingdom , suffers then", "The nature of an insurrection .", "Is he alone ?", "Do you know them ?", "Let \u2018 em enter .\u2014", "I have been up this hour , awake all night . Know I these men that come along with you ?", "He is welcome hither .", "He is welcome too .", "They are all welcome .\u2014", "What watchful cares do interpose themselves", "Betwixt your eyes and night ?", "Give me your hands all over , one by one .", "No , not an oath : if not the face of men ,", "The sufferance of our souls , the time 's abuse \u2014", "If these be motives weak , break off betimes ,", "And every man hence to his idle bed ;", "So let high-sighted tyranny range on ,", "Till each man drop by lottery . But if these ,", "As I am sure they do , bear fire enough", "To kindle cowards , and to steel with valour", "The melting spirits of women ; then , countrymen ,", "What need we any spur but our own cause", "To prick us to redress ? what other bond", "Than secret Romans , that have spoke the word ,", "And will not palter ? and what other oath", "Than honesty to honesty engaged ,", "That this shall be , or we will fall for it ?", "Swear priests , and cowards , and men cautelous ,", "Old feeble carrions , and such suffering souls", "That welcome wrongs ; unto bad causes swear", "Such creatures as men doubt : but do not stain", "The even virtue of our enterprise ,", "Nor th \u2019 insuppressive mettle of our spirits ,", "To think that or our cause or our performance", "Did need an oath ; when every drop of blood", "That every Roman bears , and nobly bears ,", "Is guilty of a several bastardy ,", "If he do break the smallest particle", "Of any promise that hath pass 'd from him .", "O , name him not ! let us not break with him ;", "For he will never follow any thing", "That other men begin .", "Our course will seem too bloody , Caius Cassius ,", "To cut the head off , and then hack the limbs ,", "Like wrath in death , and envy afterwards ;", "For Antony is but a limb of Caesar .", "Let us be sacrificers , but not butchers , Caius .", "We all stand up against the spirit of Caesar ;", "And in the spirit of men there is no blood :", "O , that we then could come by Caesar 's spirit ,", "And not dismember Caesar ! But , alas ,", "Caesar must bleed for it ! And , gentle friends ,", "Let 's kill him boldly , but not wrathfully ;", "Let 's carve him as a dish fit for the gods ,", "Not hew him as a carcass fit for hounds ;", "And let our hearts , as subtle masters do ,", "Stir up their servants to an act of rage ,", "And after seem to chide \u2018 em . This shall mark", "Our purpose necessary , and not envious ;", "Which so appearing to the common eyes ,", "We shall be call 'd purgers , not murderers .", "And for Mark Antony , think not of him ;", "For he can do no more than Caesar 's arm", "When Caesar 's head is off .", "Alas , good Cassius , do not think of him :", "If he love Caesar , all that he can do", "Is to himself ,\u2014 take thought and die for Caesar .", "And that were much he should ; for he is given", "To sports , to wildness , and much company .", "Peace ! count the clock .", "By the eighth hour : is that the uttermost ?", "Now , good Metellus , go along by him :", "He loves me well , and I have given him reason ;", "Send him but hither , and I 'll fashion him .", "Good gentlemen , look fresh and merrily ;", "Let not our looks put on our purposes ,", "But bear it as our Roman actors do ,", "With untired spirits and formal constancy :", "And so , good morrow to you every one .\u2014", "Boy ! Lucius !\u2014 Fast asleep ? It is no matter ;", "Enjoy the honey-heavy dew of slumber :", "Thou hast no figures nor no fantasies ,", "Which busy care draws in the brains of men ;", "Therefore thou sleep'st so sound .", "Portia , what mean you ? wherefore rise you now ?", "It is not for your health thus to commit", "Your weak condition to the raw-cold morning .", "I am not well in health , and that is all .", "Why , so I do . Good Portia , go to bed .", "Kneel not , gentle Portia .", "You are my true and honorable wife ;", "As dear to me as are the ruddy drops", "That visit my sad heart .", "O ye gods ,", "Render me worthy of this noble wife !", "Hark , hark , one knocks : Portia , go in awhile ;", "And by and by thy bosom shall partake", "The secrets of my heart :", "All my engagements I will construe to thee ,", "All the charactery of my sad brows .", "Leave me with haste .", "\u2014 Lucius , who 's that knocks ?", "Caius Ligarius , that Metellus spake of .\u2014", "Boy , stand aside .\u2014 Caius Ligarius ,\u2014 how ?", "O , what a time have you chose out , brave Caius ,", "To wear a kerchief ! Would you were not sick !", "Such an exploit have I in hand , Ligarius ,", "Had you a healthful ear to hear of it .", "A piece of work that will make sick men whole .", "That must we also . What it is , my Caius ,", "I shall unfold to thee , as we are going ,", "To whom it must be done .", "Follow me then ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 474, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Nor heaven nor earth have been at peace tonight :", "Thrice hath Calpurnia in her sleep cried out ,", "\u201c Help , ho ! They murder Caesar ! \u201d \u2014 Who 's within ?", "Go bid the priests do present sacrifice ,", "And bring me their opinions of success .", "Caesar shall forth : the things that threaten me", "Ne'er look but on my back ; when they shall see", "The face of Caesar , they are vanished .", "What can be avoided", "Whose end is purposed by the mighty gods ?", "Yet Caesar shall go forth ; for these predictions", "Are to the world in general as to Caesar .", "Cowards die many times before their deaths ;", "The valiant never taste of death but once .", "Of all the wonders that I yet have heard ,", "It seems to me most strange that men should fear ;", "Seeing that death , a necessary end ,", "Will come when it will come .\u2014", "What say the augurers ?", "The gods do this in shame of cowardice :", "Caesar should be a beast without a heart ,", "If he should stay at home today for fear .", "No , Caesar shall not : danger knows full well", "That Caesar is more dangerous than he :", "We are two lions litter 'd in one day ,", "And I the elder and more terrible ;", "And Caesar shall go forth .", "Mark Antony shall say I am not well ,", "And , for thy humor , I will stay at home .", "Here 's Decius Brutus , he shall tell them so .", "And you are come in very happy time", "To bear my greeting to the Senators ,", "And tell them that I will not come to-day .", "Cannot , is false ; and that I dare not , falser :", "I will not come to-day . Tell them so , Decius .", "Shall Caesar send a lie ?", "Have I in conquest stretch 'd mine arm so far ,", "To be afeard to tell grey-beards the truth ?\u2014", "Decius , go tell them Caesar will not come .", "The cause is in my will ; I will not come :", "That is enough to satisfy the Senate .", "But , for your private satisfaction ,", "Because I love you , I will let you know :", "Calpurnia here , my wife , stays me at home :", "She dreamt to-night she saw my statua ,", "Which , like a fountain with an hundred spouts ,", "Did run pure blood ; and many lusty Romans", "Came smiling and did bathe their hands in it :", "And these does she apply for warnings and portents", "And evils imminent ; and on her knee", "Hath begg 'd that I will stay at home to-day .", "And this way have you well expounded it .", "How foolish do your fears seem now , Calpurnia !", "I am ashamed I did yield to them .", "Give me my robe , for I will go .", "And look where Publius is come to fetch me .", "Welcome , Publius .\u2014", "What , Brutus , are you stirr 'd so early too ?\u2014", "Good morrow , Casca .\u2014 Caius Ligarius ,", "Caesar was ne'er so much your enemy", "As that same ague which hath made you lean .\u2014", "What is't o'clock ?", "I thank you for your pains and courtesy .", "See ! Antony , that revels long o'nights ,", "Is notwithstanding up .\u2014 Good morrow , Antony .", "Bid them prepare within :", "I am to blame to be thus waited for .\u2014", "Now , Cinna ;\u2014 now , Metellus ;\u2014 what , Trebonius !", "I have an hour 's talk in store for you :", "Remember that you call on me to-day ;", "Be near me , that I may remember you .", "Good friends , go in , and taste some wine with me ;", "And we , like friends , will straightway go together ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 474, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The Ides of March are come .", "What touches us ourself shall be last served .", "What , is the fellow mad ?", "What is now amiss", "That Caesar and his Senate must redress ?", "I must prevent thee , Cimber .", "These couchings and these lowly courtesies", "Might fire the blood of ordinary men ,", "And turn pre-ordinance and first decree", "Into the law of children . Be not fond ,", "To think that Caesar bears such rebel blood", "That will be thaw 'd from the true quality", "With that which melteth fools ; I mean , sweet words ,", "Low-crooked curtsies , and base spaniel-fawning .", "Thy brother by decree is banished :", "If thou dost bend , and pray , and fawn for him ,", "I spurn thee like a cur out of my way .", "Caesar did never wrong but with just cause ,", "Nor without cause will he be satisfied .", "What , Brutus ?", "I could be well moved , if I were as you ;", "If I could pray to move , prayers would move me :", "But I am constant as the northern star ,", "Of whose true-fix 'd and resting quality", "There is no fellow in the firmament .", "The skies are painted with unnumber 'd sparks ,", "They are all fire , and every one doth shine ;", "But there 's but one in all doth hold his place :", "So in the world ; \u2018 tis furnish 'd well with men ,", "And men are flesh and blood , and apprehensive ;", "Yet in the number I do know but one", "That unassailable holds on his rank ,", "Unshaked of motion : and that I am he ,", "Let me a little show it , even in this ,\u2014", "That I was constant Cimber should be banish 'd ,", "And constant do remain to keep him so .", "Hence ! wilt thou lift up Olympus ?", "Doth not Brutus bootless kneel ?", "Et tu , Brute ?\u2014 Then fall , Caesar !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 474, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Then follow me , and give me audience , friends .\u2014", "Cassius , go you into the other street", "And part the numbers .\u2014", "Those that will hear me speak , let \u2018 em stay here ;", "Those that will follow Cassius , go with him ;", "And public reasons shall be rendered", "Of Caesar 's death .", "Be patient till the last . Romans , countrymen , and lovers ! Hear me for my cause ; and be silent , that you may hear : believe me for mine honour , and have respect to mine honor , that you may believe : censure me in your wisdom ; and awake your senses , that you may the better judge . If there be any in this assembly , any dear friend of Caesar 's , to him I say that Brutus \u2019 love to Caesar was no less than his . If then that friend demand why Brutus rose against Caesar , this is my answer ,\u2014 Not that I loved Caesar less , but that I loved Rome more . Had you rather Caesar were living , and die all slaves , than that Caesar were dead , to live all freemen ? As Caesar loved me , I weep for him ; as he was fortunate , I rejoice at it ; as he was valiant , I honour him ; but , as he was ambitious , I slew him . There is tears for his love ; joy for his fortune ; honour for his valour ; and death for his ambition . Who is here so base that would be a bondman ? If any , speak ; for him have I offended . Who is here so rude that would not be a Roman ? If any , speak ; for him have I offended . Who is here so vile that will not love his country ? If any , speak ; for him have I offended . I pause for a reply .", "Then none have I offended . I have done no more to Caesar than you shall do to Brutus . The question of his death is enroll 'd in the Capitol , his glory not extenuated , wherein he was worthy ;, nor his offenses enforced , for which he suffered death .Here comes his body , mourned by Mark Antony , who , though he had no hand in his death , shall receive the benefit of his dying , a place in the commonwealth ; as which of you shall not ? With this I depart \u2014 that , as I slew my best lover for the good of Rome , I have the same dagger for myself , when it shall please my country to need my death .", "My countrymen ,\u2014", "Good countrymen , let me depart alone ,", "And , for my sake , stay here with Antony :", "Do grace to Caesar 's corpse , and grace his speech", "Tending to Caesar 's glory ; which Mark Antony ,", "By our permission , is allow 'd to make .", "I do entreat you , not a man depart ,", "Save I alone , till Antony have spoke ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 474, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["That you have wrong 'd me doth appear in this :", "You have condemn 'd and noted Lucius Pella", "For taking bribes here of the Sardians ;", "Whereas my letters , praying on his side", "Because I knew the man , were slighted off .", "In such a time as this it is not meet", "That every nice offense should bear his comment .", "I an itching palm !", "You know that you are Brutus that speak this ,", "Or , by the gods , this speech were else your last .", "Chastisement !", "Brutus , bay not me ,", "I 'll not endure it : you forget yourself ,", "To hedge me in ; I am a soldier , ay ,", "Older in practice , abler than yourself", "To make conditions .", "I am .", "Urge me no more , I shall forget myself ;", "Have mind upon your health , tempt me no farther .", "Is't possible ?", "O gods , ye gods ! must I endure all this ?", "Is it come to this ?", "You wrong me every way , you wrong me , Brutus .", "I said , an elder soldier , not a better :", "Did I say \u201c better \u201d ?", "When Caesar lived , he durst not thus have moved me .", "I durst not ?", "What , durst not tempt him ?", "Do not presume too much upon my love ;", "I may do that I shall be sorry for .", "I denied you not .", "I did not . He was but a fool", "That brought my answer back . Brutus hath rived my heart :", "A friend should bear his friend 's infirmities ,", "But Brutus makes mine greater than they are .", "You love me not .", "A friendly eye could never see such faults .", "Come , Antony and young Octavius , come ,", "Revenge yourselves alone on Cassius ,", "For Cassius is a-weary of the world ;", "Hated by one he loves ; braved by his brother ;", "Check 'd like a bondman ; all his faults observed ,", "Set in a note-book , learn 'd and conn 'd by rote ,", "To cast into my teeth . O , I could weep", "My spirit from mine eyes !\u2014 There is my dagger ,", "And here my naked breast ; within , a heart", "Dearer than Plutus \u2019 mine , richer than gold :", "If that thou be'st a Roman , take it forth ;", "I , that denied thee gold , will give my heart :", "Strike as thou didst at Caesar ; for I know ,", "When thou didst hate him worst , thou lovedst him better", "Than ever thou lovedst Cassius .", "Hath Cassius lived", "To be but mirth and laughter to his Brutus ,", "When grief , and blood ill-temper 'd , vexeth him ?", "Do you confess so much ? Give me your hand .", "O Brutus ,\u2014", "\u2014 Have not you love enough to bear with me ,", "When that rash humor which my mother gave me", "Makes me forgetful ?", "How now ! What 's the matter ?", "Ha , ha ! How vilely doth this cynic rhyme !", "Bear with him , Brutus ; \u2018 tis his fashion .", "Away , away , be gone !", "And come yourselves and bring Messala with you", "Immediately to us .", "I did not think you could have been so angry .", "Of your philosophy you make no use ,", "If you give place to accidental evils .", "Ha ! Portia !", "How \u2018 scaped I killing , when I cross 'd you so ?\u2014", "O insupportable and touching loss !\u2014", "Upon what sickness ?", "And died so ?", "O ye immortal gods !", "My heart is thirsty for that noble pledge .", "Fill , Lucius , till the wine o'erswell the cup ;", "I cannot drink too much of Brutus \u2019 love .", "Portia , art thou gone ?", "Cicero one !", "I have as much of this in art as you ,", "But yet my nature could not bear it so .", "I do not think it good .", "This it is :", "\u2018 Tis better that the enemy seek us ;:", "So shall he waste his means , weary his soldiers ,", "Doing himself offense ; whilst we , lying still ,", "Are full of rest , defense , and nimbleness .", "Hear me , good brother .", "Then , with your will , go on :", "We 'll along ourselves , and meet them at Philippi .", "No more . Good night :", "Early to-morrow will we rise , and hence .", "O my dear brother ! This was an ill beginning of the night . Never come such division \u2018 tween our souls ! Let it not , Brutus .", "Good night , my lord ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 474, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now , Antony , our hopes are answered .", "You said the enemy would not come down ,", "But keep the hills and upper regions :", "It proves not so ; their battles are at hand :", "They mean to warn us at Philippi here ,", "Answering before we do demand of them .", "Upon the right hand I ; keep thou the left .", "I do not cross you ; but I will do so .", "Mark Antony , shall we give sign of battle ?", "Stir not until the signal .", "Not that we love words better , as you do .", "Come , come , the cause : if arguing makes us sweat ,", "The proof of it will turn to redder drops .", "Look ,\u2014", "I draw a sword against conspirators :", "When think you that the sword goes up again ?", "Never , till Caesar 's three and thirty wounds", "Be well avenged ; or till another Caesar", "Have added slaughter to the sword of traitors .", "So I hope ;", "I was not born to die on Brutus \u2019 sword .", "Come , Antony ; away !\u2014", "Defiance , traitors , hurl we in your teeth :", "If you dare fight today , come to the field ;", "If not , when you have stomachs ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 474, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["O , look , Titinius , look , the villains fly !", "Myself have to mine own turn 'd enemy :", "This ensign here of mine was turning back ;", "I slew the coward , and did take it from him .", "This hill is far enough .\u2014 Look , look , Titinius ;", "Are those my tents where I perceive the fire ?", "Titinius , if thou lovest me ,", "Mount thou my horse and hide thy spurs in him ,", "Till he have brought thee up to yonder troops", "And here again ; that I may rest assured", "Whether yond troops are friend or enemy .", "Go , Pindarus , get higher on that hill :", "My sight was ever thick : regard Titinius ,", "And tell me what thou notest about the field .\u2014", "This day I breathed first : time is come round ,", "And where I did begin , there shall I end ;", "My life is run his compass .\u2014 Sirrah , what news ?", "What news ?", "Come down ; behold no more .\u2014", "O , coward that I am , to live so long ,", "To see my best friend ta'en before my face !", "Come hither , sirrah :", "In Parthia did I take thee prisoner ;", "And then I swore thee , saving of thy life ,", "That whatsoever I did bid thee do ,", "Thou shouldst attempt it . Come now , keep thine oath ;", "Now be a freeman ; and with this good sword ,", "That ran through Caesar 's bowels , search this bosom .", "Stand not to answer : here , take thou the hilts ;", "And when my face is cover 'd , as \u2018 tis now ,", "Guide thou the sword .\u2014 Caesar , thou art revenged ,", "Even with the sword that kill 'd thee ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 474, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["So shaken as we are , so wan with care ,", "Find we a time for frighted peace to pant", "And breathe short-winded accents of new broils", "To be commenc 'd in stronds afar remote .", "No more the thirsty entrance of this soil", "Shall daub her lips with her own children 's blood .", "No more shall trenching war channel her fields ,", "Nor Bruise her flow'rets with the armed hoofs", "Of hostile paces . Those opposed eyes", "Which , like the meteors of a troubled heaven ,", "All of one nature , of one substance bred ,", "Did lately meet in the intestine shock", "And furious close of civil butchery ,", "Shall now in mutual well-beseeming ranks", "March all one way and be no more oppos 'd", "Against acquaintance , kindred , and allies .", "The edge of war , like an ill-sheathed knife ,", "No more shall cut his master . Therefore , friends ,", "As far as to the sepulchre of Christ-", "Whose soldier now , under whose blessed cross", "We are impressed and engag 'd to fight-", "Forthwith a power of English shall we levy ,", "Whose arms were moulded in their mother 's womb", "To chase these pagans in those holy fields", "Over whose acres walk 'd those blessed feet", "Which fourteen hundred years ago were nail 'd", "For our advantage on the bitter cross .", "But this our purpose now is twelvemonth old ,", "And bootless \u2018 tis to tell you we will go .", "Therefore we meet not now . Then let me hear", "Of you , my gentle cousin Westmoreland ,", "What yesternight our Council did decree", "In forwarding this dear expedience .", "It seems then that the tidings of this broil", "Brake off our business for the Holy Land .", "Here is a dear , a true-industrious friend ,", "Sir Walter Blunt , new lighted from his horse ,", "Stain 'd with the variation of each soil", "Betwixt that Holmedon and this seat of ours ,", "And he hath brought us smooth and welcome news .", "The Earl of Douglas is discomfited ;", "Ten thousand bold Scots , two-and-twenty knights ,", "Balk 'd in their own blood did Sir Walter see", "On Holmedon 's plains . Of prisoners , Hotspur took", "Mordake Earl of Fife and eldest son", "To beaten Douglas , and the Earl of Athol ,", "Of Murray , Angus , and Menteith .", "And is not this an honourable spoil ?", "A gallant prize ? Ha , cousin , is it not ?", "Yea , there thou mak'st me sad , and mak'st me sin", "In envy that my Lord Northumberland", "Should be the father to so blest a son-", "A son who is the theme of honour 's tongue ,", "Amongst a grove the very straightest plant ;", "Who is sweet Fortune 's minion and her pride ;", "Whilst I , by looking on the praise of him ,", "See riot and dishonour stain the brow", "Of my young Harry . O that it could be prov 'd", "That some night-tripping fairy had exchang 'd", "In cradle clothes our children where they lay ,", "And call 'd mine Percy , his Plantagenet !", "Then would I have his Harry , and he mine .", "But let him from my thoughts . What think you , coz ,", "Of this young Percy 's pride ? The prisoners", "Which he in this adventure hath surpris 'd", "To his own use he keeps , and sends me word", "I shall have none but Mordake Earl of Fife .", "But I have sent for him to answer this ;", "And for this cause awhile we must neglect", "Our holy purpose to Jerusalem .", "Cousin , on Wednesday next our council we", "Will hold at Windsor . So inform the lords ;", "But come yourself with speed to us again ;", "For more is to be said and to be done", "Than out of anger can be uttered ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 487, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now , Hal , what time of day is it , lad ?", "Indeed you come near me now , Hal ; for we that take purses go by the moon And the seven stars , and not by Phoebus , he , that wand'ring knight so fair . And I prithee , sweet wag , when thou art king , as , God save thy Grace-Majesty I should say , for grace thou wilt have none-", "No , by my troth ; not so much as will serve to be prologue to an egg and butter .", "Marry , then , sweet wag , when thou art king , let not us that are squires of the night 's body be called thieves of the day 's beauty . Let us be Diana 's Foresters , Gentlemen of the Shade , Minions of the Moon ; and let men say we be men of good government , being governed as the sea is , by our noble and chaste mistress the moon , under whose countenance we steal .", "By the Lord , thou say'st true , lad - and is not my hostess of the tavern a most sweet wench ?", "How now , how now , mad wag ? What , in thy quips and thy quiddities ? What a plague have I to do with a buff jerkin ?", "Well , thou hast call 'd her to a reckoning many a time and oft .", "No ; I 'll give thee thy due , thou hast paid all there .", "Yea , and so us 'd it that , were it not here apparent that thou art heir apparent - But I prithee , sweet wag , shall there be gallows standing in England when thou art king ? and resolution thus fubb 'd as it is with the rusty curb of old father antic the law ? Do not thou , when thou art king , hang a thief .", "Shall I ? O rare ! By the Lord , I 'll be a brave judge .", "Well , Hal , well ; and in some sort it jumps with my humour as well as waiting in the court , I can tell you .", "Yea , for obtaining of suits , whereof the hangman hath no lean wardrobe . \u2018 Sblood , I am as melancholy as a gib-cat or a lugg 'd bear .", "Yea , or the drone of a Lincolnshire bagpipe .", "Thou hast the most unsavoury similes , and art indeed the most comparative , rascalliest , sweet young prince . But , Hal , I prithee trouble me no more with vanity . I would to God thou and I knew where a commodity of good names were to be bought . An old lord of the Council rated me the other day in the street about you , sir , but I mark 'd him not ; and yet he talked very wisely , but I regarded him not ; and yet he talk 'd wisely , and in the street too .", "O , thou hast damnable iteration , and art indeed able to corrupt a saint . Thou hast done much harm upon me , Hal - God forgive thee for it ! Before I knew thee , Hal , I knew nothing ; and now am I , if a man should speak truly , little better than one of the wicked . I must give over this life , and I will give it over ! By the Lord , an I do not , I am a villain ! I 'll be damn 'd for never a king 's son in Christendom .", "Zounds , where thou wilt , lad ! I 'll make one . An I do not , call me villain and baffle me .", "Why , Hal , \u2018 tis my vocation , Hal . \u2018 Tis no sin for a man to labour in his vocation . Enter Poins . Poins ! Now shall we know if Gadshill have set a match . O , if men were to be saved by merit , what hole in hell were hot enough for him ? This is the most omnipotent villain that ever cried \u2018 Stand ! \u2019 to a true man .", "Hear ye , Yedward : if I tarry at home and go not , I 'll hang you for going .", "Hal , wilt thou make one ?", "There 's neither honesty , manhood , nor good fellowship in thee , nor thou cam'st not of the blood royal if thou darest not stand for ten shillings .", "Why , that 's well said .", "By the Lord , I 'll be a traitor then , when thou art king .", "Well , God give thee the spirit of persuasion and him the ears of profiting , that what thou speakest may move and what he hears may be believed , that the true prince mayprove a false thief ; for the poor abuses of the time want countenance . Farewell ; you shall find me in Eastcheap ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 487, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["My blood hath been too cold and temperate ,", "Unapt to stir at these indignities ,", "And you have found me , for accordingly", "You tread upon my patience ; but be sure", "I will from henceforth rather be myself ,", "Mighty and to be fear 'd , than my condition ,", "Which hath been smooth as oil , soft as young down ,", "And therefore lost that title of respect", "Which the proud soul ne'er pays but to the proud .", "Worcester , get thee gone ; for I do see", "Danger and disobedience in thine eye .", "O , sir , your presence is too bold and peremptory ,", "And majesty might never yet endure", "The moody frontier of a servant brow .", "Tou have good leave to leave us . When we need", "\u2018 Your use and counsel , we shall send for you .", "Why , yet he doth deny his prisoners ,", "But with proviso and exception ,", "That we at our own charge shall ransom straight", "His brother-in-law , the foolish Mortimer ;", "Who , on my soul , hath wilfully betray 'd", "The lives of those that he did lead to fight", "Against that great magician , damn 'd Glendower ,", "Whose daughter , as we hear , the Earl of March", "Hath lately married . Shall our coffers , then ,", "Be emptied to redeem a traitor home ?", "Shall we buy treason ? and indent with fears", "When they have lost and forfeited themselves ?", "No , on the barren mountains let him starve !", "For I shall never hold that man my friend", "Whose tongue shall ask me for one penny cost", "To ransom home revolted Mortimer .", "Thou dost belie him , Percy , thou dost belie him !", "He never did encounter with Glendower .", "I tell thee", "He durst as well have met the devil alone", "As Owen Glendower for an enemy .", "Art thou not asham 'd ? But , sirrah , henceforth", "Let me not hear you speak of Mortimer .", "Send me your prisoners with the speediest means ,", "Or you shall hear in such a kind from me", "As will displease you . My Lord Northumberland ,", "We license your departure with your son. -", "Send us your prisoners , or you will hear of it ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 487, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Stand close .", "I comes forward I Peace , ye fat-kidney 'd rascal ! What a brawling dost thou keep !", "He is walk 'd up to the top of the hill . I 'll go seek him .", "Peace , ye fat-guts ! Lie down , lay thine ear close to the ground , and list if thou canst hear the tread of travellers .", "Thou liest ; thou art not colted , thou art uncolted .", "Out , ye rogue ! Shall I be your ostler ?", "Sirs , you four shall front them in the narrow lane ; Ned Poins and I will walk lower . If they scape from your encounter , then they light on us .", "What , a coward , Sir John Paunch ?", "Well , we leave that to the proof .", "Ned , where are our disguises ?", "The thieves have bound the true men . Now could thou and I rob the thieves and go merrily to London , it would be argument for a week , laughter for a month , and a good jest for ever .", "Your money !", "Got with much ease . Now merrily to horse .", "The thieves are scattered , and possess 'd with fear", "So strongly that they dare not meet each other .", "Each takes his fellow for an officer .", "Away , good Ned . Falstaff sweats to death", "And lards the lean earth as he walks along .", "Were't not for laughing , I should pity him ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 487, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 But , for mine own part , my lord , I could be well contented to be there , in respect of the love I bear your house . \u2019 He could be contented - why is he not then ? In respect of the love he bears our house ! He shows in this he loves his own barn better than he loves our house . Let me see some more . \u2018 The purpose you undertake is dangerous \u2019 - Why , that 's certain ! \u2018 Tis dangerous to take a cold , to sleep , to drink ; but I tell you , my lord fool , out of this nettle , danger , we pluck this flower , safety . \u2018 The purpose you undertake is dangerous , the friends you have named uncertain , the time itself unsorted , and your whole plot too light for the counterpoise of so great an opposition . \u2019 Say you so , say you so ? I say unto you again , you are a shallow , cowardly hind , and you lie . What a lack-brain is this ! By the Lord , our plot is a good plot as ever was laid ; our friends true and constant : a good plot , good friends , and full of expectation ; an excellent plot , very good friends . What a frosty-spirited rogue is this ! Why , my Lord of York commends the plot and the general course of the action . Zounds , an I were now by this rascal , I could brain him with his lady 's fan . Is there not my father , my uncle , and myself ; Lord Edmund Mortimer , my Lord of York , and Owen Glendower ? Is there not , besides , the Douglas ? Have I not all their letters to meet me in arms by the ninth of the next month , and are they not some of them set forward already ? What a pagan rascal is this ! an infidel ! Ha ! you shall see now , in very sincerity of fear and cold heart will he to the King and lay open all our proceedings . O , I could divide myself and go to buffets for moving such a dish of skim milk with so honourable an action ! Hang him , let him tell the King ! we are prepared . I will set forward to-night . Enter his Lady . How now , Kate ? I must leave you within these two hours .", "What , ho !", "Is Gilliams with the packet gone ?", "Hath Butler brought those horses from the sheriff ?", "What horse ? A roan , a crop-ear , is it not ?", "That roan shall be my throne . Well , I will back him straight . O esperance ! Bid Butler lead him forth into the park .", "What say'st thou , my lady ?", "Why , my horse , my love - my horse !", "So far afoot , I shall be weary , love .", "Away .", "Away , you trifler ! Love ? I love thee not ;", "I care not for thee , Kate . This is no world", "To play with mammets and to tilt with lips .", "We must have bloody noses and crack 'd crowns ,", "And pass them current too . Gods me , my horse !", "What say'st thou , Kate ? What wouldst thou have with me ?", "Come , wilt thou see me ride ?", "And when I am a-horseback , I will swear", "I love thee infinitely . But hark you . Kate :", "I must not have you henceforth question me", "Whither I go , nor reason whereabout .", "Whither I must , I must ; and to conclude ,", "This evening must I leave you , gentle Kate .", "I know you wise ; but yet no farther wise", "Than Harry Percy 's wife ; constant you are ,", "But yet a woman ; and for secrecy ,", "No lady closer , for I well believe", "Thou wilt not utter what thou dost not know ,", "And so far will I trust thee , gentle Kate .", "Not an inch further . But hark you , Kate :", "Whither I go , thither shall you go too ;", "To-day will I set forth , to-morrow you .", "Will this content you , Kate ,?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 487, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ned , prithee come out of that fat-room and lend me thy hand to laugh a little .", "Thou art perfect .", "Come hither , Francis .", "How long hast thou to serve , Francis ?", "Five year ! by'r Lady , a long lease for the clinking of", "How old art thou , Francis ?", "Nay , but hark you , Francis . For the sugar thou gavest me - \u2018 twas a pennyworth , wast not ?", "I will give thee for it a thousand pound . Ask me when thou wilt , and , thou shalt have it .", "Anon , Francis ? No , Francis ; but to-morrow , Francis ; or ,", "Francis , a Thursday ; or indeed , Francis , when thou wilt . But", "Francis-", "Wilt thou rob this leathern-jerkin , crystal-button , not-pated , agate-ring , puke-stocking , caddis-garter , smooth-tongue , Spanish-pouch-", "Why then , your brown bastard is your only drink ; for look you , Francis , your white canvas doublet will sully . In Barbary , sir , it cannot come to so much .", "Away , you rogue ! Dost thou not hear them call ? Here they both call him . The Drawer stands amazed , not knowing which way to go .", "Let them alone awhile , and then open the door .", "Poins !", "Sirrah , Falstaff and the rest of the thieves are at the door . Shall we be merry ?", "I am now of all humours that have showed themselves humours since the old days of goodman Adam to the pupil age of this present this twelve o'clock at midnight .What 's o'clock , Francis ?", "That ever this fellow should have fewer words than a parrot , and yet the son of a woman ! His industry is upstairs and downstairs , his eloquence the parcel of a reckoning . I am not yet of Percy 's mind , the Hotspur of the North ; he that kills me some six or seven dozen of Scots at a breakfast , washes his hands , and says to his wife , \u2018 Fie upon this quiet life ! I want work . \u2019 \u2018 O my sweet Harry , \u2019 says she , \u2018 how many hast thou kill 'd to-day ? \u2019 \u2018 Give my roan horse a drench , \u2019 says he , and answers \u2018 Some fourteen , \u2019 an hour after , \u2018 a trifle , a trifle . \u2019 I prithee call in", "Didst thou never see Titan kiss a dish of butter ? Pitiful-hearted butter , that melted at the sweet tale of the sun ! If thou didst , then behold that compound .", "How now , woolsack ? What mutter you ?", "Why , you whoreson round man , what 's the matter ?", "O villain ! thy lips are scarce wip 'd since thou drunk'st last .", "What 's the matter ?", "Where is it , Jack ? Where is it ?", "What , a hundred , man ?", "Speak , sirs . How was it ?", "What , fought you with them all ?", "Pray God you have not murd'red some of them .", "What , four ? Thou saidst but two even now .", "Seven ? Why , there were but four even now .", "Prithee let him alone . We shall have more anon .", "Ay , and mark thee too , Jack .", "So , two more already .", "O monstrous ! Eleven buckram men grown out of two !", "These lies are like their father that begets them - gross as a mountain , open , palpable . Why , thou clay-brain 'd guts , thou knotty-pated fool , thou whoreson obscene greasy tallow-catch-", "Why , how couldst thou know these men in Kendal green when it was so dark thou couldst not see thy hand ? Come , tell us your reason . What sayest thou to this ?", "I 'll be no longer guilty , of this sin ; this sanguine coward , this bed-presser , this horseback-breaker , this huge hill of flesh-", "Well , breathe awhile , and then to it again ; and when thou hast tired thyself in base comparisons , hear me speak but this .", "We two saw you four set on four , and bound them and were masters of their wealth . Mark now how a plain tale shall put you down . Then did we two set on you four and , with a word , outfac 'd you from your prize , and have it ; yea , and can show it you here in the house . And , Falstaff , you carried your guts away as nimbly , with as quick dexterity , and roar 'd for mercy , and still run and roar 'd , as ever I heard bullcalf . What a slave art thou to hack thy sword as thou hast done , and then say it was in fight ! What trick , what device , what starting hole canst thou now find out to hide thee from this open and apparent shame ?", "Content- and the argument shall be thy running away .", "How now , my lady the hostess ? What say'st thou to me ?", "Give him as much as will make him a royal man , and send him back again to my mother .", "Prithee do , Jack .", "Now , sirs . By'r Lady , you fought fair ; so did you , Peto ; so did you , Bardolph . You are lions too , you ran away upon instinct , you will not touch the true prince ; no - fie !", "Tell me now in earnest , how came Falstaff 's sword so hack 'd ?", "O villain ! thou stolest a cup of sack eighteen years ago and wert taken with the manner , and ever since thou hast blush 'd extempore . Thou hadst fire and sword on thy side , and yet thou ran'st away . What instinct hadst thou for it ?", "I do .", "Hot livers and cold purses .", "No , if rightly taken , halter . Enter Falstaff . Here comes lean Jack ; here comes bare-bone . How now , my sweet creature of bombast ? How long is't ago , Jack , since thou sawest thine own knee ?", "He that rides at high speed and with his pistol kills a sparrow flying .", "So did he never the sparrow .", "Why , what a rascal art thou then , to praise him so for running !", "Yes , Jack , upon instinct .", "Why then , it is like , if there come a hot June , and this civil buffeting hold , we shall buy maidenheads as they buy hobnails , by the hundreds .", "Not a whit , i \u2019 faith . I lack some of thy instinct .", "Do thou stand for my father and examine me upon the particulars of my life .", "Thy state is taken for a join'dhYpppHeNstool , thy golden sceptre for a leaden dagger , and thy precious rich crown for a pitiful bald crown .", "Well , here is my leg .", "What manner of man , an it like your Majesty ?", "Dost thou speak like a king ? Do thou stand for me , and I 'll play my father .", "Well , here I am set .", "Now , Harry , whence come you ?", "The complaints I hear of thee are grievous .", "Swearest thou , ungracious boy ? Henceforth ne'er look on me . Thou art violently carried away from grace . There is a devil haunts thee in the likeness of an old fat man ; a tun of man is thy companion . Why dost thou converse with that trunk of humours , that bolting hutch of beastliness , that swoll'n parcel of dropsies , that huge bombard of sack , that stuff 'd cloakbag of guts , that roasted Manningtree ox with the pudding in his belly , that reverend vice , that grey iniquity , that father ruffian , that vanity in years ? Wherein is he good , but to taste sack and drink it ? wherein neat and cleanly , but to carve a capon and eat it ? wherein cunning , but in craft ? wherein crafty , but in villany ? wherein villanous , but in all things ? wherein worthy , but in nothing ?", "That villanous abominable misleader of youth , Falstaff , that old white-bearded Satan .", "I know thou dost .", "I do , I will .", "Heigh , heigh , the devil rides upon a fiddlestick ! What 's the matter ?", "And thou a natural coward without instinct .", "Go hide thee behind the arras . The rest walk , up above . Now , my masters , for a true face and good conscience .", "Call in the sheriff .", "Enter Sheriff and the Carrier .", "Now , Master Sheriff , what is your will with me ?", "What men ?", "The man , I do assure you , is not here ,", "For I myself at this time have employ 'd him .", "And , sheriff , I will engage my word to thee", "That I will by to-morrow dinner time", "Send him to answer thee , or any man ,", "For anything he shall be charg 'd withal ;", "And so let me entreat you leave the house .", "It may be so . If he have robb 'd these men ,", "He shall be answerable ; and so farewell .", "I think it is good morrow , is it not ?", "This oily rascal is known as well as Paul 's . Go call him forth .", "Hark how hard he fetches breath . Search his pockets . He searcheth his pockets and findeth certain papers . What hast thou found ?", "Let 's see whit they be . Read them .", "O monstrous ! but one halfpennyworth of bread to this intolerable deal of sack ! What there is else , keep close ; we 'll read it at more advantage . There let him sleep till day . I 'll to the court in the morning . We must all to the wars . and thy place shall be honourable . I 'll procure this fat rogue a charge of foot ; and I know , his death will be a march of twelve score . The money shall be paid back again with advantage . Be with me betimes in the morning , and so good morrow , Peto ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 487, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["These promises are fair , the parties sure ,", "And our induction full of prosperous hope .", "Peace , cousin Percy ; you will make him mad .", "Come , come , no more of this unprofitable chat .", "The Archdeacon hath divided it", "Into three limits very equally .", "England , from Trent and Severn hitherto ,", "By south and east is to my part assign 'd ;", "All westward , Wales beyond the Severn shore ,", "And all the fertile land within that bound ,", "To Owen Glendower ; and , dear coz , to you", "The remnant northward lying off from Trent .", "And our indentures tripartite are drawn ;", "Which being sealed interchangeably", ",", "To-morrow , cousin Percy , you and I", "And my good Lord of Worcester will set forth", "To meet your father and the Scottish bower ,", "As is appointed us , at Shrewsbury .", "My father Glendower is not ready yet ,", "Nor shall we need his help these fourteen days .", "Yea , but", "Mark how he bears his course , and runs me up", "With like advantage on the other side ,", "Gelding the opposed continent as much", "As on the other side it takes from you .", "Fie , cousin Percy ! how you cross my father !", "In faith , he is a worthy gentleman ,", "Exceedingly well read , and profited", "In strange concealments , valiant as a lion ,", "And wondrous affable , and as bountiful", "As mines of India . Shall I tell you , cousin ?", "He holds your temper in a high respect", "And curbs himself even of his natural scope", "When you come \u2018 cross his humour . Faith , he does .", "I warrant you that man is not alive", "Might so have tempted him as you have done", "Without the taste of danger and reproof .", "But do not use it oft , let me entreat you .", "This is the deadly spite that angers me-", "My wife can speak no English , I no Welsh .", "Good father , tell her that she and my aunt Percy Shall follow in your conduct speedily . Glendower speaks to her in Welsh , and she answers him in the same .", "I understand thy looks . That pretty Welsh", "Which thou pourest down from these swelling heavens", "I am too perfect in ; and , but for shame ,", "In such a Barley should I answer thee .", "The Lady again in Welsh .", "I understand thy kisses , and thou mine ,", "And that 's a feeling disputation .", "But I will never be a truant , love ,", "Till I have learnt thy language : for thy tongue", "Makes Welsh as sweet as ditties highly penn 'd ,", "Sung by a fair queen in a summer 's bow'r ,", "With ravishing division , to her lute .", "O , I am ignorance itself in this !", "With all my heart I 'll sit and hear her sing . By that time will our book , I think , be drawn .", "With all my heart ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 487, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Lords , give us leave . The Prince of Wales and I", "Must have some private conference ; but be near at hand ,", "For we shall presently have need of you .", "God pardon thee ! Yet let me wonder , Harry ,", "At thy affections , which do hold a wing ,", "Quite from the flight of all thy ancestors .", "Thy place in Council thou hast rudely lost ,", "Which by thy younger brother is supplied ,", "And art almost an alien to the hearts", "Of all the court and princes of my blood .", "The hope and expectation of thy time", "Is ruin 'd , and the soul of every man", "Prophetically do forethink thy fall .", "Had I so lavish of my presence been ,", "So common-hackney 'd in the eyes of men ,", "So stale and cheap to vulgar company ,", "Opinion , that did help me to the crown ,", "Had still kept loyal to possession", "And left me in reputeless banishment ,", "A fellow of no mark nor likelihood .", "By being seldom seen , I could not stir", "But , like a comet , I Was wond'red at ;", "That men would tell their children , \u2018 This is he ! \u2019", "Others would say , \u2018 Where ? Which is Bolingbroke ? \u2019", "And then I stole all courtesy from heaven ,", "And dress 'd myself in such humility", "That I did pluck allegiance from men 's hearts ,", "Loud shouts and salutations from their mouths", "Even in the presence of the crowned King .", "Thus did I keep my person fresh and new ,", "My presence , like a robe pontifical ,", "Ne'er seen but wond'red at ; and so my state ,", "Seldom but sumptuous , show 'd like a feast", "And won by rareness such solemnity .", "The skipping King , he ambled up and down", "With shallow jesters and rash bavin wits ,", "Soon kindled and soon burnt ; carded his state ;", "Mingled his royalty with cap'ring fools ;", "Had his great name profaned with their scorns", "And gave his countenance , against his name ,", "To laugh at gibing boys and stand the push", "Of every beardless vain comparative ;", "Grew a companion to the common streets ,", "Enfeoff 'd himself to popularity ;", "That , being dally swallowed by men 's eyes ,", "They surfeited with honey and began", "To loathe the taste of sweetness , whereof a little", "More than a little is by much too much .", "So , when he had occasion to be seen ,", "He was but as the cuckoo is in June ,", "Heard , not regarded - seen , but with such eyes", "As , sick and blunted with community ,", "Afford no extraordinary gaze ,", "Such as is bent on unlike majesty", "When it shines seldom in admiring eyes ;", "But rather drows 'd and hung their eyelids down ,", "Slept in his face , and rend'red such aspect", "As cloudy men use to their adversaries ,", "Being with his presence glutted , gorg 'd , and full .", "And in that very line , Harry , standest thou ;", "For thou hast lost thy princely privilege", "With vile participation . Not an eye", "But is aweary of thy common sight ,", "Save mine , which hath desir 'd to see thee more ;", "Which now doth that I would not have it do-", "Make blind itself with foolish tenderness .", "For all the world ,", "As thou art to this hour , was Richard then", "When I from France set foot at Ravenspurgh ;", "And even as I was then is Percy now .", "Now , by my sceptre , and my soul to boot ,", "He hath more worthy interest to the state", "Than thou , the shadow of succession ;", "For of no right , nor colour like to right ,", "He doth fill fields with harness in the realm ,", "Turns head against the lion 's armed jaws ,", "And , Being no more in debt to years than thou ,", "Leads ancient lords and reverend Bishops on", "To bloody battles and to bruising arms .", "What never-dying honour hath he got", "Against renowmed Douglas ! whose high deeds ,", "Whose hot incursions and great name in arms", "Holds from all soldiers chief majority", "And military title capital", "Through all the kingdoms that acknowledge Christ .", "Thrice hath this Hotspur , Mars in swathling clothes ,", "This infant warrior , in his enterprises", "Discomfited great Douglas ; ta'en him once ,", "Enlarged him , and made a friend of him ,", "To fill the mouth of deep defiance up", "And shake the peace and safety of our throne .", "And what say you to this ? Percy , Northumberland ,", "The Archbishop 's Grace of York , Douglas , Mortimer", "Capitulate against us and are up .", "But wherefore do I tell these news to thee", "Why , Harry , do I tell thee of my foes ,", "Which art my nearest and dearest enemy \u2019", "Thou that art like enough , through vassal fear ,", "Base inclination , and the start of spleen ,", "To fight against me under Percy 's pay ,", "To dog his heels and curtsy at his frowns ,", "To show how much thou art degenerate .", "A hundred thousand rebels die in this ! Thou shalt have charge and sovereign trust herein . Enter Blunt . How now , good Blunt ? Thy looks are full of speed .", "The Earl of Westmoreland set forth to-day ;", "With him my son , Lord John of Lancaster ;", "For this advertisement is five days old .", "On Wednesday next , Harry , you shall set forward ;", "On Thursday we ourselves will march . Our meeting", "Is Bridgenorth ; and , Harry , you shall march", "Through Gloucestershire ; by which account ,", "Our business valued , some twelve days hence", "Our general forces at Bridgenorth shall meet .", "Our hands are full of business . Let 's away .", "Advantage feeds him fat while men delay . Exeunt ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 487, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Bardolph , am I not fall'n away vilely since this last action ? Do I not bate ? Do I not dwindle ? Why , my skin hangs about me like an old lady 's loose gown ! I am withered like an old apple John . Well , I 'll repent , and that suddenly , while I am in some liking . I shall be out of heart shortly , and then I shall have no strength to repent . An I have not forgotten what the inside of a church is made of , I am a peppercorn , a brewer 's horse . The inside of a church ! Company , villanous company , hath been the spoil of me .", "Why , there is it ! Come , sing me a bawdy song ; make me merry . I was as virtuously given as a gentleman need to be , virtuous enough : swore little , dic 'd not above seven times a week , went to a bawdy house not above once in a quarter - of an hour , paid money that I borrowed - three or four times , lived well , and in good compass ; and now I live out of all order , out of all compass .", "Do thou amend thy face , and I 'll amend my life . Thou art our admiral , thou bearest the lantern in the poop - but \u2018 tis in the nose of thee . Thou art the Knight of the Burning Lamp .", "No , I 'll be sworn . I make as good use of it as many a man doth of a death'shYpppHeNhead or a memento mori . I never see thy face but I think upon hellfire and Dives that lived in purple ; for there he is in his robes , burning , burning . if thou wert any way given to virtue , I would swear by thy face ; my oath should be \u2018 By this fire , that 's God 's angel . \u2019 But thou art altogether given over , and wert indeed , but for the light in thy face , the son of utter darkness . When thou ran'st up Gadshill in the night to catch my horse , if I did not think thou hadst been an ignis fatuus or a ball of wildfire , there 's no purchase in money . O , thou art a perpetual triumph , an everlasting bonfire-light ! Thou hast saved me a thousand marks in links and torches , walking with thee in the night betwixt tavern and tavern ; but the sack that thou hast drunk me would have bought me lights as good cheap at the dearest chandler 's in Europe . I have maintained that salamander of yours with fire any time this two-and-thirty years . God reward me for it !", "God-a-mercy ! so should I be sure to be heart-burn 'd . Enter Hostess . How now , Dame Partlet the hen ? Have you enquir 'd yet who pick 'd my pocket ?", "Ye lie , hostess . Bardolph was shav 'd and lost many a hair , and I 'll be sworn my pocket was pick 'd . Go to , you are a woman , go !", "Go to , I know you well enough .", "Dowlas , filthy dowlas ! I have given them away to bakers \u2019 wives ; they have made bolters of them .", "He had his part of it ; let him pay .", "How ? Poor ? Look upon his face . What call you rich ? Let them coin his nose , let them coin his cheeks . I 'll not pay a denier . What , will you make a younker of me ? Shall I not take mine ease in mine inn but I shall have my pocket pick 'd ? I have lost a seal-ring of my grandfather 's worth forty mark .", "How ? the Prince is a Jack , a sneak-cup . \u2018 Sblood , an he were here , I would cudgel him like a dog if he would say so . Enter the Prince, marching ; and Falstaff meets them , playing upon his truncheon like a fife . How now , lad ? Is the wind in that door , i \u2019 faith ? Must we all march ?", "Prithee let her alone and list to me .", "The other night I fell asleep here behind the arras and had my pocket pick 'd . This house is turn 'd bawdy house ; they pick pockets .", "Wilt thou believe me , Hal ? Three or four bonds of forty pound apiece and a seal-ring of my grandfather 's .", "There 's no more faith in thee than in a stewed prune , nor no more truth in thee than in a drawn fox ; and for woman-hood , Maid Marian may be the deputy 's wife of the ward to thee . Go , you thing , go !", "What thing ? Why , a thing to thank God on .", "Setting thy womanhood aside , thou art a beast to say otherwise .", "What beast ? Why , an otter .", "Why , she 's neither fish nor flesh ; a man knows not where to have her .", "A thousand pound , Hal ? A million ! Thy love is worth a million ; thou owest me thy love .", "Did I , Bardolph ?", "Yea . if he said my ring was copper .", "Why , Hal , thou knowest , as thou art but man , I dare ; but as thou art Prince , I fear thee as I fear the roaring of the lion 's whelp .", "The King himself is to be feared as the lion . Dost thou think I 'll fear thee as I fear thy father ? Nay , an I do , I pray God my girdle break .", "Dost thou hear , Hal ? Thou knowest in the state of innocency Adam fell ; and what should poor Jack Falstaff do in the days of villany ? Thou seest I have more flesh than another man , and therefore more frailty . You confess then , you pick 'd my pocket ?", "Hostess , I forgive thee . Go make ready breakfast . Love thy husband , look to thy servants , cherish thy guests . Thou shalt find me tractable to any honest reason . Thou seest I am pacified . -Still ? - Nay , prithee be gone .Now , Hal , to the news at court . For the robbery , lad - how is that answered ?", "O , I do not like that paying back ! \u2018 Tis a double labour .", "Rob me the exchequer the first thing thou doest , and do it with unwash 'd hands too .", "I would it had been of horse . Where shall I find one that can steal well ? O for a fine thief of the age of two-and-twenty or thereabouts ! I am heinously unprovided . Well , God be thanked for these rebels . They offend none but the virtuous . I laud them , I praise them .", "Rare words ! brave world ! Hostess , my breakfast , come . O , I could wish this tavern were my drum !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 487, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Well said , my noble Scot . If speaking truth", "In this fine age were not thought flattery ,", "Such attribution should the Douglas have", "As not a soldier of this season 's stamp", "Should go so general current through the world .", "By God , I cannot flatter , I defy", "The tongues of soothers ! but a braver place", "In my heart 's love hath no man than yourself .", "Nay , task me to my word ; approve me , lord .", "Do so , and \u2018 tis well. -", "What letters hast thou there ? - I can but thank you .", "Letters from him ? Why comes he not himself ?", "Zounds ! how has he the leisure to be sick", "In such a justling time ? Who leads his power ?", "Under whose government come they along ?", "Sick now ? droop now ? This sickness doth infect", "The very lifeblood of our enterprise .", "\u2018 Tis catching hither , even to our camp .", "He writes me here that inward sickness-", "And that his friends by deputation could not", "So soon be drawn ; no did he think it meet", "To lay so dangerous and dear a trust", "On any soul remov 'd but on his own .", "Yet doth he give us bold advertisement ,", "That with our small conjunction we should on ,", "To see how fortune is dispos 'd to us ;", "For , as he writes , there is no quailing now ,", "Because the King is certainly possess 'd", "Of all our purposes . What say you to it ?", "A perilous gash , a very limb lopp 'd off .", "And yet , in faith , it is not ! His present want", "Seems more than we shall find it . Were it good", "To set the exact wealth of all our states", "All at one cast ? to set so rich a man", "On the nice hazard of one doubtful hour ?", "It were not good ; for therein should we read", "The very bottom and the soul of hope ,", "The very list , the very utmost bound", "Of all our fortunes .", "A rendezvous , a home to fly unto ,", "If that the devil and mischance look big", "Upon the maidenhead of our affairs .", "You strain too far .", "I rather of his absence make this use :", "It lends a lustre and more great opinion ,", "A larger dare to our great enterprise ,", "Than if the Earl were here ; for men must think ,", "If we , without his help , can make a head", "To push against a kingdom , with his help", "We shall o'erturn it topsy-turvy down .", "Yet all goes well ; yet all our joints are whole .", "My cousin Vernon ! welcome , by my soul .", "No harm . What more ?", "He shall be welcome too . Where is his son ,", "The nimble-footed madcap Prince of Wales ,", "And his comrades , that daff 'd the world aside", "And bid it pass ?", "No more , no more ! Worse than the sun in March , This praise doth nourish agues . Let them come . They come like sacrifices in their trim , And to the fire-ey 'd maid of smoky war All hot and bleeding Will we offer them . The mailed Mars Shall on his altar sit Up to the ears in blood . I am on fire To hear this rich reprisal is so nigh , And yet not ours . Come , let me taste my horse , Who is to bear me like a thunderbolt Against the bosom of the Prince of Wales . Harry to Harry shall , hot horse to horse , Meet , and ne'er part till one drop down a corse . that Glendower were come !", "What may the King 's whole battle reach unto ?", "Forty let it be .", "My father and Glendower being both away ,", "The powers of us may serve so great a day .", "Come , let us take a muster speedily .", "Doomsday is near . Die all , die merrily ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 487, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["How bloodily the sun begins to peer", "Above yon busky hill ! The day looks pale", "At his distemp'rature .", "Theft with the losers let it sympathize ,", "For nothing can seem foul to those that win .", "The trumpet sounds . Enter Worcester", "How , now , my Lord of Worcester ? \u2018 Tis not well", "That you and I should meet upon such terms", "As now we meet . You have deceiv 'd our trust", "And made us doff our easy robes of peace", "To crush our old limbs in ungentle steel .", "This is not well , my lord ; this is not well .", "What say you to it ? Will you again unknit", "This churlish knot of all-abhorred war ,", "And move in that obedient orb again", "Where you did give a fair and natural light ,", "And be no more an exhal 'd meteor ,", "A prodigy of fear , and a portent", "Of broached mischief to the unborn times ?", "You have not sought it ! How comes it then ,", "These things , indeed , you have articulate ,", "Proclaim 'd at market crosses , read in churches ,", "To face the garment of rebellion", "With some fine colour that may please the eye", "Of fickle changelings and poor discontents ,", "Which gape and rub the elbow at the news", "Of hurlyburly innovation .", "And never yet did insurrection want", "Such water colours to impaint his cause ,", "Nor moody beggars , starving for a time", "Of pell-mell havoc and confusion .", "And , Prince of Wales , so dare we venture thee ,", "Albeit considerations infinite", "Do make against it . No , good Worcester , no !", "We love our people well ; even those we love", "That are misled upon your cousin 's part ;", "And , will they take the offer of our grace ,", "Both he , and they , and you , yea , every man", "Shall be my friend again , and I 'll be his .", "So tell your cousin , and bring me word", "What he will do . But if he will not yield ,", "Rebuke and dread correction wait on us ,", "And they shall do their office . So be gone .", "We will not now be troubled with reply .", "We offer fair ; take it advisedly .", "Hence , therefore , every leader to his charge ;", "For , on their answer , will we set on them ,", "And God befriend us as our cause is just !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 487, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["O no , my nephew must not know , Sir Richard ,", "The liberal and kind offer of the King .", "Then are we all undone .", "It is not possible , it cannot be", "The King should keep his word in loving us .", "He will suspect us still and find a time", "To punish this offence in other faults .", "Suspicion all our lives shall be stuck full of eyes ;", "For treason is but trusted like the fox", "Who , ne'er so tame , so cherish 'd and lock 'd up ,", "Will have a wild trick of his ancestors .", "Look how we can , or sad or merrily ,", "Interpretation will misquote our looks ,", "And we shall feed like oxen at a stall ,", "The better cherish 'd , still the nearer death .", "My nephew 's trespass may be well forgot ;", "It hath the excuse of youth and heat of blood ,", "And an adopted name of privilege-", "A hare-brained Hotspur govern 'd by a spleen .", "All his offences live upon my head", "And on his father 's . We did train him on ;", "And , his corruption being taken from us ,", "We , as the spring of all , shall pay for all .", "Therefore , good cousin , let not Harry know ,", "In any case , the offer of the King .", "The King will bid you battle presently .", "There is no seeming mercy in the King .", "I told him gently of our grievances ,", "Of his oath-breaking ; which he mended thus ,", "By now forswearing that he is forsworn .", "He calls us rebels , traitors , aid will scourge", "With haughty arms this hateful name in us .", "The Prince of Wales stepp 'd forth before the King", "And , nephew , challeng 'd you to single fight ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 487, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I prithee ,", "Harry , withdraw thyself ; thou bleedest too much .", "Lord John of Lancaster , go you unto him .", "I will do so . My Lord of Westmoreland , lead him to his tent .", "I saw him hold Lord Percy at the point", "With lustier maintenance than I did look for", "Of such an ungrown warrior .", "The King himself , who , Douglas , grieves at heart", "So many of his shadows thou hast met ,", "And not the very King . I have two boys", "Seek Percy and thyself about the field ;", "But , seeing thou fall'st on me so luckily ,", "I will assay thee . So defend thyself .", "Stay and breathe awhile .", "Thou hast redeem 'd thy lost opinion ,", "And show 'd thou mak'st some tender of my life ,", "In this fair rescue thou hast brought to me .", "Make up to Clifton ; I 'll to Sir Nicholas Gawsey ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 487, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["So shaken as we are , so wan with care ,", "Find we a time for frighted peace to pant", "And breathe short-winded accents of new broils", "To be commenc 'd in stronds afar remote .", "No more the thirsty entrance of this soil", "Shall daub her lips with her own children 's blood .", "No more shall trenching war channel her fields ,", "Nor Bruise her flow'rets with the armed hoofs", "Of hostile paces . Those opposed eyes", "Which , like the meteors of a troubled heaven ,", "All of one nature , of one substance bred ,", "Did lately meet in the intestine shock", "And furious close of civil butchery ,", "Shall now in mutual well-beseeming ranks", "March all one way and be no more oppos 'd", "Against acquaintance , kindred , and allies .", "The edge of war , like an ill-sheathed knife ,", "No more shall cut his master . Therefore , friends ,", "As far as to the sepulchre of Christ-", "Whose soldier now , under whose blessed cross", "We are impressed and engag 'd to fight-", "Forthwith a power of English shall we levy ,", "Whose arms were moulded in their mother 's womb", "To chase these pagans in those holy fields", "Over whose acres walk 'd those blessed feet", "Which fourteen hundred years ago were nail 'd", "For our advantage on the bitter cross .", "But this our purpose now is twelvemonth old ,", "And bootless \u2018 tis to tell you we will go .", "Therefore we meet not now . Then let me hear", "Of you , my gentle cousin Westmoreland ,", "What yesternight our Council did decree", "In forwarding this dear expedience .", "It seems then that the tidings of this broil", "Brake off our business for the Holy Land .", "Here is a dear , a true-industrious friend ,", "Sir Walter Blunt , new lighted from his horse ,", "Stain 'd with the variation of each soil", "Betwixt that Holmedon and this seat of ours ,", "And he hath brought us smooth and welcome news .", "The Earl of Douglas is discomfited ;", "Ten thousand bold Scots , two-and-twenty knights ,", "Balk 'd in their own blood did Sir Walter see", "On Holmedon 's plains . Of prisoners , Hotspur took", "Mordake Earl of Fife and eldest son", "To beaten Douglas , and the Earl of Athol ,", "Of Murray , Angus , and Menteith .", "And is not this an honourable spoil ?", "A gallant prize ? Ha , cousin , is it not ?", "Yea , there thou mak'st me sad , and mak'st me sin", "In envy that my Lord Northumberland", "Should be the father to so blest a son-", "A son who is the theme of honour 's tongue ,", "Amongst a grove the very straightest plant ;", "Who is sweet Fortune 's minion and her pride ;", "Whilst I , by looking on the praise of him ,", "See riot and dishonour stain the brow", "Of my young Harry . O that it could be prov 'd", "That some night-tripping fairy had exchang 'd", "In cradle clothes our children where they lay ,", "And call 'd mine Percy , his Plantagenet !", "Then would I have his Harry , and he mine .", "But let him from my thoughts . What think you , coz ,", "Of this young Percy 's pride ? The prisoners", "Which he in this adventure hath surpris 'd", "To his own use he keeps , and sends me word", "I shall have none but Mordake Earl of Fife .", "But I have sent for him to answer this ;", "And for this cause awhile we must neglect", "Our holy purpose to Jerusalem .", "Cousin , on Wednesday next our council we", "Will hold at Windsor . So inform the lords ;", "But come yourself with speed to us again ;", "For more is to be said and to be done", "Than out of anger can be uttered ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 500, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now , Hal , what time of day is it , lad ?", "Indeed you come near me now , Hal ; for we that take purses go by the moon And the seven stars , and not by Phoebus , he , that wand'ring knight so fair . And I prithee , sweet wag , when thou art king , as , God save thy Grace-Majesty I should say , for grace thou wilt have none-", "No , by my troth ; not so much as will serve to be prologue to an egg and butter .", "Marry , then , sweet wag , when thou art king , let not us that are squires of the night 's body be called thieves of the day 's beauty . Let us be Diana 's Foresters , Gentlemen of the Shade , Minions of the Moon ; and let men say we be men of good government , being governed as the sea is , by our noble and chaste mistress the moon , under whose countenance we steal .", "By the Lord , thou say'st true , lad - and is not my hostess of the tavern a most sweet wench ?", "How now , how now , mad wag ? What , in thy quips and thy quiddities ? What a plague have I to do with a buff jerkin ?", "Well , thou hast call 'd her to a reckoning many a time and oft .", "No ; I 'll give thee thy due , thou hast paid all there .", "Yea , and so us 'd it that , were it not here apparent that thou art heir apparent - But I prithee , sweet wag , shall there be gallows standing in England when thou art king ? and resolution thus fubb 'd as it is with the rusty curb of old father antic the law ? Do not thou , when thou art king , hang a thief .", "Shall I ? O rare ! By the Lord , I 'll be a brave judge .", "Well , Hal , well ; and in some sort it jumps with my humour as well as waiting in the court , I can tell you .", "Yea , for obtaining of suits , whereof the hangman hath no lean wardrobe . \u2018 Sblood , I am as melancholy as a gib-cat or a lugg 'd bear .", "Yea , or the drone of a Lincolnshire bagpipe .", "Thou hast the most unsavoury similes , and art indeed the most comparative , rascalliest , sweet young prince . But , Hal , I prithee trouble me no more with vanity . I would to God thou and I knew where a commodity of good names were to be bought . An old lord of the Council rated me the other day in the street about you , sir , but I mark 'd him not ; and yet he talked very wisely , but I regarded him not ; and yet he talk 'd wisely , and in the street too .", "O , thou hast damnable iteration , and art indeed able to corrupt a saint . Thou hast done much harm upon me , Hal - God forgive thee for it ! Before I knew thee , Hal , I knew nothing ; and now am I , if a man should speak truly , little better than one of the wicked . I must give over this life , and I will give it over ! By the Lord , an I do not , I am a villain ! I 'll be damn 'd for never a king 's son in Christendom .", "Zounds , where thou wilt , lad ! I 'll make one . An I do not , call me villain and baffle me .", "Why , Hal , \u2018 tis my vocation , Hal . \u2018 Tis no sin for a man to labour in his vocation . Enter Poins . Poins ! Now shall we know if Gadshill have set a match . O , if men were to be saved by merit , what hole in hell were hot enough for him ? This is the most omnipotent villain that ever cried \u2018 Stand ! \u2019 to a true man .", "Hear ye , Yedward : if I tarry at home and go not , I 'll hang you for going .", "Hal , wilt thou make one ?", "There 's neither honesty , manhood , nor good fellowship in thee , nor thou cam'st not of the blood royal if thou darest not stand for ten shillings .", "Why , that 's well said .", "By the Lord , I 'll be a traitor then , when thou art king .", "Well , God give thee the spirit of persuasion and him the ears of profiting , that what thou speakest may move and what he hears may be believed , that the true prince mayprove a false thief ; for the poor abuses of the time want countenance . Farewell ; you shall find me in Eastcheap ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 500, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["My blood hath been too cold and temperate ,", "Unapt to stir at these indignities ,", "And you have found me , for accordingly", "You tread upon my patience ; but be sure", "I will from henceforth rather be myself ,", "Mighty and to be fear 'd , than my condition ,", "Which hath been smooth as oil , soft as young down ,", "And therefore lost that title of respect", "Which the proud soul ne'er pays but to the proud .", "Worcester , get thee gone ; for I do see", "Danger and disobedience in thine eye .", "O , sir , your presence is too bold and peremptory ,", "And majesty might never yet endure", "The moody frontier of a servant brow .", "Tou have good leave to leave us . When we need", "\u2018 Your use and counsel , we shall send for you .", "Why , yet he doth deny his prisoners ,", "But with proviso and exception ,", "That we at our own charge shall ransom straight", "His brother-in-law , the foolish Mortimer ;", "Who , on my soul , hath wilfully betray 'd", "The lives of those that he did lead to fight", "Against that great magician , damn 'd Glendower ,", "Whose daughter , as we hear , the Earl of March", "Hath lately married . Shall our coffers , then ,", "Be emptied to redeem a traitor home ?", "Shall we buy treason ? and indent with fears", "When they have lost and forfeited themselves ?", "No , on the barren mountains let him starve !", "For I shall never hold that man my friend", "Whose tongue shall ask me for one penny cost", "To ransom home revolted Mortimer .", "Thou dost belie him , Percy , thou dost belie him !", "He never did encounter with Glendower .", "I tell thee", "He durst as well have met the devil alone", "As Owen Glendower for an enemy .", "Art thou not asham 'd ? But , sirrah , henceforth", "Let me not hear you speak of Mortimer .", "Send me your prisoners with the speediest means ,", "Or you shall hear in such a kind from me", "As will displease you . My Lord Northumberland ,", "We license your departure with your son. -", "Send us your prisoners , or you will hear of it ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 500, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Stand close .", "I comes forward i \u2019 peace , ye fat-kidney 'd rascal ! What a brawling dost thou keep !", "He is walk 'd up to the top of the hill . I 'll go seek him .", "Peace , ye fat-guts ! Lie down , lay thine ear close to the ground , and list if thou canst hear the tread of travellers .", "Thou liest ; thou art not colted , thou art uncolted .", "Out , ye rogue ! Shall I be your ostler ?", "Sirs , you four shall front them in the narrow lane ; Ned Poins and I will walk lower . If they scape from your encounter , then they light on us .", "What , a coward , Sir John Paunch ?", "Well , we leave that to the proof .", "Ned , where are our disguises ?", "The thieves have bound the true men . Now could thou and I rob the thieves and go merrily to London , it would be argument for a week , laughter for a month , and a good jest for ever .", "Your money !", "Got with much ease . Now merrily to horse .", "The thieves are scattered , and possess 'd with fear", "So strongly that they dare not meet each other .", "Each takes his fellow for an officer .", "Away , good Ned . Falstaff sweats to death", "And lards the lean earth as he walks along .", "Were't not for laughing , I should pity him ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 500, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 But , for mine own part , my lord , I could be well contented to be there , in respect of the love I bear your house . \u2019 He could be contented - why is he not then ? In respect of the love he bears our house ! He shows in this he loves his own barn better than he loves our house . Let me see some more . \u2018 The purpose you undertake is dangerous \u2019 - Why , that 's certain ! \u2018 Tis dangerous to take a cold , to sleep , to drink ; but I tell you , my lord fool , out of this nettle , danger , we pluck this flower , safety . \u2018 The purpose you undertake is dangerous , the friends you have named uncertain , the time itself unsorted , and your whole plot too light for the counterpoise of so great an opposition . \u2019 Say you so , say you so ? I say unto you again , you are a shallow , cowardly hind , and you lie . What a lack-brain is this ! By the Lord , our plot is a good plot as ever was laid ; our friends true and constant : a good plot , good friends , and full of expectation ; an excellent plot , very good friends . What a frosty-spirited rogue is this ! Why , my Lord of York commends the plot and the general course of the action . Zounds , an I were now by this rascal , I could brain him with his lady 's fan . Is there not my father , my uncle , and myself ; Lord Edmund Mortimer , my Lord of York , and Owen Glendower ? Is there not , besides , the Douglas ? Have I not all their letters to meet me in arms by the ninth of the next month , and are they not some of them set forward already ? What a pagan rascal is this ! an infidel ! Ha ! you shall see now , in very sincerity of fear and cold heart will he to the King and lay open all our proceedings . O , I could divide myself and go to buffets for moving such a dish of skim milk with so honourable an action ! Hang him , let him tell the King ! we are prepared . I will set forward to-night . Enter his Lady . How now , Kate ? I must leave you within these two hours .", "What , ho !", "Is Gilliams with the packet gone ?", "Hath Butler brought those horses from the sheriff ?", "What horse ? A roan , a crop-ear , is it not ?", "That roan shall be my throne . Well , I will back him straight . O esperance ! Bid Butler lead him forth into the park .", "What say'st thou , my lady ?", "Why , my horse , my love - my horse !", "So far afoot , I shall be weary , love .", "Away .", "Away , you trifler ! Love ? I love thee not ;", "I care not for thee , Kate . This is no world", "To play with mammets and to tilt with lips .", "We must have bloody noses and crack 'd crowns ,", "And pass them current too . Gods me , my horse !", "What say'st thou , Kate ? What wouldst thou have with me ?", "Come , wilt thou see me ride ?", "And when I am a-horseback , I will swear", "I love thee infinitely . But hark you . Kate :", "I must not have you henceforth question me", "Whither I go , nor reason whereabout .", "Whither I must , I must ; and to conclude ,", "This evening must I leave you , gentle Kate .", "I know you wise ; but yet no farther wise", "Than Harry Percy 's wife ; constant you are ,", "But yet a woman ; and for secrecy ,", "No lady closer , for I well believe", "Thou wilt not utter what thou dost not know ,", "And so far will I trust thee , gentle Kate .", "Not an inch further . But hark you , Kate :", "Whither I go , thither shall you go too ;", "To-day will I set forth , to-morrow you .", "Will this content you , Kate ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 500, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ned , prithee come out of that fat-room and lend me thy hand to laugh a little .", "With three or four loggerheads amongst three or fourscore hogsheads . I have sounded the very bass-string of humility . Sirrah , I am sworn brother to a leash of drawers and can call them all by their christen names , as Tom , Dick , and", "Thou art perfect .", "Come hither , Francis .", "How long hast thou to serve , Francis ?", "Five year ! by'r Lady , a long lease for the clinking of pewter . But , Francis , darest thou be so valiant as to play the coward with thy indenture and show it a fair pair of heels and run from it ?", "How old art thou , Francis ?", "Nay , but hark you , Francis . For the sugar thou gavest me - \u2018 twas a pennyworth , wast not ?", "I will give thee for it a thousand pound . Ask me when thou wilt , and , thou shalt have it .", "Anon , Francis ? No , Francis ; but to-morrow , Francis ; or ,", "Francis , a Thursday ; or indeed , Francis , when thou wilt . But", "Francis-", "Wilt thou rob this leathern-jerkin , crystal-button , not-pated , agate-ring , puke-stocking , caddis-garter , smooth-tongue , Spanish-pouch-", "Why then , your brown bastard is your only drink ; for look you , Francis , your white canvas doublet will sully . In Barbary , sir , it cannot come to so much .", "Away , you rogue ! Dost thou not hear them call ? Here they both call him . The Drawer stands amazed , not knowing which way to go .", "Let them alone awhile , and then open the door .", "Poins !", "Sirrah , Falstaff and the rest of the thieves are at the door . Shall we be merry ?", "I am now of all humours that have showed themselves humours since the old days of goodman Adam to the pupil age of this present this twelve o'clock at midnight .What 's o'clock , Francis ?", "That ever this fellow should have fewer words than a parrot , and yet the son of a woman ! His industry is upstairs and downstairs , his eloquence the parcel of a reckoning . I am not yet of Percy 's mind , the Hotspur of the North ; he that kills me some six or seven dozen of Scots at a breakfast , washes his hands , and says to his wife , \u2018 Fie upon this quiet life ! I want work . \u2019 \u2018 O my sweet Harry , \u2019 says she , \u2018 how many hast thou kill 'd to-day ? \u2019 \u2018 Give my roan horse a drench , \u2019 says he , and answers \u2018 Some fourteen , \u2019 an hour after , \u2018 a trifle , a trifle . \u2019 I prithee call in", "Didst thou never see Titan kiss a dish of butter ? Pitiful-hearted butter , that melted at the sweet tale of the sun ! If thou didst , then behold that compound .", "How now , woolsack ? What mutter you ?", "Why , you whoreson round man , what 's the matter ?", "O villain ! thy lips are scarce wip 'd since thou drunk'st last .", "What 's the matter ?", "Where is it , Jack ? Where is it ?", "What , a hundred , man ?", "Speak , sirs . How was it ?", "What , fought you with them all ?", "Pray God you have not murd'red some of them .", "What , four ? Thou saidst but two even now .", "Seven ? Why , there were but four even now .", "Prithee let him alone . We shall have more anon .", "Ay , and mark thee too , Jack .", "So , two more already .", "O monstrous ! Eleven buckram men grown out of two !", "These lies are like their father that begets them - gross as a mountain , open , palpable . Why , thou clay-brain 'd guts , thou knotty-pated fool , thou whoreson obscene greasy tallow-catch-", "Why , how couldst thou know these men in Kendal green when it was so dark thou couldst not see thy hand ? Come , tell us your reason . What sayest thou to this ?", "I 'll be no longer guilty , of this sin ; this sanguine coward , this bed-presser , this horseback-breaker , this huge hill of flesh-", "Well , breathe awhile , and then to it again ; and when thou hast tired thyself in base comparisons , hear me speak but this .", "We two saw you four set on four , and bound them and were masters of their wealth . Mark now how a plain tale shall put you down . Then did we two set on you four and , with a word , outfac 'd you from your prize , and have it ; yea , and can show it you here in the house . And , Falstaff , you carried your guts away as nimbly , with as quick dexterity , and roar 'd for mercy , and still run and roar 'd , as ever I heard bullcalf . What a slave art thou to hack thy sword as thou hast done , and then say it was in fight ! What trick , what device , what starting hole canst thou now find out to hide thee from this open and apparent shame ?", "Content- and the argument shall be thy running away .", "How now , my lady the hostess ? What say'st thou to me ?", "Give him as much as will make him a royal man , and send him back again to my mother .", "Prithee do , Jack .", "Now , sirs . By'r Lady , you fought fair ; so did you , Peto ; so did you , Bardolph . You are lions too , you ran away upon instinct , you will not touch the true prince ; no - fie !", "Tell me now in earnest , how came Falstaff 's sword so hack 'd ?", "O villain ! thou stolest a cup of sack eighteen years ago and wert taken with the manner , and ever since thou hast blush 'd extempore . Thou hadst fire and sword on thy side , and yet thou ran'st away . What instinct hadst thou for it ?", "I do .", "Hot livers and cold purses .", "No , if rightly taken , halter . Enter Falstaff . Here comes lean Jack ; here comes bare-bone . How now , my sweet creature of bombast ? How long is't ago , Jack , since thou sawest thine own knee ?", "He that rides at high speed and with his pistol kills a sparrow flying .", "So did he never the sparrow .", "Why , what a rascal art thou then , to praise him so for running !", "Yes , Jack , upon instinct .", "Why then , it is like , if there come a hot June , and this civil buffeting hold , we shall buy maidenheads as they buy hobnails , by the hundreds .", "Not a whit , i \u2019 faith . I lack some of thy instinct .", "Do thou stand for my father and examine me upon the particulars of my life .", "Thy state is taken for a join'dhYpppHeNstool , thy golden sceptre for a leaden dagger , and thy precious rich crown for a pitiful bald crown .", "Well , here is my leg .", "What manner of man , an it like your Majesty ?", "Dost thou speak like a king ? Do thou stand for me , and I 'll play my father .", "Well , here I am set .", "Now , Harry , whence come you ?", "The complaints I hear of thee are grievous .", "Swearest thou , ungracious boy ? Henceforth ne'er look on me . Thou art violently carried away from grace . There is a devil haunts thee in the likeness of an old fat man ; a tun of man is thy companion . Why dost thou converse with that trunk of humours , that bolting hutch of beastliness , that swoll'n parcel of dropsies , that huge bombard of sack , that stuff 'd cloakbag of guts , that roasted Manningtree ox with the pudding in his belly , that reverend vice , that grey iniquity , that father ruffian , that vanity in years ? Wherein is he good , but to taste sack and drink it ? wherein neat and cleanly , but to carve a capon and eat it ? wherein cunning , but in craft ? wherein crafty , but in villany ? wherein villanous , but in all things ? wherein worthy , but in nothing ?", "That villanous abominable misleader of youth , Falstaff , that old white-bearded Satan .", "I know thou dost .", "I do , I will .", "Heigh , heigh , the devil rides upon a fiddlestick ! What 's the matter ?", "And thou a natural coward without instinct .", "Go hide thee behind the arras . The rest walk , up above . Now , my masters , for a true face and good conscience .", "Call in the sheriff .", "Enter Sheriff and the Carrier .", "Now , Master Sheriff , what is your will with me ?", "What men ?", "The man , I do assure you , is not here ,", "For I myself at this time have employ 'd him .", "And , sheriff , I will engage my word to thee", "That I will by to-morrow dinner time", "Send him to answer thee , or any man ,", "For anything he shall be charg 'd withal ;", "And so let me entreat you leave the house .", "It may be so . If he have robb 'd these men ,", "He shall be answerable ; and so farewell .", "I think it is good morrow , is it not ?", "This oily rascal is known as well as Paul 's . Go call him forth .", "Hark how hard he fetches breath . Search his pockets . He searcheth his pockets and findeth certain papers . What hast thou found ?", "Let 's see whit they be . Read them .", "O monstrous ! but one halfpennyworth of bread to this intolerable deal of sack ! What there is else , keep close ; we 'll read it at more advantage . There let him sleep till day . I 'll to the court in the morning . We must all to the wars . and thy place shall be honourable . I 'll procure this fat rogue a charge of foot ; and I know , his death will be a march of twelve score . The money shall be paid back again with advantage . Be with me betimes in the morning , and so good morrow , Peto ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 500, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["These promises are fair , the parties sure ,", "And our induction full of prosperous hope .", "Peace , cousin Percy ; you will make him mad .", "Come , come , no more of this unprofitable chat .", "The Archdeacon hath divided it", "Into three limits very equally .", "England , from Trent and Severn hitherto ,", "By south and east is to my part assign 'd ;", "All westward , Wales beyond the Severn shore ,", "And all the fertile land within that bound ,", "To Owen Glendower ; and , dear coz , to you", "The remnant northward lying off from Trent .", "And our indentures tripartite are drawn ;", "Which being sealed interchangeably", ",", "To-morrow , cousin Percy , you and I", "And my good Lord of Worcester will set forth", "To meet your father and the Scottish bower ,", "As is appointed us , at Shrewsbury .", "My father Glendower is not ready yet ,", "Nor shall we need his help these fourteen days .", "Yea , but", "Mark how he bears his course , and runs me up", "With like advantage on the other side ,", "Gelding the opposed continent as much", "As on the other side it takes from you .", "Fie , cousin Percy ! how you cross my father !", "In faith , he is a worthy gentleman ,", "Exceedingly well read , and profited", "In strange concealments , valiant as a lion ,", "And wondrous affable , and as bountiful", "As mines of India . Shall I tell you , cousin ?", "He holds your temper in a high respect", "And curbs himself even of his natural scope", "When you come \u2018 cross his humour . Faith , he does .", "I warrant you that man is not alive", "Might so have tempted him as you have done", "Without the taste of danger and reproof .", "But do not use it oft , let me entreat you .", "This is the deadly spite that angers me-", "My wife can speak no English , I no Welsh .", "Good father , tell her that she and my aunt Percy Shall follow in your conduct speedily . Glendower speaks to her in Welsh , and she answers him in the same .", "I understand thy looks . That pretty Welsh", "Which thou pourest down from these swelling heavens", "I am too perfect in ; and , but for shame ,", "In such a Barley should I answer thee .", "The Lady again in Welsh .", "I understand thy kisses , and thou mine ,", "And that 's a feeling disputation .", "But I will never be a truant , love ,", "Till I have learnt thy language : for thy tongue", "Makes Welsh as sweet as ditties highly penn 'd ,", "Sung by a fair queen in a summer 's bow'r ,", "With ravishing division , to her lute .", "O , I am ignorance itself in this !", "With all my heart I 'll sit and hear her sing . By that time will our book , I think , be drawn .", "With all my heart ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 500, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Lords , give us leave . The Prince of Wales and I", "Must have some private conference ; but be near at hand ,", "For we shall presently have need of you .", "God pardon thee ! Yet let me wonder , Harry ,", "At thy affections , which do hold a wing ,", "Quite from the flight of all thy ancestors .", "Thy place in Council thou hast rudely lost ,", "Which by thy younger brother is supplied ,", "And art almost an alien to the hearts", "Of all the court and princes of my blood .", "The hope and expectation of thy time", "Is ruin 'd , and the soul of every man", "Prophetically do forethink thy fall .", "Had I so lavish of my presence been ,", "So common-hackney 'd in the eyes of men ,", "So stale and cheap to vulgar company ,", "Opinion , that did help me to the crown ,", "Had still kept loyal to possession", "And left me in reputeless banishment ,", "A fellow of no mark nor likelihood .", "By being seldom seen , I could not stir", "But , like a comet , I was wond'red at ;", "That men would tell their children , \u2018 This is he ! \u2019", "Others would say , \u2018 Where ? Which is Bolingbroke ? \u2019", "And then I stole all courtesy from heaven ,", "And dress 'd myself in such humility", "That I did pluck allegiance from men 's hearts ,", "Loud shouts and salutations from their mouths", "Even in the presence of the crowned King .", "Thus did I keep my person fresh and new ,", "My presence , like a robe pontifical ,", "Ne'er seen but wond'red at ; and so my state ,", "Seldom but sumptuous , show 'd like a feast", "And won by rareness such solemnity .", "The skipping King , he ambled up and down", "With shallow jesters and rash bavin wits ,", "Soon kindled and soon burnt ; carded his state ;", "Mingled his royalty with cap'ring fools ;", "Had his great name profaned with their scorns", "And gave his countenance , against his name ,", "To laugh at gibing boys and stand the push", "Of every beardless vain comparative ;", "Grew a companion to the common streets ,", "Enfeoff 'd himself to popularity ;", "That , being dally swallowed by men 's eyes ,", "They surfeited with honey and began", "To loathe the taste of sweetness , whereof a little", "More than a little is by much too much .", "So , when he had occasion to be seen ,", "He was but as the cuckoo is in June ,", "Heard , not regarded - seen , but with such eyes", "As , sick and blunted with community ,", "Afford no extraordinary gaze ,", "Such as is bent on unlike majesty", "When it shines seldom in admiring eyes ;", "But rather drows 'd and hung their eyelids down ,", "Slept in his face , and rend'red such aspect", "As cloudy men use to their adversaries ,", "Being with his presence glutted , gorg 'd , and full .", "And in that very line , Harry , standest thou ;", "For thou hast lost thy princely privilege", "With vile participation . Not an eye", "But is aweary of thy common sight ,", "Save mine , which hath desir 'd to see thee more ;", "Which now doth that I would not have it do-", "Make blind itself with foolish tenderness .", "For all the world ,", "As thou art to this hour , was Richard then", "When I from France set foot at Ravenspurgh ;", "And even as I was then is Percy now .", "Now , by my sceptre , and my soul to boot ,", "He hath more worthy interest to the state", "Than thou , the shadow of succession ;", "For of no right , nor colour like to right ,", "He doth fill fields with harness in the realm ,", "Turns head against the lion 's armed jaws ,", "And , Being no more in debt to years than thou ,", "Leads ancient lords and reverend Bishops on", "To bloody battles and to bruising arms .", "What never-dying honour hath he got", "Against renowmed Douglas ! whose high deeds ,", "Whose hot incursions and great name in arms", "Holds from all soldiers chief majority", "And military title capital", "Through all the kingdoms that acknowledge Christ .", "Thrice hath this Hotspur , Mars in swathling clothes ,", "This infant warrior , in his enterprises", "Discomfited great Douglas ; ta'en him once ,", "Enlarged him , and made a friend of him ,", "To fill the mouth of deep defiance up", "And shake the peace and safety of our throne .", "And what say you to this ? Percy , Northumberland ,", "The Archbishop 's Grace of York , Douglas , Mortimer", "Capitulate against us and are up .", "But wherefore do I tell these news to thee", "Why , Harry , do I tell thee of my foes ,", "Which art my nearest and dearest enemy \u2019", "Thou that art like enough , through vassal fear ,", "Base inclination , and the start of spleen ,", "To fight against me under Percy 's pay ,", "To dog his heels and curtsy at his frowns ,", "To show how much thou art degenerate .", "A hundred thousand rebels die in this ! Thou shalt have charge and sovereign trust herein . Enter Blunt . How now , good Blunt ? Thy looks are full of speed .", "The Earl of Westmoreland set forth to-day ;", "With him my son , Lord John of Lancaster ;", "For this advertisement is five days old .", "On Wednesday next , Harry , you shall set forward ;", "On Thursday we ourselves will march . Our meeting", "Is Bridgenorth ; and , Harry , you shall march", "Through Gloucestershire ; by which account ,", "Our business valued , some twelve days hence", "Our general forces at Bridgenorth shall meet .", "Our hands are full of business . Let 's away .", "Advantage feeds him fat while men delay . Exeunt ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 500, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Bardolph , am I not fall'n away vilely since this last action ? Do I not bate ? Do I not dwindle ? Why , my skin hangs about me like an old lady 's loose gown ! I am withered like an old apple John . Well , I 'll repent , and that suddenly , while I am in some liking . I shall be out of heart shortly , and then I shall have no strength to repent . An I have not forgotten what the inside of a church is made of , I am a peppercorn , a brewer 's horse . The inside of a church ! Company , villanous company , hath been the spoil of me .", "Why , there is it ! Come , sing me a bawdy song ; make me merry . I was as virtuously given as a gentleman need to be , virtuous enough : swore little , dic 'd not above seven times a week , went to a bawdy house not above once in a quarter - of an hour , paid money that I borrowed - three or four times , lived well , and in good compass ; and now I live out of all order , out of all compass .", "Do thou amend thy face , and I 'll amend my life . Thou art our admiral , thou bearest the lantern in the poop - but \u2018 tis in the nose of thee . Thou art the Knight of the Burning Lamp .", "No , I 'll be sworn . I make as good use of it as many a man doth of a death'shYpppHeNhead or a memento mori . I never see thy face but I think upon hellfire and Dives that lived in purple ; for there he is in his robes , burning , burning . if thou wert any way given to virtue , I would swear by thy face ; my oath should be \u2018 By this fire , that 's God 's angel . \u2019 But thou art altogether given over , and wert indeed , but for the light in thy face , the son of utter darkness . When thou ran'st up Gadshill in the night to catch my horse , if I did not think thou hadst been an ignis fatuus or a ball of wildfire , there 's no purchase in money . O , thou art a perpetual triumph , an everlasting bonfire-light ! Thou hast saved me a thousand marks in links and torches , walking with thee in the night betwixt tavern and tavern ; but the sack that thou hast drunk me would have bought me lights as good cheap at the dearest chandler 's in Europe . I have maintained that salamander of yours with fire any time this two-and-thirty years . God reward me for it !", "God-a-mercy ! so should I be sure to be heart-burn 'd . Enter Hostess . How now , Dame Partlet the hen ? Have you enquir 'd yet who pick 'd my pocket ?", "Ye lie , hostess . Bardolph was shav 'd and lost many a hair , and I 'll be sworn my pocket was pick 'd . Go to , you are a woman , go !", "Go to , I know you well enough .", "Dowlas , filthy dowlas ! I have given them away to bakers \u2019 wives ; they have made bolters of them .", "He had his part of it ; let him pay .", "How ? Poor ? Look upon his face . What call you rich ? Let them coin his nose , let them coin his cheeks . I 'll not pay a denier . What , will you make a younker of me ? Shall I not take mine ease in mine inn but I shall have my pocket pick 'd ? I have lost a seal-ring of my grandfather 's worth forty mark .", "How ? the Prince is a Jack , a sneak-cup . \u2018 Sblood , an he were here , I would cudgel him like a dog if he would say so . Enter the Prince, marching ; and Falstaff meets them , playing upon his truncheon like a fife . How now , lad ? Is the wind in that door , i \u2019 faith ? Must we all march ?", "Prithee let her alone and list to me .", "The other night I fell asleep here behind the arras and had my pocket pick 'd . This house is turn 'd bawdy house ; they pick pockets .", "Wilt thou believe me , Hal ? Three or four bonds of forty pound apiece and a seal-ring of my grandfather 's .", "There 's no more faith in thee than in a stewed prune , nor no more truth in thee than in a drawn fox ; and for woman-hood , Maid Marian may be the deputy 's wife of the ward to thee . Go , you thing , go !", "What thing ? Why , a thing to thank God on .", "Setting thy womanhood aside , thou art a beast to say otherwise .", "What beast ? Why , an otter .", "Why , she 's neither fish nor flesh ; a man knows not where to have her .", "A thousand pound , Hal ? A million ! Thy love is worth a million ; thou owest me thy love .", "Did I , Bardolph ?", "Yea . if he said my ring was copper .", "Why , Hal , thou knowest , as thou art but man , I dare ; but as thou art Prince , I fear thee as I fear the roaring of the lion 's whelp .", "The King himself is to be feared as the lion . Dost thou think I 'll fear thee as I fear thy father ? Nay , an I do , I pray God my girdle break .", "Dost thou hear , Hal ? Thou knowest in the state of innocency Adam fell ; and what should poor Jack Falstaff do in the days of villany ? Thou seest I have more flesh than another man , and therefore more frailty . You confess then , you pick 'd my pocket ?", "Hostess , I forgive thee . Go make ready breakfast . Love thy husband , look to thy servants , cherish thy guests . Thou shalt find me tractable to any honest reason . Thou seest I am pacified . -Still ? - Nay , prithee be gone .Now , Hal , to the news at court . For the robbery , lad - how is that answered ?", "O , I do not like that paying back ! \u2018 Tis a double labour .", "Rob me the exchequer the first thing thou doest , and do it with unwash 'd hands too .", "I would it had been of horse . Where shall I find one that can steal well ? O for a fine thief of the age of two-and-twenty or thereabouts ! I am heinously unprovided . Well , God be thanked for these rebels . They offend none but the virtuous . I laud them , I praise them .", "Rare words ! brave world ! Hostess , my breakfast , come . O , I could wish this tavern were my drum !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 500, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Well said , my noble Scot . If speaking truth", "In this fine age were not thought flattery ,", "Such attribution should the Douglas have", "As not a soldier of this season 's stamp", "Should go so general current through the world .", "By God , I cannot flatter , I defy", "The tongues of soothers ! but a braver place", "In my heart 's love hath no man than yourself .", "Nay , task me to my word ; approve me , lord .", "Do so , and \u2018 tis well. -", "What letters hast thou there ? - I can but thank you .", "Letters from him ? Why comes he not himself ?", "Zounds ! how has he the leisure to be sick", "In such a justling time ? Who leads his power ?", "Under whose government come they along ?", "Sick now ? droop now ? This sickness doth infect", "The very lifeblood of our enterprise .", "\u2018 Tis catching hither , even to our camp .", "He writes me here that inward sickness-", "And that his friends by deputation could not", "So soon be drawn ; no did he think it meet", "To lay so dangerous and dear a trust", "On any soul remov 'd but on his own .", "Yet doth he give us bold advertisement ,", "That with our small conjunction we should on ,", "To see how fortune is dispos 'd to us ;", "For , as he writes , there is no quailing now ,", "Because the King is certainly possess 'd", "Of all our purposes . What say you to it ?", "A perilous gash , a very limb lopp 'd off .", "And yet , in faith , it is not ! His present want", "Seems more than we shall find it . Were it good", "To set the exact wealth of all our states", "All at one cast ? to set so rich a man", "On the nice hazard of one doubtful hour ?", "It were not good ; for therein should we read", "The very bottom and the soul of hope ,", "The very list , the very utmost bound", "Of all our fortunes .", "A rendezvous , a home to fly unto ,", "If that the devil and mischance look big", "Upon the maidenhead of our affairs .", "You strain too far .", "I rather of his absence make this use :", "It lends a lustre and more great opinion ,", "A larger dare to our great enterprise ,", "Than if the Earl were here ; for men must think ,", "If we , without his help , can make a head", "To push against a kingdom , with his help", "We shall o'erturn it topsy-turvy down .", "Yet all goes well ; yet all our joints are whole .", "My cousin Vernon ! welcome , by my soul .", "No harm . What more ?", "He shall be welcome too . Where is his son ,", "The nimble-footed madcap Prince of Wales ,", "And his comrades , that daff 'd the world aside", "And bid it pass ?", "No more , no more ! Worse than the sun in March , This praise doth nourish agues . Let them come . They come like sacrifices in their trim , And to the fire-ey 'd maid of smoky war All hot and bleeding Will we offer them . The mailed Mars Shall on his altar sit Up to the ears in blood . I am on fire To hear this rich reprisal is so nigh , And yet not ours . Come , let me taste my horse , Who is to bear me like a thunderbolt Against the bosom of the Prince of Wales . Harry to Harry shall , hot horse to horse , Meet , and ne'er part till one drop down a corse . that Glendower were come !", "What may the King 's whole battle reach unto ?", "Forty let it be .", "My father and Glendower being both away ,", "The powers of us may serve so great a day .", "Come , let us take a muster speedily .", "Doomsday is near . Die all , die merrily ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 500, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["How bloodily the sun begins to peer", "Above yon busky hill ! The day looks pale", "At his distemp'rature .", "Theft with the losers let it sympathize ,", "For nothing can seem foul to those that win .", "The trumpet sounds . Enter Worcester", "How , now , my Lord of Worcester ? \u2018 Tis not well", "That you and I should meet upon such terms", "As now we meet . You have deceiv 'd our trust", "And made us doff our easy robes of peace", "To crush our old limbs in ungentle steel .", "This is not well , my lord ; this is not well .", "What say you to it ? Will you again unknit", "This churlish knot of all-abhorred war ,", "And move in that obedient orb again", "Where you did give a fair and natural light ,", "And be no more an exhal 'd meteor ,", "A prodigy of fear , and a portent", "Of broached mischief to the unborn times ?", "You have not sought it ! How comes it then ,", "These things , indeed , you have articulate ,", "Proclaim 'd at market crosses , read in churches ,", "To face the garment of rebellion", "With some fine colour that may please the eye", "Of fickle changelings and poor discontents ,", "Which gape and rub the elbow at the news", "Of hurlyburly innovation .", "And never yet did insurrection want", "Such water colours to impaint his cause ,", "Nor moody beggars , starving for a time", "Of pell-mell havoc and confusion .", "And , Prince of Wales , so dare we venture thee ,", "Albeit considerations infinite", "Do make against it . No , good Worcester , no !", "We love our people well ; even those we love", "That are misled upon your cousin 's part ;", "And , will they take the offer of our grace ,", "Both he , and they , and you , yea , every man", "Shall be my friend again , and I 'll be his .", "So tell your cousin , and bring me word", "What he will do . But if he will not yield ,", "Rebuke and dread correction wait on us ,", "And they shall do their office . So be gone .", "We will not now be troubled with reply .", "We offer fair ; take it advisedly .", "Hence , therefore , every leader to his charge ;", "For , on their answer , will we set on them ,", "And God befriend us as our cause is just !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 500, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["O no , my nephew must not know , Sir Richard ,", "The liberal and kind offer of the King .", "Then are we all undone .", "It is not possible , it cannot be", "The King should keep his word in loving us .", "He will suspect us still and find a time", "To punish this offence in other faults .", "Suspicion all our lives shall be stuck full of eyes ;", "For treason is but trusted like the fox", "Who , ne'er so tame , so cherish 'd and lock 'd up ,", "Will have a wild trick of his ancestors .", "Look how we can , or sad or merrily ,", "Interpretation will misquote our looks ,", "And we shall feed like oxen at a stall ,", "The better cherish 'd , still the nearer death .", "My nephew 's trespass may be well forgot ;", "It hath the excuse of youth and heat of blood ,", "And an adopted name of privilege-", "A hare-brained Hotspur govern 'd by a spleen .", "All his offences live upon my head", "And on his father 's . We did train him on ;", "And , his corruption being taken from us ,", "We , as the spring of all , shall pay for all .", "Therefore , good cousin , let not Harry know ,", "In any case , the offer of the King .", "The King will bid you battle presently .", "There is no seeming mercy in the King .", "I told him gently of our grievances ,", "Of his oath-breaking ; which he mended thus ,", "By now forswearing that he is forsworn .", "He calls us rebels , traitors , aid will scourge", "With haughty arms this hateful name in us .", "The Prince of Wales stepp 'd forth before the King", "And , nephew , challeng 'd you to single fight ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 500, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I prithee ,", "Harry , withdraw thyself ; thou bleedest too much .", "Lord John of Lancaster , go you unto him .", "I will do so . My Lord of Westmoreland , lead him to his tent .", "I saw him hold Lord Percy at the point", "With lustier maintenance than I did look for", "Of such an ungrown warrior .", "The King himself , who , Douglas , grieves at heart", "So many of his shadows thou hast met ,", "And not the very King . I have two boys", "Seek Percy and thyself about the field ;", "But , seeing thou fall'st on me so luckily ,", "I will assay thee . So defend thyself .", "Stay and breathe awhile .", "Thou hast redeem 'd thy lost opinion ,", "And show 'd thou mak'st some tender of my life ,", "In this fair rescue thou hast brought to me .", "Make up to Clifton ; I 'll to Sir Nicholas Gawsey ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 500, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Who keeps the gate here , ho ?", "The PORTER opens the gate", "Where is the Earl ?", "Tell thou the Earl", "That the Lord Bardolph doth attend him here .", "Here comes the Earl . Exit PORTER", "Noble Earl ,", "I bring you certain news from Shrewsbury .", "As good as heart can wish .", "The King is almost wounded to the death ;", "And , in the fortune of my lord your son ,", "Prince Harry slain outright ; and both the Blunts", "Kill 'd by the hand of Douglas ; young Prince John ,", "And Westmoreland , and Stafford , fled the field ;", "And Harry Monmouth 's brawn , the hulk Sir John ,", "Is prisoner to your son . O , such a day ,", "So fought , so followed , and so fairly won ,", "Came not till now to dignify the times ,", "Since Cxsar 's fortunes !", "I spake with one , my lord , that came from thence ; A gentleman well bred and of good name , That freely rend'red me these news for true .", "My lord , I over-rode him on the way ;", "And he is furnish 'd with no certainties", "More than he haply may retail from me .", "My lord , I 'll tell you what :", "If my young lord your son have not the day ,", "Upon mine honour , for a silken point", "I 'll give my barony . Never talk of it .", "Who \u2014 he ?", "He was some hilding fellow that had stol'n", "The horse he rode on and , upon my life ,", "Spoke at a venture . Look , here comes more news .", "I cannot think , my lord , your son is dead .", "This strained passion doth you wrong , my lord .", "We all that are engaged to this loss", "Knew that we ventured on such dangerous seas", "That if we wrought out life \u2018 twas ten to one ;", "And yet we ventur 'd , for the gain propos 'd", "Chok 'd the respect of likely peril fear 'd ;", "And since we are o'erset , venture again .", "Come , we will put forth , body and goods ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 515, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sirrah , you giant , what says the doctor to my water ?", "Men of all sorts take a pride to gird at me . The brain of this foolish-compounded clay , man , is not able to invent anything that intends to laughter , more than I invent or is invented on me . I am not only witty in myself , but the cause that wit is in other men . I do here walk before thee like a sow that hath overwhelm 'd all her litter but one . If the Prince put thee into my service for any other reason than to set me off , why then I have no judgment . Thou whoreson mandrake , thou art fitter to be worn in my cap than to wait at my heels . I was never mann 'd with an agate till now ; but I will inset you neither in gold nor silver , but in vile apparel , and send you back again to your master , for a jewel \u2014 the juvenal , the Prince your master , whose chin is not yet fledge . I will sooner have a beard grow in the palm of my hand than he shall get one off his cheek ; and yet he will not stick to say his face is a face-royal . God may finish it when he will , \u2018 tis not a hair amiss yet . He may keep it still at a face-royal , for a barber shall never earn sixpence out of it ; and yet he 'll be crowing as if he had writ man ever since his father was a bachelor . He may keep his own grace , but he 's almost out of mine , I can assure him . What said Master Dommelton about the satin for my short cloak and my slops ?", "Let him be damn 'd , like the Glutton ; pray God his tongue be hotter ! A whoreson Achitophel ! A rascal-yea-forsooth knave , to bear a gentleman in hand , and then stand upon security ! The whoreson smooth-pates do now wear nothing but high shoes , and bunches of keys at their girdles ; and if a man is through with them in honest taking-up , then they must stand upon security . I had as lief they would put ratsbane in my mouth as offer to stop it with security . I look 'd \u2018 a should have sent me two and twenty yards of satin , as I am a true knight , and he sends me security . Well , he may sleep in security ; for he hath the horn of abundance , and the lightness of his wife shines through it ; and yet cannot he see , though he have his own lanthorn to light him . Where 's Bardolph ?", "I bought him in Paul 's , and he 'll buy me a horse in", "Wait close ; I will not see him .", "Boy , tell him I am deaf .", "What ! a young knave , and begging ! Is there not wars ? Is there not employment ? Doth not the King lack subjects ? Do not the rebels need soldiers ? Though it be a shame to be on any side but one , it is worse shame to beg than to be on the worst side , were it worse than the name of rebellion can tell how to make it .", "Why , sir , did I say you were an honest man ? Setting my knighthood and my soldiership aside , I had lied in my throat if I had said so .", "I give thee leave to tell me so ! I lay aside that which grows to me ! If thou get'st any leave of me , hang me ; if thou tak'st leave , thou wert better be hang 'd . You hunt counter . Hence ! Avaunt !", "My good lord ! God give your lordship good time of day . I am glad to see your lordship abroad . I heard say your lordship was sick ; I hope your lordship goes abroad by advice . Your lordship , though not clean past your youth , hath yet some smack of age in you , some relish of the saltness of time ; and I most humbly beseech your lordship to have a reverend care of your health .", "A n't please your lordship , I hear his Majesty is return 'd with some discomfort from Wales .", "And I hear , moreover , his Highness is fall'n into this same whoreson apoplexy .", "This apoplexy , as I take it , is a kind of lethargy , a n't please your lordship , a kind of sleeping in the blood , a whoreson tingling .", "It hath it original from much grief , from study , and perturbation of the brain . I have read the cause of his effects in Galen ; it is a kind of deafness .", "Very well , my lord , very well . Rather a n't please you , it is the disease of not listening , the malady of not marking , that I am troubled withal .", "I am as poor as Job , my lord , but not so patient . Your lordship may minister the potion of imprisonment to me in respect of poverty ; but how I should be your patient to follow your prescriptions , the wise may make some dram of a scruple , or indeed a scruple itself .", "As I was then advis 'd by my learned counsel in the laws of this land-service , I did not come .", "He that buckles himself in my belt cannot live in less .", "I would it were otherwise ; I would my means were greater and my waist slenderer .", "The young Prince hath misled me . I am the fellow with the great belly , and he my dog .", "My lord \u2014", "To wake a wolf is as bad as smell a fox .", "A wassail candle , my lord \u2014 all tallow ; if I did say of wax , my growth would approve the truth .", "His effect of gravy , gravy ,", "Not so , my lord . Your ill angel is light ; but hope he that looks upon me will take me without weighing . And yet in some respects , I grant , I cannot go \u2014 I cannot tell . Virtue is of so little regard in these costermongers \u2019 times that true valour is turn 'd berod ; pregnancy is made a tapster , and his quick wit wasted in giving reckonings ; all the other gifts appertinent to man , as the malice of this age shapes them , are not worth a gooseberry . You that are old consider not the capacities of us that are young ; you do measure the heat of our livers with the bitterness of your galls ; and we that are in the vaward of our youth , must confess , are wags too .", "My lord , I was born about three of the clock in the afternoon , with a white head and something a round belly . For my voice \u2014 I have lost it with hallooing and singing of anthems . To approve my youth further , I will not . The truth is , I am only old in judgment and understanding ; and he that will caper with me for a thousand marks , let him lend me the money , and have at him . For the box of the ear that the Prince gave you \u2014 he gave it like a rude prince , and you took it like a sensible lord . I have check 'd him for it ; and the young lion repents \u2014 marry , not in ashes and sackcloth , but in new silk and old sack .", "God send the companion a better prince ! I cannot rid my hands of him .", "Yea ; I thank your pretty sweet wit for it . But look you pray , all you that kiss my Lady Peace at home , that our armies join not in a hot day ; for , by the Lord , I take but two shirts out with me , and I mean not to sweat extraordinarily . If it be a hot day , and I brandish anything but a bottle , I would I might never spit white again . There is not a dangerous action can peep out his head but I am thrust upon it . Well , I cannot last ever ; but it was alway yet the trick of our English nation , if they have a good thing , to make it too common . If ye will needs say I am an old man , you should give me rest . I would to God my name were not so terrible to the enemy as it is . I were better to be eaten to death with a rust than to be scoured to nothing with perpetual motion .", "Will your lordship lend me a thousand pound to furnish me forth ?", "If I do , fillip me with a three-man beetle . A man can no more separate age and covetousness than \u2018 a can part young limbs and lechery ; but the gout galls the one , and the pox pinches the other ; and so both the degrees prevent my curses . Boy !", "What money is in my purse ?", "I can get no remedy against this consumption of the purse ; borrowing only lingers and lingers it out , but the disease is incurable . Go bear this letter to my Lord of Lancaster ; this to the Prince ; this to the Earl of Westmoreland ; and this to old Mistress Ursula , whom I have weekly sworn to marry since I perceiv 'd the first white hair of my chin . About it ; you know where to find me .A pox of this gout ! or , a gout of this pox ! for the one or the other plays the rogue with my great toe . \u2018 Tis no matter if I do halt ; I have the wars for my colour , and my pension shall seem the more reasonable . A good wit will make use of anything . I will turn diseases to commodity ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 515, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Thus have you heard our cause and known our means ;", "And , my most noble friends , I pray you all", "Speak plainly your opinions of our hopes-", "And first , Lord Marshal , what say you to it ?", "\u2018 Tis very true , Lord Bardolph ; for indeed", "It was young Hotspur 's case at Shrewsbury .", "That he should draw his several strengths together", "And come against us in full puissance", "Need not be dreaded .", "Let us on ,", "And publish the occasion of our arms .", "The commonwealth is sick of their own choice ;", "Their over-greedy love hath surfeited .", "An habitation giddy and unsure", "Hath he that buildeth on the vulgar heart .", "O thou fond many , with what loud applause", "Didst thou beat heaven with blessing Bolingbroke", "Before he was what thou wouldst have him be !", "And being now trimm 'd in thine own desires ,", "Thou , beastly feeder , art so full of him", "That thou provok'st thyself to cast him up .", "So , so , thou common dog , didst thou disgorge", "Thy glutton bosom of the royal Richard ;", "And now thou wouldst eat thy dead vomit up ,", "And howl'st to find it . What trust is in these times ?", "They that , when Richard liv 'd , would have him die", "Are now become enamour 'd on his grave .", "Thou that threw'st dust upon his goodly head ,", "When through proud London he came sighing on", "After th \u2019 admired heels of Bolingbroke ,", "Criest now \u2018 O earth , yield us that king again ,", "And take thou this ! \u2019 O thoughts of men accurs 'd !", "Past and to come seems best ; things present , worst ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 515, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Master Fang , have you ent'red the action ?", "Where 's your yeoman ? Is't a lusty yeoman ? Will \u2018 a stand to't ?", "O Lord , ay ! good Master Snare .", "Yea , good Master Snare ; I have ent'red him and all .", "Alas the day ! take heed of him ; he stabb 'd me in mine own house , and that most beastly . In good faith , \u2018 a cares not what mischief he does , if his weapon be out ; he will foin like any devil ; he will spare neither man , woman , nor child .", "No , nor I neither ; I 'll be at your elbow .", "I am undone by his going ; I warrant you , he 's an infinitive thing upon my score . Good Master Fang , hold him sure . Good Master Snare , let him not scape . \u2018 A comes continuantly to Pie-corner \u2014 saving your manhoods \u2014 to buy a saddle ; and he is indited to dinner to the Lubber 's Head in Lumbert Street , to Master Smooth 's the silkman . I pray you , since my exion is ent'red , and my case so openly known to the world , let him be brought in to his answer . A hundred mark is a long one for a poor lone woman to bear ; and I have borne , and borne , and borne ; and have been fubb 'd off , and fubb 'd off , and fubb 'd off , from this day to that day , that it is a shame to be thought on . There is no honesty in such dealing ; unless a woman should be made an ass and a beast , to bear every knave 's wrong . Enter SIR JOHN FALSTAFF , PAGE , and BARDOLPH Yonder he comes ; and that arrant malmsey-nose knave , Bardolph , with him . Do your offices , do your offices , Master Fang and Master Snare ; do me , do me , do me your offices .", "Throw me in the channel ! I 'll throw thee in the channel . Wilt thou ? wilt thou ? thou bastardly rogue ! Murder , murder ! Ah , thou honeysuckle villain ! wilt thou kill God 's officers and the King 's ? Ah , thou honey-seed rogue ! thou art a honey-seed ; a man-queller and a woman-queller .", "Good people , bring a rescue or two . Thou wot , wot thou ! thou wot , wot ta ? Do , do , thou rogue ! do , thou hemp-seed !", "Good my lord , be good to me . I beseech you , stand to me .", "O My most worshipful lord , a n't please your Grace , I am a poor widow of Eastcheap , and he is arrested at my suit .", "It is more than for some , my lord ; it is for all \u2014 all I have . He hath eaten me out of house and home ; he hath put all my substance into that fat belly of his . But I will have some of it out again , or I will ride thee a nights like a mare .", "Marry , if thou wert an honest man , thyself and the money too . Thou didst swear to me upon a parcel-gilt goblet , sitting in my Dolphin chamber , at the round table , by a sea-coal fire , upon Wednesday in Wheeson week , when the Prince broke thy head for liking his father to singing-man of Windsor \u2014 thou didst swear to me then , as I was washing thy wound , to marry me and make me my lady thy wife . Canst thou deny it ? Did not goodwife Keech , the butcher 's wife , come in then and call me gossip Quickly ? Coming in to borrow a mess of vinegar , telling us she had a good dish of prawns , whereby thou didst desire to eat some , whereby I told thee they were ill for green wound ? And didst thou not , when she was gone down stairs , desire me to be no more so familiarity with such poor people , saying that ere long they should call me madam ? And didst thou not kiss me , and bid me fetch the thirty shillings ? I put thee now to thy book-oath . Deny it , if thou canst .", "Yea , in truth , my lord .", "Faith , you said so before .", "By this heavenly ground I tread on , I must be fain to pawn both my plate and the tapestry of my dining-chambers .", "Pray thee , Sir John , let it be but twenty nobles ; i \u2019 faith , I am loath to pawn my plate , so God save me , la !", "Well , you shall have it , though I pawn my gown . I hope you 'll come to supper . you 'll pay me all together ?", "Will you have Doll Tearsheet meet you at supper ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 515, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Before God , I am exceeding weary .", "Faith , it does me ; though it discolours the complexion of my greatness to acknowledge it . Doth it not show vilely in me to desire small beer ?", "Belike then my appetite was not-princely got ; for , by my troth , I do now remember the poor creature , small beer . But indeed these humble considerations make me out of love with my greatness . What a disgrace is it to me to remember thy name , or to know thy face to-morrow , or to take note how many pair of silk stockings thou hast \u2014 viz ., these , and those that were thy peach-colour 'd ones \u2014 or to bear the inventory of thy shirts - as , one for superfluity , and another for use ! But that the tennis-court-keeper knows better than I ; for it is a low ebb of linen with thee when thou keepest not racket there ; as thou hast not done a great while , because the rest of thy low countries have made a shift to eat up thy holland . And God knows whether those that bawl out of the ruins of thy linen shall inherit his kingdom ; but the midwives say the children are not in the fault ; whereupon the world increases , and kindreds are mightily strengthened .", "Shall I tell thee one thing , Poins ?", "It shall serve among wits of no higher breeding than thine .", "Marry , I tell thee it is not meet that I should be sad , now my father is sick ; albeit I could tell to thee \u2014 as to one it pleases me , for fault of a better , to call my friend \u2014 I could be sad and sad indeed too .", "By this hand , thou thinkest me as far in the devil 's book as thou and Falstaff for obduracy and persistency : let the end try the man . But I tell thee my heart bleeds inwardly that my father is so sick ; and keeping such vile company as thou art hath in reason taken from me all ostentation of sorrow .", "What wouldst thou think of me if I should weep ?", "It would be every man 's thought ; and thou art a blessed fellow to think as every man thinks . Never a man 's thought in the world keeps the road-way better than thine . Every man would think me an hypocrite indeed . And what accites your most worshipful thought to think so ?", "And to thee .", "And the boy that I gave Falstaff . \u2018 A had him from me Christian ; and look if the fat villain have not transform 'd him ape .", "And yours , most noble Bardolph !", "Has not the boy profited ?", "Instruct us , boy ; what dream , boy ?", "A crown 's worth of good interpretation . There \u2018 tis , boy .", "And how doth thy master , Bardolph ?", "I do allow this well to be as familiar with me as my dog ; and he holds his place , for look you how he writes .", "Nay , they will be kin to us , or they will fetch it from", "Peace !\u2018 I will imitate the honourable Romans in brevity . \u2019 -", "\u2018 I commend me to thee , I commend thee , and I leave thee . Be not too familiar with Poins ; for he misuses thy favours so much that he swears thou art to marry his sister Nell . Repent at idle times as thou mayst , and so farewell . Thine , by yea and no \u2014 which is as much as to say as thou usest him \u2014 JACK FALSTAFF with my familiars , JOHN with my brothers and sisters , and SIR JOHN with all Europe . \u2019", "That 's to make him eat twenty of his words . But do you use me thus , Ned ? Must I marry your sister ?", "Well , thus we play the fools with the time , and the spirits of the wise sit in the clouds and mock us . Is your master here in London ?", "Where sups he ? Doth the old boar feed in the old frank ?", "What company ?", "Sup any women with him ?", "What pagan may that be ?", "Even such kin as the parish heifers are to the town bull . Shall we steal upon them , Ned , at supper ?", "Sirrah , you boy , and Bardolph , no word to your master that I am yet come to town . There 's for your silence .", "Fare you well ; go . Exeunt BARDOLPH and PAGE", "This Doll Tearsheet should be some road .", "How might we see Falstaff bestow himself to-night in his true colours , and not ourselves be seen ?", "From a god to a bull ? A heavy descension ! It was Jove 's case . From a prince to a prentice ? A low transformation ! That shall be mine ; for in everything the purpose must weigh with the folly . Follow me , Ned ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 515, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I pray thee , loving wife , and gentle daughter ,", "Give even way unto my rough affairs ;", "Put not you on the visage of the times", "And be , like them , to Percy troublesome .", "Alas , sweet wife , my honour is at pawn ;", "And but my going nothing can redeem it .", "Beshrew your heart ,", "Fair daughter , you do draw my spirits from me", "With new lamenting ancient oversights .", "But I must go and meet with danger there ,", "Or it will seek me in another place ,", "And find me worse provided .", "Come , come , go in with me . \u2018 Tis with my mind", "As with the tide swell 'd up unto his height ,", "That makes a still-stand , running neither way .", "Fain would I go to meet the Archbishop ,", "But many thousand reasons hold me back .", "I will resolve for Scotland . There am I ,", "Till time and vantage crave my company . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 515, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I \u2019 faith , sweetheart , methinks now you are in an excellent good temperality . Your pulsidge beats as extraordinarily as heart would desire ; and your colour , I warrant you , is as red as any rose , in good truth , la ! But , i \u2019 faith , you have drunk too much canaries ; and that 's a marvellous searching wine , and it perfumes the blood ere one can say \u2018 What 's this ? \u2019 How do you now ?", "Why , that 's well said ; a good heart 's worth gold . Lo , here comes Sir John .", "Sick of a calm ; yea , good faith .", "By my troth , this is the old fashion ; you two never meet but you fall to some discord . You are both , i \u2019 good truth , as rheumatic as two dry toasts ; you cannot one bear with another 's confirmities . What the good-year ! one must bear , and that must be you . You are the weaker vessel , as as they say , the emptier vessel .", "If he swagger , let him not come here . No , by my faith ! I must live among my neighbours ; I 'll no swaggerers . I am in good name and fame with the very best . Shut the door . There comes no swaggerers here ; I have not liv 'd all this while to have swaggering now . Shut the door , I pray you .", "Pray ye , pacify yourself , Sir John ; there comes no swaggerers here .", "Tilly-fally , Sir John , ne'er tell me ; and your ancient swagg'rer comes not in my doors . I was before Master Tisick , the debuty , t \u2019 other day ; and , as he said to me \u2014 \u2018 twas no longer ago than Wednesday last , i \u2019 good faith !\u2014 \u2018 Neighbour Quickly , \u2019 says he \u2014 Master Dumbe , our minister , was by then \u2014 \u2018 Neighbour Quickly , \u2019 says he \u2018 receive those that are civil , for \u2019 said he \u2018 you are in an ill name . \u2019 Now \u2018 a said so , I can tell whereupon . \u2018 For \u2019 says he \u2018 you are an honest woman and well thought on , therefore take heed what guests you receive . Receive \u2019 says he \u2018 no swaggering companions . \u2019 There comes none here . You would bless you to hear what he said . No , I 'll no swagg'rers .", "Cheater , call you him ? I will bar no honest man my house , nor no cheater ; but I do not love swaggering , by my troth . I am the worse when one says \u2018 swagger . \u2019 Feel , masters , how I shake ; look you , I warrant you .", "Do I ? Yea , in very truth , do I , an \u2018 twere an aspen leaf . I cannot abide swagg'rers .", "Come , I 'll drink no proofs nor no bullets . I 'll drink no more than will do me good , for no man 's pleasure , I .", "No , good Captain Pistol ; not here , sweet captain .", "Good Captain Peesel , be quiet ; \u2018 tis very late , i \u2019 faith ; I beseek you now , aggravate your choler .", "By my troth , Captain , these are very bitter words .", "O \u2019 my word , Captain , there 's none such here . What the good-year ! do you think I would deny her ? For God 's sake , be quiet .", "Here 's goodly stuff toward !", "Here 's a goodly tumult ! I 'll forswear keeping house afore I 'll be in these tirrits and frights . So ; murder , I warrant now . Alas , alas ! put up your naked weapons , put up your naked weapons .", "Are you not hurt i \u2019 th \u2019 groin ? Methought \u2018 a made a shrewd thrust at your belly . Re-enter BARDOLPH", "O , the Lord preserve thy Grace ! By my troth , welcome to", "God 's blessing of your good heart ! and so she is , by my troth .", "No , I warrant you .", "All vict'lers do so . What 's a joint of mutton or two in a whole Lent ?", "Who knocks so loud at door ? Look to th \u2019 door there ,", "Francis .", "Well , fare thee well . I have known thee these twenty-nine years , come peascod-time ; but an honester and truer-hearted man \u2014 well , fare thee well .", "What 's the matter ?", "O , run Doll , run , run , good Come .She comes blubber 'd .\u2014 Yea , will you come , Doll ? Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 515, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Go call the Earls of Surrey and of Warwick ;", "But , ere they come , bid them o'erhYpppHeNread these letters", "And well consider of them . Make good speed . Exit page", "How many thousands of my poorest subjects", "Are at this hour asleep ! O sleep , O gentle sleep ,", "Nature 's soft nurse , how have I frightened thee ,", "That thou no more will weigh my eyelids down ,", "And steep my senses in forgetfulness ?", "Why rather , sleep , liest thou in smoky cribs ,", "Upon uneasy pallets stretching thee ,", "And hush 'd with buzzing night-flies to thy slumber ,", "Than in the perfum 'd chambers of the great ,", "Under the canopies of costly state ,", "And lull 'd with sound of sweetest melody ?", "O thou dull god , why liest thou with the vile", "In loathsome beds , and leav'st the kingly couch", "A watch-case or a common \u2018 larum-bell ?", "Wilt thou upon the high and giddy mast", "Seal up the ship-boy 's eyes , and rock his brains", "In cradle of the rude imperious surge ,", "And in the visitation of the winds ,", "Who take the ruffian billows by the top ,", "Curling their monstrous heads , and hanging them", "With deafing clamour in the slippery clouds ,", "That with the hurly death itself awakes ?", "Canst thou , O partial sleep , give thy repose", "To the wet sea-boy in an hour so rude ;", "And in the calmest and most stillest night ,", "With all appliances and means to boot ,", "Deny it to a king ? Then , happy low , lie down !", "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown .", "Is it good morrow , lords ?", "Why then , good morrow to you all , my lords . Have you read o'er the letters that I sent you ?", "Then you perceive the body of our kingdom", "How foul it is ; what rank diseases grow ,", "And with what danger , near the heart of it .", "O God ! that one might read the book of fate ,", "And see the revolution of the times", "Make mountains level , and the continent ,", "Weary of solid firmness , melt itself", "Into the sea ; and other times to see", "The beachy girdle of the ocean", "Too wide for Neptune 's hips ; how chances mock ,", "And changes fill the cup of alteration", "With divers liquors ! O , if this were seen ,", "The happiest youth , viewing his progress through ,", "What perils past , what crosses to ensue ,", "Would shut the book and sit him down and die .", "\u2018 Tis not ten years gone", "Since Richard and Northumberland , great friends ,", "Did feast together , and in two years after", "Were they at wars . It is but eight years since", "This Percy was the man nearest my soul ;", "Who like a brother toil 'd in my affairs", "And laid his love and life under my foot ;", "Yea , for my sake , even to the eyes of Richard", "Gave him defiance . But which of you was by \u2014", "You , cousin Nevil , as I may remember \u2014", "When Richard , with his eye brim full of tears ,", "Then check 'd and rated by Northumberland ,", "Did speak these words , now prov 'd a prophecy ?", "\u2018 Northumberland , thou ladder by the which", "My cousin Bolingbroke ascends my throne \u2019 \u2014", "Though then , God knows , I had no such intent", "But that necessity so bow 'd the state", "That I and greatness were compell 'd to kiss \u2014", "\u2018 The time shall come \u2019 \u2014 thus did he follow it \u2014", "\u2018 The time will come that foul sin , gathering head ,", "Shall break into corruption \u2019 so went on ,", "Foretelling this same time 's condition", "And the division of our amity .", "Are these things then necessities ?", "Then let us meet them like necessities ;", "And that same word even now cries out on us .", "They say the Bishop and Northumberland", "Are fifty thousand strong .", "I will take your counsel .", "And , were these inward wars once out of hand ,", "We would , dear lords , unto the Holy Land . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 515, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come on , come on , come on ; give me your hand , sir ; give me your hand , sir . An early stirrer , by the rood ! And how doth my good cousin Silence ?", "And how doth my cousin , your bed-fellow ? and your fairest daughter and mine , my god-daughter Ellen ?", "By yea and no , sir . I dare say my cousin William is become a good scholar ; he is at Oxford still , is he not ?", "\u2018 A must , then , to the Inns o \u2019 Court shortly . I was once of Clement 's Inn ; where I think they will talk of mad Shallow yet .", "By the mass , I was call 'd anything ; and I would have done anything indeed too , and roundly too . There was I , and little John Doit of Staffordshire , and black George Barnes , and Francis Pickbone , and Will Squele a Cotsole man \u2014 you had not four such swinge-bucklers in all the Inns of Court again . And I may say to you we knew where the bona-robas were , and had the best of them all at commandment . Then was Jack Falstaff , now Sir John , boy , and page to Thomas Mowbray , Duke of Norfolk .", "The same Sir John , the very same . I see him break Scoggin 's head at the court gate , when \u2018 a was a crack not thus high ; and the very same day did I fight with one Sampson Stockfish , a fruiterer , behind Gray 's Inn . Jesu , Jesu , the mad days that I have spent ! and to see how many of my old acquaintance are dead !", "Certain , \u2018 tis certain ; very sure , very sure . Death , as the Psalmist saith , is certain to all ; all shall die . How a good yoke of bullocks at Stamford fair ?", "Death is certain . Is old Double of your town living yet ?", "Jesu , Jesu , dead ! drew a good bow ; and dead ! \u2018 A shot a fine shoot . John a Gaunt loved him well , and betted much money on his head . Dead ! \u2018 A would have clapp 'd i \u2019 th \u2019 clout at twelve score , and carried you a forehand shaft a fourteen and fourteen and a half , that it would have done a man 's heart good to see . How a score of ewes now ?", "And is old Double dead ?", "Good morrow , honest gentlemen .", "I am Robert Shallow , sir , a poor esquire of this county , and one of the King 's justices of the peace . What is your good pleasure with me ?", "He greets me well , sir ; I knew him a good back-sword man . How doth the good knight ? May I ask how my lady his wife doth ?", "It is well said , in faith , sir ; and it is well said indeed too . \u2018 Better accommodated ! \u2019 It is good ; yea , indeed , is it . Good phrases are surely , and ever were , very commendable . \u2018 Accommodated ! \u2019 It comes of accommodo . Very good ; a good phrase .", "It is very just . Look , here comes good Sir John . Give me your good hand , give me your worship 's good hand . By my troth , you like well and bear your years very well . Welcome , good Sir John .", "No , Sir John ; it is my cousin Silence , in commission with me .", "Marry , have we , sir . Will you sit ?", "Where 's the roll ? Where 's the roll ? Where 's the roll ? Let me see , let me see , let me see . So , so , so , so ,\u2014 so , so \u2014 yea , marry , sir . Rafe Mouldy ! Let them appear as I call ; let them do so , let them do so . Let me see ; where is Mouldy ?", "What think you , Sir John ? A good-limb 'd fellow ; young , strong , and of good friends .", "Ha , ha , ha ! most excellent , i \u2019 faith ! Things that are mouldy lack use . Very singular good ! In faith , well said , Sir John ; very well said .", "Peace , fellow , peace ; stand aside ; know you where you are ? For th \u2019 other , Sir John \u2014 let me see . Simon Shadow !", "Where 's Shadow ?", "Do you like him , Sir John ?", "Thomas Wart !", "Shall I prick him , Sir John ?", "Ha , ha , ha ! You can do it , sir ; you can do it . I commend you well . Francis Feeble !", "Shall I prick him , sir ?", "Peter Bullcalf o \u2019 th \u2019 green !", "Here is two more call 'd than your number . You must have but four here , sir ; and so , I pray you , go in with me to dinner .", "O , Sir John , do you remember since we lay all night in the windmill in Saint George 's Field ?", "Ha , \u2018 twas a merry night . And is Jane Nightwork alive ?", "She never could away with me .", "By the mass , I could anger her to th \u2019 heart . She was then a bona-roba . Doth she hold her own well ?", "Nay , she must be old ; she cannot choose but be old ; certain she 's old ; and had Robin Nightwork , by old Nightwork , before I came to Clement 's Inn .", "Ha , cousin Silence , that thou hadst seen that that this knight and I have seen ! Ha , Sir John , said I well ?", "That we have , that we have , that we have ; in faith , Sir John , we have . Our watchword was \u2018 Hem , boys ! \u2019 Come , let 's to dinner ; come , let 's to dinner . Jesus , the days that we have seen ! Come , come .", "Four of which you please .", "Come , Sir John , which four will you have ?", "Marry , then \u2014 Mouldy , Bullcalf , Feeble , and Shadow .", "Sir John , Sir John , do not yourself wrong . They are your likeliest men , and I would have you serv 'd with the best .", "He is not his craft 's master , he doth not do it right . I remember at Mile-end Green , when I lay at Clement 's Inn \u2014 I was then Sir Dagonet in Arthur 's show \u2014 there was a little quiver fellow , and \u2018 a would manage you his piece thus ; and \u2018 a would about and about , and come you in and come you in . \u2018 Rah , tah , tah ! \u2019 would \u2018 a say ; \u2018 Bounce ! \u2019 would \u2018 a say ; and away again would \u2018 a go , and again would \u2018 a come . I shall ne'er see such a fellow .", "Sir John , the Lord bless you ; God prosper your affairs ; God send us peace ! At your return , visit our house ; let our old acquaintance be renewed . Peradventure I will with ye to the court .", "Go to ; I have spoke at a word . God keep you ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 515, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What is this forest call 'd", "Here stand , my lords , and send discoverers forth", "To know the numbers of our enemies .", "\u2018 Tis well done .", "My friends and brethren in these great affairs ,", "I must acquaint you that I have receiv 'd", "New-dated letters from Northumberland ;", "Their cold intent , tenour , and substance , thus :", "Here doth he wish his person , with such powers", "As might hold sortance with his quality ,", "The which he could not levy ; whereupon", "He is retir 'd , to ripe his growing fortunes ,", "To Scotland ; and concludes in hearty prayers", "That your attempts may overlive the hazard", "And fearful meeting of their opposite .", "What well-appointed leader fronts us here ?", "Say on , my Lord of Westmoreland , in peace ,", "What doth concern your coming .", "Wherefore do I this ? So the question stands .", "Briefly to this end : we are all diseas 'd", "And with our surfeiting and wanton hours", "Have brought ourselves into a burning fever ,", "And we must bleed for it ; of which disease", "Our late King , Richard , being infected , died .", "But , my most noble Lord of Westmoreland ,", "I take not on me here as a physician ;", "Nor do I as an enemy to peace", "Troop in the throngs of military men ;", "But rather show awhile like fearful war", "To diet rank minds sick of happiness ,", "And purge th \u2019 obstructions which begin to stop", "Our very veins of life . Hear me more plainly .", "I have in equal balance justly weigh 'd", "What wrongs our arms may do , what wrongs we suffer ,", "And find our griefs heavier than our offences .", "We see which way the stream of time doth run", "And are enforc 'd from our most quiet there", "By the rough torrent of occasion ;", "And have the summary of all our griefs ,", "When time shall serve , to show in articles ;", "Which long ere this we offer 'd to the King ,", "And might by no suit gain our audience :", "When we are wrong 'd , and would unfold our griefs ,", "We are denied access unto his person ,", "Even by those men that most have done us wrong .", "The dangers of the days but newly gone ,", "Whose memory is written on the earth", "With yet appearing blood , and the examples", "Of every minute 's instance , present now ,", "Hath put us in these ill-beseeming arms ;", "Not to break peace , or any branch of it ,", "But to establish here a peace indeed ,", "Concurring both in name and quality .", "My brother general , the commonwealth ,", "To brother horn an household cruelty ,", "I make my quarrel in particular .", "Then take , my Lord of Westmoreland , this schedule ,", "For this contains our general grievances .", "Each several article herein redress 'd ,", "All members of our cause , both here and hence ,", "That are insinewed to this action ,", "Acquitted by a true substantial form ,", "And present execution of our wills", "To us and to our purposes confin'd-", "We come within our awful banks again ,", "And knit our powers to the arm of peace .", "My lord , we will do so . Exit WESTMORELAND", "No , no , my lord . Note this : the King is weary", "Of dainty and such picking grievances ;", "For he hath found to end one doubt by death", "Revives two greater in the heirs of life ;", "And therefore will he wipe his tables clean ,", "And keep no tell-tale to his memory", "That may repeat and history his los", "To new remembrance . For full well he knows", "He cannot so precisely weed this land", "As his misdoubts present occasion :", "His foes are so enrooted with his friends", "That , plucking to unfix an enemy ,", "He doth unfasten so and shake a friend .", "So that this land , like an offensive wife", "That hath enrag 'd him on to offer strokes ,", "As he is striking , holds his infant up ,", "And hangs resolv 'd correction in the arm", "That was uprear 'd to execution .", "\u2018 Tis very true ;", "And therefore be assur 'd , my good Lord Marshal ,", "If we do now make our atonement well ,", "Our peace will , like a broken limb united ,", "Grow stronger for the breaking .", "Before , and greet his Grace . My lord , we come ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 515, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["You are well encount'red here , my cousin Mowbray .", "Good day to you , gentle Lord Archbishop ;", "And so to you , Lord Hastings , and to all .", "My Lord of York , it better show 'd with you", "When that your flock , assembled by the bell ,", "Encircled you to hear with reverence", "Your exposition on the holy text", "Than now to see you here an iron man ,", "Cheering a rout of rebels with your drum ,", "Turning the word to sword , and life to death .", "That man that sits within a monarch 's heart", "And ripens in the sunshine of his favour ,", "Would he abuse the countenance of the king ,", "Alack , what mischiefs might he set abroach", "In shadow of such greatness ! With you , Lord Bishop ,", "It is even so . Who hath not heard it spoken", "How deep you were within the books of God ?", "To us the speaker in His parliament ,", "To us th \u2019 imagin 'd voice of God himself ,", "The very opener and intelligencer", "Between the grace , the sanctities of heaven ,", "And our dull workings . O , who shall believe", "But you misuse the reverence of your place ,", "Employ the countenance and grace of heav'n", "As a false favourite doth his prince 's name ,", "In deeds dishonourable ? You have ta'en up ,", "Under the counterfeited zeal of God ,", "The subjects of His substitute , my father ,", "And both against the peace of heaven and him", "Have here up-swarm 'd them .", "YOU are too shallow , Hastings , much to shallow ,", "To sound the bottom of the after-times .", "I like them all and do allow them well ;", "And swear here , by the honour of my blood ,", "My father 's purposes have been mistook ;", "And some about him have too lavishly", "Wrested his meaning and authority .", "My lord , these griefs shall be with speed redress 'd ;", "Upon my soul , they shall . If this may please you ,", "Discharge your powers unto their several counties ,", "As we will ours ; and here , between the armies ,", "Let 's drink together friendly and embrace ,", "That all their eyes may bear those tokens home", "Of our restored love and amity .", "I give it you , and will maintain my word ;", "And thereupon I drink unto your Grace .", "The word of peace is rend'red . Hark , how they shout !", "Go , my lord ,", "And let our army be discharged too .", "I trust , lords , we shall lie to-night together .", "Re-enter WESTMORELAND", "Now , cousin , wherefore stands our army still ?", "They know their duties . Re-enter HASTINGS", "I pawn 'd thee none :", "I promis 'd you redress of these same grievances", "Whereof you did complain ; which , by mine honour ,", "I will perform with a most Christian care .", "But for you , rebels \u2014 look to taste the due", "Meet for rebellion and such acts as yours .", "Most shallowly did you these arms commence ,", "Fondly brought here , and foolishly sent hence .", "Strike up our drums , pursue the scatt'red stray .", "God , and not we , hath safely fought to-day .", "Some guard these traitors to the block of death ,", "Treason 's true bed and yielder-up of breath . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 515, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now , lords , if God doth give successful end", "To this debate that bleedeth at our doors ,", "We will our youth lead on to higher fields ,", "And draw no swords but what are sanctified .", "Our navy is address 'd , our power connected ,", "Our substitutes in absence well invested ,", "And everything lies level to our wish .", "Only we want a little personal strength ;", "And pause us till these rebels , now afoot ,", "Come underneath the yoke of government .", "Humphrey , my son of Gloucester ,", "Where is the Prince your brother ?", "And how accompanied ?", "Is not his brother , Thomas of Clarence , with him ?", "Nothing but well to thee , Thomas of Clarence .", "How chance thou art not with the Prince thy brother ?", "He loves thee , and thou dost neglect him , Thomas .", "Thou hast a better place in his affection", "Than all thy brothers ; cherish it , my boy ,", "And noble offices thou mayst effect", "Of mediation , after I am dead ,", "Between his greatness and thy other brethren .", "Therefore omit him not ; blunt not his love ,", "Nor lose the good advantage of his grace", "By seeming cold or careless of his will ;", "For he is gracious if he be observ 'd .", "He hath a tear for pity and a hand", "Open as day for melting charity ;", "Yet notwithstanding , being incens 'd , he is flint ;", "As humorous as winter , and as sudden", "As flaws congealed in the spring of day .", "His temper , therefore , must be well observ 'd .", "Chide him for faults , and do it reverently ,", "When you perceive his blood inclin 'd to mirth ;", "But , being moody , give him line and scope", "Till that his passions , like a whale on ground ,", "Confound themselves with working . Learn this , Thomas ,", "And thou shalt prove a shelter to thy friends ,", "A hoop of gold to bind thy brothers in ,", "That the united vessel of their blood ,", "Mingled with venom of suggestion \u2014", "As , force perforce , the age will pour it in \u2014", "Shall never leak , though it do work as strong", "As aconitum or rash gunpowder .", "Why art thou not at Windsor with him , Thomas ?", "And how accompanied ? Canst thou tell that ?", "Most subject is the fattest soil to weeds ;", "And he , the noble image of my youth ,", "Is overspread with them ; therefore my grief", "Stretches itself beyond the hour of death .", "The blood weeps from my heart when I do shape ,", "In forms imaginary , th'unguided days", "And rotten times that you shall look upon", "When I am sleeping with my ancestors .", "For when his headstrong riot hath no curb ,", "When rage and hot blood are his counsellors", "When means and lavish manners meet together ,", "O , with what wings shall his affections fly", "Towards fronting peril and oppos 'd decay !", "\u2018 Tis seldom when the bee doth leave her comb", "In the dead carrion .", "Enter WESTMORELAND", "Who 's here ? Westmoreland ?", "O Westmoreland , thou art a summer bird ,", "Which ever in the haunch of winter sings", "The lifting up of day .", "Enter HARCOURT", "Look here 's more news .", "And wherefore should these good news make me sick ?", "Will Fortune never come with both hands full ,", "But write her fair words still in foulest letters ?", "She either gives a stomach and no food-", "Such are the poor , in health \u2014 or else a feast ,", "And takes away the stomach \u2014 such are the rich", "That have abundance and enjoy it not .", "I should rejoice now at this happy news ;", "And now my sight fails , and my brain is giddy .", "O me ! come near me now I am much ill .", "I pray you take me up , and bear me hence", "Into some other chamber . Softly , pray . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 515, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Let there be no noise made , my gentle friends ;", "Unless some dull and favourable hand", "Will whisper music to my weary spirit .", "Set me the crown upon my pillow here .", "Warwick ! Gloucester ! Clarence ! Re-enter WARWICK , GLOUCESTER , CLARENCE", "Why did you leave me here alone , my lords ?", "The Prince of Wales ! Where is he ? Let me see him . He is not here .", "Where is the crown ? Who took it from my pillow ?", "The Prince hath ta'en it hence . Go , seek him out .", "Is he so hasty that he doth suppose", "My sleep my death ?", "Find him , my lord of Warwick ; chide him hither .", "Exit WARWICK", "This part of his conjoins with my disease", "And helps to end me . See , sons , what things you are !", "How quickly nature falls into revolt", "When gold becomes her object !", "For this the foolish over-careful fathers", "Have broke their sleep with thoughts ,", "Their brains with care , their bones with industry ;", "For this they have engrossed and pil 'd up", "The cank'red heaps of strange-achieved gold ;", "For this they have been thoughtful to invest", "Their sons with arts and martial exercises ;", "When , like the bee , tolling from every flower", "The virtuous sweets ,", "Our thighs with wax , our mouths with honey pack 'd ,", "We bring it to the hive , and , like the bees ,", "Are murd'red for our pains . This bitter taste", "Yields his engrossments to the ending father .", "Re-enter WARWICK", "Now where is he that will not stay so long", "Till his friend sickness hath determin 'd me ?", "But wherefore did he take away the crown ?", "Re-enter PRINCE HENRY", "Lo where he comes . Come hither to me , Harry .", "Depart the chamber , leave us here alone .", "Thy wish was father , Harry , to that thought .", "I stay too long by thee , I weary thee .", "Dost thou so hunger for mine empty chair", "That thou wilt needs invest thee with my honours", "Before thy hour be ripe ? O foolish youth !", "Thou seek'st the greatness that will overwhelm thee .", "Stay but a little , for my cloud of dignity", "Is held from falling with so weak a wind", "That it will quickly drop ; my day is dim .", "Thou hast stol'n that which , after some few hours ,", "Were thine without offense ; and at my death", "Thou hast seal 'd up my expectation .", "Thy life did manifest thou lov'dst me not ,", "And thou wilt have me die assur 'd of it .", "Thou hid'st a thousand daggers in thy thoughts ,", "Which thou hast whetted on thy stony heart ,", "To stab at half an hour of my life .", "What , canst thou not forbear me half an hour ?", "Then get thee gone , and dig my grave thyself ;", "And bid the merry bells ring to thine ear", "That thou art crowned , not that I am dead .", "Let all the tears that should bedew my hearse", "Be drops of balm to sanctify thy head ;", "Only compound me with forgotten dust ;", "Give that which gave thee life unto the worms .", "Pluck down my officers , break my decrees ;", "For now a time is come to mock at form-", "Harry the Fifth is crown 'd . Up , vanity :", "Down , royal state . All you sage counsellors , hence .", "And to the English court assemble now ,", "From every region , apes of idleness .", "Now , neighbour confines , purge you of your scum .", "Have you a ruffian that will swear , drink , dance ,", "Revel the night , rob , murder , and commit", "The oldest sins the newest kind of ways ?", "Be happy , he will trouble you no more .", "England shall double gild his treble guilt ;", "England shall give him office , honour , might ;", "For the fifth Harry from curb 'd license plucks", "The muzzle of restraint , and the wild dog", "Shall flesh his tooth on every innocent .", "O my poor kingdom , sick with civil blows !", "When that my care could not withhold thy riots ,", "What wilt thou do when riot is thy care ?", "O , thou wilt be a wilderness again .", "Peopled with wolves , thy old inhabitants !", "O my son ,", "God put it in thy mind to take it hence ,", "That thou mightst win the more thy father 's love ,", "Pleading so wisely in excuse of it !", "Come hither , Harry ; sit thou by my bed ,", "And hear , I think , the very latest counsel", "That ever I shall breathe . God knows , my son ,", "By what by-paths and indirect crook 'd ways", "I met this crown ; and I myself know well", "How troublesome it sat upon my head :", "To thee it shall descend with better quiet ,", "Better opinion , better confirmation ;", "For all the soil of the achievement goes", "With me into the earth . It seem 'd in me", "But as an honour snatch 'd with boist'rous hand ;", "And I had many living to upbraid", "My gain of it by their assistances ;", "Which daily grew to quarrel and to bloodshed ,", "Wounding supposed peace . All these bold fears", "Thou seest with peril I have answered ;", "For all my reign hath been but as a scene", "Acting that argument . And now my death", "Changes the mood ; for what in me was purchas 'd", "Falls upon thee in a more fairer sort ;", "So thou the garland wear'st successively .", "Yet , though thou stand'st more sure than I could do ,", "Thou art not firm enough , since griefs are green ;", "And all my friends , which thou must make thy friends ,", "Have but their stings and teeth newly ta'en out ;", "By whose fell working I was first advanc 'd ,", "And by whose power I well might lodge a fear", "To be again displac 'd ; which to avoid ,", "I cut them off ; and had a purpose now", "To lead out many to the Holy Land ,", "Lest rest and lying still might make them look", "Too near unto my state . Therefore , my Harry ,", "Be it thy course to busy giddy minds", "With foreign quarrels , that action , hence borne out ,", "May waste the memory of the former days .", "More would I , but my lungs are wasted so", "That strength of speech is utterly denied me .", "How I came by the crown , O God , forgive ;", "And grant it may with thee in true peace live !", "Look , look , here comes my John of Lancaster .", "Thou bring'st me happiness and peace , son John ;", "But health , alack , with youthful wings is flown", "From this bare wither 'd trunk . Upon thy sight", "My worldly business makes a period .", "Where is my Lord of Warwick ?", "Doth any name particular belong", "Unto the lodging where I first did swoon ?", "Laud be to God ! Even there my life must end .", "It hath been prophesied to me many years ,", "I should not die but in Jerusalem ;", "Which vainly I suppos 'd the Holy Land .", "But bear me to that chamber ; there I 'll lie ;", "In that Jerusalem shall Harry die . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 515, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["How doth the King ?", "I hope , not dead .", "I would his Majesty had call 'd me with him .", "The service that I truly did his life", "Hath left me open to all injuries .", "I know he doth not , and do arm myself", "To welcome the condition of the time ,", "Which cannot look more hideously upon me", "Than I have drawn it in my fantasy .", "O God , I fear all will be overturn 'd .", "Peace be with us , lest we be heavier !", "Sweet Princes , what I did , I did in honour ,", "Led by th \u2019 impartial conduct of my soul ;", "And never shall you see that I will beg", "A ragged and forestall 'd remission .", "If truth and upright innocency fail me ,", "I 'll to the King my master that is dead ,", "And tell him who hath sent me after him .", "Good morrow , and God save your Majesty !", "I am assur 'd , if I be measur 'd rightly ,", "Your Majesty hath no just cause to hate me .", "I then did use the person of your father ;", "The image of his power lay then in me ;", "And in th \u2019 administration of his law ,", "Whiles I was busy for the commonwealth ,", "Your Highness pleased to forget my place ,", "The majesty and power of law and justice ,", "The image of the King whom I presented ,", "And struck me in my very seat of judgment ;", "Whereon , as an offender to your father ,", "I gave bold way to my authority", "And did commit you . If the deed were ill ,", "Be you contented , wearing now the garland ,", "To have a son set your decrees at nought ,", "To pluck down justice from your awful bench ,", "To trip the course of law , and blunt the sword", "That guards the peace and safety of your person ;", "Nay , more , to spurn at your most royal image ,", "And mock your workings in a second body .", "Question your royal thoughts , make the case yours ;", "Be now the father , and propose a son ;", "Hear your own dignity so much profan 'd ,", "See your most dreadful laws so loosely slighted ,", "Behold yourself so by a son disdain 'd ;", "And then imagine me taking your part", "And , in your power , soft silencing your son .", "After this cold considerance , sentence me ;", "And , as you are a king , speak in your state", "What I have done that misbecame my place ,", "My person , or my liege 's sovereignty ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 515, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Fore God , you have here a goodly dwelling and rich .", "This Davy serves you for good uses ; he is your serving-man and your husband .", "There 's a merry heart ! Good Master Silence , I 'll give you a health for that anon .", "I did not think Master Silence had been a man of this mettle .", "Well said , Master Silence .", "Health and long life to you , Master Silence !", "Why , now you have done me right .", "\u2018 Tis so .", "From the court ? Let him come in .", "Enter PISTOL", "How now , Pistol ?", "What wind blew you hither , Pistol ?", "I pray thee now , deliver them like a man of this world .", "O base Assyrian knight , what is thy news ? Let King Cophetua know the truth thereof .", "What , is the old king dead ?", "Away , Bardolph ! saddle my horse . Master Robert Shallow , choose what office thou wilt in the land , \u2018 tis thine . Pistol , I will double-charge thee with dignities .", "Carry Master Silence to bed . Master Shallow , my Lord Shallow , be what thou wilt \u2014 I am Fortune 's steward . Get on thy boots ; we 'll ride all night . O sweet Pistol ! Away , Bardolph !Come , Pistol , utter more to me ; and withal devise something to do thyself good . Boot , boot , Master Shallow ! I know the young King is sick for me . Let us take any man 's horses : the laws of England are at my commandment . Blessed are they that have been my friends ; and woe to my Lord Chief Justice !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 515, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Good morrow , and well met . How have ye done", "Since last we saw in France ?", "NORFOLK . I thank your Grace ,", "Healthful ; and ever since a fresh admirer", "Of what I saw there .", "An untimely ague", "Stay 'd me a prisoner in my chamber when", "Those suns of glory , those two lights of men ,", "Met in the vale of Andren .", "All the whole time", "I was my chamber 's prisoner .", "O , you go far !", "Who did guide ,", "I mean , who set the body and the limbs", "Of this great sport together , as you guess ?", "I pray you , who , my lord ?", "The devil speed him ! no man 's pie is freed", "From his ambitious finger . What had he", "To do in these fierce vanities ? I wonder", "That such a keech can with his very bulk", "Take up the rays o \u2019 th \u2019 beneficial sun ,", "And keep it from the earth .", "Why the devil ,", "Upon this French going out , took he upon him ,", "Without the privity o \u2019 the King , to appoint", "Who should attend on him ? He makes up the file", "Of all the gentry ; for the most part such", "To whom as great a charge as little honour", "He meant to lay upon ; and his own letter ,", "The honourable board of council out ,", "Must fetch him in he papers .", "O , many", "Have broke their backs with laying manors on \u2018 em", "For this great journey . What did this vanity", "But minister communication of", "A most poor issue ?", "Every man ,", "After the hideous storm that follow 'd , was", "A thing inspir 'd ; and , not consulting , broke", "Into a general prophecy , that this tempest ,", "Dashing the garment of this peace , aboded", "The sudden breach o n't .", "Why , all this business", "Our reverend Cardinal carried .", "This butcher 's cur is venom-mouth 'd , and I", "Have not the power to muzzle him ; therefore best", "Not wake him in his slumber . A beggar 's book", "Outworths a noble 's blood .", "I read in \u2018 s looks", "Matter against me , and his eye revil 'd", "Me as his abject object . At this instant", "He bores me with some trick . He 's gone to the King ;", "I 'll follow , and outstare him .", "I 'll to the King ,", "And from a mouth of honour quite cry down", "This Ipswich fellow 's insolence , or proclaim", "There 's difference in no persons .", "Sir ,", "I am thankful to you ; and I 'll go along", "By your prescription ; but this top-proud fellow ,", "Whom from the flow of gall I name not , but", "From sincere motions , by intelligence ,", "And proofs as clear as founts in July when", "We see each grain of gravel , I do know", "To be corrupt and treasonous .", "To the King I 'll say't , and make my vouch as strong", "As shore of rock . Attend . This holy fox ,", "Or wolf , or both ,\u2014 for he is equal ravenous", "As he is subtle , and as prone to mischief", "As able to perform't ; his mind and place", "Infecting one another , yea , reciprocally \u2014", "Only to show his pomp as well in France", "As here at home , suggests the King our master", "To this last costly treaty , the interview ,", "That swallowed so much treasure , and like a glass", "Did break i \u2019 the rinsing .", "Pray , give me favour , sir . This cunning Cardinal", "The articles o \u2019 the combination drew", "As himself pleas 'd ; and they were ratified", "As he cried \u201c Thus let be , \u201d to as much end", "As give a crutch to the dead . But our count-cardinal", "Has done this , and \u2018 tis well ; for worthy Wolsey ,", "Who cannot err , he did it . Now this follows ,\u2014", "Which , as I take it , is a kind of puppy", "To the old dam , treason ,\u2014 Charles the Emperor ,", "Under pretence to see the Queen his aunt ,\u2014", "For \u2018 twas indeed his colour , but he came", "To whisper Wolsey ,\u2014 here makes visitation .", "His fears were , that the interview betwixt", "England and France might , through their amity ,", "Breed him some prejudice ; for from this league", "Peep 'd harms that menac 'd him . He privily", "Deals with our Cardinal ; and , as I trow ,\u2014", "Which I do well , for I am sure the Emperor", "Paid ere he promis 'd ; whereby his suit was granted", "Ere it was ask 'd \u2014 but when the way was made ,", "And pav 'd with gold , the Emperor thus desir 'd ,", "That he would please to alter the King 's course ,", "And break the foresaid peace . Let the King know ,", "As soon he shall by me , that thus the Cardinal", "Does buy and sell his honour as he pleases", "And for his own advantage .", "No , not a syllable :", "I do pronounce him in that very shape", "He shall appear in proof .", "Lo , you , my lord ,", "The net has fall'n upon me ! I shall perish", "Under device and practice .", "It will help nothing", "To plead mine innocence ; for that dye is on me", "Which makes my whit'st part black . The will of Heaven", "Be done in this and all things ! I obey .", "O my Lord Abergavenny , fare you well !", "So , so ;", "These are the limbs o \u2019 the plot . No more , I hope ?", "O , Nicholas Hopkins ?", "My surveyor is false ; the o'erhYpppHeNgreat Cardinal", "Hath show 'd him gold ; my life is spann 'd already .", "I am the shadow of poor Buckingham ,", "Whose figure even this instant cloud puts on ,", "By dark'ning my clear sun . My lord , farewell ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 531, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["My life itself , and the best heart of it ,", "Thanks you for this great care . I stood i \u2019 the level", "Of a full-charg 'd confederacy , and give thanks", "To you that chok 'd it . Let be call 'd before us", "That gentleman of Buckingham 's ; in person", "I 'll hear his confessions justify ;", "And point by point the treasons of his master", "He shall again relate .", "Arise , and take place by us . Half your suit", "Never name to us , you have half our power ;", "The other moiety , ere you ask , is given .", "Repeat your will and take it .", "Lady mine , proceed .", "Taxation !", "Wherein ? and what taxation ? My Lord Cardinal ,", "You that are blam 'd for it alike with us ,", "Know you of this taxation ?", "Still exaction !", "The nature of it ? In what kind , let 's know ,", "Is this exaction ?", "By my life ,", "This is against our pleasure .", "Things done well ,", "And with a care , exempt themselves from fear ;", "Things done without example , in their issue", "Are to be fear 'd . Have you a precedent", "Of this commission ? I believe , not any .", "We must not rend our subjects from our laws ,", "And stick them in our will . Sixth part of each ?", "A trembling contribution ! Why , we take", "From every tree lop , bark , and part o \u2019 the timber ;", "And , though we leave it with a root , thus hack 'd ,", "The air will drink the sap . To every county", "Where this is question 'd send our letters , with", "Free pardon to each man that has deni 'd", "The force of this commission . Pray , look to't ;", "I put it to your care .", "It grieves many .", "The gentleman is learn 'd , and a most rare speaker ;", "To nature none more bound ; his training such", "That he may furnish and instruct great teachers ,", "And never seek for aid out of himself . Yet see ,", "When these so noble benefits shall prove", "Not well dispos 'd , the mind growing once corrupt ,", "They turn to vicious forms , ten times more ugly", "Than ever they were fair . This man so complete ,", "Who was enroll 'd \u2018 mongst wonders , and when we ,", "Almost with ravish 'd list'ning , could not find", "His hour of speech a minute ; he , my lady ,", "Hath into monstrous habits put the graces", "That once were his , and is become as black", "As if besmear 'd in hell . Sit by us ; you shall hear \u2014", "This was his gentleman in trust \u2014 of him", "Things to strike honour sad . Bid him recount", "The fore-recited practices , whereof", "We cannot feel too little , hear too much .", "Speak freely .", "Speak on .", "How grounded he his title to the crown ?", "Upon our fail ? To this point hast thou heard him", "At any time speak aught ?", "What was that Henton ?", "How know'st thou this ?", "Let him on . Go forward .", "Ha ! what , so rank ? Ah ha ! There 's mischief in this man . Canst thou say further ?", "Proceed .", "I remember", "Of such a time ; being my sworn servant ,", "The Duke retain 'd him his . But on ; what hence ?", "A giant traitor !", "There 's something more would out of thee ; what say'st ?", "There 's his period ,", "To sheathe his knife in us . He is attach 'd .", "Call him to present trial . If he may", "Find mercy in the law , \u2018 tis his ; if none ,", "Let him not seek \u2018 t of us . By day and night ,", "He 's traitor to th \u2019 height ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 531, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Is't possible the spells of France should juggle", "Men into such strange mysteries ?", "As far as I see , all the good our English", "Have got by the late voyage is but merely", "A fit or two o \u2019 the face ; but they are shrewd ones ;", "For when they hold \u2018 em , you would swear directly", "Their very noses had been counsellors", "To Pepin or Clotharius , they keep state so .", "Death ! my lord ,", "Their clothes are after such a pagan cut too ,", "That , sure , they 've worn out Christendom .", "How now !", "What news , Sir Thomas Lovell ?", "What is't for ?", "I 'm glad \u2018 tis there . Now I would pray our monsieurs", "To think an English courtier may be wise ,", "And never see the Louvre .", "What a loss our ladies", "Will have of these trim vanities !", "Well said , Lord Sandys ;", "Your colt 's tooth is not cast yet .", "Sir Thomas ,", "Whither were you a-going ?", "O , \u2018 tis true :", "This night he makes a supper , and a great one ,", "To many lords and ladies ; there will be", "The beauty of this kingdom , I 'll assure you .", "No doubt he 's noble ;", "He had a black mouth that said other of him .", "True , they are so ;", "But few now give so great ones . My barge stays ;", "Your lordship shall along . Come , good Sir Thomas ,", "We shall be late else ; which I would not be ,", "For I was spoke to , with Sir Henry Guildford ,", "This night to be comptrollers ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 531, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["You are young , Sir Harry Guildford .", "Sweet ladies , will it please you sit ? Sir Harry ,", "Place you that side ; I 'll take the charge of this .", "His Grace is ent'ring . Nay , you must not freeze ;", "Two women plac 'd together makes cold weather .", "My Lord Sandys , you are one will keep \u2018 em waking ;", "Pray , sit between these ladies .", "Well said , my lord .", "So , now you 're fairly seated . Gentlemen ,", "The penance lies on you , if these fair ladies", "Pass away frowning .", "Look out there , some of ye .", "How now ! what is't ?", "Because they speak no English , thus they pray 'd", "To tell your Grace , that , having heard by fame", "Of this so noble and so fair assembly", "This night to meet here , they could do no less ,", "Out of the great respect they bear to beauty ,", "But leave their flocks ; and , under your fair conduct ,", "Crave leave to view these ladies and entreat", "An hour of revels with \u2018 em .", "Your Grace ?", "I will , my lord .", "Such a one , they all confess ,", "There is indeed ; which they would have your Grace", "Find out , and he will take it .", "A n't please your Grace , Sir Thomas Bullen 's daughter ,\u2014", "The Viscount Rochford ,\u2014 one of her Highness \u2019 women ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 531, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Whither away so fast ?", "I 'll save you", "That labour , sir . All 's now done , but the ceremony", "Of bringing back the prisoner .", "Yes , indeed , was I .", "You may guess quickly what .", "Yes , truly is he , and condemn 'd upo n't .", "So are a number more .", "I 'll tell you in a little . The great Duke", "Came to the bar ; where to his accusations", "He pleaded still not guilty and alleged", "Many sharp reasons to defeat the law .", "The King 's attorney on the contrary", "Urg 'd on the examinations , proofs , confessions", "Of divers witnesses ; which the Duke desir 'd", "To have brought viva voce to his face ;", "At which appear 'd against him his surveyor ;", "Sir Gilbert Peck his chancellor ; and John Car ,", "Confessor to him , with that devil-monk ,", "Hopkins , that made this mischief .", "The same .", "All these accus 'd him strongly ; which he fain", "Would have flung from him , but , indeed , he could not .", "And so his peers , upon this evidence ,", "Have found him guilty of high treason . Much", "He spoke , and learnedly , for life ; but all", "Was either pitied in him or forgotten .", "When he was brought again to the bar , to hear", "His knell rung out , his judgment , he was stirr 'd", "With such an agony , he sweat extremely ,", "And something spoke in choler , ill , and hasty .", "But he fell to himself again , and sweetly", "In all the rest show 'd a most noble patience .", "Sure , he does not ;", "He never was so womanish . The cause", "He may a little grieve at .", "\u2018 Tis likely ,", "By all conjectures : first , Kildare 's attainder ,", "Then deputy of Ireland ; who remov 'd ,", "Earl Surrey was sent thither , and in haste too ,", "Lest he should help his father .", "At his return", "No doubt he will requite it . This is noted ,", "And generally , whoever the King favours ,", "The Cardinal instantly will find employment ,", "And far enough from court too .", "Stay there , sir ,", "And see the noble ruin 'd man you speak of .", "O , this is full of pity ! Sir , it calls ,", "I fear , too many curses on their heads", "That were the authors .", "Good angels keep it from us ! What may it be ? You do not doubt my faith , sir ?", "Let me have it . I do not talk much .", "Yes , but it held not ;", "For when the King once heard it , out of anger", "He sent command to the Lord Mayor straight", "To stop the rumour , and allay those tongues", "That durst disperse it .", "\u2018 Tis the Cardinal ;", "And merely to revenge him on the Emperor", "For not bestowing on him , at his asking ,", "The archbishopric of Toledo , this is purpos 'd .", "\u2018 Tis woeful .", "We are too open here to argue this ;", "Let 's think in private more ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 531, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u201c My lord , the horses your lordship sent for , with all the care had , I saw well chosen , ridden , and furnish 'd . They were young and handsome , and of the best breed in the north . When they were ready to set out for London , a man of my Lord Cardinal 's , by commission and main power , took \u2018 em from me , with this reason : His master would be serv 'd before a subject , if not before the King ; which stopp 'd our mouths , sir . \u201d I fear he will indeed . Well , let him have them : He will have all , I think .", "Good day to both your Graces .", "I left him private ,", "Full of sad thoughts and troubles .", "It seems the marriage with his brother 's wife", "Has crept too near his conscience .", "Heaven keep me from such counsel ! \u2018 Tis most true", "These news are everywhere ; every tongue speaks \u2018 em ,", "And every true heart weeps for't . All that dare", "Look into these affairs see this main end ,", "The French king 's sister . Heaven will one day open", "The King 's eyes , that so long have slept upon", "This bold bad man .", "Excuse me ,", "The King has sent me otherwhere . Besides ,", "You 'll find a most unfit time to disturb him .", "Health to your lordships !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 531, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Not for that neither . Here 's the pang that pinches :", "His Highness having liv 'd so long with her , and she", "So good a lady that no tongue could ever", "Pronounce dishonour of her ,\u2014 by my life ,", "She never knew harm-doing \u2014 O , now , after", "So many courses of the sun enthroned ,", "Still growing in a majesty and pomp , the which", "To leave a thousand-fold more bitter than", "\u2018 Tis sweet at first to acquire ,\u2014 after this process ,", "To give her the avaunt , it is a pity", "Would move a monster .", "O , God 's will , much better", "She ne'er had known pomp ! Though't be temporal ,", "Yet , if that quarrel , fortune , do divorce", "It from the bearer , \u2018 tis a sufferance panging", "As soul and body 's severing .", "So much the more", "Must pity drop upon her . Verily ,", "I swear , \u2018 tis better to be lowly born", "And range with humble livers in content ,", "Than to be perk 'd up in a glist'ring grief ,", "And wear a golden sorrow .", "By my troth and maidenhead ,", "I would not be a queen .", "Nay , good troth .", "No , not for all the riches under heaven .", "No , in truth .", "How you do talk !", "I swear again I would not be a queen", "For all the world .", "My good lord ,", "Not your demand ; it values not your asking .", "Our mistress \u2019 sorrows we were pitying .", "Now , I pray God , amen !", "I do not know", "What kind of my obedience I should tender .", "More than my all is nothing ; nor my prayers", "Are not words duly hallowed , nor my wishes", "More worth than empty vanities ; yet prayers and wishes", "Are all I can return . Beseech your lordship ,", "Vouchsafe to speak my thanks and my obedience ,", "As from a blushing handmaid , to his Highness ;", "Whose health and royalty I pray for .", "My honour 'd lord .", "This is strange to me .", "Come , you are pleasant .", "Good lady ,", "Make yourself mirth with your particular fancy ,", "And leave me out o n't . Would I had no being ,", "If this salute my blood a jot . It faints me ,", "To think what follows .", "The Queen is comfortless , and we forgetful", "In our long absence . Pray , do not deliver", "What here you 've heard to her ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 531, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Whilst our commission from Rome is read ,", "Let silence be commanded .", "Be't so . Proceed .", "You have here , lady ,", "And of your choice , these reverend fathers ; men", "Of singular integrity and learning ,", "Yea , the elect o \u2019 the land , who are assembled", "To plead your cause . It shall be therefore bootless", "That longer you desire the court ; as well", "For your own quiet , as to rectify", "What is unsettled in the King .", "Your pleasure , madam ?", "Be patient yet .", "I do profess", "You speak not like yourself , who ever yet", "Have stood to charity and display 'd the effects", "Of disposition gentle , and of wisdom", "O'ertopping woman 's pow'r . Madam , you do me wrong .", "I have no spleen against you , nor injustice", "For you or any . How far I have proceeded ,", "Or how far further shall , is warranted", "By a commission from the consistory ,", "Yea , the whole consistory of Rome . You charge me", "That I have blown this coal . I do deny it .", "The King is present : if it be known to him", "That I gainsay my deed , how may he wound ,", "And worthily , my falsehood ! yea , as much", "As you have done my truth . If he know", "That I am free of your report , he knows", "I am not of your wrong . Therefore in him", "It lies to cure me ; and the cure is , to", "Remove these thoughts from you ; the which before", "His Highness shall speak in , I do beseech", "You , gracious madam , to unthink your speaking", "And to say so no more .", "Most gracious sir ,", "In humblest manner I require your Highness ,", "That it shall please you to declare , in hearing", "Of all these ears ,\u2014 for , where I am robb 'd and bound ,", "There must I be unloos 'd , although not there", "At once and fully satisfied ,\u2014 whether ever I", "Did broach this business to your Highness , or", "Laid any scruple in your way , which might", "Induce you to the question o n't ? or ever", "Have to you , but with thanks to God for such", "A royal lady , spake one the least word that might", "Be to the prejudice of her present state ,", "Or touch of her good person ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 531, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Take thy lute , wench ; my soul grows sad with troubles . Sing , and disperse \u2018 em , if thou canst . Leave working .", "How now !", "Would they speak with me ?", "Pray their Graces", "To come near .", "What can be their business", "With me , a poor weak woman , fallen from favour ?", "I do not like their coming . Now I think o n't ,", "They should be good men , their affairs as righteous .", "But all hoods make not monks .", "Your Graces find me here part of housewife ;", "I would be all , against the worst may happen .", "What are your pleasures with me , reverend lords ?", "Speak it here ;", "There 's nothing I have done yet , o \u2019 my conscience ,", "Deserves a corner . Would all other women", "Could speak this with as free a soul as I do !", "My lords , I care not , so much I am happy", "Above a number , if my actions", "Were tried by every tongue , every eye saw \u2018 em ,", "Envy and base opinion set against \u2018 em ,", "I know my life so even . If your business", "Seek me out , and that way I am wife in ,", "Out with it boldly . Truth loves open dealing .", "O , good my lord , no Latin ;", "I am not such a truant since my coming ,", "As not to know the language I have liv 'd in .", "A strange tongue makes my cause more strange , suspicious ;", "Pray , speak in English . Here are some will thank you ,", "If you speak truth , for their poor mistress \u2019 sake .", "Believe me , she has had much wrong . Lord Cardinal ,", "The willing'st sin I ever yet committed", "May be absolv 'd in English .", "To betray me .\u2014", "My lords , I thank you both for your good wills .", "Ye speak like honest men ; pray God , ye prove so !", "But how to make ye suddenly an answer ,", "In such a point of weight , so near mine honour ,\u2014", "More near my life , I fear ,\u2014 with my weak wit ,", "And to such men of gravity and learning ,", "In truth I know not . I was set at work", "Among my maids ; full little , God knows , looking", "Either for such men or such business .", "For her sake that I have been ,\u2014 for I feel", "The last fit of my greatness \u2014 good your Graces ,", "Let me have time and counsel for my cause .", "Alas , I am a woman , friendless , hopeless !", "In England", "But little for my profit . Can you think , lords ,", "That any Englishman dare give me counsel ?", "Or be a known friend , \u2018 gainst his Highness \u2019 pleasure ,", "Though he be grown so desperate to be honest ,", "And live a subject ? Nay , forsooth ; my friends ,", "They that much weigh out my afflictions ,", "They that my trust must grow to , live not here ;", "They are , as all my other comforts , far hence", "In mine own country , lords .", "How , sir ?", "Ye tell me what ye wish for both ,\u2014 my ruin .", "Is this your Christian counsel ? Out upon ye !", "Heaven is above all yet ; there sits a judge", "That no king can corrupt .", "The more shame for ye ! Holy men I thought ye ,", "Upon my soul , two reverend cardinal virtues ;", "But cardinal sins and hollow hearts I fear ye .", "Mend \u2018 em , for shame , my lords ! Is this your comfort ,", "The cordial that ye bring a wretched lady ,", "A woman lost among ye , laugh 'd at , scorn 'd ?", "I will not wish ye half my miseries ;", "I have more charity ; but say , I warn 'd ye .", "Take heed , for heaven 's sake , take heed , lest at once", "The burden of my sorrows fall upon ye .", "Ye turn me into nothing . Woe upon ye", "And all such false professors ! Would you have me \u2014", "If you have any justice , any pity ;", "If ye be anything but churchmen 's habits \u2014", "Put my sick cause into his hands that hates me ?", "Alas , he 's banish 'd me his bed already ,", "His love , too , long ago ! I am old , my lords ,", "And all the fellowship I hold now with him", "Is only my obedience . What can happen", "To me above this wretchedness ? All your studies", "Make me a curse like this .", "Have I liv 'd thus long \u2014 let me speak myself ,", "Since virtue finds no friends \u2014 a wife , a true one ?", "A woman , I dare say without vain-glory ,", "Never yet branded with suspicion ?", "Have I with all my full affections", "Still met the King ? lov 'd him next Heav'n ? obey 'd him ?", "Been , out of fondness , superstitious to him ?", "Almost forgot my prayers to content him ?", "And am I thus rewarded ! \u2018 Tis not well , lords .", "Bring me a constant woman to her husband ,", "One that ne'er dream 'd a joy beyond his pleasure ;", "And to that woman , when she has done most ,", "Yet will I add an honour ,\u2014 a great patience .", "My lord , I dare not make myself so guilty ,", "To give up willingly that noble title", "Your master wed me to . Nothing but death", "Shall e'er divorce my dignities .", "Would I had never trod this English earth ,", "Or felt the flatteries that grow upon it !", "Ye have angels \u2019 faces , but Heaven knows your hearts .", "What will become of me now , wretched lady !", "I am the most unhappy woman living .", "Alas , poor wenches , where are now your fortunes !", "Shipwreck 'd upon a kingdom , where no pity ,", "No friends , no hope ; no kindred weep for me ;", "Almost no grave allow 'd me . Like the lily ,", "That once was mistress of the field and flourish 'd ,", "I 'll hang my head and perish .", "Do what ye will , my lords ; and , pray , forgive me", "If I have us 'd myself unmannerly ;", "You know I am a woman , lacking wit", "To make a seemly answer to such persons .", "Pray , do my service to his Majesty ;", "He has my heart yet , and shall have my prayers", "While I shall have my life . Come , reverend fathers ,", "Bestow your counsels on me . She now begs ,", "That little thought , when she set footing here ,", "She should have bought her dignities so dear ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 531, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["If you will now unite in your complaints", "And force them with a constancy , the Cardinal", "Cannot stand under them . If you omit", "The offer of this time , I cannot promise", "But that you shall sustain moe new disgraces ,", "With these you bear already .", "O , fear him not ;", "His spell in that is out . The King hath found", "Matter against him that for ever mars", "The honey of his language . No , he 's settled ,", "Not to come off , in his displeasure .", "Believe it , this is true .", "In the divorce his contrary proceedings", "Are all unfolded ; wherein he appears", "As I would wish mine enemy .", "All men 's !", "Marry , amen !", "But , my lord ,", "When returns Cranmer ?", "This same Cranmer 's", "A worthy fellow , and hath ta'en much pain", "In the King 's business .", "So I hear .", "Observe , observe , he 's moody .", "He 's discontented .", "He 's vex 'd at something .", "My lord , we have", "Stood here observing him . Some strange commotion", "Is in his brain ; he bites his lip , and starts ;", "Stops on a sudden , looks upon the ground ,", "Then lays his finger on his temple ; straight", "Springs out into fast gait ; then stops again ,", "Strikes his breast hard ; and anon he casts", "His eye against the moon . In most strange postures", "We have seen him set himself .", "It 's Heaven 's will !", "Some spirit put this paper in the packet ,", "To bless your eye withal .", "Hear the King 's pleasure , Cardinal ! who commands you", "To render up the great seal presently", "Into our hands ; and to confine yourself", "To Asher House , my Lord of Winchester 's ,", "Till you hear further from his Highness .", "Those articles , my lord , are in the King 's hand :", "But , thus much , they are foul ones .", "Then , that in all you writ to Rome , or else", "To foreign princes , \u201c Ego et Rex meus \u201d", "Was still inscrib 'd ; in which you brought the King", "To be your servant .", "And so we 'll leave you to your meditations", "How to live better . For your stubborn answer", "About the giving back the great seal to us ,", "The King shall know it , and , no doubt , shall thank you .", "So fare you well , my little good Lord Cardinal ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 531, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["You 're well met once again .", "You come to take your stand here , and behold", "The Lady Anne pass from her coronation ?", "\u2018 Tis very true ; but that time offer 'd sorrow ;", "This , general joy .", "Never greater ,", "Nor , I 'll assure you , better taken , sir .", "Yes ; \u2018 tis the list", "Of those that claim their offices this day", "By custom of the coronation .", "The Duke of Suffolk is the first , and claims", "To be High Steward ; next , the Duke of Norfolk ,", "He to be Earl Marshal . You may read the rest .", "That I can tell you too . The Archbishop", "Of Canterbury , accompanied with other", "Learned and reverend fathers of his order ,", "Held a late court at Dunstable , six miles off", "From Ampthill where the Princess lay ; to which", "She was often cited by them , but appear 'd not ;", "And , to be short , for not appearance and", "The King 's late scruple , by the main assent", "Of all these learned men she was divorc 'd ,", "And the late marriage made of none effect ;", "Since which she was remov 'd to Kimbolton ,", "Where she remains now sick .", "Marquess Dorset ;", "And that the Earl of Surrey , with the rod .", "\u2018 Tis the same : High Steward .", "Yes .", "They that bear", "The cloth of honour over her , are four barons", "Of the Cinque-ports .", "It is ; and all the rest are countesses .", "No more of that .", "God save you , sir ! Where have you been broiling ?", "How was it ?", "Sir ,", "You must no more call it York Place , that 's past ;", "For , since the Cardinal fell , that title 's lost .", "\u2018 Tis now the King 's , and call 'd Whitehall ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 531, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["How does your Grace ?", "Yes , madam ; but I think your Grace ,", "Out of the pain you suffer 'd , gave no ear to't .", "Well , the voice goes , madam :", "For after the stout Earl Northumberland", "Arrested him at York , and brought him forward ,", "As a man sorely tainted , to his answer ,", "He fell sick suddenly , and grew so ill", "He could not sit his mule .", "At last , with easy roads , he came to Leicester ,", "Lodg 'd in the abbey ; where the reverend abbot ,", "With all his covent , honourably receiv 'd him ;", "To whom he gave these words : \u201c O , father abbot ,", "An old man , broken with the storms of state ,", "Is come to lay his weary bones among ye ;", "Give him a little earth for charity ! \u201d", "So went to bed , where eagerly his sickness", "Pursu 'd him still ; and , three nights after this ,", "About the hour of eight , which he himself", "Foretold should be his last , full of repentance ,", "Continual meditations , tears , and sorrows ,", "He gave his honours to the world again ,", "His blessed part to heaven , and slept in peace .", "Noble madam ,", "Men 's evil manners live in brass ; their virtues", "We write in water . May it please your Highness", "To hear me speak his good now ?", "This Cardinal ,", "Though from an humble stock , undoubtedly", "Was fashion 'd to much honour from his cradle .", "He was a scholar , and a ripe and good one ;", "Exceeding wise , fair-spoken , and persuading ;", "Lofty and sour to them that lov 'd him not ,", "But to those men that sought him , sweet as summer .", "And though he were unsatisfied in getting ,", "Which was a sin , yet in bestowing , madam ,", "He was most princely : ever witness for him", "Those twins of learning that he rais 'd in you ,", "Ipswich and Oxford ! one of which fell with him ,", "Unwilling to outlive the good that did it ;", "The other , though unfinish 'd , yet so famous ,", "So excellent in art , and still so rising ,", "That Christendom shall ever speak his virtue .", "His overthrow heap 'd happiness upon him ;", "For then , and not till then , he felt himself ,", "And found the blessedness of being little ;", "And , to add greater honours to his age", "Than man could give him , he died fearing God .", "She is asleep . Good wench , let 's sit down quiet ,", "For fear we wake her ; softly , gentle Patience .", "Madam , we are here .", "None , madam .", "I am most joyful , madam , such good dreams", "Possess your fancy .", "She is going , wench . Pray , pray .", "You are to blame ,", "Knowing she will not lose her wonted greatness ,", "To use so rude behaviour . Go to , kneel ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 531, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["It 's one o'clock , boy , is't not ?", "These should be hours for necessities ,", "Not for delights ; times to repair our nature", "With comforting repose , and not for us", "To waste these times . Good hour of night , Sir Thomas !", "Whither so late ?", "I did , Sir Thomas ; and left him at primero", "With the Duke of Suffolk .", "Not yet , Sir Thomas Lovell . What 's the matter ?", "It seems you are in haste . An if there be", "No great offence belongs to't , give your friend", "Some touch of your late business . Affairs , that walk ,", "As they say spirits do , at midnight , have", "In them a wilder nature than the business", "That seeks despatch by day .", "The fruit she goes with", "I pray for heartily , that it may find", "Good time , and live ; but for the stock , Sir Thomas ,", "I wish it grubb 'd up now .", "But , sir , sir ,", "Hear me , Sir Thomas . You 're a gentleman", "Of mine own way ; I know you wise , religious ;", "And , let me tell you , it will ne'er be well ,", "\u2018 Twill not , Sir Thomas Lovell , take't of me ,", "Till Cranmer , Cromwell , her two hands , and she ,", "Sleep in their graves .", "Yes , yes , Sir Thomas ,", "There are that dare ; and I myself have ventur 'd", "To speak my mind of him : and indeed this day ,", "Sir , I may tell it you , I think I have", "Incens 'd the lords o \u2019 the council , that he is ,", "For so I know he is , they know he is ,", "A most arch heretic , a pestilence", "That does infect the land ; with which they moved", "Have broken with the King , who hath so far", "Given ear to our complaint , of his great grace", "And princely care foreseeing those fell mischiefs", "Our reasons laid before him , hath commanded", "To-morrow morning to the council-board", "He be convented . He 's a rank weed , Sir Thomas ,", "And we must root him out . From your affairs", "I hinder you too long . Good-night , Sir Thomas ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 531, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Speak to the business , master secretary . Why are we met in council ?", "Let him come in .", "My good Lord Archbishop , I 'm very sorry", "To sit here at this present , and behold", "That chair stand empty ; but we all are men ,", "In our own natures frail , and capable", "Of our flesh ; few are angels : out of which frailty", "And want of wisdom , you , that best should teach us ,", "Have misdemean 'd yourself , and not a little ,", "Toward the King first , then his laws , in filling", "The whole realm , by your teaching and your chaplains ,", "For so we are inform 'd , with new opinions", "Divers and dangerous , which are heresies", "And , not reform 'd , may prove pernicious .", "This is too much . Forbear , for shame , my lords .", "Then thus for you , my lord : it stands agreed ,", "I take it , by all voices , that forthwith", "You be convey 'd to the Tower a prisoner ;", "There to remain till the King 's further pleasure", "Be known unto us . Are you all agreed , lords ?", "Thus far ,", "My most dread sovereign , may it like your Grace", "To let my tongue excuse all . What was purpos 'd", "Concerning his imprisonment was rather ,", "If there be faith in men , meant for his trial", "And fair purgation to the world , than malice ,", "I 'm sure , in me ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 531, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Pray , sir , be patient . \u2018 Tis as much impossible \u2014", "Unless we sweep \u2018 em from the door with cannons \u2014", "To scatter \u2018 em , as \u2018 tis to make \u2018 em sleep", "On May-day morning ; which will never be .", "We may as well push against Paul 's , as stir \u2018 em .", "Alas , I know not : how gets the tide in ?", "As much as one sound cudgel of four foot \u2014", "You see the poor remainder \u2014 could distribute ,", "I made no spare , sir .", "I am not Samson , nor Sir Guy , nor Colbrand ,", "To mow \u2018 em down before me ; but if I spar 'd any", "That had a head to hit , either young or old ,", "He or she , cuckold or cuckold-maker ,", "Let me ne'er hope to see a chine again ;", "And that I would not for a cow , God save her !", "What would you have me do ?", "The spoons will be the bigger , sir . There is a fellow somewhat near the door , he should be a brazier by his face , for , o \u2019 my conscience , twenty of the dog-days now reign in 's nose ; all that stand about him are under the line , they need no other penance : that fire-drake did I hit three times on the head , and three times was his nose discharged against me ; he stands there , like a mortar-piece , to blow us . There was a haberdasher 's wife of small wit near him , that rail 'd upon me till her pink 'd porringer fell off her head , for kindling such a combustion in the state . I miss 'd the meteor once , and hit that woman ; who cried out \u201c Clubs ! \u201d when I might see from far some forty truncheoners draw to her succour , which were the hope o \u2019 the Strand , where she was quartered . They fell on ; I made good my place ; at length they came to the broomstaff to me ; I defied \u2018 em still ; when suddenly a file of boys behind \u2018 em , loose shot , deliver 'd such a shower of pebbles , that I was fain to draw mine honour in , and let \u2018 em win the work . The devil was amongst \u2018 em , I think , surely .", "You great fellow ,", "Stand close up , or I 'll make your head ache ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 531, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["And to your royal Grace , and the good queen ,", "My noble partners , and myself , thus pray :", "All comfort , joy , in this most gracious lady ,", "Heaven ever laid up to make parents happy ,", "May hourly fall upon ye !", "Elizabeth .", "Amen .", "Let me speak , sir ,", "For Heaven now bids me ; and the words I utter", "Let none think flattery , for they 'll find \u2018 em truth .", "This royal infant \u2014 Heaven still move about her !\u2014", "Though in her cradle , yet now promises", "Upon this land a thousand thousand blessings ,", "Which time shall bring to ripeness . She shall be \u2014", "But few now living can behold that goodness \u2014", "A pattern to all princes living with her ,", "And all that shall succeed . Saba was never", "More covetous of wisdom and fair virtue", "Than this pure soul shall be . All princely graces ,", "That mould up such a mighty piece as this is ,", "With all the virtues that attend the good ,", "Shall still be doubled on her . Truth shall nurse her ,", "Holy and heavenly thoughts still counsel her .", "She shall be lov 'd and fear 'd : her own shall bless her ;", "Her foes shake like a field of beaten corn ,", "And hang their heads with sorrow . Good grows with her .", "In her days every man shall eat in safety ,", "Under his own vine , what he plants , and sing", "The merry songs of peace to all his neighbours .", "God shall be truly known ; and those about her", "From her shall read the perfect ways of honour ,", "And by those claim their greatness , not by blood .", "Nor shall this peace sleep with her ; but as when", "The bird of wonder dies , the maiden phoenix ,", "Her ashes new create another heir", "As great in admiration as herself ;", "So shall she leave her blessedness to one ,", "When heaven shall call her from this cloud of darkness ,", "Who from the sacred ashes of her honour", "Shall star-like rise as great in fame as she was ,", "And so stand fix 'd . Peace , plenty , love , truth , terror ,", "That were the servants to this chosen infant ,", "Shall then be his , and like a vine grow to him .", "Wherever the bright sun of heaven shall shine ,", "His honour and the greatness of his name", "Shall be , and make new nations . He shall flourish ,", "And , like a mountain cedar , reach his branches", "To all the plains about him . Our children 's children", "Shall see this , and bless Heaven .", "She shall be , to the happiness of England ,", "An aged princess ; many days shall see her ,", "And yet no day without a deed to crown it .", "Would I had known no more ! but she must die ,", "She must , the saints must have her ; yet a virgin ,", "A most unspotted lily shall she pass", "To the ground , and all the world shall mourn her ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 531, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I wonder how the King escap 'd our hands .", "And so do I. Victorious Prince of York ,", "Before I see thee seated in that throne", "Which now the house of Lancaster usurps ,", "I vow by heaven these eyes shall never close .", "This is the palace of the fearful King ,", "And this the regal seat . Possess it , York ;", "For this is thine , and not King Henry 's heirs \u2019 .", "And when the King comes , offer him no violence .", "Unless he seek to thrust you out perforce .", "The bloody parliament shall this be call 'd ,", "Unless Plantagenet , Duke of York , be King ,", "And bashful Henry depos 'd , whose cowardice", "Hath made us by-words to our enemies .", "Neither the King , nor he that loves him best ,", "The proudest he that holds up Lancaster ,", "Dares stir a wing if Warwick shake his bells .", "I 'll plant Plantagenet , root him up who dares .", "Resolve thee , Richard ; claim the English crown .", "Exeter , thou art a traitor to the crown", "In following this usurping Henry .", "True , Clifford ; and that 's Richard Duke of York .", "Be Duke of Lancaster ; let him be King .", "And Warwick shall disprove it . You forget", "That we are those which chas 'd you from the field ,", "And slew your fathers , and with colours spread", "March 'd through the city to the palace gates .", "Poor Clifford , how I scorn his worthless threats !", "Talk not of France , sith thou hast lost it all .", "Plantagenet shall speak first . Hear him , lords ;", "And be you silent and attentive too ,", "For he that interrupts him shall not live .", "Prove it , Henry , and thou shalt be King .", "Suppose , my lords , he did it unconstrain 'd ,", "Think you \u2018 twere prejudicial to his crown ?", "Depos 'd he shall be , in despite of all .", "Do right unto this princely Duke of York ; Or I will fill the house with armed men , And over the chair of state , where now he sits , Write up his title with usurping blood .", "What good is this to England and himself !", "Turn this way , Henry , and regard them not .", "Why should you sigh , my lord ?", "Long live King Henry ! Plantagenet , embrace him .", "And I 'll keep London with my soldiers ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 547, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Brother , though I be youngest , give me leave .", "About that which concerns your Grace and us-", "The crown of England , father , which is yours .", "Your right depends not on his life or death .", "No ; God forbid your Grace should be forsworn .", "I 'll prove the contrary , if you 'll hear me speak .", "An oath is of no moment , being not took", "Before a true and lawful magistrate", "That hath authority over him that swears .", "Henry had none , but did usurp the place ;", "Then , seeing \u2018 twas he that made you to depose ,", "Your oath , my lord , is vain and frivolous .", "Therefore , to arms . And , father , do but think", "How sweet a thing it is to wear a crown ,", "Within whose circuit is Elysium", "And all that poets feign of bliss and joy .", "Why do we linger thus ? I cannot rest", "Until the white rose that I wear be dy 'd", "Even in the lukewarm blood of Henry 's heart .", "Ay , with five hundred , father , for a need .", "A woman 's general ; what should we fear ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 547, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ah , whither shall I fly to scape their hands ? Ah , tutor , look where bloody Clifford comes !", "So looks the pent-up lion o'er the wretch", "That trembles under his devouring paws ;", "And so he walks , insulting o'er his prey ,", "And so he comes , to rend his limbs asunder .", "Ah , gentle Clifford , kill me with thy sword ,", "And not with such a cruel threat'ning look !", "Sweet Clifford , hear me speak before I die .", "I am too mean a subject for thy wrath ;", "Be thou reveng 'd on men , and let me live .", "Then let my father 's blood open it again :", "He is a man , and , Clifford , cope with him .", "O , let me pray before I take my death ! To thee I pray : sweet Clifford , pity me .", "I never did thee harm ; why wilt thou slay me ?", "But \u2018 twas ere I was born .", "Thou hast one son ; for his sake pity me ,", "Lest in revenge thereof , sith God is just ,", "He be as miserably slain as I .", "Ah , let me live in prison all my days ;", "And when I give occasion of offence", "Then let me die , for now thou hast no cause .", "Di faciant laudis summa sit ista tuae !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 547, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The army of the Queen hath got the field . My uncles both are slain in rescuing me ; And all my followers to the eager foe Turn back and fly , like ships before the wind , Or lambs pursu 'd by hunger-starved wolves . My sons - God knows what hath bechanced them ; But this I know - they have demean 'd themselves Like men born to renown by life or death . Three times did Richard make a lane to me , And thrice cried \u2018 Courage , father ! fight it out . \u2019 And full as oft came Edward to my side With purple falchion , painted to the hilt In blood of those that had encount'red him . And when the hardiest warriors did retire , Richard cried \u2018 Charge , and give no foot of ground ! \u2019 And cried \u2018 A crown , or else a glorious tomb ! A sceptre , or an earthly sepulchre ! \u2019 With this we charg 'd again ; but out alas ! We bodg 'd again ; as I have seen a swan With bootless labour swim against the tide And spend her strength with over-matching waves .Ah , hark ! The fatal followers do pursue , And I am faint and cannot fly their fury ; And were I strong , I would not shun their fury . The sands are numb'red that make up my life ; Here must I stay , and here my life must end . Enter QUEEN MARGARET , CLIFFORD , NORTHUMBERLAND , the PRINCE OF WALES , and soldiers Come , bloody Clifford , rough Northumberland , I dare your quenchless fury to more rage ; I am your butt , and I abide your shot .", "My ashes , as the phoenix , may bring forth", "A bird that will revenge upon you all ;", "And in that hope I throw mine eyes to heaven ,", "Scorning whate'er you can afflict me with .", "Why come you not ? What ! multitudes , and fear ?", "O Clifford , but bethink thee once again ,", "And in thy thought o'errun my former time ;", "And , if thou canst for blushing , view this face ,", "And bite thy tongue that slanders him with cowardice", "Whose frown hath made thee faint and fly ere this !", "So triumph thieves upon their conquer 'd booty ;", "So true men yield , with robbers so o'erhYpppHeNmatch ' d .", "She-wolf of France , but worse than wolves of France ,", "Whose tongue more poisons than the adder 's tooth !", "How ill-beseeming is it in thy sex", "To triumph like an Amazonian trull", "Upon their woes whom fortune captivates !", "But that thy face is visard-like , unchanging ,", "Made impudent with use of evil deeds ,", "I would assay , proud queen , to make thee blush .", "To tell thee whence thou cam'st , of whom deriv 'd ,", "Were shame enough to shame thee , wert thou not shameless .", "Thy father bears the type of King of Naples ,", "Of both the Sicils and Jerusalem ,", "Yet not so wealthy as an English yeoman .", "Hath that poor monarch taught thee to insult ?", "It needs not , nor it boots thee not , proud queen ;", "Unless the adage must be verified ,", "That beggars mounted run their horse to death .", "\u2018 Tis beauty that doth oft make women proud ;", "But , God He knows , thy share thereof is small .", "\u2018 Tis virtue that doth make them most admir 'd ;", "The contrary doth make thee wond'red at .", "\u2018 Tis government that makes them seem divine ;", "The want thereof makes thee abominable .", "Thou art as opposite to every good", "As the Antipodes are unto us ,", "Or as the south to the septentrion .", "O tiger 's heart wrapp 'd in a woman 's hide !", "How couldst thou drain the life-blood of the child ,", "To bid the father wipe his eyes withal ,", "And yet be seen to bear a woman 's face ?", "Women are soft , mild , pitiful , and flexible :", "Thou stern , obdurate , flinty , rough , remorseless .", "Bid'st thou me rage ? Why , now thou hast thy wish ;", "Wouldst have me weep ? Why , now thou hast thy will ;", "For raging wind blows up incessant showers ,", "And when the rage allays , the rain begins .", "These tears are my sweet Rutland 's obsequies ;", "And every drop cries vengeance for his death", "\u2018 Gainst thee , fell Clifford , and thee , false Frenchwoman .", "That face of his the hungry cannibals", "Would not have touch 'd , would not have stain 'd with blood ;", "But you are more inhuman , more inexorable-", "O , ten times more - than tigers of Hyrcania .", "See , ruthless queen , a hapless father 's tears .", "This cloth thou dipp'dst in blood of my sweet boy ,", "And I with tears do wash the blood away .", "Keep thou the napkin , and go boast of this ;", "And if thou tell'st the heavy story right ,", "Upon my soul , the hearers will shed tears ;", "Yea , even my foes will shed fast-falling tears", "And say \u2018 Alas , it was a piteous deed ! \u2019", "There , take the crown , and with the crown my curse ;", "And in thy need such comfort come to thee", "As now I reap at thy too cruel hand !", "Hard-hearted Clifford , take me from the world ;", "My soul to heaven , my blood upon your heads !", "Open Thy gate of mercy , gracious God ! My soul flies through these wounds to seek out Thee ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 547, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I wonder how our princely father scap 'd ,", "Or whether he be scap 'd away or no", "From Clifford 's and Northumberland 's pursuit .", "Had he been ta'en , we should have heard the news ;", "Had he been slain , we should have heard the news ;", "Or had he scap 'd , methinks we should have heard", "The happy tidings of his good escape .", "How fares my brother ? Why is he so sad ?", "Dazzle mine eyes , or do I see three suns ?", "\u2018 Tis wondrous strange , the like yet never heard of .", "I think it cites us , brother , to the field ,", "That we , the sons of brave Plantagenet ,", "Each one already blazing by our meeds ,", "Should notwithstanding join our lights together", "And overshine the earth , as this the world .", "Whate'er it bodes , henceforward will I bear", "Upon my target three fair shining suns .", "O , speak no more ! for I have heard too much .", "Sweet Duke of York , our prop to lean upon ,", "Now thou art gone , we have no staff , no stay .", "O Clifford , boist'rous Clifford , thou hast slain", "The flow'r of Europe for his chivalry ;", "And treacherously hast thou vanquish 'd him ,", "For hand to hand he would have vanquish 'd thee .", "Now my soul 's palace is become a prison .", "Ah , would she break from hence , that this my body", "Might in the ground be closed up in rest !", "For never henceforth shall I joy again ;", "Never , O never , shall I see more joy .", "His name that valiant duke hath left with thee ;", "His dukedom and his chair with me is left .", "O Warwick , Warwick ! that Plantagenet", "Which held thee dearly as his soul 's redemption", "Is by the stern Lord Clifford done to death .", "Where is the Duke of Norfolk , gentle Warwick ? And when came George from Burgundy to England ?", "Lord Warwick , on thy shoulder will I lean ;", "And when thou fail'sthYpppHeN as God forbid the hour ! -", "Must Edward fall , which peril heaven forfend .", "Then strike up drums . God and Saint George for us !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 547, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Welcome , my lord , to this brave town of York .", "Yonder 's the head of that arch-enemy", "That sought to be encompass 'd with your crown .", "Doth not the object cheer your heart , my lord ?", "My lord , cheer up your spirits ; our foes are nigh , And this soft courage makes your followers faint . You promis 'd knighthood to our forward son : Unsheathe your sword and dub him presently . Edward , kneel down .", "Ay , good my lord , and leave us to our fortune .", "Go rate thy minions , proud insulting boy .", "Becomes it thee to be thus bold in terms", "Before thy sovereign and thy lawful king ?", "Why , how now , long-tongu 'd Warwick ! Dare you speak ? When you and I met at Saint Albans last Your legs did better service than your hands .", "Defy them then , or else hold close thy lips .", "But thou art neither like thy sire nor dam ;", "But like a foul misshapen stigmatic ,", "Mark 'd by the destinies to be avoided ,", "As venom toads or lizards \u2019 dreadful stings .", "Stay , Edward ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 547, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["This battle fares like to the morning 's war ,", "When dying clouds contend with growing light ,", "What time the shepherd , blowing of his nails ,", "Can neither call it perfect day nor night .", "Now sways it this way , like a mighty sea", "Forc 'd by the tide to combat with the wind ;", "Now sways it that way , like the selfsame sea", "Forc 'd to retire by fury of the wind .", "Sometime the flood prevails , and then the wind ;", "Now one the better , then another best ;", "Both tugging to be victors , breast to breast ,", "Yet neither conqueror nor conquered .", "So is the equal poise of this fell war .", "Here on this molehill will I sit me down .", "To whom God will , there be the victory !", "For Margaret my queen , and Clifford too ,", "Have chid me from the battle , swearing both", "They prosper best of all when I am thence .", "Would I were dead , if God 's good will were so !", "For what is in this world but grief and woe ?", "O God ! methinks it were a happy life", "To be no better than a homely swain ;", "To sit upon a hill , as I do now ,", "To carve out dials quaintly , point by point ,", "Thereby to see the minutes how they run-", "How many makes the hour full complete ,", "How many hours brings about the day ,", "How many days will finish up the year ,", "How many years a mortal man may live .", "When this is known , then to divide the times-", "So many hours must I tend my flock ;", "So many hours must I take my rest ;", "So many hours must I contemplate ;", "So many hours must I sport myself ;", "So many days my ewes have been with young ;", "So many weeks ere the poor fools will can ;", "So many years ere I shall shear the fleece :", "So minutes , hours , days , months , and years ,", "Pass 'd over to the end they were created ,", "Would bring white hairs unto a quiet grave .", "Ah , what a life were this ! how sweet ! how lovely !", "Gives not the hawthorn bush a sweeter shade", "To shepherds looking on their silly sheep ,", "Than doth a rich embroider 'd canopy", "To kings that fear their subjects \u2019 treachery ?", "O yes , it doth ; a thousand-fold it doth .", "And to conclude : the shepherd 's homely curds ,", "His cold thin drink out of his leather bottle ,", "His wonted sleep under a fresh tree 's shade ,", "All which secure and sweetly he enjoys ,", "Is far beyond a prince 's delicates-", "His viands sparkling in a golden cup ,", "His body couched in a curious bed ,", "When care , mistrust , and treason waits on him .", "O piteous spectacle ! O bloody times !", "Whiles lions war and battle for their dens ,", "Poor harmless lambs abide their enmity .", "Weep , wretched man ; I 'll aid thee tear for tear ;", "And let our hearts and eyes , like civil war ,", "Be blind with tears and break o'ercharg ' d with grief .", "Woe above woe ! grief more than common grief !", "O that my death would stay these ruthful deeds !", "O pity , pity , gentle heaven , pity !", "The red rose and the white are on his face ,", "The fatal colours of our striving houses :", "The one his purple blood right well resembles ;", "The other his pale cheeks , methinks , presenteth .", "Wither one rose , and let the other flourish !", "If you contend , a thousand lives must perish .", "How will the country for these woeful chances", "Misthink the King , and not be satisfied !", "Was ever king so griev 'd for subjects \u2019 woe ? Much is your sorrow ; mine ten times so much .", "Sad-hearted men , much overgone with care ,", "Here sits a king more woeful than you are .", "Alarums , excursions . Enter QUEEN MARGARET ,", "PRINCE OF WALES , and EXETER", "Nay , take me with thee , good sweet Exeter .", "Not that I fear to stay , but love to go", "Whither the Queen intends . Forward ; away ! Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 547, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Here burns my candle out ; ay , here it dies ,", "Which , whiles it lasted , gave King Henry light .", "O Lancaster , I fear thy overthrow", "More than my body 's parting with my soul !", "My love and fear glu 'd many friends to thee ;", "And , now I fall , thy tough commixture melts ,", "Impairing Henry , strength'ning misproud York .", "The common people swarm like summer flies ;", "And whither fly the gnats but to the sun ?", "And who shines now but Henry 's enemies ?", "O Phoebus , hadst thou never given consent", "That Phaethon should check thy fiery steeds ,", "Thy burning car never had scorch 'd the earth !", "And , Henry , hadst thou sway 'd as kings should do ,", "Or as thy father and his father did ,", "Giving no ground unto the house of York ,", "They never then had sprung like summer flies ;", "I and ten thousand in this luckless realm", "Had left no mourning widows for our death ;", "And thou this day hadst kept thy chair in peace .", "For what doth cherish weeds but gentle air ?", "And what makes robbers bold but too much lenity ?", "Bootless are plaints , and cureless are my wounds .", "No way to fly , nor strength to hold out flight .", "The foe is merciless and will not pity ;", "For at their hands I have deserv 'd no pity .", "The air hath got into my deadly wounds ,", "And much effuse of blood doth make me faint .", "Come , York and Richard , Warwick and the rest ;", "I stabb 'd your fathers \u2019 bosoms : split my breast .", "Alarum and retreat . Enter EDWARD , GEORGE , RICHARD", "MONTAGUE , WARWICK , and soldiers"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 547, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Brother of Gloucester , at Saint Albans \u2019 field", "This lady 's husband , Sir Richard Grey , was slain ,", "His land then seiz 'd on by the conqueror .", "Her suit is now to repossess those lands ;", "Which we in justice cannot well deny ,", "Because in quarrel of the house of York", "The worthy gentleman did lose his life .", "It were no less ; but yet I 'll make a pause .", "Widow , we will consider of your suit ;", "And come some other time to know our mind .", "How many children hast thou , widow , tell me .", "\u2018 Twere pity they should lose their father 's lands .", "Lords , give us leave ; I 'll try this widow 's wit .", "Now tell me , madam , do you love your children ?", "And would you not do much to do them good ?", "Then get your husband 's lands , to do them good .", "I 'll tell you how these lands are to be got .", "What service wilt thou do me if I give them ?", "But you will take exceptions to my boon .", "Ay , but thou canst do what I mean to ask .", "An easy task ; \u2018 tis but to love a king .", "Why , then , thy husband 's lands I freely give thee .", "But stay thee - \u2018 tis the fruits of love I mean .", "Ay , but , I fear me , in another sense . What love , thinkst thou , I sue so much to get ?", "No , by my troth , I did not mean such love .", "But now you partly may perceive my mind .", "To tell thee plain , I aim to lie with thee .", "Why , then thou shalt not have thy husband 's lands .", "Therein thou wrong'st thy children mightily .", "Ay , if thou wilt say ay to my request ;", "No , if thou dost say no to my demand .", "Her looks doth argue her replete with modesty ; Her words doth show her wit incomparable ; All her perfections challenge sovereignty . One way or other , she is for a king ; And she shall be my love , or else my queen . Say that King Edward take thee for his queen ?", "Sweet widow , by my state I swear to thee", "I speak no more than what my soul intends ;", "And that is to enjoy thee for my love .", "You cavil , widow ; I did mean my queen .", "No more than when my daughters call thee mother .", "Thou art a widow , and thou hast some children ;", "And , by God 's Mother , I , being but a bachelor ,", "Have other some . Why , \u2018 tis a happy thing", "To be the father unto many sons .", "Answer no more , for thou shalt be my queen .", "Brothers , you muse what chat we two have had .", "You 'd think it strange if I should marry her .", "Why , Clarence , to myself .", "Well , jest on , brothers ; I can tell you both", "Her suit is granted for her husband 's lands .", "See that he be convey 'd unto the Tower .", "And go we , brothers , to the man that took him", "To question of his apprehension .", "Widow , go you along . Lords , use her honourably ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 547, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Fair Queen of England , worthy Margaret ,", "Sit down with us . It ill befits thy state", "And birth that thou shouldst stand while Lewis doth sit .", "Why , say , fair Queen , whence springs this deep despair ?", "Whate'er it be , be thou still like thyself , And sit thee by our side .Yield not thy neck To fortune 's yoke , but let thy dauntless mind Still ride in triumph over all mischance . Be plain , Queen Margaret , and tell thy grief ; It shall be eas 'd , if France can yield relief .", "Renowned Queen , with patience calm the storm ,", "While we bethink a means to break it off .", "The more I stay , the more I 'll succour thee .", "What 's he approacheth boldly to our presence ?", "Welcome , brave Warwick ! What brings thee to France ?", "Queen Margaret , Prince Edward , and Oxford ,", "Vouchsafe at our request to stand aside", "While I use further conference with Warwick .", "Now , Warwick , tell me , even upon thy conscience ,", "Is Edward your true king ? for I were loath", "To link with him that were not lawful chosen .", "But is he gracious in the people 's eye ?", "Then further : all dissembling set aside ,", "Tell me for truth the measure of his love", "Unto our sister Bona .", "Now , sister , let us hear your firm resolve .", "Then , Warwick , thus : our sister shall be Edward 's .", "And now forthwith shall articles be drawn", "Touching the jointure that your king must make ,", "Which with her dowry shall be counterpois 'd .", "Draw near , Queen Margaret , and be a witness", "That Bona shall be wife to the English king .", "And still is friend to him and Margaret .", "But if your title to the crown be weak ,", "As may appear by Edward 's good success ,", "Then \u2018 tis but reason that I be releas 'd", "From giving aid which late I promised .", "Yet shall you have all kindness at my hand", "That your estate requires and mine can yield .", "Warwick , this is some post to us or thee .", "Warwick , what are thy news ? And yours , fair Queen ?", "What , has your king married the Lady Grey ?", "And now , to soothe your forgery and his ,", "Sends me a paper to persuade me patience ?", "Is this th \u2019 alliance that he seeks with France ?", "Dare he presume to scorn us in this manner ?", "And mine with hers , and thine , and Margaret 's .", "Therefore , at last , I firmly am resolv 'd", "You shall have aid .", "Then , England 's messenger , return in post", "And tell false Edward , thy supposed king ,", "That Lewis of France is sending over masquers", "To revel it with him and his new bride .", "Thou seest what 's past ; go fear thy king withal .", "But , Warwick ,", "Thou and Oxford , with five thousand men ,", "Shall cross the seas and bid false Edward battle :", "And , as occasion serves , this noble Queen", "And Prince shall follow with a fresh supply .", "Yet , ere thou go , but answer me one doubt :", "What pledge have we of thy firm loyalty ?", "stay we now ? These soldiers shall be levied ; And thou , Lord Bourbon , our High Admiral , Shall waft them over with our royal fleet . I long till Edward fall by war 's mischance For mocking marriage with a dame of France ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 547, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now tell me , brother Clarence , what think you", "Of this new marriage with the Lady Grey ?", "Hath not our brother made a worthy choice ?", "And his well-chosen bride .", "And shall have your will , because our King . Yet hasty marriage seldom proveth well .", "Not I .", "No , God forbid that I should wish them sever 'd", "Whom God hath join 'd together ; ay , and \u2018 twere pity", "To sunder them that yoke so well together .", "And Warwick , doing what you gave in charge ,", "Is now dishonoured by this new marriage .", "And yet methinks your Grace hath not done well", "To give the heir and daughter of Lord Scales", "Unto the brother of your loving bride .", "She better would have fitted me or Clarence ;", "But in your bride you bury brotherhood .", "I hear , yet say not much , but think the more .", "Not I .", "My thoughts aim at a further matter ; I", "Stay not for the love of Edward but the crown .", "Ay , in despite of all that shall withstand you ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 547, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Master Lieutenant , now that God and friends", "Have shaken Edward from the regal seat", "And turn 'd my captive state to liberty ,", "My fear to hope , my sorrows unto joys ,", "At our enlargement what are thy due fees ?", "For what , Lieutenant ? For well using me ?", "Nay , be thou sure I 'll well requite thy kindness ,", "For that it made my imprisonment a pleasure ;", "Ay , such a pleasure as incaged birds", "Conceive when , after many moody thoughts ,", "At last by notes of household harmony", "They quite forget their loss of liberty .", "But , Warwick , after God , thou set'st me free ,", "And chiefly therefore I thank God and thee ;", "He was the author , thou the instrument .", "Therefore , that I may conquer fortune 's spite", "By living low where fortune cannot hurt me ,", "And that the people of this blessed land", "May not be punish 'd with my thwarting stars ,", "Warwick , although my head still wear the crown ,", "I here resign my government to thee ,", "For thou art fortunate in all thy deeds .", "Warwick and Clarence , give me both your hands .", "Now join your hands , and with your hands your hearts ,", "That no dissension hinder government .", "I make you both Protectors of this land ,", "While I myself will lead a private life", "And in devotion spend my latter days ,", "To sin 's rebuke and my Creator 's praise .", "But , with the first of all your chief affairs ,", "Let me entreat - for I command no more-", "That Margaret your Queen and my son Edward", "Be sent for to return from France with speed ;", "For till I see them here , by doubtful fear", "My joy of liberty is half eclips 'd .", "My Lord of Somerset , what youth is that ,", "Of whom you seem to have so tender care ?", "Come hither , England 's hope .", "If secret powers", "Suggest but truth to my divining thoughts ,", "This pretty lad will prove our country 's bliss .", "His looks are full of peaceful majesty ;", "His head by nature fram 'd to wear a crown ,", "His hand to wield a sceptre ; and himself", "Likely in time to bless a regal throne .", "Make much of him , my lords ; for this is he", "Must help you more than you are hurt by me ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 547, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What counsel , lords ? Edward from Belgia ,", "With hasty Germans and blunt Hollanders ,", "Hath pass 'd in safety through the narrow seas", "And with his troops doth march amain to London ;", "And many giddy people flock to him .", "In Warwickshire I have true-hearted friends ,", "Not mutinous in peace , yet bold in war ;", "Those will I muster up , and thou , son Clarence ,", "Shalt stir up in Suffolk , Norfolk , and in Kent ,", "The knights and gentlemen to come with thee .", "Thou , brother Montague , in Buckingham ,", "Northampton , and in Leicestershire , shalt find", "Men well inclin 'd to hear what thou command'st .", "And thou , brave Oxford , wondrous well belov 'd ,", "In Oxfordshire shalt muster up thy friends .", "My sovereign , with the loving citizens ,", "Like to his island girt in with the ocean", "Or modest Dian circled with her nymphs ,", "Shall rest in London till we come to him .", "Fair lords , take leave and stand not to reply .", "Farewell , my sovereign .", "Farewell , sweet lords ; let 's meet at Coventry ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 547, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Where is the post that came from valiant Oxford ? How far hence is thy lord , mine honest fellow ?", "How far off is our brother Montague ? Where is the post that came from Montague ?", "Say , Somerville , what says my loving son ? And by thy guess how nigh is Clarence now ?", "Then Clarence is at hand ; I hear his drum .", "Who should that be ? Belike unlook 'd for friends .", "O unbid spite ! Is sportful Edward come ?", "Where slept our scouts or how are they seduc 'd", "That we could hear no news of his repair ?", "Nay , rather , wilt thou draw thy forces hence ,", "Confess who set thee up and pluck 'd thee down ,", "Call Warwick patron , and be penitent ?", "And thou shalt still remain the Duke of York .", "Is not a dukedom , sir , a goodly gift ?", "\u2018 Twas I that gave the kingdom to thy brother .", "Thou art no Atlas for so great a weight ;", "And , weakling , Warwick takes his gift again ;", "And Henry is my King , Warwick his subject .", "I had rather chop this hand off at a blow ,", "And with the other fling it at thy face ,", "Than bear so low a sail to strike to thee .", "O cheerful colours ! See where Oxford comes .", "O , welcome , Oxford ! for we want thy help .", "And lo where George of Clarence sweeps along ,", "Of force enough to bid his brother battle ;", "With whom an upright zeal to right prevails", "More than the nature of a brother 's love .", "Come , Clarence , come . Thou wilt if Warwick call .", "O passing traitor , perjur 'd and unjust !", "Alas , I am not coop 'd here for defence !", "I will away towards Barnet presently", "And bid thee battle , Edward , if thou dar'st ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 547, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now here a period of tumultuous broils .", "Away with Oxford to Hames Castle straight ;", "For Somerset , off with his guilty head .", "Go , bear them hence ; I will not hear them speak .", "Is proclamation made that who finds Edward", "Shall have a high reward , and he his life ?", "Bring forth the gallant ; let us hear him speak .", "What , can so young a man begin to prick ?", "Edward , what satisfaction canst thou make", "For bearing arms , for stirring up my subjects ,", "And all the trouble thou hast turn 'd me to ?", "Peace , wilful boy , or I will charm your tongue .", "Take that , the likeness of this railer here .", "Hold , Richard , hold ; for we have done to much .", "What , doth she swoon ? Use means for her recovery .", "Away with her ; go , bear her hence perforce .", "Away , I say ; I charge ye bear her hence .", "Where 's Richard gone ?", "He 's sudden , if a thing comes in his head .", "Now march we hence . Discharge the common sort", "With pay and thanks ; and let 's away to London", "And see our gentle queen how well she fares .", "By this , I hope , she hath a son for me . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 547, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Good day , my lord . What , at your book so hard ?", "Sirrah , leave us to ourselves ; we must confer .", "Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind :", "The thief doth fear each bush an officer .", "Why , what a peevish fool was that of Crete", "That taught his son the office of a fowl !", "And yet , for all his wings , the fool was drown 'd .", "Think'st thou I am an executioner ?", "Thy son I kill 'd for his presumption .", "I 'll hear no more . Die , prophet , in thy speech .", "For this , amongst the rest , was I ordain 'd .", "What , will the aspiring blood of Lancaster", "Sink in the ground ? I thought it would have mounted .", "See how my sword weeps for the poor King 's death .", "O , may such purple tears be always shed", "From those that wish the downfall of our house !", "If any spark of life be yet remaining ,", "Down , down to hell ; and say I sent thee thither-", "I , that have neither pity , love , nor fear .", "Indeed , \u2018 tis true that Henry told me of ;", "For I have often heard my mother say", "I came into the world with my legs forward .", "Had I not reason , think ye , to make haste", "And seek their ruin that usurp 'd our right ?", "The midwife wonder 'd ; and the women cried", "\u2018 O , Jesus bless us , he is born with teeth ! \u2019", "And so I was , which plainly signified", "That I should snarl , and bite , and play the dog .", "Then , since the heavens have shap 'd my body so ,", "Let hell make crook 'd my mind to answer it .", "I have no brother , I am like no brother ;", "And this word \u2018 love , \u2019 which greybeards call divine ,", "Be resident in men like one another ,", "And not in me ! I am myself alone .", "Clarence , beware ; thou keep'st me from the light ,", "But I will sort a pitchy day for thee ;", "For I will buzz abroad such prophecies", "That Edward shall be fearful of his life ;", "And then to purge his fear , I 'll be thy death .", "King Henry and the Prince his son are gone .", "Clarence , thy turn is next , and then the rest ;", "Counting myself but bad till I be best .", "I 'll throw thy body in another room ,", "And triumph , Henry , in thy day of doom .", "Exit with the body", "SCENE VII .", "I 'll blast his harvest if your head were laid ; For yet I am not look 'd on in the world . This shoulder was ordain 'd so thick to heave ; And heave it shall some weight or break my back . Work thou the way - and that shall execute .", "And that I love the tree from whence thou sprang'st , Witness the loving kiss I give the fruit .To say the truth , so Judas kiss 'd his master And cried \u2018 All hail ! \u2019 when as he meant all harm ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 547, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["My lord , I 'll tell you : that self bill is urg 'd ,", "Which in the eleventh year of the last king 's reign", "Was like , and had indeed against us pass 'd ,", "But that the scambling and unquiet time", "Did push it out of farther question .", "It must be thought on . If it pass against us ,", "We lose the better half of our possession ;", "For all the temporal lands , which men devout", "By testament have given to the Church ,", "Would they strip from us ; being valu 'd thus :", "As much as would maintain , to the King 's honour ,", "Full fifteen earls and fifteen hundred knights ,", "Six thousand and two hundred good esquires ;", "And , to relief of lazars and weak age ,", "Of indigent faint souls , past corporal toil ,", "A hundred almshouses right well suppli 'd ;", "And to the coffers of the King beside ,", "A thousand pounds by the year . Thus runs the bill .", "\u2018 Twould drink the cup and all .", "The King is full of grace and fair regard .", "The courses of his youth promis 'd it not .", "The breath no sooner left his father 's body ,", "But that his wildness , mortifi 'd in him ,", "Seem 'd to die too ; yea , at that very moment", "Consideration like an angel came", "And whipp 'd the offending Adam out of him ,", "Leaving his body as a paradise", "To envelope and contain celestial spirits .", "Never was such a sudden scholar made ;", "Never came reformation in a flood", "With such a heady currance , scouring faults ;", "Nor never Hydra-headed wilfulness", "So soon did lose his seat , and all at once ,", "As in this king .", "Hear him but reason in divinity ,", "And , all-admiring , with an inward wish", "You would desire the King were made a prelate ;", "Hear him debate of commonwealth affairs ,", "You would say it hath been all in all his study ;", "List his discourse of war , and you shall hear", "A fearful battle rend'red you in music ;", "Turn him to any cause of policy ,", "The Gordian knot of it he will unloose ,", "Familiar as his garter ; that , when he speaks ,", "The air , a charter 'd libertine , is still ,", "And the mute wonder lurketh in men 's ears ,", "To steal his sweet and honey 'd sentences ;", "So that the art and practic \u2019 part of life", "Must be the mistress to this theoric :", "Which is a wonder how his Grace should glean it ,", "Since his addiction was to courses vain ,", "His companies unletter 'd , rude , and shallow ,", "His hours fill 'd up with riots , banquets , sports ,", "And never noted in him any study ,", "Any retirement , any sequestration", "From open haunts and popularity .", "It must be so ; for miracles are ceas 'd ,", "And therefore we must needs admit the means", "How things are perfected .", "He seems indifferent ,", "Or rather swaying more upon our part", "Than cherishing the exhibiters against us ;", "For I have made an offer to his Majesty ,", "Upon our spiritual convocation", "And in regard of causes now in hand ,", "Which I have open 'd to his Grace at large ,", "As touching France , to give a greater sum", "Than ever at one time the clergy yet", "Did to his predecessors part withal .", "With good acceptance of his Majesty ;", "Save that there was not time enough to hear ,", "As I perceiv 'd his Grace would fain have done ,", "The severals and unhidden passages", "Of his true titles to some certain dukedoms ,", "And generally to the crown and seat of France", "Deriv 'd from Edward , his great-grandfather .", "The French ambassador upon that instant", "Crav 'd audience ; and the hour , I think , is come", "To give him hearing . Is it four o'clock ?", "Then go we in , to know his embassy ;", "Which I could with a ready guess declare ,", "Before the Frenchman speak a word of it ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 558, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Where is my gracious Lord of Canterbury ?", "Send for him , good uncle .", "Not yet , my cousin . We would be resolv 'd ,", "Before we hear him , of some things of weight", "That task our thoughts , concerning us and France .", "Sure , we thank you .", "My learned lord , we pray you to proceed", "And justly and religiously unfold", "Why the law Salique that they have in France", "Or should , or should not , bar us in our claim ;", "And God forbid , my dear and faithful lord ,", "That you should fashion , wrest , or bow your reading ,", "Or nicely charge your understanding soul", "With opening titles miscreate , whose right", "Suits not in native colours with the truth ;", "For God doth know how many now in health", "Shall drop their blood in approbation", "Of what your reverence shall incite us to .", "Therefore take heed how you impawn our person ,", "How you awake our sleeping sword of war .", "We charge you , in the name of God , take heed ;", "For never two such kingdoms did contend", "Without much fall of blood , whose guiltless drops", "Are every one a woe , a sore complaint", "\u2018 Gainst him whose wrongs gives edge unto the swords", "That makes such waste in brief mortality .", "Under this conjuration speak , my lord ;", "For we will hear , note , and believe in heart", "That what you speak is in your conscience wash 'd", "As pure as sin with baptism .", "May I with right and conscience make this claim ?", "We must not only arm to invade the French ,", "But lay down our proportions to defend", "Against the Scot , who will make road upon us", "With all advantages .", "We do not mean the coursing snatchers only ,", "But fear the main intendment of the Scot ,", "Who hath been still a giddy neighbour to us ;", "For you shall read that my great-grandfather", "Never went with his forces into France", "But that the Scot on his unfurnish 'd kingdom", "Came pouring , like the tide into a breach ,", "With ample and brim fullness of his force ,", "Galling the gleaned land with hot assays ,", "Girdling with grievous siege castles and towns ;", "That England , being empty of defence ,", "Hath shook and trembled at the ill neighbourhood .", "Call in the messengers sent from the Dauphin .", "Now are we well resolv 'd ; and , by God 's help ,", "And yours , the noble sinews of our power ,", "France being ours , we 'll bend it to our awe ,", "Or break it all to pieces . Or there we 'll sit ,", "Ruling in large and ample empery", "O'er France and all her almost kingly dukedoms ,", "Or lay these bones in an unworthy urn ,", "Tombless , with no remembrance over them .", "Either our history shall with full mouth", "Speak freely of our acts , or else our grave ,", "Like Turkish mute , shall have a tongueless mouth ,", "Not worshipp 'd with a waxen epitaph .", "Now are we well prepar 'd to know the pleasure", "Of our fair cousin Dauphin ; for we hear", "Your greeting is from him , not from the King .", "We are no tyrant , but a Christian king ,", "Unto whose grace our passion is as subject", "As is our wretches fett'red in our prisons ;", "Therefore with frank and with uncurbed plainness", "Tell us the Dauphin 's mind .", "What treasure , uncle ?", "We are glad the Dauphin is so pleasant with us .", "His present and your pains we thank you for .", "When we have match 'd our rackets to these balls ,", "We will , in France , by God 's grace , play a set", "Shall strike his father 's crown into the hazard .", "Tell him he hath made a match with such a wrangler", "That all the courts of France will be disturb 'd", "With chaces . And we understand him well ,", "How he comes o'er us with our wilder days ,", "Not measuring what use we made of them .", "We never valu 'd this poor seat of England ;", "And therefore , living hence , did give ourself", "To barbarous licence ; as \u2018 tis ever common", "That men are merriest when they are from home .", "But tell the Dauphin I will keep my state ,", "Be like a king , and show my sail of greatness", "When I do rouse me in my throne of France .", "For that I have laid by my majesty", "And plodded like a man for working days ,", "But I will rise there with so full a glory", "That I will dazzle all the eyes of France ,", "Yea , strike the Dauphin blind to look on us .", "And tell the pleasant prince this mock of his", "Hath turn 'd his balls to gun-stones , and his soul", "Shall stand sore charged for the wasteful vengeance", "That shall fly with them ; for many a thousand widows", "Shall this his mock mock out of their dear husbands ,", "Mock mothers from their sons , mock castles down ;", "And some are yet ungotten and unborn", "That shall have cause to curse the Dauphin 's scorn .", "But this lies all within the will of God ,", "To whom I do appeal ; and in whose name", "Tell you the Dauphin I am coming on", "To venge me as I may , and to put forth", "My rightful hand in a well-hallow 'd cause .", "So get you hence in peace ; and tell the Dauphin", "His jest will savour but of shallow wit ,", "When thousands weep more than did laugh at it .\u2014", "Convey them with safe conduct .\u2014 Fare you well .", "We hope to make the sender blush at it .", "Therefore , my lords , omit no happy hour", "That may give furtherance to our expedition ;", "For we have now no thought in us but France ,", "Save those to God , that run before our business .", "Therefore , let our proportions for these wars", "Be soon collected , and all things thought upon", "That may with reasonable swiftness add", "More feathers to our wings ; for , God before ,", "We 'll chide this Dauphin at his father 's door .", "Therefore let every man now task his thought ,", "That this fair action may on foot be brought ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 558, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Thus comes the English with full power upon us ,", "And more than carefully it us concerns", "To answer royally in our defences .", "Therefore the Dukes of Berri and of Bretagne ,", "Of Brabant and of Orleans , shall make forth ,", "And you , Prince Dauphin , with all swift dispatch ,", "To line and new repair our towns of war", "With men of courage and with means defendant ;", "For England his approaches makes as fierce", "As waters to the sucking of a gulf .", "It fits us then to be as provident", "As fears may teach us out of late examples", "Left by the fatal and neglected English", "Upon our fields .", "Think we King Harry strong ;", "And , Princes , look you strongly arm to meet him .", "The kindred of him hath been flesh 'd upon us ;", "And he is bred out of that bloody strain", "That haunted us in our familiar paths .", "Witness our too much memorable shame", "When Cressy battle fatally was struck ,", "And all our princes captiv 'd by the hand", "Of that black name , Edward , Black Prince of Wales ;", "Whiles that his mountain sire , on mountain standing ,", "Up in the air , crown 'd with the golden sun ,", "Saw his heroical seed , and smil 'd to see him ,", "Mangle the work of nature and deface", "The patterns that by God and by French fathers", "Had twenty years been made . This is a stem", "Of that victorious stock ; and let us fear", "The native mightiness and fate of him .", "We 'll give them present audience . Go , and bring them .", "You see this chase is hotly follow 'd , friends .", "From our brother of England ?", "Or else what follows ?", "For us , we will consider of this further .", "To-morrow shall you bear our full intent", "Back to our brother of England .", "To-morrow shall you know our mind at full .", "You shall be soon dispatch 'd with fair conditions .", "A night is but small breath and little pause", "To answer matters of this consequence ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 558, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Alice , tu as ete en Angleterre , et tu parles bien le langage .", "Je te prie , m'enseignez ; il faut que j'apprenne a parler .", "Comment appelez-vous la main en Anglois ?", "De hand . Et les doigts ?", "La main , de hand ; les doigts , de fingres . Je pense que je suis le bon ecolier ; j'ai gagne deux mots d'Anglois vitement . Comment appelez-vous les ongles ?", "De nails . Ecoutez ; dites-moi , si je parle bien : de hand , de fingres , et de nails .", "Dites-moi l'Anglois pour le bras .", "Et le coude ?", "D'elbow . Je m'en fais la repetition de tous les mots que vous m'avez appris des a present .", "Excusez-moi , Alice ; ecoutez : d'hand , de fingres , de nails , d'arma , de bilbow .", "O Seigneur Dieu , je m'en oublie ! D'elbow . Comment appelez-vous le col ?", "De nick . Et le menton ?", "De sin . Le col , de nick ; le menton , de sin .", "Je ne doute point d'apprendre , par la grace de Dieu , et en peu de temps .", "Non , je reciterai a vous promptement : d'hand , de fingres , de mails ,\u2014", "De nails , de arm , de ilbow .", "Ainsi dis-je ; d'elbow , de nick , et de sin . Comment appelez-vous le pied et la robe ?", "De foot et de coun ! O Seigneur Dieu ! ce sont mots de son mauvais , corruptible , gros , et impudique , et non pour les dames d'honneur d'user . Je ne voudrais prononcer ces mots devant les seigneurs de France pour tout le monde . Foh ! le foot et le coun ! Neanmoins , je reciterai une autre fois ma lecon ensemble : d \u2019 hand , de fingres , de nails , d'arm , d'elbow , de nick , de sin , de foot , de coun .", "C'est assez pour une fois : allons-nous a diner ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 558, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis certain he hath pass 'd the river Somme .", "Where is Montjoy the herald ? Speed him hence .", "Let him greet England with our sharp defiance .", "Up , princes ! and , with spirit of honour edged", "More sharper than your swords , hie to the field !", "Charles Delabreth , High Constable of France ;", "You Dukes of Orleans , Bourbon , and of Berri ,", "Alencon , Brabant , Bar , and Burgundy ;", "Jacques Chatillon , Rambures , Vaudemont ,", "Beaumont , Grandpre , Roussi , and Fauconberg ,", "Foix , Lestrale , Bouciqualt , and Charolois ;", "High dukes , great princes , barons , lords , and knights ,", "For your great seats now quit you of great shames .", "Bar Harry England , that sweeps through our land", "With pennons painted in the blood of Harfleur .", "Rush on his host , as doth the melted snow", "Upon the valleys , whose low vassal seat", "The Alps doth spit and void his rheum upon .", "Go down upon him , you have power enough ,", "And in a captive chariot into Rouen", "Bring him our prisoner .", "Therefore , Lord Constable , haste on Montjoy ,", "And let him say to England that we send", "To know what willing ransom he will give .", "Prince Dauphin , you shall stay with us in Rouen .", "Be patient , for you shall remain with us .", "Now forth , Lord Constable and princes all ,", "And quickly bring us word of England 's fall ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 558, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Captain , I thee beseech to do me favours . The Duke of Exeter doth love thee well .", "Bardolph , a soldier , firm and sound of heart ,", "And of buxom valour , hath by cruel fate", "And giddy Fortune 's furious fickle wheel ,", "That goddess blind ,", "That stands upon the rolling restless stone \u2014", "Fortune is Bardolph 's foe , and frowns on him ;", "For he hath stolen a pax , and hanged must \u2018 a be ,\u2014", "A damned death !", "Let gallows gape for dog ; let man go free ,", "And let not hemp his windpipe suffocate .", "But Exeter hath given the doom of death", "For pax of little price .", "Therefore , go speak ; the Duke will hear thy voice ;", "And let not Bardolph 's vital thread be cut", "With edge of penny cord and vile reproach .", "Speak , captain , for his life , and I will thee requite .", "Why then , rejoice therefore .", "Die and be damn 'd ! and figo for thy friendship !", "The fig of Spain ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 558, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Gloucester , \u2018 tis true that we are in great danger ;", "The greater therefore should our courage be .", "Good morrow , brother Bedford . God Almighty !", "There is some soul of goodness in things evil ,", "Would men observingly distil it out ;", "For our bad neighbour makes us early stirrers ,", "Which is both healthful and good husbandry .", "Besides , they are our outward consciences ,", "And preachers to us all , admonishing", "That we should dress us fairly for our end .", "Thus may we gather honey from the weed ,", "And make a moral of the devil himself .", "Good morrow , old Sir Thomas Erpingham :", "A good soft pillow for that good white head", "Were better than a churlish turf of France .", "\u2018 Tis good for men to love their present pains", "Upon example ; so the spirit is eased ;", "And when the mind is quick'ned , out of doubt ,", "The organs , though defunct and dead before ,", "Break up their drowsy grave and newly move ,", "With casted slough and fresh legerity .", "Lend me thy cloak , Sir Thomas . Brothers both ,", "Commend me to the princes in our camp ;", "Do my good morrow to them , and anon", "Desire them all to my pavilion .", "No , my good knight ;", "Go with my brothers to my lords of England .", "I and my bosom must debate a while ,", "And then I would no other company .", "God-a-mercy , old heart ! thou speak'st cheerfully .", "A friend .", "I am a gentleman of a company .", "Even so . What are you ?", "Then you are a better than the King .", "Harry le Roy .", "No , I am a Welshman .", "Yes .", "Do not you wear your dagger in your cap that day , lest he knock that about yours .", "And his kinsman too .", "I thank you . God be with you !", "It sorts well with your fierceness .", "Though it appear a little out of fashion ,", "There is much care and valour in this Welshman .", "A friend .", "Under Sir Thomas Erpingham .", "Even as men wreck 'd upon a sand , that look to be wash 'd off the next tide .", "No ; nor it is not meet he should . For though I speak it to you , I think the King is but a man as I am . The violet smells to him as it doth to me ; the element shows to him as it doth to me ; all his senses have but human conditions . His ceremonies laid by , in his nakedness he appears but a man ; and though his affections are higher mounted than ours , yet , when they stoop , they stoop with the like wing . Therefore , when he sees reason of fears as we do , his fears , out of doubt , be of the same relish as ours are ; yet , in reason , no man should possess him with any appearance of fear , lest he , by showing it , should dishearten his army .", "By my troth , I will speak my conscience of the King : I think he would not wish himself anywhere but where he is .", "I dare say you love him not so ill , to wish him here alone , howsoever you speak this to feel other men 's minds . Methinks I could not die anywhere so contented as in the King 's company , his cause being just and his quarrel honourable .", "So , if a son that is by his father sent about merchandise do sinfully miscarry upon the sea , the imputation of his wickedness , by your rule , should be imposed upon his father that sent him ; or if a servant , under his master 's command transporting a sum of money , be assailed by robbers and die in many irreconcil 'd iniquities , you may call the business of the master the author of the servant 's damnation . But this is not so . The King is not bound to answer the particular endings of his soldiers , the father of his son , nor the master of his servant ; for they purpose not their death , when they purpose their services . Besides , there is no king , be his cause never so spotless , if it come to the arbitrement of swords , can try it out with all unspotted soldiers . Some peradventure have on them the guilt of premeditated and contrived murder ; some , of beguiling virgins with the broken seals of perjury ; some , making the wars their bulwark , that have before gored the gentle bosom of Peace with pillage and robbery . Now , if these men have defeated the law and outrun native punishment , though they can outstrip men , they have no wings to fly from God . War is his beadle , war is his vengeance ; so that here men are punish 'd for before-breach of the King 's laws in now the King 's quarrel . Where they feared the death , they have borne life away ; and where they would be safe , they perish . Then if they die unprovided , no more is the King guilty of their damnation than he was before guilty of those impieties for the which they are now visited . Every subject 's duty is the King 's ; but every subject 's soul is his own . Therefore should every soldier in the wars do as every sick man in his bed , wash every mote out of his conscience ; and dying so , death is to him advantage ; or not dying , the time was blessedly lost wherein such preparation was gained ; and in him that escapes , it were not sin to think that , making God so free an offer , He let him outlive that day to see His greatness and to teach others how they should prepare .", "I myself heard the King say he would not be ransom 'd .", "If I live to see it , I will never trust his word after .", "Your reproof is something too round . I should be angry with you , if the time were convenient .", "I embrace it .", "Give me any gage of thine , and I will wear it in my bonnet ; then , if ever thou dar'st acknowledge it , I will make it my quarrel .", "There .", "If ever I live to see it , I will challenge it .", "Well , I will do it , though I take thee in the King 's company .", "Indeed , the French may lay twenty French crowns to one they will beat us , for they bear them on their shoulders ; but it is no English treason to cut French crowns , and to-morrow the King himself will be a clipper . Upon the King ! Let us our lives , our souls , Our debts , our careful wives , Our children , and our sins lay on the King ! We must bear all . O hard condition , Twin-born with greatness , subject to the breath Of every fool , whose sense no more can feel But his own wringing ! What infinite heart'shYpppHeNease Must kings neglect , that private men enjoy ! And what have kings , that privates have not too , Save ceremony , save general ceremony ? And what art thou , thou idol Ceremony ? What kind of god art thou , that suffer'st more Of mortal griefs than do thy worshippers ? What are thy rents ? What are thy comings in ? O Ceremony , show me but thy worth ! What is thy soul of adoration ? Art thou aught else but place , degree , and form , Creating awe and fear in other men ? Wherein thou art less happy being fear 'd Than they in fearing . What drink'st thou oft , instead of homage sweet , But poison 'd flattery ? O , be sick , great greatness , And bid thy Ceremony give thee cure ! Think'st thou the fiery fever will go out With titles blown from adulation ? Will it give place to flexure and low bending ? Canst thou , when thou command'st the beggar 's knee , Command the health of it ? No , thou proud dream , That play'st so subtly with a king 's repose ; I am a king that find thee , and I know \u2018 Tis not the balm , the sceptre , and the ball , The sword , the mace , the crown imperial , The intertissued robe of gold and pearl , The farced title running \u2018 fore the King , The throne he sits on , nor the tide of pomp That beats upon the high shore of this world , No , not all these , thrice-gorgeous Ceremony ,\u2014 Not all these , laid in bed majestical , Can sleep so soundly as the wretched slave , Who with a body fill 'd and vacant mind Gets him to rest , cramm 'd with distressful bread , Never sees horrid night , the child of hell , But , like a lackey , from the rise to set Sweats in the eye of Phoebus , and all night Sleeps in Elysium ; next day after dawn , Doth rise and help Hyperion to his horse , And follows so the ever-running year , With profitable labour , to his grave : And , but for ceremony , such a wretch , Winding up days with toil and nights with sleep , Had the fore-hand and vantage of a king . The slave , a member of the country 's peace , Enjoys it , but in gross brain little wots What watch the King keeps to maintain the peace , Whose hours the peasant best advantages .", "Good old knight ,", "Collect them all together at my tent .", "I 'll be before thee .", "O God of battles ! steel my soldiers \u2019 hearts .", "Possess them not with fear . Take from them now", "The sense of reckoning , if the opposed numbers", "Pluck their hearts from them . Not to-day , O Lord ,", "O , not to-day , think not upon the fault", "My father made in compassing the crown !", "I Richard 's body have interred new ,", "And on it have bestow 'd more contrite tears", "Than from it issued forced drops of blood .", "Five hundred poor I have in yearly pay ,", "Who twice a day their wither 'd hands hold up", "Toward heaven , to pardon blood ; and I have built", "Two chantries , where the sad and solemn priests", "Sing still for Richard 's soul . More will I do ;", "Though all that I can do is nothing worth ,", "Since that my penitence comes after all ,", "Imploring pardon .", "My brother Gloucester 's voice ? Ay ;", "I know thy errand , I will go with thee .", "The day , my friends , and all things stay for me ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 558, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Hark , how our steeds for present service neigh !", "To horse , you gallant princes ! straight to horse !", "Do but behold yon poor and starved band ,", "And your fair show shall suck away their souls ,", "Leaving them but the shales and husks of men .", "There is not work enough for all our hands ;", "Scarce blood enough in all their sickly veins", "To give each naked curtle-axe a stain ,", "That our French gallants shall to-day draw out ,", "And sheathe for lack of sport . Let us but blow on them ,", "The vapour of our valour will o'erturn them .", "\u2018 Tis positive \u2018 gainst all exceptions , lords ,", "That our superfluous lackeys and our peasants ,", "Who in unnecessary action swarm", "About our squares of battle , were enow", "To purge this field of such a hilding foe ,", "Though we upon this mountain 's basis by", "Took stand for idle speculation ,", "But that our honours must not . What 's to say ?", "A very little little let us do ,", "And all is done . Then let the trumpets sound", "The tucket sonance and the note to mount ;", "For our approach shall so much dare the field", "That England shall crouch down in fear and yield .", "They have said their prayers , and they stay for death .", "I stay but for my guard ; on to the field !", "I will the banner from a trumpet take ,", "And use it for my haste . Come , come , away !", "The sun is high , and we outwear the day ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 558, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What 's he that wishes so ?", "My cousin Westmoreland ? No , my fair cousin .", "If we are mark 'd to die , we are enow", "To do our country loss ; and if to live ,", "The fewer men , the greater share of honour .", "God 's will ! I pray thee , wish not one man more .", "By Jove , I am not covetous for gold ,", "Nor care I who doth feed upon my cost ;", "It yearns me not if men my garments wear ;", "Such outward things dwell not in my desires ;", "But if it be a sin to covet honour ,", "I am the most offending soul alive .", "No , faith , my coz , wish not a man from England .", "God 's peace ! I would not lose so great an honour", "As one man more , methinks , would share from me", "For the best hope I have . O , do not wish one more !", "Rather proclaim it , Westmoreland , through my host ,", "That he which hath no stomach to this fight ,", "Let him depart . His passport shall be made ,", "And crowns for convoy put into his purse .", "We would not die in that man 's company", "That fears his fellowship to die with us .", "This day is call 'd the feast of Crispian .", "He that outlives this day , and comes safe home ,", "Will stand a tip-toe when this day is named ,", "And rouse him at the name of Crispian .", "He that shall live this day , and see old age ,", "Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours ,", "And say , \u201c To-morrow is Saint Crispian . \u201d", "Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars ,", "And say , \u201c These wounds I had on Crispian 's day . \u201d", "Old men forget ; yet all shall be forgot ,", "But he 'll remember with advantages", "What feats he did that day . Then shall our names ,", "Familiar in his mouth as household words ,", "Harry the King , Bedford , and Exeter ,", "Warwick and Talbot , Salisbury and Gloucester ,", "Be in their flowing cups freshly rememb'red .", "This story shall the good man teach his son ;", "And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by ,", "From this day to the ending of the world ,", "But we in it shall be remembered ,", "We few , we happy few , we band of brothers .", "For he to-day that sheds his blood with me", "Shall be my brother ; be he ne'er so vile ,", "This day shall gentle his condition ;", "And gentlemen in England now a-bed", "Shall think themselves accurs 'd they were not here ,", "And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks", "That fought with us upon Saint Crispin 's day ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 558, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Well have we done , thrice valiant countrymen . But all 's not done ; yet keep the French the field .", "Lives he , good uncle ? Thrice within this hour", "I saw him down ; thrice up again , and fighting .", "From helmet to the spur all blood he was .", "I blame you not ;", "For , hearing this , I must perforce compound", "With mistful eyes , or they will issue too .", "But hark ! what new alarum is this same ?", "The French have reinforc 'd their scatter 'd men .", "Then every soldier kill his prisoners ;", "Give the word through .", "I was not angry since I came to France", "Until this instant . Take a trumpet , herald ;", "Ride thou unto the horsemen on yond hill .", "If they will fight with us , bid them come down ,", "Or void the field ; they do offend our sight .", "If they 'll do neither , we will come to them ,", "And make them skirr away , as swift as stones", "Enforced from the old Assyrian slings .", "Besides , we 'll cut the throats of those we have ,", "And not a man of them that we shall take", "Shall taste our mercy . Go and tell them so .", "How now ! what means this , herald ? Know'st thou not", "That I have fin 'd these bones of mine for ransom ?", "Com'st thou again for ransom ?", "I tell thee truly , herald ,", "I know not if the day be ours or no ;", "For yet a many of your horsemen peer", "And gallop o'er the field .", "Praised be God , and not our strength , for it ! What is this castle call 'd that stands hard by ?", "Then call we this the field of Agincourt ,", "Fought on the day of Crispin Crispianus .", "They did , Fluellen .", "I wear it for a memorable honour ;", "For I am Welsh , you know , good countryman .", "Thanks , good my countryman .", "God keep me so !", "Our heralds go with him ;", "Bring me just notice of the numbers dead", "On both our parts . Call yonder fellow hither .", "Soldier , why wear'st thou that glove in thy cap ?", "An Englishman ?", "What think you , Captain Fluellen ? Iis it fit this soldier keep his oath ?", "It may be his enemy is a gentlemen of great sort , quite from the answer of his degree .", "Then keep thy vow , sirrah , when thou meet'st the fellow .", "Who serv'st thou under ?", "Call him hither to me , soldier .", "Here , Fluellen ; wear thou this favour for me and stick it in thy cap . When Alencon and myself were down together , I pluck 'd this glove from his helm . If any man challenge this , he is a friend to Alencon , and an enemy to our person . If thou encounter any such , apprehend him , an thou dost me love .", "Know'st thou Gower ?", "Pray thee , go seek him , and bring him to my tent .", "My Lord of Warwick , and my brother Gloucester ,", "Follow Fluellen closely at the heels .", "The glove which I have given him for a favour", "May haply purchase him a box o \u2019 the ear .", "It is the soldier 's ; I by bargain should", "Wear it myself . Follow , good cousin Warwick .", "If that the soldier strike him , as I judge", "By his blunt bearing he will keep his word ,", "Some sudden mischief may arise of it ;", "For I do know Fluellen valiant", "And , touch 'd with choler , hot as gunpowder ,", "And quickly will return an injury .", "Follow , and see there be no harm between them .", "Go you with me , uncle of Exeter ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 558, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Peace to this meeting , wherefore we are met !", "Unto our brother France , and to our sister ,", "Health and fair time of day ; joy and good wishes", "To our most fair and princely cousin Katharine ;", "And , as a branch and member of this royalty ,", "By whom this great assembly is contriv 'd ,", "We do salute you , Duke of Burgundy ;", "And , princes French , and peers , health to you all !", "To cry amen to that , thus we appear .", "If , Duke of Burgundy , you would the peace ,", "Whose want gives growth to the imperfections", "Which you have cited , you must buy that peace", "With full accord to all our just demands ;", "Whose tenours and particular effects", "You have enschedul 'd briefly in your hands .", "Well , then , the peace ,", "Which you before so urg 'd , lies in his answer .", "Brother , we shall . Go , uncle Exeter ,", "And brother Clarence , and you , brother Gloucester ,", "Warwick , and Huntington , go with the King ;", "And take with you free power to ratify ,", "Augment , or alter , as your wisdoms best", "Shall see advantageable for our dignity ,", "Anything in or out of our demands ,", "And we 'll consign thereto . Will you , fair sister ,", "Go with the princes , or stay here with us ?", "Yet leave our cousin Katharine here with us :", "She is our capital demand , compris 'd", "Within the fore-rank of our articles .", "Fair Katharine , and most fair ,", "Will you vouchsafe to teach a soldier terms", "Such as will enter at a lady 's ear", "And plead his love-suit to her gentle heart ?", "O fair Katharine , if you will love me soundly with your French heart , I will be glad to hear you confess it brokenly with your English tongue . Do you like me , Kate ?", "An angel is like you , Kate , and you are like an angel .", "I said so , dear Katharine ; and I must not blush to affirm it .", "What says she , fair one ? That the tongues of men are full of deceits ?", "The Princess is the better Englishwoman . I \u2019 faith , Kate , my wooing is fit for thy understanding : I am glad thou canst speak no better English ; for if thou couldst , thou wouldst find me such a plain king that thou wouldst think I had sold my farm to buy my crown . I know no ways to mince it in love , but directly to say , \u201c I love you \u201d ; then if you urge me farther than to say , \u201c Do you in faith ? \u201d I wear out my suit . Give me your answer ; i \u2019 faith , do ; and so clap hands and a bargain . How say you , lady ?", "Marry , if you would put me to verses , or to dance for your sake , Kate , why you undid me ; for the one , I have neither words nor measure , and for the other I have no strength in measure , yet a reasonable measure in strength . If I could win a lady at leap-frog , or by vaulting into my saddle with my armour on my back , under the correction of bragging be it spoken , I should quickly leap into a wife . Or if I might buffet for my love , or bound my horse for her favours , I could lay on like a butcher and sit like a jack-an-apes , never off . But , before God , Kate , I cannot look greenly , nor gasp out my eloquence , nor I have no cunning in protestation ; only downright oaths , which I never use till urg 'd , nor never break for urging . If thou canst love a fellow of this temper , Kate , whose face is not worth sunburning , that never looks in his glass for love of anything he sees there , let thine eye be thy cook . I speak to thee plain soldier . If thou canst love me for this , take me ; if not , to say to thee that I shall die , is true ; but for thy love , by the Lord , no ; yet I love thee too . And while thou liv'st , dear Kate , take a fellow of plain and uncoined constancy ; for he perforce must do thee right , because he hath not the gift to woo in other places ; for these fellows of infinite tongue , that can rhyme themselves into ladies \u2019 favours , they do always reason themselves out again . What ! a speaker is but a prater : a rhyme is but a ballad . A good leg will fall ; a straight back will stoop ; a black beard will turn white ; a curl 'd pate will grow bald ; a fair face will wither ; a full eye will wax hollow ; but a good heart , Kate , is the sun and the moon ; or rather the sun and not the moon ; for it shines bright and never changes , but keeps his course truly . If thou would have such a one , take me ; and take me , take a soldier ; take a soldier , take a king . And what say'st thou then to my love ? Speak , my fair , and fairly , I pray thee .", "No ; it is not possible you should love the enemy of France , Kate ; but , in loving me , you should love the friend of France ; for I love France so well that I will not part with a village of it , I will have it all mine ; and , Kate , when France is mine and I am yours , then yours is France and you are mine .", "No , Kate ? I will tell thee in French ; which I am sure will hang upon my tongue like a new-married wife about her husband 's neck , hardly to be shook off . Je quand sur le possession de France , et quand vous avez le possession de moi ,\u2014 let me see , what then ? Saint Denis be my speed !\u2014 donc votre est France et vous etes mienne . It is as easy for me , Kate , to conquer the kingdom as to speak so much more French . I shall never move thee in French , unless it be to laugh at me .", "No , faith , is't not , Kate ; but thy speaking of my tongue , and I thine , most truly-falsely , must needs be granted to be much at one . But , Kate , dost thou understand thus much English : canst thou love me ?", "Can any of your neighbours tell , Kate ? I 'll ask them . Come , I know thou lovest me ; and at night , when you come into your closet , you 'll question this gentlewoman about me ; and I know , Kate , you will to her dispraise those parts in me that you love with your heart . But , good Kate , mock me mercifully ; the rather , gentle princess , because I love thee cruelly . If ever thou beest mine , Kate , as I have a saving faith within me tells me thou shalt , I get thee with scambling , and thou must therefore needs prove a good soldier-breeder . Shall not thou and I , between Saint Denis and Saint George , compound a boy , half French , half English , that shall go to Constantinople and take the Turk by the beard ? Shall we not ? What say'st thou , my fair flower-de-luce ?", "No ; \u2018 tis hereafter to know , but now to promise . Do but now promise , Kate , you will endeavour for your French part of such a boy ; and for my English moiety , take the word of a king and a bachelor . How answer you , la plus belle Katherine du monde , mon tres cher et divin deesse ?", "Now , fie upon my false French ! By mine honour , in true English , I love thee , Kate ; by which honour I dare not swear thou lovest me ; yet my blood begins to flatter me that thou dost , notwithstanding the poor and untempering effect of my visage . Now , beshrew my father 's ambition ! he was thinking of civil wars when he got me ; therefore was I created with a stubborn outside , with an aspect of iron , that , when I come to woo ladies , I fright them . But , in faith , Kate , the elder I wax , the better I shall appear . My comfort is , that old age , that ill layer up of beauty , can do no more spoil upon my face . Thou hast me , if thou hast me , at the worst ; and thou shalt wear me , if thou wear me , better and better ; and therefore tell me , most fair Katharine , will you have me ? Put off your maiden blushes ; avouch the thoughts of your heart with the looks of an empress ; take me by the hand , and say , Harry of England , I am thine ; which word thou shalt no sooner bless mine ear withal , but I will tell thee aloud , England is thine , Ireland is thine , France is thine , and Henry Plantagenet is thine ; who , though I speak it before his face , if he be not fellow with the best king , thou shalt find the best king of good fellows . Come , your answer in broken music ; for thy voice is music and thy English broken ; therefore , queen of all , Katharine , break thy mind to me in broken English . Wilt thou have me ?", "Nay , it will please him well , Kate ; it shall please him , Kate .", "Upon that I kiss your hand , and call you my queen .", "Then I will kiss your lips , Kate .", "Madame my interpreter , what says she ?", "To kiss .", "It is not a fashion for the maids in France to kiss before they are married , would she say ?", "O Kate , nice customs curtsy to great kings . Dear Kate , you and I cannot be confined within the weak list of a country 's fashion . We are the makers of manners , Kate ; and the liberty that follows our places stops the mouth of all find-faults , as I will do yours , for upholding the nice fashion of your country in denying me a kiss ; therefore , patiently and yielding .You have witchcraft in your lips , Kate ; there is more eloquence in a sugar touch of them than in the tongues of the French council ; and they should sooner persuade Harry of England than a general petition of monarchs . Here comes your father .", "I would have her learn , my fair cousin , how perfectly I love her ; and that is good English .", "Our tongue is rough , coz , and my condition is not smooth ; so that , having neither the voice nor the heart of flattery about me , I cannot so conjure up the spirit of love in her , that he will appear in his true likeness .", "Yet they do wink and yield , as love is blind and enforces .", "Then , good my lord , teach your cousin to consent winking .", "This moral ties me over to time and a hot summer ; and so I shall catch the fly , your cousin , in the latter end , and she must be blind too .", "It is so ; and you may , some of you , thank love for my blindness , who cannot see many a fair French city for one fair French maid that stands in my way .", "Shall Kate be my wife ?", "I am content , so the maiden cities you talk of may wait on her ; so the maid that stood in the way for my wish shall show me the way to my will .", "Is't so , my lords of England ?", "I pray you then , in love and dear alliance ,", "Let that one article rank with the rest ;", "And thereupon give me your daughter .", "Now , welcome , Kate ; and bear me witness all ,", "That here I kiss her as my sovereign queen .", "Prepare we for our marriage ; on which day ,", "My Lord of Burgundy , we 'll take your oath ,", "And all the peers \u2019 , for surety of our leagues ,", "Then shall I swear to Kate , and you to me ;", "And may our oaths well kept and prosperous be !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 558, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Saue thee Curan", "How comes that ?", "Not I : pray you what are they ?", "Not a word", "The Duke be here to night ? The better best ,", "This weaues it selfe perforce into my businesse ,", "My Father hath set guard to take my Brother ,", "And I haue one thing of a queazie question", "Which I must act , Briefenesse , and Fortune worke .", "Enter Edgar .", "Brother , a word , discend ; Brother I say ,", "My Father watches : O Sir , fly this place ,", "Intelligence is giuen where you are hid ;", "You haue now the good aduantage of the night ,", "Haue you not spoken \u2018 gainst the Duke of Cornewall ?", "Hee 's comming hither , now i'th \u2019 night , i'th \u2019 haste ,", "And Regan with him , haue you nothing said", "Vpon his partie \u2018 gainst the Duke of Albany ?", "Aduise your selfe", "I heare my Father comming , pardon me :", "In cunning , I must draw my Sword vpon you :", "Draw , seeme to defend your selfe ,", "Now quit you well .", "Yeeld , come before my Father , light hoa , here ,", "Fly Brother , Torches , Torches , so farewell .", "Exit Edgar .", "Some blood drawne on me , would beget opinion", "Of my more fierce endeauour . I haue seene drunkards", "Do more then this in sport ; Father , Father ,", "Stop , stop , no helpe ?", "Here stood he in the dark , his sharpe Sword out ,", "Mumbling of wicked charmes , coniuring the Moone", "To stand auspicious Mistris", "Looke Sir , I bleed", "Fled this way Sir , when by no meanes he could", "Perswade me to the murther of your Lordship ,", "But that I told him the reuenging Gods ,", "\u2018 Gainst Paricides did all the thunder bend ,", "Spoke with how manifold , and strong a Bond", "The Child was bound to'th \u2019 Father ; Sir in fine ,", "Seeing how lothly opposite I stood", "To his vnnaturall purpose , in fell motion", "With his prepared Sword , he charges home", "My vnprouided body , latch 'd mine arme ;", "And when he saw my best alarum 'd spirits", "Bold in the quarrels right , rouz 'd to th \u2019 encounter ,", "Or whether gasted by the noyse I made ,", "Full sodainely he fled", "When I disswaded him from his intent ,", "And found him pight to doe it , with curst speech", "I threaten 'd to discouer him ; he replied ,", "Thou vnpossessing Bastard , dost thou thinke ,", "If I would stand against thee , would the reposall", "Of any trust , vertue , or worth in thee", "Make thy words faith 'd ? No , what should I denie ,", "I'ld turne it all", "To thy suggestion , plot , and damned practise :", "And thou must make a dullard of the world ,", "If they not thought the profits of my death", "Were very pregnant and potentiall spirits", "To make thee seeke it .", "Tucket within .", "Yes Madam , he was of that consort", "It was my duty Sir", "I shall serue you Sir truely , how euer else", "How now , what 's the matter ? Part"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 562, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Who 's there besides foule weather ?", "I know you : Where 's the King ?", "But who is with him ?", "Sir , I do know you ,", "And dare vpon the warrant of my note", "Commend a deere thing to you . There is diuision", "\u2018 twixt Albany , and Cornwall :", "Who haue , as who haue not , that their great Starres", "Thron 'd and set high ; Seruants , who seeme no lesse ,", "Which are to France the Spies and Speculations", "Intelligent of our State . What hath bin seene ,", "Either in snuffes , and packings of the Dukes ,", "Or the hard Reine which both of them hath borne", "Against the old kinde King ; or something deeper ,", "Whereof", "these are but furnishings", "No , do not :", "For confirmation that I am much more", "Then my out-wall ; open this Purse , and take", "What it containes . If you shall see Cordelia ,", "shew her this Ring ,", "And she will tell you who that Fellow is", "That yet you do not know . Fye on this Storme ,", "I will go seeke the King", "Few words , but to effect more then all yet ;", "That when we haue found the King , in which your pain", "That way , Ile this : He that first lights on him ,", "Holla the other .", "Exeunt .", "Scena Secunda .", "Who 's there ?", "Alas Sir are you here ? Things that loue night ,", "Loue not such nights as these : The wrathfull Skies", "Gallow the very wanderers of the darke", "And make them keepe their Caues : Since I was man ,", "Such sheets of Fire , such bursts of horrid Thunder ,", "Such groanes of roaring Winde , and Raine , I neuer", "Remember to haue heard . Mans Nature cannot carry", "Th \u2019 affliction , nor the feare", "Alacke , bare-headed ?", "Gracious my Lord , hard by heere is a Houell ,", "Some friendship will it lend you \u2018 gainst the Tempest :", "Repose you there , while I to this hard house ,", "returne , and force", "Their scanted curtesie", "Here is the place my Lord , good my Lord enter ,", "The tirrany of the open night 's too rough", "For Nature to endure .", "Storme still", "Good my Lord enter heere", "I had rather breake mine owne ,", "Good my Lord enter", "Good my Lord enter here", "Giue my thy hand , who 's there ?", "What art thou that dost grumble there i'th \u2019 straw ? Come forth", "He hath no Daughters Sir", "How fares your Grace ?", "Who 's there ? What is't you seeke ?", "Good my Lord take his offer ,", "Go into th \u2019 house", "Importune him once more to go my Lord ,", "His wits begin t \u2019 vnsettle", "This way , my Lord", "Good my Lord , sooth him :", "Let him take the Fellow", "Sirra , come on : go along with vs", "All the powre of his wits , haue giuen way to his impatience : the Gods reward your kindnesse .", "O pitty : Sir , where is the patience now", "That you so oft haue boasted to retaine ?", "Now good my Lord , lye heere , and rest awhile", "Here Sir , but trouble him not , his wits are gon"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 562, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Yet better thus , and knowne to be contemn 'd ,", "Then still contemn 'd and flatter 'd , to be worst :", "The lowest , and most deiected thing of Fortune ,", "Stands still in esperance , liues not in feare :", "The lamentable change is from the best ,", "The worst returnes to laughter . Welcome then ,", "Thou vnsubstantiall ayre that I embrace :", "The Wretch that thou hast blowne vnto the worst ,", "Owes nothing to thy blasts .", "Enter Glouster , and an Oldman .", "But who comes heere ? My Father poorely led ?", "World , World , O world !", "But that thy strange mutations make vs hate thee ,", "Life would not yeelde to age", "O Gods ! Who is't can say I am at the worst ? I am worse then ere I was", "And worse I may be yet : the worst is not ,", "So long as we can say this is the worst", "How should this be ?", "Bad is the Trade that must play Foole to sorrow ,", "Ang'ring it selfe , and others . Blesse thee Master", "Poore Tom 's a cold . I cannot daub it further", "And yet I must :", "Blesse thy sweete eyes , they bleede", "Both style , and gate ; Horseway , and foot-path : poore Tom hath bin scarr 'd out of his good wits . Blesse thee good mans sonne , from the foule Fiend", "I Master", "Giue me thy arme ;", "Poore Tom shall leade thee .", "Exeunt .", "Scena Secunda .", "You do climbe vp it now . Look how we labor", "Horrible steepe . Hearke , do you heare the Sea ?", "Why then your other Senses grow imperfect", "By your eyes anguish", "Y'are much deceiu 'd : In nothing am I chang 'd", "But in my Garments", "Come on Sir ,", "Heere 's the place : stand still : how fearefull", "And dizie \u2018 tis , to cast ones eyes so low ,", "The Crowes and Choughes , that wing the midway ayre", "Shew scarse so grosse as Beetles . Halfe way downe", "Hangs one that gathers Sampire : dreadfull Trade :", "Me thinkes he seemes no bigger then his head .", "The Fishermen , that walk 'd vpon the beach", "Appeare like Mice : and yond tall Anchoring Barke ,", "Diminish 'd to her Cocke : her Cocke , a Buoy", "Almost too small for sight . The murmuring Surge ,", "That on th \u2019 vnnumbred idle Pebble chafes", "Cannot be heard so high . Ile looke no more ,", "Least my braine turne , and the deficient sight", "Topple downe headlong", "Giue me your hand :", "You are now within a foote of th \u2019 extreme Verge :", "For all beneath the Moone would I not leape vpright", "Now fare ye well , good Sir", "Why I do trifle thus with his dispaire ,", "Is done to cure it", "Gone Sir , farewell :", "And yet I know not how conceit may rob", "The Treasury of life , when life it selfe", "Yeelds to the Theft . Had he bin where he thought ,", "By this had thought bin past . Aliue , or dead ?", "Hoa , you Sir : Friend , heare you Sir , speake :", "Thus might he passe indeed : yet he reuiues .", "What are you Sir ?", "Had'st thou beene ought", "But Gozemore , Feathers , Ayre ,", "Thou'dst shiuer 'd like an Egge : but thou do'st breath :", "Hast heauy substance , bleed'st not , speak'st , art sound ,", "Ten Masts at each , make not the altitude", "Which thou hast perpendicularly fell ,", "Thy life 's a Myracle . Speake yet againe", "From the dread Somnet of this Chalkie Bourne", "Looke vp a height , the shrill-gorg 'd Larke so farre", "Cannot be seene , or heard : Do but looke vp", "Giue me your arme . Vp , so : How is't ? Feele you your Legges ? You stand", "This is aboue all strangenesse ,", "Vpon the crowne o'th \u2019 Cliffe . What thing was that", "Which parted from you ?", "As I stood heere below , me thought his eyes", "Were two full Moones : he had a thousand Noses ,", "Hornes wealk 'd , and waued like the enraged Sea :", "It was some Fiend : Therefore thou happy Father ,", "Thinke that the cleerest Gods , who make them Honors", "Of mens Impossibilities , haue preserued thee", "O thou side-piercing sight !", "Sweet Mariorum", "I would not take this from report ,", "It is , and my heart breakes at it", "O matter , and impertinency mixt ,", "Reason in Madnesse", "Haile gentle Sir", "Do you heare oughtof a Battell toward", "But by your fauour :", "How neere 's the other Army ?", "I thanke you Sir , that 's all", "I thanke you Sir", "Well pray you Father", "A most poore man , made tame to Fortunes blows", "Who , by the Art of knowne , and feeling sorrowes ,", "Am pregnant to good pitty . Giue me your hand ,", "Ile leade you to some biding", "Chill not let go Zir ,", "Without vurther \u2018 casion", "Good Gentleman goe your gate , and let poore volke passe : and \u2018 chud ha \u2019 bin zwaggerd out of my life , \u2018 twould not ha \u2019 bin zo long as \u2018 tis , by a vortnight . Nay , come not neere th \u2019 old man : keepe out che vor \u2019 ye , or Ile try whither your Costard , or my Ballow be the harder ; chill be plaine with you", "Chill picke your teeth Zir : come , no matter vor your foynes", "I know thee well . A seruiceable Villaine ,", "As duteous to the vices of thy Mistris ,", "As badnesse would desire", "Sit you downe Father : rest you . Let 's see these Pockets ; the Letters that he speakes of May be my Friends : hee 's dead ; I am onely sorry He had no other Deathsman . Let vs see : Leaue gentle waxe , and manners : blame vs not To know our enemies mindes , we rip their hearts , Their Papers is more lawfull . Reads the Letter . Let our reciprocall vowes be remembred . You haue manie opportunities to cut him off : if your will want not , time and place will be fruitfully offer 'd . There is nothing done . If hee returne the Conqueror , then am I the Prisoner , and his bed , my Gaole , from the loathed warmth whereof , deliuer me , and supply the place for your Labour . Youraffectionate", "Giue me your hand :", "Farre off methinkes I heare the beaten Drumme .", "Come Father , Ile bestow you with a Friend .", "Exeunt .", "Scaena Septima ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 562, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Know of the Duke if his last purpose hold ,", "Or whether since he is aduis 'd by ought", "To change the course , he 's full of alteration ,", "And selfereprouing , bring his constant pleasure", "\u2018 Tis to be doubted Madam", "In honour 'd Loue", "No by mine honour , Madam", "Feare not , she and the Duke her husband .", "The Enemy 's in view , draw vp your powers ,", "Heere is the guesse of their true strength and Forces ,", "By dilligent discouerie , but your hast", "Is now vrg 'd on you", "To both these Sisters haue I sworne my loue :", "Each iealous of the other , as the stung", "Are of the Adder . Which of them shall I take ?", "Both ? One ? Or neither ? Neither can be enioy 'd", "If both remaine aliue : To take the Widdow ,", "Exasperates , makes mad her Sister Gonerill ,", "And hardly shall I carry out my side ,", "Her husband being aliue . Now then , wee'l vse", "His countenance for the Battaile , which being done ,", "Let her who would be rid of him , deuise", "His speedy taking off . As for the mercie", "Which he intends to Lear and to Cordelia ,", "The Battaile done , and they within our power ,", "Shall neuer see his pardon : for my state ,", "Stands on me to defend , not to debate .", "Enter .", "Scena Secunda .", "Some Officers take them away : good guard ,", "Vntill their greater pleasures first be knowne", "That are to censure them", "Take them away", "Come hither Captaine , hearke .", "Take thou this note , go follow them to prison ,", "One step I haue aduanc 'd thee , if thou do'st", "As this instructs thee , thou dost make thy way", "To Noble Fortunes : know thou this , that men", "Are as the time is ; to be tender minded", "Do 's not become a Sword , thy great imployment", "Will not beare question : either say thou'lt do't ,", "Or thriue by other meanes", "About it , and write happy , when th'hast done ,", "Marke I say instantly , and carry it so", "As I haue set it downe .", "Sir , I thought it fit ,", "To send the old and miserable King to some retention ,", "Whose age had Charmes in it , whose Title more ,", "To plucke the common bosome on his side ,", "And turne our imprest Launces in our eies", "Which do command them . With him I sent the Queen :", "My reason all the same , and they are ready", "To morrow , or at further space , t \u2019 appeare", "Where you shall hold your Session", "Nor in thine Lord", "There 's my exchange , what in the world hes", "That names me Traitor , villain-like he lies ,", "Call by the Trumpet : he that dares approach ;", "On him , on you , who not , I will maintaine", "My truth and honor firmely .", "Himselfe , what saist thou to him ?", "In wisedome I should aske thy name ,", "But since thy out-side lookes so faire and Warlike ,", "And that thy tongue", "of breeding breathes ,", "What safe , and nicely I might well delay ,", "By rule of Knight-hood , I disdaine and spurne :", "Backe do I tosse these Treasons to thy head ,", "With the hell-hated Lye , ore-whelme thy heart ,", "Which for they yet glance by , and scarcely bruise ,", "This Sword of mine shall giue them instant way ,", "Where they shall rest for euer . Trumpets speake", "Aske me not what I know", "What you haue charg 'd me with ,", "That haue I done ,", "And more , much more , the time will bring it out .", "\u2018 Tis past , and so am I : But what art thou", "That hast this Fortune on me ? If thou'rt Noble ,", "I do forgiue thee", "Th'hast spoken right , \u2018 tis true ,", "The Wheele is come full circle , I am heere", "This speech of yours hath mou 'd me ,", "And shall perchance do good , but speake you on ,", "You looke as you had something more to say", "I was contracted to them both , all three", "Now marry in an instant", "Yet Edmund was belou 'd :", "The one the other poison 'd for my sake ,", "And after slew herselfe", "I pant for life : some good I meane to do", "Despight of mine owne Nature . Quickly send ,", "to'th \u2019 Castle , for my Writ", "Is on the life of Lear , and on Cordelia :", "Nay , send in time", "Well thought on , take my Sword ,", "Giue it the Captaine", "He hath Commission from thy Wife and me ,", "To hang Cordelia in the prison , and", "To lay the blame vpon her owne dispaire ,", "That she for-did her selfe"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 562, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now is the winter of our discontent", "Made glorious summer by this sun of York ;", "And all the clouds that lour 'd upon our house", "In the deep bosom of the ocean buried .", "Now are our brows bound with victorious wreaths ;", "Our bruised arms hung up for monuments ;", "Our stern alarums chang 'd to merry meetings ,", "Our dreadful marches to delightful measures .", "Grim-visag 'd war hath smooth 'd his wrinkled front ,", "And now , instead of mounting barbed steeds", "To fright the souls of fearful adversaries ,", "He capers nimbly in a lady 's chamber", "To the lascivious pleasing of a lute .", "But I-that am not shap 'd for sportive tricks ,", "Nor made to court an amorous looking-glass-", "I-that am rudely stamp 'd , and want love 's majesty", "To strut before a wanton ambling nymph-", "I-that am curtail 'd of this fair proportion ,", "Cheated of feature by dissembling nature ,", "Deform 'd , unfinish 'd , sent before my time", "Into this breathing world scarce half made up ,", "And that so lamely and unfashionable", "That dogs bark at me as I halt by them-", "Why , I , in this weak piping time of peace ,", "Have no delight to pass away the time ,", "Unless to spy my shadow in the sun", "And descant on mine own deformity .", "And therefore , since I cannot prove a lover", "To entertain these fair well-spoken days ,", "I am determined to prove a villain", "And hate the idle pleasures of these days .", "Plots have I laid , inductions dangerous ,", "By drunken prophecies , libels , and dreams ,", "To set my brother Clarence and the King", "In deadly hate the one against the other ;", "And if King Edward be as true and just", "As I am subtle , false , and treacherous ,", "This day should Clarence closely be mew 'd up-", "About a prophecy which says that G", "Of Edward 's heirs the murderer shall be .", "Dive , thoughts , down to my soul . Here Clarence comes .", "Enter CLARENCE , guarded , and BRAKENBURY", "Brother , good day . What means this armed guard", "That waits upon your Grace ?", "Upon what cause ?", "Alack , my lord , that fault is none of yours :", "He should , for that , commit your godfathers .", "O , belike his Majesty hath some intent", "That you should be new-christ'ned in the Tower .", "But what 's the matter , Clarence ? May I know ?", "Why , this it is when men are rul 'd by women :", "\u2018 Tis not the King that sends you to the Tower ;", "My Lady Grey his wife , Clarence , \u2018 tis she", "That tempers him to this extremity .", "Was it not she and that good man of worship ,", "Antony Woodville , her brother there ,", "That made him send Lord Hastings to the Tower ,", "From whence this present day he is delivered ?", "We are not safe , Clarence ; we are not safe .", "Humbly complaining to her deity", "Got my Lord Chamberlain his liberty .", "I 'll tell you what-I think it is our way ,", "If we will keep in favour with the King ,", "To be her men and wear her livery :", "The jealous o'erhYpppHeNworn widow , and herself ,", "Since that our brother dubb 'd them gentlewomen ,", "Are mighty gossips in our monarchy .", "Even so ; a n't please your worship , Brakenbury ,", "You may partake of any thing we say :", "We speak no treason , man ; we say the King", "Is wise and virtuous , and his noble queen", "Well struck in years , fair , and not jealous ;", "We say that Shore 's wife hath a pretty foot ,", "A cherry lip , a bonny eye , a passing pleasing tongue ;", "And that the Queen 's kindred are made gentlefolks .", "How say you , sir ? Can you deny all this ?", "Naught to do with Mistress Shore ! I tell thee , fellow , He that doth naught with her , excepting one , Were best to do it secretly alone .", "Her husband , knave ! Wouldst thou betray me ?", "We are the Queen 's abjects and must obey .", "Brother , farewell ; I will unto the King ;", "And whatsoe'er you will employ me in-", "Were it to call King Edward 's widow sister-", "I will perform it to enfranchise you .", "Meantime , this deep disgrace in brotherhood", "Touches me deeper than you can imagine .", "Well , your imprisonment shall not be long ;", "I will deliver or else lie for you .", "Meantime , have patience .", "Go tread the path that thou shalt ne'er return .", "Simple , plain Clarence , I do love thee so", "That I will shortly send thy soul to heaven ,", "If heaven will take the present at our hands .", "But who comes here ? The new-delivered Hastings ?", "As much unto my good Lord Chamberlain !", "Well are you welcome to the open air .", "How hath your lordship brook 'd imprisonment ?", "No doubt , no doubt ; and so shall Clarence too ;", "For they that were your enemies are his ,", "And have prevail 'd as much on him as you .", "What news abroad ?", "Now , by Saint John , that news is bad indeed .", "O , he hath kept an evil diet long", "And overmuch consum 'd his royal person !", "\u2018 Tis very grievous to be thought upon .", "Where is he ? In his bed ?", "Go you before , and I will follow you ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 578, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Set down , set down your honourable load-", "If honour may be shrouded in a hearse ;", "Whilst I awhile obsequiously lament", "Th \u2019 untimely fall of virtuous Lancaster .", "Poor key-cold figure of a holy king !", "Pale ashes of the house of Lancaster !", "Thou bloodless remnant of that royal blood !", "Be it lawful that I invocate thy ghost", "To hear the lamentations of poor Anne ,", "Wife to thy Edward , to thy slaughtered son ,", "Stabb 'd by the self-same hand that made these wounds .", "Lo , in these windows that let forth thy life", "I pour the helpless balm of my poor eyes .", "O , cursed be the hand that made these holes !", "Cursed the heart that had the heart to do it !", "Cursed the blood that let this blood from hence !", "More direful hap betide that hated wretch", "That makes us wretched by the death of thee", "Than I can wish to adders , spiders , toads ,", "Or any creeping venom 'd thing that lives !", "If ever he have child , abortive be it ,", "Prodigious , and untimely brought to light ,", "Whose ugly and unnatural aspect", "May fright the hopeful mother at the view ,", "And that be heir to his unhappiness !", "If ever he have wife , let her be made", "More miserable by the death of him", "Than I am made by my young lord and thee !", "Come , now towards Chertsey with your holy load ,", "Taken from Paul 's to be interred there ;", "And still as you are weary of this weight", "Rest you , whiles I lament King Henry 's corse .", "What black magician conjures up this fiend", "To stop devoted charitable deeds ?", "What , do you tremble ? Are you all afraid ?", "Alas , I blame you not , for you are mortal ,", "And mortal eyes cannot endure the devil .", "Avaunt , thou dreadful minister of hell !", "Thou hadst but power over his mortal body ,", "His soul thou canst not have ; therefore , be gone .", "Foul devil , for God 's sake , hence and trouble us not ;", "For thou hast made the happy earth thy hell", "Fill 'd it with cursing cries and deep exclaims .", "If thou delight to view thy heinous deeds ,", "Behold this pattern of thy butcheries .", "O , gentlemen , see , see ! Dead Henry 's wounds", "Open their congeal 'd mouths and bleed afresh .", "Blush , blush , thou lump of foul deformity ,", "For \u2018 tis thy presence that exhales this blood", "From cold and empty veins where no blood dwells ;", "Thy deeds inhuman and unnatural", "Provokes this deluge most unnatural .", "O God , which this blood mad'st , revenge his death !", "O earth , which this blood drink'st , revenge his death !", "Either , heav'n , with lightning strike the murd'rer dead ;", "Or , earth , gape open wide and eat him quick ,", "As thou dost swallow up this good king 's blood ,", "Which his hell-govern 'd arm hath butchered .", "Villain , thou knowest nor law of God nor man :", "No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity .", "O wonderful , when devils tell the truth !", "Vouchsafe , diffus 'd infection of a man ,", "Of these known evils but to give me leave", "By circumstance to accuse thy cursed self .", "Fouler than heart can think thee , thou canst make", "No excuse current but to hang thyself .", "And by despairing shalt thou stand excused", "For doing worthy vengeance on thyself", "That didst unworthy slaughter upon others .", "Then say they were not slain . But dead they are , and , devilish slave , by thee .", "Why , then he is alive .", "In thy foul throat thou liest : Queen Margaret saw", "Thy murd'rous falchion smoking in his blood ;", "The which thou once didst bend against her breast ,", "But that thy brothers beat aside the point .", "Thou wast provoked by thy bloody mind ,", "That never dream'st on aught but butcheries .", "Didst thou not kill this king ?", "Dost grant me , hedgehog ? Then , God grant me too", "Thou mayst be damned for that wicked deed !", "O , he was gentle , mild , and virtuous !", "He is in heaven , where thou shalt never come .", "And thou unfit for any place but hell .", "Some dungeon .", "Ill rest betide the chamber where thou liest !", "I hope so .", "Thou wast the cause and most accurs 'd effect .", "If I thought that , I tell thee , homicide ,", "These nails should rend that beauty from my cheeks .", "Black night o'ershade thy day , and death thy life !", "I would I were , to be reveng 'd on thee .", "It is a quarrel just and reasonable ,", "To be reveng 'd on him that kill 'd my husband .", "His better doth not breathe upon the earth .", "Name him .", "Why , that was he .", "Where is he ?", "Would it were mortal poison , for thy sake !", "Never hung poison on a fouler toad . Out of my sight ! Thou dost infect mine eyes .", "Would they were basilisks to strike thee dead !", "Arise , dissembler ; though I wish thy death ,", "I will not be thy executioner .", "I have already .", "I would I knew thy heart .", "I fear me both are false .", "well put up your sword .", "That shalt thou know hereafter .", "All men , I hope , live so .", "To take is not to give .", "What is it ?", "With all my heart ; and much it joys me too", "To see you are become so penitent .", "Tressel and Berkeley , go along with me .", "\u2018 Tis more than you deserve ;", "But since you teach me how to flatter you ,", "Imagine I have said farewell already ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 578, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["If he were dead , what would betide on me ?", "The loss of such a lord includes all harms .", "Ah , he is young ; and his minority", "Is put unto the trust of Richard Gloucester ,", "A man that loves not me , nor none of you .", "It is determin 'd , not concluded yet ;", "But so it must be , if the King miscarry .", "The Countess Richmond , good my Lord of Derby , To your good prayer will scarcely say amen . Yet , Derby , notwithstanding she 's your wife And loves not me , be you , good lord , assur 'd I hate not you for her proud arrogance .", "Saw you the King to-day , my Lord of", "Derby ?", "What likelihood of his amendment ,", "Lords ?", "God grant him health ! Did you confer with him ?", "Would all were well ! But that will never be . I fear our happiness is at the height .", "Brother of Gloucester , you mistake the matter . The King , on his own royal disposition And not provok 'd by any suitor else - Aiming , belike , at your interior hatred That in your outward action shows itself Against my children , brothers , and myself - Makes him to send that he may learn the ground .", "Come , come , we know your meaning , brother Gloucester : You envy my advancement and my friends \u2019 ; God grant we never may have need of you !", "By Him that rais 'd me to this careful height From that contented hap which I enjoy 'd , I never did incense his Majesty Against the Duke of Clarence , but have been An earnest advocate to plead for him . My lord , you do me shameful injury Falsely to draw me in these vile suspects .", "My Lord of Gloucester , I have too long borne Your blunt upbraidings and your bitter scoffs . By heaven , I will acquaint his Majesty Of those gross taunts that oft I have endur 'd . I had rather be a country servant-maid Than a great queen with this condition - To be so baited , scorn 'd , and stormed at . Enter old QUEEN MARGARET , behind Small joy have I in being England 's Queen .", "As little joy , my lord , as you suppose", "You should enjoy were you this country 's king ,", "As little joy you may suppose in me", "That I enjoy , being the Queen thereof .", "So just is God to right the innocent .", "Thus have you breath 'd your curse against yourself .", "I never did her any to my knowledge .", "Catesby , I come . Lords , will you go with me ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 578, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["O , I have pass 'd a miserable night ,", "So full of fearful dreams , of ugly sights ,", "That , as I am a Christian faithful man ,", "I would not spend another such a night", "Though \u2018 twere to buy a world of happy days-", "So full of dismal terror was the time !", "Methoughts that I had broken from the Tower", "And was embark 'd to cross to Burgundy ;", "And in my company my brother Gloucester ,", "Who from my cabin tempted me to walk", "Upon the hatches . Thence we look 'd toward England ,", "And cited up a thousand heavy times ,", "During the wars of York and Lancaster ,", "That had befall'n us . As we pac 'd along", "Upon the giddy footing of the hatches ,", "Methought that Gloucester stumbled , and in falling", "Struck me , that thought to stay him , overboard", "Into the tumbling billows of the main .", "O Lord , methought what pain it was to drown ,", "What dreadful noise of waters in my ears ,", "What sights of ugly death within my eyes !", "Methoughts I saw a thousand fearful wrecks ,", "A thousand men that fishes gnaw 'd upon ,", "Wedges of gold , great anchors , heaps of pearl ,", "Inestimable stones , unvalued jewels ,", "All scatt'red in the bottom of the sea ;", "Some lay in dead men 's skulls , and in the holes", "Where eyes did once inhabit there were crept ,", "As \u2018 twere in scorn of eyes , reflecting gems ,", "That woo 'd the slimy bottom of the deep", "And mock 'd the dead bones that lay scatt'red by .", "Methought I had ; and often did I strive", "To yield the ghost , but still the envious flood", "Stopp 'd in my soul and would not let it forth", "To find the empty , vast , and wand'ring air ;", "But smother 'd it within my panting bulk ,", "Who almost burst to belch it in the sea .", "No , no , my dream was lengthen 'd after life .", "O , then began the tempest to my soul !", "I pass 'd , methought , the melancholy flood", "With that sour ferryman which poets write of ,", "Unto the kingdom of perpetual night .", "The first that there did greet my stranger soul", "Was my great father-in-law , renowned Warwick ,", "Who spake aloud \u2018 What scourge for perjury", "Can this dark monarchy afford false Clarence ? \u2019", "And so he vanish 'd . Then came wand'ring by", "A shadow like an angel , with bright hair", "Dabbled in blood , and he shriek 'd out aloud", "\u2018 Clarence is come-false , fleeting , perjur 'd Clarence ,", "That stabb 'd me in the field by Tewksbury .", "Seize on him , Furies , take him unto torment ! \u2019", "With that , methoughts , a legion of foul fiends", "Environ 'd me , and howled in mine ears", "Such hideous cries that , with the very noise ,", "I trembling wak 'd , and for a season after", "Could not believe but that I was in hell ,", "Such terrible impression made my dream .", "Ah , Keeper , Keeper , I have done these things", "That now give evidence against my soul", "For Edward 's sake , and see how he requites me !", "O God ! If my deep prayers cannot appease Thee ,", "But Thou wilt be aveng 'd on my misdeeds ,", "Yet execute Thy wrath in me alone ;", "O , spare my guiltless wife and my poor children !", "KEEPER , I prithee sit by me awhile ;", "My soul is heavy , and I fain would sleep .", "Where art thou , Keeper ? Give me a cup of wine .", "In God 's name , what art thou ?", "But not as I am , royal .", "Thy voice is thunder , but thy looks are humble .", "How darkly and how deadly dost thou speak ! Your eyes do menace me . Why look you pale ? Who sent you hither ? Wherefore do you come ?", "To murder me ?", "You scarcely have the hearts to tell me so ,", "And therefore cannot have the hearts to do it .", "Wherein , my friends , have I offended you ?", "I shall be reconcil 'd to him again .", "Are you drawn forth among a world of men", "To slay the innocent ? What is my offence ?", "Where is the evidence that doth accuse me ?", "What lawful quest have given their verdict up", "Unto the frowning judge , or who pronounc 'd", "The bitter sentence of poor Clarence \u2019 death ?", "Before I be convict by course of law ,", "To threaten me with death is most unlawful .", "I charge you , as you hope to have redemption", "By Christ 's dear blood shed for our grievous sins ,", "That you depart and lay no hands on me .", "The deed you undertake is damnable .", "Erroneous vassals ! the great King of kings", "Hath in the tables of his law commanded", "That thou shalt do no murder . Will you then", "Spurn at his edict and fulfil a man 's ?", "Take heed ; for he holds vengeance in his hand", "To hurl upon their heads that break his law .", "Alas ! for whose sake did I that ill deed ?", "For Edward , for my brother , for his sake .", "He sends you not to murder me for this ,", "For in that sin he is as deep as I .", "If God will be avenged for the deed ,", "O , know you yet He doth it publicly .", "Take not the quarrel from His pow'rful arm ;", "He needs no indirect or lawless course", "To cut off those that have offended Him .", "My brother 's love , the devil , and my rage .", "If you do love my brother , hate not me ;", "I am his brother , and I love him well .", "If you are hir 'd for meed , go back again ,", "And I will send you to my brother Gloucester ,", "Who shall reward you better for my life", "Than Edward will for tidings of my death .", "O , no , he loves me , and he holds me dear . Go you to him from me .", "Tell him when that our princely father York", "Bless 'd his three sons with his victorious arm", "And charg 'd us from his soul to love each other ,", "He little thought of this divided friendship .", "Bid Gloucester think of this , and he will weep .", "O , do not slander him , for he is kind .", "It cannot be ; for he bewept my fortune", "And hugg 'd me in his arms , and swore with sobs", "That he would labour my delivery .", "Have you that holy feeling in your souls", "To counsel me to make my peace with God ,", "And are you yet to your own souls so blind", "That you will war with God by murd'ring me ?", "O , sirs , consider : they that set you on", "To do this deed will hate you for the deed .", "Relent , and save your souls .", "Not to relent is beastly , savage , devilish .", "Which of you , if you were a prince 's son ,", "Being pent from liberty as I am now ,", "If two such murderers as yourselves came to you ,", "Would not entreat for life ?", "My friend , I spy some pity in thy looks ;", "O , if thine eye be not a flatterer ,", "Come thou on my side and entreat for me-", "As you would beg were you in my distress .", "A begging prince what beggar pities not ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 578, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Why , so . Now have I done a good day 's work . You peers , continue this united league . I every day expect an embassage From my Redeemer to redeem me hence ; And more at peace my soul shall part to heaven , Since I have made my friends at peace on earth . Hastings and Rivers , take each other 's hand ; Dissemble not your hatred , swear your love .", "Take heed you dally not before your king ;", "Lest He that is the supreme King of kings", "Confound your hidden falsehood and award", "Either of you to be the other 's end .", "Madam , yourself is not exempt from this ;", "Nor you , son Dorset ; Buckingham , nor you :", "You have been factious one against the other .", "Wife , love Lord Hastings , let him kiss your hand ;", "And what you do , do it unfeignedly .", "Dorset , embrace him ; Hastings , love Lord", "Marquis .", "Now , princely Buckingham , seal thou this league With thy embracements to my wife 's allies , And make me happy in your unity .", "A pleasing cordial , princely Buckingham ,", "Is this thy vow unto my sickly heart .", "There wanteth now our brother Gloucester here", "To make the blessed period of this peace .", "Happy , indeed , as we have spent the day .", "Gloucester , we have done deeds of charity ,", "Made peace of enmity , fair love of hate ,", "Between these swelling wrong-incensed peers .", "Who knows not he is dead ! Who knows he is ?", "Is Clarence dead ? The order was revers 'd .", "I prithee , peace ; my soul is full of sorrow .", "Then say at once what is it thou requests .", "Have I a tongue to doom my brother 's death ,", "And shall that tongue give pardon to a slave ?", "My brother killed no man-his fault was thought ,", "And yet his punishment was bitter death .", "Who sued to me for him ? Who , in my wrath ,", "Kneel 'd at my feet , and bid me be advis 'd ?", "Who spoke of brotherhood ? Who spoke of love ?", "Who told me how the poor soul did forsake", "The mighty Warwick and did fight for me ?", "Who told me , in the field at Tewksbury", "When Oxford had me down , he rescued me", "And said \u2018 Dear Brother , live , and be a king \u2019 ?", "Who told me , when we both lay in the field", "Frozen almost to death , how he did lap me", "Even in his garments , and did give himself ,", "All thin and naked , to the numb cold night ?", "All this from my remembrance brutish wrath", "Sinfully pluck 'd , and not a man of you", "Had so much grace to put it in my mind .", "But when your carters or your waiting-vassals", "Have done a drunken slaughter and defac 'd", "The precious image of our dear Redeemer ,", "You straight are on your knees for pardon , pardon ;", "And I , unjustly too , must grant it you .", "But for my brother not a man would speak ;", "Nor I , ungracious , speak unto myself", "For him , poor soul . The proudest of you all", "Have been beholding to him in his life ;", "Yet none of you would once beg for his life .", "O God , I fear thy justice will take hold", "On me , and you , and mine , and yours , for this !", "Come , Hastings , help me to my closet . Ah , poor Clarence !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 578, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Good grandam , tell us , is our father dead ?", "Why do you look on us , and shake your head ,", "And call us orphans , wretches , castaways ,", "If that our noble father were alive ?", "Then you conclude , my grandam , he is dead .", "The King mine uncle is to blame for it .", "God will revenge it ; whom I will importune", "With earnest prayers all to that effect .", "Grandam , we can ; for my good uncle Gloucester", "Told me the King , provok 'd to it by the Queen ,", "Devis 'd impeachments to imprison him .", "And when my uncle told me so , he wept ,", "And pitied me , and kindly kiss 'd my cheek ;", "Bade me rely on him as on my father ,", "And he would love me dearly as a child .", "Think you my uncle did dissemble , grandam ?", "I cannot think it . Hark ! what noise is this ?", "Ah , aunt , you wept not for our father 's death ! How can we aid you with our kindred tears ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 578, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I long with all my heart to see the Prince . I hope he is much grown since last I saw him .", "Why , my good cousin , it is good to grow .", "Good faith , good faith , the saying did not hold", "In him that did object the same to thee .", "He was the wretched'st thing when he was young ,", "So long a-growing and so leisurely", "That , if his rule were true , he should be gracious .", "I hope he is ; but yet let mothers doubt .", "How , my young York ? I prithee let me hear it .", "I prithee , pretty York , who told thee this ?", "His nurse ! Why she was dead ere thou wast born .", "What is thy news ?", "Who hath committed them ?", "Accursed and unquiet wrangling days ,", "How many of you have mine eyes beheld !", "My husband lost his life to get the crown ;", "And often up and down my sons were toss 'd", "For me to joy and weep their gain and loss ;", "And being seated , and domestic broils", "Clean over-blown , themselves the conquerors", "Make war upon themselves-brother to brother ,", "Blood to blood , self against self . O , preposterous", "And frantic outrage , end thy damned spleen ,", "Or let me die , to look on death no more !", "Stay , I will go with you ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 578, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Welcome , sweet Prince , to London , to your chamber .", "And , in good time , here comes the sweating", "Lord .", "Fie , what an indirect and peevish course", "Is this of hers ? Lord Cardinal , will your Grace", "Persuade the Queen to send the Duke of York", "Unto his princely brother presently ?", "If she deny , Lord Hastings , go with him", "And from her jealous arms pluck him perforce .", "You are too senseless-obstinate , my lord ,", "Too ceremonious and traditional .", "Weigh it but with the grossness of this age ,", "You break not sanctuary in seizing him .", "The benefit thereof is always granted", "To those whose dealings have deserv 'd the place", "And those who have the wit to claim the place .", "This Prince hath neither claim 'd it nor deserv 'd it ,", "And therefore , in mine opinion , cannot have it .", "Then , taking him from thence that is not there ,", "You break no privilege nor charter there .", "Oft have I heard of sanctuary men ;", "But sanctuary children never till now .", "He did , my gracious lord , begin that place ,", "Which , since , succeeding ages have re-edified .", "Upon record , my gracious lord .", "What , my gracious lord ?", "Now , in good time , here comes the Duke of", "York .", "With what a sharp-provided wit he reasons !", "To mitigate the scorn he gives his uncle", "He prettily and aptly taunts himself .", "So cunning and so young is wonderful .", "Think you , my lord , this little prating York", "Was not incensed by his subtle mother", "To taunt and scorn you thus opprobriously ?", "Well , let them rest . Come hither , Catesby .", "Thou art sworn as deeply to effect what we intend", "As closely to conceal what we impart .", "Thou know'st our reasons urg 'd upon the way .", "What think'st thou ? Is it not an easy matter", "To make William Lord Hastings of our mind ,", "For the instalment of this noble Duke", "In the seat royal of this famous isle ?", "What think'st thou then of Stanley ? Will not he ?", "Well then , no more but this : go , gentle", "Catesby ,", "And , as it were far off , sound thou Lord Hastings", "How he doth stand affected to our purpose ;", "And summon him to-morrow to the Tower ,", "To sit about the coronation .", "If thou dost find him tractable to us ,", "Encourage him , and tell him all our reasons ;", "If he be leaden , icy , cold , unwilling ,", "Be thou so too , and so break off the talk ,", "And give us notice of his inclination ;", "For we to-morrow hold divided councils ,", "Wherein thyself shalt highly be employ 'd .", "Good Catesby , go effect this business soundly .", "Now , my lord , what shall we do if we perceive Lord Hastings will not yield to our complots ?", "I 'll claim that promise at your Grace 's hand ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 578, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now , noble peers , the cause why we are met", "Is to determine of the coronation .", "In God 's name speak-when is the royal day ?", "I thank his Grace , I know he loves me well ;", "But for his purpose in the coronation", "I have not sounded him , nor he deliver 'd", "His gracious pleasure any way therein .", "But you , my honourable lords , may name the time ;", "And in the Duke 's behalf I 'll give my voice ,", "Which , I presume , he 'll take in gentle part .", "His Grace looks cheerfully and smooth this morning ; There 's some conceit or other likes him well When that he bids good morrow with such spirit . I think there 's never a man in Christendom Can lesser hide his love or hate than he ; For by his face straight shall you know his heart .", "Marry , that with no man here he is offended ;", "For , were he , he had shown it in his looks .", "Re-enter GLOUCESTER and BUCKINGHAM", "The tender love I bear your Grace , my lord ,", "Makes me most forward in this princely presence", "To doom th \u2019 offenders , whosoe'er they be .", "I say , my lord , they have deserved death .", "If they have done this deed , my noble lord-", "Woe , woe , for England ! not a whit for me ;", "For I , too fond , might have prevented this .", "STANLEY did dream the boar did raze our helms ,", "And I did scorn it and disdain to fly .", "Three times to-day my foot-cloth horse did stumble ,", "And started when he look 'd upon the Tower ,", "As loath to bear me to the slaughter-house .", "O , now I need the priest that spake to me !", "I now repent I told the pursuivant ,", "As too triumphing , how mine enemies", "To-day at Pomfret bloodily were butcher 'd ,", "And I myself secure in grace and favour .", "O Margaret , Margaret , now thy heavy curse", "Is lighted on poor Hastings \u2019 wretched head !", "O momentary grace of mortal men ,", "Which we more hunt for than the grace of God !", "Who builds his hope in air of your good looks", "Lives like a drunken sailor on a mast ,", "Ready with every nod to tumble down", "Into the fatal bowels of the deep .", "O bloody Richard ! Miserable England !", "I prophesy the fearfull'st time to thee", "That ever wretched age hath look 'd upon .", "Come , lead me to the block ; bear him my head .", "They smile at me who shortly shall be dead . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 578, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come , cousin , canst thou quake and change thy colour , Murder thy breath in middle of a word , And then again begin , and stop again , As if thou were distraught and mad with terror ?", "He is ; and , see , he brings the mayor along .", "Look to the drawbridge there !", "Catesby , o'erlook the walls .", "Look back , defend thee ; here are enemies .", "Be patient ; they are friends-Ratcliff and Lovel .", "So dear I lov 'd the man that I must weep .", "I took him for the plainest harmless creature", "That breath 'd upon the earth a Christian ;", "Made him my book , wherein my soul recorded", "The history of all her secret thoughts .", "So smooth he daub 'd his vice with show of virtue", "That , his apparent open guilt omitted ,", "I mean his conversation with Shore 's wife-", "He liv 'd from all attainder of suspects .", "What ! think you we are Turks or Infidels ?", "Or that we would , against the form of law ,", "Proceed thus rashly in the villain 's death", "But that the extreme peril of the case ,", "The peace of England and our persons \u2019 safety ,", "Enforc 'd us to this execution ?", "And to that end we wish 'd your lordship here ,", "T \u2019 avoid the the the censures of the carping world .", "Go , after , after , cousin Buckingham .", "The Mayor towards Guildhall hies him in all post .", "There , at your meet'st advantage of the time ,", "Infer the bastardy of Edward 's children .", "Tell them how Edward put to death a citizen", "Only for saying he would make his son", "Heir to the crown-meaning indeed his house ,", "Which by the sign thereof was termed so .", "Moreover , urge his hateful luxury", "And bestial appetite in change of lust ,", "Which stretch 'd unto their servants , daughters , wives ,", "Even where his raging eye or savage heart", "Without control lusted to make a prey .", "Nay , for a need , thus far come near my person :", "Tell them , when that my mother went with child", "Of that insatiate Edward , noble York", "My princely father then had wars in France", "And , by true computation of the time ,", "Found that the issue was not his begot ;", "Which well appeared in his lineaments ,", "Being nothing like the noble Duke my father .", "Yet touch this sparingly , as \u2018 twere far off ;", "Because , my lord , you know my mother lives .", "If you thrive well , bring them to Baynard 's", "Castle ;", "Where you shall find me well accompanied", "With reverend fathers and well learned bishops .", "Go , Lovel , with all speed to Doctor Shaw .", "Go thou to Friar Penker . Bid them both", "Meet me within this hour at Baynard 's Castle ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 578, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["How now , how now ! What say the citizens ?", "Touch 'd you the bastardy of Edward 's children ?", "And did they so ?", "What , tongueless blocks were they ? Would they not speak ? Will not the Mayor then and his brethren come ?", "I go ; and if you plead as well for them", "As I can say nay to thee for myself ,", "No doubt we bring it to a happy issue .", "My lord , there needs no such apology :", "I do beseech your Grace to pardon me ,", "Who , earnest in the service of my God ,", "Deferr 'd the visitation of my friends .", "But , leaving this , what is your Grace 's pleasure ?", "I do suspect I have done some offence", "That seems disgracious in the city 's eye ,", "And that you come to reprehend my ignorance .", "Else wherefore breathe I in a Christian land ?", "I cannot tell if to depart in silence", "Or bitterly to speak in your reproof", "Best fitteth my degree or your condition .", "If not to answer , you might haply think", "Tongue-tied ambition , not replying , yielded", "To bear the golden yoke of sovereignty ,", "Which fondly you would here impose on me ;", "If to reprove you for this suit of yours ,", "So season 'd with your faithful love to me ,", "Then , on the other side , I check 'd my friends .", "Therefore-to speak , and to avoid the first ,", "And then , in speaking , not to incur the last-", "Definitively thus I answer you :", "Your love deserves my thanks , but my desert", "Unmeritable shuns your high request .", "First , if all obstacles were cut away ,", "And that my path were even to the crown ,", "As the ripe revenue and due of birth ,", "Yet so much is my poverty of spirit ,", "So mighty and so many my defects ,", "That I would rather hide me from my greatness-", "Being a bark to brook no mighty sea-", "Than in my greatness covet to be hid ,", "And in the vapour of my glory smother 'd .", "But , God be thank 'd , there is no need of me-", "And much I need to help you , were there need .", "The royal tree hath left us royal fruit", "Which , mellow 'd by the stealing hours of time ,", "Will well become the seat of majesty", "And make , no doubt , us happy by his reign .", "On him I lay that you would lay on me-", "The right and fortune of his happy stars ,", "Which God defend that I should wring from him .", "Alas , why would you heap this care on me ?", "I am unfit for state and majesty .", "I do beseech you , take it not amiss :", "I cannot nor I will not yield to you .", "O , do not swear , my lord of Buckingham .", "Will you enforce me to a world of cares ?", "Call them again . I am not made of stones ,", "But penetrable to your kind entreaties ,", "Albeit against my conscience and my soul .", "Re-enter BUCKINGHAM and the rest", "Cousin of Buckingham , and sage grave men ,", "Since you will buckle fortune on my back ,", "To bear her burden , whe'er I will or no ,", "I must have patience to endure the load ;", "But if black scandal or foul-fac 'd reproach", "Attend the sequel of your imposition ,", "Your mere enforcement shall acquittance me", "From all the impure blots and stains thereof ;", "For God doth know , and you may partly see ,", "How far I am from the desire of this .", "In saying so , you shall but say the truth .", "Even when you please , for you will have it so .", "Come , let us to our holy work again . Farewell , my cousin ; farewell , gentle friends . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 578, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["God give your Graces both", "A happy and a joyful time of day !", "No farther than the Tower ; and , as I guess ,", "Upon the like devotion as yourselves ,", "To gratulate the gentle Princes there .", "Their aunt I am in law , in love their mother .", "Then bring me to their sights ; I 'll bear thy blame ,", "And take thy office from thee on my peril .", "Despiteful tidings ! O unpleasing news !", "And I with all unwillingness will go .", "O , would to God that the inclusive verge", "Of golden metal that must round my brow", "Were red-hot steel , to sear me to the brains !", "Anointed let me be with deadly venom ,", "And die ere men can say \u2018 God save the Queen ! \u2019", "No , why ? When he that is my husband now", "Came to me , as I follow 'd Henry 's corse ;", "When scarce the blood was well wash 'd from his hands", "Which issued from my other angel husband ,", "And that dear saint which then I weeping follow'd-", "O , when , I say , I look 'd on Richard 's face ,", "This was my wish : \u2018 Be thou \u2019 quoth I \u2018 accurs 'd", "For making me , so young , so old a widow ;", "And when thou wed'st , let sorrow haunt thy bed ;", "And be thy wife , if any be so mad ,", "More miserable by the life of thee", "Than thou hast made me by my dear lord 's death . \u2019", "Lo , ere I can repeat this curse again ,", "Within so small a time , my woman 's heart", "Grossly grew captive to his honey words", "And prov 'd the subject of mine own soul 's curse ,", "Which hitherto hath held my eyes from rest ;", "For never yet one hour in his bed", "Did I enjoy the golden dew of sleep ,", "But with his timorous dreams was still awak 'd .", "Besides , he hates me for my father Warwick ;", "And will , no doubt , shortly be rid of me .", "No more than with my soul I mourn for yours .", "Adieu , poor soul , that tak'st thy leave of it !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 578, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Stand all apart . Cousin of Buckingham !", "Give me thy hand .", "Thus high , by thy advice", "And thy assistance , is King Richard seated .", "But shall we wear these glories for a day ;", "Or shall they last , and we rejoice in them ?", "Ah , Buckingham , now do I play the touch ,", "To try if thou be current gold indeed .", "Young Edward lives-think now what I would speak .", "Why , Buckingham , I say I would be King .", "Ha ! am I King ? \u2018 Tis so ; but Edward lives .", "O bitter consequence :", "That Edward still should live-true noble Prince !", "Cousin , thou wast not wont to be so dull .", "Shall I be plain ? I wish the bastards dead .", "And I would have it suddenly perform 'd .", "What say'st thou now ? Speak suddenly , be brief .", "Tut , tut , thou art all ice ; thy kindness freezes . Say , have I thy consent that they shall die ?", "I will converse with iron-witted fools", "And unrespective boys ; none are for me", "That look into me with considerate eyes .", "High-reaching Buckingham grows circumspect .", "Boy !", "Know'st thou not any whom corrupting gold Will tempt unto a close exploit of death ?", "What is his name ?", "I partly know the man . Go , call him hither , boy . Exit PAGE The deep-revolving witty Buckingham No more shall be the neighbour to my counsels . Hath he so long held out with me , untir 'd , And stops he now for breath ? Well , be it so . Enter STANLEY How now , Lord Stanley ! What 's the news ?", "Come hither , Catesby . Rumour it abroad", "That Anne , my wife , is very grievous sick ;", "I will take order for her keeping close .", "Inquire me out some mean poor gentleman ,", "Whom I will marry straight to Clarence \u2019 daughter-", "The boy is foolish , and I fear not him .", "Look how thou dream'st ! I say again , give out", "That Anne , my queen , is sick and like to die .", "About it ; for it stands me much upon", "To stop all hopes whose growth may damage me .", "Exit CATESBY", "I must be married to my brother 's daughter ,", "Or else my kingdom stands on brittle glass .", "Murder her brothers , and then marry her !", "Uncertain way of gain ! But I am in", "So far in blood that sin will pluck on sin .", "Tear-falling pity dwells not in this eye .", "Re-enter PAGE , with TYRREL", "Is thy name Tyrrel ?", "Art thou , indeed ?", "Dar'st thou resolve to kill a friend of mine ?", "Why , then thou hast it . Two deep enemies ,", "Foes to my rest , and my sweet sleep 's disturbers ,", "Are they that I would have thee deal upon .", "TYRREL , I mean those bastards in the Tower .", "Thou sing'st sweet music . Hark , come hither , Tyrrel . Go , by this token . Rise , and lend thine ear .There is no more but so : say it is done , And I will love thee and prefer thee for it .", "Well , let that rest . Dorset is fled to", "Richmond .", "Stanley , he is your wife 's son : well , look unto it .", "Stanley , look to your wife ; if she convey", "Letters to Richmond , you shall answer it .", "I do remember me : Henry the Sixth", "Did prophesy that Richmond should be King ,", "When Richmond was a little peevish boy .", "A king ! -perhaps-", "How chance the prophet could not at that time Have told me , I being by , that I should kill him ?", "Richmond ! When last I was at Exeter ,", "The mayor in courtesy show 'd me the castle", "And call 'd it Rugemount , at which name I started ,", "Because a bard of Ireland told me once", "I should not live long after I saw Richmond .", "Ay , what 's o'clock ?", "Well , but o'clock ?", "Well , let it strike .", "Because that like a Jack thou keep'st the stroke Betwixt thy begging and my meditation . I am not in the giving vein to-day .", "Thou troublest me ; I am not in the vein ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 578, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The tyrannous and bloody act is done ,", "The most arch deed of piteous massacre", "That ever yet this land was guilty of .", "Dighton and Forrest , who I did suborn", "To do this piece of ruthless butchery ,", "Albeit they were flesh 'd villains , bloody dogs ,", "Melted with tenderness and mild compassion ,", "Wept like two children in their deaths \u2019 sad story .", "\u2018 O , thus \u2019 quoth Dighton \u2018 lay the gentle babes \u2019 -", "\u2018 Thus , thus , \u2019 quoth Forrest \u2018 girdling one another", "Within their alabaster innocent arms .", "Their lips were four red roses on a stalk ,", "And in their summer beauty kiss 'd each other .", "A book of prayers on their pillow lay ;", "Which once , \u2019 quoth Forrest \u2018 almost chang 'd my mind ;", "But , O , the devil \u2019 - there the villain stopp 'd ;", "When Dighton thus told on : \u2018 We smothered", "The most replenished sweet work of nature", "That from the prime creation e'er she framed . \u2019", "Hence both are gone with conscience and remorse", "They could not speak ; and so I left them both ,", "To bear this tidings to the bloody King .", "Enter KING RICHARD", "And here he comes . All health , my sovereign lord !", "If to have done the thing you gave in charge", "Beget your happiness , be happy then ,", "For it is done .", "I did , my lord .", "The chaplain of the Tower hath buried them ;", "But where , to say the truth , I do not know .", "I humbly take my leave . Exit"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 578, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["So now prosperity begins to mellow", "And drop into the rotten mouth of death .", "Here in these confines slily have I lurk 'd", "To watch the waning of mine enemies .", "A dire induction am I witness to ,", "And will to France , hoping the consequence", "Will prove as bitter , black , and tragical .", "Withdraw thee , wretched Margaret . Who comes here ?", "Hover about her ; say that right for right", "Hath dimm 'd your infant morn to aged night .", "Plantagenet doth quit Plantagenet ,", "Edward for Edward pays a dying debt .", "When holy Harry died , and my sweet son .", "If ancient sorrow be most reverend , Give mine the benefit of seniory , And let my griefs frown on the upper hand . If sorrow can admit society ,Tell o'er your woes again by viewing mine . I had an Edward , till a Richard kill 'd him ; I had a husband , till a Richard kill 'd him : Thou hadst an Edward , till a Richard kill 'd him ; Thou hadst a Richard , till a Richard kill 'd him .", "Thou hadst a Clarence too , and Richard kill 'd him . From forth the kennel of thy womb hath crept A hell-hound that doth hunt us all to death . That dog , that had his teeth before his eyes To worry lambs and lap their gentle blood , That foul defacer of God 's handiwork , That excellent grand tyrant of the earth That reigns in galled eyes of weeping souls , Thy womb let loose to chase us to our graves . O upright , just , and true-disposing God , How do I thank thee that this carnal cur Preys on the issue of his mother 's body And makes her pew-fellow with others \u2019 moan !", "Bear with me ; I am hungry for revenge ,", "And now I cloy me with beholding it .", "Thy Edward he is dead , that kill 'd my Edward ;", "The other Edward dead , to quit my Edward ;", "Young York he is but boot , because both they", "Match 'd not the high perfection of my loss .", "Thy Clarence he is dead that stabb 'd my Edward ;", "And the beholders of this frantic play ,", "Th \u2019 adulterate Hastings , Rivers , Vaughan , Grey ,", "Untimely smother 'd in their dusky graves .", "Richard yet lives , hell 's black intelligencer ;", "Only reserv 'd their factor to buy souls", "And send them thither . But at hand , at hand ,", "Ensues his piteous and unpitied end .", "Earth gapes , hell burns , fiends roar , saints pray ,", "To have him suddenly convey 'd from hence .", "Cancel his bond of life , dear God , I pray ,", "That I may live and say \u2018 The dog is dead . \u2019", "I Call 'd thee then vain flourish of my fortune ; I call 'd thee then poor shadow , painted queen , The presentation of but what I was , The flattering index of a direful pageant , One heav 'd a-high to be hurl 'd down below , A mother only mock 'd with two fair babes , A dream of what thou wast , a garish flag To be the aim of every dangerous shot , A sign of dignity , a breath , a bubble , A queen in jest , only to fill the scene . Where is thy husband now ? Where be thy brothers ? Where be thy two sons ? Wherein dost thou joy ? Who sues , and kneels , and says \u2018 God save the Queen \u2019 ? Where be the bending peers that flattered thee ? Where be the thronging troops that followed thee ? Decline all this , and see what now thou art : For happy wife , a most distressed widow ; For joyful mother , one that wails the name ; For one being su 'd to , one that humbly sues ; For Queen , a very caitiff crown 'd with care ; For she that scorn 'd at me , now scorn 'd of me ; For she being fear 'd of all , now fearing one ; For she commanding all , obey 'd of none . Thus hath the course of justice whirl 'd about And left thee but a very prey to time , Having no more but thought of what thou wast To torture thee the more , being what thou art . Thou didst usurp my place , and dost thou not Usurp the just proportion of my sorrow ? Now thy proud neck bears half my burden 'd yoke , From which even here I slip my weary head And leave the burden of it all on thee . Farewell , York 's wife , and queen of sad mischance ; These English woes shall make me smile in France .", "Forbear to sleep the nights , and fast the days ; Compare dead happiness with living woe ; Think that thy babes were sweeter than they were , And he that slew them fouler than he is . Bett'ring thy loss makes the bad-causer worse ; Revolving this will teach thee how to curse .", "Thy woes will make them sharp and pierce like mine . Exit"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 578, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Here pitch our tent , even here in Bosworth field . My Lord of Surrey , why look you so sad ?", "My Lord of Norfolk !", "Norfolk , we must have knocks ; ha ! must we not ?", "Up With my tent ! Here will I lie to-night ;", "But where to-morrow ? Well , all 's one for that .", "Who hath descried the number of the traitors ?", "Why , our battalia trebles that account ;", "Besides , the King 's name is a tower of strength ,", "Which they upon the adverse faction want .", "Up with the tent ! Come , noble gentlemen ,", "Let us survey the vantage of the ground .", "Call for some men of sound direction .", "Let 's lack no discipline , make no delay ;", "For , lords , to-morrow is a busy day . Exeunt", "What is't o'clock ?", "I will not sup to-night . Give me some ink and paper . What , is my beaver easier than it was ? And all my armour laid into my tent ?", "Good Norfolk , hie thee to thy charge ;", "Use careful watch , choose trusty sentinels .", "Stir with the lark to-morrow , gentle Norfolk .", "Catesby !", "Send out a pursuivant-at-arms", "To Stanley 's regiment ; bid him bring his power", "Before sunrising , lest his son George fall", "Into the blind cave of eternal night . Exit CATESBY", "Fill me a bowl of wine . Give me a watch .", "Saddle white Surrey for the field to-morrow .", "Look that my staves be sound , and not too heavy .", "Ratcliff !", "Saw'st thou the melancholy Lord", "Northumberland ?", "So , I am satisfied . Give me a bowl of wine .", "I have not that alacrity of spirit", "Nor cheer of mind that I was wont to have .", "Set it down . Is ink and paper ready ?", "Bid my guard watch ; leave me .", "RATCLIFF , about the mid of night come to my tent", "And help to arm me . Leave me , I say .", "Give me another horse . Bind up my wounds . Have mercy , Jesu ! Soft ! I did but dream . O coward conscience , how dost thou afflict me ! The lights burn blue . It is now dead midnight . Cold fearful drops stand on my trembling flesh . What do I fear ? Myself ? There 's none else by . Richard loves Richard ; that is , I am I . Is there a murderer here ? No-yes , I am .", "Zounds , who is there ?", "O Ratcliff , I have dream 'd a fearful dream ! What think'st thouhYpppHeNwill our friends prove all true ?", "O Ratcliff , I fear , I fear .", "What said Northumberland as touching", "Richmond ?", "He said the truth ; and what said Surrey then ?", "Then he disdains to shine ; for by the book", "He should have brav 'd the east an hour ago .", "A black day will it be to somebody .", "Ratcliff !", "The sun will not be seen to-day ;", "The sky doth frown and lour upon our army .", "I would these dewy tears were from the ground .", "Not shine to-day ! Why , what is that to me", "More than to Richmond ? For the selfsame heaven", "That frowns on me looks sadly upon him .", "Come , bustle , bustle ; caparison my horse ;", "Call up Lord Stanley , bid him bring his power .", "I will lead forth my soldiers to the plain ,", "And thus my battle shall be ordered :", "My foreward shall be drawn out all in length ,", "Consisting equally of horse and foot ;", "Our archers shall be placed in the midst .", "John Duke of Norfolk , Thomas Earl of Surrey ,", "Shall have the leading of this foot and horse .", "They thus directed , we will follow", "In the main battle , whose puissance on either side", "Shall be well winged with our chiefest horse .", "This , and Saint George to boot ! What think'st thou ,", "Norfolk ?", "\u2018 Jockey of Norfolk , be not so bold , For Dickon thy master is bought and sold . \u2019 A thing devised by the enemy . Go , gentlemen , every man unto his charge . Let not our babbling dreams affright our souls ; Conscience is but a word that cowards use , Devis 'd at first to keep the strong in awe . Our strong arms be our conscience , swords our law . March on , join bravely , let us to it pell-mell ; If not to heaven , then hand in hand to hell . His ORATION to his ARMY What shall I say more than I have inferr 'd ? Remember whom you are to cope withal - A sort of vagabonds , rascals , and runaways , A scum of Britaines , and base lackey peasants , Whom their o'erhYpppHeNcloyed country vomits forth To desperate adventures and assur 'd destruction . You sleeping safe , they bring to you unrest ; You having lands , and bless 'd with beauteous wives , They would restrain the one , distain the other . And who doth lead them but a paltry fellow , Long kept in Britaine at our mother 's cost ? A milk-sop , one that never in his life Felt so much cold as over shoes in snow ? Let 's whip these stragglers o'er the seas again ; Lash hence these over-weening rags of France , These famish 'd beggars , weary of their lives ; Who , but for dreaming on this fond exploit , For want of means , poor rats , had hang 'd themselves . If we be conquered , let men conquer us , And not these bastard Britaines , whom our fathers Have in their own land beaten , bobb 'd , and thump 'd , And , in record , left them the heirs of shame . Shall these enjoy our lands ? lie with our wives , Ravish our daughters ?Hark ! I hear their drum . Fight , gentlemen of England ! Fight , bold yeomen ! Draw , archers , draw your arrows to the head ! Spur your proud horses hard , and ride in blood ; Amaze the welkin with your broken staves ! Enter a MESSENGER What says Lord Stanley ? Will he bring his power ?", "Off with his son George 's head !", "A thousand hearts are great within my bosom . Advance our standards , set upon our foes ; Our ancient word of courage , fair Saint George , Inspire us with the spleen of fiery dragons ! Upon them ! Victory sits on our helms . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 578, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Child , hast thou looked upon thy grandsire dead ?", "Then thou sawest our Britain 's heart and head", "Death-stricken . Seemed not there my sire to thee", "More great than thine , or all men living ? We", "Stand shadows of the fathers we survive :", "Earth bears no more nor sees such births alive .", "Yea , his eyes", "Are liker seas that feel the summering skies", "In concord of sweet colour \u2014 and his brow", "Shines gentler than my father 's ever : thou ,", "So seeing , dost well to hold thy sire so dear .", "Nay \u2014 rather seems Locrine", "Thy sire than I thy mother .", "Boy ,", "Because of all our sires who fought for Troy", "Most like thy father and my lord Locrine ,", "I think , was Paris .", "Ask not it .", "I meant not thou shouldst understand \u2014 I spake", "As one that sighs , to ease her heart of ache ,", "And would not clothe in words her cause for sighs -", "Her naked cause of sorrow .", "Speech had I chosen , my son ,", "I had wronged thee \u2014 yea , perchance I have wronged thine ears", "Too far , to say so much .", "And Locrine -", "Were not thy sire wronged likewise of me ?", "Yet \u2014 I may choose yet \u2014 nothing will I say", "More .", "Son , son ! thy speech is bitterer than the sea .", "Thou liest .", "Thou art treacherous too -", "His heart , thy father 's very heart is thine -", "O , well beseems it , meet it is , Locrine ,", "That liar and traitor and changeling he should be", "Who , though I bare him , was begot by thee .", "Nay \u2014 I did but liken him with one", "Not all unlike him ; thou , my child , his son ,", "Art more unlike thy father .", "Nay , save when heaven would cross him in the fight ,", "He bare him , say the minstrels , as a knight -", "Yea , like thy father .", "My son ,", "I had rather see thee \u2014 see thy brave bright head ,", "Strong limbs , clear eyes \u2014 drop here before me dead .", "False was he ;", "No coward indeed , but faithless , trothless \u2014 we", "Hold therefore , as thou sayest , his princely name", "Unprincely \u2014 dead in honour \u2014 quick in shame .", "Thine ? to thine ?", "God rather strike thy life as dark as mine", "Than tarnish thus thine honour ! For to me", "Shameful it seems \u2014 I know not if it be -", "For men to lie , and smile , and swear , and lie ,", "And bear the gods of heaven false witness . I", "Can hold not this but shameful .", "Thy soul ? Yea , there \u2014 how knowest thou , boy , so well ? -", "The fire is lit that feeds the fires of hell .", "Mine is aflame this long time now \u2014 but thine -", "O , how shall God forgive thee this , Locrine ,", "That thou , for shame of these thy treasons done ,", "Hast rent the soul in sunder of thy son ?", "Nay , child , I lied \u2014 I did but rave -", "I jested \u2014 was my face , then , sad and grave ,", "When most I jested with thee ? Child , my brain", "Is wearied , and my heart worn down with pain :", "I thought awhile , for very sorrow 's sake ,", "To play with sorrow \u2014 try thy spirit , and take", "Comfort \u2014 God knows I know not what I said ,", "My father , whom I loved , being newly dead .", "Dost thou now believe me ?", "I bore", "A brave man when I bore thee .", "Never . But wilt thou trust me now ?", "Well .", "Heaven hath no power to hurt me more : and hell", "No fire to fear . The world I dwelt in died", "With my dead father . King , thy world is wide", "Wherein thy soul rejoicingly puts trust :", "But mine is strait , and built by death of dust .", "Thy speech is sweet ; thine eyes are flowers that shine :", "If ever siren bare a son , Locrine ,", "To reign in some green island and bear sway", "On shores more shining than the front of day", "And cliffs whose brightness dulls the morning 's brow ,", "That son of sorceries and of seas art thou .", "Thy soul is softer than this boy 's of thine :", "His heart is all toward battle . Was it mine", "That put such fire in his ? for none that heard", "Thy flatteries \u2014 nay , I take not back the word -", "A flattering lover lives my loving lord -", "Could guess thine hand so great with spear or sword .", "Wert thou not woman more in word than act ,", "Then unrevenged thy brother Albanact", "Had given his blood to guard his realm and thine :", "But he that slew him found thy stroke , Locrine ,", "Strong as thy speech is gentle .", "A goodly spoil", "Was that thine hand made then by Humber 's banks", "Of all who swelled the Scythian 's riotous ranks", "With storm of inland surf and surge of steel :", "None there were left , if tongues ring true , to feel", "The yoke of days that breathe submissive breath", "More bitter than the bitterest edge of death .", "This was then a day of blood . I heard ,", "But know not whence I caught the wandering word ,", "Strange women were there of that outland crew ,", "Whom ruthlessly thy soldiers ravening slew .", "These that were taken , then , thou didst not slay ?", "Slay nor spare ?", "What albeit they were ?", "Small hurt , meseems , my husband , had it been", "Though British hands had haled a Scythian queen -", "If such were found \u2014 some woman foul and fierce -", "To death \u2014 or aught we hold for shame 's sake worse .", "Not wolves , but men ,", "Surely : for beasts are loyal .", "Nought save grief and love ; Locrine ,", "A grievous love , a loving grief is mine .", "Here stands my husband : there my father lies :", "I know not if there live in either 's eyes", "More love , more life of comfort . This our son", "Loves me : but is there else left living one", "That loves me back as I love ?", "Not thou !", "No part have I \u2014 nay , never had I part -", "Our child that hears me knows it \u2014 in thine heart .", "Thy sire it was that bade our hands be one", "For love of mine , his brother : thou , his son ,", "Didst give not \u2014 no \u2014 but yield thy hand to mine ,", "To mine thy lips \u2014 not thee to me , Locrine .", "Thy heart has dwelt far off me all these years ;", "Yet have I never sought with smiles or tears", "To lure or melt it meward . I have borne -", "I that have borne to thee this boy \u2014 thy scorn ,", "Thy gentleness , thy tender words that bite", "More deep than shame would , shouldst thou spurn or smite", "These limbs and lips made thine by contract \u2014 made", "No wife 's , no queen 's \u2014 a servant 's \u2014 nay , thy shade .", "The shadow am I , my lord and king , of thee ,", "Who art spirit and substance , body and soul to me .", "And now ,\u2014 nay , speak not \u2014 now my sire is dead", "Thou think'st to cast me crownless from thy bed", "Wherein I brought thee forth a son that now", "Shall perish with me , if thou wilt \u2014 and thou", "Shalt live and laugh to think of us \u2014 or yet", "Play faith more foul \u2014 play falser , and forget .", "I know that nought I know , Locrine , of thee .", "Strong sorrow knows but sorrow 's lawless laws .", "They should not , had my heart my heart 's desire .", "Thou dost not call me wife \u2014 nor call'st amiss .", "Thou dost not ill to call me not thy wife .", "Thy sister never I : my brother thou .", "As loves a sister , never loved I thee .", "If then thou thought'st it , both were sore beguiled .", "Yet not like theirs \u2014 woe worth it !\u2014 were our loves .", "And we live linked , inseparate \u2014 heart in heart .", "Thy mother laughed when thou wast born , Locrine .", "And thou didst laugh , and wept'st not , to be born .", "The same star lit not thee to birth and me .", "Nay ; thine was nigh the sun , and mine afar .", "Nay , all its life of light was wellnigh done .", "Art thou so thankful , king , for love 's kind sake ? Would I were worthier thanks like these I take ! For thanks I cannot render thee again .", "Comfort ? In thee , fair cousin \u2014 or my son ?", "To Cornwall must he fare and fight for thee ?", "What is my will worth more than wind or foam ?", "What power is mine to speed him or to stay ?", "Most duteous wast thou to thy sire \u2014 and mine .", "Thy smile is as a flame that plays and flits .", "Not love 's \u2014 not love 's \u2014 toward me love burns not there .", "Swear by the faith none seeking there may find -", "Ay \u2014 women 's faith is water . Then , by men 's -", "Swear thou didst never love me more than now .", "I cannot give thee back thine oath again .", "I said not that it waned . I would not swear -", "- Thy faith and heart were aught but shadow and fire .", "And not my lord : I cross and thwart him still .", "Wound ? if I would , could I forsooth wound thee ?", "These hands , now bound in wedlock fast to thine ?", "Nay , life nor death , nor love whose child is hate ,", "May sunder hearts made one but once by fate .", "Wrath may come down as fire between them \u2014 life", "May bid them yearn for death as man for wife -", "Grief bid them stoop as son to father \u2014 shame", "Brand them , and memory turn their pulse to flame -", "Or falsehood change their blood to poisoned wine -", "Yet all shall rend them not in twain , Locrine .", "Thou , Locrine ?", "Today thou knowest not , nor wilt learn tomorrow ,", "The secret sense of such a word as sorrow .", "Thy spirit is soft and sweet : I well believe", "Thou wouldst , but well I know thou canst not grieve .", "The tears like fire , the fire that burns up tears ,", "The blind wild woe that seals up eyes and ears ,", "The sound of raging silence in the brain", "That utters things unutterable for pain ,", "The thirst at heart that cries on death for ease ,", "What knows thy soul 's live sense of pangs like these ?", "Thine ?", "Ay \u2014 when he comes again from Cornwall .", "Think not the boy I bare thee too much mine ,", "Though slack of speech and halting : I divine", "Thou shalt not find him faint of heart or hand ,", "Come what may come against him .", "Ay : no such coward as crawls and licks the dust", "Till blood thence licked may slake his murderous lust", "And leave his tongue the suppler shall be bred ,", "I think , in Britain ever \u2014 if the dead", "May witness for the living . Though my son", "Go forth among strange tribes to battle , none", "Here shall he meet within our circling seas", "So much more vile than vilest men as these .", "And though the folk be fierce that harbour there", "As once the Scythians driven before thee were ,", "And though some Cornish water change its name", "As Humber then for furtherance of thy fame ,", "And take some dead man 's on it \u2014 some dead king 's", "Slain of our son 's hand \u2014 and its watersprings", "Wax red and radiant from such fire of fight", "And swell as high with blood of hosts in flight -", "No fiercer foe nor worthier shall he meet", "Than then fell grovelling at his father 's feet .", "Nor , though the day run red with blood of men", "As that whose hours rang round thy praises then ,", "Shall thy son 's hand be deeper dipped therein", "Than his that gat him \u2014 and that held it sin", "To spill strange blood of barbarous women \u2014 wives", "Or harlots \u2014 things of monstrous names and lives -", "Fit spoil for swords of harsher-hearted folk ;", "Nor yet , though some that dared and \u2018 scaped the stroke", "Be fair as beasts are beauteous ,\u2014 fit to make", "False hearts of fools bow down for love 's foul sake ,", "And burn up faith to ashes \u2014 shall my son", "Forsake his father 's ways for such an one", "As whom thy soldiers slew or slew not \u2014 thou", "Hast no remembrance of them left thee now .", "Even therefore may we stand assured of this :", "What lip soever lure his lip to kiss ,", "Past question \u2014 else were he nor mine nor thine -", "This boy would spurn a Scythian concubine .", "Wilt thou not bless him going , and bid him speed ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 588, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Nay , tell not me : no smoke of lies can smother", "The truth which lightens through thy lies : I see", "Whose trust it is that makes a liar of thee ,", "And how thy falsehood , man , has faith for mother .", "What , is not thine the breast wherein my brother", "Seals all his heart up ? Had he put in me", "Faith \u2014 but his secret has thy tongue for key ,", "And all his counsel opens to none other .", "Thy tongue , thine eye , thy smile unlocks his trust", "Who puts no trust in man .", "What art thou ?", "Because thy beard ere mine were black was grey", "Art thou the prince , and I thy man ? I say", "Thou shalt not keep his counsel from me .", "God us aid !", "Art thou not mad ? Thou knowest what whispers crawl", "About the court with serpent sound and speed ,", "Made out of fire and falsehood ; or if made", "Not all of lies \u2014 it may be thus \u2014 not all -", "Black yet no less with poison .", "Why , thou art old ;", "To thee could falsehood bear but fruitless fruit -", "Lean grafts and sour . I think thou wouldst not .", "Nay ,", "What boots it though thou plight thy word to boot ?", "True servant wast thou to my sire King Brute ,", "And Brute thy king true master to thee .", "No sign ?", "Though nought my fame be ,\u2014 though no praise of mine", "Be worth men 's tongues for word or thought or act -", "Shall fame forget my brother Albanact ,", "Or how those Huns who drank his blood for wine", "Poured forth their own for offering to Locrine ?", "Though all the soundless maze of time were tracked ,", "No men should man find nobler .", "Ay \u2014 for them thy love is bright like spring ,", "And colder toward me than the wintering sun .", "What am I less \u2014 what less am I than others ,", "That thus thy tongue discrowns my name of king ,", "Dethrones my title , disanoints my state ,", "And pricks me down but petty prince ?", "Ay ? must my name among their names stand scored", "Who keep my brother 's door or guard his gate ?", "A lordling \u2014 princeling \u2014 one that stands to wait -", "That lights him back to bed or serves at board .", "Old man , if yet thy foundering brain record", "Aught \u2014 if thou know that once my sire was great ,", "Then must thou know he left no less to me ,", "His youngest , than to those my brethren born ,", "Kingship .", "And how had he", "Endured thy silence or sustained thy scorn ?", "Why must I know not what thou knowest of ?", "Thou art wise as he , and just ,", "And secret . God requite thee ! yea , he must ,", "For man shall never . If my sword here shine", "Sunward \u2014 God guard that reverend head of thine !", "Thou knowest", "I will not . Am I Scythian born , or Greek ,", "That I should take thy bloodshed on my hand ?", "Thou think'st I would have slain thee ? Speak .", "Queen ! and what perchance of Guendolen ? Slept she forsooth forgotten ?", "Thine \u2014 with that grey goat 's fleece on chin , sir ? Needs", "Must she be fair : thou , wrapt in age 's weeds ,", "Whose blood , if time have touched it not and stilled ,", "The sun 's own fire must once have kindled ,\u2014 thou", "Sing praise of soft-lipped women ? doth not shame", "Sting thee , to sound this minstrel 's note , and gild", "A girl 's proud face with praises , though her brow", "Were bright as dawn 's ? And had her grace no name", "For men to worship by ? Her name ?", "My brother is a prince of paramours -", "Eyes coloured like the springtide sea , and hair", "Bright as with fire of sundawn \u2014 face as fair", "As mine is swart and worn with haggard hours ,", "Though less in years than his \u2014 such hap was ours", "When chance drew forth for us the lots that were", "Hid close in time 's clenched hand : and now I swear ,", "Though his be goodlier than the stars or flowers ,", "I would not change this head of mine , or crown", "Scarce worth a smile of his \u2014 thy lord Locrine 's -", "For that fair head and crown imperial ; nay ,", "Not were I cast by force of fortune down", "Lower than the lowest lean serf that prowls and pines", "And loathes for fear all hours of night and day .", "Vex not thou", "Thine old hoar head with care to learn of me", "This . Great is time , and what he wills to be", "Is here or ever proof may bring it : now ,", "Now is the future present . If thy vow", "Constrain thee not , yet would I know of thee", "One thing : this lustrous love-bird , where is she ?", "What nest is hers on what green flowering bough", "Deep in what wild sweet woodland ?", "Yea , by my kingdom hast thou \u2014 by my sword ,", "Yea . Now speak on .", "Speak , then : too long thou falterest nigh the goal .", "A child her daughter ? there now hidden ?", "Nought . This river 's name ?", "Nigh Leytonstone in Essex \u2014 called of old", "By men thine elders Durolitum ? There", "Are hind and fawn couched close in one green lair ?", "Speak : hast thou not my faith in pawn , to hold", "Fast as my brother 's heart this love , untold", "And undivined of all men ? must I swear", "Twice \u2014 I , to thee ?", "My sword shall split thine heart", "With pardon if thou palter with me .", "For love of her ? Nay \u2014 better shouldst thou know my love of him ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 588, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["But will my father come not ? not today ,", "Mother ?", "My birthday !", "May should be must : he must not be away . His faith was pledged to me as king and knight .", "Might ! and a king 's might his ? do kings bear sway", "For nought , that aught should keep him hence till night ?", "Why didst thou bid God help me when I sought", "To know but of his coming ?", "Have they found", "Such joy therein as meaner things have wrought ?", "Sing me the song that ripples round and round .", "That song is hardly even as wise as I -", "Nay , very foolishness it is . To die", "In March before its life were well on wing ,", "Before its time and kindly season \u2014 why", "Should spring be sad \u2014 before the swallows fly -", "Enough to dream of such a wintry thing ?", "Such foolish words were more unmeet for spring", "Than snow for summer when his heart is high ;", "And why should words be foolish when they sing ?", "The song-birds are not .", "All the land", "Knows that : the water tells it to the rushes", "Aloud , and lower and softlier to the sand :", "The flower-fays , lip to lip and hand in hand ,", "Laugh and repeat it all till darkness hushes", "Their singing with a word that falls and crushes", "All song to silence down the river-strand", "And where the hawthorns hearken for the thrushes .", "And all the secret sense is sweet and wise", "That sings through all their singing , and replies", "When we would know if heaven be gay or grey", "And would not open all too soon our eyes", "To look perchance on no such happy skies -", "As sleep brings close and waking blows away .", "Why , meseems the sun would hardly rise", "Else , nor the world be half so glad of day .", "Because , methought , though one were king or queen", "And had the world to play with , if one missed", "What most were good to have , such joy , I ween ,", "Were woful as a song with sobs between", "And well might wail for ever , \u2018 Had I wist ! \u2019", "And might my father do but as he list ,", "And make this day what other days have been ,", "I should not shut tonight mine eyes unkissed .", "Then I would he were", "No king at all , and save his golden hair", "Wore on his gracious head no golden crown .", "Must he be king for ever ?", "Not so , but upward to us . He would but frown", "To hear thee talk as though the woodlands there", "Were built no lordlier than the wide-walled town .", "Thou knowest , when I desire of him to see", "What manner of crown that wreath of towers may be", "That makes its proud head shine like older Troy 's ,", "His brows are bent even while he laughs on me", "And bids me think no more thereon than he ,", "For flowers are serious things , but towers are toys .", "I would the boy would give the maid her will .", "So have our hearts while sleeping \u2014 till they wake .", "Bid then the dawn sleep , and the world lie chill .", "And warm the world that feels the sundawn break .", "No plaint is this , but pleading , that I make .", "This is but the Ley :", "I fain would look upon the lordlier Thames .", "Nay , let the wind make willows weep and shiver :", "Me shall nor wind nor water , while I hear", "What goodly words saith each in other 's ear .", "And which is given the gift , and which the giver ,", "I know not , but they take and give good cheer .", "Nay , mother , nay ,", "Make me not weep with chiding : wilt thou say", "I love thee not ? Hark ! see , my sire for sign !", "I hear his horse .", "He comes today !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 588, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I know not , sir , what ails you to desire", "Such audience of me as I give .", "Then were my brother now at rest in Wales ,", "And royal .", "Even here as there alike , sir .", "My princely cousin , not indeed", "Much that might hap at word or will of thine .", "Should I gainsay their general rede ,", "My heart would mock me .", "Nay \u2014 not so much \u2014 I said not so . Say thou", "What thou wouldst have \u2014 if aught thou wouldst \u2014 with me .", "Ay , verily ? And thy spirit exalts thee now", "So high that these thy words fly forth so free ,", "And fain thine act would follow \u2014 flying above", "Shame 's reach and fear 's ? What gift may this be ? Love ?", "Or liking ? or compassion ?", "Piteous !", "Who lives so low and looks upon the sky", "As would desire \u2014 who shares the sun with us", "That might deserve thy pity ?", "Not I ,", "Though I were cast out hence , cast off , discrowned ,", "Abject , ungirt of all that guards me round ,", "Naked . What villainous madness , knave and king ,", "Is this that puts upon thy babbling tongue", "Poison ?", "Worse had it done to slay my lord , and spare", "Me . Wilt thou now show mercy toward me ? Then", "Strike with that sword mine heart through \u2014 if thou dare .", "All know thy tongue 's edge deadly .", "I hold not thee too faint of heart to slay", "Women . Say forth whate'er thou hast heart to say .", "How should aught move me", "Fallen from such tongues as falsehood finds the same -", "Such tongues as fraud or treasonous hate o'erscurfs", "With leprous lust \u2014 a prince 's or a serf 's ?", "Shame", "And truth ? Shame never toward thine heart came near ,", "And all thy life hath hung about thy name .", "Nor ever truth drew nigh the lips that fear", "Whitens , and makes the blood that feeds them tame .", "Speak all thou wilt \u2014 but even for shame , forsooth ,", "Talk not of shame \u2014 and tell me not of truth .", "Fairer ?", "Art thou nor man nor woman ?", "And hast heart to make thy spoil of me ?", "Thou art made of lies and lust -", "Earth 's worst is all too good for such to see ,", "And yet thine eyes turn heavenward \u2014 as they must ,", "Being man 's \u2014 if man be such as thou \u2014 and soil", "The light they see . Thou hast made of me thy spoil ,", "Thy scorn , thy profit \u2014 yea , my whole soul 's plunder", "Is all thy trophy , thy triumphal prize", "And harvest reaped of thee ; nay , trampled under", "And rooted up and scattered . Yet the skies", "That see thy trophies reared are full of thunder ,", "And heaven 's high justice loves not lust and lies .", "Thou liest . I know my lord and thee . Thou liest .", "Thou art lowest of all men born \u2014 while he sits highest .", "If I but whisper him of thee , thou diest .", "Secure as fools are hardy live thou still .", "I have it in my mind to take thine head . Dost thou not fear to put me thus in fear ?", "Thou darest not swear my lord hath wronged my bed . Thou darest but smile and mutter , lie and leer .", "From thee will I bear nothing . Get thee hence :", "Thine eyes defile me . Get thee from my sight .", "Fare thou not well , and be defence", "Far from thy soul cast naked forth by night !", "Hate rose from hell a liar : love came divine", "From heaven : yet she that bore thee bore Locrine ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 588, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Thou knowest not what she knows or dreams of ? why", "Her face is dark and wan , her lip and eye", "Restless and red as fever ? Hast thou kept", "Faith ?", "Surely , none . Weep not .", "Hast not thou", "Held counsel \u2014 played the talebearer whose tales", "Bear plague abroad and poison , knowing not how -", "Not with my wife nor brother ?", "That thou , whose faith swerves never , flags nor fails", "Nor falters , being as stars are loyal , yet", "Wast found as those that fall from heaven , forget", "Their station , shoot and shudder down to death", "Deep as the pit of hell ? What snares were set", "To take thy soul \u2014 what mist of treasonous breath", "Made blind in thee the sense that quickeneth", "In true men 's inward eyesight , when they know", "And know not how they know the word it saith ,", "The warning word that whispers loud or low -", "I ask not : be it enough these things are so .", "Thou hast played me false .", "But the prince -", "My brother , whom thou knowest by proof , not fame ,", "A coward whose heart is all a flickering flame", "That fain would burn and dares not \u2014 whence had he", "The poison that he gave her ? Speak : this came", "By chance \u2014 mishap \u2014 most haplessly for thee", "Who hadst my heart in thine , and madest of me", "No more than might for folly 's sake or fear 's", "Be bared for even such eyes as his to see ?", "Old friend that wast , I would not see thy tears .", "God comfort thy dishonour !", "Yea . So cheer thee now .", "Friend ,", "Take comfort . God 's wide-reaching will shall be", "Here as of old accomplished , though it blend", "All good with ill that none may mar or mend .", "Thy works and mine are ripples on the sea .", "Take heart , I say : we know not yet their end ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 588, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Hath no man seen thee ?", "Where the front of war is broken", "By the onset of thy force \u2014 the rebel fray", "Shattered . Had no man \u2014 canst thou surely say ? -", "Knowledge betimes , to give us knowledge here -", "Us babblers , tongues made quick with fraud and fear -", "That thou wast bound from Cornwall hither ?", "Nephew mine ,", "I have ever loved thee \u2014 not thy sire Locrine", "More \u2014 and for very and only love of thee", "Have I desired , or ever even thy mother", "Beheld thee , here to know of thee and me", "Which loves her best \u2014 her and thy sire my brother .", "Surely not", "He . Knowest thou whither hence he went ?", "And that should set not , for thy mother 's sake ,", "And thine , the heart in thee on fire ?", "No king of mine is he \u2014 we are equal , weighed", "Aright in state , though here his throne stand higher .", "To her no more than hell", "To souls cast forth who hear all hell-fire hiss", "All round them , and who feel the red worm 's kiss", "Shoot mortal poison through the heart that rests", "Immortal : serpents suckled at her breasts ,", "Fire feeding on her limbs , less pain should be", "Than sense of pride laid waste and love laid low ,", "If she be queen or woman : and to thee -", "Were it so ,", "It should not irk thee , she being wronged alone ;", "Thy mother 's bed , and not thy father 's throne ,", "Being soiled with usurpation . Ay ? but say", "That now mine uncle and her sire lies dead", "And helpless now to help her , or affray", "The heart wherein her ruin and thine were bred ,", "Not she were cast forth only from his bed ,", "But thou , loathed issue of a contract loathed", "Since first their hands were joined not but betrothed ,", "Wert cast forth out of kingship ? stripped of state ,", "Unmade his son , unseated , unallowed ,", "Discrowned , disorbed , discrested \u2014 thou , but late", "Prince , and of all men 's throats acclaimed aloud ,", "Of all men 's hearts accepted and avowed", "Prince , now proclaimed for some sweet bastard 's sake", "Peasant ?", "Coward or mad ?", "Which might one call thee rather , whose harsh heart", "Envenoms so thy tongue toward one that had", "No thought less kindly \u2014 toward even thee that art", "Kindless \u2014 than best beseems a kinsman 's part ?", "Have thy will , then : take thy full desire :", "Drink dry the draught of ruin : bid all blows", "Welcome : being harsh with friends , be mild with foes ,", "And give shame thanks for buffets . Yet I thought -", "But how should help avail where heart is nought ?", "Kinsman , ay .", "My hand had held the field beside thine own ,", "And all wild hills that know my rallying cry", "Had poured forth war for heart 's pure love alone", "To help thee \u2014 wouldst thou heed me \u2014 to thy throne .", "Dost thou laugh ?", "Were this too much for kings to give and take ?", "If warrior Wales do battle for thy sake ,", "Should I that kept thy crown for thee be held", "Worth less than royal guerdon ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 588, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["If thou didst ever love me , love me now .", "I am weary at heart of all on earth save thee .", "And yet I lie : and yet I lie not . Thou -", "Dost thou not think for love 's sake scorn of me ?", "Nay , what thinks evening , whom he leaves undone ?", "Fear knows not what it means :", "And I was fearful even of clouds that drive", "Across the dawn , and die \u2014 of all , of nought -", "Winds whispering on the darkling ways of thought ,", "Sunbeams that flash like fire , and hopes like fears", "That slay themselves , and live again , and die .", "But in mine eyes thy light is , in mine ears", "Thy music : I am thine , and more than I ,", "Being half of thy sweet soul .", "Guendolen ?", "Thou art the fairest fool alive .", "Thy fear is darker , child , than her desire .", "Fear thou not that : for nothing born eludes", "Time ; and the joy were sorrowful and strange", "That should endure for ever . Yea , I think", "Such joy would pray for sorrow 's cup to drink ,", "Such constancy desire an end , for mere", "Long weariness of watching . Thou and I", "Have all our will of life and loving here , -", "A heavenlier heaven on earth : but we shall die ,", "And if we died not , love we might outlive", "As now shall love outlive us .", "Forgive !", "God wot ,", "Thou art more than I \u2014 more strong and wise ;", "I know", "Thou couldst not live one hour if love were not .", "I would not . All the world were woe ,", "And all the day night , if the love I bear thee", "Were plucked out of the life wherein I wear thee", "As crown and comfort of its nights and days .", "Wilt thou swear", "- By what thou wilt soever \u2014 by the sun", "That sees us \u2014 by the light of all these flowers -", "By this full stream whose waves we hear not run -", "By all that is nor mine nor thine , but ours -", "That thou didst ever doubt indeed ? or dream", "That doubt , whose breath bids love of love misdeem ,", "Were other than the child of hate and hell ,", "The liar first-born of falsehood ?", "Could doubt not thee , waking or sleeping .", "By thine eyes", "- Turned stormier now than stars in bare-blown skies", "Wherethrough the wind rings menace ,\u2014 I will swear", "Nought : so shall fear , mistrust , and jealous hate", "Lie foodless , if not fangless . Thou , so fair", "That heaven might change for thee the seal of fate ,", "How darest thou doubt thy power on souls of men ?", "I sware not so to her . Thou knowest -", "Nay , I know", "That nothing lives under the sweet blue sky", "Worth thy sweet heeding , wouldst thou think but so ,", "Save love \u2014 wherewith thou seest thy world fulfilled .", "Estrild ,", "Estrild !", "Wouldst thou drink forgetfulness for wine", "To heal thine heart of love toward me ?", "Thou wouldst not : do not mock me then ,", "Saying out of evil heart , in evil jest ,", "Thy trust is dead to meward .", "Nay , not I -", "No more than she there playing beside the stream", "To slip within a stormier stream and die .", "See ,", "Her hands are lily-laden : let them be", "A flower-sweet symbol for us .", "Enter SABRINA .", "Child ! how should I to thee pay tribute ?", "Dare my lips defile", "Heaven ? O my love , in sight of her and thee", "I marvel how the sun should look on me", "And spare to turn his beams to fire .", "Yea -", "I hear . I would the world beyond our sight", "Were dead as worlds forgotten .", "Hath all sense forsaken me ? Sabrina ,", "Thou dost not fear me ?", "Wert thou wise ,", "They would not . Never have I looked on thee", "So .", "Nought more fearful than the water 's wiles -", "Which whoso fears not ere he fear shall die .", "Of death or life or anything but love", "What knowest thou ?", "No , and yes .", "Here sits my heart at height of hers and thine ,", "Laughing for love : here not the quiring birds", "Sing higher than sings my spirit : I am here Locrine ,", "Whom no sound vexes here of swords or words ,", "No cloud of thought or thunder : were my life", "Crowned but as lord and sire of child and wife ,", "Throned but as prince of woodland , bank and bower ,", "My joys were then imperial , and my state", "Firm as a star , that now is as a flower .", "No : for joy grows elsewhere scant .", "God keep thine eyes fulfilled with sweeter sights ,", "And this one from them ever !", "Wouldst thou too see fulfilled", "The fear whose shadow fallen on joy 's fair face", "Strikes it more sad than sorrow 's own ? Estrild ,", "Wast thou then happier ere this wildwood shrine", "Hid thee from homage , left thee but Locrine", "For worshipper less worthy grace of thee", "Than those thy sometime suppliants ?", "Such tongues ring falser than a broken chord", "Whose jar distunes the music .", "I had need be hence today .", "Queen", "And empress more imperious and more high", "And regent royaller than time hath seen", "And mightier mistress of thy sire and thrall :", "Yet must I go . But ere the next moon fall", "Again will I grow happy .", "So much can I \u2014 except the stars combine", "Unseasonably to stay me .", "Might I choose , small need were hers , God wot ,", "Or thine , to bid me tarry . When I come", "Again -", "Who can tell ? So now say I .", "Farewell ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 588, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come close , and look upon me . Child or man , -", "I know not how to call thee , being my child ,", "Who know not how myself am called , nor can -", "God witness \u2014 tell thee what should she be styled", "Who bears the brand and burden set on her", "That man hath set on me \u2014 the lands are wild", "Whence late I bade thee hither , swift of spur", "As he that rides to guard his mother 's life ;", "Thou hast found nought loathlier there , nought hate-fuller", "In all the wilds that seethe with fluctuant strife ,", "Than here besets thine advent . Son , if thou", "Be son of mine , and I thy father 's wife -", "As now", "We know not if they be . Give me thine hand .", "Thou hast mine eyes beneath thy father 's brow , -", "And therefore bears it not the traitor 's brand .", "Swear \u2014 But I would not bid thee swear in vain", "Nor bind thee ere thine own soul understand ,", "Ere thine own heart be molten with my pain ,", "To do such work for bitter love of me", "As haply , knowing my heart , thou wert not fain -", "Even thou \u2014 to take upon thee \u2014 bind on thee -", "Set all thy soul to do or die .", "And though thou sworest not , yet the thing should be .", "The burden found for me so sore to bear", "Why should I lay on any hand but mine ,", "Or bid thine own take part therein , and wear", "A father 's blood upon it \u2014 here \u2014 for sign ?", "Ay , now thou pluck'st it forth of hers to whom", "Thou sworest and gavest it plighted . O Locrine ,", "Thy seed it was that sprang within my womb ,", "Thine , and none other \u2014 traitor born and liar ,", "False-faced , false-tongued \u2014 the fire of hell consume", "Me , thee , and him for ever !", "Thy sire ? my lord ? the flower of men ? How ?", "Now , and then ,", "Are twain ; thou knowest not women , how their tongue", "Takes fire , and straight learns patience : Guendolen", "Is there no more than crownless woman , wrung", "At heart with anguish , and in utterance mad", "As even the meanest whom a snake hath stung", "So near the heart that all the pulse it had", "Grows palpitating poison . Wilt thou know", "Whence ?", "What think'st thou were the bitterest wrong , the woe", "Least bearable by woman , worst of all", "That man might lay upon her ? Nay , thou art slow :", "Speak : though thou speak but folly . Silent ? Call", "To mind whatso thou hast ever heard of ill", "Most monstrous , that should turn to fire and gall", "The milk and blood of maid or mother \u2014 still", "Thou shalt not find , I think , what he hath done -", "What I endure , and die not . For my will", "It is that holds me yet alive , O son ,", "Till all my wrong be wroken , here to keep", "Fast watch , a living soul before the sun ,", "Anhungered and athirst for night and sleep ,", "That will not slake the ravin of her thirst", "Nor quench her fire of hunger , till she reap", "The harvest loved of all men , last as first -", "Vengeance .", "I praise the gods that gave me thee : thine heart", "Is none of his , no changeling 's in desire ,", "No coward 's as who begat thee : mine thou art", "All , and mine only . Lend me now thine ear :", "Thou knowest -", "How my lord ,", "Our lord , thy sire \u2014 the king whose throne is here", "Imperial \u2014 smote and drove the wolf-like horde", "That raged against us from the raging east ,", "And how their chief sank in the unsounded ford", "He thought to traverse , till the floods increased", "Against him , and he perished : and Locrine", "Found in his camp for sovereign spoil to feast", "The sense of power with lustier joy than wine", "A woman \u2014 Dost thou mock me ?", "Thou dost not dare", "Mock me ?", "And thou ? no she-wolf whelps upon the wold", "Whose brood is like thy mother 's .", "And a bold", "Man : is thine heart flesh , or a burning brand", "Lit to burn up and turn for thee to gold", "The kingship of thy sire ?", "Thou dost love then , thou , thy mother yet -", "Me , dost thou love a little ? None but thou", "There is to love me ; for the gods forget -", "Nor shall one hear of me a prayer again ;", "Yea , none of all whose thrones in heaven are set", "Shall hear , nor one of all the sons of men .", "Thou knowest .", "Have I kept silence all this while ?", "And sight of Madan on his throne ?", "Yet shalt thou not go back .", "I did not bid thee spare .", "Thy father ?", "Dost thou dare", "This ?", "Yea -", "So be it . What levies wilt thou raise , to heave", "Thy father from his seat ?", "I will . But were thy musters brought", "Whence now thou art come to cheer me , this should be", "A sign for us of comfort .", "Nay , child , nay \u2014 thou art harsh as heaven to me -", "I would but have of thee a word of cheer .", "Hearst thou ? Voices within . ] The king !", "Well . And this child of mine -", "How he may fare concerns not thee to know ?", "Locrine ,", "Thou art welcome as the sun to fields of snow .", "Make answer for me , Madan .", "Speak , I say .", "Children \u2014 who can but pray -", "Pray better , if my sense not err , than we .", "The God whom all the gods of heaven obey", "Should hear them rather , seeing \u2014 as gods may see -", "How pure of purpose is their perfect prayer .", "Thine enemies know that well .", "In Cornwall they that fell", "So found it , that of all their large-limbed brood", "No bulk is left to brave thee .", "Wouldst thou show", "Thy love , thy thanks , thy fatherhood in one ,", "Thy perfect honour \u2014 yea , thy right to stand", "Crowned , and lift up thine eyes against the sun", "As one so pure in heart , so clean of hand ,", "So loyal and so royal , none might cast", "A word against thee burning like a brand ,", "A sound that withers honour , and makes fast", "The bondage of a recreant soul to shame -", "Thou shouldst , or ever an hour be overpast ,", "Slay him .", "What , is not then thy name", "Locrine ? and hath this boy done ill to thee ?", "Hath he not won him for thy love 's sake fame ?", "Hath he not served thee loyally ? is he", "So much thy son , so little son of mine ,", "That men might call him traitor ? May they see", "The brand across his brow that reddens thine ?", "How shouldst thou dare \u2014 how dream \u2014 to let him live ?", "Is he not loyal ? art not thou Locrine ?", "What less than death for guerdon shouldst thou give", "My son who hath done thee service ? Me thou hast given -", "Who hast found me truer than falsehood can forgive -", "Shame for my guerdon : yea , my heart is riven", "With shame that once I loved thee .", "Slay me then .", "Thou liest : I bade thee slay him .", "O liar , is all the world a lie ?", "I bade thee , knowing thee what thou art \u2014 I bade", "My lord and king and traitor slay my son -", "A heartless hand that lacks the power it had", "Smite one whose stroke shall leave it strengthless \u2014 one", "Whose loyal loathing of his shame in thee", "Shall cast it out of eyeshot of the sun .", "Thou hast said \u2014 and yet thou hast lied not .", "But he", "Is the issue of thy love and mine , by fate", "Made one to no good issue . Didst thou trust", "That grief should give to men disconsolate", "Comfort , and treason bring forth truth , and dust", "Blossom ? What love , what reverence , what regard ,", "Shouldst thou desire , if God or man be just ,", "Of this thy son , or me more evil-starred ,", "Whom scorn salutes his mother ?", "Dost thou mourn", "For that ? Too careful art thou for my good ,", "Too tender and too true to me and mine ,", "For shame to make my heart or thine his food", "Or scorn lay hold upon my fame or thine .", "Art thou not pure as honour 's perfect heart -", "Not treason-cankered like my lord Locrine ,", "Whose likeness shows thee fairer than thou art", "And falser than thy loving care of me", "Would bid my faith believe thee ?", "Yea \u2014 witness heaven and hell ,", "And all the lights that lighten earth and sea ,", "And all that wrings my heart , I know thee well .", "How should I love and hate and know thee not ?", "Long since my heart has tolled it \u2014 and forgot", "All save the cause that bade the death-bell sound", "And cease and bring forth silence .", "Not air but fire it is that rings me round -", "Thy voice makes all my brain a wheel of fire .", "Man , what have I to do with pride of power ?", "Such pride perchance it was that moved my sire", "To bid me wed \u2014 woe worth the woful hour ! -", "His brother 's son , the brother 's born above", "Him as above me thou , the crown and flower", "Of Britain , gentler-hearted than the dove", "And mightier than the sunward eagle 's wing :", "But nought moved me save one thing only \u2014 love .", "Thou knowest ? but this thou knowest not , king ,", "How near of kin are bitter love and hate -", "Nor which of these may be the deadlier thing .", "Death . Would God my heart were great ! Then would I slay myself .", "Ay ! wilt thou slay me then \u2014 and slay me here ?", "Didst thou deem", "I would outlive with thee the scorn of men ,", "A slave enthroned beside a traitor ? Seem", "These eyes and lips and hands of mine a slave 's", "Uplift for mercy toward thee ? Such a dream", "Sets realms on fire , and turns their fields to graves .", "Dost the know", "What day records to day and night to night -", "How he whose wrath was rained as hail or snow", "On Troy 's adulterous towers , when treacherous flame", "Devoured them , and our fathers \u2019 roofs lay low ,", "And all their praise was turned to fire and shame -", "All-righteous God , who herds the stars of heaven", "As sheep within his sheepfold \u2014 God , whose name", "Compels the wandering clouds to service , given", "As surely as even the sun 's is \u2014 loves or hates", "Treason ? He loved our sires : were they forgiven ?", "Their walls upreared of gods , their sevenfold gates ,", "Might these keep out his justice ? What art thou", "To make thy will more strong and sure than fate 's ?", "Thy fate am I , that falls upon thee now .", "Wilt thou not slay me yet \u2014 and slay thy son ?", "So shall thy fate change , and unbend the brow", "That now looks mortal on thee .", "Peace ? The man thou art", "Craves \u2014 and shame bids not breath within him cease -", "Craves of the woman that thou knowest I am", "Peace ? Ay , take hands at parting , and release", "Each heart , each hand , each other : shall the lamb ,", "The lamb-like woman , born to cower and bleed ,", "Withstand his will whose choice may save or damn", "Her days and nights , her word and thought and deed -", "Take heart to outdare her lord the lion ? How", "Should this be \u2014 if the lion 's imperial seed", "Life not against his sire as brave a brow", "As frowns upon his mother ?\u2014 Peace be then", "Between us : none may stand before thee now :", "No son of thine keep faith with Guendolen .", "And God shall make thine hand against him strong .", "Woe worth his hand who set the hearth on flame !", "Ay !", "And thou , my holy-hearted lord ,\u2014 the same", "Whose hand was laid in mine and bound to lie", "There fast for ever if faith be found on earth -", "If truth be true , and shame not wholly die -", "Hast thou not made thy mockery and thy mirth ,", "Thy laughter and thy scorn , of shame ? But we ,", "Thy wife by wedlock , and thy son by birth ,", "Who have no part in spirit and soul with thee ,", "Will bear no part in kingdom nor in life", "With one who hath put to shame his child and me .", "Thy true-born son , and I that was thy wife ,", "Will see thee dead or perish . Call thy men", "About thee ; bid them gird their loins for strife", "More dire than theirs who storm the wild wolf 's den ;", "For if thou dare not slay us here today", "Thou art dead .", "No :", "Thou art gentle , and beasts are honest : no such way", "Lies open toward thy fearful foot : not so", "Shalt thou find surety from these foes of thine .", "Woe worth thee therefore ! yea , a sevenfold woe", "Shall God through us rain down on thee , Locrine .", "Hadst thou the heart God hath not given thee \u2014 then", "Our blood might run before thy feet like wine", "And wash thy way toward sin in sight of men", "Smooth , soft , and safe . But if thou shed it not -", "If Madan live to look on Guendolen", "Living \u2014 I wot not what shall be \u2014 I wot", "What shall not \u2014 thou shalt have no joy to live", "More than have they for whom God 's wrath grows hot .", "I dare not say", "Farewell .", "Thou hast not said \u2014 Forgive .", "Nay ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 588, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Stand fast , and sound a parley .", "This light of dawn is like an evil dream 's", "That comes and goes and is not . Yea , and thus", "Our hope on both sides wavering dares allow", "No light but fire to bid us die or live .", "- Son , and my wife that was , my rebels now ,", "That here we stand with death to take or give", "I call the sun of heaven , God 's likeness wrought", "On darkness , whence all spirits breathe and shine ,", "To witness , is no work of will or thought", "Conceived or bred in brain or heart of mine .", "Ye have levied wars against me , and compelled", "My will unwilling and my power withheld", "To strike the stroke I would not , when I might .", "Will ye not yet take thought , and spare these men", "Whom else the blind and burning fire of fight", "Must feed upon for pasture ? Guendolen ,", "Had I not left thee queen in Troynovant ,", "Though wife no more of mine , in all this land", "No hand had risen , no eye had glared askant ,", "Against me : thine is each man 's heart and hand", "That burns and strikes in all this battle raised", "To serve and slake thy vengeance . With my son", "I plead not , seeing his praise in arms dispraised", "For ever , and his deeds of truth undone", "By patricidal treason . But with thee", "Peace would I have , if peace again may be", "Between us . Blood by wrath unnatural shed", "Or spent in civic battle burns the land", "Whereon it falls like fire , and brands as red", "The conqueror 's forehead as the warrior 's hand .", "I pray thee , spare this people : reign in peace", "With separate honours in a several state :", "As love that was hath ceased , let hatred cease :", "Let not our personal cause be made the fate", "That damns to death men innocent , and turns", "The joy of life to darkness . Thine alone", "Is all this war : to slake the flame that burns", "Thus high should crown thee royal , and enthrone", "Thy praise in all men 's memories . If thou wilt ,", "Peace let there be : if not , be thine the guilt .", "Yet he speaks not ill .", "Should I not put her in thine hand to slay ?", "Hell hath laid hold upon thee , Guendolen ,", "And turned thine heart to hell-fire . Be thy prey", "Thyself , the wolfish huntress : and the blood", "Rest on thine head that here shall now be spilt ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 588, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["When will my father come again ?", "Hast thou seen how wide this water flows -", "How smooth it swells and shines from brim to brim ,", "How fair , how full ? Nay , then thine eyes are dim .", "Thou dost not weep for fear lest evil men", "Or that more evil woman \u2014 Guendolen", "Didst thou not call her yesternight by name ? -", "Should put my father 's might in arms to shame ?", "What is she so to levy shameful strife", "Against my sire and thee ?", "Why , that art thou .", "Nay , woe worth", "Her wickedness ! How may the heavens and earth", "Endure her ?", "May the wife withstand her lord", "And war upon him ? Nay , no wife is she -", "And no true mother thou to mock at me .", "I bid thee live and laugh at wicked foes", "Even as my sire and I do . What ! \u2018 God knows , \u2019", "Thou sayest , and yet art fearful ? Is he not", "Righteous , that we should fear to take the lot", "Forth of his hand that deals it ? And my sire ,", "Kind as the sun in heaven , and strong as fire ,", "Hath he not God upon his side and ours ,", "Even all the gods and stars and all their powers ?", "Wherefore ?", "Thou wast not born in Britain ?", "And was not I ? Are these all stranger men ?", "Is that so good a gift of God 's \u2014 to die", "And leave a name alive in memory ? I", "Would rather live this river 's life , and be", "Held of no less or more account than he .", "Lo , how he lives and laughs ! and hath no name ,", "Thou sayest \u2014 or one forgotten even of fame", "That lives on poor men 's lips and falters down", "To nothing . But thy father ? and his crown ?", "Did he less hate the coil of it than mine ,", "Or love thee less \u2014 nay , then he were not thine -", "Than he , my sire , loves me ?", "Thou affright me ? Nay ,", "Mock not . This evil woman \u2014 when he knew", "Thee , this my sweet good mother , wise and true -", "He cast from him and hated .", "What is death ? I never saw his face", "That I should fear it .", "Did I say this ? but that was long ago -", "Months . Now I know not \u2014 yet I think I know -", "Whether I fear or fear not it . Hard by", "Men fight even now \u2014 they strike and kill and die", "Red-handed ; nay , we hear the roar and see", "The lightning of the battle : can it be", "That what no soul of all these brave men fears", "Should sound so fearful save in foolish ears ?", "But all this while I know not where it lay ,", "Thy father 's kingdom .", "What should we fear , then ? whence might any", "Fall on us ?", "How can we fly , father ?", "Thou diest , and hast not slain me , mother ?", "O mother , canst thou die and bid me live ?", "Thou hast slain my mother and sire \u2014 thou hast slain thy lord -", "Strike now , and slay me .", "Yet not thine .", "Darkness and death are come on us , and thou ,", "Whose servants are they : heaven behind thee now", "Stands , and withholds the thunder : yet on me", "He gives thee not , who helps and comforts thee ,", "Power for one hour of darkness . Ere thine hand", "Can put forth power to slay me where I stand", "Safe shall I sleep as these that here lie slain .", "See !", "I change no more of warring words with thee", "O father , O my mother , here am I :", "They hurt me not who can but bid me die ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 588, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The king has come ?", "Ha ! Low ?", "He 's sad , you say ?", "A son ! Where is the son", "Would weep for Pembroke ?", "First touch my hand and swear by highest God", "That you will serve the king .", "For the last time", "I 'll trust and pardon you . If you make black", "Your soul with violation of this oath ,", "I , safe beyond the stars , shall know it not ,", "Nor die again to think on \u2018 t. Men , weep not", "That ye lack sons , but weep when your wives bear them !", "Thanks , Albemarle .", "Ay , son .", "Nay , I 'm not dying yet ,", "And wish to keep my last words for his ears .", "There 's holy magic in the passing tongue", "That stamps its truth unrasurable . So", "Would I grave Henry 's heart .", "I 'll wait", "My hour . Who comes with him ?", "And I not told ?", "Already I am dead . These ears , that kings", "Engaged , are now contracted to the worm", "Permits no forfeiture . Well , well , his message ?", "The pope our friend ? I thank thee , Heaven ! England , take up thy heart ! Thou yet mayst hope !", "He alone can do it .", "Lord Albemarle , and my new-graced son ,", "Will \u2018 t please you walk within ?", "Now , Winchester ?", "Ay , you 'd trot fast enough", "To see me die .", "So I have , my lord .", "A task unfinished I must leave to you .", "Here is the key to yonder cabinet .", "Pray you unlock it ... and take out the packet", "Your eye 's now on .", "Ay , that is it .", "\u2018 Twas Henry Second , grandsire of this Henry ,", "Gave me that packet . Sir , you know the tale", "Of princess Adelais who journeyed here", "As the betrothed of Richard , Henry 's son .", "Alack , she never was his bride . Some say", "That Henry loved her ... I know not ... but she", "Returned to France , her reason wandering .", "\u201c If she recover , \u201d said the king to me ,", "\u201c Give her this packet ; should she die , break seal", "And learn what you shall do . \u201d She did not die ,", "Nor can I say she lives , so sad her state .", "Her age was bare fifteen when she left England ,", "Her face a lily and her eyes a flood ;", "She now must be midway her fifth decade ,", "A time , I 've heard , when subtle changes work", "Within the mind . A beauteous soul ! O God ,", "Restore her now , or lift her e'en to thee !", "... Take you the packet , and the king 's command .", "But first your oath . Deceit has sapped my faith", "So oft I could believe the devil himself", "Wears gown and mitre . Peter des Roches , will you", "Be true ?", "That is done ,", "As well as't can be done . Call in my son", "And Albemarle .", "Now let us talk", "Of England . O , this fleet , this fleet , rigged out", "By warlike Constance in monk Louis \u2019 name !", "I see it nearing now , leaping the waves ,", "On , on , and none to meet it ! Cowards all .", "What do ye here , ye three , loitering about", "A sick man 's bed ? A man almost a corpse .", "I would not have a servant waste himself", "To give me drink while England needs his sword .", "What ? Land your enemy ? O , fools and cowards !", "... I 've given my life for England . Now you 'll cast", "My heart-dear bargain into Louis \u2019 hand", "As \u2018 twere a snood slipped from an easy maid .", "Fool man ! to puff his days out jousting Fate ,", "Who waits but his bare death to start her mock", "Of horrid pleasantries . Then does she make", "Dice of the miser 's bones , carousal cups", "Of the ascetic 's skull , a hangman 's scoff", "Of clerics \u2019 prayer-fed sons ; and proudest sires ,", "Who sentried their blue blood , peer back through dust", "To see all Babylon pour to their line .", "And now she 'll bid my war-ghost eyes behold", "The land held with my life become a field", "For foes at holiday !", "Gualo has come , but where is he will set", "This power its task , and play it for this isle ?", "I can not say that wisdom dies with me ,", "But I could wish more proof of sager mind", "Than e'er I 've had from this small audience .", "Lord Bishop , you are left custodian", "Of Henry 's ripening youth .", "I 've spoken to the king . He 'll give you love", "For love . But who shall be lord chancellor ?", "There 's little choice . And yet there 's one , De Burgh ,", "If camp and field could spare him \u2014\u2014", "By your good leave ,", "Age is no patent to respect and place", "If virtue go not with it . Whitened hairs", "Make honor radiant , but vice thereby", "Is viler still . Ay , there are some \u2014\u2014", "Ah , son , I 've been", "A careless holder all my life , and still", "With my last hour play spendthrift . Well , here be", "Three friends of England \u2014 Gualo makes a fourth \u2014", "And trusting you I ease my bones to death .", "De Burgh ! O gallant soul !", "Now am I young !", "With forty ships he 'll meet the fleet of France !", "I live again , for courage is not dead !", "Nay \u2014 help \u2014 ah , I am gone . I 'll hasten on", "And plead in Heaven for his victory .", "Devils ! dogs ! beasts !", "Now these devoted bones", "Will never lie at peace in English earth .", "My country ! Must the foreign foot be set", "Once more upon thy neck , and thine own sons", "Pour sulphur to thy wounds ? The king ! the king !", "What , vipers , do you hear ? Call in the king !", "Ho , here ! The king !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 611, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["But forty ships ! But forty slit-sailed drabs", "Of storm and watery danger to meet all France", "Fresh-winged upon the sea ! And yet no word", "Nor stir of help . Methinks were I the king ,", "Or Pembroke with his power in my mouth ,", "Each English road should be ablaze to-night", "With swift flint-striking hoofs . Now to our shore", "Puffs up the wave may prove oblivion 's maw ,", "And drink these Dover cliffs as they were sands ,", "Yet England sleeps , with one lone heart at watch .", "Nay , two , for Roland comes .", "Ay . You bring no aid ?", "And Albemarle ?", "Dissembler ! Well he knows", "A victory on the sea means England lost ,", "So many traitor hearts will league with France", "And sell their country for one castle more .", "The Cinque Ports yield me forty ships .", "With these", "I 'll meet Le Moine .", "Ay ,", "My men are all aboard and waiting me .", "The garrison I leave to you . Hold it", "For honor and the king , nor yield to save", "So poor a thing as my unlucky head", "Should I go foul at sea . You 'll be the first", "The victors will besiege .", "Tut , man ,", "The sea 's a good safe bed . Come in . Some wine", "Will take the night-chill from your blood . In , in !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 611, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What cheer , my men ? A fair morning for brave hearts . Can you keep this castle for me till I 've had a bout at sea ?", "You have seen the bottom of your glass too often to-night ,", "Stephen .", "Nay , I must leave trusty souls behind me . Let those who love me least fight under my eye , but I 'll trust nay good Stephen around the world .", "Then here 's your brave captain . Follow him now , and farewell , good fellows \u2014 farewell , all !An old soldier .But you 'll come again , sir ?", "Why , my hearts , would you start the liquor in my eyes ? I go where there 's brine enough . Twelve hours \u2019 sail with fortune will bring me back \u2014 but if I come not , remember your king !They know \u2018 tis death \u2014 they know \u2018 tis death . And what Is that ? We are all guests in God 's great house , The Universe , and Death is but his page To show us to the chamber where we sleep . What though the bed be dust , to wake is sure ; Not birds but angels flutter at the eaves And call us , singing .Gersa , what success ?", "And portioned to every vessel ?", "Well despatched ?", "Yet they found the contents not so heavy as gold , I hope .", "But I pray they 'll fly as well , and more to the purpose . Aboard with you now . I 'll not be long behind you .If this , my careful stratagem , should fail , God help the friendless boy on England 's throne ! Now Pembroke 's noble strength must e'en to coffin ; And Isabel across the sea cares not , But happier in a gentler husband 's love Takes little thought of John of England 's heir , Who has his father 's beauty , not his heart ,\u2014 Just so much of that proud and guilty blood As makes him kingly nor corrupts his own . ... But , come , my soul ! Prepare thee for a world Of rarer breath , lest thou too rudely go To th \u2019 high conclave of spirits . Father ?", "I lack", "A prayer of thine to make me so . Give me", "Such blessing as you 'd lay upon me were", "Death couchant for my heart , and on my brow", "Drop thou the holy unguent that doth fit", "The body for the last touch of the soul .", "My sister ? I will see her .Wait you , father . The world must still intrude on Heaven 's affairs .", "She is . But why", "This eagerness ?", "In one hour 's time", "I count myself at sea .", "Hide ? Is \u2018 t evermore hide", "That spotless maid , born but to be a star", "To human eyes ?", "She will be safe .", "Roland de Born , who now will guard this castle ,", "Holds Glaia as the heart in his own body .", "Ay , she is safe ,\u2014 but if the danger nears ,", "She 'll be conducted back to Greenot woods \u2014\u2014", "Only this ,", "That Glaia , weary of skies , rests foot on earth .", "Thy daughter is so honored .", "She has", "His noble love , and he my happy wish", "That he may make her wife .", "What , Eleanor ?", "What 's this to do with Roland 's love for Glaia ?", "Cruelty ?", "Not while I wear a sword ! But how have I", "Disturbed thee ? What have said ? I 've threshed my words ,", "But find no devil in them .", "Though he learn all , thy honor in his breast", "Is safe as gem that at earth 's centre burns .", "I swear", "That Roland cares so much for Glaia 's birth", "As to be glad she 's born . And at my word", "He will receive her questionless and dumb ,", "Nor ever doubt , or weigh his promised faith .", "He sees her as one looks upon a rose ,", "And thinks not of the mould that bore it , or what", "The tale that dews and winds could tell .", "As strange as truth .", "And bless his suit ?", "He waits to win her heart .", "But will not .", "She is a plant of Nature 's tenderest love ,", "And must be won to bloom by softest airs ,", "Else shall we risk the gentle life and see", "No buds unfold .", "Wilt you not see her ?", "You will find her up .", "Do not weep .", "I 've no wish to think so .", "How is \u2014 the princess ?", "Ah , the king ?", "She swooned ?", "O \u2014 ay , for him !", "Be wed ? Henry is young .", "To me", "She never changes but to show herself", "More beautiful .", "Farewell , Eleanor .", "Art gone , my sister , and no word of love", "For one who looks on death ? It is the fear", "That keeps so constant with her makes her hard", "And unlike woman \u2014 unlike Margaret .", "... Last night the king was with her \u2014 and she swooned .", "But not for him . By Heaven , \u2018 twas not for him !", "O Margaret ! Not one dear word ? Not one ?", "Princess ! Here ? You here ?", "You risk too much !", "O , what have you done ?", "The king will think \u2014\u2014", "But Albemarle \u2014\u2014", "Yet you came veiled .", "That you should come !", "Ay , at once .", "Stay ! Ah \u2014 I mean \u2014 why did you come ?", "O , Margaret !", "Pray God that I deserve this ! Now I go", "So light I 'll hardly need my ship 's good wings", "To bear me .", "All we have . The ports hold not a single vessel from me .", "I 've no doubt", "They count up bravely .", "The battle will not shame me .", "As yet we have no word but rumor 's .", "Then help me by not doubting .", "What then ?", "I thought how many eyes", "Were on the king 's betrothed .", "Nay , all my life", "Is yours .", "A princess can not choose .", "Margaret !", "He is a gentle youth , and in your care", "Would blossom brave in virtues .", "All hope", "For this poor land lies in your grace .", "Where canst thou hide thy beauty , Margaret ?", "This is wild talk of forests . Where couldst flee ?", "What land would shelter thee from England 's love", "And Scotland 's rage ? My own \u2014 my Margaret \u2014", "Where could we go ?", "I 'm mad . Peace to thee , maiden . I go to my ships .", "What ! Not aboard ?", "Are all", "Now ready ?", "Grant me A bare half hour \u2014 no \u2014 not so much . I shall O'ertake you ere you reach your ship .My lady ! Is this , too , for the king ?", "I must \u2014 and now . Let me but press your hand \u2014\u2014", "Thou art the king 's .", "Then we 'll be mad together , Margaret .", "To go one step in this is to go farthest .", "Ah , yesterday I saw a knight I loved", "Sink in his blood ; but when he called the name", "Of his dear bride , and died as it made sweet", "His lips , I thought of you and envied him .", "And now , so soon , his fortune is my own .", "Come , father !", "Art afraid ?", "Is it hell , or Heaven ?", "Good father , when two souls have kissed so close", "They in each other lose the form of self ,", "And neither body knows its own again ,", "Wouldst join them mortally , that being one", "They can not go amiss ?", "Thou knowest us .", "\u2018 Tis Heaven , Margaret !", "ACT II"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 611, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["O , my lady , up all night , and now \u2018 tis barely day you must be going !", "I follow not you but my orders , mistress . Sir Roland says that I must not leave you .", "That he does ! The bonniest bird that ever sang in Greenot woods . Is n't Sir Roland a man , my lady ?", "But a man you may look at , my lady !", "Ay , but when I look at Sir Roland I could sing again the song that got me a husband .", "True , mistress , I was a fair , canny lass over the border .", "It was back summat ten jaunts o \u2019 the sun from Lammas to Lammas . I was standing on the rock hills over Logan frith wi \u2019 the green woods behind me an \u2019 lookin \u2019 out to sea . The waves were runnin \u2019 high , and the brine in my face gave me such a spirit that in a minute my bonnet was off and I was singing at the top of my voice \u2014 O braw , braw knight , come down the glen And awa \u2019 to kirk wi \u2019 me ! And Heaven send us seven stout sons To fight for our king on the sea ! It 's a long ballad , but it 's out o \u2019 my mind now , and who should come up behind me but my man that was to be , and \u2018 twas set then and there we must go to the kirk come Sunday . Ay , it got me a husband , but never a son , for only six months away he was drowned at sea \u2014 the very sea that I 'd sung so brave t-to \u2014\u2014", "I care not what 's in his pocket , ma'am , if he bring me love in his heart .", "Bathing his knees in gooseoil , my lady . You kept him at prayers all night for Sir Hubert .", "Yes , mistress , but when you fell asleep we had not the heart to wake you .", "I should hope you did , my lady . For my part I winked but once , and when I woke up you were \u2014\u2014", "No , but you were praying so chipper that I knew you were just at it .", "Orson ! Orson !", "Mistress , you must not play your lute here . The king 's men are not like Sir Hubert 's , and your voice will quick tell \u2018 em there 's a bird in the bower .", "Like ourselves ? La , my lady !", "An I give him not gooseoil with a dash of cinnamon ,", "I 'm no good servant to my mistress .", "Dear man , you can n't deny it ! \u2018 Twas you saved my mistress . But for my good man drowned at sea I 'd love you , sweeting .", "Out ! Away ! You old father Longbeard ! You Johnny Hump-back !", "Squint , sir ? May be so , for I 'm thinkin \u2019 o \u2019 my braw handsome man , an \u2019 \u2018 twould make a straight eye squint to see you standin \u2019 in his place , it would .", "An my man were here you 'd drop to your fours and go like a beast for shame , you would . The prettiest figure \u2018 tween here and Jerusalem ! He had an arm ! He could sling a sword ! And such a leg ! Dick Lion-heart never shaped a trimmer stocking . Hair like a raven fannin \u2019 the wind ! An eye like Sallydeen 's ! For all the world a black coal with a fire in the middle . No watery peepers like present company 's . An his eyes were stars in heaven I could point \u2018 em out !", "Nothin \u2019 \u2014 nothin \u2019 , sir ,\u2014 just one o \u2019 my qualms .", "\u2018 Tis Stephen , my own man ! And he does n't know me ! O , I am changed from his ain lassie ! He despises me ! Waddler ! O !", "Good sir , are you here yet ?", "He 's lookin \u2019 softer now . Well a day , this is a world . Here they brought me and the lady Glaia to make sure we would be safe , and now they 're taking us back for the same reason . Ay me , and a lonely , dreary place it is we 're goin \u2019 to , with never a civil gentleman like yourself to sit out the night wi \u2019 a stoop o \u2019 ale an \u2019 cakes o \u2019 my own raisin \u2019 .", "O , \u2018 tis secret , sir . My lady is hid away for some reason of God or the devil , and I 'll not be so false as to let a stranger on the track .", "How can it be harm to tell my own man when the good priest said we were one flesh ? \u2018 Twill only be tellin \u2019 my own ears . Well , sir , if you 'll swear by St. Peter 's thumb and the crucifix you 'll never let anybody know \u2014\u2014", "Then take the straight road to \u2014 O , I 'm afraid !", "The straight road to Greenot woods , and two miles in the forest where the brook crosses , ride up the stream half a mile to a tall red ash standin \u2019 alone , and three miles by the path to the right brings you to the place you 'll find me . Now I 've done it ! No , do n't thank me for bein \u2019 a fool .", "I must run to my mistress ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 611, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The barons are assembling . On to London ,", "And call the council . I will join you there .", "The revenues long promised shall be paid .", "At last I am a king ! Will post , my lords ?", "Night shuffles toward the morn .", "Bring the petition . I 'll look at it , and then \u2014 will what I will .", "My duty to", "My fair and honored guests . And my first suit", "Is for your pardon that I come so late ;", "My next is still for pardon I must haste", "Unto my third , and pray the lady Margaret", "For word with her alone .", "Attend the countess .", "Are you at prayers , sweet lady ?", "Have I been slack in care ? Ah , Margaret ,", "Let youth excuse neglect the past may know .", "In future \u2014\u2014", "All ? All , Margaret ? You 've been in England", "Ten years or more , and understand , I think ,", "Why you , a child , were sent unto our court .", "There was a dowry paid", "To English coffers .", "May be , but \u2018 twas held wise to join the kingdoms", "By current of our blood .", "The people 's eyes", "Are on you as their queen .", "Then \u2018 t seems we both are free to follow love", "In any court we please .", "And you reject me ?", "But , lady , in the world 's mouth you will be", "My cast off love , for who is there so wise", "As to believe you would refuse a king ?", "Ah ,", "If only you are saved from me ? But , madam ,", "I can not flip the world away as you .", "It is my field of tourney where I joust", "For fame and tender reputation .", "I must not let men point to you and say", "\u201c See Henry 's fool ! \u201d You shall be wed at once", "Unto the lord most powerful in England", "Who yet is free .", "The earl of Kent .", "I am .", "To you he will be kind . I 'll stake my crown ,", "Once wed to him you 'll thank me for this day ,", "And swear you 'd choose him yours from all the world .", "He 's in the castle now . I 'll send him here ,", "For I 'm in haste to bring the marriage on .", "Wait here , sweet Margaret .", "Now , by these tears , you 'll live to bless me yet ,", "For from my heart I swear you 're better wed", "Than if you chose the king .", "Ho , there !", "How now , my chancellor ? Methinks this day", "Should mark the high note of thy singing heart .", "But thou art gloomy , as weighing still thy chance", "Against the flocking French . Canst not be merry", "If Henry bids thee , Hubert ?", "Is that to grieve on , man ? By Heaven , I 'll think", "It would have pleased you better to have sunk", "My fleet and not the enemy 's . Come , come !", "What think you of the fortune we 've assigned you ?", "Art satisfied ?", "I \u2019 faith , thou \u2018 rt plain .", "Well , sir , I have another blessing for thee", "May prove more welcome . How wouldst like a wife", "Of royal blood ? I will not tell her name ,", "But take my word that were my heart not bound", "I 'd look her way for fetters . She is fair ,", "Ay , perfect as the lily plucked to grace", "A Lord 's day altar , yet is proud enough", "To hold your new-dropped dignities above", "The mire and brambles of the common way ;", "And all this , sir , shall be your wedded wife .", "Nay , do not thank me . Ah , at last", "I 've touched the key of gratitude . Indeed ,", "My Hubert , you are pale with this new joy .", "I almost , fear to tell you she is there \u2014", "Within that room \u2014 and waiting your approach .", "No , not a word", "Of thanks .", "What , sir ? Wouldst still play hang-lip at thy fortune ?", "Nay , I will speak .", "Sir , I have done what monarchs seldom do ,", "Proclaimed my general worthy of his hire ,", "And paid it , too , and these sour looks from you", "Are as the poisonous leaves in a fair garland", "Marking it for decay . I 've yielded much", "Unto your noble merit , but no more", "Will yield to your proud humor !", "No words ! There is the door . Go in and find", "The lady that must be your wife , or down", "Come all your brave new honors to the ground !", "The midnight 's past . I must away to Glaia ,", "And by the sunrise at her window sing .", "My lords are set toward London . None shall know ,", "Save Cupid 's self , how far I ride to-night .", "ACT IV", "Pardoned ! Queen of this bowerland ,", "Your glad eyes tell me that I have not sinned .", "O , I 'm loved ?", "And what didst think of me ?", "The only springs I seek are in your eyes", "That nourish all the desert of myself .", "Drop here , O , Glaia , thy transforming dews ,", "And start fair summer in this waste of me !", "See yon light cloud half-kirtled with faint rose ?", "What do I know of it but that \u2018 tis fair ?", "And yet I dream \u2018 twas born of flower dews", "And goes to some sweet country of the sky .", "So cloud-like dost thou move before my love ,", "From beauty coming that I may not see ,", "To beauty going that I can but dream .", "O , love me , Glaia ! Give to me this hand ,", "This miracle of warm , unmelting snow ,", "This lily bit of thee that in my clasp", "Lies like a dove in all too rude a cote \u2014", "Wee heaven-cloud to drop on monarch brows", "And smooth the ridgy traces of a crown !", "Rich me with this , and I 'll not fear to dare", "The darkest shadow of defeat that broods", "O'er sceptres and unfriended kings .", "Ah , blest to be here , and from morning 's top", "Review the sunny graces of the world ,", "Plucking the smilingest to dearer love ,", "Until the heart becomes the root and spring", "Of hopes as natural and as simply sweet", "As these bright children of the wedded sun", "And dewy earth !", "But there 's a world not this ,", "O'erhYpppHeNroofed and fretted by ambition 's arch ,", "Whose sun is power and whose rains are blood ,", "Whose iris bow is the small golden hoop", "That rims the forehead of a king ,\u2014 a world", "Where trampling armies and sedition 's march", "Cut off the flowers of descanting love", "Ere they may sing their perfect word to man ,", "And the rank weeds of envies , jealousies ,", "Push up each night from day 's hot-beaten paths \u2014\u2014", "I must . There is my world , and there my life", "Must grow to gracious end , if so it can .", "If thou wouldst come , my living periapt ,", "With virtue 's gentle legend overwrit ,", "I should not fail , nor would this flower cheek ,", "Pure lily cloister of a praying rose ,", "E'er know the stain of one despoiling tear", "Shed for me graceless . Will you come , my Glaia ?", "To man my life belongs . Hope not , dear Glaia ,", "To bind me here ; and if you love me true ,", "You will not ask me where I go or stay ,", "But that your feet may stay or go with mine .", "Let not a nay unsweet those tender lips", "That all their life have ripened for this kiss .", "O ruby purities ! I would not give", "Their chaste extravagance for fruits Iran", "Stored with the honey of a thousand suns", "Through the slow measure of as many years !", "I think not , sweet .", "We shall see .", "No , Glaia . Even now", "I must be gone . I came for this \u2014 to say", "I 'd come again , and bid you watch for me .", "A tear ? O , love ! One moment , then away !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 611, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis you !", "How cam'st thou here ? Now who plays Hubert false ?", "Nay , I 'm too glad thou \u2018 rt come to question so .", "\u2018 Tis easy to forgive the treachery", "That opes our gates to angels .", "Yes , Henry . All the morn I 've thought of you ,", "And I rose early , for I love to say", "Good-by to my dear stars ; they seem so wan", "And loath to go away , as though they know", "The fickle world is thinking of the sun ,", "And all their gentle service of the night", "Is quite forgot .", "That could you come and see this beauteous wood ,", "Fair with Spring 's love and morning 's kiss of grace ,", "You 'd be content to live awhile with me ,", "Leave war 's red step to follow living May", "Passing to pour her veins \u2019 immortal flood", "To each decaying root ; and rest by springs", "Where waters run to sounds less rude than song ,", "And hiding sibyls stir sweet prophecies .", "Poor Henry ! What dost know of me to love ?", "Why talk", "Of crowns and kings ? This is our home , dear Henry .", "For if you love me you will stay with me .", "I knew you 'd stay , my brother ! You 'll live with me !", "O , do not tell me , do not think of it !", "Into that world ? No , thou shall stay with me .", "Here you shall be a king , not serve one . Ah ,", "The whispering winds do never counsel false ,", "And senatorial trees droop not their state", "To tribe and treachery . Nature 's self shall be", "Your minister , the seasons your envoys", "And high ambassadors , bearing from His court", "The mortal olive of immortal love .", "Do brothers talk like that ?", "But you will be my brother ?", "And you will stay with me ? No ? Ah , I fear", "All that you love in me is born of these", "Wild innocences that I live among ,", "And far from here , all such sweet value lost ,", "I 'll be as others are in your mad world ,", "Or wither mortally , even as the sprig", "A moment gone so pertly trimmed this bough .", "Let us stay here , my Henry . We shall be", "Dear playmates ever , never growing old ,\u2014", "Or if we do \u2018 twill be at such a pace", "Time will grow weary chiding , leaving us", "To come at will ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 611, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["My lords , is this the faith you keep with kings ?", "Then Heaven save me from it ! Was \u2018 t not your will", "This day all arms should hang upon the wall ?", "Yet you come here as though the trump had called", "To sudden battle .", "Sir , let", "The movers of this saintly shift speak first .", "You , Winchester ? You , Albemarle ? Canst preach", "The lie away ?", "For my protection then you do offend ?", "And you , lord bishop , guardian of our person", "By prayer and Heavenly counsel ,\u2014 who even in war", "Should wear no sword but that of righteousness ,\u2014", "Confess you with these warlike blades thy Lord", "Unable to defend his own ?", "You know , your grace , since blessed Edward 's time", "\u2018 T has been their privilege on days of prayer", "To join their voices with the court and state .", "The more is England 's shame that has not seen", "For so long past a day of general prayer", "And utter peace . Not in our time , nor John 's ,", "Nor Richard 's \u2018 fore him , nay , nor greater Henry 's ,", "Might Beda 's sisters claim this privilege .", "Lord Cardinal , bid them in .", "Are they not", "Forever foremost in both prayer and peace ?", "By Heaven 's King , they 've more right here than we !", "Rise , holy abbess .", "Say on , lord bishop . Let us hear how priests", "May break an oath and Heaven smile upon it .", "Who of my subjects is so basely given", "The pope must urge the sword of justice \u2018 gainst him ?", "Now were he next ourself , our very love ,", "Excepting one , the noble earl of Kent ,", "Whom only calumny dare censure , we", "Should yield him to thee .", "Kent ? Ha ! We 'll hear your tale", "That we may laugh at it .", "Well plotted !", "Keep your paper , sir !", "Dost think that I 'll believe these parchment tales", "Of one whose stainless past the world may read ?", "Rather like the god", "Was caught \u2018 twixt the burning and the frozen worlds ,", "For so my too-warm love and your deep hate", "Engulf him .", "Go on ,", "If there 's an end .", "We know you innocent .", "I am a monarch , and will go or stay", "As I do please . Lord barons , not with you .", "God , no !", "Plain Henry , now thy crown is gilt", "My guards !", "Wilt swear to drop", "This charge \u2018 gainst noble Kent , whose honest soul", "Will cloak such guilt when north winds blow their frost", "From bosom of the sun ?", "Rise , Winchester .", "You are forgiven , but not yet may take", "Your old place in our heart .", "Rise , my lords .", "We hold you not attainted , but awhile", "Must look with careful coldness on your love ,", "Till by your lives we test this swift repentance .", "Now let this day Be given as we intended , to His praise Whose eye doth search the closet of the dark As freely as the dayplains of the sun , And reads the minds of men where kings must trust .LORDS AND LOVERS PART II CHARACTERS OF THE PLAY HENRY III , King of England EARL OF KENT EARL OF ALBEMARLE EARL OF PEMBROKE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY BISHOP OF WINCHESTER LORD WYNNE COUNT DE ROUILLET , attending Adelais STEPHEN GODFREY , a soldier ORSON , a servant to Glaia ADELAIS , a princess of France MARGARET , wife of Kent ELEANOR , wife of Albemarle GLAIA , ward of Kent ELDRA , servant to Glaia Lords and ladies of the court , barons , prelates , guards , attendants , & c ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 611, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["It 's the very day and hour he 'll be coming , and he 's not the man to count leaves by the roadside . He likes my cookin \u2019 , as I 've had proof , and he looks so cunnin \u2019 at me lately I could swear he was fallin \u2019 in love all over again . And I 'm picking up my looks , I must say . Ay , there 's nothin \u2019 like a soft tongue for keepin \u2019 a woman young . I feel \u2018 most like a lassie , though he did say some words at first that made my heart sore , not knowing me after ten years away . And he 's that handsome yet ,\u2014 since he 's shaved off the beard that got so between us I did n't know my own good man that married me in Dummerlie kirk on as sweet a Sunday morn as you ever see , and the priest in a new frock from Wappington , as the housekeeper told me herself \u2014 La , I forgot my lady !", "O , Mr. Stephen !", "Prune-face ! By my lady 's glass , I 've not a wrinkle yet as big as the hair on a bat 's wing ! Plague take the eyes o \u2019 him that says it as should n't !", "Sir Roland ? He 's a lord now \u2014\u2014", "Hubert ! You mean his grace , the earl of Kent ?", "It has been a long stretch since you were this way , sir .", "I thought you were honest . You 've bragged enough !", "\u2018 Tis nice and balsamy . I thought you 'd like it , and saved it o \u2019 purpose .", "Do n't you like it ?", "I thought they were extra nice , sir . I 'm sure they rose like feathers .", "My name is Eldra , sir .", "Dead and gone ?", "Oh-h !", "Liz o \u2019 Logan ! My cousin as was always jealous and wanted my Stephen !", "Yes , but do n't be a bigger fool than you can help .", "There , there , I mean do n't forget that you are a man of dignity \u2014\u2014", "And cosset me before folks , like a bumpkin with his first lass .", "\u2018 Tis true \u2014 always barring that my man do n't come back to claim me .", "O , here he is ! Now , Orson , I know you 'll be friends wi \u2019 Mr. Stephen . Just to please me now . You see , sir , Orson 's been courtin \u2019 me many a year , and I had just about give in like a weak woman , when you came and got me all upset somehow , lookin \u2019 so much like my man who was drowned at sea , an \u2019 his own name too . I did lose my head so at times I could \u2018 a \u2019 sworn you were my very man , but what you said about Liz o \u2019 Logan brought me to my right mind again , and Orson is willing to make up , and I 'm sure we can all be friends , only me and Orson wo n't be presumin \u2019 , an \u2019 shame take me to think I ever looked so high as a king 's man wi \u2019 an advancement \u2014 though Orson is a man of dignity now \u2014 and \u2014 sit down , Orson !We take a snip together about this time every mornin \u2019 . Orson 's got no quarrel with the ale cost , and he does love my raisin \u2019 o \u2019 bread and cake .", "Ay , a king 's man must keep his head high .", "I mean with an advancement .", "I hope I do , Orson .", "I 'm reasonably thankful , Orson . I know what it is to be a soldier 's wife .", "Linen ? An they get muslin without begging it , they may thank fortune !", "Silk smock ? An a new one comes before the old one drops off they may say their prayers for it !", "That we will !", "True enough .", "Yes , my love .", "Indeed , my dear ! And a hot posset for your cold , curdled with sweet wine .", "Well , our tastes wo n't quarrel . I know a wife 's place .", "Orson !", "My Stephen !", "I knew it was you !", "Why did n't you tell me ?", "Hist ! My lady is coming with her knight .", "O , now it 's out , you must be as mum as a dumb man 's grave . My lady has a lover , and a sweet young knight he is , too , who rides out every week just for a peep at her . List ! You can hear them now , just over the hedge .", "Stephen ! Stephen !", "And \u2018 twas you dropped the devil 's meat into the pot . O , woe , woe , woe ! That I should live to see my lady wed the king !", "Sport ? O , the poor lord of Wynne ! What will he do now ? May be \u2018 tis sent on him for worshippin \u2019 my lady like the Holy Virgin . Sport ? O , that you should be my husband and a villain ! Up with you , Orson ! There 's work for such poor servants as we be .", "Ay , thou'lt get thy right place , I hope , though it be lord footman to a donkey ! Come along with you both !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 611, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Why do you doubt ? You 've ever trusted me .", "So am I now .", "Have I not sworn ? How many times will you demand my oath ?", "Ah , Eleanor , why desolate your days", "With this wild fear ? \u2018 Tis Heaven you 've sinned against ,", "Not man . Look thou above for condemnation .", "The world is harsh to virtue , not to sin .", "See how the daughter of the earl of Valence ,", "John 's one-time mistress , proudly holds her head ,", "Nor lacks for fawning followers ? And mark", "How Rosamond 's two sons have fixed their line", "Fast \u2018 mong our English peers . If you would dare", "To bring sweet Glaia forth , I do not doubt", "The court would welcome her as princess born .", "Here is your lord with Winchester .", "Come , I 'll satisfy you , Eleanor .", "I do not fear to hear it , whate'er you do", "So well becomes a throne .", "Your open deeds , my lord ,", "Bear such a noble front I should not fear", "To clap a lusty \u201c ay \u201d to all you 've done", "In secret .", "My God !", "Believe me , sire , she can not be your wife .", "O , king beloved ,", "You must believe me ! She can not be yours !", "My noblest sovereign !", "Sire , I am pledged .", "Such sacred oaths are warders at my lips", "That angels would turn pale in Heaven to hear", "Their violation .", "Not from my lips . It may be from another 's", "In better time .", "Thy mercy on a man", "In one hour old !", "Sire , give me leave to go , and take this maid ,", "So long my care that I must keep her still .", "Come , Glaia \u2014 child \u2014 \u2018 tis Hubert takes thy hand .", "My sovereign lord , I go with sorrow hence .", "I would my tongue were torn from its curst root", "Than speak you woe ,\u2014 but do not hope , my liege ,", "Your husband hand can ever touch this maid .", "The thought to ague shakes my soul !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 611, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now , Eleanor , wilt prove thee saint , or devil ? Wilt mend this breach , or must I perish in it ? Too well I know that soul 's dark history To think it may breed light . The moment globes The years \u2019 full character ; a whole life 's face Peeps out in smallest deeds . Yet wonders are . And Eleanor may prove false to herself To once keep faith with Heaven .Glaia ? Ay !She did not call . I 'll watch all night . \u2018 Twill be No added task since there 's no sleep for me . My Margaret is safe . They dare not touch A princess of the blood . But I am down . \u2018 Tis said and sung there is no greater pain Than wrenches Fortune 's nurslings when she flies . Not so . False lady of the wheel , take all ! But O , to see my king yield to the wolves Now fang-close to his heart \u2014 there is my death !Now let the world go on , I 'll rest me here . Why should I keep my hand proud on the helm , War with the unsated surge , nor know the pause That is the spirit 's silent growing time ? Ah , Margaret , how little will content thee ? No more nor less than love and poorest me ?", "You know my heart . Where have you been so long ?", "She 's here ?", "She loves me ?", "Then ... Speak ! What has she told you ?", "Nothing .", "Margaret ,", "Thou hast my soul . Wilt keep it true for me ?", "Thyself ?", "Then trust my trust in thee , which meets thy love", "As swallows meet the waking winds of Spring", "And know where life is .", "Dost hope by flying England to fly pain ,", "That everywhere encircles man as fire", "To shape his soul in fashion of his God ?", "Leave Glaia to the king ? The thought is flame !", "Mar .", "Who is this maiden that you guard as she", "Were the one drop of blood that in your heart", "Makes living centre ? Who ?", "You heard my answer .", "Margaret ,", "Go to the maiden lying yon and look", "Once more upon her vestal face , then ask", "If she know aught of guilt .", "Poor child !", "I thought you 'd be her gentle , elder sister ,", "And help me still her woeful flutterings .", "Where 's now the proud , sure strength that made discount", "Of Heaven 's arm ? O , reed-propped vanities ,", "Swelling usurpful till ye seem our life ,", "Ye must come down that we may find ourselves", "And God .", "Sole angel of my love !", "It was not you , my heart . But say it were ,", "Should I pull down my heaven because a bird", "Makes flying blot against it ? \u2018 Tis the doubts", "That darkly flitting show love 's constant sky", "Forever radiant .", "Nay , sweet ! Weep , if you must ,", "But let thy tears be rain upon the soul", "Making a fair new season .", "So overwrought ? Thou who hast been my strength ?", "Should be as thou !", "\u2018 Tis not thy death but Glaia 's that would be", "The sad solution of these woes .", "My gentle love !", "... \u2018 Twere best she died , who now must drink the cup", "That makes death sweet in coming . I myself", "Almost could guide the knife unto her heart", "And cut off ruder visitors .", "Ay , she is God 's , not mine . Leave her to him . And now , my life , you , too , must go to rest .", "The king may send for me .", "He will not sleep , for in his face was woe", "Will quiet not to slumber .", "Nay , I must work ,", "And you will call my wits to otherwheres ;", "Then in the morn these eyes , undewed with sleep ,", "Will show me not the light that must be mine .", "If I should speak then oaths were straws in fire .", "Margaret !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 611, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Dear my lord \u2014\u2014", "Alas \u2014\u2014", "My lord \u2014\u2014", "That he does sleep", "This deed is proof .", "Would I could say", "She lives ! You drain my heart with every tear", "You drop upon this woe . Loved majesty ,", "Look up and weep no more .", "Rouse you , my lord . The creature is alive", "That slew her .", "Hear my story , sire . When we arrested Kent \u2014\u2014", "The moment he was taken he confessed", "That he had slain the maid \u2014\u2014", "Recall yourself , my lord . Your wits are loyal , and inform you rightly . I said \u2018 twas Kent \u2014\u2014", "My lord \u2014\u2014", "Your majesty \u2014\u2014", "I do not say , my liege ,", "The crime is his , but he confessed it so .", "Here are the words in which he damns himself .", "What news , your grace ?", "Margaret !", "This fortune wears our colors . Give it welcome .", "I feared she 'd rouse all England ,\u2014 Scotland , too ,\u2014", "In Kent 's defence . You know her blood of old .", "But now her hands are bound .", "I wish to have none , that 's enough", "To shape my looks by .", "Ah , my liege , we hear", "That Margaret is author of the crime", "We now bewail , not Kent .", "She has confessed .", "Kent thought to shield his wife .", "My lord , we can not doubt Kent loved this maid .", "\u2018 Twas as apparent as the light to eyes ;", "And he would pause ere put her from his arms", "To bed with worms ; but this same love would be", "Poor Margaret 's bitter cause to wish her dead ;", "And Jealousy , we know , is page to Murder ,", "Holding the candle for the hellish stroke .", "With all his sins ,", "He has the grace of chivalry , and thought", "By his confession to save Margaret ,", "Not caring for his fate since he was doomed", "For other crime .", "My liege \u2014\u2014", "Weep , fool , my star is in my hand !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 611, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Is this the end of Kent ? The block and axe", "His porters to throw ope the sealed gate ?", "I thought a good wife 's prayers had ushered me ,", "And weeping peers had held my garments back", "Until the soul disdained to hide therein .", "... What value 's in this world that men will buy \u2018 t", "With so much groaning ? This strange human chaos", "Where vice is often merit , merit vice ,", "Or if they be themselves so change deserts", "That wisdom is clapped to gallows , folly to thrones .", "And innocence lifts up thin , fettered hands", "While guilt walks angel free . Where palsy shakes", "The pen from the seer 's hand , and crowing health", "Bids fools to write ; where Fame forgets to blush", "At Flattery 's board , and Honor , pendulous", "\u2018 Twixt bribe and faith , dwindles inert and like", "A withered finger shames the hand of state .", "... Where Margarets can stripe their souls \u2019 pure white", "With guileless blood . She , she that was a dove", "To falcon turn and rend a fledgling 's breast !", "It casts a doubt on Heaven , makes of faith", "A leper scourged from man 's hale faculties ,", "And love a monster of diseased minds !", "Come , dearest Death , and mis-shaped world away !", "What devil drove you here ?", "What do you want ? Why hold away your hands ? Fear not that I 'll embrace thee !", "Nothing to thee , whatever else I am .", "Away ! For Death and I have just locked hands .", "One moment more and I had cozened him", "Of all his pain . But you , dear , damned foe ,", "Take up his weapons and re-gash my wounds .", "Go . I command you . Go !", "Eternity drops on me , and lightfoot Time", "Hies like a ghost to nothing . What dost here ?", "You die ? No fear of that . You are", "Too great a lover of this life that vaunts", "A bloated bubble \u2018 twixt immortal shores .", "The same that made thyself", "A woman . Back unto your world !", "I monstrous ? O , thou shame ! To 've died for you", "Were scarcely more than 's done each day for love ;", "But I for you have heaped my name with crime ,", "Crime that will damn my reputation 's snow", "While lasts the world and men recount old tales !", "Confessed ? You have confessed ? No , no !", "You have confessed !", "O , God of truth , let man trust to thy mercy ,", "Not hope to cheat thy justice ! You confessed ?", "Already I was doomed , but you \u2014 you might", "Have lived . Ay , and you shall !", "In fetters ? You ?", "By holy Heaven , though giants forged these on", "I 'd strip them off !", "That word again ? My sin ?", "God help thee , Margaret ! Wouldst say I did it ?", "Art mad at last ?", "Thy crime confessed to all the world , and yet", "Denied to me , the only heart that knows ?", "Poor soul , her madness has been slow enough .", "Come , bruised darling , with thy blood-stained hands !", "Thou \u2018 rt mine , my only love !", "Whate'er thy words ,", "Thine eyes are true , and there 's no madness in them .", "But , Margaret , I found thee by her side \u2014\u2014", "The dagger in thy hand \u2014\u2014", "My heart , my heart !", "O , had I done such deed would I have left", "My dagger to confess it ? Glaia called \u2014", "Not so \u2014 I dreamed she called \u2014 and going there ,", "Found her in deepest sleep \u2014 or thought I found", "Her so \u2014 and touched her not lest she should stir", "And know her woes again .", "That question makes your tongue a dagger 's point ,", "And yet my doubt of you was deeper wrong ,", "Measuring all the difference between", "Man 's grosser soul and woman 's altar-lit .", "O , Margaret , some serpent heart planned well", "To do this deed and leave the guilt with me .", "We ne'er shall know .", "I 've foes enough , and one of them perhaps", "So sought to cast me deeper by this crime ,", "And we shall wear his foul and scarlet mark", "Even unto our graves ,\u2014 for we must die .", "O , my love ,", "Who would have died for me !", "Death was already on me , and \u2018 twas naught", "To make addition to my guilt . But you ,", "Your heart not pausing , leapt from safety 's shore", "Into the flood . O , might I live for thee !", "A blessed bondman to thy merest wish ,", "From hour to hour to watch thy graces bloom", "As various as Flora when she loves ,", "And in each furrow of thy brow that writ", "Thee mortal set a new April mocking Time !", "Then when no more I could dispute his doom ,", "Enter with thee a star-lit , sweet old age ,", "The fane of rest , and sanctuary where", "All sorrows take their ease .", "But O , how dear this life ! The immortal world", "Is shrunk to shadow of a single thought ,", "And this contemned earth is sudden grown", "Past circumscription of the mind 's fond eye .", "No-no \u2014 we must not die !", "O , must we leave it all ?\u2014 the gracious earth", "Where we have loved , and heard the robins sing ,", "And built our nest that song might never cease ?", "Ah , I am weak , my sweet , and shine but in", "The doting tear that dims a true wife 's eye .", "Heart of the sun , beat here !", "O , thy immortal fire will make Death warm", "Ere he can make thee cold .", "O , God ! Celestial marshaller of chance", "To some far end of good , let me believe", "Thy hand is here , and even on our heads .", "Ah , kiss me , kiss me , Heaven 's Margaret .", "Could I my life concentrate in one beat", "I 'd dwarf it so and give it in this kiss ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 611, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["This is a fitting room for Death 's cold jest ;", "So proudly hung , and filled with comfort 's chattels ,", "As though its owner hoped long respite from", "A clayey bed . Where is the tenant , father ?", "A king ?", "Glaia !", "My sister !", "Then Glaia was my sister . Did you hear ?", "And then ?", "Help ! Something to revive her .", "Not dead ?", "O , Hubert ! What am I ?", "Let me crawl to thy feet , cast off my crown", "As I cast off this cowl , and lie in dust", "Before thee ! O , too late !", "\u2018 Tis as you guessed .", "And each confessed in sacrificial love", "Hoping to save the other . Tell me now", "Who plays the angel here ?", "Roland !", "Not king , but friend ,", "And equal in this woe . Rise ! \u2018 Tis no time", "To kneel . What must we do ? Now Margaret", "Is safe \u2014 but Hubert ? Even now they doom him .", "Barons and church are leagued to prove him guilty ,", "Nor have I power against their proof to pardon", "And keep my throne .", "To th \u2019 tower then . If majesty is yet", "A word of might , we 'll dare them all .", "I 'll be the king !", "But first we 'll give", "An order for the noble burial", "Of this poor woman . Glaia 's mother , Roland .", "She called me brother , and would have it so .", "Ah , little sister , did the angels tell you ?", "You lived so much with them .... \u2018 Twas I who killed her .", "My very hand , and not this poor mad woman 's .", "I slew them both . Oh , oh , oh !", "You talk so , sir ,", "Who did not love her .", "You did . Forgive me , friend , that I forgot your heart .", "Shame me no more .", "We 'll give an order here , then to the tower !", "ACT IV"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 611, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ye peers of England , and ye men of God ,", "Humbly I make my suit . Not as a princess", "With vassal pomp and power to awe the eye", "And judgment take fore-captive , though a score", "Of buried kings have dowered me with veins", "Of high regality ; nor sue I with", "The holy potency of Heaven 's pontiff ,", "Though his own mouth would speak if I were silent ,", "As speak the skies when tempests chasten earth .", "But here , my lords , a lonely woman kneels ;", "A weary mother weeping her lost son .", "You know how all my better years were spent", "In that dark wild where wander minds dethroned .", "When the dear world came back to me , my cry", "Was for my babe \u2014 no more a babe , but up", "To manhood shot as in a single hour .", "And as the hunger takes some starving wretch ,", "Desire upon me seized to know his love ,", "And on his breast to die . My lords , mayhap", "I am as old as is the oldest here ,", "But O , so poor in time . I 've but that youth ,", "Brief youth that held its morning roses up", "And fled , and this bare , aged now that drops", "But aching moments till I 've found my son .", "My heart cries that he lives ! O , he was here", "Five years ago \u2014 five little years . Why , \u2018 twas", "But yesterday ! This letter tells you , sirs .", "\u201c Brave and right royal . Great Henry 's worthy son . \u201d", "This letter from the man who guarded him ,", "Geoffrey de Burgh , an honest , good old man ,", "And faithful to his king . He could not have", "A son so cruel as to kill my son ,", "Or rob the world of what did so adorn it", "And yet none know .", "O , my lord ,", "He must be nobler than you think , else would your king", "Lift him so high ?\u2014 make him his friend ,", "And with an earldom top his risen fortune ?", "May be he overcapped too many whom", "His guilt would please more than his innocence .", "O , your eminence ,", "May I not see him ? Let me plead for truth", "With a poor mother 's tears .", "O , let me see him !", "Henry !", "Ah , I have found him , lords ! O , you old men ,", "If any here be old , do you not hear", "The mighty Henry speak in this young voice ?", "My grandsire , Louis , bends that brow on me ,", "That eye has flashed such light from \u2018 neath a crown .", "Be not amazed ; thou art my only born .", "Thy mother 's heart could not so falsely beat", "As to deny thee ! England , be glad with me !", "Count de Rouillet . O , pity , Heaven ! She is mad again .", "Away ? When I have found him ?", "By those blest stars that drew my feet to his ,", "I 'll not go hence till he may go with me !", "I am thy mother . Wilt not call me so ?", "I 've cleared my vision with a sea of tears", "And can not be deceived .", "What has he done ?", "God does not lie , and \u2018 twas his hand that writ", "This countenance to mark a noble mind ,", "And not to be a villain 's fair decoy .", "Ah , murder him , but the same axe will strike", "My life away , for never shall he go", "From out my arms !", "One of her women . Come , dearest lady .", "You 'd force me , sir ?", "Ah , true , I am in England . O , my lords ,", "I beg you let me stay ! I 'll not disturb you ,", "But sit as quiet as the stone I am .", "You see , my lords , I 'm calm . I have no son .", "Who will deny me now ? Must I keep still ,", "Ye lords of England ? Have I yet your leave", "T \u2019 embrace my son ?", "My son ! My only son ! O , twice thou'rt born to me !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 611, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["My heels too . If the boy plays any more I shall forget my broken bones and be off to the forest .", "I wish you loved the music , Catherine . It makes things different somehow ... while it lasts .", "Eh \u2014 yes . Do n't you remember the gypsy ring in the forest forty-five years \u2014\u2014", "Yes ... old . We may gather acorns in the woods , mother , but we shall never find any more flowers . Well enough . The trees would grow wrinkled with laughter to see an old man dancing beneath them . Eh \u2014 yes , let him stoop , and pick up brush .", "We had their father and mother , too .", "Because you served in the barin 's house and the mistress liked you . Just chance ! And then the barin died and Travinski got hold of everything .", "Another chance ! Life ought n't to owe itself to that . It is n't living . Those two awful years before the Shepherd came \u2014 when Andrei died \u2014 they were real . A part of what is . We were like our neighbors then . Yes .", "She is like her mother , Catherine .", "I wish they were both with their parents in the only safe place in Russia , the grave .", "Send an innocent lad out of his own country to be safe .", "I wanted to be a scholar too . But they beat me back .", "And she went to Kara for it ... to the mines ... for teaching men to read .", "And went ... as she did .", "\u2018 Tis far , Berlin . I am old . The Shepherd is needed everywhere . He may go any time . Vasil ought to stay with his sister .", "How long will he keep out of prison with that big heart and hot head ?", "As he did her mother ! Yes .", "A good child , but too pretty , too pretty .", "I begged the cup of Vasil . Let me die when I can not serve", "Adrian Lavrov .", "Are we safe , Adrian Lavrov ? Is Lonz at peace ?", "Heaven , and the Shepherd of Lonz , be praised !", "Bless you , no ! There 's not a child in the village out of its cradle that could n't tell you where the Shepherd lives .", "As I 've told you , lady ,\u2014 with me , old Vetrova . Ten years since he came in at that door to be a son to me and Catherine .", "Not all of that , for he is often called away . But he always comes back . \u2018 Tis never too far to come back .Will you sit here , madam ?", "Little Vera ,\u2014 and a grandson , too . Twins , though not a bit alike , as you may see for yourself before you go . \u2018 Twas Vasil , my grandson , who brought the Shepherd to us . He was just seven years old then , and a fine lad . We can say that about our grandchildren , ma'am . The Shepherd loved him at first sight , and a father he 's been to him ever since . His own father , my Andrei , died under the rod one bad year when taxes could n't be paid , and his wife \u2014 the little mother \u2014 died too when they brought him in . She dropped like that . But we do n't tell the children . They 'll not have to dig up graves for trouble .I 'll let the Shepherd know you are here .", "\u2018 Tis luck you have found him at home , for these bitter days keep him at work . Shall I tell him your name , lady ?", "Will the lady take a cup of tea in the garden with Catherine and my little granddaughter ?", "A sweet lady .", "Eh , yes , she steps like one . But not so pretty as our Vera .", "You are right , Adrian Lavrov .", "Go with him ? My Vera ? My little girl ? Go away ? Leave her old grandfather ? I do n't understand you , Adrian Lavrov . Let the boy stay with his sister .", "But not Vera ! Not her !", "No , no ! Alexander has promised me that she may live with me till", "I die .", "Only till I die , Adrian Lavrov .", "The lady is a good lady . Yes . But why does she want to take Vera from the old man ? She has stolen the child 's heart . And to-morrow she is going to send a carriage \u2014\u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 611, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Almost sunset .And he knows I am waiting .", "You have made no haste .", "You are tired . I , too , went out , but it was so terrible .... You are very tired . Sit down , please . I want to stand .", "The horrible thing you think of me is not true .", "You have forgiven me ?", "As the saints forgive , or for love of me ?", "It 's the same thing , is n't it ?", "Come , sit down .Do rest . You will drop .So you do not love me ?", "Nor I to be amused . I know the truth . You do love me . I saw it in your face when you thought I had been false . I knew then that I was more than a mere traitor . I was beloved . And in spite of the suffering \u2014 the sadness \u2014 the shame \u2014 I was glad .", "First , let me tell you that I am Petrizoff 's spy .He wanted to convict you . You are so important , it seems , that proof from a high source was necessary . I offered to supply it .Do n't you see ? I was afraid some one else might be successful .", "I am only his good angel . I have kept him from doing terrible things by not finding the means \u2014\u2014", "You were doing a noble work .", "Adrian !You came to the Travinski palace two years ago . It was June , like this \u2014\u2014 and sunset \u2014 like this . Do you remember ?", "You talked to my father . I was in the room . You did not see me , a mere princess ,\u2014 but I saw you \u2014 heard you . I could not leave \u2014 I could not turn away . Your words were like new dreams to me .... And after that Petrizoff appealed to my father to furnish evidence against you . He consented because he feared your power over the peasants . I begged him to trust the matter to me , and it was then that I made the foolish wager with Petrizoff . My light manner deceived him , but all the time my heart was dying within me for fear I should fail .", "O , not that ! I have called you Adrian for two years .The Red Cross work gave me opportunities to see you . At first perhaps I was only trying to save you \u2014 and win you . But now I know that I am true . I am ready to die for the things that you would die for , not for your sake but the things \u2019 sake . Though I do not love you less . My love has grown with my spirit . When we met this morning I dared to put into my eyes all that I felt . You looked as though you had suddenly met a being out of Heaven , but it was not Heaven 's light upon my face ; it was my love for you .", "Have I \u2014 am I \u2014 mistaken ?", "And I love you as I have prayed all my life I might love .", "I know . It is because of those greater things that I love you .And how can love be anything but a help \u2014 a blessing ?", "I should never come between you and your work .", "Adrian \u2014 you do n't understand \u2014 I should not be in your way \u2014 your work would be mine \u2014\u2014", "I know you better than that .", "He will not hear of it . I spoke to Orloff .I can take care of myself , Adrian .It is you who need \u2014\u2014", "The truth . You could do it .", "Yes . But I should not let you . You say yourself that sacrifice is woman 's breath . I could give up even my desire to be first . But why make a question of the impossible ? No woman could be first with you , Adrian .", "I have only this to say ,", "Adrian . I understand , and I am ready .", "I am sorry that I waited for the command .I will speak to the Vetrovas , and obey you .", "Princess Travinski !", "And I will kiss you again , dear Vera . You will be ready in the morning for the visit you have promised me ?", "Happy Alexander !", "O , will you ?", "What is the matter ?", "Is that all ?", "Yours ?", "I have ?", "No , Vasil . But you must not care so much .", "Yes , but \u2014\u2014", "My boy , make your country your goddess , not a woman .", "My dear Vasil \u2014\u2014", "But Adrian cares for country , home , people .", "Why \u2014 yes \u2014 you strange boy .", "No .", "Donskoi !", "Yes . But a greater man .", "Because I have been unkind to Adrian .", "But it is n't pleasant to be forgiven that way , as if we were anybody else . I want to be forgiven because I am myself .", "And what is your star , Vasil ?", "It may not be always cold and white to him .", "How others see ?", "Yes , but do not think of me ,\u2014 think of \u2014\u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 611, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Brothers , we have met to talk matters over .", "Friends , the truth that was clear to you before the enemy 's blow fell to-day is no less true now that the blow has fallen .", "And you will obey me again .", "You will remember that you bear the leaven of the race , that you carry in your blood the universal peace .", "Submission is the only death-answer to violence . The world for very shame must cease to crucify Christ !", "It makes no difference which side of a prison door the conquering spirit is on , Gregorief .", "But if you had triumphed \u2014 the immortal you \u2014 what a soul you could bequeath to your country ! O , one such could almost save her !", "Are you the devil , Gregorief ?", "You have laid another stone upon it . There is but one power before which the prisons will forever fall \u2014 the power of the soul . Strike them down , and the blows that lay them low will raise them again for your children .", "The burning of Yaltowa !", "Burn the town !", "It must be prevented ! We must act at once \u2014\u2014", "Burnt ? The horror of it !", "How ?", "You are a fool to say this to me ,", "Gregorief .", "Do you suppose I would quietly permit this murder ?", "There is a difference .", "There is a difference .", "God 's difference . The wicked may do their worst and the world still hope , but if the children of light borrow their weapons \u2014\u2014", "If you use his own fire you must live in hell to do it .", "Not an everlasting one . You have the selfishness of the living generation , Gregorief , that consumes as its candle the sun of the unborn .", "Who conquers with a club will rule with a club . It is only through the enduring righteousness now taking deepest root in the night of oppression that true liberation will come , pushing upward to flower in the conscience of every man . When we are free from within , government will of itself fall away \u2014\u2014", "Yes . Anarchy of the soul , not of the blood . The anarchy that Christ saw when he said the meek shall inherit the earth . This is the vision before me , the vision that I held before the bleeding bodies in Lonz to-day \u2014\u2014", "Do n't be so sure of your first effort , my boy . Better let it get cold .", "The child is innocent .", "You can not take this child . The paper was not stolen .", "Where you put it .", "Petrusha !", "Which the bomb utterly destroys .", "Your leader ?", "Gregorief \u2014\u2014", "No ! Let civilization wait another century rather than deliver her flag to the hands of murderers !", "It is not in their hands , Gregorief , but in ours , that are yet clean . Do this thing , and it is you , not Petrizoff , who give the greatest blow to freedom . The world is just beginning to understand us \u2014\u2014", "Yes . My opportunity to point once more to where the sun shall rise .", "What are a thousand years to the soul of man on the right path to the right thing ?", "Begone \u2014 all of you !", "Sasha ?", "You have chosen ?", "Between the body and the soul .", "If you would wait a little , Sasha . Reforms are coming . The Czar will grant a constitution \u2014\u2014", "Is it time ? There is so much ignorance yet \u2014\u2014", "But the poor , illiterate peasants . Are they ready \u2014\u2014", "Karitz ! My poor people ! I must go there at once .", "O , it is horrible !", "He is not going .", "She has been arrested .", "I had no choice .", "What has Vera 's misfortune \u2014 yours \u2014 mine \u2014 to do with an eternal principle ?", "The princess may be able to do something for her . She \u2014\u2014", "Wait . I do know . I love her even as you love Vera , and I swear to you that if she stood in Vera 's place my answer would be the same .", "You will stay now , Sasha ?", "Light , light , O my God !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 611, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["You must go to bed , my son . There is nothing for you to do .", "To be our light \u2014 our song \u2014 to find our angels for us .", "You will mend it .", "My boy !", "It has passed for the man .", "That is what made Christ .", "Welcome , father .", "Yes , father .You have many visits to make to-night .", "Thank you , father .", "The princess has danced to some purpose , my boy . Vera is free . She will be on her way to Odessa by morning .", "It must be burnt .", "We must be careful . Hush \u2014 some one is coming .", "On fire ? Now ?", "You waited for Petrizoff ?", "You waited with Gregorief for Petrizoff ?", "But now \u2014 O , you are saved from that thing !", "Too late , thank God !", "You are mad to think such power is in me .", "It can not rest with me . One man can not make destiny .", "Are there then two codes ? One for the man , one for the race ? And when they conflict , the man must yield ?", "Humanity has dropped the club . It will drop the gun . Even the soldiers are throwing it down . And shall I pick it up \u2014\u2014", "Masters of the nation !If it is true that only the life of Petrizoff stands between the revolutionists and triumph , he can not long be the sole barrier . He must see his folly and change his \u2014\u2014", "I see . We should unfetter the avenging lion , not loosen the dove of peace , with Petrizoff 's death .", "Rise , Korelenko . Heal ye first yourselves . Out of your differences , your divisions , you make your master . If for one day enmity should sleep , if for one day every lover of freedom should love his neighbor , in that day the oppressor would fall . Rise ! I will not do it .", "Will ?", "Betrayed ?", "This lie will not tempt me , Sasha . I can hardly believe you have uttered it .I might have believed you .", "No ! I will not see him again . It is true .O , is there no end to this night ?", "Do n't \u2014 do n't speak .", "There is no time to warn her .", "You would do that ?", "My answer ?", "How ?", "You might be merciful now , Korelenko .", "Not that way .", "Then she \u2014\u2014", "How can I now ? The struggle is over . For a heavenly motive I refused to join you ; I can not consent now for an earthly one . O , if you had not told me ! If you had pleaded a little longer \u2014You see it is impossible .", "Do , Sasha .", "O , I have not told you \u2014\u2014", "Vera is free . Read this \u2014 where \u2014 Vasil , the letter !", "You see they will wait for you on the Petoff road until two o'clock . You must go at once . The princess has arranged for you to journey with Vera if you wish , and you must now , for to remain here means imprisonment on the Yaltowa charge .Do n't lose hope , Sasha . You can still help us in America \u2014 perhaps do more for the cause there than here \u2014 and you will have Vera \u2014\u2014", "She is saved . Have n't you read ? Do n't you see ?", "I am sorry for you , Korelenko . You have sold the angel in your service .", "I swore the truth .", "O , Infinite Love , why didst make us as men to try us as gods ?... And I might have saved her . Might ? ...Unto seventy times seven .Thou too wert man !...ACT III"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 611, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["If I had saved him this day ... this night ! But now ... what peace can heal him ?Lord , Lord , from out these burning days , let one , just one , go free ! As thou lovest thy world , let him be spared , let him be spared !", "Why have you come ?", "The boy \u2014 do not wake him .", "The last two hours have been terrible , but he rests now .", "With me ?", "I see .", "It has come then .", "I hope so . He has gone to meet her .", "Not for me . It is you who must go . You are betrayed to Petrizoff .", "No danger ?", "You are lost .", "I can tell you .", "Because he believed \u2014 O , Sophie , beloved , before I speak , look at me with the love in your eyes as I saw it first . I did not know it was for me then . Let me see it now while I know you are mine \u2014 mine ! Yes , yes , you love me !", "And you will kiss me once ?", "As if we were parting forever , Sophie .Now I will tell you why Alexander could not answer you , and why I can . He betrayed you believing that I could and would save you .", "Could , but would not .", "I could have saved you but I would not . Is n't it clear ?", "I would not consent to Petrizoff 's death .", "I did .", "I have told you the truth .", "That is why .", "No . I should want more than forgiveness . I should want you to understand .", "Yes .", "No .", "Sophie !", "You do understand !", "And it makes no difference ?", "I wonder if God understands women .", "Heaven-heart !", "For what crime am I arrested ?", "For what crime ?", "I insist upon knowing .", "Is it possible ?", "That must not be !", "Sophie \u2014 Sophie \u2014 you do not regret \u2014\u2014", "Vasil !Is he in there ?", "He has gone out . He will be hurt .Who has been here ? Gregorief ?There was a bomb in that cabinet . Could it be possible \u2014 that \u2014\u2014", "Never ! Not him !", "Vasil ! Vasil !", "They will bury the sunshine of the world \u2014 shut up his golden years in darkness \u2014\u2014", "O God , in all thy ages can this be justified ?", "War ?Yes . And I will use the strongest of earthly weapons , the arms of peace . The powers that upbuild are as invincible as the universe . By them it stands . Only by their toleration do the forces of destruction live . Toleration ? Only by the support of the powers of peace do the powers that destroy exist . Is not the army of the Czar fed by us , clothed by us , paid by us ? And if we refuse to give , must it not beg of us ? If he who works not shall not eat , what is the doom of the destroyer ? The sower shall not sow for him , the reaper shall not reap for him , the builder shall not build for him , the physician shall not heal him , the scholar shall not teach him , the lawyer shall not plead for him , no trade shall supply him , no craft shall assist him , no art shall amuse him . The mills shall be silent , the wheels shall not turn , the wires shall be dumb , until he cries out \u201c Peace , thou art master : let me be so much as thy servant ! \u201d", "Yes . The new war of a new day . Not in madness hurling bombs , but giving our pity as we take our right .", "The money we now pay to our brothers to strike us shall put bread in our mouths .", "No . We join each other ... under the only unconquerable power . Gather an army and go forth with guns , and you may be laid in the dust . But the gathered forces of peace are as the fingers on God 's hand , one with His strength , one with His will . Friends , friends , we have been searching earth for the weapon already in our grasp . The woman at the loom , the mujik in the field , the workman on the housetop , the man at the wire , the throttle , the wheel , hold it in their hands . To know its might \u2014 to use it together \u2014 that is all . Together ! O , they must see it \u2014 as I do now ! I will gather my disciples , we will knock at every door and preach the gospel of united peace until all our unions are one union , all our bodies one body , with one breath , one heart , one head . In barin and peasant , mechanic and noble , Christian and Jew , Finn , Pole , Czech , Serb , Georgian , Tatar , must be born as in one man the conscious strength of peace . And to its deliverance I give my life , my soul !Yes ... he shall be free ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 611, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["That Dionysius bends the neck of pomp", "To do you honor , shows an eye yet false", "To your true merit .", "He 'd not have dared", "To greet you so , but this vain , strutting show", "Wrongs you no less .", "Ay , friend .", "The mines of earth into one coffer poured", "Would not enrich a spendthrift or insure", "Him linen for a shroud . If you can not", "Prevail with him \u2014 If ? Nay , you will . All ifs", "Lie down before your wooing argument .", "My hope is born again , now you are here .", "When I have seen pick-thank philosophers", "At ear of Dionysius , seeding his mind \u2014", "Wherein my toil had set fair Ceres \u2019 garden \u2014", "With foul and flaunting weeds to overrun", "My country , I have been tempted to forego", "The idle reaping , uplay the soil itself ,", "And with some few and trusted followers", "Rouse a new Spring to breed us gracious harvest .", "Ay , so the young tyrant has my knee , but thus", "To keep my mind at bow and flexure proves", "My patience \u2018 fore the gods . Welcome the day", "When I may honor Truth in honoring", "The head of rule in my belov \ufffd d city !", "But now no more of state austerities ;", "I would be glad one hour and nurse the joy", "Of seeing thee . Thou'st brought me half my heart", "That kept with thee in Athens .", "Well ?", "In happy season .", "My wife .", "Since you sailed ;", "To Aratea , Dionysius \u2019 sister ,", "But as unlike him as the eternal sky", "To moody ocean .", "Fast bound , indeed , to one who will not break", "Our souls \u2019 knit circle . She is Virtue 's servant ,", "And wears her fairest flower , beauty .", "Come , sir . What entertainment is provided ?", "One moment , friend .", "Come , my friend . You 're skilled", "In harbor matters , and I need your word .", "Why is Phillistus here ?", "Are we so poor , my dame , the enemy", "Must sauce our feast ? Nay , nay !", "Ocrastes is a youth full dear to me .", "Orphaned at birth , I 've bred him from a babe .", "He is of bravest heart , and must leap high", "Although he fall o'er heaven .", "The daughter of my brother some years dead .", "Her bloom might make e'en priestly blood forget", "To pace with vows , but she is true , and kneels", "To wisdom 's star . Hast yet no eye for woman ?", "What now ? So soon ,", "Aristocles ?", "I knew she 'd find", "The gate to your forgiveness .", "True , she 's fair enough", "For praise , but I 'm a plain prose lover , friend ,", "Nor , like a doting osier o'er a brook ,", "Pore on her features , wasting oil of time", "That should burn high in task of gods and state .", "Ay , some of us", "Should curvet not so high , bethinking of", "Our audience in the clouds ; for this brave world", "Is but a theatre whereto the gods", "For pastime look , and whoso makes most show", "Of plumes careering and proud-lifting stride", "Is but the greatest anticker of all", "To their high eyes . A little music , friends .", "It suits you well", "To treat the theme deific with bold tongue .", "No thought so high but you would trick it out", "In shrugging sophistry !", "Farewell , my lord . And Ceres send you grace !", "Patience , madam ! Would words were meat for swords ! I 'd had his crop !", "More revels ! More ? This cracks the very glass", "Of our fair prospect , wherein we saw him sit", "With listening ear to wisdom .", "No !", "Say to the tyrant I 'll not feast with him .", "Not so ! The bending tree ne'er kissed the clouds .", "I will not stoop ! What ? Flaunt his sport before", "A sage 's eye , who comes at his own suit", "To teach him truth ?", "It was the slight ,", "The unseemly slight to you , Aristocles ,", "So chafed me .", "So , so ! I say no more .", "Your wisdom be to me Athene 's shield", "Whereby I 'll see to strike this head of wrong", "Nor be devoured . Come , we will walk abroad .", "But not to court .", "Heed then his counsel , Dionysius .", "A ruler is the state 's bountificer ,\u2014", "High warden at the gates of happy good ,\u2014", "And when he turns unto himself the stream", "That should make fair his country , he is damned", "As oft a robber as his subjects count .", "Each man he meets may claim his golden coat !", "Check debauching riot", "That sluices now the palace ! Cease these feasts", "That fume to heaven like Hecate 's brewing-vats !", "Nay , sir , those scowls unwrite your waterish vow .", "Most welcome son . Adieu ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 611, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Dion , my lords , has gathered friends in Athens ,", "And waits your invitation to set sail", "With power for your relief . Six circled moons", "Have risen from the sea since he was banished", "And you are dumb as you were staring yet", "Upon the marvel of his taking off .", "He walks a mark", "For Athens \u2019 eye ,\u2014 a breathing virtue , sir ,", "Making the good in other men stand still", "To gaze at what in him is better .", "True ? By Pallas , sir ,", "Apollo purges not more ardently", "The earth of humors than he iniquity", "From man and state ! Divinity has made", "His heart her brooding place to bring forth deeds", "So like her own complexion that men read", "The book of Heaven in them and grow wise", "Without the aid of schools .", "Which Dion casts like sweet and general rain", "On parching poverty . His charity", "Is a perpetual summer where bruised merit", "Lifteth in flower .", "And you", "Could have him home had you some brave Greek blood", "At heart . Please you , I 've heard a shepherdess", "Combed wool on Dardan plain when Troy was burning", "Methinks Sicilian sires bred from that dame .", "Can you be still ?", "Talk ! talk ! A sword 's the tongue for me !", "O , Dion , now all", "Forsake thee but calamity , that like", "A covetous ill wife hangs on thy fortune !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 611, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["This poison 's swift . Here is her cup . Why palter ?", "A drop will do it .", "\u2018 Tis when we sleep the touch", "Of life is gentlest . Even affliction 's kiss", "Falls like a rose upon the sense-shut lid .", "Then he most miserable is as the happy ,", "And who so happy that is not then more blest ?", "And since that death is sleep 's eternal sum ,", "Why should I pause , nor grant this precious good ?", "O , I could moralize me to a god", "Who holds the cup of bliss for lip beloved .", "Nauresta , drink , and in this little drop", "Sip everlasting ease .", "\u2018 Tis done . I 've reached", "From mortal shores and opened Hades \u2019 gate .", "Ay , with the gesture of a hand have hooked", "Eternity .", "\u2018 Tis I ,", "Beloved Nauresta .", "Can I forget you love them ?", "This is a covert chiding of my faults ,", "So deep repented , love . I 'll make thee happy .", "And when didst grow", "So wise , Nauresta ?", "Does he know ?", "Thanks for that .", "This sudden turning of a heart long loyal", "Has left me numb . You know how dear my purpose", "That she should wed a lord of my own faction .", "Give me an hour , but one , before you speak .", "You break the bough that held my care-built nest ,", "And old wings go not blithely after straw .", "Rest thee , sweet .", "Ah , not too soon I spiced her cup . The way", "Grows perilous , and I must mount with care", "To my high seat , lest I should rise to fall ;", "For though the path to crowns be long and slant ,", "There 's no way down but by a precipice .", "Now were I ill \u2018 twould quickly make me well", "To have so fair a face above my bed .", "Surely \u2018 tis no offence to call you fair .", "Pardon me , dear girl . I was", "Your father 's friend \u2014\u2014", "And could I have your love \u2014\u2014", "By heaven , you do not mince it !", "Ay ,", "Health and long life .", "Go call your comrades here .", "Even now you 're mine .", "Ocrastes ! Ha ! Her last word was his name .", "I 'll turn this crook of fortune to account ,", "And make a god of accident .", "One woe", "You have escaped . Ocrastes \u2019 wicked love .", "O villainous ! I dare not think of it !", "That he would poison one so dear to you \u2014\u2014", "He may ,", "If \u2018 tis your wish . You heard her cry his name", "As though she saw her murderer .", "The truth .", "Why should he when a little gold will buy", "A hand for any deed ?", "Hast not found him changed ?", "Full of quick passions \u2014 contradictions \u2014 words", "Of broken point ? Seen shadows on his face", "As though his mind were brooding darker matter", "Than could be kept within \u2018 t ? Bethink thee well ,", "For memory 's eye reflective oft repeals", "The confirmation of the grosser sight ,", "And what so pleased the entertain \ufffd d sense", "Shows in her studied glass a fearful front .", "Thy mother 's word \u2014\u2014", "My girl , all things that be may be endured .", "Death does not come for this or that affliction ,", "But when \u2018 tis time to knock . Up , sweet Theano !", "By fortune 's rudder , wheel and horn of bounty ,", "You shall rise fair above this foul mischance !", "Ay , see him now , Theano .", "Show him the burden of this bed , nor let", "The damn \ufffd d simulation of his eye", "Deceive you . Bravely tell him to his face", "None better knows the gate she came by death .", "I 'll leave you with him . Courage !", "Sweet girl , he 's gone .", "He 'll trouble thee no more .", "She 's mad indeed !", "Theano \u2014\u2014", "Nay , by the gods , should you so die , my maid ,", "Then Sicil \u2019 will have groaning cause \u2018 gainst one", "Who robs her country to make rich her grave .", "Immortal Beauty must herself go wronged", "Should you so break her living mould in you ,", "And drain her veins to your fair body trusted", "For warm and deathless passage .", "A man \u2014 no more , no less \u2014 who loves", "Your mother 's daughter . Hate me as you will ,", "I here adopt your grief ,\u2014 with oath and tear", "Take it to love as my own child of woe ,", "And swear you faith to death .", "This night \u2014\u2014", "You think", "He 'll come ?", "You 're proudly sure . Will coo your loves by this forbidding bed ?", "There lies", "Delay 's excuse ,\u2014 and yet \u2018 tis none , for woe", "Whose feast is but a heart should lift no head", "Beside the large calamity that makes", "A morsel of a state . How goes our matter ?", "Ah , then", "He 's safe .", "He revolts from Dion ? Ocrastes ?", "What works this change ?", "What say you , sir ?", "But this new marriage ! Tell us more . Belike", "I 've missed some sport .", "But went the lady to him willingly ?", "And the young lord ? Did not his countenance Play hers a blushing match ?", "How long , my lord ,", "Since this bold comedy ?", "Ah , before he came to you ! What shameless shame !", "Nay , ask not why . As well essay to trace", "The legend that the soft and curling foam", "Writes on the shaken wave as fix love 's path", "With steady eye or his vagaries mark .", "Farewell an hour . I 'll come again to-night", "To serve your grief . You 'll learn at last to trust me ,", "And in my heart seek comfort ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 611, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["They said a bed would be provided me ,", "But nothing 's here . And nothing 's all he needs ,", "Who holds himself a soul stripped of the world", "And its necessities .", "That fellow took", "My cloak . Good luck to him . Philosophy ,", "Thou art the only sail no wind may drive", "Into misfortune 's port . How still the world !", "The silence like a great Accuser stares ,", "Full of dumb curses looking from large eyes .", "My dream .", "You ? you ?", "\u2018 Tis you \u2014 and yet \u2018 tis not .", "A stranger soul , disordered and unknown ,", "Looks from your eyes .", "I 've had some thought \u2018 twas so . I die to-night ?", "No ! To make", "Presumptuous end of life is an offence", "To Heaven , but gracious gods may offer death", "For honorable choice \u2014 as they do now \u2014", "And here I choose it .", "Ah , what you will ! Command me .", "Ay ,", "The stars looked on us as we passed , as though", "They smiled to see how man would measure time", "With periods clept death .", "I will .", "Then I 'll die here .", "To go from your fair presence to the gods", "Is hardly change .", "The longest days are breaths , quick-drawn and short ,", "The longest life a day to be forgot .", "Thou soon wouldst come .", "Nay , thou'st no need of guide . Shine out , bright soul , and dim thy troubling stars .", "Be true unto the calm", "Of Heaven in you set . Who trust to aught", "That 's of their souls externe but give themselves", "As feathers to the wind .", "Thou'st whirled away my soul !", "O stroke of Dis ! O faithless Heaven ! He ?", "Not he ! Such mid-hell treachery is out", "Of mortal meaning !", "I 'd sport a madman too !", "Wear lunacy as doth a king his purple ,", "If that would draw a goddess from the skies", "To quiet in my arms ! Did it not strain", "Forbearance to the snap that Dion \u2014 whose wisdom", "Humbles the mouth of Zeus \u2014 whose justice is", "The boast of shades when Rhadamanthus blunders \u2014", "Should wear the chiefest pearl to mortals cast \u2014", "Sweet Beauty 's sole extravagance \u2014 as \u2018 twere", "A something to be stained with human love", "And gods not question it ? Who then could see", "It made the common booty of a thief ,", "Nor break the cable of a mind controlled", "And lose the shore of reason ? Who ?", "Pity , weep , weep , weep !", "O , from thy woeful heaven cast a dew", "As universal as the East when she", "To every herb throws pearls !", "Not you . I die because Elysian mates", "Now summon me . No need excuses there", "The guest intrusive . Stay thee for thy call ,", "Nor but to save an hour of painful breath", "Cut ever off the never ending day", "We two shall walk the clouds too happy e'en", "To love . Give me that hope , and dying now", "I live . Deny it , and \u2018 tis you , not swords ,", "That wound . They slay poor flesh , that gauzy breath", "Sole guards from wormy ravage . You would strike", "My never-healing soul ! Those steps of doom \u2014\u2014", "The window .", "I 'll make the leap and live", "To set you free !", "Go , spirit beautiful ! Her hair enrobes her like a parted cloud That opes to show us Heaven .... Give now my flesh To swords , ye gods , but save me from the death That has no end !...O ! Maimed , my goddess ?", "Those locks of Venus \u2019 gold .", "Too well !", "Your flying fingers need them not .", "Ay , one will do it .", "O , \u2018 tis bought too preciously !", "What waste of sun and gold !", "So soon ?", "Art sure \u2018 tis done ?", "Afraid !", "Ay , \u2018 tis .", "Till I return with Dion .", "And you \u2014 and you \u2014", "My heart is dumb . What gods wish for themselves", "Become a human fortune and befall thee !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 611, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["He begs pardon like a hangman at an execution .", "I am surprised ; what , does your father relent ?", "A very desperate demonstration of your love to Angelica ; and", "I think she has never given you any assurance of hers .", "Women of her airy temper , as they seldom think before they act , so they rarely give us any light to guess at what they mean . But you have little reason to believe that a woman of this age , who has had an indifference for you in your prosperity , will fall in love with your ill-fortune ; besides , Angelica has a great fortune of her own ; and great fortunes either expect another great fortune , or a fool . SCENE IX .", "Pox on him , I 'll be gone .", "A mender of reputations ! Ay , just as he is a keeper of secrets , another virtue that he sets up for in the same manner . For the rogue will speak aloud in the posture of a whisper , and deny a woman 's name while he gives you the marks of her person . He will forswear receiving a letter from her , and at the same time show you her hand in the superscription : and yet perhaps he has counterfeited the hand too , and sworn to a truth ; but he hopes not to be believed , and refuses the reputation of a lady 's favour , as a Doctor says no to a Bishopric only that it may be granted him . In short , he is public professor of secrecy , and makes proclamation that he holds private intelligence .\u2014 He 's here . SCENE XI .", "That is , when I am yours ; for while I am my own , or anybody 's else , that will never happen .", "Ay , such rotten reputations as you have to deal with are to be handled tenderly indeed .", "Not know \u2018 em ? Why , thou never had'st to do with anybody that did not stink to all the town .", "How ?", "What think you of that noble commoner , Mrs Drab ?", "Whom we all know .", "Grace !", "Why , Tattle , thou hast more impudence than one can in reason expect : I shall have an esteem for thee , well , and , ha , ha , ha , well , go on , and what did you say to her grace ?", "Hang him , let him alone , he has a mind we should enquire .", "Yes , Mrs Frail is a very fine woman , we all know her .", "What ?", "To tell what ? Why , what do you know of Mrs Frail ?", "No ?", "She says otherwise .", "Yes , faith . Ask Valentine else .", "No doubt o n't . Well , but has she done you wrong , or no ? You have had her ? Ha ?", "Well , you own it ?", "She 'll be here by and by , she sees Valentine every morning .", "Nor I , faith . But Tattle does not use to bely a lady ; it is contrary to his character . How one may be deceived in a woman , Valentine ?", "I 'm resolved I 'll ask her .", "No ; you told us .", "Come , then , sacrifice half a dozen women of good reputation to me presently . Come , where are you familiar ? And see that they are women of quality , too \u2014 the first quality .", "No , nothing under a right honourable .", "No , their titles shall serve .", "Well , begin then ; but take notice , if you are so ill a painter that I cannot know the person by your picture of her , you must be condemned , like other bad painters , to write the name at the bottom .", "Well , on that condition . Take heed you do n't fail me .", "Tattle -", "Ay , we 'll all give you something .", "Hang him , he has nothing but the Seasons and the Twelve Caesars \u2014 paltry copies \u2014 and the Five Senses , as ill-represented as they are in himself , and he himself is the only original you will see there .", "Yes ; all that have done him favours , if you will believe him .", "No , no ; come to me if you 'd see pictures .", "Yes , faith ; I can shew you your own picture , and most of your acquaintance to the life , and as like as at Kneller 's .", "Yes ; mine are most in black and white . And yet there are some set out in their true colours , both men and women . I can shew you pride , folly , affectation , wantonness , inconstancy , covetousness , dissimulation , malice and ignorance , all in one piece . Then I can shew you lying , foppery , vanity , cowardice , bragging , lechery , impotence , and ugliness in another piece ; and yet one of these is a celebrated beauty , and t'other a professed beau . I have paintings too , some pleasant enough .", "Why , I have a beau in a bagnio , cupping for a complexion , and sweating for a shape .", "Then I have a lady burning brandy in a cellar with a hackney coachman .", "I have some hieroglyphics too ; I have a lawyer with a hundred hands , two heads , and but one face ; a divine with two faces , and one head ; and I have a soldier with his brains in his belly , and his heart where his head should be .", "No head .", "Yes , I have a poet weighing words , and selling praise for praise , and a critic picking his pocket . I have another large piece too , representing a school , where there are huge proportioned critics , with long wigs , laced coats , Steinkirk cravats , and terrible faces ; with cat-calls in their hands , and horn-books about their necks . I have many more of this kind , very well painted , as you shall see .", "I will : I have a mind to your sister .", "Well , if Tattle entertains you , I have the better opportunity to engage your sister .", "I 'll give an account of you and your proceedings . If indiscretion be a sign of love , you are the most a lover of anybody that I know : you fancy that parting with your estate will help you to your mistress . In my mind he is a thoughtless adventurer Who hopes to purchase wealth by selling land ; Or win a mistress with a losing hand ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 621, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I 'll be gone .", "Is there not a back way ?", "Scandal , you will not be so ungenerous . Oh , I shall lose my reputation of secrecy for ever . I shall never be received but upon public days , and my visits will never be admitted beyond a drawing - room . I shall never see a bed-chamber again , never be locked in a closet , nor run behind a screen , or under a table : never be distinguished among the waiting-women by the name of trusty Mr Tattle more . You will not be so cruel ?", "Any , any terms .", "\u2018 Tis very hard . Wo n't a baronet 's lady pass ?", "Oh , inhuman ! You do n't expect their names ?", "Alas , that 's the same thing . Pray spare me their titles . I 'll describe their persons .", "Well , first then -", "SCENE XIV .", "Oh , unfortunate ! She 's come already ; will you have patience till another time ? I 'll double the number .", "Mum . O madam , you do me too much honour .", "I ? My soul , madam .", "I have a pretty good collection , at your service , some originals .", "Oh , madam , those are sacred to love and contemplation . No man but the painter and myself was ever blest with the sight .", "Nor woman , till she consented to have her picture there too \u2014 for then she 's obliged to keep the secret .", "I will : because I have a tendre for your ladyship ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 621, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What have you to do to watch me ? \u2018 S'life I 'll do what I please .", "Yes , marry will I . A great piece of business to go to Covent Garden Square in a hackney coach , and take a turn with one 's friend .", "Well , what if I took twenty \u2014 I warrant if you had been there , it had been only innocent recreation . Lord , where 's the comfort of this life if we can n't have the happiness of conversing where we like ?", "Pooh , here 's a clutter : why should it reflect upon you ? I do n't doubt but you have thought yourself happy in a hackney coach before now . If I had gone to Knight 's Bridge , or to Chelsea , or to Spring Garden , or Barn Elms with a man alone , something might have been said .", "Was I ? What do you mean ?", "I at a worse place , and with a man !", "The World 's End ! What , do you mean to banter me ?", "I 'll swear you have a great deal of confidence , and in my mind too much for the stage .", "No .", "Your face , what 's your face ?", "Not by a dozen years \u2019 wearing . But I do deny it positively to your face , then .", "My bodkin !", "Well , if you go to that , where did you find this bodkin ? Oh , sister , sister ! Sister every way .", "I have heard gentlemen say , sister , that one should take great care , when one makes a thrust in fencing , not to lie open oneself .", "With all my heart : ours are but slight flesh wounds , and if we keep \u2018 em from air , not at all dangerous . Well , give me your hand in token of sisterly secrecy and affection .", "Well , as an earnest of friendship and confidence , I 'll acquaint you with a design that I have . To tell truth , and speak openly one to another , I 'm afraid the world have observed us more than we have observed one another . You have a rich husband , and are provided for . I am at a loss , and have no great stock either of fortune or reputation , and therefore must look sharply about me . Sir Sampson has a son that is expected to-night , and by the account I have heard of his education , can be no conjurer . The estate you know is to be made over to him . Now if I could wheedle him , sister , ha ? You understand me ?", "Fie , Miss ; amongst your linen , you must say . You must never say smock .", "Ah devil , sly devil . He 's as close , sister , as a confessor . He thinks we do n't observe him .", "O hang you ; who 'll believe you ? You 'd be hanged before you 'd confess . We know you \u2014 she 's very pretty ! Lord , what pure red and white !\u2014 she looks so wholesome ; ne'er stir : I do n't know , but I fancy , if I were a man -", "O my soul , I 'm afraid not \u2014 eh !\u2014 filthy creature , that smells all of pitch and tar . Devil take you , you confounded toad \u2014 why did you see her before she was married ?", "Come , faith , let us be gone . If my brother Foresight should find us with them , he 'd think so , sure enough .", "I do n't care ; I wo n't be seen i n't ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 621, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["You can n't accuse me of inconstancy ; I never told you that I loved you .", "You mistake indifference for uncertainty ; I never had concern enough to ask myself the question .", "What , are you setting up for good-nature ?", "Persuade your friend that it is all affectation .", "What is , Mr Tattle ? I heard you say something was whispered everywhere .", "How !", "My passion ! And who told you of my passion , pray sir ?", "I dare swear you wrong him , it is his own . And Mr Tattle only judges of the success of others , from the effects of his own merit . For certainly Mr Tattle was never denied anything in his life .", "I swear I do n't think \u2018 tis possible .", "Nay , now you 're ungrateful .", "I do n't understand you now . I thought you had never asked anything but what a lady might modestly grant , and you confess .", "No ; I suppose that is not in your power ; but you would if you could , no doubt o n't .", "No ?", "Then it seems you would have told , if you had been trusted .", "But whence comes the reputation of Mr Tattle 's secrecy , if he was never trusted ?", "Am I ? Well , I freely confess I have resisted a great deal of temptation .", "I cite Valentine here , to declare to the court , how fruitless he has found his endeavours , and to confess all his solicitations and my denials .", "O barbarous ! I never heard so insolent a piece of vanity . Fie , Mr Tattle ; I 'll swear I could not have believed it . Is this your secrecy ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 621, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["They have quarrelled , just as we could wish .", "Bless me , what 's the matter , Miss ? What , does she cry ? Mr Benjamin , what have you done to her ?", "Come , Miss , come along with me , and tell me , poor child .", "Husband , will you go to bed ? It 's ten a'clock . Mr", "Scandal , your servant .", "Mr Foresight is punctual ; we sit up after him .", "Was there ever such impudence , to make love to me before my husband 's face ? I 'll swear I 'll tell him .", "How do you do , Mr Foresight !", "Oh , mighty restless , but I was afraid to tell him so . He has been subject to talking and starting .", "Never , never , till within these three nights ; I cannot say that he has once broken my rest since we have been married .", "Nurse , nurse !", "Nurse ; your master is not well ; put him to bed .", "Well ; and what use do you hope to make of this project ? You do n't think that you are ever like to succeed in your design upon me ?", "Did you ever hear such a toad ? Hark'ee , devil : do you think any woman honest ?", "Pshaw ! but virtuous , I mean ?", "Oh , monstrous ! What are conscience and honour ?", "An opportunity for pleasure ?", "And so you think we are free for one another ?", "Why , then , I 'll speak my mind . Now as to this affair between you and me . Here you make love to me ; why , I 'll confess it does not displease me . Your person is well enough , and your understanding is not amiss .", "But you have a villainous character : you are a libertine in speech , as well as practice .", "Ay ; but you are such an universal juggler , that I 'm afraid you have a great many confederates .", "Oh , fie \u2014 I 'll swear you 're impudent .", "Pish , you 'd tell me so , though you did not think so .", "O Lord , who 's here ? SCENE XV .", "Well ; I wo n't go to bed to my husband to-night , because", "I 'll retire to my own chamber , and think of what you have said .", "Hold , here 's my sister coming towards us .", "We 're beholden to Mr Benjamin for this entertainment . I believe it 's late .", "Mr Scandal , you had best go to bed and dream too ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 621, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Nurse ; your master is not well ; put him to bed .", "Well ; and what use do you hope to make of this project ? You do n't think that you are ever like to succeed in your design upon me ?", "Did you ever hear such a toad ? Hark'ee , devil : do you think any woman honest ?", "Pshaw ! but virtuous , I mean ?", "Oh , monstrous ! What are conscience and honour ?", "An opportunity for pleasure ?", "And so you think we are free for one another ?", "Why , then , I 'll speak my mind . Now as to this affair between you and me . Here you make love to me ; why , I 'll confess it does not displease me . Your person is well enough , and your understanding is not amiss .", "But you have a villainous character : you are a libertine in speech , as well as practice .", "Ay ; but you are such an universal juggler , that I 'm afraid you have a great many confederates .", "Oh , fie \u2014 I 'll swear you 're impudent .", "Pish , you 'd tell me so , though you did not think so .", "O Lord , who 's here ? SCENE XV .", "Well ; I wo n't go to bed to my husband to-night , because", "I 'll retire to my own chamber , and think of what you have said .", "Hold , here 's my sister coming towards us .", "We 're beholden to Mr Benjamin for this entertainment . I believe it 's late .", "Mr Scandal , you had best go to bed and dream too ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 621, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["That ever I should suspect such a heathen of any remorse !", "You must excuse his passion , Mr Foresight , for he has been heartily vexed . His son is non compos mentis , and thereby incapable of making any conveyance in law ; so that all his measures are disappointed .", "Madam , you and I can tell him something else that he did not foresee , and more particularly relating to his own fortune .", "Hush , softly ,\u2014 the pleasures of last night , my dear , too considerable to be forgot so soon .", "\u2018 Sdeath , do you make no difference between me and your husband ?", "You make me mad . You are not serious . Pray recollect yourself .", "And did not ?", "This I have heard of before , but never believed . I have been told , she had that admirable quality of forgetting to a man 's face in the morning that she had lain with him all night , and denying that she had done favours with more impudence than she could grant \u2018 em . Madam , I 'm your humble servant , and honour you .\u2014 You look pretty well , Mr Foresight : how did you rest last night ?", "\u2018 Twas a very forgetting night . But would you not talk with Valentine ? Perhaps you may understand him ; I 'm apt to believe there is something mysterious in his discourses , and sometimes rather think him inspired than mad .", "And have you given your master a hint of their plot upon him ?", "It may make us sport .", "Ask him , Mr Foresight .", "I believe it is a spring tide .", "Humour him , madam , by all means .", "How 's this ! Tattle making love to Angelica !", "I will \u2014 I have discovered something of Tattle that is of a piece with Mrs Frail . He courts Angelica ; if we could contrive to couple \u2018 em together .\u2014 Hark'ee \u2014", "Mr Foresight , we had best leave him . He may grow outrageous , and do mischief .", "Jeremy , follow Tattle .", "Madam , I am very glad that I overheard a better reason which you gave to Mr Tattle ; for his impertinence forced you to acknowledge a kindness for Valentine , which you denied to all his sufferings and my solicitations . So I 'll leave him to make use of the discovery , and your ladyship to the free confession of your inclinations ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 621, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Mr Benjamin in choler !", "My account ; pray what 's the matter ?", "So , then , you intend to go to sea again ?", "And were you this undutiful and graceless wretch to your father ?", "O impiety ! How have I been mistaken ! What an inhuman , merciless creature have I set my heart upon ? Oh , I am happy to have discovered the shelves and quicksands that lurk beneath that faithless , smiling face .", "Oh , see me no more ,\u2014 for thou wert born amongst rocks , suckled by whales , cradled in a tempest , and whistled to by winds ; and thou art come forth with fins and scales , and three rows of teeth , a most outrageous fish of prey .", "No , no , I am not mad , monster ; I am wise enough to find you out . Hadst thou the impudence to aspire at being a husband with that stubborn and disobedient temper ? You that know not how to submit to a father , presume to have a sufficient stock of duty to undergo a wife ? I should have been finely fobbed indeed , very finely fobbed .", "No , I 'll leave you adrift , and go which way you will .", "Only the wind 's changed .", "Any fool but a husband .", "Why , can'st thou love , Porpuss ?", "Ha , ha , ha , no doubt o n't .\u2014 MY TRUE LOVE IS GONE TO SEA .", "SCENE XIV .", "MRS FRAIL , MRS FORESIGHT .", "O sister , had you come a minute sooner , you would have seen the resolution of a lover : \u2014 honest Tar and I are parted ;\u2014 and with the same indifference that we met . O \u2019 my life I am half vexed at the insensibility of a brute that I despised .", "Most tyrannically ; for you see he has got the start of me , and I , the poor forsaken maid , am left complaining on the shore . But I 'll tell you a hint that he has given me : Sir Sampson is enraged , and talks desperately of committing matrimony himself . If he has a mind to throw himself away , he can n't do it more effectually than upon me , if we could bring it about .", "Sell him ? How ?", "O Lord , what must I say ?", "How d'ye , sir ? Can I serve you ?", "No , no , we 'll keep it secret , it shall be done presently .", "Thou shalt do what thou wilt ; in short , I will deny thee nothing ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 621, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I have not been honoured with the commands of a fair lady a great while ,\u2014 odd , madam , you have revived me ,\u2014 not since I was five-and-thirty .", "Zooks , but it is , madam , a very great while : to a man that admires a fine woman as much as I do .", "Not at all , madam ,\u2014 odsbud , you wrong me ,\u2014 I am not so old neither , to be a bare courtier , only a man of words . Odd , I have warm blood about me yet , and can serve a lady any way . Come , come , let me tell you , you women think a man old too soon , faith and troth you do . Come , do n't despise fifty ; odd , fifty , in a hale constitution , is no such contemptible age .", "Outsides , outsides ; a pize take \u2018 em , mere outsides . Hang your side-box beaus ; no , I 'm none of those , none of your forced trees , that pretend to blossom in the fall , and bud when they should bring forth fruit : I am of a long-lived race , and inherit vigour ; none of my ancestors married till fifty , yet they begot sons and daughters till fourscore : I am of your patriarchs , I , a branch of one of your antedeluvian families , fellows that the flood could not wash away . Well , madam , what are your commands ? Has any young rogue affronted you , and shall I cut his throat ? Or -", "Odsbud , and \u2018 tis pity you should . Odd , would she would like me , then I should hamper my young rogues . Odd , would she would ; faith and troth she 's devilish handsome .Madam , you deserve a good husband , and \u2018 twere pity you should be thrown away upon any of these young idle rogues about the town . Odd , there 's ne'er a young fellow worth hanging \u2014 that is a very young fellow . Pize on \u2018 em , they never think beforehand of anything ; and if they commit matrimony , \u2018 tis as they commit murder , out of a frolic , and are ready to hang themselves , or to be hanged by the law , the next morning . Odso , have a care , madam .", "Odd , you are hard to please , madam : to find a young fellow that is neither a wit in his own eye , nor a fool in the eye of the world , is a very hard task . But , faith and troth , you speak very discreetly ; for I hate both a wit and a fool .", "None of old Foresight 's sibyls ever uttered such a truth . Odsbud , you have won my heart ; I hate a wit : I had a son that was spoiled among \u2018 em , a good hopeful lad , till he learned to be a wit ; and might have risen in the state . But , a pox o n't , his wit run him out of his money , and now his poverty has run him out of his wits .", "How , madam ! Would I could prove it .", "Odsbud , I believe she likes me .Ah , madam , all my affairs are scarce worthy to be laid at your feet ; and I wish , madam , they were in a better posture , that I might make a more becoming offer to a lady of your incomparable beauty and merit . If I had Peru in one hand , and Mexico in t'other , and the Eastern Empire under my feet , it would make me only a more glorious victim to be offered at the shrine of your beauty .", "Odd , madam , I love you . And if you would take my advice in a husband -", "Gadzooks , a most ingenious contrivance \u2014 if we were to go through with it . But why must the match only be seemingly carried on ? Odd , let it be a real contract .", "Say ? They would say you were a wise woman and I a happy man . Odd , madam , I 'll love you as long as I live , and leave you a good jointure when I die .", "Odd , you 're cunning , a wary baggage ! Faith and troth , I like you the better . But , I warrant you , I have a proviso in the obligation in favour of myself . Body o \u2019 me , I have a trick to turn the settlement upon the issue male of our two bodies begotten . Odsbud , let us find children and I 'll find an estate !", "O rogue ! But I 'll trust you . And will you consent ? Is it a match then ?", "With all my heart : come in with me , and I 'll lend you the bond . You shall consult your lawyer , and I 'll consult a parson . Odzooks , I 'm a young man \u2014 odzooks , I 'm a young man , and I 'll make it appear ,\u2014 odd , you 're devilish handsome . Faith and troth , you 're very handsome , and I 'm very young and very lusty . Odsbud , hussy , you know how to choose , and so do I . Odd , I think we are very well met . Give me your hand , odd , let me kiss it ; \u2018 tis as warm and as soft \u2014 as what ? Odd , as t'other hand \u2014 give me t'other hand , and I 'll mumble \u2018 em and kiss \u2018 em till they melt in my mouth .", "No , no , only give you a rent-roll of my possessions . Ah , baggage , I warrant you for little Sampson . Odd , Sampson 's a very good name for an able fellow : your Sampsons were strong dogs from the beginning .", "Say you so , hussy ? Come , let 's go then ; odd , I long to be pulling too ; come away . Odso , here 's somebody coming ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 621, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Where is this old soothsayer , this uncle of mine elect ? Aha , old Foresight , Uncle Foresight , wish me joy , Uncle Foresight , double joy , both as uncle and astrologer ; here 's a conjunction that was not foretold in all your Ephemeris . The brightest star in the blue firmament \u2014 IS SHOT FROM ABOVE , IN A JELLY OF LOVE , and so forth ; and I 'm lord of the ascendant . Odd , you 're an old fellow , Foresight ; uncle , I mean , a very old fellow , Uncle Foresight : and yet you shall live to dance at my wedding ; faith and troth , you shall . Odd , we 'll have the music of the sphere 's for thee , old Lilly , that we will , and thou shalt lead up a dance in Via Lactea .", "Not absolutely married , uncle ; but very near it , within a kiss of the matter , as you see .", "That he shall , or I 'll burn his globes . Body o \u2019 me , he shall be thy father , I 'll make him thy father , and thou shalt make me a father , and I 'll make thee a mother , and we 'll beget sons and daughters enough to put the weekly bills out of countenance .", "How ! What does my aunt say ? Surprising , aunt ? Not at all for a young couple to make a match in winter : not at all . It 's a plot to undermine cold weather , and destroy that usurper of a bed called a warming-pan .", "Who gave you authority to speak , sirrah ? To your element , fish , be mute , fish , and to sea , rule your helm , sirrah , do n't direct me .", "Why , you impudent tarpaulin ! Sirrah , do you bring your forecastle jests upon your father ? But I shall be even with you , I wo n't give you a groat . Mr Buckram , is the conveyance so worded that nothing can possibly descend to this scoundrel ? I would not so much as have him have the prospect of an estate , though there were no way to come to it , but by the North-East Passage .", "Hold your tongue , sirrah . How now , who 's here ? SCENE XI .", "Sleep , quotha ! No ; why , you would not sleep o \u2019 your wedding-night ? I 'm an older fellow than you , and do n't mean to sleep .", "How now ?", "What , have you found your senses at last then ? In good time , sir .", "Contrivance ! What , to cheat me ? to cheat your father ? Sirrah , could you hope to prosper ?", "Very good , sir . Mr Buckram , are you ready ? Come , sir , will you sign and seal ?", "Sir , you must ask me leave first . That lady ? No , sir , you shall ask that lady no questions till you have asked her blessing , sir : that lady is to be my wife .", "That 's as much as to say I lie , sir , and you do n't believe what I say .", "Come , chuck , satisfy him , answer him . Come , come , Mr", "Buckram , the pen and ink .", "Are you answered now , sir ?", "Where 's your plot , sir ? and your contrivance now , sir ? Will you sign , sir ? Come , will you sign and seal ?", "How now ?", "Oons , what is the meaning of this ?", "Oons , you 're a crocodile .", "You 're an illiterate old fool , and I 'm another ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 621, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Let fame , that all hunt after in their lives ,", "Live regist'red upon our brazen tombs ,", "And then grace us in the disgrace of death ;", "When , spite of cormorant devouring Time ,", "Th \u2019 endeavour of this present breath may buy", "That honour which shall bate his scythe 's keen edge ,", "And make us heirs of all eternity .", "Therefore , brave conquerors - for so you are", "That war against your own affections", "And the huge army of the world 's desires-", "Our late edict shall strongly stand in force :", "Navarre shall be the wonder of the world ;", "Our court shall be a little Academe ,", "Still and contemplative in living art .", "You three , Berowne , Dumain , and Longaville ,", "Have sworn for three years \u2019 term to live with me", "My fellow-scholars , and to keep those statutes", "That are recorded in this schedule here .", "Your oaths are pass 'd ; and now subscribe your names ,", "That his own hand may strike his honour down", "That violates the smallest branch herein .", "If you are arm 'd to do as sworn to do ,", "Subscribe to your deep oaths , and keep it too .", "Your oath is pass 'd to pass away from these .", "Why , that to know which else we should not know .", "Ay , that is study 's god-like recompense .", "These be the stops that hinder study quite ,", "And train our intellects to vain delight .", "How well he 's read , to reason against reading !", "Well , sit out ; go home , Berowne ; adieu .", "How well this yielding rescues thee from shame !", "What say you , lords ? Why , this was quite forgot .", "We must of force dispense with this decree ;", "She must lie here on mere necessity .", "Ay , that there is . Our court , you know , is haunted", "With a refined traveller of Spain ,", "A man in all the world 's new fashion planted ,", "That hath a mint of phrases in his brain ;", "One who the music of his own vain tongue", "Doth ravish like enchanting harmony ;", "A man of complements , whom right and wrong", "Have chose as umpire of their mutiny .", "This child of fancy , that Armado hight ,", "For interim to our studies shall relate ,", "In high-born words , the worth of many a knight", "From tawny Spain lost in the world 's debate .", "How you delight , my lords , I know not , I ;", "But I protest I love to hear him lie ,", "And I will use him for my minstrelsy .", "A letter from the magnificent Armado .", "Will you hear this letter with attention ?", "\u2018 Great deputy , the welkin 's vicegerent and sole dominator of Navarre , my soul 's earth 's god and body 's fost'ring patron \u2019 -", "\u2018 So it is \u2019 -", "Peace !", "No words !", "\u2018 So it is , besieged with sable-coloured melancholy , I did commend the black oppressing humour to the most wholesome physic of thy health-giving air ; and , as I am a gentleman , betook myself to walk . The time When ? About the sixth hour ; when beasts most graze , birds best peck , and men sit down to that nourishment which is called supper . So much for the time When . Now for the ground Which ? which , I mean , I upon ; it is ycleped thy park . Then for the place Where ? where , I mean , I did encounter that obscene and most prepost'rous event that draweth from my snow-white pen the ebon-coloured ink which here thou viewest , beholdest , surveyest , or seest . But to the place Where ? It standeth north-north-east and by east from the west corner of thy curious-knotted garden . There did I see that low-spirited swain , that base minnow of thy mirth , \u2019", "\u2018 that unlettered small-knowing soul , \u2019", "\u2018 that shallow vassal , \u2019", "\u2018 which , as I remember , hight Costard , \u2019", "\u2018 sorted and consorted , contrary to thy established proclaimed edict and continent canon ; which , with , O , with - but with this I passion to say wherewith - \u2019", "\u2018 For Jaquenetta - so is the weaker vessel called , which I apprehended with the aforesaid swain - I keep her as a vessel of thy law 's fury ; and shall , at the least of thy sweet notice , bring her to trial . Thine , in all compliments of devoted and heart-burning heat of duty , DON ADRIANO DE ARMADO . \u2019", "Ay , the best for the worst . But , sirrah , what say you to this ?", "Did you hear the proclamation ?", "It was proclaimed a year 's imprisonment to be taken with a wench .", "Well , it was proclaimed damsel .", "It is so varied too , for it was proclaimed virgin .", "This \u2018 maid \u2019 not serve your turn , sir .", "Sir , I will pronounce your sentence : you shall fast a week with bran and water .", "And Don Armado shall be your keeper .", "My Lord Berowne , see him delivered o'er ;", "And go we , lords , to put in practice that", "Which each to other hath so strongly sworn ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 628, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Boy , what sign is it when a man of great spirit grows melancholy ?", "Why , sadness is one and the self-same thing , dear imp .", "How canst thou part sadness and melancholy , my tender juvenal ?", "Why tough signior ? Why tough signior ?", "I spoke it , tender juvenal , as a congruent epitheton appertaining to thy young days , which we may nominate tender .", "Pretty and apt .", "Thou pretty , because little .", "And therefore apt , because quick .", "In thy condign praise .", "that an eel is ingenious ?", "I do say thou art quick in answers ; thou heat'st my blood .", "I love not to be cross 'd .", "I have promised to study three years with the Duke .", "Impossible .", "I am ill at reck'ning ; it fitteth the spirit of a tapster .", "I confess both ; they are both the varnish of a complete man .", "It doth amount to one more than two .", "True .", "A most fine figure !", "I will hereupon confess I am in love . And as it is base for a soldier to love , so am I in love with a base wench . If drawing my sword against the humour of affection would deliver me from the reprobate thought of it , I would take Desire prisoner , and ransom him to any French courtier for a new-devis 'd curtsy . I think scorn to sigh ; methinks I should out-swear Cupid . Comfort me , boy ; what great men have been in love ?", "Most sweet Hercules ! More authority , dear boy , name more ; and , sweet my child , let them be men of good repute and carriage .", "O well-knit Samson ! strong-jointed Samson ! I do excel thee in my rapier as much as thou didst me in carrying gates . I am in love too . Who was Samson 's love , my dear Moth ?", "Of what complexion ?", "Tell me precisely of what complexion .", "Is that one of the four complexions ?", "Green , indeed , is the colour of lovers ; but to have a love of that colour , methinks Samson had small reason for it . He surely affected her for her wit .", "My love is most immaculate white and red .", "Define , define , well-educated infant .", "Sweet invocation of a child ; most pretty , and pathetical !", "Is there not a ballad , boy , of the King and the Beggar ?", "I will have that subject newly writ o'er , that I may example my digression by some mighty precedent . Boy , I do love that country girl that I took in the park with the rational hind Costard ; she deserves well .", "Sing , boy ; my spirit grows heavy in love .", "I say , sing .", "I do betray myself with blushing . Maid !", "I will visit thee at the lodge .", "I know where it is situate .", "I will tell thee wonders .", "I love thee .", "And so , farewell .", "Villain , thou shalt fast for thy offences ere thou be pardoned .", "Thou shalt be heavily punished .", "Take away this villain ; shut him up .", "I do affect the very ground , which is base , where her shoe , which is baser , guided by her foot , which is basest , doth tread . I shall be forsworn - which is a great argument of falsehood - if I love . And how can that be true love which is falsely attempted ? Love is a familiar ; Love is a devil . There is no evil angel but"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 628, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now , madam , summon up your dearest spirits .", "Consider who the King your father sends ,", "To whom he sends , and what 's his embassy :", "Yourself , held precious in the world 's esteem ,", "To parley with the sole inheritor", "Of all perfections that a man may owe ,", "Matchless Navarre ; the plea of no less weight", "Than Aquitaine , a dowry for a queen .", "Be now as prodigal of all dear grace", "As Nature was in making graces dear ,", "When she did starve the general world beside", "And prodigally gave them all to you .", "Proud of employment , willingly I go .", "Navarre had notice of your fair approach , And he and his competitors in oath Were all address 'd to meet you , gentle lady , Before I came . Marry , thus much I have learnt : He rather means to lodge you in the field , Like one that comes here to besiege his court , Than seek a dispensation for his oath , To let you enter his unpeopled house .Enter KING , LONGAVILLE , DUMAIN , BEROWNE , and ATTENDANTS Here comes Navarre .", "So please your Grace , the packet is not come ,", "Where that and other specialties are bound ;", "To-morrow you shall have a sight of them .", "The heir of Alencon , Katharine her name .", "A woman sometimes , an you saw her in the light .", "She hath but one for herself ; to desire that were a shame .", "Her mother 's , I have heard .", "Good sir , be not offended ;", "She is an heir of Falconbridge .", "Not unlike , sir ; that may be . Exit LONGAVILLE", "Rosaline , by good hap .", "To her will , sir , or so .", "Farewell to me , sir , and welcome to you .", "And every jest but a word .", "I was as willing to grapple as he was to board .", "And wherefore not ships ? No sheep , sweet lamb , unless we feed on your lips .", "So you grant pasture for me .", "Belonging to whom ?", "If my observation , which very seldom lies ,", "By the heart 's still rhetoric disclosed with eyes ,", "Deceive me not now , Navarre is infected .", "With that which we lovers entitle \u2018 affected . \u2019", "Why , all his behaviours did make their retire", "To the court of his eye , peeping thorough desire .", "His heart , like an agate , with your print impressed ,", "Proud with his form , in his eye pride expressed ;", "His tongue , all impatient to speak and not see ,", "Did stumble with haste in his eyesight to be ;", "All senses to that sense did make their repair ,", "To feel only looking on fairest of fair .", "Methought all his senses were lock 'd in his eye ,", "As jewels in crystal for some prince to buy ;", "Who , tend'ring their own worth from where they were glass 'd ,", "Did point you to buy them , along as you pass 'd .", "His face 's own margent did quote such amazes", "That all eyes saw his eyes enchanted with gazes .", "I 'll give you Aquitaine and all that is his ,", "An you give him for my sake but one loving kiss .", "But to speak that in words which his eye hath disclos 'd ;", "I only have made a mouth of his eye ,", "By adding a tongue which I know will not lie .", "Do you hear , my mad wenches ?", "What , then ; do you see ?", "You are too hard for me . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 628, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Warble , child ; make passionate my sense of hearing .", "Sweet air ! Go , tenderness of years , take this key , give enlargement to the swain , bring him festinately hither ; I must employ him in a letter to my love .", "How meanest thou ? Brawling in French ?", "How hast thou purchased this experience ?", "But O - but O-", "Call'st thou my love \u2018 hobby-horse \u2019 ?", "Almost I had .", "By heart and in heart , boy .", "What wilt thou prove ?", "I am all these three .", "Fetch hither the swain ; he must carry me a letter .", "Ha , ha , what sayest thou ?", "The way is but short ; away .", "The meaning , pretty ingenious ? Is not lead a metal heavy , dull , and slow ?", "I say lead is slow .", "Sweet smoke of rhetoric !", "He reputes me a cannon ; and the bullet , that 's he ;", "I shoot thee at the swain .", "A most acute juvenal ; volable and free of grace !", "By thy favour , sweet welkin , I must sigh in thy face ;", "Most rude melancholy , valour gives thee place .", "My herald is return 'd .", "Re-enter MOTH with COSTARD", "Some enigma , some riddle ; come , thy l'envoy ; begin .", "By virtue thou enforcest laughter ; thy silly thought , my spleen ; the heaving of my lungs provokes me to ridiculous smiling . O , pardon me , my stars ! Doth the inconsiderate take salve for l'envoy , and the word \u2018 l'envoy \u2019 for a salve ?", "No , page ; it is an epilogue or discourse to make plain", "Some obscure precedence that hath tofore been sain .", "I will example it :", "The fox , the ape , and the humble-bee ,", "Were still at odds , being but three .", "There 's the moral . Now the l'envoy .", "The fox , the ape , and the humble-bee ,", "Were still at odds , being but three .", "Until the goose came out of door ,", "Staying the odds by adding four .", "Come hither , come hither . How did this argument begin ?", "But tell me : how was there a costard broken in a shin ?", "We will talk no more of this matter .", "Sirrah Costard . I will enfranchise thee .", "By my sweet soul , I mean setting thee at liberty , enfreedoming thy person ; thou wert immured , restrained , captivated , bound .", "I give thee thy liberty , set thee from durance ; and , in lieu thereof , impose on thee nothing but this : bear this significantto the country maid Jaquenetta ; there is remuneration , for the best ward of mine honour is rewarding my dependents . Moth , follow . Exit"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 628, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Was that the King that spurr 'd his horse so hard Against the steep uprising of the hill ?", "Whoe'er \u2018 a was , \u2018 a show 'd a mounting mind .", "Well , lords , to-day we shall have our dispatch ;", "On Saturday we will return to France .", "Then , forester , my friend , where is the bush", "That we must stand and play the murderer in ?", "I thank my beauty I am fair that shoot ,", "And thereupon thou speak'st the fairest shoot .", "What , what ? First praise me , and again say no ? O short-liv 'd pride ! Not fair ? Alack for woe !", "Nay , never paint me now ;", "Where fair is not , praise cannot mend the brow .", "Here , good my glass , take this for telling true :", "Fair payment for foul words is more than due .", "See , see , my beauty will be sav 'd by merit .", "O heresy in fair , fit for these days !", "A giving hand , though foul , shall have fair praise .", "But come , the bow . Now mercy goes to kill ,", "And shooting well is then accounted ill ;", "Thus will I save my credit in the shoot :", "Not wounding , pity would not let me do't ;", "If wounding , then it was to show my skill ,", "That more for praise than purpose meant to kill .", "And , out of question , so it is sometimes :", "Glory grows guilty of detested crimes ,", "When , for fame 's sake , for praise , an outward part ,", "We bend to that the working of the heart ;", "As I for praise alone now seek to spill", "The poor deer 's blood that my heart means no ill .", "Only for praise ; and praise we may afford", "To any lady that subdues a lord .", "Thou shalt know her , fellow , by the rest that have no heads .", "The thickest and the tallest .", "What 's your will , sir ? What 's your will ?", "O , thy letter , thy letter ! He 's a good friend of mine . Stand aside , good bearer . Boyet , you can carve . Break up this capon .", "We will read it , I swear . Break the neck of the wax , and every one give ear .", "What plume of feathers is he that indited this letter ? What vane ? What weathercock ? Did you ever hear better ?", "Else your memory is bad , going o'er it erewhile .", "Thou fellow , a word . Who gave thee this letter ?", "To whom shouldst thou give it ?", "From which lord to which lady ?", "Thou hast mistaken his letter . Come , lords , away .Here , sweet , put up this ; \u2018 twill be thine another day . Exeunt PRINCESS and TRAIN"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 628, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The King he is hunting the deer : I am coursing myself . They have pitch 'd a toil : I am tolling in a pitch - pitch that defiles . Defile ! a foul word . Well , \u2018 set thee down , sorrow ! \u2019 for so they say the fool said , and so say I , and I am the fool . Well proved , wit . By the Lord , this love is as mad as Ajax : it kills sheep ; it kills me - I a sheep . Well proved again o \u2019 my side . I will not love ; if I do , hang me . I \u2019 faith , I will not . O , but her eye ! By this light , but for her eye , I would not love her - yes , for her two eyes . Well , I do nothing in the world but lie , and lie in my throat . By heaven , I do love ; and it hath taught me to rhyme , and to be melancholy ; and here is part of my rhyme , and here my melancholy . Well , she hath one o \u2019 my sonnets already ; the clown bore it , the fool sent it , and the lady hath it : sweet clown , sweeter fool , sweetest lady ! By the world , I would not care a pin if the other three were in . Here comes one with a paper ; God give him grace to groan !", "Shot , by heaven ! Proceed , sweet Cupid ; thou hast thump 'd him with thy bird-bolt under the left pap . In faith , secrets !", "Now , in thy likeness , one more fool appear !", "Why , he comes in like a perjure , wearing papers .", "One drunkard loves another of the name .", "I could put thee in comfort : not by two that I know ;", "Thou makest the triumviry , the corner-cap of society ,", "The shape of Love 's Tyburn that hangs up simplicity .", "O , rhymes are guards on wanton Cupid 's hose :", "Disfigure not his slop .", "This is the liver-vein , which makes flesh a deity ,", "A green goose a goddess - pure , pure idolatry .", "God amend us , God amend ! We are much out o \u2019 th \u2019 way .", "\u2018 All hid , all hid \u2019 - an old infant play .", "Like a demigod here sit I in the sky ,", "And wretched fools \u2019 secrets heedfully o'erhYpppHeNeye .", "More sacks to the mill ! O heavens , I have my wish !", "Dumain transformed ! Four woodcocks in a dish !", "O most profane coxcomb !", "By earth , she is not , corporal : there you lie .", "An amber-colour 'd raven was well noted .", "Stoop , I say ;", "Her shoulder is with child .", "Ay , as some days ; but then no sun must shine .", "Amen , so I had mine ! Is not that a good word ?", "A fever in your blood ? Why , then incision", "Would let her out in saucers . Sweet misprision !", "Once more I 'll mark how love can vary wit .", "Now step I forth to whip hypocrisy ,", "Ah , good my liege , I pray thee pardon me .", "Good heart , what grace hast thou thus to reprove", "These worms for loving , that art most in love ?", "Your eyes do make no coaches ; in your tears", "There is no certain princess that appears ;", "You 'll not be perjur 'd ; \u2018 tis a hateful thing ;", "Tush , none but minstrels like of sonneting .", "But are you not ashamed ? Nay , are you not ,", "All three of you , to be thus much o'ershot ?", "You found his mote ; the King your mote did see ;", "But I a beam do find in each of three .", "O , what a scene of fool'ry have I seen ,", "Of sighs , of groans , of sorrow , and of teen !", "O , me , with what strict patience have I sat ,", "To see a king transformed to a gnat !", "To see great Hercules whipping a gig ,", "And profound Solomon to tune a jig ,", "And Nestor play at push-pin with the boys ,", "And critic Timon laugh at idle toys !", "Where lies thy grief , O , tell me , good Dumain ?", "And , gentle Longaville , where lies thy pain ?", "And where my liege 's ? All about the breast .", "A caudle , ho !", "Not you by me , but I betrayed to you .", "I that am honest , I that hold it sin", "To break the vow I am engaged in ;", "I am betrayed by keeping company", "With men like you , men of inconstancy .", "When shall you see me write a thing in rhyme ?", "Or groan for Joan ? or spend a minute 's time", "In pruning me ? When shall you hear that I", "Will praise a hand , a foot , a face , an eye ,", "A gait , a state , a brow , a breast , a waist ,", "A leg , a limb-", "I post from love ; good lover , let me go .", "A toy , my liege , a toy ! Your Grace needs not fear it .", "Ah , you whoreson loggerhead , you were born to do me shame . Guilty , my lord , guilty ! I confess , I confess .", "That you three fools lack 'd me fool to make up the mess ; He , he , and you - and you , my liege ! - and I Are pick-purses in love , and we deserve to die . O , dismiss this audience , and I shall tell you more .", "True , true , we are four . Will these turtles be gone ?", "Sweet lords , sweet lovers , O , let us embrace !", "As true we are as flesh and blood can be .", "The sea will ebb and flow , heaven show his face ;", "Young blood doth not obey an old decree .", "We cannot cross the cause why we were born ,", "Therefore of all hands must we be forsworn .", "\u2018 Did they ? \u2019 quoth you . Who sees the heavenly Rosaline", "That , like a rude and savage man of Inde", "At the first op'ning of the gorgeous east ,", "Bows not his vassal head and , strucken blind ,", "Kisses the base ground with obedient breast ?", "What peremptory eagle-sighted eye", "Dares look upon the heaven of her brow", "That is not blinded by her majesty ?", "My eyes are then no eyes , nor I Berowne .", "O , but for my love , day would turn to night !", "Of all complexions the cull 'd sovereignty", "Do meet , as at a fair , in her fair cheek ,", "Where several worthies make one dignity ,", "Where nothing wants that want itself doth seek .", "Lend me the flourish of all gentle tongues-", "Fie , painted rhetoric ! O , she needs it not !", "To things of sale a seller 's praise belongs :", "She passes praise ; then praise too short doth blot .", "A wither 'd hermit , five-score winters worn ,", "Might shake off fifty , looking in her eye .", "Beauty doth varnish age , as if new-born ,", "And gives the crutch the cradle 's infancy .", "O , \u2018 tis the sun that maketh all things shine !", "Is ebony like her ? O wood divine !", "A wife of such wood were felicity .", "O , who can give an oath ? Where is a book ?", "That I may swear beauty doth beauty lack ,", "If that she learn not of her eye to look .", "No face is fair that is not full so black .", "Devils soonest tempt , resembling spirits of light .", "O , if in black my lady 's brows be deckt ,", "It mourns that painting and usurping hair", "Should ravish doters with a false aspect ;", "And therefore is she born to make black fair .", "Her favour turns the fashion of the days ;", "For native blood is counted painting now ;", "And therefore red that would avoid dispraise", "Paints itself black , to imitate her brow .", "Your mistresses dare never come in rain", "For fear their colours should be wash 'd away .", "I 'll prove her fair , or talk till doomsday here .", "O , if the streets were paved with thine eyes ,", "Her feet were much too dainty for such tread !", "Nothing so sure ; and thereby all forsworn .", "\u2018 Tis more than need .", "Have at you , then , affection 's men-at-arms .", "Consider what you first did swear unto :", "To fast , to study , and to see no woman-", "Flat treason \u2018 gainst the kingly state of youth .", "Say , can you fast ? Your stomachs are too young ,", "And abstinence engenders maladies .", "And , where that you you have vow 'd to study , lords ,", "In that each of you have forsworn his book ,", "Can you still dream , and pore , and thereon look ?", "For when would you , my lord , or you , or you ,", "Have found the ground of study 's excellence", "Without the beauty of a woman 's face ?", "From women 's eyes this doctrine I derive :", "They are the ground , the books , the academes ,", "From whence doth spring the true Promethean fire .", "Why , universal plodding poisons up", "The nimble spirits in the arteries ,", "As motion and long-during action tires", "The sinewy vigour of the traveller .", "Now , for not looking on a woman 's face ,", "You have in that forsworn the use of eyes ,", "And study too , the causer of your vow ;", "For where is author in the world", "Teaches such beauty as a woman 's eye ?", "Learning is but an adjunct to ourself ,", "And where we are our learning likewise is ;", "Then when ourselves we see in ladies \u2019 eyes ,", "With ourselves .", "Do we not likewise see our learning there ?", "O , we have made a vow to study , lords ,", "And in that vow we have forsworn our books .", "For when would you , my liege , or you , or you ,", "In leaden contemplation have found out", "Such fiery numbers as the prompting eyes", "Of beauty 's tutors have enrich 'd you with ?", "Other slow arts entirely keep the brain ;", "And therefore , finding barren practisers ,", "Scarce show a harvest of their heavy toil ;", "But love , first learned in a lady 's eyes ,", "Lives not alone immured in the brain ,", "But with the motion of all elements", "Courses as swift as thought in every power ,", "And gives to every power a double power ,", "Above their functions and their offices .", "It adds a precious seeing to the eye :", "A lover 's eyes will gaze an eagle blind .", "A lover 's ear will hear the lowest sound ,", "When the suspicious head of theft is stopp 'd .", "Love 's feeling is more soft and sensible", "Than are the tender horns of cockled snails :", "Love 's tongue proves dainty Bacchus gross in taste .", "For valour , is not Love a Hercules ,", "Still climbing trees in the Hesperides ?", "Subtle as Sphinx ; as sweet and musical", "As bright Apollo 's lute , strung with his hair .", "And when Love speaks , the voice of all the gods", "Make heaven drowsy with the harmony .", "Never durst poet touch a pen to write", "Until his ink were temp'red with Love 's sighs ;", "O , then his lines would ravish savage ears ,", "And plant in tyrants mild humility .", "From women 's eyes this doctrine I derive .", "They sparkle still the right Promethean fire ;", "They are the books , the arts , the academes ,", "That show , contain , and nourish , all the world ,", "Else none at all in aught proves excellent .", "Then fools you were these women to forswear ;", "Or , keeping what is sworn , you will prove fools .", "For wisdom 's sake , a word that all men love ;", "Or for Love 's sake , a word that loves all men ;", "Or for men 's sake , the authors of these women ;", "Or women 's sake , by whom we men are men-", "Let us once lose our oaths to find ourselves ,", "Or else we lose ourselves to keep our oaths .", "It is religion to be thus forsworn ;", "For charity itself fulfils the law ,", "And who can sever love from charity ?", "Advance your standards , and upon them , lords ;", "Pell-mell , down with them ! be first advis 'd ,", "In conflict , that you get the sun of them .", "First , from the park let us conduct them thither ;", "Then homeward every man attach the hand", "Of his fair mistress . In the afternoon", "We will with some strange pastime solace them ,", "Such as the shortness of the time can shape ;", "For revels , dances , masks , and merry hours ,", "Forerun fair Love , strewing her way with flowers .", "Allons ! allons ! Sow 'd cockle reap 'd no corn ,", "And justice always whirls in equal measure .", "Light wenches may prove plagues to men forsworn ;", "If so , our copper buys no better treasure . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 628, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sweet hearts , we shall be rich ere we depart , If fairings come thus plentifully in . A lady wall 'd about with diamonds ! Look you what I have from the loving King .", "Nothing but this ! Yes , as much love in rhyme As would be cramm 'd up in a sheet of paper Writ o \u2019 both sides the leaf , margent and all , That he was fain to seal on Cupid 's name .", "Well bandied both ; a set of wit well play 'd . But , Rosaline , you have a favour too ? Who sent it ? and what is it ?", "Anything like ?", "Beauteous as ink - a good conclusion .", "But , Katharine , what was sent to you from fair Dumain ?", "Did he not send you twain ?", "I think no less . Dost thou not wish in heart The chain were longer and the letter short ?", "We are wise girls to mock our lovers so .", "None are so surely caught , when they are catch 'd , As wit turn 'd fool ; folly , in wisdom hatch 'd , Hath wisdom 's warrant and the help of school , And wit 's own grace to grace a learned fool .", "Here comes Boyet , and mirth is in his face .", "Thy news , Boyet ?", "Saint Dennis to Saint Cupid ! What are they", "That charge their breath against us ? Say , scout , say .", "But what , but what , come they to visit us ?", "And will they so ? The gallants shall be task 'd , For , ladies , we will every one be mask 'd ; And not a man of them shall have the grace , Despite of suit , to see a lady 's face . Hold , Rosaline , this favour thou shalt wear , And then the King will court thee for his dear ; Hold , take thou this , my sweet , and give me thine , So shall Berowne take me for Rosaline . And change you favours too ; so shall your loves Woo contrary , deceiv 'd by these removes .", "The effect of my intent is to cross theirs .", "They do it but in mocking merriment ,", "And mock for mock is only my intent .", "Their several counsels they unbosom shall", "To loves mistook , and so be mock 'd withal", "Upon the next occasion that we meet", "With visages display 'd to talk and greet .", "No , to the death , we will not move a foot ,", "Nor to their penn 'd speech render we no grace ;", "But while \u2018 tis spoke each turn away her face .", "Therefore I do it ; and I make no doubt", "The rest will ne'er come in , if he be out .", "There 's no such sport as sport by sport o'erthrown ,", "To make theirs ours , and ours none but our own ;", "So shall we stay , mocking intended game ,", "And they well mock 'd depart away with shame .", "Honey , and milk , and sugar ; there is three .", "Seventh sweet , adieu !", "Since you can cog , I 'll play no more with you .", "Let it not be sweet .", "Gall ! bitter .", "Twenty adieus , my frozen Muscovits . Are these the breed of wits so wondered at ?", "O poverty in wit , kingly-poor flout ! Will they not , think you , hang themselves to-night ? Or ever but in vizards show their faces ? This pert Berowne was out of count'nance quite .", "Berowne did swear himself out of all suit .", "Qualm , perhaps .", "Go , sickness as thou art !", "And quick Berowne hath plighted faith to me .", "Will they return ?", "How blow ? how blow ? Speak to be understood .", "Avaunt , perplexity ! What shall we do", "If they return in their own shapes to woo ?", "Whip to our tents , as roes run o'er land . Exeunt PRINCESS , ROSALINE , KATHARINE , and MARIA Re-enter the KING , BEROWNE , LONGAVILLE , and DUMAIN , in their proper habits", "\u2018 Fair \u2019 in \u2018 all hail \u2019 is foul , as I conceive .", "Then wish me better ; I will give you leave .", "This field shall hold me , and so hold your vow : Nor God , nor I , delights in perjur 'd men .", "You nickname virtue : vice you should have spoke ; For virtue 's office never breaks men 's troth . Now by my maiden honour , yet as pure As the unsullied lily , I protest , A world of torments though I should endure , I would not yield to be your house 's guest ; So much I hate a breaking cause to be Of heavenly oaths , vowed with integrity .", "Not so , my lord ; it is not so , I swear ;", "We have had pastimes here , and pleasant game ;", "A mess of Russians left us but of late .", "Ay , in truth , my lord ;", "Trim gallants , full of courtship and of state .", "Amaz 'd , my lord ? Why looks your Highness sad ?", "No , they are free that gave these tokens to us .", "The fairest is confession . Were not you here but even now , disguis 'd ?", "And were you well advis 'd ?", "When you then were here ,", "What did you whisper in your lady 's ear ?", "When she shall challenge this , you will reject her .", "Peace , peace , forbear ;", "Your oath once broke , you force not to forswear .", "I will ; and therefore keep it . Rosaline ,", "What did the Russian whisper in your ear ?", "God give thee joy of him ! The noble lord", "Most honourably doth uphold his word .", "Pardon me , sir , this jewel did she wear ;", "And Lord Berowne , I thank him , is my dear .", "What , will you have me , or your pearl again ?", "Nay , my good lord , let me o'errule you now .", "That sport best pleases that doth least know how ;", "Where zeal strives to content , and the contents", "Dies in the zeal of that which it presents .", "Their form confounded makes most form in mirth ,", "When great things labouring perish in their birth .", "Doth this man serve God ?", "\u2018 A speaks not like a man of God his making .", "Great thanks , great Pompey .", "The conqueror is dismay 'd . Proceed , good", "Alexander .", "Stand aside , good Pompey .", "Alas , poor Maccabaeus , how hath he been baited !", "Speak , brave Hector ; we are much delighted .", "Welcome , Marcade ;", "But that thou interruptest our merriment .", "Dead , for my life !", "Boyet , prepare ; I will away to-night .", "Prepare , I say . I thank you , gracious lords , For all your fair endeavours , and entreat , Out of a new-sad soul , that you vouchsafe In your rich wisdom to excuse or hide The liberal opposition of our spirits , If over-boldly we have borne ourselves In the converse of breath - your gentleness Was guilty of it . Farewell , worthy lord . A heavy heart bears not a nimble tongue . Excuse me so , coming too short of thanks For my great suit so easily obtain 'd .", "I understand you not ; my griefs are double .", "We have receiv 'd your letters , full of love ; Your favours , the ambassadors of love ; And , in our maiden council , rated them At courtship , pleasant jest , and courtesy , As bombast and as lining to the time ; But more devout than this in our respects Have we not been ; and therefore met your loves In their own fashion , like a merriment .", "A time , methinks , too short", "To make a world-without-end bargain in .", "No , no , my lord , your Grace is perjur 'd much ,", "Full of dear guiltiness ; and therefore this ,", "If for my love , as there is no such cause ,", "You will do aught - this shall you do for me :", "Your oath I will not trust ; but go with speed", "To some forlorn and naked hermitage ,", "Remote from all the pleasures of the world ;", "There stay until the twelve celestial signs", "Have brought about the annual reckoning .", "If this austere insociable life", "Change not your offer made in heat of blood ,", "If frosts and fasts , hard lodging and thin weeds ,", "Nip not the gaudy blossoms of your love ,", "But that it bear this trial , and last love ,", "Then , at the expiration of the year ,", "Come , challenge me , challenge me by these deserts ;", "And , by this virgin palm now kissing thine ,", "I will be thine ; and , till that instant , shut", "My woeful self up in a mournful house ,", "Raining the tears of lamentation", "For the remembrance of my father 's death .", "If this thou do deny , let our hands part ,", "Neither intitled in the other 's heart .", "Ay , sweet my lord , and so I take my leave .", "Was not that not Hector ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 628, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Doubtful it stood ;", "As two spent swimmers that do cling together", "And choke their art . The merciless Macdonwald ,\u2014", "Worthy to be a rebel ,\u2014 for to that", "The multiplying villainies of nature", "Do swarm upon him ,\u2014 from the Western isles", "Of kerns and gallowglasses is supplied ;", "And fortune , on his damned quarrel smiling ,", "Show 'd like a rebel 's whore . But all 's too weak ;", "For brave Macbeth ,\u2014 well he deserves that name ,\u2014", "Disdaining fortune , with his brandish 'd steel ,", "Which smok 'd with bloody execution ,", "Like valor 's minion ,", "Carv 'd out his passag tTill he fac 'd the slave ;", "And ne'er shook hands , nor bade farewell to him ,", "Till he unseam 'd him from the nave to the chaps ,", "And fix 'd his head upon our battlements .", "As whence the sun \u2018 gins his reflection", "Shipwrecking storms and direful thunders break ;", "So from that spring , whence comfort seem 'd to come", "Discomfort swells . Mark , King of Scotland , mark :", "No sooner justice had , with valor arm 'd ,", "Compell 'd these skipping kerns to trust their heels ,", "But the Norweyan lord , surveying vantage ,", "With furbish 'd arms and new supplies of men ,", "Began a fresh assault .", "Yes ;", "As sparrows eagles , or the hare the lion .", "If I say sooth , I must report they were", "As cannons overcharg 'd with double cracks ;", "So they", "Doubly redoubled strokes upon the foe :", "Except they meant to bathe in reeking wounds ,", "Or memorize another Golgotha ,", "I cannot tell :\u2014", "But I am faint ; my gashes cry for help ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 641, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Where hast thou been , sister ?", "A sailor 's wife had chestnuts in her lap ,", "And mounch 'd , and mounch 'd , and mounch 'd :\u2014 \u201c Give me , \u201d quoth I :", "\u201c Aroint thee , witch ! \u201d the rump-fed ronyon cries .", "Her husband 's to Aleppo gone , master o \u2019 the Tiger :", "But in a sieve I 'll thither sail ,", "And , like a rat without a tail ,", "I 'll do , I 'll do , and I 'll do .", "Thou art kind .", "I myself have all the other :", "And the very ports they blow ,", "All the quarters that they know", "I \u2019 the shipman 's card .", "I will drain him dry as hay :", "Sleep shall neither night nor day", "Hang upon his pent-house lid ;", "He shall live a man forbid :", "Weary seven-nights nine times nine", "Shall he dwindle , peak , and pine :", "Though his bark cannot be lost ,", "Yet it shall be tempest-tost .\u2014", "Look what I have .", "Here I have a pilot 's thumb ,", "Wreck 'd as homeward he did come .", "All hail , Macbeth ! hail to thee , Thane of Glamis !", "Hail !", "Lesser than Macbeth , and greater .", "Banquo and Macbeth , all hail !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 641, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Is execution done on Cawdor ? Are not", "Those in commission yet return 'd ?", "There 's no art", "To find the mind 's construction in the face :", "He was a gentleman on whom I built", "An absolute trust .\u2014", "O worthiest cousin !", "The sin of my ingratitude even now", "Was heavy on me : thou art so far before ,", "That swiftest wing of recompense is slow", "To overtake thee . Would thou hadst less deserv 'd ;", "That the proportion both of thanks and payment", "Might have been mine ! only I have left to say ,", "More is thy due than more than all can pay .", "Welcome hither :", "I have begun to plant thee , and will labor", "To make thee full of growing .\u2014 Noble Banquo ,", "That hast no less deserv 'd , nor must be known", "No less to have done so , let me infold thee", "And hold thee to my heart .", "My plenteous joys ,", "Wanton in fulness , seek to hide themselves", "In drops of sorrow .\u2014 Sons , kinsmen , thanes ,", "And you whose places are the nearest , know ,", "We will establish our estate upon", "Our eldest , Malcolm ; whom we name hereafter", "The Prince of Cumberland : which honor must", "Not unaccompanied invest him only ,", "But signs of nobleness , like stars , shall shine", "On all deservers .\u2014 From hence to Inverness ,", "And bind us further to you .", "My worthy Cawdor !", "True , worthy Banquo !\u2014 he is full so valiant ;", "And in his commendations I am fed ,\u2014", "It is a banquet to me . Let us after him ,", "Whose care is gone before to bid us welcome :", "It is a peerless kinsman ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 641, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["This castle hath a pleasant seat : the air", "Nimbly and sweetly recommends itself", "Unto our gentle senses .", "See , see , our honour 'd hostess !\u2014", "The love that follows us sometime is our trouble ,", "Which still we thank as love . Herein I teach you", "How you shall bid God ild us for your pains ,", "And thank us for your trouble .", "Where 's the Thane of Cawdor ?", "We cours 'd him at the heels , and had a purpose", "To be his purveyor : but he rides well ;", "And his great love , sharp as his spur , hath holp him", "To his home before us . Fair and noble hostess ,", "We are your guest tonight .", "Give me your hand ;", "Conduct me to mine host : we love him highly ,", "And shall continue our graces towards him .", "By your leave , hostess ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 641, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["How goes the night , boy ?", "And she goes down at twelve .", "Hold , take my sword .\u2014 There 's husbandry in heaven ;", "Their candles are all out :\u2014 take thee that too .\u2014", "A heavy summons lies like lead upon me ,", "And yet I would not sleep :\u2014 merciful powers ,", "Restrain in me the cursed thoughts that nature", "Gives way to in repose !\u2014 Give me my sword .", "Who 's there ?", "What , sir , not yet at rest ? The king 's a-bed :", "He hath been in unusual pleasure and", "Sent forth great largess to your officers :", "This diamond he greets your wife withal ,", "By the name of most kind hostess ; and shut up", "In measureless content .", "All 's well .", "I dreamt last night of the three weird sisters :", "To you they have show 'd some truth .", "At your kind'st leisure .", "So I lose none", "In seeking to augment it , but still keep", "My bosom franchis 'd , and allegiance clear ,", "I shall be counsell 'd .", "Thanks , sir : the like to you !", "Too cruel any where .\u2014", "Dear Duff , I pr'ythee , contradict thyself ,", "And say it is not so .", "Look to the lady :\u2014", "And when we have our naked frailties hid ,", "That suffer in exposure , let us meet ,", "And question this most bloody piece of work", "To know it further . Fears and scruples shake us :", "In the great hand of God I stand ; and thence ,", "Against the undivulg 'd pretense I fight", "Of treasonous malice ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 641, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Thou hast it now ,\u2014 king , Cawdor , Glamis , all ,", "As the weird women promis 'd ; and , I fear ,", "Thou play'dst most foully for't ; yet it was said", "It should not stand in thy posterity ;", "But that myself should be the root and father", "Of many kings . If there come truth from them ,\u2014", "As upon thee , Macbeth , their speeches shine ,\u2014", "Why , by the verities on thee made good ,", "May they not be my oracles as well ,", "And set me up in hope ? But hush ; no more .", "Let your highness", "Command upon me ; to the which my duties", "Are with a most indissoluble tie", "For ever knit .", "Ay , my good lord .", "As far , my lord , as will fill up the time", "\u2018 Twixt this and supper : go not my horse the better ,", "I must become a borrower of the night ,", "For a dark hour or twain .", "My lord , I will not .", "Ay , my good lord : our time does call upon 's ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 641, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Is Banquo gone from court ?", "Say to the king , I would attend his leisure", "For a few words .", "Naught 's had , all 's spent ,", "Where our desire is got without content :", "\u2018 Tis safer to be that which we destroy ,", "Than , by destruction , dwell in doubtful joy .", "How now , my lord ! why do you keep alone ,", "Of sorriest fancies your companions making ;", "Using those thoughts which should indeed have died", "With them they think on ? Things without all remedy", "Should be without regard : what 's done is done .", "Come on ;", "Gently my lord , sleek o'er your rugged looks ;", "Be bright and jovial \u2018 mong your guests to-night .", "You must leave this .", "But in them nature 's copy 's not eterne .", "What 's to be done ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 641, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["You know your own degrees : sit down . At first", "And last the hearty welcome .", "Ourself will mingle with society ,", "And play the humble host .", "Our hostess keeps her state ; but , in best time ,", "We will require her welcome .", "See , they encounter thee with their hearts \u2019 thanks .\u2014", "Both sides are even : here I 'll sit i \u2019 the midst :", "Be large in mirth ; anon we 'll drink a measure", "The table round .\u2014 There 's blood upon thy face .", "\u2018 Tis better thee without than he within . Is he despatch 'd ?", "Thou art the best o \u2019 the cut-throats ; yet he 's good", "That did the like for Fleance : if thou didst it ,", "Thou art the nonpareil .", "Then comes my fit again : I had else been perfect ;", "Whole as the marble , founded as the rock ;", "As broad and general as the casing air :", "But now I am cabin 'd , cribb 'd , confin 'd , bound in", "To saucy doubts and fears . But Banquo 's safe ?", "Thanks for that :", "There the grown serpent lies ; the worm that 's fled", "Hath nature that in time will venom breed ,", "No teeth for the present .\u2014 Get thee gone ; to-morrow", "We 'll hear , ourselves , again .", "Sweet remembrancer !\u2014", "Now , good digestion wait on appetite ,", "And health on both !", "Here had we now our country 's honor roof 'd ,", "Were the grac 'd person of our Banquo present ;", "Who may I rather challenge for unkindness", "Than pity for mischance !", "The table 's full .", "Where ?", "Which of you have done this ?", "Thou canst not say I did it : never shake", "Thy gory locks at me .", "Ay , and a bold one , that dare look on that", "Which might appal the devil .", "Pr'ythee , see there ! behold ! look ! lo ! how say you ?\u2014", "Why , what care I ? If thou canst nod , speak too .\u2014", "If charnel houses and our graves must send", "Those that we bury back , our monuments", "Shall be the maws of kites .", "If I stand here , I saw him .", "Blood hath been shed ere now , i \u2019 the olden time ,", "Ere humane statute purg 'd the gentle weal ;", "Ay , and since too , murders have been perform 'd", "Too terrible for the ear : the time has been ,", "That , when the brains were out , the man would die ,", "And there an end ; but now they rise again ,", "With twenty mortal murders on their crowns ,", "And push us from our stools : this is more strange", "Than such a murder is .", "I do forget :\u2014", "Do not muse at me , my most worthy friends ;", "I have a strange infirmity , which is nothing", "To those that know me . Come , love and health to all ;", "Then I 'll sit down .\u2014 Give me some wine , fill full .\u2014", "I drink to the general joy o \u2019 the whole table ,", "And to our dear friend Banquo , whom we miss :", "Would he were here ! to all , and him , we thirst ,", "And all to all .", "Avaunt ! and quit my sight ! let the earth hide thee !", "Thy bones are marrowless , thy blood is cold ;", "Thou hast no speculation in those eyes", "Which thou dost glare with !", "What man dare , I dare :", "Approach thou like the rugged Russian bear ,", "The arm 'd rhinoceros , or the Hyrcan tiger ;", "Take any shape but that , and my firm nerves", "Shall never tremble : or be alive again ,", "And dare me to the desert with thy sword ;", "If trembling I inhabit then , protest me", "The baby of a girl . Hence , horrible shadow !", "Unreal mockery , hence !", "Why , so ;\u2014 being gone ,", "I am a man again .\u2014 Pray you , sit still .", "Can such things be ,", "And overcome us like a summer 's cloud ,", "Without our special wonder ? You make me strange", "Even to the disposition that I owe ,", "When now I think you can behold such sights ,", "And keep the natural ruby of your cheeks ,", "When mine are blanch 'd with fear .", "It will have blood ; they say , blood will have blood :", "Stones have been known to move , and trees to speak ;", "Augurs , and understood relations , have", "By magot-pies , and choughs , and rooks , brought forth", "The secret'st man of blood .\u2014 What is the night ?", "How say'st thou , that Macduff denies his person", "At our great bidding ?", "I hear it by the way ; but I will send :", "There 's not a one of them but in his house", "I keep a servant fee 'd . I will to-morrow ,", "to the weird sisters :", "More shall they speak ; for now I am bent to know ,", "By the worst means , the worst . For mine own good ,", "All causes shall give way : I am in blood", "Step't in so far that , should I wade no more ,", "Returning were as tedious as go o'er :", "Strange things I have in head , that will to hand ;", "Which must be acted ere they may be scann 'd .", "Come , we 'll to sleep . My strange and self-abuse", "Is the initiate fear that wants hard use :\u2014", "We are yet but young in deed ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 641, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["My former speeches have but hit your thoughts ,", "Which can interpret further : only , I say ,", "Thing 's have been strangely borne . The gracious Duncan", "Was pitied of Macbeth :\u2014 marry , he was dead :\u2014", "And the right valiant Banquo walk 'd too late ;", "Whom , you may say , if't please you , Fleance kill 'd ,", "For Fleance fled . Men must not walk too late .", "Who cannot want the thought , how monstrous", "It was for Malcolm and for Donalbain", "To kill their gracious father ? damned fact !", "How it did grieve Macbeth ! did he not straight ,", "In pious rage , the two delinquents tear", "That were the slaves of drink and thralls of sleep ?", "Was not that nobly done ? Ay , and wisely too ;", "For \u2018 twould have anger 'd any heart alive ,", "To hear the men deny't . So that , I say ,", "He has borne all things well : and I do think ,", "That had he Duncan 's sons under his key ,\u2014", "As , a n't please heaven , he shall not ,\u2014 they should find", "What \u2018 twere to kill a father ; so should Fleance .", "But , peace !\u2014 for from broad words , and \u2018 cause he fail 'd", "His presence at the tyrant 's feast , I hear ,", "Macduff lives in disgrace . Sir , can you tell", "Where he bestows himself ?", "Sent he to Macduff ?", "And that well might", "Advise him to a caution , to hold what distance", "His wisdom can provide . Some holy angel", "Fly to the court of England , and unfold", "His message ere he come ; that a swift blessing", "May soon return to this our suffering country", "Under a hand accurs 'd !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 641, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Thrice the brinded cat hath mew 'd .", "Round about the caldron go ;", "In the poison 'd entrails throw .\u2014", "Toad , that under cold stone ,", "Days and nights has thirty-one", "Swelter 'd venom sleeping got ,", "Boil thou first i \u2019 the charmed pot !", "Speak .", "Say , if thou'dst rather hear it from our mouths ,", "Or from our masters ?", "Pour in sow 's blood , that hath eaten", "Her nine farrow ; grease that 's sweaten", "From the murderer 's gibbet throw", "Into the flame .", "He knows thy thought :", "Hear his speech , but say thou naught .", "He will not be commanded : here 's another ,", "More potent than the first .", "Show !", "Ay , sir , all this is so :\u2014 but why", "Stands Macbeth thus amazedly ?\u2014", "Come , sisters , cheer we up his sprites ,", "And show the best of our delights ;", "I 'll charm the air to give a sound ,", "While you perform your antic round ;", "That this great king may kindly say ,", "Our duties did his welcome pay ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 641, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What had he done , to make him fly the land ?", "He had none :", "His flight was madness : when our actions do not ,", "Our fears do make us traitors .", "Wisdom ! to leave his wife , to leave his babes ,", "His mansion , and his titles , in a place", "From whence himself does fly ? He loves us not :", "He wants the natural touch ; for the poor wren ,", "The most diminutive of birds , will fight ,", "Her young ones in her nest , against the owl .", "All is the fear , and nothing is the love ;", "As little is the wisdom , where the flight", "So runs against all reason .", "Father 'd he is , and yet he 's fatherless .", "Sirrah , your father 's dead ;", "And what will you do now ? How will you live ?", "What , with worms and flies ?", "Poor bird ! thou'dst never fear the net nor lime ,", "The pit-fall nor the gin .", "Yes , he is dead : how wilt thou do for father ?", "Why , I can buy me twenty at any market .", "Thou speak'st with all thy wit ; and yet , i \u2019 faith ,", "With wit enough for thee .", "Ay , that he was .", "Why , one that swears and lies .", "Everyone that does so is a traitor , and must be hanged .", "Every one .", "Why , the honest men .", "Now , God help thee , poor monkey ! But how wilt thou do for a father ?", "Poor prattler , how thou talk'st !", "Whither should I fly ?", "I have done no harm . But I remember now", "I am in this earthly world ; where to do harm", "Is often laudable ; to do good sometime", "Accounted dangerous folly : why then , alas ,", "Do I put up that womanly defence ,", "To say I have done no harm ?\u2014 What are these faces ?", "I hope , in no place so unsanctified", "Where such as thou mayst find him ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 641, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Let us seek out some desolate shade and there", "Weep our sad bosoms empty .", "What I believe , I 'll wail ;", "What know , believe ; and what I can redress ,", "As I shall find the time to friend , I will .", "What you have spoke , it may be so perchance .", "This tyrant , whose sole name blisters our tongues ,", "Was once thought honest : you have loved him well ;", "He hath not touch 'd you yet . I am young ; but something", "You may deserve of him through me ; and wisdom", "To offer up a weak , poor , innocent lamb", "To appease an angry god .", "But Macbeth is .", "A good and virtuous nature may recoil", "In an imperial charge . But I shall crave your pardon ;", "That which you are , my thoughts cannot transpose ;", "Angels are bright still , though the brightest fell :", "Though all things foul would wear the brows of grace ,", "Yet grace must still look so .", "Perchance even there where I did find my doubts .", "Why in that rawness left you wife and child ,\u2014", "Those precious motives , those strong knots of love ,\u2014", "Without leave-taking ?\u2014 I pray you ,", "Let not my jealousies be your dishonors ,", "But mine own safeties :\u2014 you may be rightly just ,", "Whatever I shall think .", "Be not offended :", "I speak not as in absolute fear of you .", "I think our country sinks beneath the yoke ;", "It weeps , it bleeds ; and each new day a gash", "Is added to her wounds . I think , withal ,", "There would be hands uplifted in my right ;", "And here , from gracious England , have I offer", "Of goodly thousands : but , for all this ,", "When I shall tread upon the tyrant 's head ,", "Or wear it on my sword , yet my poor country", "Shall have more vices than it had before ;", "More suffer , and more sundry ways than ever ,", "By him that shall succeed .", "It is myself I mean : in whom I know", "All the particulars of vice so grafted", "That , when they shall be open 'd , black Macbeth", "Will seem as pure as snow ; and the poor state", "Esteem him as a lamb , being compar 'd", "With my confineless harms .", "I grant him bloody ,", "Luxurious , avaricious , false , deceitful ,", "Sudden , malicious , smacking of every sin", "That has a name : but there 's no bottom , none ,", "In my voluptuousness : your wives , your daughters ,", "Your matrons , and your maids , could not fill up", "The cistern of my lust ; and my desire", "All continent impediments would o'erbear ,", "That did oppose my will : better Macbeth", "Than such an one to reign .", "With this there grows ,", "In my most ill-compos 'd affection , such", "A stanchless avarice , that , were I king ,", "I should cut off the nobles for their lands ;", "Desire his jewels , and this other 's house :", "And my more-having would be as a sauce", "To make me hunger more ; that I should forge", "Quarrels unjust against the good and loyal ,", "Destroying them for wealth .", "But I have none : the king-becoming graces ,", "As justice , verity , temperance , stableness ,", "Bounty , perseverance , mercy , lowliness ,", "Devotion , patience , courage , fortitude ,", "I have no relish of them ; but abound", "In the division of each several crime ,", "Acting it many ways . Nay , had I power , I should", "Pour the sweet milk of concord into hell ,", "Uproar the universal peace , confound", "All unity on earth .", "If such a one be fit to govern , speak :", "I am as I have spoken .", "Macduff , this noble passion ,", "Child of integrity , hath from my soul", "Wiped the black scruples , reconcil 'd my thoughts", "To thy good truth and honour . Devilish Macbeth", "By many of these trains hath sought to win me", "Into his power ; and modest wisdom plucks me", "From over-credulous haste : but God above", "Deal between thee and me ! for even now", "I put myself to thy direction , and", "Unspeak mine own detraction ; here abjure", "The taints and blames I laid upon myself ,", "For strangers to my nature . I am yet", "Unknown to woman ; never was forsworn ;", "Scarcely have coveted what was mine own ;", "At no time broke my faith ; would not betray", "The devil to his fellow ; and delight", "No less in truth than life : my first false speaking", "Was this upon myself :\u2014 what I am truly ,", "Is thine and my poor country 's to command :", "Whither , indeed , before thy here-approach ,", "Old Siward , with ten thousand warlike men", "Already at a point , was setting forth :", "Now we 'll together ; and the chance of goodness", "Be like our warranted quarrel ! Why are you silent ?", "Well ; more anon .\u2014 Comes the king forth , I pray you ?", "I thank you , doctor .", "\u2018 Tis call 'd the evil :", "A most miraculous work in this good king ;", "Which often , since my here-remain in England ,", "I have seen him do . How he solicits heaven ,", "Himself best knows : but strangely-visited people ,", "All swoln and ulcerous , pitiful to the eye ,", "The mere despair of surgery , he cures ;", "Hanging a golden stamp about their necks ,", "Put on with holy prayers : and \u2018 tis spoken ,", "To the succeeding royalty he leaves", "The healing benediction . With this strange virtue ,", "He hath a heavenly gift of prophecy ;", "And sundry blessings hang about his throne ,", "That speak him full of grace .", "My countryman ; but yet I know him not .", "I know him now . Good God , betimes remove", "The means that makes us strangers !", "What 's the newest grief ?", "Be't their comfort", "We are coming thither : gracious England hath", "Lent us good Siward and ten thousand men ;", "An older and a better soldier none", "That Christendom gives out .", "Merciful heaven !\u2014", "What , man ! ne'er pull your hat upon your brows ;", "Give sorrow words : the grief that does not speak", "Whispers the o'erhYpppHeNfraught heart , and bids it break .", "Be comforted :", "Let 's make us medicines of our great revenge ,", "To cure this deadly grief .", "Dispute it like a man .", "Be this the whetstone of your sword . Let grief", "Convert to anger ; blunt not the heart , enrage it .", "This tune goes manly .", "Come , go we to the king ; our power is ready ;", "Our lack is nothing but our leave : Macbeth", "Is ripe for shaking , and the powers above", "Put on their instruments . Receive what cheer you may ;", "The night is long that never finds the day ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 641, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Why should I play the Roman fool , and die", "On mine own sword ? whiles I see lives , the gashes", "Do better upon them .", "Of all men else I have avoided thee :", "But get thee back ; my soul is too much charg 'd", "With blood of thine already .", "Thou losest labour :", "As easy mayst thou the intrenchant air", "With thy keen sword impress , as make me bleed :", "Let fall thy blade on vulnerable crests ;", "I bear a charmed life , which must not yield", "To one of woman born .", "Accursed be that tongue that tells me so ,", "For it hath cow 'd my better part of man !", "And be these juggling fiends no more believ 'd ,", "That palter with us in a double sense ;", "That keep the word of promise to our ear ,", "And break it to our hope !\u2014 I 'll not fight with thee .", "I will not yield ,", "To kiss the ground before young Malcolm 's feet ,", "And to be baited with the rabble 's curse .", "Though Birnam wood be come to Dunsinane ,", "And thou oppos 'd , being of no woman born ,", "Yet I will try the last . Before my body", "I throw my warlike shield : lay on , Macduff ;", "And damn 'd be him that first cries , \u201c Hold , enough ! \u201d"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 641, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["We are ready . But the King !The peace propagandists are after him . Mediation is the magic word . Mediation \u2014 by which the neutral nations block our legitimate road to victory for their own benefit , in the name of civilization and progress .", "We are not mediating yet . You may tell that to your friends if they become downhearted .", "Ha ! Once more to have those fellows behind me . Think of it ! Each man of them represents fifty thousand . And behind them another million and another ! God ! What a machine to handle .And the old brain working still ! MINISTER OF WARI do n't know , Clement . I am growing old . I think sometimes that war is the most terrible matter in which we erring humans become engaged . I have always thought that \u2014 at times .", "So you are a sentimentalist , after all ? MINISTER OF WARNo . Because there is something stronger in me , conquering the repulsion . My temperament , character , destiny . I am impelled to war . A dozen generations of soldiers in my blood press me on . My whole education presses me on . My sympathies and my religious sense make me tremble before the impending horror , but \u2014 I confess to you \u2014 I believe I want this war .", "So do we all . War is the soldier 's work . And he does not want to play all his life . Look . We land here and here and here .No defenses , except at this place \u2014 a masonry fort built thirty years ago . Bad cement , moreover . Fraudulent contractor . Then \u2014 MINISTER OF WARNo , you old hawk , we 're not going to do it . We 'll be content to settle ourselves in peaceful graves , you and I and the old Chief . No war , no war !", "That is sentiment . Here is fact . We land here and here and here . Then march down here and up there , uniting the armies . Rich country . I 've never seen it , but I know it better than any letter-carrier in the district . We live on the land , burning and pillaging if the inhabitants do n't give us what we want . A little dose will tame them . We 'll sweep all before us in six weeks . MINISTER OF WARStop , man , stop ! You make me want to try it .", "I can n't stop . It 's a game with me . I play it all day in my thoughts and all night I direct campaigns in my dreams . A great game . Only sometimes I get tired of playing it on paper , and want to hear the real guns and see the real battalions .", "Well ? MINISTER OF WARLook at this , look at it ! The King is sending our national honor to the dogs . He has secretly resumed communication with the Ambassador of the Republic , instead of doing what was natural and constitutional , sending the man to us . He is going to compromise . Pack up your tin soldiers , old man . Take them home for your grandchildren to play with . Our country evidently has no more use for them .", "He 's backed down , he 's backed down . All the world will be shouting tomorrow how our King has backed down . Christo ! To accept defeat before you 've begun to fight !If this other plan should be frustrated by the enemy 's navy , look , we could land here and here and \u2014", "And here , joining our armies at \u2014", "MINISTER OF WAR", "Thank God , you 're here . Where in sin have you been ?", "Three hundred thousand men here , turning the flank of a possible army marching north with that ridge of mountains as a cover \u2014 If we can only have the chance !", "I planned this campaign first some twenty years ago . But there was no navy then to speak of , and no airships . It is more intricate now , but very much more interesting as an intellectual problem .", "I have been making my plans for twenty years . The present plans have been complete , except for slight revisions , for three years .", "The Republic will never swallow that .", "My helmet . Damn it ! Where is my helmet ? I am going to dig at the plans once more . If God lets me lead the armies in such a fight , the devil can come when I 'm through and fetch away the old carcass .", "Tonight ! I need those twelve hours for my plans .", "Your Majesty is an idealist . We are practical , and , I may say , far-seeing men . And we are the three men , perhaps , who have given your Majesty the chair you sit on and made your kingdom what it is .", "Moreover , your Majesty , it works !", "And God has always been with us . God will be with us now !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 643, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Not at all , General , not at all . We 're all making way for the khaki today , sir . And proud to have the chance .Take my place , Captain .", "Yes , indeed ; yes , indeed .", "Then you think \u2014 there 'll be war ?", "Seen the latest ?", "I pray to God that we may keep peace , but we must not let ourselves be walked over \u2014 we must not \u2014", "As our Master said , \u201c I bring a sword \u201d \u2014", "How long d'ye think it 'll last ?", "You could n't , I suppose \u2014 say \u2014 more exactly ?", "Oh \u2014 er \u2014 just a matter of curiosity .", "A plot , a damned Stock Exchange plot .", "It 's a damned plot .", "Good night , General , good night . God be with us all in these dark days ,", "I say !", "Yes . Take this to the House at once . To Mr. Maynard . See that he gets it himself . Here 's a dollar .", "Give me the Senate . Mr. Taney . Saw him go out ?", "Is n't anyone on the job ?", "A damned plot !\u2014", "Thank God , you 're here .", "I 've been nearly crazy waiting for news .", "How \u2018 bout that report about the King over there wanting peace ?", "If it 's true about the King , can you \u2014 work it \u2014 anyway ?", "Got any figures ? For or against ?", "You can n't give me anything more definite ?", "I am . This business is cutting into my sleep . My last cent is tied up , and I 've got a good many other people 's last cents as well . Damn it , Taney , this is worse than Monte Carlo . You 're dealing with cold-blooded chance there , but here you 're dealing with sentiments , emotions . It 's exhausting . War is a terrible thing , Taney . It worries me day and night . Think of the lives ! And yet we need this war , we need it for the good of the nation . And now that we 're ready , it would be a calamity if \u2014", "How 's the House going ?", "Keep me posted , for God 's sake . You know \u2014 I 'm not ungrateful . You sha n't lose by your efforts , Taney . You know I 'm a liberal man .", "You 'll keep me posted ? If anything goes wrong , I 've got to have time to get from under . You 'll surely keep me posted ?", "A little business , but mainly enthusiasm . A great time to be alive ,", "Conroy ! Any news ?", "Yes . Used to be my office boy . Clever chap . Has a sensible view of things . Realizes that our national honor and our property must be defended at all hazards .", "Conroy , do you mean to impugn my patriotic motives ?", "I have certain investments , of course , which might possibly be promoted by a war . But I am not thinking of that . I am thinking of the honor of my country , that honor which has never yet been stained , and shall not be stained if I can do aught by my own efforts and by my prayers to God , to keep it pure .", "No , Conroy , no . I do n't agree with you . I may possibly not lose financially by this war , but nevertheless , war is terrible , awful . The Christian sense balks at it . Only , I feel this way , sometimes when the honor of the nation demands \u2014", "Conroy ! If you please !", "How can you be sure ?", "That looks well for your business , Conroy .", "That 's all very well , Mr. Pollen . But suppose the King over there backs down ?", "Extra ! I wonder \u2014", "I trained that young man in patriotism .", "Maynard !", "How 's that ? They 're shouting \u201c War \u201d already .", "You are inflaming the people !", "Eh ?", "What d'ye mean ?", "No . Only keep me posted . That 's all .", "And remember , our honor as a nation is at stake .", "Harradan 's smelling a rat . He 's getting after Taney !", "Have you seen Harradan ?", "He 's in the club . He 's asked for you .", "We wo n't intrude \u2014", "I do n't know what you 're talking about .", "You 've got me mixed up with somebody else . I 'm here attending to \u2014 to my regular business .", "They 've challenged our national honor !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 643, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["When I would pray and think , I think and pray", "To several subjects . Heaven hath my empty words ;", "Whilst my invention , hearing not my tongue ,", "Anchors on Isabel : Heaven in my mouth ,", "As if I did but only chew his name ; 5", "And in my heart the strong and swelling evil", "Of my conception . The state , whereon I studied ,", "Is like a good thing , being often read ,", "Grown fear 'd and tedious ; yea , my gravity ,", "Wherein \u2014 let no man hear me \u2014 I take pride , 10", "Could I with boot change for an idle plume ,", "Which the air beats for vain . O place , O form ,", "How often dost thou with thy case , thy habit ,", "Wrench awe from fools , and tie the wiser souls", "To thy false seeming ! Blood , thou art blood : 15", "Let 's write good angel on the devil 's horn ;", "\u2018 Tis not the devil 's crest .", "Enter a Servant .", "How now ! who 's there ?", "Teach her the way . O heavens !", "Why does my blood thus muster to my heart , 20", "Making both it unable for itself ,", "And dispossessing all my other parts", "Of necessary fitness ?", "So play the foolish throngs with one that swoons :", "Come all to help him , and so stop the air 25", "By which he should revive : and even so", "The general , subject to a well-wish 'd king ,", "Quit their own part , and in obsequious fondness", "Crowd to his presence , where their untaught love", "Must needs appear offence .", "Enter ISABELLA .", "How now , fair maid ? 30", "That you might know it , would much better please me", "Than to demand what \u2018 tis . Your brother cannot live .", "Yet may he live awhile ; and , it may be , 35", "As long as you or I : yet he must die .", "Yea .", "Isab . When , I beseech you ? that in his reprieve ,", "Longer or shorter , he may be so fitted 40", "That his soul sicken not .", "Ha ! fie , these filthy vices ! It were as good", "To pardon him that hath from nature stolen", "A man already made , as to remit", "Their saucy sweetness that do coin heaven 's image 45", "In stamps that are forbid : \u2018 tis all as easy", "Falsely to take away a life true made ,", "As to put metal in restrained means", "To make a false one .", "Say you so ? then I shall pose you quickly .", "Which had you rather ,\u2014 that the most just law", "Now took your brother 's life ; or , to redeem him ,", "Give up your body to such sweet uncleanness", "As she that he hath stain 'd ?", "I talk not of your soul : our compell 'd sins", "Stand more for number than for accompt .", "Nay , I 'll not warrant that ; for I can speak", "Against the thing I say . Answer to this :\u2014 60", "I , now the voice of the recorded law ,", "Pronounce a sentence on your brother 's life :", "Might there not be a charity in sin", "To save this brother 's life ?", "Pleased you to do't at peril of your soul ,", "Were equal poise of sin and charity .", "Nay , but hear me .", "Your sense pursues not mine : either you are ignorant ,", "Or seem so , craftily ; and that 's not good . 75", "Thus wisdom wishes to appear most bright", "When it doth tax itself ; as these black masks", "Proclaim an enshield beauty ten times louder 80", "Than beauty could , display 'd . But mark me ;", "To be received plain , I 'll speak more gross :", "Your brother is to die .", "And his offence is so , as it appears , 85", "Accountant to the law upon that pain .", "Admit no other way to save his life ,\u2014", "As I subscribe not that , nor any other ,", "But in the loss of question ,\u2014 that you , his sister , 90", "Finding yourself desired of such a person ,", "Whose credit with the judge , or own great place ,", "Could fetch your brother from the manacles", "Of the all-building law ; and that there were", "No earthly mean to save him , but that either 95", "You must lay down the treasures of your body", "To this supposed , or else to let him suffer ;", "What would you do ?", "Then must your brother die .", "Were not you , then , as cruel as the sentence", "That you have slander 'd so ? 110", "You seem 'd of late to make the law a tyrant ;", "And rather proved the sliding of your brother 115", "A merriment than a vice .", "We are all frail .", "Nay , women are frail too .", "I think it well : 130", "And from this testimony of your own sex ,\u2014", "Since , I suppose , we are made to be no stronger", "Than faults may shake our frames ,\u2014 let me be bold ;\u2014", "I do arrest your words . Be that you are ,", "That is , a woman ; if you be more , you 're none ; 135", "If you be one ,\u2014 as you are well express 'd", "By all external warrants ,\u2014 show it now ,", "By putting on the destined livery .", "Plainly conceive , I love you .", "He shall not , Isabel , if you give me love .", "Believe me , on mine honour ,", "My words express my purpose .", "Who will believe thee , Isabel ?", "My unsoil 'd name , the austereness of my life , 155", "My vouch against you , and my place i \u2019 the state ,", "Will so your accusation overweigh ,", "That you shall stifle in your own report ,", "And smell of calumny . I have begun ;", "And now I give my sensual race the rein : 160", "Fit thy consent to my sharp appetite ;", "Lay by all nicety and prolixious blushes ,", "That banish what they sue for ; redeem thy brother", "By yielding up thy body to my will ;", "Or else he must not only die the death , 165", "But thy unkindness shall his death draw out", "To lingering sufferance . Answer me to-morrow .", "Or , by the affection that now guides me most ,", "I 'll prove a tyrant to him . As for you ,", "Say what you can , my false o'erweighs your true ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 648, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["So , then , you hope of pardon from Lord Angelo ?", "Be absolute for death ; either death or life 5", "Shall thereby be the sweeter . Reason thus with life :", "If I do lose thee , I do lose a thing", "That none but fools would keep : a breath thou art ,", "Servile to all the skyey influences .", "That dost this habitation , where thou keep'st , 10", "Hourly afflict : merely , thou art death 's fool ;", "For him thou labour'st by thy flight to shun ,", "And yet runn'st toward him still . Thou art not noble ;", "For all the accommodations that thou bear'st", "Are nursed by baseness . Thou'rt by no means valiant ; 15", "For thou dost fear the soft and tender fork", "Of a poor worm . Thy best of rest is sleep ,", "And that thou oft provokest ; yet grossly fear'st", "Thy death , which is no more . Thou art not thyself ;", "For thou exist'st on many a thousand grains 20", "That issue out of dust . Happy thou art not ;", "For what thou hast not , still thou strivest to get .", "And what thou hast , forget'st . Thou art not certain ;", "For thy complexion shifts to strange effects ,", "After the moon . If thou art rich , thou'rt poor ; 25", "For , like an ass whose back with ingots bows ,", "Thou bear'st thy heavy riches but a journey ,", "And death unloads thee . Friend hast thou none ;", "For thine own bowels , which do call thee sire ,", "The mere effusion of thy proper loins , 30", "Do curse the gout , serpigo , and the rheum ,", "For ending thee no sooner . Thou hast nor youth nor age .", "But , as it were , an after-dinner 's sleep ,", "Dreaming on both ; for all thy blessed youth", "Becomes as aged , and doth beg the alms 35", "Of palsied eld ; and when thou art old and rich ,", "Thou hast neither heat , affection , limb , nor beauty ,", "To make thy riches pleasant . What 's yet in this", "That bears the name of life ? Yet in this life", "Lie hid more thousand deaths : yet death we fear , 40", "That makes these odds all even .", "Dear sir , ere long I 'll visit you again .", "Provost , a word with you .", "Bring me to hear them speak , where I may be concealed .", "Vouchsafe a word , young sister , but one word .", "Might you dispense with your leisure , I would by and by have some speech with you : the satisfaction I would require is likewise your own benefit .", "Son , I have overheard what hath passed between you and your sister . Angelo had never the purpose to corrupt her ; only he hath made an assay of her virtue to practise his judgement with the disposition of natures : she , having the truth of honour in her , hath made him that 160 gracious denial which he is most glad to receive . I am confessor to Angelo , and I know this to be true ; therefore prepare yourself to death : do not satisfy your resolution with hopes that are fallible : to-morrow you must die ; go to your knees , and make ready . 165", "Hold you there : farewell .Provost , a word with you ! Re-enter PROVOST .", "That now you are come , you will be gone . Leave me awhile with the maid : my mind promises with my habit no loss shall touch her by my company .", "The hand that hath made you fair hath made 175 you good : the goodness that is cheap in beauty makes beauty brief in goodness ; but grace , being the soul of your complexion , shall keep the body of it ever fair . The assault that Angelo hath made to you , fortune hath conveyed to my understanding ; and , but that frailty hath examples for 180 his falling , I should wonder at Angelo . How will you do to content this substitute , and to save your brother ?", "That shall not be much amiss : yet , as the matter now stands , he will avoid your accusation ; he made trial of you only . Therefore fasten your ear on my advisings : to 190 the love I have in doing good a remedy presents itself . I do make myself believe that you may most uprighteously do a poor wronged lady a merited benefit ; redeem your brother from the angry law ; do no stain to your own gracious person ; and much please the absent Duke , if peradventure 195 he shall ever return to have hearing of this business .", "Virtue is bold , and goodness never fearful . Have you not heard speak of Mariana , the sister of Frederick the 200 great soldier who miscarried at sea ?", "She should this Angelo have married ; was affianced to her by oath , and the nuptial appointed : between 205 which time of the contract and limit of the solemnity , her brother Frederick was wrecked at sea , having in that perished vessel the dowry of his sister . But mark how heavily this befell to the poor gentlewoman : there she lost a noble and renowned brother , in his love toward her ever most 210 kind and natural ; with him , the portion and sinew of her fortune , her marriage-dowry ; with both , her combinate husband , this well-seeming Angelo .", "Left her in her tears , and dried not one of them 215 with his comfort ; swallowed his vows whole , pretending in her discoveries of dishonour : in few , bestowed her on her own lamentation , which she yet wears for his sake ; and he , a marble to her tears , is washed with them , but relents not .", "It is a rupture that you may easily heal : and the cure of it not only saves your brother , but keeps you from dishonour in doing it . 225", "This forenamed maid hath yet in her the continuance of her first affection : his unjust unkindness , that in all reason should have quenched her love , hath , like an impediment in the current , made it more violent and unruly . 230 Go you to Angelo ; answer his requiring with a plausible obedience ; agree with his demands to the point ; only refer yourself to this advantage , first , that your stay with him may not be long ; that the time may have all shadow and silence in it ; and the place answer to convenience . This 235 being granted in course ,\u2014 and now follows all ,\u2014 we shall advise this wronged maid to stead up your appointment , go in your place ; if the encounter acknowledge itself hereafter , it may compel him to her recompense : and here , by this , is your brother saved , your honour untainted , the poor 240 Mariana advantaged , and the corrupt Deputy scaled . The maid will I frame and make fit for his attempt . If you think well to carry this as you may , the doubleness of the benefit defends the deceit from reproof . What think you of it ? 245", "It lies much in your holding up . Haste you speedily to Angelo : if for this night he entreat you to his bed , give him promise of satisfaction . I will presently to 250 Saint Luke 's : there , at the moated grange , resides this dejected Mariana . At that place call upon me ; and dispatch with Angelo , that it may be quickly ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 648, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["O heavens ! what stuff is here ?", "And you , good brother father . What offence hath this man made you , sir ?", "Fie , sirrah ! a bawd , a wicked bawd !", "The evil that thou causest to be done ,", "That is thy means to live . Do thou but think", "What \u2018 tis to cram a maw or clothe a back", "From such a filthy vice : say to thyself , 20", "From their abominable and beastly touches", "I drink , I eat , array myself , and live .", "Canst thou believe thy living is a life ,", "So stinkingly depending ? Go mend , go mend .", "Nay , if the devil have given thee proofs for sin ,", "Thou wilt prove his . Take him to prison , officer :", "Correction and instruction must both work", "Ere this rude beast will profit . 30", "That we were all , as some would seem to be , 35", "From our faults , as faults from seeming , free !", "Still thus , and thus ; still worse !", "And you .", "I know none . Can you tell me of any ?", "I know not where ; but wheresoever , I wish him well . 85", "He does well i n't . 90", "It is too general a vice , and severity must cure it .", "How should he be made , then ? 100", "You are pleasant , sir , and speak apace .", "I never heard the absent Duke much detected for women ; he was not inclined that way . 115", "\u2018 Tis not possible .", "You do him wrong , surely .", "What , I prithee , might be the cause ?", "Wise ! why , no question but he was . 130", "Either this is envy in you , folly , or mistaking : the very stream of his life and the business he hath helmed must , upon a warranted need , give him a better proclamation . Let him be but testimonied in his own bringings-forth , 135 and he shall appear , to the envious , a scholar , a statesman and a soldier . Therefore you speak unskilfully ; or if your knowledge be more , it is much darkened in your malice .", "Love talks with better knowledge , and knowledge with dearer love .", "I can hardly believe that , since you know not what you speak . But , if ever the Duke return , as our prayers 145 are he may , let me desire you to make your answer before him . If it be honest you have spoke , you have courage to maintain it : I am bound to call upon you ; and , I pray you , your name ?", "He shall know you better , sir , if I may live to report you .", "O , you hope the Duke will return no more ; or 155 you imagine me too unhurtful an opposite . But , indeed , I can do you little harm ; you 'll forswear this again .", "Why should he die , sir ?", "No might nor greatness in mortality", "Can censure \u2018 scape ; back-wounding calumny 175", "The whitest virtue strikes . What king so strong", "Can tie the gall up in the slanderous tongue ?", "But who comes here ?", "Bliss and goodness on you !", "Not of this country , though my chance is now 205", "To use it for my time : I am a brother", "Of gracious order , late come from the See", "In special business from his Holiness .", "None , but that there is so great a fever on goodness , 210 that the dissolution of it must cure it : novelty is only in request ; and it is as dangerous to be aged in any kind of course , as it is virtuous to be constant in any undertaking . There is scarce truth enough alive to make societies secure ; but security enough to make fellowships accurst :\u2014 215 much upon this riddle runs the wisdom of the world . This news is old enough , yet it is every day 's news . I pray you , sir , of what disposition was the Duke ?", "What pleasure was he given to ?", "He professes to have received no sinister measure from his judge , but most willingly humbles himself to the determination of justice : yet had he framed to himself , 230 by the instruction of his frailty , many deceiving promises of life ; which I , by my good leisure , have discredited to him , and now is he resolved to die .", "If his own life answer the straitness of his proceeding , it shall become him well ; wherein if he chance to 240 fail , he hath sentenced himself .", "Peace be with you !", "He who the sword of heaven will bear", "Should be as holy as severe ; 245", "Pattern in himself to know ,", "Grace to stand , and virtue go ;", "More nor less to others paying", "Than by self-offences weighing .", "Shame to him whose cruel striking 250", "Kills for faults of his own liking !", "Twice treble shame on Angelo ,", "To weed my vice and let his grow !", "O , what may man within him hide ,", "Though angel on the outward side ! 255", "How may likeness made in crimes ,", "Making practice on the times ,", "To draw with idle spiders \u2019 strings", "Most ponderous and substantial things !", "Craft against vice I must apply : 260", "With Angelo to-night shall lie", "His old betrothed but despised ;", "So disguise shall , by the disguised ,", "Pay with falsehood false exacting ,", "And perform an old contracting .", "NOTES : III , 2 ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 648, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis good ; though music oft hath such a charm To make bad good , and good provoke to harm . 15 I pray you , tell me , hath any body inquired for me here to-day ? much upon this time have I promised here to meet .", "I do constantly believe you . The time is come 20 even now . I shall crave your forbearance a little : may be I will call upon you anon , for some advantage to yourself .", "Very well met , and well come . What is the news from this good Deputy ? 25", "But shall you on your knowledge find this way ? 35", "Are there no other tokens", "Between you \u2018 greed concerning her observance ? 40", "\u2018 Tis well borne up .", "I have not yet made known to Mariana", "A word of this . What , ho ! within ! come forth !", "Re-enter MARIANA .", "I pray you , be acquainted with this maid ;", "She comes to do you good .", "Do you persuade yourself that I respect you ?", "Take , then , this your companion by the hand ,", "Who hath a story ready for your ear .", "I shall attend your leisure : but make haste ; 55", "The vaporous night approaches .", "O place and greatness , millions of false eyes", "Are stuck upon thee ! volumes of report", "Run with these false and most contrarious quests 60", "Upon thy doings ! thousand escapes of wit", "Make thee the father of their idle dreams ,", "And rack thee in their fancies !", "Re-enter MARIANA and ISABELLA .", "Welcome , how agreed ?", "It is not my consent , 65", "But my entreaty too .", "Nor , gentle daughter , fear you not at all .", "He is your husband on a pre-contract : 70", "To bring you thus together , \u2018 tis no sin ,", "Sith that the justice of your title to him", "Doth flourish the deceit . Come , let us go :", "Our corn 's to reap , for yet our tithe 's to sow .", "NOTES : IV , 1 ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 648, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come hither , sirrah . Can you cut off a man 's head ?", "Come , sir , leave me your snatches , and yield me 5 a direct answer . To-morrow morning are to die Claudio and Barnardine . Here is in our prison a common executioner , who in his office lacks a helper : if you will take it on you to assist him , it shall redeem you from your gyves ; if not , you shall have your full time of imprisonment , and 10 your deliverance with an unpitied whipping , for you have been a notorious bawd .", "What , ho ! Abhorson ! Where 's Abhorson , there ?", "Sirrah , here 's a fellow will help you to-morrow in your execution . If you think it meet , compound with 20 him by the year , and let him abide here with you ; if not , use him for the present , and dismiss him . He cannot plead his estimation with you ; he hath been a bawd .", "Go to , sir ; you weigh equally ; a feather will turn the scale .", "Are you agreed ?", "You , sirrah , provide your block and your axe to-morrow four o'clock .", "Call hither Barnardine and Claudio :", "The one has my pity ; not a jot the other ,", "Being a murderer , though he were my brother .", "Enter CLAUDIO .", "Look , here 's the warrant , Claudio , for thy death :", "\u2018 Tis now dead midnight , and by eight to-morrow", "Thou must be made immortal . Where 's Barnardine ? 60", "Who can do good on him ?", "Well , go , prepare yourself .", "But , hark , what noise ?\u2014", "Heaven give your spirits comfort !", "By and by .\u2014 65", "I hope it is some pardon or reprieve", "For the most gentle Claudio .", "Enter DUKE disguised as before .", "Welcome , father .", "None , since the curfew rung . 70", "No .", "What comfort is for Claudio ?", "It is a bitter Deputy .", "There he must stay until the officer", "Arise to let him in : he is call 'd up .", "None , sir , none .", "Happily", "You something know ; yet I believe there comes", "No countermand ; no such example have we :", "Besides , upon the very siege of justice", "Lord Angelo hath to the public ear 95", "Profess 'd the contrary .", "Enter a MESSENGER .", "This is his lordship 's man .", "I shall obey him .", "I told you . Lord Angelo , belike thinking me remiss 110 in mine office , awakens me with this unwonted putting-on ; methinks strangely , for he hath not used it before ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 648, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I pray you , is Signior Mountanto return 'd from the wars or no ?", "He set up his bills here in Messina and challeng 'd Cupid at the flight , and my uncle 's fool , reading the challenge , subscrib 'd for Cupid and challeng 'd him at the burbolt . I pray you , how many hath he kill 'd and eaten in these wars ? But how many hath he kill 'd ? For indeed I promised to eat all of his killing .", "You had musty victual , and he hath holp to eat it . He is a very valiant trencherman ; he hath an excellent stomach .", "And a good soldier to a lady ; but what is he to a lord ?", "It is so indeed . He is no less than a stuff 'd man ; but for the stuffing \u2014 well , we are all mortal .", "Alas , he gets nothing by that ! In our last conflict four of his five wits went halting off , and now is the whole man govern 'd with one ; so that if he have wit enough to keep himself warm , let him bear it for a difference between himself and his horse ; for it is all the wealth that he hath left to be known a reasonable creature . Who is his companion now ? He hath every month a new sworn brother .", "Very easily possible . He wears his faith but as the fashion of his hat ; it ever changes with the next block .", "No . An he were , I would burn my study . But I pray you , who is his companion ? Is there no young squarer now that will make a voyage with him to the devil ?", "O Lord , he will hang upon him like a disease ! He is sooner caught than the pestilence , and the taker runs presently mad . God help the noble Claudio ! If he have caught the Benedick , it will cost him a thousand pound ere \u2018 a be cured .", "Do , good friend .", "No , not till a hot January .", "I wonder that you will still be talking , Signior Benedick .", "Nobody marks you .", "Is it possible Disdain should die while she hath such meet food to feed it as Signior Benedick ? Courtesy itself must convert to disdain if you come in her presence .", "A dear happiness to women ! They would else have been troubled with a pernicious suitor . I thank God and my cold blood , I am of your humour for that . I had rather hear my dog bark at a crow than a man swear he loves me .", "Scratching could not make it worse an \u2018 twere such a face as yours were .", "A bird of my tongue is better than a beast of yours .", "You always end with a jade 's trick . I know you of old ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 656, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Was not Count John here at supper ?", "Then half Signior Benedick 's tongue in Count John 's mouth , and half Count John 's melancholy in Signior Benedick 's face \u2014", "By my troth , niece , thou wilt never get thee a husband if thou be so shrewd of thy tongue .", "So , by being too curst , God will send you no horns .", "You may light on a husband that hath no beard .", "Well then , go you into hell ?", "Well , niece , I hope to see you one day fitted with a husband .", "Daughter , remember what I told you . If the Prince do solicit you in that kind , you know your answer .", "Cousin , you apprehend passing shrewdly .", "The revellers are ent'ring , brother . Make good room .", "Count , take of me my daughter , and with her my fortunes . His", "Grace hath made the match , and all grace say Amen to it !", "Niece , will you look to those things I told you of ?", "There 's little of the melancholy element in her , my lord . She is never sad but when she sleeps , and not ever sad then ; for I have heard my daughter say she hath often dreamt of unhappiness and wak 'd herself with laughing .", "O , by no means ! She mocks all her wooers out of suit .", "O Lord , my lord ! if they were but a week married , they would talk themselves mad .", "Not till Monday , my dear son , which is hence a just sevennight ; and a time too brief too , to have all things answer my mind .", "My lord , I am for you , though it cost me ten nights \u2019 watchings ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 656, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come , shall we hear this music ?", "See you where Benedick hath hid himself ?", "Come , Balthasar , we 'll hear that song again .", "It is the witness still of excellency", "To put a strange face on his own perfection .", "I pray thee sing , and let me woo no more .", "Nay , pray thee come ;", "Or if thou wilt hold longer argument ,", "Do it in notes .", "Why , these are very crotchets that he speaks ! Note notes , forsooth , and nothing !", "Ha , no , no , faith ! Thou sing'st well enough for a shift .", "Yea , marry . Dost thou hear , Balthasar ? I pray thee get us some excellent music ; for to-morrow night we would have it at the Lady Hero 's chamber window .", "Do so . Farewell .Come hither , Leonato . What was it you told me of to-day ? that your niece Beatrice was in love with Signior Benedick ?", "May be she doth but counterfeit .", "Why , what effects of passion shows she ?", "How , how , I pray you ? You amaze me . I would have thought her spirit had been invincible against all assaults of affection .", "Hath she made her affection known to Benedick ?", "It were good that Benedick knew of it by some other , if she will not discover it .", "An he should , it were an alms to hang him ! She 's an excellent sweet lady , andshe is virtuous .", "In everything but in loving Benedick .", "I would she had bestowed this dotage on me . I would have daff 'd all other respects and made her half myself . I pray you tell Benedick of it and hear what \u2018 a will say .", "She doth well . If she should make tender of her love , \u2018 tis very possible he 'll scorn it ; for the manhath a contemptible spirit .", "He hath indeed a good outward happiness .", "He doth indeed show some sparks that are like wit .", "As Hector , I assure you ; and in the managing of quarrels you may say he is wise , for either he avoids them with great discretion , or undertakes them with a most Christianlike fear .", "And so will he do ; for the man doth fear God , howsoever it seems not in him by some large jests he will make . Well , I am sorry for your niece . Shall we go seek Benedick and tell him of her love ?", "Well , we will hear further of it by your daughter . Let it cool the while . I love Benedick well , and I could wish he would modestly examine himself to see how much he is unworthy so good a lady .", "Let there be the same net spread for her , and that must your daughter and her gentlewomen carry . The sport will be , when they hold one an opinion of another 's dotage , and no such matter . That 's the scene that I would see , which will be merely a dumb show . Let us send her to call him in to dinner ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 656, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Good Margaret , run thee to the parlour .", "There shalt thou find my cousin Beatrice", "Proposing with the Prince and Claudio .", "Whisper her ear and tell her , I and Ursley", "Walk in the orchard , and our whole discourse", "Is all of her . Say that thou overheard'st us ;", "And bid her steal into the pleached bower ,", "Where honeysuckles , ripened by the sun ,", "Forbid the sun to enter \u2014 like favourites ,", "Made proud by princes , that advance their pride", "Against that power that bred it . There will she hide her", "To listen our propose . This is thy office .", "Bear thee well in it and leave us alone .", "Now , Ursula , when Beatrice doth come ,", "As we do trace this alley up and down ,", "Our talk must only be of Benedick .", "When I do name him , let it be thy part", "To praise him more than ever man did merit .", "My talk to thee must be how Benedick", "Is sick in love with Beatrice . Of this matter", "Is little Cupid 's crafty arrow made ,", "That only wounds by hearsay .", "Then go we near her , that her ear lose nothing", "Of the false sweet bait that we lay for it .", "No , truly , Ursula , she is too disdainful .", "I know her spirits are as coy and wild", "As haggards of the rock .", "So says the Prince , and my new-trothed lord .", "They did entreat me to acquaint her of it ;", "But I persuaded them , if they lov 'd Benedick ,", "To wish him wrestle with affection", "And never to let Beatrice know of it .", "O god of love ! I know he doth deserve", "As much as may be yielded to a man :", "But Nature never fram 'd a woman 's heart", "Of prouder stuff than that of Beatrice .", "Disdain and scorn ride sparkling in her eyes ,", "Misprizing what they look on ; and her wit", "Values itself so highly that to her", "All matter else seems weak . She cannot love ,", "Nor take no shape nor project of affection ,", "She is so self-endeared .", "Why , you speak truth . I never yet saw man ,", "How wise , how noble , young , how rarely featur 'd ,", "But she would spell him backward . If fair-fac 'd ,", "She would swear the gentleman should be her sister ;", "If black , why , Nature , drawing of an antic ,", "Made a foul blot ; if tall , a lance ill-headed ;", "If low , an agate very vilely cut ;", "If speaking , why , a vane blown with all winds ;", "If silent , why , a block moved with none .", "So turns she every man the wrong side out", "And never gives to truth and virtue that", "Which simpleness and merit purchaseth .", "No , not to be so odd , and from all fashions ,", "As Beatrice is , cannot be commendable .", "But who dare tell her so ? If I should speak ,", "She would mock me into air ; O , she would laugh me", "Out of myself , press me to death with wit !", "Therefore let Benedick , like cover 'd fire ,", "Consume away in sighs , waste inwardly .", "It were a better death than die with mocks ,", "Which is as bad as die with tickling .", "No ; rather I will go to Benedick", "And counsel him to fight against his passion .", "And truly , I 'll devise some honest slanders", "To stain my cousin with . One doth not know", "How much an ill word may empoison liking .", "He is the only man of Italy ,", "Always excepted my dear Claudio .", "Indeed he hath an excellent good name .", "Why , every day to-morrow ! Come , go in .", "I 'll show thee some attires , and have thy counsel", "Which is the best to furnish me to-morrow .", "If it prove so , then loving goes by haps ;", "Some Cupid kills with arrows , some with traps ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 656, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I do but stay till your marriage be consummate , and then go I toward Arragon .", "Nay , that would be as great a soil in the new gloss of your marriage as to show a child his new coat and forbid him to wear it . I will only be bold with Benedick for his company ; for , from the crown of his head to the sole of his foot , he is all mirth . He hath twice or thrice cut Cupid 's bowstring , and the little hangman dare not shoot at him . He hath a heart as sound as a bell ; and his tongue is the clapper , for what his heart thinks , his tongue speaks .", "Hang him , truant ! There 's no true drop of blood in him to be truly touch 'd with love . If he be sad , he wants money .", "Draw it .", "What ? sigh for the toothache ?", "There is no appearance of fancy in him , unless it be a fancy that he hath to strange disguises ; as to be a Dutchman to-day , a Frenchman to-morrow ; or in the shape of two countries at once , as a German from the waist downward , all slops , and a Spaniard from the hip upward , no doublet . Unless he have a fancy to this foolery , as it appears he hath , he is no fool for fancy , as you would have it appear he is .", "Hath any man seen him at the barber 's ?", "Nay , \u2018 a rubs himself with civet . Can you smell him out by that ?", "The greatest note of it is his melancholy .", "Yea , or to paint himself ? for the which I hear what they say of him .", "Indeed that tells a heavy tale for him . Conclude , conclude , he is in love .", "That would I know too . I warrant , one that knows him not .", "She shall be buried with her face upwards .", "For my life , to break with him about Beatrice !", "Good den , brother .", "In private ?", "What 's the matter ?", "You know he does .", "Why , what 's the matter ?", "I will not think it .", "And , as I wooed for thee to obtain her , I will join with thee to disgrace her .", "O day untowardly turned !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 656, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come , Friar Francis , be brief . Only to the plain form of marriage , and you shall recount their particular duties afterwards .", "To be married to her . Friar , you come to marry her .", "I dare make his answer \u2014 none .", "As freely , son , as God did give her me .", "What do you mean , my lord ?", "Dear my lord , if you , in your own proof ,", "Have vanquish 'd the resistance of her youth", "And made defeat of her virginity \u2014", "Sweet Prince , why speak not you ?", "Are these things spoken , or do I but dream ?", "All this is so ; but what of this , my lord ?", "I charge thee do so , as thou art my child .", "Hath no man 's dagger here a point for me ?", "O Fate , take not away thy heavy hand !", "Death is the fairest cover for her shame", "That may be wish 'd for .", "Dost thou look up ?", "Wherefore ? Why , doth not every earthly thing", "Cry shame upon her ? Could she here deny", "The story that is printed in her blood ?", "Do not live , Hero ; do not ope thine eyes ;", "For , did I think thou wouldst not quickly die ,", "Thought I thy spirits were stronger than thy shames ,", "Myself would on the rearward of reproaches", "Strike at thy life . Griev 'd I , I had but one ?", "Child I for that at frugal nature 's frame ?", "O , one too much by thee ! Why had I one ?", "Why ever wast thou lovely in my eyes ?", "Why had I not with charitable hand", "Took up a beggar 's issue at my gates ,", "Who smirched thus and mir 'd with infamy ,", "I might have said , \u2018 No part of it is mine ;", "This shame derives itself from unknown loins \u2019 ?", "But mine , and mine I lov 'd , and mine I prais 'd ,", "And mine that I was proud on \u2014 mine so much", "That I myself was to myself not mine ,", "Valuing of her \u2014 why , she , O , she is fall'n", "Into a pit of ink , that the wide sea", "Hath drops too few to wash her clean again ,", "And salt too little which may season give", "To her foul tainted flesh !", "Confirm 'd , confirm 'd ! O , that is stronger made", "Which was before barr 'd up with ribs of iron !", "Would the two princes lie ? and Claudio lie ,", "Who lov 'd her so that , speaking of her foulness ,", "Wash 'd it with tears ? Hence from her ! let her die .", "Friar , it cannot be .", "Thou seest that all the grace that she hath left", "Is that she will not add to her damnation", "A sin of perjury : she not denies it .", "Why seek'st thou then to cover with excuse", "That which appears in proper nakedness ?", "I know not . If they speak but truth of her ,", "These hands shall tear her . If they wrong her honour ,", "The proudest of them shall well hear of it .", "Time hath not yet so dried this blood of mine ,", "Nor age so eat up my invention ,", "Nor fortune made such havoc of my means ,", "Nor my bad life reft me so much of friends ,", "But they shall find awak 'd in such a kind", "Both strength of limb and policy of mind ,", "Ability in means , and choice of friends ,", "To quit me of them throughly .", "What shall become of this ? What will this do ?", "Being that I flow in grief ,", "The smallest twine may lead me ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 656, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["If you go on thus , you will kill yourself ,", "And \u2018 tis not wisdom thus to second grief", "Against yourself .", "Therein do men from children nothing differ .", "Yet bend not all the harm upon yourself . Make those that do offend you suffer too .", "Here comes the Prince and Claudio hastily .", "If he could right himself with quarrelling ,", "Some of us would lie low .", "He shall kill two of us , and men indeed", "But that 's no matter ; let him kill one first .", "Win me and wear me ! Let him answer me .", "Come , follow me , boy ,. Come , sir boy , come follow me .", "Sir boy , I 'll whip you from your foining fence !", "Nay , as I am a gentleman , I will .", "Content yourself . God knows I lov 'd my niece ,", "And she is dead , slander 'd to death by villains ,", "That dare as well answer a man indeed", "As I dare take a serpent by the tongue .", "Boys , apes , braggarts , jacks , milksops !", "Come , \u2018 tis no matter . Do not you meddle ; let me deal in this .", "And shall , or some of us will smart for it .", "Farewell , my lords . We look for you to-morrow ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 656, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["So are the Prince and Claudio , who accus 'd her", "Upon the error that you heard debated .", "But Margaret was in some fault for this ,", "Although against her will , as it appears", "In the true course of all the question .", "Well , daughter , and you gentlewomen all ,", "Withdraw into a chamber by yourselves ,", "And when I send for you , come hither mask 'd .", "The Prince and Claudio promis 'd by this hour", "To visit me . You know your office , brother :", "You must be father to your brother 's daughter ,", "And give her to young Claudio .", "That eye my daughter lent her . \u2018 Tis most true .", "The sight whereof I think you had from me ,", "From Claudio , and the Prince ; but what 's your will ?", "My heart is with your liking .", "Good morrow , Prince ; good morrow , Claudio .", "We here attend you . Are you yet determin 'd", "To-day to marry with my brother 's daughter ?", "Call her forth , brother . Here 's the friar ready .", "Pedro .", "Good morrow , Benedick . Why , what 's the matter", "That you have such a February face ,", "So full of frost , of storm , and cloudiness ?", "No , that you shall not till you take her hand", "Before this friar and swear to marry her .", "She died , my lord , but whiles her slander liv 'd .", "Come , cousin , I am sure you love the gentleman .", "We 'll have dancing afterward ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 656, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Caesar , still glides the dead Britannicus", "About the palace , and his memory", "Your mother , Agrippina , uses : makes", "Out of his ghost a faction for herself .", "She grows a public peril ; much you owe", "To her , but more to Rome ; from Antium", "She rages disappointed to and fro .", "Me for your army you hold answerable ,", "But can no longer if you suffer her", "To lure the legions from their loyalty .", "Her creatures whisper to your sentinels ,", "Corrupt your officers , inflame your guards .", "A sullen silence on the camp is fallen ,", "A word , and it will roar in mutiny .", "She hath seduced the breast-plates and the sails .", "Then be thy mother 's son still and surrender", "This toy of Rome to her : she bought it you :", "Now , wearied , give it back !", "Now , \u2018 tis you or she .", "Otho will be jealous ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 663, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Myrrha , more gold upon these builded curls . How often , child ?", "Well ?", "Well , what is it ?", "I would .", "Ah !", "Speak clearer .", "I understand .", "You need this beauty as an added bait", "To lure when policy can drive him not .", "What do I gain at last ?", "I will not tempt him to a mother 's murder .", "I will attempt it . I will fly at it . I go to him to Baiae this same day .", "Lorilla , see , this henna is o'erdone .", "And you , Lalage ,", "My lips more brilliant .", "Remember , child ,", "That I walk ever veiled : what in the sun", "Glares , being veiled a finer richness takes", "And more provokes : how many struggling flies", "This veil , the web of mine , hath struggling held", "Which else were freed !", "Ah ! this left eyebrow \u2014 who ?", "Who painted this ?", "You are young :", "Else I would have you stripped and lashed till blood", "Flew from you .", "Call old Lydia . Lydia , this eyebrow \u2014 the old touch .", "So \u2014 that is well .", "Children , when there shall come , and come there must ,", "The smallest marring wrinkle on this face ,", "And come there must \u2014 our bodies fall like flowers ,", "This face shall feel the ruin of the rose \u2014", "When time , howe'er light , shall touch this cheek ,", "Then quick farewell ! Listen , I will not live", "Less lovely , nor this cruel beauty lose ,", "And I perforce grow kind : I 'll not survive", "The deep delicious poison of a smile", "Nor mortal music of the sighing bosom", "That slowly overcomes the fainting brain .", "It shall not dawdle downward to the grave ;", "I 'll pass upon the instant of perfection .", "No woman shall behold Poppaea fade :", "And now to Baiae !", "Ah !", "Blue Baiae , warm beside a sparkling sea", "Where I will win young Nero \u2014 and the world !", "Can you not trust me ?", "Will you not trust me ? Why then do I go ?", "Is't for myself ? You know well \u2014 \u2018 tis for you ;", "To praise the Emperor 's verses \u2014 but for you ;", "To applaud his feeblest gesture \u2014 but for you ;", "To coax from him a kingdom \u2014 but for you !", "Yet are you angered .", "A woman may surrender inch by inch", "Even to the edge of shame : then sudden rise", "Unmelting ice .", "All is for you .", "Otho , I swear \u2014\u2014", "Myrrha , stay by me ! On my knees I swear \u2014\u2014", "Dear , I never could \u2014\u2014", "Kill me then if you will . Here \u2014 here ! I will not flinch , so I die true . You 'll not suspect my corpse .", "Kill me \u2014 I love you ! Ere you strike , one kiss .", "But one kiss \u2014 a kiss of olden days ,", "When we two were most happy : Caesar was not ,", "And you had laughed at him ! A harp-player ,", "But not my man , my Otho ! Think you I", "Who have had these arms about me , and these lips", "Burn up my own , could languish for a mime ?", "I am a child \u2014 I have done wrong \u2014 forgive it \u2014", "I sighed for thy advancement \u2014 speak to me !", "Now slap my hands or send me to my bed ,", "I am a baby in these deep affairs .", "Is it wise to disobey \u2014 is it wise , I ask ? Set me aside , be mindful of yourself .", "For you alone I linger .", "I 'll tarry but a little while behind you ,", "And when I come , I 'll greet you full of riches .", "Then I 'll not go with you .", "Because you will not trust me . Show to me", "That you can trust me , Otho ; and what joy ,", "What satisfaction can you have to drag", "Your wife behind you , from dull jealousy", "Because you do not dare leave her behind", "For fear \u2014 I 'll not be such a wife .", "Am I not child enough", "Who should be woman ? You shall kiss these lips", "Once ere you go \u2014 so close they are to you .", "Can I not help your preparation ?", "I think you are still angry ?", "Ah ! take me with you , then .", "I wish \u2014 I wish \u2018 twere wise . My love shall bear your litter all the way .Re-enter MAID", "For Caesar ! No : but Caesar means the world ! For Baiae ! The new gold-dust !", "Bear it yourself \u2014 entrust it to no other ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 663, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The lady Poppaea ! Is she yet arrived ?", "Then why is she not here ?", "An hour since : yet she lingers while I ache", "With passion . She comes not , still she delays .", "To fly to her ? No , \u2018 twere unworthy of me \u2014\u2014", "And yet , and yet \u2014 Ah ! I must go to her .", "To have you at my side .", "Unwillingly ?", "So you come ,", "But out of loyalty .", "No , I am thine !", "You come in cold obedience ?", "Well \u2014 well \u2014\u2014", "Nero , I 'd have you say .", "You come because thrice summoned ?", "What then ?", "Tell me this thought .", "O not thy beauty moves me but thy mind !", "Yes \u2014 yes \u2014\u2014", "A regal verse ! But the arm extended thus", "Toward doomed Ilium . Say on .", "Remove thy veil and weep .", "Know you not why ?", "That he might stand no more between us two .", "But your inclining ?", "Nothing , when soul meets soul without alloy .", "O to the average , not to thee .", "You shall not go thus .", "Ah !", "You mean my wife Octavia ?", "Who then ? What other bars ?", "Still my mother !", "I am not her lackey .", "You madden me \u2014\u2014", "Poppaea , go not , go not . All the east", "Burns in me , and the desert fires my blood .", "I parch , I pine for you . My body is sand", "That thirsts . I die , I perish of this thirst ,", "To slake it at your lips ! You madden me .", "Goddess ! What shall I give thee great enough ?", "I 'll give thee Rome \u2014 I 'll give thee this great world ,", "And all the builded empire as a toy .", "The Mediterranean shall thy mirror be ,", "Thy jewels all sparkling stars of heaven .", "The orb of the earth \u2014 throw it on thy lap", "But for a kiss \u2014 one kiss !", "Agrippina ?", "Then ?", "Pah !\u2014 the State !", "Empress !", "\u2018 I , Agrippina , daughter of Germanicus , of Claudius widow , of Nero mother , hereby do declare that though I have sat tame under private injuries , I will not forgo my public privileges , nor consent to be banished from high festival or ceremony . I purpose then to be present at Baiae at Minerva 's feast , together with the Emperor , and will hold no second place . This is my ancient right and to that right I cleave . THE AUGUSTA . \u2019", "Sirs , seeing that the State demands this life ,", "Seeing that I must choose \u2018 twixt her and Rome ,", "I do consent to Agrippina 's death .", "The State like Nature must be pitiless ,", "And I must ruthless be as Nature 's Lord .", "But I 'll be no Orestes , I 'll not lift", "This hand against her : see you then to that !", "It is enough to have conceived this deed .", "The how , the when , the where , I leave to you .", "Wonderful ! This gives beauty to an act", "Which else were ugly and of me unworthy .", "So mighty is she that her proper doom", "Could come but by some elemental aid .", "Her splendid trouble asketh but the sea", "For sepulchre : her spirit limitless", "A multitudinous and roaring grave .", "Here 's nothing sordid , nothing vulgar . I", "Consign her to the uproar whence she came .", "Be the crime vast enough it seems not crime .", "I , as befits me , call on great allies .", "I make a compact with the elements .", "And here my agents are the very winds ,", "The waves my servants , and the night my friend .", "On the moon I can rely .", "Last night I wrote to her a glimmering verse ;", "She is white with a wan passion for my lips .", "The moon will succour me . Depart from me \u2014", "Trouble me not with human faces now ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 663, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["No , not in hours", "Like these : the brain is all . I fear , I fear him", "The last farewell \u2014 he will not bear it out !", "Is all prepared and timed ? No hazard left ?", "All hangs upon the fervour of farewell ,", "The kiss , the soft word , and the hand detained ,", "All hangs on it ; go back .", "Strike up the music there , a joyous strain !", "And sing , you boatmen ; the Augusta comes .", "Caesar , let none deny thou art an actor .", "Listen !", "My eyes", "Can find her not ; she is enwrapped in mist .", "Nothing , sir .", "Anicetus , have you bungled ?", "Sole master of the world !", "Caesar at last : the Emperor of the earth ,", "Now thou art free \u2014 to write immortal verse ,", "To give thy genius wing , to strike the stars .", "And thou hast made this tragic sacrifice ,", "Slaying what is most dear , most close to thee ,", "To give thy being vent and utterance .", "Apollo shall reward thee for this deed .", "Already I am drowsing ; early then", "To-morrow I will come to you .", "Caesar , good-night ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 663, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Dawn ! In the night o'erhYpppHeNpast a lightning flash !", "Ah ! I remember \u2014 here my mother 's ghost", "Stood \u2014 on this very ground \u2014 I feel the air", "Still cold from her \u2014 and here the lightning burned .", "So I awake my mother 's murderer .", "That was her ghost that stole on me sea-marred ,", "Silent \u2014 the ocean falling from her hair .", "O Tigellinus , in the mid of night ,", "The spirit of my whelmed mother stole", "Hither upon me , dumb out of the deep .", "Heaven gave a flash : I saw her face and fell .", "No , but enthralled by her for ever-more . She is my air , my ocean , and my sky .", "Never , O never !", "You flatter , you console , you would assuage ,", "But you are human , can forget and change .", "But yonder rocky coast remembers yet .", "That countenance changes not : that conscious bay", "Maintains its everlasting memory .", "This privy region saw , and it shall see", "For ever what was done . The amulet !", "Filched from me ! Was it then a ghost I saw ?", "You know not if she be alive or dead ?", "She lives ?", "I am no murderer then !", "I 'll not attempt", "A second time that life the sea restored ;", "She is too vast a spirit to surprise .", "Even Nature stood aloof \u2014\u2014", "My mother shall be gloriously caged ,", "Imprisoned in purple and immured in gold .", "In some magnificent captivity", "Worthy the captive let her day decline .", "To Rome I go", "Free-souled and guiltless of a mother 's blood ,", "Resume the accustomed feast , the race , the song ,", "And I shall be received with public joy", "And clamour of congratulating Rome .", "Set out for Rome ! And you , accusing coasts ,", "Accuse no more . Guiltless I say farewell ,", "And with a light heart journey toward Rome", "Joyous I go , for Agrippina lives ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 663, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Give me the glass again : beautiful yet !", "This face can still endure the sunset glow ,", "No need is there for me to sue the shadow ,", "Perfect out of the glory I am going .", "Why comes not Nero near me ?", "O he loathes", "Sickness or sadness or the touch of trouble ,", "I snared him , Myrrha , once ; let him flutter away !", "But to relinquish the wide earth at last ,", "And flit a faint thing by a shadowy river ,", "Or yearning without blood upon the bank \u2014\u2014", "The loneliness of death ! To go to strangers \u2014", "Into a world of whispers \u2014\u2014", "And this hair", "Rolling about me like a lighted sea", "Which was my glory and the theme of the earth ,", "Look ! Must this go ? The grave shall have these eyes", "Which were the bliss of burning Emperors .", "After what time , what labour the high gods", "Builded the body of this beauty up !", "Now at a whim they shatter it ! More light !", "I 'll catch the last of the sun .", "Come to inspect me fading : I fear not . Even a woman 's eyes I need not shun . Bring her .", "Take Nero ! I am dying .", "I am dying . But you shall not hold him long \u2014\u2014", "O , do not think it . Can you queen his heart ?", "Can you be storm a moment , sun the next ?", "A month , a long day under open skies ,", "Would find your art exhausted , ended . I !", "I was a hundred women in an hour ,", "And sweeter at each moment than them all .", "Why , I have struck him in the face and laughed .", "Of peace ! Ha , ha !", "I bear no rancour \u2014 and yet if I dreamed", "That I was leaving you upon his bosom \u2014", "But no : let there be peace between us two .", "Your kiss falls kind upon my loneliness .", "But , Acte , to let go of glory thus \u2014", "For I have drunk of empire , and what cup", "Afterward can you offer to these lips ?", "What is this ?", "I want no spirit kingdom after death .", "The splendid sun , the purple , and the crown ,", "These I have known , and I am losing them .", "These can I see at least , and feel , and hear .", "O Acte , to be dumb , and deaf , and blind !", "O , this is madness !", "Ah , ah ! the sun ! The sun ! It goeth down ,", "How cold it grows : the night comes down on me .", "I 'll have no lamp : but hold my hand in thine .", "Rome !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 663, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ah , this is still the deed", "Of Agrippina . Listen ! Did ye not hear", "The rustle of a robe ?", "She is gone ! The red drops those that fell from her !", "Thou ! And who art thou ?", "The moon be turned to blood ! But that is fine ! These Christians have imaginations then ! The moon in blood , and burning universe ! Why , I myself might have conceived that scene !", "Magnificent ! The aim of heavenly fire !", "Listen ! Did ye not hear a wailing then ? The wailing of a woman in her grave ? Again ! A wailing , and I know the voice !", "No edict will I issue , or command . Let the fire rage .", "Let it rage !", "This fire is not the act of mortal mind ,", "But is the huge conception of a spirit", "Dreaming beyond the tomb a mighty thought .", "She would express herself in burning fire :", "This is the awful vengeance of the dead ;", "This is my mother Agrippina 's deed .", "I will not baulk the fury of her spirit .", "No ! Let her glut her anger on the city ,", "For only Rome in ashes can appease her ,", "Let the fire rage and purge me of her blood !", "Blaze ! Rage ! Blaze !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 663, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What from the Cape , can you discerne at Sea ?", "Me thinks , the wind hath spoke aloud at Land ,", "A fuller blast ne 're shooke our Battlements :", "If it hath ruffiand so vpon the Sea ,", "What ribbes of Oake , when Mountaines melt on them ,", "Can hold the Morties . What shall we heare of this ?", "2 A Segregation of the Turkish Fleet :", "For do but stand vpon the Foaming Shore ,", "The chidden Billow seemes to pelt the Clowds ,", "The winde-shak'dhYpppHeNSurge , with high & monstrous Maine", "Seemes to cast water on the burning Beare ,", "And quench the Guards of th \u2019 euer-fixed Pole :", "I neuer did like mollestation view", "On the enchafed Flood", "How ? Is this true ?", "3 The Ship is heere put in : A Verennessa , Michael Cassio", "Lieutenant to the warlike Moore , Othello ,", "Is come on Shore : the Moore himselfe at Sea ,", "And is in full Commission heere for Cyprus", "I am glad o n't :", "\u2018 Tis a worthy Gouernour", "3 But this same Cassio , though he speake of comfort ,", "Touching the Turkish losse , yet he lookes sadly ,", "And praye the Moore be safe ; for they were parted", "With fowle and violent Tempest", "Pray Heauens he be :", "For I haue seru 'd him , and the man commands", "Like a full Soldier . Let 's to the Sea-side", "As well to see the Vessell that 's come in ,", "As to throw-out our eyes for braue Othello ,", "Euen till we make the Maine , and th \u2019 Eriall blew ,", "An indistinct regard", "Is he well ship 'd ?", "But good Lieutenant , is your Generall wiu 'd ?", "What is she ?", "Good-faith a litle one : not past a pint , as I am a", "Souldier", "I am for it Lieutenant : and Ile do you Iustice", "And \u2018 tis great pitty , that the Noble Moore", "Should hazard such a Place , as his owne Second", "With one of an ingraft Infirmitie ,", "It were an honest Action , to say so", "To the Moore", "What 's the matter Lieutenant ?", "Nay , good Lieutenant :", "I pray you Sir , hold your hand", "Come , come : you 're drunke", "I bleed still , I am hurt to th \u2019 death . He dies", "Worthy Othello , I am hurt to danger ,", "Your Officer Iago , can informe you ,", "While I spare speech which something now offends me .", "Of all that I do know , nor know I ought", "By me , that 's said , or done amisse this night ,", "Vnlesse selfe-charitie be sometimes a vice ,", "And to defend our selues , it be a sinne", "When violence assailes vs", "If partially Affin 'd , or league in office ,", "Thou dost deliuer more , or lesse then Truth ,", "Thou art no Souldier"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 667, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Masters , play heere , I wil content your paines ,", "Something that 's briefe : and bid , goodmorrow General", "Dost thou heare me , mine honest Friend ?", "Prythee keepe vp thy Quillets , ther 's a poore peece of Gold for thee : if the Gentlewoman that attends the Generall be stirring , tell her , there 's one Cassio entreats her a little fauour of Speech . Wilt thou do this ?", "Why no : the day had broke before we parted .", "I haue made bold", "to send in to your wife :", "My suite to her is , that she will to vertuous Desdemona", "Procure me some accesse", "I humbly thanke you for't . I neuer knew", "A Florentine more kinde , and honest .", "Yet I beseech you ,", "If you thinke fit , or that it may be done ,", "Giue me aduantage of some breefe Discourse", "With Desdemon alone .", "I am much bound to you . Scoena Secunda .", "Bounteous Madam ,", "What euer shall become of Michael Cassio ,", "He 's neuer any thing but your true Seruant", "I , but Lady ,", "That policie may either last so long ,", "Or feede vpon such nice and waterish diet ,", "Or breede it selfe so out of Circumstances ,", "That I being absent , and my place supply 'd ,", "My Generall will forget my Loue , and Seruice", "Madam , Ile take my leaue", "Madam , not now : I am very ill at ease ,", "Vnfit for mine owne purposes", "Madam , my former suite . I do beseech you ,", "That by your vertuous meanes , I may againe", "Exist , and be a member of his loue ,", "Whom I , with all the Office of my heart", "Intirely honour , I would not be delayd .", "If my offence , be of such mortall kinde ,", "That nor my Seruice past , nor present Sorrowes ,", "Nor purpos 'd merit in futurity ,", "Can ransome me into his loue againe ,", "But to know so , must be my benefit :", "So shall I cloath me in a forc 'd content ,", "And shut my selfe vp in some other course", "To Fortunes Almes", "What make you from home ? How is't with you , my most faire Bianca ? IndeedI was comming to your house", "Pardon me , Bianca :", "I haue this while with leaden thoughts beene prest ,", "But I shall in a more continuate time", "Strike off this score of absence . Sweet Bianca", "Take me this worke out", "Go too , woman :", "Throw your vilde gesses in the Diuels teeth ,", "From whence you haue them . You are iealious now ,", "That this is from some Mistris , some remembrance ;", "No , in good troth Bianca", "I know not neither :", "I found it in my Chamber ,", "I like the worke well ; Ere it be demanded", "I would haue it coppied :", "Take it , and doo't , and leaue me for this time", "I do attend heere on the Generall ,", "And thinke it no addition , nor my wish", "To haue him see me woman 'd", "Not that I loue you not", "\u2018 Tis but a little way that I can bring you ,", "For I attend heere : But Ile see you soone"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 667, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Will you thinke so ?", "What , to kisse in priuate ?", "Or to be naked with her Friend in bed ,", "An houre , or more , not meaning any harme ?", "If they do nothing , \u2018 tis a Veniall slip :", "But if I giue my wife a Handkerchiefe", "Why then \u2018 tis hers", "and being hers ,", "She may", "bestow't on any man", "Her honor is an Essence that 's not seene ,", "They haue it very oft , that haue it not .", "But for the Handkerchiefe", "He hath", "but be you well assur 'd ,", "No more then he'le vn-sweare", "Why , that he did : I know not what he did", "Lye", "With her ? On her : what you will", "Worke on ,", "My Medicine workes . Thus credulous Fooles are caught ,", "And many worthy , and chast Dames euen thus ,", "meete reproach : what hoa ? My Lord ?", "My Lord , I say : Othello .", "Enter Cassio .", "How now Cassio ?", "My Lord is falne into an Epilepsie ,", "This is his second Fit : he had one yesterday", "The Lethargie must haue his quyet course :", "If not , he foames at mouth : and by and by", "Breakes out to sauage madnesse . Looke , he stirres :", "Do you withdraw your selfe a little while ,", "He will recouer straight : when he is gone ,", "I would on great occasion , speake with you .", "How is it Generall ? Haue you not hurt your head ?", "I mocke you not , by Heauen :", "Would you would beare your Fortune like a Man", "Ther 's many a Beast then in a populous Citty ,", "And many a ciuill Monster", "Good Sir , be a man :", "Thinke euery bearded fellow that 's but yoak 'd", "May draw with you . There 's Millions now aliue ,", "That nightly lye in those vnproper beds ,", "Which they dare sweare peculiar . Your case is better .", "Oh , \u2018 tis the spight of hell , the Fiends Arch-mock ,", "To lip a wanton in a secure Cowch ;", "And to suppose her chast . No , let me know ,", "And knowing what I am , I know what she shallbe", "Stand you a while apart ,", "Confine your selfe but in a patient List ,", "Whil'st you were heere , o'rehYpppHeNwhelmed with your griefe", "Cassio came hither : I shifted him away ,", "And layd good scuses vpon your Extasie ,", "Bad him anon returne : and heere speake with me ,", "The which he promis 'd . Do but encaue your selfe ,", "And marke the Fleeres , the Gybes , and notable Scornes", "That dwell in euery Region of his face .", "For I will make him tell the Tale anew ;", "Where , how , how oft , how long ago , and when", "He hath , and is againe to cope your wife .", "I say , but marke his gesture : marry Patience ,", "Or I shall say y'are all in all in Spleene ,", "And nothing of a man", "That 's not amisse ,", "But yet keepe time in all : will you withdraw ?", "Now will I question Cassio of Bianca ,", "A Huswife that by selling her desires", "Buyes her selfe Bread , and Cloath . It is a Creature", "That dotes on Cassio ,", "He , when he heares of her , cannot restraine", "From the excesse of Laughter . Heere he comes .", "Enter Cassio .", "As he shall smile , Othello shall go mad :", "And his vnbookish Ielousie must conserue", "Poore Cassio 's smiles , gestures , and light behauiours", "Quite in the wrong . How do you Lieutenant ?", "Ply Desdemona well , and you are sure o n't :", "Now , if this Suit lay in Bianca 's dowre ,", "How quickely should you speed ?", "I neuer knew woman loue man so", "Do you heare Cassio ?", "She giues it out , that you shall marry her . Do you intend it ?", "Why the cry goes , that you marry her", "I am a very Villaine else", "Before me : looke where she comes .", "After her : after her", "Will you sup there ?", "Well , I may chance to see you : for I would very faine speake with you", "Go too ; say no more", "Did you perceiue how he laugh 'd at his vice ?", "And did you see the Handkerchiefe ?", "Yours by this hand : and to see how he prizes the foolish woman your wife : she gaue it him and , he hath giu'n it his whore", "Nay , you must forget that", "Nay , that 's not your way", "She 's the worse for all this", "I too gentle", "If you are so fond ouer her iniquitie : giue her pattent to offend , for if it touch not you , it comes neere no body", "Oh , \u2018 tis foule in her", "That 's fouler", "Do it not with poyson , strangle her in her bed ,", "Euen the bed she hath contaminated", "And for Cassio , let me be his vndertaker :", "You shall heare more by midnight .", "I warrant something from Venice ,", "\u2018 Tis Lodouico , this , comes from the Duke .", "See , your wife 's with him", "I am very glad to see you Signior :", "Welcome to Cyprus", "Liues Sir ,", "He is much chang 'd", "He 's that he is : I may not breath my censure .", "What he might be : if what he might , he is not ,", "I would to heauen he were", "\u2018 Faith that was not so well : yet would I knew", "That stroke would proue the worst", "Alas , alas :", "It is not honestie in me to speake", "What I haue seene , and knowne . You shall obserue him ,", "And his owne courses will denote him so ,", "That I may saue my speech : do but go after", "And marke how he continues", "What is your pleasure Madam ? How is't with you ?", "What is the matter Lady ?", "What name ,", "Why did he so ?", "Do not weepe , do not weepe : alas the day .", "Beshrew him for't :", "How comes this Tricke vpon him ?", "Fie , there is no such man : it is impossible", "Speake within doore .", "You are a Foole : go too", "I pray you be content : \u2018 tis but his humour :", "The businesse of the State do 's him offence", "It is but so , I warrant ,", "Hearke how these Instruments summon to supper :", "The Messengers of Venice staies the meate ,", "Go in , and weepe not : all things shall be well .", "Exeunt . Desdemona and aemilia .", "Enter Rodorigo .", "How now Rodorigo ?", "What in the contrarie ?", "Will you heare me Rodorigo ?", "You charge me most vniustly", "Well , go too : very well", "Very well", "You haue said now", "Why , now I see there 's mettle in thee : and euen from this instant do build on thee a better opinion then euer before : giue me thy hand Rodorigo . Thou hast taken against me a most iust exception : but yet I protest I haue dealt most directly in thy Affaire", "I grant indeed it hath not appeer 'd : and your suspition is not without wit and iudgement . But Rodorigo , if thou hast that in thee indeed , which I haue greater reason to beleeue now then euerthis night shew it . If thou the next night following enioy not Desdemona , take me from this world with Treacherie , and deuise Engines for my life", "Sir , there is especiall Commission come from", "Venice to depute Cassio in Othello 's place", "Oh no : he goes into Mauritania and taketh away with him the faire Desdemona , vnlesse his abode be lingred heere by some accident . Wherein none can be so determinate , as the remouing of Cassio", "Why , by making him vncapable of Othello 's place : knocking out his braines", "I : if you dare do your selfe a profit , and a right . He sups to night with a Harlotry : and thither will I go to him . He knowes not yet of his Honourable Fortune , if you will watch his going thenceyou may take him at your pleasure . I will be neere to second your Attempt , and he shall fall betweene vs. Come , stand not amaz 'd at it , but go along with me : I will shew you such a necessitie in his death , that you shall thinke your selfe bound to put it on him . It is now high supper time : and the night growes to wast . About it", "And you shalbe satisfi 'd . Exeunt . Scena Tertia ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 667, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Heere , stand behinde this Barke ,", "Straight will he come :", "Weare thy good Rapier bare , and put it home :", "Quicke , quicke , feare nothing ; Ile be at thy Elbow ,", "It makes vs , or it marres vs , thinke on that ,", "And fixe most firme thy Resolution", "Heere , at thy hand : Be bold , & take thy stand", "I haue rub 'd this yong Quat almost to the sense ,", "And he growes angry . Now , whether he kill Cassio ,", "Or Cassio him , or each do kill the other ,", "Euery way makes my gaine . Liue Rodorigo ,", "He calles me to a restitution large", "Of Gold , and Iewels , that I bob 'd from him ,", "As Guifts to Desdemona .", "It must not be : If Cassio do remaine ,", "He hath a dayly beauty in his life ,", "That makes me vgly : and besides , the Moore", "May vnfold me to him : there stand I in much perill :", "No , he must dye . But so , I heard him comming .", "Who 's there ? Who 's noyse is this that cries on murther ?", "Do not you heare a cry ?", "What 's the matter ?", "What are you heere , that cry so greeuously ?", "O mee , Lieutenant ! What Villaines haue done this ?", "Oh treacherous Villaines :", "What are you there ? Come in , and giue some helpe", "Oh murd'rous Slaue ! O Villaine !", "Kill men i'th \u2019 darke ? Where be these bloody Theeues ? How silent is this Towne ? Hoa , murther , murther . What may you be ? Are you of good , or euill ?", "Signior Lodouico ?", "I cry you mercy : here 's Cassio hurt by Villaines", "How is't Brother ?", "Marry heauen forbid :", "Light Gentlemen , Ile binde it with my shirt .", "Who is't that cry 'd ?", "O notable Strumpet . Cassio , may you suspect", "Who they should be , that haue thus mangled you ?", "Lend me a Garter . So : - Oh for a Chaire", "To beare him easily hence", "Gentlemen all , I do suspect this Trash", "To be a party in this Iniurie .", "Patience awhile , good Cassio . Come , come ;", "Lend me a Light : know we this face , or no ?", "Alas my Friend , and my deere Countryman", "Rodorigo ? No : Yes sure : Yes , \u2018 tis Rodorigo", "Euen he Sir : Did you know him ?", "Signior Gratiano ? I cry your gentle pardon :", "These bloody accidents must excuse my Manners ,", "That so neglected you", "How do you Cassio ? Oh , a Chaire , a Chaire", "He , he , \u2018 tis he :", "Oh that 's well said , the Chaire .", "Some good man beare him carefully from hence ,", "Ile fetch the Generall 's Surgeon . For you Mistris ,", "Saue you your labour . He that lies slaine heere", "Was my deere friend . What malice was between you", "What ? looke you pale ? Oh beare him o'th \u2019 Ayre .", "Stay you good Gentlemen . Looke you pale , Mistris ?", "Do you perceiue the gastnesse of her eye ?", "Nay , if you stare , we shall heare more anon .", "Behold her well : I pray you looke vpon her :", "Do you see Gentlemen ? Nay , guiltinesse will speake", "Though tongues were out of vse .", "Cassio hath heere bin set on in the darke", "By Rodorigo , and Fellowes that are scap 'd :", "He 's almost slaine , and Rodorigo quite dead .", "This is the fruits of whoring . Prythe aemilia ,", "Go know of Cassio where he supt to night .", "What , do you shake at that ?", "O did he so ? I charge you go with me .", "Kinde Gentlemen : Let 's go see poore Cassio drest . Come Mistris , you must tel 's another Tale . aemilia , run you to the Cittadell , And tell my Lord and Lady , what hath happ 'd : Will you go on afore ? This is the night That either makes me , or foredoes me quight . Exeunt . Scoena Secunda .", "I told him what I thought ,", "And told no more", "Then what he found himselfe was apt , and true .", "I did .", "With Cassio , Mistris ? Go too , charme your tongue", "What , are you mad ? I charge you get you home", "Come , hold your peace", "Be wise , and get you home", "Villanous Whore", "Filth , thou lyest", "I bleed Sir , but not kill 'd"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 667, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Well , madam , just wait until you hear who it was . I declare it was much more for Miss Dorothy and yourself than for me ; and if it was a little countrified , I had a good excuse .", "Miss Evelina , I was sure you would ask . Well , what do you think ? I was looking out of window at the barber 's opposite", "And first there came out two of the most beautiful - the Royal livery , madam !", "O no , madam , it was after they were gone . Then , who should come out - but you 'll never guess !", "Mr. Menteith himself !", "O madam , not the Beau 's own gentleman ?", "No doubt of that , madam ; they 're never far apart . He came out feeling his chin , madam , so ; and a packet of letters under his arm , so ; and he had the Beau 's own walk to that degree you could n't tell his back from his master 's .", "Madam , I know it ; but la , what are you to make of me ? Look at the time and trouble dear Miss Dorothy was always taking - she that trained up everybody - and see what 's come of it : Barbara Ridley I was , and Barbara Ridley I am ; and I do n't do with fashionable ways - I can n't do with them ; and indeed , Miss Evelina , I do sometimes wish we were all back again on Edenside , and Mr. Anthony a boy again , and dear Miss Dorothy her old self , galloping the bay mare along the moor , and taking care of all of us as if she was our mother , bless her heart !", "That it has , madam , and the sight of Mr. Menteith put it clean out of my head .Four for you , Miss Evelina , two for me , and only one for Miss Dorothy . Miss Dorothy seems quite neglected , does she not ? Six months ago , it was a different story .", "O madam , will he come in his red coat ?", "La , madam , he can n't help that .", "La , madam , how nice !", "La , Miss Evelina , there 's no harm in an old maid .", "Why , madam , I did think it was a case with Mr. Austin .", "Sure , madam , that must be tiresome for him .", "Well , madam , I believe that : he is the most beautiful gentleman still ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 674, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["At the name of Miss Musgrave , my doors fly always open .", "The county member ? An old and good friend . But you need not go so far afield : I know your good house of Allonby Shaw since the days of the Black Knight . We are , in fact , and at a very royal distance , cousins .", "The preliminary , sir , is somewhat grave .", "Menteith , my good fellow .Mr. Fenwick , honour me so far as to be seated .I await your pleasure .", "From Miss Musgrave ?", "Proceed .", "In the best interests of the ladyI question if you have been well inspired . You are aware , sir , that from such interference there is but one issue : to whom shall I address my friend ?", "Then , sir, his conversation becomes impossible . You have me at too gross a disadvantage ; and , as you are a gentleman and respect another , I would suggest that you retire .", "You speak from the heart .What do you want with me ?", "Mr. Fenwick , I am the older man . I have seen much of life , much of society , much of love . When I was young , it was expected of a gentleman to be ready with his hat to a lady , ready with his sword to a man ; to honour his word and his king ; to be courteous with his equals , generous to his dependants , helpful and trusty in friendship . But it was not asked of us to be quixotic . If I had married every lady by whom it is my fortune - not my merit - to have been distinguished , the Wells would scarce be spacious enough for my establishment . You see , sir , that while I respect your emotion , I am myself conducted by experience . And besides , Mr. Fenwick , is not love a warfare ? has it not rules ? have not our fair antagonists their tactics , their weapons , their place of arms ? and is there not a touch of - pardon me the word ! of silliness in one who , having fought , and having vanquished , sounds a parley , and capitulates to his own prisoner ? Had the lady chosen , had the fortune of war been other , \u2018 tis like she had been Mrs. Austin . Now I . . . You know the world .", "Afraid , child ?", "I have lived long enough , Mr. Fenwick , to recognise that the world is a great power . It can make ; but it can break .", "Mr. Fenwick , Mr. Fenwick , you forget what I have suffered .", "Good God , sir , I believe you are in the right ; I believe , upon my soul I believe , there is something in what you say .", "Nay , nay , but there you go too far . There are many kinds of good : honour is a diamond cut in a thousand facets , and with the true fire in each . Thus , and with all our differences , Mr. Fenwick , you and I can still respect , we can still admire each other .", "You forget , sir , you forget . But go on .", "Child - child -", "I am a gentleman . What do you ask of me ?", "Mr. Fenwick , your reproof is harsh -", "But it is merited , and I thank you for its utterance . You tell me that the true victory comes when the fight is won : that our foe is never so noble nor so dangerous as when she is fallen , that the crowning triumph is that we celebrate over our conquering selves . Sir , you are right . Kindness , ay kindness after all . And with age , to become clement . Yes , ambition first ; then , the rounded vanity - victory still novel ; and last , as you say , the royal mood of the mature man ; to abdicate for others . . . Sir , you touched me hard about my dead friend ; still harder about my living duty ; and I am not so young but I can take a lesson . There is my hand upon it : she shall be my wife .", "Then , sir , you were vastly mistaken . There is nothing of Beau Austin here . I have simply , my dear child , sate at the feet of Mr. Fenwick .", "Pardon me . I am vain enough to be the judge : there are but two people in the world who could have wrought this change : yourself and that dear lady .Suffer me to dismiss you . One instant of toilet , and I follow . Will you do me the honour to go before , and announce my approach ?", "Dear child , the admiration is the other way ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 674, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Commander , here 's HER \u2018 ealth !", "So she is , Commander . But there 's no woman understands a seaman ; now you and me , being both bred to it , we splice by natur \u2019 . As for A. G ., if argyment can win her , why , she 's yours . If I 'd a-had your \u2018 ed for argyment , damme , I 'd a-been a Admiral , I would ! And if argyment wo n't win her , well , see here , you put your trust in David Pew .", "Ah , and why , says you ? Because I up and put her in her place , when she forgot herself to you , Commander .", "That 's my way . That 's Pew 's way , that is . That 's Pew 's way all over . Commander , excuse the liberty ; but when I was your age , making allowance for a lowlier station and less \u2018 ed for argyment , I was as like you as two peas . I know it by the v'ice- \u2018 We had n't been three days at sea before we saw a sail , So we clapped on every stitch would stand , although it blew a gale , And we walked along full fourteen knots , for the barkie she did know As well as ever a soul on board , \u2018 twas time for us to go . \u2019 Chorus , Cap'n ! PEW AND KIT- \u2018 Time for us to go , Time for us to go , As well as ever a soul on board , \u2018 Twas time for us to go . \u2019 PEW- \u2018 We carried away the royal yard , and the stunsail boom was gone ; Says the skipper , \u201c They may go or stand , I 'm damned if I do n't crack on ; So the weather braces we 'll round in , and the trysail set also , And we 'll keep the brig three p'ints away , for it 's time for us to go . Give it mouth , Commander ! PEW AND KIT- \u2018 Time for us to go , Time for us to go , And we 'll keep the brig three p'ints away , For it 's time for us to go . \u2019", "I ai n't sung like that since I sang to Admiral \u2018 Awke , the night before I lost my eyes , I ai n't . \u2018 Sink me ! \u2019 says he , says Admiral \u2018 Awke , my old commander, \u2018 sink me ! \u2019 he says , \u2018 if that ai n't \u2018 art-of-oak , \u2019 he says : \u2018'arthYpppHeNofhYpppHeNoak , \u2019 says he , \u2018 and a pipe like a bloody blackbird ! \u2019 Commander , here 's my respecks , and the devil fly away with Admiral Guinea !", "I ax your pardon ; but as a man with a \u2018 ed for argyment - and that 's your best p'int o \u2019 sailing , Commander ; intelleck is your best p'int hYpppHeN as a man with a \u2018 ed for argyment , how do I make it out ?", "Lord love you , if I 'd a-had a \u2018 ed like yours ! Why the Admiral was my first cap'n . I was that man 's bo'sun , I was , aboard the ARETHUSA ; and we was like two brothers . Did you never hear of Guinea-land and the black ivory business ?- \u2018 A quick run to the south we had , and when we made the Bight We kept the offing all day long and crossed the bar at night . Six hundred niggers in the hold and seventy we did stow , And when we 'd clapped the hatches on , \u2018 twas time for us to go . \u2019 Lay forward , lads ! KIT AND PEW- \u2018 Time for us to go , \u2019 etc .", "Ah , I see you coming . What a \u2018 ed ! what a \u2018 ed ! Since Pew is a friend of the family , says you , why did n't he sail in and bear a hand , says you , when you was knocking the Admiral 's ship about his ears in argyment ?", "Ah , why not ? There I recko'nise you .", "Ah , that I have : you 'll see . I wanted - now you follow me - I wanted to keep square with Admiral Guinea . ] Why ? says you . Well , put it that I know a fine young fellow when I sees him ; and put it that I wish him well ; and put it , for the sake of argyment , that the father of that lovely female 's in my power . Aha ? Pew 's Power ! Why , in my \u2018 ands he 's like this pocket \u2018 andke'cher . Now , brave boy , do you see ?", "Why , cheer up , Commander ! You want to marry this lovely female ?", "Now , Cap'n , you 'll allow a old seaman to be judge : one as sailed with \u2018 Awke and blessed Benb - with \u2018 Awke and noble Anson . You 've been open and above-board with me , and I 'll do the same by you : it being the case that you 're hard hit about a lovely woman , which many a time and oft it has happened to old Pew ; and him with a feeling \u2018 art that bleeds for you , Commander ; why look here : I 'm that girl 's godfather ; promised and vowed for her , I did ; and I like you ; and you 're the man for her ; and , by the living Jacob , you shall splice !", "Do I mean what I say ? Does David Pew ? Ask Admiral \u2018 Awke ! Ask old Admiral Byng in his coffin , where I laid him with these lands ! Pew does , is what those naval commanders would reply . Mean it ? I reckon so .", "Can I ? You leave that to me ; I 'll bring you to your moorings ; I 'm the man that can , and I 'm him that will . But only , look here , let 's understand each other . You 're a bold blade , ai n't you ? You wo n't stick at a trifle for a lovely female ? You 'll back me up ? You 're a man , ai n't you ? a man , and you 'll see me through and through it , hey ? Come ; is that so ? Are you fair and square and stick at nothing ?", "I 'll risk it . - Well , then , see here , my son : another swallow and we jog .", "Commander , in a manner of speaking , wherefore ?", "Commander , I ax your pardon ; but , saving your presence , that 's a lie . What ? drunk ? a man with a \u2018 ed for argyment like that ? just you get up , and steady yourself on your two pins , and you 'll be as right as ninepence .", "Ah , you leave that to me . All I want is what I 've got : your promise to stand by and bear a hand] Now , here , you see , is my little glim ; it ai n't for me , because I 'm blind , worse luck ! and the day and night is the blessed same to David Pew . But you watch . You put the candle near me . Here 's what there ai n't mony blind men could do , take the pick o \u2019 them !Hey ? That 's it . Hey ? Go and pity the poor blind !", "To see by , my son .All ship-shape ? No sparks about ? No ? Come , then , lean on me and heave ahead for the lovely female .- \u2018 Time for us to go , Time for us to go , And when we 'd clapped the hatches on , \u2018 Twas time for us to go . \u2019 DROP ACT III . The Stage represents the Admiral 's house , as in Act I. GAUNT seated , is reading aloud ; ARETHUSA sits at his feet . Candles"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 674, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Amen . Father , there spoke my heart . ]", "And yet this pain is our natural lot . Father , I fear to boast , but I know that I can bear it . Let my life , then , flow like common lives , each pain rewarded with some pleasure , each pleasure linked with some pain : nothing pure whether for good or evil : and my husband , like myself and all the rest of us , only a poor , kind-hearted sinner , striving for the better part . What more could any woman ask ?", "I see nothing but the face I love .", "Remember her ? Ah , if she had been here to-day !", "Killed her ? my mother ? You ?", "I understand - I can see : you brood on trifles , misunderstandings , unkindnesses you think them ; though my mother never knew of them , or never gave them a second thought . It is natural , when death has come between .", "Mother ! O poor soul ! O poor father ! O father , it was hard on you .", "O teach me how ! Show me the way ! only show me . - O mother , mother ! - If it were paved with fire , show me the way , and I will walk it bare-foot !", "Her watch ? the wedding ring ? O father , forgive me !", "And you come in your sleep to look at them . O poor father ! I understand - I understand you now .", "And why , why did you not tell me ? I thought - I was like the rest ! - I feared you were a miser . O , you should have told me ; I should have been so proud - so proud and happy . I knew you loved her ; but not this , not this .", "Father , may I speak ? May I tell you what my heart tells me ? You do not understand about my mother . You loved her - O , as few men can love . And she loved you : think how she loved you ! In this world , you know - you have told me - there is nothing perfect . All we men and women have our sins ; and they are a pain to those that love us , and the deeper the love , the crueller the pain . That is life ; and it is life we ask , not heaven ; and what matter for the pain , if only the love holds on ? Her love held : then she was happy ! Her love was immortal ; and when she died , her one grief was to be parted from you , her one hope to welcome you again .", "God bless her , yes , and me ! But , father , can you not see that she was blessed among women ?", "No , dearest , no . She loved you , loved you and died of it . Why else do women live ? What would I ask but just to love my Kit and die for him , and look down from heaven , and see him keep my memory holy and live the nobler for my sake ?", "Even as my mother loved my father .", "O father , I know you at last ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 674, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come , dear Kit , come !", "O Kit , you are not angry with me .", "Kit , I was wrong . Forgive me .", "Kit , you must judge me fairly . It was not my life that was at stake , it was yours . Had it been mine - mine , Kit - what had you done , then ?", "Ah , you see ! Now you understand . It was all pure love . When he said that word - O ! - death and that disgrace ! . . . But I know my father . He fears nothing so much as the goodness of his heart ; and yet it conquers . He would pray , he said : and to-night , and by the kindness of his voice , I knew he was convinced already . All that is wanted , is that you should forgive me .", "O , that blind man ! The fiend ! He came back , Kit : did you hear him ? he thought we had killed you - you !", "One thing puzzles me : how did you get in ? I saw my father lock the door .", "Again ? that man !", "Kit , I am afraid . O Kit , he will kill my father .", "O Kit , he is too strong for you .", "Kit ! Are you ill ?", "O , and the blind man !", "Here , lad , drink that .", "Suppose you miss him ?", "Locked !", "Quick , quick !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 674, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["A wedding ? Ah , and you 're the bride .", "Heavens , am I blind ?", "I take you at the word : have me .", "Modesty is for the poor : when one is rich and nobly born , \u2018 tis but a clog . I love you . What is your name ?", "Now , Bertrand , mark me .", "Was it well done ?", "What ?", "Bitten ! } ASIDE .", "Ahem ! I think you said the linen bore an M ?", "True . The basket white , I think ?", "Ah ! brown - a whitey-brown .", "I own , sir , I deceived you : I feared some wounding offer , and my pride replied . But to be quite frank with you , you behold me here , the Baron Henri-Frederic de Latour de Main de la Tonnerre de Brest , and between my simple manhood and the infinite these rags are all .", "A gift ? a small one ? never !", "Bitten . }", "Hey ? }", "Ca n't they marry ? }", "Bravo ! }", "My friends , one word : I perceive by your downcast looks that you have not recognised the true nature of your responsibility as citizens of time . What is care ? impiety . Joy ? the whole duty of man . Here is an opportunity of duty it were sinful to forego . With a word , I could lighten your hearts ; but I prefer to quicken your heels , and send you forth on your ingenuous errand with happy faces and smiling thoughts , the physicians of your own recovery . Fiddlers , to your catgut ! Up , Bertrand , and show them how one foots it in society ; forward , girls , and choose me every one the lad she loves ; Dumont , benign old man , lead forth our blushing Curate ; and you , O bride , embrace the uniform of your beloved , and help us dance in your wedding-day ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 674, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Let no man leave the house .", "It is not the friend that comes ; it is the Brigadier . Summon your guests : I must investigate their passports . I am in pursuit of a notorious malefactor , Robert Macaire .", "They were , but they have once more escaped for the moment , and justice is indefatigable .Dumont , a bottle of white wine .", "Halt ! MACAIREHa ? a member of the force ? Charmed , I 'm sure . But you misconceive me : I return at once , and my friend remains behind to answer for me .", "Justice is insensible to friendship . I shall deal with you in due time . Dumont , that bottle .", "Justice is impartial . Gentlemen , your health .", "They are on duty ; but what matters ?", "This gentleman is speaking .", "Are you connected with justice ?", "Halt !", "Sentry at the door . Your passports .", "Your name is ?", "Justice exacts your name .", "Your profession ?", "No , but what is your trade ?", "Justice is inscrutable . Your papers are in order .", "Now , sir , and yours ?", "Those are my sentiments .", "Your name ?", "What ? In your passport it is written Bertrand .", "The truth is always best . Your profession ?", "What the devil !Is your friend an idiot ?", "Poetry is a great hindrance to the ends of justice .", "Well , take your papers ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 674, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["meeting her kindly . How does the happy Cause of my Content , my dear Amanda ? You find me musing on my happy State , And full of grateful Thoughts to Heaven , and you .", "The largest Boons that Heaven thinks fit to grant", "To Things it has decreed shall crawl on Earth ,", "Are in the Gift of Woman form 'd like you .", "Perhaps when Time shall be no more ,", "When the aspiring Soul shall take its Flight ,", "And drop this pond'rous Lump of Clay behind it ,", "It may have Appetites we know not of ,", "And Pleasures as refin 'd as its Desires \u2014", "But till that Day of Knowledge shall instruct me ,", "The utmost Blessing that my Thought can reach ,", "Is folded in my Arms , and rooted in my", "Heart .", "Well said , Amanda \u2014 let it be for ever .\u2014", "Wou 'd Heaven grant that \u2014", "It must : that mournful Separation we must see .", "A bitter Pill it is to all ; but doubles its ungrateful Taste ,", "When Lovers are to swallow it ;", "Can you then doubt my Constancy , Amanda ?", "You 'll find \u2018 tis built upon a steady Basis \u2014\u2014", "The Rock of Reason now supports my Love ,", "On which it stands so fix 'd ,", "The rudest Hurricane of wild Desire", "Wou 'd , like the Breath of a soft slumbering Babe ,", "Pass by , and never shake it .", "You know then all that needs to give you Rest ,", "For Wife 's the strongest Claim that you can urge .", "When you would plead your Title to my Heart ,", "On this you may depend ; therefore be calm ,", "Banish your Fears , for they are Traitors to your Peace :", "Beware of them , they are insinuating busy Things", "That gossip to and fro , and do a World of Mischief", "Where they come : But you shall soon be Mistress of \u2018 em all ,", "I 'll aid you with such Arms for their Destruction ,", "They never shall erect their Heads again .", "You know the Business is indispensible , that obliges", "Me to go to London , and you have no Reason , that I", "Know of , to believe that I 'm glad of the Occasion :", "For my honest Conscience is my Witness ,", "I have found a due Succession of such Charms", "In my Retirement here with you ,", "I have never thrown one roving Thought that way ;", "But since , against my Will , I 'm dragg 'd once more", "To that uneasy Theatre of Noise ,", "I am resolv 'd to make such use o n't ,", "As shall convince you \u2018 tis an old cast Mistress ,", "Who has been so lavish of her Favours ,", "She 's now grown Bankrupt of her Charms ,", "And has not one Allurement left to move me .", "That Trial past , and y'are at ease for ever ;", "When you have seen the Helmet prov 'd ,", "You 'll apprehend no more for him that wears it :", "Therefore to put a lasting Period to your Fears ,", "I am resolv 'd , this once , to launch into Temptation .", "I 'll give you an Essay of all my Virtues ;", "My former boon Companions of the Bottle", "Shall fairly try what Charms are left in Wine :", "I 'll take my Place amongst them ,", "They shall hem me in ,", "Sing Praises to their God , and drink his Glory ;", "Turn wild Enthusiasts for his sake ,", "And Beasts to do him Honour :", "Whilst I , a stubborn Atheist ,", "Sullenly look on ,", "Without one reverend Glass to his Divinity .", "That for my Temperance ,", "Then for my Constancy \u2014\u2014", "Indeed the Danger 's small .", "Why are you so timorous ?", "My Courage should disperse your Apprehensions .", "Fy , fy , Amanda , it is not kind thus to distrust me .", "For if you can believe \u2018 tis possible", "I shou 'd again relapse to my past Follies ,", "I must appear to you a thing", "Of such an undigested Composition ,", "That but to think of me with Inclination ,", "Wou 'd be a Weakness in your Taste ,", "Your Virtue scarce cou 'd answer .", "Nor shall they trouble you much longer ,", "A little time shall shew you they were groundless ;", "This Winter shall be the fiery Trial of my Virtue ;", "Which , when it once has past ,", "You 'll be convinc 'd \u2018 twas of no false Allay ,", "There all your Cares will end \u2014", "How do you like these Lodgings , my Dear ? For my part , I am so well pleased with them , I shall hardly remove whilst we stay in Town , if you are satisfy 'd .", "O ! a little of the Noise and Bustle of the World sweetens the Pleasures of Retreat : We shall find the Charms of our Retirement doubled , when we return to it .", "I own most of them are indeed but empty ; nay , so empty , that one would wonder by what Magick Power they act , when they induce us to be vicious for their sakes . Yet some there are we may speak kindlier of : There are Delights , of which a private Life is destitute , which may divert an honest Man , and be a harmless Entertainment to a virtuous Woman . The Conversation of the Town is one ; and trulythe Plays , I think , may be esteem 'd another .", "But till that Reformation can be made , I would not leave the wholesome Corn for some intruding Tares that grow among it . Doubtless the Moral of a well-wrought Scene is of prevailing Force \u2014\u2014 Last Night there happen 'd one that mov 'd me strangely .", "Why \u2018 twas about \u2014 but \u2018 tis not worth repeating .", "No , I think \u2018 tis as well let alone .", "\u2018 Twas a foolish thing : You 'd perhaps grow jealous shou 'd I tell it you , tho \u2019 without a Cause , Heaven knows .", "I 'll then convince you you have none , by making it no longer so . Know then , I happen 'd in the Play to find my very Character , only with the Addition of a Relapse ; which struck me so , I put a sudden Stop to a most harmless Entertainment , which till then diverted me between the Acts . \u2018 Twas to admire the Workmanship of Nature , in the Face of a young Lady that sat some distance from me , she was so exquisitely handsome \u2014\u2014", "Why do you repeat my Words , my Dear ?", "Then you are alarmed , Amanda ?", "You are too quick in apprehending for me ; all will be well when you have heard me out . I do confess I gaz 'd upon her , nay , eagerly I gaz 'd upon her .", "No , I desir 'd her not : I view 'd her with a World of Admiration , but not one Glance of Love .", "I did take heed ; for observing in the Play , that he who seem 'd to represent me there , was , by an Accident like this , unwarily surpriz 'd into a Net , in which he lay a poor intangled Slave , and brought a Train of Mischiefs on his Head , I snatch 'd my Eyes away ; they pleaded hard for leave to look again , but I grew absolute , and they obey 'd .", "Indeed I cannot tell .", "By all that 's sacred , then , I did not ask .", "I do not .", "Why , were you disturb 'd ?", "None certainly .", "But you thought wrong , Amanda ; For turn the Case , and let it be your Story ; Should you come home , and tell me you had seen a handsome Man , shou 'd I grow jealous because you had Eyes ?", "She has Reason on her side , I have talk 'd too much ; but I must turn it off another way .Will you then make no difference , Amanda , between the Language of our Sex and yours ? There is a Modesty restrains your Tongues , which makes you speak by halves when you commend ; but roving Flattery gives a loose to ours , which makes us still speak double what we think : You shou 'd not therefore , in so strict a Sense , take what I said to her Advantage .", "I am content .", "Do n't you be jealous now , for I shall gaze upon her too .", "Ha ! By Heavens , the very Woman !", "If my Wife never desires a harder thing ,", "Madam , her Request will be easily granted .", "You ought rather , Madam , to wish me Joy upon that , since I am the only Gainer .", "If the World is so favourable to me , to allow I deserve that", "Title , I hope \u2018 tis so just to my Wife , to own I derive it from her .", "I 'm afraid we shall lose that Character , Madam , whenever you happen to change your Condition .", "Lord Foppington !\u2014 I know him not .", "Give my Service to his Lordship , and let him know , I am proud of the Honour he intends me .", "No , there you are wrong , Amanda ; you shou 'd never bestow your", "Pity upon those who take pains for your Contempt ; Pity those whom", "Nature abuses , but never those who abuse Nature .", "You have done well to engage a Second , my Dear ; for here comes one will be apt to call you to an Account for your Country Principles .", "My Lord , this young Lady is a Relation of my Wife 's .", "\u2018 Tis a heavenly one , indeed !", "But your Lordship now is become a Pillar of the State ; you must attend the weighty Affairs of the Nation .", "O , but you 'll find the House will expect your Attendance .", "But your Friends will take it ill if you do n't attend their particular Causes .", "Not I , my Lord ; I 'm too fashionable a Husband to pry into the", "Secrets of my Wife .", "Hey ; what the Devil , do you affront my Wife , Sir ? Nay then \u2014", "I hope I ha n't kill 'd the Fool , however \u2014\u2014 Bear him up ! Where 's your Wound ?", "Call a Surgeon there : Unbutton him quickly .", "This Mischief you may thank yourself for .", "Pr'ythee do n't stand prating , but look upon his Wound .", "Why then he 'll bleed to Death , Sir .", "\u2018 Slife , he 's run thro \u2019 the Guts , I tell thee .", "Let me see his Wound .", "Why , thou art the veriest Coxcomb I ever saw .", "I shall hardly think it worth my prosecuting any farther , so you may be at rest , Sir .", "Oh , there 's no harm done : You serv 'd him well .", "O , no matter ; never trouble yourself about that .", "O , a Trifle : He would have lain with my Wife before my Face , so she oblig 'd him with a Box o'the Ear , and I run him thro \u2019 the Body : That was all .", "None at all : He 's fallen into the Hands of a roguish Surgeon , who I perceive designs to frighten a little Money out of him . But I saw his Wound , \u2018 tis nothing ; he may go to the Play to-night , if he pleases .", "With all my Heart .Tho \u2019 I cou 'd wish , methinks , to stay and gaze a little longer on that Creature . Good God ! How beautiful she is !\u2014 But what have I to do with Beauty ? I have already had my Portion , and must not covet more . Come , Sir , when you please .", "~ to ~ Wor . ] I 'll overtake you , Sir : What wou 'd my Dear ?", "Jealous already , Amanda ?", "Aside . ] Whate'er her Reason be , I must not tell her true .Why , I confess she 's handsome . But you must not think I slight your Kinswoman , if I own to you , of all the Women who may claim that Character , she is the last wou 'd triumph in my Heart .", "Now tell me why you ask 'd ?", "I 'm yours .", "Is my Wife within ?", "\u2018 Tis well ; leave me . Solus . Sure Fate has yet some Business to be done , Before Amanda 's Heart and mine must rest ; Else , why amongst those Legions of her Sex , Which throng the World , Shou 'd she pick out for her Companion The only one on Earth Whom Nature has endow 'd for her undoing ? Undoing was't , I said \u2014\u2014 Who shall undo her ? Is not her Empire fix 'd ? Am I not hers ? Did she not rescue me , a groveling Slave , When , chain 'd and bound by that black Tyrant Vice , I labour 'd in his vilest Drudgery ? Did she not ransom me , and set me free ? Nay , more : When by my Follies sunk To a poor tatter 'd , despicable Beggar , Did she not lift me up to envy 'd Fortune ? Give me herself , and all that she possest ? Without a Thought of more Return , Than what a poor repenting Heart might make her , Ha n't she done this ? And if she has , Am I not strongly bound to love her for it ? To love her \u2014 Why , do I not love her then ? By Earth and Heaven , I do ! Nay , I have Demonstration that I do : For I would sacrifice my Life to serve her . Yet hold \u2014\u2014 If laying down my Life Be Demonstration of my Love , What is't I feel in favour of Berinthia ? For shou 'd she be in danger , methinks , I cou 'd incline To risk it for her Service too ; and yet I do not love her . How then subsists my Proof ?\u2014 \u2014 O , I have found it out . What I would do for one , is Demonstration of my Love ; And if I 'd do as much for t'other : it there is Demonstration of my Friendship \u2014\u2014 Ay \u2014\u2014 it must be so . I find I 'm very much her Friend .\u2014 Yet let me ask myself one puzzling Question more : Whence springs this mighty Friendship all at once ? For our Acquaintance is of a later Date . Now Friendship 's said to be a Plant of tedious Growth , its Root compos 'd of tender Fibres , nice in their Taste , cautious in spreading , check 'd with the least Corruption in the Soil , long ere it take , and longer still ere it appear to do so ; whilst mine is in a Moment shot so high , and fix 'd so fast , it seems beyond the Power of Storms to shake it . I doubt it thrives too fast .Enter ~ Berinthia ~. \u2014 Ah , she here !\u2014 Nay , then take heed , my Heart , for there are Dangers towards .", "I was debating , Madam , whether I was so or not ; and that was it which made me look so thoughtful .", "What if the Distemper , I suspect , be in the Mind ?", "Alas , you undertake you know not what .", "Nay , I 'll allow you so yet farther : For I have reason to believe , shou 'd I put myself into your Hands , you wou 'd increase my Distemper .", "Were I but sure of that , I 'd quickly lay my Case before you .", "O , a very great one .", "You might betray my Distemper to my Wife .", "Will you then keep my Secret ?", "Swear .", "By what ?", "That 's swearing by my Deity . Do it by your own , or I sha n't believe you .", "I 'm satisfy 'd . Now hear my Symptoms , and give me your Advice .", "The first were these :", "When \u2018 twas my Chance to see you at the Play ,", "A random Glance you threw , at first alarm 'd me ,", "I cou 'd not turn my Eyes from whence the Danger came :", "I gaz 'd upon you , till you shot again ,", "And then my Fears came on me .", "My Heart began to pant , my Limbs to tremble ,", "My Blood grew thin , my Pulse beat quick ,", "My Eyes grew hot and dim , and all the Frame of Nature", "Shook with Apprehension .", "\u2018 Tis true , some small Recruits of Resolution", "My Manhood brought to my Assistance ,", "And by their Help I made a Stand a while ,", "But found at last your Arrows flew so thick ,", "They cou 'd not fail to pierce me ;", "So left the Field ,", "And fled for shelter to Amanda 's Arms .", "What think you of these Symptoms , pray ?", "Why , instantly she let me Blood , which for the present much assuag 'd my Flame . But when I saw you , out it burst again , and rag 'd with greater Fury than before . Nay , since you now appear , \u2018 tis so increas 'd , that in a Moment , if you do not help me , I shall , whilst you look on , consume to Ashes .", "Then we 'll die together , my charming Angel .", "Tell her I 'm coming .", "In Matters of Love , a Woman 's Oath is no more to be minded than a Man 's .", "So , thus for all 's well . I 'm got into her Bed-Chamber , and I think nobody has perceiv 'd me steal into the House ; my Wife do n't expect me home till four o'Clock ; so if Berinthia comes to Bed by eleven , I shall have a Chace of five Hours . Let me see , where shall I hide myself ? Under her Bed ? No ; we shall have her Maid searching there for something or other ; her Closet 's a better place , and I have a Master-Key will open it : I 'll e'en in there , and attack her just when she comes to her Prayers , that 's the most like to prove her critical Minute ; for then the Devil will be there to assist me .", "Peace , my Dear ; it 's no Ghost , take it in your Arms , you 'll find \u2018 tis worth a hundred of \u2018 em .", "Is the Coast clear ?", "I am very well pleas 'd with my Trick thus far , and shall be so till I have play 'd it out , if it be n't your Fault : where 's my Wife ?", "With whom ?", "Then we are safe enough .", "And they 'd be in the right o n't too . But I dare trust mine :\u2014\u2014 Besides , I know he 's in love in another place , and he 's not one of those who court half a dozen at a time .", "What says Amanda to my staying abroad so late ?", "Then I 'm afraid they 'll quarrel at Play , and soon throw up the Cards :Therefore , my dear charming Angel , let us make good use of our time .", "Pray what do you think I mean ?", "I 'll shew you .", "No , that wou 'd make you blush worse than t'other .", "Faith , I can n't tell that ; but if I do , it shall be in the dark .", "I 'll try that .", "You 'll do as well without it .", "Come into the Closet , Madam , there 's Moonshine upon the Couch .", "Then you must be carried ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 680, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["How do you like these Lodgings , my Dear ? For my part , I am so well pleased with them , I shall hardly remove whilst we stay in Town , if you are satisfy 'd .", "O ! a little of the Noise and Bustle of the World sweetens the Pleasures of Retreat : We shall find the Charms of our Retirement doubled , when we return to it .", "I own most of them are indeed but empty ; nay , so empty , that one would wonder by what Magick Power they act , when they induce us to be vicious for their sakes . Yet some there are we may speak kindlier of : There are Delights , of which a private Life is destitute , which may divert an honest Man , and be a harmless Entertainment to a virtuous Woman . The Conversation of the Town is one ; and trulythe Plays , I think , may be esteem 'd another .", "But till that Reformation can be made , I would not leave the wholesome Corn for some intruding Tares that grow among it . Doubtless the Moral of a well-wrought Scene is of prevailing Force \u2014\u2014 Last Night there happen 'd one that mov 'd me strangely .", "Why \u2018 twas about \u2014 but \u2018 tis not worth repeating .", "No , I think \u2018 tis as well let alone .", "\u2018 Twas a foolish thing : You 'd perhaps grow jealous shou 'd I tell it you , tho \u2019 without a Cause , Heaven knows .", "I 'll then convince you you have none , by making it no longer so . Know then , I happen 'd in the Play to find my very Character , only with the Addition of a Relapse ; which struck me so , I put a sudden Stop to a most harmless Entertainment , which till then diverted me between the Acts . \u2018 Twas to admire the Workmanship of Nature , in the Face of a young Lady that sat some distance from me , she was so exquisitely handsome \u2014\u2014", "Why do you repeat my Words , my Dear ?", "Then you are alarmed , Amanda ?", "You are too quick in apprehending for me ; all will be well when you have heard me out . I do confess I gaz 'd upon her , nay , eagerly I gaz 'd upon her .", "No , I desir 'd her not : I view 'd her with a World of Admiration , but not one Glance of Love .", "I did take heed ; for observing in the Play , that he who seem 'd to represent me there , was , by an Accident like this , unwarily surpriz 'd into a Net , in which he lay a poor intangled Slave , and brought a Train of Mischiefs on his Head , I snatch 'd my Eyes away ; they pleaded hard for leave to look again , but I grew absolute , and they obey 'd .", "Indeed I cannot tell .", "By all that 's sacred , then , I did not ask .", "I do not .", "Why , were you disturb 'd ?", "None certainly .", "But you thought wrong , Amanda ; For turn the Case , and let it be your Story ; Should you come home , and tell me you had seen a handsome Man , shou 'd I grow jealous because you had Eyes ?", "She has Reason on her side , I have talk 'd too much ; but I must turn it off another way .Will you then make no difference , Amanda , between the Language of our Sex and yours ? There is a Modesty restrains your Tongues , which makes you speak by halves when you commend ; but roving Flattery gives a loose to ours , which makes us still speak double what we think : You shou 'd not therefore , in so strict a Sense , take what I said to her Advantage .", "I am content .", "Do n't you be jealous now , for I shall gaze upon her too .", "Ha ! By Heavens , the very Woman !", "If my Wife never desires a harder thing ,", "Madam , her Request will be easily granted .", "You ought rather , Madam , to wish me Joy upon that , since I am the only Gainer .", "If the World is so favourable to me , to allow I deserve that", "Title , I hope \u2018 tis so just to my Wife , to own I derive it from her .", "I 'm afraid we shall lose that Character , Madam , whenever you happen to change your Condition .", "Lord Foppington !\u2014 I know him not .", "Give my Service to his Lordship , and let him know , I am proud of the Honour he intends me .", "No , there you are wrong , Amanda ; you shou 'd never bestow your", "Pity upon those who take pains for your Contempt ; Pity those whom", "Nature abuses , but never those who abuse Nature .", "You have done well to engage a Second , my Dear ; for here comes one will be apt to call you to an Account for your Country Principles .", "My Lord , this young Lady is a Relation of my Wife 's .", "\u2018 Tis a heavenly one , indeed !", "But your Lordship now is become a Pillar of the State ; you must attend the weighty Affairs of the Nation .", "O , but you 'll find the House will expect your Attendance .", "But your Friends will take it ill if you do n't attend their particular Causes .", "Not I , my Lord ; I 'm too fashionable a Husband to pry into the", "Secrets of my Wife .", "Hey ; what the Devil , do you affront my Wife , Sir ? Nay then \u2014", "I hope I ha n't kill 'd the Fool , however \u2014\u2014 Bear him up ! Where 's your Wound ?", "Call a Surgeon there : Unbutton him quickly .", "This Mischief you may thank yourself for .", "Pr'ythee do n't stand prating , but look upon his Wound .", "Why then he 'll bleed to Death , Sir .", "\u2018 Slife , he 's run thro \u2019 the Guts , I tell thee .", "Let me see his Wound .", "Why , thou art the veriest Coxcomb I ever saw .", "I shall hardly think it worth my prosecuting any farther , so you may be at rest , Sir .", "Oh , there 's no harm done : You serv 'd him well .", "O , no matter ; never trouble yourself about that .", "O , a Trifle : He would have lain with my Wife before my Face , so she oblig 'd him with a Box o'the Ear , and I run him thro \u2019 the Body : That was all .", "None at all : He 's fallen into the Hands of a roguish Surgeon , who I perceive designs to frighten a little Money out of him . But I saw his Wound , \u2018 tis nothing ; he may go to the Play to-night , if he pleases .", "With all my Heart .Tho \u2019 I cou 'd wish , methinks , to stay and gaze a little longer on that Creature . Good God ! How beautiful she is !\u2014 But what have I to do with Beauty ? I have already had my Portion , and must not covet more . Come , Sir , when you please .", "~ to ~ Wor . ] I 'll overtake you , Sir : What wou 'd my Dear ?", "Jealous already , Amanda ?", "Aside . ] Whate'er her Reason be , I must not tell her true .Why , I confess she 's handsome . But you must not think I slight your Kinswoman , if I own to you , of all the Women who may claim that Character , she is the last wou 'd triumph in my Heart .", "Now tell me why you ask 'd ?", "I 'm yours .", "Is my Wife within ?", "\u2018 Tis well ; leave me . Solus . Sure Fate has yet some Business to be done , Before Amanda 's Heart and mine must rest ; Else , why amongst those Legions of her Sex , Which throng the World , Shou 'd she pick out for her Companion The only one on Earth Whom Nature has endow 'd for her undoing ? Undoing was't , I said \u2014\u2014 Who shall undo her ? Is not her Empire fix 'd ? Am I not hers ? Did she not rescue me , a groveling Slave , When , chain 'd and bound by that black Tyrant Vice , I labour 'd in his vilest Drudgery ? Did she not ransom me , and set me free ? Nay , more : When by my Follies sunk To a poor tatter 'd , despicable Beggar , Did she not lift me up to envy 'd Fortune ? Give me herself , and all that she possest ? Without a Thought of more Return , Than what a poor repenting Heart might make her , Ha n't she done this ? And if she has , Am I not strongly bound to love her for it ? To love her \u2014 Why , do I not love her then ? By Earth and Heaven , I do ! Nay , I have Demonstration that I do : For I would sacrifice my Life to serve her . Yet hold \u2014\u2014 If laying down my Life Be Demonstration of my Love , What is't I feel in favour of Berinthia ? For shou 'd she be in danger , methinks , I cou 'd incline To risk it for her Service too ; and yet I do not love her . How then subsists my Proof ?\u2014 \u2014 O , I have found it out . What I would do for one , is Demonstration of my Love ; And if I 'd do as much for t'other : it there is Demonstration of my Friendship \u2014\u2014 Ay \u2014\u2014 it must be so . I find I 'm very much her Friend .\u2014 Yet let me ask myself one puzzling Question more : Whence springs this mighty Friendship all at once ? For our Acquaintance is of a later Date . Now Friendship 's said to be a Plant of tedious Growth , its Root compos 'd of tender Fibres , nice in their Taste , cautious in spreading , check 'd with the least Corruption in the Soil , long ere it take , and longer still ere it appear to do so ; whilst mine is in a Moment shot so high , and fix 'd so fast , it seems beyond the Power of Storms to shake it . I doubt it thrives too fast .Enter ~ Berinthia ~. \u2014 Ah , she here !\u2014 Nay , then take heed , my Heart , for there are Dangers towards .", "I was debating , Madam , whether I was so or not ; and that was it which made me look so thoughtful .", "What if the Distemper , I suspect , be in the Mind ?", "Alas , you undertake you know not what .", "Nay , I 'll allow you so yet farther : For I have reason to believe , shou 'd I put myself into your Hands , you wou 'd increase my Distemper .", "Were I but sure of that , I 'd quickly lay my Case before you .", "O , a very great one .", "You might betray my Distemper to my Wife .", "Will you then keep my Secret ?", "Swear .", "By what ?", "That 's swearing by my Deity . Do it by your own , or I sha n't believe you .", "I 'm satisfy 'd . Now hear my Symptoms , and give me your Advice .", "The first were these :", "When \u2018 twas my Chance to see you at the Play ,", "A random Glance you threw , at first alarm 'd me ,", "I cou 'd not turn my Eyes from whence the Danger came :", "I gaz 'd upon you , till you shot again ,", "And then my Fears came on me .", "My Heart began to pant , my Limbs to tremble ,", "My Blood grew thin , my Pulse beat quick ,", "My Eyes grew hot and dim , and all the Frame of Nature", "Shook with Apprehension .", "\u2018 Tis true , some small Recruits of Resolution", "My Manhood brought to my Assistance ,", "And by their Help I made a Stand a while ,", "But found at last your Arrows flew so thick ,", "They cou 'd not fail to pierce me ;", "So left the Field ,", "And fled for shelter to Amanda 's Arms .", "What think you of these Symptoms , pray ?", "Why , instantly she let me Blood , which for the present much assuag 'd my Flame . But when I saw you , out it burst again , and rag 'd with greater Fury than before . Nay , since you now appear , \u2018 tis so increas 'd , that in a Moment , if you do not help me , I shall , whilst you look on , consume to Ashes .", "Then we 'll die together , my charming Angel .", "Tell her I 'm coming .", "In Matters of Love , a Woman 's Oath is no more to be minded than a Man 's .", "So , thus for all 's well . I 'm got into her Bed-Chamber , and I think nobody has perceiv 'd me steal into the House ; my Wife do n't expect me home till four o'Clock ; so if Berinthia comes to Bed by eleven , I shall have a Chace of five Hours . Let me see , where shall I hide myself ? Under her Bed ? No ; we shall have her Maid searching there for something or other ; her Closet 's a better place , and I have a Master-Key will open it : I 'll e'en in there , and attack her just when she comes to her Prayers , that 's the most like to prove her critical Minute ; for then the Devil will be there to assist me .", "Peace , my Dear ; it 's no Ghost , take it in your Arms , you 'll find \u2018 tis worth a hundred of \u2018 em .", "Is the Coast clear ?", "I am very well pleas 'd with my Trick thus far , and shall be so till I have play 'd it out , if it be n't your Fault : where 's my Wife ?", "With whom ?", "Then we are safe enough .", "And they 'd be in the right o n't too . But I dare trust mine :\u2014\u2014 Besides , I know he 's in love in another place , and he 's not one of those who court half a dozen at a time .", "What says Amanda to my staying abroad so late ?", "Then I 'm afraid they 'll quarrel at Play , and soon throw up the Cards :Therefore , my dear charming Angel , let us make good use of our time .", "Pray what do you think I mean ?", "I 'll shew you .", "No , that wou 'd make you blush worse than t'other .", "Faith , I can n't tell that ; but if I do , it shall be in the dark .", "I 'll try that .", "You 'll do as well without it .", "Come into the Closet , Madam , there 's Moonshine upon the Couch .", "Then you must be carried ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 680, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Well , Miss , how do you like your Husband that is to be ?", "O , but you must have a care of being too fond ; for Men now a-days hate a Woman that loves \u2018 em .", "Look , look , if his Honour be not a coming to you ; now if I were sure you wou 'd behave yourself handsomely , and not disgrace me that have brought you up , I 'd leave you alone together .", "Well , this once I 'll venture you ; but if you disparage me \u2014\u2014", "Gold by mackins ! Your Honour 's Goodness is too great : alas ! all I can boast of is , I gave her poor good Milk , and so your Honour wou 'd have said , an you had seen how the poor thing suck't it \u2014\u2014 Eh , God 's blessing on the sweet Face o n't ! how it us 'd to hang at this poor Teat , and suck and squeeze , and kick and sprawl it wou 'd , till the Belly o n't was so full , it wou 'd drop off like a Leech .Pray one word with you ; pr'ythee , Nurse , do n't stand ripping up old Stories , to make one asham 'd before one 's Love : do you think such a fine proper Gentleman as he is , cares for a fiddlecome Tale of a draggle-tail 'd Girl ;, if you have a mind to make him have a good Opinion of a Woman , do n't tell him what one did then , tell him what one can do now .I hope your Honour will excuse my Mismanners to whisper before you , it was only to give some orders about the Family .", "To-morrow , my dear Madam ?", "Nay , I must confess stolen Pleasures are sweet ; but if you shou 'd be married now , what will you do when Sir Tunbelly calls for you to be wedded ?", "What , twice , my Child ?", "Well , I 'm such a tender-hearted Fool , I find I can refuse you nothing ; so you shall e'en follow your own Inventions .", "Prevail with him \u2014\u2014 or he shall never prevail with me , I can tell him that .", "Nay , then I 'll make him marry more Folks , than one , I 'll promise him .", "Ay , and I 'll make him commend the Sauce too , or I 'll bring his", "Gown to a Cassock , I will so .", "I 'll do your Honour 's Business in the catching up of a Garter .", "A n't please your Honour , my Lady and I had best lock ourselves up till the Danger be over .", "Ay , and it 's e'en too good for him too .", "Look if the Varlet has not the Frontery to call his Lordship plain Thomas .", "O ho , it 's my Lord with him now ; see how Afflictions will humble Folks .", "Ah , dear Miss , we are all undone ! Mr. Bull , you were us 'd to help a Woman to a Remedy .", "Who wou 'd have thought that ever your Invention shou 'd have been drain 'd so dry ?", "Dear Lady , what 's that ?", "What ! two Husbands , my Dear ?", "Ay , but not all together , sweet Child .", "O but \u2018 tis a Sin \u2014 Sweeting ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 680, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Well , and so Sir John coming in \u2014", "I'gad , Sirrah , I know as well as Heaven .", "That you are a Cuckold .", "By your Brother .", "The old way , he has lain with your Wife .", "I mean plainly , I speak no Parable .", "You will do soon , Youngster . In short , you left your Wife a", "Widow , and she married again .", "\u2014\u2014 I'cod , if I were a young Fellow , I 'd break your Head , Sirrah .", "When I had fitted you with a Wife , you shou 'd have kept her .", "A young Strumpet , Sir \u2014\u2014 can play twenty Tricks .", "From your Brother , in this Letter ; there , you may read it .Dear Coupler ,I Have only time to tell thee in three Lines , or thereabouts , that here has been the Devil ! That Rascal ~ Tam ~, having stole the Letter thou hadst formerly writ for me to bring to Sir ~ Tunbelly ~, form 'd a damnable Design upon my Mistress , and was in a fair way of Success when I arriv 'd . But after having suffer 'd some IndignitiesI put him to flight . I sent out a Party of Horse after him , in hopes to have made him my Prisoner , which if I had done , I would have qualified him for the Seraglio , stap my Vitals . The Danger I have thus narrowly \u2018 scap 'd , has made me fortify myself against further Attempts , by entering immediately into an Association with the young Lady , by which we engage to stand by one another , as long as we both shall live . In short , the Papers are seal 'd , and the Contract is sign 'd , so the Business of the Lawyer is ~ achev\u00e9 ~; but I defer the divine part of the thing till I arrive at ~ London ~, not being willing to consummate in any other Bed but my own . Postscript , \u2018 Tis possible I may be in the Tawn as soon as this Letter ; for I find the Lady is so violently in love with me , I have determin 'd to make her happy with all the Dispatch that is practicable , without disardering my Coach Harses . So , here 's rare Work , I'faith !", "I think my Country-Girl has play 'd her part , as well as if she had been born and bred in St. James 's Parish .", "Nothing 's to be done till the Bride and Bridegroom come to Town .", "Why , what shall I call them , Dog and Cat ?", "Well , if you 'll hear of them in no Language , we 'll leave them for the Nurse and the Chaplain .", "When they come to Town \u2014\u2014", "Will you hold your tongues , Gentlemen , or not ?", "I say when they , come , we must find what Stuff they are made of , whether the Churchman be chiefly compos 'd of the Flesh , or the Spirit ; I presume the former \u2014\u2014 For as Chaplains now go , \u2018 tis probable he eats three Pound of Beef to the reading one Chapter \u2014\u2014 This gives him carnal Desires , he wants Money , Preferment , Wine , a Whore ; therefore we must invite him to Supper , give him fat Capons , Sack and Sugar , a Purse of Gold , and a Plump Sister . Let this be done , and I 'll warrant thee , my Boy , he speaks Truth like an Oracle .", "O never fear the Nurse , if once you have got the Priest , for the Devil always rides the Hag . Well , there 's nothing more to be said of the Matter at this time , that I know of ; so let us go and enquire , if there 's any News of our People yet , perhaps they may be come . But let me tell you one thing by the way , Sirrah , I doubt you have been an idle Fellow ; if thou hadst behav 'd thyself as thou shoud'st have done , the Girl wou 'd never have left thee .+ SCENE +, ~ Berinthia ~' s Apartment .", "Wou 'd the Pox had the Doctor \u2014\u2014 I 'm quite out of Wind", "Set me a Chair , Sirrah . Ah \u2014\u2014", "Why the Plague can'st not thou lodge upon the Ground-Floor ?", "Pr'ythee let Heaven alone ; ne'er affect tending that way : Thy", "Center 's downwards .", "Thou art out in thy Logick . Thy Major is true , but thy Minor is false ; for thou art the luckiest Fellow in the Universe .", "I 'll do't : Last Night the Devil ran away with the Parson of", "Fat-goose Living .", "I 'll tell thee what it 's to thee . This Living is worth five hundred Pound a-year , and the Presentation of it is thine , if thou can'st prove thyself a lawful Husband to Miss Hoyden .", "The Nurse and the Doctor ?", "That we shall see presently : Here they come .", "That is a moving Argument , indeed !", "Are not you a rogue of Sanctity ?", "Did not you marry this vigorous young Fellow to a plump young buxom Wench ?", "Come , out with't \u2014 Now is he chewing the Cud of his Roguery , and grinding a Lye between his Teeth .", "Come , no Equivocation , no Roman Turns upon us . Consider thou stand'st upon Protestant Ground , which will slip from under thee like a Tyburn Car ; for in this Country we have always ten Hangmen for one Jesuit .", "But pray let his Betters be serv 'd before him for once . I would do something in private with her myself ; Lory , take care of this Reverend Gownman in the next Room a little . Retire , Priest .\u2014 Now , Virgin , I must put the matter home to you a little : Do you think it might not be possible to make you speak Truth ?", "Nay ,' tis possible thou may'st be a Stranger to it .", "But where was your Conscience all this while , Woman ? Did not that stare you in the Face with huge Saucer-eyes , and a great Horn upon the Forehead ? Did not you think you should be damn 'd for such a Sin ? Ha !", "And he shall thrive accordingly : He shall have a good Living . Come , honest Nurse , I see you have Butter in your Compound ; you can melt . Some Compassion you can have of this handsome young Fellow .", "Well said , old Whit-Leather . Hey ; bring in the", "Prisoner there .", "Come , advance , holy Man ! Here 's your Duck does not think fit to retire with you into the Chancel at this time ; but she has a Proposal to make to you in the Face of the Congregation . Come , Nurse , speak for yourself ; you are of Age .", "If it were Sacrilege , the Living 's worth it : Therefore no more Words , good Doctor : but with theParish \u2014\u2014 here \u2014\u2014 take the Parsonage-house . \u2018 Tis true , \u2018 tis a little out of Repair ; some Dilapidations there are to be made good ; the Windows are broke , the Wainscot is warp 'd , the Ceilings are peel 'd , and the Walls are crack 'd ; but a little Glasing , Painting , White-wash , and Plaster , will make it last thy time .", "Why , that now was spoke like good People . Come , my Turtle-Doves , let us go help this poor Pigeon to his wandering Mate again : and after Institution and Induction , you shall all go a-cooing together .", "All I have to ask is , whether Nurse persists in her Evidence ? The Parson , I dare swear , will never flinch from his .", "Ladies and Gentlemen , what 's your Opinions ?", "Then , my young Folks , I wish you Joy ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 680, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["At length I am blest with the sight of the World 's Wonder , the Delight of Mankind , the incomparable Esop . You had time to observe him last Night , Daughter , as he sat at Supper with me . Tell me how you like him , Child ; is he not a charming Person ?", "What say'st thou to him , Doris ? Thou art a good Judge , a", "Wench of a nice Palate .", "No , speak thy Thoughts boldly .", "Boldly , I say .", "How ! Impudence .", "In short , thou art Fool enough not to be pleas 'd with him .", "If his Body 's deform 'd , his Soul is beautiful : Would to kind", "Heaven , as he is , my Daughter cou 'd but find the means to please him !", "That he might be your Husband , dear Daughter .", "Esop , then , is not worth her Care , in thy Opinion ?", "How dar'st thou liken so incomparable a Man to so contemptible a Beast ?", "Since nothing but an Animal will please thee , \u2018 tis pity my Monkey had not that Virginity thou hast sworn by . But I , whom Wisdom charms even in the homeliest Dress , can never think the much-deserving Esop unworthy of my Daughter .", "Hark , and thou shalt know ; but you , Euphronia ,", "Be you more especially attentive .", "\u2018 Tis true he 's plain ; but that 's , my Girl , a Trifle .", "All manly Beauty 's seated in the Soul ;", "And that of Esop , Envy 's self must own ,", "Outshines whate'er the World has yet produc 'd .", "Cr\u0153sus , the prosperous Favourite of Heaven ;", "Cr\u0153sus , the happiest Potentate on Earth ;", "Whose Treasure", "is the least Part", "Of what he holds from Providence 's Care ,", "Leans on his Shoulder as his grand Support ,", "Admires his Wisdom , doats upon his Truth ,", "And makes him Pilot to Imperial Sway .", "But in this elevated Post of Power ,", "What 's his Employ ? Where does he point his Thoughts ?", "To live in Splendour , Luxury , and Ease ,", "Do endless Mischiefs , by neglecting Good ,", "And build his Family on other 's Ruins ?", "No :", "He serves the Prince , and serves the People too ;", "Is useful to the Rich , and helps the Poor ;", "There 's nothing stands neglected , but himself .", "With constant Pain , and yet with constant Joy ,", "From Place to Place throughout the Realm he goes ,", "With useful Lessons , form 'd to every Rank :", "The People learn Obedience from his Tongue ,", "The Magistrate is guided in Command ,", "The Prince is minded of a Father 's Care ,", "The Subjects taught the Duty of a Child .", "And as \u2018 tis dangerous to be bold with Truth ,", "He often calls for Fable to his Aid ,", "Where , under abject Names of Beasts and Birds ,", "Virtue shines out , and Vice is cloath 'd in Shame .", "And thus , by inoffensive Wisdom 's Force ,", "He conquers Folly wheresoe'er he moves :", "This is his Portrait .", "Well , Daughter ; what , not a Word ? Is it possible any thing that I am Father of can be untouch 'd with so much Merit ?", "His Soul has so much Beauty i n't , your Reason ought to blind your Eyes : Besides , my Interest is concern 'd ; his Power alarms me . I know throughout the Kingdom he 's the Scourge of evil Magistrates , turns out Governors when they turn Tyrants ; breaks Officers for false Musters ; excludes Judges from giving Sentence , when they have been absent during the Trial ; hangs Lawyers when they take Fees on both Sides ; forbids Physicians to take Money of those they do n't cure . \u2018 Tis true , my Innocence ought to banish my Fears : But my Government , Child , is too delicious a Morsel , not to set many a frail Mouth a-watering . Who knows what Accusations Envy may produce ? But all wou 'd be secure , if thou could'st touch the Heart of Esop . Let me blow up thy Ambition , Girl ; the Fire of that will make thy Eyes sparkle at him .\u2014\u2014 What 's that Sigh for , now ? Ha ! A young Husband , by my Conscience : Ah Daughter , hadst thou a young Husband , he 'd make thee sigh indeed . I 'll tell thee what he 's compos 'd of . He has a Wig full of Pulvilio , a Pocket full of Dice , a Heart full of Treason , a Mouth full of Lyes , a Belly full of Drink , a Carcase full of Plaisters , a Tail full of Pox , and a Head full of \u2014\u2014 nothing . There 's his Picture : wear it at thy Heart , if thou can'st but here comes one of greater Worth .", "Good Morning to my noble Lord ; your Excellency \u2014\u2014", "My noble Lord , \u2018 tis due to your Imploy ; your Predecessors all \u2014\u2014", "Great Cr\u0153sus 's Gratitude will still support you ; his Coffers all are open to your Will , your future Fortune 's wholly in your Power .", "Why so , my Lord ?", "\u2018 Tis easy to be made , my Lord .", "\u2018 Tis my Daughter , my good Lord : Fair too , if she appears such in the Eyes of the unerring Esop .", "Now 's the time ; kiss soft , Girl , and fire him .", "Look , look , look , how he gazes at her !\u2014\u2014 Cupid 's hard at work , I see that already . Slap ; there he hits him \u2014 if the Wench would but do her Part . But see , see , how the perverse young Baggage stands biting her Thumbs , and wo n't give him one kind Glance \u2014\u2014 Ah the sullen Jade ! Had it been a handsome strong Dog , of five-and-twenty , she 'd a fall'n a coquetting o n't , with every Inch about her . But may be \u2018 tis I that spoils Sport ; I 'll make a Pretence to leave them together . Will your Lordship please to drink any Coffee this Morning ?", "Your Lordship will give me leave to go and order it myself ; for unless I am by , \u2018 tis never perfect .", "My good Lord does my Daughter too much Honour . Ah that the Wench wou 'd but do her Part !\u2014\u2014 Hark , you , Hussy \u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014 You can give yourself Airs sometimes , you know you can . Do you remember what work you made with yourself at Church t'other Day ? Play your Tricks over again , once more , for my Pleasure , and let me have a good Account of this Statesman , or , d'ye hear ?\u2014\u2014 You shall die a Maid ; go chew upon that ; go .", "Well , Doris ; what News from my Daughter ? Is she prudent ?", "What says she ? What does she do ?", "Very fine ! But all this sha n't serve her turn . I have said the", "Word , and will be obey 'd \u2014\u2014 My Lord does her Honour .", "Out of the Room , Impudence : be gone , I say .", "I hope your Lordship wo n't be concern 'd at what this prattling Wench bleats out : my Daughter will be govern 'd . She 's bred up to Obedience . There may be some small Difficulty in weaning her from her young Lover : But \u2018 two n't be the first time she has been wean 'd from a Breast , my Lord .", "Foolishly , my Lord .", "The same .", "Yes , and vigorous .", "So , so .", "He has good Blood in his Veins .", "He had , before he was in Love .", "Or else we shou 'd not have half so much trouble with him .", "Am I , then , to count for nothing the favour you are in at Court ? Father-in-law to the great Esop ! What may not I aspire to ? My foolish Daughter , perhaps , may n't be so well pleas 'd with it , but we wise Parents usually weigh our Children 's Happiness in the Scale of our own Inclinations .", "This Moment , my Lord , I reduce her either to Obedience , or to", "Dust and Ashes .", "I must tell you , Mistress , I 'm too mild with you ; Parents shou 'd never intreat their Children , nor will I hereafter . Therefore , in a Word , let Esop be lov 'd , let Oronces be hated ; let one be a Peacock , let t'other be a Bat : I 'm Father , you are Daughter ; I command , and you shall obey .", "So it does : But \u2018 tis my own , not yours , Hussy .", "D\u00e6mon , born to distract me ! Whence art thou , in the Name of Fire and Brimstone ? Have I not satisfy 'd thee ? Have I not paid thee what 's thy due ? And have not I turn 'd thee out of Doors , with Orders never more to stride my Threshold , ha ? Answer , abominable Spirit ; what is't that makes thee haunt me ?", "And Pox on thee , and thy Zeal too , I say .", "Patience , I summon thee to my Aid .", "How , Strumpet ! wou 'd any Thing be able to debauch my Daughter ?", "Pernicious Pestilence ! Has not thy eternal Tongue run down its", "Larum yet ?", "Then go out of my House , Abomination .", "Who waits there ? Bring me my great Stick .", "Death and Furies , the Devil and so forth ! I shall run distracted .", "What , you like her meaning ? Who doubts it , Offspring of Venus ? But I 'll make you stay your Stomach with Meat of my chusing , you liquorish young Baggage you . In a Word , Esop 's the Man ; and to-morrow he shall be your Lord and Master . But since he can n't be satisfied unless he has your Heart , as well as all the rest of your Trumpery , let me see you receive him in such a Manner that he may think himself your Choice as well as mine ; \u2018 twill make him esteem your Judgment : For we usually guess at other People 's Understandings , by their approving our Actions and liking our Faces . See here , the great Man comes !Follow me , Insolence ; and leave \u2018 em to express their Passion to each other .Remember my last Word to you is , Obey .", "\u2018 Tis in vain ; I 'm resolv 'd , I tell you . Most noble Esop , since you are pleas 'd to accept of my poor Offspring for your Consort , be so charitable to my old Age , to deliver me from the Impertinence of Youth , by making her your Wife this Instant ; for there 's a Plot against my Life ; they have resolv 'd to teaze me to Death to-night , that they may break the Match to-morrow Morning . Marry her this instant , I intreat you .", "This instant ; this very instant .", "Now , what say you , Mr. Flame-fire ? I shall have the Whip-hand of you presently .", "That you may run away with her to-night ; ha ?\u2014\u2014 Sir , your most obedient humble Servant . Hey , who waits there ? Call my Daughter to me : Quick . I 'll give her her Dispatches presently .", "Yes , I do , Minx . Go shift yourself , and put on your best", "Clothes . You are to be marry 'd .", "Yes , marry 'd , Madam ; and that this Instant too .", "Not a Word : Obedience and a clean Smock ; dispatch .~ Learchus ~ going off , turns to ~ Oronces ~. ] Sir , your most obedient humble Servant .", "And what have you to say , Sir ?", "Very like so . That 's a sure Sign he 's in love now .", "Ha , ha ! Bowels in a Parent ! Here 's a young Fellow for you . Hark thee , Stripling ; being in a very merry Humour , I do n't care if I discover some paternal Secrets to thee . Know then , that how humoursome , how whimsical soever we may appear , there 's one fixt Principle that runs thro \u2019 almost the whole Race of us ; and that 's to please ourselves . Why do'st think I got my Daughter ? Why , there was something i n't that pleased me . Why dost think I marry my Daughter ? Why to please myself still . And what is't that pleases me ? Why , my Interest ; what do'st think it shou 'd be ? If Esop 's my Son-in-Law , he 'll make me a Lord : If thou art my Son-in-Law \u2014\u2014 thou'lt make me a Grandfather . Now I having more Mind to be a Lord than a Grandfather , give my Daughter to him , and not to thee .", "Not this .\u2014 If it did , I 'd give her to thee , and not to him .", "No ; nor I do n't Care whether Women are virtuous or not .", "I do so .", "Why , then Esop wou 'd be the Cuckold , not I .", "Yes : I speak as a Father .", "Why , I think it my Child 's Concern , not mine . I speak as a", "Father .", "I did .", "Because you were the best Match that offer 'd at that Time . I did like a Father .", "Who waits there , ha ?", "Seize me that Bully there . Carry him to Prison , and keep him safe .", "Yes , but I will tho ': Away with him . Sir , your most humble Servant : I wish you a good Night 's Rest ; and as far as a merry Dream goes , my Daughter 's at your Service .", "Dol , de tol dol , dol , de tol dol , Lilly Burleighre 's lodg 'd in a Bough .", "How now ! What have we got here ?", "With all my Heart : But who do you take me for , Sir ; ha ?", "Governor of Sysicus ! Governor of a Cheese-Cake ! I 'm Father-in-Law to the great Esop , Sirrah .\u2014\u2014 I shall be a great Man . Come , tune your Fiddles ; shake your Legs ; get all things ready . My Son-in-Law will be here presently \u2014\u2014 I shall be a great Man !", "Gentlemen and Friends , y'are all welcome . I have sent to as many of you as our short Time wou 'd give me Leave , to desire you wou 'd be Witnesses of the Honour the great Esop designs ourself and Family . Hey ; who attends there ? Go let my Daughter know I wait for her .\u2018 Tis a vast Honour that is done me , Gentlemen !", "Look you there ; if they do n't call me my Lord already \u2014\u2014 I shall be a great Man !", "How now ! What 's here ! All in deep Mourning ! Here 's a provoking", "Baggage for you !", "Your Lordship does me too much Honour .\u2014\u2014 I shall be a great Man !", "My Lord , he 's in Prison .", "He wou 'd have murder 'd me .", "I shall be a great Man !", "Pray , hold him fast there ; he has the Devil and all of Mischief in 's Eye .", "I 'll give it you , my noble Lord , if she wo n't .A stubborn , self-will 'd , stiff-neck 'd Strumpet .", "aside . ] I shall be a great man !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 680, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Hold , Sir , hold ; there 's enough in all Conscience ; I 'm reasonable , I ask no more ; I 'm content .", "O , mighty well , Sir ; you 'll never mend it ; pray leave it as \u2018 tis .", "And why , Sir , will you stifle the most useful of my", "Qualifications ?", "Your Patience , Sir , indeed is great : I feel at this Time forty Proofs o n't upon my Shoulders : But really , Sir , I wou 'd advise you to \u2014\u2014", "\u2018 Tis confess 'd , Sir , you took me but for humble Employment ; but my Intention was agreeably to surprize you with some superior Gifts of Nature , to your faithful Slave . I profess , my noble Master , a most perfect Knowledge of Men and Manners . Yours , gracious Sir ,are not irreprehensible . And I 'm afraid in Time , Sir , I am indeed , they 'll riggle you into some ill-favour 'd Affair , whence , with all my Understanding , I shall be puzzled to bring you off .", "And therefore , Sir , it is , that I , poor Lopez as I am , sometimes take leave to maralize .", "Is the Sentence definitive ?", "Then , pray , let us come to account , and see what Wages are due .", "Nay , if I must lose my Money ; then let me claim another Right :", "Losers have leave to speak . Therefore , advance , my Tongue , and say thy", "Pleausure ; tell this Master of mine , he shou 'd die with shame at the", "Life he leads : So much unworthy of a Man of Honour : Tell him \u2014\u2014", "You shall indeed , Sir .", "Counters all ; adieu , you glistring Spangles of the World ; farewel , ye Tempters of the Great , not me . Tell him \u2014\u2014", "Go on ; tell him he 's worse among the Women than a Ferret among the Rabbits ; at one and all , from the Princess to the Tripe-Woman ; handsome , ugly , old Women and Children , all go down .", "It is , indeed , Sir , and so are the Stories you tell them to bring them to your Matters . The Handsome , she 's all Divinity , to be sure ; the Ugly , she 's so agreeable , were it not for her Virtue , she 'd be over-run with Lovers ; the light , airy , Flipflap , she kills him with her Motions ; the dull , heavy-tail 'd Maukin melts him down with her Modesty ; the scragged , lean , pale Face has a Shape for Destruction ; the fat over-grown Sow has an Air of Importance ; the tall aukward Trapes with her Majesty wounds ; the little , short Trundle-tail shoots a Je-ne-s\u00e7ay-quoy : In a Word , they have all something for him \u2014\u2014 and he has something for them all .", "Well said , well said ; a very pretty Amusement , truly ! But , pray , Sir , by your leavesince you are pleas 'd to clear up into Conversation , what mighty Matters do you expect from boarding a Woman , you know , is already Heart and Soul engag 'd to another ?", "Like enough : But as much upon the Weathercock as the Ladies are ; there are some the Wind must blow hard to fetch them about : When such a sturdy Hussy falls in your Honour 's way , what account may Things turn to then , a n't please ye ?", "I find they 'll always turn to something ; but when you pursue a poor Woman , only to make her Lover jealous , what Pleasure can you take in that ?", "Look you there , again .", "O ! to a good-natur 'd Man , be sure there must ; but , suppose , instead of \u2018 fending and proving with his Mistress , he shou 'd come to \u2014\u2014 a \u2014\u2014 parrying and thrusting with you ; what becomes of your Joy , then , my noble Master ?", "I thought we were talking of what we lov 'd , not what we fear 'd ,", "Sir .", "I know , Sir , you have often fought upon these Occasions .", "But you have never been kill 'd once , Sir ; and when that happens , you will for ever lose the Pleasure of \u2014\u2014", "Somebody that thinks I can hear no better than you think I can feel .", "There 's the Man . Shew me such another , if you can find him .", "Behind the Door I will , and no farther .This Fellow looks as if he came to save me a broken Head .", "So much by way of Introduction .", "He 's a very dull Fellow , indeed .", "You cou 'd not put it in better Hands .", "These Words import War ; lie close , Lopez .", "He is a forward Fellow , that 's the Truth o n't .", "No , there the Monkey wou 'd have left you .", "No , pray , Sir , let him go , and maybe you may n't have Occasion to do it at all .", "Now this was a Subject wou 'd have embarrass 'd me enough in all", "Conscience .", "Why , now , that 's a hard Case , when you have got a Man 's Sister , you can n't leave him his Mistress .", "A most admirable way to make up Accounts , truly !", "Mum ; here 's her Father : I 'll warrant this old Spark comes to correct our Way of living too .", "What the Pox have I done to \u2018 em , they are all so uneasy at my", "Company ?", "If this old Fellow comes to quarrel with us too , he 'll at least do us less harm .", "aside . ] Pox take ye \u2014\u2014 you old Prig , you : But I shall be even with you .", "Good .", "I'gad my Master shines to-day .", "If he cou 'd , I think there 's no more to lay upon him .", "So ; the old Fellow 's gone at last , and has carry 'd great Content along with him .", "Sir \u2014\u2014", "Yes , he had found his Man . But you have been even with him .", "Or I were no Valet : But , pray , what does your Honour intend to do now ? Will you continue the Siege of a Place , where , \u2018 tis probable , they will daily augment the Fortifications , when there are so many open Towns you may march into , without the Trouble of opening the Trenches .", "Why , to confess the Truth , Sir , I find you much upon my Taste in this Matter : Difficulties are the Rocambole of Love ; I never valu 'd an easy Conquest in my life . To rouse my Fire ; the Lady must cry out , as softly as ever she can , Have a Care , my Dear , my Mother has seen us : My Brothers suspect me ; my Husband may surprize us : O , dear Heart , have a Care , I pray ! Then , I play the Devil : But , when I come to a Fair-one , where I may hang up my Cloak upon a Peg , get into my Gown and Slippers \u2014", "See her stretch 'd upon the Couch , in great Security , with \u2014 My", "Dear , come kiss me , we have nothing to fear \u2014 I droop , I yawn , I sleep .", "\u2018 Tis all mighty well , Sir ; mighty well , Sir , as can be in the World . But , if you wou 'd have the Goodness to consider en passant , or so , a little now and then about Swords and Daggers , and Rivals and old Fellows , and Pistols and great Guns , and such like Baubles , only now and then at leisure , Sir , not to interrupt Things of more Consequence .", "Ay , that 's true , Sir ; and yet a Blunderbuss is presently discharged out of a Garret-Window .", "\u2018 Tis Don Pedro , or I 'm a Dog .", "As well as my Father 's Seal , Sir , when he sends me a Bill of", "Exchange .", "I find it very unwholesome to be otherwise , Sir .", "With all my Heart . It 's at least a Suspension of Boxes of the", "Ear , and Kicks of the Backside .", "I shall perform your Orders , Sir , both to your Satisfaction , and my own Reputation ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 680, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["A plague on that fire ! I think I 'll make my supper on prunes and crackers to-night !", "Hello !", "Why ... who are you ?", "Where do you want to go ?", "Oh , I see ! You got lost ?", "You should have turned to the right down where the roads cross .", "Are you expecting to get to the railroad to-night ?", "Humph ! You 'll find it hard going . Better rest .What are you \u2014 a peddler ?", "No . I do n't want anything .", "Yes ... all alone .", "That 's my father 's camp .", "The family has n't come up yet .", "I 'm camping out \u2014 I prefer the tent .", "John Isman 's his name .", "Why ... yes . Fairly so .", "Oh ! You 've been here before ?", "That 's my sister , I guess .", "Her name 's Estelle .", "I 'm Gerald Isman .", "Yes .", "Why ... what makes you think that ?", "Oh ! I see ! No ... I like to be alone .", "Yes . You like music ?", "This ?", "That 's the Nibelung music .", "Why ... it 's in an opera .", "It 's by a composer named Wagner .", "Why ... I guess he made it up .", "It 's about the Nibelungs .", "Queer little people who live down inside the earth , and spend all their time digging for gold .", "Why ... I do n't know ...", "No ... but the poets tell us they exist .", "Well , they have great rocky caverns , down in the depths of the earth . And they have treasures of gold ... whole caves of it . And they 're very cunning smiths ... they make all sorts of beautiful golden vessels and trinkets .", "Oh !", "Why ... where did you get such things ?", "Let me see them .", "Why ... what is it ?", "Why ... I do n't know ...", "Why ... they 're little men ... with long hair and funny clothes ... and humpbacked .", "Why ... yes ... in a way .", "Their names ?", "Well , there was Alberich , the king .", "He was the one who found the Rheingold . And then there was", "Hagen , his son .", "He killed the hero , Siegfried .", "And then there was Mimi .", "He was a very famous smith .", "What do you mean ?", "Why ... I would n't mind .", "Indeed I would !", "No , I do n't think so .", "Yes ... sure !", "What do you want for your ring ?", "What !", "But I can n't ... it ...", "Yes . But I do n't like to ...", "But wait !", "Good-night .Well , I 'll be switched ! If that was n't a queer old customer !It feels like real gold !What in the world did he mean , anyhow ? The magic ring ! I hope he does n't get lost in those woods to-night .Confound that fire ! It 's out for good now ! Let it go .Nibelungs ! They are realer than anybody guesses . People who spend their lives in digging for gold , and know and care about nothing else . How many of them I 've met at mother 's dinner parties ! Well , I must get to my work now .Ah , me ! I do n't know what makes me so lazy this evening . This strange heaviness ! There seems to be a spell on me .How beautiful these woods are at sunset ! If I were a Nibelung , I 'd come here for certain !I 'm good for nothing but dreaming ... I wish Estelle were here to sing to me ! How magical the twilight is ! Estelle ! Estelle !", "What 's that ?What 's that ?Why , what can it mean ?Why , it 's a Nibelung !Oh ! I must be dreaming !Nibelungs ! Why , it 's absurd ! Wake up , man ! You 're going crazy !My God !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 682, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Where is Mimi ?", "Where is the earth-man ?", "Did he resist ?", "And Prince Hagen ? Has he come ?", "Let him be brought in .", "Let him be brought in .", "Good evening , Hagen .", "Hagen , you are still angry and rebellious ?", "Hagen , you are my grandson . You are my sole heir ... the only representative of my line . You are all that I have in the world !", "You place me in such a trying position ! Have you no shame ... no conscience ? Why , some day you will be king ... and one cannot keep a king in chains !", "But , Hagen , your conduct is such ... what can I do ? You have robbed ... you have threatened murder ! And you ... my grandson and my heir ...", "Hagen , this stranger ... he has come to visit us from the world above . These earth-men know more than we ... they have greater powers ...", "You know that you yourself are three-quarters an earth-man ...", "There may be a way of your having another chance . Perhaps this stranger will teach you . If you will promise to obey him , he will stay with you ... he will be your tutor , and show you the ways of the earth-men .", "What ?", "Hagen !", "But what is your objection ...", "But he will teach you ...", "Hagen ! I insist ...", "Take him away !", "Mimi !", "Let the earth-man be brought .", "Let the earth-man advance . Hail !", "You play our music . Where did you learn it ?", "Humph ... composed it !", "Of course !", "Original ! It is indeed wonderful originality ! To listen in the Rhine-depths to the song of the maidens , to dwell in the forest and steal its murmurs , to catch the crackling of the fire and the flowing of the water , the galloping of the wind and the death march of the thunder ... and then write it all down for your own ! To take our story and tell it just as it happened ... to take the very words from our lips , and sign your name to them ! Originality !", "Have you seen any orchestra here ?", "If you only had the ears to hear , you would know that the whole world happens to music .", "It is very monotonous , when one is digging out the gold . It keeps up such a wheezing , and pounding .", "That is the coronation cup .", "One of the greatest of our treasures . It is worth over four hundred thousand dollars . It is the work of the elder Mimi , a most wonderful smith .", "You will observe the design of the Rhine maidens .", "My dear sir ! Candles are so expensive ! And why do you want to see it ? We never look at our art treasures .", "No . We know what they are worth , and everyone else knows ; and what difference does it make how they look ?", "Perhaps you would like to see our vaults of gold ?Approach , sir .", "This particular cavern runs for seventeen miles under the earth .", "From floor to roof with solid masses of it .", "All ? Mercy , no ! This is simply my own , and I am by no means a rich man . The extent of some of our modern fortunes would simply exceed your belief . We live in an age of enormous productivity .Will you see more of the vault ?", "Ah , yes , sure enough . We have business to talk about . Let us get to it !Let the hall be cleared .Sit on this rock here beside me .Now we can talk things over . I trust you are willing to listen to me .", "Thank you . You know , my dear sir , that I had a son , Hagen , who was the slayer of the great hero , Siegfried ?", "A most lamentable affair . You did not know , I presume , that Hagen , too , had a son , by one of the daughters of earth ?", "That son , Prince Hagen , is now living ; and , in the course of events , he will fall heir to the throne I occupy .", "The boy is seven or eight hundred years old , which , in your measure , would make him about eighteen . Now , I speak frankly . The boy is wild and unruly . He needs guidance and occupation . And I have sent for you because I understand that you earth-people think more and see farther than we do .", "I wish to ask you to help me ... to use your strength of mind and body to direct this boy .", "I wish you to stay here and be Prince Hagen 's tutor .", "If you will do it , sir , you will carry hence a treasure such as the world has never seen before . And it is a noble work ... a great work , sir . He is the grandson of a king ! Tell me . .. will you help me ?", "But think of the treasures !", "Oh ! do n't refuse me , sir !", "Oh !", "You mean that you yourself would see to it that proper care was given to him ?", "It is a startling proposition . What opportunity can you offer him ?", "What does he do ?", "You have kings in your world , also !", "I had not thought of this . I hardly know what to reply .What is that ?", "Hagen !", "Hagen ! Listen to me !", "I have something new to tell you . The earth-man has suggested taking you up with him to the world .", "It is true , Hagen .", "You would be sent to school and taught the ways of the earth-men . Do you think that you would like to go ?", "You will promise to obey ...", "Hagen , this is a very grave decision for me . It is such an unusual step ! You would have to submit yourself to this gentleman , who is kind enough to take charge of you ...", "We can trust you ?", "Off with them !", "You had best spend the night with us and consult with me ...", "We have so much to settle ... your clothes ... your money ...", "Good-bye .", "Take care of yourself ! Come back to me !", "Good-bye !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 682, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Why lookes my lord like to a troubled skie ,", "When heavens bright shine is shadow 'd with a fogge ?", "Alate", "we ran the deere , and through the lawndes", "Stript", "with our nagges the loftie frolicke bucks", "That scudded fore the teisers", "like the wind : 5", "Nere was the deere of merry Fresingfield", "So lustily puld down by jolly mates ,", "Nor sharde the farmers such fat venison ,", "So franckly dealt , this hundred yeares before ;", "Nor have", "I seene my lord more frolicke in the chace ; 10", "And now", "\u2014 changde to a melancholie dumpe ?", "I grant , my lord , the damsell is as faire", "As simple Suffolks homely towns can yeeld :", "But in the court be quainter", "dames than she , 65", "Whose faces are enricht with honours taint ,", "Whose bewties stand upon the stage of fame ,", "And vaunt their trophies in the Courts of Love .", "Wonderfully wisely counselled , Raphe . 115", "I will , my lord , so execute this charge", "As if that Lacie were in love with her . 155", "What wilt thou do with them , Raphe ? 159", "God send your honour yourharts desire . Exeunt ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 688, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Miles , where are you ?", "Attulisti noslibros meos de necromantia ?", "Now , maisters of our academicke state , 5", "That rule in Oxford , Vizroies in your place ,", "Whose heads containe maps of the liberall arts ,", "Spending your time in deapth of learned skill ,", "Why flocke you thus to Bacons secret cell ,", "A frier newly stalde in Brazennose ? 10", "Say whats your mind , that I may make replie .", "Well , Maister Burden , what of allthis ?", "And what of this ? 30", "Seeing you come as friends unto the frier ,", "Resolve you , doctors , Bacon can by bookes", "Make storming Boreas thunder from his cave , 45", "And dimme faire Luna to a darke eclipse .", "The great arch-ruler , potentate of hell ,", "Trembles when Bacon bids him , or his fiends ,", "Bow to the force of his pentageron .", "What art can worke , the frolicke frier knowes ; 50", "And therefore will I turne my magicke bookes ,", "And straine out nigromancie to the deepe .", "I have contrivd and framde a head of brasse ,", "hammer out the stuffe )", "And that by art shall read Philosophie : 55", "And I will strengthen England by my skill ,", "That if ten C\u00e6sars livd and raignd in Rome ,", "With all the legions Europe doth containe ,", "They should not touch a grasse of English ground ;", "The worke that Ninus reard at Babylon , 60", "The brazen walles framde by Semiramis ,", "Carvd out like to the portall of the sunne ,", "Shall not be such as rings the English strond", "From Dover to the market-place of Rie .", "Burden , thou wrongst me in detracting thus ;", "Bacon loves not to stuffe himselfe with lies .", "But tell me fore these doctors , if thou dare ,", "Of certaine questions I shall move to thee . 85", "Were you not yesterday , Maister Burden , at Henly upon the", "Thembs ? 90", "What booke studied you thereon all night ?", "Then , doctors , Frier Bacons art knowes nought .", "Maisters , for that learned Burdens skill is deepe ,", "And sore he doubts of Bacons cabalisme ,", "I 'll shew you why he haunts to Henly oft :", "Not , doctors , for to tast the fragrant aire , 105", "But there to spend the night in alcumie ,", "To multiplie with secret spels of art ;", "Thus privat steales he learning from us all .", "To proove my sayings true , Ile shew you straight", "The booke he keepes at Henly for himselfe . 110", "Maisters ,stand still , feare not , Ile shewe you but his booke . Here he conjures . Per omnes deos infernales , Belcephon ! 114", "What art thou ?", "How camest thou heere ?", "No ? know you not Maister Burden ?", "It is .\u2014 But , Burden , tell me now ,", "Thinkest thou that Bacons nicromanticke skill", "Cannot performe his head and wall of brasse ,", "When he can fetch thine hostesse in such post ? 144", "Well , mistres , for I wil not have you mist ,", "You shall to Henly to cheere up your guests", "Fore supper ginne .\u2014 Burden , bid her adew ;", "Say farewell to your hostesse fore she goes .\u2014", "Sirha , away , and set her safe at home . 155", "Whats that ? 159", "Thus , rulers of our accademicke state ,", "You have seene the frier frame his art by proofe ;", "And as the colledge called Brazennose", "Is under him , and he the Maister", "there , 165", "So surely shall this head of brasse be framde ,", "And yeelde forth strange and uncoth aphorismes ;", "And Hell and Heccate", "shall faile the frier ,", "But I will circle England round with brasse ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 688, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Thomas , maides , when they come to see the faire ,", "Count not to make a cope", "for dearth of hay : 5", "When we have turnd our butter to the salt ,", "And set our cheese safely", "upon the rackes ,", "Then let our fathers prise", "it as they please .", "We countrie sluts of merry Fresingfield", "Come to buy needlesse noughts to make us fine , 10", "And looke that yong men should be francke", "this day ,", "And court us with such fairings as they can .", "Ph\u0153bus is blythe , and frolicke lookes from heaven ,", "As when he courted lovely Semele ,", "Swearing the pedlers shall have emptie packs , 15", "If that faire wether may make chapmen buy .", "This is a fairing , gentle sir , indeed ,", "To sooth me up with such smooth flatterie ;", "But learne of me , your scoffe 's", "to", "broad before .\u2014", "Well , Jone , our bewties", "must abide their jestes ;", "We serve the turne in jolly Fresingfield . 25", "Whence are you , sir ? of Suffolke ? for your tearmes", "Are finer than the common sort of men .", "35", "To me ? You forget your selfe .", "Oh , pardon sir , I call to mind the man :", "Twere little manners to refuse his gift ,", "And yet I hope he sends it not for love ; 50", "For we have little leisure to debate of that .", "Well , if you chaunce to come by Fresingfield ,", "Make but a step into the keepers lodge ,", "And such poore fare as woodmen can affoord , 80", "Butter and cheese , creame and fat venison ,", "You shall have store , and welcome therewithall ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 688, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["If it please your honour , we are all ready at an inch .", "What , doest thou mocke me ?", "Gogs wounds ! Warren , kill him .", "I strive in vaine ; but if my sword be shut 55", "And conjur 'd fast by magicke in my sheath ,", "Villaine , heere is my fist .", "Strikes him a box on the eare .", "To whom speakest thou ?", "Who art thou ?", "I stand amazed to heare this jolly frier 80", "Tell even the verie secrets of my thoughts .\u2014", "But , learned Bacon , since thou knowest the cause", "Why I did post so fast from Fresingfield ,", "Helpe , Frier , at a pinch , that I may have", "The love of lovely Margret to my selfe , 85", "And , as I am true Prince of Wales , Ile give", "Living and lands to strength thy colledge state .", "Gramercies , Bacon ; I will quite thy paine .", "Warren , leave me :\u2014 and , Ermsbie , take the foole ;", "Let him be maister , and go revell it ,", "Till I and Frier Bacon talke a while . 110"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 688, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["A", ", father , when the hermonie of heaven", "Soundeth the measures of a lively faith ,", "The vaine illusions of this flattering world 10", "Seemes odious to the thoughts of Marg", "ret .", "I loved once ,\u2014 Lord Lacie was my love ;", "And now I hate my selfe for that I lovd ,", "And doated more on him than on my God ;", "For this I scourge my selfe with sharpe repents . 15", "But now the touch of such aspiring sinnes", "Tels me all love is lust but love of heavens :", "That beautie usde for love is vanitie ;", "The world containes naught but alluring baites ,", "Pride ,", "flatterie , and inconstant thoughts . 20", "To shun the pricks of death ,", "I leave the world ,", "And vow to meditate on heavenly blisse ,", "To live in Framingham a holy nunne ,", "Holy and pure in conscience and in deed ;", "And for to wish all maides to learne of me 25", "To seek heavens joy before earths vanitie .", "Now farewell world , the engin of all woe !", "Farewell to friends and father ! Welcome Christ ! 30", "Adiew to daintie robes ! this base attire", "Better befits an humble minde to God", "Than all the show of rich abilliments .", "Love", "oh love !\u2014 and , with fond love , farewell", "Sweet Lacie , whom I loved once so deare ! 35", "Ever be well , but never in my thoughts ,", "Least I offend to think on Lacies love :", "But even to that , as to the rest , farewell .", "Lord Lacie , thinking of thy", "former", "misse ,", "How fond the prime of wanton yeares were spent", "In love", ",", "I leave both love and loves content at once ,", "Betaking me to him that is true love ,", "And leaving all the world for love of him .", "Did not my lord resigne his interest ,", "And make divorce \u2018 twixt Marg", "ret and him ?", "Is not heavens joy before earths fading blisse , 75", "And life above sweeter than life in love ?", "The flesh is frayle : my lord doth know it well 86", "That when he comes with his inchanting face ,", "What so ere betyde , I cannot say him nay .", "Off goes the habite of a maidens heart ,", "And , seeing fortune will , faire Fremingham , 90", "And all the shew of holy nuns , farewell !", "Lacie , for me , if he wilbe my lord .", "Weele find one for my lord . 110"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 688, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Gramercies , lordings ; old Plantagenet ,", "That rules and swayes the Albion diademe ,", "With teares discovers these conceived joyes ,", "And vows requitall if his men at armes ,", "The wealth of England , or due honours done 10", "To Ellinor , may quite his favourites .", "But all this while what say you to the dames", "That shine like to the christall lampes of heaven ?", "Seeing the marriage is solemnized ,", "Lets march in triumph to the royall feast .\u2014", "But why stands Frier Bacon here so mute ? 35", "This prophecie is mysticall .\u2014", "But , glorious commanders", "of Europas love ,", "That make faire England like that wealthy ile 65", "Circled with Gihen and swift", "Euphrates ,", "In royallizing Henries Albion", "With presence of your princely mightinesse ,\u2014", "Lets", "march : the tables all are spred ,", "And viandes , such as Englands wealth affords , 70", "Are ready set to furnish out the bords .", "You shall have welcome , mighty potentates :", "It rests to furnish up this royall feast ,", "Only your hearts be frolicke ; for the time", "Craves that we taste of naught but jouissance . 75", "Thus glories England over all the west .", "Omne tulit punctum qui miscuit utiie dulci .", "FOOTNOTES :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 688, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I prithee , Rene , charm our ears again", "With the same song you sang me yesterday .", "Here are fresh listeners .", "A very grievous , but convenient cold ,", "Which always racks you when you would not sing .", "Alack ! you hear , I 've caught poor Rene 's cough .", "O , fie !", "\u2018 Ods mercy ! gentlemen , you do me wrong .", "Ah ! rogues , you 'd shift your sins upon my shoulders .", "Goon , goon ! Talk yourselves fairly out .", "Why do you laugh ?", "Peace ! peace ! What tongue dare echo yon fool 's laugh ?", "Nay , never raise your hands in wonderment :", "I 'll strike the dearest friend among ye all", "Beneath my feet , as if he were a slave ,", "Who dares insult my brother with a laugh !", "Shame on ye , sirs ! I have mistaken you .", "I thought I harboured better friends . Poor fops ,", "Who 've slept in down and satin all your years ,", "Within the circle Lanciotto charmed", "Round Rimini with his most potent sword !\u2014", "Fellows whose brows would melt beneath a casque ,", "Whose hands would fray to grasp a brand 's rough hilt ,", "Who ne'er launched more than braggart threats at foes !\u2014", "Girlish companions of luxurious girls !\u2014", "Danglers round troubadours and wine-cups !\u2014 Men", "Whose best parts are their clothes ! bundles of silk ,", "Scented like summer ! rag-men , nothing more !\u2014", "Creatures as generous as monkeys \u2014 brave", "As hunted hares \u2014 courteous as grinning apes \u2014", "Grateful as serpents \u2014 useful as lap-dogs \u2014", "Ha !", "I am alone at last ! So let me be ,", "Till Lanciotto fill the vacant room", "Of these mean knaves , whose friendship is but breath ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 702, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Guido , ay , Guido of Ravenna , son \u2014", "Down on his knees , as full of abject prayers", "For peace and mercy as a penitent .", "No , no ; your last bout levelled him . He reeled", "Into Ravenna , from the battle-field ,", "Like a stripped drunkard , and there headlong fell \u2014", "A mass of squalid misery , a thing", "To draw the jeering urchins . I have this", "From faithful spies . There 's not a hope remains", "To break the shock of his great overthrow .", "I pity Guido .", "What would you have ?", "You are cruel .", "You moody churl !", "You dismal knot of superstitious dreams !", "Do you not blush to empty such a head", "Before a sober man ? Why , son , the world", "Has not given o'er its laughing humour yet ,", "That you should try it with such vagaries .\u2014 Poh !", "I 'll get a wife to teach you common sense .", "Ay , sir , a wife for you . You shall be married , to insure your wits .", "How now , son !", "I am not given to jesting . I have chosen", "The fairest wife in Italy for you .", "You won her bravely , as a soldier should :", "And when you 'd woo her , stretch your gauntlet out ,", "And crush her fingers in its steely grip .", "If you will plead , I ween , she dare not say \u2014", "No , by your leave . Should she refuse , howe'er ,", "With that same iron hand you shall go knock", "Upon Ravenna 's gates , till all the town", "Ring with your courtship . I have made her hand", "The price and pledge of Guido 's future peace .", "Done , out of hand ; and now", "I wait a formal answer , nothing more .", "Guido dare not decline . No , by the saints ,", "He 'd send Ravenna 's virgins here in droves ,", "To buy a ten days \u2019 truce .", "Francesca , Guido 's daughter .\u2014 Never frown ;", "It shall be so !", "According to your nurse 's prophecy ,", "Fate orders it .", "Now , then , I have struck", "The chord that answers to your gloomy thoughts .", "Bah ! on your sibyl and her prophecy !", "Put Guido 's blood aside , and yet , I say ,", "Marry you shall .", "Lanciotto , look ye ! You brave gentlemen ,", "So fond of knocking out poor people 's brains ,", "In time must come to have your own knocked out :", "What , then , if you bequeath us no new hands ,", "To carry on your business , and our house", "Die out for lack of princes ?", "Pshaw ! son ,", "My faith is bound to Guido ; and if you", "Do not throw off your duty , and defy ,", "Through sickly scruples , my express commands ,", "You 'll yield at once . No more : I 'll have it so !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 702, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Why do these prodigies environ me ?", "In ancient Rome , the words a fool might drop ,", "From the confusion of his vagrant thoughts ,", "Were held as omens , prophecies ; and men", "Who made earth tremble with majestic deeds ,", "Trembled themselves at fortune 's lightest threat .", "I like it not . My father named this match", "While I boiled over with vindictive wrath", "Towards Guido and Ravenna . Straight my heart", "Sank down like lead ; a weakness seized on me ,", "A dismal gloom that I could not resist ;", "I lacked the power to take my stand , and say \u2014", "Bluntly , I will not ! Am I in the toils ?", "Has fate so weakened me , to work its end ?", "There seems a fascination in it , too ,\u2014", "A morbid craving to pursue a thing", "Whose issue may be fatal . Would that I", "Were in the wars again ! These mental weeds", "Grow on the surface of inactive peace .", "I 'm haunted by myself . Thought preys on thought .", "My mind seems crowded in the hideous mould", "That shaped my body . What a fool am I", "To bear the burden of my wretched life ,", "To sweat and toil under the world 's broad eye ,", "Climb into fame , and find myself \u2014 O , what ?\u2014", "A most conspicuous monster ! Crown my head ,", "Pile C\u00e6sar 's purple on me \u2014 and what then ?", "My hump shall shorten the imperial robe ,", "My leg peep out beneath the scanty hem ,", "My broken hip shall twist the gown awry ;", "And pomp , instead of dignifying me ,", "Shall be by me made quite ridiculous .", "The faintest coward would not bear all this :", "Prodigious courage must be mine , to live ;", "To die asks nothing but weak will , and I", "Feel like a craven . Let me skulk away", "Ere life o'ertask me .", "Spare your words .", "I know the seasons of our human grief ,", "And can predict them without almanac .", "A few sobs o'er the body , and a few", "Over the coffin ; then a sigh or two ,", "Whose windy passage dries the hanging tear ;", "Perchance , some wandering memories , some regrets ;", "Then a vast influx of consoling thoughts \u2014", "Based on the trials of the sadder days", "Which the dead missed ; and then a smiling face", "Turned on to-morrow . Such is mortal grief .", "It writes its histories within a span ,", "And never lives to read them .", "Paolo , I am wretched ;", "Sad 's a faint word . But of my marriage-bells \u2014", "Heard you the knell that Pepe rang ?", "It was portentous . All dumb things find tongues", "Against this marriage . As I passed the hall ,", "My armour glittered on the wall , and I", "Paused by the harness , as before a friend", "Whose well-known features slack our hurried gait ;", "Francesca 's name was fresh upon my mind ,", "So I half-uttered it . Instant , my sword", "Leaped from its scabbard , as with sudden life ,", "Plunged down and pierced into the oaken floor ,", "Shivering with fear ! Lo ! while I gazed upon it \u2014", "Doubting the nature of the accident \u2014", "Around the point appeared a spot of blood ,", "Oozing upon the floor , that spread and spread \u2014", "As I stood gasping by in speechless horror \u2014", "Ring beyond ring , until the odious tide", "Crawled to my feet , and lapped them , like the tongues", "Of angry serpents ! O , my God ! I fled", "At the first touch of the infernal stain !", "Go \u2014 you may see \u2014 go to the hall !", "Go look , go look !", "Array this lump \u2014", "Paolo , hark ! There are some human thoughts", "Best left imprisoned in the aching heart ,", "Lest the freed malefactors should dispread", "Infamous ruin with their liberty .", "There 's not a man \u2014 the fairest of ye all \u2014", "Who is not fouler than he seems . This life", "Is one unending struggle to conceal", "Our baseness from our fellows . Here stands one", "In vestal whiteness with a lecher 's lust ;\u2014", "There sits a judge , holding law 's scales in hands", "That itch to take the bribe he dare not touch ;\u2014", "Here goes a priest with heavenward eyes , whose soul", "Is Satan 's council-chamber ;\u2014 there a doctor ,", "With nature 's secrets wrinkled round a brow", "Guilty with conscious ignorance ;\u2014 and here", "A soldier rivals Hector 's bloody deeds \u2014", "Out-does the devil in audacity \u2014", "With craven longings fluttering in a heart", "That dares do aught but fly ! Thus are we all", "Mere slaves and alms-men to a scornful world ,", "That takes us at our seeming .", "At myself , full tilt .", "I , like the others , am not what I seem .", "Men call me gentle , courteous , brave .\u2014 They lie !", "I 'm harsh , rude , and a coward . Had I nerve", "To cast my devils out upon the earth ,", "I 'd show this laughing planet what a hell", "Of envy , malice , cruelty , and scorn ,", "It has forced back to canker in the heart", "Of one poor cripple !", "Ay , now \u2018 tis out !", "A word I never breathed to man before .", "Can you , who are a miracle of grace ,", "Feel what it is to be a wreck like me ?", "Paolo , look at me . Is there a line ,", "In my whole bulk of wretched contraries ,", "That nature in a nightmare ever used", "Upon her shapes till now ? Find me the man ,", "Or beast , or tree , or rock , or nameless thing ,", "So out of harmony with all things else ,", "And I 'll go raving with bare happiness ,\u2014", "Ay , and I 'll marry Helena of Greece ,", "And swear I do her honour !", "No !", "You should be flatterer to an emperor .", "To Ravenna ?\u2014 no !", "In Rimini they know me ; at Ravenna", "I 'd be a new-come monster , and exposed", "To curious wonder . There will be parade", "Of all the usual follies of the state ;", "Fellows with trumpets , tinselled coats , and wands ,", "Would strut before me , like vain mountebanks", "Before their monkeys . Then , I should be stared", "Out of my modesty ; and when they look ,", "How can I tell if \u2018 tis the bridegroom 's face", "Or hump that draws their eyes ? I will not go .", "To please you all , I 'll marry ; but to please", "The wonder-mongers of Ravenna \u2014 Ha !", "Paolo , now I have it . You shall go ,", "To bring Francesca ; and you 'll speak of me ,", "Not as I ought to be , but as I am .", "If she draw backward , give her rein ; and say", "That neither Guido-nor herself shall feel", "The weight of my displeasure . You may say ,", "I pity her \u2014", "For wedding me . In sooth , she 'll need it . Say \u2014", "She is fair , \u2018 tis said ;", "And , dear Paolo , if she please your eye ,", "And move your heart to anything like love ,", "Wed her yourself . The peace would stand as firm", "By such a match .", "I am serious .", "I 'll find another wife , less beautiful ,", "More on my level , and \u2014", "I cannot : Heaven has bent me down .", "To you , Paolo , I could look , however ,", "Were my hump made a mountain . Bless him , God !", "Pour everlasting bounties on his head !", "Make Croesus jealous of his treasury ,", "Achilles of his arms , Endymion", "Of his fresh beauties ,\u2014 though the coy one lay ,", "Blushing beneath Diana 's earliest kiss ,", "On grassy Latmos ; and may every good ,", "Beyond man 's sight , though in the ken of heaven ,", "Round his fair fortune to a perfect end !", "O , you have dried the sorrow of my eyes ;", "My heart is beating with a lighter pulse ;", "The air is musical ; the total earth", "Puts on new beauty , and within the arms", "Of girding ocean dreams her time away ,", "And visions bright to-morrows !", "I go not to Ravenna .", "I thank you , brother .", "Nature will rule .", "God speed you , brother ! I am too sad ; my smiles all turn to sighs .", "Go .", "Where , then ?", "In truth , I am too gloomy and irrational .", "Paolo must be right . I always had", "These moody hours and dark presentiments ,", "Without mischances following after them .", "The camp is my abode . A neighing steed ,", "A fiery onset , and a stubborn fight ,", "Rouse my dull blood , and tire my body down", "To quiet slumbers when the day is o'er ,", "And night above me spreads her spangled tent ,", "Lit by the dying cresset of the moon .", "Ay , that is it ; I 'm homesick for the camp ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 702, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I 'll take the warning , father ,", "On one condition : show me but a way", "For safe escape .", "There 's the point .", "We Ghibelins are fettered hand and foot .", "There 's not a florin in my treasury ;", "Not a lame soldier , I can lead to war ;", "Not one to man the walls . A present siege ,", "Pushed with the wonted heat of Lanciotto ,", "Would deal Ravenna such a mortal blow", "As ages could not mend . Give me but time", "To fill the drained arteries of the land .", "The Guelfs are masters , we their slaves ; and we", "Were wiser to confess it , ere the lash", "Teach it too sternly . It is well for you", "To say you love Francesca . So do I ;", "But neither you nor I have any voice", "For or against this marriage .", "Say we refuse : Why , then , before a week ,", "We 'll hear Lanciotto rapping at our door ,", "With twenty hundred ruffians at his back .", "What 's to say then ? My lord , we waste our breath .", "Let us look fortune in the face , and draw", "Such comfort from the wanton as we may .", "You fear ! and so do I .", "I fear Lanciotto as a soldier , though ,", "More than a son-in-law .", "Ay , ay , and felt him , too . I 've seen him ride", "The best battalions of my horse and foot", "Down like mere stubble : I have seen his sword", "Hollow a square of pikemen , with the ease", "You 'd scoop a melon out .", "Were he the devil \u2014 But why talk of this ?\u2014", "Here comes Francesca .", "Look you , my lord ! you 'll make the best of it ;", "You will not whimper . Add your voice to mine ,", "Or woe to poor Ravenna !", "No , no .", "Ritta , come here .", "\u2018 Twas my command ,", "You should say nothing of Count Lanciotto .", "You have said nothing , then ?", "\u2018 Tis well . Some years ago ,", "My daughter had a very silly maid ,", "Who told her sillier stories . So , one day ,", "This maiden whispered something I forbade \u2014", "In strictest confidence , for she was sly :", "What happened , think you ?", "I boiled her in a pot .", "She did not like it . I shall keep that pot", "Ready for the next boiling .", "Hear him , ye gods !\u2014 \u201c from great Prince Malatesta ! \u201d", "Greeting , no doubt , his little cousin Guido .", "Well , well , just so we see-saw up and down .", "\u201c Fearing our treachery , \u201d \u2014 by heaven , that 's blunt ,", "And Malatesta-like !\u2014 \u201c he will not send", "His son , Lanciotto , to Ravenna , but \u201d \u2014", "But what ?\u2014 a groom , a porter ? or will he", "Have his prey sent him in an iron cage ?", "By Jove , he shall not have her ! O ! no , no ;", "\u201c He sends his younger son , the Count Paolo ,", "To fetch Francesca back to Rimini . \u201d", "That 's well , if he had left his reasons out .", "And , in a postscript \u2014 by the saints , \u2018 tis droll !\u2014", "\u201c \u2018 Twould not be worth your lordship 's while to shut", "Paolo in a prison ; for , my lord ,", "I 'll only pay his ransom in plain steel :", "Besides , he 's not worth having . \u201d Is there one ,", "Save this ignoble offshoot of the Goths ,", "Who 'd write such garbage to a gentleman ?", "Take that , and read it .", "Ritta 's work .", "No , my child ,", "I am but vexed . Your husband 's on the road ,", "Close to Ravenna . What 's the time of day ?", "We must be stirring , then .", "But I do .", "Ritta , run down , and see if my great pot", "Boils to your liking .", "The ailing of your sex , a running tongue .", "Francesca , \u2018 tis too late to beat retreat :", "Old Malatesta has me \u2014 you , too , child \u2014", "Safe in his clutch . If you are not content ,", "I must unclose Ravenna , and allow", "His son to take you . Poh , poh ! have a soul", "Equal with your estate . A prince 's child", "Cannot choose husbands . Her desires must aim ,", "Not at herself , but at the public good .", "Both as your prince and father , I command ;", "As subject and good daughter , you 'll obey .", "But , and I will but you back again !", "When Guido da Polenta says to you ,", "Daughter , you must be married ,\u2014 what were best ?", "Right !", "You 'll know ere long . I could not alter him ,", "To please your taste .", "The world reports it .\u2014 Count my soldiers \u2019 scars ,", "And you may sum Lanciotto 's glories up ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 702, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["My lord , I 'll have it so . You talk in vain .", "Paolo is a marvel in his way :", "I 've seen him often . If Francesca take", "A fancy to his beauty , all the better ;", "For she may think that he and Lanciotto", "Are like as blossoms of one parent branch .", "In truth , they are , so far as features go \u2014", "Heaven help the rest ! Get her to Rimini ,", "By any means , and I shall be content .", "The fraud cannot last long ; but long enough", "To win her favour to the family .", "Has your lordship done ?", "I have not heart .", "Hold , Cardinal !", "My plan is better . Get her off my hands ,", "And I care not .", "I 'll stop my ears up .", "And you abuse the license of your garb ,", "To lesson me . My lord , I do not dare", "To move a finger in these marriage-rites .", "Francesca is a sacrifice , I know ,\u2014", "A limb delivered to the surgeon 's knife ,", "To save our general health . A truce to this .", "Paolo has the business in his hands :", "Let him arrange it as he will ; for I", "Will give Count Malatesta no pretext", "To recommence the war .", "Why , that 's a very grand and solemn thought :", "I 'll mention it to Dante . Gentlemen ,", "What see they from the wall ?", "Inform my daughter .", "This is too much ! If she would rail a while", "At me and fortune , it could be endured .", "Ritta !", "Ritta , the pot !", "\u2018 Sdeath ! my plot has failed , By overworking its design . Come , come ; Get to your places . See , the Count draws nigh . GUIDO and FRANCESCA seat themselves upon the dais , surrounded by RITTA , LADIES , ATTENDANTS , GUARDS , etc . Music , shouts , ringing of bells , etc . Enter MEN-AT-ARMS , with banners , etc . ; PAGES bearing costly presents on cushions ; then PAOLO , surrounded by NOBLEMEN , KNIGHTS , MINSTRELS , etc ., and followed by other MEN-AT-ARMS . They range themselves opposite the dais .", "Ravenna welcomes you , my lord , and I", "Add my best greeting to the general voice .", "This peaceful show of arms from Rimini", "Is a new pleasure , stranger to our sense", "Than if the East blew zephyrs , or the balm", "Of Summer loaded rough December 's gales ,", "And turned his snows to roses .", "Sir Count , you please to lavish on my child", "The high-strained courtesy of chivalry ;", "Yet she has homely virtues that , I hope ,", "May take a deeper hold in Rimini ,", "After the fleeting beauty of her face", "Is spoiled by time , or faded to the eye", "By its familiar usage .", "Now , by the saints , Lanciotto 's deputy", "Stands in this business with a proper grace ,", "Stretching his lord 's instructions till they crack .", "A zealous envoy ! Not a word said he", "Of Lanciotto \u2014 not a single word :", "But stood there , staring in Francesca 's face", "With his devouring eyes .\u2014 By Jupiter ,", "I but half like it !", "Well , my child .", "The coxcomb ! I 've done well !", "Well enough . But hang this fellow \u2014 hang your deputies ! I 'll never woo by proxy .", "Come to me anon . I 'll strip this cuckoo of his gallantry !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 702, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["There now , my lord , that is the whole of it :", "I love my mistress more than I fear you .", "If I could save her finger from the axe ,", "I 'd give my head to do it . So , my lord ,", "I am prepared to stew .", "No ; I prefer to stew .", "Tis very hard , my lord , I cannot choose", "My way of cooking . I shall laugh , I vow ,", "In the grim headsman 's face , when I remember", "That I am dying for my lady 's love .", "I leave no one to shed a tear for me ;", "Father nor mother , kith nor kin , have I ,", "To say , \u201c Poor Ritta ! \u201d o'er my lifeless clay .", "They all have gone before me , and \u2018 twere well", "If I could hurry after them .", "No , not a word ; and he 's so ugly , too !", "Ugly ! he is worse", "Than Pilate on the hangings .", "Am I not to boil ?", "Fire is my fate , I see that .", "In her room , my lord .", "After I told her of the Count Paolo ,", "She flew to have an interview with you ;", "But on the way \u2014 I know not why it was \u2014", "She darted to her chamber , and there stays", "Weeping in silence . It would do you good \u2014", "More than a hundred sermons \u2014 just to see", "A single tear , indeed it would , my lord ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 702, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["O ! fie , philosophy ! This Seneca", "Revels in wealth , and whines about the poor !", "Talks of starvation while his banquet waits ,", "And fancies that a two hours \u2019 appetite", "Throws light on famine ! Doubtless he can tell ,", "As he skips nimbly through his dancing-girls ,", "How sad it is to limp about the world", "A sightless cripple ! Let him feel the crutch", "Wearing against his heart , and then I 'd hear", "This sage talk glibly ; or provide a pad ,", "Stuffed with his soft philosophy , to ease", "His aching shoulder . Pshaw ! he never felt ,", "Or pain would choke his frothy utterance .", "\u2018 Tis easy for the doctor to compound", "His nauseous simples for a sick man 's health ;", "But let him swallow them , for his disease ,", "Without wry faces . Ah ! the tug is there .", "Show me philosophy in rags , in want ,", "Sick of a fever , with a back like mine ,", "Creeping to wisdom on these legs , and I", "Will drink its comforts . Out ! away with you !", "There 's no such thing as real philosophy !", "Here is a sage who 'll teach a courtier", "The laws of etiquette , a statesman rule ,", "A soldier discipline , a poet verse ,", "And each mechanic his distinctive trade ;", "Yet bring him to his motley , and how wide", "He shoots from reason ! We can understand", "All business but our own , and thrust advice", "In every gaping cranny of the world ;", "While habit shapes us to our own dull work ,", "And reason nods above his proper task .", "Just so philosophy would rectify", "All things abroad , and be a jade at home .", "Pepe , what think you of the Emperor 's aim", "Towards Hungary ?", "Why , there ! the fact cries out .", "Here 's motley thinking for a diadem !\u2014", "Ay , and more wisely in his own regard .", "Have you aught that 's new ?\u2014", "Some witty trifle , some absurd conceit ?", "Why not give up the Emperor ,", "And bend your wisdom on your duties , Pepe ?", "Well said ! Mere habit brings the fool back to his art . This jester is a rare philosopher . Teach me philosophy , good fool .", "Were you married , fool ?", "Fie , atheist ! Would you abolish marriage ?", "What ?", "Depopulate the world ?", "It is so , in truth ;", "And by the simplest means I ever heard .", "By Jupiter ,", "You hit our modern teachers to a hair !", "I knew this fool was a philosopher .", "Pepe is right . Mechanic means advance ;", "Nature bows down to Science \u2019 haughty tread ,", "And turns the wheel of smutty artifice :", "New governments arise , dilate , decay ,", "And foster creeds and churches to their tastes :", "At each advance , we cry , \u201c Behold , the end ! \u201d", "Till some fresh wonder breaks upon the age .", "But man , the moral creature , midst it all", "Stands still unchanged ; nor moves towards virtue more ,", "Nor comprehends the mysteries in himself ,", "More than when Plato taught academies ,", "Or Zeno thundered from his Attic porch .", "Begin at home , then .", "A bad digestion , sage , a bilious turn ,", "A gnawing stomach , or a pinching shoe .", "You have indeed ; nor do I wonder , Pepe .", "Fool as you are , I promise you success", "In your new calling , if you 'll set it up .", "The thing is far too simple .", "Trumpet sounds within .", "That calls me to myself .", "Perhaps ; but that it knows not .", "That 's just the measure of your tongue , good fool .", "You trouble me . I 've had enough of you \u2014", "Begone !", "Pepe !", "Hark ! My father calls .", "Hands off ! you 'll rue it else !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 702, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Captain , take care the streets be not choked up", "By the rude rabble . Send to C\u00e6sar 's bridge", "A strong detachment of your men , and clear", "The way before them . See that nothing check", "The bride 's first entrance into Rimini .", "Station your veterans in the front . Count Guido", "Comes with his daughter , and his eyes are sharp .", "Keep up a show of strength before him , sir ;", "And set some labourers to work upon", "The broken bastion . Make all things look bright ;", "As if we stood in eager readiness ,", "And high condition , to begin a war .", "Keep Guido in your eye ;", "And if you see him looking over-long", "On any weakness of our walls , just file", "Your bulkiest fellows round him ; or get up", "A scuffle with the people ; anything \u2014", "Even if you break a head or two \u2014 to draw", "His vision off . But where our strength is great ,", "Take heed to make him see it . You conceive ?", "Who is it asks ?", "But how a funeral ?", "How , doctor , pray ?", "Ha ! ha ! thou cunning villain ! I was caught . I own it , doctor .", "Jeptha 's daughter ! How so ?", "Ho ! ho !", "You 'll burst my belt ! O ! you outrageous wretch ,", "To jest at Scripture !", "Is it not ?", "Why , Pepe ?", "That 's Scripture , sure .", "Here comes the vanguard . Where ,", "Where is that laggard ?", "You 'd best not let him hear you . Sirrah , knave ,", "I have a mind to swinge you !", "Hush ! or I 'll clap you in the pillory .", "There 's matter in his croak .", "Then eyes must do our work .", "Old Guido shall be looked to . If his force", "Appear too great , I 'll camp him out of town .", "Well , well ,", "I 'm a good landlord , though . I do not like", "This flight of eagles more than Pepe . \u2018 Sdeath !", "Guido was ever treacherous .", "So \u2014 so ! How so ?", "Sew up your mouth , and mind your fooling fool !", "Ha ! ha ! ha !", "For heaven 's sake , cease your clamour ! I shall have", "No face to meet them else . \u2018 Tis strange , for all :", "What ails Paolo ?", "Then I will hang you .", "Stand back !", "Welcome , to Rimini , Count Guido ! Welcome ,", "And fair impressions of our poor abode ,", "To you , my daughter ! You are well returned ,", "My son , Paolo ! Let me bless you , son .", "Footmen ?", "\u2018 Tis well .", "Again I bid you welcome ! Make no show", "Of useless ceremony with us . Friends", "Have closer titles than the empty name .", "We have provided entertainment , Count ,", "For all your followers , in the midst of us .", "We trust the veterans of Rimini", "May prove your soldiers that our courtesy", "Does not lag far behind their warlike zeal .", "Let us drop Guelf and Ghibelin henceforth ,", "Coupling the names of Rimini and Ravenna", "As bridegroom 's to his bride 's .", "Lanciotto !", "What means all this ?", "How so ?", "You 're humble ?\u2014 How ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 702, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["It cannot be that I have duped myself ,", "That my desire has played into the hand", "Of my belief ; yet such a thing might be .", "We palm more frauds upon our simple selves", "Than knavery puts upon us . Could I trust", "The open candour of an angel 's brow ,", "I must believe Francesca 's . But the tongue", "Should consummate the proof upon the brow ,", "And give the truth its word . The fault lies there .", "I 've tried her . Press her as I may to it ,", "She will not utter those three little words \u2014", "\u201c I love thee . \u201d She will say , \u201c I 'll marry you ;\u2014", "I 'll be your duteous wife ;\u2014 I 'll cheer your days ;\u2014", "I 'll do whate'er I can . \u201d But at the point", "Of present love , she ever shifts the ground ,", "Winds round the word , laughs , calls me \u201c Infidel !\u2014", "How can I doubt ? \u201d So , on and on . But yet ,", "For all her dainty ways , she never says ,", "Frankly , I love thee . I am jealous \u2014 true !", "Suspicious \u2014 true ! distrustful of myself ;\u2014", "She knows all that . Ay , and she likewise knows ,", "A single waking of her morning breath", "Would blow these vapours off . I would not take", "The barren offer of a heartless hand ,", "If all the Indies cowered under it .", "Perhaps she loves another ? No ; she said ,", "\u201c I love you , Count , as well as any man ; \u201d", "And laughed , as if she thought that precious wit .", "I turn her nonsense into argument ,", "And think I reason . Shall I give her up ?", "Rail at her heartlessness , and bid her go", "Back to Ravenna ? But she clings to me ,", "At the least hint of parting . Ah ! \u2018 tis sweet ,", "Sweeter than slumber to the lids of pain ,", "To fancy that a shadow of true love", "May fall on this God-stricken mould of woe ,", "From so serene a nature . Beautiful", "Is the first vision of a desert brook ,", "Shining beneath its palmy garniture ,", "To one who travels on his easy way ;", "What is it to the blood-shot , aching eye", "Of some poor wight who crawls with gory feet ,", "In famished madness , to its very brink ;", "And throws his sun-scorched limbs upon the cool", "And humid margin of its shady strand ,", "To suck up life at every eager gasp ?", "Such seems Francesca to my thirsting soul ;", "Shall I turn off and die ?", "Good-morning to your foolish majesty !", "You compliment !", "With patience ?", "Sing , then , sing !", "And if you equal Homer in your song ,", "Why , roll I must , by sheer compulsion .", "Most marvellous ! You struggle with a legend worth your art .", "Triumphant art !", "Fie , fie ! go comb your hair in private .", "Why , what a hair-rending !", "Peace , fool !", "So all this cunning thing was wound about ,", "To cast a jibe at my deformity ?", "There lies your cap , the emblem that protects", "Your head from chastisement . Now , Pepe , hark !", "Of late you 've taken to reviling me ;", "Under your motley , you have dared to jest", "At God 's inflictions . Let me tell you , fool ,", "No man e'er lived , to make a second jest", "At me , before your time !", "I , Lanciotto , Count of Rimini ,", "Will hang you , then . Put on your jingling cap ;", "You please my father . But remember , fool ,", "No jests at me !", "And I the gallows .", "Go , fool ! Your weakness bounds your malice .", "I am bemocked on all sides . My sad state", "Has given the licensed and unlicensed fool", "Charter to challenge me at every turn .", "The jester 's laughing bauble blunts my sword ,", "His gibes cut deeper than its fearful edge ;", "And I , a man , a soldier , and a prince ,", "Before this motley patchwork of a man ,", "Stand all appalled , as if he were a glass", "Wherein I saw my own deformity .", "O Heaven ! a tear \u2014 one little tear \u2014 to wash", "This aching dryness of the heart away !", "Poor fool !", "That is the groundwork of his malice , then ,\u2014", "His conscious difference from the rest of men ?", "I , of all men , should pity him the most .", "Poor Pepe ! I 'll be kinder . I have wronged", "A feeling heart . Poor Pepe !", "Where are the leaves of Summer ? Where the snows", "Of last year 's Winter ? Where the joys and griefs", "That shut our eyes to yesternight 's repose ,", "And woke not on the morrow ? Joys and griefs ,", "Huntsmen and hounds , ye follow us as game ,", "Poor panting outcasts of your forest-law !", "Each cheers the others ,\u2014 one with wild halloos ,", "And one with whines and howls .\u2014 A dreadful chase ,", "That only closes when horns sound \u00e0 mort !", "Or find gall", "Hid in the hanging chalice of the rose :", "Which think you better ? If my mood offend ,", "We 'll turn to business ,\u2014 to the empty cares", "That make such pother in our feverish life .", "When at Ravenna , did you ever hear", "Of any romance in Francesca 's life ?", "A love-tilt , gallantry , or anything", "That might have touched her heart ?", "Then there is hope .", "Of winning her .", "And changed to-day .", "Is that so strange ? I always mend the fault", "Of yesterday with wisdom of to-day .", "She does not love me .", "Perhaps , she loves you .", "It moves you much . \u2018 Twas but a fleeting fancy , nothing more .", "Well , to me", "They seem quite tame ; they are my bed-fellows .", "Think , to a modest woman , what must be", "The loathsome kisses of an unloved man \u2014", "A gross , coarse ruffian !", "What shocks you so ?", "Until she love me , till I know , beyond", "The cavil of a doubt , that she is mine \u2014", "Wholly , past question \u2014 do you think that I", "Could so afflict the woman whom I love ?", "Next to you ,", "Dearer than anything in nature 's scope .", "Come , Paolo ,", "Come help me woo . I need your guiding eye ,", "To signal me , if I should sail astray .", "You and I , perchance ,", "Joining our forces , may prevail at last .", "They call love like a battle . As for me ,", "I 'm not a soldier equal to such wars ,", "Despite my arduous schooling . Tutor me", "In the best arts of amorous strategy .", "I am quite raw , Paolo . Glances , sighs ,", "Sweets of the lip , and arrows of the eye ,", "Shrugs , cringes , compliments , are new to me ;", "And I shall handle them with little art .", "Will you instruct me ?", "Ha ! ha !", "I 'll trust you , brother . Let us go to her :", "Francesca is neglected while we jest .", "I know not how it is , but your fair face ,", "And noble figure , always cheer me up ,", "More than your words ; there 's healing in them , too ,", "For my worst griefs . Dear brother , let us in ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 702, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ring high , ring high ! to earth and sky ;", "A lady goes a-wedding ;", "The people shout , the show draws out ,", "And smiles the bride is shedding .", "No bell for you , ye ragged few ;", "A beggar goes a-wedding ;", "The people sneer , the thing 's so queer ,", "And tears the bride is shedding .", "Ring low , ring low ! dull bell of woe ,", "One tone will do for either ;", "The lady glad , and beggar sad ,", "Have both lain down together .", "I scarce knew I sang .", "I 'm weary of this wreath . These orange-flowers", "Will never be adjusted to my taste :", "Strive as I will , they ever look awry .", "My fingers ache !", "That 's better , yet not well .", "How beautiful you are !", "No , no !", "You give them grace , they nothing give to you .", "Why , after all , you make the wreath look well ;", "But somewhat dingy , where it lies against", "Your pulsing temple , sullen with disgrace .", "Ah ! well , your Count should be the proudest man", "That ever led a lady into church ,", "Were he a modern Alexander . Poh !", "What are his trophies to a face like that ?", "Please yourself ,", "And you will please me better . You are sad :", "I marked it ever since you saw the Count .", "I fear the splendour of his victories ,", "And his sweet grace of manner \u2014 for , in faith ,", "His is the gentlest , grandest character ,", "Despite his \u2014", "Despite his \u2014", "Despite his difference from Count Paolo .\u2014", "What is the matter ?", "That I fear the Count", "Has won your love .", "O ! yes , indeed ! Once \u2014 long ago \u2014 I was", "Just fool enough to tangle up my heart", "With one of these same men . \u2018 Twas terrible !", "Morning or evening , waking or asleep ,", "I had no peace . Sighs , groans , and standing tears ,", "Counted my moments through the blessed day .", "And then to this there was a dull , strange ache", "Forever sleeping in my breast ,\u2014 a numbing pain ,", "That would not for an instant be forgot .", "O ! but I loved him so , that very feeling", "Became intolerable . And I believed", "This false Giuseppe , too , for all the sneers ,", "The shrugs and glances , of my intimates .", "They slandered me and him , yet I believed .", "He was a noble , and his love to me", "Was a reproach , a shame , yet I believed .", "He wearied of me , tried to shake me off ,", "Grew cold and formal , yet I would not doubt .", "O ! lady , I was true ! Nor till I saw", "Giuseppe walk through the cathedral door", "With Dora , the rich usurer 's niece , upon", "The very arm to which I clung so oft ,", "Did I so much as doubt him . Even then \u2014", "More is my shame \u2014 I made excuses for him .", "\u201c Just this or that had forced him to the course :", "Perhaps , he loved me yet \u2014 a little yet .", "His fortune , or his family , had driven", "My poor Giuseppe thus against his heart .", "The low are sorry judges for the great .", "Yes , yes , Giuseppe loved me ! \u201d But at last", "I did awake . It might have been with less :", "There was no need of crushing me , to break", "My silly dream up . In the street , it chanced ,", "Dora and he went by me , and he laughed \u2014", "A bold , bad laugh \u2014 right in my poor pale face ,", "And turned and whispered Dora , and she laughed .", "Ah ! then I saw it all . I 've been awake ,", "Ever since then , I warrant you . And now", "I only pray for him sometimes , when friends", "Tell his base actions towards his hapless wife .\u2014", "O ! I am lying \u2014 I pray every night !", "No ! blest Ritta ! Thank kind heaven ,", "That kept me spotless when he tempted me ,", "And my weak heart was pleading with his tongue .", "Pray , do not weep . You spoil your eyes for me .", "But never love ; O ! it is terrible !", "Do : because , my lady ,", "Even a husband may be false , you know ;", "Ay , even to so sweet a wife as you .", "Men have odd tastes . They 'll surfeit on the charms", "Of Cleopatra , and then turn aside", "To woo her blackamoor . \u2018 Tis so , in faith ;", "Or Dora 's uncle 's gold had ne'er outbid", "The boundless measure of a love like mine .", "Think of it , lady , to weigh love with gold !", "What could be meaner ?", "O ! misery , misery !\u2014 it is plain as day \u2014", "She loves Paolo ! Why will those I love", "Forever get themselves ensnared , and heaven", "Forever call on me to succor them ?", "Here was the mystery , then \u2014 the sighs and tears ,", "The troubled slumbers , and the waking dreams !", "And now she 's walking through the chapel-door ,", "Her bridal robe above an aching heart ,", "Dressed up for sacrifice . Tis terrible !", "And yet she 'll smile and do it . Smile , for years ,", "Until her heart breaks ; and the nurses ask", "The doctor of the cause . He 'll answer , too ,", "In hard thick Latin , and believe himself .", "O ! my dear mistress ! Heaven , pray torture me !", "Send back Giuseppe , let him ruin me ,", "And scorn me after ; but , sweet heaven , spare her !", "I 'll follow her . O ! what a world is this !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 702, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Gentle Francesca ,", "Custom imposes somewhat on thy lips :", "I 'll make my levy .", "Ha ! she shrank ! I felt", "Her body tremble , and her quivering lips", "Seemed dying under mine ! I heard a sigh ,", "Such as breaks hearts \u2014 O ! no , a very groan ;", "And then she turned a sickly , miserable look", "On pale Paolo , and he shivered too !", "There is a mystery hangs around her ,\u2014 ay ,", "Paolo knows it , too .\u2014 By all the saints ,", "I 'll make him tell it , at the dagger 's point !", "Paolo !\u2014 here ! I do adjure you , brother ,", "By the great love I bear you , to reveal", "The secret of Francesca 's grief .", "She told you nothing ?", "Not a word ?", "What heard you at Ravenna , then ?", "Here ?", "Not the slightest hint ?\u2014", "Do n't stammer , man ! Speak quick ! I am in haste .", "What know you ?", "Would you not ? You ask a question for me : answer it .", "You juggle , you turn deadly pale ,", "Fumble your dagger , stand with head half round ,", "Tapping your feet .\u2014 You dare not look at me !", "By Satan ! Count Paolo , let me say ,", "You look much like a full-convicted thief !", "Pshaw ! brother ! You deceive me , sir :", "You and that lady have a devil 's league ,", "To keep a devil 's secret . Is it thus", "You deal with me ? Now , by the light above", "I 'd give a dukedom for some fair pretext", "To fly you all ! She does not love me ? Well ,", "I could bear that , and live away from her .", "Love would be sweet , but want of it becomes", "An early habit to such men as I .", "But you \u2014 ah ! there 's the sorrow \u2014 whom I loved", "An infant in your cradle ; you who grew", "Up in my heart , with every inch you gained ;", "You whom I loved for every quality ,", "Good , bad , and common , in your natural stock ;", "Ay , for your very beauty ! It is strange , you 'll say ,", "For such a crippled horror to do that ,", "Against the custom of his kind ! O ! yes ,", "I love , and you betray me !", "I 'll not !", "What , go to her , to feel her very flesh", "Crawl from my touch ?\u2014 to hear her sigh and moan ,", "As if God plagued her ? Must I come to that ?", "Must I endure your hellish mystery", "With my own wife , and roll my eyes away", "In sentimental bliss ? No , no ! until", "I go to her , with confident belief", "In her integrity and candid love ,", "I 'll shun her as a leper .", "And I", "Will put them down again ! I thank thee , Heaven ,", "For this unlooked-for aid !", "It matters not ,\u2014 nor yet the time , place , cause ,", "Of their rebellion . I would throttle it ,", "Were it a riot , or a drunken brawl !", "My bride will pardon me ;", "Bless me , perhaps , as I am going forth ;\u2014", "Thank me , perhaps , if I should ne'er return .", "A soldier 's duty has no bridals in it .", "Ha ! ha ! ha !", "What ! thou , a tilt-yard soldier , lead my troops !", "My wife will ask it shortly . Not a word", "Of opposition from the new-made bride ?", "Nay , she looks happier . O ! accursed day ,", "That I was mated to an empty heart !", "Well , father ?", "Hark ! the fool speaks oracles .", "You , soldiers , who are used to follow me ,", "And front our charges , emulous to bear", "The shock of battle on your forward arms ,\u2014", "Why stand ye in amazement ? Do your swords", "Stick to their scabbards with inglorious rust ?", "Or has repose so weakened your big hearts ,", "That you can dream with trumpets at your ears ?", "Out with your steel ! It shames me to behold", "Such tardy welcome to my war-worn blade !", "Ho ! draw our forces out ! Strike camp , sound drums ,", "And set us on our marches ! As I live ,", "I pity the next foeman who relies", "On me for mercy ! Farewell ! to you all \u2014", "To all alike \u2014 a soldier 's short farewell !", "Out of my way , thou juggler !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 702, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis jolly to walk in the shady greenwood", "With a damsel by your side ;", "\u2018 Tis jolly to walk from the chapel-door ,", "With the hand of your pretty bride ;", "\u2018 Tis jolly to rest your weary head ,", "When life runs low and hope is fled ,", "On the heart where you confide :", "\u2018 Tis jolly , jolly , jolly , they say ,", "They say \u2014 but I never tried .", "Nor shall I ever till they dress their girls", "In motley suits , and pair us , to increase", "The race of fools . \u2018 Twould be a noble thing ,", "A motley woman , had she wit enough", "To bear the bell . But there 's the misery :", "You may make princes out of any stuff ;", "Fools come by nature . She 'll make fifty kings \u2014", "Good , hearty tyrants , sound , cruel governors \u2014", "For one fine fool . There is Paolo , now ,", "A sweet-faced fellow with a wicked heart \u2014", "Talk of a flea , and you begin to scratch .", "Lo ! here he comes . And there 's fierce crook-back 's bride", "Walking beside him \u2014 O , how gingerly !", "Take care , my love ! that is the very pace", "We trip to hell with . Hunchback is away \u2014", "That was a fair escape for you ; but , then ,", "The devil 's ever with us , and that 's worse .", "See , the Ravenna giglet , Mistress Ritta ,", "And melancholy as a cow .\u2014 How 's this ?", "I 'll step aside , and watch you , pretty folks .", "O , brother Lanciotto !\u2014 O , my stars !\u2014", "If this thing lasts , I simply shall go mad !", "O Lord ! to think my pretty lady puss", "Had tricks like this , and we ne'er know of it !", "I tell you , Lanciotto , you and I", "Must have a patent for our foolery !", "\u201c She smiled ; he kissed her full upon the mouth ! \u201d \u2014", "There 's the beginning ; where 's the end of it ?", "O poesy ! debauch thee only once ,", "And thou'rt the greatest wanton in the world !", "O cousin Lanciotto \u2014 ho , ho , ho !", "Can a man die of laughter ? Here we sat ;", "Mistress Francesca so demure and calm ;", "Paolo grand , poetical , sublime !\u2014", "Eh ! what is this ? Paolo 's dagger ? Good !", "Here is more proof , sweet cousin Broken-back .", "\u201c In thoughts of love , we 'll lay our weapons by ! \u201d", "That 's very pretty ! Here 's its counterpart :", "In thoughts of hate , we 'll pick them up again !", "Now for my soldier , now for crook-backed Mars !", "Ere long all Rimini will be ablaze .", "He 'll kill me ? Yes : what then ? That 's nothing new ,", "Except to me ; I 'll bear for custom 's sake .", "More blood will follow ; like the royal sun ,", "I shall go down in purple . Fools for luck ;", "The proverb holds like iron . I must run ,", "Ere laughter smother me .\u2014 O , ho , ho , ho !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 702, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The camp is strangely quiet . Not a sound", "Breaks nature 's high solemnity . The sun", "Repeats again his every-day decline ;", "Yet all the world looks sadly after him ,", "As if the customary sight were new .", "Yon moody sentinel goes slowly by ,", "Through the thick mists of evening , with his spear", "Trailed at a funeral hold . Long shadows creep ,", "From things beyond the furthest range of sight ,", "Up to my very feet . These mystic shades", "Are of the earth ; the light that causes them ,", "And teaches us the quick comparison ,", "Is all from heaven . Ah ! restless man might crawl", "With patience through his shadowy destiny ,", "If he were senseless to the higher light", "Towards which his soul aspires . How grand and vast", "Is yonder show of heavenly pageantry !", "How mean and narrow is the earthly stand", "From which we gaze on it ! Magnificent ,", "O God , art thou amid the sunsets ! Ah !", "What heart in Rimini is softened now ,", "Towards my defects , by this grand spectacle ?", "Perchance , Paolo now forgives the wrong", "Of my hot spleen . Perchance , Francesca now", "Wishes me back , and turns a tenderer eye", "On my poor person and ill-mannered ways ;", "Fashions excuses for me , schools her heart", "Through duty into love , and ponders o'er", "The sacred meaning in the name of wife .", "Dreams , dreams ! Poor fools , we squander love away", "On thankless borrowers ; when bankrupt quite ,", "We sit and wonder of their honesty .", "Love , take a lesson from the usurer ,", "And never lend but on security .", "Captain !", "They worsted us to-day .", "With little loss , indeed .", "Their strength is in position . Mark you , sir .", "Here is the pass ; it opens towards the plain ,", "With gradual widening , like a lady 's fan .", "The hills protect their flank on either hand ;", "And , as you see , we cannot show more front", "Than their advance may give us . Then , the rocks", "Are sorry footing for our horse . Just here ,", "Close in against the left-hand hills , I marked", "A strip of wood , extending down the gorge :", "Behind that wood dispose your force ere dawn .", "I shall begin the onset , then give ground ,", "And draw them out ; while you , behind the wood ,", "Must steal along , until their flank and rear", "Oppose your column . Then set up a shout ,", "Burst from the wood , and drive them on our spears .", "They have no outpost in the wood , I know ;", "\u2018 Tis too far from their centre . On the morrow ,", "When they are flushed with seeming victory ,", "And think my whole division in full rout ,", "They will not pause to scrutinize the wood ;", "So you may enter boldly . We will use", "The heart to-day 's repulse has given to them ,", "For our advantage . Do you understand ?", "If they discover you ,", "Before you gain your point , wheel , and retreat", "Upon my rear . If your attack should fail", "To strike them with a panic , and they turn", "In too great numbers on your small command ,", "Scatter your soldiers through the wood :", "Let each seek safety for himself .", "Have Pluto shod ; he cast a shoe to-day :", "Let it be done at once . My helmet , too ,", "Is worn about the lacing ; look to that .", "Where is my armourer ?", "Your charge", "Must be at sunrise \u2014 just at sunrise , sir \u2014", "Neither before nor after . You must march", "At moonset , then , to gain the point ere dawn .", "That is enough .", "Stay , stay , stay !", "My sword-hilt feels uneasy in my grasp ;", "Have it repaired ; and grind the point . Strike hard !", "I 'll teach these Ghibelins a lesson .", "Ha !", "What is that clamour ?", "Is that you , Pepe ? Captain , a good-night !", "I never saw you in such straits before .", "Wit without words !", "You 'll die a jester , Pepe .", "You 're pleasant , Pepe !", "What ?", "Swear what ?", "For your jest 's sake ? Well .", "I do .", "The truth of a fool 's story !", "Ha ! Pepe !", "Ha ! Speak ! or I 'll throttle you !", "But that may trouble me .", "My honour ? Speak !", "I swear . Your news is ill , perchance ?", "You infernal imp ,", "Out with your story , ere I strangle you !", "I am all ears .", "Will you be serious ?", "With such trash as this ?", "And so you ran ten leagues to tell a lie ?\u2014", "Run home again .", "You should have been a poet , not a fool .", "You made no record , then ? Must this fine story die for want of ink ? Left you no trace in writing ?", "Alas !", "Then you have told it ? Tis but stale , my boy ;", "I 'm second hearer .", "In truth ?", "But have I heard you out ? You told me all ?", "Why , you brain-stricken idiot , to trust", "Your story and your body in my grasp !", "When I drop you , Pepe ,", "You 'll be at rest .", "Not till the judgment day .", "Well meant ,", "But poorly done ! Here 's my return .", "Fie ! say your prayers .", "That is a lie ; you never cared for gold .", "No !", "O ! horrible ! It was a gift of mine \u2014", "He never laid it by . Speak , speak , fool , speak !", "How didst thou get it ?\u2014 speak ! Thou'rt warm \u2014 not dead \u2014", "Thou hast a tongue \u2014 O ! speak ! Come , come , a jest \u2014", "Another jest from those thin mocking lips !", "Call me a cripple \u2014 hunchback \u2014 what thou wilt ;", "But speak to me ! He cannot . Now , by heaven ,", "I 'll stir this business till I find the truth !", "Am I a fool ? It is a silly lie ,", "Coined by yon villain with his last base breath .", "What ho ! without there !", "Did Heaven thunder ? Are you deaf , you louts ?", "Saddle my horse ! What are you staring at ?", "Is it your first look at a dead man ? Well ,", "Then look your fill . Saddle my horse , I say !", "Black Pluto \u2014 stir ! Bear that assassin hence .", "Chop him to pieces , if he move . My horse !", "Did I ask for shoes ?", "I want my horse . Run , fellow , run ! Unbarbed \u2014", "My lightest harness on his back . Fly , fly !", "Ask him , I pray you , if he did not lie !", "Then do not ask him !", "By Jupiter , I shall go mad , I think !", "Boy , boy !", "My cloak and riding staff . Quick , quick !", "How you all lag !", "I ride to Rimini .", "Skirmish to-morrow . Wait till my return \u2014", "I shall be back at sundown . You shall see", "What slaughter is then !", "I wish no guard ; I ride alone .", "Well done !", "Thou art a pretty boy .\u2014 And now my horse !", "\u2018 Tis a damned black lie !", "O ! comrade , pardon me : I talk at random . What , Paolo too ,\u2014 boy whom I have trotted on my knee ! Poh ! I abuse myself by such a thought . Francesca may not love me , may love him \u2014 Indeed she ought ; but when an angel comes To play the wanton on this filthy earth , Then I 'll believe her guilty . Look you , sir ! Am I quite calm ?", "You see", "No trace of passion on my face ?\u2014 No sign", "Of ugly humours , doubts , or fears , or aught", "That may disfigure God 's intelligence ?", "I have a grievous charge against you , sir ,", "That may involve your life ; and if you doubt", "The candour of my judgment , choose your time :", "Shall I arraign you now ?", "Pshaw !", "I try myself , not you . And I am calm \u2014", "That is your verdict \u2014 and dispassionate ?", "\u2018 Tis well , \u2018 tis well !", "Then I will ride to Rimini . Good-night !", "The others look after him amazedly , and exeunt ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 702, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Thou hast resolved ?", "Ah , you men", "Can talk of love and duty in a breath ;", "Love while you like , forget when you are tired ,", "And salve your falsehood with some wholesome saw ;", "But we , poor women , when we give our hearts ,", "Give all , lose all , and never ask it back .", "Thou canst forsake me , then ,", "To spare thyself a little bashful pain ?", "Paolo , dost thou know what \u2018 tis for me ,", "A woman \u2014 nay , a dame of highest rank \u2014", "To lose my purity ? to walk a path", "Whose slightest slip may fill my ear with sounds", "That hiss me out to infamy and death ?", "Have I no secret pangs , no self-respect ,", "No husband 's look to bear ? O ! worse than these ,", "I must endure his loathsome touch ; be kind", "When he would dally with his wife , and smile", "To see him play thy part . Pah ! sickening thought !", "From that thou art exempt . Thou shalt not go !", "Thou dost not love me !", "Let it ! I 'll blazon it to all the world ,", "Ere I will lose thee . Nay , if I had choice ,", "Between our love and my lost innocence ,", "I tell thee calmly , I would dare again", "The deed which we have done . O ! thou art cruel", "To fly me , like a coward , for thy ease .", "When thou art gone , thou'lt flatter thy weak heart", "With hopes and speculations ; and thou'lt swear", "I suffer naught , because thou dost not see .", "I will not live to bear it !", "I 'll kill myself !", "Where wilt thou go ?", "Heavens ! O , say not so !", "I never cursed thee , love ; I never moved", "My little finger , ere I looked to thee", "For my instruction .", "Cease ! cease !", "And I must follow . All that I call life", "Is bound in thee . I could endure for thee", "More agonies than thou canst catalogue \u2014", "For thy sake , love \u2014 bearing the ill for thee !", "With thee , the devils could not so contrive", "That I would blench or falter from my love !", "Without thee , heaven were torture !", "O ! no \u2014 Paolo \u2014 dearest !\u2014", "Paolo \u2014 love \u2014 Indeed , you hurt me !\u2014 Do not use me thus ! Kill me , but do not leave me . I will laugh \u2014 long , gay , ringing laugh \u2014 if thou wilt draw Thy pitying sword , and stab me to the heart !Nay , then , one kiss !", "The last ! so be it .", "Why not ? I 've kissed him in the sight of heaven ;", "Are you above it ?", "\u2018 Tis false !", "The guilt is mine . Paolo was entrapped", "By love and cunning . I am shrewder far", "Than you suspect .", "If I might speak for him \u2014", "No ! I assert it ; but \u2014", "Death to both .", "Give thy sword to me .", "O !\u2014 O !\u2014", "Help !\u2014 O ! murder !\u2014 help , help , help !", "Paolo !", "No , my lord .", "Love ,", "Art suffering ?", "Here , rest thy head", "Upon my bosom . Fie upon my blood !", "It stains thy ringlets . Ha ! he dies ! Kind saints ,", "I was first struck , why cannot I die first ?", "Paolo , wake !\u2014 God 's mercy ! wilt thou go", "Alone \u2014 without me ? Prithee , strike again !", "Nay , I am better \u2014 love \u2014 now \u2014 O !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 702, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["God giue your Graces both , a happie", "And a ioyfull time of day", "Their Aunt I am in law , in loue their Mother :", "Then bring me to their sights , Ile beare thy blame ,", "And take thy Office from thee , on my perill", "Despightfull tidings , O vnpleasing newes", "And I with all vnwillingnesse will goe .", "O would to God , that the inclusiue Verge", "Of Golden Mettall , that must round my Brow ,", "Were red hot Steele , to seare me to the Braines ,", "Anoynted let me be with deadly Venome ,", "And dye ere men can say , God saue the Queene", "No : why ? When he that is my Husband now ,", "Came to me , as I follow 'd Henries Corse ,", "When scarce the blood was well washt from his hands ,", "Which issued from my other Angell Husband ,", "And that deare Saint , which then I weeping follow 'd :", "O , when I say I look 'd on Richards Face ,", "This was my Wish : Be thou", "accurst ,", "For making me , so young , so old a Widow :", "And when thou wed'st , let sorrow haunt thy Bed ;", "And be thy Wife , if any be so mad ,", "More miserable , by the Life of thee ,", "Then thou hast made me , by my deare Lords death .", "Loe , ere I can repeat this Curse againe ,", "Within so small a time , my Womans heart", "Grossely grew captiue to his honey words ,", "And prou 'd the subiect of mine owne Soules Curse ,", "Which hitherto hath held mine eyes from rest :", "For neuer yet one howre in his Bed", "Did I enioy the golden deaw of sleepe ,", "But with his timorous Dreames was still awak 'd .", "Besides , he hates me for my Father Warwicke ,", "And will", "shortly be rid of me", "No more , then with my soule I mourne for yours", "Adieu , poore soule , that tak'st thy leaue of it"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 704, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Will not King Richard let me speake with him ? Sher . No my good Lord , therefore be patient", "Hastings , and Edwards children , Gray & Riuers ,", "Holy King Henry , and thy faire Sonne Edward ,", "Vaughan , and all that haue miscarried", "By vnder-hand corrupted foule iniustice ,", "If that your moody discontented soules ,", "Do through the clowds behold this present houre ,", "Euen for reuenge mocke my destruction .", "This is All-soules day", "is it not ?", "Sher . It is", "Why then Al-soules day , is my bodies doomsday", "This is the day , which in King Edwards time", "I wish 'd might fall on me , when I was found", "False to his Children , and his Wiues Allies .", "This is the day , wherein I wisht to fall", "By the false Faith of him whom most I trusted .", "This , this All-soules day to my fearfull Soule ,", "Is the determin 'd respit of my wrongs :", "That high All-seer , which I dallied with ,", "Hath turn 'd my fained Prayer on my head ,", "And giuen in earnest , what I begg 'd in iest .", "Thus doth he force the swords of wicked men", "To turne their owne points in their Masters bosomes .", "Thus Margarets curse falles heauy on my necke :", "When he", "shall split thy heart with sorrow ,", "Remember Margaret was a Prophetesse :", "Come leade me Officers to the blocke of shame ,", "Wrong hath but wrong , and blame the due of blame .", "Exeunt . Buckingham with Officers .", "Scena Secunda ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 704, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Gregory , o \u2019 my word , we 'll not carry coals .", "I mean , an we be in choler we 'll draw .", "I strike quickly , being moved .", "A dog of the house of Montague moves me .", "A dog of that house shall move me to stand :", "I will take the wall of any man or maid of Montague 's .", "True ; and therefore women , being the weaker vessels , are ever thrust to the wall : therefore I will push Montague 's men from the wall and thrust his maids to the wall .", "\u2018 Tis all one , I will show myself a tyrant : when I have fought with the men I will be cruel with the maids , I will cut off their heads .", "Ay , the heads of the maids , or their maidenheads ; take it in what sense thou wilt .", "Me they shall feel while I am able to stand : and \u2018 tis known I am a pretty piece of flesh .", "My naked weapon is out : quarrel ! I will back thee .", "Fear me not .", "Let us take the law of our sides ; let them begin .", "Nay , as they dare . I will bite my thumb at them ; which is disgrace to them if they bear it .", "I do bite my thumb , sir .", "Is the law of our side if I say ay ?", "No , sir , I do not bite my thumb at you , sir ; but I bite my thumb , sir .", "But if you do , sir , am for you : I serve as good a man as you .", "Well , sir .", "Yes , better , sir .", "Draw , if you be men .\u2014 Gregory , remember thy swashing blow ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 720, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["But Montague is bound as well as I ,", "In penalty alike ; and \u2018 tis not hard , I think ,", "For men so old as we to keep the peace .", "But saying o'er what I have said before :", "My child is yet a stranger in the world ,", "She hath not seen the change of fourteen years ;", "Let two more summers wither in their pride", "Ere we may think her ripe to be a bride .", "And too soon marr 'd are those so early made .", "The earth hath swallowed all my hopes but she ,\u2014", "She is the hopeful lady of my earth :", "But woo her , gentle Paris , get her heart ,", "My will to her consent is but a part ;", "An she agree , within her scope of choice", "Lies my consent and fair according voice .", "This night I hold an old accustom 'd feast ,", "Whereto I have invited many a guest ,", "Such as I love ; and you among the store ,", "One more , most welcome , makes my number more .", "At my poor house look to behold this night", "Earth-treading stars that make dark heaven light :", "Such comfort as do lusty young men feel", "When well apparell 'd April on the heel", "Of limping winter treads , even such delight", "Among fresh female buds shall you this night", "Inherit at my house ; hear all , all see ,", "And like her most whose merit most shall be :", "Which , among view of many , mine , being one ,", "May stand in number , though in reckoning none .", "Come , go with me .\u2014 Go , sirrah , trudge about", "Through fair Verona ; find those persons out", "Whose names are written there ,", "and to them say ,", "My house and welcome on their pleasure stay ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 720, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Nurse , where 's my daughter ? call her forth to me .", "This is the matter ,\u2014 Nurse , give leave awhile ,", "We must talk in secret : nurse , come back again ;", "I have remember 'd me , thou 's hear our counsel .", "Thou knowest my daughter 's of a pretty age .", "She 's not fourteen .", "A fortnight and odd days .", "Enough of this ; I pray thee hold thy peace .", "Marry , that marry is the very theme", "I came to talk of .\u2014 Tell me , daughter Juliet ,", "How stands your disposition to be married ?", "Well , think of marriage now : younger than you ,", "Here in Verona , ladies of esteem ,", "Are made already mothers : by my count", "I was your mother much upon these years", "That you are now a maid . Thus , then , in brief ;\u2014", "The valiant Paris seeks you for his love .", "Verona 's summer hath not such a flower .", "What say you ? can you love the gentleman ?", "This night you shall behold him at our feast ;", "Read o'er the volume of young Paris \u2019 face ,", "And find delight writ there with beauty 's pen ;", "Examine every married lineament ,", "And see how one another lends content ;", "And what obscur 'd in this fair volume lies", "Find written in the margent of his eyes .", "This precious book of love , this unbound lover ,", "To beautify him , only lacks a cover :", "The fish lives in the sea ; and \u2018 tis much pride", "For fair without the fair within to hide :", "That book in many 's eyes doth share the glory ,", "That in gold clasps locks in the golden story ;", "So shall you share all that he doth possess ,", "By having him , making yourself no less .", "Speak briefly , can you like of Paris \u2019 love ?", "We follow thee .", "\u2014", "Juliet , the county stays ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 720, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What , shall this speech be spoke for our excuse ? Or shall we on without apology ?", "Give me a torch ,\u2014 I am not for this ambling ;", "Being but heavy , I will bear the light .", "Not I , believe me : you have dancing shoes ,", "With nimble soles ; I have a soul of lead", "So stakes me to the ground I cannot move .", "I am too sore enpierced with his shaft", "To soar with his light feathers ; and so bound ,", "I cannot bound a pitch above dull woe :", "Under love 's heavy burden do I sink .", "Is love a tender thing ? it is too rough ,", "Too rude , too boisterous ; and it pricks like thorn .", "A torch for me : let wantons , light of heart ,", "Tickle the senseless rushes with their heels ;", "For I am proverb 'd with a grandsire phrase ,\u2014", "I 'll be a candle-holder and look on ,\u2014", "The game was ne'er so fair , and I am done .", "Nay , that 's not so .", "And we mean well , in going to this mask ;", "But \u2018 tis no wit to go .", "I dreamt a dream to-night .", "Well , what was yours ?", "In bed asleep , while they do dream things true .", "Peace , peace , Mercutio , peace ,", "Thou talk'st of nothing .", "I fear , too early : for my mind misgives", "Some consequence , yet hanging in the stars ,", "Shall bitterly begin his fearful date", "With this night 's revels ; and expire the term", "Of a despised life , clos 'd in my breast ,", "By some vile forfeit of untimely death :", "But He that hath the steerage of my course", "Direct my sail !\u2014 On , lusty gentlemen !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 720, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Welcome , gentlemen ! ladies that have their toes", "Unplagu 'd with corns will have a bout with you .\u2014", "Ah ha , my mistresses ! which of you all", "Will now deny to dance ? she that makes dainty , she ,", "I 'll swear hath corns ; am I come near you now ?", "Welcome , gentlemen ! I have seen the day", "That I have worn a visard ; and could tell", "A whispering tale in a fair lady 's ear ,", "Such as would please ;\u2014 \u2018 tis gone , \u2018 tis gone , \u2018 tis gone :", "You are welcome , gentlemen !\u2014 Come , musicians , play .", "A hall \u2014 a hall ! give room ! and foot it , girls .\u2014", "More light , you knaves ; and turn the tables up ,", "And quench the fire , the room is grown too hot .\u2014", "Ah , sirrah , this unlook'dhYpppHeNfor sport comes well .", "Nay , sit , nay , sit , good cousin Capulet ;", "For you and I are past our dancing days ;", "How long is't now since last yourself and I", "Were in a mask ?", "What , man ! \u2018 tis not so much , \u2018 tis not so much :", "\u2018 Tis since the nuptial of Lucentio ,", "Come Pentecost as quickly as it will ,", "Some five-and-twenty years ; and then we mask 'd .", "Will you tell me that ? His son was but a ward two years ago .", "Why , how now , kinsman ! wherefore storm you so ?", "Young Romeo , is it ?", "Content thee , gentle coz , let him alone ,", "He bears him like a portly gentleman ;", "And , to say truth , Verona brags of him", "To be a virtuous and well-govern 'd youth :", "I would not for the wealth of all the town", "Here in my house do him disparagement :", "Therefore be patient , take no note of him ,\u2014", "It is my will ; the which if thou respect ,", "Show a fair presence and put off these frowns ,", "An ill-beseeming semblance for a feast .", "He shall be endur 'd :", "What , goodman boy !\u2014 I say he shall ;\u2014 go to ;", "Am I the master here , or you ? go to .", "You 'll not endure him !\u2014 God shall mend my soul ,", "You 'll make a mutiny among my guests !", "You will set cock-a-hoop ! you 'll be the man !", "Go to , go to !", "You are a saucy boy . Is't so , indeed ?\u2014", "This trick may chance to scathe you ,\u2014 I know what :", "You must contrary me ! marry , \u2018 tis time .\u2014", "Well said , my hearts !\u2014 You are a princox ; go :", "Be quiet , or \u2014 More light , more light !\u2014 For shame !", "I 'll make you quiet . What !\u2014 cheerly , my hearts .", "Nay , gentlemen , prepare not to be gone ;", "We have a trifling foolish banquet towards .\u2014", "Is it e'en so ? why then , I thank you all ;", "I thank you , honest gentlemen ; good-night .\u2014", "More torches here !\u2014 Come on then , let 's to bed .", "Ah , sirrah", ", by my fay , it waxes late ;", "I 'll to my rest ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 720, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["He jests at scars that never felt a wound .\u2014", "But soft ! what light through yonder window breaks ?", "It is the east , and Juliet is the sun !\u2014", "Arise , fair sun , and kill the envious moon ,", "Who is already sick and pale with grief ,", "That thou her maid art far more fair than she :", "Be not her maid , since she is envious ;", "Her vestal livery is but sick and green ,", "And none but fools do wear it ; cast it off .\u2014", "It is my lady ; O , it is my love !", "O , that she knew she were !\u2014", "She speaks , yet she says nothing : what of that ?", "Her eye discourses , I will answer it .\u2014", "I am too bold , \u2018 tis not to me she speaks :", "Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven ,", "Having some business , do entreat her eyes", "To twinkle in their spheres till they return .", "What if her eyes were there , they in her head ?", "The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars ,", "As daylight doth a lamp ; her eyes in heaven", "Would through the airy region stream so bright", "That birds would sing and think it were not night .\u2014", "See how she leans her cheek upon her hand !", "O that I were a glove upon that hand ,", "That I might touch that cheek !", "She speaks :\u2014", "O , speak again , bright angel ! for thou art", "As glorious to this night , being o'er my head ,", "As is a winged messenger of heaven", "Unto the white-upturned wondering eyes", "Of mortals that fall back to gaze on him", "When he bestrides the lazy-pacing clouds", "And sails upon the bosom of the air .", "Shall I hear more , or shall I speak at this ?", "I take thee at thy word :", "Call me but love , and I 'll be new baptiz 'd ;", "Henceforth I never will be Romeo .", "By a name", "I know not how to tell thee who I am :", "My name , dear saint , is hateful to myself ,", "Because it is an enemy to thee .", "Had I it written , I would tear the word .", "Neither , fair saint , if either thee dislike .", "With love 's light wings did I o'erperch these walls ;", "For stony limits cannot hold love out :", "And what love can do , that dares love attempt ;", "Therefore thy kinsmen are no let to me .", "Alack , there lies more peril in thine eye", "Than twenty of their swords : look thou but sweet ,", "And I am proof against their enmity .", "I have night 's cloak to hide me from their sight ;", "And , but thou love me , let them find me here .", "My life were better ended by their hate", "Than death prorogued , wanting of thy love .", "By love , that first did prompt me to enquire ;", "He lent me counsel , and I lent him eyes .", "I am no pilot ; yet , wert thou as far", "As that vast shore wash 'd with the furthest sea ,", "I would adventure for such merchandise .", "Lady , by yonder blessed moon I swear ,", "That tips with silver all these fruit-tree tops ,\u2014", "What shall I swear by ?", "If my heart 's dear love ,\u2014", "O , wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied ?", "The exchange of thy love 's faithful vow for mine .", "Would'st thou withdraw it ? for what purpose , love ?", "O blessed , blessed night ! I am afeard ,", "Being in night , all this is but a dream ,", "Too flattering-sweet to be substantial .", "So thrive my soul ,\u2014", "A thousand times the worse , to want thy light !\u2014", "Love goes toward love as schoolboys from their books ;", "But love from love , towards school with heavy looks .", "It is my soul that calls upon my name :", "How silver-sweet sound lovers \u2019 tongues by night ,", "Like softest music to attending ears !", "My dear ?", "At the hour of nine .", "Let me stand here till thou remember it .", "And I 'll still stay , to have thee still forget ,", "Forgetting any other home but this .", "I would I were thy bird .", "Sleep dwell upon thine eyes , peace in thy breast !\u2014", "Would I were sleep and peace , so sweet to rest !", "Hence will I to my ghostly father 's cell ,", "His help to crave and my dear hap to tell ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 720, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The grey-ey 'd morn smiles on the frowning night ,", "Chequering the eastern clouds with streaks of light ;", "And flecked darkness like a drunkard reels", "From forth day 's path and Titan 's fiery wheels :", "Non , ere the sun advance his burning eye ,", "The day to cheer and night 's dank dew to dry ,", "I must up-fill this osier cage of ours", "With baleful weeds and precious-juiced flowers .", "The earth , that 's nature 's mother , is her tomb ;", "What is her burying gave , that is her womb :", "And from her womb children of divers kind", "We sucking on her natural bosom find ;", "Many for many virtues excellent ,", "None but for some , and yet all different .", "O , mickle is the powerful grace that lies", "In plants , herbs , stones , and their true qualities :", "For naught so vile that on the earth doth live", "But to the earth some special good doth give ;", "Nor aught so good but , strain 'd from that fair use ,", "Revolts from true birth , stumbling on abuse :", "Virtue itself turns vice , being misapplied ;", "And vice sometimes by action dignified .", "Within the infant rind of this small flower", "Poison hath residence , and medicine power :", "For this , being smelt , with that part cheers each part ;", "Being tasted , slays all senses with the heart .", "Two such opposed kings encamp them still", "In man as well as herbs ,\u2014 grace and rude will ;", "And where the worser is predominant ,", "Full soon the canker death eats up that plant .", "Benedicite !", "What early tongue so sweet saluteth me ?\u2014", "Young son , it argues a distemper 'd head", "So soon to bid good morrow to thy bed :", "Care keeps his watch in every old man 's eye ,", "And where care lodges sleep will never lie ;", "But where unbruised youth with unstuff 'd brain", "Doth couch his limbs , there golden sleep doth reign :", "Therefore thy earliness doth me assure", "Thou art uprous 'd with some distemperature ;", "Or if not so , then here I hit it right ,\u2014", "Our Romeo hath not been in bed to-night .", "God pardon sin ! wast thou with Rosaline ?", "That 's my good son : but where hast thou been then ?", "Be plain , good son , and homely in thy drift ;", "Riddling confession finds but riddling shrift .", "Holy Saint Francis ! what a change is here !", "Is Rosaline , that thou didst love so dear ,", "So soon forsaken ? young men 's love , then , lies", "Not truly in their hearts , but in their eyes .", "Jesu Maria , what a deal of brine", "Hath wash 'd thy sallow cheeks for Rosaline !", "How much salt water thrown away in waste ,", "To season love , that of it doth not taste !", "The sun not yet thy sighs from heaven clears ,", "Thy old groans ring yet in mine ancient ears ;", "Lo , here upon thy cheek the stain doth sit", "Of an old tear that is not wash 'd off yet :", "If e'er thou wast thyself , and these woes thine ,", "Thou and these woes were all for Rosaline ;", "And art thou chang 'd ? Pronounce this sentence then ,\u2014", "Women may fall , when there 's no strength in men .", "For doting , not for loving , pupil mine .", "Not in a grave", "To lay one in , another out to have .", "O , she knew well", "Thy love did read by rote , that could not spell .", "But come , young waverer , come go with me ,", "In one respect I 'll thy assistant be ;", "For this alliance may so happy prove ,", "To turn your households \u2019 rancour to pure love .", "Wisely , and slow ; they stumble that run fast ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 720, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Where the devil should this Romeo be ?\u2014", "Came he not home to-night ?", "Ah , that same pale hard-hearted wench , that Rosaline ,", "Torments him so that he will sure run mad .", "A challenge , on my life .", "Any man that can write may answer a letter .", "Alas , poor Romeo , he is already dead ! stabbed with a white wench 's black eye ; shot through the ear with a love song ; the very pin of his heart cleft with the blind bow-boy 's butt-shaft : and is he a man to encounter Tybalt ?", "More than prince of cats , I can tell you . O , he 's the courageous captain of compliments . He fights as you sing prick-song \u2014 keeps time , distance , and proportion ; rests me his minim rest , one , two , and the third in your bosom : the very butcher of a silk button , a duellist , a duellist ; a gentleman of the very first house ,\u2014 of the first and second cause : ah , the immortal passado ! the punto reverso ! the hay .\u2014", "The pox of such antic , lisping , affecting fantasticoes ; these new tuners of accents !\u2014 \u2018 By Jesu , a very good blade !\u2014 a very tall man !\u2014 a very good whore ! \u2019 \u2014 Why , is not this a lamentable thing , grandsire , that we should be thus afflicted with these strange flies , these fashion-mongers , these pardonnez-moi 's , who stand so much on the new form that they cannot sit at ease on the old bench ? O , their bons , their bons !", "Without his roe , like a dried herring .\u2014 O flesh , flesh , how art thou fishified !\u2014 Now is he for the numbers that Petrarch flowed in : Laura , to his lady , was but a kitchen wench ,\u2014 marry , she had a better love to be-rhyme her ; Dido , a dowdy ; Cleopatra , a gypsy ; Helen and Hero , hildings and harlots ; Thisbe , a gray eye or so , but not to the purpose ,\u2014Signior Romeo , bon jour ! there 's a French salutation to your French slop . You gave us the counterfeit fairly last night .", "The slip , sir , the slip ; can you not conceive ?", "That 's as much as to say , such a case as yours constrains a man to bow in the hams .", "Thou hast most kindly hit it .", "Nay , I am the very pink of courtesy .", "Right .", "Well said : follow me this jest now till thou hast worn out thy pump ; that , when the single sole of it is worn , the jest may remain , after the wearing , sole singular .", "Come between us , good Benvolio ; my wits faint .", "Nay , if thy wits run the wild-goose chase , I have done ; for thou hast more of the wild-goose in one of thy wits than , I am sure , I have in my whole five : was I with you there for the goose ?", "I will bite thee by the ear for that jest .", "Thy wit is a very bitter sweeting ; it is a most sharp sauce .", "O , here 's a wit of cheveril , that stretches from an inch narrow to an ell broad !", "Why , is not this better now than groaning for love ? now art thou sociable , now art thou Romeo ; not art thou what thou art , by art as well as by nature : for this drivelling love is like a great natural , that runs lolling up and down to hide his bauble in a hole .", "Thou desirest me to stop in my tale against the hair .", "O , thou art deceived ; I would have made it short : for I was come to the whole depth of my tale ; and meant indeed to occupy the argument no longer .", "A sail , a sail , a sail !", "Good Peter , to hide her face ; for her fan 's the fairer face .", "God ye good-den , fair gentlewoman .", "\u2018 Tis no less , I tell ye ; for the bawdy hand of the dial is now upon the prick of noon .", "Yea , is the worst well ? very well took , i \u2019 faith ; wisely , wisely .", "A bawd , a bawd , a bawd ! So ho !", "No hare , sir ; unless a hare , sir , in a lenten pie , that is something stale and hoar ere it be spent .An old hare hoar , And an old hare hoar , Is very good meat in Lent ; But a hare that is hoar Is too much for a score When it hoars ere it be spent . Romeo , will you come to your father 's ? we 'll to dinner thither .", "Farewell , ancient lady ; farewell ,\u2014lady , lady , lady ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 720, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The clock struck nine when I did send the nurse ;", "In half an hour she promis 'd to return .", "Perchance she cannot meet him : that 's not so .\u2014", "O , she is lame ! love 's heralds should be thoughts ,", "Which ten times faster glide than the sun 's beams ,", "Driving back shadows over lowering hills :", "Therefore do nimble-pinion 'd doves draw love ,", "And therefore hath the wind-swift Cupid wings .", "Now is the sun upon the highmost hill", "Of this day 's journey ; and from nine till twelve", "Is three long hours ,\u2014 yet she is not come .", "Had she affections and warm youthful blood ,", "She 'd be as swift in motion as a ball ;", "My words would bandy her to my sweet love ,", "And his to me :", "But old folks , many feign as they were dead ;", "Unwieldy , slow , heavy and pale as lead .\u2014", "O God , she comes !", "O honey nurse , what news ?", "Hast thou met with him ? Send thy man away .", "Now , good sweet nurse ,\u2014 O Lord , why look'st thou sad ?", "Though news be sad , yet tell them merrily ;", "If good , thou sham'st the music of sweet news", "By playing it to me with so sour a face .", "I would thou hadst my bones , and I thy news :", "Nay , come , I pray thee speak ;\u2014 good , good nurse , speak .", "How art thou out of breath , when thou hast breath", "To say to me that thou art out of breath ?", "The excuse that thou dost make in this delay", "Is longer than the tale thou dost excuse .", "Is thy news good or bad ? answer to that ;", "Say either , and I 'll stay the circumstance :", "Let me be satisfied , is't good or bad ?", "No , no : but all this did I know before . What says he of our marriage ? what of that ?", "I \u2019 faith , I am sorry that thou art not well . Sweet , sweet , sweet nurse , tell me , what says my love ?", "Where is my mother ?\u2014 why , she is within ;", "Where should she be ? How oddly thou repliest !", "\u2018 Your love says , like an honest gentleman ,\u2014", "\u2018 Where is your mother ? \u2019", "Here 's such a coil !\u2014 come , what says Romeo ?", "I have .", "Hie to high fortune !\u2014 honest nurse , farewell ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 720, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I pray thee , good Mercutio , let 's retire :", "The day is hot , the Capulets abroad ,", "And , if we meet , we shall not scape a brawl ;", "For now , these hot days , is the mad blood stirring .", "Am I like such a fellow ?", "And what to ?", "An I were so apt to quarrel as thou art , any man should buy the fee simple of my life for an hour and a quarter .", "By my head , here come the Capulets .", "We talk here in the public haunt of men :", "Either withdraw unto some private place ,", "And reason coldly of your grievances ,", "Or else depart ; here all eyes gaze on us .", "What , art thou hurt ?", "O Romeo , Romeo , brave Mercutio 's dead !", "That gallant spirit hath aspir 'd the clouds ,", "Which too untimely here did scorn the earth .", "Here comes the furious Tybalt back again .", "Romeo , away , be gone !", "The citizens are up , and Tybalt slain .\u2014", "Stand not amaz 'd . The prince will doom thee death", "If thou art taken . Hence , be gone , away !", "Why dost thou stay ?", "There lies that Tybalt .", "O noble prince . I can discover all", "The unlucky manage of this fatal brawl :", "There lies the man , slain by young Romeo ,", "That slew thy kinsman , brave Mercutio .", "Tybalt , here slain , whom Romeo 's hand did slay ;", "Romeo , that spoke him fair , bid him bethink", "How nice the quarrel was , and urg 'd withal", "Your high displeasure .\u2014 All this ,\u2014 uttered", "With gentle breath , calm look , knees humbly bow 'd ,\u2014", "Could not take truce with the unruly spleen", "Of Tybalt , deaf to peace , but that he tilts", "With piercing steel at bold Mercutio 's breast ;", "Who , all as hot , turns deadly point to point ,", "And , with a martial scorn , with one hand beats", "Cold death aside , and with the other sends", "It back to Tybalt , whose dexterity", "Retorts it : Romeo he cries aloud ,", "\u2018 Hold , friends ! friends , part ! \u2019 and swifter than his tongue ,", "His agile arm beats down their fatal points ,", "And \u2018 twixt them rushes ; underneath whose arm", "An envious thrust from Tybalt hit the life", "Of stout Mercutio , and then Tybalt fled :", "But by-and-by comes back to Romeo ,", "Who had but newly entertain 'd revenge ,", "And to't they go like lightning ; for , ere I", "Could draw to part them was stout Tybalt slain ;", "And as he fell did Romeo turn and fly .", "This is the truth , or let Benvolio die ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 720, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Gallop apace , you fiery-footed steeds ,", "Towards Phoebus \u2019 lodging ; such a waggoner", "As Phaeton would whip you to the west", "And bring in cloudy night immediately .\u2014", "Spread thy close curtain , love-performing night !", "That rude eyes may wink , and Romeo", "Leap to these arms , untalk 'd of and unseen .\u2014", "Lovers can see to do their amorous rites", "By their own beauties : or , if love be blind ,", "It best agrees with night .\u2014 Come , civil night ,", "Thou sober-suited matron , all in black ,", "And learn me how to lose a winning match ,", "Play 'd for a pair of stainless maidenhoods :", "Hood my unmann 'd blood , bating in my cheeks ,", "With thy black mantle ; till strange love , grown bold ,", "Think true love acted simple modesty .", "Come , night ;\u2014 come , Romeo ;\u2014 come , thou day in night ;", "For thou wilt lie upon the wings of night", "Whiter than new snow upon a raven 's back .\u2014", "Come , gentle night ;\u2014 come , loving , black-brow 'd night ,", "Give me my Romeo ; and , when he shall die ,", "Take him and cut him out in little stars ,", "And he will make the face of heaven so fine", "That all the world will be in love with night ,", "And pay no worship to the garish sun .\u2014", "O , I have bought the mansion of a love ,", "But not possess 'd it ; and , though I am sold ,", "Not yet enjoy 'd : so tedious is this day", "As is the night before some festival", "To an impatient child that hath new robes ,", "And may not wear them . O , here comes my nurse ,", "And she brings news ; and every tongue that speaks", "But Romeo 's name speaks heavenly eloquence .\u2014", "Now , nurse , what news ? What hast thou there ? the cords", "That Romeo bid thee fetch ?", "Ah me ! what news ? why dost thou wring thy hands ?", "Can heaven be so envious ?", "What devil art thou , that dost torment me thus ?", "This torture should be roar 'd in dismal hell .", "Hath Romeo slain himself ? say thou but I ,", "And that bare vowel I shall poison more", "Than the death-darting eye of cockatrice :", "I am not I if there be such an I ;", "Or those eyes shut that make thee answer I .", "If he be slain , say I ; or if not , no :", "Brief sounds determine of my weal or woe .", "O , break , my heart !\u2014 poor bankrout , break at once !", "To prison , eyes ; ne'er look on liberty !", "Vile earth , to earth resign ; end motion here ;", "And thou and Romeo press one heavy bier !", "What storm is this that blows so contrary ?", "Is Romeo slaughter 'd , and is Tybalt dead ?", "My dear-lov 'd cousin , and my dearer lord ?\u2014", "Then , dreadful trumpet , sound the general doom !", "For who is living , if those two are gone ?", "O God !\u2014 did Romeo 's hand shed Tybalt 's blood ?", "O serpent heart , hid with a flowering face !", "Did ever dragon keep so fair a cave ?", "Beautiful tyrant ! fiend angelical !", "Dove-feather 'd raven ! wolvish-ravening lamb !", "Despised substance of divinest show !", "Just opposite to what thou justly seem'st ,", "A damned saint , an honourable villain !\u2014", "O nature , what hadst thou to do in hell", "When thou didst bower the spirit of a fiend", "In mortal paradise of such sweet flesh ?\u2014", "Was ever book containing such vile matter", "So fairly bound ? O , that deceit should dwell", "In such a gorgeous palace !", "Blister 'd be thy tongue", "For such a wish ! he was not born to shame :", "Upon his brow shame is asham 'd to sit ;", "For \u2018 tis a throne where honour may be crown 'd", "Sole monarch of the universal earth .", "O , what a beast was I to chide at him !", "Shall I speak ill of him that is my husband ?", "Ah , poor my lord , what tongue shall smooth thy name ,", "When I , thy three-hours \u2019 wife , have mangled it ?\u2014", "But wherefore , villain , didst thou kill my cousin ?", "That villain cousin would have kill 'd my husband :", "Back , foolish tears , back to your native spring ;", "Your tributary drops belong to woe ,", "Which you , mistaking , offer up to joy .", "My husband lives , that Tybalt would have slain ;", "And Tybalt 's dead , that would have slain my husband :", "All this is comfort ; wherefore weep I , then ?", "Some word there was , worser than Tybalt 's death ,", "That murder 'd me : I would forget it fain ;", "But O , it presses to my memory", "Like damned guilty deeds to sinners \u2019 minds :", "\u2018 Tybalt is dead , and Romeo banished . \u2019", "That \u2018 banished , \u2019 that one word \u2018 banished , \u2019", "Hath slain ten thousand Tybalts . Tybalt 's death", "Was woe enough , if it had ended there :", "Or , if sour woe delights in fellowship ,", "And needly will be rank 'd with other griefs ,\u2014", "Why follow 'd not , when she said Tybalt 's dead ,", "Thy father , or thy mother , nay , or both ,", "Which modern lamentation might have mov 'd ?", "But with a rear-ward following Tybalt 's death ,", "\u2018 Romeo is banished \u2019 \u2014 to speak that word", "Is father , mother , Tybalt , Romeo , Juliet ,", "All slain , all dead : \u2018 Romeo is banished , \u2019 \u2014", "There is no end , no limit , measure , bound ,", "In that word 's death ; no words can that woe sound .\u2014", "Where is my father and my mother , nurse ?", "Wash they his wounds with tears : mine shall be spent ,", "When theirs are dry , for Romeo 's banishment .", "Take up those cords . Poor ropes , you are beguil 'd ,", "Both you and I ; for Romeo is exil 'd :", "He made you for a highway to my bed ;", "But I , a maid , die maiden-widowed .", "Come , cords ; come , nurse ; I 'll to my wedding-bed ;", "And death , not Romeo , take my maidenhead !", "O , find him ! give this ring to my true knight ,", "And bid him come to take his last farewell ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 720, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Romeo , come forth ; come forth , thou fearful man .", "Affliction is enanmour 'd of thy parts ,", "And thou art wedded to calamity .", "Too familiar", "Is my dear son with such sour company :", "I bring thee tidings of the prince 's doom .", "A gentler judgment vanish 'd from his lips ,\u2014", "Not body 's death , but body 's banishment .", "Hence from Verona art thou banished :", "Be patient , for the world is broad and wide .", "O deadly sin ! O rude unthankfulness !", "Thy fault our law calls death ; but the kind prince ,", "Taking thy part , hath brush 'd aside the law ,", "And turn 'd that black word death to banishment :", "This is dear mercy , and thou see'st it not .", "Thou fond mad man , hear me speak a little ,\u2014", "I 'll give thee armour to keep off that word ;", "Adversity 's sweet milk , philosophy ,", "To comfort thee , though thou art banished .", "O , then I see that madmen have no ears .", "Let me dispute with thee of thy estate .", "Arise ; one knocks . Good Romeo , hide thyself .", "Hark , how they knock !\u2014 Who 's there ?\u2014 Romeo , arise ;", "Thou wilt be taken .\u2014 Stay awhile ;\u2014 Stand up ;", "Run to my study .\u2014 By-and-by !\u2014 God 's will !", "What simpleness is this .\u2014 I come , I come !", "Who knocks so hard ? whence come you ? what 's your will ?", "Welcome then .", "There on the ground , with his own tears made drunk .", "O woeful sympathy ! Piteous predicament !", "Hold thy desperate hand :", "Art thou a man ? thy form cries out thou art ;", "Thy tears are womanish ; thy wild acts denote", "The unreasonable fury of a beast ;", "Unseemly woman in a seeming man !", "Or ill-beseeming beast in seeming both !", "Thou hast amaz 'd me : by my holy order ,", "I thought thy disposition better temper 'd .", "Hast thou slain Tybalt ? wilt thou slay thyself ?", "And slay thy lady , too , that lives in thee ,", "By doing damned hate upon thyself ?", "Why rail'st thou on thy birth , the heaven , and earth ?", "Since birth and heaven and earth , all three do meet", "In thee at once ; which thou at once wouldst lose .", "Fie , fie , thou sham'st thy shape , thy love , thy wit ;", "Which , like a usurer , abound'st in all ,", "And usest none in that true use indeed", "Which should bedeck thy shape , thy love , thy wit :", "Thy noble shape is but a form of wax ,", "Digressing from the valour of a man ;", "Thy dear love sworn , but hollow perjury ,", "Killing that love which thou hast vow 'd to cherish ;", "Thy wit , that ornament to shape and love ,", "Mis-shapen in the conduct of them both ,", "Like powder in a skilless soldier 's flask ,", "Is set a-fire by thine own ignorance ,", "And thou dismember 'd with thine own defence .", "What , rouse thee , man ! thy Juliet is alive ,", "For whose dear sake thou wast but lately dead ;", "There art thou happy : Tybalt would kill thee ,", "But thou slewest Tybalt ; there art thou happy too :", "The law , that threaten 'd death , becomes thy friend ,", "And turns it to exile ; there art thou happy :", "A pack of blessings lights upon thy back ;", "Happiness courts thee in her best array ;", "But , like a misbehav 'd and sullen wench ,", "Thou pout'st upon thy fortune and thy love :\u2014", "Take heed , take heed , for such die miserable .", "Go , get thee to thy love , as was decreed ,", "Ascend her chamber , hence and comfort her :", "But , look , thou stay not till the watch be set ,", "For then thou canst not pass to Mantua ;", "Where thou shalt live till we can find a time", "To blaze your marriage , reconcile your friends ,", "Beg pardon of the prince , and call thee back", "With twenty hundred thousand times more joy", "Than thou went'st forth in lamentation .\u2014", "Go before , nurse : commend me to thy lady ;", "And bid her hasten all the house to bed ,", "Which heavy sorrow makes them apt unto .", "Romeo is coming .", "Go hence ; good night ! and here stands all your state :", "Either be gone before the watch be set ,", "Or by the break of day disguis 'd from hence .", "Sojourn in Mantua ; I 'll find out your man ,", "And he shall signify from time to time", "Every good hap to you that chances here :", "Give me thy hand ; \u2018 tis late ; farewell ; good night ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 720, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Wilt thou be gone ? it is not yet near day :", "It was the nightingale , and not the lark ,", "That pierc 'd the fearful hollow of thine ear ;", "Nightly she sings on yond pomegranate tree :", "Believe me , love , it was the nightingale .", "Yond light is not daylight , I know it , I :", "It is some meteor that the sun exhales", "To be to thee this night a torch-bearer", "And light thee on the way to Mantua :", "Therefore stay yet , thou need'st not to be gone .", "It is , it is !\u2014 hie hence , be gone , away !", "It is the lark that sings so out of tune ,", "Straining harsh discords and unpleasing sharps .", "Some say the lark makes sweet division ;", "This doth not so , for she divideth us :", "Some say the lark and loathed toad change eyes ;", "O , now I would they had chang 'd voices too !", "Since arm from arm that voice doth us affray ,", "Hunting thee hence with hunt'shYpppHeNup to the day .", "O , now be gone ; more light and light it grows .", "Nurse ?", "Then , window , let day in , and let life out .", "Art thou gone so ? my lord , my love , my friend !", "I must hear from thee every day i \u2019 the hour ,", "For in a minute there are many days :", "O , by this count I shall be much in years", "Ere I again behold my Romeo !", "O , think'st thou we shall ever meet again ?", "O God ! I have an ill-divining soul !", "Methinks I see thee , now thou art below ,", "As one dead in the bottom of a tomb :", "Either my eyesight fails , or thou look'st pale .", "O fortune , fortune ! all men call thee fickle :", "If thou art fickle , what dost thou with him", "That is renown 'd for faith ? Be fickle , fortune ;", "For then , I hope , thou wilt not keep him long", "But send him back .", "Who is't that calls ? is it my lady mother ? Is she not down so late , or up so early ? What unaccustom 'd cause procures her hither ?", "Madam , I am not well .", "Yet let me weep for such a feeling loss .", "Feeling so the loss ,", "I cannot choose but ever weep the friend .", "What villain , madam ?", "Villain and he be many miles asunder .\u2014", "God pardon him ! I do , with all my heart ;", "And yet no man like he doth grieve my heart .", "Ay , madam , from the reach of these my hands . Would none but I might venge my cousin 's death !", "Indeed I never shall be satisfied", "With Romeo till I behold him \u2014 dead \u2014", "Is my poor heart so for a kinsman vex 'd :", "Madam , if you could find out but a man", "To bear a poison , I would temper it ,", "That Romeo should , upon receipt thereof ,", "Soon sleep in quiet . O , how my heart abhors", "To hear him nam 'd ,\u2014 and cannot come to him ,\u2014", "To wreak the love I bore my cousin Tybalt", "Upon his body that hath slaughter 'd him !", "And joy comes well in such a needy time :", "What are they , I beseech your ladyship ?", "Madam , in happy time , what day is that ?", "Now by Saint Peter 's Church , and Peter too ,", "He shall not make me there a joyful bride .", "I wonder at this haste ; that I must wed", "Ere he that should be husband comes to woo .", "I pray you , tell my lord and father , madam ,", "I will not marry yet ; and when I do , I swear", "It shall be Romeo , whom you know I hate ,", "Rather than Paris :\u2014 these are news indeed !", "Not proud you have ; but thankful that you have :", "Proud can I never be of what I hate ;", "But thankful even for hate that is meant love .", "Good father , I beseech you on my knees ,", "Hear me with patience but to speak a word .", "Is there no pity sitting in the clouds ,", "That sees into the bottom of my grief ?", "O , sweet my mother , cast me not away !", "Delay this marriage for a month , a week ;", "Or , if you do not , make the bridal bed", "In that dim monument where Tybalt lies .", "O God !\u2014 O nurse ! how shall this be prevented ?", "My husband is on earth , my faith in heaven ;", "How shall that faith return again to earth ,", "Unless that husband send it me from heaven", "By leaving earth ?\u2014 comfort me , counsel me .\u2014", "Alack , alack , that heaven should practise stratagems", "Upon so soft a subject as myself !\u2014", "What say'st thou ? hast thou not a word of joy ?", "Some comfort , nurse .", "Speakest thou this from thy heart ?", "Amen !", "Well , thou hast comforted me marvellous much .", "Go in ; and tell my lady I am gone ,", "Having displeas 'd my father , to Lawrence \u2019 cell ,", "To make confession and to be absolv 'd .", "Ancient damnation ! O most wicked fiend !", "Is it more sin to wish me thus forsworn ,", "Or to dispraise my lord with that same tongue", "Which she hath prais 'd him with above compare", "So many thousand times ?\u2014 Go , counsellor ;", "Thou and my bosom henceforth shall be twain .\u2014", "I 'll to the friar to know his remedy ;", "If all else fail , myself have power to die ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 720, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["On Thursday , sir ? the time is very short .", "You say you do not know the lady 's mind :", "Uneven is the course ; I like it not .", "I would I knew not why it should be slow 'd .\u2014", "Look , sir , here comes the lady toward my cell .", "That 's a certain text .", "My leisure serves me , pensive daughter , now .\u2014", "My lord , we must entreat the time alone .", "Ah , Juliet , I already know thy grief ;", "It strains me past the compass of my wits :", "I hear thou must , and nothing may prorogue it ,", "On Thursday next be married to this county .", "Hold , daughter . I do spy a kind of hope ,", "Which craves as desperate an execution", "As that is desperate which we would prevent .", "If , rather than to marry County Paris", "Thou hast the strength of will to slay thyself ,", "Then is it likely thou wilt undertake", "A thing like death to chide away this shame ,", "That cop'st with death himself to scape from it ;", "And , if thou dar'st , I 'll give thee remedy .", "Hold , then ; go home , be merry , give consent", "To marry Paris : Wednesday is to-morrow ;", "To-morrow night look that thou lie alone ,", "Let not thy nurse lie with thee in thy chamber :", "Take thou this vial , being then in bed ,", "And this distilled liquor drink thou off :", "When , presently , through all thy veins shall run", "A cold and drowsy humour ; for no pulse", "Shall keep his native progress , but surcease :", "No warmth , no breath , shall testify thou livest ;", "The roses in thy lips and cheeks shall fade", "To paly ashes ; thy eyes \u2019 windows fall ,", "Like death , when he shuts up the day of life ;", "Each part , depriv 'd of supple government ,", "Shall , stiff and stark and cold , appear like death :", "And in this borrow 'd likeness of shrunk death", "Thou shalt continue two-and-forty hours ,", "And then awake as from a pleasant sleep .", "Now , when the bridegroom in the morning comes", "To rouse thee from thy bed , there art thou dead :", "Then ,\u2014 as the manner of our country is ,\u2014", "In thy best robes , uncover 'd , on the bier ,", "Thou shalt be borne to that same ancient vault", "Where all the kindred of the Capulets lie .", "In the mean time , against thou shalt awake ,", "Shall Romeo by my letters know our drift ;", "And hither shall he come : and he and I", "Will watch thy waking , and that very night", "Shall Romeo bear thee hence to Mantua .", "And this shall free thee from this present shame ,", "If no inconstant toy nor womanish fear", "Abate thy valour in the acting it .", "Hold ; get you gone , be strong and prosperous", "In this resolve : I 'll send a friar with speed", "To Mantua , with my letters to thy lord ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 720, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Mistress !\u2014 what , mistress !\u2014 Juliet !\u2014 fast , I warrant her , she :\u2014", "Why , lamb !\u2014 why , lady !\u2014 fie , you slug-abed !\u2014", "Why , love , I say !\u2014 madam ! sweetheart !\u2014 why , bride !\u2014", "What , not a word ?\u2014 you take your pennyworths now ;", "Sleep for a week ; for the next night , I warrant ,", "The County Paris hath set up his rest", "That you shall rest but little .\u2014 God forgive me !", "Marry , and amen , how sound is she asleep !", "I needs must wake her .\u2014 Madam , madam , madam !\u2014", "Ay , let the county take you in your bed ;", "He 'll fright you up , i \u2019 faith .\u2014 Will it not be ?", "What , dress 'd ! and in your clothes ! and down again !", "I must needs wake you .\u2014 lady ! lady ! lady !\u2014", "Alas , alas !\u2014 Help , help ! My lady 's dead !\u2014", "O , well-a-day that ever I was born !\u2014", "Some aqua-vitae , ho !\u2014 my lord ! my lady !", "O lamentable day !", "Look , look ! O heavy day !", "She 's dead , deceas 'd , she 's dead ; alack the day !", "O lamentable day !", "O woe ! O woeful , woeful , woeful day !", "Most lamentable day , most woeful day", "That ever , ever , I did yet behold !", "O day ! O day ! O day ! O hateful day !", "Never was seen so black a day as this :", "O woeful day ! O woeful day !", "Honest good fellows , ah , put up , put up ;", "For well you know this is a pitiful case ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 720, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Give me thy torch , boy : hence , and stand aloof ;\u2014", "Yet put it out , for I would not be seen .", "Under yond yew tree lay thee all along ,", "Holding thine ear close to the hollow ground ;", "So shall no foot upon the churchyard tread ,\u2014", "Being loose , unfirm , with digging up of graves ,\u2014", "But thou shalt hear it : whistle then to me ,", "As signal that thou hear'st something approach .", "Give me those flowers . Do as I bid thee , go .", "Sweet flower , with flowers thy bridal bed I strew :", "O woe ! thy canopy is dust and stones !", "Which with sweet water nightly I will dew ;", "Or , wanting that , with tears distill 'd by moans :", "The obsequies that I for thee will keep ,", "Nightly shall be to strew thy grave and weep .", "The boy gives warning something doth approach .", "What cursed foot wanders this way to-night ,", "To cross my obsequies and true love 's rite ?", "What , with a torch ! muffle me , night , awhile .", "This is that banish 'd haughty Montague", "That murder 'd my love 's cousin ,\u2014 with which grief ,", "It is supposed , the fair creature died ,\u2014", "And here is come to do some villanous shame", "To the dead bodies : I will apprehend him .\u2014", "Stop thy unhallow 'd toil , vile Montague !", "Can vengeance be pursu 'd further than death ?", "Condemned villain , I do apprehend thee ;", "Obey , and go with me ; for thou must die .", "I do defy thy conjurations ,", "And apprehend thee for a felon here .", "O , I am slain !", "If thou be merciful ,", "Open the tomb , lay me with Juliet ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 720, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Hey , fellow , let thy vis-a-vis come to the door .", "Sir , I will venture as soon as I can expose myself to the ladies .", "My wound !\u2014 I would not be in eclipse another day , though I had as many wounds in my body as I have had in my heart . So mind , Varole , let these cards be left as directed ; for this evening I shall wait on my future father-in-law , Sir Tunbelly , and I mean to commence my devoirs to the lady , by giving an entertainment at her father 's expense ; and hark thee , tell Mr. Loveless I request he and his company will honour me with their presence , or I shall think we are not friends .", "So well that I have ardered my coach to the door \u2014 so there 's no danger of death this baut , Tam .", "That I believe a lie .\u2014", "Because I remember mine did so when I heard my uncle was shot through the head .", "Pr'ythee , why so ?", "Well !\u2014 Naw , strike me dumb ! he starved me ; he has let me want a thausand women for want of a thausand paund .", "If I was a younger brother I should think so too .", "Never , stap my vitals !", "Because she 's a woman of insolent virtue , and I thought myself piqued in honour to debauch her .", "The greatness of your necessities , Tam , is the worst argument in the waurld for your being patiently heard . I do believe you are going to make a very good speech , but , strike me dumb ! it has the worst beginning of any speech I have heard this twelvemonth .", "I do believe thou art : but , come , let 's know the affair quickly .", "Why , faith , Tam , to give you my sense of the thing , I do think taking a purse the best remedy in the waurld ; for if you succeed , you are relieved that way , if you are taken, you are relieved t'other .", "Why , do you then really think it a reasonable thing , that I should give you five hundred paunds ?", "Then thou art willing to receive it anyhow , strike me speechless ! But these are damned times to give money in ; taxes are so great , repairs so exorbitant , tenants such rogues , and bouquets so dear , that the devil take me I 'm reduced to that extremity in my cash , I have been forced to retrench in that one article of sweet pawder , till I have brought it down to five guineas a maunth \u2014 now judge , Tam , whether I can spare you five paunds .", "All I can say is , you should have been a better husband .", "Do n't be in a passion , Tam , for passion is the most unbecoming thing in the waurld \u2014 to the face . Look you , I do n't love to say anything to you to make you melancholy , but upon this occasion I must take leave to put you in mind that a running horse does require more attendance than a coach-horse . Nature has made some difference twixt you and me .", "That is not all , Tam .", "Ask the ladies .", "I do , stap my vitals !", "Sir , I am proud at being at the head of so prevailing a party .", "Look you , Tam , you know I have always taken you for a mighty dull fellow , and here is one of the foolishest plats broke out that I have seen a lang time . Your poverty makes life so burdensome to you , you would provoke me to a quarrel , in hopes either to slip through my lungs into my estate , or to get yourself run through the guts , to put an end to your pain . But I will disappoint you in both your designs ; far , with the temper of a philasapher , and the discretion of a statesman \u2014 I shall leave the room with my sword in the scabbard ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 723, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Hey , fellow , let thy vis-a-vis come to the door .", "Sir , I will venture as soon as I can expose myself to the ladies .", "My wound !\u2014 I would not be in eclipse another day , though I had as many wounds in my body as I have had in my heart . So mind , Varole , let these cards be left as directed ; for this evening I shall wait on my future father-in-law , Sir Tunbelly , and I mean to commence my devoirs to the lady , by giving an entertainment at her father 's expense ; and hark thee , tell Mr. Loveless I request he and his company will honour me with their presence , or I shall think we are not friends .", "So well that I have ardered my coach to the door \u2014 so there 's no danger of death this baut , Tam .", "That I believe a lie .\u2014", "Because I remember mine did so when I heard my uncle was shot through the head .", "Pr'ythee , why so ?", "Well !\u2014 Naw , strike me dumb ! he starved me ; he has let me want a thausand women for want of a thausand paund .", "If I was a younger brother I should think so too .", "Never , stap my vitals !", "Because she 's a woman of insolent virtue , and I thought myself piqued in honour to debauch her .", "The greatness of your necessities , Tam , is the worst argument in the waurld for your being patiently heard . I do believe you are going to make a very good speech , but , strike me dumb ! it has the worst beginning of any speech I have heard this twelvemonth .", "I do believe thou art : but , come , let 's know the affair quickly .", "Why , faith , Tam , to give you my sense of the thing , I do think taking a purse the best remedy in the waurld ; for if you succeed , you are relieved that way , if you are taken, you are relieved t'other .", "Why , do you then really think it a reasonable thing , that I should give you five hundred paunds ?", "Then thou art willing to receive it anyhow , strike me speechless ! But these are damned times to give money in ; taxes are so great , repairs so exorbitant , tenants such rogues , and bouquets so dear , that the devil take me I 'm reduced to that extremity in my cash , I have been forced to retrench in that one article of sweet pawder , till I have brought it down to five guineas a maunth \u2014 now judge , Tam , whether I can spare you five paunds .", "All I can say is , you should have been a better husband .", "Do n't be in a passion , Tam , for passion is the most unbecoming thing in the waurld \u2014 to the face . Look you , I do n't love to say anything to you to make you melancholy , but upon this occasion I must take leave to put you in mind that a running horse does require more attendance than a coach-horse . Nature has made some difference twixt you and me .", "That is not all , Tam .", "Ask the ladies .", "I do , stap my vitals !", "Sir , I am proud at being at the head of so prevailing a party .", "Look you , Tam , you know I have always taken you for a mighty dull fellow , and here is one of the foolishest plats broke out that I have seen a lang time . Your poverty makes life so burdensome to you , you would provoke me to a quarrel , in hopes either to slip through my lungs into my estate , or to get yourself run through the guts , to put an end to your pain . But I will disappoint you in both your designs ; far , with the temper of a philasapher , and the discretion of a statesman \u2014 I shall leave the room with my sword in the scabbard ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 723, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Pray , Mr . Puff , how came Sir Christopher Hatton never to ask that question before ?", "A very cautious conjecture that .", "True ; but I think you manage ill : for there certainly appears no reason why Sir Walter should be so communicative .", "No , indeed : his has been a most disinterested curiosity !", "But who are these with him ?", "What the plague , is he going to pray ?", "A very orthodox quintetto !", "Not exactly .", "Oh , never mind , so as you get them off !\u2014 I 'll answer for it , the audience wo n't care how .", "Well , really , Mr . Puff \u2014", "But is n't it odd they never were taken notice of , not even by the commander-in-chief ?", "Pray , what 's that for ?", "Oh !\u2014 it is indeed .", "\u201c Con .", "Be comforted , sweet lady ; for who knows ,", "But Heaven has yet some milk-white day in store ?", "Yes ; a kind of poetical second-sight !", "All who asks , Mr . Puff ? Who is \u2014", "Very .", "No , pray do n't interrupt them .", "You do , indeed ! But pray is not Queen Elizabeth to appear ?", "Hang it , I think it 's a pity to keep her in the green-room all the night .", "No doubt o n't .", "What the plague , have you another plot ?", "That I would , indeed .", "O dear , sir , these little things will happen ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 723, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["In sooth , I know not why I am so sad ;", "It wearies me ; you say , it wearies you ;", "But how I caught it , found it , or came by it ,", "What stuff \u2018 tis made of , whereof it is born ,", "I am to learn ;", "And such a want-wit sadness makes of me ,", "That I have much ado to know myself .", "Believe me , no : I thank my fortune for it ,", "My ventures are not in one bottom trusted ,", "Nor to one place ; nor is my whole estate", "Upon the fortune of this present year :", "Therefore my merchandize makes me not sad .", "Fie , fie !", "Your worth is very dear in my regard .", "I take it your own business calls on you ,", "And you embrace the occasion to depart .", "I hold the world but as the world , Gratiano ;", "A stage , where every man must play a part ,", "And mine a sad one .", "Farewell : I 'll grow a talker for this gear .", "Is that any thing now ?", "Well ; tell me now , what lady is the same", "To whom you swore a secret pilgrimage ,", "That you to-day promis 'd to tell me of ?", "I pray you , good Bassanio , let me know it ;", "And , if it stand , as you yourself still do ,", "Within the eye of honour , be assur 'd", "My purse , my person , my extremest means ,", "Lie all unlock 'd to your occasions .", "You know me well ; and herein spend but time ,", "To wind about my love with circumstance ;", "Then do but say to me what I should do ,", "That in your knowledge may by me be done ,", "And I am prest unto it :", "therefore speak .", "Thou know'st that all my fortunes are at sea ;", "Neither have I money , nor commodity", "To raise a present sum : therefore go forth ,", "Try what my credit can in Venice do ;", "That shall be rack 'd , even to the uttermost ,", "To furnish thee to Belmont , to fair Portia .", "Go , presently inquire , and so will I ,", "Where money is ; and I no question make ,", "To have it of my trust , or for my sake .", "FOOTNOTES :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 730, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Three thousand ducats ,\u2014 well ,", "For three months ,\u2014 well .", "Antonio shall become bound ,\u2014 well .", "Three thousand ducats , for three months , and Antonio bound .", "Antonio is a good man .", "Oh no , no , no , no ;\u2014 my meaning in saying he is a good man is , to have you understand me that he is sufficient ; yet his means are in supposition : he hath an argosy bound to Tripolis , another-to the Indies ; I understand , moreover , upon the Rialto , he hath a third at Mexico , a fourth for England ; and other ventures he hath , squander 'd abroad .But ships are but boards , sailors but men : there be land rats and water rats , land thieves and water thieves ; I mean , pirates ; and then , there is the peril of waters , winds , and rocks : The man is , notwithstanding , sufficient ;\u2014 three thousand ducats ;\u2014 I think I may take his bond .", "I will be assured I may ; and that I may be assured I will bethink me : May I speak with Antonio ?", "Yes , to smell pork ; to eat of the habitation which your prophet , the Nazarite , conjured the devil into !I will buy with you , sell with you , talk with you , walk with you , and so following ; but I will not eat with you , drink with you , nor pray with you .\u2014 What news on the Rialto ?\u2014 Who is he comes here ?", "How like a fawning publican he looks ? I hate him , for he is a Christian : But more , for that , in low simplicity , He lends out money gratis , and brings down The rate of usance here with us in Venice .If I can catch him once upon the hip ,I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him . He hates our sacred nation : and he rails Even there where merchants most do congregate , On me , my bargains , and my well-won thrift . Which he calls interest : Cursed be my tribe If I forgive him ! Re-enter BASSANIO with ANTONIO .", "I am debating of my present store ;", "And , by the near guess of my memory ,", "I cannot instantly raise up the gross", "Of full three thousand ducats : What of that ?", "Tubal , a wealthy Hebrew of my tribe ,", "Will furnish me : But soft : How many months", "Do you desire ?\u2014 Rest you fair , good signior :", "Your worship was the last man in our mouths .", "Ay , ay , three thousand ducats .", "I had forgot ,\u2014 three months , you told me so", "Well then , your bond ; and , let me see . But hear you :", "Methought you said , you neither lend nor borrow ,", "Upon advantage .", "When Jacob graz 'd his uncle Laban 's sheep ,", "This Jacob from our holy Abraham was", "The third possessor ; ay , he was the third .", "No , not take interest ; not , as you would say ,", "Directly interest : mark what Jacob did .", "When Laban and himself were compromis 'd", "That all the eanlings", "which were streak 'd and pied", "Should fall , as Jacob 's hire ;", "The skilful shepherd peel 'd me certain wands ,", "And , in the doing of the deed of kind ,", "He stuck them up before the fulsome ewes ;", "Who , then conceiving , did in eaning-time", "Fall", "party-coloured lambs , and those were Jacob 's .", "This was a way to thrive , and he was blest ;", "And thrift is blessing , if men steal it not .", "I cannot tell ; I make it breed as fast .", "Three thousand ducats ,\u2014 \u2018 tis a good round sum . Three months from twelve , then let me see the rate .", "Signior Antonio , many a time and oft", "In the Rialto you have rated me", "About my monies , and my usances :", "Still have I borne it with a patient shrug ;", "For sufferance is the badge of all our tribe :", "You call me misbeliever , cut-throat dog ,", "And spet upon my Jewish gaberdine ,", "And all for use of that which is mine own .", "Well , then , it now appears you need my help :", "Go to , then ; you come to me , and you say ,", "\u2018 Shylock , we would have monies ; \u2019 You say so ;", "You , that did void your rheum upon my beard ,", "And foot me , as you spurn a stranger cur", "Over your threshhold ; monies is your suit ,", "What should I say to you ? Should I not say", "\u2018 Hath a dog money ? is it possible", "A cur can lend three thousand ducats ? \u2019 or", "Shall I bend low , and in a bondman 's key ,", "With \u2018 bated breath , and whispering humbleness ,", "Say this ,\u2014", "\u2018 Fair Sir , you spet on me on Wednesday last ;", "You spurn 'd me such a day ; another time", "You call 'd me dog ; and for these courtesies", "I 'll lend you thus much monies ? \u2019", "Why , look you , how you storm !", "I would be friends with you , and have your love ;", "Forget the shames that you have stain 'd me with ;", "Supply your present wants , and take no doit", "Of usance for my monies , and you 'll not hear me :", "This is kind I offer .", "This kindness will I show :", "Go with me to a notary : seal me there", "Your single bond ; and , in a merry sport ,", "If you repay me not on such a day ,", "In such a place , such sum , or sums , as are", "Express 'd in the condition , let the forfeit", "Be nominated for an equal pound", "Of your fair flesh , to be cut off and taken", "In what part of your body pleaseth me .", "O father Abraham , what these Christians are .", "Whose own hard dealings teaches them suspect", "The thoughts of others ! Pray you , tell me this", "If he should break his day , what should I gain", "By the exaction of the forfeiture ?", "A pound of man 's flesh , taken from a man ,", "Is not so estimable , profitable neither ,", "As flesh of muttons , beefs , or goats . I say ,", "To buy his favour I extend this friendship ;", "If he will take it , so ; if not , adieu ;", "And , for my love , I pray you wrong me not .", "Then meet me forthwith at the notary 's ;", "Give him direction for this merry bond ,", "And I will go and purse the ducats straight ;", "See to my house , left in the fearful guard", "Of an unthrifty knave ; and presently", "I will be with you ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 730, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Certainly my conscience will serve me to run from this Jew , my master : The fiend is at mine elbow , and tempts me ; saying to me ,\u2014 Gobbo , Launcelot Gobbo , good Launcelot , or good Gobbo , or good Launcelot Gobbo , use your legs , take the start , run away :\u2014 My conscience says ,\u2014 No : take heed , honest Launcelot ; take heed , honest Gobbo : orhonest Launcelot Gobbo ; do not run : scorn running with thy heels . Well the most courageous fiend bids me pack . Via ! says the fiend ; Away ! says the fiend , for the heavens ;rouse up a brave mind , says the fiend , and run . Well , my conscience , hanging about the neck of my heart , says very wisely to me , my honest friend , Launcelot , being an honest man 's son , or rather an honest woman 's son ;\u2014 for , indeed , my father did something smack , something grow to , he had a kind of taste ;\u2014 well , my conscience says , Launcelot , budge not ; budge , says the fiend ; budge not , says my conscience . Conscience , say I , you counsel well ; fiend , say I , you counsel well ; to be ruled by my conscience I should stay with the Jew , my master , whois a kind of devil ; and to run away from the Jew I should be ruled by the fiend , who , saving your reverence , is the devil himself . Certainly , the Jew is the very devil incarnation ; and in my conscience , my conscience is a kind of hard conscience , to offer to counsel me to stay with the Jew . The fiend gives the more friendly counsel : I will run , fiend ; my heels are at your commandment , I will run .", "O heavens , this is my true-begotten father ! who , being more than sand-blind , high-gravel blind ,knows me not : I will try conclusionswith him .", "Turn upon your right hand at the next turning , but , at the next turning of all , on your left ; marry , at the very next turning , turn of no hand , but turn down indirectly to the Jew 's house .", "Ergo , master Launcelot ; talk not of master Launcelot , father ; for the young gentleman, is , indeed , deceased ; or , as you would say is plain terms , gone to heaven .", "Do I look like a cudgel , or a hovel-post , a staff , or a prop ?\u2014 Do you know me , father ?", "Do you not know me , father ?", "Nay , indeed , if you had your eyes , you might fail of the knowing me : it is a wise father that knows his own child . Well , old man , I will tell you news of your son : Give me your blessing :Truth will come to light ; murder cannot be hid long ; a man 's son may ; but , in the end , truth will out .", "Pray you , let 's have no more fooling about it , but give me your blessing ; I am Launcelot , your boy that was , your son that is , your child that shall be ,", "I know not what I shall think of that ; but I am Launcelot , the", "Jew 's man ; and I am sure Margery , your wife , is my mother .", "It should seem , then , that Dobbin 's tail grows backward ; I am sure he had more hair of his tail than I have of my face , when I last saw him .", "Give him a present ! give him a halter : I am famished in his service ; you may tell every finger I have with my ribs . Father , I am glad you are come : give me your present to one master Bassanio , who , indeed , gives rare new liveries ; if I serve not him , I will run as far as Heaven has any ground .\u2014 O rare fortune ! here comes the man ;\u2014 to him , father ; for I am a Jew if I serve the Jew any longer .", "To him , father .", "Not a poor boy , sir ; but the rich Jew 's man ; that would , sir , as my father shall specify .", "Indeed , the short and the long is , I serve the Jew , and have a desire as my father shall specify .", "To be brief , the very truth is , that the Jew having done me wrong , doth cause me , as my father , being I hope an old man , shall frutify unto you .", "In very brief , the suit is impertinentto myself , as your worship shall know by this honest old man ; and , though I say it , though old man , yet poor man , my father .", "Serve you , sir .", "The old proverb is very well parted between my master , Shylock , and you , sir ; you have the grace of Heaven , sir , and he hath \u2014\u2014 enough .", "Father , in :\u2014I cannot get a service , no !\u2014 I have ne'er a tongue in my head !\u2014 Well ;if any man in Italy have a fairer table ;which doth offer to swear upon a book I shall have good fortune !Go to , here 's a simple line of life !here 's a small trifle of wives : Alas , fifteen wives is nothing ; eleven widows and nine maids , is a simple coming in for one man : and then , to \u2018 scape drowning thrice ; and to be in peril of my life with the edge of a feather-bed ,here are simple \u2018 scapes ! Well , if fortune be a woman she 's a good wench for this gear .\u2014 I 'll take my leave of the Jew in the twinkling of an eye .", "Adieu !\u2014 Tears exhibit my tongue . Most beautiful pagan ,\u2014 most sweet Jew ! Adieu ! these foolish drops do somewhat drown my manly spirit : adieu .", "An it shall please you to break up this ,it shall seem to signify .", "By your leave , sir .", "Marry , sir , to bid my old master the Jew to sup to-night with my new master the Christian .", "Why , Jessica !", "Your worship was wont to tell me I could do nothing without bidding .", "I beseech you , sir , go ; my young master doth expect your reproach .", "And they have conspired together ,\u2014 I will not say , you shall see a masque ; but if you do , then it was not for nothing that my nose fell a bleedingon Black Mondaylast , at six o'clock i'the morning , falling out that year on Ash-Wednesday was four year in the afternoon .", "I will go before , Sir .\u2014", "Mistress , look out at window , for all this ;", "There will come a Christian by ,", "Will be worth a Jewess \u2019 eye ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 730, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Why , man , I saw Bassanio under sail ;", "With him is Gratiano gone along ;", "And in their ship , I am sure , Lorenzo is not .", "He came too late , the ship was under sail ;", "But there the duke was given to understand ,", "That in a gondola were seen together", "Lorenzo and his amorous Jessica ;", "Besides , Antonio certified the duke ,", "They were not with Bassanio in his ship .", "Marry , well remember 'd : I reason 'dwith a Frenchman yesterday , who told me that Antonio hath a ship of rich lading wreck 'd on the narrow seas that part the French and English ,\u2014 the Goodwins , I think they call the place \u2014 a very dangerous flat and fatal , where the carcases of many a tall ship lie buried , as they say , if my gossip report be an honest woman of her word .", "Come , the full stop .", "I would it might prove the end of his losses !", "How now , Shylock ? what news among the merchants ?", "And Shylock , for his own part , knew the bird was fledg 'd ; and then it is the complexion of them all to leave the dam .", "But tell us , do you hear whether Antonio have had any loss at sea or no ?", "Here comes another of the tribe ; a third cannot be matched , unless the devil himself turn Jew ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 730, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I pray you , tarry ; pause a day or two ,", "Before you hazard ; for , in choosing wrong", "I lose your company ; I could teach you", "How to choose right , but then I am forsworn ;", "So will I never be : so may you miss me ;", "But if you do , you 'll make me wish a sin ,", "That I had been forsworn .", "Away then : I am lock 'd in one of them ;", "If you do love me , you will find me out .", "Let music sound , while he doth make his choice :", "Then , if he lose , he makes a swan-like end ,", "Fading in music .", "\u2014 That the comparison", "May stand more proper , my eye shall be the stream", "And wat'ry deathhYpppHeNbed for him .", "SONG .", "How all the other passions fleet to air !", "O love , be moderate , allay thy ecstacy ,", "I feel too much thy blessing , make it less ,", "For fear I surfeit !", "You see , my lord Bassanio , where I stand ,", "Such as I am : though , for myself alone ,", "I would not be ambitious in my wish ,", "To wish myself much better ; yet , for you ,", "I would be trebled twenty times myself .", "But now I was the lord", "Of this fair mansion , master of my servants ,", "Queen o'er myself ; and even now , but now ,", "This house , these servants , and this same myself .", "Are yours , my lord ,\u2014 I give them with this ring ;", "Which , when you part from , lose , or give away ,", "Let it presage the ruin of your love ,", "And be my vantage to exclaim on you .", "Is this true , Nerissa ?", "So do I , my lord ;", "They are entirely welcome .", "There are some shrewd contents in yon same paper ,", "That steal the colour from Bassanio 's cheek ;", "Some dear friend dead ; else nothing in the world", "Could turn so much the constitution", "Of any constant man .", "What , worse and worse ?\u2014", "With leave , Bassanio ; I am half yourself ,", "And I must freely have the half of any thing", "That this same paper brings you .", "Is it your dear friend that is thus in trouble ?", "What sum owes he the Jew ?", "What , no more ?", "Pay him six thousand , and deface the bond ;", "Double six thousand , and then treble that ,", "Before a friend of this description", "Shall lose a hair through Bassanio 's fault .", "First , go with me to church , and call me wife :", "And then away to Venice to your friend !", "For never shall you stay by Portia 's side", "With an unquiet soul . You shall have gold", "To pay the petty debt twenty times over ;", "When it is paid , bring your true friend along :", "My maid Nerissa , and myself , mean time ,", "Will live as maids and widows . Come , away ;", "For you shall hence , upon my wedding-day :", "But let me hear the letter of your friend .", "O love , despatch all business , and be gone ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 730, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What is Antonio here ?", "Go one , and call the Jew into the court .", "Make room , and let him stand before our face .", "Shylock , the world thinks , and I think so , too ,", "That thou but lead'st this fashion of thy malice", "To the last hour of act : and then , \u2018 tis thought", "Thou'lt show thy mercy and remorse ,", "more strange", "Than is thy strange apparent cruelty :", "And where", "thou now exact'st the penalty ,", ",", "Thou wilt not only lose the forfeiture ,", "But touch 'd with human gentleness and love ,", "Forgive a moiety of the principal ;", "Glancing an eye of pity on his losses ,", "That have of late so huddled on his back ,", "Enough to press a royal merchant down ,", "And pluck commiseration of his state", "From brassy bosoms , and rough hearts of flint ,", "From stubborn Turks and Tartars , never train 'd", "To offices of tender courtesy .", "We all expect a gentle answer , Jew .", "How shall thou hope for mercy , rend'ring none ?", "Upon my power , I may dismiss this court ,", "Unless Bellario , a learned doctor ,", "Whom I have sent for to determine this ,", "Come here to day .", "Bring us the letters :\u2014 Call the messenger .", "Came you from Padua , from Bellario ?", "This letter from Bellario doth commend", "A young and learned doctor tax our court :\u2014", "Where is he ?", "With all my heart :\u2014 some three or four of you", "Go give him courteous conduct to this place .\u2014", "Meantime , the court shall hear Bellario 's letter .", "You hear the learn 'd Bellario , what he writes :", "And here , I take it , is the doctor come .", "Enter PORTIA , dressed like a Doctor of Laws .", "Give me your hand : Came you from old Bellario ?", "You are welcome : take your place .", "Are you acquainted with the difference", "That holds this present question in the court ?", "Antonio and old Shylock , both stand forth .", "That thou shall see the difference of our spirit ,", "I pardon thee thy life before thou ask it :", "For half thy wealth , it is Antonio 's ;", "The other half comes to the general state ,", "Which humbleness may drive unto a fine .", "He shall do this ; or else I do recant", "The pardon that I late pronounced here .", "Get thee gone , but do it .", "Sir , I entreat you with me home to dinner .", "I am sorry that your leisure serves you not :", "Antonio , gratify this gentleman ;", "For , in my mind , you are much bound to him ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 730, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The moon shines bright :\u2014 In such a night as this ,", "When the sweet wind did gently kiss the trees ,", "And they did make no noise ,\u2014 in such a night ,", "Troilus , methinks , mounted the Trojan walls ,", "And sigh 'd his soul toward the Grecian tents ,", "Where Cressid lay that night .", "In such a night ,", "Did pretty Jessica , like a little shrew ,", "Slander her love , and he forgave it her .", "Who comes so fast in silence of the night ?", "A friend ? what friend ? your name , I pray you , friend .", "He is not , nor we have not heard from him .\u2014", "But go we in , I pray thee , Jessica ,", "And ceremoniously let us prepare", "Some welcome for the mistress of the house .", "Who calls ?", "Leave holloing , man ; here .", "Here .", "My friend Balthazar , signify , I pray you ,", "Within the house , your mistress is at hand :", "And bring your music forth into the air .", "of bright gold .", "There 's not the smallest orb which thou behold'st", "But in his motion like an angel sings ,", "Still quiring to the young-eyed cherubins :", "Such harmony is in immortal souls ,", "But whilst this muddy vesture of decay", "Doth grossly close it in , we cannot hear it .\u2014", "Enter MUSICIANS .", "GLEE .", "It was a lover and his lass ,", "With a hey and a ho , and a hey nonino ;", "That o'er the green corn fields did pass ,", "In the spring-time , the pretty spring time ,", "When birds do sing , hey ding-a-ding , ding :\u2014", "Sweet lovers love the spring .", "And therefore take the present time ,", "With a hey and a ho , and a hey nonino ;", "For love is crowned with the prime", "In the spring-time , the pretty spring time ,", "When birds do sing , hey ding-a-ding , ding :\u2014", "Sweet lovers love the spring .", "The reason is your spirits are attentive :", "For do but note a wild and wanton herd ,", "If any air of music touch their ears ,", "You shall perceive them make a mutual stand ,", "Their savage eyes turn 'd to a modest gaze ,", "By the sweet power of music . Therefore , the poet", "Did feign that Orpheus drew trees , stones , and floods ;", "Since nought so stockish , hard , and full of rage ,", "But music for the time doth change his nature :", "The man that hath no music in himself ,", "Nor is not mov 'd with concord of sweet sounds ,", "Is fit for treasons , stratagems , and spoils ;", "The motions of his spirit are dull as night ,", "And his affections dark as Erebus :", "Let no such man be trusted .\u2014 Mark the music .", "That is the voice ,", "Or I am much deceiv 'd , of Portia .", "Dear lady , welcome home .", "Madam , they are not yet ;", "But there is come a messenger before ,", "To signify their coming .", "Your husband is at hand ; I hear his trumpet :", "We are no tell-tales , madam ; fear you not .", "Fair ladies , you drop manna in the way of starved people ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 730, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I am not , my friend ; my story is short , and you shall hear it . It was my luck , call it bad or good , to be born in France , in the town of Castlenaudary , where my parents , good honest peasants , cultivated a small farm on the borders of the canal of Midi . I was useful , though young ; we were well enough to live , and I received from the parish school a good education , was taught to love my country , my parents , and my friends ; a happy temper , a common advantage in my country , made all things easy to me ; I never looked for to-morrow to bring me more joy than I experienced to-day .", "Novelty , a desire for change , an ardent disposition to visit foreign countries . Passing through the streets of Toulouse one bright morning in spring , the lively drum and fife broke on my ear , as I was counting my gains from a day 's marketing . A company of soldiers neatly dressed , with white cockades , passed me with a brisk step ; I followed them through instinct \u2014 the sergeant informed me that they were on their way to Bordeaux , from thence to embark for America , to aid the cause of liberty in the new world , and were commanded by the Marquis de la Fayette . That name was familiar to me ; La Fayette was a patriot \u2014 I felt like a patriot , and joined the ranks immediately .", "I did . We had a boisterous passage to America , and endured many hardships during the revolution . I was wounded at Yorktown , which long disabled me , but what then ? I served under great men , and for a great cause ; I saw the independence of the thirteen states acknowledged , I was promoted to a sergeancy by the great Washington , and I sheathed my sword , with the honest pride of knowing , that I had aided in establishing a powerful and happy republic .", "I have , indeed . When the army was disbanded , I travelled on foot to explore the uncultivated territory which I had assisted in liberating . I purchased a piece of land near the great lakes , and with my axe levelled the mighty oaks , cleared my meadows , burnt out the wolves and bears , and then built that cottage there .", "In a short time , Jenkins , everything flourished ; my cottage was neat , my cattle thriving , still I wanted something \u2014 it was a wife . I was tired of a solitary life , and married Kate , the miller 's daughter ; you knew her .", "She was a good wife \u2014 ever cheerful and industrious , and made me happy : poor Kate ! I was without children for several years ; at length my Christine was born , and I have endeavoured , in cultivating her mind , and advancing her happiness , to console myself for the loss of her mother .", "She left the cottage early this morning with Lenox , to climb the mountains and see the sun rise ; it is time for them to return to breakfast .", "An honest lieutenant of infantry , with a gallant spirit and a warm heart . He was wounded at Niagara , and one stormy night , he presented himself at our cottage door , pale and haggard . His arm had been shattered by a ball , and he had received a flesh wound from a bayonet : we took him in \u2014 for an old soldier never closes his door on a wounded comrade \u2014 Christine nursed him , and he soon recovered . But I wish they were here \u2014 it is growing late : besides , this is a busy day , friend Jenkins .", "You know Jerry Mayflower , the wealthy farmer ; he has offered to marry my Christine . Girls must not remain single if they can get husbands , and I have consented to the match , and he will be here to-day to claim her hand .", "Oh , she may make a few wry faces , as she does when swallowing magnesia , but the dose will go down . There is some credit due to a wife who improves the intellect of her husband ; aye , and there is some pride in it also . Girls should marry . Matrimony is like an old oak ; age gives durability to the trunk , skill trims the branches , and affection keeps the foliage ever green . But come , let us in .", "Ah ! Lenox , my boy , good morning to you . Why Christine , you have had a long ramble with the invalid .", "Well , he goes in good time , and may success attend him . Ods my life , when I was young , the sound of the drum and fife was like the music of the spheres , and the noise and bustle of a battle was more cheering to me , than \u201c the hunter 's horn in the morning . \u201d You will not forget us , Lenox , will you ?", "Well \u2014 quite well \u2014 and these are all your neighbours ?", "Well , farmer , you are an honest man , but I fear my Christine will not approve this match , commenced without her advice , and concluded without her consent . Then her education has been so different from \u2014", "But I 'm not sure that she will like you .", "Indeed !", "And did you share in the glory of that spirited battle ?", "Well , and you panted to be at them ? clubb 'd your rifles , and dashed over ?", "And you did not cross ?", "No doubt . Admirable sophistry , that can shield cowards and traitors , under a mistaken principle of civil government ! I 've heard of those scruples , which your division felt when in sight of the enemy . Was that a time to talk of constitutions \u2014 when part of our gallant army was engaged with unequal numbers ? Could you calmly behold your fellow citizens falling on all sides , and not avenge their death ? Could you , with arms in your hands , the enemy in view , with the roar of cannon thundering on your ear , and the flag of your country waving amidst fire and smoke \u2014 could you find a moment to think of constitutions ? Was that a time to pause and suffer coward scruples to unnerve the arm of freemen ?", "I pray you pardon me . I am an old soldier , and fought for the liberty which you enjoy , and , therefore , claim some privilege in expressing my opinion . But come , your friends are idle , let us have breakfast before our cottage door .\u2014 Ah , Jerry , my Crissy would make a fine soldier 's wife : do you know that I have given her a military education ?", "Aye , she can crack a bottle at twelve paces with a pistol .", "And then she can bring down a buck , at any distance .", "Christine , here is farmer Mayflower and his friends , who have come to visit our cottage , and you in particular .", "Come here , farmer \u2014 give me your hand \u2014 Christine , yours \u2014\u2014 there ; may you live long and happy , and my blessings ever go with you .", "Come , let us have breakfast in the open air \u2014 help me to arrange the table .", "Come , sit down , farmer and neighbours ; and you , my pretty lads and lasses , let 's have a dance . Ah , here is a foraging party .Party dance \u2014 several pastoral and fancy dances \u2014 and as the whole company retires , CHRISTINE comes from the cottage with cautious steps \u2014 she is dressed in a frock coat , pantaloons and hat .", "Impossible !", "Refuse an honest man ? A wealthy one , too ? And one whom her father gives to her ? Trifling girl ! Insensible to her happiness and interest . What objections had she to you , farmer ?", "Mere coyness \u2014 maiden bashfulness .", "I will seek and expostulate with the stubborn girl . Ah , Jerry , times have strangely altered , when young women choose husbands for themselves , with as much ease and indifference , as a ribbon for their bonnet .", "She is nowhere to be found \u2014 she has gone off and left her poor old father . In her room , I found these lines scrawled with a pencil : \u201c You have driven your daughter from you , by urging a match that was hateful to her . Was her happiness not worth consulting ? \u201d What 's to be done ? Where has she gone ? Ah , a light breaks in upon me \u2014 to the camp \u2014 to the camp !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 732, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come here , you littel demoiselle \u2014 you bootiful sauvage , vy you run vay from me \u2014 hay ?", "Disagreeable ? ma foi ! I am one joli gar\u00e7on , one pretti batchelor ; disagreeable ? I vill tell you , ma belle grizette , I am ma\u00eetre de mode , I give de le\u00e7ons for dance , to speake de English , and de Fran\u00e7aise aussi ; I can fence , aha ! or fight de duel , or de enemi , je suis un soldat .", "Camp ? vat is de camp ? Oho , le champ de bataille ; I shall tell you , mademoiselle , I did fight at the bataille de Vittoria , com un diable , like littel devil . I did kill beaucoup d'Anglais . Mai my ma\u00eetre , le capitain , he did give me a dam tump on my head wis his rapier , and did knock me down from on top of my horse , and make a me von prisonier .", "Oui , ven I could not run avay , begar I surrender like von brave homme , and now I am jentiman to capitain Pendragoon ; I do brus his coat , poudre his hair , and pull his corset tight , and ven he was order to come to Am\u00e9rique , and fight wis de Yankee Doodel , begar me come too . I arrive ici , I am here , to make a littel de love to you .", "You no like de Frenchiman ? O quell barbare ! vy you ave von abominable go\u00fbt , mademoiselle , von shockin taste . I shall tell you , mademoiselle , en my contree , en France , de ladies are ver fond of me . O beaucoup , I am so charmant \u2014 so aimable , and so jentee , I have three five sweetheart , ami de coeur , mai for all dat I do love you ver mush , par example .", "Dam de littel bell , I vill not come ; mon ma\u00eetre he always interrupt me ven I make de love to the pretti ladi , he be jealous , begar I vill not come .", "Oui , monsieur , dis is von damn contree , I can find nosing to eat . I did look into all de pantri , mai parbleu , I find only a ver pretti demoiselle , mai , I could not eat her .", "Vell , sair , I have all de devils ventre bleu , das you can imagine ; dere is no politesse , no respect , nosing paid to me .", "A chanson ? Vell , sair , I shall sing to frighten avay de littel blue devil ; vill you I shall sing de English or de Fran\u00e7aise ?", "Ahem ! Ahem ! you shall understand .", "Vat is dis dull town to me ,", "Robin Hadair ?", "Vere is all de joys on earth , dat", "Make dis town \u2014", "Ha ! what is dat ? who de devil intrup me in my chanson ?", "Parbleu , he is von very sensible sauvage ; vill you take von pinch snuff ?", "He say pshaw , I see he is born in de voods .", "O le barbare ! O de dam sauvage ! dis is de most impertinent dog in de vorld . Roast before de fire ! Parbleu , mon ma\u00eetre , ve are not de littel pig .", "Oh , I vish I vas fight encore at Saragossa , vis mi lor Villainton ; par example , I did get some hard tumps , mai I did get plenti to eat ; but ici I ave nosing but de little bear to mange ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 732, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["There 's Uncle , back from the Fair .", "Put down that mug afore you damage it , May ; and , Annet , do you go and help your uncle in .", "If ever there was a careless little wench , \u2018 tis she . I never did hold with the bringing up of other folks children and if I 'd had my way , \u2018 tis to the poor-house they 'd have went , instead of coming here where I 've enough to do with my own .", "I 'm not one that can be taken by surprise , Dan . May , lay that parcel on the table at once , and put away your uncle 's hat and overcoat .", "I daresay you 'll be told all in good season . Here , take up and get on with that sewing , I dislike to see young people idling away their time .", "I do n't hold with drinking nor with taking bites atween meals , but as your uncle has come a good distance , and the day is warm , you make take the key of the pantry , Annet , and draw a glass of cider for him .", "I would n't encourage the child in her nonsense , if I was you , Dan . She 's old enough to know better than to ask to be taken to such places . Why in all my days I never set my foot within a fair , pleasure or business , nor wanted to , either .", "Certainly not . I wonder at your asking such a question , May . But you do say some very unsuitable things for a little child of your age .", "No , Father , \u2018 twill spoil your next meal as it is .", "They do n't want to hear about anything sensible , Dan . They 're like all the maids now , with their thoughts set on pleasuring and foolishness .", "And that they were . Why , when I was your age , Annet , I should have been ashamed if I could n't have held my own in any proper or suitable conversation .", "Ah \u2014 I recollect .", "And a good thing if there were others of the same pattern now , I 'm thinking .", "Come , Father .", "Come , Father , such talk is hardly suited to little girls , who should know better than to ask so many teasing questions .", "And did you have company on the way home , Father ?", "Along of Andrew ? Girls , you may now go outside into the garden for a while . Yes , put aside your work .", "You heard what I said ? Go off into the garden , and stop there till I send for you . And take uncle 's glass and wash it at the spout as you go .", "She 's got old enough to be put to service , and if I 'd have had my way , \u2018 tis to service she 'd have gone this long time since , and that it is .", "Well , you must please yourself about it Father , as you do most times . But \u2018 tis uncertain work taking up with other folks children as I told you from the first . See what a lot of trouble you and me have had along of Giles .", "No , Father , Giles has never sent a letter since the day he left home . But very often there is no need for letters to keep remembrance green . \u2018 Tis a plant what thrives best on a soil that is bare .", "All I say is that I hope he may get it then .", "Well , that 's not my fault , Father .", "And you may pitch , Father . You may lead the mare down to the pond , but she 'll not drink if she has n't the mind to . You know what Millie is . \u2018 Tis n't from my side that she gets it either .", "Yes , there you are , Father .", "Well , if you think you can shew her that , Father , \u2018 tis a fortunate job on all sides .", "May , what are you a-doing here I should like to know ? Did n't I send you out into the garden along of your sister ?", "Then you can be off again , and shut the door this time , do your hear ?", "Get along off , you tiresome child .\u2014 One word might do for some , but it takes twenty to get you to move .\u2014 Run along now , do you hear me ?Well , Father , I 've done my share with Millie and she do n't take a bit of notice of what I say . So now it 's your turn .", "All right , Father , just you try your way \u2014 I 'll have nothing more to do with it .", "There , Father , I told you what to expect .", "And so I told you , Father , from the start ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 756, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Twas very good of Uncle to bring me this nice shawl , Millie .", "I 'm not going to get married , Millie .", "But , Millie , he 's coming for your answer now . You mus n't let him find you looking so .", "Ca n't you bring yourself round to fancy Andrew , Millie ?", "Is it that you 've not forgotten Giles , then ?", "I feared \u2018 twas so with you , Millie .", "And Giles has never written to you , nor sent a sign nor nothing ?", "Millie , I never cared for to question you , but how was it when you and he did part , one with t'other ?", "What , the one with the white stones to it ?", "Seven of them , there were , Millie .", "Do n't you give way , Millie , for , look you , \u2018 tis very likely that Giles has forgotten you for all his fine words , and Andrew ,\u2014 well , Andrew he 's as grand a suitor as ever maid had . And \u2018 tis Andrew you have got to wed , you know .", "See the fine house you 'll live in . Think on the grand parlour that you 'll sit in all the day with a servant to wait on you and naught but Sunday clothes on your back .", "Come , you must hearten up . Andrew will soon be here . And Uncle says that you have got to give him his answer to-night for good and all .", "O Millie \u2014 I wonder how \u2018 twould feel to be you for half-an - hour and to have such a fine suitor coming to me and asking for me to say Yes .", "\u2018 Tis n't likely that anyone such as Master Andrew will ever come courting a poor girl like me , Millie . But I 'd dearly love to know how \u2018 twould feel .", "Shall what , Mill ?", "How wild and unlikely you do talk , Mill .", "But in the clothing of us , Mill \u2014 why , \u2018 tis a grand young lady that you look \u2014 whilst I -", "I do n't mind just trying it on , like .", "O Mill \u2014 I cannot \u2014 no I cannot .", "O Millie , take off these things \u2014 I cannot do it , that 's the truth .", "O Millie , what is it that you 've got me to do ?", "I 'm sure I do n't know .", "\u2018 Twould have been better had you stayed away like .", "O , there 's a sort of a change , Andrew .", "\u2018 Tis very hard to say , Andrew .", "Indeed it is , Andrew .", "O", "I 'm so sorry \u2014 No \u2014 I mean \u2014 \u2018 Tis your own fault , Andrew .", "I could never find it in my heart to \u2014 I mean , \u2018 tis as well that you should get used to blows , seeing we 're to be wed , Andrew .", "Very likely you 'll be glad enough to be dreaming a month from now , poor Andrew .", "O \u2018 twill be a very long distance from now ,", "Andrew .", "Your heart , Andrew ? \u2018 Twill go all the better afterwards if \u2018 tis tossed about a bit first .", "You shall have my answer in a new song Andrew , which I have been learning .", "Now hark you to this , Andrew , and turn it well over in your mind . Say can you plough me an acre of land Sing Ivy leaf , Sweet William and Thyme . Between the sea and the salt sea strand And you shall be a true lover of mine ?", "Yes , if you plough it with one ram 's horn", "Sing Ivy Leaf , Sweet William and Thyme", "And sow it all over with one peppercorn", "And you shall be a true lover of mine .", "Say can you reap with a sickle of leather", "Sing Ivy Leaf , Sweet William and Thyme", "And tie it all up with a Tom-tit 's feather", "And you shall be a true lover of mine .", "O Andrew , I 'll mend your heart one day .", "But very likely there 'll be a crack left to it always .", "I 'll go with her ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 756, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis powerful warm to-day . We will take a bit of rest before we go further .", "Our travelling is very nigh finished . There lies the road which goes to Camel Farm .", "\u2018 Tis very little further that you have got to journey , my good lads . We are nigh to the end of our wayfaring .", "\u2018 Tis the place out of all the world to me .", "\u2018 Tis rarer , and finer than all the foreign lands that lie beneath the sun , my lads .", "O , you 'll fare well enough yonder .", "Well , the both of you shall rest this night beneath the grandest roof that ever sheltered a man 's head . And you shall sit at a table spread as you 've not seen this many a year .", "Good-morning , master .", "You 're right there , master .", "And where is that , old master ?", "You 're right . \u2018 Tis there and nowhere else that we are going .", "In time for what , my good man ?", "The marrying ? What 's that you 're telling me ?", "Who are you speaking of , old man ?", "Who 's getting wed up yonder , tell me quickly ?", "Millie ! O that is heavy news .Then \u2018 tis as I feared , for since daybreak yesterday the brightness has all gone from out of the seven stones . That 's how \u2018 twould be , she told me once .", "And who is she to wed , old man ?", "Yes . With whom does she go to church to-day ?", "Ah , th \u2019 old farmer was always wonderful set on him .", "What matters it if you be old and poor , master , so that the heart of you be whole and unbroken ?", "What is the pang of hunger and the cold bite of winter set against the cruel torment of a disappointed love ?", "Then what do you up yonder at the marrying this morning ?", "See here , old master . I would fain strike a bargain with you . And \u2018 tis with a handful of golden pieces that I will pay your service .", "Take out a handful from the bag of gold . And you , John , give him some of the silver .", "My good friend , you 're wrong there , I was a poor country lad , but I had the greatest treasure that a man could hold on this earth . \u2018 Twas the love of my cousin Millie . And being poor , I was put from out the home , and sent to seek my fortune in parts beyond the sea .", "\u201c Come back with a bushel of gold in one hand and one of silver in t'other \u201d the old farmer said to me , \u201c and then maybe I 'll let you wed my daughter . \u201d", "And yonder is Millie given in marriage to another .", "And so I would crave something of you , old friend . Lend me your smock , and your big hat and your staff . In that disguise I will go to the farm and look upon my poor false love once more . If I find that her heart is already given to another , I shall not make myself known to her . But if she still holds to her love for me , then -", "No , no , my lads . I will return as I did go from yonder . Poor , and in mean clothing . Nor shall a glint of all my wealth speak one word for me . But if so be as her heart is true in spite of everything , my sorrowful garments will not hide my love away from her .", "How 's that , my friends ?", "I 'll soon better that .", "I had forgot the shoes . When I get near to the house \u2018 tis barefoot that I will go .", "My good friends , you shall go with me a little further . And when we have come close upon the farm , you shall stop in the shelter of a wood that I know of and await the signal I shall give you .", "I shall blow three times , and loudly from my whistle , here .", "As quickly as you can run . \u2018 Twill be the sign that I need all of you with me . GEORGE and JOHN . That 's it , master . Us do understand what \u2018 tis as we have got to do ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 756, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["And what do you want to run about in the garden for when", "I 've just smoothed your hair and got you all ready to go to church ?", "You should know better then . Did n't I tell you to sit still in that chair with your hands folded nicely till we were ready to start .", "This 'll be the last time as I tie your ribbon , mind .", "What 's your cousin doing now , Annet ?", "In all my days I never did hear tell of such a thing , I do n't know what 's coming to the world , I do n't .", "Crying ? She 'll have something to cry about if she does n't look out , when her father comes in , and hears how she 's a - going on .", "Look you , May , you get and run up , and knock at the door and tell her that \u2018 twill soon be time for us to set off to church and that she have got to make haste in her dressing .", "Now Annet , no idling here , if you please . Set the nosegay in water , and when you 've given a look round to see that everything is in its place , upstairs with you , and on with your bonnet , do you hear ? Uncle wo n't wish to be kept waiting for you , remember .", "Millie has not seen fit to shew herself this morning , Father . She 's biding up in her room with the door locked , and nothing that I 've been able to say has been attended to , so perhaps you 'll kindly have your try .", "I 'm fairly tired of sending up to her , Father . You 'd best go yourself .", "There , Father ,\u2014 perhaps you 'll believe what I tell you another time . Millie has got that hardened and wayward , there 's no managing of her , there 's not .", "\u2018 Tis all very well to talk of young Andrew , but who 's a - going to get her to church with him I 'd like to know .", "Very well , Father , and we shall all be much obliged to you .", "You 'd best take sommat and go and break open the door , Father . \u2018 Tis the sensiblest thing as you can do , only you 'd never think of anything like that by yourself .", "There , there , Father \u2014 there 's no need to bluster in this fashion . Take up the poker and go and break into the door quiet and decent , like anyone else would do . And girls \u2014 off for your bonnets this moment I tell you .", "Good-morning , Andrew .", "\u2018 Tis Father at a little bit of carpentering .", "We know what young men be upon their wedding morn ! I warrant as the clock can n't run too fast for them at such a time .", "You 'll have enough words presently . Hark , she 's coming down with Father now .", "I would n't make such a show of myself if I was you , Mill . Go upstairs this minute and wash your face and smooth your hair and put yourself ready for church .", "I do n't know what 's come to the house this morning , and that 's the truth . Andrew , I 'll not have you keep Millie beyond a five minutes . \u2018 Tis enough of one another as you 'll get later on , like . Father , go you off upstairs for your coat . \u2018 Tis hard work for me , getting you all to act respectable , that \u2018 tis .", "Millie , what are you stopping for ? Come you up here and get your gown on , do .", "There , father , come along down and give your face a wash at the pump ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 756, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["If you think that your neckerchief is put on right \u2018 tis time you should know different , Father .", "\u2018 Tis altogether wrong . \u2018 Tis like the two ears of a heifer sticking out more than anything else that I can think on .", "Thrown there in a fine fit of temper , I warrant .", "We all hear a great deal about your word , Father , but \u2018 twould be better for there to be more do and less say about you .", "I have n't patience with the wenches now-a-days . Lay down that nosegay at once , Annet , and call your cousin from her room . I warrant she has finished tricking of herself up by now .", "Too late \u2014 I should think it was . What 's come to the maid ! In my time girls did n't use to spend a quarter of the while afore the glass as they do now . Suppose you was to holler for her again , Father .", "She 's right enough in the clothing of her , but \u2018 twould be better if her looks did match the garments more . Come , Millie , can n't you appear pleasanter like on your wedding day ?", "And what next , I should like to know ?", "Run along and get some for your cousin , May .", "Who 's that , I should like to know ?", "We do n't want no beggars nor roadsters here to-day , if you please .", "I never knowed you so careful of a poor wretch afore ,", "Millie . \u2018 Tis quite a new set out , this .", "Please to come to your right senses , Millie .", "No , Father , I 'll leave you to manage this affair . \u2018 Tis you who have spoiled Mill and brought her up so wayward and unruly , and \u2018 tis to you I look for to get us out of this unpleasant position .", "And who are these persons , Giles ?", "And who may you be , I should like to know ? You appear to be making very free with my parlour .", "Old Missis , indeed . Father , you shall speak to these persons .", "Put them both out of the door , Father , do you hear me ? \u2018 Tis to the cider as they 've been getting . That 's clear .", "Depend upon it \u2018 tis two wicked thieves we have got among us , flying from justice .", "Do you hear that , Father ? O you shocking liars \u2014 \u2018 tis stolen goods that you 've been and brought to our innocent house this day . But , Father , do you up and fetch in the constable , do you hear ?", "Well \u2014 \u2018 tis a respectabler end than I thought as you 'd come to , Giles . And different nor what you deserved .", "I shall be deaf before I 've done , but it appears to me that Annet 's not lost any time in making the most of her chances .", "I 'll have no cider drinking out of meal times here .", "And that 'll not be till this day next year if this sort of thing goes on any longer ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 756, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Here 's the very man to tell us all we want to know .", "No , sit you down again , my lad , and we 'll rest awhile by the side of you .", "You 're about right , Luke . Now , George , my man , we should very much appreciate a few words with you .", "Work , why , George , \u2018 tis clear you are come out but to gather flowers this morning .", "That just brings us to our little matter , George . When is it that you expect the young lady ?", "Well , George , \u2018 twas a great day for your master when old Madam Lovel took little Miss Clara to be bred up as one of the quality .", "No , no , George , you do n't know what you 're talking about . A little country wench may bloom into something very modish and elegant , once taken from her humble home and set amongst carpets of velvet and curtains of satin . You 'll see .", "Take my word for it , George , Ox Lease will have to smarten up a bit for this young lady . I know the circles she has been moving in , and \u2018 tis to the best of everything that she has been used .", "Stop a moment , George . You have perhaps heard the letters from Miss Clara discussed in the family from time to time .", "Nothing of their swarming thick around her up in London ,", "George ?", "Well , George , that 'll liven up the place a bit , I do n't doubt .", "But George , my man , we have a good many questions to ask of you before you set off .", "Arriving by the morning coach ! I shall certainly make my call to the farm before sunset . What do you say , Jenner ?", "And our fathers before us , Luke .", "That 'll be all right , Luke .", "As you please , my good Luke .", "That neckerchief is not quite the thing , Luke .", "Step over to the High Street with me , my lad . I 've got something in the shop that will be the very thing . You shall have it half price for \u2018 tis only a bit damaged in one of the corners .", "That 's all right , Luke .", "Ah , poor beggar , he would , and no mistake .", "I flatter myself that I have a certain way with the ladies . They come to me confidential like and I tell them what 's what , and how that , this or t'other is worn about town . But with Missis Spring \u2018 tis different . That 's a woman I could never get the right side of no how .", "\u2018 Tis altogether a very poor place up at Ox Lease , for young", "Miss .", "I 'm sure I 'm quite agreeable , Luke . \u2018 Twill help to pass away the morning ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 756, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["There is the very resting place for us . We will sit down under the trees for a while .", "Only a mile or two , so far as I can remember .", "If London roads were paved with diamonds I 'd sooner have my feet treading this rugged way that leads to home .", "I was but seven when I left them all , Joan . And that is fourteen years ago to-day .", "But I dream that I shall find all just as it was when I went away . Only that Gran'ma wo n't be there .", "I would not have driven one step of the way this morning , Joan . In my fancy I have been walking up from the village and through the wood and over the meadows since many a day . I have not forgotten one turn of the path .", "No . But it does not seem quite so broad or so fine as I remembered it to be . That is all .", "Well , there 's Thomas , he is my brother , and Emily his wife . Then the two children .", "And there was George .", "Georgie seemed so big and tall to me in those days . I wonder how old he really was , when I was seven .", "No , George minded the horses and looked after the cows and poultry . Sometimes he would drive me into market with him on a Saturday . And in the evenings I would follow him down to the pool to see the cattle watered .", "You 'll soon get over that , Joan .", "There , do you see this little scar ? I was helping George to feed the ducks and geese when the fierce gander ran after me and knocked me down and took a piece right out of my arm .", "I wish he might be , Joan .", "When the days got colder , we would sit under the straw rick , George and I . And he would sing to me . Some of his songs , I could say off by heart this day .", "That wo n't hurt you \u2014 a tiny caterpillar .", "He would clasp on his bells and dance in the Morris on certain days , Joan .", "Why , Joan , I believe you 're tired already of the country .", "\u2018 Tis full of sounds . Listen to the doves in the trees and the lambs calling from the meadow .", "O how glad I am to be free of all that . And most of all , how glad to be ridded of one person .", "No , I have forbidden it . I must have a month of quiet , and he is to wait that time for his answer .", "You forget that Lord Lovel and I have played together as children . It is as a brother that I look upon him .", "That is a pity , Joan . But see , it is getting late and we must be moving onwards .", "Here , loosen my cloak , Joan , and untie the ribbons of my bonnet .", "No , no \u2014 such town garments are not suited to the woods and meadows . I want to feel the country breeze upon my head , and my limbs must be free from the weight of the cloak . I had these things upon me during the coach journey . They are filled with road dust and I dislike them now .", "I have taken a dislike to them . See here , Joan , since you admire them , they shall be yours .", "To comfort you for the pains of the country , Joan .", "As you will . Listen , that is the cuckoo singing .", "I am very glad to be without them for a while . How good the air feels on my head .", "Very nicely , Joan . So nicely that if you like , you may keep them upon you for the remainder of the way .", "Yes . And Joan , do you go onwards to the farm by the quickest path which is through this wood and across the high road . Anyone will shew you where the place is . I have a mind to wander about in some of the meadows which I remember . But I will join you all in good time .", "Do n't spend too much time looking at what will be shewn you , Joan ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 756, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now Thomas , suppose you was to take that there bread a step further away and eat it in the garden , if eat it you must , instead of crumbling it all over my clean floor .", "Dogs ? I 'd like to see the dog as 'll shew its nose in here to-day when I 've got it all cleaned up against the coming of fine young madam .", "I 'll give it to any one who goes meddling in my brush cupboard now that I 've just put all in order against the prying and nozzling of the good-for-nothing baggage what 's coming along with your sister .", "Never you mind . Get and take your elbow off my ironing sheet .", "If I 've told you once , I 've told you twenty times , \u2018 twas but the one pair of hands as I was gived at birth . Now , what have you got to say against that , Thomas ?", "And if so be as I 'm to clean and wash and cook , and run , and wait , and scour , and mend , for them lazy London minxes , other folk must go without hot cooking at mid-day .", "You 'll do nothing of the sort . You 'll take this here cold iron into Maggie and you 'll bring back one that is hot . How am I to get these curtains finished and hung and all , by the time the dressed up parrots come sailing in , I 'd like to know .", "That shews how much you know about it , Thomas . No , take your hands from off my table . Do you think as I wants dirty thumbs shewing all over the clean net what I 've washed and dried and ironed , and been a-messing about with since \u2018 twas light ?", "I have n't patience to listen to such stuff .", "We have perches and plenty of them for barn door poultry , but when it comes to roosting spangled plumes and fancy fowls , no thank you , Thomas , I 'm not going to do it .", "You 'll see plenty of them presently .", "Some folk have all the honey . It do trickle from the mouths of them and down to the ground .", "And there be others what are born to naught but crusts and the vinegar .", "What 's that ?", "I 'll learn that wench to keep her thoughts to herself if she can n't fetch them out respectful like .Mag , come you here this minute \u2014 what are you after now , I 'd like to know , you ugly , idle piece of mischief ?", "What 's this you 've got saying to Miss Jessie , I should like to know .", "Hark you here , my girl \u2014 if \u2018 twas n't hay time you should bundle up your rags and off with you this minute . But as \u2018 tis awkward being short of a pair of hands just now , you 'll bide a week or two and then you 'll get outside of my door with no more character to you nor what I took you with .", "Be quiet , Thomas . This is my business , and you 'll please to keep your words till they 're wanted .", "I do n't want no words nor no tears neither .", "Be quiet . Back to your work with you . And when the hay is all carried , off with you , ungrateful minx , to where you came from .", "When I want your opinion , Thomas , I 'll ask for it . Suppose you was to go out and see after something which you do understand .", "What 's that ?", "There again . Did you ever know the man to be so slow before .", "I warrant as he have gone drinking or mischiefing down at the Spotted", "Cow instead of coming straight home with they chicken .", "I 'll soon put an end to anything in that quarter .", "I 'll settle her too , if she comes before I 'm ready for her .", "Well , and where have you been all this while , I 'd like to know ?", "You 've been up to some mischief on the way , I warrant .", "I 'd best have gone myself . Of all the thick-headed men I ever did see , you 're the thickest . Upon my word you are .", "\u2018 Taint chicken at all what you 've been and fetched me .", "If I 'd been given a four arms and legs at birth same as th \u2019 horses , I 'd have left a pair of them at home and gone and done the job myself , I would . And then you should see what I 'd have brought back .", "Here , Mag , off into the pantry with them . A couple of skinny frogs from out the road ditch would have done as well . And you , Jess , upstairs with these clean curtains and lay them careful on the bed . I 'll put them to the windows later .", "You 'd best ask no questions if you do n't want to be served with lies , Thomas .", "Ah , now you 've got it , Thomas . Now we shall know why George was upon the road the best part of the day and me kept waiting for the chicken .", "I 'd like to see you ! Flowers in the bedroom ? I never heard tell of such senseless goings on . What next , I 'd like to know ?", "Do n't you flatter yourself , George , as such a coxsy piece of town goods will trouble herself to remember you .", "Get off with you to the field , Thomas , can n't you . I 've had enough to do as \u2018 tis without a great hulking man standing about and taking up all the room .", "There 's no dinner for no one to-day , I tell you .", "\u2018 Twould n't be half the upset if the wench was coming by herself , but to have a hussy of a serving maid sticking about in the rooms along of us , is more nor I can stand .", "I 'll give it to any one who wants to come in here .", "\u2018 Tis no end to the vexation . But she 'll have to wait on herself . I 've no time to play the dancing bear . And that I 've not .", "Well , Clara , if \u2018 twas by the morning coach as you did come , you 're late . If \u2018 twas by th \u2019 evening one , you 're too soon by a good few hours .", "Where 's that serving wench of yours got to , Clara ?", "The good-for-nothing hussy . I warrant as she have found something of mischief for her idle hands to do .", "There 's chairs right in front of you .", "Maybe as you 'd like my kitchen wench to come and do that for you , Clara , seeing as your fine maid is gadding about the high roads instead of minding what it concerns her to attend to .", "Warm , I should think it was warm in under of that great white curtain .", "I 'd be careful if I was you , Jess . Fine ladies be brittle as fine china .", "Amiss , who said as there was ? When folks what can afford to lodge at the inn do come down and fasten theirselves on the top of poor people , they must take things as they do find them and not start grumbling at the first set off .", "O , you do n't , do n't you . Well , Clara , I was always one for plain words , and I say \u2018 tis a pity when folks do get above the position to which they was bred , and for all the fine satins and plumes upon you , the body what 's covered by them belongs to Clara Spring , what 's sister to Thomas . And all the world knows what Thomas is \u2014 A poor , mean spirited , humble born man with but two coats to the back of him , and with not a thought to the mind of him which is not foolishness . And I judge from by what they be in birth , and not by the bags of gold what have been left them by any old madams in their dotage . So now you see how I takes it all and you and me can start fair , like .", "She should have come when \u2018 twas meal time then . I do n't hold with bites nor drinks in between whiles .", "Not if I know it . Stop where you are , Jess . Robin , you dare to move . If Clara wants to eat and drink I 'm afeared she must wait till supper time .", "Maggie , Maggie , where are you , you great lazy-boned donkey ?", "Get up a bucket of water from the well . Master 's sister wants a drink .", "There 's no end to the worriting that other folks do make .", "Come you along with me , you ill-behaved little varmints . \u2018 Tis the back kitchen and the serving maid as is the properest place for such as you . I 'll not have you bide \u2018 mongst the company no longer ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 756, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I cannot do it quickly , it is so fine .", "What makes you say that , Maggie ?", "Why do you think this , Mag ?", "These things are soon mended .", "I put it on to keep my hair neat on the journeying .", "Indeed I have , and I think I must have lost it in the hayfield .", "Where is it then ?", "If you have found it , Maggie , you may keep it .", "Who was it then ?", "I know she has , Robin .", "Master Robin , and Miss Jessie , I will go upstairs and fetch the gifts that your aunt has brought for you .", "The first is for your mother , children .", "My mistress thought it might be suitable .", "I am afraid not . These coral beads are for Miss Jessie , with her aunt 's dear love . And this book of pictures is for Master Robin .", "Perhaps there may be .", "I do n't know .", "Yes , mistress , I should like to help you in something .", "But I mean it . Do let me help a little .", "Yes .", "Yes \u2014 I 'll \u2014 I 'll try -", "No , no \u2014 it is n't that . I 'll gladly do them . Come , Miss Jessie , you will shew me if I do them wrongly , wo n't you ?", "O I should be too slow and awkward at the work , I think .", "Like you , George .", "You are right , George . It is the first time since \u2014 since I was quite a little child . And I think I 'm very clumsy at my work .", "O that she has , George .", "Looks often speak but poorly for the heart .", "O dear , I am thoughtless . One cannot work and talk at the same time .", "O thank you , George , but am I to go idle ?", "Will not you sing one little verse , George ?", "There was a song I once heard in the country that pleased me very well .", "I cannot remember the name \u2014 but there was something of bushes and of briars in it .", "That is the song I was thinking of , Jessie .", "I overheard my own true love ,", "Her voice it was so clear .", "\u201c Long time I have been waiting for", "The coming of my dear . \u201d", "Shall I go on with the song , George ?", "I do n't know , Jessie .", "Very likely the briars were so thick between them , Jess , that he never got to the other side for her to tell him .", "Tell me how it was then , George .", "What else did you and Miss Clara do together , George ?", "And then ?", "And did her crying cease ?", "Where would she spring to , George ?", "And did she never fall , whilst springing from the tree ,", "George ?", "I do not think she can have forgotten those days , George .", "What for , mistress ?", "O I 'll not hear such things said . I 'll not .", "Very well . \u2018 Tis best that I should go . I might say something you would not like .", "Now , Joan , if I were you , I should go out into the garden , and let the gentlemen find you in the arbour . Your ways are more easy and natural when you are in the air .", "You 've stopped up in your room two breakfasts with the headache , and yesterday we took our dinner to the wood .", "Luke Jenner and the other man ?", "That I will . We will find out what is to be upon the table , and then I will shew you how it is to be eaten .", "O , I should n't trouble about that . I 'd open my fan and take no notice if I were you .", "Come , you must take heart and throw yourself into the acting . Try to be as a sister would with Thomas . Be lively , and kind in your way with the children .", "That cross , rough mode of hers sits badly on any one young , Joan . Be more of yourself , but make little changes in your manner here and there .", "Now , Miss Jessie , your aunt must read her letter in quiet , but if you will come back presently I will have a game with you outside .", "Better , much better .", "No . It is not quite like that . But \u2018 tis , perhaps , the dressing up of an ugly feeling in better garments .", "Lord Lovel 's writing .He will not wait longer for my answer . And he is coming here as fast as horses can bring him .", "We had better own to everything at once . It will save trouble in the end .", "Poor Joan , it will not make any difference in the end , if the man loves you truly .", "And then , Joan ?", "As you will , Joan . Very likely \u2018 twill be to-morrow morning before my lord reaches this place .", "That is not likely , Joan .", "Briars , Joan . Thorns of pride , and many another sharp and hurting thing .", "I 'll think of what you say , Joan . There comes a moment when the heart is tired of being spurned , and it would fain get into shelter .", "Then I 'll run away . May all be well with you , dear Joan .", "Why , Joan , what has happened ?", "The money ?", "I 'll run , but all this time I 've been keeping Master Luke", "Jenner quiet in the parlour .", "Much the same as the other one wanted .", "Yes , indeed he will wait no longer for his answer . He 's at boiling point already .", "I 'll run my best , never fear .", "O , Mister Jenner , what has happened to you ?", "I wish that you were in his place .", "But you carry a heart within you that is full of true love ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 756, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["There \u2014 Now all is ready for them .", "O what a beautiful thing . Look at the gold on him , and his legs are like feathers .", "A stranger , Maggie ?", "I do n't believe in such signs , myself .", "Where shall Maggie and me stop whilst the supper is going on , master ? Mistress has not told us yet .", "That will do very well for us , Master .", "Come with me , my lord . I think I can explain everything if you will only step outside with me . Come \u2014", "I am Clara , she is Joan . Thomas , Emily , I pray you to forgive us both for taking you in like this .", "This is the nephew of my dear godmother . Lord Lovel is his name .", "\u2018 Twas a foolish enough thing , but no harm is done . Look up ,", "Joan , and do not cry so pitifully .", "It was as much my fault as hers , Mister Jenner . There were things that each of us wanted , and that we thought we might get , by changing places , one with the other .", "I thought to find something which was mine when I was a little child , but which I lost .", "What for , George ?", "Yes , Thomas . Ask Georgie if he will give it back to me .", "Those words are like a frail bridge on which I can stand for a moment . Georgie , do you remember the days when you used to lead me by the hand into the deep parts of the wood , lifting me over the briars and the brambles so that I should not be hurt by their thorns ?", "Then , Georgie , there was no need for the disguise that I put upon myself .", "Georgie , I went in fear of what this gold and silver might raise up between you and me ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 756, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["And you have come to a ripe age when \u2018 tis the plain duty of a man to turn himself towards matrimony , William .", "Quiet ! \u2018 tis a good shaking up as you want , William . Why , you have got as set in your ways as last season 's jelly .", "No , William . I 'm got to be an old woman now , and \u2018 tis time that I had someone at my side to help in the house-keeping and to share the work .", "Susan ? As idle a piece of goods as ever was seen on a summer 's day ! No . \u2018 Tis n't a serving maid that I was thinking of , but someone who should be of more account in the house . \u2018 Tis a daughter that I 'm wanting , William , and I 've picked out the one who is to my taste .", "\u2018 Tis the young person whom Luther Smith has left his farm and all his money to . I 've got my eye on her for you , William .", "Come , this is news , William . Pray where did you meet ?", "\u2018 Tis true they are from town , but none the worse for that , William . You have got sadly rude and cumbersome in your ways , or you would n't feel as you do towards a suitable young person . \u2018 Tis from getting about with John so much , I think .", "I know that \u2018 tis a rare lot of foolishness that you do talk , William , seeing as you 're not a year past thirty yet . But if you can n't be got to wed for love of a maid , perhaps you 'll do so for love of a purse , when \u2018 tis fairly filled .", "Ah , but that wo n't last for ever . I 'm got an old woman , and I can n't do with the dairy nor the poultry as I was used to do . And things have not the same prices to them as \u2018 twas a few years gone by . And last year 's season was the worst that I remember .", "O you put me out of all patience , William . Where 's the rent to come from if we go on like this ? And the clothing , and the food ? And John 's wages , and your flower seeds , if it comes to that , for you have got terrible wasteful over the flowers .", "No , William . I 've no eye for musk , nor nose to smell at it either till you 've spoken the word that I require .", "I 'll leave you no rest till you do as I wish , William .", "I 'm got an old woman , and \u2018 tis hard I should be denied in aught that", "I 've set my heart upon .", "John ! I 'm sick of the very name of him . I can n't think how \u2018 tis that you can lower yourself by being so close with a common farm hand , William .", "Well , then , John , wo n't be here much longer , for we sha n't have anything to give him if things go on like this .", "I 'm not asking you to wed forty . \u2018 Tis only one .", "The young person who 's got Luther 's farm . Her name is", "Julia .", "I 'm sure I do n't know . I was not at church last", "Sunday .", "You appear to have used your eyes pretty well ,", "William .", "T'other wench is but the housekeeper .", "\u2018 Twas Susan who told me . She got it off someone down in the village .", "I 'm sure I do n't know , but if you go up there courting this afternoon , may happen that you 'll find out .", "Not a bit of it . Recollect , your fancy has been set on her since Sunday .", "I expect you to go up there this very day and to commence telling her of your feelings .", "Then you 'll please to find some , William .", "Then \u2018 tis time you did begin .", "Then I must tell John that we have no further need of his services , for where the money to pay him is to come from , I do n't know .", "Rent day has pitched upon me more sudden , William .", "Talk it over with whom you please , William . But remember \u2018 tis this very afternoon that you have to start courting . I 've laid your best clothes out all ready on your bed .", "Maybe your man will be able to give you some suitable advice . Such things are beyond me , I 'm afraid ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 756, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Out , and a taking of the air in the wood , be they ? Well , bless my soul , but \u2018 tis a rare caddling business what master 's put upon I . \u2018 Tis worse nor any job he have set me to in all the years I 've been along of him , so \u2018 tis . But I 'm the one to bring it off slick and straight , and , bless me , if I wo n't take and hide myself by yon great bush till I see the wenches a-coming up . That 'll give me time to have a quiet look at the both and pick out she what master 's going a-courting of .", "A good day to you , mistress .", "Folks do call me John .", "A fine brave sun to-day , mistress .", "Now , begging your pardon , but what you wants over the head of you baint one of these great trees full of flies and insects , but an arbour trailed all about with bloom , such as my master has down at his place yonder .", "\u2018 Tis Master William Gardner , what 's the talk of the country for miles around , mistress . And that he be .", "The very same , mistress . And as grand a gentleman as anyone might wish for to see .", "You may have heard tell as the finest field of beans this season , that 's his .", "Or that \u2018 twas his spotted hilt what fetched the highest price of any in the market Saturday ?", "Or that folks do come as thick as flies on a summer 's day from all parts of the country for to buy the wheat what he do grow . Ah , and before \u2018 tis cut or like to be , they be a fighting for it , all of them , like a pack of dogs with a bone . So \u2018 tis .", "Or \u2018 twas that th \u2019 old missis \u2014 she as is mother to Master William \u2014 her has a tongue what 's sharper nor longer than any vixen 's going . But that 's between you and I , missis .", "But Master William \u2014 the tongue what he do keep be smooth as honey , and a lady might do as she likes with him if one got the chance .", "For he could be led with kindness same as anything else . But try for to drive him , as old Missis do \u2014 and very likely \u2018 tis hoofed as you 'll get for your pains .", "Ah , Master William has a rare spirit to him , and that he has . You should hear him when th \u2019 old Missis 's fowls be got into his flower garden . \u2018 Tis sommat as is not likely to be forgot in a hurry . That \u2018 tis n't .", "Ah , there 're not amiss . I helped for to raise they too .", "To the lady what my master 's a-courting of , mistress .", "Why , \u2018 tis yourself , mistress .", "But he 've clapped eyes on you , mistress \u2014 \u2018 twas at Church last Sunday . And \u2018 tis not a bit of food , nor a drop of drink , nor an hour of sleep , as Master William have taken since .", "That 's how \u2018 tis with he , mistress . \u2018 Tis many a year as I 've served Master William \u2014 but never have I seen him in the fix where he be in to-day .", "As it might be with the cattle when the flies do buzz about they , thick in the sunshine . A-lashing this way and that , a - trampling and a-tossing , and never a minute 's rest .", "I 've seen a horse right up to the neck of him in that old quag ahind of our place \u2014 a-snorting and a-clapping with his teeth and a - plunging so as \u2018 twould terrify anyone to harken to it . And that 's how \u2018 tis to-day with Master William up at home , so \u2018 tis .", "Ah \u2014 and they old maid flies do sting but once , but \u2018 tis a terrible big bump as they do raise on the flesh of anyone , that \u2018 tis .", "So I should say \u2014 ah , \u2018 tis n't every day that a man like Master", "William goes a-courting .", "You take and hold the nosegay , mistress , and I 'll go straight off and fetch him , so being as you 're agreeable .", "That 's it . I knowed you for a sensible lady the moment I pitched my eyes on to you . And when master do come up , you take and talk to him nicely and meek-like and lead him on from one thing to t'other : and you 'll find as he 'll go quiet as a sheep after the first set off , spite of the great spirit what 's at the heart of he .", "Ah , and I should think you was n't , for \u2018 twould be a hard job to find a nicer gentleman nor Master William .", "Then you may reckon how \u2018 tis with the poor master ! Why , \u2018 tis my belief as \u2018 twill be raving madness as 'll be the end of he if sommat do n't come to put a finish to this unrest .", "Ah , \u2018 tis a powerful lot of calming as Master William do require . But you be the one for to give it him . You just bide where you do sit now whilst I goes and fetches him , mistress ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 756, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Bless my soul , but \u2018 twas on the seat as I did leave she .", "Why , master \u2018 tis my belief as you be all of a-tremble like .", "\u2018 Tis a fine looking lady , and that \u2018 tis . You take and court her , Master William .", "Look yonder , master , there she comes through them dark trees .", "Do n't you get flustered , Master William . See here , I 'll hide me ahind of yon bushes , and if so be as you should want me , why , there I 'm close at hand .", "My dearest master !", "Why , master \u2014 the one with the cherry ribbons , to her you did say .", "O my dear master , do n't you take on so . \u2018 Tis a little bit of misunderstanding to be sure , but one as can be put right very soon .", "Now do n't you get so heated , master , but leave it all to me .My good wench , it seems that there has been a little bit of misunderstanding between you and my gentleman here .", "Then you do think wrong . Suppose you was to go to market for to buy a nice spring chicken and when you was got half on the way to home you was to see as they had put you up a lean old fowl in place of it , what would you do then ?", "Then you 're not the smart maid I took you for . \u2018 Tis not you as would be suitable in my master 's home . And what 's more , \u2018 tis not you as my master 's come a-courting of .", "\u2018 Tis your mistress , since you wants to know .", "However could poor master have been so mistook , I say .", "Now that 's what I do like for to hear . Because me and master have sommat else to do nor to stand giddle-gaddling in this old wood the rest of the day . Us have got a smartish lot of worry ahead of we , have n't us , master ?", "Come along then Master William . You can leave the spring vegetables to she . \u2018 Tis more nor she deserves , seeing as her might have known as \u2018 twas her mistress the both of us was after , all the time .", "Come you along with me , master , and", "I 'll give you a helping hand with it all .", "I reckon as you 've no call to trouble about we , mistress . Us is they what can look after theirselves very well . Suppose you was to wash your face and dry your eyes and set about the boiling of yon spring cabbage . \u2018 Twould be sensibler like nor to bide grizzling after one as is beyond you in his station , so \u2018 twould ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 756, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I wish this day might last for always .", "That it will not . To-day is a holiday . To-morrow 's work .", "Ah , and so I did once . But that was before Uncle died and left me the farm . Now , \u2018 tis all different with the days .", "Much the same as \u2018 tis with that bird flying yonder . I did so as I listed . If I had a mind to sleep when the sun was up , then I did sleep . And if my limbs would not rest when \u2018 twas dark , why , then I did roam . There was naught to hold me back from my fancy .", "\u2018 Tis all said in one word .", "\u2018 Tis \u201c work . \u201d", "I 'm a farmer , Tansie . And for a farmer \u2018 tis work of one sort , or t'other from when the sun is up till the candle has burned itself short . If \u2018 tis n't working with my own hands , \u2018 tis driving of the hands of another .", "And what is gold to me , Chris , who have no one but myself to spend it on", "It will never bring happiness to me , Chris .", "I 'd sooner get my shelter from the green leaves .", "O , a handful of berries and a drink of fresh water is enough for me .", "O , I could rest more sweetly on the grass and moss yonder .", "O Nat , you were never in gaol , were you ?", "And the ceiling above , Nat . And locked door . And other folk lying breathing in the house , hard by . All dark and close .", "Ah , that must be a grand sound , the barking of a fox . I never did hear one . Never .", "O that would please me more than anything in the world .", "O Chris , who is there to say I must bide in one place when all in me is thirsting to be in t'other !", "Well then , it pleases me to bide with you in the free air .", "Will you be good to me if I journey with you ?", "Do not call me mistress any longer , Chris , my name is Julia .", "Tansie , how will it be for me to go with you ?", "So that is Susan ?", "Yes , sit down with us in this cool shade , Susan . You look warm from running .", "Well , Susan , and so you live at Road Farm . Are you happy there ?", "No mistress could speak harshly to you , Susan \u2014 you are so young and pretty .", "Then how comes it that you have got away to the forest so early on a week day ?", "But you have not told us who the lady is , Susan .", "That 's it . Take her off , Nat ; take her , Tansie . And do you go along too , Chris , for I have a fancy to bide alone in the stillness of the wood for a while .", "Only for a little moment , Chris ; then you can come for me again . I would like to stay with myself in quiet for a while . New thoughts have come into my mind and I cannot rightly understand what they do say to me , unless I hearken to them alone .", "I sowed the seeds of love ,", "It was all in the Spring ;", "In April , in May , and in June likewise", "When small birds they do sing .", "Good afternoon .", "Why , you 're Master Gardner 's farm hand , if I 'm not mistaken .", "Well , and how far may you be going this afternoon ?", "It would appear that your business was with me , then ?", "Now I wonder what sort of an offer that might be !", "O my good man , you 're making game of me .", "Is he too sick to come and plead his cause himself , John ?", "Well , John , I 've not seen or heard any of this sad to-do , so", "I can n't be moved in pity .", "I have no liking for pigs \u2019 meat myself .", "O John , I 'm a very poor judge of such things .", "Well \u2014 I have no use for such a gift , John , so it may be returned again to the family . I am sorry you had the trouble of bringing it so far .", "I have no use for the key of Master William 's heart either ,", "John . And you may tell him so , from me .", "Then he 'll have to take it now , John . And I 'm thinking \u2018 tis time you set off home again with your load .", "Truly , John , I do n't know what you would have me say .", "O , I have plenty of words ready , John , should you care to hear them .", "I 've never seen your master , John , but I know quite enough about him to say I 'll never wed with him . Please to make that very clear when you get back .", "I shall not marry Master William Gardner .", "I 'll never wed a farmer , John .", "Well , you can tell your master I 'm not one that can be courted with a jowl , mellow or otherwise . And that I 'll not wed until I can give my heart along with my hand .", "May be I have not far to search .", "There \u2014 that 's enough , John . Suppose you set off home and tell your master he can hang up his meat again in the larder , for all that it concerns me .", "Say what you like , John . Only let me bide quiet in this good forest now . I want to be with my thoughts .", "I hear you , and \u2018 tis very rudely that you talk . There 's an old saying that I never could see the meaning of before , but now I think \u2018 tis clear , \u201c Like master , like man , \u201d they say . I 'll have none of Master William , and you can tell him so .", "My gardener stood by", "And told me to take great care ,", "For in the middle of a red rose-bud", "There grows a sharp thorn there .", "Why , Laura , what has made you cry so sadly ?", "And a rare basket of green stuff that you have been getting .", "O a wonderful fine gift , to be sure . Young carrots and spring cabbage . I 've had a gift offered too \u2014 but mine was jowls .", "No , I sent them back to the giver , with the dry heart which was along with them in the same basket .", "Come , would n't you have done the same ?", "Perhaps you 've seen the gentleman then ?", "The rare red rose with its thorn , Laura .", "And did he lay the vegetables too ?", "And you \u2014 did you give him what he asked of you \u2014 before he knew that your name was not Julia ?", "And could you forget the prick of the thorn , did you hold the rose again , Laura ?", "But I do n't favour him .", "I 've given my heart already , but \u2018 tis not to him .", "Yes , Chris has all of it , Laura . There is nothing left for anyone else in the world .", "That I will not do . I am going to think of yours .", "There she comesSusan , Susan !", "Yes , Susan . That I did .", "Yes , and that you can . You have got to run quickly back to the farm .", "\u2018 Tis not only that . You have got to find your master and tell him to expect a visit from me in less than an hour 's time from now . Do you understand ?", "Well \u2014 I should not have put it in that way , but \u2018 tis near enough may be . So off , and make haste , Susan .", "My goodness , Susan , what are you thinking of ? Say naught , but that I 'm coming . Run away now , and run quickly .", "You shall see , when you have done playing with those carrots .", "My love has gathered something better for me than a carrot . See , a spray of elder bloom that was tossing ever so high in the wind .", "Well \u2014 each one has their own way in love \u2014 and mine lies through the dark woods , and yours is in the vegetable garden . And \u2018 tis your road that we will take this afternoon \u2014 so come along quickly with me , Laura , for the sun has already begun to change its light ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 756, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["And serve you right , William , for sending the man when you should have gone yourself .", "Nonsense , when was one of our family ever known to fail in the tongue ?", "\u2018 Tis John that you have got to thank for the blunder .", "And a rare brazen hussy , from all that has reached my ears .", "That you shall , William \u2014 and quickly too . There 's no time like the present , and your Sunday clothes are upon you still .", "Then you 'll please to remain as you are . You may take what gift you like along with you this time , so long as it 's none of my home-cured meat .", "Here 's John . Suppose he were to make himself useful in the garden for once instead of meddling in things that are none of his business .", "Is the jowl hung up in its right place again , John ?", "Do you tend to Master William 's garden John , instead of talking . We 've had enough of your tongue for one day .", "See here , John \u2014 suppose you were to let your tongue bide still in its home awhile , and start doing something with your hands .", "What do you mean , Susan , by coming into the garden without your cap ? Go and put it on at once .", "Do you expect me to believe that , Susan \u2014 and not a breath stirring the flowers or trees , or anything ?", "What lady , Susan ?", "You 'll please to come indoors with me , William , and I 'll brush you down and make you look more presentable than you appear just now . Susan , you 'll get a cap to you head at once , do you hear me ! And John , take and water master 's seedlings . Any one can stand with their mouths open and their eyes as big as gooseberries if they 've a mind . \u2018 Tis not particular sharp to do so . Come , William .", "You come along with me this moment , William . \u2018 Tis a too many words by far that you 've had with John already , and much good they 've done to you . Come you in with me .", "Susan , get you to your place in the kitchen , as quick as you can . John , put yon roadsters through the gate , if you please .Now young Miss ?", "What 's this ? William , do you understand what the young person is telling us ?", "It will take a few moments for me to understand this situation .", "Well \u2014 things have changed since I was young .", "I should have given you notice anyhow to-night , Susan , so perhaps it 's just as well you have made sure of some sort of a roof to your head .", "Those are the first suitable words that have been spoken in my hearing this afternoon .", "\u2018 Tis one upset after another , but suppose you were to make yourself useful for once , Susan , and bring out the tray with the cake and glasses on it ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 756, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I never danced upon the high road , I dances only where \u2018 tis dark with gloom and no eyes upon me . No mortal eyes .", "They mock me in the name they have fixed to me \u2014 Princess", "Royal .", "\u201c As I walked out one May morning ,", "So early in the Spring ;", "I placed my back against the old garden gate ,", "And I heard my true love sing . \u201d { 1 }", "Ah , \u2018 twas I that was a-dancing in the shade of the woods that day .", "I wish he was a goat-herd like myself \u2014 O that I do .", "\u2018 Tis himself , not his riches that I want .", "I see 'd him pass by upon his horse one day . All there was of him did shine like the sun upon the water \u2014 I was very near dazed by the brightness . So I was .", "And \u2018 twas then I lost the heart within me to him .", "Come , Jockie , I have a mind to dance a step or two .Tears be for them as have idle times and not for poor wenches what mind cattle and goats . Come , play me my own music , Jock . And play it as I do like it best .", "I 'll not be taunted for my dancing \u2014 I likes to dance wild , and leap with my body when my spirit leaps , and fly with my limbs when my heart flies and move in the air same as the birds do move when \u2018 tis mating time .", "\u2018 Twas my dance gained his lordship 's praise \u2014 so there , fine madam .", "They call me Princess Royal .", "I 'd sooner wear my own rags nor the laces which you have got upon you .", "\u2018 Twas in these rags as I danced in the wood that day , and \u2018 tis by these rags as my lord will know me once more .", "I do n't want none of your laces or silks .", "I want naught but my crust of bread .", "I hear her well enough , Gran .", "I 'll not learn you my dance . Not for all the gold in the world . You sha n't go and take the only thing I have away from me .", "I 'll not do it for a King 's ransom .", "O I can never give him up .", "I 'll do it , Gran . I 'll do it for your sake . \u2018 Tis very likely true what you do say , all of you . I 'd but dance my feet off for naught . When he came to look into my gipsy eyes , \u2018 twould all be over and done with .", "Come , Jockie , come ladies \u2014 come Gran \u2014 we 'll be off to the quiet of our own place where I can learn her ladyship the steps and capers .", "Let us go quickly then .End of Act I ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 756, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis powerful unhomely here , Jane .", "She 's a stuck-up jay of a thing what he 's about to wed if ever", "I seed one .", "There bai n't but one sensible tongue in the whole place to my mind .", "\u2018 Tis homelike as he do make I to feel among all these strangers .", "Now do you come in , mister , and have a bit of talk along of we .", "That 's right , sister and me was feeling terribly lonesome here this morning .", "Not that we feels you to be a stranger , dear Mister Jeremy .", "I suppose you 've put by a tidy bit \u2014 seeing as you be of a certain age .", "To be sure they do .", "Indeed I do .", "I likes the looks of it better nor this great old house .", "Sister an \u2019 me knows what comes of such words , do n't us , sister ? \u2018 Tis an old saying in our family as one wedding do make a many .", "Us 'll have to change his mind for him , Jane .", "There 's the man William .", "That us will . What if us stayed at home and helped to mind the house along of he ?", "He must have his little joke , sister , man-like , you know .", "Us 'll go upstairs and dress , sister ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 756, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Being as grey as th \u2019 old badger do n't keep a female back from vanity .", "I count as you can not . Bai n't no one here .", "Ah , and you might ring .", "Ah , and you may want .", "Count as you 'll have to go unfastened then .", "Man and maid be both gone off . Same as t'others , us 'll have to do without service", "That 's about it .", "I 've harnessed the mare a many time . Do n't see why I should n't get the both of you fixed into the shafts like . LIZ and JANE .O Master Jeremy -", "Come now . Let 's have a try . I count as no one have a steadier hand nor me this side of the river , nor a finer eye for seeing as everything be in its place . I 'll settle the both of you afore I gets out the horse and trap . Turn round .", "The servants be runned away same as t'others \u2014 that 's all , mistress .", "So I do reckon . Bai n't anywhere about the place .", "Let them bide . The mush 'll swim out of they same as \u2018 twill swim off the cider vat . Just let the young fools bide .", "I 'd have a jug of cider in , master . \u2018 Twill settle them all . Folks do get \u2018 sterical and vapourish face to face with matrimony . Put some drink afore of them , and see how \u2018 twill act .", "I 'll tell you in a couple of words , mistress .", "Ah , let each fool follow their own liking , says I .", "What next ?", "There you be , mistress . Fools \u2019 drink for fools . A mug of good cider would have fetched them to their senses quicker .", "\u2018 Tis all finished with the master , then .", "I was saying as how \u2018 twas all finished with the master .", "If I 've been and forgot you two old women , I 've remembered myself . Be blowed if I can get through any more of this foolishness without a wet of my mouth .", "Servants be comed back . Man was to the Red Bull , I count . Female a-washing and a-combing of herself in the barn .", "Ah , coach have been waiting a smartish while , I reckon . \u2018 Tis on master as expense 'll fall .", "No further than the church door , I say . I 've better things to do nor a-giving of my arm to females be they never so full of wiles . And you two do beat many what bai n't near so long in the tusk , ah , that you does ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 756, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["There , you do n't need to come no further with I , Harry Moss . You get on quick towards the town afore the night be upon you , and the snow , too .", "Do n't you take no more thought for I , Harry . \u2018 Tis a good boy as you 've been to I since the day when we fell in together . But now there bai n't no more need for you to hold back your steps , going slow and heavy when you might run spry and light . For \u2018 tis home as I be comed to now , I be . You go your way .", "Look you across that stile , Harry . There be a field path , bai n't there ?", "And at t'other end of it a house what 's got a garden fence all round .", "\u2018 Tis that yonder 's my home , Harry . There 's the door where I must stand and knock .", "And did you say as how there was a light in the window ? \u2018 Twill be but fire light then , for th \u2019 old woman she never would bring out the lamp afore \u2018 twas night , close-handed old she-cat as her was , what 'd lick up a drop of oil on to the tongue of her sooner nor it should go wasted .", "\u2018 Tis nigh to home as I be , Harry .", "No , no , Harry . I bai n't going to cross that field , nor yet stand at the door knocking till the dark has fallen on me . Why , is it like as I 'd let them see me coming over the meadow and going through the gate in this ?In these ?And \u2014 as I be to-day .", "Harry , you take the tin and fill it at the ditch and give I to drink .", "\u2018 Tis all live coals within I here , so \u2018 tis .", "No , no , what was I a-saying to you ? The dark must fall and cover me , or I wo n't never go across the field nor a-nigh the house . Give I to drink , give I to drink . And then let me bide in quiet till all of the light be gone .", "Up yonder , where the ash tree do stand . Look you there , \u2018 tis a bit of spouting as do come through the hedge , and water from it , flowing downwards away to the ditch .", "\u2018 Tis not very quick as you 've been , Harry Moss . Here \u2014 give it to I fast . Give !", "\u2018 Tis the taste as I have thought on these many a year . Ah , and have gotten into my mouth , too , when I did lay sleeping , that I have . Water from yonder spout , with the taste of dead leaves sharp in it . Drink of it , too , Harry .", "Then go you out upon your way , Harry Moss , for the dark be gathering on us fast , and there be many a mile afore you to the town , where the lamps do shine and \u2018 tis bright and warm in the places where they sells the drink .", "Then sit you down aside of me , Harry , and the heat in my body , which is like flames , shall maybe warm yourn , too .", "Ah , and that 's what I be asking of myself most of the time , Harry ! For , \u2018 tis summat like a twelve or eleven year since I shut the door behind me and went out .", "Away from them all , upon the road \u2014 so \u2018 twas .", "Nor nothing , Harry . Went out and shut the door behind me . And \u2018 twas finished .", "Ah now , whatever did !", "An old woman be I , Harry ? Well , to the likes of you \u2018 tis so , I count . But a twelve year gone by , O , \u2018 twas a fine enough looking maid as I was then \u2014 Only a wild one , Harry , a wild one , all for the free ways of the road and the lights of the fair \u2014 And for the sun to rise in one place where I was , and for I to be in t'other when her should set .", "Come , look I in the face , Harry Moss , and tell I if so be as they 'll be likely to know I again up at home ?", "Say how the face of I do seem to you now , Harry , and then I 'll tell you how \u2018 twas in the days gone by ?", "The hair , \u2018 twas bright upon my head eleven years gone by ,", "Harry . \u2018 Twas glancing , as might be the wing of a thrush , so \u2018 twas .", "And the colour on me was as a rose , and my limbs was straight . \u2018 Twas fleet like a rabbit as I could get about , the days that was then , Harry .", "Ah , Death have been tapping on the door of my body this long while , but , please God , I can hold me with the best of them yet , Harry , and that I can . Victuals to th \u2019 inside of I and a bit of clothing to my bones , with summat to quiet this cough as doubles of I up . Why , there , Harry , you wo n't know as \u2018 tis me when I 've been to home a day or two \u2014 or may be as \u2018 twill take a week .", "Look you in my eyes , Harry . They may not know me up at home by the hair , which is different to what \u2018 twas , or by the form of me , which be got poor and nesh like . But in the eye there do n't come never no change . So look you at they , Harry , and tell I how it do appear to you .", "Then come you close to I , Harry , and look well into they .", "Maybe then , as them 'll not know as \u2018 tis me , Harry Moss .", "The note of me be changed , too , with this cold what I have , and the breath of me so short , but \u2018 two n't be long , I count , afore they sees who \u2018 tis . Though all be changed to th \u2019 eye like , there 'll be summat in me as 'll tell they . And \u2018 tis not a thing of shape , nor of colour as 'll speak for I \u2014 But \u2018 tis summat what do come straight out of the hearts of we and do say better words for we nor what the looks nor tongues of us might tell . You mind me , Harry , there 's that which will come out of me as 'll bring they to know who \u2018 tis .", "And when they do know , and when they sees who \u2018 tis , I count as they 'll be good to me , I count they will . I did used to think as Steve , he was a hard one , and th \u2019 old woman what 's his mother , hard too \u2014 And that it did please him for to keep a rein on me like , but I sees thing different now .", "For \u2018 twas wild as I was in the time gone by . Wild after pleasuring and the noise in the town , and men a-looking at the countenance of I , and a-turning back for to look again . But , hark you here , \u2018 tis powerful changed as I be now .", "I 'm finished with the road journeying and standing about in the streets on market days and the talk with men in the drinking places \u2014 Men what do n't want to look more nor once on I now , and what used to follow if \u2018 twas n't only a bit of eyelid as I 'd lift on them , times that is gone .", "Yes , I be finished with all of it now , and willing for to bide quiet at the fireside and to stay with the four walls round I and the door shut .", "And I 'm thinking as they 'll be rare pleased for to have I in the house again . \u2018 Twill be another pair of hands to the work like . And when I was young , \u2018 twas not on work as I was set much .", "But when I gets a bit over this here nasty cough , \u2018 tis a strong arm as them 'll have working for they ; Steve , th \u2019 old woman what 's his mother , and little Dorry , too .", "That 's my little baby as was , Harry Moss . I left she crawling on the floor , and now I count as she be growed into a rare big girl . Bless the innocent heart of her !", "\u2018 Twas summat inside of me as drove I , then . \u2018 Twas very likely the blood of they gipsies which did leap in I , so that when I was tied up to Steve , \u2018 twas as if they had got I shut in a box . \u2018 Twas the bridle on my head and the bit in the mouth of I ; and to be held in where once I had gone free .", "And I turned wild , Harry , for the very birds seemed to be calling I from the hedges to come out along of they , and the berries tossing in the wind , and the leaves blowing away quick from where they 'd been stuck all summer . All of it spoke to I , and stirred I powerful , so that one morning when the sun was up and the breeze running , I comed out into the air , Harry , and shut the door behind I . And \u2018 twas done \u2014 so \u2018 twas .", "No , Harry , they did not .", "Ah \u2014 where ! To the east , to the south , every part . \u2018 Twas morning with I in that time , and the heart of I was warm . And them as went along of I on the road , did cast but one look into the countenance of I . Then \u2018 twas the best as they could give as I might take ; and \u2018 twas for no lodging as I did want when dark did come falling .", "The fine looks of a woman be as grass , Harry , and in the heat of the day they do wither and die . And that what has once been a grand flower in the hand of a man is dropped upon the ground and spat upon , maybe . So \u2018 twas with I .", "Ah , \u2018 tis so , \u2018 tis so . And \u2018 tis rare glad as them 'll be to see I once again . Steve , he 's a hard man , but a good one \u2014 And I 'll tell you this , Harry Moss , he 'll never take up with no woman what 's not me \u2014 and that he wo n't \u2014 I never knowed him much as look on one , times past ; and \u2018 twill be the same as ever now , I reckon . And little Dorry , \u2018 twill be fine for her to get her mammy back , I warrant \u2014 so \u2018 twill .", "Th \u2019 old woman \u2014 well \u2014 I sha n't take it amiss if her should be dead , like . Her was always a smartish old vixen to I , that her was , and her did rub it in powerful hard as Steve was above I in his station and that . God rest the bones of she , for I count her 'll have been lying in the churchyard a good few years by now . But I bai n't one to bear malice , and if so be as her 's above ground , \u2018 tis a rare poor old wretch with no poison to the tongue of she , as her 'll be this day \u2014 so \u2018 tis .", "Help I to get off the ground then , Harry , for the limbs of me be powerful weak .", "Put me against the stile , Harry , and then let I bide alone .", "No , no , Harry , get you off to the town and leave me to bide here a while in the quiet of my thoughts . \u2018 Tis of little Dorry , and of how pleased her 'll be to see her mammy once again , as I be thinking . But you , Harry Moss , as ha n't got no home to go to , nor fireside , nor victuals , you set off towards the town . And go you quick .", "And if ever you should pass this way come spring-time , Harry , when the bloom is white on the trees , and the lambs in the meadows , come you up to the house yonder , and may be as I 'll be able to give you summat to keep in remembrance of me . For to-day , \u2018 tis empty - handed as I be .", "There , Harry \u2014 \u2018 tis comed back to my mind now .Take you this bread . And to-night , when you eats of it , think on me , and as how I be to home with Steve a-holding of my hand and little Dorry close against me ; and plenty of good victuals , with a bed to lie upon warm . There , Harry , take and eat .", "I warrant as \u2018 twill , for I be right to home . But go you towards the town , Harry , for \u2018 tis late . And God go with you , my dear , now and all time ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 756, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["There , you take and lay it on the bed upstairs , and mind you does it careful , for I 'm not a-going to iron it twice .", "You get along upstairs and do as I says , and then come straight down again .", "And get it all creased up afore to-morrow ! Whatever next ! You go and lay it on the bed this minute , do you hear ?", "\u2018 Tis a-smartening of hisself up for this here dancing as he be about , I reckon .", "And what next , I should like to know !", "I 'm thinking as we shall get some snow by and bye . \u2018 Tis come over so dark all of a sudden .", "Get along with you , Dorry . \u2018 Tis many a year afore you 'll be of an age for such foolishness . And that 's what I calls it , this messing about with dancing and music and I do n't know what .", "You bai n't Katie Sims , nor she you . And if the wedding what 's to-morrow is n't enough to stuff you up with nonsense , I do n't know what is .", "How your tongue do go ! Take and bide quiet a bit , if you knows how .", "Well \u2014 \u2018 tis to be hoped as \u2018 twill be all right this time .", "I do n't light up as a rule till \u2018 tis six o'clock , but I count it 's a bit of snow coming as have darkened the air like .", "Here , fetch me the matches , do .", "I 'm one as goes by other things nor looks \u2014 For like as not \u2018 tis fine looks as is the undoing of most girls as has them \u2014 give me a plain face and a heart what 's pure , I says , and \u2018 tis not far out as you 'll be .", "Who 's that come bothering round ! Run and see , Dorry , there 's a good child .", "Of all the meddlesome old women \u2014 why can n't her bide till her 's wanted .", "Well , Vashti Reed , and what brings you down from the hill to - day ? \u2018 Twould have been better had you bid at home , with the dark coming on and the snow .", "If \u2018 tis to talk your foolishness as you be come , you 'd best have stopped away . Here , sit you down , Vashti Reed , and behave sensible , and maybe as I 'll get you summat warm to drink presently .", "What do you want to go and put that there into the child 's head for ? I 'd like for Steve to hear you talking of such stuff .", "How you do go on , to be sure ! Why do n't you speak of summat what 's got some sense to it ? Come , do n't you know as Steve , his wedding day , \u2018 tis to-morrow as ever is .", "Th \u2019 old thing may as well bide the night now she be come . Hark you , Vashti , \u2018 twill save you the journey down to-morrow like , if you bides the night , and the chimney corner is all as you ever wants .", "Yes , run along and get them , Dorry ; very likely \u2018 twill give her thoughts a turn , looking at the things , seeing as she be in one of her nasty moods to-day when you can n't get a word what is n't foolishness out of her .", "Why , yes , Vashti Reed . And you know all about it , only you do n't trouble for to recollect nothing but what you dreams of yourself in the night . \u2018 Tis our Steve what 's going to marry Annie Sims to-morrow .", "I have n't patience with th \u2019 old gipsy ! Yes \u2014 Steve . And \u2018 tis a twelvemonth or more as you 'd knowed of it .", "\u2018 Tis a fine thing to fetch up May this evening , that \u2018 tis . May , what went out trolloping along the roads \u2018 stead of she biding at home to mind the house and child ! \u2018 Tis how you did breed she up , Vashti Reed , what led her to act as her did . And if you 'd have bred her different , \u2018 twould have been all the same ; for what 's in the blood is bound to out and show ; and when you picks a weed and sets it in the room , \u2018 tai n't no flower as you must look for .", "There you are , Vashti , talking so foolish . A bad herb like she , was bound for to meet her doom . And \u2018 twas in the river up London way where the body of her was catched , floating , and the same petticoat to it as I 've seed on May a score of times . Do n't you recollect how \u2018 twas parson as brought the news to we ?", "And Steve , I knowed what was in his mind when parson was gone out . \u2018 Twas not much as he did say , being a man what has n't many words to his tongue . But he took and fetched down his big coat what do hang up yonder , and told I to put a bit of black to the sleeve of it . Leastways , he did n't speak the words , but I seed what he was after , and I took and sewed a bit on , and he 's wore it ever since till yesterday \u2014 And that 's eleven year ago it be \u2014 so there .", "For goodness sake , Vashti , have done speaking about such things to-night . If Steve was to hear you , why I should n't wonder if he was to put you out of the door and into the snow \u2014 and \u2018 tis most unfitting for to talk so afore the child .", "I 'll thank you for to shut your mouth , old Vashti ! \u2018 Tai n't nothing to be proud on as you 've got , and \u2018 twould be better if you was to be less free in your hollering . Look , here 's Dorry coming .", "You bad , naughty girl , Dorry , you 'll crease and tumble that frock so as it 's not fit to be seen to-morrow ! Whatever did you go to put it on for ?", "I 'll give it you if you starts off again .", "\u2018 Twas the looks of her and the love of finery and pleasuring what was her undoing , as \u2018 twill be the undoing of you , too , Dorry , if you do n't take care . \u2018 Tis she as you favours , and none of your father 's people , more 's the pity , and \u2018 tis more thoughtful and serious as you 'll have to grow if you do n't want to come to harm . You take and go right up , and off with that frock , do you hear me ?", "Dancing , there you are ! Dancing and finery , \u2018 tis all as you do think on , and \u2018 tis plain to see what 's got working in the inside of you , Dorry . \u2018 Tis the drop of bad blood as you has got from she what bore you . But I might as well speak to that door for all you cares . Only , hark you here , you 'll be sorry one of these days as you ha n't minded me better . And then \u2018 twill be too late .", "I never knowed you give in to her so foolish like this afore ,", "Steve .", "Now she 's off again ! Come , sit you down , Vashti Reed , and I 'll give you summat as 'll very likely warm you and keep you quiet in your chair a while . Just you wait till I gets the water boiling ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 756, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis going to be a dreadful night . The snow 's coming down something cruel .", "Well , you be got up fine and grand , Dorry \u2014 I should n't hardly know \u2018 twas you .Good evening , Mrs. Reed , my eyes was very near blinded when I first got in out of the dark , and I did n't see as you was there .", "We was saying , how be you in this sharp weather , Mrs. Reed ?", "Poor old woman , \u2018 tis a sad thing when folks do come to such a pass as she .", "Here I be , Mrs. Reed .", "That 's it , Mrs. Reed , that 's it .", "All right , Steve . She do n't trouble me at all .", "\u2018 Tis to be hoped as I shall make a good wife to Steve , Mrs. Reed .", "O , Dorry , you 're a little torment , that 's the truth .", "Do n't you go for to listen to her , Dorry , nor Steve , neither . She 's that flustered herself about the dance to-night that she scarce do know what she 's a-saying of . But suppose you was just to ask her what she 's got wrapped so careful in that there paper in her hand .", "Come , show them all , Rose .", "You just ask her for whom it is , then , Dorry .", "I 'll tell then , for you .", "That I shall , then \u2014 come you here , Dorry \u2014 I 'll whisper it to your ear .", "What 's up , Steve ? What 's come over you like , all of a minute ?", "Hark \u2014 there 's someone coming up now .", "Well \u2014 \u2018 tis to be hoped as the weather 'll change afore morning .", "Thank you kindly , Mr. Davis . I shall do my best for Steve , and a girl can n't do no more , can she ?", "Very likely \u2018 tis a-shewing of them into their places of a Sunday and a-ringing of the bell and a-helping of the vicar along with the service , like , as has made Steve so easy .", "Thank you , Mr. Davis .", "Go on , Rosie \u2014 pin it into his coat . Come , \u2018 tis getting late .", "\u2018 Tis only I 'm that full of gladness , Steve , as I do n't seem to find words to my tongue for the things what I can talk on most days .", "Steve , you 've had a poor , rough time , I know , but I 'll do my best for to smooth it like for you , I will .", "If Mr. Davis do n't know how to dance right , you 're the one to learn him , Rose . Come , Dorry , you take hold of my hand , and I 'll look after you on the way . Good-night , Mrs. Browning . Good-night , Mrs. Reed .", "Whoever 's that , I wonder ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 756, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Get off to your drunken sleep and to your dreams ! Your dreams - - your dreams \u2014 Ah , where is it as they have gone , I 'd like for to know . The dreams as comed to I when I was laid beneath the hedge . Dreams !", "\u2018 Tis my own hearth when \u2018 tis all said and done .", "How did you know \u2018 twas me , then ?", "I be that changed from the times when I would sit a-warming of myself by this here fire .", "Ah , I be got into an ugly old woman now , mother , and Steve \u2014 Steve , he looked in the face of I and did n't so much as think who \u2018 twas . \u201c Get off to the drunken sleep of you and to your dreams . \u201d \u2018 Twas that what he did say to I .", "And I would like to know how \u2018 twas as Steve saw I .", "\u201c It 's a good thought , bai n't it , Annie , that to - morrow this time there wo n't be no need for us to part ? \u201d And in the days when I was a young woman and all the bloom of I upon me , \u2018 twould n't have been once as he 'd have looked on such as her .", "Hark you here , Mother , and \u2018 tis to be wed to - morrow as they be ! Wed \u2014 the both of them , the both of them ! And me in my flesh , and wife to Steve ! \u201c Can I cover you up with a bit of old sack or summat ? \u201d Old sack ! When there be a coverlet with feathers to it stretched over where he do lie upstairs . \u201c I 'll let you out when \u2018 tis morning . \u201d Ah , you will , will you , Steve Browning ? Us 'll see how \u2018 twill be when \u2018 tis morning \u2014 Us 'll see , just wo n't us then !", "Her ha n't changed a hair of her , th \u2019 old stoat ! Soon as I heard the note of she , the heat bubbled up in I , though \u2018 twas chattering in the cold as I had been but a moment afore . \u201c One of they dirty roadsters \u2014 I 'll learn you to come disturbing of a wedding party , I will . \u201dNo , you bai n't changed , you hardened old sinner \u2014 but the words out of the cruel old mouth of you do n't hurt I any more \u2014 not they . I be passed out of the power of such as you . I knowed I 'd have to face you when I comed back , but I knowed , too , as I should brush you out of the way of me , like I would brush one of they old maid flies .", "Ah , she ha n't any more power for to hurt I in the ugly old body of her . I be got beyond she . There be but one or two things as can touch I now \u2014 But one or two . And I be struck to the heart , I be , struck to the heart .", "Back and fro , back and fro \u2014 On the dark of the earth and where \u2018 twas light . When \u2018 twas cold and no sound but the steps of I on the road , and the fox 's bark ; when \u2018 twas hot and the white dust smouldered in the mouth of I , and things flying did plague I with the wings of they \u2014 But \u2018 twas always the same thought as I had \u2014 \u201c Some day I shall come back to Steve , \u201d I did tell me . And then again \u2014 \u201c Some day I shall get and hold Dorry in my arms . \u201d And now I be comed . And Steve \u2014 and Steve \u2014 Ah , I be struck deep to the heart , \u2018 tis so . Struck deep !", "My place , my place ! Where 's that I want to know ! \u2018 Tis another what 's got into the nest now , to lie snug and warm within . And \u2018 tis for I to spread the wings of me and to go out into the storm again . So \u2018 tis .", "He thought as I was sleeping ; but I looked out on her and seed the way his eyes was cast upon the girl . Steve , if you had cast your eyes on me like that but once , in days gone by \u2014 maybe , maybe I 'd not have gone out and shut the door behind I .", "Sit you down , Mother , and keep the tongue of you quiet . We do n't want for to waken they .", "And where 's the good of that , when there bai n't so much as a board nor a rag , but what 's been stole from I ?", "I 'm thinking \u2018 tis time !", "Stop that , Mother , I wants to get at my thoughts .", "And as I was laid beneath the hedge \u2014 \u201c \u2018 Tis cold as my limbs is , now , \u201d I says , \u201c but I shall be warm this night . \u201d And the pangs what was in the body of me did fairly quail I - - \u201c \u2018 Tis my fill of victuals as I shall soon put within , \u201d thinks I . And they was laid a bit . The bleakness of the tempest fell on I , but \u201c I sha n't feel lonesome no longer than this hour , \u201d I telled me . For to my thinking , Steve , he was waiting all the time till I should be comed back . And Dorry , too . There \u2018 tis .", "I 'd have been content to bide with the door shut \u2014 so long as it was shut with they two and me inside the room \u2014 th \u2019 old woman \u2014 well , I count I should n't have took many thought for she \u2014 she could have bided in her place if she 'd had a mind \u2014 I 'd have set me down , when once my clothes was decent and clean , and put my hands to the work and made a tidy wife for Steve , as good nor better than that there dressed-up thing out yonder \u2014 And bred Dorry up the right way , too , I would . But \u2018 tis done with now , so \u2018 tis .", "And I could set she back in her place , too , that tricked-up , flashy thing over the way . I 've but to climb the stairs and clap my hand on Steve \u2014 \u201c Get you from your dreams , \u201d I have got but to say , \u201c the woman what 's yourn be comed home . Her have tasted the cup of death , very near , and her have been a-thirst and an hungered . But her has carried summat for you in her heart all the way what you would n't find in the heart of t'other , no , not if you was to cut it open and search it through . \u201d And the right belongs to I to shut the door on t'other hussey , holding Steve to I till death divides we .", "I could up and screech so that the house should ring with the sound of me , \u201c I be your wife , Steve , comed back after these many years . What 's this that you 've got doing with another ? \u201d I could take hold on him and make him look into the eyes of I , yes , and th \u2019 old woman , too . \u201c See here , your \u2018 dirty roadster , \u2019 look well on to her . \u201d \u201c Why , \u2018 tis May . \u201d But the eyes of him would then be cast so that I should see no more than a house what has dead within , and the blind pulled down . And I , what was thinking as there might be a light in the window !", "Too late ! There \u2018 tis , I be comed home too late .", "But I know a dark place full of water \u2014 \u2018 Tis Simon 's pool they calls it \u2014 And I warrant as any poor wretch might sleep yonder and be in quiet .", "No , I bai n't . \u2018 Tis out from here that I be going . And back on to the road .", "Steve ! What 's it to Steve whether the like of I do go or bide ? What be there in I for to quell the love of she which Steve 's got in him ? Dead leaves for new . Ditch water for the clear spring .", "No , Steve . Hark you here . I bai n't a-going to do it . I bai n't going to knock over the spoonful of sweet what you be carrying to your mouth . You take and eat of it in quiet and get you filled with the honey . \u2018 Tai n't my way to snatch from no one so that the emptiness which I has in me shall be fed . There , \u2018 tis finished now , very nigh , and the sharpness done . And , do n't you fear , Steve , as ever I 'll trouble you no more .", "Harken you , Steve , he 's never got to know as I 've been here .", "I 'll put summat in your mouth as 'll stop you if you start screeching , mother . Why , hark you here . \u2018 Tis enough of this old place as I 've had this night , and \u2018 tis out upon the roads as I be going . Th \u2019 old woman \u2014 there 's naught much changed in she \u2014 And Steve \u2014 well , Steve be wonderful hard in the soul of him . \u201c Can I get you an old sack , \u201d says he \u2014 and never so much as seed \u2018 twas I \u2014 Ah \u2014 \u2018 tis more than enough to turn the stomach in anyone \u2014 that it is .", "I was never a meek one as could bide at the fireside for long . The four walls of this here room have very near done for me now , so they have . And \u2018 tis the air blowing free upon the road as I craves \u2014 Ah , and the wind which hollers , so that the cries of we be less nor they of lambs new born .", "So \u2018 tis . And if I stopped \u2018 twould be the same , her 'd be between us always , the pretty cage bird \u2014 For look you here on I , Mother , and here \u2014\u2014 and here \u2014 and here \u2014 See what 's been done to I what 's knocked about in the world along the roads , and then think if I be such a one as might hold the love of Steve .", "Hark you here , Mother , and keep your screeching till another time . I wants to slip out quiet so as Steve and th \u2019 old woman wo n't never know as I 've been nigh . And if you keeps your mouth shut , maybe I 'll drop in at our own place on the hill one of these days and bide comfortable along of you , only now \u2014 I 'm off , do you hear ?", "Look you here , Mother \u2014 bide still , I say .See here \u2014 \u2018 tis rare dry as I be . You bide quiet and us 'll have a drink together , that us will . Look , th \u2019 old woman 's forgot to put away the bottle , us 'll wet our mouths nice and quiet , mother \u2014 she wo n't hear I taking out the cork , nor nothing . See !", "That 's right \u2014 drink your fill , Mother .", "Ah , \u2018 tis my own drink and all , come to that .", "Take and drink this little drop more , mother .", "Her 'll sleep very like , now . And when her wakes , I take it \u2018 twill appear as though she 'd been and dreamt summat .", "O , the roads be fine on nights when the tempest moves in the trees above and the rain falls into the mouth of you and lies with a good taste on your tongue . And you goes quick on through it till you comes to where the lights do blink , and \u2018 tis a large town and there be folk moving this way and that and the music playing , and great fowls and horses what 's got clocks to the inside of they , a-stirring them up for to run , and girls and men a - riding on them \u2014 And the booths with red sugar and white , all lit and animals that 's wild a-roaring and a-biting in the tents \u2014 And girls what 's dancing , standing there in satin gowns all over gold and silver \u2014 And you walks to and fro in it all and \u2018 tis good to be there and free \u2014 And \u2018 tis better to be in such places and to come and to go where you have a mind than to be cooped in here , with th \u2019 old woman and all \u2014 \u2018 Tis a fine life as you lives on the roads \u2014 and \u2018 tis a better one nor this , I can tell you , Mother .", "That 's it , Mother , that 's it . Us 'll take a bit of sleep afore we sets off , wo n't us ? And when morning comes , us 'll open the door and go out .", "And that I be . \u2018 Tis very nigh to daybreak , so \u2018 tis .", "And so there 's going to be a wedding here to-day ?", "\u2018 Tis poor work , is twice marrying .", "Then maybe the second choosing be the best .", "Then you 've no call to wish as her who 's gone should come back to you , like ?", "You do n't never want as your mammy what you 've lost should be amongst you as afore ?", "And th \u2019 old woman what 's your gran'ma , Dorry ?", "I heard them call you so last night .", "What have her got to say \u2018 bout the \u2014 the \u2014 wench what 's going to marry your dad ?", "Look you here \u2014 \u2018 tis growing day . I must be getting off and on to the road .", "I suppose you would n't like to touch me , for good luck , Dorry ?", "Then just say as you wishes me well , Dorry ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 756, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["And when 's a man to look pleased if \u2018 tis not on his wedding morn , Dorry ?", "And that I do n't , my little wench . \u2018 Tis as nigh heaven as I be like to touch \u2014 and that 's how \u2018 tis with me .", "There , Mother , that 'll do . I 'd best put him on now .", "\u2018 Tis rare smart as I be feeling , Mother . I 'm all a kind of a dazzle within of me , same as \u2018 tis with the sun upon the snow out yonder .", "Good morning , George . A first class New", "Year to you . You 're welcome , if ever a man was .", "Why , George , be you out of sorts this morning ? You do n't look up to much , and that 's the truth .", "No , George , and that I did n't . Her was mostly in a kind of drunken sleep all the time , and naught to be got out from she . Mother , her tried . But \u2018 twas like trying to get water from the pump yonder , when \u2018 tis froze .", "Ah , \u2018 twas n't much as we could do for the likes of she \u2014 what was a regular roadster . Bad herbs , all of them . And if it had n't been so as \u2018 twas my wedding eve , this one should n't have set foot inside of the house . But \u2018 tis a season when a man 's took a bit soft and foolish , like , the night afore his marriage . Bai n't that so , George ?", "That I could n't rightly say , George , but I counts \u2018 twas just upon daybreak . And \u2018 twas Dorry what seed her off the place and gived her a piece of bread to take along of her .", "I 'm blest if I do know , George . I never gived another thought to she . What 's up ?", "From Simon 's Pool , George ?", "In liquor .", "Well , upon my word , George , who 'd have thought on such a thing !", "Well , \u2018 tis a cold finish to a hot life .", "If it had been me , I 'd have turned the head of me t'other side .", "Well , I should n't have much cared for that , George .", "No , nor wanted for to , neither .", "Of what , George ?", "Then let it bide in .", "You shut up , George . Here 's Annie with Rose a-coming up to the door . Do n't you get saying another word about yon poor wretch nor the end of her . I would n't have my Annie upset for all the world to-day . \u2018 Tis a thing as must not be spoke of afore they , nor Dorry neither , do you hear ?", "You take and shut your mouth up , old George , afore I opens the door to the girls .", "I warrant \u2018 twill keep till us do come home again , George .", "Well , Annie , this is a rare surprise , and that 's the truth .", "So \u2018 twould be \u2014 so \u2018 twould be \u2014 \u2018 Twas a grand thought of yourn ,", "Rosie .", "Annie , I 'm fair beside myself this day .", "I do n't see no gowns nor hats , and that 's the truth . But I sees summat what 's like \u2014 what 's like a meadow of grass in springtime afore the sun 's got on to it .", "\u2018 Tis in the eyes of her as I finds my meadow .", "I 'll show you , Annie , then .", "\u2018 Tis with the nerves as he be took !", "Come on , come on , all of you . \u2018 Tis time we was at the church .", "Come on , George . Come , Dorry ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 756, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["And \u2018 tis no bit of rest as I gets for my bones , but they must come and hustle I and call I from the dreams which was soft .", "And I up and says to they , \u201c Ah , and you would hustle a poor old woman what 's never harmed so much as a hair out of the ugly heads of you . You would hunt and drive of her till she be very nigh done to death . But there shall come a day when you shall be laid down and a-taking of your bit of rest , and the thing what you knows of shall get up upon you and smite you till you do go screeching from the house , and fleeing to the uttermost part of the land \u2014 whilst me and mine -", "Seeing as them be sick of the abomination which was inside of they .Well , and what be you as is comed into this room ?", "They be all gone out from the house . All of them . They be in clothes what do lie in boxes most of the time with lumps of white among they . Them be set out in the best as they has , and in grand things of many colours . There \u2018 tis .", "I be not , sir . \u2018 Tis mother to May as I be . May , what 's comed back , and what 'll set t'other old vixen in her place soon as they get home .", "Ah , I counts as her be gone to church along of t'other .", "There 's marrying being done down here to-day .", "Ah , that there be \u2014 marrying . But there bai n't no more victuals got into the house as I knows of . Th \u2019 old woman 's seen to that .", "Ah , I counts as her be . But her 's a-coming back in a little while , and you may sit down and bide till she does .", "Ah , her 'll have got t'other old baggage set in the right place by then .", "T'other ' ll be broughted lower .", "There be a plate of meat inside of that cupboard . You take and fill your belly with it .", "\u2018 Twould serve she right , th \u2019 old sinner , for the place to be licked up clean , against the time when her was come 'd back , so \u2018 twould .", "There , there they be ! Harken to them ! \u2018 Tis with bells as they be coming out . Bells what 's ringing . I count \u2018 tis fine as May do look now in her marriage gown . Harken , \u2018 tis the bells a-shaking of the window pane . I be an old woman , but the hearing of me bai n't spoiled .", "Get you out upon the garden path and tell I if you sees them a-coming .", "And when they was all laid low and the heads of them bowed . \u201c You would , would you , \u201d I says , for they was lifting the ends of their ugly mouths at I . And I passed among they and them did quail and crouch , being with fear . And me and mine did reach the place what was on the top . \u201c See now yourselves , \u201d I says , \u201c if so be that you do not go in blindness and in dark . \u201d \u2018 Twas May what stood there aside of I . And \u201c Look you , \u201d I says , \u201c over the bended necks of you my child shall pass . For you be done to death by the lies which growed within you and waxed till the bodies of you was fed with them and the poison did gush out from your lips . \u201d But my little child stood in the light , and the hands of her was about the stars ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 756, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I repeat it again , mamma , officers are the prettiest men in the world , and Lieutenant O'Connor is the prettiest officer I ever saw .", "Psha ! you know , mamma , I hate militia officers ; a set of dunghill cocks with spurs on \u2014 heroes scratched off a church door \u2014 clowns in military masquerade , wearing the dress without supporting the character . No , give me the bold upright youth , who makes love to - day , and his head shot off to-morrow . Dear ! to think how the sweet fellows sleep on the ground , and fight in silk stockings and lace ruffles .", "Then I 'll be his crutch , mamma .", "Nay , mamma , you should n't be against my lieutenant , for I heard him say you were the best natured and best looking woman in the world .", "Why , Cousin Sophy married an officer .", "No , indeed , ma'am , a marching regiment .", "Indeed , mamma , it was n't .", "It was cousin Sophy told me so .", "How could he be in the militia when he was ordered abroad ?", "I 'm sure , mamma , his regimentals \u2014", "Well , papa .", "Were blue turned up with red , mamma .", "Nay , I 'm sure , mamma , it is you will not let papa speak now .", "Then you own , mamma , it was a marching regiment ?", "Nay , mamma , one proof \u2014\u2014", "And a full proof \u2014\u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 758, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Odds life , Bridget , you are enough to make one mad ! I tell you he would have deceived a chief justice ; the dog seemed as ignorant as my clerk , and talked of honesty as if he had been a churchwarden .", "Psha , you 're a fool !", "Why zounds , madam , how durst you talk so ? If you have no respect for your husband , I should think unus quorum might command a little deference .", "Is this language for his majesty 's representative ? By the statutes , it 's high treason and petty treason , both at once !", "Who brought it ?", "Take it away and burn it .", "Well , come read it out .", "It begins so , does it ? I 'm glad of that ; I 'll let the dog know I 'm of his opinion .", "No tricks , Bridget ; come , you know it is not so ; you know it is a lie .", "Pleasure to administer a dose of poison !\u2014 Oh , horrible ! Cut-throat villain !\u2014 Bridget !", "Odds my life , Bridget ! why do n't you call for help ? I 've lost my voice .\u2014 My brain is giddy \u2014 I shall burst , and no assistance .\u2014 John !\u2014 Laury !\u2014 John !", "Stay , John ; did you perceive anything in my chocolate cup this morning ?", "What colour were they ?", "Ay , arsenic , black arsenic !\u2014 Why do n't you run for Dr. Rosy , you rascal ?", "Zounds ! go for the doctor , you scoundrel . You are all confederate murderers .", "Now , Bridget , hold your tongue , and let me see if my horrid situation be apparent .", "There , he sees it already !\u2014 Poison in my face , in capitals ! Yes , yes , I 'm a sure job for the undertakers indeed !", "Peace , Bridget !\u2014 Why , doctor , my dear old friend , do you really see any change in me ?", "Spots on my nose !", "In my right eye ?", "Swelled !", "Yes , I feel it now \u2014 I 'm poisoned !\u2014 Doctor , help me , for the love of justice ! Give me life to see my murderer hanged .", "I 'm poisoned , I say !", "What ! can n't you hear me ?", "I 'm gone then !\u2014 Hic jacet , many years one of his majesty 's justices !", "No , Bridget , I shall die by inches .", "Silence , Dr. Croaker ! will you cure me or will you not ?", "I thank you , my dear friend , but I had rather see it myself .", "That 's very kind in you , my dear ; but if it 's the same thing to you , my dear , I had as soon recover , notwithstanding .\u2014 What , doctor , no assistance !", "Fetch him , my dear friend , fetch him ! I 'll get him a diploma if he cures me .", "I 'm sensible of your affection , dearest ; and be assured nothing consoles me in my melancholy situation so much as the thoughts of leaving you behind . Re-enter DOCTOR ROSY , with LIEUTENANT O'CONNOR disguised .", "Ca n't he speak English ?", "O mercy ! does he know my distemper ?", "Tell him \u2018 tis black arsenic they have given me .", "What does he say ?", "We know that ; but what will be the effect ?", "Oh , horrible ! What , no antidote ? O'Con . Curum benakere bono fullum .", "What , does he say I must row in a boat to Fulham ?", "I wo n't die , Bridget \u2014 I do n't like death .", "Ay , but it leaves a numbness behind that lasts a plaguy long time .", "How so ? O'Con . Damsellum livivum suvum rislibani .", "The devil ! did he say all that in so few words ? What a fine language it is ! Well , I agree , if he can prevail on the girl .\u2014And that I am sure he never will .", "There , doctor ; there 's what he requires .", "Hey ! what 's here ? plain English !", "In reading this you are cured , by your affectionate son-in-law , O'CONNOR .\u2014 Who in the name of Beelzebub , sirrah , who are you ? O'Con . Your affectionate son-in-law , O'Connor , and your very humble servant , Humphrey Hum .", "\u2018 Tis false , you dog ! you are not my son-in-law ; for I 'll be poisoned again , and you shall be hanged .\u2014 I 'll die , sirrah , and leave Bridget my estate .", "He does , you say !\u2014 Hark'ee , Bridget , you showed such a tender concern for me when you thought me poisoned , that , for the future , I am resolved never to take your advice again in anything .\u2014So , do you hear , sir , you are an Irishman and a soldier , ai n't you ? O'Con . I am sir , and proud of both .", "The two things on earth I most hate ; so I tell you what \u2014 renounce your country and sell your commission , and I 'll forgive you . O'Con . Hark'ee , Mr. Justice \u2014 if you were not the father of my Lauretta , I would pull your nose for asking the first , and break your bones for desiring the second .", "Is he ? then I 'm sure I must be wrong .\u2014 Here , sir , I give my daughter to you , who are the most impudent dog I ever saw in my life . O'Con . Oh , sir , say what you please ; with such a gift as Lauretta , every word is a compliment .", "Why , truly , my dear ,\u2014 I think so , though we are seldom at a loss for that ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 758, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Brother Cosroe , I find myself agriev 'd ;", "Yet insufficient to express the same ,", "For it requires a great and thundering speech :", "Good brother , tell the cause unto my lords ;", "I know you have a better wit than I .", "Brother , I see your meaning well enough ,", "And through", "your planets I perceive you think", "I am not wise enough to be a king :", "But I refer me to my noblemen ,", "That know my wit , and can be witnesses .", "I might command you to be slain for this ,\u2014", "Meander , might I not ?", "I mean it not , but yet I know I might .\u2014", "Yet live ; yea , live ; Mycetes wills it so .\u2014", "Meander , thou , my faithful counsellor ,", "Declare the cause of my conceived grief ,", "Which is , God knows , about that Tamburlaine ,", "That , like a fox in midst of harvest-time ,", "Doth prey upon my flocks of passengers ;", "And , as I hear , doth mean to pull my plumes :", "Therefore \u2018 tis good and meet for to be wise .", "Full true thou speak'st , and like thyself , my lord ,", "Whom I may term a Damon for thy love :", "Therefore \u2018 tis best , if so it like you all ,", "To send my thousand horse incontinent", "To apprehend that paltry Scythian .", "How like you this , my honourable lords ?", "Is it not a kingly resolution ?", "Then hear thy charge , valiant Theridamas ,", "The chiefest", "captain of Mycetes \u2019 host ,", "The hope of Persia , and the very legs", "Whereon our state doth lean as on a staff ,", "That holds us up and foils our neighbour foes :", "Thou shalt be leader of this thousand horse ,", "Whose foaming gall with rage and high disdain", "Have sworn the death of wicked Tamburlaine .", "Go frowning forth ; but come thou smiling home ,", "As did Sir Paris with the Grecian dame :", "Return with speed ; time passeth swift away ;", "Our life is frail , and we may die to-day .", "Go , stout Theridamas ; thy words are swords ,", "And with thy looks thou conquerest all thy foes .", "I long to see thee back return from thence ,", "That I may view these milk-white steeds of mine", "All loaden with the heads of killed men ,", "And , from their knees even to their hoofs below ,", "Besmear 'd with blood that makes a dainty show .", "Theridamas , farewell ten thousand times .", "Ah , Menaphon , why stay'st thou thus behind ,", "When other men press", "forward for renown ?", "Go , Menaphon , go into Scythia ,", "And foot by foot follow Theridamas .", "Unless they have a wiser king than you ! These are his words ; Meander , set them down .", "Well , here I swear by this my royal seat \u2014", "Emboss 'd with silk as best beseems my state ,", "To be reveng 'd for these contemptuous words !", "O , where is duty and allegiance now ?", "Fled to the Caspian or the Ocean main ?", "What shall I call thee ? brother ? no , a foe ;", "Monster of nature , shame unto thy stock ,", "That dar'st presume thy sovereign for to mock !\u2014", "Meander , come : I am abus 'd , Meander ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 772, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come , lady , let not this appal your thoughts ;", "The jewels and the treasure we have ta'en", "Shall be reserv 'd , and you in better state", "Than if you were arriv 'd in Syria ,", "Even in the circle of your father 's arms ,", "The mighty Soldan of Aegyptia .", "But now you see these letters and commands", "Are countermanded by a greater man ;", "And through my provinces you must expect", "Letters of conduct from my mightiness ,", "If you intend to keep your treasure safe .", "But , since I love to live at liberty ,", "As easily may you get the Soldan 's crown", "As any prizes out of my precinct ;", "For they are friends that help to wean my state", "Till men and kingdoms help to strengthen it ,", "And must maintain my life exempt from servitude .\u2014", "But , tell me , madam , is your grace betroth 'd ?", "I am a lord , for so my deeds shall prove ;", "And yet a shepherd by my parentage .", "But , lady , this fair face and heavenly hue", "Must grace his bed that conquers Asia ,", "And means to be a terror to the world ,", "Measuring the limits of his empery", "By east and west , as Phoebus doth his course .\u2014", "Lie here , ye weeds , that I disdain to wear !", "This complete armour and this curtle-axe", "Are adjuncts more beseeming Tamburlaine .\u2014", "And , madam , whatsoever you esteem", "Of this success , and loss unvalued ,", "Both may invest you empress of the East ;", "And these that seem but silly country swains", "May have the leading of so great an host", "As with their weight shall make the mountains quake ,", "Even as when windy exhalations ,", "Fighting for passage , tilt within the earth .", "Nobly resolv 'd , sweet friends and followers !", "These lords perhaps do scorn our estimates ,", "And think we prattle with distemper 'd spirits :", "But , since they measure our deserts so mean ,", "That in conceit", "bear empires on our spears ,", "Affecting thoughts coequal with the clouds ,", "They shall be kept our forced followers", "Till with their eyes they view us emperors .", "Disdains Zenocrate to live with me ?", "Or you , my lords , to be my followers ?", "Think you I weigh this treasure more than you ?", "Not all the gold in India 's wealthy arms", "Shall buy the meanest soldier in my train .", "Zenocrate , lovelier than the love of Jove ,", "Brighter than is the silver Rhodope ,", "Fairer than whitest snow on Scythian hills ,", "Thy person is more worth to Tamburlaine", "Than the possession of the Persian crown ,", "Which gracious stars have promis 'd at my birth .", "A hundred Tartars shall attend on thee ,", "Mounted on steeds swifter than Pegasus ;", "Thy garments shall be made of Median silk ,", "Enchas 'd with precious jewels of mine own ,", "More rich and valurous", "than Zenocrate 's ;", "With milk-white harts upon an ivory sled", "Thou shalt be drawn amidst the frozen pools ,", "And scale the icy mountains \u2019 lofty tops ,", "Which with thy beauty will be soon resolv 'd :", "My martial prizes , with five hundred men ,", "Won on the fifty-headed Volga 's waves ,", "Shall we all offer", "to Zenocrate ,", "And then myself to fair Zenocrate .", "Techelles , women must be flattered :", "But this is she with whom I am in", "love .", "How now ! what 's the matter ?", "How now , my lords of Egypt , and Zenocrate !", "Now must your jewels be restor 'd again ,", "And I , that triumph 'd", "so , be overcome ?", "How say you , lordings ? is not this your hope ?", "Such hope , such fortune , have the thousand horse .", "Soft ye , my lords , and sweet Zenocrate !", "You must be forced from me ere you go .\u2014", "A thousand horsemen ! we five hundred foot !", "An odds too great for us to stand against .", "But are they rich ? and is their armour good !", "Then shall we fight courageously with them ? Or look you I should play the orator ?", "Stay , Techelles ; ask a parle first .", "The SOLDIERS enter .", "Open the mails ,", "yet guard the treasure sure :", "Lay out our golden wedges to the view ,", "That their reflections may amaze the Persians ;", "And look we friendly on them when they come :", "But , if they offer word or violence ,", "We 'll fight , five hundred men-at-arms to one ,", "Before we part with our possession ;", "And \u2018 gainst the general we will lift our swords ,", "And either lance", "his greedy thirsting throat ,", "Or take him prisoner , and his chain shall serve", "For manacles till he be ransom 'd home .", "Keep all your standings , and not stir a foot :", "Myself will bide the danger of the brunt .", "Whom seek'st thou , Persian ? I am Tamburlaine .", "Noble and mild this Persian seems to be ,", "If outward habit judge the inward man .", "With what a majesty he rears his looks !\u2014", "In thee , thou valiant man of Persia ,", "I see the folly of thy", "emperor .", "Art thou but captain of a thousand horse ,", "That by characters graven in thy brows ,", "And by thy martial face and stout aspect ,", "Deserv'st to have the leading of an host ?", "Forsake thy king , and do but join with me ,", "And we will triumph over all the world :", "I hold the Fates bound fast in iron chains ,", "And with my hand turn Fortune 's wheel about ;", "And sooner shall the sun fall from his sphere", "Than Tamburlaine be slain or overcome .", "Draw forth thy sword , thou mighty man-at-arms ,", "Intending but to raze my charmed skin ,", "And Jove himself will stretch his hand from heaven", "To ward the blow , and shield me safe from harm .", "See , how he rains down heaps of gold in showers ,", "As if he meant to give my soldiers pay !", "And , as a sure and grounded argument", "That I shall be the monarch of the East ,", "He sends this Soldan 's daughter rich and brave ,", "To be my queen and portly emperess .", "If thou wilt stay with me , renowmed", "man ,", "And lead thy thousand horse with my conduct ,", "Besides thy share of this Egyptian prize ,", "Those thousand horse shall sweat with martial spoil", "Of conquer 'd kingdoms and of cities sack 'd :", "Both we will walk upon the lofty cliffs ;", "And Christian merchants ,", "that with Russian stems", "Plough up huge furrows in the Caspian Sea ,", "Shall vail", "to us as lords of all the lake ;", "Both we will reign as consuls of the earth ,", "And mighty kings shall be our senators .", "Jove sometime masked in a shepherd 's weed ;", "And by those steps that he hath scal 'd the heavens", "May we become immortal like the gods .", "Join with me now in this my mean estate ,", "And when my name and honour shall be spread", "As far as Boreas claps his brazen wings ,", "Or fair Bootes", "sends his cheerful light ,", "Then shalt thou be competitor", "with me ,", "And sit with Tamburlaine in all his majesty .", "Nor are Apollo 's oracles more true", "Than thou shalt find my vaunts substantial .", "No ; but the trusty friend of Tamburlaine .", "Theridamas , my friend , take here my hand ,", "Which is as much as if I swore by heaven ,", "And call 'd the gods to witness of my vow .", "Thus shall my heart be still combin 'd with thine", "Until our bodies turn to elements ,", "And both our souls aspire celestial thrones .\u2014", "Techelles and Casane , welcome him .", "These are my friends , in whom I more rejoice", "Than doth the king of Persia in his crown ;", "And , by the love of Pylades and Orestes ,", "Whose statues", "we adore in Scythia ,", "Thyself and them shall never part from me", "Before I crown you kings", "in Asia .", "Make much of them , gentle Theridamas ,", "And they will never leave thee till the death .", "A thousand thanks , worthy Theridamas .\u2014", "And now , fair madam , and my noble lords ,", "If you will", "willingly remain with me ,", "You shall have honours as your merits be ;", "Or else you shall be forc 'd with slavery .", "For you , then , madam , I am out of doubt ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 772, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Thus far are we towards Theridamas ,", "And valiant Tamburlaine , the man of fame ,", "The man that in the forehead of his fortune", "Bears figures of renown and miracle .", "But tell me , that hast seen him , Menaphon ,", "What stature wields he , and what personage ?", "Well hast thou pourtray 'd in thy terms of life", "The face and personage of a wondrous man :", "Nature doth strive with Fortune", "and his stars", "To make him famous in accomplish 'd worth ;", "And well his merits shew him to be made", "His fortune 's master and the king of men ,", "That could persuade , at such a sudden pinch ,", "With reasons of his valour and his life ,", "A thousand sworn and overmatching foes .", "Then , when our powers in points of swords are join 'd ,", "And clos 'd in compass of the killing bullet ,", "Though strait the passage and the port", "be made", "That leads to palace of my brother 's life ,", "Proud is", "his fortune if we pierce it not ;", "And , when the princely Persian diadem", "Shall overweigh his weary witless head ,", "And fall , like mellow 'd fruit , with shakes of death ,", "In fair", "Persia noble Tamburlaine", "Shall be my regent , and remain as king .", "And such shall wait on worthy Tamburlaine .", "Our army will be forty thousand strong ,", "When Tamburlaine and brave Theridamas", "Have met us by the river Araris ;", "And all conjoin 'd to meet the witless king ,", "That now is marching near to Parthia ,", "And , with unwilling soldiers faintly arm 'd ,", "To seek revenge on me and Tamburlaine ;", "To whom , sweet Menaphon , direct me straight ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 772, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come , my Meander , let us to this gear .", "I tell you true , my heart is swoln with wrath", "On this same thievish villain Tamburlaine ,", "And of", "that false Cosroe , my traitorous brother .", "Would it not grieve a king to be so abus 'd ,", "And have a thousand horsemen ta'en away ?", "And , which is worse ,", "to have his diadem", "Sought for by such scald knaves as love him not ?", "I think it would : well , then , by heavens I swear ,", "Aurora shall not peep out of her doors ,", "But I will have Cosroe by the head ,", "And kill proud Tamburlaine with point of sword .", "Tell you the rest , Meander : I have said .", "Was there such brethren , sweet Meander , say ,", "That sprung of teeth of dragons venomous ?", "And \u2018 tis a pretty toy to be a poet .", "Well , well , Meander , thou art deeply read ;", "And having thee , I have a jewel sure .", "Go on , my lord , and give your charge , I say ;", "Thy wit will make us conquerors to-day .", "He tells you true , my masters ; so he does .\u2014", "Drums , why sound ye not when Meander speaks ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 772, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now , worthy Tamburlaine , have I repos 'd", "In thy approved fortunes all my hope .", "What think'st thou , man , shall come of our attempts ?", "For , even as from assured oracle ,", "I take thy doom for satisfaction .", "Which I esteem as portion of my crown .", "Usumcasane and Techelles both ,", "When she", "that rules in Rhamnus \u2019", "golden gates ,", "And makes a passage for all prosperous arms ,", "Shall make me solely emperor of Asia ,", "Then shall your meeds", "and valours be advanc 'd", "To rooms of honour and nobility .", "Come , Tamburlaine ; now whet thy winged sword ,", "And lift thy lofty arm into", "the clouds ,", "That it may reach the king of Persia 's crown ,", "And set it safe on my victorious head .", "Thy words assure me of kind success :", "Go , valiant soldier , go before , and charge", "The fainting army of that foolish king ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 772, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Hold thee , Cosroe ; wear two imperial crowns ;", "Think thee invested now as royally ,", "Even by the mighty hand of Tamburlaine ,", "As if as many kings as could encompass thee", "With greatest pomp had crown 'd thee emperor .", "And ride in triumph through Persepolis !\u2014", "Is it not brave to be a king , Techelles ?\u2014", "Usumcasane and Theridamas ,", "Is it not passing brave to be a king ,", "And ride in triumph through Persepolis ?", "Why , say , Theridamas , wilt thou be a king ?", "What say my other friends ? will you be kings ?", "Why , that 's well said , Techelles : so would I ;\u2014", "And so would you , my masters , would you not ?", "Why , then , Casane ,", "shall we wish for aught", "The world affords in greatest novelty ,", "And rest attemptless , faint , and destitute ?", "Methinks we should not . I am strongly mov 'd ,", "That if I should desire the Persian crown ,", "I could attain it with a wondrous ease :", "And would not all our soldiers soon consent ,", "If we should aim at such a dignity ?", "Why , then , Theridamas , I 'll first assay", "To get the Persian kingdom to myself ;", "Then thou for Parthia ; they for Scythia and Media ;", "And , if I prosper , all shall be as sure", "As if the Turk , the Pope , Afric , and Greece ,", "Came creeping to us with their crowns a-piece .", "\u2018 Twill prove a pretty jest , in faith , my friends .", "Judge by thyself , Theridamas , not me ;", "For presently Techelles here shall haste", "To bid him battle ere he pass too far ,", "And lose more labour than the gain will quite :", "Then shalt thou see this", "Scythian Tamburlaine", "Make but a jest to win the Persian crown .\u2014", "Techelles , take a thousand horse with thee ,", "And bid him turn him", "back to war with us ,", "That only made him king to make us sport :", "We will not steal upon him cowardly ,", "But give him warning and", "more warriors :", "Haste thee , Techelles ; we will follow thee .", "What saith Theridamas ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 772, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What means this devilish shepherd , to aspire", "With such a giantly presumption ,", "To cast up hills against the face of heaven ,", "And dare the force of angry Jupiter ?", "But , as he thrust them underneath the hills ,", "And press 'd out fire from their burning jaws ,", "So will I send this monstrous slave to hell ,", "Where flames shall ever feed upon his soul .", "Nobly resolv 'd , my good Ortygius ;", "And , since we all have suck 'd one wholesome air ,", "And with the same proportion of elements", "Resolve ,", "I hope we are resembled ,", "Vowing our loves to equal death and life .", "Let 's cheer our soldiers to encounter him ,", "That grievous image of ingratitude ,", "That fiery thirster after sovereignty ,", "And burn him in the fury of that flame", "That none can quench but blood and empery .", "Resolve , my lords and loving soldiers , now", "To save your king and country from decay .", "Then strike up , drum ; and all the stars that make", "The loathsome circle of my dated life ,", "Direct my weapon to his barbarous heart ,", "That thus opposeth him against the gods ,", "And scorns the powers that govern Persia !", "SCENE VII .", "Alarms of battle within . Then enter COSROE wounded ,", "TAMBURLAINE , THERIDAMAS , TECHELLES , USUMCASANE , with others .", "Barbarous", "and bloody Tamburlaine ,", "Thus to deprive me of my crown and life !\u2014", "Treacherous and false Theridamas ,", "Even at the morning of my happy state ,", "Scarce being seated in my royal throne ,", "To work my downfall and untimely end !", "An uncouth pain torments my grieved soul ;", "And death arrests the organ of my voice ,", "Who , entering at the breach thy sword hath made ,", "Sacks every vein and artier", "of my heart .\u2014", "Bloody and insatiate Tamburlaine !", "The strangest men that ever nature made !", "I know not how to take their tyrannies .", "My bloodless body waxeth chill and cold ,", "And with my blood my life slides through my wound ;", "My soul begins to take her flight to hell ,", "And summons all my senses to depart :", "The heat and moisture , which did feed each other ,", "For want of nourishment to feed them both ,", "Are", "dry and cold ; and now doth ghastly Death", "With greedy talents", "gripe my bleeding heart ,", "And like a harpy", "tires on my life .\u2014", "Theridamas and Tamburlaine , I die :", "And fearful vengeance light upon you both !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 772, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Madam Zenocrate , may I presume", "To know the cause of these unquiet fits", "That work such trouble to your wonted rest ?", "\u2018 Tis more than pity such a heavenly face", "Should by heart 's sorrow wax so wan and pale ,", "When your offensive rape by Tamburlaine", "Hath seem 'd to be digested long ago .", "Eternal heaven sooner be dissolv 'd ,", "And all that pierceth Phoebus \u2019 silver eye ,", "Before such hap fall to Zenocrate !", "With Tamburlaine ! Ah , fair Zenocrate ,", "Let not a man so vile and barbarous ,", "That holds you from your father in despite ,", "And keeps you from the honours of a queen ,", "Be honour 'd with your love but for necessity !", "So , now the mighty Soldan hears of you ,", "Your highness needs not doubt but in short time", "He will , with Tamburlaine 's destruction ,", "Redeem you from this deadly servitude .", "How can you fancy one that looks so fierce ,", "Only dispos 'd to martial stratagems ?", "Who , when he shall embrace you in his arms ,", "Will tell how many thousand men he slew ;", "And , when you look for amorous discourse ,", "Will rattle forth his facts", "of war and blood ,", "Too harsh a subject for your dainty ears .", "Yet be not so inconstant in your love ,", "But let the young Arabian", "live in hope ,", "After your rescue to enjoy his choice .", "You see , though first the king of Persia ,", "Being a shepherd , seem 'd to love you much ,", "Now , in his majesty , he leaves those looks ,", "Those words of favour , and those comfortings ,", "And gives no more than common courtesies .", "Betray 'd by fortune and suspicious love ,", "Threaten 'd with frowning wrath and jealousy ,", "Surpris 'd with fear of", "hideous revenge ,", "I stand aghast ; but most astonied", "To see his choler shut in secret thoughts ,", "And wrapt in silence of his angry soul :", "Upon his brows was pourtray 'd ugly death ;", "And in his eyes the fury", "of his heart ,", "That shone", "as comets , menacing revenge ,", "And cast a pale complexion on his cheeks .", "As when the seaman sees the Hyades", "Gather an army of Cimmerian clouds ,", "All-fearful folds his sails , and sounds the main ,", "Lifting his prayers to the heavens for aid", "Against the terror of the winds and waves ;", "So fares Agydas for the late-felt frowns ,", "That send", "a tempest to my daunted thoughts ,", "And make my soul divine her overthrow .", "Re-enter TECHELLES with a naked dagger , and USUMCASANE .", "I prophesied before , and now I prove", "The killing frowns of jealousy and love .", "He needed not with words confirm my fear ,", "For words are vain where working tools present", "The naked action of my threaten 'd end :", "It says , Agydas , thou shalt surely die ,", "And of extremities elect the least ;", "More honour and less pain it may procure ,", "To die by this resolved hand of thine", "Than stay the torments he and heaven have sworn .", "Then haste , Agydas , and prevent the plagues", "Which thy prolonged fates may draw on thee :", "Go wander free from fear of tyrant 's rage ,", "Removed from the torments and the hell", "Wherewith he may excruciate thy soul ;", "And let Agydas by Agydas die ,", "And with this stab slumber eternally ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 772, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Basso , by this thy lord and master knows", "I mean to meet him in Bithynia :", "See , how he comes ! tush , Turks are full of brags ,", "And menace", "more than they can well perform .", "He meet me in the field , and fetch", "thee hence !", "Alas , poor Turk ! his fortune is too weak", "T \u2019 encounter with the strength of Tamburlaine :", "View well my camp , and speak indifferently ;", "Do not my captains and my soldiers look", "As if they meant to conquer Africa ?", "But will those kings accompany your lord ?", "Then fight courageously : their crowns are yours ;", "This hand shall set them on your conquering heads ,", "That made me emperor of Asia .", "Well said , Theridamas ! speak in that mood ;", "For WILL and SHALL best fitteth Tamburlaine ,", "Whose smiling stars give him assured hope", "Of martial triumph ere he meet his foes .", "I that am term 'd the scourge and wrath of God ,", "The only fear and terror of the world ,", "Will first subdue the Turk , and then enlarge", "Those Christian captives which you keep as slaves ,", "Burdening their bodies with your heavy chains ,", "And feeding them with thin and slender fare ;", "That naked row about the Terrene", "sea ,", "And , when they chance to rest or breathe", "a space ,", "Are punish 'd with bastones", "so grievously", "That they", "lie panting on the galleys \u2019 side ,", "And strive for life at every stroke they give .", "These are the cruel pirates of Argier ,", "That damned train , the scum of Africa ,", "Inhabited with straggling runagates ,", "That make quick havoc of the Christian blood :", "But , as I live , that town shall curse the time", "That Tamburlaine set foot in Africa .", "Techelles and the rest , prepare your swords ;", "I mean t \u2019 encounter with that Bajazeth .", "And know , thou Turk , that those which lead my horse", "Shall lead thee captive thorough Africa ;", "And dar'st thou bluntly call me Tamburlaine ?", "By this my sword that conquer 'd Persia ,", "Thy fall shall make me famous through the world !", "I will not tell thee how I 'll", "handle thee ,", "But every common soldier of my camp", "Shall smile to see thy miserable state .", "Fight all courageously , and be you kings :", "I speak it , and my words are oracles .", "Zenocrate , the loveliest maid alive ,", "Fairer than rocks of pearl and precious stone ,", "The only paragon of Tamburlaine ;", "Whose eyes are brighter than the lamps of heaven ,", "And speech more pleasant than sweet harmony ;", "That with thy looks canst clear the darken 'd sky ,", "And calm the rage of thundering Jupiter ;", "Sit down by her , adorned with my crown ,", "As if thou wert the empress of the world .", "Stir not , Zenocrate , until thou see", "Me march victoriously with all my men ,", "Triumphing over him and these his kings ,", "Which I will bring as vassals to thy feet ;", "Till then , take thou my crown , vaunt of my worth ,", "And manage words with her , as we will arms .", "Our conquering swords shall marshal us the way", "We use to march upon the slaughter 'd foe ,", "Trampling their bowels with our horses \u2019 hoofs ,", "Brave horses bred on the", "white Tartarian hills", "My camp is like to Julius Caesar 's host ,", "That never fought but had the victory ;", "Nor in Pharsalia was there such hot war", "As these , my followers , willingly would have .", "Legions of spirits , fleeting in the air ,", "Direct our bullets and our weapons \u2019 points ,", "And make your strokes to wound the senseless light ;", "And when she sees our bloody colours spread ,", "Then Victory begins to take her flight ,", "Resting herself upon my milk-white tent .\u2014", "But come , my lords , to weapons let us fall ;", "The field is ours , the Turk , his wife , and all .", "Now , king of bassoes , who is conqueror ?", "Where are your stout contributory kings ? Re-enter TECHELLES , THERIDAMAS , and USUMCASANE .", "Each man a crown ! why , kingly fought , i'faith . Deliver them into my treasury .", "Nay , take the Turkish crown from her , Zenocrate ,", "And crown me emperor of Africa .", "Not now , Theridamas ; her time is past :", "The pillars , that have bolster 'd up those terms ,", "Are faln in clusters at my conquering feet .", "Not all the world shall ransom Bajazeth .", "Those walled garrisons will I subdue ,", "And write myself great lord of Africa :", "So from the East unto the furthest West", "Shall Tamburlaine extend his puissant arm .", "The galleys and those pilling", "brigandines ,", "That yearly sail to the Venetian gulf ,", "And hover in the Straits for Christians \u2019 wreck ,", "Shall lie at anchor in the Isle Asant ,", "Until the Persian fleet and men-of-war ,", "Sailing along the oriental sea ,", "Have fetch 'd about the Indian continent ,", "Even from Persepolis to Mexico ,", "And thence unto the Straits of Jubalter ;", "Where they shall meet and join their force in one .", "Keeping in awe the Bay of Portingale ,", "And all the ocean by the British", "shore ;", "And by this means I 'll win the world at last .", "What , think'st thou Tamburlaine esteems thy gold ?", "I 'll make the kings of India , ere I die ,", "Offer their mines , to sue for peace , to me ,", "And dig for treasure to appease my wrath .\u2014", "Come , bind them both , and one lead in the Turk ;", "The Turkess let my love 's maid lead away ,", "Come , bring them in ; and for this happy conquest", "Triumph , and solemnize a martial", "feast ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 772, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Awake , ye men of Memphis !", "hear the clang", "Of Scythian trumpets ; hear the basilisks ,", "That , roaring , shake Damascus \u2019 turrets down !", "The rogue of Volga holds Zenocrate ,", "The Soldan 's daughter , for his concubine ,", "And , with a troop of thieves and vagabonds ,", "Hath spread his colours to our high disgrace ,", "While you , faint-hearted base Egyptians ,", "Lie slumbering on the flowery banks of Nile ,", "As crocodiles that unaffrighted rest", "While thundering cannons rattle on their skins .", "Villain , I tell thee , were that Tamburlaine", "As monstrous", "as Gorgon prince of hell ,", "The Soldan would not start a foot from him .", "But speak , what power hath he ?", "Nay , could their numbers countervail the stars ,", "Or ever-drizzling", "drops of April showers ,", "Or wither 'd leaves that autumn shaketh down ,", "Yet would the Soldan by his conquering power", "So scatter and consume them in his rage ,", "That not a man should", "live to rue their fall .", "Let him take all th \u2019 advantages he can :", "Were all the world conspir 'd to fight for him ,", "Nay , were he devil ,", "as he is no man ,", "Yet in revenge of fair Zenocrate ,", "Whom he detaineth in despite of us ,", "This arm should send him down to Erebus ,", "To shroud his shame in darkness of the night .", "Merciless villain , peasant , ignorant", "Of lawful arms or martial discipline !", "Pillage and murder are his usual trades :", "The slave usurps the glorious name of war .", "See , Capolin , the fair Arabian king ,", "That hath been disappointed by this slave", "Of my fair daughter and his princely love ,", "May have fresh warning to go war with us ,", "And be reveng 'd for her disparagement ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 772, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Bring out my footstool .", "The chiefest god , first mover of that sphere", "Enchas 'd with thousands ever-shining lamps ,", "Will sooner burn the glorious frame of heaven", "Than it should", "so conspire my overthrow .", "But , villain , thou that wishest this", "to me ,", "Fall prostrate on the low disdainful earth ,", "And be the footstool of great Tamburlaine ,", "That I may rise into", "my royal throne .", "Base villain , vassal , slave to Tamburlaine ,", "Unworthy to embrace or touch the ground", "That bears the honour of my royal weight ;", "Stoop , villain , stoop ! stoop ;", "for so he bids", "That may command thee piecemeal to be torn ,", "Or scatter 'd like the lofty cedar-trees", "Struck with the voice of thundering Jupiter .", "Now clear the triple region of the air ,", "And let the Majesty of Heaven behold", "Their scourge and terror tread on emperors .", "Smile , stars that reign 'd at my nativity ,", "And dim the brightness of your", "neighbour lamps ;", "Disdain to borrow light of Cynthia !", "For I , the chiefest lamp of all the earth ,", "First rising in the east with mild aspect ,", "But fixed now in the meridian line ,", "Will send up fire to your turning spheres ,", "And cause the sun to borrow light of you .", "My sword struck fire from his coat of steel ,", "Even in Bithynia , when I took this Turk ;", "As when a fiery exhalation ,", "Wrapt in the bowels of a freezing cloud ,", "Fighting for passage , make", "the welkin crack ,", "And casts a flash of lightning to", "the earth :", "But , ere I march to wealthy Persia ,", "Or leave Damascus and th \u2019 Egyptian fields ,", "As was the fame of Clymene 's brain-sick son", "That almost brent", "the axle-tree of heaven ,", "So shall our swords , our lances , and our shot", "Fill all the air with fiery meteors ;", "Then , when the sky shall wax as red as blood ,", "It shall be said I made it red myself ,", "To make me think of naught but blood and war .", "Zenocrate , look better to your slave .", "Thy names , and titles , and thy dignities", "Are fled from Bajazeth , and remain with me ,", "That will maintain it \u2018 gainst a world of kings .\u2014", "Put him in again .", "There , whiles", "he lives , shall Bajazeth be kept ;", "And , where I go , be thus in triumph drawn ;", "And thou , his wife , shalt", "feed him with the scraps", "My servitors shall bring thee from my board ;", "For he that gives him other food than this ,", "Shall sit by him , and starve to death himself :", "This is my mind , and I will have it so .", "Not all the kings and emperors of the earth ,", "If they would lay their crowne before my feet ,", "Shall ransom him , or take him from his cage :", "The ages that shall talk of Tamburlaine ,", "Even from this day to Plato 's wondrous year ,", "Shall talk how I have handled Bajazeth :", "These Moors , that drew him from Bithynia", "To fair Damascus , where we now remain ,", "Shall lead him with us wheresoe'er we go .\u2014", "Techelles , and my loving followers ,", "Now may we see Damascus \u2019 lofty towers ,", "Like to the shadows of Pyramides", "That with their beauties grace", "the Memphian fields .", "The golden stature", "of their feather 'd bird ,", "That spreads her wings upon the city-walls ,", "Shall not defend it from our battering shot :", "The townsmen mask in silk and cloth of gold ,", "And every house is as a treasury ;", "The men , the treasure , and the town are", "ours .", "So shall he have his life , and all the rest :", "But , if he stay until the bloody flag", "Be once advanc 'd on my vermilion tent ,", "He dies , and those that kept us out so long ;", "And , when they see me march in black array ,", "With mournful streamers hanging down their heads ,", "Were in that city all the world contain 'd ,", "Not one should scape , but perish by our swords .", "Not for the world , Zenocrate , if I have sworn .\u2014", "Come ; bring in the Turk ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 772, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Methinks we march as Meleager did ,", "Environed with brave Argolian knights ,", "To chase the savage Calydonian", "boar ,", "Or Cephalus , with lusty", "Theban youths ,", "Against the wolf that angry Themis sent", "To waste and spoil the sweet Aonian fields .", "A monster of five hundred thousand heads ,", "Compact of rapine , piracy , and spoil ,", "The scum of men , the hate and scourge of God ,", "Raves in Aegyptia , and annoyeth us :", "My lord , it is the bloody Tamburlaine ,", "A sturdy felon , and", "a base-bred thief ,", "By murder raised to the Persian crown ,", "That dare control us in our territories .", "To tame the pride of this presumptuous beast ,", "Join your Arabians with the Soldan 's power ;", "Let us unite our royal bands in one ,", "And hasten to remove Damascus \u2019 siege .", "It is a blemish to the majesty", "And high estate of mighty emperors ,", "That such a base usurping vagabond", "Should brave a king , or wear a princely crown .", "I have , and sorrow for his bad success ;", "But , noble lord of great Arabia ,", "Be so persuaded that the Soldan is", "No more dismay 'd with tidings of his fall ,", "Than in the haven when the pilot stands ,", "And views a stranger 's ship rent in the winds ,", "And shivered against a craggy rock :", "Yet in compassion to his wretched state ,", "A sacred vow to heaven and him I make ,", "Confirming it with Ibis \u2019 holy name ,", "That Tamburlaine shall rue the day , the", "hour ,", "Wherein he wrought such ignominious wrong", "Unto the hallow 'd person of a prince ,", "Or kept the fair Zenocrate so long ,", "As concubine , I fear , to feed his lust .", "Capolin , hast thou survey 'd our powers ?", "Then rear your standards ; let your sounding drums", "Direct our soldiers to Damascus \u2019 walls .\u2014", "Now , Tamburlaine , the mighty Soldan comes ,", "And leads with him the great Arabian king ,", "To dim thy baseness and", "obscurity ,", "Famous for nothing but for theft and spoil ;", "To raze and scatter thy inglorious crew", "Of Scythians and slavish Persians ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 772, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now hang our bloody colours by Damascus ,", "Reflexing hues of blood upon their heads ,", "While they walk quivering on their city-walls ,", "Half-dead for fear before they feel my wrath .", "Then let us freely banquet , and carouse", "Full bowls of wine unto the god of war ,", "That means to fill your helmets full of gold ,", "And make Damascus \u2019 spoils as rich to you", "As was to Jason Colchos \u2019 golden fleece .\u2014", "And now , Bajazeth , hast thou any stomach ?", "Nay , thine own is easier to come by : pluck out that ; and \u2018 twill serve thee and thy wife .\u2014 Well , Zenocrate , Techelles , and the rest , fall to your victuals .", "To let them see , divine Zenocrate ,", "I glory in the curses of my foes ,", "Having the power from the empyreal heaven", "To turn them all upon their proper heads .", "Sirrah , why fall you not to ? are you so daintily brought up , you cannot eat your own flesh ?", "O , let him alone .\u2014 Here ;eat , sir ; take it frommy sword 's point , or I 'll thrust it to thy heart .", "Take it up , villain , and eat it ; or I will make thee slicethe brawns of thy arms into carbonadoes and eat them .", "Here is my dagger : despatch her while she is fat ; for , if she live but a while longer , she will fallinto a consumption with fretting , and then she will not be worth the eating .", "Go to ; fall to your meat . What , not a bit !\u2014 Belike he hath not been watered to-day : give him some drink .Fast , and welcome , sir , whilehunger make you eat .\u2014 How now , Zenocrate ! doth not the Turk and his wife make a goodly show at a banquet ?", "Yet music would do well to cheer up Zenocrate . Pray thee , tell why art thou so sad ? if thou wilt have a song , the Turk shall strain his voice : but why is it ?", "Zenocrate , were Egypt Jove 's own land ,", "Yet would I with my sword make Jove to stoop .", "I will confute those blind geographers", "That make a triple region in the world ,", "Excluding regions which I mean to trace ,", "And with this pen", "reduce them to a map ,", "Calling the provinces , cities , and towns ,", "After my name and thine , Zenocrate :", "Here at Damascus will I make the point", "That shall begin the perpendicular :", "And wouldst thou have me buy thy father 's love", "With such a loss ? tell me , Zenocrate .", "Content thyself : his person shall be safe , And all the friends of fair Zenocrate , If with their lives they will be pleas 'd to yield , Or may be forc 'd to make me emperor ; For Egypt and Arabia must be mine .\u2014 Feed , you slave ; thou mayst think thyself happy to be fed from my trencher .", "Here , Turk ; wilt thou have a clean trencher ?", "Soft , sir ! you must be dieted ; too much eating will make you surfeit .", "Theridamas , Techelles , and Casane , here are the cates you desire to finger , are they not ?", "Well ; here is now to the Soldan of Egypt , the King of Arabia , and the Governor of Damascus . Now , take these three crowns , and pledge me , my contributory kings . I crown you here , Theridamas , king of Argier ; Techelles , king of Fez ; and Usumcasane , king of Morocco .\u2014 How say you to this , Turk ? these are not your contributory kings .", "Kings of Argier , Morocco , and of Fez ,", "You that have march 'd with happy Tamburlaine", "As far as from the frozen plage", "of heaven", "Unto the watery Morning 's ruddy bower ,", "And thence by land unto the torrid zone ,", "Deserve these titles I endow you with", "By valour", "and by magnanimity .", "Your births shall be no blemish to your fame ;", "For virtue is the fount whence honour springs ,", "And they are worthy she investeth kings .", "Well said , Theridamas : when holy Fates", "Shall stablish me in strong Aegyptia ,", "We mean to travel to th \u2019 antarctic pole ,", "Conquering the people underneath our feet ,", "And be renowm 'd", "as never emperors were .\u2014", "Zenocrate , I will not crown thee yet ,", "Until with greater honours I be grac 'd ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 772, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Still doth this man , or rather god of war ,", "Batter our walls and beat our turrets down ;", "And to resist with longer stubbornness ,", "Or hope of rescue from the Soldan 's power ,", "Were but to bring our wilful overthrow ,", "And make us desperate of our threaten 'd lives .", "We see his tents have now been altered", "With terrors to the last and cruel'st hue ;", "His coal-black colours , every where advanc 'd ,", "Threaten our city with a general spoil ;", "And , if we should with common rites of arms", "Offer our safeties to his clemency ,", "I fear the custom proper to his sword ,", "Which he observes as parcel of his fame ,", "Intending so to terrify the world ,", "By any innovation or remorse", "Will never be dispens 'd with till our deaths .", "Therefore , for these our harmless virgins \u2019 sakes ,", "Whose honours and whose lives rely on him ,", "Let us have hope that their unspotted prayers ,", "Their blubber 'd", "cheeks , and hearty humble moans ,", "Will melt his fury into some remorse ,", "And use us like a loving conqueror .", "Well , lovely virgins , think our country 's care ,", "Our love of honour , loath to be enthrall 'd", "To foreign powers and rough imperious yokes ,", "Would not with too much cowardice or", "fear ,", "Before all hope of rescue were denied ,", "Submit yourselves and us to servitude .", "Therefore , in that your safeties and our own ,", "Your honours , liberties , and lives were weigh 'd", "In equal care and balance with our own ,", "Endure as we the malice of our stars ,", "The wrath of Tamburlaine and power", "of wars ;", "Or be the means the overweighing heavens", "Have kept to qualify these hot extremes ,", "And bring us pardon in your cheerful looks .", "Farewell , sweet virgins , on whose safe return", "Depends our city , liberty , and lives ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 772, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Tremble not now , Gregory , for your life !", "Pooh ! pr'ythee \u2014 we are here among friends . Did you not mark the courtesy of the centinels ; who , upon signifying our intentions , bid us pass on , till we should find a leader , to whom we might tender our services ?", "Tut , tut , man ! your fears have made you blind ; this motley gentleman 's occupation has nothing terrible in it , I 'll answer for it \u2014 we will accost him . How now , fellow ?", "What , sirrah ? call you me fool ?", "Why do you follow the camp , fool ?", "I come , partly , indeed , among other purposes , to offer my weak aid to the army .", "If I could find your leader , I would vouch , too , for the integrity of this my follower , to be received into the ranks .", "Lead us to your General , and you shall be well remember 'd by me .", "Yes , madam , if it please you ;", "And , if my youth should lack ability ,", "I do beseech you , let my honest will", "Atone for its defect :\u2014 yet I will say \u2014", "And yet I would not boast \u2014 that a weak boy", "May show you that he is zealous in your service :", "For tho \u2019 but green in years , alas ! misfortune", "Has sorely wrung my heart !\u2014 and the proud world ,", "\u2014 must know", "What \u2018 tis to suffer , ere its thoughtless breast ,", "Callous in happiness , can warm with feeling", "For others in distress ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 777, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Why , that 's well done , my boy !\u2014 so \u2014 cheerly , cheerly !", "See , too , the angry storm 's subsiding :\u2014 what ,", "Thou canst not be a-weary , Ned ?\u2014 I know ,", "Thou'rt more a man .", "Dost think so , Ned ?", "My dear , wronged child !", "Alas ! poor monkey ! thou hast little cause", "To be in love with greatness : thou hast felt", "Its miseries full early .", "May Heaven grant it !", "For thou dost promise nobly , boy . This forest", "Will screen us from the hatred of our enemies .", "Here , till the rage of war has ceased around us ,", "I will watch o'er thee , Ned ; here guard thy life ;\u2014", "Thy life ! the hope , the care , the joy of mine !", "And when thy harrass 'd limbs have gain 'd their pliancy ,", "We will resume our task : for I must lead thee", "A painful walk , across Northumberland ,", "As far as Berwick , boy ; where we may meet ,", "Again , our Scottish friends . What sayest thou Ned ,", "Shouldst joy to see thy father there ?", "Rest a day or two :", "For hadst thou strength , the danger that surrounds us", "Prevents our venturing .\u2014 Come !\u2014 on a little \u2014", "We will go look some moss-grown cavern out ,", "And there thou shalt repose thee , sweet .\u2014", "Enter GONDIBERT .", "Come , boy ! come , take my hand \u2014\u2014", "Ha ! Who art thou , that comest , with murderous look ,", "Here , in the dusky bosom of the wood ,", "To intercept our passage ?", "Let us pass .", "Thou know'st us not ; else would there so much terror", "Still strike thee of our person , that \u2014 no matter .", "What cause hast thou to stay me ?", "Command ! base slave ! reduced to this !\u2014 Command ,", "From thee ? thou worm !", "Oh , Heaven ! my boy ! strike not , on thy allegiance !", "Save him , I charge thee , fellow ! Save my son ;\u2014", "The son of thy anointed king .", "Ay , look , and tremble , slave .", "Thou makest amends :\u2014", "And the strong tide of evils , rushing in ,", "With rapid force , upon us , well might urge me ,", "Like sinking men who grasp at idle straws ,", "To accept thy service . Yet , thou may'st be false ,", "And lead my boy to his destruction .\u2014 Say ,\u2014", "What sureties , fellow , have I of thy truth ?", "Now \u2014", "For greatness ever has its summer friends ,", "Who , at the fall and winter of its glory ,", "Fly off like swallows \u2014 thou'lt betray me .", "Then , take my boy !\u2014 for I will trust thee , fellow .", "I must perforce ;\u2014 but mark ;\u2014 for still I doubt :\u2014", "If for a moment \u2014 mark me , fellow , well !", "Thou givest me cause to think thy damn 'd intent", "Aims at my dear child 's life , that very moment ,", "Tho \u2019 that the next should be my last , I 'll plunge", "Thy weapon to thy heart .", "Lead on ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 777, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Nay , sir , thank not me :", "I am no trader , I , in empty forms ;", "In neat congees , and kickshaw compliments ;", "In your ,\u2014 \u201c Dear sirs , \u201d and \u201c Sir , you make me blush ; \u201d \u2014", "I 'm for plain speaking ; plain and blunt ; besides ,", "I 've been a soldier :\u2014 and , I take it , sir ,", "You , who are still in service , are aware", "That blushing seldom troubles the profession .", "\u2018 Faith , good sir ,", "I know not how you have been buffetted :\u2014", "But this I know ,\u2014 at least I think I know it \u2014", "If there 's a soldier , in the world 's wide army ,", "Who will not , in the moment of distress ,", "Stretch forth his hand to save a falling comrade ,", "Why , then , I think , that he has little chance", "Of being found in Heaven 's muster-roll .", "Nay , sir , my plainness", "Is such as Nature gave me : and would men", "Leave Nature to herself , good faith , her work", "Is pretty equal ;\u2014 but we will be garnishing ;", "Until the heart , like to a beauty 's face ,", "Which she ne'er lets alone till she has spoil 'd it ,", "Is so befritter 'd round , with worldly nonsense ,", "That we can scarcely trace sweet Nature 's outlines .", "Ay , marry , can I , sir .", "But can and will are birds of diff'rent feather .", "Can is a swan , that bottles up its music ,", "And never lets it out till death is near ;", "But will 's a piping bullfinch , that does ever", "Whistle forth every note it has been taught ,", "To any fool that bids it . Now , sir , mark ;\u2014", "Whoever 's here , would fain be private here ;", "Whoever 's here , depend o n't , tell I can ;\u2014", "Whoever 's here , depend o n't , tell I will not .", "I know not that :", "I am no whisper-monger ;\u2014 and if , once ,", "A secret be entrusted to my charge ,", "I keep it , as an honest agent should ,", "Lock 'd in my heart 's old strong box ; and I 'll answer", "No draught from any but my principal .", "Very like .", "Yet , sir , if heirs had liberty to draw", "For what is not their own , till time shall give it them ,", "I fear the stock would soon be dry ;\u2014 and , then ,", "The principals might have some cause to grumble .", "Barton ;\u2014 that I may trust you with .", "No , not a pin 's point more . Pshaw ! here comes one ,", "To let all out . Children , and fools , and women ,", "Will still be babbling .", "So !", "This is the Seneschal of Normandy !", "Here is another secret .\u2014 Plague take secrets !", "This is in token of their liking me ;\u2014", "Just as an over hospitable host ,", "Out of pure kindness to his visitor ,", "Crams the poor bursting soul with meat he loaths .", "I need not to be told the value o n't .", "I have been sworn his mother 's subject , sir ; and since", "My poor house has been honour 'd with her presence ,", "The tender scenes , I 've been a witness to ,", "\u2018 Twixt her , and this young bud of royalty ,", "Would make me traitor to humanity ,", "Could I betray her . There is a rapturous something ,", "That plays about an English subject 's heart ,", "When female majesty is seen employ 'd", "In these sweet duties of domestic love ,", "Which all can feel ,\u2014 but very few describe !", "Why , as things are , I 'll lead you where she is :\u2014", "But were they otherwise , and you had not", "Discover 'd where she is \u2014 you 'll pardon me \u2014", "But I had led you , sir , a pretty dance", "Ere I had led you to her . Come , I 'll conduct you ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 777, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Away all night ! What then ? Am not I their leader ? Do they begin to doubt me ? Am not I , as it were , wedded to the party ?", "Well , sir ;\u2014 what then ?", "Go to ;\u2014 I had reason . What 's the news ?", "Are they of note ?", "What would he ?", "Concerning me ?", "Wherefore these questions ?", "Where have you bestowed him ?", "Conduct the youth hither .", "Then why should I repine ? since there are others ,", "Who , in the early spring , and May of life ,", "Behold the promised blossoms of their hope", "Nipt in the very bud . Here comes the youth ;\u2014", "And bears a goodly outside ;\u2014 yet \u2018 tis a slender bark ,", "That Providence ne'er framed for tossing much", "In a rough sea of troubles .", "Now to your business , youth .", "Then he acted basely .", "Trust me , I think he did , youth ; for there is an open native sincerity that marks thy countenance , which I scarce believe could give just cause to a steady friend to leave thee .", "Hast thou well weigh 'd the hardships which our life", "Constrains us to ? Our perils ; nightly watchings", "Our fears , disquietudes ; our jealousies ,", "Even of ourselves ?\u2014 which keep the lawless mind", "For ever on the stretch , and turn our sleep ,", "To frightful slumbers ;\u2014 where imagination", "Discovers , to the dull and feverous sense ,", "Mis-shapen forms , ghastly and horrible ;\u2014", "And mixes , in the chaos of the brain ,", "Terrors , half real , half unnatural ;\u2014", "Till nature , struggling under the oppression ,", "Rouses the sleeping wretch ,\u2014 who starts , and wipes", "The chilly drop from off his clay-cold temples ;", "And fain would call for help , yet dares not utter ,", "But trembles on his couch , silent and horror struck !", "What is it , youth ?", "Married , didst say ? And dost thou love \u2014\u2014", "Nay then , my heart bleeds for thee ! for thou mightst", "As easily attempt to walk unmov 'd ,", "With all the liquid fires which AEtna vomits", "Pour 'd in thy breast , as here to hope for happiness .", "Oh ! what does the heart feel , that 's rudely torn", "From the dear object of its wedded love !", "And , still , to add a spur to gall 'd reflection ,", "That very object , whom the time 's necessity", "Mads you to part with , witless of the cause ,", "Arraigns your conduct .", "I tell thee wretched youth \u2014 fie ! thou unman'st me .\u2014", "Pr'ythee , return , young man !\u2014 I have a feeling ,\u2014", "A fellow feeling for thee ;\u2014 if thou hop'st", "For gentle peace to be an inmate with thee ,", "Turn thy steps homeward ;\u2014 link not with our band .", "And hast thou children then ?", "Whose innocence has oft beguil 'd thy hours ;", "Who have look 'd smiling up into thy face ,", "Till the sweet tear of rapturous content", "Has trickled down thy cheek ?\u2014 Thou trying for tune !", "Mark out the frozen breast of apathy ,", "And tho \u2019 \u2018 twere triple cased in adamant ,", "Throw but this poisonous shaft of malice at it ,", "\u2018 Twill pierce it thro'and thro \u2019 .", "Hear me , young man :\u2014", "Thou wring'st a secret from me , which , till now ,", "Was borne in silence here ; while , vulture-like ,", "It preys upon my vitals .\u2014 I am married :\u2014", "I have a wife \u2014 and one whom kindly nature", "Form 'd in her lavish mood :\u2014 Oh ! her gentle love", "Beam 'd through her eyes , whene'er she turn 'd them on me ,", "With such a mild and virtuous innocence ,", "That it might charm stern murder !\u2014 and yet I", "Have wounded , villain like , her peace . Even I ,\u2014", "In whom her very soul was wrapt \u2014", "Turn 'd coward with the time , have basely left her .", "But I am punish 'd for't :\u2014 day , night ,\u2014 asleep ,", "Awake ,\u2014 still , or in action ,\u2014 bleeding fancy", "Pictures my wife , sitting in patient anguish ;", "Pale ; mild in sufferance ; mingling meek forgiveness", "With bitter agony ;\u2014 blessing him who wrongs her ;\u2014", "While my poor children , my deserted little ones ,", "Hang on her knees , and watch the silent drops", "Steal down her grief-worn face !\u2014 Yea , dost thou weep ?", "Shape thy course homeward then ; for pangs like mine ,", "Would so convulse thee , youth , that , like an engine ,", "\u2018 Twould wrench thy tender nature from its frame ,", "And pluck life with it .", "Merciful Heaven !", "My Adeline ! And hast thou !\u2014 Oh , my heart !", "This sudden conflict !\u2014 thus let me clasp thee to it ;", "Ne'er to part more , till pangs of death shall shake us .", "What hast thou suffer 'd , sweet !\u2014 for me to cause \u2014", "And are our children \u2014\u2014?", "And , to leave them too !", "Blessed chance ,", "That now constrain 'd me to inaction ! Adeline !", "Once more to hold thee ! to return to happiness \u2014", "To see our children !\u2014", "Enter FIRST ROBBER .", "How now ! What 's the matter ?", "Why , how now , man ?", "Why , dost not know me , Gregory ?", "Trust me , I think so , Gregory . Come , love ;", "Let 's in for calmer conference . Follow , good Gregory ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 777, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The northern coast beset !", "Then , let sharp injury", "Subdue base minds alone ; its scalding spirit ,", "Pour 'd in a royal breast , will quicken vengeance .", "Why , worthy Seneschal , there 's hope i n't still !", "Holds it not likely ,", "When our dispersed nobility shall hear ,", "We are again on foot , our royal standard", "Will be so flock 'd with friends !\u2014\u2014", "Here comes the fellow , whom I told you of .", "Enter GONDIBERT , ADELINE , and GREGORY , behind .", "Now , good friend , the news ?", "Let the fool on .\u2014", "This favours our intended march , through Cumberland .", "What else ?", "Oh , true , true fellow !", "Believe me , honest friend , of all the bolts ,", "Which spiteful fortune hurls against my crown ,", "None strike so deeply , as my poor ability", "Now to requite thy faith .", "What , my young warrior !", "This is a cheering sight !", "Soon may this warmth be general ; and may Henry", "Bask in its genial sunshine .\u2014 England , awhile , farewell !", "And if in future times \u2014 no doubt \u2018 twill be so \u2014", "Thy King unite his people to his confidence ,", "And his commanding virtues , mild , yet kingly ,", "Shall draw the breath of rapturous loyalty", "From the gilt palace to the clay-built cottage ,", "Then will thy realm , indeed , be enviable .", "Strike !\u2014\u2014 Then on .", "Procession of SOLDIERS , and Grand Chorus of VILLAGERS .", "Sea-girt England , fertile land !", "Plenty , from her richest stores ,", "Ever , with benignant hand ,", "Her treasure on thy bosom pours .", "England ! to thyself be true ;", "When thy realm is truly blest ,", "\u2018 Tis when a monarch 's love for you", "Is by your loyalty confest ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 777, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Chamberlain ! Maid ! Cherry ! Daughter Cherry ! All asleep ? all dead ?", "You deserve to have none , you young minx :\u2014 The company of the Warrington coach has stood in the hall this hour , and nobody to show them to their chambers .", "But they threaten to go to another inn to-night .", "Welcome ladies .", "This way , this way , gentlemen .", "Yes , sir , I 'm old Will Boniface , pretty well known upon this road , as the saying is .", "O , sir ,\u2014\u2014 what will your honour please to drink , as the saying is ?", "Sir , I have now in my cellar ten tun of the best ale in Staffordshire ; \u2018 tis smooth as oil , sweet as milk , clear as amber , and strong as brandy , and will be just fourteen years old the fifth day of next March .", "As punctual , sir , as I am in the age of my children : I 'll show you such ale \u2014\u2014 Here , tapster , broach number 1792 , as the saying is :\u2014\u2014 Sir , you shall taste my Anno Domini \u2014\u2014 I have lived in Litchfield , man and boy , above eight and fifty years , and I believe have not consumed eight and fifty ounces of meat .", "Not in my life , sir ; I have fed purely upon ale : I have eat my ale , drank my ale , and I always sleep upon ale . Enter TAPSTER , with a Tankard . Now , sir , you shall see : your worship 's health : ha ! delicious , delicious \u2014\u2014 fancy it Burgundy , only fancy it , and \u2018 tis worth ten shillings a quart .", "Strong ! it must be so ; or how would we be strong that drink it ?", "Eight and fifty years , upon my credit , sir ; but it killed my wife , poor woman , as the saying is .", "I do n't know how , sir ; she would not let the ale take its natural course , sir : she was for qualifying it every now and then with a dram , as the saying is , and an honest gentleman , that came this way from Ireland , made her a present of a dozen bottles of Usquebaugh \u2014\u2014 but the poor woman was never well after ; but , however , I was obliged to the gentleman , you know .", "My Lady Bountiful said so \u2014 she , good lady , did what could be done ; she cured her of three tympanies , but the fourth carried her off ; but she 's happy , and I 'm contented , as the saying is .", "\u2018 Ods my life , sir , we 'll drink her health .My Lady Bountiful is one of the best of women : her last husband , Sir Charles Bountiful , left her worth a thousand pounds a year ; and I believe she lays out one half o n't in charitable uses , for the good of her neighbours : she cures all disorders incidental to men , women and children ; in short , she has cured more people in and about Litchfield within ten years , than the doctors have killed in twenty , and that 's a bold word .", "Yes , sir , she has a daughter by Sir Charles , the finest woman in all our country , and the greatest fortune : she has a son too by her first husband , \u2018 Squire Sullen , who married a fine lady from London t'other day ; if you please , sir , we 'll drink his health .", "Why , sir , the man 's well enough ; says little , thinks less , and does \u2014 nothing at all , \u2018 faith : but he 's a man of great estate , and values nobody .", "Yes , sir , he 's a man of pleasure ; he plays at whist , and smokes his pipe eight-and-forty hours together sometimes .", "Ay , and to a curious woman , sir \u2014 but he 's a \u2014\u2014 He wants it here , sir .", "That 's none of my business ; he 's my landlord , and so a man , you know , would not \u2014\u2014 but I'cod he 's no better than \u2014 sir , my humble service to you .Though I value not a farthing what he can do to me ; I pay him his rent at quarter day ; I have a good running trade ; I have but one daughter , and I can give her \u2014 but no matter for that .", "A power of fine ladies ; and then we have the French Officers .", "So well , as the saying is , that I could wish we had as many more of them ; they are full of money , and pay double for every thing they have ; they know , sir , that we paid good round taxes for the taking of them , and so they are willing to reimburse us a little ; one of them lodges in my house .", "I 'll wait on them \u2014\u2014 Does your master stay long in town , as the saying is ?", "Come from London ?", "Going to London , mayhap ?", "An odd fellow this ;I beg your worship 's pardon , I 'll wait on you in half a minute .", "What will your worship please to have for supper ?", "Sir , we have a delicate piece of beef in the pot , and a pig at the fire .", "Please to bespeak something else ; I have every thing in the house .", "Veal , sir ! we had a delicate loin of veal on Wednesday last .", "As for fish , truly , sir , we are an inland town , and indifferently provided with fish , that 's the truth o n't ; but then for wild fowl !\u2014 We have a delicate couple of rabbits .", "Fricasseed ! Lard , sir , they 'll eat much better smothered with onions .", "Cherry , daughter Cherry .", "Ay , child , you must lay by this box for the gentleman , \u2018 tis full of money .", "I do n't know what to make of him ; he talks of keeping his horses ready saddled , and of going , perhaps , at a minute 's warning ; or of staying , perhaps , till the best part of this be spent .", "A highwayman ! upon my life , girl , you have hit it , and this box is some new purchased booty .\u2014 Now , could we find him out , the money were ours .", "What horses have they ?", "A black ! ten to one the man upon the black mare : and since he do n't belong to our fraternity , we may betray him with a safe conscience : I do n't think it lawful to harbour any rogues but my own . Lookye , child , as the saying is , we must go cunningly to work ; proofs we must have ; the gentleman 's servant loves drink ; I 'll ply him that way , and ten to one he loves a wench ; you must work him t'other way .", "Consider , child , there 's two hundred pound , to boot .Coming , coming \u2014 child , mind your business ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 787, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["SULLEN and DORINDA meeting .", "Sul . Any where to pray ; for Heaven alone can help me : but I think , Dorinda , there 's no form of prayer in the Liturgy against bad husbands .", "Sul . The most constant husband , I grant ye .", "Sul . No , he always sleeps with me .", "Sul . A maintenance ! do you take me , madam , for an hospital child , that I must sit down and bless my benefactors , for meat , drink , and clothes ? As I take it , madam , I brought your brother ten thousand pounds , out of which I might expect some pretty things , called pleasures .", "Sul . Country pleasures ! racks and torments ! dost think , child , that my limbs were made for leaping of ditches , and clambering over stiles ; or that my parents , wisely foreseeing my future happiness in country pleasures , had early instructed me in the rural accomplishments of drinking fat ale , playing at whist , and smoaking tobacco with my husband ; and stilling rosemary water , with the good old gentlewoman my mother-in-law ?", "Sul . Because they wanted money , child , to find out the pleasures of the town : Did you ever hear of a poet or philosopher worth ten thousand pounds ? if you can show me such a man , I 'll lay you fifty pounds you 'll find him somewhere within the weekly bills . Not that I disapprove rural pleasures , as the poets have painted them in their landscapes ; every Phyllis has her Corydon , every murmuring stream , and every flowery mead give fresh alarms to love \u2014\u2014 Besides , you 'll find , their couples were never married :\u2014\u2014 But yonder , I see my Corydon , and a sweet swain it is , Heaven knows \u2014 Come , Dorinda , do n't be angry , he 's my husband , and your brother , and between both , is he not a sad brute ?", "Sul . O sister , sister ! if ever you marry , beware of a sullen , silent sot , one that 's always musing , but never thinks \u2014 There 's some diversion in a talking blockhead ; and since a woman must wear chains , I would have the pleasure of hearing \u2018 em rattle a little .\u2014 Now you shall see ; but take this by the way ; he came home this morning , at his usual hour of four , waked me out of a sweet dream of something else , by tumbling over the tea-table , which he broke all to pieces ; after his man and he has rolled about the room like sick passengers in a storm , he comes flounce into bed , dead as a salmon into a fishmonger 's basket ; his feet cold as ice , his breath hot as a furnace , and his hands and his face as greasy as his flannel night-cap \u2014\u2014 Oh matrimony ! matrimony !\u2014\u2014 He tosses up the clothes with a barbarous swing over his shoulders , disorders the whole economy of my bed , and my whole night 's comfort is the tuneable serenade of that wakeful nightingale , his nose .\u2014\u2014 O the pleasure of counting the melancholy clock by a snoring husband !\u2014\u2014 But now , sister , you shall see how handsomely , being a well-bred man , he will beg my pardon .", "Sul . Will you be pleased , my dear , to drink tea with us this morning ? it may do your head good .", "Sul . Will you please to dress , and go to church with me ? the air may help you .", "Sul . But I can n't , sir .", "Sul . But I must tell you , sir , that this is not to be borne .", "Sul . What is the reason , sir , that you use me thus inhumanly ?", "Sul . Have a care of coming near his temples , Scrub , for fear you meet something there that may turn the edge of your razor .Inveterate stupidity ! did you ever know so hard , so obstinate a spleen as his ? O sister , sister ! I shall never have good of the beast till I get him to town ; London , dear London , is the place for managing and breaking a husband .", "Sul . No , no , child ; \u2018 tis a standing maxim in conjugal discipline , that when a man would enslave his wife , he hurries her into the country ; and when a lady would be arbitrary with her husband , she wheedles her booby up to town \u2014\u2014 A man dare not play the tyrant in London , because there are so many examples to encourage the subject to rebel , O Dorinda , Dorinda ! a fine woman may do any thing in London : On my conscience , she may raise an army of forty thousand men .", "Sul . The French are a people that can n't live without their gallantries .", "Sul . Well , sister , since the truth must out , it may do as well now as hereafter ; I think , one way to rouse my lethargic , sottish , husband , is to give him a rival ; security begets negligence in all people , and men must be alarmed to make them alert in their duty ; women are like pictures , of no value in the hands of a fool , till he hears men of sense bid high for the purchase .", "Sul . I own it ; we are united contradictions , fire and water . But I could be contented , with a great many other wives , to humour the censorious vulgar , and give the world an appearance of living well with my husband , could I bring him but to dissemble a little kindness , to keep me in countenance .", "Sul . Let him :\u2014 If I can n't entice him to the one , I would provoke him to the other .", "Sul . You must assist me .", "Sul . He is but your half brother , and I 'm your entire friend : If I go a step beyond the bounds of honour , leave me ; till then , I expect you should go along with me in every thing ; while I trust my honour in your hands , you may trust your brother 's in mine \u2014 The Count is to dine here to-day .", "Sul . You like nothing ; your time is not come ; love and death have their fatalities , and strike home one time or other :\u2014 You 'll pay for all one day , I warrant ye \u2014 But come , my lady 's tea is ready , and \u2018 tis almost church time ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 787, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The Landlord is so blind as to think so ; but , I dare swear , she has better blood in her veins .", "Because the baggage has a pert je-ne-scai-quoi ; she reads plays , keeps a monkey , and is troubled with vapours .", "Not yet , \u2018 faith : the lady gives herself airs , forsooth ; nothing under a gentleman .", "Say one word more o'that , and I 'll declare myself , spoil your sport there , and every where else : lookye , Aimwell , every man in his own sphere .", "In the usual forms , good sir , after I have served myself .\u2014 But to our business \u2014 You are so well dressed , Tom , and make so handsome a figure , that I fancy you may do execution in a country church ; the exterior part strikes first , and you 're in the right to make that impression favourable .", "There 's nothing in this , Tom , without a precedent ; but , instead of riveting your eyes to a beauty , try to fix them upon a fortune ; that 's our business at present .", "Tom !", "When were you at church before , pray ?", "And how can you expect a blessing by going to church now ?", "Truly , the man is not very unreasonable in his demands .", "My master 's .", "Really .", "Tall , all , dall .This is the most obstinate spot \u2014\u2014", "Name , sir ,\u2014 Tall , all , dall \u2014 I never asked him his name in my life . Tall , all , dall .", "On horseback .", "Downwards , I fear , sir ! Tall , all .", "Captain , your servant \u2014\u2014 Captain ! a pretty fellow ! \u2018 Sdeath , I wonder that the officers of the army do n't conspire to beat all scoundrels in red but their own .", "Some recruiting sergeant , or whipped out trooper , I suppose .", "Come , my dear , have you conned over the catechism I taught you last night ?", "What is love ?", "Very well , an apt scholar .Where does love enter ?", "And where go out ?", "What are the objects of that passion ?", "The reason ?", "That 's my dear \u2014 What are the signs and tokens of that passion ?", "That 's my good child , kiss me .\u2014\u2014 What must a lover do to obtain his mistress ?", "Nay , child , I must whip you if you do n't mind your lesson ; he must treat his \u2014\u2014", "Had ever man so hopeful a pupil as mine ? Come , my dear , why is love called a riddle ?", "Mighty well \u2014 And why is love pictured blind ?", "That 's my dear little scholar , kiss me again .\u2014 And why should love , that 's a child , govern a man ?", "And so ends love 's catechism \u2014\u2014 And now , my dear , we 'll go in , and make my master 's bed .", "What ?", "\u2018 Oons , what a witch it is !", "And then we shall go make my master 's bed ?", "You must know , then , that I am born a gentleman , my education was liberal ; but I went to London a younger brother , fell into the hands of sharpers , who stripped me of my money ; my friends disowned me , and now my necessity brings me to what you see .", "How !", "What said you ? A parson !", "Scruple ! No , no , but \u2014 two thousand pounds , you say ?", "\u2018 Sdeath , what shall I do ?\u2014 But harkye , child , what need you make me master of yourself and money , when you may have the same pleasure out of me , and still keep your fortune in your own hands ?", "I would marry you , but \u2014\u2014", "Fairly bit , by Jupiter !\u2014 Hold , hold ! And have you actually two thousand pounds ?", "So \u2014 we 're like to have as many adventures in our inn , as Don Quixotte had in his \u2014 Let me see \u2014 two thousand pounds ! if the wench would promise to die when the money were spent , egad , one would marry her ; but the fortune may go off in a year or two , and the wife may live \u2014 Lord knows how long ! then an innkeeper 's daughter ; ay , that 's the devil \u2014 there my pride brings me off .For whatsoe'er the sages charge on pride , The angels \u2019 fall , and twenty faults beside , On earth , I 'm sure , \u2018 mong us of mortal calling , Pride saves man oft , and woman too , from falling ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 787, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["A marksman ! who so blind could be as not discern a swan among the ravens ?", "Aimwell ! call me Oroondates , Cesario , Amadis , all that romance can in a lover paint , and then I 'll answer . O , Archer , I read her thousands in her looks ! she looked like Ceres in her harvest ; corn , wine , and oil , milk and honey ; gardens , groves , and purling streams , played on her plenteous face .", "Her eyes \u2014\u2014", "Pray excuse me ; my passion must have vent .", "Your adventures !", "What do I hear ? soft Orpheus play , and fair Toftida sing .", "Yes , faith .", "Ca n't you give me a bill upon Cherry in the mean time .", "Well , well , I wo n't \u2014 Landlord , have you any tolerable company in the house ? I do n't care for dining alone .", "Gentlemen of his coat are welcome every where ;\u2014 will you make him a compliment from me , and tell him , I should be glad of his company .", "Ha ! that stroke was well thrown in \u2014\u2014 I 'm only a traveller , like himself , and would be glad of his company , that 's all .", "My brother 's , to be sure : he would never give me any thing else , so I 'll make bold with his honour this bout . You know the rest of your cue .", "\u2018 Tis more than I deserve , sir ; for I do n't know you .", "And pray , sir , how came I by the honour of seeing you now ?", "O , sir , I ask your pardon ; you are the captain he told me of ?", "What regiment , may I be so bold ?", "Very old , if your coat be regimental .You have served abroad , sir ?", "One of the first , I 'll lay my life .", "You found the West", "Indies very hot , sir ?", "Pray sir , ha n't I seen your face at Will 's coffeehouse ?", "And where is your company now , captain ?", "Why , d'ye expect them here ?", "Which way do they march ?", "Is your company to quarter at Litchfield ?", "What ! all ?", "You are merry , sir .", "Three or four , I believe .", "Your caution may be necessary \u2014 Then , I presume , you are no captain .", "And , pray , sir , what is your true profession ?", "Ha ! ha ! ha ! upon my word , I commend you .\u2014", "Enter BONIFACE .", "Well , Mr. Boniface , what 's the news ?", "What is he ?", "A clergyman !\u2014 is he really a clergyman ? or is it only his travelling name , as my friend the captain has it .", "Is he a Frenchman ?", "Nay , but , captain , since we are by ourselves \u2014 Can he speak", "English , landlord ?", "Then he has been in England before ?", "Then you understand Latin , Mr. Boniface ?", "Pray desire him to walk up .", "A Frenchman !\u2014 Sir , your most humble servant .", "A foreigner ! A downright teague , by this light .Were you born in France , doctor ?", "Nay , captain , that was too hard upon the doctor ; he 's a stranger .", "Come , gentlemen , I 'll end the dispute \u2014\u2014 Here , landlord , is dinner ready ?", "Gentlemen \u2014 pray \u2014 that door \u2014\u2014", "No , doctor , the church is our guide ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 787, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Tal , all , dal \u2014\u2014 Come , my dear boy , let us have that song once more .", "Pho ! upon my honour , as I 'm a gentleman .", "And where were you , when your master fought ?", "No ! if our masters in the country here receive a challenge , the first thing they do , is to tell their wives ; the wife tells the servants , the servants alarm the tenants , and in half an hour , you shall have the whole country up in arms .", "Talk ! Ah , sir , had I not learned the knack of holding my tongue , I had never lived so long in a great family .", "Secrets , O lud !\u2014\u2014 But I 'll say no more \u2014 Come , sit down , we 'll make an end of our tankard :\u2014 Here \u2014\u2014", "Secrets ! ah , friend , friend ! I wish I had a friend .", "Shall we ?", "And now , brother Martin , I will tell you a secret , that will make your hair stand on end .\u2014 You must know , that I am consumedly in love .", "That jade , Gipsey , that was with us just now in the cellar , is the arrantest whore that ever wore a petticoat , and I 'm dying for love of her .", "I should like virtue best , because it is more durable than beauty ; for virtue holds good with some women long and many a day after they have lost it .", "Ay , could I bring her to a bastard , I should have her all to myself ; but I dare not put it upon that lay , for fear of being sent for a soldier .\u2014 Pray , brother , how do you gentlemen in London like that same pressing act ?", "And to be sure we go , if we talk of eating ; for the justices wo n't give their own servants a bad example . Now this is my misfortune \u2014 I dare not speak in the house , while that jade , Gipsey , dings about like a fury \u2014\u2014 once I had the better end of the staff .", "Why , the mother of all this mischief is a priest .", "Ay , a damn 'd son of a whore of Babylon , that came over hither to say grace to the French officers , and eat up our provisions \u2014 There 's not a day goes over his head without a dinner or supper in this house .", "Because he speaks English as if he had lived here all his life , and tells lies as if he had been a traveller from his cradle .", "Converted ! ay , and perverted , my dear friend \u2014 for , I 'm afraid he has made her a whore , and a papist \u2014 but this is not all ; there 's the French count and Mrs. Sullen , they 're in the confederacy , and for some private ends of their own too , to be sure .", "Not that I know \u2014 She 's the best of them , that 's the truth o n't : but they take care to prevent my curiosity , by giving me so much business , that I 'm a perfect slave \u2014 What d'ye think is my place in this family ?", "Ah , lord help you \u2014 I 'll tell you \u2014 Of a Monday I drive the coach , of a Tuesday I drive the plough , on Wednesday I follow the hounds , a Thursday I dun the tenants , on Friday I go to market , on Saturday I draw warrants , and a Sunday I draw beer .", "Ours , ours ; that upon the right hand is Mrs. Sullen , and the other Mrs. Dorinda \u2014\u2014 do n't mind them , sit still , man \u2014\u2014", "Ladies , this is the strange gentleman 's servant , that you saw at church to-day : I understood he came from London , and so I invited him to the cellar , that he might show me the newest flourish in whetting my knives .", "O la ! O la !\u2014 A footman have the spleen !", "Brother Martin , brother Martin .", "Take the money , and give it to me ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 787, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["News , dear sister , news , news !", "Oh , sister , my heart flutters about strangely ; I can hardly forbear running to his assistance .", "O , sister , I 'm but a young gunner , I shall be afraid to shoot , for fear the piece should recoil , and hurt myself .", "No , no , dear sister , you have missed your mark so unfortunately , that I sha n't care for being instructed by you .", "Poor gentleman \u2014 Oh \u2014 he has got my hand within his , and squeezes it unmercifully \u2014\u2014", "Oh , my hand , my hand !", "How do you , sir ?", "Sir , you may catch cold by going so soon into the air ; you do n't look , sir , as if you were perfectly recovered .", "This way , sir .", "And well , sister .", "What 's become of his servant ?", "O \u2019 my conscience , I fancy you could beg that fellow at the gallows \u2019 foot .", "You desired me , sister , to leave you , when you transgressed the bounds of honour .", "I do n't find any thing unnatural in that thought .", "Because I was never spoke to before : my lord has told me , that I have more wit and beauty than any of my sex ; and truly I begin to think the man is sincere .", "Done \u2014\u2014 What did your fellow say to ye ?", "But my lover took me for Venus herself .", "But my lover was upon his knees to me .", "Mine vowed to die for me .", "Mine kissed my hand ten thousand times .", "Mine spoke the softest moving things .", "Mine offered marriage .", "The sharpest arrow in his quiver , my dear sister ; Why , my twenty thousand pounds may lie brooding here this seven years , and hatch nothing at last but some illnatured clown , like yours ;\u2014 Whereas , if I marry my Lord Aimwell , there will be title , place , and precedence , the park , the play , and the drawing-room , splendour , equipage , noise , and flambeaux \u2014 Hey , my Lady Aimwell 's servants there \u2014 lights , lights to the stairs \u2014 My Lady Aimwell 's coach , put forward \u2014 stand by ; make room for her ladyship \u2014\u2014 Are not these things moving ? What ! melancholy of a sudden ?", "Come , my dear , we 'll talk of something else .", "Meaning your husband , I suppose .", "Will you promise not to make yourself uneasy in the mean time with my lord 's friend ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 787, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What , fellow ! a public house , and abed when other people sleep ?", "I see that , as the saying is ! Is Mr. Sullen 's family abed , think ye ?", "What company has he ?", "I find my sister 's letters gave me the true picture of her spouse .", "Well , sir .", "That 's very hard .", "But I presume , sir , you wo n't see your wife to-night , she 'll be gone to bed \u2014\u2014 you do n't use to lie with your wife in that pickle .", "If you hate her , sir , I think you had better lie from her .", "Law ! as I take it , Mr. Justice , nobody observes law for law 's sake , only for the good of those for whom it was made .", "Not unless I commit a crime to deserve it .", "Nay , sir , if you call marriage a crime , you must disown it for a law .", "Truth , sir , is a profound sea , and few there be that dare wade deep enough to find out the bottom o n't . Besides , sir , I am afraid the line of your understanding may n't be long enough .", "You and your wife , Mr . Guts , may be one flesh , because you are nothing else \u2014\u2014 but rational creatures have minds that must be united .", "Ay , minds , sir ; do n't you think that the mind takes place of the body ?", "Then the interest of the master must be consulted before that of his servant .", "Sir , I know that my two hands are naturally one , because they love one another , kiss one another , help one another in all the actions of life ; but I could not say so much if they were always at cuffs .", "Why do n't you part with her , sir ?", "With all my heart .", "You 'll let me have her fortune too ?", "But her fortune , sir \u2014\u2014", "No , truly , sir .", "Neither .", "For half an hour , sir , if you please \u2014 but you must consider \u2018 tis late ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 787, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["SULLEN and DORINDA discovered ; a Table and Lights .", "Sul . No ; I 'm condemned to be alone till towards four , and then , perhaps , I may be executed with his company .", "Sul . I do n't know what to do ; heigho !", "Sul . This is a languishing hour , sister .", "Sul . Here ? what , in my bedchamber , at two o'clock i'th \u2019 morning , I undressed , the family asleep , my hated husband abroad , and my lovely fellow at my feet !\u2014\u2014 O , gad , sister !", "Sul . A good rest to my dear Dorinda \u2014\u2014 Thoughts free ! are they so ? why , then , suppose him here , dressed like a youthful , gay , and burning bridegroom ,with tongue enchanting , eyes bewitching , knees imploring\u2014 Ah !Have my thoughts raised a spirit ? What are you , sir ? a man , or a devil ?", "Sul . How shall I be sure of it ?", "Sul . What , sir ! do you intend to be rude ?", "Sul . In the name of wonder , whence came ye ?", "Sul . How came you in ?", "Sul . I 'm struck dumb with admiration .", "Sul . What will become of me ?", "Sul . Ah !", "Sul . Sir , I 'll wake the dead , before I bear this . What ! approach me with the freedoms of a keeper ! I 'm glad o n't ; your impudence has cured me .", "Sul . Now , now , I 'm ruined if he kneels .Rise , thou prostrate engineer ; not all thy undermining skill shall reach my heart . Rise , and know that I am a woman , without my sex ; I can love to all the tenderness of wishes , sighs , and tears \u2014 But go no farther \u2014 Still , to convince you that I 'm more than woman , I can speak my frailty , confess my weakness even for \u2014\u2014 But \u2014\u2014", "Sul . Hold , sir ; build not upon that \u2014 for my most mortal hatred follows , if you disobey what I command you now \u2014 leave me this minute \u2014 If he denies , I 'm lost .", "Sul . Any thing another time .", "Sul . To-morrow \u2014 when you will .", "Sul . Pshaw !", "Sul . You will not , cannot , sure .", "Sul . My sex 's pride assist me .", "Sul . You shall kill me first .", "Sul . Thieves ! thieves ! murder !\u2014\u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 787, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sul .What does the fellow mean ?", "Sul . I hope you did not come to rob me ?", "Sul . The fellow looks as if he were broke out of Bedlam .", "Sul . What shall we do , sir ?", "Sul . Will you leave me ?", "Sul . Nay , but pray , sir \u2014\u2014", "Sul . Your life ! no , sir , they can rob me of nothing that I value half so much ; therefore now , sir , let me entreat you to begone .", "Sul . Yes , yes ; since I have escaped your hands , I can face any thing .", "Sul . Who are you , sir ? What would you have ? D'ye come to rob me ?", "Sul . Pray , sir , do n't kill him : You fright me as much as him .", "Sul . But how came the doctor ?", "Sul . The devil 's in this fellow ; he fights , loves , and banters all in a breath : here 's a rope , that the rogues brought with them , I suppose .", "Sul . Pray , sister , how came my lord here ?", "Sul . I 'll tell you the greatest piece of villainy \u2014", "Sul . How can you , after what is past , have the confidence to ask me ?", "Sul . \u2018 Tis ungenerous in you , sir , to upbraid me with your services .", "Sul . How ! at the expense of my honour !", "Sul . My brother ! Heavens be praised :\u2014 Sir , he shall thank you for your services ; he has it in his power .", "Sul . Sir Charles Freeman :\u2014\u2014 You 'll excuse me , sir ; I must go and receive him ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 787, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The sweets of Hybla dwell upon her tongue \u2014 Here , doctor !\u2014\u2014", "Consider ! Do you doubt my honour , or my love ?", "Such goodness who could injure ! I find myself unequal to the task of villain ; she has gained my soul , and made it honest like her own \u2014 I cannot hurt her .Doctor , retire .Madam , behold your lover , and your proselyte , and judge of my passion by my conversion .\u2014 I 'm all a lie , nor dare I give a fiction to your arms ;\u2014 I am all a counterfeit , except my passion .", "I am no lord , but a poor , needy man , come with a mean , a scandalous design , to prey upon your fortune :\u2014 But the beauties of your mind and person , have so won me from myself , that , like a trusty servant , I prefer the interest of my mistress to my own .", "Brother to the man , whose title I usurped , but stranger to his honour or his fortune .", "Gone ! and bid the priest depart \u2014 It has an ominous look !", "No .", "O Archer , my honesty , I fear , has ruined me .", "I have discovered myself .", "O , Archer , I own my fault .", "Stay , my dear Archer , but a minute .", "What knight ?", "Freeman !\u2014 One word , Archer \u2014 Still I have hopes ; methought , she received my confession with pleasure .", "She consented after to the match ; and still I dare believe she will be just .", "By all my hopes , she comes ! and smiling comes .", "I 'm confounded !", "Archer , what does she mean ?", "Of what ?", "Thanks to the pregnant stars , that formed this accident .", "Thanks to my guardian angel , that led me to the prize .", "Not a penny , Archer : you would have cut my throat just now , because I would not deceive this lady .", "That 's what I expect ; and to end the dispute , the lady 's fortune is twenty thousand pounds , we 'll divide stakes ; take the twenty thousand pounds , or the lady .", "The ladies have been in some danger , sir , as you saw .", "Our inn ! By whom ?", "Our money 's gone , Frank !", "Thomas , Viscount Aimwell , come to take away your sister ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 787, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sir , Black Moll hath sent word her Trial comes on in the Afternoon , and she hopes you will order Matters so as to bring her off .", "Tom Gagg , Sir , is found guilty .", "Betty hath brought more Goods into our Lock to-year than any five of the Gang ; and in truth , \u2018 tis a pity to lose so good a Customer .", "Without dispute , she is a fine Woman ! \u2018 Twas to her I was obliged for my Education , andshe hath trained up more young Fellows to the Business than the Gaming table .", "\u2018 Tis Woman that seduces all Mankind ,", "By her we first were taught the wheedling Arts :", "Her very Eyes can cheat ; when most she 's kind ,", "She tricks us of our Money with our Hearts .", "For her , like Wolves by Night we roam for Prey ,", "And practise ev'ry Fraud to bribe her Charms ;", "For Suits of Love , like Law , are won by Pay ,", "And Beauty must be fee 'd into our Arms .", "When a Gentleman is long kept in suspence , Penitence may break his Spirit ever after . Besides , Certainty gives a Man a good Air upon his Trial , and makes him risk another without Fear or Scruple . But I 'll away , for \u2018 tis a Pleasure to be the Messenger of Comfort to Friends in Affliction .", "I ply 'd at the Opera , Madam ; and considering \u2018 twas neither dark nor rainy , so that there was no great Hurry in getting Chairs and Coaches , made a tolerable Hand o n't . These seven Handkerchiefs , Madam .", "And this Snuff-box .", "I had a fair Tug at a charming Gold Watch . Pox take the Tailors for making the Fobs so deep and narrow ! It stuck by the way , and I was forc 'd to make my Escape under a Coach . Really , Madam , I fear I shall be cut off in the Flower of my Youth , so that every now and thenI have Thoughts of taking up and going to Sea .", "I beg you , Madam , do n't ask me ; for I must either tell a Lye to you or to Miss Polly ; for I promis 'd her I would not tell .", "I shall lead a sad Life with Miss Polly , if ever she comes to know that I told you . Besides , I would not willingly forfeit my own Honour by betraying any body ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 791, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Poor Brother Tom had an Accident this time Twelve-month , and so clever a made fellow he was , that I could not save him from those fleaing Rascals the Surgeons ; and now , poor Man , he is among the Otamys at Surgeons Hall .", "Shew me a Gang of Courtiers that can say as much .", "We retrench the Superfluities of Mankind . The World is avaritious , and I hate Avarice . A covetous fellow , like a Jackdaw , steals what he was never made to enjoy , for the sake of hiding it . These are the Robbers of Mankind , for Money was made for the Free - hearted and Generous , and where is the Injury of taking from another , what he hath not the Heart to make use of ?", "Fill every Glass , for Wine inspires us ,", "And fires us", "With Courage , Love and Joy .", "Women and Wine should life employ .", "Is there ought else on Earth desirous ?", "CHORUS . Fill every Glass , & c .", "We were just breaking up to go upon Duty . Am I to have the Honour of taking the Air with you , Sir , this Evening upon the Heath ? I drink a Dram now and then with the Stagecoachmen in the way of Friendship and Intelligence ; and I know that about this Time there will be Passengers upon the Western Road , who are worth speaking with .", "But what , Sir ?", "We have all been Witnesses of it .", "I 'll be answerable for it .", "By these Questions something seems to have ruffled you . Are any of us suspected ?", "Is he about to play us any foul Play ? I 'll shoot him through the Head .", "He knows nothing of this Meeting .", "As a Bawd to a Whore , I grant you , he is to us of great", "Convenience .", "Your Instructions shall be observ 'd . \u2018 Tis now high time for us to repair to our several Duties ; so \u2018 till the Evening at our Quarters in Moor-Fields we bid you farewel .", "Let us take the Road .", "Hark ! I hear the Sound of Coaches !", "The Hour of Attack approaches ,", "To your Arms , brave Boys , and load .", "See the Ball I hold !", "Let the Chymists toil like Asses ,", "Our Fire their Fire surpasses ,", "And turns all our Lead to Gold ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 791, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Noble Captain , you are welcome . You have not been a Lodger of mine this Year and half . You know the Custom , Sir . Garnish , Captain , Garnish . Hand me down those Fetters there .", "Look ye , Captain , we know what is fittest for our Prisoners . When a Gentleman uses me with Civility , I always do the best I can to please him .\u2014 Hand them down I say .\u2014 We have them of all Prices , from one Guinea to ten , and \u2018 tis fitting every Gentleman should please himself .", "Those , I see , will fit the Captain better \u2014 Take down the further Pair . Do but examine them , Sir .\u2014 Never was better work . How genteely they are made !\u2014 They will fit as easy as a Glove , and the nicest Man in England might not be asham 'd to wear them .If I had the best Gentleman in the Land in my Custody I could not equip him more handsomly . And so , Sir \u2014 I now leave you to your private Meditations .MACHEATH .", "In this last Affair , Brother Peachum , we are agreed . You have consented to go halves in Macheath .", "If you will run your Eye over it , you 'll find \u2018 tis fair and clearly stated .", "Perhaps , Brother , they are afraid these Matters may be carried too far . We are treated too by them with Contempt , as if our Profession were not reputable .", "Such Language , Brother , any where else , might turn to your", "Prejudice . Learn to be more guarded , I beg you .", "Mr. Peachum \u2014 this is the first time my Honour was ever call 'd in Question .", "Who accuses me ?", "He that attacks my Honour , attacks my Livelihood .\u2014 And this", "Usage \u2014 Sir \u2014 is not to be borne .", "Is this Language to me , Sirrah ,\u2014 who have sav 'd you from the", "Gallows , Sirrah !", "This Hand shall do the Office of the Halter you deserve , and throttle you \u2014 you Dog ! -", "Nor you so provoking .", "Brother Peachum \u2014 I can forgive as well as resent .\u2014 Give me your Hand . Suspicion does not become a Friend .", "Whence come you , Hussy ?", "You have then been whimpering and fondling , like a Spaniel , over the Fellow that hath abus 'd you .", "Learn to bear your Husband 's Death like a reasonable Woman . \u2018 Tis not the fashion , now-a-days , so much as to affect Sorrow upon these Occasions . No Woman would ever marry , if she had not the Chance of Mortality for a Release . Act like a Woman of Spirit , Hussy , and thank your Father for what he is doing .", "Look ye , Lucy \u2014 There is no saving him .\u2014 So , I think , you must ev'n do like other Widows \u2014 buy yourself Weeds , and be chearful . AIR XXXI . You 'll think ere many Days ensue This Sentence not severe ; I hang your Husband , Child , \u2018 tis true , But with him hang your Care . Twang dang dillo dee . Like a good Wife , go moan over your dying Husband . That , Child is your Duty \u2014 Consider , Girl , you can n't have the Man and the Money too \u2014 so make yourself as easy as you can , by getting all you can from him ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 791, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Jealousy , Rage , Love and Fear are at once tearing me to pieces , How I am weather-beaten and shatter 'd with Distresses !", "Show her in .Dear Madam , your Servant .\u2014 I hope you will pardon my Passion , when I was so happy to see you last .\u2014 I was so over-run with the Spleen , that I was perfectly out of myself . And really when one hath the Spleen , every thing is to be excus 'd by a Friend .", "But , Miss Polly \u2014 in the way of Friendship , will you give me leave to propose a Glass of Cordial to you ?", "Not the greatest Lady in the Land could have better in her", "Closet , for her own private drinking .\u2014 You seem mighty low in", "Spirits , my Dear .", "But since his Escape , no doubt all Matters are made up again. - - Ah Polly ! Polly ! \u2018 tis I am the unhappy Wife ; and he loves you as if you were only his Mistress .", "Then our Cases , my dear Polly , are exactly alike . Both of us indeed have been too fond .", "Love is so very whimsical in both Sexes , that it is impossible to be lasting .\u2014 But my Heart is particular , and contradicts my own Observation .", "Away with these melancholy Reflections ,\u2014 indeed , my dear Polly , we are both of us a Cup too low \u2014 Let me prevail upon you to accept of my Offer .", "Come , Miss Polly .", "Really , Miss Polly , you are as squeamishly affected about taking a Cup of Strong-Waters as a Lady before Company . I vow , Polly , I shall take it monstrously ill if you refuse me .\u2014 Brandy and Menare always taken by us with some Reluctance \u2014 unless \u2018 tis in private .", "Since things are thus , I 'm glad the Wench hath escap 'd : for by this Event , \u2018 tis plain , she was not happy enough to deserve to be poison 'd .", "O Husband , Husband , my Heart long 'd to see thee ; but to see thee thus distracts me ?", "If Peachum 's Heart is harden 'd ; sure you , Sir , will have more Compassion on a Daughter .\u2014 I know the Evidence is in your Power .\u2014 How then can you be a Tyrant to me ?", "The Prisoners , whose Trials are put off \u2018 till next Session , are diverting themselves ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 791, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Half-past eleven already !\u2014 and I have n't heard from either of them yet !Very odd ! Can anything have \u2014\u2014?Oh , it 's you , Pringle !None the worse after last night , I hope ?", "Well , only a very few . We may be interrupted at any moment . I 've appointments with two people this morning . Looks as if they 'd both overslept themselves .", "Instead of which you put a spoke in my wheel whenever you got the chance ! Not behaving quite decently , was it ?", "Do n't rub it in , Pringle !", "That 's your modesty , Pringle ! You do n't realise how dangerous you are !", "Sorry to discourage you , my dear Pringle \u2014 but your chance has n't come yet , and it 's not over likely to come at all .", "I daresay . But he 'll be very different this morning .", "No . I 'm trusting to something \u2014 or rather somebody \u2014\u2014 who will be more convincing than any seal .", "The Oriental interior has gone , Pringle ,\u2014 vanished into space !", "I do n't pretend to know how \u2014 but they have , and that 's enough for me !", "Old Wackerbath ? Oh , no ; he 's much too solid to vanish \u2014 he 's only a trifle late !", "I fancy he 's coming upstairs now .Unless it 's the other one !", "No , only one . The other \u2014 is n't a client .Awkward if they happened to meet ! I never thought of that !Well , here 's one of \u2018 em , anyhow ! Come in !It is Mr. Wackerbath ! How do you do ?I was beginning to be afraid \u2014\u2014Eh ? Has anything happened ?", "Oh ?Perhaps , Pringle , if you would n't mind \u2014\u2014?", "Well \u2014 oh , stay if you think proper .Now , sir ; if you 'll sit down and compose yourself \u2014\u2014", "I do n't , indeed . Unless \u2014 unless you 've discovered the \u2014 the means by which you were induced to come to me yesterday . But , after all , there 's no great harm done .", "Certainly . If you prefer to go to some other architect , you 're perfectly free to do so .", "Oh , the blithering old idiot !", "No , no ; not you ! Of course not .I told him , like a fool , where the site was \u2014 and he 's done the rest during the night !", "It 's with you , partner !Take off your hat !", "No , he is n't \u2014 he 's no relation of mine !", "I 'd better explain , Mr. Wackerbath . It seems that my old \u2014 er \u2014 friend here has , with the mistaken notion that he was helping me , built this palace for you himself . I have n't seen it \u2014 but , from what I know of his talents in that line , it can n't be half a bad sort of place \u2014 in its way . And , anyhow , I should n't dream of making any charge under the circumstances . We make you a present of it \u2014 perhaps you did n't understand that ? So , surely you will accept it in the \u2014 the spirit in which it was intended , what ?", "Now , Fakrash \u2014 just you stop this !", "I 'll not have it , Fakrash ! Let him up at once !", "Let this unfortunate gentleman up , will you ! I command you . Both on the head and eye !", "My dear sir , you must believe I 've had no share in this ! I \u2014 I really do n't know how to apologise \u2014\u2014", "You shall be , very soon . Fakrash , clear that palace away at once . Sharp , now !", "I 've told you to obliterate that palace , Fakrash . Am", "I to tell you twice ?", "It wo n't do , Fakrash ! Do as you 're told \u2014 and be quick about it .", "Mr. Wackerbath , you will find on your return that that is so . I 've only to apologise once more for all the \u2014 er \u2014 inconvenience you 've been put to .", "No , I 've lost him \u2014 thanks to that old busybody over there . He 's done my business !", "Surely you do n't need to be told ! Why , he 's the old Jinnee who was inside the bottle .", "Hang it ! You must have noticed something queer about him !", "That 's the best news I 've heard from you \u2014 so far .", "So you ought to be after your latest performance . I suppose you know you 've wrecked my chances as an architect ? But never mind that now \u2014 have you found time to look up the Professor yet ?", "And you went to Cottesmore Gardens in that kit ?If you could only see yourself !", "I did n't say on the 5th of November ! However , you saw him . Did you get your seal back ?", "Oh , well , never mind \u2014 it 'll turn up in time . What I really want to know is whether you convinced him that you 'd come out of the brass bottle ?", "His \u2014 silence ! You \u2014 you old devil ! You \u2014 you 've not \u2014 killed him !", "Phew ! What a fright you gave me !But you 've been up to some devilry or other \u2014 I 'm sure of it . What have you done to him ? Out with it !", "A one-eyed what !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 795, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Anthony ! Do n't go on like that , for goodness \u2019 sake ! You must try and control yourself ! Just think , if the servants heard you !What is it , Jessie ? I have n't rung .", "Then it was very foolish of you . What should have happened ? If you heard anything , it probably came from next door .", "Oh , that ? That 's nothing , nothing ! The Professor is merely shifting some of the furniture .", "You 're not to go in there ! You know your master allows nobody to touch his things . I can n't have him disturbed .", "Certainly not ! Leave the room and attend to your work .Good gracious ! the visitors \u2019 bell ! Jessie , I 'm not at home ! Nobody is at home ! Whoever it is , mind !", "Mr. Pringle ! You can go , Jessie .", "How do you do , Mr. Pringle ?Do sit down .", "Half past twelve is surely quite early enough . Not that I am anything but delighted to see you , at any time .", "I 'm so sorry \u2014 but that 's really impossible just now .", "N \u2014 not unwell exactly . But \u2014 not quite his usual self .", "Yes \u2014 yes \u2014 he \u2014 he 's particularly busy this morning .", "I do assure you he can see nobody at present .", "Discovered !", "Oh , he 's not likely to do that \u2014 he has much more important matters to think about !", "She is very busy too , helping my husband .He \u2014 he sometimes makes use of her as \u2014 as his amanuensis .", "Sylvia ! Do n't you see Mr. Pringle ?", "Nothing , my dear .I must ask you to excuse me , Mr. Pringle . My husband is a little irritable this morning .A sharp attack of \u2014 of gout . In both legs , you know !Anthony , you must not excite yourself like this .", "What is it , Sylvia ?Mr. Ventimore ! You here !Keep back , Anthony ! Keep back ! Remember \u2014 you 're not fit to be seen , as you are !", "Oh , in that case \u2014\u2014", "Unless you can say how and when my husband may expect to see an end of all this \u2014\u2014", "Make old Fakrash see to it ?", "Then \u2014 are you responsible for this ?", "You might have prevented his making a mule of my husband !", "Then send for him and insist on his repairing what he 's done here .", "Off to Arabia !And when \u2014 when is he likely to be back ?", "And is my husband to remain a mule for the rest of his life ?", "You do n't seem to be managing him very well so far .", "It 's my husband who has to be brought round \u2014 and there 's no time to be lost !", "How good of you !", "Of course not \u2014 that 's why it 's there !", "Oh ! he would n't be so obstinate if he was n't a mule !", "Oh , Anthony !", "Anthony ! Do n't provoke him ! Think of others !", "Oh , Anthony ! Think ! Think !", "There 's some in the dining-room .At least , it 's filtered , if that will do !", "I think you forget yourself , Anthony !", "I 've brought it in this , but if you prefer a breakfast-cup \u2014\u2014", "Now , Anthony , after all you have been through , you 'd better sit down for a little .", "Nonsense , Anthony ! You can dine out anywhere now , you know \u2014 and it will do you good . Thank you , Mr. Pringle , we shall be delighted . Sha'n ' t we , Sylvia ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 795, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["That will do , Mrs. Rapkin . Ca n't I bring a \u2014 a friend in with me without your making all this fuss about it ?", "All right , all right ! You can go now \u2014\u2014 both of you . I 've some business to settle with this \u2014 gentleman .", "Now then , you \u2014 you unspeakable old swine ! What do you mean by bringing me here like this ?", "To introduce me to that precious bride of yours , eh ? I 've told you already", "I 'll have nothing to do with her .", "Death ! I say , you do n't mean that !Yes , you do !By Gad ! you 're dangerous ! Well , just tell me this \u2014 what on earth have I done to deserve death ?", "I see . You seem to have forgotten that this is the very place where I let you out of that bottle .", "I quite agree with you there .Now , before you begin this execution , you 'd better listen to me . You 've got hold of some quite imaginary grievance , and I can tell you you 'll look uncommonly foolish if you find after you 've cut off my head that there 's nothing in it \u2014\u2014 in the grievance , I mean !", "I do n't know of anybody that has .Wish to Heaven I did !", "I 've no idea what you 're driving at .", "Those ? Oh , factories \u2014 works of sorts .", "Gasometers .", "If I can \u2014 if only I can !All right ! I 'll try to tell you .The \u2014 er \u2014 potentate has several names , but his most popular title is Progress .", "By all means ! Well , Progress has subdued the \u2014 er \u2014 unruly forces of Nature , and compelled them to labour for humanity .", "Why ? Because I thought you were such a respectable , harmless old foozle that you 'd never do anything to deserve it .But , of course , you will if you cut my head off . You 'll have a much worse time than ever you had in the bottle !", "I think you 're wise .And I tell you what \u2014 if you 'll only make it worth my while I 'll seal you up myself .", "You need n't go on \u2014 I quite see your point . Only \u2014 if I do n't seal you up , who will ?", "Oh ! is that the idea ?But Efreets , eh ?Are you quite sure you can trust \u2018 em ? You know what Efreets are !Ah ! I thought you did !", "They 'd love it ! And as soon as they got you safely corked up , what 's to prevent them from handing you over to Progress ? Progress wo n't put up with your little ways \u2014 you can n't go about beheading architects in this country without paying for your fun . I expect you 'd catch it devilish hot !", "Quite so ; and I can help you to return from it . I 'm not an Efreet , and if I undertake to bottle you up and drop you into a deep part of our river here , you can depend on me to do it .", "Not good enough ! You must offer better terms than that ! What have you done to deserve any help from me ?", "Kindnesses ! Till I met you I was happy and hopeful \u2014 now , I 'm miserable and desperate !", "What ? When you 've parted me for ever from the girl I love ! Life is no boon to me now . If you do n't put an end to me I shall do it myself \u2014 by jumping over that balcony and breaking my neck !... I 've a good mind to do it now .", "That 's more like business ! But \u2014 can you undo the mischief you 've done ?", "By Jove ! That 's rather a neat way out \u2014\u2014 if you 've really done all that !", "Well ,\u2014 I must take your word for it . But there 's Mr. and Mrs. Wackerbath ,\u2014 can you make them forget everything connected with you \u2014 except that I 'm to build them a house ?", "Splendid ! Do the thing well while you 're about it \u2014 better throw in their coachman \u2014 oh , and the couple you saw here just now ,\u2014 the Rapkins .", "Right ! I 'll go and get it out of my bedroom .", "Here 's your bottle ! Got the stopper ?", "I swear it \u2014 by the beard of Progress \u2014 on whom be peace !... You step in , sir , and leave the rest to me .", "Delightful !", "Tucked yourself in comfortably ? Say when .", "You 're safer where you are , old cocky ! Good-bye !Phew ! Near thing that !All right ! Wait a bit ! I 'm busy !", "\u201c Can you dine with wife and self , Savoy Hotel , 8. 15 to-night ? Quite small party . Could discuss plans new house . Ask for \u2018 Pinafore \u2019 Room .\u2014 Wackerbath . \u201d Good ! Wackerbath 's all right , anyhow !The Savoy , though ! Pringle 's dining there to-night .... Good Lord ! I forgot all about Pringle ! I wonder if Fakrash has made him forget ? If he did n't , by George ! there 'll be a pretty kettle of fish !", "Nothing \u2014 I was n't speaking to you .Can you read it ?", "Er \u2014 when ? I \u2014 I 'm not sure .Oh , just tell Mrs. Rapkin I should like to see her .", "I only wanted to tell you that I sha'n ' t be in to dinner to-night , Mrs. Rapkin .", "No . Why ?Oh , this kit-bag ? I 'm lending it \u2014 to a friend of mine . Just going to see him off \u2014\u2014 for a long holiday . I shall come in to dress .Fool I was to forget Pringle !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 795, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Eh ? Well , I hope so , I 'm sure . They 're behind their time as it is .H 'm ! Not bad . But you need n't have had all those roses \u2014 half a dozen would have been quite sufficient . And \u2014 hang it all ! You 've laid for six people !", "Nonsense ! Your orders were to lay for four . A \u201c petty party carry \u201d \u2014 if you know what that means .", "I know that \u2014 and the manager told me this morning on the telephone that he 's reserved the \u201c Pinafore \u201d Room for me . I 'm only expecting three guests , though ; so just clear away those two extra places , and look sharp about it .", "Confound you , do you suppose I do n't know how many people I 've asked ? Have the table altered at once , or I shall send for the manager .", "I sha'n ' t pay for more than four \u2014 mind that !It 's going to cost me quite enough without that , I can see !Eight-fifteen ! And I asked them for eight sharp . Very singular \u2014 the Professor 's generally so punctual !Ah , here they are !What , you , Ventimore ! I scarcely expected to see you here to-night .", "Considering that , when I last saw you , you were flying over the chimney-pots with an Oriental enchanter you had released from a brass bottle \u2014\u2014", "It 's hardly a thing one would be likely to forget in a hurry . You were being conducted to meet your bride , I think \u2014 are you beginning your honeymoon in this hotel ?", "What !\u2014 the client I met in your office this morning ? Then he must have an uncommonly short memory , that 's all ! But , whether you 're dining with him or not , that 's no reason why you should have forced your way in here ! I suppose you 're hoping that , if you can only see Miss Futvoye \u2014\u2014", "Do you ? You would n't if you 'd heard her parting words to me this afternoon . I said to her : \u201c You wo n't forget ? \u201d Her answer was : \u201c As if I could \u2014 after all you 've done for us ! \u201d", "That 's just why they 're not likely to forget it .They may be here at any moment !", "I do count on them \u2014 and I consider your intrusion here in the worst possible taste . I think you might have the decency to go !", "It wo n't do , you know ! If it was , he 'd be here to receive you \u2014 which he is n't .", "Ventimore !Will you kindly explain to your host that that 's my dinner-table he 's taking these liberties with ?", "I intend to \u2014 presently .", "My name is Pringle . Yours \u2014\u2014 is quite well known to me , Mr. Wackerbath .", "I am not here in that capacity , sir . I am here because I also am expecting friends to dine with me . And I was certainly given to understand that this room had been reserved for my own party .", "I can only assure you that this is the first I 've heard of it , or else \u2014\u2014", "I 'm afraid , Mrs. Wackerbath , it has put my guests to considerable inconvenience , as they have presumably been shown into the \u201c Patience \u201d Room , and been waiting there for nearly half an hour \u2014 if they have n't already left ! So \u2014\u2014 if you will kindly permit me \u2014\u2014", "There ! Who 's right now ? I knew they would n't forget !", "Aha !", "First my room , and then my guests !", "What , another palace ,", "Mr. Wackerbath ?", "I found it was n't necessary . How are you , Professor ?Delighted to see you .", "Good evening , Miss Sylvia , it 's really about time that I reminded you of my humble existence .", "No , you were so much engaged .", "And I must say I little expected when I last saw you at Cottesmore", "Gardens \u2014 scarcely seven hours ago \u2014\u2014!", "Charming of you to put it in that way ! I was almost beginning to fear that you had forgotten \u2014\u2014 our last meeting .", "Ages ago !", "With Mr. and Mrs .\u2014\u2014! Pardon me , but I am under the impression that I am to have the honour of entertaining you .", "And you can throw me over like this ! After all I 've done for you ? Oh , Sylvia !", "This is your work ! I see how it is \u2014 you 've made \u2018 em all knuckle down , somehow !", "They may pretend to forget if they like ! But I 'm hanged if I do !", "I not only have been , I am , my dear lady .", "Hardly , as it happened to be given \u2014 and accepted \u2014 by word of mouth , Mrs. Futvoye . However , since you seem to have found a subsequent engagement more attractive , I have , of course , no option but to release you .", "Pray say no more . I quite understand the situation \u2014 quite .", "Well , Mr. Wackerbath , if you think it will contribute to the general gaiety , I \u2014 I do n't mind if I do join your party .", "I suppose you know why I 've accepted that fellow 's hospitality ?", "I mean to show up the lot of you ! I 'm going to be the skeleton at your feast .", "It 's too sickening ! All of \u2018 em grovelling and cringing to you because they 're in a blue funk of that old Fakrash ! You 've managed to get him under control again !", "I 'm not afraid of you , or your Jinnee either \u2014 he rather took to me ! And if the Futvoyes choose to drop me like this , I 'm not going to take it lying down \u2014 I can make them look pretty foolish !", "We 'll see about that ! You can n't shut my mouth !", "\u201c Unpleasant \u201d ? Oh , dear no !Quite an ordinary occurrence ! Ha-ha !", "But are you thankful ? I have n't noticed any signs of it , so far !", "Ho-ho ! He 's no idea who the \u2014 ah \u2014 culprit is . Have you , Professor ?", "Bravo , Professor ! Does you credit , that theory of yours ! Most ingenious !", "Must have been burglars , of course ! With gout in all their four legs \u2014 eh ,", "Mrs. Futvoye ?", "Oh , the Professor was n't disturbed \u2014 not he ! \u201c Preserved perfect calm and self-control from first to last \u201d \u2014 did n't you , Professor ?", "Ha-ha ! Sound asleep , eh ? But you must have had a touch of nightmare when", "I saw you .", "Oh , in your study . When you were lashing out at everything \u2014 with your hind legs .", "It wo n't do , Professor , it wo n't do ! I was there , remember . And lucky for you I was \u2014 or you 'd be a wall-eyed mule at this very moment .Oh , it may suit you to forget it now \u2014 but you were all three \u2014 especially Sylvia \u2014 grateful enough to me then !", "I suppose you wo n't deny that I was the only one who could tackle", "Ventimore 's old Jinnee ?", "As if you did n't know , Mrs. Futvoye ! I mean the old demon , or whatever he may be , that Ventimore let out of that brass bottle .", "I 'm talking about the bottle he bought for you at that auction yesterday ,", "Professor . You can surely remember that ?", "No more facetious , Mr. Wackerbath , than you were when", "I saw you this morning in Ventimore 's office .", "Oh , no . You did an even more unusual thing . You were there \u2014 running about on all fours , and yelping like a dog !", "Yes , you . The Jinnee made you do it , if you remember , because you declined to live in that palace he built for you in a single night . And you did n't seem to like the idea of having to cross Westminster Bridge on all fours !", "I have n't dined since last night \u2014 in that Arabian hall of Ventimore 's , with black slaves to wait , and dancing-girls . Professor , do n't pretend you 've forgotten those dancing-girls !", "So \u2014 so you 're trying to make out now that \u2014 that I 'm mad , are you ?", "Fancies !... Ventimore !I 've been a fool \u2014 I see that now . They 're not pretending \u2014 they really have forgotten !", "But they all think I 'm mad !You know I 'm not that !Am I ?", "I knew I was ! But tell \u2018 em so \u2014 tell \u2018 em it 's all true !", "But you must get me out of this somehow ,\u2014 or I shall be ruined ! Who 'd employ a mad architect ?", "I will \u2014 I will ! I 'll say anything , do anything !", "One . Only one .", "I can n't say \u2014 I did n't inquire .", "\u201c The Arabian Nights \u201d \u2014 yes . I read it regularly .", "But I am now \u2014 I am now !", "You 're extremely kind \u2014 but I think perhaps I shall be better at home .", "I 'm obliged to you \u2014 but I dine out very seldom . Good-night .Good-night , Miss Sylvia . May I offer my congratulations ? I can only hope that you may be as happy \u2014 as happy as \u2014 as possible .", "Good-night .One moment , Ventimore !", "I only wanted to ask you this .", "Where is that", "Jinnee of yours now ?", "Yes , I see that . What about it ?", "What !", "Well , I must say I 'm glad you 've got rid of him . And \u2014 er \u2014 you can rely on me to keep quiet about it for the future .", "Good-night .I shall go and get something to eat at an \u201c A. B. C . \u201d", "You need n't have told \u2018 em I 'd had three teeth out ! Good-night ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 795, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Here we sons of freedom dwell ,", "In our friendly , rock-hewn cell ;", "Pleasure 's dictates we obey ,", "Nature points us out the way ,", "Ever social , great and free ,", "Valour guards our liberty .", "AIR .", "Of severe and partial laws ,", "Venal judges , Alguazils ;", "Dreary dungeons \u2019 iron jaws ,", "Oar and gibbet \u2014 whips or wheels ,", "Let 's never think", "While thus me drink", "Sweet Muscadine !", "O life divine !", "Come , cavaliers , our carbines are loaded , our hearts are light : charge your glasses , Bacchus gives the word , and a volley makes us immortal as the rosy god .\u2014 Fire !", "Oh , no ! a brimmer round .\u2014 Come , a good booty to us to-night .", "Pho , Sanguino ! you know when a jest offers , Spado regards neither time , place , nor person .", "Come , away with reflection on the past , or care for the future ; the present is the golden moment of possession .\u2014 Let us enjoy it .", "You know , cavaliers , when I entered into this noble fraternity , I boasted only of a little courage sharpened by necessity , the result of my youthful follies , a father 's severity , and the malice of a good-natured dame .", "When you did me the honour to elect me your captain , two conditions I stipulated :\u2014\u2014 Though at war with the world abroad , unity and social mirth should preside over our little commonwealth at home .", "The other , unless to preserve your own lives , never commit a murder .", "Hand me that red wine .", "AIR II .\u2014 DON CAESAR .", "Flow , thou regal purple stream ,", "Tinctur 'd by the solar beam ,", "In my goblet sparkling rise ,", "Cheer my heart and glad my eyes .", "My brain ascend on fancy 's wing ,", "\u2018 Noint me , wine , a jovial king .", "While I live , I 'll lave my clay ,", "When I 'm dead and gone away ,", "Let my thirsty subjects say ,", "A month he reign 'd , but that was May .", "Hark , how distinct we hear the thunder through this vast body of earth and rock .\u2014 Rapino , is Calvette above , upon his post ?", "Spado , \u2018 tis your business to relieve the centinel .", "Come , come , no jesting with duty \u2014 \u2018 tis your watch .", "Then call Calvette , lock down the trap-door , and get us some more wine from the cistern .", "Not to-night \u2014 I know my time \u2014 I have my reasons \u2014 I shall give command on that business . But where 's the stranger we brought in at our last excursion ?", "Then he 'll fight .\u2014 My arms !", "To the attack of one man \u2014 paltry ! Only you , Calvette , Sanguino , Rapino , and Spado go ; the rest prepare for our general excursion .", "Come , come , leave buffoonery , and to your duty .", "How 's this ?", "What 's the matter ?", "Begone instantly to your comrades .Signor , no occasion to tamper with my companions ; you shall owe your liberty to none but me . I 'll convey you to the cottage of the vines , belonging to the peasant Philippo , not far from Don Scipio 's castle ; there you may rest in safety to-night , and \u2014", "Look ye , signor , I am a ruffian , perhaps worse , but venture to trust me .\u2014 A picklock may be used to get to a treasure \u2014 do n't wish to know more of me than I now chuse to tell you ; but , if your mistress loves you as well as you seem to love her , to-morrow night she 's yours .", "Now for Philippo \u2014 I do n't suppose you wish to see any of our work above \u2014 ha ! ha ! ha !\u2014 Well , well , I was once a lover , but now \u2014 AIR IV .\u2014 DON CAESAR . On by the spur of valour goaded , Pistols primed , and carbines loaded , Courage strikes on hearts of steel ; While each spark , Through the dark Gloom of night , Lends a clear and cheering light , Who a fear or doubt can feel ? Like serpents now , through thickets creeping , Then on our prey , like lions , leaping ! Calvette to the onset leads us , Let the wand'ring trav'ler dread us ! Struck with terror and amaze , While our swords with lightning blaze .Thunder to our carbines roaring , Bursting clouds in torrents pouring , Each a free and roving blade , Ours a free and roving trade , To the onset let 's away , Valour calls , and we obey ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 801, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Don Scipio not returned ! a foolish old man , rambling about at this time of night ! Stay , Vasquez , where 's this strange , ugly little fellow you said wanted to speak with me ?", "Well , sir , pray who are you ?", "Don Fernando ! Heavens ! is he arrived ? Here , Vasquez , Lopez , Diego !", "Well , sir !", "Incog !", "No , pray do n't , sir .", "Here 's a discovery ! so then , it 's my poor child that must have fallen into this snare \u2014Well , good sir .", "He shall find I am not so easily imposed upon .", "Ay , that I should , sir .", "Don Fernando ! Oh , then , this is the rascally valet , but I 'll give him a welcome with a vengeance !", "So , I was likely to have a hopeful son-in-law ! Good sir , we are eternally indebted to you for this timely notice of the imposition .", "Dear sir , I beseech you be at home under this roof ; pray be free , and want for nothing the house affords .", "Heavens ! what an honest soul it is ! what a lucky discovery ! Oh , here comes my darling girl !", "Why , Lorenza , I must say the toilet has done its duty ; I 'm glad to see you in such spirits , my dear child !", "I request , my dear , you 'll not think of this Ramirez \u2014 even from your own account of him , he must be a person of most dissolute principles \u2014 fortunately he knows you only by your name of Lorenza . I hope he wo n't find you out here .", "Has Don Fernando a servant with him ?", "Oh , when he comes , take notice of him .", "What an impudent fellow !", "Yes , he 's well enough for a trumpeter .", "Don Scipio , a word if you please .", "A fact ; and presently you 'll see Don Fernando himself in livery .", "Hold ! let him play off a few of his airs .", "Servant Pedrillo ! Ay , this is Fernando himself .", "How well he does look and act the servant !", "Please to sit , sir ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 801, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["As sure as I 'm alive , it 's fact , sir .\u2014", "Most certainly , sir : for , after having robbed me of five hundred doubloons , the wicked rogues barbarously stripped , and tied me neck and heels , threw me across a mule , like a sack of corn , and led me blindfold to their cursed cavern .", "There , sir , in this sculking hole the villains live in all manner of debauchery , and dart out upon the innocent traveller , like beasts of prey .", "And he took it ! what a mean fellow !\u2014 you ought not to have ventured out unarmed \u2014 I always take a blunderbuss when I go upon the road \u2014 the rascal banditti are most infernal cowards .", "Ah , sir , \u2018 twould be a blessed affair \u2014 Oh , I 'd hang them up like mad dogs !", "Yes , yes , I slipped the handkerchief from my eyes and took a peep , made particular observations of the spot ; so get a strong guard , and I 'll lead you to the very trap-door of their den .", "Heaven knows , sir , I have no motives for this discovery but the public good , so I expect the country will order me a hundred pistoles , as a reward for my honesty .", "Sir , have an eye upon their captain , as they call him , he 's the most abandoned , impudent profligate \u2014Captain did I say ?Oh , no ; the captain 's a very worthy good-natured fellow \u2014 I meant a scoundrel , who thinks he ought to be captain , one Sanguino , the most daring , wicked , and bloody villain that \u2014but indeed , I found Sanguino an honest , good-natured fellow too \u2014", "Yes ; then , sir , I thought I saw these two gentlemen , and at that instant , I thought they looked so terrible , that with the fright I awoke .", "Ay , sir , and the most frightful dream I ever had in my life . I 'm at this instant frightened out of my wits .", "Do n't mention cave , or I faint \u2014 heigho !", "Yes , I 'll wait on her .", "Dear sir , she can n't do without me at this time .", "I come .", "Ah , my dear captain .What , and my little Sanguino too ! Who could have thought of your finding me out here ?", "Such discoveries as I have made in the castle !\u2014", "Oh , you overheard that ! Did n't I hum the old fellow finely ? Ha ! ha ! ha !", "Nay , my dear Sanguino , stay ! What the devil \u2014 So here I can n't run a jest upon a silly old man , but I must be run through with a stilletto !", "Business , my dear sir , business ; all in our own way too , for I designed to let every man of you into the castle this very night , when all the family are in bed , and plunder 's the word \u2014 Oh , such a delicious booty ! pyramids of plate , bags of gold , and little chests of diamonds !", "Sanguino , look at the closet .", "A glorious prize !", "Six chests of massy plate ! Look , only look into the closet ; wait here a moment , and I 'll fetch a master key that shall open every one of them .", "I 'll fetch it .", "I will , my dear boy .", "My good \u2014 honest \u2014 Oh , you two thieves !", "I have no key \u2014 However , I have stolen Don Fernando 's portmanteau as a peace-offering for these two rascals ! Are you there ? What a pity the coming of my fellow-rogues ! I should have had the whole castle to myself \u2014 Oh , what a charming seat of work for a man of my industry \u2014You find the chests there \u2014 you may convey them out at night , and as for cutting Don Scipio 's throat \u2014 that I leave to \u2014", "Oh , zounds !\u2014 Yes , sir , as I was telling you .", "Shocking , sir \u2014 then I thought \u2014", "I 've got off , thanks to his credulity .", "\u2018 Sdeath , I 'm on again !", "What , my master 's ?\u2014 \u2018 egad so it is \u2014 But I wonder who could have brought it here .\u2014 Ay , ay , my fellow servant Pedrillo is now too grand to mind his business ;\u2014 and my master , I find , though he has taken the habit , scorns the office of a servant \u2014 So I must look after the things myself .", "Yes , sir , I 'll take care of them !", "That 's more than I am .", "Yes , sir , I came here to see what I can pick up .", "But before I turn honest , I must get somewhat to keep me so .", "AIR X .\u2014 SPADO .", "In the forest here hard by ,", "A bold robber late was I ,", "Sword and blunderbuss in hand ,", "When I bid a trav'ler stand ;", "Zounds , deliver up your cash ,", "Or straight I 'll pop and slash ,", "All among the leaves so green-o !", "Damme , sir ,", "If you stir ,", "Sluice your veins ,", "Blow your brains ,", "Hey down ,", "Ho down ,", "Derry , derry down ,", "All amongst the leaves so green-o .", "II .", "Soon I 'll quit the roving trade ,", "When a gentleman I 'm made ;", "Then so spruce and debonnaire ,", "\u2018 Gad , I 'll court a lady fair ;", "How I 'll prattle , tattle , chat ,", "How I 'll kiss her , and all that ,", "All amongst the leaves so green-o !", "How d'ye do ?", "How are you ?", "Why so coy ?", "Let us toy ,", "Hey down ,", "Ho down ,", "Derry , derry down ,", "All amongst the leaves so green-o .", "III .", "But ere old , and grey my pate ,", "I 'll scrape up a snug estate :", "With my nimbleness of thumbs ,", "I 'll soon butter all my crumbs .", "When I 'm justice of the peace ,", "Then I 'll master many a lease ,", "All amongst the leaves so green-o .", "Wig profound ,", "Belly round ,", "Sit at ease ,", "Snatch the fees ,", "Hey down ,", "Ho down ,", "Derry , derry down ,", "All amongst the leaves so green-o ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 801, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["A wild scheme of my father 's , to think of an alliance with this mad family ; yes , Don Scipio 's brain is certainly touched beyond cure , his daughter , my cara sposa of Italy , do n't suit my idea of what a wife should be \u2014 no , the lovely novice , this poor relation of Dame Isabel , has caught my heart . I 'm told to-morrow she 's to be immured in a convent ; what if I ask Dame Isabel , if \u2014 but she , and indeed Don Scipio , carry themselves very strangely towards me \u2014 I can n't imagine what 's become of my rascal Pedrillo .", "Oh here 's a gentleman I ha'n ' t seen before !", "Pray , sir , may I \u2014 Pedrillo ,where have you \u2014 hey ! what , ha ! ha ! ha ! what 's the matter with you ?", "I can n't imagine how , or what it all means .", "Then , sir , if you are a gentleman of such prodigious merit , be so obliging , with submission to your cap and gown , as to \u2014 pull off my boots .", "My respects , I attend them .", "Well , but perhaps , my good friend , I may like a dish of chocolate as well as his honour here .", "I 'll teach you to laugh , sirrah !", "Don Scipio shall render me an account for this treatment ; bear his contempt , and become the butt for the jests of his insolent servants ! As I do n't like his daughter , I have now a fair excuse , and indeed a just cause , to break my contract , and quit his castle ; but then , I leave behind the mistress of my soul \u2014 Suppose I make her a tender of my heart \u2014 but that might offend , as she must know my hand is engaged to another \u2014 When I looked , she turned her lovely eyes averted \u2014 Doom 'd to a nunnery ! AIR XI .\u2014 FERNANDO . My fair one , like the blushing rose , Can sweets to every sense disclose : Those sweets I 'd gather , but her scorn Then wounds me like the sharpest thorn . With sighs each grace and charm I see Thus doom 'd to wither on the tree , Till age shall chide the thoughtless maid , When all those blooming beauties fade . Hey , who comes here ? this is the smart little girl who seems so much attached to the beautiful novice \u2014 No harm to speak with her \u2014 Enter CATILINA . So my pretty primrose !", "Not know my name ! You must know who I am though , and my business here , child ?", "Am I faith ? Ha ! ha ! ha ! I 'll humour this \u2014 Well then , my dear , you know that I am only Don Fernando 's footman ?", "But where 's my master ?", "Oh , this accounts for twelve covers at supper and the embroider 'd bed ; but who could have set such a jest going ? I 'll carry it on though \u2014So then after all I am known here ?", "Something else will out \u2014 I 'll seem to be in the secret , and perhaps may come at it \u2014Ay , ay , that piece of deceit is much worse than ours .", "Here 's a discovery !O yes , I know that .", "Is it possible ! Here 's a piece of villany !Charming ! let me kiss you , my dear girl .", "My little angel , a thousand thanks for this precious discovery .", "Why what a villain is this Don Scipio ! ungrateful to \u2014 but I scorn to think of the services I rendered him last night in the forest ; a false friend to my father , an unnatural parent to his amiable daughter ! here my charmer comes .", "Stay , lovely Victoria !", "Oh , I could speak to her for ever , for ever gaze upon her charms , thus transfixed with wonder and delight .", "For worlds I would not offend ! but think not , lady , \u2018 tis the knowledge of your quality that attracts my admiration .", "I know you to be Don Scipio 's daughter , the innocent victim of injustice and oppression ; therefore I acknowledge to you , and you alone , that , whatever you may have heard to the contrary , I really am Fernando de Zelva .", "What your modesty regards as cold compliments , are sentiments warm with the dearest purpose ; I came hither to ratify a contract with Don Scipio 's daughter ; you are she , the beautiful Victoria , destined for the happy Fernando .", "And do you , can you , wish me to espouse Donna Lorenza ,", "Isabella 's daughter ?\u2014 Say , you do not , do but satisfy me so far .", "A thousand thanks for this generous , this amiable condescension .\u2014 Oh , my Victoria ! if fortune but favours my design , you shall yet triumph over the malice of your enemies .", "My life , my love , adieu !", "So faithful to my fair I 'll prove ,", "Vict . So kind and constant to my love ,", "Don Fer . I 'd never range ,", "Vict . I 'd never change ,", "Both . Nor time , nor chance , my faith shall move .", "This is fortunate ; the whole family , except Victoria , are firmly possessed with the idea that I am but the servant .\u2014 Well , since they will have me an impostor , they shall find me one : In Heaven 's name , let them continue in their mistake , and bestow their mock Victoria upon my sham Fernando . I shall have a pleasant and just revenge for their perfidy ; and , perhaps , obtain Don Scipio 's real , lovely daughter , the sum of my wishes .\u2014 Here comes Don Scipio \u2014 Now to begin my operations .", "These clothes fall to my share , however ; my master will never wear them after me .", "I wish he 'd own himself , for I 'm certain Don Scipio suspects who I am .", "Ha , my dear friend , Don Scipio , I was \u2014", "Lord , your honour , how came you to know that I am Pedrillo ?", "Pedrillo ! The fellow will spoil all ; I wish I had given him his lesson before I began with Don Scipio .", "Sir , my master is such an obstinate gentleman , as sure as you stand here , he 'll still deny himself to be Don Fernando .", "Yes , sir , you are found out .", "Ay , he 'll ruin all \u2014", "\u2014 Let me speak to him . Tell", "Don Scipio you are the master .", "Stupid dog !\u2014", "\u2014 Say you are Fernando , and", "I am Pedrillo .", "Dull rogue !I told you , sir , he 'd persist in it .", "Ah , sir , if you were to see my master dressed \u2014 the livery makes such an alteration !", "An insensible scoundrel !", "At your service , ma'am .", "Here , rogue , this purse is yours \u2014 say you are Don Fernando ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 801, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["D'ye hear , Vasquez ? run to Father Benedick , tell him to wipe his chin , go up to the chapel , put on his spectacles , open his breviary ,\u2014 find out matrimony , and wait till we come to him .\u2014Then , hey , for a brace of weddings ! AIR XV .\u2014 DON SCIPIO . Then hey for a lass and a bottle to cheer , And a thumping bantling every year ! With skin as white as snow , And hair as brown as a berry ! With eyes as black as a sloe , And lips as red as a cherry ; Sing rory tory , Dancing , prancing , Laugh and lie down is the play , We 'll fondle together , In spite of the weather , And kiss the cold winter away . Laugh while you live , For as life is a jest , Who laughs the most , Is sure to live best . When I was not so old , I frolick 'd among the misses ; And when they thought me too bold , I stopped their mouths with kisses . Sing rory , tory , & c . I wonder , is Don Fernando drest \u2014 Oh , here comes the servant , in his proper habiliments ! Enter DON FERNANDO , in a Livery . Ay , now , my lad , you look something like .", "But , Pedrillo , is your master equipped ? \u2018 faith , I long to see him in his proper garb .", "Portmanteau ! Oh , it 's safe enough \u2014 Your fellow servant has it .", "Ay , the little spy has taken it in charge \u2014 Oh , here comes the very beagle . Enter SPADO . Well , my little dreamer , look ; Pedrillo has got into his own clothes again .", "Tell Pedrillo where you have left your master 's portmanteau . While I go lead him in triumph to his bride .", "I 'll wait on you presently .", "Ha , Pedrillo , now your disguises are over , return me the ring .", "Come , let me have it , lad ; I 'll give you a better thing , but that ring belonged to my deceased lady .", "Do let me have it \u2014 Zounds , here 's five pistoles , and the gold of the ring is not worth a dollar .", "Run , do n't you hear your master , you brace of rascals ?\u2014 Fly !", "What an alteration !", "Bless me , Don Fernando is very passionate , just like his father .", "Yes , and Ovid 's Metamorphoses too , ha ! ha ! ha !", "Pedrillo !", "Don Fernando , I like you vastly .", "Son-in-law , you 're a flaming beau !\u2014 Egad , you have a princely person .", "Ha ! ha ! ha ! can n't forget Pedrillo .\u2014 But come , ha \u2019 done with your Pedrillos now \u2014 be yourself , son-in-law .", "Pardon me , sir , I do n't know any such thing .", "Put a stone upon my head !", "A narrow-minded spark !", "Yes , generous as a Dutch usurer !", "A hey ! Since Don Fernando turns out to be such a coxcomb , \u2018 faith , I 'm not sorry that my own child , has escaped him :\u2014 A convent itself is better than a marriage with a monkey .\u2014 The poor thing 's fortune though !\u2014 And then my son \u2014 I begin now to think I was too hard upon Caesar \u2014 to compare him with this puppy \u2014 but I must forget my children , Dame Isabel will have me upon no other terms .", "Was ever such a conceited , empty , impudent \u2014\u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 801, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["So many eyes about \u2014 I can do nothing ; if I could but raise a commotion to employ their attention \u2014 Oh ! here 's Don Juan , father to Fernando , just arrived \u2014 Yes , if I could but mix up a fine confusion now \u2014 ay , that 's the time to pick up the loose things \u2014 but hold , I am told this Don Juan is very passionate \u2014 heh ! to set him and Don Scipio together by the ears \u2014 Ears !\u2014 I have it .", "A grim-looking old gentleman !", "How do you do , signor ?", "Me a physician ! Alack-a-day , no , your honour , I am poor Spado .", "He hear ! Ah , poor gentleman \u2014 hear ! his misfortune !", "At the brink .", "He has nearly lost one , sir .", "Ask ! then you must speak very loud , sir .", "Almost , sir , the dear gentleman can scarce hear a word .", "Now if I could bring the old ones together , I should'nt doubt of a quarrel .", "Hear ! Ah ! poor Don Juan 's hearing ! I 've been roaring to him these five minutes .", "He 's almost deaf .", "You must bellow to him like a speaking trumpet .", "I wonder how my work goes on here !\u2014", "I give you joy , sir .", "Hang 'd ! dear sir , \u2018 twould be the death of me .", "Stay where you are , he do n't want you .", "For me ! the best friend you had in the world !", "Why , I 've saved your throat .", "Only two of the banditti here in the castle , this morning .", "But I got them out .", "I told them they should come and murder you this evening .", "Ay , captain , let 's have a choice rummaging .", "Yes , sir ; but our captain , your son , must lead up the ball .", "And , sir ,if fate has decreed that your son is not to be hanged , let the indulgence extend to the humblest of his followers ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 801, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["No , it \u2019 s another matter .", "There \u2019 s no need of that ability in the matter which I have in hand ; but of those { qualities } which I have ever known as existing in you , fidelity and secrecy .", "Since I purchased you , you know that , from a little child , your servitude with me has always been easy and light . From a slave I made you my freedman ;for this reason , because you served me with readiness . The greatest recompense that I possessed , I bestowed upon you .", "I am not changed .", "I \u2019 ll do so . In the first place , in this affair I give you notice : this , which you suppose to be such , is not a real marriage .", "You shall hear all the matter from the beginning ; by that means you \u2019 ll be acquainted with both my son \u2019 s mode of life and my own design , and what I want you to do in this affair . For after he had passed youthfulness ,Sosia , and had obtained free scope of living ,were checking him ? ) \u2014", "What all young men , for the most part , do ,\u2014 devote their attention to some particular pursuit , either to training horses or dogs for hunting , or to the philosophers ;in not one of these did he engage in particular beyond the rest , and yet in all of them in a moderate degree . I was pleased .", "Such was his mode of life ; readily to bear and to comply with all ; with whomsoever he was in company , to them to resign himself ; to devote himself to their pursuits ; at variance with no one ; never preferring himself to them . Thus most readily you may acquire praise without envy , and gain friends .", "Meanwhile , three years ago ,a certain woman from Andros removed hither into this neighborhood , driven by poverty and the neglect of her relations , of surpassing beauty and in the bloom of youth .", "At first , in a modest way , she passed her life with thriftiness and in hardship , seeking a livelihood with her wool and loom . But after an admirer made advances , promising her a recompense , { first } one and then another ; as the disposition of all mankind has a downward tendency from industry toward pleasure , she accepted their proposals , { and } then began to trade { upon her beauty }. Those who then were her admirers , by chance , as it { often } happens , took my son thither that he might be in their company . Forthwith I { said } to myself , \u201c He is surely caught ; he is smitten .\u201dIn the morning I used to observe their servant-boys coming or going away ; I used to make inquiry , \u201c Here , my lad , tell me , will you , who had Chrysis yesterday ?\u201d for that was the name of the Andrian", "Ph\u00e6drus , or Clinias , or Niceratus , they used to say ; for these three then loved her at the same time . \u201c Well now , what { did } Pamphilus { do }?\u201d \u201c What ? He gave his contribution ;he took part in the dinner .\u201d Just so on another day I made inquiry , but I discovered nothing whatever that affected Pamphilus . In fact , I thought him sufficiently proved , and a great pattern of continence ; for he who is brought into contact with dispositions of that sort , and his feelings are not aroused even under such circumstances , you may be sure that he is already capable of undertaking the governance of his own life . This pleased me , and every body with one voice { began } to say all { kinds of } flattering things , and to extol my { good } fortune , in having a son endowed with such a disposition . What need is there of talking ? Chremes , influenced by this report , came to me of his own accord , to offer his only daughter as a wife to my son , with a very large portion . It pleased me ; I betrothed him ; this was the day appointed for the nuptials .", "You shall hear . In about a few days after these things had been agreed on , Chrysis , this neighbor , dies .", "Then my son was often there , with those who had admired Chrysis ; with them he took charge of the funeral ; sorrowful , in the mean time , he sometimes wept { with them } in condolence . Then that pleased me . Thus I reflected : \u201c He by reason of this slight intimacy takes her death so much to heart ; what if he himself had wooed her ? What will he do for me his father ?\u201d All these things I took to be the duties of a humane disposition and of tender feelings . Why do I detain you with many { words }? Even I myself ,for his sake , went forth to the funeral , as yet suspecting no harm .", "You shall know . She is brought out ; we proceed . In the mean time , among the females who were there present , I saw by chance one young woman of beauteous form .", "And of countenance , Sosia , so modest , so charming , that nothing could surpass . As she appeared to me to lament beyond the rest , and as she was of a figure handsome and genteel beyond the other women , I approached the female attendants ;I inquired who she was . They said that she was the sister of Chrysis . It instantly struck my mind : \u201c Ay , ay , this is it ; hence those tears , hence that sympathy .\u201d", "The funeral procession meanwhile advances ; we follow ; we come to the burying-place .She is placed upon the pile ; they weep . In the mean time , this sister , whom I mentioned , approached the flames too incautiously , with considerable danger . There , at that moment , Pamphilus , in his extreme alarm , discovers his well-dissembled and long-hidden passion ; he runs up , clasps the damsel by the waist . \u201c My Glycerium ,\u201d says he , \u201c what are you doing ? Why are you going to destroy yourself ?\u201d Then she , so that you might easily recognize their habitual attachment , weeping , threw herself back upon him \u2014 how affectionately !", "I returned thence in anger , and hurt at heart : and { yet there was } not sufficient ground for reproving him . He might say ; \u201c What have I done ? How have I deserved { this }, or offended , father ? She who wished to throw herself into the flames , I prevented ; I saved her .\u201d The defense is a reasonable one .", "Chremes comes to me next day , exclaiming : \u201c Disgraceful conduct !\u201d\u2014 that he had ascertained that Pamphilus was keeping this foreign woman as a wife . I steadfastly denied that to be the fact . He insisted that it was the fact . In short , I then left him refusing to bestow his daughter .", "Not even this was a cause sufficiently strong for censuring him .", "\u201c You yourself , father ,\u201d { he might say }, \u201c have prescribed a limit to these proceedings . { The time } is near , when I must live according to the humor of another ; meanwhile , for the present allow me to live according to my own .\u201d", "If on account of his amour he shall decline to take a wife , that , in the first place , is an offense on his part to be censured . And now for this am I using my endeavors , that , by means of the pretended marriage , there may be real ground for rebuking him , if he should refuse ; at the same time , that if { that } rascal Davus has any scheme , he may exhaust it now , while { his } knaveries can do no harm : who , I do believe , with hands , feet , { and } all his might , will do every thing ; and more for this , no doubt , that he may do me an ill turn , than to oblige my son .", "Do you ask ? Bad heart , bad disposition . Whom , however , if I do detect \u2014 But what need is there of talking ? If it should turn out , as I wish , that there is no delay on the part of Pamphilus , Chremes remains to be prevailed upon by me ; and I do hope that all will go well . Now it \u2019 s your duty to pretend these nuptials cleverly , to terrify Davus ; and watch my son , what he \u2019 s about , what schemes he is planning with him .", "You go first ; I \u2019 ll follow .", "There \u2019 s no doubt but that my son doesn \u2019 t wish for a wife ; so alarmed did I perceive Davus to be just now , when he heard that there was going to be a marriage . But the very man is coming out of the house ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I see that both of them are here .", "Pamphilus !", "I wish you to marry a wife to-day , as I was saying .", "You act as becomes you , when that which I ask I obtain with { a good } grace .", "Now , then , go in-doors , that you mayn \u2019 t be causing delay when you are wanted .", "What does he say , Davus ?", "What , nothing ? Eh ?", "And yet I certainly was expecting something .", "Are you able to tell me the truth ?", "Is this marriage at all disagreeable to him , on account of his intimacy with this foreign woman ?", "I commend him .", "He seemed to me to be somewhat melancholy in a slight degree .", "What is it , pray ?", "What is it ?", "Nay but , tell me what it is .", "What , I ?", "Hold your tongue .", "I \u2019 ll see that these things are properly done .What \u2019 s the meaning of this ? What does this old rogue mean ? But if there \u2019 s any knavery here , why , he \u2019 s sure to be the source of the mischief .ACT THE THIRD ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I was coming to you .", "Why isn \u2019 t the bride sent for ?It \u2019 s now growing late in the day .", "What , I do that ?", "What ?", "Have you found out at last what sort of a person I am ?", "How ? Not { to have taken place }?", "What is it you tell me ?", "{ Only } see ! I was not able to discover that . Dear me ! what a cunning contrivance !", "Ha ! Are we undone , then ?", "Why , what am I to hear ?", "Utterly ruined !", "Extremely well done , I say .", "I myself , indeed !", "Troth , I \u2019 ll do it with all due care .", "You may be at ease .", "A wonder if he isn \u2019 t at home .", "I \u2019 m a lost man ! What reason is there why I shouldn \u2019 t take my departure straightway hence for the mill ? There \u2019 s no room left for supplicating ; I \u2019 ve upset every thing now ; I \u2019 ve deceived my master ; I \u2019 ve plunged my master \u2019 s son into a marriage ; I \u2019 ve been the cause of its taking place this very day , without his hoping for it , and against the wish of Pamphilus . Here \u2019 s cleverness { for you }! But , if I had kept myself quiet , no mischief would have happened .But see , I espy him ; I \u2019 m utterly undone ! Would that there were some spot here for me , from which I might this instant pitch myself headlong !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["My { good } sir , prithee , what is that ? Whither are you carrying the child ?", "Why , what are you going to do ?", "Prithee , on the ground ?", "Why don \u2019 t you do it yourself ?", "I understand ; have these new scruples only just now occurred to you , pray ?", "What \u2019 s the matter ?", "I don \u2019 t understand what you are talking about .", "I don \u2019 t at all comprehend what you are about ; but if there \u2019 s any thing in which you have need of my assistance , as you understand the best , I \u2019 ll stay , that I mayn \u2019 t in any way impede your success .SCENE VII .", "Where is he ?", "He isn \u2019 t any where to be seen . Woe to wretched me ! the fellow has left me and is off .", "Pray , why did you leave me here alone ?", "Are you quite right in your senses , to be asking me that ?", "Pshaw !", "You are out of your senses ; didn \u2019 t you your own self ?", "From our house .", "May the Gods confound you ! you do so terrify poor me .", "What is it you want ?", "Don \u2019 t you know ?", "It belongs to your people .", "To Pamphilus .", "How now \u2014 is it not so ?", "Why are you bawling out so ?", "O { you } impudent fellow !", "I \u2019 faith , I thank the Gods that several free women were presentat the delivery .", "Upon my word , man , you are not sober .", "Well now , pray , is she not a citizen ?", "Wretched me ! upon my faith I have told no untruth , my { worthy } old gentleman ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Forbear entreating . Of these , any one reason prompts me to do it , either your own sake , or the fact that it is the truth , or that I wish well for Glycerium herself .", "Greetings to you , Chremes .", "{ So } it has happened . But is this Simo ?", "Simo , were you asking for me ?", "Do you deny it ?", "For what purpose ?", "Are you in your senses ?", "Hah !", "Let him take heed how he behaves . If he persists in saying to me what he likes , he \u2019 ll be hearing things that he don \u2019 t like . Am I meddling with these matters or interesting myself ? Can you not endure your troubles with a patient mind ? For as to what I say , whether it is true or false what I have heard , can soon be known . A certain man of Attica , a long time ago ,his ship being wrecked , was cast ashore at Andros , and this woman together with him , who was { then } a little girl ; he , in his destitution , by chance first made application to the father of Chrysis \u2014", "Really , is he to be interrupting me in this way ?", "He who received him was a relation of mine . There I heard from him that he was a native of Attica . He died there .", "The name , in such a hurry !", "I \u2019 faith , I really think it was Phania ; this I know for certain , he said that he was a citizen of Rhamnus .", "Many other persons in Andros have heard the same , Chremes .", "No .", "His brother \u2019 s daughter .", "What do you say ?", "What is that ?", "Troth , she had another when little .", "I \u2019 m trying to recollect it .", "That \u2019 s it ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Did Thais really return me many thanks ?", "Was she delighted , say you ?", "Undoubtedly it is the case with me , that every thing I do is a cause for thankfulness .", "The most mighty King ,even , always used to give me especial thanks for whatever I did ; but not so to others .", "You \u2019 ve just hit it .", "Just so .", "True ; he intrusted { to me } all his army , all his state secrets .", "Then if , on any occasion , a surfeit of society , or a dislike of business , came upon him , when he was desirous to take some recreation ; just as though \u2014 you understand ?", "You have it . Then he used to take me aside as his only boon companion .", "Aye , he is a person of that sort ; a man of but very few acquaintanceships .", "All the people envied me , and attacked me privately . I don \u2019 t care one straw . They envied me dreadfully ; but one in particular , whom { the King } had appointed over the Indian elephants .Once , when he became particularly troublesome , \u201c Prithee , Strato ,\u201d said I , \u201c are you so fierce because you hold command over the wild beasts ?\u201d", "Dumfounded , instantaneously .", "Well then , about that matter , Gnatho , the way in which I touched up the Rhodian at a banquet \u2014 did I never tell you ?", "There was in my company at a banquet , this young man of Rhodes , whom I \u2019 m speaking of . By chance I had a mistress there ; he began to toy with her , and to annoy me . \u201c What are you doing , sir impudence ?\u201d said I to the fellow ; \u201c a hare yourself , and looking out for game ?\u201d", "What \u2019 s the matter ?", "Did you ever hear it before ?", "It \u2019 s my own .", "Quite disconcerted . All who were present were dying with laughter ; in short , they were all quite afraid of me .", "But hark you , had I best clear myself of this to Thais , as to her suspicion that I \u2019 m fond of this girl ?", "Why so ?", "I understand .", "If , indeed , she loved me ,this might be of some use , Gnatho .", "Well said ; that never came into my mind ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Heyday ! upon my faith , I \u2019 ve been bamboozled : the wine that I \u2019 ve drunk has got the upper hand . But , so long as I was reclining , how extremely sober I did seem to myself to be ; when I got up , neither feet nor senses were quite equal to their duty .", "Who \u2019 s that ? What , Pythias ; dear me , how much more charming you now seem to me than a short time since !", "Upon my faith , it is a true saying , that \u201c Venus grows cold without Ceres and Bacchus .\u201d But has Thais got here long before me ?", "A long time ago ; an age since . There has been a most violent quarrel between them .", "Nothing at all ; only , on going away , she gave me a nod .", "Why , I didn \u2019 t know that she meant that , until the Captain gave me an explanation , because I was dull of comprehension ; for he bundled me out of the house . But look , here she is ; I wonder how it was I got here before her . SCENE VII .", "Thais , I \u2019 ve been here some time .", "To me ? How so , pray ?", "Where is she ?", "Hah !", "What is it you say ?", "Thanks are both felt and shall be returned in such way , Thais , as you deserve .", "Don \u2019 t you see him , Thais ?", "What a large body of troops the Captain is bringing with him against you . Bless me !", "Get out with you . What , I frightened ? There \u2019 s not a man alive less so .", "Why , I wonder what sort of a man you take me to be .", "I \u2019 m aware of that ; but it \u2019 s foolish to run the risk of what you are able to avoid . I had rather we should prevent it , than , having received an injury , avenge ourselves upon him . Do you go in and fasten the door , while I run across hence to the Forum ; I should like us to have the aid of some legal adviser in this disturbance .", "Let me go , I \u2019 ll be here presently .", "Perfectly .", "I \u2019 ll take care ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Am I to submit , Gnatho , to such a glaring affront as this being put upon me ? I \u2019 d die sooner . Simalio , Donax , Syriscus , follow me ! First , I \u2019 ll storm the house .", "I \u2019 ll carry off the girl .", "I \u2019 ll give her own self a mauling .", "Advance hither to the main body , Donax , with your crowbar ; you , Simalio , to the left wing ; you , Syriscus , to the right . Bring up the rest ; where \u2019 s the centurion Sanga , and his manipleof rogues ?", "What , you booby , do you think of fighting with a dish-clout ,to be bringing that here ?", "Where are the others ?", "Do you draw up your men in battle order ; I \u2019 ll be behind the second rank ;from that position I \u2019 ll give the word to all .", "This is just the way Pyrrhus used to proceed .CHREMES and THAIS appear above at a window .", "What seems { best to you }?", "But look, I see Thais there herself .", "Hold; it behooves a prudent person to make trial of every thing before arms . How do you know but that she may do what I bid her without compulsion ?", "Thais , in the first place , answer me this . When I presented you that girl , did you not say that you would give yourself up to me alone for some days to come ?", "Do you ask the question ? You , who have been and brought your lover under my very eyes ? What business had you with him ? With him , too , you clandestinely betook yourself away from me .", "Then give me back Pamphila ; unless you had rather she were taken away by force .", "What do you mean ? Am I not to touch my own ?", "What fellow are you ? What do you mean ? What business have you with her ?", "Ha !", "Whew !", "Brazen face !", "What ! Are you to prevent me from touching what \u2019 s my own ?", "Do you say the same , Thais ?", "What are we to do now ?", "Do you think so ?", "You judge right .", "Whenever you like .", "You follow me this way ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Although this acquaintanceship between us is of very recent date , from the time in fact of your purchasing an estate here in the neighborhood , yet either your good qualities , or our being neighbors, induces me to inform you , frankly and familiarly , that you appear to me to labor beyond your years , and beyond what your affairs require . For , in the name of Gods and men , what would you have ? What can be your aim ? You are , as I conjecture , sixty years of age , or more . No man in these parts has a better or a more valuable estate , no one more servants ; and yet you discharge their duties just as diligently as if there were none at all . However early in the morning I go out , and however late in the evening I return home , I see you either digging , or plowing , or doing something , in fact , in the fields . You take respite not an instant , and are quite regardless of yourself . I am very sure that this is not done for your amusement . But really I am vexed how little work is done here .If you were to employ the time you spend in laboring yourself , in keeping your servants at work , you would profit much more .", "I am a man ,{ and } nothing that concerns a man do I deem a matter of indifference to me . Suppose that I wish either to advise { you } in this matter , or to be informed { myself }: if { what you do } is right , that I may do the same ; if it is not , { then } that I may dissuade you .", "Is it requisite for any person to torment himself ?", "If you have any affliction , I could wish it otherwise . But prithee , what sorrow is this { of yours }? How have you deserved so { ill } of yourself ?", "Do not weep , but make me acquainted with it , whatever it is . Do not be reserved ; fear nothing ; trust me , I tell you . Either by consolation , or by counsel , or by any means , I will aid you .", "Yes , and for the reason I mentioned to you .", "But still , in the mean time , lay down that rake ; don \u2019 t fatigue yourself .", "What can be your object ?", "I will not allow it , I tell you .", "Whew ! such a heavy one as this , pray !", "Now speak .", "Why so ?", "What is it you say ?", "Both are to be blamed \u2014 although { I } still { think } this step shows an ingenuous and enterprising disposition .", "I believe you to be of an affectionate disposition toward your children ,and him to be an obedient { son }, if one were to manage him rightly or prudently . But neither did you understand him sufficiently well , nor he you \u2014 a thing that happens where persons don \u2019 t live on terms of frankness together . You never showed him how highly you valued him , nor did he { ever } dare put that confidence in you which is due to a father . Had this been done , these { troubles } would never have befallen you .", "But still , Menedemus , I hope for the best , and I trust that he \u2019 ll be here safe before long .", "They will do { so }. Now , if it is convenient { to you }\u2014 the festival of Bacchusis being kept here to-day \u2014 I wish you to give me your company .", "Why not ? Do , pray , spare yourself a little while . Your absent son would wish you do so .", "Is such your determination ?", "{ Then } kindly fare you well ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Do you say so ?", "We ought not to have left them ; what a quantity of things they are bringing !", "Jewels of gold , { and } clothes ; it \u2019 s growing late too , and they don \u2019 t know the way . It was very foolish of us { to leave them }. Just go back , Dromo , and meet them . Make haste \u2014 why do you delay ? ( Exit DROMO .", "Good Gods ! what a multitude there is ! Our house will hardly hold them , I \u2019 m sure . How much they will eat ! how much they will drink ! what will there be more wretched than our old gentleman ?But look , I espy the persons I was wanting .", "He certainly has been misled by our words which we have been speaking here .Clinia , you imagine your mistress quite different from what she really is . For both her mode of life is the same , and her disposition toward you is the same as it { always } was ; so far as we could form a judgment from the circumstances themselves .", "This , in the first place , { then }; the old woman , who was formerly said to be her mother , was not { so }. \u2014 She is dead : this I overheard by accident from her , as we came along , while she was telling the other one .", "Stay ; what I have begun I wish first to relate . Clitipho ; I shall come to that afterward .", "First of all , then , when we came to the house , Dromo knocked at the door ; a certain old woman came out ; when she opened the door , he directly rushed in ; I followed ; the old woman bolted the door , { and } returned to her wool . On this occasion might be known , Clinia , or else on none , in what pursuits she passed her life during your absence ; when we { thus } came upon a female unexpectedly . For this circumstance then gave { us an } opportunity of judging of the course of her daily life ; { a thing } which especially discovers what is the disposition of each individual . We found her industriously plying at the web ; plainly clad in a mourning dress ,on account of this old woman , I suppose , who was { lately } dead ; without golden ornaments , dressed , besides , just like those who { only } dress for themselves , { and } patched up with no worthless woman \u2019 s trumpery .Her hair was loose , long , { and } thrown back negligently about her temples .Do you hold your peace .", "The old woman was spinning the woof :there was one little servant girl besides ;\u2014 she was weavingtogether with them , covered with patched clothes , slovenly , { and } dirty with filthiness .", "When we told her that you had returned , and had requested her to come to you , the damsel instantly put away the web , and covered her face all over with tears ; so that you might easily perceive that it really was caused by her affection for you .", "Your Bacchis , { whom } we are bringing .", "Whither { am I bringing } her ? To our house , to be sure .", "To the very same .", "Hark \u2019 ye , no great and memorable action is done without some risk .", "But still \u2014", "If you \u2019 ll give me leave , I \u2019 ll tell you .", "This affair is now just as though when \u2014", "Really I can not hold my tongue . Clitipho , you are every way unjust , and can not possibly be endured .", "You wish to indulge in your amours ; you wish to possess { your mistress }; you wish that to be procured wherewithal to make her presents ; in getting { this }, you do not wish the risk to be your own . You are not wise to no purpose ,\u2014 if indeed it is being wise to wish for that which can not happen . Either the one must be had with the other , or the one must be let alone with the other . Now , of these two alternatives , consider which one you would prefer ; although this project which I have formed , I know to be both a wise and a safe one . For there is an opportunity for your mistress to be with you at your father \u2019 s house , without fear { of a discovery }; besides , by these self-same means , I shall find the money which you have promised her \u2014 to effect which , you have already made my ears deaf with entreating me . What would you have more ?", "If , indeed ? You shall know { it } by experience .", "We will pretend that your mistress is his", "No \u2014 she shall be taken to your mother .", "It would be tedious , Clitipho , if I were to tell you why I do so ;", "I have a good reason .", "Stay ; if there is this risk , I have another { project }, which you must both confess to be free from danger .", "By all means ; I \u2019 ll go meet her , { and } tell her to return home .", "I \u2019 ll rid you at once of all fears , so that you may sleep at your ease upon either ear .", "Dispatch quickly ; you \u2019 ll be wishing just now too late and in vain .", "Go on ; I shall still do that { which I said }.", "He warms { a little }.What is it you want ?", "Here I am ; tell me what you would have . You \u2019 ll be presently saying that this , too , doesn \u2019 t please you .", "It is ridiculous for you to give me that caution , Clitipho , as if my interest was less at stake in this affair than yours . Here , if any ill luck should perchance befall us , words will be in readiness for you , { but } for this individual blowsFor that reason , this matter is by no means to be neglected on my part : but do prevail upon himto pretend that she is his own { mistress }.", "She is thoroughly tutored in her part .", "I came to her at the { proper } moment , which in all things is of the first importance : for there I found a certain wretched captain soliciting her favors : she artfully managed the man , so as to inflame his eager passions by denial ; and this , too , that it might be especially pleasing to yourself . But hark you , take care , will you , not to be imprudently impetuous . You know your father , how quick-sighted he is in these matters ; and I know you , how unable you are to command yourself . Keep clear of words of double meaning ,your sidelong looks , sighing , hemming , coughing , tittering .", "Take care of that , please .", "But how quickly the ladies have come up with us !", "For the present she is nothing to you .", "Not a bit the more .", "I will not let you , I tell you .", "I forbid it .", "If you are wise , get you gone .", "He will stay { here }.", "Take yourself off . ( Exit CLITIPHO ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["It is now daybreak .{ Why } do I delay to knock at my neighbor \u2019 s door , that he may learn from me the first that his son has returned ? Although I am aware that the youth would not prefer this . But when I see him tormenting himself { so } miserably about his absence , can I conceal a joy so unhoped for , { especially } when there can be no danger to him from the discovery ? I will not do { so }; but as far as I can I will assist the old man . As I see my son aiding his friend and year \u2019 s-mate , and acting as his confidant in his concerns , it is { but } right that we old men as well should assist each other .", "But I see him coming out of his house ; I \u2019 ll go speak to him .Menedemus , good-morrow ; I bring you news , which you would especially desire to be imparted .", "He \u2019 s alive , and well .", "Here , at my house , at home .", "Such is the fact .", "Certainly .", "I say { so }.", "He does not wish you yet to know of his return , and he shuns your presence ; he \u2019 s afraid that , on account of that fault , your former severity may even be increased .", "No \u2014", "Because there you would judge extremely ill both for yourself and for him , if you were to show yourself of a spirit so weak and irresolute .", "Ah Menedemus ! you are too precipitate in either extreme , either with profuseness or with parsimony too great . Into the same error will you fall from the one side as from the other . In the first place , formerly , rather than allow your son to visit a young woman , who was then content with a very little , and to whom any thing was acceptable , you frightened him away from here . After that , she began , quite against her inclination , to seek a subsistence upon the town . Now , when she can not be supported without a great expense , you are ready to give any thing . For , that you may know how perfectly she is trained to extravagance , in the first place , she has already brought with her more than ten female attendants , { all } laden with clothes and jewels of gold ; if a satraphad been her admirer , he never could support her expenses , much less can you .", "Is she , do you ask ? I have felt it ; for I have given her and her retinue one dinner ; had I to give them another such , it would be all over { with me }; for , to pass by other matters , what a quantity of wine she did consume for me in tasting only ,saying thus , \u201c This { wine } is { too } acid ,respected sir ,do please look for something more mellow .\u201d I opened all the casks , all the vessels ;she kept all on the stir : and this { but } a single night . What do you suppose will become of you when they are constantly preying upon you ? So may the Gods prosper me , Menedemus , I do pity your lot .", "If it is your determination thus to act , I hold it to be of very great moment that he should not be aware that with a full knowledge you grant him this .", "Any thing , rather than what you are thinking of ; supply him { with money } through some other person ; suffer yourself to be imposed upon by the artifices of his servant : although I have smelt out this too , that they are about that , { and } are secretly planning it among them . Syrus is { always } whispering with that { servant } of yours ;they impart their plans to the young men ; and it were better for you to lose a talent this way , than a mina the other . The money is not the question now , but this \u2014 in what way we can supply it to the young man with the least danger . For if he once knows the state of your feelings , that you would sooner part with your life , and sooner with all your money , than allow your son to leave you ; whew ! what an inletwill you be opening for his debauchery ! aye , and so much so , that henceforth to live can not be desirable to you . For we all become worse through indulgence . Whatever comes into his head , he \u2019 ll be wishing for ; nor will he reflect whether that which he desires is right or wrong . You will not be able to endure your estate and him going to ruin . You will refuse to supply him : he will immediately have recourse to the means by which he finds that he has the greatest hold upon you , { and } threaten that he will immediately leave you .", "I \u2019 faith , I have not been sensible of sleep this night with my eyes ,for thinking of this \u2014 how to restore your son to you .", "I am ready { to serve you }.", "Tell { me }.", "I \u2019 ll lend my endeavors . This little business is in my way . Our neighbors Simus and Crito are disputing here about boundaries ; they have chosen me for arbitrator . I \u2019 ll go and tell them that I can not possibly give them my attention to-day as I had stated I would . I \u2019 ll be here immediately . ( Exit .", "I have disengaged myself , that I might lend you my services at my leisure . Syrus must be found and instructed by me { in this business }. Some one , I know not who , is coming out of my house : do you step hence home , that they may not perceivethat we are conferring together ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Run to and fro in every direction ; still , money , you must be found : a trap must be laid for the old man .", "Who \u2019 s that speaking ?I \u2019 m undone ! Did he hear it , I wonder ?", "Well \u2014", "All right . Really , I am quite surprised at you , Chremes , up so early , after drinking so much yesterday .", "Not { too much }, say you ? Really , you \u2019 ve seen the old age of an eagle ,as the saying is .", "A pleasant and agreeable woman this Courtesan .", "And really of handsome appearance .", "Not like { those } of former days ,but as { times are } now , very passable : nor do I in the least wonder that Clinia doats upon her . But he has a father \u2014 a certain covetous , miserable , and niggardly person \u2014 this neighbor { of ours }Do you know him ? Yet , as if he was not abounding in wealth , his son ran away through want . Are you aware that it is the fact , as I am saying ?", "Who ?", "Syrus ! I was sadly afraid for you .", "What was he to do ?", "You are { surely } joking .", "How now \u2014 pray , do you commend { servants }, who deceive their masters ?", "Quite right .", "Whether he says this in jest or in earnest , I don \u2019 t know ; only , in fact , that he gives me additional zest for longing still more { to trick } him .", "He is a stupid fellow .", "For my part , I can do { so } easily , if you command me ; for I know well in what fashion it is usually done .", "\u2019 Tis not my way to tell an untruth .", "But hark you ! Just take care and remember this , in case any thing of this sort should perchance happen at a future time , such are human affairs ! \u2014 your son might do { the same }.", "I \u2019 faith , and I trust so too : nor do I say so now , because I have suspected him in any way ; but in case , none the more\u2014 You see what his age is ;and truly , Chremes ,if an occasion does happen , I may be able to handle you right handsomely .", "Never on any occasion did I hear my master talk more to the purpose ; nor { at any time } could I believe that I was authorized to play the rogue with greater impunity . I wonder who it is coming out of our house ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Pray , what does this mean ? What behavior is this , Clitipho ? Is this acting as becomes you ?", "Did I not see you just now putting your hand into this", "Courtesan \u2019 s bosom ?", "With these self-same eyes { I saw it }\u2014 don \u2019 t deny it . Besides , you wrong him unworthily in not keeping your hands off : for indeed it is a gross affront to entertain a person , your friend , at your house , and to take liberties with his mistress . Yesterday , for instance , at wine , how rude you were \u2014", "How annoying { you were }! So much so , that for my part , as the Gods may prosper me , I dreaded what in the end might be { the consequence }. I understand lovers . They resent highly things that you would not imagine .", "Be it so ; still , at least , you ought to go somewhere for a little time away from their presence . Passion prompts to many a thing ; your presence acts as a restraint upon doing them . I form a judgment from myself . There \u2019 s not one of my friends this day to whom I would venture , Clitipho , to disclose all my secrets . With one , { his } station forbids it ; with another , I am ashamed of the action itself , lest I may appear a fool or devoid of shame ; do you rest assured that he does the same .But it is our part to be sensible of { this }; and , when and where it is requisite , to show due complaisance .", "Syrus , I am ashamed { of him }.", "How now \u2014 pray , is there but one wayof going near { them }?", "What am I to do ?", "He says right , I \u2019 m of his opinion .", "I \u2019 ll take care of that .", "It shall be done .", "What { say } you ? What have you done , Syrus , about that matter which I was mentioning to you a short time since ? Have you any { plan } that suits { you }, or not yet even ?", "You are a clever fellow ; what is it ? Tell me .", "Why , what is it , Syrus ?", "So she seems .", "What then ?", "I understand { you }.", "What then ?", "And would she really be a security ?", "What then do you intend doing ?", "You are in an error .", "I \u2019 ll now answer you for Menedemus \u2014 I will not purchase her .", "But there is no occasion .", "Certainly not , i \u2019 faith .", "You shall soon know ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Unless my fancy deceives me , surely this is the ring which I suspect it to be , the same with which my daughter was exposed .", "{ Nurse }, how is it ? Does it not seem to you the same ?", "But have you now examined it thoroughly , my { dear } nurse ?", "Then go in-doors at once , and if she has now done bathing , bring me word . I \u2019 ll wait here in the mean time for my husband .", "Ha ! my husband !", "I was looking for you .", "In the first place , this I beg of you , not to believe that I have ventured to do any thing contrary to your commands .", "Do you remember me being pregnant , and yourself declaring to me , most peremptorily , that if I should bring forth a girl , you would not have it brought up .", "Not at all ; but there was here an elderly woman of Corinth , of no indifferent character ; to her I gave it to be exposed .", "Alas ! what have I done ?", "If I have acted wrong , my { dear } Chremes , I have done { so } in ignorance .", "My { dear } Chremes , I have done wrong , I own ; I am convinced . Now this I beg of you ; inasmuch as you are more advanced in years than I , be so much the more ready to forgive ; so that your justice may be some protection for my weakness .", "As we { women } are all foolishly and wretchedly superstitious , when I delivered { the child } to her to be exposed , I drew a ring from off my finger , and ordered her to expose it , together with the child ; { that } if she should die , she might not be withoutsome portion of our possessions .", "This is that ring .", "From the young woman whom Bacchis brought here with her .", "She gave it me to keep for her , while she went to bathe . At first I paid no attention { to it }; but after I looked at it , I at once recognized it , { and } came running to you .", "I don \u2019 t know ; unless you inquire of herself whence she got it , if { that } can possibly be discovered .", "I don \u2019 t know .", "That she had done as I had ordered her .", "Philtere .", "How much beyond my hopes has { this matter } turned out ! How dreadfully afraid I was , Chremes , that you would now be of feelings as unrelenting as formerly you were on exposing { the child }."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Nothing can possibly henceforth befall me of such consequence as to cause { me } uneasiness ; so extreme is this joy that has surprised me . Now then I shall give myself up entirely to my father , to be more frugal than { even } he could wish .", "O my { dear } Syrus , have you heard of it , pray ?", "Did you { ever } hear of any thing falling out so fortunately for any one ?", "And , so may the Gods prosper me , I do not now rejoice so much on my own account as hers , whom I know to be deserving of any honor .", "O Jupiter !", "My Antiphila will be mine .", "What can I do ? My { dear } Syrus , I \u2019 m transported with joy ! Do bear with me .", "We are blest with the life of the Gods .", "Speak ; I hear you .", "I will .", "But still , Syrus , nothing can make more against my marriage than this ; for with what face am I to address my father { about it }? You understand what I mean ?", "What can I say ? What excuse can I make ?", "What is it you say ?", "You require a thing that is fair and reasonable , and easy to be done . And I suppose , then , you would have me request my father to keep it a secret from your old man .", "What ? Are you quite in your senses or sober ? Why , you were for ruining him outright . For how could he be in a state of security ? Tell me { that }.", "But yet , by these means you again cut off all hopes of my marriage ; for as long as { Chremes } believes that she is my mistress , he \u2019 ll not give me his daughter . Perhaps you care little what becomes of me , so long as you provide for him .", "Is that sufficient ? If his father should come to know of it , pray , what then ?", "I \u2019 m afraid to go about it .", "Well , well ; let Bacchis be brought over { to our house }."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["So may the Deities prosper me , I am now concerned for the fate of Menedemus , that so great a misfortune should have befallen him . To be maintaining that woman with such a retinue ! Although I am well aware he \u2019 ll not be sensible of it for some days to come , his son was so greatly missed by him ; but when he sees such a vast expense incurred by him every day at home , and no limit to it , he \u2019 ll wish that this son would leave him a second time . See \u2014 here comes Syrus most opportunely .", "Syrus .", "How go matters ?", "You seem , then , to have effected something , I know not what , with the old gentleman .", "In real earnest ?", "Upon my faith , I can not forbear patting your head { for it }. Come here , Syrus ; I \u2019 ll do you some good turn for this matter , and with pleasure .", "Pshaw ! Do you boast because it has turned out according to your wishes ?", "Tell { me } how it is .", "Very good .", "Extremely { good }, I declare .", "What , her that has just been discovered ?", "For what purpose , Syrus ? For I don \u2019 t altogether comprehend it .", "Perhaps so .", "To buy { them }\u2014\u2014?", "But I neither give nor betroth my daughter { to him }.", "Why , do you ask me ? To a fellow \u2014\u2014", "Pretending is not in my way ; do you mix up these { plots } of yours , so as not to mix me up { in them }. Do you think that I \u2019 ll betroth my daughter to a person to whom I will not marry her ?", "By no means .", "I believe you .", "But still , I especially wish you to do your best for it to be brought about ; but in some other way .", "I will not do { so }.", "Nay rather , I \u2019 ll at once carry it to her myself .", "For what reason ?", "What then ?", "I \u2019 ll bring it ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I am { quite } aware that I am not so overwise , or so very quick-sighted ; but this assistant , prompter , and directorof mine , Chremes , outdoes me in that . Any one of those epithets which are applied to a fool is suited to myself , such as dolt , post , ass ,lump of lead ; to him not one can { apply }; his stupidity surpasses them all .", "What persons do you say are lingering ?", "Every thing .", "He began to rejoice , just like people do who wish to be married .", "Why are you laughing ?", "Did they ?", "That my son is pretending that he is overjoyed , is it that you mean ?", "The very same thing came into my mind .", "Still more would you think such to be the fact , if you knew more .", "Do you give attention then ?", "No .", "No , I tell you .", "Not in the slightest , Chremes . He was only the more pressing on { this } one point , that the match might be concluded to-day .", "Nothing at all .", "For my part , I wonder at { that }, when you know other things so well . But this same Syrus has moulded your son ,too , to such perfection , that there could not be even the slightest suspicion that she is { Clinia \u2019 s } mistress !", "Not to mention , then , their kissing and embracing ; that I count nothing .", "Pshaw !", "Only listen . In the inner part of my house there is a certain room at the back ; into this a bed was brought , { and } was made up with bed-clothes .", "No sooner said than done , thither went Clitipho .", "Alone .", "Bacchis followed directly .", "Alone .", "When they had gone into { the room }, they shut the door .", "How shouldn \u2019 t he ? He was with me .", "Why so ?", "What ! are you alarmed at it , because he is paying attention to his friend ?", "If he { really } is paying it .", "Why not ? That I may be imposed upon the more easily .", "Can you not contain yourself ? Have you no respect for yourself ? Am I not a sufficient example to you ?", "For you to talk in that manner ! Is it not a shame for you to be giving advice to others , to show wisdom abroad { and yet } be able to do nothing for yourself ?", "That which you said I failed to do : make him sensible that you are his father ; make him venture to intrust every thing to you , to seek and to ask of you ; so that he may look for no other resources and forsake you .", "What evils you will bring upon yourself in this affair , if you don \u2019 t act with caution ! You \u2019 ll show yourself severe , and still pardon him at last ; that too with an ill grace .", "Just as you please . What about that which I desire \u2014 that she may be married to my { son }? Unless there is any other step that you would prefer .", "What portion shall I say that you have named for your daughter ? Why are you silent ?", "I say so .", "Chremes , don \u2019 t be at all afraid { to speak }, if it is but a small one . The portion is no consideration at all with us .", "What scheme are you upon ?", "Why , really , I can \u2019 t conceive the reason for your doing so .", "What is your design ?", "I do give you leave : is this your desire ?", "{ Then } be it so .", "What of him ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Unhappy me ! How is it that I see Geta hurrying along thus terrified ? GETAWhom neither promises , nor oaths , nor compassion could move or soften ; nor yet the fact that the delivery was nigh at hand of the unfortunate woman on whom he had so shamefully committed violence .", "I don \u2019 t well understand what he is talking about .", "Let us call him back . Geta \u2014\u2014", "\u2019 Tis I ,\u2014 Sostrata . GETAWhy , where are you ? You are the very person I am looking for . I was in quest of you ; it \u2019 s very fortunate you have met me .", "What \u2019 s the matter ? Why are you trembling ?", "My { dear } Geta , why in such haste ? Do take breath .", "Why , what means this \u201c quite \u201d?", "Say , then , I entreat you , what is the matter .", "What \u201c now ,\u201d Geta ?", "What about him ?", "Then I am undone ! Why so ?", "Woe unto wretched me !", "Are you quite sure of this ?", "Ah wretched me ! What is one now to believe , or whom believe ? Our own \u00c6schinus , the { very } life of us all , in whom all our hopes and comforts were centred ! Who used to swear he could never live a single day without her ! Who used to say , that he would place the infant on his father \u2019 s knees ,{ and } thus entreat that he might be allowed to make her his wife !", "Oh ! by no means in the world ! I \u2019 ll not do it .", "I \u2019 ll make it known .", "The matter can not possibly be in a worse position than it is at present . In the first place , she has no portion ; then , besides , that which was as good as a portion , { her honor }, is lost : she can not be given in marriage as a virgin . This { resource } is left ; if he should deny it , I have a ring which he lost as evidence { of the truth }. In fine , Geta , as I am fully conscious that no blame attaches to me , and that neither interest nor any consideration unworthy of her or of myself has had a share in this matter , I will make trial \u2014\u2014", "You be off as fast as possible , and relate all the matter just as it has happened to her kinsman Hegio ; for he was the best friend of our { lamented } Simulus , and has shown especial regard for us .", "Do you , my { dear } Canthara , run with all haste , { and } fetch the midwife , so that , when she is wanted , we may not have to wait for her ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["We just now told the old gentleman the whole affair just as it happened ; I never did see any one more delighted .", "He commended his son . To me , who put them upon this project , he gave thanks \u2014\u2014", "He told down the money instantly , { and } gave me half a mina besides to spend . That was laid out quite to my liking .", "Ha , Demea ! I didn \u2019 t see you ; how goes it ?", "Why , really silly enough , and , to speak without disguise , { altogether } absurd .Dromo , clean the rest of the fish ; let the largest conger-eel play a little in the water ; when I come { back } it shall be boned ;not before .", "As for myself , it isn \u2019 t to my taste , and I often exclaim { against it }.Stephanio , take care that the salt fish is well soaked .", "O Demea ! that is wisdom { indeed },\u2014 not only to look at the present moment , but also to look forward to what \u2019 s to come .", "Why , yes , she \u2019 s in-doors .", "I believe so ; such is his madness !", "An imprudent lenity in his father , and a vicious indulgence .", "Demea ! between you there is a great \u2014 I do not say it because you are here present \u2014 a too great difference . You are , every bit of you , nothing but wisdom ; he a { mere } dreamer . Would you indeed have suffered that son of yours to act thus ?", "Need I be told by you of your foresight ?", "Just as each person wishes his son to be , so he turns out .", "What , your son ?I \u2019 ll pack him off into the country .I fancy he \u2019 s busy at the farm long before this .", "What ! \u2014 when I saw him part of the way { myself }\u2014\u2014", "And extremely angry too .", "He attacked his brother in the Forum with strong language about this Music-girl .", "Oh dear , he didn \u2019 t at all mince the matter ; for just as the money was being counted out , the gentleman came upon us by chance , { and } began exclaiming , \u201c Oh \u00c6schinus , that you should perpetrate these enormities ! that you should be guilty of actions { so } disgraceful to our family !\u201d", "\u201c By this you are not squandering your money { only }, but your reputation .\u201d", "Heyday !", "Strange , indeed ! He had the means at home of learning them .", "Quite right .", "Very shrewd .", "That \u2019 s the thing .", "Extremely good .", "Upon my honor , I have not the leisure to listen to you just at present : I have got some fish just to my taste , { and } must take care they are not spoiled ; for that would be as much a crime in me , as for you , Demea , not to observe those maxims which you have just been mentioning ; and so far as I can , I lay down precepts for my fellow-servants on the very same plan ; \u201c this is { too } salt , that is quite burned up , this is not washed enough , that is { very } well done ; remember { and do } so another time .\u201d I carefully instruct them so far as I can to the best of my capacity . In short , Demea , I bid them look into their sauce-pans as though into a mirror ,and suggest to them what they ought to do . I am sensible these things are trifling which we do ; but what is one to do ? According as the man is , so must you humor him . Do you wish any thing else ?", "You will be going off into the country , { I suppose }?", "For what should you do here , where , if you do give any good precepts , no one will regard them ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I certainly am an unfortunate man . In the first place , I can find my brother nowhere ; and then , in the next place , while looking for him , I met a day-laborerfrom the farm ; he says that my son is not in the country , and what to do I know not \u2014\u2014", "Plague on it ! what ill luck is this ? I can not really account for it , unless I suppose myself { only } born for the purpose of enduring misery . I am the first to feel our misfortunes ; the first to know of them all ; then the first to carry the news ; I am the only one , if any thing does go wrong , to take it to heart .", "I \u2019 ve now come back ; and I \u2019 ll go see whether perchance my brother has yet returned .", "But see ! there \u2019 s that rascal , Syrus .", "What \u2019 s he whining about ? What does he mean ? How say you , good sir , is my brother at home ?", "What \u2019 s the matter with you ?", "Ha ! what is it you tell me ?", "For what reason ?", "Did not you tell me , a short time since , that you had seen him on his way into the country ?", "I commend him ; O Ctesipho , you take after your father . Well , I do pronounce you a man .", "{\u2019 Twas done } with spirit .", "He could not { have done } better : he thought the same as I { did }, that you were the principal in this affair . But is my brother within ?", "I \u2019 m thinking where to look for him .", "Ha ! what \u2019 s that you say ?", "Then I \u2019 ll break your head for you this instant .", "Tell me the place then .", "How should I but know it ?", "I know it .", "But that lane is not a thoroughfare .", "I know it .", "What is he doing there ?", "For you to carouse upon ! Very fine ! But { why } do I delay going to him ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I \u2019 ll go and tell them there \u2019 s no delay on our part .", "Why , what \u2019 s the matter ?", "Just look at that !", "There now \u2014 at it again .", "I do .", "I know it .", "Why not put up with it ?", "Not I : certainly I had rather\u2014\u2014", "May the Gods be propitious { to it }.", "{ So } I have heard .", "Of course .", "Why , what the case itself points out : the young woman must be brought hither .", "What can I do else ?", "But I have already betrothed the young woman { to him }; the matter is settled : the marriage takes place { to-day }. I have removed all apprehensions . This is rather the duty of a man .", "If I were able to alter it , no ; now , as I can not , I bear it with patience . The life of man is just like playing with dice :if that which you most want to throw does not turn up , what turns up by chance you must correct by art .", "Not at all , and indeed I have no wish to sell her .", "She shall be at my house .", "Why not ?", "Really I do think { so }.", "Why not ?", "Of course .", "Like enough ; and you too along with us , if there \u2019 s need .", "Demea , do , for once , lay aside this anger of yours , and show yourself as you ought at your son \u2019 s wedding , cheerful and good-humored . I \u2019 ll just step over to them , { and } return immediately .SCENE X . DEMEA alone ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Does my brother order it ? Where is he ?Is this your order , Demea ?", "I do not oppose it .", "She is . What then ?", "So they say .", "I am aware of it .", "What can be his meaning ?", "I , marry her , indeed ?", "You are trifling !", "What , ass ! do you attend to him ?", "You are mad !", "Are you out of your senses ? Take yourself off .", "Are you quite in your right mind ? Am I , in my five-and-sixtieth year , to be marrying at last ? A decrepit old woman too ? Do you advise me { to do } this ?", "Promised , indeed ; be generous at your own cost , young man .", "As if this was not the greatest !", "Will you not have done ?", "Really , this is downright force .", "Although this seems to meto be wrong , foolish , absurd , and repugnant to my mode of life , yet , if you so strongly wish it , be it so .", "What ?", "What now ? What remains { to be done }?", "Do what ?", "But is it a little one ?", "What am I to say to this ? Well then , as he desires it, it shall be given { him }.", "I am glad of it .", "He free ! For what reason ?", "Do you desire this to be done ?", "Why then , if you desire it , just come hither , Syrus , to me; be a free man .", "{ What }, for doing that ?", "Syrus , you have thrived pretty well to-day .", "Less than this", "I \u2019 ll consider of it afterward .", "How is this ? What has so suddenly changed your disposition , { Demea }? What caprice { is this }? What means this sudden liberality ?", "That \u2019 s right .Grant us your applause . FOOTNOTES\u2014 This Playwas performed at the Funeral Games of Lucius \u00c6milius Paulus , who was surnamed Macedonicus , from having gained a victory over Perseus , King of Macedon . He was so poor at the time of his decease , that they were obliged to sell his estate in order to pay his widow her dower . The Q. Fabius Maximus and P. Cornelius Africanus here mentioned were not , as some have thought , the Curale \u00c6diles , but two sons of \u00c6milius Paulus , who had taken the surnames of the families into which they had been adopted . ]\u2014 The \u201c Sarranian \u201d or \u201c Tyrian \u201d pipes , or flutes , are supposed to have been of a quick and mirthful tone ; Madame Dacier has consequently with much justice suggested that the representation being on the occasion of a funeral , the title has not come down to us in a complete form , and that it was performed with the Lydian , or grave , solemn pipe , alternately with the Tyrian . This opinion is also strengthened by the fact that Donatus expressly says that it was performed to the music of Lydian flutes . ]\u2014 L. Anicius Gallus and M. Cornelius Cethegus were Consuls in the year from the Building of the City 592 , and B. C . 161 . ]\u2014 Ver . 6 . Signifying \u201c persons dying together .\u201d The \u201c Commorientes \u201d of Plautus is lost . It has been doubted by some , despite these words of Terence , if Plautus ever did write such a Play . ]\u2014 Ver . 6 . Diphilus was a Greek Poet , contemporary with Menander . ]\u2014 Ver . 20 . According to Donatus , by the words \u201c in bello ,\u201d Terence is supposed to refer to his friend and patron Scipio ; by \u201c in otio ,\u201d to Furius Publius ; and in the words \u201c in negotio \u201d to L\u00e6lius , who was famed for his wisdom . ]\u2014 Ver . 23 . This is similar to the words in the Prologue to the Trinummus of Plautus , l. 16 : \u201c But expect nothing about the plot of this Play ; the old men who will come hither will disclose the matter to you .\u201d]\u2014 Ver . 24 . \u201c Advorsum ierant .\u201d On the duties of the \u201c adversitores ,\u201d see the Notes to Bohn \u2019 s Translation of Plautus . ]\u2014 Ver . 36 . Westerhovius observes that this passage seems to be taken from one in the Miles Gloriosus of Plautus , l. 721 , et seq . : \u201c Troth , if I had had them , enough anxiety should I have had from my children ; I should have been everlastingly tormented in mind : but if perchance one had had a fever , I think I should have died . Or if one in liquor had tumbled any where from his horse , I should have been afraid that he had broken his legs or neck on that occasion .\u201d It may be remarked that there is a great resemblance between the characters of Micio here and Periplecomenus in the Miles Gloriosus . ]\u2014 Ver . 81 . Cooke remarks , that though there are several fine passages in this speech , and good observations on human life , yet it is too long a soliloquy . ]\u2014 Ver . 81 . Donatus observes that the Poet has in this place improved upon Menander , in representing Demea as more ready to wrangle with his brother than to return his compliments . ]\u2014 Ver . 82 . The passage pretty clearly means by \u201c ubi nobis \u00c6schinus sit ,\u201d \u201c when I \u2019 ve got such a son as \u00c6schinus .\u201d Madame Dacier , however , would translate it : \u201c Ask me \u2014 you , in whose house \u00c6schinus is ?\u201d thus accusing him of harboring \u00c6schinus ; a very forced construction , however . ]\u2014 Ver . 88 . The works of Ovid and Plautus show that it was no uncommon thing for riotous young men to break open doors ; Ovid even suggests to the lover the expediency of getting into the house through the windows . ]\u2014 Ver . 117 . Colman has the following observation here : \u201c The mild character of Micio is contrasted by Cicero to that of a furious , savage , severe father , as drawn by the famous Comic Poet , Caecilius . Both writers are quoted in the Oration for Caelias , in the composition of which it is plain that the orator kept his eye pretty closely on our Poet . The passages from Caecilius contain all that vehemence and severity , which , as Horace tells us , was accounted the common character of the style of that author .\u201d]\u2014 Ver . 117 . For an account of the \u201c unguenta ,\u201d or perfumes in use among the ancients , see the Notes to Bohn \u2019 s translation of Plautus . ]\u2014 Ver . 119 . No doubt by his mistress when she has drained him of his money , and not by Micio himself , as Colman says he was once led to imagine . ]\u2014 Ver . 141 . Donatus observes here , that Terence seems inclined to favor the part of mild fathers . He represents Micio as appalled at his adopted son \u2019 s irregularities , lest if he should appear wholly unmoved , he should seem to be corrupting him , rather than to be treating him with only a proper degree of indulgence . ]\u2014 Ver . 151 . Donatus remarks here , that the art of Terence in preparing his incidents is wonderful . He contrives that even ignorant persons shall open the plot , as in the present instance , where we understand that Aeschinus has mentioned to Micio his intention of taking a wife , though he has not entered into particulars . This naturally leads us to the ensuing parts of the Play , without forestalling any of the circumstances . ]\u2014 Ver . 161 . He says this aloud , and with emphasis , relying upon the laws which were enacted at Athens in favor of the \u201c lenones ,\u201d whose occupation brought great profits to the state , from their extensive trading in slaves . It was forbidden to maltreat them , under pain of being disinherited . ]\u2014 Ver . 188 . Westerhovius supposes this part to be a translation from the works of Diphilus . ]\u2014 Ver . 194 . \u201c Asserere liberati causa ,\u201d was to assert the freedom of a person , with a determination to maintain it at law . The \u201c assertor \u201d laid hands upon the person , declaring that he or she was free ; and till the cause was tried , the person whose freedom was claimed , remained in the hands of the \u201c assertor .\u201d]\u2014 Ver . 196 . Colman has a curious remark here : \u201c I do not remember , in the whole circle of modern comedy , a more natural picture of the elegant ease and indifference of a fine gentleman , than that exhibited in this Scene in the character of \u00c6schinus .\u201d]\u2014 Ver . 204 . He means , that if he only names a price , \u00c6schinus will suborn witnesses to say that he has agreed to sell her , in which case \u00c6schinus will carry her off with impunity , and the laws will not allow him to recover her ; as it will then be an ordinary debt , and he will be put off with all the common excuses used by debtors . ]\u2014 Ver . 212 . \u201c Certationem comparatam .\u201d This was a term taken from the combats of gladiators , where it was usual to choose as combatants such as seemed most nearly a match for each other . ]\u2014 Ver . 217 . This passage is probably alluded to by Cicero , in his work , De Officiis B. ii . c. 18 : \u201c For it is not only liberal sometimes to give up a little of one \u2019 s rights , but it is also profitable .\u201d]\u2014 Ver . 229 . \u201c Ut in ipso articulo oppressit .\u201d Colman translates this , \u201c Nick \u2019 d me to a hair .\u201d]\u2014 Ver . 230 . He alludes to a famous slave-market held in the Isle of Cyprus , whither merchants carried slaves for sale , after buying them up in all parts of Greece . ]\u2014 Ver . 236 . \u201c Jamne enumerasti id quod ad te rediturum putes ?\u201d Colman renders this , \u201c Well , have you calculated what \u2019 s your due ?\u201d referring to the value of the Music-girl that has been taken away from him ; and thinks that the following conversation between Sannio and Syrus supports that construction . Madame Dacier puts another sense on the words , and understands them as alluding to Sannio \u2019 s calculation of his expected profits at Cyprus . ]\u2014 Ver . 242 . Donatus remarks , that Syrus knows very well that \u00c6schinus is ready to pay the whole , but offers Sannio half , that he may be glad to take the bare principal , and think himself well off into the bargain . ]\u2014 Ver . 265 . Donatus remarks upon the readiness with which Sannio takes the appellation of \u201c sacrilegus ,\u201d as adapted to no other person than himself . ]\u2014 Ver . 275 . Donatus tells us , that in Menander the young man was on the point of killing himself . Terence has here softened it into leaving the country . Colman remarks : \u201c We know that the circumstance of carrying off the Music-girl was borrowed from Diphilus ; yet it is plain from Donatus that there was also an intrigue by Ctesipho in the Play of Menander ; which gives another proof of the manner in which Terence used the Greek Comedies .\u201d]\u2014 Ver . 278 . Donatus remarks that this is a piece of malice on the part of Syrus , for the purpose of teasing Sannio . ]\u2014 Ver . 285 . Those used for the purpose of reclining on at the entertainment . ]\u2014 Ver . 321 . Quoting from Madame Dacier , Colman has this remark here : \u201c Geta \u2019 s reply is founded on a frolicsome but ill-natured custom which prevailed in Greece \u2014 to stop the slaves in the streets , and designedly keep them in chat , so that they might be lashed when they came home for staying out so long .\u201d]\u2014 Ver . 333 . It was a prevalent custom with the Greeks to place the newly-born child upon the knee of its grandfather . ]\u2014 Ver . 378 . The operation of boning conger-eels is often mentioned in Plautus , from whom we learn that they were best when eaten in that state , and cold . ]\u2014 Ver . 385 . See a similar passage in the Trinummus of Plautus , l. 722 , whence it appears that it was the practice for young men of ruined fortunes to go and offer their services as mercenaries to some of the neighboring potentates . Many of the ten thousand who fought for the younger Cyrus at the battle of Cunaxa , and were led back under the command of Xenophon , were , doubtless , of this class . ]\u2014 Ver . 428 . He parodies the words of Demea in l. 415 , where he speaks of looking into the lives of men as into a mirror . ]\u2014 Ver . 439 . Solon divided the Athenians into ten tribes , which he named after ten of the ancient heroes : Erectheis , \u00c6geis , Pandionis , Leontis , Acamantis , \u0152neis , Cecrops , Hippothoontis , \u00c6antis , and Antiochis . These tribes were each divided into ten Demi . ]\u2014 Ver . 473 . As his wife . ]\u2014 Ver . 479 . \u201c In medio ,\u201d \u201c is alive ,\u201d or \u201c in the midst of us .\u201d]\u2014 Ver . 482 . In allusion to the method of examining slaves , by binding and torturing them . ]\u2014 Ver . 487 . So in the Andria , l. 473 , where Glycerium is overtaken with the pains of labor , she calls upon Juno Lucina . ]\u2014 Ver . 494 . In the Play of Menander , Hegio was the brother of Sostrata . ]\u2014 Ver . 500 . \u201c Is , quod mihi de hae re dederat consilium , id sequar .\u201d Coleman has the following Note on this passage : \u201c Madame Dacier rejects this line , because it is also to be found in the Phormio . But it is no uncommon thing with our author to use the same expression or verse for different places , especially on familiar occasions . There is no impropriety in it here , and the foregoing hemistich is rather lame without it . The propriety of consulting Micio , or Demea \u2019 s present ill-humor with him , are of no consequence . The old man is surprised at Hegio \u2019 s story , does not know what to do or say , and means to evade giving a positive answer , by saying that he would consult his brother .\u201d]\u2014 Ver . 506 . \u201c Redite .\u201d Demea most probably uses this word , because Hegio has come back to him to repeat the last words for the sake of greater emphasis . ]\u2014 Ver . 512 . Colman has the following Note here : \u201c Donatus tells us , that in some old copies this whole Scene was wanting . Guyetus therefore entirely rejects it . I have not ventured to take that liberty ; but must confess that it appears to me , if not supposititious , at least cold and superfluous , and the substance of it had better been supposed to have passed between Hegio and Sostrata within .\u201d]\u2014 Ver . 519 . It is very doubtful whether the words \u201c cum maxime \u201d mean to signify exactly \u201c at this moment ,\u201d or are intended to signify the intensity with which Demea is laboring . ]\u2014 Ver . 522 . Lemaire suggests that by these words Syrus intends to imply that he should not care if Demea were never to arise from his bed , but were to die there . Ctesipho , only taking him heartily to second his own wishes for the old man \u2019 s absence , answers affirmatively \u201c ita ,\u201d \u201c by all means ,\u201d \u201c exactly so .\u201d]\u2014 Ver . 529 . Schmieder observes that \u201c tanto nequior \u201d might have two meanings ,\u2014 \u201c so much the worse { for us },\u201d or , as the spectators might understand it , \u201c so much the more worthless you .\u201d]\u2014 Ver . 538 . This was a proverbial expression , tantamount to our saying , \u201c Talk of the devil , he \u2019 s sure to appear .\u201d Servius , in his Commentary on the Ninth Eclogue of Virgil , says that the saying arose from the common belief that the person whom a wolf sets his eyes upon is deprived of his voice , and thence came to be applied to a person who , coming upon others in the act of talking about him , necessarily put a stop to their conversation . Cooke says , in reference to this passage , \u201c This certainly alludes to a Fable of \u00c6sop \u2019 s , of the Wolf , the Fox , and the Ape : which is translated by Ph\u00e6drus , and is the tenth of his First Book .\u201d It is much more certain that Cooke is mistaken here , and that the fable of the arbitration of the Ape between the Wolf and the Fox has nothing to do with this passage . If it alludes to any fable, it is more likely to be that where the Nurse threatens that the wolf shall take the naughty Child , on which he makes his appearance , but is disappointed in his expectations , or else that of the Shepherd-boy and the Wolf . See the Stichus of Plautus , l. 57 , where the same expression occurs . ]\u2014 Ver . 542 . Donatus remarks that the Poet artfully contrives to detain Demea in town , his presence being necessary in the latter part of the Play . ]\u2014 Ver . 553 . Donatus observes that the young man was silly in this , for if discovered to be there he would be sure to be caught . His object , however , for going there would be that he might not be discovered . ]\u2014 Ver . 580 . \u201c Censen hominem me esse ?\u201d literally , \u201c Do you take me to be a human being ?\u201d meaning , \u201c Do you take me to be a person in my common senses ?\u201d]\u2014 Ver . 583 . Theobald , in his edition of Shakspeare , observes that the direction given by Lancelot in the Merchant of Venice seems to be copied from that given here by Syrus : \u201c Turn up on your right hand at the next turning , but at the next turning of all on your left ; marry , at the very next turning of no hand , but turn down indirectly to the Jew \u2019 s house .\u201d]\u2014 Ver . 584 . From this we discover that Demea is being sent to the very extremity of the town , as Donatus informs us that ponds of water were always close to the gates of towns , for the purpose of watering the beasts of burden , and of having a supply at hand in case the enemy should set fire to the city gates . ]\u2014 Ver . 586 . Donatus remarks that it was usual for the Greeks to sit and drink in the sun ; and that Syrus being suddenly asked this question shows his presence of mind by giving this circumstantial answer , that he may the better impose upon Demea . The couches used on such occasions may be presumed to have required stout legs , and to be made of hard wood , such as oak , to prevent them from splitting . Two instances of couches being used for carousing in the open air will be found in the last Scenes of the Asinaria and Stichus of Plautus . ]\u2014 Ver . 588 . \u201c Silicernium .\u201d This was said to be the name of a funeral entertainment or dish of meats offered up to the \u201c umbr\u00e6 \u201d or \u201c manes ,\u201d in silence . The word is also said to have been applied to an old man from his stooping postures , \u201c silices cernit ,\u201d \u201c he looks at the stones .\u201d]\u2014 Ver . 590 . \u201c Totus ,\u201d literally , \u201c quite \u201d or \u201c altogether .\u201d]\u2014 Ver . 592 . As to the \u201c cyathi \u201d and cups of the ancients , see the last Scene of the Stichus of Plautus , which is a perfect specimen of a carousal among the lower classes in ancient times . See also the last Scene of the Asinaria . The slaves generally appear to have taken part in the entertainments with their young masters . ]\u2014 Ver . 606 . These lines are supposed to be founded on some verses of Menander which are still extant . ]\u2014 Ver . 655 . It appears to have been a law given by Solon to the Athenians that the next male relative of suitable age should marry a female orphan himself , or find her a suitable portion . Madame Dacier suggests that the custom was derived from the Ph\u0153nicians , who had received it from the Jews , and quotes the Book of Numbers , xxxvi . 8 . This law forms the basis of the plot of the Phormio . ]\u2014 Ver . 658 . A colony of Athens , on the coast of Asia Minor . ]\u2014 Ver . 673 . Donatus observes that these questions , which enumerate all the proofs requisite for a marriage , are an indirect and very delicate reproof of \u00c6schinus for the irregular and clandestine nature of his proceedings . ]\u2014 Ver . 707 . Donatus remarks that there is great delicacy in this compliment of \u00c6schinus to Micio , which , though made in his presence , does not bear the semblance of flattery . Madame Dacier thinks that Terence here alludes to a line of Hesiod , which says that it is the duty of the aged to pray . Colman suggests that the passage is borrowed from some lines of Menander still in existence . ]\u2014 Ver . 730 . He pauses after \u201c quidem ,\u201d but he means to say that if he had his choice , he would rather it had not been so . ]\u2014 Ver . 742 . The \u201c tesser\u00e6 \u201d of the ancients were cubes , or what we call \u201c dice ;\u201d while the \u201c tali \u201d were in imitation of the knuckle-bones of animals , and were marked on four sides only . For some account of the mode of playing with the \u201c tali ,\u201d see the last Scene of the Asinaria , and the Curculio of Plautus , l. 257-9 . Madame Dacier suggests that Menander may possibly have borrowed this passage from the Republic of Plato , B. X ., where he says , \u201c We should take counsel from accidents , and , as in a game at dice , act according to what has fallen , in the manner which reason tells us to be the best .\u201d]\u2014 Ver . 755 . \u201c Restim ductans saltabis .\u201d Donatus and Madame Dacier think that this is only a figurative expression for a dance in which all joined hands ; according to some , however , a dance is alluded to where the person who led off drew a rope or cord after him , which the rest of the company took hold of as they danced ; which was invented in resemblance of the manner in which the wooden horse was dragged by ropes into the city of Troy . ]\u2014 Ver . 764 . See an observation relative to the translation of the word \u201c Salus ,\u201d in the Notes to Plautus , vol . i. pages 193 , 450 . ]\u2014 Ver . 767 . His duty of providing the viands and drink for the entertainment . So Ergasilus says in the Captivi of Plautus , l. 912 , \u201c Now I will go off to my government, to give laws to the bacon .\u201d]\u2014 Ver . 795 . Colman remarks on this passage : \u201c The character of Micio appears extremely amiable through the first four Acts of this Comedy , and his behavior is in many respects worthy of imitation ; but his conduct in conniving at the irregularities of Ctesipho , and even assisting him to support them , is certainly reprehensible . Perhaps the Poet threw this shade over his virtues on purpose to show that mildness and good-humor might be carried to excess .\u201d]\u2014 Ver . 824 . Colman observes here : \u201c Madame Dacier makes an observation on this speech , something like that of Donatus on one of Micio \u2019 s above ; and says that Micio , being hard put to it by the real circumstances of the case , thinks to confound Demea by a nonsensical gallimatia . I can not be of the ingenious lady \u2019 s opinion on this matter , for I think a more sensible speech could not be made , nor a better plea offered in favor of the young men , than that of Micio in the present instance .\u201d]\u2014 Ver . 851 . Exposed to the heat of a mid-day sun . ]\u2014 Ver . 857 . The marriage and its festivities . ]\u2014 Ver . 884 . And therefore likely to be the first to die , and to avoid seeing such a time come . ]\u2014 Ver . 886 . The emptiness of his poor attempts to be familiar are very evident in this line . ]\u2014 Ver . 908 . \u201c Tibicin\u00e6 ,\u201d or music-girls , attended at marriage ceremonials . See the Aulularia of Plautus , where Megadorus hires the music-girls on his intended marriage with the daughter of Euclio . ]\u2014 Ver . 910 . See the Casina of Plautus , Act IV ., Scenes 3 and 4 , for some account of the marriage ceremonial . The torches , music-girls , processions , and hymeneal song , generally accompanied a wedding , but from the present passage we may conclude that they were not considered absolutely necessary . ]\u2014 Ver . 911 . The \u201c maceria ,\u201d or garden-wall of loose stones , is also mentioned in the Truculentus of Plautus , l . 301 . ]\u2014 Ver . 918 . This passage has much puzzled the Commentators ; but it seems most probable that it is said aside , and that in consequence of his profuseness he calls his brother a Babylonian ,and says , \u201c Well , let him , with all my heart , be paying twenty min\u00e6for music-girl .\u201d]\u2014 Ver . 940 . \u00c6schinus , probably , in his earnestness , has seized hold of him with his hand , which Micio now pushes away . ]\u2014 Ver . 943 . This is not the truth ; the notion has only been started since he last saw them . ]\u2014 Ver . 946 . \u201c Vis est h\u00e6c quidem .\u201d The same expression occurs in the Captivi of Plautus , l. 755 . The expression seemed to be a common one with the Romans . According to Suetonius , Julius C\u00e6sar used it when attacked by his murderers in the senate-house . On Tullius Cimber seizing hold of his garments , he exclaimed , \u201c Ita quidem vis est !\u201d\u2014 \u201c Why , really , this is violence !\u201d]\u2014 Ver . 947 . Donatus informs us that in Menander \u2019 s Play , the old man did not make any resistance whatever to the match thus patched up for him . Colman has the following observation on this fact : \u201c It is surprising that none of the critics on this passage have taken notice of this observation of Donatus , especially as our loss of Menander makes it rather curious . It is plain that Terence in the plan of his last Act followed Menander ; but though he has adopted the absurdity of marrying Micio to the old lady , yet we learn from Donatus that his judgment rather revolted at this circumstance , and he improved on his original by making Micio express a repugnance to such a match , which it seems he did not in the Play of Menander .\u201d]\u2014 Ver . 961 . He probably means , by aping the kind feeling which is a part of Micio \u2019 s character . ]\u2014 Ver . 969 . A banquet in the early part or middle of the day was considered by the Greeks a debauch . ]\u2014 Ver . 974 . He touches Syrus on the ear , and makes him free . The same occurs in the Epidicus of Plautus , Act V ., Sc . 2 , l . 65 . ]\u2014 Ver . 977 . The so-called marriage , or rather cohabitation , of the Roman slaves will be found treated upon in the Notes to Plautus . Syrus calls Phrygia his wife on anticipation that she will become a free woman . ]\u2014 Ver . 981 . The only sign of generosity he has yet shown . ]\u2014 Ver . 989 . \u201c Quid prolubium ? Quae ist\u00e6c subita est largitas ?\u201d Madame Dacier tells us that this passage was borrowed from Coecilius , the Comic Poet . ]\u2014 Ver . 1001 . It must be remembered that he has the notions of a Greek parent , and sees no such criminality in this sanction as a parent would be sensible of at the present day . ] * * * *"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["If the old man should be asking for me , do you say that I have just gone to the harbor to inquire about the arrival of Pamphilus . Do you hear what I say , Scirtus ? If he asks for me , then you are to say { so }; if he does not , { why }, say nothing at all ; so that at another time I may be able to employ that excuse as a new one .\u2014 But is it my dear Philotis that I see ? How has she come { here }?Philotis heartily good-morrow .", "I \u2019 faith , Syra , the same to you . Philotis , tell me , where have you been enjoying yourself so long ?", "I \u2019 troth , I fancy that regret for Athens full oft possessed you , and that you thought but poorly of your foresight .", "I don \u2019 t think it was gallant in the captain to place a restraint on your tongue .", "To take , indeed !", "He has ; but I doubt whether this match will be lasting .", "There is no need for its being spread abroad ; ask me no more about it .", "You \u2019 ll never speak me so fairly , that I shall trust my back to your discretion .", "She tells the truth there ; and that is my greatest failing .If you give me your word that you \u2019 ll keep it a secret , I \u2019 ll tell you .", "Listen .", "Pamphilus was in the height of his passion for Bacchis here , when his father began to importune him to take a wife , and to urge those points which are usual with all fathers , that he { himself } was { now } in years , and that he was his only son , that he wished for a support for his declining years . He refused at first . But on his father pressing more urgently , he caused him to become wavering in his mind , whether to yield rather to duty or to love . By hammering on and teazing him , at last the old man gained his point ; and betrothed him to the daughter of our next-door neighbor hereThis did not seem so very disagreeable to Pamphilus , until on the very point of marriage , when he saw that all was ready , and that no respite was granted , but marry he must ; then , at last , he took it so much to heart , that I do believe if Bacchis had been present , { even } she would have pitied him . Whenever opportunity was afforded for us being alone , so that he could converse with me , { he used to say }: \u201c Parmeno , I am ruined ! What have I done ! Into what misery have I plunged myself ! Parmeno , I shall never be able to endure this . To my misery , I am undone !\u201d", "To cut the matter short , he took home his wife . On the first night , he did not touch the girl ; the night that followed that , not a bit the more .", "I suppose it does seem so to you , for no one comes to you unless he is eager for you ; { but } he had married her against his will .", "In a very few days after , Pamphilus took me aside , away from the house , and told me how that the young woman was still untouched by him ; and { how } that before he had taken her home as his wife , he had hoped to be able to endure this marriage : \u201c But , Parmeno , as I can not resolve to live with her any longer , it is neither honorable in me , nor of advantage to the young woman herself , for her to be turned to ridicule , but rather I ought to return her to her relations just as I received her .\u201d", "\u201c For me to declare this , I consider to be inconvenient to me , but for her to be sent back to her father without mentioning any blame , would be insolent ; but I am in hopes that she , when she is sensible that she can not live with me , will go at last { of her own accord }.\u201d", "Every day . But as { usually } is the case , after she saw that he belonged to another , she immediately became more ill-natured and more peevish .", "And this circumstance in especial contributed to estrange him from her ; after he had fairly examined himself , and her , and the one that was at home , he formed a judgment , by comparison , upon the principles of them both . She , just as might be expected from a person of respectable and free birth , chaste { and } virtuous , patient under the slights and all the insults of her husband , and concealing his affronts . Upon this , his mind , partly overcome by compassion for his wife , partly constrained by the insolence of the other , was gradually estranged from Bacchis , and transferred its affections to the other , after having found a congenial disposition . In the mean time , there dies at Imbrosan old man , a relative of theirs . His property there devolved on them by law . Thither his father drove the love-sick Pamphilus , much against his will . He left his wife here with his mother , for the old man has retired into the country ; he seldom comes into the city .", "You shall hear just now . At first , for several days , there really was a good understanding between them . In the mean time , however , in a strange way , she began to take a dislike to Sostrata ; nor yet was there ever any quarrel or words between them .", "If at any time she came to converse with her , she would instantly withdraw from her presence ,and refuse to see her ; in fine , when she could no longer endure her , she pretended that she was sent for by her mother to assist at a sacrifice . When she had been there a few days , { Sostrata } ordered her to be fetched . She made some , I know not what , excuse . Again she gave similar orders ; no one sent back { any excuse }. After she had sent for her repeatedly , they pretended that the damsel was sick . My { mistress } immediately went to see her ; no one admitted her . On the old man coming to know of this , he yesterday came up from the country on purpose , { and } waited immediately upon the father of Philumena . What passed between them , I do not know as yet ; but really I do feel some anxiety in what way this is to end . You { now } have the whole matter ; { and } I shall proceed whither I was on my way .", "May the Gods prosper what you undertake !", "And a kind farewell to you , my dear Philotis . ( Exeunt severally ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Here he is , say no more . GETAOh ! Why I was trying { to come } and meet you , Davus .", "Here , take it ; it \u2019 s { all } ready counted out ;the number just amounts to the sum I owed you .", "Especially as people \u2019 s ways are nowadays ; things are come to such a pass , if a person repays you any thing , you must be greatly obliged to him . But why are you out of spirits ?", "What \u2019 s the matter ?", "Out upon you , simpleton ; { the man }, whose trustworthiness you have experienced as to money , are you afraid to intrust with words ? In what way have I any interest in deceiving you ?", "I give you my best attention .", "Why should I not ?", "As well as your own self .", "To one who had so much property , that he had more than he could use ?", "Oh , { as for that }, I { really } ought to have been a man of fortune .", "Ah , Geta , you undertook a hard task { there }.", "You knew how to make your market .", "I know it already \u2014 fell in love with her .", "Would not his father , if he had returned , have given him leave ?", "What came of it at last ?", "What has he done ?", "An amusing piece of assurance !", "What is it you tell me ?", "O Geta , what will become of you ?", "You please me ; well , that is the duty of a man .", "I commend you .", "What of the one who was usher to the Music-girl ?", "GETA", "So so , but poorly .", "Perhaps he hasn \u2019 t much to give .", "Is his father come back or not ?", "Well , when do you expect your old man ?", "Is there any thing else that you want with me , Geta ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Why , I wonder , is he coming in such fright ? GETABesides , I \u2019 ve but a moment left for this matter \u2014 my master \u2019 s close at hand .", "What mischief is this ? GETAWhen he comes to hear of it , what remedy shall I discover for his anger ? Am I to speak ? I shall irritate him : be silent ? I shall provoke him : excuse myself ? I should be washing a brickbat .Alas ! unfortunate me ! While I am trembling for myself , this Antipho distracts my mind . I am concerned for him ; I \u2019 m in dread for him : \u2019 tis he that now keeps me here ; for had it not been for him , I should have made due provision for my safety , and have taken vengeance on the old man for his crabbedness ; I should have scraped up something , and straightway taken to my heels away from here .", "I wonder what running away or theft it is that he \u2019 s planning . GETABut where shall I find Antipho , or which way go look for him ?", "I know not what great misfortune I expect to hear from this messenger .", "Stop , this instant . GETAHeyday \u2014 with authority enough , whoever you are .", "Geta !", "Pray , tell me what news you bring and dispatch it in { one } word , if you can .", "Out with it .", "What , my { father }\u2014?", "Ruined outright !", "What am I to do ?", "How am I , wretch that I am , now to find a remedy for this sudden misfortune ? But if it should be my fortune , Phanium , to be torn away from you , life would cease to be desirable .", "I am not myself .", "I can not change .", "As I am not equal to this , I should be still less so to the other .", "Pray , now , if I assume an air , will that do ?", "Look at my countenance \u2014 there \u2019 s for you .Will that do ?", "Well , will this ?", "Well then , this ?", "I understand .", "\u2019 Tis he himself . I can not stand it .", "I know my own self and my offense ; to your management I trust", "Phanium and my own existence . ( Exit hastily ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Well now \u2014 did you ever hear of an injury being done to any person in a more affronting manner than this has to me ? Assist me , I do beg of you . GETAHe \u2019 s in a passion .", "I believe it is the very man I was speaking about . Follow me .", "Oh , the impudence { of the fellow }! Does he come on purpose to accuse me ?", "Geta ! GETAA plunderer of people \u2019 s property \u2014 a perverter of the laws !", "Geta !", "Hold your peace .", "Well now , have done .Young man , in the first place , with your good leave , I ask you this , if you may possibly be pleased to give me an answer : explain to me who this friend of yours was , that you speak of , and how he said that he was related to me .", "I , know ?", "I say I do not ; you , who affirm it , recall it to my recollection .", "You torture me to death ; tell me his name .", "Of course .Why are you silent now ?", "Well , what do you say ?", "I , come to pump you , indeed ?", "Whom did you say ?", "I neither know him , nor had I ever any relation of that name .", "May the Gods confound you !", "Very likely what you say . In that case , when I had undertaken it , I should have shown how she was related to me ; do you do the same : tell me , how is she related to me ?", "Do you talk about my son to me ? Of whose folly there is no speaking in the language it deserves .", "Although wrong has been done me , still , however , rather than engage in litigation , or listen to you , just as though she had been my relation , { as } the law orders one to find her a portion , rid me of her , { and } take five min\u00e6 .", "Well ! am I asking any thing unfair ? Or am I not to obtain even this , which is my right at common law ?", "Yes , to her nearest relative , indeed ; but why to us , or on what ground ?", "Not try it ? On the contrary , I shall not desist until I have gone through with it .", "Only let me alone { for that }.", "Consider that it is he that says to you all I now say , or else assuredly , together with this wife { of his }, I \u2019 ll be forbidding him the house . GETAHe \u2019 s in a passion .", "Are you so resolved , you unlucky fellow , to do me all the mischief you can ?", "What , I seek your friendship , or have any wish to see or hear you ?", "Let her cheer up yourself ; keep her to yourself .", "Mark what I say . There have been words enough already ; if you don \u2019 t make haste to fetch away the woman , I shall turn her out : I have said it , Phormio ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What am I to do ? What friend , in my distress , shall I find , to whom to disclose these plans ; and where shall I look for relief ? For I \u2019 m afraid that my mistress , in consequence of my advice , may undeservingly sustain some injury , so extremely ill do I hear that the young man \u2019 s father takes what has happened .", "It was distress that compelled me to this step , though I knew that the match was not likely to hold good ; my object was , that in the mean time life might be supported .", "And we are not able to find \u2014\u2014", "Her father .", "If now I could find him , there \u2019 s nothing that I should be in fear of .", "Who \u2019 s that speaking here ?", "Mentioning my name , too ?", "Ye Gods , I do beseech you , isn \u2019 t this Stilpho ?", "Do you deny it ?", "Why ? Pray , are you not the person you always used to say you were ?", "Why are you afraid about that door ?", "I \u2019 faith , that \u2019 s the very reason why we , wretched creatures , have never been able to find you out here .", "Ah , wretched me !", "Your daughter is alive . Her poor mother died of grief .", "As for me , being a lone old woman , in want , { and } unknown , I contrived , as well as I could , to get the young woman married to the young man who is master of this house", "The very same , I say .", "Dear no , prithee , he has only got this one .", "Why , this is she .", "It was done on purpose , in order that her lover might be enabled to marry her without a portion .", "Now consider what \u2019 s to be done . The young man \u2019 s father has returned , and they say that he bears this with feelings highly offended .", "No one shall know { it } from me ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ha ! Demipho , has the money been paid him yet ?", "I wish it hadn \u2019 t been paid him .Halloo , I espy my wife ; I had almost said more than I ought .", "It \u2019 s all right .", "I \u2019 ve arranged it .", "She can \u2019 t be got to leave .", "Because they are fond of one another .", "A great deal ; besides that , I \u2019 ve found out that she is related to us .", "So you will find ; I don \u2019 t speak at random ; I \u2019 ve recovered my recollection .", "Nay , prithee , do take care not to injure your kinswoman .", "Don \u2019 t deny it ; her father went by another name ; that was the cause of your mistake .", "She did .", "Will you never yield to me , nor understand { what I mean }?", "Do you persist ?", "Would you like to know ? Then , so may Jupiter preserve me , not a person is there more nearly related to her than are you and I .", "Ah !", "That you should put so little confidence in me !", "She \u2019 ll do well enough .", "Why not ?", "Just so ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["O fortune ! O good luck !with blessings how great , how suddenly hast thou loaded this day with thy favors to my master Antipho !\u2014", "And relieved us , his friends , from alarm ; but I \u2019 m now delaying , in not throwing my cloakover my shoulder, and making haste to find him , that he may know what has happened .", "I \u2019 ll be off hence to the Procurer \u2019 s ; they are there just now .", "There \u2019 s for you . Is it any thing new or wonderful to be called back , directly you \u2019 ve started ?", "Do you persist ? Troth , you shall not on this occasion get the better of me by your annoyance .", "You \u2019 ll be getting a beating .", "This must be some one pretty familiar , threatening me with a beating .But is it the person I \u2019 m in search of or not ? \u2019 Tis the very man ! Up to him at once .", "O being most blessed of all men living ! For without question ,", "Antipho , you are the only favorite of the Gods .", "Is it enough if I plunge you into a sea of joy ?", "Oh , are you here too , Phormio ?", "Listen , then . When we just now paid you the money at the Forum , we went straight to Chremes ; in the mean time , my master sent me to your wife .", "I \u2019 ll omit telling you { that }, as it is nothing to the present purpose , Antipho . Just as I was going to the woman \u2019 s apartments , the boy Mida came running up to me , and caught me behind by my cloak , { and } pulled me back ; I turned about , { and } inquired for what reason he stopped me ; he said that it was forbidden for any one to go in to his mistress . \u201c Sophrona has just now ,\u201d said he , \u201c introduced here Chremes , the old gentleman \u2019 s brother ,\u201d and { he said } that he was then in the room with them : when I heard this , on tip-toe I stole softly along ; I came there , stood , held my breath , I applied my ear , { and } so began to listen , catching the conversation every word in this fashion", "Here I overheard a very pretty piece of business ; so much so that I had nearly cried out for joy .", "What do you think ?", "Why , something most marvelous . Your uncle has been discovered to be the father of your wife , Phanium .", "He formerly cohabited secretly with her mother at Lemnos .", "Be sure , Phormio , that there is some reason : but do you suppose that , outside of the door , I was able to understand every thing that passed between them within ?", "Aye , and I \u2019 ll give you still further reason for believing it : your uncle in the mean time came out from there ; not long after he returned again , with your father ; each said that he gave you permission to retain her ; in fine , I \u2019 ve been sent to find you , and bring you to them .", "I \u2019 ll do so ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I do give and return hearty thanks to the Gods , and with reason , brother , inasmuch as these matters have turned out for us so fortunately . We must now meet with Phormio as soon as possible , before he squanders our thirty min\u00e6 , so that we may get them from him .", "Why , Phormio , we were coming to you .", "Very much so .", "But he has dissuaded me from giving her to you . \u201c For what ,\u201d says he , \u201c will be the talk among people if you do this ? Formerly , when she might have been handsomely { disposed of }, then she wasn \u2019 t given ; now it \u2019 s a disgrace for her to be turned out of doors , a repudiated woman ;\u201d pretty nearly , { in fact }, all the reasons which you yourself , some little time since , were urging to me .", "How so ?", "Then besides , I see that my son is very unwilling to part with the damsel . But have the goodness to step over to the Forum , and order this money to be transferred to my account ,Phormio .", "What \u2019 s to be done , then ?", "Away with you to utter perdition , with this swaggering , you vagabond . What , then , do you fancy we don \u2019 t know you , or your doings ?", "Would you have married her , if she had been given to you ?", "That my son might cohabit with her at your house , that was your design .", "Then do you give me my money ?", "Come before a magistrate .", "What will you do ?", "What \u2019 s the matter ?", "What a jest he \u2019 s making { of us }.", "I don \u2019 t know ; but that I \u2019 ve told it to no one , I know for certain .", "Well now , is he to be carrying offfrom us such a sum of money as this , and so palpably to impose upon us ? By heavens , I \u2019 d sooner die . Manage to show yourself of resolute and ready wit . You see that this slip of yours has got abroad , and that you can not now possibly conceal it from your wife ; it is then more conducive to our quiet , Chremes , ourselves to disclose what she will be hearing from others ; { and } then , in our own fashion , we shall be able to take vengeance upon this dirty fellow .", "Be of good courage ; I \u2019 ll effect a reconciliation between you ; remembering this , Chremes , that she is deadand gone by whom you had this girl .", "A plague may { all } the Gods and Goddesses send upon him . That any fellow should be possessed of so much impudence ! Does not this villain deserve to be transported hence to some desolate land at the public charge ?", "I know ; let \u2019 s go into court .", "Follow him , and hold him back , till I call out the servants .", "Lay hold of him .", "See how strong the rascal is .", "If he won \u2019 t follow , plant your fists in his stomach ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Who calls my name ?", "My husband , pray what means this disturbance ?", "Who is this man ? Won \u2019 t you answer me ?", "What is it , then , that this person is talking about ?", "Pray , how can I believe him , when he has told me nothing ?", "It isn \u2019 t for nothing , i \u2019 faith , that you are in such a fright .", "My husband , will you not tell me ?", "But what ?", "My { dear } sir , may the Gods forbid it !", "Wretch that I am , I \u2019 m undone !", "O immortal Gods ! \u2014 a disgraceful and a wicked misdeed !", "Demipho , I appeal to you ; for with that man it is irksome for me to speak . Were these those frequent journeys and long visits at Lemnos ? Was this the lowness of prices that reduced our rents ?", "Why { should I } with patience ? I could wish , afflicted as I am , that there were an end now of this matter . But how can I hope ? Am I to suppose that , at his age , he will not offend in future ? Was he not an old man then , if old age makes people behave themselves decently ? Are my looks and my age more attractive now , Demipho ? What do you advance to me , to make me expect or hope that this will not happen any more ?", "But it was because I deserved this , I suppose ; why should I now , Demipho , make mention of each particular , how I have conducted myself toward him ?", "Does it appear , then , that I deserved this treatment ?", "What \u2019 s the matter ?", "Nay , that you may now know my determination . I neither forgive nor promise any thing , nor give any answer , before I see my son : to his decision I leave every thing . What he bids me , I shall do .", "Does that satisfy you , Chremes ?", "Do you tell me , what is your name ?", "Then , Phormio , on my word , henceforward I \u2019 ll both do and say for you all I can , and whatever you may desire .", "I \u2019 faith , it is as you deserve .", "With all my heart .", "Assuredly indeed , I do invite you ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 832, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Carry those things in : go ! ( Ex . SERVANTS .", "Sosia , come here ;", "A word with you !", "Quite another thing .", "This business", "Needs not that art ; but those good qualities ,", "Which I have ever known abide in you ,", "Fidelity and secrecy .", "Since I bought you , from a boy", "How just and mild a servitude you 've pass 'd", "With me , you 're conscious : from a purchas 'd slave", "I made you free , because you serv 'd me freely :", "The greatest recompense I could bestow .", "Nor do I repent .", "I will ; and this I must advise you first ;", "The nuptial you suppose preparing now ,", "Is all unreal .", "You shall hear all from first to last : and thus", "The conduct of my son , my own intent ,", "And what part you 're to act , you 'll know at once .", "For my son , Sosia , now to manhood grown ,", "Had freer scope of living : for before", "How might you know , or how indeed divine", "His disposition , good or ill , while youth ,", "Fear , and a master , all constrain 'd him ?", "Though most , as is the bent of youth , apply", "Their mind to some one object , horses , hounds ,", "Or to the study of philosophy ;", "Yet none of these , beyond the rest , did he", "Pursue ; and yet , in moderation , all .", "I was o'erjoy ' d .", "So did he shape his life to bear himself", "With ease and frank good-humor unto all ;", "Mix 'd in what company soe'er , to them", "He wholly did resign himself ; and join 'd", "In their pursuits , opposing nobody ,", "Nor e'er assuming to himself : and thus", "With ease , and free from envy , may you gain", "Praise , and conciliate friends .", "Meanwhile , \u2018 tis now about three years ago ,", "A certain woman from the isle of Andros ,", "Came o'er to settle in this neighborhood ,", "By poverty and cruel kindred driv'n :", "Handsome and young .", "At first", "Modest and thriftily , though poor , she liv 'd ,", "With her own hands a homely livelihood", "Scarce earning from the distaff and the loom .", "But when a lover came , with promis 'd gold ,", "Another , and another , as the mind", "Falls easily from labor to delight ,", "She took their offers , and set up the trade .", "They , who were then her chief gallants , by chance", "Drew thither , as oft happen with young men", "My son to join their company . \u201c So , so ! \u201d", "Said I within myself , \u201c he 's smit ! he has it ! \u201d", "And in the morning as I saw their servants", "Run to and fro , I 'd often call , \u201c here , boy !", "Prithee now , who had Chrysis yesterday ? \u201d", "The name of this same Andrian .", "Ph\u00e6drus they said , Clinia , or Niceratus ,", "For all these three then follow 'd her .\u2014 \u201c Well , well ,", "But what of Pamphilus ? \u201d \u2014 \u201c Of Pamphilus !", "He supp 'd , and paid his reck'ning . \u201d \u2014 I was glad .", "Another day I made the like inquiry ,", "But still found nothing touching Pamphilus .", "Thus I believ 'd his virtue prov 'd , and hence", "Thought him a miracle of continence :", "For he who struggles with such spirits , yet", "Holds in that commerce an unshaken mind ,", "May well be trusted with the governance", "Of his own conduct . Nor was I alone", "Delighted with his life , but all the world", "With one accord said all good things , and prais 'd", "My happy fortunes , who possess 'd a son", "So good , so lib'rally disposed .\u2014 In short", "Chremes , seduc 'd by this fine character ,", "Came of his own accord , to offer me", "His only daughter with a handsome portion", "In marriage with my son . I lik 'd the match ;", "Betroth 'd my son ; and this was pitch 'd upon ,", "By joint agreement , for the wedding-day .", "I 'll tell you .", "In a few days , the treaty still on foot ,", "This neighbor Chrysis dies .", "My son , on this event , was often there", "With those who were the late gallants of Chrysis ;", "Assisted to prepare the funeral ,", "Ever condol 'd , and sometimes wept with them .", "This pleas 'd me then ; for in myself I thought ,", "\u201c Since merely for a small acquaintance-sake", "He takes this woman 's death so nearly , what", "If he himself had lov 'd ? What would he feel", "For me , his father ? \u201d All these things , I thought ;", "Were but the tokens and the offices", "Of a humane and tender disposition .", "In short , on his account , e'en I myself", "Attend the funeral , suspecting yet", "No harm .", "You shall hear all . The Corpse", "Borne forth , we follow : when among the women", "Attending there , I chanc 'd to cast my eyes ,", "Upon one girl , in form \u2014\u2014", "And look ; so modest , and so beauteous , Sosia !", "That nothing could exceed it . As she seem 'd", "To grieve beyond the rest ; and as her air", "Appear 'd more liberal and ingenuous ,", "I went and ask 'd her women who she was .", "Sister , they said , to Chrysis : when at once", "It struck my mind ; \u201c So ! so ! the secret 's out ;", "Hence were those tears , and hence all that compassion ! \u201d", "Meanwhile the funeral proceeds : we follow ;", "Come to the sepulchre : the body 's plac 'd", "Upon the pile , lamented : whereupon", "This sister I was speaking of , all wild ,", "Ran to the flames with peril of her life .", "Then ! there ! the frighted Pamphilus betrays", "His well-dissembled and long-hidden love :", "Runs up , and takes her round the waist , and cries ,", "\u201c Oh my Glycerium ! what is it you do ?", "Why , why endeavor to destroy yourself ? \u201d", "Then she , in such a manner , that you thence", "Might easily perceive their long , long , love ,", "Threw herself back into his arms , and wept ,", "Oh how familiarly !", "Chremes next day came open-mouth 'd to me :", "Oh monstrous ! he had found that Pamphilus", "Was married to this stranger woman . I", "Deny the fact most steadily , and he", "As steadily insists . In short we part", "On such bad terms , as let me understand", "He would refuse his daughter .", "Not even this", "Appear 'd sufficient for reproof .", "\u201c Father ,", "You have , you know ,", "Prescrib 'd a term to all these things yourself .", "The time is near at hand , when I must live", "According to the humor of another .", "Meanwhile , permit me now to please my own ! \u201d", "If he", "Refuses , on account of this amour ,", "To take a wife , such obstinate denial", "Must be considered as his first offense .", "Wherefore I now , from this mock-nuptial ,", "Endeavor to draw real cause to chide :", "And that same rascal Davus , if he 's plotting ,", "That he may let his counsel run to waste ,", "Now , when his knaveries can do no harm :", "Who , I believe , with all his might and main", "Will strive to cross my purposes ; and that", "More to plague me , than to oblige my son .", "Why so ! Bad mind , bad heart : But if", "I catch him at his tricks !\u2014 But what need words ?", "\u2014 If , as I wish it may , it should appear", "That Pamphilus objects not to the match ,", "Chremes remains to be prevail 'd upon ,", "And will , I hope , consent . \u2018 Tis now your place", "To counterfeit these nuptials cunningly ;", "To frighten Davus ; and observe my son ,", "What he 's about , what plots they hatch together .", "Go first : I 'll follow you . ( Exit SOSIA . Beyond all doubt My son 's averse to take a wife : I saw How frighten 'd Davus was , but even now , When he was told a nuptial was preparing . But here he comes .In this Scene , all quotation marks were supplied from the 1768 edition .", "Carry those things in : go !can be taken as the correct plural form \u201c Exeunt \u201d . Harper He wholly did resign himself ; and join 'd In their pursuits , opposing nobody , Colman 1768 He wholly did resign himself ; complied With all their humours , checking nobody ,"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I thought \u2018 twere wonderful If this affair went off so easily ; And dreaded where my master 's great good-humor Would end at last : who , after he perceiv 'd The Lady was refus 'd , ne'er said a word To any of us , nor e'er took it ill .", "This was his scheme ; to lead us by the nose", "In a false dream of joy ; then all agape", "With hope , even then that we were most secure ,", "To have o'erwhelm ' d us , nor have giv'n us time", "To cast about which way to break the match .", "Cunning old Gentleman !", "My master and I did not see him !", "Well ! what now ?", "What can he want ?", "Upon what ? Sir .", "Oh , to be sure , the world cares much for that .", "Nothing more , Sir .", "What means all this ?", "So they say .", "Troth , I do n't comprehend one word of this .", "No . I 'm Davus , and not Oedipus .", "By all means .", "Clearly . You have spoke out at last : the very thing ! Quite plain and home ; and nothing round about .", "Good words ! I beg of you ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Is this well done ? or like a man ?\u2014 Is this", "The action of a father ?", "Oh all ye pow'rs of heav'n and earth , what 's wrong", "If this is not so ?\u2014 If he was determin 'd", "That I to-day should marry , should I not", "Have had some previous notice ?\u2014 ought not he", "To have inform 'd me of it long ago ?", "And Chremes too ,", "Who had refus 'd to trust me with his daughter ,", "Changes his mind , because I change not mine .", "Can he then be so obstinately bent", "To tear me from Glycerium ? To lose her", "Is losing life .\u2014 Was ever man so cross 'd ,", "So curs 'd as I ?\u2014 Oh pow'rs of heav'n and earth !", "Can I by no means fly from this alliance", "With Chremes \u2019 family ?\u2014 so oft contemn 'd", "And held in scorn !\u2014 all done , concluded all !\u2014\u2014", "Rejected , then recall 'd :\u2014 and why ?\u2014 unless ,", "For so I must suspect , they breed some monster ,", "Whom as they can obtrude on no one else ,", "They bring to me .", "And then", "My father !\u2014 what to say of him ?\u2014 Oh shame !", "A thing of so much consequence to treat", "So negligently !\u2014 For but even now", "Passing me in the forum , \u201c Pamphilus !", "To-day 's your wedding-day , said he : prepare ;", "Go , get you home ! \u201d \u2014 This sounded in my ears", "As if he said , \u201c go , hang yourself ! \u201d \u2014 I stood", "Confounded . Think you I could speak one word ?", "Or offer an excuse , how weak soe'er ?", "No , I was dumb :\u2014 and had I been aware ,", "Should any ask what I 'd have done , I would ,", "Rather than this , do any thing .\u2014 But now", "What to resolve upon ?\u2014 So many cares", "Entangle me at once , and rend my mind ,", "Pulling it diff'rent ways . My love , compassion ,", "This urgent match , my rev'rence for my father ,", "Who yet has ever been so gentle to me ,", "And held so slack a rein upon my pleasures .", "\u2014 And I oppose him ?\u2014 Racking thought !\u2014 Ah me !", "I know not what to do .", "Who 's there ? what , Mysis ! Save you !", "How does she ?", "D'ye think me then so vile ?", "Or so ungrateful , so inhuman , savage ,", "Neither long intercourse , nor love , nor shame ,", "Can make me keep my faith ?", "I should remember her ? Oh , Mysis , Mysis !", "The words of Chrysis touching my Glycerium", "Are written in my heart . On her death-bed", "She call 'd me . I approach 'd her . You retir 'd .", "We were alone ; and Chrysis thus began :", "\u201c My Pamphilus , you see the youth and beauty", "Of this unhappy maid : and well you know ,", "These are but feeble guardians to preserve", "Her fortune or her fame . By this right hand", "I do beseech you , by your better angel ,", "By your tried faith , by her forlorn condition ,", "I do conjure you , put her not away ,", "Nor leave her to distress . If I have ever ,", "As my own brother , lov 'd you ; or if she", "Has ever held you dear \u2018 bove all the world ,", "And ever shown obedience to your will \u2014\u2014", "I do bequeath you to her as a husband ,", "Friend , Guardian , Father : all our little wealth", "To you I leave , and trust it to your care . \u201d \u2014\u2014", "She join 'd our hands , and died .\u2014 I did receive her ,", "And once receiv 'd will keep her .", "What make you from her ?", "Haste then ! and hark , be sure take special heed ,", "You mention not a word about the marriage ,", "Lest this too give her pain ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Charinus , save you !", "I do lack", "Myself both help and counsel \u2014 But what mean you ?", "Aye , so they say .", "How so ?", "What is't ?", "I \u2019 faith so am not I .", "Tell me , Charinus , has aught further passed", "\u2018 Twixt you and her ?", "Would there had !", "I will endeavor .", "My heart !", "Hear , Charinus ;", "It is , I think , scarce honesty in him", "To look for thanks , who means no favor . I", "Abhor this marriage , more than you desire it .", "Now if you , or he ,", "Your Byrrhia here , can do or think of aught ;", "Act , plot , devise , invent , strive all you can", "To make her yours ; and I 'll do all I can", "That she may not be mine .", "I see", "Davus , and in good time : for he 'll advise", "What 's best to do ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Good Heav'ns , what news I bring ! what joyful news !", "But where shall I find Pamphilus , to drive", "His fears away , and make him full of joy ?", "And he , I warrant , if he has been told", "Of his intended wedding \u2014\u2014", "Poor soul , is running all about the town", "In quest of me . But whither shall I go ?", "Or which way run ?", "I 'll go .", "Who calls ? O , Pamphilus ! the very man .\u2014 Heyday ! Charinus too !\u2014 Both gentlemen , well met ! I 've news for both .", "Hear me !", "I know your fears .", "Yours I know also .", "I know it .", "You stun me ; plague !", "I tell you I know ev'ry thing : you fear", "You should not marry her .\u2014 You fear you should .", "And yet that same", "Is nothing . Mark !", "I will then . Chremes", "Wo n't give his daughter to you .", "I 'm sure of it . Your Father but just now", "Takes me aside , and tells me \u2018 twas his will", "That you should wed to-day ; with much beside ,", "Which now I have not leisure to repeat .", "I , on the instant , hastening to find you ,", "Run to the Forum to inform you of it :", "There , failing , climb an eminence , look round :", "No Pamphilus : I light by chance on Byrrhia ;", "Inquire ; he had n't seen you . Vex 'd at heart ,", "What 's to be done ? thought I . Returning thence", "A doubt arose within me . Ha ! bad cheer ,", "The old man melancholy , and a wedding", "Clapp 'd up so suddenly ! This do n't agree .", "I betook me instantly", "To Chremes \u2019 house ; but thither when I came ,", "Before the door all hush . This tickled me .", "I watch 'd a while :", "Meantime no soul went in , no soul came out ;", "No matron ; in the house no ornament ;", "No note of preparation . I approach 'd ,", "Look 'd in \u2014\u2014", "Does this seem like a nuptial ?", "Think not , d'ye say ? you do n't conceive :", "The thing is evident . I met beside ,", "As I departed thence , with Chremes \u2019 boy ,", "Bearing some pot-herbs , and a pennyworth", "Of little fishes for the old man 's dinner .", "And yet you are undone .", "Ridiculous ! As if ,", "Because the daughter is denied to him ,", "She must of course wed you . Look to it well ;", "Court the old Gentleman through friends , apply ,", "Or else \u2014\u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What means my father then ? Why counterfeit ?", "What course then shall I take ? Shall I submit \u2014\u2014", "To drive her hence ?", "Tell me then ,", "Oh tell me , Davus , what were best to do ?", "How !", "Say that I 'll marry !", "Never , never .", "Persuade not !", "Divorcement from Glycerium . And marriage with the other .", "D'ye think so ?", "See , what you lead me to .", "I 'll say so then . But have a care", "He knows not of the child , which I 've agreed", "To educate .", "She drew", "This promise from me , as a firm assurance", "That I would not forsake her ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I see them both together .", "Here , Pamphilus !", "It is my pleasure , that to-day ,", "As I have told you once before , you marry .", "You perform", "Your duty , when you cheerfully comply", "With my desires .", "Now then go in", "That when you 're wanted you be found .", "Well , what now , Davus ?", "Nothing , say you ?", "And yet I look 'd for something .", "Can you speak truth ?", "Say then ,", "Is not this wedding irksome to my son ,", "From his adventure with the Andrian ?", "I praise him for't .", "Yet , in my eyes , he seem 'd a little sad .", "For what ?", "Well , what is't ?", "Tell me , what is't ?", "Hold your peace .", "I 'll look to that . Away ! ( Exit DAVUS .", "What now ? What means the varlet ? Precious rogue ,", "For if there 's any knavery on foot ,", "He , I am sure , is the contriver o n't . ( Exit .", "Harper", "\u2018 Tis true he lov 'd ; and even then by stealth", "Colman 1768", "\u2018 Tis true he lov 'd ; but even then by stealth ]", "ACT THE THIRD ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["This too where 's he that knows you would not swear", "Was your contrivance ?", "While in the house , forsooth , the midwife gave", "No orders for the Lady in the straw :", "But having issued forth into the street ,", "Bawls out most lustily to those within .", "\u2014 Oh Davus , am I then so much your scorn ?", "Seem I so proper to be play 'd upon ,", "With such a shallow , barefac 'd , imposition ?", "You might at least , in reverence , have us 'd", "Some spice of art , wer't only to pretend", "You fear 'd my anger , should I find you out .", "Did not I give you warning ? threaten too ,", "In case you play 'd me false ? But all in vain :", "For what car 'd you ?\u2014 What ! think you I believe", "This story of a child by Pamphilus ?", "Why do n't you answer ?", "I been inform 'd ?", "D'ye laugh at me ?", "Whence ! from you :", "Because I know you .", "Beyond all doubt ; I know it :", "I not know you ?", "Falsely , hey ?", "All that I know is this ; that nobody", "Has been deliver 'd here .", "But how d'ye know ?", "How 's this ?", "Having discover 'd such a plot on foot ,", "Why did you not directly tell my son ?", "Get you in . Wait for me there , and see that you prepare What 's requisite . ( Exit DAVUS . He has not wrought upon me To yield implicit credit to his tale , Nor do I know if all he said be true . But , true or false , it matters not : to me My Son 's own promise is the main concern . Now to meet Chremes , and to beg his daughter In marriage with my son . If I succeed , What can I rather wish , than to behold Their marriage-rites to-day ? For since my son Has given me his word , I 've not a doubt , Should he refuse , but I may force him to it : And to my wishes see where Chremes comes .The initial direction \u201c Manent SIMO , DAVUS . \u201d is supplied from the 1768 edition . Harper SIMO . I been inform 'd ? DAVUS . What then you found it out ? Colman 1768 SIMO . Inform 'd ? DAVUS . What then you found it out yourself ? Harper DAVUS . I 've heard so , and believe so . Besides a thousand things concur to lead To this conjecture . In the first place , she Profess 'd herself with child by Pamphilus : That proves a falsehood . Now that she perceives A nuptial preparation at our house , A maid 's dispatch 'd immediately to bring Colman 1768 DAVUS . I 've heard so , and believe so . Besides a thousand different things concur To lead to this conjecture . First , Glycerium Profess 'd herself with child by Pamphilus : That proves a falsehood . Now as she perceives A nuptial preparation at our house , A maid 's immediately dispatch 'd to bring ]"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Chremes , good-day !", "And I for you .", "A moment 's hearing ; you shall be inform 'd ,", "What I request , and what you wish to know .", "Now by the Gods ;", "Now by our friendship , Chremes , which begun", "In infancy , has still increas 'd with age ;", "Now by your only daughter , and my son ,", "Whose preservation wholly rests on you ;", "Let me entreat this boon : and let the match", "Which should have been , still be .", "E'en in that spirit , I desire it , Chremes ,", "Entreat it may be done ; nor would entreat ,", "But that occasion urges .", "A diff'rence \u2018 twixt Glycerium and my son .", "A breach so wide as gives me hopes", "To sep'rate them forever .", "Indeed \u2018 tis thus .", "Prevent we then , I pray , this mischief now ;", "While time permits , while yet his passion 's sore", "From contumelies ; ere these women 's wiles ,", "Their wicked arts , and tears made up of fraud", "Shake his weak mind , and melt it to compassion .", "Give him a wife : by intercourse with her ,", "Knit by the bonds of wedlock , soon I hope ,", "He 'll rise above the guilt that sinks him now .", "How can you know , unless you make the trial ?", "The mischief , should he fail ,", "Is only this : divorce , which Heav'n forbid !", "But mark what benefits if he amend !", "First , to your friend you will restore a son ;", "Gain to yourself a son-in-law , and match", "Your daughter to an honest husband .", "I see I ever lov 'd you justly , Chremes .", "But what ?", "Davus ,", "Davus , in all their secrets , told me so ;", "Advis 'd me too , to hasten on the match", "As fast as possible . Would he , d'ye think ,", "Do that , unless he were full well assur 'd", "My son desir 'd it too ?\u2014 Hear , what he says .", "Ho there ! call Davus forth .\u2014 But here he comes .", "Harper", "CHREMES . Whence is't you know", "Colman 1768", "CHREMES . From whence are you appriz 'd ]"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I was about to seek you .", "Why is not the bride sent for ? it grows late .", "I , Sir ?", "What secret , Sir ?", "You 've found what sort of man I am at last .", "How ! none !", "How say you ?", "Alack , alack ! I never could have thought it . Ah , what art !", "How ! are we ruin 'd then ?", "Confusion ! how ?", "Undone !", "Well done ! I said .", "Yes , I alone .", "Most diligently .", "Be at peace .", "Probably at home ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Oh , Charinus ,", "By my imprudence , unless Heav'n forefend ,", "I 've ruin 'd both myself and you .", "What now ?", "What means all this ?", "You are mistaken .", "Take her ?", "Alas , you know not what a wretch I am :", "How many cares this slave has brought upon me ,", "My rascal here .", "Ah , you know not", "Me , or my love , or else you would not talk thus .", "To show you then ,", "How little you conceive of my distress ,", "These nuptials were mere semblance , mock'ry all ,", "Nor was a wife intended me .", "Nay , but have patience ! you do n't know \u2014\u2014", "Why rack me thus ?", "Nay hear ! he never ceas 'd to importune", "That I would tell my father , I would wed ;", "So press 'd , and urg 'd , that he at length prevail 'd .", "Davus .", "Davus all .", "I know not : but I know the Gods", "Meant in their anger I should listen to him .", "Oh aye , I warrant you , if you look to \u2018 t ,", "Out of one wedding you can work me two .", "Aye , with all my heart :", "Place me but where you found me first .", "But do it instantly .", "Nothing to you .", "What , at last ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Mysis !", "What 's the matter ?", "Ah , I 'm undone : This sore breaks out afresh .", "Unhappy that we are , through your curs 'd means ,", "To be tormented thus .", "\u2014 She has been told", "A nuptial is prepar 'd and therefore sends .", "Mysis , I swear to thee by all the Gods ,", "I never will desert her : though assur 'd", "That I for her make all mankind my foes .", "I sought her , carried her : our hearts are one ,", "And farewell they that wish us put asunder !", "Death , naught but death shall part us .", "Apollo 's oracles are not more true .", "If that my father may be wrought upon ,", "To think I hinder 'd not the match , \u2018 tis well :", "But if that can not be , come what come may ,", "Why let him know , \u2018 twas I \u2014 What think you now ?", "I know what you 'd attempt .", "Aye , but now .", "Say , what do you propose ?", "I 'll to Glycerium . ( Exit ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Prithee , man , what now ? Where are you carrying the child ?", "What are you about ?", "What , on the bare ground ?", "And why", "Ca n't you do that yourself ?", "I understand . But pray how came this sudden qualm upon you ?", "What now ?", "What you mean", "I can n't imagine .", "Still what you 're at , I can not comprehend .", "But if I can assist , as you know best ,", "Not to obstruct your purposes , I 'll stay .", "Harper", "DAVUS . Because , that if", "My master chance to put me to my oath", "That \u2018 twas not I who laid it there , I may", "With a safe conscience swear .", "MYSIS . I understand .", "Colman 1768", "DAVUS . Because , supposing", "There should be need to swear to my old master", "I did not lay the bantling there myself", "I may with a safe conscience .", "MYSIS . I conceive . ]", "SCENE VII .", "Where is he gone ?", "Not here : Ah me ! The fellow 's gone , and left me in the lurch .", "Have you your wits , to ask me such a question ?", "Ah !", "You 're raving mad . Was \u2018 t not yourself !", "Do you threaten me ?", "From our house .", "A plague upon you : you so terrify me !", "What would you ?", "You do n't know ?", "Yours .", "Pamphilus 's .", "Why is \u2018 t not ?", "Why all this noise ?", "Oh rogue !", "Thank Heav'n ,", "Some free-women were present at her labor ?", "The fellow 's drunk .", "Why prithee is she not a citizen ?", "Ah me !\u2014 Good Sir , I spoke the truth indeed ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ha ! whence comes the rogue ?", "What mischief 's this ?", "A knave ! Who 's that he praises ?", "Why do n't I speak to him ?", "Good Sir , your humble Servant !", "You 've taken special care .", "Oh , mighty fine !", "That to be sure is all that 's wanting now .", "\u2014 But tell me , Sir ! what business had you there ?", "You ?", "You , Sir .", "As if I ask 'd , how long it was ago .", "Is Pamphilus within ?", "\u2014 Oh torture .\u2014 Did not you assure me , Sirrah ,", "They were at variance ?", "Why then", "Is Pamphilus within ?", "What story now ?", "And what says he , then ?", "Ho , Dromo ! Dromo !", "Dromo !", "Speak but a word more \u2014 Dromo !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Who calls ?\u2014 Undone ! my father !", "They say so .", "Wretch that I am !", "My father !\u2014\u2014", "My father , but one word !", "I confess ,", "I love Glycerium : if it be a fault ,", "That too I do confess . To you , my father ,", "I yield myself : dispose me as you please !", "Command me ! Say that I shall take a wife ;", "Leave her ; I will endure it , as I may \u2014\u2014", "This only I beseech you , think not I", "Suborn 'd this old man hither .\u2014 Suffer me", "To clear myself , and bring him here before you .", "Let me , father !", "Grant me this !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Say no more !", "Any of these inducements would prevail :", "Or your entreaty , or that it is truth ,", "Or that I wish it for Glycerium 's sake .", "Save you , Chremes !", "Accident . But is this Simo ?", "Do you", "Deny it ?", "Prepar 'd ! for what ?", "Have you your wits ?", "How ?", "Let him look to \u2018 t. If he persists in saying", "Whate'er he pleases , I shall make him hear", "Something that may displease him .\u2014 Do I stir", "In these affairs , or make them my concern ?", "Bear your misfortunes patiently ! For me ,", "If I speak true or false , shall now be known .", "\u2014 \u201c A man of Athens once upon a time", "Was shipwreck 'd on the coast of Andros : with him", "This very woman , then an infant . He", "In this distress applied , it so fell out ,", "For help to Chrysis \u2019 father \u2014 \u201d", "And will he interrupt me ?", "\u201c Now Chrysis \u2019 father , who receiv 'd him ,", "Was my relation . There I 've often heard", "The man himself declare , he was of Athens .", "There too he died . \u201d", "His name so quickly !\u2014 Phania .", "By my troth , I think \u2018 twas Phania ;", "But this I 'm sure , he said he was of Rhamnus .", "These circumstances , Chremes ,", "Were known to many others , then in Andros .", "No , not his own .", "His brother 's daughter .", "What say you ?", "What is that doubt ?", "She had another , when a child .", "I am hunting for it .", "True ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Oh Davus !", "You know not my good fortune .", "To a tittle .", "Glycerium has discover 'd her relations .", "Her father is", "Our most near friend .", "Chremes .", "And I 'm to marry her immediately .", "And moreover ,", "For the child , Davus \u2014\u2014", "Who 's there ? Charinus ! oh , well met .", "You 've heard then \u2014\u2014", "I shall remember .", "\u2018 Twere tedious to expect his coming forth :", "Along with me then to Glycerium !", "Davus , do you go home , and hasten them", "To fetch her hence . Away , away !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ah me ! I fear lest Ph\u00e6dria take offense", "And think I meant it other than I did ,", "That he was not admitted yesterday .", "Who 's there ? my Ph\u00e6dria ? Why did you stand here ? Why not directly enter ?", "Why do n't you speak ?", "Nay , no more !", "Grieve not , I beg , my love , my Ph\u00e6dria ! Not that I lov 'd another more , I did this . But I by circumstance was forc 'd to do it .", "Ah Parmeno !", "Is't thus you deal with me ? Go to !\u2014 But hear", "Why I did call you hither ?", "But tell me first , can yon slave hold his peace ?", "My mother was a Samian , liv 'd at Rhodes .", "There a certain merchant", "Made her a present of a little girl ,", "Stol'n hence from Attica .", "I think so , but we can not tell for certain .", "Her father 's and her mother 's name she told", "Herself ; her country and the other marks", "Of her original , she neither knew ,", "Nor , from her age , was \u2018 t possible she should .", "The merchant added further , that the pirates ,", "Of whom he bought her , let him understand ,", "She had been stol'n from Sunium . My mother", "Gave her an education , brought her up", "In all respects as she had been her own ;", "And she in gen'ral was suppos 'd my sister .", "I journeyed hither with the gentleman", "To whom alone I was connected then ,", "The same who left me all I have .", "Why so ?", "I allow it ,", "But let me hasten to the point I wish :", "Meantime the captain , who was then but young", "In his attachment to me , went to Caria .", "I , in his absence , was address 'd by you ;", "Since when , full well you know , how very dear", "I 've held you , and have trusted you with all", "My nearest counsels .", "Nay , prithee now , attend !", "My mother 's lately dead at Rhodes : her brother ,", "Too much intent on wealth , no sooner saw", "This virgin , handsome , well-accomplish 'd , skill 'd", "In music , than , spurr 'd on by hopes of gain ,", "In public market he expos 'd and sold her .", "It so fell out , my soldier-spark was there ,", "And bought her , all unknowing these events ,", "To give to me : but soon as he return 'd ,", "And found how much I was attach 'd to you ,", "He feign 'd excuses to keep back the girl ;", "Pretending , were he thoroughly convinc 'd", "That I would still prefer him to yourself ,", "Nor fear 'd that when I had receiv 'd the girl ,", "I would abandon him , he 'd give her to me ;", "But that he doubted . For my part , I think", "He is grown fond of her himself .", "No ; for I 've inquir 'd ,", "And now , my Ph\u00e6dria , there are sundry causes", "Wherefore I wish to win the virgin from him .", "First , for she 's call 'd my sister ; and moreover ,", "That I to her relations may restore her .", "I 'm a lone woman , have nor friend , nor kin :", "Wherefore , my Ph\u00e6dria , I would raise up friends", "By some good turn :\u2014 And you , I prithee now ,", "Help me to do it . Let him some few days", "Be my gallant in chief . What ! no reply ?", "Do I fear that ?", "Why this , my Ph\u00e6dria ?", "Though I would fain obtain the girl , and though", "I think by these means it might well be done ;", "Yet , rather than make you my enemy ,", "I 'll do as you command .", "Not speak sincerely ? from my very soul ?", "What did you ever ask , although in sport ,", "But you obtain 'd it of me ? yet I can n't", "Prevail on you to grant but two short days .", "No in good faith but two , or \u2014\u2014", "It shall not be : but you will grant me those .", "Thanks , my sweet Ph\u00e6dria !", "Farewell , my Ph\u00e6dria ! Would you aught else with me ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Good Heav'ns ! how much one man excels another !", "What diff'rence \u2018 twixt a wise man and a fool !", "What just now happen 'd proves it : coming hither", "I met with an old countryman , a man", "Of my own place and order , like myself ,", "No scurvy fellow , who , like me , had spent", "In mirth and jollity his whole estate .", "He was in a most wretched trim ; his looks", "Lean , sick , and dirty ; and his clothes all rags .", "\u201c How now ! \u201d cried I , \u201c what means this figure , friend ?", "Alas ! says he , my patrimony 's gone .", "\u2014 Ah , how am I reduc 'd ! my old acquaintance", "And friends all shun me . \u201d \u2014 Hearing this , how cheap", "I held him in comparison with me !", "\u201c Why , how now ? wretch , said I , most idle wretch !", "Have you spent all , nor left ev'n hope behind ?", "What ! have you lost your sense with your estate ?", "Me !\u2014 look on me \u2014 come from the same condition !", "How sleek ! how neat ! how clad ! in what good case !", "I 've ev'ry thing , though nothing ; naught possess ,", "Yet naught I ever want . \u201d \u2014 \u201c Ah , Sir , but I", "Have an unhappy temper , and can n't bear", "To be the butt of others , or to take", "A beating now and then . \u201d \u2014 \u201c How then ! d'ye think", "Those are the means of thriving ? No , my friend !", "Such formerly indeed might drive a trade :", "But mine 's a new profession ; I the first", "That ever struck into this road . There are", "A kind of men , who wish to be the head", "Of ev'ry thing ; but are not . These I follow ;", "Not for their sport and laughter , but for gain", "To laugh with them , and wonder at their parts :", "Whate'er they say , I praise it ; if again", "They contradict , I praise that too : does any", "Deny ? I too deny : affirm ? I too", "Affirm : and in a word , I 've brought myself", "To say , unsay , swear , and forswear , at pleasure :", "And that is now the best of all professions . \u201d", "Deep in this conversation , we at length", "Come to the market , where the sev'ral tradesmen ,", "Butchers , cooks , grocers , poult'rers , fishmongers ,", "All run with joy to me , salute , invite ,", "And bid me welcome . He , poor half-starv 'd wretch ,", "Soon as he saw me thus caress 'd , and found", "I got my bread so easily , desired", "He might have leave to learn that art of me .", "I bade him follow me , if possible :", "And , as the Schools of the Philosophers", "Have ta'en from the Philosophers their names ,", "So , in like manner , let all Parasites", "Be call 'd from me Gnathonics !", "But hold , I must convey this girl to Thais ,", "And bid her forth to sup .\u2014 Ha , Parmeno !", "Our rival 's slave , standing at Thais \u2019 door !", "\u2014 How melancholy he appears ! All 's safe :", "These poor rogues find but a cold welcome here .", "I 'll play upon this knave .", "To Parmeno , his lov 'd and honor 'd friend ,", "Gnatho sends greeting .", "\u2014 What are you upon ?", "I see it .\u2014 Is there nothing here", "Displeasing to you ?", "I do believe it . But prithee , is there nothing else ?", "Because you 're melancholy .", "Well , do not be so !\u2014 Pray , now , what d'ye think", "Of this young handmaid ?", "I plague the rascal .", "Will not this gift be very acceptable", "To Thais , think you ?", "For these six months , Parmeno ,", "For six whole months at least , I 'll make you easy ;", "You sha'n ' t run up and down , and watch till daylight ;", "Come , do n't I make you happy ?", "\u2018 Tis my way with my friends .", "But I detain you : you , perhaps , was going", "Somewhere else .", "May I beg you then", "To use your int'rest here , and introduce me", "To Thais ?", "Would you have any one call 'd forth ? ( Exit .", "Ha ! Parmeno !", "Are you here still ? What ! are you left a spy ,", "Lest any go-between should run by stealth", "To Thais from the Captain ? ( Exit ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ten thousand .", "Not so much with the gift itself , as that", "By you \u2018 twas given : but therein she triumphs .", "In truth", "I have observ 'd it .", "Men of wit , like you ,", "The glory , got by others \u2019 care and toil ,", "Often transfer unto themselves .", "The king then held you \u2014\u2014", "Most dear .", "Wonderful !", "Perfectly .", "When he would \u2014 in a manner \u2014 clear his stomach", "Of all uneasiness .", "Hui ! there 's a king indeed ! a king of taste !", "Of a million sure ! \u2014 If he could live with you .", "Oh , finely said ! and shrewdly ! excellent ! Too hard upon him !\u2014 what said he to't ?", "And how the devil should he ?", "Never : but pray do ! \u2014 I 've heard it o'er and o'er a thousand times .", "Ha ! ha ! ha !", "Ha ! ha ! ha ! Witty ! smart ! excellent ! incomparable ! Is it your own ? I swear I thought \u2018 twas old .", "Very often ;", "And reckon 'd admirable .", "And yet \u2018 twas pity to be so severe", "On a young fellow , and a gentleman .", "What became of him ?", "No wonder .", "On no account . Rather increase her jealousy .", "Why ?\u2014 do you ask ?\u2014 as if you did n't know !\u2014\u2014", "Whene'er she mentions Ph\u00e6dria , or whene'er", "She praises him , to vex you \u2014\u2014", "To hinder that , you 've only this resource .", "When she names Ph\u00e6dria , name you Pamphila .", "If she should say , \u201c come ! let 's have Ph\u00e6dria", "To dinner with us ! \u201d \u2014 \u201c aye , and Pamphila", "To sing to us ! \u201d \u2014 if she praise Ph\u00e6dria 's person ,", "Praise you the girl 's ! so give her tit for tat ,", "And gall her in her turn .", "While she loves", "The presents which you give , expecting more ,", "So long she loves you ; and so long you may", "Have pow'r to vex her . She will always fear", "To make you angry , lest some other reap", "The harvest , which she now enjoys alone .", "Ridiculous ! because you did not turn Your thoughts that way ; or with how much more ease Would you have hit on this device yourself !Harper GNAT . Not so much with the gift itself , as that By you \u2018 twas given : but therein she triumphs . Enter PARMENO behind . PAR . I 'm come to look about me , and observe A proper opportunity to bring My presents . But behold the Captain ! THRA . \u2018 Tis Something , I know not how , peculiar to me , That all I do \u2018 s agreeable . GNAT . In truth I have observ 'd it . THRA . E'en the King always Colman 1768 GNAT . Not for the present 's sake so much , as that From you it was presented : But therein She truly triumphs . Enter PARMENO behind . PAR . I 'm upon the watch , To mark a proper opportunity To bring my presents . But behold the Captain ?THRA . It is , indeed , something , I know not how , Peculiar to me , do whate'er I please , It will appear agreeable . GNAT . In truth I always have observ 'd it . THRA . Ev'n the King Harper THRA . One of a thousand . GNAT . Of a million sure ! \u2014 If he could live with you . Colman 1768 THRA . No general man , I promise you . GNAT . Oh no ! He must have been particular indeed , If he convers 'd with You . If she should say , \u201c come ! let 's have Ph\u00e6dria ... quotation marks in this speech supplied from 1768 edition ]"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I thought I heard the Captain 's voice : and see ! Good-day , my Thraso !", "For your worth I love you .", "I 'm ready when you please .", "Well met , Parmeno ! I was just going \u2014\u2014", "Do n't you see", "The Captain ?", "Now as I live , he 's handsome !", "Let me but carry in", "These first , and give some orders in the house ,", "And I 'll attend you . ( Exit with CH\u00c6REA , and the Ethiopian .", "Hold ! what else had I to say ?", "Take care , be sure , of yonder virgin ! see ,", "You keep at home .", "Girls , follow me !", "( Exit , attended by Servants and THRASO .", "Harper", "PAR . They 'll answer for themselves \u2014 Holo , there ! order", "The slaves , I told you , to come forth .\u2014 Here , this way !", "Enter a BLACK GIRL .", "Do you stand forward !\u2014 This girl , ma'am , comes quite", "From Ethiopia .", "THRA . Worth about three Min\u00e6 .", "Colman 1768", "PAR . They 'll answer for themselves \u2014 Ho , there ! within !", "Order the slaves , I told you , to come forth .", "Enter a BLACK GIRL .", "This way ! do you stand forward !\u2014 This girl , ma'am ,", "Comes quite from \u00c6thiopia .", "THRA . Worth three Min\u00e6 .", "Harper", "THAIS . Let me but carry in", "Colman 1768", "THAIS . Let me but introduce", "Harper", "THRA . What moves your laughter ?", "GNAT . That", "You said just now : and then the Rhodian came", "Colman 1768", "THRA . What moves your laughter , Gnatho ?", "GNAT . Your speech but now : and then the Rhodian came ]"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Dear Sir !", "Yes , Sir .", "Ch\u00e6rea came \u2014\u2014", "Yes , Sir !", "To-day .", "Just now .", "With Parmeno .", "No , Sir ; nor e'er heard of him .", "Parmeno told me so ; and Ch\u00e6rea", "Gave me these clothes \u2014\u2014", "Put on mine ;", "And then they both went out o \u2019 doors together .", "Yes .", "Yes , Sir !", "Yes .", "No , Sir !", "Beseech you , Sir , forgive me !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["So ! so !\u2014 I 'm in for't \u2014 and the wine I 've drank", "Has made me reel again .\u2014 Yet while I sat ,", "How sober I suppos 'd myself !\u2014 But I", "No sooner rose , than neither foot , nor head ,", "Knew their own business !", "Who 's that ?\u2014 Ha !", "Pythias !\u2014 How much more handsome you seem now ,", "Than you appear 'd a little while ago !", "I'faith it 's an old saying , and a true one ,", "\u201c Ceres and Bacchus are warm friends of Venus . \u201d", "\u2014 But , pray , has Thais been here long before me ?", "Long time since :", "An age ago . They 've had a bloody quarrel .", "Not she :", "Only she made a sign to me at parting .", "No , faith ! I did not", "At all conceive her meaning , till the Captain", "Gave me the hint , and kick 'd me out o \u2019 doors !", "\u2014 But here she is ! I wonder how it was ,", "I overtook her !", "Harper", "CHREM . No , faith ! I did not", "At all conceive her meaning , till the Captain", "Colman 1768", "CHREM . No , faith ! I never", "At all conceiv 'd her meaning , till the Captain ]", "SCENE VII .", "Thais , I have been here some time .", "To me ! how so ?", "Where 's my sister ?", "Ha !", "Indeed ?", "I feel your goodness , Thais , and shall ever", "Remain much bounden to you .", "D'ye see him , Thais ?", "What force the Captain brings with him against you ! Good Heav'n !", "Away !\u2014 who ? I ? afraid ?\u2014 There is no man", "Alive less so .", "What kind of man d'ye take me for ?", "I know all that :", "But why , like fools , admit what we may shun ?", "Better prevent a wrong , than afterward", "Revenge it , when receiv 'd \u2014\u2014 Do you step in ,", "And bolt the door , while I run to the Forum ,", "And call some officers to our assistance .", "\u2018 Twill be better .", "Nay , let me go ! I 'll soon be back .", "I do .", "I will ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Excellent !", "Admirable !", "Incomparable !", "What wisdom is !", "Now he has drawn up these in rank and file ,", "His post behind secures him a retreat .", "Troth , I wish you had a sling :", "That you from far in ambush might attack them !", "They 'd soon fly then , I warrant you .", "Let 's charge them then ! Come on !", "Oh , gracious Heavens ! Of what advantage is it to be wise ! I ne'er approach but I go wiser from you .", "Ah , beware ! Peace , peace , young gentleman !", "Take heed ! you know not whom you rail at thus .", "I pity you : to make so great a man", "Your enemy !", "How 's that , you hang-dog ? Are you for that sport ?", "D'ye hear ? he owns", "The robbery himself . Is n't that sufficient ?", "Why \u2014 e'en go back again !\u2014 This harlot here", "Will soon be with you to request forgiveness .", "Aye , most certainly . I know", "The ways of women .\u2014 When you will , they wo n't ;", "And when you wo n't , they 're dying for you .", "Shall I disband the army ?", "Sanga , as well becomes a brave militia ,", "Take to your houses and firesides again .", "Good fellow !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Let 's up to him .", "Oh , Dorus ! good Sir , welcome !\u2014 And so , Sirrah ,", "You ran away .", "And you think", "It was a clever trick ?", "Can you", "Believe that you shall go unpunish 'd for it ?", "Do you dread my cruelty ?", "What then ?", "Upon what account ?", "Away ! you rave .", "Well \u2014 no more of this .\u2014 Oh , Ch\u00e6rea ,", "You 've done a deed unworthy of yourself :", "For granting I , perhaps , might well deserve", "This injury , it was not honorable", "In you to do it .\u2014 As I live , I know not", "What counsel to pursue about this girl ;", "You 've so destroy 'd my measures , that I can n't", "Restore her , without blushing to her friends ,", "Nor so deliver her , as I propos 'd ,", "To make them thank me for my kindness , Ch\u00e6rea !", "Indeed ,", "I 'll so interpret it , and wish it so .", "I do believe it ; and , on that account ,", "More readily forgive you : for oh ! Ch\u00e6rea ,", "I am not form 'd of an ungentle nature ,", "Nor am I now to learn the pow'r of love .", "Have done !", "But if your father \u2014\u2014", "If you will wait", "A little while , her brother will be here :", "He 's gone to fetch the nurse that brought her up ;", "And you shall witness the discovery .", "But , in the mean time ,", "Had you not rather wait within , than here", "Before the door ?", "What now ?", "Why not ?", "Prithee , peace !", "Oh brave ! the brother 's here !", "Why so ? Are you asham 'd ?", "Go in ! I 'll follow you .", "Pythias , do you stay here to bring in Chremes .", "( Exeunt THAIS and CH\u00c6REA .", "Harper", "Lest any one should know me .\u2014 But is that", "Thais ? \u2018 Tis she herself . I 'm all aground .", "Colman 1768", "Lest any one should know me in this habit .", "But is that Thais ? She . I 'm all aground .", "Harper", "It was a clever trick ?", "CH\u00c6R . No , madam !", "THAIS . Can you", "Believe that you shall go unpunish 'd for it ?", "Colman 1768", "It was a clever trick , I warrant you ?", "CH\u00c6R . No , madam !", "THAIS . Can you believe that you shall go unpunish 'd ?", "Harper", "THAIS . Upon what account ?", "Colman 1768", "THAIS . Of what crime ?", "Harper", "PYTH . Why so ? if I had done \u2018 t", "Colman 1768", "PYTH . Not I. if I had done \u2018 t", "Harper", "Let me beseech you to assist me ! I", "Commit myself entirely to your care :", "Colman 1768", "Let me beseech you to assist me , Thais !", "I trust myself entirely to your care :", "Harper", "PYTH . I 'll not believe it , Ch\u00e6rea , till I see it .", "Colman 1768", "PYTH . I 'll not believe it , till I see it , Ch\u00e6rea . ]"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Faith , Sirrah , I 'll be handsomely revenged For all you 've done and said . You shall not boast Your tricks on us without due punishment .Oh Heav'ns ! oh dreadful deed ! oh hapless youth ! Oh wicked Parmeno , that brought him here !", "It mov 'd me so . I could not bear", "To see it : therefore I flew out o \u2019 doors .", "What an example will they make of him !", "Who ? most audacious monster ! while you meant", "To play your tricks on us , you have destroyed", "The youth whom you brought hither for the Eunuch .", "Tell you ? D'ye know the virgin , that was sent", "To-day to Thais , is a citizen ?", "Her brother too a man of the first rank ?", "Aye , but so it seems .", "The poor young spark abus 'd the girl ; a thing", "No sooner known , than he , the furious brother \u2014\u2014", "First bound him hand and foot \u2014\u2014", "And now , though Thais begged him not to do it \u2014\u2014", "Moreover threatens , he will serve him", "After the manner of adulterers ;", "A thing I ne'er saw done , and ne'er desire .", "And why so monstrous ?", "I do n't know .", "Indeed , is he ?", "Ah ! take care , Parmeno ,", "What you 're about ; lest you do him no good ,", "And hurt yourself : for they imagine you ,", "Whatever has been done , the cause of all .", "Right .", "I 'll in again ; and you , in the mean while ,", "Tell the old gentleman the whole affair . ( Exit .", "Harper", "Who ever saw a young man seiz 'd and bound", "For rapes and lewdness in a house of harlots ?", "Colman 1768", "Who ever saw a young man seiz 'd by force ,", "And punish 'd for adultery in a brothel ?", "Harper", "To do him violence !\u2014 But why do n't I", "Rush in myself ?", "PYTH . Ah ! take care , Parmeno", "Colman 1768", "To do him any violence !\u2014 But why", "Do n't I rush in myself ?", "PYTH . Ah ! have a care", "Harper", "PAR . What shall I do then , wretch ? what undertake ?", "\u2014 Oh ! yonder 's my old master , just return 'd", "To town . Shall I tell him , or no ?\u2014 I \u2019 faith", "I 'll tell him , though I am well convinc 'd it will", "Bring me into a scrape ; a heavy one : And yet", "Colman 1768", "PAR . What shall I do then ? what resolve ? Confusion !", "\u2014 Oh ! yonder 's my old master , just return 'd", "To town . Shall I tell him of it , or no ?", "I 'll tell him , tho \u2019 I am well convinc 'd , the blame", "Will light on me , and heavily : And yet ]"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I 've this convenience from my neighb'ring villa ;", "I 'm never tir 'd of country or of town .", "For as disgust comes on , I change my place .", "\u2014 But is not that our Parmeno ? \u2018 Tis he", "For certain .\u2014 Whom d'ye wait for , Parmeno ,", "Before that door ?", "Whom do you wait for ?", "Ha ! what 's the matter ? Why do you tremble so ? Is all right ? Speak !", "What is't ?", "Her !\u2014 Her ! whom ?", "Bought ? I 'm undone ! at what price ?", "I 'm ruin 'd .", "How ! what ! in love ! Knows he already what a harlot is ? Has he stol'n into town ? More plagues on plagues .", "Leave prating of yourself .", "As for you , rascal , if I live \u2014 But first", "Whatever has befallen , tell me , quick !", "He for the Eunuch !", "Confusion !", "Is there aught else of evil or misfortune", "You have not told me yet ?", "Then why do I delay to rush in on them ? ( Exit .", "Confusion ! 1768 edition has question mark ] SCENE VII ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What now ? in what hope , or with what design", "Advance we hither ? what adventure , Thraso ?", "Indeed ?", "A fit example .\u2014 Would I might behold", "Your head broke with her slipper .", "But her doors", "Creak , and fly open .", "Hear you what he says ?", "None at all .", "What would you have me do ?", "A hard task !", "Indeed ?", "If I accomplish this ,", "I claim , that you agree to throw your doors ,", "Present or absent , always open to me ;", "A welcome , uninvited guest forever .", "I 'll try .", "Oh fie ! that is not handsome .", "You can not be so rude .", "First grant me a short hearing : if you like", "What I propose , agree to't .", "Do you retire a moment , Thraso !", "First ,", "I must beseech you both , most firmly think ,", "That I , whate'er I do in this affair ,", "For my own sake I do it : but if that", "Likewise advantage you , not to agree", "In you were folly .", "I think you should admit the Captain , as", "Your rival .", "Nay consider !", "Ph\u00e6dria , you live at a high rate with her ,", "Revel , and feast , and stick at no expense .", "Yet what you give 's but little , and you know", "\u2018 Tis needful Thais should receive much more", "Now to supply your love without your cost ,", "A fitter person , one more form 'd , can n't be", "Than Thraso is : first , he has wherewithal", "To give , and gives most largely : a fool too ,", "A dolt , a block , that snores out night and day ;", "Nor can you fear she 'll e'er grow fond of him ;", "And you may drive him hence whene'er you please .", "Moreover this ; the which", "I hold no trifle , no man entertains", "More nobly or more freely .", "Well judg 'd ! and let me beg one favor more ;", "Admit me of your family !\u2014 I have", "Roll 'd this stone long enough .", "And you , Sirs , in return ,", "Shall pledge me in the Captain ; eat him ; drink him :", "And laugh at him .", "Thraso , whene'er you please , approach !", "Alas ! they knew you not !", "But when I drew your character , and prais 'd", "Your worth , according to your deeds and virtues ,", "I gain 'd my point .", "Did not I", "Say he had all the Attic elegance ?", "Retire then . \u2014 Ye ,farewell , and clap your hands !Harper PH\u00c6D . O heavenly powers ! What wondrous things has Parmeno just told me ! But where 's my brother ? CH\u00c6R . Here he is . PH\u00c6D . I 'm happy . Colman 1768 PH\u00c6D . Good heavens ! What wondrous things has Parmeno just told me ! But where 's my brother ? CH\u00c6R . Here . PH\u00c6D . I 'm quite transported . Harper As my hope dies , my love increases . Gnatho Your help ! my expectation 's all in you . Colman 1768 As my hope dies , my passion gathers strength . Gnatho , your help ! my only hope 's in you . Harper PH\u00c6D . What is't you propose ? GNAT . I think you should admit the Captain , as Your rival . PH\u00c6D . How ? admit him ? GNAT . Nay consider ! Ph\u00e6dria , you live at a high rate with her Colman 1768 PH\u00c6D . What are your proposals ? GNAT . I think , \u2018 twere not imprudent to admit The Captain , as your rival . PH\u00c6D . How ! Admit him , say you ? GNAT . Nay reflect a little . Ph\u00e6dria , you live at a high rate with Thais Harper Admit me of your family !\u2014 I have Roll 'd this stone long enough . Colman 1768 Admit me into your fraternity ! I 've roll 'd this stone too long . Harper GNAT . Thraso , whene'er you please , approach ! THRASO . Pray now , Colman 1768 GNAT . Thraso , whene'er you please , come forward ! THRASO . Well ! Harper But all folks lov 'd me dearly . GNAT . Did not I Say he had all the Attic elegance ? Colman 1768 But all folks lov 'd me most exceedingly . GNAT . There , did I not assure you , gentlemen , That he had all the Attick Elegance ? ] * * * * THE SELF-TORMENTOR . PERSONS REPRESENTED . PROLOGUE . MENEDEMUS . CHREMES . CLINIA . CLITIPHO . SYRUS . DROMO . SOSTRATA . ANTIPHILA . BACCHIS . NURSE . PHRYGIA , and other servants of BACCHIS . SCENE , a Village near ATHENS . PROLOGUE . Lest any of you wonder , why the Bard To an old actor hath assign 'd the part Sustain 'd of old by young performers ; that I 'll first explain : then say what brings To-day , a whole play , wholly from the Greek , We mean to represent :\u2014 The Self-Tormentor : Wrought from a single to a double plot . Now therefore that our comedy is new , And what it is , I 've shown : who wrote it too , And whose in Greek it is , were I not sure Most of you knew already , would I tell . But , wherefore I have ta'en this part upon me , In brief I will deliver : for the Bard Has sent me here as pleader , not as Prologue ; You he declares his judges , me his counsel : And yet as counsel nothing can I speak More than the Author teaches me to say , Who wrote th \u2019 oration which I now recite . As to reports , which envious men have spread , That he has ransack 'd many Grecian plays , While he composes some few Latin ones , That he denies not , he has done ; nor does Repent he did it ; means to do it still ; Safe in the warrant and authority Of greater bards , who did long since the same . Then for the charge , that his arch-enemy Maliciously reproaches him withal , That he but lately hath applied himself To music , with the genius of his friends , Rather than natural talents , fraught ; how true , Your judgment , your opinion , must decide . I would entreat you , therefore , not to lean To tales of slander , rather than of candor . Be favorable ; nurse with growing hopes The bards , who give you pleasing novelties ; Pleasing I say , not such as His I mean , Who lately introduc 'd a breathless slave , Making the crowd give way \u2014 But wherefore trace A dunce 's faults ? which shall be shown at large , When more he writes , unless he cease to rail . Attend impartially ! and let me once Without annoyance act an easy part ; Lest your old servant be o'erhYpppHeNlabor ' d still With toilsome characters , the running slave , The eating parasite , enrag 'd old man , The bold-fac 'd sharper , covetous procurer ; Parts , that ask pow'rs of voice , and iron sides . Deign then , for my sake , to accept this plea , And grant me some remission from my labor . For they , who now produce new comedies , Spare not my age ! If there is aught laborious , They run to me ; but if of little weight , Away to others . In our piece to-day The style is pure : now try my talents then In either character . If I for gain , Never o'erhYpppHeNrated my abilities ; If I have held it still my chief reward To be subservient to your pleasure ; fix In me a fair example , that our youth May seek to please you , rather than themselves . ACT THE FIRST ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Though our acquaintance is as yet but young ,", "Since you have bought this farm that neighbors mine ,", "And little other commerce is betwixt us ;", "Yet or your virtue , or good neighborhood ,", "Urge me to tell you , fairly , openly ,", "That you appear to me to labor more", "Than your age warrants , or affairs require .", "Now , in the name of heav'n and earth , what is't", "You want ? what seek you ? Threescore years of age ,", "Or older , as I guess ; with an estate ,", "Better than which , more profitable , none", "In these parts hold ; master of many slaves ;", "As if you had not one at your command ,", "You labor in their offices yourself .", "I ne'er go out so soon at morn , return", "So late at eve , but in your grounds I see you", "Dig , plow , or fetch and carry : in a word ,", "You ne'er remit your toil , nor spare yourself .", "This , I am certain , is not done for pleasure .", "\u2014 You 'll say , perhaps , it vexes you to see", "Your work go on so slowly ;\u2014 do but give", "The time you spend in laboring yourself", "To set your slaves to work , \u2018 twill profit more .", "I am a man , and feel for all mankind .", "Think , I advise , or ask for information :", "If right , that I may do the same ; if wrong ,", "To turn you from it .", "Need any man", "Torment himself ?", "If there 's a cause ,", "I 'd not oppose it . But what evil 's this ?", "What is th \u2019 offense so grievous to your nature ,", "That asks such cruel vengeance on yourself ?", "Nay , weep not ; but inform me .", "Be not reserv 'd ; fear nothing : prithee , trust me :", "By consolation , counsel , or assistance ,", "I possibly may serve you .", "Aye , for the very reason I have mention 'd .", "But meanwhile lay down", "Those rakes : do n't tire yourself .", "What mean you ?", "I 'll not allow it .", "What , and so heavy too !", "Now speak .", "Wherefore ?", "How say you ?", "Both have been to blame :", "And yet this enterprise bespeaks a mind ,", "Modest and manly .", "You I believe a tender parent , him", "A duteous son , if govern 'd prudently .", "But you was unacquainted with his nature ,", "And he with yours : sad life , where things are so !", "You ne'er betray 'd your tenderness to him ;", "Nor durst he place that confidence in you ,", "Which well becomes the bosom of a father .", "Had that been done , this had not happen 'd to you .", "All , Menedemus , will , I hope , be well ,", "And trust , your son will soon return in safety .", "They will . Now , therefore , since", "The Dionysia are held here to-day ,", "If \u2018 tis convenient , come , and feast with me .", "Why so ?\u2014 Nay , prithee now ,", "Indulge yourself a while : your absent son ,", "I 'm sure , would have it so .", "You are resolv 'd ?", "Farewell then !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Whom does my son speak to ?", "What now ?", "Aye , very well .", "I 've heard he is in Asia .", "How !", "Good news :", "Now do I wish the more that Menedemus ,", "Whom I invited , were my guest to-day ,", "That I , and under my own roof , had been", "The first to have surpris 'd him with this joy !", "And I may yet .", "How so ?", "I know it .", "What says the son ?", "Miserable !", "Who needs be less so ? for what earthly good", "Can man possess which he may not enjoy ?", "Parents , a prosp'rous country , friends , birth , riches .", "Yet these all take their value from the mind", "Of the possessor : he that knows their use ,", "To him they 're blessings ; he that knows it not ,", "To him misuse converts them into curses .", "He !\u2014 He !\u2014 But I 'll contain myself . \u2018 Tis good", "For Menedemus that his son should fear .", "I say ,", "Be't as it might , the son should have remain 'd .", "Grant that the father bore too strict a hand", "Upon his loose desires ; he should have borne it .", "Whom would he bear withal , if not a parent ?", "Was't fitting that the father should conform", "To the son 's humor , or the son to his ?", "And for the rigor that he murmurs at ,", "\u2018 Tis nothing : the severities of fathers ,", "Unless perchance a hard one here and there ,", "Are much the same : they reprimand their sons", "For riotous excesses , wenching , drinking ;", "And starve their pleasures by a scant allowance .", "Yet this all tends to good : but when the mind", "Is once enslav 'd to vicious appetites ,", "It needs must follow vicious measures too .", "Remember then this maxim , Clitipho ,", "A wise one \u2018 tis to draw from others \u2019 faults", "A profitable lesson for yourself .", "Well , I 'll in , and see", "What is provided for our supper : you ,", "As the day wears , see that you 're not far hence . ( Exit .", "Harper", "That I , and under my own roof , had been", "Colman 1768", "That I , and under my own roof , might be ]"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Say you ?", "But while we chat , the girls are left behind .", "Gold , clothes ! It grows late too , and they may miss their way . We 've been to blame : Dromo , run back , and meet them . Away ! quick ! do n't loiter . ( Exit DROMO .", "He has misconstrued", "All our discourse , I find \u2014 You fancy , Clinia ,", "Your mistress other than she is . Her life ,", "As far as we from circumstance could learn ,", "Her disposition tow'rd you , are the same .", "First then , that you may be appris 'd of all ,", "Th \u2019 old woman , thought her mother , was not so :", "That beldam also is deceas 'd ; for this", "I overheard her , as we came along ,", "Telling the other .", "Let me but finish what I have begun ,", "And I shall come to that .", "First ,", "Having arriv 'd , Dromo knocks at the door :", "Which an old woman had no sooner open 'd ,", "But in goes Dromo , and I after him .", "Th \u2019 old woman bolts the door , and spins again ,", "And now , or never , Clinia , might be known ,", "Coming thus unexpectedly upon her ,", "Antiphila 's employments in your absence :", "For such , as then we saw , we might presume", "Her daily practice , which of all things else ,", "Betrays the mind and disposition most .", "Busily plying of the web we found her ,", "Decently clad in mourning ,\u2014 I suppose ,", "For the deceas 'd old woman .\u2014 She had on", "No gold or trinkets , but was plain and neat ,", "And dress 'd like those who dress but for themselves .", "No female varnish to set off her beauty :", "Her hair dishevel 'd , long , and flowing loose", "About her shoulders .\u2014 Peace !", "Th \u2019 old woman spun the woof ; one servant-girl ,", "A tatter 'd dirty dowdy , weaving by her .", "As soon as we inform 'd her", "You was return 'd , and begg 'd her to come to you ,", "She left her work immediately , and burst", "Into a flood of tears , which one might see", "Were shed for love of you .", "Your mistress , Bacchis .", "Where do I bring her ? To our house certainly .", "Aye .", "Consider , Sir ;", "More danger , the more honor .", "But \u2014\u2014", "I 'll tell you ,", "Give me but leave !", "This business \u2014 now \u2014 is just as if \u2014", "I 've no patience with you . You use me ill , Sir , and I can n't endure it .", "You 'd be in love ;", "Possess your mistress ; and have wherewithal", "To make her presents : but to gain all this", "You 'd risk no danger . By my troth , you 're wise ,", "If it be wise to wish for what can n't be .", "Take good and bad together ; both , or none ;", "Choose which you will ; no mistress , or no danger .", "And yet , the scheme I 've laid is fair and safe ;", "Your mistress may be with you at your father 's", "Without detection ; by the self-same means", "I shall procure the sum you 've promis 'd her ,", "Which you have rung so often in my ears ,", "You 've almost deafen 'd them .\u2014 What would you more ?", "If ! the proof shall show .", "We will pretend", "That Bacchis is his mistress .", "No . She shall to your mother .", "\u2018 Twere tedious , Clitipho , to tell :", "Let it suffice , I 've reason for it .", "Well ; if you dread this , I 've another way ,", "Which you shall both own has no danger i n't .", "With all my heart .", "I 'll run and meet the woman on the road ,", "And order them to go straight home again .", "I mean to ease you of your fear ,", "That you may sleep in peace on either side .", "Away , away ! This day too late you 'll wish for her in vain .", "Call as you please , I 'll on .", "So , he grows hot at last .", "What would you , Sir ?", "I 'm here .", "You 're pleasure , Sir !\u2014 What , will not this content you ?", "Ridiculous !", "Spare your advice , good Clitipho ! you know", "Success is my concern still more than yours :", "For if perchance we fail in our attempt ,", "You shall have words ; but I , alas ! dry blows .", "Be sure then of my diligence ; and beg", "Your friend to join , and countenance our scheme .", "Oh , she 's well instructed .", "I came just in time ,", "Time , that in most affairs is all in all :", "For there I found a certain wretched captain ,", "Begging her favors . She , an artful baggage ,", "Denied him , to inflame his mind the more ,", "And make her court to you .\u2014 But hark ye , Sir ,", "Be cautious of your conduct ! no imprudence !", "You know how shrewd and keen your father is ;", "And I know your intemperance too well .", "No double-meanings , glances , leers , sighs , hems ,", "Coughing , or titt'ring , I beseech you , Sir !", "Look to't !", "But see , the women ! they 're soon after us .", "She is not", "Your mistress now .", "Nor now , meanwhile ,", "No .", "No .", "Away , if you are wise !", "Stay here .", "March !", "Harper", "Away ! quick ! do n't loiter .", "Colman 1768", "Away ! quick , quick ! do n't loiter .", "Harper", "CLIT . How ! what ! Bacchis ? Tell me ,", "Where d'ye bring her , rogue ?", "SYRUS . Where do I bring her ?", "Colman 1768", "CLIT . How ! what ! Bacchis ?", "Where d'ye propose to carry her , rogue ?", "SYRUS . Where ?", "Harper", "SYRUS . Oh , she 's well instructed .", "Colman 1768", "SYRUS . Oh , she is well instructed . ]"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sure I 'm by nature form 'd for misery Beyond the rest of humankind , or else \u2018 Tis a false saying , though a common one , \u201c That time assuages grief . \u201d For ev'ry day My sorrow for the absence of my son Grows on my mind : the longer he 's away , The more impatiently I wish to see him , The more pine after him .", "Of my son , Chremes ?", "Where ?", "My son ?", "Come home ?", "My dear boy come ? my Clinia ?", "Away then ! prithee , bring me to him .", "Did not you inform him", "The bent of my affections ?", "Wherefore , Chremes ?", "I can not help it . Too long , much too long ,", "I 've been a cruel father .", "Is she within too ?", "Why let him have his will ;", "Waste , consume , squander ; I 'll endure it all ,", "So I but have him with me .", "What shall I do then ?", "\u2018 Tis very like .", "Give me your hand : and let me beg you , Chremes ,", "Continue to assist me !", "D'ye know what I would have you do at present ?", "Since you have found out they meditate", "Some practice on me , prithee , urge them on", "To execute it quickly : for I long", "To grant his wishes , long to see him straight .", "Pray do . ( Exit CHREMES .", "Gods ! that the nature of mankind is such ,", "To see and judge of the affairs of others", "Much better than their own ! Is't therefore so ,", "Because that , in our own concerns , we feel", "Too much the influence of joy or sorrow ?", "How much more wisely does my neighbor here ,", "Consult for me , than I do for myself !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Was I deceiv 'd in thinking they were at it ? That slave of Clinia 's , it should seem , is dull , And so our Syrus has the part assign 'd him .", "Syrus .", "What now ?", "Not much .", "Ah !", "Aye , so she seems .", "Well enough .", "Do I know it ? Aye . A scoundrel ! should be horse-whipp 'd .", "That slave", "Of Clinia 's \u2014\u2014", "Who suffer 'd this .", "What ?\u2014 have devis 'd expedients , contriv 'd schemes ,", "To raise the cash for the young gentleman", "To make his mistress presents ; and have done", "A kindness to th \u2019 old hunks against his will .", "Not I : it was his duty , Syrus .", "Yes upon occasion .", "Why , it oft prevents", "A great deal of uneasiness : for instance ,", "This Clinia , Menedemus \u2019 only son ,", "Would never have elop 'd .", "And now what is't the blockhead waits for , Syrus ?", "Is't till his master runs away again ,", "When he perceives himself no longer able", "To bear with the expenses of his mistress ?", "Has he no plot upon th \u2019 old gentleman ?", "But it is your part ,", "For Clinia 's sake , to lend a helping hand .", "I take you at your word .", "Do so .", "I hope \u2018 twill never be .", "Well , well , we 'll think of it , when that time comes . Now to your present task ! ( Exit CHREMES .Harper SYRUS . This way , or that way , or some way or other ! For money must be had , and th \u2019 old man trick 'd . Colman 1768 SYRUS . One way , or other , money must be had , And the old gentleman impos 'd upon . Harper CHREM . What ?\u2014 have devis 'd expedients , contriv 'd schemes , Colman 1768 CHREM . What ?\u2014 have devis 'd some scheme , some ways and means Harper This Clinia , Menedemus \u2019 only son , Would never have elop 'd . SYRUS . I can not tell Whether he says all this in jest or earnest ; But it gives fresh encouragement to me . Colman 1768 My neighbour Menedemus , well deceiv 'd , Would ne'er have seen his son abandon him . SYRUS . I do n't know whether he 's in jest or earnest , But it gives me encouragement to trick him . Now to your present task ! initial \u201c N \u201d invisible in Harper edition ]"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["How now ?", "What manners are these , Clitipho ? does this", "Become you ?", "Did not I", "This very instant see you put your hand", "Into yon wench 's bosom ?", "These very eyes", "Beheld you : do n't deny it .\u2014 \u2018 Tis base in you", "To be so flippant with your hands . For what", "Affront 's more gross than to receive a friend", "Under your roof , and tamper with his mistress ?", "And , last night in your cups too , how indecent", "And rudely you behav 'd !", "So very troublesome , so help me Heav'n ,", "I fear 'd the consequence . I know the ways", "Of lovers : they oft take offense at things", "You dream not of .", "Granted .", "Yet you should cease to hang forever on them .", "Withdraw , and leave them sometimes to themselves .", "Love has a thousand sallies ; you restrain them .", "I can conjecture from myself . There 's none ,", "How near soever , Clitipho , to whom", "I dare lay open all my weaknesses .", "With one my pride forbids it , with another", "The very action shames me : and believe me ,", "It is the same with him ; and \u2018 tis our place", "To mark on what occasions to indulge him .", "Oh , Syrus ,", "I 'm quite asham 'd of him .", "Prithee , then ,", "Is there one way alone of going near them ?", "What do you advise ?", "He says right . Go !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I 'll take due care .", "It shall be done .", "But , Syrus , say , what progress have you made", "In that affair I just now mention 'd to you ?", "Have you struck out a scheme that pleases you ?", "Or are you still to seek ?", "Good fellow ! prithee now , what is't ?", "Well ?", "So it seems .", "What then ?", "I understand .", "What then ?", "Does she so ?", "So I thought .\u2014 And what do you", "Intend to do ?", "\u2018 Twill never do .", "I answer now for Menedemus . I will not purchase her . What say you now ?", "No ,", "There 's no occasion .", "No .", "I 'll explain . \u2014 But hold ! what now ? whence comes it that our door Opens so hastily ?CHREMES , SYRUS . character names supplied from 1768 edition ] SCENE VII .", "What can those words mean , Syrus ?", "The cause ? pshaw ! nothing . She 'll take mighty pains", "To be deliver 'd of some mighty trifle .", "Oh wife !", "Your pleasure ?", "What ! must I believe", "A thing past all belief ?\u2014 I do believe it .", "I know", "What you have done . You have brought up the child .", "O Jupiter ! was ever such a fool !", "What committed !", "Own it or not , I know it well enough ,", "That ignorantly , and imprudently ,", "You do and say all things ; how many faults", "In this one action are you guilty of !", "For first , had you complied with my commands ,", "The girl had been dispatch 'd ; and not her death", "Pretended , and hopes given of her life .", "But that I do not dwell upon : You 'll cry ,", "\u201c \u2014 Pity ,\u2014 a mother 's fondness . \u201d \u2014 I allow it .", "But then how rarely you provided for her !", "What could you mean ? consider !\u2014 for \u2018 tis plain ,", "You have betray 'd your child to that old beldam ,", "Either for prostitution , or for sale .", "So she but liv 'd , it was enough , you thought :", "No matter how , or what vile life she led .", "\u2014 What can one do , or how proceed , with those ,", "Who know of neither reason , right , nor justice ?", "Better or worse , for or against , they see", "Nothing but what they list .", "Well , well , I pardon you : but , Sostrata ,", "Forgiving you thus easily , I do", "But teach you to offend again . But come ,", "Say , wherefore you began this ?", "\u2018 Twas right : you thus preserv 'd yourself and her .", "Where had it you ?", "What says she ?", "And what d'ye think ,", "Or know concerning her ?", "Is she alive", "To whom you gave the child ?", "What did she tell you formerly ?", "Her name ;", "That we may make inquiry .", "In with me , Sostrata !", "Men can not always be as they desire ,", "But must be govern 'd by their fortunes still .", "The times are alter 'd with me , and I wish", "To have a daughter now ; then , nothing less .", "Harper", "SYRUS . She wants you , Sir ! inquire", "What she would have . She 's grave , I know not why .", "Colman 1768", "SYRUS . She wants you , Sir !", "Enquire , what she would have . She 's very grave . ]", "ACT THE FOURTH ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Henceforward , fate , do with me what thou wilt !", "Such is my joy , so full and absolute ,", "I can not know vexation . From this hour", "To you , my father , I resign myself ,", "Content to be more frugal than you wish !", "SYRUS", "\u2018 Tis just as I suppos 'd . The girl 's acknowledged ;", "His raptures speak it so .\u2014", "I 'm overjoyed", "That things have happen 'd to your wish .", "O Syrus ! Have you then heard it too ?", "Was ever any thing so lucky ?", "Now , Heav'n so help me , I rejoice at this", "On her account much rather than my own ,", "Her , whom I know worthy the highest honors .", "O Jupiter !", "My Antiphila shall be my wife .", "Oh , my Syrus ,", "What can I do ! I 'm overjoy 'd . Bear with me .", "We 're happy , as the Gods .", "Speak ; I hear .", "I 'm all attention .", "But , Syrus , this is flatly opposite", "To what I most devoutly wish , my marriage ,", "For with what face shall I accost my father ?", "D'ye understand me ?", "What can I say ? What reason can I give him ?", "How ?", "\u2018 Tis well ,", "In reason , and may easily be done :", "And then besides you 'd have me win my father ,", "To keep it hid from your old gentleman .", "How ? are you mad ? or drunk ? You 'll be the ruin", "Of Clitipho : for how can he be safe ?", "Eh , Sirrah !", "But that way again", "You blast my hopes of marriage : for while Chremes", "Supposes her my mistress , he 'll not grant", "His daughter to me . You , perhaps , do n't care ,", "So you provide for him , what comes of me .", "Is that sufficient for you ? But then , suppose his father find it out !", "Still I 'm afraid .", "Well , well , let Bacchis be brought over then !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Upon my life ,", "This Syrus with his golden promises", "Has fool 'd me hither charmingly ! Ten min\u00e6", "He gave me full assurance of : but if", "He now deceives me , come whene'er he will ,", "Canting and fawning to allure me hither ,", "It shall be all in vain ; I will not stir .", "Or when I have agreed , and fix 'd a time ,", "Of which he shall have giv'n his master notice ,", "And Clitipho is all agog with hope ,", "I 'll fairly jilt them both , and not come near them ;", "And master Syrus \u2019 back shall smart for it .", "They sleep : i \u2019 faith , I 'll rouse them . Hark ye , Phrygia ,", "Didst note the villa of Charinus , which", "That fellow just now show 'd us ?", "The next house on the right hand .", "Run thither quickly : for the Captain spends", "The Dionysia there .", "SYRUS", "What means she now ?", "Tell him I 'm here ; and sore against my will ,", "Detain 'd by force ; but that I 'll find some means", "To slip away and come to him .", "Go !", "Then", "I stay .", "When you please ; I do n't press you .", "Why , what ?", "What are you at now , sauce-box ?", "Do you think to play", "Your jests on me ?", "Are you the person I 'm to deal with ?", "Let us go then !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Fore Heav'n , I pity Menedemus . His case is lamentable : to maintain That jade and all her harlot family ! Although I know for some few days to come He will not feel it ; so exceedingly He long 'd to have his son : but when he sees Such monstrous household riot and expense Continue daily , without end or measure , He 'll wish his son away from him again . But yonder 's Syrus in good time .", "Syrus !", "What now ?", "You seem to 've been at work with the old man .", "Indeed !", "I can n't forbear to stroke", "Your head for it . Good lad ! come nearer , Syrus !", "I 'll do thee some good turn for this . I will ,", "I promise you .", "Pshaw , are you vain of your good luck ?", "Let me know it then .", "Incomparable !", "O , admirable !", "Antiphila ?", "To what purpose , Syrus ? I do n't conceive the drift o n't .", "Perhaps so .", "Clothes and jewels .", "But I will neither marry , nor betroth", "My daughter to him .", "Why !\u2014 is that", "A question ? to a wretch !\u2014\u2014", "I hate pretense .", "Plot as you please , but do not render me", "An engine in your rogueries . Shall I", "Contract my daughter , where I never can", "Consent to marry her ?", "Not I .", "I believe it .", "Nay , nay ,", "Do't by all means , and spare no trouble i n't ;", "But bring your scheme to bear some other way .", "I mean not to evade it .", "I will carry", "The money to her instantly myself .", "Why so !", "What then ?", "I will . ( Exit CHREMES .", "Harper", "After which , enter CHREMES .", "Colman 1768", "Enter CHREMES .", "Harper", "CHREM . You seem to 've been at work with the old man .", "Colman 1768", "CHREM . You seem to 've been at work with Menedemus .", "Harper", "He brought her with him hither , to prevent", "Your smoking it .", "CHREM . Incomparable !", "SYRUS . Really ?", "CHREM . O , admirable !", "SYRUS . Aye , if you knew all .", "But only hear the rest of our advice .", "Colman 1768", "He brought her over with him to their house ,", "To hinder your detecting it .", "CHREM . Good ! good !", "SYRUS . D'ye think so ?", "CHREM . Charming !", "SYRUS . Aye , if you knew all .", "But only hear the rest of our device .", "Harper", "Against my will ? \u201d \u2014\u2014 You can say none of this ;", "Colman 1768", "Against my will ? \u201d \u2014\u2014 These pleas you cannot urge ;]"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Oh son , how happy hast thou made thy father , Convinc 'd of thy repentance !", "Chremes ! I wish 'd for you .\u2014 \u2018 Tis in your power ,", "And I beseech you do it , to preserve", "My son , myself , and family .", "You to-day", "Have found a daughter .", "My Clinia", "Begs your consent to marry her .", "What mean you , Chremes ?", "I remember .", "How , Chremes ? I 'm deceiv 'd .", "\u2018 Tis as you say . From what a pleasing hope", "Have I then fall'n !", "So they say .", "All .", "Aye , \u2018 tis so :", "The money 's for his mistress .", "Alas , my transports are all groundless then .", "\u2014 Yet I would rather bear with any thing ,", "Than lose my son again .\u2014 What answer , Chremes ,", "Shall I return with , that he may n't perceive", "I 've found him out , and take offense ?", "Allow me . I 've begun , and must go through . Do but continue to assist me .", "Well ; and what else ?", "Good ! The thing I wanted .", "\u2018 Tis my desire indeed .", "I will .", "\u2018 Tis well .", "For I shall let you know , do what I will . ( Exeunt severally .", "Harper", "Do but continue to assist me .", "CHREM . Say ,", "That we have met , and treated of the match .", "Colman 1768", "Do but continue to assist me , Chremes .", "CHREM . Say we have met , and treated of the match .", "Harper", "MENE . Good !", "The thing I wanted .", "CHREM . So shall he the sooner", "Demand the money ; you , as you desire ,", "The sooner give .", "MENE . \u2018 Tis my desire indeed .", "CHREM . \u2018 Troth , friend , as far as I can judge of this ,", "You 'll soon be weary of your son again .", "But as the case now stands , give cautiously ,", "A little at a time , if you are wise .", "Colman 1768", "MENE . Good !", "The very thing I wanted .", "CHREM . So your son", "The sooner shall demand the money of you ;", "And so shall you , according to your wish", "The sooner give .", "MENE . It is my wish indeed .", "CHREM . \u2018 Fore heaven , friend , as far as I can judge ,", "You 'll soon be weary of your son again .", "But be it as it may , give cautiously ,", "A little at a time , if you are wise . ]", "ACT THE FIFTH ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Nay prithee , good wife , cease to stun the Gods With thanking them that you have found your daughter ; Unless you fancy they are like yourself , And think they can not understand a thing Unless said o'er and o'er a hundred times . \u2014 But meanwhilewherefore do my son and Syrus Loiter so long ?", "Ha , Menedemus , are you there ?\u2014 Inform me ,", "Have you told Clinia what I said ?", "And what said he ?", "Ha ! ha ! ha !", "I was thinking of", "The cunning rogueries of that slave , Syrus .", "Why , he can form and mould", "The very visages of men , a rogue !", "Aye .", "A subtle villain !", "Say you so ?", "Hold ! hold ! inform me first How much you 're out of pocket . For as soon As you inform 'd your son of my consent , Dromo , I warrant , gave you a broad hint That the bride wanted jewels , clothes , attendants ; That you might pay the money .", "How ? No ?", "What ! nor Clinia ?", "Amazing !\u2014 But our Syrus ? Did not he", "Throw in a word or two ?", "How so ?", "How ?", "What is there more than he can counterfeit ?", "What d'ye mean ?", "What then ?", "Alone ?", "I tremble .", "Alone ?", "Undone !", "Ha ! And was Clinia", "Witness to this ?", "Bacchis is my son 's mistress , Menedemus . I 'm ruin 'd .", "Mine is scarce", "A ten-days \u2019 family .", "Friend ! His she-friend .", "Is that a doubt ?", "Is any man so courteous , and so patient ,", "As tamely to stand by and see his mistress \u2014\u2014", "D'ye laugh at me ? I 'm angry with myself :", "And well I may . How many circumstances", "Conspir 'd to make it gross and palpable ,", "Had I not been a stone !\u2014 What things I saw !", "Fool , fool ! But by my life I 'll be reveng 'd :", "For now \u2014\u2014", "Menedemus ,", "My anger throws me quite beside myself .", "What shall I do ?", "And let him go ; go where he will ; much rather", "Than here by his extravagance reduce", "His father to distress and beggary .", "For if I should continue to supply", "The course of his expenses , Menedemus ,", "Your desp'rate rakes would be my lot indeed .", "Ah , you do not know", "How much this grieves me .", "Nothing . The son-in-law and the alliance please me .", "Portion !", "Ah !", "I propos 'd ,", "According to my fortune , that two talents", "Were full sufficient : But you now must say ,", "If you 'd save me , my fortune , and my son ,", "That I have settled all I have upon her .", "Counterfeit amazement too ,", "And question Clitipho my reason for it .", "My reason for it ?\u2014 That his wanton mind ,", "Now flush 'd with lux'ry and lasciviousness ,", "I may o'erwhelm : and bring him down so low ,", "He may not know which way to turn himself .", "Allow me ! let me have", "My own way in this business .", "It is .", "Come then , let Clinia haste to call the bride .", "And for this son of mine , he shall be school 'd ,", "As children ought .\u2014 But Syrus !", "What ! I 'll so handle him , so curry him ,", "That while he lives he shall remember me . ( Exit MENEDEMUS .", "What , make a jest of me ? a laughing-stock ?", "Now , afore Heav'n , he would not dare to treat", "A poor lone widow as he treated me .", "Harper", "MENE . The very same thing I was thinking of .", "Colman 1768", "MENE . The very thing that I was thinking of .", "What is there more that he can counterfeit ? Harper edition reads \u201c more than he \u201d Fool , fool ! But by my life I 'll be reveng 'd : the 1896 Harper printing has \u201c I 'll he \u201d . Everywhere else , the 1859 and 1896 printings appear to be made from the same plates ]"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Nay indeed , husband , if you do n't take care ,", "You 'll bring some kind of mischief on your son :", "I can n't imagine how a thought so idle", "Could come into your head .", "Not know ?", "Ah , \u2018 tis unjust in you to ask my silence", "In such a thing as this .", "Will you ?", "You do n't perceive what harm", "May come of this . He thinks himself a foundling .", "Yes indeed , he does .", "Ah , Heav'n forbid ! Let our most bitter enemies do that ! Shall I disown my son , my own dear child !", "Is it because my daughter 's found you say this ?", "My dear son ,", "Take not , I beg , that notion to your mind ,", "That you 're an alien to our blood .", "Ah me ! and can you then demand me that ?", "So may you prosper after both , as you 're", "Of both the child ! and if you love your mother ,", "Take heed henceforward that I never hear", "Such words from you .", "These words", "Suit not a father .", "The Gods forbid \u2014\u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Demea , I 'm glad to see you well .", "But you appear uneasy : What 's the matter ?", "I said it would be so .\u2014 What has he done ?", "What has he done ?", "How unjust", "Is he who wants experience ! who believes", "Nothing is right but what he does himself !", "Because you , Demea ,", "Judge wrongly of these matters . \u2018 Tis no crime", "For a young man to wench or drink .\u2014 \u2018 Tis not ,", "Believe me !\u2014 nor to force doors open .\u2014 This ,", "If neither you nor I have done , it was", "That poverty allow 'd us not . And now", "You claim a merit to yourself , from that", "Which want constrain 'd you to . It is not fair .", "For had there been but wherewithal to do't ,", "We likewise should have done thus . Wherefore you ,", "Were you a man , would let your younger son ,", "Now , while it suits his age , pursue his pleasures ;", "Rather than , when it less becomes his years ,", "When , after wishing long , he shall at last", "Be rid of you , he should run riot then .", "Nay , nay ; do but hear me ,", "Nor stun me with the self-same thing forever !", "Your elder son you gave me for adoption :", "He 's mine , then , Demea ; and if he offends ,", "\u2018 Tis an offense to me , and I must bear", "The burden . Does he treat ? or drink ? or dress ?", "\u2018 Tis at my cost .\u2014 Or wench ? I will supply him ,", "While \u2018 tis convenient to me ; when \u2018 tis not ,", "His mistresses perhaps will shut him out .", "\u2014 Has he broke open doors ? we 'll make them good .", "Or torn a coat ? it shall be mended . I ,", "Thank Heaven , have enough to do all this ,", "And \u2018 tis as yet not irksome .\u2014 In a word ,", "Or cease , or choose some arbiter between us :", "I 'll prove that you are more in fault than I .", "By nature you 're his father , I by counsel .", "Nay , nay ;", "If you persist , I 'm gone .", "Must I still hear the same thing o'er and o'er ?", "And me it touches too .", "But , Demea , let us each look to our own ;", "Let me take care of one , and mind you t'other .", "For to concern yourself with both , appears", "As if you 'd redemand the boy you gave .", "So it seems to me .", "Again ? Angry again , good Demea ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Never was", "Any dispute conducted more unfairly ,", "Than that between us two to-day ! Poor I", "With being drubb 'd , and he with drubbing me ,", "\u2018 Till we were both quite weary .", "What could I do ?", "What could I give him more , who gave my face ?", "I never purchase hope with ready money .", "Well , perhaps ,", "Your way were best : yet I was ne'er so crafty", "But I had rather , when \u2018 twas in my power ,", "Receive prompt payment .", "Ha !", "I shall not budge a foot .\u2014 Undone by Heav'n ! Urg 'd by these hopes they 've undertaken this .", "Confusion ! they have nick 'd me to a hair ! I 've bought up sev'ral slaves , and other wares , For exportation ; and to miss my time At Cyprus-fair would be a heavy loss . Then if I leave this business broken thus , All 's over with me ; and at my return \u2018 Twill come to nothing , grown quite cold and stale . \u201c \u2014 What ! come at last ?\u2014 Why did you stay so long ? Where have you been ? \u201d \u2014 that it were better lose it , Than wait for it so long , or sue for't then . SYRUSWell , have you calculated what 's your due ?", "Monstrous oppression ! Is this honorable ,", "Or just in \u00c6schinus , to take away", "My property by force ?", "Alas , alas ! am I in danger then", "Of losing ev'n my very principal ?", "Shame on him ! he has loosen 'd all my teeth :", "My head is swell 'd all over like a mushroom :", "And will he cheat me too ?\u2014 I 'm going nowhere .", "Yes , one word , prithee Syrus !", "However things have happen 'd , rather than", "I should be driven to commence a suit ,", "Let him return me my bare due at least ;", "The sum she cost me , Syrus .\u2014 I 'm convinc 'd", "You 've had no tokens of my friendship yet ;", "But you shall find I will not be ungrateful .", "Say ,", "Will you remember me ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["We are now", "So absolutely lost , that all the world", "Joining in consultation to apply", "Relief to the misfortune that has fallen", "On me , my mistress , and her daughter , all", "Would not avail .\u2014 Ah me ! so many troubles", "Environ us at once , we sink beneath them .", "Rape , poverty , oppression , solitude ,", "And infamy ! oh , what an age is this !", "O wicked , oh vile race !\u2014 oh impious man !", "Whosoe'er", "You are , excuse me .", "Where , where is Sostrata ?", "I sought you , Madam ;", "Impatiently I sought you : and am glad", "To have encounter 'd you thus readily .", "Alas !", "We 're quite \u2014\u2014", "Undone : We 're ruin 'd , Madam .", "Ev'n now \u2014\u2014", "\u00c6schinus \u2014\u2014", "Has quite", "Estrang 'd himself from all our family .", "He loves another .", "Nor that clandestinely ;", "But snatch 'd her in the face of all the world", "From a procurer .", "Sure ? With these very eyes I saw it , Madam .", "Nay , weep not , mistress ; but consider rather", "What course were best to follow : to conceal", "This wrong , or to disclose it to some friend ?", "I 'd not advise it .", "For first , that he has quite abandon 'd us ,", "The thing itself declares . If we then make", "The story known , no doubt but he 'll deny it .", "Your reputation , and your daughter 's life", "Will be endanger 'd : or if he confess ,", "Since he affects another , \u2018 twere not good", "That he should wed your daughter .\u2014 For which reasons ,", "Silence is requisite .", "What mean you ?", "How , Madam ! Think what you are about .", "Well , I agree , \u2018 twere better to disclose it .", "And well he does , for no one else cares for us ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 876, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["S. Go bear it to the Centaur , where we host ,", "And stay there , Dromio , till I come to thee . 10", "Within this hour it will be dinner-time :", "Till that . I \u2019 ll view the manners of the town ,", "Peruse the traders , gaze upon the buildings ,", "And then return , and sleep within mine inn ;", "For with long travel I am stiff and weary . 15", "Get thee away .", "S. A trusty villain , sir ; that very oft ,", "When I am dull with care and melancholy , 20", "Lightens my humour with his merry jests .", "What , will you walk with me about the town ,", "And then go to my inn , and dine with me ?", "S. Farewell till then : I will go lose myself , 30", "And wander up and down to view the city .", "S. He that commends me to mine own content", "Commends me to the thing I cannot get .", "I to the world am like a drop of water , 35", "That in the ocean seeks another drop ;", "Who , falling there to find his fellow forth ,", "Unseen , inquisitive , confounds himself :", "So I , to find a mother and a brother ,", "In quest of them , unhappy , lose myself . 40", "Enter DROMIO of Ephesus .", "Here comes the almanac of my true date .", "What now ? how chance thou art return \u2019 d so soon ?", "S. Stop in your wind , sir : tell me this , I pray :", "Where have you left the money that I gave you ?", "S. I am not in a sportive humour now :", "Tell me , and dally not , where is the money ?", "We being strangers here , how darest thou trust 60", "So great a charge from thine own custody ?", "S. Come , Dromio , come , these jests are out of season ;", "Reserve them till a merrier hour than this .", "Where is the gold I gave in charge to thee ? 70", "S. Come on , sir knave , have done your foolishness ,", "And tell me how thou hast disposed thy charge .", "S. Now , as I am a Christian , answer me ,", "In what safe place you have bestow \u2019 d my money ;", "Or I shall break that merry sconce of yours ,", "That stands on tricks when I am undisposed : 80", "Where is the thousand marks thou hadst of me ?", "S. Thy mistress \u2019 marks ? what mistress , slave , hast thou ?", "S. What , wilt thou flout me thus unto my face ,", "Being forbid ? There , take you that , sir knave .", "S. Upon my life , by some device or other 95", "The villain is o \u2019 er-raught of all my money .", "They say this town is full of cozenage ;", "As , nimble jugglers that deceive the eye ,", "Dark-working sorcerers that change the mind .", "Soul-killing witches that deform the body , 100", "Disguised cheaters , prating mountebanks ,", "And many such-like liberties of sin :", "If it prove so , I will be gone the sooner .", "I \u2019 ll to the Centaur , to go seek this slave :", "I greatly fear my money is not safe .", "NOTES : I , 2 ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 886, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Neither my husband nor the slave return \u2019 d ,", "That in such haste I sent to seek his master !", "Sure , Luciana , it is two o \u2019 clock .", "Why should their liberty than ours be more ? 10", "Look , when I serve him so , he takes it ill .", "There \u2019 s none but asses will be bridled so .", "This servitude makes you to keep unwed .", "But , were you wedded , you would bear some sway .", "How if your husband start some other where ? 30", "Patience unmoved ! no marvel though she pause ;", "They can be meek that have no other cause .", "A wretched soul , bruised with adversity ,", "We bid be quiet when we hear it cry ; 35", "But were we burden \u2019 d with like weight of pain ,", "As much , or more , we should ourselves complain :", "So thou , that hast no unkind mate to grieve thee ,", "With urging helpless patience wouldst relieve me ;", "But , if thou live to see like right bereft , 40", "This fool-begg \u2019 d patience in thee will be left .", "Say , is your tardy master now at hand ?", "Say , didst thou speak with him ? know \u2019 st thou his mind ?", "But say , I prithee , is he coming home ? 55", "It seems he hath great care to please his wife .", "Horn-mad , thou villain !", "Go back again , thou slave , and fetch him home . 75", "Back , slave , or I will break thy pate across .", "Hence , prating peasant ! fetch thy master home .", "His company must do his minions grace ,", "Whilst I at home starve for a merry look .", "Hath homely age the alluring beauty took", "From my poor cheek ? then he hath wasted it : 90", "Are my discourses dull ? barren my wit ?", "If voluble and sharp discourse be marr \u2019 d ,", "Unkindness blunts it more than marble hard :", "Do their gay vestments his affections bait ?", "That \u2019 s not my fault ; he \u2019 s master of my state : 95", "What ruins are in me that can be found ,", "By him not ruin \u2019 d ? then is he the ground", "Of my defeatures . My decayed fair", "A sunny look of his would soon repair :", "But , too unruly deer , he breaks the pale , 100", "And feeds from home ; poor I am but his stale .", "Unfeeling fools can with such wrongs dispense .", "I know his eye doth homage otherwhere ;", "Or else what lets it but he would be here ? 105", "Sister , you know he promised me a chain ;", "Would that alone , alone he would detain ,", "So he would keep fair quarter with his bed !", "I see the jewel best enamelled", "Will lose his beauty ; yet the gold bides still , 110", "That others touch , and often touching will", "Wear gold : and no man that hath a name ,", "By falsehood and corruption doth it shame .", "Since that my beauty cannot please his eye ,", "I \u2019 ll weep what \u2019 s left away , and weeping die . 115"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 886, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["S. The gold I gave to Dromio is laid up", "Safe at the Centaur ; and the heedful slave", "Is wander \u2019 d forth , in care to seek me out", "By computation and mine host \u2019 s report .", "I could not speak with Dromio since at first 5", "I sent him from the mart . See , here he comes .", "Enter DROMIO of Syracuse .", "How now , sir ! is your merry humour alter \u2019 d ?", "As you love strokes , so jest with me again .", "You know no Centaur ? you receiv \u2019 d no gold ?", "Your mistress sent to have me home to dinner ? 10", "My house was at the Ph\u0153nix ? Wast thou mad ,", "That thus so madly thou didst answer me ?", "S. Even now , even here , not half an hour since .", "S. Villain , thou didst deny the gold \u2019 s receipt ,", "And told \u2019 st me of a mistress and a dinner ;", "For which , I hope , thou felt \u2019 st I was displeased .", "S. Yea , dost thou jeer and flout me in the teeth ? Think \u2019 st thou I jest ? Hold , take thou that , and that .", "S. Because that I familiarly sometimes", "Do use you for my fool , and chat with you ,", "Your sauciness will jest upon my love ,", "And make a common of my serious hours .", "When the sun shines let foolish gnats make sport , 30", "But creep in crannies when he hides his beams .", "If you will jest with me , know my aspect ,", "And fashion your demeanour to my looks ,", "Or I will beat this method in your sconce .", "S. Dost thou not know ? 40", "S. Shall I tell you why ?", "S. Why , first ,\u2014 for flouting me ; and then , wherefore ,\u2014 45", "For urging it the second time to me .", "S. Thank me , sir ! for what ? 50", "S. I \u2019 ll make you amends next , to give you nothing for something . But say , sir , is it dinner-time ?", "S. In good time , sir ; what \u2019 s that ?", "S. Well , sir , then \u2019 twill be dry .", "S. Your reason ? 60", "S. Well , sir , learn to jest in good time : there \u2019 s a time for all things .", "S. By what rule , sir ?", "S. Let \u2019 s hear it . 70", "S. May he not do it by fine and recovery ?", "S. Why is Time such a niggard of hair , being , as it is , so plentiful an excrement ?", "S. Why , but there \u2019 s many a man hath more hair than wit .", "S. Why , thou didst conclude hairy men plain 85 dealers without wit .", "S. For what reason ?", "S. Nay , not sound , I pray you .", "S. Nay , not sure , in a thing falsing .", "S. Name them . 95", "S. You would all this time have proved there is no time for all things . 100", "S. But your reason was not substantial , why there is no time to recover .", "S. I knew \u2019 twould be a bald conclusion :", "But , soft ! who wafts us yonder ?", "S. Plead you to me , fair dame ? I know you not :", "In Ephesus I am but two hours old ,", "As strange unto your town as to your talk ;", "Who , every word by all my wit being scann \u2019 d ,", "Wants wit in all one word to understand . 150", "S. By Dromio ?", "S. Did you converse , sir , with this gentlewoman ? What is the course and drift of your compact ? 160", "S. Villain , thou liest ; for even her very words", "Didst thou deliver to me on the mart .", "S. How can she thus , then , call us by our names , 165", "Unless it be by inspiration .", "S. To me she speaks ; she moves me for her theme : 180", "What , was I married to her in my dream ?", "Or sleep I now , and think I hear all this ?", "What error drives our eyes and ears amiss ?", "Until I know this sure uncertainty ,", "I \u2019 ll entertain the offer \u2019 d fallacy . 185", "S. I think thou art in mind , and so am I . 195", "S. Thou hast thine own form .", "S. Am I in earth , in heaven , or in hell ?", "Sleeping or waking ? mad or well-advised ?", "Known unto these , and to myself disguised !", "I \u2019 ll say as they say , and persever so ,", "And in this mist at all adventures go . 215"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 886, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["E. Good Signior Angelo , you must excuse us all ;", "My wife is shrewish when I keep not hours :", "Say that I linger \u2019 d with you at your shop", "To see the making of her carcanet ,", "And that to-morrow you will bring it home . 5", "But here \u2019 s a villain that would face me down", "He met me on the mart , and that I beat him ,", "And charged him with a thousand marks in gold ,", "And that I did deny my wife and house .", "Thou drunkard , thou , what didst thou mean by this ? 10", "E. I think thou art an ass .", "E. You \u2019 re sad , Signior Balthazar : pray God our cheer", "May answer my good will and your good welcome here . 20", "E. O , Signior Balthazar , either at flesh or fish ,", "A table full of welcome makes scarce one dainty dish .", "E. And welcome more common ; for that \u2019 s nothing but words . 25", "E. Ay to a niggardly host and more sparing guest :", "But though my cates be mean , take them in good part ;", "Better cheer may you have , but not with better heart .", "But , soft ! my door is lock \u2019 d .\u2014 Go bid them let us in . 30", "E. Who talks within there ? ho , open the door !", "E. Wherefore ? for my dinner : I have not dined to-day . 40", "E. What art thou that keepest me out from the house I owe ?", "E. Do you hear , you minion ? you \u2019 ll let us in , I hope ?", "E. Thou baggage , let me in .", "E. You \u2019 ll cry for this , minion , if I beat the door down .", "E. Are you , there , wife ? you might have come before .", "E. There is something in the wind , that we cannot get in .", "E. Go fetch me something : I \u2019 ll break ope the gate .", "E. Well , I \u2019 ll break in :\u2014 go borrow me a crow . 80", "E. Go get thee gone ; fetch me an iron crow .", "E. You have prevail \u2019 d : I will depart in quiet ,", "And , in despite of mirth , mean to be merry .", "I know a wench of excellent discourse ,", "Pretty and witty ; wild , and yet , too , gentle : 110", "There will we dine . This woman that I mean ,", "My wife \u2014 but , I protest , without desert \u2014", "Hath oftentimes upbraided me withal :", "To her will we to dinner .", "Get you home ,", "And fetch the chain ; by this I know \u2019 tis made : 115", "Bring it , I pray you , to the Porpentine ;", "For there \u2019 s the house : that chain will I bestow \u2014", "Be it for nothing but to spite my wife \u2014", "Upon mine hostess there : good sir , make haste .", "Since mine own doors refuse to entertain me , 120", "I \u2019 ll knock elsewhere , to see if they \u2019 ll disdain me .", "E. Do so . This jest shall cost me some expense .", "NOTES : III , 1 ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 886, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["And may it be that you have quite forgot", "A husband \u2019 s office ? shall , Antipholus ,", "Even in the spring of love , thy love-springs rot ?", "Shall love , in building , grow so ruinous ?", "If you did wed my sister for her wealth , 5", "Then for her wealth \u2019 s sake use her with more kindness :", "Or if you like elsewhere , do it by stealth ;", "Muffle your false love with some show of blindness :", "Let not my sister read it in your eye ;", "Be not thy tongue thy own shame \u2019 s orator ; 10", "Look sweet , speak fair , become disloyalty ;", "Apparel vice like virtue \u2019 s harbinger ;", "Bear a fair presence , though your heart be tainted ;", "Teach sin the carriage of a holy saint ;", "Be secret-false : what need she be acquainted ? 15", "What simple thief brags of his own attaint ?", "\u2019 Tis double wrong , to truant with your bed ,", "And let her read it in thy looks at board :", "Shame hath a bastard fame , well managed ;", "Ill deeds are doubled with an evil word . 20", "Alas , poor women ! make us but believe ,", "Being compact of credit , that you love us ;", "Though others have the arm , show us the sleeve ;", "We in your motion turn , and you may move us .", "Then , gentle brother , get you in again ; 25", "Comfort my sister , cheer her , call her wife :", "\u2019 Tis holy sport , to be a little vain ,", "When the sweet breath of flattery conquers strife .", "What , are you mad , that you do reason so ?", "It is a fault that springeth from your eye . 55", "Gaze where you should , and that will clear your sight .", "Why call you me love ? call my sister so .", "That \u2019 s my sister .", "All this my sister is , or else should be . 65", "O , soft , sir ! hold you still :", "I \u2019 ll fetch my sister , to get her good will ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 886, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Even just the sum that I do owe to you", "Is growing to me by Antipholus ;", "And in the instant that I met with you", "He had of me a chain : at five o \u2019 clock 10", "I shall receive the money for the same .", "Pleaseth you walk with me down to his house ,", "I will discharge my bond , and thank you too .", "Saving your merry humour , here \u2019 s the note", "How much your chain weighs to the utmost carat ,", "The fineness of the gold , and chargeful fashion ,", "Which doth amount to three odd ducats more 30", "Than I stand debted to this gentleman :", "I pray you , see him presently discharged ,", "For he is bound to sea , and stays but for it .", "Then you will bring the chain to her yourself ? 40", "Well , sir , I will . Have you the chain about you ?", "Nay , come , I pray you , sir , give me the chain : 45", "Both wind and tide stays for this gentleman ,", "And I , to blame , have held him here too long .", "You hear how he importunes me ;\u2014 the chain !", "Come , come , you know I gave it you even now . 55", "Either send the chain , or send me by some token .", "The money that you owe me for the chain .", "You know I gave it you half an hour since . 65", "You wrong me more , sir , in denying it :", "Consider how it stands upon my credit .", "This touches me in reputation .", "Either consent to pay this sum for me ,", "Or I attach you by this officer .", "Here is thy fee ; arrest him , officer .", "I would not spare my brother in this case ,", "If he should scorn me so apparently .", "Sir , sir , I shall have law in Ephesus ,", "To your notorious shame ; I doubt it not ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 886, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ah , Luciana , did he tempt thee so ?", "Mightst thou perceive austerely in his eye", "That he did plead in earnest ? yea or no ?", "Look \u2019 d he or red or pale , or sad or merrily ?", "What observation madest thou , in this case , 5", "Of his heart \u2019 s meteors tilting in his face ?", "He meant he did me none ; the more my spite .", "And true he swore , though yet forsworn he were . 10", "And what said he ?", "With what persuasion did he tempt thy love ?", "Didst speak him fair ?", "I cannot , nor I will not , hold me still ;", "My tongue , though not my heart , shall have his will .", "He is deformed , crooked , old , and sere ,", "Ill-faced , worse bodied , shapeless everywhere ; 20", "Vicious , ungentle , foolish , blunt , unkind ;", "Stigmatical in making , worse in mind .", "Ah , but I think him better than I say , 25", "And yet would herein others \u2019 eyes were worse .", "Far from her nest the lapwing cries away :", "My heart prays for him , though my tongue do curse .", "Where is thy master , Dromio ? is he well ?", "Why , man , what is the matter ?", "What , is he arrested ? Tell me at whose suit .", "Go fetch it , sister .", "This I wonder at ,", "That he , unknown to me , should be in debt .", "Tell me , was he arrested on a band ?", "What , the chain ?", "The hours come back ! that did I never hear . 55", "As if Time were in debt ! how fondly dost thou reason !", "Go , Dromio ; there \u2019 s the money , bear it straight ;", "And bring thy master home immediately .", "Come , sister : I am press \u2019 d down with conceit ,\u2014 65", "Conceit , my comfort and my injury .", "NOTES : IV , 2 ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 886, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["S. There \u2019 s not a man I meet but doth salute me", "As if I were their well-acquainted friend ;", "And every one doth call me by my name .", "Some tender money to me ; some invite me ;", "Some other give me thanks for kindnesses ; 5", "Some offer me commodities to buy ;\u2014", "Even now a tailor call \u2019 d me in his shop ,", "And show \u2019 d me silks that he had bought for me ,", "And therewithal took measure of my body .", "Sure , these are but imaginary wiles , 10", "And Lapland sorcerers inhabit here .", "S. What gold is this ? what Adam dost thou mean ?", "S. I understand thee not .", "S. What , thou meanest an officer ?", "S. Well , sir , there rest in your foolery . Is there any ship puts forth to-night ? may we be gone ?", "S. The fellow is distract , and so am I ;", "And here we wander in illusions :", "Some blessed power deliver us from hence !", "S. Satan , avoid ! I charge thee , tempt me not .", "S. It is the devil . 45", "S. Why , Dromio ?", "S. Avoid then , fiend ! what tell \u2019 st thou me of supping ? 60", "Thou art , as you are all , a sorceress :", "I conjure thee to leave me and be gone .", "S. Avaunt , thou witch ! \u2014 Come , Dromio , let us go ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 886, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["E. Fear me not , man ; I will not break away :", "I \u2019 ll give thee , ere I leave thee , so much money ,", "To warrant thee , as I am \u2019 rested for .", "My wife is in a wayward mood to-day ,", "And will not lightly trust the messenger . 5", "That I should be attach \u2019 d in Ephesus ,", "I tell you , \u2019 twill sound harshly in her ears .", "Enter DROMIO of Ephesus with a ropes-end .", "Here comes my man ; I think he brings the money .", "How now , sir ! have you that I sent you for ?", "E. But where \u2019 s the money ?", "E. Five hundred ducats , villain , for a rope ?", "E. To what end did I bid thee hie thee home ? 15", "E. And to that end , sir , I will welcome you .", "E. Thou whoreson , senseless villain !", "E. Thou art sensible in nothing but blows , and so is an ass .", "E. Come , go along ; my wife is coming yonder .", "E. Wilt thou still talk ?", "E. There is my hand , and let it feel your ear . 50", "E. Peace , doting wizard , peace ! I am not mad . 55", "E. You minion , you , are these your customers ?", "Did this companion with the saffron face", "Revel and feast it at my house to-day ,", "Whilst upon me the guilty doors were shut , 60", "And I denied to enter in my house ?", "E. Dined at home !\u2014 Thou villain , what sayest thou ? 65", "E. Were not my doors lock \u2019 d up , and I shut out ?", "E. And did not she herself revile me there ?", "E. Did not her kitchen-maid rail , taunt , and scorn me ?", "E. And did not I in rage depart from thence ?", "E. Thou hast suborn \u2019 d the goldsmith to arrest me .", "E. Went \u2019 st not thou to her for a purse of ducats ?", "E. Say , wherefore didst them lock me forth to-day ? And why dost thou deny the bag of gold ?", "E. Dissembling harlot , them art false in all ,", "And art confederate with a damned pack", "To make a loathsome abject scorn of me : 100", "But with these nails I \u2019 ll pluck out these false eyes ,", "That would behold in me this shameful sport .", "E. What , will you murder me ? Thou gaoler , thou ,", "I am thy prisoner : wilt thou suffer them", "To make a rescue ?", "E. O most unhappy strumpet !", "E. Out on thee , villain ! wherefore dost thou mad me ?", "S. I see these witches are afraid of swords . 145", "S. Come to the Centaur ; fetch our stuff from thence :", "I long that we were safe and sound aboard .", "S. I will not stay to-night for all the town ;", "Therefore away , to get our stuff aboard .", "NOTES : IV , 4 ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 886, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I am sorry , sir , that I have hinder \u2019 d you ;", "But , I protest , he had the chain of me ,", "Though most dishonestly he doth deny it .", "Of very reverent reputation , sir , 5", "Of credit infinite , highly beloved ,", "Second to none that lives here in the city :", "His word might bear my wealth at any time .", "\u2019 Tis so ; and that self chain about his neck , 10", "Which he forswore most monstrously to have .", "Good sir , draw near to me , I \u2019 ll speak to him ;", "Signior Antipholus , I wonder much", "That you would put me to this shame and trouble ;", "And , not without some scandal to yourself , 15", "With circumstance and oaths so to deny", "This chain which now you wear so openly :", "Beside the charge , the shame , imprisonment ,", "You have done wrong to this my honest friend ;", "Who , but for staying on our controversy , 20", "Had hoisted sail and put to sea to-day :", "This chain you had of me ; can you deny it ?", "I knew he was not in his perfect wits .", "Upon what cause ?", "See where they come : we will behold his death .", "O perjured woman ! They are both forsworn :", "In this the madman justly chargeth them .", "My lord , in truth , thus far I witness with him ,", "That he dined not at home , but was lock \u2019 d out . 255", "He had , my lord : and when he ran in here ,", "These people saw the chain about his neck .", "That is the chain , sir , which you had of me .", "I think I did , sir ; I deny it not ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 886, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Anti . Good signior Angelo you must excuse vs all ,", "My wife is shrewish when I keepe not howres ;", "Say that I lingerd with you at your shop", "To see the making of her Carkanet ,", "And that to morrow you will bring it home .", "But here 's a villaine that would face me downe", "He met me on the Mart , and that I beat him ,", "And charg 'd him with a thousand markes in gold ,", "And that I did denie my wife and house ;", "Thou drunkard thou , what didst thou meane by this ?", "Dro . Say what you wil sir , but I know what I know ,", "That you beat me at the Mart I haue your hand to show ;", "If y skin were parchment , & y blows you gaue were ink ,", "Your owne hand-writing would tell you what I thinke", "Ant . I thinke thou art an asse", "Dro . Marry so it doth appeare", "By the wrongs I suffer , and the blowes I beare ,", "I should kicke being kickt , and being at that passe ,", "You would keepe from my heeles , and beware of an asse", "An . Y'are sad signior Balthazar , pray God our cheer", "May answer my good will , and your good welcom here", "An . Oh signior Balthazar , either at flesh or fish ,", "A table full of welcome , makes scarce one dainty dish", "Dro . Maud , Briget , Marian , Cisley , Gillian , Ginn", "Dro . What patch is made our Porter ? my Master stayes in the street", "Ant . Who talks within there ? hoa , open the dore", "Dro . O villaine , thou hast stolne both mine office and my name , The one nere got me credit , the other mickle blame : If thou hadst beene Dromio to day in my place , Thou wouldst haue chang 'd thy face for a name , or thy name for an asse .", "Dro . Let my Master in Luce", "Dro . O Lord I must laugh , haue at you with a Prouerbe ,", "Shall I set in my staffe", "Dro . So come helpe , well strooke , there was blow for blow", "Drom . Master , knocke the doore hard", "Dro . If you went in paine Master , this knaue wold goe sore", "Dro . They stand at the doore , Master , bid them welcome hither", "Dro . You would say so Master , if your garments were thin . Your cake here is warme within : you stand here in the cold . It would make a man mad as a Bucke to be so bought and sold", "Dro . A man may breake a word with your sir , and words are but winde : I and breake it in your face , so he break it not behinde", "Dro . Here 's too much out vpon thee , I pray thee let me in", "Dro . A crow without feather , Master meane you so ;", "For a fish without a finne , ther 's a fowle without a fether ,", "If a crow help vs in sirra , wee 'll plucke a crow together"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 887, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Drip ! drip ! drip ! drip !\u2014 in such a place as this It has nothing else to do but drip ! drip ! drip ! I wish it had not dripp 'd upon my torch . Faith \u2018 twas a moving letter \u2014 very moving ! His life in danger \u2014 no place safe but this . 5 \u2018 Twas his turn now to talk of gratitude ! And yet \u2014 but no ! there can n't be such a villain . It cannot be ! Thanks to that little cranny Which lets the moonlight in ! I 'll go and sit by it . To peep at a tree , or see a he-goat 's beard , 10 Or hear a cow or two breathe loud in their sleep , \u2018 Twere better than this dreary noise of water-drops !returns after a minute 's elapse in an ecstasy of fear . A hellish pit ! O God \u2014 \u2018 tis like my night-mair ! I was just in !\u2014 and those damn 'd fingers of ice Which clutch 'd my hair up ! Ha ! what 's that ? it moved ! 15", "I swear , I saw a something moving there ! The moonshine came and went , like a flash of lightning . I swear , I saw it move !", "You see that little cranny ? But first permit me ,", "I walk 'd up to it , meaning to sit there .", "When I had reach 'd it within twenty paces \u2014\u2014", "Merciful Heaven ! Do go , my lord ! and look . 30", "If every atom of a dead man 's flesh Should move , each one with a particular life , Yet all as cold as ever \u2014 \u2018 twas just so ! Or if it drizzled needle-points of frost 35 Upon a feverish head made suddenly bald \u2014 OsorioWhy , Ferdinand ! I blush for thy cowardice . It would have startled any man , I grant thee . But such a panic .", "When a boy , my lord !", "I could have sat whole hours beside that chasm , 40", "Push 'd in huge stones and heard them thump and rattle", "Against its horrid sides ; and hung my head", "Low down , and listen 'd till the heavy fragments", "Sunk , with faint crash , in that still groaning well ,", "Which never thirsty pilgrim blest , which never 45", "A living thing came near ; unless , perchance ,", "Some blind-worm battens on the ropy mould ,", "Close at its edge .", "Call him that fears his fellow-men a coward .", "I fear not man . But this inhuman cavern 50", "It were too bad a prison-house for goblins .", "Besides", "but true it is ,", "My last night 's sleep was very sorely haunted", "By what had pass 'd between us in the morning .", "I saw you in a thousand hideous ways , 55", "And doz 'd and started , doz 'd again and started .", "I do entreat your lordship to believe me ,", "In my last dream \u2014\u2014", "I was in the act", "Of falling down that chasm , when Alhadra", "Waked me . She heard my heart beat !", "Never , my lord !", "But my eyes do not see it now more clearly", "Than in my dream I saw that very chasm .", "What is , my lord ?", "Except in self-defence .", "Something doth trouble you .", "How can I serve you ? By the life you gave me , 70", "By all that makes that life of value to me ,", "My wife , my babes , my honour , I swear to you ,", "Name it , and I will toil to do the thing ,", "If it be innocent ! But this , my lord !", "Is not a place where you could perpetrate , 75", "No , nor propose a wicked thing . The darkness", "Collects the guilt and crowds it round the heart .", "It must be innocent .", "Who ? when ? my lord .", "What ? he was mad ?", "Ah , poor wretch ! Madmen are mostly proud .", "I have a prattler three years old , my lord !", "In truth he is my darling . As I went", "From forth my door , he made a moan in sleep \u2014", "But I am talking idly \u2014 pray go on !", "And what did this man ?", "I would , my lord , you were by my fireside !", "I 'd listen to you with an eager eye ,", "Tho \u2019 you began this cloudy tale at midnight .", "But I do listen \u2014 pray proceed , my lord !", "He of whom you tell the tale \u2014 115", "Ah ! what of him , my lord ?", "A dark tale darkly finish 'd ! Nay , my lord ! 130", "Tell what he did .", "Osorio", "That which his wisdom prompted .", "He made the traitor meet him in this cavern ,", "And here he kill 'd the traitor .", "No !\u2014 the fool .", "He had not wit enough to be a traitor .", "Poor thick-eyed beetle ! not to have foreseen 135", "That he , who gull 'd thee with a whimper 'd lie", "To murder his own brother , would not scruple", "To murder thee , if e'er his guilt grew jealous", "And he could steal upon thee in the dark !", "O yes , my lord ! 140", "I would have met him arm 'd , and scared the coward !", "And all my little ones fatherless ! Die thou first .FerdinandStill I can strangle thee !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Heart-chilling Superstition ! thou canst glaze", "Ev'n Pity 's eye with her own frozen tear .", "In vain I urge the tortures that await him :", "Even Selma , reverend guardian of my childhood ,", "My second mother , shuts her heart against me !", "Well , I have won from her what most imports", "The present need , this secret of the dungeon", "Known only to herself .\u2014 A Moor ! a Sorcerer !", "No , I have faith , that nature ne'er permitted", "Baseness to wear a form so noble . True ,", "I doubt not , that Ordonio had suborned him", "To act some part in some unholy fraud ;", "As little doubt , that for some unknown purpose", "He hath baffled his suborner , terror-struck him ,", "And that Ordonio meditates revenge !", "But my resolve is fixed ! myself will rescue him ,", "And learn if haply he knew aught of Alvar .", "The horror of their ghastly punishments", "Doth so o'ertop the height of all compassion ,", "That I should feel too little for mine enemy ,", "If it were possible I could feel more ,", "Even though the dearest inmates of our household", "Were doom 'd to suffer them . That such things are \u2014", "Remorse .", "Maria . \u2018 Tis strange ] Teresa . \u2018 Tis said MS. III .", "Foster-Mother ] Selma Corr . in MS. III .", "O honor 'd Selma ! this strange man has left me", "Wilder 'd with stranger fancies than yon moon", "My honoured lord ,", "These were my Alvar 's lessons , and whene'er", "I bend me o'er his portrait , I repeat them ,", "As if to give a voice to the mute image .", "O grief ! to hear Hateful intreaties from a voice we love ! Enter a PEASANT and presents a letter to VALDEZ . Valdez\u2018 He dares not venture hither ! \u2019 Why what can this mean ? \u2018 Lest the Familiars of the Inquisition , That watch around my gates , should intercept him ; But he conjures me , that without delay I hasten to him \u2014 for my own sake entreats me To guard from danger him I hold imprison 'd \u2014 He will reveal a secret , the joy of which Will even outweigh the sorrow . \u2019 \u2014 Why what can this be ? Perchance it is some Moorish stratagem , To have in me a hostage for his safety . Nay , that they dare not ! Ho ! collect my servants ! I will go thither \u2014 let them arm themselves . TeresaThe moon is high in heaven , and all is hush 'd . Yet anxious listener ! I have seem 'd to hear A low dead thunder mutter thro \u2019 the night , As \u2018 twere a giant angry in his sleep . O Alvar ! Alvar ! & c . Remorse .And all his wealth perhaps come to the Church MS. III . erased .evening-tide ] eventide Remorse .om . Remorse .And this majestic Moor , seems he not one Who oft and long communing with my Alvar , Hath drunk in kindred lustre from his presence , And guides me to him with reflected light ? What if in yon dark dungeon coward treachery Be groping for him with envenomed poniard \u2014 Hence womanish fears , traitors to love and duty \u2014 I 'll free him ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Yon hanging woods , that touch 'd by autumn seem As they were blossoming hues of fire and gold ; { The hanging Act V , l. 41 . { The flower-like woods , most lovely in decay , The many clouds , the sea , the rock , the sands , Lie in the silent moonshine : and the owl ,the scritch-owl only wakes ! Sole voice , sole eye of all this world of beauty ! Unless , perhaps , she sing her screeching song To a herd of wolves , that skulk athirst for blood . Why such a thing am I ?\u2014 Where are these men ? I need the sympathy of human faces , To beat away this deep contempt for all things , Which quenches my revenge . O ! would to Alla , The raven , or the sea-mew , were appointed To bring me food ! or rather that my soul Could drink in life from the universal air ! It were a lot divine in some small skiff Along some Ocean 's boundless solitude , To float for ever with a careless course , And think myself the only being alive .My children !\u2014 Isidore 's children !\u2014 Son of Valdez , This hath new strung mine arm . Thou coward tyrant ! To stupify a woman 's heart with anguish , Till she forgot \u2014 even that she was a mother !Remorse .the ] these Remorse .spell-blasted ] spell-blasted Remorse .Stage-direction om . Remorse .All ] All Morescoes . Remorse .One to Another ] One MorescoeRemorse .Murder ? Not murder 'd ? Remorse .AlhadraRemorse .house ] sons MS. III . Wet with the life-blood of the son of Valdez Remorse .Enter Warville . MS. III .Ordonio was your chieftain 's murderer Remorse .Erased MS. III .om . Remorse .Erased MS. III .Stage-direction AllRemorse .Alhadra . This night your chieftain armed himself Remorse .and erased : Naomi . Proceed , proceed , Alhadra . Alhadra . Yestermorning He stood before our house , startful and gloomy , And stirr 'd up fierce dispute with Ferdinand , I saw him when the vehement Gripe of Conscience Had wrenched his features to a visible agony . When he was gone Ferdinand sighed out \u2018 Villain \u2019 And spake no other word . WarvilleThe brother of Albert .", "I scarce can tell thee ! For my many thoughts", "Troubled me , till with blank and naked mind", "I only listen 'd to the dashing billows . 20", "It seems to me , I could have closed my eyes", "And wak 'd without a dream of what has pass 'd ;", "So well it counterfeited quietness ,", "This wearied heart of mine !", "Would to Heaven", "That it had brought its last and certain cure !", "That ruin in the wood .", "On that broad wall", "I saw a skull ; a poppy grew beside it ,", "There was a ghastly solace in the sight !", "Children ? Whose children ?", "Son of Velez ,", "This hath new-strung my arm ! Thou coward tyrant ,", "To stupify a woman 's heart with anguish , 60", "Till she forgot even that she was a mother !", "Blaspheming fool ! the law of Mahomet 85", "Was given by him , who framed the soul of man .", "This the best proof \u2014 it fits the soul of man !", "Ambition , glory , thirst of enterprize ,", "The deep and stubborn purpose of revenge ,", "With all the boiling revelries of pleasure \u2014 90", "These grow in the heart , yea , intertwine their roots", "With its minutest fibres ! And that Being", "Who made us , laughs to scorn the lying faith ,", "Whose puny precepts , like a wall of sand ,", "Would stem the full tide of predestined Nature ! 95", "Naomi", "Speak !", "All", "Speak !", "Is the murderer of your chieftain dead ?", "Now as God liveth , who hath suffer 'd him", "To make my children orphans , none shall die", "Till I have seen his blood !", "Off with him to the vessel !", "The Tyger , that with unquench 'd cruelty , 100", "Still thirsts for blood , leaps on the hunter 's spear", "With prodigal courage . \u2018 Tis not so with man .", "Scatter yourselves , take each a separate way , 105", "And move in silence to the house of Velez .", "My husband \u2014\u2014", "Why didst thou leave his children ? 275 Demon ! thou shouldst have sent thy dogs of hell To lap their blood . Then , then , I might have harden 'd My soul in misery , and have had comfort . I would have stood far off , quiet tho \u2019 dark , And bade the race of men raise up a mourning 280 For the deep horror of a desolation Too great to be one soul 's particular lot ! Brother of Zagri ! let me lean upon thee .The time is not yet come for woman 's anguish \u2014 I have not seen his blood . Within an hour 285 Those little ones will crowd around and ask me , Where is our father ?", "Thou art young and innocent ; 290", "\u2018 Twere merciful to kill thee ! Yet I will not .", "And for thy sake none of this house shall perish ,", "Save only he .", "And is it then 295", "An enviable lot to waste away", "With inward wounds , and like the spirit of chaos", "To wander on disquietly thro \u2019 the earth ,", "Cursing all lovely things ? to let him live \u2014", "It were a deep revenge !", "All the band cry out \u2014 No mercy ! no mercy ! 300", "Nay , bear him forth ! Why should this innocent maid", "Behold the ugliness of death ?", "Osorio", "O woman !", "I have stood silent like a slave", "before thee ,", "That I might taste the wormwood and the gall ,", "And satiate this self-accusing spirit 305", "With bitterer agonies than death can give .", "I thank thee , Heaven ! thou hast ordain 'd it wisely , That still extremes bring their own cure . That point In misery which makes the oppressed man Regardless of his own life , makes him too 310 Lord of the oppressor 's ! Knew I an hundred men Despairing , but not palsied by despair , This arm should shake the kingdoms of this world ; The deep foundations of iniquity Should sink away , earth groaning from beneath them ; 315 The strong holds of the cruel men should fall , Their temples and their mountainous towers should fall ; Till desolation seem 'd a beautiful thing , And all that were and had the spirit of life Sang a new song to him who had gone forth 320 Conquering and still to conquer ! THE ENDFOOTNOTES :In MS. II \u2018 worm \u2019 has the place of \u2018 slave \u2019 , which is the word in MS . I .On a blank page of MS. III some one , probably Bowles , has written :\u2014 \u2018 Upon the whole a very masterly production , and with judicious contractments might be rendered an interesting Drama on the stage . \u2019 LINENOTES :om . Remorse .The hanging ] Yon pendent Corr . in MS. III .hanging ] { pendent { flowerlike", "Why had he such a son ?", "Rescue ?\u2014 and Isidore 's spirit unavenged ?\u2014", "The deed be mine !", "Ordonio", "Atonement !", "Alvar", "Arm of avenging Heaven", "Thou hast snatched from me my most cherished hope \u2014", "But go ! my word was pledged to thee ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ye have come late \u2014 but ye are come ! The distance ,", "Count Isolan , excuses your delay .", "Just in time to banquet", "The illustrious company assembled here . 10", "We have the Colonels here of thirty regiments .", "You 'll find Count Tertsky here , and Tiefenbach ,", "Kolatto , Goetz , Maradas , Hinnersam ,", "The Piccolomini , both son and father \u2014\u2014", "You 'll meet with many an unexpected greeting 20", "From many an old friend and acquaintance . Only", "Galas is wanting still , and Altringer .", "How so ? Do you know \u2014\u2014", "You 'll see him yet ere evening . He conducts 35", "The Duchess Friedland hither , and the Princess", "From Carnthen . We expect them here at noon .", "And you ?\u2014 You hold out firmly ? Noble Butler !", "I had forgotten", "A pleasant duty \u2014 Major-General ,", "I wish you joy !", "Ay , if we would but so consider it !\u2014", "If we would all of us consider it so ! 70", "The Emperor gives us nothing ; from the Duke", "Comes all \u2014 whate'er we hope , whate'er we have .", "Isolani", "My noble brother ! did I tell you how", "The Duke will satisfy my creditors ?", "Will be himself my banker for the future , 75", "Make me once more a creditable man !\u2014", "And this is now the third time , think of that !", "This kingly-minded man has rescued me", "From absolute ruin , and restored my honour .", "O that his power but kept pace with his wishes ! 80", "Why , friend ! he 'd give the whole world to his soldiers .", "But at Vienna , brother ! here 's the grievance !\u2014", "What politic schemes do they not lay to shorten", "His arm , and , where they can , to clip his pinions .", "Then these new dainty requisitions ! these , 85", "Which this same Questenberg brings hither !\u2014", "Not from his right most surely , unless first", "\u2014 From office !", "No more !", "Yonder I see our worthy friend", "approaching", "With the Lieutenant-General , Piccolomini ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ay , ay ! more still ! Still more new visitors !", "Acknowledge , friend ! that never was a camp ,", "Which held at once so many heads of heroes .", "Welcome , Count Isolani !", "And Colonel Butler \u2014 trust me , I rejoice Thus to renew acquaintance with a man Whose worth and services I know and honour . See , see , my friend ! There might we place at once before our eyes 10 The sum of war 's whole trade and mystery \u2014These two the total sum \u2014 Strength and Dispatch . QuestenbergAnd lo ! betwixt them both experienced Prudence ! OctavioThe Chamberlain and War-commissioner Questenberg , The bearer of the Emperor 's behests , 15 The long-tried friend and patron of all soldiers , We honour in this noble visitor .", "My noble friend ,", "This is no more than a remembrancing 135", "That you are now in camp , and among warriors .", "The soldier 's boldness constitutes his freedom .", "Could he act daringly , unless he dared", "Talk even so ? One runs into the other .", "The boldness of this worthy officer ,", "Then my son Max too has returned . \u2018 Twas he", "Fetched and attended them from Carnthen hither . 150", "Isolani", "Shall we not go in company to greet them ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What have I not been forced to hear , Octavio ! What sentiments ! what fierce , uncurbed defiance ! And were this spirit universal \u2014", "Where must we seek then for a second host 5", "To have the custody of this ? That Illo", "Thinks worse , I fear me , than he speaks . And then", "This Butler too \u2014 he cannot even conceal", "The passionate workings of his ill intentions .", "Friend , friend !", "O ! this is worse , far worse , than we had suffered", "Ourselves to dream of at Vienna . There 15", "We saw it only with a courtier 's eyes ,", "Eyes dazzled by the splendour of the throne .", "We had not seen the War-Chief , the Commander ,", "The man all-powerful in his camp . Here , here ,", "\u2018 Tis quite another thing . 20", "Here is no Emperor more \u2014 the Duke is Emperor .", "Alas , my friend ! alas , my noble friend !", "This walk which you have ta'en me through the camp", "Strikes my hopes prostrate .", "Where was our reason sleeping when we trusted 30", "This madman with the sword , and placed such power", "In such a hand ? I tell you , he 'll refuse ,", "Flatly refuse , to obey the Imperial orders .", "Friend , he can do \u2018 t , and what he can , he will .", "And then the impunity of his defiance \u2014 35", "O ! what a proclamation of our weakness !", "How shall we hold footing", "Beneath this tempest , which collects itself 45", "And threats us from all quarters ? The enemy", "Of the empire on our borders , now already", "The master of the Danube , and still farther ,", "And farther still , extending every hour !", "In our interior the alarum-bells 50", "Of insurrection \u2014 peasantry in arms \u2014\u2014", "All orders discontented \u2014 and the army ,", "Just in the moment of our expectation", "Of aidance from it \u2014 lo ! this very army", "Seduced , run wild , lost to all discipline , 55", "Loosened , and rent asunder from the state", "And from their sovereign , the blind instrument", "Of the most daring of mankind , a weapon", "Of fearful power , which at his will he wields !", "\u2018 Tis quite 75", "Incomprehensible , that he detects not", "The foe so near !", "It is the visible ordinance of heaven .", "You lead your son into the secret ?", "What ? and not warn him either what bad hands 110", "His lot has placed him in ?", "My honoured friend ! most highly do I deem", "Of Colonel Piccolomini \u2014 yet \u2014 if \u2014\u2014", "Reflect a little \u2014\u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ha ! there he is himself . Welcome , my father ! You are engaged , I see . I 'll not disturb you .", "Von Questenberg !\u2014 Welcome \u2014 if you bring with you", "Aught good to our head quarters .", "Questenberg", "Nay , draw not", "Your hand away , Count Piccolomini !", "Not on mine own account alone I seized it ,", "And nothing common will I say therewith . 10", "Octavio \u2014 Max Piccolomini !", "O saviour names , and full of happy omen !", "Ne'er will her prosperous genius turn from Austria ,", "While two such stars , with blessed influences", "Beaming protection , shine above her hosts . 15", "Heh !\u2014 Noble minister ! You miss your part .", "You came not here to act a panegyric .", "You 're sent , I know , to find fault and to scold us \u2014", "I must not be beforehand with my comrades .", "What now have they contrived to find out in him ?", "That he alone determines for himself", "What he himself alone doth understand ?", "Well , therein he does right , and will persist in \u2018 t. 25", "Heaven never meant him for that passive thing", "That can be struck and hammered out to suit", "Another 's taste and fancy . He 'll not dance", "To every tune of every minister .", "It goes against his nature \u2014 he can n't do it . 30", "He is possessed by a commanding spirit ,", "And his too is the station of command .", "And well for us it is so ! There exist", "Few fit to rule themselves , but few that use", "Their intellects intelligently .\u2014 Then 35", "Well for the whole , if there be found a man ,", "Who makes himself what nature destined him ,", "The pause , the central point to thousand thousands \u2014", "Stands fixed and stately , like a firm-built column ,", "Where all may press with joy and confidence . 40", "Now such a man is Wallenstein ; and if", "Another better suits the court \u2014 no other", "But such a one as he can serve the army .", "In their distress", "They call a spirit up , and when he comes ,", "Straight their flesh creeps and quivers , and they dread him", "More than the ills for which they called him up .", "The uncommon , the sublime , must seem and be 50", "Like things of every day .\u2014 But in the field ,", "Aye , there the Present Being makes itself felt .", "The personal must command , the actual eye", "Examine . If to be the chieftain asks", "All that is great in nature , let it be 55", "Likewise his privilege to move and act", "In all the correspondencies of greatness .", "The oracle within him , that which lives ,", "He must invoke and question \u2014 not dead books ,", "Not ordinances , not mould-rotted papers . 60", "O let the Emperor make peace , my father !", "Most gladly would I give the blood-stained laurel", "For the first violet", "of the leafless spring ,", "Plucked in those quiet fields where I have journeyed !", "Peace have I ne'er beheld ? I have beheld it .", "From thence am I come hither : O ! that sight ,", "It glimmers still before me , like some landscape", "Left in the distance ,\u2014 some delicious landscape !", "My road conducted me through countries where 110", "The war has not yet reached . Life , life , my father \u2014", "My venerable father , life has charms", "Which we have ne'er experienced . We have been", "But voyaging along its barren coasts ,", "Like some poor ever-roaming horde of pirates , 115", "That , crowded in the rank and narrow ship ,", "House on the wild sea with wild usages ,", "Nor know aught of the main land , but the bays", "Where safeliest they may venture a thieves \u2019 landing .", "Whate'er in the inland dales the land conceals 120", "Of fair and exquisite , O ! nothing , nothing ,", "Do we behold of that in our rude voyage .", "\u2018 Twas the first leisure of my life . O tell me ,", "What is the meed and purpose of the toil , 125", "The painful toil , which robbed me of my youth ,", "Left me a heart unsoul 'd and solitary ,", "A spirit uninformed , unornamented .", "For the camp 's stir and crowd and ceaseless larum ,", "The neighing war-horse , the air-shattering trumpet , 130", "The unvaried , still-returning hour of duty ,", "Word of command , and exercise of arms \u2014", "There 's nothing here , there 's nothing in all this", "To satisfy the heart , the gasping heart !", "Mere bustling nothingness , where the soul is not \u2014 135", "This cannot be the sole felicity ,", "These cannot be man 's best and only pleasures .", "O ! day thrice lovely ! when at length the soldier", "Returns home into life ; when he becomes 140", "A fellow-man among his fellow-men .", "The colours are unfurled , the cavalcade", "Marshals , and now the buzz is hushed , and hark !", "Now the soft peace-march beats , home , brothers , home !", "The caps and helmets are all garlanded 145", "With green boughs , the last plundering of the fields .", "The city gates fly open of themselves ,", "They need no longer the petard to tear them .", "The ramparts are all filled with men and women ,", "With peaceful men and women , that send onwards 150", "Kisses and welcomings upon the air ,", "Which they make breezy with affectionate gestures .", "From all the towers rings out the merry peal ,", "The joyous vespers of a bloody day .", "O happy man , O fortunate ! for whom 155", "The well-known door , the faithful arms are open ,", "The faithful tender arms with mute embracing .", "Where lies the fault but on you in Vienna ?", "I will deal openly with you , Questenberg .", "Just now , as first I saw you standing here ,", "indignation", "Crowded and pressed my inmost soul together . 165", "\u2018 Tis ye that hinder peace , ye !\u2014 and the warrior ,", "It is the warrior that must force it from you .", "Ye fret the General 's life out , blacken him ,", "Hold him up as a rebel , and Heaven knows", "What else still worse , because he spares the Saxons , 170", "And tries to awaken confidence in the enemy ;", "Which yet \u2018 s the only way to peace : for if", "War intermit not during war , how then", "And whence can peace come ?\u2014 Your own plagues fall on you !", "Even as I love what 's virtuous , hate I you . 175", "And here make I this vow , here pledge myself ;", "My blood shall spurt out for this Wallenstein ,", "And my heart drain off , drop by drop , ere ye", "Shall revel and dance jubilee o'er his ruin .", "FOOTNOTES :", "In the original ,", "Den blut'gen Lorbeer geb ich him mit Freuden", "F\u00fcrs erste Veilchen , das der Merz uns bringt ,", "Das duftige Pffand der neuverj\u00fcngten Erde .", "1800 , 1828 , 1829 .", "LINENOTES :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["You went then through Vienna , were presented", "To the Queen of Hungary ?", "And how was it received ,", "That I had sent for wife and daughter hither 5", "To the camp , in winter time ?", "And did they guess the choice which I had made ?", "And you \u2014 what do you wish , Elizabeth ?", "Well , then ? 15", "And in all else , of what kind and complexion", "Was your reception at the court ?", "Hide nothing from me . How were you received ?", "Ay ! is it so ! What , they were lax ? they failed of the old respect ?", "Yes , yes ; they have ta'en offence . My latest conduct , They railed at it , no doubt .", "Now she omitted it ?", "The Ambassador from Spain , who once was wont", "To plead so warmly for me ?\u2014", "These suns then are eclipsed for us . Henceforward", "Must we roll on , our own fire , our own light .", "Lamormain ! what said he ?", "Proceed !", "Proceed !", "Well !", "Second \u2014\u2014", "Talk they ?", "O ! they force , they thrust me", "With violence , against my own will , onward ! 75", "Talk they ? 1800 , 1828 , 1829 ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Yes ! pure and lovely hath hope risen on me :", "I take her as the pledge of greater fortune .", "The while", "We in the field here gave our cares and toils", "To make her great , and fight her a free way 15", "To the loftiest earthly good , lo ! mother Nature", "Within the peaceful silent convent walls", "Has done her part , and out of her free grace", "Hath she bestowed on the beloved child", "The godlike ; and now leads her thus adorned 20", "To meet her splendid fortune , and my hope .", "Duchess", "Thou wouldst not have recognized thy father ,", "Wouldst thou , my child ? She counted scarce eight years ,", "When last she saw your face .", "The voice of my child !", "I was indignant at my destiny", "That it denied me a man-child to be 30", "Heir of my name and of my prosperous fortune ,", "And re-illume my soon extinguished being", "In a proud line of princes .", "I wronged my destiny . Here upon this head", "So lovely in its maiden bloom will I 35", "Let fall the garland of a life of war ,", "Nor deem it lost , if only I can wreath it", "Transmitted to a regal ornament ,", "Around these beauteous brows .", "LINENOTES :", "SCENE IX", "Max ! Welcome , ever welcome ! Always wert thou", "The morning star of my best joys !", "\u2018 Till now it was the Emperor who rewarded thee ,", "I but the instrument . This day thou hast bound 5", "The father to thee , Max ! the fortunate father ,", "And this debt Friedland 's self must pay .", "Altringer", "Is master of the Tyrole passes . I must forthwith 15", "Send some one to him , that he let not in", "The Spaniards on me from the Milanese .", "\u2014\u2014 Well , and the old Sesin , that ancient trader", "In contraband negotiations , he", "Has shewn himself again of late . What brings he 20", "From the Count Thur ?", "And why so ? 25", "So then , doubtless , 30", "Yes , doubtless , this same modest Swede expects", "That I shall yield him some fair German tract", "For his prey and booty , that ourselves at last", "On our own soil and native territory ,", "May be no longer our own lords and masters ! 35", "An excellent scheme ! No , no ! They must be off ,", "Off , off ! away ! we want no such neighbours .", "Off with them , off ! Thou understand'st not this .", "Never shall it be said of me , I parcelled", "My native land away , dismembered Germany ,", "Betrayed it to a foreigner , in order", "To come with stealthy tread , and filch away 45", "My own share of the plunder \u2014 Never ! never !\u2014", "No foreign power shall strike root in the empire ,", "And least of all , these Goths ! these hunger-wolves !", "Who send such envious , hot and greedy glances", "T'wards the rich blessings of our German lands ! 50", "I 'll have their aid to cast and draw my nets ,", "But not a single fish of all the draught", "Shall they come in for .", "I never give my handwriting ; thou knowest it .", "How stand affairs without ? Are they prepared ?", "How hath Isolan", "Declared himself ?", "And which way doth Kolatto bend ? Hast thou", "Made sure of Tiefenbach and Deodate ?", "You mean then I may venture somewhat with them ? 10", "Not more assured of mine own self .", "Thou teachest me to know my man ?", "Sixteen campaigns I have made with that old warrior . 15", "Besides , I have his horoscope ,", "We both are born beneath like stars \u2014 in short", "To this belongs its own particular aspect ,", "If therefore thou canst warrant me the rest \u2014\u2014", "If I 'm in aught to bind myself to them ,", "They too must bind themselves to me .", "Their words of honour they must give , their oaths , 25", "Give them in writing to me , promising", "Devotion to my service unconditional .", "All unconditional ! No premises , no reserves .", "Gain me their signatures ! How you come by them , that is your concern .", "The signatures ! 45", "Gain me the signatures .", "The time is not yet come .", "When I shall say it .", "Thou speakest as thou understand'st . How oft And many a time I 've told thee , Jupiter , That lustrous god , was setting at thy birth . Thy visual power subdues no mysteries ; Mole-eyed , thou mayest but burrow in the earth , 90Blind as that subterrestrial , who with wan , Lead-coloured shine lighted thee into life . The common , the terrestrial , thou mayest see , With serviceable cunning knit together The nearest with the nearest ; and therein 95 I trust thee and believe thee ! but whate'er Full of mysterious import Nature weaves , And fashions in the depths \u2014 the spirit 's ladder , That from this gross and visible world of dust Even to the starry world , with thousand rounds , 100 Builds itself up ; on which the unseen powers Move up and down on heavenly ministries \u2014 The circles in the circles , that approach The central sun with ever-narrowing orbit \u2014 These see the glance alone , the unsealed eye , 105 Of Jupiter 's glad children born in lustre .The heavenly constellations make not merely The day and nights , summer and spring , not merely Signify to the husbandman the seasons Of sowing and of harvest . Human action , 110 That is the seed too of contingencies , Strewed on the dark land of futurity In hopes to reconcile the powers of fate . Whence it behoves us to seek out the seed-time , To watch the stars , select their proper hours , 115 And trace with searching eye the heavenly houses , Whether the enemy of growth and thriving Hide himself not , malignant , in his corner . Therefore permit me my own time . Meanwhile Do you your part . As yet I cannot say 120 What I shall do \u2014 only , give way I will not . Depose me too they shall not . On these points You may rely . PageMy Lords , the Generals .", "Let them come in . FOOTNOTES :Here is an instance of the defect classed No . 1 in the blank leaf . With what propriety is this speech of profound moral insight put in the mouth of that stupid , foolish Illo ? MS. R .This is said , and finely too ; but in what one instance is it shown realized in Illo ? This is a common fault of a man of genius whose genius is not however creative but ideative . There is just such another in my Maria as described by Osorio , the Character exists only in the description . MS. R . LINENOTES :1800 , 1828 , 1829 .must 1800 .unconditional 1800 .unconditional 1800 .unconditional 1800 .Wallenstein1800 , 1828 , 1829 .your 1800 .then \u2014 then 1800 .multitudes ] multitude 1800 .when 1800 .nights ] night 1800 , 1828 , 1829 .I 1800 . SCENE XII", "I have understood , \u2018 tis true , the sum and import", "Of your instructions , Questenberg , have weighed them ,", "And formed my final , absolute resolve ;", "Yet it seems fitting , that the Generals", "Should hear the will of the Emperor from your mouth . 5", "May't please you then to open your commission", "Before these noble Chieftains .", "We excuse all preface .", "May't please you to the point . 30", "Max , to what period of the war alludes he ? My recollection fails me here .", "Ay ! Is it so ! 55", "But what had we to do there ?", "True .", "In that description which the Minister gave", "I seemed to have forgotten the whole war .", "The troops were pitiably destitute", "Of every necessary , every comfort .", "The winter came . What thinks his Majesty 90", "His troops are made of ? Ar n't we men ? subjected", "Like other men to wet , and cold , and all", "The circumstances of necessity ?", "O miserable lot of the poor soldier !", "Wherever he comes in , all flee before him , 95", "And when he goes away , the general curse", "Follows him on his route . All must be seized ,", "Nothing is given him . And compelled to seize", "From every man , he 's every man 's abhorrence .", "Behold , here stand my Generals . Karaffa ! 100", "Count Deodate ! Butler ! Tell this man", "How long the soldiers \u2019 pay is in arrears .", "And \u2018 tis the hire", "That constitutes the hireling 's name and duties ,", "The soldier 's pay is the soldier 's covenant .", "105", "Yes ! \u2018 tis my fault , I know it : I myself", "Have spoilt the Emperor by indulging him .", "Nine years ago , during the Danish war , 110", "I raised him up a force , a mighty force ,", "Forty or fifty thousand men , that cost him", "Of his own purse no doit . Through Saxony", "The fury goddess of the war marched on ,", "E'en to the surf-rocks of the Baltic , bearing 115", "The terrors of his name . That was a time !", "In the whole Imperial realm no name like mine", "Honoured with festival and celebration \u2014", "And Albrecht Wallenstein , it was the title", "Of the third jewel in his crown ! 120", "But at the Diet , when the Princes met", "At Regenspurg , there , there the whole broke out ,", "There \u2018 twas laid open , there it was made known ,", "Out of what money-bag I had paid the host .", "And what was now my thank , what had I now , 125", "That I , a faithful servant of the Sovereign ,", "Had loaded on myself the people 's curses ,", "And let the Princes of the empire pay", "The expenses of this war , that aggrandizes", "The Emperor alone \u2014 What thanks had I ! 130", "What ? I was offered up to their complaints ,", "Dismissed , degraded !", "Death and hell !", "I had that which could have procured him freedom . 135", "No ! Since \u2018 twas proved so inauspicious to me", "To serve the Emperor at the empire 's cost ,", "I have been taught far other trains of thinking", "Of the empire , and the diet of the empire .", "From the Emperor , doubtless , I received this staff , 140", "But now I hold it as the empire 's general \u2014", "For the common weal , the universal interest ,", "And no more for that one man 's aggrandizement !", "But to the point . What is it that 's desired of me ?", "In this season ?", "And to what quarter wills the Emperor", "That we direct our course ?", "My generals , 155", "Can this be realized ?", "What did Suys ?", "What ? he advanced ? And I , his general ,", "Had given him orders , peremptory orders ,", "Not to desert his station ! Stands it thus", "With my authority ? Is this the obedience", "Due to my office , which being thrown aside 165", "No war can be conducted ? Chieftains , speak !", "You be the judges , generals ! What deserves", "That officer , who of his oath neglectful", "Is guilty of contempt of orders ?", "Count Piccolomini ! what has he deserved ? 170", "To this the law condemns him , and not I .", "And if I shew him favour , \u2018 twill arise", "From the reverence that I owe my Emperor . 175", "I accepted the command but on conditions !", "And this the first , that to the diminution", "Of my authority no human being ,", "Not even the Emperor 's self , should be entitled 180", "To do aught , or to say aught , with the army .", "If I stand warranter of the event ,", "Placing my honour and my head in pledge ,", "Needs must I have full mastery in all", "The means thereto . What rendered this Gustavus 185", "Resistless , and unconquered upon earth ?", "This \u2014 that he was the monarch in his army !", "A monarch , one who is indeed a monarch ,", "Was never yet subdued but by his equal .", "But to the point ! The best is yet to come . 190", "Attend now , generals !", "Yes , yes ! I understand !\u2014 Eight regiments ! Well ,", "Right well concerted , father Lamormain !", "Eight thousand horse ! Yes , yes ! \u2018 Tis as it should be ! 200", "I see it coming !", "What then ? What , my Lord Envoy ? May I not be suffered To understand , that folks are tired of seeing 205 The sword 's hilt in my grasp : and that your court Snatch eagerly at this pretence , and use The Spanish title , to drain off my forces , To lead into the empire a new army Unsubjected to my control . To throw me 210 Plumply aside ,\u2014 I am still too powerful for you To venture that . My stipulation runs , That all the Imperial forces shall obey me Where'er the German is the native language . Of Spanish troops and of Prince Cardinals 215 That take their route , as visitors , through the empire , There stands no syllable in my stipulation . No syllable ! And so the politic court Steals in a-tiptoe , and creeps round behind it ; First makes me weaker , then to be dispensed with , 220 Till it dares strike at length a bolder blow And make short work with me . What need of all these crooked ways , Lord Envoy ? Straight-forward man ! His compact with me pinches The Emperor . He would that I moved off !\u2014 225 Well !\u2014 I will gratify him !It grieves me for my noble officers \u2019 sakes ! I see not yet , by what means they will come at The moneys they have advanced , or how obtain The recompense their services demand . 230 Still a new leader brings new claimants forward , And prior merit superannuates quickly . There serve here many foreigners in the army , And were the man in all else brave and gallant , I was not wont to make nice scrutiny 235 After his pedigree or catechism . This will be otherwise , i'the time to come . Well \u2014 me no longer it concerns .", "Thou hast said truly , faithful Isolani ! What we with toil and foresight have built up , Will go to wreck \u2014 all go to instant wreck . 245 What then ? another chieftain is soon found , Another army likewiseWill flock from all sides to the Emperor At the first beat of his recruiting drum .Max PiccolominiHear , my commander ! Hear me , generals ! 250 Let me conjure you , Duke ! Determine nothing , Till we have met and represented to you Our joint remonstrances .\u2014 Nay , calmer ! Friends ! I hope all may be yet set right again .", "A salutary counsel \u2014\u2014 Thou , Octavio !", "Wilt answer for the safety of our guest .", "Farewell , Von Questenberg !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now for this evening 's business ! How intend you", "To manage with the generals at the banquet ?", "How ? think you then 20", "That they 'll believe themselves bound by an oath ,", "Which we had tricked them into by a juggle ?", "Well , well , it shall content me ; let but something 30", "Be done , let only some decisive blow", "Set us in motion .", "His policy is such a labyrinth , 40", "That many a time when I have thought myself", "Close at his side , he 's gone at once , and left me", "Ignorant of the ground where I was standing .", "He lends the enemy his ear , permits me", "To write to them , to Arnheim ; to Sesina 45", "Himself comes forward blank and undisguised ;", "Talks with us by the hour about his plans ,", "And when I think I have him \u2014 off at once \u2014\u2014", "He has slipped from me , and appears as if", "He had no scheme , but to retain his place . 50", "Ay ! you know 55", "This night , that is now coming , he with Seni", "Shuts himself up in the astrological tower", "To make joint observations \u2014 for I hear ,", "It is to be a night of weight and crisis ;", "And something great , and of long expectation , 60", "Is to make its procession in the heaven .", "Do you go thither , Illo . I must stay", "And wait here for the Countess Tertsky . Know 70", "That we too are not idle . Break one string ,", "A second is in readiness .", "A secret . Hush ! she comes .", "LINENOTES :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Aunt Tertsky ? may I venture ?She 's not here ! Where is she ?", "There lie her gloves !", "You unkind Lady ! You refuse me this \u2014 5", "You make it an amusement to torment me .", "O , if you felt the oppression at my heart !", "Since we 've been here , so to constrain myself \u2014", "With such poor stealth to hazard words and glances \u2014 10", "These , these are not my habits !", "But wherefore comes she not ? Where is she ?", "Alas ! what danger ?", "Here is no face on which I might concentre", "All the enraptured soul stirs up within me .", "O Lady ! tell me . Is all changed around me ?", "Or is it only I ?", "I find myself , 25", "As among strangers ! Not a trace is left", "Of all my former wishes , former joys .", "Where has it vanished to ? There was a time", "When even , methought , with such a world as this", "I was not discontented . Now how flat ! 30", "How stale ! No life , no bloom , no flavour in it !", "My comrades are intolerable to me .", "My father \u2014 Even to him I can say nothing .", "My arms , my military duties \u2014 O !", "They are such wearying toys !", "Something , 40", "I can n't but know , is going forward round me .", "I see it gathering , crowding , driving on ,", "In wild uncustomary movements . Well ,", "In due time , doubtless , it will reach even me .", "Where think you I have been , dear lady ? Nay , 45", "No raillery . The turmoil of the camp ,", "The spring-tide of acquaintance rolling in ,", "The pointless jest , the empty conversation ,", "Oppress 'd and stifled me . I gasped for air \u2014", "I could not breathe \u2014 I was constrain 'd to fly , 50", "To seek a silence out for my full heart ;", "And a pure spot wherein to feel my happiness .", "No smiling , Countess ! In the church was I .", "There is a cloister here to the heaven 's gate ,", "Thither I went , there found myself alone . 55", "Over the altar hung a holy mother ;", "A wretched painting \u2018 twas , yet \u2018 twas the friend", "That I was seeking in this moment . Ah ,", "How oft have I beheld that glorious form", "In splendour , mid ecstatic worshippers ; 60", "Yet , still it moved me not ! and now at once", "Was my devotion cloudless as my love .", "This morning did I hazard the first word .", "\u2018 Twas at that hunting-castle , betwixt here And Nepomuck , where you had joined us , and \u2014 That was the last relay of the whole journey ! In a balcony we were standing mute , And gazing out upon the dreary field : 75 Before us the dragoons were riding onward , The safe-guard which the Duke had sent us \u2014 heavy The inquietude of parting lay upon me , And trembling ventured I at length these words : This all reminds me , noble maiden , that 80 To-day I must take leave of my good fortune . A few hours more , and you will find a father , Will see yourself surrounded by new friends , And I henceforth shall be but as a stranger , Lost in the many \u2014 \u2018 Speak with my aunt Tertsky ! \u2019 85 With hurrying voice she interrupted me . She faltered . I beheld a glowing red Possess her beautiful cheeks , and from the ground Raised slowly up her eye met mine \u2014 no longer Did I control myself .With instant boldness 90 I caught her in my arms , my mouth touched hers ; There was a rustling in the room close by ; It parted us \u2014 \u2018 Twas you . What since has happened , You know .", "Of your secret ?", "Well ? 100 FOOTNOTES :All this is terribly childish , at least appears so to an English lover . Besides it is modern French Comedy \u2014 for which , by the by , we want a word to distinguish it from the toto caelo different Comedy which Shakespere and his contemporaries worked up into their Tragedy with such felicity of action and reaction . MS. R .I am doubtful whether this be the dedication of the cloister or the name of one of the city gates , near which it stood . I have translated it in the former sense ; but fearful of having made some blunder , I add the original \u2014 Es ist ein Kloster hier zur Himmelspforte . LINENOTES : Max1800 , 1828 , 1829 ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["My Princess ! What have you let her hear me say , aunt Tertsky ? TheklaHas he been here long ?", "Now once again I have courage to look on you .", "To-day at noon I could not .", "The dazzle of the jewels that play 'd round you 10", "Hid the beloved from me .", "This morning , when I found you in the circle", "Of all your kindred , in your father 's arms ,", "Beheld myself an alien in this circle , 15", "O ! what an impulse felt I in that moment", "To fall upon his neck , to call him father !", "But his stern eye o'erpowered the swelling passion \u2014", "It dared not but be silent . And those brilliants ,", "That like a crown of stars enwreathed your brows , 20", "They scared me too ! O wherefore , wherefore should he", "At the first meeting spread as \u2018 twere the ban", "Of excommunication round you , wherefore", "Dress up the angel as for sacrifice ,", "And cast upon the light and joyous heart 25", "The mournful burthen of his station ? Fitly", "May love dare woo for love ; but such a splendour", "Might none but monarchs venture to approach .", "You find yourself", "In your great father 's arms , belov\u00e9d lady !", "All in a new world , which does homage to you ,", "And which , wer't only by its novelty ,", "Delights your eye .", "Alas ! not so to me .", "It makes a dream of my reality .", "Upon some island in the ethereal heights", "I 've lived for these last days . This mass of men", "Forces me down to earth . It is a bridge 50", "That , reconducting to my former life ,", "Divides me and my heaven .", "That is the Duke 's astrologer , old Seni .", "O never rudely will I blame his faith 110", "In the might of stars and angels ! \u2018 Tis not merely", "The human being 's Pride that peoples space", "With life and mystical predominance ;", "Since likewise for the stricken heart of Love", "This visible nature , and this common world , 115", "Is all too narrow : yea , a deeper import", "Lurks in the legend told my infant years", "Than lies upon that truth , we live to learn .", "For fable is Love 's world , his home , his birth-place ;", "Delightedly dwells he \u2018 mong fays and talismans , 120", "And spirits ; and delightedly believes", "Divinities , being himself divine .", "The intelligible forms of ancient poets ,", "The fair humanities of old religion ,", "The Power , the Beauty , and the Majesty , 125", "That had their haunts in dale , or piny mountain ,", "Or forest by slow stream , or pebbly spring ,", "Or chasms and wat'ry depths ; all these have vanished .", "They live no longer in the faith of reason !", "But still the heart doth need a language , still 130", "Doth the old instinct bring back the old names ,", "And to yon starry world they now are gone ,", "Spirits or gods , that used to share this earth", "With man as with their friend ;", "and to the lover", "Yonder they move , from yonder visible sky 135", "Shoot influence down : and even at this day", "\u2018 Tis Jupiter who brings whate'er is great ,", "And Venus who brings every thing that 's fair !", "Soon will his gloomy empire reach its close . 150", "Blest be the General 's zeal : into the laurel", "Will he inweave the olive-branch , presenting", "Peace to the shouting nations . Then no wish", "Will have remained for his great heart ! Enough", "Has he performed for glory , and can now 155", "Live for himself and his . To his domains", "Will he retire ; he has a stately seat", "Of fairest view at Gitschin ; Reichenberg ,", "And Friedland Castle , both lie pleasantly \u2014", "Even to the foot of the huge mountains here 160", "Stretches the chase and covers of his forests :", "His ruling passion , to create the splendid ,", "He can indulge without restraint ; can give", "A princely patronage to every art ,", "And to all worth a Sovereign 's protection . 165", "Can build , can plant , can watch the starry courses \u2014", "O , that the sword could win her !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Impossible !", "Purpose ! but what purpose ? And how can we be instrumental to it ?", "But these Tertskys \u2014\u2014", "Why use we them at all ? Why not your mother ?", "Excellent creature ! she deserves from us 10", "A full and filial confidence .", "Why any secret ?", "I love not secrets . Mark , what I will do .", "I 'll throw me at your father 's feet \u2014 let him", "Decide upon my fortunes !\u2014 He is true ,", "He wears no mask \u2014 he hates all crooked ways \u2014 20", "He is so good , so noble !", "Thekla", "That are you !", "You knew him only since this morn ; but I", "Have liv 'd ten years already in his presence ,", "And who knows whether in this very moment", "He is not merely waiting for us both 25", "To own our loves , in order to unite us .", "You are silent !\u2014\u2014", "You look at me with such a hopelessness !", "What have you to object against your father ?", "O ! shall we e'er be happy ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come !", "My husband sends me for you \u2014 It is now", "The latest moment .", "Part you !", "Aye ! Then time", "Flies swiftly with your Highness , Princess niece ! 5", "Away ! Away !", "The folks begin to miss you . Twice already", "His father has asked for him .", "You understand that , niece !", "You mean , you 'd rather keep him wholly here ?", "What ? have you lost your senses , niece ?\u2014", "Count , you remember the conditions . Come !", "Max", "Lady , I must obey . Farewell , dear lady !", "What say you then , dear lady ?", "Thekla", "Nothing . Go ! 20", "Off ! Heavens ! if any one should come ! Hark ! What 's that noise ? It comes this way .\u2014\u2014 Off !TheklaThe cloud doth gather , the greenwood roar , The damsel paces along the shore ; 25 The billows they tumble with might , with might ; And she flings out her voice to the darksome night ; Her bosom is swelling with sorrow ; The world it is empty , the heart will die , There 's nothing to wish for beneath the sky : 30 Thou Holy One , call thy child away ! I 've lived and loved , and that was to-day \u2014 Make ready my grave-clothes to-morrow .FOOTNOTES :I found it not in my power to translate this song with literal fidelity , preserving at the same time the Alcaic Movement , and have therefore added the original with a prose translation . Some of my readers may be more fortunate . TheklaDer Eichwald brauset , die Wolken ziehn , Das M\u00e4gdlein wandelt an Ufers Gr\u00fcn , Es bricht sich die Welle mit Macht , mit Macht , Und sie singt hinaus in die finstre Nacht , Das Auge von Weinen getr\u00fcbet : Das Herz ist gestorben , die Welt ist leer , Und weiter giebt sie dem Wunsche nichts mehr . Du Heilige , rufe dein Kind zur\u00fcck , Ich habe genossen das irdische Gl\u00fcck , Ich habe gelebt und geliebet . LITERAL TRANSLATION . TheklaThe oak-forest bellows , the clouds gather , the damsel walks to and fro on the green of the shore ; the wave breaks with might , with might , and she sings out into the dark night , her eye discoloured with weeping : the heart is dead , the world is empty , and further gives it nothing more to the wish . Thou Holy One , call thy child home . I have enjoyed the happiness of this world , I have lived and have loved . I cannot but add here an imitation of this song , with which the author of The Tale of Rosamond Gray and Blind Margaret has favoured me , and which appears to me to have caught the happiest manner of our old ballads . The clouds are black'ning , the storms threat'ning , The cavern doth mutter , the greenwood moan ; Billows are breaking , the damsel 's heart aching , Thus in the dark night she singeth alone , Her eye upward roving : The world is empty , the heart is dead surely , In this world plainly all seemeth amiss ; To thy heaven , Holy One , take home thy little one , I have partaken of all earth 's bliss , Both living and loving . The text of Lamb 's version as printed in Works , 1818 , i . 42 is as follows : BALLAD . FROM THE GERMAN . The clouds are blackening , the storms threatening , And ever the forest maketh a moan : Billows are breaking , the damsel 's heart aching , Thus by herself she singeth alone , Weeping right plenteously . The world is empty , the heart is dead surely , In this world plainly all seemeth amiss : To thy breast , holy one , take now thy little one , I have had earnest of all earth 's bliss Living most lovingly . Spring , 1800 . LINENOTES :Countess1800 , 1828 , 1829 .The latest , & c . 1800 , 1828 , 1829 .that 1800 , 1828 , 1829 .Thekla1800 , 1828 , 1829 . SCENE VII COUNTESS, THEKLA .", "Fie , lady niece ! to throw yourself upon him ,", "Like a poor gift to one who cares not for it ,", "And so must be flung after him ! For you ,", "Duke Friedland 's only child , I should have thought", "It had been more beseeming to have shewn yourself 5", "More chary of your person .", "I mean , niece , that you should not have forgotten", "Who you are , and who he is . But perchance", "That never once occurred to you .", "That you 're the daughter of the Prince-Duke Friedland . 10", "What ? a pretty question !", "Are you dreaming ?", "Talking in sleep ? An excellent jest , forsooth ! 15", "We shall no doubt right courteously entreat him", "To honour with his hand the richest heiress", "In Europe .", "Methinks \u2018 twere well though not to run the hazard .", "His ! His father ! his ! But yours , niece , what of yours ?", "You hold your game for won already . Do not", "Triumph too soon !\u2014", "It is not yet so far gone .", "Did you suppose your father had laid out 30", "His most important life in toils of war ,", "Denied himself each quiet earthly bliss ,", "Had banished slumber from his tent , devoted", "His noble head to care , and for this only ,", "To make a happy pair of you ? At length 35", "To draw you from your convent , and conduct", "In easy triumph to your arms the man", "That chanc 'd to please your eyes ! All this , methinks ,", "He might have purchased at a cheaper rate .", "That is thy fate . Mould thou thy wishes to it . I and thy mother gave thee the example . 75", "Not thy fate hath shewn him ! Thy heart , say rather \u2014 \u2018 twas thy heart , my child !", "Thou would'st oppose thy father then , should he 85", "Have otherwise determined with thy person ?", "Thou mean'st to force him to thy liking ?\u2014 Child ,", "His name is Friedland .", "What ? he has vanquished all impediment , 90", "And in the wilful mood of his own daughter", "Shall a new struggle rise for him ? Child ! child !", "As yet thou hast seen thy father 's smiles alone ;", "The eye of his rage thou hast not seen . Dear child ,", "I will not frighten thee . To that extreme , 95", "I trust , it ne'er shall come . His will is yet", "Unknown to me : \u2018 tis possible his aims", "May have the same direction as thy wish .", "But this can never , never be his will ,", "That thou , the daughter of his haughty fortunes , 100", "Should'st e'er demean thee as a love-sick maiden ;", "And like some poor cost-nothing , fling thyself", "Toward the man , who , if that high prize ever", "Be destined to await him , yet , with sacrifices", "The highest love can bring , must pay for it ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Here brother , what we love ! Why , where hast been ?", "Off to thy place \u2014 quick ! Tertsky here has given", "The mother 's holiday wine up to free booty .", "Here it goes on as at the Heidelberg castle .", "Already hast thou lost the best . They 're giving 5", "At yonder table ducal crowns in shares ;", "There 's Sternberg 's lands and chattels are put up ,", "With Egenberg 's , Stawata 's , Lichtenstein 's ,", "And all the great Bohemian feodalities .", "Be nimble , lad ! and something may turn up 10", "For thee \u2014 who knows ? off \u2014 to thy place ! quick ! march !", "Tiefenbach and Goetz", "Count Piccolomini !", "That sounds to my ears very much like Latin ,", "And being interpreted , pray what may't mean ?", "Why should he not ? All officers of honour 35", "Can do it , aye , must do it .\u2014 Pen and ink here !", "Subscribe as much as you like \u2014 but you must excuse me from reading it . 20", "Poor legs ! how should they ? Such an unmerciful load !", "The sins of youth ! I have already tried the Chalybeate waters . Well \u2014 I must bear it .OctavioYou are not over fond of the orgies of Bacchus , Colonel ! I have observed it . You would , I think , find yourself more to your liking in the uproar of a battle , 50 than of a feast .", "Well done , father ! Rout out his baggage ! Beat 80 up his quarters ! there is something there that should not be . TertskyIs there none wanting ? Have the whole subscribed ?", "He cannot write ; but his cross is a good cross , and 90 is honoured by Jews as well as Christians . OctavioCome , general ! let us go . It is late .", "Awake , man ! awake !\u2014 Come , thy signature , and have done with it ! What ? Thou art the youngest in the 30 whole company , and wouldest be wiser than all of us together ? Look there ! thy father has signed \u2014 we have all signed . TertskyUse your influence . Instruct him .", "Wine invents nothing : it only tattles .", "What do I care for that ? Where there stand other 65 names , mine can stand too .", "Out upon you , Illo ! 85 Octavio , Tertsky , ButlerDown with the sword ! MaxTake him off to bed .LINENOTES :dear 1800 , 1828 , 1829 .here , are there ?1800 , 1828 , 1829 .Tertsky1800 , 1828 , 1829 .Illo1800 , 1828 , 1829 .parsed 1800 , 1828 , 1829 .Max1800 , 1828 , 1829 .business 1800 , 1828 , 1829 .Tertsky ( in extreme embarrassment , to the , & c. 1800 , 1828 , 1829 .Isolani1800 , 1828 , 1829 .tattles 1800 , 1828 , 1829 .Tertsky1800 , 1828 , 1829 .Illo1800 , 1828 , 1829 .proviso 1800 , 1828 , 1829 .Max1800 , 1828 , 1829 .was 1800 , 1828 , 1829 . ACT III"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2014\u2014 And when my son comes in , conduct him hither . What is the hour ?", "Set down the light . We mean not to undress . You may retire to sleep .", "I will do so . 15", "For after what has taken place this night ,", "There must remain no secrets \u2018 twixt us two .", "Max Piccolomini ! what thinkest thou of", "The oath that was sent round for signatures ?", "And on no other ground hast thou refused", "The signature they fain had wrested from thee ?", "Be open , Max . Thou hadst then no suspicion ?", "Thank thy good angel , Piccolomini :", "He drew thee back unconscious from the abyss .", "I will tell thee . 30", "Fain would they have extorted from thee , son ,", "The sanction of thy name to villainy ;", "Yea , with a single flourish of thy pen ,", "Made thee renounce thy duty and thy honour !", "Max", "Octavio !", "Patience ! Seat yourself . Much yet 35", "Hast thou to hear from me , friend !\u2014 hast for years", "Lived in incomprehensible illusion .", "Before thine eyes is Treason drawing out", "As black a web as e'er was spun for venom :", "A power of hell o'erclouds thy understanding . 40", "I dare no longer stand in silence \u2014 dare", "No longer see thee wandering on in darkness ,", "Nor pluck the bandage from thine eyes .", "The deeper cause thou hast to hate this light , 50", "The more impatient cause have I , my son ,", "To force it on thee . To the innocence", "And wisdom of thy heart I could have trusted thee", "With calm assurance \u2014 but I see the net", "Preparing \u2014 and it is thy heart itself 55", "Alarms me for thine innocence \u2014 that secret ,", "Which thou concealest , forces mine from me .", "Know , then , they are duping thee !\u2014 a most foul game", "With thee and with us all \u2014 nay , hear me calmly \u2014", "The Duke even now is playing . He assumes 60", "The mask , as if he would forsake the army ;", "And in this moment makes he preparations", "That army from the Emperor to steal ,", "And carry it over to the enemy !", "That mouth ,", "From which thou hearest it at this present moment ,", "Doth warrant thee that it is no Priest 's legend .", "Such a deed ,", "With such a front of infamy , the Duke", "No wise desires \u2014 what he requires of us", "Bears a far gentler appellation . Nothing", "He wishes , but to give the Empire peace . 80", "And so , because the Emperor hates this peace ,", "Therefore the Duke \u2014 the Duke will force him to it .", "All parts of the Empire will he pacify ,", "And for his trouble will retain in payment", "\u2014 Bohemia ! 85", "What we would think is not the question here .", "The affair speaks for itself \u2014 and clearest proofs !", "Hear me , my son \u2014 \u2018 tis not unknown to thee , 90", "In what ill credit with the Court we stand .", "But little dost thou know , or guess , what tricks ,", "What base intrigues , what lying artifices ,", "Have been employed \u2014 for this sole end \u2014 to sow", "Mutiny in the camp ! All bands are loosed \u2014 95", "Loosed all the bands , that link the officer", "To his liege Emperor , all that bind the soldier", "Affectionately to the citizen .", "Lawless he stands , and threateningly beleaguers", "The state he 's bound to guard . To such a height 100", "\u2018 Tis swoln , that at this hour the Emperor", "Before his armies \u2014 his own armies \u2014 trembles ;", "Yea , in his capital , his palace , fears", "The traitor 's poniards , and is meditating", "To hurry off and hide his tender offspring \u2014\u2014 105", "Not from the Swedes , not from the Lutherans \u2014", "No ! from his own troops hide and hurry them !", "It is no phantasm . An intestine war ,", "Of all the most unnatural and cruel ,", "Will burst out into flames , if instantly", "We do not fly and stifle it . The Generals", "Are many of them long ago won over ; 115", "The subalterns are vacillating \u2014 whole", "Regiments and garrisons are vacillating .", "To foreigners our strong holds are entrusted ;", "To that suspected Schafgotch is the whole", "Force of Silesia given up : to Tertsky 120", "Five regiments , foot and horse \u2014 to Isolani ,", "To Illo , Kinsky , Butler , the best troops .", "Because the Duke", "Believes he has secured us \u2014 means to lure us", "Still further on by splendid promises . 125", "To me he portions forth the princedoms , Glatz", "And Sagan ; and too plain I see the angle", "With which he doubts not to catch thee .", "O open yet thine eyes !", "And to what purpose think'st thou he has called us 130", "Hither to Pilsen ?\u2014 to avail himself", "Of our advice ?\u2014 O when did Friedland ever", "Need our advice ?\u2014 Be calm , and listen to me .", "To sell ourselves are we called hither , and ,", "Decline we that \u2014 to be his hostages . 135", "Therefore doth noble Galas stand aloof ;", "Thy father , too , thou would'st not have seen here ,", "If higher duties had not held him fettered .", "And know'st thou what it is which we must do ?", "That Illo 's drunken mood betrayed it to thee . 145", "Bethink thyself \u2014 what hast thou heard , what seen ?", "The counterfeited paper \u2014 the omission", "Of that particular clause , so full of meaning ,", "Does it not prove , that they would bind us down", "To nothing good ?", "It grieves me", "That I must dash to earth , that I must shatter", "A faith so specious ; but I may not spare thee ! 160", "For this is not a time for tenderness .", "Thou must take measures , speedy ones \u2014 must act .", "I therefore will confess to thee , that all", "Which I 've entrusted to thee now \u2014 that all", "Which seems to thee so unbelievable , 165", "That \u2014 yes , I will tell thee \u2014 Max ! I had it all", "From his own mouth \u2014 from the Duke 's mouth I had it .", "Himself confided to me", "What I , \u2018 tis true , had long before discovered", "By other means \u2014 himself confided to me , 170", "That \u2018 twas his settled plan to join the Swedes ;", "And , at the head of the united armies ,", "Compel the Emperor \u2014", "Nay , in cold blood he did confess this to me :", "And having construed my astonishment", "Into a scruple of his power , he shewed me 180", "His written evidences \u2014 shewed me letters ,", "Both from the Saxon and the Swede , that gave", "Promise of aidance , and defin 'd the amount .", "I have laid open my objections to him , 190", "Dissuaded him with pressing earnestness ;", "But my abhorrence , the full sentiment", "Of my whole heart \u2014 that I have still kept sacred", "To my own consciousness .", "I did not thrust myself into his secrecy .", "He was no longer worthy of sincerity .", "Gave I him a cause", "To entertain a scruple of my honour ?", "Dear son , it is not always possible", "Still to preserve that infant purity", "Which the voice teaches in our inmost heart .", "Still in alarm , for ever on the watch", "Against the wiles of wicked men , e'en Virtue 210", "Will sometimes bear away her outward robes", "Soiled in the wrestle with Iniquity .", "This is the curse of every evil deed ,", "That , propagating still , it brings forth evil .", "I do not cheat my better soul with sophisms : 215", "I but perform my orders ; the Emperor", "Prescribes my conduct to me . Dearest boy ,", "Far better were it , doubtless , if we all", "Obeyed the heart at all times ; but so doing ,", "In this our present sojourn with bad men , 220", "We must abandon many an honest object .", "\u2018 Tis now our call to serve the Emperor ,", "By what means he can best be served \u2014 the heart", "May whisper what it will \u2014 this is our call !", "As yet thou know'st not all , my son . I have", "Yet somewhat to disclose to thee .", "With light tread stole he on his evil way ,", "With light tread hath Vengeance stole on after him . 245", "Unseen she stands already , dark behind him \u2014", "But one step more \u2014 he shudders in her grasp !", "Thou hast seen Questenberg with me . As yet", "Thou know'st but his ostensible commission ;", "He brought with him a private one , my son ! 250", "And that was for me only .", "O my son ! 260", "I trust thy heart undoubtingly . But am I", "Equally sure of thy collectedness ?", "Wilt thou be able , with calm countenance ,", "To enter this man 's presence , when that I", "Have trusted to thee his whole fate ?", "Read it . MaxDuke Friedland sentenced and condemned !", "Even so . MaxO this is too much ! O unhappy error ! 270", "Read on . Collect thyself . MaxHow ! what ! Thou ! thou !", "But for the present moment , till the King", "Of Hungary may safely join the army ,", "Is the command assigned to me .", "What hazard I incur thereby , I know .", "In the great hand of God I stand . The Almighty", "Will cover with his shield the Imperial house ,", "And shatter , in his wrath , the work of darkness . 285", "The Emperor hath true servants still ; and even", "Here in the camp , there are enough brave men ,", "Who for the good cause will fight gallantly .", "The faithful have been warned \u2014 the dangerous", "Are closely watched . I wait but the first step , 290", "And then immediately \u2014\u2014", "The Emperor is no tyrant .", "The deed alone he 'll punish , not the wish .", "The Duke hath yet his destiny in his power .", "Let him but leave the treason uncompleted , 295", "He will be silently displaced from office ,", "And make way to his Emperor 's royal son .", "An honourable exile to his castles", "Will be a benefaction to him rather", "Than punishment . But the first open step \u2014\u2014 300", "Nay , howsoever punishable were", "Duke Friedland 's purposes , yet still the steps 305", "Which he hath taken openly , permit", "A mild construction . It is my intention", "To leave this paper wholly uninforced", "Till some act is committed which convicts him", "Of a high-treason , without doubt or plea , 310", "And that shall sentence him .", "Thyself .", "Too soon , I fear , its powers must all be proved .", "After the counter-promise of this evening , 315", "It cannot be but he must deem himself", "Secure of the majority with us ;", "And of the army 's general sentiment", "He hath a pleasing proof in that petition", "Which thou delivered'st to him from the regiments . 320", "Add this too \u2014 I have letters that the Rhinegrave", "Hath changed his route , and travels by forced marches", "To the Bohemian Forest . What this purports ,", "Remains unknown ; and , to confirm suspicion ,", "This night a Swedish nobleman arrived here . 325", "Is it possible ? Still , after all thou know'st ,", "Canst thou believe still in his innocence ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["How now , then ?", "So early ? From whom comes he then ? Who is it ?", "Lead him in :", "And , hark you \u2014 let it not transpire .", "Ha ! Cornet \u2014 is it you ? and from Count Galas ? 5", "Give me your letters .", "And what is it ?", "My son knows all .", "Whom ?", "And you have him ? 10", "And the dispatches \u2014\u2014", "This is , indeed , a tiding !", "That fellow is a precious casket to us ,", "Enclosing weighty things .\u2014 Was much found on him ?", "None in the Duke 's own hand ?", "And old Sesina ?", "Is Altringer then with your Lord ? I heard", "That he lay sick at Linz .", "In a few days may great events take place . And when must you return ?", "Remain till evening .", "No one saw you \u2014 ha ? 35", "Go , rest your limbs , and keep yourself concealed .", "I hold it probable , that yet ere evening", "I shall dispatch you . The development 40", "Of this affair approaches : ere the day ,", "That even now is dawning in the heaven ,", "Ere this eventful day hath set , the lot", "That must decide our fortunes will be drawn .", "LINENOTES :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Well \u2014 and what now , son ? All will soon be clear ;", "For all , I 'm certain , went through that Sesina .", "Where now ?\u2014 Remain here .", "What \u2014\u2014", "Thou wilt ?", "I have , indeed , miscalculated on thee .", "I calculated on a prudent son ,", "Who would have blest the hand beneficent", "That plucked him back from the abyss \u2014 and lo ! 35", "A fascinated being I discover ,", "Whom his two eyes befool , whom passion wilders ,", "Whom not the broadest light of noon can heal .", "Go , question him !\u2014 Be mad enough , I pray thee .", "The purpose of thy father , of thy Emperor , 40", "Go , give it up free booty :\u2014 Force me , drive me", "To an open breach before the time . And now ,", "Now that a miracle of heaven had guarded", "My secret purpose even to this hour ,", "And laid to sleep Suspicion 's piercing eyes , 45", "Let me have lived to see that mine own son ,", "With frantic enterprise , annihilates", "My toilsome labours and state-policy ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Of my hand-writing \u2014 no iota . Thee", "I punish for thy lies .", "In the army 25", "Lies my security . The army will not", "Abandon me . Whatever they may know ,", "The power is mine , and they must gulp it down \u2014", "And substitute I caution for my fealty ,", "They must be satisfied , at least appear so . 30", "\u2018 Tis a curs\u00e9d accident !", "He 's arrived ! Know'st thou", "What his commission is \u2014\u2014", "A curs\u00e9d , curs\u00e9d accident ! Yes , yes ,", "Sesina knows too much , and wo n't be silent .", "Their confidence is lost \u2014 irreparably !", "And I may act what way I will , I shall", "Be and remain for ever in their thought 55", "A traitor to my country . How sincerely", "Soever I return back to my duty ,", "It will no longer help me \u2014\u2014", "What ! I must realize it now in earnest ,", "Because I toy 'd too freely with the thought ?", "Accurs\u00e9d he who dallies with a devil !", "And must I \u2014 I must realize it now \u2014", "Now , while I have the power , it must take place ? 65", "He is quite right \u2014 there needeth no such thing .", "The regiments , too , deny to march for Flanders \u2014", "Have sent me in a paper of remonstrance ,", "And openly resist the Imperial orders .", "The first step to revolt 's already taken . 75", "I will hear , however ,", "What the Swede has to say to me .", "Illo", "Go , call him !", "He stands without the door in waiting .", "Stay ! 80", "Stay yet a little . It hath taken me", "All by surprise ,\u2014 it came too quick upon me ;", "\u2018 Tis wholly novel , that an accident ,", "With its dark lordship , and blind agency ,", "Should force me on with it ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Your name is Wrangel ?", "It was a Wrangel", "Who injured me materially at Stralsund ,", "And by his brave resistance was the cause", "Of the opposition which that sea-port made . 5", "Yes , he might say it safely .\u2014 General Wrangel ,", "Come , fair and open \u2014 Trust me , I was always", "A Swede at heart . Ey ! that did you experience 25", "Both in Silesia and at Nuremburg ;", "I had you often in my power , and let you", "Always slip out by some back door or other .", "\u2018 Tis this for which the Court can ne'er forgive me ,", "Which drives me to this present step : and since 30", "Our interests so run in one direction ,", "E'en let us have a thorough confidence", "Each in the other .", "The Chancellor still , I see , does not quite trust me ; 35 And , I confess \u2014 the gain does not wholly lie To my advantage \u2014 Without doubt he thinks If I can play false with the Emperor , Who is my Sov'reign , I can do the like With the enemy , and that the one too were 40 Sooner to be forgiven me than the other . Is not this your opinion too , Sir General ?", "The Emperor hath urged me to the uttermost .", "I can no longer honourably serve him . 45", "For my security , in self-defence ,", "I take this hard step , which my conscience blames .", "Of what then are ye doubting ? Of my will ?", "Or of my power ? I pledged me to the Chancellor , 60", "Would he trust me with sixteen thousand men ,", "That I would instantly go over to them", "With eighteen thousand of the Emperor 's troops .", "But yet ?", "What now ? Out with it , friend !", "And he thinks so ?\u2014 He judges like a Swede ,", "And like a Protestant . You Lutherans 75", "Fight for your Bible . You are interested", "About the cause ; and with your hearts you follow", "Your banners .\u2014 Among you , whoe'er deserts", "To the enemy , hath broken covenant", "With two Lords at one time .\u2014 We 've no such fancies . 80", "I will explain that to you , how it stands \u2014", "The Austrian has a country , ay , and loves it ,", "And has good cause to love it \u2014 but this army , 85", "That calls itself the Imperial , this that houses", "Here in Bohemia , this has none \u2014 no country ;", "This is an outcast of all foreign lands ,", "Unclaimed by town or tribe , to whom belongs", "Nothing , except the universal sun . 90", "They are all mine \u2014 Mine unconditionally \u2014 mine on all terms . 95 Not me , your own eyes you must trust .So then ? Now comprehend you ?", "What asks the Chancellor ?", "Come , brief and open ! What is the demand ?", "That is much indeed ! 115", "Prague !\u2014 Egra 's granted \u2014 But \u2014 but Prague !\u2014 \u2018 Two n't do .", "I give you every security", "Which you may ask of me in common reason \u2014", "But Prague \u2014 Bohemia \u2014 these , Sir General ,", "I can myself protect .", "\u2018 Tis but reasonable .", "Then trust you us so little ?", "Wrangel", "The Swede , if he would treat well with the", "German ,", "Must keep a sharp look-out . We have been called", "Over the Baltic , we have saved the empire", "From ruin \u2014 with our best blood have we seal 'd 130", "The liberty of faith , and gospel truth .", "But now already is the benefaction", "No longer felt , the load alone is felt .\u2014\u2014", "Ye look askance with evil eye upon us ,", "As foreigners , intruders in the empire , 135", "And would fain send us , with some paltry sum", "Of money , home again to our old forests .", "No , no ! my Lord Duke ! no !\u2014 it never was", "For Judas \u2019 pay , for chinking gold and silver ,", "That we did leave our King by the Great Stone .", "140", "No , not for gold and silver have there bled", "So many of our Swedish Nobles \u2014 neither", "Will we , with empty laurels for our payment ,", "Hoist sail for our own country . Citizens", "Will we remain upon the soil , the which 145", "Our Monarch conquered for himself , and died .", "Help to keep down the common enemy ,", "And the fair border land must needs be yours .", "Surrender up to you my capital !", "Far liever would I face about , and step 160", "Back to my Emperor .", "That lies with me , even now , at any hour .", "You ,", "You therefore must I trust , and you not me ? 175", "I will consider of your proposition .", "Ye press me hard . A measure , such as this ,", "Ought to be thought of ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Is't all right ?", "This Swede", "Went smiling from you . Yes ! you 're compromised .", "Goest thou as fugitive , as mendicant ? 10", "Bringest thou not more to them than thou receivest ?", "LINENOTES :", "Wallenstein", "1800 , 1828 , 1829 .", "Countess", "1800 , 1828 , 1829 .", "SCENE VII", "To these enter the COUNTESS TERTSKY .", "It lies with you now . Try . For I am silenced ,", "When folks begin to talk to me of conscience ,", "And of fidelity .", "For that too \u2018 tis too late . They know too much . He would but bear his own head to the block ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["That am I no longer , if", "Thou styl'st thyself the Emperor 's officer .", "I have renounced the service of the Emperor .", "Rather hope I 5", "To bind it nearer still and faster to me .", "I have ta'en thee by surprise . Answer me not . 25", "I grant thee time to recollect thyself .", "Soft cradled thee thy Fortune till to-day ;", "Thy duties thou couldst exercise in sport ,", "Indulge all lovely instincts , act for ever", "With undivided heart . It can remain", "No longer thus . Like enemies , the roads 40", "Start from each other . Duties strive with duties .", "Thou must needs choose thy party in the war", "Which is now kindling \u2018 twixt thy friend and him", "Who is thy Emperor .", "Max , hear me .", "The world will judge me sternly , I expect it .", "Already have I said to my own self", "All thou canst say to me . Who but avoids", "The extreme ,\u2014 can he by going round avoid it ?", "But here there is no choice . Yes \u2014 I must use 80", "Or suffer violence \u2014 so stands the case ,", "There remains nothing possible but that .", "It is too late . Thou knowest not what has happened .", "It is too late ! Even now , while thou art losing 145 Thy words , one after the other are the mile-stones Left fast behind by my post couriers , Who bear the order on to Prague and Egra . Yield thyself to it . We act as we are forced . I cannot give assent to my own shame 150 And ruin . Thou \u2014 no \u2014 thou canst not forsake me ! So let us do , what must be done , with dignity , With a firm step . What am I doing worse Than did famed C\u00e6sar at the Rubicon , When he the legions led against his country , 155 The which his country had delivered to him ? Had he thrown down the sword , he had been lost , As I were , if I but disarmed myself . I trace out something in me of his spirit . Give me his luck , that other thing I 'll bear . 160LINENOTES :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Max Piccolomini just left you ?", "He is already gone .", "It is as if the earth had swallowed him .", "He had scarce left thee , when I went to seek him .", "I wished some words with him \u2014 but he was gone . 5", "How , when , and where , could no one tell me . Nay ,", "I half believe it was the devil himself ;", "A human creature could not so at once", "Have vanished .", "Illo", "Is it true that thou wilt send", "Octavio ?", "How , Octavio ! Whither send him ? 10", "Thou wilt not do this !\u2014 No ! I pray thee , no !", "Must it be he \u2014 he only ? Send another .", "This is my comfort \u2014 Max remains our hostage . 100"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Here am I \u2014 Well ! who comes yet of the others ?", "Will it explode , ha ?\u2014 Is the Duke about", "To make the attempt ? In me , friend , you may place", "Full confidence .\u2014 Nay , put me to the proof . 5", "Noble brother , I am", "Not one of those men who in words are valiant ,", "And when it comes to action skulk away .", "The Duke has acted towards me as a friend .", "God knows it is so ; and I owe him all \u2014\u2014 10", "He may rely on my fidelity .", "Be on your guard ,", "All think not as I think ; and there are many", "Who still hold with the Court \u2014 yes , and they say", "That those stolen signatures bind them to nothing . 15", "You rejoice !", "Nay , jeer not , I entreat you . They are no such worthless fellows , I assure you .", "The Devil !\u2014 what !\u2014 why , what means this ? Are you not , then \u2014\u2014 For what , then , am I here ?", "That declaration , friend ,", "I 'll make to him in whom a right is placed", "To put that question to me .", "Why ,\u2014 why \u2014 what ! This is the Emperor 's hand and seal !", "\u2018 Whereas the officers collectively", "Throughout our army will obey the orders", "Of the Lieutenant-General Piccolomini 35", "As from ourselves . \u2019 \u2014\u2014 Hem !\u2014 Yes ! so !\u2014 Yes ! yes !\u2014", "I \u2014 I give you joy , Lieutenant-General !", "My God ! But then the case is \u2014\u2014", "Treason !\u2014 My God !\u2014 But who talks then of treason ? 45", "What mean you ? I \u2014 I break my oath , d'ye say ,", "To his Imperial Majesty ?", "Did I say so ?\u2014 When , when have I said that ?", "Aye ! that delights me now , that you yourself", "Bear witness for me that I never said so .", "If he 's planning", "Treason \u2014 why , treason breaks all bonds asunder .", "He has done me service \u2014 but if he 's a villain ,", "Perdition seize him !\u2014 All scores are rubbed off .", "It shall be done . But you 'll remember me", "With the Emperor \u2014 how well disposed you found me . 70", "I am a merry lad , and if at time", "A rash word might escape me \u2018 gainst the court", "Amidst my wine \u2014 You know no harm was meant ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["At your command , Lieutenant-General .", "You do me too much honour .", "Octavio", "You have not", "Returned the advances which I made you yesterday \u2014", "Misunderstood them , as mere empty forms . 5", "That wish proceeded from my heart \u2014 I was", "In earnest with you \u2014 for \u2018 tis now a time", "In which the honest should unite most closely .", "\u2018 Tis only the like-minded can unite .", "His words were lost on me .", "Spare 20", "Yourself the trouble \u2014 me th \u2019 embarrassment ,", "To have deserved so ill your good opinion .", "It is .", "Farewell !", "What wish you ?", "Count ? what ?", "Your insolent scoff shall not go by unpunished . Draw !", "Be the whole world acquainted with the weakness", "For which I never can forgive myself .", "Lieutenant-General ! Yes \u2014 I have ambition .", "Ne'er was I able to endure contempt . 65", "It stung me to the quick , that birth and title", "Should have more weight than merit has in the army .", "I would fain not be meaner than my equal ,", "So in an evil hour I let myself", "Be tempted to that measure \u2014 It was folly ! 70", "But yet so hard a penance it deserved not .", "It might have been refused ; but wherefore barb", "And venom the refusal with contempt ?", "Why dash to earth and crush with heaviest scorn", "The grey-haired man , the faithful veteran ? 75", "Why to the baseness of his parentage", "Refer him with such cruel roughness , only", "Because he had a weak hour and forgot himself ?", "But nature gives a sting e'en to the worm", "Which wanton power treads on in sport and insult . 80", "Be't who it will \u2014 a most low-hearted scoundrel ,", "Some vile court-minion must it be , some Spaniard ,", "Some young squire of some ancient family , 85", "In whose light I may stand , some envious knave ,", "Stung to his soul by my fair self-earned honours !", "Himself impelled me to it , used his interest", "In my behalf with all the warmth of friendship . 90", "I read the letter .", "Ha ! what is this ?", "Can e'er the Emperor 's Majesty forgive me ? 115", "Take it .", "O take it ! I am no longer worthy of this sword .", "\u2014\u2014 Perjure myself to such a gracious Sovereign !", "Break off from him !", "Count Piccolomini ! Dare that man speak", "Of honour to you , who once broke his troth ?", "Then leave me here , upon my word of honour !", "Leave me and my regiment . 140", "That the deed will tell you . Ask me no more at present . Trust to me . Ye may trust safely . By the living God Ye give him over , not to his good angel ! 145 Farewell . ServantA stranger left it , and is gone . The Prince-Duke 's horses wait for you below .Octavio\u2018 Be sure , make haste ! Your faithful Isolan . \u2019 \u2014 O that I had but left this town behind me . To split upon a rock so near the haven !\u2014 150 Away ! This is no longer a safe place for me ! Where can my son be tarrying ? FOOTNOTES :It probably did not suit Schiller 's purposes to remark , what he doubtless knew , that Butler was of a noble Irish family , indeed one of the noblest . MS. R . LINENOTES :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Farewell .", "I follow thee ?", "Thy way is crooked \u2014 it is not my way .", "O , hadst thou been but simple and sincere ,", "Ne'er had it come to this \u2014 all had stood otherwise . 5", "He had not done that foul and horrible deed ,", "The virtuous had retained their influence o'er him :", "He had not fallen into the snares of villains .", "Wherefore so like a thief , and thief 's accomplice", "Did'st creep behind him \u2014 lurking for thy prey ? 10", "O , unblest falsehood ! Mother of all evil !", "Thou misery-making demon , it is thou", "That sink'st us in perdition . Simple truth ,", "Sustainer of the world , had saved us all !", "Father , I will not , I cannot excuse thee ! 15", "Wallenstein has deceived me \u2014 O , most foully !", "But thou hast acted not much better .", "Was't possible ? had'st thou the heart , my father ,", "Had'st thou the heart to drive it to such lengths , 20", "With cold premeditated purpose ? Thou \u2014", "Had'st thou the heart , to wish to see him guilty ,", "Rather than saved ? Thou risest by his fall .", "Octavio , \u2018 twill not please me .", "O , woe is me ! sure I have changed my nature . 25", "How comes suspicion here \u2014 in the free soul ?", "Hope , confidence , belief , are gone ; for all", "Lied to me , all what I e'er loved or honoured .", "No ! No ! Not all ! She \u2014 she yet lives for me ,", "And she is true , and open as the Heavens ! 30", "Deceit is every where , hypocrisy ,", "Murder , and poisoning , treason , perjury :", "The single holy spot is now our love ,", "The only unprofaned in human nature .", "What ? ere I 've taken a last parting leave ,", "The very last \u2014 no never !", "No ! as sure as God lives , no ! 40", "Command me what is human . I stay here .", "No Emperor has power to prescribe", "Laws to the heart ; and would'st thou wish to rob me 45", "Of the sole blessing which my fate has left me ,", "Her sympathy ? Must then a cruel deed", "Be done with cruelty ? The unalterable", "Shall I perform ignobly \u2014 steal away ,", "With stealthy coward flight forsake her ? No ! 50", "She shall behold my suffering , my sore anguish ,", "Hear the complaints of the disparted soul ,", "And weep tears o'er me . Oh ! the human race", "Have steely souls \u2014 but she is as an angel .", "From the black deadly madness of despair 55", "Will she redeem my soul , and in soft words", "Of comfort , plaining , loose this pang of death !", "Squander not thou thy words in vain . 60", "The heart I follow , for I dare trust to it .", "O hadst thou always better thought of men ,", "Thou hadst then acted better . Curst suspicion ! 70", "Unholy miserable doubt ! To him", "Nothing on earth remains unwrenched and firm ,", "Who has no faith .", "The heart 's voice thou hast not o'erpower ' d \u2014 as little 75", "Will Wallenstein be able to o'erpower it .", "Unworthy of thee wilt thou never see me .", "Rely on this , I either leave my life 85", "In the struggle , or conduct them out of Pilsen .", "Farewell !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["It does not please me , Princess ! that he holds", "Himself so still , exactly at this time .", "He now knows all . \u2018 Twere now the moment to declare himself .", "\u2018 Twas for that purpose that I bade her leave us .", "Thekla , you are no more a child . Your heart", "Is now no more in nonage : for you love ,", "And boldness dwells with love \u2014 that you have proved .", "Your nature moulds itself upon your father 's 10", "More than your mother 's spirit . Therefore may you", "Hear , what were too much for her fortitude .", "You 'll not be frightened \u2014", "It lies within your power to do your father", "A weighty service \u2014", "Max Piccolomini loves you . You can link him", "Indissolubly to your father .", "Thekla . I ?", "What need of me for that ? And is he not", "Already linked to him ?", "He was .", "He cleaves to the Emperor too .", "We ask", "Proofs of his love , and not proofs of his honour .", "Duty and honour !", "Those are ambiguous words with many meanings . 30", "You should interpret them for him : his love", "Should be the sole definer of his honour .", "The Emperor or you must he renounce .", "He must not lay the sword aside , we mean ;", "He must unsheath it in your father 's cause .", "You will not understand me . Well , hear then !", "Your father has fallen off from the Emperor ,", "And is about to join the enemy", "With the whole soldiery \u2014", "There needs a great example to draw on", "The army after him . The Piccolomini", "Possess the love and reverence of the troops ;", "They govern all opinions , and wherever", "They lead the way , none hesitate to follow . 50", "The son secures the father to our interests \u2014", "You 've much in your hands at this moment .", "She will accommodate her soul to that 55", "Which is and must be . I do know your mother .", "The far-off future weights upon her heart", "With torture of anxiety ; but is it", "Unalterably , actually present ,", "She soon resigns herself , and bears it calmly . 60", "Calm yourself ! Break not out in vain lamenting !", "Preserve you for your father the firm friend , 70", "And for yourself the lover , all will yet", "Prove good and fortunate .", "He parts not from you ! He can not part from you .", "If indeed he loves you ,", "His resolution will be speedily taken .", "Hush ! 80", "Collect yourself ! I hear your mother coming .", "Collect yourself . LINENOTES :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["All quiet in the camp ?", "In a few hours may couriers come from Prague", "With tidings , that this capital is ours .", "Then we may drop the mask , and to the troops", "Assembled in this town make known the measure 5", "And its result together . In such cases", "Example does the whole . Whoever is foremost", "Still leads the herd . An imitative creature", "Is man . The troops at Prague conceive no other ,", "Than that the Pilsen army has gone through 10", "The forms of homage to us ; and in Pilsen", "They shall swear fealty to us , because", "The example has been given them by Prague .", "Butler , you tell me , has declared himself .", "I find we must not give implicit credence", "To every warning voice that makes itself", "Be listened to in the heart . To hold us back ,", "Oft does the lying spirit counterfeit 20", "The voice of Truth and inward Revelation ,", "Scattering false oracles . And thus have I", "To intreat forgiveness , for that secretly", "I 've wrong 'd this honourable gallant man ,", "This Butler : for a feeling , of the which 25", "I am not master", ",", "Creeps o'er me instantly , with sense of shuddering ,", "At his approach , and stops love 's joyous motion .", "And this same man , against whom I am warned ,", "This honest man is he , who reaches to me 30", "The first pledge of my fortune .", "Go and send Isolani hither . Send him immediately . He is under recent obligations to me . 35 With him will I commence the trial . Go . WallensteinLo , there the mother with the darling daughter ! For once we 'll have an interval of rest \u2014 Come ! my heart yearns to live a cloudless hour In the beloved circle of my family . 40", "Come here , my sweet girl ! Seat thee by me ,", "For there is a good spirit on thy lips .", "Thy mother praised to me thy ready skill : 45", "She says a voice of melody dwells in thee ,", "Which doth enchant the soul . Now such a voice", "Will drive away from me the evil demon", "That beats his black wings close above my head .", "What ails the maiden ? Say , is she often so ?", "What ?", "Loves him ! Whom ?", "And does he know it ?", "Hopes to win her ! Is the boy mad ?", "He thinks to carry off Duke Friedland 's daughter ! 75", "Aye ?\u2014 The thought pleases me .", "The young man has no grovelling spirit .", "He chooses finally to be my heir .", "And true it is , I love the youth ; yea , honour him . 80", "But must he therefore be my daughter 's husband !", "Is it daughters only ? Is it only children", "That we must shew our favour by ?", "Win him my heart , but not my daughter .", "Ancestors ! What ?", "He is a subject , and my son-in-law", "I will seek out upon the thrones of Europe .", "What ? have I paid 90", "A price so heavy to ascend this eminence ,", "And jut out high above the common herd ,", "Only to close the mighty part I play", "In Life 's great drama , with a common kinsman ?", "Have I for this \u2014", "She is the only thing 95", "That will remain behind of me on earth ;", "And I will see a crown around her head ,", "Or die in the attempt to place it there .", "I hazard all \u2014 all ! and for this alone ,", "To lift her into greatness \u2014 100", "Yea , in this moment , in the which we are speaking \u2014", "No .", "You would not be secure there .", "Friedland 's wife may be permitted", "No longer to hope that .", "In Holland", "You 'll find protection .", "Duke Franz of Lauenburg conducts you thither .", "The Emperor 's enemies are mine no longer . 130 DuchessIs it then true ? It is . You are degraded ? Deposed from the command ? O God in heaven ! CountessLeave her in this belief . Thou seest she cannot Support the real truth . LINENOTES :fear 1800 , 1828 , 1829 .from ] for 1800 , 1828 , 1829 .him 1800 , 1828 , 1829 .Have I for this \u2014 1800 , 1828 , 1829 ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["He knows all .", "Damnation ! WallensteinHush ! CountessTertsky ! Heaven ! What is it ? What has happened ? 5 WallensteinNothing ! let us be gone ! TertskyTheresa , it is nothing . CountessNothing ? Do I not see , that all the lifeblood Has left your cheeks \u2014 look you not like a ghost ? That even my brother but affects a calmness ? 10 PageAn Aid-de-Camp enquires for the Count Tertsky .", "Remain here . From this window must we see it . 30", "Wallenstein", "Sister , retire !", "There are strange movements among all the troops ,", "And no one knows the cause . Mysteriously ,", "With gloomy silentness , the several corps", "Marshal themselves , each under its own banners . 5", "Tiefenbach 's corps makes threatening movements ; only", "The Pappenheimers still remain aloof", "In their own quarters , and let no one enter .", "We are seeking him : he is no where to be met with . 10", "My regiments had dispatched him ; yet once more", "They swear fidelity to thee , and wait", "The shout for onset , all prepared , and eager .", "O that thou hadst believed me ! Yester evening", "Did we conjure thee not to let that skulker ,", "That fox , Octavio , pass the gates of Pilsen . 20", "Thou gav'st him thy own horses to flee from thee .", "Thou did'st confide in Isolani too ;", "And lo ! he was the first that did desert thee . 25", "Yet , would I rather", "Trust the smooth brow than that deep furrowed one . 50", "LINENOTES :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Treason and mutiny !", "Tiefenbach 's soldiers , when I gave the orders", "To go off guard \u2014 Mutinous villains !", "They refused obedience to them . 5", "No other ,", "They said , had right to issue orders but", "Lieutenant-General Piccolomini .", "He takes that office on him by commission ,", "Under sign-manual of the Emperor .", "At his incitement", "The Generals made that stealthy flight \u2014", "Caraffa too , and Montecuculi , 15", "Are missing , with six other Generals ,", "All whom he had induced to follow him .", "This plot he has long had in writing by him", "From the Emperor ; but \u2018 twas finally concluded", "With all the detail of the operation 20", "Some days ago with the Envoy Questenberg .", "The regiments are all falling off from us .", "Damnation !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Halt ! Front ! Present !", "Wallenstein", "I know thee well . Thou art out of Br\u00fcggin in Flanders :", "Thy name is Mercy .", "Henry Mercy .", "\u2018 Twas even so , General !", "That which I asked for : the honour to serve in this corps . 10 WallensteinThou wert among the volunteers that seized and made booty of the Swedish battery at Altenburg .", "Your noble regiment , the Cuirassiers of", "Piccolomini .", "Because we would first know whom we serve .", "There came to hand a letter from the Emperor 35", "Commanding us \u2014\u2014", "Every company", "Drew its own man by lot .", "There came to hand a letter from the Emperor", "Commanding us collectively , from thee", "All duties of obedience to withdraw , 40", "Because thou wert an enemy and traitor .", "All our comrades", "At Brannau , Budweiss , Prague and Olmutz , have", "Obeyed already , and the regiments here , 45", "Tiefenbach and Toscana , instantly", "Did follow their example . But \u2014 but we", "Do not believe that thou art an enemy", "And traitor to thy country , hold it merely", "For lie and trick , and a trumped-up Spanish story ! 50", "Thyself shalt tell us what thy purpose is ,", "For we have found thee still sincere and true :", "No mouth shall interpose itself betwixt", "The gallant General and the gallant troops .", "And this proposal makes thy regiment to thee :", "Is it thy purpose merely to preserve", "In thy own hands this military sceptre ,", "Which so becomes thee , which the Emperor", "Made over to thee by a covenant ? 60", "Is it thy purpose merely to remain", "Supreme commander of the Austrian armies ?\u2014", "We will stand by thee , General ! and guarantee", "Thy honest rights against all opposition .", "And should it chance , that all the other regiments 65", "Turn from thee , by ourselves will we stand forth", "Thy faithful soldiers , and , as is our duty ,", "Far rather let ourselves be cut to pieces ,", "Than suffer thee to fall . But if it be", "As the Emperor 's letter says , if it be true , 70", "That thou in traitorous wise wilt lead us over", "To the enemy , which God in heaven forbid !", "Then we too will forsake thee , and obey", "That letter \u2014\u2014", "Yes , or no ! There needs no other answer .", "Most fair and noble has thy conduct been", "To us , my General ! With thy confidence", "Thou hast honoured us , and shewn us grace and favour", "Beyond all other regiments ; and thou seest 85", "We follow not the common herd . We will", "Stand by thee faithfully . Speak but one word \u2014", "Thy word shall satisfy us , that it is not", "A treason which thou meditatest \u2014 that", "Thou meanest not to lead the army over 90", "To the enemy ; nor e'er betray thy country .", "That shall he not , while we can hinder it !", "No one , but thou , who hast conducted it", "With fame , shall end this war , this frightful war . 120", "Thou led'st us out into the bloody field", "Of death , thou and no other shalt conduct us home ,", "Rejoicing , to the lovely plains of peace \u2014", "Shalt share with us the fruits of the long toil \u2014", "\u2018 Tis then but mere appearances which thou", "Dost put on with the Swede ? Thou'lt not betray", "The Emperor ? Wilt not turn us into Swedes ?", "This is the only thing which we desire", "To learn from thee ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Yes ! here he is ! I can endure no longer To creep on tiptoe round this house , and lurk In ambush for a favourable moment . This loitering , this suspense exceeds my powers .Turn not thine eyes away . O look upon me ! 5 Confess it freely before all . Fear no one , Let who will hear that we both love each other . Wherefore continue to conceal it ? Secrecy Is for the happy \u2014 misery , hopeless misery , Needeth no veil ! Beneath a thousand suns 10 It dares act openly .No , Lady ! No ! Expect not , hope it not . I am not come To stay : to bid farewell , farewell for ever . For this I come ! \u2018 Tis over ! I must leave thee ! Thekla , I must \u2014 must leave thee ! Yet thy hatred 15 Let me not take with me . I pray thee , grant me One look of sympathy , only one look . Say that thou dost not hate me . Say it to me , Thekla !O God ! I cannot leave this spot \u2014 I cannot ! Cannot let go this hand . O tell me , Thekla ! 20 That thou dost suffer with me , art convinced That I cannot act otherwise .Thou here ? It was not thou , whom here I sought . I trusted never more to have beheld thee . My business is with her alone . Here will I 25 Receive a full acquittal from this heart \u2014 For any other I am no more concerned .", "Thou wilt proceed with me , as thou hast power . 40", "Thou know'st , I neither brave nor fear thy rage .", "What has detained me here , that too thou know'st .", "See , Duke ! All \u2014 all would I have owed to thee ,", "Would have received from thy paternal hand", "The lot of blessed spirits . This hast thou 45", "Laid waste for ever \u2014 that concerns not thee .", "Indifferent thou tramplest in the dust", "Their happiness , who most are thine . The god", "Whom thou dost serve , is no benignant deity .", "Like as the blind irreconcileable 50", "Fierce element , incapable of compact ,", "Thy heart 's wild impulse only dost thou follow .", "I will not 70", "Defend my father . Woe is me , I cannot !", "Hard deeds and luckless have ta'en place , one crime", "Drags after it the other in close link .", "But we are innocent : how have we fallen", "Into this circle of mishap and guilt ? 75", "To whom have we been faithless ? Wherefore must", "The evil deeds and guilt reciprocal", "Of our two fathers twine like serpents round us ?", "Why must our fathers \u2019", "Unconquerable hate rend us asunder ,", "Who love each other ?", "O my God !", "O God ! how can I", "Do otherwise ? Am I not forced to do it ?", "My oath \u2014 my duty \u2014 honour \u2014", "Madmen !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Message and greeting from our faithful regiments .", "Their ardour may no longer be curbed in .", "They intreat permission to commence the attack ,", "And if thou would'st but give the word of onset ,", "They could now charge the enemy in rear , 5", "Into the city wedge them , and with ease", "O'erpower them in the narrow streets .", "He falls .", "Expose thyself to their blind frenzy ? Duchess and Countess . No ! For God 's sake , no !", "All is lost !", "\u2018 Twas all in vain .", "To the Emperor .", "Nay ! he was not once permitted", "Even to address them . Soon as he began , 5", "With deafening noise of warlike instruments", "They drowned his words . But here he comes .", "SCENE XI", "To these enter WALLENSTEIN , accompanied by ILLO and BUTLER .", "Wallenstein", "Tertsky !", "My General ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Is it you ? How my heart sinks ! The Duke a fugitive traitor ! His princely head attainted ! O my God !", "Yes ! and in obedience to it 5", "Opened the strong hold to him without scruple .", "For an imperial letter orders me", "To follow your commands implicitly .", "But yet forgive me ; when even now I saw", "The Duke himself , my scruples recommenced . 10", "For truly , not like an attainted man ,", "Into this town did Friedland make his entrance ;", "His wonted majesty beamed from his brow ,", "And calm , as in the days when all was right ,", "Did he receive from me the accounts of office ; 15", "\u2018 Tis said , that fallen pride learns condescension :", "But sparing and with dignity the Duke", "Weighed every syllable of approbation ,", "As masters praise a servant who has done", "His duty , and no more .", "A traitor to the Emperor \u2014 Such a noble ! 30", "Of such high talents ! What is human greatness !", "I often said , this can n't end happily .", "His might , his greatness , and this obscure power", "Are but a covered pit-fall . The human being", "May not be trusted to self-government . 35", "The clear and written law , the deep trod foot-marks", "Of ancient custom , are all necessary", "To keep him in the road of faith and duty .", "The authority entrusted to this man", "Was unexampled and unnatural 40", "It placed him on a level with his Emperor ,", "Till the proud soul unlearned submission . Wo is me ;", "I mourn for him ! for where he fell , I deem", "Might none stand firm . Alas ! dear General ,", "We in our lucky mediocrity 45", "Have ne'er experienced , cannot calculate ,", "What dangerous wishes such a height may breed", "In the heart of such a man .", "O that I had not lived to see this day !", "From his hand I received this dignity ,", "He did himself entrust this strong hold to me ,", "Which I am now required to make his dungeon . 60", "We subalterns have no will of our own :", "The free , the mighty man alone may listen", "To the fair impulse of his human nature .", "Ah ! we are but the poor tools of the law ,", "Obedience the sole virtue we dare aim at ! 65", "And all then have deserted him , you say ?", "He has built up the luck of many thousands ; 70", "For kingly was his spirit : his full hand", "Was ever open ! Many a one from dust", "Hath he selected , from the very dust", "Hath raised him into dignity and honour .", "And yet no friend , not one friend hath he purchased , 75", "Whose heart beats true to him in the evil hour .", "I have enjoyed from him", "No grace or favour . I could almost doubt ,", "If ever in his greatness he once thought on", "An old friend of his youth . For still my office 80", "Kept me at distance from him ; and when first", "He to this citadel appointed me ,", "He was sincere and serious in his duty .", "I do not then abuse his confidence ,", "If I preserve my fealty in that 85", "Which to my fealty was first delivered .", "If it be so \u2014 if all be as you say \u2014", "If he 've betrayed the Emperor , his master ,", "Have sold the troops , have purposed to deliver 90", "The strong holds of the country to the enemy \u2014", "Yea , truly !\u2014 - there is no redemption for him !", "Yet it is hard , that me the lot should destine", "To be the instrument of his perdition ;", "For we were pages at the court of Bergau 95", "At the same period ; but I was the senior .", "\u2018 Tis full thirty years since then .", "A youth who scarce had seen his twentieth year", "Was Wallenstein , when he and I were friends :", "Yet even then he had a daring soul : 100", "His frame of mind was serious and severe", "Beyond his years : his dreams were of great objects .", "He walked amidst us of a silent spirit ,", "Communing with himself : yet I have known him", "Transported on a sudden into utterance 105", "Of strange conceptions ; kindling into splendour", "His soul revealed itself , and he spake so", "That we looked round perplexed upon each other ,", "Not knowing whether it were craziness ,", "Or whether it were a god that spoke in him . 110", "He became 115", "Doubtless more self-enwrapt and melancholy ;", "He made himself a Catholic . Marvellously", "His marvellous preservation had transformed him .", "Thenceforth he held himself for an exempted", "And privileged being , and , as if he were 120", "Incapable of dizziness or fall ,", "He ran along the unsteady rope of life .", "But now our destinies drove us asunder :", "He paced with rapid step the way of greatness ,", "Was Count , and Prince , Duke-regent , and Dictator . 125", "And now is all , all this too little for him ;", "He stretches forth his hands for a king 's crown ,", "And plunges in unfathomable ruin ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What 's this ?", "Unfortunate Lady !", "Too well I heard it . 5", "\u2018 Tis even so .", "I grant it .", "It were to be feared .", "Butler", "Know , I am warranty for the event ;", "With my head have I pledged myself for his , 15", "Must make my word good , cost it what it will ,", "And if alive we cannot hold him prisoner ,", "Why \u2014 death makes all things certain !", "Butler ! What ? Do I understand you ? Gracious God ! You could \u2014", "And you can do the deed ! 20", "You would assassinate him .", "Who leans with his whole confidence upon you !", "Your General ! The sacred person of your General ! 25", "That \u2018 tis only", "A \u2018 has been \u2019 washes out no villainy .", "And without judgment passed ?", "This were murder ,", "Not justice . The most guilty should be heard . 30", "We should not", "Hurry to realize a bloody sentence .", "A word may be recalled , a life can never be .", "No honest man 's ambitious to press forward", "To the hangman 's service .", "A brave man hazards life , but not his conscience .", "Seize him , and hold him prisoner \u2014 do not kill him .", "O , wherefore opened I the strong hold to him ! 45", "Upon these ramparts , as beseemed a soldier ,", "I had fallen , defending the Emperor 's citadel !", "Doing their duty \u2014 that adorns the man ! 50 But murder 's a black deed , and nature curses it . ButlerHere is the manifesto which commands us To gain possession of his person . See \u2014 It is addressed to you as well as me . Are you content to take the consequences , 55 If through our fault he escape to the enemy ?", "I ?\u2014 Gracious God !", "O God in heaven !", "Merciful heaven ! what must be", "I see as clear as you . Yet still the heart", "Within my bosom beats with other feelings !", "I feel no pang for these . Their own bad hearts", "Impelled them , not the influence of the stars .", "\u2018 Twas they who strewed the seeds of evil passions 70", "In his calm breast , and with officious villainy", "Watered and nursed the pois'nous plants . May they", "Receive their earnests to the uttermost mite !", "Shame , shame ! what talk is this ,", "My Lord Field Marshal ? Wherefore foam you so", "Against your Emperor ?", "I am content already ,", "And wish to climb no higher ; where great height is", "The fall must needs be great . \u2018 Great height , great depth . \u2019 65"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Do as he ordered you . Send round patroles .", "Take measures for the citadel 's security ;", "When they are within I close the castle gate", "That nothing may transpire .", "You have heard already ,", "To-morrow to the Swedes belongs . This night", "Alone is ours . They make good expedition .", "But we will make still greater . Fare you well .", "The sun has set ;", "A fateful evening doth descend upon us ,", "And brings on their long night ! Their evil stars", "Deliver them unarmed into our hands .", "And from their drunken dream of golden fortunes 20", "The dagger at their heart shall rouse them . Well ,", "The Duke was ever a great calculator ;", "His fellow-men were figures on his chess-board ,", "To move and station , as his game required .", "Other men 's honour , dignity , good name , 25", "Did he shift like pawns , and made no conscience of it :", "Still calculating , calculating still ;", "And yet at last his calculation proves", "Erroneous ; the whole game is lost ; and lo !", "His own life will be found among the forfeits . 30", "It is too late .", "I suffer not myself to feel compassion ,", "Dark thoughts and bloody are my duty now :", "Gordon ! \u2018 Tis not my hatred", "40", "Yet \u2018 tis not now my hatred that impels me", "To be his murderer . \u2018 Tis his evil fate .", "Hostile concurrences of many events", "Control and subjugate me to the office .", "In vain the human being meditates 45", "Free action . He is but the wire-worked", "puppet", "Of the blind power , which out of his own choice", "Creates for him a dread necessity .", "What too would it avail him , if there were", "A something pleading for him in my heart \u2014 50", "Still I must kill him .", "You know not . Ask not ! Wherefore should it happen , 55", "That the Swedes gained the victory , and hasten", "With such forced marches hitherward ? Fain would I", "Have given him to the Emperor 's mercy .\u2014 Gordon !", "I do not wish his blood \u2014 But I must ransom", "The honour of my word \u2014 it lies in pledge \u2014 60", "And he must die , or \u2014\u2014", "Listen then , and know !", "I am dishonoured if the Duke escape us .", "What !", "He is a great Lord ,", "This Duke \u2014 and I am but of mean importance .", "This is what you would say ? Wherein concerns it", "The world at large , you mean to hint to me ,", "Whether the man of low extraction keeps 70", "Or blemishes his honour \u2014", "So that the man of princely rank be saved .", "We all do stamp our value on ourselves .", "The price we challenge for ourselves is given us .", "There does not live on earth the man so stationed , 75", "That I despise myself compared with him .", "Man is made great or little by his own will ;", "Because I am true to mine , therefore he dies ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Here we are , General .", "Have we not marched to this place to protect him ?", "And followed him yourself to Egra .", "An altered case ! ButlerThou wretched man ! So easily leav'st thou thy oath and colours ? 10", "We 've nought to do with thinking \u2014 that 's your business .", "You are our General , and give out the orders ;", "We follow you , though the track lead to hell . 15", "I should hope so .", "\u2018 Tis e'en so !", "That is still better .", "Alive or dead \u2014 these were the very words . 25", "Yes ,", "The Duke 's a splendid paymaster .", "And is that certain ?", "As poor as we ?", "To whom we 've sworn a soldier 's oath \u2014", "Yes , by my soul ! It is too bad . One has a conscience too \u2014", "\u2018 Two n't do !", "What may you want with him ? 65", "Why if he must fall ,", "And will fall , and it can n't be otherwise , 70", "One would not give place to this Pestalutz .", "Ay ! and then Tertsky still remains , and Illo \u2014", "Hear , Devereux ? A bloody evening this .", "Yes , but there 's another", "Point to be thought of .", "What avails sword or dagger against him ? 120", "He is not to be wounded \u2014 he is \u2014", "Safe against shot , and stab and flash ! Hard frozen ,", "Secured , and warranted by the black art !", "His body is impenetrable , I tell you .", "Hear what I 'll do .", "In the cloister here", "There 's a Dominican , my countryman .", "I 'll make him dip my sword and pike for me 130", "In holy water , and say over them", "One of his strongest blessings . That 's probatum !", "Nothing can stand \u2018 gainst that .", "And I too . \u2018 Tis too great a personage . People will hold us for a brace of villains ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["How knew she it so soon ?", "A heavy , heavy blow ! 10", "And she so unprepared ! Poor child ! How is it ?", "Is she coming to herself ?", "Give her sorrow leave to talk !", "Let her complain \u2014 mingle your tears with hers , 20", "For she hath suffered a deep anguish ; but", "She 'll rise superior to it , for my Thekla", "Hath all her father 's unsubdued heart .", "Dearest daughter !", "Name it , my daughter .", "Hush ! Wherefore would'st thou speak with him , my daughter ?", "I see she is in the right , and am inclined", "To grant her this request of hers . Go , call him .", "Permit her her own will . Leave her alone with him : for there are sorrows , Where of necessity the soul must be Its own support . A strong heart will rely On its own strength alone . In her own bosom , 60 Not in her mother 's arms , must she collect The strength to rise superior to this blow . It is mine own brave girl . I 'll have her treated Not as the woman , but the heroine . CountessWhere art thou going ? I heard Tertsky say 65 That \u2018 tis thy purpose to depart from hence To-morrow early , but to leave us here .", "Yes , ye stay here , placed under the protection", "Of gallant men .", "Who speaks of evil ? I entreat you , sister ,", "Use words of better omen .", "The place 's evil omens will I change ,", "Making it that which shields and shelters for me", "My best beloved .", "Lady Neubrunn", "The Swedish officer . 85", "Leave her alone with him . DuchessThere \u2014 pale as death !\u2014 Child , \u2018 tis impossible That thou should'st speak with him . Follow thy mother ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Princess \u2014 I must entreat your gentle pardon \u2014", "My inconsiderate rash speech \u2014 How could I \u2014", "I fear you hate my presence ,", "For my tongue spake a melancholy word .", "Princess , \u2018 twill", "Renew your anguish .", "We lay , expecting no attack , at Neustadt ,", "Entrenched but insecurely in our camp , 15", "When towards evening rose a cloud of dust", "From the wood thitherward ; our vanguard fled", "Into the camp , and sounded the alarm .", "Scarce had we mounted , ere the Pappenheimers ,", "Their horses at full speed , broke through the lines , 20", "And leapt the trenches ; but their heedless courage", "Had borne them onward far before the others \u2014", "The infantry were still at distance , only", "The Pappenheimers followed daringly", "Their daring leader \u2014\u2014", "Both in van and flanks 25", "With our whole cavalry we now received them ;", "Back to the trenches drove them , where the foot", "Stretched out a solid ridge of pikes to meet them .", "They neither could advance , nor yet retreat ;", "And as they stood on every side wedged in , 30", "The Rhinegrave to their leader called aloud ,", "Inviting a surrender ; but their leader ,", "Young Piccolomini \u2014\u2014", "I retire .", "Wild despair 40", "Inspired the troops with frenzy when they saw", "Their leader perish ; every thought of rescue", "Was spurn 'd ; they fought like wounded tigers ; their", "Frantic resistance rous 'd our soldiery ;", "A murderous fight took place , nor was the contest 45", "Finish 'd before their last man fell .", "At Neustadt , lady ; in a cloister church 60", "Are his remains deposited , until", "We can receive directions from his father .", "Saint Catharine 's .", "Near twelve leagues .", "You go by Tirschenreit 65", "And Falkenberg , through our advanced posts .", "Colonel Seckendorf .", "Princess \u2014\u2014LINENOTES :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Away ! and whither ?", "What would you do there ?", "That place of death \u2014\u2014", "Your father 's rage \u2014\u2014", "The sentence of the world ! The tongue of calumny !", "And we alone , two helpless feeble women ?", "In the dark night-time ?", "This rough tempestuous night \u2014\u2014", "Heaven ! 25", "And then the many posts of the enemy !\u2014", "The journey 's weary length \u2014", "How can we pass the gates ?", "Should we be recognized \u2014", "And where procure we horses for our flight ? 35", "Dares he , without the knowledge of his lord ?", "Dear lady ! and your mother ?", "So much as she has suffered too already ; 40", "Your tender mother \u2014 Ah ! how ill prepared", "For this last anguish !", "But think what you are doing !", "And being there , what purpose you to do ? 45", "Your heart , dear lady , is disquieted ! And this is not the way that leads to quiet .", "You frighten me so , lady , that no longer", "I dare stay here myself . I go and call", "Rosenberg instantly .", "LINENOTES :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Commend me to your lord . I sympathize", "In his good fortune ; and if you have seen me", "Deficient in the expressions of that joy", "Which such a victory might well demand ,", "Attribute it to no lack of good will , 5", "For henceforth are our fortunes one . Farewell ,", "And for your trouble take my thanks . To-morrow", "The citadel shall be surrendered to you", "On your arrival .", "Com'st thou from her ? Is she restored ? How is she ? 10", "The pang will soften ,", "She will shed tears .", "Be quiet . I ail nothing . Where 's", "Thy husband ?", "Methinks ,", "If I but saw him , \u2018 twould be well with me .", "He , is the star of my nativity ,", "And often marvellously hath his aspect 35", "Shot strength into my heart .", "See him again ? O never , never again .", "He is gone \u2014 is dust .", "He , the more fortunate ! yea , he hath finished !", "For him there is no longer any future , 40", "His life is bright \u2014 bright without spot it was ,", "And cannot cease to be . No ominous hour", "Knocks at his door with tidings of mishap .", "Far off is he , above desire and fear ;", "No more submitted to the change and chance 45", "Of the unsteady planets . O \u2018 tis well", "With him ! but who knows what the coming hour", "Veil 'd in thick darkness brings for us !", "I shall grieve down this blow , of that I 'm conscious .", "What does not man grieve down ? From the highest ,", "As from the vilest thing of every day", "He learns to wean himself : for the strong hours 60", "Conquer him . Yet I feel what I have lost", "In him . The bloom is vanished from my life .", "For O ! he stood beside me , like my youth ,", "Transformed for me the real to a dream ,", "Clothing the palpable and familiar 65", "With golden exhalations of the dawn .", "Whatever fortunes wait my future toils ,", "The beautiful is vanished \u2014 and returns not .", "Fear ? Wherefore ?", "Fancies !", "This was a dream of favourable omen , 85", "That marriage being the founder of my fortunes .", "Thy soul is busy with these thoughts .", "There is no doubt that there exist such voices . 95", "Yet I would not call them", "Voices of warning that announce to us", "Only the inevitable . As the sun ,", "Ere it is risen , sometimes paints its image", "In the atmosphere , so often do the spirits 100", "Of great events stride on before the events ,", "And in to-day already walks to-morrow .", "That which we read of the fourth Henry 's death", "Did ever vex and haunt me like a tale", "Of my own future destiny . The King 105", "Felt in his breast the phantom of the knife ,", "Long ere Ravaillac arm 'd himself therewith .", "His quiet mind forsook him : the phantasma", "Started him in his Louvre , chased him forth", "Into the open air : like funeral knells 110", "Sounded that coronation festival ;", "And still with boding sense he heard the tread", "Of those feet that ev'n then were seeking him", "Throughout the streets of Paris .", "Nothing . 115", "Be wholly tranquil .", "That is the crimson tapestry of my chamber . 125 CountessIf it should come to that \u2014 if I should see thee , Who standest now before me in the fulness Of life \u2014", "The Emperor 's proclamation weighs upon thee \u2014", "Alphabets wound not \u2014 and he finds no hands . 130"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What is it , Seni ? PageO piteous sight !", "What is it ? For God 's sake !", "They are the fruits", "Of your contrivances . The Duke is dead ,", "My husband too is dead , the Duchess struggles", "In the pangs of death , my niece has disappeared . 5", "This house of splendour , and of princely glory ,", "Doth now stand desolated : the affrighted servants", "Rush forth through all its doors . I am the last", "Therein ; I shut it up , and here deliver", "The keys .", "Who next is to be murdered ? Who is next", "To be maltreated ? Lo ! The Duke is dead .", "The Emperor 's vengeance may be pacified !", "Spare the old servants ; let not their fidelity", "Be imputed to the faithful as a crime \u2014 15", "The evil destiny surprised my brother", "Too suddenly ; he could not think on them .", "To the grace and mercy of a greater Master", "Do I yield up myself . Where shall the body", "Of the Duke have its place of final rest ? 30", "In the Chartreuse , which he himself did found ,", "At Gitschin rests the Countess Wallenstein ;", "And by her side , to whom he was indebted", "For his first fortunes , gratefully he wished", "He might sometime repose in death ! O let him 35", "Be buried there . And likewise , for my husband 's", "Remains , I ask the like grace . The Emperor", "Is now proprietor of all our castles .", "This sure may well be granted us \u2014 one sepulchre", "Beside the sepulchres of our forefathers ! 40", "You think", "More worthily of me , than to believe", "I would survive the downfall of my house .", "We did not hold ourselves too mean to grasp", "After a monarch 's crown \u2014 the crown did fate 45", "Deny , but not the feeling and the spirit", "That to the crown belong ! We deem a", "Courageous death more worthy of our free station", "Than a dishonoured life .\u2014 I have taken poison .", "Nay , it is too late . 50", "In a few moments is my fate accomplished ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["No sound , no face of joy to welcome us !", "Then claim your rights in it ! O , revered Don Alvar , 10", "Yet , yet give up your all too gentle purpose .", "It is too hazardous ! reveal yourself ,", "And let the guilty meet the doom of guilt !", "Nobly-minded Alvar ! This sure but gives his guilt a blacker dye .", "Remorse is as the heart in which it grows : 20", "If that be gentle , it drops balmy dews", "Of true repentance ; but if proud and gloomy ,", "It is a poison-tree , that pierced to the inmost", "Weeps only tears of poison !", "You have thrice told already 30", "The years of absence and of secrecy ,", "To which a forced oath bound you ; if in truth", "A suborned murderer have the power to dictate", "A binding oath \u2014", "Heavy presumption !", "That rocky seat you mean ,", "Shaped by the billows ?\u2014", "Proceed , my lord !", "A damning proof !", "All , all are in the sea-cave , 90", "Some furlong hence . I bade our mariners", "Secrete the boat there .", "Be assured", "That it remains uninjured .", "Will they not know you ?", "\u2018 Tis yours , sir , to command , mine to obey . 110", "Now to the cave beneath the vaulted rock ,", "Where having shaped you to a Moorish chieftain ,", "I 'll seek our mariners ; and in the dusk", "Transport whate'er we need to the small dell", "In the Alpujarras \u2014 there where Zagri lived . 115"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I hold Ordonio dear ; he is your son", "And Alvar 's brother .", "I mourn that you should plead in vain , Lord Valdez ,", "But heaven hath heard my vow , and I remain 5", "Faithful to Alvar , be he dead or living .", "There are woes", "Ill bartered for the garishness of joy !", "If it be wretched with an untired eye 20", "To watch those skiey tints , and this green ocean ;", "Or in the sultry hour beneath some rock ,", "My hair dishevelled by the pleasant sea breeze ,", "To shape sweet visions , and live o'er again", "All past hours of delight ! If it be wretched 25", "To watch some bark , and fancy Alvar there ,", "To go through each minutest circumstance", "Of the blest meeting , and to frame adventures", "Most terrible and strange , and hear him tell them ;", "\u2014 if this be wretchedness , 35", "And if indeed it be a wretched thing", "To trick out mine own death-bed , and imagine", "That I had died , died just ere his return !", "Then see him listening to my constancy ,", "Or hover round , as he at midnight oft 40", "Sits on my grave and gazes at the moon ;", "Or haply in some more fantastic mood ,", "To be in Paradise , and with choice flowers", "Build up a bower where he and I might dwell ,", "And there to wait his coming ! O my sire ! 45", "My Alvar 's sire ! if this be wretchedness", "That eats away the life , what were it , think you ,", "If in a most assured reality", "He should return , and see a brother 's infant", "Smile at him from my arms ? 50", "Oh what a thought !", "Was it not then a busy joy ? to see him ,", "After those three years \u2019 travels ! we had no fears \u2014 55", "The frequent tidings , the ne'er failing letter .", "Almost endeared his absence ! Yet the gladness ,", "The tumult of our joy ! What then if now \u2014\u2014", "My father !", "Oh no ! he did not !", "His capture , not his death .", "For mercy 's sake", "Press me no more ! I have no power to love him . 80", "His proud forbidding eye , and his dark brow ,", "Chill me like dew-damps of the unwholesome night :", "My love , a timorous and tender flower ,", "Closes beneath his touch .", "Oh pardon me , Lord Valdez ! pardon me !", "It was a foolish and ungrateful speech , 95", "A most ungrateful speech ! But I am hurried", "Beyond myself , if I but hear of one", "Who aims to rival Alvar . Were we not", "Born in one day , like twins of the same parent ?", "Nursed in one cradle ? Pardon me , my father ! 100", "A six years \u2019 absence is a heavy thing ,", "Yet still the hope survives \u2014\u2014", "Valdez", "Hush ! \u2018 tis Monviedro .", "The Inquisitor ! on what new scent of blood ?", "I do not , can not , love him . Is my heart hard ?", "Is my heart hard ? that even now the thought", "Should force itself upon me ?\u2014 Yet I feel it ! 150", "Stay , father ! stay ! my lord will soon recover .", "Ordonio", "Strange , that this Monviedro", "Should have the power so to distemper me !", "With your permission , my dear lord , 180", "I 'll loiter yet awhile t \u2019 enjoy the sea breeze .", "Oh fear not me ! my heart is sad for you . 185", "Be more calm , I pray you .", "Hush ! hush for shame ! Where is your woman 's heart ?", "Shame fall on those who so have shewn it to thee !", "What might your crime be ?", "O Heaven ! it is too horrible to hear .", "You were at length released ?", "But your husband \u2014", "Alas , poor man !", "Know you that stately Moor ?", "The Alpujarras ? Does he know his danger ,", "So near this seat ?", "If aught enforce you to concealment , Sir \u2014", "See , we have disturbed him .", "I pray you , think us friends \u2014 uncowl your face , 260", "For you seem faint , and the night-breeze blows healing .", "I pray you , think us friends !", "Alvar", "Calm , very calm !", "\u2018 Tis all too tranquil for reality !", "And she spoke to me with her innocent voice , 265", "That voice , that innocent voice ! She is no traitress !", "Let us retire", "Dreams tell but of the past , and yet , \u2018 tis said ,", "They prophesy \u2014", "Traitress !", "What sudden spell o'ermasters me ?", "Why seeks he me , shunning the Moorish woman ?", "From morn to night I am myself a dreamer ,", "And slight things bring on me the idle mood !", "Well sir , what happened then ?", "A fearful curse !", "My soul is full of visions all as wild !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Here we may stop : your house distinct in view ,", "Yet we secured from listeners .", "Good Isidore ! Why this to me ? It is enough , you know it .", "Enough !", "A debt repaid ceases to be a debt . 15", "You have it in your power to serve me greatly .", "Why \u2014 that \u2014 Lady \u2014", "O miserable \u2014", "And till his death is proved she will not wed me . 25", "Come , come ! this foolery", "Lives only in thy looks , thy heart disowns it !", "Why , you can utter with a solemn gesture 30", "Oracular sentences of deep no-meaning ,", "Wear a quaint garment , make mysterious antics \u2014", "In blunt terms , you can play the sorcerer .", "She hath no faith in Holy Church , \u2018 tis true : 35", "Her lover schooled her in some newer nonsense !", "Yet still a tale of spirits works upon her .", "She is a lone enthusiast , sensitive ,", "Shivers , and can not keep the tears in her eye :", "And such do love the marvellous too well 40", "Not to believe it . We will wind up her fancy", "With a strange music , that she knows not of \u2014", "With fumes of frankincense , and mummery ,", "Then leave , as one sure token of his death ,", "That portrait , which from off the dead man 's neck 45", "I bade thee take , the trophy of thy conquest .", "Beyond suspicion .", "Fondly caressing him , her favour 'd lover ,", "She whispered such dark fears of me forsooth , 50", "As made this heart pour gall into my veins .", "And as she coyly bound it round his neck", "She made him promise silence ; and now holds", "The secret of the existence of this portrait", "Known only to her lover and herself . 55", "But I had traced her , stolen unnotic 'd on them ,", "And unsuspected saw and heard the whole .", "Where lies your scruple ? 60", "This fellow is a Man \u2014 he killed for hire", "One whom he knew not , yet has tender scruples ! 70", "These doubts , these fears , thy whine , thy stammering \u2014", "Pish , fool ! thou blunder'st through the book of guilt ,", "Spelling thy villainy .", "O aye \u2014 your gratitude ! \u2018 Twas a well-sounding word \u2014 what have you done with it ?", "Virtue \u2014\u2014", "And who told you ?", "Ha ! you talk 'd with him ! And those , the two Morescoes who were with you ?", "Villain ! no more . I 'll hear no more of it .", "Enough \u2014 enough \u2014 95", "Alvar ! brother !", "Yes ?", "And you kill 'd him ?", "Oh blood hounds ! may eternal wrath flame round you !", "He was his Maker 's Image undefac 'd ! 120", "It seizes me \u2014 by Hell I will go on !", "What \u2014 would'st thou stop , man ? thy pale looks wo n't save thee !", "Oh cold \u2014 cold \u2014 cold ! shot through with icy cold !", "Isidore", "Were he alive he had returned ere now .", "The consequence the same \u2014 dead through his plotting ! 125", "O this unutterable dying away \u2014 here \u2014", "This sickness of the heart !", "What if I went", "And liv 'd in a hollow tomb , and fed on weeds ?", "Aye ! that 's the road to heaven ! O fool ! fool ! fool !", "What have I done but that which nature destined , 130", "Or the blind elements stirred up within me ?", "If good were meant , why were we made these beings ?", "And if not meant \u2014", "What dost thou mutter of ?", "There 's some sense in that scruple ; but we 'll mask you .", "Doubtless you question 'd him ?", "A strange reply !", "Where does this wizard live ?", "Isidore", "You see that brooklet ?", "Trace its course backward : through a narrow opening", "It leads you to the place .", "How shall I know it ?", "\u2018 Tis well , and now for this same wizard 's lair .", "I shall not fail to find it . 195LINENOTES :My ] My Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .And how , my lord ? I pray you name the thing . Editions 1 , 2 , 3 .OrdonioEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .truth ] truth Editions 2 , 3 , 1829 .IsidoreEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .upon ] on Edition 1 . ]IsidoreEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .incautious ] incautious Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .native ] native Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .OrdonioEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .OrdonioEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .OrdonioEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .those ] these Edition 1 .Am I not a man ? Edition 1 . I ] I Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .OrdonioEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .OrdonioEditions 2 , 3 , 1829 .IsidoreEditions 2 , 3 , 1829 .I ] I Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .its ] his Edition 1 .He was the image of the Deity . Edition 1 .This sickness of the heart Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 , & c .OrdonioEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .Stole ] Stoln Editions 1 , 2 , 3 .your ] your Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .Some three yards up the hill a mountain ash Stretches its lower boughs and scarlet clusters O'er the old thatch ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Nobly-minded woman ! 5", "Long time against oppression have I fought ,", "And for the native liberty of faith", "Have bled and suffered bonds . Of this be certain :", "Time , as he courses onward , still unrolls", "The volume of concealment . In the future , 10", "As in the optician 's glassy cylinder ,", "The indistinguishable blots and colours", "Of the dim past collect and shape themselves ,", "Upstarting in their own completed image", "To scare or to reward .", "I sought the guilty , 15", "And what I sought I found : but ere the spear", "Flew from my hand , there rose an angel form", "Betwixt me and my aim . With baffled purpose", "To the Avenger I leave vengeance , and depart !", "Whate'er betide , if aught my arm may aid , 20", "Or power protect , my word is pledged to thee :", "For many are thy wrongs , and thy soul noble .", "Once more , farewell .", "O faithful Zulimez ! 30", "That my return involved Ordonio 's death ,", "I trust , would give me an unmingled pang ,", "Yet bearable : but when I see my father", "Strewing his scant grey hairs , e'en on the ground ,", "Which soon must be his grave , and my Teresa \u2014 35", "Her husband proved a murderer , and her infants", "His infants \u2014 poor Teresa !\u2014 all would perish ,", "All perish \u2014 all ! and I", "Could not survive the complicated ruin !", "What if it were my brother coming onwards ? I sent a most mysterious message to him .", "It is he ! OrdonioIf I distinguish 'd right her gait and stature , 50 It was the Moorish woman , Isidore 's wife , That passed me as I entered . A lit taper , In the night air , doth not more naturally Attract the night-flies round it , than a conjuror Draws round him the whole female neighbourhood . 55You know my name , I guess , if not my person . I am Ordonio , son of the Lord Valdez .", "The Son of Valdez !ZulimezWhy , what ails you now ? How your hand trembles ! Alvar , speak ! what wish you ?", "To fall upon his neck and weep forgiveness ! 60 OrdonioPlucked in the moonlight from a ruined abbey \u2014 Those only , which the pale rays visited ! O the unintelligible power of weeds , When a few odd prayers have been muttered o'er them : Then they work miracles ! I warrant you , 65 There 's not a leaf , but underneath it lurks Some serviceable imp . There 's one of you Hath sent me a strange message .", "I am he .", "\u2018 Tis fabled there are fruits with tempting rinds ,", "That are all dust and rottenness within . 75", "Would'st thou I should strip such ?", "O no , my lord ! to sport", "Best suits the gaiety of innocence .", "Ordonio", "O what a thing is man ! the wisest heart 80", "A fool ! a fool that laughs at its own folly ,", "Yet still a fool !", "What follows thence ?", "Thou art the son of Valdez ! would to Heaven", "That I could truly and for ever serve thee . 90", "What , faithless too ? False to his angel wife ? 100", "To such a wife ? Well might'st thou look so wan ,", "Ill-starr 'd Teresa !\u2014\u2014 Wretch ! my softer soul", "Is pass 'd away , and I will probe his conscience !", "What ! you kill 'd him ? hey ? 105", "Fare thee well \u2014", "I pity thee , Ordonio , even to anguish .", "Be brief , what wish you ?", "I listen to you .", "Nay , speak out ! \u2018 twill ease your heart", "To call him villain !\u2014 Why stand'st thou aghast ?", "Men think it natural to hate their rivals .", "Are you not wedded , then ? Merciful Heaven ! 120", "Not wedded to Teresa ?", "Proceed . I shall be silent .", "Well ! and this lady ! 130", "Yes ! he did so !", "What ! he was your friend then ?", "Ordonio , I will do it .", "I will not fail to meet you .", "A potent spell , a mighty talisman !", "The imperishable memory of the deed ,", "Sustained by love , and grief , and indignation !", "So vivid were the forms within his brain ,", "His very eyes , when shut , made pictures of them !", "Sir George Beaumont .", "Editions 1828 ,", "1829 .", "The line should run thus :", "And wear a fool 's cap .", "Fare thee well !Then aloud ] I pity thee , Ordonio , even to anguish . MS. H . LINENOTES :Time ] TIME Editions 2 , 3 , 1829 .future ] FUTURE Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .past ] PAST Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .her ] her Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .His ] His Editions 2 , 3 , 1829 .ZulimezEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .AlvarEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .AlvarEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .lurks ] works Edition 1 .Hath ] Who Edition 1 .AlvarEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .AlvarEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .OrdonioEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .OrdonioEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .AlvarEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .Teresa ] TERESA Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .AlvarEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 . Teresa ] Teresa Editions 2 , 3 , 1829 .AlvarEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .AlvarEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .OrdonioEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .will ] can Edition 1 .AlvarEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .Thee perjur 'd , thee a traitress Edition 1 . Thee perjur 'd , thee a traitress ! Thee dishonoured Editions 2 , 3 , 1829 .inarticulate ] inarticulate Editions 2 , 3 , 1829 .infant . . . maiden ] Infant . . . Maiden Editions 2 , 3 , 1829 .barter . . . Death-pang om . Edition 1 .which with ] with which Editions 2 , 3 .portrait ] Image Edition 1 .End of the Second Act . Editions 1 , 2 , 3 . ACT III"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["When first I entered this pure spot , forebodings", "Press 'd heavy on my heart : but as I knelt ,", "Such calm unwonted bliss possess 'd my spirit ,", "A trance so cloudless , that those sounds , hard by ,", "Of trampling uproar fell upon mine ear 5", "As alien and unnoticed as the rain-storm", "Beats on the roof of some fair banquet-room ,", "While sweetest melodies are warbling \u2014\u2014", "Who wakes anew my fears , and speaks of peril ?", "Torture me not ! But Alvar \u2014 Oh of Alvar ?", "So ? so ?\u2014 I comprehend you \u2014 He is \u2014\u2014", "O sorrow ! that a father 's voice should say this ,", "A Father 's Heart believe it !", "These rays that slant in through those gorgeous windows ,", "From yon bright orb \u2014 though coloured as they pass ,", "Are they not light ?\u2014 Even so that voice , Lord Valdez !", "Which whispers to my soul , though haply varied", "By many a fancy , many a wishful hope , 30", "Speaks yet the truth : and Alvar lives for me !", "I breath 'd to the Unerring", "Permitted prayers . Must those remain unanswer 'd ,", "Yet impious sorcery , that holds no commune", "Save with the lying spirit , claim belief ?", "O Heavens ! my portrait ! And he did grasp it in his death pang ! Off , false demon , 45 That beat'st thy black wings close above my head !Hush ! who comes here ? The wizard Moor 's employer ! Moors were his murderers , you say ? Saints shield us From wicked thoughts \u2014\u2014Is Alvar dead ? what then ? The nuptial rites and funeral shall be one ! 50 Here 's no abiding-place for thee , Teresa .\u2014 Away ! they see me not \u2014 Thou seest me , Alvar ! To thee I bend my course .\u2014 But first one question , One question to Ordonio .\u2014 My limbs tremble \u2014 There I may sit unmark 'd \u2014 a moment will restore me . 55OrdonioThese are the dungeon keys . Monviedro knew not , That I too had received the wizard 's message , \u2018 He that can bring the dead to life again . \u2019 But now he is satisfied , I plann 'd this scheme To work a full conviction on the culprit , 60 And he entrusts him wholly to my keeping .", "Alas ! the phantom only , if in truth", "The substance of her being , her life 's life ,", "Have ta'en its flight through Alvar 's death-wound \u2014", "Where \u2014", "O tell me , Valdez !\u2014 answer me , Ordonio ! 120", "Where lies the corse of my betroth\u00e9d husband ?", "The rock ! the fir-grove !", "A better , surer light", "To guide me \u2014\u2014", "Both Valdez and Ordonio . Whither ?", "To the only place", "Where life yet dwells for me , and ease of heart .", "These walls seem threatening to fall in upon me ! 160", "Detain me not ! a dim power drives me hence ,", "And that will be my guide .", "Hopeless , I fear no human being 's rage . 165", "And am I hastening to the arms \u2014\u2014 O Heaven !", "I haste but to the grave of my belov 'd !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Faith \u2018 twas a moving letter \u2014 very moving ! \u2018 His life in danger , no place safe but this ! \u2018 Twas his turn now to talk of gratitude . \u2019 And yet \u2014 but no ! there can n't be such a villain . It can not be ! Thanks to that little crevice , 5 Which lets the moonlight in ! I 'll go and sit by it . To peep at a tree , or see a he-goat 's beard , Or hear a cow or two breathe loud in their sleep \u2014 Any thing but this crash of water drops ! These dull abortive sounds that fret the silence 10 With puny thwartings and mock opposition ! So beats the death-watch to a sick man 's ear .A hellish pit ! The very same I dreamt of ! I was just in \u2014 and those damn 'd fingers of ice Which clutch 'd my hair up ! Ha !\u2014 what 's that \u2014 it mov 'd . 15", "I swear that I saw something moving there !", "The moonshine came and went like a flash of lightning \u2014\u2014", "I swear , I saw it move .", "Ordonio", "A jutting clay stone", "Drops on the long lank weed , that grows beneath :", "And the weed nods and drips .", "A jest to laugh at ! 20", "It was not that which scar 'd me , good my lord .", "You see that little rift ? But first permit me !", "If every atom of a dead man 's flesh 45", "Should creep , each one with a particular life ,", "Yet all as cold as ever \u2014 \u2018 twas just so !", "Or had it drizzled needle-points of frost", "Upon a feverish head made suddenly bald \u2014", "When a boy , my lord !", "I could have sate whole hours beside that chasm ,", "Push 'd in huge stones and heard them strike and rattle", "Against its horrid sides : then hung my head 55", "Low down , and listened till the heavy fragments", "Sank with faint crash in that still groaning well ,", "Which never thirsty pilgrim blest , which never", "A living thing came near \u2014 unless , perchance ,", "Some blind-worm battens on the ropy mould 60", "Close at its edge .", "Call him , that fears his fellow-man , a coward !", "I fear not man \u2014 but this inhuman cavern ,", "It were too bad a prison-house for goblins .", "Beside ,", "but true it is , 65", "My last night 's sleep was very sorely haunted", "By what had passed between us in the morning .", "O sleep of horrors ! Now run down and stared at", "By forms so hideous that they mock remembrance \u2014", "Now seeing nothing and imagining nothing , 70", "But only being afraid \u2014 stifled with fear !", "While every goodly or familiar form", "Had a strange power of breathing terror round me !", "I saw you in a thousand fearful shapes ;", "And , I entreat your lordship to believe me , 75", "In my last dream \u2014\u2014", "I was in the act", "Of falling down that chasm , when Alhadra", "Wak 'd me : she heard my heart beat .", "Never , my lord !", "But mine eyes do not see it now more clearly , 80", "Than in my dream I saw \u2014 that very chasm .", "Ordonio", "I know not why it should be ! yet it is \u2014", "What is , my lord ?", "Except in self-defence .", "Something troubles you .", "How shall I serve you ? By the life you gave me ,", "By all that makes that life of value to me ,", "My wife , my babes , my honour , I swear to you , 90", "Name it , and I will toil to do the thing ,", "If it be innocent ! But this , my lord !", "Is not a place where you could perpetrate ,", "No , nor propose a wicked thing . The darkness ,", "When ten strides off we know \u2018 tis cheerful moonlight , 95", "Collects the guilt , and crowds it round the heart .", "It must be innocent .", "Who ? when ? my lord ?", "Of himself he speaks .", "I have a prattler three years old , my lord ! 120", "In truth he is my darling . As I went", "From forth my door , he made a moan in sleep \u2014", "But I am talking idly \u2014 pray proceed !", "And what did this man ?", "I would , my lord , you were by my fire-side , 130", "I 'd listen to you with an eager eye ,", "Though you began this cloudy tale at midnight ,", "But I do listen \u2014 pray proceed , my lord .", "He of whom you tell the tale \u2014", "Ah ! what of him , my lord ?", "A dark tale darkly finished ! Nay , my lord ! Tell what he did .", "No ! the fool ! 150", "He had not wit enough to be a traitor .", "Poor thick-eyed beetle ! not to have foreseen", "That he who gulled thee with a whimpered lie", "To murder his own brother , would not scruple", "To murder thee , if e'er his guilt grew jealous , 155", "And he could steal upon thee in the dark !", "Oh yes , my lord ! I would have met him arm 'd , and scar 'd the coward .", "And all my little ones fatherless \u2014", "Die thou first ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Heart-chilling superstition ! thou canst glaze", "Ev'n pity 's eye with her own frozen tear .", "In vain I urge the tortures that await him ;", "Even Selma , reverend guardian of my childhood ,", "My second mother , shuts her heart against me ! 5", "Well , I have won from her what most imports", "The present need , this secret of the dungeon", "Known only to herself .\u2014 A Moor ! a Sorcerer !", "No , I have faith , that Nature ne'er permitted", "Baseness to wear a form so noble . True , 10", "I doubt not that Ordonio had suborned him", "To act some part in some unholy fraud ;", "As little doubt , that for some unknown purpose", "He hath baffled his suborner , terror-struck him ,", "And that Ordonio meditates revenge ! 15", "But my resolve is fixed ! myself will rescue him ,", "And learn if haply he knew aught of Alvar .", "The horror of their ghastly punishments", "Doth so o'ertop the height of all compassion ,", "That I should feel too little for mine enemy ,", "If it were possible I could feel more ,", "Even though the dearest inmates of our household 30", "Were doom 'd to suffer them . That such things are \u2014", "Nay , it wakes within me", "More than a woman 's spirit .", "My honoured lord , 35", "These were my Alvar 's lessons , and whene'er", "I bend me o'er his portrait , I repeat them ,", "As if to give a voice to the mute image .", "Speak not of him !", "That low imposture ! That mysterious picture !", "If this be madness , must I wed a madman ?", "And if not madness , there is mystery ,", "And guilt doth lurk behind it .", "Yes , it is truth : saw you his countenance ?", "How rage , remorse , and scorn , and stupid fear", "Displaced each other with swift interchanges ?", "O that I had indeed the sorcerer 's power .\u2014\u2014", "I would call up before thine eyes the image 50", "Of my betrothed Alvar , of thy first-born !", "His own fair countenance , his kingly forehead ,", "His tender smiles , love 's day-dawn on his lips !", "That spiritual and almost heavenly light", "In his commanding eye \u2014 his mien heroic , 55", "Virtue 's own native heraldry ! to man", "Genial , and pleasant to his guardian angel .", "Whene'er he gladden 'd , how the gladness spread", "Wide round him ! and when oft with swelling tears ,", "Flash 'd through by indignation , he bewail 'd 60", "The wrongs of Belgium 's martyr 'd patriots ,", "Oh , what a grief was there \u2014 for joy to envy ,", "Or gaze upon enamour 'd !", "O my father !", "Recall that morning when we knelt together ,", "And thou didst bless our loves ! O even now , 65", "Even now , my sire ! to thy mind 's eye present him ,", "As at that moment he rose up before thee ,", "Stately , with beaming look ! Place , place beside him", "Ordonio 's dark perturb\u00e9d countenance !", "Then bid me", "bid me turn 70", "From him , the joy , the triumph of our kind !", "To take in exchange that brooding man , who never", "Lifts up his eye from the earth , unless to scowl .", "O grief ! to hear 80 Hateful entreaties from a voice we love ! Enter a Peasant and presents a letter to VALDEZ . Valdez\u2018 He dares not venture hither ! \u2019 Why , what can this mean ? \u2018 Lest the Familiars of the Inquisition , That watch around my gates , should intercept him ; But he conjures me , that without delay 85 I hasten to him \u2014 for my own sake entreats me To guard from danger him I hold imprison 'd \u2014 He will reveal a secret , the joy of which Will even outweigh the sorrow . \u2019 \u2014 Why what can this be ? Perchance it is some Moorish stratagem , 90 To have in me a hostage for his safety . Nay , that they dare not ! Ho ! collect my servants ! I will go thither \u2014 let them arm themselves . TeresaThe moon is high in heaven , and all is hush 'd . Yet anxious listener ! I have seem 'd to hear 95 A low dead thunder mutter thro \u2019 the night , As \u2018 twere a giant angry in his sleep . O Alvar ! Alvar ! that they could return , Those blessed days that imitated heaven , When we two wont to walk at eventide ; 100 When we saw nought but beauty ; when we heard The voice of that Almighty One who loved us In every gale that breathed , and wave that murmur 'd ! O we have listen 'd , even till high-wrought pleasure Hath half assumed the countenance of grief , 105 And the deep sigh seemed to heave up a weight Of bliss , that pressed too heavy on the heart . FOOTNOTES :52-63 . Compare Fragment No . 39 , p. 1005 . LINENOTES :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Yon hanging woods , that touch 'd by autumn seem", "As they were blossoming hues of fire and gold", "The flower-like woods , most lovely in decay ,", "The many clouds , the sea , the rock , the sands .", "Lie in the silent moonshine : and the owl , 5", "the screech-owl only wakes !", "Sole voice , sole eye of all this world of beauty !", "Unless , perhaps , she sing her screeching song", "To a herd of wolves , that skulk athirst for blood .", "Why such a thing am I ?\u2014 Where are these men ? 10", "I need the sympathy of human faces ,", "To beat away this deep contempt for all things ,", "Which quenches my revenge . O ! would to Alla ,", "The raven , or the sea-mew , were appointed", "To bring me food ! or rather that my soul 15", "Could drink in life from the universal air !", "It were a lot divine in some small skiff", "Along some Ocean 's boundless solitude ,", "To float for ever with a careless course .", "And think myself the only being alive ! 20", "My children !\u2014 Isidore 's children !\u2014 Son of Valdez ,", "This hath new strung mine arm . Thou coward tyrant !", "To stupify a woman 's heart with anguish", "Till she forgot \u2014 even that she was a mother !", "This night I went from forth my house , and left 35", "His children all asleep : and he was living !", "And I return 'd and found them still asleep ,", "But he had perished \u2014\u2014", "He had perished !", "Sleep on , poor babes ! not one of you doth know", "That he is fatherless \u2014 a desolate orphan ! 40", "Why should we wake them ? Can an infant 's arm", "Revenge his murder ?", "One Moresco", "Did she say his murder ?", "Murdered by a Christian !", "Alhadra", "Brother of", "Zagri ! fling away thy sword ;", "This is thy chieftain 's !", "This night your chieftain armed himself ,", "And hurried from me . But I followed him", "At distance , till I saw him enter \u2014 there !", "Yes , the mouth of yonder cavern 55", "After a while I saw the son of Valdez", "Rush by with flaring torch ; he likewise entered .", "There was another and a longer pause ;", "And once , methought I heard the clash of swords !", "And soon the son of Valdez re-appeared : 60", "He flung his torch towards the moon in sport ,", "And seemed as he were mirthful ! I stood listening ,", "Impatient for the footsteps of my husband !", "I crept into the cavern \u2014", "\u2018 Twas dark and very silent .", "What said'st thou ? 65", "No ! no ! I did not dare call , Isidore ,", "Lest I should hear no answer ! A brief while ,", "Belike , I lost all thought and memory", "Of that for which I came ! After that pause ,", "O Heaven ! I heard a groan , and followed it : 70", "And yet another groan , which guided me", "Into a strange recess \u2014 and there was light ,", "A hideous light ! his torch lay on the ground ;", "Its flame burnt dimly o'er a chasm 's brink :", "I spake ; and whilst I spake , a feeble groan 75", "Came from that chasm ! it was his last ! his death-groan !", "I stood in unimaginable trance", "And agony that cannot be remembered ,", "Listening with horrid hope to hear a groan ! 80", "But I had heard his last : my husband 's death-groan !", "I looked far down the pit \u2014", "My sight was bounded by a jutting fragment :", "And it was stained with blood . Then first I shrieked ,", "My eye-balls burnt , my brain grew hot as fire , 85", "And all the hanging drops of the wet roof", "Turned into blood \u2014 I saw them turn to blood !", "And I was leaping wildly down the chasm ,", "When on the farther brink I saw his sword ,", "And it said , Vengeance !\u2014 Curses on my tongue ! 90", "The moon hath moved in Heaven , and I am here ,", "And he hath not had vengeance ! Isidore !", "Spirit of Isidore ! thy murderer lives !", "Away ! away !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["And this place my forefathers made for man !", "This is the process of our love and wisdom", "To each poor brother who offends against us \u2014", "Most innocent , perhaps \u2014 and what if guilty ?", "Is this the only cure ? Merciful God ! 5", "Each pore and natural outlet shrivelled up", "By ignorance and parching poverty ,", "His energies roll back upon his heart ,", "And stagnate and corrupt , till , chang 'd to poison ,", "They break out on him , like a loathsome plague-spot ! 10", "Then we call in our pampered mountebanks :", "And this is their best cure ! uncomforted", "And friendless solitude , groaning and tears ,", "And savage faces , at the clanking hour ,", "Seen through the steam and vapours of his dungeon 15", "By the lamp 's dismal twilight ! So he lies", "Circled with evil , till his very soul", "Unmoulds its essence , hopelessly deformed", "By sights of evermore deformity !", "With other ministrations thou , O Nature ! 20", "Healest thy wandering and distempered child :", "Thou pourest on him thy soft influences ,", "Thy sunny hues , fair forms , and breathing sweets ;", "Thy melodies of woods , and winds , and waters !", "Till he relent , and can no more endure 25", "To be a jarring and a dissonant thing", "Amid this general dance and minstrelsy ;", "But , bursting into tears , wins back his way ,", "His angry spirit healed and harmonized", "By the benignant touch of love and beauty . 30", "I am chill and weary ! Yon rude bench of stone ,", "In that dark angle , the sole resting-place !", "But the self-approving mind is its own light", "And life 's best warmth still radiates from the heart", "Where love sits brooding , and an honest purpose . 35", "Believe it not , sweet maid ! Believe it not ,", "Belov\u00e9d woman ! \u2018 Twas a low imposture", "Framed by a guilty wretch .", "Suborned by his brother \u2014", "Ordonio \u2014 he \u2014", "Alvar was not murdered . Be calm ! Be calm , sweet maid !", "I can endure no more . The Moorish sorcerer", "Exists but in the stain upon his face .", "That picture \u2014", "Beloved Teresa !", "It told but half the truth . O let this portrait", "Tell all \u2014 that Alvar lives \u2014 that he is here ! 85", "Thy much deceived but ever faithful Alvar .", "Teresa", "The same \u2014 it is the same ! Ah !", "Who art thou ?", "Nay , I will call thee , Alvar !", "O joy unutterable !", "But hark ! a sound as of removing bars", "At the dungeon 's outer door . A brief , brief while 90", "Conceal thyself , my love ! It is Ordonio .", "For the honour of our race , for our dear father ;", "O for himself too", "Let me recall him to his nobler nature ,", "That he may wake as from a dream of murder ! 95", "O let me reconcile him to himself ,", "Open the sacred source of penitent tears ,", "And be once more his own beloved Alvar .", "Thou dost not leave me ! 100", "But a brief while retire into the darkness :", "O that my joy could spread its sunshine round thee !", "I see thy heart !", "There is a frightful glitter in thine eye", "Which doth betray thee . Inly-tortured man ,", "This is the revelry of a drunken anguish ,", "Which fain would scoff away the pang of guilt , 120", "And quell each human feeling .", "Yon insect on the wall ,", "Which moves this way and that its hundred limbs ,", "Were it a toy of mere mechanic craft ,", "It were an infinitely curious thing ! 130", "But it has life , Ordonio ! life , enjoyment !", "And by the power of its miraculous will", "Wields all the complex movements of its frame", "Unerringly to pleasurable ends !", "Saw I that insect on this goblet 's brim 135", "I would remove it with an anxious pity !", "There 's poison in the wine .", "Whom dost thou think me ? 140", "I know him not . And yet methinks , I have heard the name but lately . Means he the husband of the Moorish woman ? Isidore ? Isidore ? 145", "What strange solution", "Hast thou found out to satisfy thy fears ,", "And drug them to unnatural sleep ?", "My master ! 150", "Mountebank and villain !", "What then art thou ? For shame , put up thy sword !", "What boots a weapon in a withered arm ?", "I fix mine eye upon thee , and thou tremblest !", "I speak , and fear and wonder crush thy rage , 155", "And turn it to a motionless distraction !", "Thou blind self-worshipper ! thy pride , thy cunning ,", "Thy faith in universal villainy ,", "Thy shallow sophisms , thy pretended scorn", "For all thy human brethren \u2014 out upon them ! 160", "What have they done for thee ? have they given thee peace ?", "Cured thee of starting in thy sleep ? or made", "The darkness pleasant when thou wak'st at midnight ?", "Art happy when alone ? Can'st walk by thyself", "With even step and quiet cheerfulness ? 165", "Yet , yet thou may'st be saved \u2014\u2014", "One pang ! Could I call up one pang of true remorse !", "But Alvar \u2014\u2014", "Alas !", "That day when thou didst leap from off the rock", "Into the waves , and grasped thy sinking brother ,", "And bore him to the strand ; then , son of Valdez ,", "How sweet and musical the name of Alvar ! 185", "Then , then , Ordonio , he was dear to thee ,", "And thou wert dear to him : heaven only knows", "How very dear thou wert ! Why did'st thou hate him !", "O heaven ! how he would fall upon thy neck ,", "And weep forgiveness !", "I fain would tell thee what I am , but dare not !", "Does then this thin disguise impenetrably", "Hide Alvar from thee ? Toil and painful wounds", "And long imprisonment in unwholesome dungeons ,", "Have marred perhaps all trait and lineament 200", "Of what I was ! But chiefly , chiefly , brother ,", "My anguish for thy guilt !", "Ordonio \u2014 Brother !", "Nay , nay , thou shalt embrace me .", "Ordonio", "Touch me not !", "Touch not pollution , Alvar ! I will die .", "We will find means to save your honour . Live , 205", "Oh live , Ordonio ! for our father 's sake !", "Spare his grey hairs !", "Call back thy soul , Ordonio , and look round thee ! 215", "Now is the time for greatness ! Think that heaven \u2014", "Heal , O heal him , heaven ! 220", "Turn not thy face that way , my father ! hide , 280", "Oh hide it from his eye ! Oh let thy joy", "Flow in unmingled stream through thy first blessing .", "Delights so full , if unalloyed with grief , 285 Were ominous . In these strange dread events Just Heaven instructs us with an awful voice , That Conscience rules us e'en against our choice . Our inward Monitress to guide or warn , If listened to ; but if repelled with scorn , 290 At length as dire Remorse , she reappears , Works in our guilty hopes , and selfish fears ! Still bids , Remember ! and still cries , Too late ! And while she scares us , goads us to our fate . LINENOTES :touch ] torch Edition 1 .life ] life-blood Edition 1 .As in a dream I ask ; if it be a dream Edition 1 .Beyond which I scarce dare to look !Edition 1 .TeresaEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .AlvarEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .TeresaHa ! who art thou ? AlvarSuborned , & c . Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .thou Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .TeresaNay , nay , but tell me !O \u2018 tis lost again ! This dull confused pain . Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .he Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .TeresaEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .own om . Edition 1 .OrdonioEdition 1old Pluto ] oblivion Edition 1 .OrdonioSaved ? Saved ? Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .AlvarEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .AlvarEdition 1 .OrdonioTouch me not ! Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .And ] Oh Edition 1 .Curse Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .OrdonioEdition 1 .Editions 2 , 3 , 1829 .OrdonioEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .Edition 1 .one ] one 's 1829 .his Editions 2 , 3 , 1829 .AlhadraEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .my Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .The deed be mine !Now take my life !", "Arm of avenging Heaven ! I had two cherish 'd hopes \u2014 the one remains , The other thou hast snatch 'd from me : but my word Is pledged to thee ; nor shall it be retracted \u2014 Edition 1]But go ! ] Yet , yet MS. H .Marginal stage-direction inserted in MS. R .] Stage-direction preceding 265 and 265-79 : om . Edition 1 .APPENDIX The following Scene , as unfit for the stage , was taken from the tragedy , in the year 1797 , and published in the Lyrical Ballads ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["My eyes deceive me not , it must be he . Who but our chief , my more than father , who But Raab Kiuprili moves with such a gait ? Lo ! e'en this eager and unwonted haste But agitates , not quells , its majesty . 5 My patron ! my commander ! yes , \u2018 tis he ! Call out the guards . The Lord Kiuprili comes .Enter RAAB KIUPRILI . Raab KiupriliSilence ! enough ! This is no time , young friend , For ceremonious dues . The summoning drum , Th \u2019 air-shattering trumpet , and the horseman 's clatter , 10 Are insults to a dying sovereign 's ear . Soldiers , \u2018 tis well ! Retire ! your General greets you , His loyal fellow-warriors .", "Pardon my surprise . Thus sudden from the camp , and unattended ! What may these wonders prophesy ?", "We know no otherwise ; but Emerick 's friends", "scoff at hope .", "O most loved , most honoured ,", "The mystery that struggles in my looks", "Betrayed my whole tale to thee , if it told thee 25", "That I am ignorant ; but fear the worst .", "And mystery is contagious . All things here", "Are full of motion : and yet all is silent :", "And bad men 's hopes infect the good with fears .", "That the prince Emerick feasts the soldiery ,", "Gives splendid arms , pays the commanders \u2019 debts ,", "And", "by sworn promises", "Makes himself debtor \u2014 hearing this , thou hast heard", "All \u2014\u2014 35", "But what my lord will learn too soon himself .", "Remember you , my lord ! that Hebrew leech", "Whose face so much distempered you ?", "To him , in chief , 50", "Prince Emerick trusts his royal brother 's health .", "With pomp of words beyond a soldier 's cunning ,", "And shrugs and wrinkled brow , he smiles and whispers !", "Talks in dark words of women 's fancies ; hints 55", "That \u2018 twere a useless and a cruel zeal", "To rob a dying man of any hope ,", "However vain , that soothes him : and , in fine ,", "Denies all chance of offspring from the Queen .", "Nay , he fears", "Zapolya will not long survive her husband .", "Halt !", "No place , no name , no rank excepted \u2014", "This life of mine , O take it , Lord Kiuprili !", "I give it as a weapon to thy hands , 70", "Mine own no longer . Guardian of Illyria ,", "Useless to thee , \u2018 tis worthless to myself .", "Thou art the framer of my nobler being ;", "Nor does there live one virtue in my soul ,", "One honourable hope , but calls thee father . 75", "Yet ere thou dost resolve , know that yon palace", "Is guarded from within , that each access", "Is thronged by armed conspirators , watched by ruffians", "Pampered with gifts , and hot upon the spoil", "Which that false promiser still trails before them . 80", "I ask but this one boon \u2014 reserve my life", "Till I can lose it for the realm and thee !", "Here before Heaven I dedicate my faith", "To the royal line of Andreas .", "At length then \u2018 tis announced . Alas ! I fear ,", "That these black death-flags are but treason 's signals .", "Precise and faithful in their villainy", "Even to the moment , that the master traitor", "Had pre-ordained them .", "Doubtless they deem Heaven too usurp 'd ! Heaven 's justice Bought like themselves ! Being equal all in crime , Do you press on , ye spotted parricides ! For the one sole pre-eminence yet doubtful , 115 The prize of foremost impudence in guilt ?", "Sure Heaven befriends us . Well ! he hath escaped !", "O rare tune of a tyrant 's promises", "That can enchant the serpent treachery", "From forth its lurking hole in the heart . \u2018 Ragozzi !", "O brave Ragozzi ! Count ! Commander ! What not ? \u2019 455", "And all this too for nothing ! a poor nothing !", "Merely to play the underling in the murder", "Of my best friend Kiuprili ! His own son \u2014 monstrous !", "Tyrant ! I owe thee thanks , and in good hour", "Will I repay thee , for that thou thought'st me too 460", "A serviceable villain . Could I now", "But gain some sure intelligence of the queen :", "Heaven bless and guard her !", "Zapolya", "Art thou not Ragozzi ?", "The Queen ! Now then the miracle is full ! 465", "I see heaven 's wisdom is an over-match", "For the devil 's cunning . This way , madam , haste !", "Take courage , madam ! \u2018 Twere too horrible ,", "to swear I 'm not a monster !\u2014", "Scarce had I barr 'd the door on Raab Kiuprili \u2014", "There is not time to tell it ,\u2014 475", "The tyrant called me to him , praised my zeal \u2014", "But time wastes : In fine ,", "Bids me dispatch my trustiest friends , as couriers", "With letters to the army . The thought at once 480", "Flashed on me . I disguised my prisoner \u2014", "Yes ! my noble general !", "I sent him off , with Emerick 's own pacquet ,", "Haste , and post haste \u2014 Prepared to follow him \u2014\u2014", "Haste , madam ! Let me take this precious burden !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Well then ! our round of charity is finished . Rest , Madam ! You breathe quick .", "That last cottage 5", "Is built as if an eagle or a raven", "Had chosen it for her nest .", "There ?", "And what if even now , on that same ridge , 15", "A speck should rise , and still enlarging , lengthening ,", "As it clomb downwards , shape itself at last", "To a numerous cavalcade , and spurring foremost ,", "Who but Sarolta 's own dear lord returned", "From his high embassy ?", "But our best sports belike , and gay processions", "Would to my lord have seemed but work-day sights 30", "Compared with those the royal court affords .", "And yet had I been born Lady Sarolta , 40", "Been wedded to the noblest of the realm ,", "So beautiful besides , and yet so stately \u2014\u2014", "Nay ! to my poor fancy", "The royal court would seem an earthly heaven ,", "Made for such stars to shine in , and be gracious . 45", "Yes , madam ! he was there . So was the maypole ,", "For we danced round it .", "Because 55", "My own dear lady wished it ! \u2018 twas you asked me !", "Oh , yes ! It is a wife 's chief duty , madam ! 60", "To stand in awe of her husband , and obey him ,", "And , I am sure , I never shall see Laska", "But I shall tremble .", "Oh , madam ! there 's a party of your servants , 75", "And my lord 's steward , Laska , at their head ,", "Have come to search for old Bathory 's son ,", "Bethlen , that brave young man ! \u2018 twas he , my lady ,", "That took our parts , and beat off the intruders ,", "And in mere spite and malice , now they charge him 80", "With bad words of Lord Casimir and the king .", "Pray do n't believe them , madam ! This way ! This way !", "Lady Sarolta 's here .\u2014", "Yes ! good old man ! 110", "My lady ! pray believe him !", "Pardon ! pardon , madam !", "I saw the whole affray . The good old man", "Means no offence , sweet lady !\u2014 You , yourself , 130", "Laska ! know well , that these men were the ruffians !", "Shame on you !", "Laska ! Laska ! Is my lady gone ?", "Have you yet seen him ? 180", "Is he returned ?", "Whom ?", "Your fears , at least ,", "Were real , Laska ! or your trembling limbs", "And white cheeks played the hypocrites most vilely ! 190", "I know what I should fear ,", "Were I in Laska 's place .", "My own conscience ,", "For having fed my jealousy and envy", "With a plot , made out of other men 's revenges ,", "Against a brave and innocent young man 's life ! 195", "Yet , yet , pray tell me !", "Would I could find my lady ! though she chid me \u2014", "Yet this suspense \u2014", "Ay , as the old song says ,", "Calm as a tiger , valiant as a dove . 200", "Nay now , I have marred the verse : well ! this one question \u2014", "Halt ! that 's two questions .", "Question meet question : that 's a woman 's privilege ,", "Why , Laska , did you urge Lord Casimir", "To make my lady force that promise from me ? 210", "Could I look up to her dear countenance ,", "And say her nay ? As far back as I wot of", "All her commands were gracious , sweet requests .", "How could it be then , but that her requests 215", "Must needs have sounded to me as commands ?", "And as for love , had I a score of loves ,", "I 'd keep them all for my dear , kind , good mistress .", "Oh ! that 's a different thing .", "To be sure he 's brave , and handsome , and so pious 220", "To his good old father . But for loving him \u2014", "Nay , there , indeed you are mistaken , Laska !", "Poor youth ! I rather think I grieve for him ;", "For I sigh so deeply when I think of him !", "And if I see him , the tears come in my eyes , 225", "And my heart beats ; and all because I dreamt", "That the war-wolf", "had gored him as he hunted", "In the haunted forest !", "No , not my master yet , 240", "But only is to be ; and all , because", "Two years ago my lady asked me , and", "I promised her , not him ; and if she 'll let me ,", "I 'll hate you , my lord 's steward .", "Yes , I do , Bethlen ; for he just now brought 245", "False witnesses to swear away your life :", "Your life , and old Bathory 's too .", "Oh , heed not him ! I saw you pressing onward ,", "And did but feign alarm . Dear gallant youth , 250", "It is your life they seek !", "Alas ,", "Lady Sarolta even \u2014", "Oh that she did ! she could not then have spoken", "With such stern countenance . But though she spurn me ,", "I will kneel , Bethlen \u2014", "Rash words , \u2018 tis said , and treasonous of the king .", "Glycine", "So looks the statue , in our hall , o \u2019 the god ,", "The shaft just flown that killed the serpent !", "Ah , often have I wished you were a king . 260", "You would protect the helpless every where ,", "As you did us . And I , too , should not then", "Grieve for you , Bethlen , as I do ; nor have", "The tears come in my eyes ; nor dream bad dreams", "That you were killed in the forest ; and then Laska 265", "Would have no right to rail at me , nor say", "that I \u2014 I love you .", "Hist ! \u2018 tis my lady 's step ! She must not see you !", "Pardon , pardon , Madam !", "If you but saw the old man 's son , you would not ,", "You could not have him harmed .", "No , I shall break my heart .", "Old Bathory \u2014", "My lady does not mock me ?", "Nothing . In his fear \u2014", "Anger , I mean \u2014 stole off \u2014 I am so fluttered \u2014", "Left me abruptly \u2014", "The saints bless you !", "Shame on my graceless heart ! How dared I fear , 295", "Lady Sarolta could be cruel ?", "O , \u2018 tis so full here !", "And now it can not harm him if I tell you ,", "That the old man 's son \u2014", "O tell \u2014", "Bethlen", "Yes , tell me , Shape from heaven !", "Who is my father ?", "Sarolta", "Thine ? Thy father ? Rise !", "Alas ! He hath alarmed you , my dear lady ! 310", "Rise , Bethlen ! Rise !", "Madam , that wood is haunted by the war-wolves ,", "Vampires , and monstrous \u2014\u2014", "Alas ! thou art bewildered ,", "And dost forget thou wert a helpless infant !", "Dearest Bethlen !", "I would that you could weep like me ! O do not", "Gaze so upon the air !", "Bethlen !", "Must he leave us ?", "Oh , let me fly 450", "And stop him ! Mangled limbs do there lie scattered", "Till the lured eagle bears them to her nest .", "And voices have been heard ! And there the plant grows", "That being eaten gives the inhuman wizard", "Power to put on the fell hy\u00e6na 's shape . 455", "O chide me not , dear lady ; question Laska ,", "Or the old man .", "Three days past", "A courier from the king did cross that wood ;", "A wilful man , that armed himself on purpose :", "And never hath been heard of from that time ! 465", "\u2018 Tis the sound of horns ! Our huntsmen are not out !", "Still louder !", "No . . . heart . SaroltaHa ! & c . 1817 , 1828 , 1829 .O , \u2018 tis so full here . 1817 , 1828 , 1829 .not 1817 , 1828 , 1829 .thee 1817 , 1828 , 1829 .GlycineO tell \u2014 BethlenYes , & c . 1817 , 1828 , 1829 ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Heard you then aught while I was slumbering ?", "O for a sleep , for sleep itself to rest in !", "I dream 'd I had met with food beneath a tree , 5", "And I was seeking you , when all at once", "My feet became entangled in a net :", "Still more entangled as in rage I tore it .", "At length I freed myself , had sight of you ,", "But as I hastened eagerly , again 10", "I found my frame encumbered : a huge serpent", "Twined round my chest , but tightest round my throat .", "And now I saw you by a shrivelled child", "Strangely pursued . You did not fly , yet neither 15", "Touched you the ground , methought , but close above it", "Did seem to shoot yourself along the air ,", "And as you passed me , turned your face and shrieked .", "Nay ! what ails you ?", "Cheerly ! The dusk", "Will quickly shroud us . Ere the moon be up ,", "Trust me I 'll bring thee food !", "Yet be thou comforted ! What ! had'st thou faith 40", "When I turned back incredulous ? \u2018 Twas thy light", "That kindled mine . And shall it now go out ,", "And leave thy soul in darkness ? Yet look up ,", "And think thou see'st thy sainted lord commissioned", "And on his way to aid us ! Whence those late dreams , 45", "Which after such long interval of hopeless", "And silent resignation all at once", "Night after night commanded thy return", "Hither ? and still presented in clear vision", "This wood as in a scene ? this very cavern ? 50", "Thou darest not doubt that Heaven 's especial hand", "Worked in those signs . The hour of thy deliverance", "Is on the stroke :\u2014 for misery can not add", "Grief to thy griefs , or patience to thy sufferance !", "Hark ! heard you not", "A distant chaunt ? 65", "SONG", "By GLYCINE", "A sunny shaft did I behold ,", "From sky to earth it slanted :", "And poised therein a bird so bold \u2014", "Sweet bird , thou wert enchanted !", "He sank , he rose , he twinkled , he trolled 70", "Within that shaft of sunny mist ;", "His eyes of fire , his beak of gold ,", "All else of amethyst !", "And thus he sang : \u2018 Adieu ! adieu !", "Love 's dreams prove seldom true . 75", "The blossoms , they make no delay :", "The sparkling dew-drops will not stay .", "Sweet month of May ,", "We must away ;", "Far , far away ! 80", "To-day ! to-day ! \u2019", "It is a maiden 's voice ! quick to the cave !", "She must not enter", "The cavern , else I will remain unseen !", "Swear then by all thy hopes , by all thy fears \u2014 110", "Swear secrecy and silence !", "Tell what thou art , and what thou seekest ?", "Wherefore in this wood ?", "With what intention came he ? Would'st thou save him , 115 Hide nothing !", "Human ? With what design ?", "She would fain believe it ,", "Weak though the proofs be . Hope draws towards itself", "The flame with which it kindles .", "Emerick ?", "Withdraw thy foot ! Retract thine idle spear ,", "And wait obedient !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I do perceive thou hast a tender conscience ,", "Laska , in all things that concern thine own", "Interest or safety .", "Perchance , thou think'st it strange , that I of all men 5", "Should covet thus the love of fair Sarolta ,", "Dishonouring Casimir ?", "Perchance , thou hast heard that Casimir is my friend ,", "Fought for me , yea , for my sake , set at nought 10", "A parent 's blessing ; braved a father 's curse ?", "Laska", "Would I but knew now , what his Majesty meant !", "Oh yes , Sire ! \u2018 tis our common talk , how Lord", "Kiuprili , my Lord 's father \u2014", "\u2018 Tis your talk ,", "Is it , good statesman Laska ?", "Well , \u2018 tis a loyal monster if he rids us 20", "Of traitors ! But art sure the youth 's devoured ?", "Thou followed'st her", "Into the wood ?", "Made thee shake like a leaf !", "Most marvellous !", "Enough !", "And take , friend , this advice . When next thou tonguest it ,", "Hold constant to thy exploit with this monster ,", "And leave untouched your common talk aforesaid ,", "What your Lord did , or should have done .", "And this then was thy talk ? While knave and coward , 40", "Both strong within thee , wrestle for the uppermost ,", "In slips the fool and takes the place of both .", "Babbler ! Lord Casimir did , as thou and all men .", "He loved himself , loved honours , wealth , dominion .", "All these were set upon a father 's head : 45", "Good truth ! a most unlucky accident !", "For he but wished to hit the prize ; not graze", "The head that bore it : so with steady eye", "Off flew the parricidal arrow .\u2014 Even", "As Casimir loved Emerick , Emerick 50", "Loves Casimir , intends him no dishonour .", "He winked not then , for love of me forsooth !", "For love of me now let him wink ! Or if", "The dame prove half as wise as she is fair ,", "He may still pass his hand , and find all smooth . 55", "Thee !", "\u2018 Tis well ! and more than meant . For by my faith", "I had half forgotten thee .\u2014 Thou hast the key ?", "Here ! This purse is but an earnest of thy fortune ,", "If thou prov'st faithful . But if thou betrayest me ,", "Hark you !\u2014 the wolf that shall drag thee to his den", "Shall be no fiction .", "Friend !", "Who in good hour hath startled these dark fancies ,", "Rapacious traitors , that would fain depose", "Joy , love , and beauty , from their natural thrones :", "Those lips , those angel eyes , that regal forehead . 265", "Sarolta 's love ;", "And Emerick 's power lies prostrate at her feet .", "Chiefly from me .", "Has he not like an ingrate robbed my court", "Of Beauty 's star , and kept my heart in darkness ?", "First then on him I will administer justice \u2014", "If not in mercy , yet in love and rapture . 280", "Call louder ! Scream again ! Here 's none can hear you !", "Nay , why this rage ? Who best deserves you ? Casimir ,", "Emerick 's bought implement , the jealous slave", "That mews you up with bolts and bars ? or Emerick 285", "Who proffers you a throne ? Nay , mine you shall be .", "Hence with this fond resistance ! Yield ; then live", "This month a widow , and the next a queen !", "Ha ! Ha ! a dagger ; 290", "A seemly ornament for a lady 's casket !", "\u2018 Tis held , devotion is akin to love ,", "But yours is tragic ! Love in war ! It charms me ,", "And makes your beauty worth a king 's embraces !", "Pish ! who is this ?", "Insolent slave ! Depart", "Know'st thou not me ?", "The king will play the devil with thee indeed ! But that I mean to hear thee howl on the rack , I would debase this sword , and lay thee prostrate At this thy paramour 's feet ; then drag her forth 310 Stained with adulterous blood , and \u2014 \u2014 mark you , traitress ! Strumpeted first , then turned adrift to beggary ! Thou prayed'st for't too .", "Ah ! treason !", "Thou hast been lessoned and tricked up for this !", "As surely as the wax on thy death-warrant 320", "Shall take the impression of this royal signet ,", "So plain thy face hath ta'en the mask of rebel !", "Deceived , dishonored lord ! 335", "Ask thou yon fair adultress ! She will tell thee", "A tale , which would'st thou be both dupe and traitor ,", "Thou wilt believe against thy friend and sovereign !", "Thou art present now , and a friend 's duty ceases :", "To thine own justice leave I thine own wrongs . 340", "Of half thy vengeance I perforce must rob thee ,", "For that the sovereign claims . To thy allegiance", "I now commit this traitor and assassin .", "Hence with him to the dungeon ! and to-morrow ,", "Ere the sun rises ,\u2014 Hark ! your heads or his ! 345", "Who speaks to him dies ! The traitor that has menaced", "His king , must not pollute the breathing air ,", "Even with a word !", "Casimir", "Hence with him to the dungeon !", "We hunt to-morrow in your upland forest : 350", "Thou", "wilt attend us : and wilt then explain", "This sudden and most fortunate arrival ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["This needs must be the spot ! O , here he comes !", "Enter LORD RUDOLPH .", "Well met , Lord Rudolph !\u2014\u2014", "Your whisper was not lost upon my ear ,", "And I dare trust \u2014", "I did so !", "Yes ; and met", "The assembled huntsmen !", "The word for me was this :\u2014 The royal Leopard", "Chases thy milk-white dedicated Hind . 10", "As the word proves false or true", "Will Casimir cross the hunt , or join the huntsmen !", "It did , and therefore Have I sent back both pledge and invitation . The spotless Hind hath fled to them for shelter , 15 And bears with her my seal of fellowship !", "O he received it", "As evidence of their mutual guilt . In fine , 20", "With cozening warmth condoled with , and dismissed me .", "This nook is at the furthest", "From any beaten track .", "Laska !", "Mark yonder mass ! I make it wear the shape Of a huge ram that butts with head depressed . 45 Lord RudolphBelike , some stray sheep of the oozy flock , Which , if bards lie not , the Sea-shepherds tend , Glaucus or Proteus . But my fancy shapes it A monster couchant on a rocky shelf .", "Mark too the edges of the lurid mass \u2014 50", "Restless , as if some idly-vexing Sprite ,", "On swift wing coasting by , with tetchy hand", "Pluck 'd at the ringlets of the vaporous Fleece .", "These are sure signs of conflict nigh at hand ,", "And elemental war !", "Oft as thou canst , essay to lead the hunt", "Hard by the forest-skirts ; and ere high noon", "Expect our sworn confederates from Temeswar . 65", "I trust , ere yet this clouded sun slopes westward ,", "That Emerick 's death , or Casimir 's , will appease", "The manes of Zapolya and Kiuprili !", "put forth these hands to raise 85", "The ark , all sacred , of thy country 's cause ?", "Look down in pity on thy son , Kiuprili !", "And let this deep abhorrence of his crime ,", "Unstained with selfish fears , be his atonement !", "O strengthen him to nobler compensation 90", "In the deliverance of his bleeding country !", "Scene changes to the mouth of a Cavern , as in Act II . ZAPOLYA and", "GLYCINE discovered .", "Monster ! Thou shalt not now escape me !", "Art thou too a traitor ?", "Is this the place where Emerick 's murderers lurk ?", "Say where is he that , tricked in this disguise , 250", "First lured me on , then scared my dastard followers ?", "Thou must have seen him . Say where is th \u2019 assassin ?", "Strange providence ! what then was he who fled me ? Thy looks speak fearful things ! Whither , old man ! Would thy hand point me ?", "The curse ! the curse ! Open and swallow me ,", "Unsteady earth ! Fall , dizzy rocks ! and hide me ! 260", "Thou art Heaven 's immediate minister , dread spirit !", "O for sweet mercy , take some other form ,", "And save me from perdition and despair !", "Lives ! A father 's curse can never die ! 265", "I kneel , I kneel !", "Retract thy curse ! O , by my mother 's ashes ,", "Have pity on thy self-abhorring child !", "If not for me , yet for my innocent wife , 270", "Yet for my country 's sake , give my arm strength ,", "Permitting me again to call thee father !", "Then have at thee , tyrant !", "Hear , hear , my Father !", "Thou should'st have witnessed thine own deed . O Father ,", "Wake from that envious swoon ! The tyrant 's fallen !", "Thy sword hath conquered ! As I lifted it", "Thy blessing did indeed descend upon me ; 305", "Dislodging the dread curse . It flew forth from me", "And lighted on the tyrant !", "Enter RUDOLPH , BATHORY , and Attendants .", "Rudolph and Bathory . Friends ! friends to Casimir !", "Rejoice , Illyrians ! the usurper 's fallen .", "Bear hence the body , and move slowly on !", "One moment \u2014\u2014", "Devoted to a joy , that bears no witness ,", "I follow you , and we will greet our countrymen", "With the two best and fullest gifts of heaven \u2014 315", "A tyrant fallen , a patriot chief restored !", "Chef Ragozzi !", "O shame upon my head ! I would have given her", "To a base slave !", "Mark too , the edges of yon lurid mass ! Restless and vext , as if some angering hand , With fitful , tetchy snatch , unrolled and pluck 'd The jetting ringlets of the vaporous fleece ! These are sure signs of conflict nigh at hand , And elemental war ! 1817-1851 .]Which , as Poets tell us , the Sea-Shepherds tend , Notebook 20 .my 1828 , 1829 .Neighs at the gate . 1817 , 1828 , 1829 .That but oppressed me hitherto , now scares me . You will ken Bethlen ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 943, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Drip ! drip ! drip ! drip !\u2014 in such a place as this It has nothing else to do but drip ! drip ! drip ! I wish it had not dripp 'd upon my torch . Faith \u2018 twas a moving letter \u2014 very moving ! His life in danger \u2014 no place safe but this . 5 \u2018 Twas his turn now to talk of gratitude ! And yet \u2014 but no ! there can n't be such a villain . It cannot be ! Thanks to that little cranny Which lets the moonlight in ! I 'll go and sit by it . To peep at a tree , or see a he-goat 's beard , 10 Or hear a cow or two breathe loud in their sleep , \u2018 Twere better than this dreary noise of water-drops !returns after a minute 's elapse in an ecstasy of fear . A hellish pit ! O God \u2014 \u2018 tis like my night-mair ! I was just in !\u2014 and those damn 'd fingers of ice Which clutch 'd my hair up ! Ha ! what 's that ? it moved ! 15", "I swear , I saw a something moving there ! The moonshine came and went , like a flash of lightning . I swear , I saw it move !", "You see that little cranny ? But first permit me ,", "I walk 'd up to it , meaning to sit there .", "When I had reach 'd it within twenty paces \u2014\u2014", "Merciful Heaven ! Do go , my lord ! and look . 30", "If every atom of a dead man 's flesh Should move , each one with a particular life , Yet all as cold as ever \u2014 \u2018 twas just so ! Or if it drizzled needle-points of frost 35 Upon a feverish head made suddenly bald \u2014 OsorioWhy , Ferdinand ! I blush for thy cowardice . It would have startled any man , I grant thee . But such a panic .", "When a boy , my lord !", "I could have sat whole hours beside that chasm , 40", "Push 'd in huge stones and heard them thump and rattle", "Against its horrid sides ; and hung my head", "Low down , and listen 'd till the heavy fragments", "Sunk , with faint crash , in that still groaning well ,", "Which never thirsty pilgrim blest , which never 45", "A living thing came near ; unless , perchance ,", "Some blind-worm battens on the ropy mould ,", "Close at its edge .", "Call him that fears his fellow-men a coward .", "I fear not man . But this inhuman cavern 50", "It were too bad a prison-house for goblins .", "Besides", "but true it is ,", "My last night 's sleep was very sorely haunted", "By what had pass 'd between us in the morning .", "I saw you in a thousand hideous ways , 55", "And doz 'd and started , doz 'd again and started .", "I do entreat your lordship to believe me ,", "In my last dream \u2014\u2014", "I was in the act", "Of falling down that chasm , when Alhadra", "Waked me . She heard my heart beat !", "Never , my lord !", "But my eyes do not see it now more clearly", "Than in my dream I saw that very chasm .", "What is , my lord ?", "Except in self-defence .", "Something doth trouble you .", "How can I serve you ? By the life you gave me , 70", "By all that makes that life of value to me ,", "My wife , my babes , my honour , I swear to you ,", "Name it , and I will toil to do the thing ,", "If it be innocent ! But this , my lord !", "Is not a place where you could perpetrate , 75", "No , nor propose a wicked thing . The darkness", "Collects the guilt and crowds it round the heart .", "It must be innocent .", "Who ? when ? my lord .", "What ? he was mad ?", "Ah , poor wretch ! Madmen are mostly proud .", "I have a prattler three years old , my lord !", "In truth he is my darling . As I went", "From forth my door , he made a moan in sleep \u2014", "But I am talking idly \u2014 pray go on !", "And what did this man ?", "I would , my lord , you were by my fireside !", "I 'd listen to you with an eager eye ,", "Tho \u2019 you began this cloudy tale at midnight .", "But I do listen \u2014 pray proceed , my lord !", "He of whom you tell the tale \u2014 115", "Ah ! what of him , my lord ?", "A dark tale darkly finish 'd ! Nay , my lord ! 130", "Tell what he did .", "Osorio", "That which his wisdom prompted .", "He made the traitor meet him in this cavern ,", "And here he kill 'd the traitor .", "No !\u2014 the fool .", "He had not wit enough to be a traitor .", "Poor thick-eyed beetle ! not to have foreseen 135", "That he , who gull 'd thee with a whimper 'd lie", "To murder his own brother , would not scruple", "To murder thee , if e'er his guilt grew jealous", "And he could steal upon thee in the dark !", "O yes , my lord ! 140", "I would have met him arm 'd , and scared the coward !", "And all my little ones fatherless ! Die thou first .FerdinandStill I can strangle thee !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Heart-chilling Superstition ! thou canst glaze", "Ev'n Pity 's eye with her own frozen tear .", "In vain I urge the tortures that await him :", "Even Selma , reverend guardian of my childhood ,", "My second mother , shuts her heart against me !", "Well , I have won from her what most imports", "The present need , this secret of the dungeon", "Known only to herself .\u2014 A Moor ! a Sorcerer !", "No , I have faith , that nature ne'er permitted", "Baseness to wear a form so noble . True ,", "I doubt not , that Ordonio had suborned him", "To act some part in some unholy fraud ;", "As little doubt , that for some unknown purpose", "He hath baffled his suborner , terror-struck him ,", "And that Ordonio meditates revenge !", "But my resolve is fixed ! myself will rescue him ,", "And learn if haply he knew aught of Alvar .", "The horror of their ghastly punishments", "Doth so o'ertop the height of all compassion ,", "That I should feel too little for mine enemy ,", "If it were possible I could feel more ,", "Even though the dearest inmates of our household", "Were doom 'd to suffer them . That such things are \u2014", "Remorse .", "Maria . \u2018 Tis strange ] Teresa . \u2018 Tis said MS. III .", "Foster-Mother ] Selma Corr . in MS. III .", "O honor 'd Selma ! this strange man has left me", "Wilder 'd with stranger fancies than yon moon", "My honoured lord ,", "These were my Alvar 's lessons , and whene'er", "I bend me o'er his portrait , I repeat them ,", "As if to give a voice to the mute image .", "O grief ! to hear Hateful intreaties from a voice we love ! Enter a PEASANT and presents a letter to VALDEZ . Valdez\u2018 He dares not venture hither ! \u2019 Why what can this mean ? \u2018 Lest the Familiars of the Inquisition , That watch around my gates , should intercept him ; But he conjures me , that without delay I hasten to him \u2014 for my own sake entreats me To guard from danger him I hold imprison 'd \u2014 He will reveal a secret , the joy of which Will even outweigh the sorrow . \u2019 \u2014 Why what can this be ? Perchance it is some Moorish stratagem , To have in me a hostage for his safety . Nay , that they dare not ! Ho ! collect my servants ! I will go thither \u2014 let them arm themselves . TeresaThe moon is high in heaven , and all is hush 'd . Yet anxious listener ! I have seem 'd to hear A low dead thunder mutter thro \u2019 the night , As \u2018 twere a giant angry in his sleep . O Alvar ! Alvar ! & c . Remorse .And all his wealth perhaps come to the Church MS. III . erased .evening-tide ] eventide Remorse .om . Remorse .And this majestic Moor , seems he not one Who oft and long communing with my Alvar , Hath drunk in kindred lustre from his presence , And guides me to him with reflected light ? What if in yon dark dungeon coward treachery Be groping for him with envenomed poniard \u2014 Hence womanish fears , traitors to love and duty \u2014 I 'll free him ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Yon hanging woods , that touch 'd by autumn seem As they were blossoming hues of fire and gold ; { The hanging Act V , l. 41 . { The flower-like woods , most lovely in decay , The many clouds , the sea , the rock , the sands , Lie in the silent moonshine : and the owl ,the scritch-owl only wakes ! Sole voice , sole eye of all this world of beauty ! Unless , perhaps , she sing her screeching song To a herd of wolves , that skulk athirst for blood . Why such a thing am I ?\u2014 Where are these men ? I need the sympathy of human faces , To beat away this deep contempt for all things , Which quenches my revenge . O ! would to Alla , The raven , or the sea-mew , were appointed To bring me food ! or rather that my soul Could drink in life from the universal air ! It were a lot divine in some small skiff Along some Ocean 's boundless solitude , To float for ever with a careless course , And think myself the only being alive .My children !\u2014 Isidore 's children !\u2014 Son of Valdez , This hath new strung mine arm . Thou coward tyrant ! To stupify a woman 's heart with anguish , Till she forgot \u2014 even that she was a mother !Remorse .the ] these Remorse .spell-blasted ] spell-blasted Remorse .Stage-direction om . Remorse .All ] All Morescoes . Remorse .One to Another ] One MorescoeRemorse .Murder ? Not murder 'd ? Remorse .AlhadraRemorse .house ] sons MS. III . Wet with the life-blood of the son of Valdez Remorse .Enter Warville . MS. III .Ordonio was your chieftain 's murderer Remorse .Erased MS. III .om . Remorse .Erased MS. III .Stage-direction AllRemorse .Alhadra . This night your chieftain armed himself Remorse .and erased : Naomi . Proceed , proceed , Alhadra . Alhadra . Yestermorning He stood before our house , startful and gloomy , And stirr 'd up fierce dispute with Ferdinand , I saw him when the vehement Gripe of Conscience Had wrenched his features to a visible agony . When he was gone Ferdinand sighed out \u2018 Villain \u2019 And spake no other word . WarvilleThe brother of Albert .", "I scarce can tell thee ! For my many thoughts", "Troubled me , till with blank and naked mind", "I only listen 'd to the dashing billows . 20", "It seems to me , I could have closed my eyes", "And wak 'd without a dream of what has pass 'd ;", "So well it counterfeited quietness ,", "This wearied heart of mine !", "Would to Heaven", "That it had brought its last and certain cure !", "That ruin in the wood .", "On that broad wall", "I saw a skull ; a poppy grew beside it ,", "There was a ghastly solace in the sight !", "Children ? Whose children ?", "Son of Velez ,", "This hath new-strung my arm ! Thou coward tyrant ,", "To stupify a woman 's heart with anguish , 60", "Till she forgot even that she was a mother !", "Blaspheming fool ! the law of Mahomet 85", "Was given by him , who framed the soul of man .", "This the best proof \u2014 it fits the soul of man !", "Ambition , glory , thirst of enterprize ,", "The deep and stubborn purpose of revenge ,", "With all the boiling revelries of pleasure \u2014 90", "These grow in the heart , yea , intertwine their roots", "With its minutest fibres ! And that Being", "Who made us , laughs to scorn the lying faith ,", "Whose puny precepts , like a wall of sand ,", "Would stem the full tide of predestined Nature ! 95", "Naomi", "Speak !", "All", "Speak !", "Is the murderer of your chieftain dead ?", "Now as God liveth , who hath suffer 'd him", "To make my children orphans , none shall die", "Till I have seen his blood !", "Off with him to the vessel !", "The Tyger , that with unquench 'd cruelty , 100", "Still thirsts for blood , leaps on the hunter 's spear", "With prodigal courage . \u2018 Tis not so with man .", "Scatter yourselves , take each a separate way , 105", "And move in silence to the house of Velez .", "My husband \u2014\u2014", "Why didst thou leave his children ? 275 Demon ! thou shouldst have sent thy dogs of hell To lap their blood . Then , then , I might have harden 'd My soul in misery , and have had comfort . I would have stood far off , quiet tho \u2019 dark , And bade the race of men raise up a mourning 280 For the deep horror of a desolation Too great to be one soul 's particular lot ! Brother of Zagri ! let me lean upon thee .The time is not yet come for woman 's anguish \u2014 I have not seen his blood . Within an hour 285 Those little ones will crowd around and ask me , Where is our father ?", "Thou art young and innocent ; 290", "\u2018 Twere merciful to kill thee ! Yet I will not .", "And for thy sake none of this house shall perish ,", "Save only he .", "And is it then 295", "An enviable lot to waste away", "With inward wounds , and like the spirit of chaos", "To wander on disquietly thro \u2019 the earth ,", "Cursing all lovely things ? to let him live \u2014", "It were a deep revenge !", "All the band cry out \u2014 No mercy ! no mercy ! 300", "Nay , bear him forth ! Why should this innocent maid", "Behold the ugliness of death ?", "Osorio", "O woman !", "I have stood silent like a slave", "before thee ,", "That I might taste the wormwood and the gall ,", "And satiate this self-accusing spirit 305", "With bitterer agonies than death can give .", "I thank thee , Heaven ! thou hast ordain 'd it wisely , That still extremes bring their own cure . That point In misery which makes the oppressed man Regardless of his own life , makes him too 310 Lord of the oppressor 's ! Knew I an hundred men Despairing , but not palsied by despair , This arm should shake the kingdoms of this world ; The deep foundations of iniquity Should sink away , earth groaning from beneath them ; 315 The strong holds of the cruel men should fall , Their temples and their mountainous towers should fall ; Till desolation seem 'd a beautiful thing , And all that were and had the spirit of life Sang a new song to him who had gone forth 320 Conquering and still to conquer ! THE ENDFOOTNOTES :In MS. II \u2018 worm \u2019 has the place of \u2018 slave \u2019 , which is the word in MS . I .On a blank page of MS. III some one , probably Bowles , has written :\u2014 \u2018 Upon the whole a very masterly production , and with judicious contractments might be rendered an interesting Drama on the stage . \u2019 LINENOTES :om . Remorse .The hanging ] Yon pendent Corr . in MS. III .hanging ] { pendent { flowerlike", "Why had he such a son ?", "Rescue ?\u2014 and Isidore 's spirit unavenged ?\u2014", "The deed be mine !", "Ordonio", "Atonement !", "Alvar", "Arm of avenging Heaven", "Thou hast snatched from me my most cherished hope \u2014", "But go ! my word was pledged to thee ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ye have come late \u2014 but ye are come ! The distance ,", "Count Isolan , excuses your delay .", "Just in time to banquet", "The illustrious company assembled here . 10", "We have the Colonels here of thirty regiments .", "You 'll find Count Tertsky here , and Tiefenbach ,", "Kolatto , Goetz , Maradas , Hinnersam ,", "The Piccolomini , both son and father \u2014\u2014", "You 'll meet with many an unexpected greeting 20", "From many an old friend and acquaintance . Only", "Galas is wanting still , and Altringer .", "How so ? Do you know \u2014\u2014", "You 'll see him yet ere evening . He conducts 35", "The Duchess Friedland hither , and the Princess", "From Carnthen . We expect them here at noon .", "And you ?\u2014 You hold out firmly ? Noble Butler !", "I had forgotten", "A pleasant duty \u2014 Major-General ,", "I wish you joy !", "Ay , if we would but so consider it !\u2014", "If we would all of us consider it so ! 70", "The Emperor gives us nothing ; from the Duke", "Comes all \u2014 whate'er we hope , whate'er we have .", "Isolani", "My noble brother ! did I tell you how", "The Duke will satisfy my creditors ?", "Will be himself my banker for the future , 75", "Make me once more a creditable man !\u2014", "And this is now the third time , think of that !", "This kingly-minded man has rescued me", "From absolute ruin , and restored my honour .", "O that his power but kept pace with his wishes ! 80", "Why , friend ! he 'd give the whole world to his soldiers .", "But at Vienna , brother ! here 's the grievance !\u2014", "What politic schemes do they not lay to shorten", "His arm , and , where they can , to clip his pinions .", "Then these new dainty requisitions ! these , 85", "Which this same Questenberg brings hither !\u2014", "Not from his right most surely , unless first", "\u2014 From office !", "No more !", "Yonder I see our worthy friend", "approaching", "With the Lieutenant-General , Piccolomini ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ay , ay ! more still ! Still more new visitors !", "Acknowledge , friend ! that never was a camp ,", "Which held at once so many heads of heroes .", "Welcome , Count Isolani !", "And Colonel Butler \u2014 trust me , I rejoice Thus to renew acquaintance with a man Whose worth and services I know and honour . See , see , my friend ! There might we place at once before our eyes 10 The sum of war 's whole trade and mystery \u2014These two the total sum \u2014 Strength and Dispatch . QuestenbergAnd lo ! betwixt them both experienced Prudence ! OctavioThe Chamberlain and War-commissioner Questenberg , The bearer of the Emperor 's behests , 15 The long-tried friend and patron of all soldiers , We honour in this noble visitor .", "My noble friend ,", "This is no more than a remembrancing 135", "That you are now in camp , and among warriors .", "The soldier 's boldness constitutes his freedom .", "Could he act daringly , unless he dared", "Talk even so ? One runs into the other .", "The boldness of this worthy officer ,", "Then my son Max too has returned . \u2018 Twas he", "Fetched and attended them from Carnthen hither . 150", "Isolani", "Shall we not go in company to greet them ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What have I not been forced to hear , Octavio ! What sentiments ! what fierce , uncurbed defiance ! And were this spirit universal \u2014", "Where must we seek then for a second host 5", "To have the custody of this ? That Illo", "Thinks worse , I fear me , than he speaks . And then", "This Butler too \u2014 he cannot even conceal", "The passionate workings of his ill intentions .", "Friend , friend !", "O ! this is worse , far worse , than we had suffered", "Ourselves to dream of at Vienna . There 15", "We saw it only with a courtier 's eyes ,", "Eyes dazzled by the splendour of the throne .", "We had not seen the War-Chief , the Commander ,", "The man all-powerful in his camp . Here , here ,", "\u2018 Tis quite another thing . 20", "Here is no Emperor more \u2014 the Duke is Emperor .", "Alas , my friend ! alas , my noble friend !", "This walk which you have ta'en me through the camp", "Strikes my hopes prostrate .", "Where was our reason sleeping when we trusted 30", "This madman with the sword , and placed such power", "In such a hand ? I tell you , he 'll refuse ,", "Flatly refuse , to obey the Imperial orders .", "Friend , he can do \u2018 t , and what he can , he will .", "And then the impunity of his defiance \u2014 35", "O ! what a proclamation of our weakness !", "How shall we hold footing", "Beneath this tempest , which collects itself 45", "And threats us from all quarters ? The enemy", "Of the empire on our borders , now already", "The master of the Danube , and still farther ,", "And farther still , extending every hour !", "In our interior the alarum-bells 50", "Of insurrection \u2014 peasantry in arms \u2014\u2014", "All orders discontented \u2014 and the army ,", "Just in the moment of our expectation", "Of aidance from it \u2014 lo ! this very army", "Seduced , run wild , lost to all discipline , 55", "Loosened , and rent asunder from the state", "And from their sovereign , the blind instrument", "Of the most daring of mankind , a weapon", "Of fearful power , which at his will he wields !", "\u2018 Tis quite 75", "Incomprehensible , that he detects not", "The foe so near !", "It is the visible ordinance of heaven .", "You lead your son into the secret ?", "What ? and not warn him either what bad hands 110", "His lot has placed him in ?", "My honoured friend ! most highly do I deem", "Of Colonel Piccolomini \u2014 yet \u2014 if \u2014\u2014", "Reflect a little \u2014\u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ha ! there he is himself . Welcome , my father ! You are engaged , I see . I 'll not disturb you .", "Von Questenberg !\u2014 Welcome \u2014 if you bring with you", "Aught good to our head quarters .", "Questenberg", "Nay , draw not", "Your hand away , Count Piccolomini !", "Not on mine own account alone I seized it ,", "And nothing common will I say therewith . 10", "Octavio \u2014 Max Piccolomini !", "O saviour names , and full of happy omen !", "Ne'er will her prosperous genius turn from Austria ,", "While two such stars , with blessed influences", "Beaming protection , shine above her hosts . 15", "Heh !\u2014 Noble minister ! You miss your part .", "You came not here to act a panegyric .", "You 're sent , I know , to find fault and to scold us \u2014", "I must not be beforehand with my comrades .", "What now have they contrived to find out in him ?", "That he alone determines for himself", "What he himself alone doth understand ?", "Well , therein he does right , and will persist in \u2018 t. 25", "Heaven never meant him for that passive thing", "That can be struck and hammered out to suit", "Another 's taste and fancy . He 'll not dance", "To every tune of every minister .", "It goes against his nature \u2014 he can n't do it . 30", "He is possessed by a commanding spirit ,", "And his too is the station of command .", "And well for us it is so ! There exist", "Few fit to rule themselves , but few that use", "Their intellects intelligently .\u2014 Then 35", "Well for the whole , if there be found a man ,", "Who makes himself what nature destined him ,", "The pause , the central point to thousand thousands \u2014", "Stands fixed and stately , like a firm-built column ,", "Where all may press with joy and confidence . 40", "Now such a man is Wallenstein ; and if", "Another better suits the court \u2014 no other", "But such a one as he can serve the army .", "In their distress", "They call a spirit up , and when he comes ,", "Straight their flesh creeps and quivers , and they dread him", "More than the ills for which they called him up .", "The uncommon , the sublime , must seem and be 50", "Like things of every day .\u2014 But in the field ,", "Aye , there the Present Being makes itself felt .", "The personal must command , the actual eye", "Examine . If to be the chieftain asks", "All that is great in nature , let it be 55", "Likewise his privilege to move and act", "In all the correspondencies of greatness .", "The oracle within him , that which lives ,", "He must invoke and question \u2014 not dead books ,", "Not ordinances , not mould-rotted papers . 60", "O let the Emperor make peace , my father !", "Most gladly would I give the blood-stained laurel", "For the first violet", "of the leafless spring ,", "Plucked in those quiet fields where I have journeyed !", "Peace have I ne'er beheld ? I have beheld it .", "From thence am I come hither : O ! that sight ,", "It glimmers still before me , like some landscape", "Left in the distance ,\u2014 some delicious landscape !", "My road conducted me through countries where 110", "The war has not yet reached . Life , life , my father \u2014", "My venerable father , life has charms", "Which we have ne'er experienced . We have been", "But voyaging along its barren coasts ,", "Like some poor ever-roaming horde of pirates , 115", "That , crowded in the rank and narrow ship ,", "House on the wild sea with wild usages ,", "Nor know aught of the main land , but the bays", "Where safeliest they may venture a thieves \u2019 landing .", "Whate'er in the inland dales the land conceals 120", "Of fair and exquisite , O ! nothing , nothing ,", "Do we behold of that in our rude voyage .", "\u2018 Twas the first leisure of my life . O tell me ,", "What is the meed and purpose of the toil , 125", "The painful toil , which robbed me of my youth ,", "Left me a heart unsoul 'd and solitary ,", "A spirit uninformed , unornamented .", "For the camp 's stir and crowd and ceaseless larum ,", "The neighing war-horse , the air-shattering trumpet , 130", "The unvaried , still-returning hour of duty ,", "Word of command , and exercise of arms \u2014", "There 's nothing here , there 's nothing in all this", "To satisfy the heart , the gasping heart !", "Mere bustling nothingness , where the soul is not \u2014 135", "This cannot be the sole felicity ,", "These cannot be man 's best and only pleasures .", "O ! day thrice lovely ! when at length the soldier", "Returns home into life ; when he becomes 140", "A fellow-man among his fellow-men .", "The colours are unfurled , the cavalcade", "Marshals , and now the buzz is hushed , and hark !", "Now the soft peace-march beats , home , brothers , home !", "The caps and helmets are all garlanded 145", "With green boughs , the last plundering of the fields .", "The city gates fly open of themselves ,", "They need no longer the petard to tear them .", "The ramparts are all filled with men and women ,", "With peaceful men and women , that send onwards 150", "Kisses and welcomings upon the air ,", "Which they make breezy with affectionate gestures .", "From all the towers rings out the merry peal ,", "The joyous vespers of a bloody day .", "O happy man , O fortunate ! for whom 155", "The well-known door , the faithful arms are open ,", "The faithful tender arms with mute embracing .", "Where lies the fault but on you in Vienna ?", "I will deal openly with you , Questenberg .", "Just now , as first I saw you standing here ,", "indignation", "Crowded and pressed my inmost soul together . 165", "\u2018 Tis ye that hinder peace , ye !\u2014 and the warrior ,", "It is the warrior that must force it from you .", "Ye fret the General 's life out , blacken him ,", "Hold him up as a rebel , and Heaven knows", "What else still worse , because he spares the Saxons , 170", "And tries to awaken confidence in the enemy ;", "Which yet \u2018 s the only way to peace : for if", "War intermit not during war , how then", "And whence can peace come ?\u2014 Your own plagues fall on you !", "Even as I love what 's virtuous , hate I you . 175", "And here make I this vow , here pledge myself ;", "My blood shall spurt out for this Wallenstein ,", "And my heart drain off , drop by drop , ere ye", "Shall revel and dance jubilee o'er his ruin .", "FOOTNOTES :", "In the original ,", "Den blut'gen Lorbeer geb ich him mit Freuden", "F\u00fcrs erste Veilchen , das der Merz uns bringt ,", "Das duftige Pffand der neuverj\u00fcngten Erde .", "1800 , 1828 , 1829 .", "LINENOTES :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["You went then through Vienna , were presented", "To the Queen of Hungary ?", "And how was it received ,", "That I had sent for wife and daughter hither 5", "To the camp , in winter time ?", "And did they guess the choice which I had made ?", "And you \u2014 what do you wish , Elizabeth ?", "Well , then ? 15", "And in all else , of what kind and complexion", "Was your reception at the court ?", "Hide nothing from me . How were you received ?", "Ay ! is it so ! What , they were lax ? they failed of the old respect ?", "Yes , yes ; they have ta'en offence . My latest conduct , They railed at it , no doubt .", "Now she omitted it ?", "The Ambassador from Spain , who once was wont", "To plead so warmly for me ?\u2014", "These suns then are eclipsed for us . Henceforward", "Must we roll on , our own fire , our own light .", "Lamormain ! what said he ?", "Proceed !", "Proceed !", "Well !", "Second \u2014\u2014", "Talk they ?", "O ! they force , they thrust me", "With violence , against my own will , onward ! 75", "Talk they ? 1800 , 1828 , 1829 ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Yes ! pure and lovely hath hope risen on me :", "I take her as the pledge of greater fortune .", "The while", "We in the field here gave our cares and toils", "To make her great , and fight her a free way 15", "To the loftiest earthly good , lo ! mother Nature", "Within the peaceful silent convent walls", "Has done her part , and out of her free grace", "Hath she bestowed on the beloved child", "The godlike ; and now leads her thus adorned 20", "To meet her splendid fortune , and my hope .", "Duchess", "Thou wouldst not have recognized thy father ,", "Wouldst thou , my child ? She counted scarce eight years ,", "When last she saw your face .", "The voice of my child !", "I was indignant at my destiny", "That it denied me a man-child to be 30", "Heir of my name and of my prosperous fortune ,", "And re-illume my soon extinguished being", "In a proud line of princes .", "I wronged my destiny . Here upon this head", "So lovely in its maiden bloom will I 35", "Let fall the garland of a life of war ,", "Nor deem it lost , if only I can wreath it", "Transmitted to a regal ornament ,", "Around these beauteous brows .", "LINENOTES :", "SCENE IX", "Max ! Welcome , ever welcome ! Always wert thou", "The morning star of my best joys !", "\u2018 Till now it was the Emperor who rewarded thee ,", "I but the instrument . This day thou hast bound 5", "The father to thee , Max ! the fortunate father ,", "And this debt Friedland 's self must pay .", "Altringer", "Is master of the Tyrole passes . I must forthwith 15", "Send some one to him , that he let not in", "The Spaniards on me from the Milanese .", "\u2014\u2014 Well , and the old Sesin , that ancient trader", "In contraband negotiations , he", "Has shewn himself again of late . What brings he 20", "From the Count Thur ?", "And why so ? 25", "So then , doubtless , 30", "Yes , doubtless , this same modest Swede expects", "That I shall yield him some fair German tract", "For his prey and booty , that ourselves at last", "On our own soil and native territory ,", "May be no longer our own lords and masters ! 35", "An excellent scheme ! No , no ! They must be off ,", "Off , off ! away ! we want no such neighbours .", "Off with them , off ! Thou understand'st not this .", "Never shall it be said of me , I parcelled", "My native land away , dismembered Germany ,", "Betrayed it to a foreigner , in order", "To come with stealthy tread , and filch away 45", "My own share of the plunder \u2014 Never ! never !\u2014", "No foreign power shall strike root in the empire ,", "And least of all , these Goths ! these hunger-wolves !", "Who send such envious , hot and greedy glances", "T'wards the rich blessings of our German lands ! 50", "I 'll have their aid to cast and draw my nets ,", "But not a single fish of all the draught", "Shall they come in for .", "I never give my handwriting ; thou knowest it .", "How stand affairs without ? Are they prepared ?", "How hath Isolan", "Declared himself ?", "And which way doth Kolatto bend ? Hast thou", "Made sure of Tiefenbach and Deodate ?", "You mean then I may venture somewhat with them ? 10", "Not more assured of mine own self .", "Thou teachest me to know my man ?", "Sixteen campaigns I have made with that old warrior . 15", "Besides , I have his horoscope ,", "We both are born beneath like stars \u2014 in short", "To this belongs its own particular aspect ,", "If therefore thou canst warrant me the rest \u2014\u2014", "If I 'm in aught to bind myself to them ,", "They too must bind themselves to me .", "Their words of honour they must give , their oaths , 25", "Give them in writing to me , promising", "Devotion to my service unconditional .", "All unconditional ! No premises , no reserves .", "Gain me their signatures ! How you come by them , that is your concern .", "The signatures ! 45", "Gain me the signatures .", "The time is not yet come .", "When I shall say it .", "Thou speakest as thou understand'st . How oft And many a time I 've told thee , Jupiter , That lustrous god , was setting at thy birth . Thy visual power subdues no mysteries ; Mole-eyed , thou mayest but burrow in the earth , 90Blind as that subterrestrial , who with wan , Lead-coloured shine lighted thee into life . The common , the terrestrial , thou mayest see , With serviceable cunning knit together The nearest with the nearest ; and therein 95 I trust thee and believe thee ! but whate'er Full of mysterious import Nature weaves , And fashions in the depths \u2014 the spirit 's ladder , That from this gross and visible world of dust Even to the starry world , with thousand rounds , 100 Builds itself up ; on which the unseen powers Move up and down on heavenly ministries \u2014 The circles in the circles , that approach The central sun with ever-narrowing orbit \u2014 These see the glance alone , the unsealed eye , 105 Of Jupiter 's glad children born in lustre .The heavenly constellations make not merely The day and nights , summer and spring , not merely Signify to the husbandman the seasons Of sowing and of harvest . Human action , 110 That is the seed too of contingencies , Strewed on the dark land of futurity In hopes to reconcile the powers of fate . Whence it behoves us to seek out the seed-time , To watch the stars , select their proper hours , 115 And trace with searching eye the heavenly houses , Whether the enemy of growth and thriving Hide himself not , malignant , in his corner . Therefore permit me my own time . Meanwhile Do you your part . As yet I cannot say 120 What I shall do \u2014 only , give way I will not . Depose me too they shall not . On these points You may rely . PageMy Lords , the Generals .", "Let them come in . FOOTNOTES :Here is an instance of the defect classed No . 1 in the blank leaf . With what propriety is this speech of profound moral insight put in the mouth of that stupid , foolish Illo ? MS. R .This is said , and finely too ; but in what one instance is it shown realized in Illo ? This is a common fault of a man of genius whose genius is not however creative but ideative . There is just such another in my Maria as described by Osorio , the Character exists only in the description . MS. R . LINENOTES :1800 , 1828 , 1829 .must 1800 .unconditional 1800 .unconditional 1800 .unconditional 1800 .Wallenstein1800 , 1828 , 1829 .your 1800 .then \u2014 then 1800 .multitudes ] multitude 1800 .when 1800 .nights ] night 1800 , 1828 , 1829 .I 1800 . SCENE XII", "I have understood , \u2018 tis true , the sum and import", "Of your instructions , Questenberg , have weighed them ,", "And formed my final , absolute resolve ;", "Yet it seems fitting , that the Generals", "Should hear the will of the Emperor from your mouth . 5", "May't please you then to open your commission", "Before these noble Chieftains .", "We excuse all preface .", "May't please you to the point . 30", "Max , to what period of the war alludes he ? My recollection fails me here .", "Ay ! Is it so ! 55", "But what had we to do there ?", "True .", "In that description which the Minister gave", "I seemed to have forgotten the whole war .", "The troops were pitiably destitute", "Of every necessary , every comfort .", "The winter came . What thinks his Majesty 90", "His troops are made of ? Ar n't we men ? subjected", "Like other men to wet , and cold , and all", "The circumstances of necessity ?", "O miserable lot of the poor soldier !", "Wherever he comes in , all flee before him , 95", "And when he goes away , the general curse", "Follows him on his route . All must be seized ,", "Nothing is given him . And compelled to seize", "From every man , he 's every man 's abhorrence .", "Behold , here stand my Generals . Karaffa ! 100", "Count Deodate ! Butler ! Tell this man", "How long the soldiers \u2019 pay is in arrears .", "And \u2018 tis the hire", "That constitutes the hireling 's name and duties ,", "The soldier 's pay is the soldier 's covenant .", "105", "Yes ! \u2018 tis my fault , I know it : I myself", "Have spoilt the Emperor by indulging him .", "Nine years ago , during the Danish war , 110", "I raised him up a force , a mighty force ,", "Forty or fifty thousand men , that cost him", "Of his own purse no doit . Through Saxony", "The fury goddess of the war marched on ,", "E'en to the surf-rocks of the Baltic , bearing 115", "The terrors of his name . That was a time !", "In the whole Imperial realm no name like mine", "Honoured with festival and celebration \u2014", "And Albrecht Wallenstein , it was the title", "Of the third jewel in his crown ! 120", "But at the Diet , when the Princes met", "At Regenspurg , there , there the whole broke out ,", "There \u2018 twas laid open , there it was made known ,", "Out of what money-bag I had paid the host .", "And what was now my thank , what had I now , 125", "That I , a faithful servant of the Sovereign ,", "Had loaded on myself the people 's curses ,", "And let the Princes of the empire pay", "The expenses of this war , that aggrandizes", "The Emperor alone \u2014 What thanks had I ! 130", "What ? I was offered up to their complaints ,", "Dismissed , degraded !", "Death and hell !", "I had that which could have procured him freedom . 135", "No ! Since \u2018 twas proved so inauspicious to me", "To serve the Emperor at the empire 's cost ,", "I have been taught far other trains of thinking", "Of the empire , and the diet of the empire .", "From the Emperor , doubtless , I received this staff , 140", "But now I hold it as the empire 's general \u2014", "For the common weal , the universal interest ,", "And no more for that one man 's aggrandizement !", "But to the point . What is it that 's desired of me ?", "In this season ?", "And to what quarter wills the Emperor", "That we direct our course ?", "My generals , 155", "Can this be realized ?", "What did Suys ?", "What ? he advanced ? And I , his general ,", "Had given him orders , peremptory orders ,", "Not to desert his station ! Stands it thus", "With my authority ? Is this the obedience", "Due to my office , which being thrown aside 165", "No war can be conducted ? Chieftains , speak !", "You be the judges , generals ! What deserves", "That officer , who of his oath neglectful", "Is guilty of contempt of orders ?", "Count Piccolomini ! what has he deserved ? 170", "To this the law condemns him , and not I .", "And if I shew him favour , \u2018 twill arise", "From the reverence that I owe my Emperor . 175", "I accepted the command but on conditions !", "And this the first , that to the diminution", "Of my authority no human being ,", "Not even the Emperor 's self , should be entitled 180", "To do aught , or to say aught , with the army .", "If I stand warranter of the event ,", "Placing my honour and my head in pledge ,", "Needs must I have full mastery in all", "The means thereto . What rendered this Gustavus 185", "Resistless , and unconquered upon earth ?", "This \u2014 that he was the monarch in his army !", "A monarch , one who is indeed a monarch ,", "Was never yet subdued but by his equal .", "But to the point ! The best is yet to come . 190", "Attend now , generals !", "Yes , yes ! I understand !\u2014 Eight regiments ! Well ,", "Right well concerted , father Lamormain !", "Eight thousand horse ! Yes , yes ! \u2018 Tis as it should be ! 200", "I see it coming !", "What then ? What , my Lord Envoy ? May I not be suffered To understand , that folks are tired of seeing 205 The sword 's hilt in my grasp : and that your court Snatch eagerly at this pretence , and use The Spanish title , to drain off my forces , To lead into the empire a new army Unsubjected to my control . To throw me 210 Plumply aside ,\u2014 I am still too powerful for you To venture that . My stipulation runs , That all the Imperial forces shall obey me Where'er the German is the native language . Of Spanish troops and of Prince Cardinals 215 That take their route , as visitors , through the empire , There stands no syllable in my stipulation . No syllable ! And so the politic court Steals in a-tiptoe , and creeps round behind it ; First makes me weaker , then to be dispensed with , 220 Till it dares strike at length a bolder blow And make short work with me . What need of all these crooked ways , Lord Envoy ? Straight-forward man ! His compact with me pinches The Emperor . He would that I moved off !\u2014 225 Well !\u2014 I will gratify him !It grieves me for my noble officers \u2019 sakes ! I see not yet , by what means they will come at The moneys they have advanced , or how obtain The recompense their services demand . 230 Still a new leader brings new claimants forward , And prior merit superannuates quickly . There serve here many foreigners in the army , And were the man in all else brave and gallant , I was not wont to make nice scrutiny 235 After his pedigree or catechism . This will be otherwise , i'the time to come . Well \u2014 me no longer it concerns .", "Thou hast said truly , faithful Isolani ! What we with toil and foresight have built up , Will go to wreck \u2014 all go to instant wreck . 245 What then ? another chieftain is soon found , Another army likewiseWill flock from all sides to the Emperor At the first beat of his recruiting drum .Max PiccolominiHear , my commander ! Hear me , generals ! 250 Let me conjure you , Duke ! Determine nothing , Till we have met and represented to you Our joint remonstrances .\u2014 Nay , calmer ! Friends ! I hope all may be yet set right again .", "A salutary counsel \u2014\u2014 Thou , Octavio !", "Wilt answer for the safety of our guest .", "Farewell , Von Questenberg !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now for this evening 's business ! How intend you", "To manage with the generals at the banquet ?", "How ? think you then 20", "That they 'll believe themselves bound by an oath ,", "Which we had tricked them into by a juggle ?", "Well , well , it shall content me ; let but something 30", "Be done , let only some decisive blow", "Set us in motion .", "His policy is such a labyrinth , 40", "That many a time when I have thought myself", "Close at his side , he 's gone at once , and left me", "Ignorant of the ground where I was standing .", "He lends the enemy his ear , permits me", "To write to them , to Arnheim ; to Sesina 45", "Himself comes forward blank and undisguised ;", "Talks with us by the hour about his plans ,", "And when I think I have him \u2014 off at once \u2014\u2014", "He has slipped from me , and appears as if", "He had no scheme , but to retain his place . 50", "Ay ! you know 55", "This night , that is now coming , he with Seni", "Shuts himself up in the astrological tower", "To make joint observations \u2014 for I hear ,", "It is to be a night of weight and crisis ;", "And something great , and of long expectation , 60", "Is to make its procession in the heaven .", "Do you go thither , Illo . I must stay", "And wait here for the Countess Tertsky . Know 70", "That we too are not idle . Break one string ,", "A second is in readiness .", "A secret . Hush ! she comes .", "LINENOTES :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Aunt Tertsky ? may I venture ?She 's not here ! Where is she ?", "There lie her gloves !", "You unkind Lady ! You refuse me this \u2014 5", "You make it an amusement to torment me .", "O , if you felt the oppression at my heart !", "Since we 've been here , so to constrain myself \u2014", "With such poor stealth to hazard words and glances \u2014 10", "These , these are not my habits !", "But wherefore comes she not ? Where is she ?", "Alas ! what danger ?", "Here is no face on which I might concentre", "All the enraptured soul stirs up within me .", "O Lady ! tell me . Is all changed around me ?", "Or is it only I ?", "I find myself , 25", "As among strangers ! Not a trace is left", "Of all my former wishes , former joys .", "Where has it vanished to ? There was a time", "When even , methought , with such a world as this", "I was not discontented . Now how flat ! 30", "How stale ! No life , no bloom , no flavour in it !", "My comrades are intolerable to me .", "My father \u2014 Even to him I can say nothing .", "My arms , my military duties \u2014 O !", "They are such wearying toys !", "Something , 40", "I can n't but know , is going forward round me .", "I see it gathering , crowding , driving on ,", "In wild uncustomary movements . Well ,", "In due time , doubtless , it will reach even me .", "Where think you I have been , dear lady ? Nay , 45", "No raillery . The turmoil of the camp ,", "The spring-tide of acquaintance rolling in ,", "The pointless jest , the empty conversation ,", "Oppress 'd and stifled me . I gasped for air \u2014", "I could not breathe \u2014 I was constrain 'd to fly , 50", "To seek a silence out for my full heart ;", "And a pure spot wherein to feel my happiness .", "No smiling , Countess ! In the church was I .", "There is a cloister here to the heaven 's gate ,", "Thither I went , there found myself alone . 55", "Over the altar hung a holy mother ;", "A wretched painting \u2018 twas , yet \u2018 twas the friend", "That I was seeking in this moment . Ah ,", "How oft have I beheld that glorious form", "In splendour , mid ecstatic worshippers ; 60", "Yet , still it moved me not ! and now at once", "Was my devotion cloudless as my love .", "This morning did I hazard the first word .", "\u2018 Twas at that hunting-castle , betwixt here And Nepomuck , where you had joined us , and \u2014 That was the last relay of the whole journey ! In a balcony we were standing mute , And gazing out upon the dreary field : 75 Before us the dragoons were riding onward , The safe-guard which the Duke had sent us \u2014 heavy The inquietude of parting lay upon me , And trembling ventured I at length these words : This all reminds me , noble maiden , that 80 To-day I must take leave of my good fortune . A few hours more , and you will find a father , Will see yourself surrounded by new friends , And I henceforth shall be but as a stranger , Lost in the many \u2014 \u2018 Speak with my aunt Tertsky ! \u2019 85 With hurrying voice she interrupted me . She faltered . I beheld a glowing red Possess her beautiful cheeks , and from the ground Raised slowly up her eye met mine \u2014 no longer Did I control myself .With instant boldness 90 I caught her in my arms , my mouth touched hers ; There was a rustling in the room close by ; It parted us \u2014 \u2018 Twas you . What since has happened , You know .", "Of your secret ?", "Well ? 100 FOOTNOTES :All this is terribly childish , at least appears so to an English lover . Besides it is modern French Comedy \u2014 for which , by the by , we want a word to distinguish it from the toto caelo different Comedy which Shakespere and his contemporaries worked up into their Tragedy with such felicity of action and reaction . MS. R .I am doubtful whether this be the dedication of the cloister or the name of one of the city gates , near which it stood . I have translated it in the former sense ; but fearful of having made some blunder , I add the original \u2014 Es ist ein Kloster hier zur Himmelspforte . LINENOTES : Max1800 , 1828 , 1829 ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["My Princess ! What have you let her hear me say , aunt Tertsky ? TheklaHas he been here long ?", "Now once again I have courage to look on you .", "To-day at noon I could not .", "The dazzle of the jewels that play 'd round you 10", "Hid the beloved from me .", "This morning , when I found you in the circle", "Of all your kindred , in your father 's arms ,", "Beheld myself an alien in this circle , 15", "O ! what an impulse felt I in that moment", "To fall upon his neck , to call him father !", "But his stern eye o'erpowered the swelling passion \u2014", "It dared not but be silent . And those brilliants ,", "That like a crown of stars enwreathed your brows , 20", "They scared me too ! O wherefore , wherefore should he", "At the first meeting spread as \u2018 twere the ban", "Of excommunication round you , wherefore", "Dress up the angel as for sacrifice ,", "And cast upon the light and joyous heart 25", "The mournful burthen of his station ? Fitly", "May love dare woo for love ; but such a splendour", "Might none but monarchs venture to approach .", "You find yourself", "In your great father 's arms , belov\u00e9d lady !", "All in a new world , which does homage to you ,", "And which , wer't only by its novelty ,", "Delights your eye .", "Alas ! not so to me .", "It makes a dream of my reality .", "Upon some island in the ethereal heights", "I 've lived for these last days . This mass of men", "Forces me down to earth . It is a bridge 50", "That , reconducting to my former life ,", "Divides me and my heaven .", "That is the Duke 's astrologer , old Seni .", "O never rudely will I blame his faith 110", "In the might of stars and angels ! \u2018 Tis not merely", "The human being 's Pride that peoples space", "With life and mystical predominance ;", "Since likewise for the stricken heart of Love", "This visible nature , and this common world , 115", "Is all too narrow : yea , a deeper import", "Lurks in the legend told my infant years", "Than lies upon that truth , we live to learn .", "For fable is Love 's world , his home , his birth-place ;", "Delightedly dwells he \u2018 mong fays and talismans , 120", "And spirits ; and delightedly believes", "Divinities , being himself divine .", "The intelligible forms of ancient poets ,", "The fair humanities of old religion ,", "The Power , the Beauty , and the Majesty , 125", "That had their haunts in dale , or piny mountain ,", "Or forest by slow stream , or pebbly spring ,", "Or chasms and wat'ry depths ; all these have vanished .", "They live no longer in the faith of reason !", "But still the heart doth need a language , still 130", "Doth the old instinct bring back the old names ,", "And to yon starry world they now are gone ,", "Spirits or gods , that used to share this earth", "With man as with their friend ;", "and to the lover", "Yonder they move , from yonder visible sky 135", "Shoot influence down : and even at this day", "\u2018 Tis Jupiter who brings whate'er is great ,", "And Venus who brings every thing that 's fair !", "Soon will his gloomy empire reach its close . 150", "Blest be the General 's zeal : into the laurel", "Will he inweave the olive-branch , presenting", "Peace to the shouting nations . Then no wish", "Will have remained for his great heart ! Enough", "Has he performed for glory , and can now 155", "Live for himself and his . To his domains", "Will he retire ; he has a stately seat", "Of fairest view at Gitschin ; Reichenberg ,", "And Friedland Castle , both lie pleasantly \u2014", "Even to the foot of the huge mountains here 160", "Stretches the chase and covers of his forests :", "His ruling passion , to create the splendid ,", "He can indulge without restraint ; can give", "A princely patronage to every art ,", "And to all worth a Sovereign 's protection . 165", "Can build , can plant , can watch the starry courses \u2014", "O , that the sword could win her !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Impossible !", "Purpose ! but what purpose ? And how can we be instrumental to it ?", "But these Tertskys \u2014\u2014", "Why use we them at all ? Why not your mother ?", "Excellent creature ! she deserves from us 10", "A full and filial confidence .", "Why any secret ?", "I love not secrets . Mark , what I will do .", "I 'll throw me at your father 's feet \u2014 let him", "Decide upon my fortunes !\u2014 He is true ,", "He wears no mask \u2014 he hates all crooked ways \u2014 20", "He is so good , so noble !", "Thekla", "That are you !", "You knew him only since this morn ; but I", "Have liv 'd ten years already in his presence ,", "And who knows whether in this very moment", "He is not merely waiting for us both 25", "To own our loves , in order to unite us .", "You are silent !\u2014\u2014", "You look at me with such a hopelessness !", "What have you to object against your father ?", "O ! shall we e'er be happy ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come !", "My husband sends me for you \u2014 It is now", "The latest moment .", "Part you !", "Aye ! Then time", "Flies swiftly with your Highness , Princess niece ! 5", "Away ! Away !", "The folks begin to miss you . Twice already", "His father has asked for him .", "You understand that , niece !", "You mean , you 'd rather keep him wholly here ?", "What ? have you lost your senses , niece ?\u2014", "Count , you remember the conditions . Come !", "Max", "Lady , I must obey . Farewell , dear lady !", "What say you then , dear lady ?", "Thekla", "Nothing . Go ! 20", "Off ! Heavens ! if any one should come ! Hark ! What 's that noise ? It comes this way .\u2014\u2014 Off !TheklaThe cloud doth gather , the greenwood roar , The damsel paces along the shore ; 25 The billows they tumble with might , with might ; And she flings out her voice to the darksome night ; Her bosom is swelling with sorrow ; The world it is empty , the heart will die , There 's nothing to wish for beneath the sky : 30 Thou Holy One , call thy child away ! I 've lived and loved , and that was to-day \u2014 Make ready my grave-clothes to-morrow .FOOTNOTES :I found it not in my power to translate this song with literal fidelity , preserving at the same time the Alcaic Movement , and have therefore added the original with a prose translation . Some of my readers may be more fortunate . TheklaDer Eichwald brauset , die Wolken ziehn , Das M\u00e4gdlein wandelt an Ufers Gr\u00fcn , Es bricht sich die Welle mit Macht , mit Macht , Und sie singt hinaus in die finstre Nacht , Das Auge von Weinen getr\u00fcbet : Das Herz ist gestorben , die Welt ist leer , Und weiter giebt sie dem Wunsche nichts mehr . Du Heilige , rufe dein Kind zur\u00fcck , Ich habe genossen das irdische Gl\u00fcck , Ich habe gelebt und geliebet . LITERAL TRANSLATION . TheklaThe oak-forest bellows , the clouds gather , the damsel walks to and fro on the green of the shore ; the wave breaks with might , with might , and she sings out into the dark night , her eye discoloured with weeping : the heart is dead , the world is empty , and further gives it nothing more to the wish . Thou Holy One , call thy child home . I have enjoyed the happiness of this world , I have lived and have loved . I cannot but add here an imitation of this song , with which the author of The Tale of Rosamond Gray and Blind Margaret has favoured me , and which appears to me to have caught the happiest manner of our old ballads . The clouds are black'ning , the storms threat'ning , The cavern doth mutter , the greenwood moan ; Billows are breaking , the damsel 's heart aching , Thus in the dark night she singeth alone , Her eye upward roving : The world is empty , the heart is dead surely , In this world plainly all seemeth amiss ; To thy heaven , Holy One , take home thy little one , I have partaken of all earth 's bliss , Both living and loving . The text of Lamb 's version as printed in Works , 1818 , i . 42 is as follows : BALLAD . FROM THE GERMAN . The clouds are blackening , the storms threatening , And ever the forest maketh a moan : Billows are breaking , the damsel 's heart aching , Thus by herself she singeth alone , Weeping right plenteously . The world is empty , the heart is dead surely , In this world plainly all seemeth amiss : To thy breast , holy one , take now thy little one , I have had earnest of all earth 's bliss Living most lovingly . Spring , 1800 . LINENOTES :Countess1800 , 1828 , 1829 .The latest , & c . 1800 , 1828 , 1829 .that 1800 , 1828 , 1829 .Thekla1800 , 1828 , 1829 . SCENE VII COUNTESS, THEKLA .", "Fie , lady niece ! to throw yourself upon him ,", "Like a poor gift to one who cares not for it ,", "And so must be flung after him ! For you ,", "Duke Friedland 's only child , I should have thought", "It had been more beseeming to have shewn yourself 5", "More chary of your person .", "I mean , niece , that you should not have forgotten", "Who you are , and who he is . But perchance", "That never once occurred to you .", "That you 're the daughter of the Prince-Duke Friedland . 10", "What ? a pretty question !", "Are you dreaming ?", "Talking in sleep ? An excellent jest , forsooth ! 15", "We shall no doubt right courteously entreat him", "To honour with his hand the richest heiress", "In Europe .", "Methinks \u2018 twere well though not to run the hazard .", "His ! His father ! his ! But yours , niece , what of yours ?", "You hold your game for won already . Do not", "Triumph too soon !\u2014", "It is not yet so far gone .", "Did you suppose your father had laid out 30", "His most important life in toils of war ,", "Denied himself each quiet earthly bliss ,", "Had banished slumber from his tent , devoted", "His noble head to care , and for this only ,", "To make a happy pair of you ? At length 35", "To draw you from your convent , and conduct", "In easy triumph to your arms the man", "That chanc 'd to please your eyes ! All this , methinks ,", "He might have purchased at a cheaper rate .", "That is thy fate . Mould thou thy wishes to it . I and thy mother gave thee the example . 75", "Not thy fate hath shewn him ! Thy heart , say rather \u2014 \u2018 twas thy heart , my child !", "Thou would'st oppose thy father then , should he 85", "Have otherwise determined with thy person ?", "Thou mean'st to force him to thy liking ?\u2014 Child ,", "His name is Friedland .", "What ? he has vanquished all impediment , 90", "And in the wilful mood of his own daughter", "Shall a new struggle rise for him ? Child ! child !", "As yet thou hast seen thy father 's smiles alone ;", "The eye of his rage thou hast not seen . Dear child ,", "I will not frighten thee . To that extreme , 95", "I trust , it ne'er shall come . His will is yet", "Unknown to me : \u2018 tis possible his aims", "May have the same direction as thy wish .", "But this can never , never be his will ,", "That thou , the daughter of his haughty fortunes , 100", "Should'st e'er demean thee as a love-sick maiden ;", "And like some poor cost-nothing , fling thyself", "Toward the man , who , if that high prize ever", "Be destined to await him , yet , with sacrifices", "The highest love can bring , must pay for it ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Here brother , what we love ! Why , where hast been ?", "Off to thy place \u2014 quick ! Tertsky here has given", "The mother 's holiday wine up to free booty .", "Here it goes on as at the Heidelberg castle .", "Already hast thou lost the best . They 're giving 5", "At yonder table ducal crowns in shares ;", "There 's Sternberg 's lands and chattels are put up ,", "With Egenberg 's , Stawata 's , Lichtenstein 's ,", "And all the great Bohemian feodalities .", "Be nimble , lad ! and something may turn up 10", "For thee \u2014 who knows ? off \u2014 to thy place ! quick ! march !", "Tiefenbach and Goetz", "Count Piccolomini !", "That sounds to my ears very much like Latin ,", "And being interpreted , pray what may't mean ?", "Why should he not ? All officers of honour 35", "Can do it , aye , must do it .\u2014 Pen and ink here !", "Subscribe as much as you like \u2014 but you must excuse me from reading it . 20", "Poor legs ! how should they ? Such an unmerciful load !", "The sins of youth ! I have already tried the Chalybeate waters . Well \u2014 I must bear it .OctavioYou are not over fond of the orgies of Bacchus , Colonel ! I have observed it . You would , I think , find yourself more to your liking in the uproar of a battle , 50 than of a feast .", "Well done , father ! Rout out his baggage ! Beat 80 up his quarters ! there is something there that should not be . TertskyIs there none wanting ? Have the whole subscribed ?", "He cannot write ; but his cross is a good cross , and 90 is honoured by Jews as well as Christians . OctavioCome , general ! let us go . It is late .", "Awake , man ! awake !\u2014 Come , thy signature , and have done with it ! What ? Thou art the youngest in the 30 whole company , and wouldest be wiser than all of us together ? Look there ! thy father has signed \u2014 we have all signed . TertskyUse your influence . Instruct him .", "Wine invents nothing : it only tattles .", "What do I care for that ? Where there stand other 65 names , mine can stand too .", "Out upon you , Illo ! 85 Octavio , Tertsky , ButlerDown with the sword ! MaxTake him off to bed .LINENOTES :dear 1800 , 1828 , 1829 .here , are there ?1800 , 1828 , 1829 .Tertsky1800 , 1828 , 1829 .Illo1800 , 1828 , 1829 .parsed 1800 , 1828 , 1829 .Max1800 , 1828 , 1829 .business 1800 , 1828 , 1829 .Tertsky ( in extreme embarrassment , to the , & c. 1800 , 1828 , 1829 .Isolani1800 , 1828 , 1829 .tattles 1800 , 1828 , 1829 .Tertsky1800 , 1828 , 1829 .Illo1800 , 1828 , 1829 .proviso 1800 , 1828 , 1829 .Max1800 , 1828 , 1829 .was 1800 , 1828 , 1829 . ACT III"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2014\u2014 And when my son comes in , conduct him hither . What is the hour ?", "Set down the light . We mean not to undress . You may retire to sleep .", "I will do so . 15", "For after what has taken place this night ,", "There must remain no secrets \u2018 twixt us two .", "Max Piccolomini ! what thinkest thou of", "The oath that was sent round for signatures ?", "And on no other ground hast thou refused", "The signature they fain had wrested from thee ?", "Be open , Max . Thou hadst then no suspicion ?", "Thank thy good angel , Piccolomini :", "He drew thee back unconscious from the abyss .", "I will tell thee . 30", "Fain would they have extorted from thee , son ,", "The sanction of thy name to villainy ;", "Yea , with a single flourish of thy pen ,", "Made thee renounce thy duty and thy honour !", "Max", "Octavio !", "Patience ! Seat yourself . Much yet 35", "Hast thou to hear from me , friend !\u2014 hast for years", "Lived in incomprehensible illusion .", "Before thine eyes is Treason drawing out", "As black a web as e'er was spun for venom :", "A power of hell o'erclouds thy understanding . 40", "I dare no longer stand in silence \u2014 dare", "No longer see thee wandering on in darkness ,", "Nor pluck the bandage from thine eyes .", "The deeper cause thou hast to hate this light , 50", "The more impatient cause have I , my son ,", "To force it on thee . To the innocence", "And wisdom of thy heart I could have trusted thee", "With calm assurance \u2014 but I see the net", "Preparing \u2014 and it is thy heart itself 55", "Alarms me for thine innocence \u2014 that secret ,", "Which thou concealest , forces mine from me .", "Know , then , they are duping thee !\u2014 a most foul game", "With thee and with us all \u2014 nay , hear me calmly \u2014", "The Duke even now is playing . He assumes 60", "The mask , as if he would forsake the army ;", "And in this moment makes he preparations", "That army from the Emperor to steal ,", "And carry it over to the enemy !", "That mouth ,", "From which thou hearest it at this present moment ,", "Doth warrant thee that it is no Priest 's legend .", "Such a deed ,", "With such a front of infamy , the Duke", "No wise desires \u2014 what he requires of us", "Bears a far gentler appellation . Nothing", "He wishes , but to give the Empire peace . 80", "And so , because the Emperor hates this peace ,", "Therefore the Duke \u2014 the Duke will force him to it .", "All parts of the Empire will he pacify ,", "And for his trouble will retain in payment", "\u2014 Bohemia ! 85", "What we would think is not the question here .", "The affair speaks for itself \u2014 and clearest proofs !", "Hear me , my son \u2014 \u2018 tis not unknown to thee , 90", "In what ill credit with the Court we stand .", "But little dost thou know , or guess , what tricks ,", "What base intrigues , what lying artifices ,", "Have been employed \u2014 for this sole end \u2014 to sow", "Mutiny in the camp ! All bands are loosed \u2014 95", "Loosed all the bands , that link the officer", "To his liege Emperor , all that bind the soldier", "Affectionately to the citizen .", "Lawless he stands , and threateningly beleaguers", "The state he 's bound to guard . To such a height 100", "\u2018 Tis swoln , that at this hour the Emperor", "Before his armies \u2014 his own armies \u2014 trembles ;", "Yea , in his capital , his palace , fears", "The traitor 's poniards , and is meditating", "To hurry off and hide his tender offspring \u2014\u2014 105", "Not from the Swedes , not from the Lutherans \u2014", "No ! from his own troops hide and hurry them !", "It is no phantasm . An intestine war ,", "Of all the most unnatural and cruel ,", "Will burst out into flames , if instantly", "We do not fly and stifle it . The Generals", "Are many of them long ago won over ; 115", "The subalterns are vacillating \u2014 whole", "Regiments and garrisons are vacillating .", "To foreigners our strong holds are entrusted ;", "To that suspected Schafgotch is the whole", "Force of Silesia given up : to Tertsky 120", "Five regiments , foot and horse \u2014 to Isolani ,", "To Illo , Kinsky , Butler , the best troops .", "Because the Duke", "Believes he has secured us \u2014 means to lure us", "Still further on by splendid promises . 125", "To me he portions forth the princedoms , Glatz", "And Sagan ; and too plain I see the angle", "With which he doubts not to catch thee .", "O open yet thine eyes !", "And to what purpose think'st thou he has called us 130", "Hither to Pilsen ?\u2014 to avail himself", "Of our advice ?\u2014 O when did Friedland ever", "Need our advice ?\u2014 Be calm , and listen to me .", "To sell ourselves are we called hither , and ,", "Decline we that \u2014 to be his hostages . 135", "Therefore doth noble Galas stand aloof ;", "Thy father , too , thou would'st not have seen here ,", "If higher duties had not held him fettered .", "And know'st thou what it is which we must do ?", "That Illo 's drunken mood betrayed it to thee . 145", "Bethink thyself \u2014 what hast thou heard , what seen ?", "The counterfeited paper \u2014 the omission", "Of that particular clause , so full of meaning ,", "Does it not prove , that they would bind us down", "To nothing good ?", "It grieves me", "That I must dash to earth , that I must shatter", "A faith so specious ; but I may not spare thee ! 160", "For this is not a time for tenderness .", "Thou must take measures , speedy ones \u2014 must act .", "I therefore will confess to thee , that all", "Which I 've entrusted to thee now \u2014 that all", "Which seems to thee so unbelievable , 165", "That \u2014 yes , I will tell thee \u2014 Max ! I had it all", "From his own mouth \u2014 from the Duke 's mouth I had it .", "Himself confided to me", "What I , \u2018 tis true , had long before discovered", "By other means \u2014 himself confided to me , 170", "That \u2018 twas his settled plan to join the Swedes ;", "And , at the head of the united armies ,", "Compel the Emperor \u2014", "Nay , in cold blood he did confess this to me :", "And having construed my astonishment", "Into a scruple of his power , he shewed me 180", "His written evidences \u2014 shewed me letters ,", "Both from the Saxon and the Swede , that gave", "Promise of aidance , and defin 'd the amount .", "I have laid open my objections to him , 190", "Dissuaded him with pressing earnestness ;", "But my abhorrence , the full sentiment", "Of my whole heart \u2014 that I have still kept sacred", "To my own consciousness .", "I did not thrust myself into his secrecy .", "He was no longer worthy of sincerity .", "Gave I him a cause", "To entertain a scruple of my honour ?", "Dear son , it is not always possible", "Still to preserve that infant purity", "Which the voice teaches in our inmost heart .", "Still in alarm , for ever on the watch", "Against the wiles of wicked men , e'en Virtue 210", "Will sometimes bear away her outward robes", "Soiled in the wrestle with Iniquity .", "This is the curse of every evil deed ,", "That , propagating still , it brings forth evil .", "I do not cheat my better soul with sophisms : 215", "I but perform my orders ; the Emperor", "Prescribes my conduct to me . Dearest boy ,", "Far better were it , doubtless , if we all", "Obeyed the heart at all times ; but so doing ,", "In this our present sojourn with bad men , 220", "We must abandon many an honest object .", "\u2018 Tis now our call to serve the Emperor ,", "By what means he can best be served \u2014 the heart", "May whisper what it will \u2014 this is our call !", "As yet thou know'st not all , my son . I have", "Yet somewhat to disclose to thee .", "With light tread stole he on his evil way ,", "With light tread hath Vengeance stole on after him . 245", "Unseen she stands already , dark behind him \u2014", "But one step more \u2014 he shudders in her grasp !", "Thou hast seen Questenberg with me . As yet", "Thou know'st but his ostensible commission ;", "He brought with him a private one , my son ! 250", "And that was for me only .", "O my son ! 260", "I trust thy heart undoubtingly . But am I", "Equally sure of thy collectedness ?", "Wilt thou be able , with calm countenance ,", "To enter this man 's presence , when that I", "Have trusted to thee his whole fate ?", "Read it . MaxDuke Friedland sentenced and condemned !", "Even so . MaxO this is too much ! O unhappy error ! 270", "Read on . Collect thyself . MaxHow ! what ! Thou ! thou !", "But for the present moment , till the King", "Of Hungary may safely join the army ,", "Is the command assigned to me .", "What hazard I incur thereby , I know .", "In the great hand of God I stand . The Almighty", "Will cover with his shield the Imperial house ,", "And shatter , in his wrath , the work of darkness . 285", "The Emperor hath true servants still ; and even", "Here in the camp , there are enough brave men ,", "Who for the good cause will fight gallantly .", "The faithful have been warned \u2014 the dangerous", "Are closely watched . I wait but the first step , 290", "And then immediately \u2014\u2014", "The Emperor is no tyrant .", "The deed alone he 'll punish , not the wish .", "The Duke hath yet his destiny in his power .", "Let him but leave the treason uncompleted , 295", "He will be silently displaced from office ,", "And make way to his Emperor 's royal son .", "An honourable exile to his castles", "Will be a benefaction to him rather", "Than punishment . But the first open step \u2014\u2014 300", "Nay , howsoever punishable were", "Duke Friedland 's purposes , yet still the steps 305", "Which he hath taken openly , permit", "A mild construction . It is my intention", "To leave this paper wholly uninforced", "Till some act is committed which convicts him", "Of a high-treason , without doubt or plea , 310", "And that shall sentence him .", "Thyself .", "Too soon , I fear , its powers must all be proved .", "After the counter-promise of this evening , 315", "It cannot be but he must deem himself", "Secure of the majority with us ;", "And of the army 's general sentiment", "He hath a pleasing proof in that petition", "Which thou delivered'st to him from the regiments . 320", "Add this too \u2014 I have letters that the Rhinegrave", "Hath changed his route , and travels by forced marches", "To the Bohemian Forest . What this purports ,", "Remains unknown ; and , to confirm suspicion ,", "This night a Swedish nobleman arrived here . 325", "Is it possible ? Still , after all thou know'st ,", "Canst thou believe still in his innocence ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["How now , then ?", "So early ? From whom comes he then ? Who is it ?", "Lead him in :", "And , hark you \u2014 let it not transpire .", "Ha ! Cornet \u2014 is it you ? and from Count Galas ? 5", "Give me your letters .", "And what is it ?", "My son knows all .", "Whom ?", "And you have him ? 10", "And the dispatches \u2014\u2014", "This is , indeed , a tiding !", "That fellow is a precious casket to us ,", "Enclosing weighty things .\u2014 Was much found on him ?", "None in the Duke 's own hand ?", "And old Sesina ?", "Is Altringer then with your Lord ? I heard", "That he lay sick at Linz .", "In a few days may great events take place . And when must you return ?", "Remain till evening .", "No one saw you \u2014 ha ? 35", "Go , rest your limbs , and keep yourself concealed .", "I hold it probable , that yet ere evening", "I shall dispatch you . The development 40", "Of this affair approaches : ere the day ,", "That even now is dawning in the heaven ,", "Ere this eventful day hath set , the lot", "That must decide our fortunes will be drawn .", "LINENOTES :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Well \u2014 and what now , son ? All will soon be clear ;", "For all , I 'm certain , went through that Sesina .", "Where now ?\u2014 Remain here .", "What \u2014\u2014", "Thou wilt ?", "I have , indeed , miscalculated on thee .", "I calculated on a prudent son ,", "Who would have blest the hand beneficent", "That plucked him back from the abyss \u2014 and lo ! 35", "A fascinated being I discover ,", "Whom his two eyes befool , whom passion wilders ,", "Whom not the broadest light of noon can heal .", "Go , question him !\u2014 Be mad enough , I pray thee .", "The purpose of thy father , of thy Emperor , 40", "Go , give it up free booty :\u2014 Force me , drive me", "To an open breach before the time . And now ,", "Now that a miracle of heaven had guarded", "My secret purpose even to this hour ,", "And laid to sleep Suspicion 's piercing eyes , 45", "Let me have lived to see that mine own son ,", "With frantic enterprise , annihilates", "My toilsome labours and state-policy ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Of my hand-writing \u2014 no iota . Thee", "I punish for thy lies .", "In the army 25", "Lies my security . The army will not", "Abandon me . Whatever they may know ,", "The power is mine , and they must gulp it down \u2014", "And substitute I caution for my fealty ,", "They must be satisfied , at least appear so . 30", "\u2018 Tis a curs\u00e9d accident !", "He 's arrived ! Know'st thou", "What his commission is \u2014\u2014", "A curs\u00e9d , curs\u00e9d accident ! Yes , yes ,", "Sesina knows too much , and wo n't be silent .", "Their confidence is lost \u2014 irreparably !", "And I may act what way I will , I shall", "Be and remain for ever in their thought 55", "A traitor to my country . How sincerely", "Soever I return back to my duty ,", "It will no longer help me \u2014\u2014", "What ! I must realize it now in earnest ,", "Because I toy 'd too freely with the thought ?", "Accurs\u00e9d he who dallies with a devil !", "And must I \u2014 I must realize it now \u2014", "Now , while I have the power , it must take place ? 65", "He is quite right \u2014 there needeth no such thing .", "The regiments , too , deny to march for Flanders \u2014", "Have sent me in a paper of remonstrance ,", "And openly resist the Imperial orders .", "The first step to revolt 's already taken . 75", "I will hear , however ,", "What the Swede has to say to me .", "Illo", "Go , call him !", "He stands without the door in waiting .", "Stay ! 80", "Stay yet a little . It hath taken me", "All by surprise ,\u2014 it came too quick upon me ;", "\u2018 Tis wholly novel , that an accident ,", "With its dark lordship , and blind agency ,", "Should force me on with it ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Your name is Wrangel ?", "It was a Wrangel", "Who injured me materially at Stralsund ,", "And by his brave resistance was the cause", "Of the opposition which that sea-port made . 5", "Yes , he might say it safely .\u2014 General Wrangel ,", "Come , fair and open \u2014 Trust me , I was always", "A Swede at heart . Ey ! that did you experience 25", "Both in Silesia and at Nuremburg ;", "I had you often in my power , and let you", "Always slip out by some back door or other .", "\u2018 Tis this for which the Court can ne'er forgive me ,", "Which drives me to this present step : and since 30", "Our interests so run in one direction ,", "E'en let us have a thorough confidence", "Each in the other .", "The Chancellor still , I see , does not quite trust me ; 35 And , I confess \u2014 the gain does not wholly lie To my advantage \u2014 Without doubt he thinks If I can play false with the Emperor , Who is my Sov'reign , I can do the like With the enemy , and that the one too were 40 Sooner to be forgiven me than the other . Is not this your opinion too , Sir General ?", "The Emperor hath urged me to the uttermost .", "I can no longer honourably serve him . 45", "For my security , in self-defence ,", "I take this hard step , which my conscience blames .", "Of what then are ye doubting ? Of my will ?", "Or of my power ? I pledged me to the Chancellor , 60", "Would he trust me with sixteen thousand men ,", "That I would instantly go over to them", "With eighteen thousand of the Emperor 's troops .", "But yet ?", "What now ? Out with it , friend !", "And he thinks so ?\u2014 He judges like a Swede ,", "And like a Protestant . You Lutherans 75", "Fight for your Bible . You are interested", "About the cause ; and with your hearts you follow", "Your banners .\u2014 Among you , whoe'er deserts", "To the enemy , hath broken covenant", "With two Lords at one time .\u2014 We 've no such fancies . 80", "I will explain that to you , how it stands \u2014", "The Austrian has a country , ay , and loves it ,", "And has good cause to love it \u2014 but this army , 85", "That calls itself the Imperial , this that houses", "Here in Bohemia , this has none \u2014 no country ;", "This is an outcast of all foreign lands ,", "Unclaimed by town or tribe , to whom belongs", "Nothing , except the universal sun . 90", "They are all mine \u2014 Mine unconditionally \u2014 mine on all terms . 95 Not me , your own eyes you must trust .So then ? Now comprehend you ?", "What asks the Chancellor ?", "Come , brief and open ! What is the demand ?", "That is much indeed ! 115", "Prague !\u2014 Egra 's granted \u2014 But \u2014 but Prague !\u2014 \u2018 Two n't do .", "I give you every security", "Which you may ask of me in common reason \u2014", "But Prague \u2014 Bohemia \u2014 these , Sir General ,", "I can myself protect .", "\u2018 Tis but reasonable .", "Then trust you us so little ?", "Wrangel", "The Swede , if he would treat well with the", "German ,", "Must keep a sharp look-out . We have been called", "Over the Baltic , we have saved the empire", "From ruin \u2014 with our best blood have we seal 'd 130", "The liberty of faith , and gospel truth .", "But now already is the benefaction", "No longer felt , the load alone is felt .\u2014\u2014", "Ye look askance with evil eye upon us ,", "As foreigners , intruders in the empire , 135", "And would fain send us , with some paltry sum", "Of money , home again to our old forests .", "No , no ! my Lord Duke ! no !\u2014 it never was", "For Judas \u2019 pay , for chinking gold and silver ,", "That we did leave our King by the Great Stone .", "140", "No , not for gold and silver have there bled", "So many of our Swedish Nobles \u2014 neither", "Will we , with empty laurels for our payment ,", "Hoist sail for our own country . Citizens", "Will we remain upon the soil , the which 145", "Our Monarch conquered for himself , and died .", "Help to keep down the common enemy ,", "And the fair border land must needs be yours .", "Surrender up to you my capital !", "Far liever would I face about , and step 160", "Back to my Emperor .", "That lies with me , even now , at any hour .", "You ,", "You therefore must I trust , and you not me ? 175", "I will consider of your proposition .", "Ye press me hard . A measure , such as this ,", "Ought to be thought of ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Is't all right ?", "This Swede", "Went smiling from you . Yes ! you 're compromised .", "Goest thou as fugitive , as mendicant ? 10", "Bringest thou not more to them than thou receivest ?", "LINENOTES :", "Wallenstein", "1800 , 1828 , 1829 .", "Countess", "1800 , 1828 , 1829 .", "SCENE VII", "To these enter the COUNTESS TERTSKY .", "It lies with you now . Try . For I am silenced ,", "When folks begin to talk to me of conscience ,", "And of fidelity .", "For that too \u2018 tis too late . They know too much . He would but bear his own head to the block ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["That am I no longer , if", "Thou styl'st thyself the Emperor 's officer .", "I have renounced the service of the Emperor .", "Rather hope I 5", "To bind it nearer still and faster to me .", "I have ta'en thee by surprise . Answer me not . 25", "I grant thee time to recollect thyself .", "Soft cradled thee thy Fortune till to-day ;", "Thy duties thou couldst exercise in sport ,", "Indulge all lovely instincts , act for ever", "With undivided heart . It can remain", "No longer thus . Like enemies , the roads 40", "Start from each other . Duties strive with duties .", "Thou must needs choose thy party in the war", "Which is now kindling \u2018 twixt thy friend and him", "Who is thy Emperor .", "Max , hear me .", "The world will judge me sternly , I expect it .", "Already have I said to my own self", "All thou canst say to me . Who but avoids", "The extreme ,\u2014 can he by going round avoid it ?", "But here there is no choice . Yes \u2014 I must use 80", "Or suffer violence \u2014 so stands the case ,", "There remains nothing possible but that .", "It is too late . Thou knowest not what has happened .", "It is too late ! Even now , while thou art losing 145 Thy words , one after the other are the mile-stones Left fast behind by my post couriers , Who bear the order on to Prague and Egra . Yield thyself to it . We act as we are forced . I cannot give assent to my own shame 150 And ruin . Thou \u2014 no \u2014 thou canst not forsake me ! So let us do , what must be done , with dignity , With a firm step . What am I doing worse Than did famed C\u00e6sar at the Rubicon , When he the legions led against his country , 155 The which his country had delivered to him ? Had he thrown down the sword , he had been lost , As I were , if I but disarmed myself . I trace out something in me of his spirit . Give me his luck , that other thing I 'll bear . 160LINENOTES :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Max Piccolomini just left you ?", "He is already gone .", "It is as if the earth had swallowed him .", "He had scarce left thee , when I went to seek him .", "I wished some words with him \u2014 but he was gone . 5", "How , when , and where , could no one tell me . Nay ,", "I half believe it was the devil himself ;", "A human creature could not so at once", "Have vanished .", "Illo", "Is it true that thou wilt send", "Octavio ?", "How , Octavio ! Whither send him ? 10", "Thou wilt not do this !\u2014 No ! I pray thee , no !", "Must it be he \u2014 he only ? Send another .", "This is my comfort \u2014 Max remains our hostage . 100"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Here am I \u2014 Well ! who comes yet of the others ?", "Will it explode , ha ?\u2014 Is the Duke about", "To make the attempt ? In me , friend , you may place", "Full confidence .\u2014 Nay , put me to the proof . 5", "Noble brother , I am", "Not one of those men who in words are valiant ,", "And when it comes to action skulk away .", "The Duke has acted towards me as a friend .", "God knows it is so ; and I owe him all \u2014\u2014 10", "He may rely on my fidelity .", "Be on your guard ,", "All think not as I think ; and there are many", "Who still hold with the Court \u2014 yes , and they say", "That those stolen signatures bind them to nothing . 15", "You rejoice !", "Nay , jeer not , I entreat you . They are no such worthless fellows , I assure you .", "The Devil !\u2014 what !\u2014 why , what means this ? Are you not , then \u2014\u2014 For what , then , am I here ?", "That declaration , friend ,", "I 'll make to him in whom a right is placed", "To put that question to me .", "Why ,\u2014 why \u2014 what ! This is the Emperor 's hand and seal !", "\u2018 Whereas the officers collectively", "Throughout our army will obey the orders", "Of the Lieutenant-General Piccolomini 35", "As from ourselves . \u2019 \u2014\u2014 Hem !\u2014 Yes ! so !\u2014 Yes ! yes !\u2014", "I \u2014 I give you joy , Lieutenant-General !", "My God ! But then the case is \u2014\u2014", "Treason !\u2014 My God !\u2014 But who talks then of treason ? 45", "What mean you ? I \u2014 I break my oath , d'ye say ,", "To his Imperial Majesty ?", "Did I say so ?\u2014 When , when have I said that ?", "Aye ! that delights me now , that you yourself", "Bear witness for me that I never said so .", "If he 's planning", "Treason \u2014 why , treason breaks all bonds asunder .", "He has done me service \u2014 but if he 's a villain ,", "Perdition seize him !\u2014 All scores are rubbed off .", "It shall be done . But you 'll remember me", "With the Emperor \u2014 how well disposed you found me . 70", "I am a merry lad , and if at time", "A rash word might escape me \u2018 gainst the court", "Amidst my wine \u2014 You know no harm was meant ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["At your command , Lieutenant-General .", "You do me too much honour .", "Octavio", "You have not", "Returned the advances which I made you yesterday \u2014", "Misunderstood them , as mere empty forms . 5", "That wish proceeded from my heart \u2014 I was", "In earnest with you \u2014 for \u2018 tis now a time", "In which the honest should unite most closely .", "\u2018 Tis only the like-minded can unite .", "His words were lost on me .", "Spare 20", "Yourself the trouble \u2014 me th \u2019 embarrassment ,", "To have deserved so ill your good opinion .", "It is .", "Farewell !", "What wish you ?", "Count ? what ?", "Your insolent scoff shall not go by unpunished . Draw !", "Be the whole world acquainted with the weakness", "For which I never can forgive myself .", "Lieutenant-General ! Yes \u2014 I have ambition .", "Ne'er was I able to endure contempt . 65", "It stung me to the quick , that birth and title", "Should have more weight than merit has in the army .", "I would fain not be meaner than my equal ,", "So in an evil hour I let myself", "Be tempted to that measure \u2014 It was folly ! 70", "But yet so hard a penance it deserved not .", "It might have been refused ; but wherefore barb", "And venom the refusal with contempt ?", "Why dash to earth and crush with heaviest scorn", "The grey-haired man , the faithful veteran ? 75", "Why to the baseness of his parentage", "Refer him with such cruel roughness , only", "Because he had a weak hour and forgot himself ?", "But nature gives a sting e'en to the worm", "Which wanton power treads on in sport and insult . 80", "Be't who it will \u2014 a most low-hearted scoundrel ,", "Some vile court-minion must it be , some Spaniard ,", "Some young squire of some ancient family , 85", "In whose light I may stand , some envious knave ,", "Stung to his soul by my fair self-earned honours !", "Himself impelled me to it , used his interest", "In my behalf with all the warmth of friendship . 90", "I read the letter .", "Ha ! what is this ?", "Can e'er the Emperor 's Majesty forgive me ? 115", "Take it .", "O take it ! I am no longer worthy of this sword .", "\u2014\u2014 Perjure myself to such a gracious Sovereign !", "Break off from him !", "Count Piccolomini ! Dare that man speak", "Of honour to you , who once broke his troth ?", "Then leave me here , upon my word of honour !", "Leave me and my regiment . 140", "That the deed will tell you . Ask me no more at present . Trust to me . Ye may trust safely . By the living God Ye give him over , not to his good angel ! 145 Farewell . ServantA stranger left it , and is gone . The Prince-Duke 's horses wait for you below .Octavio\u2018 Be sure , make haste ! Your faithful Isolan . \u2019 \u2014 O that I had but left this town behind me . To split upon a rock so near the haven !\u2014 150 Away ! This is no longer a safe place for me ! Where can my son be tarrying ? FOOTNOTES :It probably did not suit Schiller 's purposes to remark , what he doubtless knew , that Butler was of a noble Irish family , indeed one of the noblest . MS. R . LINENOTES :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Farewell .", "I follow thee ?", "Thy way is crooked \u2014 it is not my way .", "O , hadst thou been but simple and sincere ,", "Ne'er had it come to this \u2014 all had stood otherwise . 5", "He had not done that foul and horrible deed ,", "The virtuous had retained their influence o'er him :", "He had not fallen into the snares of villains .", "Wherefore so like a thief , and thief 's accomplice", "Did'st creep behind him \u2014 lurking for thy prey ? 10", "O , unblest falsehood ! Mother of all evil !", "Thou misery-making demon , it is thou", "That sink'st us in perdition . Simple truth ,", "Sustainer of the world , had saved us all !", "Father , I will not , I cannot excuse thee ! 15", "Wallenstein has deceived me \u2014 O , most foully !", "But thou hast acted not much better .", "Was't possible ? had'st thou the heart , my father ,", "Had'st thou the heart to drive it to such lengths , 20", "With cold premeditated purpose ? Thou \u2014", "Had'st thou the heart , to wish to see him guilty ,", "Rather than saved ? Thou risest by his fall .", "Octavio , \u2018 twill not please me .", "O , woe is me ! sure I have changed my nature . 25", "How comes suspicion here \u2014 in the free soul ?", "Hope , confidence , belief , are gone ; for all", "Lied to me , all what I e'er loved or honoured .", "No ! No ! Not all ! She \u2014 she yet lives for me ,", "And she is true , and open as the Heavens ! 30", "Deceit is every where , hypocrisy ,", "Murder , and poisoning , treason , perjury :", "The single holy spot is now our love ,", "The only unprofaned in human nature .", "What ? ere I 've taken a last parting leave ,", "The very last \u2014 no never !", "No ! as sure as God lives , no ! 40", "Command me what is human . I stay here .", "No Emperor has power to prescribe", "Laws to the heart ; and would'st thou wish to rob me 45", "Of the sole blessing which my fate has left me ,", "Her sympathy ? Must then a cruel deed", "Be done with cruelty ? The unalterable", "Shall I perform ignobly \u2014 steal away ,", "With stealthy coward flight forsake her ? No ! 50", "She shall behold my suffering , my sore anguish ,", "Hear the complaints of the disparted soul ,", "And weep tears o'er me . Oh ! the human race", "Have steely souls \u2014 but she is as an angel .", "From the black deadly madness of despair 55", "Will she redeem my soul , and in soft words", "Of comfort , plaining , loose this pang of death !", "Squander not thou thy words in vain . 60", "The heart I follow , for I dare trust to it .", "O hadst thou always better thought of men ,", "Thou hadst then acted better . Curst suspicion ! 70", "Unholy miserable doubt ! To him", "Nothing on earth remains unwrenched and firm ,", "Who has no faith .", "The heart 's voice thou hast not o'erpower ' d \u2014 as little 75", "Will Wallenstein be able to o'erpower it .", "Unworthy of thee wilt thou never see me .", "Rely on this , I either leave my life 85", "In the struggle , or conduct them out of Pilsen .", "Farewell !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["It does not please me , Princess ! that he holds", "Himself so still , exactly at this time .", "He now knows all . \u2018 Twere now the moment to declare himself .", "\u2018 Twas for that purpose that I bade her leave us .", "Thekla , you are no more a child . Your heart", "Is now no more in nonage : for you love ,", "And boldness dwells with love \u2014 that you have proved .", "Your nature moulds itself upon your father 's 10", "More than your mother 's spirit . Therefore may you", "Hear , what were too much for her fortitude .", "You 'll not be frightened \u2014", "It lies within your power to do your father", "A weighty service \u2014", "Max Piccolomini loves you . You can link him", "Indissolubly to your father .", "Thekla . I ?", "What need of me for that ? And is he not", "Already linked to him ?", "He was .", "He cleaves to the Emperor too .", "We ask", "Proofs of his love , and not proofs of his honour .", "Duty and honour !", "Those are ambiguous words with many meanings . 30", "You should interpret them for him : his love", "Should be the sole definer of his honour .", "The Emperor or you must he renounce .", "He must not lay the sword aside , we mean ;", "He must unsheath it in your father 's cause .", "You will not understand me . Well , hear then !", "Your father has fallen off from the Emperor ,", "And is about to join the enemy", "With the whole soldiery \u2014", "There needs a great example to draw on", "The army after him . The Piccolomini", "Possess the love and reverence of the troops ;", "They govern all opinions , and wherever", "They lead the way , none hesitate to follow . 50", "The son secures the father to our interests \u2014", "You 've much in your hands at this moment .", "She will accommodate her soul to that 55", "Which is and must be . I do know your mother .", "The far-off future weights upon her heart", "With torture of anxiety ; but is it", "Unalterably , actually present ,", "She soon resigns herself , and bears it calmly . 60", "Calm yourself ! Break not out in vain lamenting !", "Preserve you for your father the firm friend , 70", "And for yourself the lover , all will yet", "Prove good and fortunate .", "He parts not from you ! He can not part from you .", "If indeed he loves you ,", "His resolution will be speedily taken .", "Hush ! 80", "Collect yourself ! I hear your mother coming .", "Collect yourself . LINENOTES :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["All quiet in the camp ?", "In a few hours may couriers come from Prague", "With tidings , that this capital is ours .", "Then we may drop the mask , and to the troops", "Assembled in this town make known the measure 5", "And its result together . In such cases", "Example does the whole . Whoever is foremost", "Still leads the herd . An imitative creature", "Is man . The troops at Prague conceive no other ,", "Than that the Pilsen army has gone through 10", "The forms of homage to us ; and in Pilsen", "They shall swear fealty to us , because", "The example has been given them by Prague .", "Butler , you tell me , has declared himself .", "I find we must not give implicit credence", "To every warning voice that makes itself", "Be listened to in the heart . To hold us back ,", "Oft does the lying spirit counterfeit 20", "The voice of Truth and inward Revelation ,", "Scattering false oracles . And thus have I", "To intreat forgiveness , for that secretly", "I 've wrong 'd this honourable gallant man ,", "This Butler : for a feeling , of the which 25", "I am not master", ",", "Creeps o'er me instantly , with sense of shuddering ,", "At his approach , and stops love 's joyous motion .", "And this same man , against whom I am warned ,", "This honest man is he , who reaches to me 30", "The first pledge of my fortune .", "Go and send Isolani hither . Send him immediately . He is under recent obligations to me . 35 With him will I commence the trial . Go . WallensteinLo , there the mother with the darling daughter ! For once we 'll have an interval of rest \u2014 Come ! my heart yearns to live a cloudless hour In the beloved circle of my family . 40", "Come here , my sweet girl ! Seat thee by me ,", "For there is a good spirit on thy lips .", "Thy mother praised to me thy ready skill : 45", "She says a voice of melody dwells in thee ,", "Which doth enchant the soul . Now such a voice", "Will drive away from me the evil demon", "That beats his black wings close above my head .", "What ails the maiden ? Say , is she often so ?", "What ?", "Loves him ! Whom ?", "And does he know it ?", "Hopes to win her ! Is the boy mad ?", "He thinks to carry off Duke Friedland 's daughter ! 75", "Aye ?\u2014 The thought pleases me .", "The young man has no grovelling spirit .", "He chooses finally to be my heir .", "And true it is , I love the youth ; yea , honour him . 80", "But must he therefore be my daughter 's husband !", "Is it daughters only ? Is it only children", "That we must shew our favour by ?", "Win him my heart , but not my daughter .", "Ancestors ! What ?", "He is a subject , and my son-in-law", "I will seek out upon the thrones of Europe .", "What ? have I paid 90", "A price so heavy to ascend this eminence ,", "And jut out high above the common herd ,", "Only to close the mighty part I play", "In Life 's great drama , with a common kinsman ?", "Have I for this \u2014", "She is the only thing 95", "That will remain behind of me on earth ;", "And I will see a crown around her head ,", "Or die in the attempt to place it there .", "I hazard all \u2014 all ! and for this alone ,", "To lift her into greatness \u2014 100", "Yea , in this moment , in the which we are speaking \u2014", "No .", "You would not be secure there .", "Friedland 's wife may be permitted", "No longer to hope that .", "In Holland", "You 'll find protection .", "Duke Franz of Lauenburg conducts you thither .", "The Emperor 's enemies are mine no longer . 130 DuchessIs it then true ? It is . You are degraded ? Deposed from the command ? O God in heaven ! CountessLeave her in this belief . Thou seest she cannot Support the real truth . LINENOTES :fear 1800 , 1828 , 1829 .from ] for 1800 , 1828 , 1829 .him 1800 , 1828 , 1829 .Have I for this \u2014 1800 , 1828 , 1829 ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["He knows all .", "Damnation ! WallensteinHush ! CountessTertsky ! Heaven ! What is it ? What has happened ? 5 WallensteinNothing ! let us be gone ! TertskyTheresa , it is nothing . CountessNothing ? Do I not see , that all the lifeblood Has left your cheeks \u2014 look you not like a ghost ? That even my brother but affects a calmness ? 10 PageAn Aid-de-Camp enquires for the Count Tertsky .", "Remain here . From this window must we see it . 30", "Wallenstein", "Sister , retire !", "There are strange movements among all the troops ,", "And no one knows the cause . Mysteriously ,", "With gloomy silentness , the several corps", "Marshal themselves , each under its own banners . 5", "Tiefenbach 's corps makes threatening movements ; only", "The Pappenheimers still remain aloof", "In their own quarters , and let no one enter .", "We are seeking him : he is no where to be met with . 10", "My regiments had dispatched him ; yet once more", "They swear fidelity to thee , and wait", "The shout for onset , all prepared , and eager .", "O that thou hadst believed me ! Yester evening", "Did we conjure thee not to let that skulker ,", "That fox , Octavio , pass the gates of Pilsen . 20", "Thou gav'st him thy own horses to flee from thee .", "Thou did'st confide in Isolani too ;", "And lo ! he was the first that did desert thee . 25", "Yet , would I rather", "Trust the smooth brow than that deep furrowed one . 50", "LINENOTES :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Treason and mutiny !", "Tiefenbach 's soldiers , when I gave the orders", "To go off guard \u2014 Mutinous villains !", "They refused obedience to them . 5", "No other ,", "They said , had right to issue orders but", "Lieutenant-General Piccolomini .", "He takes that office on him by commission ,", "Under sign-manual of the Emperor .", "At his incitement", "The Generals made that stealthy flight \u2014", "Caraffa too , and Montecuculi , 15", "Are missing , with six other Generals ,", "All whom he had induced to follow him .", "This plot he has long had in writing by him", "From the Emperor ; but \u2018 twas finally concluded", "With all the detail of the operation 20", "Some days ago with the Envoy Questenberg .", "The regiments are all falling off from us .", "Damnation !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Halt ! Front ! Present !", "Wallenstein", "I know thee well . Thou art out of Br\u00fcggin in Flanders :", "Thy name is Mercy .", "Henry Mercy .", "\u2018 Twas even so , General !", "That which I asked for : the honour to serve in this corps . 10 WallensteinThou wert among the volunteers that seized and made booty of the Swedish battery at Altenburg .", "Your noble regiment , the Cuirassiers of", "Piccolomini .", "Because we would first know whom we serve .", "There came to hand a letter from the Emperor 35", "Commanding us \u2014\u2014", "Every company", "Drew its own man by lot .", "There came to hand a letter from the Emperor", "Commanding us collectively , from thee", "All duties of obedience to withdraw , 40", "Because thou wert an enemy and traitor .", "All our comrades", "At Brannau , Budweiss , Prague and Olmutz , have", "Obeyed already , and the regiments here , 45", "Tiefenbach and Toscana , instantly", "Did follow their example . But \u2014 but we", "Do not believe that thou art an enemy", "And traitor to thy country , hold it merely", "For lie and trick , and a trumped-up Spanish story ! 50", "Thyself shalt tell us what thy purpose is ,", "For we have found thee still sincere and true :", "No mouth shall interpose itself betwixt", "The gallant General and the gallant troops .", "And this proposal makes thy regiment to thee :", "Is it thy purpose merely to preserve", "In thy own hands this military sceptre ,", "Which so becomes thee , which the Emperor", "Made over to thee by a covenant ? 60", "Is it thy purpose merely to remain", "Supreme commander of the Austrian armies ?\u2014", "We will stand by thee , General ! and guarantee", "Thy honest rights against all opposition .", "And should it chance , that all the other regiments 65", "Turn from thee , by ourselves will we stand forth", "Thy faithful soldiers , and , as is our duty ,", "Far rather let ourselves be cut to pieces ,", "Than suffer thee to fall . But if it be", "As the Emperor 's letter says , if it be true , 70", "That thou in traitorous wise wilt lead us over", "To the enemy , which God in heaven forbid !", "Then we too will forsake thee , and obey", "That letter \u2014\u2014", "Yes , or no ! There needs no other answer .", "Most fair and noble has thy conduct been", "To us , my General ! With thy confidence", "Thou hast honoured us , and shewn us grace and favour", "Beyond all other regiments ; and thou seest 85", "We follow not the common herd . We will", "Stand by thee faithfully . Speak but one word \u2014", "Thy word shall satisfy us , that it is not", "A treason which thou meditatest \u2014 that", "Thou meanest not to lead the army over 90", "To the enemy ; nor e'er betray thy country .", "That shall he not , while we can hinder it !", "No one , but thou , who hast conducted it", "With fame , shall end this war , this frightful war . 120", "Thou led'st us out into the bloody field", "Of death , thou and no other shalt conduct us home ,", "Rejoicing , to the lovely plains of peace \u2014", "Shalt share with us the fruits of the long toil \u2014", "\u2018 Tis then but mere appearances which thou", "Dost put on with the Swede ? Thou'lt not betray", "The Emperor ? Wilt not turn us into Swedes ?", "This is the only thing which we desire", "To learn from thee ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Yes ! here he is ! I can endure no longer To creep on tiptoe round this house , and lurk In ambush for a favourable moment . This loitering , this suspense exceeds my powers .Turn not thine eyes away . O look upon me ! 5 Confess it freely before all . Fear no one , Let who will hear that we both love each other . Wherefore continue to conceal it ? Secrecy Is for the happy \u2014 misery , hopeless misery , Needeth no veil ! Beneath a thousand suns 10 It dares act openly .No , Lady ! No ! Expect not , hope it not . I am not come To stay : to bid farewell , farewell for ever . For this I come ! \u2018 Tis over ! I must leave thee ! Thekla , I must \u2014 must leave thee ! Yet thy hatred 15 Let me not take with me . I pray thee , grant me One look of sympathy , only one look . Say that thou dost not hate me . Say it to me , Thekla !O God ! I cannot leave this spot \u2014 I cannot ! Cannot let go this hand . O tell me , Thekla ! 20 That thou dost suffer with me , art convinced That I cannot act otherwise .Thou here ? It was not thou , whom here I sought . I trusted never more to have beheld thee . My business is with her alone . Here will I 25 Receive a full acquittal from this heart \u2014 For any other I am no more concerned .", "Thou wilt proceed with me , as thou hast power . 40", "Thou know'st , I neither brave nor fear thy rage .", "What has detained me here , that too thou know'st .", "See , Duke ! All \u2014 all would I have owed to thee ,", "Would have received from thy paternal hand", "The lot of blessed spirits . This hast thou 45", "Laid waste for ever \u2014 that concerns not thee .", "Indifferent thou tramplest in the dust", "Their happiness , who most are thine . The god", "Whom thou dost serve , is no benignant deity .", "Like as the blind irreconcileable 50", "Fierce element , incapable of compact ,", "Thy heart 's wild impulse only dost thou follow .", "I will not 70", "Defend my father . Woe is me , I cannot !", "Hard deeds and luckless have ta'en place , one crime", "Drags after it the other in close link .", "But we are innocent : how have we fallen", "Into this circle of mishap and guilt ? 75", "To whom have we been faithless ? Wherefore must", "The evil deeds and guilt reciprocal", "Of our two fathers twine like serpents round us ?", "Why must our fathers \u2019", "Unconquerable hate rend us asunder ,", "Who love each other ?", "O my God !", "O God ! how can I", "Do otherwise ? Am I not forced to do it ?", "My oath \u2014 my duty \u2014 honour \u2014", "Madmen !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Message and greeting from our faithful regiments .", "Their ardour may no longer be curbed in .", "They intreat permission to commence the attack ,", "And if thou would'st but give the word of onset ,", "They could now charge the enemy in rear , 5", "Into the city wedge them , and with ease", "O'erpower them in the narrow streets .", "He falls .", "Expose thyself to their blind frenzy ? Duchess and Countess . No ! For God 's sake , no !", "All is lost !", "\u2018 Twas all in vain .", "To the Emperor .", "Nay ! he was not once permitted", "Even to address them . Soon as he began , 5", "With deafening noise of warlike instruments", "They drowned his words . But here he comes .", "SCENE XI", "To these enter WALLENSTEIN , accompanied by ILLO and BUTLER .", "Wallenstein", "Tertsky !", "My General ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Is it you ? How my heart sinks ! The Duke a fugitive traitor ! His princely head attainted ! O my God !", "Yes ! and in obedience to it 5", "Opened the strong hold to him without scruple .", "For an imperial letter orders me", "To follow your commands implicitly .", "But yet forgive me ; when even now I saw", "The Duke himself , my scruples recommenced . 10", "For truly , not like an attainted man ,", "Into this town did Friedland make his entrance ;", "His wonted majesty beamed from his brow ,", "And calm , as in the days when all was right ,", "Did he receive from me the accounts of office ; 15", "\u2018 Tis said , that fallen pride learns condescension :", "But sparing and with dignity the Duke", "Weighed every syllable of approbation ,", "As masters praise a servant who has done", "His duty , and no more .", "A traitor to the Emperor \u2014 Such a noble ! 30", "Of such high talents ! What is human greatness !", "I often said , this can n't end happily .", "His might , his greatness , and this obscure power", "Are but a covered pit-fall . The human being", "May not be trusted to self-government . 35", "The clear and written law , the deep trod foot-marks", "Of ancient custom , are all necessary", "To keep him in the road of faith and duty .", "The authority entrusted to this man", "Was unexampled and unnatural 40", "It placed him on a level with his Emperor ,", "Till the proud soul unlearned submission . Wo is me ;", "I mourn for him ! for where he fell , I deem", "Might none stand firm . Alas ! dear General ,", "We in our lucky mediocrity 45", "Have ne'er experienced , cannot calculate ,", "What dangerous wishes such a height may breed", "In the heart of such a man .", "O that I had not lived to see this day !", "From his hand I received this dignity ,", "He did himself entrust this strong hold to me ,", "Which I am now required to make his dungeon . 60", "We subalterns have no will of our own :", "The free , the mighty man alone may listen", "To the fair impulse of his human nature .", "Ah ! we are but the poor tools of the law ,", "Obedience the sole virtue we dare aim at ! 65", "And all then have deserted him , you say ?", "He has built up the luck of many thousands ; 70", "For kingly was his spirit : his full hand", "Was ever open ! Many a one from dust", "Hath he selected , from the very dust", "Hath raised him into dignity and honour .", "And yet no friend , not one friend hath he purchased , 75", "Whose heart beats true to him in the evil hour .", "I have enjoyed from him", "No grace or favour . I could almost doubt ,", "If ever in his greatness he once thought on", "An old friend of his youth . For still my office 80", "Kept me at distance from him ; and when first", "He to this citadel appointed me ,", "He was sincere and serious in his duty .", "I do not then abuse his confidence ,", "If I preserve my fealty in that 85", "Which to my fealty was first delivered .", "If it be so \u2014 if all be as you say \u2014", "If he 've betrayed the Emperor , his master ,", "Have sold the troops , have purposed to deliver 90", "The strong holds of the country to the enemy \u2014", "Yea , truly !\u2014 - there is no redemption for him !", "Yet it is hard , that me the lot should destine", "To be the instrument of his perdition ;", "For we were pages at the court of Bergau 95", "At the same period ; but I was the senior .", "\u2018 Tis full thirty years since then .", "A youth who scarce had seen his twentieth year", "Was Wallenstein , when he and I were friends :", "Yet even then he had a daring soul : 100", "His frame of mind was serious and severe", "Beyond his years : his dreams were of great objects .", "He walked amidst us of a silent spirit ,", "Communing with himself : yet I have known him", "Transported on a sudden into utterance 105", "Of strange conceptions ; kindling into splendour", "His soul revealed itself , and he spake so", "That we looked round perplexed upon each other ,", "Not knowing whether it were craziness ,", "Or whether it were a god that spoke in him . 110", "He became 115", "Doubtless more self-enwrapt and melancholy ;", "He made himself a Catholic . Marvellously", "His marvellous preservation had transformed him .", "Thenceforth he held himself for an exempted", "And privileged being , and , as if he were 120", "Incapable of dizziness or fall ,", "He ran along the unsteady rope of life .", "But now our destinies drove us asunder :", "He paced with rapid step the way of greatness ,", "Was Count , and Prince , Duke-regent , and Dictator . 125", "And now is all , all this too little for him ;", "He stretches forth his hands for a king 's crown ,", "And plunges in unfathomable ruin ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What 's this ?", "Unfortunate Lady !", "Too well I heard it . 5", "\u2018 Tis even so .", "I grant it .", "It were to be feared .", "Butler", "Know , I am warranty for the event ;", "With my head have I pledged myself for his , 15", "Must make my word good , cost it what it will ,", "And if alive we cannot hold him prisoner ,", "Why \u2014 death makes all things certain !", "Butler ! What ? Do I understand you ? Gracious God ! You could \u2014", "And you can do the deed ! 20", "You would assassinate him .", "Who leans with his whole confidence upon you !", "Your General ! The sacred person of your General ! 25", "That \u2018 tis only", "A \u2018 has been \u2019 washes out no villainy .", "And without judgment passed ?", "This were murder ,", "Not justice . The most guilty should be heard . 30", "We should not", "Hurry to realize a bloody sentence .", "A word may be recalled , a life can never be .", "No honest man 's ambitious to press forward", "To the hangman 's service .", "A brave man hazards life , but not his conscience .", "Seize him , and hold him prisoner \u2014 do not kill him .", "O , wherefore opened I the strong hold to him ! 45", "Upon these ramparts , as beseemed a soldier ,", "I had fallen , defending the Emperor 's citadel !", "Doing their duty \u2014 that adorns the man ! 50 But murder 's a black deed , and nature curses it . ButlerHere is the manifesto which commands us To gain possession of his person . See \u2014 It is addressed to you as well as me . Are you content to take the consequences , 55 If through our fault he escape to the enemy ?", "I ?\u2014 Gracious God !", "O God in heaven !", "Merciful heaven ! what must be", "I see as clear as you . Yet still the heart", "Within my bosom beats with other feelings !", "I feel no pang for these . Their own bad hearts", "Impelled them , not the influence of the stars .", "\u2018 Twas they who strewed the seeds of evil passions 70", "In his calm breast , and with officious villainy", "Watered and nursed the pois'nous plants . May they", "Receive their earnests to the uttermost mite !", "Shame , shame ! what talk is this ,", "My Lord Field Marshal ? Wherefore foam you so", "Against your Emperor ?", "I am content already ,", "And wish to climb no higher ; where great height is", "The fall must needs be great . \u2018 Great height , great depth . \u2019 65"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Do as he ordered you . Send round patroles .", "Take measures for the citadel 's security ;", "When they are within I close the castle gate", "That nothing may transpire .", "You have heard already ,", "To-morrow to the Swedes belongs . This night", "Alone is ours . They make good expedition .", "But we will make still greater . Fare you well .", "The sun has set ;", "A fateful evening doth descend upon us ,", "And brings on their long night ! Their evil stars", "Deliver them unarmed into our hands .", "And from their drunken dream of golden fortunes 20", "The dagger at their heart shall rouse them . Well ,", "The Duke was ever a great calculator ;", "His fellow-men were figures on his chess-board ,", "To move and station , as his game required .", "Other men 's honour , dignity , good name , 25", "Did he shift like pawns , and made no conscience of it :", "Still calculating , calculating still ;", "And yet at last his calculation proves", "Erroneous ; the whole game is lost ; and lo !", "His own life will be found among the forfeits . 30", "It is too late .", "I suffer not myself to feel compassion ,", "Dark thoughts and bloody are my duty now :", "Gordon ! \u2018 Tis not my hatred", "40", "Yet \u2018 tis not now my hatred that impels me", "To be his murderer . \u2018 Tis his evil fate .", "Hostile concurrences of many events", "Control and subjugate me to the office .", "In vain the human being meditates 45", "Free action . He is but the wire-worked", "puppet", "Of the blind power , which out of his own choice", "Creates for him a dread necessity .", "What too would it avail him , if there were", "A something pleading for him in my heart \u2014 50", "Still I must kill him .", "You know not . Ask not ! Wherefore should it happen , 55", "That the Swedes gained the victory , and hasten", "With such forced marches hitherward ? Fain would I", "Have given him to the Emperor 's mercy .\u2014 Gordon !", "I do not wish his blood \u2014 But I must ransom", "The honour of my word \u2014 it lies in pledge \u2014 60", "And he must die , or \u2014\u2014", "Listen then , and know !", "I am dishonoured if the Duke escape us .", "What !", "He is a great Lord ,", "This Duke \u2014 and I am but of mean importance .", "This is what you would say ? Wherein concerns it", "The world at large , you mean to hint to me ,", "Whether the man of low extraction keeps 70", "Or blemishes his honour \u2014", "So that the man of princely rank be saved .", "We all do stamp our value on ourselves .", "The price we challenge for ourselves is given us .", "There does not live on earth the man so stationed , 75", "That I despise myself compared with him .", "Man is made great or little by his own will ;", "Because I am true to mine , therefore he dies ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Here we are , General .", "Have we not marched to this place to protect him ?", "And followed him yourself to Egra .", "An altered case ! ButlerThou wretched man ! So easily leav'st thou thy oath and colours ? 10", "We 've nought to do with thinking \u2014 that 's your business .", "You are our General , and give out the orders ;", "We follow you , though the track lead to hell . 15", "I should hope so .", "\u2018 Tis e'en so !", "That is still better .", "Alive or dead \u2014 these were the very words . 25", "Yes ,", "The Duke 's a splendid paymaster .", "And is that certain ?", "As poor as we ?", "To whom we 've sworn a soldier 's oath \u2014", "Yes , by my soul ! It is too bad . One has a conscience too \u2014", "\u2018 Two n't do !", "What may you want with him ? 65", "Why if he must fall ,", "And will fall , and it can n't be otherwise , 70", "One would not give place to this Pestalutz .", "Ay ! and then Tertsky still remains , and Illo \u2014", "Hear , Devereux ? A bloody evening this .", "Yes , but there 's another", "Point to be thought of .", "What avails sword or dagger against him ? 120", "He is not to be wounded \u2014 he is \u2014", "Safe against shot , and stab and flash ! Hard frozen ,", "Secured , and warranted by the black art !", "His body is impenetrable , I tell you .", "Hear what I 'll do .", "In the cloister here", "There 's a Dominican , my countryman .", "I 'll make him dip my sword and pike for me 130", "In holy water , and say over them", "One of his strongest blessings . That 's probatum !", "Nothing can stand \u2018 gainst that .", "And I too . \u2018 Tis too great a personage . People will hold us for a brace of villains ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["How knew she it so soon ?", "A heavy , heavy blow ! 10", "And she so unprepared ! Poor child ! How is it ?", "Is she coming to herself ?", "Give her sorrow leave to talk !", "Let her complain \u2014 mingle your tears with hers , 20", "For she hath suffered a deep anguish ; but", "She 'll rise superior to it , for my Thekla", "Hath all her father 's unsubdued heart .", "Dearest daughter !", "Name it , my daughter .", "Hush ! Wherefore would'st thou speak with him , my daughter ?", "I see she is in the right , and am inclined", "To grant her this request of hers . Go , call him .", "Permit her her own will . Leave her alone with him : for there are sorrows , Where of necessity the soul must be Its own support . A strong heart will rely On its own strength alone . In her own bosom , 60 Not in her mother 's arms , must she collect The strength to rise superior to this blow . It is mine own brave girl . I 'll have her treated Not as the woman , but the heroine . CountessWhere art thou going ? I heard Tertsky say 65 That \u2018 tis thy purpose to depart from hence To-morrow early , but to leave us here .", "Yes , ye stay here , placed under the protection", "Of gallant men .", "Who speaks of evil ? I entreat you , sister ,", "Use words of better omen .", "The place 's evil omens will I change ,", "Making it that which shields and shelters for me", "My best beloved .", "Lady Neubrunn", "The Swedish officer . 85", "Leave her alone with him . DuchessThere \u2014 pale as death !\u2014 Child , \u2018 tis impossible That thou should'st speak with him . Follow thy mother ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Princess \u2014 I must entreat your gentle pardon \u2014", "My inconsiderate rash speech \u2014 How could I \u2014", "I fear you hate my presence ,", "For my tongue spake a melancholy word .", "Princess , \u2018 twill", "Renew your anguish .", "We lay , expecting no attack , at Neustadt ,", "Entrenched but insecurely in our camp , 15", "When towards evening rose a cloud of dust", "From the wood thitherward ; our vanguard fled", "Into the camp , and sounded the alarm .", "Scarce had we mounted , ere the Pappenheimers ,", "Their horses at full speed , broke through the lines , 20", "And leapt the trenches ; but their heedless courage", "Had borne them onward far before the others \u2014", "The infantry were still at distance , only", "The Pappenheimers followed daringly", "Their daring leader \u2014\u2014", "Both in van and flanks 25", "With our whole cavalry we now received them ;", "Back to the trenches drove them , where the foot", "Stretched out a solid ridge of pikes to meet them .", "They neither could advance , nor yet retreat ;", "And as they stood on every side wedged in , 30", "The Rhinegrave to their leader called aloud ,", "Inviting a surrender ; but their leader ,", "Young Piccolomini \u2014\u2014", "I retire .", "Wild despair 40", "Inspired the troops with frenzy when they saw", "Their leader perish ; every thought of rescue", "Was spurn 'd ; they fought like wounded tigers ; their", "Frantic resistance rous 'd our soldiery ;", "A murderous fight took place , nor was the contest 45", "Finish 'd before their last man fell .", "At Neustadt , lady ; in a cloister church 60", "Are his remains deposited , until", "We can receive directions from his father .", "Saint Catharine 's .", "Near twelve leagues .", "You go by Tirschenreit 65", "And Falkenberg , through our advanced posts .", "Colonel Seckendorf .", "Princess \u2014\u2014LINENOTES :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Away ! and whither ?", "What would you do there ?", "That place of death \u2014\u2014", "Your father 's rage \u2014\u2014", "The sentence of the world ! The tongue of calumny !", "And we alone , two helpless feeble women ?", "In the dark night-time ?", "This rough tempestuous night \u2014\u2014", "Heaven ! 25", "And then the many posts of the enemy !\u2014", "The journey 's weary length \u2014", "How can we pass the gates ?", "Should we be recognized \u2014", "And where procure we horses for our flight ? 35", "Dares he , without the knowledge of his lord ?", "Dear lady ! and your mother ?", "So much as she has suffered too already ; 40", "Your tender mother \u2014 Ah ! how ill prepared", "For this last anguish !", "But think what you are doing !", "And being there , what purpose you to do ? 45", "Your heart , dear lady , is disquieted ! And this is not the way that leads to quiet .", "You frighten me so , lady , that no longer", "I dare stay here myself . I go and call", "Rosenberg instantly .", "LINENOTES :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Commend me to your lord . I sympathize", "In his good fortune ; and if you have seen me", "Deficient in the expressions of that joy", "Which such a victory might well demand ,", "Attribute it to no lack of good will , 5", "For henceforth are our fortunes one . Farewell ,", "And for your trouble take my thanks . To-morrow", "The citadel shall be surrendered to you", "On your arrival .", "Com'st thou from her ? Is she restored ? How is she ? 10", "The pang will soften ,", "She will shed tears .", "Be quiet . I ail nothing . Where 's", "Thy husband ?", "Methinks ,", "If I but saw him , \u2018 twould be well with me .", "He , is the star of my nativity ,", "And often marvellously hath his aspect 35", "Shot strength into my heart .", "See him again ? O never , never again .", "He is gone \u2014 is dust .", "He , the more fortunate ! yea , he hath finished !", "For him there is no longer any future , 40", "His life is bright \u2014 bright without spot it was ,", "And cannot cease to be . No ominous hour", "Knocks at his door with tidings of mishap .", "Far off is he , above desire and fear ;", "No more submitted to the change and chance 45", "Of the unsteady planets . O \u2018 tis well", "With him ! but who knows what the coming hour", "Veil 'd in thick darkness brings for us !", "I shall grieve down this blow , of that I 'm conscious .", "What does not man grieve down ? From the highest ,", "As from the vilest thing of every day", "He learns to wean himself : for the strong hours 60", "Conquer him . Yet I feel what I have lost", "In him . The bloom is vanished from my life .", "For O ! he stood beside me , like my youth ,", "Transformed for me the real to a dream ,", "Clothing the palpable and familiar 65", "With golden exhalations of the dawn .", "Whatever fortunes wait my future toils ,", "The beautiful is vanished \u2014 and returns not .", "Fear ? Wherefore ?", "Fancies !", "This was a dream of favourable omen , 85", "That marriage being the founder of my fortunes .", "Thy soul is busy with these thoughts .", "There is no doubt that there exist such voices . 95", "Yet I would not call them", "Voices of warning that announce to us", "Only the inevitable . As the sun ,", "Ere it is risen , sometimes paints its image", "In the atmosphere , so often do the spirits 100", "Of great events stride on before the events ,", "And in to-day already walks to-morrow .", "That which we read of the fourth Henry 's death", "Did ever vex and haunt me like a tale", "Of my own future destiny . The King 105", "Felt in his breast the phantom of the knife ,", "Long ere Ravaillac arm 'd himself therewith .", "His quiet mind forsook him : the phantasma", "Started him in his Louvre , chased him forth", "Into the open air : like funeral knells 110", "Sounded that coronation festival ;", "And still with boding sense he heard the tread", "Of those feet that ev'n then were seeking him", "Throughout the streets of Paris .", "Nothing . 115", "Be wholly tranquil .", "That is the crimson tapestry of my chamber . 125 CountessIf it should come to that \u2014 if I should see thee , Who standest now before me in the fulness Of life \u2014", "The Emperor 's proclamation weighs upon thee \u2014", "Alphabets wound not \u2014 and he finds no hands . 130"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What is it , Seni ? PageO piteous sight !", "What is it ? For God 's sake !", "They are the fruits", "Of your contrivances . The Duke is dead ,", "My husband too is dead , the Duchess struggles", "In the pangs of death , my niece has disappeared . 5", "This house of splendour , and of princely glory ,", "Doth now stand desolated : the affrighted servants", "Rush forth through all its doors . I am the last", "Therein ; I shut it up , and here deliver", "The keys .", "Who next is to be murdered ? Who is next", "To be maltreated ? Lo ! The Duke is dead .", "The Emperor 's vengeance may be pacified !", "Spare the old servants ; let not their fidelity", "Be imputed to the faithful as a crime \u2014 15", "The evil destiny surprised my brother", "Too suddenly ; he could not think on them .", "To the grace and mercy of a greater Master", "Do I yield up myself . Where shall the body", "Of the Duke have its place of final rest ? 30", "In the Chartreuse , which he himself did found ,", "At Gitschin rests the Countess Wallenstein ;", "And by her side , to whom he was indebted", "For his first fortunes , gratefully he wished", "He might sometime repose in death ! O let him 35", "Be buried there . And likewise , for my husband 's", "Remains , I ask the like grace . The Emperor", "Is now proprietor of all our castles .", "This sure may well be granted us \u2014 one sepulchre", "Beside the sepulchres of our forefathers ! 40", "You think", "More worthily of me , than to believe", "I would survive the downfall of my house .", "We did not hold ourselves too mean to grasp", "After a monarch 's crown \u2014 the crown did fate 45", "Deny , but not the feeling and the spirit", "That to the crown belong ! We deem a", "Courageous death more worthy of our free station", "Than a dishonoured life .\u2014 I have taken poison .", "Nay , it is too late . 50", "In a few moments is my fate accomplished ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["No sound , no face of joy to welcome us !", "Then claim your rights in it ! O , revered Don Alvar , 10", "Yet , yet give up your all too gentle purpose .", "It is too hazardous ! reveal yourself ,", "And let the guilty meet the doom of guilt !", "Nobly-minded Alvar ! This sure but gives his guilt a blacker dye .", "Remorse is as the heart in which it grows : 20", "If that be gentle , it drops balmy dews", "Of true repentance ; but if proud and gloomy ,", "It is a poison-tree , that pierced to the inmost", "Weeps only tears of poison !", "You have thrice told already 30", "The years of absence and of secrecy ,", "To which a forced oath bound you ; if in truth", "A suborned murderer have the power to dictate", "A binding oath \u2014", "Heavy presumption !", "That rocky seat you mean ,", "Shaped by the billows ?\u2014", "Proceed , my lord !", "A damning proof !", "All , all are in the sea-cave , 90", "Some furlong hence . I bade our mariners", "Secrete the boat there .", "Be assured", "That it remains uninjured .", "Will they not know you ?", "\u2018 Tis yours , sir , to command , mine to obey . 110", "Now to the cave beneath the vaulted rock ,", "Where having shaped you to a Moorish chieftain ,", "I 'll seek our mariners ; and in the dusk", "Transport whate'er we need to the small dell", "In the Alpujarras \u2014 there where Zagri lived . 115"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I hold Ordonio dear ; he is your son", "And Alvar 's brother .", "I mourn that you should plead in vain , Lord Valdez ,", "But heaven hath heard my vow , and I remain 5", "Faithful to Alvar , be he dead or living .", "There are woes", "Ill bartered for the garishness of joy !", "If it be wretched with an untired eye 20", "To watch those skiey tints , and this green ocean ;", "Or in the sultry hour beneath some rock ,", "My hair dishevelled by the pleasant sea breeze ,", "To shape sweet visions , and live o'er again", "All past hours of delight ! If it be wretched 25", "To watch some bark , and fancy Alvar there ,", "To go through each minutest circumstance", "Of the blest meeting , and to frame adventures", "Most terrible and strange , and hear him tell them ;", "\u2014 if this be wretchedness , 35", "And if indeed it be a wretched thing", "To trick out mine own death-bed , and imagine", "That I had died , died just ere his return !", "Then see him listening to my constancy ,", "Or hover round , as he at midnight oft 40", "Sits on my grave and gazes at the moon ;", "Or haply in some more fantastic mood ,", "To be in Paradise , and with choice flowers", "Build up a bower where he and I might dwell ,", "And there to wait his coming ! O my sire ! 45", "My Alvar 's sire ! if this be wretchedness", "That eats away the life , what were it , think you ,", "If in a most assured reality", "He should return , and see a brother 's infant", "Smile at him from my arms ? 50", "Oh what a thought !", "Was it not then a busy joy ? to see him ,", "After those three years \u2019 travels ! we had no fears \u2014 55", "The frequent tidings , the ne'er failing letter .", "Almost endeared his absence ! Yet the gladness ,", "The tumult of our joy ! What then if now \u2014\u2014", "My father !", "Oh no ! he did not !", "His capture , not his death .", "For mercy 's sake", "Press me no more ! I have no power to love him . 80", "His proud forbidding eye , and his dark brow ,", "Chill me like dew-damps of the unwholesome night :", "My love , a timorous and tender flower ,", "Closes beneath his touch .", "Oh pardon me , Lord Valdez ! pardon me !", "It was a foolish and ungrateful speech , 95", "A most ungrateful speech ! But I am hurried", "Beyond myself , if I but hear of one", "Who aims to rival Alvar . Were we not", "Born in one day , like twins of the same parent ?", "Nursed in one cradle ? Pardon me , my father ! 100", "A six years \u2019 absence is a heavy thing ,", "Yet still the hope survives \u2014\u2014", "Valdez", "Hush ! \u2018 tis Monviedro .", "The Inquisitor ! on what new scent of blood ?", "I do not , can not , love him . Is my heart hard ?", "Is my heart hard ? that even now the thought", "Should force itself upon me ?\u2014 Yet I feel it ! 150", "Stay , father ! stay ! my lord will soon recover .", "Ordonio", "Strange , that this Monviedro", "Should have the power so to distemper me !", "With your permission , my dear lord , 180", "I 'll loiter yet awhile t \u2019 enjoy the sea breeze .", "Oh fear not me ! my heart is sad for you . 185", "Be more calm , I pray you .", "Hush ! hush for shame ! Where is your woman 's heart ?", "Shame fall on those who so have shewn it to thee !", "What might your crime be ?", "O Heaven ! it is too horrible to hear .", "You were at length released ?", "But your husband \u2014", "Alas , poor man !", "Know you that stately Moor ?", "The Alpujarras ? Does he know his danger ,", "So near this seat ?", "If aught enforce you to concealment , Sir \u2014", "See , we have disturbed him .", "I pray you , think us friends \u2014 uncowl your face , 260", "For you seem faint , and the night-breeze blows healing .", "I pray you , think us friends !", "Alvar", "Calm , very calm !", "\u2018 Tis all too tranquil for reality !", "And she spoke to me with her innocent voice , 265", "That voice , that innocent voice ! She is no traitress !", "Let us retire", "Dreams tell but of the past , and yet , \u2018 tis said ,", "They prophesy \u2014", "Traitress !", "What sudden spell o'ermasters me ?", "Why seeks he me , shunning the Moorish woman ?", "From morn to night I am myself a dreamer ,", "And slight things bring on me the idle mood !", "Well sir , what happened then ?", "A fearful curse !", "My soul is full of visions all as wild !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Here we may stop : your house distinct in view ,", "Yet we secured from listeners .", "Good Isidore ! Why this to me ? It is enough , you know it .", "Enough !", "A debt repaid ceases to be a debt . 15", "You have it in your power to serve me greatly .", "Why \u2014 that \u2014 Lady \u2014", "O miserable \u2014", "And till his death is proved she will not wed me . 25", "Come , come ! this foolery", "Lives only in thy looks , thy heart disowns it !", "Why , you can utter with a solemn gesture 30", "Oracular sentences of deep no-meaning ,", "Wear a quaint garment , make mysterious antics \u2014", "In blunt terms , you can play the sorcerer .", "She hath no faith in Holy Church , \u2018 tis true : 35", "Her lover schooled her in some newer nonsense !", "Yet still a tale of spirits works upon her .", "She is a lone enthusiast , sensitive ,", "Shivers , and can not keep the tears in her eye :", "And such do love the marvellous too well 40", "Not to believe it . We will wind up her fancy", "With a strange music , that she knows not of \u2014", "With fumes of frankincense , and mummery ,", "Then leave , as one sure token of his death ,", "That portrait , which from off the dead man 's neck 45", "I bade thee take , the trophy of thy conquest .", "Beyond suspicion .", "Fondly caressing him , her favour 'd lover ,", "She whispered such dark fears of me forsooth , 50", "As made this heart pour gall into my veins .", "And as she coyly bound it round his neck", "She made him promise silence ; and now holds", "The secret of the existence of this portrait", "Known only to her lover and herself . 55", "But I had traced her , stolen unnotic 'd on them ,", "And unsuspected saw and heard the whole .", "Where lies your scruple ? 60", "This fellow is a Man \u2014 he killed for hire", "One whom he knew not , yet has tender scruples ! 70", "These doubts , these fears , thy whine , thy stammering \u2014", "Pish , fool ! thou blunder'st through the book of guilt ,", "Spelling thy villainy .", "O aye \u2014 your gratitude ! \u2018 Twas a well-sounding word \u2014 what have you done with it ?", "Virtue \u2014\u2014", "And who told you ?", "Ha ! you talk 'd with him ! And those , the two Morescoes who were with you ?", "Villain ! no more . I 'll hear no more of it .", "Enough \u2014 enough \u2014 95", "Alvar ! brother !", "Yes ?", "And you kill 'd him ?", "Oh blood hounds ! may eternal wrath flame round you !", "He was his Maker 's Image undefac 'd ! 120", "It seizes me \u2014 by Hell I will go on !", "What \u2014 would'st thou stop , man ? thy pale looks wo n't save thee !", "Oh cold \u2014 cold \u2014 cold ! shot through with icy cold !", "Isidore", "Were he alive he had returned ere now .", "The consequence the same \u2014 dead through his plotting ! 125", "O this unutterable dying away \u2014 here \u2014", "This sickness of the heart !", "What if I went", "And liv 'd in a hollow tomb , and fed on weeds ?", "Aye ! that 's the road to heaven ! O fool ! fool ! fool !", "What have I done but that which nature destined , 130", "Or the blind elements stirred up within me ?", "If good were meant , why were we made these beings ?", "And if not meant \u2014", "What dost thou mutter of ?", "There 's some sense in that scruple ; but we 'll mask you .", "Doubtless you question 'd him ?", "A strange reply !", "Where does this wizard live ?", "Isidore", "You see that brooklet ?", "Trace its course backward : through a narrow opening", "It leads you to the place .", "How shall I know it ?", "\u2018 Tis well , and now for this same wizard 's lair .", "I shall not fail to find it . 195LINENOTES :My ] My Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .And how , my lord ? I pray you name the thing . Editions 1 , 2 , 3 .OrdonioEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .truth ] truth Editions 2 , 3 , 1829 .IsidoreEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .upon ] on Edition 1 . ]IsidoreEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .incautious ] incautious Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .native ] native Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .OrdonioEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .OrdonioEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .OrdonioEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .those ] these Edition 1 .Am I not a man ? Edition 1 . I ] I Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .OrdonioEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .OrdonioEditions 2 , 3 , 1829 .IsidoreEditions 2 , 3 , 1829 .I ] I Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .its ] his Edition 1 .He was the image of the Deity . Edition 1 .This sickness of the heart Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 , & c .OrdonioEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .Stole ] Stoln Editions 1 , 2 , 3 .your ] your Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .Some three yards up the hill a mountain ash Stretches its lower boughs and scarlet clusters O'er the old thatch ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Nobly-minded woman ! 5", "Long time against oppression have I fought ,", "And for the native liberty of faith", "Have bled and suffered bonds . Of this be certain :", "Time , as he courses onward , still unrolls", "The volume of concealment . In the future , 10", "As in the optician 's glassy cylinder ,", "The indistinguishable blots and colours", "Of the dim past collect and shape themselves ,", "Upstarting in their own completed image", "To scare or to reward .", "I sought the guilty , 15", "And what I sought I found : but ere the spear", "Flew from my hand , there rose an angel form", "Betwixt me and my aim . With baffled purpose", "To the Avenger I leave vengeance , and depart !", "Whate'er betide , if aught my arm may aid , 20", "Or power protect , my word is pledged to thee :", "For many are thy wrongs , and thy soul noble .", "Once more , farewell .", "O faithful Zulimez ! 30", "That my return involved Ordonio 's death ,", "I trust , would give me an unmingled pang ,", "Yet bearable : but when I see my father", "Strewing his scant grey hairs , e'en on the ground ,", "Which soon must be his grave , and my Teresa \u2014 35", "Her husband proved a murderer , and her infants", "His infants \u2014 poor Teresa !\u2014 all would perish ,", "All perish \u2014 all ! and I", "Could not survive the complicated ruin !", "What if it were my brother coming onwards ? I sent a most mysterious message to him .", "It is he ! OrdonioIf I distinguish 'd right her gait and stature , 50 It was the Moorish woman , Isidore 's wife , That passed me as I entered . A lit taper , In the night air , doth not more naturally Attract the night-flies round it , than a conjuror Draws round him the whole female neighbourhood . 55You know my name , I guess , if not my person . I am Ordonio , son of the Lord Valdez .", "The Son of Valdez !ZulimezWhy , what ails you now ? How your hand trembles ! Alvar , speak ! what wish you ?", "To fall upon his neck and weep forgiveness ! 60 OrdonioPlucked in the moonlight from a ruined abbey \u2014 Those only , which the pale rays visited ! O the unintelligible power of weeds , When a few odd prayers have been muttered o'er them : Then they work miracles ! I warrant you , 65 There 's not a leaf , but underneath it lurks Some serviceable imp . There 's one of you Hath sent me a strange message .", "I am he .", "\u2018 Tis fabled there are fruits with tempting rinds ,", "That are all dust and rottenness within . 75", "Would'st thou I should strip such ?", "O no , my lord ! to sport", "Best suits the gaiety of innocence .", "Ordonio", "O what a thing is man ! the wisest heart 80", "A fool ! a fool that laughs at its own folly ,", "Yet still a fool !", "What follows thence ?", "Thou art the son of Valdez ! would to Heaven", "That I could truly and for ever serve thee . 90", "What , faithless too ? False to his angel wife ? 100", "To such a wife ? Well might'st thou look so wan ,", "Ill-starr 'd Teresa !\u2014\u2014 Wretch ! my softer soul", "Is pass 'd away , and I will probe his conscience !", "What ! you kill 'd him ? hey ? 105", "Fare thee well \u2014", "I pity thee , Ordonio , even to anguish .", "Be brief , what wish you ?", "I listen to you .", "Nay , speak out ! \u2018 twill ease your heart", "To call him villain !\u2014 Why stand'st thou aghast ?", "Men think it natural to hate their rivals .", "Are you not wedded , then ? Merciful Heaven ! 120", "Not wedded to Teresa ?", "Proceed . I shall be silent .", "Well ! and this lady ! 130", "Yes ! he did so !", "What ! he was your friend then ?", "Ordonio , I will do it .", "I will not fail to meet you .", "A potent spell , a mighty talisman !", "The imperishable memory of the deed ,", "Sustained by love , and grief , and indignation !", "So vivid were the forms within his brain ,", "His very eyes , when shut , made pictures of them !", "Sir George Beaumont .", "Editions 1828 ,", "1829 .", "The line should run thus :", "And wear a fool 's cap .", "Fare thee well !Then aloud ] I pity thee , Ordonio , even to anguish . MS. H . LINENOTES :Time ] TIME Editions 2 , 3 , 1829 .future ] FUTURE Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .past ] PAST Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .her ] her Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .His ] His Editions 2 , 3 , 1829 .ZulimezEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .AlvarEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .AlvarEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .lurks ] works Edition 1 .Hath ] Who Edition 1 .AlvarEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .AlvarEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .OrdonioEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .OrdonioEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .AlvarEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .Teresa ] TERESA Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .AlvarEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 . Teresa ] Teresa Editions 2 , 3 , 1829 .AlvarEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .AlvarEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .OrdonioEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .will ] can Edition 1 .AlvarEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .Thee perjur 'd , thee a traitress Edition 1 . Thee perjur 'd , thee a traitress ! Thee dishonoured Editions 2 , 3 , 1829 .inarticulate ] inarticulate Editions 2 , 3 , 1829 .infant . . . maiden ] Infant . . . Maiden Editions 2 , 3 , 1829 .barter . . . Death-pang om . Edition 1 .which with ] with which Editions 2 , 3 .portrait ] Image Edition 1 .End of the Second Act . Editions 1 , 2 , 3 . ACT III"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["When first I entered this pure spot , forebodings", "Press 'd heavy on my heart : but as I knelt ,", "Such calm unwonted bliss possess 'd my spirit ,", "A trance so cloudless , that those sounds , hard by ,", "Of trampling uproar fell upon mine ear 5", "As alien and unnoticed as the rain-storm", "Beats on the roof of some fair banquet-room ,", "While sweetest melodies are warbling \u2014\u2014", "Who wakes anew my fears , and speaks of peril ?", "Torture me not ! But Alvar \u2014 Oh of Alvar ?", "So ? so ?\u2014 I comprehend you \u2014 He is \u2014\u2014", "O sorrow ! that a father 's voice should say this ,", "A Father 's Heart believe it !", "These rays that slant in through those gorgeous windows ,", "From yon bright orb \u2014 though coloured as they pass ,", "Are they not light ?\u2014 Even so that voice , Lord Valdez !", "Which whispers to my soul , though haply varied", "By many a fancy , many a wishful hope , 30", "Speaks yet the truth : and Alvar lives for me !", "I breath 'd to the Unerring", "Permitted prayers . Must those remain unanswer 'd ,", "Yet impious sorcery , that holds no commune", "Save with the lying spirit , claim belief ?", "O Heavens ! my portrait ! And he did grasp it in his death pang ! Off , false demon , 45 That beat'st thy black wings close above my head !Hush ! who comes here ? The wizard Moor 's employer ! Moors were his murderers , you say ? Saints shield us From wicked thoughts \u2014\u2014Is Alvar dead ? what then ? The nuptial rites and funeral shall be one ! 50 Here 's no abiding-place for thee , Teresa .\u2014 Away ! they see me not \u2014 Thou seest me , Alvar ! To thee I bend my course .\u2014 But first one question , One question to Ordonio .\u2014 My limbs tremble \u2014 There I may sit unmark 'd \u2014 a moment will restore me . 55OrdonioThese are the dungeon keys . Monviedro knew not , That I too had received the wizard 's message , \u2018 He that can bring the dead to life again . \u2019 But now he is satisfied , I plann 'd this scheme To work a full conviction on the culprit , 60 And he entrusts him wholly to my keeping .", "Alas ! the phantom only , if in truth", "The substance of her being , her life 's life ,", "Have ta'en its flight through Alvar 's death-wound \u2014", "Where \u2014", "O tell me , Valdez !\u2014 answer me , Ordonio ! 120", "Where lies the corse of my betroth\u00e9d husband ?", "The rock ! the fir-grove !", "A better , surer light", "To guide me \u2014\u2014", "Both Valdez and Ordonio . Whither ?", "To the only place", "Where life yet dwells for me , and ease of heart .", "These walls seem threatening to fall in upon me ! 160", "Detain me not ! a dim power drives me hence ,", "And that will be my guide .", "Hopeless , I fear no human being 's rage . 165", "And am I hastening to the arms \u2014\u2014 O Heaven !", "I haste but to the grave of my belov 'd !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Faith \u2018 twas a moving letter \u2014 very moving ! \u2018 His life in danger , no place safe but this ! \u2018 Twas his turn now to talk of gratitude . \u2019 And yet \u2014 but no ! there can n't be such a villain . It can not be ! Thanks to that little crevice , 5 Which lets the moonlight in ! I 'll go and sit by it . To peep at a tree , or see a he-goat 's beard , Or hear a cow or two breathe loud in their sleep \u2014 Any thing but this crash of water drops ! These dull abortive sounds that fret the silence 10 With puny thwartings and mock opposition ! So beats the death-watch to a sick man 's ear .A hellish pit ! The very same I dreamt of ! I was just in \u2014 and those damn 'd fingers of ice Which clutch 'd my hair up ! Ha !\u2014 what 's that \u2014 it mov 'd . 15", "I swear that I saw something moving there !", "The moonshine came and went like a flash of lightning \u2014\u2014", "I swear , I saw it move .", "Ordonio", "A jutting clay stone", "Drops on the long lank weed , that grows beneath :", "And the weed nods and drips .", "A jest to laugh at ! 20", "It was not that which scar 'd me , good my lord .", "You see that little rift ? But first permit me !", "If every atom of a dead man 's flesh 45", "Should creep , each one with a particular life ,", "Yet all as cold as ever \u2014 \u2018 twas just so !", "Or had it drizzled needle-points of frost", "Upon a feverish head made suddenly bald \u2014", "When a boy , my lord !", "I could have sate whole hours beside that chasm ,", "Push 'd in huge stones and heard them strike and rattle", "Against its horrid sides : then hung my head 55", "Low down , and listened till the heavy fragments", "Sank with faint crash in that still groaning well ,", "Which never thirsty pilgrim blest , which never", "A living thing came near \u2014 unless , perchance ,", "Some blind-worm battens on the ropy mould 60", "Close at its edge .", "Call him , that fears his fellow-man , a coward !", "I fear not man \u2014 but this inhuman cavern ,", "It were too bad a prison-house for goblins .", "Beside ,", "but true it is , 65", "My last night 's sleep was very sorely haunted", "By what had passed between us in the morning .", "O sleep of horrors ! Now run down and stared at", "By forms so hideous that they mock remembrance \u2014", "Now seeing nothing and imagining nothing , 70", "But only being afraid \u2014 stifled with fear !", "While every goodly or familiar form", "Had a strange power of breathing terror round me !", "I saw you in a thousand fearful shapes ;", "And , I entreat your lordship to believe me , 75", "In my last dream \u2014\u2014", "I was in the act", "Of falling down that chasm , when Alhadra", "Wak 'd me : she heard my heart beat .", "Never , my lord !", "But mine eyes do not see it now more clearly , 80", "Than in my dream I saw \u2014 that very chasm .", "Ordonio", "I know not why it should be ! yet it is \u2014", "What is , my lord ?", "Except in self-defence .", "Something troubles you .", "How shall I serve you ? By the life you gave me ,", "By all that makes that life of value to me ,", "My wife , my babes , my honour , I swear to you , 90", "Name it , and I will toil to do the thing ,", "If it be innocent ! But this , my lord !", "Is not a place where you could perpetrate ,", "No , nor propose a wicked thing . The darkness ,", "When ten strides off we know \u2018 tis cheerful moonlight , 95", "Collects the guilt , and crowds it round the heart .", "It must be innocent .", "Who ? when ? my lord ?", "Of himself he speaks .", "I have a prattler three years old , my lord ! 120", "In truth he is my darling . As I went", "From forth my door , he made a moan in sleep \u2014", "But I am talking idly \u2014 pray proceed !", "And what did this man ?", "I would , my lord , you were by my fire-side , 130", "I 'd listen to you with an eager eye ,", "Though you began this cloudy tale at midnight ,", "But I do listen \u2014 pray proceed , my lord .", "He of whom you tell the tale \u2014", "Ah ! what of him , my lord ?", "A dark tale darkly finished ! Nay , my lord ! Tell what he did .", "No ! the fool ! 150", "He had not wit enough to be a traitor .", "Poor thick-eyed beetle ! not to have foreseen", "That he who gulled thee with a whimpered lie", "To murder his own brother , would not scruple", "To murder thee , if e'er his guilt grew jealous , 155", "And he could steal upon thee in the dark !", "Oh yes , my lord ! I would have met him arm 'd , and scar 'd the coward .", "And all my little ones fatherless \u2014", "Die thou first ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Heart-chilling superstition ! thou canst glaze", "Ev'n pity 's eye with her own frozen tear .", "In vain I urge the tortures that await him ;", "Even Selma , reverend guardian of my childhood ,", "My second mother , shuts her heart against me ! 5", "Well , I have won from her what most imports", "The present need , this secret of the dungeon", "Known only to herself .\u2014 A Moor ! a Sorcerer !", "No , I have faith , that Nature ne'er permitted", "Baseness to wear a form so noble . True , 10", "I doubt not that Ordonio had suborned him", "To act some part in some unholy fraud ;", "As little doubt , that for some unknown purpose", "He hath baffled his suborner , terror-struck him ,", "And that Ordonio meditates revenge ! 15", "But my resolve is fixed ! myself will rescue him ,", "And learn if haply he knew aught of Alvar .", "The horror of their ghastly punishments", "Doth so o'ertop the height of all compassion ,", "That I should feel too little for mine enemy ,", "If it were possible I could feel more ,", "Even though the dearest inmates of our household 30", "Were doom 'd to suffer them . That such things are \u2014", "Nay , it wakes within me", "More than a woman 's spirit .", "My honoured lord , 35", "These were my Alvar 's lessons , and whene'er", "I bend me o'er his portrait , I repeat them ,", "As if to give a voice to the mute image .", "Speak not of him !", "That low imposture ! That mysterious picture !", "If this be madness , must I wed a madman ?", "And if not madness , there is mystery ,", "And guilt doth lurk behind it .", "Yes , it is truth : saw you his countenance ?", "How rage , remorse , and scorn , and stupid fear", "Displaced each other with swift interchanges ?", "O that I had indeed the sorcerer 's power .\u2014\u2014", "I would call up before thine eyes the image 50", "Of my betrothed Alvar , of thy first-born !", "His own fair countenance , his kingly forehead ,", "His tender smiles , love 's day-dawn on his lips !", "That spiritual and almost heavenly light", "In his commanding eye \u2014 his mien heroic , 55", "Virtue 's own native heraldry ! to man", "Genial , and pleasant to his guardian angel .", "Whene'er he gladden 'd , how the gladness spread", "Wide round him ! and when oft with swelling tears ,", "Flash 'd through by indignation , he bewail 'd 60", "The wrongs of Belgium 's martyr 'd patriots ,", "Oh , what a grief was there \u2014 for joy to envy ,", "Or gaze upon enamour 'd !", "O my father !", "Recall that morning when we knelt together ,", "And thou didst bless our loves ! O even now , 65", "Even now , my sire ! to thy mind 's eye present him ,", "As at that moment he rose up before thee ,", "Stately , with beaming look ! Place , place beside him", "Ordonio 's dark perturb\u00e9d countenance !", "Then bid me", "bid me turn 70", "From him , the joy , the triumph of our kind !", "To take in exchange that brooding man , who never", "Lifts up his eye from the earth , unless to scowl .", "O grief ! to hear 80 Hateful entreaties from a voice we love ! Enter a Peasant and presents a letter to VALDEZ . Valdez\u2018 He dares not venture hither ! \u2019 Why , what can this mean ? \u2018 Lest the Familiars of the Inquisition , That watch around my gates , should intercept him ; But he conjures me , that without delay 85 I hasten to him \u2014 for my own sake entreats me To guard from danger him I hold imprison 'd \u2014 He will reveal a secret , the joy of which Will even outweigh the sorrow . \u2019 \u2014 Why what can this be ? Perchance it is some Moorish stratagem , 90 To have in me a hostage for his safety . Nay , that they dare not ! Ho ! collect my servants ! I will go thither \u2014 let them arm themselves . TeresaThe moon is high in heaven , and all is hush 'd . Yet anxious listener ! I have seem 'd to hear 95 A low dead thunder mutter thro \u2019 the night , As \u2018 twere a giant angry in his sleep . O Alvar ! Alvar ! that they could return , Those blessed days that imitated heaven , When we two wont to walk at eventide ; 100 When we saw nought but beauty ; when we heard The voice of that Almighty One who loved us In every gale that breathed , and wave that murmur 'd ! O we have listen 'd , even till high-wrought pleasure Hath half assumed the countenance of grief , 105 And the deep sigh seemed to heave up a weight Of bliss , that pressed too heavy on the heart . FOOTNOTES :52-63 . Compare Fragment No . 39 , p. 1005 . LINENOTES :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Yon hanging woods , that touch 'd by autumn seem", "As they were blossoming hues of fire and gold", "The flower-like woods , most lovely in decay ,", "The many clouds , the sea , the rock , the sands .", "Lie in the silent moonshine : and the owl , 5", "the screech-owl only wakes !", "Sole voice , sole eye of all this world of beauty !", "Unless , perhaps , she sing her screeching song", "To a herd of wolves , that skulk athirst for blood .", "Why such a thing am I ?\u2014 Where are these men ? 10", "I need the sympathy of human faces ,", "To beat away this deep contempt for all things ,", "Which quenches my revenge . O ! would to Alla ,", "The raven , or the sea-mew , were appointed", "To bring me food ! or rather that my soul 15", "Could drink in life from the universal air !", "It were a lot divine in some small skiff", "Along some Ocean 's boundless solitude ,", "To float for ever with a careless course .", "And think myself the only being alive ! 20", "My children !\u2014 Isidore 's children !\u2014 Son of Valdez ,", "This hath new strung mine arm . Thou coward tyrant !", "To stupify a woman 's heart with anguish", "Till she forgot \u2014 even that she was a mother !", "This night I went from forth my house , and left 35", "His children all asleep : and he was living !", "And I return 'd and found them still asleep ,", "But he had perished \u2014\u2014", "He had perished !", "Sleep on , poor babes ! not one of you doth know", "That he is fatherless \u2014 a desolate orphan ! 40", "Why should we wake them ? Can an infant 's arm", "Revenge his murder ?", "One Moresco", "Did she say his murder ?", "Murdered by a Christian !", "Alhadra", "Brother of", "Zagri ! fling away thy sword ;", "This is thy chieftain 's !", "This night your chieftain armed himself ,", "And hurried from me . But I followed him", "At distance , till I saw him enter \u2014 there !", "Yes , the mouth of yonder cavern 55", "After a while I saw the son of Valdez", "Rush by with flaring torch ; he likewise entered .", "There was another and a longer pause ;", "And once , methought I heard the clash of swords !", "And soon the son of Valdez re-appeared : 60", "He flung his torch towards the moon in sport ,", "And seemed as he were mirthful ! I stood listening ,", "Impatient for the footsteps of my husband !", "I crept into the cavern \u2014", "\u2018 Twas dark and very silent .", "What said'st thou ? 65", "No ! no ! I did not dare call , Isidore ,", "Lest I should hear no answer ! A brief while ,", "Belike , I lost all thought and memory", "Of that for which I came ! After that pause ,", "O Heaven ! I heard a groan , and followed it : 70", "And yet another groan , which guided me", "Into a strange recess \u2014 and there was light ,", "A hideous light ! his torch lay on the ground ;", "Its flame burnt dimly o'er a chasm 's brink :", "I spake ; and whilst I spake , a feeble groan 75", "Came from that chasm ! it was his last ! his death-groan !", "I stood in unimaginable trance", "And agony that cannot be remembered ,", "Listening with horrid hope to hear a groan ! 80", "But I had heard his last : my husband 's death-groan !", "I looked far down the pit \u2014", "My sight was bounded by a jutting fragment :", "And it was stained with blood . Then first I shrieked ,", "My eye-balls burnt , my brain grew hot as fire , 85", "And all the hanging drops of the wet roof", "Turned into blood \u2014 I saw them turn to blood !", "And I was leaping wildly down the chasm ,", "When on the farther brink I saw his sword ,", "And it said , Vengeance !\u2014 Curses on my tongue ! 90", "The moon hath moved in Heaven , and I am here ,", "And he hath not had vengeance ! Isidore !", "Spirit of Isidore ! thy murderer lives !", "Away ! away !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["And this place my forefathers made for man !", "This is the process of our love and wisdom", "To each poor brother who offends against us \u2014", "Most innocent , perhaps \u2014 and what if guilty ?", "Is this the only cure ? Merciful God ! 5", "Each pore and natural outlet shrivelled up", "By ignorance and parching poverty ,", "His energies roll back upon his heart ,", "And stagnate and corrupt , till , chang 'd to poison ,", "They break out on him , like a loathsome plague-spot ! 10", "Then we call in our pampered mountebanks :", "And this is their best cure ! uncomforted", "And friendless solitude , groaning and tears ,", "And savage faces , at the clanking hour ,", "Seen through the steam and vapours of his dungeon 15", "By the lamp 's dismal twilight ! So he lies", "Circled with evil , till his very soul", "Unmoulds its essence , hopelessly deformed", "By sights of evermore deformity !", "With other ministrations thou , O Nature ! 20", "Healest thy wandering and distempered child :", "Thou pourest on him thy soft influences ,", "Thy sunny hues , fair forms , and breathing sweets ;", "Thy melodies of woods , and winds , and waters !", "Till he relent , and can no more endure 25", "To be a jarring and a dissonant thing", "Amid this general dance and minstrelsy ;", "But , bursting into tears , wins back his way ,", "His angry spirit healed and harmonized", "By the benignant touch of love and beauty . 30", "I am chill and weary ! Yon rude bench of stone ,", "In that dark angle , the sole resting-place !", "But the self-approving mind is its own light", "And life 's best warmth still radiates from the heart", "Where love sits brooding , and an honest purpose . 35", "Believe it not , sweet maid ! Believe it not ,", "Belov\u00e9d woman ! \u2018 Twas a low imposture", "Framed by a guilty wretch .", "Suborned by his brother \u2014", "Ordonio \u2014 he \u2014", "Alvar was not murdered . Be calm ! Be calm , sweet maid !", "I can endure no more . The Moorish sorcerer", "Exists but in the stain upon his face .", "That picture \u2014", "Beloved Teresa !", "It told but half the truth . O let this portrait", "Tell all \u2014 that Alvar lives \u2014 that he is here ! 85", "Thy much deceived but ever faithful Alvar .", "Teresa", "The same \u2014 it is the same ! Ah !", "Who art thou ?", "Nay , I will call thee , Alvar !", "O joy unutterable !", "But hark ! a sound as of removing bars", "At the dungeon 's outer door . A brief , brief while 90", "Conceal thyself , my love ! It is Ordonio .", "For the honour of our race , for our dear father ;", "O for himself too", "Let me recall him to his nobler nature ,", "That he may wake as from a dream of murder ! 95", "O let me reconcile him to himself ,", "Open the sacred source of penitent tears ,", "And be once more his own beloved Alvar .", "Thou dost not leave me ! 100", "But a brief while retire into the darkness :", "O that my joy could spread its sunshine round thee !", "I see thy heart !", "There is a frightful glitter in thine eye", "Which doth betray thee . Inly-tortured man ,", "This is the revelry of a drunken anguish ,", "Which fain would scoff away the pang of guilt , 120", "And quell each human feeling .", "Yon insect on the wall ,", "Which moves this way and that its hundred limbs ,", "Were it a toy of mere mechanic craft ,", "It were an infinitely curious thing ! 130", "But it has life , Ordonio ! life , enjoyment !", "And by the power of its miraculous will", "Wields all the complex movements of its frame", "Unerringly to pleasurable ends !", "Saw I that insect on this goblet 's brim 135", "I would remove it with an anxious pity !", "There 's poison in the wine .", "Whom dost thou think me ? 140", "I know him not . And yet methinks , I have heard the name but lately . Means he the husband of the Moorish woman ? Isidore ? Isidore ? 145", "What strange solution", "Hast thou found out to satisfy thy fears ,", "And drug them to unnatural sleep ?", "My master ! 150", "Mountebank and villain !", "What then art thou ? For shame , put up thy sword !", "What boots a weapon in a withered arm ?", "I fix mine eye upon thee , and thou tremblest !", "I speak , and fear and wonder crush thy rage , 155", "And turn it to a motionless distraction !", "Thou blind self-worshipper ! thy pride , thy cunning ,", "Thy faith in universal villainy ,", "Thy shallow sophisms , thy pretended scorn", "For all thy human brethren \u2014 out upon them ! 160", "What have they done for thee ? have they given thee peace ?", "Cured thee of starting in thy sleep ? or made", "The darkness pleasant when thou wak'st at midnight ?", "Art happy when alone ? Can'st walk by thyself", "With even step and quiet cheerfulness ? 165", "Yet , yet thou may'st be saved \u2014\u2014", "One pang ! Could I call up one pang of true remorse !", "But Alvar \u2014\u2014", "Alas !", "That day when thou didst leap from off the rock", "Into the waves , and grasped thy sinking brother ,", "And bore him to the strand ; then , son of Valdez ,", "How sweet and musical the name of Alvar ! 185", "Then , then , Ordonio , he was dear to thee ,", "And thou wert dear to him : heaven only knows", "How very dear thou wert ! Why did'st thou hate him !", "O heaven ! how he would fall upon thy neck ,", "And weep forgiveness !", "I fain would tell thee what I am , but dare not !", "Does then this thin disguise impenetrably", "Hide Alvar from thee ? Toil and painful wounds", "And long imprisonment in unwholesome dungeons ,", "Have marred perhaps all trait and lineament 200", "Of what I was ! But chiefly , chiefly , brother ,", "My anguish for thy guilt !", "Ordonio \u2014 Brother !", "Nay , nay , thou shalt embrace me .", "Ordonio", "Touch me not !", "Touch not pollution , Alvar ! I will die .", "We will find means to save your honour . Live , 205", "Oh live , Ordonio ! for our father 's sake !", "Spare his grey hairs !", "Call back thy soul , Ordonio , and look round thee ! 215", "Now is the time for greatness ! Think that heaven \u2014", "Heal , O heal him , heaven ! 220", "Turn not thy face that way , my father ! hide , 280", "Oh hide it from his eye ! Oh let thy joy", "Flow in unmingled stream through thy first blessing .", "Delights so full , if unalloyed with grief , 285 Were ominous . In these strange dread events Just Heaven instructs us with an awful voice , That Conscience rules us e'en against our choice . Our inward Monitress to guide or warn , If listened to ; but if repelled with scorn , 290 At length as dire Remorse , she reappears , Works in our guilty hopes , and selfish fears ! Still bids , Remember ! and still cries , Too late ! And while she scares us , goads us to our fate . LINENOTES :touch ] torch Edition 1 .life ] life-blood Edition 1 .As in a dream I ask ; if it be a dream Edition 1 .Beyond which I scarce dare to look !Edition 1 .TeresaEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .AlvarEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .TeresaHa ! who art thou ? AlvarSuborned , & c . Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .thou Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .TeresaNay , nay , but tell me !O \u2018 tis lost again ! This dull confused pain . Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .he Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .TeresaEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .own om . Edition 1 .OrdonioEdition 1old Pluto ] oblivion Edition 1 .OrdonioSaved ? Saved ? Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .AlvarEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .AlvarEdition 1 .OrdonioTouch me not ! Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .And ] Oh Edition 1 .Curse Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .OrdonioEdition 1 .Editions 2 , 3 , 1829 .OrdonioEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .Edition 1 .one ] one 's 1829 .his Editions 2 , 3 , 1829 .AlhadraEditions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .my Editions 1 , 2 , 3 , 1829 .The deed be mine !Now take my life !", "Arm of avenging Heaven ! I had two cherish 'd hopes \u2014 the one remains , The other thou hast snatch 'd from me : but my word Is pledged to thee ; nor shall it be retracted \u2014 Edition 1]But go ! ] Yet , yet MS. H .Marginal stage-direction inserted in MS. R .] Stage-direction preceding 265 and 265-79 : om . Edition 1 .APPENDIX The following Scene , as unfit for the stage , was taken from the tragedy , in the year 1797 , and published in the Lyrical Ballads ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["My eyes deceive me not , it must be he . Who but our chief , my more than father , who But Raab Kiuprili moves with such a gait ? Lo ! e'en this eager and unwonted haste But agitates , not quells , its majesty . 5 My patron ! my commander ! yes , \u2018 tis he ! Call out the guards . The Lord Kiuprili comes .Enter RAAB KIUPRILI . Raab KiupriliSilence ! enough ! This is no time , young friend , For ceremonious dues . The summoning drum , Th \u2019 air-shattering trumpet , and the horseman 's clatter , 10 Are insults to a dying sovereign 's ear . Soldiers , \u2018 tis well ! Retire ! your General greets you , His loyal fellow-warriors .", "Pardon my surprise . Thus sudden from the camp , and unattended ! What may these wonders prophesy ?", "We know no otherwise ; but Emerick 's friends", "scoff at hope .", "O most loved , most honoured ,", "The mystery that struggles in my looks", "Betrayed my whole tale to thee , if it told thee 25", "That I am ignorant ; but fear the worst .", "And mystery is contagious . All things here", "Are full of motion : and yet all is silent :", "And bad men 's hopes infect the good with fears .", "That the prince Emerick feasts the soldiery ,", "Gives splendid arms , pays the commanders \u2019 debts ,", "And", "by sworn promises", "Makes himself debtor \u2014 hearing this , thou hast heard", "All \u2014\u2014 35", "But what my lord will learn too soon himself .", "Remember you , my lord ! that Hebrew leech", "Whose face so much distempered you ?", "To him , in chief , 50", "Prince Emerick trusts his royal brother 's health .", "With pomp of words beyond a soldier 's cunning ,", "And shrugs and wrinkled brow , he smiles and whispers !", "Talks in dark words of women 's fancies ; hints 55", "That \u2018 twere a useless and a cruel zeal", "To rob a dying man of any hope ,", "However vain , that soothes him : and , in fine ,", "Denies all chance of offspring from the Queen .", "Nay , he fears", "Zapolya will not long survive her husband .", "Halt !", "No place , no name , no rank excepted \u2014", "This life of mine , O take it , Lord Kiuprili !", "I give it as a weapon to thy hands , 70", "Mine own no longer . Guardian of Illyria ,", "Useless to thee , \u2018 tis worthless to myself .", "Thou art the framer of my nobler being ;", "Nor does there live one virtue in my soul ,", "One honourable hope , but calls thee father . 75", "Yet ere thou dost resolve , know that yon palace", "Is guarded from within , that each access", "Is thronged by armed conspirators , watched by ruffians", "Pampered with gifts , and hot upon the spoil", "Which that false promiser still trails before them . 80", "I ask but this one boon \u2014 reserve my life", "Till I can lose it for the realm and thee !", "Here before Heaven I dedicate my faith", "To the royal line of Andreas .", "At length then \u2018 tis announced . Alas ! I fear ,", "That these black death-flags are but treason 's signals .", "Precise and faithful in their villainy", "Even to the moment , that the master traitor", "Had pre-ordained them .", "Doubtless they deem Heaven too usurp 'd ! Heaven 's justice Bought like themselves ! Being equal all in crime , Do you press on , ye spotted parricides ! For the one sole pre-eminence yet doubtful , 115 The prize of foremost impudence in guilt ?", "Sure Heaven befriends us . Well ! he hath escaped !", "O rare tune of a tyrant 's promises", "That can enchant the serpent treachery", "From forth its lurking hole in the heart . \u2018 Ragozzi !", "O brave Ragozzi ! Count ! Commander ! What not ? \u2019 455", "And all this too for nothing ! a poor nothing !", "Merely to play the underling in the murder", "Of my best friend Kiuprili ! His own son \u2014 monstrous !", "Tyrant ! I owe thee thanks , and in good hour", "Will I repay thee , for that thou thought'st me too 460", "A serviceable villain . Could I now", "But gain some sure intelligence of the queen :", "Heaven bless and guard her !", "Zapolya", "Art thou not Ragozzi ?", "The Queen ! Now then the miracle is full ! 465", "I see heaven 's wisdom is an over-match", "For the devil 's cunning . This way , madam , haste !", "Take courage , madam ! \u2018 Twere too horrible ,", "to swear I 'm not a monster !\u2014", "Scarce had I barr 'd the door on Raab Kiuprili \u2014", "There is not time to tell it ,\u2014 475", "The tyrant called me to him , praised my zeal \u2014", "But time wastes : In fine ,", "Bids me dispatch my trustiest friends , as couriers", "With letters to the army . The thought at once 480", "Flashed on me . I disguised my prisoner \u2014", "Yes ! my noble general !", "I sent him off , with Emerick 's own pacquet ,", "Haste , and post haste \u2014 Prepared to follow him \u2014\u2014", "Haste , madam ! Let me take this precious burden !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Well then ! our round of charity is finished . Rest , Madam ! You breathe quick .", "That last cottage 5", "Is built as if an eagle or a raven", "Had chosen it for her nest .", "There ?", "And what if even now , on that same ridge , 15", "A speck should rise , and still enlarging , lengthening ,", "As it clomb downwards , shape itself at last", "To a numerous cavalcade , and spurring foremost ,", "Who but Sarolta 's own dear lord returned", "From his high embassy ?", "But our best sports belike , and gay processions", "Would to my lord have seemed but work-day sights 30", "Compared with those the royal court affords .", "And yet had I been born Lady Sarolta , 40", "Been wedded to the noblest of the realm ,", "So beautiful besides , and yet so stately \u2014\u2014", "Nay ! to my poor fancy", "The royal court would seem an earthly heaven ,", "Made for such stars to shine in , and be gracious . 45", "Yes , madam ! he was there . So was the maypole ,", "For we danced round it .", "Because 55", "My own dear lady wished it ! \u2018 twas you asked me !", "Oh , yes ! It is a wife 's chief duty , madam ! 60", "To stand in awe of her husband , and obey him ,", "And , I am sure , I never shall see Laska", "But I shall tremble .", "Oh , madam ! there 's a party of your servants , 75", "And my lord 's steward , Laska , at their head ,", "Have come to search for old Bathory 's son ,", "Bethlen , that brave young man ! \u2018 twas he , my lady ,", "That took our parts , and beat off the intruders ,", "And in mere spite and malice , now they charge him 80", "With bad words of Lord Casimir and the king .", "Pray do n't believe them , madam ! This way ! This way !", "Lady Sarolta 's here .\u2014", "Yes ! good old man ! 110", "My lady ! pray believe him !", "Pardon ! pardon , madam !", "I saw the whole affray . The good old man", "Means no offence , sweet lady !\u2014 You , yourself , 130", "Laska ! know well , that these men were the ruffians !", "Shame on you !", "Laska ! Laska ! Is my lady gone ?", "Have you yet seen him ? 180", "Is he returned ?", "Whom ?", "Your fears , at least ,", "Were real , Laska ! or your trembling limbs", "And white cheeks played the hypocrites most vilely ! 190", "I know what I should fear ,", "Were I in Laska 's place .", "My own conscience ,", "For having fed my jealousy and envy", "With a plot , made out of other men 's revenges ,", "Against a brave and innocent young man 's life ! 195", "Yet , yet , pray tell me !", "Would I could find my lady ! though she chid me \u2014", "Yet this suspense \u2014", "Ay , as the old song says ,", "Calm as a tiger , valiant as a dove . 200", "Nay now , I have marred the verse : well ! this one question \u2014", "Halt ! that 's two questions .", "Question meet question : that 's a woman 's privilege ,", "Why , Laska , did you urge Lord Casimir", "To make my lady force that promise from me ? 210", "Could I look up to her dear countenance ,", "And say her nay ? As far back as I wot of", "All her commands were gracious , sweet requests .", "How could it be then , but that her requests 215", "Must needs have sounded to me as commands ?", "And as for love , had I a score of loves ,", "I 'd keep them all for my dear , kind , good mistress .", "Oh ! that 's a different thing .", "To be sure he 's brave , and handsome , and so pious 220", "To his good old father . But for loving him \u2014", "Nay , there , indeed you are mistaken , Laska !", "Poor youth ! I rather think I grieve for him ;", "For I sigh so deeply when I think of him !", "And if I see him , the tears come in my eyes , 225", "And my heart beats ; and all because I dreamt", "That the war-wolf", "had gored him as he hunted", "In the haunted forest !", "No , not my master yet , 240", "But only is to be ; and all , because", "Two years ago my lady asked me , and", "I promised her , not him ; and if she 'll let me ,", "I 'll hate you , my lord 's steward .", "Yes , I do , Bethlen ; for he just now brought 245", "False witnesses to swear away your life :", "Your life , and old Bathory 's too .", "Oh , heed not him ! I saw you pressing onward ,", "And did but feign alarm . Dear gallant youth , 250", "It is your life they seek !", "Alas ,", "Lady Sarolta even \u2014", "Oh that she did ! she could not then have spoken", "With such stern countenance . But though she spurn me ,", "I will kneel , Bethlen \u2014", "Rash words , \u2018 tis said , and treasonous of the king .", "Glycine", "So looks the statue , in our hall , o \u2019 the god ,", "The shaft just flown that killed the serpent !", "Ah , often have I wished you were a king . 260", "You would protect the helpless every where ,", "As you did us . And I , too , should not then", "Grieve for you , Bethlen , as I do ; nor have", "The tears come in my eyes ; nor dream bad dreams", "That you were killed in the forest ; and then Laska 265", "Would have no right to rail at me , nor say", "that I \u2014 I love you .", "Hist ! \u2018 tis my lady 's step ! She must not see you !", "Pardon , pardon , Madam !", "If you but saw the old man 's son , you would not ,", "You could not have him harmed .", "No , I shall break my heart .", "Old Bathory \u2014", "My lady does not mock me ?", "Nothing . In his fear \u2014", "Anger , I mean \u2014 stole off \u2014 I am so fluttered \u2014", "Left me abruptly \u2014", "The saints bless you !", "Shame on my graceless heart ! How dared I fear , 295", "Lady Sarolta could be cruel ?", "O , \u2018 tis so full here !", "And now it can not harm him if I tell you ,", "That the old man 's son \u2014", "O tell \u2014", "Bethlen", "Yes , tell me , Shape from heaven !", "Who is my father ?", "Sarolta", "Thine ? Thy father ? Rise !", "Alas ! He hath alarmed you , my dear lady ! 310", "Rise , Bethlen ! Rise !", "Madam , that wood is haunted by the war-wolves ,", "Vampires , and monstrous \u2014\u2014", "Alas ! thou art bewildered ,", "And dost forget thou wert a helpless infant !", "Dearest Bethlen !", "I would that you could weep like me ! O do not", "Gaze so upon the air !", "Bethlen !", "Must he leave us ?", "Oh , let me fly 450", "And stop him ! Mangled limbs do there lie scattered", "Till the lured eagle bears them to her nest .", "And voices have been heard ! And there the plant grows", "That being eaten gives the inhuman wizard", "Power to put on the fell hy\u00e6na 's shape . 455", "O chide me not , dear lady ; question Laska ,", "Or the old man .", "Three days past", "A courier from the king did cross that wood ;", "A wilful man , that armed himself on purpose :", "And never hath been heard of from that time ! 465", "\u2018 Tis the sound of horns ! Our huntsmen are not out !", "Still louder !", "No . . . heart . SaroltaHa ! & c . 1817 , 1828 , 1829 .O , \u2018 tis so full here . 1817 , 1828 , 1829 .not 1817 , 1828 , 1829 .thee 1817 , 1828 , 1829 .GlycineO tell \u2014 BethlenYes , & c . 1817 , 1828 , 1829 ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Heard you then aught while I was slumbering ?", "O for a sleep , for sleep itself to rest in !", "I dream 'd I had met with food beneath a tree , 5", "And I was seeking you , when all at once", "My feet became entangled in a net :", "Still more entangled as in rage I tore it .", "At length I freed myself , had sight of you ,", "But as I hastened eagerly , again 10", "I found my frame encumbered : a huge serpent", "Twined round my chest , but tightest round my throat .", "And now I saw you by a shrivelled child", "Strangely pursued . You did not fly , yet neither 15", "Touched you the ground , methought , but close above it", "Did seem to shoot yourself along the air ,", "And as you passed me , turned your face and shrieked .", "Nay ! what ails you ?", "Cheerly ! The dusk", "Will quickly shroud us . Ere the moon be up ,", "Trust me I 'll bring thee food !", "Yet be thou comforted ! What ! had'st thou faith 40", "When I turned back incredulous ? \u2018 Twas thy light", "That kindled mine . And shall it now go out ,", "And leave thy soul in darkness ? Yet look up ,", "And think thou see'st thy sainted lord commissioned", "And on his way to aid us ! Whence those late dreams , 45", "Which after such long interval of hopeless", "And silent resignation all at once", "Night after night commanded thy return", "Hither ? and still presented in clear vision", "This wood as in a scene ? this very cavern ? 50", "Thou darest not doubt that Heaven 's especial hand", "Worked in those signs . The hour of thy deliverance", "Is on the stroke :\u2014 for misery can not add", "Grief to thy griefs , or patience to thy sufferance !", "Hark ! heard you not", "A distant chaunt ? 65", "SONG", "By GLYCINE", "A sunny shaft did I behold ,", "From sky to earth it slanted :", "And poised therein a bird so bold \u2014", "Sweet bird , thou wert enchanted !", "He sank , he rose , he twinkled , he trolled 70", "Within that shaft of sunny mist ;", "His eyes of fire , his beak of gold ,", "All else of amethyst !", "And thus he sang : \u2018 Adieu ! adieu !", "Love 's dreams prove seldom true . 75", "The blossoms , they make no delay :", "The sparkling dew-drops will not stay .", "Sweet month of May ,", "We must away ;", "Far , far away ! 80", "To-day ! to-day ! \u2019", "It is a maiden 's voice ! quick to the cave !", "She must not enter", "The cavern , else I will remain unseen !", "Swear then by all thy hopes , by all thy fears \u2014 110", "Swear secrecy and silence !", "Tell what thou art , and what thou seekest ?", "Wherefore in this wood ?", "With what intention came he ? Would'st thou save him , 115 Hide nothing !", "Human ? With what design ?", "She would fain believe it ,", "Weak though the proofs be . Hope draws towards itself", "The flame with which it kindles .", "Emerick ?", "Withdraw thy foot ! Retract thine idle spear ,", "And wait obedient !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I do perceive thou hast a tender conscience ,", "Laska , in all things that concern thine own", "Interest or safety .", "Perchance , thou think'st it strange , that I of all men 5", "Should covet thus the love of fair Sarolta ,", "Dishonouring Casimir ?", "Perchance , thou hast heard that Casimir is my friend ,", "Fought for me , yea , for my sake , set at nought 10", "A parent 's blessing ; braved a father 's curse ?", "Laska", "Would I but knew now , what his Majesty meant !", "Oh yes , Sire ! \u2018 tis our common talk , how Lord", "Kiuprili , my Lord 's father \u2014", "\u2018 Tis your talk ,", "Is it , good statesman Laska ?", "Well , \u2018 tis a loyal monster if he rids us 20", "Of traitors ! But art sure the youth 's devoured ?", "Thou followed'st her", "Into the wood ?", "Made thee shake like a leaf !", "Most marvellous !", "Enough !", "And take , friend , this advice . When next thou tonguest it ,", "Hold constant to thy exploit with this monster ,", "And leave untouched your common talk aforesaid ,", "What your Lord did , or should have done .", "And this then was thy talk ? While knave and coward , 40", "Both strong within thee , wrestle for the uppermost ,", "In slips the fool and takes the place of both .", "Babbler ! Lord Casimir did , as thou and all men .", "He loved himself , loved honours , wealth , dominion .", "All these were set upon a father 's head : 45", "Good truth ! a most unlucky accident !", "For he but wished to hit the prize ; not graze", "The head that bore it : so with steady eye", "Off flew the parricidal arrow .\u2014 Even", "As Casimir loved Emerick , Emerick 50", "Loves Casimir , intends him no dishonour .", "He winked not then , for love of me forsooth !", "For love of me now let him wink ! Or if", "The dame prove half as wise as she is fair ,", "He may still pass his hand , and find all smooth . 55", "Thee !", "\u2018 Tis well ! and more than meant . For by my faith", "I had half forgotten thee .\u2014 Thou hast the key ?", "Here ! This purse is but an earnest of thy fortune ,", "If thou prov'st faithful . But if thou betrayest me ,", "Hark you !\u2014 the wolf that shall drag thee to his den", "Shall be no fiction .", "Friend !", "Who in good hour hath startled these dark fancies ,", "Rapacious traitors , that would fain depose", "Joy , love , and beauty , from their natural thrones :", "Those lips , those angel eyes , that regal forehead . 265", "Sarolta 's love ;", "And Emerick 's power lies prostrate at her feet .", "Chiefly from me .", "Has he not like an ingrate robbed my court", "Of Beauty 's star , and kept my heart in darkness ?", "First then on him I will administer justice \u2014", "If not in mercy , yet in love and rapture . 280", "Call louder ! Scream again ! Here 's none can hear you !", "Nay , why this rage ? Who best deserves you ? Casimir ,", "Emerick 's bought implement , the jealous slave", "That mews you up with bolts and bars ? or Emerick 285", "Who proffers you a throne ? Nay , mine you shall be .", "Hence with this fond resistance ! Yield ; then live", "This month a widow , and the next a queen !", "Ha ! Ha ! a dagger ; 290", "A seemly ornament for a lady 's casket !", "\u2018 Tis held , devotion is akin to love ,", "But yours is tragic ! Love in war ! It charms me ,", "And makes your beauty worth a king 's embraces !", "Pish ! who is this ?", "Insolent slave ! Depart", "Know'st thou not me ?", "The king will play the devil with thee indeed ! But that I mean to hear thee howl on the rack , I would debase this sword , and lay thee prostrate At this thy paramour 's feet ; then drag her forth 310 Stained with adulterous blood , and \u2014 \u2014 mark you , traitress ! Strumpeted first , then turned adrift to beggary ! Thou prayed'st for't too .", "Ah ! treason !", "Thou hast been lessoned and tricked up for this !", "As surely as the wax on thy death-warrant 320", "Shall take the impression of this royal signet ,", "So plain thy face hath ta'en the mask of rebel !", "Deceived , dishonored lord ! 335", "Ask thou yon fair adultress ! She will tell thee", "A tale , which would'st thou be both dupe and traitor ,", "Thou wilt believe against thy friend and sovereign !", "Thou art present now , and a friend 's duty ceases :", "To thine own justice leave I thine own wrongs . 340", "Of half thy vengeance I perforce must rob thee ,", "For that the sovereign claims . To thy allegiance", "I now commit this traitor and assassin .", "Hence with him to the dungeon ! and to-morrow ,", "Ere the sun rises ,\u2014 Hark ! your heads or his ! 345", "Who speaks to him dies ! The traitor that has menaced", "His king , must not pollute the breathing air ,", "Even with a word !", "Casimir", "Hence with him to the dungeon !", "We hunt to-morrow in your upland forest : 350", "Thou", "wilt attend us : and wilt then explain", "This sudden and most fortunate arrival ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["This needs must be the spot ! O , here he comes !", "Enter LORD RUDOLPH .", "Well met , Lord Rudolph !\u2014\u2014", "Your whisper was not lost upon my ear ,", "And I dare trust \u2014", "I did so !", "Yes ; and met", "The assembled huntsmen !", "The word for me was this :\u2014 The royal Leopard", "Chases thy milk-white dedicated Hind . 10", "As the word proves false or true", "Will Casimir cross the hunt , or join the huntsmen !", "It did , and therefore Have I sent back both pledge and invitation . The spotless Hind hath fled to them for shelter , 15 And bears with her my seal of fellowship !", "O he received it", "As evidence of their mutual guilt . In fine , 20", "With cozening warmth condoled with , and dismissed me .", "This nook is at the furthest", "From any beaten track .", "Laska !", "Mark yonder mass ! I make it wear the shape Of a huge ram that butts with head depressed . 45 Lord RudolphBelike , some stray sheep of the oozy flock , Which , if bards lie not , the Sea-shepherds tend , Glaucus or Proteus . But my fancy shapes it A monster couchant on a rocky shelf .", "Mark too the edges of the lurid mass \u2014 50", "Restless , as if some idly-vexing Sprite ,", "On swift wing coasting by , with tetchy hand", "Pluck 'd at the ringlets of the vaporous Fleece .", "These are sure signs of conflict nigh at hand ,", "And elemental war !", "Oft as thou canst , essay to lead the hunt", "Hard by the forest-skirts ; and ere high noon", "Expect our sworn confederates from Temeswar . 65", "I trust , ere yet this clouded sun slopes westward ,", "That Emerick 's death , or Casimir 's , will appease", "The manes of Zapolya and Kiuprili !", "put forth these hands to raise 85", "The ark , all sacred , of thy country 's cause ?", "Look down in pity on thy son , Kiuprili !", "And let this deep abhorrence of his crime ,", "Unstained with selfish fears , be his atonement !", "O strengthen him to nobler compensation 90", "In the deliverance of his bleeding country !", "Scene changes to the mouth of a Cavern , as in Act II . ZAPOLYA and", "GLYCINE discovered .", "Monster ! Thou shalt not now escape me !", "Art thou too a traitor ?", "Is this the place where Emerick 's murderers lurk ?", "Say where is he that , tricked in this disguise , 250", "First lured me on , then scared my dastard followers ?", "Thou must have seen him . Say where is th \u2019 assassin ?", "Strange providence ! what then was he who fled me ? Thy looks speak fearful things ! Whither , old man ! Would thy hand point me ?", "The curse ! the curse ! Open and swallow me ,", "Unsteady earth ! Fall , dizzy rocks ! and hide me ! 260", "Thou art Heaven 's immediate minister , dread spirit !", "O for sweet mercy , take some other form ,", "And save me from perdition and despair !", "Lives ! A father 's curse can never die ! 265", "I kneel , I kneel !", "Retract thy curse ! O , by my mother 's ashes ,", "Have pity on thy self-abhorring child !", "If not for me , yet for my innocent wife , 270", "Yet for my country 's sake , give my arm strength ,", "Permitting me again to call thee father !", "Then have at thee , tyrant !", "Hear , hear , my Father !", "Thou should'st have witnessed thine own deed . O Father ,", "Wake from that envious swoon ! The tyrant 's fallen !", "Thy sword hath conquered ! As I lifted it", "Thy blessing did indeed descend upon me ; 305", "Dislodging the dread curse . It flew forth from me", "And lighted on the tyrant !", "Enter RUDOLPH , BATHORY , and Attendants .", "Rudolph and Bathory . Friends ! friends to Casimir !", "Rejoice , Illyrians ! the usurper 's fallen .", "Bear hence the body , and move slowly on !", "One moment \u2014\u2014", "Devoted to a joy , that bears no witness ,", "I follow you , and we will greet our countrymen", "With the two best and fullest gifts of heaven \u2014 315", "A tyrant fallen , a patriot chief restored !", "Chef Ragozzi !", "O shame upon my head ! I would have given her", "To a base slave !", "Mark too , the edges of yon lurid mass ! Restless and vext , as if some angering hand , With fitful , tetchy snatch , unrolled and pluck 'd The jetting ringlets of the vaporous fleece ! These are sure signs of conflict nigh at hand , And elemental war ! 1817-1851 .]Which , as Poets tell us , the Sea-Shepherds tend , Notebook 20 .my 1828 , 1829 .Neighs at the gate . 1817 , 1828 , 1829 .That but oppressed me hitherto , now scares me . You will ken Bethlen ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 999, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["No , no , it cannot be . My lord 's commands", "Were absolute , that none should visit him .", "But perchance he should ?", "The study of my life has been his pleasure ;", "Nor will I risk his favour , to indulge", "Such unavailing curiosity .", "Pray be content ;", "I dare not do it . Have this castle 's walls", "Hous 'd thee nine years , and , art thou yet to learn", "The temper of the count ? Serv 'd and obey 'd ,", "There lives not one more gracious , liberal ;", "Offend him , and his rage is terrible ;", "I 'd rather play with serpents . But , fair Jaqueline ,", "Setting aside the comeliness and grace", "Of this young rustic , which , I own , are rare ,", "And baits to catch all women , pr'ythee tell ,", "Why are you thus solicitous to see him ?", "What ! when the gang of outlaw 'd Thiery", "Rush 'd on her chariot , near the wood of Zart ,", "Was he the unknown youth , who succour 'd her", "All good betide him for it .", "He should be worshipp 'd ,", "Have statues rais 'd to him ; for , by my life ,", "I think , there does not breathe another like her .", "It makes me young , to see her lovely eyes :", "Such charity ! such sweet benevolence !", "So fair , and yet so humble ! prais 'd for ever ,", "Nay , wonder 'd at , for nature 's rarest gifts ,", "Yet lowlier than the lowest .", "My lord was ever proud and choleric ;", "The youth , perhaps unus 'd to menaces ,", "Brook 'd them but ill , and darted frown for frown :", "This stirr 'd the count to fury . But fear nothing ;", "All will be well ; I 'll wait the meetest season ,", "And be his advocate .", "Assure her , that the man , who sav 'd her life ,", "Is dear to Fabian as his vital blood ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1005, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Where do you fly ? Heavens ! have you lost all sense ?", "I did not think your gentleness of nature", "Could rise to such extremes .", "Rest satisfied he cannot be so cruel", "to shed the innocent blood", "Of a defenceless , unoffending youth .", "Move him indeed ! but to redoubled fury :", "He dooms him dead , for loving Isabel ;", "Think , will it quench the fever of his rage ,", "To find he durst aspire to charm his daughter .", "Nothing I heard distinctly ; wild confusion", "Runs through the castle : every busy fool ,", "All ignorant alike , tells different tales .", "Yet be advis 'd \u2014\u2014", "There 's comfort yet , if he is by his side . Look up , dear lady ! Ha ! that dying paleness \u2014\u2014", "She faints ;", "Her gentle spirits could endure no more .", "Ha ! paler still ! Fabian , thy arm ; support her .", "She stirs not yet ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1005, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I do believe thee very barbarous ;", "Nay , fear thy reason touch 'd ; for such wild thoughts ,", "Such bloody purposes , could ne'er proceed", "From any sober judgment ;\u2014 yet thy heart", "Will sure recoil at this .", "Thou canst not mean to do it .", "Where is the right , the law , by which you doom him ?", "A venerable law !", "The law by which the tiger tears the lamb ,", "And kites devour the dove . A lord of France ,", "Dress 'd in a little delegated sway ,", "Strikes at his sovereign 's face , while he profanes", "His functions , trusted for the general good .", "Answer to Heaven .", "When call 'd to audit in that sacred court ,", "Will that supremacy accept thy plea ,", "\u201c I did commit foul murder , for I might ? \u201d", "Never .", "Scoffer , no more ! stop thy licentious tongue ;", "Turn inward to thy bosom , and reflect \u2014", "Name it .", "Not for the world .", "Hold , I charge you !", "My heart is touch 'd for him .\u2014 Much injur 'd youth ,", "Suppress awhile this swelling indignation ;", "Plead for thy life .", "Why , this is madness , youth :", "You but inflame the rage you should appease .", "Yet , hear him , Narbonne : that ingenuous face", "Looks not a lie . Thou saidst thou wert a captive \u2014", "Turn not away ; we are not all like him .", "Go on , say all .", "Ha ! at Tunis ? Seiz 'd with thy mother ? Lives she , gentle youth ?", "Be thou blessed !", "O fail not , nature , but support this conflict !", "\u2018 Tis not delusion , sure . It must be he .\u2014", "But one thing more ; did she not tell thee too ,", "Thy wretched father 's name ?", "Mysterious Providence !", "O Giver of all good ! Eternal Lord ! Am I so bless 'd at last , to see my son ?", "I did , I did ! let this , and this , convince thee . I am that Clarinsal ; I am thy father .", "Dear boy ! what miracle preserved thee thus ,", "To give thee back to France ?", "They told thee truth ; and Heaven shall have my prayers ,", "My soul pour 'd out in endless gratitude ,", "For this unhoped , immeasurable blessing .", "And art thou so unskill 'd in nature 's language ,", "Still to mistrust us ? Could our tongues deceive ,", "Credit , what ne'er was feign 'd , the genuine heart :", "Believe these pangs , these tears of joy and anguish .", "If he be dear to me ! my vital blood !", "Image of her , my soul delighted in ,", "Again she lives in thee ! Yes , \u2018 twas that voice ,", "That kindred look , rais 'd such strong instinct here ,", "And kindled all my bosom at thy danger .", "Think not of vengeance now ;", "A mightier arm than thine prepares it for him .", "Pass but a little space , we shall behold him", "The object of our pity , not our anger .", "Yes , he must suffer ; my rapt soul foresees it :", "Empires shall sink ; the pond'rous globe of earth", "Crumble to dust ; the sun and stars be quench 'd ;", "But O , Eternal Father ! of thy will ,", "To the last letter , all shall be accomplish 'd .", "Oh most disastrous love ! My son , my son ,", "Thy words are poniards here . Alas ! I thought", "The vows exchang 'd \u2018 tween Isabel and thee ,", "Thwarted the issue of his wild designs .", "O , had malignant fortune toil 'd to blast him ,", "Thus had she snar 'd him in this fatal passion !\u2014", "And does young Adelaide return thy love ?", "What can I do ?\u2014 Come near , my Theodore ;", "Dost thou believe my affection ?", "Think what my bosom suffers , when I tell thee ,", "It must not , cannot be .", "Deem it delicious poison ; dash it from thee :", "Thy bane is in the cup .", "And fond , as ever own 'd that tender name .", "Not I , my son , not I prevent this union ,", "To me \u2018 tis bitterness to cross thy wish ,", "But nature , fate , and Heaven , all , all forbid it .", "We must withdraw , where Heaven alone can hear us :", "Then must thou stretch thy soul 's best faculties ;", "Call every manly principle to steel thee ;", "And , to confirm thy name , secure thy honour ,", "Make one great sacrifice of love to justice ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1005, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Woe treads on woe .\u2014 Thy life , my Theodore ,", "Thy threaten 'd life , snatch 'd from the impending stroke ,", "Just gave a moment 's respite to my heart ;", "And now a mother 's grief , with pangs more keen ,", "Wakes every throbbing sense , and quite o'erwhelms me .", "Her soul wrapp 'd up in his , to talk thus to her !", "Divorce her , leave her , wed with Isabel ,", "And call on Heaven , to sanctify the outrage !", "How could my father 's bosom meditate", "What savage tongues would falter even to speak ?", "But see , he comes \u2014\u2014", "Enter AUSTIN and JAQUELINE .", "O let me bend to thank you ;", "In this extreme distress , from you alone", "can she hope comfort .", "Oh good , kind father !", "There is a charm in holy eloquence", "Perhaps may sooth her . Sighs , and trickling tears ,", "Are all my love can give . As I kneel by her ,", "She gazes on me , clasps me to her bosom ;", "Cries out , My child ! my child ! then , rising quick ,", "Severely lifts her streaming eyes to heaven ;", "Laughs wildly , and half sounds my father 's name ;", "Till , quite o'erpower ' d , she sinks from my embrace ,", "While , like the grasp of death , convulsions shake her .", "Oh , ponder them no more !", "Lo ! where the blessed minister of peace ,", "He , whose mild counsels wont to charm your care ,", "Is kindly come to cheer your drooping soul ;", "And see , the good man weeps .", "In mercy , wound not thus your daughter 's soul .", "And , if the love of your dear Adelaide ,", "Her reverence , duty , endless gratitude", "For all your angel goodness , now can move you ,", "Oh , for my sake", "Wear but a little outside show of comfort ;", "A while pretend it , though you feel it not ,", "And I will bless you for deceiving me .", "Will you not strive to rest ? Alas ! \u2018 tis long ,", "Since you have slept . I 'll lead you to your couch ;", "And gently touch my lute , to wake some strain ,", "May aid your slumbers .", "Lean on my arm .", "For thee my prayers shall rise , not for myself ,", "And every kindred saint will bend to hear me .", "But , O my fluttering breast !\u2014 \u2018 Tis Theodore !", "How sad , and earnestly , he views that paper !", "It turns him pale . Beshrew the envious paper !", "Why should it steal the colour from that cheek ,", "Which danger ne'er could blanch ? He sees me not .", "I 'll wait ; and should sad thoughts disturb his quiet ,", "If love has power , with love 's soft breath dispel them .", "Am I not here unwish 'd for ?", "O Theodore ! what wondrous turns of fortune", "Have given thee back to a dear parent 's arms ?", "And spite of all the horrors which surround me ,", "And worse , each black eventful moment threatens ,", "My bosom glows with rapture at the thought", "Thou wilt at last be bless 'd .", "What ?", "Alas ! in what have I offended him ?", "Oh , then fly me !", "I am not worth his frown ; begone this moment ;", "Leave me to weep my mournful destiny ,", "And find some fairer , happier maid , to bless thee .", "No , Theodore , I dare not hear thee longer ;", "Perhaps , indeed , there is some fatal cause .", "Ah no ; he is too generous , just , and good ,", "To hate me for the offences of my father .", "But find the cause . At good Alphonso 's tomb", "I go to offer up my orisons ;", "There bring me comfort , and dispel my fears ;", "Or teach me ,", "to bear our parting .", "Oh , whither shall I fly !", "The castle is beset ;", "The superstitious , fierce , inconstant people ,", "Madder than storms , with weapons caught in haste ,", "Menace my father 's life ; rage , and revile him ;", "Call him the heir of murderous usurpation ;", "And swear they 'll own no rightful lord but Godfrey .", "Go not defenceless thus ; think on thy safety ,", "See , yonder porch opes to the armoury ;", "There coats of mailed proof , falchions , and casques ,", "And all the glittering implements of war ,", "Stand terribly arrang 'd ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1005, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Hence to a dungeon with those mutinous slaves ;", "There let them prate of prophecies and visions ;", "And when coarse fare and stripes bring back their senses ,", "Perhaps I may relent , and turn them loose", "To new offences , and fresh chastisement .", "A scratch \u2014 death ! to be bay 'd", "By mungrels ! curs ! They yelp 'd , and show 'd their fangs ,", "Growl 'd too , as they would bite . But was't not poor ,", "Unlike the generous strain of Godfrey 's lineage ,", "To stir the rabble up in nobles \u2019 quarrels ,", "And bribe my hinds and vassals to assault me .", "Who then stirr 'd them ?", "Thyself , perhaps . Was't thou ? And yet I wrong thee ;", "Thou didst preach peace ; and straight they crouch 'd and shrunk ,", "More tam 'd by the persuasion of thy tongue ,", "Than losing the hot drops my steel drew from them .", "Your pardon !", "I knew my life was sav 'd , but not by whom ;", "I wish 'd it not , yet thank him . I was down ,", "Stunn 'd in the inglorious broil ; and nought remember ,", "More than the shame of such a paltry danger .", "Where is he ?", "Ha ! angels shelter me !", "Are miracles renew 'd ?", "Art thou not ris'n from the mould'ring grave ?", "And in the awful majesty of death ,", "\u2018 Gainst nature , and the course of mortal thought ,", "Assum'st the likeness of a living form ,", "To blast my soul with horror ?", "Answer me !", "Speak , some of you , who have the power to speak ;", "Is it not he ?", "Alphonso . His form , his arms , his air , his very frown . Lord of these confines , speak \u2014 declare thy pleasure ;", "Ha ! Theodore ?", "This sameness , not resemblance , is past faith .", "All statues , pictures , or the likeness kept", "By memory , of the good Alphonso living ,", "Are faint and shadowy traces , to this image !", "\u2018 Tis most strange .", "I strive , but cannot conquer this amazement :", "I try to take them off ; yet still my eyes", "Again are drawn , as if by magic on him .", "Ay , to the confines of the farthest earth ;", "For here thy sight unhinges Raymond 's soul .", "Be hid , where air or light may never find thee ;", "And bury too that phantom ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1005, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Alas ! \u2018 tis mockery to pray as I do .", "Thoughts fit for heaven , should rise on seraphs \u2019 wings ,", "Unclogg 'd with aught of earth ; but mine hang here ;", "Beginning , ending , all in Theodore .", "Why comes he not ? \u2018 Tis torture for the unbless 'd ,", "To suffer such suspense as my heart aches with .", "What can it be ,\u2014 this secret , dreadful cause ,", "This shaft unseen , that 's wing 'd against our love ?", "Perhaps \u2014 I know not what .\u2014 At yonder shrine", "Bending , I 'll seal my irrevocable vow :", "Hear , and record it , choirs of saints and angels !", "If I am doom 'd to sigh for him in vain ,", "No second flame shall ever enter here ;", "But , faithful to thy fond , thy first impression ,", "Turn thou , my breast , to every sense of joy ,", "Cold as the pale-ey 'd marbles which surround me .", "My lord ! my father ! Oh , bear me to his feet .", "I am , indeed . I know not my offence ;", "Yet sure \u2018 twas great , when my life answers it .", "Will you forgive me now ?", "Listen not to his ravings .", "will you not hear me ,", "And grant one wish to your expiring child ?", "Be gentle to my mother ; her kind nature", "Has suffer 'd much ; she will need all your care :", "Forsake her not ; and may the All-merciful", "Look down with pity on this fatal error ;", "Bless you \u2014 and \u2014 oh \u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1005, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I 'll hear no more . You are false and ungrateful ; come , I know you false .", "That I should trust a man whom I had known betray his friend !", "Your fond friend Mellefont , and to me ; can you deny it ?", "Have you not wronged my lord , who has been a father to you in your wants , and given you being ? Have you not wronged him in the highest manner , in his bed ?", "More ! Audacious villain ! Oh , what 's more , is most my shame . Have you not dishonoured me ?", "Death , do you dally with my passion ? Insolent devil ! But have a care ,\u2014 provoke me not ; for , by the eternal fire , you shall not \u2018 scape my vengeance . Calm villain ! How unconcerned he stands , confessing treachery and ingratitude ! Is there a vice more black ? Oh , I have excuses thousands for my faults ; fire in my temper , passions in my soul , apt to ev'ry provocation , oppressed at once with love , and with despair . But a sedate , a thinking villain , whose black blood runs temperately bad , what excuse can clear ?", "Necessity , impudence ! Can no gratitude incline you , no obligations touch you ? Have not my fortune and my person been subjected to your pleasure ? Were you not in the nature of a servant , and have not I in effect made you lord of all , of me , and of my lord ? Where is that humble love , the languishing , that adoration , which once was paid me , and everlastingly engaged ?", "Yet , what yet ?", "Ha !", "Well , mollifying devil ! And have I not met your love with forward fire ?", "Again provoke me ! Do you wind me like a larum , only to rouse my own stilled soul for your diversion ? Confusion !", "How , what said you , Maskwell ? Another caprice to unwind my temper ?", "O Maskwell ! in vain I do disguise me from thee , thou know'st me , knowest the very inmost windings and recesses of my soul . O Mellefont ! I burn ; married to morrow ! Despair strikes me . Yet my soul knows I hate him too : let him but once be mine , and next immediate ruin seize him .", "How , how ? Thou dear , thou precious villain , how ?", "I have : she is ready for any impression I think fit .", "She is so credulous that way naturally , and likes him so well , that she will believe it faster than I can persuade her . But I do n't see what you can propose from such a trifling design , for her first conversing with Mellefont will convince her of the contrary ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1012, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["My lord , can you blame my brother Plyant if he refuse his daughter upon this provocation ? The contract 's void by this unheard-of impiety .", "You censure hardly , my lord ; my sister 's honour is very well known .", "Nay , my lord , it may be so , and I hope it will be found so . But that will require some time ; for in such a case as this , demonstration is necessary .", "So I suppose there was .", "That I can n't tell ; nay , I do n't say there was . I am willing to believe as favourably of my nephew as I can .", "How ? Do n't you believe that , say you , my lord ?", "His defence ! Bless me , would you have me defend an ill thing ?", "I do n't know ; I am very unwilling to speak my thoughts in anything that may be to my cousin 's disadvantage : besides , I find , my lord , you are prepared to receive an ill impression from any opinion of mine which is not consenting with your own . But , since I am like to be suspected in the end , and \u2018 tis a pain any longer to dissemble , I own it to you ; in short I do believe it , nay , and can believe anything worse , if it were laid to his charge . Do n't ask me my reasons , my lord , for they are not fit to be told you .", "But those which cause my disquiet I am willing to have remote from your hearing . Good my lord , do n't press me .", "Whatever it was , \u2018 tis past . And that is better to be unknown which cannot be prevented ; therefore let me beg you to rest satisfied .", "You wo n't .", "What if you can n't ?", "Nay , my lord , you need say no more , to make me lay my heart before you , but do n't be thus transported ; compose yourself . It is not of concern to make you lose one minute 's temper . \u2018 Tis not , indeed , my dear . Nay , by this kiss you sha n't be angry . O Lord , I wish I had not told you anything . Indeed , my lord , you have frighted me . Nay , look pleased , I 'll tell you .", "Nay , but will you be calm ? Indeed it 's nothing but \u2014", "But will you promise me not to be angry ? Nay , you must \u2014 not to be angry with Mellefont ? I dare swear he 's sorry , and were it to do again , would not \u2014", "Nay , no great matter , only \u2014 well , I have your promise . Pho , why nothing , only your nephew had a mind to amuse himself sometimes with a little gallantry towards me . Nay , I can n't think he meant anything seriously , but methought it looked oddly .", "Or , may be , he thought he was not enough akin to me , upon your account , and had a mind to create a nearer relation on his own ; a lover you know , my lord . Ha , ha , ha . Well , but that 's all . Now you have it ; well remember your promise , my lord , and do n't take any notice of it to him .", "Nay , I swear you must not . A little harmless mirth ; only misplaced , that 's all . But if it were more , \u2018 tis over now , and all 's well . For my part I have forgot it , and so has he , I hope ,\u2014 for I have not heard anything from him these two days .", "Oh , for heav'n ' s sake , my lord , you 'll ruin me if you take such public notice of it ; it will be a town talk . Consider your own and my honour ; nay , I told you you would not be satisfied when you knew it .", "Lord , I do n't know ; I wish my lips had grown together when I told you . Almost a twelvemonth . Nay , I wo n't tell you any more till you are yourself . Pray , my lord , do n't let the company see you in this disorder . Yet , I confess , I can n't blame you ; for I think I was never so surprised in my life . Who would have thought my nephew could have so misconstrued my kindness ? But will you go into your closet , and recover your temper . I 'll make an excuse of sudden business to the company , and come to you . Pray , good , dear my lord , let me beg you do now . I 'll come immediately and tell you all ; will you , my lord ?", "Well , but go now , here 's somebody coming .", "I follow instantly . So ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1012, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Then you think that episode between Susan , the dairy-maid , and our coachman is not amiss ; you know , I may suppose the dairy in town , as well as in the country .", "Oh , infinitely better ; I 'm extremely beholden to you for the hint ; stay , we 'll read over those half a score lines again .Let me see here , you know what goes before ,\u2014 the comparison , you know .For as the sun shines ev'ry day , So of our coachman I may say .", "No ; for the sun it wo n't , but it will do for the coachman , for you know there 's most occasion for a coach in wet weather .", "Then I do n't say the sun shines all the day , but that he peeps now and then ; yet he does shine all the day too , you know , though we do n't see him .", "Well , you shall hear . Let me see .", "For as the sun shines ev'ry day ,", "So of our coachman I may say ,", "He shows his drunken fiery face ,", "Just as the sun does , more or less .", "I swear and vow I 'm afraid so . And yet our Jehu was a hackney coachman , when my lord took him .", "I will . You 'd oblige me extremely to write notes to the whole poem .", "Ay , my dear , were you ? Oh , filthy Mr . Sneer ; he 's a nauseous figure , a most fulsamic fop , foh ! He spent two days together in going about Covent Garden to suit the lining of his coach with his complexion .", "I have seen her take \u2018 em half chewed out of her mouth , to laugh , and then put \u2018 em in again . Foh !", "Then she 's always ready to laugh when Sneer offers to speak , and sits in expectation of his no jest , with her gums bare , and her mouth open \u2014", "Then that t'other great strapping lady \u2014 I can n't hit of her name ; the old fat fool that paints so exorbitantly .", "Oh , you made a song upon her , Mr. Brisk .", "How now ?", "Is nurse and the child in it ?", "O the dear creature ! Let 's go see it .", "O law ! I swear it 's but the sixth \u2014 and I have n't seen her these two hours . The poor creature \u2014 I swear , my lord , you do n't love poor little Sapho . Come , my dear Cynthia , Mr. Brisk , we 'll go see Sapho , though my lord wo n't .", "Three-quarters , but I swear she has a world of wit , and can sing a tune already . My lord , wo n't you go ? Wo n't you ? What ! not to see Saph ? Pray , my lord , come see little Saph . I knew you could not stay . SCENE XII . CYNTHIA alone ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1012, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Maskwell ! I have been looking for you \u2014 \u2018 tis within a quarter of eight .", "He ? You say true .", "Pray heaven my aunt keep touch with her assignation . O that her lord were but sweating behind this hanging , with the expectation of what I shall see . Hist , she comes . Little does she think what a mine is just ready to spring under her feet . But to my post .SCENE XVI . LADY TOUCHWOOD .", "And may all treachery be thus discovered .", "Villain !", "Say you so , were you provided for an escape ? Hold , madam , you have no more holes to your burrow ; I 'll stand between you and this sally-port .", "Be patient .", "Consider , I have you on the hook ; you will but flounder yourself a - weary , and be nevertheless my prisoner .", "O madam , have a care of dying unprepared , I doubt you have some unrepented sins that may hang heavy , and retard your flight .", "None ; hell has served you even as heaven has done , left you to yourself .\u2014 You 're in a kind of Erasmus paradise , yet if you please you may make it a purgatory ; and with a little penance and my absolution all this may turn to good account .", "You have been to blame . I like those tears , and hope they are of the purest kind ,\u2014 penitential tears .", "May I believe this true ?", "Upon such terms I will be ever yours in every honest way . SCENE XIX . MASKWELL softly introduces LORD TOUCHWOOD , and retires .", "Nay , I beseech you rise .", "Ha !", "Damnation !", "Confusion , my uncle ! O the damned sorceress .", "By heaven , \u2018 twere senseless not to be mad , and see such witchcraft .", "Now , by my soul , I will not go till I have made known my wrongs . Nay , till I have made known yours , which , if possible , are greater ,\u2014 though she has all the host of hell her servants .", "Death and furies , will you not hear me ?\u2014 Why by heaven she laughs , grins , points to your back ; she forks out cuckoldom with her fingers , and you 're running horn-mad after your fortune .", "Send him to her .", "Oh , I could curse my stars , fate , and chance ; all causes and accidents of fortune in this life ! But to what purpose ? Yet , \u2018 sdeath , for a man to have the fruit of all his industry grow full and ripe , ready to drop into his mouth , and just when he holds out his hand to gather it , to have a sudden whirlwind come , tear up tree and all , and bear away the very root and foundation of his hopes :\u2014 what temper can contain ? They talk of sending Maskwell to me ; I never had more need of him . But what can he do ? Imagination cannot form a fairer and more plausible design than this of his which has miscarried . O my precious aunt , I shall never thrive without I deal with the devil , or another woman . Women , like flames , have a destroying power , Ne'er to be quenched , till they themselves devour ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1012, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I confess you may be allowed to be secure in your own opinion ; the appearance is very fair , but I have an after-game to play that shall turn the tables , and here comes the man that I must manage . SCENE XIV .", "I am happy to be in the way of your lordship 's commands .", "I were a villain else . I am bound by duty and gratitude , and my own inclination , to be ever your lordship 's servant .", "My lord !", "I am sorry , my lord , I can n't make you an answer ; this is an occasion in which I would not willing be silent .", "Indeed I was in hopes it had been a youthful heat that might have soon boiled over ; but \u2014", "I have nothing more to say , my lord ; but to express my concern ; for I think his frenzy increases daily .", "O my lord ! consider ; that is hard . Besides , time may work upon him . Then , for me to do it ! I have professed an everlasting friendship to him .", "I am answered .", "I wish I could not . To be plain , my lord , I intended this evening to have tried all arguments to dissuade him from a design which I suspect ; and if I had not succeeded , to have informed your lordship of what I knew .", "He has owned nothing to me of late , and what I mean now , is only a bare suspicion of my own . If your lordship will meet me a quarter of an hour hence there , in that lobby by my lady 's bed-chamber , I shall be able to tell you more .", "My duty to your lordship makes me do a severe piece of justice .", "I confess you do reproach me when I see you here before me ; but \u2018 tis fit I should be still behindhand , still to be more and more indebted to your goodness .", "Guilt is ever at a loss , and confusion waits upon it ; when innocence and bold truth are always ready for expression .", "Excess of joy has made me stupid ! Thus may my lips be ever closed .And thus \u2014 O who would not lose his speech , upon condition to have joys above it ?", "That I believed ; \u2018 twas well I left the private passage open .", "And so may all your pleasures be , and secret as this kiss \u2014", "I have kept my word , he 's here , but I must not be seen . SCENE XX . LADY TOUCHWOOD , LORD TOUCHWOOD , MELLEFONT ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1012, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Madam , sister , my lady sister , did you see my lady my wife ?", "Gads-bud , I can n't find her high nor low ; where can she be , think you ?", "A fool ; he , he , he , you 're merry . No , no , not I , I know no such matter .", "That 's a jest with all my heart , faith and troth . But harkee , my lord told me something of a revolution of things ; I do n't know what to make o n't . Gads-bud , I must consult my wife :\u2014 he talks of disinheriting his nephew , and I do n't know what . Look you , sister , I must know what my girl has to trust to , or not a syllable of a wedding , gads-bud !\u2014 to show you that I am not a fool .", "Why , what 's the matter now ? Good Lord , what 's all this for ? Pooh , here 's a joke indeed . Why , where 's my wife ?", "Oh , if she be with Mr. Careless , \u2018 tis well enough .", "You 're a passionate woman , gads-bud ! But to say truth all our family are choleric ; I am the only peaceable person amongst \u2018 em . SCENE IX . MELLEFONT , MASKWELL , and CYNTHIA .", "The company , gads-bud , I do n't know , my lord , but here 's the strangest revolution , all turned topsy turvy ; as I hope for providence .", "All turned topsy turvy as sure as a gun .", "The strangest posture of affairs !", "No , no , I mean the family . Your lady 's affairs may be in a very good posture ; I saw her go into the garden with Mr. Brisk .", "I suppose they have been laying their heads together .", "Nay , only about poetry , I suppose , my lord ; making couplets .", "Oh , here they come . SCENE XXI .", "Does it not tire your ladyship ? Are not you weary with looking up ?", "So he has , gads-bud , and so has your ladyship . SCENE XXII ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1012, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sure I was born to be controlled by those I should command . My very slaves will shortly give me rules how I shall govern them .", "Have you seen my wife lately , or disobliged her ?", "Then Mellefont has urged somebody to incense her . Something she has heard of you which carries her beyond the bounds of patience .", "Yes .", "Unworthy ! \u2018 Tis an ignorant pride in her to think so . Honesty to me is true nobility . However , \u2018 tis my will it shall be so , and that should be convincing to her as much as reason . By Heaven , I 'll not be wife-ridden ; were it possible , it should be done this night .", "Instruct me how this may be done , you shall see I want no inclination .", "Here 's company . Come this way and tell me . SCENE XIV . CARELESS and CYNTHIA .", "He has a quick invention , if this were suddenly designed . Yet he says he had prepared my chaplain already .", "Cynthia here ! Alone , fair cousin , and melancholy ?", "My thoughts were on serious business not worth your hearing .", "Treachery concerning me ? Pray be plain . Hark ! What noise ?", "Amazement shakes me . Where will this end ?", "Pray forbear all resentments for a while , and let us hear the rest .", "Ha ! Oh , poison to my ears ! What do I hear ?", "Yes , I will contain , though I could burst .", "Astonishment binds up my rage ! Villainy upon villainy ! Heavens , what a long track of dark deceit has this discovered ! I am confounded when I look back , and want a clue to guide me through the various mazes of unheard-of treachery . My wife ! Damnation ! My hell !", "I thank you , yet it may be still too late , if we do n't presently prevent the execution of their plots ;\u2014 ha , I 'll do't . Where 's Mellefont , my poor injured nephew ? How shall I make him ample satisfaction ?", "I do him fresh wrong to question his forgiveness ; for I know him to be all goodness . Yet my wife ! Damn her :\u2014 she 'll think to meet him in that dressing-room . Was't not so ? And Maskwell will expect you in the chaplain 's chamber . For once , I 'll add my plot too :\u2014 let us haste to find out , and inform my nephew ; and do you , quickly as you can , bring all the company into this gallery . I 'll expose the strumpet , and the villain . SCENE XX . LORD FROTH and SIR PAUL .", "Now what evasion , strumpet ?", "Go , and thy own infamy pursue thee . You stare as you were all amazed ,\u2014 I do n't wonder at it ,\u2014 but too soon you 'll know mine , and that woman 's shame . SCENE the last . LORD TOUCHWOOD , LORD FROTH , LADY FROTH , LADY PLYANT , SIR PAUL , CYNTHIA , MELLEFONT , MASKWELL , MELLEFONT disguised in a parson 's habit and pulling in MASKWELL .", "Are you silent , monster ?", "Secure that manifold villain .", "We 'll think of punishment at leisure , but let me hasten to do justice in rewarding virtue and wronged innocence . Nephew , I hope I have your pardon , and Cynthia 's .", "And be each other 's comfort . Let me join your hands . Unwearied nights , and wishing days attend you both ; mutual love , lasting health , and circling joys , tread round each happy year of your long lives . Let secret villany from hence be warned ; Howe'er in private mischiefs are conceived , Torture and shame attend their open birth ; Like vipers in the womb , base treachery lies , Still gnawing that , whence first it did arise ; No sooner born , but the vile parent dies ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1012, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I 've an idea \u2014 I 've just left him .", "I 've an idea , I do n't like this Lady Waitfor't \u2014 she wishes to trick me out of my match with Miss Courtney , and if I could trick her in return \u2014How goes the enemy ?\u2014 only one o'clock !\u2014 I thought it had been that an hour ago !\u2014 heigho !\u2014 here 's my patron , Lord Scratch .", "I 've an idea \u2014 I do n't comprehend you .", "In fact \u2014 I always forgot to give your lordship joy of your title , though not of your dress .", "Past two o'clock !\u2014 delightful !", "I 'd an idea \u2014 it had been only one .", "To be sure I am \u2014 my dear friend , to be sure I am \u2014 the enemy has lost a limb .", "No .\u2014 But I wish somebody would invent a new mode of killing time \u2014 in fact , I think I 've found one \u2014 private acting .", "In fact , I comprehend \u2014 I am to be a hearer and not a speaker .", "I 've an idea , here 's Neville .\u2014 In fact \u2014 he knows nothing of my marrying Louisa , nor shall he , till after the happy day .\u2014 Strange news , Neville .", "In fact \u2014 Why fatal ?", "I 've an idea , I comprehend her motive \u2014 she loves you .", "In fact \u2014 a very sentimental assignation , that would do as well for any other man .", "I 've an idea , he 's incomprehensible .\u2014 In fact \u2014 who have we here ?", "In fact \u2014 pick up !", "Has he not a share of vanity in his composition ?", "Then I 've an idea \u2014 I 've got a thought , by which you may revenge yourself on Lady Waitfor't \u2014 in fact \u2014 give him the letter \u2014 he 'll certainly believe \u2018 tis meant for himself .", "I 've an idea \u2014 you do me honour \u2014 Mr Vapid , I shall be proud to be better acquainted with you \u2014 in fact \u2014 any thing of consequence stirring in the fashionable or political world ?", "In fact \u2014 may we ask what they are ?", "I 've an idea \u2014 the apothecary would cut a good figure in a comedy .", "In fact \u2014 I do n't comprehend , nor , possibly , the town .", "I 've an idea \u2014 she 's the pattern of perfection .", "I 've an idea \u2014 if we 've common fortune , this will do every thing .", "In fact \u2014 why not sir ?", "I 've an idea \u2014 no bad mode of routing the enemy ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1019, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Hark ye , sir \u2014 Is this young lady of yours very handsome ?", "Is your young mistress , sir , very handsome ?", "Charming !\u2014 What age do you reckon her ?", "The right interesting age ! and fond of the drama , I suppose ?", "Very fond of plays , I presume ?", "Delightful !\u2014 now am I the happiest dog alive :\u2014 yes , yes , Vapid ! let the town damn your plays , the women will never desert you .You need n't stay , sir .That 's a good sign , that fellow is n't used to this kind of business \u2014 so much the better \u2014 practice is the destruction of love \u2014\u2014 yes , I shall indulge a beautiful woman ,\u2014 gratify myself , and , perhaps , get the last scene for my unfinished comedy .", "Ma'am .", "By no means , ma'am , give me leave \u2014Who the devil have we here ?", "Yes , ma'am \u2014 being my first appearance in that character , but I could wait whole hours for so beautiful a woman .", "Yes \u2014 I am no stranger to her charms \u2014\u2014 sweet young creature !", "Your pardon , ma'am ,\u2014 and her youth enhances her other merits .\u2014 But , oh ! she has one charm that surpasses all .", "Her passion for the stage .", "Yes , her passion for the stage ; that , in my mind , makes her the first of her sex .", "Yes , yes , she has .", "But I declare and affirm it as a fact , she has a strong passion for the stage , and a violent attachment for all the people that belong to it .", "Hark ye ,\u2014 we are alone \u2014 I promise it shall go no further , and", "I 'll let you into a secret \u2014 I know \u2014\u2014", "I know a certain dramatic author with whom she \u2014\u2014 he had a letter from her this morning .", "Yes ,\u2014 an assignation \u2014 do n't be alarmed \u2014 the man may be depended on \u2014 he is safe \u2014 very safe !\u2014 Long in the habit of intrigue \u2014 a good person too !\u2014 a very good person indeed .", "Hark ye , he means to make her happy in less than half an hour .", "No ,\u2014 How the devil should I ?", "You Lady Waitfor't !", "Mercy on me !\u2014 here 's incident !", "Yes , ma'am :\u2014 I know Mr Neville .\u2014 Here 's equivoque !", "Gave the letter ! \u2018 gad that 's great .\u2014 Pray , ma'am , give me leave to ask you one question \u2014 Did you write to Mr Neville ?", "Stop , my dear ma'am , stop \u2014 I have it \u2014 now ,\u2014 let me be clear \u2014 first , you send him a letter ; is it not so ? yes : then he gives it to me \u2014 very well : then I comemighty well !\u2014 then you turn out ninety \u2014 charming !\u2014 - then comes the embarrassment : then the eclaircissement ! Oh ! it 's glorious !\u2014 Give me your hand \u2014 you have atoned for every thing .", "Bravo ! encore , encore \u2014 it is the very best sentiment I ever heard \u2014 say it again , pray say it again \u2014 I 'll take it down , and blend it with the incident , and you shall be gratified , one day or other , with seeing the whole on the stage .\u2014 \u201c The mind that too frequently forgives bad actions will at last forget good ones . \u201d", "What a great exit !\u2014\u2014 Very well !\u2014 I 've got an incident , however .\u2014 \u2018 Faith , I have noble talents \u2014 to extract gold from lead has been the toil of numberless philosophers ; but I extract it from a baser metal , human frailty \u2014 Oh ! it 's a great thing to be a dramatic genius !\u2014 a very great thing indeed .", "Sir , your most devoted ,\u2014\u2014 How d'ye do ?", "Very warm tragedy weather , sir !\u2014 but , for my part , I hate summer , and I 'll tell you why ,\u2014 the theatres are shut , and when I pass by their doors in an evening , it makes me melancholy \u2014 I look upon them as the tombs of departed friends that were wont to instruct and delight me \u2014 I do n't know how you feel \u2014 perhaps you are not in my way ?", "Perhaps you do n't write for the stage \u2014 if you do ,\u2014 hark ye \u2014 there is a capital character in this house for a farce .", "Who am I ?\u2014 here 's a question ! in these times who can tell who he is ?\u2014 for aught I know I may be great uncle to yourself , or first cousin to Lady Waitfor't \u2014 the very woman I was about to \u2014 but no matter \u2014 since you 're so very inquisitive , do you know who you are ?", "A peer ! pshaw ! contemptible ;\u2014 when I ask a man who he is , I do n't want to know what are his titles , and such nonsense ; no , Old Scratch , I want to know what he has written , when he had the curtain up , and whether he 's a true son of the drama .\u2014 Harkye , do n't make yourself uneasy on my account \u2014 In my next pantomime , perhaps , I 'll let you know who I am , Old Scratch ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1019, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Either this house is a labyrinth , or I , in reflecting on my incident , have forgot myself ; for so it is I can n't find my way out \u2014 who have we here ? by the sixtieth night , my little partner !", "Ma'am .", "No , ma'am , I was much nearer a fever than a cold .\u2014 Pray , ma'am , what is your study ?", "Know any thing about plays !\u2014 there 's a question !", "Did you ? Then you acted for your own amusement , and nobody 's else : what was the play ?", "Ca n't tell ?", "Then they never act a play of mine .\u2014 With all this partiality for the stage \u2014 perhaps you would be content with a dramatist for life \u2014 particularly if his morals were fine ?", "To be sure they are ,\u2014 but could you really consent to run away with a poet ?", "Into a prison , more probably \u2014 if she goes on in this way , I must dramatize her first ,\u2014 and run away with her afterwards .Come , are you ready ?", "What 's to be done !\u2014 why ?", "Well , I 'm not afraid \u2014 she 's no manager .", "Behind the sofa ! here 's an incident !", "Prologue or epilogue !\u2014 I 'm the man \u2014 I 'll write you both .", "To be sure , never any thing was so fortunate !\u2014 upon my soul , I beg your pardon ; but , curse me , if I can help laughing , to think how lucky it was for you both I happened to be behind the sofa !\u2014 ha ! ha ! ha !", "Never fear , old lady \u2014 I 'll bring you off , depend o n't .", "With all my heart \u2014 by her ladyship 's own appointment .", "To be sure you have hardly forgot your own hand writing .", "Why , look ye , old Scratch ,\u2014 you seem to be an admirer of this lady 's .\u2014 Now I think it my duty as a moral dramatist \u2014 a moral dramatist , sir , mark that \u2014 to expose hypocrisy \u2014 therefore , sir , there is the letter , read it , and be convinced of your error .", "And now , sir , I must beg a favour of you \u2014\u2014 keep the whole affair secret , for if it gets hacknied , it loses its force .\u2014 To bring it all on the stage : hush ! say nothing \u2014 it will have a capital effect , and brother bards will wonder where I stole it \u2014 your situation will be wonderful \u2014 you hav'n ' t an idea how ridiculous you will look \u2014 you will laugh very much at yourself , I assure you .", "Yes , yes , I shall take care of you ,\u2014 Falstaff in the buck basket will be nothing to it \u2014 he was only the dupe of another man 's wife ,\u2014 you 'll be the dupe of your own , you know \u2014 \u201c think of that , Master Brook , think of that . \u201d Well , your servant ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1019, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis past the hour Lady Waitfor't appointed \u2014 why does she delay ? I cannot have mistaken the place \u2014 yonder 's Lady Walton 's house \u2014 Oh ! \u2018 would all were past , and Louisa safely mine ! I hear a noise \u2014 by Heaven \u2018 tis she ! and with her all my happiness \u2014 I 'll withdraw a while , and observe them .", "Be not alarmed , Miss Courtney .", "Yes , madam ; the man you most avoid .", "By love , madam ; the same passion that has prompted me to pursue you for years , now happily conducts me hither ;\u2014 I come to lessen your fears , not to increase them .", "No , not till you have heard and pitied me ; I have been long your suitor , and long scorned by you ; you have treated me with indifference , and preferred my inferiors ; how I have deserved all this , yourself can best explain , but , to prove all former cruelties are forgotten , I here offer you my hand , and , with it , my heart .", "No , not till I am answered ;\u2014 years may elapse ere I shall have another opportunity like the present , therefore no time can be so well as now .", "Look ye , Miss Courtney \u2014 I would avoid taking advantage of your situation \u2014 nay , start not \u2014 but if you persist in your contempt of me , I know not to what extremities passion may hurry me ; I have every motive for redress , and , if you do not instantly give me your word , to prefer me to that beggar Neville , I may do that , my cooler sense would scorn .", "Yes ; and , were he not beneath my resentment , I 'd tell you more ;\u2014 but he is too poor \u2014 too \u2014", "Have a care , madam ! another declaration like that , and", "I 'll delay no longer ;\u2014 I 'll force you to my purpose .", "Nay , then \u2014 I am not to be terrified by threats ,\u2014all struggling is in vain ; this moment gratifies my revenge ,\u2014 away !", "No , sir , I will not .", "No , sir , and I warn you not to listen to the wild ravings of a senseless woman \u2014 it may be better for you , sir .", "No matter , sir , I will not be amused from my purpose .", "\u2018 Sdeath ! what can I do ? he is drunk , perhaps I may disarm him .", "Come on , sir .", "Sir , you shall hear from me \u2014 distraction !", "Ha ! gone ,\u2014 I am sorry for it \u2014 I would have seen them \u2014 lady Waitfor't has just left me , and treated me like her slave ,\u2014 insulted and derided me ; but I 'll have done with her for ever ,\u2014 I 'll be her dupe no more ;\u2014 she is now gone to Neville 's lodgings , under pretence of pursuing Louisa , but , in fact , to see him , and prevent his leaving Bath ;\u2014 this I will write to my lord , and then let him follow , and be witness of her infamy ;\u2014 thus , I hope , I shall make some reparation for the wrongs I have committed , and prove at last I have some sense of virtue ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1019, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Vapid presents his compliments to his friend Neville ; has thought of nothing but writing the epilogue for his friend 's play since they parted ; he has made great progress , and will wait on him to take his judgment on it in a few minutes . If the gentleman should come soon , I fear my master wo n't be at home to receive him .", "Not within , sir .", "Sir , he 's gone out .", "Impossible ! it 's very true , sir .", "Sir , he has been gone out above these two hours .", "Indeed , sir , it 's very unfortunate .", "Sir , if it is not impertinent , and you 'd permit me to read it \u2014", "Yes , sir , if you 'd allow me that honour .", "Here 's something wanting , sir .", "Never mind , sir , do n't perplex yourself ,\u2014 put in any thing .", "Methinks this is a strange epilogue to a comedy \u2014\u2014 Perhaps this is my master \u2014\u2014 no , as I live , \u2018 tis Mr Floriville and Miss Courtney ! she must n't on any account be seen by this gentleman .", "Sir , it 's a friend of my master 's who has brought a lady with him \u2014 I 'm sure you 've too much gallantry to interrupt an amour ; and , therefore , you 'll be kind enough to get out of the way directly .", "Nay , sir , only step for a moment into this closet , and you shall be released ,\u2014 now , pray , sir ,\u2014 pray be prevailed on .", "What can I do , sir ? there is no way out but that door \u2014 get in here for an instant , and I 'll show them into the library \u2014 now do , sir .", "Sir , he has been out the whole evening .", "Lady Waitfor't is below , inquiring for that lady , or my master .", "Yes , sir , and my lord has sent to know if Mr Vapid , or her ladyship , have been here ;\u2014 he was in bed , but on receiving a letter , got up , and will be here in an instant .", "No , sir , do n't move , you 'll ruin every thing .", "Here , sir ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1019, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Mr Vapid not come yet , Letty ?", "I protest , I am almost weary of them all .\u2014", "See who 's there .", "Yes ; but vilely as he has treated me , I must still be calm .", "VAPID , putting his head in .", "Walk in , sir , walk in .", "I beg you 'll be seated , Mr Vapid \u2014 I have something of consequence to impart to you .", "Indeed I will not detain you a moment .", "Letty , leave the room , and fasten the door .", "You 're very much frightened , Mr Vapid ;\u2014 I hope you do n't suppose", "I have any design against you ?", "Well , but , to release you from your fears , I 'll tell you why I have given you this trouble \u2014 My business , Mr Vapid , was to converse with you on the farcical affair that happened at Neville 's .", "Yes , sir , the farcical affair that happened at Mr Neville 's .", "No , sir , far from it \u2014 I have no doubt but it is a very elegant composition .", "But , to be serious , Mr Vapid \u2014\u2014", "Yes .\u2014 But Mr Vapid , this affair concerns me excessively , and I wish to know what is to be done .", "Sir , do you mean to deride me ?", "Sir , I desire you 'll be more respectful .\u2014 I do n't understand it at all .", "Provoking !\u2014 Have I not told you a thousand times , never to break in upon me when I am alone ?", "Suppose I should ,\u2014 what is that to you ?", "Look ye , miss ,\u2014 your insolence is not to be borne \u2014 you have been the chief cause of all my perplexities .", "No matter ,\u2014 your behaviour is shameless , and it is high time I exerted the authority of a relation \u2014 you are a disgrace to me \u2014 to yourself , and your friends \u2014 therefore , I am determined to put into execution a scheme I have long thought of .", "No , you shall retire to a convent , till you take possession of your fortune .", "It is a far better place than you deserve ; my resolution is fixed , and we shall see whether a life of solitude and austerity will not awaken some sense of shame in you .", "Not a word \u2014 I am determined \u2014 to-morrow you shall leave this country , and then I have done with you for ever .", "Oh ! I have gone too far , Mr Vapid !", "I have some drops in this closet may recover her \u2014 hold her a moment , and for heaven 's sake take care of her .", "Well , Mr Vapid , how does she do ? lord ! she 's in strong convulsions .", "Here , sir .", "Yes , plenty .", "I 'm quite shocked !", "Here , Mr Vapid \u2014 here are the drops !\u2014 What , gone !\u2014 ruined by a writer of epilogues !\u2014 Oh ! I shall burst with disappointment !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1019, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Oh ! Miss Courtney ! my sweet Miss Courtney ! Mr Vapid , here , has run away with me , and I am so frightened for fear of Lady Waitfor't .", "Your own case ! Lord ! you base man , have you got a young lady in your lodgings ?", "Nay \u2014 where are you going ?", "Poor dear girl ! I must n't leave her thus \u2014 Mr Vapid , we wo n't run away till something is done for her .", "I will \u2014 Lord ! if they must be happy in being friends again , what must I be who make them so !", "Lord ! he has a very bad memory ,\u2014 I hope he wo n't forget our marriage .", "Uncle-in-law , what are your feelings on this occasion ?\u2014 as my aunt says .", "Did n't you ?", "Now , you 're a dear creature ! and I wo n't marry ,\u2014 that 's what I wo n't , without consulting you .", "A gentleman run away with me ;\u2014 he is now in the room .", "No , behind you .", "Come , my dear , have n't you almost finished ?", "Come , give consent , my lord ,\u2014 my husband will get money , though", "I have none .", "Shall I ? then \u2018 faith , Mr Vapid , we 'll build a theatre of our own ! you shall write plays , and I 'll act them .", "Mr Ennui , I hope you 'll forgive me , and Sir Harry Hustle , the fatigue we occasioned you ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1019, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The lord cardinal 's", "And other strangers \u2019 that are now in court ?", "I shall .\u2014 Here comes the great Calabrian duke .", "Nobly , my lord : as out of the Grecian horse issued many famous princes , so out of brave horsemanship arise the first sparks of growing resolution , that raise the mind to noble action .", "Some such flashes superficially hang on him for form ; but observe his inward character : he is a melancholy churchman . The spring in his face is nothing but the engend'ring of toads ; where he is jealous of any man , he lays worse plots for them than ever was impos 'd on Hercules , for he strews in his way flatterers , panders , intelligencers , atheists , and a thousand such political monsters . He should have been Pope ; but instead of coming to it by the primitive decency of the church , he did bestow bribes so largely and so impudently as if he would have carried it away without heaven 's knowledge . Some good he hath done \u2014\u2014", "The duke there ? A most perverse and turbulent nature .", "What appears in him mirth is merely outside ;", "If he laught heartily , it is to laugh", "All honesty out of fashion .", "In quality .", "He speaks with others \u2019 tongues , and hears men 's suits", "With others \u2019 ears ; will seem to sleep o \u2019 the bench", "Only to entrap offenders in their answers ;", "Dooms men to death by information ;", "Rewards by hearsay .", "Most true :", "He never pays debts unless they be shrewd turns ,", "And those he will confess that he doth owe .", "Last , for this brother there , the cardinal ,", "They that do flatter him most say oracles", "Hang at his lips ; and verily I believe them ,", "For the devil speaks in them .", "But for their sister , the right noble duchess ,", "You never fix 'd your eye on three fair medals", "Cast in one figure , of so different temper .", "For her discourse , it is so full of rapture ,", "You only will begin then to be sorry", "When she doth end her speech , and wish , in wonder ,", "She held it less vain-glory to talk much ,", "Than your penance to hear her . Whilst she speaks ,", "She throws upon a man so sweet a look", "That it were able to raise one to a galliard .< 10 >", "That lay in a dead palsy , and to dote", "On that sweet countenance ; but in that look", "There speaketh so divine a continence", "As cuts off all lascivious and vain hope .", "Her days are practis 'd in such noble virtue ,", "That sure her nights , nay , more , her very sleeps ,", "Are more in heaven than other ladies \u2019 shrifts .", "Let all sweet ladies break their flatt'ring glasses ,", "And dress themselves in her .", "I \u2018 ll case the picture up : only thus much ;", "All her particular worth grows to this sum ,\u2014", "She stains < 11 > the time past , lights the time to come .", "I shall ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1036, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["We are to part from you ; and your own discretion", "Must now be your director .", "No ,", "Nor anything without the addition , honour ,", "Sway your high blood .", "O , fie !", "So most widows say ;", "But commonly that motion lasts no longer", "Than the turning of an hour-glass : the funeral sermon", "And it end both together .", "You may flatter yourself ,", "And take your own choice ; privately be married", "Under the eaves of night \u2014\u2014", "The marriage night", "Is the entrance into some prison .", "Fare you well . Wisdom begins at the end : remember it ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1036, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["You say you would fain be taken for an eminent courtier ?", "Let me see : you have a reasonable good face for \u2018 t already , and your night-cap expresses your ears sufficient largely . I would have you learn to twirl the strings of your band with a good grace , and in a set speech , at th \u2019 end of every sentence , to hum three or four times , or blow your nose till it smart again , to recover your memory . When you come to be a president in criminal causes , if you smile upon a prisoner , hang him ; but if you frown upon him and threaten him , let him be sure to scape the gallows .", "Do not sup o \u2019 nights ; \u2018 twill beget you an admirable wit .", "I will teach a trick to know it : give out you lie a-dying , and if you hear the common people curse you , be sure you are taken for one of the prime night-caps .< 32 >You come from painting now .", "Why , from your scurvy face-physic . To behold thee not painted inclines somewhat near a miracle . These in thy face here were deep ruts and foul sloughs the last progress .< 33 > There was a lady in France that , having had the small-pox , flayed the skin off her face to make it more level ; and whereas before she looked like a nutmeg-grater , after she resembled an abortive hedge-hog .", "No , no , but you callcareening < 34 > of an old morphewed < 35 > lady , to make her disembogue < 36 > again : there \u2018 s rough-cast phrase to your plastic .< 37 >", "One would suspect it for a shop of witchcraft , to find in it the fat of serpents , spawn of snakes , Jews \u2019 spittle , and their young children 's ordure ; and all these for the face . I would sooner eat a dead pigeon taken from the soles of the feet of one sick of the plague , than kiss one of you fasting . Here are two of you , whose sin of your youth is the very patrimony of the physician ; makes him renew his foot-cloth with the spring , and change his high-pric 'd courtezan with the fall of the leaf . I do wonder you do not loathe yourselves . Observe my meditation now . What thing is in this outward form of man To be belov 'd ? We account it ominous , If nature do produce a colt , or lamb , A fawn , or goat , in any limb resembling A man , and fly from \u2018 t as a prodigy : Man stands amaz 'd to see his deformity In any other creature but himself . But in our own flesh though we bear diseases Which have their true names only ta'en from beasts ,\u2014 As the most ulcerous wolf and swinish measle ,\u2014 Though we are eaten up of lice and worms , And though continually we bear about us A rotten and dead body , we delight To hide it in rich tissue : all our fear , Nay , all our terror , is , lest our physician Should put us in the ground to be made sweet .\u2014 Your wife \u2018 s gone to Rome : you two couple , and get you to the wells at Lucca to recover your aches . I have other work on foot .I observe our duchess Is sick a-days , she pukes , her stomach seethes , The fins of her eye-lids look most teeming blue ,< 38 > She wanes i \u2019 the cheek , and waxes fat i \u2019 the flank , And , contrary to our Italian fashion , Wears a loose-bodied gown : there \u2018 s somewhat in \u2018 t. I have a trick may chance discover it , A pretty one ; I have bought some apricocks , The first our spring yields .", "O , sir , the opinion of wisdom is a foul tetter < 39 > that runs all over a man 's body : if simplicity direct us to have no evil , it directs us to a happy being ; for the subtlest folly proceeds from the subtlest wisdom : let me be simply honest .", "Do you so ?", "Give me leave to be honest in any phrase , in any compliment whatsoever . Shall I confess myself to you ? I look no higher than I can reach : they are the gods that must ride on winged horses . A lawyer 's mule of a slow pace will both suit my disposition and business ; for , mark me , when a man 's mind rides faster than his horse can gallop , they quickly both tire .", "O , sir , you are lord of the ascendant ,< 40 > chief man with the duchess : a duke was your cousin-german remov 'd . Say you were lineally descended from King Pepin , or he himself , what of this ? Search the heads of the greatest rivers in the world , you shall find them but bubbles of water . Some would think the souls of princes were brought forth by some more weighty cause than those of meaner persons : they are deceiv 'd , there \u2018 s the same hand to them ; the like passions sway them ; the same reason that makes a vicar go to law for a tithe-pig , and undo his neighbours , makes them spoil a whole province , and batter down goodly cities with the cannon .", "The duchess us 'd one when she was great with child .", "I fear too much .", "I have a present for your grace .", "Apricocks , madam .", "Good ; her colour rises .", "Will not your grace pare them ?", "I know not : yet I wish your grace had par 'd \u2018 em .", "I forgot to tell you , the knave gardener ,", "Only to raise his profit by them the sooner ,", "Did ripen them in horse-dung .", "\u2018 Tis a pretty art ,", "This grafting .", "To make a pippin grow upon a crab ,", "A damson on a black-thorn .\u2014", "How greedily she eats them !", "A whirlwind strike off these bawd farthingales !", "For , but for that and the loose-bodied gown ,", "I should have discover 'd apparently < 43 >", "The young springal < 44 > cutting a caper in her belly .", "Nay , you are too much swell 'd already .", "I am very sorry ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1036, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sure I did hear a woman shriek : list , ha !", "And the sound came , if I receiv 'd it right ,", "> From the duchess \u2019 lodgings . There \u2018 s some stratagem", "In the confining all our courtiers", "To their several wards : I must have part of it ;", "My intelligence will freeze else . List , again !", "It may be \u2018 twas the melancholy bird ,", "Best friend of silence and of solitariness ,", "The owl , that screamed so .\u2014 Ha ! Antonio !", "Antonio , put not your face nor body", "To such a forc 'd expression of fear ;", "I am Bosola , your friend .", "From whence ?", "Not I : did you ?", "Let \u2018 s walk towards it .", "Very likely .", "Methinks \u2018 tis very cold , and yet you sweat :", "You look wildly .", "Ah , and how falls your question ? Do you find it radical ?< 53 >", "In sooth , I \u2018 ll tell you :", "Now all the court \u2018 s asleep , I thought the devil", "Had least to do here ; I came to say my prayers ;", "And if it do offend you I do so ,", "You are a fine courtier .", "Poison 'd ! a Spanish fig", "For the imputation !", "You are a false steward .", "May be the ruin will crush you to pieces .", "No , sir : copy it out ,", "And I will set my hand to \u2018 t .", "Antonio hereabout did drop a paper :\u2014 Some of your help , false friend .< 56 >\u2014 O , here it is . What \u2018 s here ? a child 's nativity calculated !\u2018 The duchess was deliver 'd of a son , \u2018 tween the hours twelve and one in the night , Anno Dom . 1504 , \u2019 \u2014 that \u2018 s this year \u2014 \u2018 decimo nono Decembris , \u2019 \u2014 that \u2018 s this night \u2014 \u2018 taken according to the meridian of Malfi , \u2019 \u2014 that \u2018 s our duchess : happy discovery !\u2014 \u2018 The lord of the first house being combust in the ascendant , signifies short life ; and Mars being in a human sign , joined to the tail of the Dragon , in the eighth house , doth threaten a violent death . Caetera non scrutantur . '< 57 > Why , now \u2018 tis most apparent ; this precise fellow Is the duchess \u2019 bawd :\u2014 I have it to my wish ! This is a parcel of intelligency < 58 > Our courtiers were cas 'd up for : it needs must follow That I must be committed on pretence Of poisoning her ; which I \u2018 ll endure , and laugh at . If one could find the father now ! but that Time will discover . Old Castruccio I \u2019 th \u2019 morning posts to Rome : by him I \u2018 ll send A letter that shall make her brothers \u2019 galls O'erflow their livers . This was a thrifty < 59 > way ! Though lust do mask in ne'er so strange disguise , She \u2018 s oft found witty , but is never wise ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1036, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sit : thou art my best of wishes . Prithee , tell me", "What trick didst thou invent to come to Rome", "Without thy husband ?", "Thou art a witty false one ,\u2014", "I mean , to him .", "Do not put thyself", "To such a voluntary torture , which proceeds", "Out of your own guilt .", "You fear", "My constancy , because you have approv 'd < 62 >", "Those giddy and wild turnings in yourself .", "Sooth , generally for women ,", "A man might strive to make glass malleable ,", "Ere he should make them fixed .", "We had need go borrow that fantastic glass", "Invented by Galileo the Florentine", "To view another spacious world i \u2019 th \u2019 moon ,", "And look to find a constant woman there .", "Why do you weep ?", "Are tears your justification ? The self-same tears", "Will fall into your husband 's bosom , lady ,", "With a loud protestation that you love him", "Above the world . Come , I \u2018 ll love you wisely ,", "That \u2018 s jealously ; since I am very certain", "You cannot make me cuckold .", "You may thank me , lady ,", "I have taken you off your melancholy perch ,", "Bore you upon my fist , and show 'd you game ,", "And let you fly at it .\u2014 I pray thee , kiss me .\u2014", "When thou wast with thy husband , thou wast watch 'd", "Like a tame elephant :\u2014 still you are to thank me :\u2014", "Thou hadst only kisses from him and high feeding ;", "But what delight was that ? \u2018 Twas just like one", "That hath a little fing'ring on the lute ,", "Yet cannot tune it :\u2014 still you are to thank me .", "Who \u2018 s that ?\u2014\u2014", "Rest firm , for my affection to thee ,", "Lightning moves slow to \u2018 t .", "Let him enter : I \u2018 ll withdraw . Exit ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1036, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I have this night digg 'd up a mandrake .< 67 >", "And I am grown mad with \u2018 t .", "Lower !", "Rogues do not whisper \u2018 t now , but seek to publish \u2018 t", "Aloud ; and with a covetous searching eye ,", "To mark who note them . O , confusion seize her !", "She hath had most cunning bawds to serve her turn ,", "And more secure conveyances for lust", "Than towns of garrison for service .", "Rhubarb , O , for rhubarb", "To purge this choler ! Here \u2018 s the cursed day", "To prompt my memory ; and here \u2018 t shall stick", "Till of her bleeding heart I make a sponge", "To wipe it out .", "Would I could be one ,", "That I might toss her palace \u2018 bout her ears ,", "Root up her goodly forests , blast her meads ,", "And lay her general territory as waste", "As she hath done her honours .", "Apply desperate physic :", "We must not now use balsamum , but fire ,", "The smarting cupping-glass , for that \u2018 s the mean", "To purge infected blood , such blood as hers .", "There is a kind of pity in mine eye ,\u2014", "I \u2018 ll give it to my handkercher ; and now \u2018 tis here ,", "I \u2018 ll bequeath this to her bastard .", "Why , to make soft lint for his mother 's wounds ,", "When I have hew 'd her to pieces .", "Foolish men ,", "That e'er will trust their honour in a bark", "Made of so slight weak bulrush as is woman ,", "Apt every minute to sink it !", "Methinks I see her laughing ,\u2014", "Excellent hyena ! Talk to me somewhat quickly ,", "Or my imagination will carry me", "To see her in the shameful act of sin .", "Happily with some strong-thigh 'd bargeman ,", "Or one o \u2019 th \u2019 wood-yard that can quoit the sledge < 70 >", "Or toss the bar , or else some lovely squire", "That carries coals up to her privy lodgings .", "Go to , mistress !", "\u2018 Tis not your whore 's milk that shall quench my wild-fire ,", "But your whore 's blood .", "Have not you", "My palsy ?", "So I will only study to seem", "The thing I am not . I could kill her now ,", "In you , or in myself ; for I do think", "It is some sin in us heaven doth revenge", "By her .", "I would have their bodies", "Burnt in a coal-pit with the ventage stopp 'd ,", "That their curs 'd smoke might not ascend to heaven ;", "Or dip the sheets they lie in in pitch or sulphur ,", "Wrap them in \u2018 t , and then light them like a match ;", "Or else to-boil < 71 > their bastard to a cullis ,", "And give \u2018 t his lecherous father to renew", "The sin of his back .", "Nay , I have done .", "I am confident , had I been damn 'd in hell ,", "And should have heard of this , it would have put me", "Into a cold sweat . In , in ; I \u2018 ll go sleep .", "Till I know who", "my sister , I \u2018 ll not stir :", "That known , I \u2018 ll find scorpions to string my whips ,", "And fix her in a general eclipse .", "Exeunt ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1036, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Our noble friend , my most beloved Delio !", "O , you have been a stranger long at court :", "Came you along with the Lord Ferdinand ?", "Right fortunately well : she \u2018 s an excellent", "Feeder of pedigrees ; since you last saw her ,", "She hath had two children more , a son and daughter .", "You have not been in law , friend Delio ,", "Nor in prison , nor a suitor at the court ,", "Nor begg 'd the reversion of some great man 's place ,", "Nor troubled with an old wife , which doth make", "Your time so insensibly hasten .", "I fear it hath :", "The Lord Ferdinand , that \u2018 s newly come to court ,", "Doth bear himself right dangerously .", "He is so quiet that he seems to sleep", "The tempest out , as dormice do in winter .", "Those houses that are haunted are most still", "Till the devil be up .", "The common rabble do directly say", "She is a strumpet .", "They do observe I grow to infinite purchase ,< 73 >", "The left hand way ; and all suppose the duchess", "Would amend it , if she could ; for , say they ,", "Great princes , though they grudge their officers", "Should have such large and unconfined means", "To get wealth under them , will not complain ,", "Lest thereby they should make them odious", "Unto the people . For other obligation", "Of love or marriage between her and me", "They never dream of ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1036, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Bring me the casket hither , and the glass .\u2014", "You get no lodging here to-night , my lord .", "Very good :", "I hope in time \u2018 twill grow into a custom ,", "That noblemen shall come with cap and knee", "To purchase a night 's lodging of their wives .", "Must ! You are a lord of mis-rule .", "I \u2018 ll stop your mouth .", "O , that \u2018 s soon answer 'd .", "Did you ever in your life know an ill painter", "Desire to have his dwelling next door to the shop", "Of an excellent picture-maker ? \u2018 Twould disgrace", "His face-making , and undo him . I prithee ,", "When were we so merry ?\u2014 My hair tangles .", "Doth not the colour of my hair \u2018 gin to change ?", "When I wax gray , I shall have all the court", "Powder their hair with arras ,< 81 > to be like me .", "You have cause to love me ; I ent'red you into my heart", "Before you would vouchsafe to call for the keys .", "We shall one day have my brothers take you napping .", "Methinks his presence , being now in court ,", "Should make you keep your own bed ; but you \u2018 ll say", "Love mix 'd with fear is sweetest . I \u2018 ll assure you ,", "You shall get no more children till my brothers", "Consent to be your gossips . Have you lost your tongue ?", "\u2018 Tis welcome :", "For know , whether I am doom 'd to live or die ,", "I can do both like a prince .", "Pray , sir , hear me .", "Sir \u2014\u2014", "No , sir :", "I will plant my soul in mine ears , to hear you .", "I pray , sir , hear me : I am married .", "Happily , not to your liking : but for that ,", "Alas , your shears do come untimely now", "To clip the bird 's wings that \u2018 s already flown !", "Will you see my husband ?", "Sure , you came hither", "By his confederacy .", "Why might not I marry ?", "I have not gone about in this to create", "Any new world or custom .", "Mine bleeds for \u2018 t .", "You are in this", "Too strict ; and were you not my princely brother ,", "I would say , too wilful : my reputation", "Is safe .", "Why should only I ,", "Of all the other princes of the world ,", "Be cas 'd up , like a holy relic ? I have youth", "And a little beauty .", "You saw this apparition ?", "That gallery gave him entrance .", "He left this with me .", "His action seem 'd", "To intend so much .", "I stand", "As if a mine beneath my feet were ready", "To be blown up .", "Away !", "O misery ! methinks unjust actions", "Should wear these masks and curtains , and not we .", "You must instantly part hence : I have fashion 'd it already .", "Exit ANTONIO .", "So late ?", "Indeed , I am very near it .", "Antonio , the master of our household ,", "Hath dealt so falsely with me in \u2018 s accounts .", "My brother stood engag 'd with me for money", "Ta'en up of certain Neapolitan Jews ,", "And Antonio lets the bonds be forfeit .", "And hereupon", "My brother 's bills at Naples are protested", "Against .\u2014 Call up our officers .", "The place that you must fly to is Ancona :", "Hire a house there ; I \u2018 ll send after you", "My treasure and my jewels . Our weak safety", "Runs upon enginous wheels :< 82 > short syllables", "Must stand for periods . I must now accuse you", "Of such a feigned crime as Tasso calls", "Magnanima menzogna , a noble lie ,", "\u2018 Cause it must shield our honours .\u2014 Hark ! they are coming .", "I have got well by you ; you have yielded me", "A million of loss : I am like to inherit", "The people 's curses for your stewardship .", "You had the trick in audit-time to be sick ,", "Till I had sign 'd your quietus ;< 83 > and that cur 'd you", "Without help of a doctor .\u2014 Gentlemen ,", "I would have this man be an example to you all ;", "So shall you hold my favour ; I pray , let him ;", "For h'as done that , alas , you would not think of ,", "And , because I intend to be rid of him ,", "I mean not to publish .\u2014 Use your fortune elsewhere .", "We do confiscate ,", "Towards the satisfying of your accounts ,", "All that you have .", "So , sir , you have your pass .", "I would know what are your opinions", "Of this Antonio .", "Leave us .", "Exeunt", "What do you think of these ?", "Poor ! he hath amply fill 'd his coffers .", "But he was basely descended .", "O , you render me excellent music !", "This good one that you speak of is my husband .", "I have had three children by him .", "As I taste comfort in this friendly speech ,", "So would I find concealment .", "You shall take charge of all my coin and jewels ,", "And follow him ; for he retires himself", "To Ancona .", "Whither , within few days ,", "I mean to follow thee .", "Sir , your direction", "Shall lead me by the hand .", "Thou art a superstitious fool :", "Prepare us instantly for our departure .", "Past sorrows , let us moderately lament them ,", "For those to come , seek wisely to prevent them ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1036, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["This great Count Malatesti , I perceive ,", "Hath got employment ?", "He \u2018 s no soldier .", "That , that damns her . Methinks her fault and beauty ,", "Blended together , show like leprosy ,", "The whiter , the fouler . I make it a question", "Whether her beggarly brats were ever christ'ned .", "You are for Loretto :", "I shall not be at your ceremony ; fare you well .\u2014", "Write to the Duke of Malfi , my young nephew", "She had by her first husband , and acquaint him", "With \u2018 s mother 's honesty .", "Antonio !", "A slave that only smell 'd of ink and counters ,", "And never in \u2018 s life look 'd like a gentleman ,", "But in the audit-time .\u2014 Go , go presently ,", "Draw me out an hundred and fifty of our horse ,", "And meet me at the foot-bridge .", "Exeunt ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1036, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Banish 'd Ancona !", "Is all our train", "Shrunk to this poor remainder ?", "They have done wisely .", "This puts me in mind of death : physicians thus ,", "With their hands full of money , use to give o'er", "Their patients .", "I had a very strange dream to-night .", "Methought I wore my coronet of state ,", "And on a sudden all the diamonds", "Were chang 'd to pearls .", "The birds that live i \u2019 th \u2019 field", "On the wild benefit of nature live", "Happier than we ; for they may choose their mates ,", "And carol their sweet pleasures to the spring .", "From my brother ?", "Thou dost blanch mischief , Would'st make it white . See , see , like to calm weather At sea before a tempest , false hearts speak fair To those they intend most mischief .\u2018 Send Antonio to me ; I want his head in a business . \u2019 A politic equivocation ! He doth not want your counsel , but your head ; That is , he cannot sleep till you be dead . And here \u2018 s another pitfall that \u2018 s strew 'd o'er With roses ; mark it , \u2018 tis a cunning one :\u2018 I stand engaged for your husband for several debts at Naples : let not that trouble him ; I had rather have his heart than his money ':\u2014 And I believe so too .", "That he so much distrusts my husband 's love ,", "He will by no means believe his heart is with him", "Until he see it : the devil is not cunning enough", "To circumvent us In riddles .", "Their league is like that of some politic kings ,", "Only to make themselves of strength and power", "To be our after-ruin ; tell them so .", "I suspect some ambush ;", "Therefore by all my love I do conjure you", "To take your eldest son , and fly towards Milan .", "Let us not venture all this poor remainder", "In one unlucky bottom .", "I know not which is best ,", "To see you dead , or part with you .\u2014 Farewell , boy :", "Thou art happy that thou hast not understanding", "To know thy misery ; for all our wit", "And reading brings us to a truer sense", "Of sorrow .\u2014 In the eternal church , sir ,", "I do hope we shall not part thus .", "Must I , like to slave-born Russian ,", "Account it praise to suffer tyranny ?", "And yet , O heaven , thy heavy hand is in \u2018 t !", "I have seen my little boy oft scourge his top ,", "And compar 'd myself to \u2018 t : naught made me e'er", "Go right but heaven 's scourge-stick .", "Let me look upon you once more , for that speech", "Came from a dying father . Your kiss is colder", "Than that I have seen an holy anchorite", "Give to a dead man 's skull .", "My laurel is all withered .", "O , they are very welcome :", "When Fortune 's wheel is over-charg 'd with princes ,", "The weight makes it move swift : I would have my ruin", "Be sudden .\u2014 I am your adventure , am I not ?", "What devil art thou that counterfeit'st heaven 's thunder ?", "O misery ! like to a rusty o'ercharg ' d cannon ,", "Shall I never fly in pieces ?\u2014 Come , to what prison ?", "Whither , then ?", "I have heard", "That Charon 's boat serves to convey all o'er", "The dismal lake , but brings none back again .", "Pity !", "With such a pity men preserve alive", "Pheasants and quails , when they are not fat enough", "To be eaten .", "Yes .", "No :", "But I intend , since they were born accurs 'd ,", "Curses shall be their first language .", "Were I a man ,", "I \u2018 d beat that counterfeit face < 97 > into thy other .", "Say that he was born mean ,", "Man is most happy when \u2018 s own actions", "Be arguments and examples of his virtue .", "I prithee , who is greatest ? Can you tell ?", "Sad tales befit my woe : I \u2018 ll tell you one .", "A salmon , as she swam unto the sea .", "Met with a dog-fish , who encounters her", "With this rough language ; \u2018 Why art thou so bold", "To mix thyself with our high state of floods ,", "Being no eminent courtier , but one", "That for the calmest and fresh time o \u2019 th \u2019 year", "Dost live in shallow rivers , rank'st thyself", "With silly smelts and shrimps ? And darest thou", "Pass by our dog-ship without reverence ? \u2019", "\u2018 O , \u2019 quoth the salmon , \u2018 sister , be at peace :", "Thank Jupiter we both have pass 'd the net !", "Our value never can be truly known ,", "Till in the fisher 's basket we be shown :", "I \u2019 th \u2019 market then my price may be the higher ,", "Even when I am nearest to the cook and fire . \u2019", "So to great men the moral may be stretched ;", "Men oft are valu 'd high , when they 're most wretched .\u2014", "But come , whither you please . I am arm 'd \u2018 gainst misery ;", "Bent to all sways of the oppressor 's will :", "There \u2018 s no deep valley but near some great hill .", "Exeunt ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1036, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["How doth our sister duchess bear herself", "In her imprisonment ?", "Her melancholy seems to be fortified", "With a strange disdain .", "Curse upon her !", "I will no longer study in the book", "Of another 's heart . Inform her what I told you .", "Exit .", "Where are you ?", "This darkness suits you well .", "You have it ;", "For I account it the honorabl'st revenge ,", "Where I may kill , to pardon .\u2014 Where are your cubs ?", "Call them your children ;", "For though our national law distinguish bastards", "> From true legitimate issue , compassionate nature", "Makes them all equal .", "It had been well ,", "Could you have liv 'd thus always ; for , indeed ,", "You were too much i \u2019 th \u2019 light :\u2014 but no more ;", "I come to seal my peace with you . Here \u2018 s a hand", "Gives her a dead man 's hand .", "To which you have vow 'd much love ; the ring upon \u2018 t", "You gave .", "Pray , do , and bury the print of it in your heart .", "I will leave this ring with you for a love-token ;", "And the hand as sure as the ring ; and do not doubt", "But you shall have the heart too . When you need a friend ,", "Send it to him that ow 'd it ; you shall see", "Whether he can aid you .", "Let her have lights enough . Exit .", "Excellent , as I would wish ; she \u2018 s plagu 'd in art .< 101 >", "These presentations are but fram 'd in wax", "By the curious master in that quality ,< 102 >", "Vincentio Lauriola , and she takes them", "For true substantial bodies .", "To bring her to despair .", "Damn her ! that body of hers .", "While that my blood run pure in \u2018 t , was more worth", "Than that which thou wouldst comfort , call 'd a soul .", "I will send her masques of common courtezans ,", "Have her meat serv 'd up by bawds and ruffians ,", "And , \u2018 cause she \u2018 ll needs be mad , I am resolv 'd", "To move forth the common hospital", "All the mad-folk , and place them near her lodging ;", "There let them practise together , sing and dance ,", "And act their gambols to the full o \u2019 th \u2019 moon :", "If she can sleep the better for it , let her .", "Your work is almost ended .", "Yes .", "You must .", "Very likely ;", "Thy pity is nothing of kin to thee , Antonio", "Lurks about Milan : thou shalt shortly thither ,", "To feed a fire as great as my revenge ,", "Which nev'r will slack till it hath spent his fuel :", "Intemperate agues make physicians cruel .", "Exeunt ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1036, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What hideous noise was that ?", "Indeed , I thank him . Nothing but noise and folly", "Can keep me in my right wits ; whereas reason", "And silence make me stark mad . Sit down ;", "Discourse to me some dismal tragedy .", "Thou art deceiv 'd :", "To hear of greater grief would lessen mine .", "This is a prison ?", "Thou art a fool :", "The robin-red-breast and the nightingale", "Never live long in cages .", "Of nothing ;", "When I muse thus , I sleep .", "Dost thou think we shall know one another", "In th \u2019 other world ?", "O , that it were possible we might", "But hold some two days \u2019 conference with the dead !", "> From them I should learn somewhat , I am sure ,", "I never shall know here . I \u2018 ll tell thee a miracle :", "I am not mad yet , to my cause of sorrow :", "Th \u2019 heaven o'er my head seems made of molten brass ,", "The earth of flaming sulphur , yet I am not mad .", "I am acquainted with sad misery", "As the tann 'd galley-slave is with his oar ;", "Necessity makes me suffer constantly ,", "And custom makes it easy . Who do I look like now ?", "Very proper ;", "And Fortune seems only to have her eye-sight", "To behold my tragedy .\u2014 How now !", "What noise is that ?", "Let them come in .", "Sit , Cariola .\u2014 Let them loose when you please ,", "For I am chain 'd to endure all your tyranny .", "Here by a Madman this song is sung to a dismal kind of music", "O , let us howl some heavy note ,", "Some deadly dogged howl ,", "Sounding as from the threatening throat", "Of beasts and fatal fowl !", "As ravens , screech-owls , bulls , and bears ,", "We \u2018 ll bell , and bawl our parts ,", "Till irksome noise have cloy 'd your ears", "And corrosiv 'd your hearts .", "At last , whenas our choir wants breath ,", "Our bodies being blest ,", "We \u2018 ll sing , like swans , to welcome death ,", "And die in love and rest .", "Is he mad too ?", "Ha ! my tomb !", "Thou speak'st as if I lay upon my death-bed ,", "Gasping for breath . Dost thou perceive me sick ?", "BOSOLA .", "Yes , and the more dangerously , since thy sickness is insensible .", "Thou art not mad , sure : dost know me ?", "Who am I ?", "Am not I thy duchess ?", "I am Duchess of Malfi still .", "Thou art very plain .", "And thou comest to make my tomb ?", "Let me be a little merry :\u2014 of what stuff wilt thou make it ?", "Why , do we grow fantastical on our deathbed ? Do we affect fashion in the grave ?", "Let me know fully therefore the effect", "Of this thy dismal preparation ,", "This talk fit for a charnel .", "Let me see it :", "I have so much obedience in my blood ,", "I wish it in their veins to do them good .", "Peace ; it affrights not me .", "Even now thou said'st", "Thou wast a tomb-maker .", "To whom ? To our next neighbours ? They are mad-folks .", "Farewell , Cariola .", "In my last will I have not much to give :", "A many hungry guests have fed upon me ;", "Thine will be a poor reversion .", "I pray thee , look thou giv'st my little boy", "Some syrup for his cold , and let the girl", "Say her prayers ere she sleep .", "Now what you please :", "What death ?", "I forgive them :", "The apoplexy , catarrh , or cough o \u2019 th \u2019 lungs ,", "Would do as much as they do .", "Who would be afraid on \u2018 t ,", "Knowing to meet such excellent company", "In th \u2019 other world ?", "Not a whit :", "What would it pleasure me to have my throat cut", "With diamonds ? or to be smothered", "With cassia ? or to be shot to death with pearls ?", "I know death hath ten thousand several doors", "For men to take their exits ; and \u2018 tis found", "They go on such strange geometrical hinges ,", "You may open them both ways : any way , for heaven-sake ,", "So I were out of your whispering . Tell my brothers", "That I perceive death , now I am well awake ,", "Best gift is they can give or I can take .", "I would fain put off my last woman'shYpppHeNfault ,", "I \u2018 d not be tedious to you .", "Dispose my breath how please you ; but my body", "Bestow upon my women , will you ?", "Pull , and pull strongly , for your able strength", "Must pull down heaven upon me :\u2014", "Yet stay ; heaven-gates are not so highly arch 'd", "As princes \u2019 palaces ; they that enter there", "Must go upon their knees", "\u2014 Come , violent death ,", "Serve for mandragora to make me sleep !\u2014", "Go tell my brothers , when I am laid out ,", "They then may feed in quiet .", "They strangle her .", "Antonio !", "Mercy ! Dies ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1036, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What think you of my hope of reconcilement", "To the Arragonian brethren ?", "You are still an heretic < 122 >", "To any safety I can shape myself .", "I pray , do .", "How they fortify", "Themselves with my ruin !", "Why , here \u2018 s a man now would fright impudence", "> From sauciest beggars .", "\u2018 Tis a noble old fellow .", "This night I mean to venture all my fortune ,", "Which is no more than a poor ling'ring life ,", "To the cardinal 's worst of malice . I have got", "Private access to his chamber ; and intend", "To visit him about the mid of night ,", "As once his brother did our noble duchess .", "It may be that the sudden apprehension", "Of danger ,\u2014 for I \u2018 ll go in mine own shape ,\u2014", "When he shall see it fraight < 123 > with love and duty ,", "May draw the poison out of him , and work", "A friendly reconcilement . If it fail ,", "Yet it shall rid me of this infamous calling ;", "For better fall once than be ever falling .", "You are still my lov 'd and best friend . Exeunt ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1036, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["If \u2018 t please your lordship ; but he \u2018 s instantly", "To take the air here in the gallery", "By my direction .", "A very pestilent disease , my lord ,", "They call lycanthropia .", "I \u2018 ll tell you .", "In those that are possess 'd with \u2018 t there o'erflows", "Such melancholy humour they imagine", "Themselves to be transformed into wolves ;", "Steal forth to church-yards in the dead of night ,", "And dig dead bodies up : as two nights since", "One met the duke \u2018 bout midnight in a lane", "Behind Saint Mark 's church , with the leg of a man", "Upon his shoulder ; and he howl 'd fearfully ;", "Said he was a wolf , only the difference", "Was , a wolf 's skin was hairy on the outside ,", "His on the inside ; bade them take their swords ,", "Rip up his flesh , and try . Straight I was sent for ,", "And , having minister 'd to him , found his grace", "Very well recover 'd .", "Yet not without some fear", "Of a relapse . If he grow to his fit again ,", "I \u2018 ll go a nearer way to work with him", "Than ever Paracelsus dream 'd of ; if", "They \u2018 ll give me leave , I \u2018 ll buffet his madness out of him .", "Stand aside ; he comes .", "Now let me come to him .\u2014 Are you mad , my lord ? are you out of your princely wits ?", "I must do mad tricks with him , for that \u2018 s the only way on \u2018 t .\u2014 I have brought your grace a salamander 's skin to keep you from sun-burning .", "The white of a cockatrix 's < 126 > egg is present remedy .", "Now he begins to fear me : now let me alone with him .", "Let me have some forty urinals filled with rosewater : he and I \u2018 ll go pelt one another with them .\u2014 Now he begins to fear me .\u2014 Can you fetch a frisk ,< 127 > sir ?\u2014 Let him go , let him go , upon my peril : I find by his eye he stands in awe of me ; I \u2018 ll make him as tame as a dormouse .", "True ; I was somewhat too forward ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1036, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Yond \u2018 s the cardinal 's window . This fortification", "Grew from the ruins of an ancient abbey ;", "And to yond side o \u2019 th \u2019 river lies a wall ,", "Piece of a cloister , which in my opinion", "Gives the best echo that you ever heard ,", "So hollow and so dismal , and withal", "So plain in the distinction of our words ,", "That many have suppos 'd it is a spirit", "That answers .", "Now the echo hath caught you .", "I told you \u2018 twas a pretty one . You may make it", "A huntsman , or a falconer , a musician ,", "Or a thing of sorrow .", "Come , let us walk further from t .", "I would not have you go to the cardinal 's to-night :", "Do not .", "Wisdom doth not more moderate wasting sorrow", "Than time . Take time for \u2018 t ; be mindful of thy safety .", "Hark ! the dead stones seem to have pity on you ,", "And give you good counsel .", "Your fancy merely .", "Your own virtue save you !", "I \u2018 ll fetch your eldest son , and second you .", "It may be that the sight of his own blood", "Spread in so sweet a figure may beget", "The more compassion . However , fare you well .", "Though in our miseries Fortune have a part ,", "Yet in our noble sufferings she hath none .", "Contempt of pain , that we may call our own .", "Exeunt ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1036, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["You shall not watch to-night by the sick prince ;", "His grace is very well recover 'd .", "O , by no means ;", "The noise , and change of object in his eye ,", "Doth more distract him . I pray , all to bed ;", "And though you hear him in his violent fit ,", "Do not rise , I entreat you .", "Nay , I must have you promise", "Upon your honours , for I was enjoin 'd to \u2018 t", "By himself ; and he seem 'd to urge it sensibly .", "Nor any of your followers .", "It may be , to make trial of your promise ,", "When he \u2018 s asleep , myself will rise and feign", "Some of his mad tricks , and cry out for help ,", "And feign myself in danger .", "Why , I thank you .", "The reason why I would not suffer these", "About my brother , is , because at midnight", "I may with better privacy convey", "Julia 's body to her own lodging . O , my conscience !", "I would pray now ; but the devil takes away my heart", "For having any confidence in prayer .", "About this hour I appointed Bosola", "To fetch the body . When he hath serv 'd my turn ,", "He dies .", "Exit ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1036, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I am puzzl 'd in a question about hell ;", "He says , in hell there \u2018 s one material fire ,", "And yet it shall not burn all men alike .", "Lay him by . How tedious is a guilty conscience !", "When I look into the fish-ponds in my garden ,", "Methinks I see a thing arm 'd with a rake ,", "That seems to strike at me .", "Now , art thou come ?", "Thou look'st ghastly ;", "There sits in thy face some great determination", "Mix 'd with some fear .", "Ha !\u2014 Help ! our guard !", "Hold ; and I will faithfully divide", "Revenues with thee .", "Raise the watch ! We are betray 'd !", "Help ! we are betray 'd !", "My dukedom for rescue !", "Here \u2018 s a plot upon me ; I am assaulted ! I am lost ,", "Unless some rescue !", "The sword 's at my throat !", "What cause hast thou to pursue my life ?", "Antonio !", "O , mercy !", "Thou hast hurt me .", "Shall I die like a leveret ,", "Without any resistance ?\u2014 Help , help , help !", "I am slain !", "Help me ; I am your brother !", "O justice !", "I suffer now for what hath former bin :", "Sorrow is held the eldest child of sin .", "Thou hast thy payment too .", "Look to my brother :", "He gave us these large wounds , as we were struggling", "Here i \u2019 th \u2019 rushes . And now , I pray , let me", "Be laid by and never thought of ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1036, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now , mother , though thou love my brother more ,", "Am I not more thy son than he ?", "Have I more Spaniard in me \u2014 less of thee ?", "Did our Most Holiest father thrill thy womb", "With more Italian passion than brought forth", "Me ?", "I doubt it not . But I ,", "Mother , am not mine elder . He desires", "And he enjoys the life God gives him \u2014 God ,", "The Pope our father , and thy sacred self ,", "Mother beloved and hallowed . I desire", "More .", "Ay ; my father 's eminence", "Set so the stamp on mine . I will not die", "Cardinal .", "Ay , fair mother \u2014 ay .", "Thou hast loved my father likewise . Dost thou love", "Giulia \u2014 the sweet Farnese \u2014 called the Fair", "In all the Roman streets that call thee Rose ?", "And that bright babe Giovanni , whom our sire ,", "Thy holy lord and hers , hath stamped at birth", "As duke of Nepi ?", "And fill thee full ,", "Sweet sinless mother . Fear it not . Thou hast", "Children more loved of him and thee than me -", "Our bright Francesco , born to smile and sway ,", "And her whose face makes pale the sun in heaven ,", "Whose eyes outlaugh the splendour of the sea ,", "Whose hair has all noon 's wonders in its weft ,", "Whose mouth is God 's and Italy 's one rose ,", "Lucrezia .", "God alone", "Knows . Was not God \u2014 the God of love , who bade", "His son be man because he hated man ,", "And saw him scourged and hanging , and at last", "Forgave the sin wherewith he had stamped us , seeing", "So fair a full atonement \u2014 was not God", "Bridesman when Christ 's crowned vicar took to bride", "My mother ?", "There too my sire had found thee . Priests", "Make way where warriors dare not \u2014 save when war", "Sets wide the floodgates of the weirs of hell .", "And what hast thou to do with sin ? Hath he", "Whose sin was thine not given thee there and then", "God 's actual absolution ? Mary lived", "God 's virgin , and God 's mother : mine art thou ,", "Who am Christlike even as thou art virginal .", "And if thou love me or love me not God knows ,", "And God , who made me and my sire and thee ,", "May take the charge upon him . I am I .", "Somewhat I think to do before my day", "Pass from me . Did I love thee not at all ,", "I would not bid thee know it .", "Alas , my mother , sounds no sense for men -", "Rings but reverberate folly , whence resounds", "Returning laughter . Weep or smile on me ,", "Thy sunshine or thy rainbow softens not", "The mortal earth wherein thou hast clad me . Nay ,", "But rather would I see thee smile than weep ,", "Mother . Thou art lovelier , smiling .", "I ? God 's vicar 's child ?", "Whither ? Am not I", "Hinge of the gate that opens heaven \u2014 that bids", "God open when my sire thrusts in the key -", "Cardinal ? Canst thou dream I had rather be", "Duke ?", "Knowest thou none", "Lovelier ?", "Nay , no whit .", "Our heavenly father on earth adores no less", "Our mother than our sister : and I hold", "His heart and eye , his spirit and his sense ,", "Infallible .", "Most holiest father , I desire", "Paternal absolution \u2014 when thy laugh", "Has waned from lip and eyelid .", "Forbid it , God !", "The God that set thee where thou art , and there", "Sustains thee , bids the love he kindles bind", "Brother to brother .", "Friends ? Our father on earth , thy will be done .", "Not I .", "Hast thou fallen out with me , then , that thy tongue", "Disclaims its lingering utterance ?", "Hate or love ,", "Francesco ?", "I believe", "Thou dost not hate or love or envy me ;", "Even as I know , and knowing believe , we all -", "Our father , thou and I \u2014 triune in heart -", "Hold loveliest of all living things to love", "This .", "Sister , I sinned \u2014 sin must be mine . A word", "Fell out askance between us , and she wept", "Because our father chid us .", "Nay : there lurks no God in me . And thou ,", "Father , dost thou fear ?", "Wisdom lives in thee ,", "And cries not out along the streets as when", "None of God 's folk that heard regarded her ,", "As all that hear thy word regard \u2014 or die ,", "Being not outside God 's eyeshot . Dost thou sleep", "Here in his special keeping \u2014 here \u2014 to-night ,", "Brother ?", "They say", "These holy streets of heaven 's most holiest choice", "Lie dangerous now in darkness if a man", "Walk not on holiest errands . Thou , they say ,", "Wert scarce a Christlike sacrifice if slain .", "Too many dead flow down the Tiber 's flow", "Nightly . They say it .", "Ah , my lord and brother , didst thou now ,", "Were this not thankless ? God \u2014 our father 's God -", "Guide thee !", "Thou wilt not bid me this , I think , again ,", "Father .", "Enter MICHELOTTO", "Thou art swift of speed at need . I bade thee", "Abide my bidding .", "Thou knewest it ?", "I do not ask thee where my brother sleeps . And where to-morrow sees him yet asleep -", "Nay -", "Not I but Rome shall ask it . Pass in peace .", "The benediction of my sire be thine ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1039, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The day burns high . Thou hast not seen them \u2014 thou ?", "The night is newly dead . Since yestereven ?", "I believe thou liest not . Girl , the day", "Looks pale before thy glory . Brow , cheek , eye ,", "Lips , throat , and bosom , thou dost overshine", "All womanhood man ever worshipped . Once", "I held thy mother fairest born of all", "That ever turned old Rome to heaven . Thou hast read", "Her golden Horace ?", "Ay .", "\u2018 Fair mother 's fairer daughter , \u2019 dost thou deem", "That praise was ever merited as by thee ?", "I cannot .", "Thou dost well . Thou hast not seen , thou sayest , Francesco ?", "Never twins were born", "More like than thou and he \u2014 nor lovelier : yet", "No twins were ye .", "I am ill at ease : my heart is sick . Last night", "No revel here was held , and yet the day", "Strikes heavier on me wearier , body and soul ,", "Than though we had rioted out with raging mirth", "The lifelong length of darkness .", "Wast thou", "Wakeful ? No trouble clung about thee ? Nought", "Made the air of night heavier with presage felt", "As joy feels fear and withers ? I am not", "Afraid : methinks I am very fear itself .", "Speak .", "Thy face is death 's : let death upon thy lips", "Live .", "A Roman ?", "They ?", "Bid him in : bid God himself", "Come in with doom upon me .", "Abide ,", "And thou shalt know as I know .", "Dog ,", "Speak , while thy tongue is thine .", "Man , and thou -", "Thou ?", "Man -", "Dog \u2014 devil , if this be truth , and if my fear", "Lie not \u2014 how hadst thou heart to hold thy peace ?", "How comes it that the warders of the shore", "Knew not of thee , while yet the crime was hot ,", "What crime had made night hell ?", "Till now ,", "Never . He looks in God 's mute face and mine ,", "And says it . God be good to me ! But God", "Will not \u2014 or is not . Where is then thy dead ,", "Devil , called of God from hell to smite \u2014 to scourge -", "Me ?", "Stir not . Bid", "Thy fellows bring my dead before me .", "Enter Officers with the body of FRANCESCO", "What is he they bring ?", "O God ! Thou livest ! And my child is dead !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1039, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Thou hast done this deed .", "Dost thou think", "To live , and look upon me ?", "I would there were a God \u2014 that he might hear .", "Wilt thou slay me ?", "Am not I thy sire ?", "I pray thee , man ,", "Slay me .", "Art thou very flesh and blood ?", "If the heaven stand still and smite thee not ,", "There is no God indeed .", "I could pray to God that God might be ,", "Were I but mad . Thou sayest I am mad : thou liest :", "I do not pray .", "Long enough he hath kept me , to behold", "His face as fire \u2014 if his it be \u2014 and earth", "As hell \u2014 and thee , begotten of my loins ,", "Satan .", "I would I had died in the womb .", "Ay : no screen from that ,", "No shelter , no forgetfulness on earth .", "We shall be famed for ever . Hell and night ,", "Cover me !", "I have done this thing .", "Thou hast not done it : thy deed is none of thine :", "Upon my hand , upon my head , the blood", "Rests .", "I will not live a seven days \u2019 space beyond", "This .", "Ay .", "Son ,", "Art thou my son ?", "By my faith -", "Wherein , I know not \u2014 by my soul , if that", "Be \u2014 I believe it . God forgot his doom", "When he thou hast slain drew breath before thee", "Ay ? The Dove ?", "None . Thou art subtle of soul and strong . I would thou hadst spared him \u2014 couldst have spared him .", "Not for the dove 's sake ?", "Bread and wine", "Could hardly turn so bitter . Canst thou sleep ?", "I would I saw thine end ,", "And mine : and yet I would not ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1039, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The bill , at length , has pass 'd opposing numbers ,", "Whilst crowds , seditious , clamour 'd round the senate ,", "And headlong faction urged its force within .", "His day of glory now is set in night ;", "And all my anxious hopes , at last , are crown 'd .", "Those proofs against him , Raleigh \u2014", "Arrived ! how ? when ?", "How say'st ? to prove them ?", "These gladsome tidings fly beyond my hopes !", "The queen will listen now , will now believe ,", "And trust the counsel of her faithful Burleigh .", "Dispose them well , till kind occasion calls", "Their office forth ; lest prying craft meanwhile", "May tamper with their thoughts and change their minds :", "Let them , like batteries conceal 'd , appear", "At once , both to surprise and to destroy .", "Let him rave on , and rage . The lion , in", "The toils entangled , wastes his strength , and roars", "In vain ; his efforts but amuse me now .\u2014", "What may the purport of her business be ?", "Her tender wishes are to Essex tied", "In love 's soft fetters , and endearing bands .\u2014", "Conduct her in .", "Bright excellence ,", "This fair applause too highly over-rates ,", "Too much extols , the low deserts of Cecil .", "Though ne'er my wishing heart could call you friend ,", "Yet honour and esteem I always bore you ;", "And never meant , but with respect to serve you .", "I know it well \u2014 but can assign no cause .", "The man , that in his public duty fails ,", "On private virtue will disdainful tread ;", "And mighty love , who rules all nature else ,", "Must follow here in proud ambition 's train .", "Command ,", "Madam ; my power and will are yours .", "Madam , your wrongs , I must confess , are great ;", "Yet still , I fear , you know not half his falsehood .", "Who , that had eyes to look on beauty ;", "Who , but the false , perfidious Essex , could", "Prefer to Nottingham a Rutland 's charms ?", "Start not !\u2014 By Heaven , I tell you naught but truth ,", "What I can prove , past doubt ; that he received", "The lady Rutland 's hand , in sacred wedlock ,", "The very night before his setting out", "For Ireland .", "I pray , have patience , madam !", "Restrain a while your rage ; curses are vain .", "But there 's a surer method to destroy him ;", "And , if you 'll join with me , \u2018 tis done \u2014 he falls .", "You must have heard , the commons have impeached him ,", "And we have proofs sufficient for his ruin .", "But then the queen \u2014 you know how fair he stands", "In her esteem ; and Rutland , too , his wife ,", "Hath full possession of the royal ear .", "Here then , my Nottingham , begins thy task :", "Try every art t \u2019 incense the queen against him ,", "Then step between her and the Lady Rutland :", "Observe Southampton , too , with jealous eye ;", "Prevent , as much as possible , his suit :", "For , well I know , he will not fail to try", "His eloquence on the behalf of Essex .", "There spoke the very genius of the sex !", "A disappointed woman sets no bounds", "To her revenge .\u2014 Her temper 's form 'd to serve me .", "Raleigh , \u2018 tis well ! Withdraw \u2014 attend the queen \u2014", "Leave me to deal with this o'erbearing man .", "What means my lord ?", "But why should stern reproach her angry brow", "Let fall on me ? Am I alone the cause", "That gives this working humour strength ? Do I", "Instruct the public voice to warp his actions ?", "Justice , untaught , shall poise the impartial scales ,", "And every curious eye may mark the beam .", "My country 's welfare , and my queen 's command ,", "Have ever been my guiding stars through life ,", "My sure direction still .\u2014 To these I now", "Appeal ;\u2014 from these , no doubt , this lord 's misconduct", "Hath widely stray 'd ; and reason , not reviling ,", "Must now befriend his cause .", "\u2018 Tis well , my lord ! your words no comment need ;", "No doubt , they 've well explained your honest meaning ;", "\u2018 Tis clear and full . To parts , like yours , discretion", "Would be a clog , and caution but incumbrance .", "Yet mark me well , my lord ; the clinging ivy", "With the oak may rise , but with it too must fall .", "Rail on , proud lord , and give thy choler vent :", "It wastes itself in vain ; the queen shall judge", "Between us in this warm debate . To her", "I now repair : and , in her royal presence ,", "You may approve your innocence and faith .", "Perhaps you 'll meet me there . Till then , farewell ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1046, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Essex arrived ! Confusion to my hopes !", "His presence will destroy me with the queen .", "I much suspect he had some private notice ,", "Perhaps , a punctual order , to return .", "He lurks too near her heart .\u2014 What 's to be done ?", "Now is the important crisis \u2014", "Keep up thy usual strength , my better genius !", "Direct my steps to crush my mortal foe .", "Madam , I wish some other rumours false ;", "Reports , I fear , of great concern to you .", "Some new commotions are of late sprung up", "In Ireland , where the west is all in arms ,", "And moves with hasty march to join Tyrone ,", "And all his northern clans . A dreadful power !", "Nay , more ; we have advices from the borders ,", "Of sudden risings , near the banks of Tweed ;", "\u2018 Tis thought to favour an attempt from Scotland .", "Meanwhile , Tyrone embarks six thousand men", "To land at Milford , and to march where Essex", "Shall join them with his friends .", "I see she muses deep ;", "Tyrone 's invasion wakes her fear and anger ,", "And all her soul is one continued storm .", "My lord of Essex , \u2018 tis the queen 's command ,", "That you forthwith resign your staff of office ;", "And further , she confines you to your palace .", "The queen , my lord , demands your quick compliance .", "Your country has impeach 'd , your queen accused you ;", "To these address your best defence , and clear", "Your question 'd conduct from disloyal guilt .", "What answer to the queen shall I return ?", "This bold refusal will incense the queen ,", "This arrogance will make your guilt the stronger ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1046, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Eliz . Ill-fated , wretched man ! perverse and obstinate !", "He counterworks my grace , and courts destruction .", "He gives his deadly foes the dagger to", "Destroy him , and defeats my friendly purpose ,", "Which would , by seeming to abandon , save him .", "Nor will he keep the mask of prudence on", "A moment 's space .\u2014 What ! must I bear this scorn !", "No : let me all the monarch re-assume ;", "Exert my power , and be myself again .", "Oh , ill-performing , disobedient , heart !", "Why shrink'st thou , fearful , from thy own resolve ?", "Enter LADY NOTTINGHAM .", "Thou comest in time ; I 'm much disturb 'd , abused ,", "My Nottingham , and would complain to thee", "Of insolence , neglect , and high contempt .", "Essex presumed to dictate laws within", "My palace gates . How say'st thou , Nottingham ?", "Eliz . This haughty man has wanton 'd with my grace ,", "Abused my bounty , and despised my favours .", "Eliz . Oh , Nottingham ! his pride is past enduring ;", "This insolent , audacious man , forgets", "His honour and allegiance ;\u2014 and refused", "To render up his staff of office , here ,", "Beneath my very eye .", "Eliz . You seem well pleased to urge severity .", "Offended majesty but seldom wants", "Such sharp advisers \u2014 Yet no attribute", "So well befits the exalted seat supreme ,", "And power 's disposing hand , as clemency .", "Each crime must from its quality be judged ;", "And pity there should interpose , where malice", "Is not the aggressor .", "Eliz . Go , Nottingham ,", "My mind 's disturbed , and send me Rutland hither .", "Enter LADY RUTLAND .", "Rutland , I want thy timely", "Counsel . I 'm importuned , and urged to punish \u2014", "But justice , sometimes , has a cruel sound .", "Essex has ,", "No doubt , provoked my anger , and the laws ;", "His haughty conduct calls for sharp reproof ,", "And just correction . Yet I think him guiltless", "Of studied treasons , or design 'd rebellion .", "Then , tell me , Rutland , what the world reports ,", "What censure says of his unruly deeds .", "Eliz . I grant you , Rutland , all you say ; and think", "The earl possess 'd of many splendid virtues .", "What pity \u2018 tis , he should afford his foes", "Such frequent , sad occasions to undo him !", "Eliz . Her words betray a warm , unusual , fervour ;", "Mere friendship never could inspire this transport .", "Eliz . I 'll hear no more \u2014 Must I then learn from you", "To know my province , and be taught to move ,", "As each designing mind directs ?\u2014 Leave me .", "Eliz . Her warmth has touch 'd me home . My jealous heart ,", "My fearful and suspicious soul 's alarm 'd .", "Eliz . Let him approach \u2014 And now once more support", "Thy dignity , my soul ; nor yield thy greatness", "To strong usurping passion \u2014 But he comes .", "Eliz . I sent my orders for your staff of office .", "Eliz . High swelling words , my lord , but ill supply", "The place of deeds , and duty 's just demand .", "In danger 's onset , and the day of trial ,", "Conviction still on acting worth attends ;", "Whilst mere professions are by doubts encumber 'd .", "Eliz . Your guilty scorn of my entrusted power ,", "When with my mortal foes you tamely dally 'd ,", "By hardy rebels braved , you poorly sought", "A servile pause , and begg 'd a shameful truce .", "Should Essex thus , so meanly compromise ,", "And lose the harvest of a plenteous glory ,", "In idle treaties , and suspicious parley ?", "Eliz . Shall added insolence , with crest audacious ,", "Her front uplift against the face of power ?", "Think not that injured majesty will bear", "Such arrogance uncheck 'd , or unchastised .", "No public trust becomes the man , who treads ,", "With scornful steps , in honour 's sacred path ,", "And stands at bold defiance with his duty .", "Eliz . Presuming wretch ! Audacious traitor !", "Eliz . Hence from my sight , ungrateful slave , and learn", "At distance to revere your queen !", "Eliz . Traitor ! villain !", "Eliz . What would th \u2019 imperious traitor do ?", "My life", "Beyond thy wretched purpose stands secure .", "Go , learn at leisure what your deeds deserve ,", "And tremble at the vengeance you provoke ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1046, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Eliz . Not taken yet ?", "Eliz . Oh , where shall majesty bestow its favours ,", "Since Essex has a traitor proved to me ,", "Whose arm hath raised him up to power and greatness ;", "Whose heart has shared in all his splendid triumphs ,", "And feels , ev'n now , his trait'rous deeds with pity ?", "But hence with pity , and the woman 's pangs :", "Resentment governs , and the queen shall punish .", "Eliz . Thanks to their honest , to their loyal hearts !", "But say , were any persons else concern 'd ,", "Of high distinction , or of noted rank ?", "Eliz . Is this the just return of all my care ?", "My anxious toilsome days , and watchful nights ?", "Have I sent forth a wish , that went not freighted", "With all my people 's good ? Or have I life ,", "Or length of days desired , but for their sake ?", "The public good is all my private care !", "Then could I think this grateful isle", "Contain 'd one traitor 's heart ? But , least of all ,", "That Essex \u2019 breast should lodge it ? Call the monster ,", "And let me meet this rebel face to face !", "Do you withdraw , and wait within our call .", "Enter ESSEX .", "You see , we dare abide your dangerous presence ,", "Though treason sits within your heart enthroned ,", "And on that brow rebellion lours , where once", "Such boasted loyalty was said to flourish .", "How low the traitor can degrade the soldier !", "Guilt glares in conscious dye upon thy cheek ,", "And inward horror trembles in thine eye .", "How mean is fraud ! How base ingratitude !", "Eliz . Hapless man !", "What cause could prompt , what fiend could urge thee on", "To this detested deed ? Could I from thee", "Expect to meet this base return ? from thee ,", "To whom I ought to fly with all the confidence", "That giving bounty ever could inspire ,", "Or seeming gratitude and worth could promise ?", "Eliz . My pride forbids me to reproach thee more ;", "My pity , rather , would relieve thy sorrow .", "The people 's clamours , and my special safety ,", "Call loud for justice , and demand your life .", "But if forgiveness from an injured queen", "Can make the few short hours you live more easy ,", "I give it freely , from my pitying heart ;", "And wish my willing power could grant thee more .", "Eliz . Rise , my lord !", "If aught you have to offer can allay", "Your woes , and reconcile you to your fate ,", "Proceed ;\u2014 and I with patient ear will listen .", "Eliz . Unhappy man ! My yielding soul is touch 'd ,", "And pity pleads thy cause within my breast .", "Eliz . My lord , I would convince you , that I still", "Regard your life , and labour to preserve it ;", "But cannot screen you from a public trial .", "With prudence make your best defence ; but should", "Severity her iron jurisdiction", "Extend too far , and give thee up condemn 'd", "To angry laws , thy queen will not forget thee .", "Yet , lest you then should want a faithful friend", "Here , from my finger , take this ring , a pledge", "Of mercy ; having this , you ne'er shall need", "An advocate with me , for whensoe'er", "You give , or send it back , by heaven , I swear ,", "As I do hope for mercy on my soul ,", "That I will grant whatever boon you ask .", "Eliz . Depend , my lord , on this \u2014 \u2018 twixt you and me ,", "This ring shall be a private mark of faith", "Eliz . \u2018 Tis done ;", "And yet foreboding tremors shake my heart .", "Something sits heavy here , and presses down", "My spirits with its weight . What can it mean ?", "Suppose he is condemn 'd ! my royal word", "Is plighted for his life ; his enemies ,", "No doubt , will censure much .\u2014 No matter ; let them ;", "I know him honest , and despise their malice .", "Eliz . What means this phrensy ?", "Eliz . Husband !\u2014 What sudden , deadly blow is this !", "Hold up , my soul , nor sink beneath this wound .\u2014\u2014", "You beg a traitor 's life !", "Eliz . Take her away .", "Eliz . I 'll hear no more . I 'm tortured \u2014 take her hence .", "Eliz . Why am I not obey 'd ?", "Eliz . Wedded to Rutland ! Most unhappy pair !", "And , oh , ill-fated queen ! Never till now", "Did sorrow settle in my heart its throne .", "Recall my pledge of safety from his hands ,", "And give him up to death !\u2014 But life or death", "To me is equal now .", "Unhappy state , where peace shall never come !", "One fatal moment has confirm 'd my doom \u2014", "Turn 'd all my comfort to intestine strife ,", "And fill 'd with mortal pangs my future life !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1046, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Lieutenant , lead me to the Earl of Essex ,", "I bring a message to him from the queen .", "I fear she does ;", "Go you to court , for Cecil there expects you .", "I 've promised to acquaint him with what passes", "\u2018 Twixt me and Essex , ere I see the queen .", "Now , vengeance , steel my heart !", "Offended woman , whilst her pride remains ,", "To malice only , and revenge , will bow ;", "And every virtue at that altar sacrifice .", "But see , he comes , with manly sorrow clad .", "There was a time , that presence could subdue", "My pride , and melt my heart to gentle pity .", "I then could find no joy but in his smiles ,", "And thought him lovely as the summer 's bloom ;", "But all his beauties are now hateful grown .", "My lord , I 'm glad you think me still your friend .", "I come not to upbraid , but serve you now ;", "And pleased I am to be the messenger", "Of such glad tidings , in the day of trouble ,", "As I now bring you . When the queen had heard ,", "That by the lords you were condemn 'd to die ,", "She sent me , in her mercy , here to know", "If you had aught to offer , that might move", "Her royal clemency to spare your life .", "\u2018 Tis well , my lord ; but there 's no time to spare \u2014", "The queen impatient waits for my return .", "Give , give it me ,", "My lord ! and let me fly , on friendship 's wings ,", "To bear it to the queen , and to it add", "My prayers and influence to preserve thy life .", "My lord , with all the powers that nature gave", "And friendship can inspire , I 'll urge the queen", "To grant you your request ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1046, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Eliz . Ha ! is not Nottingham return 'd ?", "Eliz . Dispatch a speedy messenger to haste her .\u2014", "My agitated heart can find no rest .", "So near the brink of fate \u2014 - unhappy man !", "Enter LADY NOTTINGHAM .", "How now , my Nottingham \u2014 what news from Essex ?", "What says the earl ?", "Eliz . What means this mystery , this strange behaviour ? Pronounce \u2014 declare at once ; what said the earl ?", "Eliz . Amazing ! Not feel the terrors of approaching death ! Nor yet the joyful dawn of promised life !", "Eliz . Ha ! What !\u2014 Said he nothing of a private import ? No circumstance \u2014 no pledge \u2014 no ring ?", "Eliz . Impossible !", "Could Essex treat me thus ?\u2014 You basely wrong him ,", "And wrest his meaning from the purposed point .", "Recall betimes the horrid words you 've utter 'd :", "Confess , and own the whole you 've said was false .", "Eliz . Eternal silence seal thy venom 'd lips", "What hast thou utter 'd , wretch , to rouse at once", "A whirlwind in my soul , which roots up pity ,", "And destroys my peace !", "Let him this instant to the block be led ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1046, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Oh , name it not ! my friend shall live \u2014 he shall !", "I know her royal mercy , and her goodness ,", "Will give you back to life , to length of days ,", "And me to honour , loyalty , and truth .", "Death is still distant far .", "Yet , still I trust long years remain of friendship .", "Let smiling hope drive doubt and fear away ,", "And death be banish 'd far ; where creeping age ,", "Disease , and care , invite him to their dwelling .", "I feel assurance rise within my breast ,", "That all will yet be well .", "Such cold philosophy the heart disdains ,", "And friendship shudders at the moral tale .", "My friend , the fearful precipice is past ,", "And danger dare not meet us more . Fly swift ,", "Ye better angels , waft the welcome tidings", "Of pardon to my friend \u2014 of life and joy !", "Immediate execution ! what , so sudden ?\u2014", "No message from the queen , or Nottingham !", "Deluded hopes ! Oh , worse than death !", "Perfidious queen ! to make a mock of life !", "My friend \u2014 my friend destroy 'd ! Why could not mine \u2014", "My life atone for both \u2014 my blood appease ?", "Can you , my friend , forgive me ?", "For ever blest be that indulgent power", "Which saves my friend ! This weight ta'en off , my soul", "Shall upward spring , and mingle with the bless 'd .", "Live , oh , live !", "Thou noblest , bravest , best of men and friends !", "Whilst life is worth thy wish \u2014 till time and thou", "Agree to part , and nature send thee to me !", "Thou generous soul , farewell !\u2014\u2014 Live , and be happy !", "And , oh ! may life make largely up to thee", "Whatever blessing fate has thus cut off ,", "From thy departing friend !", "Oh , my friend ! we 'll meet", "Again , where virtue finds a just reward !", "Where factious malice never more can reach us !", "I need not bid thee guard my fame from wrongs :", "And , oh ! a dearer treasure to thy care", "I trust , than either life or fame \u2014 my wife !", "Oh , she will want a friend !", "Then take her to thy care \u2014 do thou pour balm", "On her deep-wounded spirit , and let her find", "My tender helps in thee !\u2014 I must be gone ,", "My ever faithful , and my gallant friend !", "I pr'ythee , leave this woman 's work .\u2014 Farewell !", "Take this last , dear embrace \u2014 Farewell for ever !", "To death 's concluding stroke , lead on , Lieutenant .\u2014", "My wife !\u2014 Now reason , fortitude , support me !", "For now , indeed , comes on my sorest trial .", "Enter COUNTESS of RUTLAND .", "Oh , thou last , dear reserve of fortune 's malice !", "For fate can add no more ,\u2014", "Oh , com'st thou now to arrest my parting soul ,", "And force it back to life ?", "Too much , thou partner of this dismal hour ,", "Thy gen'rous soul would prompt thee to endure !", "Nor can thy tender , trembling , heart sustain it .", "Long years of bliss remain in store for thee ;", "And smiling time his treasures shall unfold", "To bribe thy stay !", "Oh , strain not thus the little strength I 've left ,", "The weak support that holds up life ! to bear", "A few short moments more , its weight of woe ,", "Its loss of thee ! Oh , turn away those eyes !", "Nor with that look melt down my fix 'd resolve !", "And yet a little longer let me gaze", "On that loved form ! Alas ! I feel my sight", "Grows dim , and reason from her throne retires :", "For pity 's sake , let go my breaking heart ,", "And leave me to my fate !", "The awful Searcher , whose impartial eye", "Explores the secrets of each human heart ,", "And every thought surveys , can witness for me ,", "How close thy image clings around my soul !", "Retards each rising wish , and draws me back", "To life , entangled by that loved idea !", "Lead on .", "Thou sinking excellence ! thou matchless woman !", "Shall fortune rob me of thy dear embrace ,", "Or earth 's whole power , or death divide us now ?", "Stay , stay , thou spotless , injured saint !", "One moment more", "Afford me to my sorrows \u2014 Oh , look there !", "Could bitter anguish pierce your heart , like mine ,", "You 'd pity now the mortal pangs I feel ,", "The throbs that tear my vital strings away ,", "And rend my agonizing soul .", "But one short moment , and I will attend .", "Ye sacred ministers , that virtue guard ,", "And shield the righteous in the paths of peril ,", "Restore her back to life , and lengthen 'd years", "Of joy ! dry up her bleeding sorrows all !", "Oh , cancel from her thoughts this dismal hour ,", "And blot my image from her sad remembrance !", "\u2018 Tis done .\u2014", "And now , ye trembling cords of life , give way !", "Nature and time , let go your hold !\u2014 Eternity", "Demands me ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1046, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come in . ANNIE , a chocolate-colored negress , enters . She is slovenly in appearance , but must not in any way denote the \u201c mammy . \u201d She is the type one encounters in cheap theatrical lodging-houses . She has a letter in her hand ,\u2014 also a clean towel folded ,\u2014 and approaches LAURA .", "Hello , Annie .", "Thank you !", "In Nevada .", "Yes , Nevada .", "I know .", "No , I have n't any .", "Oh , Annie !", "About what ?", "Annie !", "No , I suppose not . What did Mrs. Farley say about me ?", "Well , what ?", "Who , for instance ?", "No ! No one .", "Why ?", "Pleasedo n't , Annie .", "Oh , shut up !", "I 'm sorry ; I 'll try again to-day .", "No .", "Jim Weston ?", "No . It 's all gone .", "They 're pawned . What did Mrs. Farley say she was going to do ?", "Please do .", "Why not ?", "I 'm sorry , Annie , if I 've caused you any trouble . Never mind , I 'll be able to pay the rent to-morrow or next day anyway .Here !", "Please take it .", "Please take it , Annie . I might just as well get rid of this as anything else .", "Sure .", "Sure .", "I 'll answer her .What is it , Mrs. Farley ?", "No ; but I promise you faithfully to help you out this afternoon or to-morrow .", "Absolutely .", "Nothing .", "Hope , just nothing but hope . She crosses to bed , falls face down upon it , burying her face in her hands . Her despondency is palpable . As she lies there a hurdy-gurdy in the street starts to play a popular air . This arouses her and she rises , crosses to wardrobe , takes out box of crackers , opens window , gets bottle of milk off sill outside , places them on table , gets glass off washstand , at the same time humming the tune of the hurdy-gurdy , when a knock comes ; she crosses quickly to dresser ; powders her nose . The knock is timidly repeated .", "Come in . JIM WESTON , a rather shabby theatrical advance-agent of the old school , enters timidly , halting at the door and holding the knob in his hand . He is a man of about forty years old , dressed in an ordinary manner , of medium height , and in fact has the appearance of a once prosperous clerk who has been in hard luck . His relations with LAURA are those of pure friendship . They both live in the same lodging-place , and , both having been out of employment , they have naturally become acquainted .", "Hello , Jim Weston .Any luck ?", "That 's good . Tell me .", "I 'm sorry . Where have you been ?", "Yes , and there 's always to-day to look after .", "I know just how you feel . Sit down , Jim .It 's pretty tough for me, but it must be a whole lot worse for you with a wife and kids .", "Worse , you think ?", "What was that ?", "Privilege car ?", "You do n't really think that ?", "I know .", "Maybe not . I 've been trying to get an engagement from him . There are half a dozen parts in his new attractions that I could do , but he has never absolutely said \u201c no , \u201d but yet somehow he 's never said \u201c yes . \u201d", "In what way ?", "Was that all ?", "How ?", "What have I done ?", "And he thinks I am too particular ?", "Oh !", "I do n't want you to talk about him or any of them . I just want you to know that I 'm trying to do everything in my power to go through this season without any more trouble . I 've pawned everything I 've got ; I 've cut every friend I knew . But where am I going to end ? That 's what I want to know \u2014 where am I going to end ?Every place I look for a position something interferes . It 's almost as if I were blacklisted . I know I could get jobs all right if I wanted to pay the price , but I wo n't . I just want to tell you , I wo n't . No !", "It 's an awful tough game , is n't it ?", "Jim !", "That would n't pay , would it ?", "Perhaps all of them are not so bad .", "But that was business .", "Maybe they 're better off , Jim .", "Well , I wish I could do something else too , but I can n't , and we 've got to make the best of it .", "No , thanks . I have n't anything to wear to the theatre , and I do n't \u2014", "I hope so . But things are looking pretty hopeless now , are n't they ?", "Annie says a lot of people owe her .", "Good-bye .", "I will .I can n't stand it \u2014 I just simply can n't stand it .", "What is it ?", "Is that you , Elfie ?", "Why , certainly . She waits at the door for a moment , and ELFIE ST. CLAIR appears . She is gorgeously gowned in the rather extreme style affected by the usual New York woman who is cared for by a gentleman of wealth and who has not gone through the formality of matrimonial alliance . Her conduct is always exaggerated and her attitude vigorous . Her gown is of the latest design , and in every detail of dress she shows evidence of most extravagant expenditure . She carries a hand-bag of gold , upon which are attached such trifles as a gold cigarette-case , a gold powder-box , pencils , and the like . ELFIE throws her arms around LAURA , and both exchange kisses .", "Elfie , you 're looking bully . How are you , dear ?", "Come in and sit down . I have n't much to offer , but \u2014", "I am sorry , but I can n't go out this afternoon , Elfie .", "You see I 'm staying home a good deal nowadays . I have n't been feeling very well and I do n't go out much .", "Oh , I know it is n't pleasant , but it 's my home , and after all \u2014 a home 's a home .", "It 's comfortable .", "I sleep on it .", "Nothing .", "Where ?", "Do you see much of Jerry nowadays , Elfie ?", "Then why do you ask ?", "Surely .", "No , thank you .", "There 's nothing to tell . I have n't been able to find work , that is all , and I 'm short of money . You can n't live in hotels , you know , with cabs and all that sort of thing , when you 're not working .", "But you do n't understand , dear . I \u2014 I \u2014 Well , you know I \u2014 well , you know \u2014 I can n't say what I want .", "I know there was n't then , Elfie , but I tell you I 'm different now . I do n't want to do that sort of thing , and I 've been very unlucky . This has been a terribly hard season for me . I simply have n't been able to get an engagement .", "What 's the use of talking to you, Elfie ; you do n't understand .", "Because you can n't ; you 've never felt as I have .", "Oh , what 's the use of explaining ?", "If you came up here , Elfie , to talk that sort of stuff to me , please do n't . I was West this summer . I met someone , a real man , who did me a whole lot of good ,\u2014 a man who opened my eyes to a different way of going along \u2014 a man who \u2014 Oh , well , what 's the use ? You do n't know \u2014 you do n't know .", "Was n't it partly your fault , Elfie ?", "Still , I do n't see how you can live that way .", "Yes , but things are different with me now . You 'd be the same way if you were in my place .", "What did you come here for ? Why can n't you leave me alone when I 'm trying to get along ?", "You can n't help me . I 'm all right \u2014 I tell you I am . What do you care anyway ?", "But I 've got what you have n't got . I may have to hide my clothes , but I do n't have to hide my face . And you with that man \u2014 he 's old enough to be your father \u2014 a toddling dote hanging on your apron-strings . I do n't see how you dare show your face to a decent woman .", "How can you say such things to me ?", "You can go now , Elfie , and do n't come back .", "Come in . ANNIE enters with a note , crosses , and hands it to LAURA .", "There 's no answer .", "You must ask her to wait .", "Tell her I 'll be right down \u2014 that it will be all right .", "She 's taking advantage of your being here .", "She wants money \u2014 three weeks \u2019 room-rent . I presume she thought you 'd give it to me .", "Elfie , I 've been a little cross ; I did n't mean it .", "Could \u2014 could you lend me thirty-five dollars until I get to work ?", "Yes .", "Yes ; you 've got plenty of money to spare .", "You might give it to me . I have n't a dollar in the world , and you pretend to be such a friend to me !", "Elfie ! Elfie ! Do n't go now ! Do n't leave me now !I can n't stand it . I can n't be alone . Do n't go , please ; do n't go . LAURA falls into ELFIE 'S arms , sobbing . In a moment ELFIE 'S whole demeanour changes and she melts into the tenderest womanly sympathy , trying her best to express herself in her crude way .", "I know , Elfie . I 've gone through about all I can stand .", "Perhaps what you said was true .", "But perhaps it was true , and , Elfie \u2014", "I think I 've stood this just as long as I can . Every day is a living horror .", "I 've got to have money to pay the rent . I 've pawned everything", "I have , except the clothes on my back .", "No ; I can n't let you do that .You may have been mad ,\u2014 awfully mad ,\u2014 but what you said was the truth . I can n't take your money .", "Maybe \u2014 maybe if he knew all about it \u2014 the suffering \u2014 he would n't blame me .", "Still he does n't know how desperately poor I am .", "Not exactly . I 've let him think that I 'm getting along all right .", "He has n't anything to send .", "I do n't know \u2014 I do n't know .", "You mean Will Brockton ?", "Do you know where he is ?", "Well ?", "No \u2014 why ?", "Then it was all planned , and \u2014 and \u2014", "When does he want to see me ?", "Here ?", "Yes .", "Come in .", "I 'm \u2014 I 'm glad to see you , Will .", "Wo n't you sit down ?", "It 's rather cold out , is n't it ?", "You came with Elfie in the car ?", "By appointment ?", "Well ?", "She told you ?", "Will , I 'm ready to come back .", "Do we \u2014 do we have to talk it over much ?", "Yes , I guess you always did . I did n't .", "Yes .", "That 's nice in you to say that .", "To-morrow will be all right , thank you .", "You seem to have come prepared . Did Elfie and you plan this all out ?", "Will , we 'll always be frank . I said I was ready to go . It 's up to you \u2014 when and where .", "Yes ?", "I 've quite made up my mind . It 's final .", "Thanks . Say I 'll see him in the morning .", "Please , please , do n't speak of it .", "Say good-bye ?", "I would n't know how to begin . It will hurt him awfully deeply .", "Must I \u2014 now ?", "How shall I begin , Will ?", "Yes .", "I 'll do just as you say . You 're the one to tell me now .", "It 's up to you .", "Begin .", "Will \u2014 please .", "No . If you do n't mind I 'd sooner . It 's a sort of a last \u2014 last message .", "I do n't think I can . You see \u2014", "Yes , please .", "Please do n't . Remember we do n't dine until seven-thirty .", "Come in .That you , Annie ?", "Mrs. Farley wants her rent . There is some money .Take it to her . ANNIE goes to the table , examines the roll of bills and is palpably surprised .", "Take two . And look in that upper drawer . You 'll find some pawn tickets there .", "Take the two top ones and go get my lace gown and one of the hats . The ticket is for a hundred and ten dollars . Keep ten for yourself , and hurry .", "Do n't \u2014 do n't . Go do as I tell you and mind your business .Wait a minute . I want you to mail a letter .Never mind ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1048, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Have you seen the Sun , Laura ?", "Where is it ?", "Annie , Annie !Annie !Where the devil is that nigger ?", "Well , she ought to be here .", "She 's your servant , is n't she ?", "Well , what have you got her for ,\u2014 to eat or to wait on you ? Annie !", "I want the Sun .", "Yes , I did want you , but do n't now . When I 'm at home I have a man to look after me , and I get what I want .", "Do n't think for a moment that there 's much to come around here for . Annie , this room 's stuffy .", "Draw those porti\u00e8res . Let those curtains up .Let 's have a little light . Take away these clothes and hide them . Do n't you know that a man does n't want to see the next morning anything to remind him of the night before . Make the place look a little respectable . In the meantime ANNIE scurries around , picking up the coat and vest , opera-cloak , & c ., as rapidly as possible , and throwing them over her arm without any idea of order . It is very apparent that she is rather fearful of the anger of WILL while he is in this mood .", "Be careful . You 're not taking the wash off the line .", "I feel like hell .", "No ; head too big .Tastes like punk .", "We 'll have to cut out those parties . I can n't do those things any more . I 'm not as young as I was , and in the morning it makes me sick . How do you feel ?", "You did n't touch anything ?", "I guess you 're on the safe side . It was a great old party , though , was n't it ?", "Oh , for that sort of a blow-out . Not too rough , but just a little easy . I like them at night and I hate them in the morning .Were you bored ?", "Well , you do n't have to go .", "Still , you could say no .", "What did you go for if you did n't want to ?", "I do n't quite get you .", "Is that all I 've got ,\u2014 just your time ?", "Down in the mouth , eh ? I 'm sorry .", "Oh , do n't get sentimental . If you 're going to bring up that sort of talk , Laura , do it sometime when I have n't got a hang-over , and then do n't forget talk never does count for much . LAURA crosses up to mirror , picks up hat from box , puts it on , looks in mirror . She turns around and looks at him steadfastly for a minute . During this entire scene , from the time the curtain rises , she must in a way indicate a premonition of an approaching catastrophe , a feeling , vague but nevertheless palpable , that something is going to happen . She must hold this before her audience so that she can show to them , without showing to him , the disgust she feels . LAURA has tasted of the privations of self-sacrifice during her struggle , and she has weakly surrendered and is unable to go back , but that brief period of self-abnegation has shown to her most clearly the rottenness of the other sort of living . There are enough sentimentality and emotion in her character to make it impossible for her to accept this manner of existence as ELFIE does . Hers is not a nature of careless candour , but of dreamy ideals and better living , warped , handicapped , disillusioned , and destroyed by a weakness that finds its principal force in vanity . WILL resumes his newspaper in a more attentive way . The girl looks at him and expresses in pantomime , by the slightest gesture or shrug of the shoulders , her growing distaste for him and his way of living . In the meantime WILL is reading the paper rather carefully . He stops suddenly and then looks at his watch .", "After ten .", "I do n't suppose , Laura , that you 'd be interested now in knowing anything about that young fellow out in Colorado ? What was his name \u2014 Madison ?", "No , nothing particularly . I 've been rather curious to know how he came out . He was a pretty fresh young man and did an awful lot of talking . I wonder how he 's doing and how he 's getting along . I do n't suppose by any chance you have ever heard from him ?", "I presume he never replied to that letter you wrote ?", "It would be rather queer , eh , if this young fellow shouldhappen to come across a lot of money \u2014 not that I think he ever could , but it would be funny , would n't it ?", "Think he might take a trip East and see you act . You know you 've got quite a part now .", "Well , I 'm sorry . I did n't mean that , Laura . I guess I am feeling a little bad to-day . Really , I do n't want to hurt your feelings , my dear . He gets up , goes to her , puts his hands on her shoulders , and his cheek close to the back of her head . She bends forward and shudders a little bit . It is very easy to see that the life she is leading is becoming intolerable to her .", "You know , dearie , I do a lot for you because you 've always been on the level with me . I 'm sorry I hurt you , but there was too much wine last night and I 'm all upset . Forgive me . LAURA , in order to avoid his caresses , has leaned forward ; her hands are clasped between her knees , and she is looking straight outward with a cold , impassive expression . WILL regards her silently for a moment . Really in the man 's heart there is an affection , and really he wants to try to comfort her ; but he seems to realize that she has slipped away from the old environment and conditions , and that he simply bought her back ; that he has n't any of her affection , even with his money ; that she evinces toward him none of the old camaraderie ; and it hurts him , as those things always hurt a selfish man , inclining him to be brutal and inconsiderate . WILL crosses to centre , and stands reading paper ; bell rings ; a pause and second bell . WILL seizes upon this excuse to go up-stage and over towards the door .", "Damn that bell . He continues on his way ; he opens the door , leaves it open , and passes on to the outer door , which he opens . LAURA remains immovable and impassive , with the same cold , hard expression on her face . He comes in , slamming the outer door with effect , which one must have at this point of the play , because it is essential to a situation coming later . Enters the room , closes the door , and holds in his hand a telegram . Looks from newspaper to telegram .", "A wire .", "Yes .", "I do n't know . Here . Pause ; he faces her , looking at her . She opens it quickly . She reads it and , as she does , gasps quickly with an exclamation of fear and surprise . This is what the despatch says\u201c I will be in New York before noon . I 'm coming to marry you and I 'm coming with a bank-roll . I wanted to keep it secret and have a big surprise for you , but I can n't hold it any longer , because I feel just like a kid with a new top . Do n't go out , and be ready for the big matrimonial thing . All my love . John . \u201d", "No bad news , I hope ?", "I thought you were startled .", "From Elfie ?", "Oh ! He makes himself rather comfortable in the chair , and LAURA regards him for a moment from up stage as if trying to figure out how to get rid of him .", "Does n't make any difference . I do n't feel much like the office now . Thought I might order the car and take a spin through the park . The cold air will do me a lot of good . Like to go ?", "No hurry . Do you \u2014 er \u2014 want to get rid of me ?", "Expecting someone ?", "If you do n't mind , I 'll stay here .", "Yes .", "Depends on the train you take .", "Between eight and ten hours , I think . Some one coming ?", "Not much . Why do n't you find out for yourself ? Have Annie get the time-table ?", "Then you do expect someone , eh ?", "Then the wire was from her ?", "Did she say what train she was coming on ?", "Well , there are a lot of trains . About what time did you expect her in ?", "Do I know her ?", "Oh ! ANNIE re\u00ebnters with a time-table and hands it to LAURA .", "Give it here ; maybe I can help you . LAURA crosses to right of table , sits opposite WILL , and hands him the time-table . He takes it and handles it as if he were familiar with it .", "Where is she coming from ?", "There 's a train comes in here at 9 : 30 \u2014 that 's the Twentieth Century ,\u2014 that does n't carry passengers from Buffalo ; then there 's one at 11 : 41 ; one at 1 : 49 ; another at 3 : 45 ; another at 5 : 40 ; and another at 5 : 48 \u2014 that 's the Lake Shore Limited , a fast train ; and all pass through Buffalo . Did you think of meeting her ?", "Knows where you live ?", "Ever been to New York before ?", "Well , that 's the best I can do for you .", "By George , this is funny .", "Speak of the devil , you know .", "Your old friend Madison .", "He 's been in Chicago .", "Here 's a despatch about him .", "Well , I 'm damned if he has n't done what he said he 'd do \u2014 see !He 's been in Chicago , and is on his way to New York . He 's struck it rich in Nevada and is coming with a lot of money . Queer , is n't it ?Did you know anything about it ?", "Lucky for him , eh ?", "Too bad he could n't get this a little sooner , eh , Laura ?", "Oh , nothing . I suppose he ought to be here to-day . Are you going to see him if he looks you up ?", "Just thought you might meet him , that 's all . Do n't get sore about it .", "I was n't conscious that I was looking at you in any particular way \u2014 why ?", "I dare say you are .", "You know I do n't want to delve into a lot of past history at this time , but I 've got to talk to you for a moment .", "But I 've got to do it just the same .", "You 've always been on the square with me , Laura . That 's why I 've liked you a lot better than the other women .", "So did I , but somehow I think that maybe we do n't quite understand each other .", "That letter I dictated to you the day that you came back to me , and left it for you to mail \u2014 did you mail it ?", "You 're quite sure ?", "And you did n't know Madison was coming East until you read about it in that newspaper ?", "Have you heard from him ?", "But I 've got to talk to you . Laura , you 're lying to me .", "You 're lying to me , and you 've been lying to me , and I 've trusted you . Show me that telegram !", "Show me that telegram !", "Are you going to make me take it awayfrom you ? I 'venever laid my hands on you yet .", "Yes , and it 's mine .", "That telegram 's from Madison . Give it here !", "I 'm going to find out where I stand . Give me that telegram , or", "I 'll take it away from you .", "Come on !", "\u201c I will be in New York before noon . I 'm coming to marry you , and I 'm coming with a bank-roll . I wanted to keep it a secret and have a big surprise for you , but I can n't hold it any longer , because I feel just like a kid with a new top . Do n't go out , and be ready for the big matrimonial thing . All my love . John . \u201d Then you knew ?", "But you did n't know he was coming until this arrived ?", "And you did n't mail the letter, did you ?", "What did you do with it ?", "Why ?", "Why ?", "So you 've been corresponding all this time .", "And he does n't knowabout us ?", "By God , I never beat a woman in my life , but I feel as though I could wring your neck .", "Do n't you know that I gave Madison my word that if you came back to me I 'd let him know ? Do n't you know that I like that young fellow , and I wanted to protect him , and did everything I could to help him ? And do you know what you 've done to me ? You 've made me out a liar \u2014 you 've made me lie to a man \u2014 a man \u2014 you understand . What are you going to do now ? Tell me \u2014 what are you going to do now ? Do n't stand there as if you 've lost your voice \u2014 how are you going to square me ?", "Not what you are going to do for him \u2014 what am I going to do for him . Why , I could n't have that young fellow think that I tricked him into this thing for you or all the rest of the women of your kind on earth . God ! I might have known that you , and the others like you , could n't be square .You 've made a nice mess of it , have n't you ?", "No , I 'll wait . This time I 'm going to tell him myself , and I do n't care how tough it is .", "Huh .", "Why \u2014 do you think that I 'm going to let you trip him the way you tripped me ?No . I 'm going to stay right here until that young man arrives , and I 'm going to tell him that it was n't my fault . You were to blame .", "I 'll give you every chance that you deserve when he knows . Then he can do as he pleases , but there must be no more deception , that 's flat .", "All right , I wo n't be unkind . I 'll be back early this afternoon , and just remember , this is the time you 'll have to go right through to the end . Understand ?", "All right .I am sorry for you , Laura , but remember you 've got to tell the truth .", "Going away ?", "In somewhat of a hurry , I should say .", "What 's the plan ?", "Madison been here ?", "Of course you are going with him ?", "West ?", "Going \u2014 er \u2014 to get married ?", "So he did n't care then ?", "Of course you told him about the letter , and how it was burned up , and all that sort of thing , did n't you ?", "And he said it did n't make any difference ?", "Did you mention my name and say that we 'd been rather companionable for the last two months ?", "How soon do you expect him back ?", "And you mean to tell me that you kept your promise and told him the truth ?", "Then you 've lied again . You lied to him , and you just tried to lie to me now . I must say , Laura , that you 're not particularly clever at it , although I do n't doubt but that you 've had considerable practice . Gives her a searching look and slowly walks over to the chair at the table and sits down , still holding his hat in his hand and without removing his overcoat . LAURA sees BROCKTON sitting , stops and turns on him , laying dresses down .", "Sit down here and rest a few moments ; maybe longer .", "I do n't see why not . This is my own place .", "That 's just exactly what I want him to do .", "Do you think I 'm going to let a woman make a liar out of me ? I 'm going to stay right here . I like that boy , and I 'm not going to let you put him to the bad .", "And I tell you I wo n't go . I 'm going to show you up . I 'm going to tell him the truth . It is n't you I care for \u2014 he 's got to know .", "No .", "No .", "Liar ?", "You 're foolish .", "But like all the rest you found that would n't keep you , did n't you ?", "Well , you liked it , did n't you ?", "You did n't know any better ?", "You 're crazy .", "Laura , you can n't do this .", "What the hell is the use of fussing with a woman ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1048, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis confest", "that in these Eastern Kingdoms", "Women are not exempted from the Sceptre ,", "But claim a priviledge , equal to the Male ;", "But how much such divisions have ta'en from", "The Majesty of Egypt , and what factions", "Have sprung from those partitions , to the ruine", "Of the poor Subject ,", "We have too many , and too sad examples ,", "Therefore the wise Photinus , to prevent", "The Murthers , and the Massacres , that attend", "On disunited Government , and to shew", "The King without a Partner , in full splendour ,", "Thought it convenient the fair Cleopatra ,", "Should be committed in safe Custody ,", "In which she is attended like her Birth ,", "Until her Beauty , or her royal Dowre ,", "Hath found her out a Husband .", "The Civil war", "In which the Roman Empire is embarqu 'd", "On a rough Sea of danger , does exact", "Their whole care to preserve themselves , and gives them", "No vacant time to think of what we do ,", "Which hardly can concern them .", "I could give you", "A Catalogue of all the several Nations", "From whence he drew his powers : but that were tedious .", "They have rich arms , are ten to one in number ,", "Which makes them think the day already won ;", "And Pompey being master of the Sea ,", "Such plenty of all delicates are brought in ,", "As if the place on which they are entrench 'd ,", "Were not a Camp of Souldiers , but Rome ,", "In which Lucullus and Apicius joyn 'd ,", "To make a publique Feast : they at Dirachium", "Fought with success ; but knew not to make use of", "Fortunes fair offer : so much I have heard", "C\u00e6sar himself confess .", "In Thessalie , near the Pharsalian plains", "Where C\u00e6sar with a handfull of his Men", "Hems in the greater number : his whole troops", "Exceed not twenty thousand , but old Souldiers", "Flesh 'd in the spoils of Germany and France ,", "Inur 'd to his Command , and only know", "To fight and overcome ; And though that Famine", "Raigns in his Camp , compelling them to tast", "Bread made of roots , forbid the use of man ,", "Or corn not yet half ripe , and that a Banquet :", "They still besiege him , being ambitious only", "To come to blows , and let their swords determine", "Who hath the better Cause .", "We every hour", "Expect to hear the issue .", "You are cruel ,", "If you deny him swearing , you take from him", "Three full parts of his language .", "Was't of your own composing ?", "\u2018 Tis a strange impudence ,", "This fellow does put on .", "Vices , for him ,", "Make as free way as vertues doe for others .", "\u2018 Tis the times fault : yet Great ones still have grace 'd", "To make them sport , or rub them o 're with flattery ,", "Observers of all kinds .", "See how he hangs", "On great Photinus Ear .", "That we are", "To enquire , and learn of you Sir : whose grave care", "For Egypts happiness , and great Ptolomies good ,", "Hath eyes and ears in all parts .", "\u2018 Tis Labienus", "C\u00e6sars Lieutenant in the wars of Gaul ,", "And fortunate in all his undertakings :", "But since these Civil jars he turn 'd to Pompey ,", "And though he followed the better Cause", "Not with the like success ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1061, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Is the Queen stirring , Eros ?", "I am sorry for it ,", "And wish it were in me , with my hazard ,", "To give her ease .", "Did you tell her", "Of the sports I have prepar 'd to entertain her ?", "She was us 'd to take delight , with her fair hand ,", "To angle in the Nile , where the glad fish", "Contended to be taken : other times", "To strike the Stag , who wounded by her arrows ,", "Forgot his tears in death , and kneeling thanks her", "To his last gasp , then prouder of his Fate ,", "Than if with Garlands Crown 'd , he had been chosen", "To fall a Sacrifice before the altar", "Of the Virgin Huntress : the King , nor great Photinus", "Forbid her any pleasure ; and the Circuit", "In which she is confin 'd , gladly affords", "Variety of pastimes , which I would", "Encrease with my best service .", "Yet ,", "I'le not be wanting", "To do my best to serve her : I have prepar 'd", "Choise Musick near her Cabinet , and compos 'd", "Some few lines ,", "In the praise of imprisonment . Begin Boy .", "THE SONG .", "Look out bright eyes , and bless the air :", "Even in shadows you are fair .", "Shut-up-beauty is like fire ,", "That breaks out clearer still and higher .", "Though your body be confin 'd ,", "And soft Love a prisoner bound ,", "Yet the beauty of your mind", "Neither check , nor chain hath found .", "Look out nobly then , and dare", "Even the Fetters that you wear ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1061, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis here , \u2018 tis done , behold you fearfull viewers ,", "Shake , and behold the model of the world here ,", "The pride , and strength , look , look again , \u2018 tis finish 'd ;", "That , that whole Armies , nay whole nations ,", "Many and mighty Kings , have been struck blind at ,", "And fled before , wing 'd with their fears and terrours ,", "That steel war waited on , and fortune courted ,", "That high plum 'd honour built up for her own ;", "Behold that mightiness , behold that fierceness ,", "Behold that child of war , with all his glories ;", "By this poor hand made breathless , here", "Egypt , and C\u00e6sar , owe me for this service ,", "And all the conquer 'd Nations .", "It was .", "I kill 'd him on commandment ,", "If Kings commands be fair , when you all fainted ,", "When none of you durst look \u2014", "The Kings love , and his bounty ,", "The honour of the service , which though you rail at ,", "Or a thousand envious souls fling their foams on me ,", "Will dignifie the cause , and make me glorious :", "And I shall live .", "The King will yet consider ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1061, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Here 's a strange alteration in the Court ;", "Mens Faces are of other setts and motions ,", "Their minds of subtler stuff ; I pass by now", "As though I were a Rascal , no man knows me ,", "No Eye looks after ; as I were a Plague", "Their doors shut close against me ; and I wondred at", "Because I have done a meritorious Murther ;", "Because I have pleas 'd the Time , does the Time plague me ?", "I have known the day they would have hug 'd me for it ,", "For a less stroke than this have done me Reverence ;", "Open 'd their Hearts and secret Closets to me ,", "Their Purses , and their Pleasures , and bid me wallow .", "I now perceive the great Thieves eat the less ,", "And the huge Leviathans of Villany", "Sup up the merits , nay the men and all", "That do them service , and spowt \u2018 em out again", "Into the air , as thin and unregarded", "As drops of Water that are lost i'th \u2019 Ocean :", "I was lov 'd once for swearing , and for drinking ,", "And for other principal Qualities that became me ,", "Now a foolish unthankful Murther has undone me ,", "If my Lord Photinus be not merciful", "Enter Photinus .", "That set me on ; And he comes , now Fortune .", "May it please your Lordship ?", "Yourknows my wrongs .", "Yes , my Lord ,", "How the Captain of the Guard , Achillas , slights me .", "Yes , my Lord ,", "I shall be ready .", "\u2018 Tis most necessary ,", "A Mother , or a Sister , or whom you please , Sir .", "\u2018 Tis all one .", "\u2018 Tis all my motion .", "I am still your own , Sir .", "I shall observe your hour .", "So , this brings something in the mouth , some savour ;", "This is the Lord I serve , the Power I worship ,", "My Friends , Allies , and here lies my Allegiance .", "Let People talk as they please of my rudeness ,", "And shun me for my deed ; bring but this to \u2018 em ,", "yet still I am honourable ,", "This God creates new tongues , and new affections ;", "And though I had kill 'd my Father , give me Gold", "I 'll make men swear I have done a pious Sacrifice ;", "Now I will out-brave all ; make all my Servants ,", "And my brave deed shall be writ in Wine , for vertuous ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1061, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Too much too ,", "A sleeping C\u00e6sar is enough to shake them ;", "There are some two or three malicious Rascals", "Train 'd up in Villany , besides that Cerberus", "That Roman Dog , that lick 'd the blood of Pompey .", "You are cozen 'd ,", "There be of us as be of all other Nations ,", "Villains , and Knaves ; \u2018 tis not the name contains him ,", "But the obedience ; when that 's once forgotten ,", "And Duty flung away , then welcome Devil .", "Photinus and Achillas , and this Vermine", "That 's now become a natural Crocodile", "Must be with care observ 'd .", "I 'll trust the Sea first ,", "When with her hollow murmurs she invites me ,", "And clutches in her storms , as politick Lions", "Conceal their Claws ; I 'll trust the Devil first .", "C\u00e6s . Go to your rests , and follow your own Wisedoms ,", "And leave me to my thoughts : pray no more complement ,", "Once more strong Watches .", "Are ye awake Sir ? C\u00e6s . I'th \u2019 name of Wonder .", "Nay , I am a Porter ,", "A strong one too , or else my sides would crack , Sir ,", "And my sins were as weighty , I should scarce walk with \u2018 em .", "C\u00e6s . What hast thou there ?", "Ask them which stay without ,", "And brought it hither , your Presence I deny 'd \u2018 em ,", "And put \u2018 em by ; took up the load my self ,", "They say \u2018 tis rich , and valu 'd at the Kingdome ,", "I am sure \u2018 tis heavy ; if you like to see it", "You may : if not , I 'll give it back .", "C\u00e6s . Stay Sceva ,", "I would fain see it .", "I 'll begin to work then ;", "No doubt , to flatter ye they have sent ye something ,", "Of a rich value , Jewels , or some rich Treasure ;", "May be a Rogue within to do a mischief ;", "I pray you stand farther off , if there be villany ,", "Better my danger first ; he shall \u2018 scape hard too ,", "Ha ! what art thou ?", "C\u00e6s . Stand farther off , good Sceva ,", "What heavenly Vision ! do I wake or slumber ?", "Farther off that hand , Friend .", "What Apparition ?", "What Spirit have I rais 'd ? sure \u2018 tis a Woman ,", "She looks like one ; now she begins to move too :", "A tempting Devil , o \u2019 my life ; go off , C\u00e6sar ,", "Bless thy self , off : a Bawd grown in mine old days ?", "Bawdry advanc 'd upon my back ? \u2018 tis noble :", "Sir , if you be a Souldier come no nearer ,", "She is sent to dispossess you of your honour ,", "A Spunge , a Spunge to wipe away your Victories :", "And she would be cool 'd , Sir , let the Souldiers trim her !", "They 'll give her that she came for , and dispatch her ;", "Be loyal to your self . Thou damned Woman ,", "Dost thou come hither with thy flourishes ,", "Thy flaunts , and faces to abuse mens manners ?", "And am I made the instrument of Bawdry ?", "I 'll find a Lover for ye , one that shall hug ye .", "C\u00e6s . Hold , on thy life , and be more temperate ,", "Thou Beast .", "Thou Beast ?", "C\u00e6s . Could'st thou be so inhumane ,", "So far from noble Men , to draw thy Weapon", "Upon a thing divine ?", "Divine , or humane ,", "They are never better pleas 'd , nor more at hearts ease ,", "Than when we draw with full intent upon \u2018 em .", "C\u00e6s . Move this way", "\u2018 Pray ye let me speak to ye .", "And Woman , you had best stand .", "C\u00e6s . By the gods ,", "But that I see her here , and hope her mortal ,", "I should imagine some celestial sweetness ,", "The treasure of soft love .", "Oh , this sounds mangily ,", "Poorly , and scurvily in a Souldiers mouth :", "You had best be troubled with the Tooth-ach too ,", "For Lovers ever are , and let your Nose drop", "That your celestial Beauty may befriend ye ;", "At these years do you learn to be fantastical ?", "After so many bloody fields , a Fool ?", "She brings her Bed along too , she 'll lose no time ,", "Carries her Litter to lye soft , do you see that ?", "Invites ye like a Gamester : note that impudence ,", "For shame reflect upon your self , your honour ,", "Look back into your noble parts , and blush :", "Let not the dear sweat of the hot Pharsalia ,", "Mingle with base Embraces ; am I he", "That have receiv 'd so many wounds for C\u00e6sar ?", "Upon my Target groves of darts still growing ?", "Have I endur 'd all hungers , colds , distresses ,", "And", "Stood out all weathers , now to curse my fortune ?", "To ban the blood I lost for such a General ?", "C\u00e6sar . Offend no more : be gone .", "I will , and leave ye ,", "Leave ye to womens wars , that will proclaim ye :", "You'l conquer Rome now , and the Capitol", "With Fans , and Looking-glasses , farewel C\u00e6sar .", "Lower you'l be anon . C\u00e6sar . Away .", "And privater ,", "For that you covet all .", "C\u00e6sar . Tempt me no farther .", "Still with this woman ? tilting still with Babies ?", "As you are honest think the Enemy ,", "Some valiant Foe indeed now charging on ye :", "Ready to break your ranks , and fling these \u2014", "C\u00e6sar . Hear me ,", "But tell me true , if thou hadst such a treasure ,", "Such a bright gem , brought to thee , wouldst thou not", "Most greedily accept ?", "Not as an Emperour ,", "A man that first should rule himself , then others ;", "As a poor hungry Souldier , I might bite , Sir ,", "Yet that 's a weakness too : hear me , thou Tempter :", "And hear thou C\u00e6sar too , for it concerns thee ,", "And if thy flesh be deaf , yet let thine honour ,", "The soul of a commander , give ear to me ,", "Thou wanton bane of war , thou guilded Lethargy ,", "In whose embraces , ease", "And pleasure ,", "inhabites .", "C\u00e6sar . Fye , thou blasphem'st .", "I do , when she is a goddess .", "Thou melter of strong minds , dar'st thou presume", "To smother all his triumphs , with thy vanities ,", "And tye him like a slave , to thy proud beauties ?", "To thy imperious looks ? that Kings have follow 'd", "Proud of their chains ? have waited on ? I shame Sir .", "C\u00e6sar . Alas thou art rather mad : take thy rest Sceva ,", "Thy duty makes thee erre , but I forgive thee :", "Go , go I say , shew me no disobedience :", "\u2018 Tis well , farewel , the day will break dear Lady ,", "My Souldiers will come in ; please you retire ,", "And think upon your servant ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1061, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Good Sir , but hear .", "Hear a remedy .", "Would that were the worst , Sir ,", "That will repair it self : but I fear mainly ,", "She has made her peace with C\u00e6sar .", "\u2018 Plague upon that Rascal", "Apollod", "us , under whose command ,", "Under whose eye \u2014", "\u2018 Twas providently done , Achillas .", "Your guards were rarely wise , and wondrous watchfull .", "Speak your mind Sir .", "Base ,", "Most base and poor ; a servile , cold submission :", "Hear me , and pluck your hearts up , like stout Counsellours ,", "Since we are sensible this C\u00e6sar loathes us ,", "And have begun our fortune with great Pompey ,", "Be of my mind .", "This for our service ?", "Princes do their pleasures ,", "And they that serve obey in all disgraces :", "The lowest we can fall to , is our graves ,", "There we shall know no diffrence : heark Achillas ,", "I may do something yet , when times are ripe ,", "To tell this raw unthankful ! King .", "Thou lov'st me and I thank thee ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1061, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Nay there 's no rowsing him : he is bewitch 'd sure ,", "His noble blood curdled , and cold within him ;", "Grown now a womans warriour .", "But why should he be fool 'd so ?", "Let her be what she will , why should his wisdom ,", "His age , and honour \u2014", "C\u00e6sar writes Sonnetts now , the sound of war", "Is grown too boystrous for his mouth : he sighs too .", "How cunning she will carry her behaviours ,", "And set her countenance in a thousand postures ,", "To catch her ends !", "Why , a brave fellow , if we judge men by their clothes .", "He that kill 'd Pompey ?", "How glorious villany appears in Egypt !", "You had an ill Millener ,", "He laid too much of the Gum of Ingratitude", "Upon your Coat , you should have washt off that Sir ,", "Fie , how it choaks ! too little of your loyaltie ,", "Your honesty , your faith , that are pure Ambers ;", "I smell the rotten smell of a hired Coward ,", "A dead Dog is sweeter .", "Thou art so impudent , that I admire thee ,", "And know not what to say .", "Hark to that clause ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1061, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I was not heard Sir :", "Or what I said , lost , and contemn 'd : I dare say ,", "\u2018 twas a poor weakness in ye ,", "A glorious Childishness : I watch 'd his eye ,", "And saw how Faulcon-like it towr 'd , and flew", "Upon the wealthy Quarry : how round it mark 'd it :", "I observ 'd his words , and to what it tended ;", "How greedily he ask 'd from whence it came ,", "And what Commerce we held for such abundance :", "The shew of Nilus , how he laboured at", "To find the secret wayes the Song delivered .", "Your Sister he ne 're gaz 'd on : that 's a main note ,", "The prime beauty of the world had no power over him .", "Where was your carefulness", "To shew an armed thief the way to rob ye ?", "Nay , would you give him this , \u2018 twill excite him", "To seek the rest . Ambition feels no gift ,", "Nor knows no bounds , indeed ye have done most weakly .", "To be unkind unto your noble self , but savours", "Of indiscretion , and your friend has found it .", "Had ye been train 'd up in the wants and miseries", "A souldier marches through , and known his temperance", "In offer 'd courtesies , you would have made", "A wiser Master of your own , and stronger .", "Pray be wiser ,", "And trust not with your lost wealth , your lov 'd liberty .", "To be a King still at your own discretion", "Is like a King ; to be at his , a vassail .", "Now take good counsel , or no more take to ye", "The freedom of a Prince .", "The next himself comes ,", "Not staying for your courtesie , and takes it .", "I found ye out a way but \u2018 twas not credited ,", "A most secure way : whither will ye flye now ?", "And that diminisht also , what 's your life worth ? Who would regard it ?", "For then Sir", "Your Countreys cause falls with ye too , and fetter 'd :", "All \u00c6gypt shall be plough 'd up with dishonour .", "And last be counsel 'd .", "Goe in ; we'l tell you all : and then we'l execute ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1061, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Have I not cause ?", "Women of common Beauties , and low Births ,", "When they are slighted , are allow 'd their angers ,", "Why should not I", "make him know", "The baseness of his usage ?", "He is no man :", "The shadow of a Greatness hangs upon him ,", "And not the vertue : he is no Conquerour ,", "H'as suffer 'd under the base dross of Nature :", "Poorly delivered up his power to wealth ,", "taught his eyes treason", "Against the truth of love : he has rais 'd rebellion :", "Defi 'd his holy flames .", "Had I been old ,", "Or blasted in my bud , he might have shew 'd", "Some shadow of dislike : But , to prefer", "The lustre of a little art , Arsino ,", "And the poor glow-worm light of some faint Jewels ,", "Before the life of Love , and soul of Beauty ,", "Oh how it vexes me ! he is no Souldier ,", "He is a Merchant ; a meer wandring Merchant ,", "Servile to gain : he trades for poor Commodities ,", "And makes his Conquests , thefts ; some fortunate Captains", "That quarter with him , and are truly valiant ,", "Have flung the name of happy C\u00e6sar on him ,", "Himself ne 're won it : he is so base and covetous ,", "He'l sell his sword for gold .", "Oh I could curse my self , that was so foolish ,", "So fondly childish to believe his tongue ,", "His promising tongue , e 're I could catch his temper ,", "I had trash enough to have cloy 'd his eyes withal ,", "His covetous eyes ; such as I scorn to tread on :", "Richer than e 're he saw yet , and more tempting ;", "Had I known he had stoop 'd at that , I had sav 'd mine honour ,", "I had been happy still : but let him take it ,", "And let him brag how poorly I am rewarded :", "Let him goe conquer still weak wretched Ladies :", "Love has his angry Quiver too , his deadly ,", "And when he finds scorn , armed at the strongest :", "I am a fool to fret thus , for a fool :", "An old blind fool too : I lose my health ? I will not :", "I will not cry : I will not honour him", "With tears diviner than the gods he worships :", "I will not take the pains to curse a poor thing .", "Would I were prisoner", "To one I hate , that I might anger him ,", "I will love any man , to break the heart of him :", "Any , that has the heart and will to kill him .", "I will goe study mischief ,", "And put a look on , arm 'd with all my cunnings ,", "Shall meet him like a Basilisque , and strike him :", "Love , put destroying flames into mine eyes ,", "Into my smiles , deceits , that I may torture him ,", "That I may make him love to death , and laugh at him .", "His service ? what 's his service ?", "What 's his will ?", "No :", "Say no : I will have none to trouble me .", "None I say : I will be private .", "Would thou hadst flung me into Nilus , keeper ,", "When first thou gav'st consent , to bring my body", "To this unthankfull C\u00e6sar .", "Take this ,", "And carry it to that Lordly C\u00e6sar sent thee :", "There 's a new Love , a handsom one , a rich one :", "One that will hug his mind : bid him make love to it :", "Tell the ambitious Broker , this will suffer \u2014", "How ?", "C\u00e6sar . I do not use to wait , Lady ,", "Where I am , all the dores are free , and open .", "I ghess so , by your rudeness .", "C\u00e6sar . Ye are not angry ?", "Things of your tender mold , should be most gentle ;", "Why do you frown ? good gods , what a set-anger", "Have you forc 'd into your face ! Come , I must temper ye :", "What a coy smile was there , and a disdainfull !", "How like an ominous flash it broke out from ye !", "Defend me , Love , Sweet , who has anger 'd ye ?", "Shew him a glass ; that false face has betrai 'd me :", "That base heart wrought me \u2014", "C\u00e6sar . Be more sweetly angry ;", "I wrong 'd ye fair ?", "Away with your foul flatteries :", "They are too gross : but that I dare be angry ,", "And with as great a god as C\u00e6sar is ,", "To shew how poorly I respect his memory ,", "I would not speak to ye .", "C\u00e6sar . Pray ye undoe this riddle ,", "And tell me how I have vext ye ?", "Let me think first", "Whether I may put on a Patience", "That will with honour suffer me : know , I hate ye ,", "Let that begin the story : Now I'le tell ye .", "C\u00e6sar . But do it milder : In a noble Lady ,", "Softness of spirit , and a sober nature ,", "That moves like summer winds , cool , and blows sweetness ;", "Shews blessed like her self .", "And that great blessedness", "You first reap 'd of me : till you taught my nature", "Like a rude storm to talk aloud , and thunder ,", "Sleep was not gentler than my soul , and stiller ;", "You had the Spring of my affections :", "And my fair fruits I gave you leave to taste of :", "You must expect : the winter of mine anger :", "You flung me off , before the Court disgrac 'd me ,", "When in the pride I appear 'd of all my beauty ,", "Appear 'd your Mistress ; took into your eyes", "The common-strumpet love of hated lucre ,", "Courted with covetous heart , the slave of nature ,", "Gave all your thoughts to gold , that men of glory ,", "And minds adorn 'd with noble love , would kick at :", "Souldiers of royal mark , scorn such base purchase :", "Beauty and honour are the marks they shoot at ;", "I spake to ye then ; I courted ye , and woo 'd ye :", "Call 'd ye dear C\u00e6sar , hung about ye tenderly :", "Was proud to appear your friend .", "C\u00e6sar . You have mistaken me .", "But neither Eye , nor Favour , not a Smile", "Was I blessed back with ; but shook off rudely ,", "And , as ye had been sold to sordid infamy ,", "You fell before the Images of treasure ,", "And in your soul you worship 'd : I stood slighted ,", "Forgotten and contemn 'd ; my soft embraces ,", "And those sweet kisses you call 'd Elyzium ,", "As letters writ in sand , no more remembred :", "The name and glory of your Cleopatra", "Laugh 'd at , and made a story to your Captains ,", "Shall I endure ?", "C\u00e6sar . You are deceiv 'd in all this ,", "Upon my life you are , \u2018 tis your much tenderness .", "No , no , I love not that way ; you are cozen 'd :", "I love with as much ambition as a Conquerour ,", "And where I love , will triumph .", "C\u00e6sar . So you shall :", "My heart shall be the Chariot that shall bear ye ,", "All I have won shall wait upon ye : By the gods", "The bravery of this womans mind , has fired me :", "Dear Mistress shall I but this night ?\u2014", "How C\u00e6sar ?", "Have I let slip a second vanity", "That gives thee hope ?", "C\u00e6sar . You shall be absolute ,", "And Reign alone as Queen : you shall be any thing .", "Make me a maid again , and then I'le hear thee ;", "Examine all thy art of War , to do that ;", "And if thou find'st it possible , I'le love thee :", "Till when , farewel , unthankfull .", "C\u00e6sar . Stay .", "I will not . C\u00e6sar . I command .", "Command , and goe without , Sir .", "I do command thee be my slave for ever ,", "And vex while I laugh at thee .", "C\u00e6sar . Thus low , beauty .", "It is too late ; when I have found thee absolute ,", "The man that Fame reports thee , and to me ,", "May be I shall think better . Farewel Conquerour .", "C\u00e6sar . She mocks me too : I will enjoy her Beauty :", "I will not be deni 'd ; I'le force my longing .", "Love is best pleas 'd , when roundly we compel him ,", "And as he is Imperious , so will I be .", "Stay fool , and be advis 'd : that dulls the appetite ,", "Takes off the strength and sweetness of delight .", "By Heaven she is a miracle , I must use", "A handsom way to win : how now ; what fear", "Dwells in your faces ? you look all distracted ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1061, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Did ye see this Penitence ?", "I heard he was altered ,", "And had given away his Gold to honest uses :", "Cry 'd monstrously .", "\u2018 Tis like enough : he never lov 'd his parents ;", "Nor can I blame him , for they ne'r lov 'd him .", "His Mother dream 'd before she was deliver 'd", "That she was brought abed with a Buzzard , and ever after", "She whistl 'd him up to th \u2019 world : his brave clothes too", "He has flung away , and goes like one of us now :", "Walks with his hands in 's pockets , poor and sorrowfull ,", "And gives the best instructions .\u2014", "He spares us that labour ,", "For here he comes .", "Did I not tell ye ?", "No doubt", "Some excellent Salve for a sore heart : are you", "Septimius , that base knave , that betray 'd Pompey ?", "Dost thou want any thing ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1061, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The tumult still encreases .", "C\u00e6sar . O my fortune !", "My lustfull folly rather ! but \u2018 tis well ,", "And worthily I am made a bondsmans prey ,", "That after all my glorious victories ,", "In which I pass 'd so many Seas of dangers ,", "When all the Elements conspir 'd against me ,", "Would yield up the dominion of this head", "To any mortal power : so blind and stupid ,", "To trust these base Egyptians , that proclaim 'd", "Their perjuries , in noble Pompeys death ,", "And yet that could not warn me .", "If you fall ,", "Fall not alone : let the King and his Sister", "Be buried in your ruines : on my life", "They both are guilty : reason may assure you", "Photinus nor Achillas durst attempt you ,", "Or shake one Dart , or sword , aim 'd at your safety ,", "Without their warrant .", "C\u00e6sar . For the young King I know not", "How he may be misled ; but for his Sister", "\u2018 twere a kind", "Of blasphemy to doubt her : ugly treason", "Durst never dwell in such a glorious building ,", "Nor can so clear and great a spirit , as hers is ,", "Admit of falsehood .", "Let us seize on him then :", "And leave her to her fortune ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1061, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["There 's no retiring now , we are broke in :", "The deed past hope of pardon : if we prosper", "\u2018 Twill be stil 'd lawful !, and we shall give laws", "To those that now command us : stop not at", "Or loyalty , or duty : bold ambition ,", "To dare and power to do , gave the first difference", "Between the King , and subject , C\u00e6sars Motto ,", "Aut C\u00e6sar aut Nihil , each of us must claim ,", "And use it as our own .", "The better ,", "The globe of Empire must be so manur 'd .", "Well said Septimius ,", "Thou now art right again .", "Let her live", "Awhile to make us sport : she shall authorize", "Our undertakings to the ignorant people ,", "As if what we do were by her command :", "But our triumvirat Government once confirm 'd ,", "She bears her Brother company , that 's my Province :", "Leave me to work her .", "\u2018 Tis resolv 'd then ,", "We 'll force our passage .", "I am proud yet", "I have brought \u2018 em to capitulate .", "Now , Ptolomy ?", "We are equal ,", "Though C\u00e6sars name were put into the scale ,", "In which our worth is weigh 'd .", "C\u00e6s . Presumptuous Villain ,", "Upon what grounds hast thou presum 'd to raise", "Thy servile hand against the King , or me ,", "That have a greater name ?", "On those , by which", "Thou didst presume to pass the Rubicon", "Against the Laws of Rome ; and at the name", "Of Traitor smile ; as thou didst when Marcellus ,", "The Consul , with the Senates full consent", "Pronounc 'd thee for an Enemy to thy Country ,", "Yet thou wentst on , and thy rebellious Cause", "Was crown 'd with fair success : Why should we fear then ?", "Think on that , C\u00e6sar .", "C\u00e6s . O the gods ! be brav 'd thus ,", "And be compell 'd to bear this from a Slave", "That would not brook Great Pompey his Superiour ?", "Despair , and think we stand", "The Champions of Rome , to wreak her wrongs ,", "Upon whose liberty thou hast set thy foot .", "There is no hope to \u2018 scape us :", "If that against the odds we have upon you", "You dare come forth , and fight , receive the honour", "To dye like Romans , if ye faint , resolve", "To starve like Wretches ; I disdain to change", "Another syllable with you ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1061, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["We are lost .", "Confusion , Fire , and Swords ,", "And fury in the Souldiers face more horrid", "Circle us round .", "My Brother seiz 'd on", "By the Roman , as thought guilty of the tumult ,", "And forc 'd to bear him company , as mark 'd out", "For his protection or revenge .", "I have lost my jewels too : but that 's the least :", "The barbarous Rascals , against all humanity ,", "Or sense of pity , have kill 'd my little Dog ,", "And broke my Monkeys Chain .", "O my Sister !", "Can you stand unmov 'd", "When the Earth-quake of Rebellion shakes the City ,", "And the Court trembles ?", "I am new created ,", "And owe this second being to you", "For now I feel you have infus 'd into me", "Part of your fortitude .", "Oh my dear Brother !", "May the Earth", "Lye gently on their ashes .", "He 's come back ,", "Pursue no further ; curb the Souldiers fury .", "C\u00e6s . See", "their accursed heads", "That did conspire against us ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1061, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["You must find other proofs to strengthen these But mere presumptions . Du Croy Or we shall hardly Allow your innocence . with C-G. 39 a and b : You must produce Reasons of more validity and weight To plead in your defence , or we shall hardly Conclude you innocent . The last passage cited for comparison also exhibits another feature normal to the work of this dramatist : the splitting of an observation , frequently a single sentence , between two speakers ; so ll . 38-9 , and again , l. 59 . The Scene and play are rounded off with the pointing of a moral , so indispensable to Massinger 's satisfaction . To sum up , therefore , disregarding for practical purposes the slight touches of Field in I , ii , ll . 146-end ; III , i , ll . 317-343 ; V , ii , ll . 80-end ; and perhaps in V , i ;\u2014 and the apparent Massinger touches in IV , i , and possibly at one or two other points in the Field Scenes , we may divide the play as follows :", "If they will not , 60", "They are too old to learne , and I too young", "To giue them counsell , since if they partake", "The vnderstanding , and the hearts of men ,", "They will preuent my words and teares : if not ,", "What can perswasion , though made eloquent 65", "With griefe , worke vpon such as haue chang 'd natures", "With the most sauage beast ? Blest , blest be euer", "The memory of that happy age , when iustice", "Had no gards to keepe off wrongd innocence ,", "From flying to her succours , and in that 70", "Assurance of redresse : where now", "The damnd , with more ease may ascend from Hell ,", "Then we ariue at her . One Cerberus there", "Forbids the passage , in our Courts a thousand ,", "As lowd , and fertyle headed , and the Client 75", "That wants the sops , to fill their rauenous throats ,", "Must hope for no accesse : why should I then", "Attempt impossibilities : you friend , being", "Too well acquainted with my dearth of meanes ,", "To make my entrance that way ?", "And to these", "Can I become a suytor ?", "You shall orecome .", "Not looke on me !", "And be againe contemn 'd ?", "A Gentleman .", "To what vaine purpose do I make my sorrow ,", "Wayte on the triumph of their cruelty ?", "Or teach their pride from my humilitie , 175", "To thinke it has orecome ? They are determin 'd", "What they will do : and it may well become me ,", "To robbe them of the glory they expect", "From my submisse intreaties .", "Sufficient ? My Lord , you sit at home ,", "And though your fees are boundlesse at the barre : 190", "Are thriftie in the charges of the warre ,", "But your wills be obeyd . To these I turne ,", "To these soft-hearted men , that wisely know", "They are onely good men , that pay what they owe .", "Be constant in it ,", "And since you are as mercilesse in your natures ,", "As base , and mercenary in your meanes", "By which you get your wealth , I will not vrge", "The Court to take away one scruple from 200", "The right of their lawes , or one good thought", "In you to mend your disposition with .", "I know there is no musique in your eares", "So pleasing as the groanes of men in prison ,", "And that the teares of widows , and the cries 205", "Of famish 'd Orphants , are the feasts that take you .", "That to be in your danger , with more care", "Should be auoyded , then infectious ayre ,", "The loath 'd embraces of diseased women ,", "A flatterers poyson , or the losse of honour . 210", "Yet rather then my fathers reuerent dust", "Shall want a place in that faire monument ,", "In which our noble Ancestors lye intomb 'd ,", "Before the Court I offer vp my selfe", "A prisoner for it : loade me with those yrons 215", "That haue worne out his life , in my best strength", "Ile run to th \u2019 incounter of cold hunger ,", "And choose my dwelling where no Sun dares enter ,", "So he may be releas 'd .", "I hope they are not 235", "So ignorant in any way of profit ,", "As to neglect a possibility", "To get their owne , by seeking it from that", "Which can returne them nothing , but ill fame ,", "And curses for their barbarous cruelties . 240", "I thanke your Lordships ,", "They haue in it confirm 'd on me such glory ,", "As no time can take from me : I am ready ,", "Come lead me where you please : captiuity", "That comes with honour , is true liberty . 255"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1065, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["You must find other proofs to strengthen these But mere presumptions . Du Croy Or we shall hardly Allow your innocence . with C-G. 39 a and b : You must produce Reasons of more validity and weight To plead in your defence , or we shall hardly Conclude you innocent . The last passage cited for comparison also exhibits another feature normal to the work of this dramatist : the splitting of an observation , frequently a single sentence , between two speakers ; so ll . 38-9 , and again , l. 59 . The Scene and play are rounded off with the pointing of a moral , so indispensable to Massinger 's satisfaction . To sum up , therefore , disregarding for practical purposes the slight touches of Field in I , ii , ll . 146-end ; III , i , ll . 317-343 ; V , ii , ll . 80-end ; and perhaps in V , i ;\u2014 and the apparent Massinger touches in IV , i , and possibly at one or two other points in the Field Scenes , we may divide the play as follows :", "If they will not , 60", "They are too old to learne , and I too young", "To giue them counsell , since if they partake", "The vnderstanding , and the hearts of men ,", "They will preuent my words and teares : if not ,", "What can perswasion , though made eloquent 65", "With griefe , worke vpon such as haue chang 'd natures", "With the most sauage beast ? Blest , blest be euer", "The memory of that happy age , when iustice", "Had no gards to keepe off wrongd innocence ,", "From flying to her succours , and in that 70", "Assurance of redresse : where now", "The damnd , with more ease may ascend from Hell ,", "Then we ariue at her . One Cerberus there", "Forbids the passage , in our Courts a thousand ,", "As lowd , and fertyle headed , and the Client 75", "That wants the sops , to fill their rauenous throats ,", "Must hope for no accesse : why should I then", "Attempt impossibilities : you friend , being", "Too well acquainted with my dearth of meanes ,", "To make my entrance that way ?", "And to these", "Can I become a suytor ?", "You shall orecome .", "Not looke on me !", "And be againe contemn 'd ?", "A Gentleman .", "To what vaine purpose do I make my sorrow ,", "Wayte on the triumph of their cruelty ?", "Or teach their pride from my humilitie , 175", "To thinke it has orecome ? They are determin 'd", "What they will do : and it may well become me ,", "To robbe them of the glory they expect", "From my submisse intreaties .", "Sufficient ? My Lord , you sit at home ,", "And though your fees are boundlesse at the barre : 190", "Are thriftie in the charges of the warre ,", "But your wills be obeyd . To these I turne ,", "To these soft-hearted men , that wisely know", "They are onely good men , that pay what they owe .", "Be constant in it ,", "And since you are as mercilesse in your natures ,", "As base , and mercenary in your meanes", "By which you get your wealth , I will not vrge", "The Court to take away one scruple from 200", "The right of their lawes , or one good thought", "In you to mend your disposition with .", "I know there is no musique in your eares", "So pleasing as the groanes of men in prison ,", "And that the teares of widows , and the cries 205", "Of famish 'd Orphants , are the feasts that take you .", "That to be in your danger , with more care", "Should be auoyded , then infectious ayre ,", "The loath 'd embraces of diseased women ,", "A flatterers poyson , or the losse of honour . 210", "Yet rather then my fathers reuerent dust", "Shall want a place in that faire monument ,", "In which our noble Ancestors lye intomb 'd ,", "Before the Court I offer vp my selfe", "A prisoner for it : loade me with those yrons 215", "That haue worne out his life , in my best strength", "Ile run to th \u2019 incounter of cold hunger ,", "And choose my dwelling where no Sun dares enter ,", "So he may be releas 'd .", "I hope they are not 235", "So ignorant in any way of profit ,", "As to neglect a possibility", "To get their owne , by seeking it from that", "Which can returne them nothing , but ill fame ,", "And curses for their barbarous cruelties . 240", "I thanke your Lordships ,", "They haue in it confirm 'd on me such glory ,", "As no time can take from me : I am ready ,", "Come lead me where you please : captiuity", "That comes with honour , is true liberty . 255"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1065, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Se . Speake to the poynt .", "That we could lend you of our yeeres .", "Or as you are , perswade you to continue 25", "The noble exercise of your knowing iudgement .", "Se . Speaks to the cause . 60", "Se . How long haue you Sir", "Practis 'd in Court ?", "Se . By your grosse ignorance it should appeare ,", "Not twentie dayes .", "Se . How dare you moue the Court ,", "To the dispensing with an Act confirmd", "By Parlament , to the terror of all banquerouts ?", "Go home , and with more care peruse the Statutes :", "Or the next motion fauoring of this boldnesse , 90", "May force you to leape", "Ouer the place you plead at .", "Se . Strange boldnes !", "Se . Sirra , you that prate 105", "Thus sawcily , what are you ?", "Se . Shall such an Insolence passe vnpunisht ?", "Se . Away with him to prison .", "Se . The president were ill .", "Se . He had fro the state", "Sufficent entertainment for the Army .", "Se . Let him alone ,", "If he loue Lords , a Gods name let him weare \u2018 em ,", "Prouided these consent .", "Se . The Court must grant you that .", "Se . Strange rashnesse .", "Se . Pray you demand", "The moyety of my estate , or any thing", "Within my power , but this .", "Se . You are too violent ,", "You shall haue my consent \u2014 But would you had", "Made tryall of my loue in any thing 285", "But this , you should haue found then \u2014 But it skills not .", "You haue what you desire ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1065, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I prithee tell me , Florimell , why do women marry ?", "Tis true , Florimell : and thou wilt make me too good for a yong Lady . What an electuary found my father out for 10 his daughter , when hee compounded you two my women ? for thou , Florimell , art eene a graine to heauy , simply for a wayting Gentlewoman .", "Ah my sweete Bellapert thou Cabinet", "To all my counsels , thou dost know the cause 35", "That makes thy Lady wither thus in youth .", "But there is honor , wench .", "Prethee , distinguish me a mayd & wife .", "What is a husband ?", "I would meete loue and marriage both at once .", "Seruant , tye my hand . 125", "How your lips blush , in scorne that they should pay", "Tribute to hands , when lips are in the way !", "My Father .", "Performe I must .", "Sir , I am yours . Oh if my teares proue true , Exit Daug", "Fate hath wrong 'd loue , and will destroy me too .", "Yes , my Lord . 305", "A Visitation , Sir . 310", "Oh seruant , vertue strengthen me .", "Thy presence blowes round my affections vane :", "You will vndoe me , if you speake againe ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1065, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["But why these moping , melancholy looks ?", "Each eye observes and marks them now unseemly ,", "Whilst every countenance but your 's speaks joy ,", "At the near wedding of our master 's daughter .", "Sure none so well deserv 'd this noble prize :", "And young lord Weston will be bless 'd indeed .", "What again ?", "This is the second time . What can this mean ?", "Then , his unusual absence , now a month ,", "Nor any cause assign 'd .", "And sure all must approve his well-judg 'd choice ! In charms and virtues there are none surpass her .", "What is't your fears suggest ?", "But , why again , should we distress ourselves", "For that we cannot help ?", "Think not of it . It is not possible to save them now .", "But are not all things for the better alter 'd ? Our house fill 'd often with the best of company ?", "You dream too much .", "You 're too severe , too scrupulous ; why , man ,", "My mistress is a perfect saint , compar 'd", "With some of those I formerly have serv 'd .", "For which ten thousand blisters scald your tongue !", "But pray , why should not we as well as others ,", "Avail ourselves of something , whilst all 's going ?", "I see you are as obstinate as usual ,", "And still persist in your old-fashion 'd ravings .", "Does not experience daily prove that wealth", "Alone gives honour ; poverty disgrace ?", "It cannot sure be wrong to make reprisals !", "Hath she not got in loan from us our earnings", "From time to time , nor heeds our pressing calls ?", "\u2018 Tis not a wonder he should be distress 'd .", "Six months are scarcely past since one cashier ,", "In whom you know he plac 'd the highest confidence ,", "Absconded with some thousands .", "Heard you the bell ? \u2018 tis he , just come to town .", "Prithee , forbear till you revolve it further .", "Doubtless she 's daily plunging into ruin", "The poor infatuated man her husband ,", "Whom fondness hath made blind to her misconduct .", "But I must hear what passes at this meeting ;", "Wherefore , I 'll to the closet next the chamber ,", "Where usually they meet for private conference ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1074, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What strange disorder runs thro \u2019 all this house ! It seems more like a place of midnight revelling , Than habitation of a sober family , And every servant in it looks a spectre .\u201c This from your late unfortunate cashier , serves to inform you that he never wrong 'd you ; \u2018 tis true , he was deficient much when he departed , yet , by that Power to whom all thoughts lie open ! he knows not how it happened ; but , if the present rumours are not false , your greatest foe is nearest to your heart . \u201d Such secret notices of late are frequent . When was this letter brought ?", "Is my wife up ?", "Too much her practised course . Unthinking woman !", "Thus she precipitates our common ruin .", "Did not you tell me that my neighbour Wilson", "Had been enquiring for me here to-day ?", "\u2018 Tis opportune ; return when he departs .", "Enter WILSON .", "Welcome ! thrice welcome ! truest , best of friends .", "Again I thank my friend ; but tell me wherefore ,", "We meet not now as we were wont ? time was", "When scarce a single day knew us asunder ;", "Of late we 're so for weeks .", "And is this mode of life to us peculiar ?", "The tide of fashion , in these days of riot ,", "Sweeps all before it that its torrent meets .", "Your picture is as just as it is gloomy . But you can firmly stem th \u2019 infection 's tide , And \u2018 scape the censure we so justly merit . Yet you 'd not blame your friend , if you knew all .", "O Wilson ! I confess your charge is just .", "The truth is , I 'm no longer master here ,", "Nor of my family , nor of myself ;", "And yet you may remember , no man liv 'd", "More happily than I with my first wife .", "And was withal of such a gentle nature ,", "That I could ne'er conceive that ev'n in thought ,", "She would impede or contradict my wish .", "Not more : you also know , that shortly after ,", "I wedded with the present .", "Condemn not all for some ; and prize their worth .", "By them we are refin 'd ; by them inspir 'd ;", "For them , we ev'ry toil and danger court ,", "That lead to glory and make fame immortal .", "Trust me , my friend , there 's no terrestrial blessing", "Equals the union of two souls in virtue .", "About sixteen ,", "And I in years superiour to her father .", "Yet she appear 'd of such congenial manners", "With my first wife , whose intimate she was ,", "It led me to this early second marriage .", "And ev'n long after , such was her behaviour ,", "That I insensibly forgot my loss ;", "For tho \u2019 by birth and family allied ,", "To several of the first in rank and fortune ,", "Yet did not that the least affect her conduct ,", "Which she still suited to our humbler station ;", "A tender parent and a loving wife .", "O ! \u2018 tis most true ; and I have often thought", "My happiness too great for long continuance .", "The toil , fatigue and numerous disappointments ,", "Were sooth 'd and sweeten 'd by the fond endearments ,", "With which she met me in the hours of leisure .", "Oft hath she vow 'd , that she despis 'd the profit ,", "How great soe'er , that sunder 'd us at times .", "But all the halcyon days I once enjoy 'd ,", "Do but conspire to aggravate the misery ,", "Which now quite weighs me down .", "I know , I feel it all .", "They 've been unseen by me . My health 's weak state", "Will not admit my sleeping in the city ;", "Whence also , I am often whole days absent ;", "As my neglected finances disclose .", "Have you at any time beheld these scenes ?", "Relate them , if not irksome .", "Ay , there !\u2014 Proceed .", "O Wilson ! every passion , every power", "Of the great human soul are by this vice ,", "This fatal vice of all , quite , quite absorb 'd ,", "Save those which its fell purposes excite !", "Oh ! that most vile seducer lady Belmour !", "Wer't not for her , my wife had been a stranger", "To all those evils ; I to all my misery .", "I know not what I am .", "Alas ! my friend is stranger to these matters !", "When once a woman deviates from discretion ,", "Setting her heart on every vain pursuit ,", "No husband then rests master of his fate .", "Fond love no limit knows to its submission ,", "Not more than beauty to its thirst for empire ,", "Whose tears are not less pow'rful than its smiles .", "Nay , ev'n dislike , \u2018 gainst reason , oft must yield ,", "Whilst the mind 's quiet is an object priz 'd ;", "So is the sex from its sweet purpose chang 'd \u2014", "O ! could I wean her from this one sad vice !", "Wipe out this only speck in her rich volume !", "Then , all my woes should cease ; then , would I write ,", "In truth 's fair characters , her matchless worth ,", "Nor blush to boast the fondness of my heart .", "My love of her !\u2014\u2014 -", "Go on , I am prepar 'd .", "Her reputation !", "Heav'n !", "What , innocent !", "Against appearances !\u2014 impossible .", "All sense disclaims the thought ; these neglected ,", "Neglect of virtue is the sure attendant ,", "And ev'n the firmest may be then seduced ;\u2014", "\u2018 Tis as the noon-day plain .\u2014 Who ? who 's the villain ?", "The murderer of my peace ? By heav'n ! he dies .", "O ! there 's no rank can sanctify such outrage . Lord Belmour ! say \u2014", "They nearly are a-kin \u2014 and yet of late", "His visits have been rather more than usual .", "But have you any proof for this your hint ?", "What then ? he may , ev'n when I sleep in town ,", "Pass nights with her , and all unknown to me .", "\u2018 Tis easily explain 'd .", "For some time past we 've slept in separate chambers .", "For when she had exchang 'd her harmless life", "For the destructive course she now pursues ,", "Her hours became so late and so uncertain ,", "My rest was quite disturb 'd .", "Her temper is so chang 'd , so sour 'd of late , Which with her sad misconduct still increases ; And she so prides herself on her alliances , And the caresses of her vain associates , That neither I , nor her neglected children , Dare ev'n attempt the least discourse with her . Did you know all , \u2018 twould rend your tender heart .", "Can you continue friend to such lost fortune ?", "Tell me \u2014 Oh tell me ! what would you advise ?", "Reward your goodness heav'n !", "Re-enter THOMAS .", "Oh what a fatal change in my affairs !", "Have you observ 'd it , Thomas , yet been silent ?", "What prevents you ?", "Prithee , proceed .", "Good heav'n ! that she could injure me so deeply \u2014\u2014\u2014 My credit \u2014\u2014\u2014 but I cannot bear to expose her ! Means have been us 'd to stop all further mischief , On some suspicions of mine own before . So for the present , must appear to doubt it .For this , I owe you my most grateful thanks . I 've ever found you faithful to my interest ; Yet , as your zeal may have alarm 'd your fears , Speak not of this , until I weigh it further , Not even to your wife .", "What an unhappy man !\u2014 It is impossible \u2014", "I ne'er knew one in ev'ry thought more pure", "Than she was once \u2014 and now to be so chang 'd \u2014", "I will not see her more \u2014 and yet \u2014 O heav'n !\u2014", "\u2018 Tis demonstration only can convince me .", "Ah ! lovely woman , didst thou ne'er design", "But in thy proper sphere alone to shine ,", "Using with modesty each winning art ,", "To fix , as well as captivate the heart ,", "Love 's purest flame might gild the nuptial days ,", "And Hymen 's altars then for ever blaze ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1074, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Faint !\u2014 very faint !\u2014 support me to yon couch .I hop 'd at length heav'n ' s goodness had determin 'd To give my soul its so long wish'dhYpppHeNfor peace .", "Tir 'd nature hath got respite for a while ,", "Yet weaken 'd much \u2014 my final rest is near .", "Withdraw awhile ; but wait within a call .", "Constantia ! stay ; come nearer to your father .", "Give me your hand , I wish a private conference", "On somewhat of much moment ere we part .", "You never did ; it is against your nature . You 've ever been affectionate as dutiful ; But the postponing thus a second timethe purpos 'd wedding , Which all must say , our station weigh 'd with his , Besides his princely qualities of mind , Would highly honour us , disturbs me much : Yet , wou 'd I hope , th \u2019 affections of your heart Are not so fix 'd upon this noble youth , you cou 'd not wean them thence , shou 'd it be fit .", "Such letter I receiv 'd , yet it is said ,", "His uncle , the lord Belmour , hath of late ,", "Spoken of this , to which he once consented ,", "In terms of discontent ; which , if as told ,", "I would to the alliance of an emperour ,", "Prefer the badge of want .", "Come to thy father 's arms , thou sweet resemblance", "Of the perfections of your much-lov 'd mother ;", "A loss each day felt more \u2014 yet , my Constantia ,", "What tho \u2019 your charms and virtue shou 'd surpass", "All that e'er center 'd in a virgin frame ,", "To be the choice of this exalted youth", "Causes a thousand fears in my fond heart .", "Constantia singled out , preferr 'd to numbers", "Of the first rank , who would exult to win him ,", "Will rouse up ev'ry baneful blast of envy ,", "Perfections such as thine ne'er \u2018 scape malignity .", "Yet , should this change in your condition happen ,", "This also treasure in your mind ; that man ,", "As in his frame , so is his spirit rough ;", "Whilst your more tender sex was form 'd by heav'n ,", "To sooth those cares , which from his state still flow ,", "With winning grace , and smooth life 's rugged paths .", "That she who best submits will surest reign ;", "In youth be idolized , in age revered .", "But when perverse contention marks her conduct ,", "And passion 's transitory joys are pall 'd ,", "The past offence will to the mind recur ,", "And all that once had charm 'd be quite forgot .", "Some message from my wife \u2014 withdraw awhile .", "Where is your mistress ?", "Go tell her I am here , and wish to see her .", "This woman is so hackney 'd in all baseness ,", "That even truth from her would be disgrac 'd .", "Had her condition far exceeded all", "Your seeming tender fears ; or did I hear", "The peal of her death bell , I shou 'd not wonder .", "Was she not up all night ? Was ever seen", "Such rapid havock as this life of riot", "Spreads o'er her bloom , which ev'ry art abash 'd ,", "Now vainly practis 'd to repair its ruin !", "Sad victim to the world 's most baleful fashions !", "Wou 'd I had lov 'd her less , or ne'er had seen her ! Retire awhile , I pray \u2014 I wou 'd be private .", "I am the veriest wretch that breathes the air ,", "And nought but desperation is before me .", "You seem confus 'd \u2014 What paper 's that ?", "From whom ? and to whom ?", "Ha ! what , gone off ! how guilt betrays itself ! Here is some secret scheme \u2014 \u2018 tis in my wife 's hand . The superscription to my old friend Wilson \u2014 I never yet approv 'd of opening letters By any , save by those to whom address 'd ; But to detect deceit , such means are just ; And here it seems , as matters were on foot , With which , \u2018 tis meant I should not be acquainted . Besides , of late , I have at times surpriz 'd them in close and intimate discourse together ; When , it now strikes me , they seem 'd much confounded . Upon the whole , I think I ought to read it : Necessity demands the doubtful deed .\u201c Sir , I might have thought the repulse you so lately receiv 'd , with the declaration I then made of acquainting my husband with your conduct , would have deterred you from ever making any further attempt .\u2014 How fatal might the consequences prove should I discover your behaviour to him ? Is this your friendship ? Know , base man ! that whatever my follies and indiscretions may be in other respects , there is not any distress shall lead me to an act against the honour of Elizabeth Andrews . \u201d Am I awake ! or is this all a dream ? My friend \u2014 seduce my wife ? it cannot be !It surely is her hand \u2014 it must be so . She 's now but in her prime , and few so beautiful \u2014 Then his strict charge this morning , not to mention What he himself had told me was reported Of her and the lord Belmour , with this letter , Are proofs which make this matter nearly certain . What ruin is at hand !\u2014\u2014\u2014Enter MARIA hastily . Woman , your business ?", "I choose the latter .", "How wond'rous condescending of a sudden !", "Shou 'd this be a true charge in this dread letter ,", "All he has mentioned of her and lord Belmour ,", "May be a base invention for his purpose \u2014", "Yet , may not both be true ?\u2014 distracting state !", "Forbear to question me . I am not well .", "True \u2014 Melancholy hath been long my portion ; As I 've too long the fatal cause conceal 'd : But ev'ry duty now , to heaven , to you , To my poor children , to myself , all , all Demand it from the husband and the father , That you , oh ! you , are the sole , fatal cause .", "O ! many things you should not have committed .", "To number all the mischiefs which your conduct ,", "Your most misguided conduct hath induc 'd", "On those , to whom , each law divine and human", "Had bound you in affection 's strongest ties ,", "Were but a needless waste of time and speech .", "Heav'n ! what contempt and scorn her looks betray !", "O Gaming ! cursed vice ! parent of all !", "How callous grow the hearts of all thy votaries !", "And how hast thou this once soft bosom chang 'd !", "Nor is her form less alter 'd than her mind .", "Perverse and obstinate ! as adders deaf !", "It matters not ;", "Without due heed , \u2018 twere speaking to the winds .", "Have you yet thought , how you could bear the change ,", "The bitter change from affluence to poverty ,", "Which ev'ry want will bring to your remembrance ?", "We both must in one ruin be involv 'd .", "True honour only lies in virtuous deeds .", "But had you been the daughter of a prince ,", "\u2018 Twere fit you suitably demean 'd yourself ,", "To that condition you had freely chosen .", "No \u2014 no ; it lies not in their decent use ;", "\u2018 Tis the extreme that constitutes the fault ,", "By which , ev'n Virtue 's sacred self might err ;", "But they who break a single law , would others ,", "If lured alike ; so violate the whole .", "This quick impatience is self-accusation . I have not even hinted at it yet .", "Soft ! have a care .", "No virtue with that thought is safe a moment .", "O ! \u2018 tis a jewel of such brilliant lustre ,", "And so resistless wins the admiration ,", "That even vice , in its appearance mansk 'd ,", "Pays homage at its shrine .", "This war of words is wandering from the purpose .", "Now , mark me well \u2014 the man who dares insult", "A woman 's modesty , must have descry 'd", "Somewhat in her behaviour that would warrant", "Such outrage of abuse .\u2014 Is this your hand ?", "Forbear this idle talk ; attend your mistress .What fool was I to trust her with this letter ! Yet , why was she so hasty to destroy it ? Heav'n ! in what deep perplexities I 'm plung 'd !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1074, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["My actions must at length fall heavy on me ,", "And crush me at a blow : but oh ! this passion ,", "This fruitless passion , I 've so long indulg 'd", "For this enchanting woman , drives me on ,", "Alas ! from one transgression to another ,", "And I deceive myself .\u2014 Ha ! here 's Maria .", "Wou 'd I cou 'd shun her ! as of late her visits", "Have been more frequent than occasions warrant .", "Yet much she hath profess 'd herself my friend ,", "And my heart 's secret won .", "Why to speak truly , I had just now sought", "Some private intercourse with mine own heart .", "No , speak your business quickly .", "What of her ? speak \u2014\u2014\u2014", "Full well you know , how I 'm inclin 'd to serve her ;", "But her demands encrease with my compliance ,", "And I have injur 'd much the best of masters .", "I know no other banker cou 'd support it .", "Transporting sounds ! My soul is all attention !\u2014 Pray proceed .", "Why ?", "Say , are you truly serious in this matter ? Or , but amusing me with idle hopes ?", "I cannot say I have , and yet \u2014\u2014", "Her virtue !", "Forbear this now . None prize her virtues more :", "Nor am I to her outward charms insensible .", "But when the heart is to one object wedded ,", "No lure can win it thence .\u2014\u2014\u2014 You flatter me ?", "View what ?", "Refuse it !\u2014 O ! whilst life exists I 'll wear it ,", "Close to that heart which is for ever hers .", "I am all ecstacy , delicious woman !", "Gratefully thank her for the precious token .", "To what may they amount ?", "\u2018 Tis quite impossible .", "Besides the mischief I have done my master ,", "I stand myself upon the verge of ruin .", "First , tell her then , that she shall be supply 'd ,", "Let the event be fatal as it may .", "How quickly every resolution vanishes !", "And how am I now chang 'd from what I was !", "Like some weak skiff , that for a while had stood", "Safe on the tranquil bosom of the flood ;", "Until at length , the mountain torrents sweep", "Its faint resistance headlong to the deep ,", "Where in large gulps the foamy brine it drinks ,", "And in the dread abyss for ever sinks ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1074, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["This letter just now brought from our friend Andrews , Is superscrib 'd to me , and yet most surely , By its contents , it was design 'd for you .", "Most true , I have myself paid several ;", "The just return to him , who , from his friends ,", "His purse on like occasion ne'er withhYpppHeNheld .", "Give me the letter , \u2018 twas design 'd for me .", "Some like discourse as is in part there hinted ,", "This morning pass 'd between us \u2014 Give it , pray .", "By heav'n ! some stratagem ,", "Of deep and black contrivance is on foot ;", "For there 's no mischief , but that artful woman", "Hath heart and head to scheme .", "Shou 'd I shun him ,", "It might induce him to conclude me guilty .", "Fear not .\u2014 I pity him ; he 's much disturb 'd .", "Ha ! villain in my teeth , what mean you , sir ?", "Unhappy man ! \u2018 twas never in my thoughts .", "Licentious railer , cease your foul invective ,", "Nor patience press too far : but for that amity ,", "In which we 've liv 'd , I cou 'd not have endur 'd", "Ev'n half of this unmerited ill-treatment .", "Again , I tell you , I 'm an utter stranger", "To ev'ry charge in your impassion 'd letter ,", "Nor know I what it means .", "Deluded , undone man !", "How this insidious woman hath depriv 'd him", "Of that sage judgment which he once possess 'd !", "And are these all the grounds on which you charge", "An old and faithful friend with such a breach", "Of virtue , honour , and of all that 's worthy ?", "O most abandon 'd woman ! weak as wicked .", "This is too much for ev'n a brother 's bearing . Nor can I longer answer for myself ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1074, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I but now met him , and methought he shunn 'd me .", "Unusual this from his most gentle nature .", "But deep distress seem 'd on his brow imprinted ,", "And rumours are unkind to him of late ,", "Though none stood higher once in fair repute .", "O Jefferson ! would I cou 'd tear thee hence ,", "From this fond heart , and its lost peace restore !\u2014 -", "But soft ! I hear my dear Constantia 's voice .", "You quite astonish me \u2014 it cannot be . Even the day was fix 'd for your espousals .", "Most distressful !", "Happy man !", "How by the tyrant custom art thou favour 'd !", "Canst speak the anguish of the love-sick heart ,", "And from the hand that wounds implore relief :", "Whilst we in silent secrecy must shelter", "The deadly shaft , that rooted rankles there ,", "And wastes the virgin bloom . Nor is this all ;", "Should but the modest blush , the fault'ring speech ,", "Or the disorder of the conscious soul ,", "Betray the fondness it would fain conceal ;", "Not only cold indifference , but neglect ,", "Is full too oft the base return we meet .\u2014", "Alas ! \u2018 tis my poor heart betrays itself .", "Why to despair ? by all those sacred ties !", "Thou wert not in my thoughts in what I 've utter 'd .", "Hath yet lord Weston heard these fatal tidings ?", "My dear Constantia ! banish all such thoughts .", "He hath a soul superior to all falsehood .", "Affairs , \u2018 tis said , of moment call 'd him hence ,", "And his return is ev'ry hour expected .", "I know not ; he went forth some hours ago .", "I 'd see him , for the reason you have mention 'd ;", "Not rashly cast away a gem so precious ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1074, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Be not surpriz 'd ; it is an old acquaintance . Have a few moments absence so estrang 'd you ?", "It matters not .", "You never more may from this moment see me :\u2014", "But this is foreign to me , present business .", "There are some matters of most deep concern", "Which I must straight impart to our good master ;", "For which , this night I fought him at his villa ,", "But much to my surprize , he was not there .", "I pray inform me , where I now may find him .", "I should not else have urg 'd it to you thus .", "Rest well assur 'd , no motive should compel it ,", "And blessings wait upon thee for this kindness !", "Too gen'rous maid !", "O ! had my truant , and ungrateful heart", "Her merit justly priz 'd , I might this day ,", "In honour , as in virtue have been happy ,", "Not thus a wretched outcast of the world \u2014", "I pray return it with a thousand blessings \u2014", "Heart-rending kindness !\u2014 Oh !\u2014 again farewell !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1074, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["And is this surely so ? my blood runs chill .", "Oh ! tell me , how , or when I 've been thine enemy ,", "That thou could'st calmly mean me all this mischief .", "I cannot credit it .", "I once thought Jefferson the child of virtue .", "What 's to be done ! distress crowds on distress \u2014\u2014\u2014", "Inhuman ! barbarous ! most abandon 'd woman !", "And thou curs 'd instrument !\u2014 Yet hold , my heart !\u2014", "I see contrition in his mournful eye ,", "And feel soft pity throbbing in my bosom :", "Deluded youth !\u2014 no object for revenge \u2014", "Oh ! \u2018 twas a desp'rate act !\u2014 Could'st thou conceive ,", "A crime , to the Almighty so offensive ,", "Would for thy other failings make atonement ;", "May there not yet be help ?", "\u2018 Twere better to have liv 'd whole years in penitence ,", "Or wild despair , to expiate your guilt .", "Sad-fated youth ! my own distracted state", "Is suited ill to intercourse with heaven .", "But lose no time yourself : that righteous judge ,", "Whom you have so repeatedly offended ,", "Abounds in mercy , as he doth in justice ;", "And pray'r is at his throne a pow'rful advocate .", "What horrid images crowd on my soul ! Yet worse may follow \u2014 blood perchance and murder \u2014 But will not injur 'd honour ,\u2014 ruin 'd peace , For ever ruin 'd , justify revenge !\u2014I am resolv 'd \u2014 So for this writing now \u2014\u201c Most injured Sir , Inclos 'd you have my will by which , as some small recompense for the many wrongs I have done you , I have bequeathed you all the little fortune I have left . Oh ! lend your prayers , and pity a repentant wretched sinner . William Jefferson . \u201d Some recompense !\u2014 There can be none for me . The moment is at hand , the fearful moment , When I 'm to seek for that , which , when discover 'd , My sure perdition seals \u2014 yet even certainty Were ease to that I feel \u2014 tremendous state ! Like some benighted traveller quite \u2018 wilder 'd , I see no friendly ray to guide my steps \u2014 But \u2018 midst my woes , I 've let this hapless youth , Plung 'd in despair , escape me unattended . I 'll haste to seek him out \u2014 Yet , cannot now : Troubles more intimate claim ev'ry thought . Enter one of his CLERKS . I near despair 'd of seeing you : \u2018 tis almost light . What has delay 'd you so ?", "My wife !", "Was she attended ?", "What , into my house ?", "Man , or woman ?", "Hah !\u2014 And know you who he is ?", "Are you sure ?", "Can I now pass that way ?", "Come , deep and sweet revenge ! \u2018 twere virtue here .", "It must be near the dawn . Go on , I 'll follow .", "Life 's now a curse ; death then my only wish ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1074, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["A messenger ,", "In utmost hurry rous 'd us from our beds ,", "And pray 'd us to haste hither with all speed ,", "To save a family .", "He 's quite insensible . Perhaps this woman can inform us \u2014 speak \u2014", "\u2018 Tis better done by him , than by our friend .", "\u2018 Tis fit a magistrate be sent for instantly ;", "As also meet assistance to these wounded ,", "Who seem to need it much .", "What can these ruffians mean ? whom do you seek ?", "He shall not sink for that : I 'll be his pledge .", "\u2018 Tis fit lord Weston should be straight appriz 'd", "Of the sad fate of his unhappy uncle ;", "These two nights past , since his return to town ,", "He hath repos 'd with me .", "The feelings of his heart o'erpow ' r him so , He cannot give them vent ; it may prove fatal \u2014\u2014\u2014 He 's all convuls 'd : let 's place him on this seat .", "O my good lord !", "There are disasters yet within these walls ,", "More fatal far , which claim our instant aid .", "But heav'n hath will 'd it , and we must submit .", "With smiles delusive , other crimes decoy ,", "To hazard future ills for present joy :", "Gaming alone no transient rapture knows ,", "No gleam of pleasure for eternal woes ;", "Distrust and anxious fears its birth attend ;", "And wild distraction waits its guilty end ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1074, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Who 's there ?", "Come in ! I was asleep .The sound of LARRY 's breathing can be heard .Well , Larry , what is it ? LARRY comes skirting along the wall , as if craving its support , outside the radius of the light .Are you ill ? LARRY stands still again and heaves a deep sigh .", "What is it , man ?Have you committed a murder that you stand there like a fish ?", "By Jove ! Drunk again !What do you mean by coming here in this state ? I told you \u2014\u2014 If you were n't my brother \u2014\u2014! Come here , where I can we you ! What 's the matter with you , Larry ?", "What in God 's name is this nonsense ?Come , Larry ! Pull yourself together and drop exaggeration ! What on earth do you mean ?", "Be quiet ! LARRY lifts his hands and wrings them .", "When \u2014 when \u2014 what \u2014\u2014?", "Good God ! How ? Where ? You 'd better tell me quietly from the beginning . Here , drink this coffee ; it 'll clear your head . He pours out and hands him a cup of coffee . LARRY drinks it off .", "Women ! Always women , with you ! Well ?", "Yes ?", "What did you do then ?", "Well ?", "How far ?", "Was \u2014 did anyone see ?", "What time ?", "And then ?", "Why \u2014 in heaven 's name ?", "Where is this place ?", "And the archway ?", "Good God ! Why , I saw it in the paper this morning . They were talking of it in the Courts !Here it is again . \u201c Body of a man was found this morning under an archway in Glove Lane . From marks about the throat grave suspicion of foul play are entertained . The body had apparently been robbed . \u201d My God !You saw this in the paper and dreamed it . D'you understand , Larry ?\u2014 you dreamed it .", "Did you take anything from the-body ?", "\u201c Patrick Walenn \u201d \u2014 Was that his name ? \u201c Simon 's Hotel , Farrier Street , London . \u201dNo !\u2014 that makes me \u2014\u2014What in God 's name made you come here and tell me ? Do n't you know I 'm \u2014 I 'm within an ace of a Judgeship ?", "Love !", "Steady , Larry ! Let 's think it out . You were n't seen , you say ?", "When did you leave the girl again ?", "Where did you go ?", "To Fitzroy Street ?", "What have you done since ?", "Not been out ?", "Not seen the girl ?", "Will she give you away ?", "Or herself hysteria ?", "Who knows of your relations with her ?", "No one ?", "Did anyone see you go in last night , when you first went to her ?", "Give them to me . LARRY takes two keys from his pocket and hands them to his brother .", "What ! A girl like that ?", "What else have you that connects you with her ?", "In your rooms ?", "Photographs ? Letters ?", "Sure ?", "No one saw you going back to her ?", "You were fortunate . Sit down again , man . I must think . He turns to the fire and leans his elbows on the mantelpiece and his head on his hands . LARRY Sits down again obediently .", "It 's all too unlikely . It 's monstrous !", "This Walenn \u2014 was it his first reappearance after an absence ?", "How did he find out where she was ?", "How drunk were you ?", "How much had you drunk , then ?", "You say you did n't mean to kill him .", "That 's something .", "She was hanging on to him , you say ?\u2014 That 's ugly .", "D'you mean she \u2014 loves you ?", "Can a woman like that love ?", "I 'm trying to get at truth . If you want me to help ,", "I must know everything . What makes you think she 's fond of you ?", "I 'm talking of love .", "What made you choose that archway ?", "Did his face look as if he 'd been strangled ?", "Did it ?", "Very disfigured ?", "Did you look to see if his clothes were marked ?", "Why not ?", "You say he was disfigured . Would he be recognisable ?", "When she lived with him last \u2014 where was that ?", "Not Soho ?", "How long has she been at this Soho place ?", "Living this life ?", "Till , she met you ? And you believe \u2014\u2014?", "Always in the same rooms ?", "What was he ? A professional bully ?", "Spending most of his time abroad , I suppose .", "Can you say if he was known to the police ?", "Now listen , Larry . When you leave here , go straight home , and stay there till I give you leave to go out again . Promise .", "Is your promise worth anything ?", "Exactly . But if I 'm to help you , you must do as I say . I must have time to think this out . Have you got money ?", "Half-quarter day \u2014 yes , your quarter 's always spent by then . If you 're to get away \u2014 never mind , I can manage the money .", "Privilege of A brother . As it happens , I 'm thinking of myself and our family . You can n't indulge yourself in killing without bringing ruin . My God ! I suppose you realise that you 've made me an accessory after the fact \u2014 me , King 's counsel \u2014 sworn to the service of the Law , who , in a year or two , will have the trying of cases like yours ! By heaven , Larry , you 've surpassed yourself !", "Come , Larry ! Hand it over .", "Come , Larry ! Courage ! LARRY looks up at him .", "Do n't go out . Do n't drink . Do n't talk . Pull yourself together !", "No , no . Courage ! LARRY reaches the door , turns as if to say something-finds no words , and goes ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1076, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Oh ! it 's you , Larry ! Why did you knock ? I was so frightened . Come in !Oh ! Who is it ?", "Who are you , please ?", "Yes ?", "Yes ; oh , yes ! Awful \u2014 it is awful !", "Just where you are standing . I see him now , always falling .", "Wanda .", "I would die for him !", "If I can save him ! Wo n't you sit down ?", "Eighteen month .", "No . I came here to live a bad life . Nobody know me . I am quite alone .", "No ; I have not dared to go out .", "He never let people think I was married to him . I do n't know if I was \u2014 really . We went to an office and signed our names ; but he was a wicked man . He treated many , I think , like me .", "Never ! And that man first went for him .", "No . A woman come at nine in the morning for an hour .", "No . He is always gone .", "No ; I am verree quiet . Since I know your brother , I see no one , sare .", "Oh , yes ! I love him . Nobody come here but him for a long time now .", "Five month .", "Crying .He is in danger because of me . I am so afraid for him .", "Look ! I have burned all the things he have given me \u2014 even his picture . Now I have nothing from him .", "Yes .", "Please do not take him from me altogether . I will be so careful . I will not do anything to hurt him . But if I cannot see him sometimes , I shall die . Please do not take him from me .", "But you will be kind ? Suddenly she bends and kisses his hand . KEITH draws his hand away , and she recoils a little humbly , looking up at him again . Suddenly she stands rigid , listening .Listen ! Someone \u2014 out there ! She darts past him and turns out the light . There is a knock on the door . They are now close together between door and window .", "Yes , and you have his keys . Oh ! if it is Larry ! I must open ! KEITH shrinks back against the wall . WANDA goes to the door .Yes ? Please ? Who ? A thin streak of light from a bull'shYpppHeNeye lantern outside plays over the wall . A Policeman 's voice says : \u201c All right , Miss . Your outer door 's open . You ought to keep it shut after dark , you know . \u201d", "Thank you , air .", "A policeman !", "I did not think they did , sir . It is so long I was not out in the town ; not since I had Larry . KEITH gives her an intent look , then crosses to the fire . He stands there a moment , looking down , then turns to the girl , who has crept back to the couch .", "Oh , sir ! May I not love , because I have been bad ? I was only sixteen when that man spoiled me . If you knew \u2014\u2014", "Oh , sir ! Look ! It is true . He is my life . Do n't take him away from me .", "He will , sir .", "No , no , you do not . It is I who know him .", "But he love me . Oh , sir ! he love me !", "Yes , but \u2014\u2014", "It will be in the water , then . There will be no cruel men there .", "I will go if Larry say I must . But not to live . No !I could not , sir .I could not live without Larry . What is left for a girl like me \u2014 when she once love ? It is finish .", "No ; you do not care what I do . Why should you ? I tell you I will go if Larry say I must .", "Yes ! Oh , yes ! But do not keep him long from me \u2014 I beg !", "Larry ! Oh , thank God !", "Larry !", "Oh , Larry !", "Oh , Larry ! But so are you . What did we want \u2014 to kill that man ? Never ! Oh ! kiss me !I have suffered so \u2014 not seein \u2019 you . Do n't leave me again \u2014 do n't ! Stay here . Is n't it good to be together ?\u2014 Oh ! Poor Larry ! How tired you look !\u2014 Stay with me . I am so frightened all alone . So frightened they will take you from me .", "No , no ! Do n't look like that !", "I will make up the fire . Love me , Larry ! I want to forget .", "No , no ! I can n't bear it ! Do n't frighten me more !", "If we could sleep a little \u2014 would n't it be nice ?", "Promise to stay with me \u2014 to stay here for good , Larry . I will cook for you ; I will make you so comfortable . They will find him innocent . And then \u2014 Oh , Larry ! in the sun-right away \u2014 far from this horrible country . How lovely !Larry !", "No , no ! No , no ! You do n't want me to die , Larry , do you ? I shall if you leave me . Let us be happy ! Love me !", "No , no ! See ! I will pray to the Virgin . She will pity us ! She falls on her knees and clasps her hands , praying . Her lips move . LARRY stands motionless , with arms crossed , and on his face are yearning and mockery , love and despair .", "She is smiling ! We shall be happy soon .", "Yes ! oh , yes ! If you die I could not \u2014 I could not go on living !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1076, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Kenneth , when this is paid , I shall have made two pound seventeen in the three months , and saved you about three pounds . One hundred and seventeen shillings at tenpence a thousand is one hundred and forty thousand words at fourteen hundred words an hour . It 's only just over an hour a day . Ca n't you get me more ? MALISE lifts the hand that holds his pen and lets it fall again . CLARE puts the cover on the typewriter , and straps it .", "I 'm quite packed . Shall I pack for you ?Ca n't we have more than three days at the sea ?You did sleep last night .", "Bad head ?By this time the day after to-morrow the case will be heard and done with . You 're not worrying for me ? Except for my poor old Dad , I do n't care a bit . MALISE heaves himself out of the chair , and begins pacing up and down .", "Kenneth , do you understand why he does n't claim damages , after what he said that day-here ?It is true that he does n't ?", "But you told me yourself", "Why ?", "How much am I valued at ?", "Will you have to pay ?", "Ca n't you borrow ?", "Will they make you bankrupt , then ?But that does n't mean that you wo n't have your income , does it ?What is your income , Kenneth ?A hundred and fifty from \u201c The Watchfire , \u201d I know . What else ?", "What else ? Tell me .", "Where are you going ?", "Where was it ?", "Give it to me !", "Give it to me !", "Do n't !", "This last business \u2014 what do you mean by that ?", "Please .", "Yes ?", "It 's inhuman !", "Thank you , Mrs. Miler \u2014 I 'm glad to know .", "Do n't !", "Will you go out and do something for me ?Take this with the note to that address \u2014 it 's quite close . He 'll give you thirty pounds for it . Please pay these bills and bring me back the receipts , and what 's over .", "Yes . It was my mother 's .", "Nothing more , Mrs. Miler , not even a wedding ring .", "Mrs. Fullarton ?Ask them to come in .", "Yes ?", "Yes .Now !", "Please tell me quickly , what you 've come for .", "I see . Will you please thank Mr. Dedmond , and say that I refuse ?", "I have just learnt it .", "You are cowards .", "I do mean it . You ruin him because of me . You get him down , and kick him to intimidate me .", "If I were dying , and it would save me , I would n't take a penny from my husband .", "Yes .", "I 'm sorry I called you a coward . It 's the whole thing , I meant .", "Please do n't , Dolly ! Let me be !", "You say George is generous ! If he wanted to be that he 'd never have claimed these damages . It 's revenge he wants \u2014 I heard him here . You think I 've done him an injury . So I did \u2014 when I married him . I do n't know what I shall come to , Dolly , but I sha n't fall so low as to take money from him . That 's as certain as that I shall die .", "After this !", "\u201c If I could be the falling bee , and kiss thee all the day ! \u201d", "No , Dolly !", "Are n't I ?", "You see , I love him .", "Did I ? How funny !", "One does n't always know the future , does one ?", "I love him ! I love him !", "Go away ! Go away !", "I must \u2014 I will keep him . He 's all I 've got .", "Go !", "Well ? \u201c The Watchfire ? \u201d You may as well tell me .", "Then you are to lose that , too ?I know about it \u2014 never mind how .", "There are other things to be got , are n't there ?", "Kenneth , do you care for me ?Am I anything to you but just prettiness ?", "Yes .", "Give me a kiss ! He turns and kisses her . But his lips , after that kiss , have the furtive bitterness one sees on the lips of those who have done what does not suit their mood . He goes out . She is left motionless by the armchair , her throat working . Then , feverishly , she goes to the little table , seizes a sheet of paper , and writes . Looking up suddenly she sees that MRS. MILER has let herself in with her latchkey .", "Take your wages ; and give him this when he comes in . I 'm going away .", "I sha n't be coming back .I 'm leaving Mr. Malise , and sha n't see him again . And the suit against us will be withdrawn \u2014 the divorce suit \u2014 you understand ?", "It 's not you . I can see for myself . Do n't make it harder ; help me . Get a cab .", "Tell him to come for my trunk . It is packed .", "Yes .", "Do n't ! It 's all right . Good-bye ! She walks out and away , not looking back . MRS. MILER chokes her sobbing into the black stuff of her thick old jacket ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1078, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Kenneth , when this is paid , I shall have made two pound seventeen in the three months , and saved you about three pounds . One hundred and seventeen shillings at tenpence a thousand is one hundred and forty thousand words at fourteen hundred words an hour . It 's only just over an hour a day . Ca n't you get me more ? MALISE lifts the hand that holds his pen and lets it fall again . CLARE puts the cover on the typewriter , and straps it .", "I 'm quite packed . Shall I pack for you ?Ca n't we have more than three days at the sea ?You did sleep last night .", "Bad head ?By this time the day after to-morrow the case will be heard and done with . You 're not worrying for me ? Except for my poor old Dad , I do n't care a bit . MALISE heaves himself out of the chair , and begins pacing up and down .", "Kenneth , do you understand why he does n't claim damages , after what he said that day-here ?It is true that he does n't ?", "But you told me yourself", "Why ?", "How much am I valued at ?", "Will you have to pay ?", "Ca n't you borrow ?", "Will they make you bankrupt , then ?But that does n't mean that you wo n't have your income , does it ?What is your income , Kenneth ?A hundred and fifty from \u201c The Watchfire , \u201d I know . What else ?", "What else ? Tell me .", "Where are you going ?", "Where was it ?", "Give it to me !", "Give it to me !", "Do n't !", "This last business \u2014 what do you mean by that ?", "Please .", "Yes ?", "It 's inhuman !", "Thank you , Mrs. Miler \u2014 I 'm glad to know .", "Do n't !", "Will you go out and do something for me ?Take this with the note to that address \u2014 it 's quite close . He 'll give you thirty pounds for it . Please pay these bills and bring me back the receipts , and what 's over .", "Yes . It was my mother 's .", "Nothing more , Mrs. Miler , not even a wedding ring .", "Mrs. Fullarton ?Ask them to come in .", "Yes ?", "Yes .Now !", "Please tell me quickly , what you 've come for .", "I see . Will you please thank Mr. Dedmond , and say that I refuse ?", "I have just learnt it .", "You are cowards .", "I do mean it . You ruin him because of me . You get him down , and kick him to intimidate me .", "If I were dying , and it would save me , I would n't take a penny from my husband .", "Yes .", "I 'm sorry I called you a coward . It 's the whole thing , I meant .", "Please do n't , Dolly ! Let me be !", "You say George is generous ! If he wanted to be that he 'd never have claimed these damages . It 's revenge he wants \u2014 I heard him here . You think I 've done him an injury . So I did \u2014 when I married him . I do n't know what I shall come to , Dolly , but I sha n't fall so low as to take money from him . That 's as certain as that I shall die .", "After this !", "\u201c If I could be the falling bee , and kiss thee all the day ! \u201d", "No , Dolly !", "Are n't I ?", "You see , I love him .", "Did I ? How funny !", "One does n't always know the future , does one ?", "I love him ! I love him !", "Go away ! Go away !", "I must \u2014 I will keep him . He 's all I 've got .", "Go !", "Well ? \u201c The Watchfire ? \u201d You may as well tell me .", "Then you are to lose that , too ?I know about it \u2014 never mind how .", "There are other things to be got , are n't there ?", "Kenneth , do you care for me ?Am I anything to you but just prettiness ?", "Yes .", "Give me a kiss ! He turns and kisses her . But his lips , after that kiss , have the furtive bitterness one sees on the lips of those who have done what does not suit their mood . He goes out . She is left motionless by the armchair , her throat working . Then , feverishly , she goes to the little table , seizes a sheet of paper , and writes . Looking up suddenly she sees that MRS. MILER has let herself in with her latchkey .", "Take your wages ; and give him this when he comes in . I 'm going away .", "I sha n't be coming back .I 'm leaving Mr. Malise , and sha n't see him again . And the suit against us will be withdrawn \u2014 the divorce suit \u2014 you understand ?", "It 's not you . I can see for myself . Do n't make it harder ; help me . Get a cab .", "Tell him to come for my trunk . It is packed .", "Yes .", "Do n't ! It 's all right . Good-bye ! She walks out and away , not looking back . MRS. MILER chokes her sobbing into the black stuff of her thick old jacket ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1078, "act_index": 0}, {"query": [": \u2018 Well ? \u2019", "ROBERTS , gasping : \u2018 My \u2014 my watch ! \u2019", "\u2018 Yes . How comes there to be two of it ? \u2019", "\u2018 Well ? \u2019", "\u2018 Well , but whose watch did you take from the fellow that did n't rob you , then ? \u2019", "\u2018 Robbed HIM ! \u2019", "\u2018 Ah , ha , ha , ha ! I , hi , hi , hi ! O , ho , ho , ho ! \u2019 He yields to a series of these gusts and paroxysms , bowing up and down , and stamping to and fro , and finally sits down exhausted , and wipes the tears from his cheeks . \u2018 Really , this thing will kill me . What are you going to do about it , Roberts ? \u2019 ROBERTS , with profound dejection and abysmal solemnity : \u2018 I do n't know , Willis . Do n't you see that it must have been \u2014 that I must have robbed \u2014 Mr. Bemis ? \u2019", "\u2018 Bemis ! \u2019 After a moment for tasting the fact . \u2018 Why , so it was ! Oh , Lord ! oh , Lord ! And was poor old Bemis that burly ruffian ? that bloodthirsty gang of giants ? that \u2014 that \u2014 oh , Lord ! oh , Lord ! \u2019 He bows his head upon his chair-back in complete exhaustion , demanding , feebly , as he gets breath for the successive questions , \u2018 What are you going to d-o-o-o ? What shall you s-a-a-a-y ? How can you expla-a-ain it ? \u2019", "\u2018 Oh , I can imagine a great many things . It 's all well enough for you to say that the robbery was a mistake ; but it was a genuine case of garotting as far as the assault and taking the watch go . He 's a very pudgicky old gentleman . \u2019", "\u2018 And I do n't see how you 're going to satisfy him that it was all a joke . Joke ? It WASN'T a joke ! It was a real assault and a bona fide robbery , and Bemis can prove it . \u2019", "\u2018 Oh , I do n't know about that . He 's pretty queer , Bemis is . You can n't say what an old gentleman like that will or wo n't do . If he should choose to carry it into court \u2014 \u2019", "\u2018 It might be embarrassing . And anyway , it would have a very strange look in the papers . \u2019", "\u2018 Ten years from now a man that heard you mentioned would forget all about the acquittal , and say : \u201c Roberts ? Oh yes ! Was n't he the one they sent to the House of Correction for garotting an old friend of his on the Common ! \u201d You see , it would n't do to go and make a clean breast of it to Bemis . \u2019", "\u2018 What will you do ? \u2019", "\u2018 And keep his watch ? I do n't see how you could manage that . What would you do with the watch ? You might sell it , of course \u2014 \u2019", "\u2018 You might give it away to some deserving person ; but if it got him into trouble \u2014 \u2019", "\u2018 And you can n't have it lying around ; Agnes would be sure to find it , sooner or later . \u2019", "\u2018 Besides , there 's your conscience . Your conscience would n't LET you keep Bemis 's watch away from him . And if it would , what do you suppose Agnes 's conscience would do when she came to find it out ? Agnes has n't got much of a head \u2014 the want of it seems to grow upon her ; but she 's got a conscience as big as the side of a house . \u2019", "\u2018 It is n't a simple matter like telling them to start the elevator down when they could n't start her up . I 've got to think it over . \u2019 He walks to and fro , Roberts 's eyes helplessly following his movements . \u2018 How would it do to \u2014 No , that would n't do , either . \u2019", "\u2018 Nothing . I was just thinking \u2014 I say , you might \u2014 Or , no , you could n't . \u2019", "\u2018 Nothing . But if you were to \u2014 No ; up a stump that way too . \u2019", "\u2018 Oh , but you could n't ! With that face of yours , and that confounded conscience of yours behind it , you would give away the whitest lie that was ever told . \u2019", "\u2018 Ah , now you 're talking like a man ! I can soon think up a lie if you 're game for it . Suppose it was n't so very white \u2014 say a delicate blonde ! \u2019", "\u2018 Roberts , I honour you ! It is n't everybody who could steal an old gentleman 's watch , and then be so ready to lie out of it . Well , you HAVE got courage \u2014 both kinds \u2014 moral and physical . \u2019", "\u2018 I 'm afraid we could n't trust him . The only way is for you to take the bull by the horns . \u2019", "\u2018 You will not only have to lie , Roberts , but you will have to wear an air of innocent candour at the same time . \u2019", "\u2018 Oh , just come into the room with a laugh when we go back , and say , in an offhand way , \u201c By the way , Agnes , Willis and I made a remarkable discovery in my dressing-room ; we found my watch there on the bureau . Ha , ha , ha ! \u201d Do you think you could do it ? \u2019", "\u2018 Try the laugh now . \u2019", "\u2018 Well , try it , anyway . \u2019", "\u2018 Once more . \u2019", "\u2018 Pretty ghastly ; but I guess you can come it . \u2019", "\u2018 And then you say , \u201c I had n't put it on when I went out , and when I got after that fellow and took it back , I was simply getting somebody else 's watch ! \u201d Then you hold out both watches to her , and laugh again . Everybody laughs , and crowds round you to examine the watches , and you make fun and crack jokes at your own expense all the time , and pretty soon old Bemis says , \u201c Why , this is MY watch , NOW ! \u201d and you laugh more than ever \u2014 \u2019", "\u2018 Oh no , it would n't . You 'd be in the spirit of it by that time . \u2019", "\u2018 And then you say , \u201c Well , this is the most remarkable coincidence I ever heard of . I did n't get my own watch from the fellow , but I got yours , Mr. Bemis ; \u201d and then you hand it over to him and say , \u201c Sorry I had to break the chain in getting it from him , \u201d and then everybody laughs again , and \u2014 and that ends it . \u2019 ROBERTS , with a profound sigh : \u2018 Do you think that would end it ? \u2019", "\u2018 Why , certainly . It 'll put old Bemis in the wrong , do n't you see ? It 'll show that instead of letting the fellow escape to go and rob HIM , you attacked him and took Bemis 's property back from him yourself . Bemis would n't have a word to say . All you 've got to do is to keep up a light , confident manner . \u2019", "\u2018 Well , then , you must trust to inspiration , and adapt yourself to circumstances . \u2019", "\u2018 On you it would ; and a year from now \u2014 say next Christmas \u2014 you could get the laugh on Bemis that way . But if you were to risk it now , there 's no telling how he 'd take it . He 's so indignant he might insist upon leaving the house . But with this plan of mine \u2014 \u2019 ROBERTS , in despair : \u2018 I could n't , Willis . I do n't feel light , and I do n't feel confident , and I could n't act it . If it were a simple lie \u2014 \u2019", "\u2018 Oh , lies are never simple ; they require the exercise of all your ingenuity . If you want something simple , you must stick to the truth , and throw yourself on Bemis 's mercy . \u2019 ROBERTS , walking up and down in great distress : \u2018 I can n't do it ; I can n't do it . It 's very kind of you to think it all out for me , but \u2019 \u2014 struck by a sudden idea \u2014 \u2018 Willis , why should n't YOU do it ? \u2019 WILLIS : \u2018 I ? \u2019", "\u2018 Yes , he 'll be there . Run along back , and keep it going till we come . Roberts , I would n't take a thousand dollars for this chance . \u2019", "\u2018 Like it ? Of course I do . Or no ! Hold on ! Wait ! It wo n't do ! No ; you must take the leading part , and I 'll support you , and I 'll come in strong if you break down . That 's the way we have got to work it . You must make the start . \u2019", "\u2018 No ; they 'd be sure to suspect me , and they can n't suspect you of anything \u2014 you 're so innocent . The illusion will be complete . \u2019 ROBERTS , very doubtfully : \u2018 Do you think so ? \u2019"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1079, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2014 The wawking of the fauld .", "PATIE sings .", "My Peggy is a young thing ,", "Just enter 'd in her teens ,", "Fair as the day , and sweet as May ,", "Fair as the day , and always gay .", "My Peggy is a young thing ,", "And I 'm not very auld ;", "Yet well I like to meet her , at", "The wawking of the fauld .", "My Peggy speaks sae sweetly ,", "Whene'er we meet alane ,", "I wish nae mair to lay my care ,", "I wish nae mair of a \u2019 that 's rare .", "My Peggy speaks sae sweetly ,", "To a \u2019 the lave I 'm cauld ;", "But she gars a \u2019 my spirits glow", "At wawking of the fauld .", "My Peggy smiles sae kindly ,", "Whene'er I whisper love ,", "That I look down on a \u2019 the town ,", "That I look down upon a crown .", "My Peggy smiles sae kindly ,", "It makes me blyth and bauld ;", "And naething gi'es me sic delight ,", "As wawking of the fauld .", "My Peggy sings sae saftly ,", "When on my pipe I play ;", "By a \u2019 the rest it is confest ,", "By a \u2019 the rest that she sings best .", "My Peggy sings sae saftly ,", "And in her sangs are tauld ,", "With innocence , the wale of sense ,", "At wawking of the fauld .", "PATIE .", "This sunny morning , Roger , chears my blood ,", "And puts all nature in a jovial mood .", "How heartsome \u2018 tis to see the rising plants !", "To hear the birds chirm o'er their pleasing rants !", "How halesome \u2018 tis to snuff the cauler air ,", "And all the sweets it bears , when void of care !", "What ails thee , Roger , then ? what gars thee grane ?", "Tell me the cause of thy ill-season 'd pain ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1092, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Go farer up the burn to Habby 's How ,", "Where a \u2019 the sweets of spring and summer grow ;", "Between twa birks , out o'er a little lin", "The water fa 's , and makes a sing and din ;", "A pool breast-deep beneath , as clear as glass ,", "Kisses with easy whirles the bordring grass :", "We 'll end our washing while the morning 's cool ,", "And when the day grows het , we 'll to the pool ,", "There wash our sells \u2014 \u2018 tis healthfu \u2019 now in May ,", "And sweetly cauler on sae warm a day .", "We 're far frae ony road , and out of sight ;", "The lads they 're feeding far beyont the height :", "But tell me now , dear Jenny ,", "What gars ye plague your wooer with disdain ?", "The nibours a \u2019 tent this as well as I ,", "That Roger loes you , yet ye carna by .", "What ails ye at him ? Trowth , between us twa ,", "He 's wordy you the best day e'er ye saw .", "Ye dash the lad with constant slighting pride ,", "Hatred for love is unco sair to bide :", "But ye 'll repent ye , if his love grows cauld .", "What like 's a dorty maiden when she 's auld ?", "Like dawted we'an , that tarrows at its meat ,", "That for some feckless whim will orp and greet .", "The lave laugh at it , till the dinner 's past , }", "And syne the fool thing is oblig 'd to fast , }", "Or scart anither 's leavings at the last . }", "Fy , Jenny , think , and dinna sit your time .", "Nor I \u2014 but love in whispers lets us ken ,", "That men were made for us , and we for men .", "Be doing your ways ; for me , I have a mind", "To be as yielding as my Patie 's kind .", "I 'll rin the risk ; nor have I ony fear ,", "But rather think ilk langsome day a year ,", "Till I with pleasure mount my bridal-bed ,", "Where on my Patie 's breast I 'll lean my head .", "There we may kiss as lang as kissing 's good ,", "And what we do , there 's nane dare call it rude .", "He 's get his will : Why no ? \u2018 Tis good my part", "To give him that ; and he 'll give me his heart .", "Sic coarse-spun thoughts as thae want pith to move", "My settl 'd mind , I 'm o'er far gane in love .", "Patie to me is dearer than my breath ;", "But want of him I dread nae other skaith .", "There 's nane of a \u2019 the herds that tread the green", "Has sic a smile , or sic twa glancing een .", "And then he speaks with sic a taking art ,", "His words they thirle like musick thro \u2019 my heart .", "How blythly can he sport , and gently rave ,", "And jest at feckless fears that fright the lave ?", "Ilk day that he 's alane upon the hill ,", "He reads fell books that teach him meikle skill .", "He is \u2014 but what need I say that or this ?", "I 'd spend a month to tell you what he is !", "In a \u2019 he says or does , there 's sic a gait ,", "The rest seem coofs compar 'd with my dear Pate .", "His better sense will lang his love secure :", "Ill-nature heffs in sauls are weak and poor .", "Yes , \u2018 tis a heartsome thing to be a wife ,", "When round the ingle-edge young sprouts are rife .", "Gif I 'm sae happy , I shall have delight ,", "To hear their little plaints , and keep them right .", "Wow ! Jenny , can there greater pleasure be ,", "Than see sic wee tots toolying at your knee ;", "When a \u2019 they ettle at \u2014 their greatest wish ,", "Is to be made of , and obtain a kiss ?", "Can there be toil in tenting day and night ,", "The like of them , when love makes care delight ?", "May sic ill luck befa \u2019 that silly she ,", "Wha has sic fears ; for that was never me .", "Let fowk bode well , and strive to do their best ;", "Nae mair 's requir 'd , let Heaven make out the rest .", "I 've heard my honest uncle aften say ,", "That lads shou 'd a \u2019 for wives that 's vertuous pray :", "For the maist thrifty man you 'd never get", "A well stor 'd room , unless his wife wad let :", "Wherefore nocht shall be wanting on my part ,", "To gather wealth to raise my Shepherd 's heart .", "What e'er he wins , I 'll guide with canny care , }", "And win the vogue , at market , tron , or fair , }", "For halesome , clean , cheap and sufficient ware . }", "A flock of lambs , cheese , butter , and some woo ,", "Shall first be sald , to pay the laird his due ;", "Syne a \u2019 behind 's our ain .\u2014 Thus , without fear ,", "With love and rowth we thro \u2019 the warld will steer :", "And when my Pate in bairns and gear grows rife ,", "He 'll bless the day he gat me for his wife .", "Nae mair of that :\u2014 Dear Jenny , to be free ,", "There 's some men constanter in love than we :", "Nor is the ferly great , when nature kind", "Has blest them with solidity of mind .", "They 'll reason calmly , and with kindness smile ,", "When our short passions wad our peace beguile .", "Sae , whensoe'er they slight their maiks at hame ,", "\u2018 Tis ten to ane the wives are maist to blame .", "Then I 'll employ with pleasure a \u2019 my art", "To keep him chearfu \u2019 , and secure his heart .", "At even , when he comes weary frae the hill ,", "I 'll have a \u2019 things made ready to his will .", "In winter , when he toils thro \u2019 wind and rain ,", "A bleezing ingle , and a clean hearth-stane .", "And soon as he flings by his plaid and staff ,", "The seething pot 's be ready to take aff .", "Clean hagabag I 'll spread upon his board ,", "And serve him with the best we can afford .", "Good humour and white bigonets shall be", "Guards to my face , to keep his love for me .", "But we 'll grow auld togither , and ne'er find", "The loss of youth , when love grows on the mind .", "Bairns , and their bairns , make sure a firmer ty ,", "Than ought in love the like of us can spy .", "See yon twa elms that grow up side by side ,", "Suppose them , some years syne , bridegroom and bride ;", "Nearer and nearer ilka year they 've prest , }", "\u2018 Till wide their spreading branches are increast , }", "And in their mixture now are fully blest . }", "This shields the other frae the eastlin blast ,", "That in return defends it frae the west .", "Sic as stand single ,\u2014 a state sae lik 'd by you !", "Beneath ilk storm , frae every airth , maun bow .", "Alake ! poor prisoner ! Jenny , that 's no fair ,", "That ye 'll no let the wee thing tak the air :", "Haste , let him out , we 'll tent as well 's we can ,", "Gif he be Bauldy 's or poor Roger 's man ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1092, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["With a \u2019 my heart ;\u2014 and tent me now , auld boy ,", "I 've gather 'd news will kittle your mind with joy .", "I cou'dna rest till I came o'er the burn ,", "To tell ye things have taken sic a turn ,", "Will gar our vile oppressors stend like flaes ,", "And skulk in hidlings on the hether braes .", "Seeing 's believing , Glaud , and I have seen", "Hab , that abroad has with our Master been ;", "Our brave good Master , wha right wisely fled ,", "And left a fair estate , to save his head :", "Because ye ken fou well he bravely chose", "To stand his liege 's friend with great Montrose .", "Now Cromwell 's gane to Nick ; and ane ca 'd Monk", "Has play 'd the Rumple a right slee begunk ,", "Restor 'd King Charles , and ilka thing 's in tune :", "And Habby says , we 'll see Sir William soon .", "They that hag-raid us till our guts did grane , }", "Like greedy bairs , dare nae mair do't again ; }", "And good Sir William sall enjoy his ain . }", "Nor wad he lang , with senseless saucy air ,", "Allow our lyart noddles to be bare .", "\u201c Put on your bonnet , Symon ;\u2014 tak a seat .\u2014", "How 's all at hame ?\u2014 How 's Elspa ? How does Kate ?", "How sells black cattle ?\u2014 What gi'es woo this year ? \u201d", "And sic like kindly questions wad he speer .", "I wad na bauk my friend his blyth design ,", "Gif that it hadna first of a \u2019 been mine :", "For heer-yestreen I brew 'd a bow of maut ,", "Yestreen I slew twa wathers prime and fat ;", "A firlot of good cakes my Elspa beuk ,", "And a large ham hings reesting in the nook :", "I saw my sell , or I came o'er the loan ,", "Our meikle pot that scads the whey put on ,", "A mutton-bouk to boil :\u2014 And ane we 'll roast ;", "And on the haggies Elspa spares nae cost ;", "Sma \u2019 are they shorn , and she can mix fu \u2019 nice", "The gusty ingans with a curn of spice :", "Fat are the puddings ,\u2014 heads and feet well sung .", "And we 've invited nibours auld and young ,", "To pass this afternoon with glee and game ,", "And drink our Master 's health and welcome-hame .", "Ye mauna then refuse to join the rest ,", "Since ye 're my nearest friend that I like best .", "Bring wi'ye a \u2019 your family , and then ,", "When e'er you please , I 'll rant wi \u2019 you again .", "Do , honest Madge :\u2014 And , Glaud , I 'll o'er the gate ,", "And see that a \u2019 be done as I wad hae't ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1092, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["How does auld honest lucky of the glen ? Ye look baith hale and fere at threescore ten .", "Enough of baith :\u2014 But something that requires", "Your helping hand , employs now all my cares .", "Ay , but ye 're wise , and wiser far than we ,", "Or maist part of the parish tells a lie .", "Well , since ye bid me , I shall tell ye a \u2019 ,", "That ilk ane talks about you , but a flaw .", "When last the wind made Glaud a roofless barn ;", "When last the burn bore down my Mither 's yarn ;", "When Brawny elf-shot never mair came hame ;", "When Tibby kirn 'd , and there nae butter came ;", "When Bessy Freetock 's chuffy-cheeked we'an", "To a fairy turn 'd , and cou 'd na stand its lane ;", "When Watie wander 'd ae night thro \u2019 the shaw ,", "And tint himsell amaist amang the snaw ;", "When Mungo 's mear stood still , and swat with fright ,", "When he brought east the howdy under night ;", "When Bawsy shot to dead upon the green ,", "And Sara tint a snood was nae mair seen :", "You , Lucky , gat the wyte of a \u2019 fell out ,", "And ilka ane here dreads you round about .", "And sae they may that mint to do ye skaith :", "For me to wrang ye , I 'll be very laith ;", "But when I neist make grots , I 'll strive to please", "You with a firlot of them mixt with pease .", "Then , I like Peggy ,\u2014 Neps is fond of me ;\u2014 }", "Peggy likes Pate ,\u2014 and Patie 's bauld and slee , }", "And loes sweet Meg .\u2014 But Neps I downa see .\u2014 }", "Cou 'd ye turn Patie 's love to Neps , and than", "Peggy 's to me ,\u2014 I 'd be the happiest man .", "Well , Mause , I 'll come , gif I the road can find :", "But if ye raise the deil , he 'll raise the wind ;", "Syne rain and thunder may be , when \u2018 tis late ,", "Will make the night sae rough , I 'll tine the gate .", "We 're a \u2019 to rant in Symie 's at a feast ,", "O ! will ye come like badrans , for a jest ?", "And there ye can our different \u2018 haviours spy :", "There 's nane shall ken o't there but you and I .", "If I ought of your secrets e'er advance ,", "May ye ride on me ilka night to France .", "MAUSE her lane .", "Hard luck , alake ! when poverty and eild ,", "Weeds out of fashion , and a lanely beild ,", "With a sma \u2019 cast of wiles , should in a twitch ,", "Gi'e ane the hatefu \u2019 name a wrinkled Witch .", "This fool imagines , as do mony sic ,", "That I 'm a wretch in compact with Auld Nick ;", "Because by education I was taught", "To speak and act aboon their common thought .", "Their gross mistake shall quickly now appear ;", "Soon shall they ken what brought , what keeps me here ;", "Nane kens but me ,\u2014 and if the morn were come ,", "I 'll tell them tales will gar them a \u2019 sing dumb ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1092, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I 'm laith to part sae soon ; now we 're alane ,", "And Roger he 's awa with Jenny gane :", "They 're as content , for ought I hear or see ,", "To be alane themsells , I judge , as we .", "Here , where primroses thickest paint the green ,", "Hard by this little burnie let us lean .", "Hark how the lavrocks chant aboon our heads !", "How saft the westlin winds sough thro \u2019 the reeds .", "Ye wrang me sair , to doubt my being kind ;", "In speaking sae , ye ca \u2019 me dull and blind ,", "Gif I cou 'd fancy ought 's sae sweet or fair", "As my dear Meg , or worthy of my care .", "Thy breath is sweeter than the sweetest brier ;", "Thy cheek and breast the finest flowers appear .", "Thy words excel the maist delightfu \u2019 notes ,", "That warble through the merl or mavis \u2019 throats .", "With thee I tent nae flowers that busk the field ,", "Or ripest berries that our mountains yield .", "The sweetest fruits that hing upon the tree ,", "Are far inferior to a kiss of thee .", "Sooner a mother shall her fondness drap ,", "And wrang the bairn sits smiling on her lap ;", "The sun shall change , the moon to change shall cease ,", "The gaits to clim ,\u2014 the sheep to yield the fleece ,", "Ere ought by me be either said or done ,", "Shall skaith our love ; I swear by all aboon .", "I 'm sure I canna change , ye needna fear ;", "Tho \u2019 we 're but young , I 've loo 'd you mony a year .", "I mind it well , when thou cou 'd'st hardly gang ,", "Or lisp out words , I choos 'd ye frae the thrang", "Of a \u2019 the bairns , and led thee by the hand ,", "Aft to the Tansy-know or Rashy-strand .", "Thou smiling by my side ,\u2014 I took delite ,", "To pu \u2019 the rashes green , with roots sae white ,", "Of which , as well as my young fancy cou 'd ,", "For thee I plet the flowry belt and snood .", "When corns grew yellow , and the hether-bells", "Bloom 'd bonny on the moor and rising fells ,", "Nae birns , or briers , or whins e'er troubled me ,", "Gif I cou 'd find blae berries ripe for thee .", "Jenny sings saft the Broom of Cowden-knows ,", "And Rosie lilts the Milking of the Ews ;", "There 's nane like Nansie , Jenny Nettles sings ;", "At turns in Maggy Lauder Marion dings :", "But when my Peggy sings , with sweeter skill ,", "The Boat-man , or the Lass of Patie 's Mill ;", "It is a thousand times mair sweet to me :", "Tho \u2019 they sing well , they canna sing like thee .", "Wert thou a giglit gawky like the lave ,", "That little better than our nowt behave ;", "At nought they 'll ferly ;\u2014 senseless tales believe ;", "Be blyth for silly heghts , for trifles grieve :\u2014", "Sic ne'er you 'd win my heart , that kenna how ,", "Either to keep a prize , or yet prove true .", "But thou , in better sense , without a flaw ,", "As in thy beauty , far excels them a \u2019 ,", "Continue kind ; and a \u2019 my care shall be ,", "How to contrive what pleasing is for thee .", "And let them ferly .\u2014 Now , a kindly kiss ,", "Or five score good anes wad not be amiss ;", "And syne we 'll sing the sang with tunefu \u2019 glee ,", "That I made up last owk on you and me .", "\u2014\u2014 Well , I agree ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1092, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Poor man !\u2014 he 's a great comfort to us baith :", "God mak him good , and hide him ay frae skaith .", "He is a bairn , I 'll say't , well worth our care ,", "That ga'e us ne'er vexation late or air .", "Ye offer fair , kind Glaud ; but dinna speer", "What may be is not fit ye yet should hear .", "Betooch-us-to ! and well I wat that 's true :", "Awa , awa ! the deil 's o'er grit wi \u2019 you .", "Four inch aneath his oxter is the mark ,", "Scarce ever seen since he first wore a sark .", "A laird ! Hear ye , Goodman !\u2014 what think ye now ?", "Preserve 's !\u2014 the man 's a warlock , or possest", "With some nae good ,\u2014 or second sight , at least :", "Where is he now ?\u2014\u2014", "These second sighted fowk , his peace be here !", "See things far aff , and things to come , as clear", "As I can see my thumb .\u2014 Wow , can he tell", "How soon we 'll see Sir William ? Whisht , he heaves ,", "And speaks out broken words like ane that raves ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1092, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["And what would Roger say , if he could speak ? Am I oblig 'd to guess what ye 're to seek ?", "And wha kens , honest lad , but that I may ;", "Ye canna say that e'er I said ye nay .", "I loo my father , cousin Meg I love ;", "But to this day , nae man my mind could move :", "Except my kin , ilk lad 's alike to me ;", "And frae ye all I best had keep me free .", "Ye have my pity else , to see ye set", "On that whilk makes our sweetness soon forget .", "Wow ! but we 're bonny , good , and every thing ;", "How sweet we breathe , whene'er we kiss , or sing !", "But we 're nae sooner fools to give consent ,", "Than we our daffine and tint power repent :", "When prison 'd in four waws , a wife right tame ,", "Altho \u2019 the first , the greatest drudge at hame .", "What suggar 'd words frae wooers lips can fa \u2019 !", "But girning marriage comes and ends them a \u2019 .", "I 've seen with shining fair the morning rise ,", "And soon the sleety clouds mirk a \u2019 the skies .", "I 've seen the silver spring a while rin clear ,", "And soon in mossy puddles disappear .", "The bridegroom may rejoice , the bride may smile ;", "But soon contentions a \u2019 their joys beguile .", "Were I but sure you lang wou 'd love maintain ,", "The fewest words my easy heart could gain :", "For I maun own , since now at last you 're free ,", "Altho \u2019 I jok 'd , I lov 'd your company ;", "And ever had a warmness in my breast ,", "That made ye dearer to me than the rest .", "With equal joy my easy heart gi'es way ,", "To own thy well try 'd love has won the day .", "Now by these warmest kisses thou has tane ,", "Swear thus to love me , when by vows made ane .", "Well , I agree :\u2014 Neist , to my parent gae ,", "Get his consent ,\u2014 he 'll hardly say ye nay .", "Ye have what will commend ye to him well ,", "Auld fowks , like them , that wants na milk and meal .", "I 'll do my best .\u2014 But see wha comes this way ,", "Patie and Meg ;\u2014 besides , I mauna stay :", "Let 's steal frae ither now , and meet the morn ;", "If we be seen , we 'll drie a deal of scorn ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1092, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["To ane that lost it , lending generous aid ,", "To bear the Head up , when rebellious Tail", "Against the laws of nature did prevail .", "Sir William Worthy is our master 's name ,", "Whilk fills us all with joy , now He 's come hame .", "My master ! my dear master !\u2014 do I breathe ,", "To see him healthy , strong , and free frae skaith ;", "Return 'd to chear his wishing tenants sight ,", "To bless his son , my charge , the world 's delight !", "The due obedience to your strict command", "Was the first lock ;\u2014 neist , my ain judgment fand", "Out reasons plenty : since , without estate ,", "A youth , tho \u2019 sprung frae kings , looks baugh and blate .", "Now well I wat , Sir , ye have spoken true ;", "For there 's laird Kytie 's son , that 's loo 'd by few :", "His father steght his fortune in his wame ,", "And left his heir nought but a gentle name .", "He gangs about sornan frae place to place ,", "As scrimp of manners , as of sense and grace ;", "Oppressing all as punishment of their sin ,", "That are within his tenth degree of kin :", "Rins in ilk trader 's debt , wha 's sae unjust", "To his ain fam'ly , as to give him trust .", "To speak his praise , the langest simmer day", "Wad be o'er short ,\u2014 cou 'd I them right display .", "In word and deed he can sae well behave ,", "That out of sight he runs before the lave ;", "And when there 's e'er a quarrel or contest ,", "Patrick 's made judge to tell whase cause is best ;", "And his decreet stands good ;\u2014 he 'll gar it stand :", "Wha dares to grumble , finds his correcting hand ;", "With a firm look , and a commanding way ,", "He gars the proudest of our herds obey .", "Baith wonder well ; for , troth , I didna spare", "To gi'e him at the school enough of lair ;", "And he delites in books :\u2014 He reads , and speaks", "With fowks that ken them , Latin words and Greeks .", "Whene'er he drives our sheep to Edinburgh port ,", "He buys some books of history , sangs or sport :", "Nor does he want of them a rowth at will ,", "And carries ay a poutchfu \u2019 to the hill .", "About ane Shakspear , and a famous Ben ,", "He aften speaks , and ca 's them best of men .", "How sweetly Hawthrenden and Stirling sing , }", "And ane ca 'd Cowley , loyal to his king , }", "He kens fu \u2019 well , and gars their verses ring . }", "I sometimes thought he made o'er great a frase ,", "About fine poems , histories and plays .", "When I reprov 'd him anes ,\u2014 a book he brings ,", "With this , quoth he , on braes I crack with kings .", "What ken we better , that sae sindle look ,", "Except on rainy Sundays , on a book ;", "When we a leaf or twa haff read haff spell ,", "\u2018 Till a \u2019 the rest sleep round as well 's our sell ?", "I fear 'd the warst , but kend the smallest part ,", "\u2018 Till late I saw him twa three times mair sweet ,", "With Glaud 's fair Neice , than I thought right or meet :", "I had my fears ; but now have nought to fear ,", "Since like your sell your son will soon appear .", "A gentleman , enrich 'd with all these charms ,", "May bless the fairest best born lady 's arms .", "With how much joy I on this errand flee !", "There 's nane can know , that is not downright me .", "Sir WILLIAM solus .", "When the event of hopes successfully appears ,", "One happy hour cancells the toil of years .", "A thousand toils are lost in Lethe 's stream ,", "And cares evanish like a morning dream :", "When wish 'd for pleasures rise like morning light ,", "The pain that 's past enhances the delight .", "These joys I feel that words can ill express ,", "I ne'er had known without my late distress .", "But from his rustick business and love , }", "I must in haste my Patrick soon remove , }", "To courts and camps that may his soul improve . }", "Like the rough diamond , as it leaves the mine ,", "Only in little breakings shews its light ,", "Till artfu \u2019 polishing has made it shine :", "Thus education makes the genius bright .", "Or sung as follows ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1092, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2014\u2014 As true as ye stand there .", "As they were dancing all in Symon 's yard ,", "Sir William , like a warlock , with a beard", "Live nives in length , and white as driven snaw ,", "Amang us came , cry 'd , Had ye merry a \u2019 .", "We ferly 'd meikle at his unco look ,", "While frae his pouch he whirled forth a book .", "As we stood round about him on the green ,", "He view 'd us a \u2019 , but fix 'd on Pate his een ;", "Then pawkily pretended he cou 'd spae ,", "Yet for his pains and skill wad nathing ha'e .", "As fast as flaes skip to the tate of woo ,", "Whilk slee Tod Lawrie hads without his mow ,", "When he to drown them , and his hips to cool ,", "In simmer days slides backward in a pool :", "In short he did , for Pate , braw things fortell ,", "Without the help of conjuring or spell .", "At last , when well diverted , he withdrew ,", "Pow 'd aff his beard to Symon , Symon knew", "His welcome master ;\u2014 round his knees he gat ,", "Hang at his coat , and syne for blythness grat .", "Patrick was sent for ;\u2014 happy lad is he !", "Symon tald Elspa , Elspa tald it me .", "Ye 'll hear out a \u2019 the secret story soon ;", "And troth \u2018 tis e'en right odd when a \u2019 is done ,", "To think how Symon ne'er afore wad tell ,", "Na , no sae meikle as to Pate himsell .", "Our Meg , poor thing , alake ! has lost her jo .", "Sic nonsense ! love tak root , but tocher-good ,", "\u2018 Tween a herd 's bairn , and ane of gentle blood !", "Sic fashions in King Bruce 's days might be ;", "But siccan ferlies now we never see .", "He get her ! slaverin doof ; it sets him weil", "To yoke a plough where Patrick thought to till .", "Gif I were Meg , I 'd let young Master see \u2014", "And wha 's the unlucky ane , if we may ask ?", "As Neps can witness , and the bushy thorn ,", "Where mony a time to her your heart was sworn :", "Fy ! Bauldy , blush , and vows of love regard ;", "What other lass will trow a mansworn herd ?", "The curse of Heaven hings ay aboon their heads ,", "That 's ever guilty of sic sinfu \u2019 deeds .", "I 'll ne'er advise my niece sae gray a gate ;", "Nor will she be advis 'd , fu \u2019 well I wate .", "Ye 'll gar me stand ! ye sheveling-gabit brock ;", "Speak that again , and , trembling , dread my rock ,", "And ten sharp nails , that when my hands are in ,", "Can flyp the skin o'ye ' r cheeks out o'er your chin .", "Ye 're witness too , he ca 'd me bonny names ,", "And should be serv 'd as his good breeding claims .", "Ye filthy dog !\u2014\u2014", "\u2014\u2014 \u2018 Tis dafter like to thole", "An ether-cap , like him , to blaw the coal :", "It sets him well , with vile unscrapit tongue ,", "To cast up whether I be auld or young ;", "They 're aulder yet than I have married been ,", "And or they died their bairns \u2019 bairns have seen .", "Auld Roudes ! filthy fallow ; I shall auld ye .", "I crave your pardon ! Gallows-face , gae greet ,", "And own your faut to her that ye wad cheat :", "Gae , or be blasted in your health and gear ,", "\u2018 Till ye learn to perform , as well as swear .", "Vow , and lowp back !\u2014 was e'er the like heard tell ?", "Swith , tak him deil ; he 's o'er lang out of hell .", "I think I 've towzl 'd his harigalds a wee ; He 'll no soon grein to tell his love to me . He 's but a rascal that wad mint to serve A lassie sae , he does but ill deserve .", "A Witch !\u2014 How had ye patience this to bear ,", "And leave him een to see , or lugs to hear ?", "And special sport we 'll have , as I protest ;", "Ye 'll be the Witch , and I shall play the Ghaist ;", "A linen sheet wond round me like ane dead ,", "I 'll cawk my face , and grane , and shake my head .", "We 'll fleg him sae , he 'll mint nae main to gang", "A conjuring , to do a lassie wrang ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1092, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I 'm glad to hear't \u2014 But O my change this day", "Heaves up my joy , and yet I 'm sometimes wae .", "I 've found a father , gently kind as brave ,", "And an estate that lifts me \u2018 boon the lave .", "With looks all kindness , words that love confest ; }", "He all the father to my soul exprest , }", "While close he held me to his manly breast . }", "Such were the eyes , he said , thus smil 'd the mouth", "Of thy lov 'd mother , blessing of my youth ;", "Who set too soon !\u2014 And while he praise bestow 'd ,", "Adown his graceful cheek a torrent flow 'd .", "My new-born joys , and this his tender tale ,", "Did , mingled thus , o'er a \u2019 my thoughts prevail :", "That speechless lang , my late kend Sire I view 'd ,", "While gushing tears my panting breast bedew 'd .", "Unusual transports made my head turn round , }", "Whilst I myself with rising raptures found }", "The happy son of ane sae much renown 'd . }", "But he has heard !\u2014 too faithful Symon 's fear", "Has brought my love for Peggy to his ear :", "Which he forbids .\u2014 Ah ! this confounds my peace ,", "While thus to beat , my heart shall sooner cease .", "Duty , and haflen reason plead his cause :", "But what cares love for reason , rules and laws ?", "Still in my heart my shepherdess excells ,", "And part of my new happiness repells .", "Or sung as follows .", "She 's mine by vows , and stronger ties of love ;", "And frae these bands nae change my mind shall move .", "I 'll wed nane else ; thro \u2019 life I will be true :", "But still obedience is a parent 's due .", "To Edinburgh straight to-morrow we advance , }", "To London neist , and afterwards to France , }", "Where I must stay some years , and learn \u2014 to dance , }", "And twa three other monky-tricks .\u2014 That done ,", "I come hame struting in my red-heel 'd shoon .", "Then \u2018 tis design 'd , when I can well behave ,", "That I maun be some petted thing 's dull slave ,", "For some few bags of cash , that I wat weel", "I nae mair need nor carts do a third wheel .", "But Peggy , dearer to me than my breath ,", "Sooner than hear sic news , shall hear my death .", "What was my morning thought , at night 's the same . }", "The poor and rich but differ in the name . }", "Content 's the greatest bliss we can procure", "Frae \u2018 boon the lift .\u2014 Without it kings are poor .", "Sae Roger thinks , and thinks not far amiss ;", "But mony a cloud hings hovering o'er the bliss .", "The passions rule the roast ,\u2014 and , if they 're sowr ,", "Like the lean ky , will soon the fat devour .", "The spleen , tint honour , and affronted pride ,", "Stang like the sharpest goads in gentry 's side .", "The gouts and gravels , and the ill disease ,", "Are frequentest with fowk o'erlaid with ease ;", "While o'er the moor the shepherd , with less care ,", "Enjoys his sober wish , and halesome air .", "Frae books , the wale of books , I gat some skill ;", "These best can teach what 's real good and ill .", "Ne'er grudge ilk year to ware some stanes of cheese ,", "To gain these silent friends that ever please .", "Then here it lyes ;\u2014 His will maun be obey 'd ; }", "My vows I 'll keep , and she shall be my bride : }", "But I some time this last design maun hide . }", "Keep you the secret close , and leave me here ;", "I sent for Peggy , yonder comes my dear .", "With what a struggle must I now impart My father 's will to her that hads my heart ! I ken she loves , and her saft saul will sink , While it stands trembling on the hated brink Of disappointment .\u2014 Heaven ! support my fair , And let her comfort claim your tender care . Her eyes are red !\u2014\u2014 Enter PEGGY . \u2014\u2014 My Peggy , why in tears ? Smile as ye wont , allow nae room for fears : Tho \u2019 I 'm nae mair a shepherd , yet I 'm thine .", "Ne'er quarrel fate , whilst it with me remains ,", "To raise thee up , or still attend these plains .", "My father has forbid our loves , I own :", "But love 's superior to a parent 's frown .", "I falshood hate : Come , kiss thy cares away ;", "I ken to love , as well as to obey .", "Sir William 's generous ; leave the task to me ,", "To make strict duty and true love agree .", "Sure Heaven approves \u2014 and be assur 'd of me ,", "I 'll ne'er gang back of what I 've sworn to thee :", "And time , tho \u2019 time maun interpose a while ,", "And I maun leave my Peggy and this isle ;", "Yet time , nor distance , nor the fairest face ,", "If there 's a fairer , e'er shall fill thy place .", "I 'd hate my rising fortune , should it move", "The fair foundation of our faithful love .", "If at my foot were crowns and scepters laid ,", "To bribe my soul frae thee , delightful maid ;", "For thee I 'd soon leave these inferior things", "To sic as have the patience to be kings .", "Wherefore that tear ? Believe , and calm thy mind .", "\u2014\u2014 That 's wisely said ,", "And what he wares that way shall be well paid .", "Tho \u2019 without a \u2019 the little helps of art ,", "Thy native sweets might gain a prince 's heart :", "Yet now , lest in our station , we offend ,", "We must learn modes , to innocence unkend ;", "Affect aftimes to like the thing we hate ,", "And drap serenity , to keep up state :", "Laugh , when we 're sad ; speak , when we 've nought to say ;", "And , for the fashion , when we 're blyth , seem wae :", "Pay compliments to them we aft have scorn 'd ;", "Then scandalize them , when their backs are turn 'd .", "No , no , my Peggy , I but only jest", "With gentry 's apes ; for still amangst the best ,", "Good manners give integrity a bleez ,", "When native vertues join the arts to please .", "There is nae doubt , but travelling does improve ,", "Yet I would shun it for thy sake , my love .", "But soon as I 've shook aff my landwart cast ,", "In foreign cities , hame to thee I 'll haste .", "My dear , allow me , frae thy temples fair ,", "A shining ringlet of thy flowing hair ;", "Which , as a sample of each lovely charm ,", "I 'll aften kiss , and wear about my arm .", "I doubt it not ; but since we 've little time ,", "To ware't on words , wad border on a crime :", "Love 's safter meaning better is exprest ,", "When \u2018 tis with kisses on the heart imprest .", "End of the FOURTH ACT ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1092, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["O len me soon some water , milk or ale ,", "My head 's grown giddy ,\u2014 legs with shaking fail ;", "I 'll ne'er dare venture forth at night my lane :", "Alake ! I 'll never be mysell again .", "I 'll ne'er o'erput it ! Symon ! O Symon ! O !", "O ay ,\u2014 dear Sir , in troth \u2018 tis very true ;", "And I am come to make my plaint to you .", "\u2014\u2014 Ah ! Sir , the witch ca 'd Mause ,", "That wins aboon the mill amang the haws ,", "First promis 'd that she 'd help me with her art ,", "To gain a bonny thrawart lassie 's heart .", "As she had tristed , I met wi'er this night ;", "But may nae friend of mine get sic a fright !", "For the curs 'd hag , instead of doing me good ,", "Rais 'd up a ghaist or deil , I kenna whilk ,", "Like a dead corse in sheet as white as milk ;", "Black hands it had , and face as wan as death ,", "Upon me fast the Witch and it fell baith ,", "And gat me down ; while I , like a great fool ,", "Was laboured as I wont to be at school .", "My heart out of its hool was like to lowp ;", "I pithless grew with fear , and had nae hope ,", "Till , with an elritch laugh , they vanish 'd quite :", "Sync I , haff dead with anger , fear and spite ,", "Crap up , and fled straight frae them , Sir , to you ,", "Hoping your help , to gi'e the deil his due .", "I 'm sure my heart will ne'er gi'e o'er to dunt ,", "Till in a fat tar-barrel Mause be burnt .", "Thanks to your Honour ; soon shall I obey :", "But first I 'll Roger raise , and twa three mae ,", "To catch her fast , or she get leave to squeel ,", "And cast her cantraips that bring up the deil ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1092, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ay , ay , nae doubt o't , and he 'll do't again ;", "But , be advis 'd , his company refrain :", "Before , he as a shepherd , sought a wife ,", "With her to live a chast and frugal life ;", "But now grown gentle , soon he will forsake", "Sic godly thoughts , and brag of being a rake .", "Daft lassie , ye ken nought of the affair ,", "Ane young and good and gentle 's unco rare .", "A rake 's a graceless spark , that thinks nae shame ,", "To do what like of us thinks sin to name :", "Sic are sae void of shame , they 'll never stap", "To brag how aften they have had the clap .", "They 'll tempt young things , like you , with youdith flush 'd ,", "Syne make ye a \u2019 their jest , when ye 're debauched .", "Be warry then , I say , and never gi'e", "Encouragement , or bourd with sic as he .", "That 's true , and mony gentry mae than he ,", "As they are wiser , better are than we ;", "But thinner sawn : They 're sae puft up with pride ,", "There 's mony of them mocks ilk haly guide ,", "That shaws the gate to Heaven .\u2014 I 've heard mysell ,", "Some of them laugh at doomsday , sin and hell .", "Doubt ! why , they neither doubt , nor judge , nor think ,", "Nor hope , nor fear ; but curse , debauch and drink ;", "But I 'm no saying this , as if I thought", "That Patrick to sic gates will e'er be brought .", "Lend me my staff ;\u2014 Madge , lock the outer-door ,", "And bring the lasses wi \u2019 ye ; I 'll step before ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1092, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Thus far , Sir , he oblig 'd me on the score ;", "I kend not that they thought me sic before .", "You may reveal what I can fully clear . }", "That be my task .\u2014 Now , Sir , bid all be hush :", "Peggy may smile ;\u2014 thou hast nae cause to blush .", "Long have I wish 'd to see this happy day ,", "That I might safely to the truth give way ;", "That I may now Sir William Worthy name ,", "The best and nearest friend that she can claim :", "He saw't at first , and with quick eye did trace", "His sister 's beauty in her daughter 's face .", "Sir , view me well : Has fifteen years so plow 'd", "A wrinkled face that you have often view 'd ,", "That here I as an unknown stranger stand , }", "Who nurs 'd her mother that now holds my hand ? }", "Yet stronger proofs I 'll give , if you demand . }", "Then , it was I that sav 'd her infant-life ,", "Her death being threatned by an uncle 's wife .", "The story 's lang ; but I the secret knew ,", "How they pursu 'd , with avaritious view ,", "Her rich estate , of which they 're now possest :", "All this to me a confident confest .", "I heard with horror , and with trembling dread ,", "They 'd smoor the sakeless orphan in her bed !", "That very night , when all were sunk in rest ,", "At midnight hour , the floor I saftly prest ,", "And staw the sleeping innocent away ;", "With whom I travel 'd some few miles ere day :", "All day I hid me ,\u2014 when the day was done ,", "I kept my journey , lighted by the moon ,", "Till eastward fifty miles I reach 'd these plains ,", "Where needful plenty glads your chearful swains ;", "Afraid of being found out , I to secure", "My Charge , e'en laid her at this shepherd 's door ,", "And took a neighbouring cottage here , that I ,", "Whate'er should happen to her , might be by .", "Here honest Glaud himsell , and Symon may", "Remember well , how I that very day", "Frae Roger 's father took my little crove .", "The flowing pleasures of this happy day", "Does fully all I can require repay ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1092, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Why so polite , so considerate ? I am no princess , you know . LEONARDI thought you were not alone ! In passing by I thought I saw your neighbor Babbie standing by the window .", "And so that is why \u2014", "Things used to be different !", "What of it ?", "Oh , Leonard , it was not right of you !", "I did n't praise him , did I ? You do n't need to run him down !", "We used to play together as children , and afterward \u2014 you know very well !", "Then I think it was only natural , seeing him again for the first time in a long while that way , for me to look at him and be astonished to see how big and \u2014", "I thought he was looking at the little mole on my left cheek to see if it , too , had grown bigger ! You know I always imagine people are looking at that when they stare at me so , and it always makes me blush . I have a feeling as if it were growing larger , as long as they look at it !", "Oh , you said a bad , bad word , when I pushed you back and jumped up from the bench . The moon , which up to that time had shone in through the foliage with such kindly consideration for me , at that moment sank shrewdly behind the wet clouds . I wanted to hurry away , but felt something holding me . At first I thought it was you , but it was the rose-bush , whose thorns held my dress like teeth . You outraged my heart , so that I no longer trusted it myself . You stood before me like one demanding the payment of a debt ! I \u2014 Oh , God !", "When I got home , I found my mother ill , mortally ill. She had been stricken suddenly , as if by an invisible hand . My father had wanted to send for me , but she would not consent to his doing so , not wishing to interrupt my happiness . And how I felt when I heard that ! I held myself aloof , I did not dare to touch her , I trembled ! She took it for childish anxiety and motioned me over to her ; when I slowly drew near her , she held me down and kissed my desecrated mouth . I lost control of myself ; I wanted to confess to her , to cry out what I thought and felt : It is my fault that you are lying there ! I tried to do so , but tears and sobs choked my voice . She reached for my father 's hand , and said with a blissful glance at me : What a heart !", "What ?", "Oh !", "Want you to ? It will mean my death , if I do not become your wife pretty soon ! But you do not know my father ! He does not understand why we are in such a hurry \u2014 he cannot understand why , and we cannot tell him why ! And he has declared a hundred times that he will never give his daughter to any man unless he has not only , as he says , love in his heart for her , but also bread in his cupboard for her . He will say : Wait another year or two , my son .\u2014 And what will be your answer ? LEONARD . You foolish girl , that difficulty is disposed of ! I have the position now \u2014 I am cashier !", "You cashier ? And the other applicant , the pastor 's nephew ?", "That comes \u2014", "How do I know ? I think it was because we got angry at each other the", "Sunday before !", "I do n't understand you !", "About me ?", "Leonard !", "Not a word .", "You bad man ! Get out of my sight !", "Oh , my God , I am chained to this man !", "I know nothing about it .", "Here comes my father .", "I must go into the kitchen !LEONARDWell , I guess there is nothing to be got here ! I can n't understand it at all ; for Master Antony is one of those fellows whose ghost , if you should accidentally put one too many letters on his gravestone , would haunt you until you took it off . For he would regard it as dishonest to appropriate more of the alphabet than he was properly entitled to ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1114, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Good morning , Mr. Cashier !Is it permissible for an old man to keep his head covered ?", "Since yesterday evening . When I was going over in the dusk to take the deceased miller 's measure for his final sleeping room , I heard a couple of your good friends slandering you . I thought right away : I guess Leonard has not broken his neck .\u2014 At the house I heard more about it from the sexton , who had come to console the widow , and , incidentally , to get drunk .", "If you did n't care enough about it to give the girl that pleasure yourself , why should I do it ? I do n't light any candles in my house except those that belong to me . Then I know that nobody is going to come and blow them out , just as we are beginning to enjoy them .", "Think ? About you ? About anybody ? I smooth over boards with my plane , but I never smooth over men with my thoughts . I stopped that sort of foolishness long ago . When I see a tree growing , I think to myself : It will soon be blossoming ; and when it sprouts : It will soon bear fruit . In that I never see myself disappointed , and for that reason I do n't give up the old habit . But about men I never think anything , good or bad , and then I do n't have to turn alternately red and white when they disappoint my fears one minute and my hopes the next . I merely observe them and use the evidence of my eyes , which likewise do not think , but only see . I thought I had made a complete observation of you , but now that I find you here I must confess that it was only half an observation .", "Do you think so ? Yes , we old people owe hearty thanks to death for allowing us to run around so long among you young folks , thereby giving us an opportunity to educate ourselves . Formerly the stupid world used to think that the father was there to educate his son . But now the son is supposed to give his father the final touch of perfection , so that the poor , simple man will not need to feel ashamed of himself before the worms in his grave . God be praised ! I have a fine teacher in my son Carl who , without sparing his old child by indulgence , takes the field against my prejudices . He taught me two new lessons this very morning , and in the most clever way , without opening his mouth and without even letting me see him \u2014 yes , by that very means . In the first place , he showed me that it is not necessary for a man to keep his word ; in the second , that it is superfluous to go to church and freshen up one 's memory of God 's laws . Yesterday evening he promised me that he would go , and I counted on his doing it , for I thought to myself : He will want to thank the gracious Creator for the recovery of his mother . But he was n't there , and I was very comfortable all alone in my pew , which , to be sure , is a little too short for two persons anyway . I wonder if he would like it if I myself were to act in accordance with the new doctrine , by not keeping my word with him ? I have promised him a new suit for his birthday , and I might take the opportunity to test his joy over my docility . But prejudice ! Prejudice ! I shall not do it !", "Possibly ! I need only to ask my wife , then I am sure to hear that he is sick . For she tells me the truth about everything else in the world , but never about the boy . And even if he was not sick !\u2014 There too the younger generation has the advantage over us old folks , in that they can find their spiritual edification anywhere , and can do their worshipping when they are out trapping birds , or taking a walk , or sitting in the ale-house . \u201c Our Father who art in Heaven \u201d \u2014 \u201c Good day , Peter , shall I see you at the dance this evening ? \u201d \u2014 \u201c Hallowed be Thy name \u201d \u2014 \u201c Yes , laugh if you will , Catherine , but it is true \u201d \u2014 \u201c Thy will be done \u201d \u2014 \u201c The devil take me , I am not shaved yet ! \u201d \u2014 and so forth . And each one pronounces the blessing on himself , for he is a man just as much as the preacher , and the power that emanates from a black garb certainly exists in a blue one as well . Nor have I anything to say against it ; even if you want to intersperse the seven petitions with seven glasses , what of it ? I can n't prove to anybody that beer and religion do n't mix well , and perhaps it will some day get into the liturgy as a new way of taking the Eucharist . Frankly , I myself , old sinner that I am , am not strong enough to keep pace with fashion ; I cannot catch up worship in the street , as if it were a cockchafer ; for me the chirping of swallows and sparrows cannot take the place of the organ . If I want to feel my heart exalted , I must hear the heavy , iron doors of the church close behind me and think to myself that they are the doors of the world . The dismal high walls with their narrow windows , that admit but a dim remnant of the bold garish daylight as if they were sifting it , must surround me on all sides . And in the distance I must be able to see the charnel-house , with its death-head cut in the wall . Oh well , better is better .", "Of course ! Of course ! And today , as an honest man , I must confess that what I have been saying did not hold good ; for I lost my reverent mood in church , being annoyed by the vacant seat beside me , and found it again under the pear-tree in my garden . You are astonished ? But look ! I went sadly and dejectedly home , like one whose harvest has been ruined by hail ; for children are like fields \u2014 we sow good corn in them and weeds sprout up . Under the pear-tree , which the caterpillars have half eaten up , I stood still . \u201c Yes , \u201d I thought , \u201c the boy is like this tree , empty and barren . \u201d Then I suddenly imagined that I was very thirsty , and absolutely had to go over to the tavern . I deceived myself \u2014 it was n't to get a glass of beer that I wanted to go ; it was to seek out the young man and take him to task in the tavern , where I knew he was sure to be . I was just about to start , when the sensible old tree let fall a juicy pear right at my feet , as if to say : Take that for your thirst , and for slandering me by comparing me with that good-for-nothing son of yours . I deliberated a moment , took a bite of it , and went into the house .", "What do I care ?", "Surely ! I am a Christian \u2014 the man has several children !", "Happy is he who is neither the one nor the other !", "That was settled up long ago .", "Yes , I need not tremble any more with the fear of losing it \u2014 it was lost long ago !", "In all seriousness ! CLARADid you call , father ?", "Are your ears beginning to ring already ? We had not talked about you yet !", "What do you mean by that ?", "I wear a mill-stone as a cravat sometimes , instead of going to the river with it . That gives one a strong back .", "He who has such a gallant fellow to help him bear it , as I seem to have found in you , ought to be able to dance under the burden . You have grown quite pale . I call that sympathy !", "Certainly not !", "That wood is not transparent , is it ?", "How foolish it was of our grandfather Adam to take Eve , when she was naked and destitute , and did not even bring a fig-leaf with her . We two , you and I , would have scourged her out of Paradise as a tramp ! What do you think ?", "You had better be careful !\u2014 Perhaps I 'll not say no !", "Things went hard with me in my early years . I was no more of a bristly hedgehog than you when I came into the world , but I have gradually grown to be one . At first all the quills in my case pointed inward , and people found pleasure in pricking and pinching my soft smooth skin , and were amused to see me flinch when the points penetrated into my very heart and bowels . But the thing did not appeal to me ; I turned my skin inside out and then the quills pricked their fingers and I had peace . LEONARDSafe from the very devil , methinks !", "My father , by not allowing himself any rest day or night , worked himself to death in his thirtieth year , and my mother nourished me as well as she could with her spinning . I grew up without learning anything . When I became larger and was still unable to earn any money , I would gladly have disaccustomed myself to eating ; but when now and then at noon I would pretend to be sick and push back my plate , what did it mean ? It meant that in the evening my stomach would compel me to announce myself well again ! My greatest grief was that I was so unskilled . I used to blame myself for it , as if it were my own fault , as if in my mother 's womb I had been supplied with nothing but teeth to eat with , as if I had purposely left behind me there all the useful capabilities and assets . I used to blush with shame when the sun shone on me . Just after my confirmation the man whom they buried yesterday , Master Gebhard , came into our house . He scowled and made a wry face , as he always used to frown when he had anything good in mind to do . Then he said to my mother : \u201c Did you bring your youngster into the world in order to let him eat the very nose and ears off your head ? \u201d I felt ashamed and put the loaf of bread , from which I was just on the point of cutting off a piece , back into the cupboard again . My mother took offense at his well-meant words ; she stopped her wheel and replied vehemently that her son was a fine good fellow . \u201c Well , we will see about that , \u201d said the Master . \u201c If he wants to , he can come right now , just as he stands there , into my workshop with me . I do not ask any money for teaching him ; he will get his board , and his clothes I will also supply ; and if he wants to get up early and go to bed late , opportunities will not be wanting for him to earn a little money on the side for his old mother . \u201d My mother began to cry and I to dance . When we finally came to an agreement , the Master closed up his ears , walked out , and motioned me to follow . I did not need to put a hat on , for I had none . Without saying good-by to my mother , I went after him . And on the following Sunday , when I was allowed to go back to her little room for the first time , he gave me half a ham to take with me . God 's blessing on the good man 's grave ! I still hear his half-angry : \u201c Tony , under your coat with it , so my wife wo n't see it ! \u201d", "On account of the scar . And supposing you arrived in time to help save him , but to do it you had not only to wrench the knife out of his hand and bandage the wound , but you had also to give over a paltry thousand thalers that you had saved up ; and , furthermore , you had to do it all absolutely on the sly , so as to induce the sick man to accept it , what would you do ?", "And if you had ten wives , like the Turks , and as many children as were promised to Father Abraham , and if you took only one second to think about it , you would be \u2014 Well , you are to be my son-in-law ! Now you know where the money is . Today I could tell you , for my old Master is buried ; a month ago I would have kept the secret even on my death-bed . I slipped the note under the dead man 's head before they nailed up the coffin . If I had known how to write , I would have written underneath : \u201c Honestly paid ! \u201d But , ignorant as I am , there was nothing for me to do but tear the paper in two . Now he will sleep in peace \u2014 and I hope that I shall too , when they stretch me out beside him ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1114, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["At last !\u2014 You should not kiss so much ! Whenever four red lips meet a bridge for the devil is built !\u2014 What have you there ?", "Where ? What ?\u2014 In your hand !", "Nothing ? Is it a secret ?", "Give me that ! When the father is not here the brother is guardian !", "Give it to me ! CLARACARLNow we can start in again \u2014 planing , sawing , hammering , and , in between , eating , drinking , and sleeping , so that we can go on planing , sawing , and hammering , and on Sundays do a bit of praying into the bargain ! I thank Thee , O Lord , that I may plane , saw , and hammer !Long live every good dog that is tied to a chain , and yet does not snap at everything around him !And once more : Here 's to his health !", "And the priest says God lurks in wine !Let us see who is right ! The bailiff was here at the house \u2014 how did he behave himself ?", "Good ! If you hear tomorrow that the fellow has been found dead , then do not curse the murderer !", "Am I his only enemy ? Has he not been often attacked already ? Among so many it might be difficult to find the right man to attribute the deed to , unless he left his cane or hat on the spot !Whoever it is : Good success to him !", "Do n't you like it ? Never mind ! You will not see me very much longer ! CLARA", "A ship lies in the offing , A-sporting with the winds . Yes indeed , there is nothing to bind me to the bench here any longer ! Mother is dead , there is no longer any one to stop eating fish after every storm , and that has been my wish from boyhood . Away ! I shall not prosper here \u2014 at least not until I know for sure that luck no longer favors the brave fellow who stakes his life on the game , who throws back onto the table the copper coin that he has received from the great treasure , in order to see whether luck will pocket it or return it to him gilded !", "Alone ? Are n't you going to be left ?", "You ! His pet child ! What sort of weeds are growing in your head that you ask me that ? By going , I leave his joy with him and free him of his everlasting annoyance ! Why should n't I do it ? Once and for all we cannot get along together . He can n't get things contracted enough to suit him . He would like to close his fist and creep inside it . I would like to strip off my skin like a baby 's coat \u2014 if it were only practicable !The anchor they are heaving , I trow they 'll soon be leaving , Now look ! Away she spins . Tell me yourself : Did he doubt my guilt for a single instant ? And did he not find the usual consolation in his over-wise : \u201c Just as I expected ! \u201d \u201c I have always thought so ! \u201d \u201c It could not end in any other way ! \u201d If it had been you , he would have killed himself ! I should like to see him if you were to suffer a woman 's fate ! It would be to him as if he himself had become pregnant \u2014 and by the devil besides !", "What do you mean by that ?", "She acts very strangely !A bold and saucy sea-gull Sweeps round , as if possessed \u2014 CLARA .The last thing is done ! Father 's supper is on the fire ! As I closed the kitchen door behind me , I thought to myself : You are never to enter there again ! I shuddered in my very soul ! Thus I shall go out of the room too , thus out of the house , thus out of the world ! CARL .Aloft the sun is burning , The fishes , glancing , turning , Circle about their guest .", "What 's the matter with you", "Are you going to bed so soon ? Good night ! CLARA .", "All right ! If you want to . It is not far , you know .", "Be careful of yourself ! The board has probably not been nailed down yet !", "The one is good , the other is not necessary . As soon as I sell my Sunday clothes I shall myself be able to satisfy the people who have a claim of a few thalers against me . And that I shall do tomorrow , for as a sailor\u2014 There , it is out !\u2014 I shall no longer need them !", "This is not the first time you have heard it , but today you may answer me as you will ! My mind is made up !", "And just because I am of age I am not defiant about it ! For in my opinion birds and fishes should not quarrel over the question whether it is better in the water or in the air . Just one thing \u2014 either you will never see me again , or else you will clap me on the shoulder and say : Well done !", "I thank you .", "Up the street , down the street , across the marketplace like a carnival ox ! But do not doubt it \u2014 I shall settle up with him too before I go ! ANTONY . I do not blame you for that , but I forbid you to do it ! CARL .", "I thought that you loved my mother too !", "She went to \u2014 Where is she ? Her talk \u2014 I am afraid \u2014", "Everything is already there ! The neighbors arrived before me ! If only it is not Clara !\u2014", "She went to draw water , and they found her handkerchief !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1114, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["From whence so early ? Dewy is thy hair", "And blood-stained are thy garments .", "The ancient gods !", "The cross rules now , and Thor and Odin dwell", "As devils in deep hell .", "Mine ?", "I 've always thought", "That at thy death the hour would come to me ,", "So did not importune thee .", "\u2018 Twas in the night ?", "When on thee falls the moonlight \u2014 On thy face , thou speakest oft aloud , Betraying much .", "The spirit of the mountain !", "The child ?", "\u2018 Twas like mine !", "Had the Queen", "A new-born baby in her arms ?", "Thou didst not tell me that .", "FRIGGA . I never thought to tell thee . Sorrow broke", "The mother 's heart that she could never show", "Her baby to her lord . For many years", "This priceless joy in vain he had desired ,", "And , just a month before the child was born ,", "A sudden death o'ertook him .", "Tell me more !", "The old man came no more ?", "What , never more !", "And now the third ?", "And did the baby live", "Frigga ! Frigga !", "What dost thou murmur ?", "A sudden sleep o'erwhelmed us , that was all .", "Not before .", "\u2018 Tis nigh ?", "I do not fear .", "Hast thou ne'er", "Heard them before .", "Come hither all ! For I will let her see", "Brunhilda still can conquer ! While the sea", "Of fire still flamed I hastened forth to meet ye ,", "And friendly , as a trusty dog will spring", "To give his master room , my faithful fire", "Drew back before me , sank on either hand ;", "The road stands open now , but not my heart .", "Now fling the portals wide and let them in !", "Whoever here may come , his head is mine !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1114, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Who cometh seeking death ?", "Ah ! Is it thou ?", "Tis true ! Who cannot conquer , he must die ,", "And all his servants with him . Smilest thou ?", "Be not so proud ! For if thou cam'st to me", "As thou could'st hold a beaker full of wine", "On high above thy head and still could'st gaze", "On me as on a picture , yet I swear", "That thou shalt fall as any other falls .", "But thee I counsel , if thine ears can hear ,", "List to my maidens ! Bid them tell the tale", "Of heroes that my hand hath laid full low !", "The chance may hap among them there is one", "Hath tried his strength with thee . There may be one", "Hath laid thee conquered at his very feet !", "What knowest thou of this my wilderness ? Naught have I lacked from that fair world of thine . And if I longed for aught , that would I take . Remember that ! Brunhilda needs no gifts !", "Perchance that is not true . And knowest thou", "The sacrifice thou askest ? Thou know'st not ,", "And no man knoweth . Harken now to me ,", "And ask yourselves how I 'll defend my rights .", "With us the time is motionless ; we know", "Nor spring nor summer nor the autumntide .", "The visage of the year is e'er the same ,", "And we within the land are changeless too .", "But although nothing grows and blooms with us ,", "As in the sunlight of your distant home ,", "Still in our darkness ripen precious fruits", "That in your land ye neither sow nor reap .", "In the fierce joy of battle I delight", "To conquer every haughty foe that comes", "To steal my freedom . And I have my youth ,", "My glorious youth , and all the joy of life ,", "Which still suffice me , and , ere these I lose ,", "The benediction of the fates will fall", "Invisibly upon me . I shall be", "Their consecrated priestess evermore .", "The solid earth shall open \u2018 neath my feet", "Revealing all that 's hidden in its depths ;", "And I shall hear the singing of the stars ,", "And their celestial music understand .", "And still another joy shall be my share ,", "A third one , all impossible to grasp .", "An evening comes . All 's changed , and lingering", "We sit here late together . Suddenly ,", "As they were dead , the maidens fall ; their words", "Are frozen on their lips . I needs must go", "Upon the tower , for above me rings", "The sep'rate music of each farthest star .", "At first \u2018 tis only music to mine ear ,", "But with the dawn I murmur as in sleep :", "The King will die ere nightfall and his son", "Will never see the daylight , for he dies", "Within his mother 's womb ! The others say", "That so I told my tale , but I know naught", "Of how I learned it . Soon I understand ,", "And swift the rumor flies from pole to pole", "And distant people flock as now to me ,", "But not with swords to battle with me here \u2014", "Nay , humbly come they , laying by their crowns ,", "To hear my dreams and strive to understand", "The meaning of my murmurings . For my eyes", "Can see the future , in my hands I hold", "The key to all the treasures of this world .", "Far above all I rule , untouched by fate ,", "And yet the fates I know . But I forget .", "That even more is promised me . There roll", "Whole centuries away \u2014 millenniums \u2014", "I feel them not ! Yet finally I ask :", "Where then is death ? My tresses answer me \u2014", "I see them in the mirror \u2014 they are black ,", "The snow has never touched them , and I say :", "This is the third gift . Death comes not to me ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1114, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I pray you !", "I never longed to have my father by ,", "That he might teach me how to bear my arms ,", "But ah ! today I need my mother so ,", "That I might ask her how to use my tongue .", "Fair ladies , do not fear ,", "Because I 've come alone .", "So it is ,", "My Queen !", "Prithee , say not so !", "\u2018 Twere not", "So easy as you think ! To break a colt", "Is difficult , and many limp away", "Ashamed , and cannot mount him !", "Thou may'st jeer ,", "For I forget my message utterly ,", "And ere I 've given word that you should don", "Your festal garments , do the trumpets blow ,", "And Gunther and his train bring in the bride !", "Indeed he may ! KRIEMHILDSIEGFRIEDThis is my gift .", "Jewels I value as another , dust .", "And houses can I build of gold and silver ,", "Yet lack I such a kerchief !", "And thy free gift ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1114, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["And here 's the castle !", "My mother 's coming now to welcome thee ,", "Kriemhilda too .", "VOLKER", "Are they no gain to thee ?", "I 'll follow thee !", "May I , my Kriemhild , choose a spouse for thee ?", "I beg thee then amongst my kinsfolk here :", "Redeem an oath for them and me , and give", "Thy hand to noble Siegfried .", "Siegfried is", "The first of all our warriors .", "In treasure , he is richer far than I .", "A thousand of my enemies he 's slain .", "He is a king as I am .", "I will solve", "This riddle for thee when thou art mine own ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1114, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["But Hagen ! Why didst thou make signs to me", "To leave the banquet ? I shall nevermore", "Sit at this table as I sit today .", "Pray grant me this one day , I only ask", "A just reward .", "Let be till morning , for a minute 's worth", "A year today . I still can count the words", "That I have spoken to my loving bride ;", "Then let me have one evening with my wife .", "And can I dry her tears ?", "What follows them", "What , I ?", "If I would !", "For truly you demand a deed from me", "That I might well refuse another time", "Than on my wedding day to do for you \u2014", "How could I pray ? What should I tell Kriemhild ?", "She has so much already to forgive ,", "The very ground is hot beneath my feet .", "Should I repeat the misdeed once again", "She never could forgive me in her life .", "I know not , something warns me .", "I refuse .", "I like it not !", "Who would have dreamed of this ! And yet it lay", "So very near ! O nature three times blest !", "In all my life no deed I 've shunned like this ;", "Yet what thou say'st is true . So let it be ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1114, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Nay , what dost thou mean ?", "Yet love , methinks , might dream", "E'en such strange fancies ! One fair morn in May", "When all things glistened as they glisten now ,", "Two crystal dewdrops , clearer than the rest ,", "Were hanging on the harebells bluest spray ;", "And thou hast stolen them , and evermore", "All heaven 's in thine eyes .", "Oh , let me kiss the scar !", "I thank", "Thy mouth \u2014", "With words then", "For thy words ! No , for sweeter yet than words ,", "Thy murmuring of tender secret things", "My ear finds precious , as my lips thy kiss .", "I thank thee for thy secret gazing forth", "To see us throwing weights to win the prize .", "Oh , had I dreamed of it ! And for thy scorn", "And mockery \u2014", "Then may he start the noblest stag today !", "And why ?", "The girdle 's gay , and yet I 'd rather wind", "About thy waist the rainbow 's lovely hue ;", "Methinks that ye would suit each other well .", "What sayest thou ?", "Is that my gift ?", "But thou art dreaming !", "It is thy mother 's ! She must have let it fall .", "I thank thee , but the girdle I know not !", "KRIEMHILD", "Then for my golden girdle make thou room", "Which thou concealest ! I was all attired ,", "And only put it on to honor thee ,", "My mother also , for this golden one", "She gave to me .", "But that is very strange !\u2014", "\u2018 Twas lying on the floor ?", "And crumpled ?", "No ! For God 's sake , no !", "I must have lost it \u2014 Give it me !", "Nay , this is", "A dark and fearful secret ; thou should'st seek", "To learn no whit about it .", "That I alone protect !", "Still I swear ,", "I ne'er have known a woman !", "KRIEMHILD", "That was used", "To bind me .", "And yet \u2018 tis true .", "We must go ! They come !", "Pray hide it quickly !", "I pray thee hide it . Then thou shalt know all . KRIEMHILDSo Brunhilda knows the girdle ?", "Listen then !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1114, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Was that not Kriemhild ?", "How long does she", "Tarry beside the Rhine ?", "I 'll grant him leave ,", "And willingly dispense with his farewell .", "I cannot bear", "To see thy noble sister sink so low .", "Nay , thou art a man !", "This name which was of old to me the call", "To arms , now fills my heart with joy and pride !", "Yes , Gunther , I am wonderfully changed .", "Thou see'st it too ? There 's something I might ask ,", "But yet I do not !", "\u2018 Tis sweet to hear that word , and now it seems", "As strange to me that once I used to ride", "To battle on my horse and hurl my spear ,", "As it would seem to see thee turn the spit !", "I cannot bear the sight of weapons now ,", "And my own shield I find too heavy far ;", "I tried to lay it by , but had to call", "My maid . I 'd rather watch the spiders spin", "And see the little birds that build their nests ,", "Than go with thee !", "And I know why . Forgive me ! What I thought", "Was weakness was but magnanimity ,", "For thou would'st not disgrace me on the ship", "When I defied thee ! Naught of that there dwelt", "Within my heart , and therefore has the strength", "That some caprice of nature gave to me", "Departed from me , and returned to thee !", "Oh , name him not to me !", "And if I have none ? When a king descends", "To fill the humble office of a guide", "And carry messages , it is indeed", "As strange as if a man should take the place", "Of his own horse , the saddle on his back ,", "Or bay and hunt in service of his hound .", "But if it pleases him , what 's that to me !", "Still stranger \u2018 t is to see", "His noble stature tow'ring high above", "All other men , so that it even seems", "That he has gathered all the royal crowns", "Of all the world to forge them into one ,", "And thus to show the world for the first time", "A perfect picture of true majesty .", "For it is true , while still upon the earth", "More crowns than one are gleaming , none is round ,", "And for the sun 's full circle even thou", "Wearest a crescent pale upon thy head .", "I greeted him ere thee . Then slay him \u2014 challenge him \u2014 win my revenge !", "Do battle then", "With him and lay him low upon the ground ,", "And let me see thy rightful majesty", "When he is as a footstool for thy feet !", "That he the dragon slew", "And conquered Alberich , does not compare", "With thy great prowess . For in thee and me", "Have man and woman for eternity", "Fought the last battle for supremacy .", "Thou art the victor , and I ask no more", "Than still to see those honors deck thy brow", "Of which I was so jealous . For thou art", "The strongest man of all ; so cast him down", "From golden clouds to earth for my delight ,", "And leave him naked , destitute , and bare \u2014", "Then let him live a hundred years or more ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1114, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Wouldst thou not watch the combat from afar", "Rather than join the fray ?", "I 'd not bear", "The heat of battle .", "What dost thou mean ?", "BRUNHILDA . Surely no woman can rejoice to see", "Her husband conquered .", "Never !", "BRUNHILDA . Nor deceive", "Herself if in the fray he 's not unhorsed ,", "Because his conqueror spares him .", "KRIEMHILD . Surely not .", "BRUNHILDA . What then !", "KRIEMHILD . But I am quite secure from that ?", "Thou smilest ?", "BRUNHILDA . Over-confident art thou .", "KRIEMHILD . It is my right !", "BRUNHILDA . It may not come to proof ,", "And even a dream is sweet \u2014 so slumber on ,", "And I will never wake thee .", "KRIEMHILD . What say'st thou ?", "My noble husband is too gentle far", "To grieve the rulers of his royal realm ,", "Else had he made a sceptre long ago", "Of his good sword and held it forth so far", "That its great shadow covered all the earth .", "For all the lands are subject unto him ,", "And should but one deny it , I would ask", "That land from him to make a flower bed .", "He is my brother , and the standard 's his", "Whereby one weighs all others . None weighs him .", "Brunhilda !", "If \u2018 tis thy wish , we can begin at once ;", "And since thou best enjoyest making wounds", "We 'll take the bodkin for embroidery .", "I have a pattern !\u2014", "\u2018 Tis thus perverted nature takes revenge .", "Thou didst resist love 's rule as no one else ,", "And now this blindness is thy penalty .", "I can believe it .", "Indeed I 'd never have denied it thee ,", "But , since my husband 's honor is at stake ,", "I will not yield one step .", "How dare'st thou scorn him so !", "And how is that ?", "Say no more !", "There was ! And if thou shouldst suspect the cause ,", "How thou wouldst shudder .", "Yes , indeed !", "But do not fear ! I love thee even now", "Too fondly . Never can I hate thee so", "That I will tell the cause . Had aught like that", "Befallen me , today I 'd dig my grave", "With my own hands . Brunhilda , never fear !", "I will not make thee the most wretched soul", "That draws the breath of life upon the earth !", "Then keep thy pride , for pity makes me dumb .", "My husband 's concubine despises me !", "\u2018 Twas stolen ! \u2018 Twas no thief that gave it me !", "The man who overpowered thee ! But not my brother !", "Thy fierce strength", "Had surely strangled Gunther , then perchance", "Thou would'st have loved the dead as punishment .", "My husband gave it me !", "\u2018 Tis true !", "Now scorn him if thou canst ! Wilt now consent", "That I may pass before thee through the door ?", "Now follow . She shall see me prove my rights !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1114, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ho , ye knights ! And hear ye not", "The hounds give tongue , and hark ! Our youngest hunter", "Impatient tries his horn ! To horse ! Away !", "And have you not been told", "That bears have ventured in the very stalls ,", "And that the eagles wait before the doors", "And watch when they are opened for a child", "That may stray out ?", "While we were courting no one thought to hunt .", "Then come , and we 'll drive back the enemy ,", "And hack and hew him .", "HAGEN . Friend , more need have we", "To grind our swords and nail our spear-heads firm .", "And why ?", "I am about to say farewell , ye know ! Yet speak , what 's toward ?", "Are the princes dead ,", "Who swore allegiance to us ?", "L\u00fcdegast", "And L\u00fcdeger , who were my prisoners ,", "Set free without a ransom ?", "Their messengers \u2014", "You surely must have hewn them limb from limb ?", "Has every vulture had his share of them ?", "Such vipers \u2019 messengers", "One tramples like a viper . Fiends of hell !", "Now feel I my first anger ! I believed", "That often I knew hatred , but I erred ;", "\u2018 Twas but less love I felt . For I can hate", "Nothing but broken vows and treachery ,", "Hypocrisy and all the coward 's sins", "That seek their victim as the spider crawls", "Upon its hollow legs . How can it be", "That such brave men", ",", "Could so besmirch themselves ? Oh , my dear friends ,", "Stand not so coldly by and gaze on me", "As though you thought me mad , as though I knew", "No longer great from small ! We 've never known", "What outrage is till now . Our reckoning", "May we strike calmly out to the last score .", "Only these two are guilty .", "Oh , shame that you did not chastise the man", "For impudence ! A raven would have come", "And plucked his eyes out , and in very scorn", "Have cast them forth again before his lord .", "That was the only answer that was due .", "This is no lawful feud , this is no war", "That right and custom sanction \u2014 \u2018 tis the chase", "Of evil beasts ! Nay , Hagen , do not smile !", "The headsman 's ax should be our weapon now ,", "So that we should not soil our noble blades ,", "And , since the ax is iron like the sword ,", "It were a shame to use it till we find", "No rope would be enough to hang the dogs .", "Thou mockest at me as it seems .", "\u2018 Tis strange , for trifles used to anger thee !", "I know thou art an older man than I ,", "But \u2018 tis not youth that 's speaking through me now ,", "Nor is it indignation that \u2018 twas I", "Who begged thy mercy for them . Nay , I stand", "For the whole world . As calls a bell to prayer ,", "So calls my tongue to vengeance every one", "Who stands as man amidst his fellow-men .", "With my own Nib'lungs will I go alone ,", "For it is by my fault this trouble comes", "To ye again ! Howe'er I longed to show", "My bride unto my mother and to win", "For the first time her undivided praise ,", "It may not be while yet these hypocrites", "Have ovens for their bread and flowing springs", "To slake their thirst ! I will at once put off", "My homeward journey , and I promise you", "That I will take them living , and henceforth", "Before my castle shall they lie in chains", "And bay like hounds whene'er I come or go ,", "Since , as it seems , they have the souls of dogs !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1114, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Thou com'st", "So early to the hall ?", "Saw I not", "Thy husband parting from thee ? He was flushed ,", "And angry were his looks . Is there not peace", "Between yourself and Siegfried once again ?", "Is he not kind and gentle with his bride ?", "Tell me , and I will talk with him .", "I 'm glad he is so gentle .", "Be not too harsh !", "And this it is that drove thee from thy room ?", "Dost thou fear ?", "Yes , that is true .", "Be not overwrought", "Nor cease thy preparations for the voyage .", "Work tranquilly and do not be disturbed ,", "For thou canst put away his armor last .", "What am I saying ! For he wears no mail ,", "Nor doth he need to wear it .", "I well might laugh . If any other wife", "So sighed , I 'd say : Out of a thousand darts", "But one could touch him , and that one would break .", "But thee I ridicule and must advise", "Let thy stray fancy sing some wiser song .", "Especially if \u2018 tis a poisoned dart .", "These savages , who broke the bulwark down ,", "The bulwark of our life and of the state ,", "Which we hold sacred even in our wars ,", "Would do a deed like this as soon as that .", "How can thy Siegfried come to harm ?", "He is secure . And if there were such shafts", "That straighter flew than fly the sun 's own rays ,", "He 'd shake them off as we shake off the snow ;", "And this he knows , and so his confidence", "Abandons him no moment in the fray .", "We were not born beneath an aspen tree ,", "Yet we nigh tremble at the deeds he dares .", "And heartily he laughs at this sometimes ,", "And we laugh too . For iron you may thrust", "Into the fire \u2014 it changes into steel .", "Child , thou art but newly wed ,", "Or I 'd rejoice at thy timidity .", "I 'd quite forgotten that , although \u2018 tis true .", "I recollect , he spoke of it himself .", "It seems to me he told us of a leaf ,", "But what it signified I cannot say .", "Oh yes ! But say ,", "How could a linden leaf have done him harm ?", "For that 's a riddle like no other one .", "But then he only needs a trusty squire . Who shall protect his back . Think'st thou not so ?", "Mark my words !", "If he \u2014 thou know'st it almost happened once \u2014", "Should fall from out his skiff and in the Rhine", "Should sink because his weapons drew him down", "To feed the greedy fishes , I would plunge", "To save our Siegfried , or else I myself", "Would die with him .", "So I think ! And if the red cock lit", "In darkest night upon his castle roof ,", "And he , half smothered and but half awake ,", "Should fail to find the way that leads to life ,", "I 'd bear him from the flames in my own arms ,", "And should I not succeed , with him I 'd die .", "KRIEMHILD", "I mean it , for he 'll fight for me ,", "And no least one of all the thousand wonders", "His sword can do , has he refused to me ;", "And so I 'll shelter him !", "But I must know the spot ,", "And thou must show it to me .", "\u2018 Tis target height !", "What dost thou dream of ?", "KRIEMHILD . It was jealousy", "That blinded me , or else her boastfulness", "Would not have roused my anger .", "Jealousy !", "Be patient ! She 'll forget it .", "She always fasts", "This time of year , for \u2018 tis the Norns \u2019 own week ,", "And still in Iceland \u2018 tis a sacred time .", "What 's that to us ? But hush ! They 're coming .", "Were it not wise", "To broider on his tunic a small cross ?", "Forsooth our care is needless , and he would", "Deride thee if thou shouldst but tell thy fear .", "Yet since I now have made myself his guard", "I would not aught neglect ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1114, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["There is no image of it in this world !", "You strive to liken it and comprehend ,", "Yet here all signs and measures too must fail .", "But kneel before the Lord in fervent prayer ,", "And when contrition and humility", "Have made you lose yourself , you may be drawn ,", "A moment only , as the lightning flash", "Does tarry upon earth , to heavenly heights .", "Stephen , blessed saint ,", "Saw , when the furious horde of angry Jews", "Were stoning him , the gates of paradise", "Standing ajar , and he rejoiced and sang .", "His suffering body only they destroyed ,", "But \u2018 twas to him as if the murderous band", "That thought to kill him in their fury blind", "Could only rend the garment he had doffed .", "UTE", "Take heed , Kriemhild !", "That was the power", "Of faith ; And ye must also learn the curse", "Of unbelief . Saint Peter , who has charge", "Of sword and keys of our most holy church ,", "Loved and instructed in the faith a youth ,", "And brought him up . One day upon a rock", "The youth was standing , and the stormy sea", "Around him surged in fury . Then he thought", "Of how his Lord and Master left the ship ,", "And trustingly obeyed the slightest sign", "The Saviour gave , and walked upon the deep", "That tossed and threatened him with certain death .", "A dizziness came o'er him at the thought", "Of such a trial , for the wonder seemed", "Beyond the bounds of reason , then he caught", "A corner of the rock and clung to it ,", "Crying aloud : All , all , yet spare me this !", "Then breathed the Lord , and suddenly the stone", "Began to melt away . He sank and sank ,", "And lost all hope , until for very fear", "He sprang from off the rock into the flood .", "The breath of the Eternal stilled the sea ,", "And made it solid and it bore him up ,", "As kindly earth bears up both ye and me .", "Repentantly he said : Thy will be done !", "The miracle astounds thee . Let me tell", "The tale of how I won my friar 's cowl .", "The Angles are my kin , a heathen folk ,", "And as a heathen was I born and reared ,", "And turbulent I was ; at fifteen years", "The sword was girded on me . Then appeared", "The Lord 's first messenger among my tribe .", "They scorned him and despised him , and at last", "They slew him . Queen , I stood and saw it all ,", "And , driven by the others , gave to him", "With this right hand I nevermore shall use ,", "Although the arm 's not helpless as you think ,", "The final blow . But then I heard him pray .", "He prayed for me , and his pure soul expired", "With the Amen . The heart within my breast", "Was changed from that time forth . I threw my sword", "Upon the ground , and put his garment on", "And went to preach the Gospel of the Cross ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1114, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I 'm here ! And now ye hunters ,", "Where are your spoils ? Mine were to follow me", "Upon a wagon , but the wagon broke .", "That I know ,", "For I myself have killed him !\u2014 Food is spread .", "Sound trumpets in his praise who ordered that ,", "For now we feel the need . Accursed ravens ,", "Here too ? Now blow your bugles till they burst !", "I 've thrown near every kind of game I killed", "At this black flock ; at last I threw a fox ,", "But still they would not fly , and yet I hate", "Nothing so much in all the woodland green", "As that deep black \u2014 \u2018 tis like the devil 's hue .", "The doves have never flocked around me so !", "Shall we stay here to pass the night ?", "\u2018 Tis well , the choice is fitting , and there gapes", "A hollow tree . I 'll take it for myself .", "For all my life have I been used to that ,", "And I know nothing better than at night", "On soft dry wood to lay my weary head ,", "And so to dream , half waking , half asleep ,", "To count the passing hours by the birds", "That waken slowly , softly , one by one ,", "Each singing in his turn . Then tick , tick , tick !", "Now it is two . Tock , tock , and one must stretch !", "Kiwitt , kiwitt ! The sun is blinking now ,", "And now its eyes are open . Chanticleer", "Bids all arise , lest they should sneeze .", "I too .\u2014 My brother ,", "Thou art not happy .", "Oh , no !", "I have seen people at a wedding feast ,", "And following a bier , and so I know", "How different they look . Now let us do", "As strangers might , who 'd never met before", "Until by accident within the wood", "They meet , and one has this , the other that ,", "And so they put together all they have ,", "And thus with joy receive and also give .", "\u2018 Tis well ! For I bring meat of every kind ,", "And I will give to you a mountain bull ,", "Five boars and thirty , even forty stags ,", "And pheasants too , as many as you will ,", "Not mentioning the lion and the bear ,", "All this for one small beaker of cool wine .", "What 's Wrong ?", "Yes , I 'll believe it . That may well befall", "A hunter who is resting from the chase", "And has a red hot coal for his own tongue", "Inside his mouth . Well , I must seek myself ,", "Although I cannot scent it like a , hound \u2014", "But let it be \u2014 I 'll never spoil your sport !", "There is none here , nor here ! Where is the cask ?", "I pray thee , minstrel , save me , else I 'll lose", "The tongue that has till now been wagging so .", "The devil and his fiends may take your hunt", "If I am not to have a hunter 's fare !", "Whose duty was it to provide the drink ?", "Give thanks who will !", "But have we then no water ? Must a man", "Be satisfied with evening dew , and lap", "The drops from off the leaves ?", "Before the full assemblage of thy folk ,", "Kriemhild will sue for pardon ere we go .", "This pledge was freely given , but she longs", "To leave and hide her blushes .", "HAGEN", "\u2018 Tis well !", "I am slain ,", "But yet not wholly !", "Where then is my sword ?", "They 've taken it ! Oh , by thy manhood , Hagen ,", "Give the dead man a sword ! I challenge thee", "E'en now to mortal combat !", "My life drips from me like a candle spent ,", "And e'en my sword this murderer denies ,", "Though granting it would render him less vile .", "For shame ! Such cowardice ! He fears my thumb ,", "For that is all that 's left of me .", "Thou liest ! \u2018 Twas", "Thine envy !", "Threats for a dead man ?", "Aimed I so true that thou dost fear me still ?", "Then draw , for now I fall , and thou canst dare", "To spit upon me like a heap of dust ,", "For here I lie \u2014", "And you are free from Siegfried !", "Yet know , the blow that slew him killed you too ,", "For who will trust you ? They will drive you forth", "As I had driven the Danes .", "Then \u2018 tis not true ?", "Oh , horrible , that men should lie like this !", "Ah well ! You are alone in this ! And folk", "Will always curse you too , whene'er they curse .", "They 'll say : Toads , vipers and Burgundians !", "Nay you are first : Burgundians , vipers , toads .", "For all is lost to you \u2014 nobility", "And honor , fame and all , are lost with me !", "There is no bound nor limit now for crime ,", "The arm indeed may pierce the heart , but when", "The heart is dead the arm is useless too .", "My wife ! My poor , foreboding , tender wife \u2014", "How wilt thou bear the blow ! If Gunther 's heart", "Still means to do one deed of faith and love ,", "May he be kind to thee !\u2014 Yet rather go", "Unto my father !\u2014 Hearest thou , Kriemhild ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1114, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Already up , Kriemhild ?", "Today I could not sleep ,", "I heard strange sounds .", "It was like people trying to be still .", "They seemed to hold their breath ,", "Yet dropped a sword that clanged ! On tiptoe walked ,", "And yet upset the brazier ! Hushed the dog ,", "Yet trod upon his paw .", "The hunters ?", "Indeed", "It might then have been Siegfried , but \u2018 twould be", "Almost too soon .", "The hunt was not ,", "Or so I think , to bring us game for food ;", "They wanted our poor farmers to have peace ,", "Who have been threatening to burn their ploughs", "Because the wild boar harvests where they sow !", "Child , thou art already dressed ,", "Yet hast not any maid with thee ?", "Each in turn ,", "My candle in my hand , I gazed upon .", "For each year brings a different kind of sleep .", "Fifteen and sixteen sleep like five and six ,", "But seventeen brings dreams , and eighteen , thoughts ,", "And nineteen brings desires \u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1114, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Another parting ? No , I 'll cling to him ,", "And to the grave together will we go ,", "Or you must leave him here . But half my love", "I gave him living . Now that he is dead", "I know it . Were it the reverse ! His eyes", "I never yet had kissed ! All , all is new !", "We thought we 'd time before us .", "Now go and hear Brunhilda laugh . She 's eating too , and drinking .", "I know them well .", "Thou wast not with them there !", "Thou didst not go !", "You found him there ?", "What did he say ? A word ! His dying word !", "I will believe thy tale , if thou canst tell ,", "And if it is no curse . But oh , beware !", "For sooner would a rose bloom from thy mouth", "Than thou imagine what thou didst not hear .", "Oh , holy father ,", "Thou knowest not !", "Oh , give him back !", "Else they will rob me , they will bury him", "Where I shall never find him !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1114, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["So be it ! To the church !", "\u2018 Twas robbers then ?", "I bid thee gather all thy kindred there", "To try the test of murder .", "But bring them one and all , for now I find", "That some are missing . Call the absent too !", "I come to ask for justice and for truth .", "I am a woman , weak , half crushed to earth ;", "No warrior can I strangle with my hair .", "What vengeance then is left for me , I pray ?", "I do not want to curse the innocent .", "Thy work is done , and I will now do mine !Approach the bier , the dread ordeal begins ! CHAPLAINHAGENWhat then has happened ?", "Perchance he lives !", "My Siegfried ! Had he strength to speak one word", "Or gaze but once upon me !", "Yet thou canst stand and gaze ?", "Away , thou fiend !", "Who knows but every drop of blood gives pain ,", "That thy foul , murderous presence draws from him !", "Away ! Away ! I 'd seize thee with my hands ,", "Had I but some one who would back them off", "And cast them from me that I might be clean \u2014", "For washing would not cleanse them , even if", "I dipped them in thy blood . Away ! Away !", "So stood'st thou not to deal the deadly blow ,", "Thy wolfish eyes fixed on him steadily ,", "With fiendish grin disclosing thy intent", "Before the time ! But slyly didst thou creep", "Behind him , ever shrinking from his gaze ,", "As wild beasts do that fear the human eye ,", "And peered to find the spot , that I \u2014 Thou dog ,", "What was thine oath to me ?", "Not from human foes ?", "Thou didst mean", "To murder him thyself ?", "Was murder ever called a punishment", "Since heaven and earth began ?", "HAGEN . I 'd challenged him", "To mortal combat , thou may'st take my word ,", "But none might tell the hero from the dragon ,", "And dragons must be killed . So proud a knight ,", "Why did he hide him in the dragon 's skin !", "The dragon 's skin ! He had to slay him first ,", "And with the dragon slew he all the world !", "The forest depths with all their monstrous beasts ,", "And every warrior that had feared to slay", "The dreadful dragon , Hagen with the rest !", "Thy slander cannot harm him . But the dart", "Thine envy borrowed from thy wickedness .", "And folk will tell of his nobility", "As long as men still dwell upon the earth ,", "And just so long they 'll tell thy tale of shame .", "To murder foul is added robbery !", "A judgment , Gunther ! Judgment I demand .", "A judgment ! If the king denies it me ,", "The blood of Siegfried stains his mantle too .", "UTE . Cease , Kriemhild ! Thou wilt ruin thy whole house !", "So be it ! For the measure 's over full !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1114, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What fellow ?", "Do you mean me ?", "Why do you always drag him in ?", "As if I \u2014 it is you \u2014 whenever an opportunity offers , you , you drag him in . You can n't get rid of him . Like dough he sticks to your teeth . FORESTERAs , for example , just now .", "You have made up your mind to annoy me .", "Please , do not let us detain you .", "All right ! Go ahead . FORESTERAre not you thinking of Godfrey again ? And the clearing ? Hey ? STEIN", "I 'm bearing in mind that we are not alone . FORESTERAnd trump \u2014 and trump !\u2014 the forest shall be cleared !", "That will do , I say . The idea was mine .", "And if I \u2014", "FORESTER", "Well , what then ?", "STEIN", "And if I should wish to have it so \u2014 if I should insist upon it \u2014 then \u2014", "FORESTER .", "Everything would remain as it is .", "The forest would be cleared .", "We 'll see about that . And now the forest shall be cleared .", "Sir ! FORESTER", "You are my servant , and I command : The forest shall be cleared . If not , you are no longer my servant . The forest shall be cleared .", "Either you obey , or you are no longer forester .", "And I shall put Godfrey in your place ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1114, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I wonder whether M\u00f6ller forgot to send some one to look for Robert ? Or should the boy \u2014 that quarrel with Andrew ! Bastian !Where is the bookkeeper ?", "Has n't Robert been home again since noon ?", "And the pastor \u2014 he might have been back long ago .", "BASTIAN", "The pastor .", "STEIN . In the nick of time !", "STEIN", "At last ! At last ! Have you good news ?", "PASTOR", "It might be better .", "Did you meet that hothead , Robert ?", "I was in hopes , because you stayed away so long , that you would bring him with you .", "Then fancy that you are coming from a sick person to one more seriously sick . If impatience , dissatisfaction with oneself , evil presentiments , were diseases , then I should be a dangerous patient .\u2014 But your answer \u2014 I do n't even give you time to catch your breath .If at least I could remain seated ! Six times I mechanically took my hat in my hand ; to that extent my old habit of being together with the forester makes my hands and feet twitch worse than the gout . In the meantime a thought struck me \u2014 but first of all : How do matters stand with the obstinate old fellow ?", "With Andrew ? What affair ?", "You do n't mean to say he has come to blows with Robert ?", "Godfrey \u2014 and M\u00f6ller with him , if he \u2014 come , pastor .", "You ask ?\u2014 I am going to the old man ! I am going to brush away those caprices in spite of all Wilkens and M\u00f6llers !", "Before the old man , or the hotheaded boys , or all three , do something impetuous which \u2014", "As if today had never been \u2014", "And if you meet Robert \u2014", "And today you bring them all along \u2014 the old man , the boys , the mother and the bride . Then, as a preliminary celebration we 'll crack a bottle of my oldest Johannisberger . But what is the matter out there ? Who comes rushing up the stairs ?", "But what is the matter ?", "But , man alive , speak \u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1114, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["You mean I should open the letter , mother ?", "You want me to read it , mother ?", "But what ?", "\u201c Dear Mary . I have so much to \u2014", "\u201c Breach for breach , eye for eye , tooth for tooth : as he hath caused a blemish in a man , so shall it be done to him again . \u201dSOPHYNow the letter , Mary . Till I cough .", "\u201c I have so much to tell you . Sometime during the evening or the night come to the Dell by the spring under the willows . There I shall wait for you . Come , Mary . Tomorrow morning I am going out into the world to win happiness for you and for me . If you do not come , I know what you mean , and you will never see me again . \u201d", "\u201c You will never again see your Robert . \u201d SOPHYFrom the Bible , Mary .", "\u201c As he hath caused a blemish in a man , so it shall be done to him again . Ye shall have one manner of law , as well for the stranger as for one of your own country : for I am the Lord , your God . \u201d FORESTERWhat is that there about law ?", "\u201c Ye shall have one manner of law \u2014 \u201d", "Here , father . Up there at the left .", "To Robert ? What , in the world , are you thinking of , mother ?", "I am to go to Robert ? Now ? To the Dell ?", "The idea of being afraid !", "Ulrich 's daughter !", "But then father knew it . If I have father 's permission and yours , I know that an angel stands behind every tree . And father said : \u201c If I am mistaken in Mary \u201d \u2014", "I am to deceive my father , mother ? In that case I believe no good could ever come to me again in this world .", "To father ?", "But mother , if I were in the forest , and father should meet me ? Or if he should find us together ?", "I cannot look at him without feeling as if my heart were bursting .", "I shall ask him at once .SOPHYDo n't be a child . MARY", "Because \u2014", "SOPHY", "Because of the soup ; she wants to know whether she is to warm it .", "If you speak in that way , mother !\u2014 I am going .", "Yes , mother , I will go . But not for Robert 's sake , mother , nor for mine ; only for father 's sake . I will tell him : \u201c Robert , \u201d I will say to him , \u201c you will yet find a girl , more beautiful and better than myself , but my father will not find another child , if I leave him . \u201d I will tell him : \u201c Robert , \u201d I will say to him , \u201c I will forget you ! God will give me strength that I may be able to forget you . Remain away from me , so that I may not see you again . \u201d God will help me , mother , will he not ? He will , for I did love Robert so much .", "Good-night .", "Good-night , father !", "You shall remain , father . And if you go , I go with you .", "You are not going without me , father . You cannot live without me , father . Father , I now feel that in my heart . FORESTERYes , I can . What does n't such a greenhorn feel !", "You turn away , father , so that I should not see you crying . Father , pretend you are ferocious , as much as you like \u2014 FORESTERSilly thing there \u2014", "I am going with you . You insist upon your right , and I upon mine , and that is , that I must not leave you . Father , I feel now for the first time that I love no one in the world as much as you . Tomorrow we go together \u2014 if you must go . I am going to put on William 's clothes . There are still green forests in the world . And surely you shall not hear me complaining . Do n't be afraid of that . Why , I can cry during the nights , when you do n't see it . But then you will see it by my eyes in the daytime . Why , I must not cry at all ! I will only laugh and skip along before you and sing \u2014 the beautiful hunting songs .\u2014 You see , father , this is the last tear for Robert ! And it is already dried , do you see ? I am sure that we shall still find happiness in this world \u2014 if you must go , father . And if it is not to be , we will thank God and pray , if He only keeps us honest . Then we will think : It is asking too much , if we also wish to be happy . Have I not you ? Have not you your good conscience and your Mary ? What more do we need ?FORESTERIndeed , indeed ! Stupid thing !And a \u201c table \u2014 spread \u2014 thyself , \u201d a \u201c gold \u2014 mule \u2014 stretch-thyself , \u201d and the fairy-story is complete . Now go to bed , Mary ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1114, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["It 's me .", "From the forest . At the fence I had a talk with your William . So , after all , you are dismissed .", "And did n't you know that before ?", "And may go . I know that too . Where is your William ? Why , to be sure ! I just met him . And your Andrew ? FORESTER", "All right . It 's none of my business .", "But to come back to Andrew . You do n't know where he is ?", "You do n't know it ? If your Andrew were home \u2014", "Well . The rifle \u2014 tell me , did Andrew have the one with the yellow strap ?", "You have n't it in the house ?", "Take good care that you are not mistaken .", "It 's no joke \u2014", "I know nothing but what I have heard and seen . And now sit down . I do n't feel like standing long . It seems to me that I must look like my clay-pipe there .A little while ago , as I was quitting work and going away from my wood-cutters , I heard a shot from the direction of the Dell . I thought perhaps it was you , and went in that direction . But it must have been Robert Stein . He was walking up and down there by the first bridge like a sentinel . I thought to myself : What can he be waiting for ? Not for game ; for in that case one does n't run up and down ; I thought : You must get to the bottom of this . You get behind the high oak . There you can see everything and can n't be seen . But I was hardly there , when I heard a commotion behind me . And what was it I heard ? Your Andrew and Robert in a most violent dispute . I could not understand anything clearly , but one could hear that they were after each other for life and death . I was just about to creep closer , when they already came rushing along . The one on the further side of the brook on the rocky path , the other on this side . The one on this side was Robert with his gun against his cheek . Two steps from me he stopped \u2014 \u201c Stand or I shoot . \u201d On the rocky path no two persons can pass each other . There it is \u2014 \u201c Man , fight for your life . \u201d And now , pif ! paf !\u2014 two shots in succession . The bullet from the one on the rock whistled between me and Robert into the bushes . But Robert 's bullet \u2014 Ulrich , I have heard many a shot , but never such a one . One could hear by the sound of the lead , it scented human life . I do not know what sensation I felt when he on the other side collapsed like a wounded stag \u2014", "Who else could it have been ? Hey ? Perhaps he 's home ? Perhaps you know where else he is ? And the person that was shot had the rifle with the yellow strap . He held it tight . The strap really glistened in the twilight like a signal of distress . It was a weird sound , as the iron parts of the gun in falling struck the rocks and the corpse tumbled after it , breaking the bushes \u2014 till there was a splash in the brook below , as if it started in terror . And when , after this , there succeeded such a strange stillness , as if it had to bethink itself of what had really happened , I had a sensation as though some one were pursuing me . I should have been back half an hour ago , if I had not lost my way \u2014 I , who know every tree thereabouts . Now you may imagine how I felt ! Not until I had reached the second bridge there toward Haslau , did I have courage to stop a moment to take breath \u2014 there where the brook is roaring among the rocks . Accidentally I looked down . There the brook was playing with a colored rag . Do you know it , perhaps ?", "Your face is quite distorted . I am going to call your wife . FORESTERNever mind ! A slight dizziness . Have not been bled recently ; the wine into the bargain \u2014 it 's already passing away \u2014 say nothing to any one about this .", "So they have had a regular stand-up fight , Andrew and Robert ! But what do you intend to do now ? As a dismissed man ? If that fellow says : \u201c I challenged the poacher , he did not throw down his gun ? \u201d You know better than any one that a hunter may then shoot . He is not even obliged to challenge ; if he only hits the mark , he is also in the right . And whoever , like your Andrew , has fallen the height of two stories from the rock into the water , his tongue will cease wagging even without powder and lead . You know the law , as it is nowadays . And they will lock you up into the bargain because of insubordination . I am sorry for you . I should not like to be you . Hey ?", "There was lightning some time ago . As I came along the hill with the larch-firs , the whole country was lighted up . Then I saw Robert still walking up and down by the willows below .", "Are you going once more to the lawyer ? That might do some good if you were an official of the state . But what are you going to do when you are not ?", "Whoever believes it \u2014", "It is n't late enough for that ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1114, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now , do n't move . Remember you 're a sick man , and forget you 're a servant .", "I found a red lamp only three doors off . He 'll be along in half a minute .", "How could I explain what it was , you fool , when I do n't know ? I simply asked to see the doctor , and I told him there was a fellow-creature suffering at No . 126 , and would he come at once . \u201c 126 ? \u201d he said , \u201c 126 has been shut up for years . \u201d", "I saida hundred and twenty-six \u2014 and ran off . Then he yelled out after me that he 'd come instantly .... I say , Shawn , we 're discovered . I could tell that from his sudden change of tone . I bet the entire street knows that the celebrated Me has arrived at last . I feel like a criminal already , dashed if I do n't ! I wish we 'd gone to a hotel now .I say , did you make up the bed ?", "But what about sheets and so on ?", "Well , do n't you think you could work your passage out to the bed ? With my help ?", "Keep on in that tone \u2014 and I 'll give you the sack on the spot . Now then . Try \u2014 before the doctor comes .", "Confound \u2014\u2014", "Just now . That is , he only began to complain about six o'clock . We arrived in London this morning from Madrid .", "What for ?", "But there is n't any ... we 've nothing except this spirit-lamp .", "Not one .", "Shawn , my poor fellow , he takes you for the illustrious Ilam Carve . This is what comes of me rushing out in shirt sleeves .I can n't explain it to him .", "It 's all right . You 'll be infinitely better looked after , you know , and I shall be saved from their infernal curiosity .", "Shawn , I 've always suspected you were a bad lot . Now I know . I also know why you were so devilish anxious to put me to bed early . What am I to say to this young lady on your behalf ?", "I do n't think we 've got a wine glass . There 's a cup , but I suppose that is n't medical enough .", "What is this device ? PASCOE . This device ? I 'm going to get some strychnine into him by injection . Steady with that cup , now !", "Might I ask what 's the matter with him ?", "Surely that 's some one in the hall .", "There 's one there .", "Yes . I \u2014 I think he was just making it up .", "Always .", "Can I do anything ?", "I see it .", "The bell must be out of order .", "Oh ! You think I 'm out of order .", "All we famous folk ?", "What sort of thing ?", "The front door ? On purpose ? What for ?", "You 're the young lady that Mr. Shawn 's expecting \u2014\u2014", "So you 're the young lady \u2014 Mrs .\u2014 Miss \u2014\u2014", "No , no . Not a message .... But \u2014 the fact is , we 're rather upset here for the moment .", "Now , if it is n't an indiscreet question , how did you know that there was illness ?", "Pneumonia .", "Mercy ?", "Coming over from the Continent .", "Mr. Shawn ? Oh no , no ! It 's Ilam Carve .", "And who told you that ?", "You think he will ?", "Well , if you could call again \u2014\u2014", "Not precisely a message . But if you could call again \u2014\u2014", "Any time . Any time . Soon .", "Why not morning ?", "Nothing to complain of , if you ask me .", "I say \u2014 you wo n't forget ?", "What 's this about a nurse ?", "On the contrary , I should like him to be treated with every care . He 's invaluable to me .", "But you think I carry oddness rather far ?", "Nervousness \u2014 nothing but nervousness . I 'm very nervous . And then \u2014 you know the saying \u2014 like master , like man .", "Oh , very . Always was . Ever since I 've known him . You remember his first picture at the Academy ?", "Either you remember it exactly or you do n't remember it at all . Life-size picture of a policeman blowing his whistle .", "Not a bit . The oddness of the fellow \u2014\u2014", "His oddness came out in this way \u2014 although the thing had really a great success , from that day to this he 's never painted another life-size picture of a policeman blowing his whistle .", "Do n't you ? Well , perhaps you do n't go in for art much . If you did , you 'd know that the usual and correct thing for a painter who has made a great success with a life-size picture of a policeman blowing his whistle , is to keep on doing life-size pictures of a policeman blowing his whistle for ever and ever , so that the public can always count on getting from him a life-size picture of a policeman blowing his whistle .", "Seeing the way he invariably flouted the public , it 's always been a mystery to me how he managed to make a name , to say nothing of money .", "No , not Alcar . I think the bobby was last bought by Texel .", "Collector \u2014 United States \u2014 one of their kings , I 'm told .", "Really ! That 's what I should call influence . No . It was the \u201c Pelicans feeding their Young \u201d that Alcar bought . Four thousand . You 're getting mixed up .", "Then the \u2014 governor really is famous in England ? You see we never come to England .", "Yes . I 've looked at his prices . Titian 's prices are higher , but Titian is n't what you 'd call famous with the general public , is he ? What I want to know is \u2014 is the governor famous among the general public ?", "About how famous should you say he is ?", "No , it is n't . Is he as famous as \u2014 er \u2014 Harry Lauder ?", "Is he as famous as Harry Vardon ?", "I only see these names in the papers . Is he as famous as Bernard", "Shaw ?", "Oh , well that 's not so bad . Better than I thought ! It 's so difficult to judge where one is \u2014 er \u2014 personally concerned . Especially if you 're never on the spot .", "Why should he come to England ? He is n't a portrait painter . It 's true he owns this house , but surely that is n't sufficient excuse for living in a place like England ?", "Well , there is .", "Have a cigarette ?", "Oh !He gave it me .", "Well , you see we 're more like brothers \u2014 been together so long . He gives me his best suits too . Look at this waistcoat .", "Yes \u2014 shyness .", "Just simple shyness . Shyness is a disease with the governor , a perfect disease .", "Did you notice it ?", "Pardon me . My esteemed employer 's shyness is a special shyness . He 's only shy when he has to play the celebrity . So long as people take him for no one in particular he 's quite all right . For instance , he 's never shy with me . But instantly people approach him as the celebrity , instantly he sees in the eye of the beholder any consciousness of being in the presence of a toff \u2014 then he gets desperately shy , and his one desire is to be alone at sea or to be buried somewhere deep in the bosom of the earth .What are you laughing at ?", "No , but seriously ! It 's true what I tell you . It amounts almost to a tragedy in the brilliant career of my esteemed . You see now that England would be impossible for him as a residence . You see , do n't you ?", "Why , even on the Continent , in the big towns and the big hotels , we often travel incognito for safety . It 's only in the country districts that he goes about under his own name .", "None , except a few Italian and Spanish peasants \u2014 and me .", "Oh , not so bad as that ! And then it 's only fair to say he has his moments of great daring \u2014 you may say rashness .", "Are they ?We 're here now owing to one of his moments of rashness .", "Yes . We met an English lady in a village in Andalusia , and \u2014 well , of course , I can n't tell you everything \u2014 but she flirted with him and he flirted with her .", "Yes . And then he proposed to her . I knew all along it was a blunder .", "Yes . She belonged to the aristocracy , and she was one of those amateur painters that wander about the Continent by themselves \u2014 you know .", "Oh yes . They got as far as Madrid together , and then all of a sudden my esteemed saw that he had made a mistake .", "We fled the country . We hooked it . The idea of coming to London struck him \u2014 just the caprice of a man who 's lost his head \u2014 and here we are .", "Him ?Really ! Confound him ! Now I 've always suspected that ; though he manages to keep his goings-on devilish quiet .", "It 's such a pleasure to talk freely \u2014 for once in a way .", "Oh ! He wo n't mind !", "Digging ? Oh no . He must have got a bad chill on the steamer . Why ?", "Oh , I see ! All artists are like that . Messing about with paints and acids and things . Look at my hands .", "No , no .", "But \u2014 but \u2014\u2014", "You do n't mean to say \u2014 Why , he 's a strong healthy man !", "But this is ridiculous . I simply do n't know what I shall do without that man . The stage is darkened for a few moments to indicate passage of time ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1121, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Will there have to be an inquest ?", "It 's some relief to know that . I could n't have faced a coroner .", "That 's what you call perfectly ordinary , is it ? A man is quite well on Tuesday afternoon , and dead at 4 a. m. on Thursday morning .My watch has stopped .", "Almost half an hour ago . Two sausages that were sent in yesterday for the nurse .", "Oh yes .", "No , I \u2014 I did n't telegraph \u2014 I forgot \u2014\u2014", "I did n't know the address .", "See here , doctor . I 'm afraid there 's been some mistake .", "Registrar ?", "Is that the front door bell ?", "Oh yes , I have ! You got up a great quarrel when you were aged twelve , you and he .", "How did you get to know about it ?", "Yes .", "I 've never spoken to a journalist in my life .", "Very well . Then you 're going ?", "PASCOE . Yes .", "Want a word of advice ?", "I \u2014 I ought \u2014\u2014", "Now for it !Well ?", "Recognize your cousin ?", "Should you indeed .And so you 're Cyrus , the little boy that kicked and tried to bite in that historic affray of thirty years ago .", "What salary ?", "Eighty pounds a year .", "The day before yesterday .", "But listen \u2014\u2014", "What bank ? He did n't keep them in any bank .", "He kept them himself .", "Yes . Why not ?", "Mine .", "That is \u2014\u2014", "His .Now then , mind what you 're about ! Those are etching things .", "That 's a typewriter .", "That was \u2014 his servant 's .", "Yes , I mean mine .", "What the devil has that got to do with you ?", "I 've got something to tell you \u2014\u2014", "Yes .", "Here .", "Yes .", "I 'm not laughing . I 'm smiling .There 's nothing there except lists of securities and pictures and a few oddments \u2014 passports and so on .", "Here , steady ! There 's twelve thousand francs there besides some", "English notes . That 's mine .", "Yes .", "And those letters are mine too .", "So long as you burn them I do n't mind .", "Oh ! Is that still there ? I thought it was destroyed .", "Yes . It 's a will that was made in Venice I do n't know how long ago \u2014 just after your aunt died and you had that appalling and final shindy by correspondence about the lease of this house . Everything is left for the establishment of an International Gallery of Painting and Sculpture in London , and you 're the sole executor , and you get a legacy of five pounds for your trouble .", "He did .", "He said it would be one in the eye for you \u2014 and he wondered whether you 'd decline the executorship .", "But he meant to destroy that will long since .", "No .", "I was forgetting that .", "He 's left his card . There it is .", "Yes . But he did n't . His house is only three doors off .", "Shall you ?", "I say .", "Nothing .", "Oh ! You !", "Had you ? Well , will you sit down \u2014 er \u2014 I sayWhat do you think of that chap ?", "It 's Mr. Cyrus Carve . The great West End auctioneer .", "Did he ?", "The man is an ass .", "Not content with being an ass merely , he is a pompous and a stupid ass .Now there is something very important that he ought to know , and he would n't let me tell him . JANET . Really ?", "Yes , very important . But no . He would n't let me tell him . And perhaps if I 'd told him he would n't have believed me .", "I do n't know \u2014 Would n't let me .", "Now I wonder if you 're right .", "No , I 'm hanged if I write to him !", "Perhaps it is .Pardon me .I was only thinking what a terrific lark it will be .", "If he never does get to know . If nobody ever gets to know .No . I 'll keep my mouth shut .", "You advise me to keep my mouth shut ?", "He shall go his own way .", "And", "I 'll \u2014 go \u2014 mine .", "And that being settled , the first thing I have to do is to apologize for my behaviour on Tuesday night .", "Done the same yourself ?", "Just so .", "Quite .", "Let me see now \u2014\u2014", "Where did I put it ? Oh , perhaps it 's in the pocket of another coat .", "If you knew what I 've been through this last day or two \u2014\u2014", "I have n't had a quiet moment . Now \u2014\u2014\u201c Dear Sir , in reply to your advertisement , I write to you with particulars of my case . I am a widow , aged thirty-two years \u2014\u2014 \u201d", "My dear lady !\u201c Thirty-two years . My father was a jobbing builder , well known in Putney and Wandsworth . My husband was a rent collector and estate agent . He died four years ago of appendicitiscaught \u2014\u2014 \u201d", "I beg pardon , \u201c \u2014 caused by accidentally swallowing a bristle out of his tooth-brush , the same being discovered at the operation . I am an orphan , a widow , and have no children . In consequence I feel very lonely , and my first experience not being distasteful , indeed the reverse , I am anxious to try again , provided I can meet with a sincere helpmeet of good family . I am the owner of the above house , rated at forty-five pounds a year , in one of the nicest streets in Putney , and I have private means of some three pounds a week , from brewery shares bringing in fifteen per cent . I will say nothing about my appearance , but enclose latest carte-de-visite photograph . \u201d", "\u201c As to my tastes , I will only say that as a general rule they are quiet . If the above seems in your line , I shall be obliged if you will write and send me particulars of yourself , with photographs .\u2014 Yours truly , JANET CANNOT . \u201d Well , Mrs . Cannot , your letter is an absolute model .", "Well \u2014\u2014 By the way , what 's this type-written thing in the envelope ?", "Oh !", "So thats the explanation of the typewriter .", "Private secretary ! I \u2014 shall we just glance through my reply ?\u201c My dear Mrs . Cannot , your letter inspires me with more confidence than any of the dozens of others I have received . \u201d\u201c As regards myself , I should state at once that I am and have been for many years private secretary , indeed I may say almost companion , to the celebrated painter . Mr. Ilam Carve , whose magnificent pictures you are doubtless familiar with . \u201d", "Really . \u201c We have been knocking about England together for longer than I care to remember , and I personally am anxious for a change . Our present existence is very expensive . I feel the need of a home and the companionship of just such a woman as yourself . Although a bachelor , I think I am not unfitted for the domestic hearth . My age is forty . \u201d That 's a mistake of the typewriter .", "Forty-five it ought to be .", "\u201c My age is forty-five . By a strange coincidence Mr . Carve has suggested to me that we set out for England to-morrow . At Dover I will telegraph you with a rendezvous . In great haste . Till then , my dear Mrs . Cannot , believe me , \u201d etc .", "Perhaps I was afraid of prejudicing you in advance .", "Oh , quite .", "Mr . Carve ?...Oh !He 's dead !", "Early this morning .", "I forgot for the moment . I was n't thinking \u2014\u2014", "Now , Mrs . Cannot , I assure you I feel that man 's death . I admit I had very little affection for him \u2014 certainly not much respect \u2014 but we 'd been together a long time , and his death is a shock to me . Yes , really . But I 've had to think so much about my own case \u2014 and then a scene , a regular scene with Cyrus Carve . And then you coming . The fact is \u2014\u2014", "A month ? But what am I to do with myself for a month ? Do you know you 're absolutely the only friend I 've got in London \u2014 in England . We 're never here . I 'm an utter stranger . You can n't leave me like that \u2014 for a month \u2014 four weeks \u2014 four Sundays . I have n't the least idea what 's going to happen to me .", "Yes , but where ?", "I 've got to be out of this place in half an hour , less . The fact is , Cyrus Carve has been extremely \u2014 er \u2014 pert . He 's paid me a month 's salary and I 'm off at once . In under thirty minutes I shall be on the streets .", "But I do n't know any nice respectable boarding-house .", "I have n't had a paper to-day .", "I do n't think I should fancy it .", "And I was thinking how cheap it was .", "Upon my soul I do n't know what money I have got .", "Let 's see . Well , there 's seven poundsand thisNot much is it ? Sixteen shillings and sixpence . It 's true I 've an annuity of eighty pounds . I was forgetting that .", "Yes . But an annuity is n't ready cash , is it ?", "I was forgetting that too .", "Twenty-one fives , and ten tens . That makes two hundred and five pounds .I always knew I was a bad lot \u2014 but where did I collar all that from ?I know what I shall do ! I shall go to the Grand Babylon .", "In the big towns we always went to the best hotel . It 's cheapest in the end .", "Now , Mrs . Cannot , will you do me a favour ?", "Will you come and lunch with me at the Grand Babylon to-morrow ?", "Remember . You 're my only friend . Will you come and lunch with me at the Grand Babylon to-morrow ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1121, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I 'm really delighted to see you .", "I 'm not . Perhaps it 's these sleepless nights I 've had .", "I was wearing my dressing-gown . I nearly always do when I 'm alone . Do you think you 'd mind if I put it on again .", "Yes . Cousin Cyrus thought so too . He did n't want me to bring it away . Still , I beat him on that point .Do you know , you do me good .", "Well , and what 's the news from outside ? I have n't stirred since yesterday noon .", "Really ! Is it so much talked about as all that ?", "Nearly a page of it in the Telegraph !", "I never read obituaries of artists in the papers .", "Well , they make me angry . Obituaries of archbishops are n't so bad . Newspapers seem to understand archbishops . But when they begin about artists \u2014 you cannot imagine the astounding nonsense they talk .", "What did the Telegraph say ? Did you look at it ?", "Eccentric ! There you are ! He was n't eccentric in the least . The only society he avoided was the society of gaping fools .", "Really ! It said that ?", "Upon my soul I think I must .", "I was only going to telephone and have the daily papers sent up .", "There .", "Telephone in every room .", "Just take that thing off the hook and talk into it .It wo n't explode .", "Tell them to send me up the daily papers at once .", "Yes .", "Certainly .", "Thanks very much . Now you can hang it up again .", "What are you looking for ?", "No . This is my sitting-room .", "Yes .", "That 's one way to my bathroom . In a big hotel I always take a suite , you know . It 's so much more comfortable .", "To tell you the truth , I did n't ask the price .", "Thanks ! Give them to me .", "Now let 's just glance at these chaps .", "Why ? Here 's black borders and a heading across two columns ! \u201c Death of England 's greatest painter , \u201d \u201c Irreparable loss to the world 's art , \u201d \u201c Our readers will be shocked \u2014\u2014 \u201d Are they all like that ?\u201c Sad death of a great genius . \u201d", "\u201c London 's grief . \u201d \u201c The news will come as a personal blow to every lover of great painting . \u201d But \u2014 but \u2014 I 'd no notion of this .It 's terrible .", "\u201c Although possibly something of a poseur in his choice of subjects .... \u201d The fellow 's a fool . Poseur indeed !", "Well \u2014 well .", "London 's grief . It 's the luncheon orchestra downstairs .", "Never mind it . Let \u2018 em ring . I understand now why journalists and so on have been trying all day to see me . Honestly I 'm \u2014 I 'm staggered .", "I 'll stop it .", "Father Looe ? Never heard of him .", "Would you mind saying I 'm not at home ?", "Did you want to see him ?", "Then you shall . Tell them to send him up , will you ?", "Of course .", "Perhaps with your being here I sha n't be quite so shy .", "Painfully ! Who told them that , I should like to know ?", "It 's very curious . I have n't felt a bit shy with you .", "Yes .", "Yes .", "Please sit down .", "My friend , Mrs. Janet Cannot .", "A Catholic ?", "Yes \u2014 I believe so .", "Ilam Carve was not a Catholic .", "Ilam Carve was not a Catholic .", "Nothing in particular .", "Look here \u2014 what 's all this about ?", "Buried in Westminster Abbey ?", "I quite see .", "A decree absolute .", "Decidedly not .", "The whole thing is preposterous .", "Do n't you think you 're rather young to be in sole charge of this country ?", "He used Chinese white like anything .", "Chinese white , of course . My notion is that it does n't matter a fig how you get effects so long as you do get them .", "His ? Rather . You bet it was .", "The doctor ? What doctor ?", "But I do n't want to see him .", "Why ?", "But this is n't the doctor ?", "Who told you that ?", "I 've nothing to say .", "I 've nothing to say .", "Eccentric life on the Continent !", "I would n't mind signing an order for the fellow 's execution .", "Or burning at the stake .", "You 'd bury him in Westminster Abbey because he 's a philanthropist , not because he 's an artist . That 's England all over .... Well , I 'm hanged if I 'll have it .", "And I tell you another thing \u2014 he 's not dead .", "I am Ilam Carve .", "That 's just what I am .", "It must be stopped ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1121, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Mr. Shawn , what are you doing out of bed ? After such a dose of flu as you 've had !", "But you 've no right to be out of bed at all .", "Nay \u2014 that you never did !", "Do you mean to say you thought for a single moment I should go home and leave you like that ?", "Well I never !", "It did n't occur to you I might have dropped off to sleep ?", "Will you kindly march right back to bed this instant ?", "I beg pardon .", "Had n't you ? Well , if you call that nursing , I do n't . But it was the best I could do in this barracks , with the kitchen a mile and a half off , and a pack of men that can n't understand English gaping at you all day in evening-dress . I dare say this is a very good hotel for reading newspapers in . But if you want anything that is n't on the menu , it 's as bad as drawing money out of the post office savings bank . You should see me nurse in my own house .", "Yes , and they wanted altering . When I think of you and that other poor fellow wandering about all alone on that Continent \u2014 without the slightest notion of what comfort is .... Well , I 'll say this \u2014 it 's a pleasure to nurse you . Now , will you go back to bed ?", "Coffee ?", "You can have hot milk if you like .", "Are you there ?", "I should think so indeed ! They sent it up the second day .Hot milk , please , and let it be hot !I expect they were afraid for their money .", "I took the money out of your pockets and I just paid it . I never said a word . But if you had n't been ill I should have said something . Of all the swindles , of all the barefaced swindles !... Do you see what it 's costing you to live here \u2014 a day ?", "Any woman that knew her business could keep you for a month \u2014 a month \u2014 for less than you spend here in a day \u2014 and better . And better ! Look here : \u201c Biscuits , 1s . 6d .! \u201d", "Well, will you believe me when I tell you there was n't a pennyworth of biscuits on that plate ? Do you think I do n't know what biscuits are a pound ?", "\u201c Cheapest in the end \u201d \u2014 but I should say the end 's a long way off .", "Yes .", "I know .", "And what did you expect me to tell you ? I had to soothe you somehow ; you were just about delirious . I was afraid if I told you the truth you 'd be doing something silly \u2014 seeing the state you were in . Then it struck me a nice plain cremation at Woking was the very thing to keep you quiet .", "Yes , I should say all is over by this time . There were thousands of people for the lying-in-state , it seems .", "Why is it awful ?", "Mr. Shawn , surely you 've got rid of that idea ! You are n't delirious now . You said you were convalescent , you know .", "I should n't if I were you . Why not let things be ? No one would believe that tale \u2014\u2014", "Oh yes .", "Well \u2014\u2014Come in .Here 's your hot milk .", "But \u2014\u2014", "Oh , very well .She 's telephoned each day to inquire how you were . She asked if you wanted a seat for the funeral . I told her you could n't possibly go , but I was sure you 'd like to be invited \u2014 whether it was the Abbey or not . Please do n't forget your milk .", "He 's not really strong enough to see visitors .", "Oh , influenza . Sometimes it takes \u2018 em in the head and sometimes in the stomach . It 's taken him in the head .", "I do n't think so .", "Well , it 's like this . I 'm his cousin . We are n't exactly engaged to be married \u2014\u2014", "Good afternoon .", "I was telling her we were n't engaged to be married . That 's true , I suppose ?", "Yes . I 've got my reputation to think about . I do n't want to coddle it , but there 's no harm in just keeping an eye on it .", "If nothing comes of all this \u2014", "All this illness and nursing and sitting up at nights ,\u2014 then I 'm just your cousin , and no harm done .", "Not so fast !Do you know what struck me while her ladyship was telling you about all the grand doings at the funeral \u2014 What good has it ever done him to be celebrated and make a big splash in the world ? Was he any happier for it ? From all I can hear he was always trying to hide just as if the police were after him . He never had the slightest notion of comfort , and so you need n't tell me ! And there 's another thing \u2014 you need n't tell me he was n't always worrying about some girl or other , because I know he was . A bachelor at his age never thinks about anything else \u2014 morning , noon , and night . It stands to reason \u2014 and they can say what they like \u2014 I know . And now he 's dead \u2014 probably because he 'd no notion of looking after himself , and it 's been in all the papers how wonderful he was , and florists \u2019 girls have very likely sat up half the night making wreaths , and Westminster Abbey was crowded out with fashionable folk \u2014 and do you know what all those fashionable folk are thinking about just now \u2014 tea ! And if it is n't tea , it 's whisky and soda .", "Well , if sovereigns had been any use to him he 'd never have left two hundred thousand of them behind him \u2014 him with no family . No , he was no better than a fool with money . Could n't even spend it .", "And what was that ?", "Oh ! and could n't he have had that without running about all over Europe ? He might just as well have been a commercial traveller . Take my word for it , Mr. Shawn , there 's nothing like a comfortable home and a quiet life \u2014 and the less you 're in the newspapers the better .", "And you now ! As we 're on the subject \u2014 before we go any further \u2014 you 're a bachelor of forty-five , same as him . What have you been doing with yourself lately ?", "Well , I think I ought to ask because when I was stealingthe money out of your pocket to pay that hotel bill , I came across a lady 's photograph . I could n't help coming across it . Seeing how things are , I think I ought to ask .", "Then it is true \u2014 what the newspaper reporter said ?One of the aristocracy \u2014Who was she ?", "What was it doing in your pocket ?", "Sure ?", "She is n't ?", "Honestly ?", "Well , that 's all right then ! Now will you drink this milk , please .", "Will you drink this milk ?", "I 'm going home .", "At once .", "Oh no , you are n't . You 're very much better . Anyone can see that . All you 've got to do is to return to bed and stick to slops .", "You might come down to see me one day at Putney .", "I 'll try and come the day after to-morrow .", "Well , a couple of days without me 'll do you no harm . It 's a mistake to be in a hurry when you 've got all your life in front of you .", "No .Good afternoon . Now do go to bed .", "No \u2014 and I hope you wo n't begin .", "It 's sudden or nothing .", "Well , if it comes to that \u2014 what can you see in me ?", "That 's too much . Good-bye ! I 'll come about this time the day after to-morrow .", "You wo n't if you do as I tell you .", "Well , you can always telegraph , can n't you ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1121, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Want anything else , dear ?Because I must set about my morning 's work .Albert , are you sure you do n't want anything else ?", "I 've asked you I do n't know how many times whether you want anything else , because I must set about my morning 's work .", "Yes , plenty .", "Yes .", "No , but I can cook a slice in a minute .", "Oh yes , I will .", "She 's got no time in the morning for being teased .", "Sure you 're all right ?Quite sure you 're happy ?", "I wish you would n't call me Jane .", "You are n't getting tired \u2014", "Nothing , nothing . Only to-day 's the second anniversary of our wedding \u2014 and you 've \u2014 you 've said nothing about it .", "Oh no , you wo n't !", "Very easy to say that . But how can you prove it ?", "A present ?", "Oh ! A picture ! Who is it ?", "Yes , it does n't look quite so queer like that . Those are my cooking sleeves , and that seems a bit like my kitchen \u2014 that 's my best copper pan ! Is the young woman meant to be me ?", "I do n't consider it very flattering .", "Now he 's hurt . Oh , he 's hurt .It 's a beautiful picture , and the frame 's lovely ! And she 's so glad he did n't forget .", "Would he ? It 's wonderful how wonderful people are when they 're dead .", "What was it he was reading that made him so deaf he could n't hear his wife when she spoke to him ?", "\u201c Ilam Carve 's princely bequest . The International", "Gallery of Art . Foundation stone laying . Eloquent speech by Lord", "Rosebery . \u201d Oh ! So they 've begun it at last ?", "Well , if you ask me , I should have thought he could have found something better to do with his money .", "Well , I should have thought there were more than enough picture galleries as it is . Who wants \u2018 em ? Even when they 're free , people wo n't go into them unless it 's a wet day . I 've never been in a free picture gallery yet that was n't as empty as a church . Stands to reason ! It is n't even a cinematograph . When I see rows of people in Trafalgar Square waiting to get into the National Gallery , then I shall begin to think it 's about time we had some more galleries . If I 'd been Ilam Carve \u2014\u2014", "I should have left a bit more to you , for one thing .", "Money has , when you have n't got enough .", "And supposing I had to ask you to pay more ?", "Well , there 's nothing wrong , as it were \u2014 yet \u2014\u2014", "No \u2014", "You just have n't then . Because I only got it this morning . Here , you may as well read it .It 's about the brewery .", "Yes . My father said to me before he died , \u201c Keep the money in beer , Janet \u201d ; he said , \u201c Beer 'll never fail in this country . \u201d And there you are !", "Supposing the dividend does n't happen ?", "But we shall want to eat once or twice pretty nearly every day , I suppose ?", "You need n't tell me what you are satisfied with . You 're satisfied with the very best at one shilling and sixpence a pound .", "Yes , and what about your clothes and my clothes , and the rates and taxes , and bus-fares , and holidays , and your cigarettes , and doctor , and errand boys \u2019 Christmas-boxes , and gas , and coal , and repairs ? Repairs ! A hundred and eighty is more like what we want .", "Well \u2014 er \u2014 I was thinking of food .", "And where shall you get the extra hundred ?", "No , you do n't . I wo n't have you taking any more situations .", "How ?", "I do n't mind this painting business . Do n't think I object to it in the least . There 's a strong smell with it now and then , but it does keep you quiet in the attic while I 'm cleaning the house , and that 's something . And then going out making sketches you get exercise and fresh air . Being with Ilam Carve so long , I expect you picked up the habit as it were , and I 'm sure I do n't want you to drop it . I love to see you enjoying yourself . But you do n't suppose people 'll buy these things, do you ? No ; there 's far too many amateur artists about for that !", "Now , just listen to me . You remember that picture you did of Putney Bridge with the saloon entrance of the Reindeer Public House showing in the corner ? It was one of the first you did here .", "I 'm not surprised . Because it 's sold .", "Now \u2014 now ! Do you remember you said Ilam Carve would have got \u00a3 1000 for a thing just like that ?", "Well , I said to myself , \u201c He seems mighty sure of himself . Supposing it 's me that 's wrong ? \u201d So one day I quietly took that picture round to Bostock 's , the second-hand furniture man , you know ,\u2014 he was a friend of father 's ,\u2014 and I asked him what he 'd give me for it . He would n't take it at any price . Not at any price . Then I asked him if he 'd keep it in his shop and sell it for me on commission . Well , it stuck in Bostock 's shop \u2014 in his window and out of his window \u2014 for twelve months and more , and then one day the landlord of the Reindeer saw it and he bought it for six shillings , because his public-house was in it . He was half-drunk . Mr. Bostock charged me eighteenpence commission , and I bought you two neckties with the four and six , and I said nothing because I did n't want your feelings to be hurt . And that reminds me , last week but one they took the landlord of the Reindeer off to the lunatic asylum .... So , you see !", "I should n't be surprised if it 's in the private bar of the", "Reindeer .", "Albert , you are n't vexed , are you ?", "No , I do n't see . I should n't have said a word about it , only I wanted to save you from being disappointed later on .", "And what now ? I 'm not broke yet , you great silly .", "Gracious ! Ten \u2014 fifteen \u2014 eighteen \u2014 twenty ?\u2014 two \u2014 four \u2014 twenty-six pounds . These your savings ?", "Really ?You could knock me down with a feather !", "And whatever does he do with them ?", "Why ?", "Two pounds a piece ?Would he give you two pounds for that ?", "Why ! Two pounds would keep us for the best part of a week . How long does it take you to do one ?", "Well , it 's like a fairy tale . Two pounds ! I do n't know whether", "I 'm standing on my head or my heels !", "It is n't . They know better than come to my front door . They know", "I wo n't have it .", "Well , it never rains but it pours . Here 's a gentleman in a motor car wants to know if you 've got any pictures for sale .", "Oh , do !", "Who of ?", "Why ! Those are my cooking-sleeves !", "It is rather pretty when you come to look at it .", "Excuse me , Albert . Why should n't the gentleman make an offer for it ?", "Five hundred p \u2014\u2014", "And if it is n't a rude question \u2014 do you generally go about with five hundred pounds in your pocket , as it were ?", "Oh yes , it is . Somebody in this house must think about the future .If this gentleman can show me five hundred pounds it 's for sale . After all , it 's my picture . And you can do me another one . I 'd much sooner be done without the cooking-sleeves .Albert !", "That 's right ! That 's all right !", "Nay , I 'm too dizzy to count them .It fairly beats me ! I never did understand this art business , and I never shall ....Why are you so interested in my portrait ? You 've never seen me before .", "Not a bit .", "Well , naturally !", "And it all comes of this painting . Art as it 's called .", "Somebody has to keep calm .", "What does it matter to me who you are , so long as you 're you ? Men are so unpractical . You can be the Shah of Persia if you like \u2014 I do n't mind .", "Coming ! Coming !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1121, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["So you 've not been to sleep either ?", "Now , you 're only boasting . If you 've had such an excellent night, who 's kept up such an excellent fire ?", "Then why did n't you come to bed , great baby ?", "Quarrelled ?", "I did n't . I agreed with everything you said .", "You said I did n't really believe after all that you are Ilam Carve , and I assured you in the most soothing manner that I did believe you are Ilam Carve !", "But what does it matter ?", "It 's not my fault if I do n't believe you 're Ilam", "Carve . I would if I could , but I can n't ! You 're very cruel .", "I do n't pretend to understand this art .", "Darling , do turn the gas up .", "I was thinking of going away .", "Now do listen , darling . Let 's go away . We can n't stop here . This Ebag case is getting more and more on your nerves , and on mine too . I 'm sure that 's what 's the matter with us . What it 'll be next week when the trial comes on , I do n't know \u2014 upon my soul I do n't . It 's all very well for you to refuse to see callers and never go out . But I can tell you one thing \u2014 we shall have those newspaper people on the roof in a day or two , and looking down the chimney to see how I lay the fire . Lawyers are nothing to them . Do you know \u2014 no you do n't , because I did n't want you to be upset \u2014 last night 's milk was brought by a journalist \u2014 with a camera . They 're beginning to bribe the tradesmen . I tremble to think what will be in this morning 's papers .", "And I 'll tell you another thing . That Mr. Horning \u2014 you know the breathless man on the Evening Courier that came to the Grand Babylon \u2014 he 's taken lodgings opposite \u2014 arrived last night .", "So I thought if we just vanished \u2014", "We could come back for the trial .", "Not if we start now .", "Yes , now ! The back door . Before it gets light .", "Well , I shall travel alone , then . Here 's my bunch of keys . I 'll just explain to you where everything is . I daresay Mrs. Simpson will come in and clean up . She 's not bad , as charwomen go .", "Well !", "What if I am ?", "Then you 'll come . Better brush yourself up first .", "Seven o'clock .", "Well , what about this Continent of yours that I 've heard so much of ?", "Very well then . We 'll have another breakfast at Victoria .", "There is n't going to be any cab \u2014 nor luggage \u2014 rousing the whole street !For goodness \u2019 sake do n't draw those curtains \u2014 with the gas flaring up !", "Supposing there 's some journalist on the watch outside !", "Well , go to the front door , and mind you open it quietly .", "No , he 's come in at the back .", "Oh , do n't worry about that . Nothing startles us now . A few curates more or less ....", "Here , you 'd better come and sit a bit nearer the fire .Come along now !", "And which of you boys was it that had the idea of keeping a middle-aged woman perishing on a doorstep before daylight in February ?", "And could n't you think of anything cleverer than to give your poor mother her death of cold for a start ?", "We never heard you .", "No , it is n't . We took the bell off three days ago .", "Well , it 's a good thing for you I happened to hear the cat mewing , or you might have had another couple of hours in my back yard . You 're the eldest , I suppose .", "Really !", "Sugar ?You 'll drink it easier if you lift your veil .", "Just toast this for your mother , will you , and mind the bars . I 'll get another cup or two .", "Mind ! You can do the other side . Now , take care ; the fire 's very hot .Twenty-six years , you say ?", "And how did you come to find us out at last ?", "Oh ! So Mr. Texel has been advertising , has he ?", "A valet ?", "That will do now ! Give it me .Here 's some tea . Now do n't pretend you 've never seen a cup of tea before \u2014 you a curate !", "There 's the post ! Just go and bring me the letters in , will you ?You 'll find them scattered about the floor in the hall . Do n't miss any .", "Me ? What about ?", "Oh , nothing . What are you thinking of doing ?", "There 's a police-station in the Upper Richmond Road . Better call there . It 'll be so nice for you two , when you 're flourishing about in the pulpit , to think of your father in prison \u2014 wo n't it now ?", "Oh , I do n't mind .", "I see .Well , then , I think that 's about all , is n't it ?Good-morning .Now do take care of yourself .", "Albert , they 're going .", "This way , this time !", "Oh , it 's quite light !", "So it 's true after all !", "All that rigmarole about you being Ilam Carve ?", "Well , I think they were quite honest people \u2014 those three . There 's no doubt the poor creature once had a husband who did run off . And it seems fairly clear his name was Albert Shawn , and he went away as valet to an artist . But then , on the other hand , if there is one thing certain in this world , it is that you were never married before you married me . That I will swear to .", "Positive ? That 's just what she was n't ! And did n't you notice the queer way she looked at you as they went out ? As much as to say , \u201c I wonder now whether it is him \u2014 after all ? \u201d", "Pooh ! After twenty-six years . Besides , all men of forty-seven look more or less alike .... And so I 'm the wife of Ilam Carve that 's supposed to be buried in Westminster Abbey and royalty went to his funeral ! We 'll have some tea ourselves . I say , why did you do it ?", "Well , I 've always told you frankly you 've got a bee in your bonnet .More letters from these newspaper people ! What 's this lovely crest on this envelope ?", "Lord Leonard Al ... Where 's the letter ?Well I never !\u201c And Mrs. Shawn . \u201d I 've got nothing to go in .", "Why not ?", "Continent fiddlesticks . I 've never been asked to go and see a", "Lord before ....", "I shall . So there ! Six Dukes in the family ! I would n't miss it for anything ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1121, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["You still go on collecting , Mr. Texel ?", "Why , indeed ! You have the true collecting spirit . Permit me", "Well , I 'm charmed to find you in such good spirits , and really I feel very grateful to you for accepting my invitation .", "We ought to have met earlier , Mr. Texel . Now I 've got you here , I must tell you I 've ventured to invite one or two \u2014 er \u2014 kindred spirits to meet you .", "How d'you do , Ebag ?", "Let me introduce you to Mr. Texel . Mr. Texel , this is Mr. Ebag .", "I am Lord Leonard Alcar ?", "Did he ? A slip \u2014 a slip ! You 've brought your husband ?", "Tut-tut . Excuse me one moment .", "Now we 're all safely here , and I fancy there will be enough easy-chairs to go round . Mr. Texel , you already know Mr. Cyrus Carve , and you will be pleased to meet the talented artist who painted the pictures which you have been buying from Mr. Ebag . He has most kindly consented to be called Mr. X for the moment . This is Mrs. X , Mr. Texel .", "Good ! Excellent ! Now , Mrs .\u2014 er \u2014 X , will you have this chair near the fire ?", "You have all done me a signal favour by coming here . In thanking you , I wonder if I may ask another favour . May I ?", "I would merely request you to control so far as possible any expression of your astonishment at meeting one another here . That is to say , any violent expression .", "Mrs. X , I congratulate myself on your presence here . Yes , my ambition is to be peacemaker . Of course a peacemaker always runs the risk of a broken head , but I shall entrust my head to your good nature . As a proof that I really mean business , I need only point out that I have n't invited a single lawyer .", "We are making progress .", "Where I come in ?", "I quite appreciate your delicacy . Let me assure you that , though it gives me the greatest pleasure to see you all , I have not selected you as the victims of a hobby . Nor have I anything whatever to gain by stopping the trial . The reverse . At the trial I should probably have a seat on the bench next to a delightful actress , and I should enjoy the case very much indeed . I have no doubt that even now the learned judge is strenuously preparing his inimitable flashes of humour , and that , like the rest of the world , I should allow myself to be convulsed by them . I like to think of four K. C . ' s toiling hard for a miserable hundred guineas a day each . I like to think of the solicitors , good , honest fellows , striving their best to keep the costs as low as possible . I even like to think of the jury with their powerful intellects who , when we are dead and gone , Mr. Texel , will tell their grandchildren proudly how they decided the famous case of Texel v. Ebag . Above all , I like to think of the witnesses revelling in their cross-examination . Nobody will be more sorry than I to miss this grand spectacle of the greatest possible number of the greatest possible brains employed for the greatest possible length of time in settling a question that an average grocer 's assistant could settle in five minutes . I am human . But , I have been approached \u2014 I have been flattered by the suggestion \u2014 that I might persuade you two gentlemen to abandon the trial , and I may whisper to you that the abandonment of the trial would afford satisfaction in \u2014 er \u2014 influential quarters .", "My dear Mr. Texel , how can I have been so clumsy as to convey such an idea ? The Government ? Not in the least \u2014 not in the least . On behalf of nobody whatever .I am merely in a position to inform you positively that an amicable settlement of the case would be viewed with satisfaction in influential quarters .", "I shall be quite frank with you . The dignity of Westminster Abbey is involved in this case , and nothing in all England is more sacred to us than Westminster Abbey . One has only to pronounce the word \u201c the Abbey \u201d \u2014 to realize that . We know what a modern trial is ; we know what the modern press is ; and , unhappily , we know what the modern bench is . It is impossible to contemplate with equanimity the prospect of Westminster Abbey and its solemnities being given up to the tender mercy of the evening papers and a joking judge surrounded by millinery . Such an exhibition would be unseemly . It would soil our national existence . In a word , it would have a bad effect .", "Undoubtedly . But this is England . It is perhaps a disadvantage that we are not in Russia nor in Prussia . But we must make the best of our miserable country .Ca n't we discuss our little affair in a friendly way entirely without prejudice ? We are together here , among gentlemen \u2014", "Madam , I am convinced that none of us can be more gentlemanly than yourself .... Can we not find a way of settlement ?Imagine the fury of all those lawyers and journalists when they learn that we \u2014 er \u2014 if I may so express it \u2014 have done them in the eye !", "I do not doubt \u2014\u2014", "I do not doubt your conviction , Mr. Texel . It merely proves that you have never seen a British Jury exercising itself upon a question relating to the fine arts . If you had you would not be certain , for you would know that twelve tradesmen so occupied are capable of accomplishing the most incredible marvels . Supposing you do n't win \u2014 supposing Mr. Ebag wins \u2014\u2014", "Then we should have the whole world saying , \u201c Well , they have n't given a national funeral to a really great artist for about a century , and when at last they do try they only succeed in burying a valet . \u201d", "The effect would be lamentable \u2014 utterly lamentable . You will realize that in influential quarters \u2014\u2014", "My dear sir , it is the corner-stone of England 's greatness . It is the policy that has made her what she is !", "Mr. X , your interest in my picture flatters me immensely \u2014\u2014", "Yes .", "Not in the least . But the fact is we have n't yet settled the price . The exact price is to depend on the result of our gathering .", "And now that we have got so far , Mr. X , I should like to centralize the attention of this quite friendly gathering on yourself .", "There are several questions we might discuss . For example , we might argue the artistic value of the pictures admittedly the work of Mr. X . That would probably occupy us for about ten years . Or we might ask ourselves how it happened that that exceedingly astute dealer , Mr. Ebag , came to sell as a genuine Ilam Carve , without offering any explanation , a picture which , on the face of it , was painted some time after that great painter had received a national funeral in Westminster Abbey .", "Or we might ask ourselves why a valet should try to pass himself off as a world-renowned artist . Or , on the other hand , why a world-renowned artist should pass himself off as a valet .", "But these details of psychology are beside the main point . And the main point is\u2014 Are you Ilam Carve or are you Albert Shawn ?Surely with a little goodwill and unembarrassed by the assistance of experts , lawyers , and wigs generally , we can settle that ! And once it is settled the need for a trial ceases .The main point does not seem to interest you , Mr. X .", "Yet you claim \u2014\u2014", "Will you answer questions here ?", "Do you assert that you are Ilam Carve ?", "Are you Ilam Carve ?", "Might I inquire why you allowed your servant to be buried in your name ?", "But do you mean \u2014\u2014", "I beg pardon .", "Then you had n't credited his story before ?", "I should be sorry to interfere with Mr. Texel 's amusement , but I think the moment has now come for me to make a disclosure . When I was approached as to this affair I consulted Mr. Cyrus Carve first , he being the sole surviving relative of his cousin . That seemed to me to be the natural and proper course to adopt . Mr. Cyrus Carve gave me a very important piece of information , and it is solely on the strength of that information that I have invited you all to come here this afternoon .", "Then doubtless you are familiar with this double phenomenon , Mrs. X ?", "Now , gentlemen , you see how beautifully clear the situation is . By one simple act we shall arrive at a definite and final result , and we shall have avoided all the noise and scandal of a public trial . Mr. X , will you oblige us very much by taking your collar off ?", "But , my dear Mr. X !", "But surely to oblige us immensely , Mr. X , you will consent to give just one extra performance of an operation which , in fact , you accomplish three hundred and sixty-five times every year without any disastrous results .", "Mrs. X , can you \u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1121, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Yet , yet a moment ; hear , Philotas , hear me .", "Obdurate man ;", "Thus wilt thou spurn me , when a king distress 'd ,", "A good , a virtuous , venerable king ,", "The father of his people , from a throne", "Which long with ev'ry virtue he adorn 'd ,", "Torn by a ruffian , by a tyrant 's hand ,", "Groans in captivity ? In his own palace", "Lives a sequester 'd prisoner ? Oh ! Philotas ,", "If thou hast not renounc 'd humanity ;", "Let me behold my sovereign ; once again", "Admit me to his presence ; let me see", "My royal master .", "Thou canst not mean it : his to give the law !", "Detested spoiler !\u2014 his ! a vile usurper !", "Have we forgot the elder Dionysius ,", "Surnam 'd the Tyrant ? To Sicilia 's throne", "The monster waded through whole seas of blood .", "Sore groan 'd the land beneath his iron rod ,", "Till rous 'd at length Evander came from Greece ,", "Like Freedom 's Genius came , and sent the tyrant ,", "Stript of the crown , and to his humble rank", "Once more reduc 'd , to roam , for vile subsistence ,", "A wandering sophist through the realms of Greece .", "But soon that pow'r shall cease : behold his walls", "Now close encircled by the Grecian bands ;", "Timoleon leads them on ; indignant Corinth", "Sends her avenger forth , array 'd in terror ,", "To hurl ambition from a throne usurp 'd ,", "And bid all Sicily resume her rights .", "Art thou a stranger to Timoleon 's name ?", "Intent to plan , and circumspect to see", "All possible events , he rushes on", "Resistless in his course ! Your boasted master", "Scarce stands at bay ; each hour the strong blockade", "Hems him in closer , and ere long thou'lt view", "Oppression 's iron rod to fragments shiver 'd !", "The good Evander then \u2014\u2014", "How ! not behold it ! Say , Philotas , speak ;", "Has the fell tyrant ,\u2014 have his felon murderers \u2014\u2014", "And yet", "Thy dark half-hinted purpose \u2014 lead me to him ;", "If thou hast murder 'd him \u2014\u2014", "Then bless me with one tender interview .", "Thrice has the sun gone down , since last , these eyes", "Have seen the good old king ; say , why is this ?", "Wherefore debarr 'd his presence ? Thee , Philotas ,", "The troops obey , that guard the royal pris'ner ;", "Each avenue to thee is open ; thou", "Canst grant admittance ; let me , let me see him .", "But when dun night \u2014\u2014", "If any spark of virtue dwell within thee ,", "Lead me , Philotas , lead me to his prison .", "Ha ! mov 'd him , say'st thou ?", "Clandestine murderer ! Yes , there 's the scene", "Of horrid massacre . Full oft I 've walk 'd ,", "When all things lay in sleep and darkness hush 'd .", "Yes , oft I 've walk 'd the lonely sullen beach ,", "And heard the mournful sound of many a corse", "Plung 'd from the rock into the wave beneath ,", "That murmurs on the shore . And means he thus", "To end a monarch 's life ? Oh ! grant my pray'r ;", "My timely succour may protect his days ;", "The guard is yours \u2014\u2014", "Oh , lost Evander ! Lost Euphrasia too !", "How will her gentle nature bear the shock", "Of a dear father , thus in ling'ring pangs", "A prey to famine , like the veriest wretch", "Whom the hard hand of misery hath grip 'd !", "In vain she 'll rave , with impotence of sorrow ;", "Perhaps , provoke her fate : Greece arms in vain ,", "All 's lost ; Evander dies !", "To the citadel", "Direct thy footsteps ; Dionysius there", "Marshals a chosen band .", "Now , ye just gods , now look propitious down ;", "Now give the Grecian sabre tenfold edge ,", "And save a virtuous king !", "Still new horrors", "Increase each hour , and gather round our heads .", "Alas ! that hour", "Would come with joy to ev'ry honest heart ,", "Would shed divinest blessings from its wing ;", "But no such hour in all the round of time ,", "I fear , the fates averse will e'er lead on .", "Still my fears", "Forbode for thee . \u2018 Would thou hadst left this place ,", "When hence your husband , the brave Phocion , fled ,", "Fled with your infant son !", "Deem not , Euphrasia ,", "I e'er can doubt thy constancy and love .", "The pious act , whate'er the fates intend ,", "Shall merit heartfelt praise .", "I would not add to my afflictions ; yet", "My heart misgives ; Evander 's fatal period \u2014\u2014", "Alas ! those glitt'ring hopes but lend a ray", "To gild the clouds , that hover o'er your head ,", "Soon to rain sorrow down , and plunge you deeper", "In black despair .", "Ha ! the fell tyrant comes .\u2014 Beguile his rage ,", "And o'er your sorrows cast a dawn of gladness .", "Woe , bitt'rest woe , impends ; thou wouldst not think \u2014\u2014", "My tongue denies its office .", "He ,", "I fear to shock thee with the tale of horror !", "Perhaps he dies this moment .\u2014 Since Timoleon", "First form 'd his lines round this beleagur 'd city ,", "No nutriment has touch 'd Evander 's lips .", "In the deep caverns of the rock imprison 'd", "He pines in bitterest want .", "Despair , alas ! is all the sad resource", "Our fate allows us now .", "Moderate your zeal ,", "Nor let him hear these transports of the soul ,", "These wild upbraidings ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1130, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The gloom of night sits heavy on the world ;", "And o'er the solemn scene such stillness reigns ,", "As \u2018 twere a pause of nature ; on the beach", "No murmuring billow breaks ; the Grecian tents", "Lie sunk in sleep ; no gleaming fires are seen ;", "All Syracuse is hush 'd ; no stir abroad ,", "Save ever and anon the dashing oar ,", "That beats the sullen wave . And hark !\u2014 Was that", "The groan of anguish from Evander 's cell ,", "Piercing the midnight gloom ?\u2014 It is the sound", "Of bustling prows , that cleave the briny deep .", "Perhaps at this dead hour Hamilcar 's fleet", "Rides in the bay .", "Why thus desert thy couch ?", "At intervals the oar 's resounding stroke", "Comes echoing from the main . Save that report ,", "A death-like silence through the wide expanse", "Broods o'er the dreary coast .", "How fares", "Your royal pris'ner ?", "May no alarm disturb thee ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1130, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["No ; on my life , I dare not .", "Not the smallest store", "Of scanty nourishment must pass these walls .", "Our lives were forfeit else : a moment 's parley", "Is all I grant ; in yonder cave he lies .", "Repose thee , princess , here ,here rest thy limbs , Till the returning blood shall lend thee firmness .", "All I can grant ,", "You shall command . I will unbar the dungeon ,", "Unloose the chain that binds him to the rock ,", "And leave your interview without restraint .", "Take your last farewell . His vigour seems not yet exhausted quite . You must be brief , or ruin will ensue .", "The grey of morn breaks thro \u2019 yon eastern clouds .", "\u2018 Twere time this interview should end : the hour", "Now warns Euphrasia hence : what man could dare ,", "I have indulg 'd \u2014 Philotas !\u2014 ha ! the cell", "Left void !\u2014 Evander gone !\u2014 What may this mean ?", "Philotas , speak .", "She must withdraw , Philotas ;", "Delay undoes us both . The restless main", "Glows with the blush of day .", "The time requires", "Without or further pause , or vain excuse ,", "That she depart this moment .", "\u2018 Would she had ne'er adventur 'd to our guard !", "I dread th \u2019 event ; and hark !\u2014 the wind conveys", "In clearer sound the uproar of the main .", "The fates prepare new havoc ; on th \u2019 event", "Depends the fate of empire . Wherefore thus", "Delays Euphrasia ? Ha ! what means , Philotas ,", "That sudden haste , that pale , disorder 'd look ?", "Ha !\u2014 say what mystery", "Wakes these emotions ?", "That device", "Has she then form 'd , eluding all our care ,", "To minister relief ?", "The tale unmans my soul .", "Philotas , for Euphrasia , in her cause ,", "I now can hazard all . Let us preserve", "Her father for her .", "And yet we must be wary ; I 'll go forth ,", "And first explore each avenue around ,", "Lest the fix 'd sentinel obstruct your purpose ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1130, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Base deserters !", "Curse on their Punic faith ! did they once dare", "To grapple with the Greek ? Ere yet the main", "Was ting 'd with blood , they turn 'd their ships averse .", "May storms and tempests follow in their rear ,", "And dash their fleet upon the Lybian shore !", "Ruin impends ; and yet , if fall it must ,", "I bear a mind to meet it undismay 'd ,", "Unconquer 'd ev'n by Fate .", "With sacred rites their wrath must be appeas 'd .", "Let instant victims at the altar bleed :", "Let incense roll its fragrant clouds to Heav'n ,", "And pious matrons , and the virgin train ,", "In slow procession to the temple bear", "The image of their gods .", "The solemn sacrifice , the virgin throng ,", "Will gain the popular belief , and kindle", "In the fierce soldiery religious rage .", "Away , my friends , prepare the sacred rites .", "Philotas , thou draw near : how fares your pris'ner ?", "Has he yet breath 'd his last ?", "Curse on his ling'ring pangs ! Sicilia 's crown", "No more shall deck his brow ; and if the sand", "Still loiter in the glass , thy hand , my friend ,", "May shake it thence .", "Oh ! Philotas ,", "Thou little know'st the cares , the pangs of empire .", "The ermin 'd pride , the purple that adorns", "A conqueror 's breast , but serves , my friend , to hide", "A heart that 's torn , that 's mangled with remorse .", "Each object round me wakens horrid doubts ;", "The flatt'ring train , the sentinel that guards me ,", "The slave that waits , all give some new alarm ,", "And from the means of safety dangers rise .", "Ev'n victory itself plants anguish here ,", "And round my laurels the fell serpent twines .", "Detested thought !", "No , though ambition teem with countless ills ,", "It still has charms of pow'r to fire the soul .", "Though horrors multiply around my head ,", "I will oppose them all . The pomp of sacrifice ,", "But now ordain 'd , is mockery to Heav'n .", "\u2018 Tis vain , \u2018 tis fruitless ; then let daring guilt", "Be my inspirer , and consummate all .", "Where are those Greeks , the captives of my sword ,", "Whose desperate valour rush 'd within our walls ,", "Fought near our person , and the pointed lance", "Aim 'd at my breast ?", "Give me to see \u2018 em ; bring the slaves before me .", "Assassins , and not warriors ! do ye come ,", "When the wide range of battle claims your sword ,", "Thus do ye come against a single life", "To wage the war ? Did not our buckler ring", "With all your darts , in one collected volley ,", "Shower 'd on my head ? Did not your swords at once", "Point at my breast , and thirst for regal blood ?", "Thus , then , I warn them of my great revenge .", "Whoe'er in battle shall become our pris'ner ,", "In torment meets his doom .", "Vile slave , no more . Melanthon , drag \u2018 em hence", "To die in misery . Impal 'd alive ,", "The winds shall parch them on the craggy cliff .", "Selected from the rest , let one depart", "A messenger to Greece , to tell the fate", "Her chosen sons , her first adventurers met ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1130, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["This way , my virgins , this way bend your steps .", "Lo ! the sad sepulchre where , hears 'd in death ,", "The pale remains of my dear mother lie .", "There , while the victims at yon altar bleed ,", "And with your pray'rs the vaulted roof resounds .", "There let me pay the tribute of a tear ,", "A weeping pilgrim o'er Eudocia 's ashes .", "My tears have dry 'd their source ; then let me here ,", "Pay this sad visit to the honour 'd clay ,", "That moulders in the tomb . These sacred viands", "I 'll burn an offering to a parent 's shade ,", "And sprinkle with this wine the hallow 'd mould .", "That duty paid , I will return , my virgins .", "Virgins , I thank you \u2014 Oh ! more lightly now", "My heart expands ; the pious act is done ,", "And I have paid my tribute to a parent .", "Ah ! wherefore does the tyrant bend his way ?", "Despair and horror mark his haggard looks .", "Do you retire ,", "Retire , Philotas ; let me here remain ,", "And give the moments of suspended fate", "To pious worship and to filial love .", "Now , then , Euphrasia , now thou may'st indulge", "The purest ecstacy of soul . Come forth ,", "Thou man of woe , thou man of every virtue .", "How fares my father now ?", "Sprung from Evander , if a little portion", "Of all his goodness dwell within my heart ,", "Thou wilt not wonder .", "Alas ! too much you over-rate your daughter ;", "Nature and duty call 'd me \u2014 Oh ! my father ,", "How didst thou bear thy long , long suff'rings ? How", "Endure their barb'rous rage ?", "Timoleon too", "Invites thee back to life .", "His active genius comes", "To scourge a guilty race . The Punic fleet ,", "Half lost , is swallow 'd by the roaring sea .", "The shatter 'd refuse seek the Lybian shore ,", "To bear the news of their defeat to Carthage .", "Ha !\u2014 hark !\u2014 what noise is that ! Some busy footstep beats the hallow 'd pavement . Oh ! sir , retire \u2014 Ye pow'rs !\u2014 Philotas !\u2014 ha !", "Banish that thought ; forbear ; the rash attempt", "Were fatal to our hopes ; oppress 'd , dismay 'd ,", "The people look aghast , and , wan with fear ,", "None dare espouse your cause .", "Yet stay ; yet be advis 'd .", "Again th'alarm approaches ; sure destruction", "To thee , to all , will follow :\u2014 hark ! a sound", "Comes hollow murm'ring through the vaulted aisle .", "It gains upon the ear . Withdraw , my father ;", "All 's lost , if thou art seen .", "Ha ! what means", "The tyrant ?\u2014 I obey .", "And , oh ! ye pow'rs ,", "Ye ministers of Heaven , defend my father ;", "Support his drooping age ; and when anon", "Avenging justice shakes her crimson steel ,", "Oh ! be the grave at least a place of rest ;", "That from his covert , in the hour of peace ,", "Forth he may come to bless a willing people ,", "And be your own just image here on earth ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1130, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Away each vain alarm ; the sun goes down :", "Nor yet Timoleon issues from his fleet .", "There let him linger on the wave-worn beach ;", "Here the vain Greek shall find another Troy ,", "A more than Hector here . Though Carthage fly ,", "Ourself , still Dionysius , here remains .", "And means the Greek to treat of terms of peace ?", "By Heav'n , this panting bosom hop 'd to meet", "His boasted phalanx on the embattled plain .", "And doth he now , on peaceful councils bent ,", "Despatch his herald ?\u2014 Let the slave approach .", "Enter the HERALD .", "Now speak thy purpose ; what doth Greece impart ?", "Unfold thy mystery ;", "Thou shalt be heard .", "Your leader weeps !", "Then let the author of those ills thou speak'st of ,", "Let the ambitious factor of destruction ,", "Timely retreat , and close the scene of blood .", "Why doth affrighted peace behold his standard", "Uprear 'd in Sicily ? and wherefore here", "The iron ranks of war , from which the shepherd", "Retires appall 'd , and leaves the blasted hopes", "Of half the year , while closer to her breast", "The mother clasps her infant ?", "Go tell your leader , his pretexts are vain .", "Let him , with those that live , embark for Greece ,", "And leave our peaceful plains ; the mangled limbs", "Of those he murder 'd , from my tender care", "Shall meet due obsequies .", "Be it so ;", "I grant thy suit : soon as to-morrow 's dawn", "Illume the world , the rage of wasting war", "In vain shall thirst for blood .", "Thou know'st my last resolve , and now farewell .", "Some careful officer conduct him forth .", "By Heav'n , the Greek hath offered to my sword", "An easy prey ; a sacrifice to glut", "My great revenge . Calippus , let each soldier", "This night resign his wearied limbs to rest ,", "That ere the dawn , with renovated strength ,", "On the unguarded , unsuspecting foe ,", "Disarm 'd , and bent on superstitious rites ,", "From every quarter we may rush undaunted ,", "Give the invaders to the deathful steel ,", "And by one carnage bury all in ruin .", "My valiant friends , haste to your several posts ,", "And let this night a calm unruffled spirit", "Lie hush 'd in sleep : away , my friends , disperse .", "Philotas , waits Euphrasia as we order 'd ?", "Admit her to our presence .", "Rage and despair , a thousand warring passions ,", "All rise by turns , and piecemeal rend my heart .", "Yet ev'ry means , all measures must be tried ,", "To sweep the Grecian spoiler from the land ,", "And fix the crown unshaken on my brow .", "Approach , fair mourner , and dispel thy fears .", "Thy grief , thy tender duty to thy father ,", "Has touch 'd me nearly . In his lone retreat ,", "Respect , attendance , every lenient care", "To sooth affliction , and extend his life ,", "Evander has commanded .", "Urgencies of state", "Abridg 'd his liberty ; but to his person", "All honour hath been paid .", "If to see your father ,", "If here to meet him in a fond embrace ,", "Will calm thy breast , and dry those beauteous tears ,", "A moment more shall bring him to your presence .", "Control this wild alarm ; with prudent care", "Philotas shall conduct him ; here I grant", "The tender interview .", "This night , this very hour , you both must meet .", "Together you may serve the state and me .", "Thou seest the havoc of wide wasting war ;", "And more , full well you know , are still to bleed .", "Thou may'st prevent their fate .", "From a Greek", "Torments have wrung the truth . Thy husband , Phocion \u2014", "He ; \u2018 tis he", "Hath kindled up this war ; with treacherous arts", "Inflam 'd the states of Greece ; and now the traitor", "Comes with a foreign aid to wrest my crown .", "With him invests our walls , and bids rebellion", "Erect her standard here .", "Ungrateful fair ! Has not our sovereign will", "On thy descendants fix 'd Sicilia 's crown ?", "Have I not vow 'd protection to your boy ?", "Misguided woman !", "Rush not on sure destruction ; ere too late", "Accept our proffer 'd grace . The terms are these ;", "Instant send forth a message to your husband ;", "Bid him draw off his Greeks ! unmoor his fleet ,", "And measure back his way . Full well he knows", "You and your father are my hostages ;", "And for his treason both may answer .", "By Heav'n , this night Evander breathes his last .", "Now your father 's doom", "Is fix 'd ; irrevocably fix 'd .", "Ha ! this night", "Evander dies ; and thou , detested fair !", "Thou shalt behold him , while inventive cruelty", "Pursues his wearied life through every nerve .", "I scorn all dull delay . This very night", "Shall sate my great revenge ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1130, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Each step I move , a grateful terror shakes", "My frame to dissolution .", "If here", "They both are found ; if in Evander 's arms", "Euphrasia meets my search , the fates atone", "For all my suff'rings , all afflictions past .", "Yes , I will seek them \u2014 ha !\u2014 the gaping tomb", "Invites my steps \u2014 now , be propitious Heaven !", "What voice is that ?\u2014 Melanthon !", "Heart-swelling transport !", "Art thou Euphrasia ? \u2018 tis thy Phocion , love ;", "Thy husband comes .", "Once more I clasp her in this fond embrace !", "Love", "Inspir 'd my heart , and guided all my ways .", "Your boy is safe , Euphrasia ; lives to reign", "In Sicily : Timoleon 's gen'rous care", "Protects him in his camp :\u2014 dispel thy fears ;", "The gods once more will give him to thy arms .", "I came this moment thence .", "Alas ! I found him not .", "I 've been too rash ; revive , my love , revive ;", "Thy Phocion calls ; the gods will guard Evander ,", "And save him to reward thy matchless virtue .", "My Euphrasia ;", "Thy father lives ;\u2014 thou venerable man !", "Behold !\u2014 I cannot fly to thy embrace .", "Protected by a daughter 's tender care ,", "By my Euphrasia sav 'd ! That sweet reflection", "Exalts the bliss to rapture .", "Evander thou , and thou , my best Euphrasia ,", "Both shall attend my flight .", "And my poor captive friends , my brave companions", "Taken in battle , wilt thou guard their lives ?", "By Heav'n , the glorious expectation swells", "This panting bosom ! Yes , Euphrasia , yes ;", "A while I leave you to the care of Heaven .", "Fell Dionysius tremble ; ere the dawn", "Timoleon thunders at your gates ! the rage ,", "The pent-up rage , of twenty thousand Greeks ,", "Shall burst at once ; and the tumultuous roar ,", "Alarm th'astonish ' d world .", "Farewell ;\u2014 the midnight hour shall give you freedom ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1130, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ere the day clos 'd , while yet the busy eye", "Might view their camp , their stations , and their guards ,", "Their preparations for approaching night ;\u2014", "Didst thou then mark the motions of the Greek ?", "Their folly gives them to my sword . Are all", "My orders issued ?", "The troops retir 'd", "To gain recruited vigour from repose ?", "Anon", "Let each brave officer , of chosen valour ,", "Forsake his couch , and with delib'rate spirit ,", "Meet at the citadel . An hour , at furthest ,", "Before the dawn ; \u2018 tis fix 'd to storm their camp ;", "Haste , Calippus ,", "Fly to thy post , and bid Euphrasia enter .", "Evander dies this night :\u2014 Euphrasia too", "Shall be dispos 'd of . Curse on Phocion 's fraud ,", "That from my pow'r withdrew their infant boy .", "In him the seed of future kings were crush 'd ,", "And the whole hated line at once extinguish 'd .", "Enter EUPHRASIA .", "Once more approach and hear me ; \u2018 tis not now", "A time to waste in the vain war of words .", "A crisis big with horror is at hand .", "I meant to spare the stream of blood , that soon", "Shall deluge yonder plains . My fair proposals", "Thy haughty spirit has with scorn rejected .", "And now , by Heav'n , here , in thy very sight ,", "Evander breathes his last .", "Woman , beware : Philotas is at hand ,", "And to our presence leads Evander . All", "Thy dark complottings , and thy treach'rous arts ,", "Have prov 'd abortive .", "What , ho ! Philotas !", "Where 's your pris'ner ?", "Ha !\u2014 Death has robb 'd me", "Of half my great revenge .", "Bring me his hoary head !", "Now rave and shriek ,", "And rend your scatter 'd hair . No more Evander", "Shall sway Sicilia 's sceptre .", "Now then , thou feel'st my vengeance .", "Philotas , bear her hence ; she shall not live ;", "This moment , bear her hence !\u2014 you know the rest :\u2014", "Go , see our will obey 'd ; that done , with all", "A warrior 's speed , attend me at the citadel ;\u2014", "There meet the heroes , whom this night shall lead", "To freedom , victory ,\u2014 to glorious havoc ,", "And the destruction of the Grecian name ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1130, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Which way , Erixene , which way , my virgins ,", "Shall we direct our steps ? What sacred altar", "Clasp on our knees ?", "Anon , Erixene , I mean to visit ,", "Perhaps for the last time , a mother 's urn .", "This dagger there , this instrument of death ,", "Should fortune prosper the fell tyrant 's arms ,", "This dagger then may free me from his pow'r ,", "And that drear vault intomb us all in peace .", "The din", "Of arms with clearer sound advances . Hark !", "That sudden burst !\u2014 Again !\u2014 They rush upon us !", "The portal opens ; lo !\u2014 see there !\u2014 behold ,", "War , horrid war , invades the sacred fane !", "No altar gives a sanctuary now .", "No , tyrant no ;", "Oh ! thus , my father ,", "We 'll perish thus together .", "Ha !", "Now , one glorious effort !\u2014", "A daughter 's arm , fell monster , strikes the blow .", "Behold , all Sicily behold !\u2014 The point", "Glows with the tyrant 's blood . Ye slaves ,", "look there ;", "Kneel to your rightful king : the blow for freedom", "Gives you the rights of men ! And , oh , my father ,", "My ever honour 'd sire , it gives thee life !", "My lord !\u2014 my Phocion !\u2014 welcome to my heart .\u2014", "Lo ! there the wonders of Euphrasia 's arm !", "Oh ! once again , my father ,", "Thy sway shall bless the land . Not for himself", "Timoleon conquers ; to redress the wrongs", "Of bleeding Sicily , the hero comes .", "Thee , good Melanthon , thee , thou gen'rous man ,", "His justice shall reward . Thee too , Philotas ,", "Whose sympathizing heart could feel the touch", "Of soft humanity , the hero 's bounty ,", "His brightest honours , shall be lavish 'd on thee .", "Evander , too , will place you near his throne ;", "And show mankind , ev'n on this shore of being ,", "That virtue still shall meet its sure reward ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1130, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Steel . Dis is de Zoo , huh ?", "I musta been dreamin \u2019 . I tought I was in a cage at de", "Zoo \u2014 but de apes do n't talk , do dey ?", "I was a fireman \u2014 stokin \u2019 on de liners .I 'm a hairy ape , get me ? And I 'll bust youse all in de jaw if yuh do n't lay off kiddin \u2019 me .", "Sure ting ! Ai n't dat what youse all are \u2014 apes ?A VOICE \u2014I 'll show yuh who 's a ape , yuh bum !", "De guard ? Yuh mean de keeper , do n't yuh ?", "Aw , yuh 're all wrong ! Sure dere was a skoit in it \u2014 but not what youse mean , not dat old tripe . Dis was a new kind of skoit . She was dolled up all in white \u2014 in de stokehole . I tought she was a ghost . Sure .", "Her hands \u2014 dey was skinny and white like dey was n't real but painted on somep'n . Dere was a million miles from me to her \u2014 twenty-five knots a hour . She was like some dead ting de cat brung in . Sure , dat 's what . She did n't belong . She belonged in de window of a toy store , or on de top of a garbage can , see ! Sure !But would yuh believe it , she had de noive to do me doit . She lamped me like she was seein \u2019 somep'n broke loose from de menagerie . Christ , yuh 'd oughter seen her eyes !But I 'll get back at her yet , you watch ! And if I can n't find her I 'll take it out on de gang she runs wit . I 'm wise to where dey hangs out now . I 'll show her who belongs ! I 'll show her who 's in de move and who ai n't . You watch my smoke !", "Wreckers , dat 's de right dope ! Dat belongs ! Me for dem !", "I 'd like to catch dat senator guy alone for a second . I 'd loin him some trute !", "I got him . So dey blow up tings , do dey ? Dey turn tings round , do dey ? Hey , lend me dat paper , will yuh ?", "Tanks . I can n't read much but I kin manage .Sure \u2014 her old man \u2014 president of de Steel Trust \u2014 makes half de steel in de world \u2014 steel \u2014 where I tought I belonged \u2014 drivin \u2019 trou \u2014 movin \u2019 \u2014 in dat \u2014 to make HER \u2014 and cage me in for her to spit on ! ChristHe made dis \u2014 dis cage ! Steel ! IT do n't belong , dat 's what ! Cages , cells , locks , bolts , bars \u2014 dat 's what it means !\u2014 holdin \u2019 me down wit him at de top ! But I 'll drive trou ! Fire , dat melts it ! I 'll be fire \u2014 under de heap \u2014 fire dat never goes out \u2014 hot as hell \u2014 breakin \u2019 out in de night \u2014", "Or a hairy ape , yuh big yellow bum ! Look out ! Here I come !", "Hello .", "I tought I 'd bumped into de wrong dump .", "Name ? Lemme tink .", "Dis burg is full of bulls , ai n't it ?", "Sure . Youse would n't for woilds . Sure . I 'm wise to dat .", "Aw , dat 's aw right , see .Aw , can it ! Youse need n't put me trou de toid degree . Ca n't youse see I belong ? Sure ! I 'm reg'lar . I 'll stick , get me ? I 'll shoot de woiks for youse . Dat 's why I wanted to join in .", "I know enough not to speak outa my toin .Aw , say ! I 'm reg'lar . I 'm wise to de game . I know yuh got to watch your step wit a stranger . For all youse know , I might be a plain-clothes dick , or somep'n , dat 's what yuh 're tinkin \u2019 , huh ? Aw , forget it ! I belong , see ? Ask any guy down to de docks if I do n't .", "Ai n't there no password \u2014 no grip nor nothin \u2019 ?", "Yuh mean to say yuh always run wide open \u2014 like dis ?", "Sure , I 'll come out wit it . I 'll show youse I 'm one of de gang . Dere 's dat millionaire guy , Douglas \u2014", "What 's dat , yuh Sheeny bum , yuh !", "So dem boids do n't tink I belong , neider . Aw , to hell wit \u2018 em ! Dey 're in de wrong pew \u2014 de same old bull \u2014 soapboxes and Salvation Army \u2014 no guts ! Cut out an hour offen de job a day and make me happy ! Gimme a dollar more a day and make me happy ! Tree square a day , and cauliflowers in de front yard \u2014 ekal rights \u2014 a woman and kids \u2014 a lousey vote \u2014 and I 'm all fixed for Jesus , huh ? Aw , hell ! What does dat get yuh ? Dis ting 's in your inside , but it ai n't your belly . Feedin \u2019 your face \u2014 sinkers and coffee \u2014 dat do n't touch it . It 's way down \u2014 at de bottom . Yuh can n't grab it , and yuh can n't stop it . It moves , and everyting moves . It stops and de whole woild stops . Dat 's me now \u2014 I do n't tick , see ?\u2014 I 'm a busted Ingersoll , dat 's what . Steel was me , and I owned de woild . Now I ai n't steel , and de woild owns me . Aw , hell ! I can n't see \u2014 it 's all dark , get me ? It 's all wrong !Say , youse up dere , Man in de Moon , yuh look so wise , gimme de answer , huh ? Slip me de inside dope , de information right from de stable \u2014 where do I get off at , huh ? A POLICEMAN \u2014You 'll get off at the station , you boob , if you do n't get up out of that and keep movin \u2019 .", "Sure ! Lock me up ! Put me in a cage ! Dat 's de on'y answer yuh know . G'wan , lock me up !", "Say , where do I go from here ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1131, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Unlike the stars , how many things you tell", "And do not know ! When comes your master home ?", ":", "He haunts the camp", "And leaves me much alone ; yet I can pass", "The time of absence not unhappily ,", "If I but know the time of his return .", "An hour of moonlight yet ! Khamma , my mirror !", "These curls are ill arranged , this veil too low ,\u2014", "So ,\u2014 that is better , careless maids ! Withdraw ,\u2014", "But warn me if your master should appear .", ":", "My guest is late ; but he will surely come !", "Hunger and thirst will bring him to my feet .", "The man who burns to drain the cup of love ,\u2014", "The priest whose greed of glory never fails ,\u2014", "Both , both have need of me , and he will come .", "And I ,\u2014 what do I need ? Why everything", "That helps my beauty to a higher throne ;", "All that a priest can promise , all a man", "Can give , and all a god bestow , I need :", "This may a woman win , and this will I .", ":", "The mistress of the house of Naaman", "Salutes the keeper of the House of Rimmon .", "Thus Tsarpi welcomes Rezon ! Nay , no more !", "Till I have heard what errand brings you here", "By night , within the garden of the man", "Who hates you most and fears you least in all Damascus .", ":", "I think I hate him too . He stands apart", "From me , ev'n while he holds me in his arms ,", "By something that I cannot understand ,", "Nor supple to my will , nor melt with tears ,", "Nor quite dissolve with blandishments , although", "He swears he loves his wife next to his honour !", "Next ? That 's too low ! I will be first or nothing .", "But how ? For he is strong .", "Speak clearly ; tell your plan .", "All , all I wish ! What must I do for this ?", "And if I fail ?", "But if it flame instead ?", "I ? I do not think ; I only do my part . But can the gods bless this ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1137, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Fear is a hot fire .", "Naaman can do nothing without the command of the King ; and the King fears to order the army to march without the approval of the gods . The High Priest is against it . The House of Rimmon is for peace with Asshur .", "Not us , my lord , only the common people . The envoys have offered favourable terms to the priests , and the nobles , and the King . No palace , no temple , shall be plundered . Only the shops , and the markets , and the houses of the multitude shall be given up to the Bull . He will eat his supper from the pot of lentils , not from our golden plate .", "Here is Shumakim , the King 's fool , with his legs full of last night 's wine .", "And what is a politician ?", "Then let me speak , O King , in plainer words !", "The days of independent states are past :", "The tide of empire sweeps across the earth ;", "Assyria rides it with resistless power", "And thunders on to subjugate the world .", "Oppose her , and we fight with Destiny ;", "Submit to her demands , and we shall ride", "With her to victory . Therefore return", "This bloody horn , the symbol of wild war ,", "With words of soft refusal , and accept", "The golden yoke , Assyria 's gift of peace ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1137, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Peace and good health to you , Saballidin . Good morrow to you all . How fares my lord ?", ":", "Told him ! Why did you make report to him .", "And not to me ? Am I not captain here ,", "Intrusted by the King 's command with care", "Of Naaman 's life , until he is restored ?", "\u2018 Tis mine to know the first of good or ill", "In this adventure : mine to shield his heart", "From every arrow of adversity .", "What have you told him ? Speak !", ":", "Return ! Who gave you that command ? Not I !", "The King made me the leader of this quest ,", "And bound you all to follow me , because", "He knew I never would return without", "The thing for which he sent us . I 'll go on", "Day after day , unto the uttermost parts", "Of earth , if need be , and beyond the gates", "Of morning , till I find that which I seek ,\u2014", "New life for Naaman . Are ye ashamed", "To have a woman lead you ? Then go back", "And tell the King , \u201c This huntress went too far", "For us to follow ; she pursues the trail", "Of hope alone , refusing to forsake", "The quarry : we grew weary of the chase ;", "And so we left her and retraced our steps ,", "Like faithless hounds , to sleep beside the fire . \u201d", "Did Naaman forsake his soldiers thus", "When you went forth to hunt the Assyrian Bull ?", "Your manly courage is less durable", "Than woman 's love , it seems . Go , if you will ,\u2014", "Who bids me now farewell ?", ":", "Why , now you speak like men ! Brought you no word", "Out of Samaria , except that cry", "Of impotence and fear from Israel 's king ?", "What said the King ?", ":", "It is the very word for which I prayed !", "My trust was not in princes ; for the crown ,", "The sceptre , and the purple robe are not", "Significant of vital power . The man", "Who saves his brother-men is he who lives", "His life with Nature , takes deep hold on truth ,", "And trusts in God . A prophet 's word is more", "Than all the kings on earth can speak . How far", "Is Dothan ?", "Near ! so near ? I had not thought to end my task so soon ! Prepare yourselves with speed to take the road . I will awake my lord .", ":", "The gratitude", "Of him we both desire to serve : your friend ,\u2014", "My master and my lord .", ":", "Yes , if you will , take all the thanks my hands", "Can hold , my lips can speak .", ":", "My friend , there 's nothing more to give to you ,", "My service to my lord is absolute .", "There 's not a drop of blood within my veins", "But quickens at the very thought of him ;", "And not a dream of mine but he doth stand", "Within its heart and make it bright . No man", "To me is other than his friend or foe .", "You are his friend , and I believe you true !", ":", "And therefore doubly true to him !", "O let us match our loyalties , and strive", "Between us who shall win the higher crown !", "Men boast them of a friendship stronger far", "Than love of woman . Prove it ! I 'll not boast ,", "But I 'll contend with you on equal terms", "In this brave race : and if you win the prize", "I 'll hold you next to him : and if I win", "He 'll hold you next to me ; and either way", "We 'll not be far apart . Do you accept", "My challenge ?", ":", "Her name ? Why , what is that ?", "A name is but an empty shell , a mask", "That does not change the features of the face", "Beneath it . Can a name rejoice , or weep ,", "Or hope ? Can it be moved by tenderness", "To daily services of love , or feel the warmth", "Of dear companionship ? How many things", "We call by names that have no meaning : kings", "That cannot rule ; and gods that are not good ;", "And wives that do not love ! It matters not", "What syllables he utters when he calls ,", "\u2018 Tis I who come ,\u2014 \u2018 tis I who minister", "Unto my lord , and mine the living heart", "That feels the comfort of his confidence ,", "The thrill of gladness when he speaks to me ,\u2014", "I do not hear the name !", ":", "I seek no gain ; I only tread the path", "Marked for me daily by the hand of love .", "And if his blindness spared my lord one pang", "Of sorrow in his black , forsaken hour ,\u2014", "And if this error makes his burdened heart", "More quiet , and his shadowed way less dark ,", "Whom do I rob ? Not her who chose to stay", "At ease in Rimmon 's House ! Surely not him !", "Only myself ? And that enriches me .", "Why trouble we the master ? Let it go ,\u2014", "To-morrow he must know the truth ,\u2014 and then", "He shall dispose of me e'en as he will !", ":", "Yes , for I will tarry here ,", "While you conduct him to Elisha 's house", "To find the promised healing . I forebode", "A sudden danger from the craven king", "Of Israel , or else a secret ambush", "From those who hate us in Damascus . Go ,", "But leave me twenty men : this mountain-pass", "Protects the road behind you . Make my lord", "Obey the prophet 's word , whatever he commands ,", "And come again in peace . Farewell !", "A fairer day , dear lord , was never born", "In Paradise ! The sapphire cup of heaven", "Is filled with golden wine : the earth , adorned", "With jewel-drops of dew , unveils her face", "A joyful bride , in welcome to her king .", "And look ! He leaps upon the Eastern hills", "All ruddy fire , and claims her with a kiss .", "Yonder the snowy peaks of Hermon float", "Unmoving as a wind-dropt cloud . The gulf", "Of Jordan , filled with violet haze , conceals", "The rivers winding trail with wreaths of mist .", "Below us , marble-crowned Samaria thrones", "Upon her emerald hill amid the Vale", "Of Barley , while the plains to northward change", "Their colour like the shimmering necks of doves .", "The lark springs up , with morning on her wings ,", "To climb her singing stairway in the blue ,", "And all the fields are sprinkled with her joy !", ":", "What matter where he sends ? No god is he", "To slay or make alive . Elisha bids", "You come to him at Dothan , there to learn", "There is a God in Israel .", ":", "Fear not ! There 's One who rules in righteousness", "High over all .", ":", "Oh , I have heard ,\u2014 the maid of Israel ,\u2014", "Rememberest thou ? She often said her God", "Was merciful and kind , and slow to wrath ,", "And plenteous in forgiveness , pitying us", "Like as a father pitieth his children .", ":", "Then make haste to hear the word", "His prophet promises to speak to thee !", "Obey it , my dear lord , and thou shalt lose", "This curse that burdens thee . This tiny spot", "Of white that mars the beauty of thy brow", "Shall melt like snow ; thine eyes be filled with light .", "Thou wilt not need my leading any more ,\u2014", "Nor me ,\u2014 for thou wilt see me , all unveiled ,\u2014", "I tremble at the thought .", "Surely I am ! But take me , take me now !", "For I belong to thee in body and soul ;", "The very pulses of my heart are thine .", "Wilt thou not feel how tenderly they beat ?", "Wilt thou not lie like myrrh between my breasts", "And satisfy thy lonely lips with love ?", "Thou art opprest , and I would comfort thee", "While yet thy sorrow weighs upon thy life .", "To-morrow ? No , to-day ! The crown of love", "Is sacrifice ; I have not given thee", "Enough ! Ah , fold me in thine arms ,\u2014 take all !", "Thou wilt not need me then ,\u2014 and I shall be", "No more than the faint echo of a song", "Heard half asleep . We shall go back to where", "We stood before this journey .", ":", "Yea , I am changed ,\u2014 and changed", "Again ,\u2014 bewildered ,\u2014 till there 's nothing clear", "To me but this : I am the instrument", "In an Almighty hand to rescue thee", "From death . This will I do ,\u2014 and afterward \u2014", "Hearken , the trumpet sounds , the chariot waits .", "Away , dear lord , follow the road to light !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1137, "act_index": 0}, {"query": [":", "What insolence is this ? Am I a man", "To be put off with surly messengers ?", "Has not Damascus rivers more renowned", "Than this rude , torrent Jordan ? Crystal streams ,", "Abana ! Pharpar ! flowing smoothly through", "A paradise of roses ? Might I not", "Have bathed in them and been restored at ease ?", "Come up , Saballidin , and guide me home !", ":", "No ! not for all my pride !", "I 'll make myself most humble for her sake ,", "And stoop to anything that gives me hope", "Of having her . Make haste , Saballidin ,", "Bring me to Jordan . I will cast myself", "Into that river 's turbulent embrace", "A hundred times , until I save my life", "Or lose it !", ":", "Behold a man delivered from the grave", "By thee ! I rose from Jordan 's waves restored", "To youth and vigour , as the eagle mounts", "Upon the sunbeam and renews his strength !", "O mighty prophet deign to take from me", "These gifts too poor to speak my gratitude ;", "Silver and gold and jewels , damask robes ,\u2014", ":", "He is the only God ! I worship Him !", "Grant me a portion of the blessed soil", "Of this most favoured land where I have found", "His mercy ; in Damascus will I build", "An altar to His name , and praise Him there", "Morning and night . There is no other God", "In all the world .", ":", "I know them well ! Yet when my master goes", "To worship in the House of Rimmon , I", "Must enter with him ; for he trusts me , leans", "Upon my hand ; and when he bows himself", "I cannot help but make obeisance too ,\u2014", "But not to Rimmon ! To my country 's king", "I 'll bow in love and honour . Will the Lord", "Pardon thy servant in this thing ?", "Thou hast not answered me ,\u2014 may I bow down ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1137, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["A dream , a dream , a messenger of God !", "O dear and dreadful vision , art thou true ?", "Then am I glad with all my broken heart .", "Nothing remains ,\u2014 nothing remains but this ,\u2014", "Give thanks , obey , depart ,\u2014 and so I do .", "Farewell , my master 's sword ! Farewell to you ,", "My amulet ! I lay you on the hilt", "His hand shall clasp again : bid him farewell", "For me , since I must look upon his face", "No more for ever !\u2014 Hark , what sound was that ?", "My lord returns in triumph .", "Our enemies ? Then hold your ground ,\u2014 on guard ! Fight ! fight ! Defend the pass , and drive them down .", "He is far beyond your reach .", "The leper is no more .", "He has gone to meet his God .", ":", "I am not what you say ,", "Nor have I lied , nor will I ever speak", "A word to you , vile servant of a traitor-god ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1137, "act_index": 0}, {"query": [":", "O King , last night the counsel from above", "Was given in answer to our divination .", "Ambassadors must go forthwith to crave", "Assyria 's pardon , and a second offer", "Of the same terms of peace we did reject", "Not long ago .", ":", "Yet may we trust Rimmon will favour us ,", "If we adhere devoutly to his worship .", "He will incline his brother-god , the Bull ,", "To spare us , if we supplicate him now", "With costly gifts . Therefore I have prepared", "A sacrifice : Rimmon shall be well pleased", "With the red blood that bathes his knees to-night !", "No need of that ! This duteous lady yields", "To your caprice as she has ever done ;", "She stands a monument of loyalty", "And woman 's meekness .", "What treasure ? I have stolen none from you .", ":", "O master , I obey thy word as thou", "Hast ever been obedient to the voice", "Of Rimmon . Let thy fiery captain wait", "Until the sacrifice has been performed ,", "And he shall have the jewel that he claims .", "Must we not first placate the city 's god", "With due allegiance , keep the ancient faith ,", "And pay our homage to the Lord of Wrath ?", "Behold the sacrifice ! Bow down , bow down !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1137, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["We drink , Master Wilford . Not a man of us has been chased as yet .", "We give you joy , Master Wilford , of the prospect of advancement which has so unexpectedly opened to you .", "Have you been sent for ?", "Lives there anyone that may dispute your claim \u2014 I mean vexatiously ?", "Doubtless you look for much happiness from this change of fortune ?", "The finest wife ?", "Give you joy !", "Come !", "We 'll drink to his lordship 's health ! \u2018 Tis two o'clock ,", "We 'll e'en carouse till midnight ! Health , my lord !", "Give what ?", "What means the knave by revels ?", "Ay , knave !", "Thou sayest false !", "Though didst thou need a proof thou speakest true ,", "I 'd give thee one . Thou seest but one lord here ,", "And I see two !", "Ha !", "Only mark him ! how he struts about ! How laughs his straight sword at his noble back .", "A blow !", "His blood on his own head ! I 'm for you , sir !", "My lord , I 'm struck !", "With all my heart , since \u2018 tis your lordship 's will ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1150, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I like not , Julia , this your country life . I 'm weary o n't !", "You would no other know ! Would you not know", "Another relative ?\u2014 another friend \u2014", "Another house \u2014 another anything ,", "Because the ones you have already please you ?", "That 's poor content ! Would you not be more rich ,", "More wise , more fair ? The song that last you learned", "You fancy well ; and therefore shall you learn", "No other song ? Your virginal , \u2018 tis true ,", "Hath a sweet tone ; but does it follow thence ,", "You shall not have another virginal ?", "You may , love , and a sweeter one ; and so", "A sweeter life may find than this you lead !", "So is a cat , a dog , a silly hen ,", "An owl , a bat ,\u2014 where they are wont to lodge", "That still sojourn , nor care to shift their quarters .", "Thou'rt constancy ? I am glad I know thy name !", "The spider comes of the same family ,", "That in his meshy fortress spends his life ,", "Unless you pull it down and scare him from it .", "And so thou'rt constancy ? Ar't proud of that ?", "I 'll warrant thee I 'll match thee with a snail", "From year to year that never leaves his house !", "Such constancy forsooth !\u2014 a constant grub", "That houses ever in the self-same nut", "Where he was born , till hunger drives him out ,", "Or plunder breaketh through his castle wall !", "And so , in very deed , thou'rt constancy !", "Not half so fair !", "The town 's the sun , and thou hast dwelt in night", "E'er since thy birth , not to have seen the town !", "Their women there are queens , and kings their men ;", "Their houses palaces !", "Extremes are ever neighbours . \u2018 Tis a step", "From one to the other ! Were thy constancy", "A reasonable thing \u2014 a little less", "Of constancy \u2014 a woman 's constancy \u2014", "I should not wonder wert thou ten years hence", "The maid I know thee now ; but , as it is ,", "The odds are ten to one , that this day year", "Will see our May-day queen a city one !", "Ay : so says Master Walter . See I not", "What can you find in Master Walter , Julia ,", "To be so fond of him !", "Who comes here ?", "A carriage , and a gay one \u2014 who alights ?", "Pshaw ! Only Master Walter ! What see you ,", "Which thus repairs the arch of the fair brow ,", "A frown was like to spoil ?\u2014 A gentleman !", "One of our town kings ! Mark !\u2014 How say you now ?", "Wouldst be a town queen , Julia ? Which of us ,", "I wonder , comes he for ?", "Most like !", "Mark him as he comes up the avenue ;", "So looks a clerk ! A clerk has such a gait !", "So does a clerk dress , Julia !\u2014 mind his hose \u2014", "They 're very like a clerk 's ! a diamond loop", "And button , note you , for his clerkship 's hat ,\u2014", "O , certainly a clerk ! A velvet cloak ,", "Jerkin of silk , and doublet of the same ,\u2014", "For all the world a clerk ! See , Julia , see ,", "How Master Walter bows , and yields him place ,", "That he may first go in \u2014 a very clerk !", "I 'll learn of thee , love , when I 'd know a clerk !", "Wouldst like to know ? Wouldst for a fancy ride to town with him ? I prophesy he comes to take thee thither !", "We 'll see !", "Julia ! what 's the matter ? Nay ,", "Mount not the rose so soon ! He must not see it", "A month hence . \u2018 Tis loves flower , which once she wears ,", "The maid is all his own .", "Be sure", "He comes to woo thee ! He will bear thee hence ;", "He 'll make thee change the country for the town .", "Then you guess", "He comes a wooing ?", "You do !", "At your grave words , your lips , more honest , smile ,", "And show them to be traitors . Hie to him .", "Ay , will I , when ,", "Thy bridemaid , I shall hie to church with thee .", "Well , Fathom , who is come ?", "What ! Didst thou not hear his name ?", "What is't ?", "What hast thou ears for , then ?", "Go we to town ?", "I 'm glad o n't . Goes she to her father ?", "I 'm very glad o n't .", "It has been time for that", "These six years .", "I have .", "\u2018 Twas right ,\u2014", "Else had I broken loose , and run the wilder !", "So knows she not her father yet : that 's strange .", "I prithee how does mine ?", "What ?", "My cousin Modus ?", "Pshaw ! Wed me to a musty library !", "Love him who nothing loves but Greek and Latin !", "But , Master Walter , you forget the main", "Surpassing point of all ! Who 's come with you ?", "Is he soldier or", "Civilian ? lord or gentleman ? He 's rich ,", "If that 's his chariot ! Where is his estate ?", "What brings it in ? Six thousand pounds a year ?", "Twelve thousand , may be ! Is he bachelor ,", "Or husband ? Bachelor I 'm sure he is", "Comes he not hither wooing , Master Walter ?", "Nay , prithee , answer me !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1150, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["No more ! I pray you , sir , no more !", "You mock me , sir !", "You have known me scarce a minute !", "Is't fear I feel ?", "Why else should beat my heart ? It can n't be fear !", "Something I needs must say . You 're from the town ;", "How comes it , sir , you seek a country wife ?", "Methinks \u2018 twill tax his wit to answer that .", "His prompt reply", "My backward challenge shames ! Must I give o'er ?", "I 'll try his wit again . Who marries me", "Must lead a country life .", "How like he talks", "To Master Walter ! Shall I give it o'er ?", "Not yet . Thou wouldst not live one half a year !", "A quarter mightst thou for the novelty", "Of fields and trees ; but then it needs must be", "In summer time , when they go dressed .", "But snow may clothe them then .", "You do ?", "But night", "Will hide both snow and them , and that sets in", "Ere afternoon is out . A heavy thing ,", "A country fireside in a winter 's night ,", "To one bred in the town ,\u2014 where winter 's said ,", "For sun of gaiety and sportiveness ,", "To beggar shining summer .", "You 'd sleep by the fire .", "You 'd tire of that !", "And that !", "And sooner tire", "Than first you did , and fall asleep at last .", "You 'd never do to lead a country life .", "His title and his fortune !", "Go up to town !", "Not if \u2018 tis Master Walter 's will .", "That follows not !", "That I", "Should break my heart , because we go to town ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1150, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Well , Fathom , is thy mistress up ?", "She stands it well ! \u2018 Twas five , you say , when she came home ; and wants it now three-quarters of an hour of ten ? Wait till her stock of country health is out .", "Why , yes ; she 's changed since she came hither .", "Why , Master Fathom , as many times as it would take to make it fit me .", "Then would I have it altered not at all .", "Thrice , may be .", "After a fashion .", "Eight times to a fraction , Master Fathom .", "Eight times more , perhaps !", "Eighteen , Master Fathom , by the rule of addition .", "To surmise that , I must be learned in the sempstress 's art .", "And found thy fair mistress as many faults with that ?", "That she had succeeded so well in her art .", "What think you will Master Walter say when he comes back ? I fear he 'll hardly know his country maid again . Has she yet fixed her wedding-day ?", "Comes not Master Walter back to-day ?", "And what should I do ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1150, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Good Master Walter , welcome back again !", "How ,", "I pray you , sped the mighty business which", "So sudden called you hence ?", "Nor court ones neither ! She far outstrips them all !", "Master Walter !", "Tell me , prithee , which is likelier", "To plough a sea in safety ?\u2014 he that 's wont", "To sail in it ,\u2014 or he that by the chart", "Is master of its soundings , bearings ,\u2014 knows", "Is headlands , havens , currents \u2014 where \u2018 tis bold ,", "And where behoves to keep a good look-out .", "The one will swim , where sinks the other one ?", "Do you not guess it ?", "If you would train a maid to live in town ,", "Breed her not in the country !", "As snow stands fire !", "Your country maid has melted all away ,", "And plays the city lady to the height ;", "Her mornings gives to mercers , milliners ,", "Shoemakers , jewellers , and haberdashers ;", "Her noons , to calls ; her afternoons , to dressing ;", "Evenings , to plays and drums ; and nights , to routs ,", "Balls , masquerades ! Sleep only ends the riot ,", "Which waking still begins !", "Why , patiently ;", "Though one can see with pain .", "Here comes Sir Thomas ;", "And with him Master Modus ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1150, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Take them home again ,", "I shall not read them now .", "How ?", "Indeed ! Whence comes that letter ?", "Which is it ?", "Give it me .", "Stephen !", "From my door remove", "The plate that bears my name .", "The plate \u2014 collect my servants and instruct them", "To make out each their claims , unto the end", "Of their respective terms , and give them in", "To my steward . Him and them apprise , good fellow ,", "That I keep house no more . As you go home ,", "Call at my coachmaker 's and bid him stop", "The carriage I bespoke . The one I have", "Send with my horses to the mart whereat", "Such things are sold by auction . They 're for sale ;", "Pack up my wardrobe , have my trunks conveyed", "To the inn in the next street ; and when that 's done ,", "Go round my tradesmen and collect their bills ,", "And bring them to me at the inn .", "Yes ; I go home no more . Why , what 's the matter ?", "What has fallen out to make your eyes fill up ?", "You 'll get another place . I 'll certify", "You 're honest and industrious , and all", "That a servant ought to be .", "No !", "I have health ; I have strength ; my reason , Stephen , and", "A heart that 's clear in truth , with trust in God .", "No great disaster can befall the man", "Who 's still possessed of these ! Good fellow , leave me .", "What you would learn , and have a right to know ,", "I would not tell you now . Good Stephen , hence !", "Mischance has fallen on me \u2014 but what of that ?", "Mischance has fallen on many a better man .", "I prithee leave me . I grow sadder while", "I see the eye with which you view my grief .", "\u2018 Sdeath , they will out ! I would have been a man ,", "Had you been less a kind and gentle one .", "Now , as you love me , leave me .", "Misfortune liketh company ; it seldom", "Visits its friends alone . Ha ! Master Walter ,", "And ruffled too . I 'm in no mood for him .", "Well , Master Walter ?", "Well , Master Walter ?", "Well , sir ?", "The bright Heavens", "Bear witness that I did !", "Well , sir !", "I do .", "To whip a knave , sir , or an honest man !", "A wise man or a fool \u2014 atone for wrong ,", "Or double the amount o n't ! Master Walter ,", "Touching your ward , if wrong is done , I think", "On my side lies the grievance . I would not say so", "Did I not think so . As for love \u2014 look , sir ,", "That hand 's a widower 's , to its first mate sworn", "To clasp no second one . As for amends , sir ,", "You 're free to get them from a man in whom", "You 've been forestalled by fortune , for the spite", "Which she has vented on him , if you still", "Esteem him worth your anger . Please you read", "That letter . Now , sir , judge if life is dear", "To one so much a loser .", "Title and land , sir , unto which add love !", "All gone , save life and honour , which , ere I 'll lose ,", "I 'll let the other go .", "Just as you please .", "That lady , sir ,", "Has done me wrong ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1150, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Refuse a lord ! A saucy lady this . I scarce can credit it .", "How can you keep that Hunchback in his office ? He mocks you .", "Distinguished well !", "\u2018 Twere most unseemly for a lord to love !\u2014", "Leave that to commoners ! \u2018 Tis vulgar \u2014 she 's", "Betrothed , you tell me , to Sir Thomas Clifford ?", "That a commoner should thwart a lord !", "Yet not a commoner . A baronet", "Is fish and flesh . Nine parts plebeian , and", "Patrician in the tenth . Sir Thomas Clifford !", "A man , they say , of brains ! I abhor brains", "As I do tools : they 're things mechanical .", "So far are we above our forefathers", "They to their brains did owe their titles , as", "Do lawyers , doctors . We to nothing owe them ,", "Which makes us far the nobler .", "Believe me . You shall profit by my training ;", "You grow a lord apace . I saw you meet", "A bevy of your former friends , who fain", "Had shaken hands with you . You gave them fingers !", "You 're now another man . Your house is changed \u2014", "Your table changed \u2014 your retinue \u2014 your horse \u2014", "Where once you rode a hack , you now back blood ;\u2014", "Befits it , then , you also change your friends !", "Sir ! What 's that ?", "How know you , sir , his lordship is at home ?", "Is he at home because he goes not out ?", "He 's not at home , though there you see him , sir ;", "Unless he certify that he 's at home !", "Bring up the name of the gentleman , and then", "Your lord will know if he 's at home or not .", "Your man was porter to some merchant 's door ,", "Who never taught him better breeding", "Than to speak the vulgar truth ! Well , sir ?", "Do you know", "The thing ?", "You 've said enough !", "His lordship 's not at home .", "We do not go", "By hearts , but orders ! Had he family \u2014", "Blood \u2014 though it only were a drop \u2014 his heart", "Would pass for something ; lacking such desert ,", "Were it ten times the heart it is , \u2018 tis nought !", "And what was your reply to Master Jones ?", "You 'll do . Who 's Master Jones ?", "A curate 's ! Better be a yeoman 's son !", "Was it the rector 's son , he might be known ,", "Because the rector is a rising man ,", "And may become a bishop . He goes light ,", "The curate ever hath a loaded back !", "He may be called the yeoman of the church ,", "That sweating does his work , and drudges on ,", "While lives the hopeful rector at his ease .", "How made you his acquaintance , pray ?", "Dropping them \u2014", "As , now that you 're a lord , of course you 've done \u2014", "Drop him \u2014 You 'll say his lordship 's not at home .", "Who ?\u2014 Richard Cricket ! You must see him , Rochdale ! A noble little fellow ! A great man , sir ! Not knowing whom , you would be nobody ! I won five thousand pounds by him !", "What ! never heard", "Of Richard Cricket !\u2014 never heard of him !", "Why , he 's the jockey of Newmarket ; you", "May win a cup by him , or else a sweepstakes .", "I bade him call upon you . You must see him .", "His lordship is at home to Richard Cricket .", "The ante-room !", "The best room in your house ! You do not know", "The use of Richard Cricket ! Show him , sir ,", "Into the drawing-room . Your lordship needs", "Must keep a racing stud , and you 'll do well", "To make a friend of Richard Cricket . Well , sir :", "What 's that ?", "Hadst not a service \u2018 mongst the Hottentots", "Ere thou camest hither , friend ? Present thy lord", "With a petition ! At mechanics \u2019 doors ,", "At tradesmen 's , shopkeepers \u2019 , and merchants \u2019 only ,", "Have such things leave to knock ! Make thy lord 's gate", "A wicket to a workhouse ! Let us see it \u2014", "Subscriptions to a book of poetry !", "Cornelius Tense , M. A .", "Which means he construes Greek and Latin , works", "Problems in mathematics , can chop logic ,", "And is a conjurer in philosophy ,", "Both natural and moral .\u2014 Pshaw ! a man", "Whom nobody , that is anybody , knows !", "Who , think you , follows him ? Why , an M. D .,", "An F. R. S ., an F. AS ., and then", "A D. D ., Doctor of Divinity ,", "Ushering in an LL. D ., which means", "Doctor of Laws \u2014 their harmony , no doubt ,", "The difference of their trades ! There 's nothing here", "But languages , and sciences , and arts .", "Not an iota of nobility !", "We cannot give our names . Take back the paper ,", "And tell the bearer there 's no answer for him :\u2014", "That is the lordly way of saying \u201c No . \u201d", "But , talking of subscriptions , here is one", "To which your lordship may affix your name .", "A most worthy man !", "A man of singular deserts ; a man", "In serving whom your lordship will serve me ,\u2014", "Signor Cantata .", "Oh , no , I know him not ! I 've not that pleasure .", "But Lady Dangle knows him ; she 's his friend ,", "He will oblige us with a set of concerts ,", "Six concerts to the set .\u2014 The set , three guineas .", "Your lordship will subscribe ?", "How many sets of tickets ? Two at least .", "You 'll like to take a friend ? I 'll set you down", "Six guineas to Signor Cantata 's concerts ,", "And now , my Lord , we 'll to him ; then we 'll walk .", "Wait ! take an excursion to the country ; let", "Her answer wait for you !", "Indeed !", "Befits a lord nought like indifference .", "Say an estate should fall to you , you 'd take it", "As it concerned more a stander by", "Than you . As you 're a lord , be sure you ever", "Of that make little other men make much of ;", "Nor do the thing they do , but the right contrary .", "Where the distinction else \u2018 twixt them and you ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1150, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["So falls out everything , as I would have it ,", "Exact in place and time . This lord 's advances", "Receives she ,\u2014 as , I augur , in the spleen", "Of wounded pride she will ,\u2014 my course is clear .", "She comes \u2014 all 's well \u2014 the tempest rages still .", "True !", "You 're very right !", "And so he ought .", "Thy case", "I own a hard one !", "You 'd give it him ?", "You 'd wed that lord ?", "Give me your hand", "And word to that .", "That lord hath offered you his hand again .", "Your father knows it : he approves of him .", "There are the title-deeds of the estates ,", "Sent for my jealous scrutiny . All sound ,\u2014", "No flaw , or speck , that e'en the lynx-eyed law", "Itself could find . A lord of many lands !", "In Berkshire half a county ; and the same", "In Wiltshire , and in Lancashire ! Across", "The Irish Sea a principality !", "And not a rood with bond or lien on it !", "Wilt give that lord a wife ? Wilt make thyself", "A countess ? Here 's the proffer of his hand .", "Write thou content , and wear a coronet !", "There ! Here 's pen and ink .", "Sit down . Why do you pause ? A flourish of", "The pen , and you 're a countess .", "Wed whom ?", "You 're right .", "Thou'rt to be pitied .", "Indeed thou art , to love the man", "That spurns thee !", "Write thy own name ,", "And show him how near akin thy hate 's to hate .", "\u2018 Tis well ! I 'll come to you anon !", "Joy , my Julia !", "Impatient love has foresight ! Lo you here", "The marriage deeds filled up , except a blank", "To write your jointure . What you will , my girl !", "Is this a lover ? Look ! Three thousand pounds", "Per annum for your private charges ! Ha !", "There 's pin-money ! Is this a lover ? Mark", "What acres , forests , tenements , are taxed", "For your revenue ; and so set apart ,", "That finger cannot touch them , save thine own .", "Is this a lover ? What good fortune 's thine !", "Thou dost not speak ; but , \u2018 tis the way with joy !", "With richest heart , it has the poorest tongue !", "A coronet , Master Modus ! You behold", "The wife elect , sir , of no less a man", "Than the new Earl of Rochdale \u2014 heir of him", "That 's recently deceased .", "This letter brings excuses from his lordship ,", "Whose absence it accounts for . He repairs", "To his estate in Lancashire , and thither", "We follow .", "Now . This very hour .", "\u201c O cruel , fatal haste ! \u201d What meanest thou ?", "Have I done wrong to do thy bidding , then ?", "I have done no more . Thou wast an offcast bride ,", "And wouldst be an affianced one \u2014 thou art so !", "Thou'dst have the slight that marked thee out for scorn ,", "Converted to a means of gracing thee \u2014", "It is so ! If our wishes come too soon ,", "What can make sure of welcome ? In my zeal", "To win thee thine , thou know'st , at any time", "I 'd play the steed , whose will to serve his lord ,", "With his last breath gives his last bound for him !", "Since only noon have I despatched what well", "Had kept a brace of clerks , and more , on foot \u2014", "And then , perhaps , had been to do again !\u2014", "Not finished sure , complete \u2014 the compact firm ,", "As fate itself had sealed it !", "Thy death ! indeed ,", "For happiness like this , one well might die !", "Take thy lord 's letter ! Well ?", "For what ?", "Wouldst read it ? He 's a bankrupt ! stripped of title ,", "House , chattels , lands , and all ! A naked bankrupt ,", "With neither purse , nor trust ! Wouldst read his letter ?", "A beggar ! Yea , a very beggar !\u2014 fasts , unless", "He dines on alms ! How durst he send thee a letter !", "A fellow cut on this hand , and on that ;", "Bows and is cut again , and bows again !", "Who pays you fifty smiles for half a one ,\u2014", "And that given grudgingly ! To you a letter !", "I burst with choler ! Thus I treat his letter !", "So ! I was wrong to let him ruffle me ;", "He is not worth the spending anger on !", "I prithee , Master Modus , use despatch ,", "And presently make ready for our ride .", "You , Helen , to my Julia look \u2014 a change", "Of dresses will suffice . She must have new ones ,", "Matches for her new state ! Haste , friends . My Julia !", "Why stand you poring there upon the ground ?", "Time flies . Your rise astounds you ? Never heed \u2014", "You 'll play my lady countess like a queen !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1150, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I 'm weary wandering from room to room ;", "A castle after all is but a house \u2014", "The dullest one when lacking company .", "Were I at home , I could be company", "Unto myself . I see not Master Walter ,", "He 's ever with his ward . I see not her .", "By Master Walter 's will she bides alone .", "My father stops in town . I can n't see him .", "My cousin makes his books his company .", "I 'll go to bed and sleep . No \u2014 I 'll stay up", "And plague my cousin into making love !", "For , that he loves me , shrewdly I suspect .", "How dull he is that hath not sense to see", "What lies before him , and he 'd like to find !", "I 'll change my treatment of him . Cross him , where", "Before I used to humour him . He comes ,", "Poring upon a book . What 's that you read ?", "\u2018 Tis a naughty tongue ,", "I fear , and teaches men to lie .", "You study it . You call your cousin sweet ,", "And treat her as you would a crab . As sour", "\u2018 Twould seem you think her , as you covet her !", "Why how the monster stares , and looks about !", "You construe Latin , and can n't construe that !", "No ; nor men .", "Else would you better know their ways : nor read", "In presence of a lady .", "Pick it up . He fears me as I were his grandmother ! What is the book ?", "That Ovid was a fool !", "In that :", "To call that thing an art , which art is none .", "Are you a fool ,", "As well as Ovid ? Love an art ! No art", "But taketh time and pains to learn . Love comes", "With neither ! Is't to hoard such grain as that ,", "You went to college ? Better stay at home ,", "And study homely English .", "I do n't ? I know it better", "Than ever Ovid did ! The face \u2014 the form \u2014", "The heart \u2014 the mind we fancy , cousin ; that 's", "The argument ! Why , cousin , you know nothing .", "Suppose a lady were in love with thee :", "Couldst thou by Ovid , cousin , find it out ?", "Couldst find it out , wast thou in love thyself ?", "Could Ovid , cousin , teach thee to make love ?", "I could , that never read him ! You begin", "With melancholy ; then to sadness ; then", "To sickness ; then to dying \u2014 but not die !", "She would not let thee , were she of my mind !", "She 'd take compassion on thee . Then for hope ;", "From hope to confidence ; from confidence", "To boldness ;\u2014 then you 'd speak ; at first entreat ;", "Then urge ; then flout ; then argue ; then enforce ;", "Make prisoner of her hand ; besiege her waist ;", "Threaten her lips with storming ; keep thy word", "And carry her ! My sampler \u2018 gainst thy Ovid !", "Why cousin , are you frightened , that you stand", "As you were stricken dumb ? The case is clear ,", "You are no soldier . You 'll ne'er win a battle .", "You care too much for blows !", "That for college !", "Well ? What , since you went to college ?", "You know what men are set down for , who boast", "Of their own bravery ! Go on , brave cousin :", "What , since you went to college ? Was there not", "One Quentin Halworth there ? You know there was ,", "And that he was your master !", "Still was he", "Your master .", "And mastered you", "At last ! Confess it , cousin , \u2018 tis the truth !", "A proctor 's daughter you did both affect \u2014", "Look at me and deny it ! Of the twain", "She more affected you ;\u2014 I 've caught you now ,", "Bold cousin ! Mark you ? opportunity", "On opportunity she gave you , sir \u2014", "Deny it if you can !\u2014 but though to others ,", "When you discoursed of her , you were a flame ;", "To her you were a wick that would not light ,", "Though held in the very fire ! And so he won her \u2014", "Won her , because he wooed her like a man .", "For all your cuffings , cuffing you again", "With most usurious interest . Now , sir ,", "Protest that you are valiant !", "Well , sir ?", "A forgery !", "\u2018 Twas a scrivener 's then \u2014 or somebody 's . But what concerns it whose ? Enough , you loved her ! And , shame upon you , let another take her !", "Indeed ! Now I 'll retreat , if he 's advancing . Comes he not on ! O what a stock 's the man ! Well , cousin ?", "And so think I. I did but jest with you . You are not angry ? Shake hands ! Why , cousin , do you squeeze me so ?", "You did not ?", "Why then you did not , cousin ,", "So let 's shake hands again \u2014", "O go and now", "Read Ovid ! Cousin , will you tell me one thing :", "Wore lovers ruffs in Master Ovid 's time ?", "Behoved him teach them , then , to put them on ;\u2014", "And that you have to learn . Hold up your head !", "Why , cousin , how you blush ! Plague on the ruff !", "I cannot give't a set . You 're blushing still !", "Why do you blush , dear cousin ? So !\u2014 \u2018 twill beat me !", "I 'll give it up .", "And if I do , I fear you 'll think me bold .", "To trust my face so near to thine .", "I 'm glad you do n't !", "Cousin , I own right well behaved you are ,", "Most marvellously well behaved ! They 've bred", "You well at college . With another man", "My lips would be in danger ! Hang the ruff !", "Dear fool !", "I swear the ruff is good for just", "As little as its master ! There !\u2014 \u2018 Tis spoiled \u2014", "You 'll have to get another ! Hie for it ,", "And wear it in the fashion of a wisp ,", "Ere I adjust it for thee ! Farewell , cousin !", "You 'd need to study Ovid 's Art of Love ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1150, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["This is the banqueting-room . Thou seest as far", "It leaves the last behind , as that excels", "The former ones . All is proportion here", "And harmony ! Observe ! The massy pillars", "May well look proud to bear the gilded dome .", "You mark those full-length portraits ? They 're the heads ,", "The stately heads , of his ancestral line .", "Here o'er the feast they haply still preside !", "Mark those medallions ! Stand they forth or not", "In bold and fair relief ? Is not this brave ?", "It should be so . To cheer the blood", "That flows in noble veins is made the feast", "That gladdens here ! You see this drapery ?", "\u2018 Tis richest velvet ! Fringe and tassels , gold !", "Is not this costly ?", "And chaste , the while ? Both chaste and costly ?", "Come hither ! There 's a mirror for you . See !", "One sheet from floor to ceiling ! Look into it ,", "Salute its mistress ! Dost not know her ?", "And sighest thou to know her ? Wait until", "To-morrow , when the banquet shall be spread", "In the fair hall ; the guests \u2014 already bid ,", "Around it ; here , her lord ; and there , herself ;", "Presiding o'er the cheer that hails him bridegroom ,", "And her the happy bride ! Dost hear me ?", "These are the day-rooms only , we have seen .", "For public and domestic uses kept .", "I 'll show you now the lodging-rooms .", "You 're tired .", "Let it be till after dinner , then . Yet one", "I 'd like thee much to see \u2014 the bridal chamber .", "I see you 're tired : yet it is worth the viewing ,", "If only for the tapestry which shows", "The needle like the pencil glows with life ;", "The story 's of a page who loved the dame", "He served \u2014 a princess !\u2014 Love 's a heedless thing !", "That never takes account of obstacles ;", "Makes plains of mountains , rivulets of seas ,", "That part it from its wish . So proved the page ,", "Who from a state so lowly , looked so high ,\u2014", "But love 's a greater lackwit still than this .", "Say it aspires \u2014 that 's gain ! Love stoops \u2014 that 's loss !", "You know what comes . The princess loved the page .", "Shall I go on , or here leave off ?", "Each side of the chamber shows a different stage", "Of this fond page , and fonder lady 's love . { 2 }", "First \u2014 no , it is not that .", "And yet it is .", "He holds to her a salver , with a cup ;", "His cheeks more mantling with his passion than", "The cup with the ruby wine . She heeds him not ,", "For too great heed of him :\u2014 but seems to hold", "Debate betwixt her passion and her pride \u2014", "That 's like to lose the day . You read it in", "Her vacant eye , knit brow , and parted lips ,", "Which speak a heart too busy all within", "To note what 's done without . Like you the tale ?", "The next side paints", "The page upon his knee . He has told his tale ;", "And found that when he lost his heart , he played", "No losing game : but won a richer one !", "There may you read in him , how love would seem", "Most humble when most bold ,\u2014 you question which", "Appears to kiss her hand \u2014 his breath , or lips !", "In her you read how wholly lost is she", "Who trusts her heart to love . Shall I give o'er ?", "To answer that , would mar the story .", "The third side now we come to .", "The page and princess still . But stands her sire", "Between them . Stern he grasps his daughter 's arm ,", "Whose eyes like fountains play ; while through her tears", "Her passion shines , as through the fountain drops", "The sun ! His minions crowd around the page !", "They drag him to a dungeon .", "Hapless indeed , that 's twice a captive ! heart", "And body both in bonds . But that 's the chain ,", "Which balance cannot weigh , rule measure , touch", "Define the texture of , or eye detect ,", "That 's forged by the subtle craft of love !", "No need to tell you that he wears it . Such", "The cunning of the hand that plied the loom ,", "You 've but to mark the straining of his eye ,", "To feel the coil yourself !", "It brings us to a dungeon , then .", "He is . He lies in fetters .", "Some one unrivets them !", "It is another page .", "Her skin is fair ; and his is berry-brown . His locks are raven black ; and hers are gold .", "The dungeon door", "Stands open , and you see beyond \u2014", "No ; a steed .", "The story 's told .", "Weighs love so much ?", "And such a one art thou . Who wisely wed ,", "Wed happily . The love thou speak'st of ,", "A flower is only , that its season has ,", "Which they must look to see the withering of ,", "Who pleasure in its budding and its bloom !", "But wisdom is the constant evergreen", "Which lives the whole year through ! Be that , your flower !", "Well ?", "Show him in .", "Thou must see him . To show slight to him ,", "Were slighting him that sent him . Show him in !", "Some errand proper for thy private ear ,", "Besides the letter he may bring . What mean", "This paleness and this trembling ? Mark me , Julia !", "If , from these nuptials , which thyself invited \u2014", "Which at thy seeking came \u2014 thou wouldst be freed ,", "Thou hast gone too far ! Receding were disgrace ,", "Sooner than see thee suffer which , the hearts", "That love thee most would wish thee dead ! Reflect !", "Take thought ! collect thyself ! With dignity", "Receive thy bridegroom 's messenger ! for sure", "As dawns to-morrow 's sun , to-morrow night", "Sees thee a wedded bride !", "Ha ! What 's this ?", "Ha ! treason ! What ! my baronet that was ,", "My secretary now ? Your servant , sir !", "Is't thus you do the pleasure of your lord ,\u2014", "That for your service feeds you , clothes you , pays you !", "Or takest thou but the name of his dependent ?", "What 's here ?\u2014 a letter . Fifty crowns to one", "A forgery ! I 'm wrong . It is his hand .", "This proves thee double traitor !", "Is he gone ?", "Lingers he ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1150, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The long and short of it is this \u2014 if she marries this lord , she 'll break her heart ! I wish you could see her , madam . Poor lady !", "Marry , for all the world like a dripping-wet cambric handkerchief ! She has no colour nor strength in her ; and does nothing but weep \u2014 poor lady !", "She offered me all she was mistress of to take the letter to Master Clifford . She drew her purse from her pocket \u2014 the ring from her finger \u2014 she took her very earrings out of her ears \u2014 but I was forbidden , and refused . And now I 'm sorry for it ! Poor lady !", "I , madam ! My heart is as soft as a woman 's . You should have seen me when I came out of her chamber \u2014 poor lady !", "No ; but I was as near it as possible . I a hard heart ! I would do anything to serve her , poor sweet lady !", "No \u2014 I am forbid .", "No \u2014 Master Walter would find it out .", "No \u2014 you would be sure to bring me into mischief .", "But I tell you I do \u2014 and good right I have to feel for her . I have been in love myself .", "I would it had been ! My pain would soon have been over , and at little cost . A fortune I squandered upon her !\u2014 trinkets \u2014 trimmings \u2014 treatings \u2014 what swallowed up the revenue of a whole year ! Was n't I in love ? Six months I courted her , and a dozen crowns all but one did I disburse for her in that time ! Was n't I in love ? An hostler \u2014 a tapster \u2014 and a constable , courted her at the same time , and I offered to cudgel the whole three of them for her ! Was n't I in love ?", "Am not I ? Walks not the earth the man I am afraid of .", "No .", "I do n't !", "What could I do for her ?", "That man am I !", "But my place !", "\u2018 Tis a capital place ! So little to do , and so much to get for't . Six pounds in the year ; two suits of livery ; shoes and stockings , and a famous larder . He 'd be a bold man that would put such a place in jeopardy . My place , madam , my place !", "I have !", "I 'll let my lady out .", "To-night .", "This evening , then . Master Walter is now in the library , the key is on the outside , and I 'll lock him in .", "Rely upon it . How he 'll stare when he finds himself a prisoner , and my young lady at liberty !", "Depend upon me ! When Fathom undertakes a thing , he defies fire and water \u2014", "Sir !", "Yes , sir !", "Yes , sir !", "Not an inch , sir !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1150, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["No word from him , and evening now set in !", "He cannot play me false ! His messenger", "Is dogged \u2014 or letter intercepted . I 'm", "Beset with spies !\u2014 No rescue !\u2014 No escape !\u2014", "The hour at hand that brings my bridegroom home !", "No relative to aid me ! friend to counsel me .", "Come in .", "Your will ?", "\u2018 Tis time I die !What 's that ?", "Merrily", "They ring my knell !", "And pray you what are these ?", "Set them by .", "\u2018 Twould need a guard", "That lacks a heart to keep it !", "Show it me ! Bright heart ,", "Thy lustre , should I wear thee , will be false ,\u2014", "For thou the emblem art of love and truth ,\u2014", "From her that wears thee unto him that gives thee .", "Back to thy case ! Better thou ne'er shouldst leave it \u2014", "Better thy gems a thousand fathoms deep", "In their native mine again , than grace my neck ,", "And lend thy fair face to palm off a lie !", "Ah ! in infected clothes", "New from a pest-house ! Leave me ! If I dress ,", "I dress alone ! O for a friend ! Time gallops !", "He that should guard me is mine enemy !", "Constrains me to abide the fatal die ,", "My rashness , not my reason cast ! He comes ,", "That will exact the forfeit !\u2014 Must I pay it ?\u2014", "E'en at the cost of utter bankruptcy !", "What 's to be done ? Pronounce the vow that parts", "My body from my soul ! To what it loathes", "Links that , while this is linked to what it loves !", "Condemned to such perdition ! What 's to be done ?", "Stand at the altar in an hour from this !", "An hour thence seated at his board \u2014 a wife", "Thence !\u2014 frenzy 's in the thought ! What 's to be done ?", "Show me some way to \u2018 scape these nuptials ! Do it !", "Some opening for avoidance or escape ,\u2014", "Or to thy charge I 'll lay a broken heart !", "It may be , broken vows , and blasted honour ,", "Or else a mind distraught !", "The strait", "I 'm fallen into my patience cannot bear .", "It frights my reason \u2014 warps my sense of virtue !", "Religion !\u2014 changes me into a thing", "I look at with abhorring !", "Listen to me ! If this contract", "Thou holdest me to \u2014 abide thou the result !", "Answer to heaven for what I suffer !\u2014 act !", "Prepare thyself for such calamity", "To fall on me , and those whose evil stars", "Have linked them with me , as no past mishap ,", "However rare , and marvellously sad", "Can parallel ! lay thy account to live", "A smileless life , die an unpitied death \u2014", "Abhorred , abandoned of thy kind ,\u2014 as one", "Who had the guarding of a young maid 's peace ,\u2014", "Looked on and saw her rashly peril it ;", "And when she saw her danger , and confessed", "Her fault , compelled her to complete her ruin !", "Another moment , and I have .", "Be warned ! Beware how you abandon me", "To myself ! I 'm young , rash , inexperienced ! tempted", "By most insufferable misery !", "Bold , desperate , and reckless ! Thou hast age", "Experience , wisdom , and collectedness ,\u2014", "Power , freedom ,\u2014 everything that I have not ,", "Yet want , as none e'er wanted ! Thou canst save me ,", "Thou oughtst ! thou must ! I tell thee at his feet", "I 'll fall a corse \u2014 ere mount his bridal bed !", "So choose betwixt my rescue and my grave ;\u2014", "And quickly too ! The hour of sacrifice", "Is near ! Anon the immolating priest", "Will summon me ! Devise some speedy means", "To cheat the altar of its victim . Do it !", "Nor leave the task to me !", "I have .", "You did ! You did !", "Pardon me ! Forgive me ! pity me !", "Me alone ! None other !", "\u2018 Twas wisely done .", "To blame thee for it", "Was adding shame to shame ! But Master Walter ,", "These nuptials !\u2014 must they needs go on ?", "Dear Master Walter ! Is there no way to escape these nuptials ?", "What ?", "What was it ?", "I can n't remember it .", "I 'll not deny it .", "No !", "No ! no : hear , Master Walter ! what 's a father", "That you 've not been to me ? Nay , turn not from me ,", "For at the name a holy awe I own ,", "That now almost inclines my knee to earth !", "But thou to me , except a father 's name ,", "Hast all the father been : the care \u2014 the love \u2014", "The guidance \u2014 the protection of a father .", "Canst wonder , then , if like thy child I feel ,\u2014", "And feeling so , that father 's claim forget", "Whom ne'er I knew save by the name of one ?", "Oh , turn to me , and do not chide me ! or", "If thou wilt chide , chide on ! but turn to me !", "Now , dear Master Walter , hear me ! Is there no way to \u2018 scape these nuptials ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1150, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["All runs fair \u2014", "Fair may all end ! To-day you 'll learn the cause", "That took me out of town . But soft a while ,\u2014", "Here comes the bridegroom , with his friends , and here", "The all-obedient bride .", "There stands she , lord ; if \u2018 tis her will to wed ,", "His lordship 's free to take her .", "A whole heart , and a true one .", "Why , where 's thy heart ?", "Thou dost not mean", "His lordship 's secretary ?", "You have forgot", "Again . You have a father !", "And so redeems her all ! Is it your will ,", "My lord , these nuptials should go on ?", "Then is it mine they stop !", "Thought like my father , my good lord , who said", "He would not have a Hunchback for his son \u2014", "So do I pardon you the savage slight .", "My lord , that I am not as straight as you ,", "Was blemish neither of my thought nor will ,", "My head nor heart . It was no act of mine .\u2014", "Yet did it curdle Nature 's kindly milk", "E'en where \u2018 tis richest \u2014 in a parent 's breast \u2014", "To cast me out to heartless fosterage ,", "Nor heartless always , as it proved \u2014 and give", "My portion to another ! the same blood \u2014", "But I 'll be sworn , in vein , my lord , and soul \u2014", "Although his trunk did swerve no more than yours \u2014", "Not half so straight as I .", "And so you thought ,", "Where Nature played the churl , it would be fit", "That fortune played it too . You would have had", "My lord absolve me of my agency !", "Fair lord , the flaw did cost me fifty times \u2014", "A hundred times my agency :\u2014 but all 's", "Recovered . Look , my lord , a testament", "To make a pension of his lordship 's rent-roll !", "It is my father 's , and was left by him ,", "In case his heir should die without a son ,", "Then to be opened . Heaven did send a son", "To bless the heir . Heaven took its gift away ,", "He died \u2014 his father died . And Master Walter \u2014", "The unsightly agent of his lordship there \u2014", "The Hunchback whom your lordship would have stripped", "Of his agency \u2014 is now the Earl of Rochdale !", "And what of that ? Thou know'st not half my greatness !", "A prouder title , Julia , have I yet ,", "Sooner than part with which I 'd give that up ,", "And be again plain Master Walter . What !", "Dost thou not apprehend me ? Yes , thou dost !", "Command thyself ; do n't gasp . My pupil \u2014 daughter !", "Come to thy father 's heart !", "What 's the matter ?", "A daughter , have you , and a nephew , too ,", "Without their match in duty ! Let them marry .", "For you , sir , who to-day have lost an earldom ,", "Yet would have shared that earldom with my child \u2014", "My only one \u2014 content yourself with prospect", "Of the succession ; it must fall to you ,", "And fit yourself to grace it . Ape not those", "Who rank by pride . The man of simplest bearing", "Is yet a lord , when he 's a lord indeed !", "Sir Thomas Clifford , take my daughter 's hand !", "If now you know the master of her heart !", "Give it , my Julia ! You suspect , I see ,", "And rightly , there has been some masking here .", "Content thee , daughter , thou shalt know anon ,", "How jealousy of my mis-shapen back", "Made me mistrustful of a child 's affections \u2014", "Who doubted e'en a wife 's \u2014 so that I dropped", "The title of thy father , lest thy duty", "Should pay the debt thy love could solve alone .", "All this and more , that to thy friends and thee", "Pertains , at fitting time thou shalt be told .", "But now thy nuptials wait \u2014 the happy close", "Of thy hard trial \u2014 wholesome , though severe !", "The world wo n't cheat thee now \u2014 thy heart is proved ;\u2014", "Thou know'st thy peace by finding out its bane ,", "And ne'er will act from reckless impulse more !", "Footnotes :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1150, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I can n't help it .", "To follow my conscience ? That 's new , Mendip .", "God made them , Dean .", "If I hit a little man in the eye , and he hits me back , have I the right to chastise him ?", "What ! With our missionaries and our trading ?", "They went into a wild country , against the feeling of the tribes , on their own business . What has the nation to do with the mishaps of gamblers ?", "Sometimes ; but with all my soul I deny the fantastic superstition that our rule can benefit a people like this , a nation of one race , as different from ourselves as dark from light \u2014 in colour , religion , every mortal thing . We can only pervert their natural instincts .", "Big ones could let little ones alone .", "I hope to serve her fifty , Sir John , and I say she is .", "They 'll be said by me to-night , Mendip .", "You can tell people that to-morrow , Mendip . Give it a leader in \u2018 The Parthenon \u2019 .", "I 've made no secret of my feelings all along . I 'm against this war , and against the annexation we all know it will lead to .", "I 'm not out for advertisement .", "Must speak the truth sometimes , even at that risk .", "Nations are bad judges of their honour , Dean .", "No . It 's an awkward word .", "Is a man only to hold beliefs when they 're popular ? You 've stood up to be shot at often enough , Sir John .", "You admit the show-up ?", "My country , right or wrong ! Guilty \u2014 still my country !", "I 'll have no truck with tyranny .", "Sir John , we great Powers have got to change our ways in dealing with weaker nations . The very dogs can give us lessons \u2014 watch a big dog with a little one .", "There 's no reason in the world , Mendip , why the rules of chivalry should not apply to nations at least as well as to \u2014 - dogs .", "This cause is not lost .", "Because general sentiment 's against me , I \u2014 a public man \u2014 am to deny my faith ? The point is not whether I 'm right or wrong , Mendip , but whether I 'm to sneak out of my conviction because it 's unpopular .", "I am not ! But I prefer to fight some one my own size .", "What ? When d'you sail ?", "Poor Helen !", "I must speak , Hubert .", "You 're not shirking your duty because of your wife .", "Must risk something , sometimes , Hubert \u2014 even in my profession !", "You know my feeling .", "I tell you , Kit , some one must raise a voice . Two or three reverses \u2014 certain to come \u2014 and the whole country will go wild . And one more little nation will cease to live .", "Is that your faith ?", "I respect it ; I even understand it ; but \u2014 I can n't hold it .", "Dogs will bark . These things soon blow over .", "History wo n't say : \u201c And this they did without a single protest from their public men ! \u201d", "Poets ?", "Love her !", "Would you have asked me \u2014 then , Kit ?", "Kit ! This is n't fair . Do you want me to feel myself a cur ?", "A cur ! He seems about to tear his notes across . Then , changing his mind , turns them over and over , muttering . His voice gradually grows louder , till he is declaiming to the empty room the peroration of his speech .", "We have arrogated to our land the title Champion of Freedom , Foe of Oppression . Is that indeed a bygone glory ? Is it not worth some sacrifice of our pettier dignity , to avoid laying another stone upon its grave ; to avoid placing before the searchlight eyes of History the spectacle of yet one more piece of national cynicism ? We are about to force our will and our dominion on a race that has always been free , that loves its country , and its independence , as much as ever we love ours . I cannot sit silent to-night and see this begin . As we are tender of our own land , so we should be of the lands of others . I love my country . It is because I love my country that I raise my voice . Warlike in spirit these people may be \u2014 but they have no chance against ourselves . And war on such , however agreeable to the blind moment , is odious to the future . The great heart of mankind ever beats in sense and sympathy with the weaker . It is against this great heart of mankind that we are going . In the name of Justice and Civilization we pursue this policy ; but by Justice we shall hereafter be judged , and by Civilization \u2014 condemned . While he is speaking , a little figure has flown along the terrace outside , in the direction of the music , but has stopped at the sound of his voice , and stands in the open window , listening \u2014 a dark-haired , dark-eyed child , in a blue dressing-gown caught up in her hand . The street musicians , having reached the end of a tune , are silent . In the intensity of MORES feeling , a wine-glass , gripped too strongly , breaks and falls in pieces onto a finger-bowl . The child starts forward into the room .", "Olive !", "The wind , sweetheart !", "What blew you down , then ?", "Now my sprite ! Upstairs again , before Nurse catches you . Fly ! Fly !", "You 're right there !", "Hello , Steel !", "\u201c The ball is opened . \u201d He stands brooding over the note , and STEEL looks at him anxiously . He is a dark , sallow , thin-faced young man , with the eyes of one who can attach himself to people , and suffer with them .", "You too , Steel !", "Yes . Keep that to yourself .", "Answer these .", "Nice quiet night !", "No . STEEL writes ; then looking up and seeing that MORE is no longer there , he goes to the window , looks to right and left , returns to the bureau , and is about to sit down again when a thought seems to strike him with consternation . He goes again to the window . Then snatching up his hat , he passes hurriedly out along the terrace . As he vanishes , KATHERINE comes in from the hall . After looking out on to the terrace she goes to the bay window ; stands there listening ; then comes restlessly back into the room . OLIVE , creeping quietly from behind the curtain , clasps her round the waist .", "Open them ! KATHERINE opens one after the other , and lets them fall on the table .", "Well ?", "\u2018 Ware Mob !I must write to the Chief . KATHERINE makes an impulsive movement towards him ; then quietly goes to the bureau , sits down and takes up a pen .", "\u201c July 15th . \u201c DEAR SIR CHARLES , After my speech to-night , embodying my most unalterable convictionsI have no alternative but to place the resignation of my Under-Secretaryship in your hands . My view , my faith in this matter may be wrong \u2014 but I am surely right to keep the flag of my faith flying . I imagine I need not enlarge on the reasons \u2014\u2014 \u201d THE CURTAIN FALLS ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1152, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Mummy ! I 'm awake ! But KATHERINE goes on reading ; and OLIVE steals into the room in her nightgown .", "It 's fourteen minutes to eleven .", "I just wanted to see the time . I never can go to sleep if I try \u2014 it 's quite helpless , you know . Is there a victory yet ?Oh ! I prayed extra special for one in the evening papers .Has n't Daddy come ?", "Are you waiting for him ?Your hair is nice , Mummy . It 's particular to-night . KATHERINE lets fall her brush , and looks at her almost in alarm .", "How long has Daddy been away ?", "It seems about a hundred years , does n't it ? Has he been making speeches all the time ?", "To-night , too ?", "The night that man was here whose head 's too bald for anything \u2014 oh ! Mummy , you know \u2014 the one who cleans his teeth so termendously \u2014 I heard Daddy making a speech to the wind . It broke a wine-glass . His speeches must be good ones , must n't they !", "It felt funny ; you could n't see any wind , you know .", "Does Daddy often ?", "What does it mean ?", "What do they do , then ?", "Poor Daddy ! Is it people on our side who throw things ?", "Why does he go on doing it ? I should n't .", "To your neighbour , or only to God ?", "Oh ! Are those his letters ?", "\u201c My dear Heart . \u201d Does he always call you his dear heart , Mummy ? It 's rather jolly , is n't it ? \u201c I shall be home about half-past ten to-morrow night . For a few hours the fires of p-u-r-g-a-t-or-y will cease to burn \u2014 \u201d What are the fires of p-u-r-g-a-t-o-r-y ?", "But what are they ?", "Have you , too ?", "So have I . May I open the window ?", "Is n't it a funny mist-all flat !", "Mummy , when is Uncle Hubert coming back ?", "I suppose Auntie Helen 'll stay with us till he does .", "That 's something , is n't it ?", "Had I better put in the duty to your neighbour if there is n't a victory soon ?You 're tickling under my knee !I must keep awake for Daddy . KATHERINE comes back . She is about to leave the door a little open , when she hears a knock on the other door . It is opened a few inches , and NURSE 'S voice says : \u201c Can I come in , Ma'am ? \u201d The NURSE comes in ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1152, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I am first i'th \u2019 field , that honour 's gain 'd of our side ,", "Pray Heaven I may get off as honourablie ,", "The hour is past , I wonder Dinant comes not ,", "This is the place , I cannot see him yet ;", "It is his quarel too that brought me hither ,", "And I ne'r knew him yet , but to his honour", "A firm and worthy Friend , yet I see nothing ,", "Nor Horse nor man , \u2018 twould vex me to be left here ,", "To th \u2019 mercy of two swords , and two approv 'd ones .", "I never knew him last .", "No Dinant yet ?", "There 's no time past yet Gentlemen ,", "We have day enough : is't possible he comes not ?", "You see I am ready here , and do but stay", "Till my Friend come , walk but a turn or two ,", "\u2018 Twill not be long .", "Ye shall fight Gentlemen ,", "And fight enough , but a short turn or two ,", "I think I see him , set up your watch , we'l fight by it .", "Am I bob 'd thus ? pray take a pipe of tobacco ,", "Or sing but some new air ; by that time , Gentlemen \u2014", "Though it be held a custom ,", "And practised so , I do not hold it honest ;", "What honour can you both win on me single ?", "Yield my Sword ? that 's Hebrew ;", "I'le be first cut a p", "es ; hold but a while ,", "I'le take the next that comes .", "Enter an old Gentleman .", "You are an old Gentleman ?", "And wear no Sword ?", "I would you did , and had one ;", "I want now such a foolish courtesie .", "You see these Gentlemen ?", "Now I beseech you , Sir ,", "If you dare not fight , do not stay to beg my pardon .", "There lies your way .", "Pray ye stay a little .", "Enter two Gentlemen .", "Upon mine honestie , you shall be fought with ;", "Well , Dinant , well , these wear swords and seem brave fellows .", "As you are Gentlemen , one of you supply me .", "I want a Second now to meet these gallants ,", "You know what honour is .", "Am I thus Colted ?", "As you are honest Gentlemen ,", "Stay but the next , and then I'le take my fortune ,", "And if I fight not like a man \u2014 Fy Dinant ,", "Cold now and treacherous .", "Enter Monsieur La-writ , within .", "La-Writ . I understand your causes .", "Yours about corn , yours about pins and glasses ,", "Will you make me mad , have I not all the parcells ?", "And his Petition too , about Bell-founding ?", "Send in your witnesses , what will you have me do ?", "Will you have me break my heart ? my brains are melted ;", "And tell your Master , as I am a Gentleman ,", "His Cause shall be the first , commend me to your Mistris ,", "And tell her , if there be an extraordinary feather ,", "And tall enough for her \u2014 I shall dispatch you too ,", "I know your cause , for transporting of Farthingales", "Trouble me no more , I say again to you ,", "No more vexation : bid my wife send me some puddings ;", "I have a Cause to run through , requires puddings ,", "Puddings enough . Farewel .", "God speed you , Sir .", "If you be not hastie , Sir .", "La-writ . Yes , I am hastie ,", "Exceeding hastie , Sir , I am going to the Parliament ,", "You understand this bag , if you have any business", "Depending there , be short , and let me hear it ,", "And pay your Fees .", "\u2018 Faith , Sir , I have a business ,", "But it depends upon no Parliament .", "La-writ . I have no skill i n't then .", "I must desire you ,", "\u2018 Tis a Sword matter , Sir .", "La-writ . I am no Cutler ,", "I am an Advocate , Sir .", "Be not so hastie ,", "You wear a good Sword .", "La-writ . I know not that ,", "I never drew it yet , or whether it be a Sword \u2014", "I must entreat you try , Sir , and bear a part", "Against these Gentlemen , I want a second ;", "Ye seem a man , and \u2018 tis a noble office .", "La-writ . I am a Lawyer , Sir , I am no fighter .", "You that breed quarels , Sir , know best to satisfie .", "Try , try , you are mistaken : walk on Gentlemen ,", "The man shall follow presently .", "La-writ . Are ye mad Gentleman ?", "My business is within this half hour .", "That 's all one ,", "We 'll dispatch within this quarter , there in that bottom ,", "\u2018 Tis most convenient Gentlemen .", "Away , away ,", "I know you can : I like your modesty ,", "I know you will fight and so fight , with such metal ,", "And with such judgement meet your enemies fury ;", "I see it in your eye , Sir .", "La-writ . I'le be hang 'd then ;", "And I charge you in the Kings name , name no more fighting .", "I charge you in the Kings name , play the man ,", "Which if you do not quickly , I begin with you ,", "I'le make you dance , do you see your fiddlestick ?", "Sweet A", "vocate thou shalt fight .", "La-writ . Stand farther Gentleman ,", "Or I'le give you such a dust o'th \u2019 chapps \u2014", "Spoke bravely ,", "And like thy self , a noble Advocate :", "Come to thy tools .", "La-writ . I do not say I'le fight ;", "I say thou shalt , and bravely .", "La-writ . If I do fight ;", "I say , if I do , but do not depend upo n't ,", "And yet I have a foolish itch upon me ,", "What shall become of my Writings ?", "Let \u2018 em ly by ,", "They will not run away , man .", "La-writ . I may be kill 'd too ,", "And where are all my causes then ? my business ?", "I will not fight , I cannot fight , my Causes \u2014", "Thou shalt fight , if thou hadst a thousand causes ,", "Thou art a man to fight for any cause ,", "And carry it with honour .", "La-writ . Hum , say you so ? if I should", "Be such a coxcombe to prove valiant now \u2014", "I know thou art most valiant .", "La-writ . Do you think so ?", "I am undone for ever , if it prove so ,", "I tell you that , my honest friend , for ever ;", "For I shall ne 're leave quarrelling .", "How long must we fight ? for I cannot stay ,", "Nor will not stay , I have business .", "We'l do't in a minute , in a moment .", "La-writ . Here will I hang my bag then , it may save my belly ,", "I never lov 'd cold Iron there .", "You do wisely .", "La-writ . Help me to pluck my Sword out then , quickly , quickly ,", "\u2018 Thas not seen Sun these ten years .", "How it grumbles !", "This Sword is vengeance angry .", "La-writ . Now I'le put my hat up ,", "And say my prayers as I goe ; away boy ,", "If I be kill 'd , remember the little Lawyer .", "Then keep it , be sure you keep it .", "La-writ . I'le put it in my mouth else .", "Stand further off yet , and stand quietly ,", "And look another way , or I'le be with you ,", "Is this all ? I'le undertake within these two daies", "To furnish any Cutler in this Kingdom .", "Help me , I am almost breathless . La-writ . With all my heart , there 's a cold pye for you , Sir .", "Thou strik'st me , fool .", "La-writ . Thou fool , stand further off then ,", "Deliver , deliver .", "Hold fast .", "Most like a Gentleman .", "I shall be glad o n't . La-writ . Where 's my cloak , and my trinkets ? Or will you fight any longer , for a crash or two ?", "I am your noble friend , Sir . La-writ . It may be so .", "What honour shall I do you ,", "For this great courtesie ?", "La-writ . All I desire of ye ,", "Is to take the quarrel to your self , and let me hear no more o n't ,", "I have no liking to't , \u2018 tis a foolish matter ,", "And help me to put up my Sword .", "Most willingly .", "But I am bound to gratifie you , and I must not leave you .", "La-writ . I tell you , I will not be gratified ,", "Nor I will hear no more o n't : take the Swords too ,", "And do not anger me but leave me quietly .", "For the matter of honour , \u2018 tis at your own disposure ,", "And so , and so .", "This is a most rare Lawyer :", "I am sure most valiant . Well Dinant , as you satisfie me ,", "I say no more : I am loaden like an Armorer .", "\u2018 Tis the little Lawyers voice : has he got my way ? It should be hereabouts .", "That should be Dinants tongue too .", "La-wr . And I defy thee do thy worst : O ho quoth Lancelot tho .", "And that thou shalt know , I am a true Gentleman ,", "And speak according to the phrase triumphant ;", "Thy Lady is a scurvy Lady , and a shitten Lady ,", "And though I never heard of her , a deboshed Lady ,", "And thou , a squire of low degree ; will that content thee ?", "Dost", "way-lay me with Ladies ? A pretty sword , Sir ,", "A very pretty sword , I have a great mind to't .", "Hold , hold . Hold Dinant , as thou art a Gentleman . La-writ . As much as you will , my hand is in now .", "I am your friend , Sir : Dinant you draw your sword", "Upon the Gentleman preserv 'd your honour :", "This was my second , and did back me nobly ,", "For shame forbear .", "I am sure you shall not now .", "La-wr . I am sorry for't , I am sure I'le stay no longer then ,", "Not a jot longer : are there any more on ye afore ?", "I will sing still , Sir .", "I thank ye ,", "Do you think that the wrong you have off'red me ,", "The most unmanly wrong , unfriendly wrong \u2014", "That boyish sleight \u2014", "That poor and base renouncing of your honour ,", "Can be allaied with words ?", "Coloured with smooth excuses ? Was it a friends part ,", "A Gentlemans , a mans that wears a Sword ,", "And stands upon the point of reputation ,", "To hide his head then , when his honour call 'd him ?", "Call 'd him aloud , and led him to his fortune ?", "To halt and slip the coller ? by my life ,", "I would have given my life I had never known thee ,", "Thou hast eaten Canker-like into my judgement", "With this disgrace , thy whole life cannot heal again .", "Can you pretend an excuse now may absolve you ,", "Or any thing like honest , to bring you off ?", "Ingage me like an Asse ?", "Expose me like a Jade to tug , and hale through ,", "Laugh 'd at , and almost hooted ? your disgraces", "Invite mens Swords and angers to dispatch me .", "And be abus 'd still : But that I have call 'd thee friend ,", "And to that name allow a Sanctuary ,", "You should hear further from me , I would not talk thus :", "But henceforth stand upon your own bottom , Sir ,", "And bear your own abuses , I scorn my sword", "Should travel in so poor and empty quarrels .", "Why were you absent ?", "Where was the fault then ?", "What was he that traduc 'd ?", "This is a pretty flim-flam .", "And now you have found him ,", "Declare what business , our Embassadour .", "Let me have a little , speak to me .", "Where ?", "God a mercy Mumpsimus ,", "You may goe Dinant , and follow this old Fairie ,", "Till you have lost your self , your friends , your credit ,", "And Hunt away your youth in rare adventures ,", "I can but grieve I have known you .", "Peace touchwood .", "Goe forward , Dinant .", "Be Valiant .", "Goe forward .", "Hold there , and I forgive thee .", "If this be true \u2014", "Stay Lady , stay , but is there such a business ?", "My back , you would say .", "You shall be hang 'd first ,", "You would fain be prating now ; take the man with you .", "You may goe Dinant .", "\u2018 Faith you may ,", "You do not know how far it may concern you .", "If I perceiv 'd any trick i n't .", "\u2018 Tis my fault then , there is an hour in fortune ,", "That must be still observ 'd : you think I'le chide you ,", "When things must be , nay see , an he will hold his head up ?", "Would such a Lady send , with such a charge too ?", "Say she has plaid the fool , play the fool with her again ,", "The great fool , the greater still the better .", "He shall goe with you woman .", "We 'll leave that to your selves : I shall hear from you .", "Come on then bravely ;", "Farewel till then , and play the man ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1156, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Out of my doors I charge thee , see me no more .", "I disclaim him ,", "He has no part in me , nor in my blood ,", "My Brother that kept fortune bound , and left", "Conquest hereditary to his Issue", "Could not beget a coward .", "All disgraces wretch .", "Was there no tree ,", "nor no River ,", "To force thy life out backward or to drown it ,", "But that thou must survive thy i", "famie ?", "And kill me with the sight of one I hate ,", "And gladly would forget ?", "In your opinion ,", "\u2018 Tis fit you two should be of one belief ,", "You are indeed fine gallants , and fight bravely", "I'th \u2019 City with your tongues , but in the field", "Have neither spirit to dare nor power to do ,", "Your swords are all lead there .", "From Dinant", "You'l suffer more ; that ever cursed I ,", "Should give my honour up , to the defence", "Of such a thing as he is , or my Lady", "That is all Innocent , for whom a dove would", "Assume the courage of a daring Eagle ,", "Repose her confidence in one that can", "No better guard her . In contempt of you", "I love Dinant , mine enemy , nay admire him ,", "His valour claims it from me , and with justice ,", "He that could fight thus , in a cause not honest ,", "His sword edg 'd with defence of right and honour ,", "Would pierce as deep as lightning , with that speed too ,", "And kill as deadly .", "Came he not , say you ?", "Ha ! how 's this ?", "To you ?", "\u2018 Fore heaven , exceeding rare ;", "Why modest Lady , you that sing such Encomiums", "Of your first Suiter \u2014", "Your command ?", "Better , and better still .", "In private ?", "Gave all rewards too", "His service could deserve ; did not he take", "The measure of my sheets ?", "What then ?", "So I think too ,", "On better judgement : I am no Italian", "To lock her up ; nor would I be a Dutchman ,", "To have my Wife , my soveraign , to command me :", "I'le try the gentler way , but if that fail ,", "Believe it , Sir , there 's nothing but extreams", "Which she must feel from me .", "Come , I mistook thee sweet , prethee forgive me ,", "I never will be jealous : e 're I cherish", "Such a mechanick humour , I'le be nothing ;", "I'le say , Dinant is all that thou wouldst have him ,", "Will that suffice ?", "Use thy freedom", "Uncheck 'd , and unobserv 'd , if thou wilt have it ,", "These shall forget their honour , I my wrongs .", "We 'll all dote on him , hell be my reward", "If I dissemble .", "Use thine own waies ,", "I give up all to thee .", "What can this Woman do , preserving her honour ?", "I have given her all the liberty that may be ,", "I will not be far off though , nor I will not be jealous ,", "Nor trust too much , I think she is vertuous ,", "Yet when I hold her best , she 's but a Woman ,", "As full of frailty as of faith , a poor sleight Woman ,", "And her best thoughts , but weak fortifications ,", "There may be a Mine wrought : Well , let \u2018 em work then ,", "I shall meet with it , till the signs be monstrous ,", "And stick upon my head , I will not believe it ,", "Will you so ? you are liberal ,", "If you do cozen me \u2014", "I shall be nearer ;", "Well , go thy wayes , I'le trust thee through the world ,", "Deal how thou wilt : that that I never feel ,", "I'le never fear . Yet by the honour of a Souldier ,", "I hold thee truly noble : How these things will look ,", "And how their blood will curdle ! Play on Children ,", "You shall have pap anon . O thou grand Fool ,", "That thou knew'st but thy fortune \u2014", "Hands off , and give them liberty , only disarm \u2018 em .", "You are welcome , Gentlemen ,", "I am glad my house has any pleasure for you ,", "I keep a couple of Ladies here , they say fair ,", "And you are young and handsome , Gentlemen ;", "Have you any more mind to Wenches ?", "Your swords you must leave to these Gentlemen .", "You may depart too .", "Faith we shall fright you worse .", "Let 's laugh this night out now , and count our gains . We have our honours home , and they their pains ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1156, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["It holds , they will go thither .", "Thither i'th \u2019 evening , and which is the most infliction ,", "Only to insult upon our miseries .", "Yes , yes .", "Throughly .", "At such an hour .", "And shall be , till I have a fair reparation .", "\u2018 Tis certain a most handsome one .", "Miss not your time .", "Lackey , my Horse .", "Who 's here ? my witty , scornful Lady-plot", "In the hands of Ruffians ?", "Justice too ,", "Without a sword to guard it self ?", "And the great Souldier dull ? Why this is strange .", "Though your many", "And gross abuses of me should more move me", "To triumph in your miseries than relieve you ,\u2014", "Yet that hereafter you may know that I", "The scorn 'd and despis 'd Dinant , know what does", "Belong to honour , thus \u2014", "Be a man Cleremont , and look upon \u2018 em", "As such that not alone abus 'd our service ,", "Fed us with hopes most bitter in digestion ,", "But when love fail 'd , to draw on further mischief ,", "The baits they laid for us , were our own honours ,", "Which thus hath made us slaves too , worse than slaves .", "I see you now beyond expression wretched ,", "The wit you brag 'd of fool 'd , that boasted honour ,", "As you believ 'd compass 'd with walls of brass ,", "To guard it sure , subject to be o'rethrown", "With the least blast of lust .", "That confidence which was not to be shaken", "In a perpetual fever , and those favours ,", "Which with so strong and Ceremonious duty", "Your lover and a Gentleman long sought for ,", "Sought , sued , and kneel 'd in vain for , must you yield up", "To a licentious villain , that will hardly", "Allow you thanks for't .", "I can but add your sorrows to my sorrows ,", "Your fears to my fears ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1156, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["O Cousin how I shake all this long night !", "What frights and noises we have heard , still they encrease ,", "The villains put on shapes to torture us ,", "And to their Devils form such preparations", "As if they were a hatching new dishonours ,", "And fatal ruine , past dull mans invention .", "Goe not too far , and pray good Cousin Anabel ,", "Hark a new noise .", "Groaning ? or singing is it ?", "Now it grows lowder , sure some sad presage", "Of our foul loss \u2014 look now they peep .", "O give them gentle language .", "Now they are above .", "Thou art so foolish desperate .", "Call \u2018 em brave fellows , Gentlemen .", "Look an thou woo't beware , dost thou feel the danger ?", "I do confess cousin ,", "I was too harsh , too foolish .", "O think not so .", "May we be worthy any eyes , or knowledge ,", "When we are used thus ?", "But thus , thus basely \u2014", "Out on thee .", "Hark , a new noise .", "They come .", "What mask of death is this ? O my dear Brother .", "O shall we lose our honours ?", "Good Sir ,", "Good Cousin gently , as y'are a Gentleman ,\u2014", "Sir as you had a Mother .", "Is it not better ?", "As you have mercy do .", "Fright us no more with shipwrack of our honours", "Nor if there be a guilt by us committed", "Let it endanger those .", "Stay .", "Now stand constant ,", "For now our tryal 's come .", "She sinks if Christian ,", "If any spark of noble heat .\u2014", "Is this my constant cousin ? how she whispers ,", "Kisses and huggs the thief !", "Well , go thy way , and thine own shame dwell with thee .", "Is this the constancy she shew 'd , the bravery ?", "The dear love and the life she ow 'd her kinsmen ?", "O brave tongue , valiant glorious woman !", "Is this the noble anger you arriv 'd at ?", "Are these the thieves you scorn 'd , the rogues you rail 'd at ?", "The scabs and scums of nature ? O fair modesty ,", "Excellent vertue , whither art thou fled ?", "What hand O Heaven is over us , when strong virgins", "Yield to their fears , and to their fears their fortunes ?", "Never belief come near me more , farewel wench ,", "A long farewel from all that ever knew thee :", "My turn is next ,", "I am resolv 'd , it comes", "But in a nobler shape , ha ?", "Indeed Sir , I had need of many blessings ,", "For all the hours I have had since I came here ,", "Have been so many curses . How got you liberty ?", "For I presume you come to comfort me .", "Heaven was your comfort .", "O Sir , are these fit hours to talk of love in ?", "Shall we make fools of our afflictions ?", "Can any thing sound sweetly in mine ears ,", "Where all the noise of bloody horrour is ?", "My Brother , and my Cousin , they are dead Sir ,", "Dead , basely dead , is this an age to fool in ?", "And I my self , I know not what I shall be ,", "Yet I must thank you , and if happily", "You had ask 'd me yesterday , when these were living ,", "And my fears less , I might have hearkned to you .", "How ? do you conjure ?", "My Brother , and nephew living ?", "Which I give freely , and become a suitor ,", "To be hereafter more familiar", "\u2018 Twas to give you hearing .", "Must ?", "You will not force me ?", "Brother , Nephew ,", "Help , help , for Heavens sake .", "Forbear me then .", "O Heaven ! No pity Sir ?", "I am lost for ever :", "Good Sir , I do confess my fault , my gross fault ,", "And yield my self up , miserable guilty ;", "Thus kneeling I confess , you cannot study", "Sufficient punishments to load me with ;", "I am in your power , and I confess again ,", "You cannot be too cruel : if there be ,", "Besides the loss of my long guarded honour ,", "Any thing else to make the ballance even ,", "Pray put it in , all hopes , all helpes have left me ;", "I am girt round with sorrow , hell 's about me ,", "And ravishment the least that I can look for ,", "Do what you please .", "Can there be such goodness ,", "And in a man so injur 'd ?", "All I possess , comes short of satisfaction .", "\u2018 Tis as safe then ,", "As if a compleat Army undertook it .", "Enter La-writ , Sampson , Clyents .", "La-writ . Do not perswade me gentle Monsieur Sampson ,", "I am a mortal man again , a Lawyer ,", "My martiall part I have put off .", "No on my soul , my usage hath been noble ,", "Far from all violence .", "Let me perswade you ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1156, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Well , Master Wildrake , speak you of the chase !", "To hear you one doth feel the bounding steed ;", "You bring the hounds and game , and all to view \u2014", "All scudding to the jovial huntsman 's cheer !", "And yet I pity the poor crowned deer ,", "And always fancy \u2018 tis by fortune 's spite ,", "That lordly head of his , he bears so high \u2014", "Like Virtue , stately in calamity ,", "And hunted by the human , worldly hound \u2014", "Is made to fly before the pack , that straight", "Burst into song at prospect of his death .", "You say their cry is harmony ; and yet", "The chorus scarce is music to my ear ,", "When I bethink me what it sounds to his ;", "Nor deem I sweet the note that rings the knell", "Of the once merry forester !", "Not so ! The maid", "In simple honesty I must pronounce", "A miracle of virtue , well as beauty .", "Good Master Neville !", "Sir !", "My sword is sheathed ?", "Wilt let me take thy hand ?", "Be it so \u2014 Your hand again , good Master Trueworth ! I am sorry I did pain you ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1167, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["At sixty-two , to be in leading-strings ,", "Is an old child \u2014 and with a daughter , too !", "Her mother held me ne'er in check so strait", "As she . I must not go but where she likes ,", "Nor see but whom she likes , do anything", "But what she likes !\u2014 A slut bare twenty-one !", "Nor minces she commands ! A brigadier", "More coolly doth not give his orders out", "Than she ! Her waiting-maid is aide-de-camp ;", "My steward adjutant ; my lacqueys serjeants ;", "That bring me her high pleasure how I march", "And counter-march \u2014 when I 'm on duty \u2014 when", "I 'm off \u2014 when suits it not to tell it me", "Herself \u2014 \u201c Sir William , thus my mistress says ! \u201d", "As saying it were enough \u2014 no will of mine", "Consulted ! I will marry . Must I serve ,", "Better a wife , my mistress , than a daughter !", "And yet the vixen says , if I do marry ,", "I 'll find she 'll rule my wife , as well as me !", "Ah , Master Trueworth ! Welcome , Master Trueworth !", "Ah , Master Trueworth , when one turns the hill ,", "\u2018 Tis rapid going down ! We climb by steps ;", "By strides we reach the bottom . Look at me ,", "And guess my age .", "Ten years more !", "How marvellously well I wear ! I think", "You would not flatter me !\u2014 But scan me close ,", "And pryingly , as one who seeks a thing", "He means to find \u2014 What signs of age dost see ?", "None about the corners of the eyes ?", "Lines that diverge like to the spider 's joists ,", "Whereon he builds his airy fortalice ?", "They call them crow 's feet \u2014 has the ugly bird", "Been perching there ?\u2014 Eh ?\u2014 Well ?", "Your eyes are good !", "I am certainly a wonder for my age ;", "I walk as well as ever ! Do I stoop ?", "It is my make \u2014 my make , good Master Trueworth ;", "I do not study it . Do you observe", "The hollow in my back ? That 's natural .", "As now I stand , so stood I when a child ,", "A rosy , chubby boy !\u2014 I am youthful to", "A miracle ! My arm is firm as \u2018 twas", "At twenty . Feel it !", "Oak \u2014 oak ,", "Is n't it , Master Trueworth ? Thou hast known me", "Ten years and upwards . Thinkest my leg is shrunk ?", "No ! not in the calf ?", "Thank you , thank you \u2014 I believe it !", "When others waste , \u2018 tis growing-time with me !", "I feel it , Master Trueworth ! Vigour , sir ,", "In every joint of me \u2014 could run !\u2014 could leap !", "Why should n't I marry ? Knife and fork I play", "Better than many a boy of twenty-five \u2014", "Why should n't I marry ? If they come to wine ,", "My brace of bottles can I carry home ,", "And ne'er a headache . Death ! why should n't I marry ?", "Impediment ? She 's all appliances !\u2014", "And fortune 's with me , too ! The Widow Green", "Gives hints to me . The pleasant Widow Green", "Whose fortieth year , instead of autumn , brings ,", "A second summer in . Odds bodikins ,", "How young she looks ! What life is in her eyes !", "What ease is in her gait !\u2014 while , as she walks ,", "Her waist , still tapering , takes it pliantly !", "How lollingly she bears her head withal :", "On this side now \u2014 now that ! When enters she", "A drawing-room , what worlds of gracious things", "Her curtsey says !\u2014 she sinks with such a sway ,", "Greeting on either hand the company ,", "Then slowly rises to her state again !", "She is the empress of the card-table !", "Her hand and arm !\u2014 Gods , did you see her deal \u2014", "With curved and pliant wrist dispense the pack ,", "Which , at the touch of her fair fingers fly !", "How soft she speaks \u2014 how very soft ! Her voice", "Comes melting from her round and swelling throat ,", "Reminding you of sweetest , mellowest things \u2014", "Plums , peaches , apricots , and nectarines \u2014", "Whose bloom is poor to paint her cheeks and lips .", "By Jove , I 'll marry !", "Great your loss .", "By all the gods I 'll marry !\u2014 but my daughter", "Must needs be married first . She rules my house ;", "Would rule it still , and will not have me wed .", "A clever , handsome , darling , forward minx !", "When I became a widower , the reins", "Her mother dropped she caught ,\u2014 a hoyden girl ;", "Nor , since , would e'er give up ; howe'er I strove", "To coax or catch them from her . One way still", "Or t'other she would keep them \u2014 laugh , pout , plead ;", "Now vanquish me with water , now with fire ;", "Would box my face , and , ere I well could ope", "My mouth to chide her , stop it with a kiss !", "The monkey ! What a plague she 's to me ! How", "I love her ! how I love the Widow Green !", "I tell thee , first of all", "Must needs my daughter marry . See I not", "A hope of that ; she nought affects the sex :", "Comes suitor after suitor \u2014 all in vain .", "Fast as they bow she curtsies , and says , \u201c Nay ! \u201d", "Or she , a woman , lacks a woman 's heart ,", "Or hath a special taste which none can hit .", "Eh !\u2014 how ?", "No !", "O ! ay !", "That Master Wildrake , I did pray thee go", "And wait for at the inn ; but had forgotten .", "Is he come ?", "Ha ! I am glad he is come .", "As cat with dog !", "You shall see", "What wondrous calm and harmony take place ,", "When fire meets gunpowder !", "Do you hear ?", "Very glad to see him !", "What wantest thou with thy lap-dog ?", "Wilt hold thy peace ?", "Wilt ne'er give o'er ?", "Converse of things thou knowest to talk about !", "Do you mark ? Much love is there !", "Ay !\u2014 Do you think", "These discords , as in the musicians \u2019 art ,", "Are subtle servitors to harmony ?", "That all this war 's for peace ? This wrangling but", "A masquerade where love his roguish face", "Conceals beneath an ugly visor !\u2014 Well ?", "Hither they come . I fancy well thy game ! O to be free to marry Widow Green ! I 'll call her hence anon \u2014 then ply him well .", "Hoa , Constance !", "Why , Constance !", "Constance ! I say .", "Why , Constance ! Constance !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1167, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Nay , Master Trueworth , I must needs be gone !", "She treats me worse and worse ! I am a stock ,", "That words have none to pay her . For her sake", "I quit the town to-day . I like a jest ,", "But hers are jests past bearing . I am her butt ,", "She nothing does but practise on ! A plague !\u2014", "Fly her shafts ever your way ?", "Art mad ?\u2014 or wishest she should drive thee so ?", "I know not neighbour Constance ?", "Then know I not myself , or anything", "Which as myself I know !", "Heigh ho !", "Why what a burden that for a man 's song !", "Would fit a maiden that was sick for love .", "Heigh ho ! Come ride with me to Lincolnshire ,", "And turn thy \u201c Heigh ho ! \u201d into \u201c hilly ho ! \u201d", "Or may my horse break down in a steeple-chase !", "Thou'rt not in love !", "Thou wouldst not marry !", "And whom , I prithee ?", "What !\u2014 neighbour Constance ?\u2014 Never did I dream", "That mortal man would fall in love with her .", "In love with neighbour Constance !\u2014 I feel strange", "At thought that she should marry !\u2014", "Go to church", "With neighbour Constance ! That 's a steeple-chase", "I never thought of . I feel very strange !", "What seest in neighbour Constance ?", "You mean that neighbour Constance is a woman . Why , yes ; she is a woman , certainly .", "Snow will match it .", "A pearl 's transparent !", "Would", "His tongue would make a halt . He makes too free", "With neighbour Constance ! Ca n't he let her arms", "Alone ! I trust their chosen friend", "Will ne'er be he ! I 'm vexed .", "No .", "In my head ! But I begin to doubt if open yet .", "I hate", "To dance ! I can n't endure to dance !\u2014 Of course", "You have danced with her ?", "You have ?", "I do abominate to dance !\u2014 could carve", "Fiddlers and company ! A dancing man", "To me was ever like a dancing dog !", "Save less to be endured .\u2014 Ne'er saw I one", "But I bethought me of the master 's whip .", "Not if I had the laying of it on !", "Yes ; make an end of it !\u2014 I 'm sick of it .", "Does she sing", "Such songs to thee ?", "Forward minx !", "Maids should not sing love-songs to gentlemen !", "Think'st neighbour Constance is a girl to love ?", "How know you that ?", "You town-rakes are the devil for the sex !", "I wish I ne'er", "Had come to town ! I was a happy man", "Among my dogs and horses .", "Hast thou broke", "Thy passion to her ?", "Never ?", "I thank you .", "Yes ;", "A pleasure !\u2014 an unutterable pleasure !", "I do .", "Yes .", "Ay , and again !", "Fear anything but that .", "You think so ?", "You think so ?", "Then I 'll not say a word", "About them .", "Take that thyself ! The first be mine , or none !", "A man in love with neighbour Constance ! Never", "Dreamed I that such a thing could come to pass !", "Such person , such endowments , such a soul !", "I never thought to ask myself before", "If she were man or woman ! Suitors , too ,", "Dying for her ! I 'll e'en make one among \u2018 em !", "Woo her to go to church along with him ,", "And for my pains the privilege to take", "The second kiss ? I 'll take the second kiss ,", "And first one too \u2014 and last ! No man shall touch", "Her lips but me . I 'll massacre the man", "That looks upon her ! Yet what chance have I", "With lovers of the town , whose study \u2018 tis", "To please your lady belles !\u2014 who dress , walk , talk ,", "To hit their tastes \u2014 what chance , a country squire", "Like me ? Yet your true fair , I have heard , prefers", "The man before his coat at any time ;", "And such a one may neighbour Constance be .", "I 'll show a limb with any of them ! Silks", "I 'll wear , nor keep my legs in cases more .", "I 'll learn to dance town-dances , and frequent", "Their concerts ! Die away at melting strains ,", "Or seem to do so \u2014 far the easier thing ,", "And as effective quite ; leave naught undone", "To conquer neighbour Constance .", "Well , sir ?", "Unsaddle him again and put him up .", "And , hark you , get a tailor for me , sir \u2014", "The rarest can be found .", "Tell him I do not want her , sir .", "Go to ! She 's spavined .", "Touched in the wind .", "I want her not ,", "And that 's your answer . Go to the hosier 's , sir ,", "And bid him send me samples of his gear ,", "Of twenty different kinds .", "Well , sir .", "The dogs", "Are only fit for hanging !\u2014", "Sirrah , if more to me thou talkest of dogs ,", "Horses , or aught that to thy craft belongs ,", "Thou mayst go hang for me !\u2014 A cordwainer", "Go fetch me straight \u2014 the choicest in the town .", "Away , sir ! Do thy errands smart and well", "As thou canst crack thy whip !", "Dear neighbour Constance ,", "I 'll give up horses , dogs , and all for thee !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1167, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Green . Lydia , my gloves . If Master Waller calls ,", "I shall be in at three ; and say the same", "To old Sir William Fondlove . Tarry yet !\u2014", "What progress , think you , make I in the heart", "Of fair young Master Waller ? Gods , my girl ,", "It is a heart to win and man as well !", "How speed I , think you ? Didst , as I desired ,", "Detain him in my absence when he called ,", "And , without seeming , sound him touching me ?", "Green . And effects he me , or not ? How guess you ?", "What said he of me ? Looked he balked , or not ,", "To find me not at home ? Inquired he when", "I would be back , as much he longed to see me ?", "What did he \u2014 said he ? Come !\u2014 Is he in love ,", "Or like to fall into it ? Goes well my game ,", "Or shall I have my labour for my pains ?", "Green . You think he is in love \u2014 I 'm sure of it .", "As well have asked you has he eyes and ears ,", "And brain and heart to use them ? Maids do throw", "Trick after trick away , but widows know", "To play their cards ! How am I looking , Lydia ?", "Green . Handsome , my girl ?", "Eh ? Clear in my complexion ? Eh ?\u2014 brimful", "Of spirits ? not too much of me , nor yet", "Too little ?\u2014 Eh ?\u2014 A woman worth a man ?", "Look at me , Lydia ! Would you credit , girl ,", "I was a scarecrow before marriage ?", "Green . Girl , but I tell thee \u201c yea . \u201d That gown of thine \u2014", "And thou art slender \u2014 would have hung about me !", "There 's something of me now ! good sooth , enough !", "Lydia , I 'm quite contented with myself ;", "I 'm just the thing , methinks , a widow should be .", "So , Master Waller , you believe , affects me ?", "But , Lydia , not enough to hook the fish ;", "To prove the angler 's skill , it must be caught ;", "And lovers , Lydia , like the angler 's prey \u2014", "Which , when he draws it near the landing-place ,", "Takes warning and runs out the slender line ,", "And with a spring perchance jerks off the hold", "When we do fish for them , and hook , and think", "They are all but in the creel , will make the dart", "That sets them free to roam the flood again !", "Green . Thou'lt find it so , or better luck", "Than many another maid ! Now mark me , Lydia :", "Sir William Fondlove fancies me . \u2018 Tis well !", "I do not fancy him ! What should I do", "With an old man ?\u2014 Attend upon the gout ,", "Or the rheumatics ! Wrap me in the cloud", "Of a darkened chamber \u2014 \u2018 stead of shining out ,", "The sun of balls , and routs , and gala-days !", "But he affects me , Lydia ; so he may !", "Now take a lesson from me \u2014 Jealousy", "Had better go with open , naked breast ,", "Than pin or button with a gem . Less plague ,", "The plague-spot ; that doth speedy make an end", "One way or t'other , girl . Yet , never love", "Was warm without a spice of jealousy .", "Thy lesson now \u2014 Sir William Fondlove 's rich ,", "And riches , though they 're paste , yet being many ,", "The jewel love we often cast away for .", "I use him but for Master Waller 's sake .", "Dost like my policy ?", "Green . Nay , Lydia , I do like to hear thy thoughts ,", "They are such novel things \u2014 plants that do thrive", "With country air ! I marvel still they flower ,", "And thou so long in town ! Speak freely , girl !", "Green . Thou'lt find out better when thy time doth come .", "Now wouldst believe I love not Master Waller ?", "I never knew what love was , Lydia ;", "That is , as your romances have it . First ,", "I married for a fortune . Having that ,", "And being freed from him that brought it me ,", "I marry now , to please my vanity ,", "A man that is the fashion . O the delight", "Of a sensation , and yourself the cause !", "To note the stir of eyes , and ears , and tongues ,", "When they do usher Mistress Waller in ,", "Late Widow Green , her hand upon the arm", "Of her young , handsome husband !\u2014 How my fan", "Will be in requisition \u2014 I do feel", "My heart begin to flutter now \u2014 my blood", "To mount into my cheek ! My honeymoon", "Will be a month of triumphs !\u2014 \u201c Mistress Waller ! \u201d", "That name , for which a score of damsels sigh ,", "And but the widow had the wit to win !", "Why , it will be the talk of east to west ,", "And north and south !\u2014 The children loved the man ,", "And lost him so \u2014 I liked , but there I stopped ;", "For what is it to love , but mind and heart", "And soul upon another to depend ?", "Depend upon another ? Nothing be", "But what another wills ? Give up the rights", "Of mine own brain and heart ? I thank my stars", "I never came to that extremity ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1167, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Well , Phoebe , would you know me ? Are those locks", "That cluster on my forehead and my cheek ,", "Sufficient mask ? Show I what I would seem ,", "A lady for the chase ? My darkened brows", "And heightened colour , foreign to my face ,", "Do they my face pass off for stranger too ?", "What think you ?", "Then send him to me . Say a lady wants", "To speak with him , unless indeed it be", "A man in lady 's gear ; I look so bold", "And speak so gruff . Away !", "That I am glad", "He stays in town , I own , but if I am ,", "\u2018 Tis only for the tricks I 'll play upon him ,", "And now begin , persuading him his fame", "Hath made me fancy him , and brought me hither", "On visit to his worship . Soft , his foot !", "This he ? Why , what has metamorphosed him .", "And changed my sportsman to fine gentleman ?", "Well he becomes his clothes ! But , check my wonder ,", "Lest I forget myself . Why , what an air", "The fellow hath . A man to set a cap at !", "My veiled face denies me justice , sir ,", "Else would you see a maiden 's blushing cheek", "Do penance for her forwardness ; too late ,", "I own , repented of . Yet if \u2018 tis true ,", "By our own hearts of others we may judge ,", "Mine in no peril lies that 's shown to you ,", "Whose heart , I 'm sure , is noble . Worthy sir ,", "Souls attract souls when they 're of kindred vein .", "The life that you love , I love . Well I know ,", "\u2018 Mongst those who breast the feats of the bold chase ,", "You stand without a peer ; and for myself", "I dare avow \u2018 mong such , none follows them", "With heartier glee than I do .", "What delight", "To back the flying steed , that challenges", "The wind for speed !\u2014 seems native more of air", "Than earth !\u2014 whose burden only lends him fire !\u2014", "Whose soul , in his task , turns labour into sport ;", "Who makes your pastime his ! I sit him now !", "He takes away my breath ! He makes me reel !", "I touch not earth \u2014 I see not \u2014 hear not . All", "Is ecstasy of motion !", "I am , sir . Then the leap ,", "To see the saucy barrier , and know", "The mettle that can clear it ! Then , your time", "To prove you master of the manege . Now", "You keep him well together for a space ,", "Both horse and rider braced as you were one ,", "Scanning the distance \u2014 then you give him rein ,", "And let him fly at it , and o'er he goes", "Light as a bird on wing .", "Sir , you 're good !", "And then the hounds , sir ! Nothing I admire", "Beyond the running of the well-trained pack .", "The training 's everything ! Keen on the scent !", "At fault none losing heart !\u2014 but all at work !", "None leaving his task to another !\u2014 answering", "The watchful huntsman 's cautions , check , or cheer .", "As steed his rider 's rein ! Away they go", "How close they keep together ! What a pack !", "Nor turn , nor ditch , nor stream divides them \u2014 as", "They moved with one intelligence , act , will !", "And then the concert they keep up !\u2014 enough", "To make one tenant of the merry wood ,", "To list their jocund music !", "I love it !", "To wood and glen , hamlet and town , it is", "A laughing holiday ! Not a hill-top", "But 's then alive ! Footmen with horsemen vie ,", "All earth 's astir , roused with the revelry", "Of vigour , health , and joy ! Cheer awakes cheer ,", "While Echo 's mimic tongue , that never tires ,", "Keeps up the hearty din ! Each face is then", "Its neighbour 's glass \u2014 where Gladness sees itself ,", "And at the bright reflection grows more glad !", "Breaks into tenfold mirth !\u2014 laughs like a child !", "Would make a gift of its heart , it is so free !", "Would scarce accept a kingdom , \u2018 tis so rich !", "Shakes hands with all , and vows it never knew", "That life was life before !", "Such fancy is not mine .", "You say not so !", "The cause , I pray ?", "He 's in love !", "He is in love !", "Wildrake 's in love ! \u2018 Tis that keeps him in town ,", "Turns him from sportsman to town-gentleman .", "I never dreamed that he could be in love !", "In love with whom ?\u2014 I 'll find the vixen out !", "What right has she to set her cap at him ?", "I warrant me , a forward , artful minx ;", "I hate him worse than ever . I 'll do all", "I can to spoil the match . He 'll never marry \u2014", "Sure he will never marry ! He will have", "More sense than that ! My back doth ope and shut \u2014", "My temples throb and shoot \u2014 I am cold and hot !", "Were he to marry , there would be an end", "To neighbour Constance \u2014 neighbour Wildrake \u2014 why ,", "I should not know myself !", "Dear Master Trueworth ,", "What think you !\u2014 neighbour Wildrake is in love !", "In love ! Would you believe it , Master Trueworth ?", "Ne'er heed my dress and looks , but answer me .", "Knowest thou of any lady he has seen", "That 's like to cozen him ?", "Her that my father fancies . Let him wed her !", "Marry her to-morrow \u2014 if he will , to-night .", "I can n't spare neighbour Wildrake \u2014 neighbour Wildrake !", "Although I would not marry him myself ,", "I could not hear that other married him !", "Go to my father \u2014 \u2018 tis a proper match !", "He has my leave ! He 's welcome to bring home", "The Widow Green . I 'll give up house and all !", "She would be mad to marry neighbour Wildrake ;", "He would wear out her patience \u2014 plague her to death ,", "As he does me . She must not marry him !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1167, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["But thou shalt hear me , gentle Lydia .", "Sweet maiden , thou art frightened at thyself !", "Thy own perfections \u2018 tis that talk to thee .", "Thy beauty rich !\u2014 thy richer grace !\u2014 thy mind ,", "More rich again than that , though richest each !", "Except for these , I had no tongue for thee ,", "Eyes for thee !\u2014 ears !\u2014 had never followed thee !\u2014", "Had never loved thee , Lydia ! Hear me !\u2014", "Right ! Love should seek its match ; and that is , love", "Or nothing ! Station \u2014 fortune \u2014 find their match", "In things resembling them . They are not love !", "Comes love", "Comes it of title-deeds which fools may boast ?", "Or coffers vilest hands may hold the keys of ?", "Or that ethereal lamp that lights the eyes", "To shed the sparkling lustre o'er the face ,", "Gives to the velvet skin its blushing glow ,", "And burns as bright beneath the peasant 's roof", "As roof of palaced prince ? Yes , Love should seek", "Its match \u2014 then give my love its match in thine ,", "Its match which in thy gentle breast doth lodge", "So rich \u2014 so earthly , heavenly fair and rich ,", "As monarchs have no thought of on their thrones ,", "Which kingdoms do bear up .", "I would .", "I would .", "Then , in spite", "Of them !", "Why , then I 'd give them up my throne \u2014 content", "With that thou'dst yield me in thy gentle breast .", "Far more ! Far less !", "Yes .", "No part of love .", "At times it is ,", "At times is not . Men love and marry \u2014 love", "And marry not .", "Oh , no ! not part ! How could they love and part ?", "Alone in marriage doth not union lie !", "If there is truth in man , I love thee ! Hear me !", "In wedlock , families claim property .", "Old notions , which we needs must humour often ,", "Bar us to wed where we are forced to love !", "Thou hear'st ?", "My family is proud ;", "Our ancestor , whose arms we bear , did win", "An earldom by his deeds . \u2018 Tis not enough", "I please myself ! I must please others , who", "Desert in wealth and station only see .", "Thou hear'st ?", "I cannot marry thee ,", "And must I lose thee ? Do not turn away !", "Without the altar I can honour thee !", "Can cherish thee , nor swear it to the priest ;", "For more than life I love thee !", "Stay , Lydia !\u2014 No !", "\u2018 Tis vain ! She is in virtue resolute ,", "As she is bland and tender in affection .", "She is a miracle , beholding which", "Wonder doth grow on wonder ! What a maid !", "No mood but doth become her \u2014 yea , adorn her .", "She turns unsightly anger into beauty !", "Sour scorn grows sweetness , touching her sweet lips !", "And indignation , lighting on her brow ,", "Transforms to brightness as the cloud to gold", "That overhangs the sun ! I love her ! Ay !", "And all the throes of serious passion feel", "At thought of losing her !\u2014 so my light love ,", "Which but her person did at first affect ,", "Her soul has metamorphosed \u2014 made a thing", "Of solid thoughts and wishes \u2014 I must have her !", "Enchanting woman !", "The matchless form of woman ! The choice calling", "Of the aspiring artist , whose ambition", "Robs Nature to outdo her \u2014 the perfections", "Of her rare various workmanship combines", "To aggrandise his art at Nature 's cost ,", "And make a paragon !", "Ha ! The Widow Green !", "Thank", "My lucky stars !", "She must be mine", "Whate'er her terms !", "What ! though it be the ring ?\u2014 the marriage ring ?", "If that she sticks at , she deserves to wear it", "Oh , the debate which love and prudence hold !", "They to each other company enough !", "I , company for no one but myself .", "I 'll take my leave , nor trouble them to pay", "The compliments of parting . Lydia ! Lydia !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1167, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The booby ! He must fall in love , indeed !", "And now he 's naught but sentimental looks", "And sentences , pronounced \u2018 twixt breath and voice !", "And attitudes of tender languishment !", "Nor can I get from him the name of her", "Hath turned him from a stock into a fool .", "He hems and haws , now titters , now looks grave !", "Begins to speak and halts ! takes off his eyes", "To fall in contemplation on a chair ,", "A table , or the ceiling , wall , or floor !", "I 'll plague him worse and worse ! O , here he comes !", "Fool !", "Accost me like a lady , sir ! I hate", "The name of neighbour !", "Do n't call me anything !", "I hate to hear thee speak \u2014 to look at thee ,", "To dwell in the same house with thee !", "What !\u2014 I hate an ape !", "Who bade thee ape the gentleman ?", "And put on dress that do n't belong to thee ?", "Go ! change thee with thy whipper-in or huntsman ,", "And none will doubt thou wearest thy own clothes .", "Do you call that walking ? Pray", "What makes you twist your body so , and take", "Such pains to turn your toes out ? If you 'd walk ,", "Walk thus ! Walk like a man , as I do now !", "Is yours the way a gentleman should walk ?", "You neither walk like man nor gentleman !", "I 'll show you how you walk .", "Do you call that walking ?", "Now , of all things in the world ,", "What made you dance last night ?", "Right ! It was anything but dancing ! Steps", "That never came from dancing-school \u2014 nor English ,", "Nor Scotch , nor Irish ! You must try to cut ,", "And how you did it !", "That 's the way to cut !", "And then your chasse ! Thus you went , and thus .", "As though you had been playing at hop , step ,", "And jump !\u2014 and yet you looked so monstrous pleased ,", "And played the simpleton with such a grace ,", "Taking their tittering for compliment !", "I could have boxed you soundly for't . Ten times", "Denied I that I knew you .", "And you 're grown", "An amateur in music !\u2014 What fine air", "Was that you praised last night ?\u2014 \u201c The Widow Jones ! \u201d", "A country jig they turned into a song .", "You asked \u201c If it had come from Italy ? \u201d", "The lady blushed and held her peace , and then", "You blushed and said , \u201c Perhaps it came from France ! \u201d", "And then when blushed the lady more , nor spoke ,", "You said , \u201c At least it came from Germany ! \u201d", "The air was English !\u2014 a true English air ;", "A downright English air !\u2014 a common air ;", "Old as \u201c When Good King Arthur . \u201d Not a square ,", "Court , alley , street , or lane about the town ,", "In which it is not whistled , played , or sung !", "But you must have it come from Italy ,", "Or Germany , or France . Go home ! Go home !", "To Lincolnshire , and mind thy dog and horn !", "You 'll never do for town ! \u201c The Widow Jones \u201d", "To come from Italy ! Stay not in town ,", "Or you 'll be married to the Widow Jones ,", "Since you 've forsworn , you say , the Widow Green !", "And morn and night they 'll din your ears with her !", "\u201c Well met , dear Master Wildrake . A fine day !", "Pray , can you tell whence came the Widow Jones ? \u201d", "They love a jest in town ! To Lincolnshire !", "You 'll never do for town ! To Lincolnshire ;", "\u201c The Widow Jones \u201d to come from Italy !", "Not here ! I trust I have not gone too far !", "If he should quit the house ! Go out of town !", "Poor neighbour Wildrake ! Little does he owe me !", "From childhood I 've been used to plague him thus .", "Why would he fall in love , and spoil it all !", "I feel as I could cry ! He has no right", "To marry any one ! What wants he with", "A wife ? Has he not plague enough in me ?", "Would he be plagued with anybody else ?", "Ever since I have lived in town I have felt", "The want of neighbour Wildrake ! Not a soul", "Besides I care to quarrel with ; and now", "He goes and gives himself to another ! What !", "Am I in love with neighbour Wildrake ? No .", "I only would not have him marry \u2014 marry ?", "Sooner I 'd have him dead than have him marry !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1167, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Fly , Stephen , to the door ! your rapier ! quick !\u2014 Our master is beset , because of one Whose part he takes , a maid , whom lawless men Would lawlessly entreat ! In what a world We live !\u2014 How do I shake !\u2014 with what addressHe lays about him , and his other arm Engaged , in charge of her whom he defends ! A damsel worth a broil !\u2014 Now , Stephen , now ! Take off the odds , brave lad , and turn the scale ! I would I were a swordsman ! How he makes His rapier fly !\u2014 Well done !\u2014 O Heaven , there 's blood . But on the side that 's wrong !\u2014 Well done , good Stephen ! Pray Heaven no life be ta'en !\u2014 Lay on , brave lad ! He has marked his man again . Good lad \u2014 Well done , I pray no mischief come !\u2014 Press on him , Stephen ! Now gives he ground .\u2014 Follow thy advantage up ! Allow no pause for breaths !\u2014 Hit him again ! Forbid it end in death !\u2014 Lounge home , good Stephen ! How fast he now retreats !\u2014 That spring , I 'll swear , Was answer to thy point !\u2014 Well fenced !\u2014 Well fenced ! Now Heaven forefend it end in death !\u2014 He flies ! And from his comrade , the same moment , hath Our master jerked his sword \u2014 The day is ours ! Quick may they get a surgeon for their wounds , And I , a cordial for my fluttered spirits : I vow , I 'm nigh to swoon !", "Anon !", "Young joints take no thought of aged ones ,", "But ever think them as supple as themselves .", "I 'm here !\u2014 A mercy !\u2014", "Is she dead ?", "How wondrous fair she is !", "Yes ; wondrous fair !", "Harm never come to her ! So sweet a thing", "\u2018 Twere pity were abused !", "Ay , marry ! Half so fair were more than match", "For fairest she e'er saw mine eyes before !", "And what a form ! A foot and instep there !", "Vouchers of symmetry ! A little foot", "And rising instep , from an ankle arching ,", "A palm , and that a little one , might span .", "Why who , but her , taught thee ?", "Thy mother !\u2014 Heaven rest her !\u2014 Thy good mother !", "She could read men and women by their hands", "And feet !\u2014 And here 's a hand !\u2014 A fairy palm !", "Fingers that taper to the pinky tips ,", "With nails of rose , like shells of such a hue ,", "Berimmed with pearl , you pick up on the shore !", "Save these the gloss and tint do wear without .", "Did I not tell thee thus", "Thy mother used to talk ? Such hand and foot ,", "She would say , in man or woman vouched for nature", "High tempered !\u2014 Still for sentiment refined ;", "Affection tender ; apprehension quick \u2014", "Degrees beyond the generality !", "There is a marriage finger ! Curse the hand", "Would balk it of a ring !", "And if thou wouldst , thou'rt not thy mother 's son ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1167, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["You are not angry ?", "Thank you .", "Most kind you are \u2014 And you believe she loves me :", "And your own hopes give up to favour mine .", "Was ever known such kindness ! Much I fear", "\u2018 Twill cost you .", "That 's right . No use in yielding to a thing .", "Resolve does wonders ! Shun the sight of her \u2014", "See other women !\u2014 Fifty to be found", "As fair as she .", "Doubt it not .", "Doubt nothing that gives promise of a care .", "Right handsome dames there are in Lancashire ,", "Whence called their women , witches !\u2014 witching things !", "I know a dozen families in which", "You 'd meet a courtesy worthy of a bow .", "I 'll give you letters to them .", "Yes .", "O Master Trueworth , deeply I 'm your debtor", "I own I die for love of neighbour Constance !", "And thou to give her up for me ! Kind friend !", "What wo n't I do for thee ?\u2014 Do n't pine to death ;", "I 'll find thee fifty ways to cure thy passion ,", "And make thee heart-whole , if thou'rt so resolved .", "Thou shalt be master of my sporting stud ,", "And go a hunting . If that likes thee not ,", "Take up thy quarters at my shooting-lodge ;", "There is a cellar to \u2018 t \u2014 make free with it .", "I 'll thank thee if thou emptiest it . The song", "Gives out that wine feeds love \u2014 It drowns it , man !", "If thou wilt neither hunt nor shoot , try games ;", "Play at loggats , bowls , fives , dominoes , draughts , cribbage ,", "Backgammon \u2014 special recipes for love !", "And you believe , for all the hate she shows ,", "That neighbour Constance loves me ?", "How shall I find it out ?", "You think she 'll own her passion ?", "I thank thee ! I will try it ! Master Trueworth ,", "What shall I say to thee , to give her up ,", "And love her so ?", "Noble friend !", "Kind friend ! Instruct another man the way", "To win thy mistress ! Thou'lt not break my heart ?", "Take my advice , thou shalt not be in love", "A month ! Frequent the playhouse !\u2014 walk the Park !", "I 'll think of fifty ladies that I know ,", "Yet can n't remember now \u2014 enchanting ones !", "And then there 's Lancashire !\u2014 and I have friends", "In Berkshire and in Wiltshire , that have swarms", "Of daughters ! Then my shooting-lodge and stud !", "I 'll cure thee in a fortnight of thy love !", "And now to neighbour Constance \u2014 yet almost", "I fear accosting her \u2014 a hundred times", "Have I essayed to break my mind to her ,", "But still she stops my mouth with restless scorn !", "Howe'er , thy scheme I 'll try , and may it thrive !", "For I am sick for love of neighbour Constance .", "Farewell , dear Master Trueworth ! Take my counsel \u2014", "Conquer thy passion ! Do so ! Be a man !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1167, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I 'll pine to death for no man ! Wise it were ,", "Indeed , to die for neighbour Wildrake \u2014 No !\u2014", "I know the duty of a woman , better \u2014", "What fits a maid of spirit ! I am out", "Of patience with myself , to cast a thought", "Away upon him . Hang him ! Lovers cost", "Nought but the pains of luring . I 'll get fifty ,", "And break the heart of every one of them !", "I will ! I 'll be the champion of my sex ,", "And take revenge on shallow , fickle man ,", "Who gives his heart to fools , and slights the worth", "Of proper women ! I suppose she 's handsome !", "My face \u2018 gainst hers , at hazard of mine eyes !", "A maid of mind ! I 'll talk her to a stand ,", "Or tie my tongue for life ! A maid of soul !", "An artful , managing , dissembling one !", "Or she had never caught . Him !\u2014 he 's no man", "To fall in love himself , or long ago", "I warrant he had fall'n in love with me !", "I hate the fool \u2014 I do ! Ha , here he comes .", "What brings him hither ? Let me dry my eyes ;", "He must not see I have been crying . Hang him ,", "I have much to do , indeed , to cry for him !", "Servant , sir !", "Now what , I wonder , comes the fool to say ,", "Makes him look so important ?", "What makes you so ?", "In Chancery ?", "Oh , true ! You are in love ! Go on !", "You mean you are beloved again !\u2014 I do n't", "Believe it .", "What proof ?", "Love letters ? She 's a shameless maid", "To write them ! Can she spell ? Ay , I suppose", "With prompting of a dictionary !", "I will lay you ten to one", "She cannot spell ! How know you she can spell ?", "You cannot spell yourself ! You write command", "With a single M-C-O-M-A-N-D :", "Yours to Co-mand .", "Then she suffers you to press", "Her hand , perhaps ?", "Does she press yours ?", "She does !", "She is no modest woman ! I 'll be bound ,", "Your arm the madam suffers round her waist ?", "She does ! Outrageous forwardness ! Does she let you kiss her ?", "She should be \u2014", "What you got thrice your share of when at school ,", "And yet not half your due ! A brazen face !", "More could not grant a maid about to wed .", "What ?", "Are you about to marry , neighbour", "Wildrake ?", "Are you about to marry ?", "Why do n't you answer me ?", "You are \u2014", "I tell you what , sir \u2014 You 're a fool !", "You are not fit to marry . Do not know", "Enough of the world , sir ! Have no more experience ,", "Thought , judgment , than a schoolboy ! Have no mind", "Of your own !\u2014 your wife will make a fool of you ,", "Will jilt you , break your heart ! I wish she may", "I do ! You have no more business with a wife ;", "Than I have ! Do you mean to say , indeed ,", "You are about to marry ?", "And when ?", "When , I say ?", "Thank you : much beholden to you !", "You 've told me o n't in time ! I 'm very much", "Beholden to you , neighbour Wildrake !", "And , I pray you , at what hour ?", "For me !", "Indeed .", "You 're very bountiful ! I should not wonder", "Meant you I should be bridemaid to the lady ?", "The thing you mean !", "Now pray you , neighbour , tell me that again ,", "And think before you speak ; for much I doubt", "You know what you are saying . Do you mean", "To ask me to be bridemaid ?", "Bridemaid ?", "And \u2018 tis for me you wait", "To fix the day ? It shall be doomsday , then !", "Doomsday !", "Wherefore !\u2014", "Go ask your bride , and give her that from me .", "Look , neighbour Wildrake ! you may think this strange ,", "But do n't misconstrue it ! For you are vain , sir !", "And may put down for love what comes from hate .", "I should not wonder , thought you I was jealous ;", "But I 'm not jealous , sir !\u2014 would scorn to be so", "Where it was worth my while \u2014 I pray henceforth", "We may be strangers , sir \u2014 you will oblige me", "By going out of town . I should not like", "To meet you on the street , sir . Marry , sir !", "Marry to-day ! The sooner , sir , the better !", "And may you find you have made a bargain , sir .", "As for the lady !\u2014 much I wish her joy .", "I pray you send me no bridecake , sir !", "Nor gloves \u2014 If you do , I 'll give them to my maid !", "Or throw them into the kennel \u2014 or the fire .", "I am your most obedient servant , sir !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1167, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Green . Oh , bond of destiny !\u2014 Fair bond , that seal'st", "My fate in happiness ! I 'll read thee yet", "Again \u2014 although thou'rt written on my heart .", "But here his hand , indicting thee , did lie !", "And this the tracing of his fingers ! So", "I read thee that could rhyme thee , as my prayers !", "\u201c At morn to-morrow I will make you mine .", "Will you accept from me the name of wife \u2014", "The name of husband give me in exchange ? \u201d", "The traitress ! to break ope my billet-doux ,", "And take the envelope !\u2014 But I forgive her ,", "Since she did leave the rich contents behind .", "Amelia , give this feather more a slope ,", "That it sit droopingly . I would look all", "Dissolvement , nought about me to bespeak", "Boldness ! I would appear a timid bride ,", "Trembling upon the verge of wifehood , as", "I ne'er before had stood there ! That will do .", "Oh dear !\u2014 How I am agitated \u2014 do n't", "I look so ? I have found a secret out ,\u2014", "Nothing in woman strikes a man so much", "As to look interesting ! Hang this cheek", "Of mine ! It is too saucy ; what a pity", "To have a colour of one 's own !\u2014 Amelia !", "Could you contrive , dear girl , to bleach my cheek ,", "How I would thank you ! I could give it then", "What tint I chose , and that should be the hectic", "Bespeaks a heart in delicate commotion .", "I am much too florid ! Stick a rose in my hair ,", "The brightest you can find , \u2018 twill help , my girl ,", "Subdue my rebel colour \u2014 Nay , the rose", "Doth lose complexion , not my cheek ! Exchange it", "For a carnation . That 's the flower , Amelia !", "You see how it doth triumph o'er my cheek .", "Are you content with me ?", "Green . And whither think you has the hussy gone ,", "Whose place you fill so well ?\u2014 Into the country ?", "Or fancy you she stops in town ?", "Green . Shame upon her !\u2014 Leave her place", "Without a moment 's warning !\u2014 with a man , too !", "Seemed he a gentleman that took her hence ?", "Green . You never saw him hero before ?", "Green . Not lounging on the other side", "Of the street , and reconnoitring the windows ?", "Green . \u2018 Twas planned by letter . Notes , you know ,", "Have often come to her \u2014 But I forgive her ,", "Since this advice she chanced to leave behind", "Of gentle Master Waller 's wishes , which", "I bless myself in blessing !\u2014 Gods , a knock !", "\u2018 Tis he ! Show in those ladies are so kind", "To act my bridemaids for me on this brief", "And agitating notice .", "Yes , I look", "A bride sufficiently ! And this the hand", "That gives away my liberty again .", "Upon my life it is a pretty hand ,", "A delicate and sentimental hand !", "No lotion equals gloves ; no woman knows", "The use of them that does not sleep in them !", "My neck hath kept its colour wondrously !", "Well ; after all it is no miracle", "That I should win the heart of a young man .", "My bridemaids come !\u2014 Oh dear !", "Green . One takes , you know ,", "When one is flurried , twice the time to dress .", "My dears , has either of you salts ? I thank you !", "They are excellent ; the virtue 's gone from mine ,", "Nor thought I of renewing them \u2014 Indeed ,", "I 'm unprovided , quite , for this affair .", "Green . Do n't say so ! How", "You 've made my heart jump !", "Green . \u2018 Pon my life ,", "I never shall get through it ; lend me your hand .", "I must sit down again ! There came just now", "A feeling like to swooning over me .", "I am sure before \u2018 tis over I shall make", "A fool of myself ! I vow I thought not half", "So much of my first wedding-day ! I 'll make", "An effort . Let me lean upon your arm ,", "And give me yours , my dear . Amelia , mind", "Keep near me with the smelling-bottle .", "Green . The brute has knocked me down !", "To bolt it out so ! I had started less", "If he had fired a cannon at my ear .", "How shall I ever manage to hold up", "Till all is done ! I 'm tremor head to foot .", "You can excuse me , can n't you ?\u2014 Pity me !", "One may feel queer upon one 's wedding-day .", "Green . I cannot raise my eyes \u2014 they cannot bear", "The beams of his , which , like the sun 's , I feel", "Are on me , though I see them not enlightening", "The heaven of his young face ; nor dare I scan", "The brightness of his form , which symmetry", "And youth and beauty in enriching vie .", "He kneels to me ! Now grows my breathing thick ,", "As though I did await a seraph 's voice ,", "Too rich for mortal ear .", "Green . Who 's that ! who speaks to me ?", "Green . Sir William Fondlove , you 're a fool !", "Green . Why come you hither , sir , in trim like this ? Or rather why at all ?", "Green . The man will drive me mad !", "Sir William Fondlove , I 'm but forty , sir ,", "And you are sixty , seventy , if a day ;", "At least you look it , sir . I marry you !", "When did a woman wed her grandfather ?", "Green . You 're in your dotage , sir ,", "And yet a boy in vanity ! But know", "Yourself from me ; you are old and ugly , sir .", "Green . In love with thee !", "Green . Jealous !", "Green . To hear him !", "Green . Sir William Fondlove !\u2014", "Green . He is coming , sir ,", "Shall answer you for me !", "Green . She 's here .", "Green . Here ,", "Fair Master Waller !", "Green . Mock thee ! My heart is stranger to such mood ,", "\u2018 Tis serious tenderness and duty all .", "I pray you mock not me , for I do strive", "With fears and soft emotions that require", "Support . Take not away my little strength ,", "And leave me at the mercy of a feather .", "I am thy bride ! If \u2018 tis thy happiness", "To think me so , believe it , and be rich", "To thy most boundless wishes ! Master Waller ,", "I am thy waiting bride , the Widow Green !", "Green . What mean you , sir ?", "Why come a bridegroom here , if not to me", "You sued to be your bride ? Is this your hand , sir ?", "Green . My waiting-maid ! The laugh is passing round ,", "And now the turn is yours , sir . She is gone !", "Eloped ! run off ! and with the gentleman", "That brought your billet-doux .", "Green . My waiting-maid !", "Green . Give me your hand ,", "No love without a little roguery .", "If you do play the mistress well as maid ,", "You will hear off the bell ! There never was", "A better girl !\u2014 I have made myself a fool .", "I am undone , if goes the news abroad .", "My wedding dress I donned for no effect", "Except to put it off ! I must be married .", "I 'm a lost woman , if another day", "I go without a husband !\u2014 What a sight", "He looks by Master Waller !\u2014 Yet he is physic", "I die without , so needs must gulp it down .", "I 'll swallow him with what good grace I can ,", "Sir William Fondlove !", "Green . I own", "I have been rude to you . Thou dost not look", "So old by thirty , forty , years as I", "Did say . Thou'rt far from ugly \u2014 very far !", "And as I said , Sir William , once before ,", "Thou art a kind and right good-humoured man :", "I was but angry with you ! Why , I 'll tell you", "At more convenient season \u2014 and you know", "An angry woman heeds not what she says ,", "And will say anything !", "Green . Hem !", "Green . A triple wedding ! May the Widow Green", "Obtain brief hearing e'er she quits the scene ,", "The Love-Chase to your kindness to commend", "In favour of an old , now absent , friend !", "Footnotes :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1167, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sir Hugh , persuade me not ; I will make a Star-chamber matter of it : if he were twenty Sir John Falstaffs , he shall not abuse Robert Shallow , esquire .", "Ay , cousin Slender , and \u2018 Custalorum .\u2019", "Ay , that I do ; and have done any time these 10 three hundred years .", "It is an old coat .", "The luce is the fresh fish ; the salt fish is an old coat . 20", "You may , by marrying .", "Not a whit .", "The council shall hear it ; it is a riot .", "Ha ! o \u2019 my life , if I were young again , the sword should end it .", "Well , let us see honest Master Page . Is Falstaff there ?", "Master Page , I am glad to see you : much good do it your good heart ! I wished your venison better ; it was ill killed . How doth good Mistress Page ?\u2014 and I thank you always with my heart , la ! with my heart . 75", "Sir , I thank you ; by yea and no , I do .", "That he will not . \u2019 Tis your fault , \u2019 tis your fault ; \u2019 tis a good dog .", "Sir , he \u2019 s a good dog , and a fair dog : can there be more said ? he is good and fair . Is Sir John Falstaff here ?", "He hath wronged me , Master Page .", "If it be confessed , it is not redressed : is not that so , Master Page ? He hath wronged me ; indeed he hath ; at a word , he hath , believe me : Robert Shallow , esquire , 95 saith , he is wronged .", "Knight , you have beaten my men , killed my 100 deer , and broke open my lodge .", "Tut , a pin ! this shall be answered .", "The council shall know this .", "Come , coz ; come , coz ; we stay for you . A word with you , coz ; marry , this , coz : there is , as \u2019 twere , a tender , a kind of tender , made afar off by Sir Hugh here . Do you understand me ? 190", "Nay , but understand me .", "Ay , there \u2019 s the point , sir .", "Cousin Abraham Slender , can you love her ?", "That you must . Will you , upon good dowry , marry her ?", "Nay , conceive me , conceive me , sweet coz : what", "I do is to pleasure you , coz . Can you love the maid ?", "Ay , I think my cousin meant well .", "Here comes fair Mistress Anne . 235", "Re-enter ANNE PAGE .", "Would I were young for your sake , Mistress Anne !", "I will wait on him , fair Mistress Anne ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1181, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Mine host of the Garter !", "Truly , mine host , I must turn away some of my followers . 5", "I sit at ten pounds a week .", "Do so , good mine host .", "Bardolph , follow him . A tapster is a good trade : 15 an old cloak makes a new jerkin ; a withered serving-man a fresh tapster . Go ; adieu .", "I am glad I am so acquit of this tinder-box : his thefts were too open ; his filching was like an unskilful singer ; he kept not time . 25", "Well , sirs , I am almost out at heels .", "There is no remedy ; I must cony-catch ; I must shift .", "Which of you know Ford of this town ?", "My honest lads , I will tell you what I am about .", "No quips now , Pistol ! Indeed , I am in the waist two yards about ; but I am now about no waste ; I am about thrift . Briefly , I do mean to make love to Ford \u2019 s 40 wife : I spy entertainment in her ; she discourses , she carves , she gives the leer of invitation : I can construe the action of her familiar style ; and the hardest voice of her behaviour , to be Englished rightly , is , \u2018 I am Sir John Falstaff \u2019 s .\u2019", "Now , the report goes she has all the rule of her husband \u2019 s purse : he hath a legion of angels .", "I have writ me here a letter to her : and here another to Page \u2019 s wife , who even now gave me good eyes too , examined my parts with most judicious \u0153illades ; 55 sometimes the beam of her view gilded my foot , sometimes my portly belly .", "O , she did so course o \u2019 er my exteriors with such 60 a greedy intention , that the appetite of her eye did seem to scorch me up like a burning-glass ! Here \u2019 s another letter to her : she bears the purse too ; she is a region in Guiana , all gold and bounty . I will be cheaters to them both , and they shall be exchequers to me ; they shall be my East 65 and West Indies , and I will trade to them both . Go bear thou this letter to Mistress Page ; and thou this to Mistress Ford : we will thrive , lads , we will thrive .", "Hold , sirrah , bear you these letters tightly ;", "Sail like my pinnace to these golden shores .", "Rogues , hence , avaunt ! vanish like hailstones , go ; 75", "Trudge , plod away o \u2019 the hoof ; seek shelter , pack !", "Falstaff will learn the humour of the age ,", "French thrift , you rogues ; myself and skirted page ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1181, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I will not lend thee a penny .", "Not a penny . I have been content , sir , you should lay my countenance to pawn : I have grated upon 5 my good friends for three reprieves for you and your coach-fellow Nym ; or else you had looked through the grate , like a geminy of baboons . I am damned in hell for swearing to gentlemen my friends , you were good soldiers and tall fellows ; and when Mistress Bridget lost the handle of 10 her fan , I took \u2019 t upon mine honour thou hadst it not .", "Reason , you rogue , reason : thinkest thou I \u2019 ll endanger my soul gratis ? At a word , hang no more about 15 me , I am no gibbet for you . Go . A short knife and a throng !\u2014 To your manor of Pickt-hatch ! Go . You \u2019 ll not bear a letter for me , you rogue ! you stand upon your honour ! Why , thou unconfinable baseness , it is as much as I can do to keep the terms of my honour precise : I , I , I 20 myself sometimes , leaving the fear of God on the left hand , and hiding mine honour in my necessity , am fain to shuffle , to hedge , and to lurch ; and yet you , rogue , will ensconce your rags , your cat-a-mountain looks , your red-lattice phrases , and your bold-beating oaths , under the shelter of 25 your honour ! You will not do it , you !", "Let her approach .", "Good morrow , good wife .", "Good maid , then .", "I do believe the swearer . What with me ?", "Two thousand , fair woman : and I \u2019 ll vouchsafe thee the hearing .", "Well , on : Mistress Ford , you say ,\u2014", "I warrant thee , nobody hears ;\u2014 mine own people , mine own people .", "Well , Mistress Ford ;\u2014 what of her ? 50", "Mistress Ford ;\u2014 come , Mistress Ford ,\u2014", "But what says she to me ? be brief , my good she-Mercury .", "Ten and eleven .", "Ten and eleven . Woman , commend me to her ;", "I will not fail her . 85", "Not I , I assure thee : setting the attraction of my good parts aside , I have no other charms .", "But , I pray thee , tell me this : has Ford \u2019 s wife and Page \u2019 s wife acquainted each other how they love me ? 100", "Why , I will .", "Fare thee well : commend me to them both : there \u2019 s my purse ; I am yet thy debtor . Boy , go along 120 with this woman .This news distracts me !", "Sayest thou so , old Jack ? go thy ways ; I \u2019 ll make more of thy old body than I have done . Will they yet look after thee ? Wilt thou , after the expense of so much money , be now a gainer ? Good body , I thank thee . Let them say \u2019 tis grossly done ; so it be fairly done , no matter . 130", "Brook is his name ?", "Call him in .Such Brooks are welcome to me , that o \u2019 erflow such liquor . Ah , ha ! Mistress Ford and Mistress Page have I encompassed you ? go to ; via ! Re-enter BARDOLPH , with FORD disguised .", "And you , sir ! Would you speak with me ? 140", "You \u2019 re welcome . What \u2019 s your will ?\u2014 Give us leave , drawer .", "Good Master Brook , I desire more acquaintance of you .", "Money is a good soldier , sir , and will on .", "Sir , I know not how I may deserve to be your porter .", "Speak , good Master Brook : I shall be glad to be your servant .", "Very well , sir ; proceed .", "Well , sir . 175", "Have you received no promise of satisfaction at 190 her hands ?", "Have you importuned her to such a purpose ?", "Of what quality was your love , then ? 195", "To what purpose have you unfolded this to me ?", "O , sir !", "Would it apply well to the vehemency of your 215 affection , that I should win what you would enjoy ? Methinks you prescribe to yourself very preposterously .", "Master Brook , I will first make bold with your money ; next , give me your hand ; and last , as I am a gentleman , you shall , if you will , enjoy Ford \u2019 s wife .", "I say you shall .", "Want no Mistress Ford , Master Brook ; you shall want none . I shall be with her , I may tell you , by her own appointment ; even as you came in to me , her assistant , 235 or go-between , parted from me : I say I shall be with her between ten and eleven ; for at that time the jealous rascally knave her husband will be forth . Come you to me at night ; you shall know how I speed .", "Hang him , poor cuckoldly knave ! I know him not : \u2014 yet I wrong him to call him poor ; they say the jealous wittolly knave hath masses of money ; for the which his wife seems to me well-favoured . I will use her as the key of the 245 cuckoldly rogue \u2019 s coffer ; and there \u2019 s my harvest-home .", "Hang him , mechanical salt-butter rogue ! I will stare him out of his wits ; I will awe him with my cudgel : 250 it shall hang like a meteor o \u2019 er the cuckold \u2019 s horns . Master Brook , thou shalt know I will predominate over the peasant , and thou shalt lie with his wife . \u2014 Come to me soon at night . Ford \u2019 s a knave , and I will aggravate his style ; thou , Master Brook , shalt know him for knave and 255 cuckold . Come to me soon at night ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1181, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What , John ! What , Robert !", "I warrant . What , Robin , I say !", "Here , set it down . 5", "Marry , as I told you before , John and Robert , be ready here hard by in the brew-house ; and when I suddenly call you , come forth , and , without any pause or staggering , take this basket on your shoulders : 10 that done , trudge with it in all haste , and carry it among the whitsters in Datchet-mead , and there empty it in the muddy ditch close by the Thames side .", "I ha \u2019 told them over and over ; they lack 15 no direction . Be gone , and come when you are called .", "How now , my eyas-musket ! what news with you ?", "Do so . Go tell thy master I am alone . 30", "Mistress Page , remember you your cue .", "Go to , then : we \u2019 ll use this unwholesome humidity , this gross watery pumpion ; we \u2019 ll teach him to know turtles from jays . 35", "O sweet Sir John !", "I your lady , Sir John ! alas , I should be a pitiful lady ! 45", "A plain kerchief , Sir John : my brows become 50 nothing else ; nor that well neither .", "Believe me , there \u2019 s no such thing in me .", "Do not betray me , sir . I fear you love", "Mistress Page . 65", "Well , heaven knows how I love you ; and you shall one day find it . 70", "Nay , I must tell you , so you do ; or else I could not be in that mind .", "Pray you , do so : she \u2019 s a very tattling woman . Re-enter MISTRESS PAGE and ROBIN . What \u2019 s the matter ? how now !", "What \u2019 s the matter , good Mistress Page ?", "What cause of suspicion ?", "Why , alas , what \u2019 s the matter ?", "\u2019 Tis not so , I hope .", "What shall I do ? There is a gentleman 105 my dear friend ; and I fear not mine own shame so much as his peril : I had rather than a thousand pound he were out of the house .", "He \u2019 s too big to go in there . What shall", "I do ?", "What , John ! Robert ! John ! Re-enter Servants . Go take up these clothes here quickly . \u2014 Where \u2019 s the cowl-staff ? look , how you drumble !\u2014 Carry them to the laundress 130 in Datchet-mead ; quickly , come .", "Why , what have you to do whither they bear it ? You were best meddle with buck-washing .", "I know not which pleases me better , that my husband is deceived , or Sir John .", "I am half afraid he will have need of washing ; 160 so throwing him into the water will do him a benefit .", "I think my husband hath some special suspicion of Falstaff \u2019 s being here ; for I never saw him so gross 165 in his jealousy till now .", "Shall we send that foolish carrion , Mistress 170 Quickly , to him , and excuse his throwing into the water ; and give him another hope , to betray him to another punishment ?", "You use me well , Master Ford , do you ?", "Heaven make you better than your thoughts !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1181, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I see I cannot get thy father \u2019 s love ;", "Therefore no more turn me to him , sweet Nan .", "Why , thou must be thyself .", "He doth object I am too great of birth ;", "And that , my state being gall \u2019 d with my expense , 5", "I seek to heal it only by his wealth :", "Besides these , other bars he lays before me ,\u2014", "My riots past , my wild societies ;", "And tells me \u2019 tis a thing impossible", "I should love thee but as a property . 10", "No , heaven so speed me in my time to come !", "Albeit I will confess thy father \u2019 s wealth", "Was the first motive that I woo \u2019 d thee , Anne :", "Yet , wooing thee , I found thee of more value 15", "Than stamps in gold or sums in sealed bags ;", "And \u2019 tis the very riches of thyself", "That now I aim at .", "Nay , Master Page , be not impatient . 70", "Sir , will you hear me ?", "Good Mistress Page , for that I love your daughter", "In such a righteous fashion as I do ,", "Perforce , against all checks , rebukes and manners ,", "I must advance the colours of my love , 80", "And not retire : let me have your good will .", "Farewell , gentle mistress : farewell , Nan .", "I thank thee ; and I pray thee , once to-night", "Give my sweet Nan this ring : there \u2019 s for thy pains ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1181, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["He \u2019 s a-birding , sweet Sir John .", "Step into the chamber , Sir John .", "Why , none but mine own people .", "No , certainly .Speak louder .", "Why ?", "Why , does he talk of him ? 25", "How near is he , Mistress Page ?", "I am undone !\u2014 the knight is here .", "Which way should he go ? how should I bestow him ? Shall I put him into the basket again ? Re-enter FALSTAFF .", "There they always use to discharge their birding-pieces . Creep into the kiln-hole .", "He will seek there , on my word . Neither 50 press , coffer , chest , trunk , well , vault , but he hath an abstract for the remembrance of such places , and goes to them by his note : there is no hiding you in the house .", "How might we disguise him ?", "My maid \u2019 s aunt , the fat woman of Brentford , has a gown above .", "Go , go , sweet Sir John : Mistress Page and", "I will look some linen for your head .", "I would my husband would meet him in this shape : he cannot abide the old woman of Brentford ; he swears she \u2019 s a witch ; forbade her my house , and hath threatened to beat her . 75", "But is my husband coming ?", "We \u2019 ll try that ; for I \u2019 ll appoint my men to carry the basket again , to meet him at the door with it , as they did last time .", "I \u2019 ll first direct my men what they shall do with the basket . Go up ; I \u2019 ll bring linen for him straight .", "Go , sirs , take the basket again on your shoulders : your master is hard at door ; if he bid you set it 95 down , obey him : quickly , dispatch .", "Heaven be my witness you do , if you suspect me in any dishonesty .", "Are you not ashamed ? let the clothes alone .", "Why , man , why ?", "If you find a man there , he shall die a flea \u2019 s death .", "What , ho , Mistress Page ! come you and the old woman down ; my husband will come into the chamber .", "Why , it is my maid \u2019 s aunt of Brentford . 150", "Nay , good , sweet husband !\u2014 Good gentlemen , let him not strike the old woman . Re-enter FALSTAFF in woman \u2019 s clothes , and MISTRESS PAGE .", "Nay , he will do it . \u2019 Tis a goodly credit for you .", "Nay , by the mass , that he did not ; he beat him most unpitifully methought . 180", "What think you ? may we , with the warrant of womanhood and the witness of a good conscience , pursue him with any further revenge ? 185", "Shall we tell our husbands how we have 190 served him ?", "I \u2019 ll warrant they \u2019 ll have him publicly shamed : and methinks there would be no period to the jest , should he not be publicly shamed ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1181, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["And did he send you both these letters at an instant ?", "\u2019 Tis well , \u2019 tis well ; no more : 10", "Be not as extreme in submission", "As in offence .", "But let our plot go forward : let our wives", "Yet once again , to make us public sport ,", "Appoint a meeting with this old fat fellow , 15", "Where we may take him , and disgrace him for it .", "How ? to send him word they \u2019 ll meet him in the", "Park at midnight ? Fie , fie ! he \u2019 ll never come .", "So think I too .", "Why , yet there want not many that do fear", "In deep of night to walk by this Herne \u2019 s oak :", "But what of this ?", "Well , let it not be doubted but he \u2019 ll come :", "And in this shape when you have brought him thither ,", "What shall be done with him ? what is your plot ?", "That silk will I go buy .", "And in that time", "Shall Master Slender steal my Nan away ,", "And marry her at Eton . Go send to Falstaff straight ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1181, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The Windsor bell hath struck twelve ; the minute draws on . Now , the hot-blooded gods assist me ! Remember , Jove , thou wast a bull for thy Europa ; love set on thy horns . O powerful love ! that , in some respects , makes a beast a man ; in some other , a man a beast . You 5 were also , Jupiter , a swan for the love of Leda . O omnipotent Love ! how near the god drew to the complexion of a goose !\u2014 A fault done first in the form of a beast ;\u2014 O Jove , a beastly fault ! And then another fault in the semblance of a fowl ;\u2014 think on \u2019 t , Jove ; a foul fault ! When gods have 10 hot backs , what shall poor men do ? For me , I am here a Windsor stag ; and the fattest , I think , i \u2019 the forest . Send me a cool rut-time , Jove , or who can blame me to piss my tallow ?\u2014 Who comes here ? my doe ?", "My doe with the black scut ! Let the sky rain potatoes ; let it thunder to the tune of Green Sleeves , hail kissing-comfits , and snow eringoes ; let there come a tempest of provocation , I will shelter me here . 20", "Divide me like a bribe buck , each a haunch : I will keep my sides to myself , my shoulders for the fellow of this walk , and my horns I bequeath your husbands . Am I a woodman , ha ? Speak I like Herne the hunter ? 25 Why , now is Cupid a child of conscience ; he makes restitution . As I am a true spirit , welcome !", "What should this be ? 30", "I think the devil will not have me damned , lest the oil that \u2019 s in me should set hell on fire ; he would never else cross me thus .", "They are fairies ; he that speaks to them shall die : 45", "I \u2019 ll wink and couch : no man their works must eye .", "Heavens defend me from that Welsh fairy , lest he transform me to a piece of cheese ! 80", "Oh , Oh , Oh !", "I do begin to perceive that I am made an ass .", "And these are not fairies ? I was three or four times in the thought they were not fairies : and yet the guiltiness of my mind , the sudden surprise of my powers , 120 drove the grossness of the foppery into a received belief , in despite of the teeth of all rhyme and reason , that they were fairies . See now how wit may be made a Jack-a-Lent , when \u2019 tis upon ill employment !", "Have I laid my brain in the sun , and dried it , that it wants matter to prevent so gross o \u2019 erreaching as this ? Am I ridden with a Welsh goat too ? shall I have a coxcomb of frize ? Tis time I were choked with a piece of toasted cheese . 135", "\u2018 Seese \u2019 and \u2019 putter \u2019! have I lived to stand at the taunt of one that makes fritters of English ? This is enough to be the decay of lust and late-walking through the realm . 140", "Well , I am your theme : you have the start of me ; I am dejected ; I am not able to answer the Welsh 155 flannel ; ignorance itself is a plummet o \u2019 er me : use me as you will .", "I am glad , though you have ta \u2019 en a special stand to strike at me , that your arrow hath glanced .", "When night-dogs run , all sorts of deer are chased ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1181, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Nay surely my vncle shall not put it vp so .", "I haue matter in my head against you and your cogging companions , Pistoll and Nym . They carried mee to the Tauerne , and made mee drunke , and afterward picked my pocket .", "I by this handkercher did he . Two faire shouell boord shillings , besides seuen groats in mill sixpences .", "By this light it was he then .", "Nay for my owne part , I would litle or nothing with you . I loue you well , and my vncle can tell you how my liuing stands . 70 And if you can loue me why so . If not , why then happie man be his dole .", "Why by God , there \u2019 s neuer a man in christendome can desire more . What haue you beares in your Towne mistresse Anne , your dogs barke so ?", "Ha how say you ? I warrant your afeard of a Beare let loose , are you not ?", "Now that \u2019 s meate and drinke to me ,", "He run yon to a beare , and take her by the mussell , 85", "You neuer saw the like .", "But indeed I cannot blame you ,", "For they are maruellous rough things .", "No faith not I. I thanke you ,", "I cannot abide the smell of hot meate", "Nere since I broke my shin . Ile tel you how it came", "By my troth . A Fencer and I plaid three venies", "For a dish of stewd prunes , and I with my ward 95", "Defending my head , he hot my shin . Yes faith .", "I can eate no meate , I thanke you .", "Ile follow you sir , pray leade the way . 100", "Nay be God misteris Anne , you shall goe first ,", "I haue more manners then so , I hope ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1181, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Nay surely my vncle shall not put it vp so .", "I haue matter in my head against you and your cogging companions , Pistoll and Nym . They carried mee to the Tauerne , and made mee drunke , and afterward picked my pocket .", "I by this handkercher did he . Two faire shouell boord shillings , besides seuen groats in mill sixpences .", "By this light it was he then .", "Nay for my owne part , I would litle or nothing with you . I loue you well , and my vncle can tell you how my liuing stands . 70 And if you can loue me why so . If not , why then happie man be his dole .", "Why by God , there \u2019 s neuer a man in christendome can desire more . What haue you beares in your Towne mistresse Anne , your dogs barke so ?", "Ha how say you ? I warrant your afeard of a Beare let loose , are you not ?", "Now that \u2019 s meate and drinke to me ,", "He run yon to a beare , and take her by the mussell , 85", "You neuer saw the like .", "But indeed I cannot blame you ,", "For they are maruellous rough things .", "No faith not I. I thanke you ,", "I cannot abide the smell of hot meate", "Nere since I broke my shin . Ile tel you how it came", "By my troth . A Fencer and I plaid three venies", "For a dish of stewd prunes , and I with my ward 95", "Defending my head , he hot my shin . Yes faith .", "I can eate no meate , I thanke you .", "Ile follow you sir , pray leade the way . 100", "Nay be God misteris Anne , you shall goe first ,", "I haue more manners then so , I hope ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1181, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Mine Host of the Garter .", "Mine Host , I must turne away some of my followers .", "I sit at ten pound a weeke .", "Do good mine Host .", "Do Bardolfe , a Tapster is a good trade , 15", "An old cloake will make a new Ierkin ,", "A withered seruingman , a fresh Tapster :", "Follow him Bardolfe .", "Well my Laddes , I am almost out at the heeles .", "Well I am glad I am so rid of this tinder Boy . 25", "His stealth was too open , his filching was like", "An vnskilfull singer , he kept not time .", "Wel , afore God , I must cheat , I must conycatch . 30", "Which of you knowes Foord of this Towne ?", "Well my honest Lads , Ile tell you what", "I am about .", "No gibes now Pistoll : indeed I am two yards", "In the wast , but now I am about no wast :", "Briefly , I am about thrift you rogues you ,", "I do intend to make loue to Foords wife ,", "I espie entertainment in her . She carues , she 40", "Discourses . She giues the lyre of inuitation ,", "And euery part to be constured rightly is , I am", "Syr Iohn Falstaffes .", "Now the report goes , she hath all the rule", "Of her husbands purse . She hath legians of angels .", "Heree \u2019 s a Letter to her . Heeres another to misteris Page . 50 Who euen now gaue me good eies too , examined my exteriors with such a greedy intention , with the beames of her beautie , that it seemed as she would a scorged me vp like a burning glasse . Here is another Letter to her , shee beares the purse too . They shall be Excheckers to me , and Ile be cheaters to them both . They shall be my East 55 and West Indies , and Ile trade to them both . Heere beare thou this Letter to mistresse Foord . And thou this to mistresse Page . Weele thriue Lads , we will thriue .", "Here sirrha beare me these Letters titely , 65", "Saile like my pinnice to the golden shores :", "Hence slaues , avant . Vanish like hailstones , goe .", "Falstaffe will learne the humor of this age ,", "French thrift you rogue , my selfe and scirted Page ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1181, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Pa. Mistresse Page I loue you . Ask me no reason , Because theyr impossible to alledge . Your faire , And I am fat . You loue sack , so do I : As I am sure I haue no mind but to loue , So I know you haue no hart but to grant 5 A souldier doth not vse many words where a knowes A letter may serue for a sentence . I loue you , And so I leaue you . Yours Syr Iohn Falstaffe . Now Ieshu blesse me , am I methomorphised ? 10 I think I knowe not my selfe . Why what a Gods name doth this man see in me , that thus he shootes at my honestie ? Well but that I knowe my owne heart , I should scarcely perswade my selfe I were hand . Why what an vnreasonable woolsack is this . He was neuer twice in my companie , and if then I thought I gaue such assurance 15 with my eies , Ide pull them out , they should neuer see more holie daies . Well , I shall trust fat men the worse while I liue for his sake . O God , that I knew how to be reuenged of him . But in good time , heeres mistresse Foord .", "For . How now mistris Page , are you are reading Loue 20 letters ? How do you woman ?", "Pa. O woman I am I know not what :", "In loue vp to the hard eares . I was neuer in such a case in my life .", "Ford . In loue , now in the name of God with whom ?", "Pa. With one that sweares he loues me , 25", "And I must not choose but do the like againe :", "I prethie looke on that Letter .", "For . He match your letter iust with the like ,", "Line for line , word for word . Onely the name", "Of misteris Page , and misteris Foord disagrees : 30", "Do me the kindnes to looke vpon this .", "Pa. Why this is right my letter . O most notorious villaine ! Why what a bladder of iniquity is this ? Lets be reuenged what so ere we do . 35", "For . Reuenged , if we liue weel be reuenged .", "O Lord if my husband should see this Letter ,", "Ifaith this would euen giue edge to his Iealousie .", "Pa. See where our husbands are ,", "Mine \u2019 s as far from Iealousie , 40", "As I am from wronging him .", "Pa. How now sweet hart , how dost thou ?", "For . Well I thanke you good M. Page . 60", "How now husband , how chaunce thou art so melancholy ?", "For . God saue me , see who yonder is :", "Weele set her a worke in this businesse . 65", "Pa. Come go in with me . Come Mis . Ford .", "For . I follow you Mistresse Page . 70"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1181, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["{ I } le not lend thee a peny .", "Not a pennie : I haue beene content you shuld lay my countenance to pawne : I haue grated vpon my good friends for 3 repriues , for you and your Coach-follow Nym , else you might a looked thorow 5 a grate like a geminy of babones . I am damned in hell for swearing to Gentlemen your good souldiers and tall fellowes : and when mistrisse Briget lost the handle of her Fan , I tooked on my ho - thou hadst it not .", "Reason you rogue , reason . Doest thou thinke { I } le indanger my soule gratis ? In briefe , hang no more about mee , I am no gybit for you . A short knife and a throng to your manner of pickt hatch , goe . Youle not beare a Letter for me you rogue you : you stand vpon your honor . 15 Why thou vnconfinable basenesse thou , tis as much as I can do to keepe the termes of my honor precise . I , I my selfe sometimes , leauing the feare of God on the left hand , am faine to shuffel , to filch and to lurch . And yet you stand vpon your honor , you rogue . You , you . 20", "Well , gotoo , away , no more .", "Good den faire wife .", "Faire mayd then .", "Say on I prethy , heeres none but my owne houshold . 30", "So from Mistresse Foord . Goe on .", "Well , come Misteris Ford , Misteris Ford .", "Nay prethy be briefe my good she Mercury .", "So betweene eight and nine :", "Well commend me to thy mistris , tel her", "I will not faile her : Boy giue her my purse .", "From misteris Page ? I prethy what of her ? 50", "Not I , I assure thee ; setting the attraction of my", "Good parts aside , I vse no other inchantments :", "But harke thee , hath misteris Page and mistris Ford ,", "Acquainted each other how dearly they loue me ? 60", "Well farwel , commend me to misteris Ford ,", "I will not faile her say .", "M. Brooke , hees welcome : bid him come vp ,", "Such Brookes are alwaies welcome to me :", "A Iack , will thy old bodie yet hold out ? 70", "Wilt thou after the expence of so much mony", "Be now a gainer ? Good bodie I thanke thee ,", "And { I } le make more of thee then I ha done :", "Ha , ha , misteris Ford , and misteris Page , haue", "I caught you a the hip ? go too . 75", "And you too , would you speak with me ?", "Good M. Brooke your verie welcome . 80", "Mony is a good souldier sir , and will on .", "O Lord , would I could tell how to deserue", "To be your porter .", "Verie well sir , proceed .", "O good sir .", "Haue you importuned her by any means ?", "Of what qualitie is your loue then ? 105", "And to what end haue you vnfolded this to me ?", "Why would it apply well to the veruensie of your affection ,", "That another should possesse what you would enjoy ?", "Meethinks you prescribe verie preposterously", "To your selfe .", "Wel M. Brooke , Ile first make bold with your mony ,", "Next , giue me your hand . Lastly , you shall", "And you will , enioy Fords wife .", "M. Brooke , I say you shall .", "Want no misteris Ford M. Brooke ,", "You shall want none . Euen as you came to me ,", "Her spokes mate , her go between parted from me : 130", "I may tell you M. Brooke , I am to meet her", "Betweene 8 and 9 , for at that time the Iealous", "Cuckally knaue her husband wil be from home ,", "Come to me soone at night , you shall know how", "I speed M. Brooke . 135", "Hang him poore cuckally knaue , I know him not ,", "And yet I wrong him to call him poore . For they", "Say the cuckally knaue hath legions of angels ,", "For the which his wife seemes to me well fauored , 140", "And Ile vse her as the key of the cuckally knaues", "Coffer , and there \u2019 s my randeuowes .", "Hang him cuckally knaue , Ile stare him 145", "Out of his wits , Ile keepe him in awe", "With this my cudgell : It shall hang like a meator", "Ore the wittolly knaues head , M. Brooke thou shalt", "See I will predominate ore the peasant ,", "And thou shalt lie with his wife . M. Brooke 150", "Thou shalt know him for knaue and cuckold ,", "Come to me soone at night ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1181, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Iohn Rugbie goe looke met your eies ore de stall ,", "And spie and you can see de parson .", "Bully moy , mon rapier Iohn Rugabie , begar de 5", "Hearing be not so dead as I shall make him .", "Begar I will kill de cowardly Iack preest , 40", "He is make a foole of moy .", "This be verie braue , excellent .", "I begar haue you mocka may thus ? I will be euen met you my Iack Host .", "I dat be veil begar I be friends .", "Begar I tanck her hartily . 15", "And dere be ven to , I sail make de tird :", "{ S } ir { H } u , In your teeth for shame ,", "No by my trot it be no vell :", "Where be my Host de gartyre ? 45", "I cannot tell vad be dad ,", "But begar I will tell you van ting ,", "Dear be a Garmaine Duke come to de Court ,", "Has cosened all the host of Branford , 50", "And Redding : begar I tell you for good will ,", "Ha , ha , mine Host , am I euen met you ? Exit .", "Enter Sir Hugh .", "{ S } ir Hu . Where is mine host of the gartyr ?", "Now my Host , I would desire you looke you now ,", "To haue a care of your entertainments , 55", "For there is three sorts of cosen garmombles ,", "Is cosen all the Host of Maidenhead and Readings ,", "Now you are an honest man , and a scuruy beggerly lowsie knaue beside :", "And can point wrong places , 60", "I tell you for good will , grate why mine Host . Exit ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1181, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Three quarters of an hour since breakfast was first announced to my wife . My patience is exhausted . Oh wedlock , wedlock ! why did I ever venture again into thy holy state \u2014 of misery ! Of all the taxes laid on mankind by respect to society and the influence of example , no one is so burthensome as that which obliges a man to submit to a thousand ills at home , rather than be suspected of being a bad husband abroad .Go to your lady .", "Then tell her once more , and that will make six , and say I earnestly request the favour she will hasten to breakfast , as while she stays I starve .", "My wife is the very devil . It seems that she 'd be miserable if she did not think me happy ; yet her tenderness is my eternal torment ; her affection puts me in a fidget , and her fondness in a fever .", "The old answer . Then she 's so nervous . A nervous wife is worse than a perpetual blister ; and then , as the man says in the play , your nervous patients are always ailing , but never die . Zounds ! why do I bear it ? \u2018 tis my folly , my weakness , to dread the censure of the world , and to sacrifice every comfort of my fire side to the ideal advantage of being esteemed a good husband .Hark ! now she begins her morning work , giving more orders in a minute than can be executed in a month , and teasing my daughter to death to teach her to keep her temper ; yet every body congratulates me on having so good a wife ; every body envies me so excellent an economist ; every body thinks me the happiest man alive ; and nobody knows what a miserable mortal I am .", "No , no , my life , not at all . I should be very ungrateful if I did n't value you just exactly as highly as you deserve .", "Well , then , as you encourage me , my love , I must own that a little more punctuality would greatly heighten the zest of your society .", "Why , true , my love ; but somehow I can n't help thinking , that , as my fortune is so ample , it is quite unnecessary that you should undergo so much fatigue : for instance , I do think that the wife of a baronet of 12 , 000l . a year owes it to her rank to be otherwise employed than in hunting after the housemaid , or sacrificing her time in the storeroom in counting candles , or weighing out soap , starch , powder-blue , and brown sugar .", "So ! as usual , here 's a breeze springing up . What the devil shall I say to sooth her ? Wife , wife ! you drive me mad . You first beg me to scold you , and then are offended because I obligingly comply with your request .", "That 's the very thing I complain of . You do degrade yourself . Your economy , my life , is downright parsimony : your vigilance is suspicion ; your management is meanness ; and you fidget your servants till you make them fretful , and then prudently discharge them because they will live with you no longer . Hey ! ods life , I must sooth her : for if company comes , and finds her in this humour , my dear-bought reputation as a good husband is lost forever .Come , come , my dear lady Worret , let us go to breakfast , comelet us talk of something else . Come , take your tea .", "Where 's Helen ?", "What , she 's at work , I suppose , on the third folio volume .", "Heaven defend us ! I do n't blame it ; I do n't censure it at all : but I believe the case is rather unprecedented for an heiress of 12 , 000l . a year to leave to posterity , in her own hand writing , five folio volumes of recipes , for pickling , preserving , potting , and pastry , for stewing and larding , making ketchup and sour krout , oyster patties , barbacued pies , jellies , jams , soups , sour sauce , and sweetmeats .", "Why that is singularly just .", "Why that is undeniably trueand now , as we have a moment uninterrupted by family affairs \u2014", "So , as usual , risen with the lark , I suppose .", "Zounds ! I shall go mad . Here 's a mother-in-law going to break her heart , because my daughter prefers a walk in the morning to writing culinary secrets in a fat folio family receipt book !", "No such thing , lady Worret , no such thing : but if the girl likes to bring home a pair of ruddy cheeks from a morning walk , I do n't see why she is to be balked of her fancy .", "Yes , I know your taste to a T. A consumption is always a key to your tender heart ; and an interesting pallid countenance will at any time unlock the door to your best affections : but I must be excused if I prefer seeing my daughter with the rosy glow of health upon her cheek , rather than the sickly imitations of art , which bloom on the surface alone , while the fruit withers and decays beneath \u2014 but zounds ! do n't speak so loud , here 's somebody coming , and they 'll think we are quarrelling .So here comes our madcap .", "Come , come , my dear lady Worret . Helen 's gayety is natural . Helen , my love , I have charming news for you . Every thing is at last arranged between lord Austencourt and me respecting your marriage .", "Whoo ! Helen , my love , you should not contradict your mamma .", "That 's right ; you 'd better leave her to me . I 'll manage her , I warrant . Let me assist you \u2014 there \u2014 I 'll soon settle this business .", "Exactly .", "Precisely .", "Why no , certainly not ; but you will love him ; indeed you must . It 's my wife 's wish , you know , and so I wish it of course . Come , come , in this one trifling matter you must oblige us .", "Why no , you are mistaken . To be sure I might have given it up ; but my lady Worret , you know \u2014 but that 's no matter . Marriage is a duty , and tis incumbent on parents to see their children settled in that happy state .", "Why \u2014 yes \u2014 that is \u2014 hey ? happy ! certainly . Does n't every body say so ? and what every body says must be true . However , that 's not to the purpose . A connexion with the family of lord Austencourt is particularly desirable .", "Our estates join so charmingly to one another .", "But their contiguity seems to invite a union by a marriage between you .", "That 's very true :but I have an unanswerable objection to all you can say . Lord Austencourt is rich , and Charles is a beggar . Besides sir Rowland himself prefers lord Austencourt .", "Then , once for all , as my lady Worret must be obeyed , I no longer consult you on the subject , and it only remains for you to retain the affection of an indulgent father , by complying with my willor to abandon my protection ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1188, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Lord Austencourt \u2014 true \u2014 this is his hour for persecuting me \u2014 very well , desire lord Austencourt to come in .I wo n't marry . They all say I shall . Some girls , now , would sit down and sigh , and moan , as if that would mend the matter \u2014 that will never suit me ! Some indeed would run away with the man they liked better \u2014 but then the only man I ever liked well enough to marry \u2014 is \u2014 I believe , run away from me . Well ! that wo n't do !\u2014 so I 'll e'en laugh it off as well as I can ; and though I wont marry his lordship , I 'll teaze him as heartily as if I had been his wife these twenty years .", "They say , my lord , that pride always has a fall some time or other . I hope the fall of your lordship 's has n't hurt you .", "Certainly not , my lord \u2014 so pray sit down .", "Oh , yes , my lord ! I am never otherwise when I think of your lordship 's proposals \u2014 but when you are making love and fine speeches to me in person , \u2018 tis with amazing difficulty I can help laughing .", "Why as to your lordship 's generosity in condescending to marry a poor solitary spinster , I am certainly most duly grateful \u2014 and no one can possibly doubt your disinterestedness , who knows I am only heiress to 12 , 000l . a year \u2014 a fortune which , as I take it , nearly doubles the whole of your lordship 's rent roll !", "Oh , my lord , you certainly mistake me \u2014 only as my papa observes , our estates do join so charmingly to one another !", "Certainly !\u2014 only , as mine is the biggest , perhaps yours would be the greatest gainer by the bargain .", "Why , as to a title , my lordthere 's no title in my mind better than a good title to a fine estate \u2014 and I see plainly , that although your lordship is a peer of the realm \u2014 you think this title of mine no mean companion for your own .", "Oh , no !\u2014 only it is natural that you should feelthat the contiguity of these estates seem to invite a union by a marriage between us .", "Why , one does n't accept every invitation that 's offered , you know \u2014 one sometimes has very disagreeable ones ; and then one presents compliments , and is extremely sorry that a prior engagement obliges us to decline the honour .", "Why , so they have ; their wishes are in one scale , and mine are in the other ; do all I can , I can n't make mine weigh most , and so the beam remains balanced .", "Authority !\u2014 Ho ! what , you think to marry me by force ! do ye my lord ?", "I dare say your lordship 's education has n't precluded your knowledge of a very true , though rather vulgar proverb , \u201c one man may lead a horse to the water , but twenty can n't make him drink . \u201d", "Then why do n't you desist , my lord ? If you 'd take an answer , you had a civil one : but if you will follow and teaze one , like a sturdy beggar in the street , you must expect at last a reproof for your impertinence .", "Yes , possibly , from the feeble or the vain ; but genuine Charity , and her sister , Love , act only from their own generous impulse , and scorn intimidation .", "No ; I was only wishing to be so .", "Do you know her ?", "I 'll see her myself \u2014 desire her to walk up .", "Why , what can be the matter now ? your lordship seems quite melancholy on a sudden .", "Your lordship is a very susceptible barometer \u2014 when you entered this room your countenance was set fair ; but now I see the index points to stormy .", "Stay , stay , my lord .", "Surely , my lord , the arrival of this innocent girl does not drive you away !", "No ! Why so ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1188, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I 'm thinking , whether I am or not .", "Sir , I confess the subject is beneath me", "If that was my heaviest misfortune , sir , I could carry double with all my heart . No , sir , I was thinking that as your father , sir Rowland , sent you on a cruize , for some cause best known to himself ; and as you have thought proper to return for some cause best known to yourself , the chances of war , if I may be allowed the expression , are , that the contents of that trunk will be your only inheritance , or , in other words , that your father will cut you off with a shilling \u2014 and now I 'm thinking \u2014", "Yes , sir ; when you gave me notice to quit , I found it so hard to live honestly , that lest the law should take to me , I took to the law : and so articled my self to Mr. O'Dedimus , the attorney in our town : but there is a thought unconnected with law that has occupied my head every moment since we met .", "Then , sir , I have really been thinking , ever since I saw you , that you are a little \u2014a little odd hereabouts , sir ;a little damned mad , if I may be allowed the expression !", "Without a motive ! No , sir , I believe I know tolerably well the motive \u2014 the old story , sir , ha ! love !", "Lord bless you , sir , I discovered it before you left the country .", "The old symptoms , sir \u2014 in the first place , frequent fits of my complaint .", "Yes , thinking , long reveries , sudden starts , sentimental sighs , fits of unobserving absence , fidgets and fevers , orders and counter orders , loss of memory , loss of appetite , loss of rest , and loss of your senses , if I may be allowed the expression .", "Nor I , sir ; though I 've been married these three years , I never once sighed for my dear wife in all that time \u2014 heigho !", "Then , sir , you mis-took me . I fancy it was in one of your most decided unobserving fits that you took me for a blockhead .", "Sir , I have n't studied the law for nothing . I 'm no fool , if I may be allowed the expression .", "And craving your pardon , sir , I begin to suspect your want of that faculty , from your not having found out that before .", "Sir , that 's very kind of you , to trust your humble servant with a secret he had himself discovered ten months ago .", "Sir , I have kept it . Nobody knows of it , that I know of , except a few of your friends , many of your enemies , most travelling strangers , and all your neighbours .", "Suspects ! no , sir ; suspicion is out of the question ; it is taken as a proved fact in all society , a bill found by every grand jury in the county .", "Yes , sir ; but I 'm thinking \u2014", "That it is possible you may alter your mind .", "Think of it again , sir .", "I think I will .Poor gentleman ! now could I blow him up into a blaze in a minute , by telling him that his mistress is just on the point of marriage with his cousin , but though they say \u201c ill news travels apace , \u201d they shall never say that I rode postillion on the occasion .", "I wish you would n't interrupt me , for I 'm thinking \u2014", "I was only thinking that you may have altered your mind already .", "Yes , sir : but if that 's all you want to do , sir , you may spare yourself the trouble of going further , for , most fortunately , here he comes ; and your noble cousin , lord Austencourt , with him \u2014", "Yes , sir ; the devil , and his uncle , your father , if I may be allowed the expression ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1188, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Hey !\u201c My dear Worret , I hope that a long absence from my native land has not obliterated the recollection of our friendship . I have thought it right to adopt this method of announcing my return , lest my too sudden appearance should hurt your feelings , by deranging the delicate nerves of your amiable lady \u201d Hey ! \u201c Ever yours , \u201c FREDERICK FALKNER . \u201d Bless my soul ! Falkner alive ? show the gentleman up .", "Friend Falkner , I sha n't attempt to say how welcome your return is . We all thought you dead and buried . Where have you been all these years ?", "I see you still retain your old antipathy to answering questions , so I shall ask none \u2014 Have you been in France , or among the savages ? Hey ! I remember you had a daughter at school \u2014 is she alive ? is she merry or miserable ? Is she married ?", "Ods life , I 'm happy to see you ! I have n't been so cheerful or happy for many a day .", "Hey ! thank ye , sir ! why that excellent good woman is in high health , in astonishing health ! by my troth I speak it with unspeakable joy , I think she 's a better life now than she was when I married her !", "True \u2014 but it is n't that \u2014 that is , not altogether so : no , \u2018 tis that I once more hold my friend Falkner by the hand , and that my daughter \u2014 you remember your little favourite Helen \u2014", "You are arrived at a critical moment : I mean shortly to marry her \u2014", "The devil you do !", "To be sure I would ; but the man I mean her to marry \u2014", "The devil he wont ! why not ?", "What the devil does he mean ? yes , yes you was always eccentric ; but do you know \u2014", "Why , Falkner , you are grown more a misanthrope than ever .", "Every man has his trials !", "That was a heavy misfortune ! however you bore it with fortitude .", "How different are the fates of men !", "Bless me ! what was that transaction ?", "Strange indeed ; and what became of him .", "Indeed , is he in this neighbourhood ?", "You astonish me mightily .", "But I want to tell you that \u2014", "Bless my soul ! what can he mean ? \u2018 I forbid the banns \u2019 \u2014 \u2018 lost my wife \u2019 \u2014 \u2018 horrid transaction \u2019 \u2014 \u2018 back again in half an hour \u2019 \u2014 dear me \u2014 John \u2014 Thomas ! lady Worret ! Helen !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1188, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Charles ! is it you , or is it your spirit ?", "Hey ! why what the deuce ails the man ?", "Yes , sir , your presence does astonish me , but your manner still more .", "My good friend , will you descend from your heroical stilts , and explain your meaning in plain English ?", "Indeed ! and is it come to this ! he shall not see he mortifies me , however \u2014Since you are in this mind , sir , I wish you had been pleased to signify the same by letter , sir \u2014", "Yes , sir ,\u2014 for this personal visit being rather unexpected , does not promise to be particularly pleasant \u2014", "No , indeed , sir \u2014 and should have shown all Christian patience if this sudden return had n't happened these twelve months .", "Bless me , Charles , how very strangely you look \u2014 you 're pale and red , and red and pale , in the same moment ! why you can scarcely breathe ! and now you tremble so ! I 'm afraid you are very ill .", "You move all over like a ship in a storm !", "Your teeth chatter !\u2014", "Do , dear Charles , while your are able \u2014 your voice will be gone in a minute or two , and then \u2014", "That you will , indeed , and all over the house , too .", "I am glad to find there 's no affection of the lungs !", "Yes , but gently ; and make haste before they call the watch .", "Perhaps this will answer the purpose", "On my honour , sir , I do not understand what all this means .", "No , sir \u2014 if your purpose here is insult , you might , methinks , have found some fitter object than one who has so limited a power to resent it !", "Charles , Charles , you have been deceived : but come , sit down and hear me .", "As you know the world , Charles , you cannot wonder that my fathershould wish to unite his daughter to a man whose rank and fortune \u2014", "When I am next inclined to descend to explanation , sir , I hope you will be better disposed to attend to me .", "He has \u2014", "Confessed what ? you monster ! I 've confessed nothing .", "No .", "Half an hour ago nothing on earth should have induced me to consent \u2014 but since I see , Charles , of what your temper is capable , I shall think it more laudable to risk my happiness by obedience to my father , than by an ill-judged constancy to one who seems so little inclined to deserve it ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1188, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I tell you , it is unless to follow me , sir . The proud spirit you evinced this morning , might have saved you methinks from this meanness of solicitation .", "As you seem equally disposed , sir , to quarrel with my words , as you are to question my conduct , I fear you will have little cause to congratulate yourself on this forced and tiresome interview .", "Charles \u2014 I do love you \u2014 that , is , I did love you , but \u2014 I do n't love you , butah ! now I 'm going to make bad worse .", "The violence of temper you have discovered this morning , has shown me the dark side of your character ; it has given a pause to affection , and afforded me time to reflect \u2014 now though I do really and truly believe that \u2014 you \u2014 love me Charles .", "For heav'n ' s sake hide yourself ; I would not have him find you here for worlds \u2014 here , step into the music-room .", "Charles , retire , I entreat you \u2014 make haste , he is here .", "Then kneel in the next room .", "That is now at my own disposal \u2014 I beseech you go \u2014", "A discovery , sir ?", "Dear sir , not with me I hope \u2014", "They know he 's here ! so I may as well own it at once .", "Yes , sir \u2014 now for it !\u2014", "I know it , papa \u2014 and was from a child , and I always will be .", "I know it , mamma \u2014 and was from a child , and always will be .", "I know it , papa , and when I obey you , I am generally obedient .", "I had better confess it all at once \u2014 he has , he has , my dear papa . I do confess it was very , very wrong ; but pray now do forgive \u2014", "I do confess , he is here , papa .", "Indeed I was so afraid you would find it out , that I \u2014\u2014", "In the village ! Oh , what , you heard he was in the village !", "Oh ! you were afraid he should come here , were you ?", "What ! lock me up !", "Into that room ?", "And do you think I shall stay there by myself ?", "And you 'll really lock me up in that room !", "Now , dear papa , be persuaded ; take my advice , and do n't .", "And if you do , take my word for it I might be in his arms if", "I chose , in less than two minutes from this present warning .", "We shall come together without their assistance , depend on it , papa .", "With all my heart ; only remember you had better not .", "I told you how it would be , papa , and you would not believe me !", "You may have it explained , papa , but I fear it wo n't be to your satisfaction .", "Wo n't you go first , papa ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1188, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Lady Worret ! lady Worret ! I will have a reform . I am at last resolved to be master of my own house , and so let us come to a right understanding , and I dare say we shall be the better friends for it in future .", "I 'll have my house in future conducted as a gentleman 's should be , and I will no longer suffer my wife to make herself the object of ridicule to all her servants . So I 'll give up the folly of wishing to be thought a tender husband , for the real honour of being found a respectable one . I 'll make a glorious bonfire of all your musty collection of family receipt-books ! and when I deliver up your keys to an honest housekeeper , I 'll keep one back of a snug apartment in which to deposit a rebellious wife .", "Surely I dream ! what ? have you managed me ? Hey ? Zounds ! I never suspected that . Has sir Willoughby Worret been lead in leading-strings all this time ? Death and forty devils , madam , have you presumed to manage me ?", "Ay , Madam , with all my heart ; my daughter and all the world shall know it .", "That 's true \u2014 that is lamentably true \u2014 but all the world shall know it \u2014 I 'll proclaim it ; I 'll print it \u2014 I 'll advertise it !\u2014 She has usurped my rights and my power ; and her fate , as every usurper 's should be , shall be public downfall and disgrace .", "No ,\u2014 I am resolved from this moment no longer to give way to her absurd whims and wishes .", "Absolutely and immovably .", "On every occasion \u2014 right or wrong .", "What ! no such thing \u2014 no such thing \u2014 what ! marry a beggar ?", "\u2018 Tis a great match ! I believe in that one point we shall still agree \u2014", "What \u2014 my daughter leave the room ? Stay here , Helen .", "What does the girl mean ?", "But I do \u2014 and shall inquire into it immediately .", "No \u2014 but it will mine \u2014 and to prove to you , madam , that however you may rule your household , you shall no longer rule me \u2014 if the story has any foundation \u2014 I say \u2014 she shall not marry lord Austencourt .", "No , Madam , shall not \u2014 and so ends your management , and thus begins my career of new-born authority . I 'm out of leading-strings now , and madam , I 'll manage you , damn me if \u2014 I \u2014 do \u2014 not ! HelenYou hear papa 's will on that head , ma'am .", "So ! so ! Madam ! together again , hey ? sir Rowland , your servant .", "Why look ye , sir Rowland , there are certain things that we do like , and certain things that we do not like \u2014 now sir , to cut the matter short , I do like my daughter to marry , but I do not like either your son or your nephew for her husband .", "Yes , sir Rowland , I have made two or three sudden changes to day !\u2014 I 've changed my resolution \u2014 I feel changed myself \u2014 for I 've changed characters with my wife , and with your leave I mean to change my son-in-law .", "Sir , if you 'll meet me presently at your attorney 's , the thing will explain itself : this way , young lady if you please \u2014 Charles , I believe you are a devilish honest fellow , and I want an honest fellow for a son-in-law \u2014 but I think it is rather too much to give twelve thousand a year for him \u2014 this way Miss Helen ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1188, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sorrow becomes me best .", "What should I do to be merry , Cornego ?", "Be dumb for ever .", "I 'll drink it down into my soul at once .", "But swear .", "But did you swear in earnest ?", "No marvel , for my hopes have been so drowned", "I still despair , say on .", "Pray , that again my Lord .", "His wrongs to me ?", "Blessed penitence !", "God-like justice !", "Heaven pardon him . I shall .", "Umh ! Marry me ? Will he turn bigamist ? When ? When ?", "I am so stored with joy that I can now", "Strongly wear out more years of misery", "Than I have lived .", "With pardon sir , I will prevent you", "And charge upon you first .", "Look back upon your guilt , dear Sir , and then", "The cause that now seems strange explains itself .", "This and the image of my living wrongs", "Is still confronted by me to beget", "Grief like my shame , whose length may outlive time .", "This cross , the object of my wounded soul", "To which I pray to keep me from despair ;", "That ever as the sight of one throws up", "Mountains of sorrow on my accursed head .", "Turning to that , mercy may check despair", "And bind my hands from wilful violence .", "The guilt of that lays claim sir , to yourself", "For being , by you , ransacked of all my fame ,", "Robbed of mine honour and dear chastity ,", "Made , by your act , the shame of all my house ,", "The hate of good men and the scorn of bad ,", "The song of broom-men and the murdering vulgar ,", "And left alone to bear up all these ills", "By you begun , my breast was filled with fire", "And wrapped in just disdain , and like a woman", "On that dumb picture wreaked I my passions .", "Pardon me Sir ,", "My wrongs were great , and my revenge swelled high .", "And will you swear to this ?", "Oh , you have sworn false oaths upon that book !", "Take heed you print it deeply :", "How for your concubine , bride I cannot say ,", "She stains your bed with black adultery ,", "And though her fame masks in a fairer shape", "Than < 9 > mine to the world 's eye , yet King , you know", "Mine honour is less strumpeted than hers ,", "However butchered in opinion .", "Here as the dearest Jewel of my fame", "Locked I this parchment from all viewing eyes .", "This your indenture , held alone the life", "Of my supposed dead honour ; yet behold ,", "Into your hands I redeliver it .", "Oh keep it Sir , as you should keep that vow ,", "To which , being signed by heaven , even angels bow .", "Defend me heaven !", "Save me from madness !", "You do but counterfeit to mock my joys .", "Are there eyes in heaven to see this ?", "Ha ! Where is the King , thou slave ?", "Thou treacherous caitiff < 10 >, where is the King ?", "Crack all in sunder , oh you battlements ,", "And grind me into powder", "Is there a vengeance yet lacking to my ruin ? Let it fall , now let it fall upon me !", "Thou villain , leave thy hold , I 'll follow him", "Like a raised ghost , I 'll haunt him , break his sleep ,", "Fright him as he is embracing his new leman < 11 >,", "Til want of rest bids him run mad and die ,", "For making oaths bawds to his perjury .", "I 'm left quite naked now ; all gone , all , all .", "Attired in robes of vengeance , are you uncle ?", "\u2018 Twas never full till now ,", "And in this torrent all my hopes lie drowned .", "The King , the contract !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1197, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Thou god of good apparel , what strange fellows are bound to do thee honour . Mercer 's < 12 > books show men 's devotions to thee . Heaven cannot hold a saint so stately . Do not my dons know me because I 'm poor in clothes ? Stood my beaten tailor plaiting my rich hose , my silk stocking man drawing upon my Lordship 's courtly calf pairs of imbroidered things , whose golden clocks strike deeper to the faithful shop-keeper 's heart , than into mine to pay him . Had my barber perfumed my lousy thatch here and poked out me tusks more stiff than are a cats muschatoes < 13 >, these pied-winged butterflies had known me then . Another fly-boat ! < 14 > Save thee illustrious Don . Enter Don Rodrigo . Sir , is the King at leisure to speak Spanish with a poor Soldier ?", "No , Sirah , you , no ! You Don with the ochre face , I wish to have thee but on a breach , stifling with smoke and fire . And for thy no , but whiffing gunpowder out of an iron pipe , I would but ask thee if thou would'st on , and if thou did'st cry no , thou should'st read Canon Law . I 'd make thee roar , and wear cut-beaten-satin . I would pay thee though thou payest not thy mercer . Mere Spanish jennets ! < 15 > Enter Cockadillio . Signor , is the King at leisure ?", "To hear a soldier speak .", "Are you of court sir ?", "That 's his ear picker . Your name , I pray .", "I beg , you whorson muscod < 16 >! My petition is written on my bosom in red wounds .", "You yellowhammer , why , shaver : that such poor things as these , only made up of tailor 's shreds and merchant 's silken rags and \u2018 pothecary drugs to lend their breath sophisticated smells , when their rank guts stink worse than cowards in the heat of battle . Such whaleboned - doublet rascals , that owe more to laundresses and seamsters for laced linen than all their race from their great grand-father to this their reign , in clothes were ever worth . These excrements of silk worms ! Oh that such flies do buzz about the beams of Majesty , like earwigs tickling a King 's yielding ear with that court-organ , flattery , when a soldier must not come near the court gates twenty score , but stand for want of clothes , though he win towns , amongst the almsbasket-men ! His best reward being scorned to be a fellow to the blackguard . Why should a soldier , being the world 's right arm , be cut thus by the left , a courtier ? Is the world all ruff and feather and nothing else ? Shall I never see a tailor give his coat with a difference from a gentleman ?", "My music is a Cannon , a pitched field my stage , Furies the actors , blood and vengeance the scene , death the story , a sword imbrued with blood , the pen that writes , and the poet a terrible buskined < 17 > tragical fellow , with a wreath about his head of burning match instead of bays .", "\u2018 Tis here without bloodshed . This our main battalia , that the van , this the vaw < 18 >, these the wings , here we fight , there they fly , here they insconce < 19 >, and here our sconces < 20 > lay seventeen moons on the cold earth .", "The battle ? Am I come from doing to talking ? The hardest part for a soldier to play is to prate well . Our tongues are fifes , drums , petronels < 21 >, muskets , culverin < 22 > and cannon . These are our roarers , the clocks which we go by are our hands . Thus we reckon ten , our swords strike eleven and when steel targets of proof clatter one against another , then \u2018 tis noon that 's the height and the heat of the day of battle .", "To that heat we came , our drums beat , pikes were shaken and shivered , swords and targets clashed and clattered , muskets rattled cannons roared , men died groaning , brave laced jerkings and feathers looked pale , tottered rascals fought pell mell . Here fell a wing , there heads were tossed like footballs , legs and arms quarrelled in the air and yet lay quietly on the earth . Horses trampled upon heaps of carcasses , troops of carbines tumbled wounded from their horses , we besiege Moors and famine us , mutinies bluster and are calm . I vowed not to doff mine armour though my flesh were frozen to it and turn into iron , nor to cut head nor beard till they yielded . My hairs and oath are of one length for , with Caesar , thus write I mine own story : veni , vidi , vici .", "Only your love .", "Sir , I would be private with you .", "Will you , Sir , promise to give me freedom of speech ?", "You are a whoremaster . Do you send me to win towns for you abroad and you lose a kingdom at home ?", "The fairest in the world , the kingdom of your fame , your honour .", "I 'll be plain with you . Much mischief is done by the mouth of a cannon , but the fire begins at a little touch-hole . You heard what nightingale sung to you even now .", "Angels erred but once and fell , but you Sir , spit in heaven 's face every minute and laugh at it . Laugh still , follow your courses , do . Let your vices run like your kennels of hounds , yelping after you till they pluck down the fairest head in the herd , everlasting bliss .", "Take sin as the English snuff tobacco , and scornfully blow the smoke in the eyes of heaven , the vapour flies up in clouds of bravery . But when \u2018 tis out , the coal is black , your conscience , and the pipe stinks . A sea of rosewater cannot sweeten your corrupted bosom .", "\u2018 Tis Aqua Coelestis < 23 >, no venom . For when you shall clasp up these two books , never to be opened again , when by letting fall that anchor which can never more be weighed up , your mortal navigation ends . Then there 's no playing at spurn-point < 24 > with thunderbolts . A vintner then for unconscionable reckoning or a tailor for unmeasurable items shall not answer in half that fear you must .", "I will follow truth at the heels , though her foot beat my gums in pieces .", "I care not .", "So , die !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1197, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["When first you came from Florence , would the world", "Had with a universal dire eclipse", "Been overwhelmed , no more to gaze on day ,", "That you to Spain had never found the way ,", "Here to be lost forever .", "To show you Madam ,", "The picture of yourself , but so defaced ,", "And mangled by proud Spaniards , it would whet", "A sword to arm the poorest Florentine", "In your just wrongs .", "Here \u2018 tis then : time is not scarce four days old ,", "Since I , and certain Dons , sharp-witted fellows ,", "And of good rank , were with two Jesuits", "Grave profound scholars , in deep argument", "Of various propositions . At the last ,", "Question was moved touching your marriage", "And the King 's pre-contract .", "Whether it were a question moved by chance ,", "Or spitefully of purpose , I being there ,", "And your own Countryman , I cannot tell .", "But when much tossing had bandied both the King", "And you , as pleased those that took up the racquets .", "In conclusion , the Father Jesuits ,", "To whose subtle music every ear there", "Was tied , stood with their lives in stiff defence", "Of this opinion - oh pardon me", "If I must speak their language .", "That the most Catholic king in marrying you ,", "Keeps you but as his whore .", "And that Medina 's niece , Onaelia ,", "Is his true wife . Her bastard son they said", "The King being dead , should claim and wear the crown ,", "And whatsoever children you shall bear ,", "To be but bastards in the highest degree ,", "As being begotten in adultery .", "If I were fit to be your councillor ,", "Thus would I speak - feign that you are with child .", "The mother of the maids , and some worn ladies", "Who oft have guilty being to court great bellies ,", "May though it not be so , get you with child", "With swearing that \u2018 tis true .", "The joy thereof ,", "Together with these earthquakes , which will shake", "All Spain , if they their Prince do disinherit ,", "So borne , of such a Queen , being only daughter", "To such a brave spirit as Duke of Florence .", "All this buzzed into the King , he cannot choose", "But charge that all the bells in Spain echo up", "This joy to heaven , that bonfires change the night", "To a high noon , with beams of sparkling flames ;", "And that in Churches , organs , charmed with prayers ,", "Speak loud for your most safe delivery .", "These ; you must stick ,", "As here and there spring weeds in banks of flowers ,", "Spies amongst the people , who shall lay their ears", "To every mouth , and seal to you their whispering .", "\u2018 Tis a plummet to sound Spanish hearts", "How deeply they are yours . Besides a guesse < 29 >", "Is hereby made of any faction", "That shall combine against you , which the King seeing ,", "If then he will not rouse him like a dragon", "To guard his golden fleece , and rid his harlot", "And her base bastard hence , either by death ,", "Or in some traps of state ensnare them both ,", "Let his own ruins crush him ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1197, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Is't not some executioner ?", "Sent from the King to warn me of my death :", "I prithee bid him welcome .", "Then bid him better welcome .", "Belike he 's come to write my epitaph ,", "Some scurvy thing I 'll warrant . Welcome Sir .", "To me ? I am not worthy of a line ,", "Unless at that Line hang some hook to choke me :", "To the Most Honoured Lady - Onaelia .", "Fellow thou liest , I 'm most dishonoured :", "Thou should'st have writ to the most wronged Lady .", "The title of this book is not to me ,", "I tear it therefore as mine honour 's torn .", "What does it treat of ?", "Hissing , the poet 's whirlwind , blast thy lines ! Com'st thou to mock my tortures with her triumphs ?", "When her funerals are past ,", "Crown thou a dedication to my joys ,", "And thou shalt swear each line a golden verse .", "Cornego , burn this idol .", "I have read legends of disastrous dames ;", "Will none set pen to paper for poor me ?", "Canst write a bitter satire ? Brainless people", "Do call them libels . Darest thou write a libel ?", "Do it then for me .", "Better .", "Undertake that cure", "And crown thy verse with bays .", "The King .", "This baseness follows your profession .", "You are like common beadles , apt to lash", "Almost to death poor wretches not worth striking ,", "But fawn with slavish flattery on damned vices", "So great men act them . You clap hands at those ,", "Where the true poet indeed doth scorn to guild", "A gaudy tomb with glory of his verse ,", "Which coffins stinking carrion . No , his lines", "Are free as his invention . No base fear", "Can shake his pen to temporise even with kings ,", "The blacker are their crimes , he louder sings .", "Go , go , thou canst not write : \u2018 tis but my calling", "The muses help , that I may be inspired .", "Canst a woman be a poet , Sir ?", "Nay , but if I should write , I would tell truth . How might I reach a lofty strain ?", "Are they born poets ?", "Die they ?", "My misery is then a poet sure ,", "For time has given it an eternity .", "What sort of poets are there ?", "Great and small ! Which do you call the great ? The fat ones ?", "Which in the kingdom now is the best poet ?", "Which the next ?", "And which the worst ?", "Say I turn poet , what should I get ?", "Alas , I have got too much of that already ,", "Opinion is my evidence , judge and jury .", "Mine own guilt and opinion now condemn me .", "I 'll therefore be no poet , no nor make", "Ten muses of your nine . I 'll swear for this ;", "Verses , though freely born , like slaves are sold ,", "I crown thy lines with bays , thy love with gold :", "So fare thou well .", "What shall I do , Cornego ? For this poet", "Has filled me with a fury . I could write", "Strange satires now against adulterers ,", "And marriage-breakers .", "That word revenge ,", "Startles my sleepy soul , now thoroughly wakened", "By the fresh object of my hapless child", "Whose wrongs reach beyond mine .", "How doth my prettiest boy ?", "I have no part in either .", "I care not much , so you but gently strike him ,", "And that my child escape the lightening .", "Oh not to kill him", "For twenty thousand worlds .", "Pray rail not at him so .", "I , I that 's well . Pray swear ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1197, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The presence door be guarded , let none enter", "On forfeit of your lives , without our knowledge .", "Oh you are false physicians all unto me ,", "You bring me poison , but no antidotes .", "Prithee , no more .", "Thunder aloud .", "Who ! Who dares once but think so in his dream ?", "Be cursed he and his faction . Oh how I labour", "For these preventions ! But so cross is fate", "My ills are ne'r hid from me , but their cures .", "What 's to be done ?", "Ha !", "I shall be massacred in this their spleen ,", "Ere I have time to guard myself . I feel", "The fire already falling . Where 's our guard ?", "Let them be doubled . I am full of thoughts ,", "A thousand wheels toss my incertain fears ,", "There is a storm in my hot boiling brains ,", "Which rises without wind . A horrid one .", "What clamour 's that ?", "Thou desperate fellow , thus press in upon us ! Is murder all the story we shall read ? What King can stand , when thus his subjects bleed ? What has thou done ?", "Played even the wolf ,", "And from a fold committed to my charge ,", "Stolen and devoured one of the flock .", "I would not have thy sin scored on my head", "For all the Indian Treasury . I prithee tell me ,", "Suppose thou had'st our pardon , oh can that cure", "Thy wounded conscience , can there my pardon help thee ?", "Yet having deserved well both of Spain and us ,", "We will not pay thy worth with loss of life ,", "But banish thee for ever .", "No more . We banish thee our court and Kingdom .", "A King that fosters men so dipped in blood ,", "May be called merciful , but never good .", "Be gone upon thy life .", "For thee , Paulina , swell my troubled thoughts", "Like billows beaten by two warring winds .", "Instruct me how .", "Where 's the instrument ?", "He 's banished .", "His spirit is hot", "And rugged , but so honest that his soul", "Will never turn devil to do it .", "Be happy in thy workings , I obey .", "Balthazar ,", "Come hither , listen . Whatsoe'er our Queen", "Has importuned thee to touching Onaelia", "Niece to the Constable , and her young son ,", "My voice shall second it , and sign her promise .", "That .", "So .", "Any way , so \u2018 tis done .", "Pen , ink and paper .", "Thou shalt have my pardon .", "Yes , any thing dear Balthazar .", "Chide him not .", "That song no more . Do this and I will make thee a great man .", "Farewell . Be confident and sudden ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1197, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["You met a Hydra . See , if one head fails", "Another with a sulphurous beak stands yawning .", "A great man 's vices , that can raise all hell . What would you call that man , who under-sail in a most goodly ship , wherein he ventures his life , fortunes , and honours , yet in a fury should hew the mast down , cast sails overboard , fire all the tacklings , and to crown this madness , should blow up all the decks , burn th'oaken ribs , and in that combat \u2018 twix two elements leap desperately , and drown himself in the seas ? What were so brave a fellow ?", "That 's I . All that brave black villain dwells in me , if I be that black villain . But I am not ! A nobler character prints out my brow , which you may thus read , I was banished Spain for emptying a court - hogshead , but repealed so I would , ere my reeking iron was cold , promise to give it a deep crimson dye in - none hear , - stay - no , none hear .", "Basely to stab a woman , your wronged niece and her most innocent son ,", "Sebastian .", "My honesty . A sign at which few dwell , pure honesty ! I am a vassal to Medina 's house , He taught me first the A-B-C of war . E'er I was truncheon high , I had the stile on beardless Captain , writing then but boy , and shall I now turn slave to him that fed me with Cannon - bullets and taught me , ostrich-like to digest iron and steel ! No ! Yet I yielded with willow-bendings to commanding breaths .", "Of King and Queen . With supple hams and an ill-boding look , I vowed to do it . Yet , lest some choke-pear < 32 > of state policy should stop my throat , and spoil my drinking pipe , see , like his cloak , I hung at the King 's elbow , till I had got his hand to sign my life .", "Think you me a coiner < 33 >?", "Else flea the skin off .", "My biter here , eats no such meat .", "This I 'll do .", "As lightning .", "Come noble boy .", "Discovered ? Would there stood a troop of Moors thrusting the paws of hungry lions forth , to seize this prey , and this but in my hand , I should do something .", "Sweet child , within few minutes I 'll change thy fate", "And take thee hence , but set thee at heavens gate ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1197, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The Lady Onaelia dresseth the stead of her commendations in the most courtly attire that words can be clothed with , from herself to you , by me .", "The King 's evil . And here she hath sent something to you , wrapped up in a white sheet , you need not fear to open it , \u2018 tis no course .", "At her prick-song .", "No crotchets , \u2018 tis only the Cliff has made her mad .", "A wind instrument , she did nothing but sigh .", "My wit has always a singing head , I have found out her note captain .", "Sol , my soul . Re , is all rent and torn like a ragamuffin . Me , mend it good captain . Fa , fa . What 's fa Captain ?", "Mi Captain , with all my heart . Have I tickled my Lady 's fiddle well ?", "Assa foetida ? What 's that ?", "Why , what ails my Lady ?", "I said somewhat cut her soul in pieces .", "And what shall be baked i n't ?", "The devil lies sick of the mulligrubs .< 43 >", "With the wrong side outward ...", "So the goose talks French to the buzzard .", "And a poisoned bag-pudding in Tom Thumb 's belly .", "Is this all ?", "Not a coranta < 44 > neither , though it were sealed with butter , < 45 > and yet I know where they both lie passing well .", "Dancing bear , I 'm gone ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1197, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Must then his trul < 57 > be once more sphered in court", "To triumph in my spoils , in my eclipses ?", "And I like moping Juno sit , whilst Jove", "Varies his lust into five hundred shapes", "To steal to his whore 's bed ! No Malateste ,", "Italian fires of Jealousy burn my marrow .", "For to delude my hopes , the lecherous king", "Cuts out this robe of cunning marriage ,", "To cover his incontinence , which flames", "Hot , as my fury , in his black desires .", "I am swollen big with child of vengeance now ,", "And till delivered , feel the throws of hell .", "That , Malateste , that , that torrent wracks me .", "But Hymen 's torch , held downward , shall drop out ,", "And for it , the mad Furies swing their brands", "About the bride-chamber .", "Loud it may speak .", "Herbane and poppy , and that magical weed", "Which hags at midnight watch to catch the seed . < 59 >", "Poison his whore today , for thou shalt wait", "On the King 's cup , and when heated with wine", "He calls to drink the bride 's health , marry her", "Alive to a gaping grave .", "At board .", "Mine arms . Dost faint ?", "Stood all the Pyrenean hills that part", "Spain and our country , on each others shoulders ,", "Burning with Aetnean flame , yet thou should'st on ,", "As being my steel of resolution ,", "First striking sparkles from my flinty breast .", "Wert thou to catch the horses of the sun", "Fast by their bridles , and to turn back day ,", "Would'st thou not do it , base coward , to make way", "To the Italians second bliss , revenge ?", "A raven 's voice , and it likes me well ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1197, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["For half Spain 's weigh in ingots I 'd not lose", "This little man today .", "\u2018 Tis dimness of your sight , no fault i'the letter .", "Medina , you shall find that free from erratas ,", "And for a proof , if I could breathe my heart", "In welcome forth , this hall should ring naught else .", "Welcome Medina , Good Marquis Daenia ,", "Dons of Spain all welcome .", "My dearest love and Queen , be it your place", "To entertain the bride , and do her grace .", "Contracted bride , and bridegroom sit ,", "Sweet flowers not plucked in season lose their scent ,", "So will our pleasures . Father Cardinal ,", "Methinks this morning new begins our reign .", "Where is our noble soldier Balthazar ? So close in conference with that Signor ?", "What think'st thou of this great day Balthazar ?", "Mine I protest are free .", "Wine . A full cup crowned to Medina 's health .", "Onaelia , you are sad . Why frowns your brow ?", "Which mirth to heighten , Your bridegroom and yourself first pledge this health Which we begin to our High Constable . Three cups filled , one to the King , the second to the Bridegroom and the third to Onaelia , with whom the King compliments .", "Here 's to Medina 's heart with all my heart .", "Medina mocks me ,", "Because I wrong her with the largest bowl .", "I 'll change with thee Onaelia .", "Malateste rages .", "Fear you I cannot fetch it off ?", "This is your scorn to her , because I am doing", "This poorest honour to her . Music sound ,", "It goes were it ten fathoms to the ground .", "Cornets play . King drinks , Queen and Malateste storm .", "Interrupt me in my drink ? \u2018 Tis off .", "Poisoned ?", "I feel no poison yet , only mine eyes", "Are putting out their lights . Me thinks I feel", "Death 's icy fingers stroking down my face .", "And now I 'm in a mortal cold sweat .", "Hence , call in my physicians .", "Bloody Medina , stab'st thou Brutus too ?", "I burn ,", "My brains boil in a cauldron , oh one drop", "Of water now to cool me .", "Physicians for my soul , I need none else .", "You 'll not deny me those . Oh holy father ,", "Is there no mercy hovering in a cloud", "For me a miserable King so drenched", "In perjury and murder ?", "Come down , come quickly down .", "Do , do .", "Onaelia ! Oh she 's drowned in tears ! Onaelia ,", "Let me not die unpardoned at thy hands .", "Ha ?", "My child ! \u2018 Tis my Sebastian , or some spirit", "Sent in his shape to fright me .", "Oh my dull soul look up , thou art somewhat lighter .", "Noble Medina , see Sebastian lives .", "Onaelia cease to weep , Sebastian lives .", "Fetch me my crown . My sweetest pretty Friar", "Can my hands do't , I 'll raise thee one step higher .", "Thou'st been in heaven 's house all this while sweet boy ?", "Thou could'st n'er fare better .", "Religious houses are those hives where bees", "Make honey for men 's souls . I tell thee boy ,", "A Friary is a cube , which strongly stands ,", "Fashioned by men , supported by heaven 's hands .", "Orders of holy priesthood are as high", "I'th eyes of Angels , as a King 's dignity .", "Both these unto a Crown give the full weight ,", "And both are thine . You that our contract know ,", "See how I seal it with this marriage .", "My blessing and Spain 's kingdom both be thine .", "Oh no . Those are right sovereign ornaments .", "Had I been clothed so , I had never filled", "Spain 's chronicle with my black calumny .", "My work is almost finished . Where 's my Queen ?", "Onaelia !", "Your hand Paulina too , Onaelia yours .", "This hand , the pledge of my twice broken faith ,", "By you usurped is her inheritance .", "My love is turned , see as my fate is turned ,", "Thus they today laugh , yesterday which mourned .", "I pardon thee my death . Let her be sent", "Back into Florence with a trebled dowry .", "Death comes , oh now I see what late I feared !", "A contract broke , though pieced up ne'r so well ,", "Heaven sees , earth suffers , but it ends in hell ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1197, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What 's the matter , Pete .", "They do n't seem to be scared by the threat .", "Were they all born on this estate ?", "I was up before daylight . We got the horses saddled , and galloped down the shell road over the Piney Patch ; then coasting the Bayou Lake , we crossed the long swamps , by Paul 's Path , and so came home again .", "Just one month ago I quitted Paris . I left that siren city as I would have left a beloved woman .", "I feel that I departed amid universal and sincere regret . I left my loves and my creditors equally inconsolable .", "Bless his dear old handwriting , it 's all I ever saw of him . For ten years his letters came every quarter-day , with a remittance and a word of advice in his formal cavalier style ; and then a joke in the postscript , that upset the dignity of the foregoing . Aunt , when he died , two years ago , I read over those letters of his , and if I did n't cry like a baby \u2014", "Yes ; I kept the letters , and squandered the money .", "O , aunt ! what a bright , gay creature she is !", "Subject to your life interest and an annuity to Zoe , is it not so ?", "But the other half is free .", "Inventing what ?", "\u2018 Tis Zoe .", "I have remarked that she is treated by the neighbors with a kind of familiar condescension that annoyed me .", "Aunt , I am prouder and happier to be your nephew and heir to the ruins of Terrebonne , than I would have been to have had half Louisiana without you .", "They do not notice Zoe .\u2014You do n't see Zoe , Mr. Sunnyside .", "You are right , sir ; though I shrank from expressing that opinion in her presence , so bluntly .", "It may be considered offensive .", "Never , aunt ! I shall never understand how to wound the feelings of any lady ; and , if that is the custom here , I shall never acquire it .", "Excuse me , I 'll light a cigar .", "Sir . M'Closky . Hillo ! did I tread on ye ?", "How can you ask that vulgar ruffian to your table ?", "Aunt , I will take my rifle down to the Atchafalaya . Paul has promised me a bear and a deer or two . I see my little Nimrod yonder , with his Indian companion . Excuse me ladies . Ho ! Paul !", "Come , Paul , are you ready ?", "Now I 'm ready .", "Come , Miss Dora , let me offer you my arm .", "That 's a challenge to begin a description of my feminine adventures .", "Two hundred and forty-nine times ! Let me relate you the worst cases .", "I 'll put the naughty parts in French ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1199, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["It wants an hour yet to daylight \u2014 here is Pete 's hut \u2014He sleeps \u2014 no ; I see a light .", "Hush , aunty ! \u2018 Tis I \u2014 Zoe .", "Where 's Pete ?", "Aunty , there is sickness up at the house ; I have been up all night beside one who suffers , and I remembered that when I had the fever you gave me a drink , a bitter drink , that made me sleep \u2014 do you remember it ?", "No ; but you , aunty , you are wise \u2014 you know every plant , do n't you , and what it is good for ?", "Very bad , aunty ; and the heart aches worse , so they can get no rest .", "In a few hours that man , my master , will come for me ; he has paid my price , and he only consented to let me remain here this one night , because Mrs. Peyton promised to give me up to him to-day .", "All there is there would kill one , would n't it ?", "It 's not a painful death , aunty , is it ? You told me it produced a long , long sleep .", "Give me the drink .", "Give it to me .", "Listen to me . I love one who is here , and he loves me \u2014 George . I sat outside his door all night \u2014 I heard his sighs \u2014 his agony \u2014 torn from him by my coming fate ; and he said , \u201c I 'd rather see her dead than his ! \u201d", "He said so \u2014 then I rose up , and stole from the house , and ran down to the bayou ; but its cold , black , silent stream terrified me \u2014 drowning must be so horrible a death . I could not do it . Then , as I knelt there , weeping for courage , a snake rattled beside me . I shrunk from it and fled . Death was there beside me , and I dared not take it . O ! I 'm afraid to die ; yet I am more afraid to live .", "So I came here to you ; to you , my own dear nurse ; to you , who so often hushed me to sleep when I was a child ; who dried my eyes and put your little Zoe to rest . Ah ! give me the rest that no master but One can disturb \u2014 the sleep from which I shall awake free ! You can protect me from that man \u2014 do let me die without pain .", "O ! good , good nurse ; you will , you will .", "Then I shall never leave Terrebonne \u2014 the drink , nurse ; the drink ; that I may never leave my home \u2014 my dear , dear home . You will not give me to that man ? Your own Zoe , that loves you , aunty , so much , so much .\u2014Ah ! I have it .", "Hush !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1199, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Vainlove , and abroad so early ! Good-morrow ; I thought a contemplative lover could no more have parted with his bed in a morning than he could have slept i n't .", "Business ! And so must time , my friend , be close pursued , or lost . Business is the rub of life , perverts our aim , casts off the bias , and leaves us wide and short of the intended mark .", "Ay ; what else has meaning ?", "More than they believe \u2014 or understand .", "Ay , ay ! Wisdom 's nothing but a pretending to know and believe more than we really do . You read of but one wise man , and all that he knew was , that he knew nothing . Come , come , leave business to idlers and wisdom to fools ; they have need of \u2018 em . Wit be my faculty , and pleasure my occupation ; and let Father Time shake his glass . Let low and earthly souls grovel till they have worked themselves six foot deep into a grave . Business is not my element \u2014 I roll in a higher orb , and dwell \u2014", "I , marry , sir , I have a hawk 's eye at a woman 's hand . There 's more elegancy in the false spelling of this superscriptionthan in all Cicero . Let me see .\u2014 How now !\u2014 Dear perfidious Vainlove .", "Nay , let 's see the name \u2014 Sylvia !\u2014 how canst thou be ungrateful to that creature ? She 's extremely pretty , and loves thee entirely \u2014 I have heard her breathe such raptures about thee \u2014", "No , faith , Frank , you wrong her ; she has been just to you .", "Never \u2014 her affections . \u2018 Tis true , by heaven : she owned it to my face ; and , blushing like the virgin morn when it disclosed the cheat which that trusty bawd of nature , night , had hid , confessed her soul was true to you ; though I by treachery had stolen the bliss .", "Why , faith , I think it will do well enough , if the husband be out of the way , for the wife to show her fondness and impatience of his absence by choosing a lover as like him as she can ; and what is unlike , she may help out with her own fancy .", "As you say , the abuse is to the lover , not the husband . For \u2018 tis an argument of her great zeal towards him , that she will enjoy him in effigy .", "What ! The old banker with the handsome wife ?", "Let me see \u2014 Laetitia ! Oh , \u2018 tis a delicious morsel . Dear Frank , thou art the truest friend in the world .", "Hum , Hum \u2014 Out of town this evening , and talks of sending for Mr. Spintext to keep me company ; but I 'll take care he shall not be at home . Good ! Spintext ! Oh , the fanatic one-eyed parson !", "Hum , Hum \u2014 That your conversation will be much more agreeable , if you can counterfeit his habit to blind the servants . Very good ! Then I must be disguised ?\u2014 With all my heart !\u2014 It adds a gusto to an amour ; gives it the greater resemblance of theft ; and , among us lewd mortals , the deeper the sin the sweeter . Frank , I 'm amazed at thy good nature \u2014", "I wish I may succeed as the same .", "Prithee , what sort of fellow is Fondlewife ?", "A very even temper , and fit for my purpose . I must get your man", "Setter to provide my disguise .", "You 're going to visit in return of Sylvia 's letter . Poor rogue ! Any hour of the day or night will serve her . But do you know nothing of a new rival there ?", "Yet rails on still , and thinks his love unknown to us . A little time will swell him so , he must be forced to give it birth ; and the discovery must needs be very pleasant from himself , to see what pains he will take , and how he will strain to be delivered of a secret , when he has miscarried of it already .", "With all my heart . It lies convenient for us to pay our afternoon services to our mistresses . I find I am damnably in love , I 'm so uneasy for not having seen Belinda yesterday ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1210, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Who ? Heartwell ? Ay , but he knows better things . How now , George , where hast thou been snarling odious truths , and entertaining company , like a physician , with discourse of their diseases and infirmities ? What fine lady hast thou been putting out of conceit with herself , and persuading that the face she had been making all the morning was none of her own ? For I know thou art as unmannerly and as unwelcome to a woman as a looking-glass after the smallpox .", "Would thou hadst come a little sooner . Vainlove would have wrought thy conversion , and been a champion for the cause .", "Truth o n't is she fits his temper best , is a kind of floating island ; sometimes seems in reach , then vanishes and keeps him busied in the search .", "Faith I do n't know , he 's of a temper the most easy to himself in the world ; he takes as much always of an amour as he cares for , and quits it when it grows stale or unpleasant .", "He 's of another opinion , and says I do the drudgery in the mine . Well , we have each our share of sport , and each that which he likes best ; \u2018 tis his diversion to set , \u2018 tis mine to cover the partridge .", "Time enough , ay , too soon , I should rather have expected , from a person of your gravity .", "Thou art an old fornicator of a singular good principle indeed , and art for encouraging youth , that they may be as wicked as thou art at thy years .", "That only happens sometimes , where the dog has the sweeter breath , for the more cleanly conveyance . But , George , you must not quarrel with little gallantries of this nature : women are often won by \u2018 em . Who would refuse to kiss a lap-dog , if it were preliminary to the lips of his lady ?", "What is it to read a play in a rainy day ? Though you should be now and then interrupted in a witty scene , and she perhaps preserve her laughter , till the jest were over ; even that may be borne with , considering the reward in prospect .", "O brute , the drudgery of loving !", "Prithee , how dost thou love ?", "Well come off , George , if at any time you should be taken straying .", "How , George ! Does the wind blow there ?", "Who the devil would have thee ? unless \u2018 twere an oysterwoman to propagate young fry for Billingsgate \u2014 thy talent will never recommend thee to anything of better quality .", "What , not to make your family , man and provide for your children ?", "Well , but , George , I have one question to ask you \u2014", "Nay , prithee , George \u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1210, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sure that 's he , and alone .", "How 's this !", "This must be Bellmour he means . Ha ! I have a thought \u2014", "\u2018 Tis but trying , and being where I am at worst , now luck !\u2014 cursed fortune ! this must be the place , this damned unlucky place \u2014", "No , \u2018 tis gone , \u2018 tis lost \u2014 ten thousand devils on that chance which drew me hither ; ay , here , just here , this spot to me is hell ; nothing to be found , but the despair of what I 've lost .", "Ha ! who 's that has found ? What have you found ? Restore it quickly , or by \u2014", "Oh , your servant , sir ; you are safe , then , it seems . \u2018 Tis an ill wind that blows nobody good . Well , you may rejoice over my ill fortune , since it paid the price of your ransom .", "Know you ! Why , can you be so ungrateful to forget me ?", "How !", "Methought the service I did you last night , sir , in preserving you from those ruffians , might have taken better root in your shallow memory .", "So-h , oh , sir , I am easily pacified , the acknowledgment of a gentleman \u2014", "Sir Joseph Wittoll ?", "Is it possible ! Then I am happy to have obliged the mirror of knighthood and pink of courtesie in the age . Let me embrace you .", "My loss I esteem as a trifle repaid with interest , since it has purchased me the friendship and acquaintance of the person in the world whose character I admire .", "Oh , term it no longer so , sir . In the scuffle last night I only dropt a bill of a hundred pound , which , I confess , I came half despairing to recover ; but , thanks to my better fortune \u2014", "Sir , your humble servant . I do n't question but you are , that you have so cheap an opportunity of expressing your gratitude and generosity , since the paying so trivial a sum will wholly acquit you and doubly engage me .", "No otherwise , I vow to Gad , but in my hopes in you , sir .", "But that 's sufficient . \u2018 Twere injustice to doubt the honour of", "Sir Joseph Wittoll .", "You are above , I 'm sure , a thought so low , to suffer me to lose what was ventured in your service ; nay , \u2018 twas in a manner paid down for your deliverance ; \u2018 twas so much lent you . And you scorn , I 'll say that for you \u2014", "Pshaw , you can n't want a hundred pound . Your word is sufficient anywhere . \u2018 Tis but borrowing so much dirt . You have large acres , and can soon repay it . Money is but dirt , Sir Joseph \u2014 mere dirt .", "Are you so extravagant in clothes , Sir Joseph ?", "If he had , sir , what then ? he could have done no more , nor perhaps have suffered so much . Had he a hundred pound to lose ?", "That you are , I 'll be sworn .Why , that 's great and like yourself ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1210, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Oh , here a \u2019 comes \u2014 Ay , my Hector of Troy , welcome , my bully , my", "Back ; agad , my heart has gone a pit pat for thee .", "Nay , agad , I hate fear ever since I had like to have died of a fright . But \u2014", "Ay , bully , a devilish smart fellow : \u2018 a will fight like a cock .", "I do n't know , but I 'll present you \u2014", "Ah , well said , my Hero ; was not that great , sir ? by the Lord Harry he says true ; fighting is meat , drink , and cloth to him . But , Back , this gentleman is one of the best friends I have in the world , and saved my life last night \u2014 you know I told you .", "Pray , Mr . Sharper , embrace my Back . Very well . By the Lord", "Harry , Mr . Sharper , he 's as brave a fellow as Cannibal , are not you ,", "Bully-Back ?", "Yet , by the Lord Harry , \u2018 tis true , Mr . Sharper , for I went every day to coffee-houses to read the gazette myself .", "Ay , this damned modesty of yours . Agad , if he would put in for't he might be made general himself yet .", "Let me but tell Mr . Sharper a little , how you ate fire once out of the mouth of a cannon . Agad , he did ; those impenetrable whiskers of his have confronted flames \u2014", "Look you now . I tell you he 's so modest he 'll own nothing .", "I am dumb .", "Nay , now I must speak ; it will split a hair , by the Lord Harry ,", "I have seen it .", "I am blind .", "Good Mr . Sharper , speak to him ; I dare not look that way .", "Well , I am a fool sometimes , but I 'm sorry .", "Come , we 'll go take a glass to drown animosities . Mr . Sharper , will you partake ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1210, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ah ! nay , dear ; prithee , good , dear , sweet cousin , no more . O", "Gad ! I swear you 'd make one sick to hear you .", "Oh , you have raved , talked idly , and all in commendation of that filthy , awkward , two-legged creature man . You do n't know what you 've said ; your fever has transported you .", "There was a whine ! O Gad , I hate your horrid fancy . This love is the devil , and , sure , to be in love is to be possessed . \u2018 Tis in the head , the heart , the blood , the \u2014 all over . O Gad , you are quite spoiled . I shall loathe the sight of mankind for your sake .", "Filthy fellow ! I wonder , cousin \u2014", "Oh , I love your hideous fancy ! Ha , ha , ha , love a man !", "Of all beasts not an ass \u2014 which is so like your Vainlove . Lard , I have seen an ass look so chagrin , ha , ha , ha, that an absolute lover would have concluded the poor creature to have had darts , and flames , and altars , and all that in his breast . Araminta , come , I 'll talk seriously to you now ; could you but see with my eyes the buffoonery of one scene of address , a lover , set out with all his equipage and appurtenances ; O Gad I sure you would \u2014 But you play the game , and consequently can n't see the miscarriages obvious to every stander by .", "Pish , I can n't help dreaming of the devil sometimes ; would you from thence infer I love him ?", "O barbarous aspersion !", "I deny it all .", "My denial is premeditated like your malice . Lard , cousin , you talk oddly . Whatever the matter is , O my Sol , I 'm afraid you 'll follow evil courses .", "You may laugh , but \u2014", "You think the malicious grin becomes you . The devil take", "Bellmour . Why do you tell me of him ?", "Prithee tell it all the world ; it 's false .", "Pish .", "Prithee do n't be so impertinent . Betty !", "Get my hoods and tippet , and bid the footman call a chair ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1210, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["There 's the hang-dog , his man \u2014 I had a power over him in the reign of my mistress ; but he is too true a Valet de Chambre not to affect his master 's faults , and consequently is revolted from his allegiance .", "Here 's some villainy afoot ; he 's so thoughtful . May be I may discover something in my mask . Worthy sir , a word with you .", "Not to interrupt your meditation \u2014", "Now poverty and the pox light upon thee for a contemplative pimp .", "Of thy most vile cogitations \u2014 thou poor , conceited wretch , how wert thou valuing thyself upon thy master 's employment ? For he 's the head pimp to Mr. Bellmour .", "Yes ; I know both master and man to be \u2014", "Ay , the breach of faith , which he has begun : thou traitor to thy lawful princess .", "No , sirrah , I 'll keep it on to abuse thee and leave thee without hopes of revenge .", "No thou pitiful flatterer of thy master 's imperfections ; thou maukin made up of the shreds and parings of his superfluous fopperies .", "Hang thee , beggar 's cur , thy master is but a mumper in love , lies canting at the gate ; but never dares presume to enter the house .", "Beast , filthy toad , I can hold no longer , look and tremble .", "I wonder thou hast the impudence to look me in the face .", "You could know my office by instinct , and be hanged , which you have slandered most abominably . It vexes me not what you said of my person ; but that my innocent calling should be exposed and scandalised \u2014 I cannot bear it .", "Swear .", "To be brief , then ; what is the reason your master did not appear to-day according to the summons I brought him ?", "Come , tell me in plain terms , how forward he is with Araminta .", "Stand off \u2014 he 's a precious jewel .", "Where is he now ?", "Remember to-day 's behaviour . Let me see you with a penitent face .", "No , no , avaunt \u2014 I 'll not be slabbered and kissed now \u2014 I 'm not i \u2019 th \u2019 humour ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1210, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Indeed it is very fine . I could look upon \u2018 em all day .", "If you could sing and dance so , I should love to look upon you too .", "Nay , do n't stare at me so . You make me blush \u2014 I cannot look .", "I dare not speak until I believe you , and indeed I 'm afraid to believe you yet .", "Must you lie , then , if you say you love me ?", "But love , they say , is a tender thing , that will smooth frowns , and make calm an angry face ; will soften a rugged temper , and make ill - humoured people good . You look ready to fright one , and talk as if your passion were not love , but anger .", "Indeed , if I were well assured you loved ; but how can I be well assured ?", "Ay , but that is no sign ; for they say , gentlemen will give money to any naughty woman to come to bed to them . O Gemini , I hope you do n't mean so \u2014 for I wo n't be a whore .", "Nay , if you would marry me , you should not come to bed to me \u2014 you have such a beard , and would so prickle one . But do you intend to marry me ?", "Nay , but if you love me , you must marry me . What , do n't I know my father loved my mother and was married to her ?", "Never tell me that ; I know it is not changed by myself : for I love you , and would marry you .", "No , no , I 'm not such a fool neither , but I can keep myself honest . Here , I wo n't keep anything that 's yours ; I hate you now ,and I 'll never see you again , \u2018 cause you 'd have me be naught .", "What did you call me for ?", "No , I 'll die before I 'll be your whore \u2014 as well as I love you .", "Well \u2014 good-bye .", "But when ?", "Ha , ha , ha , an old fox trapped \u2014 SCENE XI .LUCY . Bless me ! you frighted me ; I thought he had been come again , and had heard me .", "He 's going for a parson , girl , the forerunner of a midwife , some nine months hence . Well , I find dissembling to our sex is as natural as swimming to a negro ; we may depend upon our skill to save us at a plunge , though till then , we never make the experiment . But how hast thou succeeded ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1210, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Lard , my dear , I am glad I have met you ; I have been at the", "Exchange since , and am so tired \u2014", "Oh the most inhuman , barbarous hackney-coach ! I am jolted to a jelly . Am I not horribly touzed ?", "A little ! O frightful ! What a furious phiz I have ! O most rueful ! Ha , ha , ha . O Gad , I hope nobody will come this way , till I have put myself a little in repair . Ah ! my dear , I have seen such unhewn creatures since . Ha , ha , ha . I can n't for my soul help thinking that I look just like one of \u2018 em . Good dear , pin this , and I 'll tell you \u2014 very well \u2014 so , thank you , my dear \u2014 but as I was telling you \u2014 pish , this is the untowardest lock \u2014 so , as I was telling you \u2014 how d'ye like me now ? Hideous , ha ? Frightful still ? Or how ?", "And so \u2014 but where did I leave off , my dear ? I was telling you \u2014", "Oh ; a most comical sight : a country squire , with the equipage of a wife and two daughters , came to Mrs. Snipwel 's shop while I was there \u2014 but oh Gad ! two such unlicked cubs !", "Ay , o \u2019 my conscience , fat as barn-door fowl : but so bedecked , you would have taken \u2018 em for Friesland hens , with their feathers growing the wrong way . O such outlandish creatures ! Such Tramontanae , and foreigners to the fashion , or anything in practice ! I had not patience to behold . I undertook the modelling of one of their fronts , the more modern structure \u2014", "Of a very ancient one , I dare swear , by their dress . Affront ! pshaw , how you 're mistaken ! The poor creature , I warrant , was as full of curtsies , as if I had been her godmother . The truth o n't is , I did endeavour to make her look like a Christian \u2014 and she was sensible of it , for she thanked me , and gave me two apples , piping hot , out of her under - petticoat pocket . Ha , ha , ha : and t'other did so stare and gape , I fancied her like the front of her father 's hall ; her eyes were the two jut-windows , and her mouth the great door , most hospitably kept open for the entertainment of travelling flies .", "Why , the father bought a powder-horn , and an almanac , and a comb - case ; the mother , a great fruz-towr , and a fat amber necklace ; the daughters only tore two pairs of kid-leather gloves , with trying \u2018 em on . O Gad , here comes the fool that dined at my Lady Freelove 's t'other day . SCENE IX .", "We 'll put on our masks to secure his ignorance .", "O frightful ! cousin , what shall we do ? These things come towards us .", "O monstrous filthy fellow ! good slovenly Captain Huffe , Bluffebe gone : you stink of brandy and tobacco , most soldier-like . Foh .", "Dear Araminta , I 'm tired .", "You shall .", "Very courtly . I believe Mr. Vainlove has not rubbed his eyes since break of day neither , he looks as if he durst not approach . Nay , come , cousin , be friends with him . I swear he looks so very simply \u2014 ha , ha , ha . Well , a lover in the state of separation from his mistress is like a body without a soul . Mr. Vainlove , shall I be bound for your good behaviour for the future ?", "I have broke the ice for you , Mr. Vainlove , and so I leave you . Come , Mr . Sharper , you and I will take a turn , and laugh at the vulgar \u2014 both the great vulgar and the small . O Gad ! I have a great passion for Cowley . Do n't you admire him ?", "Ah so fine ! so extremely fine ! So everything in the world that I like \u2014 O Lord , walk this way \u2014 I see a couple ; I 'll give you their history . SCENE XII . ARAMINTA , VAINLOVE .", "Nay , we have spared nobody , I swear . Mr . Sharper , you 're a pure man ; where did you get this excellent talent of railing ?", "Nay , sure , railing is the best qualification in a woman 's man . SCENE XIV .", "How now , Pace ? Where 's my cousin ?", "O Lord , no , I 'll go along with her . Come , Mr . Sharper . SCENE XV ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1210, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Here 's nobody , nor no noise \u2014 \u2018 twas nothing but your fears .", "\u2018 Tis an alarm to love \u2014 come in again , and let us \u2014", "Pox choke him , would his horns were in his throat . My patch , my patch .", "Damned chance ! If I had gone a-whoring with the", "Practice of Piety in my pocket I had never been discovered .", "Soh !", "Well , now , I know my cue .\u2014 That is , very honourably to excuse her , and very impudently accuse myself .", "Since all artifice is vain . And I think myself obliged to speak the truth in justice to your wife .\u2014 No .", "By my troth , and so \u2018 tis . I have been a little too backward ; that 's the truth o n't .", "A whore-master .", "To lie with your wife .", "Why , faith , I must confess , so I designed you ; but you were a little unlucky in coming so soon , and hindered the making of your own fortune .", "Well , since I see thou art a good , honest fellow , I 'll confess the whole matter to thee .", "In short , then , I was informed of the opportunity of your absence by my spyI knew Spintext was to come by your direction . But I laid a trap for him , and procured his habit , in which I passed upon your servants , and was conducted hither . I pretended a fit of the colic , to excuse my lying down upon your bed ; hoping that when she heard of it , her good nature would bring her to administer remedies for my distemper . You know what might have followed . But , like an uncivil person , you knocked at the door before your wife was come to me .", "That you may , faith , and I hope you wo n't believe a word o n't \u2014 but", "I can n't help telling the truth , for my life .", "No ; for then you must of consequence part with your wife , and there will be some hopes of having her upon the public ; then the encouragement of a separate maintenance \u2014", "How can'st thou be so cruel , Isaac ? Thou hast the heart of a mountain-tiger . By the faith of a sincere sinner , she 's innocent for me . Go to him , madam , fling your snowy arms about his stubborn neck ; bathe his relentless face in your salt trickling tears .So , a few soft words , and a kiss , and the good man melts . See how kind nature works , and boils over in him .", "For my part , I am so charmed with the love of your turtle to you , that I 'll go and solicit matrimony with all my might and main .", "See the great blessing of an easy faith ; opinion cannot err .", "No husband , by his wife , can be deceived ;", "She still is virtuous , if she 's so believed ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1210, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Here are fifty pieces in this purse , Sir Joseph ; if you will tarry a moment , till I fetch my papers , I 'll wait upon you down-stairs .", "Bless us ! What 's the matter ? What 's the matter ?", "O traitor ! I 'm astonished . O bloody-minded traitor !", "Oh , how the blasphemous wretch swears ! Out of my house , thou son of the whore of Babylon ; offspring of Bel and the Dragon .\u2014 Bless us ! ravish my wife ! my Dinah ! Oh , Shechemite ! Begone , I say .", "I 'll shut this door to secure him from coming back \u2014 Give me the key of your cabinet , Cocky . Ravish my wife before my face ? I warrant he 's a Papist in his heart at least , if not a Frenchman .", "Alack , poor man \u2014 no , no \u2014 you do n't know the papers \u2014 I wo n't disturb him ; give me the key .", "Ay , ay , lie still , lie still ; do n't let me disturb you . SCENE XX . LAETITIA alone .", "Good lack ! good lack ! I profess the poor man is in great torment ; he lies as flat \u2014 Dear , you should heat a trencher , or a napkin .\u2014 Where 's Deborah ? Let her clap some warm thing to his stomach , or chafe it with a warm hand rather than fail . What book 's this ?", "Good man ! I warrant he dropped it on purpose that you might take it up and read some of the pious ejaculations .O bless me ! O monstrous ! A prayer-book ? Ay , this is the devil 's paternoster . Hold , let me see : The Innocent Adultery .", "Adultery , and innocent ! O Lord ! Here 's doctrine ! Ay , here 's discipline !", "Speculation ! No no ; something went farther than speculation when I was not to be let in .\u2014 Where is this apocryphal elder ? I 'll ferret him .", "Come out here , thou Ananias incarnate . Who , how now ! Who have we here ?", "Oh thou salacious woman ! Am I then brutified ? Ay , I feel it here ; I sprout , I bud , I blossom , I am ripe-horn-mad . But who in the devil 's name are you ? Mercy on me for swearing . But \u2014", "Indeed , and I have horns , dear . The devil , no , I am afraid \u2018 tis the flesh , thou harlot . Dear , with the pox . Come Syren , speak , confess , who is this reverend , brawny pastor .", "Oh , it is a man then , it seems .", "Thou art a devil in his proper clothing \u2014 woman 's flesh . What , you know nothing of him , but his fleece here ! You do n't love mutton ? you Magdalen unconverted .", "O Lord ! O strange ! I am in admiration of your impudence . Look at him a little better ; he is more modest , I warrant you , than to deny it . Come , were you two never face to face before ? Speak .", "Humph .", "Nay , I find you are both in a story ; that I must confess . But , what \u2014 not to be cured of the colic ? Do n't you know your patient , Mrs. Quack ? Oh , \u2018 lie upon your stomach ; lying upon your stomach will cure you of the colic . \u2019 Ah ! answer me , Jezebel ?", "Come , sir , who are you , in the first place ? And what are you ?", "Very concise .", "Well , sir , and what came you hither for ?", "Good again . A very civil person this , and I believe speaks truth .", "Well , sir ; pray be covered \u2014 and you have \u2014 Heh ! You have finished the matter , heh ? And I am , as I should be , a sort of civil perquisite to a whore-master , called a cuckold , heh ? Is it not so ? Come , I 'm inclining to believe every word you say .", "Humph . Nay , if you mince the matter once and go back of your word you are not the person I took you for . Come , come , go on boldly .\u2014 What , do n't be ashamed of your profession .\u2014 Confess , confess ; I shall love thee the better for't . I shall , i'feck . What , dost think I do n't know how to behave myself in the employment of a cuckold , and have been three years apprentice to matrimony ? Come , come ; plain dealing is a jewel .", "Oh , I am a very honest fellow . You never lay with an honester man 's wife in your life .", "Ha ! This is apocryphal ; I may choose whether I will believe it or no .", "How ! would not you have me believe you , say you ?", "No , no ; for that matter , when she and I part , she 'll carry her separate maintenance about her .", "Ah , dissembling vermin !", "Ah ! No , no , I cannot speak , my heart 's so full \u2014 I have been a tender husband , a tender yoke-fellow ; you know I have .\u2014 But thou hast been a faithless Delilah , and the Philistines \u2014 Heh ! Art thou not vile and unclean , heh ? Speak .", "Oh that I could believe thee !", "Heh , how ! No , stay , stay , I will believe thee , I will . Pray bend her forward , sir .", "Here , here ; I do believe thee . I wo n't believe my own eyes .", "Well , well , sir ; as long as I believe it , \u2018 tis well enough . No thanks to you , sir , for her virtue .\u2014 But , I 'll show you the way out of my house , if you please . Come , my dear . Nay , I will believe thee , I do , i'feck ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1210, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Nay , prithee leave railing , and come along with me . May be she may n't be within . \u2018 Tis but to yond corner-house .", "Why , there : the two white posts .", "Pshaw , thou'rt so troublesome and inquisitive . My , I 'll tell you ; \u2018 tis a young creature that Vainlove debauched and has forsaken . Did you never hear Bellmour chide him about Sylvia ?", "Why , thou art as musty as a new-married man that had found his wife knowing the first night .", "No , faith ; I believe not . Few women but have their year of probation before they are cloistered in the narrow joys of wedlock . But , prithee , come along with me or I 'll go and have the lady to myself . B'w ' y George .", "How now ?", "Married !", "Heaven forbid , man ! How long ?", "My old bachelor married ! That were a jest . Ha , ha , ha .", "Mad , by this light .", "Thus grief still treads upon the heels of pleasure :", "Married in haste , we may repent at leisure .", "SCENE IX .", "SHARPER , SETTER .", "Here again , my Mercury !", "As how , dear , dexterous pimp ?", "O rogue ! Well , but I hope \u2014", "Where 's the bride ?", "Hist ! Bellmour . If you 'll bring the ladies , make haste to", "Sylvia 's lodgings , before Heartwell has fretted himself out of breath .", "Vainlove , I have been a kind of a godfather to you yonder . I have promised and vowed some things in your name which I think you are bound to perform .", "No , I 'll deal fairly with you . \u2018 Tis a full and free discharge to Sir Joseph Wittal and Captain Bluffe ; for all injuries whatsoever , done unto you by them , until the present date hereof . How say you ?", "Then , let me beg these ladies to wear their masks , a moment . Come in , gentlemen and ladies .", "\u2018 Tis done , these gentlemen are witnesses to the general release .", "Sir Joseph , you had better have pre-engaged this gentleman 's pardon : for though Vainlove be so generous to forgive the loss of his mistress , I know not how Heartwell may take the loss of his wife .", "Bellmour will unriddle to you .", "Come , Sir Joseph , your fortune is not so bad as you fear . A fine lady , and a lady of very good quality .", "And jealous , as a barren wife ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1210, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Polydore , our sport", "Has been to-day much better for the danger :", "When on the brink the foaming boar I met ,", "And in his side thought to have lodg 'd my spear ,", "The desperate savage rush 'd within my force ,", "And bore me headlong with him down the rock .", "Ay , then , my brother , my friend , Polydore ,", "Like Perseus mounted on his winged steed ,", "Came on , and down the dang'rous precipice leap 'd", "To save Castilio .\u2014 \u2018 Twas a godlike act !", "So , Polydore , methinks , we might in war", "Rush on together ; thou shouldst be my guard ,", "And I be thine . What is't could hurt us then ?", "Now half the youth of Europe are in arms ,", "How fulsome must it be to stay behind ,", "And die of rank diseases here at home !", "Our father", "Has ta'en himself a surfeit of the world ,", "And cries , it is not safe that we should taste it .", "I own , I have duty very pow'rful in me :", "And though I 'd hazard all to raise my name ,", "Yet he 's so tender , and so good a father ,", "I could not do a thing to cross his will .", "Have I a thought my Polydore should not know ? What can this mean ?", "As calmly as the wounded patient bears", "The artist 's hand , that ministers his cure .", "Suppose I should ?", "You 'd say , I must not .", "Is love a fault ?", "Then I must inform you", "I lov 'd her first , and cannot quit the claim ;", "But will preserve the birthright of my passion .", "I will .", "Why not ?", "No ;", "Not with my Polydore :\u2014 though I must own", "My nature obstinate , and void of suff'rance ;", "I could not bear a rival in my friendship ,", "I am so much in love , and fond of thee .", "Not for crowns .", "Pr'ythee , where 's my fault ?", "Yes .", "No ;\u2014 sure we 're such friends ,", "So much one man , that our affections too", "Must be united , and the same as we are .", "Love her still ;", "Win , and enjoy her .", "No matter", "Whose chance it prove ; but let 's not quarrel for't .", "Wed her !", "No \u2014 were she all desire could wish , as fair", "As would the vainest of her sex be thought ,", "With wealth beyond what woman 's pride could waste ,", "She should not cheat me of my freedom .\u2014 Marry !", "When I am old and weary of the world ,", "I may grow desperate ,", "And take a wife to mortify withal .", "Mere vanity , and silly dotage , all :\u2014", "No , let me live at large , and when I die \u2014\u2014", "My friend ,", "If he survive me ; if not , my king ,", "Who may bestow't again on some brave man ,", "Whose honesty and services deserve one .", "By yon heaven , I love", "My Polydore beyond all worldly joys ;", "And would not shock his quiet , to be blest", "With greater happiness than man e'er tasted .", "No matter whose .", "I was ; and should have met her here again .", "The opportunity shall now be thine ?", "But have a care , by friendship I conjure thee ,", "That no false play be offer 'd to thy brother .", "Urge all thy powers to make thy passion prosper ;", "But wrong not mine .", "If't prove thy fortune , Polydore , to conquer", ";", "Trust me , and let me know thy love 's success ,", "That I may ever after stifle mine .", "Madam , my brother begs he may have leave", "To tell you something that concerns you nearly .", "I leave you , as becomes me , and withdraw .", "Madam !", "He best can tell you . Business of importance", "Calls me away : I must attend my father .", "But for a moment .", "I could for ever hear thee ; but this time", "Matters of such odd circumstances press me ,", "That I must go ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1216, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["To-day has been a day of glorious sport :", "When you , Castalio , and your brother , left me ,", "Forth from the thickets rush 'd another boar ,", "So large , he seem 'd the tyrant of the woods ,", "With all his dreadful bristles rais 'd up high ,", "They seem 'd a grove of spears upon his back ;", "Foaming he came at me , where I was posted", "Best to observe which way he 'd lead the chase ,", "Whetting his huge large tusks , and gaping wide ,", "As if he already had me for his prey !", "Till , brandishing my well-pois 'd javelin high ,", "With this bold executing arm I struck", "The ugly brindled monster to the heart .", "No flattery , boy ! an honest man can n't live by't ;", "It is a little sneaking art , which knaves", "Use to cajole and soften fools withal .", "If thou hast flattery in thy nature , out with't ,", "Or send it to a court , for there \u2018 twill thrive .", "Busy your minds then , study arts and men ;", "Learn how to value merit , though in rags ,", "And scorn a proud , ill-manner 'd , knave in office .", "Blessings on my child ! My little cherub , what hast thou to ask me ?", "By my soul ,", "And all my honours , he 's most dearly welcome ;", "Let me receive him like his father 's friend .", "Enter Chamont .", "Welcome , thou relic of the best lov 'd man !", "Welcome , from all the turmoils and the hazards", "Of certain danger and uncertain fortune !", "Welcome , as happy tidings after fears .", "Young soldier , you 've not only studied war ;", "Courtship , I see , has been your practice too ,", "And may not prove unwelcome to my daughter .", "Thus happy , who would envy pompous pow'r ,", "The luxury of courts , or wealth of cities ?", "Let there be joy through all the house this day !", "In ev'ry room let plenty flow at large !", "It is the birth day of my royal master !", "You have not visited the court , Chamont ,", "Since your return ?", "This you could do .", "Who 'd serve him ?", "Away !", "He needs not any servants such as you .", "Serve him ! he merits more than man can do !", "He is so good , praise cannot speak his worth ;", "So merciful , sure he ne'er slept in wrath !", "So just , that , were he but a private man ,", "He could not do a wrong ! How would you serve him ?", "Let me embrace ye both ! now , by the souls", "Of my brave ancestors , I 'm truly happy !", "For this , be ever blest my marriage day !", "Blest be your mother 's memory , that bore you ;", "And doubly blest be that auspicious hour", "That gave ye birth !", "Go you and give \u2018 em welcome and reception .", "Spoke like the son of that brave man I lov 'd !", "So freely , friendly , we convers 'd together .", "Whate'er it be , with confidence impart it ;", "Thou shalt command my fortune and my sword .", "Pr'ythee no more of that , it grates my nature .", "It speaks an honest nature .", "I 've not wrong 'd her .", "Then why this argument ?", "Go on .", "I cannot guess your drift ;", "Distrust you me ?", "Then first charge her ; and if th \u2019 offence be found", "Within my reach , though it should touch my nature ,", "In my own offspring , by the dear remembrance", "Of thy brave father , whom my heart rejoic 'd in ,", "I 'd prosecute it with severest vengeance ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1216, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Were they so kind ? Express it to me all", "In words ; \u2018 twill make me think I saw it too .", "But what succeeded ?", "Boy , go to your chamber , and prepare your lute .", "The matter ?", "Castalio !", "I left him happily repos 'd to rest :", "He 's still as gay as if his life was young .", "But how does fair Monimia ?", "Is she the same Monimia still she was ? May we not hope she 's made of mortal mould ?", "Yet may relief be unexpected found ,", "And love 's sweet manna cover all the field .", "Met ye to-day ?", "To what ?", "What , quit my love ? as soon I 'd quit my post", "In fight , and like a coward run away .", "No , by my stars , I 'll chase her till she yields", "To me , or meets her rescue in another .", "Then speak \u2018 em :", "What are they ? Came ye to her window here", "To learn \u2018 em now ? Castalio , have a care ;", "Use honest dealing with a friend and brother .", "Believe me , I 'm not with my love so blinded ,", "But can discern your purpose to abuse me .", "Quit your pretences to her .", "You say you 've reasons : why are they conceal 'd ?", "Why not now ?", "When you , Castalio , cease", "To meet Monimia unknown to me ,", "And then deny it slavishly , I 'll cease", "To think Castalio faithless to his friend .", "Did I not see you part this very moment ?", "I scorn the office .", "That is , henceforward making league with you .", "Good night , Castalio , if ye 're in such haste .", "He little thinks I 've overheard th \u2019 appointment :", "But to his chamber 's gone to wait awhile ,", "Then come and take possession of my love .", "This is the utmost point of all my hopes ;", "Or now she must , or never can , be mine .", "Oh , for a means now how to counterplot ,", "And disappoint this happy elder brother", "In every thing we do or undertake ,", "He soars above me , mount what height I can ,", "And keeps the start he got of me in birth .", "Cordelio !", "Re-enter Page .", "Come hither , boy !", "Thou hast a pretty , forward , lying face ,", "And may'st in time expect preferment . Canst thou", "Pretend to secresy , cajole and flatter", "Thy master 's follies , and assist his pleasures ?", "\u2018 Tis pity then thou shouldst not be employ 'd .", "Go to my brother , he 's in his chamber now ,", "Undressing , and preparing for his rest ;", "Find out some means to keep him up awhile :", "Tell him a pretty story , that may please", "His ear ; invent a tale , no matter what :", "If he should ask of me , tell him I 'm gone", "To bed , and sent you there to know his pleasure ,", "Whether he 'll hunt to-morrow .", "But do not leave him till he 's in his bed ;", "Or , if he chance to walk again this way ,", "Follow , and do not quit him , but seem fond", "To do him little offices of service .", "Perhaps at last it may offend him ; then", "Retire , and wait till I come in . Away !", "Succeed in this , and be employ 'd again .", "Run quickly then , and prosp'rous be thy wishes .", "Here I 'm alone , and fit for mischief .", "\u2018 Tis I .", "The same . How does my love , my dear Monimia ?", "Tell her I 'm here , and let the door be open 'd .", "Now boast , Castalio , triumph now , and tell", "Thyself strange stories of a promis 'd bliss !", "Re-enter Castalio and Page ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1216, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Wish 'd morning 's come ! And now upon the plains ,", "And distant mountains , where they feed their flocks ,", "The happy shepherds leave their homely huts ,", "And with their pipes proclaim the new-born day .", "There 's no condition sure so curs 'd as mine \u2014\u2014", "Monimia ! O Monimia !", "Oh \u2014\u2014", "\u2018 Tis here \u2014 \u2018 tis in my head \u2014 \u2018 tis in my heart \u2014", "\u2018 Tis every where : it rages like a madness ,", "And I most wonder how my reason holds .", "No more , Monimia , of your sex 's arts :", "They 're useless all \u2014 I 'm not that pliant tool ;", "I know my charter better \u2014\u2014 I am man ,", "Obstinate man , and will not be enslav 'd !", "Nay , you shall not , madam ;", "By yon bright heaven , you shall not : all the day", "I 'll play the tyrant , and at night forsake thee ;", "Nay , if I 've any too , thou shalt be made", "Subservient to my looser pleasures ;", "For thou hast wrong 'd Castalio .", "Away !\u2014\u2014 Last night ! last night !\u2014\u2014", "No more !\u2014 Forget it !", "I do ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1216, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["See where the deer trot after one another ;", "No discontent they know ; but in delightful", "Wildness and freedom , pleasant springs , fresh herbage ,", "Calm arbours , lusty health , and innocence ,", "Enjoy their portion :\u2014 if they see a man ,", "How will they turn together all , and gaze", "Upon the monster !", "Once in a season , too , they taste of love :", "Only the beast of reason is its slave ;", "And in that folly drudges all the year .", "Who 's there", "So wretched but to name Castalio ?", "My father ! \u2018 Tis joy to see you , though where sorrow 's nourish 'd .", "Sure my lord but mocks me :", "Go see Monimia ?", "Who has complain 'd ?", "What terms ? Her brother ! Heaven ! Where learn 'd he that ? What , does she send her hero with defiance ? He durst not sure affront you ?", "Speak , what said he ?", "Shame on the ill-manner 'd brute ! Your age secur 'd him ; he durst not else have said .", "Justice ! to give her justice would undo her .", "Think you this solitude I now have chosen ,", "Wish 'd to have grown one piece", "With this cold day , and all without a cause ?", "The slave is here .", "Then you are Chamont ?", "I 've heard of such a man ,", "That has been very busy with my honour .", "I own I 'm much indebted to you , sir ,", "And here return the villain back again", "You sent me by my father .", "Sir , in my younger years with care you taught me", "That brave revenge was due to injur 'd honour :", "Oppose not then the justice of my sword ,", "Lest you should make me jealous of your love .", "I am a villain , if I will not seek thee ,", "Till I may be reveng 'd for all the wrongs", "Done me by that ungrateful fair thou plead'st for .", "It shall not .", "Ha ! set me free .", "Sir , if you 'd have me think you did not take", "This opportunity to show your vanity ,", "Let 's meet some other time , when by ourselves", "We fairly may dispute our wrongs together .", "Damn her !", "Did I ?", "I 'm sorry for't .", "No .", "That she 's my wife , may heaven and you forgive me .", "No .", "Why will you urge a thing my nature starts at ?", "Lightnings first shall blast me !", "I tell you , were she prostrate at my feet ,", "Full of her sex 's best dissembled sorrows", "And all that wondrous beauty of her own ,", "My heart might break , but it should never soften .", "Ha ! will she ? Does she name Castalio ?", "And with such tenderness ? Conduct me quickly", "To the poor lovely mourner .", "I cannot hear Monimia 's soul 's in sadness ,", "And be a man : my heart will not forget her .", "Oh ! I will throw my impatient arms about her ;", "In her soft bosom sigh my soul to peace ;", "Till through the panting breast she finds the way", "To mould my heart , and make it what she will .", "Monimia ! Oh !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1216, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Stand off , and give me room ;", "I will not rest till I have found Castalio ,", "My wish 's lord , comely as the rising day .", "I cannot die in peace till I have seen him .", "Hark ! \u2018 tis he that answers . Where art thou ?", "No nearer , lest I vanish .", "Oh ! were it possible that we could drown", "In dark oblivion but a few past hours ,", "We might be happy .", "If I am dumb , Castalio , and want words", "To pay thee back this mighty tenderness ,", "It is because I look on thee with horror ,", "And cannot see the man I have so wrong 'd .", "Ah ! alas , thou talk'st", "Just as thy poor heart thinks . Have not I wrong 'd thee ?", "Still thou wander'st in the dark , Castalio ;", "But wilt , ere long , stumble on horrid danger .", "Did I not beg thee to forbear inquiry ?", "Read'st thou not something in my face , that speaks", "Wonderful change , and horror from within me ?", "My heart wo n't let me speak it ; but remember ,", "Monimia , poor Monimia , tells you this :", "We ne'er must meet again \u2014\u2014", "No , never .", "Time will clear all ; but now let this content you :", "Heaven has decreed , and therefore I 've resolv 'd", "Ever to be a stranger to thy love ,", "In some far distant country waste my life ,", "And from this day to see thy face no more .", "Ah ! poor Castalio !", "I 'm here ! who calls me ?", "Methought I heard a voice", "Sweet as the shepherd 's pipe upon the mountains ,", "When all his little flock 's at feed before him .", "But what means this ? here 's blood !", "That task myself have finish 'd : I shall die", "Before we part : I 've drunk a healing draught", "For all my cares , and never more shall wrong thee .", "Now , my Castalio , the most dear of men ,", "Wilt thou receive pollution to thy bosom ,", "And close the eyes of one that has betray 'd you ?", "When I 'm laid low i'th \u2019 grave , and quite forgotten ,", "May'st thou be happy in a fairer bride !", "But none can ever love thee like Monimia .", "When I am dead , as presently I shall be", ",", "Speak well of me : and if thou find ill tongues", "Too busy with my fame , do n't hear me wrong 'd ;", "\u2018 Twill be a noble justice to the memory", "Of a poor wretch , once honour 'd with thy love ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1216, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["If any gentlemen soldiers or others , have a mind to serve his majesty , and pull down the French king ; if any \u2018 prentices have severe masters , any children have undutiful parents ; if any servants have too little wages , or any husband too much wife , let them repair to the noble Serjeant Kite , at the sign of the Raven , in this good town of Shrewsbury , and they shall receive present relief and entertainment .\u2014\u2014 Gentlemen , I do n't beat my drums here to insnare or inveigle any man ; for you must know , gentlemen , that I am a man of honour : besides , I do n't beat up for common soldiers ; no , I list only grenadiers ; grenadiers , gentlemen .\u2014\u2014 Pray , gentlemen , observe this cap \u2014 this is the cap of honour ; it dubs a man a gentleman , in the drawing of a trigger ; and he , that has the good fortune to be born six foot high , was born to be a great man \u2014 Sir , will you give me leave to try this cap upon your head ?", "No , no , no more than I can .\u2014 Come , let me see how it becomes you .", "No , no , friend ; do n't fear , man .", "The crown , or the bed of honour .", "Oh ! a mighty large bed ! bigger by half than the great bed at Ware \u2014 ten thousand people may lie in it together , and never feel one another .", "Sound ! ay , so sound that they never wake .", "Say you so ! then I find , brother \u2014\u2014", "I coax ! I wheedle ! I 'm above it , sir : I have served twenty campaigns \u2014\u2014 but , sir , you talk well , and I must own that you are a man , every inch of you ; a pretty , young , sprightly fellow !\u2014 I love a fellow with a spirit ; but I scorn to coax ; \u2018 tis base ; though I must say , that never in my life have I seen a man better built . How firm and strong he treads ! he steps like a castle ! but I scorn to wheedle any man \u2014 Come , honest lad ! will you take share of a pot ?", "Give me your hand then ; and now , gentlemen , I have no more to say but this \u2014 here 's a purse of gold , and there is a tub of humming ale at my quarters \u2014 \u2018 tis the king 's money , and the king 's drink \u2014 he 's a generous king , and loves his subjects \u2014 I hope , gentlemen , you wo n't refuse the king 's health .", "Huzza , then ! huzza for the king , and the honour of Shropshire .", "Beat drum .", "Welcome to Shrewsbury , noble captain ! from the banks of the", "Danube to the Severn side , noble captain ! you 're welcome .", "I 've been here a week , and I 've recruited five .", "I have listed the strong man of Kent , the king of the gipsies , a", "Scotch pedlar , a scoundrel attorney , and a Welsh parson .", "Why , sir ?", "And what shall I do with the parson ?", "Hum ? he plays rarely upon the fiddle .", "Sir , the mob are so pleased with your honour , and the justices and better sort of people , are so delighted with me , that we shall soon do your business \u2014\u2014 But , sir , you have got a recruit here , that you little think of .", "One that you beat up for the last time you were in the country . You remember your old friend Molly , at the Castle ?", "She was brought to-bed yesterday .", "And so her friends will oblige me to marry the mother .", "Ay , or unmake it upon occasion . But your honour knows that I am married already .", "I can n't tell readily \u2014 I have set them down here upon the back of the muster-roll .Let me see \u2014 Imprimis , Mrs. Shely Snikereyes ; she sells potatoes upon Ormond key , in Dublin \u2014 Peggy Guzzle , the brandy woman at the Horse Guards , at Whitehall \u2014 Dolly Waggon , the carrier 's daughter , at Hull \u2014 Mademoiselle Van Bottomflat , at the Buss \u2014 then Jenny Oakum , the ship-carpenter 's widow , at Portsmouth ; but I do n't reckon upon her , for she was married at the same time to two lieutenants of marines , and a man of war 's boatswain .", "A chopping boy .", "I shall , sir .", "Yes , yes , sir ; and my fame 's all about the country for the most faithful fortune-teller that ever told a lie \u2014 I was obliged to let my landlord into the secret , for the convenience of keeping it so ; but he is an honest fellow , and will be faithful to any roguery that is trusted to him . This device , sir , will get you men , and me , money , which , I think , is all we want at present \u2014 But yonder comes your friend , Mr. Worthy \u2014 Has your honour any further commands ?", "Captain , captain ! a word in your ear .", "You know , sir , that you sent me to comfort the good woman in the straw , Mrs. Molly \u2014 my wife , Mr. Worthy .", "Your worship very well may \u2014 for I have got both a wife and a child in half an hour \u2014 But as I was saying \u2014 you sent me to comfort Mrs. Molly \u2014 my wife , I mean \u2014 but what d'ye think , sir ? she was better comforted before I came .", "Why , sir , a footman in a blue livery had brought her ten guineas to buy her baby-clothes .", "Nay , sir , I must whisper that \u2014 Mrs. Sylvia .", "Here are the guineas , sir \u2014 I took the gold as part of my wife 's portion . Nay , farther , sir , she sent word the child should be taken all imaginable care of , and that she intended to stand godmother . The same footman , as I was coming to you with this news , called after me , and told me , that his lady would speak to me \u2014 I went , and upon hearing that you were come to town , she gave me half a guinea for the news , and ordered me to tell you , that Justice Balance , her father , who is just come out of the country , would be glad to see you .", "No , sir ; I 'd have you to know I do n't keep such company ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1225, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Welcome to town , cousin Sylvia .I envied you your retreat in the country ; for Shrewsbury , methinks , and all your heads of shires , are the most irregular places for living : here we have smoke , scandal , affectation , and pretension ; in short , every thing to give the spleen \u2014 and nothing to divert it \u2014 then the air is intolerable .", "But you do n't consider , Sylvia , how long I have lived in it ; for I can assure you that to a lady the least nice in her constitution \u2014 no air can be good above half a year . Change of air I take to be the most agreeable of any variety in life .", "Psha ! I talk only of the air we breathe , or more properly of that we taste \u2014 Have not you , Sylvia , found a vast difference in the taste of airs ?", "Our education , cousin , was the same , but our temperaments had nothing alike ; you have the constitution of an horse .", "You are in a fair way of being put to't , for I am told your captain is come to town .", "You are certainly mad , cousin !", "Thou poor romantic Quixote !\u2014 hast thou the vanity to imagine that a young sprightly officer , that rambles o'er half the globe in half a year , can confine his thoughts to the little daughter of a country justice , in an obscure part of the world ?", "That is , you are tired of an appendix to our sex , that you can n't so handsomely get rid of in petticoats as if you were in breeches .\u2014 O'my conscience , Sylvia , hadst thou been a man , thou hadst been the greatest rake in Christendom .", "He 's my aversion .", "What do you say , madam ?", "Satisfaction ! you begin to fancy yourself in breeches in good earnest \u2014 But , to be plain with you , I like Worthy the worse for being so intimate with your captain ; for I take him to be a loose , idle , unmannerly coxcomb .", "What do you mean , madam ?", "Better it had , madam ; for methinks you are too plain .", "Were I sure of that , I would be glad to take up with a rakehelly officer , as you do .", "And if you had kept in yours , I should have excused you .", "The sooner , therefore , you make an end of this , the better .", "Saucy thing !", "Did not you see the proud nothing , how she swelled upon the arrival of her fellow ?", "Nor sha n't , if I can help it .\u2014 Let me see \u2014 I have it ; bring me pen and ink \u2014 Hold , I 'll go write in my closet .", "Who sent it ?", "He 's a fool , and I 'm tired of him : send it back unopened .", "Then how should I send an answer ? Call him back immediately , while I go write ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1225, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Hey , boys ! thus we soldiers live ! drink , sing , dance , play ;\u2014 we live , as one should say \u2014 we live \u2014 \u2018 tis impossible to tell how we live \u2014 we are all princes \u2014 why , why you are a king \u2014 you are an emperor , and I 'm a prince \u2014 now , a n't we ?", "No !", "A justice of peace , man !", "Done ; you are a justice of peace , and you are a king , and I am a duke , and a rum duke , a n't I ?", "A queen .", "Bravely said , \u2018 faith ! huzza for the queen .But harkye , you Mr. Justice , and you Mr. Queen , did you ever see the king 's picture ?", "I wonder at that ; I have two of them set in gold , and as like his majesty , God bless the mark ! see here , they are set in gold .", "O ! Carolus ! why , Carolus is Latin for King George ; that 's all .", "A crown ! never talk of buying ; \u2018 tis the same thing among friends , you know ; I 'll present them to ye both : you shall give me as good a thing . Put them up , and remember your old friend when I am over the hills and far away . Enter PLUME , singing . Over the hills and over the main , To Flanders , Portugal , or Spain The king commands and we 'll obey , Over the hills and far away . Come on my men of mirth , away with it ; I 'll make one among ye . Who are these hearty lads ?", "Off with your hats ; \u2018 ounds ! off with your hats : this is the captain , the captain .", "A couple of honest brave fellows that are willing to serve the king : I have entertained them just now as volunteers , under your honour 's command .", "What ! not listed ? ha ! ha ! ha ! a very good jest , i'faith .", "Home ! for shame , gentlemen ; behave yourselves better before your captain . Dear Tummas , honest Costar !", "Nay , then , I command you to stay : I place you both centinels in this place for two hours , to watch the motion of St. Mary 's clock you , and you the motion of St. Chad 's ; and he , that dares stir from his post till he be relieved , shall have my sword in his guts the next minute .", "I 'm too mild , sir ; they disobey command , sir ; and one of them should be shot , for an example to the other .", "They disobey command ; they deny their being listed .", "They have each of them received one-and-twenty shillings , and \u2018 tis now in their pockets .", "See there , a guinea , one and twenty shillings ; t'other has the fellow o n't .", "A n't you a couple of pretty fellows , now ! Here , you have complained to the captain ; I am to be turned out , and one of you will be serjeant . Which of you is to have my halberd ? Both Rec . I .", "So you shall \u2014 in your guts .\u2014 March , you sons of whores !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1225, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I cannot forbear admiring the equality of our fortunes : we love two ladies , they meet us half way , and just as we were upon the point of leaping into their arms , fortune drops in their laps , pride possesses their hearts , a maggot fills their heads , madness takes them by the tails ; they snort , kick up their heels , and away they run .", "I have a trick for mine ; the letter , you know , and the fortune-teller .", "What is't ?", "No !", "Ha ! ha ! ha ! ay , and the window-bars too , to come at her . Come , come , friend , no more of your rough military airs .", "Yes , child , we 'll both buy .", "Then must I shift for myself , I find .", "Why thou art the most useful fellow in nature to your captain , admirable in your way I find .", "How came you so qualified ?", "And pray what induced you to turn soldier ?", "Ha ! ha ! ha ! I know his sister is gone with Plume to his lodging , to sell him some chickens .", "Hast thou no more sense , fellow , than to believe that the captain can list women ?", "You see , sir , how little he values your daughter 's disdain .", "Very slowly . My mistress has got a captain too , but such a captain !\u2014 as I live , yonder he comes !", "But I engage he knows you and every body at first sight : his impudence were a prodigy , were not his ignorance proportionable ; he has the most universal acquaintance of any man living , for he wo n't be alone , and nobody will keep him company twice : then he 's a Caesar among the women , veni , vidi , vici , that 's all . If he has but talked with the maid , he swears he has lain with the mistress : but the most surprising part of his character is his memory , which is the most prodigious and the most trifling in the world .", "This is your man , sir , add but the traveller 's privilege of lying , and even that he abuses : this is the picture , behold the life .", "Whispering , sir , before company , is not manners , and when nobody 's by \u2018 tis foolish .", "Ask him .", "Then , sir , you must have rid mighty hard .", "Do you know one Captain Plume , sir ?", "I do n't think she encourages him so much for gaining herself a lover , as to set up a rival . Were there any credit to be given to his words , I should believe Melinda had made him this assignation . I must go see , sir , you 'll pardon me ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1225, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Let me see ; young and tender , you say .", "Come , I must examine your basket to the bottom , my dear !", "And I 'll buy it all , child , were it ten times more .", "Come , then , we wo n't quarrel about the price ; they 're fine birds .\u2014 Pray , what 's your name , pretty creature !", "Kite !Pretty Mrs. Rose \u2014 you have \u2014 let me see \u2014 how many ?", "Here 's a guinea , my dear !", "Indeed , indeed , but you can \u2014 my lodging is hard by , chicken ! and we 'll make change there .", "But it is not so", "With those that go", "Thro \u2019 frost and snow \u2014\u2014", "Most apropos ,", "My maid with the milking pail .", "How , the justice ! then I 'm arraigned , condemned and executed .", "\u2018 Sdeath ! child , are you mad ?\u2014 Mr . Balance , I am so full of business about my recruits , that I ha'n ' t a moment 's time to \u2014\u2014 I have just now three or four people to \u2014\u2014", "Any other time , sir \u2014 I cannot , for my life , sir \u2014", "Twenty thousand things \u2014 I would \u2014 but \u2014 now , sir , pray \u2014 Devil take me \u2014 I cannot \u2014 I must \u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1225, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["True to the touch , \u2018 faith !Madam , I am your humble servant , and all that , madam . A fine river , this same Severn \u2014 Do you love fishing , madam ?", "I 'll go and buy hooks and lines presently ; for you must know , madam , that I have served in Flanders against the French , in Hungary against the Turks , and in Tangier against the Moors , and I was never so much in love before ; and split me , madam , in all the campaigns I ever made , I have not seen so fine a woman as your ladyship .", "Some of us , madam ; but there are brutes among us too , very sad brutes ; for my own part , I have always had the good luck to prove agreeable . I have had very considerable offers , madam \u2014 I might have married a German princess , worth fifty thousand crowns a-year , but her stove disgusted me . The daughter of a Turkish bashaw fell in love with me , too , when I was a prisoner among the Infidels ; she offered to rob her father of his treasure , and make her escape with me ; but I do n't know how , my time was not come : hanging and marriage , you know , go by destiny : Fate has reserved me for a Shropshire lady , worth twenty thousand pounds . Do you know any such person , madam ?", "Nay , for that matter , madam , there are women of very good quality of the name of Brazen .", "My hand , heart 's blood , and guts , are at your service . Mr. Worthy , your servant , my dear !", "Who 's that , madam ?", "Ay \u2014 my dear !", "My dear boy ! how is't ? Your name , my dear ! If I be not mistaken , I have seen your face .", "Have you any pretensions , sir ?", "That is , sir , have you ever served abroad ?", "Will you fight for the lady , sir ?", "Oons , sir ! not fight for her ?", "Do n't mind him , madam \u2014 if he were not so well dressed , I should take him for a poet ; but I 'll show you the difference presently . Come , madam , we 'll place you between us , and now the longest sword carries her .", "No , sir , you are my man .", "Then you 're not worth my sword .", "It cost me twenty pistoles in France , and my enemies thousands of lives in Flanders .", "My dear , I 'm yours .", "No , but I will presently \u2014 Your name , my dear ?", "What , the Kentish Wilfuls , or those of Staffordshire ?", "What are you , sir ?", "Sir , I 'll prefer you ; I 'll make you a corporal this minute .", "You shall drink with me . Then you shall receive your pay , and do no duty .", "Can you read and write , sir ?", "Then your business is done \u2014 I 'll make you chaplain to the regiment .", "No , no , I am Captain Plume .", "Captain Brazen ! I 'm yours \u2014 The fellow dares not fight .", "He 's an incorrigible sot . Here , my Hector of Holborn , here 's forty shillings for you .", "I warrant you , my lad .", "Ay , ay , a sad dog .", "Never mind him , child ; I 'll end the dispute presently . Harkye , my dear !", "How dare you contend for any thing , and not dare to draw your sword ? But you are a young fellow , and have not been much abroad ; I excuse that ; but pr'ythee , resign the man , pr'ythee do : you are a very honest fellow .", "Hold , hold ; did not you refuse to fight for the lady ?", "Hold ! where 's the man ?", "Then what do we fight for ?Now let 's embrace , my dear !", "You are a brave fellow : I always fight with a man before I make him my friend ; and if once I find he will fight , I never quarrel with him afterwards . And now I 'll tell you a secret , my dear friend ! that lady we frightened out of the walk just now , I found in bed this morning , so beautiful , so inviting ; I presently locked the door \u2014 but I 'm a man of honour \u2014 but I believe I shall marry her nevertheless \u2014 her twenty thousand pounds , you know , will be a pretty conveniency . I had an assignation with her here , but your coming spoiled my sport . Curse you , my dear , but do n't do so again \u2014\u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1225, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Had I but a commission in my pocket , I fancy my breeches would become me as well as any ranting fellow of them all ; for I take a bold step , a rakish toss , and an impudent air , to be the principal ingredients in the composition of a captain . What 's here ? Rose , my nurse 's daughter ! I 'll go and practise . Come , child , kiss me at once .And her brother too ! Well , honest Dungfork , do you know the difference between a horse and a cart , and a cart-horse , eh ?", "Suppose I were , would you be contented to list , friend ?", "Plume ! do you know Captain Plume ?", "So !\u2014\u2014 And pray what do you expect from this captain , child ?", "You should have a care , my dear ! men will promise any thing beforehand .", "Afterwards ! After what ?", "I 'll try if he loves her .Close , sir , ay , and closer yet , sir . Come , my pretty maid , you and I will withdraw a little .", "Nor have I begun with her ; so I have as good a right as you have .", "Sir , I would qualify myself for the service .", "Yes , sir , so let her go .", "Give thee , child ! I 'll set thee above scandal ; you shall have a coach with six before and six behind ; an equipage to make vice fashionable , and put virtue out of countenance .", "Lookye , captain , if you wo n't resign , I 'll go list with Captain", "Brazen this minute .", "I will .", "I can n't be altogether so kind to you ; my circumstances are not so good as the captain 's ; but I 'll take care of you , upon my word .", "Captain Plume , I despise your listing money ; if I do serve , \u2018 tis purely for love \u2014 of that wench , I mean \u2014 now let me beg you to lay aside your recruiting airs , put on the man of honour , and tell me plainly what usage I must expect when I am under your command ?", "And something tells me that if you do discharge me \u2018 twill be the greatest punishment you can inflict ; for were we this moment to go upon the greatest dangers in your profession , they would be less terrible to me than to stay behind you \u2014 And now , your hand , this lists me \u2014 and now you are my captain .", "One favour I must beg \u2014 this affair will make some noise , and I have some friends that would censure my conduct , if I threw myself into the circumstance of a private centinel of my own head \u2014 I must therefore take care to be impressed by the act of parliament ; you shall leave that to me .", "No , no , captain ; you forget Rose ; she 's to be my bedfellow , you know ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1225, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Pray , who are those honourable gentlemen upon the bench ?", "O dear , sir ! I am your most obedient servant .I fancy , sir , that your employment and mine are much the same ; for my business is to keep people in order , and , if they disobey , to knock them down ; and then we are both staff officers .", "Ay , you are shouldered pretty well for a constable 's staff , but for a musket you must put it on the other shoulder , my dear !", "Silence .", "Silence , you dog , silence !", "Only to exercise you , sir .", "May it please the worshipful bench , I desire to be heard in this case , as being the counsel for the king .", "This man is but one man , the country may spare him , and the army wants him ; besides , he 's cut out by nature for a grenadier ; he 's five feet ten inches high ; he shall box , wrestle , or dance the Cheshire round with any man in the country ; he gets drunk every Sabbath-day , and he beats his wife .", "I 'll take care of him , if you please .", "May it please your worship , this man has no visible means of a livelihood , for he works underground .", "Lack-a-day ! so am I .", "May it please your worship , she 's with child in conscience .", "Yes , sir , she shall go with us to the sea-side , and there , if she has a mind to drown herself , we 'll take care nobody shall hinder her .", "Ay , sir . Silence , gentlemen !", "And I 'll swear it : give me the book \u2014 \u2018 tis for the good of the service .", "Ay , ay , sir .Will you please to have your office taken from you ? or will you handsomely lay down your staff , as your betters have done before you ?", "Come , Mr . Militia Serjeant , I shall silence you now , I believe , without your taking the law of me ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1225, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The white , trimm 'd with silver ?", "You ha'n ' t told that circumstance to any body ?", "And be sure you do n't . Go into the dining-room , and tell Captain", "Plume that I beg to speak with him .", "Was ever man so imposed upon ! I had her promise , indeed , that she would never dispose of herself without my consent \u2014 I have consented with a witness , given her away as my act and my deed \u2014 and this , I warrant , the captain thinks will pass . No , I shall never pardon him the villany , first , of robbing me of my daughter , and then the mean opinion he must have of me , to think that I could be so wretchedly imposed upon : her extravagant passion might encourage her in the attempt , but the contrivance must be his . I 'll know the truth presently . Enter PLUME . Pray , captain , what have you done with our young gentleman soldier ?", "Does he keep company with the common soldiers ?", "He lies with you , I presume ?", "So that between you both , Rose has been finely managed .", "All 's safe , I find \u2014 Now , captain , you must know , that the young fellow 's impudence in court was well grounded ; he said I should heartily repent his being listed , and so I do , from my soul .", "Because he is no less than what he said he was \u2014 born of as good a family as any in this county , and he is heir to twelve hundred pounds a-year .", "Wo n't you discharge him ?", "You shall have it , for his father is my intimate friend .", "Nay , sir , you shall have your price .", "Perhaps , sir , you sha n't repent your generosity \u2014\u2014 Will you please to write his discharge in my pocket-book ?In the mean time , we 'll send for the gentleman . Who waits there ? Enter STEWARD . Go to the captain 's lodging , and inquire for Mr. Wilful ; tell him his captain wants him here immediately .", "Sir , I thank you \u2014 \u2018 Tis plain he had no hand i n't .", "Yes , sir , and you must once more go home to your father .", "Pardon ! no , no , child ; your crime shall be your punishment : here , captain , I deliver her over to the conjugal power , for her chastisement . Since she will be a wife , be you a husband , a very husband \u2014 When she tells you of her love , upbraid her with her folly ; be modishly ungrateful , because she has been unfashionably kind ; and use her worse than you would any body else , because you can n't use her so well as she deserves .", "If you please to take her , sir .", "So am not I , sir , since an honest gentleman has found her .", "Your cousin Sylvia is talking yonder with your cousin Plume .", "\u2018 Tis time to right all mistakes \u2014 My name , sir , is Balance .", "Did you know him ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1225, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Alonzo 's glory , and the Moor 's defeat .", "The field is strew 'd with twice ten thousand slain ,", "Though he suspects his measures were betray 'd ,", "He 'll soon arrive . Oh , how I long t \u2019 embrace", "The first of heroes , and the best of friends !", "I lov 'd fair Leonora long before", "The chance of battle gave me to the Moors ,", "From whom so late Alonzo set me free ;", "And while I groan 'd in bondage , I deputed", "This great Alonzo , whom her father honours ,", "To be my gentle advocate in love ,", "To stir her heart , and fan its fires for me .", "Alas , the cruel maid \u2014", "Indeed her father , who , though high in court ,", "And pow'rful with the king , has wealth at heart", "To heal his devastations from the Moors ,", "Knowing I 'm richly freighted from the east ,", "My fleet now sailing in the sight of Spain ,", "Caresses me , and urges her to wed .", "She looks like radiant truth ,", "Brought forward by the hand of hoary time \u2014", "You to the port with speed ; \u2018 tis possible", "Some vessel is arriv 'd . Heav'n grant it bring", "Tidings which Carlos may receive with joy !", "Angels second you ! For all my bliss or mis'ry hangs on it .", "Oh , Leonora ! why art thou in tears ?", "Because I am less wretched than I was ?", "Before your father gave me leave to woo you ,", "Hush 'd was your bosom , and your eye serene .", "Had I known this before it had been well :", "I had not then solicited your father", "To add to my distress ;", "Have I not languish 'd prostrate at thy feet ?", "Have I not liv 'd whole days upon thy sight ?", "Have I not seen thee where thou hast not been ?", "And , mad with the idea , clasp 'd the wind ,", "And doated upon nothing ?", "Must I despair then ? do not shake me thus :", "My temper-beaten heart is cold to death .", "Ah , turn , and let me warm me in thy beauties .", "Heav'ns ! what a proof I gave , but two nights past ,", "Of matchless love ! To fling me at thy feet ,", "I slighted friendship , and I flew from fame ;", "Nor heard the summons of the next day 's battle :", "But darting headlong to thy arms , I left", "The promis 'd fight , I left Alonzo too ,", "To stand the war , and quell a world alone .", "Alonzo !", "Whom dare I thus embrace ? The conqueror", "Of Afric .", "A victory indeed ! your godlike arm", "Has made one spot the grave of Africa ;", "Such numbers fell ! and the survivors fled", "As frighted passengers from off the strand ,", "When the tempestuous sea comes roaring on them .", "I love fair Leonora . How I love her !", "Yet still I find", "Another heart , another soul , for thee .", "In private !\u2014 Ha !\u2014 Alonzo , I 'll return ;", "No business can detain me long from thee ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1231, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["If this be true , I cannot blame your pain", "For wretched Carlos ; \u2018 tis but humane in you .", "But when arriv 'd your dismal news ?", "What , not a vessel sav 'd ?", "Is Alvarez", "Determin 'd to deny his daughter to him .", "That treasure was on shore ; must that too join", "The common wreck ?", "How does don Carlos bear it ?", "But is he then in absolute despair ?", "Ha ! was not that receiv 'd with ecstasy", "By don Alonzo ?", "Not if his friend consented : and since now", "He can n't himself espouse her \u2014", "Ha , it dawns !\u2014", "It rises to me , like a new-found world", "To mariners long time distress 'd at sea ,", "Sore from a storm , and all their viands spent ;", "Or like the sun just rising out of chaos ,", "Some dregs of ancient night not quite purg 'd off .", "But shall I finish it ?\u2014 Hoa , Isabella !", "Enter Isabella .", "I thought of dying ; better things come forward ;", "Vengeance is still alive ! from her dark covert ,", "With all her snakes erect upon her crest ,", "She stalks in view , and fires me with her charms .", "When , Isabella , arriv 'd don Carlos here ?", "That was the very night", "Before the battle \u2014 Mem'ry , set down that ;", "It has the essence of a crocodile ,", "Though yet but in the shell \u2014 I 'll give it birth \u2014", "What time did he return ?", "So \u2014", "Say , did he see that night his Leonora ?", "No matter \u2014 tell me , woman ,", "Is not Alonzo rather brave than cautious ,", "Honest than subtle , above fraud himself ,", "Slow , therefore , to suspect it in another ?", "Why , that was well \u2014 go , fetch my tablets hither . Re-enter Isabella , with the tablets ; Zanga writes , then reads as to himself . Thus it stands \u2014 The father 's fix 'd \u2014 Don Carlos cannot wed \u2014 Alonzo may \u2014 but that will hurt his friend \u2014 Nor can he ask his leave \u2014 or , if he did , He might not gain it \u2014 It is hard to give Our own consent to ills , though we must bear them . Were it not then a master-piece worth all The wisdom I can boast , first to persuade Alonzo to request it of his friend , His friend to grant \u2014 then from that very grant , The strongest proof of friendship man can give, to work out a cause Of jealousy , to rack Alonzo 's peace ? I have turn 'd o'er the catalogue of human woes , Which sting the heart of man , and find none equal . It is the hydra of calamities , The sev'nfold death ; the jealous are the damn 'd . Oh , jealousy , each other passion 's calm To thee , thou conflagration of the soul ! Thou king of torments , thou grand counterpoise For all the transports beauty can inspire !", "Most opportunely .\u2014", "Withdraw .", "Enter Don Alonzo .", "My lord , I give you joy .", "Is not the lovely Leonora yours ?", "He 's your friend ;", "And since he can n't espouse the fair himself ,", "Will take some comfort from Alonzo 's fortune .", "You will not wed her then ?", "I understand you : but you 'll wed hereafter ,", "When your friend 's gone , and his first pain assuag 'd .", "My lord , I love", "Your very errors ; they are born from virtue .", "Your friendship", "does lead you blindfold to your ruin .", "Consider , wherefore did Alvarez break", "Don Carlos \u2019 match , and wherefore urge Alonzo 's ?", "\u2018 Twas the same cause , the love of wealth . To-morrow", "May see Alonzo in don Carlos \u2019 fortune ;", "A higher bidder is a better friend ,", "And there are princes sigh for Leonora .", "When your friend 's gone , you 'll wed ; why , then the cause", "Which gives you Leonora now , will cease .", "Carlos has lost her ; should you lose her too ,", "Why , then you heap new torments on your friend ,", "By that respect which labour 'd to relieve him \u2014", "\u2018 Tis well , he is disturb 'd ; it makes him pause .", "I know , it would .", "Methinks , you are severe upon your friend . Who was it gave him liberty and life ?", "My lord , you know the sad alternative .", "Is Leonora worth one pang or not ?", "It hurts not me , my lord , but as I love you :", "Warmly as you I wish don Carlos well ;", "But I am likewise don Alonzo 's friend :", "There all the diff'rence lies between us two .", "In me , my lord , you hear another self ;", "And , give me leave to add , a better too ,", "Clear 'd from those errors , which , though caus 'd by virtue ,", "Are such as may hereafter give you pain \u2014", "Don Lopez of Castile would not demur thus .", "Half of my work is done . I must secure Don Carlos , ere Alonzo speak with him .Proud , hated Spain , oft drench 'd in Moorish blood ! Dost thou not feel a deadly foe within thee ? Shake not the tow'rs where'er I pass along , Conscious of ruin , and their great destroyer ? Shake to the centre , if Alonzo 's dear . Look down , oh , holy prophet ! see me torture This Christian dog , this infidel , who dares To smite thy votaries , and spurn thy law ; And yet hopes pleasure from two radiant eyes , Which look as they were lighted up for thee ! Shall he enjoy thy paradise below ? Blast the bold thought , and curse him with her charms ! But see , the melancholy lover comes .", "My noble lord ,", "I mourn your fate : but are no hopes surviving ?", "You wanted not to have your heart made tender ,", "By your own pains , to feel a friend 's distress .", "I dare be sworn you do . Yet he has other thoughts .", "Indeed he has ; and fears to ask a favour", "A stranger from a stranger might request ;", "What costs you nothing , yet is all to him :", "Nay , what indeed will to your glory add ,", "For nothing more than wishing your friend well .", "He loves to death ; but so reveres his friend ,", "He can n't persuade his heart to wed the maid", "Without your leave , and that he fears to ask .", "In perfect tenderness I urg 'd him to it .", "Knowing the deadly sickness of his heart ,", "Your overflowing goodness to your friend ,", "Your wisdom , and despair yourself to wed her ,", "I wrung a promise from him he would try :", "And now I come , a mutual friend to both ,", "Without his privacy , to let you know it ,", "And to prepare you kindly to receive him .", "Alas , my lord , you know his heart is steel :", "\u201c \u2018 Tis fixed , \u2018 tis past , \u2018 tis absolute despair . \u201d", "A storm of plagues upon him ! he refuses .", "To-day , or never .", "To-morrow may some wealthier lover bring ,", "And then Alonzo is thrown out like you :", "Then whom shall he condemn for his misfortune ?", "Carlos is an Alvarez to his love .", "To peace .", "His happiness is yours \u2014\u2014", "I dare not disbelieve you .", "You have convinc 'd me \u2018 tis a dreadful task .", "I find Alonzo 's quitting her this morning", "For Carlos \u2019 sake , in tenderness to you ,", "Betray 'd me to believe it less severe", "Than I perceive it is .", "No , my good lord ; but since you can n't comply ,", "\u2018 Tis my misfortune that I mention 'd it ;", "For had I not , Alonzo would indeed", "Have died , as now , but not by your decree .", "My lord , I 'm bound in duty to obey you \u2014\u2014", "If I not bring him , may Alonzo prosper !", "Is this don Carlos ? this the boasted friend ? How can you turn your back upon his sadness ? Look on him , and then leave him if you can .", "My lord , my lord , this is your time to speak .", "Then lose her .", "Thus far success has crown 'd my boldest hope .", "My next care is to hasten these new nuptials ,", "And then my master-works begin to play ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1231, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["O joy , thou welcome stranger ! twice three years", "I have not felt thy vital beam ; but now", "It warms my veins , and plays around my heart :", "A fiery instinct lifts me from the ground ,", "And I could mount !\u2014 the spirits numberless", "Of my dear countrymen , which yesterday", "Left their poor bleeding bodies on the field ,", "Are all assembled here , and o'erhYpppHeNinform me .\u2014", "O , bridegroom ! great indeed thy present bliss ;", "Yet even by me unenvy 'd ! for be sure", "It is thy last , thy last smile , that which now", "Sits on thy cheek ; enjoy it while thou may'st ;", "Anguish , and groans , and death , bespeak to-morrow .", "Enter Isabella .", "My Isabella !", "My fair ally ! my lovely minister !", "\u2018 Twas well , Alvarez , by my arts impell 'd", ",", "Finish 'd the nuptials soon as he resolv 'd them ;", "This conduct ripen 'd all for me and ruin .", "Scarce had the priest the holy rites perform 'd ,", "When I , by sacred inspiration , forg 'd", "That letter which I trusted to thy hand ;", "That letter , which in glowing terms conveys ,", "From happy Carlos to fair Leonora ,", "The most profound acknowledgement of heart ,", "For wondrous transports which he never knew .", "This is a good subservient artifice ,", "To aid the nobler workings of my brain .", "With a lucky hand ;", "For soon Alonzo found it ; I observ 'd him", "From out my secret stand . He took it up ;", "But scarce was it unfolded to his sight ,", "When he , as if an arrow pierc 'd his eye ,", "Started , and trembling dropp 'd it on the ground .", "Pale and aghast awhile my victim stood ,", "Disguis 'd a sigh or two , and puff 'd them from him ;", "Then rubb 'd his brow and took it up again .", "At first he look 'd as if he meant to read it ;", "But check 'd by rising fears he crush 'd it thus ,", "And thrust it , like an adder , in his bosom .", "At first I thought so ;", "But farther thought informs me otherwise ,", "And turns this disappointment to account .", "This , Isabella , is don Carlos \u2019 picture ;", "Take it , and so dispose of it , that found ,", "It may raise up a witness of her love ;", "Under her pillow , in her cabinet ,", "Or elsewhere , as shall best promote our end .", "Is that Alonzo prostrate on the ground ?\u2014", "Now he starts up like flame from sleeping embers ,", "And wild distraction glares from either eye .", "If thus a slight surmise can work his soul ,", "How will the fulness of the tempest tear him ?", "He doubts .", "Hold there , and we succeed . He has descry 'd me .", "And", "will unfold", "His aching heart , and rest it on my counsel .", "I 'll seem to go , to make my stay more sure .", "My lord .", "My lord 's obey 'd .", "If I do love , my lord ?", "Speak , sir , O , speak ,", "And take me from the rack .", "Save me , my lord !", "Then heaven has lost its image here on earth .", "Did you not read it then ?", "Thus perish all that gives Alonzo pain !", "Think of it no more . \u2018 Twas your mistake , and groundless are your fears .", "Is this Alonzo 's language to his Zanga ?", "Draw forth your sword , and find the secret here .", "For whose sake is it , think you , I conceal it ?", "Wherefore this rage ? Because I seek your peace ?", "I have no interest in suppressing it ,", "But what good-natur 'd tenderness for you", "Obliges me to have . Not mine the heart", "That will be rent in two . Not mine the fame", "That will be damn 'd , though all the world should know it .", "What has the rashness of my passion utter 'd ?", "I know not what ; but rage is our destruction ,", "And all its words are wind \u2014 Yet sure , I think ,", "I nothing own 'd \u2014 but grant I did confess ,", "What is a letter ? letters may be forg 'd .", "For heav'n ' s sweet sake , my lord , lift up your heart .", "Some foe to your repose \u2014", "Indeed !", "\u2014 Our innocence is not our shield .", "They take offence , who have not been offended ;", "They seek our ruin too , who speak us fair ,", "And death is often ambush 'd in their smiles .", "\u2018 Tis certain", "A letter may be forg 'd , and in a point", "Of such a dreadful consequence as this ,", "One would rely on nought that might be false \u2014", "Think , have you any other cause to doubt her ?", "Away , you can find none . Resume your spirit ;", "All 's well again .", "It is ;", "For who could credit that , which , credited ,", "Makes hell superfluous by superior pains ,", "Without such proofs as cannot be withstood ?", "Has she not ever been to virtue train 'd ?", "Is not her fame as spotless as the sun ,", "Her sex 's envy , and the boast of Spain ?", "No more , my lord , for you condemn yourself .", "What is absurdity , but to believe", "Against appearance !\u2014 You can n't yet , I find ,", "Subdue your passion to your better sense ;\u2014", "And , truth to tell , it does not much displease me .", "\u2018 Tis fit our indiscretions should be check 'd", "With some degree of pain .", "Come , you must bear to hear your faults from me .", "Had you not sent don Carlos to the court", "The night before the battle , that foul slave ,", "Who forg 'd the senseless scroll which gives you pain ,", "Had wanted footing for his villany .", "Not send him !\u2014 Ha !\u2014 That strikes me .", "I thought he came on message to the king .", "Is there another cause could justify", "His shunning danger , and the promis 'd fight ?", "But I perhaps may think too rigidly ;", "So long an absence , and impatient love \u2014", "You wrong him ;", "He knew not of your love .", "That stings home .", "Were then their loves far gone ?", "Indeed , my lord ; then you must pardon me ,", "If I presume to mitigate the crime .", "Consider , strong allurements soften guilt ;", "Long was his absence , ardent was his love ,", "At midnight his return , the next day destin 'd", "For his espousals \u2014 \u2018 twas a strong temptation .", "\u2018 Twas but gaining of one night .", "That crime could ne'er return again .", "My lord , I hope the best .", "What says my lord ? Did Leonora then", "Never before disclose her passion for you ?", "Throughout the whole three years ?", "Hold , sir , I 'll break your fall \u2014 wave ev'ry fear ,", "And be a man again \u2014 Had he enjoy 'd her ,", "Be most assur 'd , he had resign 'd her to you", "With less reluctance .", "But was it not with utmost agony ?", "Was't his request ? Are you right sure of that ? I fear the letter was not all a tale .", "I should distrust my sight on this occasion .", "You now are too much ruffled to think clearly .", "Since bliss and horror , life and death , hang on it ,", "Go to your chamber , there maturely weigh", "Each circumstance ; consider , above all ,", "That it is jealousy 's peculiar nature", "To swell small things to great ; nay , out of nought", "To conjure much , and then to lose its reason", "Amid the hideous phantoms it has form 'd .", "Thus far it works auspiciously . My patient", "Thrives , underneath my hand , in misery .", "He 's gone to think ; that is , to be distracted .", "There ,", "There , Isabella , I out-did myself .", "For , tearing it , I not secure it only", "In its first force , but superadd a new .", "For who can now the character examine", "To cause a doubt , much less detect the fraud ?", "And after tearing it , as loth to show", "The foul contents , if I should swear it now", "A forgery , my lord would disbelieve me ,", "Nay , more , would disbelieve the more I swore .", "But is the picture happily dispos 'd of ?", "That 's well \u2014 Ah ! what is well ? O pang to think !", "O dire necessity ! is this my province ?", "Whither , my soul ! ah ! whither art thou sunk ?", "Does this become a soldier ? this become", "Whom armies follow 'd , and a people lov 'd ?", "My martial glory withers at the thought .", "But great my end ; and since there are no other ,", "These means are just , they shine with borrow 'd light ,", "Illustrious from the purpose they pursue .", "And greater sure my merit , who , to gain", "A point sublime , can such a task sustain ;", "To wade through ways obscene , my honour bend ,", "And shock my nature , to attain my end .", "Late time shall wonder ; that my joys will raise :", "For wonder is involuntary praise ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1231, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Oh , what a pain to think ! when ev'ry thought ,", "Perplexing thought , in intricacies runs ,", "And reason knits th \u2019 inextricable toil ,", "In which herself is taken !", "No more I 'll bear this battle of the mind ,", "This inward anarchy ; but find my wife", "And , to her trembling heart presenting death ,", "Force all the secret from her .", "What dost thou mean ?", "What , dost thou murmur ?", "No more , I care not ;", "Rather than groan beneath this load , I 'll die .", "No ; it would cure me of my mortal pangs", "By hatred and contempt : I should despise her ,", "And all my love-bred agonies would vanish .", "What then ?", "What dost thou mean ? thou know'st I 'm on the rack .", "I 'll not be play 'd with ; speak , if thou hast aught ,", "Or I this instant fly to Leonora .", "Thou dost confound me .", "Speak quickly , Zanga , speak .", "Oh ! \u2018 t will , by heav'n .", "I trebly swear .", "A god .", "Oh !", "Go on , I 'll have it , though it blast mankind ;", "I 'll have it all , and instantly . Go on .", "The villain lied !", "Oh , oh , my heart !", "Oh , she was all !", "My fame , my friendship , and my love of arms ,", "All stoop 'd to her ; my blood was her possession .", "Deep in the secret foldings of my heart", "She liv 'd with life , and far the dearer she :", "To think o n't is the torment of the damn 'd ,", "And not to think o n't is impossible .", "I do . Am I not most distracted ?", "As hurricanes :\u2014 be thou assur 'd of that .", "Villain , no :", "He died in the arbour \u2014 he was murder 'd there !\u2014", "Go , dig her grave !", "But that her blood 's too hot , I would carouse it", "Around my bridal board !", "But I may talk too fast . Pray let me think ,", "And reason mildly .\u2014 Wedded and undone", "Before one night descends .\u2014 Oh , hasty evil !", "What friend to comfort me in my extreme !", "Where 's Carlos ? why is Carlos absent from me ?", "Does he know what has happen 'd ?", "Oh , villain , villain , most accurst ! If thou didst know it , why didst let me wed ?", "Live now , be damn 'd hereafter \u2014 for I want thee .", "Let me think \u2014", "The jess'mine bower \u2014 \u2018 tis secret and remote :", "Go , wait me there , and take thy dagger with thee .", "Enter Leonora .", "Ha ! I 'm surprised ! I stagger at her charms !", "Oh , angel-devil !\u2014 Shall I stab her now ?", "No \u2014 It shall be as I at first determin 'd .", "To kill her now were half my vengeance lost .", "Then I must now dissemble \u2014 if I can .", "This moment , Leonora , I was coming", "To thee , and all \u2014 but sure , or I mistake ,", "Or thou canst well inspire my friends with joy .", "Thou art exceeding fair .", "Innocent !", "No , my best life ! I must not part with thee \u2014", "This hand is mine \u2014 Oh , what a hand is here !", "So soft , souls sink into it , and are lost !", "What less can speak my joy ?", "Why , I could gaze upon thy looks for ever ,", "And drink in all my being from thine eyes ;", "And I could snatch a flaming thunderbolt ,", "And hurl destruction !\u2014", "Ha , ha , ha !", "Go to thy chamber ;", "I soon will follow ; that which now disturbs thee", "Shall be clear 'd up , and thou shalt not condemn me .", "Re-enter Zanga .", "This vast and solid earth , that blazing sun ,", "Those skies , through which it rolls , must all have end .", "What then is man ? the smallest part of nothing .", "Day buries day ; month , month ; and year , the year .", "Our life is but a chain of many deaths ;", "Can then death 's self be fear 'd ? our life much rather .", "Life is the desert , life the solitude .", "Death joins us to the great majority :", "\u2018 Tis to be borne to Platos and to C\u00e6sars ;", "\u2018 Tis to be great for ever ;", "\u2018 Tis pleasure , \u2018 tis ambition , then to die .", "I did .", "No , Zanga ; to shed a woman 's blood", "Would stain my sword , and make my wars inglorious ;", "He who , superior to the checks of nature ,", "Dares make his life the victim of his reason ,", "Does in some sort that reason deify ,", "And take a flight at heaven .", "Oh , through my heart and marrow ! pr'ythee , spare me ,", "Nor more upbraid the weakness of thy lord :", "I own , I try 'd , I quarrell 'd with my heart ,", "And push 'd it on , and bid it give her death ;", "But , oh , her eyes struck first and murder 'd me .", "What dost thou mean ?", "Distraction ! But don Carlos well thou know'st", "Is sheath 'd in steel , and bent on other thoughts .", "I 'll ease thee of that pain . Let Carlos die ;", "O'ertake him on the road , and see it done .", "\u2018 Tis my command .", "My Zanga , now I have thy leave to die .", "That thought has more of hell than had the former . Another , and another , and another ! And each shall cast a smile upon my tomb . I am convinc 'd ; I must not , will not , die .", "Oh !", "Zanga , I understand thee well . She dies ;", "Though my arm tremble at the stroke , she dies .", "\u2018 Tis done !\u2014 Again new transports fire my brain :", "I had forgot it , \u2018 tis my bridal night .", "Friend , give me joy , we must be gay together ;", "See that the festival be duly honour 'd .", "And when with garlands the full bowl is crown 'd ,", "And music gives her elevating sound ,", "And golden carpets spread the sacred floor ,", "And a new day the blazing tapers pour ,", "Thou , Zanga , then my solemn friends invite ,", "From the dark realms of everlasting night ;", "Call Vengeance , call the furies , call Despair ,", "And Death , our chief-invited guest , be there ;", "He , with pale hand , shall lead the bride , and spread", "Eternal curtains round our nuptial bed ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1231, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Is Carlos murder 'd ?", "Oh , Zanga ! Zanga !", "But I 'll not think : for I must act , and thinking", "Would ruin me for action .", "Where 's Leonora then ? Quick , answer me :", "I 'm deep in horrors , I 'll be deeper still .", "I find thy artifice did take effect ,", "And she forgives my late deportment to her .", "I 'll tell thee .", "Thus I 've ordain 'd it . In the jess'mine bow'r ,", "The place which she dishonour 'd with her guilt ,", "There will I meet her ; the appointment 's made ;", "And calmly spread", "The blackness of her crime before her sight ;", "And then , with all the cool solemnity", "Of public justice , give her to the grave ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1231, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ye amaranths ! ye roses , like the morn !", "Sweet myrtles , and ye golden orange groves !", "Why do you smile ? Why do you look so fair ?", "Are ye not blighted as I enter in ?", "Did ever midnight ghosts assemble here ?", "Have these sweet echoes ever learn 'd to groan ?", "Joy-giving , love-inspiring , holy bow'r !", "Know , in thy fragrant bosom thou receiv'st", "A \u2014 murderer ! Oh , I shall stain thy lilies ,", "And horror will usurp the seat of bliss .", "Ye pow'rs ! with what an eye she mends the day ! While they were clos 'd , I should have giv'n the blow .", "Why , this Alonzo says :", "If love were endless , men were gods ; \u2018 tis that", "Does counterbalance travel , danger , pain \u2014", "\u2018 Tis heav'n ' s expedient to make mortals bear", "The light , and cheat them of the peaceful grave .", "Thy love , thou piece of witchcraft ! I would say ,", "Thou brightest angel ! I could gaze for ever .", "But oh , those eyes ! those murderers ! Oh , whence ,", "Whence didst thou steal their burning orbs ? from heaven ?", "Thou didst ; and \u2018 tis religion to adore them .", "Extremes indeed ! it hurry 'd me away ;", "But I come home again \u2014 and now for justice \u2014", "And now for death \u2014 It is impossible \u2014", "Oh , Zanga , hold thy peace ! I am no coward ;", "But heav'n itself did hold my hand ; I felt it ,", "By the well-being of my soul , I did .", "I 'll think of vengeance at another season .", "Perdition on thee , Moor ,", "For that one word ! Ah , do not rouse that thought !", "I have o'erwhelm ' d it much as possible :", "I tell thee , Moor , I love her to distraction .", "If \u2018 tis my shame , why , be it so \u2014 I love her ;", "I could not hurt her to be lord of earth ;", "It shocks my nature like a stroke from heav'n .", "But see , my Leonora comes \u2014 Be gone .", "Re-enter Leonora .", "Oh , seen for ever , yet for ever new !", "The conquer 'd thou dost conquer o'er again ,", "Inflicting wound on wound .", "Ha ! dost thou weep ?", "If love is thy concern ,", "Thou hast no cause : none ever lov 'd like me .", "Oh , that this one embrace would last for ever !", "Ha , my dagger !", "It rouses horrid images . Away ,", "Away with it , and let us talk of love .", "As thou lov'st happiness \u2014", "Rash ,", "Rash woman ! yet forbear .", "Alas , thou quite mistak'st my cause of pain !", "Yet , yet dismiss me ; I am all in flames .", "Ill-fated woman ! Why hast thou forc 'd me back into the gulf Of agonies I had block 'd up from thought ? For , since thou hast replung 'd me in my torture , I will be satisfy 'd .", "Yes , thy own mouth shall witness it against thee ;", "I will be satisfy 'd .", "Of what ?", "How dar'st thou ask that question ? Woman , woman ,", "Weak and assur 'd at once ! thus \u2018 tis for ever .", "Who told thee that thy virtue was suspected ?", "Who told thee I design 'd upon thy life ?", "You found the dagger ; but that could not speak :", "Nor did I tell thee ; who did tell thee then ?", "Guilt , conscious guilt !", "This to thy very soul .", "Serious as death .", "Madam , stay .", "Your passion 's wise ; \u2018 tis a disguise for guilt :", "You and your thousand arts shall not escape me .", "Arts ! Confess ; for death is in my hand .", "Confess , confess , confess ! Nor tear my veins with passion to compel thee .", "Deny then , and incur a fouler shame . Where did I find this picture ?", "I know it ; but is vice so very rank ,", "That thou shouldst dare to dash it in my face ?", "Nature is sick of thee , abandon 'd woman !", "Is that for me ?", "Astonishment !", "I know thee so .", "Ho , Zanga ! Isabella ! ho ! she bleeds ! Descend , ye blessed angels , to assist her !", "Bear her to instant help . The world to save her .", "Ha ! was this woman guilty ?\u2014 And if not \u2014", "How my thoughts darken that way ! grant , kind heaven ,", "That she prove guilty ; or my being end .", "Is that my hope , then ?\u2014 Sure , the sacred dust", "Of her that bore me trembles in its urn .", "Is it in man the sore distress to bear ,", "When hope itself is blacken 'd to despair ?", "When all the bliss I pant for , is to gain", "In hell , a refuge from severer pain ?", "Re-enter Zanga .", "Oh , Zanga !", "I dare not .", "Have I not cause ?", "Dost thou too rave ?", "Abus 'd ! by whom ?", "Oh , \u2018 twere much !", "By heaven ! Oh , give him to my fury !", "Am I awake ?", "Oh !", "Inhuman slave !", "Oh , villain , villain !", "Is thus my love return 'd ?", "Is this my recompense ? Make friends of tigers !", "Lay not your young , oh , mothers , on the breast ,", "For fear they turn to serpents as they lie ,", "And pay you for their nourishment with death !\u2014", "Carlos is dead , and Leonora dying !", "Both innocent , both murder 'd , both by me .", "No , monster , thou shalt not escape by death . Oh , father !", "What groan was that ?", "Prepare the rack ; invent new torments for him .", "Who call 'd Alonzo ?", "Again !\u2014 \u2018 Tis Carlos \u2019 voice , and I obey .", "Oh , how I laugh at all that this can do !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1231, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["A . Worn out with the day 's excitement , he 's asleep at last .What could that paper have been , I saw him burn ? Ah ! there 's the envelope he threw away , when he put it in the flame .So , so \u2014 what 's that ? a footstep . MONSIEUR LAROQUE opens door and looks in \u2014 He is very pale and appears much exhausted \u2014 He looks back and beckons , as if to followers \u2014 Music ceases .", "L .That will do , you may retire .", "A .Oh !", "A . But I 'm not a blood relation . Oh !", "A . No doubt of it , no doubt of it . And that is burnt .", "A. I did , but I never \u2014", "L. Monsieur Manuel , what have you to say to this ?", "L. Great Heavens !", "L. Oh , Monsieur Manuel , do not tell me you have so far abused our confidence . Do not tell me that one whom I had begun to love almost as a son , has fallen low enough to commit so vile an act . I am an old woman , sir , and in the course of nature , you must outlive me . My child is provided for . You shall share with me while I live , and all I have shall be yours at last if you will but refute this , if you will but give me the joy of knowing you are innocent .", "L. Oh ! for my sake !", "L .Then sir , much as it pains me , you must , clearly understand that we can live no longer under the same roof .", "L. Oh Marguerite , my joy on this occasion is lost in this most unhappy discovery .", "A . Oh !\u2014", "L. Had we not better wait until we return from \u2014", "A. Oh ! go away , you nasty thing . You 've made a pretty mess of it . You 've caused me to do mischief enough . I wo n't be corrupted by you any more .", "L. I wo n't go near her . I do believe she 'd bite me . Doctor , will you have the goodness ?", "A. Oh , Mons . de Bevannes do not let that deter you , if you meant what you said the evening Mons . Laroque died . Bev . I !", "A . Why , be it so .", "A. I will dispense with further courtship ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1232, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Baby Jesus , who dost lie", "Far above that stormy sky ,", "In Thy mother 's pure caress ,", "Stoop and save the motherless .", "Happy birds ! whom Jesus leaves", "Underneath His sheltering eaves ;", "There they go to play and sleep ,", "May not I go in to weep ?", "All without is mean and small ,", "All within is vast and tall ;", "All without is harsh and shrill ,", "All within is hushed and still .", "Jesus , let me enter in ,", "Wrap me safe from noise and sin .", "Let me list the angels \u2019 songs ,", "See the picture of Thy wrongs ;", "Let me kiss Thy wounded feet ,", "Drink Thine incense , faint and sweet ,", "While the clear bells call Thee down", "From Thine everlasting throne .", "At thy door-step low I bend ,", "Who have neither kin nor friend ;", "Let me here a shelter find ,", "Shield the shorn lamb from the wind .", "Jesu , Lord , my heart will break :", "Save me for Thy great love 's sake !", "Go ! you despise me like the rest .", "Hush now , I 've heard all , nurse ,", "A thousand times .", "I am most friendless .", "The Landgravine and Agnes \u2014 you may see them", "Begrudge the food I eat , and call me friend", "Of knaves and serving-maids ; the burly knights", "Freeze me with cold blue eyes : no saucy page", "But points and whispers , \u2018 There goes our pet nun ;", "Would but her saintship leave her gold behind ,", "We 'd give herself her furlough . \u2019 Save me ! save me !", "All here are ghastly dreams ; dead masks of stone ,", "And you and I , and Guta , only live :", "Your eyes alone have souls . I shall go mad !", "Oh that they would but leave me all alone", "To teach poor girls , and work within my chamber ,", "With mine own thoughts , and all the gentle angels", "Which glance about my dreams at morning-tide !", "Then I should be as happy as the birds", "Which sing at my bower window . Once I longed", "To be beloved ,\u2014 now would they but forget me !", "Most vile I must be , or they could not hate me !", "But , Lewis , nurse ?", "If I love him ?", "What is this love ? Why , is he not my brother", "And I his sister ? Till these weary wars ,", "The one of us without the other never", "Did weep or laugh : what is't should change us now ?", "You shake your head and smile .", "Alas ! here comes a knight across the court ;", "Oh , hide me , nurse ! What 's here ? this door is fast .", "How did my mother die , nurse ?", "But how ? Why turn away ?", "Too long I 've guessed at some dread mystery", "I may not hear : and in my restless dreams ,", "Night after night , sweeps by a frantic rout", "Of grinning fiends , fierce horses , bodiless hands ,", "Which clutch at one to whom my spirit yearns", "As to a mother . There 's some fearful tie", "Between me and that spirit-world , which God", "Brands with his terrors on my troubled mind .", "Speak ! tell me , nurse ! is she in heaven or hell ?", "But was she holy ?\u2014 Died she in the Lord ?", "Isen", "O God ! my child ! And if I told thee all ,", "How couldst thou mend it ?", "Mend it ? O my Saviour !", "I 'd die a saint !", "Win heaven for her by prayers , and build great minsters ,", "Chantries , and hospitals for her ; wipe out", "By mighty deeds our race 's guilt and shame \u2014", "But thus , poor witless orphan !", "Ah ! Count Walter ! you are too tall to kneel to little girls .", "To me ?", "Oh , peace , peace , peace ! I 'll go with him ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1250, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["So all these lands are mine ; these yellow meads \u2014", "These village greens , and forest-fretted hills ,", "With dizzy castles crowned . Mine ! Why that word", "Is rich in promise , in the action bankrupt .", "What faculty of mine , save dream-fed pride ,", "Can these things fatten ? Mass ! I had forgot :", "I have a right to bark at trespassers .", "Rare privilege ! While every fowl and bush ,", "According to its destiny and nature", ",", "Will live , and grow , and take no thought of me .", "Those firs , before whose stealthy-marching ranks", "The world-old oaks still dwindle and retreat ,", "If I could stay their poisoned frown , which cows", "The pale shrunk underwood , and nestled seeds", "Into an age of sleep , \u2018 twere something : and those men", "O'er whom that one word \u2018 ownership \u2019 uprears me \u2014", "If I could make them lift a finger up", "But of their own free will , I 'd own my seizin .", "But now \u2014 when if I sold them , life and limb ,", "There 's not a sow would litter one pig less", "Than when men called her mine .\u2014 Possession 's naught ;", "A parchment ghost ; a word I am ashamed", "To claim even here , lest all the forest spirits ,", "And bees who drain unasked the free-born flowers ,", "Should mock , and cry , \u2018 Vain man , not thine , but ours . \u2019", "How now ? What need then of long discipline ,", "Not to mere feats of arms , but feats of soul ;", "To courtesies and high self-sacrifice ,", "To order and obedience , and the grace", "Which makes commands , requests , and service , favour ?", "To faith and prayer , and pure thoughts , ever turned", "To that Valhalla , where the virgin saints", "And stainless heroes tend the Queen of heaven ?", "Why these , if I but need , like stalled ox", "To chew the grass cut for me ?", "Alas ! while each day blackens with fresh clouds ,", "Complaints of ague , fever , crumbling huts ,", "Of land thrown out to the forest , game and keepers ,", "Bailiffs and barons , plundering all alike ;", "Need , greed , stupidity : To clear such ruin", "Would task the rich prime of some noble hero \u2014", "But can I nothing do ?", "I 'll crowd my court and dais with men of God ,", "As doth my peerless namesake , King of France .", "And who are they ?", "I could be that man 's squire .", "Wal", "Again run riot \u2014", "Now for another cast ,", "If you 'd sleep sound , Sir ,", "You 'll let priests pray for you , but school you never .", "Mass ! who more fitted ?", "Copy ? wherein ?", "And dug and built , it seems .", "I would speak to him \u2014", "And learn his secret .\u2014 We 'll await him here .", "In such a nook , now ,", "To nestle from this noisy world \u2014", "Think what rich dreams may haunt those lowly roofs !", "\u2018 Tis too true !", "I dread no toil ; toil is the true knight 's pastime \u2014", "Faith fails , the will intense and fixed , so easy", "To thee , cut off from life and love , whose powers", "In one close channel must condense their stream :", "But I , to whom this life blooms rich and busy ,", "Whose heart goes out a-Maying all the year", "In this new Eden \u2014 in my fitful thought", "What skill is there , to turn my faith to sight \u2014", "To pierce blank Heaven , like some trained falconer", "After his game , beyond all human ken ?", "Be it so ;", "But love you have forsworn ; and what were life", "Without that chivalry , which bends man 's knees", "Before God 's image and his glory , best", "Revealed in woman 's beauty ?", "Who dare aspire to her ? Alas , not I !", "To me she is a doctrine , and a picture :\u2014", "I cannot live on dreams .", "I do , I do . I 'd live", "And die for each and all the three .", "Hush , hush , Count ! Speak , strange monk , strange words , and waken Longings more strange than either .", "Thou dost tempt me \u2014", "That were a knightly quest .", "Is this a dream ?", "Ay , I know it :\u2014", "I cannot live on dreams . Oh for one friend ,", "Myself , yet not myself ; one not so high", "But she could love me , not too pure to pardon", "My sloth and meanness ! Oh for flesh and blood ,", "Before whose feet I could adore , yet love !", "How easy then were duty ! From her lips", "To learn my daily task ;\u2014 in her pure eyes", "To see the living type of those heaven-glories", "I dare not look on ;\u2014 let her work her will", "Of love and wisdom on these straining hinds ;\u2014", "To squire a saint around her labour field ,", "And she and it both mine :\u2014 That were possession !", "Alas ! one such \u2014", "One such , I know , who upward from one cradle", "Beside me like a sister \u2014 No , thank God ! no sister !\u2014", "Has grown and grown , and with her mellow shade", "Has blanched my thornless thoughts to her own hue ,", "And even now is budding into blossom ,", "Which never shall bear fruit , but inward still", "Resorb its vital nectar , self-contained ,", "And leave no living copies of its beauty", "To after ages . Ah ! be less , sweet maid ,", "Less than thyself ! Yet no \u2014 my wife thou might'st be ,", "If less than thus \u2014 but not the saint thou art .", "What ! shall my selfish longings drag thee down", "From maid to wife ? degrade the soul I worship ?", "That were a caitiff deed ! Oh , misery !", "Is wedlock treason to that purity ,", "Which is the jewel and the soul of wedlock ?", "Elizabeth ! my saint !", "Oh , who else ,", "Who else the minutest lineament fulfils", "Of this my cherished portrait ?", "Loves me ! My Count , that word is quickly spoken ;", "And yet , if it be true , it thrusts me forth", "Upon a shoreless sea of untried passion ,", "From whence is no return .", "Loves me ! Henceforth let no man , peering down", "Through the dim glittering mine of future years ,", "Say to himself \u2018 Too much ! this cannot be ! \u2019", "To-day , and custom , wall up our horizon :", "Before the hourly miracle of life", "Blindfold we stand , and sigh , as though God were not .", "I have wandered in the mountains , mist-bewildered ,", "And now a breeze comes , and the veil is lifted ,", "And priceless flowers , o'er which I trod unheeding ,", "Gleam ready for my grasp . She loves me then !", "She who to me was as a nightingale", "That sings in magic gardens , rock-beleaguered ,", "To passing angels melancholy music \u2014", "Whose dark eyes hung , like far-off evening stars ,", "Through rosy-cushioned windows coldly shining", "Down from the cloud-world of her unknown fancy \u2014", "She , for whom holiest touch of holiest knight", "Seemed all too gross \u2014 who might have been a saint", "And companied with angels \u2014 thus to pluck", "The spotless rose of her own maidenhood", "To give it unto me !", "Look ! if yon solid mountain were all gold ,", "And each particular tree a band of jewels ,", "And from its womb the Niebelungen hoard", "With elfin wardens called me , \u2018 Leave thy love", "And be our Master \u2019 \u2014 I would turn away \u2014", "And know no wealth but her .", "Persecutors ! Who ?", "Alas ! I guess it \u2014 I had known my mother", "Too light for that fair saint ,\u2014 but who else dare wink", "When she is by ? My knights ?", "Here 's chivalry ! Well , that 's soon brought to bar . The quarrel 's mine ; my lance shall clear that stain .", "I have played the coward \u2014", "And in the sloth of false humility ,", "Cast by the pearl I dared not to deserve .", "How laggard I must seem to her , though she love me ;", "Playing with hawks and hounds , while she sits weeping !", "\u2018 Tis not too late .", "Come \u2014", "We 'll back \u2014 we 'll back ; and you shall bear the message ;", "I am ashamed to speak . Tell her I love her \u2014", "That I should need to tell her ! Say , my coyness", "Was bred of worship , not of coldness .", "Why not ? This day to them , too , blessing brings ,", "Which clears from envious webs their guardian angel 's wings ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1250, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What ! you will not ? You hear , Dame Isentrude ,", "She will not wear her coronet in the church ,", "Because , forsooth , the crucifix within", "Is crowned with thorns . You hear her .", "Felt ? What then ? Every foolish wench has feelings", "In these religious days , and thinks it carnal", "To wash her dishes , and obey her parents \u2014", "No wonder they ape you , if you ape them \u2014", "Go to ! I hate this humble-minded pride ,", "Self-willed submission \u2014 to your own pert fancies ;", "This fog-bred mushroom-spawn of brain-sick wits ,", "Who make their oddities their test for grace ,", "And peer about to catch the general eye ;", "Ah ! I have watched you throw your playmates down", "To have the pleasure of kneeling for their pardon .", "Here 's sanctity \u2014 to shame your cousin and me \u2014", "Spurn rank and proper pride , and decency ;\u2014", "If God has made you noble , use your rank ,", "If you but know how . You Landgravine ? You mated", "With gentle Lewis ? Why , belike you 'll cowl him ,", "As that stern prude , your aunt , cowled her poor spouse ;", "No \u2014 one Hedwiga at a time 's enough ,\u2014", "My son shall die no monk .", "Tut \u2014 I 'll speak my mind .", "We 'll have no saints . Thank heaven , my saintliness", "Ne'er troubled my good man , by day or night .", "We 'll have no saints , I say ; far better for you ,", "And no doubt pleasanter \u2014 You know your place \u2014", "At least you know your place ,\u2014 to take to cloisters ,", "And there sit carding wool , and mumbling Latin ,", "With sour old maids , and maundering Magdalens ,", "Proud of your frost-kibed feet , and dirty serge .", "There 's nothing noble in you , but your blood ;", "And that one almost doubts . Who art thou , child ?", "I had forgotten , truly \u2014", "And you , Dame Isentrudis , are her servant ,", "And mine : come , Agnes , leave the gipsy ladies", "To say their prayers , and set the Saints the fashion ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1250, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["No streak yet in the blank and eyeless east \u2014 More weary hours to ache , and smart , and shiver On these bare boards , within a step of bliss . Why peevish ? \u2018 Tis mine own will keeps me here \u2014 And yet I hate myself for that same will : Fightings within and out ! How easy \u2018 twere , now , Just to be like the rest , and let life run \u2014 To use up to the rind what joys God sends us , Not thus forestall His rod : What ! and so lose The strength which comes by suffering ? Well , if grief Be gain , mine 's double \u2014 fleeing thus the snare Of yon luxurious and unnerving down , And widowed from mine Eden . And why widowed ? Because they tell me , love is of the flesh , And that 's our house-bred foe , the adder in our bosoms , Which warmed to life , will sting us . They must know \u2014 I do confess mine ignorance , O Lord ! Mine earnest will these painful limbs may prove . . . . . . And yet I swore to love him .\u2014 So I do No more than I have sworn . Am I to blame If God makes wedlock that , which if it be not , It were a shame for modest lips to speak it , And silly doves are better mates than we ? And yet our love is Jesus \u2019 due ,\u2014 and all things Which share with Him divided empery Are snares and idols \u2014 \u2018 To love , to cherish , and to obey ! \u2019 . . . . . O deadly riddle ! Rent and twofold life ! O cruel troth ! To keep thee or to break thee Alike seems sin ! O thou beloved tempter ,Who first didst teach me love , why on thyself From God divert thy lesson ? Wilt provoke Him ? What if mine heavenly Spouse in jealous ire Should smite mine earthly spouse ? Have I two husbands ? The words are horror \u2014 yet they are orthodox !How many many brows of happy lovers The fragrant lips of night even now are kissing ! Some wandering hand in hand through arched lanes ; Some listening for loved voices at the lattice ; Some steeped in dainty dreams of untried bliss ; Some nestling soft and deep in well-known arms , Whose touch makes sleep rich life . The very birds Within their nests are wooing ! So much love ! All seek their mates , or finding , rest in peace ; The earth seems one vast bride-bed . Doth God tempt us ? Is't all a veil to blind our eyes from him ? A fire-fly at the candle . \u2018 Tis love leads him ; Love 's light , and light is love : O Eden ! Eden ! Eve was a virgin there , they say ; God knows . Must all this be as it had never been ? Is it all a fleeting type of higher love ? Why , if the lesson 's pure , is not the teacher Pure also ? Is it my shame to feel no shame ? Am I more clean , the more I scent uncleanness ? Shall base emotions picture Christ 's embrace ? Rest , rest , torn heart ! Yet where ? in earth or heaven ? Still , from out the bright abysses , gleams our Lady 's silver footstool , Still the light-world sleeps beyond her , though the night-clouds fleet below . Oh that I were walking , far above , upon that dappled pavement , Heaven 's floor , which is the ceiling of the dungeon where we lie . Ah , what blessed Saints might meet me , on that platform , sliding silent , Past us in its airy travels , angel-wafted , mystical ! They perhaps might tell me all things , opening up the secret fountains Which now struggle , dark and turbid , through their dreary prison clay . Love ! art thou an earth-born streamlet , that thou seek'st the lowest hollows ? Sure some vapours float up from thee , mingling with the highest blue . Spirit-love in spirit-bodies , melted into one existence \u2014 Joining praises through the ages \u2014 Is it all a minstrel 's dream ? Alas ! he wakes .", "Forgive ! \u2018 twas I \u2014 my maidens \u2014", "Not so , not so \u2014 They wept", "When I did bid them , as I bid thee now", "To think of nought but love .", "Beloved , thou hast heard how godly souls ,", "In every age , have tamed the rebel flesh", "By such sharp lessons . I must tread their paths ,", "If I would climb the mountains where they rest .", "Grief is the gate of bliss \u2014 why wedlock \u2014 knighthood \u2014", "A mother 's joy \u2014 a hard-earned field of glory \u2014", "By tribulation come \u2014 so doth God 's kingdom .", "What ! Am I not as gay a lady-love", "As ever clipt in arms a noble knight ?", "Am I not blithe as bird the live-long day ?", "It pleases me to bear what you call pain ,", "Therefore to me \u2018 tis pleasure : joy and grief", "Are the will 's creatures ; martyrs kiss the stake \u2014", "The moorland colt enjoys the thorny furze \u2014", "The dullest boor will seek a fight , and count", "His pleasure by his wounds ; you must forget , love ,", "Eve 's curse lays suffering , as their natural lot ,", "On womankind , till custom makes it light .", "I know the use of pain : bar not the leech", "Because his cure is bitter \u2014 \u2018 Tis such medicine", "Which breeds that paltry strength , that weak devotion ,", "For which you say you love me .\u2014 Ay , which brings", "Even when most sharp , a stern and awful joy", "As its attendant angel \u2014 I 'll say no more \u2014", "Not even to thee \u2014 command , and I 'll obey thee .", "You would have loved me still ?", "I think , mine own ,", "I am forgiven at last ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1250, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["That 's a sweet song , and yet it does not chime", "With my heart 's inner voice . Where had you it , Guta ?", "Where then , Fool ?", "Far too well sung for such a saucy song . So go .", "Guta , there is sense in that knave 's ribaldry :", "We must not thus baptize our idleness ,", "And call it resignation : Which is love ?", "To do God 's will , or merely suffer it ?", "I do not love that contemplative life :", "No ! I must headlong into seas of toil ,", "Leap forth from self , and spend my soul on others .", "Oh ! contemplation palls upon the spirit ,", "Like the chill silence of an autumn sun :", "While action , like the roaring south-west wind ,", "Sweeps laden with elixirs , with rich draughts", "Quickening the wombed earth .", "Hast thou felt this ?", "Oh , happy Guta !", "Mine eyes are dim \u2014 and what if I mistook", "For God 's own self , the phantoms of my brain ?", "And who am I , that my own will 's intent", "Should put me face to face with the living God ?", "I , thus thrust down from the still lakes of thought", "Upon a boiling crater-field of labour .", "No ! He must come to me , not I to Him ;", "If I see God , beloved , I must see Him", "In mine own self :\u2014", "Why start , my sister ?", "God is revealed in the crucified :", "The crucified must be revealed in me :\u2014", "I must put on His righteousness ; show forth", "His sorrow 's glory ; hunger , weep with Him ;", "Writhe with His stripes , and let this aching flesh", "Sink through His fiery baptism into death ,", "That I may rise with Him , and in His likeness", "May ceaseless heal the sick , and soothe the sad ,", "And give away like Him this flesh and blood", "To feed His lambs \u2014 ay \u2014 we must die with Him", "To sense \u2014 and love \u2014", "I know it \u2014 so speak not of them .", "Oh ! that 's the flow , the chasm in all my longings ,", "Which I have spanned with cobweb arguments ,", "Yet yawns before me still , where'er I turn ,", "To bar me from perfection ; had I given", "My virgin all to Christ ! I was not worthy !", "I could not stand alone !", "He comes ! my sun ! and every thrilling vein", "Proclaims my weakness .", "Oh , let us hear him !", "We too need warning ; shame , if we let pass ,", "Unentertained , God 's angels on their way .", "Send for him , brother .", "Now go , my ladies , both \u2014", "Prepare fit lodgings ,\u2014 let your courtesies", "Retain in our poor courts the man of God .", "Now hear me , best beloved :\u2014 I have marked this man :", "And that which hath scared others , draws me towards him :", "He has the graces which I want ; his sternness", "I envy for its strength ; his fiery boldness", "I call the earnestness which dares not trifle", "With life 's huge stake ; his coldness but the calm", "Of one who long hath found , and keeps unwavering ,", "Clear purpose still ; he hath the gift which speaks", "The deepest things most simply ; in his eye", "I dare be happy \u2014 weak I dare not be .", "With such a guide ,\u2014 to save this little heart \u2014", "The burden of self-rule \u2014 Oh \u2014 half my work", "Were eased , and I could live for thee and thine ,", "And take no thought of self . Oh , be not jealous ,", "Mine own , mine idol ! For thy sake I ask it \u2014", "I would but be a mate and help more meet", "For all thy knightly virtues .", "I ? beloved ! This load more ? Strengthen , Lord , the feeble knees !", "Oh , kneel not \u2014", "But grant my prayer \u2014 If we shall find this man ,", "As well I know him , worthy , let him be", "Director of my conscience and my actions", "With all but thee \u2014 Within love 's inner shrine", "We shall be still alone \u2014 But joy ! here comes", "Our embassy , successful .", "Hail to your holiness .", "Bless us doubly , master ,", "With holy doctrine , and with holy prayers .", "You shall be where you will \u2014", "Do what you will ; unquestioned , unobserved ,", "Enjoy , refrain ; silence and solitude ,", "The better part which such like spirits choose ,", "We will provide ; only be you our master ,", "And we your servants , for a few short days :", "Oh , blessed days !", "Then your prayers", "Shall drive home your rebukes ; for both we need you \u2014", "Our snares are many , and our sins are more .", "So say not nay \u2014 I 'll speak with you apart .", "Lewis", "Well , Walter mine , how like you the good legate ?", "I would be taught \u2014", "I would know more \u2014", "I would be holy , master \u2014", "I would know how to rule \u2014", "I will ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1250, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["This night she swears obedience to me ! Wondrous Lord !", "How hast Thou opened a path , where my young dreams", "May find fulfilment : there are prophecies", "Upon her , make me bold . Why comes she not ?", "She should be here by now . Strange , how I shrink \u2014", "I , who ne'er yet felt fear of man or fiend .", "Obedience to my will ! An awful charge !", "But yet , to have the training of her sainthood ;", "To watch her rise above this wild world 's waves", "Like floating water-lily , towards heaven 's light", "Opening its virgin snows , with golden eye", "Mirroring the golden sun ; to be her champion ,", "And war with fiends for her ; that were a \u2018 quest \u2019 ;", "That were true chivalry ; to bring my Judge", "This jewel for His crown ; this noble soul ,", "Worth thousand prudish clods of barren clay ,", "Who mope for heaven because earth 's grapes are sour \u2014", "Her , full of youth , flushed with the heart 's rich first-fruits ,", "Tangled in earthly pomp \u2014 and earthly love .", "Wife ? Saint by her face she should be : with such looks", "The queen of heaven , perchance , slow pacing came", "Adown our sleeping wards , when Dominic", "Sank fainting , drunk with beauty :\u2014 she is most fair !", "Pooh ! I know nought of fairness \u2014 this I know ,", "She calls herself my slave , with such an air", "As speaks her queen , not slave ; that shall be looked to \u2014", "She must be pinioned or she will range abroad", "Upon too bold a wing ; \u2018 t will cost her pain \u2014", "But what of that ? there are worse things than pain \u2014", "What ! not yet here ? I 'll in , and there await her", "In prayer before the altar : I have need o n't :", "And shall have more before this harvest 's ripe ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1250, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Doubtless she is most holy \u2014 but for wisdom \u2014", "Say if \u2018 tis wise to spurn all rules , all censures ,", "And mountebank it in the public ways", "Till she becomes a jest ?", "For one thing \u2014", "Yestreen I passed her in the open street ,", "Following the vocal line of chanting priests ,", "Clad in rough serge , and with her soft bare feet", "Wooing the ruthless flints ; the gaping crowd", "Unknowing whom they held , did thrust and jostle", "Her tender limbs ; she saw me as she passed \u2014", "And blushed and veiled her face , and smiled withal .", "Heavenly wisdom ! Forgive me !", "I thought you , to my shame \u2014 less wise than holy .", "But you have conquered : I will test these sorrows", "On mine own person ; I have toyed too long", "In painted pinnace down the stream of life ,", "Witched with the landscape , while the weary rowers", "Faint at the groaning oar : I 'll be thy pupil .", "Farewell . Heaven bless thy labours and thy lesson ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1250, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What dost thou , daughter ?", "What dost thou , daughter ?", "A wise humiliation .", "Thou speakest well \u2014", "The knave who serves unto another 's needs", "Knows himself abler than the man who needs him ;", "And she who stoops , will not forget , that stooping", "Implies a height to stoop from .", "Thou shall hereafter :", "But now to wash Christ 's feet were dangerous honour", "For weakling grace ; would you be humble , daughter ,", "You must look up , not down , and see yourself", "A paltry atom , sap-transmitting vein", "Of Christ 's vast vine ; the pettiest joint and member", "Of His great body ; own no strength , no will ,", "Save that which from the ruling head 's command", "Through me , as nerve , derives ; let thyself die \u2014", "And dying , rise again to fuller life .", "To be a whole is to be small and weak \u2014", "To be a part is to be great and mighty", "In the one spirit of the mighty whole \u2014", "The spirit of the martyrs and the saints \u2014", "The spirit of the queen , on whose towered neck", "We hang , blest ringlets !", "But hush ! such words are not for courts and halls \u2014", "Alone with God and me , thou shalt hear more ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1250, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ay , bread \u2014 Where is it , knights and servants ? Why butler , seneschal , this food forthcomes not !", "My good dame \u2014", "That which you bear , I bear : for food , God knows ,", "I have not tasted food this live-long day \u2014", "Nor will till you are served . I sent for wheat", "From Koln and from the Rhine-land , days ago :", "O God ! why comes it not ?", "Oh ! give him all he asks .", "Nay , Count ; the corn is his , and his the right", "To fix conditions for his own .", "You will not sell it", "Save at a price which , by the bill you tender ,", "Is far beyond our means . Heaven knows , I grudge not \u2014", "I have sold my plate , have pawned my robes and jewels .", "Mortgaged broad lands and castles to buy food \u2014", "And now I have no more .\u2014 Abate , or trust", "Our honour for the difference .", "Most miserable , cold , short-sighted man ,", "Who for thy selfish gains dost welcome make", "God 's wrath , and battenest on thy fellows \u2019 woes ,", "What ? wilt thou turn from heaven 's gate , open to thee ,", "Through which thy charity may passport be ,", "And win thy long greed 's pardon ? Oh , for once", "Dare to be great ; show mercy to thyself !", "See how that boiling sea of human heads", "Waits open-mouthed to bless thee : speak the word ,", "And their triumphant quire of jubilation", "Shall pierce God 's cloudy floor with praise and prayers ,", "And drown the accuser 's count in angels \u2019 ears .", "Where is the wretch 's wheat ?", "Now then \u2014 there 's many a one lies faint at home \u2014", "I 'll go to them myself .", "Tut , tut , I wear my working dress to-day ,", "And those who work , robe lightly \u2014", "Then I had best", "Roll to their door in lacqueyed equipage ,", "And dole my halfpence from my satin purse \u2014", "I am their sister \u2014 I must look like one .", "I am their queen \u2014 I 'll prove myself the greatest", "By being the minister of all . So come \u2014", "Now to my pastime ,", "And in happy toil", "Forget this whirl of doubt \u2014 We are weak , we are weak ,", "Only when still : put thou thine hand to the plough ,", "The spirit drives thee on .", "Too fast ? We live too slow \u2014 our gummy blood", "Without fresh purging airs from heaven , would choke", "Slower and slower , till it stopped and froze .", "God ! fight we not within a cursed world ,", "Whose very air teems thick with leagued fiends \u2014", "Each word we speak has infinite effects \u2014", "Each soul we pass must go to heaven or hell \u2014", "And this our one chance through eternity", "To drop and die , like dead leaves in the brake ,", "Or like the meteor stone , though whelmed itself ,", "Kindle the dry moors into fruitful blaze \u2014", "And yet we live too fast !", "Be earnest , earnest , earnest ; mad , if thou wilt :", "Do what thou dost as if the stake were heaven ,", "And that thy last deed ere the judgment-day .", "When all 's done , nothing 's done . There 's rest above \u2014", "Below let work be death , if work be love !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1250, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["To give away the staff of life , eh ?", "The parent of seraphic ale degraded into plebeian dough ! Indeed , Sir , we have no right to lessen wantonly the amount of human enjoyment !", "Ah , Count Walter ! How sad to see a man of your sense so led away by his feelings ! Had but this dispensation been left to work itself out , and evolve the blessing implicit in all heaven 's chastenings ! Had but the stern benevolences of providence remained undisturbed by her ladyship 's carnal tenderness \u2014 what a boon had this famine been !", "How many a poor soul would be lying \u2014 Ah , blessed thought !\u2014 in Abraham 's bosom ; who must now toil on still in this vale of tears !\u2014 Pardon this pathetic dew \u2014 I cannot but feel as a Churchman . 3d Count . Look at it in this way , Sir . There are too many of us \u2014 too many \u2014 Where you have one job you have three workmen . Why , I threw three hundred acres into pasture myself this year \u2014 it saves money , and risk , and trouble , and tithes .", "Strongly put , though correctly . For the self-interest of each it is which produces in the aggregate the happy equilibrium of all .", "Idleness , Sir , deceit , and immorality , are the three children of this same barbarous self-indulgence in almsgiving . Leave the poor alone . Let want teach them the need of self - exertion , and misery prove the foolishness of crime .", "Oh , Sir , there we step in , with the consolations and instructions of the faith .", "Paul and Barnabas ! What an outpouring of the spirit !\u2014 Were not his hoodship the Pope 's legate , now \u2014 accidents might happen to him , going home at night ; eh , Sir Hugo ?", "Hush ! Here comes the Landgrave .", "Nay , my Lord ;", "I , as a Churchman , though with these your nobles", "Both in commission and opinion one ,", "Am yet most loth , my Lord , to set my seal", "To aught which this harsh world might call complaint", "Against a princely saint \u2014 a chosen vessel \u2014", "An argosy celestial \u2014 in whom error", "Is but the young luxuriance of her grace .", "The Count of Varila , as bound to neither ,", "For both shall speak , and all which late has passed", "Upon the matter of this famine open ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1250, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What ? Always thus , my Princess ? Is this wise ,", "By day with fasts and ceaseless coil of labour ;", "About the ungracious poor \u2014 hands , eyes , feet , brain", "O'ertasked alike \u2014 \u2018 mid sin and filth , which make", "Each sense a plague \u2014 by night with cruel stripes ,", "And weary watchings on the freezing stone ,", "To double all your griefs , and burn life 's candle ,", "As village gossips say , at either end ?", "The good book bids the heavy-hearted drink ,", "And so forget their woe .", "And death for life \u2014 your cheeks are wan and sharp", "As any three-days \u2019 moon \u2014 you are shifting always", "Uneasily and stiff , now , on your seat ,", "As from some secret pain .", "There , now \u2014 my foolish child ! You faint : come \u2014 come to your chamber \u2014", "Oh , woe ! my Prince ! and doubly woe , my daughter .", "Oh , stop her \u2014 stop my child ! She will go mad \u2014", "Dash herself down \u2014 Fly \u2014 Fly \u2014 She is not made", "Of hard , light stuff , like you .", "Treason , and of the foulest . From her state she 's rudely thrust ; Her keys are seized ; her weeping babies pent from her : The wenches stop their sobs to sneer askance , And greet their fallen censor 's new mischance .", "Your mother and your mother 's son \u2014", "Judge you , if it was knightly done .", "The Landgrave , dolt ?", "Where , but after her ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1250, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["You are afraid to shelter me \u2014 afraid .", "And so you thrust me forth , to starve and freeze .", "Soon said . Why palter o'er these mean excuses ,", "Which tempt me to despise you ?", "Silence ! I 'll go . Better in God 's hand than man 's .", "He shall kill us , if we die . This bitter blast", "Warping the leafless willows , yon white snow-storms ,", "Whose wings , like vengeful angels , cope the vault ,", "They are God 's ,\u2014 We 'll trust to them .", "How long their altar ?", "To God I gave \u2014 and God shall pay me back .", "Fool ! to have put my trust in living man ,", "And fancied that I bought God 's love , by buying", "The greedy thanks of these His earthly tools !", "Well \u2014 here 's one lesson learnt ! I thank thee , Lord !", "Henceforth I 'll straight to Thee , and to Thy poor .", "What ? Isentrudis not returned ? Alas !", "Where are those children ?", "They will not have the heart to keep them from me \u2014", "Oh ! have the traitors harmed them ?", "Ay , ay \u2014", "But she 's a mother \u2014 and mothers will dare all things \u2014", "Oh ! Love can make us fiends , as well as angels .", "My babies ! Weeping ? Oh , have mercy , Lord !", "On me heap all thy wrath \u2014 I understand it :", "What can blind senseless terror do for them ?", "Silence , girl !", "I 'd plead my deeds , if mine own character ,", "My strength of will had fathered them : but no \u2014", "They are His , who worked them in me , in despite", "Of mine own selfish and luxurious will \u2014", "Shall I bribe Him with His own ? For pain , I tell thee", "I need more pain than mine own will inflicts ,", "Pain which shall break that will .\u2014 Yet spare them , Lord !", "Go to \u2014 I am a fool to wish them life \u2014", "And greater fool to miscall life , this headache \u2014", "This nightmare of our gross and crude digestion \u2014", "This fog which steams up from our freezing clay \u2014", "While waking heaven 's beyond . No ! slay them , traitors !", "Cut through the channels of those innocent breaths", "Whose music charmed my lone nights , ere they learn", "To love the world , and hate the wretch who bore them !", "What 's a wind to me ?", "I can see up the street here , if they come \u2014", "They do not come !\u2014 Oh ! my poor weanling lambs \u2014", "Struck dead by carrion ravens !", "What then , I have borne worse . But yesterday", "I thought I had a husband \u2014 and now \u2014 now !", "Guta ! He called a holy man before he died ?", "O happy bishop !", "Where are those children ? If I had but seen him !", "I could have borne all then . One word \u2014 one kiss !", "Hark ! What 's that rushing ? White doves \u2014 one \u2014 two \u2014 three \u2014", "Fleeing before the gale . My children 's spirits !", "Stay , babies \u2014 stay for me ! What ! Not a moment ?", "And I so nearly ready to be gone ?", "Oh ! this grief is light", "And floats a-top \u2014 well , well ; it hides a while", "That gulf too black for speech \u2014 My husband 's dead !", "I dare not think o n't .", "A small bird dead in the snow ! Alas ! poor minstrel !", "A week ago , before this very window ,", "He warbled , may be , to the slanting sunlight ;", "And housewives blest him for a merry singer :", "And now he freezes at their doors , like me .", "Poor foolish brother ! didst thou look for payment ?", "Art sure ?", "Does this look like it , girl ? No \u2014 I 'll trust yet \u2014", "Some have gone mad for less ; but why should I ?", "Who live in time , and not eternity .", "\u2018 Twill end , girl , end ; no cloud across the sun", "But passes at the last , and gives us back", "The face of God once more .", "O Lord , my Lord ! I thank thee !", "Loving and merciful , and tender-hearted ,", "And even in fiercest wrath remembering mercy .", "Lo ! here 's my ancient foe . What want you , Sir ?", "But know you , Sir , that all my husband 's vassals", "Are bidden bar their doors to me ?", "I thank you , Sir ; and for my children 's sake I do accept your bounty .Down , proud heart \u2014 Bend lower \u2014 lower ever : thus God deals with thee . Go , Guta , send the children after me .1st Peas . Here 's Father January taken a lease of March month , and put in Jack Frost for bailiff . What be I to do for spring-feed if the weather holds ,\u2014 and my ryelands as bare as the back of my hand ? 2d Peas . That 's your luck . Freeze on , say I , and may Mary Mother send us snow a yard deep . I have ten ton of hay yet to sell \u2014 ten ton , man \u2014 there 's my luck : every man for himself , and \u2014 Why here comes that handsome canting girl , used to be about the Princess .", "How ? Oh , my fortune rises to full flood :", "I met a friend just now , who told me truths", "Wholesome and stern , of my deceitful heart \u2014", "Would God I had known them earlier !\u2014 and enforced", "Her lesson so , as I shall ne'er forget it", "In body or in mind .", "You know the stepping-stones across the ford .", "There as I passed , a certain aged crone ,", "Whom I had fed , and nursed , year after year ,", "Met me mid-stream \u2014 thrust past me stoutly on \u2014", "And rolled me headlong in the freezing mire .", "There as I lay and weltered ,\u2014 \u2018 Take that , Madam ,", "For all your selfish hypocritic pride", "Which thought it such a vast humility", "To wash us poor folk 's feet , and use our bodies", "For staves to build withal your Jacob'shYpppHeNladder .", "What ! you would mount to heaven upon our backs ?", "The ass has thrown his rider . \u2019 She crept on \u2014", "I washed my garments in the brook hard by \u2014", "And came here , all the wiser .", "Nay , who could dream", "She would have guessed my heart so well ? Dull boors", "See deeper than we think , and hide within", "Those leathern hulls unfathomable truths ,", "Which we amid thought 's glittering mazes lose .", "They grind among the iron facts of life ,", "And have no time for self-deception .", "Let be \u2014 we must not think o n't .", "The scoff was true \u2014 I thank her \u2014 I thank God \u2014", "This too I needed . I had built myself", "A Babel-tower , whose top should reach to heaven ,", "Of poor men 's praise and prayers , and subtle pride", "At mine own alms . \u2018 Tis crumbled into dust !", "Oh ! I have leant upon an arm of flesh \u2014", "And here 's its strength ! I 'll walk by faith \u2014 by faith", "And rest my weary heart on Christ alone \u2014", "On him , the all-sufficient !", "Shame on me ! dreaming thus about myself ,", "While you stand shivering here .", "Art cold , young knight ?", "Knights must not cry \u2014 Go slide , and warm thyself .", "Where shall we lodge to-night ?", "Hark ! look ! His father 's voice !\u2014 his very eye \u2014", "Opening so slow and sad , then sinking down", "In luscious rest again !", "Oh yes \u2014 I 'll think \u2014 we 'll to our tavern friends ;", "If they be brutes , \u2018 twas my sin left them so .", "Ay \u2014 stay a while in peace . The storms are still .", "Beneath her eider robe the patient earth", "Watches in silence for the sun : we 'll sit", "And gaze up with her at the changeless heaven ,", "Until this tyranny be overpast .", "Come .", "Lost ! Lost ! Lost !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1250, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Yes \u2014 to go with him .", "I have kept my oath too long to break it now .", "I will to Marpurg , and there waste away", "In meditation and in pious deeds ,", "Till God shall set me free .", "Never , girl , never ! Save me from that at least , O God !", "And I , alas ! am none !", "O Guta ! dost thou mock my widowed love ?", "I was a wife \u2014 \u2018 tis true : I was not worthy \u2014", "But there was meaning in that first wild fancy ;", "\u2018 Twas but the innocent springing of the sap \u2014", "The witless yearning of an homeless heart \u2014", "Do I not know that God has pardoned me ?", "But now \u2014 to rouse and turn of mine own will ,", "In cool and full foreknowledge , this worn soul", "Again to that , which , when God thrust it on me ,", "Bred but one shame of ever-gnawing doubt ,", "Were \u2014 No , my burning cheeks ! We 'll say no more .", "Ah ! loved and lost ! Though God 's chaste grace should fail me ,", "My weak idolatry of thee would give", "Strength that should keep me true : with mine own hands", "I 'd mar this tear-worn face , till petulant man", "Should loathe its scarred and shapeless ugliness .", "Oh ! she who was not worthy of a husband", "Does not deserve his children . What are they , darlings ,", "But snares to keep me from my heavenly spouse", "By picturing the spouse I must forget ?", "Well \u2014 \u2018 tis blank horror . Yet if grief 's good for me ,", "Let me down into grief 's blackest pit ,", "And follow out God 's cure by mine own deed .", "What will they think !", "What pleases them . That argument 's a staff", "Which breaks whene'er you lean o n't . Trust me , girl ,", "That fear of man sucks out love 's soaring ether ,", "Baffles faith 's heavenward eyes , and drops us down ,", "To float , like plumeless birds , on any stream .", "Have I not proved it ?", "There was a time with me , when every eye", "Did scorch like flame : if one looked cold on me ,", "I straight accused myself of mortal sins :", "Each fopling was my master : I have lied", "From very fear of mine own serving-maids .\u2014", "That 's past , thank God 's good grace !", "In self-defence .", "I am too weak to live by half my conscience ;", "I have no wit to weigh and choose the mean ;", "Life is too short for logic ; what I do", "I must do simply ; God alone must judge \u2014", "For God alone shall guide , and God 's elect \u2014", "I shrink from earth 's chill frosts too much to crawl \u2014", "I have snapped opinion 's chains , and now I 'll soar", "Up to the blazing sunlight , and be free .", "Let me settle your cushion , uncle .", "Uncle , I give but what to me is worthless . He loves these baubles \u2014 let him keep them , then : I have my dower .", "Uncle , I soar now at a higher pitch \u2014", "To be henceforth the bride of Christ alone .", "Uncle , I am determined .", "Ah , there you speak again like my own uncle .", "I 'll go \u2014 to rest", "and die . I only wait", "To see the bones of my beloved laid", "In some fit resting-place . A messenger", "Proclaims them near . O God !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1250, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Oh ! spare me !", "Is there no middle path ? No way to keep", "My love for them , and God , at once unstained ?", "God 's world , man ! Why , God made it \u2014", "The faith asserts it God 's .", "And yet God gave them to me \u2014", "The Scripture bids me love them .", "Give up his children ! Why , I 'd not give up A lock of hair , a glove his hand had hallowed : And they are his gift ; his pledge ; his flesh and blood Tossed off for my ambition ! Ah ! my husband ! His ghost 's sad eyes upbraid me ! Spare me , spare me ! I 'd love thee still , if I dared ; but I fear God . And shall I never more see loving eyes Look into mine , until my dying day ? That 's this world 's bondage : Christ would have me free , And \u2018 twere a pious deed to cut myself The last , last strand , and fly : but whither ? whither ? What if I cast away the bird i \u2019 the hand And found none in the bush ? \u2018 Tis possible \u2014 What right have I to arrogate Christ 's bride-bed ? Crushed , widowed , sold to traitors ? I , o'er whom His billows and His storms are sweeping ? God 's not angry : No , not so much as we with buzzing fly ; Or in the moment of His wrath 's awakening We should be \u2014 nothing . No \u2014 there 's worse than that \u2014 What if He but sat still , and let be be ? And these deep sorrows , which my vain conceit Calls chastenings \u2014 meant for me \u2014 my ailments \u2019 cure \u2014 Were lessons for some angels far away , And I the corpus vile for the experiment ? The grinding of the sharp and pitiless wheels Of some high Providence , which had its mainspring Ages ago , and ages hence its end ? That were too horrible !\u2014 To have torn up all the roses from my garden , And planted thorns instead ; to have forged my griefs , And hugged the griefs I dared not forge ; made earth A hell , for hope of heaven ; and after all , These homeless moors of life toiled through , to wake , And find blank nothing ! Is that angel-world A gaudy window , which we paint ourselves To hide the dead void night beyond ? The present ? Why here 's the present \u2014 like this arched gloom , It hems our blind souls in , and roofs them over With adamantine vault , whose only voice Is our own wild prayers \u2019 echo : and our future ?\u2014 It rambles out in endless aisles of mist , The farther still the darker \u2014 O my Saviour ! My God ! where art Thou ? That 's but a tale about Thee , That crucifix above \u2014 it does but show Thee As Thou wast once , but not as Thou art now \u2014 Thy grief , but not Thy glory : where 's that gone ? I see it not without me , and within me Hell reigns , not Thou !\u2018 Kings \u2019 daughters were among thine honourable women \u2019 \u2014", "Kings \u2019 daughters ! I am one !", "I will forget them ! They stand between my soul and its allegiance . Thou art my God : what matter if Thou love me ? I am Thy bond-slave , purchased with Thy life-blood ; I will remember nothing , save that debt . Do with me what Thou wilt . Alas , my babies ! He loves them \u2014 they 'll not need me .", "God 's will is spoken !", "The flesh is weak ; the spirit 's fixed , and dares ,\u2014", "Stay ! confess , sir ,", "Did not yourself set on your brothers here", "To sing me to your purpose ?", "I know it , I know it ; And I 'll obey them : come , the victim 's ready .All worldly goods and wealth , which once I loved , I do now count but dross : and my beloved , The children of my womb , I now regard As if they were another 's . God is witness My pride is to despise myself ; my joy All insults , sneers , and slanders of mankind ; No creature now I love , but God alone . Oh , to be clear , clear , clear , of all but Him ! Lo , here I strip me of all earthly helps \u2014Naked and barefoot through the world to follow My naked Lord \u2014 And for my filthy pelf \u2014", "Why so , sir ?", "Be it so \u2014 I have no part nor lot i n't \u2014", "There \u2014 I have spoken .", "Is self-contempt learnt thus ? I 'll home .", "No ! no ! no ! no ! I will not die in the dark :", "I 'll breathe the free fresh air until the last ,", "Were it but a month \u2014 I have such things to do \u2014", "Great schemes \u2014 brave schemes \u2014 and such a little time !", "Though now I am harnessed light as any foot-page .", "Come , come , my ladies ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1250, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Pama . I have prepared my nerves for a shock .", "Wal . You are wise , for the world 's upside down here . The last gateway brought us out of Christendom into the New Jerusalem , the fifth Monarchy , where the Saints possess the earth . Not a beggar here but has his pockets full of fair ladies \u2019 tokens : not a barefooted friar but rules a princess .", "Pama . Creeping , I opine , into widows \u2019 houses , and for a pretence making long prayers .", "Wal . Do n't quote Scripture here , sir , especially in that gross literal way ! The new lights here have taught us that Scripture 's saying one thing , is a certain proof that it means another . Except , by the bye , in one text .", "Pama . What 's that ?", "Wal . \u2018 Ask , and it shall be given you . \u2019", "Pama . Ah ! So we are to take nothing literally , that they may take literally everything themselves ?", "Wal . Humph ! As for your text , see if they do not saddle it on us before the day is out , as glibly as ever you laid it on them . Here comes the lady 's tyrant , of whom I told you .", "Pama . I come , Sir Priest , from Andreas , king renowned", "Of Hungary , ambassador unworthy", "Unto the Landgravine , his saintly daughter ;", "And fain would be directed to her presence .", "Wal . Bah ! but they will serve your turn \u2014 and hers .", "Wal . When you have cut her off from child and friend , and even Isentrudis and Guta , as I hear , are thrust out by you to starve , and she sits there , shut up like a bear in a hole , to feed on her own substance ; if she has not some of these visions to look at , how is she , or any other of your poor self-gorged prisoners , to help fancying herself the only creature on earth ?", "Wal . I tell you , monk , if she were not healthier by God 's making than ever she will be by yours , her charity would be by this time double-distilled selfishness ; the mouths she fed , cupboards to store good works in ; the backs she warmed , clothes-horses to hang out her wares before God ; her alms not given , but fairly paid , a halfpenny for every halfpenny-worth of eternal life ; earth her chess-board , and the men and women on it merely pawns for her to play a winning game \u2014 puppets and horn-books to teach her unit holiness \u2014 a private workshop in which to work out her own salvation . Out upon such charity !", "Wal . Go to \u2014 go to . I have watched you and your crew , how you preach up selfish ambition for divine charity and call prurient longings celestial love , while you blaspheme that very marriage from whose mysteries you borrow all your cant . The day will come when every husband and father will hunt you down like vermin ; and may I live to see it .", "Wal .Liar ! At last ?", "Pama . In God 's name , sir , what if the Princess find us ?", "Wal . Ay \u2014 for her sake . But put that name on me again , as you do on every good Catholic who will not be your slave and puppet , and if thou goest home with ears and nose , there is no hot blood in Germany .", "Pama . Shortly she will return ; here to expect her", "Is duty both , and honour . Pardon me \u2014", "Her humours are well known here ? Passers by", "Will guess who \u2018 tis we visit ?", "Wal . Very likely .", "Pama . Well , travellers see strange things \u2014 and do them too .", "Hem ! this turf-smoke affects my breath : we might", "Draw back a space .", "Wal . Certie , we were in luck ,", "Or both our noses would have been snapped off", "By those two she-dragons ; how their sainthoods squealed", "To see a brace of beards peep in ! Poor child !", "Two sweet companions for her loneliness !", "Pama . But ah ! what lodging ! \u2018 Tis at that my heart bleeds !", "That hut , whose rough and smoke-embrowned spars", "Dip to the cold clay floor on either side !", "Her seats bare deal !\u2014 her only furniture", "Some earthen crock or two ! Why , sir , a dungeon", "Were scarce more frightful : such a choice must argue", "Aberrant senses , or degenerate blood !", "Wal . What ? Were things foul ?", "Pama . I marked not , sir .", "Wal . I did . You might have eat your dinner off the floor .", "Pama . Off any spot , sir , which a princess \u2019 foot", "Had hallowed by its touch .", "Wal . Most courtierly . Keep , keep those sweet saws for the lady 's self .Unless that shock of the nerves shall send them flying .", "Pama . Yet whence this depth of poverty ? I thought", "You and her champions had recovered for her", "Her lands and titles .", "Wal . Ay ; that coward Henry", "Gave them all back as lightly as he took them :", "Certie , we were four gentle applicants \u2014", "And Rudolph told him some unwelcome truths \u2014", "Would God that all of us might hear our sins ,", "As Henry heard that day !", "Pama . Then she refused them ?", "Wal . \u2018 It ill befits , \u2019 quoth she , \u2018 my royal blood ,", "To take extorted gifts ; I tender back", "By you to him , for this his mortal life ,", "That which he thinks by treason cheaply bought ;", "To which my son shall , in his father 's right ,", "By God 's good will , succeed . For that dread height", "May Christ by many woes prepare his youth ! \u2019", "Pama . Humph !", "Wal . Why here \u2014 no , \u2018 t cannot be \u2014", "Pama . What hither comes", "Forth from the hospital , where , as they told us ,", "The Princess labours in her holy duties ?", "A parti-coloured ghost that stalks for penance ?", "Ah ! a good head of hair , if she had kept it", "A thought less lank ; a handsome face too , trust me ,", "But worn to fiddle-strings ; well , we 'll be knightly \u2014", "Stop , my fair queen of rags and patches , turn", "Those solemn eyes a moment from your distaff ,", "And say , what tidings your magnificence", "Can bring us of the Princess ?", "Pama . O blessed saints and martyrs ! Open , earth !", "And hide my recreant knighthood in thy gulf !", "Yet , mercy , Madam ! for till this strange day", "Who e'er saw spinning wool , like village-maid ,", "A royal scion ?", "Wal .My beloved mistress !", "Pama . I from your father , Madam \u2014", "Pama . But hear me , Madam \u2014", "If you return with me", "Your father offers to you half his wealth ;", "And countless hosts , whose swift and loyal blades", "From traitorous grasp shall vindicate your crown .", "Pama . Madam , by his gray hairs he doth entreat you .", "Pama . Is it so ? Then pardon , Madam , but your father", "Must by a father 's right command \u2014", "Wal . Ah , lady , dearest lady , be but ruled ! Your Saviour will be there as near as here .", "Pama . Pardon me , Madam , if my grosser wit", "Fail to conceive your sense .", "Wal . C. Pama . Farewell , sweet Saint !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1250, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["My shrunk limbs , stiff from many a blow , Are crazed with pain . A long dim formless fog-bank , creeping low , Dulls all my brain . I remember two young lovers , In a golden gleam . Across the brooding darkness shrieking hovers That fair , foul dream . My little children call to me , \u2018 Mother ! so soon forgot ? \u2019 From out dark nooks their yearning faces startle me , Go , babes ! I know you not ! Pray ! pray ! or thou'lt go mad . . . . . . The past 's our own : No fiend can take that from us ! Ah , poor boy ! Had I , like thee , been bred from my black birth-hour In filth and shame , counting the soulless months Only by some fresh ulcer ! I 'll be patient \u2014 Here 's something yet more wretched than myself . Sleep thou on still , poor charge \u2014 though I 'll not grudge One moment of my sickening toil about thee , Best counsellor \u2014 dumb preacher , who dost warn me How much I have enjoyed , how much have left , Which thou hast never known . How am I wretched ? The happiness thou hast from me , is mine , And makes me happy . Ay , there lies the secret \u2014 Could we but crush that ever-craving lust For bliss , which kills all bliss , and lose our life , Our barren unit life , to find again A thousand lives in those for whom we die . So were we men and women , and should hold Our rightful rank in God 's great universe , Wherein , in heaven and earth , by will or nature , Nought lives for self \u2014 All , all \u2014 from crown to footstool \u2014 The Lamb , before the world 's foundations slain \u2014 The angels , ministers to God 's elect \u2014 The sun , who only shines to light a world \u2014 The clouds , whose glory is to die in showers \u2014 The fleeting streams , who in their ocean-graves Flee the decay of stagnant self-content \u2014 The oak , ennobled by the shipwright 's axe \u2014 The soil , which yields its marrow to the flower \u2014 The flower , which feeds a thousand velvet worms , Born only to be prey for every bird \u2014 All spend themselves for others : and shall man , Earth 's rosy blossom \u2014 image of his God \u2014 Whose twofold being is the mystic knot Which couples earth and heaven \u2014 doubly bound As being both worm and angel , to that service By which both worms and angels hold their life \u2014 Shall he , whose every breath is debt on debt , Refuse , without some hope of further wage Which he calls Heaven , to be what God has made him ? No ! let him show himself the creature 's lord By freewill gift of that self-sacrifice Which they perforce by nature 's law must suffer . This too I had to learn, To lie crushed down in darkness and the pit \u2014 To lose all heart and hope \u2014 and yet to work . What lesson could I draw from all my own woes \u2014 Ingratitude , oppression , widowhood \u2014 While I could hug myself in vain conceits Of self-contented sainthood \u2014 inward raptures \u2014 Celestial palms \u2014 and let ambition 's gorge Taint heaven , as well as earth ? Is selfishness For time , a sin \u2014 spun out to eternity Celestial prudence ? Shame ! Oh , thrust me forth , Forth , Lord , from self , until I toil and die No more for Heaven and bliss , but duty , Lord , Duty to Thee , although my meed should be The hell which I deserve !1st Woman . What ! snoring still ? \u2018 Tis nearly time to wake her To do her penance . 2d Woman . Wait a while , for love : Indeed , I am almost ashamed to punish A bag of skin and bones . 1st Woman . \u2018 Tis for her good : She has had her share of pleasure in this life With her gay husband ; she must have her pain . We bear it as a thing of course ; we know What mortifications are , although I say it That should not . 2d Woman . Why , since my old tyrant died , Fasting I 've sought the Lord , like any Anna , And never tasted fish , nor flesh , nor fowl , And little stronger than water . 1st Woman . Plague on this watching ! What work , to make a saint of a fine lady ! See now , if she had been some labourer 's daughter , She might have saved herself , for aught he cared ; But now \u2014 2d Woman . Hush ! here the master comes : I hear him .\u2014", "Have mercy , mercy , Lord !", "Oh ! she was but a worldling !", "And think , good Lord , if that this world is hell ,", "What wonder if poor souls whose lot is fixed here ,", "Meshed down by custom , wealth , rank , pleasure , ignorance ,", "Do hellish things in it ? Have mercy , Lord ;", "Even for my sake , and all my woes , have mercy !", "I am heard ! She is saved ! Where am I ? What ! have I overslept myself ? Oh , do not beat me ! I will tell you all \u2014 I have had awful dreams of the other world . 1st Woman . Ay ! ay ! a fine excuse for lazy women , Who cry nightmare with lying on their backs .", "I will be heard ! I am a prophetess ! God hears me , why not ye ?", "Methought from out the red and heaving earth My mother rose , whose broad and queenly limbs A fiery arrow did impale , and round Pursuing tongues oozed up of nether fire , And fastened on her : like a winter-blast Among the steeples , then she shrieked aloud , \u2018 Pray for me , daughter ; save me from this torment , For thou canst save ! \u2019 And then she told a tale ; It was not true \u2014 my mother was not such \u2014 O God ! The pander to a brother 's sin ! 1st Woman . There now ? The truth is out ! I told you , sister , About that mother \u2014", "She stretched her arms , and sank . Was it a sin", "To love that sinful mother ? There I lay \u2014", "And in the spirit far away I prayed ;", "What words I spoke , I know not , nor how long ;", "Until a small still voice sighed , \u2018 Child , thou art heard : \u2019", "Then on the pitchy dark a small bright cloud", "Shone out , and swelled , and neared , and grew to form ,", "Till from it blazed my pardoned mother 's face", "With nameless glory ! Nearer still she pressed ,", "And bent her lips to mine \u2014 a mighty spasm", "Ran crackling through my limbs , and thousand bells", "Rang in my dizzy ears \u2014 And so I woke .", "\u2018 Twas more ! \u2018 twas more ! I 've tests :", "From youth I have lived in two alternate worlds ,", "And night is live like day . This was no goblin !", "\u2018 Twas a true vision , and my mother 's soul", "Is freed by my poor prayers from penal files ,", "And waits for me in bliss .", "No ! no ! I will not go !", "Then I will bear them ,", "Even as I bore the last , with thankful thoughts", "Upon those stripes my Lord endured for me .", "Oh , spare them , sir ! poor blindfold sons of men !", "No saint but daily errs ,\u2014 and must they burn ,", "Ah , God ! for an opinion ?", "Oh , let me give ! That only pleasure have I left on earth !", "Well ! I am freezing fast \u2014 I have grown of late", "Too weak to nurse my sick ; and now this outlet ,", "This one last thawing spring of fellow-feeling ,", "Is choked with ice \u2014 Come , Lord , and set me free .", "Think me not hasty ! measure not mine age ,", "O Lord , by these my four-and-twenty winters .", "I have lived three lives \u2014 three lives .", "For fourteen years I was an idiot girl :", "Then I was born again ; and for five years ,", "I lived ! I lived ! and then I died once more ;\u2014", "One day when many knights came marching by ,", "And stole away \u2014 we 'll talk no more of that .", "And so these four years since , I have been dead ,", "And all my life is hid with Christ in God .", "Nunc igitur dimittas , Domine , servam tuam ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1250, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["As I expected \u2014", "A sermon-mongering herd about her death-bed ,", "Stifling her with fusty sighs , as flocks of rooks", "Despatch , with pious pecks , a wounded brother .", "Cant , howl , and whimper ! Not an old fool in the town", "Who thinks herself religious , but must see", "The last of the show and mob the deer to death .", "Hail ! holy ones ! How fares your charge to-day ?", "A miracle , no doubt .", "Heaven 's work is ripe , and like some more I know ,", "Having begun in the spirit , in the flesh", "She 's now made perfect : she hath had warnings , too ,", "Of her decease ; and prophesied to me ,", "Three weeks ago , when I lay like to die ,", "That I should see her in her coffin yet .", "Ay , so she said .", "She said no word thereon : as for her shrift ,", "No Chrisom child could show a chart of thoughts", "More spotless than were hers .", "When , next , I asked her , How she would be interred ; \u2018 In the vilest weeds , \u2019 Quoth she , \u2018 my poor hut holds ; I will not pamper When dead , that flesh , which living I despised . And for my wealth , see it to the last doit Bestowed upon the poor of Christ . \u2019 2d Woman . O grace ! 3d Woman . O soul to this world poor , but rich toward God !", "But she wins it !", "Stop that vile sobbing ! she 's unmanned enough", "Without your maudlin sympathy .", "Still on Crusaders ?", "Wanders , fool ? her madness", "Is worth a million of your paters , mumbled", "At every station between \u2014", "We 'd call him fool .", "The victory 's gained at last ! The fiend is baffled , and her saintship sure ! O people blest of Heaven !", "No man lights", "A candle , to be hid beneath a bushel :", "Thy virtues are the Church 's dower : endure", "All which the edification of the faithful", "Makes needful to be published .", "She means her heavenly Bridegroom \u2014", "The Spouse of souls ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1250, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Talk not of honour \u2014 Hell 's aflame within me :", "Foul water quenches fire as well as fair ;", "If I do meet him he shall die the death ,", "Come fair , come foul : I tell you , there are wrongs", "The fumbling piecemeal law can never touch ,", "Which bring of themselves to the injured , right divine ,", "Straight from the fount of right , above all parchments ,", "To be their own avengers : dainty lawyers ,", "If one shall slay the adulterer in the act ,", "Dare not condemn him : girls have stabbed their tyrants ,", "And common sense has crowned them saints ; yet what \u2014", "What were their wrongs to mine ? All gone ! All gone !", "My noble boys , whom I had trained , poor fools ,", "To win their spurs , and ride afield with me !", "I could have spared them \u2014 but my wife ! my lady !", "Those dainty limbs , which no eyes but mine \u2014", "Before that ruffian mob \u2014 Too much for man !", "Too much , stern Heaven !\u2014 Those eyes , those hands ,", "Those tender feet , where I have lain and worshipped \u2014", "Food for fierce flames ! And on the self-same day \u2014", "The day that they were seized \u2014 unheard \u2014 unargued \u2014", "No witness , but one vile convicted thief \u2014", "The dog is dead and buried : Well done , henchmen !", "They are not buried ! Pah ! their ashes flit", "About the common air ; we pass them \u2014 breathe them !", "The self-same day ! If I had had one look !", "One word \u2014 one single tiny spark of word ,", "Such as two swallows change upon the wing !", "She was no heretic : she knelt for ever", "Before the blessed rood , and prayed for me .", "Art sure he comes this road ?", "Ay , ay \u2014 forgive and forget \u2014", "The vermin 's trapped \u2014 and we 'll be gentle-handed ,", "And lift him out , and bid his master speed him ,", "Him and his firebrands . He shall never pass me .", "Look , how athwart yon sullen sleeping flats", "That frowning thunder-cloud sails pregnant hither ;\u2014", "And black against its sheeted gray , one bird", "Flags fearful onward \u2014 \u2018 Tis his cursed soul !", "Now thou shalt quake , raven !\u2014 The self-same day !\u2014", "He cannot \u2018 scape ! The storm is close upon him !", "There ! There ! the wreathing spouts have swallowed him !", "He 's gone ! and see , the keen blue spark leaps out", "From crag to crag , and every vaporous pillar", "Shouts forth his death-doom ! \u2018 Tis a sign , a sign !", "These are the starved unlettered hinds , forsooth ,", "He hunted down like vermin \u2014 for a doctrine .", "They have their rights , their wrongs ; their lawless laws ,", "Their witless arguings , which unconscious reason", "Informs to just conclusions . We will hear them .", "He speaks God 's truth ! We are Heaven 's justicers ! Our woes anoint us kings ! Peace \u2014 Hark again !\u2014", "Ay , down with him ! Mass , have these yelping boors", "More heart than I ?", "And cry in vain ! Follow thy minion ! Join Folquet in hell !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1250, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["It begins at three , does n't it ?", "Ah ! make sure quite of her , Dawker . Any mistake would be fatal .", "Where did you leave my husband ?", "What limit did you settle ?", "That 's a fearful price . Well , good luck to you , Dawker !", "I beg your pardon ?", "Well ?", "Did I ever say you did ?", "I 'm not aware that I 've acted at all \u2014 as yet . You are nothing to me , except as one of your family .", "Stop them then . I see your husband down there with his father .", "Oh ! I suppose such men do n't pay attention to what women ask them .", "I do n't quite know why you spoke to me .", "Really , if you do n't mind , I should like to be left alone just now .", "Can Dawker see you there , Jack ?", "What 's the time ?", "No .", "Do n't be foolish , Jill .", "Make sure you 've got a handkerchief , Jack .", "Come to gloat . Really , I think her not accepting your offer is disgusting . Her impartiality is all humbug .", "Ah ! yes .", "Oh !", "\u2018 Sh ! The AUCTIONEER comes in Left and goes to the table . He is a square , short , brown-faced , common looking man , with clipped grey hair fitting him like a cap , and a clipped grey moustache . His lids come down over his quick eyes , till he can see you very sharply , and you can hardly see that he can see you . He can break into a smile at any moment , which has no connection with him , as it were . By a certain hurt look , however , when bidding is slow , he discloses that he is not merely an auctioneer , but has in him elements of the human being . He can wink with anyone , and is dressed in a snug-brown suit , with a perfectly unbuttoned waistcoat , a low , turned down collar , and small black and white sailor knot tie . While he is settling his papers , the HILLCRISTS settle themselves tensely . CHLOE has drunk her water and leaned back again , with the smelling salts to her nose . ROLF leans forward in the seat beside her , looking sideways at JILL . A SOLICITOR , with a grey beard , has joined the AUCTIONEER , at his table .", "Blow your nose , Jack .", "Giving !", "Do n't give in !", "Keep it down ; do n't show him .", "Oh ! Jack .", "That 's enough , Jack , we must stop some time .", "Smalley ? Smalley ? Is that the Duke 's agent ? Jack !", "Take care ; they can hear you . Find DAWKER , Jack .", "Mr. Hornblower , as you fight foul \u2014 so shall we .", "And it will not be foul play towards you and yours . You are outside the pale .", "Just so , Mr. Hornblower . Ca n't you ?", "Quite seriously , Mr. Hornblower , you had better come to an arrangement .", "I will .", "Mr. Hornblower , if you build \u2014\u2014", "Mr. Hornblower , you build at your peril . I warn you .", "Thank you ; Dawker .", "You 'd better not ask .", "Jill , go out and wait for us .", "It 's not for a girl to hear .", "Do you wish your daughter \u2014\u2014", "I was not so proud of my knowledge .", "Exactly !", "Poor thing ?", "It 's what 's coming after that matters ; luckily .", "I told you not to .", "It will not be if Mr. Hornblower is wise . If he is not wise , it must be spoken of .", "Well , what weapons does he use against us ? Do n't be quixotic . For all we can tell , they know it quite well already , and if they do n't they ought to . Anyway , to know this is our salvation , and we must use it .", "At least , you 'd like to be in a position to help him , if you thought it necessary ?", "Then you agree that Mr. Hornblower at least should be told . What he does with the knowledge is not our affair .", "And the ruin of our home ? You 're betraying your fathers , Jack .", "We do n't . If anyone brings her in ; it will be Hornblower himself .", "I tell you quite plainly : I will only consent to holding my tongue about her , if you agree to Hornblower being told . It 's a scandal to have a woman like that in the neighbourhood .", "You must use this knowledge . You owe it to me \u2014 to us all . You 'll see that when you 've thought it over .", "Jill , be quiet !", "Oh ! Very well .", "I shall use the knowledge in my own way .", "I consider it my duty .", "That 's all I want .", "I do n't know what you mean by humbug ?", "Quite .", "Jill , if you can n't keep your impertinence to yourself \u2014\u2014", "You pride yourself on plain speech , Jill . I pride myself on plain thought . You will thank me afterwards that I can see realities . I know we are better people than these Hornblowers . Here we are going to stay , and they \u2014 are not .", "Dawker !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1254, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come in !Yes , Anna ?", "No .", "I 'd like a biscuit and a glass of champagne .", "Why do you smile ?", "You know you were .Are you paid to smile at me ?", "Yes .\u2014 No .\u2014 What 's the good ?My headache wo n't go .", "I have been \u2014 hours .", "Anna ! Why do you do it ?", "Spy on me .", "To spy ! You 're a fool , too . What is there to spy on ?", "If I could see that man \u2014 if only \u2014 or Dawker \u2014 -", "Beastly , thanks . I 'm not going into dinner .", "No , dear boy .You do n't want this quarrel with the Hillcrists to go on , do you , Rolf ?", "Well , I think I might be able to stop it . Will you slip round to Dawker 's \u2014 it 's not five minutes \u2014 and ask him to come and see me .", "I know . But if he comes to the window here while you 're at dinner , I 'll let him in , and out , and nobody 'd know .", "Do n't ask me . It 's worth the shot that 's all .To this window at eight o'clock exactly . First long window on the terrace , tell him .", "No ; only I can n't tell him \u2014 he and father are so mad about it all .", "This way , Rolf . If you do n't come back I shall know he 's coming . Put your watch by mine .It 's a minute fast , see !", "Do n't wait ; go on .", "I do n't want that champagne . Take this to the chemist and get him to make up some of these cachets quick , and bring them back yourself .", "They 're too old ; I 've taken two \u2014 the strength 's out of them . Quick , please ; I can n't stand this head .", "No ; I want the cachets .", "Awful head !", "I do n't know .", "There 's nothing ; unless it 's \u2014", "\u2014", "Unless it 's that my father was a \u2014 a bankrupt .", "I was n't very proud of him .", "Father , do n't say anything to Charlie ; it 'll only worry him for nothing .", "She may invent things , of course .", "Could n't you stop this quarrel ; father ? You said it was on my account . But I do n't want to know them . And they do love their old home . I like the girl . You do n't really need to build just there , do you ? Could n't you stop it ? Do !", "He 's only their agent .", "But they did n't begin the quarrel .", "No ; I 'll try to sleep . Please tell them I do n't want to be disturbed .", "It 's so hot .", "Oh !\u2014 Well !\u2014", "Good-night .", "Come in .", "You 're making a mistake , you know .", "I say you are .", "No . Do n't go !You are playing a game with me . Are n't you ashamed ? What harm have I done you ? Do you call this cricket ?", "What have I to do with this quarrel ? I could n't help their falling out .", "You 're a cruel fellow if you can spoil a woman 's life who never did you an ounce of harm .", "There 's good in them same as in you .", "But \u2014 but Im not one .", "Oh ! leave me alone , do ! I 'm happy here . Be a sport ! Be a sport !", "I had such a bad time in old days .", "Ah ! do ! You might ! You 've been fond of some woman , I suppose . Think of her !", "What is it to you ?Look here ! Do n't you make an enemy , of me . I have n't dragged through hell for nothing . Women like me can bite , I tell you .", "Be quiet ! Oh ! Be quiet !Look ! There 's my savings \u2014 there 's all I 've got ! The pearls 'll fetch nearly a thousand .Take it , and drop me out \u2014 wo n't you ? Wo n't you ?", "You 're a beast !\u2014 a beast ! a cruel , cowardly beast ! And how dare you bribe that woman here to spy on me ? Oh ! yes , you do ; you know you do . If you drove me mad , you would n't care . You beast !", "What d'you call it \u2014 to dog a woman down like this , just because you happen to have a quarrel with a man ?", "I hope your mother or your sister , if you 've got any , may go through what I 'm going through ever since you got on my track . I hope they 'll know what fear means . I hope they 'll love and find out that it 's hanging on a thread , and \u2014 and \u2014 Oh ! you coward , you persecuting coward ! Call yourself a man !", "Is there anything you 'll take , not to spoil my life ?Me ?", "Ugh ! Rat in a trap ! Rat \u2014\u2014!", "Ye-es .", "Yes , better , Charlie .", "No .", "I do n't know . Except that \u2014 except that I am going to have a child , Charlie .", "Are you glad ?", "Do n't tell him \u2014 yet .", "It 's a wonder if I 'm not . Charlie , are you happy with me ?", "You would n't easily believe things against me , would you ?", "It 's not good for me , now I 'm like this . It 's upsetting me , Charlie .", "It 's wretched in a little place like this . I say , must you go on spoiling their home ?", "Let her . I do n't care ; I can n't bear feeling enemies about , Charlie , I \u2014 get nervous \u2014 I \u2014\u2014", "I suppose it 's \u2014 being like this .But , Charlie , do stop it for my sake . Do , do !", "I 've got no pride , Charlie . I want to be quiet \u2014 that 's all .", "No , it 's nothing , of course \u2014 what I want .", "If you want me to be a good wife to you , make father stop it .", "Behind ?", "I see .", "You have n't finished dinner , have you ? Go back , and I 'll go to bed quite soon . Charlie , do n't stop loving me .", "Oh-h !", "I do n't know . Go on ,", "Charlie . I 'll be all right when this head 's gone ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1254, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come in here . There 's no one .", "We did n't begin it .", "I hope I should be sorry .", "And we can n't help thinking he 's a pig . Sorry !", "He may be fitter , but he 's not going to survive .", "Is that all you came to say ?", "I do n't feel like joining .", "One can n't fight and not grow bitter .", "Wait ; you 'll feel it soon enough .", "Well ?", "I think you 'd better shut up .", "No .", "Yes .", "I do n't expect so .", "Lots of horrible things in the world .", "Do n't be moral .", "Better be real first .", "There is n't any . We 're all out , for our own . And why not ?", "Cynical ? Your father 's motto \u2014 \u201c Every man for himself . \u201d", "That 's the winner \u2014 hands down . Goodbye !", "\u2014", "\u201c If auld acquaintance be forgot", "And days of auld lang syne \u201d \u2014\u2014", "Let the three gentlemen in , and me out .", "We saw Chloe in the car . How did she take it , mother ?", "I shall go and see her .", "I shall . She must be in an awful state .", "I think I can , Dodo .", "I 'm going , all the same .", "Suppose I 'd taken a knock like that , Dodo , I 'd be glad of friendliness from someone .", "You do n't know what you can do till you try , mother .", "Oh ! Mother , we are grateful . Dodo , show your gratitude .", "Yes , Dodo , yes ! Mother , hold him while INo ! I can n't \u2014 I can n't help thinking of her ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1254, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What are you doing here ?", "Go away .", "Go away , and do n't say anything . Oh ! The roses !Do n't they smell lovely ?", "I 'll tell you nothing . Go away !", "What state ? I 'm all right . Wait for me down in the drive , if you want to .", "I could n't bear it he 's coming to ask you \u2014\u2014", "My husband .I 've got to be quick . He keeps on asking \u2014 he knows there 's something .", "Oh ! that 's not enough . Ca n't you tell him something to put him back to thinking it 's all right ? I 've done him such a wrong . I did n't realise till after \u2014 I thought meeting him was just a piece of wonderful good luck , after what I 'd been through . I 'm not such a bad lot \u2014 not really .You see , my father went bankrupt , and I was in a shop \u2014\u2014", "I never gave a man away or did anything I was ashamed of \u2014 at least \u2014 I mean , I had to make my living in all sorts of ways , and then I met Charlie .", "He thought I was respectable , and that was such a relief , you can n't think , so \u2014 so I let him .", "And after I married him , you see , I fell in love . If I had before , perhaps I would n't have dared only , I do n't know \u2014 you never know , do you ? When there 's a straw going , you catch at it .", "And now , you see , I 'm going to have a child .", "I 've been on hot bricks all this month , ever since that day here . I knew it was in the wind . What gets in the wind never gets out .Never ! It just blows here and thereand then \u2014 blows home .But I 've paid for being a fool \u2014 \u2018 tis n't fun , that sort of life , I can tell you . I 'm not ashamed and repentant , and all that . If it was n't for him ! I 'm afraid he 'll never forgive me ; it 's such a disgrace for him \u2014 and then , to have his child ! Being fond of him , I feel it much worse than anything I ever felt , and that 's saying a good bit . It is .", "That 's it ; but it 's started , and he 's bound to keep on because he knows there 's something . A man is n't going to be satisfied when there 's something he suspects about his wife , Charlie would n't never . He 's clever , and he 's jealous ; and he 's coming here .", "You will ! You see , I do n't know what I 'll do . I 've got soft , being looked after \u2014 he does love me . And if he throws me off , I 'll go under \u2014 that 's all .", "The only thing is to tell him something positive , something he 'll believe , that 's not too bad \u2014 like my having been a lady clerk with those people who came here , and having been dismissed on suspicion of taking money . I could get him to believe that was n't true .", "Thank you . And do n't say I 've been here , will you ? He 's very suspicious . You see , he knows that his father has re-sold that land to you ; that 's what he can n't make out \u2014 that , and my coming here this morning ; he knows something 's being kept from him ; and he noticed that man with Dawker yesterday . And my maid 's been spying on me . It 's in the air . He puts two and two together . But I 've told him there 's nothing he need worry about ; nothing that 's true .", "I 'm very honest and careful about money . So he wo n't believe that about me , and the old man wants to keep it from Charlie , I know .", "I 'm a true wife to him .", "Of course we know that .", "When I deceived him , I 'd have deceived God Himself \u2014 I was so desperate . You 've never been right down in the mud . You can n't understand what I 've been through .", "Darling Dodo !", "There 's somebody at the door . I must go ; I must go ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1254, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis his usual custom ,", "And requisite he should : he has now put off", "The Funeral black ,", "Your gathering Sires , so long heap muck together ,", "That their kind Sons , to rid them of their care ,", "Wish them in Heaven ; or if they take a taste", "Of Purgatory by the way , it matters not ,", "Provided they remove hence ; what is befaln", "To his Father , in the other world , I ask not ;", "I am sure his prayer is heard : would I could use one", "For mine , in the same method .", "Good Doctor , do not school me", "For a fault you are not free from : On my life", "Were all Heirs in Corduba , put to their Oaths ,", "They would confess with me , \u2018 tis a sound Tenet :", "I am sure Leandro do 's .", "And fairly he deserves it ,", "He 's a Royal Fellow : yet observes a mean", "In all his courses , careful too on whom", "He showers his bounties : he that 's liberal", "To all alike , may do a good by chance ,", "But never out of Judgment : This invites", "The prime men of the City to frequent", "All places he resorts to , and are happy", "In his sweet Converse .", "There is something more i n't :", "He needs his Purse , and knows how to make use o n't .", "\u2018 Tis now in fashion for your Don , that 's poor ,", "To vow all Leagues of friendship with a Merchant", "That can supply his wants , and howsoe 're", "Don Jamie 's noble born , his elder Brother", "Don Henrique rich , and his Revenues long since", "Encreas 'd by marrying with a wealthy Heir", "Call 'd , Madam Vi", "lante , he yet holds", "A hard hand o 're Jamie , allowing him", "A bare annuity only .", "Why that 's the reason", "Of their so many jarrs : though the young Lord", "Be sick of the elder Brother , and in reason", "Should flatter , and observe him , he 's of a nature", "Too bold and fierce , to stoop so , but bears up ,", "Presuming on his hopes .", "\u2018 Tis a sweet one ,", "And the best condition 'd youth , I ever saw yet ,", "So humble , and so affable , that he wins", "The love of all that know him , and so modest ,", "That", "he would starve", "Rather than ask a courtesie : He 's the Son", "Of a poor cast-Captain , one Octavio ;", "And She , that once was call 'd th'fair Jacinta ,", "Is happy in being his Mother : for his sake ,", "Pity such seeds", "Of promising courage should not grow and prosper .", "Here ,", "I wish it were more .", "Now they begin to burn", "Like oppos 'd Meteors .", "You have given him a heat ,", "But with your own distemper .", "\u2018 Faith it is said", "That the next Summer will determine much", "Of that we long have talk 'd of , touching the Wars .", "And that 's one ,", "Almost as general .", "I am sure he cheated me of the best part", "Of my Estate .", "Trained into a fools paradise with a tale", "Of an imagin 'd Form .", "I would not have thee fool 'd .", "Lea . I have strange Engines", "Fashioning here : and Bartolus on the Anvil ,", "Disswade me not , but help me .", "Take your fortune ,", "If you come off well , praise your wit ; if not ,", "Expect to be the subject of our Laughter ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1270, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["You met Don Henrique ?", "What comfort bring you ?", "Speak cheerfully : how did my letter work", "On his hard temper ? I am sure I wrote it", "So feelingly , and with the pen of sorrow ,", "That it must force Compunction .", "Is there a Justice", "Or thunder", "and he", "Not sunk unto the center ?", "The bad mans charity .", "Oh that I could forget there were a Tye ,", "In me , upon him ! or the relief I seek ,", "were bounty in him , and not debt ,", "Debt of a dear accompt !", "If the contagion", "Of my misfortunes had not spread it self", "Upon my Son Ascanio , though my wants", "Were centupli 'd upon my self , I could be patient :", "But he is so good , I so miserable ,", "His pious care , his duty , and obedience ,", "And all that can be wish 'd for from a Son ,", "Discharg 'd to me , and I , barr 'd of all means", "To return any scruple of the debt", "I owe him as a Mother , is a Torment ,", "Too painfull to be born .", "Here comes our joy ,", "Where has my dearest been ?", "Mens Charities are so cold ,", "That if I knew not , thou wert made of Goodness ,", "\u2018 Twould breed a jealousie in me by what means ,", "Thou cam'st by such a sum .", "Can I be wretched ,", "And know my self the Mother to such Goodness ?", "And in him ,", "Believe that we are rich ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1270, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Is it my fault , Don Henrique , or my fate ?", "What 's my offence ? I came young to your bed ,", "I had a fruitfull Mother , and you met me", "With equall ardour in your May of blood ;", "And why then am I barren ?", "To what use serve", "Full fortunes , and the meaner sort of blessings ,", "When that , which is the Crown of all our wishes ,", "The period of humane happiness ,", "One only Child that may possess what 's ours ,", "Is cruelly deni 'd us ?", "I will rather choose", "A Bastard from the Hospital and adopt him ,", "And nourish him as mine own .", "I will fire", "The Portion I brought with me , e 're he spend", "A Royal of it : no Quirck left ? no Quiddit", "That may defeat him ?", "I fear not what may fall", "He dispossess 'd that does usurp on all ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1270, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Wonder on ,", "I am as ye see , and , what will follow , Gentlemen ?", "Weak simple men , this Vicar to this Lawyer", "Is the most inward Damon .", "\u2018 Tis to that grave Gentleman ;", "Bless your good learning , Sir .", "I have a Letter to your worship .", "From Nova Hispania , Sir ,", "And from an ancient friend of yours .", "You look , Sir , as if ye had forgot my Father .", "The same , Sir .", "Yes .", "Think again , Sir ,", "You were Students both at one time in Salamanca ,", "And , as I take it , Chamber-fellows .", "Nay , sure you must remember .", "I have heard him say , you were Gossips too .", "Not any letter ,", "But I was charged to doe my Fathers love", "To the old honest Sexton Diego : are you he , Sir ?", "It seems I am deceiv 'd , Sir ,", "Yet , that you are Don Lopez all men tell me ,", "The Curate here , and have been some time , Sir ,", "And you the Sexton Diego , such I am sent to ,", "The letter tells as much : may be they are dead ,", "And you of the like names succeed : I thank ye Gentlemen ,", "Ye have done honestly , in telling truth ,", "I might have been forward else . For to that Lopez ,", "That was my Fathers friend , I had a charge ,", "to deliver", "Five hundred Duckets , a poor small gratuity ,", "But since you are not he \u2014", "He 's old indeed , sir .", "Some five and twenty , sir .", "De Castro 's Daughter .", "Thou art a very Rascal .", "De Castro is the Turk to thee , or any thing :", "The Mony rubbs \u2018 em into strange remembrances ,", "For as many Duckets more they would remember Adam .", "Farm sir ,", "You say most true .", "Lord , how I blush for these two impudents !", "It is indeed , sir ,", "Gra \u2019 - mercy letter , thou hadst never known else .", "Sweet lying knaves . What would these doe for thousands ?", "O , very shortly , Sir , till his return", "He has sent me over to your charge .", "And to my Study , Sir , which must be the Law .", "To further which , he would entreat your care", "To plant me in the favour of some man", "That 's expert in that knowledge : for his pains", "I have three hundred Duckets more : For my Diet ,", "Enough , Sir , to defray me : which I am charged", "To take still , as I use it , from your custodie ,", "I have the mony ready , and I am weary .", "Pray ye Sir , unlade me .", "If all this get me but access , I am happy .", "I'le go with ye . To have this fort betray 'd these fools must fleece me ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1270, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["My Amaranta , a retir 'd sweet life ,", "Private and close , and still , and houswifely ,", "Becomes a Wife , sets off the grace of woman .", "At home to be believ 'd both young , and handsome ,", "As Lilies that are cas 'd in crystall Glasses ,", "Makes up the wonder : shew it abroad \u2018 tis stale ,", "And still the more eyes cheapen it \u2018 tis more slubber 'd ,", "And what need windowes open to inviting ?", "Or evening Tarrasses , to take opinions ?", "When the most wholsome air", "blows inward ,", "When good thoughts are the noblest Companions ,", "And old chast stories , wife , the best discourses ;", "But why do I talk thus , that know thy nature ?", "Peace , ye are too loud .", "Peace Amaranta .", "Thou shalt too .", "You are now too far again : thou shalt have any thing ,", "Let me but lay up for a handsome Office ,", "And then my Amaranta \u2014", "No more such words , good wife ,", "What would you have , Maid ?", "A stranger ?", "\u2018 Pray thee no more of that .", "No , no , thou shalt not ; \u2018 tis some honest Client ,", "Rich , and litigious , the Curate has brought to me ,", "Pre'thee goe in", "I'le but speak to \u2018 em ,", "And return instantly .", "And reward it .", "So , so , fast bind , fast find ; Come in my neighbours ,", "My loving neighbours pray ye come in , ye are welcome .", "Good-day , good Master Curate ,", "And neighbour Diego , welcom : what 's your business ?", "And \u2018 pray ye be short", "the time is pretious ,", "Welcom , good Sir .", "It seems so , Neighbours ,", "But to what end ?", "Alas , good Gentleman ,", "I am a poor man , and a private too ,", "Unfit to keep a Servant of your Reckoning ;", "My house a little Cottage , and scarce able", "To hold my self , and those poor few live under it ;", "Besides , you must not blame me Gentlemen ,", "If I were able to receive a Servant ,", "To be a little scrupulous of his dealing ,", "For in these times \u2014", "And that 's an honest pledge ;", "Yet sure , that needs not , for his face , and carriage ,", "Seem to declare an in-bred honesty .", "I do strangely , yes , and I like it too , thanks to his mony .", "So it seems ,", "His dear love to his Studie must be nourish 'd ,", "Neighbour , he 's like to prove .", "Come hither .", "O I like him better .", "Say I should undertake ye , which indeed , sir ,", "Will be no little straitness to my living ,", "Considering my Affairs , and my small house , sir ,", "For I see some promises that pull me to ye ;", "Could you content your self , at first thus meanly ,", "To lie hard , in an out-part of my house , sir ?", "For I have not many Lodgings to allow ye ;", "And studie should be still remote from company ;", "A little fire sometimes too , to refresh ye ;", "A Student must be frugal : sometimes Lights too ,", "According to your labour .", "Then I receive you : but I must desire ye", "To keep within your confines .", "Welcome \u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1270, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Why will ye bring men in , and yet be jealous ?", "Why will ye lodge a young man , a man able ,", "And yet repine ?", "I will not have him here : I know your courses ,", "And what fits you will fall into of madness .", "I will not try ye .", "Now ye lay fire ; fire to consume your quiet .", "I do not like it , Sir .", "You had best trust him at your Table ,", "Do , and repent it , do .", "What means this Wood-cock ?", "So many hundred Duckets , to ly scurvily ?", "And learn the pelting Law ? this sounds but slenderly ,", "But very poorly : I would see this fellow ,", "Very fain see him , how he looks : I will find", "To what end , and what study : there 's the place :", "I'le go o'th \u2019 other side , and take my Fortune .", "I think there is a window .", "He keeps very close : Lord , how I long to see him !", "A Lute strook handsomely , a voice too ; I'le hear that :", "These Verses are no Law , they sound too sweetly ,", "Now I am more desirous .", "What 's that that peeps ?", "Sure \u2018 tis the man .", "He looks not like a fool , his face is noble :", "How still he stands !", "How pale he looks ! yet , how his eyes like torches ,", "Fling their beams round : how manly his face shews !", "He comes on : surely he will speak : he is made most handsomly :", "This is no Clerk behaviour ; now I have seen ye ,", "I'le take my time : Husband , ye have brought home tinder ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1270, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ne 're talk to me , I will not stay amongst ye ,", "Debaush 'd and ignorant lazie knaves I found ye ,", "And fools I leave ye . I have taught these twenty years ,", "Preacht spoon-meat to ye , that a Child might swallow ,", "Yet ye are Block-heads still : what should I say to ye ?", "Ye have neither faith , nor mony left to save ye ,", "Am I a fit companion for such Beggers ?", "No , no ye are rotten .", "I will not stay for all this , ye shall know me", "A man born to a more beseeming fortune", "Than ringing all-in , to a rout of Dunces .", "My Surpless , with one sleeve , you shall find there ,", "For to that dearth of Linnen you have driven me ;", "And the old Cutwork Cope , that hangs by Geometry :", "\u2018 Pray ye turn \u2018 em carefully , they are very tender ;", "The remnant of the Books , lie where they did , Neighbours ,", "Half puft away with the Church-wardens pipings ,", "Such smoaky zeals they have against hard places .", "The Poor-mans Box is there too : if ye find any thing", "Beside the Posie , and that half rub 'd out too ,", "For fear it should awake too much charity ,", "Give it to pious uses , that is , spend it .", "A strong motive ,", "The stronger still , the more ye come unto me .", "3 .. And I'le send for my Daughter .", "This may stir too :", "The Maiden is of age , and must be edified .", "Let Weddings , Christnings , Churchings , Funerals ,", "And merry Gossippings go round , go round still ,", "Round as a Pig , that we may find the profit .", "Let \u2018 em be brought to Bed , then dye when they please . These things considered , Country-men , and sworn to .", "\u2018 Tis well , proceed Neighbours ,", "I am glad I have brought ye to understand good manners ,", "Ye had Puritan hearts a-while , spurn 'd at all pastimes ,", "But I see some hope now .", "Be gone Neighbours ,", "Here are some Gentlemen : be gone good Neighbours ,", "Be gone , and labour to redeem my favour ,", "No more words , but be gone : these two are Gentlemen ,", "No company for crusty-handed fellows .", "Fill all your hearts with joy , we will stay with ye ,", "Be gone , no more ; I take your pastimes graciously .", "Would ye with me , my friends ?", "Ye have no Letters ? Nor any kind Remembrances ?", "From Nova Hispania , or some part remote , Sir ,", "You look like Travel 'd men : may be some old friends", "That happily I have forgot ; some Signiours", "In China or Cataya ; some Companions \u2014", "Ye came not from Peru ? do they look , Diego ,", "As if they had some mystery about \u2018 em ?", "Another Don Alonzo now ?", "They have gracious favours .", "Would ye be private ?", "Mil . There 's no need o n't , Sir ,", "We come to bring ye a Remembrance from a Merchant .", "\u2018 Tis very well , \u2018 tis like I know him .", "A new mistake , Diego ,", "Let 's carry it decently .", "By my faith it freezes .", "We have a hundred Duckets", "Yet left , we do beseech ye , Sir \u2014", "One may suffice .", "Command us , Master ,", "Command us presently , and see how nimbly \u2014", "We are ready .", "\u2018 Tis most expedient that we should hang both .", "We expect ye .\u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1270, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["We cited to the Court ! { A Bar , Table-book , 2 Chairs , and Paper , standish set out .", "But not our fear , Jacintha ; wealthy men ,", "That have Estates to lose ; whose conscious thoughts", "Are full of inward guilt , may shake with horrour", "To have their Actions sifted , or appear", "Before the Judge . But we that know our selves", "As innocent , as poor , that have no Fleece", "On which the Talons of the griping Law", "Can take sure hold , may smile with scorn on all", "That can be urg 'd against us .", "What thinks Ascanio ?", "Should we be call 'd in question , or accus 'd", "Unjustly , what would you do to redeem us", "From tyrannous oppression ?", "Happy simplicitie !", "And the Advocate , that caus 'd us to be summon 'd .", "\u2018 Save your Lordship ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1270, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Where is my wife ? \u2018 fore heaven , I have done wonders ,", "Done mighty things to day , my Amaranta ,", "My heart rejoyces at my wealthy Gleanings ,", "A rich litigious Lord I love to follow ,", "A Lord that builds his happiness on brawlings ,", "O \u2018 tis a blessed thing to have rich Clyents ,", "Why , wife I say , how fares my studious Pupil ?", "Hard at it still ? ye are too violent ,", "All things must have their rests , they will not last else ,", "Come out and breathe .", "I'le instruct ye :", "Enter Amaranta .", "I say take breath , seek health first , then your study .", "O my sweet soul , I have brought thee golden birds home ,", "Birds in abundance : I have done strange wonders :", "There 's more a hatching too .", "Good enough chicken ,", "I have spread the nets o'th \u2019 law , to catch rich booties ,", "And they come fluttering in : how do 's my Pupil ?", "My modest thing , hast thou yet spoken to him ?", "And so bashfull too ,", "I \u2019 faith he is , before he will speak , he will starve there .", "So do I too .", "He shall not trouble thee , he dare not speak to thee .", "Enter Moor , with Chesse-board .", "Bring out the Chesse-board ,\u2014 come let 's have a game wife ,", "I'le try your masterie , you say you are cunning .", "Here he steals out , put him not out of countenance ,", "Prethee look another way , he will be gone else", "Walk and refresh your self , I 'll be with you presently .", "\u2018 Twill be healthfull .", "\u2018 Twas subtilly play 'd : your Queen lies at my service .", "Prethee look off , he is ready to pop in again ,", "Look off I say , do'st thou not see how he blushes ?", "I have you now close ,", "Now for a Mate .", "Who 's there ? I come , you cannot scape me now wife . I come , I come .", "Play quickly wife .", "Play .", "He knocks again ; I cannot stay . Leandro ,", "\u2018 Pray thee come near .", "Come hither :", "Be not afraid , but come .", "\u2018 Prethee observe these men : just as they stand here ,", "And see this Lady do not alter \u2018 em ,", "And be not partial , Pupil .", "Let her not move a pawn , I'le come back presently ,", "Nay you shall know I am a Conquerour .", "Have an eye Pupil \u2014", "What noise was this , wife ? Why dost thou smile ?", "Thou art grown a Master ,", "For all this I shall beat ye .", "I am glad ye are a gamester , Sir , sometimes", "For recreation we two shall fight hard at it .", "I have been attoning two most wrangling neighbours ,", "They had no mony , therefore I made even .", "Come , let 's go in and eat , truly I am hungry .", "Do as ye please , we shall expect ye at supper . He has got a little heart , now it seems handsomly ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1270, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["O my patience , hear \u2018 em !", "Can cunning falshood colour an excuse", "With any seeming shape of borrowed truth ?", "Extenuate this wofull wrong , not error ?", "I will take", "A course to right my self , a speeding one :", "By the bless 'd Saints , I will ; if I prove cruel ,", "The shame to see thy foolish pity , taught me", "To lose my natural softness , keep off from me ,", "Thy flatteries are infectious , and I'le flee thee", "As I would doe a Leper .", "In vain ,", "I'le take mine own waies , and will have no partners .", "Do not , they shall find", "That to a Woman of her hopes beguil 'd", "A Viper trod on , or an Aspick 's mild ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1270, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Grieve , Octavio ?", "I would resign my Essence , that he were", "As happy as my love could fashion him ,", "Though every blessing that should fall on him ,", "Might prove a curse to me : my sorrow springs", "Out of my fear and doubt he is not safe .", "I am acquainted with Don Henrique 's nature ,", "And I have heard too much the fiery temper", "Of Madam Violante : can you think", "That she , that almost is at war with Heaven", "For being barren , will with equal eyes", "Behold a Son of mine ?", "Step-mothers", "Have many eyes , to find a way to mischief ,", "Though blind to goodness .", "By my best hopes", "I thank her cruelty , for it comes near", "A saving Charity ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1270, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Is't possible he should be rich ?", "Accounted a poor Sexton ,", "Honest poor Diego .", "A notable good fellow too ?", "So many thousands ?", "\u2018 Tis strange ,", "\u2018 Tis very strange ; but we see by endeavour ,", "And honest labour \u2014", "Ye say true , but he lov 'd to feed well also ,", "And that me-thinks \u2014", "These are good Symptoms : do 's he lye so sick say ye ?", "And chosen me Executor ?", "No hope of his amendment ?", "He hath no Kinsmen neither ?", "His mind will be the quieter . What Doctors has he ?", "They are but needless things , in such extremities . Who draws the good mans Will ?", "Grief will do little now , Sir ,", "Draw it to your comfort , Friend , and as I counsel ye ,", "An honest man , but such men live not always :", "Who are about him ?", "They do ill ,", "Indeed they do , to trouble him ; very ill , Sir .", "But we shall take a care .", "I am sorry , Neighbour Diego ,", "To find ye in so weak a state .", "Me-thinks he looks well ,", "His colour fresh , and strong , his eyes are chearful .", "\u2018 Pray ye do not trouble him ,", "You see he 's weak and has a wandring fancy .", "I vow it truly , Neighbours ,", "Let not that trouble ye , before all these ,", "Once more I give my Oath .", "What do you give to it ?", "\u2018 Tis a good gift ,", "And will be long remembred .", "These are large sums .", "This fellow coins sure .", "No end of this Will ?", "You will give no more ?", "If he be worth all these , I am made for ever .", "These are mad Legacies .", "This cannot be , \u2018 tis monstrous .", "You have made me full Executor ?", "Ye say true ,", "A very honest mind , and make it rich too ;", "Rich , wondrous rich , but where shall I raise these moneys ,", "About your house ? I see no such great promises ;", "Where shall I find these sums ?", "Think good ? will that raise thousands ? What do you make me ?", "Where I please ? this is pack 'd sure to disgrace me .", "I am abused , betrayed , I am laugh 'd at , scorn 'd ,", "Baffl 'd , and boared , it seems .", "This is derision above sufferance , villany", "Plotted and set against me .", "\u2018 Tis well , Sir .", "I am asham 'd to feel how flat I am cheated ,", "How grossly , and maliciously made a May-game ,", "A damned trick ; my Wife , my Wife , some Rascal :", "My Credit , and my Wife , some lustful Villain ,", "Some Bawd , some Rogue .", "Good yield ye , and good thank ye : I am fooled , Gentlemen ;", "The Lawyer is an Ass , I do confess it ,", "A weak dull shallow Ass : good even to your Worships :", "Vicar , remember Vicar , Rascal , remember ,", "Thou notable rich Rascal .", "Remember Varlets ,", "Quake and remember , Rogues ;", "I have brine for your Buttocks ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1270, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I do believe : let 's walk on , time is pretious ,", "Not to be spent in words , here no more wooing ,", "The open Air 's an enemy to Lovers ,", "Do as I tell ye .", "Hold ye to that and swear it confidently ,", "Then I shall make a scruple to deny ye :", "\u2018 Pray ye let 's step in , and see a friend of mine ,", "The weather 's sharp : we 'll stay but half an hour ,", "We may be miss 'd else : a private fine house \u2018 tis , Sir ,", "And we may find many good welcomes .", "All your mind 's of doing ,", "You must be modester .", "Is this my welcome ?", "I cannot go to Church , but thus I am scandal 'd ,", "Use no devotion for my soul , but Gentlemen \u2014", "I was fain to drive him like a sheep before me ,", "I blush to think how people fleer 'd , and scorn 'd me .", "Others have handsome men , that know behaviour ,", "Place , and observance : this silly thing knows nothing ,", "Cannot tell ten ; let every Rascal justle me ,", "And still I push 'd him on as he had been coming .", "Bar . Ha ! did ye push him on ? is he so stupid ?", "When others were attentive to the Priest ,", "Good devout Gentleman , then fell he fast ,", "Fast , sound asleep : then first began the Bag-pipes ,", "The several stops on 's nose made a rare musick ,", "A rare and loud , and those plaid many an Anthem .", "Put out of that , he fell straight into dreaming .", "Why then he talked in his Sleep too ,", "Nay , I'le divulge your moral vertues", "And talk 'd aloud , that every ear was fixt to him :", "Did not I suffer", "in this time ?", "Talk of your bawling Law , of appellations", "Of Declarations , and Excommunications :", "Warrants , and Executions : and such Devils", "That drove all the Gentlemen out o'th \u2019 Church , by hurryes ,", "With execrable oaths , they would never come there again .", "Thus am I served and man 'd .", "To be an Asse ,", "A Lawyers Asse , to carry Books , and Buckrams .", "You know my easie nature ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1270, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis well , how did he look ,", "When he knew from whom you were sent ? was he not startled ?", "Or confident ? or fearful ?", "\u2018 Tis the better ,", "Reach me a Chair : so , bring him in , be careful", "That none disturb us : I will try his temper ,", "And if I find him apt for my employments ,", "Enter Jamie , Servant .", "I'le work him to my ends ; if not , I shall", "Find other Engines .", "Leave us .", "I did , and do 's the favour ,", "Your present state considered and my power ,", "Deserve no greater Ceremony ?", "He bears up still ; I like it . Pray you a word .", "You are very bold .", "Yet , with your favour ,", "A little form joyn 'd with respect to her ,", "That can add to your wants , or free you from \u2018 em", "Might well become your wisdom .", "You think you have said now ,", "Like a brave fellow : in this Womans War", "You ever have been train 'd : spoke big , but suffer 'd", "Like a tame Ass ; and when most spur 'd and gall 'd", "Were never Master of the Spleen or Spirit ,", "That could raise up the anger of a man ,", "And force it into action .", "This shews nobly ,", "I must confess it : I am taken with it ,", "For had you kneel 'd and whin 'd and shew 'd a base", "And low dejected mind , I had despis 'd you .", "This bravery", "conquers", "And do 's command me , and upon the suddain", "I feel a kind of pity , growing in me ,", "For your misfortunes , pity some say 's the Parent ,", "Of future love , and I repent my part", "So far in what you have suffered , that I could", "do something to repair", "What your base Brother", "Hath brought to ruine .", "Be not amaz 'd ,", "Our injuries are equal in his Bastard ,", "You are familiar with what I groan for ,", "And though the name of Husband holds a tye", "Beyond a Brother , I , a poor weak Woman ,", "Am sensible , and tender of a wrong ,", "And to revenge it would break through all lets ,", "That durst oppose me .", "By this kiss : start not : thus much , as a stranger", "You may take from me ; but , if you were pleas 'd ,", "I should select you as a bosom friend ,", "I would print \u2018 em thus , and thus .", "Come near ,", "Near into the Cabinet of my Counsels :", "Simplicity and patience dwell with Fools ,", "And let them bear those burthens , which wise men", "Boldly shake off ; be mine and joyn with me ,", "And when that I have rais 'd you to a fortune ,", "You 'll look on me with more judicious eyes", "And swear I am most fair .", "Thus then Jamie ,", "The objects of our fury are the same ,", "For young Ascanio , whom you Snake-like hug 'd", "in your warm bosom ,", "Lives to supplant you in your certain hopes ,", "And kills in me all comfort .", "You , once again , were the undoubted heir .", "I'le add fuel to it ,", "And by a nearer cut , do you but steer", "As I direct you , wee'l bring our Bark into", "The Port of happiness .", "By Henriques death :", "But you'l say he 's your Brother ; in great fortunes", "The politick brook no Rivals .", "Now you speak like", "A man that knows the World .", "And that 's glorious ,", "And will protect the fact .", "And be married ?", "Laugh at the laws of Spain . \u2018 Twere admirable .", "Shall it be done ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1270, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["You are well enough disguiz 'd , furnish the Table ,", "Make no shew what ye are , till I discover :", "Not a soul knows ye here : be quick and diligent ,", "These youths I have invited to a Breakfast ,", "But what the Sawce will be , I am of opinion", "I shall take off the edges of their Appetites ,", "And grease their gums for eating heartily", "This month or two , they have plaid their prizes with me ,", "And with their several flurts they have lighted dangerously ,", "But sure I shall be quit : I hear \u2018 em coming .", "Go off and wait the bringing in your service ,", "And do it handsomely : you know where to have it .", "Enter Milanes , Arsenio , Lopez , Diego .", "Welcom i \u2019 Faith .", "Welcom all : all over ,", "And let 's be merry .", "And thou shalt have it fill 'd my merry Diego ,", "My liberal , and my bonny bounteous Diego ,", "Even fill 'd till it groan again .", "I'le tell ye neighbours ,", "Though I were angry yesterday with ye all ,", "And very angry , for methought ye bob 'd me .", "No , when I considered", "It was a jest , and carried off so quaintly ,", "It made me merry : very merry , Gentlemen ,", "I do confess I could not sleep to think o n't ,", "The mirth so tickled me , I could not slumber .", "You say true neighbour .", "Very certain ,", "But I know ye all for merry waggs , and ere long", "You shall know me too in another fashion ,", "Though y'are pamper 'd , ye shall bear part o'th \u2019 burthen .", "Enter Amaranta , and Leandro .", "Come wife ; Come bid \u2018 em welcom ; Come my Jewel :", "And Pupil , you shall come too ; ne 're hang backward ,", "Come , come the woman 's pleas 'd , her anger 's over ,", "Come , be not bashfull .", "Bring in the meat there , ha ? Sit down dear neighbour ,", "A little meat needs little Complement ,", "Sit down I say .", "Convey away their weapons handsomely .", "Peace and be quiet ; I shall make you smoak else ,", "There 's men and meat enough , set it down formally .", "I have no dainties for ye Gentlemen ,", "Nor loads of meat , to make the room smell of \u2018 em .", "Only a dish to every man I have dedicated ,", "And if I have pleas 'd his appetite .", "Fall to , fall to , that we may drink and laugh after ,", "Wait diligently knaves .", "Nay take it to ye ,", "There 's no avoiding it , \u2018 tis somewhat tough Sir ,", "But a good stomach will endure it easily ,", "The sum is but a thousand duckets Sir .", "Your carefull makers , but they have mar 'd your diet .", "Stir not , your Swords are gone : there 's no avoiding me ,", "And these are Algazeirs , do you hear that passing bell ?", "Out with your Beads , Curate ,", "The Devil 's in your dish : bell , book , and Candle .", "Ye need not ,", "Your fear I hope will make ye find your Breeches .", "Invited do not wrong me ,", "Fall to , good Guests , you have diligent men about ye ,", "Ye shall want nothing that may persecute ye ,", "These will not see ye start ; Have I now found ye ?", "Have I requited ye ? You fool 'd the Lawyer ,", "And thought it meritorious to abuse him ,", "A thick ram-headed knave : you rid , you spur 'd him ,", "And glorified your wits , the more ye wronged him ;", "Within this hour ye shall have all your Creditours ,", "A second dish of new debts , come upon ye ,", "And new invitements to the whip , Don Diego ,", "And Excommunications for the learned Curate ,", "A Masque of all your furies shall dance to ye .", "You shall be bob 'd , Gentlemen ,", "Stir , and as I have a life , ye goe to prison ,", "To prison , without pitie instantly ,", "Before ye speak another word to prison .", "I have a better Guard without , that waits ;", "Do you see this man , Don Curate ? \u2018 tis a Paratour", "That comes to tell ye a delightfull story", "Of an old whore ye have , and then to teach ye", "What is the penaltie ; Laugh at me now Sir ,", "What Legacie would ye bequeath me now ,", "to fly my fury ?", "Do'st thou hope I will be gentle ,", "Thou foolish unconsiderate Curate ?", "I'le see thee hang first .", "No , no bribery .", "I'le have my swindge upon thee ; Sirra ? Rascal ?", "You Lenten Chaps , you that lay sick , and mockt me ,", "Mockt me abominably , abused me lewdly ,", "I'le make thee sick at heart , before I leave thee ,", "And groan , and dye indeed , and be worth nothing ,", "Not worth a blessing , nor a Bell to knell for thee ,", "A sheet to cover thee , but that thou Stealest ,", "Stealest from the Merchant , and the Ring he was buried with", "Stealest from his Grave , do you smell me now ?", "No Psalm of mercy shall hold me from hanging thee .", "How do ye like your Breakfast ? \u2018 tis but short , Gentlemen ,", "But sweet and healthfull ; Your punishment , and yours , Sir ,", "For some near reasons that concern my Credit ,", "I will take to my self .", "What have I here ?", "What news now ?", "Stay I beseech your worship ,", "And do but hear me .", "Nay good Sir , noble Sir .", "I am friends ,", "There is no remedie , I must put up all ,", "And like my neighbours rub it out by th \u2019 shoulders ,", "And perfect friends ; Leandro now I thank ye ,", "And there 's my hand , I have no more grudge to ye ,", "But I am too mean henceforward for your Companie .", "I grant ye ,", "The Gentleman 's your Bail , and thank his coming ,", "Did not he know me too well , you should smart for't ;", "Goe all in peace , but when ye fool next , Gentlemen ,", "Come not to me to Breakfast .", "And pray ye remember , when ye are bold and merry ,", "The Lawyers Banquet , and the Sawce he gave ye ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1270, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Why dost thou follow me ?", "But thy false self", "I fear no enemy .", "\u2018 Tis by thy practice then : I am sent hither", "To meet her , that prefers my life and safetie", "Before her own .", "\u2018 Tis false ; I defie thee ,", "And stand upon my Guard .", "O accurs 'd !", "Monster !", "I do deserve this ,", "And never truly felt before , what sorrow", "Attends on wilfull dotage .", "I am too full", "Of grief , and shame to speak : but what I'le doe ,", "Shall to the world proclaim my penitence ;", "And howsoever I have liv 'd , I'le die", "A much chang 'd man .", "That 's my only comfort ,", "That it is in my power : I ne 're was married", "To this bad woman , though I doted on her ,", "But daily did defer it , still expecting", "When grief would kill Jacintha .", "Most gladly .", "And shall share", "The moitie of my State ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1270, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now say , lgenerall : how fares our campe ?", "But what portends thy cheerefull countenance", "And posting to our presence this in hast ?", "Speak , man : hath fortune giuen vs victorie ?", "Out Portugals will pay vs tribute then ?", "Then blest be Heauen , and Guider of the heauens ,", "From whose faire influence such iustice flowes !", "Thanks to my loving brother of Castille .", "But , generall , vnfolde in breefe discourse", "Your forme of battell and your warres successe ,", "That , adding all the pleasure of thy newes", "Vnto the height of former happines ,", "With deeper wage and gentile dignitie", "We may reward thy blisfull chiualrie .", "Thanks , good l", "general , for these good newes !", "And , for some argument of more to come ,", "Take this and weare it for thy soueraignes sake .", "Giue him his chaine .", "But tell me now : hast thou confirmed a peace ?", "These words , these deeds become thy person wel .", "But now , knight-marhsall , frolike with thy king ,", "For tis thy sonne that winnes this battels prize .", "Nor thou nor he shall dye without reward . What meanes this warning of this trumpets sound ?", "A gladsome sight ! I long to see them heere .", "They enter and passe by .", "Was that the warlike prince of Portingale", "That by our nephew was in triumph led ?", "But what was he that on the other side", "Held him by th \u2019 arme as partner of the prize ?", "Goe , let them march once more about these walles ,", "That staying them we may conferre and talke", "With our braue prisoner and his double guard .", "Hieoronimo , it greatly pleaseth vs", "That in our victorie thou haue a share", "By vertue of thy worthy sonnes exploit .", "Enter againe .", "Bring hether the young prince of Portingale !", "The rest martch on , but , ere they be dismist ,", "We will bestow on euery soldier", "Two duckets , and on euery leader ten ,", "That they may know our largesse welcomes them .", "I , Balthazar , if he obserue this truce ,", "Our peace will grow the stronger for these warres .", "Meane-while liue thou , though not in libertie ,", "Yet free from bearing any seruile yoake ;", "For in our hearing thy deserts were great .", "And in our sight thy-selfe art gratious .", "But tell me ,\u2014 for their holding makes me doubt :", "To Which of these twaine art thou prisoner ?", "Let goe his arm , vpon my priviledge ! Let him goe . Say , worthy prince : to whether didst thou yeeld ?", "Content thee , marshall ; thou shalt haue no wrong ,", "And for thy sake thy sonne shall want to right .", "Will both abide the censure of my doome ?", "Then by iudgement thus your strife shall end :", "You both deserue and both shall haue reward .", "Nephew , thou tookst his weapon", "and his horse :", "His weapons and his horse are thy reward .", "Horatio , thou didst force him first to yeeld :", "His ransome therefore is thy valours fee ;", "Appoint the sum as you shall both agree .", "But , nephew , thou shalt haue the prince in guard ,", "For thine estate best fitteth such a guest ;", "Horatios house were small for all his traine .", "Yet , in regard they substance passeth his ,", "And that iust guerdon may befall desert ,", "To him we yeeld the armour of the prince .", "How likes don Balthazar of this deuice ?", "Horatio , leaue him not that loues thee so .", "Now let vs hence , to see our souldiers paide ,", "And feast our prisoner as our friendly guest ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1277, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Is our embassadour dispatcht for Spaine ?", "And tribute paiment gone along with him ?", "Then rest we heere a-while in our vnrest ;", "And feede our sorrowes with inward sighes ,", "For deepest cares break neuer into teares .", "But wherefore sit I in a regall throne ?", "This better fits a wretches endles moane .", "Yet this is higher then my fortunes reach ,", "And therefore better then my state deserues .", "Falles to the grounde .", "I , I , this earth , image of melancholly ,", "Seeks him whome fates", "to miserie !", "Heere let me lye ! Now am I at the lowest !", "Qui iacet in terra non habet vnde cadat .", "In me concumpsit vires fortuna nocendo ,", "Nil superest vt iam possit obesse magis .", "Yes , Fortune may bereaue me of my crowne \u2014", "Heere , take it now ; let Fortune doe her worst ,", "She shall now rob me of this sable weed .", "O , no , she enuies none but pleasent things .", "Such is the folly of despightfull chance ,", "Fortune is blinde and sees not my deserts ,", "So is she deafe and heares not my laments ;", "And , coulde she heare , yet is she willfull mad ,", "And therefore will not pittie my distresse .", "Suppose that she coulde pittie me , what then ?", "What helpe can be expected at her hands", "Whose foote is standing on a rowling stone", "And minde more mutable then fickle windes ?", "Why waile I , then , wheres hope of no redresse ?", "O , yes , complaining makes my greefe seeme lesse .", "My late ambition hath distaind my faith ,", "My breach of faith occaisioned bloudie warres ,", "Those bloudie warres haue spent my treasur", "e ,", "And with my treasur", "e my peoples blood ,", "And with the blood my ioy and best beloued ,\u2014", "My best beloued , my sweet and onely sonne !", "O , wherefore went I not to warre my-selfe ?", "The cause was mine ; I might haue died for both .", "My yeeres were mellow , but his young and greene :", "My death were naturall , but his was forced .", "Suruiues ! I , where ?", "Then they haue slaine him for his fathers fault .", "They recke no lawes that meditate reuenge .", "No ; if he liued , the newes would soone be heere .", "Speake on ; Ile guerdon thee , what-ere it be .", "Mine eare is ready to receiue ill newes ,", "My hart growne hard gainst mischiefes battery ;", "Stand vp , I say , and tell thy tale at large .", "Hold thou thy peace ! But now , Villuppo , say :", "Where then became the carkasse of my sonne ?", "I , I , my nightly dreames haue tolde me this !", "Thou false , vnkinde , vnthankfull , traiterous beast !", "Wherein had Balthazar offended thee ,", "That thou should betray him to our foes ?", "Wast Spanish golde that bleared so thine eyes", "That thou couldst see no part of our deserts ?", "Perchance , because thou art Terseraes lord ,", "Thou hadst some hope to weare this diademe", "If first my sonne and then my-selfe were slaine ;", "But thy ambitious thought shall breake thy neck .", "I , this was it that made thee spill his bloud !", "Take the crowne and put it on againe .", "But Ile now weare it till they bloud be spilt .", "Away with him ! his sight is second hell !", "Keepe him till we determine his death .", "If Balthazar be dead , he shall not liue .", "Villuppo , follow vs for thy reward ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1277, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Signior Horatio , this is the place and houre", "Wherein I must intreat thee to relate", "The circumstance of Don Andreas death ,", "Who liuing was my garlands sweetest flower ,", "And in his death hath buried my delights .", "Would thou hadst slaine him that so slew my loue ! But then was Don Andreas carkasse lost ?", "I know the scarfe : would he had kept it still !", "For , had he liued , he would haue kept it still ,", "And worne it for his Bel-imperias sake ;", "For twas my fauour at his last depart .", "But now weare thou it both for him and me ;", "For , after him , thou hast deserued it best .", "But , for thy kindnes in his life and death ,", "Be sure , while Bel-imperias life endures ,", "She will be Don Horatios thankfull freend .", "I , goe , Horatio ; leaue me heere alone ,", "For solitude best fits my cheereles mood .\u2014", "Yet what auailes to waile Andreas death ,", "From whence Horatio proues my second loue ?", "Had he not loued Andrea as he did ,", "He could not sit in Bel-imperias thoughts .", "But how can loue finde harbour in my brest ,", "Till I reuenge the death of my beloued ?", "Yes , second loue shall further my reuenge :", "Ile loue Horatio , my Andreas freend ,", "The more to spight the prince that wrought his end ;", "And , where Don Balthazar , that slew my loue ,", "He shall , in rigour of my iust disdaine ,", "Reape long repentance for his murderous deed ,\u2014", "For what wast els but murderous cowardise ,", "So many to oppresse one valiant knight ,", "Without respect of honour in the fight ?", "And heere he comes that murdred my delight .", "That for a-while I wish no company .", "That argues that he liues in libertie .", "Your prison then , belike , is your conceit .", "Then with conceite enlarge your-selfe againe .", "Pay that you borrowed , and recouer it .", "A hartles man , and liue ? A miracle !", "What bootes complaint , when thers no remedy ?", "Alas , my lord ! there but words of course ,", "And but deuise to driue me from this place .", "She , going in , lets fall her gloue , which", "HORATIO , comming out , takes vp .", "Thanks , good Horatio ; take it for thy paines ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1277, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["No ; she is wilder , and more hard withall ,", "Then beast or bird , or tree or stony wall !", "But wherefore blot I Bel-imperias name ?", "It is my fault , not she that merits blame .", "My feature is not to content her sight ;", "My wordes are rude and worke her no delight ;", "The lines I send her are but harsh and ill ,", "Such as doe drop from Pan and Marsias quill ;", "My presents are not of sufficient cost ;", "And , being worthles , all my labours lost .", "Yet might she loue me for my valiancie .", "I ; but thats slandred by captiuitie .", "Yet might she loue me to content her sire .", "I ; but her reason masters", "desire .", "Yet might she loue me as her brothers freend .", "I ; but her hopes aime at some other end .", "Yet might she loue me to vpreare her state .", "I ; but perhaps she", "some nobler mate .", "Yet might she loue me as her beauties thrall .", "I ; but I feare she cannot loue at all .", "My sommers day will turne to winters night .", "Both well and ill ; it makes me glad and sad :", "Glad , that I know the hinderer of my loue ;", "Sad , that I fear she hates me whome I loue ;", "Glad , that I know on whome to be reueng 'd ;", "Sad , that sheele flie me if I take reuenge .", "Yet must I take reuenge or dye my-selfe ;", "For loue resisted growes impatient .", "I think Horatio be my destind plague :", "First , in his hand he brandished a sword ,", "And with that sword he fiercely waged warre ,", "And in that warre he gaue me dangerous wounds ,", "And by those wounds he forced me to yeeld ,", "And by my yeelding I became his slaue ;", "Now , in his mouth he carries pleasing words ,", "Which pleasing wordes doe harbour sweet conceits ,", "Which sweet conceits are lim 'd with slie deceits ,", "Which slie deceits smooth Bel-imperias eares ,", "And through her eares diue downe into her hart ,", "And in her hart set him , where I should stand .", "Thus hath he tane my body by force ,", "And now by sleight would captiuate my soule ;", "But in his fall Ile tempt the Destinies ,", "And either loose my life or winne my loue ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1277, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now , madame , since by fauour of your love", "Our hidden smoke is turnd to open flame ,", "And that with lookes and words we feed our thought ,\u2014", "Two chiefe contents where more cannot be had ,\u2014", "Thus in the midst of loues faire blandeshments", "Why shew you signe of inward languishments ?", "PEDRINGANO sheweth all to the PRINCE and", "LORENZO , placing them in secret .", "The lesse I speak , the more I meditate .", "On dangers past and pleasures to ensue .", "Dangers of warre and pleasures of our loue .", "But , gratious madame , then appoint the field", "Where triall of this warre shall first be made .", "But , honie-sweet and honorable loue ,", "Returne we now into your fathers sight ;", "Dangerous suspition waits on our delight ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1277, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now that the night begins with sable wings", "To ouer-cloud the brightnes of the sunne ,", "And that in darkenes pleasures may be done ,", "Come , Bel-imperia , let vs to the bower ,", "And there is safetie passe a pleasant hower .", "Why , make you doubt of Pedringanos faith ?", "What means my loue ?", "Sweet , say not so ; faire Fortune is our freend ,", "And heauens haue shut vp day to pleasure vs .", "The starres , thou seest , holde back their twinckling shine", "And Luna hides her-selfe to pleasure vs .", "The more thou sitst within these leauy bowers ,", "The more will Flora decke it with her flowers .", "Harke , madame , how the birds record by night ,", "For ioy that Bel-imperia sits in sight !", "If Cupid sing , then Venus is not farre ,\u2014", "I , thou art Venus , or some fairer starre !", "Then thus begin our wars : put forth thy hand ,", "That it may combat with my ruder hand .", "But , first , my lookes shall combat against thee .", "Thus Ithe dart thou threwest at me !", "Nay then , my armes are large and strong withall :", "Thus elmes by vines are compast till they fall .", "O , stay a-while , and I will dye with thee ;", "So shalt thou yeeld , and yet haue conquerd me .", "What , will you murder me ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1277, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["No more , Villuppo ! thou hast said enough ,", "And with thy words thou saiest our wounded thoughts .", "Nor shall I longer dally with the world ,", "Procrastinating Alexandros death .", "Goe , some of you , and fetch the traitor forth ,", "That , as he is condemned , he may dye .", "Why linger ye ? bring froth that daring feend ,", "And let him die for his accursed deed .", "No more , I say ; to the tortures ! when ?", "Binde him , and burne his body in those flames ,", "They binde him to the stake .", "That shall prefigure those vnquenched fiers", "Of Phlegiton prepared for his soule .", "Embassadour , what newes nath vrg 'd this sodain entrance ?", "What saiest thou ? liueth Balthazar , our sonne ?", "\u201c Thy sonne doth liue ; your tribute is receiu 'd ; Thy peace is made , and we are satisfied . The rest resolue vpon as things proposde For both our honors and they benefite . \u201d", "Accursed wrech to intimate these ills", "Against the life and reputation", "Of noble Alexandro ! come , my lord , vnbinde him !", "Let him vnbinde thee that is bounde to death ,", "To make a quitall for thy discontent .", "They vnbinde him .", "Say , false Villuppo , wherefore didst thou thus", "Falsely betray Lord Alexandros life ?", "Him whom thou knowest that no vnkindenes els", "But euen the slaughter of our deerest sonne", "Could once haue moued vs to haue misconceaued .", "Which , villaine , shalbe ransomed with thy death ,", "And not so meane a torment as we heere", "Deuised for him who thou saidst slew our sonne ,", "But with the bitterest torments and extreames", "That may be yet inuented for thine end .", "ALEX", "seemes to intreat .", "Intreat me not ! Goe , take the traitor hence !", "Exit VILLUPPO .", "And , Alexandro , let vs honor thee", "With publique notice of thy loyaltie .", "To end those things articulated heere", "By our great l", ", the mightie king of Spaine ,", "We with our councell will deliberate .", "Come , Alexandro , keepe vs company ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1277, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Oh ! What Condition is't can equal mine ?", "Much less exceed it ; to be oblig 'd to", "Break my Vow , to part from my Palante ;", "Forc 'd to the Arms of a mishapen Monster ,", "Whom Nature made to vex the whole Creation .", "Nor is his crooked Body more deform 'd", "Than is his Soul , Ambition is his God ;", "He seeks no Heav'n but Interest ; nor knows he", "How to value ought but Gold .", "Oh ! my dearest Brother , had'st thou but liv 'd", "I had been truly happy , but now am", "Doubly miserable , in losing thee and my Palante .", "Thy Courage gives fresh Life and Liberty ,", "To poor Lucasia 's tired restless Soul ,", "Such Pow'r have chearful Friends t'ease our Sorrows .", "Oh ! my Lavinia , may thy Counsel prove", "Prophetic , I 'm going now , in this Disguise , to meet my", "Dear Palante ; may no malignant Star", "Interpose to cross our mutual Wishes .", "May thy Designs successful prove ,", "To fix thee ever in Francisco 's Arms .", "\u2018 Tis my Palante 's Voice .", "I must admire him that loves Palante ;", "Friendship 's a noble Name , \u2018 tis Love refin 'd ;", "\u2018 Tis something more than Love , \u2018 tis what I wou 'd", "Shew to my Palante .", "I know not , but I long to quit this Place ,", "My Thoughts seem to divine of Treachery ,", "But whence I know not ; no Creature 's conscious", "To our meeting here but Laura ; I have always", "Found her honest , and yet I would she did not know it ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1281, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Thus in Disguise I shall discover all , And find the Cause of my reported Death , Which does so much amaze me .A Month ago my Father sent me Word , that I shou 'd hasten my Journey to Palermo ; and I met the Post upon the Road , that gave me a Letter , wherein he strictly charges me not to come this three Months : No sooner had I enter 'd the Town , but I met the Rumour of my Death , which still surpris 'd me more ; but this Letter shall help me to the Knowledge of the Truth .", "With the Lord Gravello , if you please , Sir .", "Thus great Men always are abus 'd , because there 's no Access , but through such Knaves as thee ? then I 'll return my Message back unto his Son , and bid him employ a finer Fellow , if he expects that he should see his Father .", "If you be the Lord Gravello .", "I came from Rome , my Lord ; laden , I hope , with happy Tidings , and after the sad Report I have met with , I dare say , welcome ; your Son Eugenio lives , and with his Duty , recommends this Letter to your Lordship 's Perusal .", "To none . For tho \u2019 I met the tragic Story in every Street through which I pass 'd , still I conceal 'd the Truth , intending your Lordship 's Ear should first receive it .", "Fear not , my Lord , I am no Blab ; I ever thought a slippery Tongue", "Mankind 's Shame . What can this mean ?", "I thank you my quondam Friend ; but a quiet Residence in my Lord 's", "House , the Time I stay , satisfies my Desires .", "Ha ! Count Pirro , the Bridegroom \u2014 and , my Life a Secret ; I begin to find the Cause .", "\u2018 Tis as I suppose ; oh Treachery !", "Am I alive ? do I breathe ? can I have a human Soul , and suffer this injustice to proceed ? Poor Palante , must thou die , because Fortune has not blest thee with her Favours ; No , something I will do to save thee ; and yet , if possible not discover who I am . My Lord \u2014\u2014", "A poor Poet , my Lord , little beholden to Fortune .", "My Lord , I thank you for your Charity , and your good Advice ; but", "I have some for you too .", "I understand , my Lord , that you are to marry my Lord Gravello 's", "Daughter .", "No Heiress , my Lord , her Brother is alive .", "What I say is certain Truth ; and to my Knowledge , his Father gives out the Report of his Death only as a Bait for you .", "In this Town conceal 'd till your Marriage be over ; know I hate this Family , and that makes me discover it .", "As sure as that I live myself ; my Lord , I saw him not two Hours ago ; I wish he was not , for your Lordship 's sake : I am his Domestic , and come now to learn Intelligence ; I loath my Servitude , detest the proud Family , and shou 'd rejoice to see \u2018 em ruin 'd .", "That Part of the World that thinks him such , sees thro \u2019 the wrong", "End of the Prospective ; his Honour 's but Pretence , his Honesty", "Hypocrisy , and his Courage Lewdness ; he ravisht a Sister of mine at", "Rome , for which I never can forgive him .", "Irus , my Lord .", "I 'm poor enough , my Lord .", "Very poor , my Lord .", "I wish your Lordship would shew me the Way .", "Alas ! my Lord , that I wou 'd have done long ago , but Want prevented my Escape .", "Think it done , my Lord , nor will I receive my Hire till I have brought you a certain Proof Eugenio is no more ; all I ask is but your Hand to the Agreement , my Lord , that I may be sure of my Reward .", "He dies this Night . SCENE changes to the Grove .", "My very Heart bleeds to see two such faithful Lovers parted ; methinks my Lord 's too cruel in this Action .", "I can scarce forbear revealing myself , but I will reserve it for a fitter Hour ; her Grief 's so great , I fear it has deprived her of her Senses ; look up , Madam .", "No , Madam , I am one my Lord your Father left to attend you .", "Do not reject my Service .", "Believe me , Madam , I have a feeling Woe ;", "A greater your own Brother could not have :", "Think not I 'm suborn 'd to do you wrong ,", "By all the Pow'rs I 'm your trusty Friend ,", "Command me any Thing , and try my Faith .", "\u2018 Tis not for Thanks , nor for Reward I look ,", "But the Sacred Love I bear to Virtue ,", "Makes me offer this .", "Unless the Governor will please to pardon him , \u2018 twas good that he were mov 'd .", "Peace , Fool .", "So meritorious is the Act , that I wou 'd stand the Test in giving you the Liberty to sue .", "Peace , Muckworm , or my Sword shall stop thy Breath for ever ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1281, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Pardon me , Sir , for pressing thus rudely", "On your Privacy , I know \u2018 tis boldness .", "But I hope the Hour 's propitious to me ,", "Finding you alone , and free from Business ,", "I promise myself I shall be heard with Patience .", "Thus low I beg for poor Palante 's Life .", "Oh , Sir .", "If ever Pity touch 'd your gen'rous Breast ,", "If ever Virgin 's Tears had Power to move ,", "Or if you ever lov 'd and felt the Pangs", "That other Lovers do , pity , great Sir ,", "Pity and pardon two unhappy Lovers .", "If Palante dies , I cannot live , for we", "Have but one Heart , and can have but one Fate .", "Never till \u2014\u2014", "The gracious Word of Pardon raises me ,", "There 's Pity in your Eye , oh ! shew it , Sir !", "And say that he shall live , \u2018 tis but a Word ,", "But oh , as welcome as the Breath of Life ,", "Why will you part two Hearts that Heav'n has join 'd ?", "He is my Husband , Sir , and I his wedded Wife .", "You cannot think the Thing I would not do .", "Speak , Sir , and lay it but in my Power ,", "And even beyond my Power I will attempt .", "If I were ever thankful unto Heav'n", "For all that I call mine , my Health and Being ,", "Cou 'd I then be unthankful unto you ,", "For a Gift I value more than those ?", "Without which all other Blessings will be tasteless .", "As far as I am capable I will ,", "Tho \u2019 I can ne'er make ample Satisfaction ,", "All my Services to you are Duty ,", "But to those Pow'rs above that can requite", "That from their Wasteless Treasure daily heap", "Rewards more out of Grace than merit on", "Us Mortals ;", "To those I 'll pray that they wou 'd give you , Sir ,", "More Blessings than I have Skill to ask .", "Oh ! name it , Sir , that \u2014\u2014", "Swift as the Arrow from the Archer 's Hand", "My trembling Feet may fly to save him ,", "Oh ! you have rais 'd me from the Gulph of Grief", "To that blest comfortable Region , Hope ,", "My Senses all dance in the Cirque of Joy .", "My ravish 'd Heart leaps up to hear your Words ,", "And seems as \u2018 twou 'd come forth to thank you .", "Say , how , how shall I save him ?", "Oh ! unexpected Turn of rigid Fate ,", "Cruel , Sir , far more cruel than my Father .", "Why did you raise me to a Height of Joy ?", "To sink me in a Moment down again ,", "In what a sad Dilemma stands my Choice ,", "Either to wed the Man my Soul most loaths ,", "Or see him die for whom alone I live .", "To break my sacred Vows to Heav'n and him ,", "To save a Life which he would scorn to take", "On Terms like those , name any Thing but that ,", "You are more just than to enforce my Will ,", "Why should I marry one I cannot love ,", "And sure I am I cannot love Count Pirro ,", "Love him ! no , I shou 'd detest and loath him .", "The Cause that made him mine , wou 'd hourly add", "Fresh Matter for my Hate .", "Oh ! I am miserable .", "I shou 'd be such if I shou 'd save him thus .", "Since you have swore not to save him upon", "Other Terms , I 'll shew a duteous Cruelty", "And rather follow him in Death than so", "To buy his Life , no , I despise the Price .", "Why do I breathe my Woes , or beg for Mercy here ;", "Or hope to find plain Honesty in Courts ?", "No , their Ears are always stopp 'd against Justice ,", "Avarice and Pride supplies the Place of Pity .", "So may just Heav'n when you for Mercy sue ,", "As you have pitied me so pardon you .", "SCENE Count Gravello 's House ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1281, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Oh ! Clerimont , I swear by my malignant Stars ,", "Death brings no Terrors with it but for thee ;", "The Thoughts of thine , and that I have involv 'd", "In my sad Fate , my best and only Friend ,", "Sits heavy on my Soul , and gives me double Death :", "My Father 's Tears , whom now too late I know ,", "Pierce not my Breast with half this killing Grief ,", "This gnaws me worse than my Lucasia 's Loss ;", "And , like a Vulture , preys upon my Heart .", "I was rewarded , call 'd Lucasia mine :", "For such a Treasure who wou 'd refuse to die ?", "But thou'rt condemn 'd for only aiding me ,", "I am the Cause of thy sad Fate , my Friend ;", "Hurry 'd by me to an untimely Grave :", "Thou fall'st for him thou ever hast oblig 'd .", "Oh ! Noble Constancy \u2014\u2014", "After Ages shall record the Story ,", "And rank thee with the bravest Roman Youths ;", "And melancholy Virgins when they read ,", "In moving Accents celebrate thy Name .", "My Lucasia !", "Art thou come to take thy last Adieu , and", "Bless my Eyes before they close for ever ?", "What ! no more ? Give thy labouring Sorrows vent ,", "That like Convulsions heaves thy snowy Breasts ,", "And struggles for a Passage to thy Tongue .", "Yet I rejoice in this , I 'm found of Noble Birth \u2014", "That in succeeding Ages , when this Act ,", "With all its Circumstances shall be told ,", "No Blot may rest upon thy Virgin Fame ;", "No censuring Tongue reflect upon thy Choice ;", "And say thy Husband was a Wretch unknown ,", "And quite unworthy of Lucasia 's Arms .", "Be calm , my Love , my everlasting Dear ,", "Cease to lament , and give thy Spirits ease .", "Oh ! hear me Heav'n , and grant my last Request ;", "May Health , long Life , and ev'ry Bliss beside ,", "Conduce to make Lucasia happy still .", "Let nothing fall to interrupt her Joy ,", "But make it lasting as you make it great .", "Grant this , and I to rigorous Destiny", "Submit with Pleasure .", "Oh ! She 's dying ; do not thus rend my Soul with Grief .", "\u2018 Tis very well , we shall be ready . Canst thou conduct this Lady to her Father 's House ?", "The bless 'd Pow'rs can tell , in Heav'n sure .", "Pardon me , Sirs , I have too much Tenderness upon my Soul already , too many Clogs that drag it downwards ; oh ! forgive me , if I beg ye wou 'd not add more Weight to Death .", "Oh ! I am over-paid , Lucasia and my Friend secure . This is the", "Work of Heav'n , and oh ye gracious Powers I thank ye for it .", "Oh ! take me , Father , Brother , Friend , Lucasia ! There 's the Sum of all .", "Come , my Lucasia , now we are bless 'd , let us retire , and give a loose to Raptures yet unknown . Virtue survives thro \u2019 all the Turns of Fate , Let not impatient Man think Mercy late ; For Heaven does still the justest Side regard , And virtuous Lovers always meet Reward ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1281, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Well , but you 're the quiet one , surely !Glory be to God , I 'd not know a soul was alive in the room , barrin \u2019 myself . What is it you 're at , Mary , that there 's not a word out of you ?", "It 's the dead spit and image of your sister Eileen you are , with your nose always in a book ; and you 're like your mother , too , God rest her soul .It 's Nora and Tom has the high spirits in them like their father ; and Billy , too ,\u2014 if he is a lazy , shiftless divil \u2014 has the fightin \u2019 Carmody blood like me . You 're a Cullen like your mother 's people . They always was dreamin \u2019 their lives out .There 's no good in too many books , I 'll tell you . It 's out rompin \u2019 and playin \u2019 with your brother and sister you ought to be at your age , not carin \u2019 a fig for books .Is that auld fool of a doctor stayin \u2019 the night ? If he had his wits about him he 'd know in a jiffy \u2018 tis only a cold has taken Eileen , and give her the medicine . Run out in the hall , Mary , and see if you hear him . He may have sneaked away by the front door .", "Close the door , ye little divil ! There 's a freezin \u2019 draught comin \u2019 in .It 's mad I am to be thinkin \u2019 he 'd go without gettin \u2019 his money \u2014 the like of a doctor !Rogues and thieves they are , the lot of them , robbin \u2019 the poor like us ! I 've no use for their drugs at all . They only keep you sick to pay more visits . I 'd not have sent for this bucko if Eileen did n't scare me by faintin \u2019 .", "If she is , it 's her own fault entirely \u2014 weakenin \u2019 her health by readin \u2019 here in the house . This 'll be a lesson for her , and for you , too .Put down that book on the table and leave it be . I 'll have no more readin \u2019 in this house , or I 'll take the strap to you !", "No back talk ! Pictures or not , it 's all the same mopin \u2019 and lazin \u2019 in it .It 's the bad luck I 've been havin \u2019 altogether this last year since your mother died . Who 's to do the work and look after Nora and Tom and yourself , if Eileen is bad took and has to stay in her bed ? I 'll have to get Mrs. Brennan come look after the house . That means money , too , and where 's it to come from ? All that I 've saved from slavin \u2019 and sweatin \u2019 in the sun with a gang of lazy Dagoes 'll be up the spout in no time .What a fool a man is to be raisin \u2019 a raft of children and him not a millionaire !Mary , dear , it 's a black curse God put on me when he took your mother just when I needed her most .What are you sniffin \u2019 at ?", "It 's late you are with your tears , and her cold in her grave for a year . Stop it , I 'm tellin \u2019 you !", "Ah , here you are , the lot of you . Shut that door after you ! What 's the use in me spendin \u2019 money for coal if all you do is to let the cold night in the room itself ?", "You did , darlin \u2019 , and fair , too .Sure it 's you can beat the divil himself !", "Did you get the plug for me I told you ?", "It 's a great wonder you did n't forget it \u2014 and me without a chew .", "Shut your big mouth ! What is the matter with you at all ?", "Shut up your noise ! Go up to bed , the two of you , and no more talk , and you go with them , Mary .", "Hush your noise , you soft , weak thing , you ! It 's nothin \u2019 but blubberin \u2019 you do be doin \u2019 all the time .I 'll have a moment 's peace , I will ! Off to bed with you before I get the strap ! It 's crazy mad you all get the moment Eileen 's away from you . Go on , now !And be quiet or I 'll be up to you !", "No . The doctor 's with her yet .Yes , go in to her , Nora . It 'll drive himself out of the house maybe , bad cess to him , and him stayin \u2019 half the night .The rheumatics are in my leg again .If Eileen 's in bed long those brats 'll have the house down .", "It 's a cold only she has .Your poor mother died of the same .Ara , well , it 's God 's will , I suppose , but where the money 'll come from , I dunno .They 'll not be raisin \u2019 your wages soon , I 'll be bound .", "Five dollars a week \u2014 for a strappin \u2019 lad the like of you ! It 's shamed you should be to own up to it . A divil of a lot of good it was for me to go against Eileen 's wish and let you leave off your schoolin \u2019 this year like you wanted , thinkin \u2019 the money you 'd earn at work would help with the house .", "Nor any other place , I 'm thinkin \u2019 , you 're that thick ,Whisht ! It 's the doctor comin \u2019 down from Eileen . What 'll he say , I wonder ?Aw , Doctor , and how 's Eileen now ? Have you got her cured of the weakness ?", "You take them , Billy , and run round to the drug store .", "How much will they come to , Doctor ?", "A dollar ! Sure it 's expensive medicines you 're givin \u2019 her for a bit of a cold .Bring back the change \u2014 if there is any . And none of your tricks , for I 'll stop at the drug store myself to-morrow and ask the man how much it was .", "Take a chair , Doctor , and tell me what 's wrong with Eileen .", "Aw , Doctor , did n't I know you 'd be sayin \u2019 that , anyway !", "Too-ber-c'losis ?", "Consumption ? Eileen ?What lie is it you 're tellin \u2019 me ?", "Do n't be angry , now , at what I said . Sure I 'm out of my wits entirely . Eileen to have the consumption ! Ah , Doctor , sure you must be mistaken !", "It 's a bad cold only , maybe .", "God blast it !", "Is it sendin \u2019 Eileen away to a hospital you 'd be ?Then you 'll not ! You 'll get that notion out of your head damn quick . It 's all nonsense you 're stuffin \u2019 me with , and lies , makin \u2019 things out to be the worst in the world . I 'll not believe a word of Eileen having the consumption at all . It 's doctors \u2019 notions to be always lookin \u2019 for a sickness that 'd kill you . She 'll not move a step out of here , and I say so , and I 'm her father !", "I do .", "Report all you like , and be damned to you !", "Ara , Doctor , you do n't see the way of it at all . If Eileen goes to the hospital , who 's to be takin \u2019 care of the others , and mindin \u2019 the house when I 'm off to work ?", "Hire ? D'you think I 'm a millionaire itself ?", "But where 's the money comin \u2019 from ?", "Seven dollars ! And I 'll have to pay a woman to come in \u2014 and the four of the children eatin \u2019 their heads off ! Glory be to God , I 'll not have a penny saved for me old age \u2014 and then it 's the poor-house !", "Ah , doctor , it 's the truth I 'm tellin \u2019 you !", "Ah , Doctor , thank you .", "I 'll do my best for Eileen , if it 's needful \u2014 and you 'll not be tellin \u2019 them people about it at all , Doctor ?", "And they 'll pay the half , surely ?", "God bless you , Doctor !It 's the whole of it they ought to be payin \u2019 , I 'm thinkin \u2019 , and them with bags of money . \u2018 Tis them builds the hospitals and why should they be wantin \u2019 the poor like me to support them ?", "You 'll be comin \u2019 again tomorrow ?Leave it to the likes of you to be drainin \u2019 a man dry .", "Who 'll it be ? Ah , it 's Fred Nicholls , maybe .Eileen 's young man , Doctor , that she 's engaged to marry , as you might say .", "I had a mind to phone to your house , but I was n't wishful to disturb you , knowin \u2019 you 'd be comin \u2019 to call to-night .", "Ah , who knows ? Here 's the doctor . You 've not met him ?", "It 's Doctor Gaynor . This is Fred Nicholls , Doctor .Sit down , Fred , that 's a good lad , and be talkin \u2019 to the Doctor a moment while I go upstairs and see how is Eileen . She 's all alone up there .", "I will so .", "Has he gone away ?", "Oho , he did , did he ? Maybe I 'll surprise him . I 'm thinkin \u2019 it 's lyin \u2019 he is about Eileen 's sickness , and her lookin \u2019 as fresh as a daisy with the high colour in her cheeks when I saw her now .", "Did he now , the auld monkey ! Small thanks to him to be tellin \u2019 our secrets to the town .", "Ara , do n't be talkin \u2019 ! That 's no secret at all with the whole town watchin \u2019 Eileen and you spoonin \u2019 together from the time you was kids .", "To hell with the town and all in it ! I 've troubles enough of my own . So he told you he 'd send Eileen away to the hospital ? I 've half a mind not to let him \u2014 and let him try to make me !But Eileen herself says she 's wantin \u2019 to go , now .It 's all that divil 's notion he put in her head that the children 'd be catchin \u2019 her sickness that makes her willin \u2019 to go .", "He 's a divil . But what can he do \u2014 him and his Sasiety ? I 'm her father .", "Ah , divil take him ! Let him send her where he wants , then . I 'll not be sayin \u2019 a word .", "Whisht ! She might hear you . But you 're right . Let her do what she 's wishful to , and get well soon .", "You 're not goin \u2019 ? Sure , Eileen is puttin \u2019 on her clothes to come down and have a look at you . She 'll be here in a jiffy . Sit down now , and wait for her .", "You 'll be stayin \u2019 a while now , Fred ? I 'll take a walk down the road . I 'm needin \u2019 a drink to clear my wits .", "Sure who would n't get drunk with all the sorrows of the world piled on him ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1285, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I was hoping the darn thing would bust .It keeps you from talking to me . That 's the real music .", "You wrong me terribly .And it is n't charitable to remind me of my job . I hoped to forget all about it up here .", "I 'm not . You can n't call it writing \u2014 not what I did \u2014 small town stuff .But I wanted to ask you something . Do you know when I 'm to be moved away to the huts ?", "Oh \u2014 you \u2014 yes !I do n't care for the atmosphere , though .All those people in bed out there on the porch seem so sick . It 's depressing . I can n't do anything for them \u2014 and \u2014 it makes me feel so helpless .", "I know it . But I do n't feel as I were \u2014 really sick like them .", "Yes , I suppose it 's that pipe dream that keeps us all going , eh ?", "Humph ! He 's original in that opinion .", "It 's a she , eh ?", "Young ?", "Carmody ?", "Yes , I 'm one of them .", "Murray .", "I 'll be glad to do all I can .", "Hard luck always comes in bunches .If I 'm not mistaken , here comes your daughter now .", "I 'm glad to meet you .", "Glad to . Good-bye for the present .", "Come on , Miss Carmody , that 'll never do . I know it 's hard at first \u2014 but \u2014 getting yourself all worked up is bad for you . You 'll run a temperature and then they 'll keep you in bed \u2014 which is n't pleasant . Take hold of yourself ! It is n't so bad up here \u2014 really \u2014 once you get used to it !One of the nurses will be in any minute . You do n't want them to see you like this .", "Well , they say a good cry does you a lot of good .", "You should n't take those lovers \u2019 squabbles so seriously . To-morrow he 'll be sorry \u2014 you 'll be sorry . He 'll write begging forgiveness \u2014 you 'll do ditto . Result \u2014 all serene again .", "I 'm a fool . Pardon me . I 'm rude sometimes \u2014 before I know it .You can blame your father for any breaks I make . He made me your guardian , you know \u2014 told me to see that you behaved .", "Yes , he was well lit up . I envied him .Darn ! There I go again putting my foot in it !I ought to have my tongue operated on \u2014 that 's what 's the matter with me .", "Do n't misunderstand me . Far be it from me to cast slurs at your father 's high spirits . I said I envied him his jag and that 's the truth . The same candour compels me to confess that I was pickled to the gills myself when I arrived here . Fact ! I made love to all the nurses and generally disgraced myself \u2014 and had a wonderful time .", "I did n't want to forget \u2014 not for a second . I was n't drowning my sorrow . I was hilariously celebrating .", "T. B .? Yes , of course .But it 's only a matter of time when I 'll be all right again . I hope it wo n't be too soon . I was dying for a rest \u2014 a good , long rest with time to think about things . I 'm due to get what I wanted here . That 's why I celebrated .", "What I 've been sayin \u2019 ? I sure do \u2014 every word of it !", "No . Please do n't go yet . Sit down . Please do .They 'll give you your diet of milk and shoo you off to bed on that freezing porch soon enough , do n't worry . I 'll see to it that you do n't fracture any rules .In all charity to me you 've got to stick awhile . I have n't had a chance to really talk to a soul for a week . You found what I said a while ago hard to believe , did n't you ?", "And I meant it ! This place is honestly like heaven to me \u2014 a lonely heaven till your arrival .And why would n't it be ? I 've no fear for my health \u2014 eventually . Just let me tell you what I was getting away from \u2014\u2014Do you know what it means to work from seven at night till three in the morning as a reporter on a morning newspaper in a town of twenty thousand people \u2014 for ten years ? No . You do n't . You can n't . No one could who had n't been through the mill . But what it did to me \u2014 it made me happy \u2014 yes , happy !\u2014 to get out here \u2014 T. B . and all , notwithstanding .", "Interesting ? On a small town rag ? A month of it , perhaps , when you 're a kid and new to the game . But ten years . Think of it ! With only a raise of a couple of dollars every blue moon or so , and a weekly spree on Saturday night to vary the monotony .Interesting , eh ? Getting the dope on the Social of the Queen Esther Circle in the basement of the Methodist Episcopal Church , unable to sleep through a meeting of the Common Council on account of the noisy oratory caused by John Smith 's application for a permit to build a house ; making a note that a tugboat towed two barges loaded with coal up the river , that Mrs. Perkins spent a week-end with relatives in Hickville , that John Jones \u2014\u2014 Oh help ! Why go on ? Ten years of it ! I 'm a broken man . God , how I used to pray that our Congressman would commit suicide , or the Mayor murder his wife \u2014 just to be able to write a real story !", "No . Never anything new \u2014 and I knew everyone and every thing in town by heart years ago .Oh , it was my own fault . Why did n't I get out of it ? Well , I did n't . I was always going to \u2014 to-morrow \u2014 and to-morrow never came . I got in a rut \u2014 and stayed put . People seem to get that way , somehow \u2014 in that town . It 's in the air . All the boys I grew up with \u2014 nearly all , at least \u2014 took root in the same way . It took pleurisy , followed by T. B ., to blast me loose .", "I have n't much of a family left . My mother died when I was a kid . My father \u2014 he was a lawyer \u2014 died when I was nineteen , just about to go to college . He left nothing , so I went to work on the paper instead . And there I 've been ever since . I 've two sisters , respectably married and living in another part of the state . We do n't get along \u2014 but they are paying for me here , so I suppose I 've no kick .A family would n't have changed things . From what I 've seen that blood-thicker-than-water dope is all wrong . It 's thinner than table-d'h\u00f4te soup . You may have seen a bit of that truth in your own case already .", "Do n't I , though ? Wait till you 've been here three months or four \u2014 when the gap you left has been comfortably filled . You 'll see then !", "Look here , Miss Carmody , I did n't mean to \u2014\u2014 Listen \u2014 do n't feel mad at me , please . My tongue ran away with me . I was only talking . I 'm like that . You must n't take it seriously .", "No . Of course I do n't know . I was just talking regardless for the fun of listening to it .", "One of them has \u2014 two of them \u2014 ugly , squally little brats .", "No .I do n't get them . They 're something I can n't seem to get acquainted with .", "Oh , they 'll \u2014\u2014 get along somehow .", "Are you ?You 're as old as the pyramids , are n't you ? I feel like a little boy . Wo n't you adopt me , too ?", "My job had nothing to do with writing . To write \u2014 really write \u2014 yes , that 's something worth trying for . That 's what I 've always meant to have a stab at . I 've run across ideas enough for stories \u2014 that sounded good to me , anyway .But \u2014 like everything else \u2014 I never got down to it . I started one or two \u2014 but \u2014 either I thought I did n't have the time or \u2014\u2014", "You mean \u2014 I could write \u2014 up here ?Say ! That is an idea ! Thank you ! I 'd never have had sense enough to have thought of that myself .Sure there 's time \u2014 nothing but time up here \u2014\u2014", "Yes . Why not ? I 've got to try and do something real some time , have n't I ? I 've no excuse not to , now . My mind is n't sick .", "Listen . I 've had ideas for a series of short stories for the last couple of years \u2014 small town experiences , some of them actual . I know that life \u2014 too darn well . I ought to be able to write about it . And if I can sell one \u2014 to the Post , say \u2014 I 'm sure they 'd take the others , too . And then \u2014 I should worry ! It 'd be easy sailing . But you must promise to help \u2014 play critic for me \u2014 read them and tell me where they 're rotten .", "Yes , you do . You 're the public . And you started me off on this thing \u2014 if I 'm really starting at last . So you 've got to back me up now .Say , I wonder if they 'd let me have a typewriter up here ?", "We could hire one \u2014 I could . I do n't see why they would n't allow it . I 'm to be sent to one of the men 's huts within the next few days , and you 'll be shipped to one of the women 's cottages within ten days . You 're not sick enough to be kept here in bed , I 'm sure of that .", "Here ! None of that ! You just think you 're not and you wo n't be . Say , I 'm keen on that typewriter idea . They could n't kick if we only used it during recreation periods . I could have it a week , and then you a week .", "But I 'm quite able \u2014\u2014That 'd be great ! It 'd save so much time . I 've always been a fool at a machine . And I 'd be willing to pay whatever \u2014\u2014", "Maybe , after you 've read my stuff , you wo n't type it at any price .", "Well ? Now , what 's the trouble ?", "Yes , that 's one of the rules , you know .", "It 's not as horrible as it sounds . They 're only little paste-board things you carry in your pocket .", "Do n't mind your first impressions here . You 'll look on everything as a matter of course in a few days . I felt your way at first .Mind your guardian , now !See you at breakfast . Good night .", "Sure thing ! You can consider yourself heartlessly jilted .\u201c A glass of milk , and thou Coughing beside me in the wilderness \u2014 Ah \u2014 wilderness were Paradise enow ! \u201d", "Aha , you 've discovered it 's a parody , have you , you sly minx !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1285, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["This is what you might see in the general assembly room , Mr. Sloan \u2014 where the patients of both sexes are allowed to congregate together after meals , for diets , and in the evening .", "Yes , and with no lack of appetite , let me tell you .They 'd sure eat us out of house and home at one sitting , if we 'd give them the opportunity .Would n't they , Doctor ?", "Strictly speaking , there are no sure cures in this disease , Mr. Sloan . When we permit a patient to return to take up his or her activities in the world , the patient is what we call an arrested case . The disease is overcome , quiescent ; the wound is healed over . It 's then up to the patient to so take care of himself that this condition remains permanent . It is n't hard for them to do this , usually . Just ordinary , bull-headed common sense \u2014 added to what they 've learned here \u2014 is enough for their safety . And the precautions we teach them to take do n't diminish their social usefulness in the slightest , either , as I can prove by our statistics of former patients .It 's rather early in the morning for statistics , though .", "To all appearances , yes . You do n't dare swear to it , though . Sometimes , just when a case looks most favourably , there 's a sudden , unforeseen breakdown , and they have to be sent back to bed , or , if it 's very serious , back to the Infirmary again . These are the exceptions , however , not the rule . You can bank on most of those eaters being out in the world and usefully employed within six months .", "No . We 're under a very hard , almost cruel imperative which prevents that . If , at the end of six months , a case shows no response to treatment , continues to go down hill \u2014 if , in a word , it seems hopeless \u2014 we send them away , to one of the State Farms if they have no private means .You see , this sanatorium is overcrowded and has a long waiting list , most of the time , of others who demand their chance for life . We have to make places for them . We have no time to waste on incurables . There are other places for them \u2014 and sometimes , too , a change is beneficial and they pick up in new surroundings . You never can tell . But we 're bound by the rule . It may seem cruel \u2014 but it 's as near justice to all concerned as we can come .", "Yes , some patients play and sing .If you 'd call the noise they make by those terms . They 'd dance , too , if we permitted it . There 's only one big taboo \u2014 Home , Sweet Home . We forbid that \u2014 for obvious reasons .", "Yes , sir .", "We do our best to prevent them . We even have a strict rule which allows us to step in and put a stop to any intimacy which grows beyond the casual . People up here , Mr. Sloan , are expected to put aside all ideas except the one \u2014 getting well .", "Yes , we 're strictly anti-Cupid , sir , from top to bottom ,And now , if you do n't mind , Mr. Sloan , I 'm going to turn you loose to wander about the grounds on an unconducted tour . To-day is my busy morning \u2014 Saturday . We weigh each patient immediately after breakfast .", "Every Saturday . You see we depend on fluctuations in weight to tell us a lot about the patient 's condition . If they gain , or stay at normal , all 's usually well . If they lose week after week without any reason we can definitely point to , we keep careful watch . It 's a sign that something 's wrong . We 're forewarned by it and on our guard .", "After the weighing is over , sir , I 'll be free to \u2014\u2014", "They all seem to be here , Doctor . We might as well start .", "Yes , Mrs. Turner . I think that 's better to-day .", "Mrs. Abner .", "Miss Bailey .", "Miss Carmody .", "Miss Doeffler .", "Anderson !", "Barnes !", "Cordero !", "Flynn !", "Hopper !", "Lowenstein !", "Murray !", "Nathan !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1285, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Eileen !", "At last ? It can n't be twelve yet .I have n't heard the village clock .", "How your hands tremble ! Were you frightened ?", "Sit down . You must rest .I 'm going to read you a lecture , young lady . You should n't ever have done this \u2014 running a temp and \u2014\u2014 Good heavens , do n't you want to get well ?", "You make me ill when you talk that way , Eileen . It does n't sound like you at all . What 's come over you lately ? Get a grip on yourself , for God 's sake . I was \u2014 knocked out \u2014 when I read the note you slipped me after supper . I did n't get a chance to read it until late , I was so busy packing , and by that time you 'd gone to your cottage . If I could have reached you any way I 'd have refused to come here , I tell you straight . But I could n't \u2014 and I knew you 'd be here waiting \u2014 and \u2014 still , I feel guilty . Damn it , this is n't the thing for you ! You ought to be in bed asleep . Ca n't you look out for yourself ?", "How the devil did you ever get the idea \u2014 meeting me here at this ungodly hour ?", "But I 'm well . I 've been well . It 's different . You \u2014\u2014 Honest ,", "Eileen , you should n't lose sleep and tax your strength .", "That 's twelve now . You see I was early .", "Well , I hope you took precautions so you would n't be caught sneaking out .", "None of the patients on your porch saw you leave , did they ?", "That 's all right , then . I would n't trust any of that bunch of women . They 'd be only too glad to squeal on you .It 's beautiful to-night , is n't it ? Worth losing sleep for .", "The ten-forty . Leave the San at ten , I guess .", "Home ? You mean to the town ? No . But I 'm going to see my sisters \u2014 just to say hello . I 've got to , I suppose . I wo n't stay more than a few days , if I can help it .", "Maybe , in their own way . But what 's love without a glimmer of understanding \u2014 a nuisance ! They have never seen the real me and never have wanted to \u2014 that 's all .", "Yes . You bet .", "Not in New York , no . I 'm going there to take a vacation , and live , really enjoy myself for a while . I 've enough money for that as it is , and if the other stories you typed sell \u2014 I 'll be as rich as Rockefeller . I might even travel \u2014\u2014 No , I 've got to make good with my best stuff first . I 'll save the travelling as a reward , a prize to gain . That 'll keep me at it . I know what I 'll do . When I 've had enough of New York , I 'll rent a place in the country \u2014 some old farmhouse \u2014 and live alone there and work .That 's the right idea , is n't it ?", "Wait till you read the others I 'm going to do !Here I am talking about myself again ! Why do n't you call me down when I start that drivel ? But you do n't know how good it is to have your dreams coming true . It 'd make an egotist out of anyone .", "Thanks . Well , I 've certainly told you all of them . You 're the only one \u2014\u2014You said in your note that you had something important to tell me .Is it about your interview with Old Mrs. Grundy this afternoon ?", "What is it you wanted to tell me , then ?", "How do you know it can n't ?", "Know what ? What is it ? If I can help \u2014\u2014", "Him ?", "You mean \u2014 Fred Nicholls ?", "You mean \u2014 you broke it all off ?", "I know . I say more than my prayers , damn it !Have you mailed the letter yet ?", "Humph . Oh \u2014 nothing .", "Wrong ? No , not if you were convinced it was the right thing to do yourself \u2014 if you know you do n't love him . But I 'd hate to think you did it just on my advice . I should n't \u2014\u2014 I did n't mean to interfere . I do n't know enough about your relations for my opinion to count .", "I did n't mean \u2014 anything like that . I know you 've been frank . But him \u2014 I do n't know him . How could I , just meeting him once ? He may be quite different from my idea . That 's what I 'm getting at . I do n't want to be unfair to him .", "I 'm glad of that \u2014 honestly , Eileen . I felt guilty . I should n't have knocked him behind his back without knowing him at all .", "I know . I 'm a fool .", "I do n't know . One makes mistakes .", "Yes , I 'll admit that was my opinion \u2014 only I wanted to be sure you 'd found out for yourself .", "Yes ; and I 'm glad you 're free of him , for your own sake . I knew he was n't the person .You must get one of the right sort \u2014 next time .", "He was n't good enough \u2014 to lace your shoes \u2014 nor anyone else , either .", "Yes . You must n't lose too much sleep . I 'll come to your cottage in the morning to say good-bye . They 'll permit that , I guess .", "Good night , Eileen .", "Eileen !", "Eileen !", "Eileen ! Damn it ! Do n't say that ! What do you think I am !", "Eileen ! Do n't talk that way ! You 're \u2014 it 's killing me . I can n't stand it !", "Yes \u2014 anything , Eileen !", "No . Oh , Eileen \u2014 Eileen , I 'm so sorry !", "But I 'll \u2014 come back . And you 'll be out soon \u2014 and then \u2014\u2014", "Forget ? Eileen ! I 'll do anything in God 's world \u2014\u2014", "I will ! I swear ! And when you get out I 'll \u2014 we 'll \u2014 I 'll find something .", "Eileen !", "Eileen !Christ !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1285, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Thus far in safety . All is hush . Our subtle air of France quickens not the temperament of the enemy . These phlegmatic English snore out the night , in as gross heaviness as when their senses stagnate in their own native fogs , where stupor lies like lead upon them ,\u2014 which the muddy rogues call sleep . We have nearly passed the entrenchments ;\u2014 the day breaks .\u2014 La Gloire !", "Where did you direct our mariners to meet us , with the boat ?", "Vague booby ! at what point ?", "East of the town :\u2014 I have mark 'd it .", "And , till they give the signal , here , if there be aught of safety to be picked from danger , is the least dangerous spot to tarry for them . We are here full early .", "Think , La Gloire , on the distress of our countrymen \u2014 the inhabitants perishing with hunger .", "Pr'ythee , no more objections .", "Well , well , I know thy zeal .", "Peace ! Remember your duty to me ; to your country .", "Yet , out , alas ! I mock myself to name it .", "Did not these rugged battlements of Calais ;", "This tomb , yet safeguard of its citizens ,", "Which shuts the sword out , and locks hunger in ;", "Did not these walls \u2014 like Vulcan 's swarthy arms ,", "Clasping sweet beauty 's queen \u2014 encircle now ,", "Within their cold and ponderous embrace ,", "The fair , yet , ah ! I fear , the fickle Julia ,", "My sluggish zeal would lack the spur to rouse it .", "This enterprise may yet regain her .", "Once she was kind ; until her father 's policy ,", "Nourish 'd in courts , stepp 'd in , and check 'd her love .", "Yet \u2018 twas not love ; for true love knows no check :", "There is no skill in Cupid 's archery ,", "When duty heals a love-wound .", "No more ! mark me , La Gloire ! As your officer , I may command you onward : but , in respect to your early attachment , your faithful service , ere you followed me to the army , if your mind misgive you in this undertaking , you have my leave to retreat .", "I say , you are free to return .", "No , La Gloire ,\u2014 I \u2014\u2014", "\u2018 Sdeath , villain ! how dare your slanderous tongue to \u2014 but \u2018 tis plain \u2014 \u2018 tis for thy own wretched sake thou art thus anxious \u2014 drivelling coward !", "Well , well , La Gloire , I may have been hasty : I \u2014\u2014", "\u2018 Sdeath , blockhead ! we shall be discovered .", "Peace ! I command you , La Gloire ! I command you , as your officer .", "Then move not :\u2014 here , sir , on this spot .", "Speak not , for your life !", "Obey !", "Ha ! the signal ! the morning breaks :\u2014 they arrive in the very nick . Now then , La Gloire , for the enterprize . Why does not the blockhead stir ?\u2014 Well , well , my good fellow ! I have been harsh : but \u2014 not yet ?\u2014 Pshaw ! this military enforcement has acted like a spell upon him .\u2014 How to dissolve it ?\u2014\u2014 Again !\u2014\u2014 Come , come , La Gloire ! I \u2014 dull dolt !\u2014 I have it :\u2014\u2014 March !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1291, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now , O'Carrol ; what is the time of day ? O'Carrol . Fait , Lady Julia , we might have called it a little past breakfast time , formerly ; but since the fashion of eating has been worn out in Calais , a man may be content to say it bears hard upon ten . Och ! if clocks were jacks now , time would stand still ; and the year would go down , for the want of winding up every now and then .", "Saw you my father this morning ? O'Carrol . You may say that .", "How looked he , O'Carrol ? O'Carrol . By my soul ! Lady Julia , that old father of yours , and master of mine , is a gallant gentleman . And gallantly he bears himself . For certain , and so he ought ; being a Knight of Burgundy , and Governor of Calais ; but if I was Governor just now , to be sure I should not like to take a small trip from Calais , one morning , just to see what sort of a knight I was in Burgundy .", "Who has he in his company ? O'Carrol . Why , madam , why \u2014 now dare not I tell who , for fear of offending her .\u2014 Company ? Why , to be sure I have been in his company :\u2014 for want of finer acquaintance , madam , he was e'en forced to put up , half an hour , with an humble friend .", "Poor fool ! thy words are shrewder than thy meaning . How many crowd the narrow space of life With those gay , gaudy flowers of society , Those annuals , call 'd acquaintance ; which do fade And die away , ere we can say they blosom ; Mocking the idle cultivator 's care , From year to year ; while one poor slip of friendship , Hardy , tho \u2019 modest , stands the winter 's frost , And cheers its owner 's eye with evergreen ! O'Carrol . Troth , lady , one honest potatoe in a garden is worth an hundred beds of your good-for-nothing tulips . Oh ! \u2018 tis meat and drink to me to see a friend ! and , truly \u2018 tis lucky , in this time of famine , to have one in the house to look at , to keep me from starving . Little did I think , eight years ago , when I came over among fifty thousand brave boys \u2014 English , Irish , and else ,\u2014 to fight under King Edward , who now lies before Calais here , that I should find such a warm soul towards me in a Frenchman 's body ;\u2014 especially when the business , that brought me , was to help to give his countrymen a beating .", "Thy gratitude , O'Carrol , has well repaid the pains my father took in preserving thee . O'Carrol . Gratitude ! fait , madam , begging your pardon , \u2018 tis no such thing ; \u2018 tis nothing but showing the sense I have of my obligation . There was I , in the year 1339 , in the English camp \u2014 on the fields of Vianfosse , near Capelle \u2014 which never came to an action ; excepting a trifling bit of skirmish , in which my good cruel friends left me for dead out of our lines ; when a kind enemy \u2014 your father \u2014picked me up , and set the breath agoing again , that was almost thumped out of my body . He saved my life ; it is but a poor commodity ;\u2014 but , as long as it lasts , by my soul ! he and his family shall have the wear and tear of it .", "Thou hast been a trusty follower , O'Carrol ; nay , more a friend than follower ; thou art entwined in all the interests of our house , and art as attached to me as to my father . O'Carrol . Ay , troth , Lady Julia , and a good deal more ; more shame to me for it ; because I am indebted for all to the Governor . I do n't know how it may be with wiser nations , but if regard is to go to a whole family , there 's a something about the female part of it that an Irishman can n't help giving the preference to , for the soul of him .", "But , tell me , who is with my father ? O'Carrol . Indeed that I will not \u2014 for a reason .", "And what may the reason be ? O'Carrol . Because , long before he arrived , you bid me never mention his name . It may be , perhaps , the noble gentleman who has just succoured the town .\u2014 Well , if I must not say who is with my master , I may say who my master is with .\u2014 It is the Count Ribaumont .", "Why should I tremble at that name ? Why should my tongue be now constrained to speak the language of my heart ? O father ! father ! O'Carrol . Och \u2014 ho !", "Why dost thou sigh , O'Carrol ? O'Carrol . Truly , madam , I was thinking of a piece of a rich old uncle I had in Ireland ; who sent me to the French wars , to tear me away from a dear little creature I loved better than my eyes .", "And wast thou ever in love , O'Carrol ? O'Carrol . That I was , faith , up to my chin . I never think upon it but it remembers me of the song that was wont to be played by honest Clamoran , poor fellow , our minstrel , in the north .", "I pr'ythee sing it to me , good O'Carrol ;", "For there is something in these artless ditties ,", "Expressive of a simple soul in love ,", "That fills the mind with pleasing melancholy .", "SONG .\u2014 O'CARROL .", "Oh ! the moment was sad when my love and I parted ;", "Savourna deligh shighan ogh !", "As I kiss 'd off her tears , I was nigh broken hearted ;", "Savourna deligh shighan ogh ;", "Wan was her cheek , which hung on my shoulder ;", "Damp was her hand , no marble was colder ;", "I felt that I never again should behold her .", "Savourna deligh shighan ogh !", "Long I fought for my country , far , far from my true love ;", "Savourna deligh shighan ogh !", "All my pay and my booty I hoarded for you , love ;", "Savourna deligh shighan ogh !", "Peace was proclaim 'd ,\u2014 escaped from the slaughter ,", "Landed at home \u2014 my sweet girl I sought her ;", "But sorrow , alas ! to the cold grave had brought her .", "Savourna deligh shighan ogh !", "Sir !", "Tho \u2019 one poor simple drop of gratitude ,", "Amid the boisterous tide of general thanks ,", "Can little swell the glory of your enterprise ,", "Accept it freely .\u2014 You are welcome , sir .", "Sir , will it please you follow ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1291, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Blessings on her heart , how cleverly she feeds ! the meat goes as naturally into her little mouth , as if it had been used to the road all the time of the famine : though , Heaven knows , \u2018 tis a path that has , lately , been little frequented .", "Nay , I 'll answer thee in that , though bumpers were Englishmen , and went against my French stomach .Heaven bless thee , my poor Madelon ! May a woman never tumble into the mire of distress ; and , if she is in , ill befall him that wo n't help her clean out again .", "So : one kiss for a bonne bouche .\u2014\u2014 Dost love me the better for this feast , now , Madelon ?", "What a jewel is regular affection !\u2014 to love , equally , through the week , maigre days , and all ! I cannot but own a full meal makes an improvement in the warmth of my feelings . I can eat and drink myself into a glow of tenderness , that fasting can never come up to . And what hast thou done in my absence , Madelon ?", "Madelon , I ,\u2014 I \u2014 I want another draught of burgundy .", "An old \u2014\u2014 What , by putting peas in your shoes , as usual ?", "Ay , marry ! how ?", "O , gluttony ! to deprive the innocent of their hard , dry penances , and apply them , soft , to their own offending stomachs ! I never could abide these pampered friars . They are the pot-bellied children of the Pope , nursed at the bosom of old mother church ; and plaguy chubby boys they are . One convent of them , in a town , breeds a famine sooner than an English blockade . But , what says thy father within , here , Madelon , to our marriage ?", "Sacre bleu ! object to my carrying arms ! my glory ! my pride !", "Degrade my profession !\u2014 my \u2014 look ye , Madelon ; I love thee with all my heart \u2014 with an honest soldier 's heart \u2014 else I could tell your father , that a citizen could never get on in the world , without a soldier to do his journey-work :\u2014 and your soldier , look ye \u2014 \u2018 sblood ! it makes me fret like a hot day 's march !\u2014 your soldier , in all nations , when he is rusted down to your quiet citizen , and so sets up at home for himself , is in double respect , for having served such an honourable apprenticeship .", "Marry , I would tell your father this to his teeth ; which , were it not for my captain and me \u2014 two soldiers , mark you me \u2014 might not , haply , have been so soon set a going .", "Pish !\u2014 remedy ?\u2014 well \u2014 psha !\u2014 what was the remedy , Madelon ?", "And wouldst thou follow me then ?", "And bear the fatigue of a campaign , Madelon ?", "Now could I cut my tongue out for what I have said !\u2014 Cuff me ; slap my face , Madelon ; then kiss me , and forgive me : and , if ever I bestride my great war-horse again , and let him run away with me , and trample over the heart of my best friends , I wish he may kick me off , and break my neck in a ditch for my pains .\u2014 But \u2014 what \u2014 ha ! ha !\u2014 what should we do with our children , Madelon ?", "No , no , my love ! ah ! do not grieve ;", "A soldier true you 'll find me :", "I could not have the heart to leave", "My little girl behind me .", "Ah ! non , non , non !", "Pauvre Madelon", "Should never quit her rover :", "Ah ! non , non , non !", "Pauvre Madelon", "Should go with me all the world over .", "By the mass , Madelon , such a wife as thou wilt be , would make a man , after another campaign ,\u2014 for another I must have , to satisfy the cravings of my appetite ,\u2014 go nigh to forswear the wars .", "Tut \u2014 a trumpet !\u2014 thy voice , Madelon , will drown it .", "Nay , then , I am the veriest poltroon , if I think the sound of a trumpet would move me any more than \u2014\u2014 Eh !\u2014 gad \u2014 oh !\u2014 ecod there 's a bustle ! a parley from the walls ; which may end in a skirmish , or a battle \u2014 or a \u2014 I 'll be with you again in the chopping off of a head .", "A trumpet \u2014 simpleton !\u2014 that was a \u2014 gad I \u2014 was n't it a drum ?\u2014 Adieu , Madelon ! I 'll be back again ere \u2014\u2014\u2014 March ! \u2014 Charge !\u2014 Huzza !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1291, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["You partly know why I have here convened you .", "I pr'ythee , now ,\u2014 I pr'ythee , honest friends !", "Summon up all the fortitude within you ,", "Which you are masters of . Now , Heaven forgive me !", "I almost wish I had not been a soldier ;\u2014", "For I have , here , a matter to deliver", "Requires a schoolman 's preface . \u2018 Tis a task ,", "Which bears so heavy on my poor old heart ,", "That \u2018 twill go nigh to crack beneath the burden .", "You know I love you , fellow citizens :", "You know I love you well .", "I could be well content , in peace , or peril ,", "To \u2018 bide with you for ever .", "Why , how now !", "Why , how now , friend ! dost thou come o'er me thus ?", "But I shall find a time \u2014 it fits not now \u2014", "When I will teach thee \u2014\u2014 \u2018 Sdeath ! old John de Vienne ,", "A veteran , bluff soldier , bearded thus !", "And sneer 'd at by a saucy \u2014 Mark you me !\u2014", "\u2014 My honest citizens ,", "I once more pray you , think that ye are men :", "I pray you , too , my friends \u2014\u2014", "Fellow , peace !", "Ere now I 've mark 'd thee .\u2014 Thou art he , I take it ,\u2014", "\u2018 Tis Eustache de St. Pierre , I think , they call thee \u2014", "Whom all the town , our very children , point at ,", "As the most growling knave in christendom ;\u2014", "Yea , thou art he .", "Thus , then , in brief . Finding we are reduced ,", "By famine , and fatigue , unto extremity ,", "I sounded for a parley from the walls ;\u2014", "E'en now \u2018 t has ended :\u2014 Edward order 'd forth", "Sir Walter Manny ; and I needs must own ,", "A courteous knight , although an enemy .\u2014", "I told him our distress . Sir Knight , said I \u2014", "And here it makes me almost blush to think", "An Englishman should see me drop a tear ;", "But , \u2018 spite of me , it stole upon my cheek ;\u2014", "To speak the honest truth , Sir Knight , said I ,", "My gallant men are perishing with hunger :\u2014", "Therefore I will surrender .", "But , conceive me ,", "On this condition ;\u2014 that I do secure", "The lives , and liberties , of those brave fellows ,", "Who , in this galling and disastrous siege ,", "Have shared with me in each fatigue and peril .", "I thank you , friends .\u2014 It grieves me to repay", "Your honest love , with tidings , sure , as heavy", "As ever messenger was charged withal .", "The King of England steels his heart against us .", "He does let loose his vengeance ; and he wills ,\u2014", "If we would save our city from the sword ,", "From wild destruction ,\u2014 that I straight do send him", "Six of my first and best reputed citizens ,", "Bare headed , tendering the city keys ;", "And ,\u2014 \u2018 sdeath , I choke !\u2014 with vile and loathsome ropes ,", "Circling their necks , in guise of malefactors ,", "To suffer instant execution .", "Friends ,", "I do perceive you 're troubled :\u2014 \u2018 tis enough", "To pose the stoutest of you . Who among you", "Can smother nature 's workings , which do prompt", "Each , to the last , to struggle for himself ?", "Yet , were I not objected to , as governor ,", "There might be found \u2014 no matter .\u2014 Who so bold ,", "That , for the welfare of a wretched multitude ,", "Involved with him , in one great common cause ,", "Would volunteer it on the scaffold ?", "Noble soul !", "I could , for this , fall down and worship thee .", "Thou warm'st my heart . Does no one else appear ,", "To back this gallant veteran ?", "D'Aire . Eustache ,\u2014", "Myself , and these two brothers , my companions ,", "All of your house , and near of kin to you ,", "Have ponder 'd on your words :\u2014 we sure must die ,", "If we or go , or stay :\u2014 but , what weighs most \u2014", "We would not see our helpless little ones", "Butcher 'd before our eyes . We 'll go with thee .", "Pause a while , my friends ;", "We yet have breathing time ;\u2014 though troth but little .\u2014", "I must go forth , a hostage to the English ,", "Till you appear . Break up our sad assembly ;\u2014", "And , for the rest , agree among yourselves .", "Were the time apt , I could well waste a year", "In praising this your valour ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1291, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Yet , hear me , Julia \u2014\u2014", "Is then the path of duty so precise ,", "That \u2018 twill not for a little deviate ?", "Sweet , let it wind , and bend to recollection .", "Think on our oaths ; yes , lady , they are mutual :\u2014", "You said you loved ; I treasured the confession ,", "As misers hoard their gold : nay , \u2018 twas my all .\u2014", "Think not I chatter in the idle school", "Of whining coxcombs , where despair and death", "Are words of course ; I swell not fancied ills", "With windy eloquence : no , trust me , Julia ,", "I speak in honest , simple suffering :", "And disappointment , in my life 's best hope ,", "So feeds upon my life , and wears me inward ,", "That I am nearly spirit-broken .", "Yes , court policy ;", "Time-serving zeal : tame , passive , blind , obedience", "To the stern will of power ; which doth differ", "As wide from true , impulsive loyalty ,", "As puppet work from nature . O , I would", "The time were come !\u2014 our enemy , the English ,", "Bid fairest first to show a bright example ;", "When , \u2018 twixt the ruler and the ruled , affection", "Shall be reciprocal : when majesty", "Shall gather strength from mildness ; and the subject", "Shall look with duteous love upon his sovereign ,", "As the child eyes its father . Now , by Heaven !", "Old John de Vienne is turn 'd a temporiser ;", "Making his daughter the poor topmost round", "Of his vile ladder to preferment . \u2018 Sdeath !", "And you to suffer this ! O , fie , fie , Julia !", "\u2018 Twould show more noble in you to lay bare", "Your mind 's inconstancy , than thus to keep", "The semblance of a passion ; meanly veiling", "Your broken faith with the excuse of duty .", "Out o n't ! \u2018 tis shallow \u2014 you ne'er loved .", "Stay , stay , and listen to me . Gone ! and thus too !", "And have I lost thee \u2014 and for ever , Julia ?", "Now do I look on life as the worn mariner ,", "Stretching his eyes o'er seas immeasurable ,", "And all is drear and comfortless . Henceforward ,", "My years will be one void ; day roll on day ,", "In sameness infinite , without a hope", "To chequer the sad prospect . O ! if death", "Came yoked with honour to me , I could , now ,", "Embrace it with as warm and willing rapture ,", "As mothers clasp their infants .", "Enter LA GLOIRE .", "Now , La Gloire ! what is the news ?", "What is't ?", "I guessed as much .", "What are they ?", "Who ?", "Who , La Gloire ?", "Eustache !", "Why , I am courted to't .\u2014 The time , example ,", "Do woo me to my very wish .\u2014 Come hither .", "Two , it should seem , are wanting , to complete", "The little band of those brave men , who die", "To save their fellows .", "Mark me , La Gloire : and see , that you obey me ,", "Ev'n to the very letter of my orders .", "They are the last , perhaps , my honest fellow ,", "I e'er shall give thee . Seek thy father out ,", "And tell him this from me : his gallant bearing", "Doth school his betters ; I have studied o'er", "His noble lesson , and have learnt my duty .", "Say , he will find me in the market-place ,", "Disguised in humble seeming ; and I fain", "Would pass for one allied to him : and thence \u2014", "Dost mark me well ?\u2014 I will along with him ,", "Ev'n hand in hand , to death .", "Pr'ythee , no more , La Gloire ? I am resolved ;\u2014", "My purpose fix 'd . It would be bitter to thee ,", "To see me die in anger with thee : therefore ,", "Do thou my bidding ; close thy service up ,", "In duty to my will . Go , find thy father ;", "I will prepare within the while .\u2014 Obey me ,\u2014", "Or the last look from thy expiring master ,", "Darting reproach , shall burst thy heart in twain .", "Mark , and be punctual !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1291, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Yes , good Philippa , \u2018 tis our firm decree ,", "And a full wise one too ;\u2014 \u2018 tis but just recompense ,", "For near twelve weary months , their stubbornness", "Has caused us linger out before their city .", "Should we not now resent , in future story", "Our English would be chronicled as dullards ;\u2014", "These French would mock us for the snails of war ,", "Who bring our houses on our sluggish backs ,", "To winter it before their mould'ring walls ;", "Nay , every village , circled by a ditch ,", "Would think itself a town impregnable ;", "Check the full vigour of our march , and worry", "Our armies with resistance .", "Justice , madam ,", "Minute in her stern exercise of office ,", "Is comprehensive in effect ; and when", "She points her sword to the particular ,", "She aims at general good .\u2014", "Deliver up Sir John de Vienne .", "Are these the six must suffer ?", "Now , beshrew thee , knave ! Thou dost speak bluntly .", "Your citizens may thank themselves for't ; wilfulness", "Does ever thus recoil upon itself .", "Villain and slave ! for this thy daring taunt ,", ",", "We henceforth shut the ear to supplication .", "Conduct them straight to execution !", "How now ! Wherefore this boldness ?", "What is the suit thus urges ?", "Pause ye a while .\u2014 Young man , proceed .", "Thou self-will 'd fool ,", "Who would run headlong into death , what art thou ?", "I will be satisfied in this . Speak , fellow ? Say , what is thy condition ?", "Now , by our diadem !\u2014 but answer you .", "What is his state ?\u2014 Say , of whose wreched place", "Is he the bold usurper ?", "The glory !\u2014 Why , by Heaven ! these headstrong French", "Toy with our punishments !", "For thee , rash stripling ! who dost brave our vengeance ,", "Prepare to meet it . Yoke thee with this knave ,", "Whose insolence hath roused our spleen , and , straight ,", "You both shall suffer for't together .", "Well ;\u2014 so be it , then .\u2014", "Guards ! lead them forth .", "Conduct them to their fate .", "Lady , you are free :\u2014\u2014", "Our British Knights are famed for courtesy ;", "And it will ne'er , I trust , be said an Englishman", "Denied protection to a woman . You", "Must , under guard , my lord ! abide our pleasure :\u2014", "For the remainder , they have heard our will ,", "And they must suffer : \u2018 tis but fit we prove ,", "Spite of their obstinate and close defence ,", "Our English excellence .", "Rise , madam . Tho \u2019 it was our fix 'd intent", "To awe these French , by terrible example ,", "Our promise still is sacred , good Philippa .", "Your suit is won ; and we relax our rigour .\u2014\u2014", "Let them pass free ; while we do here pronounce", "A general pardon .", "Now , my lord ! for you :\u2014 We have , I trust , some influence here ; Nor will we quit your town , until we see Your marriage solemnized \u2014 O'Carrol . Well , if I did n't know what crying was before , I have found it out at last .\u2014 \u2018 Faith it has a mighty pleasant relieving sort of a feel with it .", "Prepare we , then , to enter Calais ; straight", "Give order for our march \u2014", "Breathe forth , our instruments of war ; and , as", "We do approach the rugged walls , sound high", "The strains of victory .", "GRAND CHORUS .", "Rear , rear our English banner high", "In token proud of victory !", "Where'er our god of battle strides ,", "Loud sound the trump of fame !", "Where'er the English warrior rides ,", "May laurel 'd conquest grace his name ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1291, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["For God 's sake , a pot of small ale .", "I am Christophero Sly ; call not me \u2018 honour \u2019 nor \u2018 lordship . \u2019 I ne'er drank sack in my life ; and if you give me any conserves , give me conserves of beef . Ne'er ask me what raiment I 'll wear , for I have no more doublets than backs , no more stockings than legs , nor no more shoes than feet - nay , sometime more feet than shoes , or such shoes as my toes look through the overleather .", "What , would you make me mad ? Am not I Christopher Sly , old Sly 's son of Burton Heath ; by birth a pedlar , by education a cardmaker , by transmutation a bear-herd , and now by present profession a tinker ? Ask Marian Hacket , the fat ale-wife of Wincot , if she know me not ; if she say I am not fourteen pence on the score for sheer ale , score me up for the lying'st knave in", "Am I a lord and have I such a lady ?", "Or do I dream ? Or have I dream 'd till now ?", "I do not sleep : I see , I hear , I speak ;", "I smell sweet savours , and I feel soft things .", "Upon my life , I am a lord indeed ,", "And not a tinker , nor Christopher Sly .", "Well , bring our lady hither to our sight ;", "And once again , a pot o \u2019 th \u2019 smallest ale .", "These fifteen years ! by my fay , a goodly nap . But did I never speak of all that time ?", "Ay , the woman 's maid of the house .", "Now , Lord be thanked for my good amends !", "I thank thee ; thou shalt not lose by it .", "Marry , I fare well ; for here is cheer enough . Where is my wife ?", "Are you my wife , and will not call me husband ? My men should call me \u2018 lord \u2019 ; I am your goodman .", "I know it well . What must I call her ?", "Al'ce madam , or Joan madam ?", "Madam wife , they say that I have dream 'd", "And slept above some fifteen year or more .", "\u2018 Tis much . Servants , leave me and her alone .", "Ay , it stands so that I may hardly tarry so long . But I would be loath to fall into my dreams again . I will therefore tarry in despite of the flesh and the blood .", "Marry , I will ; let them play it . Is not a comonty a", "Christmas gambold or a tumbling-trick ?", "What , household stuff ?", "Well , we 'll see't . Come , madam wife , sit by my side and let the world slip ; - we shall ne'er be younger .A flourish of trumpets announces the play"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1303, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Tranio , since for the great desire I had", "To see fair Padua , nursery of arts ,", "I am arriv 'd for fruitful Lombardy ,", "The pleasant garden of great Italy ,", "And by my father 's love and leave am arm 'd", "With his good will and thy good company ,", "My trusty servant well approv 'd in all ,", "Here let us breathe , and haply institute", "A course of learning and ingenious studies .", "Pisa , renowned for grave citizens ,", "Gave me my being and my father first ,", "A merchant of great traffic through the world ,", "Vincentio , come of the Bentivolii ;", "Vincentio 's son , brought up in Florence ,", "It shall become to serve all hopes conceiv 'd ,", "To deck his fortune with his virtuous deeds .", "And therefore , Tranio , for the time I study ,", "Virtue and that part of philosophy", "Will I apply that treats of happiness", "By virtue specially to be achiev 'd .", "Tell me thy mind ; for I have Pisa left", "And am to Padua come as he that leaves", "A shallow plash to plunge him in the deep ,", "And with satiety seeks to quench his thirst .", "Gramercies , Tranio , well dost thou advise . If , Biondello , thou wert come ashore , We could at once put us in readiness , And take a lodging fit to entertain Such friends as time in Padua shall beget . Enter BAPTISTA with his two daughters , KATHERINA and BIANCA ; GREMIO , a pantaloon ; HORTENSIO , suitor to BIANCA . LUCENTIO and TRANIO stand by But stay awhile ; what company is this ?", "But in the other 's silence do I see", "Maid 's mild behaviour and sobriety .", "Peace , Tranio !", "Hark , Tranio , thou mayst hear Minerva speak !", "O Tranio , till I found it to be true ,", "I never thought it possible or likely .", "But see ! while idly I stood looking on ,", "I found the effect of love in idleness ;", "And now in plainness do confess to thee ,", "That art to me as secret and as dear", "As Anna to the Queen of Carthage was-", "Tranio , I burn , I pine , I perish , Tranio ,", "If I achieve not this young modest girl .", "Counsel me , Tranio , for I know thou canst ;", "Assist me , Tranio , for I know thou wilt .", "Gramercies , lad . Go forward ; this contents ;", "The rest will comfort , for thy counsel 's sound .", "O , yes , I saw sweet beauty in her face ,", "Such as the daughter of Agenor had ,", "That made great Jove to humble him to her hand ,", "When with his knees he kiss 'd the Cretan strand .", "Tranio , I saw her coral lips to move ,", "And with her breath she did perfume the air ;", "Sacred and sweet was all I saw in her .", "Ah , Tranio , what a cruel father 's he !", "But art thou not advis 'd he took some care", "To get her cunning schoolmasters to instruct her ?", "I have it , Tranio .", "Tell me thine first .", "It is . May it be done ?", "Basta , content thee , for I have it full .", "We have not yet been seen in any house ,", "Nor can we be distinguish 'd by our faces", "For man or master . Then it follows thus :", "Thou shalt be master , Tranio , in my stead ,", "Keep house and port and servants , as I should ;", "I will some other be - some Florentine ,", "Some Neapolitan , or meaner man of Pisa .", "\u2018 Tis hatch 'd , and shall be so . Tranio , at once", "Uncase thee ; take my colour 'd hat and cloak .", "When Biondello comes , he waits on thee ;", "But I will charm him first to keep his tongue .", "Tranio , be so because Lucentio loves ;", "And let me be a slave t \u2019 achieve that maid", "Whose sudden sight hath thrall 'd my wounded eye .", "Enter BIONDELLO .", "Here comes the rogue . Sirrah , where have you been ?", "Sirrah , come hither ; \u2018 tis no time to jest ,", "And therefore frame your manners to the time .", "Your fellow Tranio here , to save my life ,", "Puts my apparel and my count'nance on ,", "And I for my escape have put on his ;", "For in a quarrel since I came ashore", "I kill 'd a man , and fear I was descried .", "Wait you on him , I charge you , as becomes ,", "While I make way from hence to save my life .", "You understand me ?", "And not a jot of Tranio in your mouth :", "Tranio is chang 'd into Lucentio .", "Tranio , let 's go .", "One thing more rests , that thyself execute-", "To make one among these wooers . If thou ask me why-", "Sufficeth , my reasons are both good and weighty . Exeunt .", "The Presenters above speak"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1303, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Verona , for a while I take my leave ,", "To see my friends in Padua ; but of all", "My best beloved and approved friend ,", "Hortensio ; and I trow this is his house .", "Here , sirrah Grumio , knock , I say .", "Villain , I say , knock me here soundly .", "Villain , I say , knock me at this gate ,", "And rap me well , or I 'll knock your knave 's pate .", "Will it not be ?", "Faith , sirrah , an you 'll not knock I 'll ring it ;", "I 'll try how you can sol-fa , and sing it .", "Now knock when I bid you , sirrah villain !", "Signior Hortensio , come you to part the fray ? \u2018 Con tutto il cuore ben trovato \u2019 may I say .", "A senseless villain ! Good Hortensio ,", "I bade the rascal knock upon your gate ,", "And could not get him for my heart to do it .", "Sirrah , be gone , or talk not , I advise you .", "Such wind as scatters young men through the world", "To seek their fortunes farther than at home ,", "Where small experience grows . But in a few ,", "Signior Hortensio , thus it stands with me :", "Antonio , my father , is deceas 'd ,", "And I have thrust myself into this maze ,", "Haply to wive and thrive as best I may ;", "Crowns in my purse I have , and goods at home ,", "And so am come abroad to see the world .", "Signior Hortensio , \u2018 twixt such friends as we", "Few words suffice ; and therefore , if thou know", "One rich enough to be Petruchio 's wife ,", "As wealth is burden of my wooing dance ,", "Be she as foul as was Florentius \u2019 love ,", "As old as Sibyl , and as curst and shrewd", "As Socrates \u2019 Xanthippe or a worse-", "She moves me not , or not removes , at least ,", "Affection 's edge in me , were she as rough", "As are the swelling Adriatic seas .", "I come to wive it wealthily in Padua ;", "If wealthily , then happily in Padua .", "Hortensio , peace ! thou know'st not gold 's effect .", "Tell me her father 's name , and \u2018 tis enough ;", "For I will board her though she chide as loud", "As thunder when the clouds in autumn crack .", "I know her father , though I know not her ;", "And he knew my deceased father well .", "I will not sleep , Hortensio , till I see her ;", "And therefore let me be thus bold with you", "To give you over at this first encounter ,", "Unless you will accompany me thither .", "Peace , sirrah !", "I know she is an irksome brawling scold ;", "If that be all , masters , I hear no harm .", "Born in Verona , old Antonio 's son .", "My father dead , my fortune lives for me ;", "And I do hope good days and long to see .", "Will I live ?", "Why came I hither but to that intent ?", "Think you a little din can daunt mine ears ?", "Have I not in my time heard lions roar ?", "Have I not heard the sea , puff 'd up with winds ,", "Rage like an angry boar chafed with sweat ?", "Have I not heard great ordnance in the field ,", "And heaven 's artillery thunder in the skies ?", "Have I not in a pitched battle heard", "Loud \u2018 larums , neighing steeds , and trumpets \u2019 clang ?", "And do you tell me of a woman 's tongue ,", "That gives not half so great a blow to hear", "As will a chestnut in a farmer 's fire ?", "Tush ! tush ! fear boys with bugs .", "Not her that chides , sir , at any hand , I pray .", "Hortensio , to what end are all these words ?", "Sir , sir , the first 's for me ; let her go by .", "Sir , understand you this of me , in sooth :", "The youngest daughter , whom you hearken for ,", "Her father keeps from all access of suitors ,", "And will not promise her to any man", "Until the elder sister first be wed .", "The younger then is free , and not before ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1303, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Good sister , wrong me not , nor wrong yourself ,", "To make a bondmaid and a slave of me-", "That I disdain ; but for these other gawds ,", "Unbind my hands , I 'll pull them off myself ,", "Yea , all my raiment , to my petticoat ;", "Or what you will command me will I do ,", "So well I know my duty to my elders .", "Believe me , sister , of all the men alive", "I never yet beheld that special face", "Which I could fancy more than any other .", "If you affect him , sister , here I swear", "I 'll plead for you myself but you shall have him .", "Is it for him you do envy me so ?", "Nay , then you jest ; and now I well perceive", "You have but jested with me all this while .", "I prithee , sister Kate , untie my hands ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1303, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Fiddler , forbear ; you grow too forward , sir .", "Have you so soon forgot the entertainment", "Her sister Katherine welcome 'd you withal ?", "Preposterous ass , that never read so far", "To know the cause why music was ordain 'd !", "Was it not to refresh the mind of man", "After his studies or his usual pain ?", "Then give me leave to read philosophy ,", "And while I pause serve in your harmony .", "That will be never - tune your instrument .", "Here , madam :", "\u2018 Hic ibat Simois , hic est Sigeia tellus ,", "Hic steterat Priami regia celsa senis . \u2019", "\u2018 Hic ibat \u2019 as I told you before - \u2018 Simois \u2019 I am Lucentio - \u2018 hic est \u2019 son unto Vincentio of Pisa - \u2018 Sigeia tellus \u2019 disguised thus to get your love - \u2018 Hic steterat \u2019 and that Lucentio that comes a-wooing - \u2018 Priami \u2019 is my man Tranio - \u2018 regia \u2019 bearing my port - \u2018 celsa senis \u2019 that we might beguile the old pantaloon .", "Spit in the hole , man , and tune again .", "All but the bass .", "Mistrust it not - for sure , AEacides", "Was Ajax , call 'd so from his grandfather .", "Are you so formal , sir ? Well , I must wait ,", "And watch withal ; for , but I be deceiv 'd ,", "Our fine musician groweth amorous .", "Faith , mistress , then I have no cause to stay ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1303, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Signior Lucentio , this is the \u2018 pointed day That Katherine and Petruchio should be married , And yet we hear not of our son-in-law . What will be said ? What mockery will it be To want the bridegroom when the priest attends To speak the ceremonial rites of marriage ! What says Lucentio to this shame of ours ?", "Go , girl , I cannot blame thee now to weep , For such an injury would vex a very saint ; Much more a shrew of thy impatient humour . Enter BIONDELLO Master , master ! News , and such old news as you never heard of !", "Is it new and old too ? How may that be ?", "Is he come ?", "What then ?", "When will he be here ?", "Who comes with him ?", "I am glad he 's come , howsoe'er he comes .", "Didst thou not say he comes ?", "Ay , that Petruchio came .", "Why , that 's all one .", "You are welcome , sir .", "And yet you halt not .", "Why , sir , you know this is your wedding-day .", "First were we sad , fearing you would not come ;", "Now sadder , that you come so unprovided .", "Fie , doff this habit , shame to your estate ,", "An eye-sore to our solemn festival !", "But thus , I trust , you will not marry her .", "I 'll after him and see the event of this .", "Is't possible you will away to-night ?", "Nay , let them go , a couple of quiet ones .", "Neighbours and friends , though bride and bridegroom wants For to supply the places at the table , You know there wants no junkets at the feast . Lucentio , you shall supply the bridegroom 's place ; And let Bianca take her sister 's room .", "She shall , Lucentio . Come , gentlemen , let 's go ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1303, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Fie , fie on all tired jades , on all mad masters , and all foul ways ! Was ever man so beaten ? Was ever man so ray 'd ? Was ever man so weary ? I am sent before to make a fire , and they are coming after to warm them . Now were not I a little pot and soon hot , my very lips might freeze to my teeth , my tongue to the roof of my mouth , my heart in my belly , ere I should come by a fire to thaw me . But I with blowing the fire shall warm myself ; for , considering the weather , a taller man than I will take cold . Holla , ho ! Curtis !", "A piece of ice . If thou doubt it , thou mayst slide from my shoulder to my heel with no greater a run but my head and my neck . A fire , good Curtis .", "O , ay , Curtis , ay ; and therefore fire , fire ; cast on no water .", "She was , good Curtis , before this frost ; but thou know'st winter tames man , woman , and beast ; for it hath tam 'd my old master , and my new mistress , and myself , fellow Curtis .", "Am I but three inches ? Why , thy horn is a foot , and so long am I at the least . But wilt thou make a fire , or shall I complain on thee to our mistress , whose hand - she being now at hand - thou shalt soon feel , to thy cold comfort , for being slow in thy hot office ?", "A cold world , Curtis , in every office but thine ; and therefore fire . Do thy duty , and have thy duty , for my master and mistress are almost frozen to death .", "Why , \u2018 Jack boy ! ho , boy ! \u2019 and as much news as thou wilt .", "Why , therefore , fire ; for I have caught extreme cold . Where 's the cook ? Is supper ready , the house trimm 'd , rushes strew 'd , cobwebs swept , the serving-men in their new fustian , their white stockings , and every officer his wedding-garment on ? Be the jacks fair within , the jills fair without , the carpets laid , and everything in order ?", "First know my horse is tired ; my master and mistress fall'n out .", "Out of their saddles into the dirt ; and thereby hangs a tale .", "Lend thine ear .", "There .", "And therefore \u2018 tis call 'd a sensible tale ; and this cuff was but to knock at your car and beseech list'ning . Now I begin : Imprimis , we came down a foul hill , my master riding behind my mistress-", "What 's that to thee ?", "Tell thou the tale . But hadst thou not cross 'd me , thou shouldst have heard how her horse fell and she under her horse ; thou shouldst have heard in how miry a place , how she was bemoil 'd , how he left her with the horse upon her , how he beat me because her horse stumbled , how she waded through the dirt to pluck him off me , how he swore , how she pray 'd that never pray 'd before , how I cried , how the horses ran away , how her bridle was burst , how I lost my crupper - with many things of worthy memory , which now shall die in oblivion , and thou return unexperienc 'd to thy grave .", "Ay , and that thou and the proudest of you all shall find when he comes home . But what talk I of this ? Call forth Nathaniel , Joseph , Nicholas , Philip , Walter , Sugarsop , and the rest ; let their heads be sleekly comb 'd , their blue coats brush 'd and their garters of an indifferent knit ; let them curtsy with their left legs , and not presume to touch a hair of my mastcr 's horse-tail till they kiss their hands . Are they all ready ?", "Call them forth .", "Why , she hath a face of her own .", "Thou , it seems , that calls for company to countenance her .", "Why , she comes to borrow nothing of them .", "Welcome , you ! - how now , you ! - what , you ! - fellow , you ! - and thus much for greeting . Now , my spruce companions , is all ready , and all things neat ?", "E'en at hand , alighted by this ; and therefore be not-", "Cock 's passion , silence ! I hear my master .", "Here , sir ; as foolish as I was before .", "Nathaniel 's coat , sir , was not fully made ,", "And Gabriel 's pumps were all unpink 'd i \u2019 th \u2019 heel ;", "There was no link to colour Peter 's hat ,", "And Walter 's dagger was not come from sheathing ;", "There were none fine but Adam , Ralph , and Gregory ;", "The rest were ragged , old , and beggarly ;", "Yet , as they are , here are they come to meet you .", "Where is he ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1303, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Is \u2018 t possible , friend Licio , that Mistress Bianca", "Doth fancy any other but Lucentio ?", "I tell you , sir , she bears me fair in hand .", "O despiteful love ! unconstant womankind ! I tell thee , Licio , this is wonderful .", "Signior Hortensio , I have often heard", "Of your entire affection to Bianca ;", "And since mine eyes are witness of her lightness ,", "I will with you , if you be so contented ,", "Forswear Bianca and her love for ever .", "And here I take the like unfeigned oath ,", "Never to marry with her though she would entreat ;", "Fie on her ! See how beastly she doth court him !", "Mistress Bianca , bless you with such grace", "As \u2018 longeth to a lover 's blessed case !", "Nay , I have ta'en you napping , gentle love ,", "And have forsworn you with Hortensio .", "Mistress , we have .", "I \u2019 faith , he 'll have a lusty widow now ,", "That shall be woo 'd and wedded in a day .", "Ay , and he 'll tame her .", "Faith , he is gone unto the taming-school .", "Ay , mistress ; and Petruchio is the master ,", "That teacheth tricks eleven and twenty long ,", "To tame a shrew and charm her chattering tongue .", "What is he , Biondello ?", "If he be credulous and trust my tale ,", "I 'll make him glad to seem Vincentio ,", "And give assurance to Baptista Minola", "As if he were the right Vincentio .", "Take in your love , and then let me alone .", "And you , sir ; you are welcome . Travel you far on , or are you at the farthest ?", "What countryman , I pray ?", "Of Mantua , sir ? Marry , God forbid ,", "And come to Padua , careless of your life !", "\u2018 Tis death for any one in Mantua", "To come to Padua . Know you not the cause ?", "Your ships are stay 'd at Venice ; and the Duke ,", "For private quarrel \u2018 twixt your Duke and him ,", "Hath publish 'd and proclaim 'd it openly .", "\u2018 Tis marvel - but that you are but newly come ,", "You might have heard it else proclaim 'd about .", "Well , sir , to do you courtesy ,", "This will I do , and this I will advise you-", "First , tell me , have you ever been at Pisa ?", "Among them know you one Vincentio ?", "He is my father , sir ; and , sooth to say ,", "In count'nance somewhat doth resemble you .", "To save your life in this extremity ,", "This favour will I do you for his sake ;", "And think it not the worst of all your fortunes", "That you are like to Sir Vincentio .", "His name and credit shall you undertake ,", "And in my house you shall be friendly lodg 'd ;", "Look that you take upon you as you should .", "You understand me , sir . So shall you stay", "Till you have done your business in the city .", "If this be court'sy , sir , accept of it .", "Then go with me to make the matter good .", "This , by the way , I let you understand :", "My father is here look 'd for every day", "To pass assurance of a dow'r in marriage", "\u2018 Twixt me and one Baptista 's daughter here .", "In all these circumstances I 'll instruct you .", "Go with me to clothe you as becomes you . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1303, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["No , no , forsooth ; I dare not for my life .", "What say you to a neat 's foot ?", "I fear it is too choleric a meat . How say you to a fat tripe finely broil 'd ?", "I cannot tell ; I fear \u2018 tis choleric . What say you to a piece of beef and mustard ?", "Ay , but the mustard is too hot a little .", "Nay , then I will not ; you shall have the mustard ,", "Or else you get no beef of Grumio .", "Why then the mustard without the beef .", "I gave him no order ; I gave him the stuff .", "Marry , sir , with needle and thread .", "Thou hast fac 'd many things .", "Face not me . Thou hast brav 'd many men ; brave not me . I will neither be fac 'd nor brav 'd . I say unto thee , I bid thy master cut out the gown ; but I did not bid him cut it to pieces . Ergo , thou liest .", "The note lies in 's throat , if he say I said so .", "Master , if ever I said loose-bodied gown , sew me in the skirts of it and beat me to death with a bottom of brown bread ; I said a gown .", "I confess the cape .", "I confess two sleeves .", "Error i \u2019 th \u2019 bill , sir ; error i \u2019 th \u2019 bill ! I commanded the sleeves should be cut out , and sew 'd up again ; and that I 'll prove upon thee , though thy little finger be armed in a thimble .", "I am for thee straight ; take thou the bill , give me thy meteyard , and spare not me .", "You are i \u2019 th \u2019 right , sir ; \u2018 tis for my mistress .", "Villain , not for thy life ! Take up my mistress \u2019 gown for thy master 's use !", "O , sir , the conceit is deeper than you think for . Take up my mistress \u2019 gown to his master 's use ! O fie , fie , fie !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1303, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sir , this is the house ; please it you that I call ?", "\u2018 Tis well ; and hold your own , in any case ,", "With such austerity as longeth to a father .", "Fear you not him . Sirrah Biondello ,", "Now do your duty throughly , I advise you .", "Imagine \u2018 twere the right Vincentio .", "But hast thou done thy errand to Baptista ?", "Th'art a tall fellow ; hold thee that to drink .", "Here comes Baptista . Set your countenance , sir .", "Enter BAPTISTA , and LUCENTIO as CAMBIO", "Signior Baptista , you are happily met .", "Sir , this is the gentleman I told you of ;", "I pray you stand good father to me now ;", "Give me Bianca for my patrimony .", "I thank you , sir . Where then do you know best", "We be affied , and such assurance ta'en", "As shall with either part 's agreement stand ?", "Then at my lodging , an it like you .", "There doth my father lie ; and there this night", "We 'll pass the business privately and well .", "Send for your daughter by your servant here ;", "My boy shall fetch the scrivener presently .", "The worst is this , that at so slender warning", "You are like to have a thin and slender pittance .", "Dally not with the gods , but get thee gone ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1303, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come on , a God 's name ; once more toward our father 's . Good Lord , how bright and goodly shines the moon !", "I say it is the moon that shines so bright .", "Now by my mother 's son , and that 's myself ,", "It shall be moon , or star , or what I list ,", "Or ere I journey to your father 's house .", "Go on and fetch our horses back again .", "Evermore cross 'd and cross 'd ; nothing but cross 'd !", "I say it is the moon .", "Nay , then you lie ; it is the blessed sun .", "Well , forward , forward ! thus the bowl should run ,", "And not unluckily against the bias .", "But , soft ! Company is coming here .", "Why , how now , Kate , I hope thou art not mad !", "This is a man , old , wrinkled , faded , withered ,", "And not a maiden , as thou sayst he is .", "Do , good old grandsire , and withal make known", "Which way thou travellest - if along with us ,", "We shall be joyful of thy company .", "What is his name ?", "Happily met ; the happier for thy son .", "And now by law , as well as reverend age ,", "I may entitle thee my loving father :", "The sister to my wife , this gentlewoman ,", "Thy son by this hath married . Wonder not ,", "Nor be not grieved - she is of good esteem ,", "Her dowry wealthy , and of worthy birth ;", "Beside , so qualified as may beseem", "The spouse of any noble gentleman .", "Let me embrace with old Vincentio ;", "And wander we to see thy honest son ,", "Who will of thy arrival be full joyous .", "Come , go along , and see the truth hereof ;", "For our first merriment hath made thee jealous ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1303, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["At last , though long , our jarring notes agree ;", "And time it is when raging war is done", "To smile at scapes and perils overblown .", "My fair Bianca , bid my father welcome ,", "While I with self-same kindness welcome thine .", "Brother Petruchio , sister Katherina ,", "And thou , Hortensio , with thy loving widow ,", "Feast with the best , and welcome to my house .", "My banquet is to close our stomachs up", "After our great good cheer . Pray you , sit down ;", "For now we sit to chat as well as eat .", "I thank thee for that gird , good Tranio .", "Twenty crowns .", "A hundred then .", "That will I . Go , Biondello , bid your mistress come to me .", "I 'll have no halves ; I 'll bear it all myself .", "Re-enter BIONDELLO", "How now ! what news ?", "Here is a wonder , if you talk of a wonder .", "I would your duty were as foolish too ;", "The wisdom of your duty , fair Bianca ,", "Hath cost me a hundred crowns since supper-time !", "Well , go thy ways , old lad , for thou shalt ha't .", "But a harsh hearing when women are froward .", "\u2018 Tis a wonder , by your leave , she will be tam 'd so ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1303, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["If by your art , my dearest father , you have", "Put the wild waters in this roar , allay them .", "The sky , it seems , would pour down stinking pitch ,", "But that the sea , mounting to th \u2019 welkin 's cheek ,", "Dashes the fire out . O , I have suffered", "With those that I saw suffer ! A brave vessel ,", "Who had no doubt some noble creature in her ,", "Dash 'd all to pieces ! O , the cry did knock", "Against my very heart ! Poor souls , they perish 'd .", "Had I been any god of power , I would", "Have sunk the sea within the earth or ere", "It should the good ship so have swallow 'd and", "The fraughting souls within her .", "O , woe the day !", "More to know", "Did never meddle with my thoughts .", "You have often", "Begun to tell me what I am ; but stopp 'd ,", "And left me to a bootless inquisition ,", "Concluding \u2018 Stay ; not yet . \u2019", "Certainly , sir , I can .", "\u2018 Tis far off ,", "And rather like a dream than an assurance", "That my remembrance warrants . Had I not", "Four , or five , women once , that tended me ?", "But that I do not .", "Sir , are not you my father ?", "O , the heavens ! What foul play had we that we came from thence ? Or blessed was't we did ?", "O , my heart bleeds", "To think o \u2019 th \u2019 teen that I have turn 'd you to ,", "Which is from my remembrance . Please you , farther .", "Sir , most heedfully .", "O , good sir , I do !", "Your tale , sir , would cure deafness .", "O the heavens !", "I should sin", "To think but nobly of my grandmother :", "Good wombs have borne bad sons .", "Alack , for pity !", "I , not rememb'ring how I cried out then ,", "Will cry it o'er again ; it is a hint", "That wrings mine eyes to't .", "Wherefore did they not", "That hour destroy us ?", "Alack , what trouble", "Was I then to you !", "How came we ashore ?", "Would I might", "But ever see that man !", "Heavens thank you for't ! And now , I pray you , sir , For still \u2018 tis beating in my mind , your reason For raising this sea-storm ?", "The strangeness of your story put", "Heaviness in me .", "\u2018 Tis a villain , sir ,", "I do not love to look on .", "Abhorred slave ,", "Which any print of goodness wilt not take ,", "Being capable of all ill ! I pitied thee ,", "Took pains to make thee speak , taught thee each hour", "One thing or other . When thou didst not , savage ,", "Know thine own meaning , but wouldst gabble like", "A thing most brutish , I endow 'd thy purposes", "With words that made them known . But thy vile race ,", "Though thou didst learn , had that i n't which good natures", "Could not abide to be with ; therefore wast thou", "Deservedly confin 'd into this rock , who hadst", "Deserv 'd more than a prison .", "What is't ? a spirit ?", "Lord , how it looks about ! Believe me , sir ,", "It carries a brave form . But \u2018 tis a spirit .", "I might call him", "A thing divine ; for nothing natural", "I ever saw so noble .", "No wonder , sir ;", "But certainly a maid .", "Alack , for mercy !", "Why speaks my father so ungently ? This", "Is the third man that e'er I saw ; the first", "That e'er I sigh 'd for . Pity move my father", "To be inclin 'd my way !", "There 's nothing ill can dwell in such a temple .", "If the ill spirit have so fair a house ,", "Good things will strive to dwell with't .", "O dear father ,", "Make not too rash a trial of him , for", "He 's gentle , and not fearful .", "Beseech you , father !", "Sir , have pity ;", "I 'll be his surety .", "My affections", "Are then most humble ; I have no ambition", "To see a goodlier man .", "Be of comfort ;", "My father 's of a better nature , sir ,", "Than he appears by speech ; this is unwonted", "Which now came from him ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1311, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Beseech you , sir , be merry ; you have cause ,", "So have we all , of joy ; for our escape", "Is much beyond our loss . Our hint of woe", "Is common ; every day , some sailor 's wife ,", "The masters of some merchant , and the merchant ,", "Have just our theme of woe ; but for the miracle ,", "I mean our preservation , few in millions", "Can speak like us . Then wisely , good sir , weigh", "Our sorrow with our comfort .", "Sir-", "When every grief is entertain 'd that 's offer 'd ,", "Comes to th \u2019 entertainer-", "Dolour comes to him , indeed ; you have spoken truer than you purpos 'd .", "Therefore , my lord-", "Well , I have done ; but yet-", "Here is everything advantageous to life .", "How lush and lusty the grass looks ! how green !", "But the rarity of it is , which is indeed almost beyond credit-", "That our garments , being , as they were , drench 'd in the sea , hold , notwithstanding , their freshness and glosses , being rather new-dy 'd , than stain 'd with salt water .", "Methinks our garments are now as fresh as when we put them on first in Afric , at the marriage of the King 's fair daughter Claribel to the King of Tunis .", "Not since widow Dido 's time .", "This Tunis , sir , was Carthage .", "I assure you , Carthage .", "Ay .", "Sir , we were talking that our garments seem now as fresh as when we were at Tunis at the marriage of your daughter , who is now Queen .", "Is not , sir , my doublet as fresh as the first day I wore it ? I mean , in a sort .", "When I wore it at your daughter 's marriage ?", "My lord Sebastian ,", "The truth you speak doth lack some gentleness ,", "And time to speak it in ; you rub the sore ,", "When you should bring the plaster .", "It is foul weather in us all , good sir ,", "When you are cloudy .", "Had I plantation of this isle , my lord-", "And were the king o n't , what would I do ?", "I \u2019 th \u2019 commonwealth I would by contraries", "Execute all things ; for no kind of traffic", "Would I admit ; no name of magistrate ;", "Letters should not be known ; riches , poverty ,", "And use of service , none ; contract , succession ,", "Bourn , bound of land , tilth , vineyard , none ;", "No use of metal , corn , or wine , or oil ;", "No occupation ; all men idle , all ;", "And women too , but innocent and pure ;", "No sovereignty-", "All things in common nature should produce", "Without sweat or endeavour . Treason , felony ,", "Sword , pike , knife , gun , or need of any engine ,", "Would I not have ; but nature should bring forth ,", "Of it own kind , all foison , all abundance ,", "To feed my innocent people .", "I would with such perfection govern , sir ,", "T \u2019 excel the golden age .", "And-do you mark me , sir ?", "I do well believe your Highness ; and did it to minister occasion to these gentlemen , who are of such sensible and nimble lungs that they always use to laugh at nothing .", "Who in this kind of merry fooling am nothing to you ; so you may continue , and laugh at nothing still .", "You are gentlemen of brave mettle ; you would lift the moon out of her sphere , if she would continue in it five weeks without changing .", "No , I warrant you ; I will not adventure my discretion so weakly . Will you laugh me asleep , for I am very heavy ?", "Now , good angels", "Preserve the King !", "What 's the matter ?", "Upon mine honour , sir , I heard a humming ,", "And that a strange one too , which did awake me ;", "I shak 'd you , sir , and cried ; as mine eyes open 'd ,", "I saw their weapons drawn-there was a noise ,", "That 's verily . \u2018 Tis best we stand upon our guard ,", "Or that we quit this place . Let 's draw our weapons .", "Heavens keep him from these beasts ! For he is , sure , i \u2019 th \u2019 island ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1311, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["All the infections that the sun sucks up", "From bogs , fens , flats , on Prosper fall , and make him", "By inch-meal a disease ! His spirits hear me ,", "And yet I needs must curse . But they 'll nor pinch ,", "Fright me with urchin-shows , pitch me i \u2019 th \u2019 mire ,", "Nor lead me , like a firebrand , in the dark", "Out of my way , unless he bid \u2018 em ; but", "For every trifle are they set upon me ;", "Sometime like apes that mow and chatter at me ,", "And after bite me ; then like hedgehogs which", "Lie tumbling in my barefoot way , and mount", "Their pricks at my footfall ; sometime am I", "All wound with adders , who with cloven tongues", "Do hiss me into madness .", "Lo , now , lo !", "Here comes a spirit of his , and to torment me", "For bringing wood in slowly . I 'll fall flat ;", "Perchance he will not mind me .", "Do not torment me . O !", "The spirit torments me . O !", "Do not torment me , prithee ; I 'll bring my wood home faster .", "Thou dost me yet but little hurt ; thou wilt anon ,", "I know it by thy trembling ; now Prosper works upon thee .", "These be fine things , an if they be not sprites . That 's a brave god , and bears celestial liquor . I will kneel to him .", "I 'll swear upon that bottle to be thy true subject , for the liquor is not earthly .", "Hast thou not dropp 'd from heaven ?", "I have seen thee in her , and I do adore thee . My mistress show 'd me thee , and thy dog and thy bush .", "I 'll show thee every fertile inch o \u2019 th \u2019 island ; and will kiss thy foot . I prithee be my god .", "I 'll kiss thy foot ; I 'll swear myself thy subject .", "I 'll show thee the best springs ; I 'll pluck thee berries ; I 'll fish for thee , and get thee wood enough . A plague upon the tyrant that I serve ! I 'll bear him no more sticks , but follow thee , Thou wondrous man .", "I prithee let me bring thee where crabs grow ;", "And I with my long nails will dig thee pig-nuts ;", "Show thee a jay 's nest , and instruct thee how", "To snare the nimble marmoset ; I 'll bring thee", "To clust'ring filberts , and sometimes I 'll get thee", "Young scamels from the rock . Wilt thou go with me ?", "Farewell , master ; farewell , farewell !", "No more dams I 'll make for fish ; Nor fetch in firing At requiring , Nor scrape trenchering , nor wash dish . \u2018 Ban \u2018 Ban , Ca-Caliban , Has a new master-Get a new man . Freedom , high-day ! high-day , freedom ! freedom , high - day , freedom !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1311, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["There be some sports are painful , and their labour Delight in them sets off ; some kinds of baseness Are nobly undergone , and most poor matters Point to rich ends . This my mean task Would be as heavy to me as odious , but The mistress which I serve quickens what 's dead , And makes my labours pleasures . O , she is Ten times more gentle than her father 's crabbed ; And he 's compos 'd of harshness . I must remove Some thousands of these logs , and pile them up , Upon a sore injunction ; my sweet mistress Weeps when she sees me work , and says such baseness Had never like executor . I forget ; But these sweet thoughts do even refresh my labours , Most busy , least when I do it .", "O most dear mistress ,", "The sun will set before I shall discharge", "What I must strive to do .", "No , precious creature ;", "I had rather crack my sinews , break my back ,", "Than you should such dishonour undergo ,", "While I sit lazy by .", "No , noble mistress ; \u2018 tis fresh morning with me", "When you are by at night . I do beseech you ,", "Chiefly that I might set it in my prayers ,", "What is your name ?", "Admir 'd Miranda !", "What 's dearest to the world ! Full many a lady", "I have ey 'd with best regard ; and many a time", "Th \u2019 harmony of their tongues hath into bondage", "Brought my too diligent ear ; for several virtues", "Have I lik 'd several women , never any", "With so full soul , but some defect in her", "Did quarrel with the noblest grace she ow 'd ,", "And put it to the foil ; but you , O you ,", "So perfect and so peerless , are created", "Of every creature 's best !", "I am , in my condition ,", "A prince , Miranda ; I do think , a king-", "I would not so ! - and would no more endure", "This wooden slavery than to suffer", "The flesh-fly blow my mouth . Hear my soul speak :", "The very instant that I saw you , did", "My heart fly to your service ; there resides", "To make me slave to it ; and for your sake", "Am I this patient log-man .", "O heaven , O earth , bear witness to this sound ,", "And crown what I profess with kind event ,", "If I speak true ! If hollowly , invert", "What best is boded me to mischief ! I ,", "Beyond all limit of what else i \u2019 th \u2019 world ,", "Do love , prize , honour you .", "Wherefore weep you ?", "My mistress , dearest ;", "And I thus humble ever .", "Ay , with a heart as willing", "As bondage e'er of freedom . Here 's my hand .", "A thousand thousand !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1311, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Tell not me-when the butt is out we will drink water , not a drop before ; therefore bear up , and board \u2018 em . Servant-monster , drink to me .", "Drink , servant-monster , when I bid thee ; thy eyes are almost set in thy head .", "My man-monster hath drown 'd his tongue in sack . For my part , the sea cannot drown me ; I swam , ere I could recover the shore , five and thirty leagues , off and on . By this light , thou shalt be my lieutenant , monster , or my standard .", "We 'll not run , Monsieur Monster .", "Moon-calf , speak once in thy life , if thou beest a good moon-calf .", "Trinculo , keep a good tongue in your head ; if you prove a mutineer-the next tree ! The poor monster 's my subject , and he shall not suffer indignity .", "Marry will I ; kneel and repeat it ; I will stand , and so shall Trinculo .", "Trinculo , if you trouble him any more in 's tale , by this hand , I will supplant some of your teeth .", "Mum , then , and no more . Proceed .", "That 's most certain .", "How now shall this be compass 'd ? Canst thou bring me to the party ?", "Trinculo , run into no further danger ; interrupt the monster one word further and , by this hand , I 'll turn my mercy out o \u2019 doors , and make a stock-fish of thee .", "Didst thou not say he lied ?", "Do I so ? Take thou that .As you like this , give me the lie another time .", "Now , forward with your tale. - Prithee stand further off .", "Stand farther . Come , proceed .", "Is it so brave a lass ?", "Monster , I will kill this man ; his daughter and I will be King and Queen-save our Graces ! - and Trinculo and thyself shall be viceroys . Dost thou like the plot , Trinculo ?", "Give me thy hand ; I am sorry I beat thee ; but while thou liv'st , keep a good tongue in thy head .", "Ay , on mine honour .", "At thy request , monster , I will do reason , any reason . Come on , Trinculo , let us sing .Flout \u2018 em and scout \u2018 em , And scout \u2018 em and flout \u2018 em ; Thought is free .", "What is this same ?", "If thou beest a man , show thyself in thy likeness ; if thou beest a devil , take't as thou list .", "He that dies pays all debts . I defy thee . Mercy upon us !", "No , monster , not I .", "This will prove a brave kingdom to me , where I shall have my music for nothing .", "That shall be by and by ; I remember the story .", "Lead , monster ; we 'll follow . I would I could see this taborer ; he lays it on ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1311, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["By'r lakin , I can go no further , sir ;", "My old bones ache . Here 's a maze trod , indeed ,", "Through forth-rights and meanders ! By your patience ,", "I needs must rest me .", "Marvellous sweet music !", "If in Naples", "I should report this now , would they believe me ?", "If I should say , I saw such islanders ,", "For certes these are people of the island ,", "Who though they are of monstrous shape yet , note ,", "Their manners are more gentle-kind than of", "Our human generation you shall find", "Many , nay , almost any .", "Faith , sir , you need not fear . When we were boys ,", "Who would believe that there were mountaineers ,", "Dewlapp 'd like bulls , whose throats had hanging at \u2018 em", "Wallets of flesh ? or that there were such men", "Whose heads stood in their breasts ? which now we find", "Each putter-out of five for one will bring us", "Good warrant of .", "I \u2019 th \u2019 name of something holy , sir , why stand you", "In this strange stare ?", "All three of them are desperate ; their great guilt ,", "Like poison given to work a great time after ,", "Now gins to bite the spirits . I do beseech you ,", "That are of suppler joints , follow them swiftly ,", "And hinder them from what this ecstasy", "May now provoke them to ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1311, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["If I have too austerely punish 'd you ,", "Your compensation makes amends ; for", "Have given you here a third of mine own life ,", "Or that for which I live ; who once again", "I tender to thy hand . All thy vexations", "Were but my trials of thy love , and thou", "Hast strangely stood the test ; here , afore heaven ,", "I ratify this my rich gift . O Ferdinand !", "Do not smile at me that I boast her off ,", "For thou shalt find she will outstrip all praise ,", "And make it halt behind her .", "Then , as my gift , and thine own acquisition", "Wort'hily purchas 'd , take my daughter . But", "If thou dost break her virgin-knot before", "All sanctimonious ceremonies may", "With full and holy rite be minist'red ,", "No sweet aspersion shall the heavens let fall", "To make this contract grow ; but barren hate ,", "Sour-ey 'd disdain , and discord , shall bestrew", "The union of your bed with weeds so loathly", "That you shall hate it both . Therefore take heed ,", "As Hymen 's lamps shall light you .", "Fairly spoke . Sit , then , and talk with her ; she is thine own . What , Ariel ! my industrious servant , Ariel !", "Thou and thy meaner fellows your last service", "Did worthily perform ; and I must use you", "In such another trick . Go bring the rabble ,", "O'er whom I give thee pow'r , here to this place .", "Incite them to quick motion ; for I must", "Bestow upon the eyes of this young couple", "Some vanity of mine art ; it is my promise ,", "And they expect it from me .", "Ay , with a twink .", "Dearly , my delicate Ariel . Do not approach", "Till thou dost hear me call .", "Look thou be true ; do not give dalliance", "Too much the rein ; the strongest oaths are straw", "To th \u2019 fire i \u2019 th \u2019 blood . Be more abstemious ,", "Or else good night your vow !", "Well !", "Now come , my Ariel , bring a corollary ,", "Rather than want a spirit ; appear , and pertly .", "No tongue ! All eyes ! Be silent .", "Spirits , which by mine art", "I have from their confines call 'd to enact", "My present fancies .", "Sweet now , silence ;", "Juno and Ceres whisper seriously .", "There 's something else to do ; hush , and be mute ,", "Or else our spell is marr 'd .", "I had forgot that foul conspiracy Of the beast Caliban and his confederates Against my life ; the minute of their plot Is almost come .Well done ; avoid ; no more !", "You do look , my son , in a mov 'd sort ,", "As if you were dismay 'd ; be cheerful , sir .", "Our revels now are ended . These our actors ,", "As I foretold you , were all spirits , and", "Are melted into air , into thin air ;", "And , like the baseless fabric of this vision ,", "The cloud-capp 'd towers , the gorgeous palaces ,", "The solemn temples , the great globe itself ,", "Yea , all which it inherit , shall dissolve ,", "And , like this insubstantial pageant faded ,", "Leave not a rack behind . We are such stuff", "As dreams are made on ; and our little life", "Is rounded with a sleep . Sir , I am vex 'd ;", "Bear with my weakness ; my old brain is troubled ;", "Be not disturb 'd with my infirmity .", "If you be pleas 'd , retire into my cell", "And there repose ; a turn or two I 'll walk", "To still my beating mind .", "Come , with a thought . I thank thee , Ariel ; come .", "Spirit ,", "We must prepare to meet with Caliban .", "Say again , where didst thou leave these varlets ?", "This was well done , my bird .", "Thy shape invisible retain thou still .", "The trumpery in my house , go bring it hither", "For stale to catch these thieves .", "A devil , a born devil , on whose nature", "Nurture can never stick ; on whom my pains ,", "Humanely taken , all , all lost , quite lost ;", "And as with age his body uglier grows ,", "So his mind cankers . I will plague them all ,", "Even to roaring .", "Come , hang them on this line .", "Hey , Mountain , hey !", "Fury , Fury ! There , Tyrant , there ! Hark , hark !", "Go charge my goblins that they grind their joints", "With dry convulsions , shorten up their sinews", "With aged cramps , and more pinch-spotted make them", "Than pard or cat o \u2019 mountain .", "Let them be hunted soundly . At this hour", "Lies at my mercy all mine enemies .", "Shortly shall all my labours end , and thou", "Shalt have the air at freedom ; for a little", "Follow , and do me service ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1311, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now does my project gather to a head ;", "My charms crack not , my spirits obey ; and time", "Goes upright with his carriage . How 's the day ?", "I did say so ,", "When first I rais 'd the tempest . Say , my spirit ,", "How fares the King and \u2018 s followers ?", "Dost thou think so , spirit ?", "And mine shall .", "Hast thou , which art but air , a touch , a feeling", "Of their afflictions , and shall not myself ,", "One of their kind , that relish all as sharply ,", "Passion as they , be kindlier mov 'd than thou art ?", "Though with their high wrongs I am struck to th \u2019 quick ,", "Yet with my nobler reason \u2018 gainst my fury", "Do I take part ; the rarer action is", "In virtue than in vengeance ; they being penitent ,", "The sole drift of my purpose doth extend", "Not a frown further . Go release them , Ariel ;", "My charms I 'll break , their senses I 'll restore ,", "And they shall be themselves .", "Ye elves of hills , brooks , standing lakes , and groves ; And ye that on the sands with printless foot Do chase the ebbing Neptune , and do fly him When he comes back ; you demi-puppets that By moonshine do the green sour ringlets make , Whereof the ewe not bites ; and you whose pastime Is to make midnight mushrooms , that rejoice To hear the solemn curfew ; by whose aid - Weak masters though ye be-I have be-dimm 'd The noontide sun , call 'd forth the mutinous winds , And \u2018 twixt the green sea and the azur 'd vault Set roaring war . To the dread rattling thunder Have I given fire , and rifted Jove 's stout oak With his own bolt ; the strong-bas 'd promontory Have I made shake , and by the spurs pluck 'd up The pine and cedar . Graves at my command Have wak 'd their sleepers , op 'd , and let \u2018 em forth , By my so potent art . But this rough magic I here abjure ; and , when I have requir 'd Some heavenly music-which even now I do - To work mine end upon their senses that This airy charm is for , I 'll break my staff , Bury it certain fathoms in the earth , And deeper than did ever plummet sound I 'll drown my book .A solemn air , and the best comforter To an unsettled fancy , cure thy brains , Now useless , boil 'd within thy skull ! There stand , For you are spell-stopp 'd . Holy Gonzalo , honourable man , Mine eyes , ev'n sociable to the show of thine , Fall fellowly drops . The charm dissolves apace , And as the morning steals upon the night , Melting the darkness , so their rising senses Begin to chase the ignorant fumes that mantle Their clearer reason . O good Gonzalo , My true preserver , and a loyal sir To him thou follow'st ! I will pay thy graces Home both in word and deed . Most cruelly Didst thou , Alonso , use me and my daughter ; Thy brother was a furtherer in the act . Thou art pinch 'd for't now , Sebastian . Flesh and blood , You , brother mine , that entertain 'd ambition , Expell 'd remorse and nature , who , with Sebastian - Whose inward pinches therefore are most strong - Would here have kill 'd your king , I do forgive thee , Unnatural though thou art . Their understanding Begins to swell , and the approaching tide Will shortly fill the reasonable shore That now lies foul and muddy . Not one of them That yet looks on me , or would know me . Ariel , Fetch me the hat and rapier in my cell ;I will discase me , and myself present As I was sometime Milan . Quickly , spirit Thou shalt ere long be free .Where the bee sucks , there suck I ; In a cowslip 's bell I lie ; There I couch when owls do cry . On the bat 's back I do fly After summer merrily . Merrily , merrily shall I live now Under the blossom that hangs on the bough .", "Why , that 's my dainty Ariel ! I shall miss thee ;", "But yet thou shalt have freedom . So , so , so .", "To the King 's ship , invisible as thou art ;", "There shalt thou find the mariners asleep", "Under the hatches ; the master and the boatswain", "Being awake , enforce them to this place ;", "And presently , I prithee .", "Behold , Sir King ,", "The wronged Duke of Milan , Prospero .", "For more assurance that a living prince", "Does now speak to thee , I embrace thy body ;", "And to thee and thy company I bid", "A hearty welcome .", "First , noble friend ,", "Let me embrace thine age , whose honour cannot", "Be measur 'd or confin 'd .", "You do yet taste Some subtleties o \u2019 th \u2019 isle , that will not let you Believe things certain . Welcome , my friends all !But you , my brace of lords , were I so minded , I here could pluck his Highness \u2019 frown upon you , And justify you traitors ; at this time I will tell no tales .", "No .", "For you , most wicked sir , whom to call brother", "Would even infect my mouth , I do forgive", "Thy rankest fault-all of them ; and require", "My dukedom of thee , which perforce I know", "Thou must restore .", "I am woe for't , sir .", "I rather think", "You have not sought her help , of whose soft grace", "For the like loss I have her sovereign aid ,", "And rest myself content .", "As great to me as late ; and , supportable", "To make the dear loss , have I means much weaker", "Than you may call to comfort you , for I", "Have lost my daughter .", "In this last tempest . I perceive these lords", "At this encounter do so much admire", "That they devour their reason , and scarce think", "Their eyes do offices of truth , their words", "Are natural breath ; but , howsoe'er you have", "Been justled from your senses , know for certain", "That I am Prospero , and that very duke", "Which was thrust forth of Milan ; who most strangely", "Upon this shore , where you were wrecked , was landed", "To be the lord o n't . No more yet of this ;", "For \u2018 tis a chronicle of day by day ,", "Not a relation for a breakfast , nor", "Befitting this first meeting . Welcome , sir ;", "This cell 's my court ; here have I few attendants ,", "And subjects none abroad ; pray you , look in .", "My dukedom since you have given me again ,", "I will requite you with as good a thing ;", "At least bring forth a wonder , to content ye", "As much as me my dukedom .", "\u2018 Tis new to thee .", "There , sir , stop ;", "Let us not burden our remembrances with", "A heaviness that 's gone .", "My tricksy spirit !", "Bravely , my diligence . Thou shalt be free .", "Sir , my liege , Do not infest your mind with beating on The strangeness of this business ; at pick 'd leisure , Which shall be shortly , single I 'll resolve you , Which to you shall seem probable , of every These happen 'd accidents ; till when , be cheerful And think of each thing well .Come hither , spirit ; Set Caliban and his companions free ; Untie the spell .How fares my gracious sir ? There are yet missing of your company Some few odd lads that you remember not .", "Mark but the badges of these men , my lords ,", "Then say if they be true . This mis-shapen knave-", "His mother was a witch , and one so strong", "That could control the moon , make flows and ebbs ,", "And deal in her command without her power .", "These three have robb 'd me ; and this demi-devil-", "For he 's a bastard one-had plotted with them", "To take my life . Two of these fellows you", "Must know and own ; this thing of darkness I", "Acknowledge mine .", "You 'd be king o \u2019 the isle , sirrah ?", "He is as disproportioned in his manners", "As in his shape . Go , sirrah , to my cell ;", "Take with you your companions ; as you look", "To have my pardon , trim it handsomely .", "Go to ; away !", "Sir , I invite your Highness and your train", "To my poor cell , where you shall take your rest", "For this one night ; which , part of it , I 'll waste", "With such discourse as , I not doubt , shall make it", "Go quick away-the story of my life ,", "And the particular accidents gone by", "Since I came to this isle . And in the morn", "I 'll bring you to your ship , and so to Naples ,", "Where I have hope to see the nuptial", "Of these our dear-belov 'd solemnized ,", "And thence retire me to my Milan , where", "Every third thought shall be my grave .", "I 'll deliver all ; And promise you calm seas , auspicious gales , And sail so expeditious that shall catch Your royal fleet far off .My Ariel , chick , That is thy charge . Then to the elements Be free , and fare thou well ! - Please you , draw near .EPILOGUE"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1311, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Noble patricians , patrons of my right ,", "Defend the justice of my cause with arms ;", "And , countrymen , my loving followers ,", "Plead my successive title with your swords :", "I am his first born son that was the last", "That wore the imperial diadem of Rome :", "Then let my father 's honours live in me ,", "Nor wrong mine age with this indignity .", "How fair the tribune speaks to calm my thoughts !", "Friends , that have been thus forward in my right ,", "I thank you all and here dismiss you all ;", "And to the love and favour of my country", "Commit myself , my person , and the cause .", "Rome , be as just and gracious unto me", "As I am confident and kind to thee .\u2014", "Open the gates , tribunes , and let me in .", "Proud and ambitious tribune , canst thou tell ?", "Romans , do me right ;\u2014", "Patricians , draw your swords , and sheathe them not", "Till Saturninus be Rome 's Emperor .\u2014", "Andronicus , would thou were shipp 'd to hell", "Rather than rob me of the people 's hearts !", "Titus Andronicus , for thy favours done", "To us in our election this day", "I give thee thanks in part of thy deserts ,", "And will with deeds requite thy gentleness ;", "And for an onset , Titus , to advance", "Thy name and honourable family ,", "Lavinia will I make my empress ,", "Rome 's royal mistress , mistress of my heart ,", "And in the sacred Pantheon her espouse :", "Tell me , Andronicus , doth this motion please thee ?", "Thanks , noble Titus , father of my life !", "How proud I am of thee and of thy gifts", "Rome shall record ; and when I do forget", "The least of these unspeakable deserts ,", "Romans , forget your fealty to me .", "A goodly lady , trust me ; of the hue", "That I would choose , were I to choose anew .\u2014", "Clear up , fair queen , that cloudy countenance :", "Though chance of war hath wrought this change of cheer ,", "Thou com'st not to be made a scorn in Rome :", "Princely shall be thy usage every way .", "Rest on my word , and let not discontent", "Daunt all your hopes : madam , he comforts you", "Can make you greater than the Queen of Goths .\u2014", "Lavinia , you are not displeas 'd with this ?", "Thanks , sweet Lavinia .\u2014 Romans , let us go :", "Ransomless here we set our prisoners free :", "Proclaim our honours , lords , with trump and drum .", "Surpris 'd ! by whom ?", "No , Titus , no ; the emperor needs her not ,", "Nor her , nor thee , nor any of thy stock :", "I 'll trust by leisure him that mocks me once ;", "Thee never , nor thy traitorous haughty sons ,", "Confederates all thus to dishonour me .", "Was there none else in Rome to make a stale", "But Saturnine ? Full well , Andronicus ,", "Agree these deeds with that proud brag of thine", "That said'st I begg 'd the empire at thy hands .", "But go thy ways ; go , give that changing piece", "To him that flourish 'd for her with his sword ;", "A valiant son-in-law thou shalt enjoy ;", "One fit to bandy with thy lawless sons ,", "To ruffle in the commonwealth of Rome .", "And therefore , lovely Tamora , Queen of Goths ,\u2014", "That , like the stately Phoebe \u2018 mongst her nymphs ,", "Dost overshine the gallant'st dames of Rome ,\u2014", "If thou be pleas 'd with this my sudden choice ,", "Behold , I choose thee , Tamora , for my bride", "And will create thee empress of Rome .", "Speak , Queen of Goths , dost thou applaud my choice ?", "And here I swear by all the Roman gods ,\u2014", "Sith priest and holy water are so near ,", "And tapers burn so bright , and everything", "In readiness for Hymenaeus stand ,\u2014", "I will not re-salute the streets of Rome ,", "Or climb my palace , till from forth this place", "I lead espous 'd my bride along with me .", "Ascend , fair queen , Pantheon .\u2014 Lords , accompany", "Your noble emperor and his lovely bride ,", "Sent by the heavens for Prince Saturnine ,", "Whose wisdom hath her fortune conquered :", "There shall we consummate our spousal rites .", "So , Bassianus , you have play 'd your prize :", "God give you joy , sir , of your gallant bride !", "Traitor , if Rome have law or we have power ,", "Thou and thy faction shall repent this rape .", "\u2018 Tis good , sir . You are very short with us ;", "But if we live we 'll be as sharp with you .", "What , madam ! be dishonoured openly ,", "And basely put it up without revenge ?", "Rise , Titus , rise ; my empress hath prevail 'd .", "Away , and talk not ; trouble us no more .", "Marcus , for thy sake , and thy brother 's here ,", "And at my lovely Tamora 's entreats ,", "I do remit these young men 's heinous faults :", "Stand up .\u2014", "Lavinia , though you left me like a churl ,", "I found a friend ; and sure as death I swore", "I would not part a bachelor from the priest .", "Come , if the emperor 's court can feast two brides ,", "You are my guest , Lavinia , and your friends .", "This day shall be a love-day , Tamora .", "Be it so , Titus , and gramercy too ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1322, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now climbeth Tamora Olympus \u2019 top ,", "Safe out of fortune 's shot ; and sits aloft ,", "Secure of thunder 's crack or lightning 's flash ;", "Advanc 'd above pale envy 's threatening reach .", "As when the golden sun salutes the morn ,", "And , having gilt the ocean with his beams ,", "Gallops the zodiac in his glistening coach ,", "And overlooks the highest-peering hill ;", "So Tamora :", "Upon her wit doth earthly honour wait ,", "And virtue stoops and trembles at her frown .", "Then , Aaron , arm thy heart and fit thy thoughts", "To mount aloft with thy imperial mistress ,", "And mount her pitch , whom thou in triumph long", "Hast prisoner held , fett'red in amorous chains ,", "And faster bound to Aaron 's charming eyes", "Than is Prometheus tied to Caucasus .", "Away with slavish weeds and servile thoughts !", "I will be bright , and shine in pearl and gold ,", "To wait upon this new-made empress .", "To wait , said I ? to wanton with this queen ,", "This goddess , this Semiramis , this nymph ,", "This siren , that will charm Rome 's Saturnine ,", "And see his shipwreck and his commonweal 's .\u2014", "Holla ! what storm is this ?", "Clubs , clubs ! These lovers will not keep the peace .", "Why , how now , lords !", "So near the emperor 's palace dare ye draw ,", "And maintain such a quarrel openly ?", "Full well I wot the ground of all this grudge :", "I would not for a million of gold", "The cause were known to them it most concerns ;", "Nor would your noble mother for much more", "Be so dishonour 'd in the court of Rome .", "For shame , put up .", "Away , I say !\u2014", "Now , by the gods that warlike Goths adore ,", "This pretty brabble will undo us all .\u2014", "Why , lords , and think you not how dangerous", "It is to jet upon a prince 's right ?", "What , is Lavinia then become so loose ,", "Or Bassianus so degenerate ,", "That for her love such quarrels may be broach 'd", "Without controlment , justice , or revenge ?", "Young lords , beware ! and should the empress know", "This discord 's ground , the music would not please .", "Why , are ye mad ? or know ye not in Rome", "How furious and impatient they be ,", "And cannot brook competitors in love ?", "I tell you , lords , you do but plot your deaths", "By this device .", "To achieve her !\u2014 How ?", "Ay , and as good as Saturninus may .", "Why , then , it seems some certain snatch or so", "Would serve your turns .", "Would you had hit it too !", "Then should not we be tir 'd with this ado .", "Why , hark ye , hark ye ,\u2014 and are you such fools", "To square for this ? Would it offend you , then ,", "That both should speed ?", "For shame , be friends , and join for that you jar :", "\u2018 Tis policy and stratagem must do", "That you affect ; and so must you resolve", "That what you cannot as you would achieve ,", "You must perforce accomplish as you may .", "Take this of me ,\u2014 Lucrece was not more chaste", "Than this Lavinia , Bassianus \u2019 love .", "A speedier course than lingering languishment", "Must we pursue , and I have found the path .", "My lords , a solemn hunting is in hand ;", "There will the lovely Roman ladies troop :", "The forest walks are wide and spacious ;", "And many unfrequented plots there are", "Fitted by kind for rape and villainy :", "Single you thither , then , this dainty doe ,", "And strike her home by force if not by words :", "This way , or not at all , stand you in hope .", "Come , come , our empress , with her sacred wit", "To villainy and vengeance consecrate ,", "Will we acquaint with all what we intend ;", "And she shall file our engines with advice", "That will not suffer you to square yourselves ,", "But to your wishes \u2019 height advance you both .", "The emperor 's court is like the house of fame ,", "The palace full of tongues , of eyes , and ears :", "The woods are ruthless , dreadful , deaf , and dull ;", "There speak and strike , brave boys , and take your turns ;", "There serve your lust , shadowed from heaven 's eye ,", "And revel in Lavinia 's treasury ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1322, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["He that had wit would think that I had none ,", "To bury so much gold under a tree ,", "And never after to inherit it .", "Let him that thinks of me so abjectly", "Know that this gold must coin a stratagem ,", "Which , cunningly effected , will beget", "A very excellent piece of villainy :", "And so repose , sweet gold , for their unrest", "That have their alms out of the empress \u2019 chest .", "Madam , though Venus govern your desires ,", "Saturn is dominator over mine :", "What signifies my deadly-standing eye ,", "My silence and my cloudy melancholy ,", "My fleece of woolly hair that now uncurls", "Even as an adder when she doth unroll", "To do some fatal execution ?", "No , madam , these are no venereal signs ,", "Vengeance is in my heart , death in my hand ,", "Blood and revenge are hammering in my head .", "Hark , Tamora ,\u2014 the empress of my soul ,", "Which never hopes more heaven than rests in thee ,\u2014", "This is the day of doom for Bassianus ;", "His Philomel must lose her tongue to-day ,", "Thy sons make pillage of her chastity ,", "And wash their hands in Bassianus \u2019 blood .", "Seest thou this letter ? take it up , I pray thee ,", "And give the king this fatal-plotted scroll .\u2014", "Now question me no more ,\u2014 we are espied ;", "Here comes a parcel of our hopeful booty ,", "Which dreads not yet their lives \u2019 destruction .", "No more , great empress : Bassianus comes :", "Be cross with him ; and I 'll go fetch thy sons", "To back thy quarrels , whatsoe'er they be .", "Come on , my lords , the better foot before :", "Straight will I bring you to the loathsome pit", "Where I espied the panther fast asleep .", "Now will I fetch the king to find them here ,", "That he thereby may have a likely guess", "How these were they that made away his brother .", "My gracious lord , here is the bag of gold ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1322, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Hear me , grave fathers ! noble tribunes , stay !", "For pity of mine age , whose youth was spent", "In dangerous wars whilst you securely slept ;", "For all my blood in Rome 's great quarrel shed ;", "For all the frosty nights that I have watch 'd ;", "And for these bitter tears , which now you see", "Filling the aged wrinkles in my cheeks ;", "Be pitiful to my condemned sons ,", "Whose souls are not corrupted as \u2018 tis thought .", "For two and twenty sons I never wept ,", "Because they died in honour 's lofty bed .", "For these , tribunes , in the dust I write", "My heart 's deep languor and my soul 's sad tears :", "Let my tears stanch the earth 's dry appetite ;", "My sons \u2019 sweet blood will make it shame and blush .", "O earth , I will befriend thee more with rain", "That shall distil from these two ancient urns ,", "Than youthful April shall with all his showers :", "In summer 's drought I 'll drop upon thee still ;", "In winter with warm tears I 'll melt the snow ,", "And keep eternal spring-time on thy face ,", "So thou refuse to drink my dear sons \u2019 blood .", "O reverend tribunes ! O gentle aged men !", "Unbind my sons , reverse the doom of death ;", "And let me say , that never wept before ,", "My tears are now prevailing orators .", "Ah , Lucius , for thy brothers let me plead .\u2014", "Grave tribunes , once more I entreat of you .", "Why , \u2018 tis no matter , man : if they did hear ,", "They would not mark me ; if they did mark ,", "They would not pity me ; yet plead I must ,", "And bootless unto them .", "Therefore I tell my sorrows to the stones ;", "Who , though they cannot answer my distress ,", "Yet in some sort they are better than the tribunes ,", "For that they will not intercept my tale :", "When I do weep they humbly at my feet", "Receive my tears , and seem to weep with me ;", "And were they but attired in grave weeds ,", "Rome could afford no tribunes like to these .", "A stone is soft as wax , tribunes more hard than stones ;", "A stone is silent , and offendeth not ,\u2014", "And tribunes with their tongues doom men to death .", "But wherefore stand'st thou with thy weapon drawn ?", "O happy man ! they have befriended thee .", "Why , foolish Lucius , dost thou not perceive", "That Rome is but a wilderness of tigers ?", "Tigers must prey ; and Rome affords no prey", "But me and mine : how happy art thou , then ,", "From these devourers to be banished !\u2014", "But who comes with our brother Marcus here ?", "Will it consume me ? let me see it then .", "Why , Marcus , so she is .", "Faint-hearted boy , arise , and look upon her .\u2014", "Speak , my Lavinia , what accursed hand", "Hath made thee handless in thy father 's sight ?", "What fool hath added water to the sea ,", "Or brought a fagot to bright-burning Troy ?", "My grief was at the height before thou cam'st ;", "And now , like Nilus , it disdaineth bounds .", "Give me a sword , I 'll chop off my hands too ;", "For they have fought for Rome , and all in vain ;", "And they have nurs 'd this woe in feeding life ;", "In bootless prayer have they been held up ,", "And they have serv 'd me to effectless use :", "Now all the service I require of them", "Is that the one will help to cut the other .\u2014", "\u2018 Tis well , Lavinia , that thou hast no hands ;", "For hands to do Rome service , are but vain .", "It was my deer ; and he that wounded her", "Hath hurt me more than had he kill 'd me dead :", "For now I stand as one upon a rock ,", "Environ 'd with a wilderness of sea ;", "Who marks the waxing tide grow wave by wave ,", "Expecting ever when some envious surge", "Will in his brinish bowels swallow him .", "This way to death my wretched sons are gone ;", "Here stands my other son , a banish 'd man ;", "And here my brother , weeping at my woes :", "But that which gives my soul the greatest spurn", "Is dear Lavinia , dearer than my soul .\u2014", "Had I but seen thy picture in this plight", "It would have madded me : what shall I do", "Now I behold thy lively body so ?", "Thou hast no hands to wipe away thy tears ,", "Nor tongue to tell me who hath martyr 'd thee :", "Thy husband he is dead ; and for his death", "Thy brothers are condemn 'd , and dead by this .\u2014", "Look , Marcus !\u2014 ah , son Lucius , look on her !", "When I did name her brothers , then fresh tears", "Stood on her cheeks , as doth the honey dew", "Upon a gather 'd lily almost wither 'd .", "If they did kill thy husband , then be joyful ,", "Because the law hath ta'en revenge on them .\u2014", "No , no , they would not do so foul a deed ;", "Witness the sorrow that their sister makes .\u2014", "Gentle Lavinia , let me kiss thy lips ;", "Or make some sign how I may do thee ease :", "Shall thy good uncle , and thy brother Lucius ,", "And thou , and I , sit round about some fountain ,", "Looking all downwards , to behold our cheeks", "How they are stain 'd , like meadows yet not dry ,", "With miry slime left on them by a flood ?", "And in the fountain shall we gaze so long ,", "Till the fresh taste be taken from that clearness ,", "And made a brine-pit with our bitter tears ?", "Or shall we cut away our hands like thine ?", "Or shall we bite our tongues , and in dumb shows", "Pass the remainder of our hateful days ?", "What shall we do ? let us , that have our tongues ,", "Plot some device of further misery ,", "To make us wonder 'd at in time to come .", "Ah , Marcus , Marcus ! brother , well I wot", "Thy napkin cannot drink a tear of mine ,", "For thou , poor man , hast drown 'd it with thine own .", "Mark , Marcus , mark ! I understand her signs :", "Had she a tongue to speak , now would she say", "That to her brother which I said to thee :", "His napkin , with his true tears all bewet ,", "Can do no service on her sorrowful cheeks .", "O , what a sympathy of woe is this ,\u2014", "As far from help as limbo is from bliss !", "O gracious emperor ! O gentle Aaron !", "Did ever raven sing so like a lark", "That gives sweet tidings of the sun 's uprise ?", "With all my heart I 'll send the emperor", "My hand :", "Good Aaron , wilt thou help to chop it off ?", "Sirs , strive no more : such wither 'd herbs as these", "Are meet for plucking up , and therefore mine .", "Agree between you ; I will spare my hand .", "Come hither , Aaron ; I 'll deceive them both :", "Lend me thy hand , and I will give thee mine .", "Now stay your strife : what shall be is despatch 'd .\u2014", "Good Aaron , give his majesty my hand :", "Tell him it was a hand that warded him", "From thousand dangers ; bid him bury it ;", "More hath it merited ,\u2014 that let it have .", "As for my sons , say I account of them", "As jewels purchas 'd at an easy price ;", "And yet dear too , because I bought mine own .", "O , here I lift this one hand up to heaven ,", "And bow this feeble ruin to the earth :", "If any power pities wretched tears ,", "To that I call !\u2014", "What , wilt thou kneel with me ?", "Do , then , dear heart ; for heaven shall hear our prayers ;", "Or with our sighs we 'll breathe the welkin dim ,", "And stain the sun with fog , as sometime clouds", "When they do hug him in their melting bosoms .", "Is not my sorrow deep , having no bottom ?", "Then be my passions bottomless with them .", "If there were reason for these miseries ,", "Then into limits could I bind my woes :", "When heaven doth weep , doth not the earth o'erflow ?", "If the winds rage , doth not the sea wax mad ,", "Threatening the welkin with his big-swol'n face ?", "And wilt thou have a reason for this coil ?", "I am the sea ; hark , how her sighs do flow !", "She is the weeping welkin , I the earth :", "Then must my sea be moved with her sighs ;", "Then must my earth with her continual tears", "Become a deluge , overflow 'd and drown 'd ;", "For why my bowels cannot hide her woes ,", "But like a drunkard must I vomit them .", "Then give me leave ; for losers will have leave", "To ease their stomachs with their bitter tongues .", "When will this fearful slumber have an end ?", "Ha , ha , ha !", "Why , I have not another tear to shed :", "Besides , this sorrow is an enemy ,", "And would usurp upon my watery eyes ,", "And make them blind with tributary tears :", "Then which way shall I find revenge 's cave ?", "For these two heads do seem to speak to me ,", "And threat me I shall never come to bliss", "Till all these mischiefs be return 'd again", "Even in their throats that have committed them .", "Come , let me see what task I have to do .\u2014", "You heavy people circle me about ,", "That I may turn me to each one of you ,", "And swear unto my soul to right your wrongs .\u2014", "The vow is made .\u2014 Come , brother , take a head ;", "And in this hand the other will I bear .", "And , Lavinia , thou shalt be employ 'd in these things ;", "Bear thou my hand , sweet wench , between thy teeth .", "As for thee , boy , go , get thee from my sight ;", "Thou art an exile , and thou must not stay :", "Hie to the Goths , and raise an army there :", "And if you love me , as I think you do ,", "Let 's kiss and part , for we have much to do ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1322, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Help , grandsire , help ! my aunt Lavinia", "Follows me everywhere , I know not why .\u2014", "Good uncle Marcus , see how swift she comes !", "Alas , sweet aunt , I know not what you mean .", "Ay , when my father was in Rome she did .", "My lord , I know not , I , nor can I guess ,", "Unless some fit or frenzy do possess her :", "For I have heard my grandsire say full oft", "Extremity of griefs would make men mad ;", "And I have read that Hecuba of Troy", "Ran mad for sorrow : that made me to fear ;", "Although , my lord , I know my noble aunt", "Loves me as dear as e'er my mother did ,", "And would not , but in fury , fright my youth :", "Which made me down to throw my books , and fly ,\u2014", "Causeless , perhaps : but pardon me , sweet aunt :", "And , madam , if my uncle Marcus go ,", "I will most willingly attend your ladyship .", "Grandsire , \u2018 tis Ovid 's Metamorphosis ;", "My mother gave it me .", "I say , my lord , that if I were a man ,", "Their mother 's bedchamber should not be safe", "For these bad-bondmen to the yoke of Rome .", "And , uncle , so will I , an if I live .", "Ay , with my dagger in their bosoms , grandsire ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1322, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ay , some mad message from his mad grandfather .", "Ay , just ,\u2014 a verse in Horace ;\u2014 right , you have it .\u2014", "Now , what a thing it is to be an ass !", "Here 's no sound jest ! the old man hath found their guilt ;", "And sends them weapons wrapp 'd about with lines ,", "That wound , beyond their feeling , to the quick .", "But were our witty empress well afoot ,", "She would applaud Andronicus \u2019 conceit .", "But let her rest in her unrest awhile .\u2014", "And now , young lords , was't not a happy star", "Led us to Rome , strangers , and more than so ,", "Captives , to be advanced to this height ?", "It did me good before the palace gate", "To brave the tribune in his brother 's hearing .", "Had he not reason , Lord Demetrius ? Did you not use his daughter very friendly ?", "Here lacks but your mother for to say amen .", "Pray to the devils ; the gods have given us over .", "Well , more or less , or ne'er a whit at all ,", "Here Aaron is ; and what with Aaron now ?", "Why , what a caterwauling dost thou keep ! What dost thou wrap and fumble in thy arms ?", "To whom ?", "Well , God give her good rest ! What hath he sent her ?", "Why , then she is the devil 's dam ; a joyful issue .", "Zounds , ye whore ! is black so base a hue ?\u2014", "Sweet blowse , you are a beauteous blossom sure .", "That which thou canst not undo .", "Villain , I have done thy mother .", "It shall not die .", "What , must it , nurse ? then let no man but I", "Do execution on my flesh and blood .", "Sooner this sword shall plough thy bowels up .", "Stay , murderous villains , will you kill your brother ?", "Now , by the burning tapers of the sky ,", "That shone so brightly when this boy was got ,", "He dies upon my scimitar 's sharp point", "That touches this my first-born son and heir !", "I tell you , younglings , not Enceladus ,", "With all his threatening band of Typhon 's brood ,", "Nor great Alcides , nor the god of war ,", "Shall seize this prey out of his father 's hands .", "What , what , ye sanguine , shallow-hearted boys !", "Ye white-lim 'd walls ! ye alehouse-painted signs !", "Coal-black is better than another hue ,", "In that it scorns to bear another hue ;", "For all the water in the ocean", "Can never turn the swan 's black legs to white ,", "Although she lave them hourly in the flood .", "Tell the empress from me I am of age", "To keep mine own ,\u2014 excuse it how she can .", "My mistress is my mistress : this my self ,\u2014", "The vigour and the picture of my youth :", "This before all the world do I prefer ;", "This maugre all the world will I keep safe ,", "Or some of you shall smoke for it in Rome .", "Why , there 's the privilege your beauty bears :", "Fie , treacherous hue , that will betray with blushing", "The close enacts and counsels of thy heart !", "Here 's a young lad fram 'd of another leer :", "Look how the black slave smiles upon the father ,", "As who should say \u2018 Old lad , I am thine own . \u2019", "He is your brother , lords ; sensibly fed", "Of that self-blood that first gave life to you ;", "And from your womb where you imprison 'd were", "He is enfranchised and come to light :", "Nay , he is your brother by the surer side ,", "Although my seal be stamped in his face .", "Then sit we down and let us all consult .", "My son and I will have the wind of you :", "Keep there : now talk at pleasure of your safety .", "Why , so , brave lords ! when we join in league", "I am a lamb : but if you brave the Moor ,", "The chafed boar , the mountain lioness ,", "The ocean swells not so as Aaron storms .\u2014", "But say , again , how many saw the child ?", "The empress , the midwife , and yourself :", "Two may keep counsel when the third 's away :", "Go to the empress , tell her this I said :\u2014", "Weke , weke !\u2014 so cries a pig prepar 'd to the spit .", "O Lord , sir , \u2018 tis a deed of policy :", "Shall she live to betray this guilt of ours ,\u2014", "A long-tongu 'd babbling gossip ? no , lords , no :", "And now be it known to you my full intent .", "Not far , one Muliteus lives , my countryman ;", "His wife but yesternight was brought to bed ;", "His child is like to her , fair as you are :", "Go pack with him , and give the mother gold ,", "And tell them both the circumstance of all ;", "And how by this their child shall be advanc 'd ,", "And be received for the emperor 's heir ,", "And substituted in the place of mine ,", "To calm this tempest whirling in the court ;", "And let the emperor dandle him for his own .", "Hark ye , lords ; ye see I have given her physic .", "And you must needs bestow her funeral ;", "The fields are near , and you are gallant grooms :", "This done , see that you take no longer days ,", "But send the midwife presently to me .", "The midwife and the nurse well made away ,", "Then let the ladies tattle what they please .", "Now to the Goths , as swift as swallow flies ;", "There to dispose this treasure in mine arms ,", "And secretly to greet the empress \u2019 friends .\u2014", "Come on , you thick-lipp 'd slave , I 'll bear you hence ;", "For it is you that puts us to our shifts :", "I 'll make you feed on berries and on roots ,", "And feed on curds and whey , and suck the goat ,", "And cabin in a cave , and bring you up", "To be a warrior and command a camp ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1322, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come , Marcus , come :\u2014 kinsmen , this is the way .\u2014", "Sir boy , let me see your archery ;", "Look ye draw home enough , and \u2018 tis there straight .\u2014", "Terras Astrea reliquit :", "Be you remember 'd , Marcus ; she 's gone , she 's fled .", "Sirs , take you to your tools . You , cousins , shall", "Go sound the ocean and cast your nets ;", "Happily you may catch her in the sea ;", "Yet there 's as little justice as at land .\u2014", "No ; Publius and Sempronius , you must do it ;", "\u2018 Tis you must dig with mattock and with spade ,", "And pierce the inmost centre of the earth :", "Then , when you come to Pluto 's region ,", "I pray you deliver him this petition ;", "Tell him it is for justice and for aid ,", "And that it comes from old Andronicus ,", "Shaken with sorrows in ungrateful Rome .\u2014", "Ah , Rome !\u2014 Well , well ; I made thee miserable", "What time I threw the people 's suffrages", "On him that thus doth tyrannize o'er me .\u2014", "Go , get you gone ; and pray be careful all ,", "And leave you not a man-of-war unsearch 'd :", "This wicked emperor may have shipp 'd her hence ;", "And , kinsmen , then we may go pipe for justice .", "Publius , how now ! how now , my masters ! What , have you met with her ?", "He doth me wrong to feed me with delays .", "I 'll dive into the burning lake below ,", "And pull her out of Acheron by the heels .\u2014", "Marcus , we are but shrubs , no cedars we ,", "No big-bon 'd men , fram 'd of the Cyclops \u2019 size ;", "But metal , Marcus , steel to the very back ,", "Yet wrung with wrongs more than our backs can bear :", "And , sith there 's no justice in earth nor hell ,", "We will solicit heaven , and move the gods", "To send down Justice for to wreak our wrongs .\u2014", "Come , to this gear .\u2014 You are a good archer , Marcus .", "\u2018 Ad Jovem \u2019 that 's for you ; here , \u2018 Ad Apollinem ':\u2014", "\u2018 Ad Martem \u2019 that 's for myself :\u2014", "Here , boy , to Pallas :\u2014 here , tTo Mercury :\u2014", "To Saturn , Caius , not to Saturnine ;", "You were as good to shoot against the wind .\u2014", "To it , boy .\u2014 Marcus , loose when I bid .\u2014", "Of my word , I have written to effect ;", "There 's not a god left unsolicited .", "Now , masters , draw .O , well said , Lucius ! Good boy , in Virgo 's lap ; give it Pallas .", "Ha ! ha ! Publius , Publius , hast thou done ? See , see , thou hast shot off one of Taurus \u2019 horns .", "Why , there it goes : God give his lordship joy !", "News , news from heaven ! Marcus , the post is come .", "Sirrah , what tidings ? have you any letters ?", "Shall I have justice ? what says Jupiter ?", "But what says Jupiter , I ask thee ?", "Why , villain , art not thou the carrier ?", "Why , didst thou not come from heaven ?", "Tell me , can you deliver an oration to the emperor with a grace ?", "Sirrah , come hither : make no more ado ,", "But give your pigeons to the emperor :", "By me thou shalt have justice at his hands .", "Hold , hold ; meanwhile here 's money for thy charges .\u2014", "Give me pen and ink .\u2014", "Sirrah , can you with a grace deliver up a supplication ?", "Then here is a supplication for you . And when you come to him , at the first approach you must kneel ; then kiss his foot ; then deliver up your pigeons ; and then look for your reward . I 'll be at hand , sir ; see you do it bravely .", "Sirrah , hast thou a knife ? Come let me see it .", "Here , Marcus , fold it in the oration ;", "For thou hast made it like a humble suppliant . :\u2014", "And when thou hast given it to the emperor ,", "Knock at my door , and tell me what he says .", "Come , Marcus , let us go .\u2014 Publius , follow me ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1322, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Why , lords , what wrongs are these ! was ever seen", "An emperor in Rome thus overborne ,", "Troubled , confronted thus ; and , for the extent", "Of legal justice , us 'd in such contempt ?", "My lords , you know , as know the mightful gods ,", "However these disturbers of our peace", "Buzz in the people 's ears , there naught hath pass 'd", "But even with law , against the wilful sons", "Of old Andronicus . And what an if", "His sorrows have so overwhelm 'd his wits ,", "Shall we be thus afflicted in his freaks ,", "His fits , his frenzy , and his bitterness ?", "And now he writes to heaven for his redress :", "See , here 's to Jove , and this to Mercury ;", "This to Apollo ; this to the God of War ;\u2014", "Sweet scrolls to fly about the streets of Rome !", "What 's this but libelling against the senate ,", "And blazoning our injustice everywhere ?", "A goodly humour , is it not , my lords ?", "As who would say , in Rome no justice were .", "But if I live , his feigned ecstasies", "Shall be no shelter to these outrages :", "But he and his shall know that justice lives", "In Saturninus \u2019 health ; whom , if she sleep ,", "He 'll so awake as he in fury shall", "Cut off the proud'st conspirator that lives .", "Go take him away , and hang him presently .", "Despiteful and intolerable wrongs !", "Shall I endure this monstrous villainy ?", "I know from whence this same device proceeds :", "May this be borne ,\u2014 as if his traitorous sons ,", "That died by law for murder of our brother ,", "Have by my means been butchered wrongfully ?\u2014", "Go , drag the villain hither by the hair ;", "Nor age nor honour shall shape privilege .\u2014", "For this proud mock I 'll be thy slaughter-man ;", "Sly frantic wretch , that holp'st to make me great ,", "In hope thyself should govern Rome and me .", "What news with thee , Aemilius ?", "Is warlike Lucius general of the Goths ?", "These tidings nip me ; and I hang the head", "As flowers with frost , or grass beat down with storms :", "Ay , now begins our sorrows to approach :", "\u2018 Tis he the common people love so much ;", "Myself hath often overheard them say ,\u2014", "When I have walked like a private man ,\u2014", "That Lucius \u2019 banishment was wrongfully ,", "And they have wish 'd that Lucius were their emperor .", "Ay , but the citizens favour Lucius ,", "And will revolt from me to succour him .", "But he will not entreat his son for us .", "Aemilius , do this message honourably :", "And if he stand on hostage for his safety ,", "Bid him demand what pledge will please him best .", "Then go successantly , and plead to him ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1322, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Approved warriors and my faithful friends ,", "I have received letters from great Rome ,", "Which signifies what hate they bear their emperor ,", "And how desirous of our sight they are .", "Therefore , great lords , be , as your titles witness ,", "Imperious and impatient of your wrongs ;", "And wherein Rome hath done you any scath", "Let him make treble satisfaction .", "I humbly thank him , and I thank you all . But who comes here , led by a lusty Goth ?", "O worthy Goth , this is the incarnate devil", "That robb 'd Andronicus of his good hand ;", "This is the pearl that pleas 'd your empress \u2019 eye ;", "And here 's the base fruit of his burning lust .\u2014", "Say , wall-ey 'd slave , whither wouldst thou convey", "This growing image of thy fiend-like face ?", "Why dost not speak ? what , deaf ? No ; not a word ?\u2014", "A halter , soldiers ; hang him on this tree ,", "And by his side his fruit of bastardy .", "Too like the sire for ever being good .\u2014", "First hang the child , that he may see it sprawl ,\u2014", "A sight to vex the father 's soul withal .", "Get me a ladder .", "Say on : an if it please me which thou speak'st ,", "Thy child shall live , and I will see it nourish 'd .", "Tell on thy mind ; I say thy child shall live .", "Who should I swear by ? thou believ'st no god ;:", "That granted , how canst thou believe an oath ?", "Even by my god I swear to thee I will .", "O most insatiate and luxurious woman !", "O detestable villain ! call'st thou that trimming ?", "O barbarous , beastly villains , like thyself !", "Art thou not sorry for these heinous deeds ?", "Bring down the devil ; for he must not die", "So sweet a death as hanging presently .", "Sirs , stop his mouth , and let him speak no more .", "Let him come near .", "Welcome , Aemilius . What 's the news from Rome ?", "Aemilius , let the emperor give his pledges", "Unto my father and my uncle Marcus .", "And we will come .\u2014 March away ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1322, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Thus , in this strange and sad habiliment ,", "I will encounter with Andronicus ,", "And say I am Revenge , sent from below", "To join with him and right his heinous wrongs .", "Knock at his study , where they say he keeps", "To ruminate strange plots of dire revenge ;", "Tell him Revenge is come to join with him ,", "And work confusion on his enemies .", "Titus , I am come to talk with thee .", "If thou didst know me , thou wouldst talk with me .", "Know thou , sad man , I am not Tamora ;", "She is thy enemy and I thy friend :", "I am Revenge ; sent from the infernal kingdom", "To ease the gnawing vulture of thy mind", "By working wreakful vengeance on thy foes .", "Come down and welcome me to this world 's light ;", "Confer with me of murder and of death :", "There 's not a hollow cave or lurking-place ,", "No vast obscurity or misty vale ,", "Where bloody murder or detested rape", "Can couch for fear but I will find them out ;", "And in their ears tell them my dreadful name ,\u2014", "Revenge , which makes the foul offender quake .", "I am ; therefore come down and welcome me .", "These are my ministers , and come with me .", "Rapine and Murder ; therefore called so", "\u2018 Cause they take vengeance of such kind of men .", "This closing with him fits his lunacy :", "Whate'er I forge to feed his brain-sick fiits ,", "Do you uphold and maintain in your speeches ,", "For now he firmly takes me for Revenge ;", "And , being credulous in this mad thought ,", "I 'll make him send for Lucius his son ;", "And whilst I at a banquet hold him sure ,", "I 'll find some cunning practice out of hand", "To scatter and disperse the giddy Goths ,", "Or , at the least , make them his enemies .", "See , here he comes , and I must ply my theme .", "What wouldst thou have us do , Andronicus ?", "Show me a thousand that hath done thee wrong ,", "And I will be revenged on them all .", "Well hast thou lesson 'd us ; this shall we do .", "But would it please thee , good Andronicus ,", "To send for Lucius , thy thrice-valiant son ,", "Who leads towards Rome a band of warlike Goths ,", "And bid him come and banquet at thy house ;", "When he is here , even at thy solemn feast ,", "I will bring in the empress and her sons ,", "The emperor himself , and all thy foes ;", "And at thy mercy shall they stoop and kneel ,", "And on them shalt thou ease thy angry heart .", "What says Andronicus to this device ?", "Now will I hence about thy business ,", "And take my ministers along with me .", "What say you , boys ? will you abide with him ,", "Whiles I go tell my lord the emperor", "How I have govern 'd our determin 'd jest ?", "Yield to his humour , smooth and speak him fair ,", "And tarry with him till I come again .", "Farewell , Andronicus : Revenge now goes", "To lay a complot to betray thy foes ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1322, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Uncle Marcus , since \u2018 tis my father 's mind", "That I repair to Rome , I am content .", "Good uncle , take you in this barbarous Moor ,", "This ravenous tiger , this accursed devil ;", "Let him receive no sustenance , fetter him ,", "Till he be brought unto the empress \u2019 face", "For testimony of her foul proceedings :", "And see the ambush of our friends be strong ;", "I fear the emperor means no good to us .", "Away , inhuman dog , unhallowed slave !\u2014", "Sirs , help our uncle to convey him in .\u2014", "What boots it thee to call thyself the sun ?", "Can the son 's eye behold his father bleed ? There 's meed for meed , death for a deadly deed .", "Then , noble auditory , be it known to you", "That cursed Chiron and Demetrius", "Were they that murdered our emperor 's brother ;", "And they it were that ravished our sister :", "For their fell faults our brothers were beheaded ;", "Our father 's tears despis 'd , and basely cozen 'd", "Of that true hand that fought Rome 's quarrel out", "And sent her enemies unto the grave .", "Lastly , myself unkindly banished ,", "The gates shut on me , and turn 'd weeping out ,", "To beg relief among Rome 's enemies ;", "Who drown 'd their enmity in my true tears ,", "And op 'd their arms to embrace me as a friend :", "I am the turned-forth , be it known to you ,", "That have preserv 'd her welfare in my blood ;", "And from her bosom took the enemy 's point ,", "Sheathing the steel in my adventurous body .", "Alas ! you know I am no vaunter , I ;", "My scars can witness , dumb although they are ,", "That my report is just and full of truth .", "But , soft ! methinks I do digress too much ,", "Citing my worthless praise : O , pardon me ;", "For when no friends are by , men praise themselves .", "Thanks , gentle Romans : may I govern so", "To heal Rome 's harms and wipe away her woe !", "But , gentle people , give me aim awhile ,\u2014", "For nature puts me to a heavy task :\u2014", "Stand all aloof ;\u2014 but , uncle , draw you near ,", "To shed obsequious tears upon this trunk .\u2014", "O , take this warm kiss on thy pale cold lips .", "These sorrowful drops upon thy blood-stain 'd face ,", "The last true duties of thy noble son !", "Come hither , boy ; come , come , and learn of us", "To melt in showers : thy grandsire lov 'd thee well :", "Many a time he danc 'd thee on his knee ,", "Sung thee asleep , his loving breast thy pillow ;", "Many a matter hath he told to thee ,", "Meet and agreeing with thine infancy ;", "In that respect , then , like a loving child ,", "Shed yet some small drops from thy tender spring ,", "Because kind nature doth require it so :", "Friends should associate friends in grief and woe :", "Bid him farewell ; commit him to the grave ;", "Do him that kindness , and take leave of him .", "Set him breast-deep in earth , and famish him ;", "There let him stand and rave and cry for food :", "If any one relieves or pities him ,", "For the offence he dies . This is our doom :", "Some stay to see him fasten 'd in the earth .", "Some loving friends convey the emperor hence ,", "And give him burial in his father 's grave :", "My father and Lavinia shall forthwith", "Be closed in our household 's monument .", "As for that ravenous tiger , Tamora ,", "No funeral rite , nor man in mournful weeds ,", "No mournful bell shall ring her burial ;", "But throw her forth to beasts and birds of prey :", "Her life was beast-like and devoid of pity ;", "And , being so , shall have like want of pity .", "See justice done on Aaron , that damn 'd Moor ,", "By whom our heavy haps had their beginning :", "Then , afterwards , to order well the state ,", "That like events may ne'er it ruinate ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1322, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["That should be for two fasting strumpets , and a bawd troubled with wind . Now you may know what the three are .", "Ay , ay ; friendship without freedom is as dull as love without enjoyment or wine without toasting : but to tell you a secret , these are trulls whom he allows coach-hire , and something more by the week , to call on him once a day at public places .", "You shall see he wo n't go to \u2018 em because there 's no more company here to take notice of him . Why , this is nothing to what he used to do : - before he found out this way , I have known him call for himself -", "Mean ? Why he would slip you out of this chocolate-house , just when you had been talking to him . As soon as your back was turned \u2014 whip he was gone ; then trip to his lodging , clap on a hood and scarf and a mask , slap into a hackney-coach , and drive hither to the door again in a trice ; where he would send in for himself ; that I mean , call for himself , wait for himself , nay , and what 's more , not finding himself , sometimes leave a letter for himself .", "Empresses , my dear . By your what-d'eehYpppHeNcallhYpppHeN \u2018 ems he means", "Sultana Queens .", "I ? Fine ladies , I say .", "Ha , ha , ha ! I had a mind to see how the rogue would come off . Ha , ha , ha ! Gad , I can n't be angry with him , if he had said they were my mother and my sisters .", "No ; the rogue 's wit and readiness of invention charm me , dear", "Petulant .", "Pshaw , pshaw , that she laughs at Petulant is plain . And for my part , but that it is almost a fashion to admire her , I should \u2014 harkee \u2014 to tell you a secret , but let it go no further between friends , I shall never break my heart for her .", "She 's handsome ; but she 's a sort of an uncertain woman .", "Umh \u2014 no -", "\u2018 Tis what she will hardly allow anybody else . Now , demme , I should hate that , if she were as handsome as Cleopatra . Mirabell is not so sure of her as he thinks for .", "We stayed pretty late there last night , and heard something of an uncle to Mirabell , who is lately come to town , and is between him and the best part of his estate . Mirabell and he are at some distance , as my Lady Wishfort has been told ; and you know she hates Mirabell worse than a quaker hates a parrot , or than a fishmonger hates a hard frost . Whether this uncle has seen Mrs. Millamant or not , I cannot say ; but there were items of such a treaty being in embryo ; and if it should come to life , poor Mirabell would be in some sort unfortunately fobbed , i'faith .", "Faith , my dear , I can n't tell ; she 's a woman and a kind of a humorist .", "Ay , we 'll all walk in the park ; the ladies talked of being there .", "No , no , he comes to his aunt 's , my Lady Wishfort ; pox on him ,", "I shall be troubled with him too ; what shall I do with the fool ?", "O rare Petulant , thou art as quick as fire in a frosty morning ; thou shalt to the Mall with us , and we 'll be very severe ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1329, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ay , ay , dear Marwood , if we will be happy , we must find the means in ourselves , and among ourselves . Men are ever in extremes ; either doting or averse . While they are lovers , if they have fire and sense , their jealousies are insupportable : and when they cease to lovethey loathe , they look upon us with horror and distaste , they meet us like the ghosts of what we were , and as from such , fly from us .", "Then it seems you dissemble an aversion to mankind only in compliance to my mother 's humour .", "Bless me , how have I been deceived ! Why , you profess a libertine .", "Never .", "Heartily , inveterately .", "Most transcendently ; ay , though I say it , meritoriously .", "There .", "Is it possible ? Dost thou hate those vipers , men ?", "There spoke the spirit of an Amazon , a Penthesilea .", "How ?", "You would not make him a cuckold ?", "Why had not you as good do it ?", "Ingenious mischief ! Would thou wert married to", "Mirabell .", "You change colour .", "So do I ; but I can hear him named . But what reason have you to hate him in particular ?", "By the reason you give for your aversion , one would think it dissembled ; for you have laid a fault to his charge , of which his enemies must acquit him .", "Do I ? I think I am a little sick o \u2019 the sudden .", "My husband . Do n't you see him ? He turned short upon me unawares , and has almost overcome me ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1329, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Excellent creature ! Well , sure , if I should live to be rid of my wife , I should be a miserable man .", "For having only that one hope , the accomplishment of it of consequence must put an end to all my hopes , and what a wretch is he who must survive his hopes ! Nothing remains when that day comes but to sit down and weep like Alexander when he wanted other worlds to conquer .", "Faith , I think not ,", "You are not jealous ?", "Of Mirabell .", "You would intimate then , as if there were a fellow-feeling between my wife and him ?", "But he , I fear , is too insensible .", "It may be so . I do not now begin to apprehend it .", "That I have been deceived , madam , and you are false .", "To let you know I see through all your little arts .\u2014 Come , you both love him , and both have equally dissembled your aversion . Your mutual jealousies of one another have made you clash till you have both struck fire . I have seen the warm confession red'ning on your cheeks , and sparkling from your eyes .", "I do not . \u2018 Twas for my ease to oversee and wilfully neglect the gross advances made him by my wife , that by permitting her to be engaged , I might continue unsuspected in my pleasures , and take you oftener to my arms in full security . But could you think , because the nodding husband would not wake , that e'er the watchful lover slept ?", "With infidelity , with loving another , with love of Mirabell .", "And wherefore do you hate him ? He is insensible , and your resentment follows his neglect . An instance ? The injuries you have done him are a proof : your interposing in his love . What cause had you to make discoveries of his pretended passion ? To undeceive the credulous aunt , and be the officious obstacle of his match with Millamant ?", "What , was it conscience then ? Professed a friendship ! Oh , the pious friendships of the female sex !", "Ha , ha , ha ! you are my wife 's friend too .", "You misinterpret my reproof . I meant but to remind you of the slight account you once could make of strictest ties when set in competition with your love to me .", "Your guilt , not your resentment , begets your rage . If yet you loved , you could forgive a jealousy : but you are stung to find you are discovered .", "Why , what will you do ?", "Frenzy !", "Your fame I have preserved . Your fortune has been bestowed as the prodigality of your love would have it , in pleasures which we both have shared . Yet , had not you been false I had e'er this repaid it . \u2018 Tis true \u2014 had you permitted Mirabell with Millamant to have stolen their marriage , my lady had been incensed beyond all means of reconcilement : Millamant had forfeited the moiety of her fortune , which then would have descended to my wife . And wherefore did I marry but to make lawful prize of a rich widow 's wealth , and squander it on love and you ?", "Death , am I not married ? What 's pretence ? Am I not imprisoned , fettered ? Have I not a wife ? Nay , a wife that was a widow , a young widow , a handsome widow , and would be again a widow , but that I have a heart of proof , and something of a constitution to bustle through the ways of wedlock and this world . Will you yet be reconciled to truth and me ?", "For loving you ?", "Nay , we must not part thus .", "Come , I 'm sorry .", "I would not hurt you for the world . Have I no other hold to keep you here ?", "You know I love you .", "What ? What is it not ? What is it not yet ? It is not yet too late -", "It is , to love another .", "Nay , this is extravagance . Come , I ask your pardon . No tears \u2014 I was to blame , I could not love you and be easy in my doubts . Pray forbear \u2014 I believe you ; I 'm convinced I 've done you wrong ; and any way , every way will make amends : I 'll hate my wife yet more , damn her , I 'll part with her , rob her of all she 's worth , and we 'll retire somewhere , anywhere , to another world ; I 'll marry thee \u2014 be pacified .\u2014 \u2018 Sdeath , they come : hide your face , your tears . You have a mask : wear it a moment . This way , this way : be persuaded ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1329, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["No apologies , dear madam . I have been very well entertained .", "Methinks Sir Wilfull should rather think of marrying than travelling at his years . I hear he is turned of forty .", "Methinks Mrs. Millamant and he would make a very fit match . He may travel afterwards . \u2018 Tis a thing very usual with young gentlemen .", "You have a colour ; what 's the matter ?", "No . What has he done ?", "If we had that liberty , we should be as weary of one set of acquaintance , though never so good , as we are of one suit , though never so fine . A fool and a doily stuff would now and then find days of grace , and be worn for variety .", "\u2018 Twere better so indeed . Or what think you of the playhouse ? A fine gay glossy fool should be given there , like a new masking habit , after the masquerade is over , and we have done with the disguise . For a fool 's visit is always a disguise , and never admitted by a woman of wit , but to blind her affair with a lover of sense . If you would but appear barefaced now , and own Mirabell , you might as easily put off Petulant and Witwoud as your hood and scarf . And indeed \u2018 tis time , for the town has found it , the secret is grown too big for the pretence . \u2018 Tis like Mrs. Primly 's great belly : she may lace it down before , but it burnishes on her hips . Indeed , Millamant , you can no more conceal it than my Lady Strammel can her face , that goodly face , which in defiance of her Rhenish-wine tea will not be comprehended in a mask .", "You are nettled .", "Indeed , my dear , you 'll tear another fan , if you do n't mitigate those violent airs .", "What pity \u2018 tis so much fine raillery , and delivered with so significant gesture , should be so unhappily directed to miscarry .", "Mr. Mirabell and you both may think it a thing impossible , when I shall tell him by telling you -", "That I detest him , hate him , madam .", "Your merry note may be changed sooner than you think .", "I perceive your debates are of importance , and very learnedly handled .", "That 's a sign , indeed , it 's no enemy to you .", "\u2018 Tis your brother , I fancy . Do n't you know him ?", "Mr. Witwoud , your brother is not behindhand in forgetfulness . I fancy he has forgot you too .", "For shame , Mr. Witwoud ; why wo n't you speak to him ?\u2014 And you , sir .", "No , sure , sir .", "The gentleman 's merry , that 's all , sir . \u2018 Slife , we shall have a quarrel betwixt an horse and an ass , before they find one another out .\u2014 You must not take anything amiss from your friends , sir . You are among your friends here , though it \u2014 may be you do n't know it . If I am not mistaken , you are Sir Wilfull Witwoud ?", "Do n't you know this gentleman , sir ?", "You intend to travel , sir , as I 'm informed ?", "I thought you had designed for France at all adventures .", "Here 's an academy in town for that use .", "No doubt you will return very much improved .", "Then shake it off : you have often wished for an opportunity to part , and now you have it . But first prevent their plot : - the half of Millamant 's fortune is too considerable to be parted with to a foe , to Mirabell .", "They may prove a cap of maintenance to you still , if you can away with your wife . And she 's no worse than when you had her : - I dare swear she had given up her game before she was married .", "You married her to keep you ; and if you can contrive to have her keep you better than you expected , why should you not keep her longer than you intended ?", "Discover to my lady your wife 's conduct ; threaten to part with her . My lady loves her , and will come to any composition to save her reputation . Take the opportunity of breaking it just upon the discovery of this imposture . My lady will be enraged beyond bounds , and sacrifice niece , and fortune and all at that conjuncture . And let me alone to keep her warm : if she should flag in her part , I will not fail to prompt her .", "I 'm sorry I hinted to my lady to endeavour a match between Millamant and Sir Wilfull ; that may be an obstacle .", "Well , how do you stand affected towards your lady ?", "Besides you forget , marriage is honourable .", "Nay , I know not ; if the root be honourable , why not the branches ?", "I will contrive a letter which shall be delivered to my lady at the time when that rascal who is to act Sir Rowland is with her . It shall come as from an unknown hand \u2014 for the less I appear to know of the truth the better I can play the incendiary . Besides , I would not have Foible provoked if I could help it , because , you know , she knows some passages . Nay , I expect all will come out . But let the mine be sprung first , and then I care not if I am discovered .", "I hope you are convinced that I hate Mirabell now ? You 'll be no more jealous ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1329, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Raillery , raillery , madam ; we have no animosity . We hit off a little wit now and then , but no animosity . The falling out of wits is like the falling out of lovers : - we agree in the main , like treble and bass . Ha , Petulant ?", "Ay , when he has a humour to contradict , then I contradict too . What , I know my cue . Then we contradict one another like two battledores ; for contradictions beget one another like Jews .", "Not positively must . But it may ; it may .", "Ay , upon proof positive it must ; but upon proof presumptive it only may . That 's a logical distinction now , madam .", "Petulant 's an enemy to learning ; he relies altogether on his parts .", "That I confess I wonder at , too .", "In the name of Bartlemew and his Fair , what have we here ?", "Not I : - yes , I think it is he . I 've almost forgot him ; I have not seen him since the revolution .", "I hope so . The devil take him that remembers first , I say .", "Petulant , speak .", "This is a vile dog , I see that already . No offence ? Ha , ha , ha . To him , to him , Petulant , smoke him .", "Smoke the boots , the boots , Petulant , the boots ; ha , ha , ha !", "Odso , brother , is it you ? Your servant , brother .", "No offence , I hope , brother ?", "Why , brother Wilfull of Salop , you may be as short as a Shrewsbury cake , if you please . But I tell you \u2018 tis not modish to know relations in town . You think you 're in the country , where great lubberly brothers slabber and kiss one another when they meet , like a call of sergeants . \u2018 Tis not the fashion here ; \u2018 tis not , indeed , dear brother .", "Ay , ay , but that was but for a while . Not long , not long ; pshaw , I was not in my own power then . An orphan , and this fellow was my guardian ; ay , ay , I was glad to consent to that man to come to London . He had the disposal of me then . If I had not agreed to that , I might have been bound prentice to a feltmaker in Shrewsbury : this fellow would have bound me to a maker of felts .", "Yes , refined like a Dutch skipper from a whale-fishing . SCENE XVI ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1329, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Out upo n't , out upo n't , at years of discretion , and comport yourself at this rantipole rate !", "Offence ? As I 'm a person , I 'm ashamed of you . Fogh ! How you stink of wine ! D'ye think my niece will ever endure such a Borachio ? You 're an absolute Borachio .", "At a time when you should commence an amour , and put your best foot foremost -", "My nephew 's a little overtaken , cousin , but \u2018 tis drinking your health . O \u2019 my word , you are obliged to him -", "Smells ? He would poison a tallow-chandler and his family . Beastly creature , I know not what to do with him . Travel , quotha ; ay , travel , travel , get thee gone , get thee but far enough , to the Saracens , or the Tartars , or the Turks \u2014 for thou art not fit to live in a Christian commonwealth , thou beastly pagan .", "Sir Rowland impatient ? Good lack ! what shall I do with this beastly tumbril ? Go lie down and sleep , you sot , or as I 'm a person , I 'll have you bastinadoed with broomsticks . Call up the wenches with broomsticks .", "Dear Cousin Witwoud , get him away , and you will bind me to you inviolably . I have an affair of moment that invades me with some precipitation .\u2014 You will oblige me to all futurity .", "This will never do . It will never make a match ,\u2014 at least before he has been abroad . SCENE XII . LADY WISHFORT , WAITWELL disguised as for SIR ROWLAND .", "Dear Sir Rowland , I am confounded with confusion at the retrospection of my own rudeness ,\u2014 I have more pardons to ask than the pope distributes in the year of jubilee . But I hope where there is likely to be so near an alliance , we may unbend the severity of decorum , and dispense with a little ceremony .", "You have excess of gallantry , Sir Rowland , and press things to a conclusion with a most prevailing vehemence . But a day or two for decency of marriage -", "Is he so unnatural , say you ? Truly I would contribute much both to the saving of your life and the accomplishment of your revenge . Not that I respect myself ; though he has been a perfidious wretch to me .", "O Sir Rowland , the hours that he has died away at my feet , the tears that he has shed , the oaths that he has sworn , the palpitations that he has felt , the trances and the tremblings , the ardours and the ecstasies , the kneelings and the risings , the heart - heavings and the hand-gripings , the pangs and the pathetic regards of his protesting eyes !\u2014 Oh , no memory can register .", "No , do n't kill him at once , Sir Rowland : starve him gradually , inch by inch .", "Well , Sir Rowland , you have the way ,\u2014 you are no novice in the labyrinth of love ,\u2014 you have the clue . But as I am a person , Sir Rowland , you must not attribute my yielding to any sinister appetite or indigestion of widowhood ; nor impute my complacency to any lethargy of continence . I hope you do not think me prone to any iteration of nuptials ?", "If you do , I protest I must recede , or think that I have made a prostitution of decorums , but in the vehemence of compassion , and to save the life of a person of so much importance -", "Or else you wrong my condescension -", "Indeed you do .", "If you think the least scruple of causality was an ingredient", "Sir Rowland , will you give me leave ? Think favourably , judge candidly , and conclude you have found a person who would suffer racks in honour 's cause , dear Sir Rowland , and will wait on you incessantly . SCENE XIV . WAITWELL , FOIBLE .", "Call in the dancers ; Sir Rowland , we 'll sit , if you please , and see the entertainment .Now , with your permission , Sir Rowland , I will peruse my letter . I would open it in your presence , because I would not make you uneasy . If it should make you uneasy , I would burn it \u2014 speak if it does \u2014 but you may see , the superscription is like a woman 's hand .", "Nay , Sir Rowland , since you give me a proof of your passion by your jealousy , I promise you I 'll make a return by a frank communication . You shall see it \u2014 we 'll open it together . Look you here .MADAM , THOUGH UNKNOWN TO YOUI HAVE THAT HONOUR FOR YOUR CHARACTER , THAT I THINK MYSELF OBLIGED TO LET YOU KNOW YOU ARE ABUSED . HE WHO PRETENDS TO BE SIR ROWLAND IS A CHEAT AND A RASCAL . O heavens ! what 's this ?", "I shall faint , I shall die . Oh !", "Too well , too well . I have seen too much .", "How ?", "How , how ? I heard the villain was in the house indeed ; and now I remember , my niece went away abruptly when Sir Wilfull was to have made his addresses .", "No , dear Sir Rowland , do n't fight : if you should be killed I must never show my face ; or hanged ,\u2014 oh , consider my reputation , Sir Rowland . No , you sha n't fight : I 'll go in and examine my niece ; I 'll make her confess . I conjure you , Sir Rowland , by all your love not to fight .", "Ay , dear Sir Rowland , that will be some comfort ; bring the black box .", "Bring what you will ; but come alive , pray come alive . Oh , this is a happy discovery ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1329, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Out , caterpillar , call not me aunt ; I know thee not .", "How 's this , dear niece ? Have I any comfort ? Can this be true ?", "Well , I 'll swear I am something revived at this testimony of your obedience ; but I cannot admit that traitor ,\u2014 I fear I cannot fortify myself to support his appearance . He is as terrible to me as a Gorgon : if I see him I swear I shall turn to stone , petrify incessantly .", "Are you sure it will be the last time ? If I were sure of that \u2014 shall I never see him again ?", "O dear Marwood , you are not going ?", "Well , nephew , upon your account . Ah , he has a false insinuating tongue . Well , sir , I will stifle my just resentment at my nephew 's request . I will endeavour what I can to forget , but on proviso that you resign the contract with my niece immediately .", "Oh , he has witchcraft in his eyes and tongue ; when I did not see him I could have bribed a villain to his assassination ; but his appearance rakes the embers which have so long lain smothered in my breast .SCENE X .", "If I were prepared , I am not impowered . My niece exerts a lawful claim , having matched herself by my direction to Sir Wilfull .", "Hold , nephew , hold .", "Is there no means , no remedy , to stop my ruin ? Ungrateful wretch ! Dost thou not owe thy being , thy subsistance , to my daughter 's fortune ?", "Oh , what ? what ? To save me and my child from ruin , from want , I 'll forgive all that 's past ; nay , I 'll consent to anything to come , to be delivered from this tyranny .", "How ? Dear Mr. Mirabell , can you be so generous at last ? But it is not possible . Harkee , I 'll break my nephew 's match ; you shall have my niece yet , and all her fortune , if you can but save me from this imminent danger .", "Ay , ay , anybody , anybody .", "O Marwood , Marwood , art thou false ? My friend deceive me ? Hast thou been a wicked accomplice with that profligate man ?", "Ah , Mr. Mirabell , this is small comfort , the detection of this affair .", "O Sir Rowland ! Well , rascal ?", "Ay , dear sir .", "Ay , ay , sir , upon my honour .", "O daughter , daughter , \u2018 tis plain thou hast inherited thy mother 's prudence .", "Well , Mr. Mirabell , you have kept your promise , and I must perform mine . First , I pardon for your sake Sir Rowland there and Foible . The next thing is to break the matter to my nephew , and how to do that -", "Well , sir , take her , and with her all the joy I can give you .", "As I am a person , I can hold out no longer : I have wasted my spirits so to-day already that I am ready to sink under the fatigue ; and I cannot but have some fears upon me yet , that my son Fainall will pursue some desperate course ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1329, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Nine changes of the wat'ry star hath been", "The shepherd 's note since we have left our throne", "Without a burden . Time as long again", "Would be fill 'd up , my brother , with our thanks ;", "And yet we should for perpetuity", "Go hence in debt . And therefore , like a cipher ,", "Yet standing in rich place , I multiply", "With one \u2018 We thank you \u2019 many thousands moe", "That go before it .", "Sir , that 's to-morrow .", "I am question 'd by my fears of what may chance", "Or breed upon our absence , that may blow", "No sneaping winds at home , to make us say", "\u2018 This is put forth too truly . \u2019 Besides , I have stay 'd", "To tire your royalty .", "No longer stay .", "Very sooth , to-morrow .", "Press me not , beseech you , so .", "There is no tongue that moves , none , none i \u2019 th \u2019 world ,", "So soon as yours could win me . So it should now ,", "Were there necessity in your request , although", "\u2018 Twere needful I denied it . My affairs", "Do even drag me homeward ; which to hinder", "Were in your love a whip to me ; my stay", "To you a charge and trouble . To save both ,", "Farewell , our brother .", "No , madam .", "I may not , verily .", "Your guest , then , madam :", "To be your prisoner should import offending ;", "Which is for me less easy to commit", "Than you to punish .", "We were , fair Queen ,", "Two lads that thought there was no more behind", "But such a day to-morrow as to-day ,", "And to be boy eternal .", "We were as twinn 'd lambs that did frisk i \u2019 th \u2019 sun", "And bleat the one at th \u2019 other . What we chang 'd", "Was innocence for innocence ; we knew not", "The doctrine of ill-doing , nor dream 'd", "That any did . Had we pursu 'd that life ,", "And our weak spirits ne'er been higher rear 'd", "With stronger blood , we should have answer 'd heaven", "Boldly \u2018 Not guilty , \u2019 the imposition clear 'd", "Hereditary ours .", "O my most sacred lady ,", "Temptations have since then been born to \u2018 s , for", "In those unfledg 'd days was my wife a girl ;", "Your precious self had then not cross 'd the eyes", "Of my young playfellow .", "What means Sicilia ?", "How , my lord ! What cheer ? How is't with you , best brother ?", "If at home , sir ,", "He 's all my exercise , my mirth , my matter ;", "Now my sworn friend , and then mine enemy ;", "My parasite , my soldier , statesman , all .", "He makes a July 's day short as December ,", "And with his varying childness cures in me", "Thoughts that would thick my blood .", "This is strange . Methinks", "My favour here begins to warp . Not speak ?", "Good day , Camillo .", "What is the news i \u2019 th \u2019 court ?", "The King hath on him such a countenance", "As he had lost some province , and a region", "Lov 'd as he loves himself ; even now I met him", "With customary compliment , when he ,", "Wafting his eyes to th \u2019 contrary and falling", "A lip of much contempt , speeds from me ;", "So leaves me to consider what is breeding", "That changes thus his manners .", "How , dare not ! Do not . Do you know , and dare not", "Be intelligent to me ? \u2018 Tis thereabouts ;", "For , to yourself , what you do know , you must ,", "And cannot say you dare not . Good Camillo ,", "Your chang 'd complexions are to me a mirror", "Which shows me mine chang 'd too ; for I must be", "A party in this alteration , finding", "Myself thus alter 'd with't .", "How ! caught of me ?", "Make me not sighted like the basilisk ;", "I have look 'd on thousands who have sped the better", "By my regard , but kill 'd none so . Camillo-", "As you are certainly a gentleman ; thereto", "Clerk-like experienc 'd , which no less adorns", "Our gentry than our parents \u2019 noble names ,", "In whose success we are gentle - I beseech you ,", "If you know aught which does behove my knowledge", "Thereof to be inform 'd , impriso n't not", "In ignorant concealment .", "A sickness caught of me , and yet I well ?", "I must be answer 'd . Dost thou hear , Camillo ?", "I conjure thee , by all the parts of man", "Which honour does acknowledge , whereof the least", "Is not this suit of mine , that thou declare", "What incidency thou dost guess of harm", "Is creeping toward me ; how far off , how near ;", "Which way to be prevented , if to be ;", "If not , how best to bear it .", "On , good Camillo .", "By whom , Camillo ?", "For what ?", "O , then my best blood turn", "To an infected jelly , and my name", "Be yok 'd with his that did betray the Best !", "Turn then my freshest reputation to", "A savour that may strike the dullest nostril", "Where I arrive , and my approach be shunn 'd ,", "Nay , hated too , worse than the great'st infection", "That e'er was heard or read !", "How should this grow ?", "I do believe thee :", "I saw his heart in 's face . Give me thy hand ;", "Be pilot to me , and thy places shall", "Still neighbour mine . My ships are ready , and", "My people did expect my hence departure", "Two days ago . This jealousy", "Is for a precious creature ; as she 's rare ,", "Must it be great ; and , as his person 's mighty ,", "Must it be violent ; and as he does conceive", "He is dishonour 'd by a man which ever", "Profess 'd to him , why , his revenges must", "In that be made more bitter . Fear o'ershades me .", "Good expedition be my friend , and comfort", "The gracious Queen , part of this theme , but nothing", "Of his ill-ta'en suspicion ! Come , Camillo ;", "I will respect thee as a father , if", "Thou bear'st my life off hence . Let us avoid ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1338, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Take the boy to you ; he so troubles me ,", "\u2018 Tis past enduring .", "What wisdom stirs amongst you ? Come , sir , now", "I am for you again . Pray you sit by us ,", "And tell 's a tale .", "As merry as you will .", "Let 's have that , good sir .", "Come on , sit down ; come on , and do your best", "To fright me with your sprites ; you 're pow'rfull at it .", "Nay , come , sit down ; then on .", "Come on then ,", "And give't me in mine ear .", "What is this ? Sport ?", "But I 'd say he had not ,", "And I 'll be sworn you would believe my saying ,", "Howe'er you lean to th \u2019 nayward .", "Should a villain say so ,", "The most replenish 'd villain in the world ,", "He were as much more villain : you , my lord ,", "Do but mistake .", "No , by my life ,", "Privy to none of this . How will this grieve you ,", "When you shall come to clearer knowledge , that", "You thus have publish 'd me ! Gentle my lord ,", "You scarce can right me throughly then to say", "You did mistake .", "There 's some ill planet reigns .", "I must be patient till the heavens look", "With an aspect more favourable . Good my lords ,", "I am not prone to weeping , as our sex", "Commonly are - the want of which vain dew", "Perchance shall dry your pities - but I have", "That honourable grief lodg 'd here which burns", "Worse than tears drown . Beseech you all , my lords ,", "With thoughts so qualified as your charities", "Shall best instruct you , measure me ; and so", "The King 's will be perform 'd !", "Who is't that goes with me ? Beseech your highness", "My women may be with me , for you see", "My plight requires it . Do not weep , good fools ;", "There is no cause ; when you shall know your mistress", "Has deserv 'd prison , then abound in tears", "As I come out : this action I now go on", "Is for my better grace . Adieu , my lord .", "I never wish 'd to see you sorry ; now", "I trust I shall . My women , come ; you have leave ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1338, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The keeper of the prison - call to him ;", "Let him have knowledge who I am . Exit GENTLEMAN", "Good lady !", "No court in Europe is too good for thee ;", "What dost thou then in prison ?", "Re-enter GENTLEMAN with the GAOLER", "Now , good sir ,", "You know me , do you not ?", "Pray you , then ,", "Conduct me to the Queen .", "Here 's ado , to lock up honesty and honour from", "Th \u2019 access of gentle visitors ! Is't lawful , pray you ,", "To see her women - any of them ? Emilia ?", "I pray now , call her .", "Well , be't so , prithee . Exit GAOLER", "Here 's such ado to make no stain a stain", "As passes colouring .", "Re-enter GAOLER , with EMILIA", "Dear gentlewoman ,", "How fares our gracious lady ?", "A boy ?", "I dare be sworn .", "These dangerous unsafe lunes i \u2019 th \u2019 King , beshrew them !", "He must be told o n't , and he shall . The office", "Becomes a woman best ; I 'll take't upon me ;", "If I prove honey-mouth 'd , let my tongue blister ,", "And never to my red-look 'd anger be", "The trumpet any more . Pray you , Emilia ,", "Commend my best obedience to the Queen ;", "If she dares trust me with her little babe ,", "I 'll show't the King , and undertake to be", "Her advocate to th \u2019 loud'st . We do not know", "How he may soften at the sight o \u2019 th \u2019 child :", "The silence often of pure innocence", "Persuades when speaking fails .", "Tell her , Emilia ,", "I 'll use that tongue I have ; if wit flow from't", "As boldness from my bosom , let't not be doubted", "I shall do good .", "You need not fear it , sir .", "This child was prisoner to the womb , and is", "By law and process of great Nature thence", "Freed and enfranchis'dhYpppHeN not a party to", "The anger of the King , nor guilty of ,", "If any be , the trespass of the Queen .", "Do not you fear . Upon mine honour , I", "Will stand betwixt you and danger . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1338, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Nor night nor day no rest ! It is but weakness", "To bear the matter thus - mere weakness . If", "The cause were not in being - part o \u2019 th \u2019 cause ,", "She , th \u2019 adultress ; for the harlot king", "Is quite beyond mine arm , out of the blank", "And level of my brain , plot-proof ; but she", "I can hook to me - say that she were gone ,", "Given to the fire , a moiety of my rest", "Might come to me again . Who 's there ?", "How does the boy ?", "To see his nobleness !", "Conceiving the dishonour of his mother ,", "He straight declin 'd , droop 'd , took it deeply ,", "Fasten 'd and fix 'd the shame o n't in himself ,", "Threw off his spirit , his appetite , his sleep ,", "And downright languish 'd . Leave me solely . Go ,", "See how he fares .", "Fie , fie ! no thought of him !", "The very thought of my revenges that way", "Recoil upon me - in himself too mighty ,", "And in his parties , his alliance . Let him be ,", "Until a time may serve ; for present vengeance ,", "Take it on her . Camillo and Polixenes", "Laugh at me , make their pastime at my sorrow .", "They should not laugh if I could reach them ; nor", "Shall she , within my pow'r .", "What noise there , ho ?", "How !", "Away with that audacious lady ! Antigonus ,", "I charg 'd thee that she should not come about me ;", "I knew she would .", "What , canst not rule her ?", "Good Queen !", "Force her hence .", "Out ! A mankind witch ! Hence with her , out o \u2019 door ! A most intelligencing bawd !", "Traitors !", "Will you not push her out ? Give her the bastard .", "Thou dotard , thou art woman-tir 'd , unroosted", "By thy Dame Partlet here . Take up the bastard ;", "Take't up , I say ; give't to thy crone .", "He dreads his wife .", "A nest of traitors !", "A callat", "Of boundless tongue , who late hath beat her husband ,", "And now baits me ! This brat is none of mine ;", "It is the issue of Polixenes .", "Hence with it , and together with the dam", "Commit them to the fire .", "A gross hag !", "And , lozel , thou art worthy to be hang 'd", "That wilt not stay her tongue .", "Once more , take her hence .", "I 'll ha \u2019 thee burnt .", "On your allegiance ,", "Out of the chamber with her ! Were I a tyrant ,", "Where were her life ? She durst not call me so ,", "If she did know me one . Away with her !", "Thou , traitor , hast set on thy wife to this .", "My child ! Away with't . Even thou , that hast", "A heart so tender o'er it , take it hence ,", "And see it instantly consum 'd with fire ;", "Even thou , and none but thou . Take it up straight .", "Within this hour bring me word \u2018 tis done ,", "And by good testimony , or I 'll seize thy life ,", "With that thou else call'st thine . If thou refuse ,", "And wilt encounter with my wrath , say so ;", "The bastard brains with these my proper hands", "Shall I dash out . Go , take it to the fire ;", "For thou set'st on thy wife .", "You 're liars all .", "I am a feather for each wind that blows . Shall I live on to see this bastard kneel And call me father ? Better burn it now Than curse it then . But be it ; let it live . It shall not neither .You , Sir , come you hither . You that have been so tenderly officious With Lady Margery , your midwife there , To save this bastard 's life - for \u2018 tis a bastard , So sure as this beard 's grey - what will you adventure To save this brat 's life ?", "It shall be possible . Swear by this sword", "Thou wilt perform my bidding .", "Mark , and perform it - seest thou ? For the fail", "Of any point i n't shall not only be", "Death to thyself , but to thy lewd-tongu 'd wife ,", "Whom for this time we pardon . We enjoin thee ,", "As thou art liegeman to us , that thou carry", "This female bastard hence ; and that thou bear it", "To some remote and desert place , quite out", "Of our dominions ; and that there thou leave it ,", "Without more mercy , to it own protection", "And favour of the climate . As by strange fortune", "It came to us , I do in justice charge thee ,", "On thy soul 's peril and thy body 's torture ,", "That thou commend it strangely to some place", "Where chance may nurse or end it . Take it up .", "No , I 'll not rear", "Another 's issue .", "Twenty-three days", "They have been absent ; \u2018 tis good speed ; foretells", "The great Apollo suddenly will have", "The truth of this appear . Prepare you , lords ;", "Summon a session , that we may arraign", "Our most disloyal lady ; for , as she hath", "Been publicly accus 'd , so shall she have", "A just and open trial . While she lives ,", "My heart will be a burden to me . Leave me ;", "And think upon my bidding . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1338, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["This sessions , to our great grief we pronounce ,", "Even pushes \u2018 gainst our heart - the party tried ,", "The daughter of a king , our wife , and one", "Of us too much belov 'd . Let us be clear 'd", "Of being tyrannous , since we so openly", "Proceed in justice , which shall have due course ,", "Even to the guilt or the purgation .", "Produce the prisoner .", "Read the indictment .", "I ne'er heard yet", "That any of these bolder vices wanted", "Less impudence to gainsay what they did", "Than to perform it first .", "You will not own it .", "You knew of his departure , as you know", "What you have underta'en to do in 's absence .", "Your actions are my dreams .", "You had a bastard by Polixenes ,", "And I but dream 'd it . As you were past all shame-", "Those of your fact are so - so past all truth ;", "Which to deny concerns more than avails ; for as", "Thy brat hath been cast out , like to itself ,", "No father owning it - which is indeed", "More criminal in thee than it - so thou", "Shalt feel our justice ; in whose easiest passage", "Look for no less than death .", "Break up the seals and read .", "Hast thou read truth ?", "There is no truth at all i \u2019 th \u2019 oracle . The sessions shall proceed . This is mere falsehood .", "What is the business ?", "How ! Gone ?", "Apollo 's angry ; and the heavens themselves", "Do strike at my injustice .", "How now , there !", "Take her hence .", "Her heart is but o'ercharg ' d ; she will recover .", "I have too much believ 'd mine own suspicion .", "Beseech you tenderly apply to her", "Some remedies for life .", "Exeunt PAULINA and LADIES with HERMIONE", "Apollo , pardon", "My great profaneness \u2018 gainst thine oracle .", "I 'll reconcile me to Polixenes ,", "New woo my queen , recall the good Camillo-", "Whom I proclaim a man of truth , of mercy .", "For , being transported by my jealousies", "To bloody thoughts and to revenge , I chose", "Camillo for the minister to poison", "My friend Polixenes ; which had been done", "But that the good mind of Camillo tardied", "My swift command , though I with death and with", "Reward did threaten and encourage him ,", "Not doing it and being done . He , most humane", "And fill 'd with honour , to my kingly guest", "Unclasp 'd my practice , quit his fortunes here ,", "Which you knew great , and to the certain hazard", "Of all incertainties himself commended ,", "No richer than his honour . How he glisters", "Thorough my rust ! And how his piety", "Does my deeds make the blacker !", "Re-enter PAULINA", "Go on , go on .", "Thou canst not speak too much ; I have deserv 'd", "All tongues to talk their bitt'rest .", "Thou didst speak but well", "When most the truth ; which I receive much better", "Than to be pitied of thee . Prithee , bring me", "To the dead bodies of my queen and son .", "One grave shall be for both . Upon them shall", "The causes of their death appear , unto", "Our shame perpetual . Once a day I 'll visit", "The chapel where they lie ; and tears shed there", "Shall be my recreation . So long as nature", "Will bear up with this exercise , so long", "I daily vow to use it . Come , and lead me", "To these sorrows . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1338, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Let me see : every \u2018 leven wether tods ; every tod yields pound and odd shilling ; fifteen hundred shorn , what comes the wool to ?", "I cannot do \u2018 t without counters . Let me see : what am I to buy for our sheep-shearing feast ? Three pound of sugar , five pound of currants , rice - what will this sister of mine do with rice ? But my father hath made her mistress of the feast , and she lays it on . She hath made me four and twenty nosegays for the shearers - three-man song-men all , and very good ones ; but they are most of them means and bases ; but one Puritan amongst them , and he sings psalms to hornpipes . I must have saffron to colour the warden pies ; mace ; dates - none , that 's out of my note ; nutmegs , seven ; race or two of ginger , but that I may beg ; four pound of prunes , and as many of raisins o \u2019 th \u2019 sun .", "I \u2019 th \u2019 name of me !", "Alack , poor soul ! thou hast need of more rags to lay on thee , rather than have these off .", "Alas , poor man ! a million of beating may come to a great matter .", "What , by a horseman or a footman ?", "Indeed , he should be a footman , by the garments he has left with thee ; if this be a horseman 's coat , it hath seen very hot service . Lend me thy hand , I 'll help thee . Come , lend me thy hand .", "Alas , poor soul !", "How now ! Canst stand ?", "Dost lack any money ? I have a little money for thee .", "What manner of fellow was he that robb 'd you ?", "His vices , you would say ; there 's no virtue whipt out of the court . They cherish it to make it stay there ; and yet it will no more but abide .", "Out upon him ! prig , for my life , prig ! He haunts wakes , fairs , and bear-baitings .", "Not a more cowardly rogue in all Bohemia ; if you had but look 'd big and spit at him , he 'd have run .", "How do you now ?", "Shall I bring thee on the way ?", "Then fare thee well . I must go buy spices for our sheep-shearing ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1338, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["These your unusual weeds to each part of you", "Do give a life - no shepherdess , but Flora", "Peering in April 's front . This your sheep-shearing", "Is as a meeting of the petty gods ,", "And you the Queen o n't .", "I bless the time", "When my good falcon made her flight across", "Thy father 's ground .", "Apprehend", "Nothing but jollity . The gods themselves ,", "Humbling their deities to love , have taken", "The shapes of beasts upon them : Jupiter", "Became a bull and bellow 'd ; the green Neptune", "A ram and bleated ; and the fire-rob 'd god ,", "Golden Apollo , a poor humble swain ,", "As I seem now . Their transformations", "Were never for a piece of beauty rarer ,", "Nor in a way so chaste , since my desires", "Run not before mine honour , nor my lusts", "Burn hotter than my faith .", "Thou dearest Perdita ,", "With these forc 'd thoughts , I prithee , darken not", "The mirth o \u2019 th \u2019 feast . Or I 'll be thine , my fair ,", "Or not my father 's ; for I cannot be", "Mine own , nor anything to any , if", "I be not thine . To this I am most constant ,", "Though destiny say no . Be merry , gentle ;", "Strangle such thoughts as these with any thing", "That you behold the while . Your guests are coming .", "Lift up your countenance , as it were the day", "Of celebration of that nuptial which", "We two have sworn shall come .", "See , your guests approach .", "Address yourself to entertain them sprightly ,", "And let 's be red with mirth .", "What , like a corse ?", "What you do", "Still betters what is done . When you speak , sweet ,", "I 'd have you do it ever . When you sing ,", "I 'd have you buy and sell so ; so give alms ;", "Pray so ; and , for the ord'ring your affairs ,", "To sing them too . When you do dance , I wish you", "A wave o \u2019 th \u2019 sea , that you might ever do", "Nothing but that ; move still , still so ,", "And own no other function . Each your doing ,", "So singular in each particular ,", "Crowns what you are doing in the present deeds ,", "That all your acts are queens .", "I think you have", "As little skill to fear as I have purpose", "To put you to't . But , come ; our dance , I pray .", "Your hand , my Perdita ; so turtles pair", "That never mean to part .", "Old sir , I know", "She prizes not such trifles as these are .", "The gifts she looks from me are pack 'd and lock 'd", "Up in my heart , which I have given already ,", "But not deliver 'd . O , hear me breathe my life", "Before this ancient sir , whom , it should seem ,", "Hath sometime lov 'd . I take thy hand - this hand ,", "As soft as dove 's down and as white as it ,", "Or Ethiopian 's tooth , or the fann 'd snow that 's bolted", "By th \u2019 northern blasts twice o'er .", "Do , and be witness to't .", "And he , and more", "Than he , and men - the earth , the heavens , and all :", "That , were I crown 'd the most imperial monarch ,", "Thereof most worthy , were I the fairest youth", "That ever made eye swerve , had force and knowledge", "More than was ever man 's , I would not prize them", "Without her love ; for her employ them all ;", "Commend them and condemn them to her service", "Or to their own perdition .", "O , that must be", "I \u2019 th \u2019 virtue of your daughter . One being dead ,", "I shall have more than you can dream of yet ;", "Enough then for your wonder . But come on ,", "Contract us fore these witnesses .", "I have , but what of him ?", "He neither does nor shall .", "No , good sir ;", "He has his health , and ampler strength indeed", "Than most have of his age .", "I yield all this ;", "But , for some other reasons , my grave sir ,", "Which \u2018 tis not fit you know , I not acquaint", "My father of this business .", "He shall not .", "No , he must not .", "Come , come , he must not . Mark our contract .", "Why look you so upon me ?", "I am but sorry , not afeard ; delay 'd ,", "But nothing alt'red . What I was , I am :", "More straining on for plucking back ; not following", "My leash unwillingly .", "I not purpose it . I think Camillo ?", "It cannot fail but by", "The violation of my faith ; and then", "Let nature crush the sides o \u2019 th \u2019 earth together", "And mar the seeds within ! Lift up thy looks .", "From my succession wipe me , father ; I", "Am heir to my affection .", "I am - and by my fancy ; if my reason", "Will thereto be obedient , I have reason ;", "If not , my senses , better pleas 'd with madness ,", "Do bid it welcome .", "So call it ; but it does fulfil my vow :", "I needs must think it honesty . Camillo ,", "Not for Bohemia , nor the pomp that may", "Be thereat glean 'd , for all the sun sees or", "The close earth wombs , or the profound seas hides", "In unknown fathoms , will I break my oath", "To this my fair belov 'd . Therefore , I pray you ,", "As you have ever been my father 's honour 'd friend ,", "When he shall miss me - as , in faith , I mean not", "To see him any more - cast your good counsels", "Upon his passion . Let myself and Fortune", "Tug for the time to come . This you may know ,", "And so deliver : I am put to sea", "With her who here I cannot hold on shore .", "And most opportune to her need I have", "A vessel rides fast by , but not prepar 'd", "For this design . What course I mean to hold", "Shall nothing benefit your knowledge , nor", "Concern me the reporting .", "Hark , Perdita .", "I 'll hear you by and by .", "Now , good Camillo ,", "I am so fraught with curious business that", "I leave out ceremony .", "Very nobly", "Have you deserv 'd . It is my father 's music", "To speak your deeds ; not little of his care", "To have them recompens 'd as thought on .", "How , Camillo ,", "May this , almost a miracle , be done ?", "That I may call thee something more than man ,", "And after that trust to thee .", "Not any yet ;", "But as th \u2019 unthought-on accident is guilty", "To what we wildly do , so we profess", "Ourselves to be the slaves of chance and flies", "Of every wind that blows .", "Worthy Camillo ,", "What colour for my visitation shall I", "Hold up before him ?", "I am bound to you . There is some sap in this .", "My good Camillo ,", "She is as forward of her breeding as", "She is i \u2019 th \u2019 rear o \u2019 our birth .", "My prettiest Perdita !", "But , O , the thorns we stand upon ! Camillo-", "Preserver of my father , now of me ;", "The medicine of our house - how shall we do ?", "We are not furnish 'd like Bohemia 's son ;", "Nor shall appear in Sicilia .", "And those that you 'll procure from King Leontes ?", "Dispatch , I prithee .", "Should I now meet my father ,", "He would not call me son .", "O Perdita , what have we twain forgot ! Pray you a word .", "Fortune speed us !", "Thus we set on , Camillo , to th \u2019 sea-side ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1338, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Whilst I remember", "Her and her virtues , I cannot forget", "My blemishes in them , and so still think of", "The wrong I did myself ; which was so much", "That heirless it hath made my kingdom , and", "Destroy 'd the sweet'st companion that e'er man", "Bred his hopes out of .", "I think so . Kill 'd !", "She I kill 'd ! I did so ; but thou strik'st me", "Sorely , to say I did . It is as bitter", "Upon thy tongue as in my thought . Now , good now ,", "Say so but seldom .", "Good Paulina ,", "Who hast the memory of Hermione ,", "I know , in honour , O that ever I", "Had squar 'd me to thy counsel ! Then , even now ,", "I might have look 'd upon my queen 's full eyes ,", "Have taken treasure from her lips-", "Thou speak'st truth .", "No more such wives ; therefore , no wife . One worse ,", "And better us 'd , would make her sainted spirit", "Again possess her corpse , and on this stage ,", "Where we offend her now , appear soul-vex 'd ,", "And begin \u2018 Why to me \u2019 -", "She had ; and would incense me", "To murder her I married .", "Stars , stars ,", "And all eyes else dead coals ! Fear thou no wife ;", "I 'll have no wife , Paulina .", "Never , Paulina ; so be blest my spirit !", "My true Paulina ,", "We shall not marry till thou bid'st us .", "What with him ? He comes not", "Like to his father 's greatness . His approach ,", "So out of circumstance and sudden , tells us", "\u2018 Tis not a visitation fram 'd , but forc 'd", "By need and accident . What train ?", "His princess , say you , with him ?", "Go , Cleomenes ;", "Yourself , assisted with your honour 'd friends ,", "Bring them to our embracement . Exeunt", "Still , \u2018 tis strange", "He thus should steal upon us .", "Prithee no more ; cease . Thou know'st", "He dies to me again when talk 'd of . Sure ,", "When I shall see this gentleman , thy speeches", "Will bring me to consider that which may", "Unfurnish me of reason .", "Re-enter CLEOMENES , with FLORIZEL , PERDITA , and", "ATTENDANTS", "They are come .", "Your mother was most true to wedlock , Prince ;", "For she did print your royal father off ,", "O my brother-", "Good gentleman ! - the wrongs I have done thee stir", "Afresh within me ; and these thy offices ,", "So rarely kind , are as interpreters", "Of my behind-hand slackness ! Welcome hither ,", "As is the spring to th \u2019 earth . And hath he too", "Expos 'd this paragon to th \u2019 fearful usage ,", "At least ungentle , of the dreadful Neptune ,", "To greet a man not worth her pains , much less", "Th \u2019 adventure of her person ?", "Where the warlike Smalus ,", "That noble honour 'd lord , is fear 'd and lov 'd ?", "The blessed gods", "Purge all infection from our air whilst you", "Do climate here ! You have a holy father ,", "A graceful gentleman , against whose person ,", "So sacred as it is , I have done sin ,", "For which the heavens , taking angry note ,", "Have left me issueless ; and your father 's blest ,", "As he from heaven merits it , with you ,", "Worthy his goodness . What might I have been ,", "Might I a son and daughter now have look 'd on ,", "Such goodly things as you !", "Where 's Bohemia ? Speak .", "Who ? Camillo ?", "You are married ?", "My lord ,", "Is this the daughter of a king ?", "That \u2018 once , \u2019 I see by your good father 's speed ,", "Will come on very slowly . I am sorry ,", "Most sorry , you have broken from his liking", "Where you were tied in duty ; and as sorry", "Your choice is not so rich in worth as beauty ,", "That you might well enjoy her .", "Would he do so , I 'd beg your precious mistress ,", "Which he counts but a trifle .", "I thought of her", "Even in these looks I made .", "But your petition", "Is yet unanswer 'd . I will to your father .", "Your honour not o'erthrown by your desires ,", "I am friend to them and you . Upon which errand", "I now go toward him ; therefore , follow me ,", "And mark what way I make . Come , good my lord . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1338, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["O grave and good Paulina , the great comfort", "That I have had of thee !", "O Paulina ,", "We honour you with trouble ; but we came", "To see the statue of our queen . Your gallery", "Have we pass 'd through , not without much content", "In many singularities ; but we saw not", "That which my daughter came to look upon ,", "The statue of her mother .", "Her natural posture !", "Chide me , dear stone , that I may say indeed", "Thou art Hermione ; or rather , thou art she", "In thy not chiding ; for she was as tender", "As infancy and grace . But yet , Paulina ,", "Hermione was not so much wrinkled , nothing", "So aged as this seems .", "As now she might have done ,", "So much to my good comfort as it is", "Now piercing to my soul . O , thus she stood ,", "Even with such life of majesty - warm life ,", "As now it coldly stands - when first I woo 'd her !", "I am asham 'd . Does not the stone rebuke me", "For being more stone than it ? O royal piece ,", "There 's magic in thy majesty , which has", "My evils conjur 'd to remembrance , and", "From thy admiring daughter took the spirits ,", "Standing like stone with thee !", "Do not draw the curtain .", "Let be , let be .", "Would I were dead , but that methinks already-", "What was he that did make it ? See , my lord ,", "Would you not deem it breath 'd , and that those veins", "Did verily bear blood ?", "The fixture of her eye has motion i n't ,", "As we are mock 'd with art .", "O sweet Paulina ,", "Make me to think so twenty years together !", "No settled senses of the world can match", "The pleasure of that madness . Let \u2018 t alone .", "Do , Paulina ;", "For this affliction has a taste as sweet", "As any cordial comfort . Still , methinks ,", "There is an air comes from her . What fine chisel", "Could ever yet cut breath ? Let no man mock me ,", "For I will kiss her .", "No , not these twenty years .", "What you can make her do", "I am content to look on ; what to speak", "I am content to hear ; for \u2018 tis as easy", "To make her speak as move .", "Proceed . No foot shall stir .", "O , she 's warm !", "If this be magic , let it be an art", "Lawful as eating .", "O peace , Paulina !", "Thou shouldst a husband take by my consent ,", "As I by thine a wife . This is a match ,", "And made between 's by vows . Thou hast found mine ;", "But how , is to be question 'd ; for I saw her ,", "As I thought , dead ; and have , in vain , said many", "A prayer upon her grave . I 'll not seek far-", "For him , I partly know his mind - to find thee", "An honourable husband . Come , Camillo ,", "And take her by the hand whose worth and honesty", "Is richly noted , and here justified", "By us , a pair of kings . Let 's from this place .", "What ! look upon my brother . Both your pardons ,", "That e'er I put between your holy looks", "My ill suspicion . This your son-in-law ,", "And son unto the King , whom heavens directing ,", "Is troth-plight to your daughter . Good Paulina ,", "Lead us from hence where we may leisurely", "Each one demand and answer to his part", "Perform 'd in this wide gap of time since first", "We were dissever 'd . Hastily lead away . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1338, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis much I owe to Fortune , my dear Lucretia , for being so kind to make us Neighbours , where with Ease we may continually exchange our Souls and Thoughts without the attendance of a Coach , and those other little Formalities that make a Business of a Visit ; it looks so like a Journey , I hate it .", "And lament the numberless Impertinences wherewith they continually plague all young Women of Quality .", "Custom is unkind to our Sex , not to allow us free Choice ; but we above all Creatures must be forced to endure the formal Recommendations of a Parent , and the more insupportable Addresses of an odious Fop ; whilst the Obedient Daughter stands \u2014 thus \u2014 with her Hands pinn 'd before her , a set Look , few Words , and a Mein that cries \u2014 Come marry me : out upo n't .", "Thou mayst lay thy Maidenhead upo n't , and be sure of the", "Misfortune to win .", "Faith , my dear Lodwick or no body in my heart , and I hope thou art as well resolv 'd for my Cousin Leander .", "Spare the Relation , for I have observ 'd of late your Mother to have order 'd her Eyes with some softness , her Mouth endeavouring to sweeten it self into Smiles and Dimples , as if she meant to recal Fifteen again , and gave it all to Leander , for at him she throws her Darts .", "Long since .", "He 'll take care to give himself a better Title .", "Prithee let him make ours now , for of all Fops your Country Fop is the most tolerable Animal ; those of the Town are the most unmanagable Beasts in Nature .", "Keeping begins to be as ridiculous as Matrimony , and is a greater Imposition upon the Liberty of Man ; the Insolence and Expence of their Mistresses has almost tir 'd out all but the Old and Doting part of Mankind : The rest begin to know their value , and set a price upon a good Shape , a tolerable Face and Mein :\u2014 and some there are who have made excellent Bargains for themselves that way , and will flatter ye and jilt ye an Antiquated Lady as artfully as the most experienc 'd Miss of \u2018 em all .", "Is discreet and virtuous enough , a little too affected , as being the most learned of her Sex .", "Indeed the Men would have us think so , and boast their Learning and Languages ; but if they can find any of our Sex fuller of Words , and to so little purpose as some of their Gownmen , I 'll be content to change my Petticoats for Pantaloons , and go to a Grammar-school .", "They call us easy and fond , and charge us with all weakness ; but look into their Actions of Love , State or War , their roughest business , and you shall find \u2018 em sway 'd by some who have the luck to find their Foibles ; witness my Father , a Man reasonable enough , till drawn away by doting Love and Religion : what a Monster my young Mother makes of him ! flatter 'd him first into Matrimony , and now into what sort of Fool or Beast she pleases to make him .", "Oh , she finds it the only way to secure her from his Suspicion , which if she do not e'er long give him cause for , I am mistaken in her Humour .\u2014 Enter L. Knowell and Leander . But see your Mother and my Cousin Leander , who seems , poor man , under some great Consternation , for he looks as gravely as a Lay-Elder conducting his Spouse from a Sermon .", "Who , my Cousin Leander a Scholar , Madam ?", "I vow , Madam , he spells worse than a Country Farrier when he prescribes a Drench .", "Worse than a Politician or a States-man .", "Laugh ! why , are you turn 'd Buffoon , Tumbler , or Presbyterian", "Preacher ?", "You 'll find her well employ 'd with my Cousin Leander .", "And his Mistress Psyche , Sir ?", "Well , Sir , what must she do from Twelve till Eight again ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1345, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Enough , my charming Mistress , you 've set my Soul at Peace , and chas 'd away those Fears and Doubts my Jealousy created there .", "Maundy advises well ; my dearest , let 's withdraw to yonder Covert Arbour , whose kind Shades will secure us a Happiness that Gods might envy .", "And cou 'd you guess what Torments I have suffer 'd in these few fatal Months that have divided us , thou wou'dst pity me .", "Does he never go out of Town ?", "Nor to Chuch ?", "Right , my fair Hypocrite .", "What Miracles cannot your Eyes and Tongue perform !", "Dear Creature , how cou 'd we laugh at thy new way of living , had we but some Minutes allow 'd us to enjoy that Pleasure alone .", "Pox o n't , I 'm the dullest dog at plotting , thinking , in the world ; I should have made a damnable ill Town Poet : Has he quite left off going to the Change ?", "Has he no mutinous Cabal , nor Coffee-houses , where he goes religiously to consult the Welfare of the Nation ?", "When he goes to his blind Devotion , cannot you pretend to be sick ? that may give us at least two or three opportunities to begin with .", "Damn the humorous Coxcomb and all his Family , what shall we do ?", "What shall I do , \u2018 tis too late to obscure my self ?", "Madam , should I follow my inclinations , I should pay my Vows no where but there ,\u2014 but I am inform 'd Sir Patient is a Man so positively resolv 'd .\u2014", "And I 'll comply with that Resolve of his , and neither love nor marry Isabella , without his Permission ; and I doubt not but I shall by my Respects to him gain his Consent ,\u2014 to cuckold him .", "But , Madam , when may I promise my self the satisfaction of coming again ? For I 'm impatient for the Sight and Enjoyment of the fair Person I love .", "May I depend upon that Happiness ?", "A Devil on him , wou 'd I were well off : now must I dissemble , profess , and lye most confoundedly .", "Sir , I have \u2014", "You guess most right , Sir .", "Now , Invention , help me or never .", "Fainlove , Sir .", "Yorkshire , Sir .", "The same , Sir .\u2014 I am in , but how to come off again the Devil take me if I know .", "I have not impair 'd it , Sir , and I presume you know its value :\u2014 For I am a Dog if I do .", "You cannot doubt my Principles , Sir , since educated at Geneva .", "That he might have turn 'd honest in time , he means , before he had purchas 'd Bishops Lands .", "None , Sir ,\u2014 Wou 'd I had \u2014 so you were hang 'd .", "Egad , I was at the height of my Invention , and the Alderman civilly and kindly assisted me with the rest ; but how to undeceive him \u2014", "Unkind Creature !", "Well , my pretty Flatterer , to free her Heart and thy Suspicions , I 'll make such aukward Love as shall persuade her , however she chance to like my Person , to think most leudly of my Parts .\u2014 But \u2018 tis fit I take my leave , for if Lodwick or Leander see me here , all will be ruin 'd ; death , I had forgot that .", "Now Foppery assist to make me very ridiculous ,\u2014 Death , she 's very pretty and inviting ; what an insensible Dog shall I be counted to refuse the Enjoyment of so fair , so new a Creature , and who is like to be thrown into my Arms too whether I will or not ?\u2014 but Conscience and my Vows to the fair Mother : No , I will be honest .\u2014 Madam ,\u2014 as Gad shall save me , I 'm the Son of a Whore , if you are not the most Belle Person I ever saw , and if I be not damnably in love with you ; but a pox take all tedious Courtship , I have a free-born and generous Spirit ; and as I hate being confin 'd to dull Cringing , Whining , Flattering , and the Devil and all of Foppery , so when I give an Heart , I 'm an Infidel , Madam , if I do not love to do't frankly and quickly , that thereby I may oblige the beautiful Receiver of my Vows , Protestations , Passions , and Inclination .", "Upon my Reputation , Madam , you 're a civil well-bred Person , you have all the Agreemony of your Sex , la belle Taille , la bonne Mine , & Repartee\u00e9 bien , and are tout oure toore , as I 'm a Gentleman , fort agreeable .\u2014 If this do not please your Lady , and nauseate her , the Devil 's in \u2018 em both for unreasonable Women .\u2014", "Well , if I do hold out , Egad , I shall be the bravest young Fellow in Christendom : But , Madam , I must kiss your Hand at present , I have some Visits to make , Devoirs to pay , necessities of Gallantry only , no Love Engagements , by Jove , Madam ; it is sufficient I have given my Parole to your Father , to do him the honour of my Alliance ; and an unnecessary Jealousy will but disoblige , Madam , your Slave .\u2014 Death , these Rogues see me , and I 'm undone .\u2014", "You must excuse me , Gentlemen .", "Death , these Rogues will ruin me \u2014 but I have Business , Gentlemen , that \u2014", "Here !\u2014 oh , Sir \u2014 a \u2014 I have a design upon the Alderman .", "Faith , no ,\u2014 a \u2014 \u2018 tis to \u2014 borrow Mony of him ; and as I take it ,", "Gentlemen , you are not fit Persons for a Man of Credit to be seen with ,", "I pass for a graver Man ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1345, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Fan . It is this Door that open 'd , and which I thought I had secur 'd .", "Fan . Heavens ! \u2018 twas my Husband 's Voice , sure we 're betray 'd . It must be so , for what Devil but that of Jealousy cou 'd raise him at this late hour ?", "Fan . I know of none , nor how to prevent your Discovery .", "Fan . Hah , Noise !\u2014 what means he ?", "Fan . Oh , he 's coming in \u2014 I 'm ruin 'd ; what shall we do ? here \u2014 get into the Bed \u2014 and cover your self with the Clothes \u2014 quickly \u2014 oh , my Confusion will betray me .", "Fan . Oh , what 's the matter with my Love ? what , do you mean to murder him ? oh , lead him instantly back to his Bed .", "Fan . Possest ! what sickly Fancy 's this ?", "Fan . To hinder him will discover all :\u2014 stay , Sir .\u2014", "Fan . Well , Sir , since you have seen him , I beseech you for my sake ,", "Dear , pardon him this one time .", "Fan . Indeed , my Love , he is to blame ; but we that are judicious should bear with the Frailities of Youth .", "Fan . Truly not much in his Defence , my Dear .", "Fan . But , Sir , to hide the weakness of your Daughter , I have a little strain 'd my Modesty .\u2014", "Fan . \u2018 Tis Isabella 's Lover , Sir , whom I 've conceal 'd .", "Fan . Ay , my dear , Mr. Fainlove .", "Fan . She appointed him to come this Night , Sir , and he going to her", "Chamber , by mistake came into mine , it being the next to her 's .", "Fan . But the poor Man presently perceiv 'd his mistake , and beg 'd my pardon in such feeling Terms \u2014 that I vow I had not the heart to deny it him .", "Fan . And just then , Sir , you came to the Door , and lest you shou 'd see him , intreated me to hide him from your Anger ,\u2014 the Offence is not so heinous , Sir , considering he is so soon to marry her .", "Fan . Not Wittmore ! oh , I am ruin 'd and betray 'd .", "Fan . Some little comfort yet , that he prov 'd indeed to be", "Isabella 's Lover : Oh , that I should mistake so unluckily !", "Fan . By all that 's good , and so did I .", "Fan . Pray , Sir , let him go ; oh , how I abominate the sight of a Man that cou 'd be so wicked as he has been !", "Fan . Ten thousand Curses upon thee ,\u2014 go , boast the Ruin you have made ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1345, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Nay , delicious Lady , you may say your Pleasure ; but I will justify the Serenade to be as high a piece of Gallantry as was ever practised in our Age , though not comparable to your Charms and celestial Graces , which shou 'd I praise as I ought , \u2018 twou 'd require more time than the Sun employs in his natural Motion between the Tropicks ; that is to say , a whole Year ,for , Dear Madam , you must know , my Rhetorick Master ,\u2014 I say , my Rhetorick Master , who was \u2014", "Leave ye ! I thank you for that , i'faith , before I have spoke out my Speech ; therefore I say , Divine Lady \u2014 because my Rhetorick Master commanded the frequent use of Hypallages , Allegories , and the richest Figures of that beauteous Art ,\u2014 because my Rhetorick \u2014", "Lucretia ! I 'm sure she makes a very Tarquinius Sextus of me , and all about this Serenade ,\u2014 I protest and vow , incomparable Lady , I had begun the sweetest Speech to her \u2014 though I say't , such Flowers of Rhetorick \u2014 \u2018 twou 'd have been the very Nosegay of Eloquence , so it wou 'd ; and like an ungrateful illiterate Woman as she is , she left me in the very middle o n't , so snuffy I 'll warrant .", "Nay , bright Lady , I am as little discourag 'd as another , but", "I 'm sorry I gave so extraordinary a Serenade to so little purpose .", "Zoz , what a Question 's there ? dost not know I am to unty the Virgin Zone to morrow , that is , barter Maiden-heads with thy Sister , that is , to be married to her , Man , and I must to Lincolns-Inn to my Counsel about it ?", "Why , what 's the matter ?", "My Will ! no , why my Will , Man ?", "Good Lord , Lodwick , thou art the strangest Man ,\u2014 what do you mean to fright a body thus ?", "Remember it ? Zoz , I think I do , here be the marks o n't sure .\u2014", "My Head broke ! why , \u2018 twas a hundred to one but my Neck had been broke .", "Yes , yes , she was by when I made my dumb Oration .", "Enough , I understand you , set those Rogues on to murder me .", "Worse ! Zoz , Man , what the Devil can be worse ?", "Sha , sha , if that be all , I 'll to him immediately , and make Affidavit I never had any such design . Madam Isabella ! ha , ha , alas , poor man , I have some body else to think on .", "What cursed Luck 's this !\u2014 why , how came he to know I liv 'd here ?", "Leander ! I must confess I never lik 'd that Leander since yesterday .", "Smattering to my Mistress , hah , and therefore wou 'd not be wanting to give me a lift out of this World ; but I shall give her such a go-by \u2014 my Lady Knowell understands the difference between three Thousand a Year , and \u2014 prithee what 's his Estate ?", "Alas , poor Rat , how does he live then ?", "He a Wit ! what , I 'll warrant he writes Lampoons , rails at", "Plays , curses all Poetry but his own , and mimicks the Players \u2014 ha .", "Why , what shall I do , he will not affront me before Company ? hah !", "No notice , quoth he ? why , my very Fears will betray me .", "How \u2014 Poison !", "Oh ,\u2014 I 'm a dead Man !", "Why , this is the most damn 'd Italian Trick I ever heard of ; why , this outdoes the famous Poisoner Madam Brenvilliers ; well , here 's no jesting , I perceive that , Lodwick .", "What , last Night , when you rescued me from the Bilbo-Blades ! indeed ye look 'd a little furiously .", "Follow 'd all the dictates of Nature , Youth and Vigor ! prithee what 's that ?", "Pshaw , is that all , Man ?", "Bless us , the Man 's in a Rapture !", "Well , to the point , Man : what didst do all this while ?", "Had she so ? I shou 'd have beg 'd her Charms pardon , I tell her that though .", "What a Devil 's all this , hard Words , Heart-burnings ,", "Resentments , and all that ?", "I 'm glad they 're Friends ; Zoz , here was like to have been a pretty Business ; what damnable work this same Womankind makes in a Nation of Fools that are Lovers ?", "What was this long Whisper , something about me ?", "Why , I 'll keep within doors , and defy Malice and foul", "Weather .", "Well , I have thought ,\u2014 and of such a Business , that the", "Devil 's i n't if you do n't say I am a man of Intrigue .", "Ha , ha , ha , I must have leave to laugh to think how neatly I shall defeat this Son of a Whore of a thunder thumping Hector .", "Lord , thou art so hasty and conceited of thy own Invention , thou wilt not give a Man leave to think in thy company : why , these were my very thoughts ; nay more , I have found a way to get off clever , though he watch me as narrowly as an enraged Serjeant upon an Escape .", "Why , look ye , do you see that great Basket there ?", "Very well , put me into this Basket , and cord me down , send for a couple of Porters , hoist me away with a Direction , to an old Uncle of mine , one Sir Anthony Bubleton at Bubleton-Hall in Essex ; and then whip slap-dash , as Nokes says in the Play , I 'm gone , and who 's the wiser ?", "Nay , lose no time in applauding , I 'll in , the Carrier goes this Morning ; farewel , Lodwick .\u2014", "One word more , the Carrier lies at the Bell in", "Friday-street , pray take care they set me not on my Head .\u2014", "Ah Lord ! they are come with the Warrant .", "A pox of all Learning , I say ,\u2014 \u2018 tis my Mother-in-law ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1345, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Fan . Wittmore in the Garden , sayst thou , with Isabella ! Oh perjur 'd Man ! it was by his contrivance then I was betray 'd last night .", "Fan . Oh , name it not : I gave him all I had reserv 'd for Wittmore . I was so possess 'd with the thoughts of that dear false one , I had no sense free to perceive the cheat :\u2014 but I will be reveng 'd .\u2014 Come let me end my Letter , we are safe from interruption .", "Fan . And was he soft and kind ?\u2014 By all that 's good , she loves him , and they contriv 'd this meeting .\u2014 My Pen and Ink \u2014 I am impatient to unload my Soul of this great weight of Jealousy .\u2014", "Fan . Hah ,\u2014 and \u2018 tis too late to hide the Paper ; I was just going to subscribe my Name .", "Fan . Indeed I was , and pleasantly too : I am writing a Love-letter ,", "Sir .\u2014 But , my Dear , what makes you so soon up ?", "Fan . I 'll read it to you , Sir .", "Fan . Which thus , Sir , I 'll unfold .\u2014", "Fan . Yes , my Dear , going this morning into her Chamber , she not being there , I took up a Letter that lay open on her Table , and out of curiosity read it ; as near as I can remember \u2018 twas to this purpose : I writ it out now , because I had a mind thou shou'dst see't ; for I can hide nothing from thee .", "Fan . Why ,\u2014 Sir \u2014 What shall I say , I cannot lay it now on Lodwick \u2014", "Fan . Alas , \u2018 tis the excusable fault of all young Women , thou knowst", "I was just such another Fool to thee , so fond \u2014 and so in love .\u2014", "Fan . Nay then \u2018 twill out : No , I beseech you , Sir , give me the Letter , I wou 'd not for the World Isabella shou 'd know of my theft , \u2018 twou 'd appear malicious in me :\u2014 Besides , Sir , it does not befit your Gravity to be concern 'd in the little Quarrels of Lovers .", "Fan . How unlucky I am !\u2014 Sir , as to his Chastisement , use your own discretion , in which you do abound most plentifully . But pray let not Isabella hear of it ; for as I wou 'd preserve my Duty to thee , by communicating all things to thee , so I wou 'd conserve my good Opinion with her .", "Fan . This is the Musick that I long 'd to hear .\u2014 Die !\u2014 Oh , that fatal Word will kill me \u2014", "Fan . Oh , tell me not of transitory Wealth , for I 'm resolv 'd not to survive thee . Eight thousand Pound say you ?\u2014 Oh , I cannot endure the thoughts o n't .", "Fan . Oh , you 'll make me desperate in naming it ,\u2014 is it in Gold or", "Silver ?", "Fan . Good Heavens ! why should you take such pleasure in afflicting me ?\u2014 Behind the Wainscot say you ?", "Fan . Again of dying ! Uncharitable Man , why do you delight in tormenting me ?\u2014 On the left hand , say you as you go in ?", "Fan . Oh , my Spirits fail me \u2014 lead me , or I shall faint ,\u2014 lead me to the Study , and shew me where \u2018 tis ,\u2014 for I am able to hear no more of it .", "Fan . Oh , Maundy , he 'll discover all , what shall we do ?", "Fan . Oh , I 'm all Confusion .\u2014", "Fan . Yes , Sir , you think we do not know of the Appointment you made last Night ; but having other Affairs in hand than to keep your Promise , you sent Mr. Knowell in your room ,\u2014 false Man .", "Fan . Were you not false , then ?\u2014 Now hang me if I do not credit him .", "Fan . Indeed , my Dear , he does , and like an honest Gentleman : and I shou 'd think my self very unreasonable not to believe him .\u2014 And , Sir , I 'll undertake your Peace shall be made with your Mistress .", "Fan . I 'm all Obedience , Sir , and doubtless shall obey you .", "Fan . Alas , Sir , the sad Discourse you lately made me , has so disorder 'd me , and given me such a Pain in my Head , I am not able to endure the Psalm-singing .", "Fan . Oh , by no means , Sir , \u2018 twill scandalize the Brethren ; for you know a Psalm is not sung so much out of Devotion , as \u2018 tis to give notice of our Zeal and pious Intentions : \u2018 tis a kind of Proclamation to the Neighbourhood , and cannot be omitted .\u2014 Oh , how my Head aches !", "Fan . Maundy , follow \u2018 em down , and bring Wittmore back again .\u2014", "There 's now a necessity of our contriving to avoid this", "Marriage handsomly ,\u2014 and we shall at least make two Hours our own ;", "I never wish 'd well to long Prayers till this Minute .", "Fan . Oh Wittmore ! I long to tell thee what a fatal Mistake had like to have happened last Night .", "Fan . I see Lodwick 's a Man of Honour , and deserves a Heart if I had one to give him ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1345, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Fan . Coming up , say you !", "Fan . Oh , damn him , I know not ; if he see thee here after my pretended Illness , he must needs discover why I feign 'd .\u2014 I have no excuse ready ,\u2014 this Chamber 's unlucky , there 's no avoiding him ; here \u2014 step behind the Bed ; perhaps he has only forgot his Psalm-Book and will not stay long .", "Fan . Good Heavens , Sir , is she dead ?", "Fan . I like this well : Ah , Sir , \u2018 tis very true , therefore receive it plentifully and thankfully .", "Fan . Curse on my Dulness .\u2014 Oh , these , Sir , they are Mr. Fainlove 's \u2014 he being so soon to be marry 'd and being straitned for time , sent these to Maundy to be new trim 'd with Ribbon , Sir \u2014 that 's all . Take \u2018 em away , you naughty Baggage , must I have Mens things seen in my Chamber ?", "Fan . Heavens , what means he !", "Fan . Oh , Sir , I am so ill I can hardly stir .", "Fan . You neglect your Devotion , Sir .", "Fan . Have you forgot your Daughter , Sir , and your Disgrace ?", "Fan . No , o \u2019 my Conscience .", "Fan . His precise Worship is as it were disguis 'd , the outward Man is over-taken \u2014 pray , Sir , lie down , and I 'll come to you presently .", "Fan . I will indeed ,\u2014 Death , there 's no getting from him ,\u2014 pray lie down \u2014 and I 'll cover thee close enough I 'll warrant thee .\u2014", "Fan . Pray , Sir , lie still , \u2018 twas I was only going to sit down , and a sudden Giddiness took me in my Head , which made me fall , and with me the Chair ; there is no danger near ye , Sir \u2014 I was just coming to sleep by you .", "Fan . Oh , how I tremble at the dismal apprehension of being discover 'd ! Had I secur 'd my self of the eight thousand Pound , I wou 'd not value Wittmore 's being seen . But now to be found out , wou 'd call my Wit in question , for \u2018 tis the Fortunate alone are wise .\u2014", "Fan . Heavens ! what 's the matter ? we are destin 'd to discovery .", "Fan . Oh , now I see my Fate 's inevitable ! Alas , that ever I was born to see't .", "Fan . \u2018 Tis that , \u2018 tis that , my Dear , that makes me weep . Alas ,", "I never hear this fatal Noise , but some dear Friend dies .", "Fan . I 've heard it , Sir , this two Days , but wou 'd not tell you of it .", "Fan . Ay , Sir , a Death-watch , a certain Larum Death-watch , a thing that has warn 'd our Family this hundred Years , oh ,\u2014 I 'm the most undone Woman !", "Fan . You think so , Sir , but that \u2018 tis about the Bed is my Grief ; it therefore threatens you : Oh wretched Woman !", "Fan . Oh , I never had more Cause ; come try to sleep , your Fate may be diverted \u2014 whilst I 'll to Prayers for your dear Health .\u2014I have almost run out all my stock of Hypocrisy , and that hated Art now fails me .\u2014 Oh all ye Powers that favour distrest Lovers , assist us now , and I 'll provide against your future Malice .", "Fan . Oh , help , I die \u2014 I faint \u2014 run down , and call for help .", "Fan . Oh , go down and bring me help , the Door is lock 'd ,\u2014 they cannot hear ye ,\u2014 oh \u2014 I go \u2014 I die .\u2014", "Fan . Lie still , or we are undone .\u2014", "Sir Patient returns with Maundy .", "Fan . Oh , where 's my Husband , my dearest Husband \u2014 Oh , bring him near me .", "Fan . Something better now , give me more Air ,\u2014 that dismal Larum", "Death-watch had almost kill 'd me ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1345, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["How came you by this Letter ?", "What means this nicety ? forbear I say .\u2014", "Thou art mistaken , leave me ,\u2014 whatever he says here to satisfy my Jealousy , I am confirm 'd that he was false : yet this assurance to free me from this intended Marriage , makes me resolve to pardon him , however guilty .\u2014 Enter Wittmore . How now ! what means this Insolence ? How dare you , having so lately made your guilty approaches , venture again into my presence ?", "And there may lie enough , Sir , when they 're angry . By what", "Authority do you make this saucy Visit ?", "Thou darst not marry me , there will be danger i n't .", "And canst thou think they were address 'd to thee ?", "Leave me , thou hated Object of my Soul .", "Then thou art a Fool , and drawest thy Ruin on ; why , I will hate thee ,\u2014 hate thee most extremely .", "Why , I will never let thee touch me , nor kiss my Hand , nor come into my sight .", "Why , I will cuckold thee , look to't , I will most damnably .", "Lodwick ! What Devil brought that Name to his knowledge ?\u2014 Canst thou know him , and yet dare hope to marry me ?", "Thou basely injurest him , he cannot do a Deed he ought to blush for : Lodwick do this ! Oh , do not credit it ,\u2014 prithee be just and kind for thy own Honour 's sake ; be quickly so , the hasty minutes fly , and will anon make up the fatal Hour that will undo me .", "Nay , then be gone , my poor submissive Prayers , and all that dull Obedience Custom has made us Slaves to .\u2014 Do sacrifice me , lead me to the Altar , and see if all the holy mystick Words can conjure from me the consenting Syllable : No , I will not add one word to make the Charm complete , but stand as silent in the inchanting Circle , as if the Priests were raising Devils there .", "Lodwick ! what good Angel conducted thee hither ?", "Wittmore ! that Friend I 've often heard thee name ? Now some kind mischief on him , he has so frighted me , I scarce can bring my Sense to so much order , to thank him that he loves me not .", "Dear Madam , for my sake do not anger him now .", "He 's but stept into Cheapside , to fit the Ring , Sir , and will be here immediately .", "Father , dear Father , must I in one day receive a Blessing with so great a Curse ? Oh ,\u2014 he 's just going , Madam .\u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1345, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Unload part of the Library , and make room for th'other dozen of", "Carts ; I'le straight be with you .", "More than ten Marts send over .", "Their names ! he has \u2018 em as perfect as his Pater Noster ; but that 's nothing , h'as read them over leaf by leaf three thousand times ; but here 's the wonder , though their weight would sink a Spanish Carrock , without other Ballast , he carrieth them all in his head , and yet he walks upright .", "If all thy pipes of Wine were fill 'd with Books , made of the Barks of Trees , or Mysteries writ in old moth-eaten Vellam , he would sip thy Cellar quite dry , and still be thirsty : Then for 's Diet , he eats and digests more Volumes at a meal , than there would be Larksdevoured in a month in Paris . Yet fear not Sons o'the Buttery and Kitchin , though his learn 'd stomach cannot be appeas 'd ; he 'll seldom trouble you , his knowing stomach contemns your Black-jacks , Butler , and your Flagons ; and Cook , thy Boil 'd , thy Rost , thy Bak 'd .", "Not as other men do , few Princes fare like him ; he breaks his fast with Aristotle , dines with Tully , takes his watering with the Muses , sups with Livy , then walks a turn or two in Via Lactea , andsleeps with old Erra Pater .", "I'le tell you more hereafter . Here 's my old Master , and another old ignorant Elder ; I'le upon \u2018 em .", "Contemplating the number of the Sands in the Highway , and from that , purposes to make a Judgment of the remainder in the Sea : he is , Sir , in serious study , and will lose no minute , nor out of 's pace to knowledge .", "Yet he hath sent his duty , Sir , before him in this fair Manuscript .", "I much pity you , it is the Syrian Character , or the Arabick . Would you have it said , so great and deep a Scholar as Mr Charles is , should ask blessing in any Christian Language ? Were it Greek I could interpret for you , but indeed I 'm gone no farther .", "If I keep her from your French Dialect , as I hope I shall , Sir ; however she is your Landress , she shall put you to the charge of no more Soap than usual for th'washing of your Sheets .", "And drink too , Sir .", "I had rather Commence on a cold Bak 'd meat .", "I suspect my Master has found harsh welcome , he 's gone supperless into his Study ; could I find out the cause , it may be borrowing of his Books , or so , I shall be satisfied .", "These are Court-admirers , and ever echo him that bears the Bag . Though I be dull-ey 'd , I see through this jugling .", "Which he is not , and I trust never shall be .", "The Gout rather , and a perpetual Meagrim .", "In tough Welsh Parsly , which , in our vulgar Tongue , is strong Hempen Halters ; my poor Master cozen 'd , and I a looker on ! If we have studi 'd our Majors and our Minors , Antecedents and Consequents , to be concluded Coxcombs , w'have made a fair hand o n't . I am glad I have found out all their plots , and their Conspiracies ; this shall t'old Monsieur Miramont , one , that though he cannot read a Proclamation , yet dotes on Learning , and loves my Master Charles for being a Scholar ; I hear he 's coming hither , I shall meet him ; and if he be that old , rough , testy blade he always us 'd to be , I'le ring him such a peal , as shall go near to shake their Belroom , peradventure beat 'm , for he is fire and flax ; and so have at him ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1357, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Nay , Brother , Brother .", "But how to govern then , and understand , Sir , and be as wise as y'are hasty , though you be my Brother , and from one bloud sprung , I must tell ye heartily and home too .", "What I grieve to find , you are a fool , and an old fool , and that 's two .", "No , they 're entail 'd to \u2018 em . Seek to deprive an honest noble Spirit , your eldest Son , Sir , and your very Image ,because he loves his Book , and dotes on that , and only studies how to know things excellent , above the reach of such course Brains as yours , such muddy Fancies , that never will know farther than when to cut your Vines , and cozen Merchants , and choak your hidebound Tenants with musty Harvests .", "I'am not come to my pace yet . Because h'has made his study all his pleasure , and is retir 'd into his Contemplation , not medling with the dirt and chaff of Nature , that makes the spirit of the mind mud too ; therefore must he be flung from his inheritance ? must he be dispossess 'd , and Monsieur Gingle-boy his younger Brother \u2014", "Because h'has been at Court , and learn 'd new Tongues , and how to speak a tedious piece of nothing ; to vary his face as Sea-men do their compass , to worship Images of gold and silver , and fall before the She - calves of the season ; therefore must he jump into his Brother 's Land ?", "Never enough .", "It is not to be a Justice of Peace as you are , and palter out your time i'th \u2019 penal Statutes . To hear the curious Tenets controverted between a Protestant Constable , and Jesuite Cobler ; to pick Natural Philosophy out of Bawdry , when your Worship 's pleas 'd to correctifie a Lady ; nor \u2018 tis not the main Moral of blind Justice ,when your Worships Tenants bring a light cause , and heavy Hens before ye , both fat and feeble , a Goose or Pig ; and then you 'll sit like equity with both hands weighing indifferently the state o'th \u2019 question . These are your Quodlibets , but no Learning , Brother .", "Faith no ; but I believe I have a learned faith , Sir , and that 's it makes a Gentleman of my sort ; though I can speak no Greek , I love the sound of \u2018 t , it goes so thund'ring as it conjur 'd Devils : Charles speaks it loftily , and if thou wert a man , or had'st but ever heard of Homers Iliads , Hesiod , and the Greek Poets , thou wouldst run mad , and hang thy self for joy th \u2019 hadst such a Gentleman to be thy Son : O he has read such things to me !", "I tell thee , No , that 's not material ; the sound 's sufficient to confirm an honest man : Good Brother Brisac , does your young Courtier , that wears the fine Cloaths , and is the excellent Gentleman ,understand any other power than his Tailor ? or knows what motion is more than an Horse-race ? What the Moon means , but to light him home from taverns ? or the comfort of the Sun is , but to wear slash 'd clothes in ? And must this piece of ignorance be popt up , because \u2018 t can kiss the hand , and cry , sweet Lady ? Say it had been at Rome , and seen the Reliques , drunk your Verdea Wine , and rid at Naples , brought home a Box of Venice Treacle with it , to cure young Wenches that have eaten Ashes : Must this thing therefore ?\u2014", "He is an Ass , a piece of Ginger-bread , gilt over to please foolish", "Girls puppets .", "So I had need , and have an elder Wit , thou'dst shame us all else . Go to , I say , Charles shall inherit .", "Should , say'st thou ? thou monstrous piece of ignorance in Office ! thou that hast no more knowledge than thy Clerk infuses , thy dapper Clerk , larded with ends of Latin , and he no more than custom of offences . Thou unreprieveable Dunce ! that thy formal Bandstrings , thy Ring , nor pomander cannot expiate for , dost thou tell me I should ? I'le pose thy Worship in thine own Library and Almanack , which thou art daily poring on , to pick out days of iniquity to cozen fools in , and Full Moons to cut Cattle : dost thou taint me , that have run over Story , Poetry , Humanity ?", "Thou shalt not do .", "Thou art an Ass then , a dull old tedious Ass ; th \u2019 art ten times worse , and of less credit than Dunce Hollingshead the Englishman , that writes of Shows and Sheriffs .", "O sweet Sir , keep your good morrow to cool your Worships pottage ; a couple of the worlds fools met together to raise up dirt and dunghils .", "He shall be hang 'd first .", "He will be flead first , and Horse-collars made of 's skin .", "But hark you , Monsieur , have you the virtuous conscience to help to rob an Heir , an Elder Brother , of that which Nature and the Law flings on him ? You were your Father 's eldest Son , I take it , and had his Land ; would you had had his wit too , or his discretion , to consider nobly , what \u2018 tis to deal unworthily in these things ; you 'll say he 's none of yours , he 's his Son ; and he will say , he is no Son to inherit above a shelf of Books : Why did he get him ? why was he brought up to write and read , and know these things ? why was he not like his Father , a dumb Justice ? a flat dull piece of phlegm , shap 'd like a man , a reverend Idol in a piece of Arras ? Can you lay disobedience , want of manners , or any capital crime to his charge ?", "Good Night-caps keep brains warm , or Maggots will breed in \u2018 em . Well , Charles , thou shalt not want to buy thee Books yet , the fairest in thy Study are my gift , and the University of Lovain , for thy sake , hath tasted of my bounty ; and to vex the old doting Fool thy Father , and thy Brother , they shall not share a Solz of mine between them ; nay more , I 'll give thee eight thousand Crowns a year , in some high strain to write my Epitaph ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1357, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What a noise is in this house ? my head is broken , within a Parenthesis , in every corner , as if the Earth were shaken with some strange Collect , there are stirs and motions . What Planet rules this house ? Enter Andrew . Who 's there ?", "Come near , and lay thine ear down ; hear'st no noise ?", "Can they set them again ?", "What speaking 's that ? sure there 's a Massacre .", "Do they thus at every Dinner ? I ne 're mark 'd them yet , nor know who is a Cook .", "What loads are these ?", "What 's that ?", "I 've read of Deer , but yet I ne'er eat any .", "Sure these are modern , very modern meats , for I understand \u2018 em not .", "And why is all this , prethee tell me , Andrew ? are there any Princes to dine here to day ? by this abundance sure there should be Princes ; I 've read of entertainment for the gods at half this charge ; will not six Dishes serve \u2018 em ? I never had but one , and that a small one .", "What of that ?", "Marri 'd ! to whom ?", "Are there modest women ? how do they look ?", "What does my Father for \u2018 em ?", "Must I have nothing ?", "I am his eldest Brother .", "\u2018 Tis well ; he 'll not inherit my understanding too ?", "Hark ! hark !", "Sure this should be modest , but I do not truly know what women make of it , Andrew ; she has a face looks like a story , the story of the Heavens looks very like her .", "She has a Cherubin 's , cover 'd and vail 'd with modest blushes . Eustace , be happy , whiles poor Charles is patient . Get me my Books again , and come in with me \u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1357, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I find no fault , better things well done , than want time to do them . Uncle , why are you sad ?", "Can he speak , Sir ?", "And does he speak well there ?", "He is a man .", "Then conversation me thinks \u2014", "I like thy nobleness .", "And methinks bravely . This the meer Scholar ?", "I wonder ; is he your Brother , Sir ?", "Speak not so softly , Sir , \u2018 tis very likely .", "No certain , Sir , I have heard nothing from you but things excellent .", "They have rich linings , Sir . I would your Brother \u2014", "But touch \u2018 em inwardly , they smell of Copper .", "And one hand seal the Match , I 'm yours for ever .", "Nay certainly , \u2018 tis done , Sir .", "Only conditional , that if he had the Land , he had my love too ; this Gentleman 's the Heir , and he 'll maintain it . Pray be not angry , Sir , at what I say ; or if you be , \u2018 tis at your own adventure . You have the out - side of a pretty Gentleman , but by my troth your inside is but barren ; \u2018 tis not a face I only am in love with , nor will I say your face is excellent , a reasonable hunting face to court the wind with ; nor they 're not words , unless they be well plac 'd too , nor your sweet Dam-mes , nor your hired Verses , nor telling me of Clothes , nor Coach and Horses , no nor your visits each day in new Suits , nor your black Patches you wear variously , some cut like Stars , some in Half-moons , some Lozenges ,", "Nor your long travels , nor your little knowledge , can make me doat upon you . Faith go study , and glean some goodness , that you may shew manly ; your Brother at my suit I 'm sure will teach you ; or only study how to get a Wife , Sir . Y'are cast far behind , \u2018 tis good you should be melancholy , it shews like a Gamester that had lost his mony ; and \u2018 tis the fashion to wear your arm in a skarf , Sir , forhave had a shrewd cut o'er the fingers .", "Yes , believe me , Father , you shall ne'er choose for me ; y'are old and dim , Sir , and th \u2019 shadow of the earth Eclips 'd your judgment . Y'have had your time without control , dear Father , and you must give me leave to take mine now , Sir .", "Must I be gone too ?", "Then this man will ; what Fortune he shall run , Father , be't good or bad , I must partake it with him .", "I 'll wear course Flannel first ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1357, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I 'm worse than e'er I was ; for now I fear , that that I love , that that I only dote on ; he follows me through every room I pass , and with a strong set eye he gazes on me , as if his spark of innocence were blown into a flame of lust . Virtue defend me . His Uncle too is absent , and \u2018 tis night ; and what these opportunities may teach him \u2014 What fear and endless care \u2018 tis to be honest ! to be a Maid what misery , what mischief ! Would I were rid of it , so it were fairly .", "Dare you venture that ?", "He follows still , yet with a sober face ; would I might know the worst , and then I were satisfied .", "I am going to bed , Sir .", "You may have me to bed , Sir , without a scruple , and yet I am chary too who comes about me . Two Innocents should not fear one another .", "I fear he will perswade me to mistake him .", "Pray ye to your bed .", "True , Sir , when \u2018 tis lawful : but yet you know \u2014", "I shall be a Heretick if this continue . What would you do a bed ? you make me blush , Sir .", "I am becoming Traitor .", "I 've too much woman in me .", "I must be gone .", "Then we may walk .", "To bed , and pray then , we may have a fair end of our fair loves ; would I were worthy of you , or of such parents that might give you thanks : But I am poor in all but in your love . Once more , good night .", "Let it be ever night when I lose you .", "This is no fit time of night .", "Hold off your hands , unmannerly , rude Sir ; nor I , nor what I have depend on you .", "I cannot love ye , let that satisfie you ; such vanities as you , are to be laugh 'd at .", "But do not kill \u2018 em , Sir .", "To borrow me a while , Sir ; but one that never fought yet , has so curri 'd , so bastinado 'd them with manly carriage , they stand like things Gorgon had turn 'd to stone : they watch 'd your being absent , and then thought they might do wonders here , and they have done so ; for by my troth I wonder at their coldness , the nipping North or Frost never came near them ; St George upon a sign would grow more sensible . If the name of Honour were for ever to be lost , these were the most sufficient men to do it in all the world ; and yet they are but young , what will they rise to ? They 're as full of fire as \u2019 a frozen Glow-worms rattle , and shine as goodly : Nobility and patience are match 'd rarely in these three Gentlemen , they have right use o n't ; they 'll stand still for an hour and be beaten . These are the Anagrams of three great Worthies .", "Pray , Sir , be careful of us ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1357, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Are you come , old Master ? Very good , your Horse is well set up ; but ere you part , I 'll ride you , and spur your Reverend Justiceship such a question , as I shall make the sides of your Reputation bleed , truly I will . Now must I play at Bo-peep \u2014 A Banquet \u2014 well , Potatoes and Eringoes , and , as I take it , Cantharides \u2014 Excellent , a Priapism follows , and as I 'll handle it , it shall , old Lecherous Goat in Authority . Now they begin to Bill ; how he slavers her ! Gramercy Lilly , she spits his kisses out , and now he offers to fumble , she falls off ,and cries fair play above board . Who are they in the corner ? As I live , a covy of Fidlers ; I shall have some Musick yet at my making free o'th \u2019 Company of Horners ; there 's the comfort , and a Song too ! He beckons for one \u2014 Sure \u2018 tis no Anthem , nor no borrow 'd Rhymes out of the School of Vertue ; I will listen \u2014", "He must pass this way to th \u2019 only Bed I have ; he comes , stand close .", "And can this be earnest ?", "A Whore , a Whore !", "Pray you know your Cue , and second me , Sir . By your Worship 's favour .", "I come in time to take possession of th'Office you assign me ; hold the door ! alas , \u2018 tis nothing for a simple man to stay without , when a deep understanding holds conference within , say with his Wife : a trifle , Sir . I know I hold my Farm by Cuckolds Tenure ; you are Lord o'th \u2019 Soil , Sir . Lilly is a Weft , a stray , she 's yours to use , Sir , I claim no interest in her .", "By all means , I 'll only have a Ballad made of't , sung to some lewd Tune , and the name of it shall be Justice Trap ; it will sell rarely with your Worships name , and Lilly 's on the top .", "\u2018 Tis for your credit , Monsieur Brisac , printed in Capital", "Letters , then pasted upon all the posts in Paris .", "O , it will proclaim you from the City to the Court , and prove Sport", "Royal .", "You trouble me . Then his intent arriving , the vizard of his hypocrisie pull 'd ofto the Judge criminal .", "He 's put out of Commission with disgrace , and held uncapable of bearing Office ever hereafter . This is my revenge , and this I 'll put in practice .", "To bring me back from my Grammar to my Hornbook , it is unpardonable .", "What composition ?", "Umb , this mollifies ; but y'are so fickle , and will again deny this , there being no witness by .", "Say you so ? troth there 's a friend of mine , Sir , within hearing , that 's familiar with all that 's past , his testimony will be authentical .", "You may tie his tongue up , as you would do your purse-strings .", "This is my witness . Lord how you are troubled ! sure you have an Age , you shake so with choler : Here 's your loving Brother , Sir , and will tell no body but all he meets , that you have eat a Snake , and are grown young , gamesome , and rampant .", "If he were one that would make jests of you , or plague ye , with making your Religious gravity ridiculous to your Neighbours , then you had some cause to be perplex 'd .", "Quick , Lilly , quick , he 's now past kissing , between point and point . He swounds , fetch him some Cordial \u2014 Now put in , Sir .", "We 'll teach him to meddle with Scholars .", "\u2018 Twill be rare , Sir ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1357, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Turn 'd out of doors and baffled !", "My Coach and Horses made the ransom of our Cowardize !", "And does the Court , that should be the Example and Oracle of the", "Kingdom , read to us no other Doctrine ?", "Piety then , and valour , nor to do and suffer wrong , are they no virtues ?", "And all this you seriously believe ?", "Now my eyes are open , and I behold a strong necessity that keeps me knave and coward .", "Nor can I change my copy , if I purpose to be of your society .", "Honour is nothing with you ?", "My sword forc 'd from me too , and still detain 'd , you think \u2018 tis no blemish .", "And yet you wear a sword .", "Will't not fight of it self ?", "I'le borrow this , I like it well .", "And now I have it , leave me ; y'are infectious , the plague and leprosie of your baseness spreading on all that do come near you ; such as you render the Throne of Majesty , the Court , suspected and contemptible ; you are Scarabee 's that batten in her dung , and have no palats to taste her curious Viands ; and like Owles , can only see her night deformities , but with the glorious splendor of her beauties , you are struck blind as Moles , that undermine the sumptuous Building that allow 'd you shelter : you stick like running ulcers on her face , and taint the pureness of her native candor , and being bad Servants , cause your Masters goodness to be disputed of ; you make the Court , that is the abstract of all Academies , to teach and practise noble undertakings ,a School of Vices .", "A heavenly one , that raising me from sloth and ignorance ,carries me up into the air of action , and knowledge of my self ; even now I feel , but pleading only in the Court 's defencea happy alteration , and full strength to stand her Champion against all the world , that throw aspersions on her .", "Recant what you have said , ye Mungrils , and lick up the vomit ye have cast upon the Court , where you unworthily have had warmth and breeding , and swear that you , like Spiders , have made poison of that which was a saving Antidote .", "Except you two , you Rascals .", "And that until you are again reform 'd and grown new men , you ne'ere presume to name the Court , or press into the Porter 's Lodge but for a penance , to be disciplin 'd for your roguery , and this done with true contrition .", "You again may eat scraps , and be thankful .", "Keep your oaths , and without grumbling vanish .", "May all the poorness of my spirit go with you : the fetters of my thraldom are fil 'd off , and I at liberty to right my self ; and though my hope in Angellina 's little , my honourshall , like the Sun , disperse those lowring Clouds that yet obscure and dim it ; not the name of Brother shall divert me , but from him , that in the world 's opinion ruin 'd me , I will seek reparation , and call him unto a strict accompt . Ha ! \u2018 tis near day , and if the Muses friend , Rose-cheek 'd Aurora , invite him to this solitary Grove , as I much hope she will , he seldome missing to pay his vows here to her , I shall hazard to hinder his devotions \u2014 The door opens , \u2018 tis he most certain , and by 's side my Sword . Blest Opportunity .", "Now , Sir , treat of no other Theme , I'le keep you to it , and see y'expound it well .", "The same , Sir , your younger Brother , who , as duty binds him , hath all this nightattended , to bid Good-morrow t'ye .", "O much , Sir , here I end not , but begin ; I must speak to you in another strain than yet I ever us 'd ; and if the language appear in the delivery rough and harsh , youmust condemn your self , from whom I learn 'd it .", "I come not to lay claim to your birth-right , \u2018 tis your own , and \u2018 tis fit you enjoy it ; nor ask I from you your learning and deep knowledge ;I know them Diamonds by your sole industry , patience and labour , forc 'd from steep Rocks , and with much toil attended , and but to few that prize their value granted , and therefore without Rival freely wear them .", "I require thenthe reputation of a man , the honour , not by a fair War won when I was waking , but in my sleep of folly ravish 'd from me ; with these , the restitution of my Sword , with large acknowledgment of satisfaction , my Coach , my Horses ; I will part with life , ere lose one hair of them ; and , what concludes all , my Mistris Angellina , as she was before the musical Magick of thy tongue inchanted and seduc 'd her . These perform 'd , and with submission , and done publickly , at my Father 's and my Uncle 's intercession ,I perhaps may listen to terms of reconcilement ; but if these , in every circumstance , are not subscrib 'd to , to the last gasp I defie thee .", "My rest is up , nor will I give less .", "This discourse is from the subject .", "You shall fight then .", "None .", "She detain 'd , I 'm deaf to all persuasion .", "Second him , or call in more help . Come not between us , I'le not know nor spare you ; D'ye fight by th \u2019 book ?", "Never , Charles , \u2018 tis thine , and in thy death , be doubled in me .", "Nor I from any , this shall decide my interest ; though I am lost to all deserving men , to all that men call good , for suffering tamely insufferable wrongs , and justly slighted by yielding to a minute of delay in my revenge , and from that made a stranger unto my Father 's house and favour , o'erwhelm ' d with all disgraces ; yet I will mount upward , and force my self a fortune , though my birth and breeding do deny it .", "All this is Lip-salve .", "I'le take leave a little to consider .", "What of her ?", "I would do much , Sir , but still my reptation !", "And if I follow not , a cowards name be branded on my forehead .", "I dare not doubt it , Sir ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1357, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Here 's a learned Lecture ! Lew . From this idlenesse", "Diseases both in body and in minde", "Grow strong upon you ; where a stirring nature", "With wholesome exercise guards both from danger :", "I'de have thee rise with the Sunne , walke , dance or hunt ,", "Visite the groves and springs , and learne the vertue", "Of Plants and Simples : Doe this moderately ,", "And thou shall not with eating chalke , or coales ,", "Leather and oatmeale , and such other trash ,", "Fall into the greene sicknesse . Syl . With your pardon", "I could", "Prescribe a remedy for my Ladies health ,", "And her delight too , farre transcending those", "Your Lordship but now mention 'd . Lew . What is it Sylvia ?", "What i'st ? A noble Husband ; In that word , a", "Noble Husband , all content of Woman", "Is wholly comprehended ; He will rowse her ,", "As you say , with the Sunne , and so pipe to her ,", "As she will dance , ne 're doubt it , and hunt with her ,", "Upon occasion , untill both be weary ;", "And then the knowledge of your Plants and Simples ,", "As I take it , were superfluous ; A loving ,", "And but adde to it a gamesome Bedfellow ,", "Being the sure Physician . Lew . Well said Wench .", "Thoughts are but airy food Sir , let her tast them ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1357, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["If all thy pipes of wine were fill 'd with bookes", "Made of the barkes of trees , or mysteries writ", "In old moth-eaten vellam , he would sip thy Celler", "Quite dry , and still be thirsty ; Then for 's Diet ,", "He eats and digests more Volumes at a meal ,", "Than there would be Larkes", "Devowred in a moneth in Paris , yet feare not", "Sons oth \u2019 buttry , and kitchin , though his learn 'd stomack", "Cannot b \u2019 appeas 'd ; Hee 'll seldom trouble you ,", "His knowing stomack contemnes your blacke Jacks , Butler ,", "And your Flagons ; and Cook thy boyl 'd , thy roast , thy bak 'd .", "I'le tell you more hereafter , here 's my old Master", "And another old ignorant Elder , Ile upon \u2018 em .", "Enter Brisac , Lewis .", "What Andrew ? welcome , where 's my Charles ! speake Andrew ,", "Where didst thou leave thy Master ? And . Contemplating", "The number of the sands in the high way ,", "And from that , purposes to make a judgement", "Of the remainder in the Sea ; He is Sir ,", "In serious study , and will lose no minute ,", "Nor out of \u2018 s pace to knowledge . Lew . This is strange .", "Yet he hath sent his duty Sir before him", "In this fair manuscript . Bri . What have we here ?", "Pot-hookes and Andirons ! And . I much pitie you ,", "It is the Syrian Character , or the Arabicke ,", "Would \u2018 ee have it said , so great and deep a Scholar", "As Master Charles is , should ask blessing", "In any Christian Language ? Were it Greeke ,", "I could interpret for you , but indeed", "I 'm gone no farther . Bri . And in Greeke , you can", "Lie with your smug wife Lilly . And . If I keepe her", "From your French dialect , as I hope I shall Sir ,", "Howere she is your Laundresse , she shall put you", "To th \u2019 charge of no more soape than usuall", "For th \u2019 washing of your sheets . Bri . Take in the knave ,", "And let him eat . And . And drink too Sir . Bri . And drinke too Sir ,", "And see your Masters Chamber ready for him .", "Which he is not , and I trust never shall be .", "In tough Welsh parsly , which in our vulgar Tongue", "Is strong hempen halters ; My poore Master coo'znd ,", "And I a looker on ! If we have studied", "Our majors , and our minors , antecedents ,", "And consequents , to be concluded coxcombes ,", "W have made a faire hand o n't ; I am glad I h 've found", "Out all their plots , and their conspiracies ;", "This shall t \u2019 old Mounsieur Miramont , one , that though", "He cannot read a Proclamation , yet", "Dotes on learning , and loves my Master Charles", "For being a Schollar ; I hear hee 's comming hither ,", "I shall meet him , and if he be that old", "Rough teasty blade he always us 'd to be ,", "I'le ring him such a peale as shall go neere", "To shake their belroome , peradventure , beat \u2018 m ,", "For he is fire and flaxe , and so have at him . Exit .", "Finis Actus primi ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1357, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["But how to govern then , and understand Sir ,", "And be as wise as y'are hasty , though you be", "My brother , and from one bloud sprung , I must tell yee", "Heartily and home too . Br . What Sir ? Mir . What I grieve to find", "You are a foole , and an old foole , and that 's two .", "Because h \u2019 has been at Court and learn 'd new tongues ,", "And how to speak a tedious peece of nothing ;", "To vary his face as Seamen do their Compass ,", "To worship images of gold and silver ,", "And fall before the she Calves of the Season ,", "Therefore must he jump into his brothers land ?", "It is not to be a justice of Peace as you are ,", "And palter out your time ith \u2019 penal Statutes .", "To heare the curious Tenets controverted", "Between a Protestant Constable , and Jesuit Cobler ,", "To pick natural Philosophic out of bawdry ,", "When your Worship 's pleas 'd to correctifie a Lady ;", "Nor \u2018 tis not the main moral of blinde Justice ,", "when your worships Tenants", "Bring a light cause , and heavie Hennes before yee ,", "Both fat and feesible , a Goose or Pig ,", "And then you sit like equity with both hands", "Weighing indifferently the state oth \u2019 question .", "These are your quodlibets , but no learning Brother .", "I tell thee no , that 's not material ; the sound 's", "Sufficient to confirme an honest man :", "Good brother Brisac , do 's your young Courtier", "That weares the fine cloathes , and is the excellent Gentleman ,", "Understand any other power than his Taylor ?", "Or knowes what motion is more than an Horse race ?", "What the moon meanes , but to light him home from Taverns ?", "Or the comfort of the Sun is , but to weare slash't clothes in ?", "And must this peece of ignorance be popt up ,", "Because \u2018 t can Kisse the hand , and cry sweet Lady ?", "Say it had been at Rome , and seen the Reliques ,", "Drunk your Verdea wine , and ridde at Naples ,", "Brought home a pox of Venice treacle with it ,", "To cure young wenches that have eaten ashes :", "Must this thing therefore ?\u2014 Bri . Yes Sir this thing must ,", "I will not trust my land to one so sotted ,", "So grown like a disease unto his studie ;", "He that will fling off all occasions", "And cares , to make him understand what state is ,", "And how to govern it , must by that reason ,", "Be flung himself aside from managing :", "My younger boy is a fine Gentleman .", "He is an asse , a peece of Ginger-bread ,", "Gilt over to please foolish girles puppets .", "Thou shall not doe . Bri . I will . Mir . Thou art an Asse then ,", "A dull old tedious Asse , th", "art ten times worse", "And of lesse credit than Dunce Hollingshead", "The Englishman , that writes of snowes and Sheriffes .", "But hark you Monsieur , have you the vertuous conscience", "To help to robb an heire , an Elder Brother ,", "Of that which Nature and the Law flings on him ?", "You were your fathers eldest son , I take it ,", "And had his Land , would you had had his wit too ,", "Or his discretion to consider nobly ,", "What \u2018 tis to deale unworthily in these things ;", "You'l say hee 's none of yours , he 's his son ;", "And he will say , he is no son to inherit", "Above a shelfe of Bookes ; Why did he get him ?", "Why was he brought up to write and reade , and know things ?", "Why was he not like his father , a dumbe Justice ?", "A flat dull peece of flegme , shap 'd like a man ,", "A reverend Idoll in a peece of arras ?", "Can you lay disobedience , want of manners ,", "Or any capital crime to his charge ? Lew . I doe not ,", "Nor do not weigh your words , they bite not me , Sir ;", "This man must answer . Bri . I have do n't already .", "And giv'n sufficient reason to secure me ;", "And so good morrow brother to your patience ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1357, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Do 's he not study conjuring too ? And . Have you", "Lost any Plate , Butler ? But . No , but I know", "I shall to morrow at dinner . And . Then to morrow", "You shall be turn 'd out of your place for't ; we meddle", "With no spirits oth \u2019 Buttry , they taste too small for us ;", "Keep me a Pye in folio , I beseech thee ,", "And thou shall see how learnedly Ile translate him ;", "Shalls have good cheer to morrow ? Coo . Ex . Lent , good cheer Andrew .", "O heavens ! why do I labour out my life", "In a beef-pot ? and only search the secrets", "Of a Sallad ; and know no farther ! And . They are not", "Reveal 'd to all heads ; These are far above", "Your Element of Fire . Cooke . I could tell you", "Of Archimides glass to fire your coals with ,", "And of the Philosophers turf that nere goes out ;", "And Gilbert Butler , I could ravish thee ,", "With two rare inventions . But . What are they Andrew ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1357, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["These Notaries are notable confident Knaves ,", "And able to doe more mischeife than an Army :", "Are all your clauses sure ? Not . Sure as proportion ,", "They may turne Rivers sooner than these writings .", "Twas not condition 'd . Not . If it had been found ,", "It had been but a fault made in the writing ;", "If not found all the Land . Lew . These are small Devils", "That care not who has misch", "fe , so they make it ;", "They live upon the meere scent of dissension .", "Tis well , tis well , Are you contented Girle ?", "For your wil must be known . Ang . A husband 's welcom ,", "And as an humble wife He entertaine him ,", "No soveraignty I aime at , \u2018 tis the mans Sir ,", "For she that seekes it , killes her husbands Honour :", "The Gentleman I have scene , and well observ 'd him ,", "Yet find not that grac 'd excellence you promise ,", "A pretty Gentle man and he may please too ,", "And some few flashes I have hear 'd come from him ,", "But not to admiration as to others ;", "Hee 's young and may be good , yet he must make it ,", "And I may help , and help to thank him also .", "It is your pleasure I should make him mine ,", "And't has beene still my duty to observe you .", "Why then let 's go , And I shall love your modesty .", "To horse , and bring the Coach out Angellina ,", "To morrow you will looke more womanly .", "Pray take a piece of rosemarie . Mir . Ile wear it ,", "But for the Ladies sake , and none of yours ;", "May be Ile see your table too . Bri . Pray do , Sir .", "He speakes unhappily . Aug. and me thinkes bravely . This the meere Schollar ? Eust . You but vexe your selfe brother And vex your studie too . Cha . Go you and studie , For \u2018 ts time young Eustace , you want both man and manners , I 've studied both , although I made no shew o n't . Goe turne the Volumes over I have read , Eate and digest them , that they may grow in thee , Weare out the tedious night with thy dimme Lampe , And sooner lose the day than leave a doubt . Distil the sweetness from the Poets Spring , And learne to love , Thou know'st not what faire is , Traverse the stories of the great Heroes , The wise and civill lives of good men walke through ; Thou hast scene nothing but the face of Countries , And brought home nothing but their empty words : Why should'st thou weare a Jewel of this worth ? That hast no worth within thee to preserve her . Beauty cleere and faire , where the aire Rather like a perfume dwells , Where the violet and the rose The blew veines in blush disclose , And come to honour nothing else . Where to live neere , And planted there , Is to live , and still live new ; Where to gain a favour is More then light , perpetual blisse , Make me live by serving you . Deare again backe recal to this light , A stranger to himselfe and all ; Both the wonder and the story Shall be yours , and eke the Glory , I am your servant , and your thrall .", "Nay , stay , stay , stay . Ang . Nay certainly , tis done Sir .", "But are y \u2019 in earnest ? Ang . Yes , beleeve me father ,", "You shall nere choose for me , y'are old and dim Sir ,", "And th \u2019 shaddow of the earth ecclips 'd your judgement ,", "Y'have had your time without controwle deare father ,", "And you must give me leave to take mine now Sir .", "Nor send not you for Gownes . Ang . Ile weare course flannel first ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1357, "act_index": 0}, {"query": [": To-day I come within this sacred fane ,", "Which I have often entered to implore", "And thank the gods for conquest . In my breast", "I bear an old and fondly-cherish 'd wish ,", "To which methinks thou canst not be a stranger :", "I hope , a blessing to myself and realm ,", "To lead thee to my dwelling as my bride .", ": Thus still to shroud thyself", "From me , as from the lowest , in the veil", "Of mystery which wrapp 'd thy coming here ,", "Would in no country be deem 'd just or right .", ": Whate'er respecting thee the gods decree ,", "Since thou hast dwelt amongst us , and enjoy 'd", "The privilege the pious stranger claims ,", "To me hath fail 'd no blessing sent from heaven .", "End then thy silence , priestess !", ": From that same Tantalus , whom Jove himself", "Drew to his council and his social board ?", ": But tell me by what miracle thou sprangest", "From race so savage .", ": I yield no higher honour or regard", "To the king 's daughter than the maid unknown ;", "Once more my first proposal I repeat .", ": Not many words are needed to refuse ,", "The no alone is heard by the refused .", ": Then go !", "And to the voice of reason close thine ear .", "Hear then my last resolve . Be priestess still", "Of the great goddess who selected thee .", "From olden time no stranger near 'd our shore", "But fell a victim at her sacred shrine ;", "But thou , with kind affection didst enthral", "Me so that wholly I forgot my duty ;", "And I did not hear my people 's murmurs .", "Now they cry aloud . No longer now", "Will I oppose the wishes of the crowd .", "Two strangers , whom in caverns of the shore", "We found conceal 'd , and whose arrival here", "Bodes to my realm no good , are in my power .", "With them thy goddess may once more resume", "Her ancient , pious , long-suspended rites !", "I send them here \u2014 thy duty not unknown .", ": Fierce anger rages in my riven breast ,", "First against her whom I esteem 'd so pure ;", "Then \u2018 gainst myself , whose foolish lenity", "Hath fashion 'd her for treason . Vain my hope", "To bind her to me . Now that I oppose", "Her wish , she seeks to gain her ends by fraud .", "Wherefore delay the sacrifice ; inform me !", "To thee this time seems also opportune .", "Obey thine office , not the king .", ": Extravagant thy interest in the fate", "Of these two strangers . Tell me who they are .", ": Thy countrymen ; no doubt they have renewed", "The pleasing picture of return .", "IPHIGENIA", ": Attend ,", "O king , and honour truth in me . A plot", "Deceitfully and secretly is laid", "Touching the captives thou dost ask in vain .", "They have escaped . The eldest is Orestes ,", "Whom madness seized , my brother ; Pylades ,", "His early friend and confidant , the other .", "From Delphi , Phoebus sent them to this shore ,", "To steal away the image of Diana ,", "And to him bear back the sister thither .", "And for this , deliverance promised he", "The Fury-haunted son .", ": The traitors have contrived a cunning web ,", "And cast it round thee , who , secluded long ,", "Giv'st willing credence to thine own desire .", ": None in my presence with impunity", "His naked weapon wears !", "Let none annoy the foe while we confer .", ": Now , answer me ; how dost thou prove thyself", "The priestess \u2019 brother , Agamemnon 's son ?", ": E'en though thy words had banish 'd every doubt ,", "Still must our arms decide . I see no peace ;", "Their purpose , as thou didst thyself confess ,", "Was to deprive me of Diana 's image !", "Then go !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1362, "act_index": 0}, {"query": [": \u2018 Tis he , \u2018 tis Nathan , thanks to God , returned ,", "At last !", ": Oh , Nathan ! How near you came to misery ; when afar ,", "The house took fire , and Recha , \u2018 mid the flames ,", "Had all but perished .", "Your Recha , yours ? My conscience bids me speak \u2014\u2014", "I shall be silent .", "This morn of you she dreamed ; Her thoughts have only been with you and him Who saved her from the fire .", ": A young knight Templar lately captive ta'en ,", "But pardoned by the sultan . He it was", "Who burst through flame and smoke ; and she believes", "Him but a transient inmate of the earth \u2014", "A guardian angel ! Stay , your daughter comes !", ": Yet Saladin granted this youth his life ,", "For his great likeness to a dear dead brother .", ": But then he wanted nothing , nothing sought ;", "Was in himself sufficient , like an angel .", "You kill her !", "Treasurer now to Saladin .Ay , lift thine eyes and wonder !", "All in vain . He will not visit Jews ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1362, "act_index": 0}, {"query": [": What !", "Whose cruelty hath sown this sharp suspicion", "In thy fond heart ? Ah ! if there be two fathers", "At strife for thee , quit both , and take a third .", "Take Saladin for father ! I 'll be kind .", ": In a good hour . Blushing becomes the fair .", "But see , our Nathan 's coming , with another .", "Canst guess , sweet girl ? Ay , when he comes , blush crimson .", "Come , stickle not for niceties with him .", "Make him thy offer , doing for him more ,", "Far more , than he for thee , for what was that", "But make himself a little sooty . Come !", "NATHAN", ": Hold , Saladin ; hold , Sittah ! There 's another", "Whom I must speak with first \u2014 the maiden 's brother .", "TEMPLAR", ": He has imposed a father on her , now", "He 'll shark her up a brother ! Where 's the man ?", ": Christian , such words as yours had never passed", "My Assad 's lips .", ": What ! not acknowledge", "A sister such as she ? Go !", ": And I half tremble", "At thought of the emotion still to be .", "Nathan , you say her father was no German .", "What was he , then ?", "The Persian ! Need I more ? Twas my Assad !", "Ay ! \u2018 tis his hand , even his . Oh , Sittah , Sittah , they 're my brother 's children .Now , now , proud boy , thou canst not choose but love me .And I to thee am all I sought to be , With or without thy leave ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1362, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["A good day to my lord .", ": And reason , to attend your lordship .", "Go to my nephew , Marrall .", "See all his debts discharged , and help his worship", "To fit on his rich suit .", ": \u2018 Twill fire her , for she 's wholly yours already .", "Sweet Master Allworth , take my ring ; \u2018 twill carry", "To her presence , I dare warrant you ; and there plead", "For my good lord , if you shall find occasion .", "That done , pray ride to Nottingham ; get a licence", "Still by this token . I 'll have it dispatched ,", "And suddenly , my lord , that I may say", "My honourable , nay , right honourable daughter .", ": I came not to make offer with my daughter", "A certain portion ; that were poor and trivial :", "In one word , I pronounce all that is mine ,", "In lands , or leases , ready coin , or goods ,", "With her , my lord , comes to you ; nor shall you have", "One motive to induce you to believe", "I live too long , since every year I 'll add", "Something unto the heap , which shall be yours too .", ": You 'll have reason", "To think me such . How do you like this seat ?", "Would it not serve to entertain your friends ?", ": She , the mistress ?", "It may be so for a time ; but let my lord", "Say only he but like it , and would have it ,", "I say ere long \u2018 tis his .", "You do conclude too fast . \u2018 Tis not alone", "The Lady Allworth 's lands ; for these , once Wellborn 's", ",", "Shall soon be mine . But point out any man 's", "In all the shire , and say they lie convenient", "And useful for your lordship , and once more", "I say aloud , they are yours .", ": Your reputation shall stand as fair", "In all good men 's opinions as now .", "All my ambition is to have my daughter", "Right honourable ; which my lord can make her :", "And might I live to dance upon my knee", "A young Lord Lovell , borne by her unto you ,", "I write nil ultra to my proudest hopes .", "I 'll ruin the country to supply your waste :", "The scourge of prodigals , want , shall never find you .", ": Yes , as rocks are ,", "When foamy billows split themselves against", "Their flinty ribs ; or as the moon is moved", "When wolves , with hunger pined , howl at her brightness .", "I only think what \u2018 tis to have my daughter", "Right honourable ; and \u2018 tis a powerful charm ,", "Makes me insensible of remorse , or pity ,", "Or the least sting of conscience .", ": \u2018 Tis for you ,", "My lord , and for my daughter I am marble .", "My haste commands me hence : in one word , therefore ,", "Is it a match , my lord ?", ": Then rest secure ; not the hate of all mankind ,", "Not fear of what can fall on me hereafter ,", "Shall make me study aught but your advancement", "One storey higher : an earl ! if gold can do it ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1362, "act_index": 0}, {"query": [": Your creature , madam . I will never hold", "My life my own , when you please to command it .", ": I heard of him , madam ,", "By his minister , Marrall . He 's grown into strange passions", "About his daughter . This last night he looked for", "Your lordship at his house ; but missing you ,", "And she not yet appearing , his wise head", "Is much perplexed and troubled .", "OVERREACH", ": Ha ! find her , booby ; thou huge lump of nothing .", "I 'll bore thine eyes out else .", ": May't please your lordship ,", "For some ends of my own , but to withdraw", "A little out of sight , though not of hearing .", "Well .", "\u2018 Tis all I owe you .", "Well , sir , and what follows ?", ": No , indeed , you shall not :", "Nor bond , nor bill , nor bare acknowledgment ;", "Your great looks fright not me . And whereas , sir ,", "You charge me with a debt of a thousand pounds ,", "Either restore my land , or I 'll recover", "A debt , that is truly due to me from you ,", "In value ten times more than what you challenge .", ": I do acknowledge none ; I ne'er passed o'er", "Any such land ; I grant , for a year or two ,", "You had it in trust ; which if you do discharge ,", "Surrendering the possession , you shall ease", "Yourself and me of chargeable suits in law .", ": Indented , I confess , and labels too ;", "But neither wax nor words . How ? Thunderstruck !", "Is this your precious evidence , my wise uncle ?", "To save thee would beggar the stock of mercy .", "You are so , my grave uncle , it appears .", ": You are a rascal . He that dares be false", "To a master , though unjust , will ne'er be true", "To any other . Look not for reward", "Or favour from me . Instantly begone .", ": There 's no help ;", "Disarm him first , then bind him ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1362, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Thus , in the triumphs of soft peace , I reign ;", "And , from my walls , defy the powers of Spain ;", "With pomp and sports my love I celebrate ,", "While they keep distance , and attend my state .\u2014", "Parent to her , whose eyes my soul enthral ,", "You praise him like a friend ; and I confess ,", "His brave deportment merited no less .", "I marked him , when alone", "He entered first , and with a graceful pride", "His fiery Arab dextrously did guide ,", "Who , while his rider every stand surveyed ,", "Sprung loose , and flew into an escapade ;", "Not moving forward , yet , with every bound ,", "Pressing , and seeming still to quit his ground .", "What after passed", "Was far from the Ventanna where I sate ,", "But you were near , and can the truth relate .", "The alarm-bell rings from our Alhambra walls ,", "And from the streets sound drums and ataballes .", "Enter a Messenger .", "How now ? from whence proceed these new alarms ?", "Draw up behind the Vivarambla place ; Double my guards ,\u2014 these factions I will face ; And try if all the fury they can bring , Be proof against the presence of their king . The Factions appear : At the head of the Abencerrages , OZMYN ; at the head of the Zegrys , ZULEMA , HAMET , GOMEL , and SELIN : ABENAMAR and ABDELMELECH , joined with the Abencerrages .", "On your allegiance , I command you stay ;", "Who passes here , through me must make his way ;", "My life 's the Isthmus ; through this narrow line", "You first must cut , before those seas can join .", "What fury , Zegrys , has possessed your minds ?", "What rage the brave Abencerrages blinds ?", "If of your courage you new proofs would show ,", "Without much travel you may find a foe .", "Those foes are neither so remote nor few ,", "That you should need each other to pursue .", "Lean times and foreign wars should minds unite ;", "When poor , men mutter , but they seldom fight .", "O holy Alha ! that I live to see", "Thy Granadines assist their enemy !", "You fight the christians \u2019 battles ; every life", "You lavish thus , in this intestine strife ,", "Does from our weak foundations take one prop ,", "Which helped to hold our sinking country up .", "From equal stems their blood both houses draw ,", "They from Morocco , you from Cordova .", "Disarm them both ; if they resist you , kill .", "Kill him ! this insolent unknown shall fall ,", "And be the victim to atone you all .", "It was a traitor 's voice that spoke those words ;", "So are you all , who do not sheath your swords .", "The word which I have given , I 'll not revoke ;", "If he be brave , he 's ready for the stroke .", "Since , then , no power above your own you know ,", "Mankind should use you like a common foe ;", "You should be hunted like a beast of prey :", "By your own law I take your life away .", "I do not want your counsel to direct", "Or aid to help me punish or protect .", "Away , and execute him instantly !", "Brother , you know not yet his insolence .", "Is this the Almanzor whom at Fez you knew ,", "When first their swords the Xeriff brothers drew ?", "Impute your danger to our ignorance ;", "The bravest men are subject most to chance :", "Granada much does to your kindness owe ;", "But towns , expecting sieges , cannot show", "More honour , than to invite you to a foe .", "Lay down your arms , and let me beg you cease Your enmities .", "A king entreats you .", "Attend him ; he shall have his audience here .", "Tell Ferdinand , my right to it appears", "By long possession of eight hundred years :", "When first my ancestors from Afric sailed ,", "In Rodrique 's death your Gothic title failed .", "\u2018 Tis true from force the noblest title springs ;", "I therefore hold from that , which first made kings .", "I 'll hear no more ; defer what you would say ;", "In private we 'll discourse some other day .", "The force used on me made that contract void .", "Take this for answer , then ,\u2014", "Whate'er your arms have conquered of my land ,", "I will , for peace , resign to Ferdinand .\u2014", "To harder terms my mind I cannot bring ;", "But , as I still have lived , will die a king .", "My mistress gently chides the fault I made :", "But tedious business has my love delayed ,\u2014", "Business which dares the joys of kings invade .", "Approach , my Almahide , my charming fair , Blessing of peace , and recompence of war . This night is yours ; and may your life still be The same in joy , though not solemnity . THE ZAMBRA DANCE . SONG . I . Beneath a myrtle shade , Which love for none , but happy lovers made , I slept ; and straight my love before me brought Phyllis , the object of my waking thought . Undressed she came my flames to meet , While love strewed flowers beneath her feet ; Flowers which , so pressed by her , became more sweet . II . From the bright vision 's head A careless veil of lawn was loosely spread : From her white temples fell her shaded hair Like cloudy sunshine , not too brown nor fair ; Her hands , her lips , did love inspire ; Her every grace my heart did fire : But most her eyes , which languished with desire . III . Ah , charming fair , said I , How long can you my bliss and yours deny ? By nature and by love , this lonely shade Was for revenge of suffering lovers made . Silence and shades with love agree ; Both shelter you and favour me : You cannot blush , because I cannot see . IV . No , let me die , she said , Rather than lose the spotless name of maid !\u2014 Faintly , methought , she spoke ; for all the while She bid me not believe her , with a smile . Then die , said I : She still denied ; And is it thus , thus , thus , she cried , You use a harmless maid ?\u2014 and so she died ! V .I waked , and straight I knew , I loved so well , it made my dream prove true : Fancy , the kinder mistress of the two , Fancy had done what Phyllis would not do ! Ah , cruel nymph , cease your disdain , While , I can dream you scorn in vain ,\u2014 Asleep or waking you must ease my pain . To them OZMYN ; his sword drawn .", "The Christians are dislodged ; what foe is near ?", "I cannot meanly for my life provide ;", "I 'll either perish i n't , or stem this tide .", "To guard the palace , Ozmyn , be your care :", "If they o'ercome , no sword will hurt the fair .", "Advise , or aid , but do not pity me :", "No monarch born can fall to that degree .", "Pity descends from kings to all below ;", "But can , no more than fountains , upward flow .", "Witness , just heaven , my greatest grief has been ,", "I could not make your Almahide a queen .", "In walls we meanly must our hopes inclose ,", "To wait our friends , and weary out our foes :", "While Almahide", "To lawless rebels is exposed a prey ,", "And forced the lustful victor to obey .", "We are betrayed , the enemy is here ;", "We have no farther room to hope or fear .", "That I so long delayed what you desire ,"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["This happy day does to Granada bring", "A lasting peace , and triumphs to the king !\u2014", "The two fierce factions will no longer jar ,", "Since they have now been brothers in the war .", "Those who , apart , in emulation fought ,", "The common danger to one body brought ;", "And , to his cost , the proud Castilian finds", "Our Moorish courage in united minds .", "Fate , after him , below with pain did move ,", "And victory could scarce keep pace above :", "Death did at length so many slain forget ,", "And lost the tale , and took them by the great .", "Of all those Christians who infest this town ,", "This duke of Arcos is of most renown .", "But , see , your beauteous sister does appear .", "Why , fairest Lyndaraxa , do you fly", "In my hard fortune , I some ease should find ,", "Did your disdain extend to all mankind .", "But give me leave to grieve , and to complain ,", "That you give others what I beg in vain .", "My rival merits you .\u2014", "To Abdelmelech I will justice do ;", "For he wants worth , who dares not praise a foe .", "I fain would ask , ere I proceed in this ,", "If , as by choice , you are by promise his ?", "When cities are besieged , and treat to yield ,", "If there appear relievers from the field ,", "The flag of parley may be taken down ,", "Till the success of those without is known ;", "Your treaty has not tied you to a day ;", "Some chance might break it , would you but delay .", "If I can judge the secrets of your heart ,", "Ambition in it has the greatest part ;", "And wisdom , then , will shew some difference ,", "Betwixt a private person , and a prince .", "Had I a crown , all I should prize in it ,", "Should be the power to lay it at your feet .", "If I am king , and if my brother die ,\u2014", "The rule of happiness by reason scan ;", "You may be happy with a private man .", "Why would you be so great ?", "Madam ,\u2014 because I would all doubts remove ,\u2014", "Would you , were I a king , accept my love ?", "Your sharp replies make me not love you less ;", "But make me seek new paths to happiness .\u2014", "What I design , by time will best be seen :", "You may be mine , and yet may be a queen .", "When you are so , your word your love assures .", "Howe'er imperious in her words she were ,", "Her parting looks had nothing of severe ;", "A glancing smile allured me to command ,", "And her soft fingers gently pressed my hand :", "I felt the pleasure glide through every part ;", "Her hand went through me to my very heart .", "For such another pleasure , did he live ,", "I could my father of a crown deprive .\u2014", "What did I say ?\u2014", "Father !\u2014 That impious thought has shocked my mind :", "How bold our passions are , and yet how blind !\u2014", "She 's gone ; and now ,", "Methinks , there is less glory in a crown :", "My boiling passions settle , and go down .", "Like amber chafed , when she is near , she acts ;", "When farther oft , inclines , but not attracts .", "Enter ZULEMA .", "Assist me , Zulema , if thou wouldst be", "That friend thou seem'st , assist me against me .", "Betwixt my love and virtue I am tossed ;", "This must be forfeited , or that be lost .", "I could do much to merit thy applause ,\u2014", "Help me to fortify the better cause ;", "My honour is not wholly put to flight ,", "But would , if seconded , renew the fight .", "I stand reproved , that I did doubt at all ;", "My waiting virtue staid but for thy call :", "\u2018 Tis plain that she , who , for a kingdom , now", "Would sacrifice her love , and break her vow ,", "Not out of love , but interest , acts alone ,", "And would , even in my arms , lie thinking of a throne .", "I hope you only would my honour try ;", "I 'm loth to think you virtue 's enemy .", "Reason was given to curb our head-strong will .", "In cursed ambition I no rest should find ,", "But must for ever lose my peace of mind .", "Justice distributes to each man his right ;", "But what she gives not , should I take by might ?", "Had fate so pleased , I had been eldest born ,", "And then , without a crime , the crown had worn !\u2014", "No more !\u2014 I will usurp the royal seat ;", "Thou , who hast made me wicked , make me great .", "What face of any title can I bring ?", "To sharp-eyed reason this would seem untrue ;", "But reason I through love 's false optics view .", "Our loves and fortunes shall together go ;", "Thou shalt be happy , when I first am so .", "\u2018 Would he were ours !\u2014", "I 'll try to gild the injustice of his cause ,", "And court his valour with a vast applause .", "He said , you were not by your promise tied ;", "That he absolved your word , when he denied .", "You have your vengeance in your hand this hour ;", "Make me the humble creature of your power :", "The Granadines will gladly me obey ;", "And , when I shew my title , you shall see ,", "I have a better right to reign than he .", "The majesty of kings we should not blame ,", "When royal minds adorn the royal name ;", "The vulgar , greatness too much idolize ,", "But haughty subjects it too much despise .", "Haste , then , and lose no time !\u2014", "The business must be enterprised this night :", "We must surprise the court in its delight .", "If as a friend , I am obliged to hear ;", "And what a rival says I cannot fear .", "Your counsels , noble Abdelmelech , move", "My reason to accept them , not my love .", "Ah , why did heaven leave man so weak defence ,", "To trust frail reason with the rule of sense !", "\u2018 Tis over-poised and kicked up in the air ,", "While sense weighs down the scale , and keeps it there ;", "Or , like a captive king , \u2018 tis borne away ,", "And forced to countenance its own rebels \u2019 sway .", "You speak too late ; my empire 's lost too far :", "I cannot fight .", "Her tears , her smiles , her every look 's a net .", "Her voice is like a Syren 's of the land ;", "And bloody hearts lie panting in her hand .", "Love , like a lethargy , has seized my will .", "I 'm not myself , since from her sight I went ;", "I lean my trunk that way , and there stand bent .", "As one , who , in some frightful dream , would shun", "His pressing foe , labours in vain to run ;", "And his own slowness , in his sleep , bemoans ,", "With thick short sighs , weak cries , and tender groans ,", "So I \u2014", "I cannot , will not ,\u2014 nay , I would not fly :", "I 'll love , be blind , be cozened till I die ;", "And you , who bid me wiser counsel take ,", "I 'll hate , and , if I can , I 'll kill you for her sake .", "My first acknowledgments to heaven are due ;", "My next , Almanzor , let me pay to you .", "I have a favour to demand of you ;", "That is , to take the thing for which you sue .", "This needs no suit ; in justice , I declare . She is your captive by the right of war .", "Your generosity I much approve ;", "But your excess of that shows want of love .", "May your heroic act so prosperous be ,", "That Almahide may sigh you set her free .", "The merits of the cause I 'll not decide ,", "But , like my love , I would my gift divide .", "Your equal titles then no longer plead ;", "But one of you , for love of me , recede .", "Since both cannot possess what both pursue ,", "I grieve , my friend , the chance should fall on you ;", "But when you hear what reason I can urge \u2014", "Your boldness to your services I give :", "Now take it , as your full reward ,\u2014 to live ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["That he should dare to do me this disgrace !\u2014", "Is fool , or coward , writ upon my face ?", "Refuse my prisoner !\u2014 I such means will use ,", "He shall not have a prisoner to refuse .", "He break my promise , and absolve my vow !", "\u2018 Tis more than Mahomet himself can do !\u2014", "The word , which I have given , shall stand like fate ;", "Not like the king 's , that weather-cock of state .", "He stands so high , with so unfixed a mind ,", "Two factions turn him with each blast of wind :", "But now , he shall not veer ! my word is past ;", "I 'll take his heart by the roots , and hold it fast .", "It is sufficient that you make the claim ;", "You wrong our friendship when your right you name .", "When for myself I fight , I weigh the cause ;", "But friendship will admit of no such laws :", "That weighs by the lump ; and , when the cause is light ,", "Puts kindness in to set the balance right .", "True , I would wish my friend the juster side ;", "But , in the unjust , my kindness more is tried :", "And all the opposition I can bring ,", "Is , that I fear to make you such a king .", "I only speak of him ,", "Whom pomp and greatness sit so loose about ,", "That he wants majesty to fill them out .", "For you to will , for me \u2018 tis to obey :", "But I would give a crown in open day ;", "And , when the Spaniards their assault begin ,", "At once beat those without , and these within .", "We have not fought enough ; they fly too soon ;", "And I am grieved the noble sport is done .", "This only man , of all whom chance did bring", "Next , the brave Spaniard free without delay ;", "And with a convoy send him safe away .", "To them HAMET and others .", "He much o'erhYpppHeNrates the little I have done . Selin to Ozmyn . Now , to revenge the murder of my son , To morrow for thy certain death prepare ; This night I only leave thee to despair .", "What business can this woman have with me ?", "Yes , I will turn my face , but not my mind :", "You bane and soft destruction of mankind ,", "What would you have with me ?", "Well ; my fierce visage shall not murder you .", "Speak quickly , woman ; I have much to do .", "I 'm pleased and pained , since first her eyes I saw ,", "As I were stung with some tarantula .", "Arms , and the dusty field , I less admire ,", "And soften strangely in some new desire ;", "Honour burns in me not so fiercely bright ,", "But pale as fires when mastered by the light :", "Even while I speak and look , I change yet more ,", "And now am nothing that I was before .", "I 'm numbed , and fixed , and scarce my eye-balls move :", "I fear it is the lethargy of love !", "\u2018 Tis he ; I feel him now in every part :", "Like a new lord he vaunts about my heart ;", "Surveys , in state , each corner of my breast ,", "While poor fierce I , that was , am dispossessed .", "I 'm bound ; but I will rouse my rage again ;", "And , though no hope of liberty remain ,", "I 'll fright my keeper when I shake my chain .", "You are \u2014", "You are \u2014 You shall \u2014 And I can scarce forbear \u2014", "\u2018 Tis all in vain ; it will not do :", "\u2018 Tis you have raised that tempest in my will .", "I wonnot love you ; give me back my heart ;", "But give it , as you had it , fierce and brave .", "It was not made to be a woman 's slave ,", "But , lion-like , has been in desarts bred ,", "And , used to range , will ne'er be tamely led .", "Restore its freedom to my fettered will ,", "And then I shall have power to use you ill .", "No , speak ; for I can hear you now all day .", "Her sueing sooths me with a secret pride :", "Who dares touch her I love ? I 'm all o'er love :", "Nay , I am love ; love shot , and shot so fast ,", "He shot himself into my breast at last .", "Are you beloved by him ? O wretched fate ,", "First that I love at all ; then , loved too late !", "Yet , I must love !", "Would heaven had quite forgot me this one day !", "But fate 's yet hot \u2014", "I 'll make it take a bent another way .", "He signed but his : but I will seal my love . I love you better , with more zeal than he .", "Good heaven , thy book of fate before me lay ,", "But to tear out the journal of this day :", "Or , if the order of the world below", "Will not the gap of one whole day allow ,", "Give me that minute when she made her vow !", "That minute , ev'n the happy from their bliss might give ;", "And those , who live in grief , a shorter time would live .", "So small a link , if broke , the eternal chain", "Would , like divided waters , join again .\u2014", "It wonnot be ; the fugitive is gone ,", "Prest by the crowd of following minutes on :", "That precious moment 's out of nature fled ,", "And in the heap of common rubbish laid ,", "Of things that once have been , and are decayed .", "Forgive that fury which my soul does move ;", "\u2018 Tis the essay of an untaught first love :", "Yet rude , unfashioned truth it does express ;", "\u2018 Tis love just peeping in a hasty dress .", "Retire , fair creature , to your needful rest ;", "There 's something noble labouring in my breast :", "This raging fire , which through the mass does move ,", "Shall purge my dross , and shall refine my love .", "To him ABDALLA as King , attended .", "A poor surprise , and on a naked foe ,", "Whatever you confess , is all you owe ;", "And I no merit own , or understand", "That fortune did you justice by my hand :", "Yet , if you will that little service pay", "With a great favour , I can shew the way .", "Then , briefly , thus : when I the Albayzyn won ,", "I found the beauteous Almahide alone ,", "Whose sad condition did my pity move ;", "And that compassion did produce my love .", "She is no captive then ; I set her free ;", "And , rather than I will her jailor be ,", "I 'll nobly lose her in her liberty .", "No , \u2018 tis the excess of love which mounts so high ,", "That , seen far off , it lessens to the eye .", "Had I not loved her , and had set her free ,", "That , sir , had been my generosity ;", "But \u2018 tis exalted passion , when I show", "I dare be wretched , not to make her so :", "And , while another passion fills her breast ,", "I 'll be all wretched rather than half blest .", "She your reward ! why , she 's a gift so great ,", "That I myself have not deserved her yet ;", "And therefore , though I won her with my sword ,", "I have , with awe , my sacrilege restored .", "Thou , single , art not worth my answering :", "But take what friends , what armies thou canst bring ;", "What worlds ; and , when you are united all ,", "Then will I thunder in your ears ,\u2014 She shall .", "I have receded to the utmost line ,", "When , by my free consent , she is not mine :", "Then let him equally recede with me ,", "And both of us will join to set her free .", "Thou shalt not wish her thine ; thou shalt not dare", "To be so impudent , as to despair .", "What are ten thousand subjects such as they ? If I am scorned \u2014 I 'll take myself away .", "None , none that your ingratitude can purge .", "Reason 's a trick , when it no grant affords ;", "It stamps the face of majesty on words .", "To live !", "If from thy hands alone my death can be ,", "I am immortal , and a god to thee .", "If I would kill thee now , thy fate 's so low ,", "That I must stoop ere I can give the blow :", "But mine is fixed so far above thy crown ,", "That all thy men ,", "Piled on thy back , can never pull it down :", "But , at my ease , thy destiny I send ,", "By ceasing from this hour to be thy friend .", "Like heaven , I need but only to stand still .", "And , not concurring to thy life , I kill .", "Thou canst no title to my duty bring ;", "I 'm not thy subject , and my soul 's thy king .", "Farewell . When I am gone ,", "There 's not a star of thine dare stay with thee :", "I 'll whistle thy tame fortune after me ;", "And whirl fate with me wheresoe'er I fly ,", "As winds drive storms before them in the sky .", "It is indeed Almanzor whom you see ,", "But he no longer is your enemy .", "You were ungrateful , but your foes were more ;", "What your injustice lost you , theirs restore .", "Make profit of my vengeance while you may ,", "My two-edged sword can cut the other way .\u2014", "I am your fortune , but am swift like her ,", "And turn my hairy front if you defer :", "That hour , when you deliberate , is too late ;", "I point you the white moment of your fate .", "In that you more accuse yourselves than me ;", "None who are injured can inconstant be .", "You were inconstant , you , who did the wrong ;", "To do me justice does to me belong .", "Great souls by kindness only can be tied ;", "Injured again , again I 'll leave your side .", "Honour is what myself , and friends , I owe ;", "And none can lose it who forsake a foe .", "Since , then , your foes now happen to be mine ,", "Though not in friendship , we 'll in interest join :", "So while my loved revenge is full and high ,", "I 'll give you back your kingdom by the by .", "This counsellor an old man 's caution shows ,", "Who fears that little , he has left , to lose :", "Age sets a fortune ; while youth boldly throws .", "But let us first your drooping soldiers cheer ;", "Then seek out danger , ere it dare appear :", "This hour I fix your crown upon your brow ;", "Next hour fate gives it , but I give it now ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I have too long the effects of fortune known ,", "Either to trust her smiles , or fear her frown .", "Since in their first attempt you were not slain ,", "Your safety bodes you yet a second reign .", "The people like a headlong torrent go ,", "And ev'ry dam they break , or overflow ;", "But , unopposed , they either lose their force ,", "Or wind , in volumes , to their former course .", "One of my blood , in rules of virtue bred ! Think better of her , and believe she 's dead .", "Believe him sent as prince Abdalla 's spy ;", "He would betray us to the enemy .", "Almanz , Were I , like thee , in cheats of state grown old ,", "Then thou mightst think me fit for that low part ;", "But I am yet to learn the statesman 's art .", "My kindness and my hate unmasked I wear ;", "For friends to trust , and enemies to fear .", "My heart 's so plain ,", "That men on every passing through may look ,", "Like fishes gliding in a crystal brook ;", "When troubled most , it does the bottom shew ,", "\u2018 Tis weedless all above , and rockless all below .", "Ere he be trusted , let him then be tried ;", "He may be false , who once has changed his side ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["O , could I read the dark decrees of fate ,", "That I might once know whom to love , or hate !", "For I myself scarce my own thoughts can guess ,", "So much I find them varied by success .", "As in some weather-glass , my love I hold ;", "Which falls or rises with the heat or cold .\u2014", "I will be constant yet , if fortune can ;", "I love the king ,\u2014 let her but name the man .", "Some message from the king .\u2014 Let him appear .", "Your danger brings this trouble in my eyes .\u2014", "But what affair this \u2018 venturous visit drew ?", "The courage of your love I so admire ,", "That , to preserve you , you shall straight retire .", "I thank you , that you so much care bestow ;", "But , if his reign be short , I need not go .", "For why should I expose my life , and yours ,", "For what , you say , a little time assures ?", "Abdelm , My danger in the attempt is very small ;", "And , if he loves you , yours is none at all .", "But , though his ruin be as sure as fate ,", "Your proof of love to me would come too late .", "This trial I in kindness would allow ;", "\u2018 Tis easy ; if you love me , show it now .", "It is because I love you , I refuse ;", "For all the world my conduct would accuse ,", "If I should go with him I love away ;", "And , therefore , in strict virtue , I will stay .", "The counsel , you have given me , may be wise ;", "But , since the affair is great , I will advise .", "Stay ; you too swift an exposition make .", "If I should go , since Zulema will stay ,", "I should my brother to the king betray .", "Your faithless dealings you may blush to tell :", "You want not cunning what you please to prove ,", "But my poor heart knows only how to love ;", "And , finding this , you tyrannize the more :", "\u2018 Tis plain , some other mistress you adore ;", "And now , with studied tricks of subtlety ,", "You come prepared to lay the fault on me .", "I 'll hear no more ; your breach of faith is plain :", "You would with wit your want of love maintain .", "But , by my own experience , I can tell ,", "They , who love truly , cannot argue well .\u2014", "Go faithless man !", "Leave me alone to mourn my misery ;", "I cannot cease to love you , but I 'll die .", "I fear your feigned repentance comes too late ;", "I die , to see you still thus obstinate :", "But yet , in death my truth of love to show ,", "Lead me ; if I have strength enough , I 'll go .", "To tie me to you by a vow is hard ;", "It shows , my love you as no tie regard .\u2014", "Name any thing but that , and I 'll agree .", "Nay , pr'ythee , this is harder than before .\u2014", "Name any thing , good dear , but that thing more .", "I would grant all ; but I must curb my will ,", "Because I love to keep you jealous still .", "In your suspicion I your passion find ;", "But I will take a time to cure your mind .", "Haste quickly hence , lest he should find you here !", "Go !\u2014 How I love thee heaven can only tell :", "And yet I love thee , for a subject , well .\u2014", "Yet whatsoever charms a crown can bring ,", "A subject 's greater than a little king .", "I will attend till time this throne secure ;", "And , when I climb , my footing shall be sure .\u2014", "SONG .", "I .", "Wherever I am , and whatever I do ,", "My Phyllis is still in my mind ;", "When angry , I mean not to Phyllis to go ,", "My feet , of themselves , the way find :", "Unknown to myself I am just at her door ,", "And , when I would rail , I can bring out no more", "Than , Phyllis too fair and unkind !", "II .", "When Phyllis I see , my heart bounds in my breast ,", "And the love I would stifle is shown ;", "But asleep , or awake , I am never at rest ,", "When from my eyes Phyllis is gone .", "Sometimes a sad dream does delude my sad mind ;", "But , alas ! when I wake , and no Phyllis I find ,", "How I sigh to myself all alone !", "III .", "Should a king be my rival in her I adore ,", "He should offer his treasure in vain :", "O , let me alone to be happy and poor ,", "And give me my Phyllis again !", "Let Phyllis be mine , and but ever be kind ,", "I could to a desart with her be confined ,", "And envy no monarch his reign .", "IV .", "Alas ! I discover too much of my love ,", "And she too well knows her own power !", "She makes me each day a new martyrdom prove ,", "And makes me grow jealous each hour :", "But let her each minute torment my poor mind ,", "I had rather love Phyllis , both false and unkind .", "Than ever be freed from her power .", "Heaven to your merits will , I hope , be kind ;", "But , sir , it has not yet declared its mind .", "\u2018 Tis true , it holds the crown above your head ;", "But does not fix it \u2018 till your brother 's dead .", "When , with its keys , your brother 's head you bring ,", "I shall believe you are indeed a king .", "You 'll soon return a conqueror again ;", "And , therefore , sir , your question is in vain .", "My prayers and wishes your success foretell .\u2014", "Go then , and fight , and think you fight for me ;", "I wait but to reward your victory .", "You are too curious , if you more would know .", "I know not what my future thoughts will be :", "Poor women 's thoughts are all extempore .", "Wise men , indeed ,", "Beforehand a long chain of thoughts produce ;", "But ours are only for our present use .", "I find you come to quarrel with me now ;", "Would you know more of me than I allow ?", "Whence are you grown that great divinity ,", "That with such ease into my thoughts can pry ?", "Indulgence does not with some tempers suit ;", "I see I must become more absolute .", "Submit !\u2014 you speak as you were not in fault .\u2014", "\u2018 Tis evident the injury is mine ;", "For why should you my secret thoughts divine ?", "Then you would have your reason judge my cause !\u2014", "Either confess your fault , or hold your tongue ;", "For I am sure I 'm never in the wrong .", "Then I forgive .", "I take your gift , because your love it shows ,", "And faithful Selin for alcade chuse ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["While she is mine , I have not yet lost all ,", "But in her arms shall have a gentle fall :", "Blest in my love , although in war o'ercome ,", "I fly , like Antony from Actium ,", "To meet a better Cleopatra here .\u2014", "You of the watch ! you of the watch ! appear .", "\u2018 Tis I :", "Open the gate with speed ; the foe is nigh .", "Slave , my own orders ; look , and know the king .", "Traitor , and rebel ! thou shalt shortly see", "Thy orders are not to extend to me .", "Dear Lyndaraxa , haste ; the foes pursue .", "He forced me ; but the danger nearer draws :", "When I am entered , you shall know the cause .", "I am pursued , the enemy is near .", "Give me not cause to think you mock my grief :", "What place have I , but this , for my relief ?", "Yes , you may blush ; and you have cause to weep .", "Is this the faith you promised me to keep ?", "Ah yet , if to a lover you will bring", "No succour , give your succour to a king .", "Ungrateful maid , did I for this rebel ? I say no more ; but I have loved too well .", "Who follow fortune , still are in the right ;", "But let me be protected here this night .", "I hear my enemies just coming on ;", "She 's gone : Ah , faithless and ungrateful maid !\u2014", "I hear some tread ; and fear I am betrayed .", "I 'll to the Spanish king ; and try if he ,", "To countenance his own right , will succour me :", "There is more faith in Christian dogs , than thee ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Then , Zulema and Hamet , live ; but know ,", "Your lives to Abdelmelech 's suit you owe .", "You , Abdelmelech , haste before \u2018 tis night ,", "And close pursue my brother in his flight .", "Enter ALMANZOR , ALMAHIDE , and ESPERANZA .", "But see , with Almahide", "The brave Almanzor comes , whose conquering sword", "The crown , it once took from me , has restored .", "How can I recompence so great desert !", "You can perform , brave warrior , what you please ;", "Fate listens to your voice , and then decrees .", "Now I no longer fear the Spanish powers ;", "Already we are free , and conquerors .", "It is for you , brave man , and only you ,", "Greatly to speak , and yet more greatly do .", "But , if your benefits too far extend ,", "I must be left ungrateful in the end :", "Yet somewhat I would pay ,", "Before my debts above all reckoning grow ,", "To keep me from the shame of what I owe .", "But you", "Are conscious to yourself of such desert ,", "That of your gift I fear to offer part .", "Give wing to your desires , and let \u2018 em fly ,", "Secure they cannot mount a pitch too high .", "So bless me , Alha , both in peace and war ,", "As I accord , whate'er your wishes are .", "You ask the only thing I cannot grant .", "The blood , which you have shed in her defence ,", "Shall have in time a fitting recompence :", "Or , if you think your services delayed ,", "Name but your price , and you shall soon be paid .", "Then sure you are some godhead ; and our care", "Must be to come with incense and with prayer .", "You with contempt on meaner gifts look down ;", "And , aiming at my queen , disdain my crown .", "That crown , restored , deserves no recompence .", "Since you would rob the fairest jewel thence .", "Dare not henceforth ungrateful me to call ;", "Whate'er I owed you , this has cancelled all .", "My patience more than pays thy service past ;", "But now this insolence shall be thy last .", "Hence from my sight ! and take it as a grace ,", "Thou liv'st , and art but banished from the place .", "Fall on ; take ; kill the traitor .", "I will at leisure now revenge my wrong ;", "And , traitor , thou shalt feel my vengeance long :", "Thou shalt not die just at thy own desire ,", "But see my nuptials , and with rage expire .", "As some fair tulip , by a storm oppressed ,", "What mystery in this strange behaviour lies ?", "Heaven lent their lustre for a nobler end ;", "A thousand torches must their light attend ,", "To lead you to a temple and a crown .", "Why does my fairest Almahide frown ?", "Am I less pleasing then I was before ,", "Or , is the insolent Almanzor more ?", "I find I must revoke what I decreed :", "Almanzor 's death my nuptials must precede .", "Love is a magic which the lover ties ;", "But charms still end when the magician dies .", "Go ; let me hear my hated rival 's dead ;", "What should I do ! when equally I dread", "Almanzor living and Almanzor dead !\u2014", "Yet , by your promise , you are mine alone .", "That little love I have , I hardly buy ;", "You give my rival all , while you deny :", "Yet , Almahide , to let you see your power ,", "Your loved Almanzor shall be free this hour .", "You are obeyed ; but \u2018 tis so great a grace ,", "That I could wish me in my rival 's place .", "With him go all my fears : A guard there wait ,", "And see him safe without the city gate .", "To them ABDELMELECH .", "Now , Abdelmelech , is my brother dead ?", "Haste and reduce it instantly by force .", "We cannot to your suit refuse her grace .", "Let war and vengeance be to-morrow 's care ;", "But let us to the temple now repair .", "A thousand torches make the mosque more bright :", "This must be mine and Almahide 's night .", "Hence , ye importunate affairs of state ,", "You should not tyrannize on love , but wait .", "Had life no love , none would for business live ;", "Yet still from love the largest part we give ;", "And must be forced , in empire 's weary toil ,", "To live long wretched , to be pleased a while .", "EPILOGUE .", "Success , which can no more than beauty last ,", "Makes our sad poet mourn your favours past :", "For , since without desert he got a name ,", "He fears to lose it now with greater shame .", "Fame , like a little mistress of the town ,", "Is gained with ease , but then she 's lost as soon :", "For , as those tawdry misses , soon or late ,", "Jilt such as keep them at the highest rate ;", "And oft the lacquey , or the brawny clown ,", "Gets what is hid in the loose-bodied gown ,\u2014", "So , fame is false to all that keep her long ;", "And turns up to the fop that 's brisk and young .", "Some wiser poet now would leave fame first ;", "But elder wits are , like old lovers , cursed :", "Who , when the vigour of their youth is spent ,", "Still grow more fond , as they grow impotent .", "This , some years hence , our poet 's case may prove ;", "But yet , he hopes , he 's young enough to love .", "When forty comes , if e'er he live to see", "That wretched , fumbling age of poetry ,", "\u2018 Twill be high time to bid his muse adieu :\u2014", "Well may he please himself , but never you .", "Till then , he 'll do as well as he began ,", "And hopes you will not find him less a man .", "Think him not duller for this year 's delay ;", "He was prepared , the women were away ;", "And men , without their parts , can hardly play .", "If they , through sickness , seldom did appear ,", "Pity the virgins of each theatre :", "For , at both houses , \u2018 twas a sickly year !", "And pity us , your servants , to whose cost ,", "In one such sickness , nine whole months are lost .", "Their stay , he fears , has ruined what he writ :", "Long waiting both disables love and wit .", "They thought they gave him leisure to do well ;", "But , when they forced him to attend , he fell !", "Yet , though he much has failed , he begs , to-day ,", "You will excuse his unperforming play :", "Weakness sometimes great passion does express ;", "He had pleased better , had he loved you less .", "ALMANZOR AND ALMAHIDE :", "OR , THE", "CONQUEST OF GRANADA", "BY THE", "SPANIARDS .", "A TRAGEDY .", "THE SECOND PART .", "\u2014 Stimulos dedit \u00e6mula virtus .", "LUCAN .", "PROLOGUE", "TO THE SECOND PART .", "They , who write ill , and they , who ne'er durst write ,", "Turn critics , out of mere revenge and spite :", "A playhouse gives them fame ; and up there starts ,", "From a mean fifth-rate wit , a man of parts .", "Our author fears those critics as his fate ;", "And those he fears , by consequence must hate ,", "For they the traffic of all wit invade ,", "As scriveners draw away the bankers \u2019 trade .", "Howe'er , the poet 's safe enough to day ,", "They cannot censure an unfinished play .", "But , as when vizard-mask appears in pit ,", "Straight every man , who thinks himself a wit ,", "Perks up , and , managing his comb with grace ,", "With his white wig sets off his nut-brown face ;", "That done , bears up to th \u2019 prize , and views each limb ,", "To know her by her rigging and her trim ;", "Then , the whole noise of fops to wagers go ,\u2014", "\u201c Pox on her , \u2018 tmust be she ; \u201d and \u2014 \u201c damme , no ! \u201d \u2014", "Just , so , I prophesy , these wits to-day", "Will blindly guess at our imperfect play ;", "With what new plots our Second Part is filled ,", "Who must be kept alive , and who be killed .", "And as those vizard-masks maintain that fashion ,", "To soothe and tickle sweet imagination ;", "So our dull poet keeps you on with masking ,", "To make you think there 's something worth your asking .", "But , when \u2018 tis shown , that , which does now delight you ,", "Will prove a dowdy , with a face to fright you .", "ALMANZOR AND ALMAHIDE ,", "OR , THE", "CONQUEST OF GRANADA .", "THE SECOND PART .", "ACT I"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ferd . At length the time is come , when Spain shall be", "From the long yoke of Moorish tyrants free .", "All causes seem to second our design ,", "And heaven and earth in their destruction join .", "When empire in its childhood first appears ,", "A watchful fate o'ersees its tender years ;", "Till , grown more strong , it thrusts and stretches out ,", "And elbows all the kingdoms round about :", "The place thus made for its first breathing free ,", "It moves again for ease and luxury ;", "Till , swelling by degrees , it has possessed", "The greater space , and now crowds up the rest ;", "When , from behind , there starts some petty state ,", "And pushes on its now unwieldy fate ;", "Then down the precipice of time it goes ,", "And sinks in minutes , which in ages rose .", "Ferd . By that assault which last we made , I find ,", "Their courage is with their success declined :", "Almanzor 's absence now they dearly buy ,", "Whose conduct crowned their arms with victory .", "Ferd . He brings a spacious title to our side :", "Those , who would conquer , must their foes divide .", "Ferd . Be mine the honour , but the profit yours .", "To them the DUKE OF ARCOS , with OZMYN and BENZAYDA ,", "Prisoners .", "Ferd . That tertia of Italians did you guide ,", "To take their post upon the river side ?", "Ferd . Why is not then their leader here again ?", "Ferd . A braver man I had not in my host ;", "His murderer shall not long his conquest boast :", "But , Duke of Arcos , say , how was he slain ?", "Ferd . A manly face , and in his age 's bloom ;", "But , to content the soldiers , he must die :", "Go , see him executed instantly .", "Ferd . Whatever Isabella shall command", "Shall always be a law to Ferdinand ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["True , they have pardoned me ; but do they know", "What folly \u2018 tis to trust a pardoned foe ?", "A blush remains in a forgiven face :", "It wears the silent tokens of disgrace .", "Forgiveness to the injured does belong ;", "But they ne'er pardon , who have done the wrong .", "My hopeful fortunes lost ! and , what 's above", "All I can name or think , my ruined love !", "Feigned honesty shall work me into trust ,", "And seeming penitence conceal my lust .", "Let heaven 's great eye of Providence now take", "One day of rest , and ever after wake .", "Those kings , who to their wild demands consent ,", "Teach others the same way to discontent .", "Freedom in subjects is not , nor can be ;", "But still , to please them , we must call them free .", "Propriety , which they their idol make ,", "Or law , or law 's interpreters , can shake ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis true , that our protection here has been", "The effect of honour in the Spanish queen ;", "But , while I as a friend continue here ,", "I to my country must a foe appear .", "I cannot leave you here , and go away ;", "My honour 's glad of a pretence to stay .", "My honour bids me succour the oppressed ;", "That life he sought , for his I 'll freely give ;", "We 'll die together , or together live .", "Who gives you death , shall give it first to me ; Fate cannot separate our destiny .\u2014", "I beg not you my forfeit life would save ;", "Yet add one minute to that breath you gave .", "I disobeyed you , and deserve my fate ;", "But bury in my grave two houses \u2019 hate .", "Let Selin live ; and see your justice done", "On me , while you revenge him for his son :", "Your mutual malice in my death may cease ,", "And equal loss persuade you both to peace .", "If you have honour ,\u2014 since you nature want ,\u2014", "For your own sake my last petition grant ;", "And kill not a disarmed , defenceless foe ,", "Whose death your cruelty , or fear , will show .", "My father cannot do an act so base :\u2014", "My father !\u2014 I mistake ;\u2014 I meant , who was .", "Swear but to save his life , I 'll yield my own .", "Then , sir , Benzayda 's father shall not die !\u2014", "Stay , prince ! and know , I have a father here !\u2014", "to his Father . Heaven knows , I would that life , you seek , resign ; But , while Benzayda lives , it is not mine . Will you yet pardon my unwilling crime ?", "Can you be merciful to that degree ,", "Blessed be that breath which does my life restore !", "My father !\u2014", "Goodness and virtue all your actions guide ;", "You only err in choosing of your side .", "That party I , with honour , cannot take ;", "But can much less the care of you forsake :", "I must not draw my sword against my prince ,", "But yet may hold a shield in your defence .", "Benzayda , free from danger , here shall stay ,", "And for a father and a lover pray .", "Then conquer , and your conquest happy be ,", "Both to yourself , your father , and to me .\u2014", "With bended knees our freedom we 'll demand", "Of Isabel , and mighty Ferdinand :", "Then while the paths of honour we pursue ,", "We 'll interest heaven for us , in right of you ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis won , \u2018 tis won ! and Lyndaraxa , now ,", "Who scorned to treat , shall to a conquest bow .", "To every sword I free commission give ;", "Fall on , my friends , and let no rebel live .", "Spare only Lyndaraxa ; let her be", "In triumph led , to grace my victory .", "Since by her falsehood she betrayed my love ,", "Great as that falsehood my revenge shall prove .\u2014", "Enter LYNDARAXA , as frightened , attended by women .", "Go , take the enchantress , bring her to me bound !", "O , more than woman false !\u2014 but \u2018 tis in vain .\u2014", "Can you ere hope to be believed again ?", "I 'll sooner trust the hy\u00e6na , than your smile ;", "Or , than your tears , the weeping crocodile .", "In war and love none should be twice deceived ;", "The fault is mine if you are now believed .", "\u2018 Tis true , my pride has satisfied itself :", "I have at length escaped the deadly shelf .", "The excuses you prepare will be in vain ,", "Till I am fool enough to love again .", "I must with shame avow ,", "I loved you once ;\u2014 but do not love you now .", "\u2018 Tis like you have done much for love of me ,", "Who kept the fortress of my enemy .", "That act your foul ingratitude did show .", "\u2018 Twas kept indeed ; but not by your intent :", "For all your kindness I may thank the event .", "Blush , Lyndaraxa , for so gross a cheat :", "\u2018 Twas kept for me ,\u2014 when you refused to treat !", "Well , though I love you not , their lives shall be", "Spared out of pity and humanity .\u2014", "Alferez ,", "go , and let the slaughter cease .", "Then , for your beauty I your soldiers spare :", "For , though I do not love you , you are fair .", "Then , from your friendship they their lives shall gain ;", "Tho \u2019 love be dead , yet friendship does remain .", "Then , that my friendship may not doubtful prove ,\u2014", "Fool that I am to tell you so !\u2014 I love .", "You would extort this knowledge from my breast ,", "And tortured me so long that I confest .", "Now I expect to suffer for my sin ;", "My monarchy must end , and yours begin .", "What proof of duty would you I should give ?", "You know too well my weakness and your power :", "Why did heaven make a fool a conqueror !", "She was my slave , \u2018 till she by me was shewn", "How weak my force was , and how strong her own .", "Now she has beat my power from every part ,", "Made her way open to my naked heart :", "I am betrayed , and find it now too late .", "When your proud soul to flatteries did descend ,", "Thou shalt not triumph in thy base design ;", "Though not thy fort , thy person shall be mine ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["My little journey has successful been ,", "The fierce Almanzor will obey the queen .", "I found him , like Achilles on the shore ,", "Pensive , complaining much , but threatening more ;", "And , like that injured Greek , he heard our woes ,", "Which , while I told , a gloomy smile arose", "From his bent brows : And still , the more he heard ,", "A more severe and sullen joy appeared .", "But , when he knew we to despair were driven ,", "Betwixt his teeth he muttered thanks to heaven .", "But when he heard it was the queen who sent ,", "That her command repealed his banishment ,", "He took the summons with a greedy joy ,", "And asked me how she would his sword employ :", "Then bid me say , her humblest slave would come ,", "From her fair mouth with joy to take his doom .", "While I , to bring this news , came on before ,", "I met with Selin \u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Heaven knows , from all intent of ill \u2018 twas free ,", "Yet it may feed my husband 's jealousy ;", "And for that cause I wish it were not done .", "To them BOABDELIN , and walks apart .", "See , where he comes , all pensive and alone ;", "A gloomy fury has o'erspread his face :", "\u2018 Tis so ! and all my fears are come to pass .", "Has my dear lord some new affliction had ?", "I will not leave you till the cause be known :", "My knowledge of the ill may bring relief .", "While I have life , I will your steps pursue .", "I fear it is that scarf I gave away .", "Then I will make you so ; give me your hand ! Can you this pressing and these tears withstand ?", "Why will you in your breast your passion crowd ,", "Can such a toy , and given in public too \u2014", "Our common fears , and public miseries ,", "Have drawn these tears from my afflicted eyes .", "Not new-made mothers greater love express", "Than he , when with first looks their babes they bless ;", "Not Heaven is more to dying martyrs kind ,", "Nor guardian angels to their charge assigned .", "You 're much too bold , to blame a jealousy So kind in him , and so desired by me . The faith of wives would unrewarded prove , Without those just observers of our love . The greater care the higher passion shows ; We hold that clearest we most fear to lose . Distrust in lovers is too warm a sun , But yet \u2018 tis night in love when that is gone ; And in those climes which most his scorching know , He makes the noblest fruits and metals grow .", "As for your sake I for Almanzor sent , So , when you please , he goes to banishment . You shall , at last , my loyalty approve : I will refuse no trial of my love .", "When I bestowed that scarf , I had not thought ,", "Or not considered it might be a fault ;", "But , since my lord 's displeased that I should make", "So small a present , I command it back .", "Without delay the unlucky gift restore ;", "Or , from this minute , never see me more .", "Unkind Almanzor , how am I betrayed !", "Betrayed by him in whom I trusted most !", "But I will ne'er outlive what I have lost .", "Is this your succour , this your boasted love !", "I will accuse you to the saints above !", "Almanzor vowed he would for honour fight ,", "And lets my husband perish in my sight ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I see there 's somewhat which you fear to tell ;", "Speak quickly , Ozmyn , is my father well ?", "Why cross you thus your arms , and shake your head ?", "Kill me at once , and tell me he is dead .", "Blind queen of Chance , to lovers too severe ,", "Thou rulest mankind , but art a tyrant there !", "Thy widest empire 's in a lover 's breast :", "Like open seas , we seldom are at rest .", "Upon thy coasts our wealth is daily cast ;", "And thou , like pirates , mak'st no peace to last .", "To them LYNDARAXA , Duke of Arcos , and Guards .", "I fear to ask , yet would from doubt be freed ,\u2014", "Is Selin captive , sir , or is he dead ?", "Ere that appear , I shall expire with grief .", "My wishes contradictions must imply ;", "You must not go ; and yet he must not die .", "Your reason may , perhaps , the extremes unite ;", "But there 's a mist of fate before my sight .", "Your father , whom , since yours , I grieve to blame ,", "Has lost , or quite forgot , a parent 's name ;", "And , when at once possessed of him and you ,", "Instead of freeing one , will murder two .", "Now , Ozmyn , now your want of love I see ;", "For would you go , and hazard losing me ?", "What foe ! ah whither would your virtue fall !", "It is your father whom the foe you call .", "Darkness and rage will no distinction make ,", "And yours may perish for my father 's sake .", "\u2018 Tis that , indeed , would glut your father 's rage :", "Revenge on Ozmyn 's youth , and Selin 's age .", "This glorious work is then reserved for me :", "He is my father , and I 'll set him free .", "These chains my father for my sake does wear :", "I made the fault ; and I the pains will bear .", "Yes , Ozmyn , I shall still this palm pursue ;", "I will not yield my glory even to you .", "I 'll break those bonds in which my father 's tied ,", "Or , if I cannot break them , I 'll divide .", "What , though my limbs a woman 's weakness show ,", "I have a soul as masculine as you ;", "And when these limbs want strength my chains to wear ,", "My mind shall teach my body how to bear ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Arcos . The hatred of the brave with battles ends ,", "And foes , who fought for honour , then are friends .", "I love thee , brave Almanzor , and am proud", "To have one hour when love may be allowed .", "This hand , in sign of that esteem , I plight ;", "We shall have angry hours enough to fight .", "Arcos . Since first you took , and after set me free ,", "I shall be glad , by whate'er means I can ,", "To get the friendship of so brave a man ;", "And would your unavailing valour call ,", "From aiding those whom heaven has doomed to fall .", "We owe you that respect ,", "Which to the gods of foes besieged was shown ,", "To call you out before we take your town .", "Arcos . Were you obliged in honour by a trust ,", "I should not think my own proposals just ;", "But since you fight for an unthankful king ,", "What loss of fame can change of parties bring ?", "Arcos . Yet there is a reward to valour due ,", "And such it is as may be sought by you ;", "That beauteous queen , whom you can never gain ,", "While you secure her husband 's life and reign .", "Arcos . Heaven , when we meet , if fatal it must be", "To one , spare him , and cast the lot on me ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Haste and conduct the prisoner to my sight .", "Did you , according to my orders , write ?", "Against thy life thou dost the sentence give ;", "Behold how short a time thou hast to live .", "to Selin . It is enough , my promise makes you free ; Resign your bonds , and take your liberty .", "Conduct him in .\u2014", "I thank thee , fortune ! thou hast , in one hour ,", "Put all I could have asked thee in my power .", "My own lost wealth thou giv'st not only back ,", "But driv'st upon my coast my pirate 's wreck .", "to a Soldier . Go fetch new fetters , and the daughter bind .", "Then , Ozmyn , mark , that justice which I do ,", "I , as severely , will exact from you :", "The father is not wholly dead in me ;", "Or you may yet revive it , if it be .", "Like tapers new blown out , the fumes remain ,", "To catch the light , and bring it back again .", "Benzayda gave you life , and set you free ;", "For that , I will restore her liberty .", "Ozmyn , hold ;", "One part of what I purpose is untold :", "Consider , then , it on your part remains ,", "When I have broke , not to resume your chains .", "Like an indulgent father , I have paid", "All debts , which you , my prodigal , have made .", "Now you are clear , break off your fond design ,", "Renounce Benzayda , and be wholly mine .", "Consider what you say , for , with one breath ,", "You disobey my will , and give her death .", "Yes , I am vanquished ! The fierce conflict 's past ,", "And shame itself is now o'ercome at last .", "\u2018 Twas long before my stubborn mind was won ;", "But , melting once , I on the sudden run ;", "Nor can I hold my headlong kindness more ,", "Than I could curb my cruel rage before ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis war again , and I am glad \u2018 tis so ;", "Success shall now by force and courage go .", "Treaties are but the combat of the brain ,", "Where still the stronger lose , and weaker gain .", "The minds of heroes their own measures are ,", "They stand exempted from the rules of war .", "One loose , one sally of the hero 's soul ,", "Does all the military art controul ;", "While timorous wit goes round , or fords the shore ,", "He shoots the gulph , and is already o'er ;", "And , when the enthusiastic fit is spent ,", "Looks back amazed at what he underwent .", "Re-enter ALMANZOR and ABDELMELECH , with their Soldiers .", "Make good your entrance , and bring up more men . I feared , brave friend , my aid had been too late .", "Ere night we shall the whole Albayzyn gain .", "But see , the Spaniards march along the plain", "To its relief ; you , Abdelmelech , go ,", "And force the rest , while I repulse the foe ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Twas like a fire within a furnace pent :", "I smothered it , and kept it long from vent ;", "But , fed with looks , and blown with sighs so fast ,", "It broke a passage through my lips at last .", "She looked as judges do on guilty men ,", "When big with fate they triumph in their dooms ,", "And smile before the deadly sentence comes .", "Silent I stood , as I were thunder-struck ;", "Condemned and executed with a look .", "She said , she would my folly yet conceal ;", "But vowed my next attempt she would reveal .", "These lighted tapers show the time is nigh .", "Perhaps my courtship will not be in vain :", "At least , few women will of force complain .", "At the other end of the Gallery , enter ALMANZOR and ESPERANZA .", "Ere they approach , let us retire unseen ,", "And watch our time when they return again :", "Then force shall give , if favour does deny ;", "And , that once done , we 'll to the Spaniards fly .", "Make haste before ,", "And intercept her passage to the door .", "We have no time to think ; dispatch him first .", "Ruined !", "I hear them loudly call .", "I find her drift ; Hamet , be confident ;", "ZULEMA and HAMET enter . The King embraces them .", "I durst not trust my ear ;", "But , peeping through the key-hole , I espied", "The queen , and Abdelmelech by her side ;", "She on the couch , he on her bosom lay ;", "Her hand about his neck his head did stay ,", "And from his forehead wiped the drops away .", "Dare you , what sense and reason prove , deny ?", "For truth , and for my injured sovereign ,", "What I have said , I will to death maintain ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["See how the gazing people crowd the place ,", "All gaping to be filled with my disgrace .", "Thou Power unknown , if I have erred , forgive !", "My infancy was taught what I believe .", "But if the Christians truly worship thee ,", "Let me thy Godhead in thy succour see :", "So shall thy justice in my safety shine ,", "And all my days , which thou shalt add , be thine !", "What ! not one tender look , one passing word ?", "Farewell , my much unkind , but still loved lord !", "Your throne was for my humble fate too high ,", "And therefore heaven thinks fit that I should die .", "My story be forgot , when I am dead ,", "Lest it should fright some other from your bed ;", "And , to forget me , may you soon adore", "Some happier maid ,\u2014 yet none could love you more .", "But may you never think me innocent ,", "Lest it should cause you trouble to repent .", "I do .", "Even thy whole offence !", "The thanks thus paid , which first to heaven were due ,", "My next , Almanzor , let me pay to you :", "Somewhat there is of more concernment too ,", "Which \u2018 tis not fit you should in public know .", "First let your wounds be dressed with speedy care ,", "And then you shall the important secret share .", "Then briefly will I speak , since you must know", "What to the world my future acts will show :", "But hear me first , and then my reasons weigh .", "\u2018 Tis known , how duty led me to obey", "My father 's choice ; and how I since did live ,", "You , sir , can best your testimony give .", "How to your aid I have Almanzor brought ,", "When by rebellious crowds your life was sought ;", "Then , how I bore your causeless jealousy ,", "and after set you free ,", "When you were prisoner in the chance of war :", "These , sure , are proofs of love .", "And could you then , O cruelly unkind !", "So ill reward such tenderness of mind ?", "Could you , denying what our laws afford", "The meanest subject , on a traitor 's word ,", "Unheard , condemn , and suffer me to go", "To death , and yet no common pity show !", "Be't love or jealousy , \u2018 tis such a crime ,", "That I 'm forewarned to trust a second time .", "Know , then , my prayers to heaven shall never cease ,", "To crown your arms in war , your wars with peace ;", "But from this day I will not know your bed :", "Though Almahide still lives , your wife is dead ;", "And with her dies a love so pure and true ,", "It could be killed by nothing but by you .", "How much , Almanzor , to your aid I owe ,", "Unable to repay , I blush to know ;", "Yet , forced by need , ere I can clear that score ,", "I , like ill debtors , come to borrow more .", "Yet first your virtue to your succour call ,", "For in this hard command you 'll need it all .", "Then know , I from your love must yet implore", "One proof :\u2014 that you would never see me more .", "So much respect is to your passion due ,", "That sure I could not practise arts on you .", "But that you may not doubt what I have said ,", "This hour I have renounced my husband 's bed :", "Judge , then , how much my fame would injured be ,", "If , leaving him , I should a lover see .", "Neither your love nor merits I compare ,", "But my unspotted name must be my care .", "Would you so soon , what you have raised , throw down ?", "No lover should his mistress \u2019 prayers withstand ,", "Yet you contemn my absolute command .", "Then , since you needs will all my weakness know ,", "I love you ; and so well , that you must go .", "I am so much obliged , and have withal", "A heart so boundless and so prodigal ,", "I dare not trust myself , or you , to stay ,", "But , like frank gamesters , must forswear the play .", "This , had you staid , you never must have known ;", "But , now you go , I may with honour own .", "I here make void that promise which you made ,", "For now I have no farther need of aid .", "That vow , which to my plighted lord was given ,", "I must not break , but may transfer to heaven :", "I will with vestals live :", "There needs no guard at a religious door ;", "Few will disturb the praying and the poor .", "I cannot your hard destiny withstand ,", "BOABDELIN , and Guards above .", "But slip , like bending rushes , from your hand .", "Sink all at once , since you must sink at last .", "Hear me , my lord .", "Now , brave Almanzor , be a god again ;", "Above our crimes and your own passions reign .", "My lord has been by jealousy misled ,", "To think I was not faithful to his bed .", "I can forgive him , though my death he sought ,", "For too much love can never be a fault .", "Protect him , then ; and what to his defence", "You give not , give to clear my innocence .", "Little of charm in these sad eyes appears ;", "If they had any , now \u2018 tis lost in tears .", "A crown , and husband , ravished in one day !\u2014", "Excuse a grief , I cannot choose but pay .", "I know your God can all my woes redress ;", "To him I made my vows in my distress :", "And , what a misbeliever vowed this day ,", "Though not a queen , a Christian yet shall pay .", "I owe my life and honour to his sword ;", "But owe my love to my departed lord .", "You 've yet a greater foe than these can be ,\u2014", "Virtue opposes you , and modesty .", "Madam , I never can dispute your power ,", "Or as a parent , or a conqueror ;", "But , when my year of widowhood expires ,", "Shall yield to your command , and his desires ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Beliza , bring the lute into this arbour ; the walks are empty : I would try the song the princess Amalthea bade me learn . I . Why should a foolish marriage vow , Which long ago was made , Oblige us to each other now , When passion is decayed ? We loved , and we loved , as long as we could , \u2018 Till our love was loved out in us both ; But our marriage is dead , when the pleasure is fled : \u2018 Twas pleasure first made it an oath . II . If I have pleasures for a friend , And further love in store , What wrong has he , whose joys did end , And who could give no more ? \u2018 Tis a madness that he Should be jealous of me , Or that I should bar him of another : For all we can gain , Is to give ourselves pain , When neither can hinder the other .", "I did not think to have had witnesses of my bad singing .", "What 's that , I beseech you ?", "And how many more of these fine things can you say to me ?", "This will not give you the reputation of a wit with me . You travelling monsieurs live upon the stock you have got abroad , for the first day or two : to repeat with a good memory , and apply with a good grace , is all your wit ; and , commonly , your gullets are sewed up , like cormorants . When you have regorged what you have taken in , you are the leanest things in nature .", "A very plain , and pithy declaration . I see , sir , you have been travelling in Spain or Italy , or some of the hot countries , where men come to the point immediately . But are you sure these are not words of course ? For I would not give my poor heart an occasion of complaint against me , that I engaged it too rashly , and then could not bring it off .", "First , then , I do receive your passion with as little consideration , on my part , as ever you gave it me , on yours . And now , see what a miserable wretch you have made yourself !", "Know , then , thou man of vain imagination , know , to thy utter confusion , that I am virtuous .", "Then , to strike you quite dead , know that I am married too .", "Yes , married to a gentleman ; young , handsome rich , valiant , and with all the good qualities that will make you despair , and hang yourself .", "Remember , I invade no propriety : my servant you are , only \u2018 till you are married .", "And you , that you are to have a wife .", "Some other time , new servant , we 'll talk further of the premises ; in the mean while , break not my first commandment , that is , not to follow me .", "At court . Yours , for two days , sir .", "Were you so near , and would not speak , dear husband ?", "Who ? I acquainted with this stranger ? To my best knowledge , I never saw him before .", "I find he has wit , he has got off so readily ; but it would anger me , if he should love Melantha .", "I am so obedient a wife , sir , that my husband 's commands shall ever be a law to me .", "He has been bred up far from court , and therefore \u2014", "I understand then , that \u2014", "Then I am sure you \u2014", "What , before I speak ?", "Why do you not follow your mistress , sir ?", "However , if you cannot follow her all day , you will meet her at night , I hope ?", "All this is in vain : Assure yourself , I will never admit of any visit from you in private .", "I think you in so ill a condition , that I am resolved to pray for you , this very evening , in the close walk behind the terrace ; for that 's a private place , and there I am sure nobody will disturb my devotions . And so , good-night , sir .", "My own true love !I had forgot myself to be so kind ; indeed , I am very angry with you , dear ; you are come home an hour after you appointed : if you had staid a minute longer , I was just considering whether I should stab , hang , or drown myself .", "Well , if I had imagined I should have been this fond fool , I would never have married the man I loved : I married to be happy , and have made myself miserable by over-loving . Nay , and now my case is desperate ; for I have been married above these two years , and find myself every day worse and worse in love : nothing but madness can be the end o n't .", "He deserves so infinitely much , that , the truth is , there can be no doating in the matter ; but , to love well , I confess , is a work that pays itself : \u2018 Tis telling gold , and , after , taking it for one 's pains .", "O dear Rhodophil !", "Yes ; and without taking leave .", "Yes , sure , the scene is done , I take it . They walk contrary ways on the stage ; he , with his hands in his pockets , whistling ; she singing a dull melancholy tune .", "Pox o'your damned whistling ; you can neither be company to me yourself , nor leave me to the freedom of my own fancy .", "Well , thou art the dullest husband , thou art never to be provoked .", "I see you are in the husband 's fashion ; you reserve all your good humours for your mistresses , and keep your ill for your wives .", "Whatever your sin was , mine 's the punishment .", "Ay , you had need make a holiday for me , for I am sure you have made me a martyr .", "And I am resolved to marry the very same day thou diest , if it be but to show how little I 'm concerned for thee .", "What should you talk of a peace a-bed , when you can give no security for performance of articles ?", "Well , since thou art a husband , and wilt be a husband , I 'll try if I can find out another . \u2018 Tis a pretty time we women have o n't , to be made widows while we are married . Our husbands think it reasonable to complain , that we are the same , and the same to them , when we have more reason to complain , that they are not the same to us . Because they cannot feed on one dish , therefore we must be starved . \u2018 Tis enough that they have a sufficient ordinary provided , and a table ready spread for them : If they cannot fall too , and eat heartily , the fault is theirs ; and \u2018 tis pity , methinks , that the good creature should be lost , when many a poor sinner would be glad o n't .", "Especially at court . How I have seen them crowd and sweat in the drawing-room on a holiday-night ! For that 's their time to swarm and invade the presence . O , how they catch at a bow , or any little salute from a courtier , to make show of their acquaintance ! and , rather than be thought to be quite unknown , they court'sy to one another ; but they take true pains to come near the circle , and press and peep upon the princess , to write letters into the country how she was dressed , while the ladies , that stand about , make their court to her with abusing them .", "In the country ! nay , that 's to fall beneath the town , for they live upon our offals here . Their entertainment of wit is only the remembrance of what they had when they were last in town ;\u2014 they live this year upon the last year 's knowledge , as their cattle do all night , by chewing the cud of what they eat in the afternoon .", "Or I , before I am to try on a new gown .", "A friend of mine , who makes songs sometimes , came lately out of the west , and vowed he was so put out of countenance with a song of his ; for , at the first country gentleman 's he visited , he saw three tailors cross legged upon the table in the hall , who were tearing out as loud as ever they could sing , \u2014 After the pangs of a desperate lover , & c . And that all day he heard of nothing else , but the daughters of the house , and the maids , humming it over in every corner , and the father whistling it .", "That 's very true ; your little courtier 's wife , who speaks to the king but once a month , need but go to a town lady , and there she may vapour and cry ,\u2014 \u201c The king and I , \u201d at every word . Your town lady , who is laughed at in the circle , takes her coach into the city , and there she 's called Your honour , and has a banquet from the merchant 's wife , whom she laughs at for her kindness . And , as for my finical cit , she removes but to her country house , and there insults over the country gentlewoman that never comes up , who treats her with furmity and custard , and opens her dear bottle of mirabilis beside , for a gill-glass of it at parting .", "Farewell , Melantha .", "Quickly then , we are in haste .", "To do you service , then , we will prendre the carosse to court , and do your baise mains to the princess Amalthea , in your phrase spirituelle ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Count Rhodophil 's a fine gentleman indeed , madam ; and , I think , deserves your affection .", "And those are no small talents , to a lady that understands , and values the French air , as your ladyship does .", "\u2018 Tis great pity Rhodophil 's a married man , that you may not have an honourable intrigue with him .", "Madam , the new prince is just passed by the end of the walk .", "Indeed , Madam , I have been very diligent in my vocation ; but you have so drained all the French plays and romances , that they are not able to supply you with words for your daily expence .", "\u2018 Tis here , madam .", "Sottises .", "Figure : As , what a figure of a man is there ! Naive , and naivet\u00e9 .", "Speaking of a thing that was naturally said , it was so naive ; or , such an innocent piece of simplicity \u2018 twas such a naivet\u00e9 .", "Foible , chagrin , grimace , embarrasse , double entendre , equivoque , ecclaircissement , suitt\u00e8 , beveue , fa\u00e7on , penchant , coup d'etourdy , and ridicule .", "They began at sottises , and ended en ridicule .", "Sovereignly well , madam .", "I am dumb , madam .", "\u2018 Tis so languissant !", "\u2018 Twill make a man sigh , madam . \u2018 Tis a mere incendiary .", "Go naked ? Then you would be a Venus , madam . O Jupiter ! what had I forgot ? This paper was given me by Rhodophil 's page ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["My own true love !I had forgot myself to be so kind ; indeed , I am very angry with you , dear ; you are come home an hour after you appointed : if you had staid a minute longer , I was just considering whether I should stab , hang , or drown myself .", "Well , if I had imagined I should have been this fond fool , I would never have married the man I loved : I married to be happy , and have made myself miserable by over-loving . Nay , and now my case is desperate ; for I have been married above these two years , and find myself every day worse and worse in love : nothing but madness can be the end o n't .", "He deserves so infinitely much , that , the truth is , there can be no doating in the matter ; but , to love well , I confess , is a work that pays itself : \u2018 Tis telling gold , and , after , taking it for one 's pains .", "O dear Rhodophil !", "Yes ; and without taking leave .", "Yes , sure , the scene is done , I take it . They walk contrary ways on the stage ; he , with his hands in his pockets , whistling ; she singing a dull melancholy tune .", "Pox o'your damned whistling ; you can neither be company to me yourself , nor leave me to the freedom of my own fancy .", "Well , thou art the dullest husband , thou art never to be provoked .", "I see you are in the husband 's fashion ; you reserve all your good humours for your mistresses , and keep your ill for your wives .", "Whatever your sin was , mine 's the punishment .", "Ay , you had need make a holiday for me , for I am sure you have made me a martyr .", "And I am resolved to marry the very same day thou diest , if it be but to show how little I 'm concerned for thee .", "What should you talk of a peace a-bed , when you can give no security for performance of articles ?", "Well , since thou art a husband , and wilt be a husband , I 'll try if I can find out another . \u2018 Tis a pretty time we women have o n't , to be made widows while we are married . Our husbands think it reasonable to complain , that we are the same , and the same to them , when we have more reason to complain , that they are not the same to us . Because they cannot feed on one dish , therefore we must be starved . \u2018 Tis enough that they have a sufficient ordinary provided , and a table ready spread for them : If they cannot fall too , and eat heartily , the fault is theirs ; and \u2018 tis pity , methinks , that the good creature should be lost , when many a poor sinner would be glad o n't .", "Especially at court . How I have seen them crowd and sweat in the drawing-room on a holiday-night ! For that 's their time to swarm and invade the presence . O , how they catch at a bow , or any little salute from a courtier , to make show of their acquaintance ! and , rather than be thought to be quite unknown , they court'sy to one another ; but they take true pains to come near the circle , and press and peep upon the princess , to write letters into the country how she was dressed , while the ladies , that stand about , make their court to her with abusing them .", "In the country ! nay , that 's to fall beneath the town , for they live upon our offals here . Their entertainment of wit is only the remembrance of what they had when they were last in town ;\u2014 they live this year upon the last year 's knowledge , as their cattle do all night , by chewing the cud of what they eat in the afternoon .", "Or I , before I am to try on a new gown .", "A friend of mine , who makes songs sometimes , came lately out of the west , and vowed he was so put out of countenance with a song of his ; for , at the first country gentleman 's he visited , he saw three tailors cross legged upon the table in the hall , who were tearing out as loud as ever they could sing , \u2014 After the pangs of a desperate lover , & c . And that all day he heard of nothing else , but the daughters of the house , and the maids , humming it over in every corner , and the father whistling it .", "That 's very true ; your little courtier 's wife , who speaks to the king but once a month , need but go to a town lady , and there she may vapour and cry ,\u2014 \u201c The king and I , \u201d at every word . Your town lady , who is laughed at in the circle , takes her coach into the city , and there she 's called Your honour , and has a banquet from the merchant 's wife , whom she laughs at for her kindness . And , as for my finical cit , she removes but to her country house , and there insults over the country gentlewoman that never comes up , who treats her with furmity and custard , and opens her dear bottle of mirabilis beside , for a gill-glass of it at parting .", "Farewell , Melantha .", "Quickly then , we are in haste .", "To do you service , then , we will prendre the carosse to court , and do your baise mains to the princess Amalthea , in your phrase spirituelle ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["\u2018 Tis a strange thing that no warning will serve your turn ; and that no retirement will secure me from your impertinent addresses ! Did not I tell you , that I was to be private here at my devotions ?", "Then , it seems , you are so impudent to think it was an assignation ? This , I warrant , was your lewd interpretation of my innocent meaning .", "You thought too , I 'll lay my life o n't , that you might as well make love to me , as my husband does to your mistress .", "And then you wickedly inferred , that there was some justice in the revenge of it ; or , at least , but little injury for a man to endeavour to enjoy that , which he accounts a blessing , and which is not valued as it ought by the dull possessor . Confess your wickedness ,\u2014 did you not think so ?", "\u2018 Tis the very thing that I designed ; I have forestalled all your arguments , and left you without a word more , to plead for mercy . If you have any thing farther to offer , ere sentence pass \u2014 Poor animal , I brought you hither only for my diversion .", "But it may be , I came hither to hear what fine things you could say for yourself .", "Fye , Palamede , I am a woman of honour .", "I warrant you will not want some naughty argument , or other , to satisfy yourself .\u2014 I hope you are afraid of betraying your friend ?", "O , you charge your faults upon our sex ! You men are like cocks ; you never make love , but you clap your wings , and crow when you have done .", "To convince you that you are in the wrong , I 'll retire into the dark grotto , to my devotion , and make so little noise , that it shall be impossible for you to find me .", "Ay , if you find me \u2014 But I 'll put you to search in more corners than you imagine .", "Palamede , Palamede !", "Palamede , Palamede , all-cocks hidden .", "O , gentlemen , have I caught you i'faith ! have I broke forth in ambush upon you ! I thought my suspicions would prove true .", "O , you feign ignorance : Why , of you and Melantha ; here have I staid these two hours , waiting with all the rage of a passionate , loving wife , but infinitely jealous , to take you two in the manner ; for hither I was certain you would come .", "Was it so , think you ? nay , then , I 'll confess my part of the malice too . As soon as ever I spied my husband and Melantha come together , I had a strange temptation to make him jealous in revenge ; and that made me call Palamede , Palamede ! as though there had been an intrigue between us .", "And did I wrong n'own Rhodophil , with a false suspicion ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Yonder he is ; and I must speak or die ;", "And yet \u2018 tis death to speak : yet he must know", "I have a passion for him , and may know it", "With a less blush ; because to offer it", "To his low fortunes , shows I loved before ,", "His person , not his greatness .", "Assist me , Venus , for I tremble when", "I am to speak , but I must force myself .", "Alas ! it will not out ; Shame stops my mouth .", "I stand upon a precipice , where fain", "I would retire , but love still thrusts me on :", "Now I grow bolder , and will speak to him .", "Now he looks angry , and I dare not speak .", "I had some business with you , sir ,", "But \u2018 tis not worth your knowledge .", "\u2018 Twill be more charity to mourn them with you :", "Heaven knows I pity you .", "You know not till \u2018 tis tried .", "Your sorrows are no secret ; you have lost", "A crown , and mistress .", "More ; you are banished , by my brother 's means ,", "And ne'er must hope again to see your princess ;", "Except as prisoners view fair walks and streets ,", "And careless passengers going by their grates ,", "To make them feel the want of liberty .", "But , worse than all ,", "The king this morning has enjoined his daughter", "To accept my brother 's love .", "\u2018 Tis as physicians show the desperate ill ,", "To endear their art , by mitigating pains", "They cannot wholly cure : When you despair", "Of all you wish , some part of it , because", "Unhoped for , may be grateful ; and some other \u2014", "Some other may \u2014", "My shame again has seized me , and I can go", "I ? never !\u2014 \u2018 Tis in vain :", "I must despair in silence .", "You must not go with these unjust opinions .", "Command my life and fortunes : you are wise ;", "Think , and think well , what I can do to serve you .", "Name any other thing ! Is Amalthea", "So despicable , she can serve your wishes", "In this alone ?", "To show you , then , I can deny you nothing ,", "Though \u2018 tis more hard to me than any other ,", "Yet I will do it for you .", "Be not so much o'erjoyed ; for , if you are ,", "I 'll rather die than do't . This night the court", "Will be in masquerade ;", "You shall attend on me ; in that disguise", "You may both see and speak to her ,", "If you dare venture it .", "Farewell , then ; two hours hence I will expect you :\u2014", "My heart 's so full , that I can stay no longer ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I know you ; but , alas ! Leonidas ,", "Why should you tempt this danger on yourself ?", "No , I am still the same ;", "But there are many things became Palmyra ,", "Which ill become the princess .", "Leon , I ask nothing", "Which honour will not give you leave to grant :", "One hour 's short audience , at my father 's house ,", "You cannot sure refuse me .", "Perhaps I should , did I consult strict virtue ;", "But something must be given to love and you .", "When would you I should come ?", "\u2018 Tis enough .", "Go now ; for we may be observed and known .", "I trust your honour ; give me not occasion", "To blame myself , or you .", "Leonidas , what means this quick return ?", "Is aught of moment happened since you went ?", "And yet you answered to them .", "Retire ; you are too indiscreet a lover :", "I 'll meet you where I promised ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now cannot I find in my heart to discover myself , though I long he should know me .", "Were I a woman , oh how you would admire me ! cry up every word I said , and screw your face into a submissive smile ; as I have seen a dull gallant act wit , and counterfeit pleasantness , when he whispers to a great person in a play-house ; smile , and look briskly , when the other answers , as if something of extraordinary had past betwixt them , when , heaven knows , there was nothing else but ,\u2014 What a clock does your lordship think it is ? And my lord 's repartee is ,\u2014 It is almost park-time : or , at most ,\u2014 Shall we out of the pit , and go behind the scenes for an act or two \u2014 And yet such fine things as these would be wit in a mistress 's mouth .", "Come , you shall not go : You have no affairs but what you may dispatch here , to my knowledge .", "You are mistaken , sir ; I would only have you shew me a more lawful reason why you would leave me , than I can why you should not , and I 'll not stay you ; for I am not so young , but I understand the necessities of flesh and blood , and the pressing occasions of mankind , as well as you .", "My life on it , your mistress is not at home .", "For you only ?", "But how do you know she 's sick a-bed ?", "And are you such a novice in love , to believe a wife 's message to her husband ?", "It may be , to go in masquerade , as well as you ; to observe your haunts , and keep you company without your knowledge .", "If I were she , I would disguise on purpose to try your wit ; and come to my servant like a riddle ,\u2014 Read me , and take me .", "Then you make a load-stone of your mistress ?", "Yet still my mind gives me , that you have met her disguised to-night , and have not known her .", "And I tell you once more , that I know her better than you do .", "Ah mischief , I have lost him with my fooling . Palamede ,", "Palamede !", "Now , where was your good genius , that would prompt you to find me out ?", "But where was the steel , that knew the load-stone ? Ha ?", "Do you think he will not know me ? Am I like myself ?", "Nay , then he can never discover me , now the wrong side of the arras is turned towards him .", "Pray spare your seconds ; for my part I am but a weak brother .", "Then , for once , I 'll begin it . Here 's to him that has the fairest lady of Sicily in masquerade to night .", "I suppose I shall do you a kindness , to enquire if you have not been in France , sir ?", "O , monsieur , votre valet bien humble .", "I suppose , sweet sir , you are the hope and joy of some thriving citizen , who has pinched him self at home , to breed you abroad , where you have learned your exercises , as it appears , most awkwardly , and are returned , with the addition of a new-laced bosom and a clap , to your good old father , who looks at you with his mouth , while you spout French with your man monsieur .", "You are an admirer of the dull French poetry , which is so thin , that it is the very leaf-gold of wit , the very wafers and whip 'd cream of sense , for which a man opens his mouth , and gapes , to swallow nothing : And to be an admirer of such profound dulness , one must be endowed with a great perfection of impudence and ignorance .", "I 'll die upon the spot for our country wit .", "You 'll be a man as soon as I shall .", "What , lie with a boy ? For my part , I own it , I cannot endure to lie with a boy .", "Pish , take no care for us , but leave us in the streets ; I warrant you , as late as it is , I 'll find my lodging as well as any drunken bully of them all ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["You tell me wonders ; that Leonidas", "Is prince Theagenes , the late king 's son .", "I should , Leonidas , congratulate", "This happy change of your exalted fate ;", "But , as my joy , so you my wonder move .", "Your looks have more of business than of love ;", "And your last words some great design did shew .", "After so many proofs , how can you call", "My love in doubt ? Fear nothing , and hope all .", "Think what a prince , with honour , may receive ,", "Or I may give , without a parent 's leave .", "Man 's love may , like wild torrents , overflow ;", "Woman 's as deep , but in its banks must go .", "My love is mine , and that I can impart ;", "But cannot give my person , with my heart .", "Then ask my father .", "What then remains ?", "And is it thus you court Palmyra 's bed ?", "Can she the murderer of her parent wed ?", "Desist from force : So much you well may give", "To love , and me , to let my father live .", "I give what virtue , and what duty can ,", "In vowing ne'er to wed another man .", "I 'll keep my promise , though I lose my life .", "Then \u2018 tis past hope : our cruel fate , I see ,", "Will make a sad divorce \u2018 twixt you and me .", "For , if you force employ , by heaven I swear ,", "And all blessed beings ,\u2014", "I never \u2014", "I meant , that if you hazarded your life ,", "Or sought my father 's , ne'er to be your wife .", "You force me with your ruinous design .", "You wrong me : \u2018 Tis not , though it ought to be ;", "You are my care , heaven knows , as well as he .", "In telling this , you may be guilty too ;", "I therefore must discover what I know :", "What honour bids you do , nature bids me prevent ;", "But kill me first , and then pursue your black intent .", "Leonidas , I never thought these bands", "Could e'er be given me by a lover 's hands .", "Alas , I came but \u2014", "O spare Leonidas , and punish me !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["This evening , sayest thou ? will they both be here ?", "But this is such an unreasonable thing , to impose upon me to be married to-morrow ; \u2018 tis hurrying a man to execution , without giving him time to say his prayers .", "I 'll rout him , and his country education : Pox on him , I remember him before I travelled , he had nothing in him but mere jockey ; used to talk loud , and make matches , and was all for the crack of the field : Sense and wit were as much banished from his discourse , as they are when the court goes out of town to a horse race . Go now and provide your master 's lodgings .", "It vexes me to the heart , to leave all my designs with Doralice unfinished ; to have flown her so often to a mark , and still to be bobbed at retrieve : If I had once enjoyed her , though I could not have satisfied my stomach with the feast , at least I should have relished my mouth a little ; but now \u2014", "From your lady . I hope .", "And she takes it to the death ?", "Count Rhodophil ? never disguise it , I know the amour : But I hope you took the occasion to strike in for me ?", "Most divinely urged !", "I vow to Gad I had like to have forgot that good quality in myself , if thou hadst not remembered me of it : Here are five pieces for thee .", "O , I understand you , madam ; you shall find my hand as soft again as Count Rhodophil 's : There are twenty pieces for you . The former was but a retaining fee ; now I hope you 'll plead for me .", "I 'll be sure to follow your advice : But you 'll forget to further my design .", "There \u2018 tis ; and I ask your pardon heartily for calling your memory into question : I assure you I 'll trust it another time , without putting you to the trouble of another token .", "Do , persecute her ; and I 'll persecute thee as fast in thy own dialect .", "Let me die , madam , if I have not waited you here these two long hours , without so much as the suite of a single servant to attend me ; entertaining myself with my own chagrin till I had the honour of seeing your ladyship , who are a person that makes so considerable a figure in the court .", "But first give me leave to tell you , madam , that I have so great a tendre for your person , and such a penchant to do you service , that \u2014", "But your ladyship , madam \u2014", "And let me die , but I 'll follow you to the infernals , till you pity me .", "Fa\u00e7on , fa\u00e7on , you must and shall love me , and all that ; for my old man is coming up , and all that ; and I am desesper\u00e9 au dernier , and will not be disinherited , and all that .", "But why would you address yourself so much a contretemps then ?", "Ah , j'enrage !", "Ah qu'il fait beau dans ces boccages ;Ah que le ciet donne un beau jour ! There I was with you , with a minu\u00e9t .", "Ces beaux sejours , ces doux ramages \u2014", "Foy , ma Clymene , voy sous ce chene .S'entrebaiser ces oiseaux amoreux ! Let me die now , but that was fine . Ah , now , for three or four brisk Frenchmen , to be put into masking habits , and to sing it on a theatre , how witty it would be ! and then to dance helter skelter to a chanson a boire : Toute la terre , toute la terre est a moi ! What 's matter though it were made and sung two or three years ago in cabarets , how it would attract the admiration , especially of every one that 's an eveill\u00e9 !", "Fa , la , la , la , & c .", "No ; I will hear no conditions ; I am resolved to win you en Fran\u00e7ois : To be very airy , with abundance of noise , and no sense : Fa la , la , la , & c .", "You may easily imagine that , sweet Dorarlice .", "Now have I so much shame to be thus apprehended in the manner , that I can neither speak nor look upon you ; I have abundance of grace in me , that I find : But if you have any spark of true friendship in you , retire with me a little into the next room , that hath a couch or bed in it , and bestow your charity upon a dying man ! A little comfort from a mistress , before a man is going to give himself in marriage , is as good as a lusty dose of strong-water to a dying malefactor : it takes away the sense of hell and hanging from him .", "A wife is only to have the ripe fruit , that falls of itself ; but a wise man will always preserve a shaking for a mistress .", "But when the second comes \u2014", "No , never , except I were married to you : married people can never oblige one another ; for all they do is duty , and consequently there can be no thanks : But love is more frank and generous than he is honest ; he 's a liberal giver , but a cursed pay-master .", "Yet \u2018 tis a kind of fashion to wear a princess 's cast shoes ; you see the country ladies buy them , to be fine in them .", "Am I then to be discarded for ever ? pray do but mark how that word sounds : for ever ! it has a very damn 'd sound , Doralice .", "Yet , if we had but once enjoyed one another !\u2014 but then once only , is worse than not at all : It leaves a man with such a lingering after it .", "That is only , if the servant were not found a man of this world ; but if , upon trial , we had not liked each other , we had certainly left loving ; and faith , that 's the greater happiness of the two .", "Nay , after one great quarrel , there 's never any sound piecing ; the love is apt to break in the same place again .", "Well , madam , I am convinced , that \u2018 tis best for us not to have enjoyed ; but , gad , the strongest reason is , because I can n't help it .", "But then they wither , and grow dry in the very keeping ; however , I shall have a warmth for you , and an eagerness , every time I see you ; and , if I chance to out-live Melantha \u2014", "Well , I 'll cherish my body as much as I can , upon that hope . \u2018 Tis true , I would not directly murder the wife of my bosom ; but , to kill her civilly , by the way of kindness , I 'll put as fair as another man : I 'll begin to-morrow night , and be very wrathful with her ; that 's resolved on .", "In the mean time I 'll watch you hourly , as I would the ripeness of a melon ; and I hope you 'll give me leave now and then to look on you , and to see if you are not ready to be cut yet .", "Why would you have debauched my mistress ?", "What do you think of that innocent pair , who made it their pretence to seek for others , but came , indeed , to hide themselves there ?", "And I have an odd imagination , that you could never have suspected my small gallant , if your little villainous Frenchman had not been a false brother .", "And I shall answer you by the way of Dangerfield", "How for nothing ? He courts the woman I must marry .", "\u2018 Slife , what 's this ? Here 's an argument for me to love Melantha ; for he has loved her , and he has wit too , and , for aught I know , there may be a mine ; but , if there be , I am resolved I 'll dig for it .", "Rhodophil , you know me too well to imagine I speak for fear ; and therefore , in consideration of our past friendship , I will tell you , and bind it by all things holy , that Doralice is innocent .", "What dost think of a blessed community betwixt us four , for the solace of the women , and relief of the men ? Methinks it would be a pleasant kind of life : Wife and husband for the standing dish , and mistress and gallant for the desert .", "In such a case they must draw lots ; and yet that would not do neither , for they would both be wishing for the longest cut .", "Content , say I . From henceforth let all acts of hostility cease betwixt us ; and that , in the usual form of treaties , as well by sea as land , and in all fresh waters .", "Hast thou so ?", "\u201c Fall on , Macduff ,", "And cursed be he that first cries , Hold , enough . \u201d", "What noise is that ?", "Or die with you : No subject e'er can meet", "A nobler fate , than at his sovereign 's feet .", "And yet instruct us how to merit more .", "How ? Does it become him already ? \u2018 Twas but just now you said , he was such a figure of a man .Mel True , my dear , when he was a private man he was a figure ; but since he is a king , methinks he has assumed another figure : He looks so grand , and so august !", "Stay , stay ; I 'll present you when it is more convenient . I find I must get her a place at court ; and when she is once there , she can be no longer ridiculous ; for she is young enough , and pretty enough , and fool enough , and French enough , to bring up a fashion there to be affected ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Save you , sweet signior Benito ; by my faith I am glad to see you look so bonnily to-day . Gad , sir , every thing becomes you to a miracle : your peruke , your clothes , your hat , your shoe-ties ; and , gad , sir , let me tell you , you become every thing ; you walk with such a grace , and you bow so pliantly !", "Sirrah ! That my damned master should call a man of my extraordinary endowments , sirrah ! A man of my endowments ? Gad , I ask my own pardon , I mean a person of my endowments ; for a man of my parts and talents , though he be but a valet de chambre , is a person ; and let me tell my master \u2014 Gad , I frown too , as like a person as any jack-gentleman of them all ; but , gad , when I do not frown , I am an absolute beauty , whatever this glass says to the contrary ; and , if this glass deny it , \u2018 tis a base lying glass ; so I 'll tell it to its face , and kick it down into the bargain .", "I come , sir .\u2014 What the devil would he have ? But , by his favour , I 'll first survey my dancing and my singing .I think that was not amiss : I think so . Gad , I can danceand play no longer , I am in such a rapture with myself . What a villanous fate have I ! With all these excellencies , and a profound wit , and yet to be a serving-man !", "I confess , I have some kindness for the mirror .", "to Cam .My master , sir , may say his pleasure ; I divert myself sometimes with hearing him . Alas , good gentleman , \u2018 tis not given to all persons to penetrate into men 's parts and qualities ; but I look on you , sir , as a man of judgment , and therefore you shall hear me play and sing .", "to Cam . Do ye see , sir , this enemy to the muses ? he will not let me hold forth to you .O envy and ignorance , whither will you !\u2014 But , gad , before I 'll suffer my parts to be kept in obscurity \u2014 Aur , What will you do , rascal ?", "I 'll take up the guitar , and suffer heroically .", "Ay , do , kick till your toes ache ; I 'll be baffled in my music by ne'er a foot in Christendom .", "And I think that was well sung too .", "No , sir ; let him proceed to discourage virtue and see what will come on it .", "I understand you already , sir , and you desire love reciprocal . Leave your business in my hands ; and , if it succeed not , think me no wiser than my master .", "Denies them marriage ! Very good , sir .", "Uses them most barbarously ! Still better and better .", "I 'll tell you now , just such an amour as this had I once with a young lady , that \u2014", "A word to the wise . Have you no service to Laura ?", "I fly , Mr Jupiter ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Remember your waiting-woman 's part , Laura .", "Hark , I hear footsteps ; and now , methinks , I see something approaching us .", "My dear Camillo !", "Speak softly then ; I have stolen these few minutes from my watchful uncle and my sister , and they are as full of danger as they are of love . Something within me checks me too , and says , I was too forward in venturing thus to meet you .", "But night will hide my blushes , when I tell you , I love you much , or I had never trusted my virtue and my person in your hands .", "I fear you 'll censure me .", "And then will you be satisfied ?", "You feed a wolf within you .", "You do not love me ; if you did , you would not", "Thus urge your satisfaction in my shame ;", "At best , I see you would not love me long ,", "For they , who plunder , do not mean to stay .", "Ere heaven and holy vows have made it so ?", "Hold , hold , you are distempered with your love ;", "Time , place , and strong desires , now swear , not you .", "I never will receive these midnight vows :", "But when I come hereafter to your arms ,", "I 'll bring you a sincere , full , perfect bliss ;", "Then you will thank me that I kept it so ,", "And trust my faith hereafter .", "Hark , I hear a noise in the garden .", "Let us make haste , sister , and get into covert ; this music will raise the house upon us immediately .", "They are just upon them .", "They are gone . My dear Camillo , make haste , and preserve yourself ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Faith , Camillo , I am ashamed of it , but cannot help it .", "I could love deformity itself , with that good humour . She , who is armed with gaiety and wit , needs no other weapon to conquer me .", "It may be , then , I found her in the exaltation of her wit ; for certainly women have their good and ill days of talking , as they have of looking .", "Troth , not absolutely neither ; for I dote on Laura 's beauty , and on Beatrix 's wit : I am wounded with a forked arrow , which will not easily be got out .", "That will not now be difficult : This plot 's so laid , that I defy the devil to make it miss . The woman of the house , by which they are to pass to church , is bribed ; the ladies are by her acquainted with the design ; and we need only to be there before them , and expect the prey , which will undoubtedly fall into the net .", "He has disposed of himself , I thank him , for an hour or two : The fop would make me believe , that an unknown lady is in love with him , and has made him an assignation .", "Never doubt but he will succeed : Your brisk fool , that can make a leg , is ever a fine gentleman among the ladies , because he is just of their talent , and they understand him better than a wit .", "I must have a look before we go . Ah , you little divine rogue ! I 'll be with you immediately .", "Nay , put on , put on again , sweet sir ; why should you be uncovered before the fop your master , the wretched wight , the mortal of a grovelling soul ?", "If it be lawful for a man of a debased understanding to confer with such an exalted wit , pray what was that glorious achievement , which wrapt you into such an ecstasy ?", "Sir , I beg of you , as your most humble master , to be satisfied .", "You mean the mirror .", "But , to the business ; What is this famous enterprise ?", "I 'll swear it then . We two were the two rogues , and you the discoverer of our villany .", "But come a little nearer : I would not receive a good office from a servant , but I would reward him for his diligence .", "Since it is so , sir , you shall lose no further time in my service : Henceforward , pray know me for your humble servant ; for your master I am resolved to be no longer .", "\u2018 Tis in vain .", "He 's at it again ! do you hear , Camillo ?", "I am obdurate .", "I care not .", "I am glad I am rid of him ; he was my evil genius , and was always appearing to me , to blast my undertakings : Let me send him never so far off , the devil would be sure to put him in my way , when I had any thing to execute . Come , Camillo , now we have changed the dice , it may be we shall have better fortune ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["The prince I know already , by your description of his masking habit ; but , which is the duke , his father ?", "If he has not , I am resolved we 'll make ourselves as remarkable as we can : I 'll exercise my talent of dancing .", "Peace , I 'll fit him ; for I have been informed , to the least tittle , of his actions since he came to town .", "Tell his highness , if you please , that there is a face within the mask , so very deformed , that , if it were discovered , it would prove the worst visor of the two ; and that , of all men , he ought not to desire it should be exposed , because then something would be found amiss in an entertainment , which he has made so splendid and magnificent .", "I should still have the same reason to refuse him ; for \u2018 twere a madness , when I had charmed him by my motion and converse , to hazard the loss of that conquest by my eyes .", "Will you be satisfied , if I tell you I am of the Colonne ? You have seen Julia of that house ?", "Have I not her stature most exactly ?", "But , by your favour , I have nothing of her shape ; for , if I may be so vain to praise myself , she 's a little thicker in the shoulders , and , besides , she moves ungracefully .", "No , not she : But you have forgotten Emilia of the Ursini , whom the duke saluted yesterday at her balcony , when he entered . Her air and motion \u2014", "But there 's too little of her to make a beauty : My stature is more advantageous .", "Well , I find at last I must confess myself : What think you of Eugenia Beata ? The duke seemed to be infinitely pleased last night , when my brother presented me to him at the Belvidere .", "But , if you remember yourself a little better , there 's some small difference in our wit ; for she has indeed the air and beauty of a Roman lady , but all the dulness of a Dutch woman .", "See which of our resolutions will take place .", "And I am of an humour not to obey him . But why should he be so curious ?", "Without seeing me ?", "But the duke cannot be taken with my conversation , for he never heard me speak .", "I wish he had trusted to his own courtship , and spoke himself ; for it gives us a bad impression of a prince 's wit , when we see fools in favour about his person .", "The good old gentleman may dote , if he so pleases ; but love , and fifty years old , are stark nonsense .", "Yes , in their understandings .", "No ; \u2018 tis you that speak with contempt of him , by saying he is in love at such an age .", "I am so frighted , I cannot stay to thank you . Duke to Fred . \u2018 Tis a mistake , the ambassador knows nothing of her : I 'm resolved I 'll know it of herself , ere she shall depart .\u2014 Ha ! Where is she ? I left her here ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I needed not those marks to know her . She 's one continued excellence ; she 's all over miracle .", "You have treated me with harmony so excellent , that I believed myself among a choir of angels ; especially when I beheld so fair a troop behind you .", "Stay , lady ; I would speak with you .", "If your name be Lucretia , I have some business of concernment with you .", "But my discourses are not worldly , madam ;", "I had a vision in the dead of night ,", "Which shewed me this fair virgin in my sleep ,", "And told me , that from her I should be taught", "Where to bestow large alms , and great endowments ,", "On some near monastery .", "I see , madam , beauty will be beauty in any habit ;", "Though , I confess , the splendour of a court", "Were a much fitter scene for yours , than is", "A cloistered privacy .", "Since when , madam , have the world and you been upon these equal terms of hostility ? Time was , you have been better friends .", "Their memory ! you speak as if they were ages past .", "Yes , madam , I know you see whither my discourses tend , and therefore \u2018 twill not be convenient that you should take your leave . Disguise yourself no farther ; you are known , as well as you knew me in masquerade .", "This will not do ; your voice , your mien , your stature , betray you for the same I saw last night : you know the time and place .", "But you had too much wit to keep that vow .", "To save that labour , see if you know that hand , and let that justify you .", "You know you merit it :", "You used me ill , and now are in my power .", "Then , in few words ,\u2014 for I am bred a soldier ,", "And must speak plain ,\u2014 it is your love I ask ;", "If you deny , this letter is produced ;", "You know the consequence .", "Swear not ; I believe you :", "For , could I think my son had e'er enjoyed you ,", "I should not be his rival . Since he has not ,", "I may have so much kindness for myself ,", "To wish that happiness .", "Yet again that senseless argument ?", "The vows of chastity can ne'er be broken ,", "Where vows of secrecy are kept . Those I 'll swear with you .", "But \u2018 tis enough at present , you know my resolution .", "I would persuade , not force , you to my love ;", "And to that end I give you this night 's respite .", "Consider all , that you may fear or hope ;", "And think that on your grant , or your denial ,", "Depends a double welfare , yours and mine ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I believe , indeed , it troubled you to lose that letter .", "Call it not so , \u2018 twas but a casuality , though , I confess , the consequence is dangerous ; and therefore have not both of us reason to defy love , when we see a little gallantry is able to produce so much mischief ?", "Come , you are mute upon a subject , that is both easy and pleasant . A man in love is so ridiculous a creature \u2014", "True ; for to those that are , he cannot be so : They are like the citizens of Bethlehem , who never find out one another 's madness , because they are all tainted . But for such ancient fops , as , with reverence , your father is , what reason can they have to be in love ?", "But what ? Come , laugh at him .", "But , if it were another , we should see how you would insult over him .", "How , by yourself ! You are not in love , I hope ?\u2014 Oh that he would confess first now !", "Since you are not in love , you may the better counsel me : What shall we do with this same troublesome father of yours ?", "But you know he has me at a bay ; my letter is in his possession , and he may produce it to my ruin : Therefore , if I did allow him some little favour , to mollify him \u2014", "What , not your father ? Oh that he would confess he loved me first !", "He 's insensible : Now he enrages me .What if he proposes to marry me ? I am not yet professed , and \u2018 twould be much to my advantage .", "This begins to please me .", "Perhaps I do .", "But you had rather die , than suffer it .", "Do you contradict yourself so soon ? Then know , sir , I did intend to do it ; and I am glad you have given me advice so agreeable to my inclinations .", "Pray , then , carry him the news of his good success . Adieu , sweet prince !", "I am sure I have done nothing to be ashamed of , that I should need to run away .", "Fye , fye , loves me , Ascanio ! I hope he would not forswear himself , when he has railed so much against it .", "Because he does expect it , I am resolved , I 'll neither satisfy him nor you : I will neither rail nor laugh : Let him make his worst of that , now .", "You may give my words what interpretation you please , sir ; I shall not envy you their meaning in the kindest sense . But we are near the jessamine walk , there we may talk with greater freedom , because \u2018 tis farther from the house ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["By this , then , it appears you all are guilty ;", "Only your ignorance of each others crimes", "Caused first that tumult , and this discovery .", "Good heavens , that I should live to see this day !", "Methinks these holy walls , the cells , the cloisters ,", "Should all have struck a secret horror on you :", "And when , with unchaste thoughts ,", "You trod these lonely walks , you should have looked ,", "The venerable ghost of our first foundress", "Should , with spread arms , have met you in her shroud ,", "And frighted you from sin .", "If , as I might , with justice I should punish ,", "No penance could be rigorous enough ;", "But I am willing to be more indulgent .", "None of you are professed : And , since I see", "You are not fit for higher happiness ,", "You may have what you think the world can give you .", "You , Lucretia ,", "I shall advise within .", "For you , dear nieces , I have long considered", "The injuries you suffer from my brother ,", "And I rejoice it is in me to help you :", "I will endeavour , from this very hour ,", "To put you both into your lovers \u2019 hands ,", "Who , by your own confession , have deserved you ;", "But so as", "It shall not seem to be with my consent .", "Oh , you 're a faithful portress of a cloister ! What is't you whisper to Lucretia ? On your obedience tell me .", "I find that here has been a long commerce . What habits ?", "O strange impiety ! Well , I conclude", "You are no longer for religious clothing ;", "You would infect our order .", "I have done ; for \u2018 tis indeed too late to chide .", "I think they are your lovers , nieces .", "This opportunity must not be lost .", "In all that virtue will permit , you shall not fail to find it .", "Send for the magistrate ; he must be punished \u2014", "Yet , hold ; that would betray the other secret .", "Let him be strait turned out , on this condition ,", "That he presume not ever to disclose", "He was within these walls . I 'll speak with him .", "Come , and attend me to him ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["In making this appointment ,", "I go too far , for one of my profession ;", "But I have a divining soul within me ,", "Which tells me , trust reposed in noble natures", "Obliges them the more .", "That peace , I see , will not be hard to make ,", "When either side shows confidence of noble dealing", "From the other .", "\u2018 Tis mine , sir , more than yours .", "To meet you single , shows I trust your virtue ;", "But you appear distrustful of my love .", "Excuse me , sir , you keep a curb upon me ;", "You awe me with a letter , which you hold", "As hostage of my love ; and hostages", "Are ne'er required but from suspected faith .", "That were the way to keep us still at distance ;", "For what we fear , we cannot truly love .", "Make trial of my gratitude ; you 'll find", "I can acknowledge kindness .", "But love is soft ,", "Not of the lion 's nature , but the dove 's ;", "An iron chain would hang too heavy on a tender neck .", "As \u2018 tis the privilege of womankind ,", "That men should court our love ,", "And make the first advances ; so it follows ,", "That you should first oblige ; for \u2018 tis our weakness", "Gives us more cause of fear , and therefore you ,", "Who are the stronger sex , should first secure it .", "Design ! of giving you my love more freely ;", "Of making you a title to my heart ,", "Where you by force would reign .", "And what is then this midnight conversation ?", "These silent hours divided from my sleep ?", "Nay , more , stolen from my prayers with sacrilege ,", "And here transferred to you ? This guilty hand ,", "Which should be used in dropping holy beads ,", "But now bequeathed to yours ? This heaving heart ,", "Which only should be throbbing for my sins ,", "But which now beats uneven time for you ?", "These are my arts ! and these are my designs !", "Then I will ask no more .", "Keep still my letter , to upbraid me with it :", "To say , when I am sullied with your lust ,", "And fit to be forsaken ,\u2014 Go , Lucretia ,", "To your first love ; for this , for this , I leave you .", "It must , it will ; I read it in your looks ;", "You will betray me , when I 'm once engaged .", "My beauty is a flower upon the stalk ,", "Goodly to see ; but , gathered for the scent ,", "And once with eagerness pressed to your nostrils ,", "The sweets drawn out , \u2018 tis thrown with scorn away .", "But I am glad I find you out so soon ;", "I simply loved , and meant", "To trust my virgin honour in your hands .", "I asked not wealth for hire ; and , but by chance ,", "begged one trial ,", "And , but for form , to have pretence to yield ,", "And that you have denied me . Farewell ! I could", "Have loved you , and yet , perhaps , I \u2014", "Perhaps \u2014 I cannot yet leave loving you .", "There \u2018 twas . But I recalled it in my mind ,", "And made it false before I gave it air .", "Once more , farewell \u2014 I wo'not ,\u2014", "Now I can say I wo'not , wo'not love you .", "Good night ; I 'll thank you for't some other time .", "No ; but secure my honour .", "Help , help , or I am ravished ! help , for heaven 's sake ! HIPPOLITA , LAURA , and VIOLETTA , within , at several places .", "Thus , let me kneel , and pay my thanks and duty ,", "to Fred . I am so fearful , That , though I gladly run to your embraces , Yet , venturing in the world a second time , Methinks I put to sea in a rough storm , With shipwrecks round about me ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1398, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Good day , sir .", "I have not seen you long . How goes the world ?", "Ay , that 's well known ;", "But what particular rarity ? what strange ,", "Which manifold record not matches ? See ,", "Magic of bounty ! all these spirits thy power", "Hath conjur 'd to attend ! I know the merchant .", "When we for recompense have prais 'd the vile ,", "It stains the glory in that happy verse", "Which aptly sings the good .", "A thing slipp 'd idly from me .", "Our poesy is as a gum , which oozes", "From whence \u2018 tis nourish 'd : the fire i \u2019 the flint", "Shows not till it be struck ; our gentle flame", "Provokes itself , and like the current flies", "Each bound it chafes . What have you there ?", "Upon the heels of my presentment , sir . Let 's see your piece .", "So \u2018 tis : this comes off well and excellent .", "Admirable ! How this grace", "Speaks his own standing ! what a mental power", "This eye shoots forth ! how big imagination", "Moves in this lip ! to the dumbness of the gesture", "One might interpret .", "I 'll say of it ,", "It tutors nature : artificial strife", "Lives in these touches , livelier than life .", "The senators of Athens : happy man !", "You see this confluence , this great flood of visitors .", "I have , in this rough work , shap 'd out a man", "Whom this beneath world doth embrace and hug", "With amplest entertainment : my free drift", "Halts not particularly , but moves itself", "In a wide sea of wax : no levell 'd malice", "Infects one comma in the course I hold :", "But flies an eagle flight , bold and forth on ,", "Leaving no tract behind .", "I will unbolt to you .", "You see how all conditions , how all minds \u2014", "As well of glib and slipp'ry creatures as", "Of grave and austere quality \u2014 tender down", "Their services to Lord Timon : his large fortune ,", "Upon his good and gracious nature hanging ,", "Subdues and properties to his love and tendance", "All sorts of hearts ; yea , from the glass-fac 'd flatterer", "To Apemantus , that few things loves better", "Than to abhor himself : even he drops down", "The knee before him , and returns in peace", "Most rich in Timon 's nod .", "Sir , I have upon a high and pleasant hill", "Feign 'd Fortune to be thron 'd : the base o \u2019 the mount", "Is rank 'd with all deserts , all kind of natures", "That labour on the bosom of this sphere", "To propagate their states : amongst them all ,", "Whose eyes are on this sovereign lady fix 'd", "One do I personate of Lord Timon 's frame ,", "Whom Fortune with her ivory hand wafts to her ;", "Whose present grace to present slaves and servants", "Translates his rivals .", "Nay , sir , but hear me on .", "All those which were his fellows but of late ,", "Some better than his value , on the moment", "Follow his strides , his lobbies fill with tendance ,", "Rain sacrificial whisperings in his ear ,", "Make sacred even his stirrup , and through him", "Drink the free air .", "When Fortune in her shift and change of mood", "Spurns down her late beloved , all his dependants ,", "Which labour 'd after him to the mountain 's top", "Even on their knees and hands , let him slip down ,", "Not one accompanying his declining foot .", "Vouchsafe my labour , and long live your lordship !", "How now , philosopher !", "Art not one ?", "Then I lie not .", "Yes .", "That 's not feigned ; he is so ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1407, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["O ! by no means ,", "Honest Ventidius : you mistake my love ;", "I gave it freely ever ; and there 's none", "Can truly say he gives , if he receives :", "If our betters play at that game , we must not dare", "To imitate them ; faults that are rich are fair .", "Nay , my lords , ceremony was but devis 'd at first", "To set a gloss on faint deeds , hollow welcomes ,", "Recanting goodness , sorry ere \u2018 tis shown ;", "But where there is true friendship there needs none .", "Pray , sit ; more welcome are ye to my fortunes", "Than my fortunes to me .", "O ! Apemantus , you are welcome .", "Fie ! thou'rt a churl ; ye 've got a humour there", "Does not become a man ; \u2018 tis much to blame .", "They say , my lords , Ira furor brevis est ;", "But yond man is ever angry .", "Go , let him have a table by himself ;", "For he does neither affect company ,", "Nor is he fit for it , indeed .", "I take no heed of thee ; thou'rt an Athenian , therefore , welcome . I myself would have no power ; prithee ; let my meat make thee silent .", "My lord , in heart ; and let the health go round .", "Captain Alcibiades , your heart 's in the field now .", "You had rather be at a breakfast of enemies than a dinner of friends .", "O , no doubt , my good friends , but the gods themselves have provided that I shall have much help from you : how had you been my friends else ? why have you that charitable title from thousands , did not you chiefly belong to my heart ? I have told more of you to myself than you can with modesty speak in your own behalf ; and thus far I confirm you . O you gods ! think I , what need we have any friends if we should ne'er have need of \u2018 em ? they were the most needless creatures living , should we ne'er have use for \u2018 em ; and would most resemble sweet instruments hung up in cases , that keep their sounds to themselves . Why , I have often wished myself poorer that I might come nearer to you . We are born to do benefits ; and what better or properer can we call our own than the riches of our friends ? O ! what a precious comfort \u2018 tis to have so many , like brothers , commanding one another 's fortunes ! O joy ! e'en made away ere it can be born . Mine eyes cannot hold out water , methinks : to forget their faults , I drink to you .", "What means that trump ?", "How now !", "Ladies ? What are their wills ?", "I pray , let them be admitted .", "They are welcome all ; let \u2018 em have kind admittance :", "Music , make their welcome !", "You have done our pleasures much grace , fair ladies ,", "Set a fair fashion on our entertainment ,", "Which was not half so beautiful and kind ;", "You have added worth unto \u2018 t and lustre ,", "And entertain 'd me with mine own device ;", "I am to thank you for \u2018 t .", "Ladies , there is an idle banquet", "Attends you ; please you to dispose yourselves .", "Flavius !", "The little casket bring me hither .", "O , my friends ! I have one word to say to you ;", "Look you , my good lord ,", "I must entreat you , honour me so much", "As to advance this jewel ; accept it and wear it ,", "Kind my lord .", "They are fairly welcome .", "Near ! why then , another time I 'll hear thee . I prithee let 's be provided to show them entertainment .", "I shall accept them fairly ; let the presents", "Be worthily entertain 'd .", "How now ! What news ?", "I 'll hunt with him ; and let them be receiv 'd ,", "Not without fair reward .", "You do yourselves much wrong ;", "You bate too much of your own merits ;", "Here , my lord , a trifle of our love .", "And now I remember , my lord , you gave", "Good words the other day of a bay courser", "I rode on : it is yours because you lik 'd it .", "You may take my word , my lord : I know no man", "Can justly praise but what he does affect :", "I weigh my friend 's affection with mine own .", "I 'll tell you true ; I 'll call to you .", "I take all and your several visitations", "So kind to heart , \u2018 tis not enough to give ;", "Methinks , I could deal kingdoms to my friends ,", "And ne'er be weary . Alcibiades ,", "Thou art a soldier , therefore seldom rich ;", "It comes in charity to thee ; for all thy living", "Is \u2018 mongst the dead , and all the lands thou hast", "Lie in a pitch 'd field .", "And so am I to you .", "All to you . Lights , more lights !", "Ready for his friends .", "Now , Apemantus , if thou wert not sullen ,", "I would be good to thee .", "Nay , an you begin to rail on society once , I am sworn not to give regard to you . Farewell ; and come with better music ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1407, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["No care , no stop ! So senseless of expense ,", "That he will neither know how to maintain it ,", "Nor cease his flow of riot : takes no account", "How things go from him , nor resumes no care", "Of what is to continue : never mind", "Was to be so unwise , to be so kind .", "What shall be done ? He will not hear , till feel :", "I must be round with him . Now he comes from hunting .", "Fie , fie , fie , fie !", "Please you , gentlemen ,", "The time is unagreeable to this business :", "Your importunacy cease till after dinner ,", "That I may make his lordship understand", "Wherefore you are not paid .", "Pray , draw near .", "Pray you walk near : I 'll speak with you anon .", "You would not hear me ,", "At many leisures I propos 'd .", "O my good lord !", "At many times I brought in my accounts ,", "Laid them before you ; you would throw them off ,", "And say you found them in mine honesty .", "When for some trifling present you have bid me", "Return so much , I have shook my head , and wept ;", "Yea , \u2018 gainst the authority of manners , pray 'd you", "To hold your hand more close : I did endure", "Not seldom , nor no slight checks , when I have", "Prompted you in the ebb of your estate", "And your great flow of debts . My loved lord ,", "Though you hear now , too late , yet now 's a time ,", "The greatest of your having lacks a half", "To pay your present debts .", "\u2018 Tis all engag 'd , some forfeited and gone ;", "And what remains will hardly stop the mouth", "Of present dues ; the future comes apace :", "What shall defend the interim ? and at length", "How goes our reckoning ?", "O my good lord ! the world is but a word ;", "Were it all yours to give it in a breath ,", "How quickly were it gone !", "If you suspect my husbandry or falsehood ,", "Call me before the exactest auditors", "And set me on the proof . So the gods bless me ,", "When all our offices have been oppress 'd", "With riotous feeders , when our vaults have wept", "With drunken spilth of wine , when every room", "Hath blaz 'd with lights and bray 'd with minstrelsy ,", "I have retir 'd me to a wasteful cock ,", "And set mine eyes at flow .", "Heavens ! have I said , the bounty of this lord !", "How many prodigal bits have slaves and peasants", "This night englutted ! Who is not Timon 's ?", "What heart , head , sword , force , means , but is Lord Timon 's ?", "Great Timon , noble , worthy , royal Timon ! \u2019", "Ah ! when the means are gone that buy this praise ,", "The breath is gone whereof this praise is made :", "Feast \u2014 won , fast \u2014 lost ; one cloud of winter showers ,", "These flies are couch 'd .", "Assurance bless your thoughts !", "Lord Lucius and Lucullus ? hum !", "I have been bold ,\u2014", "For that I knew it the most general way ,\u2014", "To them to use your signet and your name ;", "But they do shake their heads , and I am here", "No richer in return .", "They answer , in a joint and corporate voice ,", "That now they are at fall , want treasure , cannot", "Do what they would ; are sorry ; you are honourable ;", "But yet they could have wish 'd ; they know not ;", "Something hath been amiss ; a noble nature", "May catch a wrench ; would all were well ; \u2018 tis pity ;", "And so , intending other serious matters ,", "After distasteful looks , and these hard fractions ,", "With certain half-caps and cold-moving nods ,", "They froze me into silence .", "I would I could not think it :", "That thought is bounty 's foe ;", "Being free itself , it thinks all others so ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1407, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ay , and I think one business does command us all ; for mine is money .", "And Sir Philotus too !", "Wlcome , good brother . What do you think the hour ?", "So much ?", "Not yet .", "Ay , but the days are waxed shorter with him :", "You must consider that a prodigal course", "Is like the sun 's , but not , like his , recoverable .", "I fear ,", "\u2018 Tis deepest winter in Lord Timon 's purse ;", "That is , one may reach deep enough , and yet", "Find little .", "Mark , how strange it shows ,", "Timon in this should pay more than he owes :", "And e'en as if your lord should wear rich jewels ,", "And send for money for \u2018 em .", "Five thousand mine .", "Flaminius ! Sir , a word . Pray , is my lord ready to come forth ?", "Ha ! is not that his steward muffled so ? He goes away in a cloud : call him , call him .", "Ay , but this answer will not serve .", "Many do keep their chambers are not sick :", "And , if it be so far beyond his health ,", "Methinks he should the sooner pay his debts ,", "And make a clear way to the gods .", "Put in now , Titus .", "Here 's mine .", "Alas , my lord \u2014", "Five thousand crowns , my lord ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1407, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["My lord , you have my voice to it : the fault 's", "Bloody . \u2018 tis necessary he should die ;", "Nothing emboldens sin so much as mercy .", "Now , captain .", "You undergo too strict a paradox , Striving to make an ugly deed look fair : Your words have took such pains as if they labour 'd To bring manslaughter into form , and set Quarrelling upon the head of valour ; which indeed Is valour misbegot , and came into the world When sects and factions were newly born . He 's truly valiant that can wisely suffer The worst that man can breathe , and make his wrongs his outsides , to wear them like his raiment , carelessly , And ne'er prefer his injuries to his heart , To bring it into danger . If wrongs be evils , and enforce us kill , What folly \u2018 tis to hazard life for ill !", "You cannot make gross sins look clear ;", "To revenge is no valour , but to bear .", "What 's that ?", "He dies .", "We are for law ; he dies : urge it no more ,", "On height of our displeasure . Friend or brother ,", "He forfeits his own blood that spills another .", "Do you dare our anger ?", "\u2018 Tis in few words , but spacious in effect ;", "We banish thee for ever .", "If , after two days \u2019 shine , Athens contain thee ,", "Attend our weightier judgment . And , not to swell our spirit ,", "He shall be executed presently ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1407, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I also wish it to you . I think this honourable lord did but try us this other day .", "It should not be , by the persuasion of his new feasting .", "In like manner was I in debt to my importunate business , but he would not hear my excuse . I am sorry , when he sent to borrow of me , that my provision was out .", "Every man here 's so . What would he have borrowed you ?", "A thousand pieces !", "He sent to me , sir \u2014 here he comes .", "The swallow follows not summer more willing than we your lordship .", "My noble lord ,\u2014", "My most honourable lord , I am e'en sick of shame , that when your lordship this other day sent to me I was so unfortunate a beggar .", "If you had sent but two hours before ,\u2014", "All covered dishes !", "I pray you , upon what ?", "This is the old man still .", "It does ; but time will \u2014 and so \u2014", "Know you the quality of Lord Timon 's fury ?", "Here \u2018 tis .", "Lord Timon 's mad ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1407, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["O blessed breeding sun ! draw from the earth", "Rotten humidity ; below thy sister 's orb", "Infect the air ! Twinn 'd brothers of one womb ,", "Whose procreation , residence and birth ,", "Scarce is dividant , touch them with several fortunes ;", "The greater scorns the lesser : not nature ,", "To whom all sores lay siege , can bear great fortune ,", "But by contempt of nature .", "Raise me this beggar , and deny't that lord ;", "The senator shall bear contempt hereditary ,", "The beggar native honour .", "It is the pasture lards the rother 's sides ,", "The want that makes him lean . Who dares , who dares ,", "In purity of manhood stand upright ,", "And say , \u2018 This man 's a flatterer \u2019 ? if one be ,", "So are they all ; for every grize of fortune", "Is smooth 'd by that below : the learned pate", "Ducks to the golden fool : all is oblique ;", "There 's nothing level in our cursed natures", "But direct villainy . Therefore , be abhorr 'd", "All feasts , societies , and throngs of men !", "His semblable , yea , himself , Timon disdains :", "Destruction fang mankind ! Earth , yield me roots !", "Who seeks for better of thee , sauce his palate", "With thy most operant poison ! What is here ?", "Gold ! yellow , glittering , precious gold ! No , gods ,", "I am no idle votarist . Roots , you clear heavens !", "Thus much of this will make black white , foul fair ,", "Wrong right , base noble , old young , coward valiant .", "Ha ! you gods , why this ? What this , you gods ? Why , this", "Will lug your priests and servants from your sides ,", "Pluck stout men 's pillows from below their head :", "This yellow slave", "Will knit and break religions ; bless the accurs 'd ,", "Make the hoar leprosy ador 'd ; place thieves ,", "And give them title , knee , and approbation ,", "With senators on the bench ; this is it", "That makes the wappen 'd widow wed again ;", "She , whom the spital-house and ulcerous sores", "Would cast the gorge at , this embalms and spices", "To the April day again . Come , damned earth ,", "Thou common whore of mankind , that putt'st odds", "Among the rout of nations , I will make thee", "Do thy right nature .\u2014", "Ha ! a drum ? thou'rt quick ,", "But yet I 'll bury thee : thou'lt go , strong thief ,", "When gouty keepers of thee cannot stand :", "Nay , stay thou out for earnest .", "A beast , as thou art . The canker gnaw thy heart ,", "For showing me again the eyes of man !", "I am Misanthropos , and hate mankind .", "For thy part , I do wish thou wert a dog ,", "That I might love thee something .", "I know thee too ; and more than that I know thee", "I not desire to know . Follow thy drum ;", "With man 's blood paint the ground , gules , gules ;", "Religious canons , civil laws are cruel ;", "Then what should war be ? This fell whore of thine", "Hath in her more destruction than thy sword", "For all her cherubin look .", "I will not kiss thee ; then the rot returns", "To thine own lips again .", "As the moon does , by wanting light to give :", "But then renew I could not like the moon ;", "There were no suns to borrow of .", "None , but to maintain my opinion .", "Promise me friendship , but perform none : if thou wilt not promise , the gods plague thee , for thou art man ! If thou dost perform , confound thee , for thou art a man !", "Thou saw'st them when I had prosperity .", "As thine is now , held with a brace of harlots .", "Art thou Timandra ?", "Be a whore still ; they love thee not that use thee ;", "Give them diseases , leaving with thee their lust .", "Make use of thy salt hours ; season the slaves", "For tubs and baths ; bring down rose-cheeked youth", "To the tub \u2014 fast and the diet .", "I prithee , beat thy drum , and get thee gone .", "How dost thou pity him whom thou dost trouble ? I had rather be alone .", "Keep it , I cannot eat it .", "Warr'st thou \u2018 gainst Athens ?", "The gods confound them all in thy conquest ;", "And thee after , when thou hast conquer 'd !", "That , by killing of villains ,", "Thou wast born to conquer my country .", "Put up thy gold : go on ,\u2014 here 's gold ,\u2014 go on ;", "Be as a planetary plague , when Jove", "Will o'er some high-vic 'd city hang his poison", "In the sick air : let not thy sword skip one .", "Pity not honour 'd age for his white beard ;", "He is an usurer . Strike me the counterfeit matron ;", "It is her habit only that is honest ,", "Herself 's a bawd . Let not the virgin 's cheek", "Make soft thy trenchant sword ; for those milk paps", "That through the window-bars bore at men 's eyes ,", "Are not within the leaf of pity writ ,", "But set them down horrible traitors . Spare not the babe ,", "Whose dimpled smiles from fools exhaust their mercy ;", "Think it a bastard , whom the oracle", "Hath doubtfully pronounc 'd thy throat shall cut ,", "And mince it sans remorse . Swear against objects ;", "Put armour on thine ears and on thine eyes ,", "Whose proof nor yells of mothers , maids , nor babes ,", "Nor sight of priests in holy vestments bleeding ,", "Shall pierce a jot . There 's gold to pay thy soldiers :", "Make large confusion ; and , thy fury spent ,", "Confounded be thyself ! Speak not , be gone .", "Dost thou , or dost thou not , heaven 's curse upon thee !", "Enough to make a whore forswear her trade ,", "And to make whores a bawd . Hold up , you sluts ,", "Your aprons mountant : you are not oathable ,", "Although , I know , you 'll swear , terribly swear", "Into strong shudders and to heavenly agues ,", "The immortal gods that hear you , spare your oaths ,", "I 'll trust to your conditions : be whores still ;", "And he whose pious breath seeks to convert you ,", "Be strong in whore , allure him , burn him up ;", "Let your close fire predominate his smoke ,", "And be no turncoats : yet may your pains , six months ,", "Be quite contrary : and thatch your poor thin roofs", "With burdens of the dead ; some that were hang 'd ,", "No matter ; wear them , betray with them : whore still ;", "Paint till a horse may mire upon your face :", "A pox of wrinkles !", "Consumptions sow", "In hollow bones of man ; strike their sharp shins ,", "And mar men 's spurring . Crack the lawyer 's voice ,", "That he may never more false title plead ,", "Nor sound his quillets shrilly ; hoar the flamen ,", "That scolds against the quality of flesh ,", "And not believes himself : down with the nose ,", "Down with it flat ; take the bridge quite away", "Of him that , his particular to foresee ,", "Smells from the general weal : make curl'dhYpppHeNpate ruffians bald ,", "And let the unscarr 'd braggarts of the war", "Derive some pain from you : plague all ,", "That your activity may defeat and quell", "The source of all erection . There 's more gold ;", "Do you damn others , and let this damn you ,", "And ditches grave you all !", "More whore , more mischief first ; I have given you earnest .", "If I hope well , I 'll never see thee more .", "Yes , thou spok'st well of me .", "Men daily find it . Get thee away , and take", "Thy beagles with thee .", "That nature , being sick of man 's unkindness ,", "Should yet be hungry ! Common mother , thou ,", "Whose womb unmeasurable , and infinite breast ,", "Teems , and feeds all ; whose self-same mettle ,", "Whereof thy proud child , arrogant man , is puff 'd ,", "Engenders the black toad and adder blue ,", "The gilded newt and eyeless venom 'd worm ,", "With all the abhorred births below crisp heaven", "Whereon Hyperion 's quickening fire doth shine ;", "Yield him , who all thy human sons doth hate ,", "From forth thy plenteous bosom , one poor root !", "Ensear thy fertile and conceptious womb ,", "Let it no more bring out ingrateful man !", "Go great with tigers , dragons , wolves , and bears ;", "Teem with new monsters , whom thy upward face", "Hath to the marbled mansion all above", "Never presented ! O ! a root ; dear thanks :", "Dry up thy marrows , vines and plough-torn leas ;", "Whereof ingrateful man , with liquorish draughts", "And morsels unctuous , greases his pure mind ,", "That from it all consideration slips !", "More man ! Plague ! plague !", "\u2018 Tis , then , because thou dost not keep a dog", "Whom I would imitate : consumption catch thee !", "Were I like thee I 'd throw away myself .", "A fool of thee . Depart .", "I hate thee worse .", "Thou flatter'st misery .", "Why dost thou seek me out ?", "Always a villain 's office or a fool 's . Dost please thyself i n't ?", "What ! a knave too ?", "Not by his breath that is more miserable .", "Thou art a slave , whom Fortune 's tender arm", "With favour never clasp 'd , but bred a dog .", "Hadst thou , like us from our first swath , proceeded", "The sweet degrees that this brief world affords", "To such as may the passive drugs of it", "Freely command , thou wouldst have plung 'd thyself", "In general riot ; melted down thy youth", "In different beds of lust ; and never learn 'd", "The icy precepts of respect , but follow 'd", "The sugar 'd game before thee . But myself ,", "Who had the world as my confectionary ,", "The mouths , the tongues , the eyes , and hearts of men", "At duty , more than I could frame employment ,", "That numberless upon me stuck as leaves", "Do on the oak , have with one winter 's brush", "Fell from their boughs , and left me open , bare", "For every storm that blows ; I , to bear this ,", "That never knew but better , is some burden :", "Thy nature did commence in sufferance , time", "Hath made thee hard i n't . Why shouldst thou hate men ?", "They never flatter 'd thee : what hast thou given ?", "If thou wilt curse , thy father , that poor rag ,", "Must be thy subject ; who in spite put stuff", "To some she-beggar and compounded thee", "Poor rogue hereditary . Hence ! be gone !", "If thou hadst not been born the worst of men ,", "Thou hadst been a knave and flatterer .", "Ay , that I am not thee .", "I , that I am one now ;", "Were all the wealth I have shut up in thee ,", "I 'd give thee leave to hang it . Get thee gone .", "That the whole life of Athens were in this !", "Thus would I eat it .", "First mend my company , take away thyself .", "\u2018 Tis not well mended so , it is but botch 'd . If not , I would it were .", "Thee thither in a whirlwind . If thou wilt ,", "Tell them there I have gold ; look , so I have .", "The best and truest ;", "For here it sleeps and does no hired harm .", "Under that 's above me . Where feed'st thou o \u2019 days , Apemantus ?", "Would poison were obedient and knew my mind !", "To sauce thy dishes .", "On what I hate I feed not .", "Ay , though it look like thee .", "Who , without those means thou talkest of , didst thou ever know beloved ?", "I understand thee ; thou hadst some means to keep a dog .", "Women nearest ; but men , men are the things themselves . What wouldst thou do with the world , Apemantus , if it lay in thy power ?", "Wouldst thou have thyself fall in the confusion of men , and remain a beast with the beasts ?", "A beastly ambition , which the gods grant thee to attain to . If thou wert the lion , the fox would beguile thee ; if thou wert the lamb , the fox would eat thee ; if thou wert the fox , the lion would suspect thee , when peradventure , thou wert accused by the ass ; if thou wert the ass , thy dulness would torment thee , and still thou livedst but as a breakfast to the wolf ; if thou wert the wolf , thy greediness would afflict thee , and oft thou shouldst hazard thy life for thy dinner ; wert thou the unicorn , pride and wrath would confound thee and make thine own self the conquest of thy fury ; wert thou a bear , thou wouldst be killed by the horse ; wert thou a horse , thou wouldst be seized by the leopard ; wert thou a leopard , thou wert german to the lion , and the spots of thy kindred were jurors on thy life ; all thy safety were remotion , and thy defence absence . What beast couldst thou be that were not subject to a beast ? and what beast art thou already , that seest not thy loss in transformation !", "How has the ass broke the wall , that thou art out of the city ?", "When there is nothing living but thee , thou shalt be welcome . I had rather be a beggar 's dog than Apemantus .", "Would thou wert clean enough to spit upon !", "All villains that do stand by thee are pure .", "If I name thee ,", "I 'll beat thee , but I should infect my hands .", "Away , thou issue of a mangy dog !", "Choler does kill me that thou art alive ;", "I swound to see thee .", "Away ,", "Thou tedious rogue ! I am sorry I shall lose", "A stone by thee .", "Slave !", "Rogue , rogue , rogue !", "I am sick of this false world , and will love nought", "But even the mere necessities upo n't .", "Then , Timon , presently prepare thy grave ;", "Lie where the light foam of the sea may beat", "Thy gravestone daily : make thine epitaph ,", "That death in me at others \u2019 lives may laugh .", "O thou sweet king-killer , and dear divorce", "\u2018 Twixt natural son and sire ! thou bright defiler", "Of Hymen 's purest bed ! thou valiant Mars !", "Thou ever young , fresh , lov 'd , and delicate wooer ,", "Whose blush doth thaw the consecrated snow", "That lies on Dian 's lap ! thou visible god ,", "That solder'st close impossibilities ,", "And mak'st them kiss ! that speak'st with every tongue", "To every purpose ! O thou touch of hearts !", "Think , thy slave man rebels , and by thy virtue", "Set them into confounding odds , that beasts", "May have the world in empire !", "Throng 'd to ?", "Thy back , I prithee .", "Long live so , and so die !", "I am quit .", "More things like men ! Eat , Timon , and abhor them .", "Now , thieves ?", "Both too , and women 's sons .", "Your greatest want is , you want much of meat .", "Why should you want ? Behold , the earth hath roots ;", "Within this mile break forth a hundred springs ;", "The oaks bear mast , the briars scarlet hips ;", "The bounteous housewife , Nature , on each bush", "Lays her full mess before you . Want ! Why want ?", "Nor on the beasts themselves , the birds , and fishes ;", "You must eat men . Yet thanks I must you con", "That you are thieves profess 'd , that you work not", "In holier shapes ; for there is boundless theft", "In limited professions . Rascal thieves ,", "Here 's gold . Go , suck the subtle blood o \u2019 the grape", "Till the high fever seethe your blood to froth ,", "And so scape hanging : trust not the physician ;", "His antidotes are poison , and he slays", "More than you rob : take wealth and lives together ;", "Do villainy , do , since you protest to do't ,", "Like workmen . I 'll example you with thievery :", "The sun 's a thief , and with his great attraction", "Robs the vast sea ; the moon 's an arrant thief ,", "And her pale fire she snatches from the sun ;", "The sea 's a thief , whose liquid surge resolves", "The moon into salt tears ; the earth 's a thief ,", "That feeds and breeds by a composture stolen", "From general excrement , each thing 's a thief ;", "The laws , your curb and whip , in their rough power", "Has uncheck 'd theft . Love not yourselves ; away !", "Rob one another . There 's more gold ; cut throats ;", "All that you meet are thieves . To Athens go ,", "Break open shops ; nothing can you steal", "But thieves do lose it : steal no less for this", "I give you ; and gold confound you howsoe'er !", "Amen .", "Away ! What art thou ?", "Why dost ask that ? I have forgot all men ;", "Then , if thou grant'st thou'rt a man , I have forgot thee .", "Then I know thee not :", "I never had honest man about me ; ay all", "I kept were knaves , to serve in meat to villains .", "What ! dost thou weep ? Come nearer . Then I love thee ,", "Because thou art a woman , and disclaim'st", "Flinty mankind , whose eyes do never give", "But thorough lust and laughter . Pity 's sleeping :", "Strange times , that weep with laughing , not with weeping !", "Had I a steward", "So true , so just , and now so comfortable ?", "It almost turns my dangerous nature mild .", "Let me behold thy face . Surely , this man", "Was born of woman .", "Forgive my general and exceptless rashness ,", "You perpetual sober gods ! I do proclaim", "One honest man , mistake me not , but one ;", "No more , I pray , and he 's a steward .", "How fain would I have hated all mankind !", "And thou redeem'st thyself : but all , save thee ,", "I fell with curses .", "Methinks thou art more honest now than wise ;", "For , by oppressing and betraying me ,", "Thou mightst have sooner got another service :", "For many so arrive at second masters", "Upon their first lord 's neck . But tell me true ,\u2014", "For I must ever doubt , though ne'er so sure ,\u2014", "Is not thy kindness subtle , covetous ,", "If not a usuring kindness and as rich men deal gifts ,", "Expecting in return , twenty for one ?", "Look thee , \u2018 tis so ! Thou singly honest man ,", "Here , take : the gods , out of my misery ,", "Have sent thee treasure . Go , live rich and happy ,", "But thus condition 'd : thou shalt build from men ;", "Hate all , curse all , show charity to none ,", "But let the famish 'd flesh slide from the bone ,", "Ere thou relieve the beggar ; give to dogs", "What thou deny'st to men ; let prisons swallow \u2018 em ,", "Debts wither \u2018 em to nothing ; be men like blasted woods ,", "And may diseases lick up their false bloods !", "And so , farewell and thrive .", "If thou hatest curses ,", "Stay not ; fly , whilst thou'rt bless 'd and free :", "Ne'er see thou man , and let me ne'er see thee ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1407, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["As I took note of the place , it cannot be far where he abides .", "Certain . Alcibiades reports it ; Phrynia and Timandra had gold of him : he likewise enriched poor straggling soldiers with great quantity . \u2018 Tis said he gave unto his steward a mighty sum .", "Nothing else . You shall see him a palm in Athens again , and flourish with the highest . Therefore \u2018 tis not amiss we tender our loves to him in this supposed distress of his ; it will show honestly in us , and is very likely to load our purposes with what they travail for , if it be just and true report that goes of his having .", "Nothing at this time but my visitation ; only , I will promise him an excellent piece .", "Good as the best . Promising is the very air o \u2019 the time ; it opens the eyes of expectation . Performance is ever the duller for his act , and , but in the plainer and simpler kind of people , the deed of saying is quite out of use . To promise is most courtly and fashionable ; performance is a kind of will or testament which argues a great sickness in his judgment that makes it .", "True ;", "When the day serves , before black \u2014 corner 'd night ,", "Find what thou want'st by free and offer 'd light .", "Come .", "Our late noble master !", "He and myself", "Have travail 'd in the great shower of your gifts ,", "And sweetly felt it .", "We are hither come to offer you our service .", "So it is said , my noble lord ; but therefore", "Came not my friend nor I .", "So , so , my lord .", "I know not such , my lord ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1407, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sound to this coward and lascivious town", "Our terrible approach .", "Till now you have gone on and fill 'd the time", "With all licentious measure , making your wills", "The scope of justice ; till now , myself , and such", "As slept within the shadow of your power ,", "Have wander 'd with our travers 'd arms , and breath 'd", "Our sufferance vainly . Now the time is flush ,", "When crouching marrow , in the bearer strong ,", "Cries of itself , \u2018 No more ! \u2019 Now breathless wrong", "Shall sit and pant in your great chairs of ease ,", "And pursy insolence shall break his wind", "With fear and horrid flight .", "Then there 's my glove ;", "Descend , and open your uncharged ports .", "Those enemies of Timon 's and mine own ,", "Whom you yourselves shall set out for reproof ,", "Fall , and no more . And , to atone your fears", "With my more noble meaning , not a man", "Shall pass his quarter or offend the stream", "Of regular justice in your city 's bounds ,", "But shall be render 'd to your public laws", "At heaviest answer .", "Descend , and keep your words ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1407, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Noble patricians , patrons of my right ,", "Defend the justice of my cause with arms ;", "And , countrymen , my loving followers ,", "Plead my successive title with your swords .", "I am his first born son that was the last", "That wore the imperial diadem of Rome ;", "Then let my father 's honours live in me ,", "Nor wrong mine age with this indignity .", "How fair the Tribune speaks to calm my thoughts .", "Friends , that have been thus forward in my right ,", "I thank you all and here dismiss you all ,", "And to the love and favour of my country", "Commit myself , my person , and the cause .", "Proud and ambitious Tribune , canst thou tell ?", "Romans , do me right .", "Patricians , draw your swords , and sheathe them not", "Till Saturninus be Rome 's Emperor .", "Andronicus , would thou were shipp 'd to hell", "Rather than rob me of the people 's hearts !", "Titus Andronicus , for thy favours done", "To us in our election this day", "I give thee thanks in part of thy deserts ,", "And will with deeds requite thy gentleness ;", "And for an onset , Titus , to advance", "Thy name and honourable family ,", "Lavinia will I make my empress ,", "Rome 's royal mistress , mistress of my heart ,", "And in the sacred Pantheon her espouse .", "Tell me , Andronicus , doth this motion please thee ?", "Thanks , noble Titus , father of my life .", "How proud I am of thee and of thy gifts", "Rome shall record ; and when I do forget", "The least of these unspeakable deserts ,", "Romans , forget your fealty to me .", "A goodly lady , trust me ; of the hue", "That I would choose , were I to choose anew. -", "Clear up , fair Queen , that cloudy countenance ;", "Though chance of war hath wrought this change of cheer ,", "Thou com'st not to be made a scorn in Rome-", "Princely shall be thy usage every way .", "Rest on my word , and let not discontent", "Daunt all your hopes . Madam , he comforts you", "Can make you greater than the Queen of Goths .", "Lavinia , you are not displeas 'd with this ?", "Thanks , sweet Lavinia . Romans , let us go . Ransomless here we set our prisoners free . Proclaim our honours , lords , with trump and drum .", "Surpris 'd ! By whom ?", "No , Titus , no ; the Emperor needs her not ,", "Nor her , nor thee , nor any of thy stock .", "I 'll trust by leisure him that mocks me once ;", "Thee never , nor thy traitorous haughty sons ,", "Confederates all thus to dishonour me .", "Was there none else in Rome to make a stale", "But Saturnine ? Full well , Andronicus ,", "Agree these deeds with that proud brag of thine", "That saidst I begg 'd the empire at thy hands .", "But go thy ways ; go , give that changing piece", "To him that flourish 'd for her with his sword .", "A valiant son-in-law thou shalt enjoy ;", "One fit to bandy with thy lawless sons ,", "To ruffle in the commonwealth of Rome .", "And therefore , lovely Tamora , Queen of Goths ,", "That , like the stately Phoebe \u2018 mongst her nymphs ,", "Dost overshine the gallant'st dames of Rome ,", "If thou be pleas 'd with this my sudden choice ,", "Behold , I choose thee , Tamora , for my bride", "And will create thee Empress of Rome .", "Speak , Queen of Goths , dost thou applaud my choice ?", "And here I swear by all the Roman gods-", "Sith priest and holy water are so near ,", "And tapers burn so bright , and everything", "In readiness for Hymenaeus stand-", "I will not re-salute the streets of Rome ,", "Or climb my palace , till from forth this place", "I lead espous 'd my bride along with me .", "Ascend , fair Queen , Pantheon . Lords , accompany", "Your noble Emperor and his lovely bride ,", "Sent by the heavens for Prince Saturnine ,", "Whose wisdom hath her fortune conquered ;", "There shall we consummate our spousal rites .", "So , Bassianus , you have play 'd your prize :", "God give you joy , sir , of your gallant bride !", "Traitor , if Rome have law or we have power ,", "Thou and thy faction shall repent this rape .", "\u2018 Tis good , sir . You are very short with us ;", "But if we live we 'll be as sharp with you .", "What , madam ! be dishonoured openly ,", "And basely put it up without revenge ?", "Rise , Titus , rise ; my Empress hath prevail 'd .", "Away , and talk not ; trouble us no more .", "Marcus , for thy sake , and thy brother 's here ,", "And at my lovely Tamora 's entreats ,", "I do remit these young men 's heinous faults .", "Stand up .", "Lavinia , though you left me like a churl ,", "I found a friend ; and sure as death I swore", "I would not part a bachelor from the priest .", "Come , if the Emperor 's court can feast two brides ,", "You are my guest , Lavinia , and your friends .", "This day shall be a love-day , Tamora .", "Be it so , Titus , and gramercy too ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1419, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now climbeth Tamora Olympus \u2019 top ,", "Safe out of Fortune 's shot , and sits aloft ,", "Secure of thunder 's crack or lightning flash ,", "Advanc 'd above pale envy 's threat'ning reach .", "As when the golden sun salutes the morn ,", "And , having gilt the ocean with his beams ,", "Gallops the zodiac in his glistening coach", "And overlooks the highest-peering hills ,", "So Tamora .", "Upon her wit doth earthly honour wait ,", "And virtue stoops and trembles at her frown .", "Then , Aaron , arm thy heart and fit thy thoughts", "To mount aloft with thy imperial mistress ,", "And mount her pitch whom thou in triumph long", "Hast prisoner held , fett'red in amorous chains ,", "And faster bound to Aaron 's charming eyes", "Than is Prometheus tied to Caucasus .", "Away with slavish weeds and servile thoughts !", "I will be bright and shine in pearl and gold ,", "To wait upon this new-made empress .", "To wait , said I ? To wanton with this queen ,", "This goddess , this Semiramis , this nymph ,", "This siren that will charm Rome 's Saturnine ,", "And see his shipwreck and his commonweal 's .", "Hullo ! what storm is this ?", "Clubs , clubs ! These lovers will not keep the peace .", "Why , how now , lords !", "So near the Emperor 's palace dare ye draw", "And maintain such a quarrel openly ?", "Full well I wot the ground of all this grudge :", "I would not for a million of gold", "The cause were known to them it most concerns ;", "Nor would your noble mother for much more", "Be so dishonoured in the court of Rome .", "For shame , put up .", "Away , I say !", "Now , by the gods that warlike Goths adore ,", "This pretty brabble will undo us all .", "Why , lords , and think you not how dangerous", "It is to jet upon a prince 's right ?", "What , is Lavinia then become so loose ,", "Or Bassianus so degenerate ,", "That for her love such quarrels may be broach 'd", "Without controlment , justice , or revenge ?", "Young lords , beware ; an should the Empress know", "This discord 's ground , the music would not please .", "Why , are ye mad , or know ye not in Rome", "How furious and impatient they be ,", "And cannot brook competitors in love ?", "I tell you , lords , you do but plot your deaths", "By this device .", "To achieve her - how ?", "Ay , and as good as Saturninus may .", "Why , then , it seems some certain snatch or so", "Would serve your turns .", "Would you had hit it too !", "Then should not we be tir 'd with this ado .", "Why , hark ye , hark ye ! and are you such fools", "To square for this ? Would it offend you , then ,", "That both should speed ?", "For shame , be friends , and join for that you jar .", "\u2018 Tis policy and stratagem must do", "That you affect ; and so must you resolve", "That what you cannot as you would achieve ,", "You must perforce accomplish as you may .", "Take this of me : Lucrece was not more chaste", "Than this Lavinia , Bassianus \u2019 love .", "A speedier course than ling'ring languishment", "Must we pursue , and I have found the path .", "My lords , a solemn hunting is in hand ;", "There will the lovely Roman ladies troop ;", "The forest walks are wide and spacious ,", "And many unfrequented plots there are", "Fitted by kind for rape and villainy .", "Single you thither then this dainty doe ,", "And strike her home by force if not by words .", "This way , or not at all , stand you in hope .", "Come , come , our Empress , with her sacred wit", "To villainy and vengeance consecrate ,", "Will we acquaint with all what we intend ;", "And she shall file our engines with advice", "That will not suffer you to square yourselves ,", "But to your wishes \u2019 height advance you both .", "The Emperor 's court is like the house of Fame ,", "The palace full of tongues , of eyes , and ears ;", "The woods are ruthless , dreadful , deaf , and dull .", "There speak and strike , brave boys , and take your turns ;", "There serve your lust , shadowed from heaven 's eye ,", "And revel in Lavinia 's treasury ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1419, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["He that had wit would think that I had none ,", "To bury so much gold under a tree", "And never after to inherit it .", "Let him that thinks of me so abjectly", "Know that this gold must coin a stratagem ,", "Which , cunningly effected , will beget", "A very excellent piece of villainy .", "And so repose , sweet gold , for their unrest", "That have their alms out of the Empress \u2019 chest .", "Madam , though Venus govern your desires ,", "Saturn is dominator over mine .", "What signifies my deadly-standing eye ,", "My silence and my cloudy melancholy ,", "My fleece of woolly hair that now uncurls", "Even as an adder when she doth unroll", "To do some fatal execution ?", "No , madam , these are no venereal signs .", "Vengeance is in my heart , death in my hand ,", "Blood and revenge are hammering in my head .", "Hark , Tamora , the empress of my soul ,", "Which never hopes more heaven than rests in thee-", "This is the day of doom for Bassianus ;", "His Philomel must lose her tongue to-day ,", "Thy sons make pillage of her chastity ,", "And wash their hands in Bassianus \u2019 blood .", "Seest thou this letter ? Take it up , I pray thee ,", "And give the King this fatal-plotted scroll .", "Now question me no more ; we are espied .", "Here comes a parcel of our hopeful booty ,", "Which dreads not yet their lives \u2019 destruction .", "No more , great Empress : Bassianus comes .", "Be cross with him ; and I 'll go fetch thy sons", "To back thy quarrels , whatsoe'er they be . Exit", "Come on , my lords , the better foot before ;", "Straight will I bring you to the loathsome pit", "Where I espied the panther fast asleep .", "Now will I fetch the King to find them here ,", "That he thereby may have a likely guess", "How these were they that made away his brother . Exit", "My gracious lord , here is the bag of gold ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1419, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Hear me , grave fathers ; noble Tribunes , stay ! For pity of mine age , whose youth was spent In dangerous wars whilst you securely slept ; For all my blood in Rome 's great quarrel shed , For all the frosty nights that I have watch 'd , And for these bitter tears , which now you see Filling the aged wrinkles in my cheeks , Be pitiful to my condemned sons , Whose souls are not corrupted as \u2018 tis thought . For two and twenty sons I never wept , Because they died in honour 's lofty bed .For these , Tribunes , in the dust I write My heart 's deep languor and my soul 's sad tears . Let my tears stanch the earth 's dry appetite ; My sons \u2019 sweet blood will make it shame and blush . O earth , I will befriend thee more with rain That shall distil from these two ancient urns , Than youthful April shall with all his show'rs . In summer 's drought I 'll drop upon thee still ; In winter with warm tears I 'll melt the snow And keep eternal spring-time on thy face , So thou refuse to drink my dear sons \u2019 blood . Enter Lucius with his weapon drawn O reverend Tribunes ! O gentle aged men ! Unbind my sons , reverse the doom of death , And let me say , that never wept before , My tears are now prevailing orators .", "Ah , Lucius , for thy brothers let me plead ! Grave Tribunes , once more I entreat of you .", "Why , \u2018 tis no matter , man : if they did hear ,", "They would not mark me ; if they did mark ,", "They would not pity me ; yet plead I must ,", "And bootless unto them .", "Therefore I tell my sorrows to the stones ;", "Who though they cannot answer my distress ,", "Yet in some sort they are better than the Tribunes ,", "For that they will not intercept my tale .", "When I do weep , they humbly at my feet", "Receive my tears , and seem to weep with me ;", "And were they but attired in grave weeds ,", "Rome could afford no tribunes like to these .", "A stone is soft as wax : tribunes more hard than stones .", "A stone is silent and offendeth not ,", "And tribunes with their tongues doom men to death .", "But wherefore stand'st thou with thy weapon drawn ?", "O happy man ! they have befriended thee .", "Why , foolish Lucius , dost thou not perceive", "That Rome is but a wilderness of tigers ?", "Tigers must prey , and Rome affords no prey", "But me and mine ; how happy art thou then", "From these devourers to be banished !", "But who comes with our brother Marcus here ?", "Will it consume me ? Let me see it then .", "Why , Marcus , so she is .", "Faint-hearted boy , arise , and look upon her .", "Speak , Lavinia , what accursed hand", "Hath made thee handless in thy father 's sight ?", "What fool hath added water to the sea ,", "Or brought a fagot to bright-burning Troy ?", "My grief was at the height before thou cam'st ,", "And now like Nilus it disdaineth bounds .", "Give me a sword , I 'll chop off my hands too ,", "For they have fought for Rome , and all in vain ;", "And they have nurs 'd this woe in feeding life ;", "In bootless prayer have they been held up ,", "And they have serv 'd me to effectless use .", "Now all the service I require of them", "Is that the one will help to cut the other .", "\u2018 Tis well , Lavinia , that thou hast no hands ;", "For hands to do Rome service is but vain .", "It was my dear , and he that wounded her", "Hath hurt me more than had he kill 'd me dead ;", "For now I stand as one upon a rock ,", "Environ 'd with a wilderness of sea ,", "Who marks the waxing tide grow wave by wave ,", "Expecting ever when some envious surge", "Will in his brinish bowels swallow him .", "This way to death my wretched sons are gone ;", "Here stands my other son , a banish 'd man ,", "And here my brother , weeping at my woes .", "But that which gives my soul the greatest spurn", "Is dear Lavinia , dearer than my soul .", "Had I but seen thy picture in this plight ,", "It would have madded me ; what shall I do", "Now I behold thy lively body so ?", "Thou hast no hands to wipe away thy tears ,", "Nor tongue to tell me who hath martyr 'd thee ;", "Thy husband he is dead , and for his death", "Thy brothers are condemn 'd , and dead by this .", "Look , Marcus ! Ah , son Lucius , look on her !", "When I did name her brothers , then fresh tears", "Stood on her cheeks , as doth the honey dew", "Upon a gath'red lily almost withered .", "If they did kill thy husband , then be joyful ,", "Because the law hath ta'en revenge on them .", "No , no , they would not do so foul a deed ;", "Witness the sorrow that their sister makes .", "Gentle Lavinia , let me kiss thy lips ,", "Or make some sign how I may do thee ease .", "Shall thy good uncle and thy brother Lucius", "And thou and I sit round about some fountain ,", "Looking all downwards to behold our cheeks", "How they are stain 'd , like meadows yet not dry", "With miry slime left on them by a flood ?", "And in the fountain shall we gaze so long ,", "Till the fresh taste be taken from that clearness ,", "And made a brine-pit with our bitter tears ?", "Or shall we cut away our hands like thine ?", "Or shall we bite our tongues , and in dumb shows", "Pass the remainder of our hateful days ?", "What shall we do ? Let us that have our tongues", "Plot some device of further misery", "To make us wonder 'd at in time to come .", "Ah , Marcus , Marcus ! Brother , well I wot", "Thy napkin cannot drink a tear of mine ,", "For thou , poor man , hast drown 'd it with thine own .", "Mark , Marcus , mark ! I understand her signs .", "Had she a tongue to speak , now would she say", "That to her brother which I said to thee :", "His napkin , with his true tears all bewet ,", "Can do no service on her sorrowful cheeks .", "O , what a sympathy of woe is this", "As far from help as Limbo is from bliss !", "O gracious Emperor ! O gentle Aaron !", "Did ever raven sing so like a lark", "That gives sweet tidings of the sun 's uprise ?", "With all my heart I 'll send the Emperor my hand .", "Good Aaron , wilt thou help to chop it off ?", "Sirs , strive no more ; such with'red herbs as these", "Are meet for plucking up , and therefore mine .", "Agree between you ; I will spare my hand .", "Come hither , Aaron , I 'll deceive them both ;", "Lend me thy hand , and I will give thee mine .", "Now stay your strife . What shall be is dispatch 'd .", "Good Aaron , give his Majesty my hand ;", "Tell him it was a hand that warded him", "From thousand dangers ; bid him bury it .", "More hath it merited - that let it have .", "As for my sons , say I account of them", "As jewels purchas 'd at an easy price ;", "And yet dear too , because I bought mine own .", "O , here I lift this one hand up to heaven , And bow this feeble ruin to the earth ; If any power pities wretched tears , To that I call !What , would'st thou kneel with me ? Do , then , dear heart ; for heaven shall hear our prayers , Or with our sighs we 'll breathe the welkin dim And stain the sun with fog , as sometime clouds When they do hug him in their melting bosoms .", "Is not my sorrow deep , having no bottom ?", "Then be my passions bottomless with them .", "If there were reason for these miseries ,", "Then into limits could I bind my woes .", "When heaven doth weep , doth not the earth o'erflow ?", "If the winds rage , doth not the sea wax mad ,", "Threat'ning the welkin with his big-swol'n face ?", "And wilt thou have a reason for this coil ?", "I am the sea ; hark how her sighs do blow .", "She is the weeping welkin , I the earth ;", "Then must my sea be moved with her sighs ;", "Then must my earth with her continual tears", "Become a deluge , overflow 'd and drown 'd ;", "For why my bowels cannot hide her woes ,", "But like a drunkard must I vomit them .", "Then give me leave ; for losers will have leave", "To ease their stomachs with their bitter tongues .", "When will this fearful slumber have an end ?", "Ha , ha , ha !", "Why , I have not another tear to shed ;", "Besides , this sorrow is an enemy ,", "And would usurp upon my wat'ry eyes", "And make them blind with tributary tears .", "Then which way shall I find Revenge 's cave ?", "For these two heads do seem to speak to me ,", "And threat me I shall never come to bliss", "Till all these mischiefs be return 'd again", "Even in their throats that have committed them .", "Come , let me see what task I have to do .", "You heavy people , circle me about ,", "That I may turn me to each one of you", "And swear unto my soul to right your wrongs .", "The vow is made . Come , brother , take a head ,", "And in this hand the other will I bear .", "And , Lavinia , thou shalt be employ 'd in this ;", "Bear thou my hand , sweet wench , between thy teeth .", "As for thee , boy , go , get thee from my sight ;", "Thou art an exile , and thou must not stay .", "Hie to the Goths and raise an army there ;", "And if ye love me , as I think you do ,", "Let 's kiss and part , for we have much to do ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1419, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["So so , now sit ; and look you eat no more", "Than will preserve just so much strength in us", "As will revenge these bitter woes of ours .", "Marcus , unknit that sorrow-wreathen knot ;", "Thy niece and I , poor creatures , want our hands ,", "And cannot passionate our tenfold grief", "With folded arms . This poor right hand of mine", "Is left to tyrannize upon my breast ;", "And , when my heart , all mad with misery ,", "Beats in this hollow prison of my flesh ,", "Then thus I thump it down .", "Thou map of woe , that thus dost talk in signs !", "When thy poor heart beats with outrageous beating ,", "Thou canst not strike it thus to make it still .", "Wound it with sighing , girl , kill it with groans ;", "Or get some little knife between thy teeth", "And just against thy heart make thou a hole ,", "That all the tears that thy poor eyes let fall", "May run into that sink and , soaking in ,", "Drown the lamenting fool in sea-salt tears .", "How now ! Has sorrow made thee dote already ?", "Why , Marcus , no man should be mad but I .", "What violent hands can she lay on her life ?", "Ah , wherefore dost thou urge the name of hands ?", "To bid Aeneas tell the tale twice o'er", "How Troy was burnt and he made miserable ?", "O , handle not the theme , to talk of hands ,", "Lest we remember still that we have none .", "Fie , fie , how franticly I square my talk ,", "As if we should forget we had no hands ,", "If Marcus did not name the word of hands !", "Come , let 's fall to ; and , gentle girl , eat this :", "Here is no drink . Hark , Marcus , what she says-", "I can interpret all her martyr 'd signs ;", "She says she drinks no other drink but tears ,", "Brew 'd with her sorrow , mesh 'd upon her cheeks .", "Speechless complainer , I will learn thy thought ;", "In thy dumb action will I be as perfect", "As begging hermits in their holy prayers .", "Thou shalt not sigh , nor hold thy stumps to heaven ,", "Nor wink , nor nod , nor kneel , nor make a sign ,", "But I of these will wrest an alphabet ,", "And by still practice learn to know thy meaning .", "Peace , tender sapling ; thou art made of tears ,", "And tears will quickly melt thy life away .", "What dost thou strike at , Marcus , with thy knife ?", "Out on thee , murderer , thou kill'st my heart !", "Mine eyes are cloy 'd with view of tyranny ;", "A deed of death done on the innocent", "Becomes not Titus \u2019 brother . Get thee gone ;", "I see thou art not for my company .", "\u2018 But ! \u2019 How if that fly had a father and mother ?", "How would he hang his slender gilded wings", "And buzz lamenting doings in the air !", "Poor harmless fly ,", "That with his pretty buzzing melody", "Came here to make us merry ! And thou hast kill 'd him .", "Come , take away . Lavinia , go with me ;", "I 'll to thy closet , and go read with thee", "Sad stories chanced in the times of old .", "Come , boy , and go with me ; thy sight is young ,", "And thou shalt read when mine begin to dazzle . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1419, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Help , grandsire , help ! my aunt Lavinia", "Follows me everywhere , I know not why .", "Good uncle Marcus , see how swift she comes !", "Alas , sweet aunt , I know not what you mean .", "Ay , when my father was in Rome she did .", "My lord , I know not , I , nor can I guess ,", "Unless some fit or frenzy do possess her ;", "For I have heard my grandsire say full oft", "Extremity of griefs would make men mad ;", "And I have read that Hecuba of Troy", "Ran mad for sorrow . That made me to fear ;", "Although , my lord , I know my noble aunt", "Loves me as dear as e'er my mother did ,", "And would not , but in fury , fright my youth ;", "Which made me down to throw my books , and fly-", "Causeless , perhaps . But pardon me , sweet aunt ;", "And , madam , if my uncle Marcus go ,", "I will most willingly attend your ladyship .", "Grandsire , \u2018 tis Ovid 's Metamorphoses ;", "My mother gave it me .", "I say , my lord , that if I were a man", "Their mother 's bedchamber should not be safe", "For these base bondmen to the yoke of Rome .", "And , uncle , so will I , an if I live .", "Ay , with my dagger in their bosoms , grandsire ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1419, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Ay , some mad message from his mad grandfather .", "Ay , just - a verse in Horace . Right , you have it .", "Now , what a thing it is to be an ass !", "Here 's no sound jest ! The old man hath found their guilt ,", "And sends them weapons wrapp 'd about with lines", "That wound , beyond their feeling , to the quick .", "But were our witty Empress well afoot ,", "She would applaud Andronicus \u2019 conceit .", "But let her rest in her unrest awhile-", "And now , young lords , was't not a happy star", "Led us to Rome , strangers , and more than so ,", "Captives , to be advanced to this height ?", "It did me good before the palace gate", "To brave the Tribune in his brother 's hearing .", "Had he not reason , Lord Demetrius ? Did you not use his daughter very friendly ?", "Here lacks but your mother for to say amen .", "Pray to the devils ; the gods have given us over .", "Well , more or less , or ne'er a whit at all ,", "Here Aaron is ; and what with Aaron now ?", "Why , what a caterwauling dost thou keep ! What dost thou wrap and fumble in thy arms ?", "To whom ?", "Well , God give her good rest ! What hath he sent her ?", "Why , then she is the devil 's dam ;", "A joyful issue .", "Zounds , ye whore ! Is black so base a hue ? Sweet blowse , you are a beauteous blossom sure .", "That which thou canst not undo .", "Villain , I have done thy mother .", "It shall not die .", "What , must it , nurse ? Then let no man but I", "Do execution on my flesh and blood .", "Sooner this sword shall plough thy bowels up .", "Stay , murderous villains , will you kill your brother !", "Now , by the burning tapers of the sky", "That shone so brightly when this boy was got ,", "He dies upon my scimitar 's sharp point", "That touches this my first-born son and heir .", "I tell you , younglings , not Enceladus ,", "With all his threat'ning band of Typhon 's brood ,", "Nor great Alcides , nor the god of war ,", "Shall seize this prey out of his father 's hands .", "What , what , ye sanguine , shallow-hearted boys !", "Ye white-lim 'd walls ! ye alehouse painted signs !", "Coal-black is better than another hue", "In that it scorns to bear another hue ;", "For all the water in the ocean", "Can never turn the swan 's black legs to white ,", "Although she lave them hourly in the flood .", "Tell the Empress from me I am of age", "To keep mine own - excuse it how she can .", "My mistress is my mistress : this my self ,", "The vigour and the picture of my youth .", "This before all the world do I prefer ;", "This maugre all the world will I keep safe ,", "Or some of you shall smoke for it in Rome .", "Why , there 's the privilege your beauty bears :", "Fie , treacherous hue , that will betray with blushing", "The close enacts and counsels of thy heart !", "Here 's a young lad fram 'd of another leer .", "Look how the black slave smiles upon the father ,", "As who should say \u2018 Old lad , I am thine own . \u2019", "He is your brother , lords , sensibly fed", "Of that self-blood that first gave life to you ;", "And from your womb where you imprisoned were", "He is enfranchised and come to light .", "Nay , he is your brother by the surer side ,", "Although my seal be stamped in his face .", "Then sit we down and let us all consult .", "My son and I will have the wind of you :", "Keep there ; now talk at pleasure of your safety .", "Why , so , brave lords ! When we join in league", "I am a lamb ; but if you brave the Moor ,", "The chafed boar , the mountain lioness ,", "The ocean swells not so as Aaron storms .", "But say , again , how many saw the child ?", "The Empress , the midwife , and yourself .", "Two may keep counsel when the third 's away :", "Go to the Empress , tell her this I said .", "Weeke weeke !", "So cries a pig prepared to the spit .", "O Lord , sir , \u2018 tis a deed of policy .", "Shall she live to betray this guilt of ours-", "A long-tongu 'd babbling gossip ? No , lords , no .", "And now be it known to you my full intent :", "Not far , one Muliteus lives , my countryman-", "His wife but yesternight was brought to bed ;", "His child is like to her , fair as you are .", "Go pack with him , and give the mother gold ,", "And tell them both the circumstance of all ,", "And how by this their child shall be advanc 'd ,", "And be received for the Emperor 's heir", "And substituted in the place of mine ,", "To calm this tempest whirling in the court ;", "And let the Emperor dandle him for his own .", "Hark ye , lords . You see I have given her physic ,", "And you must needs bestow her funeral ;", "The fields are near , and you are gallant grooms .", "This done , see that you take no longer days ,", "But send the midwife presently to me .", "The midwife and the nurse well made away ,", "Then let the ladies tattle what they please .", "Now to the Goths , as swift as swallow flies ,", "There to dispose this treasure in mine arms ,", "And secretly to greet the Empress \u2019 friends .", "Come on , you thick-lipp 'd slave , I 'll bear you hence ;", "For it is you that puts us to our shifts .", "I 'll make you feed on berries and on roots ,", "And feed on curds and whey , and suck the goat ,", "And cabin in a cave , and bring you up", "To be a warrior and command a camp ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1419, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come , Marcus , come ; kinsmen , this is the way .", "Sir boy , let me see your archery ;", "Look ye draw home enough , and \u2018 tis there straight .", "Terras Astrea reliquit ,", "Be you rememb'red , Marcus ; she 's gone , she 's fled .", "Sirs , take you to your tools . You , cousins , shall", "Go sound the ocean and cast your nets ;", "Happily you may catch her in the sea ;", "Yet there 's as little justice as at land .", "No ; Publius and Sempronius , you must do it ;", "\u2018 Tis you must dig with mattock and with spade ,", "And pierce the inmost centre of the earth ;", "Then , when you come to Pluto 's region ,", "I pray you deliver him this petition .", "Tell him it is for justice and for aid ,", "And that it comes from old Andronicus ,", "Shaken with sorrows in ungrateful Rome .", "Ah , Rome ! Well , well , I made thee miserable", "What time I threw the people 's suffrages", "On him that thus doth tyrannize o'er me .", "Go get you gone ; and pray be careful all ,", "And leave you not a man-of-war unsearch 'd .", "This wicked Emperor may have shipp 'd her hence ;", "And , kinsmen , then we may go pipe for justice .", "Publius , how now ? How now , my masters ?", "What , have you met with her ?", "He doth me wrong to feed me with delays .", "I 'll dive into the burning lake below", "And pull her out of Acheron by the heels .", "Marcus , we are but shrubs , no cedars we ,", "No big-bon 'd men fram 'd of the Cyclops \u2019 size ;", "But metal , Marcus , steel to the very back ,", "Yet wrung with wrongs more than our backs can bear ;", "And , sith there 's no justice in earth nor hell ,", "We will solicit heaven , and move the gods", "To send down justice for to wreak our wrongs .", "Come , to this gear . You are a good archer , Marcus .", "\u2018 Ad Jovem \u2019 that 's for you ; here \u2018 Ad Apollinem . \u2019", "\u2018 Ad Martem \u2019 that 's for myself .", "Here , boy , \u2018 To Pallas \u2019 ; here \u2018 To Mercury . \u2019", "\u2018 To Saturn , \u2019 Caius - not to Saturnine :", "You were as good to shoot against the wind .", "To it , boy . Marcus , loose when I bid .", "Of my word , I have written to effect ;", "There 's not a god left unsolicited .", "Now , masters , draw .O , well said , Lucius ! Good boy , in Virgo 's lap ! Give it Pallas .", "Ha ! ha ! Publius , Publius , hast thou done ? See , see , thou hast shot off one of Taurus \u2019 horns .", "Why , there it goes ! God give his lordship joy !", "Enter the CLOWN , with a basket and two pigeons in it", "News , news from heaven ! Marcus , the post is come .", "Sirrah , what tidings ? Have you any letters ?", "Shall I have justice ? What says Jupiter ?", "But what says Jupiter , I ask thee ?", "Why , villain , art not thou the carrier ?", "Why , didst thou not come from heaven ?", "Tell me , can you deliver an oration to the Emperor with a grace ?", "Sirrah , come hither . Make no more ado , But give your pigeons to the Emperor ; By me thou shalt have justice at his hands . Hold , hold ! Meanwhile here 's money for thy charges . Give me pen and ink . Sirrah , can you with a grace deliver up a supplication ?", "Then here is a supplication for you . And when you come to him , at the first approach you must kneel ; then kiss his foot ; then deliver up your pigeons ; and then look for your reward . I 'll be at hand , sir ; see you do it bravely .", "Sirrah , hast thou a knife ? Come let me see it .", "Here , Marcus , fold it in the oration ;", "For thou hast made it like a humble suppliant .", "And when thou hast given it to the Emperor ,", "Knock at my door , and tell me what he says .", "Come , Marcus , let us go . Publius , follow me . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1419, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Why , lords , what wrongs are these ! Was ever seen", "An emperor in Rome thus overborne ,", "Troubled , confronted thus ; and , for the extent", "Of egal justice , us 'd in such contempt ?", "My lords , you know , as know the mightful gods ,", "However these disturbers of our peace", "Buzz in the people 's ears , there nought hath pass 'd", "But even with law against the wilful sons", "Of old Andronicus . And what an if", "His sorrows have so overwhelm 'd his wits ,", "Shall we be thus afflicted in his wreaks ,", "His fits , his frenzy , and his bitterness ?", "And now he writes to heaven for his redress .", "See , here 's \u2018 To Jove \u2019 and this \u2018 To Mercury \u2019 ;", "This \u2018 To Apollo \u2019 ; this \u2018 To the God of War \u2019 -", "Sweet scrolls to fly about the streets of Rome !", "What 's this but libelling against the Senate ,", "And blazoning our unjustice every where ?", "A goodly humour , is it not , my lords ?", "As who would say in Rome no justice were .", "But if I live , his feigned ecstasies", "Shall be no shelter to these outrages ;", "But he and his shall know that justice lives", "In Saturninus \u2019 health ; whom , if she sleep ,", "He 'll so awake as he in fury shall", "Cut off the proud'st conspirator that lives .", "Go take him away , and hang him presently .", "Despiteful and intolerable wrongs !", "Shall I endure this monstrous villainy ?", "I know from whence this same device proceeds .", "May this be borne - as if his traitorous sons", "That died by law for murder of our brother", "Have by my means been butchered wrongfully ?", "Go drag the villain hither by the hair ;", "Nor age nor honour shall shape privilege .", "For this proud mock I 'll be thy slaughterman ,", "Sly frantic wretch , that holp'st to make me great ,", "In hope thyself should govern Rome and me .", "Enter NUNTIUS AEMILIUS", "What news with thee , Aemilius ?", "Is warlike Lucius general of the Goths ?", "These tidings nip me , and I hang the head", "As flowers with frost , or grass beat down with storms .", "Ay , now begins our sorrows to approach .", "\u2018 Tis he the common people love so much ;", "Myself hath often heard them say-", "When I have walked like a private man-", "That Lucius \u2019 banishment was wrongfully ,", "And they have wish 'd that Lucius were their emperor .", "Ay , but the citizens favour Lucius ,", "And will revolt from me to succour him .", "But he will not entreat his son for us .", "Aemilius , do this message honourably ;", "And if he stand on hostage for his safety ,", "Bid him demand what pledge will please him best .", "Then go successantly , and plead to him ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1419, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Approved warriors and my faithful friends ,", "I have received letters from great Rome", "Which signifies what hate they bear their Emperor", "And how desirous of our sight they are .", "Therefore , great lords , be , as your titles witness ,", "Imperious and impatient of your wrongs ;", "And wherein Rome hath done you any scath ,", "Let him make treble satisfaction .", "I humbly thank him , and I thank you all . But who comes here , led by a lusty Goth ?", "O worthy Goth , this is the incarnate devil", "That robb 'd Andronicus of his good hand ;", "This is the pearl that pleas 'd your Empress \u2019 eye ;", "And here 's the base fruit of her burning lust .", "Say , wall-ey 'd slave , whither wouldst thou convey", "This growing image of thy fiend-like face ?", "Why dost not speak ? What , deaf ? Not a word ?", "A halter , soldiers ! Hang him on this tree ,", "And by his side his fruit of bastardy .", "Too like the sire for ever being good .", "First hang the child , that he may see it sprawl-", "A sight to vex the father 's soul withal .", "Get me a ladder .", "Say on ; an if it please me which thou speak'st ,", "Thy child shall live , and I will see it nourish 'd .", "Tell on thy mind ; I say thy child shall live .", "Who should I swear by ? Thou believest no god ;", "That granted , how canst thou believe an oath ?", "Even by my god I swear to thee I will .", "O most insatiate and luxurious woman !", "O detestable villain ! Call'st thou that trimming ?", "O barbarous beastly villains like thyself !", "Art thou not sorry for these heinous deeds ?", "Bring down the devil , for he must not die", "So sweet a death as hanging presently .", "Sirs , stop his mouth , and let him speak no more .", "Let him come near . Welcome , Aemilius . What 's the news from Rome ?", "Aemilius , let the Emperor give his pledges", "Unto my father and my uncle Marcus .", "And we will come . March away . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1419, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Thus , in this strange and sad habiliment ,", "I will encounter with Andronicus ,", "And say I am Revenge , sent from below", "To join with him and right his heinous wrongs .", "Knock at his study , where they say he keeps", "To ruminate strange plots of dire revenge ;", "Tell him Revenge is come to join with him ,", "And work confusion on his enemies .", "They knock and TITUS opens his study door , above", "Titus , I am come to talk with thee .", "If thou didst know me , thou wouldst talk with me .", "Know thou , sad man , I am not Tamora :", "She is thy enemy and I thy friend .", "I am Revenge , sent from th \u2019 infernal kingdom", "To ease the gnawing vulture of thy mind", "By working wreakful vengeance on thy foes .", "Come down and welcome me to this world 's light ;", "Confer with me of murder and of death ;", "There 's not a hollow cave or lurking-place ,", "No vast obscurity or misty vale ,", "Where bloody murder or detested rape", "Can couch for fear but I will find them out ;", "And in their ears tell them my dreadful name-", "Revenge , which makes the foul offender quake .", "I am ; therefore come down and welcome me .", "These are my ministers , and come with me .", "Rape and Murder ; therefore called so", "\u2018 Cause they take vengeance of such kind of men .", "This closing with him fits his lunacy .", "Whate'er I forge to feed his brain-sick humours ,", "Do you uphold and maintain in your speeches ,", "For now he firmly takes me for Revenge ;", "And , being credulous in this mad thought ,", "I 'll make him send for Lucius his son ,", "And whilst I at a banquet hold him sure ,", "I 'll find some cunning practice out of hand", "To scatter and disperse the giddy Goths ,", "Or , at the least , make them his enemies .", "See , here he comes , and I must ply my theme .", "What wouldst thou have us do , Andronicus ?", "Show me a thousand that hath done thee wrong ,", "And I will be revenged on them all .", "Well hast thou lesson 'd us ; this shall we do .", "But would it please thee , good Andronicus ,", "To send for Lucius , thy thrice-valiant son ,", "Who leads towards Rome a band of warlike Goths ,", "And bid him come and banquet at thy house ;", "When he is here , even at thy solemn feast ,", "I will bring in the Empress and her sons ,", "The Emperor himself , and all thy foes ;", "And at thy mercy shall they stoop and kneel ,", "And on them shalt thou ease thy angry heart .", "What says Andronicus to this device ?", "Now will I hence about thy business ,", "And take my ministers along with me .", "What say you , boys ? Will you abide with him , Whiles I go tell my lord the Emperor How I have govern 'd our determin 'd jest ? Yield to his humour , smooth and speak him fair , And tarry with him till I turn again .", "Farewell , Andronicus , Revenge now goes", "To lay a complot to betray thy foes ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1419, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Uncle Marcus , since \u2018 tis my father 's mind", "That I repair to Rome , I am content .", "Good uncle , take you in this barbarous Moor ,", "This ravenous tiger , this accursed devil ;", "Let him receive no sust'nance , fetter him ,", "Till he be brought unto the Empress \u2019 face", "For testimony of her foul proceedings .", "And see the ambush of our friends be strong ;", "I fear the Emperor means no good to us .", "Away , inhuman dog , unhallowed slave ! Sirs , help our uncle to convey him in .", "What boots it thee to call thyself a sun ?", "Can the son 's eye behold his father bleed ?", "There 's meed for meed , death for a deadly deed .", "Then , gracious auditory , be it known to you", "That Chiron and the damn 'd Demetrius", "Were they that murd'red our Emperor 's brother ;", "And they it were that ravished our sister .", "For their fell faults our brothers were beheaded ,", "Our father 's tears despis 'd , and basely cozen 'd", "Of that true hand that fought Rome 's quarrel out", "And sent her enemies unto the grave .", "Lastly , myself unkindly banished ,", "The gates shut on me , and turn 'd weeping out ,", "To beg relief among Rome 's enemies ;", "Who drown 'd their enmity in my true tears ,", "And op 'd their arms to embrace me as a friend .", "I am the turned forth , be it known to you ,", "That have preserv 'd her welfare in my blood", "And from her bosom took the enemy 's point ,", "Sheathing the steel in my advent'rous body .", "Alas ! you know I am no vaunter , I ;", "My scars can witness , dumb although they are ,", "That my report is just and full of truth .", "But , soft ! methinks I do digress too much ,", "Citing my worthless praise . O , pardon me !", "For when no friends are by , men praise themselves .", "Thanks , gentle Romans ! May I govern so", "To heal Rome 's harms and wipe away her woe !", "But , gentle people , give me aim awhile ,", "For nature puts me to a heavy task .", "Stand all aloof ; but , uncle , draw you near", "To shed obsequious tears upon this trunk .", "O , take this warm kiss on thy pale cold lips .", "These sorrowful drops upon thy blood-stain 'd face ,", "The last true duties of thy noble son !", "Come hither , boy ; come , come , come , and learn of us", "To melt in showers . Thy grandsire lov 'd thee well ;", "Many a time he danc 'd thee on his knee ,", "Sung thee asleep , his loving breast thy pillow ;", "Many a story hath he told to thee ,", "And bid thee bear his pretty tales in mind", "And talk of them when he was dead and gone .", "Set him breast-deep in earth , and famish him ;", "There let him stand and rave and cry for food .", "If any one relieves or pities him ,", "For the offence he dies . This is our doom .", "Some stay to see him fast'ned in the earth .", "Some loving friends convey the Emperor hence ,", "And give him burial in his father 's grave .", "My father and Lavinia shall forthwith", "Be closed in our household 's monument .", "As for that ravenous tiger , Tamora ,", "No funeral rite , nor man in mourning weed ,", "No mournful bell shall ring her burial ;", "But throw her forth to beasts and birds to prey .", "Her life was beastly and devoid of pity ,", "And being dead , let birds on her take pity . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1419, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Holy women , I salute you .", "Good morning , girls . Sit here . The two friendsNow stand straight , while we go through the happy ceremony .", "It has happened often enough , but I ought to be very grateful to-day . Shall I ever be adorned by my friends again ?The two friends . You ought not to weep , dear , at this happy time .", "I know how clever you are .", "Kanva .", "Shakuntala must go to-day ;", "I miss her now at heart ;", "I dare not speak a loving word", "Or choking tears will start .", "My eyes are dim with anxious thought ;", "Love strikes me to the life :", "And yet I strove for pious peace \u2014", "I have no child , no wife .", "What must a father feel , when come", "The pangs of parting from his child at home ?", "Father , there is the pregnant doe , wandering about near the cottage . When she becomes a happy mother , you must send some one to bring me the good news . Do not forget .", "My dear , why should you follow me when I am going away from home ? Your mother died when you were born and I brought you up . Now I am leaving you , and Father Kanva will take care of you . Go back , dear ! Go back !", "Oh , Father ! Must my friends turn back too ?", "Your doubts make my heart beat faster . The two friends . Do not be afraid , dear . Love is timid . SharngaravaFather , the sun is in mid-heaven . She must hasten . ShakuntalaFather , when shall I see the pious grove again ?", "Yes , Father . You will be busy in the grove . You will not miss me . But oh ! I miss you . Kanva . How can you think me so indifferent ?My lonely sorrow will not go , For seeds you scattered here Before the cottage door , will grow ; And I shall see them , dear ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1421, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I have taken my turn in waiting upon the nymphs . And now I will see what this good king is doing . Shakuntala is like a second self to me , because she is the daughter of Menaka . And it was she who asked me to do this .It is the day of the spring festival . But I see no preparations for a celebration at court . I might learn the reason by my power of divination . But I must do as my friend asked me . Good ! I will make myself invisible and stand near these girls who take care of the garden . I shall find out that way .First maid . First mango-twig , so pink , so green , First living breath of spring , You are sacrificed as soon as seen , A festival offering .", "There is no doubt of it . This good king has wonderful power .", "I am glad to hear it .", "That is the poor girl 's fate . ClownHe has got his Shakuntala-sickness again . I wish I knew how to cure him . ChamberlainVictory to your Majesty . I have examined the garden . Your Majesty may visit its retreats .", "I will hide among the vines and see the dear girl 's picture . Then I shall be able to tell her how deep her husband 's love is .KingI remember it all now , my friend . I told you how I first met Shakuntala . It is true , you were not with me when I rejected her . But I had told you of her at the first . Had you forgotten , as I did ?", "This shows that a king should not be separated a single moment from some intimate friend .", "It must be . KingHelp me , my friend .", "How his fault distresses him !", "His madness was wonderful , not his awakening reason .", "If it were worn on any other hand , it would deserve pity . My dear girl , you are far away . I am the only one to hear these delightful words .", "He speaks as if prompted by my curiosity .", "That is why the virtuous king doubted his marriage with poor Shakuntala . Yet such love does not ask for a token . How could it have been ?", "He has given the answer which I had ready .", "The king is a clever painter . I seem to see the dear girl before me .", "This is natural , when love is increased by remorse .", "King", "I treated her with scorn and loathing ever ;", "Now o'er her pictured charms my heart will burst :", "A traveller I , who scorned the mighty river .", "And seeks in the mirage to quench his thirst .", "The poor fellow never saw her beauty . His eyes are useless , for she never came before them .", "Surely , every spot that the dear girl loved .", "Something natural for a girl living in the forest .", "King .", "The siris-blossom , fastened o'er her ear ,", "Whose stamens brush her cheek ;", "The lotus-chain like autumn moonlight soft", "Upon her bosom meek .", "A gentlemanly way to drive him off !", "Love works a curious change even in a brave man . ClownIt is only a picture , man .", "I too understand it now . But to him , thoughts are real experiences .", "Fate plays strangely with him .", "My friend , you have indeed atoned \u2014 and in her friend 's presence \u2014 for the pain you caused by rejecting dear Shakuntala .", "Though his heart is given to another , he is courteous to his early flame . He is a constant friend .", "Without doubt , he has dear Shakuntala in mind when he thus reproaches himself . King . Could I forsake the virtuous wife Who held my best , my future life And cherished it for glorious birth , As does the seed-receiving earth ?", "She will not long be forsaken . MaidMistress , the minister 's report has doubled our lord 's remorse . Go to the Cloud Balcony and bring Madhavya to dispel his grief .", "He is screened from the light , and is in darkness ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1421, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What country , friends , is this ?", "And what should I do in Illyria ? My brother he is in Elysium . Perchance he is not drown 'd . What think you , sailors ?", "O my poor brother ! and so perchance may he be .", "For saying so , there 's gold :", "Mine own escape unfoldeth to my hope ,", "Whereto thy speech serves for authority ,", "The like of him . Know'st thou this country ?", "Who governs here ?", "What is his name ?", "Orsino ! I have heard my father name him ;", "He was a bachelor then .", "What 's she ?", "O that I serv 'd that lady ,", "And might not be delivered to the world ,", "Till I had made mine own occasion mellow ,", "What my estate is !", "There is a fair behaviour in thee , captain ;", "And though that nature with a beauteous wall", "Doth oft close in pollution , yet of thee", "I will believe thou hast a mind that suits", "With this thy fair and outward character .", "I prithee , and I 'll pay thee bounteously ,", "Conceal me what I am , and be my aid", "For such disguise as haply shall become", "The form of my intent . I 'll serve this duke :", "Thou shalt present me as an eunuch to him ;", "It may be worth thy pains , for I can sing", "And speak to him in many sorts of music", "That will allow me very worth his service .", "What else may hap , to time I will commit ;", "Only shape thou silence to my wit .", "I thank thee ; lead me on ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1432, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What a plague means my niece , to take the death of her brother thus ? I am sure care 's an enemy to life .", "Why , let her except before excepted .", "Confine ! I 'll confine myself no finer than I am . These clothes are good enough to drink in , and so be these boots too ; and they be not , let them hang themselves in their own straps .", "Who , Sir Andrew Aguecheek ?", "He 's as tall a man as any 's in Illyria .", "Why , he has three thousand ducats a year .", "Fie , that you 'll say so ! he plays o \u2019 th \u2019 viol-de-gamboys , and speaks three or four languages word for word without book , and hath all the good gifts of nature .", "By this hand , they are scoundrels and subtractors that say so of him . Who are they ?", "With drinking healths to my niece . I 'll drink to her as long as there is a passage in my throat and drink in Illyria : he 's a coward and a coystrill that will not drink to my niece till his brains turn o \u2019 th \u2019 toe like a parish-top . What , wench ! Castiliano vulgo ! for here comes Sir Andrew Agueface .", "Sweet Sir Andrew !", "Accost , Sir Andrew , accost .", "My niece 's chambermaid .", "You mistake , knight ; \u2018 accost \u2019 is front her , board her , woo her , assail her .", "An thou let part so , Sir Andrew , would thou mightst never draw sword again .", "O knight , thou lack'st a cup of canary ; when did I see thee so put down ?", "No question .", "Pourquoi , my dear knight ?", "Then hadst thou had an excellent head of hair .", "Past question ; for thou seest it will not curl by nature .", "Excellent ; it hangs like flax on a distaff .", "She 'll none o \u2019 th \u2019 count . She 'll not match above her degree , neither in estate , years , nor wit ; I have heard her swear't . Tut , there 's life i n't , man .", "Art thou good at these kickshawses , knight ?", "What is thy excellence in a galliard , knight ?", "And I can cut the mutton to't .", "Wherefore are these things hid ? wherefore have these gifts a curtain before \u2018 em ? are they like to take dust , like Mistress Mall 's picture ? why dost thou not go to church in a galliard , and come home in a coranto ? My very walk should be a jig . What dost thou mean ? is it a world to hide virtues in ? I did think , by the excellent constitution of thy leg , it was form 'd under the star of a galliard .", "What shall we do else ? were we not born under Taurus ?", "No , sir ; it is legs and thighs . Let me see the caper . Ha ! higher ! ha , ha , excellent !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1432, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Let her hang me . He that is well hang 'd in this world needs to fear no colours .", "He shall see none to fear .", "Where , good Mistress Mary ?", "Well , God give them wisdom that have it ; and those that are fools , let them use their talents .", "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage ; and , for turning away , let summer bear it out .", "Not so , neither ; but I am resolv 'd on two points .", "Apt , in good faith ; very apt . Well , go thy way ; if Sir Toby would leave drinking , thou wert as witty a piece of Eve 's flesh as any in Illyria .", "Wit , and \u2018 t be thy will , put me into good fooling ! Those wits that think they have thee do very oft prove fools ; and I , that am sure I lack thee , may pass for a wise man : for what says Quinapalus ? \u2018 Better a witty fool than a foolish wit . \u2019God bless thee , lady !", "Do you not hear , fellows ? Take away the lady .", "Two faults , madonna , that drink and good counsel will amend ; for , give the dry fool drink , then is the fool not dry : bid the dishonest man mend himself ; if he mend , he is no longer dishonest ; if he cannot , let the botcher mend him . Any thing that 's mended is but patch 'd ; virtue that transgresses is but patch 'd with sin ; and sin that amends is but patch 'd with virtue . If that this simple syllogism will serve , so ; if it will not , what remedy ? As there is no true cuckold but calamity , so beauty 's a flower . The lady bade take away the fool ; therefore , I say again , take her away .", "Misprision in the highest degree ! Lady , cucullus non facit monachum ; that 's as much to say as I wear not motley in my brain . Good madonna , give me leave to prove you a fool .", "Dexteriously , good madonna .", "I must catechize you for it , madonna ; good my mouse of virtue , answer me .", "Good madonna , why mourn'st thou ?", "I think his soul is in hell , madonna .", "The more fool , madonna , to mourn for your brother 's soul being in heaven . Take away the fool , gentlemen .", "God send you , sir , a speedy infirmity , for the better increasing your folly ! Sir Toby will be sworn that I am no fox ; but he will not pass his word for twopence that you are no fool .", "Now Mercury endue thee with leasing , for thou speak'st well of fools !", "Thou hast spoke for us , madonna , as if thy eldest son should be a fool ; whose skull Jove cram with brains ! for \u2014 here he comes \u2014one of thy kin has a most weak pia mater .", "Good Sir Toby !", "Like a drown 'd man , a fool , and a madman : one draught above heat makes him a fool ; the second mads him ; and a third drowns him .", "He is but mad yet , madonna ; and the fool shall look to the madman ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1432, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Approach , Sir Andrew : not to be a-bed after midnight is to be up betimes ; and \u2018 diluculo surgere , \u2019 thou know'st \u2014", "A false conclusion ; I hate it as an unfill 'd can . To be up after midnight , and to go to bed then , is early ; so that to go to bed after midnight is to go to bed betimes . Does not our life consist of the four elements ?", "Thou \u2018 rt a scholar ; let us therefore eat and drink . Marian , I say ! a stoup of wine !", "Welcome , ass . Now let 's have a catch .", "Come on ; there is sixpence for you : let 's have a song .", "A love-song , a love-song .", "Good , good .", "A contagious breath .", "To hear by the nose , it is dulcet in contagion . But shall we make the welkin dance indeed ? shall we rouse the night-owl in a catch that will draw three souls out of one weaver ? shall we do that ?", "My lady 's a Cataian , we are politicians , Malvolio 's a Peg-a-Ramsey , and \u2018 Three merry men be we . \u2019 Am not I consanguineous ? am I not of her blood ? Tilly-vally ; lady !\u2018 There dwelt a man in Babylon , lady , lady ! \u2019", "\u2018 O , the twelfth day of December , \u2019 \u2014", "We did keep time , sir , in our catches . Sneck up !", "\u2018 Farewell , dear heart , since I must needs be gone . \u2019", "\u2018 But I will never die . \u2019", "\u2018 Shall I bid him go ? \u2019", "\u2018 Shall I bid him go , and spare not ? \u2019", "Out o \u2019 tune , sir ? ye lie . Art any more than a steward ? Dost thou think , because thou art virtuous , there shall be no more cakes and ale ?", "Th \u2018 rt i \u2019 th \u2019 right . Go , sir , rub your chain with crumbs . A stoup of wine , Maria !", "Do't , knight : I 'll write thee a challenge ; or I 'll deliver thy indignation to him by word of mouth .", "Possess us , possess us ; tell us something of him .", "What , for being a puritan ? thy exquisite reason , dear knight ?", "What wilt thou do ?", "Excellent ! I smell a device .", "He shall think , by the letters that thou wilt drop , that they come from my niece , and that she 's in love with him .", "Good night , Penthesilea .", "She 's a beagle , true-bred , and one that adores me . What o \u2019 that ?", "Let 's to bed , knight . Thou hadst need send for more money .", "Send for money , knight ; if thou hast her not i \u2019 th \u2019 end , call me cut .", "Come , come , I 'll go burn some sack ; \u2018 t is too late to go to bed now . Come , knight ; come , knight ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1432, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Give me some music . Now , good morrow , friends .", "Now , good Cesario , but that piece of song ,", "That old and antique song we heard last night ;", "Methought it did relieve my passion much ,", "More than light airs and recollected terms", "Of these most brisk and giddy-paced times .", "Come , but one verse .", "Who was it ?", "Go seek him out , and play the tune the while .", "Come hither , boy . If ever thou shalt love ,", "In the sweet pangs of it remember me ;", "For such as I am all true lovers are ,", "Unstaid and skittish in all motions else ,", "Save in the constant image of the creature", "That is belov 'd . How dost thou like this tune ?", "Thou dost speak masterly :", "My life upon \u2018 t , young though thou art , thine eye", "Hath stay 'd upon some favour that it loves ;", "Hath it not , boy ?", "What kind of woman is \u2018 t ?", "She is not worth thee , then . What years , i \u2019 faith ?", "Too old , by heaven ! let still the woman take", "An elder than herself ; so wears she to him ,", "So sways she level in her husband 's heart :", "For , boy , however we do praise ourselves ,", "Our fancies are more giddy and unfirm ,", "More longing , wavering , sooner lost and worn ,", "Than women 's are .", "Then let thy love be younger than thyself ,", "Or thy affection cannot hold the bent ;", "For women are as roses , whose fair flower ,", "Being once display 'd , doth fall that very hour .", "O , fellow , come , the song we had last night .", "Mark it , Cesario , it is old and plain ;", "The spinsters and the knitters in the sun ,", "And the free maids that weave their thread with bones ,", "Do use to chant it : it is silly sooth ,", "And dallies with the innocence of love ,", "Like the old age .", "Ay ; prithee , sing .", "There \u2018 s for thy pains .", "I \u2018 ll pay thy pleasure , then .", "Give me now leave to leave thee .", "Let all the rest give place .", "Once more , Cesario ,", "Get thee to yond same sovereign cruelty .", "Tell her my love , more noble than the world ,", "Prizes not quantity of dirty lands ;", "The parts that fortune hath bestow 'd upon her ,", "Tell her , I hold as giddily as fortune ;", "But \u2018 t is that miracle and queen of gems", "That Nature pranks her in attracts my soul .", "I cannot be so answer 'd .", "There is no woman 's sides", "Can bide the beating of so strong a passion", "As love doth give my heart ; no woman 's heart", "So big to hold so much ; they lack retention .", "Alas , their love may be call 'd appetite \u2014", "No motion of the liver , but the palate \u2014", "That suffer surfeit , cloyment , and revolt ;", "But mine is all as hungry as the sea ,", "And can digest as much . Make no compare", "Between that love a woman can bear me", "And that I owe Olivia .", "What dost thou know ?", "And what 's her history ?", "But died thy sister of her love , my boy ?", "Ay , that 's the theme .", "To her in haste ; give her this jewel ; say ,", "My love can give no place , bide no denay ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1432, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come thy ways , Signior Fabian .", "Wouldst thou not be glad to have the niggardly rascally sheep-biter come by some notable shame ?", "To anger him , we 'll have the bear again ; and we will fool him black and blue : shall we not , Sir Andrew ?", "Here comes the little villain . How now , my metal of India !", "Here \u2018 s an overweening rogue !", "Peace , I say .", "Ah , rogue !", "Peace , peace !", "O , for a stone-bow , to hit him in the eye !", "Fire and brimstone !", "Bolts and shackles !", "Shall this fellow live ?", "And does not Toby take you a blow o \u2019 the lips , then ?", "What , what ?", "Out , scab !", "O , peace ! and the spirit of humours intimate reading aloud to him !", "Marry , hang thee , brock !", "Excellent wench , say I .", "And with what wing the staniel checks at it !", "O , ay , make up that ; he is now at a cold scent .", "Ay , or I \u2018 ll cudgel him , and make him cry O !", "I could marry this wench for this device .", "And ask no other dowry with her but such another jest .", "Wilt thou set thy foot o \u2019 my neck ?", "Shall I play my freedom at tray-trip , and become thy bond-slave ?", "Why , thou hast put him in such a dream , that when the image of it leaves him he must run mad .", "Like aqua-vitae with a midwife .", "To the gates of Tartar , thou most excellent devil of wit !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1432, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Save thee , friend , and thy music ! dost thou live by thy tabor ?", "Art thou a churchman ?", "So thou mayst say , the king lies by a beggar , if a beggar dwell near him ; or the church stands by thy tabor , if thy tabor stand by the church .", "Nay , that 's certain ; they that dally nicely with words may quickly make them wanton .", "Why , man ?", "Thy reason , man ?", "I warrant thou art a merry fellow , and car'st for nothing .", "Art not thou the Lady Olivia 's fool ?", "I saw thee late at the Count Orsino 's .", "Nay , and thou pass upon me , I 'll no more with thee . Hold , there 's expenses for thee .", "By my troth , I 'll tell thee , I am almost sick for one ;though I would not have it grow on my chin . Is thy lady within ?", "Yes , being kept together and put to use .", "I understand you , sir ; \u2018 t is well begg 'd .", "This fellow is wise enough to play the fool ;", "And to do that well craves a kind of wit :", "He must observe their mood on whom he jests ,", "The quality of persons , and the time ;", "And , like the haggard , check at every feather", "That comes before his eye . This is a practice", "As full of labour as a wise man 's art :", "For folly that he wisely shows is fit ;", "But wise men , folly-fall'n , quite taint their wit .", "And you , sir .", "Et vous aussi ; votre serviteur .", "I am bound to your niece , sir ; I mean , she is the list of my voyage .", "My legs do better understand me , sir , than I understand what you mean by bidding me taste my legs .", "I will answer you with gait and entrance . But we are prevented .", "Most excellent accomplish 'd lady , the heavens rain odours on you !", "My matter hath no voice , lady , but to your own most pregnant and vouchsafed ear .", "My duty , madam , and most humble service .", "Cesario is your servant 's name , fair princess .", "And he is yours , and his must needs be yours ;", "Your servant 's servant is your servant , madam .", "Madam , I come to whet your gentle thoughts", "On his behalf .", "Dear lady ,\u2014", "I pity you .", "No , not a grize ; for \u2018 t is a vulgar proof ,", "That very oft we pity enemies .", "Then westward-ho ! Grace and good disposition", "Attend your ladyship !", "You 'll nothing , madam , to my lord by me ?", "That you do think you are not what you are .", "Then think you right ; I am not what I am .", "Would it be better , madam , than I am ? I wish it might , for now I am your fool .", "By innocence I swear , and by my youth ,", "I have one heart , one bosom , and one truth ,", "And that no woman has ; nor never none", "Shall mistress be of it , save I alone .", "And so adieu , good madam ; never more", "Will I my master 's tears to you deplore ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1432, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I would not by my will have troubled you ;", "But , since you make your pleasure of your pains ,", "I will no further chide you .", "My kind Antonio ,", "I can no other answer make but thanks ,", "And thanks , and ever thanks ; too oft good turns", "Are shuffl 'd off with such uncurrent pay :", "But , were my worth as is my conscience firm ,", "You should find better dealing . What 's to do ?", "Shall we go see the reliques of this town ?", "I am not weary , and \u2018 t is long to night ;", "I pray you , let us satisfy our eyes", "With the memorials and the things of fame", "That do renown this city .", "Belike you slew great number of his people .", "Do not then walk too open .", "Why I your purse ?", "I 'll be your purse-bearer , and leave you", "For an hour .", "I do remember ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1432, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I have sent after him ; he says he 'll come .", "How shall I feast him ? what bestow of him ?", "For youth is bought more oft than begg 'd or borrow 'd .", "I speak too loud .", "Where 's Malvolio ? He is sad and civil ,", "And suits well for a servant with my fortunes .", "Where is Malvolio ?", "Why , what 's the matter ? does he rave ?", "Go call him hither .", "I am as mad as he ,", "If sad and merry madness equal be .", "How now Malvolio !", "Smil'st thou ? I sent for thee upon a sad occasion .", "Why , how dost thou , man ? what is the matter with thee ?", "Wilt thou go to bed , Malvolio ?", "God comfort thee ! Why dost thou smile so and kiss thy hand so oft ?", "What mean'st thou by that , Malvolio ?", "Ha !", "What say'st thou ?", "Heaven restore thee !", "Thy yellow stockings !", "Cross-garter 'd !", "Am I made ?", "Why , this is very midsummer madness .", "I 'll come to him .Good Maria , let this fellow be look 'd to . Where 's my cousin Toby ? Let some of my people have a special care of him ; I would not have him miscarry for the half of my dowry .", "I have said too much unto a heart of stone ,", "And laid mine honour too unchary out .", "There \u2018 s something in me that reproves my fault ;", "But such a headstrong potent fault it is ,", "That it but mocks reproof .", "Here , wear this jewel for me , \u2018 t is my picture :", "Refuse it not ; it hath no tongue to vex you :", "And I beseech you come again to-morrow .", "What shall you ask of me that I \u2018 ll deny ,", "That honour sav 'd may upon asking give ?", "How with mine honour may I give him that", "Which I have given to you ?", "Well , come again to-morrow ; fare thee well . A fiend like thee might bear my soul to hell ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1432, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Well , I \u2018 ll put it on , and I will dissemble myself in \u2018 t ; and I would I were the first that ever dissembl 'd in such a gown . I am not tall enough to become the function well , nor lean enough to be thought a good student ; but to be said an honest man and a good housekeeper goes as fairly as to say a careful man and a great scholar . The competitors enter .", "Bonos dies , Sir Toby : for , as the old hermit of Prague , that never saw pen and ink , very wittily said to niece of King Gorboduc , \u2018 That that is is \u2019 ; so I , being master parson , am master parson ; for , what is \u2018 that \u2019 but \u2018 that , \u2019 and \u2018 is \u2019 but \u2018 is \u2019 ?", "What , ho , I say , peace in this prison !", "Sir Topas the curate , who comes to visit Malvolio the lunatic .", "Out , hyperbolical fiend ! how vexest thou this man ! talkest thou nothing but of ladies ?", "Fie , thou dishonest Satan ! I call thee by the most modest terms ; for I am one of those gentle ones that will use the devil himself with courtesy . Say'st thou that house is dark ?", "Why , it hath bay-windows transparent as barricadoes , and the clerestories toward the south north are as lustrous as ebony ; and yet complainest thou of obstruction ?", "Madman , thou errest : I say , there is no darkness but ignorance ; in which thou art more puzzl 'd than the Egyptians in their fog .", "What is the opinion of Pythagoras concerning wild fowl ?", "What think'st thou of his opinion ?", "Fare thee well . Remain thou still in darkness ; thou shalt hold th \u2019 opinion of Pythagoras ere I will allow of thy wits , and fear to kill a woodcock lest thou dispossess the soul of thy grandam . Fare thee well .", "Nay , I am for all waters .", "Hey , Robin , jolly Robin ,", "Tell me how thy lady does .", "My lady is unkind , perdy .", "Alas , why is she so ?", "She loves another \u2014 Who calls , ha ?", "Master Malvolio ?", "Alas , sir , how fell you besides your five wits ?", "But as well ? then you are mad indeed , if you be no better in your wits than a fool .", "Advise you what you say ; the minister is here . Malvolio , Malvolio , thy wits the heavens restore ! endeavour thyself to sleep , and leave thy vain bibble babble .", "Maintain no words with him , good fellow . Who , I , sir ? not I , sir . God be wi \u2019 you , good Sir Topas ! Marry , amen . I will , sir , I will .", "Alas , sir , be patient . What say you , sir ? I am shent for speaking to you .", "Well-a-day that you were , sir !", "I will help you to \u2018 t. But tell me true , are you not mad indeed , or do you but counterfeit ?", "Nay , I 'll ne'er believe a madman till I see his brains . I will fetch you light and paper and ink .", "I am gone , sir ,", "And anon , sir ,", "I \u2018 ll be with you again ,", "In a trice ,", "Like to the old Vice ,", "Your need to sustain ;", "Who , with dagger of lath ,", "In his rage and his wrath ,", "Cries , ah , ha ! to the devil :", "Like a mad lad ,", "Pare thy nails , dad ;", "Adieu , goodman devil ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1432, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now , as thou lov'st me , let me see his letter .", "Any thing .", "This is , to give a dog , and in recompense desire my dog again .", "By the Lord , madam , you wrong me , and the world shall know it ; though you have put me into darkness and given your drunken cousin rule over me , yet have I the benefit of my senses as well as your ladyship . I have your own letter that induc 'd me to the semblance I put on ; with the which I doubt not but to do myself much right , or you much shame . Think of me as you please . I leave my duty a little unthought of , and speak out of my injury . THE MADLY-US 'D MALVOLIO .", "Good madam , hear me speak ;", "And let no quarrel nor no brawl to come", "Taint the condition of this present hour ,", "Which I have wond'red at . In hope it shall not ,", "Most freely I confess myself and Toby", "Set this device against Malvolio here ,", "Upon some stubborn and uncourteous parts", "We had conceiv 'd against him . Maria writ", "The letter at Sir Toby 's great importance ;", "In recompense whereof he hath married her .", "How with a sportful malice it was follow 'd", "May rather pluck on laughter than revenge ;", "If that the injuries be justly weigh 'd", "That have on both sides pass 'd ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1432, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What country , friends , is this ?", "And what should I do in Illyria ? My brother he is in Elysium . Perchance he is not drown'dhYpppHeN what think you , sailors ?", "O my poor brother ! and so perchance may he be .", "For saying so , there 's gold .", "Mine own escape unfoldeth to my hope ,", "Whereto thy speech serves for authority ,", "The like of him . Know'st thou this country ?", "Who governs here ?", "What is his name ?", "Orsino ! I have heard my father name him . He was a bachelor then .", "What 's she ?", "O that I serv 'd that lady ,", "And might not be delivered to the world ,", "Till I had made mine own occasion mellow ,", "What my estate is !", "There is a fair behaviour in thee , Captain ;", "And though that nature with a beauteous wall", "Doth oft close in pollution , yet of thee", "I will believe thou hast a mind that suits", "With this thy fair and outward character .", "I prithee , and I 'll pay thee bounteously ,", "Conceal me what I am , and be my aid", "For such disguise as haply shall become", "The form of my intent . I 'll serve this duke :", "Thou shalt present me as an eunuch to him ;", "It may be worth thy pains , for I can sing", "And speak to him in many sorts of music ,", "That will allow me very worth his service .", "What else may hap to time I will commit ;", "Only shape thou silence to my wit .", "I thank thee . Lead me on . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1443, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["What a plague means my niece to take the death of her brother thus ? I am sure care 's an enemy to life .", "Why , let her except before excepted .", "Confine ! I 'll confine myself no finer than I am . These clothes are good enough to drink in , and so be these boots too ; an they be not , let them hang themselves in their own straps .", "Who ? Sir Andrew Aguecheek ?", "He 's as tall a man as any 's in Illyria .", "Why , he has three thousand ducats a year .", "Fie that you 'll say so ! He plays o \u2019 th \u2019 viol-de-gamboys , and speaks three or four languages word for word without book , and hath all the good gifts of nature .", "By this hand , they are scoundrels and subtractors that say so of him . Who are they ?", "With drinking healths to my niece ; I 'll drink to her as long as there is a passage in my throat and drink in Illyria . He 's a coward and a coystrill that will not drink to my niece till his brains turn o \u2019 th \u2019 toe like a parish-top . What , wench ! Castiliano vulgo ! for here comes Sir Andrew Agueface .", "Sweet Sir Andrew !", "Accost , Sir Andrew , accost .", "My niece 's chambermaid .", "An thou let part so , Sir Andrew , would thou mightst never draw sword again !", "O knight , thou lack'st a cup of canary ! When did I see thee so put down ?", "No question .", "Pourquoi , my dear knight ?", "Then hadst thou had an excellent head of hair .", "Past question ; for thou seest it will not curl by nature .", "Excellent ; it hangs like flax on a distaff , and I hope to see a huswife take thee between her legs and spin it off .", "She 'll none o \u2019 th \u2019 Count ; she 'll not match above her degree , neither in estate , years , nor wit ; I have heard her swear't . Tut , there 's life i n't , man .", "Art thou good at these kickshawses , knight ?", "What is thy excellence in a galliard , knight ?", "And I can cut the mutton to't .", "Wherefore are these things hid ? Wherefore have these gifts a curtain before \u2018 em ? Are they like to take dust , like Mistress Mall 's picture ? Why dost thou not go to church in a galliard and come home in a coranto ? My very walk should be a jig ; I would not so much as make water but in a sink-a-pace . What dost thou mean ? Is it a world to hide virtues in ? I did think , by the excellent constitution of thy leg , it was form 'd under the star of a galliard .", "What shall we do else ? Were we not born under Taurus ?", "No , sir ; it is legs and thighs . Let me see the caper . Ha , higher ! Ha , ha , excellent ! Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1443, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Let her hang me . He that is well hang 'd in this world needs to fear no colours .", "He shall see none to fear .", "Where , good Mistress Mary ?", "Well , God give them wisdom that have it ; and those that are fools , let them use their talents .", "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage ; and for turning away , let summer bear it out .", "Not so , neither ; but I am resolv 'd on two points .", "Apt , in good faith , very apt ! Well , go thy way ; if Sir Toby would leave drinking , thou wert as witty a piece of Eve 's flesh as any in Illyria .", "Wit , a n't be thy will , put me into good fooling ! Those wits that think they have thee do very oft prove fools ; and I that am sure I lack thee may pass for a wise man . For what says Quinapalus ? \u2018 Better a witty fool than a foolish wit . \u2019 God bless thee , lady !", "Do you not hear , fellows ? Take away the lady .", "Two faults , madonna , that drink and good counsel will amend ; for give the dry fool drink , then is the fool not dry . Bid the dishonest man mend himself : if he mend , he is no longer dishonest ; if he cannot , let the botcher mend him . Anything that 's mended is but patch 'd ; virtue that transgresses is but patch 'd with sin , and sin that amends is but patch 'd with virtue . If that this simple syllogism will serve , so ; if it will not , what remedy ? As there is no true cuckold but calamity , so beauty 's a flower . The lady bade take away the fool ; therefore , I say again , take her away .", "Misprision in the highest degree ! Lady , \u2018 Cucullus non facit monachum \u2019 ; that 's as much to say as I wear not motley in my brain . Good madonna , give me leave to prove you a fool .", "Dexteriously , good madonna .", "I must catechize you for it , madonna .", "Good my mouse of virtue , answer me .", "Good madonna , why mourn'st thou ?", "I think his soul is in hell , madonna .", "The more fool , madonna , to mourn for your brother 's soul being in heaven . Take away the fool , gentlemen .", "God send you , sir , a speedy infirmity , for the better increasing your folly ! Sir Toby will be sworn that I am no fox ; but he will not pass his word for twopence that you are no fool .", "Now Mercury endue thee with leasing , for thou speak'st well of fools ! Re-enter MARIA", "Thou hast spoke for us , madonna , as if thy eldest son should be a fool ; whose skull Jove cram with brains ! For- here he comes - one of thy kin has a most weak pia mater .", "Good Sir Toby !", "Like a drown 'd man , a fool , and a madman : one draught above heat makes him a fool ; the second mads him ; and a third drowns him .", "He is but mad yet , madonna , and the fool shall look to the madman . Exit Re-enter MALVOLIO"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1443, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Approach , Sir Andrew . Not to be abed after midnight is to be up betimes ; and \u2018 diluculo surgere \u2019 thou know'st-", "A false conclusion ! I hate it as an unfill 'd can . To be up after midnight and to go to bed then is early ; so that to go to bed after midnight is to go to bed betimes . Does not our lives consist of the four elements ?", "Th'art a scholar ; let us therefore eat and drink . Marian , I say ! a stoup of wine .", "Welcome , ass . Now let 's have a catch .", "Come on , there is sixpence for you . Let 's have a song .", "A love-song , a love-song .", "Good , good !", "CLOWN sings", "What is love ? \u2018 Tis not hereafter ;", "Present mirth hath present laughter ;", "What 's to come is still unsure .", "In delay there lies no plenty ,", "Then come kiss me , sweet and twenty ;", "Youth 's a stuff will not endure .", "A contagious breath .", "To hear by the nose , it is dulcet in contagion . But shall we make the welkin dance indeed ? Shall we rouse the night-owl in a catch that will draw three souls out of one weaver ? Shall we do that ?", "My lady 's a Cataian , we are politicians , Malvolio 's a Peg-a-Ramsey , andThree merry men be we . Am not I consanguineous ? Am I not of her blood ? Tilly-vally , lady .There dwelt a man in Babylon , Lady , lady .", "O \u2019 the twelfth day of December-", "We did keep time , sir , in our catches . Sneck up !", "Farewell , dear heart , since I must needs be gone .", "But I will never die .", "Shall I bid him go ?", "Shall I bid him go , and spare not ?", "Out o \u2019 tune , sir ! Ye lie . Art any more than a steward ? Dost thou think , because thou art virtuous , there shall be no more cakes and ale ?", "Th \u2019 art i \u2019 th \u2019 right . Go , sir , rub your chain with crumbs . A stoup of wine , Maria !", "Do't , knight . I 'll write thee a challenge ; or I 'll deliver thy indignation to him by word of mouth .", "Possess us , possess us ; tell us something of him .", "What , for being a Puritan ? Thy exquisite reason , dear knight ?", "What wilt thou do ?", "Excellent ! I smell a device .", "He shall think , by the letters that thou wilt drop , that they come from my niece , and that she 's in love with him .", "Good night , Penthesilea .", "She 's a beagle true-bred , and one that adores me . What o \u2019 that ?", "Let 's to bed , knight . Thou hadst need send for more money .", "Send for money , knight ; if thou hast her not i \u2019 th \u2019 end , call me Cut .", "Come , come , I 'll go burn some sack ; \u2018 tis too late to go to bed now . Come , knight ; come , knight ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1443, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Give me some music . Now , good morrow , friends .", "Now , good Cesario , but that piece of song ,", "That old and antique song we heard last night ;", "Methought it did relieve my passion much ,", "More than light airs and recollected terms", "Of these most brisk and giddy-paced times .", "Come , but one verse .", "Who was it ?", "Seek him out , and play the tune the while .", "Thou dost speak masterly .", "My life upo n't , young though thou art , thine eye", "Hath stay 'd upon some favour that it loves ;", "Hath it not , boy ?", "What kind of woman is't ?", "She is not worth thee , then . What years , i \u2019 faith ?", "Too old , by heaven ! Let still the woman take", "An elder than herself ; so wears she to him ,", "So sways she level in her husband 's heart .", "For , boy , however we do praise ourselves ,", "Our fancies are more giddy and unfirm ,", "More longing , wavering , sooner lost and won ,", "Than women 's are .", "Then let thy love be younger than thyself ,", "Or thy affection cannot hold the bent ;", "For women are as roses , whose fair flow'r", "Being once display 'd doth fall that very hour .", "O , fellow , come , the song we had last night .", "Mark it , Cesario ; it is old and plain ;", "The spinsters and the knitters in the sun ,", "And the free maids that weave their thread with bones ,", "Do use to chant it ; it is silly sooth ,", "And dallies with the innocence of love ,", "Like the old age .", "Ay ; prithee , sing .", "FESTE 'S SONG", "Come away , come away , death ;", "And in sad cypress let me be laid ;", "Fly away , fly away , breath ,", "I am slain by a fair cruel maid .", "My shroud of white , stuck all with yew ,", "O , prepare it !", "My part of death no one so true", "Did share it .", "Not a flower , not a flower sweet ,", "On my black coffin let there be strown ;", "Not a friend , not a friend greet", "My poor corpse where my bones shall be thrown ;", "A thousand thousand sighs to save ,", "Lay me , O , where", "Sad true lover never find my grave ,", "To weep there !", "There 's for thy pains .", "I 'll pay thy pleasure , then .", "Give me now leave to leave thee .", "Let all the rest give place .", "I cannot be so answer 'd .", "There is no woman 's sides", "Can bide the beating of so strong a passion", "As love doth give my heart ; no woman 's heart", "So big to hold so much ; they lack retention .", "Alas , their love may be call 'd appetite-", "No motion of the liver , but the palate-", "That suffer surfeit , cloyment , and revolt ;", "But mine is all as hungry as the sea ,", "And can digest as much . Make no compare", "Between that love a woman can bear me", "And that I owe Olivia .", "What dost thou know ?", "And what 's her history ?", "But died thy sister of her love , my boy ?", "Ay , that 's the theme .", "To her in haste . Give her this jewel ; say", "My love can give no place , bide no denay . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1443, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Come thy ways , Signior Fabian .", "Wouldst thou not be glad to have the niggardly rascally sheep-biter come by some notable shame ?", "To anger him we 'll have the bear again ; and we will fool him black and blue - shall we not , Sir Andrew ?", "Here comes the little villain . How now , my metal of India !", "Here 's an overweening rogue !", "Peace , I say .", "Ah , rogue !", "Peace , peace !", "O , for a stone-bow to hit him in the eye !", "Fire and brimstone !", "Bolts and shackles !", "Shall this fellow live ?", "And does not Toby take you a blow o \u2019 the lips then ?", "What , what ?", "Out , scab !", "O , peace ! And the spirit of humours intimate reading aloud to him !", "Marry , hang thee , brock !", "Excellent wench , say I .", "And with what wing the staniel checks at it !", "O , ay , make up that ! He is now at a cold scent .", "Ay , or I 'll cudgel him , and make him cry \u2018 O ! \u2019", "I could marry this wench for this device .", "And ask no other dowry with her but such another jest .", "Wilt thou set thy foot o \u2019 my neck ?", "Shall I play my freedom at tray-trip , and become thy bond-slave ?", "Why , thou hast put him in such a dream that when the image of it leaves him he must run mad .", "Like aqua-vita ! with a midwife .", "To the gates of Tartar , thou most excellent devil of wit !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1443, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Save thee , friend , and thy music ! Dost thou live by thy tabor ?", "Art thou a churchman ?", "So thou mayst say the king lies by a beggar , if a beggar dwell near him ; or the church stands by thy tabor , if thy tabor stand by the church .", "Nay , that 's certain ; they that dally nicely with words may quickly make them wanton .", "Why , man ?", "Thy reason , man ?", "I warrant thou art a merry fellow and car'st for nothing .", "Art not thou the Lady Olivia 's fool ?", "I saw thee late at the Count Orsino 's .", "Nay , an thou pass upon me , I 'll no more with thee .", "Hold , there 's expenses for thee .", "By my troth , I 'll tell thee , I am almost sick for one ;though I would not have it grow on my chin. - Is thy lady within ?", "Yes , being kept together and put to use .", "I understand you , sir ; \u2018 tis well begg 'd .", "This fellow is wise enough to play the fool ;", "And to do that well craves a kind of wit .", "He must observe their mood on whom he jests ,", "The quality of persons , and the time ;", "And , like the haggard , check at every feather", "That comes before his eye . This is a practice", "As full of labour as a wise man 's art ;", "For folly that he wisely shows is fit ;", "But wise men , folly-fall'n , quite taint their wit .", "And you , sir .", "Et vous aussi ; votre serviteur .", "I am bound to your niece , sir ; I mean , she is the list of my voyage .", "My legs do better understand me , sir , than I understand what you mean by bidding me taste my legs .", "I will answer you with gait and entrance . But we are prevented . Enter OLIVIA and MARIA Most excellent accomplish 'd lady , the heavens rain odours on you !", "My matter hath no voice , lady , but to your own most pregnant and vouchsafed car .", "My duty , madam , and most humble service .", "Cesario is your servant 's name , fair Princess .", "And he is yours , and his must needs be yours :", "Your servant 's servant is your servant , madam .", "Madam , I come to whet your gentle thoughts", "On his behalf .", "Dear lady-", "I Pity YOU .", "No , not a grize ; for \u2018 tis a vulgar proof", "That very oft we pity enemies .", "Then westward-ho ! Grace and good disposition attend your ladyship ! You 'll nothing , madam , to my lord by me ?", "That you do think you are not what you are .", "Then think you right : I am not what I am .", "Would it be better , madam , than I am ? I wish it might , for now I am your fool .", "By innocence I swear , and by my youth ,", "I have one heart , one bosom , and one truth ,", "And that no woman has ; nor never none", "Shall mistress be of it , save I alone .", "And so adieu , good madam ; never more", "Will I my master 's tears to you deplore ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1443, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I would not by my will have troubled you ;", "But since you make your pleasure of your pains ,", "I will no further chide you .", "My kind Antonio ,", "I can no other answer make but thanks ,", "And thanks , and ever thanks ; and oft good turns", "Are shuffl 'd off with such uncurrent pay ;", "But were my worth as is my conscience firm ,", "You should find better dealing . What 's to do ?", "Shall we go see the reliques of this town ?", "I am not weary , and \u2018 tis long to night ;", "I pray you , let us satisfy our eyes", "With the memorials and the things of fame", "That do renown this city .", "Belike you slew great number of his people .", "Do not then walk too open .", "Why I your purse ?", "I 'll be your purse-bearer , and leave you for", "An hour .", "I do remember . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1443, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I have sent after him ; he says he 'll come .", "How shall I feast him ? What bestow of him ?", "For youth is bought more oft than begg 'd or borrow 'd .", "I speak too loud .", "Where 's Malvolio ? He is sad and civil ,", "And suits well for a servant with my fortunes .", "Where is Malvolio ?", "Why , what 's the matter ? Does he rave ?", "Go call him hither . Exit MARIA", "I am as mad as he ,", "If sad and merry madness equal be .", "Re-enter MARIA with MALVOLIO", "How now , Malvolio !", "Smil'st thou ? I sent for thee upon a sad occasion .", "Why , how dost thou , man ? What is the matter with thee ?", "Wilt thou go to bed , Malvolio ?", "God comfort thee ! Why dost thou smile so , and kiss thy hand so oft ?", "What mean'st thou by that , Malvolio ?", "Ha ?", "What say'st thou ?", "Heaven restore thee !", "\u2018 Thy yellow stockings ? \u2019", "\u2018 Cross-garter 'd ? \u2019", "Am I made ?", "Why , this is very midsummer madness .", "I 'll come to him .Good Maria , let this fellow be look 'd to . Where 's my cousin Toby ? Let some of my people have a special care of him ; I would not have him miscarry for the half of my dowry .", "I have said too much unto a heart of stone ,", "And laid mine honour too unchary out ;", "There 's something in me that reproves my fault ;", "But such a headstrong potent fault it is", "That it but mocks reproof .", "Here , wear this jewel for me ; \u2018 tis my picture .", "Refuse it not ; it hath no tongue to vex you .", "And I beseech you come again to-morrow .", "What shall you ask of me that I 'll deny ,", "That honour sav 'd may upon asking give ?", "How with mine honour may I give him that", "Which I have given to you ?", "Well , come again to-morrow . Fare thee well ;", "A fiend like thee might bear my soul to hell . Exit", "Re-enter SIR TOBY and SIR FABIAN"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1443, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Well , I 'll put it on , and I will dissemble myself i n't ; and I would I were the first that ever dissembled in such a gown . I am not tall enough to become the function well nor lean enough to be thought a good student ; but to be said an honest man and a good housekeeper goes as fairly as to say a careful man and a great scholar . The competitors enter .", "Bonos dies , Sir Toby ; for as the old hermit of Prague , that never saw pen and ink , very wittily said to niece of King Gorboduc \u2018 That that is is \u2019 ; so I , being Master Parson , am Master Parson ; for what is \u2018 that \u2019 but that , and \u2018 is \u2019 but is ?", "What ho , I say ! Peace in this prison !", "Sir Topas the curate , who comes to visit Malvolio the lunatic .", "Out , hyperbolical fiend ! How vexest thou this man ! Talkest thou nothing but of ladies ?", "Fie , thou dishonest Satan ! I call thee by the most modest terms , for I am one of those gentle ones that will use the devil himself with courtesy . Say'st thou that house is dark ?", "Why , it hath bay windows transparent as barricadoes , and the clerestories toward the south north are as lustrous as ebony ; and yet complainest thou of obstruction ?", "Madman , thou errest . I say there is no darkness but ignorance ; in which thou art more puzzled than the Egyptians in their fog .", "What is the opinion of Pythagoras concerning wild fowl ?", "What think'st thou of his opinion ?", "Fare thee well . Remain thou still in darkness : thou shalt hold th \u2019 opinion of Pythagoras ere I will allow of thy wits ; and fear to kill a woodcock , lest thou dispossess the soul of thy grandam . Fare thee well .", "Nay , I am for all waters .", "Hey , Robin , jolly Robin ,", "Tell me how thy lady does .", "My lady is unkind , perdy .", "Alas , why is she so ?", "She loves another - Who calls , ha ?", "Master Malvolio ?", "Alas , sir , how fell you besides your five wits ?", "But as well ? Then you are mad indeed , if you be no better in your wits than a fool .", "Advise you what . you say : the minister is here .Malvolio , thy wits the heavens restore ! Endeavour thyself to sleep , and leave thy vain bibble-babble .", "Maintain no words with him , good fellow. - Who , I , sir ? Not I , sir . God buy you , good Sir Topas. - Marry , amen. - I will sir , I will .", "Alas , sir , be patient . What say you , sir ? I am shent for speaking to you .", "Well-a-day that you were , sir !", "I will help you to't . But tell me true , are you not mad indeed , or do you but counterfeit ?", "Nay , I 'll ne'er believe a madman till I see his brains . I will fetch you light and paper and ink .", "I am gone , sir ,", "And anon , sir ,", "I 'll be with you again ,", "In a trice ,", "Like to the old Vice ,", "Your need to sustain ;", "Who with dagger of lath ,", "In his rage and his wrath ,", "Cries , Ah , ha ! to the devil ,", "Like a mad lad ,", "Pare thy nails , dad .", "Adieu , goodman devil . Exit"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1443, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Now , as thou lov'st me , let me see his letter .", "Anything .", "This is to give a dog , and in recompense desire my dog again .", "\u2018 By the Lord , madam , you wrong me , and the world shall know it . Though you have put me into darkness and given your drunken cousin rule over me , yet have I the benefit of my senses as well as your ladyship . I have your own letter that induced me to the semblance I put on , with the which I doubt not but to do myself much right or you much shame . Think of me as you please . I leave my duty a little unthought of , and speak out of my injury . THE MADLY-US 'D MALVOLIO \u2019", "Good madam , hear me speak ,", "And let no quarrel nor no brawl to come", "Taint the condition of this present hour ,", "Which I have wond'red at . In hope it shall not ,", "Most freely I confess myself and Toby", "Set this device against Malvolio here ,", "Upon some stubborn and uncourteous parts", "We had conceiv 'd against him . Maria writ", "The letter , at Sir Toby 's great importance ,", "In recompense whereof he hath married her .", "How with a sportful malice it was follow 'd", "May rather pluck on laughter than revenge ,", "If that the injuries be justly weigh 'd", "That have on both sides pass 'd ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1443, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Cease to persuade , my loving Proteus :", "Home-keeping youth have ever homely wits .", "Were't not affection chains thy tender days", "To the sweet glances of thy honour 'd love ,", "I rather would entreat thy company 5", "To see the wonders of the world abroad ,", "Than , living dully sluggardized at home ,", "Wear out thy youth with shapeless idleness .", "But since thou lovest , love still , and thrive therein ,", "Even as I would , when I to love begin . 10", "And on a love-book pray for my success ?", "That 's on some shallow story of deep love :", "How young Leander cross 'd the Hellespont .", "\u2018 Tis true ; for you are over boots in love , 25", "And yet you never swum the Hellespont .", "No , I will not , for it boots thee not .", "To be in love , where scorn is bought with groans ;", "Coy looks with heart-sore sighs ; one fading moment 's mirth 30", "With twenty watchful , weary , tedious nights :", "If haply won , perhaps a hapless gain ;", "If lost , why then a grievous labour won ;", "However , but a folly bought with wit ,", "Or else a wit by folly vanquished . 35", "So , by your circumstance , I fear you 'll prove .", "Love is your master , for he masters you :", "And he that is so yoked by a fool , 40", "Methinks , should not be chronicled for wise .", "And writers say , as the most forward bud 45", "Is eaten by the canker ere it blow ,", "Even so by love the young and tender wit", "Is turn 'd to folly ; blasting in the bud ,", "Losing his verdure even in the prime ,", "And all the fair effects of future hopes . 50", "But wherefore waste I time to counsel thee ,", "That art a votary to fond desire ?", "Once more adieu ! my father at the road", "Expects my coming , there to see me shipp 'd .", "Sweet Proteus , no ; now let us take our leave .", "To Milan let me hear from thee by letters", "Of thy success in love , and what news else", "Betideth here in absence of thy friend ;", "And I likewise will visit thee with mine . 60", "As much to you at home ! and so , farewell ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1461, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["But say , Lucetta , now we are alone ,", "Wouldst thou , then , counsel me to fall in love ?", "Of all the fair resort of gentlemen", "That every day with parle encounter me , 5", "In thy opinion which is worthiest love ?", "What think'st thou of the fair Sir Eglamour ?", "What think'st thou of the rich Mercatio ?", "What think'st thou of the gentle Proteus ?", "How now ! what means this passion at his name ?", "Why not on Proteus , as of all the rest ? 20", "Your reason ?", "And wouldst thou have me cast my love on him ? 25", "Why , he , of all the rest , hath never moved me .", "His little speaking shows his love but small .", "They do not love that do not show their love .", "I would I knew his mind .", "\u2018 To Julia . \u2019 \u2014 Say , from whom ? 35", "Say , say , who gave it thee ?", "Now , by my modesty , a goodly broker !", "Dare you presume to harbour wanton lines ?", "To whisper and conspire against my youth ?", "Now , trust me , \u2018 tis an office of great worth ,", "And you an officer fit for the place . 45", "There , take the paper : see it be return 'd ;", "Or else return no more into my sight .", "Will ye be gone ?", "And yet I would I had o'erlook ' d the letter : 50", "It were a shame to call her back again ,", "And pray her to a fault for which I chid her .", "What a fool is she , that knows I am a maid ,", "And would not force the letter to my view !", "Since maids , in modesty , say \u2018 no \u2019 to that 55", "Which they would have the profferer construe \u2018 ay . \u2019", "Fie , fie , how wayward is this foolish love ,", "That , like a testy babe , will scratch the nurse ,", "And presently , all humbled , kiss the rod !", "How churlishly I chid Lucetta hence , 60", "When willingly I would have had her here !", "How angerly I taught my brow to frown ,", "When inward joy enforced my heart to smile !", "My penance is , to call Lucetta back ,", "And ask remission for my folly past . 65", "What , ho ! Lucetta !", "Re-enter LUCETTA .", "Is't near dinner-time ?", "What is't that you took up so gingerly ? 70", "Why didst thou stoop , then ?", "And is that paper nothing ?", "Then let it lie for those that it concerns .", "Some love of yours hath writ to you in rhyme .", "\u2014 As little by such toys as may be possible . Best sing it to the tune of \u2018 Light o \u2019 love . \u2019", "Heavy ! belike it hath some burden , then ? 85", "And why not you ?", "Let 's see your song . How now , minion !", "You do not ?", "You , minion , are too saucy .", "The mean is drown 'd with your unruly bass .", "This babble shall not henceforth trouble me .", "Here is a coil with protestation !", "Nay , would I were so anger 'd with the same !", "O hateful hands , to tear such loving words ! 105", "Injurious wasps , to feed on such sweet honey ,", "And kill the bees , that yield it , with your stings !", "I 'll kiss each several paper for amends .", "Look , here is writ \u2018 kind Julia . \u2019 Unkind Julia !", "As in revenge of thy ingratitude , 110", "I throw thy name against the bruising stones ,", "Trampling contemptuously on thy disdain .", "And here is writ \u2018 love-wounded Proteus . \u2019", "Poor wounded name ! my bosom , as a bed ,", "Shall lodge thee , till thy wound be throughly heal 'd ; 115", "And thus I search it with a sovereign kiss .", "But twice or thrice was \u2018 Proteus \u2019 written down .", "Be calm , good wind , blow not a word away ,", "Till I have found each letter in the letter ,", "Except mine own name : that some whirlwind bear 120", "Unto a ragged , fearful-hanging rock ,", "And throw it thence into the raging sea !", "Lo , here in one line is his name twice writ ,", "\u2018 Poor forlorn Proteus , passionate Proteus ,", "To the sweet Julia ':\u2014 that I 'll tear away .\u2014 125", "And yet I will not , sith so prettily", "He couples it to his complaining names .", "Thus will I fold them one upon another :", "Now kiss , embrace , contend , do what you will .", "Re-enter LUCETTA .", "Well , let us go .", "If you respect them , best to take them up .", "I see you have a month 's mind to them .", "Come , come ; will't please you go ?", "Notes : I , 2 ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1461, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["But say , Lucetta , now we are alone ,", "Wouldst thou , then , counsel me to fall in love ?", "Of all the fair resort of gentlemen", "That every day with parle encounter me , 5", "In thy opinion which is worthiest love ?", "What think'st thou of the fair Sir Eglamour ?", "What think'st thou of the rich Mercatio ?", "What think'st thou of the gentle Proteus ?", "How now ! what means this passion at his name ?", "Why not on Proteus , as of all the rest ? 20", "Your reason ?", "And wouldst thou have me cast my love on him ? 25", "Why , he , of all the rest , hath never moved me .", "His little speaking shows his love but small .", "They do not love that do not show their love .", "I would I knew his mind .", "\u2018 To Julia . \u2019 \u2014 Say , from whom ? 35", "Say , say , who gave it thee ?", "Now , by my modesty , a goodly broker !", "Dare you presume to harbour wanton lines ?", "To whisper and conspire against my youth ?", "Now , trust me , \u2018 tis an office of great worth ,", "And you an officer fit for the place . 45", "There , take the paper : see it be return 'd ;", "Or else return no more into my sight .", "Will ye be gone ?", "And yet I would I had o'erlook ' d the letter : 50", "It were a shame to call her back again ,", "And pray her to a fault for which I chid her .", "What a fool is she , that knows I am a maid ,", "And would not force the letter to my view !", "Since maids , in modesty , say \u2018 no \u2019 to that 55", "Which they would have the profferer construe \u2018 ay . \u2019", "Fie , fie , how wayward is this foolish love ,", "That , like a testy babe , will scratch the nurse ,", "And presently , all humbled , kiss the rod !", "How churlishly I chid Lucetta hence , 60", "When willingly I would have had her here !", "How angerly I taught my brow to frown ,", "When inward joy enforced my heart to smile !", "My penance is , to call Lucetta back ,", "And ask remission for my folly past . 65", "What , ho ! Lucetta !", "Re-enter LUCETTA .", "Is't near dinner-time ?", "What is't that you took up so gingerly ? 70", "Why didst thou stoop , then ?", "And is that paper nothing ?", "Then let it lie for those that it concerns .", "Some love of yours hath writ to you in rhyme .", "\u2014 As little by such toys as may be possible . Best sing it to the tune of \u2018 Light o \u2019 love . \u2019", "Heavy ! belike it hath some burden , then ? 85", "And why not you ?", "Let 's see your song . How now , minion !", "You do not ?", "You , minion , are too saucy .", "The mean is drown 'd with your unruly bass .", "This babble shall not henceforth trouble me .", "Here is a coil with protestation !", "Nay , would I were so anger 'd with the same !", "O hateful hands , to tear such loving words ! 105", "Injurious wasps , to feed on such sweet honey ,", "And kill the bees , that yield it , with your stings !", "I 'll kiss each several paper for amends .", "Look , here is writ \u2018 kind Julia . \u2019 Unkind Julia !", "As in revenge of thy ingratitude , 110", "I throw thy name against the bruising stones ,", "Trampling contemptuously on thy disdain .", "And here is writ \u2018 love-wounded Proteus . \u2019", "Poor wounded name ! my bosom , as a bed ,", "Shall lodge thee , till thy wound be throughly heal 'd ; 115", "And thus I search it with a sovereign kiss .", "But twice or thrice was \u2018 Proteus \u2019 written down .", "Be calm , good wind , blow not a word away ,", "Till I have found each letter in the letter ,", "Except mine own name : that some whirlwind bear 120", "Unto a ragged , fearful-hanging rock ,", "And throw it thence into the raging sea !", "Lo , here in one line is his name twice writ ,", "\u2018 Poor forlorn Proteus , passionate Proteus ,", "To the sweet Julia ':\u2014 that I 'll tear away .\u2014 125", "And yet I will not , sith so prettily", "He couples it to his complaining names .", "Thus will I fold them one upon another :", "Now kiss , embrace , contend , do what you will .", "Re-enter LUCETTA .", "Well , let us go .", "If you respect them , best to take them up .", "I see you have a month 's mind to them .", "Come , come ; will't please you go ?", "Notes : I , 2 ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1461, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Tell me , Panthino , what sad talk was that", "Wherewith my brother held you in the cloister ?", "Why , what of him ?", "Nor need'st thou much importune me to that", "Whereon this month I have been hammering .", "I have consider 'd well his loss of time ,", "And how he cannot be a perfect man , 20", "Not being tried and tutor 'd in the world :", "Experience is by industry achieved ,", "And perfected by the swift course of time .", "Then , tell me , whither were I best to send him ?", "I know it well .", "I like thy counsel ; well hast thou advised :", "And that thou mayst perceive how well I like it 35", "The execution of it shall make known .", "Even with the speediest expedition", "I will dispatch him to the emperor 's court .", "Good company ; with them shall Proteus go :", "And , in good time ! now will we break with him .", "How now ! what letter are you reading there ?", "Lend me the letter ; let me see what news . 55", "And how stand you affected to his wish ? 60", "My will is something sorted with his wish .", "Muse not that I thus suddenly proceed ;", "For what I will , I will , and there an end . 65", "I am resolved that thou shalt spend some time", "With Valentinus in the emperor 's court :", "What maintenance he from his friends receives ,", "Like exhibition thou shalt have from me .", "To-morrow be in readiness to go : 70", "Excuse it not , for I am peremptory .", "Look , what thou want'st shall be sent after thee :", "No more of stay ! to-morrow thou must go . 75", "Come on , Panthino : you shall be employ 'd", "To hasten on his expedition ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1461, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sir , your glove .", "Why , then , this may be yours , for this is but one .", "Madam Silvia ! Madam Silvia !", "She is not within hearing , sir .", "Your worship , sir ; or else I mistook . 10", "And yet I was last chidden for being too slow .", "She that your worship loves ?", "Marry , by these special marks : first , you have learned , like Sir Proteus , to wreathe your arms , like a malecontent ; to relish a love-song , like a robin-redbreast ; to walk alone , like one that had the pestilence ; to sigh , like a school-boy that had lost his A B C ; to weep , like a young 20 wench that had buried her grandam ; to fast , like one that takes diet ; to watch , like one that fears robbing ; to speak puling , like a beggar at Hallowmas . You were wont , when you laughed , to crow like a cock ; when you walked , to walk like one of the lions ; when you fasted , it was presently after 25 dinner ; when you looked sadly , it was for want of money : and now you are metamorphosed with a mistress , that , when I look on you , I can hardly think you my master .", "They are all perceived without ye . 30", "Without you ? nay , that 's certain , for , without you were so simple , none else would : but you are so without these follies , that these follies are within you , and shine through you like the water in an urinal , that not an eye that 35 sees you but is a physician to comment on your malady .", "She that you gaze on so as she sits at supper ?", "Why , sir , I know her not . 40", "Is she not hard-favoured , sir ?", "Sir , I know that well enough . 45", "That she is not so fair as , of you , well favoured .", "That 's because the one is painted , and the other 50 out of all count .", "Marry , sir , so painted , to make her fair , that no man counts of her beauty .", "You never saw her since she was deformed .", "Ever since you loved her .", "If you love her , you cannot see her .", "Because Love is blind . O , that you had mine eyes ; or your own eyes had the lights they were wont to have when you chid at Sir Proteus for going ungartered ! 65", "Your own present folly , and her passing deformity : for he , being in love , could not see to garter his hose ; and you , being in love , cannot see to put on your hose .", "True , sir ; I was in love with my bed : I thank you , you swinged me for my love , which makes me the bolder to chide you for yours .", "I would you were set , so your affection would cease .", "And have you ? 80", "Are they not lamely writ ?", "O excellent motion ! O exceeding puppet ! 85", "Now will he interpret to her .", "O , give ye good even ! here 's a million of manners .", "He should give her interest , and she gives it him .", "And yet you will ; and yet another \u2018 yet . \u2019", "O jest unseen , inscrutable , invisible ,", "As a nose on a man 's face , or a weathercock on a steeple ! 125", "My master sues to her ; and she hath taught her suitor ,", "He being her pupil , to become her tutor .", "O excellent device ! was there ever heard a better ,", "That my master , being scribe , to himself should write the letter ?", "Nay . I was rhyming : \u2018 tis you that have the reason .", "To be a spokesman for Madam Silvia . 135", "To yourself : why , she wooes you by a figure .", "By a letter , I should say .", "What need she , when she hath made you write to yourself ? Why , do you not perceive the jest ?", "No believing you , indeed , sir . But did you perceive her earnest ? 145", "Why , she hath given you a letter .", "And that letter hath she delivered , and there an end . 150", "I 'll warrant you , \u2018 tis as well : For often have you writ to her ; and she , in modesty , Or else for want of idle time , could not again reply ; Or fearing else some messenger , that might her mind discover , 155 Herself hath taught her love himself to write unto her lover . All this I speak in print , for in print I found it . Why muse you , sir ? \u2018 tis dinner-time .", "Ay , but hearken , sir ; though the chameleon 160 Love can feed on the air , I am one that am nourished by my victuals , and would fain have meat . O , be not like your mistress ; be moved , be moved . Notes : II , 1 . 19 : had ] hath Collier MS. 21 : buried ] F1 . lost F2 F3 F4 . 27 : you are ] you are so Collier MS. 32 : Without you ? ] Without you ! Dyce . 33 : would ] would be Collier MS. 41 : my ] F1 F2 . om . F3 F4 . 68 , 69 : See note76 : set ,] set ; Malone . 85 , 88 , 91 :Capell . 91 : Speed . ] F1 F4 . Sil . F2 F3 . 96 : for ] om . F3 F4 . 102 : stead ] steed Ff . 106 : name it ] name \u2018 t Capell . and yet ] yet Pope . 109 :Rowe . 114 : for ] writ for Anon . conj . 124 , 125 : Printed as prose by Pope . 129 : scribe ] the scribe Pope . 137 : wooes ] woes Ff .149 : there ] F1 . there 's F2 F3 F4 ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1461, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Servant !", "Servant , you are sad .", "What , angry , Sir Thurio ! do you change colour ?", "A fine volley of words , gentlemen , and quickly 30 shot off .", "Who is that , servant ?", "No more , gentlemen , no more :\u2014 here comes my father .", "Belike that now she hath enfranchised them ,", "Upon some other pawn for fealty .", "Nay , then , he should be blind ; and , being blind ,", "How could he see his way to seek out you ? 90", "Have done , have done ; here comes the gentleman . 95", "His worth is warrant for his welcome hither ,", "If this be he you oft have wish 'd to hear from .", "Too low a mistress for so high a servant .", "And duty never yet did want his meed :", "Servant , you are welcome to a worthless mistress .", "That you are welcome ?", "I wait upon his pleasure . Come , Sir Thurio ,", "Go with me . Once more , new servant , welcome :", "I 'll leave you to confer of home affairs ; 115", "When you have done , we look to hear from you ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1461, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Launce ! by mine honesty , welcome to Padua !", "Come on , you madcap , I 'll to the alehouse with you presently ; where , for one shot of five pence , thou shalt have five thousand welcomes . But , sirrah , how did thy master part with Madam Julia ?", "But shall she marry him ?", "How , then ? shall he marry her ?", "What , are they broken ?", "Why , then , how stands the matter with them ?", "What an ass art thou ! I understand thee not .", "What thou sayest ?", "It stands under thee , indeed .", "But tell me true , will't be a match ?", "The conclusion is , then , that it will .", "\u2018 Tis well that I get it so . But , Launce , how 35 sayest thou , that my master is become a notable lover ?", "Than how ?", "Why , thou whoreson ass , thou mistakest me . 40", "I tell thee , my master is become a hot lover .", "Why ?", "At thy service .", "Notes : II , 5 ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1461, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["To leave my Julia , shall I be forsworn ;", "To love fair Silvia , shall I be forsworn ;", "To wrong my friend , I shall be much forsworn ;", "And even that power , which gave me first my oath ,", "Provokes me to this threefold perjury ; 5", "Love bade me swear , and Love bids me forswear .", "O sweet-suggesting Love , if thou hast sinn 'd ,", "Teach me , thy tempted subject , to excuse it !", "At first I did adore a twinkling star ,", "But now I worship a celestial sun . 10", "Unheedful vows may needfully be broken ;", "And he wants wit that wants resolved will", "To learn his wit to exchange the bad for better .", "Fie , fie , unreverend tongue ! to call her bad ,", "Whose sovereignty so oft thou hast preferr 'd 15", "With twenty thousand soul-confirming oaths .", "I cannot leave to love , and yet I do ;", "But there I leave to love where I should love .", "Julia I lose , and Valentine I lose :", "If I keep them , I needs must lose myself ; 20", "If I lose them , thus find I by their loss", "For Valentine , myself , for Julia , Silvia .", "I to myself am dearer than a friend ,", "For love is still most precious in itself ;", "And Silvia \u2014 witness Heaven , that made her fair !\u2014 25", "Shows Julia but a swarthy Ethiope .", "I will forget that Julia is alive ,", "Remembering that my love to her is dead ;", "And Valentine I 'll hold an enemy ,", "Aiming at Silvia as a sweeter friend . 30", "I cannot now prove constant to myself ,", "Without some treachery used to Valentine .", "This night he meaneth with a corded ladder", "To climb celestial Silvia 's chamber-window ;", "Myself in counsel , his competitor . 35", "Now presently I 'll give her father notice", "Of their disguising and pretended flight ;", "Who , all enraged , will banish Valentine ;", "For Thurio , he intends , shall wed his daughter ;", "But , Valentine being gone , I 'll quickly cross 40", "By some sly trick blunt Thurio 's dull proceeding .", "Love , lend me wings to make my purpose swift ,", "As thou hast lent me wit to plot this drift !", "Notes : II , 6 ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1461, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Counsel , Lucetta ; gentle girl , assist me ;", "And , even in kind love , I do conjure thee ,", "Who art the table wherein all my thoughts", "Are visibly character 'd and engraved ,", "To lesson me ; and tell me some good mean , 5", "How , with my honour , I may undertake", "A journey to my loving Proteus .", "A true-devoted pilgrim is not weary", "To measure kingdoms with his feeble steps ; 10", "Much less shall she that hath Love 's wings to fly ,", "And when the flight is made to one so dear ,", "Of such divine perfection , as Sir Proteus .", "O , know'st thou not , his looks are my soul 's food ? 15", "Pity the dearth that I have pined in ,", "By longing for that food so long a time .", "Didst thou but know the inly touch of love ,", "Thou wouldst as soon go kindle fire with snow", "As seek to quench the fire of love with words . 20", "The more thou damm'st it up , the more it burns .", "The current that with gentle murmur glides , 25", "Thou know'st , being stopp 'd , impatiently doth rage ;", "But when his fair course is not hindered ,", "He makes sweet music with the enamell 'd stones ,", "Giving a gentle kiss to every sedge", "He overtaketh in his pilgrimage ; 30", "And so by many winding nooks he strays ,", "With willing sport , to the wild ocean .", "Then let me go , and hinder not my course :", "I 'll be as patient as a gentle stream ,", "And make a pastime of each weary step , 35", "Till the last step have brought me to my love ;", "And there I 'll rest , as after much turmoil", "A blessed soul doth in Elysium .", "Not like a woman ; for I would prevent 40", "The loose encounters of lascivious men :", "Gentle Lucetta , fit me with such weeds", "As may beseem some well-reputed page .", "No , girl ; I 'll knit it up in silken strings 45", "With twenty odd-conceited true-love knots .", "To be fantastic may become a youth", "Of greater time than I shall show to be .", "That fits as well as , \u2018 Tell me , good my lord , 50", "What compass will you wear your farthingale ? \u2019", "Why even what fashion thou best likest , Lucetta .", "Out , out , Lucetta ! that will be ill-favour 'd .", "Lucetta , as thou lovest me , let me have", "What thou think'st meet , and is most mannerly .", "But tell me , wench , how will the world repute me", "For undertaking so unstaid a journey ? 60", "I fear me , it will make me scandalized .", "Nay , that I will not .", "That is the least , Lucetta , of my fear :", "A thousand oaths , an ocean of his tears ,", "And instances of infinite of love , 70", "Warrant me welcome to my Proteus .", "Base men , that use them to so base effect !", "But truer stars did govern Proteus \u2019 birth :", "His words are bonds , his oaths are oracles ; 75", "His love sincere , his thoughts immaculate ;", "His tears pure messengers sent from his heart ;", "His heart as far from fraud as heaven from earth .", "Now , as thou lovest me , do him not that wrong , 80", "To bear a hard opinion of his truth :", "Only deserve my love by loving him ;", "And presently go with me to my chamber ,", "To take a note of what I stand in need of ,", "To furnish me upon my longing journey . 85", "All that is mine I leave at thy dispose ,", "My goods , my lands , my reputation ;", "Only , in lieu thereof , dispatch me hence .", "Come , answer not , but to it presently !", "I am impatient of my tarriance .", "Notes : II , 7 ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1461, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sir Thurio , give us leave , I pray , awhile ;", "We have some secrets to confer about .", "Proteus , I thank thee for thine honest care ;", "Which to requite , command me while I live .", "This love of theirs myself have often seen ,", "Haply when they have judged me fast asleep ; 25", "And oftentimes have purposed to forbid", "Sir Valentine her company and my court :", "But , fearing lest my jealous aim might err ,", "And so , unworthily disgrace the man ,", "A rashness that I ever yet have shunn 'd , 30", "I gave him gentle looks ; thereby to find", "That which thyself hast now disclosed to me .", "And , that thou mayst perceive my fear of this ,", "Knowing that tender youth is soon suggested ,", "I nightly lodge her in an upper tower , 35", "The key whereof myself have ever kept ;", "And thence she cannot be convey 'd away .", "Upon mine honour , he shall never know", "That I had any light from thee of this .", "Sir Valentine , whither away so fast ?", "Be they of much import ? 55", "Nay then , no matter ; stay with me awhile ;", "I am to break with thee of some affairs", "That touch me near , wherein thou must be secret . 60", "\u2018 Tis not unknown to thee that I have sought", "To match my friend Sir Thurio to my daughter .", "No , trust me ; she is peevish , sullen , froward ,", "Proud , disobedient , stubborn , lacking duty ;", "Neither regarding that she is my child , 70", "Nor fearing me as if I were her father :", "And , may I say to thee , this pride of hers ,", "Upon advice , hath drawn my love from her ;", "And , where I thought the remnant of mine age", "Should have been cherish 'd by her child-like duty , 75", "I now am full resolved to take a wife ,", "And turn her out to who will take her in :", "Then let her beauty be her wedding-dower ;", "For me and my possessions she esteems not .", "There is a lady in Verona here", "Whom I affect ; but she is nice and coy ,", "And nought esteems my aged eloquence :", "Now , therefore , would I have thee to my tutor ,\u2014", "For long agone I have forgot to court ; 85", "Besides , the fashion of the time is changed ,\u2014", "How and which way I may bestow myself ,", "To be regarded in her sun-bright eye .", "But she did scorn a present that I sent her .", "But she I mean is promised by her friends", "Unto a youthful gentleman of worth ;", "And kept severely from resort of men ,", "That no man hath access by day to her .", "Ay , but the doors be lock 'd , and keys kept safe ,", "That no man hath recourse to her by night .", "Her chamber is aloft , far from the ground ,", "And built so shelving , that one cannot climb it 115", "Without apparent hazard of his life .", "Now , as thou art a gentleman of blood ,", "Advise me where I may have such a ladder .", "This very night ; for Love is like a child ,", "That longs for every thing that he can come by . 125", "But , hark thee ; I will go to her alone :", "How shall I best convey the ladder thither ?", "A cloak as long as thine will serve the turn ?", "Then let me see thy cloak :", "I 'll get me one of such another length .", "How shall I fashion me to wear a cloak ? 135", "I pray thee , let me feel thy cloak upon me .", "What letter is this same ? What 's here ? \u2018 To Silvia \u2019 !", "And here an engine fit for my proceeding .", "I 'll be so bold to break the seal for once .", "\u2018 My thoughts do harbour with my Silvia nightly ; 140", "And slaves they are to me , that send them flying :", "O , could their master come and go as lightly ,", "Himself would lodge where senseless they are lying !", "My herald thoughts in thy pure bosom rest them ;", "While I , their king , that thither them importune , 145", "Do curse the grace that with such grace hath bless 'd them ,", "Because myself do want my servants \u2019 fortune :", "I curse myself , for they are sent by me ,", "That they should harbour where their lord would be .", "What 's here ? 150", "\u2018 Silvia , this night I will enfranchise thee . \u2019", "\u2018 Tis so ; and here 's the ladder for the purpose .", "Why , Phaethon ,\u2014 for thou art Merops \u2019 son ,\u2014", "Wilt thou aspire to guide the heavenly car ,", "And with thy daring folly burn the world ? 155", "Wilt thou reach stars , because they shine on thee ?", "Go , base intruder ! overweening slave !", "Bestow thy fawning smiles on equal mates ;", "And think my patience , more than thy desert ,", "Is privilege for thy departure hence : 160", "Thank me for this more than for all the favours ,", "Which all too much I have bestow 'd on thee .", "But if thou linger in my territories", "Longer than swiftest expedition", "Will give thee time to leave our royal court , 165", "By heaven ! my wrath shall far exceed the love", "I ever bore my daughter or thyself .", "Be gone ! I will not hear thy vain excuse ;", "But , as thou lovest thy life , make speed from hence ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1461, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sir Thurio , fear not but that she will love you ,", "Now Valentine is banish 'd from her sight .", "This weak impress of love is as a figure", "Trenched in ice , which with an hour 's heat", "Dissolves to water , and doth lose his form .", "A little time will melt her frozen thoughts ,", "And worthless Valentine shall be forgot . 10", "Enter PROTEUS .", "How now , Sir Proteus ! Is your countryman ,", "According to our proclamation , gone ?", "My daughter takes his going grievously .", "So I believe ; but Thurio thinks not so .", "Proteus , the good conceit I hold of thee \u2014", "For thou hast shown some sign of good desert \u2014", "Makes me the better to confer with thee .", "Thou know'st how willingly I would effect", "The match between Sir Thurio and my daughter .", "And also , I think , thou art not ignorant 25", "How she opposes her against my will .", "Ay , and perversely she persevers so .", "What might we do to make the girl forget", "The love of Valentine , and love Sir Thurio ? 30", "Ay , but she 'll think that it is spoke in hate .", "Then you must undertake to slander him .", "Where your good word cannot advantage him ,", "Your slander never can endamage him ;", "Therefore the office is indifferent ,", "Being entreated to it by your friend . 45", "And , Proteus , we dare trust you in this kind ,", "Because we know , on Valentine 's report ,", "You are already Love 's firm votary ,", "And cannot soon revolt and change your mind .", "Upon this warrant shall you have access 60", "Where you with Silvia may confer at large ;", "For she is lumpish , heavy , melancholy ,", "And , for your friend 's sake , will be glad of you ;", "Where you may temper her by your persuasion", "To hate young Valentine and love my friend . 65", "Ay ,", "Much is the force of heaven-bred poesy .", "This discipline shows thou hast been in love .", "About it , gentlemen ! 95", "Even now about it ! I will pardon you .", "Notes : III , 2 ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1461, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sir Thurio , fear not but that she will love you ,", "Now Valentine is banish 'd from her sight .", "This weak impress of love is as a figure", "Trenched in ice , which with an hour 's heat", "Dissolves to water , and doth lose his form .", "A little time will melt her frozen thoughts ,", "And worthless Valentine shall be forgot . 10", "Enter PROTEUS .", "How now , Sir Proteus ! Is your countryman ,", "According to our proclamation , gone ?", "My daughter takes his going grievously .", "So I believe ; but Thurio thinks not so .", "Proteus , the good conceit I hold of thee \u2014", "For thou hast shown some sign of good desert \u2014", "Makes me the better to confer with thee .", "Thou know'st how willingly I would effect", "The match between Sir Thurio and my daughter .", "And also , I think , thou art not ignorant 25", "How she opposes her against my will .", "Ay , and perversely she persevers so .", "What might we do to make the girl forget", "The love of Valentine , and love Sir Thurio ? 30", "Ay , but she 'll think that it is spoke in hate .", "Then you must undertake to slander him .", "Where your good word cannot advantage him ,", "Your slander never can endamage him ;", "Therefore the office is indifferent ,", "Being entreated to it by your friend . 45", "And , Proteus , we dare trust you in this kind ,", "Because we know , on Valentine 's report ,", "You are already Love 's firm votary ,", "And cannot soon revolt and change your mind .", "Upon this warrant shall you have access 60", "Where you with Silvia may confer at large ;", "For she is lumpish , heavy , melancholy ,", "And , for your friend 's sake , will be glad of you ;", "Where you may temper her by your persuasion", "To hate young Valentine and love my friend . 65", "Ay ,", "Much is the force of heaven-bred poesy .", "This discipline shows thou hast been in love .", "About it , gentlemen ! 95", "Even now about it ! I will pardon you .", "Notes : III , 2 ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1461, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Stand , sir , and throw us that you have about ye :", "If not , we 'll make you sit , and rifle you .", "Ay , by my beard , will we , for he 's a proper man . 10", "Have you long sojourned there ? 20", "By the bare scalp of Robin Hood 's fat friar ,", "This fellow were a king for our wild faction !", "Know , then , that some of us are gentlemen ,", "Such as the fury of ungovern 'd youth 45", "Thrust from the company of awful men :", "Myself was from Verona banished", "For practising to steal away a lady ,", "An heir , and near allied unto the duke .", "What say'st thou ? wilt thou be of our consort ?", "Say ay , and be the captain of us all : 65", "We 'll do thee homage and be ruled by thee ,", "Love thee as our commander and our king .", "No , we detest such vile base practices .", "Come , go with us , we 'll bring thee to our crews ,", "And show thee all the treasure we have got ; 75", "Which , with ourselves , all rest at thy dispose .", "Notes : IV , 1 ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1461, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Already have I been false to Valentine ,", "And now I must be as unjust to Thurio .", "Under the colour of commending him ,", "I have access my own love to prefer :", "But Silvia is too fair , too true , too holy , 5", "To be corrupted with my worthless gifts .", "When I protest true loyalty to her ,", "She twits me with my falsehood to my friend ;", "When to her beauty I commend my vows ,", "She bids me think how I have been forsworn 10", "In breaking faith with Julia whom I loved :", "And notwithstanding all her sudden quips ,", "The least whereof would quell a lover 's hope ,", "Yet , spaniel-like , the more she spurns my love ,", "The more it grows , and fawneth on her still . 15", "But here comes Thurio : now must we to her window ,", "And give some evening music to her ear .", "Ay , gentle Thurio ; for you know that love", "Will creep in service where it cannot go . 20", "Sir , but I do ; or else I would be hence .", "Ay , Silvia ; for your sake .", "Sir Thurio , fear not you : I will so plead ,", "That you shall say my cunning drift excels .", "At Saint Gregory 's well .", "Madam , good even to your ladyship .", "One , lady , if you knew his pure heart 's truth ,", "You would quickly learn to know him by his voice . 85", "Sir Proteus , gentle lady , and your servant .", "That I may compass yours .", "I grant , sweet love , that I did love a lady ;", "But she is dead .", "I likewise hear that Valentine is dead .", "Sweet lady , let me rake it from the earth .", "Madam , if your heart be so obdurate , 115", "Vouchsafe me yet your picture for my love ,", "The picture that is hanging in your chamber ;", "To that I 'll speak , to that I 'll sigh and weep :", "For since the substance of your perfect self", "Is else devoted , I am but a shadow ; 120", "And to your shadow will I make true love .", "As wretches have o'ernight", "That wait for execution in the morn ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1461, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["This is the hour that Madam Silvia", "Entreated me to call and know her mind :", "There 's some great matter she'ld employ me in .", "Madam , madam !", "Your servant and your friend ;", "One that attends your ladyship 's command . 5", "As many , worthy lady , to yourself :", "According to your ladyship 's impose ,", "I am thus early come to know what service", "It is your pleasure to command me in . 10", "Madam , I pity much your grievances ;", "Which since I know they virtuously are placed ,", "I give consent to go along with you ;", "Recking as little what betideth me 40", "As much I wish all good befortune you .", "When will you go ?", "Where shall I meet you ?", "I will not fail your ladyship . Good morrow , 45 gentle lady ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1461, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sebastian is thy name ? I like thee well ,", "And will employ thee in some service presently .", "I hope thou wilt .How now , you whoreson peasant ! 40 Where have you been these two days loitering ?", "And what says she to my little jewel ?", "But she received my dog ?", "What , didst thou offer her this from me ? 50", "Go get thee hence , and find my dog again , 55", "Or ne'er return again into my sight .", "Away , I say ! stay'st thou to vex me here ?", "Not so ; I think she lives .", "Why dost thou cry , \u2018 alas \u2019 ?", "Wherefore shouldst thou pity her ?", "Well , give her that ring , and therewithal", "This letter . That 's her chamber . Tell my lady", "I claim the promise for her heavenly picture .", "Your message done , hie home unto my chamber ,", "Where thou shalt find me , sad and solitary ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1461, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sir Proteus , what says Silvia to my suit ?", "What , that my leg is too long ?", "I 'll wear a boot , to make it somewhat rounder .", "What says she to my face ?", "Nay then , the wanton lies ; my face is black . 10", "How likes she my discourse ? 15", "But well , when I discourse of love and peace ?", "What says she to my valour ?", "What says she to my birth ?", "Considers she my possessions ? 25", "Wherefore ?", "Not I .", "Why , this it is to be a peevish girl ,", "That flies her fortune when it follows her . 50", "I 'll after , more to be revenged on Eglamour", "Than for the love of reckless Silvia ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1461, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["How use doth breed a habit in a man !", "This shadowy desert , unfrequented woods ,", "I better brook than flourishing peopled towns :", "Here can I sit alone , unseen of any ,", "And to the nightingale 's complaining notes 5", "Tune my distresses and record my woes .", "O thou that dost inhabit in my breast ,", "Leave not the mansion so long tenantless ,", "Lest , growing ruinous , the building fall ,", "And leave no memory of what it was ! 10", "Repair me with thy presence , Silvia ;", "Thou gentle nymph , cherish thy forlorn swain !", "What halloing and what stir is this to-day ?", "These are my mates , that make their wills their law ,", "Have some unhappy passenger in chase . 15", "They love me well ; yet I have much to do", "To keep them from uncivil outrages .", "Withdraw thee , Valentine : who 's this comes here ?", "How like a dream is this I see and hear ! Love , lend me patience to forbear awhile .", "Ruffian , let go that rude uncivil touch , 60", "Thou friend of an ill fashion !", "Thou common friend , that 's without faith or love ,", "For such is a friend now ; treacherous man !", "Thou hast beguiled my hopes ; nought but mine eye", "Could have persuaded me : now I dare not say 65", "I have one friend alive ; thou wouldst disprove me .", "Who should be trusted now , when one 's right hand", "Is perjured to the bosom ? Proteus ,", "I am sorry I must never trust thee more ,", "But count the world a stranger for thy sake . 70", "The private wound is deepest : O time most accurst ,", "\u2018 Mongst all foes that a friend should be the worst !", "Then I am paid ;", "And once again I do receive thee honest .", "Who by repentance is not satisfied", "Is nor of heaven nor earth , for these are pleased . 80", "By penitence the Eternal 's wrath 's appeased :", "And , that my love may appear plain and free ,", "All that was mine in Silvia I give thee .", "Why , boy ! why , wag ! how now ! what 's the matter ? Look up ; speak .", "Come , come , a hand from either :", "Let me be blest to make this happy close ;", "\u2018 Twere pity two such friends should be long foes .", "Forbear , forbear , I say ! it is my lord the duke .", "Your Grace is welcome to a man disgraced ,", "Banished Valentine .", "Thurio , give back , or else embrace thy death ;", "Come not within the measure of my wrath ;", "Do not name Silvia thine ; if once again ,", "Verona shall not hold thee . Here she stands :", "Take but possession of her with a touch : 130", "I dare thee but to breathe upon my love .", "I thank your grace ; the gift hath made me happy .", "I now beseech you , for your daughter 's sake ,", "To grant one boon that I shall ask of you . 150", "These banish 'd men that I have kept withal", "Are men endued with worthy qualities :", "Forgive them what they have committed here ,", "And let them be recall 'd from their exile : 155", "They are reformed , civil , full of good ,", "And fit for great employment , worthy lord .", "And , as we walk along , I dare be bold", "With our discourse to make your Grace to smile .", "What think you of this page , my lord ?", "I warrant you , my lord , more grace than boy .", "Please you , I 'll tell you as we pass along ,", "That you will wonder what hath fortuned .", "Come , Proteus ; \u2018 tis your penance but to hear 170", "The story of your loves discovered :", "That done , our day of marriage shall be yours ;", "One feast , one house , one mutual happiness .", "Notes : V , 4 ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1461, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Cease to persuade , my loving Proteus :", "Home-keeping youth have ever homely wits .", "Were't not affection chains thy tender days", "To the sweet glances of thy honour 'd love ,", "I rather would entreat thy company", "To see the wonders of the world abroad ,", "Than , living dully sluggardiz 'd at home ,", "Wear out thy youth with shapeless idleness .", "But since thou lov'st , love still , and thrive therein ,", "Even as I would , when I to love begin .", "And on a love-book pray for my success ?", "That 's on some shallow story of deep love :", "How young Leander cross 'd the Hellespont .", "\u2018 Tis true ; for you are over boots in love ,", "And yet you never swum the Hellespont .", "No , I will not , for it boots thee not .", "To be in love - where scorn is bought with groans ,", "Coy looks with heart-sore sighs , one fading moment 's mirth", "With twenty watchful , weary , tedious nights ;", "If haply won , perhaps a hapless gain ;", "If lost , why then a grievous labour won ;", "However , but a folly bought with wit ,", "Or else a wit by folly vanquished .", "So , by your circumstance , I fear you 'll prove .", "Love is your master , for he masters you ;", "And he that is so yoked by a fool ,", "Methinks , should not be chronicled for wise .", "And writers say , as the most forward bud", "Is eaten by the canker ere it blow ,", "Even so by love the young and tender wit", "Is turn 'd to folly , blasting in the bud ,", "Losing his verdure even in the prime ,", "And all the fair effects of future hopes .", "But wherefore waste I time to counsel the", "That art a votary to fond desire ?", "Once more adieu . My father at the road", "Expects my coming , there to see me shipp 'd .", "Sweet Proteus , no ; now let us take our leave .", "To Milan let me hear from thee by letters", "Of thy success in love , and what news else", "Betideth here in absence of thy friend ;", "And I likewise will visit thee with mine .", "As much to you at home ; and so farewell !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1476, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["But say , Lucetta , now we are alone ,", "Wouldst thou then counsel me to fall in love ?", "Of all the fair resort of gentlemen", "That every day with parle encounter me ,", "In thy opinion which is worthiest love ?", "What think'st thou of the fair Sir Eglamour ?", "What think'st thou of the rich Mercatio ?", "What think'st thou of the gentle Proteus ?", "How now ! what means this passion at his name ?", "Why not on Proteus , as of all the rest ?", "Your reason ?", "And wouldst thou have me cast my love on him ?", "Why , he , of all the rest , hath never mov 'd me .", "His little speaking shows his love but small .", "They do not love that do not show their love .", "I would I knew his mind .", "\u2018 To Julia \u2019 - Say , from whom ?", "Say , say , who gave it thee ?", "Now , by my modesty , a goodly broker !", "Dare you presume to harbour wanton lines ?", "To whisper and conspire against my youth ?", "Now , trust me , \u2018 tis an office of great worth ,", "And you an officer fit for the place .", "There , take the paper ; see it be return 'd ;", "Or else return no more into my sight .", "Will ye be gone ?", "And yet , I would I had o'erlook ' d the letter .", "It were a shame to call her back again ,", "And pray her to a fault for which I chid her .", "What fool is she , that knows I am a maid", "And would not force the letter to my view !", "Since maids , in modesty , say \u2018 No \u2019 to that", "Which they would have the profferer construe \u2018 Ay . \u2019", "Fie , fie , how wayward is this foolish love ,", "That like a testy babe will scratch the nurse ,", "And presently , all humbled , kiss the rod !", "How churlishly I chid Lucetta hence ,", "When willingly I would have had her here !", "How angerly I taught my brow to frown ,", "When inward joy enforc 'd my heart to smile !", "My penance is to call Lucetta back", "And ask remission for my folly past .", "What ho ! Lucetta !", "Re-enter LUCETTA", "Is't near dinner time ?", "What is't that you took up so gingerly ?", "Why didst thou stoop then ?", "And is that paper nothing ?", "Then let it lie for those that it concerns .", "Some love of yours hath writ to you in rhyme .", "As little by such toys as may be possible . Best sing it to the tune of \u2018 Light o \u2019 Love . \u2019", "Heavy ! belike it hath some burden then .", "And why not you ?", "Let 's see your song .", "How now , minion !", "You do not !", "You , minion , are too saucy .", "The mean is drown 'd with your unruly bass .", "This babble shall not henceforth trouble me .", "Here is a coil with protestation !", "Go , get you gone ; and let the papers lie .", "You would be fing'ring them , to anger me .", "Nay , would I were so ang'red with the same !", "O hateful hands , to tear such loving words !", "Injurious wasps , to feed on such sweet honey", "And kill the bees that yield it with your stings !", "I 'll kiss each several paper for amends .", "Look , here is writ \u2018 kind Julia . \u2019 Unkind Julia ,", "As in revenge of thy ingratitude ,", "I throw thy name against the bruising stones ,", "Trampling contemptuously on thy disdain .", "And here is writ \u2018 love-wounded Proteus . \u2019", "Poor wounded name ! my bosom ,, as a bed ,", "Shall lodge thee till thy wound be throughly heal 'd ;", "And thus I search it with a sovereign kiss .", "But twice or thrice was \u2018 Proteus \u2019 written down .", "Be calm , good wind , blow not a word away", "Till I have found each letter in the letter-", "Except mine own name ; that some whirlwind bear", "Unto a ragged , fearful , hanging rock ,", "And throw it thence into the raging sea .", "Lo , here in one line is his name twice writ :", "\u2018 Poor forlorn Proteus , passionate Proteus ,", "To the sweet Julia . \u2019 That I 'll tear away ;", "And yet I will not , sith so prettily", "He couples it to his complaining names .", "Thus will I fold them one upon another ;", "Now kiss , embrace , contend , do what you will .", "Re-enter LUCETTA", "Well , let us go .", "If you respect them , best to take them up .", "I see you have a month 's mind to them .", "Come , come ; will't please you go ? Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1476, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Tell me , Panthino , what sad talk was that", "Wherewith my brother held you in the cloister ?", "Why , what of him ?", "Nor need'st thou much importune me to that", "Whereon this month I have been hammering .", "I have consider 'd well his loss of time ,", "And how he cannot be a perfect man ,", "Not being tried and tutor 'd in the world :", "Experience is by industry achiev 'd ,", "And perfected by the swift course of time .", "Then tell me whither were I best to send him .", "I know it well .", "I like thy counsel ; well hast thou advis 'd ;", "And that thou mayst perceive how well I like it ,", "The execution of it shall make known :", "Even with the speediest expedition", "I will dispatch him to the Emperor 's court .", "Good company ; with them shall Proteus go .", "Enter PROTEUS", "And- in good time ! - now will we break with him .", "How now ! What letter are you reading there ?", "Lend me the letter ; let me see what news .", "And how stand you affected to his wish ?", "My will is something sorted with his wish .", "Muse not that I thus suddenly proceed ;", "For what I will , I will , and there an end .", "I am resolv 'd that thou shalt spend some time", "With Valentinus in the Emperor 's court ;", "What maintenance he from his friends receives ,", "Like exhibition thou shalt have from me .", "To-morrow be in readiness to go-", "Excuse it not , for I am peremptory .", "Look what thou want'st shall be sent after thee .", "No more of stay ; to-morrow thou must go .", "Come on , Panthino ; you shall be employ 'd", "To hasten on his expedition ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1476, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sir , your glove .", "Why , then , this may be yours ; for this is but one .", "Madam Silvia ! Madam Silvia !", "She is not within hearing , sir .", "Your worship , sir ; or else I mistook .", "And yet I was last chidden for being too slow .", "She that your worship loves ?", "Marry , by these special marks : first , you have learn 'd , like Sir Proteus , to wreath your arms like a malcontent ; to relish a love-song , like a robin redbreast ; to walk alone , like one that had the pestilence ; to sigh , like a school-boy that had lost his A B C ; to weep , like a young wench that had buried her grandam ; to fast , like one that takes diet ; to watch , like one that fears robbing ; to speak puling , like a beggar at Hallowmas . You were wont , when you laughed , to crow like a cock ; when you walk 'd , to walk like one of the lions ; when you fasted , it was presently after dinner ; when you look 'd sadly , it was for want of money . And now you are metamorphis 'd with a mistress , that , when I look on you , I can hardly think you my master .", "They are all perceiv 'd without ye .", "Without you ! Nay , that 's certain ; for , without you were so simple , none else would ; but you are so without these follies that these follies are within you , and shine through you like the water in an urinal , that not an eye that sees you but is a physician to comment on your malady .", "She that you gaze on so , as she sits at supper ?", "Why , sir , I know her not .", "Is she not hard-favour 'd , sir ?", "Sir , I know that well enough .", "That she is not so fair as , of you , well-favour 'd .", "That 's because the one is painted , and the other out of all count .", "Marry , sir , so painted , to make her fair , that no man counts of her beauty .", "You never saw her since she was deform 'd .", "Ever since you lov 'd her .", "If you love her , you cannot see her .", "Because Love is blind . O that you had mine eyes ; or your own eyes had the lights they were wont to have when you chid at Sir Proteus for going ungarter 'd !", "Your own present folly and her passing deformity ; for he , being in love , could not see to garter his hose ; and you , being in love , cannot see to put on your hose .", "True , sir ; I was in love with my bed . I thank you , you swing 'd me for my love , which makes me the bolder to chide you for yours .", "I would you were set , so your affection would cease .", "And have you ?", "Are they not lamely writ ?", "O excellent motion ! O exceeding puppet ! Now will he interpret to her .", "O , give ye good ev'n ! Here 's a million of manners .", "He should give her interest , and she gives it him .", "And yet you will ; and yet another \u2019 yet . \u2019", "O jest unseen , inscrutable , invisible , As a nose on a man 's face , or a weathercock on a steeple ! My master sues to her ; and she hath taught her suitor , He being her pupil , to become her tutor . O excellent device ! Was there ever heard a better , That my master , being scribe , to himself should write the letter ?", "Nay , I was rhyming : \u2018 tis you that have the reason .", "To be a spokesman from Madam Silvia ?", "To yourself ; why , she woos you by a figure .", "By a letter , I should say .", "What need she , when she hath made you write to yourself ? Why , do you not perceive the jest ?", "No believing you indeed , sir . But did you perceive her earnest ?", "Why , she hath given you a letter .", "And that letter hath she deliver 'd , and there an end .", "I 'll warrant you \u2018 tis as well . \u2018 For often have you writ to her ; and she , in modesty , Or else for want of idle time , could not again reply ; Or fearing else some messenger that might her mind discover , Herself hath taught her love himself to write unto her lover . \u2019 All this I speak in print , for in print I found it . Why muse you , sir ? \u2018 Tis dinner time .", "Ay , but hearken , sir ; though the chameleon Love can feed on the air , I am one that am nourish 'd by my victuals , and would fain have meat . O , be not like your mistress ! Be moved , be moved ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1476, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Servant !", "Servant , you are sad .", "What , angry , Sir Thurio ! Do you change colour ?", "A fine volley of words , gentlemen , and quickly shot off .", "Who is that , servant ?", "No more , gentlemen , no more . Here comes my father .", "Belike that now she hath enfranchis 'd them", "Upon some other pawn for fealty .", "Nay , then , he should be blind ; and , being blind ,", "How could he see his way to seek out you ?", "Have done , have done ; here comes the gentleman .", "His worth is warrant for his welcome hither ,", "If this be he you oft have wish 'd to hear from .", "Too low a mistress for so high a servant .", "And duty never yet did want his meed . Servant , you are welcome to a worthless mistress .", "That you are welcome ?", "I wait upon his pleasure . Come , Sir Thurio ,", "Go with me . Once more , new servant , welcome .", "I 'll leave you to confer of home affairs ;", "When you have done we look to hear from you ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1476, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Launce ! by mine honesty , welcome to Padua .", "Come on , you madcap ; I 'll to the alehouse with you presently ; where , for one shot of five pence , thou shalt have five thousand welcomes . But , sirrah , how did thy master part with Madam Julia ?", "But shall she marry him ?", "How then ? Shall he marry her ?", "What , are they broken ?", "Why then , how stands the matter with them ?", "What an ass art thou ! I understand thee not .", "What thou say'st ?", "It stands under thee , indeed .", "But tell me true , will't be a match ?", "The conclusion is , then , that it will .", "\u2018 Tis well that I get it so . But , Launce , how say'st thou that my master is become a notable lover ?", "Than how ?", "Why , thou whoreson ass , thou mistak'st me .", "I tell thee my master is become a hot lover .", "Why ?", "At thy service . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1476, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["To leave my Julia , shall I be forsworn ;", "To love fair Silvia , shall I be forsworn ;", "To wrong my friend , I shall be much forsworn ;", "And ev'n that pow'r which gave me first my oath", "Provokes me to this threefold perjury :", "Love bade me swear , and Love bids me forswear .", "O sweet-suggesting Love , if thou hast sinn 'd ,", "Teach me , thy tempted subject , to excuse it !", "At first I did adore a twinkling star ,", "But now I worship a celestial sun .", "Unheedful vows may heedfully be broken ;", "And he wants wit that wants resolved will", "To learn his wit t \u2019 exchange the bad for better .", "Fie , fie , unreverend tongue , to call her bad", "Whose sovereignty so oft thou hast preferr 'd", "With twenty thousand soul-confirming oaths !", "I cannot leave to love , and yet I do ;", "But there I leave to love where I should love .", "Julia I lose , and Valentine I lose ;", "If I keep them , I needs must lose myself ;", "If I lose them , thus find I by their loss :", "For Valentine , myself ; for Julia , Silvia .", "I to myself am dearer than a friend ;", "For love is still most precious in itself ;", "And Silvia - witness heaven , that made her fair ! -", "Shows Julia but a swarthy Ethiope .", "I will forget that Julia is alive ,", "Rememb'ring that my love to her is dead ;", "And Valentine I 'll hold an enemy ,", "Aiming at Silvia as a sweeter friend .", "I cannot now prove constant to myself", "Without some treachery us 'd to Valentine .", "This night he meaneth with a corded ladder", "To climb celestial Silvia 's chamber window ,", "Myself in counsel , his competitor .", "Now presently I 'll give her father notice", "Of their disguising and pretended flight ,", "Who , all enrag 'd , will banish Valentine ,", "For Thurio , he intends , shall wed his daughter ;", "But , Valentine being gone , I 'll quickly cross", "By some sly trick blunt Thurio 's dull proceeding .", "Love , lend me wings to make my purpose swift ,", "As thou hast lent me wit to plot this drift . Exit", "SCENE 7 ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1476, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sir Thurio , give us leave , I pray , awhile ;", "We have some secrets to confer about . Exit THURIO", "Now tell me , Proteus , what 's your will with me ?", "Proteus , I thank thee for thine honest care ,", "Which to requite , command me while I live .", "This love of theirs myself have often seen ,", "Haply when they have judg 'd me fast asleep ,", "And oftentimes have purpos 'd to forbid", "Sir Valentine her company and my court ;", "But , fearing lest my jealous aim might err", "And so , unworthily , disgrace the man ,", "A rashness that I ever yet have shunn 'd ,", "I gave him gentle looks , thereby to find", "That which thyself hast now disclos 'd to me .", "And , that thou mayst perceive my fear of this ,", "Knowing that tender youth is soon suggested ,", "I nightly lodge her in an upper tow'r ,", "The key whereof myself have ever kept ;", "And thence she cannot be convey 'd away .", "Upon mine honour , he shall never know", "That I had any light from thee of this .", "Sir Valentine , whither away so fast ?", "Be they of much import ?", "Nay then , no matter ; stay with me awhile ;", "I am to break with thee of some affairs", "That touch me near , wherein thou must be secret .", "\u2018 Tis not unknown to thee that I have sought", "To match my friend Sir Thurio to my daughter .", "No , trust me ; she is peevish , sullen , froward ,", "Proud , disobedient , stubborn , lacking duty ;", "Neither regarding that she is my child", "Nor fearing me as if I were her father ;", "And , may I say to thee , this pride of hers ,", "Upon advice , hath drawn my love from her ;", "And , where I thought the remnant of mine age", "Should have been cherish 'd by her childlike duty ,", "I now am full resolv 'd to take a wife", "And turn her out to who will take her in .", "Then let her beauty be her wedding-dow'r ;", "For me and my possessions she esteems not .", "There is a lady , in Verona here ,", "Whom I affect ; but she is nice , and coy ,", "And nought esteems my aged eloquence .", "Now , therefore , would I have thee to my tutor-", "For long agone I have forgot to court ;", "Besides , the fashion of the time is chang'd-", "How and which way I may bestow myself", "To be regarded in her sun-bright eye .", "But she did scorn a present that I sent her .", "But she I mean is promis 'd by her friends", "Unto a youthful gentleman of worth ;", "And kept severely from resort of men ,", "That no man hath access by day to her .", "Ay , but the doors be lock 'd and keys kept safe ,", "That no man hath recourse to her by night .", "Her chamber is aloft , far from the ground ,", "And built so shelving that one cannot climb it", "Without apparent hazard of his life .", "Now , as thou art a gentleman of blood ,", "Advise me where I may have such a ladder .", "This very night ; for Love is like a child ,", "That longs for everything that he can come by .", "But , hark thee ; I will go to her alone ;", "How shall I best convey the ladder thither ?", "A cloak as long as thine will serve the turn ?", "Then let me see thy cloak . I 'll get me one of such another length .", "How shall I fashion me to wear a cloak ?", "I pray thee , let me feel thy cloak upon me .", "What letter is this same ? What 's here ? \u2018 To Silvia \u2019 !", "And here an engine fit for my proceeding !", "I 'll be so bold to break the seal for once .", "\u2018 My thoughts do harbour with my Silvia nightly ,", "And slaves they are to me , that send them flying .", "O , could their master come and go as lightly ,", "Himself would lodge where , senseless , they are lying !", "My herald thoughts in thy pure bosom rest them ,", "While I , their king , that thither them importune ,", "Do curse the grace that with such grace hath blest them ,", "Because myself do want my servants \u2019 fortune .", "I curse myself , for they are sent by me ,", "That they should harbour where their lord should be . \u2019", "What 's here ?", "\u2018 Silvia , this night I will enfranchise thee . \u2019", "\u2018 Tis so ; and here 's the ladder for the purpose .", "Why , Phaethon - for thou art Merops \u2019 son-", "Wilt thou aspire to guide the heavenly car ,", "And with thy daring folly burn the world ?", "Wilt thou reach stars because they shine on thee ?", "Go , base intruder , over-weening slave ,", "Bestow thy fawning smiles on equal mates ;", "And think my patience , more than thy desert ,", "Is privilege for thy departure hence .", "Thank me for this more than for all the favours", "Which , all too much , I have bestow 'd on thee .", "But if thou linger in my territories", "Longer than swiftest expedition", "Will give thee time to leave our royal court ,", "By heaven ! my wrath shall far exceed the love", "I ever bore my daughter or thyself .", "Be gone ; I will not hear thy vain excuse ,", "But , as thou lov'st thy life , make speed from hence . Exit"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1476, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sir Thurio , fear not but that she will love you", "Now Valentine is banish 'd from her sight .", "This weak impress of love is as a figure", "Trenched in ice , which with an hour 's heat", "Dissolves to water and doth lose his form .", "A little time will melt her frozen thoughts ,", "And worthless Valentine shall be forgot .", "Enter PROTEUS", "How now , Sir Proteus ! Is your countryman ,", "According to our proclamation , gone ?", "My daughter takes his going grievously .", "So I believe ; but Thurio thinks not so .", "Proteus , the good conceit I hold of thee-", "For thou hast shown some sign of good desert-", "Makes me the better to confer with thee .", "Thou know'st how willingly I would effect", "The match between Sir Thurio and my daughter .", "And also , I think , thou art not ignorant", "How she opposes her against my will .", "Ay , and perversely she persevers so .", "What might we do to make the girl forget", "The love of Valentine , and love Sir Thurio ?", "Ay , but she 'll think that it is spoke in hate .", "Then you must undertake to slander him .", "Where your good word cannot advantage him ,", "Your slander never can endamage him ;", "Therefore the office is indifferent ,", "Being entreated to it by your friend .", "And , Proteus , we dare trust you in this kind ,", "Because we know , on Valentine 's report ,", "You are already Love 's firm votary", "And cannot soon revolt and change your mind .", "Upon this warrant shall you have access", "Where you with Silvia may confer at large-", "For she is lumpish , heavy , melancholy ,", "And , for your friend 's sake , will be glad of you-", "Where you may temper her by your persuasion", "To hate young Valentine and love my friend .", "Ay ,", "Much is the force of heaven-bred poesy .", "This discipline shows thou hast been in love .", "About it , gentlemen !", "Even now about it ! I will pardon you . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1476, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Stand , sir , and throw us that you have about ye ;", "If not , we 'll make you sit , and rifle you .", "Ay , by my beard , will we ; for he is a proper man .", "Have you long sojourn 'd there ?", "By the bare scalp of Robin Hood 's fat friar ,", "This fellow were a king for our wild faction !", "Know , then , that some of us are gentlemen ,", "Such as the fury of ungovern 'd youth", "Thrust from the company of awful men ;", "Myself was from Verona banished", "For practising to steal away a lady ,", "An heir , and near allied unto the Duke .", "What say'st thou ? Wilt thou be of our consort ?", "Say \u2018 ay \u2019 and be the captain of us all .", "We 'll do thee homage , and be rul 'd by thee ,", "Love thee as our commander and our king .", "No , we detest such vile base practices .", "Come , go with us ; we 'll bring thee to our crews ,", "And show thee all the treasure we have got ;", "Which , with ourselves , all rest at thy dispose . Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1476, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Already have I been false to Valentine ,", "And now I must be as unjust to Thurio .", "Under the colour of commending him", "I have access my own love to prefer ;", "But Silvia is too fair , too true , too holy ,", "To be corrupted with my worthless gifts .", "When I protest true loyalty to her ,", "She twits me with my falsehood to my friend ;", "When to her beauty I commend my vows ,", "She bids me think how I have been forsworn", "In breaking faith with Julia whom I lov 'd ;", "And notwithstanding all her sudden quips ,", "The least whereof would quell a lover 's hope ,", "Yet , spaniel-like , the more she spurns my love", "The more it grows and fawneth on her still .", "Enter THURIO and MUSICIANS", "But here comes Thurio . Now must we to her window ,", "And give some evening music to her ear .", "Ay , gentle Thurio ; for you know that love", "Will creep in service where it cannot go .", "Sir , but I do ; or else I would be hence .", "Ay , Silvia - for your sake .", "Sir Thurio , fear not you ; I will so plead", "That you shall say my cunning drift excels .", "At Saint Gregory 's well .", "Madam , good ev'n to your ladyship .", "One , lady , if you knew his pure heart 's truth ,", "You would quickly learn to know him by his voice .", "Sir Proteus , gentle lady , and your servant .", "That I may compass yours .", "I grant , sweet love , that I did love a lady ;", "But she is dead .", "I likewise hear that Valentine is dead .", "Sweet lady , let me rake it from the earth .", "Madam , if your heart be so obdurate ,", "Vouchsafe me yet your picture for my love ,", "The picture that is hanging in your chamber ;", "To that I 'll speak , to that I 'll sigh and weep ;", "For , since the substance of your perfect self", "Is else devoted , I am but a shadow ;", "And to your shadow will I make true love .", "As wretches have o'ernight", "That wait for execution in the morn ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1476, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["This is the hour that Madam Silvia", "Entreated me to call and know her mind ;", "There 's some great matter she 'd employ me in .", "Madam , madam !", "Your servant and your friend ;", "One that attends your ladyship 's command .", "As many , worthy lady , to yourself !", "According to your ladyship 's impose ,", "I am thus early come to know what service", "It is your pleasure to command me in .", "Madam , I pity much your grievances ;", "Which since I know they virtuously are plac 'd ,", "I give consent to go along with you ,", "Recking as little what betideth me", "As much I wish all good befortune you .", "When will you go ?", "Where shall I meet you ?", "I will not fail your ladyship . Good morrow , gentle lady ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1476, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sebastian is thy name ? I like thee well ,", "And will employ thee in some service presently .", "And what says she to my little jewel ?", "But she receiv 'd my dog ?", "What , didst thou offer her this from me ?", "Go , get thee hence and find my dog again ,", "Or ne'er return again into my sight .", "Away , I say . Stayest thou to vex me here ? Exit LAUNCE", "A slave that still an end turns me to shame !", "Sebastian , I have entertained thee", "Partly that I have need of such a youth", "That can with some discretion do my business ,", "For \u2018 tis no trusting to yond foolish lout ,", "But chiefly for thy face and thy behaviour ,", "Which , if my augury deceive me not ,", "Witness good bringing up , fortune , and truth ;", "Therefore , know thou , for this I entertain thee .", "Go presently , and take this ring with thee ,", "Deliver it to Madam Silvia-", "She lov 'd me well deliver 'd it to me .", "Not so ; I think she lives .", "Why dost thou cry \u2018 Alas \u2019 ?", "Wherefore shouldst thou pity her ?", "Well , give her that ring , and therewithal"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1476, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sir Proteus , what says Silvia to my suit ?", "What , that my leg is too long ?", "I 'll wear a boot to make it somewhat rounder .", "What says she to my face ?", "Nay , then , the wanton lies ; my face is black .", "How likes she my discourse ?", "But well when I discourse of love and peace ?", "What says she to my valour ?", "What says she to my birth ?", "Considers she my possessions ?", "Wherefore ?", "Not I .", "Why , this it is to be a peevish girl", "That flies her fortune when it follows her .", "I 'll after , more to be reveng 'd on Eglamour", "Than for the love of reckless Silvia . Exit"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1476, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["How use doth breed a habit in a man !", "This shadowy desert , unfrequented woods ,", "I better brook than flourishing peopled towns .", "Here can I sit alone , unseen of any ,", "And to the nightingale 's complaining notes", "Tune my distresses and record my woes .", "O thou that dost inhabit in my breast ,", "Leave not the mansion so long tenantless ,", "Lest , growing ruinous , the building fall", "And leave no memory of what it was !", "Repair me with thy presence , Silvia :", "Thou gentle nymph , cherish thy forlorn swain .", "What halloing and what stir is this to-day ?", "These are my mates , that make their wills their law ,", "Have some unhappy passenger in chase .", "They love me well ; yet I have much to do", "To keep them from uncivil outrages .", "Withdraw thee , Valentine . Who 's this comes here ?", "How like a dream is this I see and hear ! Love , lend me patience to forbear awhile .", "Ruffian ! let go that rude uncivil touch ;", "Thou friend of an ill fashion !", "Thou common friend , that 's without faith or love-", "For such is a friend now ; treacherous man ,", "Thou hast beguil 'd my hopes ; nought but mine eye", "Could have persuaded me . Now I dare not say", "I have one friend alive : thou wouldst disprove me .", "Who should be trusted , when one 's own right hand", "Is perjured to the bosom ? Proteus ,", "I am sorry I must never trust thee more ,", "But count the world a stranger for thy sake .", "The private wound is deepest . O time most accurst !", "\u2018 Mongst all foes that a friend should be the worst !", "Then I am paid ;", "And once again I do receive thee honest .", "Who by repentance is not satisfied", "Is nor of heaven nor earth , for these are pleas 'd ;", "By penitence th \u2019 Eternal 's wrath 's appeas 'd .", "And , that my love may appear plain and free ,", "All that was mine in Silvia I give thee .", "Why , boy ! why , wag ! how now ! What 's the matter ? Look up ; speak .", "Come , come , a hand from either .", "Let me be blest to make this happy close ;", "\u2018 Twere pity two such friends should be long foes .", "Forbear , forbear , I say ; it is my lord the Duke .", "Your Grace is welcome to a man disgrac 'd ,", "Banished Valentine .", "Thurio , give back , or else embrace thy death ;", "Come not within the measure of my wrath ;", "Do not name Silvia thine ; if once again ,", "Verona shall not hold thee . Here she stands", "Take but possession of her with a touch-", "I dare thee but to breathe upon my love .", "I thank your Grace ; the gift hath made me happy .", "I now beseech you , for your daughter 's sake ,", "To grant one boon that I shall ask of you .", "These banish 'd men , that I have kept withal ,", "Are men endu 'd with worthy qualities ;", "Forgive them what they have committed here ,", "And let them be recall 'd from their exile :", "They are reformed , civil , full of good ,", "And fit for great employment , worthy lord .", "And , as we walk along , I dare be bold", "With our discourse to make your Grace to smile .", "What think you of this page , my lord ?", "I warrant you , my lord - more grace than boy .", "Please you , I 'll tell you as we pass along ,", "That you will wonder what hath fortuned .", "Come , Proteus , \u2018 tis your penance but to hear", "The story of your loves discovered .", "That done , our day of marriage shall be yours ;", "One feast , one house , one mutual happiness ! Exeunt"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1476, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["No more ! I 'll hear no more ! Begone and leave me !", "Have you not wronged me ?", "Yes , wronged me ! In the nicest point ,", "The honour of my house , you 've done me wrong .", "You may remember", "when you first came borne", "From travel , with such hopes as made you looked on", "By all men 's eyes , a youth of expectation ;", "Pleased with your growing virtue , I received you ;", "Courted , and sought to raise you to your merits ;", "My house , my table , nay , my fortune too ,", "My very self was yours ; you might have used me", "To your best service ; like an open friend ,", "I treated , trusted you , and thought you mine :", "When , in requital of my best endeavours ,", "You treacherously practised to undo me ;", "Seduced the weakness of my age 's darling ,", "My only child , and stole her from my bosom .", "Oh ! Belvidera !", "You stole her from me ; like a thief you stole her ,", "At dead of night ; that cursed hour you chose", "To rifle me of all my heart held dear .", "May all your joys in her prove false , like mine !", "A sterile fortune , and a barren bed ,", "Attend you both : continual discord make", "Your days and nights bitter and grievous still :", "May the hard hand of a vexatious need", "Oppress and grind you ; till at last you find", "The curse of disobedience all your portion .", "Rather live", "To bait thee for his bread , and din your ears", "With hungry cries ; whilst his unhappy mother", "Sits down and weeps in bitterness of want .", "\u2018 T would , by heaven !", "And she , too , with thee :", "For , living here , you 're but my cursed remembrances ,", "I once was happy !", "You dare not do't .", "No more .", "Home , and be humble ; study to retrench ;", "Discharge the lazy vermin of thy hall ,", "Those pageants of thy folly :", "Reduce the glitt'ring trappings of thy wife", "To humble weeds , fit for thy little state :"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1485, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I 'm here ; and thus the shades of light around me , I look as if all hell were in my heart . And I in hell . Nay , surely \u2018 tis so with me !\u2014 For every step I tread , methinks some fiend Knocks at my breast , and bids me not be quiet . I 've heard how desperate wretches like myself , Have wandered out at this dead time of night , To meet the foe of mankind in his walk . Sure I 'm so cursed , that , though of Heav'n forsaken , No minister of darkness cares to tempt me . Hell ! hell ! why sleep'st thou ?", "A dog , that comes to howl", "At yonder moon . What 's he , that asks the question ?", "The same .", "For a day or two ,", "I 've lodged her privately , till I see farther", "What fortune will do with me . Pry'thee , friend ,", "If thou wouldst have me fit to hear good counsel ,", "Speak not of Belvidera \u2014", "Oh , no ! nor name her ?", "Whom well ?", "You 're merry , Pierre .", "I but half wished To see the devil , and he 's here already ! Well ! What must this buy ? Rebellion , murder , treason ? Tell mewhich way I must be damned for this .", "Kind Heaven , let heavy curses", "Gall his old age , till life become his burden ;", "Let him groan under't long , linger an age", "In the worst agonies and pangs of death", "And find its ease , but late !", "But curses stick not ; could I kill with cursing ,", "By Heaven , I know not thirty heads in Venice", "Should not be blasted ! Senators should rot ,", "Like dogs , on dunghills . Oh , for a curse", "To kill with !", "Ha !", "But where are they ?", "Thou talk'st in clouds .", "A thousand daggers , all in honest hands ! And have not I a friend will stick one here ?", "When thou wouldst bind me , is there need of oaths ?", "Is coward , fool , or villain , in my face ?", "If I seem none of these , I dare believe", "Thou wouldst not use me in a little cause ;", "For I am fit for honour 's toughest task ,", "Nor ever yet found fooling was my province :", "And , for a villainous , inglorious enterprize ,", "I know thy heart so well , I dare lay mine", "Before thee , set it to what point thou wilt .", "For liberty !", "What can I do ?", "By all my wrongs , thou talk'st as if revenge", "Were to be had ! and the brave story warms me .", "I do ,", "by all those glittering stars ,", "And yon great ruling planet of the night !", "By all good spirits above , and ill below !", "By love and friendship , dearer than my life ,", "No power , nor death , shall make me false to thee !", "I give thee thanks", "For this kind warning . Yes , I 'll be a man ;", "And charge thee , Pierre , whene'er thou see'st my fears", "Betray me less , to rip this heart of mine", "Out of my breast , and show it for a coward 's .", "Come , let 's be gone , for from this hour I chase", "All little thoughts , all tender human follies ,", "Out of my bosom : vengeance shall have room \u2014", "Revenge !", "Revenge ! revenge !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1485, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Why was my choice ambition", "The worst ground", "A wretch can build on ! \u2018 tis , indeed , at distance ,", "A goodly prospect , tempting to the view ;", "The height delights us , and the mountain top", "Looks beautiful , because \u2018 tis nigh to heaven ;", "But we ne'er think how sandy 's the foundation ,", "What storm will batter , and what tempest shake us .", "Who 's there ]", "Yes ; clocks will go as they are set : but man", "Irregular man 's ne'er constant , never certain .", "I 've spent at least three precious hours of darkness", "In waiting dull attendance ; \u2018 tis the curse", "Of diligent virtue to be mixed , like mine ,", "With giddy tempers , souls but half resolved .", "What 's then the cause that I am here alone ?", "Why are we not together ?", "Enter Elliot , L .", "Oh , sir , welcome !", "You are an Englishman : when treason 's hatching ,", "One might have thought you 'd not have been behind hand .", "How ?", "Boys !", "I thought I 'd given my heart ,", "Long since , to every man that mingles here ;", "But grieve to find it trusted with such tempers ,", "That can n't forgive my froward age its weakness .", "Yes , and Catiline too ;", "Though story wrong his fame ; for he conspired", "To prop the reeling glory of his country ,", "His cause was good .", "How ! all betrayed !", "You talk this well , sir .", "I never loved these huggers .", "Rise , madam , and command among your servants \u2014"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1485, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I 'm sacrificed ! I 'm sold \u2014 betrayed to shame ! inevitable ruin has enclosed me ! He , that should guard my virtue , has betrayed it ;\u2014 Left me \u2014 undone me ! Oh , that I could hate him !\u2014 Where shall I go ? Oh , whither , whither wander ?", "Yes , yes , there was a time", "When Belvidera 's tears , her cries and sorrows ,", "Were not despised ; when , if she chanced to sigh ,", "Or look but sad \u2014\u2014 There was , indeed , a time ,", "When Jaffier would have ta'en her in his arms ,", "Eased her declining head upon his breast ,", "And never left her , till he found the cause .", "But well I know why you forsake me thus ;", "I am no longer fit to bear a share", "In your concernments : my weak female virtue", "Must not be trusted : \u2018 tis too frail and tender .", "That Portia was a woman ; and when Brutus , Big with the fate of RomeConcealed from her the labours of his mind , She let him see her blood was great as his , Flowed from a spring as noble , and a heart Fit to partake his troubles , as his love . Fetch , fetch that dagger back , the dreadful dower Thou gav'st last night , in parting with me ; strike it Here to my heart ; and as the blood flows from it , Judge if it run not pure as Cato 's daughter 's .", "Why was I last night delivered to a villain ?", "Yes , to a villain ! Why , at such an hour , Meets that assembly , all made up of wretches , That look as hell had drawn them into league ? Why , I in this hand , and in that , a dagger , Was I delivered with such dreadful ceremonies ? \u201c To you , sirs , and your honours , I bequeath her , And with her , this : Whene'er I prove unworthy \u2014 You know the rest \u2014 then strike it to her heart . \u201d Oh !why 's that rest concealed from me ? Must I Be made the hostage of a hellish trust ? For such , I know I am ; that 's all my value . But , by the love and loyalty I owe thee , I 'll free thee from the bondage of these slaves ! Straight to the senate \u2014 tell them all I know ,", "No ;", "For Brutus trusted her .", "Wert thou so kind ,", "What would not Belvidera suffer for thee ?", "Shall I swear ?", "Speak !", "My father !", "Oh !", "I know it : thou wilt kill me .", "Do ! strike thy sword into this bosom : lay me", "Dead on the earth , and then thou wilt be safe .", "Murder my father ! Though his cruel nature ,", "Has persecuted me to my undoing ,", "Driven me to basest wants ; can I behold him ,", "With smiles of vengeance , butchered in his age ?", "The sacred fountain of my life destroyed ?", "And canst thou shed the blood that gave me being ?", "Nay , be a traitor , too , and sell thy country !", "Can thy great heart descend so vilely low ,", "Mix with hired slaves , bravos , and common stabbers ,", "Join such a crew , and take a ruffian 's wages ,", "To cut the throats of wretches as they sleep ?", "What 's he , to whose cursed hands last night thou gav'st me ? Was that well done ? Oh ! I could tell a story , Would rouse thy lion heart out of its den , And make it rage with terrifying fury !", "Oh , my love !", "if e'er", "Thy Belvidera 's peace deserved thy care ,", "Remove me from this place . Last night ! last night !", "No sooner wert thou gone , and I alone ,", "Left in the power of that old son of mischief ;", "No sooner was I laid on my sad bed ,", "But that vile wretch approached me . Then my heart", "Throbbed with its fears ;\u2014", "Oh , how I wept and sighed ,", "And shrunk , and trembled ! wished , in vain , for him", "That should protect me ! Thou , alas , wast gone !", "He drew the hideous dagger forth , thou gav'st him , And , with upbraiding smiles , he said , \u201c Behold it : This is the pledge of a false husband 's love : \u201d And in his arms then pressed , and would have clasped me ; But , with my cries , I scared his coward heart , Till he withdrew , and muttered vows to hell .These are thy friends !with these thy life : thy honour , Thy love , all staked \u2014 and all will go to ruin !", "Oh ! should I part with thee , I fear thou wilt", "In anger leave me , and return no more .", "When shall we meet again ?", "Indeed !", "\u2018 Tis hard to part :", "But sure no falsehood ever looked so fairly .", "Farewell ! remember twelve ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1485, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Where dost thou lead me ? Ev'ry step I move ,", "Methinks I tread upon some mangled limb", "Of a racked friend . Oh , my dear , charming ruin !", "Whare are we wandering ?", "Rather , remember him , who , after all", "The sacred bonds of oaths , and holier friendship ,", "In fond compassion to a woman 's tears ,", "Forgot his manhood , virtue , truth , and honour ,", "To sacrifice the bosom that relieved him .", "Why wilt thou damn me ?", "Name , name it not again :", "Destruction , swift destruction ,", "Fall on my coward head , if", "I forgive him !", "Oh !", "By all Heav'n ' s powers , prophetic truth dwells in thee !", "For every word thou speak'st , strikes through my heart ,", "Like a new light , and shows it how't has wandered \u2014", "Just what thou'st made me , take me , Belvidera ,", "And lead me to the place , where I 'm to say", "This bitter lesson ; where I must betray", "My truth , my virtue , constancy , and friends .", "Must I betray my friends ? Ah ! take me quickly ,", "Secure me well before that thought 's renewed ;", "If I relapse once more , all 's lost forever .", "No : Thou'rt my soul itself ; wealth , friendship , honour ! All present joys , and earnest of all future , Are summed in thee .", "Sir , you shall be obeyed . Now the lot 's cast , and , fate , do what thou wilt ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1485, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Antony , Priuli , senators of Venice ,", "Speak \u2014 Why are we assembled here this night ?", "What have you to inform us of , concerns", "The state of Venice \u2019 honour , or its safety ?", "How !", "Speak , speak , there ! What disturbance ?", "Officer . A prisoner have the guards seized in the street ,", "Who says , he comes to inform this reverend council", "About the present danger .", "\u2018 Tis rumored , that a plot has been contrived", "Against the state , and you 've a share i n't , too .", "If you 're a villain , to redeem your honour ,", "Unfold the truth , and be restored with mercy .", "The slave capitulates ;", "Give him the tortures .", "Name your conditions .", "Propose the oath .", "We swear .", "Else be cursed forever", "Give order , that all diligent search be made", "To seize these men \u2014 their characters are public .", "The paper intimates their rendezvous", "To be at the house of the famed Grecian courtesan ,", "Called Aquilina ; see that place secured .", "You , Jaffier , must with patience bear till morning", "To be our prisoner .", "Captain , withdraw your prisoner .", "How 's this ?", "The treason 's", "Already at the doors !", "Go on ! you shall be heard , sir .", "Know you one Jaffier ?", "See him brought forth .", "Say ; will you make confession", "Of your vile deeds , and trust the senate 's mercy !", "Pardon , or death ?", "Break up the council . Captain , guard your prisoners . Jaffier , you 're free ; but these must wait for judgment ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1485, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Why , cruel Heav'n , have my unhappy days", "Been lengthened to this sad one ? Oh ! dishonour ,", "And deathless infamy have fall'n upon me .", "Was it my fault ? Am I a traitor ? No .", "But then , my only child , my daughter wedded ;", "There my best blood runs foul , and a disease", "Incurable has seized upon my memory .", "What child of sorrow", "Art thou , that com'st , wrapt up in weeds of sadness ,", "And mov'st as if thy steps were towards a grave ?", "What wouldst thou beg for ?", "My daughter !", "Do n't talk thus .", "Damn him !", "Ah ! what means my child ?", "Kill thee !", "Heavens !", "Oh , my heart 's comfort !", "By Heav'n , I will !", "Not one of them but what shall be immortal !", "Canst thou forgive me all my follies past ?", "I 'll henceforth be indeed a father ! never ,", "Never more , thus expose , but cherish thee ,", "Dear as the vital warmth that feeds my life :", "Dear as these eyes , that weep in fondness o'er thee :", "Peace to thy heart . Farewell !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1485, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Final destruction seize on all the world !", "Bend down , ye Heav'ns , and , shutting round this earth", "Crush the vile globe into its first confusion !", "My plague !\u2014", "No , death 's this day too busy ; Thy father 's ill-timed mercy came too late . ( thank thee for thy labours , though ; and him too , But all my poor , betrayed , unhappy friends , Have summons to prepare for fate 's black hour . Yet , Belvidera , do not fear my cruelty , Nor let the the thoughts of death perplex thy fancy : But answer me to what I shall demand , With a firm temper and unshaken spirit .", "Fie , no more o n't !", "How long is't since the miserable day", "We wedded first ?", "Nay , keep in thy tears ,", "Lest they unman me quite .", "Come , I 'll kiss them dry , then .", "A cursed one !", "\u2018 Twas a rash oath .", "No , Belvidera ; by th \u2019 eternal truth ,", "I dote with too much fondness .", "Man ne'er was blessed ,", "Since the first pair first met , as I have been .", "No , I 'll bless thee . I came on purpose , Belvidera , to bless thee . \u2018 Tis now , I think , three years we 've lived together .", "Did I not say I came to bless thee ?", "Then hear me , bounteous Heaven !", "Pour down your blessings on this beauteous head ,", "Where everlasting sweets are always springing ,", "With a continual giving hand : let peace ,", "Honour , and safety , always hover round her :", "Feed her with plenty ; let her eyes ne'er see", "A sight of sorrow , nor her heart know mourning ;", "Crown all her days with joy , her nights with rest ,", "Harmless as her own thoughts ; and prop her virtue", "To bear the loss of one that too much loved ;", "And comfort her with patience in our parting !", "Yes , forever parting !", "I have sworn , Belvidera , by yon Heav'n ,", "That best can tell how much I lose to leave thee ,", "We part this hour forever !", "Now hold , heart , or never !", "Murder ! unhold me ;", "Or by th \u2019 immortal destiny that doomed me", "To this cursed minute , I 'll not live one longer !", "Resolve to let me go , or see me fall \u2014", "Hark ! the dismal bell", "Yet stay :", "We have a child , as yet a tender infant :", "Be a kind mother to him when I 'm gone ;", "Breed him in virtue and the paths of honour ,", "But never let him know his father 's story !", "I charge thee , guard him from the wrongs my fate", "May do his future fortune or his name .", "Now \u2014 nearer yet \u2014", "Oh , that my arms were riveted", "Thus round thee ever ! But my friends ! my oath !", "This , and no more !", "So \u2014 now , farewell !", "Heav'n knows , forever ! all good angels guard thee !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1485, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["My friend not yet come ?", "Dear to my arms , though thou'st undone my fame , I can n't forget to love thee . Pr'ythee , Jaffier , Forgive that filthy blow , my passion dealt thee : I 'm now preparing for the land of peace And fain would have the charitable wishes Of all good men like thee , to bless my journey .", "Yes , dead , Jaffier ! they 've all died like men , too , Worthy their character .", "Oh , Jaffier !", "Friend ! Couldst thou yet be a friend , a generous friend , I might hope comfort from thy noble sorrows . Heaven knows , I want a friend !", "No ! live , I charge thee , Jaffier .", "Wilt thou ?", "Then still thou'rt noble ,", "And I forgive thee . Oh !\u2014 yet \u2014 shall I trust thee ?", "Dost thou love me ?", "Curse on this weakness !", "See'st thou that engine ?", "Is't fit a soldier , who has lived with honor ,", "Fought nations \u2019 quarrels , and been crowned with , conquest ,", "Be exposed , a common carcase , on a wheel ?", "Speak ! is't fitting ?", "I 'd have thee undertake", "Something that 's noble , to preserve my memory", "From the disgrace that 's ready to attaint it .", "I 'll make haste . Oh , Jaffier ! Though thou'st betrayed me , do me some way justice .", "This and no more .", "Most certainly .", "Remember .", "Come , now I 'm ready .", "You should be a gentleman of honour ;", "Keep off the rabble , that I may have room", "To entertain my fate , and die with decency .", "You 'll think o n't ?", "Now , Jaffier ! now I 'm going ! Now \u2014", "Now , now \u2014 thou hast indeed been faithful ! This was done nobly !\u2014 We 've deceived the senate .", "Ha ! ha ! ha !\u2014 oh ! oh !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1485, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Good morning to the day ; and next , my gold :", "Open the shrine , that I may see my Saint .", "Hail the world 's soul , and mine ! more glad than is", "The teeming earth to see the long'dhYpppHeNfor sun", "Peep through the horns of the celestial Ram ,", "Am I , to view thy splendour darkening his ;", "That lying here , amongst my other hoards ,", "Shew'st like a flame by night ; or like the day", "Struck out of chaos , when all darkness fled", "Unto the centre . O thou son of Sol ,", "But brighter than thy father , let me kiss ,", "With adoration , thee , and every relick", "Of sacred treasure , in this blessed room .", "Well did wise poets , by thy glorious name ,", "Title that age which they would have the best ;", "Thou being the best of things : and far transcending", "All style of joy , in children , parents , friends ,", "Or any other waking dream on earth :", "Thy looks when they to Venus did ascribe ,", "They should have given her twenty thousand Cupids ;", "Such are thy beauties and our loves ! Dear saint ,", "Riches , the dumb God , that giv'st all men tongues ;", "That canst do nought , and yet mak'st men do all things ;", "The price of souls ; even hell , with thee to boot ,", "Is made worth heaven . Thou art virtue , fame ,", "Honour , and all things else . Who can get thee ,", "He shall be noble , valiant , honest , wise ,\u2014", ": True , my beloved Mosca . Yet I glory", "More in the cunning purchase of my wealth ,", "Than in the glad possession ; since I gain", "No common way ; I use no trade , no venture ;", "I wound no earth with plough-shares ; fat no beasts ,", "To feed the shambles ; have no mills for iron ,", "Oil , corn , or men , to grind them into powder :", "I blow no subtle glass ; expose no ships", "To threat'nings of the furrow-faced sea ;", "I turn no monies in the public bank ,", "Nor usure private .", "Right , Mosca ; I do lothe it .", "Hold thee , Mosca ,", "Take of my hand ; thou strik'st on truth in all ,", "And they are envious term thee parasite .", "Call forth my dwarf , my eunuch , and my fool ,", "And let them make me sport .", "What should I do ,", "But cocker up my genius , and live free", "To all delights my fortune calls me to ?", "I have no wife , no parent , child , ally ,", "To give my substance to ; but whom I make", "Must be my heir : and this makes men observe me :", "This draws new clients daily , to my house ,", "Women and men of every sex and age ,", "That bring me presents , send me plate , coin , jewels ,", "With hope that when I die", "it shall then return", "Ten-fold upon them ; whilst some , covetous", "Above the rest , seek to engross me whole ,", "And counter-work the one unto the other ,", "Contend in gifts , as they would seem in love :", "All which I suffer , playing with their hopes ,", "And am content to coin them into profit ,", "To look upon their kindness , and take more ,", "And look on that ; still bearing them in hand ,", "Letting the cherry knock against their lips ,", "And draw it by their mouths , and back again .\u2014", "How now !", ": Now , very , very pretty ! Mosca , this", "Was thy invention ?", "It doth , good Mosca .", "Who 's that ? Away !", "Look , Mosca . Fool , begone !", "Fetch me my gown ,", "My furs and night-caps ; say , my couch is changing ,", "And let him entertain himself awhile", "Without i \u2019 the gallery .", "Now , now , my clients", "Begin their visitation ! Vulture , kite ,", "Raven , and gorcrow , all my birds of prey ,", "That think me turning carcase , now they come ;", "I am not for them yet \u2014", "How now ! the news ?", "Of what bigness ?", ": Good ! and not a fox", "Stretch 'd on the earth , with fine delusive sleights ,", "Mocking a gaping crow ? ha , Mosca ?", "Give me my furs .", "Why dost thou laugh so , man ?", "Yes , to be learned , Mosca .", "My caps , my caps , good Mosca . Fetch him in .", ": That 's true ;", "Dispatch , dispatch : I long to have possession", "Of my new present .", "Thanks , kind Mosca .", "Nay , that were too much , Mosca .", "Loving Mosca !", "\u2018 Tis well : my pillow now , and let him enter .", "Now , my fain 'd cough , my pthisic , and my gout ,", "My apoplexy , palsy , and catarrhs ,", "Help , with your forced functions , this my posture ,", "Wherein , this three year , I have milk 'd their hopes .", "He comes ; I hear him \u2014 Uh !", "uh ! uh ! uh ! O \u2014", "What say you ?", "I thank him .", "He is welcome . Pray him to come more often .", "Mosca .", "Bring him near , where is he ? I long to feel his hand .", ": I thank you , signior Voltore ;", "Where is the plate ? mine eyes are bad .", "You are too munificent .", ": You give , sir , what you can : I thank you . Your love", "Hath taste in this , and shall not be unanswer 'd :", "I pray you see me often .", "Be not far from me .", "Hearken unto me still ; it will concern you .", "I cannot now last long \u2014", "I feel me going ; Uh ! uh ! uh ! uh ! I 'm sailing to my port , Uh ! uh ! uh ! uh ! And I am glad I am so near my haven .", "Excellent Mosca ! Come hither , let me kiss thee .", ": Set the plate away :", "The vulture 's gone , and the old raven 's come !", "Ay , his last sleep , if he would take it .", "O , I shall burst ! Let out my sides , let out my sides \u2014", ": O , but thy working , and thy placing it !", "I cannot hold ; good rascal , let me kiss thee :", "I never knew thee in so rare a humour .", ": \u2018 Tis true , \u2018 tis true . What a rare punishment", "Is avarice to itself !", "So many cares , so many maladies ,", "So many fears attending on old age ,", "Yea , death so often call 'd on , as no wish", "Can be more frequent with them , their limbs faint ,", "Their senses dull , their seeing , hearing , going ,", "All dead before them ; yea , their very teeth ,", "Their instruments of eating , failing them :", "Yet this is reckon 'd life ! nay , here was one ;", "Is now gone home , that wishes to live longer !", "Feels not his gout , nor palsy ; feigns himself", "Younger by scores of years , flatters his age", "With confident belying it , hopes he may ,", "With charms , like Aeson , have his youth restored :", "And with these thoughts so battens , as if fate", "Would be as easily cheated on , as he ,", "And all turns air !", "Who 's that there , now ? a third ?", "Dead .", "Signior Corvino .", "Signior Corvino !", "My divine Mosca !", "Thou hast to-day outgone thyself .", "\u2014 Who 's there ?", "I will be troubled with no more . Prepare", "Me music , dances , banquets , all delights ;", "The Turk is not more sensual in his pleasures ,", "Than will Volpone .", "Let me see ; a pearl !", "A diamond ! plate ! chequines ! Good morning 's purchase ,", "Why , this is better than rob churches , yet ;", "Or fat , by eating , once a month , a man .", "Who is't ?", ": Not now :", "Some three hours hence \u2014", ": When I am high with mirth and wine ; then , then :", "\u2018 Fore heaven , I wonder at the desperate valour", "Of the bold English , that they dare let loose", "Their wives to all encounters !", "Has she so rare a face ?", "Why had not I known this before ?", "How might I see her ?", "I must see her .", "I will go see her , though but at her window .", ": That is true ; I must", "Maintain mine own shape still the same : we 'll think ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1505, "act_index": 0}, {"query": [": Sir , to a wise man , all the world 's his soil :", "It is not Italy , nor France , nor Europe ,", "That must bound me , if my fates call me forth .", "Yet , I protest , it is no salt desire", "Of seeing countries , shifting a religion ,", "Nor any disaffection to the state", "Where I was bred , and unto which I owe", "My dearest plots , hath brought me out ; much less ,", "That idle , antique , stale , gray-headed project", "Of knowing men 's minds , and manners , with Ulysses !", "But a peculiar humour of my wife 's", "Laid for this height of Venice , to observe ,", "To quote , to learn the language , and so forth \u2014", "I hope you travel , sir , with license ?", ": I dare the safelier converse \u2014 How long , sir ,", "Since you left England ?", "So lately ! You have not been with my lord ambassador ?", ": Pray you , what news , sir , vents our climate ?", "I heard last night a most strange thing reported", "By some of my lord 's followers , and I long", "To hear how \u2018 twill be seconded .", ": Marry , sir , of a raven that should build", "In a ship royal of the king 's .", "My name is Politick Would-be .", "A poor knight , sir .", ": Yes , sir ; the spider and the bee , ofttimes ,", "Suck from one flower .", "On your knowledge ?", "Another whelp !", ": Now heaven !", "What prodigies be these ? The fires at Berwick !", "And the new star ! these things concurring , strange ,", "And full of omen ! Saw you those meteors ?", ": Fearful ! Pray you , sir , confirm me ,", "Were there three porpoises seen above the bridge ,", "As they give out ?", "I am astonish 'd .", "What should these things portend ?", ": Is't possible ? believe it ,", "\u2018 Twas either sent from Spain , or the archdukes :", "Spinola 's whale , upon my life , my credit !", "Will they not leave these projects ? Worthy sir ,", "Some other news .", "Is Mass Stone dead ?", "Stone dead !", "That I know of . Well ! that same fellow was an unknown fool .", ": I did so . Sir ,", "I knew him one of the most dangerous heads", "Living within the state , and so I held him .", ": While he lived , in action .", "He has received weekly intelligence ,", "Upon my knowledge , out of the Low Countries ,", "For all parts of the world , in cabbages ;", "And those dispensed again to ambassadors ,", "In oranges , musk-melons , apricocks ,", "Lemons , pome-citrons , and such-like : sometimes", "In Colchester oysters , and your Selsey cockles .", ": Sir , upon my knowledge .", "Nay , I 've observed him , at your public ordinary ,", "Take his advertisement from a traveller", "A conceal 'd statesman , in a trencher of meat ;", "And instantly , before the meal was done ,", "Convey an answer in a tooth-pick .", ": Why , the meat was cut", "So like his character , and so laid , as he", "Must easily read the cipher .", ": So \u2018 twas given out ,", "In policy , by those that did employ him :", "But he could read , and had your languages ,", "And to't , as sound a noddle \u2014", ": Ay , ay , your Mamuluchi . Faith , they had", "Their hand in a French plot or two ; but they", "Were so extremely given to women , as", "They made discovery of all : yet I", "Had my advices here , on Wednesday last .", "From one of their own coat , they were return 'd ,", "Made their relations , as the fashion is ,", "And now stand fair for fresh employment .", ": Not all sir , but", "I have some general notions . I do love", "To note and to observe : though I live out ,", "Free from the active torrent , yet I 'd mark", "The currents and the passages of things ,", "For mine own private use ; and know the ebbs ,", "And flows of state .", ": Why , came you forth", "Empty of rules , for travel ?", ": Why this it is , that spoils all our brave bloods ,", "Trusting our hopeful gentry unto pedants ,", "Fellows of outside , and mere bark . You seem", "To be a gentleman , of ingenuous race :\u2014", "I not profess it , but my fate hath been", "To be , where I have been consulted with ,", "In this high kind , touching some great men 's sons ,", "Persons of blood , and honour .\u2014", ": Fellows , to mount a bank . Did your instructor", "In the dear tongues , never discourse to you", "Of the Italian mountebanks ?", ": Why ,", "Here shall you see one .", "Was that the character he gave you of them ?", ": Pity his ignorance .", "They are the only knowing men of Europe !", "Great general scholars , excellent physicians ,", "Most admired statesmen , profest favourites ,", "And cabinet counsellors to the greatest princes ;", "The only languaged men of all the world !", "Sir , calumnies are answer 'd best with silence . Yourself shall judge .\u2014 Who is it mounts , my friends ?", ": Is't he ? Nay , then", "I 'll proudly promise , sir , you shall behold", "Another man than has been phant'sied to you .", "I wonder yet , that he should mount his bank ,", "Here in this nook , that has been wont t'appear", "In face of the Piazza !\u2014 Here , he comes .", "See how the people follow him ! he 's a man", "May write ten thousand crowns in bank here . Note ,", "Mark but his gesture :\u2014 I do use to observe", "The state he keeps in getting up .", "Did not I now object the same ?", "Note but his bearing , and contempt of these .", "Excellent ! have you heard better language , sir ?", "I told you , sir , his end .", "Ay , is't not good ?", "\u2018 Pray you , observe .", "How do you like him , sir ?", "Is not his language rare ?", "I do assure you , sir , that is his aim .", "Some trick of state , believe it . I will home .", "I know not . I 'll stand upon my guard .", ": This three weeks , all my advices , all my letters ,", "They have been intercepted .", "Nay , so I will ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1505, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["O , I am wounded !", ": Not without ;", "Those blows were nothing : I could bear them ever .", "But angry Cupid , bolting from her eyes ,", "Hath shot himself into me like a flame ;", "Where , now , he flings about his burning heat ,", "As in a furnace an ambitious fire ,", "Whose vent is stopt . The fight is all within me .", "I cannot live , except thou help me , Mosca ;", "My liver melts , and I , without the hope", "Of some soft air , from her refreshing breath ,", "Am but a heap of cinders .", ": Nay , would thou", "Had'st never told me of her !", "Dear Mosca , shall I hope ?", ": O , there spoke", "My better angel . Mosca , take my keys ,", "Gold , plate , and jewels , all 's at thy devotion ;", "Employ them how thou wilt ; nay , coin me too :", "So thou , in this , but crown my longings , Mosca .", "So I have .", ": Nay , then ,", "I not repent me of my late disguise .", ": True :", "Besides , I never meant him for my heir .\u2014", "Is not the colour of my beard and eyebrows ,", "To make me known ?", "I did it well .", ": But were they gull 'd", "With a belief that I was Scoto ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1505, "act_index": 0}, {"query": [": Death of mine honour , with the city 's fool !", "A juggling , tooth-drawing , prating mountebank !", "And at a public window ! where , whilst he ,", "With his strain 'd action , and his dole of faces ,", "To his drug-lecture draws your itching ears ,", "A crew of old , unmarried , noted letchers ,", "Stood leering up like satyrs ; and you smile", "Most graciously , and fan your favours forth ,", "To give your hot spectators satisfaction !", "What ; was your mountebank their call ? their whistle ?", "Or were you enamour 'd on his copper rings ,", "His saffron jewel , with the toad-stone i n't ,", "Or his embroider 'd suit , with the cope-stitch ,", "Made of a herse-cloth ? or his old tilt-feather ?", "Or his starch 'd beard ? Well ; you shall have him , yes !", "He shall come home , and minister unto you", "The fricace for the mother . Or , let me see ,", "I think you 'd rather mount ; would you not mount ?", "Why , if you 'll mount , you may ; yes truly , you may :", "And so you may be seen , down to the foot .", "Get you a cittern , lady Vanity ,", "And be a dealer with the virtuous man ;", "Make one : I 'll but protest myself a cuckold ,", "And save your dowry . I 'm a Dutchman , I !", "For , if you thought me an Italian ,", "You would be damn 'd , ere you did this , you whore !", "Thou'dst tremble , to imagine , that the murder", "Of father , mother , brother , all thy race ,", "Should follow , as the subject of my justice .", ": What couldst thou propose", "Less to thyself , than in this heat of wrath", "And stung with my dishonour , I should strike", "This steel into thee , with as many stabs ,", "As thou wert gaz 'd upon with goatish eyes ?", ": No ! not to seek and entertain a parley", "With a known knave , before a multitude !", "You were an actor with your handkerchief ;", "Which he most sweetly kist in the receipt ,", "And might , no doubt , return it with a letter ,", "And point the place where you might meet : your sister 's ,", "Your mother 's , or your aunt 's might serve the turn .", "Well , it shall be less ;", "And thy restraint before was liberty ,", "To what I now decree : and therefore mark me .", "First , I will have this bawdy light damm 'd up ;", "And till't be done , some two or three yards off ,", "I 'll chalk a line : o'er which if thou but chance", "To set thy desperate foot ; more hell , more horror", "More wild remorseless rage shall seize on thee ,", "Than on a conjurer , that had heedless left", "His circle 's safety ere his devil was laid .", "Then here 's a lock which I will hang upon thee ;", "And , now I think o n't , I will keep thee backwards ;", "Thy lodging shall be backwards ; thy walks backwards ;", "Thy prospect , all be backwards ; and no pleasure ,", "That thou shalt know but backwards : nay , since you force", "My honest nature , know , it is your own ,", "Being too open , makes me use you thus :", "Since you will not contain your subtle nostrils", "In a sweet room , but they must snuff the air", "Of rank and sweaty passengers .", "\u2014 One knocks .", "Away , and be not seen , pain of thy life ;", "Nor look toward the window : if thou dost \u2014", "Nay , stay , hear this \u2014 let me not prosper , whore ,", "But I will make thee an anatomy ,", "Dissect thee mine own self , and read a lecture", "Upon thee to the city , and in public .", "Away !", "Who 's there ?", "Let him come in .", "His master 's dead : There 's yet", "Some good to help the bad .\u2014", "My Mosca , welcome !", "I guess your news .", "Is't not his death ?", "Not his recovery ?", ": I am curs 'd ,", "I am bewitch 'd , my crosses meet to vex me .", "How ? how ? how ? how ?", ": Death ! that damn 'd mountebank ; but for the law", "Now , I could kill the rascal : it cannot be ,", "His oil should have that virtue . Have not I", "Known him a common rogue , come fidling in", "To the osteria , with a tumbling whore ,", "And , when he has done all his forced tricks , been glad", "Of a poor spoonful of dead wine , with flies i n't ?", "It cannot be . All his ingredients", "Are a sheep 's gall , a roasted bitch 's marrow ,", "Some few sod earwigs pounded caterpillars ,", "A little capon 's grease , and fasting spittle :", "I know them to a dram .", "Pox o \u2019 that fricace .", ": Death to my hopes ,", "This is my villainous fortune ! Best to hire", "Some common courtezan .", "\u2018 Tis true .", "How !", "His daughter !", "I prithee give me leave .", "If any man", "But I had had this luck \u2014 The thing i n't self ,", "I know , is nothing \u2014 Wherefore should not I", "As well command my blood and my affections ,", "As this dull doctor ? In the point of honour ,", "The cases are all one of wife and daughter .", ": She shall do't : \u2018 tis done .", "Slight ! if this doctor , who is not engaged ,", "Unless \u2018 t be for his counsel , which is nothing ,", "Offer his daughter , what should I , that am", "So deeply in ? I will prevent him : Wretch !", "Covetous wretch !\u2014 Mosca , I have determined .", ": We 'll make all sure . The party you wot of", "Shall be mine own wife , Mosca .", ": Ay , a plague o n't ,", "My conscience fools my wit ! Well , I 'll be brief ,", "And so be thou , lest they should be before us :", "Go home , prepare him , tell him with what zeal", "And willingness I do it ; swear it was", "On the first hearing , as thou mayst do , truly ,", "Mine own free motion .", "But do not you forget to send now .", "Where are you , wife ? my Celia ? wife ?", "\u2014 What , blubbering ?", "Come , dry those tears . I think thou thought'st me in earnest ;", "Ha ! by this light I talk 'd so but to try thee :", "Methinks the lightness of the occasion", "Should have confirm 'd thee . Come , I am not jealous .", ": Faith I am not I , nor never was ;", "It is a poor unprofitable humour .", "Do not I know , if women have a will ,", "They 'll do \u2018 gainst all the watches of the world ,", "And that the feircest spies are tamed with gold ?", "Tut , I am confident in thee , thou shalt see't ;", "And see I 'll give thee cause too , to believe it .", "Come kiss me . Go , and make thee ready , straight ,", "In all thy best attire , thy choicest jewels ,", "Put them all on , and , with them , thy best looks :", "We are invited to a solemn feast ,", "At old Volpone 's , where it shall appear", "How far I am free from jealousy or fear ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1505, "act_index": 0}, {"query": [": I fear , I shall begin to grow in love", "With my dear self , and my most prosperous parts ,", "They do so spring and burgeon ; I can feel", "A whimsy in my blood : I know not how ,", "Success hath made me wanton . I could skip", "Out of my skin , now , like a subtle snake ,", "I am so limber . O ! your parasite", "Is a most precious thing , dropt from above ,", "Not bred \u2018 mongst clods , and clodpoles , here on earth .", "I muse , the mystery was not made a science ,", "It is so liberally profest ! almost", "All the wise world is little else , in nature ,", "But parasites , or sub-parasites .\u2014 And yet ,", "I mean not those that have your bare town-art ,", "To know who 's fit to feed them ; have no house ,", "No family , no care , and therefore mould", "Tales for men 's ears , to bait that sense ; or get", "Kitchen-invention , and some stale receipts", "To please the belly , and the groin ; nor those ,", "With their court dog-tricks , that can fawn and fleer ,", "Make their revenue out of legs and faces ,", "Echo my lord , and lick away a moth :", "But your fine elegant rascal , that can rise ,", "And stoop , almost together , like an arrow ;", "Shoot through the air as nimbly as a star ;", "Turn short as doth a swallow ; and be here ,", "And there , and here , and yonder , all at once ;", "Present to any humour , all occasion ;", "And change a visor , swifter than a thought !", "This is the creature had the art born with him ;", "Toils not to learn it , but doth practise it", "Out of most excellent nature : and such sparks", "Are the true parasites , others but their zanis .", ": Who 's this ? Bonario , old Corbaccio 's son ?", "The person I was bound to seek .\u2014 Fair sir ,", "You are happily met .", "Why , sir ?", ": Courteous sir ,", "Scorn not my poverty .", "Baseness !", "Heaven be good to me !", "These imputations are too common , sir ,", "And easily stuck on virtue when she 's poor .", "You are unequal to me , and however ,", "Your sentence may be righteous , yet you are not", "That , ere you know me , thus proceed in censure :", "St. Mark bear witness \u2018 gainst you , \u2018 tis inhuman .", ": \u2018 Tis true , that , sway 'd by strong necessity ,", "I am enforced to eat my careful bread", "With too much obsequy ; \u2018 tis true , beside ,", "That I am fain to spin mine own poor raiment", "Out of my mere observance , being not born", "To a free fortune : but that I have done", "Base offices , in rending friends asunder ,", "Dividing families , betraying counsels ,", "Whispering false lies , or mining men with praises ,", "Train 'd their credulity with perjuries ,", "Corrupted chastity , or am in love", "With mine own tender ease , but would not rather", "Prove the most rugged , and laborious course ,", "That might redeem my present estimation ,", "Let me here perish , in all hope of goodness .", ": Sir , it concerns you ; and though I may seem ,", "At first to make a main offence in manners ,", "And in my gratitude unto my master ;", "Yet , for the pure love , which I bear all right ,", "And hatred of the wrong , I must reveal it .", "This very hour your father is in purpose", "To disinherit you \u2014", ": And thrust you forth ,", "As a mere stranger to his blood ; \u2018 tis true , sir :", "The work no way engageth me , but , as", "I claim an interest in the general state", "Of goodness and true virtue , which I hear", "To abound in you : and , for which mere respect ,", "Without a second aim , sir , I have done it .", ": It is a confidence that well becomes", "Your piety ; and form 'd , no doubt , it is", "From your own simple innocence : which makes", "Your wrong more monstrous , and abhorr 'd . But , sir ,", "I now will tell you more . This very minute ,", "It is , or will be doing ; and , if you", "Shall be but pleas 'd to go with me , I 'll bring you ,", "I dare not say where you shall see , but where", "Your ear shall be a witness of the deed ;", "Hear yourself written bastard ; and profest", "The common issue of the earth .", ": Sir , if I do it not , draw your just sword ,", "And score your vengeance on my front and face ;", "Mark me your villain : you have too much wrong ,", "And I do suffer for you , sir . My heart", "Weeps blood in anguish \u2014", "God save you , madam !", "Why , sir ?", "Has she presented ?", "Madam \u2014", ": \u2018 Tis well .", "I had forgot to tell you , I saw your knight ,", "Where you would little think it .\u2014", ": Marry ,", "Where yet , if you make haste , you may apprehend ,", "Rowing upon the water in a gondole ,", "With the most cunning courtezan of Venice .", "Pursue them , and believe your eyes ;", "Leave me , to make your gift .", "\u2014 I knew \u2018 twould take :", "For , lightly , they , that use themselves most license ,", "Are still most jealous .", "Toward the Rialto .", "I pray you , take him .\u2014", "Your hopes , sir , are like happy blossoms , fair ,", "And promise timely fruit , if you will stay", "But the maturing ; keep you at your couch ,", "Corbaccio will arrive straight , with the Will ;", "When he is gone , I 'll tell you more .", "Sir , here conceal 'd ,you may here all . But , pray you , Have patience , sir ;\u2014 the same 's your father knocks : I am compell 'd to leave you .", "Death on me ! you are come too soon , what meant you ? Did not I say , I would send ?", ": Prevent ! did e'er man haste so , for his horns ?", "A courtier would not ply it so , for a place .", "\u2014 Well , now there 's no helping it , stay here ;", "I 'll presently return .", ": Sir , your father hath sent word ,", "It will be half an hour ere he come ;", "And therefore , if you please to walk the while", "Into that gallery \u2014 at the upper end ,", "There are some books to entertain the time :", "And I 'll take care no man shall come unto you , sir .", "There ; he is far enough ; he can hear nothing : And , for his father , I can keep him off .", "Please you draw near , sir .", ": Sir ,", "Signior Corvino , here , is come to see you .", ": And hearing of the consultation had ,", "So lately , for your health , is come to offer ,", "Or rather , sir , to prostitute \u2014", "Freely , unask 'd , or unintreated \u2014", ": As the true fervent instance of his love ,", "His own most fair and proper wife ; the beauty ,", "Only of price in Venice \u2014", "To be your comfortress , and to preserve you .", "Do you hear , sir ? Go to him with your wife .", "Nay , gentle lady , be advised .", "Nay , good , sir .", "Nay , \u2018 Pray you , sir ! She will consider .", ": Ay , now you have put your fortune in her hands .", "Why i'faith , it is her modesty , I must quit her .", "If you were absent , she would be more coming ;", "I know it : and dare undertake for her .", "What woman can before her husband ? \u2018 pray you ,", "Let us depart , and leave her here .", ": Where shall I run , most wretched shame of men ,", "To beat out my unlucky brains ?", ": O that his well-driv'n sword", "Had been so courteous to have cleft me down", "Unto the navel ; ere I lived to see", "My life , my hopes , my spirits , my patron , all", "Thus desperately engaged , by my error !", "And my follies , sir .", "And myself , sir . Who would have thought he would have harken 'd , so ?", ": I know not ; if my heart", "Could expiate the mischance , I 'd pluck it out .", "Will you be pleased to hang me ? or cut my throat ?", "And I 'll requite you , sir . Let us die like Romans ,", "Since we have lived like Grecians .", "To your couch , sir , you ,", "Make that place good , however .", "\u2014 Guilty men", "Suspect what they deserve still .", "Signior Corbaccio !", ": O , undone , amazed , sir .", "Your son , I know not by what accident ,", "Acquainted with your purpose to my patron ,", "Touching your Will , and making him your heir ,", "Enter 'd our house with violence , his sword drawn", "Sought for you , call 'd you wretch , unnatural ,", "Vow 'd he would kill you .", "Yes , and my patron .", "\u2018 Tis well , sir .", ": My life , sir ,", "Is not more tender 'd ; I am only yours .", ": I fear", "He 'll outlast May .", "No , last out May , sir .", "O , by no means , sir .", "How ! signior Voltore !did he hear me ?", "Who 's that ?\u2014 O , sir , most timely welcome \u2014", "Who ? I , sir ?", "A plot for you , sir .", "Did you not hear it ?", ": \u2018 Tis true ,", "By my device , drawn to it by my plot ,", "With hope \u2014", "For your good , I did , sir .", "Nay , more , I told his son , brought , hid him here ,", "Where he might hear his father pass the deed :", "Being persuaded to it by this thought , sir ,", "That the unnaturalness , first , of the act ,", "And then his father 's oft disclaiming in him ,", "would sure enrage him", "To do some violence upon his parent ,", "On which the law should take sufficient hold ,", "And you be stated in a double hope :", "Truth be my comfort , and my conscience ,", "My only aim was to dig you a fortune", "Out of these two old rotten sepulchres \u2014", ": Worth your patience ,", "And your great merit , sir . And see the change !", ": Most happless ! you must help , sir .", "Whilst we expected the old raven , in comes", "Corvino 's wife , sent hither by her husband \u2014", "No , sir , on visitation ;", "and staying long ,", "The youth he grows impatient , rushes forth ,", "Seizeth the lady , wounds me , makes her swear", "To affirm my patron to have done her rape :", "Which how unlike it is , you see ! and hence ,", "With that pretext he 's gone , to accuse his father ,", "Defame my patron , defeat you \u2014", "Sir , I 'll go fetch him .", "Sir , I will .", ": O you do nobly , sir .", "Alas , \u2018 twas labor 'd all , sir , for your good ;", "Nor was there want of counsel in the plot :", "But fortune can , at any time , o'erthrow", "The projects of a hundred learned clerks , sir .", "Patron , go in , and pray for our success ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1505, "act_index": 0}, {"query": [": Mosca stays long , methinks . Bring forth your sports ,", "And help to make the wretched time more sweet .", "Who 's there ? my couch ; away ! look ! Nano , see :", "Give me my caps , first \u2014 go , enquire .", "\u2014 Now , Cupid", "Send it be Mosca , and with fair return !", "Would-be ?\u2014 is it ?", "Now torment on me ! Squire her in ;", "For she will enter , or dwell here for ever :", "Nay , quickly .", "\u2014 That my fit were past ! I fear", "A second hell too , that my lothing this", "Will quite expel my appetite to the other :", "Would she were taking now her tedious leave .", "Lord , how it threats me what I am to suffer !", ": I do feel the fever", "Entering in at mine ears ; O , for a charm ,", "To fright it hence .", "The storm comes toward me .", ": Troubled with noise , I cannot sleep ; I dreamt", "That a strange fury enter 'd , now , my house ,", "And , with the dreadful tempest of her breath ,", "Did cleave my roof asunder .", ": Out on my fate ! I have given her the occasion", "How to torment me : she will tell me hers .", ": O , if you do love me ,", "No more ; I sweat , and suffer , at the mention", "Of any dream : feel , how I tremble yet .", "Ah me , I have ta'en a grass-hopper by the wing !", "You will not drink , and part ?", "She 's in again ! Before I fain 'd diseases , now I have one .", "Another flood of words ! a very torrent !", ": No , no , no ;", "I am very well : you need prescribe no more .", ": The poet", "As old in time as Plato , and as knowing ,", "Says that your highest female grace is silence .", "Is every thing a cause to my distruction ?", ": The sun , the sea will sooner both stand still ,", "Then her eternal tongue ; nothing can \u2018 scape it .", ": Profess obstinate silence ,", "That 's now my safest .", "Alas , my mind is perturb 'd .", "Oh me !", ": Now , the spirit", "Of patience help me !", "My good angel save me !", "Oh , oh , oh , oh , oh , oh !", "Some power , some fate , some fortune rescue me !", ": Mosca ? welcome ,", "Welcome to my redemption .", ": Oh ,", "Rid me of this my torture , quickly , there ;", "My madam , with the everlasting voice :", "The bells , in time of pestilence , ne'er made", "Like noise , or were in that perpetual motion !", "The Cock-pit comes not near it . All my house ,", "But now , steam 'd like a bath with her thick breath .", "A lawyer could not have been heard ; nor scarce", "Another woman , such a hail of words", "She has let fall . For hell 's sake , rid her hence .", ": O , I do not care ;", "I 'll take her absence , upon any price ,", "With any loss .", ": Mosca , hearty thanks ,", "For thy quick fiction , and delivery of me .", "Now to my hopes , what say'st thou ?", "Again ! I fear a paroxysm .", ": My blood ,", "My spirits are return 'd ; I am alive :", "And like your wanton gamester , at primero ,", "Whose thought had whisper 'd to him , not go less ,", "Methinks I lie , and draw \u2014 for an encounter .", ": Thou art mine honour , Mosca , and my pride ,", "My joy , my tickling , my delight ! Go bring them .", "Oh !", "Alas , I am past , already ! Pray you , thank him", "For his good care and promptness ; but for that ,", "\u2018 Tis a vain labour e'en to fight \u2018 gainst heaven ;", "Applying fire to stone \u2014", "uh , uh , uh , uh !", "Making a dead leaf grow again . I take", "His wishes gently , though ; and you may tell him ,", "What I have done for him : marry , my state is hopeless .", "Will him to pray for me ; and to use his fortune", "With reverence , when he comes to't .", "Ay , in Corvino , and such earth-fed minds ,", "That never tasted the true heaven of love .", "Assure thee , Celia , he that would sell thee ,", "Only for hope of gain , and that uncertain ,", "He would have sold his part of Paradise", "For ready money , had he met a cope-man .", "Why art thou mazed to see me thus revived ?", "Rather applaud thy beauty 's miracle ;", "\u2018 Tis thy great work : that hath , not now alone ,", "But sundry times raised me , in several shapes ,", "And , but this morning , like a mountebank ;", "To see thee at thy window : ay , before", "I would have left my practice , for thy love ,", "In varying figures , I would have contended", "With the blue Proteus , or the horned flood .", "Now art thou welcome .", "Nay , fly me not .", "Nor let thy false imagination", "That I was bed-rid , make thee think I am so :", "Thou shalt not find it . I am , now , as fresh ,", "As hot , as high , and in as jovial plight ,", "As when , in that so celebrated scene ,", "At recitation of our comedy ,", "For entertainment of the great Valois ,", "I acted young Antinous ; and attracted", "The eyes and ears of all the ladies present ,", "To admire each graceful gesture , note , and footing .", "Come , my Celia , let us prove ,", "While we can , the sports of love ,", "Time will not be ours for ever ,", "He , at length , our good will sever ;", "Spend not then his gifts in vain ;", "Suns , that set , may rise again :", "But if once we loose this light ,", "\u2018 Tis with us perpetual night .", "Why should we defer our joys ?", "Fame and rumour are but toys .", "Cannot we delude the eyes", "Of a few poor household spies ?", "Or his easier ears beguile ,", "Thus remooved by our wile ?\u2014", "\u2018 Tis no sin love 's fruits to steal :", "But the sweet thefts to reveal ;", "To be taken , to be seen ,", "These have crimes accounted been .", ": Why droops my Celia ?", "Thou hast , in place of a base husband , found", "A worthy lover : use thy fortune well ,", "With secrecy and pleasure . See , behold ,", "What thou art queen of ; not in expectation ,", "As I feed others : but possess 'd , and crown 'd .", "See , here , a rope of pearl ; and each , more orient", "Than that the brave Egyptian queen caroused :", "Dissolve and drink them . See , a carbuncle ,", "May put out both the eyes of our St Mark ;", "A diamond , would have bought Lollia Paulina ,", "When she came in like star-light , hid with jewels ,", "That were the spoils of provinces ; take these ,", "And wear , and lose them : yet remains an ear-ring", "To purchase them again , and this whole state .", "A gem but worth a private patrimony ,", "Is nothing : we will eat such at a meal .", "The heads of parrots , tongues of nightingales ,", "The brains of peacocks , and of estriches ,", "Shall be our food : and , could we get the phoenix ,", "Though nature lost her kind , she were our dish .", "\u2018 Tis the beggar 's virtue ,", "If thou hast wisdom , hear me , Celia .", "Thy baths shall be the juice of July-flowers ,", "Spirit of roses , and of violets ,", "The milk of unicorns , and panthers \u2019 breath", "Gather 'd in bags , and mixt with Cretan wines .", "Our drink shall be prepared gold and amber ;", "Which we will take , until my roof whirl round", "With the vertigo : and my dwarf shall dance ,", "My eunuch sing , my fool make up the antic .", "Whilst we , in changed shapes , act Ovid 's tales ,", "Thou , like Europa now , and I like Jove ,", "Then I like Mars , and thou like Erycine :", "So , of the rest , till we have quite run through ,", "And wearied all the fables of the gods .", "Then will I have thee in more modern forms ,", "Attired like some sprightly dame of France ,", "Brave Tuscan lady , or proud Spanish beauty ;", "Sometimes , unto the Persian sophy 's wife ;", "Or the grand signior 's mistress ; and , for change ,", "To one of our most artful courtezans ,", "Or some quick Negro , or cold Russian ;", "And I will meet thee in as many shapes :", "Where we may so transfuse our wandering souls ,", "Out at our lips , and score up sums of pleasures ,", "That the curious shall not know", "How to tell them as they flow ;", "And the envious , when they find", "What there number is , be pined .", ": Think me cold ,", "Frosen and impotent , and so report me ?", "That I had Nestor 's hernia , thou wouldst think .", "I do degenerate , and abuse my nation ,", "To play with opportunity thus long ;", "I should have done the act , and then have parley 'd .", "Yield , or I 'll force thee .", "In vain \u2014", ": Fall on me , roof , and bury me in ruin !", "Become my grave , that wert my shelter ! O !", "I am unmask 'd , unspirited , undone ,", "Betray 'd to beggary , to infamy \u2014", "Here , here . What ! dost thou bleed ?", "Woe on thy fortune !", "Thou hast made me miserable .", "What shall we do ?", ": Hark ! who 's there ?", "I hear some footing ; officers , the saffi ,", "Come to apprehend us ! I do feel the brand", "Hissing already at my forehead ; now ,", "Mine ears are boring .", "Need makes devotion : heaven your labour bless !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1505, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Sir , here conceal 'd ,you may here all . But , pray you , Have patience , sir ;\u2014 the same 's your father knocks : I am compell 'd to leave you .", "Death on me ! you are come too soon , what meant you ? Did not I say , I would send ?", ": Prevent ! did e'er man haste so , for his horns ?", "A courtier would not ply it so , for a place .", "\u2014 Well , now there 's no helping it , stay here ;", "I 'll presently return .", ": Sir , your father hath sent word ,", "It will be half an hour ere he come ;", "And therefore , if you please to walk the while", "Into that gallery \u2014 at the upper end ,", "There are some books to entertain the time :", "And I 'll take care no man shall come unto you , sir .", "There ; he is far enough ; he can hear nothing : And , for his father , I can keep him off .", "Please you draw near , sir .", ": Sir ,", "Signior Corvino , here , is come to see you .", ": And hearing of the consultation had ,", "So lately , for your health , is come to offer ,", "Or rather , sir , to prostitute \u2014", "Freely , unask 'd , or unintreated \u2014", ": As the true fervent instance of his love ,", "His own most fair and proper wife ; the beauty ,", "Only of price in Venice \u2014", "To be your comfortress , and to preserve you .", "Do you hear , sir ? Go to him with your wife .", "Nay , gentle lady , be advised .", "Nay , good , sir .", "Nay , \u2018 Pray you , sir ! She will consider .", ": Ay , now you have put your fortune in her hands .", "Why i'faith , it is her modesty , I must quit her .", "If you were absent , she would be more coming ;", "I know it : and dare undertake for her .", "What woman can before her husband ? \u2018 pray you ,", "Let us depart , and leave her here .", ": Where shall I run , most wretched shame of men ,", "To beat out my unlucky brains ?", ": O that his well-driv'n sword", "Had been so courteous to have cleft me down", "Unto the navel ; ere I lived to see", "My life , my hopes , my spirits , my patron , all", "Thus desperately engaged , by my error !", "And my follies , sir .", "And myself , sir . Who would have thought he would have harken 'd , so ?", ": I know not ; if my heart", "Could expiate the mischance , I 'd pluck it out .", "Will you be pleased to hang me ? or cut my throat ?", "And I 'll requite you , sir . Let us die like Romans ,", "Since we have lived like Grecians .", "To your couch , sir , you ,", "Make that place good , however .", "\u2014 Guilty men", "Suspect what they deserve still .", "Signior Corbaccio !", ": O , undone , amazed , sir .", "Your son , I know not by what accident ,", "Acquainted with your purpose to my patron ,", "Touching your Will , and making him your heir ,", "Enter 'd our house with violence , his sword drawn", "Sought for you , call 'd you wretch , unnatural ,", "Vow 'd he would kill you .", "Yes , and my patron .", "\u2018 Tis well , sir .", ": My life , sir ,", "Is not more tender 'd ; I am only yours .", ": I fear", "He 'll outlast May .", "No , last out May , sir .", "O , by no means , sir .", "How ! signior Voltore !did he hear me ?", "Who 's that ?\u2014 O , sir , most timely welcome \u2014", "Who ? I , sir ?", "A plot for you , sir .", "Did you not hear it ?", ": \u2018 Tis true ,", "By my device , drawn to it by my plot ,", "With hope \u2014", "For your good , I did , sir .", "Nay , more , I told his son , brought , hid him here ,", "Where he might hear his father pass the deed :", "Being persuaded to it by this thought , sir ,", "That the unnaturalness , first , of the act ,", "And then his father 's oft disclaiming in him ,", "would sure enrage him", "To do some violence upon his parent ,", "On which the law should take sufficient hold ,", "And you be stated in a double hope :", "Truth be my comfort , and my conscience ,", "My only aim was to dig you a fortune", "Out of these two old rotten sepulchres \u2014", ": Worth your patience ,", "And your great merit , sir . And see the change !", ": Most happless ! you must help , sir .", "Whilst we expected the old raven , in comes", "Corvino 's wife , sent hither by her husband \u2014", "No , sir , on visitation ;", "and staying long ,", "The youth he grows impatient , rushes forth ,", "Seizeth the lady , wounds me , makes her swear", "To affirm my patron to have done her rape :", "Which how unlike it is , you see ! and hence ,", "With that pretext he 's gone , to accuse his father ,", "Defame my patron , defeat you \u2014", "Sir , I 'll go fetch him .", "Sir , I will .", ": O you do nobly , sir .", "Alas , \u2018 twas labor 'd all , sir , for your good ;", "Nor was there want of counsel in the plot :", "But fortune can , at any time , o'erthrow", "The projects of a hundred learned clerks , sir .", "Patron , go in , and pray for our success ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1505, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Death on me ! you are come too soon , what meant you ? Did not I say , I would send ?", ": Prevent ! did e'er man haste so , for his horns ?", "A courtier would not ply it so , for a place .", "\u2014 Well , now there 's no helping it , stay here ;", "I 'll presently return .", ": Sir , your father hath sent word ,", "It will be half an hour ere he come ;", "And therefore , if you please to walk the while", "Into that gallery \u2014 at the upper end ,", "There are some books to entertain the time :", "And I 'll take care no man shall come unto you , sir .", "There ; he is far enough ; he can hear nothing : And , for his father , I can keep him off .", "Please you draw near , sir .", ": Sir ,", "Signior Corvino , here , is come to see you .", ": And hearing of the consultation had ,", "So lately , for your health , is come to offer ,", "Or rather , sir , to prostitute \u2014", "Freely , unask 'd , or unintreated \u2014", ": As the true fervent instance of his love ,", "His own most fair and proper wife ; the beauty ,", "Only of price in Venice \u2014", "To be your comfortress , and to preserve you .", "Do you hear , sir ? Go to him with your wife .", "Nay , gentle lady , be advised .", "Nay , good , sir .", "Nay , \u2018 Pray you , sir ! She will consider .", ": Ay , now you have put your fortune in her hands .", "Why i'faith , it is her modesty , I must quit her .", "If you were absent , she would be more coming ;", "I know it : and dare undertake for her .", "What woman can before her husband ? \u2018 pray you ,", "Let us depart , and leave her here .", ": Where shall I run , most wretched shame of men ,", "To beat out my unlucky brains ?", ": O that his well-driv'n sword", "Had been so courteous to have cleft me down", "Unto the navel ; ere I lived to see", "My life , my hopes , my spirits , my patron , all", "Thus desperately engaged , by my error !", "And my follies , sir .", "And myself , sir . Who would have thought he would have harken 'd , so ?", ": I know not ; if my heart", "Could expiate the mischance , I 'd pluck it out .", "Will you be pleased to hang me ? or cut my throat ?", "And I 'll requite you , sir . Let us die like Romans ,", "Since we have lived like Grecians .", "To your couch , sir , you ,", "Make that place good , however .", "\u2014 Guilty men", "Suspect what they deserve still .", "Signior Corbaccio !", ": O , undone , amazed , sir .", "Your son , I know not by what accident ,", "Acquainted with your purpose to my patron ,", "Touching your Will , and making him your heir ,", "Enter 'd our house with violence , his sword drawn", "Sought for you , call 'd you wretch , unnatural ,", "Vow 'd he would kill you .", "Yes , and my patron .", "\u2018 Tis well , sir .", ": My life , sir ,", "Is not more tender 'd ; I am only yours .", ": I fear", "He 'll outlast May .", "No , last out May , sir .", "O , by no means , sir .", "How ! signior Voltore !did he hear me ?", "Who 's that ?\u2014 O , sir , most timely welcome \u2014", "Who ? I , sir ?", "A plot for you , sir .", "Did you not hear it ?", ": \u2018 Tis true ,", "By my device , drawn to it by my plot ,", "With hope \u2014", "For your good , I did , sir .", "Nay , more , I told his son , brought , hid him here ,", "Where he might hear his father pass the deed :", "Being persuaded to it by this thought , sir ,", "That the unnaturalness , first , of the act ,", "And then his father 's oft disclaiming in him ,", "would sure enrage him", "To do some violence upon his parent ,", "On which the law should take sufficient hold ,", "And you be stated in a double hope :", "Truth be my comfort , and my conscience ,", "My only aim was to dig you a fortune", "Out of these two old rotten sepulchres \u2014", ": Worth your patience ,", "And your great merit , sir . And see the change !", ": Most happless ! you must help , sir .", "Whilst we expected the old raven , in comes", "Corvino 's wife , sent hither by her husband \u2014", "No , sir , on visitation ;", "and staying long ,", "The youth he grows impatient , rushes forth ,", "Seizeth the lady , wounds me , makes her swear", "To affirm my patron to have done her rape :", "Which how unlike it is , you see ! and hence ,", "With that pretext he 's gone , to accuse his father ,", "Defame my patron , defeat you \u2014", "Sir , I 'll go fetch him .", "Sir , I will .", ": O you do nobly , sir .", "Alas , \u2018 twas labor 'd all , sir , for your good ;", "Nor was there want of counsel in the plot :", "But fortune can , at any time , o'erthrow", "The projects of a hundred learned clerks , sir .", "Patron , go in , and pray for our success ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1505, "act_index": 0}, {"query": [": Sir , your father hath sent word ,", "It will be half an hour ere he come ;", "And therefore , if you please to walk the while", "Into that gallery \u2014 at the upper end ,", "There are some books to entertain the time :", "And I 'll take care no man shall come unto you , sir .", "There ; he is far enough ; he can hear nothing : And , for his father , I can keep him off .", "Please you draw near , sir .", ": Sir ,", "Signior Corvino , here , is come to see you .", ": And hearing of the consultation had ,", "So lately , for your health , is come to offer ,", "Or rather , sir , to prostitute \u2014", "Freely , unask 'd , or unintreated \u2014", ": As the true fervent instance of his love ,", "His own most fair and proper wife ; the beauty ,", "Only of price in Venice \u2014", "To be your comfortress , and to preserve you .", "Do you hear , sir ? Go to him with your wife .", "Nay , gentle lady , be advised .", "Nay , good , sir .", "Nay , \u2018 Pray you , sir ! She will consider .", ": Ay , now you have put your fortune in her hands .", "Why i'faith , it is her modesty , I must quit her .", "If you were absent , she would be more coming ;", "I know it : and dare undertake for her .", "What woman can before her husband ? \u2018 pray you ,", "Let us depart , and leave her here .", ": Where shall I run , most wretched shame of men ,", "To beat out my unlucky brains ?", ": O that his well-driv'n sword", "Had been so courteous to have cleft me down", "Unto the navel ; ere I lived to see", "My life , my hopes , my spirits , my patron , all", "Thus desperately engaged , by my error !", "And my follies , sir .", "And myself , sir . Who would have thought he would have harken 'd , so ?", ": I know not ; if my heart", "Could expiate the mischance , I 'd pluck it out .", "Will you be pleased to hang me ? or cut my throat ?", "And I 'll requite you , sir . Let us die like Romans ,", "Since we have lived like Grecians .", "To your couch , sir , you ,", "Make that place good , however .", "\u2014 Guilty men", "Suspect what they deserve still .", "Signior Corbaccio !", ": O , undone , amazed , sir .", "Your son , I know not by what accident ,", "Acquainted with your purpose to my patron ,", "Touching your Will , and making him your heir ,", "Enter 'd our house with violence , his sword drawn", "Sought for you , call 'd you wretch , unnatural ,", "Vow 'd he would kill you .", "Yes , and my patron .", "\u2018 Tis well , sir .", ": My life , sir ,", "Is not more tender 'd ; I am only yours .", ": I fear", "He 'll outlast May .", "No , last out May , sir .", "O , by no means , sir .", "How ! signior Voltore !did he hear me ?", "Who 's that ?\u2014 O , sir , most timely welcome \u2014", "Who ? I , sir ?", "A plot for you , sir .", "Did you not hear it ?", ": \u2018 Tis true ,", "By my device , drawn to it by my plot ,", "With hope \u2014", "For your good , I did , sir .", "Nay , more , I told his son , brought , hid him here ,", "Where he might hear his father pass the deed :", "Being persuaded to it by this thought , sir ,", "That the unnaturalness , first , of the act ,", "And then his father 's oft disclaiming in him ,", "would sure enrage him", "To do some violence upon his parent ,", "On which the law should take sufficient hold ,", "And you be stated in a double hope :", "Truth be my comfort , and my conscience ,", "My only aim was to dig you a fortune", "Out of these two old rotten sepulchres \u2014", ": Worth your patience ,", "And your great merit , sir . And see the change !", ": Most happless ! you must help , sir .", "Whilst we expected the old raven , in comes", "Corvino 's wife , sent hither by her husband \u2014", "No , sir , on visitation ;", "and staying long ,", "The youth he grows impatient , rushes forth ,", "Seizeth the lady , wounds me , makes her swear", "To affirm my patron to have done her rape :", "Which how unlike it is , you see ! and hence ,", "With that pretext he 's gone , to accuse his father ,", "Defame my patron , defeat you \u2014", "Sir , I 'll go fetch him .", "Sir , I will .", ": O you do nobly , sir .", "Alas , \u2018 twas labor 'd all , sir , for your good ;", "Nor was there want of counsel in the plot :", "But fortune can , at any time , o'erthrow", "The projects of a hundred learned clerks , sir .", "Patron , go in , and pray for our success ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1505, "act_index": 0}, {"query": [": Nay , now , there is no starting back , and therefore ,", "Resolve upon it : I have so decreed .", "It must be done . Nor would I move't , afore ,", "Because I would avoid all shifts and tricks ,", "That might deny me .", ": Believe it , I have no such humour , I .", "All that I speak I mean ; yet I 'm not mad ;", "Nor horn-mad , see you ? Go to , shew yourself", "Obedient , and a wife .", ": I say it ,", "Do so .", ": I 've told you reasons ;", "What the physicians have set down ; how much", "It may concern me ; what my engagements are ;", "My means ; and the necessity of those means ,", "For my recovery : wherefore , if you be", "Loyal , and mine , be won , respect my venture .", ": Honour ! tut , a breath :", "There 's no such thing , in nature : a mere term", "Invented to awe fools . What is my gold", "The worse , for touching , clothes for being look 'd on ?", "Why , this is no more . An old decrepit wretch ,", "That has no sense , no sinew ; takes his meat", "With others \u2019 fingers ; only knows to gape ,", "When you do scald his gums ; a voice ; a shadow ;", "And , what can this man hurt you ?", "And for your fame ,", "That 's such a jig ; as if I would go tell it ,", "Cry it on the Piazza ! who shall know it ,", "But he that cannot speak it , and this fellow ,", "Whose lips are in my pocket ? save yourself ,", "I know no other ,", "Shall come to know it .", "How !", ": I grant you : if I thought it were a sin ,", "I would not urge you . Should I offer this", "To some young Frenchman , or hot Tuscan blood", "That had read Aretine , conn 'd all his prints ,", "Knew every quirk within lust 's labyrinth ,", "And were professed critic in lechery ;", "And I would look upon him , and applaud him ,", "This were a sin : but here , \u2018 tis contrary ,", "A pious work , mere charity for physic ,", "And honest polity , to assure mine own .", ": Come on , what \u2014", "You will not be rebellious ? by that light \u2014", "Thanks , sweet Mosca .", "Well .", "\u2018 Tis well urged .", ": Heart of my father !", "Wilt thou persist thus ? come , I pray thee , come .", "Thou seest \u2018 tis nothing , Celia . By this hand ,", "I shall grow violent . Come , do't , I say .", ": Be damn 'd !", "Heart , I 'll drag thee hence , home , by the hair ;", "Cry thee a strumpet through the streets ; rip up", "Thy mouth unto thine ears ; and slit thy nose ,", "Like a raw rotchet !\u2014 Do not tempt me ; come ,", "Yield , I am loth \u2014 Death ! I will buy some slave", "Whom I will kill , and bind thee to him , alive ;", "And at my window hang you forth : devising", "Some monstrous crime , which I , in capital letters ,", "Will eat into thy flesh with aquafortis ,", "And burning corsives , on this stubborn breast .", "Now , by the blood thou hast incensed , I 'll do it !", ": Be not thus obstinate , I have not deserved it :", "Think who it is intreats you . \u2018 Prithee , sweet ;\u2014", "Good faith , thou shalt have jewels , gowns , attires ,", "What thou wilt think , and ask . Do but go kiss him .", "Or touch him , but . For my sake .\u2014 At my suit .\u2014", "This once .\u2014 No ! not ! I shall remember this .", "Will you disgrace me thus ? Do you thirst my undoing ?", ": No , no .", "She has watch 'd her time . Ods precious , this is scurvy ,", "\u2018 Tis very scurvy : and you are \u2014", ": An arrant Locust , by heaven , a locust !", "Whore , crocodile , that hast thy tears prepared ,", "Expecting how thou'lt bid them flow \u2014", ": S'death ! if she would but speak to him ,", "And save my reputation , it were somewhat ;", "But spightfully to affect my utter ruin !", ": Sweet Celia ,", "Thou may'st redeem all , yet ; I 'll say no more :", "If not , esteem yourself as lost ,\u2014 Nay , stay there ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1505, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["I told you , sir , it was a plot : you see", "What observation is ! You mention 'd me ,", "For some instructions : I will tell you , sir ,", "Some few perticulars I have set down ,", "Only for this meridian , fit to be known", "Of your crude traveller , and they are these .", "I will not touch , sir , at your phrase , or clothes ,", "For they are old .", ": Pardon ,", "I meant , as they are themes .", ": First , for your garb , it must be grave and serious ,", "Very reserv 'd , and lock 'd ; not tell a secret", "On any terms , not to your father ; scarce", "A fable , but with caution ; make sure choice", "Both of your company , and discourse ; beware", "You never speak a truth \u2014", "Not to strangers ,", "For those be they you must converse with , most ;", "Others I would not know , sir , but at distance ,", "So as I still might be a saver in them :", "You shall have tricks else past upon you hourly .", "And then , for your religion , profess none ,", "But wonder at the diversity , of all :", "And , for your part , protest , were there no other", "But simply the laws o \u2019 the land , you could content you ,", "Nic . Machiavel , and Monsieur Bodin , both", "Were of this mind . Then must you learn the use", "And handling of your silver fork at meals ;", "The metal of your glass ;", "and to know the hour", "When you must eat your melons , and your figs .", ": Here it is ,", "For your Venetian , if he see a man", "Preposterous in the least , he has him straight ;", "He has ; he strips him . I 'll acquaint you , sir ,", "I now have lived here , \u2018 tis some fourteen months", "Within the first week of my landing here ,", "All took me for a citizen of Venice :", "I knew the forms , so well \u2014", ": I had read Contarene , took me a house ,", "Dealt with my Jews to furnish it with moveables \u2014", "Well , if I could but find one man , one man", "To mine own heart , whom I durst trust , I would \u2014", ": Make him rich ; make him a fortune :", "He should not think again . I would command it .", ": With certain projects that I have ;", "Which I may not discover .", ": One is , and that", "I care not greatly who knows , to serve the state", "Of Venice with red herrings for three years ,", "And at a certain rate , from Rotterdam ,", "Where I have correspendence . There 's a letter ,", "Sent me from one of the states , and to that purpose :", "He cannot write his name , but that 's his mark .", ": No , a cheesemonger .", "There are some others too with whom I treat", "About the same negociation ;", "And I will undertake it : for , \u2018 tis thus .", "I 'll do't with ease , I have cast it all : Your hoy", "Carries but three men in her , and a boy ;", "And she shall make me three returns a year :", "So , if there come but one of three , I save ,", "If two , I can defalk :\u2014 but this is now ,", "If my main project fail .", ": I should be loth to draw the subtle air", "Of such a place , without my thousand aims .", "I 'll not dissemble , sir : where'er I come ,", "I love to be considerative ; and \u2018 tis true ,", "I have at my free hours thought upon", "Some certain goods unto the state of Venice ,", "Which I do call \u201c my Cautions ; \u201d and , sir , which", "I mean , in hope of pension , to propound", "To the Great Council , then unto the Forty ,", "So to the Ten . My means are made already \u2014", ": Sir , one that , though his place be obscure ,", "Yet he can sway , and they will hear him . He 's", "A commandador .", "Sir , such as they are , put it in their mouths ,", "What they should say , sometimes ; as well as greater :", "I think I have my notes to shew you \u2014", ": But you shall swear unto me , on your gentry ,", "Not to anticipate \u2014", ": Nor reveal", "A circumstance \u2014 My paper is not with me .", ": My first is", "Concerning tinder-boxes . You must know ,", "No family is here , without its box .", "Now , sir , it being so portable a thing ,", "Put case , that you or I were ill affected", "Unto the state , sir ; with it in our pockets ,", "Might not I go into the Arsenal ,", "Or you , come out again , and none the wiser ?", ": Go to , then . I therefore", "Advertise to the state , how fit it were ,", "That none but such as were known patriots ,", "Sound lovers of their country , should be suffer 'd", "To enjoy them in their houses ; and even those", "Seal 'd at some office , and at such a bigness", "As might not lurk in pockets .", ": My next is , how to enquire , and be resolv 'd ,", "By present demonstration , whether a ship ,", "Newly arrived from Soria , or from", "Any suspected part of all the Levant ,", "Be guilty of the plague : and where they use", "To lie out forty , fifty days , sometimes ,", "About the Lazaretto , for their trial ;", "I 'll save that charge and loss unto the merchant ,", "And in an hour clear the doubt .", "Or \u2014 I will lose my labour .", ": Nay , sir , conceive me . It will cost me in onions ,", "Some thirty livres \u2014", ": Beside my water-works : for this I do , sir .", "First , I bring in your ship \u2018 twixt two brick walls ;", "But those the state shall venture : On the one", "I strain me a fair tarpauling , and in that", "I stick my onions , cut in halves : the other", "Is full of loop-holes , out at which I thrust", "The noses of my bellows ; and those bellows", "I keep , with water-works , in perpetual motion ,", "Which is the easiest matter of a hundred .", "Now , sir , your onion , which doth naturally", "Attract the infection , and your bellows blowing", "The air upon him , will show , instantly ,", "By his changed colour , if there be contagion ;", "Or else remain as fair as at the first .", "\u2014 Now it is known , \u2018 tis nothing .", "I would I had my note .", "Were I false ,", "Or would be made so , I could shew you reasons", "How I could sell this state now , to the Turk ;", "Spite of their galleys , or their \u2014", "I have them not about me .", ": No . This is my diary ,", "Wherein I note my actions of the day .", ": Sir , I do slip", "No action of my life , but thus I quote it .", "Nay , sir , read forth .", "My lady !", ": \u2018 Tis she indeed , sir ; you shall know her . She is ,", "Were she not mine , a lady of that merit ,", "For fashion and behaviour ; and , for beauty", "I durst compare \u2014", "Nay , and for discourse \u2014", ": Madam ,", "Here is a gentleman , pray you , use him fairly ;", "He seems a youth , but he is \u2014", ": Yes , one", "Has put his face as soon into the world \u2014", "How 's this ?", "Now by my spurs , the symbol of my knighthood ,\u2014", "I reach you not .", ": Sweet madam ,", "Come nearer to your aim .", ": The gentleman , believe it , is of worth ,", "And of our nation .", ": Nay ,", "And you be such a one , I must bid adieu", "To your delights . The case appears too liquid ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1505, "act_index": 0}, {"query": [": Well , now you know the carriage of the business ,", "Your constancy is all that is required", "Unto the safety of it .", "Here they come , have done .", "Who is it ?", ": Upon my faith and credit with your virtues ,", "He is not able to endure the air .", "Your fatherhoods fit pleasures be obey 'd ;", "But sure , the sight will rather move your pities ,", "Than indignation . May it please the court ,", "In the mean time , he may be heard in me ;", "I know this place most void of prejudice ,", "And therefore crave it , since we have no reason", "To fear our truth should hurt our cause .", "Then know , most honour 'd fathers , I must now", "Discover to your strangely abused ears ,", "The most prodigious and most frontless piece", "Of solid impudence , and treachery ,", "That ever vicious nature yet brought forth", "To shame the state of Venice . This lewd woman ,", "That wants no artificial looks or tears", "To help the vizor she has now put on ,", "Hath long been known a close adulteress ,", "To that lascivious youth there ; not suspected ,", "I say , but known , and taken in the act", "With him ; and by this man , the easy husband ,", "Pardon 'd : whose timeless bounty makes him now", "Stand here , the most unhappy , innocent person ,", "That ever man 's own goodness made accused .", "For these not knowing how to owe a gift", "Of that dear grace , but with their shame ; being placed", "So above all powers of their gratitude ,", "Began to hate the benefit ; and , in place", "Of thanks , devise to extirpe the memory", "Of such an act : wherein I pray your fatherhoods", "To observe the malice , yea , the rage of creatures", "Discover 'd in their evils ; and what heart", "Such take , even from their crimes :\u2014 but that anon", "Will more appear .\u2014 This gentleman , the father ,", "Hearing of this foul fact , with many others ,", "Which daily struck at his too tender ears ,", "And grieved in nothing more than that he could not", "Preserve himself a parent ,", "at last decreed", "To disinherit him .", "So much more full of danger is his vice ,", "That can beguile so under shade of virtue .", "But , as I said , my honour 'd sires , his father", "Having this settled purpose , by what means", "To him betray 'd , we know not , and this day", "Appointed for the deed ; that parricide ,", "I cannot style him better , by confederacy", "Preparing this his paramour to be there ,", "Enter 'd Volpone 's house ,", "there sought his father :\u2014", "But with what purpose sought he him , my lords ?", "I tremble to pronounce it , that a son", "Unto a father , and to such a father ,", "Should have so foul , felonious intent !", "It was to murder him : when being prevented", "By his more happy absence , what then did he ?", "Not check his wicked thoughts ; no , now new deeds ,", "An act of horror , fathers ! he dragg 'd forth", "The aged gentleman that had there lain bed-rid", "Three years and more , out of his innocent couch ,", "Naked upon the floor , there left him ; wounded", "His servant in the face : and , with this strumpet", "The stale to his forged practice , who was glad", "To be so active ,\u2014", "thought at once to stop", "His father 's ends ; discredit his free choice", "In the old gentleman , redeem themselves ,", "By laying infamy upon this man ,", "To whom , with blushing , they should owe their lives .", ": Nay , nay , grave fathers ,", "Let him have scope : can any man imagine", "That he will spare his accuser , that would not", "Have spared his parent ?", "Signior Corbaccio .", "The father .", "Signior Corvino !", ": Grave fathers ,", "She is a creature of a most profest", "And prostituted lewdness .", ": May her feignings", "Not take your wisdoms : but this day she baited", "A stranger , a grave knight , with her loose eyes ,", "And more lascivious kisses . This man saw them", "Together on the water in a gondola .", ": Here , here ,", "The testimony comes , that will convince ,", "And put to utter dumbness their bold tongues :", "See here , grave fathers , here 's the ravisher ,", "The rider on men 's wives , the great impostor ,", "The grand voluptuary ! Do you not think", "These limbs should affect venery ? or these eyes", "Covet a concubine ? pray you mark these hands ;", "Are they not fit to stroke a lady 's breasts ?\u2014", "Perhaps he doth dissemble !", "Would you have him tortured ?", ": Best try him then with goads , or burning irons ;", "Put him to the strappado : I have heard", "The rack hath cured the gout ; \u2018 faith , give it him ,", "And help him of a malady ; be courteous .", "I 'll undertake , before these honour 'd fathers ,", "He shall have yet as many left diseases ,", "As she has known adulterers , or thou strumpets .\u2014", "O , my most equal hearers , if these deeds ,", "Acts of this bold and most exorbitant strain ,", "May pass with sufferance ; what one citizen", "But owes the forfeit of his life , yea , fame ,", "To him that dares traduce him ? which of you", "Are safe , my honour 'd fathers ? I would ask ,", "With leave of your grave fatherhoods , if their plot", "Have any face or colour like to truth ?", "Or if , unto the dullest nostril here ,", "It smell not rank , and most abhorred slander ?", "I crave your care of this good gentleman ,", "Whose life is much endanger 'd by their fable ;", "And as for them , I will conclude with this ,", "That vicious persons , when they 're hot and flesh 'd", "In impious acts , their constancy abounds :", "Damn 'd deeds are done with greatest confidence .", "We thank your fatherhoods .\u2014 How like you it ?", ": No ,", "I 'll leave you ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1505, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Well , I am here , and all this brunt is past .", "I ne'er was in dislike with my disguise", "Till this fled moment ; here \u2018 twas good , in private ;", "But in your public ,\u2014 cave whilst I breathe .", "\u2018 Fore God , my left leg began to have the cramp ,", "And I apprehended straight some power had struck me", "With a dead palsy : Well ! I must be merry ,", "And shake it off . A many of these fears", "Would put me into some villanous disease ,", "Should they come thick upon me : I 'll prevent \u2018 em .", "Give me a bowl of lusty wine , to fright", "This humour from my heart .", "Hum , hum , hum !", "\u2018 Tis almost gone already ; I shall conquer .", "Any device , now , of rare ingenious knavery ,", "That would possess me with a violent laughter ,", "Would make me up again .", "So , so , so , so !", "This heat is life ; \u2018 tis blood by this time :\u2014 Mosca !", "Exquisite Mosca !", ": And stoutly :", "Good wits are greatest in extremities .", ": O , more than if I had enjoy 'd the wench :", "The pleasure of all woman-kind 's not like it .", "True . Thou hast play 'd thy prize , my precious Mosca .", ": And quite divert the torrent", "Upon the innocent .", ": Right .", "That yet to me 's the strangest , how thou hast borne it !", "That these , being so divided \u2018 mongst themselves ,", "Should not scent somewhat , or in me or thee ,", "Or doubt their own side .", "Like a temptation of the devil .", ": O \u2014 \u201c My most honour 'd fathers , my grave fathers ,", "Under correction of your fatherhoods ,", "What face of truth is here ? If these strange deeds", "May pass , most honour 'd fathers \u201d \u2014 I had much ado", "To forbear laughing .", "In troth , I did a little .", ": In good faith , I was", "A little in a mist , but not dejected ;", "Never , but still my self .", ": Troth , and I think so too ,", "By that I heard him , in the latter end .", ": \u2018 Tis right .", "I cannot answer him , Mosca , as I would ,", "Not yet ; but for thy sake , at thy entreaty ,", "I will begin , even now \u2014 to vex them all ,", "This very instant .", ": Call the dwarf", "And eunuch forth .", "Shall we have a jig now ?", ": Go ,", "Straight give out about the streets , you two ,", "That I am dead ; do it with constancy ,", "Sadly , do you hear ? impute it to the grief", "Of this late slander .", ": O ,", "I shall have instantly my Vulture , Crow ,", "Raven , come flying hither , on the news ,", "To peck for carrion , my she-wolfe , and all ,", "Greedy , and full of expectation \u2014", ": \u2018 Tis true . I will have thee put on a gown ,", "And take upon thee , as thou wert mine heir :", "Shew them a will ; Open that chest , and reach", "Forth one of those that has the blanks ; I 'll straight", "Put in thy name .", ": Ay ,", "When they ev'n gape , and find themselves deluded \u2014", "And thou use them scurvily ! Dispatch , get on thy gown .", "Say , it was corrupted .", ": Any thing ; what thou wilt . Hold , here 's my will .", "Get thee a cap , a count-book , pen and ink ,", "Papers afore thee ; sit as thou wert taking", "An inventory of parcels : I 'll get up", "Behind the curtain , on a stool , and hearken ;", "Sometime peep over , see how they do look ,", "With what degrees their blood doth leave their faces ,", "O , \u2018 twill afford me a rare meal of laughter !", "It will take off his oratory 's edge .", "And what Corvino ?", ": Yes ,", "And kist me \u2018 fore the fathers ; when my face", "Flow 'd all with oils .", "I think she loves me .", "Dost thou say so ?", "Look .", ": I 'll to my place ,", "Thou to thy posture .", ": But , Mosca ,", "Play the artificer now , torture them rarely .", "Ay , now , they muster .", ": O ,", "My fine dame Would-be , too !", ": Rare !", "Be busy still . Now they begin to flutter :", "They never think of me . Look , see , see , see !", "How their swift eyes run over the long deed ,", "Unto the name , and to the legacies ,", "What is bequeath 'd them there \u2014", ": Ay , in their garters , Mosca . Now their hopes", "Are at the gasp .", ": My advocate is dumb ; look to my merchant ,", "He has heard of some strange storm , a ship is lost ,", "He faints ; my lady will swoon . Old glazen eyes ,", "He hath not reach 'd his despair yet .", "O , my fine devil !", "Rare Mosca ! how his villany becomes him !", "O , his four eyes have found it .", "Excellent varlet !", "Nay , leave off now , they are gone .", ":", "Bid him eat lettuce well .", "My witty mischief ,", "Let me embrace thee . O that I could now", "Transform thee to a Venus !\u2014 Mosca , go ,", "Straight take my habit of clarissimo ,", "And walk the streets ; be seen , torment them more :", "We must pursue , as well as plot . Who would", "Have lost this feast ?", ": O , my recovery shall recover all .", "That I could now but think on some disguise", "To meet them in , and ask them questions :", "How I would vex them still at every turn !", "Canst thou ?", "A rare disguise , and answering thy brain ! O , I will be a sharp disease unto them .", ": Till they burst ;", "The Fox fares ever best when he is curst .", "Am I then like him ?", "Good .", "\u2018 Fore heaven , a brave clarissimo , thou becom'st it ! Pity thou wert not born one .", ": I 'll go and see", "What news first at the court .", ": Signior Corvino ! and Corbaccio ! sir ,", "Much joy unto you .", ": The sudden good ,", "Dropt down upon you \u2014", ": And , none knows how ,", "From old Volpone , sir .", "Let not your too much wealth , sir , make you furious .", "Why , sir ?", "You mock the world , sir ; did you not change Wills ?", ": O ! belike you are the man ,", "Signior Corvino ? \u2018 faith , you carry it well ;", "You grow not mad withal : I love your spirit :", "You are not over-leaven 'd with your fortune .", "You should have some would swell now , like a wine-fat ,", "With such an autumn \u2014 Did he give you all , sir ?", ": Troth , your wife has shewn", "Herself a very woman ; but you are well ,", "You need not care , you have a good estate ,", "To bear it out sir , better by this chance :", "Except Corbaccio have a share .", "You will not be acknown , sir ; why , \u2018 tis wise . Thus do all gamesters , at all games , dissemble : No man will seem to win .\u2014 Here comes my vulture , Heaving his beak up in the air , and snuffing .", ": The court stays for your worship .", "I e'en rejoice , sir , at your worship 's happiness ,", "And that it fell into so learned hands ,", "That understand the fingering \u2014", ": I mean to be a suitor to your worship ,", "For the small tenement , out of reparations ,", "That , to the end of your long row of houses ,", "By the Piscaria : it was , in Volpone 's time ,", "Your predecessor , ere he grew diseased ,", "A handsome , pretty , custom 'd bawdy-house ,", "As any was in Venice , none dispraised ;", "But fell with him ; his body and that house", "Decay 'd , together .", ": Why , if your worship give me but your hand ,", "That I may have the refusal , I have done .", "\u2018 Tis a mere toy to you , sir ; candle-rents ;", "As your learn 'd worship knows \u2014", "Marry , no end of your wealth , sir , God decrease it !", ": His blessing on your heart , sir ; would \u2018 twere more !\u2014", "Now to my first again , at the next corner .", "But is this true , sir , of the parasite ?", ": In good faith , sir ,", "I 'm heartily grieved , a beard of your grave length", "Should be so over-reach 'd . I never brook 'd", "That parasite 's hair ; methought his nose should cozen :", "There still was somewhat in his look , did promise", "The bane of a clarissimo .", ": Methinks", "Yet you , that are so traded in the world ,", "A witty merchant , the fine bird , Corvino ,", "That have such moral emblems on your name ,", "Should not have sung your shame ; and dropt your cheese ,", "To let the Fox laugh at your emptiness .", ": No haste , sir , I do know your valour well ,", "Since you durst publish what you are , sir .", "Sir , sir , another time \u2014", ": O lord , sir ! I were a wise man ,", "Would stand the fury of a distracted cuckold .", "Upon \u2018 em , Mosca ; save me .", "Excellent basilisk ! turn upon the vulture .", ": Would you have me beat the insolent slave ,", "Throw dirt upon his first good clothes ?", ": Sir , the court ,", "In troth , stays for you . I am mad , a mule", "That never read Justinian , should get up ,", "And ride an advocate . Had you no quirk", "To avoid gullage , sir , by such a creature ?", "I hope you do but jest ; he has not done it :", "\u2018 Tis but confederacy , to blind the rest .", "You are the heir .", ": I know \u2014", "It cannot be , sir , that you should be cozen 'd ;", "\u2018 Tis not within the wit of man to do it ;", "You are so wise , so prudent ; and \u2018 tis fit", "That wealth and wisdom still should go together .", "What will he do now ?", ": I am caught", "In mine own noose \u2014", "I go .", "To make a snare for mine own neck ! and run", "My head into it , wilfully ! with laughter !", "When I had newly \u2018 scaped , was free , and clear ,", "Out of mere wantonness ! O , the dull devil", "Was in this brain of mine , when I devised it ,", "And Mosca gave it second ; he must now", "Help to sear up this vein , or we bleed dead .\u2014", "How now ! who let you loose ? whither go you now ?", "What , to buy gingerbread ? or to drown kitlings ?", ": Did master Mosca take the keys ? why so !", "I 'm farther in . These are my fine conceits !", "I must be merry , with a mischief to me !", "What a vile wretch was I , that could not bear", "My fortune soberly ? I must have my crotchets ,", "And my conundrums ! Well , go you , and seek him :", "His meaning may be truer than my fear .", "Bid him , he straight come to me to the court ;", "Thither will I , and , if't be possible ,", "Unscrew my advocate , upon new hopes :", "When I provoked him , then I lost myself .", "The parasite will straight be here , grave fathers .", "Not that I know .", "Sir , the parasite Will 'd me to tell you , that his master lives ; That you are still the man ; your hopes the same ; And this was only a jest \u2014", ": Sir , to try", "If you were firm , and how you stood affected .", "Do I live , sir ?", "Sir , you may redeem it , They said , you were possest ; fall down , and seem so : I 'll help to make it good .\u2014 God bless the man !\u2014 Stop your wind hard , and swell : See , see , see , see ! He vomits crooked pins ! his eyes are set , Like a dead hare 's hung in a poulter 's shop ! His mouth 's running away ! Do you see , signior ? Now it is in his belly !", "Now in his throat .", ": \u2018 Twill out , \u2018 twill out ! stand clear .", "See , where it flies ,", "In shape of a blue toad , with a bat 's wings !", "Do you not see it , sir ?", "Look ! he comes to himself !", "Take good heart , the worst is past , sir . You are dispossest .", "Deny it , sir , forswear it ; know it not .", ": Mosca , I was almost lost , the advocate", "Had betrayed all ; but now it is recovered ;", "All 's on the hinge again \u2014 Say , I am living .", "Mosca !", "Ay , quick , and cozen me of all .", "First , I 'll be hang 'd .", "Yes , and he is ;", "This gentleman told me so .", "\u2014 Thou shalt have half .\u2014", "No !", "I did , grave fathers ,", "And will maintain he lives , with mine own life .", "And that this creature", "told me .", "\u2014 I was born ,", "With all good stars my enemies .", "Mosca !", "Wilt thou betray me ? Cozen me ?", ": Soft , soft : Whipt !", "And lose all that I have ! If I confess ,", "It cannot be much more .", "They will be allied anon ; I must be resolute :", "The Fox shall here uncase .", ": Nay , now ,", "My ruins shall not come alone ; your match", "I 'll hinder sure : my substance shall not glue you ,", "Nor screw you into a family .", "I am Volpone , and this is my knave ;", "This", ", his own knave ; This", ", avarice 's fool ;", "This", ", a chimera of wittol , fool , and knave :", "And , reverend fathers , since we all can hope", "Nought but a sentence , let 's not now dispair it .", "You hear me brief .", "This is call 'd mortifying of a Fox ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1505, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Am I enough disguised ?", "All my ambition is to fright him only .", ": Yes , and have his", "Adventures put i \u2019 the Book of Voyages .", "And his gull 'd story register 'd for truth .", "Well , gentlemen , when I am in a while ,", "And that you think us warm in our discourse ,", "Know your approaches .", "Save you , fair lady ! Is sir Pol within ?", ": Pray you say unto him ,", "Here is a merchant , upon earnest business ,", "Desires to speak with him .", ": Pray you .\u2014", "I see the family is all female here .", "Pray you say again ,", "If those require him whole , these will exact him ,", "Whereof I bring him tidings .", "\u2014 What might be", "His grave affair of state now ! how to make", "Bolognian sausages here in Venice , sparing", "One o \u2019 the ingredients ?", ": Sweet , pray you return him ;", "I have not read so many proclamations ,", "And studied them for words , as he has done \u2014", "But \u2014 here he deigns to come .", ": Sir , I am grieved I bring you worse disaster :", "The gentleman you met at the port to-day ,", "That told you , he was newly arrived \u2014", ": No , sir , a spy set on you ;", "And he has made relation to the senate ,", "That you profest to him to have a plot", "To sell the State of Venice to the Turk .", ": For which , warrants are sign 'd by this time ,", "To apprehend you , and to search your study", "For papers \u2014", "All the better , sir .", ": Sir , best", "Convey yourself into a sugar-chest ;", "Or , if you could lie round , a frail were rare :", "And I could send you aboard .", "Hark ! they are there .", "What will you do , sir ? Have you ne'er a currant-butt to leap into ? They 'll put you to the rack , you must be sudden .", "What is it ?", "And call you this an ingine ?", ": I am a merchant , that came here", "To look upon this tortoise .", "It is a fish .", ": Nay , you may strike him , sir , and tread upon him ;", "He 'll bear a cart .", "Yes , sir .", "He creeps , sir .", "No , good sir , you will hurt him .", "Pray you , sir !", "\u2014 Creep a little .", "Good sir !\u2014 Creep .", ": Now , sir Pol , we are even ;", "For your next project I shall be prepared :", "I am sorry for the funeral of your notes , sir .", "Farewell , most politic tortoise !"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1505, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Am I then like him ?", "Good .", "\u2018 Fore heaven , a brave clarissimo , thou becom'st it ! Pity thou wert not born one .", ": I 'll go and see", "What news first at the court .", ": Signior Corvino ! and Corbaccio ! sir ,", "Much joy unto you .", ": The sudden good ,", "Dropt down upon you \u2014", ": And , none knows how ,", "From old Volpone , sir .", "Let not your too much wealth , sir , make you furious .", "Why , sir ?", "You mock the world , sir ; did you not change Wills ?", ": O ! belike you are the man ,", "Signior Corvino ? \u2018 faith , you carry it well ;", "You grow not mad withal : I love your spirit :", "You are not over-leaven 'd with your fortune .", "You should have some would swell now , like a wine-fat ,", "With such an autumn \u2014 Did he give you all , sir ?", ": Troth , your wife has shewn", "Herself a very woman ; but you are well ,", "You need not care , you have a good estate ,", "To bear it out sir , better by this chance :", "Except Corbaccio have a share .", "You will not be acknown , sir ; why , \u2018 tis wise . Thus do all gamesters , at all games , dissemble : No man will seem to win .\u2014 Here comes my vulture , Heaving his beak up in the air , and snuffing .", ": The court stays for your worship .", "I e'en rejoice , sir , at your worship 's happiness ,", "And that it fell into so learned hands ,", "That understand the fingering \u2014", ": I mean to be a suitor to your worship ,", "For the small tenement , out of reparations ,", "That , to the end of your long row of houses ,", "By the Piscaria : it was , in Volpone 's time ,", "Your predecessor , ere he grew diseased ,", "A handsome , pretty , custom 'd bawdy-house ,", "As any was in Venice , none dispraised ;", "But fell with him ; his body and that house", "Decay 'd , together .", ": Why , if your worship give me but your hand ,", "That I may have the refusal , I have done .", "\u2018 Tis a mere toy to you , sir ; candle-rents ;", "As your learn 'd worship knows \u2014", "Marry , no end of your wealth , sir , God decrease it !", ": His blessing on your heart , sir ; would \u2018 twere more !\u2014", "Now to my first again , at the next corner .", "But is this true , sir , of the parasite ?", ": In good faith , sir ,", "I 'm heartily grieved , a beard of your grave length", "Should be so over-reach 'd . I never brook 'd", "That parasite 's hair ; methought his nose should cozen :", "There still was somewhat in his look , did promise", "The bane of a clarissimo .", ": Methinks", "Yet you , that are so traded in the world ,", "A witty merchant , the fine bird , Corvino ,", "That have such moral emblems on your name ,", "Should not have sung your shame ; and dropt your cheese ,", "To let the Fox laugh at your emptiness .", ": No haste , sir , I do know your valour well ,", "Since you durst publish what you are , sir .", "Sir , sir , another time \u2014", ": O lord , sir ! I were a wise man ,", "Would stand the fury of a distracted cuckold .", "Upon \u2018 em , Mosca ; save me .", "Excellent basilisk ! turn upon the vulture .", ": Would you have me beat the insolent slave ,", "Throw dirt upon his first good clothes ?", ": Sir , the court ,", "In troth , stays for you . I am mad , a mule", "That never read Justinian , should get up ,", "And ride an advocate . Had you no quirk", "To avoid gullage , sir , by such a creature ?", "I hope you do but jest ; he has not done it :", "\u2018 Tis but confederacy , to blind the rest .", "You are the heir .", ": I know \u2014", "It cannot be , sir , that you should be cozen 'd ;", "\u2018 Tis not within the wit of man to do it ;", "You are so wise , so prudent ; and \u2018 tis fit", "That wealth and wisdom still should go together .", "What will he do now ?", ": I am caught", "In mine own noose \u2014", "I go .", "To make a snare for mine own neck ! and run", "My head into it , wilfully ! with laughter !", "When I had newly \u2018 scaped , was free , and clear ,", "Out of mere wantonness ! O , the dull devil", "Was in this brain of mine , when I devised it ,", "And Mosca gave it second ; he must now", "Help to sear up this vein , or we bleed dead .\u2014", "How now ! who let you loose ? whither go you now ?", "What , to buy gingerbread ? or to drown kitlings ?", ": Did master Mosca take the keys ? why so !", "I 'm farther in . These are my fine conceits !", "I must be merry , with a mischief to me !", "What a vile wretch was I , that could not bear", "My fortune soberly ? I must have my crotchets ,", "And my conundrums ! Well , go you , and seek him :", "His meaning may be truer than my fear .", "Bid him , he straight come to me to the court ;", "Thither will I , and , if't be possible ,", "Unscrew my advocate , upon new hopes :", "When I provoked him , then I lost myself .", "The parasite will straight be here , grave fathers .", "Not that I know .", "Sir , the parasite Will 'd me to tell you , that his master lives ; That you are still the man ; your hopes the same ; And this was only a jest \u2014", ": Sir , to try", "If you were firm , and how you stood affected .", "Do I live , sir ?", "Sir , you may redeem it , They said , you were possest ; fall down , and seem so : I 'll help to make it good .\u2014 God bless the man !\u2014 Stop your wind hard , and swell : See , see , see , see ! He vomits crooked pins ! his eyes are set , Like a dead hare 's hung in a poulter 's shop ! His mouth 's running away ! Do you see , signior ? Now it is in his belly !", "Now in his throat .", ": \u2018 Twill out , \u2018 twill out ! stand clear .", "See , where it flies ,", "In shape of a blue toad , with a bat 's wings !", "Do you not see it , sir ?", "Look ! he comes to himself !", "Take good heart , the worst is past , sir . You are dispossest .", "Deny it , sir , forswear it ; know it not .", ": Mosca , I was almost lost , the advocate", "Had betrayed all ; but now it is recovered ;", "All 's on the hinge again \u2014 Say , I am living .", "Mosca !", "Ay , quick , and cozen me of all .", "First , I 'll be hang 'd .", "Yes , and he is ;", "This gentleman told me so .", "\u2014 Thou shalt have half .\u2014", "No !", "I did , grave fathers ,", "And will maintain he lives , with mine own life .", "And that this creature", "told me .", "\u2014 I was born ,", "With all good stars my enemies .", "Mosca !", "Wilt thou betray me ? Cozen me ?", ": Soft , soft : Whipt !", "And lose all that I have ! If I confess ,", "It cannot be much more .", "They will be allied anon ; I must be resolute :", "The Fox shall here uncase .", ": Nay , now ,", "My ruins shall not come alone ; your match", "I 'll hinder sure : my substance shall not glue you ,", "Nor screw you into a family .", "I am Volpone , and this is my knave ;", "This", ", his own knave ; This", ", avarice 's fool ;", "This", ", a chimera of wittol , fool , and knave :", "And , reverend fathers , since we all can hope", "Nought but a sentence , let 's not now dispair it .", "You hear me brief .", "This is call 'd mortifying of a Fox ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1505, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["They say , the court is set .", "Why , mine 's no tale : my son would there have kill 'd me .", ": Ay , I 'll come upon him", "For that hereafter ; now his patron 's dead .", "Where ?", "Out , arrant knave !", "Away , thou varlet !", "Dost thou mock me ?", "Out , harlot !", "Avoid , you rascal !", "See , in our habit ! see the impudent varlet !", "Again , to afflict us ! monster !", "Knave \u2014", "What , come again !", "The air 's infected where he breathes .", "What 's that ?", ": The advocate 's a knave ,", "And has a forked tongue \u2014", "So is the parasite too .", "What ? I think I do .", "Ah ! what said he ?"], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1505, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["That I could shoot mine eyes at him like gun-stones .", ": Sirrah , you think the privilege of the place ,", "And your red saucy cap , that seems to me", "Nail 'd to your jolt-head with those two chequines ,", "Can warrant your abuses ; come you hither :", "You shall perceive , sir , I dare beat you ; approach .", ": Tarry ,", "I 'd speak with you .", "Nay , now .", "Let 's fly him .", "Will he betray himself ?", "The man is mad !", "He is possest .", ": Be constant , sir : nought now", "Can help , but impudence .", ": Grave fathers ,", "This man 's distracted ; he confest it now :", "For , hoping to be old Volpone 's heir ,", "Who now is dead \u2014", "Dead since , grave fathers \u2014", ": He does speak", "Out of mere envy , \u2018 cause the servant 's made", "The thing he gaped for : please your fatherhoods ,", "This is the truth , though I 'll not justify", "The other , but he may be some-deal faulty .", "The devil has enter 'd him !", ": My state ,", "My life , my fame \u2014", "Are at the stake", ": And credit nothing the false spirit hath writ :", "It cannot be , but he 's possest grave fathers .", ": Grave fathers , he 's possest ; again , I say ,", "Possest : nay , if there be possession , and", "Obsession , he has both .", "Ay , the devil !", "Ay , I perceive it plain .", "\u2018 Tis too manifest .", "He has been often subject to these fits .", "I heard so .", "May it please your fatherhoods \u2014", ", MOS : Most honour 'd fathers !\u2014", ", VOLT : We beg favour ,", ": Yes ,", "And have mine eyes beat out with stinking fish ,", "Bruised fruit and rotten eggs \u2014 \u2018 Tis well . I am glad", "I shall not see my shame yet ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1505, "act_index": 0}, {"query": [": O , my most honour 'd fathers , let your mercy", "Once win upon your justice , to forgive \u2014", "I am distracted \u2014", ": O ,", "I know not which to address myself to first ;", "Whether your fatherhoods , or these innocents \u2014", ": Whom equally", "I have abused , out of most covetous ends \u2014", ": For which , now struck in conscience , here , I prostate", "Myself at your offended feet , for pardon .", ": It is not passion in me , reverend fathers ,", "But only conscience , conscience , my good sires ,", "That makes me now tell trueth . That parasite ,", "That knave , hath been the instrument of all .", ": O no , none :", "The parasite , grave fathers .", ": Ay , to your hopes , as well as mine , Corvino :", "But I 'll use modesty . Pleaseth your wisdoms ,", "To view these certain notes , and but confer them ;", "As I hope favour , they shall speak clear truth .", "I do beseech your fatherhoods , read but those \u2014", "Most true .", "May't please your fatherhoods \u2014", "How ?", "Art sure he lives ?", "O me ! I was too violent .", "Where am I ?", ": Yes , I do know it well , it is my hand ;", "But all that it contains is false .", ": Grave fathers ,", "No more than his good patron , old Volpone .", ": O no , my honour 'd fathers ,", "He lives \u2014", "Lives .", "Never .", "The officer told me .", "I thank you for him ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1505, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["To make a snare for mine own neck ! and run", "My head into it , wilfully ! with laughter !", "When I had newly \u2018 scaped , was free , and clear ,", "Out of mere wantonness ! O , the dull devil", "Was in this brain of mine , when I devised it ,", "And Mosca gave it second ; he must now", "Help to sear up this vein , or we bleed dead .\u2014", "How now ! who let you loose ? whither go you now ?", "What , to buy gingerbread ? or to drown kitlings ?", ": Did master Mosca take the keys ? why so !", "I 'm farther in . These are my fine conceits !", "I must be merry , with a mischief to me !", "What a vile wretch was I , that could not bear", "My fortune soberly ? I must have my crotchets ,", "And my conundrums ! Well , go you , and seek him :", "His meaning may be truer than my fear .", "Bid him , he straight come to me to the court ;", "Thither will I , and , if't be possible ,", "Unscrew my advocate , upon new hopes :", "When I provoked him , then I lost myself .", "The parasite will straight be here , grave fathers .", "Not that I know .", "Sir , the parasite Will 'd me to tell you , that his master lives ; That you are still the man ; your hopes the same ; And this was only a jest \u2014", ": Sir , to try", "If you were firm , and how you stood affected .", "Do I live , sir ?", "Sir , you may redeem it , They said , you were possest ; fall down , and seem so : I 'll help to make it good .\u2014 God bless the man !\u2014 Stop your wind hard , and swell : See , see , see , see ! He vomits crooked pins ! his eyes are set , Like a dead hare 's hung in a poulter 's shop ! His mouth 's running away ! Do you see , signior ? Now it is in his belly !", "Now in his throat .", ": \u2018 Twill out , \u2018 twill out ! stand clear .", "See , where it flies ,", "In shape of a blue toad , with a bat 's wings !", "Do you not see it , sir ?", "Look ! he comes to himself !", "Take good heart , the worst is past , sir . You are dispossest .", "Deny it , sir , forswear it ; know it not .", ": Mosca , I was almost lost , the advocate", "Had betrayed all ; but now it is recovered ;", "All 's on the hinge again \u2014 Say , I am living .", "Mosca !", "Ay , quick , and cozen me of all .", "First , I 'll be hang 'd .", "Yes , and he is ;", "This gentleman told me so .", "\u2014 Thou shalt have half .\u2014", "No !", "I did , grave fathers ,", "And will maintain he lives , with mine own life .", "And that this creature", "told me .", "\u2014 I was born ,", "With all good stars my enemies .", "Mosca !", "Wilt thou betray me ? Cozen me ?", ": Soft , soft : Whipt !", "And lose all that I have ! If I confess ,", "It cannot be much more .", "They will be allied anon ; I must be resolute :", "The Fox shall here uncase .", ": Nay , now ,", "My ruins shall not come alone ; your match", "I 'll hinder sure : my substance shall not glue you ,", "Nor screw you into a family .", "I am Volpone , and this is my knave ;", "This", ", his own knave ; This", ", avarice 's fool ;", "This", ", a chimera of wittol , fool , and knave :", "And , reverend fathers , since we all can hope", "Nought but a sentence , let 's not now dispair it .", "You hear me brief .", "This is call 'd mortifying of a Fox ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1505, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["Most true .", "May't please your fatherhoods \u2014", "How ?", "Art sure he lives ?", "O me ! I was too violent .", "Where am I ?", ": Yes , I do know it well , it is my hand ;", "But all that it contains is false .", ": Grave fathers ,", "No more than his good patron , old Volpone .", ": O no , my honour 'd fathers ,", "He lives \u2014", "Lives .", "Never .", "The officer told me .", "I thank you for him ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1505, "act_index": 0}, {"query": ["He has not wakened from the trance yet .", "His eyes are beginning to quiver . Let me be the first to speak to him . He may say some wild things when he awakes , not knowing who is before him .", "I will do all I can with him . He is most likely to listen to me . I was once his close friend .", "Where are the rest of his friends , Father Aloysius ? Bartley and Colman ought to be with him when he is like this .", "My poor Paul , this will wear him out ; see how thin he has grown !", "He was like this when he was a boy ; some wild thought would come on him , and he would not know day from night , he would forget even to eat . It is a great pity he was so hard to himself ; it is a pity he had not always someone to look after him .", "He is awaking . Help me to lift him up .", "Do not let them come for a little time , I must speak to him first .", "It is not evening now . It is almost morning . You were on your knees praying for a great many hours , and then I think you fainted .", "Do not try to remember . You are tired , you must be weak , you must come and have food and rest .", "I am afraid you are thinking of preaching again . You must not preach . The Superior says you must not . He is very angry ; I have never seen him so angry . He will not allow you to preach again .", "Yes . It was in the garden you got the trance last time . We found you like this , and we lifted you to the bench under the yew tree , and then you began to speak . You spoke about getting out of the body while still alive , about getting away from law and number . All the friars came to listen to you . We had never heard such preaching before , but it was very like heresy .", "Were they devils , Paul , were they the deadly sins ?", "That was a terrible vision .", "God have mercy on us .", "It was only a dream . Come with me . You will forget it when you have had food and rest .", "The Superior has been here ; try and listen to me . He says you must not preach .", "You must awake from this . You must remember where you are . You are under rules . You must not break the rules you are under . The brothers will be coming in to hear you , you must not speak to them . The Superior has forbidden it .", "You must go and submit to the Superior . Go and make your submission now , for my sake . Think of what I have done for your sake . Remember how I brought you in , and answered for you when you came here . I did not tell about that wild business . I have done penance for that deceit .", "Last time you preached the whole monastery was upset . The", "Friars began to laugh suddenly in the middle of the night .", "I cannot understand your ideas ; you tell them impossible things . Things that are against the order of nature .", "I must not stay . I must not listen .", "Because we that were friends are separated now . We shall never be together again .", "I have done with meddling . I must leave you to authority now . I must tell the Superior you will not obey ."], "true_target": [""], "play_index": 1506, "act_index": 0}] \ No newline at end of file